MF Manual

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Package ‘MF’
November 9, 2018
Type Package
Title Mitigated Fraction
Version 4.3.5
Author David Siev
Maintainer Marie Vendettuoli <>
Description Calculate MF (mitigated fraction) with clustering and bootstrap op-
tions. See for definition of MF. No endorsement, claim, or warranty is im-
plied for this package. It is made available for investigational or pedagogical use only
License MIT + file LICENSE
LazyLoad yes
LazyData yes
Depends R (>= 3.4.4)
Imports methods, dplyr (>= 0.7.1), plyr, stringr, tidyr, forcats,
Collate 'aaa.r' 'classes.r' 'generic_methods.r' 'MF-package.r'
'HLBoot.r' 'MFBoot.r' 'MFClus.r' 'MFClusBoot.r' 'MFClusHier.R'
'MFmp.r' 'MFnestBoot.r' 'MFr.r' 'MFSubj.r' 'MFHier-wrappers.r'
RoxygenNote 6.0.1
NeedsCompilation no
Rtopics documented:
MF-package......................................... 2
calung ........................................... 3
HLBoot ........................................... 3
mf-class........................................... 5
MFBoot........................................... 6
mfboot-class......................................... 7
mfbootcluster-class ..................................... 8
MFClus ........................................... 9
MFClusBoot ........................................ 10
MFClusBootHier ...................................... 12
MFClusHier......................................... 13
mfcluster-class ....................................... 15
mfcomponents-class .................................... 15
MFh............................................. 16
MFhBoot .......................................... 17
mfhierdata-class....................................... 19
mfhlboot-class........................................ 19
MFmp............................................ 20
mfmp-class ......................................... 21
MFnest ........................................... 22
MFnestBoot......................................... 24
MFr ............................................. 26
MFSubj ........................................... 27
mlesions........................................... 28
piglung ........................................... 29
Index 30
MF-package MF Package
Includes functions related to mitigated fraction.
For internal use only at the USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics.
Package: MF-package
Type: Package
Version: 4.3.5
License: MIT
LazyLoad: yes
David Siev <>
# Checking MF package
# End examples
calflung 3
calflung calflung dataset
Post-mortem examination of the lungs of groups of calves.
a data frame with 50 observations of the following 2 variables, no NAs
group Treatment group. One of con = control or vac = vaccinate
lesion Fraction of lungs with gross lesions.
HLBoot Bootstrap CI for MF, HL, and Qdif
Estimates bootstrap confidence intervals for MF, HL, and Qdif.
HLBoot(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"), b = 100, B = 100,
alpha = 0.05, hpd = TRUE, bca = FALSE, return.boot = FALSE, = FALSE, seed = sample(1:1e+05, 1))
formula Formula of the form y ~ x + cluster(w), where y is a continuous response, x
is a factor with two levels of treatment, and w is a factor indicating the clusters.
data Data frame
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference
group to which compare[2] is compared
bNumber of bootstrap samples to take with each cycle
BNumber of cycles, giving the total number of samples = B * b
alpha Complement of the confidence level
hpd Boolean whether to estimate highest density intervals for MF and HL.
bca Boolean whether to estimate BCa intervals for MF.
return.boot Boolean whether to save the bootstrap samples of the statistics. Boolean whether to display verbose tracking of the cycles.
seed to initialize random number generator for reproducibility. Passed to set.seed.
Estimates bootstrap confidence intervals for the mitigated fraction (MF), Hodge-Lehmann estimator
(HL), and the difference of medians and quartiles (Qdif). Equal tailed intervals are provided for
all three, highest density intervals are optionally provided for MF and HL, and BCa intervals are
optionally provided for MF. The Hodges-Lehmann estimator is the median difference; it assumes
that the two distributions have the same shape and differ by a constant shift. Assumes data is single
pool (no nesting).
amfhlboot-class data object
David Siev <>
Hodges JL, Lehmann EL, (1963). Estimates of location based on rank tests. Annals of Mathemati-
cal Statistics. 34:598–611.
Siev D, (2005). An estimator of intervention effect on disease severity. Journal of Modern Ap-
plied Statistical Methods. 4:500–508.
Efron B, Tibshirani RJ. An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and Hall, New York, 1993.
See Also
HLBoot(lesion~group, calflung, seed = 12345)
# Bootstrapping
# 10000 bootstrap samples
# 95% confidence intervals
# Comparing vac to con
# Mitigated Fraction
# observed median lower upper
# Equal Tailed 0.44 0.4496 0.152 0.7088
# Highest Density 0.44 0.4496 0.152 0.7088
# Hodges-Lehmann
# observed median lower upper
# Equal Tailed -0.07335 -0.07615 -0.17220 -0.01565000
mf-class 5
# Highest Density -0.07335 -0.07615 -0.15635 -0.00850065
# Quartile Differences (quartiles of vac - quartiles of con)
# observed median lower upper
# Q25 -0.041500 -0.041500 -0.10340 -0.000905
# Q50 -0.112525 -0.111175 -0.28115 0.019350
# Q75 -0.168000 -0.170425 -0.38890 0.005300
# Quartiles of con
# observed median lower upper
# Q25 0.054000 0.054000 0.021005 0.11275
# Q50 0.139275 0.139275 0.061400 0.31000
# Q75 0.315000 0.315000 0.173000 0.44625
# Quartiles of vac
# observed median lower upper
# Q25 0.01250 0.01250 0.00125 0.026000
# Q50 0.02675 0.02675 0.01665 0.144575
# Q75 0.14700 0.14700 0.02810 0.219250
mf-class Class mf
Parent class for package MF data objects.
mf$new(nboot, alpha, seed, compare, rng)
nboot: numeric value specifying number of samples
alpha: numeric value specifying complement of confidence interval
seed: vector of integers specifying seed for pseudo-random number generator used
compare: vector of character strings naming groups compared
rng: character string naming type of random number generator
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
Other mf: mfboot-class,mfbootcluster-class,mfhlboot-class
MFBoot Bootstrap MF CI
Estimates bootstrap confidence intervals for the mitigated fraction.
MFBoot(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"), b = 100, B = 100,
alpha = 0.05, hpd = TRUE, bca = FALSE, return.boot = FALSE, = FALSE,
seed = sample(1:100000, 1))
formula Formula of the form y~x, where y is a continuous response and x is a factor
with two levels.
data Data frame
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference
group to which compare[2] is compared
bNumber of bootstrap samples to take with each cycle
BNumber of cycles, giving the total number of samples = B * b
alpha Complement of the confidence level
hpd Estimate highest density intervals?
bca Estimate BCa intervals?
return.boot Save the bootstrap sample of the MF statistic? Verbose tracking of the cycles?
seed to initialize random number generator for reproducibility. Passed to set.seed.
Resamples the data and produces bootstrap confidence intervals. Equal tailed intervals are estimated
by the percentile method. Highest density intervals are estimated by selecting the shortest of all
possible intervals. For BCa intervals, see Efron and Tibshirani section 14.3.
amfboot-class data object
David Siev <>
Siev D. (2005). An estimator of intervention effect on disease severity. Journal of Modern Applied
Statistical Methods. 4:500–508
Efron B, Tibshirani RJ. An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and Hall, New York, 1993.
mfboot-class 7
See Also
MFBoot(lesion~group, calflung, seed = 12345)
# 10000 bootstrap samples
# 95% confidence interval
# Seed = 12345
# Comparing vac to con
# observed median lower upper
# Equal Tailed 0.44 0.4496 0.152 0.7088
# Highest Density 0.44 0.4496 0.152 0.7088
mfboot-class Class mfboot
class for data objects produced by MFBoot, contains class mf with the two additional fields stat and
mfboot$new(nboot, alpha, seed, compare, rng, sample, stat, stuff)
nboot: numeric value specifying number of samples
alpha: numeric value specifying complement of confidence interval
seed: vector of integers specifying seed for pseudo-random number generator used
compare: vector of character strings naming groups compared
rng: character string naming type of random number generator
sample: what is this?
stat: matrix of estimates
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
Other mf: mf-class,mfbootcluster-class,mfhlboot-class
mfbootcluster-class Class mfbootcluster
Class mfbootcluster is created from output of function MFClusBoot
mfbootcluster$new(nboot, alpha, seed, compare, rng, stat, what, excludedClusters,
call, sample)
nboot: numeric value specifying number of samples
alpha: numeric value specifying complement of confidence interval
seed: vector of integers specifying seed for pseudo-random number generator used
compare: vector of character strings naming groups compared
rng: character string naming type of random number generator
stat: matrix matrix with columns observed, median, lower, upper for estimates
what: character vector naming what was resampled: clusters,units,both
excludedClusters: character vector naming clusters excluded because of missing treat-
call: the call to MFClusBoot
sample: what is this?
All: Field "All" from MFClus call.
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
Other mf: mf-class,mfboot-class,mfhlboot-class
MFClus 9
MFClus Clustered mitigated fraction
Estimates mitigated fraction from clustered or stratified data.
MFClus(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"), = FALSE)
formula Formula of the form y ~ x + cluster(w), where y is a continuous response, x
is a factor with two levels of treatment, and w is a factor indicating the clusters.
data Data frame. See Note for handling of input data with more than two levels.
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference
group to which compare[2] is compared Verbose tracking of the cycles? Default FALSE.
Averages the U statistic over the clusters and computes MF from it. Clusters are excluded if they
do not include both treatments.
amfcluster-class data object
If input data contains more than two levels of treatment, rows associated with unused treatment
levels will be removed.
Factor levels for treatments not present in the input data will be ignored.
Clusters with missing treatments will be excluded. See mfbootcluster-class or use to
identify excluded clusters.
David Siev <>
Siev D. (2005). An estimator of intervention effect on disease severity. Journal of Modern Applied
Statistical Methods. 4:500–508
See Also
10 MFClusBoot
## Not run:
MFClus(lesion ~ group + cluster(litter), piglung)
# Comparing vac to con
# MF = 0.3533835
# By Cluster
# w u r n1 n2 mf
# U 25 10 0.4000000 5 5 -0.2000000
# K 12 2 0.2500000 4 2 -0.5000000
# Z 16 10 0.8333333 3 4 0.6666667
# D 3 2 1.0000000 1 2 1.0000000
# N 1 0 0.0000000 1 3 -1.0000000
# T 8 5 0.8333333 2 3 0.6666667
# P 4 1 0.5000000 2 1 0.0000000
# L 3 2 0.6666667 1 3 0.3333333
# G 15 9 0.7500000 3 4 0.5000000
# J 15 9 1.0000000 3 3 1.0000000
# W 6 3 0.7500000 2 2 0.5000000
# A 9 3 0.3333333 3 3 -0.3333333
# X 12 6 1.0000000 3 2 1.0000000
# F 13 7 0.7777778 3 3 0.5555556
# S 21 11 0.9166667 4 3 0.8333333
# H 14 8 0.8888889 3 3 0.7777778
# Y 2 1 1.0000000 1 1 1.0000000
# E 2 1 1.0000000 1 1 1.0000000
# All
# w u r n1 n2 mf
# All 181 90 0.6766917 50 52 0.3533835
# Excluded Clusters
# [1] M, Q, R, B, O, V, I, C
## End(Not run)
MFClusBoot Bootstrap MF CI from clustered data
Estimates bootstrap confidence intervals for the mitigated fraction from clustered or stratified data.
MFClusBoot(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"), boot.cluster = TRUE,
boot.unit = TRUE, b = 100, B = 100, alpha = 0.05, hpd = TRUE,
return.boot = FALSE, = FALSE, seed = sample(1:1e+05, 1))
MFClusBoot 11
formula Formula of the form y ~ x + cluster(w), where y is a continuous response, x
is a factor with two levels of treatment, and w is a factor indicating the clusters.
data Data frame. See Note for handling of input data with more than two levels.
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference
group to which compare[2] is compared
boot.cluster Boolean whether to resample the clusters.
boot.unit Boolean whether to resample the units within cluster.
bNumber of bootstrap samples to take with each cycle
BNumber of cycles, giving the total number of samples = B * b
alpha Complement of the confidence level
hpd Boolean whether to estimate highest density intervals.
return.boot Boolean whether to save the bootstrap sample of the MF statistic. Boolean whether to display verbose tracking of the cycles.
seed to initialize random number generator for reproducibility. Passed to set.seed.
Resamples the data and produces bootstrap confidence intervals. Equal tailed intervals are estimated
by the percentile method. Highest density intervals are estimated by selecting the shortest of all
possible intervals.
amfbootcluster-class data object
If input data contains more than two levels of treatment, rows associated with unused treatment
levels will be removed.
Factor levels for treatments not present in the input data will be ignored.
Clusters with missing treatments will be excluded. See mfbootcluster-class or use to
identify excluded clusters.
David Siev <>
Siev D. (2005). An estimator of intervention effect on disease severity. Journal of Modern Applied
Statistical Methods. 4:500–508
Efron B, Tibshirani RJ. An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and Hall, New York, 1993.
12 MFClusBootHier
## Not run:
MFClusBoot(lesion ~ group + cluster(litter), piglung, seed = 12345)
Bootstrapping units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10000 bootstrap samples of clusters and units in treatment in cluster
Comparing vac to con
95% confidence interval
observed median lower upper
Equal Tailed 0.3533835 0.3648649 -0.01409471 0.7109966
Highest Density 0.3533835 0.3648649 0.00000000 0.7236842
Excluded Clusters
M, Q, R, B, O, V, I, C
## End(Not run)
MFClusBootHier MFClusBootHier
Combines MFhBoot and MFnestBoot into a single function.
MFClusBootHier(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"), nboot = 10000,
boot.unit = TRUE, boot.cluster = TRUE, which.factor = "All",
alpha = 0.05)
formula formula Formula of the form y ~ x + a/b/c, where y is a continuous response,
x is a factor with two levels of treatment, and a/b/c are variables corresponding
to the clusters. It is expected that levels of "c" are nested within levels of "b".
Nesting is assumed to be in order, left to right, highest to lowest.
data a data.frame or tibble with the variables specified in formula. Additional vari-
ables will be ignored.
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference group
to which compare[2] is compared.
nboot number of bootstrapping events
boot.unit Boolean whether to sample observations from within those of the same core.
boot.cluster Boolean whether to sample which cores are present. If TRUE, some trees have
all the cores while others only have a subset.
which.factor Which variables to include in the mitigated fraction summation. Default is
âC™AllâC™, to sum over entire tree.
alpha Passed to emp.hpd to calculate high tailed upper and high tailed lower of miti-
gated fraction.
MFClusHier 13
A list with the following elements:
MFhBoot as output from MFhBoot.
MFnestBoot as output from MFnestBoot.
Core variable is the variable corresponding to the lowest nodes of the hierarchical tree. Nest vari-
ables are those above the core. All refers to a summary of the entire tree.
See Also
a <- data.frame(
room = paste('Room',rep(c('W','Z'),each=24)),
pen = paste('Pen',rep(LETTERS[1:6],each=8)),
litter = paste('Litter',rep(11:22,each=4)),
tx = rep(rep(c('vac','con'),each=2),12),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
a$lung[a$tx=='vac'] <- rnorm(24,5,1.3)
a$lung[a$tx=='con'] <- rnorm(24,7,1.3)
thismf1 <- MFClusBootHier(lung ~ tx + room/pen/litter, a, nboot = 10000,
boot.cluster = TRUE, boot.unit = TRUE)
thismfhboot <- thismf1$MFhBoot
MFClusHier MFClusHier
Combines MFh and MFnest into a single function.
MFClusHier(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"), which.factor = "All")
14 MFClusHier
formula Formula of the form y ~ x + a/b/c, where y is a continuous response, x is a
factor with two levels of treatment, and a/b/c are variables corresponding to the
clusters. It is expected that levels of "c" are nested within levels of "b". Nesting
is assumed to be in order, left to right, highest to lowest.
data a data.frame or tibble with the variables specified in formula. Additional vari-
ables will be ignored.
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference group
to which compare[2] is compared.
which.factor one or more variable(s) of interest. This can be any of the core or nest variables
from the data set. If none or NULL is specified, MF will be calculated for the
whole tree.
A list with the following elements:
MFh as output from MFh.
MFnest as output from MFnest.
Core variable is the variable corresponding to the lowest nodes of the hierarchical tree. Nest vari-
ables are those above the core. All refers to a summary of the entire tree.
See Also
a <- data.frame(
room = paste('Room',rep(c('W','Z'),each=24)),
pen = paste('Pen',rep(LETTERS[1:6],each=8)),
litter = paste('Litter',rep(11:22,each=4)),
tx = rep(rep(c('vac','con'),each=2),12),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
a$lung[a$tx=='vac'] <- rnorm(24,5,1.3)
a$lung[a$tx=='con'] <- rnorm(24,7,1.3)
thismf <- MFClusHier(lung ~ tx + room/pen/litter,a)
aCore <- thismf$MFh
mfcluster-class 15
mfcluster-class Class mfcluster
Class mfcluster is created from output of function MFClus
mfcluster$new(All, bycluster, excludedClusters, call, compare)
All: vector with elements:
wWilcoxon statistic
uMann-Whitney statistic
rmean ridit
n1 size of group 1
n2 size of group 2
mf mitigated fraction
byCluster: As for All, by clusters
excludedClusters: character vector naming clusters excluded because of missing treatment
call: the call to MFClus
compare: character vector naming groups compared
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
mfcomponents-class Class mfcomponents
Class mfcomponents is created from output of function MFSubj
mfcomponents$new(mf, x, y, subj, compare)
16 MFh
mf: numeric estimator for mitigated fraction
x: numeric vector containing responses of group 1
y: numeric vector containing responses of group 2
subj: matrix where mf.j are the subject components
compare: character vector naming groups being compared
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
MFh Identify ranks for use when evaluating MF for nested hierarchy.
MFh(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"))
formula Formula of the form y ~ x + a/b/c, where y is a continuous response, x is a
factor with two levels of treatment, and a/b/c are variables corresponding to the
clusters. It is expected that levels of "c" are nested within levels of "b". Nesting
is assumed to be in order, left to right, highest to lowest.
data a data.frame or tibble with the variables specified in formula. Additional vari-
ables will be ignored.
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference group
to which compare[2] is compared.
Amfhierdata object, which is a list of three items.
coreTbl Atibble with one row for each unique core level showing values for:
con_n &vac_n - counts of observations for each treatment level in the core level.
con_medResp &vac_medResp - median of the y continuous response for each treatment
n1n2 - product of the counts, con_n *vac_n.
w- Wilcoxon statistic
u- Mann-Whitney statistic
data Atibble of the restructured input data used for calculations.
compare The compare variables as input by user.
formula The formula as input by user.
MFhBoot 17
Core variable is the variable corresponding to the lowest nodes of the hierarchial tree. Nest variables
are those above the core.
See Also
MFnest for calculation of MF for nest, core and all variables. mfhierdata for returned object.MFClusHier
for a wrapper.
a <- data.frame(
room = paste('Room',rep(c('W','Z'),each=24)),
pen = paste('Pen',rep(LETTERS[1:6],each=8)),
litter = paste('Litter',rep(11:22,each=4)),
tx = rep(rep(c('vac','con'),each=2),12),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
a$lung[a$tx=='vac'] <- rnorm(24,5,1.3)
a$lung[a$tx=='con'] <- rnorm(24,7,1.3)
aCore <- MFh(lung ~ tx + room/pen/litter,a)
# A tibble: 12 x 10
# room pen litter con_medResp con_n w vac_medResp vac_n n1n2 u
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Room W Pen A Litter 11 8.24 2 7 5.13 2 4 4
# 2 Room W Pen A Litter 12 4.91 2 5 3.81 2 4 2
# 3 Room W Pen B Litter 13 8.10 2 7 5.23 2 4 4
# 4 Room W Pen B Litter 14 8.11 2 7 5.59 2 4 4
# 5 Room W Pen C Litter 15 8.09 2 7 5.26 2 4 4
# 6 Room W Pen C Litter 16 6.77 2 7 4.50 2 4 4
# 7 Room Z Pen D Litter 17 5.58 2 7 4.26 2 4 4
# 8 Room Z Pen D Litter 18 7.44 2 6 6.33 2 4 3
# 9 Room Z Pen E Litter 19 7.98 2 7 4.58 2 4 4
# 10 Room Z Pen E Litter 20 6.78 2 7 4.86 2 4 4
# 11 Room Z Pen F Litter 21 6.82 2 7 5.36 2 4 4
# 12 Room Z Pen F Litter 22 7.27 2 7 5.13 2 4 4
MFhBoot MFhBoot
Calculate rank tables for MF using bootstrapping.
MFhBoot(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"), nboot = 10000,
boot.unit = TRUE, boot.cluster = TRUE, seed = sample(1:1e+05, 1))
18 MFhBoot
formula Formula of the form y ~ x + a/b/c, where y is a continuous response, x is a
factor with two levels of treatment, and a/b/c are variables corresponding to the
clusters. It is expected that levels of "c" are nested within levels of "b". Nesting
is assumed to be in order, left to right, highest to lowest.
data a data.frame or tibble with the variables specified in formula. Additional vari-
ables will be ignored.
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference group
to which compare[2] is compared.
nboot number of bootstrapping events
boot.unit Boolean whether to sample observations from within those of the same core.
boot.cluster Boolean whether to sample which cores are present. If TRUE, some trees have
all the cores while others only have a subset.
seed to initialize random number generator for reproducibility. Passed to set.seed.
A list with the following elements:
bootmfh Rank table for the bootstrapped values as output from MFh. Includes a new bootID vari-
able to distinguish each bootstrapped incidence.
clusters Table of unique nodes with an ID.
compare Compare vector as specified by user.
mfh MFh run on original data input.
See Also
a <- data_frame(room = paste('Room', rep(c('W','Z'), each = 24)),
pen = paste('Pen', rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8)),
litter = paste('Litter', rep(11:22, each = 4)),
tx = rep(rep(c('vac','con'), each = 2), 12)) %>%
mutate(lung = ifelse(tx == 'vac', rnorm(24, 5, 1.3), rnorm(24, 7, 1.3)))
formula <- lung ~ tx + room/pen/litter
nboot <- 10000
boot.cluster <- TRUE
boot.unit <- TRUE
which.factors <- c('All','room','pen','litter')
system.time(test1 <- MFhBoot(formula, a,
nboot = 10000,
boot.cluster = TRUE, boot.unit = TRUE, seed = 12345))
mfhierdata-class 19
mfhierdata-class Class mfhierdata
Class mfhierdata is created from output of function MFh
mfhierdata$new(coreTbl, data)
coreTbl: data.frame with one row for each unique core level showing values for nx,ny,N,
w,u, and median observed response.
data: data.frame is the restructured input data used for calculations in MFh and MFnest.
compare: character vector naming groups being compared.
formula: formula that was called by user.
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
mfhlboot-class Class mfhlboot
class for data objects produced by HLBoot, contains class mf with additional fields MFstat, HLstat,
QDIFstat, QXstat, QYstat
mfhlboot$new(nboot, alpha, seed, compare, rng, sample, MFstat, HLstat,
QDIFstat, QXstat, QYstat)
nboot: Numeric value specifying number of samples.
alpha: Numeric value specifying complement of confidence interval.
seed: Vector of integers specifying seed for pseudo-random number generator used.
compare: Vector of character strings naming groups compared.
rng: Character string naming type of random number generator.
sample: The bootstrapped values.
20 MFmp
MFstatMatrix with columns observed, median, lower, upper for Equal Tailed and Highest
Density estimates of mitigated fraction (MF).
HLstatMatrix with columns observed, median, lower, upper for Equal Tailed and Highest
Density estimates of Hodge-Lehmann estimator (HL).
QDIFstatMatrix with columns observed, median, lower, upper for estimates of Quartile Dif-
QXstatMatrix with columns observed, median, lower, upper for quartiles of treatments, equal
QYstatMatrix with columns observed, median, lower, upper for quartiles of response, equal
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
Other mf: mf-class,mfboot-class,mfbootcluster-class
MFmp Mitigated fraction from matched pairs
Estimates mitigated fraction from matched pairs.
MFmp(formula=NULL, data=NULL, compare = c("con", "vac"), x=NULL, alpha=0.05, df=NULL, tdist=T)
formula Formula of the form y ~ x + cluster(w), where y is a continuous response, x
is a factor with two levels of treatment, and w is a factor indicating the clusters.
data Data frame
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference
group to which compare[2] is compared
xTrinomial vector {ΣI(x<y),ΣI(x=y),ΣI(x>y)}
alpha Complement of the confidence level.
df Degrees of freedom. Default N-2
tdist Use quantiles of t or Gaussian distribution for confidence interval? Default t
mfmp-class 21
Estimates MF from matched pairs by the difference of multinomial fractions I(x<y)ΣI(x >
y))/N . The trinomial vector is {ΣI(x<y),ΣI(x=y),ΣI(x>y)}
amfmp-class data object
upper confidence interval is truncated to 1; lower confidence interval is truncated to -1. Point
estimate of 1.0 indicates complete separation.
David Siev <>
Siev D. (2005). An estimator of intervention effect on disease severity. Journal of Modern Applied
Statistical Methods. 4:500–508
See Also
MFmp(les ~ tx + cluster(cage), mlesions, compare = c('con','vac'))
MFmp(x = c(12, 12, 2))
mfmp-class Class mfmp
Class mfmp is created from output of function MFmp
mfmp$new(ci, x, what, alpha, tdist, df)
ci: numeric vector of point and interval estimates
x: numeric vector of length three holding data
what: text string describing interval type
alpha: numeric value specifying complement of confidence interval
tdist: Logical indicating if t distribution(TRUE) or gaussian (FALSE)
df: numeric value indicating degrees freedom
22 MFnest
Marie Vendettuoli <>
See Also
MFnest Summations to calculate the MF for nested data from a rank table.
MFnest(Y, which.factor = "All")
Yrank table (tibble or data.frame), structured as $coreTbl output from MFh or
output list from MFh.
which.factor one or more variable(s) of interest. This can be any of the core or nest variables
from the data set. If none or All is specified, MF will be calculated for the
whole tree.
A tibble with each unique level of a variable as a row. Other values include:
MF Mitigated fraction for the particular level of the variable in this row.
N1N2 Sum of the n1n2 variable in $coreTbl field of mfhierdata object output by MFh for this
particular variable-level combination.
USum of u variable in $coreTbl field of mfhierdata object output by MFh for this particular
variable-level combination.
_N Sum of the _n variable in $coreTbl field of mfhierdata object output by MFh for this particular
variable-level combination.
_medResp Median of responses for each comparison group for this particular variable-level combi-
Core variable is the variable corresponding to the lowest nodes of the hierarchial tree. Nest variables
are those above the core. All refers to a summary of the entire tree.
See Also
MFnest 23
a <- data.frame(
room = paste('Room',rep(c('W','Z'),each=24)),
pen = paste('Pen',rep(LETTERS[1:6],each=8)),
litter = paste('Litter',rep(11:22,each=4)),
tx = rep(rep(c('vac','con'),each=2),12),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
a$lung[a$tx=='vac'] <- rnorm(24,5,1.3)
a$lung[a$tx=='con'] <- rnorm(24,7,1.3)
aCore <- MFh(lung ~ tx + room/pen/litter,a)
# # A tibble: 1 x 9
# variable level MF N1N2 U con_N vac_N con_medResp vac_medResp
# <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 All All 0.875 48 45 24 24 7.24 4.91
# Skipping median summary, no response data provided.
# # A tibble: 1 x 7
# variable level MF N1N2 U con_N vac_N
# <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 All All 0.875 48 45 24 24
MFnest(aCore, 'room')
# # A tibble: 2 x 9
# variable level MF N1N2 U con_N vac_N con_medResp vac_medResp
# <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 room Room W 0.833 24 22 12 12 7.79 4.85
# 2 room Room Z 0.917 24 23 12 12 6.71 4.98
MFnest(aCore, 'pen')
# Complete separation observed for variable(s): pen
# # A tibble: 6 x 9
# variable level MF N1N2 U con_N vac_N con_medResp vac_medResp
# <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 pen Pen A 0.5 8 6 4 4 6.79 4.24
# 2 pen Pen B 1 8 8 4 4 8.11 5.59
# 3 pen Pen C 1 8 8 4 4 7.69 4.85
# 4 pen Pen D 0.75 8 7 4 4 6.10 4.98
# 5 pen Pen E 1 8 8 4 4 6.86 4.86
# 6 pen Pen F 1 8 8 4 4 6.88 5.13
MFnest(aCore, c('All','litter'))
# Complete separation observed for variable(s): litter
# # A tibble: 13 x 9
# variable level MF N1N2 U con_N vac_N con_medResp vac_medResp
# <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 All All 0.875 48 45 24 24 7.24 4.91
# 2 litter Litter 11 1 4 4 2 2 8.24 5.13
# 3 litter Litter 12 0 4 2 2 2 4.91 3.81
# 4 litter Litter 13 1 4 4 2 2 8.10 5.23
# 5 litter Litter 14 1 4 4 2 2 8.11 5.59
# 6 litter Litter 15 1 4 4 2 2 8.09 5.26
24 MFnestBoot
# 7 litter Litter 16 1 4 4 2 2 6.77 4.50
# 8 litter Litter 17 1 4 4 2 2 5.58 4.26
# 9 litter Litter 18 0.5 4 3 2 2 7.44 6.33
# 10 litter Litter 19 1 4 4 2 2 7.98 4.58
# 11 litter Litter 20 1 4 4 2 2 6.78 4.86
# 12 litter Litter 21 1 4 4 2 2 6.82 5.36
# 13 litter Litter 22 1 4 4 2 2 7.27 5.13
MFnest(aCore, 'litter')
# Complete separation observed for variable(s): litter
# # A tibble: 12 x 9
# variable level MF N1N2 U con_N vac_N con_medResp vac_medResp
# <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 litter Litter 11 1 4 4 2 2 8.24 5.13
# 2 litter Litter 12 0 4 2 2 2 4.91 3.81
# 3 litter Litter 13 1 4 4 2 2 8.10 5.23
# 4 litter Litter 14 1 4 4 2 2 8.11 5.59
# 5 litter Litter 15 1 4 4 2 2 8.09 5.26
# 6 litter Litter 16 1 4 4 2 2 6.77 4.50
# 7 litter Litter 17 1 4 4 2 2 5.58 4.26
# 8 litter Litter 18 0.5 4 3 2 2 7.44 6.33
# 9 litter Litter 19 1 4 4 2 2 7.98 4.58
# 10 litter Litter 20 1 4 4 2 2 6.78 4.86
# 11 litter Litter 21 1 4 4 2 2 6.82 5.36
# 12 litter Litter 22 1 4 4 2 2 7.27 5.13
MFnest(aCore, c('room','pen','litter'))
# # A tibble: 20 x 9
# variable level MF N1N2 U con_N vac_N con_medResp vac_medResp
# <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 room Room W 0.833 24 22 12 12 7.79 4.85
# 2 room Room Z 0.917 24 23 12 12 6.71 4.98
# 3 pen Pen A 0.5 8 6 4 4 6.79 4.24
# 4 pen Pen B 1 8 8 4 4 8.11 5.59
# 5 pen Pen C 1 8 8 4 4 7.69 4.85
# 6 pen Pen D 0.75 8 7 4 4 6.10 4.98
# 7 pen Pen E 1 8 8 4 4 6.86 4.86
# 8 pen Pen F 1 8 8 4 4 6.88 5.13
# 9 litter Litter 11 1 4 4 2 2 8.24 5.13
# 10 litter Litter 12 0 4 2 2 2 4.91 3.81
# 11 litter Litter 13 1 4 4 2 2 8.10 5.23
# 12 litter Litter 14 1 4 4 2 2 8.11 5.59
# 13 litter Litter 15 1 4 4 2 2 8.09 5.26
# 14 litter Litter 16 1 4 4 2 2 6.77 4.50
# 15 litter Litter 17 1 4 4 2 2 5.58 4.26
# 16 litter Litter 18 0.5 4 3 2 2 7.44 6.33
# 17 litter Litter 19 1 4 4 2 2 7.98 4.58
# 18 litter Litter 20 1 4 4 2 2 6.78 4.86
# 19 litter Litter 21 1 4 4 2 2 6.82 5.36
# 20 litter Litter 22 1 4 4 2 2 7.27 5.13
MFnestBoot MFnestBoot
MFnestBoot 25
MFnest using bootstrapping
MFnestBoot(x, which.factor = "All", alpha = 0.05)
xoutput from MFhBoot
which.factor Which variables to include in the mitigated fraction summation. Default is
âC™AllâC™, to sum over entire tree.
alpha Passed to emp.hpd to calculate high tailed upper and high tailed lower of miti-
gated fraction
A list with the following elements:
mfnest_details The MF and summary statistics as calculated for each bootstrap event. Variables
as in MFnest output.
mfnest_summary Statistical summary of bootstrapped MF with each unique level of a core or nest
variable passed to which.factor as a row. Other variables include:
median Median of MFs from all of the bootstrap events.
etlower Lower value of equal tailed range.
etupper Upper value of equal tailed range.
htlower Lower value of the high tailed range.
htupper Upper value of the high tailed range.
mf.obs MF calculated from data using MFh.
following variables for each
a table with one row for each level of the variable specified in which.factor and including the
following variables:
median median mitigated fraction across all bootstrapping instances.
etlower equal tailed lower of the mitigated fraction across all bootstrapping instances.
etupper equal tailed upper of the mitigated fraction across all bootstrapping instances.
htlower high tailed lower of the mitigated fraction across all bootstrapping instances.
htupper high tailed upper of the mitigated fraction across all bootstrapping instances.
mf.obs mitigated fraction using MFnest(x$mfh, which.factor), no bootstrapping.
See Also
26 MFr
a <- data_frame(room = paste('Room', rep(c('W','Z'), each = 24)),
pen = paste('Pen', rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8)),
litter = paste('Litter', rep(11:22, each = 4)),
tx = rep(rep(c('vac','con'), each = 2), 12)) %>%
mutate(lung = ifelse(tx == 'vac', rnorm(24, 5, 1.3), rnorm(24, 7, 1.3)))
formula <- lung ~ tx + room/pen/litter
nboot <- 10000
boot.cluster <- TRUE
boot.unit <- TRUE
which.factors <- c('All','room','pen','litter')
test1 <- MFhBoot(formula, a,
nboot = 10000,
boot.cluster = TRUE, boot.unit = TRUE, seed = 12345)
MFnestBoot(test1, c('All','litter'))
## Not run:
system.time(test2 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors))
system.time(test3 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[1]))
system.time(test4 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[2]))
system.time(test5 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[2:3]))
system.time(test6 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[2:4]))
## End(Not run)
MFr Mitigated fraction
Mitigated fraction comparing treatment to control.
MFr(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"))
formula Formula of the form y~x, where y is a continuous response and x is a factor
with two levels
data Data frame
compare Text vector stating the factor levels – compare[1] is the control or reference
group to which compare[2] is compared
MFSubj 27
The mitigated fraction is an estimator that quantifies an intervention’s effect on reducing the severity
of a condition. Since its units are on the probability scale, it is often a good idea to accompany it
with an estimator on the original scale of measurement.
The estimated mitigated fraction.
David Siev
Siev D, 2005. An estimator of intervention effect on disease severity. Journal of Modern Applied
Statistical Methods. 4:500-508
# [1] 0.44
MFSubj Subject components of mitigated fraction
Estimates the subject components of the mitigated fraction.
MFSubj(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"))
formula Formula of the form y~x, where y is a continuous response and x is a factor
with two levels
data Data frame
compare Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference
group to which compare[2] is compared
The mitigated fraction is an estimator that quantifies an intervention’s effect on reducing the sever-
ity of a condition. Since its units are on the probability scale, it is often a good idea to accompany
it with an estimator on the original scale of measurement.
The subject components are the individual contributions of the treated subjects to MF, which is
the average of the subject components.
28 mlesions
amfcomponents-class data object
David Siev <>
Siev D. (2005). An estimator of intervention effect on disease severity. Journal of Modern Applied
Statistical Methods. 4:500–508
x <- MFSubj(lesion ~ group, calflung)
# MF = 0.44 comparing vac to con
# MF Subject Components
# mf.j freq min.y max.y
# 1.00 6 0.000030 0.00970
# 0.84 1 0.012500 0.01250
# 0.76 3 0.016650 0.02030
# 0.68 6 0.023250 0.03190
# 0.04 1 0.132100 0.13210
# -0.04 3 0.144575 0.16325
# -0.20 2 0.210000 0.21925
# -0.36 1 0.292000 0.29200
# -0.52 1 0.356500 0.35650
# -0.84 1 0.461500 0.46150
# [1] 0.44
mlesions mlesions dataset
Post-mortem examination of the lungs of dogs housed in cages by pairs.
A data frame with 52 observations of the following 3 variables, no NAs.
cage Cage ID. 1 - 26.
tx Treatment. One of ’con’ or ’vac’.
les Percent gross lung lesions.
piglung 29
piglung piglung dataset
Post-mortem examination of the lungs of pigs in litters.
A data frame with 102 observations of the following 3 variables, no NAs.
lesion Percent gross lung lesions.
group Treatment group. One of ’con’ or ’vac’.
litter Litter ID.
Topic datasets
Topic documentation
calflung-data (calflung),3
MF (MF-package),2
mf (mf-class),5
mfboot (mfboot-class),7
mfbootcluster (mfbootcluster-class),8
mfcluster (mfcluster-class),15
mfcomponents (mfcomponents-class),15
mfhierdata (mfhierdata-class),19
mfhlboot (mfhlboot-class),19
mfmp (mfmp-class),21
mlesions-data (mlesions),28
piglung-data (piglung),29

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