MICRO ONE_Users_Manual_Oct75 ONE Users Manual Oct75
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Microdata Microdata MICRO·ONE USER'S MANUAL ; I_ Microdata , MICRO-ONE I ® MICRO·ONE USER'S MANUAL UM 20001506 OCTOBER, 1975 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The information contained herein is proprietary to and considered a trade secret of Microdata Corporation and shall not be reproduced in whole or part without the written authorization of Microdata Corporation. 98820751011A © 1975 Microdata Corporation TM Trademark of Mlcrodata Corporation Printed in U.S.A. III'" D6(714) I~ Microdam Microdata Corporation 17481 Red Hill Avenue Irvine, California 92714 540-6730 TWX, 910-595-1764 MICRO ONE USER'S W\NUAL . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION 1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1. 2. 3 1. 2.4 1. 2. 5 1. 2 •. 6 1.2.7 1. 2. 8 1..2.9 1.3 1..3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1. 5.1 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 SECTION 2 2.0 2.1 2.1.1 2.1. 2 2 •. 1. 3 2.1. 4 2.1.5 2.1. 6 2.1. 7 2.2 2 •. 2.,1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 ARCHITECTURE SYSTEM ORGANIZATION General Characteristics Registers and File T Register M Register N Register L Register U Register R Register LINK Register I/O Control Register File Registers Memory Descriptions Core Memory MOS Memory Control Memory Memory Busy Delays Memory Data Delays Read-Only Memory Delays Status and Condition Flags Internal Status Condition Flags Byte I/O Interface Byte I/O Bus External Priority Interrupts Real-Time Clock Power-Fail/Automatic Restart Arithmetic Functions MICROCOMMAND REPERTOIRE GENERAL Connnand Formats Litera1,Commands Operate Commands Execute Conunand Formats for Execute Commands Literal Commands Operate Commands Terms and Symbols Used in the command Descriptions Microcommands - Formats, Descriptions, and Examples LT Load T LM Load M LN Load N LU Load U LZ Load Zero Control i 1-1 1-1 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-11 1-11 1-13 1-13 1-13 1-14 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 Page 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.9 2.2.10 2.2.11 2.2.12 2.2.13 2.2.14 2.2.15 2.2.16 2.2.17 2.2.18 2.2.19 2.2.20 2.2.21 2.2.22 2 •. 2 .. 23 2.2 .. 24 2.2.25 L Register Organization LF Load File AF Add to File TZ Test If Zero TN Test If Not Zero CP Compare K Control Standard Output Functions Standard Input Functions A Add S Subtract R Read Memory W Write Memory C Copy o Or X Exclusive Or NAnd H Shift E Execute 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-10 2-10 2-11 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-17 2-17 2-23 2-26 2-28 2-33 2-33 2-37 2-39 2-41 2-42 SECTION 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 MICRO-ONE I/O AND MEMORY INTERFACE General Discussion 1/0 Organization Serial 1/0 Interface Byte I/O Interface Program-Controlled 1/0 Concurrent I/O External Priority Interrupts Direct Memory Access Port 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-4 SECTION 4 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4 •. 2.4 •. 6 BYTE 1/0 INTERFACE Introduction Byte I/O Bus Input Data Lines Output Data Lines Input Control Lines Output Control Lines Control Lines IOlX/ through I03X/ Lines CPH1 and CPH2/. Control Line MRSTI Control Line PROT/, PRIN/ Spare Lines Control Line SELO/, SELI/. ·Byte I/O Fundamentals Device Addresses Device Orders Status Bytes Function Bytes Byte I/O Operations and Timing 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-9 4-9 4-10 4 .. 3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 L8 Load Seven Control JP Jump ii Page 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 Program Controlled I/O Operations Address/Order Phase Transfer Phase Data Output Operations Function Output Operations Data Input Operations Concurrent I/O Operation Concurrent I/O Timing External Interrupt Operation Priority Determination External Interrupt Requests Interrupt Sequence and Timing SECTION 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1. 2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.2 MICRO-ONE CPU READ/WRITE MEMORY INTERFACE Processor and Memory Interface Control Section Memory Read Data Selection Logic Memory Write Data Gating Logic M and N Register Address Gating Logic Memory Control Interface 5-1 5-1 5-3 5-3 5-3 5-3 SECTION 6 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.3 6.3.1 6.3 •. 2 6.3 •. 2.1 DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS PORT Introduction Functional Description DMA Interface DMA Memory Control Logic DMA Memory Read Data Receivers DMA Memory Write Gating Logic DMA Memory Address Gating Logic DMA Port/Memory Control Interface Timing Clock Signals DMA Port Signals DMA Request (DMAR/) DMA Write (DMAW/) Memory Busy (MBSY) Memory Addresses Write Data Read Data 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-6 6-6 6-6 6-8 SECTION 7 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 SERIAL I/O INTERFACE Introduction Use as Teletype Controller General Operation Character Assembly and Disassembly Serial I/O Instructions Teletype Interface Connection 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-4 7-4 SECTION 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 MICRO-ONE BACKPLANE CONNECTOR SIGNAL LIST I/O Controllers and DMA Interface Signal List Serial TTY (J2) Front Panel (Cable) Connector (J3) 8-1 8-1 8-1 4.4.1 4.5 4~5.1 iii 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-14 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-18 Page SECTION 9 I/O INTERFACE SIGNAL GLOSSARY SECTION 10 10.1 10.1.1 10.1. 2 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.2.4 10.2.5 10.2.6 10.2.7 OPERATOR CONTROLS Consoles System Console (Standard 1600 System Console) Basic Console Displays on System Console Data Display Run Halt Lock Scan Panel Address Stop Switches and Syst~ Console Display Selector Connnand Switches Pa,nel. Switch Sense Switches Run Step Interrupt Clock Reset On 'Off-Lock Address Sync Register Display and Entry Display Enter Operating Procedures -- System Console 10.3 10.3.1 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 10 •.4.5 10.4.6 10.4.7 10.4.8 10.5 10.6 10.6.1 10.6.2 10.7 SECTION 11 11.1 11.1.1 11.1. 2 11. 2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.5.1 11.,6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.15 11.16 MICRO ONE CPU OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTtON General Arithmetic Logic Unit and Multiplexer Carry In T. Register File Registers Rand U Registers L Register L or K Destination in an Operate Command Condition and Link Logic Memory Address Registers (M and N) Destination Register Clock Logic Command Decode ROMs Programmed Input/Output Interrupts Memory Sequencer (Core Memory Version) Computer. Clock and Run Control . Run/Ha1t·Control . Computer Start Logic Automatic Power Fail and Power on Detection Function SECTION 12 SCHEMATICS 11~14 'iv 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 ··10-3 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-6 11-1 11-1 11-3 11...,7 11-9 11-9 11-:-9 11-12 11-;14 11-14 11-14 .1~-18 11-19 11-19 i1-22 11-26 11-26 11-29 1i-29 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure No. 1-1 1-2 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 7.... 1 7-2 10-'1 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 Title Micro-One Block Diagram Backplane Interconnections Typical Micro-One Series I/O Configuration Micro-One I/O Bus Lines Relationship of Control Signals CPHI q.nd CPH2/ Data or Function Output Timing Data or Status Input Timing Concurrent I/O Timing Typical Priority Scheme Typical Selection Acknowledgment Scheme External Interrupt Timing Interrupt Sequencer States CPU and DMA Memory Interface Half Cycle Read DMA/Processor Core Memory Interface DMA Port/Memory Control Timing Serial I/O Interface Circuit Serial I/O Timing MICRO 1600 System Control Arithmetic/Logic unit Block Diagram 2-Register Block Diagram Fill Registers Block Diagram Rand U Register Block Diagram L Register Block Diagram Condition & Link Register M and N Address Registers Destination Register Clock Logic Command Decode ROM's Block Diagram Programmed I/O Block Diagram Interrupts Memory Controller Block Diagram Clock Generation Logic, Block Diagram Run/Halt Control Block Diagram Computer Star.t Logic, Block Diagram Power Fail Detect Block Diagram v . 'Page 1-2 1-12 3-2 4-2 4-4 4-12 4-14 4-15 4-17 4~18 4-19 4-20 5-2 5-5 6-2 6 .... 7 7-2 7-3 10-2 11-2 11-8 11-10 11-11 11-13 11-15 11-16 11-l7 11-18 11-20 11-21 11-23 11--27 11-28 11-30 11-31 LIST OF TABLES Title Table No. . Page 1-1 Microcommand Set 1-3 1-2 File Register 0 Flags l""~ 1-3' Inter,nal Status Bits 1-10 2-1 Register Designation for op~rate Co~ands 2-2 2-2 Standard I/O Control Codes 2-2.0 2-3 2-24 2..... 4 2-25 2-5 2-26 2-6 2-26 4-1 I/O Control States 4-4 4-2 Standard I/O Device Addresses 4-7 4-3 Standard Device Order 4-9 4-4 Typical Status Byte Definition 4""10 4-5 Interrupt Sequence States 4-2Q 8-1 Micro-One Backplane Connector Signal List 8-2 8-2 MOS Memory Interface Connector. List 8-4 9-1 I/O Interface Signal Glossary 9:",,1 11-1 ALU MUX Addresses, ALUModes, and Carry In 11... 4 vi SECTION 1 ARCHITECTURE SECTION 1 ARCHITECTURE 1.0 SYSTEM ORGANIZATION The Micro-One Computer is a bus-organized system~ constructed around a file of 15 programmable registers, which feature microprogrammed control. The basic elements of the system are shown in the block diagram of Figure I-I. The system executes 15 basic microcommands with many variations, plus a code-variable execute command shown in Table 1-1. All microcommands are l6-bits long and are in one of three standard formats. Micro-One microprograms are established in a Read-Only~Memory (ROM) and thereafter become an integral part of the system's hardware. The microprogram can be changed by replacing the ROM devices. Commands read out of the ROM control all aspects of Micro-One's operation and are executed in a single 200 nanosecond machine clock cycle. Micro-One's 8-bit Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) performs all data manipulation, including: addition, subtraction, logical AND, logical OR, logical Exclusive OR, and I-bit left and right shifts. The output of the logic network is the A-bus which is the input to the files and other system registers; all data byte movement occurs on this bus. The A-bus extends to the backplane and can be used for special I/O functions. The output of the register file is one of the inputs to the ALU, the other input is the B-,bus. B-bus inputs are determined by the type of command, its options, and the I/O mode. B~bus inputs are the true and the complement outputs of the T register, the input bus, and the 8-bit literal contained in certain commands, and four external sense lines. The memory data and address buses communicate between the core memory modules, the processor, and the Direct Memory Access (DMA) port. Either the processor or the DMA port may operate with the memory, with DMA having operational priority. 1.1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The heart of the Micro-One system is mounted on a single 8-1/2 x l2-inch printed circuit board which contains the basic CPU and the lK ROM. There is a connection and interface control for a piggyback MOS memory of up to 8K bytes in lK increments. Additional characteristics include: • Core memory addressing to 64Kbytes, or strap selectable to 32K bytes for operation with Micro-One/2l firmware. • 1.0 Microsecond memory speed (full cycle) • 8-Bit memory bytes • Up to 1024 words of read only storage • Two versions of control consoles 1-1 JUMPERED FOR 32K OR 64K BYTES ~~--~--~--~~-DATA, STATUS, REQUESTS, CONTROL DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS CORE MEMORY 0-32K BYTES MEMORY OAT BUS CoNTRoL.r---------~ 101X} 102X 103X 3UNES I/O CONTROL .....~_ SET BY COMMAND REGISTER DECODE AND CONTROL INPUT BUS (8 BITS) FILE REGISTERS (15 x 8) CONDITIONS (ZERO POSITIVE, OVERFLOW) CONSOLE DATA SWITCHES 8 BITS READ ONLY STORAGE 256-1024 WORDS (16) R BUS (16 BITS) "-_ _ _8~B"-'IT;....;:.L;...;IT...;;E"_R"_A.;.;;L;,;;S;..;F...;R.:..;O:;.;M~R.;..;O:o.;.M"___ ___I COMMAND DECODE AND ....- CONSOLE CONTROL CONTROL SWITCHES TO ALL FUNCTIONS Figure 1-1. R REG ISTER (16) BITS Micro-One Block Diagram 1-2 Table 1-1. No. 0 1 Name Execute Literal to Register Microcommand Set Class Instruction Code Mnemonic Execute OXXX E NA LZ LT Literal Class Commands 10XX 11XX 12XX 13 XX 14XX 1SXX 1CXX 1DXX 16xx 17XX JP JP JP JP LU LS Load Load Load Load Jump Jump Jump Jump Load Load 2fXX LF N/A f = 3fXX AF N/A f = file Literal to Register Subfunctions LM LN 2 Load File 3 Add to File 4 Test If Zero I 4fXX TZ 5 Test Not Zero I Sf XX TN N/A 6 Compare I 6fXX CP N/A Operations OX is ORed with U Register No operation XX replace contents of T XX-replace contents of M XX replace N & M is cleared. to page O. to page 1. to page 2. to page 3. XX replaces contents of U. Internal Controls Zero T M N U Seven I-' I w I Operate Class Commands C fie 7 7fc*r IdJ L K I N/A ! estination register r ,M,N,L, U N/A Control -- I I I i I file number number Skip f of Skip f of on no bits match, i f file the ones in the XX. on any bits match in file I the ones in X. I Skip c 0000 0001 0010 0100 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 on f + XX>28 -1 Field (Binary) No operation Enter Sense Switches Shift Right Four Bits Enter Internal Status Enter Console Switches Clear I/O Mode Control Output Data Output Space Serial TTY I Table 1-1. Name No. 7 Control Class Instruction Operate Class Commands Code Microcommand Set (Continued) Mnemonic 7fc*r Literal to Register Subfunctions N/A ---8fc*r 8 10 A S N/A Subtract Copy 12 OR 0001 0010 0100 1000 Modify Flags File + T Sum + 1 Sum + Link Bit 0001 0010 0100 1000 Modify Flags File + T Complement Inhibit Increment Difference + Line R/S N/A OOXX 01XX 10XX 11XX XXlX XXX1 Transfer Decrement Add Link Increment Half Cycle Write (Not Read) Bfc*r C N/A XXX1 XXlX XlXX 1XXX Modify Select Select Select Flags T +1 Link Cfc*r 0 N/A XXX1 XXlX XlXX 1XXX Modify Select Select Linked Flags T T Complement Zero Test I 11 Concurrent Acknowledge Interrupt Acknowledge Data Input Spare Afc*r Read/Write Memory I 1100 1101 1110 1111 I N/A Add 9fc*r 9 C field (binary) _~ _ _ . ___ l---.-.-._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j I 1 I I I I I 1 Table 1-1. No. Name Literal to Register Subfunctions C field (binary) I I Dfc*r X 14 AND Efc*r I N Same as OR 15 Shift Ffc*r I H XXXl XXlX XlXX lXXX ® G) @ If* = 0, result of operation is placed in file (f) • = c = * = r = f file address sub op code field inhibit file write destination field I I Same as OR Exclusive OR (!) Vt Mnemonic 13 NOTE: I-' I Code Microcommand Set (Continued) I Modify Flags Shift Right Insert ONE Insert Link 1.2 • TTL integrated circuitry • Operating temperature 0 to 500 C; relative humidity 90% • Compatibility with Micro 1600 interface controllers • Power: • Power fail detect and auto restart standard ,(requires full wave rectified 8V peak signal supplied from power supply) • 120 Hz real-time-clock standard • Serial TTY interface standard • Single channel external interrupt • Concurrent I/O using the programmed I/O bus • Bidirectional memory data bus • Separate 8-bit output and input data buses • ROM memory sequencer which can be programmed for CORE OR MOS memory timing +5V, 3A with lK ROM REGISTERS AND FILE There are eight CPU registers and 15 file registers. Each,of the eight CPU registers has a specific use in the processor, while the files are used for general storage and flags. 1.2.1 T Register The 8-bit T register serves as the operand register for moSt of the operate class commands, and as a buffer register for output and memory operations. Both the true and complement output of the T register can be gated to the B-bus as an operand. When 'both the contents of T and its complement are selected as operands, the effective operand is all l-bits; if neither is selected the operand is all O-bits. The T register can be loaded directly from ROM 'using a Load T instruction, from core memory on a Read instructioI1~ or it may, be loaded from a file ' register from the input bus, or fro~ itself (such as when incrementing T) by designating T as the destination register of an, operate class command. All programmed outputs, including contro1ancJ data bytes, go out via the T register. 1.2.2 M Register The eight-bit M register contains the eight high-order bits of the processor memory address. This register is gated onto the Memory Address bus at all times except during DMA op~ration. The M register can be loaded directly from ROM using a Load M command, or can be loaded by designating M as the destination register of an operate class command. The M register is cleared on a Load N command. a 1.2.3 N Register The eight-bit N register contain the eight 10~order bits of the processor memory address. This register is gated onto the Memory Address bus at all times except during a DMA memory operation. The N register can be loaded directly from ROM using a Load N command, or by being designated as the destination register of an operate class command. 1.2.4 L Register The 10-bit L register is the program counter and contains the read-only storage address of the next command to be executed, unless it is altered by a Jump command. The eight low-order bits of the L register serve as a counter which is incremented by one at each clock time when the processor is running unless a command execution delay is imposed. L is loaded by a Load L command, or as a destination register of an operate class command. 1.2.5 U Register The eight-bit U register is used to modify the output of the read-only storage. For commands with Op Code 0 or non1itera1 instructions with destination of 7, the contents of the U register are Inc1usive-ORed with the eight high order bits of the ROM output as it is gated into the R register. This allows for dynamic modification and changing of operation codes and file register designators. U is loaded by a Load U command or as a destination register of an operate class command. 1.2.6 R Register The 16-bit R register holds the present microcommand being executed. Its output is decoded and controls the operation of the processor at each clock time. 1.2.7 LINK Register The one-bit LINK register holds the ALU'S high order carry from Add, Subtract, and Compare commands and the shifted off end bit from the Shift command. 1.2.8 I/O Control Register This three-bit register generates the control signals for the I/O bus, Seven separate control signals can be developed by decoding the register outputs. It is loaded and cleared by a control command, placing the timing 1-7 of I/O control signals under command control. There are three output modes and four input modes. The high-order bit of the register is the input flag. When this bit is aI-bit, the input bus is esupstituted for the T regi,~ter when it is selected, and is the source of data when executing an'external I/O control command. 1.2.9. File Registers Files consist of 15 eight-bit operational registers plus one File Zero register. All commands, except Load Register with Literal (Op-l), specify the file which will provide one input to the ALU. All file registers are functionally identical except for file register 0 which contains eight flags, and cannot be used for g,eneral storage. The flags of file register o are given in Table 1-2. Table 1-2. File Register 0 Flags Bit Flag r-----~--------------~--~--~----------------------------------------~ o Overflow Result Condition 1 Negative Result Condition 2 . Zero Result Cond! ton 3 Concurrent I/O Request Line 4 Internal Interrupt 5 I/O Reply Line 6 Serial Teletype 7 External Interrupt Line r-----------.-------------~------------------------------------~--------~ 1.3 MEMORY DESCRIPTIONS A brief functional description of the Micro-One·s memories, memory busy, and memory data delays is provided in paragraphs 1.3.1 through 1.3.6. 1.3.1 Core Memory The magnetic core memory of the Micro-One is organized into pluggable modules of 8K or 16K bytes. Addressed at the byte level, the memory is operated in read or write, and full or half-cycle operations. The full-cycle memory timing is five 200 ns clock cycles (1.0 microsecond); the half.,..cYcle timing in the system is three clock cycles (600 ns). For a read operation, the acce.ssed data is placed in the T register two clock cyclesa:fter the start of the memory operation. Full cycle regeneration of the data in the memory does not require the use of the T register and'! may be modified'by the microprogram before completion of the restore part of the cycle. 1-8 1.3.2 MOS Memory The MOS memory of the Micro-One is organized into modules of lK bytes with up to 8K bytes available. The memory is mounted piggyback on the Micro~One circuit board so that additional connectors are not required. 1.3.3 Control Memory The read-only memory provides storage for commands and constants of the microprogram. Its output is gated into the R register where it controls system operation at the next clock time. The ROM is always accessed for the next command while the current command is being executed. This look-ahead ability achieves faster command execution time. When the sequence of command execution is altered by a jump or skip, and additional cycle must be taken to perform an access before the next command is executed. When the unit is halted. theL register contains the address of the first command to be executed when operation is resumed. Each command is executed in a single clock cycle time although execution may be delayed because of core memory or read-only memory operations. The system clock rate is 20 MHz, and the clock cycle is 200 nanoseconds. 1.3.4 Memory Busy Delays When the memory is busy due to processor or D}~ operations and a read/write command or a command to modify M or N registers awaits execution, a delay will occur until the memory operation is completed. These commands are executed on the last clock of the memory half or full cycle. If a DMA request is pending at the time a read or write memory command is to be executed, execution is delayed to give the DMA memory priority. 1.3.5 Memory Data Delays Operate class commands which select the contents of either the T register or its complement during the first two cycles of a processor memory read operation are executed during the third cycle of the read operation. This allows time for the accessed byte to be placed in the T register. 1.3.6 Read-Only Memory Delays An extra cycle is required for command execution for the following conditions because of the look-ahead nature of the read-only memory: a. Jump command. b. Test if Zero command when a skip occurs. c. Test if not Zero command when a skip occurs. d. Compare command when a skip occurs. e. Operate class commands which have the L register designated as a destination. 1-9 1.4 STATUS AND CONDITION FLAGS Status and Condition flags are described in the following paragraphs. 1.4.1 Internal Status Eight internal status bits are provided in Micro-One to designate a particular internal interrupt condition. When any of the internal status bits is a I-bit, the internal interrupt flag (bit-4) in file register 0 is also a I-bit. This flag is tested by the microprogram to detect the presence of the internal interrupt condition. The internal status bits are entered via the B-bus into the selected file register by a control command, at which time the status bits are cleared. The assignments for the eight internal status bits are given in Table 1-3. Table 1-3. Internal Status Bits Bit ~ Interrupt Status o Console Interrupt 1 DMA termination 2 Real-Time Clock Interrupt 3 (Spare 0) 4 (Spare 1) 5 (Spare 2) 6 Console Step Switch 7 Power Fail/Restart Interrupt _____________________- L______________________________________________ 1.4.2 ~ __ ~ Condition Flags The Overflow, Negative and Zero conditions resulting from an operation involving the ALU can be stored in File Register 0, (See Table 1-2,) condition flags are updated for command 7 and for commands 8, 9, B-F if bit 4 is a I-bit. These condition flags can be tested by the microprogram for implementing various conditional operations. Definitions of the condition flags follows: a. Overflow - The Overflow Condition Flag stores the arithmetic overflow condition during an add, subtract or copy command. It stores the shifted off end bit during a shift command. Arithmetic overflow occurs when the result exceeds the range of the computer's 8-bit registers. 1~0 b. Negative - The Negative Condition Flag stores the high-order bit of the result on the A-bus since the 2's complement number system uses the most significant bit as the sign bit. c. Zero - The Zero Condition flag stores the zero condition of the result. The zero test can be linked over multiple byte operations under control of the LINK modifier (bit 7) of operate instructions, When this bit is 1, the Zero Condition flag may not be set to indicate the zero condition of the current byte, but may only be reset to indicate a non-zero result. For this flag to indicate zero over multiple bytes it must be set by a zero result on the first operation which will have the LINK modifier zero, and not be reset by non-zero conditions on succeeding bytes which will have the LINK modifier a one. 1.5 BYTE I/O INTERFACE The Micro-One provides an extremely fast elementary I/O capability. (The basic interconnections are shown in Figure 1-2.) The data paths and control functions are simple elements, sequenced from the control memory with flexible disciplines. With the fast (200 ns/step) control memory, firmware microprograms in control memory can react with a high degree of versatility in timing, data paths and I/O capabilities. This inc1ude~ priority interrupts, fully-buffered data channels, macroprogrammab1e transfers, and special purpose communication multiplexer channels. The byte I/O interface provides the facility for transferring bytes over a party line I/O bus under microprogram control. Standard Micro~One firmwave provides both programmed I/O and concurrent I/O transfer capability, along with a priority interrupt system. The basic I/O element is the Byte I/O bus. 1.5.1 Byte I/O Bus Data transfers through the byte I/O interface are basically two'"'phase operations. During the first phase, a control byte is placed on the Byte I/O bus before the actual transfer of data. The control byte contains a device address specifying the address of one of the I/O controllers on the bus, and a device order code signifying the type of operation. to. be performed during the transfer (data, status, or function transfer. etc). All controllers on the bus examine the device number, but only the addressed controller accepts the control byte and logically connects itself' to" the bus for the subsequent data byte transfer. During the second phase of the byte I/O operation, a single byte is transferred to or from the controller. After each byte transfer the controller disconnects itself from the bus. CPH , & CPH 2 -- BYTE OUT 10XX MEM ADDR DMA INTERFACE MEM OAT ..- DMA CTL BYTE IN ~ CPH, & CPH 2 BYTE I/O INTERFACE THE 1600 SYSTEM PANEL CAN BE USED WITH THE STANDARD' MICRO ONE BYTE OUT BYTE INPUT 10XX R EXTERNAL ROM L .ACKPLAN~~ s:: SYSTEM PANEL - L - A Mj:MADDR ~ (; :II 0 0 -10-PIN lDlD 0 l> r :II CONNECTOR m m ~~ -<-< 0X ." 'CD lD lD S::l> -1-1 ON MICRO ONE I-J: e e X (I) (I) 0 0 00 mm BACKPLANE Q!I ~ 0:II s:: s:: s:: s:: .- 10LEAD~ CABLE PIGGYBACK MOS MEMORY PANEL CONTROL :II 0 Z 0 0 -IS r e J4 Lt. +5 +12 POWER -16.75 GND .. .. . PWR FAIL& : RTC REFERENCE ~ l-+ J3 J10 r ~HtJI~ I I I i! :Il m e ~ (I) G) lD "'0 BASIC PANEL f0- -- Ci) e Z ~ -< -< -'5F' FLOWCHART CHART L MACHINE CODE MNEMONIC '014' '61AO' CP 1 X'AO' N NO SKIP AFFECTED REGISTER STATES: REGISTER BEFORE AFTER CASE 1 L F1 '014' '52' '016' '52' NOSKIP CASE 2 L F1 '014' '66' '015' '66" SKIP COMMAND EXECUTION TIME - 200 NANOSECONDS - NO SI5IP 400 NANOSECONDS - SKIP 2.2.14 K Control 7 f c 1.1 r 1 1514131211109876543210 This command is used to control special data flow operations, and I/O functions. The prime usage is: • Enter sense switches from panel to selected file register • Shift selected file right 4 bit places • Enter internal status to selected file register • Set and clear the 3 I/O control flip flops (IOXX) 2-15 The prime functions of this command are determined by the value of the c field as follows: Explanation Operation c o No operation 1 Enter Sense Switches Status of the 4 console sense switches are placed in the 4 high order bits of the file file register designated by f. The 4 low order bits are set to 1 bits. The status can also be placed in the designated destination register. 2 Shift File Right 4 The 4 high order bits of the file register designated by f are placed in 4 low order bits of the file register. The 4 high bits are set to 1 bits. The result can also be transferred to the designated destination register. 3 Unused 4 Enter Internal Status 5 Unused 6 Unused 7 Enter Console Switches The 8 internal status bits are placed in the file register designated by f, and the designated destination register. The internal interrupt flag in file 0 is reset by this command, along with the console interrupt, real-time clock, memory parity, and power fail/restart. Console step is reset upon release of the console switch and spare bits are controlled according to their individual implementation in h hardware. 2-16 The contents of the 8 low or.der console command switches are ANDed with 8 low order bits of the next command. File register 0 and the destination register 0 must be selected to prevent any modification of the file or register during execution of the control command. The command physically preceding this operation must not cause a read-only memory delay. ~peration __________________________.___ Ex_p~l_a_n_a_t_i_o__ n c 8 Clear I/O Mode The I/O control register is cleared. Data from the designated file or input bus ANDed with the designated file can be transferred to the designated file register and register (r). 9-F Set I/O Modes The I/O control register is set to equal the 3 low order bits of the c field. Data from the designated file or input bus ANDed with the designated file can be transferred to a designated file register and register (r). For all values of c, except 0,3,5,6,7, source data is placed in the designated files if bit 3=0 and also in the designated register. Destination r=7 is undefined for this command. In other words, the U register is not used. 2.2.15 Examples of Control Commands C = 1 Enter sense switches into file 1 L '005' Machine Code Mnemonic , 7110' K 1,1 Flow Chart Notation Affected Register Status: Case 1 Case 2 Register Before After L '005' file 1 Sense SW (Binary) File 0 (Bits 2-0) 1001 '006' '9F' 1001 010 L '005 ' file 1 Sense SW (Binary) File 0 (Bits 2-0) 0010 '006' . '2F' 0010 000 C = 2 Shift file 1 right 4 L '012' Machine Code Mnemonic '7120' K 1,2 2-17 Flow Chart Notation Affected Register States: Register Before After L '012' file 1 file 0 (Bits 2-0) 'EO' '013' 'FE' 010 C = 4 Enter internal status to file 1 L 'lE3' Machine Code Mnemonic , 7140' K 1,4 Flow Chart Notation Affected Register Status: Note: C Register Before After L 'lE3' file 1 Status file 0 (Bits 2-0) '45' 'lE4' '45' '40' 000 Sense switch 4 can be tested by testing negative condition flag after entering SSW to file O. =7 Enter console switches into file 5 Flow Chart Notation L Machine Code Mnemonic '112' , 113' '7070' '25FF' K 0,7 LF 5,X'FF' fSI\CSW-. f5 Register Before After L '112' file S Console SW file 0 (Bit 2-0) , AS' '114' 'AS' 'AS' 010 Affected Register Status: This command cannot be executed via the front panel because it requires a dynamic situation, and two separate functions entered on the front panel. 2-18 2.2.16 Standard Output Functions The two output codes COXX and DOXX represent a two byte output sequence, where the first byte is for control, and the second byte is for data. A device select control byte is first placed in the T register (which is also the output bus) and then COXX is set and reset. Following this, a data value is placed in T and DOXX is set and reset. COXX and DIXX control codes are used for data input routines. A device select control byte is first placed in T, and COXX is set and reset. Following this, DIXX is set, data is input while DIXX is set and then DIXX is reset. While DIXX is set, data can be entered in two ways: 1. Operate commands involving T get the input bus instead of T as long as I03X is set. These commands are ADD, OR, COPY, EXCLUSIVE OR, and AND. Any of these can be used to input data while DIXX is set as long as T complement is not selected. 2. The control command with the c field = 8-F causes the input bus to be ANDed with the selected file register as long as I03X is set. This method allows inputting on the same command that resets DIXX (providing the selected file has first been set to 'FF'). C = 8-F Input/Output Control When c equals 8-F, the operations are associated with external I/O, and the 3 low order bits of c are placed in the I/O control register. On the same operation, data can be moved from the designated file register or the input bus ANDed with the designated file register as determined by the current contents of the I/O control register, to the designated file or destination register. The data source is specified as follows: I/O Control Regi~ter MOde Source 0-3 Designated file register 4-7 Input bus ANDed with designated file register The values 4-7 correspond to the I03X control flip-flop. This flip-flop must be set in order to transfer data from the input bit to the computer's internal registers. Other than this restriction, the three I/O control register bits can be used in any manner desired at the microprogramming level of the Micro One and as long as standard I/O interface modules are not used. 2-19 For purposes of standardization of common interface modules, and implementation of standard I/O software instructions, a convention for I/O codes have been adopted as shown in Table 2-2. Table 2-2. cField (Hex) I/O Mode 8 0 1 2 3 4 9 A B C D E F 5 6 7 IOXX 3 2 1 Standard I/O Control Codes Control Activity 000 None o 0 1 Control Output (COXX/) {output o 1 0 Data Output (DOXX/) Codes o 1 1 Space Serial Teletype 1 0 0 Concurrent Acknowledge (CACK/) 1 0 1 I/O Acknowledge (IACK/) {Input 1 1 0 Data Input (DIXX/) Codes 1 1 1 Spare 2-20 Note that the I/O mode is directly represented as the 3 LSB's of c field I/O Examples: 1. Generate following output waveform: OUTPUT BUS COXX ----1 U DATA DEVICE SELECT _ _~, COXX 1'--_____________ DOXX DOXX CLOCK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I/O CONTROL MACHINE CODES FLOW CHART: DEVICE SELECT CODE-T ---'7090' '1000' '7080' JUMP CAUSES 2 CLOCK DELAY OUTPUT DATA BYTE-T - - -'70AO' '1000' '7080' 2-21 2. Input data according to following waveform: OUTPUT BUS . ---1 DEVICE SELECT COXX COXX DATA READY INPUT BUS DIXX DIXX INPUT DATA SAMPLE L L ------------------~~ CLOCK I/O CONTROL MACHINE CODES FLOW CHART: DEVICE SELECT CODE- T -- '7090' '1000' '7080' Jump to next inst. 2 clock delay '70EO' Jump to next inst. 2 clock delay Operate class command '7080' For a very simple interface having only 3 data registers to set, a single byte sequence will suffice for outputtting data. 2-22 3. Output a byte to interface Latch No.2, where only 3 interfaces latches exist in the system, using the simple interface technique mentioned above. I/O CONTROL MACHINE CODES FLOW CHART: OUTPUT DATA BYTE-T SET I/O MODE = 2 '70AO' RESET I/O MODE '7080' On an input cycle it is necessary to wait at least one clock cycle after generating DIXX to input data. The I/O controls a~e set in time at the completion of the control command. An input on the next clock would attempt to transfer data before the interface unit has the correct response data ready for input. c field = B which is I/O mode 3 is used to set the serial teletype mode to SPACE, which ties up the I/O channel. c fielp = 2.2.17 A D which is I/O mode 5 is used to acknowledge interrupts. Add ' - - - - Inhibit File Write The selected operand is added to the contents of the file register designated by f. The sum is placed in the file register (f), if * is an 0 bit, and in the register designated by r. The state of the carry out of the high order bit of the adder is placed in Link. File 0 may not be selected by this command. The c field controls selection of the operand, incrementing the result and modification of the condition flags is as follows: 2-23 c-bits 765 4 1 x x x Link Control: The content of LINK is added to the sum. The zero condition flag can be reset but cannot be set, providing a linked zero test over multiple bytes. A linked zero over mu1tip1ebytes functions as follows: Assume a 2-byte add is to be performed. Two file registers contain a 16-bit number to be added to another 16-bit number in core memory. The add is performed one byte at a time with the LINK used for carry into the second add. On the first byte addition the condition flags are modified. If the result of the first byte addition is not zero, then of course the entire addition results in a non-zero condition, so that the zero condition flag should not be set on the second byte add even if its result is zero. On the other hand, if the first add produces a zero condition, the second may not, therefore the zero condition flag should be reset table on the second byte add. The add function can be used to move data from a file to another register by not selecting any input in the c field. x 1 x x Add One: One is added to the sum. x x 1 x Select T: The contents of the T register or the input bus are selected as the operand. If the T register is not selected, the operand is zero. x x x 1 Modifying Condition Flags: The condition flags are updated according to the result. Eight different examples have been selected to illustrate various c states, data values, and destination registers. Since the L register advances 1 unless it is the destination, its state will not be shown in the affected register state chart. File 1 will be used in all examples. The various functions selected for each example are shown in Tables 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5. Table 2-3. The general form of the examples is Add the contents of file 1 to one or more of the following: Link, 1, T Destination register choices are T, F1 , or N Link is always updated. Condition flags are updated on selected examples. ------------------------ ------------.--~---~~--~, ------------- 2-24 Add command uses file 1 for all examples Table of functions selected for each example. Table 2-4. c Field Add Link Add 1 1. Add (file 1) to (T), put result in T and f1' and update condi tion flags. 0 0 2. Add (file 1) to (T), put result in T, update condition flags. 0 0 Example N I 3. Add (file 1) to T, put result 0 0 in N, update condition flags. N VI Modify Condo Flags 1 1 1 1 Select T I Destination Hexadecimal Code for c Field 1 1 I I Selected Register Symbol Binary Code Hexadecimal Code 3 T, fl 0001 1 3 T 1001 9 I 3 N 1011 B 6 N, f1 0011 3 8 fl 0000 0 5 fl 0000 0 A fl 0000 0 6 T, fl 0001 II I 4. Add (file 1) to T, +1, put 0 1 1 0 result in fl and N. 0 i I 1 I I I 5. Add (file 1) to (LINK) , put result in fl' 1 6. Add one to fl and put result 0 0 0 II 1 0 in f1' update C. 7. Add (f l ) to T and (LINK). Put result in fl' 8. Add (file 1) to (T) plus 1. Put result in T, fl' l I I Ii I I I I 1 0 1 I 0 I I 0 I I II I 1 0 I I I I 1 I \ I II I I I I I I I 1 I Table 2-5. The coding for the 8 Addition examples is shown below. Example Machine Code (Hex) 1 8131 AT 1, T, C (f1) + (T)~T, f1, C 2 8139 AT* 1, T, C (f1) + (T)~T, C 3 813B AN* 1, T, 4 8163 AN 1, I, T 5 8180 A 1, L (f1) + (T) +l~N, f1 (fl) + (L)-.f1 6 8150 A 1, I, C (f1) + 1--...f1 7 81AO A 1, L, T (£1) + T + 8 8161 AT 1, L, T (f1) + (T) + Assembly Language Mnemonics Flow Chart Notation c (f1) + (T)---N, C (L)~fl l~T, f1 NOT E If both Link and 1 are selected as inputs, they are ORed instead of added, thus the effective input is 1 regardless of the value of L. Table 2-6. Effected Register State Chart Conditions Example File T Link N Before After '65' 00 '9B' 00 ·... 1 2 Before After '65' '65' '15' '7A' ·... a 3 Before After '65' '65' '65' '65' ·... a ·... ·... ··... ... ·'CAY ... 4 , Before After '65' '66' '00' '00' ·... a ·'66' ... 5 Before After '00' '01' ··... ... 1 6 Before After ' FF' '00' ·... ·... ·... 1 Before After '00' '01' '00' '00' Before After '01' '03' '01' '03' 1 7 8 a 1 a I I I ·... a ·... ·... ·... ·... ·... ·... ·... ·... Zero Neg Ovf1ow 1 ·... a a a ·... a a a ·... 1 1 1 ··... ... ··... ... ·... a a Table 2-6 shows the results for the eight ADDITION EXAMPLES: 2-26 ... ··... ··... ... Command execution time - 200 nsecs 2.2.18 S SUBTRACT The complement of the selected operand plus one is added to the contents of the file register designated by' f. The difference is placed in the file register (f) if * is a 0 bit, and in the register designated by r. The result is a 2's complement subtraction. The state of the carry out of the high order bit of the adder is placed in Link. File 0 may not be, selected by this command. The c field controls selection of the operand, incrementing the result, and modification of the condition flags as follows: c-bits 7 6 5 4 Operation 1 x x x Link control: The content of LINK is added to the sum. Selection of the LINK inhibits the automatic addition of one. The zero condition flag cannot be set, providing a linked zero test over multiple bytes. Refer to the add description for details on linked zero test. x 1 x x Inhibit add one: If link control is not selected, one is automatically added to the result to produce a 2's complement subtraction. This control bit inhibits this addition, providing a l's complement subtraction. ' x x 1 x Select T: This complement of the contents of the T register are selected as the operand to the adder. If not selected, the operand consists of a I-bit in each bit position. x x x 1 Modify Condition Flags: The condition flags are updated according to the result. Affected: F, LINK, Condition Flags, r. If the input bus is enabled (I03X), this command will yield an unpredictable result because the complement of the input bus is not available. 2-27 Examples: 1. Subtract zero from file 1. Mnemonic Machine Code S 1 9100 Effected register states: Register Before After '00' 1 '00' Link file 1 Even though 0 is subtracted from 0, since 2's complement adding is used there is a carry of 1 all through the adder to the Link. 2. Subtract T, 1 from file 1 Destination T Update condition flags Machine Code Mnemonic '9179' ST* 1,D,T,C Flow Chart Notation Effected register states: ~egister Before '31' '31' After . '31' 'FF'.-2's complement for -1 o 010 ! t \ Zero Neg Overflow Command execution time -- 200 nanoseconds. 2.2.19 W WRITE MEMORY R READ MEMORY A f c 1*1 151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 r I 1 0 The primary function of this command is to initiate a core memory cycle in which one byte is transferred between the T register and core memory. The address in core is determined by the contents of the M and N registers. File o may not be selected by this command. 2-28 The lower two bits of the c field determine whether the memory operation is read or write and whether the operation is a full or half cycle. The c-bits control the type of memory operation as follows: c-bits 765 4 Memory Access Operation x x I x Half Cycle: If this bit is a I-bit, a half cycle memory operation is performed; otherwise a full cycle operation is selected. x x x I Write: If this bit is a l-bit, a write memory operation is performed; otherwise a read operation is selected. A full cycle takes 5 clock times. A half cycle takes 3 clock times. A full cycle read leaves the data in core unchanged. A full cycle write causes the old data to be cleared so the new value is unaffected by the old. A half cycle read leaves all ones in the core location. A half cycle write ANDS the data to be written with the data already in core. If a half cycle write into a particular memory cell was preceded by a half cycle read, the data value gets stored without modification since it is ANDed with l's, left from the previous half cycle read. A secondary function of this command is to simultaneously move data between registers while initiating the memory cycle. The contents of the file register designated by f is unaltered, incremented, or decremented as controlled by the c field. The result is placed in the file register (f) if * is a O-bit, and in the register designated by r. At the same time, a read (R) or write (W) memory operation is initiated as controlled by bit 4. If the operation is a memory read, the T register is cleared and the accessed data is set into the T register after two clock cycle times. Data to be written into memory must be placed in the T register during or before the write memory conunand, if the operation is a half cycle write, and by the first clock cycle time after the write memory command on a full cycle write. The condition flags and LINK are not affected. Execution of the memory command is delayed if the memory is in a busy condition from a previous R or W command or DMA operation. The bits of the c field control the transfer of data from the file register as follows: 2-29 c-bits 7 6 5 4 Operation o0 x x Transfer: The contents of the file register are transferred unaltered. o1 x x Decrement: The contents of the file register minus one are routed as specified. If the M register is selected as the destination and the content of LINK is a I-bit, the contents of the file register are transferred without being decremented. This provides a decrement with link control when M is the destination. lOx x Add Link: The content of LINK is added to the contents of the file register, and the sum is transferred as specified. 1 1 x x Increment: The contents of the file register plus one are transferred as specified. This data transfer feature permits setting up one of the registers directly involved with the memory access eM, N, or T) at the same time the memory cycle is initiated. There are some timing restrictions pertaining to modification of M, N, or T registers during a m~ory cycle. Some of the functions have logic interlocks to prevent errors, and some do not. These restrictions must be carefully considered with respect to data errors, and unexpected program time delays. The restrictions must be carefully considered with respect to data errors, and unexpected program time delays. The restrictions are as follows: 1. Attempting to change M or N while a memory cycle is in progress stops the computer clock until the memory cycle is over. No data errors result. Either M or N can be changed by the command initiating the memory cycle without causing delay. 2. Accessing T during a read cycle causes the clock to stop until the new data value from core is correctly in T. This causes delay but no data error. 3. Changing T during a write cycle will cause a delay i f it occurs during WTXX/ and it may cause a data error if it occurs on the clock immediately preceeding WTXX/. The memory access restrictions are specifically defined in the following chart: 2-30 Full Cycle Read Full Cycle Write Half Cycle Read --- Delay from changing M and N Up to 4 clocks Up to 4 clocks Delay due to T access Up to 2 clocks o clocks Data in T available (on Read) 3rd clock after memory connnand - I T must be loaded by Half Cycle Write Up to 2 clocks Up to 2 clocks Up to 2 clocks o 2nd clock after memory command 1st clock after memory cycle connnand (on Write) T must stay loaded Memory Cycle Connnand i 2 clocks after until (on Write) I I I me=ry connnand ---- ---- --~---~ clocks ------ I ----~-- Timing Diagram for Memory Accesses: I t MEMORY COMMAND CLOCK M & N MUST BE SET ON OR BEFORE THIS CLOCK T MUST BE SET ON OR BEFORE THIS CLOCK ON A WRITE HALF CYCLE COMMAND I 1ST CLOCK AFTER MEMORY INST. I I I I I I I I I T MUST BE I I SET ON OR I I I BEFORE THIS CLOCK ON A WRITE FULL CYCLE COMMAND I I t t 2ND CLOCK AFTER MEMORY INST. 3RD CLOCK AFTER MEMORY INST. I T CAN BE I CHANGED I ON OR AFTER THIS CLOCK TMUST ON A WRITE NOT BE COMMAND CHANGED ON THIS DATA IS CLOCK ON AVAILABLE A WRITE liN TON COMMAND THIS CLOCK AFTER A READ COMMAND I I I 2-31 t I I I 4TH CLOCK AFTER 5TH MEMORY \ CLOCK INST. \ M, NAND T CAN BE CHANGED ON THIS CLOCK WITHOUT DELAY OR ERROR I I I I I I I Examples: Machine Code Example 1) 2) Full cycle write (file 1) + l---'N, fl Half cycle read (file 2) ~ M, f2 f i o 1 p e c c d e s t A 1 D3 A 2 2 2 Mnemonics WN RM 1, I 2, H c Field Binary Functions and Codes for Memory Commands Increment Full cycle write 1 o Transfer 0 3) Half cycle write (file 2) + (Link)-.M, f2 A 2 B 2 WM I w 4) N 5) 6) 7) Full cycle write ~ T, f3 (file 3) Half cycle read (fl) - l----'N followed (f3) + (T)------+T, f3 Half cycle write followed by loading T (f3)------.T, f3 A3ll WT 3 Inhibit file write A 1 6 B RN'~ 8 3 2 1 AT 0 Transfer 0 ~ 0 2, L, H Add Link 1 N 1 0 Decrement 1, D, H 0 3, T 1 - Transfer A 0 3 0 8 301 Full cycle read, decrement (file 1) and transfer to M (J 1) - 1 ----. M, f 1 A 1 4 2 W AT 0, H 3 0 - 0 Decrement RM 1, D o 1 General Description D Full cycle write memory is initiated and N register is updated as well as fl' Half cycle read 1 0 2 Half cycle read memory is initiated while M register is updated directly from f 2 • Half cycle write 1 1 B Half cycle write memory is initiated while file 2 and M are updated by adding (LINK). Full cycle write 1 0 1 Full cycle write memory is initiated, T is updated from f3 on the same command. 1 Half cycle read 0 1 Half cycle write 1 1 - - Field Hex. Code 6 - 3 - Full cycle read o o 4 Half cycle read memory is initiated, followed by T register access on the next instruction. This will cause a program delay until the third clock. Half cycle write memory is initiated, followed by loading T on next instruction. No time delay occurs, but data written into memory may be incorrect. A full cycle read is initiated (fl) is decremented and transferred to M. If (LINK) = 1 the contents of the file are transferred without being decremented. 2.2.20 COpy C f B C 1*1 r 1 1514131211109876543210 The selected operand is placed in the file register designated by f, if * is a O-bit, and in the register designated by r. The LINK is not affected. The c filed controls selection of the operand, incrementing the operand, and modification of condition flags as follows: c-bits 765 4 Operation 1 x x x Link Control: The content of LINK is added to the sum. The zero condition flag can be reset but cannot be set, providing a linked zero test over multiple bytes. x 1 x x Add One: One is added to the sum. x x 1 x Select T: The contents of the T register or input bus are selected as the operand. If the T register is not selected, the operand is zero. x x x 1 Modify condition flags: The condition flags are updated according to the result. Affected: F, Condition Flags, r. This command is used to transfer T to a selected file register, with the option of incrementing or adding LINK while transferring. It is also used for inputting data, because when the input control flip flop (I03X) is set during an input mode. operate commands selecting T get the input bus instead. The command can be used to test the condition of T by selecting fO as the file register (which is unaffected) and setting the modify condition flag in the c field. The command can also be used to clear one file and another selected register by not selecting any input in the c field. Command Execution Time -- 200 nanoseconds. File register 1 is used for all examples except setting condition flag example. Examples of Copy Command: 2.2.21 o OR c f 15141312111098 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2-33 Machine Code f d e i o 1 s p e c t (T)--. f1 Destination for Copy Corrunands c field for Copy Corrunands Link Add 1 Select T Mod. Condo Flags Hex. Code B1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 (T) + 1 - - . f1' N B1 6 3 0 1 1 0 (T) + B1 A0 1 0 1 0~f1' N B1 0 3 0 0 (T)----. fO' C Set Condition Flags B1 3 0 0 0 Set DIXX 7 0 E 0 K 0, X'E' Delay 1 0 0 0 LZ X'OO' (T)~f1' T B CT 1, T Reset DIXX 708 0 K 0, 8 Examples (LINK)~f1 Binary Code Hex. Code f1 0000 0 C I, T (T) is transferred, unaltered to file 1. 6 f1, N 0011 3 CN I, I, T (T) is incremented and transferred to file I, and to the N register. 0 A f1 0000 0 C 1, T, L (T) is added to (LINK) and transferred to fl. 0 0 0 f1, N 0011 3 CN 1 File 1 and N registers are cleared because no input is selected. 1 1 3 fO 0000 0 C 0, T, C Condition flags are set according to the state of (T) • File 0 can't be loaded by this instruction so is unchanged. Selected Registers Mnemonics N General Discussion I w .p.. 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 f1, T 0001 1 The input flip flop is set by the DIXX command, so the copy T command transfers the Input bus to file 1 and to T. The selected operand is logically inclusive-ORed on a bit-for-bit basis with the contents of the file register designated by f and the result is placed in the file register, if * is a O-bit, and in the register designated by r. The LINK is not affected. The c field controls selection of the operand and modification of the condition flags as shown below: c-bits 7 6 5 4 Operation 1 x x x Link control: The zero condition flag can be reset but cannot be set, providing a linked zero test over multiple bytes. See the description of the add command for a detailed description of linked zero test. x 1 x x Select complement T: The complement of the contents of the T register is selected as the operand. If the T register is also selected, the effective operand contains a 1-bit in each bit position. x x 1 x Select T: The contents of the T register or Input bus are selected as the operand. If neither the T register nor the complement of the T register is selected, the operand is zero. x x x 1 Modify Condition Flags: The condition flags are updated according to the result. Affected: F, Condition Flags, r. If both complement T and T are selected, the operand is alII's. input bit is enabled (I03X), complement T must not be selected. If the This command is used for the general function of logical ORing as needed in a microprogram. It also has the following specific applications: Setting flag bits without disturbing other bits (with the OR function it doesn't matter if the flag is already set since there is no carry); moving data from a file to another register by not selecting any operand; setting alII's in a file register and/or one other selected register by selecting both T and T complement as operands; combining two numbers into one byte, such as for assembling hexadecimal digits into multiple digit numbers after the digits have been input to the computer as a string. Bit pattern example of OR function: file 1 T Result Binary Hexadecimal 01101000 00110100 01111100 '68' Command Execution Time -- 200 nanoseconds. 2-35 '34' '7C' File register I is used for all examples. Examples of OR command: Machine Code f d e i s o 1 p e c t Link Select Compo T C1 2 9 a a (f 1 ) V O---..N, f1 CIa 3 a (f 1 ) V C1 2 a (f 1 ) V (T), (T)---.N (f 1 ) V (T) (T)-+f 1 Destination for OR command results c field for OR commands Mod. Condo Flags Hex. Code 1 a 2 a a a a a 1 C1 6 B 0 1 C1 6 0 0 (f 1 ) V (T)--.Link, C C 1 B 8 1 Flow Chart Notation (f 1 ) V (T)~T (T)~f1 Select T Selected Registers Binary Code Hex. Code Mnemonics General Discussion 1 1001 9 OT* 1, T OR (file 1) with (T), inhibit file write put result in T. a N, f1 0011 3 ON 1 Move (file 1) to N by ORing with a and putting result in N. a 2 f1 0000 a 0 1, T OR (file 1) with (T) and put result in file 1. 1 a 6 N 1011 B ON* 1,T,F Set N = FF (all ones) by ORin£ (f1) with T, T and putting result in N. 1 1 0 6 f1 0000 a 0 Set f1 = FF by ORing f1 with T, T and putting result in fl. a 1 1 B none 1000 8 0* 1, T,L,C N I w 0'\ -- ~-.-.-- ._--.------- --~.-~~~-".-- - -- 1,T,F Perform conditional test on (f1) V (T) without changing f1 or T Select L to perform linked zero test with a previous command. 2.2.22 x EXCLUSIVE OR Inhibit File Write The selected operand is logically exc1usive-ORed on a bit for bit basis with the contents of the file register designated by f and the result is placed in the file register, if * is aD-bit, an& in the register designated by r. The LINK is not affected. The c field controls selection of the operand and the modification of the condition flags as shown below: c-bits Operation 7 6 5 4 1 x x x Link Control: The zero condition flags can be reset but cannot be set, providing a linked zero test over multiple bytes. See the description of the Add command for a detailed description of linked zero test. x 1 x x Select Com1ement T: The complement of the contents of the T register is selected as the operand. If the T register is also selected, the effective operand contains a l-bit in each bit position. x x 1 x Select T: The contents of the T register or input bus are selected as the operand. If neither the T register nor the complement of the T register is selected, the operand is zero. x x x 1 Modify Condition Flags: The condition flags are updated according to the result. Affected: F, Condition Flags, r. If both complement T and T are selected, this command produces the one's complement of the value in the file register. If the input bus is enabled (I03X), complement T must not be selected. This command is used for the following functions: general purpose exclusive OR; data comparison, ones complementing; and flipping selected bits such as controls and status flags. Bit pattern example of exclusive OR. file 1 T Result Binary Hexadecimal 01101100 00011010 01110110 '6C' 'lA' Command execution time -- 200 nanoseconds. 2-37 '76' File register I is used for all examples. Examples of Exclusive OR command: Example Flow Chart Notation Machine Code f d i e o 1 s p e c t (£1) ¥ (T)---..T D1 2 9 Destination for Exclusive OR command results c field for OR commands Link Select Compo T Select T Mod. Condo Flags Hex. Code 0 0 1 0 2 Binary Code Hex. Code T 1001 9 XT* 1,T Selected Registers Mnemonics - N I w General Discussion Exclusive OR (file 1) with (T) inhibit file write, put result in T. (£1) ¥ O-.+N, Fl D1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 N, fl 0011 3 XN 1 Move (file 1) to N by exclusive ORing with 0 (same result as OR), put resul t in N. (f l ) ¥ (T)---.f l D1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 fl 0000 0 X 1,T Exclusive OR (file 1) with (T) and put result in file 1. (f l ) ¥ (T), (T)-+T D1 6 B 0 1 1 0 6 N 1001 9 XT* 1,T,F Produce ones complement of (f l ) and place result in T. fl ¥ (T), (T)-+f l D1 6 0 0 1 1 0 6 fl 0000 0 X 1,T,F Produce ones complement of (£1) and put it back into fl' C D1 B 8 1 0 1 1 B none 1000 8 x* 1,T,L,C Perform conditional test and linked zero test on (f l ) It (T) without changing (f 1) or 00 (f 1 ) V (T)~Link, .. (T) • 2.2.23 N AND File Write The selected operand is logically ANDed on a bit-for-bit basis with the contents of the file register designated by f and the result is placed in the file register, if * is a O-bit, and in the register designated by r. The LINK is not affected. The c field controls selection of the operand and modification of the condition flags as shown below: c-bits 7 6 5 4 Operation 1 x x x Link control: The zero condition flag can be reset but cannot be set, providing a linked zero test over multiple bytes. See the description of the add command for a detailed description of a linked zero test. x 1 x x Select complement T: The complement of the contents of the T register is selected as the operand. If the T register is also selected, the effective operand contains a I-bit in each bit position. x x 1 x Select T: The contents of the T register or input bus are selected as the operand. If neither the T register nor the complement of the T register is selected, the operand is zero. x x x 1 Modify condition flags: The condition flags are modified by execution of the command. Updated according to the result. Affected: F, Condition Flags, r. If both complement T and T are selected and AND command moves the data, unchanged from the selected file register to the designated destination register. I f the input bus is enabled (I03X), complement T must not be selected. The AND command is used for the following functions: General purpose ANDing of files and T; resetting selected flag or status bits, without disturbing other flags; and marking out parts of a byte. Bit pattern examples of the AND function. file 1 T Result Binary Hexadecimal 01101011 10101101 00101001 '6B' 'AD' '29' Command execution time - 200 nanoseconds. 2-39 File register 1 is used for all examples. Examples of AND Command: Machine Code f d i e o 1 s p e c t (f l ) /\ (T)---+f l Destination for And command results c field for And connnands Link Select Compo T Select T Mod. Condo Flags Hex. Code E 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 (f l ) /\ O--.N, fl E1 0 3 0 0 0 0 (f l ) /\ (T)-+T E 1 2 9 0 0 1 (f l ) /\ (T), (T)-.. N E 1 6 B 0 1 1 (f l ) /\ (T)-+-f l E 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 4 fl 0000 0 N 1,F is anded wi th (T • The result is put into fl. (f l ) /\ (T)-+- Link, C E 1 B 8 1 0 1 1 B none 1000 8 N 1,T,L,C (f l ) is anded with (T) • The result is not put in any register. Only the condi t ion flags are set. Use of link results in multi byte zero test. Example Flow Chart Notation Selected Registers Binary Code Hex. Code fl 0000 0 N 1,T (fl) is anded with (T) • The result is put into fl' 0 N, fl OOll 3 NN 1 (f l ) is anded with O. The result (which is 0) is put into N, and fl' 0 2 T 1001 9 NT* 1,T (fl) is anded with (T) • The result is put in T and inhibited from fl' 0 6 N lOll B NN* 1,T,F (!1) is anded with Mnemonics N !. o - General Discussion (T) which is same as anding with FF (all ones). Result is put in Nand inhibited from fl' ------~-- --.--------------~.------.- .. - (f}) file 1 T Result Binary He:xadec:lma1 01000010 10111111 00000010 '42' 'BF' '02' \set file 1 T (Select T complement) Result file 1 T, T complement Result 10100101 11010011 (00101100) 00100100 10100101 11111111 10100101 a flag 'AS' 'D3' (' 2C') '24' 'AS' 'FF' 'AS' Command Execution Time -- 200 nanoseconds. 2.2.24 H SHIFT Inhibit File Write The contents of the file register designated by f is shifted left or right one bit position and placed in the file register, if * is a O-bit, and in the register designated by r. The high order or low order bit which is shifted off is placed in LINK and in the overflow flag if the modify condition flag is selected. The c field controls the direction of shift, entry of an end bit, and modification of the condition flags as follows: c-bit 7 6 5 4 Operation 1 x x x Link control: The content of the LINK is inserted into the vacated low order or high order bit position. The zero condition flag can be reset but cannot be set, providing a linked zero test over multiple bytes. See the description of the add command for a detailed description of the linked zero test. x 1 x x Insert 1: A 1-bit is unconditionally inserted into the vacated low order or high order bit position; otherwise a O-bit is inserted unless the contents of LINK is selected. x x 1 x Shift right: if bit 5 is a 1-bit, the operation is a right shift; otherwise a left shift is performed. 2-41 c-bit 7 6 5 4 x x x 1 Affected: Operation Modify condition flags: The zero and negative flags are updated according to the result. The content of the bit shifted out is placed in the overflow flag. F, LINK, Condition Flags, r. This command provides great flexibility for various shifting functions mechanized by microprogramming. These are as follows: • Left or right shifting; • End around carry or no end around carry; • Arithmetic or logical shifts; • Multiple byte shift register implementations in either file registers or core memory; • Pattern rotations by successive shifting of 8 files, one bit at a time, and assembling into a 9th file; • Set or reset link bit by shifting with no destination register. Bit pattern examples of shift command. All examples are for shift (f1) and put result back in fl. Instruction I I Sequence Number File 1 Binary Link File 1 Hexadecimal Condition Flags Shift Right before after 01101001 00110100 0 1 '69' '34' ------- Shift Left before after 01101001 11010010 1 0 '69' ---- Shift Right Enter Link before after 00111000 10011100 1 0 'ge' Shift Left Enter 1 before after 10001010 00010101 0 1 '8A' '15' Shift Left Modify Condition Flag before after 11001011 10010110 0 1 'CB' '96' 011 Shift Right Modify Condition Flag before after 00000001 00000000 0 1 '01' '00' 101 2-42 'D2' ---- '38' ------- -~- ... ' --- 2.2.25 EXECUTE E o I 1514131211109876543210 The 8-bit contents of the U register are ORed with the 8 high order bits of the execute command to form an effective command. This provides a means of partially modifying the contents of a read only storage location. The ~Ring is performed before the output of the read only storage is gated into the R register. The meaning of bits present in positions 0-11 is dependent upon the desired effective operation code after the modification. Due to the lookahead feature of the read-only memory, the new contents of the U register are not available until after one machine cycle following the transfer of data to it. The execute command provides a means for program modification of a command. This capability is used for many different functions, three of which are as follows: • Indexing of file registers in a program loop. • Having a general purpose instruction which may take on different specific functions, such as load a register, add to the register, AND with the register, etc., depending on program variables. • Selection of alternate file registers depending on program variables. Sometimes a combination of two of the above is used. The U register can be set with the load U command, or by being designated as the destination register of an operate class command, such as Add, Copy, etc. For the file register indexing, a separate file register is designated as an index register. It is loaded with an initial value, then incremented, with the result being put in U each time through the loop, until the loop is exited. Examples of execute commands: U register EXecute Command Effective Command '84' '0021'~------ This command is stored in ROM '8421' ET 0, 2 ~f4 T 4, T' 2-43 Lnstruction codes for bit pattern examples of shift command These examples are the same except for additional Destination Registers Flow Chart Notation Machine Code f d i e o 1 s p e c t Insert Link Insert 1 Shift Right Mod. Condo Flags Hex. Code Selected Registers Binary Code Hex. Code Shift right result to f l , T. (fl)@R ----- f l , T F 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 Z fl , T 0001 1 HT 1,R (file 1) is shifted right one bit, link, or 1 are not inserted. The result is put in T and fl. Shift left result to fl· (fl)@L--.. Fl FlO 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl 0000 0 R 1 (file 1) is shifted left one bit, link or 1 are not inserted. The result is put in fl. Shift right insert link result to f l , N. (fl)@R+LK--.fl' N F 1 A 3 1 0 1 0 A fl , N 0011 3 HN 1,R,1 (file 1) is shifted right one bit, (Link) is inserted in vacated left hand bit. Result is put in fl and N. Shift left insert 1 result to f l , M. (f 1 ) @L+l ---+ f 1 ' M F 1 4 2 0 1 0 0 4 fl , M 0010 2 HM 1, I (file 1) is shifted left 1 is inserted into the vacated right hand bit. Result is put in fl and M. Shift left modify condo flag. Result to fl. (fl)@L ~fl' C F 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 fl 0000 0 H 1,C (file 1) is shifted left. The result is put into file l. Condition flags are modified. Shift right Modify condo flag. Result to fl· (fl)@R--.F'l' C F 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 3 fl 0000 0 H 1,R,C (file 1) is shifted right. The result is put into file l. Condition flags are modified. Example Destination for Shift Command results c field Mnemonics General Discussion Incrementing the U register value leaves the command the same, but changes the file register number to 5. If this continued to file F, the next increment would· change the command to a subtract. U Register 'Fl" Executive Command This command is stored in ROM 0,2 '0020'/ E { ~hift Right file 1 l,R 'Fl20' Effective command The meaning of the cfield of the lower two hexadecimal digits in the execute command changes with the OP code value in the U register. Therefore the c field is left as a digit in the MNEMONIC for the execute command. Commands can also be modified by the U register by using the operate commands with a 7 in the destination register. This method is advantageous if there are two variable functions to be done in one loop, with one U register setting. For example, a program may be indexing through a set of files where it is necessary to add to a file, and shift the same file in the same program loop. This could be mechanized as follows: (f F ) + l---..~ U, fF --- Nap (fo) + (T)----1~ .. fO, (F 0) @ R 7 (OR U with command) Destination • F0' Destination =7 The coding for this is: Machine Code Mnemonic '8F46' AU F, 1 '8027' AS 0, T Add to file 0 'F027' HS 0, R another command Shift file 0 Assume U = '04' after the first command. The effective commands following are: '8427' Add to file 4 'F427' Shift file 4 right 2-45 This method of command modification has the limitation of no destination register since the destination register code position is tied up selecting U as a modifier to the command. The execute connnand does not have this restriction. COMMAND REFERENCE TABLE Mnemonic Command Load T Comments Operation Code 11/19 LT I Literal 151413121110987 6 5 4 3 2 Load M LM 12 Literal 15141312111098 7 6 5 4 3 2 Load N LN I, 13 Literal 15141312111098 7 6 5 4 3 2 Load U LU 16 Literal 15141312111098 7 6 5 4 3 2 Load Zero LZ 10 Literal I 1 0 I 1 0 I 1 0 I 1 0 I 151413121110987 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Load Seven LS Literal 17 151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 7 S F 7 7 7 2-46 0 I 1 0 NoOp Enable Serial TTY 2 2 4 S 0 0 0 0 Reset T 8 Set TS Disable} External Enable Interrupts Disable} Real Time Enable Clock Load Protect Bit Halt Mnemonic Operation Code Command JUMP Literal 14 JP Comments I I I ODD-OFF 15 14 1312 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 Literal 100-1 FF 15141312111098 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Literal 1C 200-2FF 1514131211109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 Literal 300-3FF 1514131211109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Load File LF 2 f Literal 151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Add To File AF Test Zero TZ Test Not Zero TN Compare 3 f Literal I I 151413121110987 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 Literal f 151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 CP 5 f Literal 151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 6 f 1 0 Literal 1514131211109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2-47 1 0 1 0 Mnemonic Control Add Comments Operation Code Command K Ar 7 1 f 1 c 1*1 8 0 No Op 1 Enter Sense SW 2 Shift Right 4 4 Enter I nternal Status 7 Enter Console SW 8 9 Clear I/O A 8 Set DOXX (in MICRO ONE/20) Space Serial TTY C Set CACK (in MICRO ONE/20) Set COXX (in MICRO ONE/20) D Set lACK (in MICRO) E Set DIXX (in MICRO) F Spare f c X X x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x Sr* I 15141312111098 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1*1 15141312111098 7 6 5 4 3 2 Subtract r Operand Field 9 c f I r 1 0 Link L Add 1 I Select T T Modify Condition Flags C 1*1 151413121110987 654 3 2 r I 1 0 x Link x 1 x x Decrement x x 1 x Select T x x x Modify Condition Flags X X 2-48 L D T C Mnemonic Operati on Code Command Memory Wr Rr I A c f Comments Operand Field 1 1*1 1514131211109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Link L x 1 x x Decrement D x x Increment I x x 1 x Half Cycle Operation H x x x Write Operation (supplied by OP Codel X X x Copy Cr I B f c 1514131211109 8 7 6 5 C Or* f r I 1 0 x 1 x x Add 1 , x x 1 x Select T T x x x Modify Condition Flags C X X x OR 1*1 4 3 2 1 c L Link 1*1 r I 1514131211109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x Exclusive OR Xr I D c f 15 14 1 3 12 11 1.0 9 8 7 6 5 X X x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x Link L T F T Modify Condition Flags C 1*1 4 3 2 r T I 1 0 Link T L F T Modify Condition Flags C T Mnemonic Operation Code Command AND E Nr* f c Comments 1*1 X X x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x Shift Hr* I F f c Link L T Modify Condition Flags C 1*1 x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x 2-50 1 0 T T 1514131211109 8 7 654 3 2 X X ] r 1514131211109 8 7 654 3 2 Operand Field F r I 1 0 Link L Insert I Shift R R Modify Condition Flags C SECTION 3 I/O AND MEMORY INTERFACE SECTION 3 MICRO-ONE I/O AND MEMORY INTERFACE 3.1 GENERAL DISCUSSION There are three primary input/output interfaces on the Micro-One computers for connecting external equipment to the interfaces: Byte I/O, Direct Memory Access and Serial I/O. In the Micro-One, I/O and memory operations are performed under control of microcommands. A standard set of I/O macroinstructions is used for performing program-controlled and concurrent I/O operations. Information in Sections 3 through 8 discuss I/O and memory, and are arranged as follows: Section 3 provides general information on the various Micro-One I/O interface systems; Section 4 provides a detailed description of the programmed Byte I/O interface system, including programmed transfers, block automatic (concurrent) transfers, and external interrupts. Section 5 describes the CPU Memory interface; Section 6 contains a detailed description of the DMA port; Section 7 describes the Serial I/O interface, and Section 8 is an I/O connector signal list. Section 9 is an I/O and memory term glossary. 3.2 I/O ORGANIZATION Figure 3-1 is a block diagram of a typical Micro-One serial computer system showing the three primary I/O interfaces: Serial I/O channel, Parallel Byte I/O channel, and DMA port. These three interfaces provide the system designer with the flexibility to structure efficient I/O systems for a wide range of applications. The serial I/O interface, although most commonly used with a teletype, can be used for other bit-serial devices as well. The byte I/O interface can be used by controller circuit boards that. plug into the mainframe ch~ssis. The DMA interface provides the method for external I/O devices to communicate directly with core memory. The user can design his own interface controller for the DMA port, or use standard Microdata DMA interfaces. 3.3 SERIAL I/O INTERFACE The serial I/O interface is designed primarily for communicating with a fullduplex teletype. Character assembly and disassembly, with all timing and synchronization, are performed at the microprogram level. Two macro instructions, Input Byte Serially (IBS) and Output Byte Serially (OBS), are used for communicating with the serial channel device. Note that the Micro-One firmware (-13) for these instructions was designed to operate with a 110-baud teletype. The designer can alter the timing of the serial channel for teletype (or other serial device) compatibility by performing a simple change in firmware. 3.4 BYTE I/O INTERFACE The byte I/O interface provides for transfer of bytes over a party line I/O bus under microprogram control. The standard Micro-One computer firmware provides both programmed and concurrent I/O transfer capability, along with a priority interrupt system. 3-1 r-; - ~ PERIPHERAL DEVICE/CONTROLLER - - - -,- - - - -- CORE MEMORY (8K BYTES) -;-] DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS PORT CORE MEMORY (8K BYTES) MEMORY BUS MEMORY CONTROL LOGIC TO DEVICE - - - - I SERIAL I/O CHANNEL DMA CONTROL LINES CENTRAL PROCESSOR UNIT (CPU) BYTE I/O BUS r I I/O LINE DRIVER AND RECEIVER I OPTION . L __ DEVICE CONTROLLER DEVICE CONTROLLER DEVICE CONTROLLER _-.J PERIPHERAL DEVICE PERIPHERAL DEVICE PERIPHERAL DEVICE fEXtERNALDM:ES-- - - - - - - I ~'____~____~______________-W~_BY_T_E I/_O_B_U_S_(_E_X_T_E_N_D_E_D~)~ I II __ - - - - __________________ - - -, ~~____~ UP TO 8 UNITS L , ~I~~ __ _.-..- _ _ ~ -...lI I UP TO 64 INTERRUPT LINES Figure 3-1, PERIPHERAL DEVICE PERIPHERAL DEVICE Typical Micro One Series I/O Configuration 3-2 I I II Data transfers through the byte I/O interface are basically two-phase operations. First, a control byte is placed on the byte I/O bus before the actual transfer of data. The control byte contains an I/O controller device address and a device order code for the type of operation to be performed during the transfer (data transfer, status/function transfer, etc.) All controllers on the bus examine the device number, but only the addressed controller accepts the control byte and logically connects itself to the bus for the subsequent data byte transfer. During the second phase of the byte I/O operation a single byte is transferred to or from the I/O controller. After each byte transfer, the controller disconnects itself from the bus. 3.4.1 Program-Controlled I/O In standard firmware sets, such as the Micro-One/21, two basic instructions (one for input and one for output) are used for transferring information to and from controllers on the byte I/O bus under programmed control. These instructions permit transfers between the device controller and the A Register, B Register, or Memory. Up to eight types of input and eight types of output instructions may be defined for a particular controller. Generally these include function output, data output, status input, and data input, and are determined by a 3-bit device order in the control byte of the I/O instruction. 3.4.2 Concurrent I/O The concurrent I/O feature provides the capability for automatic block transfers between core memory and I/O controllers connected to the byte I/O interface. The concurrent mode transfer rate is a function of the firmware set used in the computer. As an example, standard Micro-One/21 firmware performs concurrent transfers at rates up to 20,000 bytes per second. Once started, the transfers are fully automatic and proceed without program intervention. Concurrent I/O operations take priority over instruction execution, and force a break in the execution of long instructions such as multiply, divide, and shifts to ensure that concurrent I/O servicing delays are not excessive. Concurrent I/O operations make use of pairs of two-byte address control words stored in dedicated core memory locations. One pair of address words is used by each controller. The control words, which contain the address of the current byte being transferred and the address of the last byte in the block, are initially set by the software program and thereafter are manipulated automatically by firmware for each byte transferred. 3.4.3 External Priority Interrupts The external interrupt system of Micro-One series computers operates through the byte I/O interface in both the computer mainframe and expansion chassis. Interrupts can originate from device controllers or from the optional Priority Interrupt interface board connected to the byte I/O bus. The Priority Interrupt interface board provides control of eight external interrupt signals. The byte I/O interface contains a single external interrupt request line, common to all I/O controllers on the byte I/O bus, and a priority line that is carried sequentially through all controllers on the bus. Each I/O controller receives priority from the preceding controller in the priority 3-3 chain. Priority is passed a long to the next controller in line only if the previous controller is not ready to request an interrupt. When a controller receives priority and is ready to request an interrupt, it stops the progression of the priority signal and activates the interrupt request signal. After receiving acknowledgment of the interrupt request, the interrupting controller places an address byte on the I/O bus that the processor uses to transfer program control to the proper interrupt servicing routine. 3.4.4 Direct Memory Access DMA Port All Micro-One series computers contain a DMA Port through which data can be transferred between core memory and I/O devices at rates up to one million bytes per second. The DMA Port provides this high transfer rate and low access latency time, for use with high-speed, demand-type devices such as rotating memories. The DMA Port consists of the memory bus and various DMA memory control lines which are available in the computer mainframe. It is up to an external DMA controller to Eanipulate the control lines and place data and addresses on the memory bus at the proper times when DMA transfers take place. The DMA controller may be designed and constructed by the user, or a standard Microdata DMA controller can be used. The standard programmed I/O instructions are used to set up the DMA Controller and, if so designed, I/O device controller(s) attached to the DMA Controller with the parameters of the transfer. Program communication with these device controllers takes place over the byte I/O bus. Once the transfer is initiated, the DMA Controller and attached device controller supervise the transfer, and only minimum attention from the microprogram is required. Standard Microdata DMA Controllers can accommodate several external device controllers. 3-4 SECTION 4 BYTE I/O INTERFACE SEC!LON 4 aYTE L/O LN!ERFACE 4.1 IN!RODUC!LON The Byte I/O interface, to which the parallel-byte device controllers are connected, contains input control lines, input data lines, output control lines, output data lines and spare lines. The points of origin or destination in the CPU of the byte I/O interface lines are shown in Figure 4-1. 4.2 BYTE I/O BUS The following paragraphs describe the I/O data and control lines of the byte I/O bus. Unless noted, descriptions apply to both internal and external buses. 4.2.1 Input Data Lines Input data lines by lK pullups to equivalent, with switches on, the 1 on the B bus. input data lines in the mainframe 4.2.2 lDOO/through ID07/ are terminated on the CPU input bus +SV. The lines are driven by 7438 TTL power gates, or uncommitted collectors on each controller. When a gate connected line swings to ground potential and places a logical When the gate is switched off, the line swings to +SV. The are handled the same whether the device controller is located or in an external chassis. Output Data Lines Output data lines ODOO/through OD07/ originate at the processor Output Data Register. Data or address information to be transferred over the output data lines is transferred from the A Register, the B Register, or Memory, into the Output Data Register and onto the lines. Lines ODOO/through OD07/ are present at all CPU I/O backplane connectors. To preserve the expansion capability 6f the byte I/O bus, each device controller on the bus is restricted to a single unit load (one TTL gate, 1.6 ma maximum) on each of the output data lines. Two loads are allowed if one load is a low power TTL gate such as a 74L04. Output Data Register 4.2.3 ODOX/ Binary 1 OV Binary 0 +4V nominal Input Control Lines The input control lines on the byte I/O bus are: • ECIO/ - Concurrent I/O request • IRPY/ - I/O Reply (spare) • EINT/ - External interrupt 4-1 r-J\~v-----~--~+5V DEVICE CONTROLLER ~.... N__________+-+-- 1.0 J.lS <20.8J.1S CONCURRENT I/O ACKNOWLEDGE CACK/ I r- --1 ---~--il _1.6J.1S I --l 1-1.. 400 NS MAX 2.8J.1S DATA INPUT BUS 1000/'-1007/ ADDRESS AND STATUS TRANSFER I--- DATA INPUT DIXX/ DATA OUTPUT DOXX/ 3.4 J.lS --~.-! ' - - 800 NS I U 200NS~ DATA OUTPUT BUS I 1000/-1007/ , !--1.0J.lS I OUTPUT DATA TRANSFER Figure 4-5. Concurrent I/O Timing concurrent I/O request with CACK/, the controller places a byte on data input lines IDOO/ through ID07/. This byte contains the device address times 2 (shifted left 1 bit) in the lower 6 bits with bit 7 set or reset to specify the direction of transfer. This byte is shown in the following diagram. DEVICE ADORES X2 (SHIFTED LEFT ONE BIT) ...._ _ _ A __ _ , ~ 765432 DEVICE ADDRESS 1/0 (ALWAYS ZERO) DIRECTION OF TRANSFER: o: 1 INPUT = OUTPUT 4-15 0 When the computer receives this byte, it obtains the actual dedicated memory address (4 X device address) by shifting the 2X address (supplied by the controller) left 1 more bit position. The direction bit (7) is shifted out and used by the computer to specify an input or output operation. Examples of device addresses, addresses supplied by the controller, and dedicated memory addresses are as follows: Actual Device Address (Hex) Address Supplied By Controller (Hex) Dedicated Memory Address (Hex) 00 01 02 00 02 04 00 thru 03 04 thru 07 08 thru OB IF 3E 7C thru 7F The firmware uses the address byte to initiate a normal input or output operation to or from memory. If an input is specified, the firmware asserts DIXX/ and the controller responds by placing a data byte on IDOO/ through ID07/. The addresses of the block of memory locations to or from which the transfer takes place is specified by software. Prior to starting the block transfer, the program loads the 4 dedicated memory locations with a l6-bit starting (current) address and a l6-bit ending address. After each byte is transferred, the starting (current) address is incremented by the firmware. Thus, each byte is transferred to or from the next sequential location. After each transfer (but before the current address is incremented) firmware compares the current address with the final address. If the two are equal, the firmware tells the controller that the transfer is complete by essentially executing an output instruction with a device order of 4. Upon receipt of the second byte of this instruction (strobed by DOXX/) , the controller issues an external interrupt to indicate to the CPU that the operation is complete. 4.6 EXTERNAL INTERRUPT OPERATION Interface lines PROT/, PRIN/, SELO/, SELI/, EINT/, lACK/, and IDOO/ through ID07/ are used by device controllers or the optional Priority Interrupt board on the byte I/O bus for external interrupt operations. Lines PROT/ and PRIN/ (paragraph make up the hard-wired priority chain that determines the relative priority of each controller and Priority Interrupt board on the byte I/O bus. These lines determine priority for interrupt requests. Line EINT/ (paragraph 4.2.3) carries the interrupt request from the controller to the processor. I/O control register state 5 is decoded in the controller as interrupt acknowledge IACK/. Input data lines IDOO/ through ID07/ carry an interrupt address byte from the interrupting controller to the processor in response to the interrupt acknowledge signal on line IACK/. The interrupt address byte is used by the processor to locate the entry address of the interrupt servicing subroutine. 4-16 4.6.1 Priority Determination Interface units on the byte I/O bus are assigned priority for control of external interrupts and concurrent I/O request operations. The priority is achieved by the manner in which lines PRIN/, PROT/, SELI/, and SELO/ are used to link the interface units together. A typical example of priority wiring is shown in Figures 4-6 and 4-7. In these examples, three device controllers in the mainframe chassis are connected in the priority chain. The figures show that the priority of an interface unit is the same as the physical location of that interface on the byte I/O bus. With special priority wiring, however, the relative priorities can be independent of backplane positioning. A device may make a concurrent I/O request at any time. However, to make an external interrupt request, the device must have priority in (PRIN/). Signal IS02 of Figure 4-6 on each interface unit inhibits propogation of PRIN/ if the interrupt servicing routine is not complete. This establishes a true-level priority among all interface units for generating an external interrupt. A controller never passes a low signal on line PROT/ if it is making a request or until the interrupt servicing routing is complete. PRINX/ PROTX/ PRINX/ CONTROLLER HIGHEST PRIORITY PROTX/ CONTROLLER SECOND HIGHEST PRIORITY Figure 4-6. CONTROLLER THIRD HIGHEST PRIORITY Typical Priority Scheme 4-17 SELOX/ SELIX/ SELOX/ SELIX/ r---------------~ HIGHEST PRIORITY Figure 4-7. 4.6.2 SELOX/ SELIX/ ~--------------~ SECOND HIGHEST PRIORITY THIRD HIGHEST PRIORITY Typical Selection Acknowledgment Scheme External Interrupt Requests External interrupt requests from interface units are carried on line EINT/ to the processor. The internal microprogram recognizes the presence of an external interrupt request and responds as dictated by interrupt handling firmware. External interrupt line EINT/ can be used both by device controllers and by the optional Priority Interrupt interface board. The Priority Interrupt option provides the proper interface to the I/O bus, contains priority logic for each interrupt level, and permits processor control over the handling of interrupts. This standard option provides, on one circuit board, convenient hardware for 8 levels of system interrupts. Because the basic interrupt facility makes use of the byte I/O bus, all device controllers have access to the interrupt request line and can react to the firmware interrupt handling sequences in the processor (provided they operate according to the design guidelines given in paragraph 4.6.3. Note: Requesting an interrupt removes priority for interrupt operations from all controllers lower on the priority chain 4.6.3 Interrupt Sequence and Timing Figure 4-8 shows the timing for a typical external interrupt sequence. sequential firmware, processor and I/O device operation is: The a. The I/O device controller lowers line EINT/ to signal a request for microprogram attention. The controller must receive priority signal PRIN/ from the higher priority controllers. The requesting controller does not pass the priority signal to lower controllers. b. At the end of the macro instruction currently being executed (if not a privileged instruction like I/O or jump), the microprogram senses the interrupt request and jumps to a firmware subroutine to handle it. 4-18 r----------------------------1 EXTERNAL INTERRUPT ------~ REQUEST EINT/ ~----(SS TIME DEPENDENT ON -.j CURRENT INSTRUCTION I ~1.6I1S~ {f-; INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE lACK/ I 300 NS MAX INPUT DATA LINES IDOO/-ID07/ ~ IS INTERRUPT ADDRESS PLACED ON INPUT DATA LINES Figure 4-8. I ~ I ;.1-------------j.- -...j j.- 400 NS MAX I 1].-------------, INTERRUPT ADDRESS REMOVED FROM LINES External Interrupt Timing c. The microprogram causes line LACK/ to go true to acknowledge the request. All controllers in the priority chain decode LACK/ and each requesting controller passes SELO/ down the chain to the lower priority controllers (SELO/ becomes SELI/ at the input to each controller). d. The controller that issued the interrupt request does not pass SELO/ to the next controller. This prevents any lower priority controller that may have simultaneously requested an interrupt from responding to signal LACK/. e. In response to the acknowledgement and receipt of SELI/, the requesting controller places a 6-bit interrupt address on input data lines (IDOl/ through ID06/. The interrupt address specifies the location (in core memory page 1) of the 2-byte entry address for the interrupt servicing subroutine. f. The processor accepts the 6-bit interrupt address and causes line IACK/ to go high. g. The processor fetches the 2-byte interrupt subroutine entry address from the first 256-word page of memory using the interrupt address supplied by the controller as the lower 6-bits, and 01 as the upper two bits. h. Using the 2-byte entry address, the microprogram executes a pseudo return jump or call instruction to the interrupt servicing subroutine at that address. i. The interrupt servicing subroutine then proceeds to service the interrupt according to the macroprogram. j. At the end of the servicing routine, priority is released by any of the 3 actions listed oelow. Any of these will cause 4-19 the requesting controller to pass signal PROT/ to the lower priority controllers. 1. 2. 3. Rearmi~g (if another request is expected) A concurrent I/O request Disarming (if no further requests are desired) The interrupt sequencer in the controller contains two J-K flip-flops (and associated circuits) which generate the interrupt request (EINT/) and control the priority line PROT/ to the next controller. The 4 states of the flip-flops determine the priority interrupt status of the controller. These 4 states are illustrated in Figure 4-9 and described in Table 4-5. DISARMED ARM+ CCIX+ CCOX .. 0 ARMED ~ DEVICE ACTION WAIT lACK I~ ARM + CCIX + CCOX DSM State ACTIVE 3 2 1 yigure 4-9. Interrupt Sequencer States Table 4-5. Interrupt Sequencer States Flip-Flop States IS02 ISOl I Function o o o Disarmed state. Disregards any received interrupt and does not move to requesting state. 1 0 1 Armed state. Allows system to move to requesting state when peripheral conditions are met. 2 1 1 Wait state. Generates an external interrupt to the processor when priority in is received. 3 1 0 Active state. Inhibits propagation of priority to lower level priority controllers. 4-20 When the controller is initialized, the sequencer is set to state zero (disarmed). When disarmed, the controller cannot generate an interrupt request and always passes PROTI to the next controller. In order to allow an interrupt, the program must execute an instruction to arm the controller interrupt, setting the sequencer to state one (armed). In this state, the controller can generate EINTI providing it has priority from the preceding controller on the priority chain. When the controller is ready to interrupt the CPU, the sequencer advances to state two (wait), the priority line (PROT/) is removed from the next controller, and interrupt request EINT/ is generated. The firmware responds to the interrupt with the acknowledgment (LACK/). The first interrupting controller in the string that has SELl places its address on the input data lines. Its sequencer then advances to state three (active) and removes EINT/. While the sequencer is in the active state, PROTI is not passed to the next controller. This prevents a lower priority controller from generating an interrupt while the interrupt handling subroutine is in process. One of the functions of the interrupt subroutine is to execute an instruction to rearm the controller if another interrupt is expected, or to disarm the controller if no further interrupts are desired. The rearming or disarming normally takes place near the end of the subroutine and restores priority (PROT/) to the lower priority controllers. Concurrent 1/0 operations are normally terminated with an end-of-operating interrupt to inform the CPU that the block of data has been transferred. The concurrent I/O request automatically arms the controller interrupt. 4-21 SECTION 5 MICRO-ONE CPU READ/WRITE MEMORY INTERFACE SECTION 5 MICRO-ONE CPU READ/WRITE MEMORY INTERFACE 5.1 PROCESSOR AND MEMORY INTERFACE Figure 5-1 illustrates a portion of the processor and memory interface consisting of the following elements: • Control Section • Memory Read Data Selection Logic • Memory Write Data Gating Logic • M and N Register Address Gating Logic The remainder of this section discusses each element in turn. 5.1.1 Control Section The Control Section is the main control element of the Micro-One CPU. However, only that part of the Control Section pertaining to memory is discussed. One function of the Control Section is to decode the CPU memory micro command OPAl. OPAl requests memory service for the CPU, and eventually results in a Memory Busy (MBSY) condition while the memory services the CPU. While MBSY is high, due to memory use by the CPU, the DMA is prevented from issuing a request for memory service. While memory is being used by the DMA channel, the Control Section is inhibited from executing OPAl. The Control Section also generates Timing Hold signal THLD/. In a DMA operation, THLD/ is used to stop the main CPU clocks while a DMA memory cycle is occurring. This essentially freezes execution of microcommands and prevents CPU me1llory_request while meIl1o~y:i.s servicing the DMA channel. Signal THLD/ is generated by either of two sets aT-conditions relative to DMA operations: 1. Simultaneous OPAl and DMAR/ 2. OPAl while MBSY/ is active The third function of the Control Section which relates to memory operations is generation of Transfer Memory Clock signal LT2/. LT2/ clocks the memory read data through the Memory Read Data Selection Logic to the CPU T Register. When the DMA interface is using memory, LT2/ is inhibited. Inhibiting LT2/ prevents the data being transferred from memory to the. controller from entering the CPU T Register. 5-1 . I FROM M&N FROM MD REG~STERS REG~STER I ~ 1-" IN ~ I'i (t) V1 I t:11-' r-(t) • rt III 1-" n (t) c::: TOT REtSTER LOAD T I I L .- - - MEMORY READ DATA SELECTION MEMORY WRITE DATA GATING M&N ADDRESS GATING ...> r-- - - - I N .. :>;"'~ t:1 1-" :s: III (t) IN S I'i 0 III I'i ~ '-" I I I S'<: H ::;I rt (t) I'i "'" III n (t) - - III 1-'0.. 0 n t:1 - MA NTERFACE - - - .- - - • DMA MEMORY ADDRESS GATING LFROM CURRENT ADDRESS COUNTER - - DMA MEMORY WRITE DATA GATING BIDIRECTIONAL MEMORY DATA BUS (8·BIT) ---- DMA MEMORY CONTROL j FROM CONTROLLER WRITE DATA BUFFER - - TO CONTROLLER READ'OATA BUFFER - - - r- DMA REQUESTS FROM CONTROLLER MEMORY CONTROL INTERFACE ON MICRO ONE PROCESSOR I WTXX/ I .. r MRST/ I READ ____ J r READ/ WRITE FROM MEMORY - MEMORY ADDRESS BUS (16·BIT) DMA MEMORY READ DATA RECEIVERS -- MBSY - - - ---- I ~-- MRST/THOUl. CONTROL SECTION I RTXX/ r 0:;::;1 V1 1~ CPU MEM REQUEST CLOCK 1-'l-tI 0.. ----, I + ~ DMAS/ --"" I I I ... I I J CONTROL SIGNALS TO CONTROLLER DMAR/ DMAW/ MBSY DMAS/ 5.1.2 Memory Read Data Selection Logic During CPU memory accesses (read mode), this element gates data read from memory into the CPU T Register. As explained in the preceding paragraph the Transfer Memory Clock LT2/ signal from the Control Section intiates the gating operation. To prevent read data gating to the CPU during DMA operations, DMAS/ inhibits generation of LT2/. 5.1.3 Memory Write Data Gating Logic During C?U memory write operations this element gates the write data from the MD Register onto the Memory Data bus. Gating signal WRIT, originating in the Memory Control Interface, is inhibited during DMA operations. 5.1.4 M and _~ Register Address Gating Logic During CPU memory accesses (read~Qr write), this element gates the l6-bit memory address onto the Memory Address bus from the M and N Registers. During DMA operations, when the memory address is applied by the DMA interface, this function is inhibited. 5.2 MEMORY CONTROL INTERFACE The Memory Control Interface is the principal memory controlling element of the system. Its primary functions are: • Generating memory status and control signals, • Monitoring requests ,for memory service from the DMA and CPU, • When memory is not busy, determining which requesting device (CPU or DMA) is to receive access. Determination is based on DMA having highest priority and the CPU having second priority, • Initiating memory read or write operations and timing out the memory cycles. The Memory Control Interface generates the Memory Busy (MBSY) signal to the CPU and to the DMA interface. When memory is available, this signal goes low and either or both DMA and CPU can request service. If both elements request simultaneously, the DMA has priority and will receive memory service. The DMA memory request signal is DMAR/; CPU memory request signal is OPAl. 5-3 When the DMA or CPU request sequence occurs~ the Memory Control Inter~ace generates the appropriate memory control signals (listed below) and times out the memory cycles, as ShOWll inF1gure 5-2. • RTXX/ - Start read portion of cycle, • WTXX/ - Start write portion of cycle, • READ • MBSY/ - Active low during all memory sequences. Used internally by the CPU and externally to control DMA interface devices. - Low level = clear/write or half-cycle write; High level = read/restore or half-cycle read. 5-4 I I 1'-200 NSEC-l I I I I wtfJ UI TT4/ u u u u RTXXy/ ~~70o-~}••-------400NSEC~~ r NSEC WTxx7/-r----------------------~I~·::=___4_0_0_N_SE_C________.J~ READ L_____ ____ READ W..B ILE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J' ..... r MBSY/ FULL CYCLE READ/WRITE TT~ RTXX/ 2 CON SEC lfJ u u u r- __-+ __________ WTXX/ READ MBSY/ f __--+-_________ HALF CYCLE READ Figure 5-2. Half Cycle Read (Sheet 1 of 2) 5-5 u TT4/ f"lj RTXX/ ~ ~ U U U U F~ONSEC1 1-" CJQ C ~ CD \J1 N WTXX/ ~ \J1 I ~ I I ~ 0 r ~ ' MICRO ONE PROCESSOR AN D CONTROL SECTION (8-BIT) ~ (16-BITl ,...... CI.l I f-' . f-'. t:I .§ ~ f-' f-'. -1-0 I PROCESSOR CONTROL SIGNALS DMA CONTROL SIGNALS f-'·O ct> n o..ct> I N 06-BIT) (fJ t;;d(fJ f-'O 0 Ii (8-BIT) DMA PORT n :>;"'(') 0 t:l1i f-'. ct> III OQ Ii ~ ~ BIDIRECTIONAL MEMORY DATA BUS (8-BIT) BYTE I/O BUS I-hli 0\ .. MEMORY ADDRESS BUS (16-BIT) 0\ 16-BIT ADDRESS ~ DATA ct> + MEMORY CONTROL INTERFACE MEMORY CONTROL .. CORE MEMORY 8K TO 64K BYTES I DMA CONTROL S 0 '-'Ii '-< r----' H :;l rt ~ ct> Ii I-h III n ct> DMA INTERFACE 1 ~-. r DEVICE CONTROLLER(S) TO PERIPHERAL DEVICE(S) An end-of-b1ock interrupt should be generated in the DMA inter~ace or device controller. This may be either an external "interrupt via the I/O bus or an internal DMA interrupt which sets bit 1 of the CPU's internal status register. The following paragraphs describe the various elements in the DMA system and their functions in DMA operations. (See Figure 5-1.) 6.2.1 DMA Interface The DMA interface provides interface and controls required for use of the Micro-One DMA capability. A standard Microdata DMA interface or an individually designed interface may be used. The elements of the DMA interface are: • • DMA Memory Control Logic • • DMA Memory Write Gating Logic 6.2.2 DMA Memory Read Data Receivers DMA Memory Address Gating Logic DMA Memory Control Logic When the DMA interface has been readied for DMA operation this element monitors contoller requests for DMA transfers. After receiving a controller request, the DMA Memory Control Logic intitiates a DMA memory cycle sequence as soon as the CPU memory cycle is completed (MBSY = low level). The DMA memory cycle sequence consists of a DMA request (DMAR/) , DMA selection (DMAS/), and read or write mode selection (DMAW or DMAW/, respectively). These signals originate in the DMA Memory Control section and are sent to the Memory Control Interface in the Micro-One. Signal DMAS/ performs the following functions in both the DMA interface and the Memory Control Interface: • Gates memory address from current address counter of DMA controller onto memory address bus. • For memory write operations, gates write data from onto bidirectional memory data bus. DMA controller Signal DMAW is set low (DMAW/) by the DMA Memory Control if a clear/write cycle is being requested. It is set high (DMAW) if a read cycle is requested. 6-3 6.2.3 DMA Memory Read Data Receivers Data read from memory during a DMA transfer is buffered from the bidirectional data bus by eight receivers in the DMA interface. The outputs of the receivers are applied to the controller. 6.2.4. DMA Memory Write Gating Logic This element gates the 8-bit data byte from the controller onto the bidirectional· data bus and is written into memory during memory write operations. The data byte is gated onto the bus by DMA Selection signal DMAS/. 6.2.5 DMA Memory Address Gating Logic This element gates the l6-bit address stored in the current address register (contained in either the DMA interface or the controller) onto the memory address bus. Address gating occurs at DMASI time. 6.3 DMA PORT/MEMORY CONTROL INTERFACE TIMING To simplify the timing of essential DMA Port/Memory Control Interface signals, Figure 6-2 illustrates a DMA clear/write memory cycle, followed immediately by a DMA read/restore cycle, followed by a Micro-One processor read/restore memory cycle. The sequences shown are not necessarily typical, but serve to define all DMA signal and timing requirements. At the start of the timing sequence, the memory is not busy and theDMA request (DMAR/) and CPU request for memory service OPA occur during the same clock period (to to ti). Since the DMA channel has priority over the CPU for memory service, the DMA is granted service before the CPU in cases of simultaneous requests. The DMA receives memory service on the TT4/ computer clock pulse tl, provided the timing requirements of paragraphs 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 are met. . TT4/ clock pulses occur every 200 nsecs, and 5 pulses (1 microsecond total) occur during each complete read/restore or clear/write memory cycle. Therefore, the DMA is granted service for the second memory cycle (read/restore) on clock pulse t6, which occurs 1 microsecond after tl (start of the first memory cycle). The processor memory service request is not answered until the e~d of the second DMA cycle (tll). The CPU has been locked out of memory service for 2 consecutive memory cycles by the DMA. Since the DMA is not requesting memory service for the third memory cycle starting at time t11' the processor is allowed to perform its read/restore operation at this time. During the two DMA cycles, the processor operation freezes. Clock Stop signal THLD/ stops or inhibits certain computer clocks so that the memory type microcommand OPA is not executed. OPA remains true until THLD/ is removed at time tlO to t11' allowing DMA use of memory during THLD/. It is assumed that. a non-memory type microcommand will be decoded and executed during clock period tl1 to t 12 • 6-4 6.3.1 Clock Signals The clock signals TT4/, CPH1, and CPH2/ are used by the Micro-One processor, Memory Control interface, and the DMA interface to time and synchronize all memory operations. These clocks are generated by a single crystal oscillator clock generator located on the CPU control board. TT4/ is the main reference clock signal for all ciming requirements and is used to generate CPH1 and CHP2/. CPH1 and CPH2/ are phased clock signals, available to the DMA interface at any backplane connector at which the DMA interface board is installed. Combining CPH1 and CPH2/ produces a clock pulse similar to, and almost in phase with, TT4/. The clock developed from CPH1 and CPH2/ is used in the DMA interface to time the channel's control functions in synchronism with the processor and Memory Control interface. 6.3.2. DMA Port Signals The following paragraphs describe the DMA Port signals generated in the DMA interface, along with their timing requirements. Figure 6-2 is referenced as an aid in conveying the timing relationships. DMA Request (DMAR/). DMAR/ directly generates THLD/ during clock pulse t1 if OPA is present. CSTP/ in turn, inhibits processor execution of OPA and fetching of another microcommand. DMAR/ also enables setting of the Memory Sequencer on clock periods t1 and t6 to begin each DMA memory cycle. The MBSY and THLD/ signals are held true during the DMA cycles by the Memory Sequencer. DMAR/ must go low not later than 60 nsec before the leading edge (low-tohigh) of TT4/ pulse tl, and remain true until 20 nsecs after the trailing edge of t6 in order to initiate a DMA cycle of time tl' It must return to the false (high) state before the leading edge of time t2' Once DMAR/ goes high after initiating a DMA memory cycle, it must remain high until after memory becomes not busy (MBSY = low level) at the end of the current DMA cycle. The DMAR/ line must be driven by a power gate (SN7438 or equivalent) with an uncommitted collector. The terminating resistor is located in the processor, allowing the line to swing between +5V and virtually OV. DMA Write (DMAW/) When DMAW/ is true (low level), it is applied to the Memory Control sequencer to enable a clear/write memory cycle. (See Figure 6-2, time to') A false (high level) state of DMAW/ enables a read /restore DMA memory cycle as shown at time t6' DMAW/ must be stable in the desired state no later than 55 nsecs before the trailing edge of TTY/ clock pulse t1' It must remain true until the memory goes not busy (MBSY = low level) after the trailing edge of clock pulse t5' 6-5 The DMAW/ line must be driven by a power gate (SN7438 or equivalent) with an uncommitted collector. The terminating resistor is located in the processor which allows the line to swing between +5V and virtually OV. Memory Busy (MBSY) MBSY is generated by the Memory Control interface to inform the DMA interface when memory is not busy so a DMA request can be issued. MBSY is used in the DMA interface to inhibit DMAR/ and DMAS/ until MBSY goes false (low level). MBSY will go true (high) at the DMA interface about 40 nsecs after the trailing edge of the TT4/ clock pulse on which the memory cycle begins (tl, t6, and tIl of Figure 6-2) for A CPU memory cycle, and is 80 nanoseconds for DMA cycles. It remains true for four clock periods during a full memory cycle and goes false no later than 80 nsec after the trailing edge of the fifth clock pulse. During half memory cycles (initiated and controlled by the processor only), MBSY remains true for two elock periods, going false not more than 70 nsecs after the third clock pulse. MBSY line must be terminated in a single unit lo~d (one TTL gate input) which is equivalent to a maximum load of 2 mao Memory Addresses The DMA interface must have the current address on the Memory Address bus at least 15 nsecs before the leading edge of TT4/ pulse on which the DMA memory cycle begins (tl and t6). The address must remain stable on the bus until MBSY goes false (low) Memory address lines M07A/ through MOOA/ and N07A/ through NOOA/ are terminated on the computer backplane. The lines must be driven by power gates (type SN7438 or equivalent) with uncommitted collectors. B~cause of the termination network, the lines are allowed to swing between virtually OV and +3.6V. Write Data During clear/write operations the DMA interface must place the desired write data on the bidirectional memory data bus no later than the leading edge of the t3 clock pulse (Figure 6-2). The data must remain stable until MBSY goes false (low). Bidirectional memory data lines MD07 through MDOO are terminated on the computer backplane. The memory write data must be driven to the memory data bus by power gates (type SN7438 or equivalent) ·with uncommitted collectors. Because of the termination network the lines are allowed to swing between virtually OV and +3.6V. 6-6 I--- 200 NS ----1 ~ TT4/ tjr------~~r------~~ 12:l--- £1 OPA MBSY DMAR/ W/I DMAS/ DMAW/ THLD/ 0'> I. I RTXX/ I --.J ~~~ORY ADDRESS ---..j I-- 15 NS MIN 2Z/@a;/Mr-----------------------------------------.:t(;,..,/,'7~"77"">2X _ u WTXX/ 400NS----·~1 400NS:------·~1 r-- 14 rl---------------------1 --11--15 NS MIN X'-______________________ _U , / ' WRITE DATA MUST BE TRUE MEMORY DATA ~~~----------~---- BUS READ i-----------------------------~ ~A 1---------------- V///////A I _________________________________ U CPH1 CHP2/ U DMACLOCK 1--------- DMA CLEAR/WRITE MEMORY CYCLE --~-------+l-------- DMA READ/RESTORE MEMORY CYCLE - - - - - -.....+-/ .. PROCESSOR READ/ RESTORE MEMORY CYCLE NOTE' THE SHADED AREAS SHOW WHERE THE SIGNALS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE ""CPU MEMORY REQUEST NOT ACTED ON UNTI L THE TWO BACK TO BACK OMA REQUESTS HAVE BEEN SERVICED. DEFINED. Figure 6-2. DMA Port/Memory Control Timing Read Data The data read from memory during a read/restore cycle will be available on the bidirectional memory data bus 445 osee after the trailing edge of the TT4/ clock pulse on which the cycle started (t6 of Figure 6-2). The data will remain stable for gating into the DMA interface until the trailing edge of the DMA clock pulse corresponding to TT41 clock pulse t lO ' Read data, received from the bidirectional memory data bus, must be buffered by gates whose inputs load each line with only one unit load (one TTL gate input) that is equivalent to a maximum load of 2 mao 6-8 SECTION 7 SERIAL I/O INTERFACE SECTION 7 SERIAL I/O INTERFACE 7.1 INTRODUCTION The Serial I/O interface is an optional feature of M-l series computers. It is a hardware/firmware option using microprogramming to control a serial device such as a teletype or modem. 7.2 USE AS TELETYPE CONTROLLER The following paragraphs describe operation of the serial I/O channel with a 4-wire, full-duplex, 20 ma teletype. A cable is provided with the serial channel to connect directly to the teletype. 7.2.1 General Operation The 4-wire I/O interface circuit is shown in Figure 7-1. The transmit portion of the circuit contains a 20-ma current source that can be turned on or off depending on the state of the I/O control register. When the I/O control register is in any state other than state 3, output of gate 9E is high, emitter follower Q3 conducts, and approximately 20 rna of current flows through resistor R24. This current holds the teletype iIi the mark condition. When the I/O control register is set to state 3 by a microcommand, the output of gate 9E is low, emitter follower Q3 cuts off, and no current flows to the teletype. The receive portion of the interface circuit contains a low-pass filter network connecting the teletype distributor to bit 6 of File Register 0 where it may be sensed by microcommands. One side of the teletype distributor is connected to -16.75 volts through resistor R23. The other side of the distributor is connected to 3M, which forms bit 6 of File Register O. When the teletype sends a mark signal, the output of 3M is held low and a 0 bit appears in bit 6 of File Register O. When the teletype sends a space signal a 1 bit appears in bit 6 of File Register O. 7.2.2 Character Assembly and .Disassembly Teletype character assembly, disassembly, synchronization, and timing is accomplished by a firmware routine initiated by the macro instructions for the serial I/O interface. Figure 7-2 illustrates the timiIig for transmission or reception of IIO-band teletype characters. Note: The Micro One/13 is the only standard firmware set which has these serial I/O macro instructions. During an input operation the firmware program searches for the leading edge of the start bit by continuously testing bit 6 of File Register O. 7-1 ,-----SERIAL INTERFACE CIRCUIT ~ +5V I I I I I I 101X/ 101X 102X 103X/ I I 9E 7410 I I/O CONTROL REGISTER STATES FROM 7475 LATCH 90 I 102X/ ----------------------~ :~-+--I TTY 0 TO TELETYPE 103X/ TTY G +5V +12 R38 1.3K P11J2 R37 5.6K 1 1 TTY X1 C25 0.1,uF CR11 FOH600 TTYI 7403 3M CR10 FOH600 FILE 0 ENABLE 2 I I R23 150 I I I -16.75V _____ J L Figure 7-1. I I 2 I I I FROM TELETYPE TTY B Hrl--I TO FILE U - -.....;...;.;...:.:;..-REGISTER 0 BIT6 Serial I/O Interface Circuit (For ASR 33 TTY) 7-2 START BIT MARK SPACE STOP BITS 2 \1 ~ 4 3 5 U 7 6 ~ 8 EIGHT DATA BITS TEST FOR SPACE - 14.51 MS 9.09 MS 1 9MS.09 I 9.09 9.09 MS MS I 9. 09 1 9.09 9.09 19.09 MS MS MS 9.09 MS MS SAMPLE POINTS (A) INPUT TIMING START STOP 2 MARK 4 3 5 7 6 8 U SPACE 9.09 1 MS SETI/OCONTRO~L~~ REGISTER - ____ ~ ~ __ ____ ~ ~ __ ____ ~ ~ __ ____ ~ ~ (B) OUTPUT TIMING Figure 7-2. Serial I/O Timing ]-3 __ ____ ~ ~'I____~ __ Once a s~ace level is detected the firmware ~rogram delays 4.5 milliseconds and samples the input every 9.09 milliseconds, shifting each bit into the least significant byte of the A Register (File Register 4). The initial delay of 4.5 milliseconds, after detecting the leading edge of the start bit, causes sampling to occur in the middle of each bit. The firmware routine exists after eight bits have been assembled. During a~ output operation the firmware program sets the I/O control register to the appropriate mark or space condition every 9.09 milliseconds according to the start and stop bits and the data to be serially transmitted. Before the first information bit is transferred, the I/O control register is set to mode 3 to ~ransmit the start bit. The firmware program for transmitting a teletype character remains active for 11 intervals (100 milliseconds) to assure the proper stop interval before the next character is transmitted. 7.2.3 Serial I/O Instructions Two macro instructions affect the operation of the serial I/O interface: In~ut Byte Serially (IBS). and Output Byte Serially (OBS). The Input Byte Serially instruction transfers an 8-bit character from the teletype into the eight low-order bits of the A Register. The execution of this instruction terminates when a complete teletype character has been received for proper operation, execution of the instruction must be started before the start of the teletype character. Once the instruction is started, the computer becomes tied up until a teletype character is received. The execution time of the instruction extends approximately 84 milliseconds after the leading edge of the teletype character start bit. When the program echoes input characters back to the teletype the effective input rate cannot exceed five characters per second (no input can be handled during the 100 milliseconds required fGr output). The Output Byte Serially macro instruction disassembles the eight low-order bits of the A Register and transfers them serially, as a teletype character, through the serial I/O interface. During the execution of this instruction the eight low-order bits of the A Register are set to l's, the eight highorder bits remain unchanged. 7.2.4 Teletype Interface Connection The standard Teletype Model ASR-33TY with 20 rna loop interface is directly compatible with all Microdata TTY controllers. 7-4 SECTION 8 MICRO-ONE BACKPLANE CONNECTOR SIGNAL LIST SECTION 8 MICRO-ONE BACKPLANE CONNECTOR SIGNAL LIST 8.1 I/O CONTROLLERS AND DMA INTERFACE SIGNAL LIST This section contains a signal list of the Micro-One backplane connectors which can be used for I/O controllers and the DMA interface. (See Table 8.1.) 8.2 SERIAL TTY (J2) 1. TTYXI 2. TTY B 3. TTY 0 4. 8.3 5. TTY G 6 TTY G FRONT PANEL (CABLE) CONNECTOR (J3) 1. 2. ES07/ 3. ES04/ 4. ES05/ 5. HLTL/ 6. INTF/ 7. ES06/ 8. RUNF/ 9. STPF/ 10. CLKF/ 8-1 Table 8-1. PIN Al A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 A8 A9 AIO All Al2 Al3 Al4 Al5 Al6 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A3l A32 A33 A34 A3S A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A4I A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47 A48 A49 ASO SIGNAL NAME GND GND SPARE -16.7SVDC +1 2VDC I CHPI SPARE -16.7SVDC N07A/ ODOS/ MOIA M02A/ AOOL/ AOIL/ N06A/ LOOX LllX (GND) L04X RSOI LOIX WTXX/ L05X RS02 L02X L06X OD02/ RS03 L03X A02L/ L07X I02X/ ID04/ I CPEN/ ! A03L/ MDOI MD04 RS09 EINT/ SPARE AENP RUNX RSIO RSll DMAR/ DMAS/ SP2 RS13 RSl4 CONT (GND) N03A! Micro-One Backplane Connector Signal List SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL TYPE NAME TYPE PIN -- Bl B2 B3 B4 BS B6 B7 B8 B9 BIO Bll B12 B13 B14 Bl5 B16 Bl7 Bl8 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30 B3l B32 B33 B34 B35 B36 B37 B38 B39 B40 B4I B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 B48 B49 BSO --- l. l. 2. -1. 5. 4.-4700 5. 5. 2. 2. 5-. 2. 2. 2. 3.-4700 2. 4.-4700 2 3.-4700 I 2. 2. 4.-470n 3.-470n 2. 2. 2. 4.-470n 3.-lKO 3.-lKO 2. 6.-4700 6.-470n 3.-4700 3.-470n 2. 3.-4700 3.-4700 3.-lKn 3.-lKO SPARE 3.-470n 3.-470n GND 5. - 8-2 i I I +SVDC +SVDC -16.7SVDC SPARE SPARE SPARE M04A/ SPIll M06A/ ODOlf A04L/ MSI M03A/ MOOA/ RSOO MS2 RS04 M05A/ LIOX RTXX/ RS05 CPH2/ READ CGLO/ RS06 OD06/ MD07 MD03 RS07 MD05 IOlX/ IDOO/ L08X MDOO L09X RS08 OD04 AOSL/ ODOO/ MD06 A06L/ ECIO/ MD02 MRST/ MS3 RTCI M07A/ A07L/ DMAT/ IRPY/ 1. 1. l. -- ---- 5. 3.lKO 5. 4.-4700 2. 7. 5. 5. 3.-4700 7. 3.-4700 5. 4.-470n 3.-4700 4.-4700 4.-4700 2 3.-4700 4.-4700 6.-4700 6.-4700 3.-4700 6.-470n 4.-4700 3.-lKO 2. 60-470n 2. 3.-4700 4.-470n 2. 4.-4700 6 .... 4700 2. 3.-IKO 6.-4700 6.-lKO 7. 5. 2. SPARE 3.-lKO Table 8-1. Micro-One Backplane Connector Signal List (continued) PIN SIGNAL NAME A5l A52 A53 A54 ASS A56 A57 A58 A59 A60 A6l A62 A63 A64 A65 RS12 SELO/ N04A/ N05A/ PROT/ DMAW/ MBSY OD07/ RS15 IDOI/ ID06/ ID03/ -16.75 VDC GND GND I I I I i I I i I I i I I I I SIGNAL TYPE I 3.-470n 8. 5. 5. 8. 3. -lKn 2. 4.-470n 3.-470n 3.-lKn 3.-lKn i.-lKn 1. L -- I I ----- - PIN SIGNAL NAME B5l B52 B53 B54 B55 B56 B57 B58 B59 B60 B6l B62 B63 B64 B65 NOOA/ SELI/ NOIA/ PRIN/ N02A/ SPI2/ SPIO/ OD03/ ID05/ ID07/ I03X/ ID02/ -16.75 VDC +5 VDC +5 VDC SIGNAL NAME 5. 8. 5. 8. 5. 3.- NO PLP. 3.- NO PLP. 4.-470n 3.-lKn 3.-1Kn 4.-470n 3.-lKn 1. 1. 1. ------------------'-------------------'- Signal Types: 1. POWER 2. TTL OUT 3. OPEN COLLECTOR INTO TTL (Pull Up) 4. TTL OPEN COLLECTOR OUT (Pull Up) 5. TRI STATE OUT 6. BIDIRECTIONAL TTL OPEN COLLECTOR 7. JUMPER 8. THROUGHPUT 8-3 Table 8-2. MOS Memory Interface Connector List J3 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 J4 M06A/ MDOO RTXI/ M03A/ M04A/ RFSH READ/ MBSY/ WTXI/ GND GND 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 CPH2/ -16.7SV MDOS MD03 N07A/ M01A/ M02A/ MSEX/ MOOA/ N06A/ GND MOSAI GND RTXX/ WTXX/ -16.7SV -16.7SV READ +5V +SV MD07 8-4 MD04 MD02 MD01 MD06 GND GND GND GND GND N03A/ NOOA/ N01A/ N04A/ N02A/ NOSA/ +SV +SV SECTION 9 I/O INTERFACE SIGNAL GLOSSARY SECTION 9 I/O INTERFACE SIGNAL GLOSSARY This section contains a glossary of the signals used to interface byte I/O controllers and DMA Port interfaces to the Micro-One computer. The list is arranged alphabetically by signal mnemonic. The origin for each signal (computer or controller), the connector pin number, and its f~nction, are provided in Table 9-1. NOTE: A slash (/) at the end of a signal or line mnemonic denotes that the line is low when the function specified by the mnemonic is occurring. Table 9-1. I/O Interface Signal Glossary SIGNAL MNEMONIC PIN NO. CPRl A6 Processor Clock. wave. CPR2/ B22 Processor Clock. Inverted version of CPR1, delayed 33 nsec. DMAR/ A44 DMA Request. DMAR/initiates a memory cycle for DMA. DMAS/ A45 DMA Select. DMAS/ selects memory for a DMA operation by enabling DMA controller access to memory. DMAW/ A56 DMA Write. Causes the data byte on memory data lines MDOO through MD07 to be written into memory. ECIO/ B42 Concurrent I/O Request. Low signal from I/O device request~ng a concurrent I/O transfer. ECIO/ appears in CPU as bit 3 of File Register 0 where it acts as an interrupt to the macroprogram and initiates a firmware routine for handling a concurrent transfer. x EINT/ A38 External interrupt. Low Signal from I/O device requesting interruption of the macroprogram. EINT/ appears in CPU as bit 7 of File Register 0 where it initiates a firmware routine for transferring control to a macroprogram interrupt handling routine. x FUNCTION -------------------- 9-1 5.0 MHz square Table 9-1. ORIGIN CONT CPU PIN NO. FUNCTION IDOO/ B32 Data Input Bit O. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X IDOI/ A60 Data Input Bit 1. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X ID02/ B62 Data Input Bit 2. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X ID03/ A62 Data Input Bit 3. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X A32 Data Input Bit 4. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X BS9 Data Input Bit 5. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X Data Input Bit 6. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X B60 Data Input Bit 7. Connects to CPU via B Bus gating. X B31 Bit 1 of I/O Control Register X A31 Bit 2 of I/O Control Register X I03X/ B6l Bit 3 of I/O Control Register X MBSY AS7 Memory Busy. MBSY is a status signal from memory indicating that memory is busy. X MDOO B34 Bidirectional data line (bit 0) to memory for DMA operation. MDOI A3S Bidirectional data line (bit 1) to memory for DMA operation. MD02 B43 MD03 MD04 I ! IDOS/ I r A6l ID06/ I I I Interface Signal Glossary (continued) SIGNAL MNEMONIC ID04/ I I II tlo I I ID07/ IOIX/ i I02X/ I I I I I X X X X Bidirectional data line (bit 2) to memory for DMA operation. X X B28 Bidirectional data line (bit 3) to memory for DMA operation. X X A36 Bidirectional data line (bit 4) to memory for DMA operation. X X 9-2 I I Table 9-1. ~I~~~~ -~ I - PIN NO. MNEMONIC -- - ~------- --- -- - - I/O Interface Signal Glossary (continued) ------------.--~-- ORIGIN CONT CPU FUNCTION ----- _.---_._----------_._------_._----------_. MOOS B30 Bidirectional data line (bit 5) to memory for DMA operation. X X M006 B40 Bidirectional data line (bit 6) to memory for DMA operation. X X MOO7 B27 Bidirectional data line (bit 7) to memory for DMA operation. X X MOOA/ B14 Bit 0 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) X X MOlA/ All Bit 1 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) X X X X X X X X X X I I i I I II I I i ! A12 M02A/ Bit 2 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) i I I i I B13 M03A/ B7 M04A/ Bit 3 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) I I I i Bit 4 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) I Bit 5 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) I I i B18 MOSA/ I M06A/ B9 Bit 6 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) X X M07AI B47 Bit 7 of upper half of memory address (used by DMA) X X NOOA BSI Bit 0 of lower half of memory address (used by DMA) X X X X X X X X X X NOIA/ BS3 Bit 1 of lower half of memory address (used by DMA) N02A/ BSS Bit 2 of lower half of memory N03A/ ASO :::r:s:f (::::rb:a:~:f memory address (used by DMA) N04A/ l - -_ _ _ _ I AS3 L;B;it 4 of lower half of memory address (used by DMA) ~J_____ _~ 9-3 I II I .1 ________. 11 ___--'-~____ Table 9-1. I/O Interface Signal Glossary (continued) ORIGIN CPU CaNT SIGNAL MNEMONIC PIN NO. FUNCTION N05A/ A54 Bit 5 of lower half of memory address (used by DMA) x x N06A/ A15 Bit 6 of lower half of memory address (used by DMA) X X N07A/ A9 Bit 7 of lower half of memory address (used by DMA) X X MRST/ B44 Master Reset. Signal used to clear X all control flip-flops in controllers. ODOO/ B39 Output Data Bit a x ODOlf BIO Output Data Bit 1 X OD02/ A26 Output Data Bit 2 X OD03/ B58 Output Data Bit 3 X OD04/ B37 Output Data Bit 4 X OD05/ Ala Output Data Bit 5 X OD06/ B26 Output Data Bit 6 X OD07/ A58 Output Data Bit 7 X PRIN/ B54 Priority In. Low signal from preceding controller indicating I/O controller has priority to request interrupt operation. PRIN/ is passed serially from CPU to controller to controller, etc. X X PROT/ A55 Priority Out. 'Low signal originating in CPU and passed from controller to controller carrying interrupt request priority. PROT/ becomes PRIN/ on input to each controller. X X RTCl B46 Real-Time Clock input, for user supplied RTC frequencies other than the standard power line freq (120 Hz) SELI/ B52 Select in. A low signal from preceding controller .which occurs after an interrupt or concurrent I/O request during acknowledge time. '----------<-------- ----.- 9-4 X X X Table 9-1. SIGNAL MNEMONIC PIN NO. I/O Interface Signal Glossary (continued) ORIGIN CPU CONT FUNCTION SELl/ indicates controller has priority to place its address on data lines for an interrupt or concurrent I/O operation. SELI/ is passed serially from CPU to controller to controller, etc. SELO/ SPARE/ A52 B49 Select Out. Low signal originating in CPU and passed from controller to controller which passes select priority from controller to controller. SELO/ becomes SELI/ at input to each controller. Spare. Available for use by DMA 'controller or other customerdesigned option as an internal CPU interrupt. Enters CPU at internal status register bit I where it is OR'ed with other internal status bits, and ultimately sets bit 4 of file register O. X X i ! i I I i I I I X I I I - '----------_. PANEL TERMS: CLKF/, STPF/, RUNF/ INTF/ ES04/-ES07/ ANEP/ RUN/ Panel CPU Control Switches Panel Sense Switches Enable Console Switches CPU in RUN MODE TTY TERMS: TTYXI TTY B TTY 0 TTY G Serial Serial Serial Serial 9-5 TTY TTY TTY TTY Input Reference Voltage Output Ground SECTION 10 OPERATOR CONTROLS SECTION 10 OPERATOR CONTROLS 10.1 CONSOLES Two control console options are available: system console and basic console. These consoles differ in their number of displays and controls. This range of consoles permits the user to tailor the cost to meet the control and display capability required for a particular application. The system console is shown in Figure 10-1, and the basic console in Figure 10-2. 10.1.1 System Console (Standard 1600 System Console) When using a standard Micro One backplane, the 1600 system panel can be used providing complete control and display facilities. It is primarily used for maintenance, system and firmware checkout. The console provides for display of the micro-one registers in addition to the functions of the basic console. The features include: • Run and halt indicators • Display of A bus • Display of M, N, and L registers • Display of read-only-memory output • Four sense switches • Six control switches, including run, step, interrupt, clock and reset • Manual command execution 10.1.2 Basic Console The basic console provides minimal control capability and is designed for dedicated system application where operator control is not required. The features include: 10.2 • Run and halt indicators • Four sense switches • Five control switches including run, step, interrupt, clock and reset DISPLAYS ON SYSTEM CONSOLE The following paragraphs define the usage of the displays on the system console. 10-1 II I I I c:::J c::J REGISTER DISPLAY I I I I I I .-- I I I I I I I I I I @] I D DODD DODD DDDD DDDD ~ 'COMMAND SWITCHES STEP CLOCK RUN RESET INT 1000001 PANEL [Q 4 3 2 IDDD 1 01 LOCK RESET PANELLOCK HALT I I I I I ION(@) OFF MICRODATA Figure 10-1. Figure 10-2. ~ II] [9 MICRO 1600 System Console Micro One Basic Console 10-2 I 1600 I 10.2.1 Data Display The l6-bit data indicators (16 lamps on console) display the 8-bit A bus, Memory Address, 16-bit Control Memory output, or 12-bit control Memory Address as selected by the Display Selector switches. 10.2.2 RUN The RUN indicator is on when the processor is running. 10.2.3 HALT The HALT indicator is on when the power is applied and the processor is not running. 10.2.4 LOCK The LOCK indicator is on when the panel is disabled. 10.2.5 PANEL The PANEL indicator is on when the command switches are enabled and substituting for the control memory. 10.3 SWITCHES ON SYSTEM CONSOLE System console switches are defined as follows: 10.3.1 Display Selector The 4 interlocked switched located in the upper right corner select 1 of the 4 displays as follows: D - Data: This 8-bit display is the processor's A bus. The data on the A bus when the processor is halted and in the panel enable mode depends on the setting of the command switches. M - Memory Address: This l6-bit display is of the memory address lines. This is normally the contents of the M and N registers. L - Control Memory Address: L register. This la-bit display is the contents of the 10-3 C - Control Memory: This l6-bit display is of the output of the control memory. When the processor is halted the R register contains the same data. 10.4 COMMAND SWITCHES These 16 locking switches are substituted for the control memory when the PANEL switch is in the down position. When the processor is halted, the switch setting is constantly clocked into the R register and depressing the CLOCK switch causes the command set in the switches to be executed. The command may also be executed repeatedly by depressing the RUN switch. These switches are used to gate registers onto the A bus for display and for entering data into register. 10.4.1 Panel Switch This locking switch selects the source of commands. When in the normal up position the control memory is used and when in the down position the 16 command switches on the panel are substituted for the control memory. 10.4.2 Sense Switches The four locking sense switches are available on the control panel. switches may be read by an Enter Sense Switch command. 10.4.3 These Run This momentary contact switch places the processor in the run mode causing it to execute microcommands. 10.4.4 Step This momentary contact switch places the processor in the run mode and as long as the switch is depressed causes an internal interrupt. The halt internal interrupt is bit 7 of the internal status. This switch is normally microprogrammed to cause a processor halt. Since the processor is forced to run when the switch is depressed, the computer can be microprogrammed to cause a single macro instruction to be executed. 10.4.5 Interrupt This momentary contact switch places the processor in the run mode and causes an internal interrupt. The_console interrupt is bit 0 of the internal status. This switch is normally microprogrammed to cause a console interrupt. 10.4.6 Clock This momentary contact switch causes the processor to execute a single microcommand. If the processor is running at the time the switch is depressed, the processor will come to a forced halt following the current microcommand execution. 10-4 10.4.7 Reset This momentary contact switch halts the processor and clears the L register, I/O control register and other control flip-flops. The reset is made available to I/O devices. Since the current microcommand execution will not be completed, the computer should not be stopped by this switch. 10.4.B On-Off-Lock A 3-position key lock switch enables and disables the panel. The key can be removed in any position. In the OFF position, the panel is inactive. In the ON position, the panel is active. In the LOCK position, power remains on, but the panel switches are not active except for the sense switches. 10.5 ADDRESS SYNC A sync jack is mounted on the rear of the front panel for maintenance purposes. A positive pulse of 200 nsec duration is obtained when the contents of the L register are the same as the address set into command switches 14-0. 10.6 REGISTER DISPLAY AND ENTRY Use of the register Display and Entry is discussed in the following paragraphs. 10.6.1 Display The processor registers can be displayed directly be selecting the proper display selector or indirectly by use of commands set into the command switches to cause the register to be gated to the A bus where i t can he displayed by selecting 'D'. The R, U, MD and aD registers cannot be displayed, but the R register will hold the same information as on the R bus when the processor is halted. The M, N and L registers can be displayed by selecting them with the display selector. The file registers, T register and LINK can be displayed indirectly by setting the commands shown below into the command switches and selecting the data display (A bus). Panel switch must be on. Register Command Setting Selected File Register X CXOO T Register B020 LINK (AL) BOBO LINK (ML) BOB2 10.6.2 . Enter Information can be entered into a register by executing a command from the panel. This requires turning on the PANEL switch, setting the command into 10-5 the command switches and pressing the CLOCK switch. In addition, control functions such as interrupt enable or the file select can be performed by executing the appropriate command. The commands for placing the literal 'ZZ, in a register are shown as follows: Register Command T 11ZZ M l2ZZ N l3ZZ U l6ZZ File Register X 2XZZ L 10.7 (Page (Page (Page (Page 0) 1) 2) 3) l4ZZ l5ZZ lCZZ lDZZ OPERATING PROCEDURES - SYSTEM CONSOLE The following list of commands is a minimum that should be tried out when first becoming acquainted with the Micro-One. 1. Loading and stepping the L register a. Load L 1) Set CLOCK, RESET 2) Set PANEL on 3) Select L display 4) Set the following commands into the command switches and press the CLOCK switch one for eacho On the Micro-One manual loading of L causes L + 1 to be loaded into L. Settings Switches Display l4A9 OAA 1454 055 l5FE IFF lClO 211 lDED 3EE 10-6 b. 2. Step L 1) Set PANEL off 2) Set RESET 3) Select L display 4) Each time the CLOCK switch is pressed, the L count should increment, skip, or jump. If no ROM board is plugged in, the L count will step. Test M and N 1) Set PANEL on 2) Display to M or N 3) Set the following command into the command switches and press the clock switch once for each. 1255 Load M M 55 13AA Load N N AA, M a Try other values and repeat 3. Test ROM and L register (with Micro One/10 firmware) 1) Set PANEL off 2) Set RESET 3) Select L, C 4) L C 000 BF02 001 2BOO 002 2AOO 003 4010 Repeatedly press the CLOCK After this, the L value depends on computer register because of conditional skips and jumps. 4. Test the T register 1) Set PANEL on 2) Set DISPLAY to D (A bus) 10-7 states, 3) Set the following sequences into the command switches and press the CLOCK switch. 11AA CLOCK Load T Display T = AA with copy T B020 CLOCK 1155 Load T Display T = 55 with copy T B020 Try other values and repeat 5. Test the File Registers a. Load and Read each File. 1) Set PANEL on 2) Set DISPLAY to D (A bus) 3) To load file f, set the following command into the command switches and press the clock switch once: xx 2fXX 4) data value To read file f, set the following command into the command switches: cfOO Load file f Read file f 2fXX cfOO clock Do not clock 10-8 SECTION 11 MICRO-ONE CPU OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION SECTION 11 MICRO ONE CPU OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION 11.1 GENERAL This section describes, separately, each major function of the Micro-One processor. The individual descriptions include a verbal portion and a block diagram. The block diagrams contain references to the accompanying annotated logic schematics. The references identify integrated circuit chips by logic page number and chip number. The breakdown of the operational description is as follows: 1. Arithmetic Logic Unit and Multiplexer 2. T Register 3. File Register 4. Rand U Registers 5. L Register 6. Condition and Link Logic 7. l1emory Address Registers (M and N) 8. Destination Register Clock Logic 9. Command Decode ROMs 10. Programmed Input/Output 11. Interrupts 12. Memory Sequencer 13. Computer Clock and Run Control 14. Computer Start Logic 15. Automatic Power Fail and Power On Detection Function 11.1.1 Arithmetic Logic Unit and Multiplexer The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) shown in figure 11-1 consists of an 8-bit, 2-input, programmable arithmetic logic function generator; an 8-bit latch to provide A bus and A bus outputs as well as to prevent logical racing. It further consists of logic to determine carry-in; and an 8-bit, 8-channel multiplexer to select 1 of 8 possible inputs to one port '(B) of the ALU function generator. The function generator consists of 2 74181 chips, which 11-1 LITERAL FROM REG - - - - _ _ . BITS 0-7 ~~~----~~O ALU MODE SHIFT R4 AND SENSE SWITCH INTERNAL STATUS 2 FILE REG BUS (ALAX/ FILE BUS .:,;R;,,;.T..;S::..:.H,;.;I,;..F.;,.T...;,1____. . 3 A BUS (PORT A) (S) ALU S·BIT LATCH (S) ALU MUX PROGRAMMABLE MUX ~~,:....;..;.;..:;..;...;,....-_... ARITHMETIC L--r-~ A BUS/ S BUS LOGIC ALU ,;..I.;;,B.;;,U.;;,S_______- t... 5 CHANNELS (ALBX/l (S) FUNCTION CARRY OUT GENERATOR .;;,B.;;,U.::;S/:...-______- t... 4 ALU ,;..1 ..:.T...;,R.:.,:E:..:G=---______--t... 6 LATCH ENABLE CLOCK (TT2 + TT3) ...;T....;R.;,.E;;;..G;:.:/________~ 7 CARRY·IN LOGIC CARRY TERM FROM DECODE ROM MUX ADDRESS 3 OP A' R7/ MUX ENABLE 2 L -_ _ _ _ R REG, BITS 0,1,2,6 ' - - - - - - - LINK Figure 11-1. Arithmetic/Logic Unit Block Diagram 11-2 have 16 arithmetic and 16 logic functions, selectable by 5 ALU mode input lines (ALSl, ALS2, ALS3, ALS4, ALM). One input channel, A, consists of the file register bus and the other, B, is from the ALU }IDX. The ALU MUX channels are as follows: Channel 0 - 8-Bit literal from R register, used for all literal class commands such as literal-to-register, literal-to-file, add-literal-to-file, and skip commands. ' Chennel 1 - Shift file right 4 to lower 4 bits, and 4 sense switches to upper 4 bits. For each of these, the alternate 4 bits are equal to l's, which value is achieved by disabling either the upper or lower 4 bits of the ALU MUX (with EALBL or EALBU). Channel 2 - Internal status consisting of console interrupt, DY~ termination, real-time clock, step switch input, power fail interrupt and 3 spare inputs. ' Channel 3 - Shift right input. Since the ALU function generator has the capability of left shifts only, the 8 lines from the file register are entered into the MUX and displaced one bit position to the right to generate right shifts. Channel 4 - Input bust. Channel 5 - Input bus. Whenever T register is designated as a data source by a firmware command and I/O control bit I03X is set, the input bus is actually selected by the ALU MUX instead of T. When T/ is designated, input bust is selected. Channel 6 - T Register. Channel 7 - T Register/. T or T/ may be designated by firmware commands as data sources. The ~rux addresses, and ALU modes for implementation of the firmware commands are shown in Table 11-1. 11.1.2 Carry In Carry In (CIN) to the ALU is determined by the firmware operation as follows: Firmware Operation Carry In 1. Literal to register Not applicable 2. Add to file o 3. Test zero and test NOT zero Not applicable 11-3 Table 11-1. Mode ~~U MUX Addresses, ALU Modes, and Carry In ALU ML~ Address (3 lines) Address MUX Channel Firmware Conunand Function ALU Mode (5 lines) Mode (HEX) Function Carry In 1rxx Literal to register 0 Literal 'lA' B N/A 2fxx Literal to file 0 Literal '1A ' B N/A 3fxx Add literal to file 0 Literal '09' A+B+C 4fxx Test if Zero 0 Literal 'lE' AI\B N/A 5fxx Test if not Zero 0 I Literal 'lE' AI\B N/A 6fxx Compare 0 Literal '09 ' A+B+C 7f1r Enter Sense Switches 1 Enter Sense Switches '15' B/ 7f2r Shift Right 4 1 Shift Right 4 '15' B/ 7f4r Enter Internal Status 2 Internal Status '15' 7f70 Enter Console Switches 7 T/ 'lF' =0 =1 Clear I/O, I03x 7f8r Clear I/O, I03x 7F9r) Set I/O} I03x = 0 States I03x = 1 to ) 7fFr 8fOr File + 0 -+ r 8f2r 7 5 7/5 Ti Input bus Ti/Input 'lE' bus 'IF'/'lE' I A I i N/A N/A I I I I AjA 1\ B I N/A I I NA 'OF' File + T-+r 6/5 T/lnput bus 8f4r File + l-+r 7 8f6r File + T + 8f8r File + Link ~ r r N/A j 7 1~ I AAB I 0 N/A A 'IF'/ I i I 7f8r I N/A B/ I 0 I A+C 0 '09' A+.B+ C 0 NA 'OF' A+C 1 6/5 T/lnput bus '09' A+B+C 1 7 NA 'OF' A+C A = FILE BUS INPUT B = ALU MUX INPUT C = CARRY /\ = AND + = ADD - = SUBTRACT ¥= V = OR EXCLUSIVE OR A/ A NOT T = T REGISTER Link Table 11-1. ALD MUX Addresses, ALD Modes. and Carry In (continued) ---------- -----~-~-- Fi rmware Command C~~::FFi~e-~F::::n- f-' f-' I Ln Address T~r }lUX ~o_d~ __ ~EX) Channel 7 NA '00' 6/5 T/lnput bus 7 1 '06' I A- B - C/ 1 NA '00' I A - C/ 0 9f4r I File - 9f6r I File - T - l - . . r 6/5 T/lnput bus '06' 9f8r File - Link ---. r 7 T/ '00' AfOr read. mem • l~r l~r read f - 1 mem • Af8r read f + L----+r mem ' BfOr read m_(~_m_=_'_l_: Bf2r Bf4r I 7 'FF' T/ '00' ~ A - B - C/ A - C/ I I 0 Link/ I I I A I N/A 7 L_ 1---. r (T) 0 A - C/ Link/ (L)---. r '------------------------ - I I A+ C Link I A+ C 1 -------1 A + C* 0 '09' A+B+ C* A + C* a a '09' A+B + C* 1 '09' A+B T/ 'OF' 7 NA 6/5 l/Inp ut bus 7 Bf8r 'OF' T/ . 7 __ (T)-.. r (T) + 1----+ r I, I I Bf6r '00' T/ 7 I 0 -----.. r ! I A - C/ • __n__ :_)_l_---. ___r___ + T/ I I Af4m I - -_ _ _+__ Carry In Func tion A - C/ File - AfCr -- I I I read f mem • -- ----~-~--- 9f2r I Af4r .-.--~---------- AID Mode (5 lines) ALU MUX Address (3 lines) ..- , 'OF' I NA 6/5 T or Input bus 6/5 T or Input bus I I 'OF' I .L ----------------- I + C* *FILE OUTPUT DISABLED Link Table 11-1. ALU MUX Addresses, ALU Modes, and Carry In (continued) ALU MUX Address (3 lines) Address MUX Channel Firmware Command Function Mode 'lB' T/ or Input bus/ 'lB' AvB N/A NA '03' 'FF' N/A (f) OR (TI)-. r 7/4 'FF'--.. r 7 Cf2r (f) OR Cf4r Cf6r 7 (T)~r Carry In Function N/A 6/5 (f)--.r Mode (HEX) A AVB NA T or Input bus CfOr ALU Mode (5 lines) 'IF' N/A " DfOr Df2r Df4r I-' I-' I 0\ (f) EXOR O~r (f) EXOR (T)~r (f) EXOR (TI)-..r T or Input bus '19' A~B 7/4 T/ or Input bus A'r:/B NA '19 ' '10' NA 'IC' T or Input bus 'IE' (f) EXOR l-+r 7 EfOr (f) AND O-.r 7 Ef2r (f) AND (T)-.r 6/5 7/4 (f) AND (TI) ---+ r I I T/ or Input bus/ I NA N/A A NA Df6r Ef4r 'IF' 7 6/5 AI I I I I I 0 'IE' N/A N/A N/A i I I N/A AAB I AAB I i N/A I N/A I I N/A I Ef6r (f) AND 7 l~r ---+------ FfOr Ff4r Ff8r 3 Ff6r FfAr .. t 3 Enter Link Enter 1 Enter Link A I Shift Rl ;_J;ift Enter 1 - Ff7r 'IF' II Shift File Left Enter 0 Shift File Right Enter 0 i --'--,- i A+A+C i 'oc' I 3 3 3 I I ! I r ! R1 'OC' A+A+C I 1 Shift R1 'OC' A+A+C : Link I I i Shift R1 '15' Shift R1 '15' Shift R1 'IS' i I B B B ! I II i I I r --I ~---- I 0 N/A N/A N/A Firmware Operation Carry In 4. Op Code 7 Not applicable ~. Op Code 8, 9, B, F Determined by Carry In (CIN/) ROM which decodes the Op Code (bits 15-12) and the C field (bits 5, 6, 7) to result in CIN/ of LINK/, 0, or 1 as shown in Table 11-1 6. Op Codes C, D, E Not applicable 7. Op Code A When Op Code A (Memory) is processed, CARRY IN is determined by the CIN/ ROM for all C field conditions, except for C = 10XX in which case a special CIN source is selected when the M register is designated The special Carry In for Memory command with decrement, and M destination, 1,s as follows: 13 14 15 OPA ....... 'V 7 12 ~ MEMORY COMMAND I 0 11.2 4 x x ~ Rl" RO " -OPA v-' Memory Destination Command '-- 5 R7/R6 DECREMENT For this condition the Carry In term (CIN/) " R2/ 6 1\ -~ M = LINK 3 I x 0 2 0 0 ---- M DESTINATION " ~ R7/ " R6 DECREMENT T. REGISTER The T register is the hub of data flow through the Micro-One. It is a primary input to the ALU via the ALU MUX. It drives the Memory Data bus on Memory Write functions, and it drives the Output Data bus. T is loaded from either the CPU A bus on firmware operations, or the Memory Data bus on Memory Read functions. The T register is illustrated in Figure 11-2. 11-7 WRITE DATA ENABLE I"lj 1-" OQ ~ Ii (D I-' I-' J . N t-3 I J;>j I-' I-' I 00 (D OQ 1-" T/(S) MEMORY DATA BUS (MDX) (S) A BUS (8) T REGISTER INPUT MUX (8) (D Ii to C"l ~ t:;j 1-'. Pl LOAD T FROM MEMORY DATA BUS (LT2) LOAD T FROM A BUS (L Tll MEMORY DATA BUS (MDX) (S) OUTPUT DATA BUS DRIVERS OUTPUT DATA BUS (OTBX/) (8) T REGISTER T(8) C/l rt I-' 0 MEMORY DATA BUS DRIVERS T-LOAD ENABLE OQ Ii Pl S TI T TOALU MUX Gated drives, activated by Memory Write (WRIT), drive the Memory Data bus while non-gated drivers drive the Output Data bus. T and T complement go directly to the ALU MUX. The input to T is selected by a 2-channel MUX. Loading of T is strobed by either the firmware generated T destination strobe (LTl), or by a Load T strobe derived from the Memory Read strobe (LT2). The T register is a D type latch in which the output follows the input as long as the strobe is present. 11.3 FILE REGISTERS There are 16 8-bit registers designated as File Registers in the Micro-One. See Figure 11-3. Of the 16, 15 are general purpose random-access and the remaining one (File 0) is for condition flags, interrupts and I/O flags. Two 16 X 4-bit chips are used for the general purpose files (address 0 being nonaccessible). An array of 2-input gates is used for File O. When File Address 0 is selected, a File 0 Enable is generated by the File Control logic, otherwise a File Chip Enable is generated. The general purpose files and File 0 are tied together, open collecter, to form the File Register bus. 11.4 R AND U REGISTERS The R register contains the l6-bit firmware command being executed. It is loaded at the beginning of each cycle by the TT4 phase clock. The R register is always loaded, even if the CPU is halted, except when Thold is active. The Rand U registers are shown in Figure 11-4. Thold temporarily prevents execution of a command; therefore, the command must be saved in R until Thold goes inactive and then is executed. If the firmware command from· the Control ROM has either a 0 Op Code (Execute) or is an operate command with 8 or higher op code and has a 7 destination, the contents of the U register are ORed with the upper 8 bits of the command prior to loading the R register. This is done by use of a 2-channel multiplexing latch for the upper 8 bits of R, which selects either the ROM output directly or the ROM output ORed with U. The U register is loaded by a firmware command from the A bus. 11.5 L REGISTER The L register, shown in Figure 11-5, is the Control ROM Address Register containing 10 bits, thus it can address lK words of ROM or 4 pages. The lower 8 bits of the L register consist of a counter which can be clocked, parallel loaded, or reset. The upper two bits are latches which can be individually loaded, or reset. The lower 8 bits address a page size of ROM and cycle independently of the upper two bits when in the L count mode. Unless L is loaded, L is incremented 1 count for each firmware instruction. Counting is suspended when in Halt or Thold. During idle periods, the counting continues. 11-9 +5V PULL UPS A BUS (8) - - - - - -.......... FILECHIPS FILE REGISTER BUS (ALAX/) (OPEN COLLECTOR) READ WRITE MEMORY FILE ADDRESS R8-Rl0 (4) FCW/ FILE CHIP WRITE Few/ FILE CHIP ENABLE FCE/ FCE/ FILE ZERO ENABLE FOE FOE CONDITION FLAGS INTERNAL & EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS FILE 0 GATES SERIAL TTY INPUT Figure 11-3. File Registers Block Diagram 11-10 UPPER R BUS (RB8-RB15) ~----,~ UPPER R REGISTER MUx/LATCH UPPER R REGISTER (R8-R15) UPPER R CLOCK A BUS (8) - - - -__.t U REGISTER 1 - - - - - - I I w '--_ _-..I U SELECT LOGIC U LOAD CLOCK PULL UPS LOWER R BUS (ABO-RB7) LOWER R REGISTER LATCH LOWER R REGISTER (RO-R7) LOWER R CLOCK L is parallel loaded by the following commands: Literal to L firmware command 1 4 X X 1 5 X X 1 C X X 1 D X X The literal is loaded into the lower 8 bits via the A bus. of L are loaded by 4, 5, C, or D as follows: 11 I/O L BIT9 (R11) 11.5.1 10 The upper 2 bits 8 9 [ ~JJ LOAD L DESTINATION (RS1/RS2) I/O L BIT8 (RSO) L or K Destination in an Operate Command 2 1 0 II OP CODE ---- 4 = L DESTINATION 5 = K DESTINATION The lower 8 bits of L are loaded directly from the A bus. Bit 8 is loaded from bit 0 of the destination via RSO, providing odd or even page selection. Bit 9 is not affected by this operation, therefore the effective jump is confined to the half of the ROM at which the previous address was located. When L is loaded, or a skip operation occurs, the instruction immediately after the load or skip is inhibited by the IDLE function. This is necessary because of the "look ahead" feature of the CPU during execution of a microcommand, the next microcommand is being fetched from the ROM. When L is loaded from the system panel using the load L instruction, setting of IDLE causes clocking of L one count higher than the value set on the front panel. 11':"'12 Rll OP CODE 1 L BIT9 LATCH L BIT9 L BIT 8 LATCH L BIT8 L REGISTER OUTPUT LO TO L7 MICROCOMMAND ADDRESS RSO LOAD L ENABLE A BUS (8) L CLOCK LCOUNTER BITS 0-7 (COUNT AND LOAD) Figure 11-5. L Register Block Diagram 11-13 11.6. CONDITION AND LINK LOGIC The Micro-One condition and link logic is shown in Figure 11-6. There are three ALU operational conditions maintained and utilized in the Micro-One: overflow, negative, and zero. The negative condition is simply bit 7 of the A bus and zero condition is simply the eight input AND of A bust. Overflow is divided into two categories, arithmetic and shift. For shift overflow, overflow is the same as Link; namely, the bit shifted out of the file (ALA7 for left shift and ALAO for right shift). For arithmetic operations, overflow is defined as when the carry in to the most significant bit does not equal carry out. Expressed logically: OVFL = (ALA7/\ AB7 /\ A7/) v (ALA7/ /\ ALB 7/ /\ A7) In the Micro-One, a combination ROM and 8-channel multiplexer are used to generate both the arithmetic and shift type overflows. The ROM selects one of four overflow sources, based on the firmware command Op code and ALU mode. The four sources are A7, A7/, Shift out bit, or O. Zero, Overflow, and Negative condition terms are stored in latches which are updated on command from the firmware. Zero and overflow conditions are also used directly for the firmware skip tests. The zero condition latch has separate update logic because.of the requirement for "reset but not set" on linked zero tests over mUltiple bytes. Link is determined from either ALU carry out or the shifted out bit from the selected File depending on whether an arithmetic or shift operation is taking place. Link is unconditionally updated on both arithmetic and shift operations except for the Op Code 3 Add to File command for which neither Link or Condition flags are affected. 11.7 MEMORY ADDRESS REGISTERS (M AND N) The M and N registers, shown in Figure 11-7, are each 8-bit tristate registers which contain the read/write memory addresses while a memory cycle is taking place. M and N are loaded from the A bus by firmware command. Whenever the N register is loaded by a l3XX command the M register is cleared to O. This is accomplished in the Micro-One by disabling the M register output on a load N command without actually~ clearing M. 11.8 DESTINATION REGISTER CLOCK LOGIC The Destination Register Clock Logic, shown in Figure 11-8, generates the load register strobes for M, N, U, T, L, and interrupt enable registers. Also, a Load 0 strobe is generated for external use. Destination addresses are located in two places in the firmware command. 11-14 A BUS BIT 7 FILE BUS CARRY OUT R REG ..... FILE BUS BIT 7 -..;;....---- OVERFLOW DETECT ROM OVERFLOW ISOFIl OVERFLOW CONDITION LATCH CLOCK QFLO 1-":::';"=-. MUX BUS BIT7 A BUS (8) ZERO CONDITION LATCH ZERO CONDITION DETECT ZERO DETECT UPDATE CONDITION FLAG COMMANDS CLOCK ZERO CONDITION UPDATE LOGIC UPDATE CONDITION FLAG LOGIC CLOCK A7 NEGATIVE CONDITION LATCH LINK SELECT FILE BUS CARRY OUT TO OVERFLOW DETECT MUX ALH CARRY OUT FILE BUS BIT 0 FILE BUS BIT 7 LINK UPDATE LINK LATCH CLOCK Figure 11-6. Condition & Link Register 11-15 DMA MEMORY CYCLE ABUS----~----------~ 1----+-------. N ADDRESS LINES 1---+------.. M ADDRESS LINES N REGISTER M REGISTER ~ADN M RESET LATCH COMMAND Figure 11-7. M and N Address Registers 11-16 CLOCK LOADL LOAD L LOGIC LDO/ R REG LT1/ BITS 0-3 DESTINATION REGISTER CODE SELECT MUX DESTINATION REGISTER DECODER AND CLOCK LOGIC LM/ LN/ R REG LU/ BITS 8-10 LD7/ OPI tUPPER/LOWER SELECT CLOCK (GT4) MI,IX AND DECODER ENABLE OPOP/ UN DECODED DESTINATION REGISTER TERMS Figure 11-8. Destination Register Clock Logic 11-17 11 LITERAL COMMANDS WITH OP CODE 1 OPCODE o 10 9 8 7 I L:J LITERAL DESTINATION ADDRESS 320 OPERATE COMMANDS OPCODE CONTROL ADDRESS A 2-channel multiplexer is used to select the correct destination address according to the op code. Most of the destination register strobes are generated by a decoder having one of its inputs a GT4 clock. In some places, non-clocked or differently clocked destination register terms are needed. These terms, identified as RSO to RS3, are provided for generation of Load L clock, file write clock, and indication of M, N, and T destination terms to generate T hold. 11.9 COMMAND DECODE ROMS Firmware commands in the R register are decoded by read only memory chips to generate control terms. The ALU mode and MUX addresses are generated directly by the ROM's. Other terms are generated, such as 10 decoded OP code terms, which are used as inputs to discrete MSI and SSI logic functions to generate all of the register update control terms. In addition, the command decode ROM's are used to generate a carry-in and link, skip, and idle updates. 5 ALU MODE R REGISTER 3 31 K ROMS PLUS 2 256 BIT ROMS LINK 103X 10 ALU MUX ADDRESS DECODED OP CODE TERMS CARRY IN TERM IDLE 4 Figure 11-9. LINK, SKIP, AND IDLE UPDATE Command Decode ROM's Block Diagram 11.10 PROGRAMMED INPUT/OUTPUT The programmed I/O, shown in Figure 11-10, consists of separate 8-bit input and output data buses. The output bus is driven from the T register through inverter drivers. Zero true logic is used. The input bus goes directly to the ALU input MUX. Both input and input/ go to the MUX. Input/output control is accomplished with three lines, identified as I01X/, I02X/, and I03X/. These lines are set or reset by the firmware command: 8 12 11 15 7 o 76543 FILE II03XII02X II01XI DESTINATION Clock time for setting the registers is GT4. The IOXX/ register is a D type latch where the outputs follow the inputs as long as the clock is present. ' The Serial Teletype output is driven by I01X, I02X, and I03X/, and TTY0 from transistor driver. 11.11 INTERRUPTS The Micro-One features two types of interrupts: internal and external. A block diagram of the Micro-One interrupt structure is shown in Figure 11-11. The internal interrupts consist of: console interrupt, power fail/restart, stepswitch interrupt, real-time clock, and four spares. The internal interrupts are input to the Micro-One individually via the internal status channel of the ALU MUX, and collectively via the eight input OR gate to bit 4 of File O. Internal interrupt latches are reset by either Master reset or the firmware command, enter internal status. The console interrupt consists of a clocked latch which is always enabled, and thus always responds when the console interrupt switch is depressed. The power fail/restart interrupt consists of an RS latch which is set by power fail and held in a clamped-on state during power-on with release of clamping taking place immediately after releasing Master reset. Real-time clock consists of an interrupt latch which is set each time a realtime clock pulse occurs, if the real-time clock enable latch is set. Realtime clock pulses are generated by a level sensor which has a full wave rectified power line signal as an input (120 Hz) or (100 Hz). The Step switch interrupt contains no latch and is tied directly to internal status input and to the internal interrupt input gate. 11-19 INPUT B ALU MUX 8 A BUS ALU 8 ALU LATCH 8 FILES ALU MUX ADDRESS M. N. l. U REGISTERS OUTPUT BUS T REG MUX AND TREGISTER DRIVERS T REGISTER tOXX 3 INPUT/OUTPUT 3 INPUT/OUTPUT 3 R4 ,5,6 ~-..... CONTROL ......I----t CONTROL I·~~----------------------~~ DRIVERS LATCHES SERIAL TTY OUTPUT SERIAL TTY OUTPUT LOGIC Figure 11-10. I/O CONTROL DETECT LOGIC Programmed I/O Block Diagram 11-20 I/O CONTROL CODES EXTERNAL INTERRUPT EXTERNAL INTERRUPT GATE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT ENABLE LATCH FROM REGISTER INTERRUPT ENABLE COMMAND lOGIC FROM POWER SUPPLY FULL-WAVE RECTIFIED POWER SIGNAL 1 - - - . - TO FILE 0 REAL-TIME ENABLE LATCH TO ALU MUX REAL-TIME CLOCK INTERRUPT LATCH REAL-TIME CLOCK DETECTION RTC! INTERAL INTERRUPT TO FILE 0 INTERNAL INTERRUPT 1-_ _. DETECT LOGIC CLEAR SPARES STOP SWITCH CONSOLE INTERRUPT CINT/ RC NETWORK CLOCK CLEAR L-+-_ _ _ _....~ TO ALU MUX L--!:::~~_ _.. SET INPUT FROM POWER FAIL DETECT CIRCUITS FROM REGISTERS POWER FAIL INTERRUPT LATCH CLEAR ENTER INTERNAL STATUS COMMAND DETECT LOGIC Figure 11-11. Interrupts 11-21 TO ALU MUX 11.12 MEMORY SEQUENCER (CORE MEMORY VERSION) Memory timing pulses are generated by a state sequencer (shown in Figure 11-12) which is organized around a ROM, a command latch, and a sequence counter. The six primary outputs from the sequencer consist of Memory Read Strobe (RTXX/), Memory Write Strobe (WTXX/), Memory Ready Command (READ), Memory Write (WRIT), Load T Strobe (LT2), and Memory Busy State (MBSY). The inputs to the sequencer consist of: DMA Request (DMAR), DMA Write (DMAW), CPU Memory.Request (OPA) , CPU Write (R4), and CPU 1/2 cycle (RS). Commands are loaded any time Memory Busy is inactive. If there is no active command at load time the sequencer goes through one idle step and immediately loads again. There are five command input lines; therefore 32 different sequences are possible. When a command is loaded, memory busy becomes active, so the command remains loaded, and the sequence counter advances until memory busy becomes inactive. There are a maximum of eight 200 nanosecond steps possible for each command sequence. For Core Memory Control, the 32 command sequences are organized as follows in the ROM: - DMA CPU I CPU memory active I I WRITE CPU full cycle read CPU full cycle read DMA read DMA write CPU 1/2 cycle read CPU 1/2 cycle read DMA read DMA write CPU full cycle write CPU full cycle write DMA read DMA write CPU 1/2 cycle write _ _ '. __ o CPU memory idle READ CPU 1/2 cycle write I I I DMA read DMA write _ _ _ _ •• idle idle DMA read DMA write idle idle DMA read DMA write idle idle DMA read DMA write idle idle DMA read DMA write All DMA memory operations are full cycle. The outputs from the ROM consist of RTXX/, WTXX/, READ/ and MBSY/ The 8-step sequence patterns for memory control are as follows: 11-22 DMA REQUEsT------__~ DMA WRITE ------__~ CPU MEM MEMORY REQUEST------__~ SEQUENCE COMMAND LATCH CPU WRITE------........ 4 ~~~R~T~X~X~/------------~READSTROBE LOAD WTXX/ ~-+-~.;,.;,.;,.:.;.,;;------------. WRITE STROBE MEMORY SEQUENCE ROM ~~__~R~E~A~D~--. . READ COMMAND CPU 1/2 CYCLE ----If-_-I CLOCK ----Ir-....... MEMORY SEQUENCE COUNTER ~4---------~~M~B~S~Y~/--__.MEMORY 4 BUSY DEGLITCH INDOW LOAD WRITE DATA ENABLE CLOCK ---+--.....~ ~ SEQUENCER __-ILOAD LOGIC ~~~------~ NOTDM MBSY --------41~ LOADT STROBE LOGIC MBSY/ CPU MEM REQUEST------.....~ EARLY MBSY LATCH Figure 11-12. Memory Controller Block Diagram 11-23 Table 11-1.1. 8 Step 200 Nanosecond per Step Sequence Patterns for Memory Control 11.1.1 DMA or CPU Full Cycle Write RTXX/ wrxx/ READ/ MBSY/ 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.1.2 DMA and CPU Full Cycle Read RTXX/ WTXX/ READ/ MBSY/ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11-24 11.1.3 CPU 1/2 Cycle Write RTXX/ WTXX/ READ/ MBSY/ 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I i II I I 11.1.4 RTXX/ CPU 1/2 Cycle Read WTXX/ READ/ MBSY/ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I 1 - - -- I I, I - Priority Priority is established by the following methods: 1. When any memory sequence is in process, MBSY prevents loading a new command (either CPU or DMA). 2. On simultaneous DMA and CPU requests, the CPU request is held off by the T hold logic until the memory becomes unbusy, and another DMAR request is not present. 11-25 11.13 COMPUTER CLOCK AND RUN CONTROL The clock generation logic (as shown in Figure 11-13) consists of a 20 MHz oscillator with a 4-bit shift register to generate a 4-phase 200 nanosecond clock. Each of the phases is approximately 50 nsec wide. The phases are identified as TT1/, TT2/, TT3/, and TT4/. The repeating cycle is maintained by reloading a binary 0111 pattern each time TT4/ = O. Starting of the clock is achieved by entering a 0 into the serial input any time all phases are simultaneously high, which state will occur whenever the clock goes into improper operation. Control of the CPU is established by enabling the clock phases under various operating conditions. The enabled clocks are as follows: GT3 GT4 RUNX A TT3 Used to set Halt on Firmware Command and panel clock. = RUNX A TT4 Used for register update, Condition flag update, file update, I/O control register update, interrupt clocks. Load L Clock LOAD R = = (RUNX/) A (TTl + TT2) / TT4/ A THOLD/ L COUNT CLOCK = TT4/ A THLD/ A HLT/ ALU LATCH UPDATE = LOAD MEMORY SEQUENCER 11.14 TT2 + TT3 = TT4/ AMBUSY/ RUN/HALT CONTROL RUNX (see Figure 11-14) is made up of three terms as follows: RUNX = Halt/A ATHOLD/ A Id1e/. Ha1t/ is the main run enable term of the CPU and is manually set by panel control, or automatically by the power fail/power on function. The Halt state can be caused by Firmware command, Panel Clock, or by Master Reset. Tho1d (see Figure 11-14) is a temporary run disable which is caused by simultaneous occurrence of memory activity requests. There are four functions which cause Thold: 1. Attempting to alter M or N during a memory cycle. 2. Requesting a Memory cycle while one is in process. 3. Selecting T as a source before a read is complete. 4. DMA and CPU simultaneously requesting a memory access. 5. Changing T during a write strobe. Tho1d stops all CPU firmware functions, including R register update and M, N, L, U, and File update and Input/Output register update. 11-26 o PRELOAD INPUTS LOAD 20 MC 20 MC OSCI LLATOR ~C~LHO~C~K~-""'''' REGISTER RESET 4 PHASE CLOCK GENERATOR SHIFT REGISTER TTl/ TT2/ I----II~ TT4 TT3/ CLOCK START LOGIC GATED CLOCKS TT3/ RUN TTl/--.... XI TT4/--.... TT2/ TT4/ TTl + TT2 Figure 11-13. Clock Generation Logic, Block Diagram. 11-27 M OR N DESTI NA TI ON WITH CPU MEMORY CYCLE IN PROCESS CPU MEMORY REQUEST WHILE MEMORY CYCLE IN PROCESS SELECTION OF T SOURCE DURING MEMORY READ T HOLD LOGIC --,---,~ SIMUL TANEOUS CPU AND DMA MEMORY REQUEST GO/ RUN X GATE RESET CLKF/---~ FIRMWARE HALT CODE RUN X HALT DET LOGIC .. CLOCK HALT LATCH IDLE SECONDARY IDLE, FIRST COMMAND :§ AFTER RUN GO/ BYPASS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_L~A-T-C-H--------~~ CLEAR SH~~T1 PRESET TT1/ MRST/ IDLE/ SKIP LOAD---" SKIP COND MUX PRIMARY IDLE LATCH UPDATE IDLE CLOCK LOAD L HALT IDLE UPDATE CLOCK TT1/ Figure 11-14. Run/Halt Control Block Diagram. 11-28 Idle (see Figure 11-14) is a temporary run-disab1e which occurs for one firmware clock cycle and is caused by a skip or load L action. During idle, the R register is still updated so that the next firmware command can be fetched, but all other functions are disabled. Idle disables Tho1d to prevent false Tholds on non-executed memory-related functions immediately following a jump command. 11.15 COMPUTER START LOGIC There are five different inputs for starting the Micro One as shown in Figure 11-15. 1- Panel Interrupt 2. Panel Step Mode 3. Panel Run 4. Panel Clock 5. Power Fail/Restart Interrupt All of these inputs share a common computer start latch and computer start pulse logic. The computer start latch is set asynchronously to the computer clock and re1l1ains active until reset by halt, or released by the power fail interrupt input. The computer start pulse is synchroniZed by clock phase TT3/, at which time GO/ is generated. GO/ is input to the clear side of the Halt latch. Halt/ is input to the computer start pulse logic to inhibit subsequent GO/ pulses. Four of the computer start inputs are for panel control. These utilize a common RC pulse network, and separate diode isolators. The CPU differentiates between the four as follows: Panel Interrupt and Panel Step mode are also input to the internal interrupt portion of the CPU, where they are recognized by the firmware. Panel clock is also input to the Halt Detect logic to generate halt after one Firmware Command has been executed, and to the First Command by-pass logic to prevent bypass when Panel Clock is activated as opposed to either of the other three panel start modes. The Power Fail/Restart Interrupt generates the rema1n1ng start term. For ~ither Power Failor Restart, it is necessary to generate a GO/pulse. The Power Fail Interrupt will always be activated during these times, and will force the computer start latch to an active state where it will remain until released by acknowledging the Power Fail Interrupt. Multiple GO/ pulses are inhibited by the Halt/ input to the computer start pulse logic. 11.16 AUTOMATIC POWER FAIL AND POWER ON DETECTION FUNCTION The Power Fail Detect logic (shown in Figure 11-16) consists of an RC filter and an analog level detector. The input is a full-wave rectified signal from the power supply. The level sensor has a feedback resistor to generate hysteresis. This hysteresis prevents fluttering of the power fail circuitry 11-29 ~--------------~. . TO INTERNAL INTERRUPT PANEL INTERRUPT DIODE ISOL PANEL STEP MODE DIODE ISOL PANEL---1 DIODE ISOL RUN PANEL CLOCK HALT ~ RC PULSE NETWORK SET HALT/ COMPUTER START LATCH DIODE ISOL TO HALT DETECT LOGIC Figure 11-15. Computer Start Logic, Block Diagram 11-30 TT3/ GOI l-rj /-'. +12V OQ (:! l'i ZEN EO REGULATED REFERENCE VOLTAGE (\) ~ ~ I ~ .'" SUPPLY RC FILTER 1ST LEVEL SENSOR ""d 0 °1 ~ (\) RC TIME DELAY I'i ~ ~ '"':I Pl 1-" MASTER RESET TRANSISTOR MRST/ ~ I I;:j (\) ~ rt VJ 2ND LEVEL SENSOR °2 (\) RC PULSE NETWORK ("l rt t"" POWER ON INTERRUPT CLAMP TRANSISTOR 0 OQ 1-" ("l td ~ 0 ("l i'" I;:j 1-" Pl RESET INTERRUPT FROM FIRMWARE OR MRST/ POWER FAIL/ POWER ON INTERRUPT LATCH PFINT/ TO CPU OQ I'i Pl a ---. INPUTTO COMPUTER START LOGIC at the power fail threshold levels. The input RC time constant is set so that the first missing power line pulse will be detected. When power fail is detected, two things occur: the power fail interrupt is immediately set, and after approximately a 2 msec delay, Master Reset is activated and remains activated while the power supply voltages decay. The function of setting of the CPU for power fail, such as saving the registers in core and coming to halt, is accomplished by software and firmware during the time between Power Fail Interrupt and Master Reset. During the initial part of power on, the Power Fail Interrupt is clamped to an active state. When power reaches a correct level (plus a delay) the level sensor switches output levels and starts a delay of approximately 100 milliseconds, at which time Master Reset is released, leaving Power Fail Interrupt in an active state, to be acknowledged by the firmware/software. For manual operations, the Power Fail Interrupt can be made momentarily inactive by depressing the Master Reset switch. 11-32 SECTION 12 SCHEMATICS COMPONeNTS USfiD 0 ReSISTOR 1<~2 RES MOOUL. ZZO CAPACITOR CZ7 DIOOE: CRI4 TRANSISTOR Q3 CHOKE LI CRYSTAL YI E:. POINT fil' - I 17 17 I 17 15 17 18 17 B 05C C I 18 J 18 I I I E II<> lIP 74/0 I 10 18 J B I 110 i 10 4 4 15 110 9 I!O 1/0 74109 M 7400 7475 41 15 113 B 1514 14 8 74H04 I I 8 18 4 7442 8 [i] 7417 74H22 9312 9 10 I~ I 13 -i 4) I-.E j;''II7> cQ7S 10,'5f:I )S 81B liP 7475 7417 8 .3 5303-3 5303-4 4 .3 12 9322 5.503-2 7475 8 71711<> 74H04 7 10 14 14 IP240 1<>240 13 13 741~1 741G.1 A 0 13 .. _,. 0 E: 121/0 12 74175 3 12 5302-1 7475 12 74298 5PA12E J '" 1/ II 74173 74173 II.> 9 '3 '3 9 9 7 I<> 10 9309 7474 7474 10 10 9312 310lA 7 10 10 9 r:: 12 7432 12112 74298 7132 H II II 74173 74173 .5 5 7475 7475 B 5302-2 9312 9312 I 12 I 12 t 12 4 l- 74H04 12 f.I Ii: 10 121 , 7 10 74175 12 ~312 C IS HH74 7436 1.>11.>1"' 74H04 ~240 13 5 71717 ~240 C I~ .3 71717 14 8 BIB 5303-1 I B I 14 SPARE 9312 B B t-- I C 93/2 I&> 4,: 1;1{ 2 B 4 9 9 ~ -i 7420 1410 7430 9 \\). -:J.P. c21.' Ftr) E.O. 3 7474 I J.N. M.F. 4T. 12 9 7402 10 J I< L10 I 10 I< L 7403 10 10 I 10 I 10 7451 SPARE 7430 7425 9312 9312 310lA 7403 10 9 8 7 '" 5 4 3 5 5 74161 74/81 M Z - L I CURf2E:NT REV IGlolololololololGlolololOlolGlolO FI SHE£T NO. 1'lzI314Isl"'17IsI9110IullzI/31/41ISII"I" 16 1 ,OR -21 FI~MWA~o SeT ~UT fiTCH fil E2 (COMPONENT SIDE) <' ALL CAPACITORS A Rfi Al D I. ALL RESISTORS ,.OIllM ._ . . . _, 5EE 5 9 @]>J.C AT LOCATION 78 TO Bfi SELeCTeD ~CCOIi!DING TO NEE.D FOR MOS ME:MORY (-2~ OR CO!eE. Mr=MORY C-I). z. 4 lie. I 9322 I8 (I< OF) A G 7425 SPA12E 4 PI IV I o SEE E.O. SPA12E 15 8 1151/~ 9 II; I 8 7438 7410 18 40';'e. A 74H04 8 74H04 I PILOT RELeASE REY/SED AND NeW I?EL54SeD I~ B 9322 I 15 I8 I I 10 - 741(,,1 9 14 19 9 OWN CHKD APPD DATE DESCRIPTION ZONE F 151151 4 B 10 74HOO 10 7417 liP 74fW4 '3 0 5 7408 I Iq 7427 L I -'1<.6>2- I 151 151/51 4 110 110 t1~. liP - - _ .51 12 I 4 I 12 4 181 18 1 7402 I< I 7474 74504 13 530 4 15 74HOO 7402 1402 H I 4 18 I 18 7402 15 74195 I", I 15 I 15 15 1 5 1 15 15 7475 8 , 7475 4 7~OZ - 15 15 7420 I", I 18 17 15 15 74H74 7404 E 4 5 '" 15 15 151 /8118 D I /I I 17 7474 15 1/8118 C 7 15 74HOO ~bl2. D 15 17 sl D 11 74279 LM 339" EO I<£F" DeS NOT USED 8 9 10 A LAST 1<1EF" DeS USED REV 3 r;- ORAFTSMAN JODI NEWELL (,~~E~ 3Itm.~ TITLE SC4{;MA TlCMICRO-ONE 0 Em~ D D A1t)J:~b 1-6-75 iJ; APP~/Yw. If 1/-·8-7$ 0 ~ v I IRVINE, CALIFORNIA c.pu. t1!Y)1,uC,;J.;J.< . ,";~..,,;.,, ry-7!-/ III T~icrodata PC. BOARD "/·7·7, q-8-?5 SCALE (/) 2 J. 10ENT CODE C SC cOOOl500 5293(0 I owe SIZE SHEET I OF 1 16 G REV IJO. o 1ft, A GNO I GNO 2 +SV +5V 3 -/~,75V -1ft;.75V fl2 v 15 CPI /~ MOGJA/ 5 13 M03A / 1/ AOIL / 14 MODAl /I NO&A I 15 RSOO 13 LOOX /0 -1&,75V 1/ N07A / 8 II 00051 MOIA/ /I M02A / 12 5 AOOL / 5 If 13 L04X /3 12 PSOI 19 13 M04AI SP1J / 12 PS04 13 M05A / II LlOX(GNO) LO/X 20 RTXX / wryx / 2/ RSOS /~ 13 22 (PH2 I 12 LOSX RS02 23 READ 15 15 13 L02X 24 CGLO / /3 LO&X 25 RSOh 4 13 ~ ¢002 / 2& 27 $DOC, I B MOO? /5 8 13 L03X 28 MD03 8 5 A02L / 29 RS07 13 /3 L07X 30 MOOS 8 ", I$2X / 1004 I 31 I" 14 CPEN I 32 33 li/JIX I J 000 I L08X 13 5 8 6 AD3L I 34 MDOO B MOO/ 35 3, L09X 13 RS08 12 12 1.1004 PS09 37 ¢004 / B 10 EINT I 38 A05L I S 39 ¢ODO / 8 9 AENPI 40 1.1000 8 18 12 /2 PUNX RSIO R5/ I 41 42 A OC,L / 5 ECI¢ I 10 15 12 44 DAlASI 45 P~OI 41" RSI3 47 /I C~NT (6/J0) 49 1J03A I 50 ."::.514 ~ 43 OMAI< / 18 MOOZ 8 MRST I I, RTC[ 17 1.1074 I II ,,!,D7:....,/ :; OMAT I JPPY I r" 10 12 RStZ 5/ NOOA / /I Z 5£L~/ 2. /I {' N04A / 52,s£,LI/ 53 NOtA / NOSA / 54 PRIN / PRJiT I 55 ND2A I /5 OMAWI 51" SPIZ/ 7 15 M8SY SPIO I " 8 $007 / 57 5~ !POD3 I 8 /2 RSI5 59 1005/ 7 " IDOl I 7 IOOr" I 00 (", [007 I 1[J3X I 7 /" (, I D03 I -1r".75V .2 1002 / -1I,,75V Ii> r", GND GIJO " TTYX I TTYB TTY!jJ NO. 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R ,<; 1~ ~~~'~~~~?P~~~;: ~~g~~;~~~SUI IDLE .2 r)6 t. A.~ A.4- IS" 18 RUNX / ' 5 /5 TT/ -I- TTZ 0P7·RI/ I!S /8 /0 ~pESTlNATION E 70 ,400 S 4::r2- I '- t 3 I I I -'I "1442. 1 '14 121 U A 4A. 4B OPCODE RSO ::~,~~:;::"" <~ 741104 GATED T4 18 2.Y 3A 4 5 DESTINATION REGISTER DECODER ZA. 13 RO lY 11. UPDATE iDLE RSZ/ '" 7F " 'n'l.2. , 'l.B iB D 1/ ~ 2. lA 5" i1f12 ~~ Rq 11 q UPDATE; RUNX·TTI·TT2 LOAD L CLOCK DESTINATION REGISTER MUX '-----"' UL 0PA/RIS EXCEPT MEMORY 9 7H ----------------------"-1 74/ 0 "00. ""."0 9,1<0 '25P7/ 5 4 q.l
"'EET 4 _ _ _~4_ _ _---1._ _ _---'~ _ _._--l.._ _ _ _ ~!!.--_ _ _...l-.-_ _ _ j OF /8 0 REV 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . ___ INPUTS 10 ALF\O/ FROM FILE 10 ALAI/ 10 ALAe! 10 AL A 3! REG BUS o INPUTS ~~3M ~~~E LOWER4BITS 2.3 AI / I FO 9 :t SELECT 3 3 ALse ID ALS3 I~ . .!A~O!L_ I PI'AI3 I IQ 4Q f-"'8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...cA FI t:}'10"--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7'd4D 7475 BilL IK Fe \I : G F3 13 3 e 13 .-= 8,10, Ii'., 13 D r-~9---------~I>_--_{~PII~AII4D 3QN.;"-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,;A=<:_ 8,10,1<:,13 3Q 3D ='- AD!L / '1,11 ~ i'.G 14 3 \ 40 8,IO,Ii'.,13 MOLl '1,11 A 3 74181 -'-'~-c:c------__-+__"\+--+--='i'03 ALM ABUSO-3 Ai'. 5 SI 4 'Oco \ I-'-______________ 19 =A=A=~~:~::/===============~:=====::='8~ -'----~·~2---~-'--~~"-'---- 74/7 1 PR200053D3-4 r--_--"5"-1 A7 ,,'- "R-'-'-'4'---+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+--__--'-1A£TG.:FQ4~ -+__-"'-1E'. AS (",eoo) Ii'- ",;R,,;,I"'3'--+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13 -R-''''---IH---------+----''-1F\3 13 -'-'R..:':>=--_+========+-_ _--'-j7 Ae MSBAL:U~IO-A-=L~A~7~!--~6~~~s~~~~NA~:~~~E~~~E:~DM~AS~T~~~HGL'C_H_+------''''~AI I OF CONDITION FLAG INPUTS*7 " ALB7/ L 3E Q2. II 5 AO e-~ 13 EI ~_--,14.0E2. J OVERFLOW CONDITION DECODE ROM A +5V Q3~ I 12. -'-.:R""2.=----f+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_ _-"-I:l M - I I L-f--+--'-1' DO ~DI - - - '1 L---"''''ID2. t--<'9 : r---~-'-jD3 _'~_:J "' 5 w OVERFLOW CONDITION 14 9312. ~D4 I--- ~D~ -.lOb ~D7 __--c:'3::j:,c L--+__-"I2.:::;SB L---+--..:I~"'OA IOE A OVERFLOW CONDITION SELECT MUX 9 * INDICATE'S 4 TI1IICE'ON THIS PAGE _____1 ._.________ ~ ____________'________2 __ T 1 LITERAL BIT 0 12. RO '" to Ito C [N T /CONSOLE 10 1 /SHIFT ALA r P/-B32 o DO 2. Dl ALII4 /SHIFT RIGHT • INPUT '8 TO 8 INTERRUPT STATUS 4 D3 'BIZ RIGHT 1 INPUT 04 W ~H>~4,--__________-=~ D5 r 'Y~ Dt. 1000/ INPUT BUSO TREGO 5M 3 DZ ., h4f\04 , 14 ALU INPUT MUX BIT 0 ALBO/ ;; __ D "I D7 TO/ TREGO/ +SV ,---------...:'-'-1' SO , -____---"=-j2. S 1 i! /4 , -__-'-'3=-, 5 2. IK ~ E DMA.T / II. - 12. R 1 LITERAL BIT 1 DO 10 _A~L'2Ac''5.c/:....:cSH~I''_F.:.T:_R..:.T:.: .•:.:':::N:..PU:.T~_ __+-+_j-t-_+-...=.21 D 1 S L ~._-*_++-+_t-_3,,-10 A LA'Z. / SHIFT RT. 1 INPUT 1001/INPUTBUS1 c 8 I 03 '1312 S 04 7 DiD '" 07 w ~ I 5 H>--=-'2-J--I--.f---+--=-{,-~ 05 P/-AI.O 8 Tl D2 4 74HD4 TREG 1 TI/TREG1/ '-+-1--+-~I_', 50 +-++-,-,12.'-1 S1 14 ALU INPUT MUX BIT 1 I I A\..BV ;; y~ - - - --,1 I c I .--+---"13",, S2 I ~E 1 , 1 1 LITERAL BIT 2 12 R2. - DO 10 ALAe. lID RTC. / REAL·TIME CLOCK STATUS 10 ALA":> / SHIFT RT. 1 INPUT I SHIFT RT.' 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PAGE I ~I~ I ~ 18 I ____________',_'_1_ _ _._--"'2,_ _ _ _ _1'___._.__1___ SHEET ___ ._____4 ____.__J.'-_____ .~ OF REV 1, ALASI PI-A32. ':::'1'- I 13 ~ 12 IoH 1 SENSE SW , :, SHIFT RT. 1 INPUT 4 I D04 / S INPUT BUS BIT 4 D IIJS/r 10 8 +sv ffi r4 - Ro; " E'505' I PI-85~ "PIZI ALr..b I 10 1005/ C -1- -- 5H - (, 12 , IK ALA, / 10 3~ 4 V74H04 Tu. 8 IK S LITERAL BIT 7 17 09-2 PFl NI I ESD, 8/00 I liB Tr r. 3 3 Ti I D4- 14 ALU INPUT MUX BIT 5 ALB5'1 5'----- '(~ OS I I SO I 51 I I 52 I I t-K IK IK 7 5 , I 03 ''1312. W DS y I 0", I'> ~ I I 111>,.2 .,H SENSE SW 4 Z 14 r--!2- ALV INPUT MUX BIT 6 ALBl./ 5 _ _ _ _ CHANNEL B • I I I I I I 3 4 S ~~ {" 74li04 I TREG71 I '51 I I I E I I I I r.J 1 Dl I 0203 04 q'!>IZ 1 1 W 14 '( f-'2- OS ALU INPUT MUX ALB,I BIT 7 01 SO BSt 12. BS2 13 EALl'>1l1 ENABLE MUX UPPER 10 0,1 A '. E I c ISC2000lS0G ID I I OWG SIZE . -~ , 5-----.-.! 52- ALU INPUT MUX BITS 4 - 7 --~.---~~ I- Dt. 11 1 _ _.~_~_ B I 0,2 ElSO 4- TO ALU INPUT '50 DO I- I I D4- 1'2 C I I I I I 02 9 ...... ' , I I ... - II I DI ZI8 1007/ INPUT BUS BIT 7 T REG 7 1 '1312W DO II +Sy I-- I I I I in 74H04V'" , I I D3 Z. S 8 3 ---"l.N.LsHIFT RT. 1 INPUT LPI- I I It. -.-~ D, v Rr z. I DO I 4 T1'4l-\04- ur 13 IoH REG 61 B I E -.--~ I I T REG 6 IT 1 1 ~ E 3 SHIFT RT. 1 INPUT 9 Tlo 0,1 I I SENSE SW 3 ~IDO!.i/ 8 Dl Ol 1'1 IK 3 D 1 I I I I I I I 9 II I I 1 ,, OiO ZIB I --I I 12. STPF/ 1" ALU MUX ADDRESS SELECT S +SV ~ E50io A 4 r ._----- 2 - -~ D2 ,~ V,4H04 LITERAL BIT 6 ALB41 ' 5 - - - - 2. 01 H SENSE SW 2 , 1'3 Rin 8 DGo I ~H04 T REG 5 I 8 r ALU INPUT MUX BIT 4 ':.PI INPUT BUS BIT 5 TS/TREG51 " - '( ...!..'L ----S: 4 13 TS 8 14 W 13 '0.2 SHIFTRT 1 INPUT ~' 931Z. OS 1'2- II~/O C,H 1 02. 0" in LITERAL BIT 5 [J9~ ll. 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V7411 MOOI/ ¢D04/ 1 1'S" /3 ~F /2 ~l/7411 II", 10 ~V1411 10 9 -7438 I tPD05"1 LATCH T LOAD ENABLE 1''51 I I T6 r~1iiJ~~ T I I T'x' T REGISTER T'x'! T REGISTER! OTB'x'! OUTPUT DATA BUS! MO'x' MEMORY DATA BUS 5 !/JDOt.1 I 1 1 7 B P!~.?f.I r-(p/ 1'1 ....-----f J3 - 34 MOO? 13 1 P!-B40 I I ") 7 R P1-f3Z7l !/JDD?I jPI-A5BI T")/ Ie 1 SC2000150 W D CJ DEFINITION.OFTEAMS 1 PI-AIO I I I I I 1 ~MEMORY BUS & OUTPUT DATA .B.US DRIVERS B 7 ~ I .,IE ,)3-1 .. MOO') I /I I 8 PI-B3f! 1'41 I ",IE 1 l ~'PI-A3G,1 1 I I .----~-- ;~B 74\1 ~ E. \·2 ~ E,A 8 ¢DO.3/~ I 3D I II J MOOB I I~~' 1 4 7438 IIlI p!2& \'5 7415 3 'LQI W4 2D 4A 4Y ~ 2 lD 3Gi 3B A1 I IV 4 3A II 7 ~ MEMDRY D ATABUS, 15 28 MOO? LOAD T FR OM 10- lA c T'L/ I 1 I '~' /2 7438 : 8 PI-B43l l~ I I TREG BITS 4 - 7 PI-810-1 ~-! MOO2 1 I T REG INPUT MUX BITS 4-7 8 T1I 1 I I l rV4-3 MODI I ~r : ~c 3 '~ I I 1438 B tD Tl I I I I I I I I J91 TO!_ I '~ I 4 14'38 c 8 4PI'B34! 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P 10 CARAY OUT & SKIP CONDITION DETECT LOGIC MUX ADDRESS SELECT C0UT ALAO {: g30g ..2 F50 I~ FSI ':I 4 lCO let J'N .5 UNKI Qt>==-------+---~='-- 2. ,.--'pT "h"'+--=-d D f-l- 4 LINK LATCH 8K: A 7474 9L LINK SA a *INDICATES TWICE ON THIS PAGE S8 MUX 4 4 UL UPDATE LINK 81' 3 I~ 2 7~08 LINK & SHIFT OVERFLOW SELECT MUX (REST OF MUX ON PAGE 16) __ .__ ~ __ _______ 3 ... ____ . _-'---_ _ 2 S-C20001.50r;, D S"EET 9 OF 1 fCJ REV ~- 1 I AO ~~ ____________________~4D04L A BUS BITS 0-3 {l AI --'-'-'-____________________ :gl----l--l-------"d RCj 9 8 4 1742.5 RIO 5,(",7 . .:R.:.:. :II_______+-________-'-ql-----'. 81= 10 7408 8 9 ~f04 r ~1D.:.1=2--,~.=-,,-_ 15 B 5,"',7 ALA7 ~H04 F0E ~'--"'FI'""L"'E'""Z"ER"'O""E'"'NA""B"'L"'E'----~'-- 10 9 8 1:\ 1 10M 3~0~P~B~/_0~p~C~O~D~E~B~______________________~--------------------------~--~1 7451 ., 9 18 3 4 ~ l.!l 6T4 ______ ~~ GATED T4 CLOCK ~~~~~~~ _____________ 0Pe.+ QlP3 LOAD FILE OR ADD TO FILE OP CODES R53/ R5 FILE WRITE ENABLE ~ ________________________ 10M 74~1 ",,8 FeE/ 10 FILE CHIP ENABLE ~~~074~1 ~ IOM 4 74,1 3 R4/ 10M 10M 7451 Few! 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CLE 7474 ~c pe D PI-A~71 MaSY ~Q~ 01-=- 88 A TT I CLOCK PHASE 4 MEMORY BUSY .- * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~r_TL3~/_/~,IB,8 l~=~~~~~t~~~~~[~~~~d-----+-+----;;_:~;_;;;:;;~;_--------~T~r~4~1;,:.13 13 15 CLOCK PHASE 1 -i_-+____~C~L~O~C~K~P~H~A~S~E~3 1_t-t-_ _ _ _ A ~ 12> CLi: 15 ~~EARLY MEMORY BUSY LATCH TT3/ *UNGATED CPU CLOCKS EACH 50 NANOSECONDS OUR I NG ONE 200 NANOSECOND PERIOD SC20001S0r;-, E SHEET 4 3 .-L_ _ _ _ _ _2_____ _ /5 1 OF /~ REV 9 PLUPX II1R<;'TI j f l l/'l1RSTI 4 o SKIP CONDITIONS 5q { 9 COUT COMPARE 12. A'lR0 SKIP ZERO 11 A ~ R0 / SKIP ZERO NOT F50 I F<5'/ LL r 2CO 9L lY ZC{30Q ~ f12- 15 \ EXECUTE COMMANDS SELECT U 1: 10 2C2. I 2C3 1 ~ fop., II C DESTINATION CODE 7 SELECTS U ENTER ~~l~~~AL HLT 2..:!3.2 ~ L I 14 R514 :!2.c R51S 19 14 * 13 1<500 R501 13A\8 I I 742'> I I 13 I 3B 10.l( ...... Ie. ~~~TE CLOCK c!R/!i FDIIC,OO I I z~T .S' D QF- 1 9H I I I I 110 REAL-TIME CLOCK INTERRUPT LATCH 7474 +5V 4 RIO 2~ ~ 74H2Z ~ 9H R 39 CRI2 ~~ ,---------, 7474 2.2K FJ)/-I(.OO C 2" 300 PI' GT4 I PII PI- -r II C R41 g.31< -:f 1C40 IK ~ D PI?QI-''" r----< Q/~ a c 12 f-SV 4 I \3 >- ~~T~S~~L C T LATCH Q CI CINT/ 13 . RllNTI INTF/ AS T +5V R4Z S.G,K TT"B J2-2 SERIAL TELETYPE If(. +5V CRII FOH("OO R37 TTYX1 I R23 IfiO,2W 1 E/ REFERENCE VOLTAGE T,,,1 SERIAL TELETYPE INPUT LINE J 2-1 1 R,CI CONSOLE INTERRUPT CLOCK 83 14 ~ I2!RU I 112 74'2.0 IJ9-t, I I NT F / LPI- A 4 -1(".15V o I /I 3,4,IB IDLE"/ t!I Q (! U DETECT LOGIC 0P7·R7/ 13 RS/ *18 ~Ir-'OR' ~ 14 RSoe RTCCK 17 {3 CODE \ :13 IDLE LATCH e. ~ ~ I 9 Q PRIMARY IDLE I I 1<51'2. D !'LIZ IOJ 13 ~ -- ~ PR SKIP CONDITION SELECT (REF 56 MUX RTCE 14 14 IZ 8A:: 7474 TTl! 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D 1(,_R~T-=C~/~_____________________________~~ SkEET INTERRUPT 4 3 I~ 1 OF /d REV 1'5 TT3/ ~~--------------------------------------------------~2qIOD I", INTF/ PANEL INTERRUPT ~TPF/ STEP MODE INPUT GO CLOCK 3 q 7402 .--__-::. CR0 I~ FDHGOO 1<0 0 'I q CR7 o FDHtDOO HLT/ HLT +5V +5V +'5V R35 R34 IK CR9 IK CRI FDH IDOO Jq _a PANEl RUN INPUT __-l~~~~~~~~~t__,-~~~CI1-5__~~~____~~~q [~~~]-~R~':!.!::!.EL- I FOHGOO 300PF +5V ~COMPUTER L __7::!2"-- -.J -=(,80 START COMMAND LATCH START COMMAND PULSE GENERATION CRB CLKF J"I- 10 8A ;) RG NETWORK +5V +IZV c 1213 eez DELAYED 30K /N4001 /214 10 r-----~. 1 CI~ 22 U.P C23 15 V .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'M..:-R"'SocT.LI_ q ,IO.13,'5.11O IK ;0 A>'2.'----e~-----*----+--____1>--_t_I LMf339/V +/iV + RI9 MASTER RESET 3 DRIVER c R22 IK +5V R30 R20 IMEG 200 Tl"2u.f ...Le.5V,!5% CR3 POWER FAIL MASTER RESET -= GENERATOR POWER OFF & ON DELAY RC NETWORK Q2. 2N;)72.5 FDHGOO +SV R21 a (H~~~R~S~-fI-2~'1 R3 I NE1WORK IK I q 14 B I RI5 I I ~ 1 -=- 1<32 22K. opTi6i\iii.L.- - l I I I I PI-B"!" RTCI A h I 01.uf' Z5V RESET POWER FAIL INTERRUPT "'3 £12 " " PFlNT/ 1,110 POWER FAIL & POWER ON +5V INTERRUPT LATCH Ret:. I 8 I L: ________ J 3.3K SENSOR I lOB 129 POWER FAIL DETECT LEVEL C 2~ ADJUSTABLE POWER LEVEL DETECTION REFERENCE I. lose B 300PF e5K FDHfi,OO CRI4 2.2K FDH (,00 CI9 Ral ;)K CR5 RIO R29 .12K R21 I 3K t5V i.8K I .-. ___ J (o..,.. I IK IK. +5V RS 10K A R7 ZZK. I", REAL·TlME CLOCK POWER LINE FREQ 120 Hz OR 100Hz RU.NT S'C20001.50G SHEET 3 _____2 _ _ 17 1 OF /a 0 REV 4~~------------------~ o I'" IDL~ __________________~/~/-r- 4~R.~~~2~/ /5 c INHIBITS T HOLD DURING IDLE PAC CPU MEMORY OPERATION 12 /oH CHANGE M OR N WHILE CPU MEMORY CYCLE IS I PROGR ESS 13 TIMING HOLD GENERATION FOR MEMORY OPERATIONS 15 UBSY 3 .3 .3 15 (iJPA/ 9 0' rHLD ~-------------t----------~~~-12 eSI LT2 SELECTING T AS A SOURCE DUR ING A MEMORY READ BEFORE T IS LOADED FRQM MEMORY DMAR/ CPU MEMORY REQUEST SIMULTANEOUS WITH DMA REQUEST 15 DMA REQUEST c 9 15 rHLD/ IZ ,t,;1 7404 eS2 HLT/ c HALT 2 9E 7410 Iii Gr.:J 4 GT4 9 TT.3/ UNGATED 15 /0 TT4/ 4,9.10. COMPUTER CLOCKS A:; IDLE/ ~________-,Rc:.U=N.:.;Xc.:/_ 4,9,15 17 CLKF/ 17 Gtj/ 2 PANEL CLOCK INPUT COMPUTER START PULSE II CONTROL LATCH WHICH INHIBITS B DOUBLE EXECUTION OF 15 TTl /CLDCK PHASE 1 1ST FIRMWARE COMMAND AFTER RUN IS ACTIVATED B A A SC 2000 /50 G SHEET 4 3 2 1& OF 1& D REV
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2011:12:09 10:51:16-08:00 Modify Date : 2011:12:09 11:10:39-08:00 Metadata Date : 2011:12:09 11:10:39-08:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.46 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:21769f21-f407-4027-9d70-9ec1beaa9c8a Instance ID : uuid:716136de-92d2-41e1-a326-33752be2e637 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 196EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools