Quick Start Guide MLS
User Manual:
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Page Count: 57
- Introduction
- Table of Contents
- 1. Kit Overview
- 2. Stack Configuration
- 3. Accessing and Modifying Stack Parameters
- 4. Stack Attributes
- 7. Example Application - EndDevice_Demo
- 8. Power Management
- 9. Persistent Data Server
- 10. Application Setup
- 11. Uplink and Downlink
- 12. Glossary
- 13. Document Revision History
- 14. References
- The Microchip Web Site
- Customer Change Notification Service
- Customer Support
- Product Identification System
- Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature
- Legal Notice
- Trademarks
- Quality Management System Certified by DNV
- Worldwide Sales and Service

Microchip LoRaWAN Stack
Quick Start Guide
The Microchip LoRaWAN stack (MLS) provides a solution for the LoRaWAN end-device that is used for
Internet of Things (IoT) applications. A typical LoRaWAN network is composed of end-devices, gateways,
network servers and application servers.
End-devices are simple objects such as sensors and actuators, and are the “things” in the IoT. An end-
device communicates to the network server through one or many gateways. The gateway acts as a
concentrator for the end-devices and relays the data between end-devices and the network server.
The network server is the manager of a given network that handles the activation and manages end-
devices. A network server can communicate to many application servers. The application servers process
the data sent by the end-devices.
The wireless connection between an end-device and the gateway is setup through a LoRa wireless link.
The gateways, network server and application servers communicate over IP back haul linked using
Ethernet, 3G, LTE etc.
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Table of Contents
1. Kit Overview.............................................................................................................. 4
2. Stack Configuration................................................................................................... 5
3. Accessing and Modifying Stack Parameters............................................................. 6
4. Stack Attributes......................................................................................................... 7
4.1. LoRaWAN/MAC Attributes........................................................................................................... 7
4.2. RADIO/TAL Attributes.................................................................................................................. 9
5. LoRaWAN/MAC API................................................................................................ 11
6. RADIO/TAL API....................................................................................................... 14
7. Example Application - EndDevice_Demo................................................................16
7.1. Building the Firmware.................................................................................................................16
7.2. Flashing the Firmware................................................................................................................20
7.3. Application Configuration........................................................................................................... 22
8. Power Management................................................................................................ 24
8.1. Using PMM in Application.......................................................................................................... 25
9. Persistent Data Server............................................................................................ 29
9.1. PDS Module API Definitions.......................................................................................................33
10. Application Setup.....................................................................................................37
10.1. MultiTech MultiConnect® Conduit™ Gateway Setup.................................................................. 37
10.2. Application Sequence.................................................................................................................42
11. Uplink and Downlink................................................................................................ 47
12. Glossary.................................................................................................................. 51
13. Document Revision History..................................................................................... 52
14. References.............................................................................................................. 53
The Microchip Web Site................................................................................................ 54
Customer Change Notification Service..........................................................................54
Customer Support......................................................................................................... 54
Product Identification System........................................................................................55
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Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature................................................................. 55
Legal Notice...................................................................................................................55
Trademarks................................................................................................................... 56
Quality Management System Certified by DNV.............................................................56
Worldwide Sales and Service........................................................................................57
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1. Kit Overview
Microchip LoRa Stack
The main items provided as part of the LoRaWAN stack are:
• Atmel Studio 7.0 project for reference application:
– End-device application
• LoRaWAN stack components as a static library (libLORAWAN_LIBGEN.a)
• Drivers, timer module for LoRaWAN stack
LoRaWAN Stack Directory Structure
The LoRaWAN stack code base is available in the directory present in the package (src/ASF/
Table 1-1. Directory Structure of LoRaWAN Stack
Directory Description
./hal This directory contains implementation for radio's hardware interface, timers etc.
./inc This directory contains common include file(s)
./mac This directory contains headers of LoRaWAN MAC layer specification independent of
regional parameters
This directory contains implementation of MAC layer functionality specific to a
particular region. For example: “eu” directory contains implementations for EU (863
MHz – 870 MHz) region
./services This directory contains modules such as software timer and AES
./sys This directory contains system modules such as task manager, power management
and initialization
./tal This directory contains transceiver related headers, drivers for supported
./pmm This directory contains power mangement module (PMM)
./libgen This directory contains the static library for LoRaWAN MAC and TAL.
Table 1-2. Supported Hardware Platforms and IDE
Name in this
MCU Transceiver Evaluation Kits IDE
ATSAML21J18B Semtech SX1276 SAML21 Xplained
Pro and SX1276
wing board
Atmel Studio 7.0
ATSAMR34J18B Semtech SX1276 SAMR34
Atmel Studio 7.0
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Kit Overview
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2. Stack Configuration
The LoRaWAN stack is configured according to the application needs. This requires a variety of build
switches (macros) to be set for both the core stack and for the regional configurations. The stack
configuration parameters are available in conf_stack.h. The regional configuration parameters are
available in conf_reg_params.h.
Table 2-1. Stack configuration parameters
Macro definition Default value Description
FEATURE_CLASSC 1 Includes the functionality of Class C
FEATURE_DL_MCAST 1 Includes downlink multicast functionality
5 (enables Class A
and C)
Default device classes supported
Table 2-2. Regional Configuration parameters
Macro definition Default value Description
For NA: 7
Transmission power table
Initial data rate to be used
by application for uplink
Minimum data rate to be
used by end-device
and NA)
Maximum data rate to be
used by end-device
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Stack Configuration
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3. Accessing and Modifying Stack Parameters
Besides configuring parameters at compile time, the LoRaWAN stack provides APIs for the application to
access and modify the stack parameters. The application can access and modify both MAC and TAL
layer parameters. These parameters are listed in the table at Stack Attributes.
1. Accessing LoRaWAN/MAC parameters
The MAC layer provides an API to read the MAC parameters. It is available at lorawan.h.
StackRetStatus_t LORAWAN_GetAttr(LorawanAttributes_t attrType, void *attrInput, void
Example: EndDevice_Demo application uses this API to read the Tx Power.
uint8_t retValue;
StackRetStatus_t status = LORAWAN_GetAttr(TX_POWER, NULL, &retValue);
2. Modifying LoRaWAN/MAC parameters
The MAC layer provides an API to write the MAC parameters. It is available at lorawan.h.
StackRetStatus_t LORAWAN_SetAttr(LorawanAttributes_t attrType, void *attrValue);
Example: EndDevice_Demo application uses this API to write the Application Session Key.
uint8_t appsKey[16] = APP_SESSION_KEY;
StackRetStatus_t status = LORAWAN_SetAttr (APPS_KEY, appsKey);
3. Accessing RADIO/TAL parameters
The TAL layer provides an API to write the TAL parameters. It is available at radio_get_set.h.
RadioError_t RADIO_GetAttr(RadioAttribute_t attribute, void *value);
Example: In IncludeMacCommandsResponse(), MAC uses this API to read the SNR of the
latest packet in response to DevStatusReq command.
int8_t packetSNR;
RadioError_t status = RADIO_GetAttr(PACKET_SNR,(void *)&packetSNR);
4. Modifying RADIO/TAL parameters
The TAL layer provides an API to write the TAL parameters. It is available at radio_get_set.h.
RadioError_t RADIO_SetAttr(RadioAttribute_t attribute, void *value);
Example: In LORAWAN_Reset(), the MAC uses this API to set the sync word of LoRa modulation.
RadioError_t status = RADIO_SetAttr(LORA_SYNC_WORD, (void *)&(loRa.syncWord));
•StackRetStatus_t is an enum available in lorawan.h
•RadioError_t is an enum available in radio_interface.h
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Accessing and Modifying Stack Parameters
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4. Stack Attributes
4.1 LoRaWAN/MAC Attributes
Table 4-1. LoRaWAN/MAC Attributes
Name Type Range Access Default
ACKTIMEOUT Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000-0xffff Read/Write 0x7d0
ADR Boolean True
Read/Write --
ADR_ACKDELAY Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write 0x20
ADR_ACKLIMIT Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write 0x40
APPS_KEY Unsigned 8-bit
integer array[16]
-- Read/Write --
APP_EUI Unsigned 8-bit
integer array[8]
-- Read/Write --
APP_KEY Unsigned 8-bit
integer array[16]
-- Read/Write --
AUTOREPLY Boolean True, False Read/Write --
BATTERY Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write 0xff
Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 -
Read/Write --
Unsigned 8-bit
-- Read/Write --
Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 - 0xffff Read/Write --
CH_PARAM_STATUS Boolean True, False Read/Write --
DR0 - DR7 Read/Write DR0
DEV_ADDR Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 -
Read/Write --
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Stack Attributes
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Name Type Range Access Default
DEV_EUI Unsigned 8-bit
integer array[8]
-- Read/Write --
DOWNLINK_COUNTER Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 -
Read/Write 0x00000000
EDCLASS Unsigned 8-bit
0 (Class A), 1
(Class B - not
supported), 2
(Class C)
Read/Write 0 (Class A)
Unsigned 8-bit
1 (Class A), 5
(Class A and
Class C)
(function pointer)
Valid function
Read/Write --
ISMBAND Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read Only ISM_EU868
JOINACCEPT_DELAY1 Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 – 0xffff Read/Write 0x1388
JOINACCEPT_DELAY2 Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 – 0xffff Read/Write 0x1770
LINK_CHECK_GWCNT Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 – 0xff Read Only 0x00
LINK_CHECK_MARGIN Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 – 0xff Read Only 0xff
LINK_CHECK_PERIOD Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 – 0xffff Read/Write 0x0000
LORAWAN_STATUS Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 –
Read Only 0x00
MAX_FCOUNT_GAP Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 -0xffff Read/Write 0x4000
MCAST_APPS_KEY Unsigned 8-bit
integer array[16]
-- Read/Write --
MCAST_ENABLE Boolean True, False Read/Write 0x00
MCAST_FCNT_DOWN Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 - 0xffff Read --
MCAST_GROUP_ADDR Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 -
Read/Write --
MCAST_NWKS_KEY Unsigned 8-bit
integer array[16]
-- Read/Write --
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Stack Attributes
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Name Type Range Access Default
NWKS_KEY Unsigned 8-bit
integer array[16]
-- Read/Write --
PRESCALAR Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 -0xffff Read Only 0x0001
Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write --
arams_t (enum)
-- Read/Write Specific to the
RX_DELAY1 Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 -0xffff Read/Write 0x3e8
RX_DELAY2 Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 - 0xffff Read Only 0x7d0
SYNC_WORD Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write 0x34
TX_POWER Unsigned 8-bit
For EU: 0 to 5,
For NA: 5, 7,
8, 9, 10
Read/Write For EU: 1, For NA: 7
UPLINK_COUNTER Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 -
Read/Write 0x00000000
4.2 RADIO/TAL Attributes
Table 4-2. Radio/TAL Attributes
Name Type Range Access Default
dth_t (enum)
Only the
enumerated values
Read/Write BW_125KHZ
Unsigned 32-bit
Only valid
frequency value
Read/Write For EU:
, For NA:
Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 –
Read/Write 0x61a8
CRC_ON Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 (Disabled),
0x01 (Enabled)
Read/Write 0x01 (Enabled)
Rate_t (enum)
Only the
enumerated values
Read/Write CR_4_5
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Stack Attributes
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Name Type Range Access Default
Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 - 0xffff Read Only 0x0000
FSK_AFC_BW RadioFSKShaping
_t (enum)
Only the
enumerated values
Read/Write FSKBW_83_3KHZ
FSK_BIT_RATE Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 –
Read/Write 0xc350
_t (enum)
Only the
enumerated values
FSK_RX_BW RadioFSKShaping
_t (enum)
Only the
enumerated values
Read/Write FSK_BW_50_0KH
Unsigned 8-bit
integer array [8]
0x00 - 0xff (in each
Read/Write {0xc1, 0x94, 0xc1}
Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0x08 Read/Write 0x03
IQINVERTED Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 (Disabled),
0x01 (Enabled)
Read/Write 0x00 (Disabled)
Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write 0x34
MODULATION RadioModulation_t
Only the
enumerated values
OUTPUT_POWER Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write 0x01
PABOOST Unsigned 8-bit
0x00 - 0xff Read/Write 0x01
PACKET_SNR Signed 8-bit integer -128 to +127 Read Only -128
PREAMBLE_LEN Unsigned 16-bit
0x0000 - 0xffff Read/Write 0x08
(function pointer)
Valid function
Read/Write --
Depends on the
data type of each
member of the
Read/Write {0x00}
Only the
enumerated values
Read/Write SF_12
Unsigned 32-bit
0x00000000 –
Read/Write 0x3a98
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Stack Attributes
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void LORAWAN_Init(AppDataCb_t appdata, JoinDataCb_t joindata)
•appdata -- pointer to function that is called when a downlink is received
•joindata -- pointer to function that is called when join response is received
This function initializes the LoRaWAN stack and the radio module.
StackRetStatus_t LORAWAN_Join(ActivationType_t activationTypeNew)
•activationTypeNew -- activation method to be used for joining
This function starts the LoRaWAN activation procedure.
Returns: StackRetStatus_t is an enum. Status of the activation procedure.
StackRetStatus_t LORAWAN_Send (LorawanSendReq_t *lorasendreq)
•*lorasendreq -- pointer to LorawanSendReq_t structure. This structure contains transmissionType
(unconfirmed or confirmed), FPort, pointer to application data and length of the application data
This function starts the uplink from the end-device. The application can optionally retain the lorasendreq
pointer until the completion of the transaction, as the same pointer will be returned by LORAWAN/MAC to
help the application identify the specific send request.
Returns: StackRetStatus_t is an enum. Status of the uplink procedure.
StackRetStatus_t LORAWAN_GetAttr(LorawanAttributes_t attrType, void *attrInput, void *attrOutput)
•attrType -- type of the attribute
•*attrInput -- pointer to input. This input corresponds to the attribute that is received from the
LoRaWAN/MAC attribute list. For example, when getting channel status, this parameter is used as the
input to the channel index.
•*attrOutput-- pointer to the output variable. This is where the attribute value that is read by the
application is written.
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This function reads the value of given attribute from the LoRaWAN/MAC attribute list.
Returns: StackRetStatus_t is an enum. Status of the get attribute procedure.
StackRetStatus_t LORAWAN_SetAttr(LorawanAttributes_t attrType, void *attrValue)
•attrType -- type of the attribute
•*attrOutput -- pointer to the variable that contains the value to be written into the attribute
This function writes the given value to the specified attribute.
Returns: StackRetStatus_t is an enum. Status of the set attribute procedure.
uint32_t LORAWAN_Pause (void)
This function determines whether the LoRaWAN protocol functionality of the MAC is paused and allows the
application to use it for sending and receiving payload of some other protocol. If this function finds the pause
is possible, then it pauses the MAC and returns the amount of time that is paused.
Returns: Amount of time the LoRaWAN protocol functionality of the MAC is paused.
void LORAWAN_Resume (void)
This function resumes the LoRaWAN protocol functionality of the MAC. This is used to force the resume
from a previous LORAWAN_Pause before the pause time elapses.
void LORAWAN_ForceEnable (void)
The transmission by the end-device is disabled from the network server by sending the DutyCycleReq
command with the maxDutyCycle parameter as the highest possible value. If the transmission is disabled,
this function is used to enable the transmission again in the LoRaWAN MAC by the end-device.
•deviceReadyToSleep - indicates whether the device will reset at wake-up. ‘true’ means the
device will reset at wake-up. ‘true’ is used in case of sleep modes where execution resumes at the
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reset vector. ‘false’ means the device will not reset at wake-up. This is used in sleep modes where
execution resumes at instruction immediately after the sleep instruction.
bool LORAWAN_ReadyToSleep(bool deviceResetAfterSleep)
This function checks whether or not the stack is ready to sleep.
Returns: 'true' if stack is in ready state for sleep, otherwise 'false'
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void RADIO_Init(void);
This function initializes the radio module.
RadioError_t RADIO_Receive(RadioReceiveParam_t *param)
•param -- pointer to RadioReceiveParam_t structure. This structure contains receive type(start or
stop), duration of receive in symbols
This function either starts or stops the receive. Duration in symbols is applied for start.
Returns: RadioError_t is an enum. Status of the request whether it is succeeded or not.
RadioError_t RADIO_Transmit (RadioTransmitParam_t *param)
•param -- pointer to RadioTransmitParam_t structure. This structure contains the pointer to the
transmit buffer, and the length of bytes to be transmitted
This function transmits requested length of bytes from the buffer.
Returns: RadioError_t is an enum. Status of the request whether it is succeeded or not.
RadioError_t RADIO_TransmitCW(void)
This function transmits a continuous wave.
Returns: RadioError_t is an enum. Status of the request whether it is succeeded or not.
RadioError_t RADIO_StopCW(void)
This function stops the transmission of continuous wave.
Returns: RadioError_t is an enum. Status of the request whether it is succeeded or not.
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void RADIO_FHSSChangeChannel(void)
This function sets the receive frequency of the transceiver while hopping in FHSS
RadioError_t RADIO_SetAttr(RadioAttribute_t attrType, void *attr)
•attrType -- type of the radio attribute
•*attr -- pointer to the variable that contains the value to be written into the attribute
This function writes the given value to the specified attribute.
Returns: RadioError_t is an enum. Status of the set attribute procedure.
RadioError_t RADIO_GetAttr (RadioAttribute_t attrType, void *attr)
•attrType -- type of the radio attribute
•*attr -- pointer to the variable that contains the value to be read for the attribute
This function reads the parameters of the requested attribute.
Returns: RadioError_t is an enum. Status of the set attribute procedure.
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7. Example Application - EndDevice_Demo
The LoRaWAN stack software package includes an example application that is built and programmed on
the supported hardware platform and is executed immediately. The source code of the application is
provided, thus helping application developers to understand the proper use of the stack and allowing
modifications that are required for the custom applications to be made.
This example application (EndDevice_Demo) demonstrates the LoRaWAN end-device joining, and data
uplink and downlink over LoRaWAN. There are two separate EndDevice_Demo application projects
available for EU and NA regions. The application projects for both regions are available in the root
location of the corresponding packages.
Figure 7-1. Example Application - EndDevice_Demo
7.1 Building the Firmware
Perform the following steps in Atmel Studio to build the firmware for EndDevice_Demo.
1. Download and unzip the package “ZIP file” (for example:
apps_enddevice_demo_multiband.zip) at any location. For example: D:\releases
\LoRaWAN_SAML21SX1276. For ease, we refer the package location as “PACKAGE_ROOT”.
2. Open Atmel Studio 7, from Start Menu > Atmel Studio 7.0 > Atmel Studio 7.0
3. Go to File > Open > Project/Solution.
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Example Application - EndDevice_Demo
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Figure 7-2. Selecting Project/Solution
4. Select the application project file from the package.
Figure 7-3. Selecting the Application Project
5. By default, all the regions are enabled in the project. If user, wants disable certain regions, follow
the steps given below.
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Goto Project->Properties or Alt+F7
From the left hand pane, Choose “Toolchain”.
In the right hand pane, the “ARM/GNU c compiler”-> ”Symbols”.
In the next pane, the regional band macros are listed in the “Defined Symbols”,
Runtime support for the regional bands are enabled, when the macro for the corresponding
regional band is set to ‘1’ and is disabled, when the macro is set to ‘0’
The following are the macro values to enable only North American region (NA_BAND)
Note: The above select bands mentioned are from particular release, given as example. Make sure,
before defining any band, that particular band is supported from release notes.
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Figure 7-4. Selecting the Band
6. Go to Build > Build Solution to build the firmware.
Figure 7-5. Building the Firmware
7. After the successful compilation and linking, firmware appears in the Output Files section of
“Solution Explorer”.
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Figure 7-6. Output Files
In the file system, output files are saved in PACKAGE_ROOT/<Build_Configuration>. As per this
example, it is present at D:\releases\LoRaWAN_SAML21SX1276\Debug. If Release is selected as the
build configuration, then the firmware is saved at D:\releases\LoRaWAN_SAML21SX1276\Release.
Figure 7-7. Output File Location
7.2 Flashing the Firmware
1. After successfully building the firmware, connect the SAML21 Xplained Pro board with the PC.
Atmel Studio detects the board after completing the driver installation.
2. Go to Project > ENDDEVICE_DEMO_EU Properties. The Project Properties window appears. From
the vertical tab of options, click Tool.
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3. In the “Selected debugger/programmer” drop-down menu, select SAML21 Xplained Pro board.
Figure 7-8. Selecting the Supported Hardware Platform
4. When the board is selected, it is ready for programming and debugging. Go to Debug > Start
Debugging and Break.
Figure 7-9. Programming the Device
5. The firmware is flashed into the MCU and starts debugging automatically.
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Figure 7-10. Debugging the Device
7.3 Application Configuration
The EndDevice_Demo application provides configurable parameters in conf_app.h. This file is
available at PACKAGE_ROOT/src/config. These parameters are modified in the EndDevice_Demo
application in conjunction with the stack configuration. Refer to Stack Configuration.
Figure 7-11. Configuring the Application
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Example Application - EndDevice_Demo
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1. The application provides the method of device activation.
2. The application provides the message type for sending data from end-device.
3. The application mentions the port for uplink data.
#define APP_FPORT 1
4. The application can modify/set the DeviceAddress (32-bit) to be used with ABP.
5. The application can modify/set the network and application session keys to be used with ABP.
#define APPLICATION_SESSION_KEY {0x41, 0x63, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x69, 0x74, 0x79,
0x00, 0x04, 0xA3, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x04, 0xA3, 0x0B}
#define NETWORK_SESSION_KEY {0x61, 0x63, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x69, 0x74, 0x79,
0x00, 0x04, 0xA3, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x04, 0xA3, 0x0B}
6. The application can modify/set the DevEUI (64-bit) to be used with OTAA.
#define DEVICE_EUI {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07}
7. The application can modify/set the AppEUI (64-bit) to be used with OTAA.
#define APPLICATION_EUI {0xDA, 0xBB, 0xAD, 0x00, 0xDA, 0xBB, 0xAD, 0x00}
8. The application can modify/set the AppKey (128-bit) to be used with OTAA.
#define APPLICATION_KEY {0xBA, 0xAD, 0xF0, 0x0D, 0xBA, 0xAD, 0xF0, 0x0D,
0xBA, 0xAD, 0xF0, 0x0D, 0xBA, 0xAD, 0xF0,
9. The application can modify/set the downlink multicast network and application session keys to
be used with Class C.
#define APP_MCAST_APP_SESSION_KEY {0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6,
0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6}
#define APP_MCAST_NWK_SESSION_KEY {0x3C, 0x8F, 0x26, 0x27, 0x39, 0xBF, 0xE3, 0xB7,
0xBC, 0x08, 0x26, 0x99, 0x1A, 0xD0, 0x50, 0x4D}
10. The application can modify/set the Downlink Multicast Group Address (32-bit) to be used with
Class C.
11. The application can modify/set the Downlink Multicast Enable (Boolean) to be used with Class C.
#define APP_MCAST_ENABLE true
12. The application can modify/set the End Device Class. When Class C is chosen, and when the
selection succeeds, the downlink multicast functionality is enabled by default
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8. Power Management
MLS provides power management module (PMM) in the stack. An application running on top of MLS can
choose to use PMM to save power during idle times. Besides saving power during idle, PMM tries to
reduce power consumption even during transaction. Power saving is done by switching the MCU to one
of the available low-power modes. Currently, PMM is supported only on SAMR34 MCU. In SAMR34, only
STANDBY sleep mode is currently supported in PMM. By default, PMM is added and enabled.
Table 8-1. Files that are implemented for power management
Filename Description
pmm/inc/pmm.h This file contains the public API for the power management module.
This needs to be included by the application if power management is
pmm/src/pmm.c This file contains the implementation of power management i.e., the
conditions for entering to sleep, calculating the sleep time, configuring
and backing up the timers etc.
hal/inc/sleep_timer.h This file contains the APIs for the sleep timer. It is used by the PMM to
keep track of the sleep duration and also to wake up the device in timed
sleep scenarios.
This file contains the implementation of sleep timer. Currently, sleep
timer uses RTC internally.
hal/inc/sleep.h This file contains the API to switch the MCU to desired sleep mode.
This file contains the implementation to switch the MCU to sleep mode.
Currently, only STANDBY mode in SAMR34 is supported.
Table 8-2. Power Management API
PMM_Status_t PMM_Sleep(PMM_SleepReq_t *req)
•*req -- Pointer to sleep request structure when being called from application
This function puts the system to sleep if possible
Returns: PMM_Status_t enumeration
•PMM_SLEEP_REQ_DENIED when sleep is not possible at the instance
•PMM_SLEEP_REQ_PROCESSED when sleep is possible and have already done
• PMM_SleepReq_t is a structure available in pmm.h
• PMM_Status_t is a enum available in pmm.h
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8.1 Using PMM in Application
This section describes how to use PMM in user application. End Device demo application is used as
example in this section. PMM is already included in end device demo application. When PMM is included
in an application, it will define “CONF_PMM_ENABLE” macro as part of compiler flags. This flag controls
the addition and removal of PMM in application. By default it is added to end device demo application.
Figure 8-1. Adding or removing PMM from application
To remove PMM from end device demo application, remove or rename the “CONF_PMM_ENABLE”
macro from the list of compiler flags. As shown in the above figure, “Symbols” dialog from “Toolchain” tab
listed in project properties window. Then, either rename or remove this entry. It will then remove PMM
from application firmware.
To use PMM in application, following steps are to followed. Before the following steps, PMM must be
added to end device demo application.
1. Include pmm.h to application. In end device demo application, PMM is included in main.c
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Figure 8-2. Including PMM in application
2. Implement a call back function to be invoked after wake up. This function must have the prototype
of “pmmWakeupCallback” function pointer defined in PMM_SleepReq_t structure.
PMM_SleepReq_t is available in pmm.h
Figure 8-3. Wake up callback function
3. Invoke PMM_Sleep function from application to request the PMM to put the system to sleep. PMM
may deny a sleep request if the stack is not ready to sleep. User can supply NULL pointer to
“pmmWakeupCallback” if wakeup callback function is not implemented.
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Figure 8-4. Calling PMM_Sleep
Application sleep request time is configured by the macro “CONF_DEFAULT_APP_SLEEP_TIME_MS”. It
is present in “conf_app.h” file. By default, application sleep time is given as 3 seconds. It can be changed
to desired values. But, the sleep duration must fall within acceptable range which is given in the following
Table 8-3. Sleep duration values
Macro Value Description
PMM_SLEEP_TIME_MAX 130996480 Unit is milliseconds. This macro defines the highest
acceptable sleep request duration by PMM_Sleep(). If any
value lesser than PMM_SLEEP_TIME_MAX then, the sleep
request will be deined. This value is defined in pmm.h
PMM_SLEEP_TIME_MIN 100 Unit is milliseconds. This macro defines the lowest
acceptable sleep request duration by PMM_Sleep(). If any
value lesser than PMM_SLEEP_TIME_MIN then, the sleep
request will be deined. This value is defined in pmm.h
PMM_WAKEUP_TIME 10 Unit is milliseconds. This is the guard time used by PMM to
perform wakeup. PMM will subtract PMM_WAKEUP_TIME
from the requested sleep time when entering to sleep.
When end device is put to sleep, it can wake up from interrupt by either sleep timer or transceiver
interrupt or GPIO interrupt. When wake up happens in end device PMM_Wakeup() function is called and
it returns the duration elapsed during sleep to application. In case of application maintaining its own
timers, this slept duration returned from PMM_Wakeup can be used to resume those timers. MLS
automatically calls PMM_Wakeup whenever it receives sleep timer interrupt or external interrupt. But, the
end device must call PMM_Wakeup for GPIO interrupts also. For those GPIO used by the application that
can generate interrupts during sleep, user must call PMM_Wakeup in those ISR callbacks - as shown in
the following code snippet. In case of polling, this is not required since, polling code works only after wake
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PMM_Wakeup(); /* This MUST be called to properly resume after wakeup */
/* TODO: Add code to service this interrupt */
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9. Persistent Data Server
Persistent Data Server(PDS) module facilitates storing of Stack paramters/attributes in Non-Volatile
Memory(NVM) of MCU. PDS module interfaces between NVM driver and Stack
Figure 9-1. PDS Module
PDS Module Overview
PDS stands for Persistent Data Server, a service layer on top of NVM (Non-Volatile Memory). PDS is
required because of underlying limitations of the NVM. The following are the limitations of the NVM:
1. The NVM takes some amount of time to store or erase the data and it unusually takes a few
2. NVM has an endurance associated with it and one can only store and erase a certain number of
times usually few thousands of times before it makes unusable.
A Sensor based Application or Stack expected last long for years and sometimes time-critical, thus
waiting for the milliseconds that is needed by the NVM code to execute and maintaining the endurance
level of a section in NVM is very critical to any successful product. So, to solve these issues, an
abstraction layer is need which will take care of all the limitations and act as an intermediary between the
Application or Stack and the NVM. This intermediary is the PDS. It abstracts and manages the NVM so
that the Application or Stack can run without waiting on NVM.
The PDS is a component in MLS which manages the storage of any parameter of the Stack or
Application to NVM.
PDS Module Sub-layers
This section describes various PDS module sub-layers in detail. The following are the sub-layers inside
PDS module.
1. The NVM Sub-layer.
2. The Wear Levelling Sub-layer.
3. The Files and Items Sub-layer.
4. The Task Handler Sub-layer.
The NVM Sub-layer
The NVM abstraction takes care of the following functionalities:
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• Abstract the address for the EEPROM emulation area and the Flash storage area into logical
address so that it’s easy combine both memories.
• Manage the integrity of the information stored.
The flash memory in SAMR34 is organized into Pages and Rows. The following points discusses about
how the NVM is organized:
• Each Row had four Pages.
• Data can be written once per Page given a Row. If writing is done more than once per Page in a
Row data corruption happens. So, write granularity is Page wise.
• Data erasure can be done for a Row and not for a Page. This means that data stored in all four
Pages will be erased. So, erase granularity is Row wise.
• If data needs to be re-written to a Page in a Row, first the Row must be erased and then data to
that page can be written. Unfortunately, data stored in the other pages will be lost due to erasure.
To prevent this from happening, before issuing an erase, the row must be read to ram and written
back after erasure with the new data.
From the above points, PDS module is designed in such a way that a row can be treated as the smallest
possible NVM element that can be maintained with least possible code. In SAMR34, the size of the NVM
Row is 256bytes.
In the NVM Sub-layer, each row is given a logical row number be it in EEPROM flash section or code
flash section. So, this abstraction takes care of the mapping involves with the translation of logical row
number to physical address. If more memory is needed it can be added by updating this mapping table.
The integrity of the data stored is done by calculating the 16bit CRC for the data to be stored. This
calculated CRC is also stored along with the data in NVM so that while reading back the integrity of the
data can be checked.
The Wear Levelling Sub-layer
The Wear Levelling Sub-layer takes care of the following functionalities:
1. Increase the endurance of the NVM.
2. Translation of logical to Physical address.
3. Maintaining information of File ID mapping to Physical address.
As per datasheet an endurance cycle is a write and erase operation. For NVM Flash present in SAMR34
this endurance is around 100K cycles which is less compared to millions of cycles for EEPROM. To
emulate the endurance of EEPROM in Flash, instead of writing to the same Physical row in Flash and
reducing the endurance, PDS module will write to a new Physical row each time the data is updated. The
wear levelling sub-layer provides translation of physical address abstraction and maintain the information.
The WL sub-layer stores data in NVM in the form of Files. Files are defined by Files and Items Sub-layer.
Each file is written in a NVM Row and hence, the maximum size of each file shall not exceed 255 bytes.
WL sub-layer will maintain used and free NVM Rows. Based on that information Flash physical address
will calculated and data will be given to NVM sub-layer for storing.
On the occurrence of all NVM Rows been used, WL sub-layer will clear older data stored in NVM and free
some Rows.
At any given time, WL sub-layer make sure one copy of all data that stored NVM exists.
The Files and Items Sub-layer
The Files and Items Sub-layer takes care of the following functionalities:
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• Organizes the storing/retrieving/deleting of MLS parameters.
• Act as external entity from PDS module and provide APIs to Stack & Application to perform PDS
The basic element in Files and Item abstraction is an Item and a File is nothing but a collection of Items.
So, if one knows the File id and Item id one can easily store/retrieve/delete an item in PDS. The Item is
nothing but a parameter/variable and is private to a layer in the stack and is not exposed to the outside
world. If the PDS must store an item it will need the following information about the parameter:
• RAM Address
• Size
• File ID mapping.
• Item ID allocated to variable.
• Item’s offset inside the File.
The following operation can be performed for every Item in a file:
• Store.
• Delete.
• Restore.
The above information is essential because to store or delete of an Item will take significant amount of
time unlike read operation in flash and so it these operations are not done synchronously but instead
scheduled by the task handler. More information on the task handler execution is detailed in the next
To do these operations, Stack or Application must inform the PDS which operation needs to be performed
along with item information. For this purpose, Stack/Application needs to register in PDS module during
initialization with an array containing flags for each item per file.
The information is organized in the form of arrays for each File id and it is the duty of each layer to
register this array with the following information to the PDS:
• File ID Item Array address.
• Array size.
• File marks array address.
• File marks array size.
The PDS will just simply scan the array registered above to know about operation to perform.
So, from the PDS perspective, it just needs to know which File ids are used and does not need to care
what’s inside them. It is the responsibility of each layer that needs PDS to create a mapping for each File
to an Item and maintain offsets. The PDS just needs to know for which File an operation is pending and
not for individual items in a File. So, the PDS maintains something called as the File mask which will track
which items need update and this File mask must be set by the individual layers using the File.
For example, if an item needs to be stored into PDS, the layer using the File id needs to post a mask for
that File id to inform PDS that an action is pending and it also needs to update the files marks that the
layer maintains, now in this case it is “store”. Now when the PDS gets scheduled it will check the File
mask and it will recognise that an action is pending for a File id. Now it will search the File array data that
the layer registered with PDS and will know about the action to be performed i.e. “store”, the address of
the item in ram, the offset within the file and the size of the file. So, with all this information the PDS will
copy the data from ram to the PDS buffer. This buffer may already contain data if the file is already
present or an empty buffer if it’s the first time an operation is done for the File. After populating the buffer,
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it is sent to the WL abstraction layer which adds increments the File counter. Then the buffer is passed on
to the NVM abstraction which adds the 16 CRC. The same happens for PDS delete except that the delete
bit will be set and no ram copy is performed.
The Task Handler Sub-layer
The Files and Items abstraction takes care of the following design goal:
• Manage the latencies of the NVM.
The way in which PDS has organized the data in the form of Logical rows aides to take care of latencies
because to erase and write to a row on average it takes about 10ms. And since we are writing to the flash
row after row its manageable time. PDS is also has the lowest priority in MLS. This means that only after
all the layers have finished their execution the PDS gets scheduled. The task manager in MLS breaks the
context after each File write so that if a task gets posted for another layer, it will schedule that, as it has
more priority than PDS while PDS waits for the other task to finish their execution.
PDS Configuration
PDS is enabled in the project files by default. Macro "ENABLE_PDS" is used for enabling and disbaling
PDS module.
RWW section of SAMR34 SIP is used for storing PDS data.
To enable RWW section in SAMR34 following steps to needs to be done.
• Configure EEPROM_SIZE macro in "conf_nvm.h" in config folder.
• By deafult, EEPROM_SIZE is configured as 8192 (8K).
• Based on the requirement of application size of RWW section can be Increased, if needed.
• MLS stack requires 4096(4K) memory for storing PDS data in RWW section.
• SAMR34 RWW section allows 4, 8, 16K memory configuration.
• User must to enable RWW section of SAMR34 using fuse settings from Atmel Studio.
• In the fuse settings, "USER_WORD_0.NVMCTRL_EEPROM_SIZE" setting needs to be updated
based on the EEPROM_SIZE macro.
EEPROM_SIZE RWW Fuse Setting value
4096 0x02
8192 0x01
16384 0x00
Note: RWW section must be enabled for each SAMR34 board. By default, RWW section is disabled
in SAMR34. Before flashing FW into the SAMR34, enable RWW section in Tools->Device
Programming->Fuses and change the USER_WORD_0.NVMCTRL_EEPROM_SIZE fuse value to
one of the above table values based on the EEPROM_SIZE configured in the project.
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Figure 9-2. Enabling RWW section in SAMR34
9.1 PDS Module API Definitions
PDS module APIs
Table 9-1. Table 10.1 PDS Initialization API
PdsStatus_t PDS_Store(PdsFileItemIdx_t pdsFileItemIdx, uint8_t item)
•pdsFileItemIdx The file id to regsiter file to PDS.
•item The item id of the item in PDS.
This function will set the store operation bit in the filemarks for the item in PDS
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
•PDS_OK Success status
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Table 9-2. Table 10.2 PDS Store API
PdsStatus_t PDS_Store(PdsFileItemIdx_t pdsFileItemIdx, uint8_t item)
•pdsFileItemIdx The file id to regsiter file to PDS.
•item The item id of the item in PDS.
This function will set the store operation bit in the filemarks for the item in PDS
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
•PDS_OK Success status
Table 9-3. Table 10.3 PDS Restore API
PdsStatus_t PDS_Restore(PdsFileItemIdx_t pdsFileItemIdx, uint8_t item)
•pdsFileItemIdx The file id to regsiter file to PDS.
•item The item id of the item in PDS.
This function will restore the item from the PDS to RAM.
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
•PDS_OK Success status
•PDS_CRC_ERROR CRC error ocuurs in PDS data
•PDS_ERROR Error from NVM driver
•PDS_NOT_FOUND If file or item not found
•PDS_ITEM_DELETED Indicateing delete operation performed for an item.
Table 9-4. Table 10.4 PDS Delete API
PdsStatus_t PDS_Delete(PdsFileItemIdx_t pdsFileItemIdx, uint8_t item)
•pdsFileItemIdx The file id to regsiter file to PDS.
•item The item id of the item in PDS.
This function will set the delete operation for the item in the filemask.
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
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•PDS_OK Success status
•PDS_CRC_ERROR CRC error ocuurs in PDS data
•PDS_ERROR Error from NVM driver
•PDS_NOT_FOUND If file or item not found
•PDS_ITEM_DELETED Indicateing delete operation performed for an item.
Table 9-5. Table 10.5 API to check valid data is stored in PDS
bool PDS_IsRestorable(void)
This function checks if all the registered files are restorable.
Returns: Boolean
Table 9-6. Table 10.6 PDS Delete All API
PdsStatus_t PDS_DeleteAll(void)
This function will erase all the items stored in the PDS
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
•PDS_OK Success status
•PDS_CRC_ERROR CRC error ocuurs in PDS data
•PDS_ERROR Error from NVM driver
•PDS_NOT_FOUND If file or item not found
•PDS_ITEM_DELETED Indicateing delete operation performed for an item.
Table 9-7. Table 10.7 PDS Restore All API
PdsStatus_t PDS_Init(void)
Parameters PdsStatus_t
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This function will restore all the items from the PDS to RAM from all registered files.
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
•PDS_OK Success status
•PDS_CRC_ERROR CRC error ocuurs in PDS data
•PDS_ERROR Error from NVM driver
•PDS_NOT_FOUND If file or item not found
Table 9-8. Table 10.8 PDS Store All API
PdsStatus_t PDS_StoreAll(void)
This function will set the store operation to all the items stored in all the registered files in PDS
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
•PDS_OK Success status
Table 9-9. Table 10.9 PDS Register File
PdsStatus_t PDS_RegFile(PdsFileItemIdx_t argFileId, PdsFileMarks_t argFileMarks)
•argFileId The file id to regsiter file to PDS
•argFileMarks Structure with details of Items Lsit, Number of items, Callback function.
This function will set the store operation to all the items stored in all the registered files in PDS
Returns: PdsStatus_t enumeration
•PDS_OK Success status
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10. Application Setup
1. This application requires two devices: SAML21Xplained Pro with SX1276 wing board, and the
MultiTech MultiConnect® Conduit™ Gateway (it has both network and application server
2. Build the firmware (refer to Building the Firmware) and program it into the SAML21 Xplained Pro.
3. Connect the LoRa transceiver board (SX1276 wing board) in EXT2 of SAML21 Xplained Pro.
4. The board has a software switch(SW0) configured in two modes :
4.1. Short press - SW0 button pressed and released immediately
4.2. Long press - SW0 button pressed and holded for more than 3 sec before releasing
Figure 10-1. Connection Setup
10.1 MultiTech MultiConnect® Conduit™ Gateway Setup
• SAML21-Xplained Pro board with SX1276 wing board
• MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit model MTCDT-210A
Perform the following steps to setup Multitech MultiConnect Conduit Gateway:
1. Power-up and connect MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit with the PC.
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Figure 10-2. Connecting MultiTech Multiconnect Conduit with PC
2. The MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit enumerates a virtual COM port (for example: COM178).
Figure 10-3. Enumerating a Virtual COM Port
3. Open TeraTerm or any other terminal program. Set the UART as COM178 and Baudrate = 115200.
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Figure 10-4. Application Execution Platform
4. Log in to the MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit (default: “username = admin and password = admin”).
5. Open Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network connections.
6. Select the Ethernet card in the PC.
7. Right click and select Properties.
Figure 10-5. Network Connections
8. Select “IPv4” adapter settings.
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Figure 10-6. Local Area Connection Properties
9. Set the IP address to “” in the IPv4 adapter properties.
Figure 10-7. Setting IP Address
10. Open a web browser and go to A login page appears. Enter the username and
password (default: admin/admin). By default, this is the IP address configured in the Conduit when
it is reset.
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Figure 10-8. MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit Web Page
11. Open page. Configure the LoRa parameters as illustrated in
the following figure (it is set for EU). In this page, the gateway and the network server parameters
are configured. In the figure, the MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit is configured for the EU region.
Figure 10-9. LoRa Network Server Configuration
12. Information such as end-device address, uplink and downlink status can also be queried from the
MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit root console that is opened in the terminal.
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Figure 10-10. MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit Console
Now the MultiTech gateway is ready to accept the end-device and communicate with it. For more
information on MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit, refer to http://www.multitech.net.
Note: For additional information on configuring MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit MTCDT-210A, refer the
following links:
10.2 Application Sequence
The following is the sequence to execute the example application:
1. Initialization:
– First, the application initializes the system resources such as clock, board, drivers, AES,
system timer and radio hardware interfaces. This is done in main() at main.c.
– Then, it initializes the LoRaWAN stack by calling LORAWAN_Init from
mote_demo_init() function at mote_demo.c
2. In the terminal, the demo app lists all the supported bands during the startup.
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Figure 10-11. Terminal output after flashing
3. In the terminal, under the “Current option” the app displays one of the supported band for every
short press.
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Figure 10-12. Current band option
4. Long press of the button SW0, will select the band shown in the “Current option”
5. Once band is selected, application starts the activation process through either ABP or OTAA.
6. Once the activation is completed, it contains DeviceAddress, NwkSKey and AppSKey.
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Figure 10-13. Terminal join output
7. At any point after complete activation of the band, Long press of button (SW0), will exit from the
band and allows user to choose a different band
8. If join request is failed for any reason, the short press of button SW0, will send the join request to
the NS
9. Set the configured device class. If the class chosen in "Class C", downlink multicast reception
functionality is configured with the parameters provided in conf_app.h
10. On every short button press (SW0) in the joined state, end-device sends temperature data, read
from the MCU internal temperature.
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Figure 10-14. Data transmit output
11. If the network server downlinks any data, the end-device prints the data that is connected to it in the
Note: These steps are provided for reference. The user can modify the example application according to
their own requirements.
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Application Setup
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11. Uplink and Downlink
The transmission of data from an end-device to a network server or an application server through a
gateway is called “uplink”. An end-device must be activated before sending an uplink. The transmission of
data from a network server or an application server through a gateway to an end-device is called
“downlink”. An end-device must be activated before it can receive a downlink. In case of the
ENDDEVICE_DEMO application, the end-device gets connected to the MultiTech Conduit. The Conduit
provides a way to view the uplink data and set the downlink data, which is done through the Node-RED
interface. Before the uplink, the Node-RED interface has to be configured in the Conduit. Perform the
following steps to configure the Node-RED to dump the uplink data in a debug window and to echo the
uplink data as downlink.
1. Open an internet browser. In the address field, type the default address of the Conduit – http:// A login page appears.
2. Enter the default username/password (admin/admin).
3. The “MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit – Application Execution Platform” webpage appears.
4. Click Node-RED under the Apps tab on the left side of the webpage.
Figure 11-1. MultiTech MultiConnect Conduit - Application Execution Platform Webpage
5. The Node-RED login page appears.
6. Enter the default username/password (admin/admin).
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Uplink and Downlink
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Figure 11-2. Node-RED Login Page
7. The Node-RED configuration page appears. It displays the list of nodes in the left pane and a
configuration sheet. The nodes are categorized into “Input” and “Output”. Among them, lora node
represents a LoRa end-device. When taken from input, it captures the uplink data received at
network server and from output, it represents the downlink. The output lora node is used to setup
the downlink data. The debug node creates a “debug” console window that dumps the information.
Figure 11-3. Node-RED Configuration
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8. Now set up the sheet, “Sheet 1” as illustrated in the following figure. Drag the nodes to “Sheet 1”
and link them. When the debug node is dragged on to the “Sheet 1”, it displays as msg.payload.
This configuration makes the Node-RED dump the uplink to the “debug” window and echo the
received payload in downlink to the end-device.
Figure 11-4. Editing Debug Node
9. Build the EndDevice_Demo firmware by setting APP_ACTIVATION_TYPE to the desired activation
method in conf_app.h.
10. Connect the reference board to a PC. The reference board is enumerated with a COM port number.
For example: COM27.
11. If the build is successful, flash the firmware into the reference board. Follow the steps in Building
the Firmware and Flashing the firmware.
12. Open TeraTerm or a similar terminal program. Connect the board's COM port in TeraTerm. Set the
UART: COM27and Baudrate = 115200.
13. Depending on the selected activation method, the end-device is activated. Refer to Activating the
EndDevice”. If activation is successful, then it can uplink and downlink.
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Uplink and Downlink
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14. Press the button “SW0” in reference board to initiate an uplink. Each time the button “SW0” is
pressed, the end-device increments a counter and uplinks the value in payload. For example, 1 for
the first press, 2 for the second press and so on.
15. As per the Node-RED configuration, the uplink received at network server is dumped to “debug”
window and the same data is echoed in downlink.
Figure 11-5. Console Output
16. In Tera Term, the downlink received by the end-device is displayed. The same data can be seen in
Node-RED’s debug window.
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Uplink and Downlink
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12. Glossary
LoRa Long Range Modulation
LoRaWAN Long Range Wide Area Network
LPWAN Low-Power Wide Area Network
SAML21 XPLAINED PRO Microchip/Atmel SAML21 Xplained Pro
SX1276 Semtech SX1276 LoRa transceiver module
EXT2 Extension 2
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
EDBG Embedded Debugger
MAC Medium Access Control
DR Data Rate
FREQ Frequency
ASF Atmel Software Framework
TAL Transceiver Abstraction Layer
PMM Power Management Module
PDS Persistent Data Server
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
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13. Document Revision History
Revision A (April 2017)
This is the initial released version of this document.
Revision B (May 2017)
Added SAMR34 Platform details to the document.
Revision C (June 2017)
Added/Modified some stack configuration parameters.
Revision D (Novemeber 2017)
Added Power management module and PDS.
Revision E (February 2018)
Added Multiband feature details to the document
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Document Revision History
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14. References
• Atmel Studio 7: http://www.microchip.com/development-tools/atmel-studio-7
• Atmel Software Framework: http://asf.atmel.com/docs/latest/
• SAML21 Xplained Pro: http://www.microchip.com/developmenttools/productdetails.aspx?
• LoRa Technology Evaluation Suite user’s guide: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/
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