MDBS_V104_System_ation_Aug1980 MDBS V104 System Ation Aug1980
MDBS_V104_System_ation_Aug1980 MDBS_V104_System_ation_Aug1980
User Manual: MDBS_V104_System_ation_Aug1980
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MDBS Data Documentation System Management Version 1.04 Micro Data P. Base Systems, O. Box Lafayette, Inc. 248 Indiana 47902 (317) 448-1616 (317) 742-7388 August 1980 Copyright Notice This eustomer"s Micro employees. Data prohibited Base except Base Systems, © manual entire COPYRIGHT is provided for the use The entire Systems, as contents have Inc., permitted in of" and a the been reproduction written agreement customer and the copyrighted by by any means is with Micro Data Inc. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 1 MDBS 2!at: Manage: a ment System Documentation ?REFACE Tk i t. ocj ! rnan"ctai '3 in soCtware innovaiions wit! sof't.ware the is the management techniques ínríovatícmc are restructuring suppc·rt focal the computers. types as the be i-f"" t:yµe on combined We Ba iev be! inquirü-es o t. he b 3-s e 'iía" a The :e [ t.wo ' j7y"7teTt" ""' 1> that capability Th f' The seconc!, . TJata two w .i t" r2 structures. !v!im^e a íj?á E3sf± .-."g supporting and their ability to change, will become they are already in mini— and mixi-": i th w chip") a t. 1g7;g"s- t.he sophisti.c"ttéñ data e t.ha hardware of the dernrnds riat-ure its fantastic i th formidable tcol a purpose such a i" o th i s ? . o r computing power"í"v-l a data mana¿"ing \n' Haseman . Martin, D . J Englewood COPYRIGHT manual s to the area suitable and power base c) yj management enterprises c f" a } l 1979, . , A an d . is twoPold. base data of" Since management. real ly cari" we First there is t do complete this justice references are: Richard Management, 2. " user vast and important area this topic 1 © their' w basis, th t. !7 The uÜcro—coírµuter. introduc".or,y material to i iri computer highly f use as . Th e is w as will system, f ?4anagement System. software in uüicro"s per—dollar a- o it.s : rn^edicted scene (computer o to "what. retrieval selective us e (DBMS) systems mar,agernent ar' e a together in Ba: 3e management. and computing to eont:"o1 complex com'{'i";nec! í'at.a base exµerts Rave micro—computers advarice, soghisticated th e th e i rí data Many dominate is of" devel"jµrr\e-nt wiU"z development. innovation first a cc: ncerTjed Z·3 . D. Comouter Cliffs, NJ, 1980, bFcro B Whinston, . Irwin . Inc. Data—Base Introduction , Homewood. IL , t o Da ta 1977. Organizat.íori, Prericice Ha I ! , 1975. Data Base Systems, Inc. 2 MDBS Data 248, second goal through the use this of OÍ" MDBS.DDL Finally, we request in their view, we have used there actually been manual these that is truly innovative © COPYRIGHT detailed Here our aim from our in achieving these of you achieved tit sQt"tware 1979, 1980, companion as how the and MDBS.DDL expected successful, Have goals. MDBS.D!A.S you should results? to what we feel is product in the micro--computer Micro be to is how readers as to suggestions in future versions to a tour guided possible. as comments a points where the steps were unclear or ambiguous? to incorporate a have MDBS.DMS. and been is to give manual to follow our description and Box Inc., 1979. and as comprehensive complete able IN, Lafayette, MDBS Base Management, on Data Holsapple, C., Primer 3. The Documentation System Management Data Base Systems, Inc. finally a Or We been be have plan achieve remarkable and area. 3 MOBS 2ata Management System Documentation TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. II. INTRODUCTION... MDBS.DDL !5 . DATA DESCRIPTIObl .... A. Introduction..................................... B. Features. C. Getting Started With . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Initial 2. Relocating 3. Important D. MDBS 1. 2. 3. MDBS.DDL 5. LU)L COPYRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . run........ -........ and of 2Z Language................... 25 and, example................ Operation............................... Micro 20 23 owner/member 1980, 2C patching MDBS.DDL.......... Introduction................................. Text Entry/Commanci mode...................... 1979, 18 addresses: Specifications........................... Notes on Data Bm: e Files.......... Modes 2. . . Definitions................. IJDL Example.................................. Many—to—Many Example......................... Iritroduction Multiple 1. . . KIDBS.DDL.......................... Description 4. El. E. Data . . . . . . . 1'7 i': ' MDBS.DDL.................... loading and test. i. Personalizing © LANGUAGE.... Data Base Systems, Inc. 25 27 33 40 44 7C) 72 72 75 4 Data MDBS III. Management 3. Line editing 4. DDL MDBS.DMS analyzer DATA Documentation mode............................ mode............................ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM...................... 95 103 149 A. Introduction..................................... 149 B. Features 150 C. Getting Started With D. .............................. 1. Relocating 2. Personalizing MDBS 1. Data MDBS.DMS.................... MDBS.DMS.......................... and Management patching MDBS.DMS.......... System...................... Introduction............... ....... Calling procedure............................ Data management system routines..-........... 2. 3. IV. System CONCLUDING REMARKS........................ 151 151 151 155 155 174 177 258 APPENDIX 1........................................... 262 APPENDIX 2........................................... 264 - © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 5 MDBS Data Management System Documentation DDL (a) Mnemonic By Pa ge BAGKSPACE-key Delccte BYE Return .. .. .. to operating system. C Change a Repeat changes. C text. C Control H Control P Toggle Control X Interrupt. . . . ap Backspace and DDL Data . text. . . . . delete . . . . . . , . line a of" B.acksp·ace and format. Enter line edit mcAe. EN Data t-o F'at-a. description IT Fcítta descrij"±: L List t e x t ME Data N Renumber OW Data p Print PA Data de'umi"iption R Read a CC'"YF?IGHT 1979, iggj, . . .. thc' text. description space text Micro . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 74 '74 . . 73 . 73 .. .. .. - . Analyzer. character. . . . . 80 73 . . . . . . 83 . . . . . . . . 85 for dri'íe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . format Í"or . . file. . . . . . . . 79 83 . . . . 83 . . . . 86 . . 83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 . . . . . 83 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . format tor member. . 82 .. . . . . . . . format for end line. format f"or owner. ruler. . . . . . . í'ormat ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . for password. tile........................ Data 1 C) Ci . . . q 97 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 . . . . ion format for" item. .. description a. . . . . "7 ogerating system. I F . . . . . . . . . . a it ¿—d Return . ...... ............... delete description .. character. Language description . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . input. t-ext........ Definition . . . . a Data Key .e . . . . . . DR ESCAPE- . . . operation. outpu!- Delete . of" Interrupt D Key . line Ccmtr. . !980, Micro Data 7 :"3 79 , file................... ........... .... .... 1979, ga · V * · * 0 t · O · * D 0 6 6 » 0 b . P b r E 4 P r + · P y · P · V · · t to operating system. Return Write a .. 'jf . . . ruler. charÁEes- Restart . . . .. .. .. analyzer. c'cmman&m mode. a t. "h Penümber Repeat mode ri1e.. text a .. line text. space a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . through Print .. Í7ormat. editor t-he . language Enter line edit Leave character". a text. of" Data Delete text-. © COMMANDS Base Systems, Inc. 93 8 Documentation System Management Data MOBS MESSAGES ERROR DDL ?age A DEPENDING A VARIABLE CANNOT HAVE CANNOT ITEM TO DISK SYSTEM DEPENDING o'\í ITEM MUST BE Éí DEPENDING ON ITEN lvlUST BE BINARY DEPENDING ON ITEM t{oT DUPLICATE ITEP! DUPLICATE RECORD DUPLICATE FET ERROR . . . NAME NAME NAME . . . . . . . . EXPECTING A NUMBER EXPECTING A RECORD, EXPECTING AUTO EXPECTING GET FILE HAS NOT IMPROPER OR DRIVE . . . . . IN MAN MEMBER INCORRECT OWNER ORDER SET CHARACTERISTICS INVALID SET TYPE ITEM KEY READ OR COPYRIGHT 1973, .. .. 'n'EITE UNDECLARED . . . THLS . . . . RI'CCRU .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . í12 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - .. , . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . Micro . . THAN RECORD'S . . . . . . . . . . Data 1(3 : r' 8 121 122 Z23 12-l ! 25 ' 2(3 . LESS ! !ZG .. . . . .. . . . . . . , . . . i5 119 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 j1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i4 . . . DC :. . . LINE 11 j. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ACCESS 1980, If.! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lj9 .l .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . VARIABLE BINARY !08 . . .. SET . . . . . - . . INVALID TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITEM ......... .-........ !0'7 .. DEFINED PLEASE . . . INVALID 106 . ................... .......... CREATED: ORDER .. . . DR ZJNE . . RECOFD A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IN .. . t 1 C) . . . . . . FIELD A NUMBER INCORRECT . . . . . ITEM, END BEEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OR RECORD . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . pREvIc)Ugij.Y IN . . BYTE TWO 105 . LAST .. .. .. WITH FIELD REPEATED A BE ....... OWNERS OTHER BE MUST ITEM LENGTH WRITE CAN'T e ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Base Systems, inc. 12'7 128 9 MOBS Kata MAY Management. System LENGTH MAXIMUN N.LMES NG) rn: FOR RECORD CANNÜT PAGES LARGER PASSWORD ENTRY PREMATURE END ACCESS READ ACCEGG RECGRD NOT REPEATED £OF?T NOT LINE KEY SYFJTEKJ COPYRIGHT OF BE E 1979, GET .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ', . . . . . . . . . . . F32 E .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . EXPECTED . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . ACCEF3 'S . . . . . . , . . . . . 138 . . . . . . . . . . 139 . . . . . . . . i "tc) . . . . . . i 42 . . . . . . . . 143 . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AND . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ITEM .... Base Systems, . 144 . . . 145 . . . .. .. .. .. i46 . .. . . 147 . . . . . . . 148 . . . . . . . . . . . . . i-41 . . . . .. Data . . . . . . . INVALID . . . . . . . Micro 137 .. . . . . . . . - . . . 136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 23 135 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 3C 131 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DZ7ENDTNG MEMBER. 1980, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEFINITION 'T CAb' . . : .\/PITE FGR RECORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN . . . 129 . . . . . . . . . . THAR' NOT SET . .. .. . . 3Y LINE LARGE EQUAL GET .. . THAN . . . PAGE BLANK A . . . ON . . . . 1 ZORTJ INF'U" TOO FOR . . . . . . . . FIT BE . . . . . . . . GREATER ITEM ACCESS SECOND RF: 2 . . . . . . . . . . . EX7ECTED FOUND OR DI\U31!3LE BE IG TO FILE A 255 OR $ A DEI'/E GREATER EzccíRD R/W CEil OF LARGÉ LINE Tci MUST LINE TOO WITH THAN PASSWORD \'ARIA!3LE OWNER ROOM LENGTH PAGE C: START ALLOCATED ENñUgH NUMBER SIZE AÑD/OR XEMBER ¡'.;¿y; BINARY Documentation . . . Inc. I C) MDBS Data Management- System Documentation INDEX Cornmand ÁCS Add Current AMS Add Member CLOSE GMT COT CR CRS DEFINE COMMANDS OÍ" unit to Set run ......,.......... .............................. Check Current of run unit Type ..¥.............. the data ............................. Type Check cLlrrer}t ...................... Check current Owner Type ....................... Create Record ................................M. Create Record and Store data ................... DEFINE data bloek............................. to Set 184 a Delete Record based on current Member DRO Delete Record based on current Owner FFO FINDM FINDO FLM FLO FMSK FNM FNO COPYRIGHT 182 Member DRM FFM 180 183 Delete Record based on Current of run unit EXTEND 179 b¿)se CLOSE DEC DRR E) DML Page DML CCT OF 185 186 1É37 189 ..... í90 .......... ........... Delete Record based current Record .......... data block............................. Find First .......,...................... Find First Owner ............................... FIND ...............................,.... FIND Owner ......,....................,......... Find Last .....................,......... Find Last Owner ................................ based 'Sort Yey Find .................. Find Next ............................... Find Next Owner ................................ 192 on EXTEND a Member Member Member Member oí": Member 1979, 1980. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 194 196 198 200 201 202 2C3 204 205 206 207 208 11 MDBS Data Management. System FC'FK FP\' t"'"--; Find Owner'" Find F"evi: >us M±mber Mind F'"u?v.lo1j3 C: }: .;,.)e't3(i Sort key on . - . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . Curr"e,"ít. of" GETM GET data !"""'cm: 'currerzt Member GETO GET data fror current Üwner" GETR GET data from Record GFC GET Field from Current of" GFM '-;et Field f"rcm current Member" GFO Get Field from current: Owner R Get Field GMC Get Member GCg ge '7)wn GTC Get record-Type oÍ" Current GThC Get record-Type of" current Member GTO Get recorcí-T,ype OPEN OPEN PUTC PUT data into Current of run unit PUTK! FUT data irAo current Member UTO PUT data :nt:o current. Owner FUTR PUT data into current. Record RMS Remove current RSM Remove all SCM Set Current of run unit based on Member seo Set Current. of run unit based on Owner SCR Set Current of r'jn unit based on Record T" COPYRIGHT 1979, curr"e'nt uniÁ. run Count 1980, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. run unit. . . . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro : " ? .; l me Z 17 . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :"' . " g of" . 22 i P unit run of current Owner k4embers : '"2C\ . Member 2.í 215 . - .... ,.. .. '"' ;"' ! S . - . . . . .. .. .... . . . . . r "íounf Set . . . . . . . I C' "" . . . . . . current Record t"rnm base :Z . , "i":' "7) 1 : frorú data :'Z'.: . wne" ciaf"a e . . . . . . . . . , GET t . . GEtC GF © I Docuraentation . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 222 . 223 . . . . . Z24 : X '">5 . from . . Data . . . . Set . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 22t? 23C) ¿'32 . 233 , . . . 234 . . . . . . 235 . . 236 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Base Systems, . . . . . . . . . . . . Inc. 23'7 12 MDBS Data OÍ" unit SFC Set Field in Current SFM Set Field in current Member SFO Set Field in cur-rent SFR Set Field in current. Record SMC Set Member SMM Set current Member based on current Member SMO Set current Member based on SMR Set current Member based on SOC Set Owner based SOM Set current Owner based on current SQQ Set current Owner tmsed on current Owner SOR Set current Owner based on current Record SRC Set Record SRM Set current Record based on Member SRO Set current Record bz'sed on Owner STAT return run S'TATistics. .. .. .. .. TOGGLE run optimization switch. TOGGLE (9 Documentation System Management COPYRIGHT based on on based on run Owner Current 1980, Micro .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . Current Data 238 . . . . . . . 239 241 ........ .... .... 242 .. .. .. .. .. -. 243 run unit . . . oí^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z44 current Owner . . . . . . 245 current Record . . . . Current of run unit . 1'379, . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. of" run . . . . . . . . . . . . Member unit . . 248 . . . . . . . 250 . . . . . . 252 . . 253 . - . . . 254 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Base Systems, .. Inc. 25'q . . 256 . . . ., . 257 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Z4S .. 1? MOBS Data Management NEW Any programming bound t c) End signed New r MOBS name. copying hard our COPYRIGHT Realizing wi I ! MIJB3, c ) products several levels i o s r methods 1979, 1980, seriously will Micro I)? entitled to User a"."emer,t gum^ariteed products were produced in the data base management area. copying sermraZe as j;ersonal i zat.ion, labor to say nothi: "ig products and . is th and are the' nalized with the 1vU)BS we version perso: '". capital c :zd End cc ciecyphe: of" Data . MOBS f^ are . will signed is only z-f'ter In considt=r: be as the sc.on t.heir to can be pr(?vided t'i le with on system.s this, Micrr' encryption action against i.llegal © MDBS involve Accordingly, of" the of previous versi.ons In fj There which involvement . is sort\/are MDBS, '33py sizable investment prior WARNING cjf' time. Form owners , each combinatorally A magnitude over rate str'-iU.ure (as Finally, o the evolve MDBS of" is received by some of" AND to provide it.s users with updates However licensee's to [Jeer Agreement preferential Form VERSIONS, handling fee. versions products. RELEASES, endeavor vows nomina! a r Documentation continue Base Systems f" co System or take concerr,ed an y distribution Data by about. anc". a i l of' our Base Systems, of" Inc. the t. w c be i Eh year'¶: prin3iµalt> Za O!" o t" any uríauthcrized: 2vai!?.b|e lega! products. 14 MDBS Documentation System líanagement Data íNTEIODUCTION I. and f'or structures available for restructuring í' i I However" must user data files) and These Te|ationship3 refers indicating to th th e and µr'ocessed t he 1979, machine .data 1980, and structure by the Micro as Data narííed the oí" not data Base Systems, in c>f" that def"ining into record into logical record types. imply any physical managernerít. initially MDBS. made names) terminology, do base is presented. items between data is The process is done via the program language. (field items data CODASYL e1er,ients data the and data definition use of' the structure take strictly relationships t: he MOBS mere struct.uring actual data storage location, conceptual e Language) r an ir. a point. grouping data of" is not a structure f"orrnal a only conceptual Nowhere o COPYRIGHT consists are refer to user la in logical various data the appropriate defining e: da in conventional data Kjrocessing , storage allocation. a is, that. MDBS as particular apptication. a structure (o a hetu'een list may types does system defined; be 71 ) entirely in is implemented appAication l available not- ures that are involved in r {Apri recovery, th e Icu" in designing used ideas mdditional man y relationships a logical Th e packages Add—on transacticns handlirig. and query base, ides MDBS th e be oí kgging system. p1"cu/ initially Ríitial!y I a f'eA: each r which a data systems. Fo 'i l of 2'!DBG , mar)ip'Á!atioI1 'ñ a! low the Base Task Grcmp Report Data CCJDASYL t.ase N!DBS data for defining has components retrieval of data. storage and the management e (MD!3S) Base Systems Data The Micro DDL but system rather, defined. (Data he Th is ljef"init ior': DDL. Inc. 15 MDBS Data Management Alter o f' the need desired to access application An requests the data f" cÍOé3 (o r om This OMS responsible requests to the collection Language) The o to Another g . , invoking RTL !V1DBS. is power a loss) recovery which may data the be A utility. rlonprocedur(3 cuts programming add-ons the l l s :' t. p¿!rforY. , h C' i t". t.h e applicatio» data base; t i ch ma k e Pata M3r: he Th e structür'e. wh l ("íat.7. l?1ste¿"('j. . the o!" DML e e "ii!" i t-a to ph.ysi cal I MDBG.DDL OÍ in the ?.¢!3!32 permit chemges to Cc) dump logs an d a u;" ¿-i iµu!at.iori third queries be car. add-on an d MDBS.DRS. dzz zh e a t MDBS.QRS produccs Fu l i MDBS.RTL, 3 cr. syster,: whích e j, , i.ata base 3 restored autotüat-ica! is bas t. a tcj da made of event Ther· e . made bE: i'e-]c¿íci the CJMC it. tiay become l! transactions In base . existing ari U) effort substantial ly. found and C'ccasior;a!ly, struc-t'-ire logical without the need add—on English—like, This D!d3) of" c¿: . M!JB3- to is designeá system of" since the last data base backuµ. base . add—ons , the alter structure consists package very useUi! MDBS.DRE base (e MDB3 basic necessary The th e t.h bas 3 writer structure cc'mpz"isir.g commands !7 the via subroutine made are dat e (MOW. maintaining r 'n ( o r" zí u3 luto the i I . other", ar" e DMZ o t requires to know only the conceptual f^ to ) r r" , t·: programs data new not, however programs is place or routines management operations. necessary defined the application dM:a from program directly data Documentation has been structure course, base. System . ci-atní crash iy by accepts desired r"eµort.s. detai Is about and MIJBZ.QRG dt-he3e User ? s Manuals. E) COPYRIGHT 1979, 19F3Q, MicrQ Data Base Systems, Inc. ! C: " MDBS Documentation System Managemen'c Data II A ?v!D!3S . .. DDL Int-roduction , Ir, this section, Description In Part B 3ata list we Descr"ipt.ion is ]nstruc-ted modif"icaticn" Tc a data to see Qr how such the data I-J, we and then proper tables. g—up " E. editing a '1979, 1980, of" which MDBS . !JDL tb ; t ."ien zr e m Iii Sect.i.: discuss such concepts t": t.l?.e i: e user" ind o for must user iQicro ]. !' "ire the and present. describing a data base i II !J . used. pnysical ly This is a) and z-tza!ysis .3.ata to t'ais are alsa descr Jbed. (DDL) the is discussed in Section COPYRIGHT n first using the data description IJ ) BOL sect: íons. ri a . MDBS. r M,icro also want to look ahead to Section may base, o (for MDBS.DDL l "Da i". proper, data base management c7ríc€pcs conceK)t.s are data a b made language The user create Section © base description structure. To data " t-o can ba Ii' Section necessary. LanÉ"uage) i n later h ("w 3ñ Jhat develop ! cal we severa! features described in more 's Svs'um %' ldicro Data Ease or .iyzer/'Editor which Ana Base System 's concF"r)trat.e we The data Data !anE"uage initial ize óone by the anal describe the structure DDL the (as discussed data base with the ana],yzer,/eaitor yzer/editcr permití: i r, t-ne which in?ut , description. Base Systems, T ríe . i ":' ,; MOBS B Data Management Documentation System Features . MDEIS.DDL allows the user initialize the data a data Entry/Command 2 Deleting 4. Saving 5 . Ret.r"ieving . Renumbering DDL. and, can be Suc h c! is dcfined using description a or upper" case) This th e if no edited DDL is via the supports: mode l th e editor ine processes da a detected, initializes o r logical error i" detected, errors are syntactical I message is displayed and the user a using analyzer base. f" . an formats and other text entry aids. Finally, description structure i n lower MDBS.DDL. structure e Listing - entered, the t.ext . (DDL) bas entry well as providing MDBS data a base (either of mode Text data language 3. 6 Once A . into the computer 1. as ba s e description entered Text to describe can quickly correct the ta o r bas e a data an error problem using the text entry or edit features. MDBS supports the fol lowing i . 2. COPYRIGHT 1979, Character, integer, internal decimal, 1980, work: length records. Variable and Í"ixed record © features for data base design floating point (real), logical, externa! decimal , an d binary fields (data items). Micro Data Base Systems, t nc . 18 i4}L);2S Data .-2 'Doeumentat System i\áanagerne.nt cm e—to—many {jr-"--tc_íme, , s: €:t- ':'!2¿Fny : Sc E 'Led '- , i on many_: ío—one , and many_to— , types. I FO F . IFO n , e x t prior. , s e t: immaterial and -: jrderZn,gs. 5 . Automatic . Read t": O Record t.yp es may ( g These A , base maximum) reccmd M""'ny Fu- i'eatu.res data hard . ; l are be can an d t: network i . e . recursive set".) , e can data structures. drives the be can over set. number a o '" drives f" 8 floppy (mini—or ful!— sized) or base is organized using a paging A logically contain 3191 pages restricted to, at most, 65536 bytes. {subject supported to opermting system. an d can Thus system a page single drive logiealiy is large data bases can constraints on the size be of' fi le). Gnc: e a data- tú'íse descr i.pZion t initialized, © T ane í'éñ a disks. The data a same !1. in Section physical ly spread the . Dart1cipat.e ín ypes discussed o'? other occurrences own at organizat-ion. oe 7 7 " · '"'ecord- type 8 via passwords protection access item, recora aria set levels z-he m write and into sets. record insertion or manual host lar)guz: gc take up the CCTYRIGPÁ Fi e user ( ¿;uch 1980, ear, as BASIC) discussion 1"'7.9, has been of" Micro í\'!DF3: ezzsi us ;. Data 'l, entered y access i-rig MDBS. the DMS. an d data In a data base Section bas e through III a we DMS. Base Systems, Ir.c. 19 MOBS Data Management System C. Getting Started with 1. initial The the Loading details MDBS.DDL execute specific are when supplied DDL program its f"ul!y qualifi-ed VER MDBS.DDL (C) COPYRIGHT Reg # Your MDBS.DDL and Test package is which Documentation (see Run to your system 'Iou purchase manual name) which MDBS in the outlined the for making an the MDBS system t.est of manual specific system. system initial !2rief"\y. you will manual specific f"'or will display: X.X 1979, 1980, \'Jicro Data Base Systems, Incorporated XXXXX name and address At in this point file generated name). by the The MDBS.DDL their article BYTE published in © COPYRIGHT sample procedure 1979, Gagíe, Systems And magazine. 1980, data specific base deseriptiorj stored for fully manual is shown below the (underlined text is system): used by was This example "Data—Bame 1 a (again see the system INVNTRY qualified you can read M. Micro Data G. Koehíer, and A.B. Micro—Computers: Base Systems, Inc. An in Overview", Whi"nston ZO System Management Data MDBS Documentation "Read FILENA}j'"i computer INVNTRY fully qualified f"ile list this smal l data the prompt: sample basc· exists this you should th e on purpome). this description type DDL. The complete with respond base looks sequence "Enter FILENAME? computer PROCESSING not system specif'ic manual please cal © COFWRIGHT DDL computer out,gut) you have } temporary displayed be Analyzer" Micro 1979, for (without command generated rame output CCJMPLETED had. Data file prompt fully qualified f'ile (DDL Ir a which name like name DDL (use then will initialized. DZ)L DATA-BASF initialize a This will result in qualified file fully a description data a actually FILENAME? drive of your system first and INVNTRY To The data line numbers) prompt "L". DATA-BASE to which command type description with a for name To Fi le" R euecessf"ul a and , I r c . try again. Rase Systems, 1980, run Micro Data In re—read still y ou Í"or this s gctic-F) and the have no : uc k , help. Base Systems, Inc. 21 MDBS 2. Data Management Relocating Under MDBS.DDL Systems. a For Documentation MW3S.DDL opera-ting some at System position it systems, other than that supplied thi.s purpose, have we provided desiraiAe be may a by to locate Micro relocatable !J)aÜ f"o""rr. Ease oí' the — data description analyzer can be of the the system © analyzer and COPYRIGHT specific 1979, ORGed manual 1930, a relocator an to any place in memory. for further Micro so that. Data executable Please refer form to information. Base Systems, Inc. 22 Personalizing Important Addresses: 3. consists of MDBS.DDL are contiguous The size of the patch manual. program work area area These immediately follows the program area. increased through decreased or Entr;,' these alter may of" as shown each system the in specific follows. item Point this point, all program variables and regions either physically or logically re—initialized. Registers are Upon saved H: j entry but a should be aware or in that the user addresses brief description Initial region and work area region. be can MDBS.DDL Patching and em. The user A a several are MDBS.DDL. the 'm: mk to the sys There (a) ancí Documentation System Managem'"nt Data MDBS at the are not entering stack is preserved. I/O Entry Points operating systems Dif"f"erent and printers free sYstem of disks in system handle variety a this keep specií"ics the I/O inf"ormation relevant I/O instruction"i To of ways. is published in the system non—standard. input and output to terminals, should routines of the system specific specific be manual. made manual for your Patches in accordance to with the manual. .. (C) Echo Toggle (Default This byte is: checked echo echoing input to the 00 hex) to see if" the user wants output will take place- device. If it It the to have byte value is the value one, Base Systems, Inc. no MDBS.DDL is zer~í, echoing will be performed.. G COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Mie: -o Data s>m w»m.· MDBS Data (d) Last Management Word Th e hex) OBFFF stored here gives the MDBS.DDL memory starting field. Needless may program f' i ts r om the to say, that Note use. load last aval lable word cjf memory address MDBS. make sure ! a l uses to t.he value up user" should ijDL -V, in this that lhe ! t as of memory is physical ly beyond the end of the program. word (e) Documentation of Memory (Def"ault address that the System (Default Control Byte Screen byte should This one of" hex) the following than characters values: Byte Width Screen less have OB or equal to 64 greater than or equal characters tCj 80 Value 1 1 (OB hex) 15 (OF hex) greatest per to 80 characters N) (ca: line it 64 than N/5 l cu" irzteger less equal t- o : -1 (t) Re-entry Point If th e to wishes user MDBS.DDL. re—enter varimbles and regions, then he must issue program ;:'resen"ving whi le jump a to ]. al th j. s address. In data the next. description illustrated with © COPYRIGHT section we langut-tge discuss the data descript.ion and í"eatures o r a data bas language. e design Th e ar e examples. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 24 -- MDBS Management Data D (Data DDL . . The i terns is i DDL structure 3ñcÍ of used s DATA-ITEM a representation item, descriptions These an d be an of a A a on" item named collection RECORD-OCCURRENCE is of" two be used may only within in more tlían within items Consider the RECORD ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM COPYRIGHT one the AGE) data— a "repeating A I ,. optionally the same record type. ) OÍ" on e There each name. record-type. " of values \ o , be ' , we data— : ":rbitrary sp'ecified. names data—item order, type u data-items an record—type same specified more the of" may r The data—item (The The be an d mus t name may size o f" record type are defined in the record description. a f"ol lowing EMPLOYEE NUMBER 7AME !/1AGE "i'AX 1979, have i3 .- zero, contained by the record—type. record—types unique may sampling a of occurrences in the data base © data t ITEM—OCCURRENCE AGE . of" len&th" .,.QjL==La_rray. number the o array whose maximum rep! i-cation factor to be terms An ( Eg be an occurrence def"ined be in are data--item. ·· " current. is a "depending a ae the RECORD—TYPE items. might 21 o?\é?—dimensional 'f · .' . · indicates OÍ" value a or a ge specii"i -i; .~~N%~~~Nu No (or logical) conceptual a is the smallest unit of named data. item" acts as A describe formally to base. data a A which Definitions record types, and sets. , must Language) Definition Introduction 1 Documentation System 1980, example INT CHAR REAL REAL Micro ot a record description: 8 20 8 8 Data Base Systems, Inc. 25 MDBS Data Management The above data-items: (taxes System Documentation example defines NUMBER (employee withheld). " The record—type a number) " types o character, rea l maximum 20 characters in ler.gth. óf7 , (1520 be might and A , "Record—type" occurrence" data values th e name is up l ernployees of occurrences the , t-he SET is record—types ar are declared e a as record—types. occurrences order of the Th e names EMPLOYEE of" the a be an "record- an d , values. "members" request each A of" using If z" th·: ± the in th e DMS a! it on e record—types. ! would One or more and one or more record—types of the set.. Any record—type of one or more set occurrence a of" group NAF-IE. data-item lared as the "owners" have may of each of the record—types. memEer ""Y record—type would definition [or and between relationship A to be of the data—iten'.u. would program (the value) th e There . TAX integer, re this structure a desired (using the declared as the owner record—type member 158. 42) , and is specified to the actual data and the record—type dec NAME 3 occurrence of def"ining in application named data—items and An (wages) WAGE r our record occurrence, and they are sUmed a are request the occurrence th e 7520 . 20 to reler make may r containing in the company. used used is example) A SMITH, of the record—type of al above B NAME, , respectively, tor each employee occurrence names rea!, EMPLOYEE The sets; an may liktt'".'ise r,umber arbiti"ary be ror of "set order" (the logical record occurrences) must be declared. set is t.r'" basic struct.ural unit of" tlú" data base. I t" is used between recorA—2:.y;:'es. In different. t o define th e relationship particular, the set links ezch owner record occurrence to it-3 related © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 2é -- MDBS DDL . A of" Example simple but address, dat.a structure data definition section. of' 7i gure II.D. " '"' Note used no data tb e as word us e in three insert e name by the —-- OT '¶: differe record a the on l y are o has been shown. thi s r defined, record The type special recorc'. predM"ined a in the data base. There by is only in the data base and there is record—type. Th e SYSTEM the data record is t ype NUMBER e , tc CHAR a l ! contains the customer A l . contains I of" the data—items specification. Th e number" re!aLing to NAME i tem , a store g}]aracter data, i tern foilows size the CHAR. Th e when is portions (CUSTOMER) record—type t.h recc)[""d Data—item customer remaining in this section. CUSTOMER indicated sets, is to data SYSTEM with associate.-i customer. in these t.he of" discussed later The th e and ZIP) NUMBERS permits access instance in actual options avaiÁuble f'or the t"mt only one record type as owner which KÍDBS.DDL The 1. detai led e while three sets Oames, on e lists orgcmizations sorted in or o í' SYSTEM, is the need to maintain problem business c"ommon Consider th e diíferent orders. a company which maintains lists of" customers sort: od by name, The !4DB2 s,y3tern handles and zi-p code. this problem using the people case examples. through This is best explained record occurrences. member 2 Documentation System Management Data '2ree sets is the key to maintaining the customer orders. in the Th e proper" record is created. a COPYRIGHT MDBS. Note DMS location that this system wi I l automatically in each of these is a logical record is only physical ly present in one place. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. file three sets construct By use of" 27 MDBS Data Management approprÑate o r t: y , DML us e accessed. A I o conmands, r other Examples three i f" o given a DML in sets the r Documentation (NAME for set tmt each t:h e set; such t.hat LIFO each of" member the in the set defined new record set; NEXT after an d set; that the ef"ficieneies In th e MDBS specified. COPYRIGHT added set beíore the to the end the added becomes — a t description The system. These 1979, that. member as t c o f' the ¿" set "L is record occurrence is new "current." Inem: ,'jer the record of' set" to Note orúr. !^ea 1 th e certain i-ze possible. of Figure II.D.1 as occurrences the of" "AUTO" specification record CU3TOI','!EF tyoe will automatical ly be inserted in set ONORDER word "MAN" (for manual) could also ;'"ñiíve been options 1980, if used e thc. set. such oí" ] ar logically 'je first is ioi;ically placed sy'U.em be occurs t'aere , to the f'ront MDBS user recc.rd SORTED logically PRIOR is field- record oí the set ("current" member ; t!i e be set orders exist.. record occurrence rú=w is Each customer set ordering al lows the Also, the specification © an d about the created, the records by the ) care — This indicates appears. are the and shouk2 se a . does not I MMAT IMMAT et c "sort. key" The Besides are in Section SORTED. , nírrence discussion) DML logically placed in — oc.: "current" the th e in III.D. iustrated are beccnnes occurrence eU"ícíent.iy, ii orders. are accessed can yet three logical record occurrences — be sorted list. oí' '"'ecords set to be sorted upon. rec- : ,rd new 1 NAMES re\.ord occurrences — a are II.D. six allowable set are FIFO also: commands, Figure only once in the data base, There record can of such programs stated for each set defined SysA: em "1: N" Micro ar e discussed fur-b-her in 3+ctio states that the relationship 'Jata Base Systems, Inc. i I!.IJ.5. between the 28 each relationship member" many this only of type supported relationship not but occurrences, support systems For relationship. one—to—many the by is described in the next section. system MDBS a (N: M) many—to—many a —— be may base data Most versa. is members its there occurrence owner vise seb and the of owner Documentation System Management Data MDBS 0 Developing does DDL the for a not require any knowledge The user take However, of data much storage (Data DML insight is read will easier to understand set relationships. gained be By ir the what seeing Also, the additional the the examples programs. the IJML it available, are data will system describing sect.ion system Language). application commands to design how MOBS Management for retrieval and will (Section III.D). be t-he of to be used in the base only to define the data base structure; needs care data base and will establish extremely be helpful. Our example inf"ormation. customer one or Suppose has even associated to keep each a extended to include more record of orders customer may have that have what just structure represents for example one customer. (one customer a data of Figure a customer define the complete record descri.ption 1979, 1980, after Micro Thus to base II.D.1, we the for set relationship. derine this a second II.D.2). example, description Data orders), many order (see Figure DDL we we tor the Base Systems, Inc. a several (or with structure COPYRIGHT wish Conceptually, be order though which © can Each the new we II.D.1 zero) orders that have been placed. extend actually that placed. "one—to—many" natural Figure of7 is is called a which is In order to record or course, would CUSTOMER add a type to the record. 29 MOBS Data Management System that in record type Note (for order NUMBER price). QUANTITY and PRICE have is stored to be specification BIN is maintained in be and INT in added CO?YRIGHT F a I FO is first—in, whi.": h the to the 1973, t: o store 1920, eac h , data "2" the the binary [o r" ;.q'cr-c 7g"r but. storage exceed r usec2 to stcr·m decimal format. indicate i l) e Th . ler,gt-.h that two - i' 8 REAL e bytes. types are also supported. to each h basis, which the Bqlgc? is Th e orders. the customer, orders were received. after all é-iata, neve is va ( t.h e I"R'CE r?duc-í- c) packed BIP' items: a respectively. will TY aí'" customer first—out DDL t. real number whose data tha, t so , QUANTI REAL binary dat-a type digit. a itern of" t-. hold chareíetar data instead da (the stock rüsmber PART , (Binary) and since The (Integer) links ONORDER set sequence PRICE five ordered) anti items binary Th e located a! for (Logical) ordering ? t','pes a as BASICs. mari y bytes should would data values in binary format. c ommon The data the this application. in integral (the quantity f o def"ined (order date) This is reasonab!e requirement.s. LOG Three have we DATE , QUANTITY , invoice QUANTITY ORDER numb'zms) of the part ordered) É35535 Documentation orders will normally The set- new record descripti Systexs, I d c . ")ñ3 will be s e t. be th e dE'3cription 72Lre gi'ieri. ?Q MDBS Data Management RECORD ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM CUSTOMER NUMBER NAME ADORERS SET CITY ZIP-CVJE 8 20 20 ZD 5 NAMES AUTO Í:N SYSTEI'4 CUSTC'"."ER SET NUMBERS OWNER MEMBER SYSTEid CUSTQÉIER SET ZIP AUTO AUTO record Customer Customer Customer CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR OWNER MEMBER OWNER MEMBER Documentation System number name Street address City Zip code Sorted SORTED NAME SORTED NUMBER SGRTED ZIP-CODE by Name Sortcu"! by Number 1:N 1:N Sorted by Zip code SYSTEM CUSTCMER END FIGURE DDL 9 COPYRIGHT Declarations 1979, 1980, Micro II.D.1 for Multiply Data Sorted Records Base Systems, Inc. 31 MDBS Data Management System Documentation RECORD ORDER ITEM NUMBER CHAR 6 Order number ITEM DATE CHAR 8 Date received ITEM PART CHAR 6 Part number- ITEM QUANT'TY BIN 2 Quantity ordered ITEM PRICE REAL 8 Unit cost SET ONORDER MAN Custemer I Link customers : N FIFO OWNER CUSTOIW"R K!ENB"R ORDER orders to orderc END FIGURE DDL ? COPYRIGHT 1979, Declarations t980, Micro II.D.2 for Cu3toIner Orders Data. Base Systems, Inc. 32 MOBS 3 Examp) Many—to—Many . restricticn conceptualize in imagine example, .. that titles to able to obtain: keyword, given given book. boo k c an between If forced introd'iíce records such va !ue however, we book—keyword when C . authors COPYRIGHT many We wish corresponding corr"c: keywords t. ¿sponding an d books, an have we l'.ey\t.".jrds. many—to—many a As so o a t.o a since on e relat.ion: íhip exists "one—to—many" records" "link to adopt us the A DDL a sets, wh database Description i eh woul e are , Language) , f.o These rest.ric'ted data be d used systemm highly unnatural link records contain no (Data w dateg little has descriptiori of' is shown in Figure II.D.3. set relations The books sets in conventional Nríce structure a keywords, I artificial force which, conceptual describes oí" c::"\ nnd books. many—to—many structure A list of" sorted list of in which system number a sorted A keyword each by classified 2 ) , bibliography i a I re storage and processing. both r restricted to standard are to simulate I) severa' keywords we link a: "id have be may Sinc"" o computerized book be terms wh . harder to program structures unnatural These to maintain. anf7 set üccurrence. a the t? one—to—many unnatural data structures of" use of members t? a require unnecessari ly, making programs ineff"icien"'" quite the fújrce may DIVÍL complicates owner' and the th e . systems base data between relatiQric.hip Thi" e (COñÁSYL) Standard Documentation System Management Data mus t involved are create a l i 197IL ·--' introduced), 1980, of" an occurrence pair' in our database. a: " one—to—many Micro In the Data a relationships reccu"d type more complex LINK example actual data relati'.mships Base Systems, Inc. for each (such as present. 33 MOBS Data Management System quicjcly become unclear. that it books and keywords. wastage is quite MOBS A In sorted order between the ink records permits explicit l results in a . the data base that means Use rim all that t h e set is to necessary such handled th e as th b y a a sorted order. for keywords of many—to--many schema ·2 that Note given book a second a anc" set The order. that the members indicates the of" se t that the f'irst s et set are also this feature al lows one or t.o list- all books for o f , based been COPYRIGHT used , for notational sets Many—to—many . t The terms and are i e. se a required. assigned distinction between t h e owners since the rigid one—to--many ordering is no "owner" and "member" are thus arbitrarily sets blurs the many—to—many members — pointers li'!I)BS f keyword. of" longer a!lowí: the situations conveniently be of many-·to— use is used which for set. S3, the specification speeif"ication either given © is of Figure II.D.4. maintained in be have r structure is c an e indicatc-s ordering Member o a this structure with records are to be maintained in sorted owner sets Th declaration the ordering cl use System internal sets. exai'üp} declaration an Management special such bibliography a the Also, problem to maintain t o automc'tically maintain represent to additional dif1"icult Data sets. system to An of data base storage space. Th e many Documentation DML a commands on Sort such Key 1980, Micro Find as (FMSK) the are OWner"y Data only. like conventional processed re defined to process 1979, convenience used. OÍ7 '¿ FbIIvI Member Next Additional a set: Base Systems, Find Inc. (one—to—many) ') -m DML d Find commands Next Owner 34 MDBS (FNO) Data Management and Find System Owner described in section Documentation based on Micro Data Sort Key (FOSK). These are fully III. . © COPYRIGHT 1979, 198C, Base Systems, Inc. 35 MD13S Data Management System Documentation BOOK KEYWORD LINK I Data Diagram for FIGURE © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Many—to—Many II.D.3 Data Example (a) Base Systems, Inc. 36 MDBS Data Management RECORD ITEM ITEM ITEM BOOK TITLE Documentation System 30 AUTHORS PUBLISHR CHAR CHAR CHAR RECORD ITEM KEYWORD KEYWO72 CHAR ío RECORD LINK SET SI OWNER MEMBER SYSTEU BOOK SET S2 OWNER MEI'4BER SYSTEM KEYWC'AJ SET S3 Book Book BOOK SET S4 60 Keyword Link record AUTO AUTO MAN 1:N SORTED TITLE SORTED KEYWORD 1:N 1:N Sorted list Sorted list of" of" books keywords Linkage set for books LINK MAN 1: M Linkage IMMAT OWNER MEMBER title Author(s' Publisher 30 IMMAT OWNER MEMBER record tor KEYWC'?D set J'eywcu"ds LINK END DDL Tor Link Record Example FIGURE © COPYRIGHT 197.9, 1980, Micro II.D.3 Data (b) Base Systems, Inc. 37 - MDBS Data Management System Documentation BOOK l S3 KEYWORD } Data Diagram for Many—to-Many Example FIGURE © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro II.D.4 Data (a) Base Systems, y Inc. 38 MDBS Data Management RECORD ITEM ITEM ITEM BOOK TITLE System Documentation 30 AUTHORS PUBLISHR CHAR CHAR CHAR RECORD ITEM KEYWORD KEYWORD CHAR 10 SET SI AUTO 1:N OWNER MEMBER SYSTEM BOOK SET S2 OWNER MEMBER SYSTEM KEYWORD SET S3 SORTE3 BOOK KEYWORD OWNER MEMBER Book Book record title Author(s) Publisher 30 6C) Keyword AUTO SORTED TITLE SORTED KEYWORD SORTED KEYWORD 1:N MAN list Sorted list of" of" books keywords Book/keyword N: M TITLE Sorted relationship END DDL for Many-to-Many FIGURE i9 COPYRIGHT 1979, !980, Micro II.D.4 Data example (b) Base Systems, Inc. 39 MDBS Data Management System Documentation —. 4 Owner/Mernber Multiple . Mo"t th e set relationships se t example of" this within oyees payrol Ir I needed to define record. be ma y a (which tújurj than delined as wage concept a the is f1irther extended MDBS in actua by ]. d. an cc)rr"3!sponding 'be different. des i ."ab re'·": clrd types a t c) as Special record type allowing l e members set type. a of"" contains membership, many of" t grouping to be possitle as An DEPT " ype require might it , (or owr.ers) routines are aval lable to determine active member '(or owner) of' a set. is i on would y in Úact, MDBS; MDBS Th to record type SALARIED and SALARIED member") reco"""d EMF'L'-'YEE un , of" record type. owner record type employees") y member corresporAing , presu!nab] EMPLOYEE types with hourly as the as Suppose This is permitted in SET1. OÍ" EMPLOYEE such wish we record type defined as tht: owner defined depart.ment.s. information both one set (SET1) a member employees t o salaried allow be information l seniority. payrol would an d have another tu" d type (Department) emp! Example sc.c of the to have mmp the record type same record -.·· as both type. Imagine a its set record owner SUF'ERVIS wh t ype i ch an d. indicates i t. '3 member tne hourly F'.~mKq~~ employees ( EMPLOYEE ) ¶KS~bK .. > . .a hierarchy wh o .. .. . ...,. . o f supervision supervise other hourly eínploy.'es. A ~Me .. . . . c an be conveniently repres=nted by such a ~ ~w"~ , , ..,. data ~ © \ structure (Fi gure II.D.5). · .· .""m'* . COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Bata Base Systems, Inc. 4C\ MDBS .P Data Management RECORD ITEM ITEM I TEM ITEM ITEM E!.4PLOYEE NU7.¢BER STATUS bIA!'7E WAGEEATE ADIJ QEÍ3S !T"M CITY RECORD ITEi'.4 ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ZALARIEJJ i'ñjÉ.'i7ER ITEN SET SI AUTO - 1 C)\'/NEE MENBER SYÁTE!.7 EMF'LC)YEE SET S2 SYCTEM 21Eb1E?ER SALARIED SET SUF'EF: VIS P '4 b, Emr)ioy+Q 8 20 3t.r·eet 23 City Hourly : -.ddi-ess state ar\.-' c', empl oyee number stat.u: í. 20 8 '20 2mp!o;""c narn·: 25 City Cl - Hourly rate Gtírz·Qt 3cÍcÍress 1:6! í""aí·: Em!7!c'yee SORTED NUMBER SORTED NUMBER FORTED NUbqBK: '! : H7 1 : ?'1 EMPLOYEE SAL,'4RIED E!4FLOYEE R ! state )istnumber" by employee Salaried employees: by erítpioyee number' Supervisory re}atj.LDp-3hiDc. SALARIED '¶ DLI!-. for Employee Gu.pervision ""IGURE T) status name i",at-.e Em;: ' i 0.)/"-± E: í!j)íoVt£·z· (3 MAN number F.KlK)!oyec"· 2C) AUTCJ 9\",'NER /FIER O'i/b'ER b.iEMBER K4E\1BER '·, TfjF record Employee Empíoy'ze 6 6 7aj¿Ári'-" HAFE WACTRATE ADL'REGG C J TY O': t CHAR CHAR CHAF' REAL. CHAR Ci-íAE CHAE CHilE CH/',F: REAL CHAR CHAR ST,'", Documentation System COPYRIGHT í979, 19?C, ?4 LCro Data II Exmnple .D.5 Base Systems, t nc . 41 . MOBS Data Management System Fina! ly, consider subroutines. It a Record Set SI member a r' P .' To se obtain routine, a ! l Muc h base in turn more complex COPYRIGHT and. of" name The data 1979, te that o is f" each a CALL so=c: i a ' and the í: a ort.ed basic tools 1980, ir'. Micro a clear, Zkzta 17?2£ iv to all ca3Ñ led. c...ulc! of" sL'.l'·r'{.-)\.íC': .:"-,. thos.± than s used in intuit: ck-z e !"TlBS ive Base Systerrm, z:. ±' the -; 3!L?BS Cl 'I.c! a ',:)e ;"..'n e rn.ízde t r I") e 7CCÑJÑ"ü-c-!ñCt" :",l1ed. pos£-i: 3j") 'si'th t and ! cal s specií"icid t c: i- owner the make ": '? CALL that fled routi/","-' of t i:u. bM--h as 'acces prement 3í^e : arid then list of" Ií.!j.G. ly- easi £U3?2 members conveniently Fj.,c: ' subrcmt CALL lists szíbrouf.ines in type 1 I computer subroutine in the system necessary of set t-'me structures GUBR record ? c.7-ñ ¿"í.}j i th list produce- of" type powerful elata structures systems flexibility. © t-o cross—refc,u'ence. to be accesseci Gimiíarív, current owner of' set type to ñ?ñie w e member records in sequence. accessed routine rec-: n"d sorted. a routine tk.e currer)t. most É>jerj stores the t t yp used to be MAe to obtain sor': -?d al lows any subroutine specified data base Consider S'UBR type many—to—many a cal I routi: je. gíven data a is desirable subroutines which by Documentation ' i3 :"r'3'2'!7s other e: At.rem(= c-"j2ñ tine way. Inc: . 42 MDBS Data É'!ana3em(3r.t System RECORD ÍTEM SUB??. NA?.4F CHAR SET SI AUTO 2í','lUR M7\iBER SYSJTÉM SUER SET CALL Documentation Subroutine 8 1 : MAN SORTED N SORTED NAME Sorted names SORTED NAME Subroutine cal ling -íship 1 : II! NAME (,, °'"""' '7" ? ltiEMBER END , for Subroutine Cross—reference FIGL'RE COPYRIGHT ooí" SU 'R DDL g list name 1979, 1980, Micro Data Example II.D.6 Base Systems, Inc. 43 MDBS 5 Data DDL . I DDL Management Documentation Specification the n System lists following specifications in parameters a is presented. presented to the l DDL Th e . of" summary o the paramepers This cectior. r d. '-' in r details whi ck ± tlm: eac-h f'or eac h of the i' o the ""'" sections must be analyzer is: (optional) FILES DRIVE "" PASSWORDS RECORD (optional) ITEM SET C':,'NER MEMBER END line of text rnust be preceded Each b lank entered (See the P ii lustrates a typical descriptions of" the specification Before the © column that so space Th various kind-s of l ines nv.raber digit line II is an d a to the si: &'z character refer Section f7 stream. DDL . E) F i . gi.gur'= that. l gm-e Í"gj ap,?ears in can appear I D . . 7 lo':ing a DDL —-- stream. presenting th e various relationships COPYRIGHT o 4 a would 1 command by 1979, 1980, I ayouts between Micro , the access Data following levels: Base Systems, summary one m'.-'st- inc . is gi·ven ac7-,ar on to: ---- l|l1 m.. MDBS Management Data any data For For type, record type or set item its write any data Documentation System leve! access item I: its read level access type level i t s read aecems level " the read access o f" its record. t ype i ts write level " the write access levezl access oí" its record its depending t yp e For any variable read its on its i any líe read its wr it i te which For th e = write level access of its the any it s, the read access level o r an y t in se + level access ES the write access level of any set in participates these conventions are not observed. (but not mandatory) fol lowing that the data bas e designer convention: sort key reñí which COPYRIG}iT level 'oart.icipates is recommended i ts S level of' item c·n will result if' errors observe level access acc'ess which It the read access record type its DDL = e r.í deper.din,q Fcm level access t: . wr length item type access it 1979, is a 198Ci. 1evel s the read access level for the set(s) sort key Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 45 MDBS Dnta Management its write N DDL o errors wi is } l Documentation level access it which System m the write access level for the set(s) sort key a result if" a designer decides not to f"ollow thie convention. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 46 m~' .-- MDBS Data Management System Documentation DRIVE The DRIVE on i ine particular a drive specifies. the number of data base pages that drive. The second 1. user"s Th e drive 2, Columns Parameter 1—5 "DRIVE" 8 Line e t. c . The reside f"irst physical drive is called DRIVE ! inc: Kivout. J '.s: Description — liríe type Drive number 12— 15 Number OÍ" pages allowed on Notes: 1. 2 "" . The drive numbers must be one of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, The last drive line drive lines with the will same be used if" there ar e or 8. two o r more drive number. ·. 3 . 4. ©) The number The DRIVE COPYRIGHT 1979, of" pages must be non—zero. lines must immediately follow 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, a FILES Inc. card. 47 MDBS Data Management System Documentation END The END description line is used to the DDL analyzer". Columns Parameter 1-3 "END" tc Line signify The the end of the data base format is: Description - line type -.- © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 48 Management Data MD2S Documentation System FILES The FILES line and FILES section (which wh section optional i eh 2 The data . Th e base ri lename maximum number reside (default. is 3. The data If" the FILES missing section information . 1 base the name FILES , of" I), page , disk drives t-he which data base wil } a ful ly and size (def"au1t is 512). is prompted for FILENAME? with the standard defaults, line format lumns 1 on by: together is used in place of is: Description Parameter "FILES" 1—5 8— is section. The FILES Co description, data a consists of: DATA-BASE is from section is not present, the user qualified filename Th This is an using standard defaults. supplied by the system The FILES if , lines) DRIVE includes the to define the data base name, size and location. used ar e Line 9 Data — base according line type Í"i le name. This must be t o th e conventions fully qua1ií"ied of" the operating system. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 49 MDBS Data Management System 23 Documentation Maximum 26-29 disk drive drive number number of" Data 25€3 1 the A this , maximal base page . number". recommended f"ielc' such size. Calling must Í7i.rst. contain the index. This must be value t-h e multiple a of" is 512. Notes: When 1. to the section is missing, the def"au!t.s equivalent ar€: : 2. FILES "prompt DRIVE 1 Suppose drive. . name" 512 1 50 the Column DRIVE 3 FILES wanted user 23 would his data base contain the the on number" 3. first There and third ',\'c)1-líd be no line for drive 2. Th e first drive must always is not enough room need t th e gerierat.e c) the on be used C'.r3¿a a drive to hold first data in base base'. ali of , art errc.r on the first II i: h e tab les x: mc"ssage there 'il! be generated. The 4. name not 5 . DDL of the data base the For course, COPYRIGHT an case, a that the © analyzer expects multiple first the file error 13 file specified drive have 1980, a system Micrú> in colurnr,s drive having 8—19. II" this the is generated. drive data base, MDBS.D!4S 1979, a file the DDL analyzer rü±Qijires with the data basc· filename. requires that al Data ünly Base Systems, i réi'erenced >")c. O C drives 50 MDBS —- © Data Management have a COPYRIGHT file System Documentation with the data base filename, 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 51 MDEIS Data Management System Documentation ITEM ITEM The record—type. and access line defines Parameters data a within 1-4 "ITEM" Item i5 t- yµ e iz s , t= defined replications , Item 7—20 INT Description name tí"ii"j — i t =m The . {Integar) IN — Th e — o t. s tar t: name i tb w a 2 i teíi i hoí: your t host language your integer aí'í L'? th e by variables has The item — va ríi: }to3e \.': i t em áy s i ze only be 1 I and uc± stor'eti in 13 (true,/ zero/one a c'ríe byte i n dat.a base. i padded Micro -: Binary (Character) an d i: stored under bytes in length. (Logical) the are: value is limited false) 1980, y! valid a for real variables. (Binary) or 1979, t is stored under The item specified. CHAR mug. contain format for integer variables. maximum LOG name The item -- Í"ormat B must Valid item tyoes t:ype. language REAL field sign ("j': ") or be blank. dollar COPYRIGHT ± - line type for" the 3 th: iñQst recently levels. Parameter 1 item define the item 's Columns 8— Line — The stored s3 or. Data th e ite: as is ,í a right Base Systems, ¿Ik character 3tring leiágth 3t.ring, fixed \k/ i Inc. t' h blari7s i l"' 52 MOBS Data Management Documentation System necessary. IIJFC (Internal host your ) — The item language format. Decimal clecir,ial Item 21—24 Size . e . COBOL , ror format. language (i.e., CC'BÜL uridem external fields with of" bytes picture). size. Th in is value record a the is number the ror occurrencE i t em . vary according to the item type: ranges INTeger i is stored The item — variables, S999 allocated imal) Dec host yo u.r ¿j ( fields). COMPUTAT!ONAL-3 (External internal ror variables, decimal XDEC is stored under an REAL d- should The number — be the number oÍ" of bytes specified bytes language host t o store internally (see variables 1 manu3 ) . Using result in wasted using a i. space size standard default (see l9ote always INT in'ceger the by .your and real MDBS. SYS size larger than this wi a smaller tPr'zt used. the t h e data will result base; n MDBS.SYS wijl in manua use the I ! a l ) . default value. BINary — The size 127 from © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro size c) to may be r 1 be stored. -32767 Data 1 byt.e c) 2 r allows values from through A size of 32767 Base Systems, to Inc. 2 be bytes. —127 A through allows veCues stored. 53 MDBS Data Management System Documentation LOGical The -- CHARacter — largest- it e m size may Th e size ".'Crin% i'·jo . be only t byte. should size tQ bytes need L) t? be equal ztored a! locatc·d be to the in t.h is string !"or headc'rs. 2@—28 (optional)ReaA access ! access zero 30—32 ev ¢X·l . be riay A be o r leve!. iñcú.-y zero item leve! specified access here by her'e A be a iterri"s read the read leve! access vali.d data may 255 and zero ÍÚás2 o i" user. n\.Im}.?er between zero to deí'ine the record's write writ.e acc'.±".s level a — between to deCine with ac: cessed (optional)i'dr"i.te accé3s may nurrkcr a — specified be ma y level record with a created, deleted cc- and 255 altere{: .: 3.?y any valid data base user. "'7Á 36—43 (optional)0epending record 47 ) , by item name. is type the the of" value This other data depending—on) only be record specified yp e 7ú"nc| replications i tern if" f" the is assumed to repeat C) COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, A . for the I . can item is called the item depending no it.em a is a Nicro Data Base Systems, Inc. a 4t3— controlled depending item item of" ( name i tern repeated fixed number f" in t.his record. data t o columns be depending l z,s item (see item another data sprcified t. last data repeated a of" ncin.ber If" the , Cl r can Cy f7 a name is item, it times. 54 Documentation System Management Data MDBS ? (opticnal)Replication ~repeated 44—47 If" the field. item, the replication is a a is specified factor item is i t. em data f th e length variable is the maximum number factor is allowed to repeat-. t!"ie item of times I item, the replication this in V íactor. Notes: If" no read 1 . level (columns access level for the item access deíaul will leve! of the record containing 2 . Th e read . . 6 . The write access . A access iteñj. be great: er level for the item must be than o r containirg% greater t.P'.an o r level for the record typc: containing item. variable item in Th e r ead a length data 1979, item can only be sµecif"ied as the i act: record type. an d be depending—on COPYRIGHT read t.h e leve! Í"or the record type to the write access type must © to level tor the item rríust to the read access item. the 5 access the equal i: read level for the item must not exceed the write access The read equal 4 the the is specified, level. access 3 26—28) write equal item 1980, to levels of access the read and a variable write access length item levels OÍ" i t. s type. Micro Data Base Systerns, Inc. 55 Data MDBS Management System Doctzmentation MEMBER The The MEK'1BER Line line is used to specif"y a member record type of" a set.. format is: Column Parameter 1-6 "MEMBER" 8—15 Record - line type type that type type Description of" name i. s a be t.r"! fol low th e to defined previously as. a rn.cunber record record. . Notes: 1. One each jg COPYRIGHT or more MEMBER set in the 1979, 1980, I DDL ines must Q: Ñí\'ER Un=(s) ror specification. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. se MDBS Data Documentation System Eianagement (J7.'NER OWNER Th e The line is used t".: Line 3peciry j re(zorc'- an owner a previously type of" a set. format is: Co 1 I " -5 15 8— Description Parameter umns OWÍIEE Record type " l - i type (or "í^i e name S2t"STEM) t ype of' . defined record that is to be treat.ed as an owner record type. Notes: 1 . 2 © . One or more DDL specification. SY3TEM COPYRIGHT O\'IldER owned 1"í79, sets 1980, lines must f"ollow each may Micro have SET i ine pair in the only one owner. Dat.a Base Systems, Inc. 57 Data MDBS Th e hianagement PASSWORDS ]. Co Documentat ion PASSWORDS Line line and section specifies and access passwords System levels. Following this - line type definitions. lin= are the i-jeer 8—23 User The formats are: 26—28 User identification. t read s level User 30—32 's the ir. }')e must of" write this range value P! I va range 0-255. u.e access o r I user c an access or Th e lower. "" read value 0—25". ower. The usor level. (rnodify) any item having t is Th e i tern or set having record, an y access level. access (look—at) a wri te 3ccéss The value can write level o f" be in the of an individual. For must User's Password. 36—47 : 1 . A user example, © line is: lumns Co Notes PASSWORDS their Description "F',",SSWORDS" 1-.9 format for the The Parameter umns system's users, the COPYRIGHT name the 1979, need user 19!30, not may be be Micro the actual name called "RECEIVING Data Base Systems, CLEPK" Inc. or "SECRETARY. " 58 ·" MOBS Data 2 . Management The" System Documentation names and passwords 3r'e st.ored in the da f.a ba 'i3 e in an encrypted form. EJ COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 59 .~ MOBS Management Data System Documentation · RECORD RECORD The line defines th e include the record Parameters Line start r record a optionally, and, name o description. r ead .~ write an d levels for the record. access Co I umn Parameter 1-6 "RECORD" - line RECORD i5 8— Description name type this field — The for the record. 26—28 (optional)Read 30—32 level access be may contain must name valid- a start not name wi th a — betvjpen number a and 255 zero specif"ied here to d.eí"ine record"s read access level. of" zero rm.zy use r A be record with accessed :mí±ad a by any ]. VIl ac': es': leve!. da t- a 1.3zásg' id . (optional)Write — (""t") or be blank. sijzn dollar must +. level access — number a between and z".ero 25E 8· may be specirie"i write access level by any oÍ" level zero va). here may . be A t o dx. r i n record with created., de ! record's the ég± a eted writ-e or' access altered id data base user. Notes: 1 . The read access © COPYRIGHT access level Í"or the record must not: xceed. E: the write " level. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 6C) . . MDBS System Data Management 2. record-type A named thus, no user—def'ined © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Documentation "SYSTEM" is predefined by the record can Micro Data be named MOBS system; ".SYSTEM" Base Systems, Inc. 61 . MDBS Data Management System Documentation ...-. SET Th e SET l ine Line actual ly consists of two card. include the set. type, se t mode, ractors usage Set characteristics levels access , an d -\-- ordering information. ~m. Co Description Parameter lumns m.j "SET" 1·- 3 8— 15 - line type Set. name this field — The for the set. Se " - Either mo de t must name specif"ied. set A whenever mode AUTO" o be will Se 22—24 l t start 'n name i th type a MAN " member record type record to must user that occurrence th e se t explicitly . i f" add the of" fol lowing set types must be specified: 1 : N -- Each owner on o '? Each owner many" © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, -' be may this set. One - " indicates AUTO added the is specif'ied, f" t.h e automatically record to the t or of the an occurrence for this set is created, MANua rj c valid a sign ("S") or be blank. dollar 17-20 contain must Micro r record occurrence more record member (Note: . set) Data member Th may is is may own zero, record occurrences. have a a t standard most " on e one—to— . Base Systems, Inc. 62 " MDBS Data Management Documentation System N: M — rec^rd occurrence Each owner "'wn may zero, record occurrences. r e member may be owned Each member record occurrence on e o more than by " 1 : 1 — Each owner — record occurrence record occur"renoe (optional )Read access occurrence level access 30—32 be access zero 34—36 Set . COPYRIGHT 1979, may be removed) A f"actor. parameter which Micro Data re at most own Each member here met level c) I) valid data base user. between and zero 2E5 to define the set"s write with (i. 255 and zero read, access a number a — by any between by any modified usage 1980, set with specified level. mo to define the set"s read here level processing time © A no be owned by one or may number a — 'accessed access ma y or be may (optional)Write level member record occurrences. specified be can record occurrence. more owner zero Each record occurrence. one owner member at most own can be owned by record may can record occur"rence Each owner a . occurrence. one 213—28 set) This is one member r'ecord than N : 1 (Note: one owner'. y " man y—to—man ·- ' mo r write access a e . , records may level o f be added user. Th e se t affects and usage th ¿= disk space Base Systems, factor trade usage. Inc. i off s a |':)¿·:.ween A smal I 63 MDBS Data Management System Documentati value ( 1 is th e uti i ization at each on tend in A large value wi for record insertions, wastage a increased overhead of" record insertion. result to have few ( occurrences i . e . resg.í but disk "pace. oÍ" l l for w highly dynamic of" in terms ) l Í7 ovriéT , record i t Sets ew occurrences with one or more members) record are cost the in less overhead value) optimizes disk minimum b ·--· ut insertions ... an d removals 32) mpecified. large value should usp a a recommend we is 1 as rather a that: as many (such low value set usage f"aetor point and technical (such static: sets with Choosing . a Relatively set occurrences or 2) have should Let you --... it'.. .. - (The deMult. too large a default giving the maximum numt'er is computed 8). is currently is specified, number a value def"au1t. Ir value consistent with the data base page size. 8—13 (Line 2) order Owner records owner An — OÍ" order N: M may N : 1 or -..G be for the specified .-..- F'er"missable sets. set orderings are: FIFO — When a owner new record occurrence a.dded is ..-.. LIFO — it last record occurrence When to owner a the first © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro new set, owner" Data owner it is logically placed to the set, as th e in that set. ._ record occurrence is added is logically placed as the record occurrence in that set.. Base Systems, Inc. ÉÁá ~—' MDBS Data Management Documentation System SORTED When — to the set, added order —. with logically FLO IMMAT and FPO the to maximize 17—24 (Line 2) Owner an sort key - item the name the be may be as the data a sort key for item defined in the owner record type. is SORTED, set order is owner specified This must set. set efficiency. access ir the records into insert may Use in the set. set order signals that IMMATerial MDBS.DMS the with the circler is not concerned of the record occurrences of" of" commands. The user — is can be Sets order by use in descending accessed value key sort in the set.. Í"irst sorted a record occur"rence The smallest the is occurrence is placed in it set. the in :"ecord owner new a that has been If blank, the f"ull record is used as this a field sort key. -- 30-35 (Line 2) Member order member set. FIFO An - records order may be or N: N: M of specified 1 sets. for the Permissable orderings are: When — a new member added to as the last member the record set, --.- it logically is record is occurrence placed in occurrence that set. LIFO When — added © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro a new member to the set, Data it Base Systems, record occurrence is logically Inc. is placed 65 ·, MDBS Data Management System Documentation · the as first member record occurrence in that set. SORTED — When a added member new to the set, record it order in the set, with — and occurrence key set. the sorted a value is can be Sets order by use of the commands. FPM is not concerned The user oT sort in descending accessed IMMAT record smallest the logically first in FLM is placed in Th.? is occurrence order the with Use record occurrences in the ".et. the '"_ —-- of the IMMATerial MDBS.DMS PRIOR — set order to maximize access When member a new added the to records into the insert may of" record it set, t occurrence If" indicator for the current set—type is null, is logically placed is set. the st: eÍ"tíciency. before the record indicated member that signals by the current the currency member the FIFO of the ordering is used. NEXT — When added after member © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, the to the set, of" the for" the set—type is Data it occurrence —-. set. by the If current null, Base Systems, is logically placed is record indicated indicator Micro record member new a the Ui,c. the rrlerAb(=r LIFO current. currency oÍ' ó'"de.ring the is 66 'W MDBS Management Data Documentation System used. (Line 2) 39—46 Member sort key SORTED, an ir — item name has been may specified be in the field is blank, this member This must for the set. key the the specified be a order set 13 as the sort item that data record type. member full record is used ir a as sort key. Notes: 1. If set has the member a sort key and has more than one record type, then the set's 2. type in same name, If" the each or the member name, (á COPYRIGHT record types. type, and size in each of these set has an owner type, and size in each of these 1980, Micro must. Data item have the record types. sort key must exist as in each of the owner record types. 1979, It data a sort key and has more than record type, then the set's type sort key must exist as member It must one a have owner data item the same record types. Base Systems, Ine. 67 MOBS Data Management System l ' t', , Y' DUM 0010 FILES 1 0020 DRIVE 2 0030 DRIVE 0040 PASSWORDS PAM 0050 GARY 0060 ANYONE 0070 0080 RECORD A Al 0090 ITEM A2 0100 ITEM A4 0110 ITEM A5 0120 ITEM A6 0130 ITEM 0140 RECORD B Bl 0150 ITEM B2 0160 ITEM B4 0170 ITEM B5 0180 ITEM B6 0190 ITEM Cl200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 RECORD ITEM ITEM ITEM RECORD RECORD ITEM 'UP i'"'i ' y Documentation 512 2 4 2 FROGGY 255 255 C)04 004 001 007 Cl02 040 001 007 CHAR LOG 001 BIN 002 012 006 REAL INT -- CHAR LOG 003 004 BIN 002 012 007 2 4 3 2 REAL INT C Cl INT BIN CZ CHAR CO 004 D E CHAR El —% DOZ 001 CliO Cl FIGURE COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, lOó 009 012 004 1)06 012 016 Sample © 646-413-1322 Micro DDL II.D.7 Data Input (Part I) Base Systems, >ic. 68 MDBS Data 0270 0280 0290 0300 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 0380 0390 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0460 0470 0480 0490 0500 0510 0520 0530 0540 0550 0560 0570 0580 SET SI OWNER MEMBER SET SYSTEM A S2 OWNER MEMBER SET B A S3 IMMAT A B S4 SORTED Management OWNER MEMBER SET OWNER MEMBER SET System MAN MAN 1:N 020 030 006 1:N 005 MAN N: M MAN N: M Cl32 SORTED Al Cl LIFO C OWNER MEMBER SET OWNER MEMBER SET A B S7 MAN N: M 007 007 PRIOR MAN 1: 1 007 007 MAN N: FIFO C l OC8 008 B B A E FIGURE COPYRIGHT Al 007 007 FIFO Sample © SORTED C S5 NEXT A E S6 OWNER OWNER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER END Documentation 1979, 1980, Micro DDL Input II.D.7 (Part Data 2) Base Systems, inc. 59 MDBS 6. Data Management Notes Data on System Base Documentation Files .- An MDBS physically data spread used). be file. base The can organized 8 to up over first The u".er is drive of" by µaging a and can be (fúoppy or hard disk drives user's system the system select other drives to must have participate a in disks may data base the data base. ^- Data During the —r- analysis, disk drive needs to first data Def"inition is accessed base to contain the appropriate data Once the base particular drive, maximum The the 4096 in memory so fit However, Management placed irdormation disk must always logically restricted to able to Data initialized, is and whenever System, the all drives need _ disks. has number base "on—line." be by the data a of pages 65,535 a be disk a placed However. bytes. a on a and each page is rau3t !-'age also limit is probably size page loaded ' that drive. on drive is 8,191 per practical on be under bytes. . In deciding memory. settings 1. and the No size, a reliable in page (see 1979, of" of' times simple rules can Choose a number number been COPYRIGHT page the have resident © a between trade—ofT one time on user should pages new given. a number 1980, will However, OÍ" size so that at least Section into account the that can be memory resident pages be take have to be the read following at into ad hoc app!ieat-ic.ns: 3 µage3 can Data Base Systems, - ' be memory ~·· III.C.2). Micro "" Inc. 70 Data MDBS 2. System Management A page siz(" Documentation allowing 8 in pages memory is quite usually ef"f"icient. 3. the In of the above rules, absence choose page a of size 5í2 bytes. In the we present number of" memory an important of" memory resident pages is size and the amount of memory available play results the processing time to the number relates the appendix of an experiment which resident pages. Since f"unct-ion a to the DMS, of" the role in the execution efficiency both page the page size can of the data base system. We conclude this section with af"ter any accesm that physically a warning alters the to BACK data UP YOUR DATA BASE base. . -.. .-. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 71 MDBS Data Modes E. Management System Documentat ion Operation OÍ" Introduction 1 . Th e of" purpose MDBS.DDL description once the is to describe has been completed, data a to base s"ruct.ure and, initialize data a bas e . this task NDBS.DDL provides f'eatures which allow the Th e data his data base description. user to enter, alter and analyze description analyzer attempts to initialize a data base using the data , +. accomplish To inputted by the user. description base when syntax a point the user initialize th e flexibility and This analysis i logical error is detected by the anal. yzer. can quickly alter his data base. an d a ga- This feature allows the user feedback provides immediate ir, huí lding ' intEr]'"upt.ed 3 or description "" At. in t.h t ry is to considerable da-ta a "" base .-,.. description. has MDBS.DDL 3 and Entry/Command where Text . Line Editing Mode — where text DDL Mode — where a . a In detai Analyzer base data the enter — operation. They deseriptioná data are: are entered. is analyzed lines are altered. data description base initialized. next three sections each of" these areas will be discuSsed in l. The normal a description COPYRIGHT f"or procedure features such as © Mode of" modes . 1 2 three integrated 1979, o r th e data listing, deleting 1980, MDBS.DDL using the Micro Data base and usi.rig saving; Base Systems, pac'kagú text. is to entry and second, Inc. to first command edit. 'ch e 72 - MDBS Data text to --. correct a re—enters the and errors; data initialize Documentation System Management If" the base. third, to analyze analysis fails, the Entry/Command Text mode the user that changes so and description automatically can be to made the data base description. Upon mode. first To enter the enters the appropriate editor line is in the Text Ent.ry/Command user the or DDL analyzer mode the user command. will turn to a detailed discussion cjj; the Text Entry/Command after the following general comments concerning conversation with We "" the MDBS.DDL, entering mode MDBS.DDL. Line—input operating this, the entering conf"orms editing system. While following general a of special RETURN line (either the to the usually are of text or a features of" specif"ic manual covers system comments standard more following on When applicable. command) the your keys are importance: (ENTER) CONTROL-X this key terminates a this key interrupts the key toggles the line of input line entry and restarts the input. CONTROL-P this and DELETE COPYRIGHT this 1979, output between t.he console printer. key causes deletion © DDL 1980, ir. Micro a a physical backspace line being Data and character entered. Base Systems, Inc. 73 MDBS Data Management System Documentation CONTROL-H same as DELETE. BACKSPACE same as DELEñ"E. CONTROL—C this key control When too the or BACKSPACEs that operates the key ESCAPE key. and MDBS.DDL Pressing 80 more than 80 characters, be still the An key) in Text Entry/Command empty results line (9 above, the COPYRIGHT act as all three user has -. line feed. a modes the operation of" results in an exit is from Hence If" the user a line longer attempts to type message LINE TOO LONG will be ignored. The user is mode. (i.e., a line entered by pressing only the RETURN in the message: *** As keys entered. displayed and the input line be (i.e., entered are to 80 positions. *** will returns to t.he operating system. cannot characters and """ key always thi"z returns control operation mode. these in same input buf"f"er is limited The than DELETE DDL a to the ent.ry ali of his current line), deleted One many interrupts user 1979, is still 1980, ERROR in Text Entry/Command Micro Data Base Systems, mode. Inc. 74 m· MDBS 2. Data the the upper all Commands should user can aware be mode, of the fact that stored as upper course, data COPYRIGHT 1979, both enter can user entered in lower case. or upper file names are item Specifically, case. names and commarids However, translated 1980, Micro Data set user names are the data base by the user. to be stored in routines are maintained as specified © the to that in the actual tables created for the data base, record names, passwords, or be and case names are case. Mode Entry/Command Text text. and Documentation System Entry/Command Text In Management Base Systems, Inc. names and stored in upper via MDBS.DMS 75 MDBS Data a Management Text . line A Entered on Entry o f" text of" valid 0010 LINE 0020 OF is preceded by Í7our (4) a digit line - line numbers. lines are: TEXT MORE 0000 THIS IS OK IS THIS 0732SO 9999 number. MORE 7301 STILL LINE HIGHEST with line started results Doeumentati text is maintained in the order índicat: ed by the Examples A System NUMBER a line number consisting of" fewer than 4 digits in an error message: *>k*=RROR and the mode line is ignored. The user to hold too all much or and the current the text) the 1979, 1980, , following OF ROOM there is ir message IN !1 preserved. Micro Data is insufficient É>'^in|: memory 2d.: · MEMORY entered is lost. line being t o this point is sti COPYRIGHT (i.e. text is entered >K**OUT © Entry/Cemmand in the Text . Ir up still is However The user Base Systems, a! 2 text. can expand Inc. the entered amount 76 MDBS of" Data Management available room Addresses" II remove © a System outlined as (Section Documentation in the COPYRIGHT pricm 1979, MDBS.DDL II.C.3). line number has already been used, the "Important section its subsequent re—use will line. 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 0 77 · MDBS bata the preceded the SYstem Documentation Commands b. In Management following by command pages we describe each command. Commands blanks and must be followed immediately by is not recognizable, the a are not RETURN. If message: ***ERROR is displayed. The user is still in Text Entry/Comr.and mode when this happer.s. © COPYRIGHT 1979, í98Cl, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 78 MDBS Data Management (BYE, Documentation System ESCAPE-key) Return to the Operating Systern Purpose: Exit from the program Command return to the operating system. and Syntax: BYE Return to the operating system ESCAPE-key Return to the Operating System Notes: 1. All text and variables are enter through the normal 2. The ESCAPE-key command mode is differs limited while the ESCAPE preserved so that the user re—entry from only the ean re— point. BYE command in that the BYE to usage in the Text Entry/Command key can be used in all the mcAes of" MDBS.DDL. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 79 MDBS Data Management System Documentation ...... (D) Deleting Text. . Purpose: Delete Command Syntax all or a portion of" the entered text. and Prompts: D n delete line n D n,m delete from line n to m (inclusive) D n delete from line n to in (inclusive) m delete D all results the or Examples D 10, D text of: prompt + is deleted response of Y is given. 10 . Deletes lines 10,11,...49,50 50 Deletes D , " Deletes lines 10,11,...,49,50 50 DELETE a Deletes lines 10,11,...49,5n 50 10 ir valid usage: Deletes line 10 DIO in computer ALL? (Y/N) DELETE D entered text f-he -- all lines ALL? (Y,/N) y user responds with "Y" "'" Notes: I. Commas 2. If or blanks serve as delimiters. there are no lines in the range returns to the Text Entry/Command © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data to be deleted, the program mode. Base Systems, Inc. 80 - MDBS Data 3. Management Mter lines Entry/Cowtumd © COPYRIGHT 1979, System Documentation deleted a-re the program returns to normal Text mode. 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 81 MDBS Data Management System Documentation ———— (DDL) Data Definition Language Analyzer Purpose: This is invoked command currently in initialize a Command text data to analyze and, ir no the data base errors were encountered, definition to base. Syntax: . DDL invokes the data definition language analyzer. an is encountered Notes: 1. The DDL or a analyzer proceeds data base has been the 3. CONTROL—C causes 5. pressing aríy See pause a Both types Entry/Cornmand Text key until another key and The FILES line Section of" file the name data II.E.4 for a should returns mode. (except CONTROL—C or is pressed. invoking the Analyzer, create the data base File primary drive. the to the Entry/Command Text During the analysis, Before initialized. terminates the analysis process key to normM program ESCAPE) 4. error A!! text is preserved in memory. mode. The successf'uliy return the program of terminations 2. until eit-her match base description more detailed the name on given the on being analyzed. discussion oí the DDL Analyzer. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 82 MOBS Data (DR, EN, Management FI, IT, System ME, OW, Documentation PA, SE) Data RF, Description Format Commands Purpose: Display the format for the: DRIVE END FILES ITEM MEMBER OWNER PASSWORDS RECORD SET commands of a data while inputting Command base description. text to describe a These data are extremely useful base. Syntax: DR For" the drive section format EN For the end eard FI For the tile IT For an item ME For a set OW For a set owner format PA For the RE For a record format SE For a set format © COPYRIGHT 1979, section format Í"ormat member password 1980, format Micro format section f"ormat Data Base Systems, Inc. 83 MDBS Data Examples Managem=mt System Documentation of Valid Usage: PA Prints the password section rormat PASS Prints the password section format PASSWORJJi3 Prints the password section rorrc!at Notes: 1. 2. These commands user remains Each of" the not afYect the current text in any way. do in Text Entry/Commarid can be commands section cr card. type characters set card 3. typed. format but For alone S as example at least SE or will result in portion a results SET 3ñ line the COPYRIGHT data number description 1979, 1980, and a leading blank (which of" Íü.rst the the two in the error. Al! the Iormats are displayed taking into account digit © are mode. entered by typing as long name The the the is necessary four in text). Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 84 MDBS Management Data Documentation System (E) Enter Line Edit Mode Purpose: This is used to enter command to the next cection referred Command line the The editor. is user LINE EDITING. on Syntax: E edit the entire En edit the text n edit the n En, m m Examples starting at line text starting at line and ending at line (inclueive) Valid Usage: of" edit all text starting at the the first line edit text starting at line 0100 E E text 100 edit text between 200 E1OO, 2'JO E lOó, E lOó 200 lines 0100 and 0200 text between edit inclusive lines 0100 and 0200 inclusive edit text between lines 0100 and 0200 inclusive Notes: 1. If" there is no text within returns to Text 2. If" © COPYRIGHT Entry/Command there is text within line is 1979, displayed. 1980, the Micro the to be edited, the program mode range The user Data range is to be edited, now in the Base Systems, the first line editor Inc. such mode. 85 ·. MOBS Data Management System Documentation (L) Listing Text Purgose: List the .~ . text entered by the user. Syntax: Command .... list al! L Examples lines —. L n list line number L n,m list text from of" text OÍ" n line n to line m Valid Usage: list all L lines of" text list lines 10 through 20 list lines 10 through 20 list lines 10 through 20 LIÓ list line 10 LO list line O LIQ, 20 LIÓ 20 LIÓ 20 , ... " Notes: ÍL. Commas or blanks serve 2. During a listing, ESCAPE) 3. The the © COPYRIGHT causes a CONTROL—C program 1979, delimiters. pres".ing any key (except CONTROL—C until another key is pressed. terminates the listing process or oause key to normal 1980, as Micro Text Data Entry/Command Base Systems, and returns mode. Inc. 86 MDBS Data 4. Management If System At the end Entry/Comnand E) COPYRIGHT list the program remains in normal Text listing the program returns to normal Text there is no text to Entry/Command 5. Documentation 1979, mode. oÍ7 the mode. 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 87 MOBS Data Management System Documentation (N) Renumbering Text Purpose: Renumber Command of" all the text entered by the user. Syntax: renumbers N Nn increments by 0001. renumbers all increments by 0001. Nn,m renumbers increments Examples giving the text line the number 0000 and first the al! text giving bv first line the number n f"irst line the be 0000, second COOl, etc. be 0030, second 0031, etc. be C)Cll0, second OQ2C, etc. be 0010, second 0020, etc. 0000, second 0003, etc. nurr'.ber n and - and rn. Valid Usage: of" N N the al! text giving First First First First First 30 N1O,1O NlO, NO, 10 3 line will will will will will line line line line be ~ Notes: — blanks serve 1. Commas 2. If" an increment or of" zero as delimiters. is specified, the f"ollowin,g message is printed: >k**IMPROPER and the 3. If" the than © COPYRIGHT LISTING text is renumbered parameters 9999 would 1979, 1980, n and m PARAMETERS using are result, the Micro Data N such 0001 0001. that. following a line number message Base Systems, Inc. greater is printed: 38 MDBS Data Management Documentation System W<>UMPROPER and the t-ext LISTING is numbered using: L At the Text " PARAMETER completion Ent.ry/Command of" n 0001 renumbering the program returns to normal mode. -.-- © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 89 MDBS Data i- System Management (P) Documentation Print a Space Ruler Purpose: is used to produce command This tor text entry. For a example, ruler to aot space on a 64 as a guide character output device this command results in 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55 so _. that text can be entered as: 1...5...10...15...ZO...25..."30...35...40...4"...50...55 0020 """ TEXT .~. Command -- Syntax: Produces P a space ruler. Notes: 1. This com!"Hand The user does not remains affect the current in Text Entry/Command text in any way. mode. ~- —— © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 90 ..... MDBS Management Data Documentation System (R) Reading File Text a Purpose: Allows the user a R read FILENAME prompt name the a previously on should saved file respond with a valid file (fully qualified) the read successful a responds Example file. computer from user name XXXXX text saved previously and Prompts: Syntax Command to read computer with: BYTES of Valid Usage: R FILENAMZ name 463 BYTES Notes: 1. Any text successflíl 2. If a in memory is replaced by the Í7ile brought in by a read. í'ile is not successfully read the message: ***ERROR is displaved (in addition may print.). Some operating system © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, read in which Micro to any messages the operating system errors case Data may the result user Base Systems, in may a return to the re—enter Inc. MDBS.DDL 91 MDBS Management Data System Documentation ~'·· through the standard re—entry 3. If" tile a be still point. is not successfully intact, depending read, text present in memory of course on the may nature of the read error. 4. Normal indicated rile problems 5. To tor causes read from escape line (a simple errors RETURN). disk prompt This the absence standard Other drive. of the -..0 also be encountered. may FILENAME a include errors indicated the on causing read the user will result in may the enter a null — message ***ERROR but will return the to user the normal Text Entry/Command mode. €3. The response to successful read: a BYTES xxxxx gives the 6. If total there read—in is the number not enough following ***OUT and of bytes transferred. memory message is displayed: OF IN ROOM Text reading discontinues. remains in Command mode. memory available and the ·· Í7or the text to be MEMORY in memory before the program R returns to Text command Entry/ ,.. .. -. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 92 MDBS Data Management System (W) Documentation Writing Text a File Purpose: Allows the user Command Syntax to write text a file. and Prompts: W write the current text onto FILENAME prompt name the from Example respond name (fully qualified) on a successful responds XXXXX computer should user file a with write a file valid the eomputer with: BYTES of Valid Usage: W FTLENAME name 463 BYTES" Notes: 1. A successful write file. appropriate eompletici" normal 2. If a of the TeA: file will produce The WRITE text an image still operation Entry/Command of the text program the At the returns to resides in memory. the on mode. is not successfully written the message: ***ERROR is displayed (in additior] © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro to any messages the operating system Data Base Systems, Inc. 93 MDBS Data Management may print). Some operating 3. the Normal causes To in which from line (a simple FILENAME a RETURN). user include indicated write errors causing escape the on the in a return re—enter may to the MDBS.DDL point. for write errors file result may case standard re—entry through problems Documentation write errors system indicated 4. System disk drive. This Other of the standard also be encountered. may prompt absence the the user may will result in the enter a null message ***ERROR but will return the user t.o the normal Text Entry/Command mode. 5. The response to a successf"u1 xxxxx gives the © COPYRIGHT 1979, total 1980, number Micro write BYTES of bytes transferred. Data Base Systems, Inc. 94 MDBS Data Management Documentation Line Editing 3. without the E of" command editor, the the may user the advancing can retain their line Entry/Command be performed mode. Once in can be may At make the line this point, in changes repeatedly altered before commands. in a mode, in lower communication all or upper" case and with the all special keys functions. turn to now results given line to the next line. system and A a is enterti·d. through mode to the next. line of text or line. within edited is displayed. line being advance line editing Entry/Command Text the in the Text We The line. current current As the retyping current text can be altered mode, the line editing In " System detailed a Note prompt. that discussion the entry oÍ" of" the line editing an improper eommemd features syntax ofü "7 O .- When this correct © occurs the user is still in line editor mode Base Systems, Inc. and can give a response- COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data 95 Data MDBS Management System Documentation — (RETURN key) Move Through Text Purpose: This the al lows the user t-o advance fj"om the current line of" text to '4.. next line of text and to make the next of' text currerít-. .-. Command Syntax Press : RETURN key to to the next line of text move Notes: 1. When the entering Texc Entry/Command mode , region for editing. Once the and the the RETURN Text user presses Entry/Command through the mode line editor the the end key, command specifies user of) E the the region i'É. cr target encountered r program of" ·"-' '- ur ns to mode. ~ Z. After pressing the RETURN key, the new current ] ine of" text is displaye\".- ~ +- ..- © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 96 " MDBS Management Data System Documentation (C) a Change Line of Text. Purpose: This commanc'. is used to alter text within of" string a a line. t Command Syntax: where CdSOURCEdNEWd "d" original replacement Example of" is being following 0010 HTIS IS IS LINE. results edited: TWO DEMANSTRATE THE LINE LINE EDTOR TWO DEMANSTRATE THE LINE LINE EDTOR DEMANSTRATE THE LINE LINE EDTOR TO DEMONSTRATE THE LINE LINE EDTOR IS TO DEMONSTRATE THE LINE EDTOR 0010 THIS IS TO DEMONSTRATE THE LINE EDITOR in: results in: 0010 THIS C/ED/EDI the string. TO 0010 THIS IS C. is in: results 0010 THIS IS CQMAQMO NEW is the in: results 0010 THIS C.TWO.TO and string SOURCE Valid Usage: Assume the C/HT/TH/ is any delimiter, results in: Typing: S returns the program to Text Entry/Command mode. Notes: jg COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 97 ·~ MDBS Data Management System Documentation -. 1. The rirst The last 2. the 3. character following delimiter the C is used- as the is optional. The RETURN is not found, the computer key delimiter. also acts as last delimiter. If" the source string responds with: ? and a proper response be given. .altered by the can then '~" 4. The line number carínot be line editor. ·"* -,. ·" . ...-. --~. -.. - © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 98 MDBS Data Management System (S) Documentation Leaving the Editor Mode Purpose: To Command return the program to Text Entry/Command Syntax: return to Text Entry/Command S © mode. COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. rr,ode 99 ~7" MDBS Data Management System Documentation +~ (C) Repeated Changes within and across Purpose: To make the changes same lines. """' T Method: When change a replaces the remembered is "remembered". it is entered, change and becomes The the ner.' next change "remembered" .- entering the text editor, Up': m change. is the default the "remembered" change of -.. C/// Entering C a followed by This change. within lines, be can a a invokes RETURN done within a the last line or, remembered after "izdvancing line. new Syntax: Command C Examples remembered make or change Valid Usage: ~ 0010 PRODUCT 0020 64KGB 0030 HAVE 0040 © ... and the user results in: COPYRIGHT text is to be edited: fol!owing Suppose. the 1979, IS 64KGB AND BEEN 64KGB entered 1980, 64KGB AROUND NOT NEW DERIVATIVES FOREVER. REPORT. E in Micro the Data Text Entry/Command Base Systems, Inc. mode. This 100 -- MDBS Data System Management 0010 PRODUCT 64KGB At being displayed. Suppose Documentation IS NEW. NOT this point C/// remembered the is to be replaced by T47S. 64KGB change The user is: may enter: C.64KGB.TA7S will result in: which 0010 and the PRODUCT T47S IS NOT current remembered NEW. ehange is: C.64KGB.T47S Pressing the 0020 Pressing RETURN 64KGB C and then 0020 T47S -- since AND key will result in: DERIVATIVES 64KGB RETURN AND 64É'GB C.64KGB.T47S was results in: DERIVATIVES remembered. Repeating with C and RETURN gives: 0020 T47S Pressing RETURN HAVE 0030 Pressing RETURN 0940 Entering ... C 0040 and ... AND T47S DERIVATIVES gives: BEEN AROUND FOREVER gives: 64KGB REPORT. RETURN T475 gives: REPORT. Notes: © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 101 ... MOBS Data Management System Documentation 1. remembered change will not A be forgotten until either another properly entered change is submitted or the program Text Entry/Command returns to mode. - — —.^ .... © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 102 MDBS DDL 4. In Analyzer analyzer mode, text containing DDL the first is Documentation System Management Data and analyzed then, ir data a description base error free, used to initialize data a base. While the in -- DDL base FILES MDBS.DDL Only data a analysis. spread initialize to drive be needs a f"ile the on to have the indicated or course, during (as several disks, over of the Data Description section expects this may MDBS.DMS Language explained discussion), first physical drive. tile present during the operations, all need files to be active. If' —- data a initialized, description the is analyzed and a base data message DDL is displayed. successfully PROCESSING The program then COMPLETED returns to Text Entry/Command mode. All text has been preserved. If" an is d=tected during the analyeis, error displayed and the program an error message is returns to the Text Entry/Command mode. All text is preserved. During ESCAPE) DDL a results in useful for purposes © COPYRIGHT 1979, analysis, a pressing any key (other than until a of controlling pause 1980, Micro Data key the is again pressed. CONTROL-C This or is output displayed. Base Systems, Inc. 103 MOBS Data Management CONTROL—C interrupts Entry/Command Text System Documentation the mode. analysis and returns the program The ESCAPE key returns to the control to the operating system. The DDL analyzer builds tables in memory beyond the text region. ..... Ir there is insufficient the room in memory to complete all of the tables, message , ***OUT is displayed. Entry/Command to Section and ROOM IN MEMORY all errors, control is returned to all text is preserved. II.C.3 for inf"ormation (without In the given mode with analyzing While printed As OF the data on expanding description, the The user should available memory. each Text .... refer line of' desoription is line numbers). f"ollowing, a list of errors detected by the DDL analyzer is along with explanations and possible causes. ""' m··± —. .--. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Ric. 104 . MDBS Data Management System Documentation ..- *** A DEPENDING Line Type: Columns: ITEM ON CANNOT BE A REPEATED FIELD ITEM 36-43 Explanation: A "depending currently a on" being repeated item specif7ied was processed. field, which in columns The depending on 36—43 item for the item was def"ined as is not permitted. Possible Causes: 1. Typographical c"rror. 2. Incorrect item 3. Data design base specified as depending item. error. —- © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 105 MDBS *** Data A Management VARIABLE Line Type: System LENGTH ITEM Documentation MUST BE LAST IN A RECORD ITEM Explanation: variable length item must be the last item immediately follows A length item may (i.e., one record. in a a variable in appear a with an entry in columns The line being ITEM length item. record, and it Only must processed one be the 36—43) variable last item. Possible Causes: © 1. ITEM 2!. Missing 3. Data COPYRIGHT lines out RECORD base 1979, of" order. line. design 1980, error. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 106 MDBS Data *** CANNOT Management WRITE TO System Documentation DISK Explanation: A request to the operating system write to a Í"i!e. The made was operating system by the DDI- analyzer to returned an error flag. Possible Errors: íj 1. Refer 2. A COPYRIGHT to the standard causes file with the data base 1973, 1980, Micro f"or name Data disk error's. cannot be Base Systems, found Ine. on drive 1. íC)7 MDBS Data *** CAN'T Management System Documentation HAVE O\'MERS WITH Line Type: Columns: OTHER SYSTEM OWNER B—13 Explanation: Two the or more owner defined lines record f"or lines were specified a SYSTEM set, then no for this set If" as an owner. 2YSTEM other owner record types and one of" is the owner may be defined for that set. Possible causes: 1. Specified OWNER 2. Data base design instead of MEMBER on a line. error. — © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 108 MDBS *** Data Management DEPENDING Line Type: Columns: ON System ITEM Documentation MUST BE item was A TWO BYTE BINARY VARIABLE ITEM 36—43 Explanation: A "depending on" specified in columns The depending 36—43 currently being processed. variable, but does not have length two as required. item on for the item is a binary Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. Incorrect 3. Data item specified ba".e design errcm. 1979, Micro as depending item. — © COPYRIGHT 1980, Data Base Systems, Tnc. 109 MDBS *** Data Management DEPENDING ON System ITEM Documentation MUST BE item was BINARY ITEM Line Type: 36-43 Columns: Explanation A "depending currently with a on" processed. being length specified of" 36—43 in columns The depending on item f"or the must be item BINary bytes. 2 Possible Causes: © 1. Typographical error. 2. Incorrect 3. Data COPYRIGHT base 1979, item sµecified design 1980, as depending item. error. Micro Data Basé Systems, Inc. 110 MOBS *** Data DEPENDING ON ion DEFINED PREVIOUSLY NOT ITEM Doeumentat THIS IN RECOR3 ITEM Line Type: Columns: System Management 36—43 . Explanation: Th e item specified not def"ined on a in columns prior ITEM 36—43 of" the current ITEM line was line f'or' the current record type. Possible Causes: The 1. ITEM line for the depending on item is missirg or out o r sequence. 2 . Th e was 3 4 name 6 © f" the depending item . The it>"m name is columns . The item ríame for the depending—on . . was missr)elled when the item defined. column 5 o 36—43 is misspt"l led. i t em does r. o t: in 36. Typographical error. Data COPYRIGHT base 1979, design 1980, error. Micro Data Base Systems, Iríc. 111 MDBS Data Management ITEM ***-DUPLICATE Line Type: System NAME IN Documentation RECORD ITEM B—15 Columns: . Explanation: The same name has been given to two ITEMs in the same record. Possible Causes: redundant line of" 1. A 2. Typographical error. 3. Missing 4. The second 5. Data line before the replicated RECORD base text. line should ITEM design have been a ITEM. RECORD or SET "-'t line. error- -- · Notes: 1. An ITEM may be replicated across RECORDs. That is, the same E ITEM © COPYRIGHT name 1979, may appear 1980, Micro in difYerent Data RECORDs. Base Systems, .- Inc. 112 .- MDBS *** Data Management DUPLICATE Line Type: Columns: RECORD System Documentation NAME RECORD B—15 Explanation: Two RECORD types have the same name. Possible Causes: f9 1. A 2. Typographical error. 3. The second 4. Data COPYRIGHT redundant base 1979, line of text. RECORD design 1980, line should have been an ITEM or SET line. er'ror. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 1í3 MDBS *** Data Management DUPLICATE Documentation NAME cm SET Line Type: Columns: SET System 8—15 ~— -.. Explanation: SETs Two have the same -— name. Possible Causes: .· 1. A redundant line of" text. — 2. Typographical error. 3. Data base design . error". ." © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 114 MDBS *** Data Management System Documentation ERROR Explanation: This is general purpose a error message. Possible Causes: © 1. Empty 2. File not 3. Control—C COPYRIGHT line input. on 1979, indicated drive during a W,R, or DDL command. break. 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 115 MDBS *** Data Management EXPECTING Line Type: Columns: NUMBER A IN A Documentation FIELD Below See See System Below Explanation: A non—numeric numeric character was characters are the entered in digits O—9 arid a numeric field. Valid blanks. Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. Number entered in wrong columns. Note: Numeric fields PASSWORDS are line FILES DRIVE line 26-28 30-32 SET Une line 26-28 30-32 34-36 21-24 26-28 30-32 44-47 COPYRIGHT line RECORD line 8-8 © columns: 22-22 26-29 26-28 30-32 ITEM in the following fÚjúncí 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 116 MDBS *** Data Management EXPECTING A System RECORD, Documentation ITEM, OR SET LINE Explanation: Something after other than the a PASSWORDS RECORD, or ITEM, FILES or SET section line or was within encountered the RECORD section. Possible Causes: © 1. Sections out 2. Typographical error. 3. Missing RECORD, 4. Columns 1—6 COPYRIGHT 1979, of" order. ITEM of the 1980, or SET line. line were blank. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 117 MOBS *** Data Management EXPECTING Line Type: AUTO System OR Documentation MAN SET 17-20 Columns: Explanation: Sets was be may either AUTO or MANua!. One of" these two set modes not specified. Possible Causes: © 1. Typographical error. 2. The word 3. No COPYRIGHT set AUTO mode 1979, or was 1980, MAN did not start in column 17. specified. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 118 .. MDBS *** Data Management EXPECTING SET System OR END Documentation LINE Explanation: Something the SET other than a SET or END line was encountered while in section. Possible Causes: E) 1. Sections out 2. Typographical error. 3. Missing SET or 4. Columns 1—6 of line were blank. COPYRIGHT 1979, oÍ" order. END 1980, line. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 119 MDBS *** Data FILE Management HAS NOT System BEEN Documentation CREATED: pLEtisE DO SO Explanation: The DDL data analyzer has attempted to base rix does not initialize a exist on the disk on data base, but the first physic=j the drive. .. Possible Errors: i. The user 2. The 3. The has not yet created file exists rirst drive. filename in the DDL may prompt on a file with the appropriate name. drive other than the misspelled in t]2e FILES section or disk located have been ir a on some -..- there is no FILES section. -... . — ·— © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 120 MDBS >j<>;n;< Documentation NUMEER DRIVE IMPROPER DRIVE Line Type: Column: System Management Data 8 Explanation: A number drive drives allowed. the FILES either was The number zero of or greater than the number drives allowed was sjjecilied of" on line. Possible Errors: © 1. The FILES 2. Column 3. Typographical error. COPYRIGHT 8 line has too small of" 1979, the 1980, an allocation. current DRIVE line Micro Data was lelt blank. Base Sysi: eir.s, Inc. 121 -,. MDBS >l<>k>k Data Management INCORRECT Line Type: Column"c System MEMBER Documentation ORDER "r~ (line m SET 30—35 ' Explanation: ordering specification The not valid. f"or the members of' the current set is Defined orders are: in—tirst FIFO first LIFO last in—first NEXT insert out. out "after" current member insert "prior to" current member PRIOR IMMAT ordering is immaterial SORTED set is sorted Possible Causes: .+1.0 Typogr=phical error. 2. The 1. If" columns 2. It ordering inf"ormation does not start in column 30. Notes: 1: 1 for © COPYRIGHT 30—35 are is not meaningful However, sets. blank, IMMAT to specify if an is assumed. an member ordering for order is given, it will N: 1 or be checked validity. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 122 MOBS *** Data Management INCORRECT Line Type: Columns: OWNER ORDER (line SET Documentation System #2) 8—13 Explanation: The ordering specirieation not valid. Derined fbr the owners of" the current set is orders are: FIFO First in-first LIFO last in—first NEXT insert "after" PRIOR insert "prior to" IMMAT ordering is immaterial SORTED set is sorted out out current owner cu: "rent owner Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. The 1. If 2. It is 1: 1 sets. for validity. ordering inf"ormatjon does not start in column $3. Notes: © COPYRIGHT columns 8—13 not 1979, are blarík, meaningful However, 1980, to speeií"y if" an Micro IMMAT is assumed. an owner order is given, i.t Data Base Systems, ordering in 1:M or will Inc. be checked 123 MDBS *** Management Data INVALID Columns: Documentat.iQn TYPE ITEM Line Type: · ITEM System 17-20 Explanation: The f"or the type speciried being processed is not one of the below: listed types item BIN Binary CHAR Character INT Integer LOG Logical REAL Real .. Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. The item 3. No © COPYRIGHT item type name does not start in column 17. — type was specified. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 124 MDBS *** Data System Management INVALID Line Type: SET Documentation CHARACTERISTICS SET Explanation: inconsistency An generating not set description normally listed possible causes please coni: act — detected MDBS below are it while Analyzer DDL tables to the If" occur. the by This error is internal processed. should the was for DDL set the Analyzer can be determined not responsible for" code being and that the this error, for assistance. Possible Causes: 1. Improper patch. user Check MDBS for proper patch manual procedures. 2. A hardware descriptors or software malf"unction has caused the set to become inconsistent. . - © .. COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 125 MOBS *** Data Management. System INVALID SET lumns: TYPE SET Line Type: Co Documentation 22—24 Explanation -'~ of" One SET l the rour possible set types Valid set types ine. 1 : N CODASYL not been spec ifiec! more member may record. set) Each owner N : M record occurrence record occurrence member occurrence occurrence may have more (many"-to-----many). 1 : 1 Each owner record occurrence: at moct oru= member record N : 1 Each w member i th owner the on include: record occurrence One owner or zero has on e ma y occurrence. be associated w i t.h (Standard occ'.írrences have more than one and each member record than cme owner record may be associated with occurrence. may be ma y record occurrence associatcd or more owner record ocunn"rences; eac h tnemb on hav e at most recora e '2x" ',·"pr Possible Causes: Typographical error. 1. © 2 . 3 . The No COPYRIGHT set type set type 1979, specification was 1980, does not start in column 22. specified. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 126 MDBS Data ITEM *** Management READ Line Type: Columns: OR System WRITE Documentation ACCESS RECORD"S THAN LESS ITEM 26-28 30-32 or Explanation: Either the processed record error read or write access level is less than the corresponding containing has this been made item. in This the record f"or the level access usually or item indicates item acoess being for the that an level specifications. Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error'. 2. Data ir the base design error. Note: default © COPYRIGHT access levels fújr to the record access 1979, 1980, Micro an item are left blank, they will levels. Data Base Systems, Inc. 127 MDBS *** Data KEY Management System Documentation UNDECLARED Line Type: (line SET 17-24 Columns: "" t'2) 39—46 or - · Explanation: sort key A the was specified does owner type) or member (í'or sorted member (for sorted owner not appear which as an item type in —. order) record type. Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. Sort key name not does start in proper — 3. Data 1. It base design error. Notes: to specify is not meaningful order is II" the SORTED. sort a unless key set order is not SORTED the and set sort a d key validity, 2. It II" © COPYRIGHT the is specified, but will not sort key 1979, done, the 198C), Micro will checked !-)cz: tor be used. is permissable to not specify this is name a full record is Data sort key íor used- Base Systems, as the inc. a sorted set.. sort key. 128 MDBS *** Data MAX Management LENGTH Line Type: Columns: FOR System BINARY Documentation VARIABLE IS 2 ITEE! 22-24 Explanation: An 1'/ item i th of" type binary (BIN in column i tern an variables iruzy (columns size be 22--24 17—20) ) has keen larger than encountered 2 . Binary only one or two bytes in length. Possible Causes: 1 © . Typographical error. 2 . Bata base 3 . Item size not COPYRIGHT 1979, design error. right just.ified in 1980, Micro Data columns Base Systems, 22—24. Inc. 129 "" MDBS Data *** MAXIMUM Management. System SIZE RECORD Documentation TOO LARGE TO FIT ON PAGE Explanation: This error is displayed af"ter the in the discovers that data The also has a base a 10 initializing of^ process record is too page END line has been reached the data large to base, Ut on the a data size is defined on the FILES line. DDL when, Analyzer base page. t" Each page byte page header,i · Possible Causes: i. Page 2. An -,. size item in on a FILES line (columns record has an item 26—29) too small. length and specirication count large. too . . —.. possible that future releases orWe MDBS.DMS will require recommend headers. and that you make page record larger slightly allowances for this when you select the page size and record sizes fújr 1 It your © is data base. COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 130 "" MOBS *** Data Management CANNOT NAMES Line Type: Columns: System START RECORD, WITH ITEM, Documentation A $ OR BE BLANK SET 8-15 Explanation: All records, Names items and starting with sets a must dollar be given a non—blank sign are reserved for use by name. MDBS processors. Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. Incomplete specification. 3. © Data COPYRIGHT base 1979, design 1980, error. Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 131 MOBS *** Data NO Management MEMBER System AND,/OR OWNER Documentation LINE FOR A ·"~ SET Explanation: A set declaration was encountered which did not cor.!tai-n at least " line and at least one member line. cne owner ... ·'· Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error in word 2. Omitted 3. MEMBER OWNER or MEMBER line specified OWNER or MEMBER. line. before _ OWNER line. ..--. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 132 MDBS >K>kzk NO ALLOCATED PAGES Line Type: Columns: System B.4ana,gement Data TO A Documentation FILE DRIVE 12—15 Explanation: A DRIVE line speeif"ied file a length (on that drive) of zero pages. Possible Causes: error (see note below). 1. Conceptual 2. Missing DRIVE line. 3. Typographical error. 1. A Notes: be f"ile of length zero can never management If request. belief) system. tha that the this error F!enee has user data used entered such base be must a by data the out points line in the allocated on a base null mistaken drives in a U contiguous Í"ashion, DRIVE 3 20 DRIVE 1 20 This © COPYRIGHT example 1979, the state= 1980, Micro following that Data illustration drives 1 and Base Systems, 3 may be will hold Inc. oÍ" use: the data 133 MDBS Data Documentation Management. System base (notice drive 2 will rtot be used) an d that each wi 1 l hold, at maximum, 20 pages. .- '^ " ~ · · V·"· b © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 134 MDBS >i<>k>k Data NOT Management ENOUGH ROOM Documentation System ON DRIVE 1 Explanation: The DDL amount analyzer has at-tempted OÍ" exceeds information the amount needed c)r room to initialize to be placed available on on a data the base, Í"ile on bw" the drive 1 this file. Possible Errors: 1. A specification line for DRIVE not provide for enough riages room © COPYRIGHT if on 1 the (in the FILES section) drive. Provide for does more possible. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, inc. 135 MDBS Fata *** NUI.IBER Management LARGER Line Type: Exp THAN Doeumentati on 255 below See lanation Sy3tem : — A number numeric larger fields are 255 has been than íi'iiited to ?ASS\t1Ol?DF RECORD 26-28 26-28 3C)-32 30-32 ITEM SET 26-28 2€-28 30-32 "30-32 a encountered. maximum v7Íuq The following of : -'S5: 34-36 —. @ COFYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 1ÁYJ MDBS >f<>l<>k PAGE MIJST LENGTH Documentation System td.anagement. Data BE DT'.'ISIiíLF BY 25é FILES Line Type: 26-29 Columns: Explanation: The data o management 256 f" system Hence . a page assumes that fK3¶é sizes are length rnust be evcrjy multiµfes divisible by 256. Possible Errors: 1 - A 26-29 2 3 length page be may Zfí"O generates of" this Hence mess3ge!. columns blank. . Typographical error. . Improper specií"ication. . © COPYRIGHT 1979 , 1980 , Micro Data Base Systems, Inc . l. ?'" MDBS Data Management System Documentation .. *** PASSWORD LINE EXPECTED Explar,ation: A line must PASSWORDS be the first line of the data d2scription. Possible Causes: --, 1. Sections out of order. Z. Typographical error. 3. PASSWORDS 4. Columns section missing or 1—6 PASSWORDS lines missing. of line were blank. " -— © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 138 !ADBS *'** Data. yan&.Eem-orlt" ENTRY FASSWOPD System Documentation RECCJFD DR I-INC EXPECTF'D Explanation: } A not. Fossik'le Í Z 3 . ine a t"o ! 1OWi?l2 pas3.vlz;rd t: h:- PAG£I'|3PD: cnt".""y ; 1 ine 1')3c± F?EC(U?2 i : ríe o: n RECORD 1 :. ríe µ?"-3")wor-d entry or ¿i. bemi encountet"ec2 whi cñ'í ":. ;: . "FECOPí: '° . Co iunir'.s . Sections ti ="'?yric!': 7' m,isspe1 1'·'7 imu, of" icd : in-e non—b! ank. 'úí-cier. of" cmt I cY';t"' 1\' , i C tj : IcU ,t Base System"" , T ñ¢"' . 13í' MOBS *** Data Management PREMATURE END OF System Documentation INPUT tv Explanation: description The data is incomplete. - Possible Causes: 1. The 2. Not ir line END all was not present. sections of a data present, possibly are appropriate base out of" description order. are The present, sections or, (in order) are: PASSWORDS (optional) FILES -DRIVE (optional) " RECORD ITEMS (optional) -—-. SET O\·1NER .· - MEMBER END © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 140 —~. MDBS *** Management Data ACCESS READ PASSWORDS, lurííns 26—28, 30--32 : WRITE THAN GREATER Line Type: Co Documentation System RECORD, ACCESS ITEM. SET Explanation: Th e r ead than the larger acct2£s level specified access write access level is more highly not meaningf"u1 specified levels indicate access (in more restricted than 26—28) was columns (columns restrictive the 30—22 access, write access, ) greater Since . the which read is . Possible Causes: 1. 2 3 © Typographical error. . Data . Omission COPYRIGHT base cIesign error. of an access 1979, 1980, Micro level entry. Data Base Systems, Inc. 141 MOBS Data *** RECORD ACCESS GREATER Line Type: OWNER, MEMBER Management System Documentation THAN SET'S _ . Explanation: The specif"ied record has higher a than (i.e., more it set to which the on the OWNER restrictive) (MEMBER) read line being processed or write access Xvel belongs. Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. Data 3. Omitted base design access -- error. level. .. "" © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 142 MDBS :'e>f<>k Data Management RECORD NOT Line Types: Co 1 : umns 1 Documentation FOUND OWNER, 8— System MEMBER 3 Explanation: Th e record type specified on columns 8—13 was not previously def"ined. - .. Possible Causes: 1. 2 3 4 Typographical error . . Record N c) :íame recc"d . Record . Data does not: st: art name : 'íam-e . in column 8. specified. mis--specified on RECORD line. . .- 5 base d..tsign 1979, 198(J error. —. © COPYRIGHT , Micro Data Base Systems, Inc . 143 MDBS Data Management System Documentation — >:<:l<>l< REPEATED Line Type: Columns: ITEM TOÜ LARGE ITEM 22—24, 45—47 - mwpr Explanation: replication A c ount was consideratiori and the 4=k-47) item and the specif"ied product OÍ" length (columns r or the i tem this replication 22—24) exceed': . count under """" (columns 65535. Possible Causes: Typographical error. 1. -- 2 . Data base design error. ' · © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, H-kj. 144 m l MOBS Management Data Documentation System m l / tt *** R/W ACCESS NOT EQUAL DEPENDING FOR CURRENT AND ITEM r" i T Line Type: ITEM 6 Columns: " i 26-28 or 30-32 Explanation: The current the item read and specified in columns write aecess respective b item has been determined read and \ to be one which 36-43 (the depending levels of the current write access item depends on item). The equal the must levels of' the item. Possible Causes: m~' 1. Typographical error. T 2. Data T 3. Omitted , base design aecess error. level. É t 0 ti r" 7 i T t ~ t l l S r © COPYRIGHT r" i 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 145 MDBS Data *** SECOND Management LINE OF System DEFINITION SET .~J Documentation - INVALID · ~.J SET Line Type: Columns: 1—6 " Explanation: The set rirst in description has the these word columns, processed, and encountered a actually SET A consists in columns valid first 1—6 line and of" line which was non—blank of" two line—images. the second the has The blanks set description in columns 1.—6 was has been after it. ~a Possible Causes: 1. Omission 2. or seeond line OÍ" ) set description. Typographical error. _ .m~d . © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 146 — r" MDBS Management Data System Documentation i r " *** SORT KEY RECORD IN OWNER, Line Type: Columns: NOT·· MEMBER 8—13 Explanation: A the sort key record was on speeified this OWNER ror the owner (member) (MEMBER) or this set, but line does not contain the sor"c key. /_ m" S Possible Causes: 1. Typographical error. 2. Data 'base design error. 1979, Micro m i r~ F S b i T t \ P' r © COPYRIGHT r" l L 1980, Data Base Systems, Inc. 147 MDBS Data *** SYSTEM Management Line Type: CAN"T BE System Documentation A MEMBER MEMBER B-13 Explanation: SYSTEM was defined as to be the owner of a a member or a set. is cmly allowed SYSTEM set. Possible Causes: 1. Data base design error,, i © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc". 148 T" MDBS System Management Data i ' Documentation . '·-'" 1~ , this section, In Management Data - call we System). A controls user B described in instructed the features Data of In "bring-up" to how Data- Management System (DML). elsewhere. detail more on several list we Systems" Bace (for ,M.icro Data Base Systems" MDBS.DMS through the Data Manipulation Language part Data Micro present we whieh System Management In --- MDBS.DMS Introduction A. " III. the system section MDBS.DMS and C which are user is the to modify the how package. In the used. D MDBS In section D that information examining actually or Section a data the use of" examples command these be language in detail. commands. read commands before It are Section is strongly the detailed III.D.3 is studied. DML the following the use of" these Understanding of ~ discuss each (DML) we also provides examples recommended t various data manipulation system, commands commands. base, and serve can These as a be expedited commands enable by a first user to basis tor gaining an overview of the system: T- l É t ' © COPYRIGHT ~· 1979, 1. DEFINE 6. FNM 2. OPEN 7. GFM 3. CRS 8. SOM 4. AMS 9. SMM 5. FFM 10. 1980, Micro CLOSE Data Base Systems, Inc. 149 MDBS Data Management . B. System Documentation Features MDBS.DMS ~ allows the base and to establish the MDBS Data the data are or MDBS.DMS and use the Derinition All details MDBS.DMS and managing data in the data various set relationships Language. by the handled reading, writing to store and retrieve user defined in or physically managing " -- specifically, the tasks system by disk storage are handled features for data supports the following m base MDBS.DMS. management " work: 1. Convenient 2. Powerful data language Records 4. Data block features tor communication variables— must a for non with host record oriented Sets items may may rixed or variable may be logical, or be j integer, real (floating binary. instead be ordered length. character, one—to—many, many—to_one, Sets , " be may point), 6. sequence. languages. 3. 5. calling host language as oí" one—to—one, many—to—many, merely or one—to—many. SORTED, FIFO, LIFO, " NEXT, PRIOR or r IMMATerial. The immaterial ordering allows to achieve certain 7. Automatic or manual the system economies in accessing the data· base. insertion of" records into sets is supported. 8. Read and — write access protection item, record and set levels of" via passwords at the organization. J © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 150 _ MDBS . Getting Started with . Relocating C 1 For MDBS.DMS MDBS.DMS interpreted it languages that provided by Micro Da frequently to mesh is the use f'ul i example, BASIC Í" physically appended be append r th i s specific 2. c an to th language , h BASDMS. is BASIC tb it icular, part. e host t.h e user ma y interpreter and Undoubtedly, to l e is For language. MDBS.DIJL 'Ñi I wi sh to store the l have to purpose. have we purpose system and be ORGed manual a re ). provided a ocator so that to relocatable And form of the data a exec\Átµab!e Refer [ o rm o the f to the system information. Patching consists of an place in memory. an y for further Personalizing MIJBS.DMS and this host. In wi DMS ab e C management system fújr MDBS. b o iíi memory other than position a Syst.ems. Base DMS version as, say, relocated Fo MDBS. ta to "¿ desirable often is da-ta management. system the relocate Documentation System Management Data MD3S.DMS program defined block region (in ñcjñ region, table record oriented region, languages). page region Th e l ast three are contiguous arid dynamically allocated. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 151 MDBS Data Management. Sys: tem Documentation -. To roughly compute the size of' the table region. partial sums add. the following : 42 We -- + 25 * Number of Record Tg'pes + 21 'K + 'L2 * Number of Sets + Nurnber or 3 Number of" Owner' + 3 'k Number of" : '"2rr!bei" + 30 >?: k'urnber of"' Password '@ Total + 2 + 44 ': N\Ám.b(=r Lines Lines Lines e ' Number of' Disk description. Th Drives value is ar .. oí' Pages Al located. as T. size to the page length specili.ed. bas -· region consists of' at least. page + ., :}< will refer to this Th e ' Items ea o? one bloc?: in the FILES is al located se"': ("'-e';3e-: ti memory t"qual on o t""2(.]-j.iFtÉ: 'Lh e í" "F data n'.'.mber 2- on i ti of .. factor's I below. isted \.'/}']ich of memory speci.f^ication, Finally, in data base region can + for transferring ( 'co ) r r om be computed 12 ': 2 ' >1' is discussed record or"ient.ed n on defines data—bíocks extremely important An Numbé"r h is program ], a ract.cjT iú: 'r- g· "." t.: 13 languagús information variables. in the last word section. _-, ho:"'.i: lang'.:iage user the '- n t T}'e ( (" s- z"e o f' ) OLI'É t.he of" t'h e block by: of defined blocks Total number of"' variables in occurriñA t.h ? defined blocks. © COPYRIGHT 1ñ79, 1980, Micro Datm Base Gyst.eris, '" nc . 152 Management Data MDBS will We (COBOL, There MDBS . the data are DMS PL/I, o MDBS.DMS and L'Ñ (I-W a FW - - Size system can L'se. Ca l t data T - + 3) relates th e Appendix th e an d o o r of # = these 'the |"\rj' i f" n L\^i an d of : ]urn!.:T.?;^ . pageim '-":' computed is uíemory o níeriiory that- OÍ" values tables, y Pa%es is def"ined data in a management available present th e to the ntzmber memory can pro%ram, user syst t!ae number' t.his Tí ein. results of" play e!) nu-rüber resident pages is experiment an Qt"' is f"unetion a the oí both D?·'fS , th e Since the gage number' important role in the c,xec'-ztion an wFíich resident pages. memory size and the amount of memory aval lable to pages word last: r rom aríare is returned to the user. we processing time number t: be B) by the less than one, an error In and size of the user data—block- new is recomputed pages s?"iould followm (Page Whenever use B='j. , first and the laríguezges record oriented For give the for buflering as B. these f" management available ) etc. ion severa! addre: mes that the user Two . FW Given to this value as refer PASCAL, Documentat System o f" eff'iciency of the data base system. Below The user we may discuss addresses alter" these. A of' interest to brief description tA user e oí eal': :'j o r D!c5S MDBS. . follow's: (a) Data Management. System Entry Poiot(s} Th e Dk4S © COPYRIGHT 1979, u".er e'7t.e'í'": "j ^ these points tr execute all c) r t.h e commañcj3, 1980, Micro Data Ease Systems, tp.c. i 53 .... MDBS Data Management System Documentation -. (b) Last Word of Memory The address. stored here gives the of memory that (C) First Word (d) may aval Iable word available word use. Memory of" The address of" MDBS.DMS last. stored here gives the Í"irst that memory MDBS.DMS may use. Operating System Entry Points IJifTerent writes of" systems operating in a variety specifies, system of" ways. such system is published in Patches to non—standard hand To l e keep information the systen' routines disk the read an d manual f"ree relevant tcj your specific manual. should be made ' m" in ·· accordance with the instructions found there. " . m" -— © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 154 MDBS Data MDBS' D . Data . The Micro Management (DML) When DMS Data i ch Management f rom supports a f large set o a the program, operations finding, include í"etching host a w adding DML th e an d deleting putting i tern occurrences, Se e Appendix 2 a an d o [ routines data i th an d for Data System comprised is to perform certain indicators. currency wh called operations occurrences, DML Base Systems" Language subroutines. These Definitions and Data request the System l\iariagement Introduction 1 Documentation System Management base . record setting brief description of" the functions. In this discussion, a a as "field"; the to data item fields consecutive words in memory in a in record type will be referred are ordered, and their values occupy Consider record occurrence. the a record type: RECORD EMPLOYEE NA'4E NUMBER WAGE TAX 'TEM ITEM ITEM ITEM In an first, occurrence fo!lowed by A DML example) o REAL REAL t.h 8 byte value f"or has the BÁGIC CALL Most commands ('the pass a string CO"2tRIGHT which 1979, record type, is is actually = 2.0 8 8 8 INT command. ED © an f CHAR a 20 a NUMBER, subroutine cal byte value for NAME is etc. l. The FMSK command (for format: (AO , DEFINE "FMSK, and indicates 1980, Micro set-type, EXTEND the commands command Data data-block-name" are t. o be Base Systems, the ) only except.ions) processed Inc. an d th e 15"> MDBS Data Management parameters [or ED) variable non—zero System th e which command. possible errors is given with associated with key . O A of" No two is ar two e current member "current owner" oí by the maintained DMS to th e can an d P!@vf: So PP th e í' o , other There' third type is the current of run r DMS occv.rrence. — indicating o: ae s3 e t: tí"\ , e"í" a th e e is a currúncy current curreney unit. same imd-ícatin¿; the o 2! by the also is unique a : ea c tí r record indicator The ctír'rer.C of" rum unit is simply the data base key oí the record last. referenced by th e use the on DMS . which Certain DML commands to operate, and others wii record occurrence currency indicators; the currency indicators that another record occurrence © COPYRIGHT 1979, currency ind-ic¿':-'cor's 1980, Micro is now Data ! will t-o change s:'>Qci[y a!j: ?ro:3ria!:.e' be changed to show current. Base Systems, Inc. — rccord th mai-ntained specifying A P\&s for each set—tyµe, record—type, ::}')3':' tüzee record occurrence ke y associated particular record a occurrence of that record—type. occurrence address3 an in tjje data special a occurrence. "current member. each ror indicator a "key") is record occurrences record and oí" -- where currency indicators current owner record the The list A . DMS. Each containing the data base address There AC) manual. and. properly this located.. it. executes 'as indicating INDICATOR CURRENCY the command value (herT: to a error or abnormal (refered to as the KEY is physically occurrence in return commands if" the any later record occurrence a key of" of the entry point DATA—BASE A O Th e is set to zero detection upon address Documentation 156 For SI GET ir example, Documentation System Management Data MDBS is sorted NAME on SYSTEM and has owner and CUSTOMER, member SYSTEM sí CUSTOMER NA!JE then the Find Member based ED causes t.he f'oi member record occurrences t"icc!d equa2 key se t I owing = Sort Key on (tío, CALL to happen: "FMSK, si The system of set Sí it NO. 1 That-. . is t.he system , one with for the the or, the NAVE th e tl:íe data—base t-hen saves that record. makes binary search a f"indc It of that reccú"d in the currency indicator S SiO") , uses until of variable to the value ccmimand: member reecmd member current o r of SI. The statement: ED (the Delete sys: tem to d.e!c±te system c [ se bascd t.!"n± (AO, current. 3i") comrr.?.nc1 ) Member current or: . : "DRM, record occurrence m.ember gets the key írcm the currency indicator SIL t by the key. record w © Ro{µc)i^d CALL = i íh COPYRIGHT "'mcf. c: ei T}")e CL iS79, tlie record beginning ístes,, of the above two sc±cg-ience so r t: key 1980, value Micro 2ata eq ua I at: of" for the t n e comr'iand.s to variable Base Systerns, irmtruets the set SI. member loc"rtio' Th e record inc'icU.ed wou 1 d. N(-) to be deleted. Inc. cause th e 157 MDBS Data Management (Actually, to Every a take the OPEN name is used, commands executed , Wi the th the OPEN possible command MDBS.DMS each time r data a block initial ization an place at the beginning of execution. command. o called NO.) variable user is the NO time the data base system must i Documentation in the above discussion pointing EXTEND System "i be is used. t.h e ha""id-led is s except-ion must system Th DE: OÍ the first FIF'IE FML of" The formal". process v ia arid command the c·omrnaríd S : EC) = "OPEb', (AO, CALL OPFNLÍST") . 1 . block pointing data a four variables the case — is OPENLIST The data base be must name . . character strings . The user "s password, base The data 'm access Any . " tor example: = " for example: status, = ».<' " IGLOO "MODIFY" t o modify (i.e. write other string would restrict the us e i" a! lows is base cont.z-inir.g: SHELL" "GEORGE = S$ Th i "; " "CUSTOMER = PG 4 bh user"s r.ame, for example: The N$ 3 user In for example: , F$ 2 to four v¿2-!"iablQs. th e user , ontcj) ¿ 'íj --. the data reaC—oríly "-.~ mode. ,%, At are the as © beginning of execution of Execution initialized. effect: their of" the OPEN all c ommand sets which have been defined in the Al l owner COPYRIGHT MDBS.DMS, record—type 1979, 1980, will Micro have Data their currency indicators has 1. nc cZ f"ollowing as h'zving DDL currency Base Systems, th . indica"C.or SYSTEM f' o r 158 Ky current SYSTEM to equivalcmced omjer a seen that the " t to currency indicator with foot a command OPEN in and door" th e to beg fetching in o can be it is required SYSTEM owner- So be work commands DML 1 al particular record. a set with a will initially sets These . and almost only ones with current owners, the ge Documentation System Management Data MDBS storing r to record occurrences. OPE6i Just as as the be executed be executed must last owner—member Th e In to understand. similar of sets is representation of set SI having owner having A owner record—type SYSTEM indicate diagrams Remember t. gives ha illustrate on! combinations. it t and member . A a: nc! ) relation Th e o r . D 1 se the th e t h e record a S2 t topmost bo x f or lines in these t we (Fut: ur'e occurrences. is . and diagrams, owner, drawn be record—type; e as the III record—types. represents record types; Figure record records Th 2 OPEN of set SI in Figure is done of" COPYRIGHT set Sí. The 1979, 1980, through command wi III.D.Z. is a!lowable (and possible) member) © F. SYSTEM no Fi gure used be will III.D.2 examples wi will occurrences I I be ) Retrieving owner t y r 1 diagrams all future owner—member t Figure III.D. c) SYSTEM (In B. will th e example an implicit.. member is assumed to have record—type th e an d must very important concept a discussion. DDL the CLOSE command, has no parameters. tmt follow, examples in DML í7irst CLOSE command. DML relationships the those to as the 1 set Since to f"ind method Micro l o Data r current SYSTEM to be the current set SI has a doing member this Base Systems, owner—member current a record occurrence wi 1"nc. l I be owner ( o , r die-cussed 1 59 e MDBS Data Management shortly. the Once current So the í" member a member the retrieve tar, System ol" data OÍ" SI from set SI has Documentation Sí Other . s et S2 examples in th e learn li wi with DML wit not l or us e owner o t 1 A of fTom the data We set SI. of SI). owner of member records of (i') COPYRIGHT of) wi! } changes are be t7í Th e writing of not. in in the examples. fetching base have we E Then (make 1979, A2 S2 we o f (B) S2 which usctr !",e3 has been opened, from B4. We 1 is a command, to be the SE. t: ink hat SiricÉ S2 2urrent atté!.: ch{±'3 }"j now be searched may an as a 'thrcn.: ,gh tcj fetch t^ u-s that is cur'rent. B setting current owner Tor a search f"irst through member y is automaticaCy current owner of SZ) Micro Data a set to be the current of SI tc member to find B'i and execute !980, There . E?. records of set in turn alio'.7js of" set the current the ) f'ound. the occurrence (which A2 member" any record—type f" member, desire the data member These for "current through experience in members particular records of SI to find S2 now current. a The data Example: . indica'l".ors cortímands current member or set So . then owner, fields) c·r ñ?.émj>em theref"'or"e to the related occurrences of locate and define the ar) d to n dw us Currency These be mentioned o set. the l ( SOM) S2 occurrence current wi here, no way , which allow to be it ) commaríds. this point there is (that i s occurrences though, I ! denota indicators commands. these At S2 i current. a (Currency null. presented currency indicators \a' will trlat have been set. record type" are set by certain used DMS commands current owner and a still are . the record (the item occurrtmces the only currency indicators or is Í"ound, We . now comrna: ^A Base Systems, Tyjc. the current sQ2-rch ti,rougn be i.o get a Í": ield if\O MDBS Data from the i System Management of set structure Th e of S2. member current record—types with one or Getting a to structure, next s et , next set, type record and no S= t remain that set and making . Th is COPYRIGHT after of" shows two paths members and these to reach setting oosmible ou': sets —— those of" E is S6 1979, by (it 1980, the the o of the owner desired the th e r record— through that A oÍ" of" S2 indicators the F, the the I Data t.h= ar e user can then record member current t owner" Base Systems, of" Inc. S2 S7) need they , of" one path is i^etc?i an occurrence of' , currency se easily S4 , 'iser Sl-S2-i'7 the f is already the current Micro S3 , currency indicators to the current. setting SI. The between path On e . sets and S7. interactions another set. F through owners setting that is related don e it owner record—type currency once changed; are record—type. to be r'etrieved. is ready ab a one more search other pat-h is through sets SI, current owner oÍ f9 Then to fetch an occurrence oecurr'ence set havin¿; the until is reached. set does not affect S2 line the of" a th e of" until they chosen it member concerned indicators set, making a down network a3 matter of' chaining through a finding The be is occurrence of" to getting o f' ys ore finding . wa of" III .D. 3 involves mor e thought can be member last set- the data Figure base a member a data a finding on as Documentation o f" to be the . 161 MDBS Data Management System Documentation SI A S2 B FIGURE si A A Al A2 III.D.1 - l S2 ' B B B3 !34 S2 El El Bi B2 FIGURE E) COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data III.D.2 Base Systems, Inc. 1132 MDBS Data Mana r~ ©lr classes: TITLE") GRADE") 6'CLA3$, Sé") CLAS3, S7") already @xi§É§, ©t' ©éGüM§TW@ ríumbcr Eg anei .E3pE, Add grails Ehe piaeing iE irí aIphab@uelal Add who EXAMPLE: name, EM % O "SCM, smh r©r *E¢l CALL g IF if studmt ñ@w "9EA$K, 1& 7 @ EC) ED @@é g M4 thrmígh gét se. 2imk b&ek%#rds E© E9 ii12 © @@A, t© the lblKwing 19 @ =MM The in 7. &mmctrated U§ pHme£pj©s u CALL (A©, * CALL (AO, (AC), E¢i * CALL (AG, El) » CALL E9 (AO, * CALL O THEW iP Etj * E9 s CALL (AO, EO % CALL (A¢l, E9 CALL (AO, * Etj * CALL (AO, i 2 Ñegeat E7# will Sjñ9% r@e@rd ©eeurr@Yí@@ Eg STUDENT ree0rd=Eyp@ and store the palnt avarage, newly created record occurrence Qrd@r as s@t S23, indicated in the also, ylacing it to set DDL. in numerical @FEÁÉ9F, !0 Link eurrently © COPYRIGKT the ñgw nene, 1979, §EudenE "$29" 1980, é©üíd Micro r@@Qrd have Data to his e!assem or whXh been used Base Systems, in place Inc. there are Dr "S2A", 169 MDBS Data Management achieving the 11 See When same if" the removing deleted, it a the when a from the DRM and the member a member RMS is removed implied owner and the data lost such that is actually other hand, record is exists. data Read about between result. course careful. the System. Documentation of multiple member the base, commands. it When can never fí"om is lost. a must user be a be record. recovered. set, only the very is On linkage -.. This is important when sets. ~ ">- 0W* m~.. .. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 170 MDBS Data Management RECORD ITEM SCHOOL NAME RECORD ITEM ITEM TEACHER NAME SENIORTY RECORD ITEM ITEM STUDENT NAME NUMBER GPA TTEÉA RECORD ITEM ITEM ITEM CLASS RECORD ITEM System Documentation CHAR 10 ALL SCHOOLS N&ÑÉ OF SCHOOL CHAR 20 ALL TEACHERS TEACHER NAME INT 8 CHAR INT REAL SEK'IORITY 20 8 8 ALL STUDENTS STUDENT NAME STUDENT NUMBER GRADE POINT AVERAGE ALL CLASSES OFFERED COURSE TITLE ROOM NUMBER SEMESTER OFFERED TITLE CHAR ROOM SEMESTER INT INT 30 8 8 SCLASS GRADE INT 8 STUDENT"S GRADE FIGURE © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data CLASSES RECEIVED IíI.D.4 Base Systems, Inc. 171 MDBS Data Management SI AUTO SORT NAME MAN SORT NAME MAN SORT NUMBER MAN SORT 1:N TITLE Classes MAN SORT 1:N Teachers NAME in MAN 1:N Teachers teach SET OWNER MEMBER SYSTEM SCHOOL SET S2A OWNER MEMBER SCHOOL STUDENT SET S2B OWNER MEMBER SCHOOL STUDENT SET S3 OWNER MEMBER SCHOOL CLASS SET S4 OWNER MEMBER SCHOOL TEACHER SET S5 System Documentation 1:N Schools 1:N sorted by Students sorted by 1:N Students TEACHER CLASS SET S6 MAN offered by a STUDENT SCLASS SET S7 OWNER MEMBER CLASS SCLASS MAN IMMAT 1:N Students Í:N Classes FIGURE © COPYRIGHT 1979, school a school classee "" take FIFO OWNER MEMBER name sorted by number FIFO CMNER MEMBER name 1980, Micro Data classes consist of students III.D.5 Base Systems, Inc. 172 MDBS Data Management System Documentation p31 school l name s2a s4 s2b l student teacher l name i name seniorty number gpa ? s3 s6 sclass l s5 grade s7 class l title room l semester figure © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Nlicro Data iii.d.6 Base Systems, Inc. 173 MDBS Management Data System Documentation Calling Procedures 2. MDBS.DMS routines be can called from routines or from higher level languages PASCAL, PL/I, faster more While etc. efficient the easily programmed data Machine that are a base callable function OÍ" specific Calls From Higher b. call A BASIC) EO to will (A, calls result package, calliríg from in a in higher quick a a and Routines. MDBS.DMG of" These use calling conventions discussed are Level Languages routine from "routine language COBOL, in detail in the manual. (generically) look CALL = DML a FORTRAN, tasks and results forms CPU. the as BASIC, language application. Language language system appropriate DMS programmer Calls from Machine a. of the usage simp!iries level language such machine machine either a higher level language (such as like: name, arguments", host language arguments) where: A DMS A Routine Name name of list A Arguments entry point address commas, data DML Host language arguments Host COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data routine DML of arguments, separated by giving item, record, set or block names as required by the routines. language commas. © a variables These Base Systems, are Inc. used separated by only in the 174 _ A Data MDBS Management Doeumentation System ·¶ t. N" " ED DEFINE and EXTEND Represents a — exact A on system your is given in the manual. blocks. variables. data A A where variable the powerful feature of the Data Management System is data _ specific system calls host language of" rorm program commands. status value is returned. a The DML block given variable is named a participate may oí" collection in more of" usage host language than data one block. As " RECORD ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM We the consider following record type that may in an order processing system: appear " _ illustration, an CUSTOMER NAME STREET CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR REAL REAL CITY STATE ZIPCODE CREDLIM LASTSIZE to store the customer"s wish 16 16 16 2 5 8 8 name, address, credit limit, size and of the last purchase. . -— A BASIC user EC) -which m~ ' = C$, T$, Z$, deline C _ ' , $ i from data its reeord COPYRIGHT we 1979, DETAIL", N$, S$, DMS: C$, T$, Z$, C, block named DETAIL having variables Whenever (to) the data base. customer © a and S. this definition, : "DEFINE, (Al, CALL will issue the f"ollowing cal! to can would use: 1980, Micro N$, S$, the data block DETAIL is ref"erred variables For S) will either receive (supply) values example, Data after to get data Base Systems, from Inc. the current 175 , MDBS Data Management ED and this has System the "GETR, (AO, CALL = Documentation effect of retrieving "" DETAIL") CUSTOMER, the contents or the eurrent record and saving the contents of each customer customer associated host variable. language Likewise, field in call a the to Create a record and store data: ED = will store the contents field. In it many cases def"ault data block the call command record eaeh variable DETAIL") in the " · corresponding record Q~d by name omitting let the MDBS.DMS the data block system select parameter name a in statement: this a ease, specified name is = data a CALL (A0,"CRS, block or name record-oriented command (GFX, SFx), ~ ~ CUSTOMER") _ CUSTOMER command (CRS, the item name If be used. will is used as the def'ault data block name. an item—oriented default or CUSTOMER, is eonvenient to ED In (A0,"CRS, CALL GETX, If the is used PUTX), command as a the the is — the data block name. ~ m © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 176 _ MDBS 3. Data Data Management Management System Documentation Routines System OMS ERRORS Error Explanation 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 1E3 17 18 19 20 24 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 36 40 41 89 90 91 92 93 94 9¶ 96 97 98 99 _ "" 10 O 101 © Base not open Invalid set—type Invalid record—type Invalid item—type for this record—type Inval id owner—type tor this set—type Inva.l id member—type for this set—type Invalid data base key No current owner of set—type No current member oÍ" set—type No current of record—type Reeord already member of set Record not member of' set Depending item ttjO .large or negative on Data Base already open Data Base not closed previously No current of run unit No more space in Data Base Set not sorted Depending-on item not binary with size 2 or item A reeord type cannot have more than 1 variable Data it icate name specified is a rep2icated length item Sole owner/member may r.ot be deleted Depending item or sort key may riot be delet.ed Invalid set Qh,arac't.r=ri£t.ics. System—owned set cannot have other owners Data B&sg± opened Í"'or read access only Record size too large Invalid number Improper password Maximum value of" depending on item is 32767 Binary number tc'o large Variable. Length inconsistency No sueh DMS routine Insuf"f"icient room in memory Incorrect number of" arguments Duplicate data—block name Block name not found Invalid data block name Inval id number of arguments Cannot read From data bénse füles Record occurrence(s) lost Catastrophe User may not read User may not write COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, this record this record Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 177 MOBS Data 102 103 104 105 1Oi3 107 108 109 110 111 255 System Management Documentation User may not read this item User may not write this item Disk in wrong drive Disk read or write error Cannot expand for new page not File present User may not read this set User may not write this set Access levels inconsistent Syntax error in command line file End—of—set or end of' specification - -- — jg COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 178 MDBS Data Management = Documentation ACS Current of run unit to Set Add ED System (AO, CALL set—type") "ACS, Arguments: set—type( input) Indicators Currency Involved: current. of run unit(input) current owner of" set—type( input) current member of' set—type(input) current. member set—type(output.) ot" Description: The occurrence current record OÍ" by the identified unit is added to the current owner oí" that: set. the run se t position of" the new member in the set is determined ordering criteria given in the IJDL Set Description for the set has been defined e a N: 1 or tb given set-type. If N: M i th respect to set the position of" the current owíner other owners o th e member record occurrence is determined Th e by the áÁ3 w í" similarly. The set—type . new member becomes the current member of" the given Errors: O 1 . C)2 . 06 . 08 . 11 16 17 90 99 . . . . . 1 O 1 1 © COPYRIGHT 5 06 09 1979, . . . data base not open invalid set—type invalid member type fújr this set—type no current owner of" set—type record already member of set no current of run unit no more space in Data Base no such DMS routine catastrophe disk read or write error cannot expand ti le for new page user may not write this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 179 MDBS Data System Management Documentation .-- Add ED = Member (AO, CALL t-o Set "AMS, AMS record—type, set-type") Arguments: record-type(inpu.t) set—type(input) Indicators Currency Involved: current of record—type(input) current owner of set--type(input) current member of set—type(input) """ —- member Qí" run current ourrent OÍ" set—type(output-) unit(output) Description: the set. record of the given record—type is added to by the current owner of" that identified The current set occurrence position of the new member in the set is determined by the ordering criteria given in the DDL Set Description for the set has been dt'tined as a N: M or a the given set—type. If N: set the Dosition of the current owner with respect to is determined other owners of the member record occurrence The l · .-.. similarly. The set—type. new member becomes the current member of" the given Errors: © COPYRIGHT 01. 02. 03. 06. 08. 10. 11. 17. 90. 99. data base not open invalid set—type 1979, 1980, invalid record-type invalid member type for this set—type no current owner of set—type no current of record—type record already member of qet no more space in Data Base no such DMS routine catastrophe Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 180 —. MDBS Data Management 104. 105. 106. 107. 109. © COPYRIGHT 1979, System Documentation disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot tile user 1980, expand not may file present not Micro write Data for" this new page set. Base Systems, Ine. 181 MDBS Data Management Check ED = System Current (AO, CALL Documentation of" "CCT, CCT unit Type run record-type") Arguments: record—type(input) Currency Indicators " Involved: current of run unit(input.) Description: of" the The record—type current compared to the given record—type. ED equal to the given record—type, is not equal to the gi'/en record—type, record of the run unit is type is If= O.the current the current type If EC) = 3. Errors: .., 01. 03. 16. 90. 99. lOó. 104. 105. 107. (S) COPYRIGHT 1,979, data base not open invalid record—type of" run unit no current DMS no such routine catastrophe read this record may not disk in wrong drive disk read or write error f'i.le not present user 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc- 182 MDBS Data Management the z-'-'3SE ED = Sys?.e;Q (AO, CALL. ,l','.f: Doclur¶: - t-ation CLOSE a base "CLOSE" ) Arguments: none Indicators Currency Involved: not applicable Description: e..·"ecuteci This routine must be the last DML c omm-and i tAc-. data Otherwiee, base any progra;¡) that uses t-he data base. t.h e be inconsistent. All buffers are rev,'ritt.c'" will file data base is properly closed. 77 , 7 ,",d Errors: 90 9!3 . . 1 JJ4 . 1 05 i CI'7 . . such DMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk- read or write error íi!e not present río * © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Syr:tems, Inc. 183 MDEIS Data Management Check ED = System current (AO, CALL "CMT, Documentation Member Type record-type, CMT set-type") Arguments: record—type(input) set—type(input) Currency Indicators current member Involved: of set—type(input) Description: The record—type of the current member type is compared to the given record—type. member—type is equal to the given record—type, current member—type is not equal to the given = 3. of" the given set— Ir the current EC) = C). record—type, if" the ED Errors: 01. 02. 03. 09. 90. 99. IM. 105. 197. iO8. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set—type invalid record—type member of" set—type no current OMS no such routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 184 MDBS Data Management Check System Documentation COT current Owner Type ·· ED = (AO, CALL "COT, record-type, set—type") Arguments: record—type(input) set—type(input) ·— Currency Indicators Involved: current owner' of set—type(input) Description: The record—type of the current owner of the given set— IF the type is compared to the given record—type. current ED = O. owner—type If' the is equal to the given record—type, current owner—type is not equal to the given record-type, ED = 3. Errors: 01. OZ. 03. 08. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. """ -- data base not open invalid set—type invalid record—type no current owner of" set—type no such DMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error tile not present user may not read this set .~ ^ © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 185 MDBS Data Management System Create Record ED = (AO, CALL "CR, Doeumentation CR record-type") Arguments: record-type(input) Currency Indicators of" oÍ" current current Involved: record—type(output) run unit(output) Description: Space is allocated in the data base The amount oÍ" space the given record—type. maximum size the record can be. to the No items in items this are initialized; record are garbage tor an instance of" allocated is equal the i.e., until set.. contents of all —.. The record—type. new record becomee the current record of" the given an If the record has been declared to be a member of the set, and ir that set has a current Qwñt21" defined, record is added to the set via an automU: ic call to the AMS routine. AUTO Errors: © COPYRIGHT 01. 03. 17. 33. 90. 99. 101. 104. 105. 106. 107. data base not open record—type no more space in data base record size too large no such DMS routine 1979, 1980, invalid catastrophe may not write this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot expand file for new page not present file user Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 186 _ MDBS Data Management System Documentation Create Record and ED = "CRS, (AO, CALL CRS Store data record-type, data-block") Arguments: record—type(input) data—block(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current record of" record—type(output) current of run Description: record—type record or the given data—block. the with given initialized assumed to be in the same order as the items the given record—type. A new There the created and is for that variables in the data—block the solely are size. These checks applications programmer. is no check rightor type the responsibility are of" is The data—block in the DDL made or II" any item—type in the given record—type is a depending on item item, the location of" the depended is assumed to the number of instances contain the correct value to determine of the depending on item to store. If" the -- set, record is routine. AUTO of" record has been declared to be a member an has a that set current owner defined, the to the set via an automatic call to the AMS and added if Errors: 01. 03. 13. 17. 33. 40. 89. 90. 94. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid record—type depended on item too large or no more space in data base record size too large maximum val-tie of" depending on variable negative item length inconsistency routine block name not found no such 1980, is 32768 DMS Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 187 MDBS Data Management System Documentation -'~ 95. 96. 99. 101. 103. 105. 106. 107. invalid data block name invalid number of arguments catastrophe user may not write this record user may not write this item disk read or write error cannot expand for new page not present file rix ·—Y , © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 188 MOBS Data Management DEFINE System a data Documentation DEFINE block . ED (Al, CALL = data-block", "DEFINE, hlv) Arguments: name (input) host language variables data—block hlv Currency — Indicators (input) Involved: none Description: data block with the user speciried name is created and indicated host language variables are associated with the block. A the data Errors: 01. 90. 91. 92. 93. 95. 96. 99. """ · data base not open no such DMS routine insuf"ficient room in memory incorrect number of" arguments duplicate data block name data block name invalid number of" arguments invalid catastrophe Notes: 2. Al is the DEFINE and The hlv 3. A 1. "" 5. —-- © COPYRIGHT the entry commandm of" DML to the DMS for the name contains at least one variable list are not (constants allowed) and, if" there is more than one variable, the variables are separated by '"- 4. address EXTEND commas. given host language variable can appear in more than one data block. Any host language variable can appear more than once data a in block. DEFINE can be called betore or after an OPEN. 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 189 MDBS Data Management System Documentation Delete Record based ED = (AO, CALL Current of run unit on DRC "DRC") Arguments: Indicators Currency Involved: current of run unit(input) all indicators referencing the specitied record (output) Description: The record identified by the current of the run unit physically deleted from the dat-a base. logically and all qet For t-he owner, sets which is the record to be deleted is an is deleted. cjí^ occurrence of which the record t.o be delet.ed is a the removed from is set, i.e., the previous is linked to the next member relative to the deleted For ali sets member, the record member member. For all current owner, indicators are set—types the current way it deleted Ifthethe currency type, null. set to owner and the deleted record was the current member currency set—types of which the deleted record was the of" the member the currency indicator is set to OÍ" reach the end the set that is possible to ED). being indicated via without For all current member, (Note null. thi.s null. set to ot which Additionally, it record was the current of i.ts record— of that record—type is met to indicator the null. currency indicator of the run unit is Errors: © COPYRIGHT base not open invalid set—type 01. 02. data 19'79, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 190 , MDBS Data Management 16. 90. 99. 101. 104. 105. 107. System Documentation current of run unit such DMS routine catastrophe user may not write this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file riot present no no 0 m © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Dat.a Base Systems, Inc. 191 MDBS Data Management System Documentation Del ete Record based ED (AO, CALL = Arguments "DRM, on current Member DRM set-type") : set--type(input) Indicators Currency member current a l l Involved: oí^ indicators set"-type(input) referencing (output) the specified. recmrd Description: The is t ype For owner, the Fo member , member member. r record by the current identiried and physically deleted logically all sets of which the record tc set occurrenc= be deleted is deleted. set— base. is an a l l the is member of the f'rom the data t.he record to be deleted is a sets o r which f"rom removed the set., i e the previous record is member inked the re lative to the deleted to next . . , I - of" which set—types the deleted the current owner and current current owner , indicators are set to null. For all of" which the deleted For al! set—types member, the current currency indicator of the (Note null . that is possible to reach the indicated via ED). this way without it record th e currency was metnber record th e is set to th e s e t was member end of it type nu! I Ir the , deleted record was the current of" its record— set i currency indicator of that record—t-ype to the C. . I the r th e deleted record was the curr'mt current of" the run unit is set to null. of" the run unit , Errors: © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 192 MDBS Data Management 01. OZ. 09. 90. 99. 101. 104. 105. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, System Documentation base not open invalid set—type member no current of set—type OMS no such routine catastr'ophe user may not write this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set data 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 193 MDBS Data Management System Documentation Delete Record based current Owner on DRO - ED (AO, CALL = "DRO, set-type") N""¶ Arguments: set—type(input) Indicators Currency -"-' mwm Involved: current owner or set—type(input) all indicators referencing .rNmµ the specified record (output) . Description: reeord The owner, identified by the current owner of the set— deleted trom the data base. physically logically For all sets of which the record to the is type and is deleted. set occurrence be deleted is an _ For all sets of" which the record to be deleted is a member, the record is removed from the set, i.e., the previous member is linked to the next member relative to the deleted member. For all current owner, indicators are set—types the current set to null. or which the deleted record was the member owner and current currency For of which the deleted record was the all set—types the member, current currency indicator or the member of"is set to (Note that is possible to reach the end the set null. being indicated via ED). this way without it If the type, the it the deleted record was the current of" that record—type current of its is set to null. " " record— If the deleted record was the current or theis runsetunit,to currency indicator or the current of" run uriit null. "" Errors: © COPYRIGHT 01. data base 1979, 1980, Micro not open Data Base Systems, Inc. 194 . MDBS Data Management OZ. 08. 90. 99. 101. 104. 105. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, System Documentation invalid set—type no current owner oÍ" set—type no such OMS routine catastrophe user may not write this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 195 MDBS Management Data System Documentation Delete Record based on current Record , DRR + ED = (AO, CALL "DRR, record-type") Arguments: record—type(input) Currency Indicators current of" .— " Involved: record—type(input) reí"erencing the specifáed record (output) all indicators Description: record identified by the current or the record—type is logIcalIy and physically deleted f"rom the data base. The + e . For owner, the all sets of" set occurrence record to be deleted is an is deleted. which the —' For all sets of which the record to be deleted is a member, the record is removed from the set, i.e., the previous member is linked to the next member relative to the deleted member. For all current owner, indicators are set—types the current set to null. of which owner and the deleted record was the current member currency of" which For the deleted record was the all set—types the member, current currency indicator of the member is set to (Note that is possible to reach the end of the set null. being indicated via EO). this way without it Ifthethe type, null. the null. it " . " deleted record was the current of" its record— of" that record—type is set to currency indicator the deleted record was the current If of the current of" currency indicator of the run unit, run unit is set to ,-_ Errors: © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 196 —- MDBS Data Management 01. 03. 10. 90. 99. 101. 104. 105. 107. © COPYRIGHT 1979, System Documentation data base not open invalid record—type no current of" record—type no such OMS routine catastrophe may not write this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error user file 1980, not pr'^sent Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 197 MDBS Data Management System EXTEND ED a data EXTEND block "EXTEND, (Al, CALL = Documentation data-block", hlv) , Arguments: data hlv — block name (input) host language variables Indicators Currency -- (input) " Involved: none . Description: variables This routine adds more host language to an the size of" a This is useful already defined data—block. host language line of text is too limited. if Errors: OMS routine insuÍYicient room in memory incorrect number of arguments data block name not found invalid data block name invalid number of" arguments catastrophe no such 90. 91. 92. 94. 95. 96. 99. m~ — Notes: 1. 2. EXTEND call for a given block must follow either another EXTEND for that block or the DEFINE call Other EXTEND DEFINE calls cal! for that block. or be cannot intermixed. An The call: ED = CALL is equivalent ED ED 3. = = CALL CALL (Al, "DEFINE, RX", A, 3, C, to: (Al, "DEFINE, RX", A,B,C,D) RX", E, F) (Al, "EXTEND, D, E, F) name hlv list must contain at least one variable (constants not allowed) and, if' there is more are the variables than one variable, separated by are COPYRIGHT " — The commas. © . 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 198 "" MDBS Data Management 4. A System given than 5. A a 6. © COPYRIGHT host one data host language data block. EXTEND 1979, Documentation 1980, can be Micro language block. variable variable can appear called before or Data can appear Base Systems, more than after Inc. an in more once in OPEN. 199 MDBS Management Data Find System First DQcumentation Member FFM ~ ED = (AO, CALL "FFM, set-type") Arguments: set—type(input) ·'mRlh Involved: Indicators Currency — current owner of) set—type(input) current member or set-type(output) current of run unit(output) Description: firstof" The member current If the member that of7 the set—type. given set contains no members, ED set—type is made the is set to 255. Errors: 01. 02. 08. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. base not open invalid set—type no current owner of" no such DMS routine 255. end—of—set data " set—type catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set — . , © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 200 MDBS Data Management First Find ED = System (AO, CALL Documentation FFO Owner "FFO, set-type") Arguments: set-type(input) Currency Indicators current Involved: member of set—type(input) current owner of" set—type(output) current of run unit(output) Description: The f"irst owner current owner of that of the set—type. given set—type is made the Errors: 01. 02. 09. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. data base not open invalid set—type member of set—type no current DMS such no routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error Í"ile not- present user may not read this set , © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 201 MDBS Data Management FIND ED = System Member (AO, CALL Documentation FINDM "FINDM, item-type, set-type, data-block") Arguments: item—type set-type(input) data-block(input) Indicators Currency current owner current current member of" run Involved: of" set—type(input) of' set—type(output) unit(output) Description: The member it is searehed for the logically í7irst item—type specified has a value equal to If" such a member is found, in the data—block. If" such current member of the given set—type. f"ound, ED is set to 255. current in which the value given is made the a member is not the set Errors: — base not open invalid set-type no current owner of" set—type DMS routine no such 94.. block name not found 96. invalid number of arguments 99. catastrophe lOó. user may not read this record 102. user may not read this item 104. disk in wrong drive 105. disk read or write error 107. rile not present 108. user may not read this set 01. 02. 08. 90. 255. © COPYRIGHT — 1979, data end—of—set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 202 MDBS Management Data System Documentation FINDO FIND Owner ED = (AO, CALL "FINDO, item-type, set-type, data-block") Arguments: item-type set—type(input) data—block(input) Indicators Currency current member Involved: of" set—type(input) current owner of set—type(output) current of" run unit(output) Description: first The current set is searched tor the logically equal owner in which the item—type specified has a value to the value given in the data—block. such an owner is fcmnd, such a is made the current owner of the given set—type. owner is not f"ound, ED is set to 255. If it If Errors: Cl. OZ. 09. 90. 94. 96. 99. lOó. 102. 104. 105. 107. 108. 255. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set—type no current member of set—type no such DMS routine block name not found invalid number' of arguments catastrophe user user disk disk file user not read this record not read this item in wrong drive read or write error not present may not read this set may may end—of—set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 203 MDBS Management Data System Find Last ED = Member "FLM, (AO, CALL Documentation FLM set-type") Arguments: set—type(input) Indicators Currency Involved: current owner member of" run current current of" set—type(input) of set—type(output) unit(output) Deseriptiorc last The member current If the member of" that of the given set—type set—type. set contains no members, ED is made the is set to 255. Errors: 01. 02. 08. 90. 99. 104. © COPYRIGHT data base not open invalid set.—type no current owner of set—type no such DMS routine í05. 107. 108. catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error not present file user may not read this set 255. end—of—set 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 204 MDBS Data Management System Documentation Find Last Owner ED = (AO, CALL "FLO, FLO set-type") Arguments: set-type(input) Indicators Currency current member Involved: or set—type(input) current owner of set—type(output) current or run unit(output) Description: The last owner of" the given set—type owner of that set-type. is made the current. Errors: 01. 02. 09. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set-type no current member of" set—type no such DMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 205 MOBS Data Management Find EC) = System Member based "FMSK, (AO, CALL Documentation on Sort Key set-type, FMSK data-block") Arguments: set—type(input) data—block(input) .. Indicators Currency current owner cur'rent current member of" run Involved: of" set—type(input) of set—type(output) unit(output) Description: current set is with a sort key value searched fújr the logically Urst equal to the value given in the data—block. such a member is found, is made the current member of the given set—type arid the current record of the run such a member is not found, EC) is set to 255 and the unit. member of the set—type is set to the record logically current t-he requested record. Note that the current cif run prior tonot when altered unit is error 255 is returned. The member If it If Errors: 01. tj2. 08. 90. 94. 96. 99. lOó. 102. 104. lOS. 107. 108. : © COPYRIGHT zsm 1979, data base not open invalid set—type no current owner of set—type no such DMS routine block name not found invalid number of" arguments catastrophe may not read user user disk disk file user this record not read this item in wrong drive read or write error may not present may not read this set end-of-set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 206 MDBS Management Data System = (AO, CALL FNM Member Find Next ED Documentation "FNM, set-type") Arguments: set-type(input) Indicators Currency Involved: current owner of set—type(input) current member of set—type(input) current current member of" run of set—type(output) unit(output) Description: The the current If' last, or indicator next logieally member of" the member cñ the given set—type given set—type. made there is no next member (the current member is the the set is empty) ED is set to 255 and the currency f"or the current member the set is not affected. of there is no current this is the same as FFM. If" then is member oÍ" the given set—type, Errors: © COPYRIGHT 01. data OZ. 08. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. invalid set—type no current owner OÍ" set—type no such DMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set 255. end—of—set 1979, 1980, base not Micro oper Data Base Systems, Inc. 207 MDBS Data Management System Documentation Find Next Owner ED = (AC), CALL "FNO, FNO set-type") Arguments: set—type(input) Indicators Currency current owner current Involved: set—type(input) of" member of" set—type(input) current owner ot" set—type(out.put) current oÍ" run unit(output) Description: set—type is (the current owner Ir there is no next255owner and the currency indicator last) is set to current owner of" the set is not affected. is The the owner of" the given set—type. next logically of" the current owner givem EC) f"or made the the Errors: 01. 02. 08. 09. 90. 99. 104. 105. COPYRIGHT base not open 108. invalid set—type no current owner of' set—type of" 3et—t.ype member río current DMS routine no such catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error íile not present user may not read this set 255. end—of-set í07. © data 1979, 1980, Mic: -o Data Base Systems, Inc. 208 MDBS Management Data System Documentation Find Owner based ED = (AO, CALL on "FOSK, FOSK Sort Key set-type, data-block") Arguments: set-type(input) data-b1ock(input) Currency Indicators current member Involved: of set—type(input) c'jrrent owner of set—type(output) current of" run unit(output) Description: The current set is searched ror the logically f"irst key value equal a with to the value given in he owner sort data—block. If" such an owner is found, is made the current oÍ" the the given set—type and owner current record of the run ED such found, not a is set to 255 and the is unit. If member of"owner the current set-type is set to the record logicajiy the to requested record. Note that the current run unit prior not is altered when error 255 is returned. t: it Errors: 1)1. 02. 09. 90. 94. 96. 99. 100. 102. ilj4. 105. 107. 108. ,255. E) COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set—type member of" set—type no current no such DMS routine block name not found invalid number of" arguments catastrophe may not read this record may not read this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set user user end—of—set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 203 MDBS Data Management Find ED = System Documentation Previous (AO, CALL Member "FPM, FPM set-type") Arguments: set—type(input) Indicators Currency Involved: owner of set—type(input) current ínernber of' set—tyµe(input) curr'ent current rríetr.ber oí" set—type(output) current cif run unit(output.) Description: made The logically the current member TÍ" t.he there is first, or currency indicator affected. If" then this previous of" the member given or the set—type. given set—type is previous member (the current member" is set is empty) ED is get to 255 and the for the current member of the set is nct no the there is is the same current no member oí" the giver. set—type, as FLA. Errors: Oí. data OZ. invalid set-type no current owner OÍ" set—type no such DMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set 08. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 1D8. 255. © COPYRIGHT 1979, base not open end—of—set. 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 210 MDBS Data Management System Documentation FPO Find Previous Owner ED = (AO, CALL "FPO, set-type") Arguments: set-type(input) Indicators Currency current owner current member Involved: set—type(input) of set—type(input) of" current owner or set--type(output) current of run unit(output) Description: made The logi<: aliy previous owner or the given the current owner of" the given set—type. set—type is there is no previous owner (the current owner is the for the is set to 255 and the currency indicator first) oÍ" the current owner set is not affected. If' EO Errors: 01. C2. 08. 09. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. 255. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set.—type no current owner or set—type of" set—type member no current no such DMS routine catastrophe disk ir. wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set end—of—set. 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 211 MDBS Data Management GET ED = CALL System data from (AO, "GETC, Documentation Current of run unit GETC data-block") Arguments: data—block(outputj Currency Indicators current of" involved: run unit(input) Description: The value of" all items associated with the current The record of the run unit are returned in the data—block. values are returned in the same order" as the items in the DDL for the given record—type. are of" There the is no right cheek type or that variables size. made in the data--block Errors: 01. 16. 90. 94. 95. 913. 99. 100. 102. 104. 105. 107. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open current of run unit no such DMS routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid number OÍ" arguments catastrophe user may not read this record user may not read this itein disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present no 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 212 MDBS Management Data GET ED = CALL System data Í"rom (AO, "GETM, Documentation GETM Member current set—type, data—block") Arguments: set—type(input) data—block(output) Indicators Currency Involved: current owner of set—type(input) current member OÍ" set—type(input) Description: associated with the current value of all items The of the set—type are returned in the data—block. values are returned in the smme order as the items in the DDL tor the given record—type. The member There are the block solely is no check made the correct of" responsibility that the variables in the data— These cheeks are type or "Fize. of' the applications programmer. Errors: 01. 02. 08. 09. 90. 94. 95. 96. 99. lOó. data 1C)2. user 104. 105. 107. © COPYRIGHT base not open invalid set—type no current owner ot set—type no eurrent member of set—type no such DMS routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid number of" arguments catastrophe user may not read this record disk disk file i08. user 1979, 1980, not read this item in wrong drive read or write error not present may not read this set may Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 213 MDBS !Jata Manag2-ment System GET ED = CALL data from (AO. "GETO, Documentati on current Owner GETO data—bloek") set—type, Arguments: set—t,ype( i.nput) data—bl Currency ock(output Indicator's ) Involved: current owner of' set—type( input) Description: o [ are given The value of" al! items associated with the current owner The values are returned in the data—block. th e set—type returned in the same order as the items ir. the DDL íújr" the block solely record_type. There i s no check are of" the correct the responsibi lity made t. that the variables in the data— These checks or ar"e size. applications programmer. yp e or the ErrDrs: O i OZ 08 90 . . . . 94 . 95 . 96 . 99 . lOó . 1 02 . 104 . 1 1 1 © COPYRIGHT 05 07 . . 08 . 1979, da'ia base not open invalid set-type no current owner of" set.—type DMS no such routine block rame not found invalid data block name inval id number of arguments catastrophe user may not read this record user may not read this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 214 MDBS System Management Data GET ED = CALL data Í"rom (AO, "GETR, Documentation GETR current Record record-type, data-block") Arguments: record—type(input) dat.a—block(output) Currency Indicators current of" Involved: record—type(input) Description: The value of all items associated with the current of The specified record type are returned in the data—block. values are returned in the 3ame order as the items in the DDL. tor the given record—type. the There are the block solely is no check made that the variables in the data— the correct type or size. These checks are the applications programmer. of responsibility of" Errors: 01. 03. 10. 90. 94. 9". 96. 99. 100. 102. 104. 105. 107. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid record—type of" record—type no current OMS such routine no block name not found invalid data block name irnialid number of" arguments cat.astrophe user may not read this record user may not read this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error not present file 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 215 MOBS Data Management Get ED = Documentation System Field from Current of run unit (AO, CALL "GFC, GFC data-block") item-type, Arguments: item—type(input.) data—block(output.) Indieator"s Involved: Currency of" current run unit(input) Description: Th e the value or given i tern—type i n the record by the current record of" the run unit is returneid identif'ied in the data--block. There made that the variable in the correct type or size. These checks block is the responsibi. íity of the appl ieat: ions programmer'. of" If is terr. i to return. ic no check the item—type is used to determine a depending the number th e are oata— "ole!y or, item, t.h e depended qÍ inst.atices Qí' t h i t, eta e- Errors: C) 1 . 02 . 04 . 1 3 1i3 90 94 96 99 1 DO . . . . . 02 . 1 04 05 07 1 COPYRIGHT . 1 1 © . 1979, . . . base not open invalid set—type inval id item—type lor this record.—type depended on item too large or ne%ative of" run no current unit DMS such río routine block name not found invai id number of" arguments data catastrophe user user may may not not read read this record this itew. disk in wrong drive disk read or" write error file not present 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 216 MDBS Management Data Field Get ED = System (AO CALL , Documentation Member current f"rom "GFM, item-·-type, GFM set—type, data—block") Arguments: item-type(input) set-type(input) data-block(output) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set—type(input) current member of" set.—tyµe( input) Description: t.he o va lue by the current identified returned in the data—block. f" Th e given item—type in member of the specified There is no cheek made that the variable in These checks block is of correct type or size. the responsibi lity of the applications programmer. the If' the item-type is is used to determine to return. a item depending the number the record is set—type the are data— solely on item, th e depended of" the item of iristances Errors: '3 1 . 02 . CJ4 . O 8 . 09 . 13 90 . . 94 . 95 . 96 . 99 . lOó . 1 OZ . 1 CL4 . 1 i 1 © COPYRIGHT C5 07 08 1979, . . . data base not open invalid set-"type N inval id item—type f"or this record---type no current owner of" set—type no current member of set—tvpe depended on item too large or negative no such DMS routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid. number OÍ" arguments catastrophe may not read user user disk disk rile user 1980, this record not read this item in wrong drive read cr write error not present may not read this set may Mi-cro Data Base Systems, Inc. 217 MDBS Data Management Get ED = System Documentation Field from ourrent Owner (AO, CALL "GFO, item-type, GFO set—type, data-block") Arguments: item—type(input) set—type(input) data-block(output) Indicators Currency current. owner Involved: of set—type(input) Description: The of" the value the current identified by returned in the data-block. given owner item—type of" in the record the ".peeif'ied set—type is in is no check made that the variable correct type or size. These checks block is the responsibility of" the applications prograrürner. There of" If is item to return. the the item—type is used to determine a depending the number the are data— solely on item, the depended instances of' the item oÍ" Errors: 01. OZ. 04. 08. 13. 90. 94. 95. 96. 99. 100. 102. 104. 105. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, base not open invalid set—type data invalid item-type for this record—type current owner oÍ" set—type depended on item too large or negative no such DMS routine block name not found data block name invalid number of" arguments invalid catastrophe user may not read this record no not read this item in wrong drive dist read or write error disk Í'ilc; not preserít. use: " may not r"ead this set user 1980, may Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 218 MDBS Data Management = "GFR, (AO, CALL Arguments Documentation GFR Field from current Record Get FO System item-type, record-type, data—block") : item-type(input) record—type(input) data—b1ock(output) Indicators Currency Involved: current of record—type(input) Description: Th e I identified is returned va ue by the in the o item—type r the given in current record of the specified record t he record—type data—block. There in is no check made that the variable These cheeks block is of the correct type or size. the responsibi lity cjf "the applications programmer. If" the item—type is is used to determine item a to return. depending the number the are data— "'ole!y on item, the detiended instances of" the item of" Errors: O 1 . íj 3 . ¿Jl' . 10 1 3 . - 9C) . 94 95 96 ?i9 . . . . 1 O O . 1 D i 1 i © COPYRIGHT 2 'J4 O 5 07 1979, . . . . data base not open invalid record—type invalid item—type f'or this record—type no current of' record—type depended ori item too large or negat: ive no such DMS routine block name not f"ound invalid data block name inval id number of arguments catastrophe n(: )t. read this record not read this item disk in wrong círive disk read or write error le not present user user may may ri 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 219 MDBS Data Management Get ED = System Member (AO, CALL Documentation Count "GMC, GMC set-type, data-block") Arguments: set-type(input) data-block(ontput) indicators Currency current owner Involved: of" set—type(input) Description: This returns the number of member record owned 'by the current owner of" the set—type. The two must For contain integer variables. call them I and J. The total number oí' purposes, is computed by the user with the f"ormuía: routine occurrences data—block illustration occurrences Total Number Normally, I will be = 32768 * I + J zero. Errors: 01. 02. 08. 30. 94. 95. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. E) COPYRIGHT 1979, base not open invalid set—type no current owner of set—type no such D!4G routine block name. not found invalid number oí" arguments catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read gr write error not present file user may not read this set data 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 220 l L MDBS Data Management System Documentation r~—i ) GOC Get Owner Count + ED = (AO, CALL "GOC, set-type, data-block") Arguments: set—type(input) _ data—block(output) Currency ' Indicators Involved: current member of set—type(input) _ Description: . record This routine returns the number of" owner oí" the set—type. The owned by the member current occurrences data—block For must two variables. contain integer of" them The number and I purposes, J. illustration call total occurrences is computed by the user with the formula: Total Number l l Normally, I will be = 32768 * I + J zero. i t Errors: 01. 02. 09. 90. 94. 9Eí. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. not open invalid set-type no current member or set—type no such DMS routine block name not found invalid number OÍ" arguments catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set data base , r" © COPYRIGHT /_ 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 221 MDBS Data Management System Get reeord—Type ED = (AO, CALL "GTC, " Documentation of Current or run unit GTC data-block") — Arguments: , data-bloek(output) Currency Indicators current of run Involved: unit(input) Description: The reeord—type current record of" the block variable. The record—type padded oí" the record identified by the run unit is returned in the first data— name is blanks. name in character with trailing Cl1. data base not open no current of" run unit no such DMS routine block name not found invalid data bloc.k name invalid númber of arguments format, and — is Errors: 16. 90. 94. 95. 96. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set " — ~~ W~ © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, J Ine. N 222 MDBS Data Management System Documentation of current Member Get reeord—Type ED = (AO, CALL "GTM, set-type, GTM data-block") Arguments: set—type(input) data—block(output) Indicators Currency current owner current member Involved: set--type(input) of set—type(input) OÍ" Description: The record—type current member of the name set—type block variable. The padded record—type is name with trailing blanks. 01. data OZ. invalid set-type of the record identified by the is returned in the f"irst data.-' in character format, at:d is Errors: © COPYRIGHT 08. 09. 90. 94. 95. 96. 99. 100. 104. 105. 107. 108. no no 1979, 1980, base not open current. owner c]r set—type current member of" set—type no such DMS routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid number of' arguments catastrophe user ma-y not read this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file user not may Micro present. not read Data this set Base Systems, Inc. 2Z3 MOBS Data Management System Documentation Get reeQrd—Type ED = (AO, CALL of" "GTO, current Owner GTO data—block") set-type, Arguments: set-type(input) data—block(output) Involved: Indicators Currency current owner of" set.—type(input) Description: The record-type current owner block variable. of" The record—type padded of the record identified by the set-type is returned in the first data— name the is blanks. name in character with trailing 01. data OZ. invalid set-type no current owner of" set—type no such OMS routine block name not f"ound invalid data block name invalid number of" arguments catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error not present tile user may not read this set format, and is Errors: 08. 90. 94. 95. 96. 99. íC)4. 105. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, base Micro not open Data Base Systems, Inc. 224 MDEIS data OPEN ED = OPEN base data-bloek") "OPEN, (AO, CALL Documentation System Management Data Arguments: (input) data—block Currency indicators involved: all Description: subroutine must be called before any other oí t.í'je subroutines in the DMS are called (except DEFINE and EXTEXU). Thie Table initialization subroutine. is taken care of" by this DDL have been defined in the having as as their owner have their current cwmer set to SYSTEÉJ_ The current of ruri unit is set to SYSTEM. All other" currency indicators are set to null. SYSTEM All sets which The data block must contain the f'ollowing: Data a. This base must file be name a luliy qualified !JDL. User"s b. character string containing a file name as specified in the name This must be an upp'er case character string containing the user's name as declared in t-he PASSWORDS section of the DDL. Password This must c. d. be the an upper case character string user"s password declared in as the PASSWORDS section oÍ" the DDL. Read/write status be an This must "MOD" upper case character string if" the user" wishec to write and containing read from the data base. Any other string will put the data base in a r"ead—on!y mode. containing Errors: © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 225 MOBS Data Management 14. i5. 36. 90. 91.. 92. 94. 95. 96. 97. 99. 104. 105. 107. © COPYRIGHT 1979, System Documentation data base already open eiata base not closed previously improper password no such DMS routine insuX"icient room in memory incorrect number of" arguments blocjc name not found invalid data block name invalid number oí" arguments cannot read f'rom data base riles catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 226 MDBS Management Data PUT ED = CALL System Documentation data into Current (AO, "PUTC, of" run PUTC unit data-block") Arguments: data—block(output) Indicators Currency current oÍ" run Involved: unit(input) Description: The specified block is items in data—block by the assumed to the DDL for record specified is stored in the current record of" the run unit. The data-be in the same order and alignment as the the given record—type. There is no check type, alignment or size. made that data-block is of the right item—type in the given record-type is a depending If any location or the item is assumed to depended on item, the the number of' instances contain the correct value to determine of" the depending on item to store. Error"c 01. 16. 8!3. 90. 94. 95. 99. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base no current not open of" run unit length inconsistency no such OMS routine block name not found invalid data block name catastrophe user may not write this record user may not write this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot expand for new page file file not present variable 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 227 MDBS Data Management P'JT ED = CALL System Documentation data irtto current Member (AO, "PUTM, set-type, PUTM data-block") Arguments: set-type(input) data-block(outpÚt) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set—type(input) current member of" set—type(input) Description: The data-block specif"ied is stored in the record set—type. indicated by the current member of" the specified The data—block is assumed to be in the same order and alignment as the items in the DDL for the given record—type. There is type, alignment no check or size. made that data—block is of" the right item—type in the given record—type is a depending If any location of the depended on item is assumed to item, the contain the cm"rect value to determine the number of" instances item to store. on or the depending Errors: 01. 02. 08. 09. 89. 90. 94. 95. 96. 99. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set—type no current owner of set—type member or set—type no current variable length inconsistency no such DMS routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid number of arguments catastrophe user may not write thi" record user may not write this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot 1980, expand Micro file Data f"gr new page Base Systems, Inc. 228 "~ MDBS Data Management N System Documentation 107. 108. user file not present may not read 1979, 1980, Micro this set - —. P- © COPYRIGHT G Data Base Systems, Inc. 229 MDBS Data Management PUT ED = CALL System Documentation data into current Owner (AO, "PUTO, PUTO data-block") set-type, " Arguments: — set-type(input) " data—block(output) Currency Indicators current owner Involved: of" _ set—type(input) Description: T'he indicated data-block specified by the current record The data—block is assumed to alignment as the items in the DDL There is no check type, alignment or size. made stored in the record the specif'ied set—type. 'be order and in the same Í"or the given record—type. of is is or the that data—block " — right m~~ the given reeord—type is a depending t.he depended on item is assumed to item, the number of" instances the determine correct value to contain of" the depending on item to store. item-type in Ittheany location of Errors: 01. 02. 08. 90. 99. 89. 90. 94. 95. 96. 90. 99. 101. 103. 104. 105. data base not open " invalid set-type no current owner of set—type no such DMS routine catastrophe variable length inconsistency no such DMS routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid number of" arguments no such DMS routine catastrophe user may not write this record user may not write this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error — " — - q © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 230 " MDBS Data Management 106. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, System cannot Documentation expand file file not present user may not read 1980, Micro Data tor new page this set Base Systems, Inc. Z31 MDEIS Data Management PUT ED CALL = System Documentation data into current Record (AO, "PUTR, PUTR record--type, data-block") Arguments: record-type(input) data-block(output) Currency Indicators Involved: current oí record—t.ype(input) Description: Th e data—b i ock by the currentis assumed t.o in the DDL for indicated data-block the items type , specified i n the record i s stor'ed reecn'd—typethe The specified oí be the and saíne in order alignment zi: the given record—type. : -, is río check alignment or size. made There that data—Moek is of" the r i ght in the given record-type is a depending any item—type on the depended item the i s assumed t c item, location of t: o number the value OÍ j.?2stances tlie correczcontain of" the orí item depending to store. If Errors: data. base not open invalid record—typeno current of record—type O 1 . 03 . 1 C) . 89 90 94 95 96 99 variable . . . . . . 1 O 1 . 03 . 1 04 . 1 1 1 i © COPYRIGHT 05 06 . . U'7 1979, . no such length inconsistency routine DMS block name not- found invalid data block name invalid number oí arguments catastrophe user may not write this record user may not write this item disk in wrong drive write error disk read cannot expand f"i!e for new µagE en" f'iie 1980, not Micro pr"'esent Data Ba3e Systems, Inc. 232 MDBS System Management Data current Member from Set Remove ED = (AO, CALL Documentation "RMS, RMS set---type") Arguments: set-type(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set--t.ype(input) member of" set—type(input) currer\t. current member oí" set—type(output) Description: of" the The current member set—type given removed from the set, i.e., the previous member the next member, and the current member is associated with the current owner OÍ" the set—type. The currency type becomes null. or the set this way it is logically is linked to no longer indicator of the member of the given set-(Note that is possible to reach the enc! being indicated via ED). without. it it Note that the record is only removed from the given is not deleted f'rom. the data bas"e. set.; Errors: Oí. data Q2. invalid 08. 09. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. 109. © COPYRIGHT 1979, base not open set—type no current owner of" set—type of" set—type no current member DMS such no routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error not present file user may not read this set user may not write this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 233 MDBS Data Management System Remove EC) = all (AO, CALL Set "RSM, Documentation Members RSM set-type") Arguments: set-type(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set—type(input) current member of set-type(output) Description: The current set members of' the set are type The currency becomes null. is set to have logically indicator of" no members, removed from the the member of) removed the Note that the records f'rom base, the the data from nor is owner of" deleted type deleted from the data base. i.e., set. all the given set— set the are not given set— Errors: © COPYRIGHT base not open invalid—type no current owner of set—type no such DMS routine 01. 02. 08. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. 109. data 1979, 1980, catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error fñle not present user may not read this set user may not write this set Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 234 MDBS Data Management = Documentation Current of run Set ED System (AO, CALL. based on Member SCM set-type") "SCM, Arguments: unit - set-type(input) Indicators Currency Involved: current owner of set-type (input) current member of set—type (input) current of" run unit(outµut) Description: The specified record unit. by the current member of the is set to be the current record of the run identified set—type Errors: 01. OZ. 08. 09. 90. 99. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set—type no current owner OÍ" set—type of" set—type no current member DMS routine no such catastrophe user may not read this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 235 MDBS Data Management Set ED = System Current (AO, CALL Documentation of7 unit based run "SCO, on Owner SCO set-type") Arguments: set-type(input) Indicators Currency Involved: current owner of set—type(input) current of" run unit(output) Description: The specified unit. record set—type by the identi£ied current of the is set zo be the current record of the run Errors: 01. 02. 08. 90. 99. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set-type no current owner oí7 set—type no such DMS routine catastrophe user may not read this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 236 MDBS Data Management Set ED = System of" Current (AO, CALL "SCR, Documentation run unit based on Record SCR record-type") Arguments: record—type(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current record of record type(input) current of" run unit(output) Description: The record—type record identified by the current of the specif"ied is set to be the current record of the run unit. Errors: 01. 03. 10. 90. 99. 100. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid record—type no current of" record—type no such DMS routine catastrophe user may not read this record 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 237 MDBS Data Management = Documentation Field in Current Set ED System (AO, CALL "SFC, of" run item-type, SFC unit data-block") Arguments: item-type(input) data-block(input) Indicators Currency current of run Involved: unit(input) Description: The value of the item—type given record of the run unit. the type There is no check or size. item the If value in instances of" variable in the data—block is stored 1r of the record identified by the current made that the variable item-type is a depending item, the record is used to determine the given item—type to store. is the the of" the right depended number on of" Errors: 01. 04. 16. 13. 40. 90. 94. 96. 99. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid item—type for this record—type no current of run unit depended on item too large or negative maximum value of depending item is 32768 on DMS such routine no block name not found invalid number of arguments catastrophe not writ.-e this record not write this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot expand for new page not present user may not read this set user user may may file file 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 238 MOBS Data Management Field in current Set ED = Documentation System (AO, CALL "SFM, SFM Member item-type, set-type, data-block") Arguments: item-type(input) set—type(input) data—block(input) Indicators Currency Involved: current owner of set—type(input) current member of" set—type(input) Description: The value oÍ" the variable in the data—block the given item—type of the record identiried by member of the specified set—type. type There is or size. the value ir item instances of no cheek made that the variable item—type is a depending in the record is used the given item—type to is stored in current the is of the right on item, the depended the number oí to determine store. Errors: 01. íj2. 04. 08. 09. 13. 40. 90. 94. 95. 96. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data. base not- open invalid set-type invalid item—type tor this record—type no current owner of set—type of" set—type member no current depended on item too large or negative maximum value of" depending on item is 32768 DMS such no routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid number of" arguments user may not write this record user may not write this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot expand file for new page not present file 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 239 MDBS © Data Management COPYRIGHT System 108. user 1979, 1980, may Documentation not Micro read Data this set Base Systems, Inc. 240 MOBS Management Data = Documentation GFO Field in current Owner Set EC) System (AO, CALL "SFO, item-type, set—type, data-block") Arguments: item—type(input) set—type(input) data-block(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set—type(input) Description: the The given record type oÍ" value the item—type the specified of" There is no check or size. variable in the data—block is stored in of the record identified by the current record—type. made that the variable is of the right depended on If the item—type is a depending item, the value in the record is used to determine the number oí instances of the given item—type to store. item Error"-: C)1. 02. 04. 08. 13. 40. 90. 94. g"t. 96. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, base not open invalid set-—type invalid item—type tor this record—type no current owner of set.—type depended on item too large or negative maximum value of depending on item is 32'768 DMS such no routine block name not found invalid data block name invalid number oí" arguments user may not write this record user may not write this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot expand for new page file file not present user may not read this set data 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 241 MOBS Management Data = Documentation Field in current Record Set ED System (AO, CALL "SFR, item-type, SFR record-type, data—block") Arguments: item-type(input) record—type(input) data—b!ock(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current record of record—type(input) Description: The value of" the variable in the data—block of" the given item—type record identified by the record of run unit. the type There is or size. Ir the value instances of item no check made that the variable item—type is a depending the record is used in t.o given item—type the to sÁ: is the determine item, is stored in the current of" the right depended the number ore. orí of Errors: 01. 04. 10. 13. 40. 90, 94. 95. 96. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid item—type for this record—type no current of record—type depended on item too large or negative maximum value of depending item is 32768 on DMS routine such no block name not found invalid data block name invalid number of" arguments user may not write this record user may not write this item disk in wrong drive disk read or write error cannot expand for new page not present user may not read this set file file 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 242 System Management Data MDBS Documentation . Member based Set EC) = "SMC, (AO, CALL on Current of" run unit SMC set-type") Arguments: set-type(input) Currency Indicators current oÍ" run current owner current member Involved: unit(input) set—type(output) of set—tyµe(output) oÍ7 Description: The record identified by the current becomes the current member of the owner associated with the logically becomes the new current owner of the given unit first record of" the run The given set—type. new current membmr set—type. Errors: © COPYRIGHT 01. 02. 06. 08. 16. 12. 90. 99. 104. j(j"k. 107. 108. 109. data 255. end—of—set 1979, base not open set—type member type for this set—type invalid no current owner of" set—type no current of" run unit record not member of" set no such DMS routine invalid catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or" write error file not present user may not read this set user may not write this set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 243 MDBS Management Data Set ED = System current (AO, CALL Documentation Member "SMM, based set-type—l, on current Member SMM set—type—2") Arguments: set—type—1(input) set—type—2(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set—type—2(input) current member of" set—type—2(input) current owner of" set—type—1(output) current member' of" set—type—1(ou.tput) current of" run uriit(output) Description: The record by the ider,tií"ied current member of" the second set—type specified becomes the current member of" the The logically set—type. owner associated. with the new current member becomes the new current owner of the giver, set—type. ·- first first Errors: © COPYRIGHT data OZ. 06. 08. 09. 12. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. 109. invalid set—type invalid member type f"or this set--type no current owner oÍ" set—type member no current of set—type member of set record not no such DMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive dick read or write error not present file user may not read this set user may not write this set 255. end—of—set 1979, 1980, base not 01. Micro open Data Base Systems, Inc. "" 244 MDBSJ)ata Management = Documentation current Member based on current Owner Set ED System (AO, CALL "SMO, set-type—l, SMO set—type—2") Arguments: set—type_1(input) set—type-2(input) Currency Indicators current owner current member involved: of" OÍ" set—type_2(input) set—type—2(input) current owner or set—type—1(output) member currentof set—type_1(output) current of run unit(output) Description: The record identified by the current owner of the second set—type specified becomes the current member of the set—type. The !ogica!!y owner associated with the new current member becomes the new current owner of" the given set— first first type. Errors: Oí. OZ. 06. 08. 12. 90. 99. 104. 105. 107. 108. 109. 255. © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open invalid set—type invalid member type for Éhis no current owner of set—type record not no such DMS set—type member of set routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error not present file user may not read this set user may not write this set end—of-set 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 245 MDBS Data Management Set System current Documentation based Member on current Record SMR .. EC) = (AO, CALL "SMR, record-type, set—type") Arguments: record—type(input) set—type(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current record record—type(input) o!" current owner of' set—type(output) set—type(output) current member current of" run unit(output) OÍ^ Description: The record record—type becomes The logically member becomes the the speeiried given set—type. current the new associated with owner current current owner of" the given set—type. identified the first new by the current member of the of" Errors: 4 (c) COPYRIGHT 01. 02. 03. 06. 08. 10. 12. 90. 99. 100. 104. 105. 107. 108. 109. base not open invalid set—type invalid record—type invalid member type for this set—type no current owner of set—type no current of record—type record not member of set no such DMS í"Q'ütine 255. end—or-set 1979, data catastrophe not read this record in wrong drive read or write error user may user user may may disk disk f"ile not present 1980, not read not write Micro Data this set this set Base Systems, Inc. 246 MOBS Management Data Owner ba"'ed Set ED = Documentation System (AO, CALL Current of run unit on SOC set-type") "SOC, Arguments: set—type(input) Involved: Indicators Currency current oí run current owner current member unit(input) of" or set—type(output) set—type(outµut) Deseription: The unit first (note is record made ráernber of" that by the current record of the current owner of t-he given set—type. set b?cornes the current member of that equivalent to an imµlied call to FFM). identified the the this is run The set the If" the set is empty, currency indicator of the member oÍ" the given set—type beeomes null, and EO is set to 255. This routine executes an implicit FFM command; that is, of" the t-he set and the specified record is made the owner member associated with the new owner is made the current member of" the set—type- first Errors: 01. 02. C)5. í6. 90. 99. Z04. 105107. 108. íOQú © COPYRIGHT data base not open invalid set.-type invalid owner type for this set—type no current of" run unit no such DMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error file not present user may not read this set user may not write this set 255. end-of-set 1979, j980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 247 MDBS Data Management Set ED = System Documentation current Owner based (AO, CALL "SOM, current Member on set—type—Z" set—type—l, SOM ) Arguments: set—type—1(inputñ set—type—2(inputj Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of" set—type—1(output) current member of" set—type—1(output) current oÍ" run unit(outpu.t) current owner or set—type—2( input) current member of set—type—2(input) Description: second t ype . o f" to The record set—type The by the current member of" the identified made the s current owner of the first seti member the becomes the member of first set (note that this that FFM) set is equivalent current to an implied cal! . empty, the the of currency irídicator set—type becomes nut l , and ED is set equal to 255 . This routine executes an implicit FFM command; that i s , the specified record is made the owner of the set and the member associated with the new owner is made the current : member the set—type. If" the of the member first set is given jf Errors: C 1 . OZ . 05 08 . . 09 . 90 . 99 . 104 . 1 © COPYRIGHT ! 05 \] '"' t ',)¿í 1979, . . . base not open invalid set—type invalid owner type for thi': set—type no current owner of set—type of set—type no current member no such DMS routine data catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error f' É"fu": ":<'i\t i l <" u. :,y e? j" 1980, n k" t imíy Micro not ]" ea d Data t. íj is s e t. Base Systems, Inc. 248 MDBS Data Management System Documentation ~"7 © COPYRIGHT not write 109. user 255. end—of—set 1979, 1980, may Micro Data this set Base Systems, inc. 249 MDBS Data Management Set ED = System Documentation current Owner based (AO, CALL "SOC), on set-type-l, current Owner SOO set—type—2") Arguments: set—type—1(input) set—type—2(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set—type—1(output) current member of" set—type—1(output) current of run unit(out.put) current owner current member oÍ" of" set—type—2(input) set—type—2(input) Description: The record identified by the current owner of" the second set—type The set—type. is made the current owner of" the member of the set. becomes the current member of" that set (note that this is equivalent to an implied call to FFM). The member of" the set becomes the current member of that set (note that this is equivalent to an implied call to FFM). first first first If" the of the set is of" empty, the the currency indicator set—type becomes null, and ED is set equal to 255. This routine executes an implicit FFM command; that spde thecified record is made owner of7 the set and the is, themember associated with th= new owner is made the current member of the set—type. member given first Errors: 01. OZ. 05. 08. 09. 90. 99. 104. 1()5. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, not open invalid set-type invalid owner type for this set—type no current owner of" set—type no current member of set—type no such OMS routine catastrophe disk in wrong drive disk read or write error data base file not user 1980, may Micro preser)t not read Data this set Base Systems, Inc. 250 MOBS. © Data Management COPYRIGHT System Documentation 109. user 255. end—of—set 1979, 1980, may not wri.te Micro Data this set Base Systems, Inc. 251 MDBS Data Management Set ED = System Documentation current Owner based (AO, CALL "SOR, on record-type, current Record SOR set—type") record—type(input) set—type(input) Arguments: Currency Indicator", Involved: current record of record—type(inµut) current owner or set—type(output) current member OÍ" set—type(output) current of" r'..zn unit(output) Description: The record—type Ifof" record is made the the identified the current by the owner current of" the oí" the specii7ied given set—type. the is empty, currency indicator oí" the set—type becomes null, and ED is set equal to 255. This routine executes an irl1É')licit FFM command; that the specified record is made the owner of" the set and the is, member associated with the new owner is made the current member the set—type. of member set given first Errors: © COPYRIGHT ' data 01. 02. 03. 05. 10. 90. 99. 100. 104. 105. 107. 108. 109. base r.ot open invalid set—type invalid record—type invalid owner type for this set—type no current of record—type no such DMS routine 255. end—of—set 1979, catastrophe may not read this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error not present file may not read this set user may not user write this set user 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 252 MDBS Data Management Record Set ED = System (AO, CALL Documentation based on Current of" run unit SRC "SRC") Arguments: Indicators Currency In\Tolved: current of run unit(input) current of record—type(output) Description: unit The record identified by the current record of the is set to be the current record of its record type. run Errors: 01. 16. 90. 99. íCjO. 104. 105. 107. , © COPYRIGHT 1979, data base not open no current oÍ" run unit DÍ\/ÍS no sueh routine catastrophe may not read this record disk in wrong drive disk read cir write error file not present user 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 253 MOBS Data Management Set ED = System Documentation current Record based or Member (AO, CALL "SRM, SRM set-type") Arguments: set—tyµe(input) Indicators Currency Involved: current owner' of set—type (input) current member of" set-type (input) current of reeord—type(outµut) eurrent oÍ run unit(output) Description: The record set—type specified record type. identified be by is set to the current member of the the current record of its Errors: 01. 02. 08. 09. 90. 99. 100. 104. 105. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, base not open invalid set:—type no current owner of set—type no current member of" set—type no such DMS routine data catastrophe read this record may not disk in wrong drive disk read or wr"ite error file not present user may not read this set user 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 254 MDBS Data Management Set ED = System Documentation SRO current Record based on Owner (AO, CALL set.-type") "SRO, Arguments: set—type(input) Currency Indicators Involved: current owner of set.—type(input) current current of" of" recorc!—type(output) run unit(output) Deseription: The record specified set—type record type. identiried 'be by is set to the the current owner eurrent record of the of" its Errors: 01. 02. 08. 90. 99. 100. 104. 105. 107. 108. © COPYRIGHT 1979, base not open invalid set—type no current owner of" set—type DMS such no routine catastrophe user may not read this record disk in wrong drive disk read or write error Í"ile not present user may not read this set data 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 25!3 MDBS Data Management System Documentation return data base run STATistics ED = (AO, CALL "STAT, STAT data-block") Arguments: (input) data-block Currency Indicators not Involved: applieakñe Description: Various operating statistics from the current execution or the MDBS.DMS system are returned in the of' the variables data—block. The data—block must contain five integer variables which take on the following values: Variable 1. Value # # # # # 2. 3. 4. 5. of page buffers in memory of" page references of page faults of" disk reads of" disk writes Errors: 01. 89. 90. 94. 95. 96. 99. data base not variable open length inconsistency no such OMS block name not f"ound invalid data block name invalid number of arguments catastrophe Notes: The number of" ref"erences page is the number of" times data base a page was requested by the internal different oÍ7 the MDBS.DMS system. The number of page faults is routines the number times a of page other than the most recently accessed page was requested. 2. All values returned are modulo 32768. 1. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micr¿ Data Base Systems, Inc. 256 MDBS Data Management TOGGLE EO = System run (AO, CALL Documentation optimization TOGGLE switch "TOGGLE") Arguments: none Currency Indicators Involved: not applicable Description: call to the TOGGLE routine toggles the value f an When the switch is internal switch in the MDBS. DMS package. MDNS DMS per1rorm¢> the package f'jj l I (def"ault), on error When the switch is off, eh3eks for certain errors checking. which occur infrequently and have minimal impact on data bas e of" processing which amount-s yet require substantial integrity, time to perf"orm, are bypassed. It i s recommended that th e switch be kept on except in well—debugged programs which work The switch is set to c·n whenever the with large data bases. OPEN routine is executed. A c) . Errors: 90 99 © COPYRIGHT 1979, . . no such DMS catast.rophe 1980, Micro routine Data Base Systems, Inc. 257 MDBS Data Management System Documentation Iv. This describes manual fashion.. It that. useCul For First., be known as the As currently system solving linear programming exists, perform. the user English-like Data 'having (c) to name tasks. from COPYRIGHT In data structure time may reed eff"icieney new record new these all base types it cases but but new have and would available cayability exists with in BASIC, mailing f'ew. the A query language data application MDBS.QRS is a capability programs the desired high level query could this class would would but analyses, programs For of aceounting, regre3sion software which COBOL, variety a general retrieval. language for defining doing supporting' FORTRAN, of the application Some do PASCAL, be doing may lists, 'towards performing problems, a writing Base System such of that. become instances, is oriented it it. is possible to develop these íogical A some both This writing generati-ng specifically written to programs will quickly access In the extensions period some These programs including be user ar'e needed. programmer things forecasting the capability- PL/I and other languages. and as comprehensive a MDBS.DRS. applications the of the desirable and set relationships in sorne desirable. be may restructuring system MDBS out during desirable not to have to restart dynamic of" in order to improve example, relevant data sets appear associated f"eatures 3ket: ch ideal be relationships set to REMARKS requirements change over time. to appears alteration. the avaiiabfe. base data aware, be may presently are CONCLUDING automatically thus would reports. system of" obviate speci""y The /report an Micro writer capabilities. 19'79, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 258 MDBS Documentation System Management Data Micro from Software Products Additional Data Inc Systems, Base include: QRS QRS (a (JES Writer System) (Quer'y/Report allows non—programmer a version of for use with QRS data HDBS bases data from retrieval Queries produces cari be batched. printer or disk a QRS is implemented MUS (Multi data page MDBS.VAC each of" consisting of can of Occurrences are a 1979, version routed conditions the to can be executed of MUS MDBS. on console, a interactively. k!u1tipje automatically executing run unit as units that be can of' assigned record mapped 1980, cA the over number a occurrences © COPYRIGHT basis and language. features designer types available). an ad hoc Complex base alter a saves users and needed. data can restores MUS also base. Ca!c) designer added control The commands f"or run all has storage. also data expressions are also allowed. be can base. leek—outs (Via Set, Area, Record DML file. is the multiuser currency indicators handles Reports in machine single a Arithmetic on MDBS System) User MDBS.MUS share specified. can be reports. desired any is accepts nonprocedural, English—like queries automatically VAC to extract mapiríg plus reatures that OÍ" record offer the to occurrences partition a data base into areas, each logically contiguous data base pages. to specific areas. This means that all type into Micro MDBS, are an Data placed in area, either" Base Systems, on a the Inc. specified basis of area— a cale 259 MOBS Data key, a allow System Management via set oµtion, records to be or a Do\3umentat.ion "don't care" option. directly accessed on the Added basis of DML commands their calc key values. © COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 260 MDBS Documentation System Management Data q APPENDIX / Memory order to In MDBS.DMS required f"or the version th (i .e. set The . MDBS DDL on a # ",ull records is shown in Figure was The off". 1. dat:a a The base disk drive in single density single Shugart—Mini or pages mi n 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 Obviously radically much , Z6 , O , O , 40 36 34 29 point the exists number extra speed realized less than COPYRIGHT , 58 , The the 18 8 C) as 18 12, O critical sec , 46 1 decreases increases. , 1í3, a made: were time required ( ) 1 © : created and added to were TOGGLE) routine observationeb in memory course def"ined) amount performed w¿?s 1000 i rne . The f"ol 7owing is and the base this experimert, In this experiment DMS data a t. processing simple experiment a items th e between to process DMS. . f or toggle (see resided f"ormat of" . optimization file system records with no data , FIFO O 1 trade—off to the syst-em, of memory available wi Processing Time Trade—off' the assess 1 that realized characteristics 1979, 1980, of" Micro where by going f"rom t3 pages being used Base Systems, Inc. from base t ime to the system to pages 5 data Data execution of pages available by going the the to and 6 7 pages. the pages or t ypes 261 MOBS t) Data í Management operations z'utof'í" Tb the ii" d fasí-er' i3 'k system e operat.i MDBS. th e t. o o f i í3 the it: i.s required, © of" cause variance in where some in general, at least differences the between performed resu! is the DitiS can a! locate. pages which The ref"ereríc¶s. m that, would relationship number (':".i:.'Ují"e i recommend cause Uiat the system t. will oí dis'ñ accesses avaí!able he performed 8 this be pagm: ti in execution sp'eed is due to bv in th e a Naturall y, sysi: .em. markcc! decrease a in execution . The t: we Documentation possi-ble, yrimary e number " "L ?"ít e bein,e occurs, but: "},': -i:-e(:í e Systertí 2!Áance thuíí trivial number package can be hat safin8 a comp"'íred kept oÍ" page t !"\ e oí" page bufTere., memory buffers is in memory in anticipation oí resider't. will disk access. t: c) these and the then, buffers given a ciis!'r accesses is in the number The number more page í: of" amount bu rúerncu"y The ac tua c) f7 in '¿- I i me memory , resident CPU th e wherz p:"ocessing spent: on I /0 c't\s. COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 262 MDBS Data Management 0010 FILES DEMO 0020 DRIVE 1 0030 System Documentation 1 512 lOó PASSWORDS 0040 PAF4 0050 GARY CJO6O RECORD B 'JO70 SET S3 253-56-9C)53 255 255 MAN 1 : N 0080 FIFO 0090 OWNER SYSTEM 0100 MEMBER B OliO END DDL for Experiment Figure E) 665--4€1-9082 COPYRIGHT 1979, 1980, Micro Data 1 Base Systems, Inc. 263 '4DES System Management Data Documentation APPISIDIX MDB3. "'i: ®pr'""-ñdix '"" ¢l'""""ribeS ¿"'v"' d. s 'iumber A . routine should used be uses common comn"!'": the i' o ::"' e: ,í relative jnc!ic3.ri2n a c omrna.n lists e Lj of) h Command r.ds t aü }"} t= 4 íje;age in the command . A f'reqí.!'?ncy 5 .-n" av")1."iecl, hut merel The codes indicate: 'Dé rarely. su c r»'s 2 y MDBS.DMS number 'ijf' . This command is used extenci.vely. . This comT,]an(i is used frequently. 4 . This command is used moderat.el y. 5 . This command is used rarely. 3 " to that o i'" t "u'se uz: e tegr]dk,: . Cjí" J. !1 o all applications. is used in almost 2 brieí"ly asszgne""'.. each tht'· r"outinF" command . OÍ" indicate This :t and has been ase does not. indicates system · @ COPYRIGHT 1979, 198C, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 2€4 MDBS Data Command Name Management Usage Leve] Documentation System Use ACS 1 U3e?cÍ AMS 3 Alternative CCT 5 Typically involve recorM. are added to set occurrences whenever ACS to in complex networking programs variety oÍ" record types used CLOSE 1 A!waye CPJT 4 Used with sets with multiple member COT 4! Used with sets with multiple owner CR 2 Used Used CRS 1 Used 1 Ai\z.·¿zys. 13RC 3 Used DRM 4 Typically, DRC is used DRO 4 Typically, DRC is used DRR 4 Typically EXTEND 4 Useful FFM 1 Basic FFO 3 Useful FINDM 2 General DEF INE to create types a record and store dat.a used tío delete record occurrence DRC is used a DEFINE ir i ine source with kl FLIT 3 Useful FLO 4 Many—to-many FMSK 2 Locate 1980, ir a f or data—value Many-to—many anaíQg i ! I not i t- on a set record wi traversing í' one sets many—to—many rout.ine 3 1979, statement operator for sequentially FÍNDO COPYRIGHT types to create null (link) records to defer data storage (Typically CRS is used) specified (9 which used a O!" locating a th a FINDM set is traversed "backwards" anakjg of record in Micro Data a FLM sorted set Base System.s, Inc. 26E Data' Management MDBS System Doeumentation .. Command Name Usage Level Us e FNM 1 Basic n'-.: 3 Many-to-many analog of FNM 7C)SK 3 Many—to—many analog of" FMSK FPM 3 Useful u'o 4 Many—to—many GETC 1 Used GETM 1 Used GETO 2 Useful o operator" for sequentially traversin,q set set is travereed "backwards" if" analog of to retrieve all to retrieve all data items í'rom a record data items from a record "working when structure GETM FPM up " i t) _ hierarchical g! d-ata GETR 2 Typically, GFC 1 Used to retrieve a single data item from a record GFM 1 Used to retrieve a single data item a reeord c: í"'a 2 Useful GFR 2 Typically, GMC 4 TJsetul GOC 4 Many—to—many GTC 5 Typically involve © is used 'biorking up" in when GFM from hi([±rar'chical a is used if only required the analog number of" of" members in in comp lex nc±wcmking variety of record types program< GTM 4 Used with sets with multiple member GTO 4 Used with sets with multiple owner types OPEN 1 Always PUTC 4 Typically, PUTM 2 Used for record PUTO 3 Typically, PUTM is used F'UTR 3 Typically, PUTM is used COPYRIGHT 1979, a s e t i Cp GMC used a structure which types used PUTM to store 1980, Micro is used all Data data items Base Systems, a Inc. + 266 MDBS Data Command Name l'danagement Usage Level RMS 3 RSM 4 SCM 4 System Documentation Us e altering set membership Used when altering set membership A! low" user alteration or currency indicmtor Allows user alteration of currency indicator Al lows user alteration of" currency indicator Used when d seo 4 SCR 4 SFC 2 Used to SFM 2 Used to store SFO 3 Typically, SFM is used SFR 3 "¡'ypically, SFM is used SMC 4 Typically, SMM or SMb! 2 Usef"ul when SMO 2 Use f"'ul when .sU"me a single data item :i-n a record a single data item in a record SMO m^ocessing - "working st.ructure' SMR 3 Typically, SMM or SOC 4 Typically, SOR is used SC'M 2 Useful when structure non—hierarchical st.ruct.ures up " in ?7i€±rarchi-cal a data is used "working down " in a hierarchical dat3 in "forked" data structures SOC) 3 Useful SOR 2 fjsefui f'or SMO is used in data load AMS programs SRC 4 Use SRM 5 Typically SRC is used SRO 5 Typically SRC is used STAT 5 Used TOGGLE 4 ljstzÍ'ül when fu l indicator necessary t.c set the current owner t o preserve a currency A © COPYRIGHT 1979, to measure memory/disk access trade—offs in wei l—debugged programs quantities OÍ" data which 1980, Inc. Micro Data Base Syst.eras, process - large 267
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