MOL_Data_Computation_Subsystem_Group_DCSG_EDP_Program_Cost_Proposal_Oct1966 MOL Data Computation Subsystem Group DCSG EDP Program Cost Proposal Oct1966
MOL_Data_Computation_Subsystem_Group_DCSG_EDP_Program_Cost_Proposal_Oct1966 MOL_Data_Computation_Subsystem_Group_DCSG_EDP_Program_Cost_Proposal_Oct1966
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Cost Proposal for MOL DATA COMPUTATION SUBSYSTEM GROUP (DCSG) . Engineering Development Phase (EDP) Program (U) to Douglas Aircraft Company. Inc. Missile and Space Systems Division Los Angeles, California In Response to RFP No.: . A3-800-E100-L-461 / 12 October 1966 ..t- CONTENTS Section Page 1 INT Ronue TION . . • . . • • . • . . . . . • . . . • • . . . • • . . 2 COST ANA.L YSIS . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . 2-1 3 STATEMENT OF WORK 3-1 4 EXCEPTIONS AND COMMENTS 4.1 4.2 5 •••••••• _••••••••••••• TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION TR00534 •••••••••••••••• CONTRACT END ITEM SPECIFICATION CP00342 MGE DUPLEX, SYSTEM BUFFERS, AND UNIT ADAPTERS . . . . . • • . 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4- 1 4-19 5- 1 6 SPECIAL TOOLS AND SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT ••• 6-1 7 SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREMENTS LIST ••••• 7-1 8 DETAILED COST DATA SHEETS •••••••••••••••• 8-1 9 FIXED PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• 9-1 10 MOL TERMS AND CONDITIONS •••••••••••••••• ii -------------- 10-1 ... . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 5-2 5. 1 POWER CONTROL PANEL 5.2 DATA DISPLAY PANEL 5.3 DUPLEX TEST ADAPTER CONSOLE ••••••••••••• 5-4 5.4 DATA FLOW-THRU CHANNEL ADAPTER •••••••••• 5-5 5.5 AMU PRINTER SIGNAL CONDITIONER FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 5-7 . . . . . . .. . . 5-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 5-3 5.6 AMU CONTROL AND DISPLAY PANEL 5.7 PRINTER CONTROL AND DISPLAY PANEL •••••••• 5-10 5.8 AMU PRINTER SIGNAL CONDITIONER (PAM). • • • • • •• 5-11 5.9 ADC CHANNEL ADAPTER (ADCAS) 5. 10 ADC SIGNAL ADAPTER PANEL CONT. OPERe iii ------------ . . . . ... . ... . . 5-12 5-13 • LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2-1 FLIGHT HARDWARE SUMMARY •• ~ ••••••• 0 2-2 COST SUMMARY •• 4- 1 • 0 • 0 •• 2-1 0 0 • 0 ••• 0 • 0 •• 0 • • •• 2-2 FIXED POINT INST RUCTIONS (U) 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • •• 4- 3 4- 2 LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS (U) •• •••••••••• 0 ••• 0 •• 4-4 4-3 BRANCHING, INPUT/OUTPUT AND STATUS SWITCHING INSTRUCTIONS (U) •••• 0 •• 0 •• 4-5 0 6-1 0 •••••• 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 ••• 6-1 SPECIAL TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT. 6- 2 MOL PHASE II RELATED TECHNOLOGY TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT 6- 3 0 ••••••• IBM SUBCONTRACTOR SPECIAL TOOLS & TEST EQUIPMENT • MOL PHASE II GOVERNMENT-OWNED MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT FACILITIES CONTRACT AF 33(657}-15470. • • •• 6-4 7-1 SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREMENTS LIST •• 0 • 0 7-3 7-2 RECOMMENDED CHANGES/COMMENTS TO SDRL 7-3 REVISED SDRL SUBMITTAL DATES 0 0 • •• 0 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • ••••••••••••• 0 0 • • • • • • 0 6-3 0 • 0 6-2 • 0 • 0 • 6-4 0 0 0 . . . . 7-17 •••••••••••••• 7-21 iv - - - - --,-----_.... - -,-,----,----------- • • GLOSSARY OF TERMS ADCU Aerospace Digital Cotnputer Unit LVDA/CU Lab Vehicle Data Adapter/Controller Unit KDU Keyboard and Display Unit PRU Printer Unit MCU Master Control Unit ASU Auxiliary Storage Unit v - - - _... _--_._ ..... - . .. . Section 1 INTRODUCTION ..-------- ..... - ...- - - .. • Section 1 INTRODUC TION This document contains IBM's Fixed Price Incentative (FPI) proposal in response to DAC RFP A3-800-EIOO-L-461, dated 22 September 1966. This proposal represents significant changes from the May 27 proposal submitted by IBM. Section 2 outlines some of the more significant of these.changes. In addition to the changes that were incorporated, we were unable to incorporate the following three (3) directed changes into the proposal. The details on these changes will be provided within the next two (2) weeks. • DC 1 - Buffering equipment, Printer-Auxiliary Memory Adapter, (PAM) for GE, as described in Section 5 and required by the RFP cover letter. • DC 2 - Channel adapters for GE, as described in Section 5 and required by DAC TWX 303, dated 28 September 1966. • DC 3 - Connector change as described in STD-207 We have analyzed the revised statement of work and work breakdown structure (WBS), and have provided in Section 3 a detailed description outlining the effort included in each work package. Section 4 contains clarifications, interpretations, and exceptions, where required, to the technical requirements. The schedules and cost have been developed to maxiumize production efficiencies which results in a continuous build schedule of approximately 1 per month. 1-1 • Section 2 COST ANALYSIS ---- - -.-~---. Section 2 COST ANALYSIS Changes have been incorporated into the program since the May 27 Proposal, the most significant of which are: • • Expanded Systems Effectivenes s Requirements Keyboard/Display Unit a) Divided into 2 discrete units b) Reduced quantity per System from 2 to 1 c) Increased the electronics in the single unit to build in redundancy, due to item b) Increased Resident support to include both Douglas and General Electric Increased MGE requirements to include capability for complete system testing in lieu of the previous simplex system testing Added a 360/30 computer to the MGE Test Set Reduced Hardware Quantities Deferred Mission Support Requirements Tightened Schedule requirements for both Hardware and Software • • • • • • Table 2-1 shows the average prices for production hardware. Table 2-1 FLIGHT HARDWARE SUMMARY Equipment ADC LDA KU DU PU AMU Qty. /Sy.s. 2 1 1 1 2 1 AvS· Unit Price 201 84 37 43 19 58 'rotal 2-1 Flisht Sys. Price (K) 402 84 37 43 38 58 -662 A summary for the total DCSG Program is shown in Table 2-2 Table 2-2 COST SUMMARY (In Thousands) of Dollars AVE HARDWARE 19 ADC 10 LDA 15 KU 15 DU 18 PU 9 AMU DESIGN/DEV. ADC LDA KU DU PU AMU 7,025 4131 783 635 668 315 493 4,834 1969 1096 566 510 337 356 MGE 1,608 HDW DES/DEV Test ST &t TE 563 953 48 44 SYSTEM ENGINEERING 1,529 PROGRAMMING 714 SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Mfg .. Managem.ent . Eng. Management Test Management Program Control 1,244 1, 152 200 164 23 765 705 DAC SUPPORT 474 OTHER Training Dev. Fixtur e SIL Refurbish Prod. Assy. Chk-out 139 45 87 203 TOTAL 19,285 360/30 TOTAL 400 19,685 2-2 ------- ... __ ._- . - f.. Section 3 STATEMENT OF WORK I ., I I I I I ./ STATEMENT OF WORK SOW WBS'I# (Paragraph Number A ) _ (DAC End Jtem) Not Applicable 1.0 .. ; Work Pkg. No. Description Not Applicable " This Work Statement delineates the tasks to be accomplished by IBM on the Data Computation Subsystem Group (DCSG) during the Engineering Development Phase (EDP). This effort ~all include engineering. testing, integrating, producing and evaluating the subsystem. IBM will provide the manpt:>wer, materials, facilities and necessary support to accomplish the tasks contained within this Work Statement. This Work Statement is identified to a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and is written so as to be able to cross reference DAC's Statement of Work to DAG's WBS .to IBM work packages. The WBS referenced includes DAC' s identifying numbers as well as IBM's work package numbers and work package managers. This work statement includes references to all plans submitted during CDP, which are to be implemented during EDi>. The last page of this SOW shows allocation of hardware to IBM Work Packages and DAC WBS numbers. All reporting requirements as identified in the SbRL will stop with the final hardware delivery to DAC from IBM. Any reports required as a result of effort to support DAC after last hardware delivery will be included in that effort. System Effectiveness Engineering Z. 1 IBM will provide reliability. maintainability. human engineering and safety engineering in (.' accordance with the following subtasks noted . below: 2. 1~ 1 2285 ReliabUtty Program (Non-Recurring) Task 1 - Diagrams and Models for DCSG Sub~ystem §'!'ATEMENT OF WORK Prepare in accordance with SDI-R-039 and submit for approval a plan to select and control critical modules, components or piece parts within critical it.ems •. MOL DCSG critical items are presently af the Part I of the AVE Technical Requirements Specifications (TRS) and/ or Critical Components Specifications. Support Dpuglas in continuing development of associated systems engineering documentation within the intent of 375-1 and 375-5. Define and analyze modal capabilities of the DCSG. / Generate and maintain Part II of the DCSG TRS Specification. Test· Programs requirements will be defined and an overall system test specification developed for integrated checkout of the DCSG. Coordinate test programs, test procedures, and MGE testing. requirements to assure AVE-MGJ!: compatability, and testing capability to satisfy TRS Part II requirements. Provide coordination and controls to insure the incorporation of system effectiveness requirements in the design of the DCSG. Provide a means for trading and. evaluating alternate designs, approaches, and design changes in a cost effective manner. This includes implementation of the methodology during EDP. ;.. , Provide engineering effort to perform systems trade studies as requested by DAC. This effort is limited to a total of 30 man-months. 2298 Eng. i\'. ~ PDR and CDR Reviews Assist Douglas in AF AVE PDR and ~DR. This includes efforts with Douglas and the IBM design subcontractors to coordinate agendas, paA"ticipate in the reviews, record r~inute~ and perform. a,,;;:tiLon item follow-up. 3-24 SiT A TEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS 1# (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. Z.Z.Z.l (cont'd) ZZ085111 ZZ99 Description Technical Meetings Provide participation in, and support of, informal Douglas design or test status reviews, coordination meetings and technical direction meetings as requested by Douglas. This task provides it maximum of 3 M/M and Z3 trips to Los Angeles. Z300 Weight Control Effort shall be provided to initiate and main':' tain, throughout the design phase of the program, an effective, indejiendent weight control effort to ensure that contractual weight limits are being met. This effort shall include a continuing examination of the design to !verify that the designer is applying adequate weight control principles consistent" with the system requirements. The weight control effort will be an integral part of the DCSG Mass Pr.operties Control Plan dated Z8 April 1966 (IBM 66-MZZ-OZ1B). Z301 -J EMC Control U Effort includes the preparation of an EMC Design Control Plan. This control plan will detail the EMC design for each component part of the DCSG necessary to comply with the requirement of TR00534. Monitoring and guidance will be provided to the design areas to insure that designs are consistent with EMC requirements. ; ~: Exception to Paragraphs 3. Z. 5. 1. 3 and 3.3. 1. 1. 1 of SAFSL E,thibit 11005, as modified by TR00534, is taken. to avoid excessive weight and size penalties: which would be imposed by these requirements. 3-Z5 ;?";!'ATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS II (DAC End Item) Z.Z.Z.Z ZZ08511Z Work Pkg. No. Z30Z Descri.pti.on Electrical Design of the Digital Computer Eng. This work package cover saIl ofthe unique effort associated with the electrical design and electrical technology for the digital computer. Effort includes the unique logic design associated with features unique to the MOL DGSG. These include special features, such as pri'ority interrupt system, memory protect control unit des ign for interface with the keyboard, special ROS programming. Included is the automatic. logic design of these features, the generation of all electrical documentation including wiring lists and -logic diagrams meeting the specification of the MOL DCSG. Wire lists to be generated include those for the unique pages and for back panels necessary to adapt to these features and the specialized interface of DCSG. Also included' is unique power supply design and power system design including power switching to minimize total mis sion power utilization, the release and maintenance of engineering documentation for the main memory, and also the ROS. Documentation for the unique ROS personality have also been included under this work package. Z303 I j Computer Mechanical Design This workp-ackage covers the unique mechanical design effort for the computer. It includes necessary stress analysis and structure layout, power supply design and overall assembly drawings. It includes the layout for artwork generation of the multilayer inter~ connection boards for unique pages and also for pages requiring changes as determined by test and the layout for artwork generation of the multilayer interconnection back panel to satisfy the unique requirem.ents of the MOL DCaa ani!\ its intedaceo &hiliD included in this 3.-Z6 ,(L'/\TEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph .' Num. ber) WBS # (DAC End ItemJ. Work Pkg. No. Description 22085112 2303 effort is Material Engineering Laboratory (cont'd) support to the selection and specifications to the materials meeting the unique MOL DCSG environment to be utilized as technology within the computer unit and also other units within the DCSG. Effort required to produce and release all fabrication drawings and eng'ineering instructions is also included. The maintenance of master drawing files, number assignment information, 'current status cards and source document information relative to the computer is included in this work package. 22085113 2304 Eng. -------- I" LDA Electrical Design Provide effort neces sary to provide the electrical design of the LDAU. This includes logic design including automatic logic design documentation, the generation of wire lists required for the multilayer interconnection of pages, back panels and input/output interface. It includes the preparation of all electrical documentation associated'with the LDAU, including schematics, wire lists, test specifications for page assemblies and unit assemblies, and the generation of the unit test specification. Under this work package, the unique interface circuit design and development test and evaluation will be accomplished. Also included is the electrical design effort for the design of the power supplies, power distribution system including switching for the conservation of power and to meet ~he constraints of the laboratory vehicle prime power system. ~.•• 2305 LDA Mechanical Design Provide effort for mechanical design of the LDA. This includes the preparation of all 1I.-_ _ _ _ _ ~.,.:1b:=.~,=.=._'-"-.,=o.-====,-,=.~~~~~~~~~ngs, ~~~_: :,~e"",m.=-=b:",lY_d_r_a_W_in_g_S_ _~ 3-27 ,I ST ATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. 22085113 2305 and as sembly drawings, including as sembly (contI d) specifications required for the fabrication of the LDA. The mechanical design effort and drafting effort for de sign of the structure, power supply as sembly and the layout of wiring for artwork generation of the page assemblies and back panels is all part of this effort. Also included under this effort is processing of engineering changes, the construction of release and change bills of materials, maintenance of master drawing files, maintenance of part number as signment information, current status cards, source document information and '!where used!! information in relation to the unique drawings as sociated with the LDA. 22085114 2306 Eng. Description Electrical Design of the Keyboard Unit Provide the effort for the electrical and logic design of the keyboard unit. It includes the logic design, circuit design and the release of all electrical documentation pertaining to this unit. This documentation includes logic diagrams. schematic diagrams, page wiring lists, back panel wiring lists, input/ output cable wiring lists, subas sembly and unit test specs, and preparation of te st specification for this unit. Automatic logic design, processing and preparation and support is also included as part of this effort. That engineering effort required to design the power supplies and power distribution system unique to the keyboard unit and the display unit associated is also included under this work package. 2307 Mechanical Design of the Keyboard Unit This includes all mechanical design effort associated with the design of the keyboard unit. This includes the preparation for re- 3-28 STA.'I'EMENT OF WORK ,:: SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC End Item.) Work Pkg. No. 22085114 2307 22085119 2308 Description lease to manufacturing of all detail drawings, (cont'd) subassembly drawings, assembly drawings, assembly specifications and other documenI.: tation required for the manufacture of this unit. The mechanical design and drafting effort required for the preparation of this documentation associated with the design of the structure, the power supply subassembly, the page assembly layout and the back panel layout for artwork as well as documentation of the input/ output harnesses is included as part of this effort. The maintenance of release files, the construction of release and change bills of material, the maintenance of master drawing files, the maintenance of part number as signment information, current status cards, source document information, the "where used" information associated with the drawing releases unique to this unit are also included as part of this work package. Design Support - Display Provide design specifications for the display by in -house engineering functions. Perform liaison with the display subcontractor for design evaluation, preacceptance testing and design audit. Assist in the 'resolution of manufacturing problems. Subcontract Design - .~ I I I Di~play Design of the display includes 'the preparation of design layouts, preparation and release of detailed drawings, subassembly drawings, assembly drawings, assembly specifications and test specifications required for the manufacture of the display. Preparation and release of all electrical drawings required for m~chanical packaging. test aXI€:' ms.\)i.iIXU;ellance. 3-29 ,?TtATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) W;BS N, '. Work Pkg. No. (DPi-C End , Item) Descrtption 2310 Design Support - Pripter Eng. Provide design spe c}fications for the printer by in-house engineering functions. Perform liaison with the printer subcontractor for design evaluation, pr~ -acceptance testing and design audit. Assist in the resolution of manufacturing problems. \ 2311 Subcontractor Pesign - Printer .. Design of the printer includes the preparation of design layouts, preparation and of detailed drawing.s, subassembly specifications and test specifications required for the manufacture of the printer. Preparation and release of all electrical . dra-"ings required for mechanical packaging, te st and maintenance. 22085116 2312 Design Support - Auxiliary Memory Unit Eng. Provide design specifications for the auxiliary memor'y unit by in-house engineering functions. Perform liaison with the auxiliary memory unit subcontractor' for design evaluation, pre -acceptance testing and de sign audit. As sist in the re solution of manufacturin~' problems. _ Perform audit on subcontractor design of the AMU and continue engineering liaison with the subcontractor. ... ~ 23,13 Subcontractor Design - Aux. Memory Unit SubCont. I I / I .i Design of the auxiliary memory unit includes the preparation of design layouts, preparatior and release of detailed drawings, subassembl yo drawings, assembly drawings,' assembly specifications and test specifications required for the manufacture of the AMU. Preparation and release of all electrical drawings required for mechCl.nical packag:i.i(!\g~ test and maintenancE . 3-30 ., 'I'EMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. Z. Z. 2. 7 22085117 2314 . Description { Transportation Packaging Design Provide the effort to design the transportation packaging for the DCSG AVE. 2315 22085118 ~ J Provide the engineering effort to prepare and maintain mock-up drawings for the \ DCSG units. Laboratory Vehicle On-Board Computer Program Procedure 2.2.3 2316 22085151 2.2.'3. 1 DCSG On-Orbit Software Provide the DCSG on-orbit software, participate in PDR and CDR activity, and deliver the programs in accordance with the required schedules. Tasks include developing an executive control system, a DCSG self- . check program, and a mC\.intenance and diagnostic program. The executive control program will include capabilities to initiate, support and terminate execution of all operating support programs as well as the following services: ,!.' Input/ Output ~emory 11anagement Prog ram Loading Data Pool Management / .~ The DCSG self-check program shall consist of a resident program for cyclic self check and a non:-resident program for 'diagnostic ~hecking. I Utilities Programs - Provide the effort necessary to generate algebraic and trigonometric furtctions ~B follows:· 1 I I i ., 3-31 I- 5'T A TEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number-) WBS # (DAC End Item) 2. 2. 3. 1 22085151 .22085152 Work Pkg. No. Description Matrix Product Square Root Exponentiation Sine Cosine Arc Tangent Arc Sine 2318 DCSG Ground Support Sof~are Prepare and furnish the following programs in support of the Ground System DCSG: Test Monitor On-Line Print Routine On-Line Card Read Routine On-Line Card Punch Routine Magnetic Tape Read Write Program 2319 22085153 2320 2.2.4 In addition, a number of debug aids will be incorporated as features of the test monitor and include memory and register dump, conditional snapshot, impact and change, and a conditional program trace. Participate in PDR and CDR activity. Test Routines - Test data routines will be provided to read test data files from cards or tape and to output the test data file to the' tape or printer. progra~ Provide the effort to prepare specifications, validation of test plans, program system descriptions, procedures and reports, and operating and programming manuals in accordance with DAC's SDRL and in compliance with applicable SDI's~ DeSG Development Test J I Pe:r:fol'rn clevelopment teEnb1.j,~g to support de_. of the DCSG AVE hardware and transsign 1-32 • rS~':'1:'ATEMENT WBS # (DAC End Item) SOW (Paragraph Number) 2.2.4 (cont'd) . z·o· Work Pkg. No. OF WORK Descri.pti.~n . portation packaging. Includes test hardware, test planning and evaluation, conduct and reporting of tests. Includes performance of testing defined by TRS DCSG and by the Ground Test Plan. The following clarifications and excepti,?ns to the MOL Engineering Development Phase Work Statement for DCSG dated 9/1/66 are noted: Paragraph 2.2.4, paragraph 4. Delete liThe results of development tests conducted per the ground test plan shall be approved by Douglas. Development test result approval shall be a constraint or initiation of qualification tests. II I GI Reason: Development tests are planned to assist in the design and to provide assurance that articles submitted for qualification will pass. IBM must retain the right, under a fixed price contract, to alter, add or delete these tests as deemed necessary. Only the qualification test plan and approval of test results should be subject to DAC approval. Paragraph 2.2.4, paragraph 3. Add to this paragraph, "Circuit testing shall consist of qualification over temperature range only." (/I Reason: Clarification of IBM intent. Any _~ new circuit design will normally be tested to temperature extremes as part of the normal design cycle. No additional testing is planned or budgeted. Paragraph 2. Z. 4.2. Delete from the first paragraph, IIDeliver" to Douglas one set of prototype AVE as defined in Attachment IV. after the successful completion of the System Integlr"",."tiolU Development test. " Cit i Iz=_ _ ~~= --. "- 3-33 i'-- ·I'.ATEMENT OF WORK j SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC: End Item) Work Pkg. No. Description Reason: IBM will retain this for developmentsupport in accordance with our program planning. 2.2.4 (cont'd) • Paragraph 2 •.2. 4. 2.- Add to the second paragraph, "Subsystem development tests will be functional tests only conducted u,nder room ambient environmental conditions. " Reason: To clarify subsystem development tests. o Paragraph Change entire· paragraph to read, "Provide engineering prototype hardware in accordance with attachment IV for delivery to G. E. Engineering prototype is defined as being functionally equivalent and electrically similar but not necessarily conforming to the mechanical configuration of the flight articles. " Reason: Early schedule requirements do not allow time for design and packaging of power supplies or design of an enclosure having integral cooling. Air cooling is planned on these machines with an enclosure to permit easy acce s s for te sting and evaluation of changes. z. 2. 4. 1 2321 Eng. Common Development Test and Test Support This work package includes the cost of ·the hardware components, circuits, and other items required for development test. "I'-.... Conduct and support DCSG AVE development test and support to include initial functiona~. structural, and thermal evaluation of those piece parts and subassemblies common to the various AVE units. I ............ ~)l.'ATEMENT WBS SOW (Paragraph Number) # Work Pkg. No. (DAC~End Item) Description 22085221 Digital Computer Development Testing 2322 Provide the hardware requirements for unit environment and development test of the ADC. 2323 :Perform exploratory qualification dev~lopment testing to support the design of the DCSG AVE hardware to gain as surance that this hardware will meet the full qualification levels of the DCSG system. This includes te st planning and evaluation, conduct and reporting of the test, it includes performance of testing as defined by the Ground Test Plan. Eng. . 2324 Conduct and support development test of ADC to include functional and environmental evaluation of those subas semblies peculiar to the ADC. Test I OF WORK 22085222 LDA Testing 2325 Mfg. 2326 .. : , Eng. . ~. i Provide the hardware requirements fo7;' unit environment and development test of the LDA. Conduct and Support Development Test of the LDA. Provide effor.t for the explorato7;'y qualificatio ~ testing in accordance with the Ground Test i P Ian of production prot<;>type LDA to gain assurance that this unit will meet the full qualification requirements as imposed to the TRS. Effort includes preparation of test plans, conduct of test analysis of data and reporting of results • \ . .' I ; l .~ 3-35 SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS 1# (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. 22085222 2327 Test Description .., Conduct Vibration, EMC and Thermal Tests Conduct and support development test of LDA for unit environmental test on the LDA. 'The effort included covers the preparation of test procedures and required test reports. . 22085223 I Keyboard Unit Development Test 2228 This work package provides the hardware requirements for the performance of unit environment and development test. 2329 Provide effort for the exploratory qualification testing in accordance with the Ground Test Plan of production prototype KU to gain as surance that this unit will meet the full qualification requirements as imposed to the TR·S. Effort includes preparation of test plans, conduct of test a:nalysis of data and reporting of results. ·2330 Test Conduct Vibration, EMC and Thermal Tests Conduct and support development test of the Keyboard Unit for unit environmental test on the Keyboard Unit. The effort included cove! s the preparation of test procedures and requir~d te st reports', , I \ j. I I I Ii 2331 This work package provides· the hardware requirements for the performance ot unit environment and development test. 2332 Eng. Conduct and support development test of the display to include functional evaluation of those subassemblies p.eculiar to the Display Unit. I I i • I ~ 3-36 STATEMENT OF sow (Paragraph Number) WBSiI (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. Description 2333 (cont'd) Test & Subcont. Conduct Vibration, EMC and Thermal Tests 22085224 Conduct and support development test of the display and display unit for unit environ-· mental test. The effort included covers the preparation of test procedures and required test reports. \ Printer Development Test . 2334 This work package prov~des the hardware requirements for the'performance of unit environment and development test. Mfg. 2335 Conduct and support development test of the . PU to include functional and environmental evaluation of those subassemblies peculiar to the;Pp. Eng. 2336 Test & ~ubcont. 7 22085225 Conduct Vibration, EMC and Thermal envirol mental tests on the PU to determine adequac-y of design. Included is· the review and approve I of subcontract test procedures and test reports and liaison with subcontractor during tests. Auxiliary Memory Development Test 2337 Mfg. This work package provides the'hardware requirements. for the performance of unit environment and development test. A production prototype unit will be used, and therefore, no costs app~ar ·in this work package. 2338 Conduct and support development test of the AMU to include functional and environmental evaluation of those subassemblies peculiar to the AMU. j'" Eng. 2339 Test &: Su'bcont. Conduct Vibration, EMC and Thermal unit environmental test of the AMU. Includes review and approval of subcontract procedures. liais?!l ~ltJuW.£Qntrllig,rd\lrinO' -tARt 3-37 " lLTEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC'End Item) 2.2.4. 2 2208530 Work Pkg. No. Descri.pti.on DCSG Subsystem Development Testing 2340 Mfg. Provide the hardware neces sary for the DCSG subsystem testing. The system required for subsystem testing is one Engineering Prototype DCSG system (Simplex). \ 2341 Eng. 2342 2.2.408 This task includes the design and build of special test equipment and cables used in the integration laboratory. It includes a simulated Master Control Unit and the cables which attach the ADC to its interface. Production Prototype 22085241 2343 JlMg. J Conduct and support DCSG subsystem testing to evaluate new designs and optimize designs as defined in the Ground Test Plan. Under this task, the integration and checkout of the\ final engineering model will be accomplished. Initially the computer is debugged and tested, followed by a progressive. integration of the other peripheral equipments until a complete operating DCSG system has been checked out. Effort includes compatibility testing with the prototype MGE, hardware assistance during the software program validation. Engineering evaluation of equipment performance, change proposals, and software changes will be performed on this equipment. The engineering prototype will be replaced by the Production Prototype Development Test '. Model after this latter equipment has completed environmental testing. The Development Test Model will not be shipped to DAC as specified, but will be retained by IBM for development support. Provj"de one complete production prototype DCSG subsystem to Douglas to suPP?rt Douglas te sting. This plroduction prototype hax'cilw::u..';: :L3 defined as functionally, 3 ... 38 ~TATEMENT OF WORK / SOW (Paragraph WiBS N (DAC End Item) Numb~r) " 22085241 Work Pkg. 2343 electrically and mechanically equivalent to (cont'd) the flight article but not flight qualified. 2344 Eng. ;.. , 2345 22085242 2346 2347 Eng. J ~ .L....."""". _"'.- .• " Provide the support to manufacturing dUrlng the fabrication cycle of the production protot'ype system. This {ncludes the support necessary from Engineering, Quality, \ Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design, production, manufacturing, quality and reliability problems. Supply support to procureme;nt,· provide vendor liaison on an "as needed" basis, update routings and procedur~s and assist in the incorporation of manufacturing improvements. 'Provide the effort to debug the production : prototype DCSG subsystem and perform acceptance test prior to shipment of the system to DAC. Engineering Prototype Mfg. " Description ,.' NQ., "., 2348 Test ..JCo*'o=_-==-._L Provide prototype hardware for delivery to General Electric., Engineering prototype is defined as being functionally equivalent and electrically similar to the flight article. Provide the support to manufacturing during the fabrication cycle of prototyp'~ systems. This includes the support necessary from Engineering, Quality, Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design, pro4uction, manufacturing, quality and reliabUit) problems. Supply support to Procurement, provide vendor liaison on an as needed basis, update routings and procedures and assist in the incorporation of manufacturing improvements. Provide the effort to debug the engineering prototype DCSG subsystem and perform accep ,1 ance te's'J: prior to ship:>i2,:\mli: 'to General Electri. _ •••• _ 3-39 S'JI'ATEMENT OF WORK sow (Paragraph Number) 2.2.5 WB$ 1# (DAC:End Item) Work Pkg. No. Description DCSG Qualification Testing Perform qualification testing to verify and demonstrate design of the DCSG AVE hard .. ware. Qualification testing shall be in ac .. cordance with the requirements of the Technical Requirements Specification \ TR00534 (Attachment I) and with the Subcont .. ractor Ground Test Plan, which is included herein by reference. Software validatio~ tests shall be performed as .described in TR00534.. . Qualification and validati.on testing effort include design and fabr.ication of test fixture,s, test planning and evaluation, conduct and reporting of tests. Test specimens are provided under Subtask 2. 2. 6 as furnished hardware. Qualification testing shall not be initiated until developm.ent test results have been approved by Douglas (Reference 2. 2.4). Qualificatidn testing shall be performed on two units of each piece of non-redundant equipment and one unit C!f each unit of . redundant equipment in the DCSG, unles s specific justification is provided to Douglas and approved. Qualification ,testing will only be performed on components that have successfully passed component acceptance test on both systems and a system acceptancE test on at least one set. Douglas shall have the option. of Witnesslng qualification tests. Noti~icatiQ~ shall be provided to Douglas on such test two weeks prior to initiation of these tests. Final qualification results shall require Douglas approval. Interconnecting cables and coolant similar to the final instal.. lation as requ~r.ed for the development tests ..s,h~~l be supplied by Douglas in accordance with'Dougla.s milestone fJchedule. 3-40 ~TA'l"EMENT SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC!'End Item) Work Pkg. No. 22085310 2349 Eng. OF WORK Descri.pti.on Effort to perform full certification te sting to environmental and life requirements on components which have no test history. Pe"rform partial certification on components which have incomplete test data to MOL requirements. \ 22085321 2350 Eng. 2351 Test 22085322 2"352 22085323 2353 Plan, conduct, evaluate and report on the formal qualification testing of the LDAU •.. 2354 multi-purpose test fixtures for unit qualifi. cation test of the. Keyboard Unit. 2355 Plan, conduct; evaluate and report on the formal qualification testing of the Keyboard Unit~ \ 2356 Plan, conduc::t, evaluate and report on the formal qualification testing of the Display Unit. . Test 22085324 2357 Test 22085325 i " Provide the effort to design and fabricate Eng. ... 2. Z. 5. S' Provide the effort to design and fabricate a test fixture for formal qualificabon test of the LDAU. multi-pu~pose ~ 22085326 Plan, conduct, evaluate and report on the formal qualification test of the ADC. Eng. Test Provide the effort to design and fabricate multi-purpose test fixtures for unit environment, /development and formal qualification test of the ADC. 2358 TIiH'lt Plan, monitor, evaluate and report on the formal qualification testing of the PU at the vendor. Plan, conduct, evaluate and report ·on the formal ql1.2Ilification testh1g( of the AMU. 3~'41 STATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC End Item') Work Pkg. No . Descri.ption . i f Z/i!853S1 2359 Eng. 22085352 2360 Eng. Plan, conduct, evaluate and report on the validation testing of the DCSG on-orbit software. Plan, conduct, evaluate and report on the validation testing of the DCSG support software. \ J 2.2.6 i..J Laboratory Vehicle System Hardware P:rovide the effort to manufacture sufficient quantities of production DCSG AVE hardware and transportation packaging to satisfy the requirements of the subcontractor test usage and delivery of hardware in accordance with the proposed delivery schedule. The delivered AVE will include hardware to support tl:te Mis sion Simulator as delineated in attachment of the RFP. This hardware shall be defined as being functionally, electrically an4 mechanically identical to the flight articles, but need not be flight qualified. 2.2. 6. 1 2208541100 2361 Provide production support effort not identifiable to DCSG items under Paragraph 2 •. 2.6.2 through 2. Z. 6. 7. 2. z. 6. 3 2208541210 2362 Provide the effort and material to manufacture assemble and checkout the Digital Computer. 2363 Provide the support to the manufacturing floor during the fabrication cycle of Digital Computer. This support includes that necessary, from Engineering,Quality, Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design, production, manufacturing, Quality and Reliability problems. Supply':' support to Procurement, provide vendor liaison on an "as needed" basis, update routings Ci.i11d procedures Q~J!Mj assist in the Eng. 3-42 $,'X'ATEMENT OF WORK WBS # SOW (Paragraph Number) (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. 2208541210 2363 incorporation of manufacturing improve(cont'd) ments. 2364 Test ~ ... 2208541220 2365 Mfg. 2366 Eng. 2367 Test' 2208541230 ~ ... Description Provide the effort necessary to debug the ADC and perform formal acceptance te st on each ADC prior to shipment of the unit to Douglas in a ccordance with the propo\sed delivery schedule. Included is the preparation of test proceQ,ures and reports. Provide the effort and materials to manufacture, assemble and checkout the LDA. Provide the support to the manufacturing floor during the fabrication cycle of LDA. This support includes that neceSRiH'.', h·om Engineering, Quality, Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design, production, manufacturing, quality and reliability problems. Supply support to Procurement, provide vendor liaison on an "as n~eded" basis, update routings and procedures and assist in the incorporation of manufacturing improvements. Provide the effort neces sary to debug the LDA and perform formal acceptance te st prior to shipment of the unit to DAC in accordance with the proposed delivery schedule. Included is the preparation of test procedures and reports. 2368 Provide the effort and material to manufacture, assembly, and checkout the KU. 2369 Provide the support to the Manufacturing floor during the fabricati(:>n cycle of KU. This support includes that necessary from Engineering, Quality, Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design, production u manufactudng, quality and reliability ~roblems. _, 3-43 SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS 1# (DAC End Item) 2208541230 Work Pkg. No. Supply support to Procurement, provide (cont'd) vendor liaison on an "as needed" basis, up- . date routings and procedures and assist in the incorporation of manufacturing improvements. 2369 2370 Test· • 2208541260 2371 Sub Cont. 2372 , 2373 Test /' . Z. z. 6. 6' Z2.08541240 ".. ' Description 2374 SubCont. Provide the effort necessary to debug theKU and perform formal acceptance test priqr to shipment of the unit to Douglas in accordance with the proposed delivery schedule. Ine1uded is the preparation of test procedures and reports. Provide the effort and material to manufacture, assemble and checkout the Display. Provide the support to the manufacturing floor during the fabrication cycle of the Display. (, This support includes that neces sar)' from Engineering, Quality, Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design, production, manufacturing, quality and reliability problems. Supply support to Procurement, provide vendor liaison on an lias . needed" basis, update routings and procedure~ and assist in the incorporation of manufacturing improvements. Provide the effort neces sary to debug the Display and perform formal acceptance test prior to shipment of the unit to Douglas in accordance with the proposed delivery schedule. Included is the preparation of test procedures and reports • Provide the effort and material to manufacrure, assemble and checkout the Printer Unit. I 3-44 ....: BTATEMENT OF WORK ~ ... WBS /I (DAC End Item) sow (Paragraph Number) Work Pkg. No. Description 2375 Provide the support to the Manufacturing floor during the fabrication and/ or subcontracting cycle of PU. This support includes that necessary from Engineering, Quality, Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design. produc~ion, manufacturing, Quality and Reliability problems. Supply support to Procurement, provide vendor ·liaison on an "as need.ed" basis, including resident personnel at the subcontra~tor facility to perform a manu-· facturing surveillance. Eng. 2208541250 2376 Monitor the effort to perform Formal . . Acceptance' Test of the PU prior to shipment of the unit to DAC from the vendor. 2377 Provide the effort and material necessary to manufacture, as semble, and checkout the L/ AMU. 5ubcont. 2378 Eng •. J -J 2379 Test Provide the support to the Manufacturing floor during the fabrication cycle of the AMU. This support includes that necessary from Engineering, Quality. Reliability and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve design, production, manufacturing, quality and reliability problems. Supply suppo-rt to Procurement, provide vendor liaison on an "as needed" basis, including resident personnel at the subcontractor facility to perform a manufacturing surveillance. Monitor the effort to perform formal acceptance of the AMU prior to shipment of the units to DAC from the vendor. I -.----..--.--=_ ..,....--.. -._=Lc-_==_=~~._~= = ___~mli6~=_=---"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..-_"""""= ____.=.-o=_=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _.....a 3-45 ,:~rirATEMENT sow (Paragraph Number-) WBS # (DAC End Item) . Work Pkg. OF WORK Description N(), 2280541300 DCSG Subsystem Production Assembly, Checkout and Acceptance 2380 System Software Provide the necessary effort to perforp-l program validation for system acceptance test of the DCSG with the MGE. 2381 Provide assembly checkout and preparation for shipment of the completed DCSG, Subsystem. The first two production systems shall be subjected to a complete duplex system functional acceptance test in additior to the component acceptance tests, when use4 for the first qualification-test subsystem and the fir st flight subsystem as delivered to Douglas (reference Attachment IV)~ Pr.ovide the effort to design, fabricate and test MGE adapter equipment to provide a capability to perform a duplex system test. 2.2.7 22085421 Subsystem Special Tools and Special Test Equipment Design and Hardware. Provide the effort to perform design of Special Tools and Test Equipment required for the DCSG subsystem, perform design reviews to determine manufacturing ability, tool design analysis, process development, routings, process procedures, develop method instruction, vendor liaison on manufacturing problems • 2382 Eng. 2383 . Provide the effort to design the tools necessary for the manufa.cture of the ADC. Provide the effort to design the tools neces sary for the manufacturing of the LDA. 3-46 STATEMENT OF WORK WBS 1# SOW (Paragraph Number) Work Pkg. No. (DAC End Item) 2384 Eng. Provide the effort to design the special tools necessary for the manufacture of the Keyboard Unit. 2385 . Subcont. Provide the effort to design the special tools necessary for the manufacture of the Display 2.2.7. 1 j'" Description \ ': II 2386 Subcont. Provide the effort to monitor the design of thl special tools necessary for the manufacture of the PU and provide support to the design of subcontract tools for .changes and drawing releases. Costs for this effort are included in Work Package 2400. 2387 Subcont. Provide the effort to monitor the design of the special tools necessary for the manufacture of the auxiliary memory unit and provide support to the design of the subcontractor tools for changes and drawing releases. Costs for this effort are included in Work Package ~401. 2388 Eng. Special Processes in Design of Special Tools Provide the effort necessary to perform design revieWs and provide consultation to properly establish manufactureability and process requirements. Perfor.m design analysis' for methods tooling, process, a.nd equipment requirements. Initiate process. development, definition and application to the specific t~ol design. Develop the necessary ro~ting and prepare the documentatioI as sociated ·with the routings. Define the final tool design requirements and authorize the initiation of the tool design. Provide the effort to document the processes in process procedures, develop detailed methods instruction sheets for operators, perform .'vena,or liaison on manufacturing problems and purchased parts a.ID\d assure process ....,,, ,,.,,, • (iua!uicz.:t1on. er==-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... ,l~·:':-':~7.::!"!!.!':!:::::~~':?:='~':''':''''-=:'':';':''-':'·_..t..-::-.::~~':~··_'':~::.·.:,,:"':-_';:';;:::';:::.;.~.:..:-~b-_'C~;.:::..~-~~=;j!,.,. :i , il _ _ _~_,.... .. 3-47 • STATEMENT OF WORK I WB$ # (DAC'End Item) SOW (Paragraph Number) Work Pkg. No. Description "" Z. Z. 7. 1 Special Test Equipment Design '. Z. 2. 7. 1 2389 Eng. Provide the necessary effort to design ~e special test equipment required for the fabrication and checkout of the ADC. 2390 Eng. Provide the necessary effort to design, the 'sp'ecial test equipment required for the fabrication and checkout of the LDAU . 2391 Eng. Provide the necessary effort to design the Special Test Equipment required for fabrication and checkout of the Keyboard Unit .. Costs for this effort are·included in Work Package 2405. 2392 Provide the necessary effort to design the Special Test Equipment required for fabrication and checkout of the Display Unit. Cos s for this effort are included in Work Package 2406. .... , " ~ 2393 Subcont. Provide the necessary effort to design the Special Test Equipment required for fabrication and checkout of the Printer. Costs for this effort are ,included in Work Package 2407. 2394 Subcont. Provide the necessary efforfto design the Special Test Equipment required for fabrication and checkout of the AMU. - .. 2395 Eng. I Special Processes for Design of Special Test Equipment includes the generation of test programs and the related computer time as sociated with the verification of test programs. I .. i i' II I _/ Ii ,I I' 'I .I 3-48 11. TEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC!.End Item) 22085424 Work Pkg. No. Description Subsystems Special Tools and Special Test Equipment Hardware 2396 Tool Eng. 2397 Tool Eng. Furnish the necessary effort, material and support to build the special tools, artwork and numerical'controlled machine tool program tapes required for fabrication \of the ADC. Furnish the necessary effort, material and support to build the special tools, artwork and numerical controlled machine tool program tapes required for fabrication of the LDA. 2398 Provide the necessary effort, material and support to build the special tools, artwork and numerical controlled machine tool program tapes required for the fabrication of the Keyboard. 2399 Provide the nece'ssarv effort, material and support to build the special tools, artwork and numerical controlled machine tool program tape required for the fabrication of the Display Unit. SubCont. 2400 SubCont. Provide the necessary effort, material and support to design and build the special tools, artwork and numerical controlled machine too program tape required for the fabrication of the Printer Unit. ,.' 2401 SubCont. i 2402 Eng. Provide the neces sary effort, material and support to design and build the special tools. artwork and num~17ica.l controlled machine too program tape required for the fabrication of-the AMU. Provide the necessary effort, matel'ials, and support to build the Special Test Equipment necessary for ched:w~t of the ADC I ;STATEMENT OF WORK # W'BS SOW (Paragraph Number) (DAC End Item) 22085424 Work Pkg. No. Description 2402 during the fabrication of the ADC. (cont'd) 2403 Eng. Provide the necessary effort, materials and support to build the Special Test E~luipment necessary for checkout of the LDA during the fabrication. \ 2404 Tool Eng. Provide the necessary effort, material and support to build the Special Test Equipment required for checkout of the Keyboard during thetfabrication of the Keyboard • 2405 SubCont. Display Unit .. .. J Provide the necessary effort, material and support to design and build the Special Test Equipment required for checkout of the Displa, Unit during the fabrication of the Display Unit • ;J 2406 SubCont. 2407 SubCont. I 2.2.8 22085430 2408 Printer Provide the neces sary effort, material and support to design and baUd the Special Test Equipment required for checkout of the lhdnte during the fabrication of the Printer. Auxiliary Memory Unit Provide. the neces sary, effort, material and support to design and build the Spe~ial Test Equipment required for checkout of thfl Auxiliary Memory Unit during the fabrication of the AMU. Refurbishment of System Mfg. Based on the present understanding of the test environment for this ~1;.tem and the re1. iability of die equipment, it is not expected that any repair or rework would be required. If parts should be required, it is k.--~~~~=~J,=,~="~.<"....="._,=_~~.d!!!=~~=--,....r_e_~~.=~~l_e_~=. ~=l.e_.d_'_th_a_t_th_e_~.E.i~=r.'=ie;...~~b_e_p_r_o_V1_·d_e_d_f_o_r_..... 3-50 STATEMENT OF WORK I I " SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAG End Item) Work Pkg. No. 2.2.8 22085430 2409 Test Description Testing The effort is included to inspect the equiplTlent returned, perforlTl testing and COlTlparison of data with the initial acceptance. A forlTlal acceptance test of the equipment is included. \ " I 2.2.9 22085440 DCSG AVE Spares Hardware Effort and material to manufacture and· deliver spare parts for progralTl support shall be subject to supplemental authorization. 2.2. 10 Programming Support SystelTl' and Laboratory Programming Support System Provide a Programming Support Computer Subsystem as defined in the PSCS Hardware/ Software RequirelTlents and delivered in accordance with DAC progralTl requirements. The period of pperation shall be considered as 12 lTlonths. 22085910 2410 22085920 2411 Provide the common supporting services required to install, operate and maintain the PSCS. Provide operation manuals in accordance with DAC' s SDRL. (Line item 174.1) Participate in PDR and CDR activity. PSCS and LPSS Software Pr,ovide the software required for use on PSCS and LPSS Computers. In addition to the type 1 support for the 360 Model 44 computer., the following features and programs will be delivered: Standard Model 44 operating systems control program which will be augmented with a tzace which ca7n h:2J optionally entered in IItime out" mode and a line of trace output which can be optionally produced during @l • ~~'J\ ATEMENT SOW (Paragrapb Number) WBS # (DAC End Item) 22085920 Work Pkg. No. OF WORK Description this same "time out" mode •. 2411 (cont'd) o A program preparation processor will be written to translate normal 44 programs into a format suitable for writing on the AMU of the 9CSG computer. Provide the effort required to prepare program specifications, validation te st plans, program system descriptions, procedures and reports, operating manuals in accordance with 5DRL(Attachment XVI). 22085930 2412 PSCS and LPSS Software Validation Test Perform validation testing to verify and demonstrate design of the PSCS and LPSS software provided in accordance with subtask 22085920. 3 .. 52 f STATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC, End Item) Work Pkg. No. 2413 2.3 J Description Aerospace Ground Equipment (MGE) J The subcontractor shall provide MGE design, development, test, production, and support in accordance with Attachment I - Technical Requirements Specification, Attachment III Configuration Management Requireme~ts, Attachment IV - Hardware and Software Requirements and Schedule, and Attachment VII - Packaging and Transportation Plan. Design shall be accomplished in accordance with the Subcontractor updated EMC Control Plan which will be inclu,cled he rein by reference. (The EMC Control Plan will be updated to incorporate applicable portions of SAFSL Exhibit 21005, dated 1 September 196 and applicable TRS's and CEI's requirements). Quality Assurance effort shall be in accor';' dance with MIL-I-45208A. Parts preservation, packaging, and all implementation of applicable configuration identification, functional acceptance shall be made within one month prior to scheduled delivery per Attachment IV. The MGE Test Equipment consists of primarily commercial type items, hence MIL-I-45208A is more appropriate. The nature of this equipment doesn't require the peripheral and more stringent controls indicated in MIL-Q-9858A and DQS-lOOB. ; , This equipment is not in direct support of flight or launch operations. MIL-Q-9858A and DQS-IOOB would require additional unneces sary controls and result in an additiona' cost impact which was not planned nor budgeted" ~TATEMENT SOW (Paragraph Number) 2. 3. 1 WBS II (DAC End Item) OF WORK Work Pkg. No. Descri.ption , Provide MGE design and design support not 32035111 i i 2413 identifiable to specific MGE end item~. aGE Requirements IBM will provide aGE Design Support Requirements reports which define the DtSG/ aGE interface and checkout requirements imposed on the DAC aGE and prelaunch checkout data requirements. 2414 Non-Recurring Design Provide AGE design and design support not identifiable to specific AGE end items (There is no unidentifiable support. ) ~ 2415 Reviews PDR and CDR Assist DAC in AF MGE· PDR and CDR. This includes effort with DAC to coordinate agendas, participate in the reviews, record minutes and perform action item follow-up. 2.3.2 32035112 2416 Eng. , Perform·the non-recurring design and preparation of Part II of the AGE CEl Specification of the MGE end item, Digital Computation Unit Test Set and as sociated packaging. This includes applicable; specifications, procedures and"procedural support. Procedural support datci. will consist of engi~ neering type procedures in a format that could be used for incorporation inter-an official AFTa. No theory of operation or illustrated parts breakdown will be included. Level of writing shall be oriented to use by skilled test ~echnicians. The elements to be included are: Test Procedures, Preventive Maintenance Data, Corrective Maintenance , Data and Handling Procedures. :'=>=====7="~~'"7'C". ,~. ,•...c.,.c.o,,>=="'=::.c""~~~~'"".;,.==-"'=-==-=,=->--,=-=,:O.-j==.~--------~ 3-54 " STATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) 2.3.2 WBS 11 (DAC End Item) 32035112 , J J .. ' Work Pkg. No. Descri.pti.on The design of the Digital Computation Unit 2416 Test Set will be in accordance with Interim Eng. (conttd) AGE CEI Specification CP00342. This design covers the electrical and mechanical design of the test set and includes making the neces sary design layouts, preparation of detail drawings, subassembly drawings, assembly drawings, assembly specifications and test specifications in accordance with DAC SDlts. Provide Enginee.ring design. support to proces s Engineering releases and changes, construct release and change Bills of Material, maintain master drawing files, current status cards and·where-used information. (Maintenance Analysis is included . in Work Package 2441.) STATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) 2.3.2 (Cont'd) - WBS # (DAC End Item) 32035112 Work Pkg. No. 2417 Eng. 2418 Eng. i Description Provide the recurring support to the manufacture and test of the Digital Computation Unit Test Set and covers the investigation of problems arising during the manufacturing cycle and providing the s~lution to problems through processing of engineering orders and engineering changes. The non-recurring design for preparation of MGE programs includes generating: • Test programs for units test (Computer, LDAU/CU,AMU, PRU and KDU) e Systems test programs. e MGE Self-Test programs. 32035113 2419 Eng. The MGE programs recurring support includes the definition of test programs, continued debugging of test programs and . updating the programs. 2420 MGE Transportation Package Provide the effort to design the transportation package for the Digital Computation Unit Test Set. 2.3.3 32035~20 MGE Development Test 2.3. 3. 1 32035121 Perform development testing on Digital Computation Unit Test Set testing by AGE End Item to support design of the subsystem AGE in accordance with AGE Interim CEI Spec and Ground Test Plan. The cost for this effort is included in the MGE design work package 2416. The test shall be a complete functional test in accordance with the MGE prelimin2.:i:y acceptance p1rocedure and will be performed on a prototype MGE. STATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC End item) 2.3.4 320351:4100 Work Pkg. No. 2421 Eng. . : ... Description Provide effort to support the processes of selection, procurement, handling, inspection, process surveillance, and accountability for AGE hardware during manufacture which is not directly relatable to specific produced end items. This also includes the support required to provide routings, self test, fabrication and assembly support:for the MGE . 2422 . MGE Programs Provide the effort neces sary to generate the MGE programs required to check out the MGE Provide the effort and material to manufacture MGE end items and the associated packaging to support subcontractor requirements and to deliver MGE to Douglas in accordance with the IBM proposed delivery schedule. 2.3.5 2.3.5. 1 3203514120 2423 Mfg. 2. 3. 5. 1 3203514120 242'4 Test 2.306 32035i4210 2425 Tool Eng. , Provide the effort to manufacture, assemble, and check out the Digital Computation Test Set Hardware. Provide the effort to debug, perform preliminary calibration, evaluation, checko~t and perform acceptance test of the Digital Computation Test Set prior to shipment. Digital Computation Test Set, Special Tools and Special Test Equipment design. Provide the necessary effo.rt to' design the Special Tools and Gages required for the fabrication of the DC Test Se't. Special Test Equipment is not required for the fabrication of MGE. 3-57 ;...../J ATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) WBS # (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. 2.3.7 3203514240 2426 Tool Eng. Descri.pti.on Digital Computation Test Set, Special Tools and Special Test Equipment Hardware Provide the necessary materials and support to build the Special Tools necessary during the fabrication of the DC Test Set. Special Test Equipment is not required for the fabrication of MGE. \ MGE Spares 32035144 2.3.8 Effort and material to manufacture and deliver spare parts for program life shall be subject to supplemental authorization •. Training 2.4 Provide services of one qualified instructor to conduct special training activities at Prod. Support Douglas Aircraft Company or V AFB. Training services shall include the following: 2427 4201 2.4. 1 I • I • Prepare for and conduct familiarization courses. These courses will emphasize interface with other spacecraft subsystems and will include operating modes of the DCSG equipment. The course level will be established to be applicable for engineering and/ or technician personnel. • Prepare for and support detailed DCSG mechanization courses. Course material will be presented in detail to allow performance of maintenance and operational tasks. Equipment will be presented to a schematic diagram level • • Assist in the developing of Crew and/or Individual Certification and Rehearsals. Provide as,sistance during these exercises as required. - ! 3-58 ~TATEMENT SOW (Paragraph _ Num:bo~.r.). 2.4. 1 (cont'd) WBS II (DAC End ..ol.t~rn.l. 4201 " Work Pkg. tiQ. OF WORK Description 00 0' 2427 • Prod. Support -_ Revise and update course materials to reflect significant modifications or changes which impact trained personnel requirements. Attend periodic retraining sessions, at IBM facilities, scheduled at the convenience \of Douglas. Provide qualified instructor personnel as follows: • 0 One instructor will begin course preparation at EDP - A TP and report to Douglas to begin initial support of DCSG training at ATP plus 5 months and continue for 36 months (ATP + 41 months). The above instructor will work with the Douglas training group on individual w~rk assignments. Training methods used will be compatible with Douglas procedures and format. These services will last for the period as shown above. Provide services of a training specialist at the IBM facilities, to support the one instructor assigned at Douglas. His duties will include the following services: 0 • Screen and review engineering data to determine applicability to the DCSG, AVE or MGE training effort at Douglas. • Prepare special course write up and/ or training aids to reflect significant changes in performance or operation of the DCSG, AVE or MGE. G Conduct periodic retraining ses,sionCil at IBM Owego for the IBM resident instructor at Douglas • . 3-59 .. STATEMENT OF WORK .J ..J SOW (Paragraph Number) 2.4. 1 ( cont'd) WBS # (DAC.End Item) Work Pkg. No. 4201 .' 2427 Prod. Support 2.5 52065100 2.5. 1 52065110 Descripti~n • Conduct three special on-site instructions as required in support" of the resident instructor at Douglas. • Provide for space pilot visitations to IBM Owego facilities for three groups of not more than eight space pilots for the \ purpose of informal orientation and familiarization. This\ familiarization shall include .limited utilization of development hardware, fixtures, and simulation equipment as available. The duration of each visit shall not exceed three days. . DCSG Development Fixture 2428 Eng. Development Test Fixture Design L Provide the effort to design the Development Test Fixture assoCiated with the DCSG AVE described in Subtask 52065140 and provide the drawings for the Development Fixture to support the Lab. Vehicle Design and Development. 2.5.2 52065140 2429 Mfg. Development Fixture Fabrication Provide material and services to fabricate the Development Fixture associated with the DCSG AVE. '. The Development Fixture is identical in appearance to a hard mockup except for full inspection Elf a11 hardware and attachment requirements. Parts will be inspected externa11y to production drawings and internal detail parts will not be furnished. All hard points shall be suitable f07; attachment of wiring tubing and all mounting points shall be within manufacturing tolerance. Hard point for tubing development STATEMENT OF WORK . SOW (Paragraph Number·) 2.5.2 WBS# (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. 52065140 2429 Mfg. ( cont'd) Description shall be capable of taking torque loads. Actual parts such as rough castings, test parts, sheels, etc., will be furnished, wherever pos sible, to specially built simulated hardware. The envelope shape will be representative of the production part and within tolerance. One set of Develppment Fixture parts shall be used for standby use on the assembly line to be used as temporary point of attachment in the event of late deliveries, failure in test or receiving inspection rejection. Functional parts will be made available only on special request or in the event that cost of the functional part is inexcess to the cost. of a simulated part. 2.6 6 Launch and Flight Operations These Task 6 subtasks are included for planning purposes only. No task effort is r-equired until it is authorized at a later date. 2.6. 1 61034 On Site Launch Support (VAFB) 2.6. 2 61035 In Plant Support 2.6, 3 6Z031 I In Plant - Mission Control Support 2.6.4 62032 Orbit Operations Support (MCC) 2.7 7 Program Documentation The subcontractor shall provide the effort necessary to document the design, development, test, production. support and management phases of the DCSG subsyste.m as required in the Statement of Work (including the attachments), 3-61 · '. .,... STATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph WBS 1# (DAC End Work Pkg: Number-) Item) No. 2430 2.7. 1 72 Prog. Cont. Description LV Documentation Effort to monitor, maintain, edit and provide documentation in accordance with subcontractors approved Documentation and Data Requirement Implementation Plan. All effort for preparation of SDRL items is, budgeted in with the task that is being performed by function. The SDRL list in' . Section 6 indicates' the estimated hours and cost for organizing, charting~ tYping, duplicating, data processing, arid distributing the final reports to Douglas •. Note: No effort for the research involved is. included on this schedule. 2.7.2 73 2.8 8 2.8. 1 8101 2431 Photo Documentation Provide effort to manage and .provide the photographic documentation of program milestones in accordance with AFSCM 95-1; Photographic Documentation of AFSC ' Programs under contract to industry, Paragraphs 5, 6a, 7 and. 8. (Not to exceed 10C per month for 31 months.) Provide manpower, materials, facilities and support necessary to administer, monitor and manage engineering, integration, production and evaluation of the subsystem and the contractor services •. Effor:t shall be in accordance with propo.sed planning documents Specific subtasks und~r this section are as follows: 2432 Provide and maintain overall program' Prog. planning and scheduling for the subsystem in Control accordance with program requirements. This includes the authorization of program work assignments, manpower control and reporting controls, program milestones and monitor reporting and sp.ecification reviews. The'subcontractor 3-62 I STATEMENT OF WORK WBS II (DAC End Item) SOW (Paragraph Number) 2.8. 1 (contI d) 8101 2.8.3 8102 .. Work Pkg. No. Descri.ption shall maintain' a definition organization to 2432 maintain the EDP WBS arid propose changes Prog. Control as required to maintain it current with program requirements and financial man-. . . agement objectives. 2434 Financial Planning and Control System., . Provide effort to operate and maintain a Financial Planning and Control System in accordance with the subcontractor proposed plan as ap:proved by Douglas • . , 2. 8~ 2 ',' 8103 2435 Prog. Cont. Provide effort to ope rate .and maintain a PERT/Time system for the DCSG Subsystem through the delivery of the first flight vehicle and all AGE hardware for . the subcontracted subsystem in accordance wit~ the PERT requirements as provided in the CDP work statement. 2.8.4 82011 2436 Conf. Mgmt. Provide effort to manage the configuration identification functions. Administer Part/' Drawing No. control identification procedures and CM number assignments. 2.8.5 82012 2437 Config. Mgmt. Manage eM activity and configurat~on control efforts such as administration of the Configuration Control Board, releas e and change procedures, ECP coordination and CM Plan update. 2.8.6 ' 82014 2438 Config. Mgmt. Provide effort to manage the configuration status accounting function and prepare status accounting reports per SDI-C-012. 8203 2439 Config. Mgmt. Manage AVE, MGE and Software F ACI' sand support DAC in the AF' F ACI. This includes efforts with DAC and the IBM design subcontractors to coordina-.te agendas/"participate in the events D record rr.dID1.~tes and perform action item follow-up. .. .. 2.8.7 • 1 i ~ ... 3-63 .. tnrATEMENT OF WORK WBS #I (DAC End SOW (Paragraph Number-) Itetn} . ',_ .. 2.8.8 8301 Work Pkg. No Description -._- ....... 2440 .- Provide effort to manage and control the Quality Assurance Program. Eng. • • Conduct initial planning, including ba.sic design review and preparation of inspection criteria. I . \ Revise the program plan as necessary to as sure product quality and satisfy customer requirements. Included is the effort required by IBM subcontractors to implement a quality assurance program consistant with MOL requirements within their facilities. . 2.8.9 83021 2441 Prod. Supp. ;.. , 2.8.10 83022 2442 Prod. Supp. Maintenance Support Provide management function and the effort to accomplish maintenance analysis as required by SnI -S -044 (Maintenance Data She·ets). Provide management function for the in plant repair of equipment returned from test and launch sites for maintenance action. Prepare IBM assigned portions of the Integrated Graphic Illustration requirements per SDI-R -012. 2443 Supply Support Provisioning and Control Prod. Supp. • Effort to identify and recommend spare parts, document recommendations, changes to recommendations, and design changes affecting support material, and the acquisition! control of spares ordered by DAC shall be subject to supplemental authorization based on final determination of maintenance and support concept. • Maintenance o( custodial responsibility over set aside spare parts for fa~tory repair is a no'rmal function o~ Governm~n Property Accounting personneL This is an overhead activity and no costs are included for this activity. 1 6====-_=--.--==L~====~.======~'~==== __~-=====.=-===-~______~==_=.~-==________________~ 3-64! • fl'Jt'ATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number-) 2.8. 11 WBS # (DAC End Item) 83023,100 Work Description Pkg. No. Provide the effort to mariage and provide for 2444 the in-plant parts protection, space packagin~ Prod. Support preservation packaging, packing and package testing of equipment prescribed in the packaging and transportation section of th'e Material Support Plan. Establish prote'ctive measures to prev~nt immediate malfunction of prime equipment and to prevent delayed malfunction due to foreign elements or damaged components: • Develop wraps, containers, protective atmospheres or other .means to protect component parts from dust, dirt or corrosive elements during the manufacturing and assembly cycle. • provide protection for sensitive components and sensitive selections of subassemblies against damage in normal plant handling. Provide for each Contract End Item (CEl) to be preserved and packaged for protection against adverse natural and induced environmental conditions in transit and for enclosed ninety day storage. Assure that the packaging of piece parts by suppliers is in accordance with MIL-P38105. Provide suppo'rting packaging documentation in accordance with SDI-L-OOl. Provide for packing' CEI' s in accordance with Level C FEDSTD-l02. 'When practical shipments will be consolidated and equipped for handling by mechanical material hap.dling deviceso Reusable containers will be used when quantity and/ or repairability warrants k==~,=====,,==~bc:~~,=========~I===-==~~j~L~~~~~=--=______=~-o~=-=-=-________________~ 3-65 I . . STATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number) 2.8.12 WB& II (DAC End Item) Work Pkg. No. 83023200 2445 Descriptio~ Transportation and Traffic .IBM will provide the effort necessary to manage and: provide for the transportatio~ and. traffic activities in t~e shipment of all DCSG elements. Note: This effort is an IBM overhead \ activity and no costs are included in our proposal. 8303 .. 2.8. 13 2446 ]?rovide effort to manage and implement procurement functions defined in subcontractor proposed make or buy, subcontracting and GFE plans. Where management implementation of this effort, as applied in other sections of the Work Breakdown Structure, creates additional effort such added effort sha¥.!. be defined and included in that section. Provide effort to manage production planning, tooling, fabrication, assembly, as defined in the subcontractor proposed llroduction Plan. 2.8.15 84 Provide that Engineering and Test management effort which is not identifiable to other specific subtask groupings • 2447 • Engineering AVE Management Provide engineering AV~ management not otherwise identifiable. Provide coordination and liaison with DAC on engineering matters. ;." 2448 Engineering· MGE Management All MGE engineering management has been identified under .other work packages. I =-""""'--------0.4 ·'~~-=:;~W;;;:!:';"".'l'~·,~.lti.x-~....."JT••;-:-:-·_-;~:::::=.-:::-rz;---~.:-.:!. .k =-=...-....a.._"""""=-=.~:,........... ."";,,.-=......-="""""=:....-':..-=-..=-- C:;)l'ATEMENT OF WORK SOW (Paragraph Number-) WBS i# (DAC End Work Pkg. Item) No. 84 2.8. 15 Descrip~ion .' (cont'd) 2449 Test AVE Management Provide Test AVE Management not otherwise identifiable to other specific tasks. Provide coordination and liaison with DAC on Pfogram Test AVE Management. 2450 .. Test MGE Management Provide Test MGE Management not otherwise identifiable. Provide coordination and liaison with DAC on program Test MGE Management. - .. . ~", . / , i >= 1 .. . '. - 3-67 • Hardware Quantity Prod. Proto 2322 Computer Prod. Prod, Prod. Prod. Prod. Prod. Prod. Eng. Proto Proto Proto Pr.oto Proto Proto Proto Proto Prod Prod. Prod. Prod. Prod. Prod. 2325 2328 2331 2234 2337 2340 1 1 Data Adapter 1 Keyboard 2343 2346 2362 2 2 14 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2365 2368 2371 2374 2377 '10:,2.1 1 'j 10 7 10 15 ~ 1 Display Printer 1 AMU '----~ ~--- w • 0' 00 .;-..,. ;o.;!-.. :-~ ~------ --~-- " 15 12 18 1 1 --.~ 10 '- - - 7 -- - ----_._-- :9 -- WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE . _Rla:l oriOU .... ClCAGfMANA-:>Ef WORK PACKAGE NJMIO "" UU ... IIUTV ~YSTEM-~ ENGINE ElliNG 15 SY~lIMS IFFfClIVENES) ENGlNUllNG "" IMlN,,,,lNAIIUTY ,,~ .. HUJAAN ENGINEEIiNG ' SAFny ENG'NHI1NG 151ll. NONIECUlliNG I!~"ING 1~~RECUIlING LF........ "., Lf ...... NI "" H.r. NEAL H. T.NfAL 1!::"ING r~~ """'IING r!~~ING W. M. GAbDES w. ,.., M. GADOl5 . " ;;~ICUHl...a J.I.STAHLEY ' 22085400 i DCSG HARDWARE 220054211 SPECIAL TOOLS DESIGN 0 2208.S421 SPECIAL rOOLAND TEST EQUIP. DeS. 220854212 5PECIAl TEST EQUIPMENT DESIGN 22085420 AVE SPECIAL TOOL:: & SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT 2208S430 D8I 23.2 J. R. CASE 2384 2208542 D. T. BUCCHIONI 2385 D. T. BUCCHIONI D. T. BUCCHIONI 13" 23.7 I ~~4~' ::",,,,,,, J. R. CASE 2388 1~~~:~nMRm D. L. MARSHALL 2389 D. l. MARSHALL "D90 D. L. MARSHALL D. T. BUCCHIONI 23" 2392 D. T. BUCCHIONI 2393 D. T. BUCCHIONI "9. D. L. MARSHALL 2395 J. R. CASE 239. J. R. CASE 2397 • o SPLAY 2208542115 PRINTER I ,,"aJI:C-42116 AUXILIARY ME:MORV 22OBS"2122 LOA 2208542123 KEYBOARD 2208542124 DISPLAY 22085-42125 PRINTER 22085-42126 AUXILIARY MEMORY ~~::,~~~ J. R. CASE I~~~~ I ~~~:~~ ""MORY ~=~~OMpum 2208542422 LOA 22OBS42423 KEYBOARD 2208542424 DISPLAY 220854>4" PRINTER !~:?4:e MEMORY 1:::rHMfN! D'O I.J.. ISCH 2383 4 2208.542415 PRINTER :>ILREFURaISHMENT I.L.ISCH J. R. CASE 2208$42412 LOA 220854242 SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT HARDWARE 2379 22OB.S42112 LOA 22OB542113 KEYBOARD I~~~~~OMPUTER 22085424 SPECIAL TOOLS & TEST EOUIP. HARD. 2378 I.L.ISCH J. R. CASE 1~:~:2 ~nrm« 22085-42-41 SPECIAL TOOLS HARDWARE 2372 I.L. ISCH ~C~~~~CE TEST ~ • 2349 22085322 LOA QUALIFICATION TEST DCSG QUALIFICATION TEST PACKAGE MANAGER WOkK PACKAGE NUMBlR O. lO2.IEP DIGITAL COMPUTER QUAl. TEST 22085300 •• w. tv\I)RRAY 2208534!1! DE!>IGN & FAit FIXTURES 220853212 220853~1 9 2399 D. 1. BUCCHIONI ,.., D. T. BUCCHIONI 2400 D. L. MAIISHAlL 2402 D. l. MARSHAU 2400 D. L. MARSHALL 2404 D. T. BUCCHIONI 2405 D. T. BUCCHIONI 2406 D. T. BUCCHIONI 2407 c.. WHITNEY 2408 F. ,;~~432 "" D. T. IUCCHIONI I:L.ISCH 2409 PSCSCOMMQN B.WHIPPLE 2410 ~~~~~fTWARE B. WHIPPLE 2411 a.WHIPPLE 2412 22085440 LV SPAR S 2"""910 22085900 ASSOCIATE SUPPORT AND SERVICES ~=" VAUOAnoN TEST 1:'';;',',roU'''Ml'NTS 32035111 COMMON DESIGN & DES. SUPPORT 3 32 3200 AEROSPAce GROUND EQUIPMENT LAB VEHICLE 32035 MAINTENANCE GROUND EQUIPMENT MS. 32035100 DCSG MGE 32035110 MOE DESIGN 320351112 NON RECURRING DESIGN 320051113 REVIEWS PDR & COR 320351121 TE~T SET DIGITAL COMPo UNIT 32035112 TE~T SET. DIGITAL COMPo UNIT DES~ 320351122 MGE PROGRAMS ::~I~~~URRING :~~~~~I~~ '~~~·~:~~RRING 3203511222 RECURRING D.J. PETRONE 2413 H. K. WADMAN 2414 W. F. GOEROLD 2415 H. K. WADMAN ::t416 H. K. WADMAN 2417 C. CORVETTe 2418 C. CORVETTE 2419 • Ii IIII III II II _In Ii .. 1IIIIi IIII IllllIll1 ~ Ii . I IJ I ~ :~ !I~; !~ ~I~I~ ~ I~ p~ ! !1m 'n ~ .~ ~ I~ ! 1"111 111'1 I I~ ~I~ I! ~ ;! Jill i "j;! I~ • · Bi : i I II · · I ~ il ; i! Ii ! ! WIi Juil I. llill ,.1 .i I i§ ~ I· .! II I I I" B . ~ .1 .I ! I i i !l Ii Ii B I I "I J i J 0 .1 ilEi ~ilBI !i !I i i I!I .I J g I J i I ~~ I j . ,Iita ~! ,,.l I.I • ~ ~!~!I II .- .1 Section 4 EXCEPTIONS AND COMMENTS TO DOUGLAS TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION TR00534 AND CONTRACT END ITEM SPECIFICATION ---------------------_._ ... _... _.. _ ...... CP00342 _-- Section 4.1 EXCEPTIONS AND COMMENTS TO DOUGLAS TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION TROO 534 Item No. 1 2 3 Location Description Page 1-9 Figure 1 Change: Laboratory Data Adapter to Laboratory Data Adapters. Reason: Clarification Change: Second sentence to read: "Each register shall consist of 32 bits and should be addressable by the instruction word R, B and X fields. " Reason: Accuracy Change To Read: IIA 24 bit logical address shall be formed for addressing mainstore to the byte location level. Only those address bits actually used shall be transmitted to the mainstore system. Two byte address bits and up to 17 word address bits are physically implemented. " Reason: Clarification Change To Read: "The operand shall be generated from up to 3 binary numbers specified by the instruction word. " Reason: Clarification Change: Second sentence to read: RS and SI formats. " Reason: Accuracy Change: See Attachment Reason: Update information. by separate letter. Page I-IS, Paragraph Page I-IS, Paragraph 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 3. 1 ~ .... 4 5 6 Page I-IS, Paragraph 3.2 Page 1-16, Paragraph 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 4. 1 Page 1-17, 1-18,1-19, 1-20, 1-21, &22 Tables I, II, & III " ••••• shall use the RR, RX, Further clarification to be transmitted Item Ne. 7 Lecatien Descriptien Page I-20, Paragraph Change: Subheading letters b, c and d te c, d and e respectively. Insert subheading letter "b". b.' External -- (U) Cenditiens generated external te the CUP. 1. General class -- An externally set 6 bit in!erruptien cede will be previded with priority established by seftware. 2. ~ • N 8 9 10 Page I-20, Paragraph Page 1-21, Paragraph Page 1-22, Paragraph 3.1~ External Priority -- Six levels shall be previded with prierity determined by _ hardware. Reasen: Clarificatien Change: In "b" delete the werds "bump sterage" and add II In additien 2 PSW's shall be previded fer each ef the six prierity interrupts. Reasen: The 2 PSW' s are in unique sterage lecatien but are net in bump sterage. Change: Add te the first paragraph after the secend sentance: "A six stage register shall be previded in hardware, leadable by the change Prierity Mask instructien, fer masking eff each ef the six prierity interrupts;, Reasen: Clarificatien Change Te Read: Pregram mask shall cause certain pregram interruptiens to be ignered. Reasen: Clarificatien Table 4-1 Fixed Point Instructions (U) Average Execution Times (usec) Instruction 1,9 5.0 5.0 1.9 2.1 2. 1 2. 1 2. 1 5.0 5.4 2. 1 5.0 2. 1 5.0 5.4 2. 1 5.0 2.1 5.0 6.0 9.2 10.4 11. 6 20.4 21. 2 5.0 5.0 2.5+* 2.5+* 2.7+# 2.7+# 2.5 + 2.5 (no. of Load Load Load Halfword Load and Test Load Complement Load Positive Load Negative Add Add Add Halfword Add Logical Add Logical Subtract Subtract Subtract Halfword Subtract Logical Subtract Logical Compare Compare Compare Halfword Multiply Multiply MUltiply Halfword Divide Divide Store Stor e Halfword Shift Left Single Shift Right Single Shift Left Double Shift Right Double Sum Check locations checked) Note: ....-,' # C = Condition Code Is Set .4167 usec/shift for shifts of lor 4 cycles .8334 usec / shift for shifts of lor 4 cycles 4-3 ----_ .. _--------- ...... _-_ __ ....... . ....... Format RR RX RX RR C RR C RR C RR C RR C RX C RX C RR C RX C RR C RX C RX C RR C RX C RR C RX C RX C RR RX RX RR RX RX RX RS C RS C RS C RS C Table 4-2 Logical Instructions (U) Instruction Execution Times (usec) Compare Logical Compare Logical Compare Logical AND AND OR OR Exclusive OR Exclusive OR Test Under Mask Insert Character Stor e Character Load Address Shift Left Single Logical Shift Right Single Logical Shift Left Double Logical Shift Right Double Logical Test Parity Note: ):c 1.9 5.0 5.0 3.4 5.0 3.4 5. 0 3.4 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.9 2.5+* 2.5+* 2.5+# 2.5+# 5.0 C = Condition Code Is Set .4167 usec/shift for shifts of lor 4 cycles . # .8334 usec/shift for shifts of lor 4 cycles 4-4 Format RR C RX C S1 RR RX RR RX C C C C C RR C RX C S1 C RX RX RX RS RS RS RS RX C Table 4-3 Branching, Input/Output and Status Switching Instructions (U) Instruction Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Execution Times (usec) on Condition on Condition and Link and Link on Count on Count Format RR 2.7 or 4.2 2.7 or 4.4 2.2 or 4.0 2.2 or 4.2 2.2or4.2 2.2 or 4.4 RX RR RX RR RX Input/Output Instructions Start I/O Test I/O Halt I/O Test Channel Direct Input Direct Output Note: 25 32 20 6.2 20.0 20.0 + CRT + CRT + CRT + CRT SI, SI, SI, SI, SI, SI, CM CM CM CM CM CM These numbers are highly dependent upon channel operation and are therefore rough estimates only. Status Switching Instructions Lead PSW Load PSW Special Set Program Mask Set System Mask Supervisor Call Change Priority Mask Note: C M CR T Note: 9.0 9.0 2. 1 5.0 15 .. 0 5.4 SI, L M SI RR, L SI, M RR SI, M = Condition Code Is Set = Privileged Operation Exception = Channel Re spons e Time The specified execution times are average execution times and should be used only for programming estimates. 4-5 Item No. 11 12 13 Location Description Page 1-23, Paragraph Change: Delete lower part of the figure from "Standard Interface Lines II down. Reason: This approach is unreasonably restricting - there is a better method being used namely hardwired logic. Change: Line 6 Ilwhen operating in the burst mode ___ II to read "when operating in the high speed burst mode ___ " Reason: There are really two distinct burst modes depending on the inhibiting of the CPU. Change: Line 11, "A maximum data transfer rate - - _" to read "A maximum low speed burst data transfer rate II Change: Second sentence to read as follows: "An address byte, a control byte and two data bytes shall be transferred between •••••••• II Reason: Accuracy Change: Rates of 9 to 54, 000 byte per second and 9 to 400, 000 bytes per second to up to 54, 000 and up to 400, 000 respectively. Reason: Clarification Change: Line 5, change minimum of 4 microseconds to approximately 5 microseconds. Page 1-24, Paragraph Page 1-25, Paragraph H:>I 0' 14 15 Page 1-25, Paragraph Page 1-25, Paragraph 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. Line 6, change nominal 11 microseconds to approximately 14 microseconds. Page 1- 25, Paragraph 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3.4. 2 Reason: There are only approximations, specifications of a minimum or nominal are meaningless. Change: Line 4, change 5.0 microseconds to 20. Reason: To be consistent with times given in Table III. Item No. 16 17 l Location Description Page 1-27, Listing Change: Bit 16 from "chaining check to "undefined. " Reason: Chaining check presently not used. Change: "add" should be "all". Reason: Typographical error •.,. Change: The second and third sentences to read: "For outputs the parity bit is generated by the channel. " Reason: Clarification Change: The second sentence in the second paragraph to read: "All data shall be checked for parity and an interface machine check indication generated upon detection of an error. " Page 1-29, Paragraph ',- ~ I -.l '- 18 19 20 Page 1-29, Paragraph Page 1-30, Paragraph 3.1. 1. 2. Page 1-31, Paragraph Reason: Clarification Change: Delete the word "hardware" in the first sentence. Reason: Clarification Change: The first sentence to read "Twenty of the 44 •••• " and the second sentence to read "An additional 24 locations •••• ". Reason: 24 locations. are needed for this storage rather than 12. Change: Line 5, change 112,500 to 100,000. Reason: Make compatable with high speed burst mode. Item No. 21 22 Location Description Page 1-31, Paragraph 3$ 1. 1. 2. 1 ~ 3. 9.2 Change: Last line should read: "shall be regenerated during the 2. S second cycle unless the memory is operating in a readcompute-write mode. 11 Reason: Clarification Change: Paragraph 1 and 2 - Change LDAU to LDA. Page 1-32, Paragraph 3.1.1. 2 ... 2.1 ., Insert after present paragraph 3 a new paragraph as follows: "Signal Transfer (DCSG to Other Laboratory Subsystems) Each subsystem group is assumed to have an independent signal grounding system, isolated from chassis ground, which is connected to the Laboratory Module primary structure only at the specified Structure Ground Point. Signal transfers between a unit of the DCSG and units ~£ other onboar~ubsystems shall be made via balanced circuits utilizing shielded twisted pair wire with length not to exceed 40 feet. Signal logic levels are as follows: Logic "0" = +0.2 + 0.2 volt. logic 111" = +3.7 + 1. 3 volts. Common mode noise rejection (ground shift) shall be + 4.0 volts. "'00" I Insert after present paragraph 5 a new paragraph as follows: Signal Transfer (Within DCSG) . Within the DCSG a radial signal grounding system, isolated fro from chassis ground, shall be used which is connected to the Laboratory Module primary structure only at the specified Structure Ground Point. Signal transfers between units of the DCSG shall be made via single, unbalanced circuits with length not to exceed 25 feet. Signal logic levels are as follows: Logic "0" + 0.2 + 0.2 volt, logic 111" = + 3.7 + 1.3 volts. Line-toground noise rejection shall be + 1.5 volts. = Reason: Clarification of inter/intra face transfers. Item No. 23 24 25 26 ~ I Location De scription Page 1-39 Change: Signal levels - Change logic 1 to read 3.7 + 1.3 v. Reason: This is the external logic level for transfer. Change: Signal Levels - Change to read "Logi Reason; This is tp'-e proper logic level for transfer. Change: Second sentence to read as follows: These indications shall use Logic Power derived from the associated unit power supplies to provide a true indication. Reason: To clarify intent and prevent ambiguity. Change: Table IV (Attachment) to read as shown. Reason: Update information. Change: Discrete output numbers 11 and 27 changed from one output to two outputs. (Attachment) Reason: Signals needed to inhibit receiver circuit outputs during computer turn on or turn off. Page 1-40 Page 1-45, Paragraph Page 1-47, Table IV t / = 3.7 + 1. 3 v". -.() 27 Page 1-48, Table V Note: The MDAU service signals will probably require changing to the ADC n Power ON RESET type signal for the same reason- receiver circuit inhibit. 28 Page I-50, Paragraph 3. -I •. I. 2.3. I. I Delete: The paragraph section which reads, "The keyboard shall be capable of operating in either the normal or maintenance mode of operation. The keyboard shall provide the capability of presetting the contents of computer hardware registers in the maintenance mode of operation." Reason: The maintenance mode has been deleted. ~ Item No. 26 - (ATTACHMENT) Bit Position 1 2 , :, 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ .....I 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Counter Set Words 1 Abc Standby Com.pute r Load 15 Bit Word . 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word .15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word 15 Bit Word . Spare Spare Parity Mode Set Words 0 1 0 Spare -: . Spare Spare ADC1 Operate ADC2 Operate ADCl Reset ADC2 Reset ADC1 Start ADC2 Start ADC1 Halt ADC2 Halt ADC 1 Load and Go ADC2 Load and Go Spare Spare Spare Parity Configuration Set Words 0 0 1 Master Power Off Master Power On . ADC 1/2 Master ADC10n/Off ADC20n/OU LDA10n/Off LDA2 On/Off MDAIOn/Off MDA2 On/Off PTR1 On/Off PTR2 On/Off Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Parity " • Item No. Z7 - (ATTACHMENT) c: . k, -. Number llA llB Z7A Z7B Name LDAl Service ADCl LDAl Service ADCZ , LDAZ Service ADC 1 LDAZ Service ADCZ To Unit Function LDAl LDAl ACTS as I/O Circuit Inhibit and Service Signal LDAZ LDAZ Inhibit and Se rvice Signal Inhibit and Service Signal ~ I ....--..-.-..=---=. --=---=------~~------ Item. No. 29 [~O , L 31 ~ 32 Location Description Page I-50, Paragraph Delete: Sentence, "In the m.aintenance m.ode the display shall be capable of displaying the contents of a selected set of hardware registers in the com.puter. " Reason: The m.aintenance m.ode has been deleted. Delete: "Keyboard Power Selection is not independent. " Reason: Keyboard Logic and Power Selection is not independent. Add: *Function Control (16) Reason: Orn.ission in list of controls. Delete: "Com.puter No. 1 Single Cycle" "Com.puter No. 2 Single Cycle" "Keyboard/Display Maintenance/Operate" Page I-51, Paragraph Page I-51, Paragraph 3.1. 1. 2.3.2. b Pag~, I-52, Paragraph ..... tv 33 34 Page I-53, Paragraph Page I-54 '- Reason: Deletion of Maintenance Mode Change: In "c" Reeling Method - Delete the word "m.otor". Reason: Clarification Change: "f" Operating Modes - Revise as follows: "The on-orbit operating m.odes shall consist of the following: 1. Power ON/OFF 2. Read Forward 3. Read Reverse Reason: To identify the on-orbit modes. ~ Item No. 35 36 Location Description Page I-55, Paragraph Change: In paragraph "b ll change Ilwith 6 lines per inch ll to read with 5 lines per inch" and liThe last 18 print lines shall be ---II to read lIThe last 15 print lines shall be ____ II. Reason: To reflect printer design. Change: In "c II add the word Ilminimum" after "lOO-foot cartridges II. Reason: Not to limit to 100 ft. only. Our printer vendor is presently recommending 150 foot rolls of paper. Page I-55, Paragraph 37 Page I-55 Comment: There is some question concerning the capability of the Printer to meet this requirement, refer letter of August 10, 1966, IBM No. M866 -07. 38 Page I-56, Paragraph Change: Excluding cabling and cabling connectors exceed 235 pounds ll • Reason: Additional page per LDAU, 1/2 page per Keyboard and discrete EMI filters to meet new DACo requirements raised the system weight 5 1/2 pounds, therefore, the limit should be changed. ~ I~ ••••••• shall not I ...... L.V N. B. This does not include weight penalties associated with flow rate, connectors or mounting. (See item 43, 45 and 46). 39 Page 1-66, Paragraph Change: The first paragraph should be re-written to conform to intent of DACo STD-126, dated 13 April 1966. liRe liability as a measure of performance is supplemented in the MOL Program by Effectiveness - the measure of mission accomplishment. The DCSG effectiveness shall be developed to the highest level consistent with maximum program cost effectiveness. The DCSG effectiveness shall not be less than • 995 for the mis sion duration under the mis sion environmental conditions specified in ST 9003. Effectiveness shall be determined under the duty cycles noted in 3.1. 1. 2. 6 and include all prime and degraded mode capabilities. ~ Item No. Location Description Page 1-90, Paragraph Change: The second paragraph, "The reliability program------exception" to "The reliability program for the DCSG shall conform to the requirements of MIL-STD-785 to the extent necessary to meet the DCSG reliability requirement with the following exceptions II. Reason: Clarification of the 785 requirement to be compatible with the program plan. Change: First sentence, "------maintainability." Add next sentences, "On orbit maintenance shall consist of malfunction isolation to a DCSG module (black box) level with subsequent switching to redundant modules. Ground m.aintenance shall consist of malfunction isolation to a DCSG module level with subsequent removal and replacement of the failed module. " Reason: To clarify replacement level. Change: "b" should read. height ••••• " Reason: Box is 22.5 inches long. Change: Add to b. Reason: This is present Printer size. Add: Coldplate mounting shall be as defined in TR00534-010D. Reason: Possibly AMU and Printer to be coldplate mounted and present document doesn1t define coldplates. Change: Add "or 1/4 - 20" after "10-32". Reason: The use of 1 0-32 holes will cause weight gains on ADC and LDAU because of multiple mounting legs. • 40 41 Page 1-90, Paragraph tJ:>. I I-' tJ:>. 42 43 Page 1-84, Paragraph Page 1-84, Paragraph 3.2. 1. 2. 1 c II but not m.ore than 22.5 inches and a The Printer may be 9 3/8 inches high. f!'" Item. No. 44 45 Location Description Page 1-84, Paragraph Change: Delete requirem.ent for induced vibration. Reason: Since the structure param.eters are not defined we cannot design equipm.ent to avoid any specific level of induced vibration. Page 1-86, Paragraph Com.m.ent: Statem.ent is not clear since SAFSL Exhibit 21005 Paragraph 3. 5 does not exist in DACo supplied docum.ents. The connectors being used are Bendix JT Series. Page 1-86, Paragraph 3. 2. 1. 2.4. e Change: Reword second sentence to read: II Exces sive coupling modes shall be avoided by appropriate mounting and design. Reason: Not to unduly restrict design. Change: This paragraph should be changed to permit gold plated bearings lubricated with Dry Molydisulfide. Reason: These are presently being used on the Printer. Change: The paragraph should read as follows: liThe use of integral cooling shall be m.ade on the ADC and LDAU. Fluid tem.perature shall be 60 0 F to 110 0 F. The pressure drop across any unit shall not exceed 1. 5 psc at a flow rate of 150#/hr. The two ADC units and the Laboratory Data Adapter Unit will be connected in parallel in the system.. The fluid will be water of purity or inhibited sufficient to guarantee satisfactory operation of m.agnesium. and a1um.inum. alloys. Reason: These are the design param.eters being used. Change: Modify the first sentence of paragraph a 1 as follows: " •••• Douglas Standard ST-P006 or IBM specifications approved by the Air Force on previously developed hardware. NASA approval shall be acceptable in sim.i1ar uses of hardware. II Reason: Our specifications cover all m.agnesium. applications not covered by governm.ent agencies. We don't have ST-po06. Page 1-86, Paragraph 3. 2. 1. 2.4. g ~ I .- ~ IJl 46 47 Page 1-86, Paragraph Page 1-88, Paragraph Location Description 48 Page 1-88, Paragraph 3. 3. 3 and Page 89, Paragraph 3.3.6 Comment: It is understood that these sections are to be used as guides. The specifications called for are somewhat out of date for aerospace applications. Strict adherence to the specifications would require some new tooling with a decrease rather than an increase in performance. ANA400 for instance, is very restrictive in the use of magnesium which is proposed to meet weight goals. In addition, the materials approved by DACo called for in 3. 3. 3 need definition with regard to time and method. In order to be responsible for schedule, we must have freedom of action in this area. With the approval undefined, our schedule would be completely at the mercy of an action outside our control. 49 Page 1-89, Paragraph 3.3.6 Change: Request MIL-F-7l97 of this paragraph be waived for the AMU. Reason: The MIL Specification requires painting of the inside surfaces. This is detrimental to the AMU because of possible paint flaking on the ins ide of the unit. Item No. >I>- ..... 0' 50 51 Page 1-92, Paragraph i-I. Page 1-95, Change: Delete "Single event- - - -- -- - -- -- - --1 0 microseconds or longer. Reason: This requirement could have rather severe weight penalties on the system. IBM cannot accept the requirement and in addition cannot even evaluate its impact without more complete specification of the 28 VDC source characteristics and the impedance of the distribution system. Change: Delete last sentence on page. Reason: This sentence calls for test specimens to be retained until Douglas provides direction for disposition. According to present program plans it is planned after the tests to use the units in the System Engineering Lab. ,~ Location Description 52 Page 1-98, Paragraph Com.m.ent: This paragraph calls for breadboards to be subjected to high and low tem.perature testing. For the engineering test and evaluation m.ore than one type of equipm.ent is involved; nam.ely, engineering prototypes and production prototypes. The present program. planning calls for the environm.ental testing to be done on the production prototypes only. 53 Page 1- I 02, Paragraph 4. 1. I. 7 Add: "For the AMU the foregoing does not apply. The leak rate shall be such that after pressurization the unit shall function properly in a hard vacuum. for the prescribed operational period. II Reason: For the sm.all volum.e of the AMU the leak rate given is unrealistic. Change: Delete last sentence. Reason: Paragraph,3. 3. 1 (d) does not exist. Change: Flow rate to 150 lb. /hr. Reason: 150 lb./hr. is the design point of the equipm.ent. Change: Revise Paragraph 1 to read - "Keyboard (U). The Keyboard shall be packaged in an envelope not exceeding a size of 4. 75 in. wide by 11 in. long by 9.75in. deep exclusive of panel m.ounting provisions. II Reason: IBM has assum.ed that provisions for m.ounting to panel could exceed the 4 x 11 in. dim.ensions since no m.ounting flange restrictions were specified. Item. No. ,j::. ..... 54 -J 55 56 Page 1-108, Paragraph 4. 1. 3.6.6 Page 1-108, Paragraph 4. 1. 3.6. 7 Page I-Ill, Paragraph 10.2.1 Cannot m.eet the 4 in. and 7 in. restrictions even use of Bendix pancake type connectors. Item No~ 57 58 59 Location Description Pag·e 1-111, Paragraph 10.2.I.e Change: Paragraph 6 should read; "Key switches similar to Jay Eal Products, Inc. Switch No. CI0454 shall be employed. " Reason: Switch No. Cl045l as stated is not a part number of Jay Eal Products, Inc. (perdiscussion with Mr. Andre Johnson of Jay Eal Products, Inc. 8/12/66). Page I-Ill, Paragraph ..Change: 10.2.1 Page 1-111, Paragraph "10.'2.2 Delete Paragraphs f and g having to do with Key spacing, color, shape, etc., and position, number, and siz;e of connectors and cables. Reason: These parameters cannot be respecified at a later date without having an impact on the design of the system. Change: Revise Paragraph 1 to read - "The display unit shall be packaged in an envelope not exceeding in size: 4.5 in. wide, 12.75 in. long, by 9 in. deep, exclusive of panel mounting provisions." Reason: IBM has as surned that provisions for mounting would be in addition to the specified envelope since no mounting flange restrictions were specified. ~ 9-' 00 Cannot meet the 4 in. and 7 in. dimensions even assuming use of Bendix pancake connectors. 60 Page 1-112, Paragraph 10.2.2 Change: Delete Paragraphs band c having to do with spacing, color, shape, etc., and position, number, and size of connectors and cables. Reason: These parameters cannot be respecified at a later date without having an impact O!l the design of the system. Section 4.2 COMMENTS AND DEVIATIONS TO CONTRACT END ITEM SPECIFICATION CP00342 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ __ ~"-.:' ....... ."' Item No. 1 ...... Location Description Section Z. Page '3 Delete-: MIL-STD-785. Requirements for Reliability Program (for Systems and Equipm.t'nts) - 30 June 1965 Reason: Paragraph 3. 1.2. 1 revised to ch-lete any r\.'fert·nce to this specification. Z 3 Page 5. Paragraph 3. 1. 1 . 3. 1 .-,1. ! Page 7, Paragraph 3. 1. :. Za 5 Page 5, Paragraph 3. 1 • 1 (10th line) Dclett : One (1) DCSG Master Contn,l unit 'R('a son: The ~la ste r Cant rn! Unit h3o:-; Iw('n dt'lded from the DCSG and no longer l'xists as a unit. .~ Chang t ' : "Dt,tect and isolate rna lfunction to tht' lowest spt'cified subass(·mbly level ---." "Aid in tlH dct \'l-1 - " Til: - ~ . I e- '" Reason: The isolatic.l1 of the malfunction to tht· subass{·mbly le'-'l'} is a function of thL" design of th.· units nnrh-r h'st. This d\.'grt·c oi isolation is nut bl'ing. pru'. iclt'd lwcause of its s(,vere inlpad on t!w f1i~ht hardwarl'. Chang\' to Read: ~. The t(~st set shall pro\-ide nll'ans for allowin~ tht' nl0ni tor in~ f)f \'oltagt' lc ..-el s. wa ".('torn1s. irt::qul'nc i es and similar paranwtt:I's for !"')l'Ctl~d intt'r:acl' lines._ Ht'ason: c. Anlount of monitoring is d"?t-ndpnt on output from units und('r t.-st. IRM has not pl3onn('d to supply standard tt'st in;.trun)('ntatilln for thi,; n1Onitl)ring a~ part of the MGE. It is dccnlt.,d that all instrumentation neeut'd would be that a"'ailablc in standard lai>(Hatory and thl'reforl' would not bt· economi(:al to dupt i('at(~ this in thf" te'st (!quipnH'nt. R {·qui rt'm \~n ts for tht'se equipnlcnts have ht"-l'n ich'ntifi"d on fadIit\> interface stwetl'> previously '- 4 Page 6, Pa ragraph' submitted by IRM. Item No. 5 . Location Page 6, Descrietion Paragraph Add _-_._----- Item gas follows 3.1.'.1 g. 6 ", 7 Page 8, Paragraph(, 3.'1. 1. 2. b L, Page 9. Paragraph 3.l.1.2.f Reason: These functions a re essential to the operation of the DCSGo First Sentence: Not undf·r'standable; requires clarification Reason: Could bf' intt'rpreted as disallnwin~ configuration changes for testing with the llSf' of cablt!~. Change to Read.: The AGE sl'if t('st shall include the. nC'cessary stimuli. cabling. interconne.ctions cabling. displays. indicators, test points and m,..;nitoring r<"qui rl·d to vE'rify the overall performanc(' nf thf' !f'st sPt. Reason: Self test ft'aturc~s of thE' MGE arc planned for distribution throughout the (~ntjre t<'5t st't to maK(, ma~imum utilization of existing ci rcuitry anci will not consist of a separate rack" To perform overall calibration may rt_'quire standard laborator)", instrunlcnts which are nut planned to be provided as part of the test set. The lists 01 this equipment were pro':' vided on the facility interface sh('t,ts previously submittfOd by IBM. Change to Read: The maximum dt-·sign goal for the t,'st set shall be .96 probability of su("cl's:.;(ully completing a 4-hour continuous Reason: Dt"si~n requiremc·nt cannot bl> accepted without a related progr;tn:\ l·ffort. Pl'l.'sent scope of work does not include' a formal R l'lia hilit, Prog ram f',r MGE. Change': "Time' for accomplishing primary maintenance shall not exceed the fol1()v:in~" ~ I N o 8 Page 10, Paragraph 3. ,I. 2. J 9 Page 11, Paragraph The test set shall provide all of the functions originally, cnntaint.'d within the DCSG Master Control Unit. To: test (".fel(-. "The ...,. . ~.., fol1owin~ t€,st 6('t dt>si~n objE!'ctives '\'ill bE!' considered. tt ~ • ....... .i..:. ......... ~.;; "." .. '.;.. . ~ ~ '. :, ...... P ••• ... .....,-:.... , '. : '.' . Item No. 10 11 Location Desc ription Page II, Paragraph 3. 1. Z. 2. 1 and 3. 1. 2. 2. 2 Chang!.:': "The test set shall comply with the foll,?wing requirements." To: "The fol1owinf!" tl'st sc't design obj<,ctives will be considered. Reason: Th('re is no formal maintaina bility program on the MGE, COlnnlent: Pag<' 12, Paragraph ,j:lo. I N 12 ~ Page 14, Paragraph 13 14 '- Page 17, Paragraph 3.3.l.d Page 10, Paragraph .. DI'h~tE' Subcont ractor TC'c hnical Di rccti\'C! I Q3. dated Aug~st I, I Q66. ., changin~ \"ls~-fullifl' from five to tl'n yt~ars under ~he grfnmd " rules stated in this STD. At this tinH', we cannot idt.'ntify any parts or equipnH'nt having significant or limitt·d 1ifl~ degraddti,m characterb:tic~, It should be puinted out, ho\'. 'l~V':·!'. that 'additional spa res would be consunlC'd oyer the longl'!" 11k span with ("!lnSt'qut'nt ultiInate cost increast'. We ca.nne)!, at t.1ds tin1l:', icll'ntify rl'ql1i !"l'ri spares on which production will h;tvC' beC'n terminat('r!. Paragraph in if~ entil'l'ty. of original or prt.'s(·nt proposal. Reason: :.lot in SC()Pl' Change: to Read: Standa nl cornn1,e rcia I inst. rumentation such a s yoltn'let~rs and pow,'r supplic's, which are nt;cessary for the operation of the t('st set shall be' an integral part of the test set. R t'a son: Comn1t'r~'ial t'quipment which is rt..'qlli red on a near continuous basil', ;. I'., p(),\\""r ~I\ppli.~s will ht' includl:d. Equipment such as os("illo~("llpi.'~ which would b(> r~>qu;Tt"d f"r trouhlcshrwting and wa·... l.."f,)rrc n1,.·a~url'nll··n!:; wOll1d be ('onsidcrl~d roll-up t~q t1 i pIn l.'nt • Dcl€'te Pa ragraph Reason: II Test st.·t is on cast<'rs. - ~- --_ ..... Item No. 15 Location Df"SC ription Page 24, Paragraph Add to the end of tht> first 3.3.2 " where necessary and fcas·ible. I! st.~ntenct': Reason: MIL-STD- 143 is not. being adhered tu in the design of this t>quipnH>nt du.> to the co!'t df . . . ctin·nf'ss commercial approach' bl.·ing follow(·d. Inte..' rpretat ion: This paragraph is ass"Umf"d to allow usage of IBM 5L T type of parts and materials. ~,L, 16 Page 24, Paragraph 3. 3.3 Reason: .. ~ ' 17 N N 18 19 Page 27, Pa ragraPll 4. 1. 1 Pa)!t' 27. Paragraph ..L1.l.l.b Pagt' 28, Paragraph Propos('d cClnfi l;u ra tion i ~ dt:penuent nn the use of I1311.1 . commt'rcial SLT hardware. The iun('L'lnal and t'm.-iron. n"lf"ntal requirt.'n1l.'nts oj th.· eEl can b(' nll't with this approacl~ . Chang.:·: First Sl'utl'nCI' to read. "T(~sts shall be conducteci to verify thl' dl'sl!,!n to c1etl'rn1inc l~quipnH'nt con"lpatibility, to c'\'aluatc pcrformanc(' and to df'velop accl'ptance test pr6cedurt's. Reason: TeJ clarify that En!!ineerin~ Tt!st and Evaluation docs not ind.udt> Acc('ptance Testing. De1l.'le in 'it s pnti rct~ . Reason: Para'!raph 3. 1.2.6 rt·quirl.'ments ha'n.· been ddeted. C~angt': (St·concl lint') To: g through 1 Reason: Paragraph 3.3. 1. m was delctt:d. -4- I.! thro\l!!hm Item No. 20 Location Description Page 28. Paragrf, Delete in its entirety. 21 22 Page 28. Paragraph 4. l. 1. Z. b Page 28, Paragraph Reaso!}: Utilization of commercial d("sign approach makes the performance of this analysis work non cost effective, therefor~. it will not be done.· Change to Read: 3. 1. Z. 2 Maintainability ( .. I'The maintainabilit~· .design objectives shall be evaluated by review of equipme·nt drawings and test results. " Reason: There is no formal maintainability progra:n on the MGE. Change to Read: 3. l. 2. 2.1 Maiqtenanc(" and Repair Cycles "The maintenance and repair cycle design objectb;es shall be evaluated b~' review of equipment drawings and test results, " Reason: There is no formal maintainability program on the MGE. ~ • N.· W 23 P~ge 28. Paragraph 4.1.1.Z.d. Delete in its entirety. Reason: 24 25 Pagt' 29. Paragraph 4.1.l.Z.i ThE' E'C(ort required is not consi-stent with since tht're is no reliability progranl. p~ogram scope Dt-Iete "0 thrl)ugh ab" R£.~ason: - "0 through ab'· - shall bE' \'t>riCi~d by demonstration of compatibilitr with the DCSG in the normal environment. Page 32. Paragraph ChangE' I'Tht~ 4. 1. 1. 3a. 10 tn Read: AGE self-test features (requirements 3. 1. ). Z. band 3. 1.. 1. Z. f) shall be demonstrated by running the seli-te~t program and obser,.. ing the indica.tore for the correct displa r. " .5. Item No. Location Description , 25 (Cont'd. ) Rea son: Paragraph 3.1. 1. Z. f was revised and it is not economically feasible to purposely malfunction the MGE to verify the self-test capability. The self-test program will be thoroughl}" evaluated during the MGE debug and checkout phases to assu!"\.· that it will detect malfunctions. "{ 1 ~ 8 N ~ ...... -6. Section 5 MGE DUPLEX, SYSTEM BUFFERS, AND UNIT ADAPTERS Section 5 MGE DUPLEX, SYSTEM BUFFERS, AND UNIT ADAPTERS 5. 1 INTRODUCTION This section provides a brief description of the Adapters and Simulators required for the GE systems. It also includes information on the MGE Adapter required to provide a Duplex System Test capability for the SIL Vehicle and the Second Flight Article. 5.2 MGE DUPLEX TEST ADAPTER CONSOLE The Duplex Test Adapter Console used in conjunction with the MOL MGE forms a duplex test system for dynamically exercising and controlling all interfaces into the duplex MOL Digital Computer Subsystem Group (DCSG). This console interfaces with the 360-30 processor of the MGE and supplies the logic and control circuitry for externally simulating the Mission Module Data Adapter #2 and the External Interrupt System #2 interfaces. These interfaces in the MOL System are part of the GE and DAC subsystem groups. In addition, this console contains an extensive data display, a duplicate of the MGE data display, for systems troubleshooting and systems evaluation and monitor. The console is a stand-alone wheel-up item containing all power and power control (see Fig. 5-1) necessary for ADC #2, and Printer #2, along with all power necessary for internal Duplex Test Adapter logic. It contains all necessary single ended or differential transmitters and receivers for interfacing with the members of the duplex DCSG. Its control and display logic along with its data display panel allow for comprehensive control and display of ADC #2 operation. Data flow through ADC #2 can be followed and/ or controlled as desired via this control and display system. A manual capability to alter main storage is afforded by this system in the event troubleshooting becomes necessary. The display function allows for selected display of all data available over the scan bus of the ADC. This display along with the ROS address and CPU discretes form a comprehensive display of CPU operation. (See Figure 5-2) The control logic function of the console performs the task of taking 360 -30 controlled data and formatting it into MMDA simulated transfers or interrupt discretes into the DCSG. Necessary buffering of data is supplied where required to most nearly approach real-time system operation. 5-1 ~_. VOL-rA.G E. VOL'A..6E: +SV [I 1\1 1 IJ I o Of'!=~ -l «suO .~TIM~ o®o o 'SE.u::.c.T +~., -~I /. +6' +WV +5 -5 +'- -1'2. ""~8 e~GG)G)@@ VOL-T~E:. I -12.V +-~ -~ © N -SV (®~~~ C,t!o..l....\~~Te. 01 CL::JI..~TRO\.- o 12- e EMERGEOC.'t 0 FF +28 '+3 A.c.. 'PO ldE\<'" IO~ I ION I nc Figure 5-1 POWER CONTROL PANEL I?FFI 'POW ER.. I~FFI @ I le:31..~~ OOOuuO-----0000 0000--------0000------------------ -----000 jJ\UL\IPI-"'~ Ct\"-No/IJe.L. '2.101..9 ~A.IVK. ------------------000 0000---- ----------000 0000------ 0000---------------GEI'\ERAL f'UR.l=>O~e ~O. -------000 I =::n-- - -I 1"1"TI"'"'....I-C:--I-"c"""'c--rI-:::PI2.96=-::-.,..--.",'"'""".."s,,""Ir-------r-------II\l.,-r-=-..-=ot.o-"!,l-:"C-=l'' """'O-;:r-c::ouN~- ----------------000 0000----L-L1.!i!:rrJ::p....:;'5UT2:l,.~T~Z__---'I:.;;..'V~rr.::::,..~IoI:::OC;_LI.!,;M~ =...:...=--...L._ _ _ _ _ _..;A=~::.....:R:::""=6-=I'i>;t,;T~e,:.;~=- 1r ..... ::::... ---- 0000----------- r-P....~? rUNIT ,c..OOI'Ul:.~ ... ---, ..,.;o.-.j U> I W f, I, .. " F.-: '3 I ~-~ 1'6 ~ ----000 -~- -of ."2.1~, 4 5> ._~ oFf:. 10 s" I cO~"R.OI-I Of!.-. + __ .. 2 :8 ' zo +~++++++++++++~+++ I 2. "3 0,2 ~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + PARITY ~(JO.I.)GlIIl... 2 3 q t + + ~+++ + SII\)(iLION 1<.05 o I 000 Z.3 4- 5 ,Q,:t)O~E.SS " T 6 !!> 10 \I Ie. 000000000000 0 1i.A.-re S S L- ,..,--1 --+-\ +-- '-I I~T sr.T 1(. C.I'UI/S ~.. I-.().to.l:> S~6 rtIs RDS~~"" !lISP 000000000 DO 88 Figure 5-2 DATA DISPLAY PANEL DO 0 -- -m " l Programm ng 191. 1 Support SYstem LPS Software 2.2. 10 PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TITLEI DATE PREPARED W. Gray. Ext 4110. Data Management Group II Sep ' i Ill. , ------ -- a APAED BY .(~AME. {, ------ TLE & ~EPARTMENTI 'J. . j l '( u· "I j.l' (I ~ Time Milestone Milestone 2_ ( "-1-/ ! IR/5N 2-15 Branch Manager Data Management Branch MOL Contracts DAlE APPROVED ,~y I -? ~' t. {. 7-4 c1' I'"OIltW'0_U3'17_01 (Continued) Page Z of 14 SYSTEM SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREI.'lNTS LIST (EDl-) LINE m:M NO. D;1ta Compll.fatinrl SnLs 'sten1 :-d-Ut;P SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TITlE TASK REFERENCE RFP NO. SUBCONTRACT NO. In te rna tional Busi IJe9 s Machine s DATA m:M NO. FORM NO. 'REQUIRED BY FREQ. & (BRANCH NO. OF OR SECTION COPIES AS (f DATE Dl£ DATE o EST MlH EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. 191.2 DCSG Support Software 2. 2. 3 SDI-C-02'i SD TtITle Milestone IRISN 2-30 Miles tone 2 ( - 12.5$ 175 191. 3 DCSG On-Orbit Software 2. Z. 3 SDI-C-027 SD :0 Time Milestone 2-15 IRlsN Milestone 2 (\,._\.~.;; 35.0 290 SDI-C-028 SD Contract End Item Detail Specifi.catiol, 192.0 (Computer Program) Fart II 192.1 PSCS and L ''OSS Software 2.2. 10 SDI- C-028 SD ------ ------ -~....,; ------ a Time Milestone 4-15 IR/5N Mi(estone 4 \.;0 :;-r) 30.0 420 a Milestone IRISN 4-30 Milestone 4~-.2' ,." • \;' j 37.5 525 a Milestone 4 (\-2! .,' 100.0 1,400 25.0 350 192.2 DCSG Support Software 2.2.3 SDI-C-028 SD 192.3 DCSG On-Orbit Software 2.2. 3 SDI-C-028 SD Time Milestone 1R/5N 4-15 2. 2. 2- SDI-C-02Q SD One/R IR/4N I 200. Technical Requirements Specification (TRS) (Component) F'art I J-... EDR-20 AOD ! I , I 42. Drawings (Design Evaluation) 2.2.2. 2.3.2 SDI-E-OO I SD One/R IR/8N PDR-IS PDR-IO 200. ( 2,800 92. Drawings, Specifications, Standards, and Lists for Production Items 2. 2. Z. I. 2. 3.2 SDI-E-002 SD One/R IR/BN CDR-30 CDR-20 100. I,40C 90. Drawi.ngs, Standards and Lists Preparation of SD No Suh" ittal Requ red ---- PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TITLE) W. Gray. Ext 4 110, Data Management Group - _. SDI-E-004 DATE PREPARED 11 Sep (,f, APPROVED BY (NAME, TITLE & OEPARTMENT) Branch Manager ) f t( r ;,. r !' I,: ~ \! ( I "I OATE APPROVED Data Management Branch MOL Contracts_ . __ /-' , ; ,.'-, 7 -5 / "0l1li .. 10-IIU 11 ...... (Continued) ,"age .. of H SYSTEM SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREMENTS II ST (EDl") SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. UI\£ ITEM NO. 80. TITlE RFP NO. Dat:). COITlpl;latiuJ, Sl!l.systern Group SUBCONTRACT NO. Internatiorlal Business Machines TASK REFERENCE DATA ITEM NO. FORM NO. Drawing and Data-Reproduction !REQUIRED BY FREQ. & (BRANCH NO. OF OR SECTION COPIES SDI-E-005 AS OF DAlI D\£ DAlI EST M/H EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. No Sul..n ittal Requ' ret! SD ; 4-1. Mock-Up Drawings SDI-E-OOh SD One/R IR/8N ATF-i-10 ATFHO SD One/R lR/4N :DR-IS "DR-IO 336 24.0$ i I I 201. Inte rface COI,tro! Drawings I 2. 2. 2 -. ---103. Indentured Parts Lists - ._._-+--------_. i Subsystems Operations alld 19 ... l\1aintenance 1-' r ocedu re!:o -- - __ ----- --_.. _. - ---T I !2.2.2 ---1'------ __ ___.. . I SDI:'!!"-QQ,-_~ __QS I SDI-H-009 SD SDI-H-OOlJ SD j SP!~H-OO" SD ,, 193.2 DCSG Support Software 193.3 DCSG On-Orbit Software PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TITLE) W. Gray. Ext 4110. Data Management Group I -+-. 2. Z. 10 2.2. ; 2.2 .. DAlI PREPARED 11 Sep I.'. ____ j DWE DWE __ jOne/R Firm _1IR/40N Hardware AOD-45 350 1,100.0 14,500 i -+------ -_ ... - ...... o .. 5. ( 70 o . 10. ( 140 20.( 280 Time Milestone Milestone IR/SN 4-15 Tirre Milestone Milestone lR/SN .. - :~O o 'O'-U-OO" SD ------ Time Milestone Milestone IR/SN .. -15 .. APPROVED BY (NAME.(ITlE ~ DEPARTMENT) Branch Manager \ . ',': 25.0 i ! 1 0 3. I f'SCS and L! SS Software , I --------t -------- I I 1,400 1-- One/R IR/lN SD , L---.. --i193.0 (Computer Program) Users Manual .- - SDI-E-OO'! . 100.0 , -- ---- -+--- 2.·J. 2. 2.8. " ---- I! - I12 . 2 . Z. SDI-E-008 ' \" ',' (I ;- Data Management II ranch MOL Contracts DAlI APPROVED .. r'j .,"" \ .. '.~ 7 -6 .;, "Olllllroll IO-IUIU'-UI (Continued) rage:; (Jf 14 SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREt.'lNTS LIST (EDl) SYSTEM Data ta'i " RFP NO. t-_-r-__________________-+I_____S_U_b_S.:...Y_Srt(_·n_,__, '_:_'_"_'!'____ _ LINE ITEM NO. SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TITLE TASK REFERENCE SUBCONTRACT NO. --FORM NO. DATA ITEM NO • !REQUIRED BY FREQ. & (BRANCH NO. OF OR SECTION COPIES r 8. reservation and j->ackaging Data (Subcontractors Standard Format) I Inte rnational Dusines 5 Machines 2.2.2. 2. H. 1 I SDI- T._OO I OS One /R 2R/5N OS One/R IR/5N AS a: DATE 01£ DATE ASREQ DWE-120 EST MlH EST PREP. I REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP~ 37. 5 ~ 525 I 160. TransportatiolJ and Transportability Report 25. FERT Network 25. I Detail Network 2.8. '2 SDI-: -007 I 2. I Ii 1 1 SDI-M-002 I 12. R. 2_ _ ---+_ __ _ _ , i ___ L.b_~ ______ ~_ 25.3 Summarv Network PC ~J?I-M_-001_;__~-- __ _ snT_~ _nnl ___ 22. PERT/Time Computer Prir,tont ; _______ .r:-.!l.-~------ _ , '28. : Event Dictionary _______ Management Action Report PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TITLE! W. Gray, Ext 4110, Data Management Group ----------Every 4 Mo lR/4l'\ EOM EaPERT Cycle Time IR/5N l'ow - - n_ ---. -----AOD+5 80.0 320 AOD+5 24.0 96 ~!2l:JyI_=QQl_ _ -- - - - -------+----+-----11-----+-----+-------1 ~a PERT PC ____ ~GYcle --- - --- -rty~i;,R Time Now f-SDI-M-004 PC Ir~/4N Now 2. 8. 2 SDI-M-006 PC One/R I R/3N Time Now 2.8.2 DATE PREPARED II Sep r.f, AOD+2 Time 2.8.2 --- 12. ---1 --- I _n._. u ____ , PERT TWX ASREQ ! I PC , 24. ASREQ i 8 . 2_ I I 3.0 12 1 Hour AOD+4 romputer Tig e Request +5 " PERT Cycle Time SDI-M-OO? PC lR/5N Now AOD+5 APPROVED BY (NAME, TITLE & DEPARTMENT) Branch Manager __ (. Data Management Branch ~) I . .1. It'; '. f! I' MO~.. Contracts 218 25.0 100 5.0 20 - -------- !- \\,\. t- . . •. I DATE APPROVED 0. /;;' - r oJ t.. (.-. I:" ~ 7 -7 "0"" 10-,.,II'-UI (Continued) Page 6 of 14 SYSTEM SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREtv'lNTS LI ST ;EDP) LINE ITEM NO. 74. Data CO!11putation Subsystem lirolll' I SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT TITLE NO. TASK REFERENCE RFP NO. SUBCONTRACT NO. International Business Machines DATA ITEM NO. FORM NO. AS OF DATE DUE DATE EST M/H EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. Qrtly lR/SN LSQ AOD+1S PP Mthly lR/iON EOM AOD+S :SDI-M-016 p,: Coff Mthly W /Ltst 1 Doc/4N PERTCoff AOD+3 2.0 8 ._-_.- S!ll-lvi- 019 PC Mthly lR/SN PC _. ! lR/4X SDI-M-012 2. H. 3 Financial Mana" ement Report';' REQUIRED BY FREQ. & (BRANCH NO. OF OR SECT'ON COPIES PC 4 1. 01$ I I ! 2. SDl-M-01S 2.8 Program Progress Report Jouglas Intedace Accounting ,_og (DIA~") i 2.8. 1 90 I - .7. 22.5 - --- i 2.8.3 23. Problem Analysis Report 26. , Financial Planning and Control System Data lnputs* - -- ._._--_._- , ----- -- ~ , ______ ~Q!_-M-O,-O! 2.!L 3 ! 2. S. 1 Milestone Reports 0.5 2 LSM AOD+IO 7.~ 30 AOD+3 1 Mthly I ·I---·------t--· 10. AOD+lO --- I _. , ;_SM SDI-M-021 PC Weekly lR/lON Friday SDI-M-oa PP ASREQ ASREQ i Ii. Red Flag Report (TWX) 2.8 -- ----_._- ------ 14. Motion Picture Coverage (Footage) PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TITLE) W. Gray. Ext 4110, Data Management Group DATE PREPARED r 1 Sep 66 APPRO~ED BY (NAME\ TI~~ -\ 1 ( 4 66. DATE APPROVED 800 - - - - - - - - I -- SDl-M-024 2.7.2 1.( Same Day " . ' i \. MK DEPARTtv'lNT) C 1..,- Mthlv lR/lN EOM-5 EOM+5 llranch Manag"r Data Management Branch MOL Contracts --_.- 'r F' !~ fr.. 7 -8 2 "OltM 10-1.5. n-... (Continued) Page 7 of 1 .. SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIRE~NTS SYSlEM LIST (EDP) SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. WI: ITEM NO. 13. Data COIl1plttativl1 RFP NO. SUBCONTRACT NO. International Business Machines SUb!::i)"stCIll liruup TITLE Still Photo Coverage TASK REFERENCE REQUIRED B'Y FREQ. & NO. OF {BRANCH OR SECl'ON COPIES DATA ITEM NO. FORM NO. SDI-M-025 2.7.2 Mth1y 1R11N MK AS OF DAlE EOM-5 Dl£ DATE EST M/H EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. $ 400 EOM+5 33. ATP+45 Rev+5 30.0 120 L~ 6 400. ( 5,600 i 143. Hardware Schedules 2.8.1 SDI-M-032 PP One/R lR/5N ATP Rev+30 148. Cost Account Dictionary" 2.8.3 ST M-035 PC One/R lR/4N ATP AOU+30 SD_-F-OOI SE ASREQ 1R/2N DWE AOD SDI-P-003 SE One/R 1R/6N ATP AOD+30 SDl-P-004 PP o Day Shipped AOD SDI-P-005 PP One/R lR/5N ATP PP One/R lR/5N ATP Rev+30 ---_. 56. :'og Book 157. Quality Assurance Pro"ram Plan 2. I : ~. Il --- .. 2.1l.8 35. 490 O. 2 AOD+120 25. 100 ATP+45 Rev+5 140.C 560 " ---,._-, 58. Notification of Shipment (TWX) 2. Il. 12 3. Procurement Plan and Data 2.8.13 --.- . 156. Production Plan and Data PREPARED BY {NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TlTLEI DAlE PREPARED -----.-SD1-P, 00(, 2.8.13 APPROVED BY {NAME, TITlE & QEPARTMENTI ., W. Gray, Ext 4110. Data Management Group 11 Sep 66 :-\ 1.1, I Time ! !: ., ~. • I . , Branch Mallager Data Managemellt Branch MOL Contracts I DAlE APPROVED " 7 -9 • ,"OIlM 60-1'" 11_111 (Continued) Page 8 of 14 SYSTEM Data Computation SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREW:NTS LIST (ElJP) LINE ITEM NO. Subsystem SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TITLE RFP NO. SUBCONTRACT NO. (;rD~ TASK REFERENCE 30. Classification and Approval of Special Test Equipment and Other Special Equipment 2.8.13 35. GFAE Shortage/Status Report 2. B.13 l5S. Te.t}:~oints 2. Z. Z. 1 International Business Machines FORM NO. REQUIRED BY FREQ. & NO. OF (BRANCH OR SECTION COPIES DATA ITEM NO. One/R SDI-P-OOB PP lR/8N SDI-P-Ol2 PP lRJaN SDI-R-OIO SD SDl-R-012 OS SD:-R-016 SD AS OF DATE ATP+30 Revs Mthly DDForm 610 OLE DATE EST MlH EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. ATP+35 Rev+5 30 7.5$ ATP Start ATP+30 lR/4N CDR-20 CDR-lO 5.0 70 One/R lR/2N ATP+15 ATPdO 4.5 63 ATP+30 Rev EOQ ATP+45 £OQ+15 25.0 350 Receipt AOD+IO 1.0 --- --- One/R Data .--114. Graphic Illustration Data Requirements 44. Parts Failure Rate Data Report 2. b. '-) , - One/R 2. 1. 1 : lR/8:'\ I I 136. Completion of Douglas Failure and Re'ection Report. Form X37-104 Douglas 2. 1. 1 Form X37-l04 SDI-R-023 SE .\SREQ lR I 141 I SDI-R-024 SE ASREQ lR SDI-R-026 SE IRISN Douglas 137. Completion of Douglas Supplemental Failure Analysis Report. Form 60-732 2.1. 1 134. System Effectiveness Status Report 2.S.B Form60-732 - Receipt 1\OD+20 1.0 14 7.5 105 Mthly PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTW:NT TlTLEI W. Gray. Ext 4110. Data Management Group DATE PREPARED '1 Sep 66 AP~ROVED BY;~~ME. (ITL(JE~ARTW:NT) AIJJ t. t.C .,l '.' I I7f EOM AODtlO Branch Manager Data Management Branch MOL Contracts DAlE APPROVED ! ! .; --' (/ 7 -10 • ,.0_", .0-1111 ., ...... 1 (Continued) Page 9 of 14 SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREW:NTS LIST LINE ITEM NO. SYSTEM Data' :omputatioll (ElJP) RFP NO. SUBCONTRACT NO. International Business Machines Subsystem Group SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TITLE TASK REFERENCE DATA ITEM NO. FORM NO. Functional Failure. Failure Analysis. and Maintenance Action Summarv Re )orts REQUIRED BY FREQ. & NO. OF (BRANCH OR SECTION COPIES AS ~ DATE D\£ DATE EST M/H EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. SD - --- _.. ---- ------- SDI-R-035 SD : Mthly lR/5N Test Start+30 Test Start+45 15.0$ 2. L 1 2.2.4 SDI-R-035 SD ASREQ ASREQ Same Day 1.0 4 167.3 Critical Item Failure Folluw- Up Report 2. L 1 2.2 ... SDI-R-035 SD One/R lR/5N Failure +7 Failure +10 2.5 35 166. Effectiveness Analysis Reports 2. L 1 SDI-R-036 SD Mthly lR/5N ATP+30 ATP+45 17.5 245 178. Training and Motivation Program Plan 2. L 2 S::JI-R-037 ,)D ATP+45 AOD 5.0 66 2. L 1 SDI-R-039 SD ATP+90 AUD 12.5 175 167. SDl R-035 2. 1 2.2.4 167.2 Critical Item Failure Report (TWX) 167. Summary Reports 210 o -+ i One/R i 180. Critical Item Control Plan Time lR/5N lR/5N I 181. AVE Subsystem and Mission-Critical AGE Parts Approval Request 121. Mass Properties Report PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTW:NT TlTLEI W. Gray, Ext 4110. Data Management Group I i ! 2. L 1 SDI-R-040 SD One/R lR/5N PDR-30 AOD 7.5 105 2. ;:.. 2 SD1-S-003 SD Mthly lR/5N ATP+30 ATP+35 2.5 35 DATE PREPARED 11 Sep 66 APPROVED BY (NAME, TrlTlE & D!PARTMENTI ., \ t ,t . '. \ . \. ( n,(l' '7 Branch Manager Data Management Branch MOL Contracts DATE APPROVED ., I :I:_~ t, 7 -11 ! ,.0l1li"" la-lUI 17-11. (Continued) P - - - SYSTEM SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREWfNTS LIST (EDP) LINE ITEM NO. lOS. Data C olTlputation ::iubsvstelTl Group SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TInE High Risk Areas and Long Lead TilTle Items List TASK REFERENCE RFP NO. .................... SUBCONTRACT NO. ~nternational DATA ITEM NO. FORM NO. 'REQUIRED BY FREQ. & (BRANCH NO. OF OR SECTION COPIES 5DI-S-006 SD AS OF DATE Dl£ DATE One/R lR/SN PDR PDR+IO Business 1-1achines EST MlH EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. 2.0 $ 28 I 162. Contamination Control Plan 501-S-013 SD a Tim lR/SN ATP+30 ATP+30 49. Design AnalysiS Reports 2.2.2. 2.3.2 SDI-S-OlS 5D 2 Time lR/SN PDR CDR AOD+lS SDI-S-016 SD One/R lR/5N CDR-30 CDR-20 Stress Analysis Reports 2. Z. L. 1 140 25.0 3S0 25.0 350 42.0 587 - " 12S. 10.0 .... ------ I ! "" 130. Hazard Reports -+. ! 5DI-S-035 2.1.4 ---- - Accident/Incident Reports 127. Circuit Return Analysis SE I ASREQ AOD+3 2.0 28! 2. ( 28 10. ( 10. ( 140 140 20. 280 ! I 129. I ASREQ lR/4N ... _-- 2.1.4 SDI-5-03b SE ASREQ lR/4N ASREQ AOD+S , 501-S-037 SD Two/R lR/5N PDR-lS CDR-30 PDR-I0 CDR-20 5D 2 Time lR/SN PDR-20 CDR-20 PDR-IO CDR-I0 --+; -" -f--- 138. aGE Design Support Requirements PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TInE) W. Gray, Ext 4110, Data Management Group .:.. 3. 1 DATE PREPARED /1 Sep 66 5D1-S-038 APPROVED BY (NAME, TlfLE & ~EprTMENT) :\ : ;~ t ;" \\. \~. I " 't!.. 'ti" 13ranch Manager Data Management Branch MOL Contracts DATE APPROVED , : 7 -12 /'-c ,.0 .... 10-1'" 17_"1 (~ontinu\,d) Page 11 of 14 SYSTEM Data Computation SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREft'lNTS LIST WE ITEM NO. RFP NO. SUBCONTRACT NO. Suhsysteln Group SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TIM TASK REFERENCE FORM NO. REQUIRED BY FREQ. & NO. OF (BRANCH OR SECTION COPIES DATA ITEM NO. AS OF DATE DUE DATE EST MlH EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. 168. Calibration Requirements 2. 3. Z ~,DI-0i-045 SD One/R IR/5N IJWE-90 DWE-60 600.0 163. Maintenance Data Sheets Subcontractor Requirements 2.2.2. I Z. 3. Z. I SDI-0i-044 SD Weekly lR/2N ATP+15 ATP+30 1,000.0 *14,000 177. Safety Analysis Report Z. I ... SDI-S-046 SE One/R IR/4N CUR Prelirn-60 Final+ 15 3.0 42 75. Ground Test Plan 2. Z... SDI-T-OOI OiD !:>DI-T-OOI SD One/R ATP710S ATP+120 I R/ lSN Rev AsReq Rev AsRe<,; 513.0 7,180 OiD One/R ATP+135 ATP d50 lR/15N ~ev AsReq Rev AsReq 215.0 3,010 SD One/R ~ TP+ 135 ATP+150 lR/15N Rev AsReq Rev AsRe.; 800.0 11,200 "lJI-T-OOl SD One/R ATP+225 ATP+240 lR/lSN Rev AsReq Rev AsRe'l lS8.0 7S. 1 Development Test Plan 75.2 Qualification Test Plan 7S, 3 Acceptance Test Plan OiDI-T-OOl -- -I !:>DI-T -001 75.4 Effectiveness Test Plan $ 8,400 , I I 2,210 I' o S2. Development Test Report 2.2 ... SDI-T-OOS SD Time Test lR/4N Complete 77. Acceptance Test Procedures 2.2.4 ::'Dl- T-006 SD One/R lR/4N PREPARED BY (NAft'l & FUNCTI ONAL DEPARTft'lNT TITLE) DATE PREPARED W. Gray, Sxt 4110, Data Management Group I I Oiep 6(, APPROVED BY (NAME, TITLE & DEPARTft'lNTI i . '---- * Total program requirements submitted individually over the life of the program. \ 'I.. ' r \ , " ' I '/ r Test Start - 90 AOD+S Test :"tart - 80 Branch Manager Data Managemen: Branch MOL Contracts l,02S.0 14,350 1,575.0 21,900 DAlE APPROVED .' 7-13 'j' .. 1"0." 60_1'" 17 ... 151 (Continued) Page 12 of 14 SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREIViNTS LIST TITlE NO. 84. SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TASK REFERENCE I Formal Qualification Test Report Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Control Plan 1164. ITest Control Drawings (TCD's) SUBCONTRACT NO. J 1202. IAcceptance Summary Report PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTIViNT TlTlEI W. Gray, Ext 4110, Data Management Group !::>DI-T-008 SD 2. 3. 2, 2. 2. 2. I !::>DI-T-013 SD Dl£ AS ~ DATE DATE o Time! Test I AOD-i-15 IR/8N I Complete AOD+45 One/R IR/5N I ATP+30 I AOD I EST M1H EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP 138.0 1$ 4,088 !::>DI-T-024 SD o Time I ATP IR/6N +6 Mos SD One/R jlR/4N IATP+30 SDI-T-OZ, :>D ASREQ lR/SN IASREO 2. l. I, 2. 2 SDI- T -028 SD IASREQ I 1 R/ 5N ASREO 2.8.8 SDI-T-029 SE One/R lR/SN ISDI-T-025 2.2. 5 I 1 ( DATE PREPARED I I Sep 66 1,932 35 2.5 2...,2.3.21 18S. IHardware Qualification Configuration Summary Reliabllity Critical Items Data Summary FORM NO. 2. 1. I 1183. ITest Methods and Control Plan 'REQUIRED B FREQ. & (BRANCH NO. OF OR SECTION COPIES DATA ITEM NO. 2.2. 5 12. 182. IEffectiveness SpeCial Tests 186. RFP NO. I LINE ITEM SYSTEM lJata Computation Subsystem :;I'OUp . APPROVED BY (NAMi. I lilt & DEPARTIViNTI 1 /-' I, '..A,.. t \ I . ! ",t\" (\", ,',.. "".' ,...' ~'. I DWE AOD IAOD ASREO I ASREQ AOD+20 Branc!l Mallager Data Management Branch MOL Contracts 12.5 17S 108'01 1, 512 1 43.0 602 7.5 105 3.0 42 DATE APPROVED " I 7 -14 .. Oil . . .0-111. 11-... ( Continued) Page 1:3 of 14 SUBCONTRACTOR DATA W£ ITEM NO. SYSTEM lJata Computation REQUIRE~NTS LIST -- RFP NO. SUBCONTRACT NO. ::;uiJsystem Group SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TITLE TASK REFERENCE DATA ITEM NO. FORM NO. 187. ( Item Test Plan (Computer Program) REQUIRED BY FREQ. & NO. OF (BRANCH OR SECTION COPIES SDl-T-030 SO ----- AS OF DATE ------- DLE DATE EST MlH EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. ------- a 2.2. 10 Slil-T-030 SD 187.2 OCSG Support Software 2.2.3 YDI-T-030 SO 187.3 DCSG On-Orbit Software 2.2. 3 S01-T-030 SO :-'01-T-031 SD 187. PSCS and LPSS Software Time Milestone Milestone lR/5N 2-15 2 lO.O $ 2,80 2,0.0 2,80 40.0 560 a a I 188.0 Item Test Procedures (Computer Program) S[JI-T-031 2.2. 10 188.1 PSCS and LPSS Software 188.2, OCSG Support Software 188.3 OCSG On-Orbit Software -t-- Time Milestone Milestone lR/3N 2-30 2 sD Time Milestone Milestone lR/5N 2-15 2 ---- ------ ------- a Time Milestone lR/5N 4-13 Milestone 4 50.0 700 o Time Milestone lR/5N 4-30 Milestone 4 50.0 700 a Milestone 4 100.0 1,400 100.0 1,400 100.0 1,400 200.0 2,800 2.2. 3 :'UI-T-031 SO 2.2. 3 SDI-T-031 sJ Time Milestone lR/5N 4-15 S01-T-032 SO ----- S01-T-032 SO I 189.0 Item Test Report (Computer Program) ------ ------ o 2.2. 10 189.1 PSCS and !..PSS Software Time Milestone Milestone 5 lR/5N 5-15 a 189.~ SllI-T-032 2.2. 3 OCSG Support Software SO Time Milestone Milestone 5 lR/5N 5-30 a PREPARED BY CHAW .. FUNCTIONAL DEPART~NT SnI-T-032 2..2. 3 189.3 DCSG On-Orbit Software TITLE) W. Gray, Ext 4110, Data Management Group DATE PREPARED II Sep 66 SI) APPROVED BY (NAME, TITLE .. DEPARTMENT) / \ !)'J C-- i .• :.L.c ( \C( f It Time Milestone Milestor.e 5 IR/5N 5-15 Branch Manager Data Management Branch MO!. Contracts DATE APPROVED :, .',.- ! ,7 -15 -f 1"0"'" '0_'''' "-II. (Continued) Pae:e 14 of 14 LINE ITEM NO. 16l. RFP NO. SYSTEM [lata Computation SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREMENTS LIST SUBCONTRACT NO. Subsystem 'iroup SUBCONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. TInE Recommended Spare Parts List TASK REFERENCE REQUIRED BY FREQ. & (BRANCH NO. OF OR SECTION COPIES DATA ITEM NO. FORM NO. lR/4N Dl£ DATE EST MlH EST PREP. REQ FOR COST FOR SINGLE PREP. SINGLE PREP. I~on~est ASREQ as S lJI- V -007 2.8. 10 AS OF DATE C'ND Lea Time Item -',0 ---- ---- , I , I I I ---- -+ - - -- I I _._---j *Price for Fixed Price incentive contract 0 --- --- lly PREPARED BY (NAME & FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT TITLEI DATE PREPARED W. Gray, Ext 4110, Data Management '.;roup 11 Sep 66 APPROVED BY (NAME, TITLE & PEPARTMENTI ' . r (I "'~\-U L \( \': ,il:" , '( L~r - nc. lv1anager Oat,. Mdl1agement Branch MO.' Contracts DATE APPROVED / 7 -16 Table 7-2 RECOMMENDED CHANGES/COMMENTS TO SDRL Title SDRL No. -.J SDI No. Recommendation 118. Financial Forecast Report A-005 Delete - Reason: Not required on Fixed Price Incentive Programs. 192. 1 PSCS and LPSS Software C-028 Change due date from 1-2-67 to 2-15-67. Reason: This Program Preparation Processor Document depends on the Executive Control Program SDRL 192.3, which is scheduled for delivery on 3 -1-67. 174.3 DCSG On-Orbit Software C-025 Delete - Reason: It is redundant and conflicts with SDRL 193.3 and SDI-H-009. 8. Preservation and Packaging Data (Subcontractors Standard Format) L-OOI Comment: Revision date should be ASREQ + 15. 160. Transportation and Transportability Report L-007 Delete - Reason: We have no equipment which will produce the problems indicated with SDI. 23. Problem Analysis Report M-019 Comment: Provide on a monthly basis only as problems arise. 14. Motion Picture Coverage (Footage) M-024 Comment: In conjunction with our budgets, only 100 feet per month for 31 months will be provided under the SDI. 56. Log Book P-OOI Comment: Log books per P-OOI are considered applicable to production prototype and production equipments only. -.J .. Tabel 7-2 (cont'd) SDRL No. Title SDI No. Recommendation Informal log books will be maintained on Engineering prototype equipment. Attachment F - No components in the deliverable CEI's are considered as reliability critical. Attachment G - Missing; acceptance pending receipt and review of attachment. Attachment M - No components or items are considered as requiring replacement at a specified calendar time. -.] ...... Attachment N - No components in the deliverable CEI's are considered as subject to deterioration with time. 00 Attachment Q - No deliverable hardware is classified as loose items. IBM feels that these five items do not apply. 35 GFAE Shortage/Status Report P-OI2 Delete - Reason: on this program. 181. AVE Subsystem and MissionCritical AGE Parts Approval Request R-040 Comment: This item is considered applicable only to AVE, since IBM's MGE is not classified as Mission Critical AGE. First list will be preliminary and updates will be provided on a monthly basis through CDR. No GFAE is required Table 7 -2 (cont'd) SDRL No. Title SDI No. 138. OGE Design Support Requirements S-038 Comment: Provide a third submittal at ATP + 240. 168. Calibration Requirements S-045 IBM feels that the requirements of this data item do not apply to AVE. It only applies to MGE. 75. Ground Test Plan T-OOI Ground Test Plan (Test Summary Sheet), Qualification Test Plan, and Effectiveness Test Plan. IBM feels that the requirements of this data item do not apply to MGE. It only applie s to AVE. -J ...... ~ Recommendation 84. Formal Qualification Test Report T-008 Comment: IBM feels that the requirements of these data items do not apply to MGE. They only apply to AVE. 164. Test Control Drawings (TCD's) T-020 Comment: IBM feels that the requirements of these data items do not apply to MGE. They only apply to AVE. 183. Test Methods and Control Plan T-025 Comment: IBM feels that the requirements of these data items do not apply to MGE. They only apply to AVE. 185. Hardware Qualification Configuration Summary T-027 Comment: IBM feels that the requirements of these data items do not apply to MGE. They only apply to AVE. Table 7-2 (cont'd) SDRL No. -J Title SDI No. Recommendation 186. Reliability Critical Items Data Summary T-028 Comment: This item applies to production deliveries only. 202. Acceptance Summary Report T-029 Comment: This item applies to production units only. 161. Recommended Spare Parts List V-007 Delete - Reason: No requirement at present. Will be negoti~ted later as a contract change. Note: Attachment IIB to the RFP specifies SDRL Item 74, Financial Management Report, in conjunction with SDI-M-013, while SDRL specifies SDI-M-012, for same report. Since both SDI's are identical, we recommend deleting M-013 for purposes of clarity. I tv o The financial reporting requirements will be firmly resolved at the meeting between Douglas and IBM Financial Representatives on October 25 in Owego (Ref: Douglas letter A3-174-EIOO-L-429 dated 30 September 1966). Table 7-3 REVISED SDRL SUBMITTAL DATES SDRL # Title SDI # Initial Due Date Proposed Revision Manpower Utilization Report A-004 LSM +10 (Oct. 5) Nov. 9 Configuration ManageITlent Accounting Reports (Machine Inputs) C-012 24th of Month 24th of Mo. beginning with FACI-30 191. 1 PrograITlITling Support COITlputer SysteITl (PSCS) and Laboratory PrograITlming Support SysteITl (LPSS) Software C-027 Milestone 2 (Nov. 1) Nov. 15 191. 3 DCSG On-Oribt Software C-027 Milestone 2 (Nov. 1) Nov. 15 200. Technical RequireITlents Specification (TRS) (CoITlponent) Part I C-029 PDR- 20 (Oct. 9) Oct. 30 42. Drawings (Design Evaluation) E-OOI PDR-IO (Oct. 19) Nov. 8 43. Mock-Up Drawings E -006 ATP +40 (Oct. 11) Oct. 31 Interface Control Drawings E-008 PDR - 10 (Oct 19) Nov. 8 139.2 21. --J N ...... 201. Table 7 -3 (contld) SDRL # -..] Title SDI # Initial Due Date Proposed Revision 25. 3 Summary Network M-002 Time Now + 5 Nov. 11 24. PERT TWX M-003 Time Now +2 Nov. 11 22. PERT /Time Computer Printout M-004 Time Now + 4 Nov. 11 12. Management Action Report M-007 Time Now + 5 Nov. 11 2. Program Progress Report M-015 EOM+ 5 (Oct. 5) Nov. 5 7. Douglas Interface Accounting Log (DIAL) M-016 Coff W/LTST Nov. 14 PERT Coff +3 26. Financial Planning and Control System Data Inputs M-020 LSM + 10 (Oct. 5) Nov. 9 10. Milestone Reports M-021 Weekly (Fri. + 3) TED 14. Motion Picture Coverage (Footage) M-024 EOM+ 5 Nov. 5 IN N • Table 7·3 (cont'd) SDRL # -.J I Title SDI # Initial Due Date +5 Proposed Revision 13. Still Photo Coverage M-025 EOM 143. Hardware Schedule s M-032 ATP + 45 (Oct. 15) Su brni t with Proposal 148. Cost Account Dictionary M-035 ATP + 30 (Oct. 1 ) Nov. 18 157. Quality Assurance Prograrn Plan P-003 ATP + 30 (Oct. 1 ) Nov. 1 156. Production Plan and Data p-006 ATP + 45 (Oct. 15 ) Nov. 15 114. Graphic Illustration Data Requirernents R -012 ATP + 30 (Oct. 15 ) Oct. 30 Parts Failure Rate Data Report R -016 ATP + 45 (Oct. 15) Nov. 3 134. Systern Effectiveness Status Report R -026 EOM + 10 (Oct. 9) Oct. 31 166. Effectiveness Analysis Reports R -036 ATP + 45 (Oct. 15) Nov. 10 IV IN 44. Nov. 5 Table 7 - 3 (cont'd) SDRL # -.J I N Title SDr # Proposed Revision 178. Training and Motivation Program Plan R-037 ATP + 45 (Oct. 15) Nov .. 18 181. AVE Subsystem and Mission -Critical AGE Parts Approval Request R-040 PDR- 30 (Sept. 29) Oct. 29 121. Mass Properties Report S-003 ATP + 35 (Oct. 5) Nov. 5 162. Contamination Control Plan S-013 ATP + 30 (Oct. 1 ) Nov. is 127. Circuit Return Analysis S-037 PDR - 10 (Oct. 19) Nov. 8 138. aGE Design Support Requirements S-038 PDR - 10 (Oct. 19) Nov. 8 163. Maintenance Data Sheets Subcontractor Requirements S-044 ATP + 30 (Oct. 1) Oct. 30 Development Test Plan T-OOI ATP + 120 (Dec. 24) Jan. 15 Electro-M~gnetic T-013 ATP 30 (Oct. 1) ~ 75. 1 4 Llnitial D"G.e Date Compatibility + Oct. 31 ~ Table 7 -3. (cont1d) SDRL # -J I tv U1 Title SDI # Initial Due Date Proposed Revision 183 Test Methods and Control Plan T -025 ATP + 30 (Oct. 1) Oct. 31 187. 1 PSCS and LPSS Software T-030 Milestone 2 (Nov. 1) Nov. 15 187.3 DCSG On-Orbit Software T-030 Milestone 2 (Nov. 1) Nov. 15 Section 8 COST EXHIBITS FUNCT[ONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SCW/CE NO. TOUL PROGRAM OCSG PHASE I I NON-RECURRING HOUIlS DOllARS RECURRING HOURS DOllARS HOURS TOUL DflllARS A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1 • LABOR A 20,511 58,882 150,262 86,158 45.276 R C I) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. F BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURC HA SF flURDEN TOTAL 361,089* 118,718 399,364 790,381 360,166 136,947 2,299,590 107,760 18,525 99,456 5,611 $4,396,518* 1,126 9,363 126,760 10,349 3,"39 272,616 343,808 154,Q46 35,076 9, I'll 671,060 77,466 74,23(') 40,"00 2,160 $1,636,553* 12,544 32,Qll 23,707 110,639 7.29,443 126,39A 10,716 31,411 41)0,574 3,30t) 63,411 79,378* $Q65,236* 202,230* 15,592 11,730 lJ.,074 138,715 76,631 59,186 15,592 11,230 11,074 37,896* 14B,476 105,140 17,688 961' $546,796* 150,637* 9,988 63,951 675,118 44,208 Q,353 961,995 6,274 2A,734 4,71)('1 268 $1 , 80 4, 5 S 9* 21,637 6B,245 277,027 Q6,507 4'3,315 511,726* 18A,706 463,315 1,465,4Qq 4,)4,374 146,3('10 3,261,5'3<; 114,"34 47,25Q 11)4,156 5,879 $6,2'11,107* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A 31,242 50,681 29,460 8,452 3,O17 R C I) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. E BURDEN COMPUTFR TPAVEL PURC HA SES PURCHASE BURDEN TnTAL 122,852* 43,786 E13,592 53,167 8,452 13,2'33 3A3,755 513,251 2Bl,344 35,1'16 40,667 1,0?7,634 81',766 137,641 40,01)0 2,16 0 $2,61)1,789* D. CllSTOMER PREMISF 1 • LABOR A B C f) 2. 3. 4. 5. 138,115 76,631 59,1 Af:> I: BURDEN TRAVH PURCHASES PURCHA SE BURDEN TOTAL * $* :n,Oll* 77,8'31'> 151.33" 369 79,1 Q5 4,411 839,876 41,217 $1,200,21'!3* 148,476 1 (1<; ,l4r) 17,1'>88 37,896* ClMl $546, 79f::* E. MANUFACTlJR ING 1 • LABOR 2. BUROFN 3. CDMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUROEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SlJBCnNTRACT BlJRnEN 23.011 TOTAL 142,88'1 142,880* 486,183 <)45,366 6,521) 2,047,229 113,352 1,r)07,224 5'5,857 $4,661,731* 165,B91 165,891* <;64,n6 Q 1,(\<)6,696 6,A88 2,126,424 117,763 1,847,1on 103,(\14 $5,867,014* F. TECHN ICAl PURL ICA HONS 1• 2. 3. 4. 5. J. 1. 2. 3. 4. LABOR BURDEN ·TR AVEl PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ES TI MATED TOTAL COST PRnFIT SELLING PRICE System 360/30 I PIv\ Commercial Seiling Price 6,553 TOTAL 30,659 27,538 3,21)0 171 $61,574* 6,553* 5,496 5,496* 75,799 23,144 1,57 "3,33 20 $54, (156* l $8, (l32, 41) 8* $1,166,219* $Cl,IClA,627* $919,948* $10,118,575* $7,29",928* ,038,459* $8,333,387* $833,489* $9,166,816* n 12,049 12,(\49* 56,458 50,682 1 ,<;75 6,535 3M $ 11 5 , (,3 n* $15,327,336* $2,204,67B* $I 7,532,"14* $1,753,437* $1'~,2R<; ,451 * $400, 260 Total Seiling Price $19,685, 711 8-1 FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRAC T DC SG PHASE II SOW/CE No.1 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINHRING-ESC I • LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES n. PURCHASE BURIJEN TOTAl RECURRHIG HOURS DOllAR S 3,153 8,246 8,557 14,374 2,958 27,730 56,213 45,328 61,463 9,096 238,915 3,052 6,555 280 4,189 1,725 1,214 700 37,288* 5448,352* 8,108* 4,972 623 33,581 3,261 2,537 28,482 9,421 5,342 2,2'33 51,952 654 2,050 HOURS TOTAl DOLLARS 3,433 12,435 10,282 15,588 3,658 3(1,267 84,695 54,749 66,81)0; 11 ,329 29(1,867 "",7(1f, 8,605 st02,671* 45,396* $551,023* 776 18,574 459 958 6,904 131,349 2,449 2,991 103,641 15,930 776 23,546 1,082 958 6,91')4 164,930 5,71(1 2,991 132,270 lA,341) B. ENGINEEPtNG-SSC 1 • LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. f::. A B C D F BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVH PURCHA SES PURCHASE 8URDEN 28,629 410 TOTAL 5,595* 565,8f:H* 2(\,767* $263,264* 26,362* $329,14'5* TOTA L * $* * $* * 5* TOTAL * 58,555 3,278 $61,833* * $* .. 58,555 3,278 $61,833* O. CUS H'MER PRE"'YSE 1 • LABOR A B C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. E BURflEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANlJF AC TUR YNG I • LABOR 2. BLJRIJEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TFCHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,YRAD, GEN. RES. 2. FSTIMATEO TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SFLltNt; PRICE TOTAL 4,969 23,289 20,921 4,969* $44,210* * $620,276* $89,313* $709,589* $70,974* $780,563* $* $365,935* $53,691* $419,626* $41,976* $/t61,6!)2* 8-2 4,9'>9 23,289 2(1,921 4,969* $44,?1"* $986,211 * $143,0')4* $1,129,715* $112,950* $1,242,165* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II LAB VEHICLE SYSTEM HARDWARE SOlo/ICE NO.2 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN B. ENGINEFRING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURC HA SE S f. PURCHASE RlJRDEN 12,252 41,228 114,044 58,656 25,988 TOTAl. 252,168* 29,657 39,141 26,202 8,452 2,n80 TOTAL 106,132* 106,31n 219,452 599,699 244,051 78,493 1,607,179 61,196 4,050 97,456 5,497 $3,083,456* 258,636 269,238 131,490 35,016 6,266 542,328 16,158 51,080 40,000 2,160 $1,424,432* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 2. BURDEN 3. TPAVEL 4. PURCHASES D E 5. PURCHASE BURDEN F. MANUFACTURING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUROEN 6. SUBC ON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL !lUSL ICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TPAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAO. GFN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICE TOTAL * $* 19,332* 65,466 127,209 '368 64,?B6 3,516 689,688 38,821 S989,414* 19,332 TOTAL 315 TOTAL 315* RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 846 5,032 121,501 9,135 2,310 138,824* 2,449 I, q 20 1,451 34,51)3 646,9'51 38,866 1,032 886,439 5,620 ?6,684 4,500 257 $1,658,31)3* 16,715 11),113 22,335 HOURS 13,098 46.260 235,545 67,791 28,298 390,992* 29,651 42,190 28,122 8,452 2,n80 9!)O 4,369* TOTAL DOLLARS 113,834 313 ,955 1,246,650 282,917 f'5,5;H; 2,493,618 66,816 31'),734 111,956 5,754 $4,741,759* 258,636 286,013 141,663 35,')76 6,?66 564,663 16,151'1 ':;7,980 40,0(1) 2,160 $1,474,61<;* S50,183* 111),51)1* 15,592 11,230 11,014 138,115 16,631 59,186 15,592 11 ,230 11,014 1'IB,l1" 16,631 59,lfl6 37,896* 148,416 105,140 17,68A 961) $'546,796* 37,896* 148,416 1"5,14(1 17,68A 96fJ S'546,796* 125,531 125,531* 427,44'3 831,089 6,520 1,150,425 96,161 871,251"1 48,273 $4,f'l3l,161* 1,465 1.317 144,863 144,863* 315 1,00" 56 $3,838* * $'5,501,140* $780,538* $6.281,678* $628,292* $6,909,97rt* $* S6,287,043* $914,361* $7,20 I, 4-)4* 5720,186* $7,921,592* 8-3 315* 492,90Q 958,29A 6,RAII 1,814,711 101"1,337 1,561',938 87,1"194 $5,(121,175* 1,465 l,H7 1,000 56 $3,R38* $11,788,183* SI,6Q4,89Q* S13.4R3,OB2* $1,348,480* $14,831,562* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRAC T nCSG PHASE II SnW/CE NO. 3 AEROSPACE GROUND EQUIPMENT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. FNGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A 5,106 44,605 B 9,065 61,380 C 22,805 119,813 D 13,128 54,652 F 16,330 49,358 2. BURDEN 420,339 3. COMPUTER 43,512 4. TRAVEl 6,560 'i • PURCHASES 2,000 6. PURCHASE RURnEN 114 TOTAL 66,434* S802,333* R. FNGINFERIIIlG-SSC 1 • LABOR A 462 1,243 175 B C D E BURDEIll COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR IIllG 1 • LABOR 2. BUPDEIll 3. CDMPUTER 4. PURCHASFS 5. PURCHASE BURnEN t:. SURC ON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT RURnEN F. TECHNICAL PUBL ICA TI ONS 1. LABOR 2. BUpnEIIJ 3. TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. Tn TAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IR~D, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATFD TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SEllllIJG PR ICE 142 3,534 966 18,746 29 88 23,604 HOURS 5,106 9,207 26,339 13,128 16,359 200 3,70')* 11 $43,615* 4,002 8,422 923 2. 3. 4. 5. D. CUSTOMFR PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN ~. TRAVEL 4. PURC HASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 7'),139* 462 1,243 175 9,639 1,308 2,110 $26,404* * $* 1,880* TOTAL * $* * $* * 9,599 18,572 ')8,74(1 114,277 17,349 2'),189 ?96,804 16,591 TOTh L 2,840* $?8,171* 1,269 5,<)05 5,300 1,269* 44,6"5 62,~46 138,559 54,652 49,446 443,943 43,512 6,<;6'1 2,20 n 125 $845,948* 4,00? Fl,42? 923 9,6'1 0 1,880* TOTAL DOLLARS 1,3')8 ? ,lln TOTIIL 2,840 TOTAL 17,349* $486,412* * $870,4~4* $* S530,027* $75,588* $ 60 5,61 <;* $6(\,562* $666,177* $125,197* S995,631* $99,564* $I ,095, 195* 8-4 $* . 68,339 132,849 296,~04 16,591 20,189* 1,269 2,200 121 $13,526* $2/'.,404* 1,26°* $514,583* 5,905 5,300 2,20" 121 $13,526* $l,40 n ,461* $2n n ,785* $ 1 ,6" 1 ,246* $16",126* $1,761,~72* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CON TRAC T nCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 4 TRAINING NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR TRAVEL "5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUROF.N RECURRING HOURS DOL LAR S TOUl HOURS OOLLARS . TOTAL * $* * B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B 2. RURDFN 4,3')1 34,262 622 6,387 C 0 E * TOTA L $* 4,301 34,26? 622 6,387 35,254 11,416 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHA SES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN $* 35,254 11 ,416 $* 7,00"1* $PO:;.233* 7,009* $R5,233* D. CUSHlMER PREMI SE 1 • LABOR A B C 2. BURDEN 0 F 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOIl 2. BURDEN 3. CO"'PUTER 4. PUPCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBUCATfONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 •. TRAVFl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASF BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY C~STS 1. Gt:A,IRAO, GEN. RES. 2. ES Tf MA TEf) TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELL IlliG PR ICE TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOUL * $* * $* * $* 2,631 TOTAL * 2,631* S* 12,356 1l,OQ5 1,.575 $25,016* $111),249* $1';' 993* $126,242* $12,627.* $138,864* $* $* $* $* $* 8-5 2,631 2,631* 12,356 11,085 1,575 525,Olf,* $110,24Q* S15,993* $126,242* $12,622* SI3B,864* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT f)CSG PHASE II SYSTEM TEST SOW ICE NO. 5 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS RF.CURRING HOURS OOllARS TOTAL HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEFRING-ESC 1 • LABOR " 343 495 B 2. BURDEN 3. 4. 5. 6. C D E COMPUTER TRAVEL PURC HASES PURCHASE BUROEN 2,319 2,599 343 495 2,319 ?,599 5,303 5,3()'1 TnTAL B38* $10, ::'21* * $* IBB* $ln,221* TOTAL * $* * $* * ~* TOTAL * $* * $* * '* B. ENGINFERING-SSC 1. LABOR A fl 2. 3. 4. 5. [,. C 0 E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PRF"'IISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURC HA SE S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR 4. PURC HA SE S '5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. -TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS GGA, IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICE B39 2,821 '5,'549 TOTAL B39* 7,514 428 8,913 5()B $25,733* TOTAL * $* 2,8?1 5,54(1 839 7,514 428 $35,954* $4,956* $40,910* $4,"9Z* $45,r)()2* $* 83q* $25,733* * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* 8-6 8,91'1 'H18 * $35,954* $4,956* $4 (1,91 (1* $4,092* $45,O()2* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRAC T DCSG PHASE II PROGRAM DOCLMENTATION SOW/CF NO. 7 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS RECURR(~G HOURS DOllARS TOTAl. HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEER ING-E SC 1. LABOR A B C 0 F. BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES f.. PURCHASE aUPDEN 2. 3. 4. 5. TOTAL * $* * $* * $* B. ENGINEFRING-SSC I • LABOR A R 2. 3. 4. 5. f>. C D E BUROEN COMPUTER TPAVEl PURCHASES PURCHASE BUf/DEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE I • LABOR A B C 0 E 2. AURDEN 3. TPAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. tABOR 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUROEN 6. SUBC ON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUAL[ CA TI ONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 •. TRAVFL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTI MATEO TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICE 2,414 12,760 2,414 12,76" 1,908 5,831 21,926 1,9"fI 5,8:n 21,Q26 1,230 1,7.3" TOTAL * s* 4.322* $41,747* 4,322* $41,747* TOTAl * $* * $* * $* * 12,152 674 $12,826* TOTAL * • $* 2,865 TOTAl * $* 2,865* $* $* $* $* $* 12.152 674 $12,826* 13,443 12,059 3,335 21)3 $29,040* $83,613* $12,076* $95,689* $9,578* $105,267* 8-7 2,865 2, fl6'5* 13,443 12.fl59 3,335 203 $29,040* $83,6n* $12,076* $9'5,689* $9,578* S105,267* .-.-.------~-- i .... ------- .' FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOWICE NO. B PROGRAM MANAGEMENT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 4,361 0 2. 3. 4. '>. 6. 4,361 TOTAL DOLLARS 22,942 27,854 1,360 1,36" 4,361* $52,156* 1,123 4,725 2,460 937 9,97fl 32,567 13,272 2,92":; 46,464 14,630 11,768 11,266 12,521 1,351) 103,735 77,018 66,154 22,649 217,418 3,300 33,9'\5 12,891 15,991 14,987 8,287 113,713 109,5"":; flO,I)26 25,'514 263,882 3,301) 48,565 TOTAL 9,245* $119,836* 42,911* $524, fl"9* 52,156* $644,645* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * 7,395 407 82,720 4,610 S95,132* * 123,822 6,910 $130,737* * $n5,864* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* A R t D E BUROEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL HOURS '21 ,854 B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LAMA 2. 3. 4. 5. 22,942 F BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S * $* 4,361* $":;2,15"* D. CUSTOMER PRENIISE 1 • LABOR A B 7. 3. 4. 5. C 0 E BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BUROEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ({)MPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PlJRCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN IC AL PUBLICATIONS 1. LA80R 2. BURDEN 3. ,TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 7. 3. 4. TOTAL EACTORY COSTS G&A,IQ,AD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROf IT SELL ING PRICE $267,124* $38,45'5* $305,579* $30,567* $336,146* $655,541* $94,511)* $75"',051* $70;,(122* $825,On. 8-8 7,395 407 2/)6,542 11,520 $922,665* $l3? ,965* ,/)55,630* $105,589* $1,161,219* $I FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT WNTRACT OCSG PHASE II SnW/CF NO. 15 SYSTEMS EFFECTIVENESS EN7 tiON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1 • LA BOR A B 3,153 8,246 11,557 14,374 2,958 C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVH 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL B. !'NG INE!'R ING-SSC 1. LABOR A A C 7. 3. 4. 5. BUROEN COIo\PUTER TRAVEL PURCHA SES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 27,7,0 56,213 45,328 61,463 9,096 238,915 3,"52 6,555 37,288* 4,972 623 0 E RECURRltiG HOURS DOLLARS ;lAO 4,189 1,725 1,214 7(11'1 8,10A* ~448,352* 33,581 3,261 28,629 410 ~ HOUR S TOTAL DOLtARS 2,5,7 28,482 Q,421 5,342 2,233 51, CJ5? 654 2,OC;O '1,433 12,435 10,282 15,588 3,658 31'1,767 fl4,695 54,749 "6,Ane; 11 ,3?CJ 291),867 ,,706 1I,6'1C; 102,671* 45,396* $551,023* 776 18,574 459 95A "',904 131,349 7,449 7,991 103,641 15,9,0 176 23,546 1, OR? <;158 6,904 1(,4,9"0 5,710 7,991 132,270 1"',340 TOTAL 5,595* $(,5,881* 20,7(,7* $263,264* 26,362* $329,145* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * 58,"'55 3,278 $61,833* * U * 58,55'" 3,778 $61,833* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A A 2. 3. 4. 5. C D E BURDEN TRAVFL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1 • LABOR 7. BURDEN 3. CO"'lPUTFR 4. PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN SUBCONTRACT 7. SURCONTRACT BUROEN "."'. F. TFCHNICAL PUBLICA TrONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN ::I. TRAVEL 4 • PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY cnSTS Gf. A, IRIID, GEN. RES. FS T IMA TEO TOTAL COST PROFIT SELL ING PRICE TOTAL 4,969 23,289 20,9?! 4,969* $44,211)* * S62 n ,276* $89,313* H09,589* $70,974* $180,563* $* S365,935* $53,691* S419,626* $41,976* $4"1,61)2* 8-9 4,969 23,289 2",921 4,969* $44,21a* * $9fl6 ,211 $143,"04* $1,l?9,215* S112,95"* $1,242,16'3* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR RFPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE SOWICE NO. 2201 [[ l V COW.,ON NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS RECURR HIG HOURS nOllAR S HOURS TOTAL rlOllARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A R C 2. BURDEN 0 E 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PlJRCH.4SES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN TOTAL * $* * B. fNG[NEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B 584 4RA C 0 E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVel PURCHASE'S 6. PURCHASE BUROEN 2. 3. 4. 5. $* 4,093 2,626 * 584 486 5,321 <:JOr) TOTAL * $* 1,072* $12, <:J40* 3,5B4 19,562 $* 4,09~ 7,62f:> 5,321 91)" 1,072* $12,940* D. CUSHlMER PREPAISE 1. LA80R A B 2. 3. 4. 5. C 0 E BUROEf'4 TRAVFl PURCHASES PURCHASE RUROEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COIIIPlITER 4. PURCHASES '5. PURCHASE BUROEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LA80R 7. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEl 4. PURCH.~SES '5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A, [RAD, GEN. RES. 2. FSTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SElLING PR[CE' 3,584 14,326 1",660 19,567 14,326 1 n,66r) TOTH * $* 3,584* $44,548* 3,584* $44,54R* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* $57, 4~8* $8,457* $65,945* $6,593* 172,538* 8-10 $57,488* $8,4'57* $65,945* $6,593* $72,'53R* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTPACT DCSG PHASE II SnW/CE NO. 220R5110 DCSG HARDWARE DESIGN NON-qF.CURRING HOURS DOLLARS RFCURRING HOURS DOLLARS HOURS TOTAL DOLLARS A. E:NG INEER lNG-ESC 1 • LABOR A 10,896 25,583 B C 4~,542 [l 32,101 20,972 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEL 15. PURCHASES ~. PURCHASF. BURDEN TOTAL 133,696. 94,614 172,56? 227,183 135,313 63,326 854,091 41,1)96 2,1)15 52,00(1 2,952 $1,645,772. 10,896 25,583 41,542 32,703 20,972 * $* 133,696* 94,614 172,562 27.7,781 135,313 63,326 854,Ocn 41,1'96 ? ,035 5~,O(l(l 2,q'5~ $1,645,772* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • l.ABOR A f3 C 0 E 2. 8URDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEL ~. PUPCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL 20,618 23,110 1('),455 2,194 2,080 119,166 156,151 54,768 9,116 6,266 299,091 3,1013 36,490 58,517* $745,362* * $* 20,618 23,110 10,455 2,194 2,(180 119,166 156,151 54,7613 58,517* $745,362* 9,11{' (',266 299,n91 3,108 36,490 D. CUSTOMER PREMI SE 1. lABOR .A 15,592 11,231' 7,490 138,715 16,631 3Q,624 $* 524,264 29,569 $553,833* B C 0 15,592 11,230 1,490 138,715 76,631 39,624 34,312* 134,150 94,480 17,688 9"('1 $502,248* 34,312* 134,150 94,481) 17,('88 9M> $502,2413* * $* * 524,264 2Q,569 $55-",833* '" 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL * E. MANUEAC TlIP IlliG 1• 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. LABOR BURDEN COMPUTER PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN SlJBCCNTRACT SUBCONTRACT BURDEN TOTAL * F. TECHNICAL PURL ICATIONS 1• 2. 3. 4. 5. J. 1. LABOR BURDEN ·TRAVEL PURC HA SE S PURCHASE' BURDEN TOTAL FACTORY CI1STS G&'A,[~AD, GEN. RES. 2. FSTlMATEO TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SEll ING PRICE 315 TOTAL 315* 1,465 1,311 315 1,1)00 56 $3,838* * $2,948,805* 413,479* $3.362.2R4* $336.210* S3,698,554* $* $51) Z, 2413* $12,4-"9* $'>74,681* $57,47'1* $632,151* 8-11 315* 1,465 1,317 1,000 56 $3,8313* $3;451,053* 485,918* $3,9'l6,cnl* S393,740* $4.33'"',111* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR RF.PORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE I [ SOW ICE NO. 221:'85150 DC SG ON BOARD PROG/PROCE4 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS RECURRING HOURS DOllARS HOUPS TnUl OOllARS A. ENG INEER ING-FSC 1 • LABOR A R C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. CO~PUTF.R 4. TRAVEL 5. PURC HASES PURCHASE BUQDEN ". TrJTAL * $* TOTAL 21,532* 22,103 35,448 21,239 110,n21 44,0;00 5,130 40,0('1) 2,160 $32E1,c;08* * TOTAL * $* TOTU * TOTAL * $* * $* $* 21,532* 22,103 41,301 ~5,448 7.1,239 110,027 44,5(11) 5,13') 40,oon 2.160 $32A,508* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* * B. ENG INEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDFt<.! 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEL 'i. PURCHASE'S 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 2,626 7,002 6,183 5,121 2,626 7,002 0,183 5,121 1,1, '10 1 D. CUSTOMER PREp.lISE 1 • LABOR A B C n E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL I, • PURC HA SE S 5. PURCHASF RUROF.N E'. MANUFAC TUR TNG 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASE'S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. HCHN ICAL PUBL ICA TI ONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. .TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES ~. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1• 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS G&A,IRAD. GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF I T SELLIN(; PRICF $328,50~* $* $* $* $* $* $46,712* $375,22(,* $31,526* $412,746* 8-12 Sl?I'l,5fl8* $41'- ,712* $37S,2?n. $37,526* $412,746* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DC SG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 2208520t'l A. ENG HIEFR ING-E SC 1. LABOR A 1'\ C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE AURDF.N OCSG DEVElOPMFNT TEST NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 971 4,7C!f> 7,682 4,339 1,166 TOTAL 8,415 32,7'H 40,614 lR,244 3,C;~1 RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 616 3,007 27,642 1,998 47? 120,782 18,954* 4,3(1) 745 $228,98!:!. 33,735* 6,323 7,178 4,532 55,387 48,994 23,995 1,86'5 1,432 5,437 20,582 145,406 1'1,403 1,435 213,635 500 2~ $ 39 5,426* HOURS 1,'587 7,803 35,324 ",3~7 1,638 Tn TAL nOLLARS n,R5? 1!1I'>,02t) 76,647 4,9bl'> 334,417 53,:nq 52,6B9* 4,860 77~ $624,414* 6,323 9,(143 5,964 55,3R1 61,(,76 3l,54? B. ENG I~'FERING-SSC ) . LABOR A B C 0 f 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 91,914 3,720 12,682 7,547 17,014 108,928 3,720 TnTAl 11'1,033* $224,010* 3,297* $37,243* 21,330* S261,253* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 57,055 3,138 $60,193* 45,357* 152,884 l,a9;> 517,666 ?8,947 291,245 16,02(') $ 1 , 307, 71 a* 45,357* 152,884 Z9 Q ,f'64 1,892 517,666 2A,947 341'1,'101'1 19,158 $I,3f>7,9It* $* * S* * '* D. CUSTOMER PREr04ISE 1. lABOR A 13 2. 3. 4. 5. C I) E BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. ". LABOR BtllH)EN COMPUTFR PURCHA SFS PURCHASE BURDEN SUBCONTRACT SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TEC HN IC AL PUBLrCATlONS 1. LABOR 2. BIJRDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASE'S 5. PURCHASE BUR.OEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. GCA,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. E'STIMATEO TOTAL cnST 3. PROF IT 4. SE'LLING PR.ICE 45,357 TOTAL TOTAL * $513,191* $74,489* S'5~7,('80* $58,784* $646,464* ;>9Q,"64 $I, 740,387* 25n,111* SI,990,49,,* $199,055* $Z,18Q,553* 8-13 45,357 ~7.,2'n,578* $324,600* $7,578.1.78* $257,8"9* $2,83(',Ot7* ----------- -----------------~-- --------~------------- --------------------- - - - - FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR RFPORT WNTRACT DCSG PHASE II Sml/CE NO. 22085300 DC SG QUALIFICATION TEST NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. F.NG INE'ER ING-E SC 1. LABOR A 385 3,020 9,541 6,15Q 1,777 A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. fl. C 0 E BURDEN COMPUTER TR AVEL PURCI-lASFS PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL ENGINEER ING-SSC I • LABOR A E. MANlIFAC TtJR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURf)E"! 3. CflMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCO"lTRACT 7. SUBCONTRt\CT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. -TR AVEL 4. PURCHASES 'i. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FAC TOR Y COSTS 1 • Gt:A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELL ING PRICE 20,882* 25,100 1,41) 5 $267,98B* * $* 20,882* DOllARS 3,354 20,814 511,7311 26,t)OI 5,370 133,M~8 1 ,57'<' 2'i, I 0" 1,4"" $267,91'18* TOTAL 4,632* $76,261* TnTAL * S* $* $* 31,161 1,714 B2,'l75* '" $* * 31,161 1,71.4 $37,875* * $* '" F D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEt-.! 3. TR AVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 385 3,(120 9,541 6,159 1,777 20,814 'iO,730 :?6,OOI 5,HO 133,688 ),526 TOTU 8,412 14,,.,04 2,623 23,872 17,750 9,000 I) 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASF.S 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 3"~54 HOURS 1,237 2,769 626 B C '2. BURDE"l 3. COMPUTH RECURRING HOURS DOllARS TOTAL TnTAL * 1,237 ;>,76 0 f,2f. * $* $377,124* Sc;4,'H2* $432,096* $43,233* $475,3:?9* $* $* $* $* $* $* 8-14 4,632* 8,412 14,604 7,673 23,B72 17,750 9,nl)" $76,261* $* $377,124* $'i4,9P* $43;> ,r"~6'" $43,233* S47'i,3:?9* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE It SOW/CE NO. 22085410 A. ENG INEER ING-E SC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COIolPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN L V HARDWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS PECURRING HOURe; DOLLARS HOURS TOTU DOLLARS TOTAL * S* 105,1)89* 2,014 13,921. 5'11,545 30,463 5,597 672,8(14 5,620 26,684 4,00'1 229 $1,262,877* TOTAL * $* * S* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 80,174* 274,55.9 532,025 4,678 1,237. , 759 67,P14 5"0,00<; 32,25~ $2,77.4,043* * $* 230 2,025 93,859 7,137 1,838 230 2,1'25 en,859 7,137 1,838 7,014 13,921 '501,545 30,463 5,597 67.2,1104 5,670 21'.,684 4,000 n9 10'5,(189* SI,267,877* 8. ENG INFERING-SSC 1. LA80R A B C [l E 2. BUROEf\! 3. COMPUTER 4. T~AVEL 'i. PURCH~SFS 6. PURCHASE BUROEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. T~AVFl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASFS 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA TI ONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 • .TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS 1. Gf:A,IRAD, GEN. RF.S. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE 80,174 TOTAL * $* 80,174* 274,559 '532,025 4,628 1,232,759 67,814 '580.00'5 32.253 $2,724,043* TOTAL * S* * S* $3,986,920* '<;83,354* S4,570,274* '457,07"* S5,027.344* $* S* $* '* S* 8-15 80,174 $3,986,92'1* $5"3,354* $4,570,274* $457,07(H' S,>,027,344* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II smaCE NO. 22085421 A. ENGINE'FRING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E' 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTE'R 4. TRAVE'L 13. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGTNE'ERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A R C D E 2. BURDEN 3. CCMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PPEM[SE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PlJRCHIISES 5. PURC HA SE BURDEN E. MANUFACTUR ING 1 • LABOR 7.. BURDEN 3. CO,..PUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BUR DEN F. TECHNICAL PURL [CATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A, [RAD, GEN. RES. FS TlMA TED TOTAL COST PROFIT SE'LLING PR ICE SPEC [AL TOOLITESr EQP OE:? NON-RFCURRING HOURS DOllARS 7.488 47.790 1,201 1,981 REClJRRI~G HOURS DOLLAR S TOTAL HOURS 50,940 251,224 29,982 0:;,992 40B,976 17,7"2 2,015 600 34 H67,46'H' * $* 64,460* 7,488 47,790 7,201 I, 9B 1 DOLLARS 50,940 251,224 29,982 5,992 4011,976 1 7 , 702 2,015 bOO 34 $767,465* TOTAL 64,460. TOTAL • $* * $* * $* TOTAL • 5* • $* * $* 2,036 6,864 13, ~94 6,864 13."94 2,036 TOTAL 2,036* $20,7.58* * U rOTA L * $* * $* $787,723* $113,166* $900,889* S90,117* S991,006* $* $* $* $* $* 8-16 2,036* 520,?5A* * $* 5787,723* $113,]66* $900,889* $90,117* $991,n0t.* FUNCTIONU COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 220R5424 SPEC rAL TOOl/TE HAROWARE NON-RECURR. f NG HOURS OOLLARS A. H1GINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A R 2 en 3,877 8,063 C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S 1,992 20,31!2 33,636 ?74 77,609 q2 HOUR S TOUL DOllARS 1,992 20,3R? 33,636 274 77,60C} 293 3,877 R,1'63 qz An 8H TOUL 12,325* 15,r)96 M4 $150,705* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* TOTAL 15,541* 52,445 In2,115 31,410 2,101 77,208 4,400 $215,139* * TnTAl. * $* * 12,325* 15,nc}6 844 $15",11)5* B. ENGfNEER ING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 2. 3. 4. 5. ". o. 0 F BURDEN COMPUTER Til AVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LARnR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVH 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN '* * $* $* 15,541* 5?,445 In2,115 11,470 2,11:'1 77,208 4,40n $215,139* S* * $* E. MANUfACTURII\IG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. ". LABOR BURDEN COMPUTfR PURCHA SES PURCHASf BURDEN SUBCONTRACT SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAl PUBLICATIONS 1. tABOR 2. BURDEN 3 •. TR AVF.l 4. PURC HASE S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1• 2. 3. 4. TPTAL fACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMtHED TOTAL COST PflOFlT SEll ING PRICE 15,541 15,547 $426,444* $60,5'n* $486,991* $48,111* $535,70B* $* '* $* $* $* 8-17 $426,444* $60,55"* $4R6,997* 548,711* $535,708* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASF. II SOW/CF NO. 22085430 A. FNG I NEE RI NG-F SC 1 • LABOR A B C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN SIL REFURBISHMENT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 48 1,612 191 RFCURRING HOURS DOLLARS 347 8,966 A75 12,033 HOURS 4B 1,612 191 TOTAL DOLLARS 347 A,966 875 12,033 TOTAL 1,B51* 300 17 $22,538* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 30(1 17 * $* 1,851* $22,538* B. ENGINFERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D F. 2. BURDEN 3. CO~PUTER 4. TRAVEL '5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PRE'1ISF 1. LABOR A P, c:I) F 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVH 4. PURC HA SE S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTF.R 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE P,URDEN fl. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBL ICA TlONS 1 • LABOR 2 • BURDEN 3. .TRAVF.L 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1• 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FAC TOR V COSTS G&A,IRAO. GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICF 1,749 6,1 c:; 7 11,700 368 26,816 1.415 TOTAL 1,749* $46,516* * TOTAL * $* * $69,<')54* SI0,159* S79,213* $7,92l* $87,134* 1,749 (',,157 1 1 ,70n %A 76,A}6 1 .475 S* 1,749* $46,516* $* * $* $* $* S* $* $* 8-18 $69,054* $l n ,159* $19,213* $7,921* $'17,134* ( FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOIo//CF NO. 22085900 ASSOC SUPPORT & SERVICES NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S TOTAL HOURS DnLLARS A. FNGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C !) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. F BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL $* * $* * $* B. ENG INfER ING- SSC 1• LABOR A 90 1,154 1,663 511 " C (1 2. BURDEN E 7SI) 7,7S0 8,67'5 2,09a 17,418 10,SOO 2,740 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEL '5. PURCHASES (-. PURCHASE BUROEN 90 1,154 1,663 511 7aO 7,780 A,1'o75 2,099 17,41S 11),800 2,740 *' * $* 3,418* $51),291* * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * s* * $* TOTAL 3,418* TOTAL $50,291 D. CUS TOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A R C 0 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES ". F PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES '5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BUR DEN F. TECHN ICAL PURL ICA liONS 1• 2. 3. 4. 5. J. LABOR BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL FJ\CTORY COSTS G&A,IRAO, GEN. RES. 2. ES TTMATED TOTAL COST 3. PRnF IT 4. SELL ING PRICE I • $50,291 * $7,01)8* $57,299* $5,73 0 * $63,029* $* $* $* $* $* 8-19 S<;0,791* $7,OOS* $'57,?99* $5,7'\0* $63,02 Q * FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT neSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 32035110 MGE IlF.SIGN NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1 • tABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEt 5. PURCHASES f:. PURC HA Sf BUROEN 5,106 9,065 19,768 13,128 16,330 TOTAL B. ENGINEER ING-SSC 1. LABOR A A C 462 1,243 3,046 16,120 19,362 3,046* S35,482* 4,002 8,422 9?3 175 f) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 63,397* 44,605 61,380 1"3,895 54,652 49,358 401,0'\6 43,512 6,560 2,000 114 $767,112* RECURRING HOURS IlOLLAR S HOURS 5,106 9,065 22,IH4 13,128 16,330 66,443* 462 1,243 175 TOTAt DOLL~RS 44,6('15 £,l,3RO 120,01'; 54,652 49,:\58 420,398 43,512 6,560 2,00') 114 $8('17.,594* 4,002 8,422 Q?3 E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURC HA SE BURDEN 9,639 1,308 9,6:-9 1 ,308 2,110 2,l1f) TOTAL 1,8Br)* S26,404* * $* 1,8BO* $26,404* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* D. CUSTOMER PRENII SE 1• L~BOR 2. BURDEN A B C D E TR AVFL 5. PURCHASE BURDEN ~. 4. PURCHASES E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. CO"!PUTER 4. PURCHASFS 5. PURCHASE' BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G£A,IRAD, GEN. RES. FSTINIATED TOTAL cnST PROFIT SHtING PI!Ir.F TOTAL TOTAL 2,840 9,599 18,572 2,840* $28,171* 1,269 5,905 5,3"" 2,200 1.21 $13,526* 1,269* 83'5 835* * S835,213* $120,184* S955,397* $<15,540* $1,050,9'H* 2,822 5,461 '\,675 12,421 7.4,0'\3 S8,283* 3,675* $'\6,454* 1,269 5,9no; '5,'\0(1 $* $43,765* S6,3R2* S50,147* S5,013* $55,1"0* 8-2.0 1,269* 2,20" 121 $13,526* S87R,97R* $126,5~"* $1,onO;,544* SI0 n ,553* S1,11)6,097* ~--~.---~~------~-~-~-- ------- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOWICF NO. 32015141 MGE HARDWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS HOURS TOUL DOLLARS A. ENG I NEE RI NG-E SC 1 • LABOR A B 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C I) F BURDEN C(1MPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE RURDEN B. ENG INEER ING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D f 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASF BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PRFMISE 1 • LABOR A B C 0 F 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 142 488 966 2,626 142 488 29 88 4,24;:1 29 11 * $* 659* $8,133* TOTAL * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* 8A 4,242 20n 200 TOTAL 966 2,626 659* 11 $8,133* $* * $* E. MANLJFAC TUR ING 1 • LABOR BUROEN COMPUTER PURCHASES PURCHASE RURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN 16,514 2. 3. 4. 5. F. HCHN ICAL PLJBLI CA TI ON S I • LABOR 2. BURDEN 'I. ~ TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FAC TOR V COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 7. ESTlMATfO TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELL ING PRICE 55,918 108,B16 16,514 296,804 16,591 55,918 108,816 296,804 16,591 TOTAL * $* 16,514* $478,129* 16,514* $478,129* TOT AL * $* * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* $486,262* $69,21)6* $555,468* $55,549* $611,017* 8-21 $48(0.,262* $1)9,21)6* $555,468* $55,549* $611,rI17* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 32035142 MGE SPECIAL TOOL/TEST EQ7 NON-RFCURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. FNGINEEIHNG-ESC 1. LABOR A A 3,0::\7 C 0 15,918 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEER ING-SSC 1. tABnR A B C f) F 2. AURDE~ 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN o. RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOUL HOURS DnLLARS 15,918 3,037 19,303 19,303 TOTAL 3,037* 535,221* * 5* 3,031* 535,27.t* TOTIAl * $* * 5* '" $* TOTAL * 5* * 5* * $* TOTAl. * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* CllS TOMER PREM I SE ] LABOR A B C . 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL PURCHASES 5. PURCHASF BURDEN ~ E. MANUFACTtJR ING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCI-lASES 5. PURCI-lASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRAC T 7. SUBCOf\lTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAl PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. -TRAVel 4. PURCHASES ·5. PURCI-lASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RFS. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SElLING PRICE 535,221* $5,013* $40.234* 54,024* $44,258* $* $* $* $* $* 8-22 S35,221* So;,Ot3* 540,234* $4,024* S44,258* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASF I I SOW/CE NO. 4 TRAINING NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS RECURRING HOURS DOllARS TOTAL HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. 4. 5. A. A B C 0 E COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL * $* * $* * $* B. ENG INEER ING-SSC 1. LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A B C D E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASFS PURCHASE BURDEN 4,3 1)1 34,262 622 6,387 622 6,381 4,301 34,262 35,254 35,254 11 ,416 11,416 TOTAL * .$* 1,009* $85,233* TOTAL * $* * $* $* * $* 1,01)9* $85,233* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE I • LABOR A R 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES C 0 E 5. PURCHASE BURDEN $* E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. 2. 3. 4. LABOR BURDEN COMPUTER PURCHASES '5. PURC HA Sf' BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BUROFN TOTAL * $* F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1• LABOR 2,631 2. BURDEN 3.' TRAVEL 4. PURC HA SE S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. FSTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SHLlNG PRICE TOTAL * $* 2,631* $* S* $* $* $* 12,356 11,085 1,515 $25,016* $110,249* $15,993* $126,242* $12,622* $138,864* 8-23 2,631 2,631* 12,356 Il,085 1,515 $25,016* $11')'249* $l5,99"J,* $126,247* $12,622* $138,864* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOlo/ICE NO. 52065 A. FNGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BUROEN 3. CO'4PUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C I) E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVel 5. PURCHASES f.. PURCHASE AURDEN MSK OF-V FIXTURE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 343 495 RECURRING HOURS OOlLA~S 2,319 2,599 HOURS 343 495 TnTU OOllARS 2,319 2,599 5,303 5,303 TOTAL 838* SlO,221* * $* 838* 510,221* TOTU * 5* * $* * $* TOTH * $* * S* * $* TOTAL 839* 2,821 5,549 7,514 428 8,913 508 $25,733* TOTAL * $* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C [) F- 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES ~. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR I NG 1 • LABOR 2. BURIJEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROfIT 4. SELLING PRICE 1. Gr.A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 839 839 $35,954* $4,90;6* $40,910* $4,092* $45,on2* * $* 839* 2,B21 5,549 7,514 428 8,91"3 508 $25,733* * $* * $* $* $* 5* 5* 5* 8-Z4 $35,954* $4,956* 540,910* 54,092* $45,1.'02* FUNCTIONAL COST HnUR CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 7 PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS ~EPORT RECURRING HOURS OOllARS TOUl HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A R C I"l 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER E 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES fl. PURC HASF BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEfoi TOTAL * $'" '" $* * $* 2,414 ] ,908 12,760 5,831 21,926 1,230 2,414 1,908 12,760 5,831 21,926 1,231) TOTAL * $* 4,322* $41,747* 4,322* $41,747* TOTAL * $* '" $* * $* * 12,152 674 $12,A26* 2,865'" 13,443 12,nC;9 3,335 203 $29,040'" D. CUSTOMER PRE"'! I SF. 1. LA80R. t\ B C 0 F. 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 4. PURCHt\SES E. MANllFAC HIP I NG 1. LABOR 2. BU~OEN 3. COMPUHR 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE ~URf)EfoI 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SllBCONTRACT BUROEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA TIONS 1. tABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVFl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAO, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PPOFIT 4. SElLING PRICE 1• TOTAL * $* * 2,865 12,152 674 $1Z, B26* 13,443 12,059 2,865 3,~~~ TOTH '" $'" 2,865'" $* S'" $'" $* $* $~9,O40'" S83,613* HZ,076'" $95,689'" S9,578'" $105,267* 8-25 $83,613* $\ 2 ,076* $95,~89* $9,578* $1'15,267* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTPACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. Bl A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LIIBOR A B C n E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. tABOR A A C 0 E 2. BUPDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSfOMER PREMISE 1. tABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA HONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVFl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SElL ING PRICE 1. GU,IRAD, GEN. Rt:S. PROGRAM CONTROL MGMT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL '" RECURRING HOURS I)OLLAR S $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * OOLLARS $* 5,591 3,287 10,224 1,595 48,837 22,396 54,553 5,042 105,101 3,'100 22,920 5,591 3,287 10,224 1,595 48, B3 7 22,396 54,553 5,042 105,101 3,~(1n 22,9;>n TOTAL * $* 20,697* $262,149* 20,697* $262,149* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* • $* • $* $* $* $* $* $262,149* $37,890* $30('1,039* $30,006* $331),045* S* 8-Z6 $267.,14Q* $37,890* $300,039* $30,1)0"* $330,045* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE SOW/CF NO. 8? I[ CONFIGURATION MGMT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS HIJUR S TOTAL DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVH 5. PURCHA SES fl. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL * B. FNGINEERI"IG-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 1 ,123 1,320 2,460 E E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PlJRCHA SES 5. PURCHASE BUR OEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBlICATIO"lS 1. LABOR 7. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUROEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAO, GFN. RES. ESTIMATED TnTAL COST PROFIT SFLLING PRICF $* * $* 937 3,406 3,770 '2,303 2,501 TOTAL 5,840* $79,144* 11,980* $137,869* 17,820* $217,013* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 40,978 2,274 $43,252* * $* * 40,978 2,274 $43,252* $* * $* * $* 3. COMPUTER D. CUSTOMFR PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. IlURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURD!"N * 9,'HB 9,122 13,212 2,975 29,217 14,630 I') 2. flURDEN 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN $* TOTAL TOTAL * $122,396* $11,832* $140,228* $14,028* $154,256* 30,519 25.845 12,21}1 7,621 60,508 1,175 $137,869* $20,090* H 57,959* $15,8')1* $173,760* 8-27 4,529 5.090 4,763 3,438 41),497 34,9"7 25,473 1",546 B9,725 15,805 $2"0,265* $37,922* $298,187* $29,82°* $328,016* FUNCT[ONAl COST HOUR REPORT cnNTRACT DC SG PHASE SOW/CE NO. A3 [J MANUFACTURING MGMT NON-RECURR t NG HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. l.ABOR A B 4,361 C 0 2. BURDEN 22,942 E 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL '5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 4,361* HOURS 4,361 TOTAL DOLLARS 22,942 27,854 27,854 1,3M) 1,360 $52,156* * $* 4,361* $<;2,1'56* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D 3,40'5 23,445 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 17,247 2,099 4,209 18,486 28,777 2,099 7,614 1 B,486 52,??? 2,099 6,427 42,544 9,840 2,099 6,427 59,791 9,A4(1 TOTAL 3,405* $40,692* R,407* $106,074* 11,812* $146,766* TOTAL '" $* * $* * $* O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. t.ABOR A B C E I) 2. 3. 4. 5. BURDEN TRAVEl PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTUR ING 1 • LA80R 2. BURDf'N 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRO\CT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TEC HN IC AL PUBLICA TlONS 1. LABOR 2 • BURDEN 3. . T~AVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL fACTORY COSTS 1 • GE.A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE' TOTAL '" TOTAL * 7,395 407 41,742 2,336 $51,RBO* * $* * 7,39'5 4(17 41,742 2,336 $51,880* $* * $* * $* $144,728* $2(1,623* $)65,351* $16,539* $lAl,R90* $1r)6,074* $15,366* $121,440* $12,156* $133,596* 8-28 $250,802* $35,9B9* $281'>,791* $2A,bQ<;* $315,4136* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 84 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LA80R A A C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PUPCH4SES 6. PURC HA SE 8URDEN ENGINFEPING & TEST MGMT NON-RECURRING HnURS DOLLARS TOTAL * RECURR ING DOLLARS HOURS S* * B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0 F BURDEN COMPUTER TR AVEL PURCHASES PURC HA SE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1 • LABOR 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 'i. PURC HA SE BURDEN fl. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS e&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PPOFIT SELL ING PRICE TOTAL HOURS $* * OOLLARS $* 672 5,893 672 5,893 1,155 3,559 9,265 1,155 3,559 9,265 TOTAL * $* 1,827* $18.717* 1,827* $1 8,717* TOTAL * $* * s* * $* $* * 123,822 1.>,910 $130,732* * 123.822 6,QHl $130,732* s* * $* * $* TOTAL TOTAL * $149,449* $21,t64* $170,613* $17,059* $187,672* s* '* s* S* s* 8-Z9 $149,449* S?l,164* $170,613* SI7,059* $187,672* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 1502 RELIABILITY NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • tABOR A A C 0 f' 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. CCMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. tABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. 3,15'3 6,044 8.551 14,374 2,958 TnTAL RECURRING DOLLAR.S HOURS 21,130 41,312 45.328 61,463 9.096 224,924 3,052 5,735 2M 1,125 1,214 100 35,086* 5418,640* 3,919* 1,852 623 12,510 3,261 12,665 2,5~1 9,421 5,342 2,233 25,418 654 716 16,503 459 958 545,665* 6,904 116,866 2,449 2,991 93,282 TlJT~L HOURS DOLLARS 3,433 6,044 10,2R2 15,588 -h658 30,261 41 ,"H2 54,749 66,805 1\,'329 250,402 ~, 706 5,135 39,0(15* $464,305* 6.904 129.376 '5,710 716 18,355 1,082 958 2,991 10'5,947 15,930 15,930 TOTAL 2,475* $28,436* 18,696* 5238,422* 21,171* S266,85B* TOTAL • s* * $* * 5* TOTAL * 40,095 2,245 542,340* * $* * 40,1)95 2,245 542.34"* ~ANUFACT\JRING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. tABOR BURDEN CO"1PUTER PURC HA Sf'S PURCHASE BURDEN SUBCONTRACT SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.- TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. ] FACTORY COSTS . TOTAL G&A,IR.AO, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SEllING PRICE 4,969 TOTAL 4,969* 23,289 21),921 .' $44,210* 5533,626* S77,n57* $611),6133* 561,080* 5671,163* 8-30 $* 5284.0117* Hl,7"1* 5325,848* 532,593* 5358,441* 4,969 23,289 70,921 4,969* 544,21"* 5817,713* $11 B, 8l B* 5936,531* $93,613* til ,rnn,2n4* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 1503 MAINTAINABILITY NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS HOURS TOTAL DOLLARS A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1 • LABOR A A C 0 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER E 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL * $* * $* $* B. ENGINEERING-SSC I • LABOR ~ ,', 2. 3. 4. 5. A B C 0 E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURC HA SE S 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 3,120 21,071 2,071 14,483 15,964 5,191 35,554 10,359 26,323 410 410 TOTAL 3,120 * $37,445* 7.071* $24,A42* 5,191* $62,2A7* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 18.460 1,033 $19,493* * $* * $* * $* * O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1 • lABOR. A B C 0 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL E 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR I NG 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BUROEN TOTH * TOTIIL * 18,460 1,033 $19,493* F. TECHN ICAL PUBL ICA TlONS 1. 2. 3., 4. 5. J. LABOR BURDEN TRAVEL PURCH4SES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL FACTORY CnSTS 1. G&A, [RAD, GEN. RES. 2. FS TI "1 ATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SFLL ING PRICE $56,938* $8,024* $64,962* $6,499* $71,461* $24,842* $3,653* S2A,495* $2,853* $31,348* 8-31 $* $81,780* $11,677* $93,457* $9,352* $102,809* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 1504 HUMAN ENGI NEER I NG NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRltiG HOURS DOLLAR S H1TI'IL HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A R 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 2,051 C D E 13,865 246 1,693 13,028 4. TRAVfL 5. PURC HlI SE S 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 2,297 1,580 15,558 14,608 820 8?O TOTAL 2,051* $27,713* 246* $3,273* 2,297* $30,986* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* $'" * $* TOTAL * $* $* * $* B. ENG I NfE R ING- SSC 1 • LABOR 2. BURf)EN 3. COMPUTER A B C D F 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES !:i. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRAC r 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICoHlONS 1. 2. 3., 4. 5. J LABOR BURDEN TRAVEL PURC H/\ SE S PURCHASE BUROEN t~ J. ... TOTAL EACTOR Y COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2 • FS TI MATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT ' 4. SELLING PRICE * $27,713* $3,942* $31,655* $3,166* S34,fl2l* $3,271* $4R4* $3,757* $375* $4,132* 8-32 $30,986'" $4,426* $15,412* $">,541* $18,953* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRAC T DCSG PHASE II SOlo/ICE NO. 1505 SAFETY ENGINEERING NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S HOUR S 3,943 4,094 rnTAL DOLLARS A. f:NGINEFRING-ESC 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. 4. 5. 6. A 13 C D E COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • lABOR A B C 0 E 7. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TPAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUR DEN O. CUSTOMER 1 • lABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. 1,036 26,789 963 27,825 24,894 25,857 2,050 ?,05" TOTAl 151* $1,999* 3,943* $53,733* 4,OQ4* $55,732* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL '" $* * $* '" $* TOTAl * $* '" $* * $* PRE~ISE A B C 0 E BUROEN TRAVEl PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBLICATIONS 1 • lABOR 2. BURDEN 3 •. TRAVEl 4. PURCHA SES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 151 TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SEll ING PRICE 1 • Gf.A,IRAD, GEN. RE S. $1,999* $290* $2,289* $229* $2,518* $53,7''\3* $7,793* $61,526* $6,155* $67,681* 8-33 $55,732* $8,OB3* $6"1,815* $6,384* $70,19Q* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTPACT DCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 22014 lV HARDWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEF.RING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASF BURDEN B. ENGINF.FRING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D F. 2. RURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHA SES 6. PURC HA SE BURDE N TOTAL * RFCURRING HOURS DOllAR S $* * 584 488 TOTAl * $* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 1,1)72* 3,'584 0 2. BURDEN PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY cnSTS 2. [S TI MA TEO TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE 1 • G£A,IRAD, GEN. RES. '5,321 901) 90" $12,940* 1,072* * U TOTAL * TOTAL * $12,940* 19,562 ~,584 14,~26 10,660 10,661\ TC1TAL $* 4,(193 2,626 584 488 14,326 3. TRAVEL E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LA80R 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRAC T BURDEN * DOLLARS 5,321 19,562 E 4. '5. $* 4,093 2,626 TOTAL HOURS 3,584* $44,548* 3,584* $44,54~* $* * $* * t* $* * $* * $* $* $* $'0' $* $* 8-34 $57,48B* $8,457* $65,945* $6,593* $72,538* $57,488* $8,457* $65,94'5* $6,593* $72,538* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW/CF. NO. 22085111 DCSG COMMON SUBSYS DES NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B 166 3,540 12,132 5,308 1,450 C o 2. !lURDEN E 1,441 23,933 63,512 22,100 4,419 143,731 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES f.. PURCHASE !lUROEN TOTAL B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. l.ABOR A B C o 2. BURDEN 3. COfo'iPUTFR 4. F 22,596* TOTAL 500 29 $259,665* 154,556 118,58B 34,384 9,116 6,?66 235,423 3'}08 27,770 46,(181* $589,211* * A B l3E1,715 76,631 39,624 o E F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL fACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 7. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SELLING PRICE 1,441 23,933 63,512 22,100 4,419 143,731 50n 29 $259,665* Cl,1l6 6.266 235,423 3,10!! 27,770 46,(181* $589,211* 15,592 11,230 7,490 138,715 76,631 39,6~4 134,151) 94,480 17,688 3. 4. F. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN DOLLARS 154,556 118,58!! 34,'184 11,721 17,521 6,565 2,194 2,O!!/) C TRAVEL PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 22,596* * D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR 2. flUROEN TOTAL HOURS 166 3,540 12,132 5,308 1,450 17,721 11,521 6,565 2,194 2,080 TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TClTAL * TOTAL * 315 TOTAl 315* $* 34,312* 960 $502,248* 34,312* * * 1,465 1,317 315 1,000 56 $3,838* $852,714* $121,324* $974,038* $97,417* $1,071,455* 8-35 1,465 1,317 1,ono * $* 56 $"'1,838* $502,?48* $72,4 '19* $574,687* $57,470* $632,157* $1,354,962* $193,763* $1,548,725* SI54,!!!P* $1,703,612* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DC SG PHASE II snW/CE NO. 22085112 nIGITAL COMPUTER DES NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS IlECURRIf\lG HOURS DOLLAR S HDIJIl S TOTAL [)oLLA II S A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1• LABO~ 7,213 17,263 15,856 14,044 11,845 A B C 0 E BURDEN COMPUTER TR AVEl PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 2. 3. 4. 5. B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • I.ABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TIIAVEL 5. PURCHASES f. PURCHASE BURDEN 62,634 116,354 82,807 '57,997 35,836 423,307 21,108 7,213 17.263 15,856 14,(144 11,845 62,634 116,354 82,807 57,997 35,836 4?'3,~n7 21,1')8 IOTA '- 66,221* 15,000 851 $815,894* TOTAL * $* TOTAL * $* $* 66,221* 15,000 851 $815,894* $* * $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* * D. CUSIOMER PREMISE 1 • l AB(1!> 2. 3. 4. 5. A B C D F BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PUflCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTUIlING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TFCHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUIl.DEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1 • Gf:A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL cnST 3. PROF IT It. SELLING PRICE TOTAL TOTAL * $81';,894* $114,454* $930.348* $('13,038* $I ,023,386* 8-36 $* $* $* $* $* $A15,894* $114,454* $930,348* $93,(')3A* $1 ,1)23,386* --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTPACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 22(')85113 LOA UNIT DESIGN NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A 3,230 2,319 8,531 1,713 5,343 B. FNGINEFRING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES n. PURCHASE BURDEN DOLLARS TOTAL 21,136* TOTA L * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 0 F flUROEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL HOURS 28,(')41 15,68(') 44,691 31,863 16,051 113,625 13,112 1,820 23,500 1,331 $349,720* B C 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 3,230 2,31C) 8,531 7,713 5,343 * $* 27,136* 28,041 15,680 44,691 31,86"'1 16,051 173,625 13,112 1,820 ?3,50('l 1,337 $349,72"* D. CUS TflMER PREMISE 1. lABOR A B C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. E BURDF.N TRAVEL PURCHASE'S PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN n. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDE"J F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA liONS I. • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.-TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. Gf.A,IRAD, GEN. RF.S. 2. FSTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SElLING PRICE $349,120* $48,C)16* $398,636* $39,875* $438,511* 8-37 $* $* $* $* $* $349,120* $48,916* $398,636* $39,815* $438,511* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 22085114 KEYBOARD UNIT DESIGN NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B 281 2,461 4,656 5,264 2,334 DOLLARS 15,002* TOT AI. * $* * $* * $* TnUL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* E B. FNG INEER H!G- SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. Til AVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL TOTAL D BURDEN COMPUTFR TRAVEL PURCHASES f. PURCHASE BURDEN HOURS 2,498 16,595 24,360 21,805 1,020 96,03c) 6,A16 215 12,000 680 $l88,OA8* C 2. 3. 4. 5. RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S 2A1 2,461 4,656 5,264 2,334 2,4QA 16,5c)5 24"~60 * $* 15,002* ,805 1,020 9f,,03c) 6,A16 215 12,000 680 $18B,088* ;>t o. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1• LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN A B C 0 1 ~ I , I ;I E E. MANUFACTURING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. CO"1PUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN f. SUFICONTRAC T 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBL ICA TIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FAC TOR Y COSTS Gr.A,IRAO, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PIlOF IT SElLING PRICE $188,088* $26,299* $214,381* $21,445* $235,832* 8-38 $* $* $* $* $* $lAA,'l88* $26,299* $214,381* $21,445* $235,832* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- . _ - - - FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR RFPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 22085119 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 7. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVel 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN n. DISPLAY UNIT DESIGN NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 1,022 RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S HOURS 1,en 5,356 6,488 TOTAL 1,022* $11.844* 976 1,876 1,022 8,494 12,674 5,356 TOTAL DnLLAR,) 5,356 6,488 * $* 1,022* $11 ,844* 976 1,876 1,022 8,494 12,674 5,356 19,835 2.800 1 q, 835 2,800 TOTAL 3.874* $49,159* * $* 3,874* $49,159* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * 251,603 14.73B $265,841* * $* * 251,603 14,238 $265,841* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* CUSTOMER PREMI SE 1. LABOR A B C [) 2. 3. 4. 5. E BURDEN TRAVEl PURCHASES PURC HA Sf BURDfN E. MANUFAC TUR I NG 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. :rRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY cnSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SElLING PRICE $326,844* $44,612* $371,456* $37,149* $408.605* 8-39 $* $* $* $* $* $326,844* $44,612* $171,456* $37,149* $408,60'5* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE It SOW/CF NO. 22085115 A. E'NGINFERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN PR INTER UNIT DESIGN NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 1,022 5,356 TOTAL 1,022* 945 1,902 613 0 1,022 $11,844* 4. roTAL DOLLARS 5,356 6,488 * $* S,2?? 12,850 3,211 F TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN HOURS 6,488 B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • tABOR A B C 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER RECURRING HOURS DOlLARS I, 022* 945 1,902 613 $11,844* 8,22? 12,850 3,211 17,714 17,714 1,820 1,820 TOTAL 3,460* $43,817* * $* 3,460* $43,817* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * 134,590 7,538 $142,128* * $* * 134,590 7,538 $142,128* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. A B C D E PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRAC T' 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBL ICA TIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ,TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ES TI MA TEO TOTAL COST PROFIT SELL ING PR ICE $197,789* $27,757* $225,546* $22,559* $248,105* B-40 $* $* $* $* $* $197,789* $27,757* $225,546* $22,559* $248,105* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE "!O. 22085116 AUX A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B 325 C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL 1,113 325* 976 1,811 2,255 0 E TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MAIIIUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TR AC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. tABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS 1. GtA,IRAO, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SHLING PRICE TOTAL HOURS DOllARS 1,713 325 2,1'117. $3,145* * $* 8,494 12,639 11,817 325* $3,745* R,494 12,639 11,817 976 1,871 2,255 26,125 4,101) 4. O. CUSTOMER PREM I SE 1. LABOR A B C a E 2. BURDEN 3. TPAVH 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN RECURRING DOLLARS HOURS 2,032 B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTE'R UNIT DESIGN NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS ME~ORV 26,125 4,1 on TOTAL 5,102* $63,175* • $* 5,102* $63,175. TOTAL * $* * $. • $* TOTAL * 138,071 1,793 $145,864* * $* * 13R,011 7,793 $145,864* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $205,294* $28,308* $233,602* $23,362* $256,964* 8-41 $* $* $* $* $* $205,294. $28,308* $233,602* $23,362* $256,964. FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II Sow ICE NO. 2208511 7 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B e D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVel 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSe 1. LABOR A B e D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B e D F '2. BUROEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TlJR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SU BCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 • .TR AVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUROEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTnRY COSTS G&A,IRAO GEN. RES. ESTIMATE6 TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICE TRANSPORTATION PKG DESIG5 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 633 RECURR HIG HOURS DOllARS 3,336 TOTAL HOURS f33 onLLARS 3,336 3,958 '3,958 * S* 633* 1,000 55 $ R,349* TOTAl. 633* 1,000 55 $8,349* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $8,349* $1,230* '9 1579* 957* $10,536* 8-42 $* $* '* $* '* SR,349* $I ,230* $9,579* 957* $10,536* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 22085118 A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1 • L.ABOR A B C D E '2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEER ING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN o. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1 • L.ABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBL ICA HaNS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TR.AVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. '2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAO, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SELL ING PRICE MOCK UP DRAWINGS NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 1') 374 RECURRING HOURS D01l7 AR S 78 1,')48 HOURS 15 374 2,487 TOTAL DOLLARS 78 1,548 7,487 TOTAL 389* $4,113* * $* 389* $4,113* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $4,113* $579* $4,692* $468* $5,160* 8-43 $* $* $* $* $* $4,113* $579* $4,692* $468* $ 5, IM)* -------------------------------------- ------- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 2085151 DC SG ON ORBIT SOFTWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENG INEF.R ING- SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. HlAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMI SE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE flURDEN TOTAL * s* * 1,231 2,036 2,214 1,911 10,766 13,198 11,910 1,965 38,256 24,150 3,150 TOUl 7,458* $101),91)5* * TOTAL * s* TOTAL * TOTAL * S* * $* 1,231 2,036 2,274 1,911 10,766 1'3,798 11 ,910 7,965 38,256 24,150 3,150 s* 1,458* $109,995* * $* * s* s* * $* * $* s* * $* * s* E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BURDEN COMPUTER PURCHASES PURC HA SE BURDEN SUBCONTRACT SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBL ICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASF BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELL trllG PRICE $109,91)5* $15,175* $125,170* $12,517* $138,347* s* s* s* s* s* 8-44 $109,995* $15,175* $125,770* $12,577* Sl3A, 347* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 22085152 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR 4. TRAVEL 5. PURC HA SE S 6. PURCHASE 8URDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT AURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1- LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PR ICE DC SG GROUND SUP SOFTWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS TOTAL * $* 36 1,864 1,291 1,132 315 12,648 6,719 7,258 25,350 20,350 1,980 TOTAL 4,923* $14,680* TOTAL '" $* TOTAL TnTI'IL * RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S * TOTAL HOURS $* '" nnLLARS $* 36 1,864 1,291 1,732 315 12,64B 6,719 1,258 25,350 20,350 1,980 $* 4,923* $14,68n* * $* * $* $* '" $* * $* $* * $* * $* $74,680* $10,884* $85,564* $8,558* $94,122* 8-45 $* $* $* $* $* $74,680* $85,564* $8,558* $94,12:>* $11),884* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 22085153 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. CO~PUTER 4. TPAVFL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. FNGINEFRING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. CO~PUTER 4. TRAVEL ~. PURCHASFS 6. PURCHASE BURDEN O. CUSTOMER J. LABOR DCSG SOFTWARE PROCEED NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAl * 1,353 3,102 3,218 1,478 $* RECURRIIIIG HOURS DOLLARS * $* 11,622 20,855 16,759 6,016 TOUL HOURS * 1,353 3,102 3,218 1,478 46,421 DOLLARS $* 11,622 20,855 16,759 6,OJ6 46,421 TOTAL 9.151* 40,000 2,160 $143,833* * $* 11'1,147 1,91)1'> 33 ,59'5 '>,331* $59,619* 5,986 6,511 3,876 52,435 44,424 21),533 83,442 1,230 83,442 1,23" TOTAL 16,373* S202,064* * $* 16,313. S202,1'l64* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* 5,869* 19,121 38,811'l 268 56,360 3,184 75,952 4,178 S198,533* * $* 5,B69 TOTAL * $* 5,869* 19,721 38,870 268 56,360 3,18,4 75,952 4,178 $198,533* TOTAL * $* * $* $261,1'>83* S37,958* $299,641* S29,965* S329,606* 8-S4 SI98,533* S28,275* S226,808* S22,683* $249,491* 5,8"9 $460,216* $66,233* S526,449* S52,648* $579,097* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 22085241 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 7.. BURDE~ 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVFL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE I3URDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUEAC TUR ING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDE~ 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR ? BlJRDE~ 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL EACTORY COSTS G&A,JRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICE PRODUCTION PROTOTYPE NON-REClJRRI NG HOURS DOLLARS RECURRI~G HOURS DOLLAR S HOURS 226 335 9,045 421 4~:~~~ 2,021 226 335 9,045 421 1,818 63,425 TOTAL DOLLARS 2,"21 2,324 47,8R8 1,818 63,425 TOTAL * $* 10,fl27* S111,416* 1'>,021* $117,416* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* ,.. $* * $* 12,799* 43,368 83,936 652 153,261 8,431) 84,952 4,673 $379,278* * $* 12,799 TOTAL * $* 12,199* 43,368 83,936 652 153,261 8,430 A4,952 4,673 $379,278* TOTAL * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* $496,754* $73,073* $569,827* S56,982* $626,809* 12,799 $496,754* S13,013* $569,821* S56,982* S626,809* 8-55 ~--------------- ---- ... FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 22085242 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEt.! O. CUSTOMER 1. LABOR ". ENGINEERING PROTOTYPE NON-RF.CURRING HOURS DOllARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 390 2,672 18,597 1,577 472 TOTAL * $* 23,708* 3.416 18,258 97,518 6,585 1,435 150,21"1 500 28 $277,950* 1,865 1,432 12,682 7,547 TOTAl HOURS 390 2,672 DOLLARS l,416 18,25R 1,517 412 97,518 6,585 1,4~5 150,210 21,708* $277 ,95('1* 1~,591 1,865 1,432 50" 28 12,682 7,547 17,014 17,014 TOTAL * $* 3,297* $31,243* 3,297* $37,241* TOTAL * $* * $* * S* 17,910* 60,122 118,845 604 216,767 17.,312 86,894 4,779 5500,323* * $* PRE~ISF BURDEN A B C 0 E 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN f. MANUFACTURING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to. 1. LABOR BURDEN COMPUTER PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN SUBCON TR4C T SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBL ICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTiMATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SELLING PRICE 17,cnn TOTAL * $'" 17,910* 60,122 118,845 M4 216,767 12,312 86,894 4,779 $500,323* TOTAL '" 5* * $* $* $* 5* $* 5* 8-56 5815,516'" 5114,994* $930,510* Scn,055* $I, nin, 565* 17,91" 5815,516* $I J 4 ,994* S930,510* $93,055* $1,023,565* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 22085310 A. ENGINEf'PING-ESC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 0 F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUPDEN COMMON I)CSG QUAL TEST/SU7 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 385 385 3,366 3,000 1,349 TOTH 8,485* 124 RECURRING HOURS DOllAR S 3,354 2,604 17,644 12,465 4,069 53,815 1,526 10,000 562 $106,039* HOURS 385 385 3,366 3,000 1,349 TOTAL [lOllARS 3,'154 2,fl04 17,644 12,4fl5 4,1)69 53,815 1 ,526 1 n,N)r) * $* 666 8.485* 124 612 562 $106,03Q* 666 612 TOTH 124* $1,278* * $* 124* $1.278* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* $* TOTAL * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* $* $107,3)7* $15,790* $122,607* $12,?h9* $134,876* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE I • LABOR A B r. 2. BURDEN D E 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUfACTURING 1. LABOR 7. BURDFN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN f:: • SUBCO"lTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2 • BURDEN 3. .TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATFD TnT~L COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICF $107,317* $15,290* $122,607* $12,269* $134,876* 8-57 FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 22085321 A. ENG I NEE RING-E SC 1. tABOR A R C 0 E 2. 8UROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E '1. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE RURDEN DIGITAL COMP QUAL TeST NON-RECURRING HOIJRS DOllARS 1,055 785 3q4 139 RECURRING HOURS DClllARS 7,306 4,203 1,683 422 15,284 HOURS 1,055 785 3q4 139 TOUL DOllARS 7,306 4,203 1,683 422 15,284 2,373* 4,300 238 533,436* * $* 2,373* 4,300 238 533,436* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * . $* * $* * S* TOTJ\L f. MANUfAC TUR ING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. LABOR BURDEN COMPUTER PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN SUBCON TRAC T SUBCONTRACT BUROEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY cnSTS G&A,IRAD. GEN. RES. ESTIMATFD TOTAL COST PROFIT SELLING PRICE $33,436* $4,919* $38,355* 53,841* 542,196* 8-58 $* 5* $* 5* $* $33,436* 54,919* $38,355* 53,841* $42,196* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 22085322 A. ENG I NF.E'R ING-E SC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN LOA QUAL TEST NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 551 1,520 1,251 289 RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 3,B33 8,141 5,383 819 23,213 HOURS 551 1,520 1,251 289 TOTAL DOllARS ~,83~ 8,141 5,383 819 23,213 3,623* 4,201') 233 $45,948* * $* ~,623* 4,700 233 $45,948* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TnTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL '5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN o. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D 2. 3. 4. 5. E BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 1. SUBCnNTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA TI ONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A IRAD, GEN. RES. 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE 2. ESTiMATFO TOTAL cnST $45,948* $6,160* $52,108* $5,212* $51,980* $* $* $* $* $* 8-59 $45,Q48* $6,16('1* $52,108* $5,212* $51,980* ----------- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SnW/CF NO. 22085323 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LA80R A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR 4. TRAVel 5. PURCHASES 6. PURC HASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LA80R A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVel 4. PURCHASES 5. PURC HA SE BURDEN E. MANLJFACTUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASE'S 5. PURCHASE BUROEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA TIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 •. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAO, GEN. RES. 2. ESTI~ATEO TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SEllING PRICE KEYBOARD QUAL TEST NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 841 1,741 580 RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 5,809 9,281 2,466 20.245 HOURS TOTAL DOLLARS 5,809 9,281 2,466 20,245 841 1,741 5RO TOTAL 3,162* 2,100 152 $40,653* * $* 3,162* 2,100 152 $40,653* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOUL * $* * $* * $* $41),653* $5,979* $46,632* $4,667* $51,299* 8-60 $* $* $* $* $* $40,653* $5,979* $46,632* $4,661* $51,?99* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 22085326 DISPLAY QUAL TEST NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 182 1,316 502 [) E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PIJRCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN o. RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 1,262 7, I) 80 2,166 13,011 HOURS 182 1,316 51)2 TOTAL DOLLARS 1,267 7,080 2,166 13,011 2,200 124 $25,843* * $* 2,000* 2,20/) 124 $25,843* $* * $* * $* * $* * $* * S* TOTAL * 10,292 566 $10,858* * 5* * 1C,292 566 510,858* TOTAL * 5* * 5* * 5* TOTAl 2,000* TOTAL CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C [) 2. BUROEN 3. TRAVEL F. 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBLICATIONS 1. LA80R 2. BURDEN 3.·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SElLING PRICE 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. TOTAL 536,701* 55,397* 542,098* 54,213* 546,311* 8-61 5* 5* $* $* $* 536,701* 55,397* 542,098* $4,213* $46,311* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOWfCE NO. 22085324 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LA8DR A B C D E 2. 8URDEN 3. COMPUHR 4. TRAVel 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVF.L 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAO, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SElLING PRICE PRINTER QUAL TEST NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 62 RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 334 HOURS 62 403 TOTAl. OrlLLARS 334 4"~ TOTAL 62* $731* * $* 62* $731* TOTAl * $* '" $* * s* TOTAL * s· * $* * s* TOTAL * 522 $10,014* * s* * 9,492 522 $10,"14* TOTAL • S* * s* * $* 9,4Q;t $10,151* $1,581* $12,332* $1,233* $13,565* $* $* S* s* S* 8-6Z $1/),151* $1,581* $12,332* Sl,233* S13 ,565* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CJNTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 22085325 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN '3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A 8 C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A fI C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN AU)( MFMORV QUAL TEST NON-RECURR I NG HOURS DOllARS 151 426 RF.CURRING HOURS DOllAR S 4,041 1,838 1,651 TOTAL 1,}11* 1,100 96 $15,332* TOTAL * $* TOUl * $* TOU l * TOTAL * HOURS 151 426 TOUl DOl LARS 4,041 1,A'38 1,651 $* 1,177* ] ,100 96 $15,332* * $* * $* * $* * $* 11,371 626 $12,003* * $* * 11,311 626 $12,003* $* * $* • $* f. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBC ON TRAC T 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SEllING PRICE $21,335* $4,OIB* $31,353* $3,135* $34,488* $* $* $* $* $* 8~63 $21,335* $4,OIf1· $31,35'3* $3,135* $34,48A* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 22085351 A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE RURDEN DCSG ON-ORB SOFTWARE VAL NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL * RECURRING HOURS DOllARS $* * $* TOTAL HOURS * DOllARS $* 8. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. A B C D E BUROEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 626 1,562 154 4,257 8,231 645 12,083 10,200 5,000 TOTAL 2,342* $40,416* * TOTAL * $* TOTAL * TOTAl * 626 1,562 154 4,257 8,231 645 12,083 10,200 5,000 $* 2,342* $40,416* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* o. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. II B C D E BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDE'N E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASE'S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURC HA SFS 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SElLING PRICE $40,416* $5,945* $46,361* $4,637* $51),998* $* $* $* $* $* 8-04 $40,416* $5,945* $46,361* $4,637* $50,998* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SO\//CE NO. 22085352 DCSG SUpp SOFTWARE VAL NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. FNGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C I) E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL ~. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN A. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D F. 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUP. ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUPOEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTJ~ATEO TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SElLING PRICE TOTU * RECURRING HOURS DOllARS $* * 611 1,083 412 4,155 5,101 1,978 11,111 1,550 4,000 TOTAL 2,166* $34,561* * TOTAL * $* TOTAL * TOTAL * HOURS $* * TOTAl. OOLlARS $* 611 1,083 472 4,155 5,107 1,978 11,111 1,550 4,000 $* 2,166* $34,'56111< * $* * $* $* * s* * $* $* '" $* '" $* $34,567* $5,083* $39,650* $3,966* 543,616* $* $* $* $* $* 8-65 $34,561* $5,083* $39,6')0* $3,966* $43,616* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 2708541210 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTF.R 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURC HASF BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 20 BURDEN 30 COMPUTER TRAVEL 't. 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN o. CUSTOMER PREMISE 10 LABOR A B C 0 F 2. BURDEN 30 TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 50 PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 10 LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 40 PURCHASES 50 PURCHASE BUROEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBlI CA TI ON S 10 LABOR 2. BURDEN 30· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SelLING PRICE DIGITAL COMPUTER NON-RECURR ING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 902 49,881 2,117 6,220 266,557 9,176 222 339,485 73 HOURS TOTAL 902 49,881 2,117 73 DnllARS 6,220 266,557 9,176 222 339,4R5 52,973* 1,600 92 $623,352* 52,973* 1,600 92 $623,352* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* TOTAl * '* TOTAL * TOTAL * 59,000 201,945 3n,266 3,986 950,550 52,279 59,000 20t,945 391,266 3,986 950,550 52,279 TOTAL * S* 59,000* Sl ,600,026* 59,000* TOUl * $* * $* * $* $* $* $* $2,223,378* 327,059* $2,550,437* $255,0.54* $2,805,491* $* 8-66 $I ,600,026* $* $2,223,378* 327,059* $2,55/'1,437* $255,054* $7,805,491* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRAC T OCSG PHASE SOW/CE NO. 2208')41220 I[ LOA NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEER tNG-E SC 1. LABOR A 8 C D E BURDEN 2. 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE 8URDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBL ICA HONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 406 15,969 636 2,811 85,724 2,755 109,641 TOTAL HOURS 406 15,969 636 DOllARS 2,811 85,724 2,755 109,641 TOTAL * $* 11,011* 1,400 80 $202,411* 17,011* 1,400 80 $20t' ,411 * TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 13,454 46,306 89,768 462 118,228 6,503 13,454 46,306 89,768 462 118,228 6,503 TOTAl * $* 13,454* $ 261,267* 13,454* $ 261,261* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* $463,618* $68,2')7* $531,885* $53,194* $585,079* $* $* $* $* $* 8-67 $463,67B* $68,207* $531,885* $53,194* $585,019* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 2208541230 KEVBOARO NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A 6 C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURnEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASFS f.. PURCHASF BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PRE"IISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBU CA TI ONS I. LABOR 2. BURDE'" 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SElLING PRICE RECURRING OOLLUS HOURS 613 36,920 2,562 48,656 99 6,906 592 TOTAL * TOTAL TOTAL * TOTAL HOURS 99 6,906 592 DOLLARS 613 2,562 48,656 ~6,920 $* 1,591* 500 29 $89,340* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* 500 1,591* 29 $89,340* 5,126 11,545 33,991 180 146,121 8,068 5,126 11,545 33,991 180 146,121 8,068 TOTAL * $* 5,126* $206,511* 5,126* $206,511* TOTAl * $* * $* * $* 5295,851* $43,517* $339,366* $33,944* $313,312* $* $* $* $* $* 8-68 5295,851* $43,511* 5339,366* $33,944* $313 ,312* FUNCT IONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT f)CSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 2208541260 01 SPLAY NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A B C n 2. BURDEN E RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS HOURS 6,250 19a 6,250 190 33,3~8 81)6 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASE'S 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. HIGINEERtNG-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTFR 4. TRAVEL Ii. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 11. CUSTOMER PPEMISE 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURD EN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUfAC TUR. ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURf)EN f. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL fACTORY COSTS 1. GE.A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED 2. TOTAL COST 3. PROF I T 4. SELL !NG PR ICE TOTAL DOLLARS 33,3~B 806 41,093 41 ,()93 7,050 7,(150 TOTAl. * $* 6,441)* $82,287* 6,440* $8?,287* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* * $25B,16()* * $* TOTAL * $* * 244,470 13,690 $258,160* TOTAL * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* $ 34(1,447* $48,142* $3B8,589* $38,864* $427,453* 8-69 244,470 13,690 $34(),447* $48,142* $388,589* $38,864* $427,453* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE SOW/CF NO. 2208541240 I[ PRINTER NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENG I NEE RI NG-E SC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL ~. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS HOURS 5,111 291 '5,111 291 27,259 1,257 TOTAL DOLLARS 27,259 1,257 34,485 34,485 4,994 4,994 TOTAL * $* 5,402* $67,995* 5,402* $67,995* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* * 108,000 6,048 $114,048* * $* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVfl 5. PURCHASFS 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABnR A B C n E 2. BllRDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BURDEN COMPUTER PURCHASES PURCHASF. BURDEN SUBCONTRACT SUBCONTRACT BUROEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA HONS 1. LABOR ? AlJRDEN .3 •. TRAVE'L 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SEll ING PRICE TOTAL * $* * 1"8.000 6,048 $114,048* TOTAl. * $* * $* $182,043* $25,927* $207,970* $20,804* $228,774* $* $* $* $* $* 8-70 ---------------------------------------- Sl 82 ,043* $25,927* $Zf}7 ,970* $20,sn4* $228,774* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT c[)NTRAC T DC SG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 2208541250 AUX MEMORY NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENG I NEE RI NG-E SC 1. LABOR A B C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN RECURRING HOURS DOllARS HOURS 5,501 155 29,398 664 36,181 14,640 5,501 155 29.398 664 36,181 14,640 TOTAL DOLLARS TOTAL * $* 5,662* $80,889* '>,662* $80,889* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTH * $* * $* * $* $* * 227,535 12,515 $240,050* * 227,535 12,515 $240,050* $* * $* * $* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. fl. E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN O. CllSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN E. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A1IRAD, GEN. RES. EST MATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICE TOTAL TOTAL * $32(',939* $41,208* $368,141* $36,817* $404,964* $* $* $* $* $* 8-71 $320,939* $47,20B* $368,141* $36,811* $404,964* , ' FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 2208541300 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURC HA SF BURDEN B. ENGINEER lNG-SSe 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDfN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASF BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3., TRAVel 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. FSTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SFlLING PRICE PROO ASSEM CHF.CKOlJT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS DOLLARS $* 10,004* 500 28 $116,603* 10,004* 2,014 4,217 22,349 13,243 5,375 63,7.57 5,620 500 28 $116,603* 2,014 4,217 22,349 13,243 5,375 63,257 5,620 230 618 4,235 3,156 1,765 TOTAL TOTAL HOURS 230 618 4,235 "",156 1,765 TOTAl * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 2,594 8,763 16,994 R,763 16,994 2,5Q4 17,260 964 17,260 964 TOTAL * $* TOTAl * U 2,594* $43,981* 2,594* $43,981* * $* * $* $160,584* $23,7.94* $183,818* $18,3'n* $202,271* $* $* $* $* $* 8-72. $160,584* $23,794* $183,878* $18,393* $202,271* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SmUCE NO. 220854211 A. ENG INEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A B e D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVFl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE I'IlJRDEN B. ENG INEER ING- sse 1. LABOR A B e 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVel 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA HONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.- TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SELLING PRICE SPEC IAl TOOLS DESIGN NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 5 593 31:195 2,106 1,427 RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 38,154 164,554 11,342 4,312 258.560 TOTAL HOURS DOllARS 38,154 164.554 11,342 4,312 258,560 5,593 31,195 2,706 1,427 2,015 2.015 TOTAL 40,921* $418,937* * $* 40,921* $478,937* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTU * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* $478,937* $69,734* $548,671* $54,892* $603,563* $* $* $* $* $* 8-73 $* * $* $478,937* $69,734* $548,671 $54,892* $603,563* * FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 220854212 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE I. lABOR A 8 C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUfACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TFCHNICAL PUBLI CA TI ONS 1. lABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST SPECIAL TEST EQUIP DESfG5 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 1,895 16,595 4,495 554 RECURRING HOURS DOllARS HOURS TOTAL DOllARS TOTAL 23,539* 12,786 86,670 18,640 1,6BO 150,416 17,702 600 34 $288,528* TOUl * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 1,895 16,595 4,495 554 * $* 23,539* 12,786 86,670 18,640 1,680 15IJ,416 17,702 6'10 34 $288,528* 2,036 6,864 13,394 TOTAL 2,036* $20,258* * TOTAL * $* * $308,786* $43,432* $352,21B* $35,225* $387,443* 2,036 6,864 13,394 $* 2,036* $20,758* $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* 8-74 $3'18,786* $43,432* $352,21B* $35,225* $381,443* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 220854241 SPEC tAL TOOLS HARDWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS HOURS TOTAL DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 3,715 6,923 0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. F BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN 19,528 28,859 1,715 6,923 61,046 872 19,528 28,859 61,046 877 6,S;96 364 $123,265* 6,596 364 $123,265* * s* 10,638* * S* * $* * $* * S* * S* * S* TOTAL 10,638* TOTAL TOTAL B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A 8 C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [1. E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. A B C D F. BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BURDEN COMPUTER PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN SUBCONTRACT SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNIC U 9,278 31,362 60,676 TOTAL 9,278* 40,041 2,282 $134,361* TOTAL * $* 9,278 31,362 60,676 * $* 9,278* 4n,041 2,282 $134,361* * $* * $* PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDFN '3 •. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS G&A,IRAO. GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SELL ING PRICE $257,626* S36,954* $294.580* $29,465* $324,045* $* $* $* $* $* 8-75 $251,626* $36,954* $294,580* $29,465* $324,045* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE SOW/CE NO. 220854242 ([ A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D F. 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL '5. PURCHA SES PURCHASE BUROEN ". B. ENGINEERING-SSe 1. LABOR A B C D F. 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN o. CUSTO,.,ER PREMISE 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LA80R 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD. GEN. RES. 7. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SElL ING PRICE SPECIAl TEST ECUIP HDWRE NON-RECURR I NG HOURS DOllARS 293 162 1,140 RECURR ING HOURS OOL LAR S 1,992 854 4,117 214 10,563 qz HOURS 293 162 1,140 92 TOTAL DOLLARS 1,992 854 4,771 274 1 n ,563 1,681* 8,500 480 121,440* * 1* 1,687* a,50n 480 127,440* TOTAL * $* * $* * 1* TOTAL * 1* * $* * $* TOTAL 6,269* 21,083 41,439 31,470 2,101 37,167 2,11B $141,378* * $* 6,269* 21,083 41,439 37,410 2,101 37,167 2,118 $141,318* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL 6,269 6,269 1168,818* $23,599* $192,411* $19,246* $211,663* $* $* $* $* $* 8-76 $168,818* 123,599* $192,411* $19,246* $211 ,663* ---------------- ------------- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRAC T DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 22085430 A. FNG INEFR I NG-E SC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN ~. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE IIURDEN D. CUSTOMER PR EM I SE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUfACTUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN f. TEC HN IC AL PUBLI CA TI ONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN "'I.' TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL fACTORY COSTS G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SELLING PRICE SIL REFURBISHMENT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 48 1,612 191 RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 347 8,966 875 HOURS 48 1,612 In TOTAL DOLLARS 347 8,966 875 12,033 12,033 300 17 $22,538* TOTAL 1,851* 300 17 $22,538* * $* 1,851* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 1,749 6,157 11,100 368 26,816 1,475 TOTAL 1,749* $46,516* * TOTAl * $* * $69,054* $10,159* $19,213* $7,921* 581,134* 1,749 6,151 11,100 368 26,816 1,415 $* 1,749* 546,516* $* * $* $* $* $* $* 8-77 U 569,054* $10,159* $7<1,213* $7,921* $81,134* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE SOW/CE NO. 22085910 [l PSCS COMMON NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEER P,IG-ESC 1. LA80R A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C [) E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURC HA SE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&AfIRAD, GEN. RES. 2. EST MATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SELL ING PRICE TOTAL * 90 RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S $* * HOURS $* 780 TOTAL DOLLARS $* 90 459 820 780 459 A20 TOUL 90* $2,059* * $* 90* $2,1)59* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOUL * $* * $* * $* $2,059* $287* $2,346* $234* $2,580* 8-78 $* $* $* $* $* $2,059* $281* $2$346* 234* $7,580* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SOW/CE' NO. 22085920 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E' BURDEN 2. 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN PSCS SOFTWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL * RECURRING HOURS DOllARS $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * OOllARS $* 821 1,485 511 5,516 7,737 2,098 14,323 9,150 1,800 $* 2,817* $41),624* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* 821 1,485 511 5,516 7,737 2,098 14,323 9,150 I,BOO TOTAL 2,817* $40,624* * TOTAL * S* TOTAL * TOTAL * D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBC ON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA lIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE $40,624* $5,602* $46,226* $4,623* $50, B49* $* $* $* $* $* 8-79 $40,624* $5,602* $46.226* $4,623* $50,849* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----- , FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE S()~/CE' NO. 22085930 [[ A. ENG INEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTE'R 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGtNEEIUNG-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E' 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL fACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SElLING PRICE SOFTWARE VALID TEST NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS TOUL * 333 118 RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS $* * $* 2,264 938 TOTAL HOURS * 333 178 2,636 1,650 120 DOLLARS $* 2,264 938 2,636 1,650 120 TOTAL 511* $7,608* * $* 511* $ 7 ,608* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $7,608* $1,119* $8,727* S873* S9,600* $* S* $* $* $* 8-80 $7,608* Sl ,119* $8,727* S873* S9,600* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW ICE NO. 32035111 A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN COMMON DES & SUPPORT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS TOTAL * RECURRING DOllARS HOURS $* * $* TOTAL HOURS * DOllARS $* B. ENG INEER lNG-SSe 1. LABOR A B C D E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES 6. PURC HASE BURDEN 2. 3. 4. 5. D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAO, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SEll ING PRICE 4,002 8,422 923 462 1,243 175 4,002 8,422 923 462 1,243 115 9,639 1,306 2,110 9,639 1,308 2,110 TOTAL 1,880* $26,404* * $* 1,880* $26,404* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $26,404* $3,718* $30,182* $3,019* $33,201* $* $* $* $* $* 8-81 $26,404* $3,118* $30,182* $3,019* $33,201* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE SOW/CE NO. 32035112 I[ A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENG INEER ING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. RURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE' BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING I.. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASE'S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PU8L ICA nONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 •. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FAC TOR Y COSTS 1. GtA,IRAD, GEN. RES. 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE' 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST TST SET DIG COMP UNIT DE2 NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 5,106 9,065 19,615 13,128 16,330 RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL 63,244* 44,605 61,380 103,089 54,652 49,358 400,OBO 43,512 6,560 2,000 114 $165,350* TOTAL * TOTAL * TOTAL TOTAL HOURS 5,106 9,065 22,661 13,128 16,330 TOTAL DOLLARS 3,1)46* $35,482* 66,290* 44,605 61,380 119,209 54,652 49,358 419,442 43,512 6,560 2,000 114 $800,832* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* 3,046 16,120 19,362 2,840 9,599 18,572 835 2,822 5,461 3,675 12,421 24,033 2,840* $28,171* 835* $8,283* 3,675* $36,454* 1,269 5,905 5,300 2,200 121 $13,526* 1,269 5,905 5,300 2,201) 121 $13,526* 1,269* $807,047* $116,147* $923,194* $92,319* $1.015,513* 8-8Z * $* $43,765* $6,382* $50,147* $5,013* $55,160* 1,269* $850,812* $122,529* $973,341* $97,332* $1 ,070,673* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----.------------- - - - - - A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A R C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURC HA SE BURDEN HOURS DOLLARS 153 806 HOURS DOllARS HOURS DOLLARS 153 806 956 956 TOTAl 153* $1,762* . s* 153* S1.762* TOTAL * S* * S* * $* TOTAL * s* * S* * s* TOTAl * $* * $* * $* TOTAl * $* * $* * $* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVel E 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBL ICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.- TRAVel 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A.IRAD DGEN. RES. ESTIMATE TOTAL COST PROFlT SELLING PRICE $1,162* 5259* S2,021* 202* $2,223* $* $* $* $* s* 8-83 ,162* $259* 52.021* S202* S2,223* $I FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 3203514120 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOII A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TEST SET DIG COMP UNIT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING DOllARS HOURS HOURS 966 2,626 88 4,242 142 488 29 142 488 29 TOTAL DOLLARS 966 2,626 88 4,242 TOTAL * $* 659* 200 11 $8,133* 659* 200 11 $8,133* TOTAL .. $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN A B C D E 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN F. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SU8CONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.- TRAVEL 4. PURC HASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SelLING PRICE 16,514 55,918 108,816 296,804 16,591 16,514 55,918 108,816 296,804 16,591 TOTAL * $* 16,514* $47B,129* 16,514* $478,129* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* 8-84 $486,262* $69,206* $555,468* 555,549* $611,017* $486,262* $69,206* $555,468* $55,549* 5611,017* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 3203514240 A. ENG INEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A.IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE MGE ST & TE HARDWARE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 3.031 RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS HOURS 3,037 15,918 19,303 TOTAL DOllARS 15,918 19,303 TOTAL 3,037* $35,221* * $* 3,037* $35,221* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $35,221* $5,013* $40,234* $4,024* $44,258* $* $* $* $* $* 8-85 $35,221* $5.013* $40,234* $4,024* $44,258* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II sow ICE NO. 4201 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN SUPP NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS T~AINING/REHEARSAL TOTAL * RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * DOLLARS $* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES (,. PURCHASE BURDEN 4,301 34,262 622 6,387 4,301 34,262 622 6,387 35,254 11 ,416 35,254 11,416 TOTAL * $* 7,009* $85,233* 7,009* $85,233* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAl * $* * $* * $* O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 3. TRAVEL E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBL ICATII1NS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. ·TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&A IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SEll ING PR ICE 2,631 TOTAL * $* 2,631* 12,356 11,085 ],575 $25,016* S110,249* $I5,993* S126, 247.* SI2,622* $138,864* $* $* $* S* $* 8-86 2,631 2,631* 12,356 11 ,085 1 ,575 $25,016* $110,249* $15,993* $126,242* $12,1>22* $138,864* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT ClNTRACT f)CSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 52065100 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D F. 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN [I. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING 1. lABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SU8CONTRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN ICAl PU8L1CA HONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS 2. ESTiMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SelLING PRICE 1. GGA IRAD, GEN. RES. OCSG DEVELOPMENT FIXTURE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 343 495 RECURR HIG HOURS DOllARS 2,319 2,599 TOTAL HOURS DOllARS 2,319 2,599 343 495 5,31)3 5,303 TOTAL B38* SI0,221* * $* 838* $10,221* TOTAL * s* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* TOTAl 839 TOTAL 839* 2,821 5,549 7,514 428 8,913 508 $25,733* TOTAl * $* * $* 839* 2,821 5,549 7,514 428 8,913 508 $25,733* * $* * s* 839 $35,954* S4,956* $40,910* 54,092* 545,002* $* $* $* s* $* 8-87 $35,954* $4,956* $40,910* $4,092* $45,002* ·_------- --------------- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CJNTRACT DCSG PHASE It S(JW/CE NO. 72 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1.. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN LV DOCUMENTATION NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS TOTAL * RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * DOllARS ~* 2,414 1.908 12,760 5.831 21.926 1,230 7.,414 1.908 12,760 5,831 21,926 1,230 TOTAL * $* 4,322* $41,747* 4,322* $41,747* TOTAL * $* • $* * $* TOTAL * $* * 12,152 674 $12,826* * 12,152 674 $12,826* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. E BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABDR 2. BURDEN 3. 'TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G&AtIRAD, GEN. RES. EST MATED TOTAL COST PROFIT SElLING PRICE $54,573* 57, B67* $62,440* $6,250* $68,690* $* $* $* $* s* 8-88 $54,573* $7,867* $62,440* $6,250* 568,690* fUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE 1I SOW/CE NO. 13 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENG INEER ING- SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A R C D E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUfAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUR.DEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 1. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN f. TECHN ICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.- TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL fACTORY COSTS 2. ESTiMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROfIT 4. SELLING PRICE 1. G&A IRAD, GEN. RES. PHOTO DOCUMENTAT I ON NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL * $* • $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* 2,865* 13,443 12,059 3,335 203 $29,040* 2,865* 13,443 12,059 3,335 203 $29,041)* 2,B65 TOTAL * $* $* $* $* $* $* 8-89 $29,041)* $4,209* $33,249* $3,328* $36,511* 2,865 $29,040* $4,209* $33,249* 53,328* 136,511* FUNCTIONAL COST HflUR REPORT CONTRACT DC SG PHASE SOW/CE Nfl. 8101 J[ A. ENG I NH RI NG-F SC 1. LABOR A B C I) E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTEIl 4. TRAVEL "i. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSe 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. RURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. RURDEN 3. TRAVFL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TlJR I NG 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRAC T 7. SUBCON TRAC T BURDEN F. TEC HN IC Al P UBL I C~ TI ON S 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3r TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASF BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORV COSTS G&A, IRAQ, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELL ING PRICE PLANNING SCHEDULES NON-RECURRI NG HOURS DOLLARS f. TOTAL RECURRING HOURS OOtLARS $* * 5,591 1,710 719 TOTAL * TOTAL TOTA L TOTAL * HOUR S $* 48,837 11.652 3,111 * 5,591 1,710 119 TOTAL DOllARS $* 48,837 11,652 '3,171 40,918 40,Q78 18,410 lA,410 $* 8,020* $123,648* 8,020* $123,648* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * ~* $* $123,648* $17,783* $141,4H* $14,145* $155,576* $* $* $* $* 8-90 $123,64A* $17,783* $141,431* $14,145* $155,576* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CDNTR IIC T DCSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. 8102 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES fo. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURC HA SE S fo. PURCHASE BURDEN O. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. 8URDE"l 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUEAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN E. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES '5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1• 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS G!:A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ES TI lolA TEf) TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PRICE FINANCIAL PLA N/C aNTRaL NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS TOTAL * RECURRING HOURS rmUARS $* * TOTAL HOURS s* * DOLLARS s* 1,912 1,595 42,119 5,042 48,241 2,870 1,912 1,595 42,719 5,042 4B,243 2,810 TOTAL * $* 9,'567* $98,874* 9,567* $98,874* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTA L * $* * $* * $* TOTAL '" s* * $* * $* $* $* $* $* $* 8-91 $98,874* $14,399* $113,273* $11,333* $124,606* $98,814* $14,399* $113,2n* $11,333* U24,606* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT cnNTRACT DCSG PHASE II SOW/CF NO. 8103 PERT ITT ME NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINFERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURC HA SES f::. PURCHASF BURDEN TOTllL * RECURRING HOURS DOLLAR S $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * DOLLARS $* B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A C 0 E B BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 2. 3. 4. 5. D. CUSTOMER PPEMI SE 1. LABOR A B C n E 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURC HA SE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. CflMPUTFR 4. PURCHA SES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN 1,577 1,533 10,744 8,063 If),744 1,577 1,533 8,063 15,880 3,300 1,640 15,880 3,300 1,640 TOTAL * $* 3,lI0* $3 Q ,627* 3, 11 "* $39,627* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* $* * $* * $* TOTAl F. TECHNICAL PUBL ICA TI ONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 4. PURCHA SES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 3.- TRAVEL J. TnTAl FACTORY COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TnTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SEllING PRICE TOTAL * $* $39,627* $ 5,71) 8* $45,335* $4,528* $49,863* $* $* $* $* 8-92 $39,627* $<;,108* $45'B5* $4,528* $49,863* .----.~--.-----. --- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT [)(SG PHASE II CONTRACT SOW/CE NO. 8201 lV CONFIG MGMT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS RECLJRRI"!G HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER E 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL B. FNGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 E BURDEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES t. PURCHASE BUROEN 2. 3. 4. 5. * $* * $* * $* 158 2,121 1,071 11.441 3,406 3,110 2,303 30,519 25,845 12,2'l1 3,406 3,928 4,424 3",519 26,916 ?3,648 629 1,961 14,586 2,501 1,621 6/),508 3,130 9,582 15,094 1,115 1,175 TOUL 2.9,)8* $29,065* 1l,980* $131,869* 14, ABA* $166,934* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * 40,918 2,274 $43,252* * $* * 41),918 2,274 $43,252* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. E BUROE"! TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR rNG 1. LABOR 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BtJ~(1EN 6. SUBCONTRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHN rCAL PUBLICATIONS 1 • LABOR 2. BlIRDEfII 3 •. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FAC TORY COSTS RES. 1 • G£A,IRAD. GEN. 2. ESTIMATFD TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE $12,311* $10,465* $82,182* $8,284* $91,066* $131,869* $20,090* $151,959* SI5,8'l1* $113,160* 8-93 $2l"',186* $3(\,555* $240,141* $24,1)8'5* $264,826* .. FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II smOCE NO. A203 FACI PREP G CONDUCT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEER lNG-ESC 1. LABOR A A C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TR AVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENG I NEE RI NG- SSC 1. LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BUROEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSTOlo1ER 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEl * $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * 1,123 1,162 339 9,978 B,051 1,825 1,123 1,162 339 30B C)64 14,631 308 14,630 DOll.ARS $* 9,91B 8,051 1,825 c)64 14,631 14,630 TOTAl 2,932* $50,079* * $* 2,932* $50,n7Q* TnTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* TOTAL * S* * $* PRE~ISE A A C 0 F 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFACTURING" 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC r 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TFCHNICAL PUBLICA HONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TllTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. GGA,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROFIT 4. SF.lLING PRICE $50,079* $7,367* $57,446* $5,744* $63,1(1)* $* $* $* $* $* 8-94 $* * $* $')0,079* $1,367* $57,446* $5,744* $63,IQO* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRAC T DCSG PHASE H smUCE ~10. 8301 A. FNGINFERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D F 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVF.l 5. PURCHASES f,. PURCHASE BURDEN QUALITY ASSURANCE NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 4,051 RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 21,303 HOURS 4,0'51 TOTAL DOllARS 21,~n3 25,907 840 7.5,907 B40 TOTAL 4.(151* $48.050* * $* 4,051* S48,oo;n* TOTAL * S* '" $* * $* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* TOTAL * 41,742 2,336 $44,!) 78* * $* * 41,742 2.336 $44,018* TOTAL * s* * $* '" B. ENGINEE RtNG- SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 0 E 4. TRAVEl 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASF BURDFN D. CUSHlMER PRE'1ISE 1 • LABOR A B C D E ? BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURC HA SE BURDEN E. MANUfACTURING 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHA SES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TFCHN ICAl PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 .. TRAVFl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASF BURDEN J. TOTAL fACTORY COSTS 1. GtA,IRAO, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3. PROF I T 4. SEll ING PRICE $92,128* $12,979* $105,107* SI0,510* $11'5,617* $* $* s* $* $* 8-95 s* $'n ,12A* $12,979* S105,107* $In ,510* $115,611* • FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT nCSG PHASE II SnW/CE NO. 8302 LOGI STICS SUPP MGMT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOllARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 310 0 RECURRING HOURS DOllARS 1,639 HOURS 310 TOTAL DOllARS l,63q F RUROEN COMPUTER TRAVEL PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN 2. 3. 4. '5. B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL '5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASF BURDEN TOTAL 310* 3,40'5 l,Q47 1,Q47 520 5?I) $4,106* * $* 23,445 310* 3,405 17,247 $4 t1 06* 23,445 17,247 TOTA L 3,405* $40,692* * $* 3,405* $4!),6Q7.* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* O. CUSTOMFR PRFMI SE 1. LABOR A B C 0 E BURDEN 4. PURC HA SE S I). PURCHASE BURDEN 7. • 3. TRAVEL E. MANUFAC TUR IfIIG 1 • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUPDEN 6. SUBC ON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BUROEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA TIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.- TRAVEL 4. PURCHA SE S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS Gt:A,IRAD, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF IT SELLING PR ICE 7,3Q5 407 7,3Q5 407 TOTAL * $7,802* * $* * $7,802* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* $52,600* $1,644* $60,244* $6,029* $66,273* $* $* $* $* $* 8-96 $52,600* $1,644* $60,244* $6,029* $66,213* ------ ~~--------------------- FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT COtHRAC T [)CSG PHASE II SOW/CE NO. ~~n3 A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINFERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C 0 E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BURDEN D. CUSH1~ER 1 • LABOR PROCURE f. PROD "'GMT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL * RECURRING HOURS DOllAR S $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * DOLLARS $* 2,099 4,209 18,486 28,777 2,099 4,209 28,777 2,099 6,427 42,544 2,099 6,427 42,544 9,840 1~,486 9,840 TOTAL * S* 8,407* $106,074* 8,41)7* $11)6,1)74* TOTAL * $* * S* * $* TOTAL * $* * $* TOTAL * $* * S* PRE"'ISE A B C 0 2. 3. 4. 5. F BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN 6. SUBCON TRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN $* F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. 2. 3.· 4. 5. J. LABOR BURDEN TRAVEL PURCHASES PURCHASE BURDEN TOTAL FACTOR Y COSTS 1. G&A,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ESTIMATED TOTAL cnST PROF IT 4. SELLING PRICE 3. $* $* $* $* $* 8-97 $106,074* $15,366* SI21,44')* $12,156* $133,596* * $* $106,074* $l5,~66* $121,441)* $12,156* $133,596* FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR RFPORT CONTRACT DCSG PHASE II smllCE NO. 841 ENGINEERING MGMT NON-RECURR I NG HOURS DOllARS RECURRI"IG HOURS DOLLARS TOTAL HOURS DOLLARS A. ENGINEERING-ESC 1. LABOR A B C 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 0 I' 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASES f,. PURCHASE BURDEN B. ENGINEERING-SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASFS 6. PURCHASE BURDEN TOTA L * $* * $* * $* TOT AL * $* * $* * $* TOTAl * $* * $* * $* TOTH * $* * 123,B22 6,910 $130,732* * 123,822 6,910 $131),732* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* D. CUSTOMER PREMISE 1. LABOR A B C f) 2. BURDEN E 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUEAC TUR ING I • LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. PURCHASES 'i. PURCHASE' BURDEN 6. SUBCONTRACT 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3.· TRAVEL 4. PURCHASE'S 5. PURCHASE BURDEN J. TOTAL FACTORY COSTS 1. GSA,IRAD, GEN. RES. 2. ES TlMA TED TOTAL COST 3. PROF IT 4. SElLING PRICE $* $* $* $* $* 8-98 $130,732* $18,438* $149,170* $14,918* $164,088* $130,732* $18,438* $149,17Q* $14,918* $164,088* • FUNCTIONAL COST HOUR REPORT CONTRACT OCSG PHASE II SflW/CE NO. 842 A. ENG INEER ING-E SC 1. LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVel 5. PURCHASES 6. PURCHASE BUROEN r B. FNG INfER ING- SSC 1 • LABOR A B C D E 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTER 4. TRAVEL 5. PURCHASFS 6. PURCHASE BURDEN o. TOTAL * RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS $* * TOTAL HOURS $* * DOllARS $* 672 5,89.3 672 5,893 1,155 3,559 9,265 1,155 3,559 9,265 TOU L * $* 1,827* $18,717* 1,827* $18,717* TOTAL * $* * $* * $* rnTAL * $* * $* * $* TOTAL * S* * $* * $* CUSHlMER PREMI SF 1. LABOR A B C 2. BURDEN 3. TRAVEL 4. PURCHA SES 0 F 5. PURCHASE BURDEN E. MANUFAC TUR ING 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3. COMPUTEP 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BURDEN f::. SUBCONTRAC T 7. SUBCONTRACT BURDEN F. TECHNICAL PUBLICA TIONS 1. LABOR 2. BURDEN 3 •. TRAVFl 4. PURCHASES 5. PURCHASE BUROEN J. TEST MANAGEMENT NON-RECURRING HOURS DOLLARS 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL FACTORY cnSTS G&A,(RAO, GEN. RES. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST PROF I T SEll ING PRICE $* $* $* $* $* 8-99 $18,717* $2,126* $21,443* $2,141* $23,584* $18,717* $2,776* $21,443* $2,141* $23,584* • Rate Schedule 1967 1966 Engineering Labor A B C D E Manufacturing Labor Tech. Publication Labor Engineering Burden ESC SSC Customer Premise Burden Manufacturing Burden Tech. Publication Burden Procurement Burden ESC SSC G&A IRAD General Research Hours Rate 21, 199 35, 141 57, 319 27, 390 13,052 11,049 1968 Hours Rate $ 8.59 6.67 5.17 4.07 2.95 3.31 41,493 84,674 183,077 59,789 39, 108 97,688 $ 8.76 6.80 5.27 4.19 3.04 3.38 762 4.50 6,903 106,278 42,683 6.57 5.04 5,140 1969 1970 Rate Hours Rate Hours Rate 12,813 29,400 84, 124 13,262 7,700 55,405 $ 8.94 6.94 5.38 4.32 3.13 3.45 3,646 7,370 14,132 4,087 1,315 1,749 $ 9.12 7.08 5.49 4.45 3.22 3.52 1,864 6,482 2,611 431 373 $ 9.30 7.22 5.60 4.58 3.32 4.64 4,095 4.78 289 4.92 289,823 103,408 6.25 5.16 100,233 35,148 6.50 4.96 13,714 13,108 6.50 4.97 1,678 7,883 6.50 5.01 3.83 14,910 3.87 11,918 3.95 3,728 4.01 2,200 4.11 11,049 6.83 97,688 6.54 55,405 6.69 1,749 6.69 762 4.01 6,903 4.16 4,095 4.31 289 4.31 5. 70/0 5.40/0 1.00/0 1. 810/0 10.40/0 5. 50/0 5.40/0 1. 00/0 1. 810/0 11. 90/0 8-100 Hours 5. 50/0 5.40/0 1. 00/0 1.810/0 11. 90/0 5. 50/0 5.40/0 1. 00/0 1.810/0 11. 90/0 5. 50/0 5.40/0 1.00/0 1. 810/0 11. 90/0 • • Section 9 FIXED PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN · .. Section 9 FIXED PRICE INCENTIVE PLAl\f The contract shall contain appropriate recognition of Fixed Price Multiple Incentives relating to cost, schedule and technical performance. The incentive parameters are as further defined below:. Target Target T rget Ceiling Cost Profit Price Price * Commercial eouipment is 9. 1 $17,532,228 1,753,223 $19,285,451 $21,038,674 (J 20 'Yo) not includeC1 in target or ceiling prices. COST PERFORMANCE Cost performance shall be measured in accordance with the parameters as specified below. Determination of final cost actuals shall be in accordance with the audit as conducted by the cognizant Government Auditor. Profit adjustment as a function of cost performance will be determined in accordance with the following: 1. If actual costs are: a. Below $17, 532,228 - then the profit shall be increased at a rate of $. 30 for each dollar by which the actual cost is lower than the target cost. b. Between $ J 7,532,228 and $18,032,228 - then no adjustment to the target profit shall be made. c. Between $18,032,229 and $18,532,229 - then the target profit shall be reduced at a rate of $. 20 for each dollar by which the actual COlts exceed the target COltS. d. Between $18,532,229 and $19,032,229 - then the target profit lhall be reduced at a rate of $. 30 for each dollar by which the actual COlta exceed the target COlts. e. In excesl of $19,032,230 - then the target profit Ihall be reduced at a rate of $. 50 for each dollar by which the actual coats exceed the target costa. The Ihare ratiol cited above shall be attained sequentially, and the next higher level of penalty shall not take effect until the full range of th. prior succeeding sharing ratio is exhausted. 9-1 .. .. 9.2 SCHEDUl.E Deliveries: Item C, KU, C, KU, System System System System Syetem Syetem DU DU. PU (Total) (Total) (Total) (Total) (Total) (Total) Allocation G. E. G.E. DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC System No. Date El. Sim. Dev. ,Test EDCTU SIL AVE 2 AVE 3 AVE 4 AVE 5 6/15 lZ/15 3/29 7/5 11/15 3/14 8/1 11/Z6 Incentive rewards and/ or penalties shall be applied for actual delivery of the foregoing items of equipment in accordance with the contractually negotiated schedule. The rewards and/or penalties for each actual delivery item shall be determined in accordance with the following plan: If actual delivery of each item is: 15-30 days late 8-14 days late 1-7 days late - $1500 per day - $1000 per day :1:0 The foregoing incentivee ehall operate to a maximum penalty of $31,000 per deliverable item. and to a total maximum penalty for all deliverable items of $Z48,OOO. Actual delivery date ehall be defined as the date upon which the hardware, with its acceptance documentation, is preeented at the place of manufacture to the Air Force and/ or Douglae representative for signature. Unavailability of the Air Force and/or Douglas representative at the time of hardware and documentation presentation shall toll the time periods specified for award/penalty calculation. The contractor shall make every effort to provide at least 48 houre notice of the availability of hardware and documentation for presentation and acceptance. For purposee of award/penalty calculation, the number of daye that an item 11 deemed dellvered early or late eha11 be meaeured in terms of calendar days. It iI underetood that for the deliverable items incentivized, as set forth herein, that individual components comprise the deliverable iteme. The individual component. are the airborne digital computer, laboratory data adapter, keyboard unit, display unit, printer unlt, and auxiliary memory unit. In the event that either the airborne digital computer or the laboratory data adapter are not delivered with the other components called for, then the penaltiee specified ehall apply, regardIe •• of the delivery of the other componenb. In the event that both the airborne 9-2 • digital computer and the laboratory data adapter are delivered, a.nd certain of the other components are not simultaneously delivered, the parties agree that 50"10 of the awards or penalties specified for each deliverable "system" shall apply. 9.3 TECHNIC.A.L PERFORMANCE Incentive awards and penalties shall be applied to both the weight of the first production flight system, and the orbital performance of certain defined flight systerns, as further defined below: 9.3. 1 WEIGHT The actual weight of the D CSG system is presently defined at 235* pounds for target purposes. For further measurement of performance against this objective, the DCSG, consisting of the airborne digital computer, laboratory data adapter, keyboard unit, display unit, printer unit, and the auxiliary memory unit, shall be considered as a total system against the target weight. Incentive rewards and penalties shall be applied against weights requirements in accordance with the following plan: a. If the actual system weight is within +5 pounds of the mutually agreed target weight, no penalty or award will be applied. b. If the actual weight exceeds the target weight, then the shall be reduced by $2000 per pound for weights that occur between 6 and 15 pounds over target, and shall be further reduced at a rate of $5000 per pound for all weight overages in excess of 15 pounds over target. The maximum penalty that may be incurred under the foregoing provisions shall not exceed $60,000. c. U the actual weight is Ie •• than the target weight, then the profit shall be increased by $3000 per pound for weight. that occur between 1 and 10 pounds under target, and shall be further increased at a rate of $5000 per pound for all weight underage. in exce •• of 10 pounds under target. 9. 3.2 FLIGHT Flight incentives shall be measured in terms of awards/penalties attendant to launch delay. and. secondly, in terms of on-orbit reliability • For the operational measurement of the foregoing incentive., currently planned flights shall be con.idered and the measurements .hall apply to each flight a8 further defined below. * Does not include impact of connector and cooling flow change. 9-3 Launch Delays Awards/penalties applicable to this incentive determination shall be applied to each flight as follows: 1) If no delays attributable to the DCSG are realized for a period of 72 hours prior to a scheduled launch, an award of $5000 shall be made. 2) If no delays attributable to the DCSG are realized for a period of more than five days prior to a scheduled launch, an award of $10, 000 shall'be made. 3) In the event that delays attributable to the DCSG cause launch delays in the time period less than 72 hours prior to scheduled launch, a penalty of $10, 000 per flight will be assessed. The maximum penalty under this provision will be in the amount of $50, 000. On-Orbit Reliability Awards /penalties applicable to this incentive determination shall be applied to each flight as follows: l)(a) (b) 2) Incentives will be based on the ability to perform essential payload functions for a maximum of 180 operating hours of the presently planned mis sion duration, whichever first occurs. On any flight in which the essential functions cannot be completed due to failure of the system not correctable by switching to a redundant element, a penalty of $160, 000 shall be assessed. For each flight that is completed successfully, the contractor shall receive an award in the amount of $100,000. As a consequence of contract definitization, the parties agree to further define in detail the on-orbit parameters to be measured, the definitions of failure, detection and recording, and the documentation and criteria to be employed in evaluation of this objective. As initial assumptions, it is considered that es sential programs are permanently stored in core memory, and, if the auxiliary memory has failed, are reloadable through the data link to the other computer. No failure shall be counted which is dete,rmine d to have been caused by abnormal environmental or abnormal operation of other vehicle subsystems, or errors in operational programs. Occasional intermittents which might potentially be discovered in the 9- 4 telemetry data, or intermittent conditions in the spacecraft shall not be interpreted as a DCSG failure unles s it can be proven that they originated within the DCSG. It is understood that further definition of meaningful flight incentives are in the process of development by Douglas. Such considerations will be included in the finalization of the flight incentive parameters to be measured. 9-5 " ... Section 10 MOL TERMS AND CONDITIONS
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