WholesaleRates 635 102 MSIWholesale Rates

User Manual: 635-102

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Home Office Ph. #: 888-664-9108
Oakbrook Office Ph. #: 630-396-3553
Pricing E-Fax #: 309-807-4993
Web Site:
Pricing E-Mail:
Rate Sheet Updated as of:
Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day
4.125% 99.493 99.383 99.273 99.163 4.000% 100.387 100.277 100.167 100.057 3.250% 98.214 98.104 97.994 97.884 3.250% 98.889 98.779 98.669 98.559
4.250% 100.703 100.593 100.483 100.373 4.125% 100.838 100.728 100.618 100.508 3.375% 98.714 98.604 98.494 98.384 3.375% 99.182 99.072 98.962 98.852
4.375% 101.222 101.112 101.002 100.892 4.250% 101.740 101.630 101.520 101.410 3.500% 99.102 98.992 98.882 98.772 3.500% 99.552 99.442 99.332 99.222
4.500% 101.754 101.644 101.534 101.424 4.375% 102.150 102.040 101.930 101.820 3.625% 99.600 99.490 99.380 99.270 3.625% 100.035 99.925 99.815 99.705
4.625% 102.265 102.155 102.045 101.935 4.500% 102.680 102.570 102.460 102.350 3.750% 100.187 100.077 99.967 99.857 3.750% 100.634 100.524 100.414 100.304
4.750% 102.808 102.698 102.588 102.478 4.625% 103.069 102.959 102.849 102.739 3.875% 100.687 100.577 100.467 100.357 3.875% 100.971 100.861 100.751 100.641
4.875% 103.353 103.243 103.133 103.023 4.750% 103.465 103.355 103.245 103.135 4.000% 101.153 101.043 100.933 100.823 4.000% 101.354 101.244 101.134 101.024
5.000% 103.889 103.779 103.669 103.559 4.875% 104.066 103.956 103.846 103.736 4.125% 101.580 101.470 101.360 101.250 4.125% 101.693 101.583 101.473 101.363
5.125% 104.574 104.464 104.354 104.244 5.000% 104.414 104.304 104.194 104.084 4.250% 102.123 102.013 101.903 101.793 4.250% 102.130 102.020 101.910 101.800
5.250% 105.162 105.052 104.942 104.832 5.125% 104.914 104.804 104.694 104.584 4.375% 102.592 102.482 102.372 102.262 4.375% 102.552 102.442 102.332 102.222
5.375% 105.648 105.538 105.428 105.318 5.250% 105.238 105.128 105.018 104.908 4.500% 103.000 102.890 102.780 102.670 4.500% 102.937 102.827 102.717 102.607
5.500% 105.884 105.774 105.664 105.554 5.375% 105.574 105.464 105.354 105.244 4.625% 103.398 103.288 103.178 103.068 4.625% 103.277 103.167 103.057 102.947
4.250% 100.453 100.343 100.233 100.123
3.625% 100.189 100.069 99.949 99.779 3.625% 99.941 99.821 99.701 99.531 3.750% 100.163 100.043 99.923 99.753 4.375% 100.972 100.862 100.752 100.642
3.750% 100.544 100.424 100.304 100.134 3.750% 100.580 100.460 100.340 100.170 3.875% 100.676 100.556 100.436 100.266 4.500% 101.504 101.394 101.284 101.174
3.875% 100.890 100.770 100.650 100.480 3.875% 101.018 100.898 100.778 100.608 4.000% 100.788 100.668 100.548 100.378 4.625% 102.015 101.905 101.795 101.685
4.000% 101.051 100.931 100.811 100.641 4.000% 101.053 100.933 100.813 100.643 4.125% 100.999 100.879 100.759 100.589 4.750% 102.558 102.448 102.338 102.228
4.125% 101.350 101.230 101.110 100.940 4.125% 101.242 101.122 101.002 100.832 4.250% 101.360 101.240 101.120 100.950 4.875% 103.103 102.993 102.883 102.773
4.250% 101.673 101.553 101.433 101.263 4.250% 101.638 101.518 101.398 101.228 4.375% 101.726 101.606 101.486 101.316 5.000% 103.639 103.529 103.419 103.309
4.375% 102.044 101.924 101.804 101.634 4.375% 102.062 101.942 101.822 101.652 4.500% 102.106 101.986 101.866 101.696 5.125% 104.324 104.214 104.104 103.994
4.500% 102.383 102.263 102.143 101.973 4.500% 102.484 102.364 102.244 102.074 4.625% 102.525 102.405 102.285 102.115 5.250% 104.912 104.802 104.692 104.582
4.625% 102.692 102.572 102.452 102.282 4.625% 102.874 102.754 102.634 102.464 4.750% 102.654 102.534 102.414 102.244 5.375% 105.398 105.288 105.178 105.068
5.500% 105.634 105.524 105.414 105.304
Min FICO = 640
Max DTI = 45%
1-Unit Properties Only
3.625% 100.037 99.917 99.797 99.627 3.625% 99.881 99.761 99.641 99.471 3.625% 99.384 99.264 99.144 98.974 Primary Residence Only
3.750% 100.544 100.424 100.304 100.134 3.750% 100.580 100.460 100.340 100.170 3.750% 100.163 100.043 99.923 99.753 LPMI is available
3.875% 100.890 100.770 100.650 100.480 3.875% 101.018 100.898 100.778 100.608 3.875% 100.676 100.556 100.436 100.266
4.000% 100.993 100.873 100.753 100.583 4.000% 101.053 100.933 100.813 100.643 4.000% 100.788 100.668 100.548 100.378
4.125% 101.278 101.158 101.038 100.868 4.125% 101.182 101.062 100.942 100.772 4.125% 100.881 100.761 100.641 100.471
4.250% 101.673 101.553 101.433 101.263 4.250% 101.638 101.518 101.398 101.228 4.250% 101.174 101.054 100.934 100.764
4.250% 101.562 101.412 101.292 101.152 4.000% 100.510 100.360 100.240 100.100 3.500% 100.729 100.579 100.459 100.319 3.500% 100.677 100.527 100.407 100.267
4.375% 102.062 101.912 101.792 101.652 4.125% 100.945 100.795 100.675 100.535 3.625% 101.262 101.112 100.992 100.852 3.625% 101.210 101.060 100.940 100.800
4.500% 102.517 102.367 102.247 102.107 4.250% 101.836 101.686 101.566 101.426 3.750% 101.875 101.725 101.605 101.465 3.750% 101.741 101.591 101.471 101.331
4.625% 102.885 102.735 102.615 102.475 4.375% 102.274 102.124 102.004 101.864 3.875% 102.296 102.146 102.026 101.886 3.875% 102.209 102.059 101.939 101.799
4.750% 103.309 103.159 103.039 102.899 4.500% 102.635 102.485 102.365 102.225 4.000% 102.698 102.548 102.428 102.288 4.000% 102.554 102.404 102.284 102.144
4.875% 103.667 103.517 103.397 103.257 4.625% 102.932 102.782 102.662 102.522 4.125% 103.103 102.953 102.833 102.693 4.125% 102.970 102.820 102.700 102.560
5.000% 103.973 103.823 103.703 103.563 4.750% 103.498 103.348 103.228 103.088 4.250% 103.495 103.345 103.225 103.085 4.250% 103.245 103.095 102.975 102.835
5.125% 103.687 103.537 103.417 103.277 4.875% 103.768 103.618 103.498 103.358 4.375% 102.945 102.795 102.675 102.535 4.375% 102.679 102.529 102.409 102.269
5.250% 104.650 104.500 104.380 104.240 5.000% 103.993 103.843 103.723 103.583 4.500% 103.214 103.064 102.944 102.804 4.500% 102.887 102.737 102.617 102.477
5.375% 104.238 104.088 103.968 103.828 5.125% 103.937 103.787 103.667 103.527 4.625% 103.277 103.127 103.007 102.867 4.625% 102.803 102.653 102.533 102.393
5.500% 104.162 104.012 103.892 103.752 5.250% 104.835 104.685 104.565 104.425 4.750% 103.201 103.051 102.931 102.791 4.750% 102.951 102.801 102.681 102.541
4.250% 101.858 101.708 101.588 101.448 3.625% 100.880 100.730 100.610 100.470 4.000% 100.465 100.315 100.195 100.055
4.375% 102.296 102.146 102.026 101.886 3.750% 101.625 101.475 101.355 101.215 4.125% 100.898 100.748 100.628 100.488 3.750% 101.070 100.920 100.770 100.570
4.500% 102.657 102.507 102.387 102.247 3.875% 102.046 101.896 101.776 101.636 4.250% 101.494 101.344 101.224 101.084 3.875% 101.381 101.231 101.081 100.881
4.625% 102.932 102.782 102.662 102.522 4.000% 102.448 102.298 102.178 102.038 4.375% 101.923 101.773 101.653 101.513 4.000% 101.954 101.804 101.654 101.454
4.750% 103.520 103.370 103.250 103.110 4.125% 102.853 102.703 102.583 102.443 4.500% 102.308 102.158 102.038 101.898 4.125% 101.812 101.662 101.512 101.312
4.875% 103.790 103.640 103.520 103.380 4.250% 103.245 103.095 102.975 102.835 4.625% 102.694 102.544 102.424 102.284
5.000% 104.015 103.865 103.745 103.605 4.375% 102.679 102.529 102.409 102.269 4.750% 102.723 102.573 102.453 102.313
5.125% 103.937 103.787 103.667 103.527 4.500% 102.887 102.737 102.617 102.477 4.875% 103.060 102.910 102.790 102.650
3.875% 101.046 100.896 100.746 100.546
15 Day 30/25 Yr FHA/VA Programs = 105.000 VA IRRRL w/No Appraisal is Not Available on 15 Yr 4.000% 101.887 101.737 101.587 101.387
30 Day All Other FHA/VA Programs = 105.000 The MSI admin fee is NOT charged on the VA programs 4.125% 101.390 101.240 101.090 100.890
45 Day
60 Day
Gov't USDA
2/27 2/27
Mortgage Services III, L.L.C.
Current Wholesale Rate Sheet
Market conditions are generally: March 2, 2018
(compared to previous price sheet)
(Bank & Credit Union Partners Only) Unchanged to Slightly Improved!
9:40 AM
#300000 - 30 Year Fixed #200000 - 20 Year Fixed #150000 - 15 Year Fixed #100000 - 10 Year Fixed
#510011 (DU) - 5/1 Arm #710011 (DU) - 7/1 Arm #910011 (DU) - 10/1 Arm #300009 - 30 Year Fixed
Caps: 2/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor Caps: 5/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor Caps: 5/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor
(DU Arm Products: Max LTV = 90%) 100% Gift Parameters
#510012 (LP) - 5/1 Arm #710012 (LP) - 7/1 Arm #910012 (LP) - 10/1 Arm
Caps: 2/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor Caps: 5/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor Caps: 5/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor
(LP Arm Products: Max LTV = 95%)
#300100 / #300113 - 30 Yr Fixed - FHA/Stream #300200 / #300214 - 30 Yr Fixed - VA/IRRRL #150100 / #150113 - 15 Yr Fixed - FHA/Stream #150200 - 15 Year Fixed - VA
#300216 - VA 30 Yr Cash Out to 100% #150216 - VA 15 Yr Cash Out to 100% #300215 - 30 Yr VA IRRRL w/No Appraisal #510100 - 5/1 FHA Arm - Treasury
Caps: 1/5 Margin: 2.000
#510200 - 5/1 VA Arm -
Expiration Dates
Price Caps VA Program Notes
NEWS & NOTES In accordance with the final Federal Reserve Board ruling, this published pricing structure may be used in connection with your "Borrower Paid Compensation structures. Please refer to your individual
U/W Turn Times: company's executed compensation agreement with MSI, to determine your prescribed premium/commission structure if opting for the "Lender Paid Compensation" structure.
Working date file moved from
Review to UW:
2/27 For program/pricing on 5-10 financed properties, see online pricing system (OB).
Conditions: 2/27 75 & 90 day locks now available on the conforming fixed products!
Updated: 2/28
All "Wholesale" transactions must be "Lender Paid Comp".
Page 1 of 5 Mortgage Services III, L.L.C. is a wholly owned subsidiary of First State Bank
This rate sheet is intended for Mortgage Professionals only.
Max price paid is 105.000 unless otherwise noted.
Home Office Ph. #: 888-664-9108
Oakbrook Office Ph. #: 630-396-3553
Pricing E-Fax #: 309-807-4993
Web Site:
Pricing E-Mail:
Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day
4.125% 99.166 99.056 98.946 98.836 4.000% 100.686 100.486 100.236 100.086 3.375% 97.268 97.068 96.818 96.668 4.000% 100.436 100.236 99.986 99.836
4.250% 99.816 99.706 99.596 99.486 4.125% 101.056 100.856 100.606 100.456 3.500% 97.755 97.555 97.305 97.155 4.125% 100.848 100.648 100.398 100.248
4.375% 100.412 100.302 100.192 100.082 4.250% 101.412 101.212 100.962 100.812 3.625% 98.216 98.016 97.766 97.616 4.250% 101.665 101.465 101.215 101.065
4.500% 101.059 100.949 100.839 100.729 4.375% 101.844 101.644 101.394 101.244 3.750% 99.791 99.591 99.341 99.191 4.375% 102.046 101.846 101.596 101.446
4.625% 101.638 101.528 101.418 101.308 4.500% 102.246 102.046 101.796 101.646 3.875% 100.228 100.028 99.778 99.628 4.500% 102.534 102.334 102.084 101.934
4.750% 102.256 102.146 102.036 101.926 4.625% 102.659 102.459 102.209 102.059 4.000% 100.536 100.336 100.086 99.936 4.625% 102.901 102.701 102.451 102.301
4.875% 102.741 102.631 102.521 102.411 4.750% 103.017 102.817 102.567 102.417 4.125% 100.863 100.663 100.413 100.263 4.750% 102.997 102.797 102.547 102.397
3.750% 99.781 99.671 99.561 99.451
3.875% 100.294 100.184 100.074 99.964
4.000% 100.786 100.676 100.566 100.456
4.125% 101.281 101.171 101.061 100.951
4.250% 101.824 101.714 101.604 101.494
4.375% 102.293 102.183 102.073 101.963
4.500% 102.701 102.591 102.481 102.371 Min FICO = 640 (Purchase or R/T Refi) Min FICO: 660
Min FICO = 660 (Cash Out Refi) IRRRL's - Not available
Min FICO = 680 (Streamline) Max loan amount = $700,000
Any applicable agency adjusters apply.
$20,000 - $59,999 -1.750 Escrow Waiver -.150 N/O/O: LTV <= 75.00% -2.125 Treasury 2.020%
$60,000 - $89,999 -1.000 Escrow Waiver (Ins Only) -.125 N/O/O: LTV 75.01% - 80.00% -3.375 Libor 2.497%
$90,000 - $139,999 -.375 CA Escrow Waiver (ltv < 90% allowed) -.100 N/O/O: LTV 80.01% - 85.00% -4.125 Week Ending 3/2
$140,000 - $199,999 No Adj 2-4 Unit -1.000 75 day lock (from 60 day price) * -.175
$200,000 - $299,999 +.250 Condo - LTV<=75.00% (> 15 yr terms) No Adj. 90 day lock (from 60 day price) * -.375
$300,000 - $399,999 +.500 Condo - LTV>75.00% (> 15 yr terms) -.750 Fannie 97 (LTV 95.01 - 97.00%) No Adj.
$400,000 to conf non-HB limit +.550 See online (OB) for pricing on 5-10 financed properties
* 75 & 90 day lock only available on conforming fixed programs: #300000, #200000, #150000, #100000
CO, NV -.125 60.01 - 70.01 - 75.01 - 80.01 - 85.01 - 90.01 - 95.01 -
AZ, NM, UT, WY -.050 70.00% 75.00% 80.00% 85.00% 90.00% 95.00% 97.00% < 720 >= 720
AL, CA, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, No Adj >= 740 No Adj. -.250 -.250 -.500 -.250 -.250 -.250 -.750 <= 75 <= 80 0 0
MI, MN, MO, MT, SD, TN, 720 - 739 No Adj. -.250 -.500 -.750 -.500 -.500 -.500 -1.000 <= 65 >80 <=95 -.500 -.250
VA, WA, WI 700 - 719 No Adj. -.500 -1.000 -1.250 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.500 >65 <=75 >80 <=95 -.750 -.500
AR, GA, LA, MS, NC, NE, OH, OR, +.100 680 - 699 No Adj. -.500 -1.250 -1.750 -1.500 -1.250 -1.250 -1.500 >75 <=90 >76 <=90 -1.000 -.750
SC 660 - 679 No Adj. -1.000 -2.250 -2.750 -2.750 -2.250 -2.250 -2.250 >75 <=95 >90 <=95 -1.000 -.750
640 - 659 -.500 -1.250 -2.750 -3.000 -3.250 -2.750 -2.750 -2.750 <= 95 >95 <=97 -1.500 -1.500
TX +.250 620 - 639 -.500 -1.500 -3.000 -3.000 -3.250 -3.250 -3.250 -3.500 Applicable to all loan terms.
600 - 619 -.500 -1.500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Above grid is in addition to .375 sub fin adj.
Cash Out Refi (in addition to agency) -1.000 Cash out adjustments are applicable to all loan terms.
Purch, R/T Refi (in addition to agency) -.250 FICO <=60.00% 60.01 - 70.01 - 75.01 - 80.01 -
LTV/CLTV <= 75% (ARM Only) -.750 70.00% 75.00% 80.00% 85.00%
LTV/CLTV > 75% <= 90% (ARM Only) -1.500 >= 740 -.375 -.625 -.625 -.875 N/A
LTV/CLTV > 90% (ARM Only) -1.750 720 - 739 -.375 -1.000 -1.000 -1.125 N/A
Loan amount adj do not apply 700 - 719 -.375 -1.000 -1.000 -1.125 N/A
N/O/O: LTV <= 65%, Min 740 FICO 680 - 699 -.375 -1.125 -1.125 -1.750 N/A
Max loan amount of $625,500 above 80% LTV 660 - 679 -.625 -1.125 -1.125 -1.875 N/A
All loans must meet State/County loan limits 640 - 659 -.625 -1.625 -1.625 -2.625 N/A
Price Cap = 105.000, unless otherwise noted. 620 - 639 -.625 N/A N/A N/A N/A
All adjustments are cumulative.
LTV 760+ 740-759 720-739 700-719 680-699 660-679 640-659 Upfront Upfront Upfront Upfront
30 Yr LPMI - #300001 90.01 - 95.00% -1.60 -2.25 -2.75 -3.21 -3.94 -5.16 -6.40 30 Yr Split MI - #300002 LTV .50% .75% 1.00% 1.25%
25 Yr LPMI - #250001 85.01 - 90.00% -1.20 -1.70 -2.10 -2.49 -3.01 -4.06 -5.00 25 Yr Split MI - #250002 90.01 - 95.00% .48 .42 .37 .31
20 Yr LPMI - #200001 80.01 - 85.00% -0.62 -0.75 -0.90 -0.97 -1.13 -1.52 -1.81 20 Yr Split MI - #200002 85.01 - 90.00% .28 .22 .15 .09
15 Yr LPMI - #150001 25 Yr Term 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Yr Split MI - #150002 80.01 - 85.00% .03 0 0 0
10 Yr LPMI - #100001 10 Yr Split MI - #100002 (Factors listed above indicate monthly MI payment factor in addition
to the upfront borrower paid premium & may vary by MI company)
LTV 760+ 740-759 720-739 700-719 680-699 660-679 640-659 760+ 740-759 720-739 700-719 680-699 660-679 640-659
90.01 - 95.00% -0.95 -1.24 -1.50 -1.74 -2.08 -2.66 -2.77 Rate/Term Refi 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.42 -0.54 -0.69 -0.84
85.01 - 90.00% -0.59 -0.72 -0.84 -0.95 -1.10 -1.40 -1.43 Second Home -0.36 -0.39 -0.49 -0.60 -0.70 -1.23 -1.27
80.01 - 85.00% -0.43 -0.47 -0.49 -0.53 -0.58 -0.69 -0.71
$30,000 - 74,999 -1.000 FICO 620 - 639 -1.250 FHA Streamline (Min FICO = 660) -.250 * FHA cash out refi max LTV = 85%
$75,000 - $119,999 -.375 FICO 640 - 659 -.500 FHA Streamline w/FICO < 660: See page 4 * N/O/O not allowed.
$120,000 - $199,999 No Adj. FICO 660 - 679 -.250 FHA Refi (Fixed Only-Non Streamline Doc) -.125 * FHA Streamlines - SFR, O/O only
$200,000 - $249,999 +.250 FICO 720+ +.250 20 Year Term = Same as 30 yr pricing * #250100 - 25 Year Fixed - FHA
$250,000 to non-HB limit +.500 25 Year Term = Same as 30 yr pricing * #250200 - 25 Year Fixed - VA
VA loans not available in DC, MA, NY, RI, WV * #200100 - 20 Year Fixed - FHA
* #200200 - 20 Year Fixed - VA
GA, NV, OH -.250
AL, AZ, CO, TN, UT -.125
AR, CA, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NM, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY No Adj.
Mortgage Services III, L.L.C.
Current Wholesale Rate Sheet
High Balance Programs
Conventional - High Balance FHA - High Balance FHA Streamline - High Balance VA - High Balance
30 Year Fixed (DU) - #300017 30 Year Fixed - #300117 30 Year Fixed - #300148 30 Year Fixed - #300217
Conventional - High Balance
15 Year Fixed (DU) - #150017
VA - Jumbo
30 Year Fixed - #300245
Same as VA High Balance Pricing
FHA High Balance Program VA High Balance & VA Jumbo Program
Conforming Fixed/Arm & High Balance Price Adjustments
Loan Amount Misc. Adjustments Current Index
State Adjusters Agency FICO/LTV Adjustments
Applicable to
all loan terms
greater than
15 years.
Secondary Financing
High Balance
Cash Out - Agency FICO/LTV Adj
Conforming Fixed LPMI & Split MI (Not applicable to HB programs)
25-30 Yr Terms - LPMI Split MI with FICO 740+
LPMI Program #'s Split MIProgram #'s
10-20 Yr Terms - LPMI LPMI Adjustments (in addition to base LPMI adj)
All LPMI adjustments are in addition to the standard agency (FICO/LTV) adjustments.
FHA / VA Price Adjustments (Conf & High Balance)
Loan Amount FICO Misc. Gov't Program Features
State Adjusters
VA ID #: 709904-00-00
FHA ID #: 24618-0000-2
Page 2 of 5 Mortgage Services III, L.L.C. is a wholly owned subsidiary of First State Bank
This rate sheet is intended for Mortgage Professionals only.
Max price paid is 105.000 unless otherwise noted.
Home Office Ph. #: 888-664-9108
Oakbrook Office Ph. #: 630-396-3553
Pricing E-Fax #: 309-807-4993
Web Site:
Pricing E-Mail:
Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day
FICO 680 - 739 (all loans) -.125
4.250% 100.454 100.344 100.234 100.124 4.000% 100.019 99.909 99.799 99.689 3.750% 99.801 99.691 99.581 99.471 FICO 640 - 679 (all loans) -.250
4.375% 100.973 100.863 100.753 100.643 4.125% 100.686 100.576 100.466 100.356 3.875% 100.242 100.132 100.022 99.912 Escrow Waiver (80% LTV or below) -.250
4.500% 101.506 101.396 101.286 101.176 4.250% 101.596 101.486 101.376 101.266 4.000% 100.967 100.857 100.747 100.637 State adjusters from page 1 apply.
(Adjustment caps do not apply to these adj)
4.750% 102.502 102.392 102.282 102.172 4.500% 102.536 102.426 102.316 102.206 4.250% 101.647 101.537 101.427 101.317
4.875% 102.999 102.889 102.779 102.669 4.625% 102.925 102.815 102.705 102.595 4.375% 102.042 101.932 101.822 101.712
5.000% 103.409 103.299 103.189 103.079 4.750% 103.313 103.203 103.093 102.983 4.500% 102.450 102.340 102.230 102.120 New LTV/CLTV: 105% / 110%
2nd Homes now available with 680+ FICO
FICO <=60.00% 60.01 - 70.01 - 75.01 - 80.01 - 85.01 - 90.01 - 95.01 - 97.01 - FICO <=60.00% 60.01 - 70.01 - 75.01 - 80.01 - 85.01 - 90.01 - 95.01 - 97.01 -
70.00% 75.00% 80.00% 85.00% 90.00% 95.00% 97.00%** 105%** 70.00% 75.00% 80.00% 85.00% 90.00% 95.00% 97.00%** 105%**
>= 740 No Adj. -.250 -.250 -.250 No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. 2 Unit -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500
720 - 739 No Adj. -.500 -.250 -.250 No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. ** High LTV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.500 -.500
700 - 719 No Adj. -.500 -.750 -.750 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500
680 - 699 No Adj. -.500 -.750 -.750 -.750 -.750 -.750 -.500 -.500
660 - 679 No Adj. -1.000 -1.500 -1.750 -.750 -.750 -.750 -.750 -.750
640 - 659 -.500 -1.250 -2.000 -2.000 -.750 -.750 -.750 -.750 -.750
4.125% 99.369 99.259 99.149 99.039 3.250% 97.976 97.866 97.756 97.646
NEW Adjustment Caps 4.250% 100.454 100.344 100.234 100.124 3.375% 98.360 98.250 98.140 98.030
Term > 20 Years and LTV > 80% .750 CLTV of 75.01 - 90% -.625 4.375% 100.973 100.863 100.753 100.643 3.500% 98.832 98.722 98.612 98.502
Term <= 20 Years and LTV > 80% 0 CLTV of 90.01 - 95% -.875 4.500% 101.506 101.396 101.286 101.176 3.625% 99.329 99.219 99.109 98.999
All Terms with LTV <= 80% 2.000 CLTV of 95.01 - 110% -1.875 4.625% 101.957 101.847 101.737 101.627 3.750% 99.801 99.691 99.581 99.471
2nd Homes, all LTV's & Terms 2.000 Condo w/LTV > 75% (terms > 15 yrs) -.750 4.750% 102.502 102.392 102.282 102.172 3.875% 100.242 100.132 100.022 99.912
15 & 20 Year Terms with LTV > 80% No Adj 4.875% 102.999 102.889 102.779 102.669 4.000% 100.967 100.857 100.747 100.637
5.000% 103.409 103.299 103.189 103.079 4.125% 101.325 101.215 101.105 100.995
FICO <=60.00% 60.01 - 70.01 - 75.01 - 80.01 - 85.01 - 95.01 - 97.01 -
4.250% 100.244 100.134 100.024 99.914 4.250% 100.040 99.930 99.820 99.710 70.00% 75.00% 80.00% 85.00% 95.00% 97.00%** 105%**
4.375% 100.799 100.689 100.579 100.469 4.375% 100.606 100.496 100.386 100.276 >= 740 +.250 No Adj. No Adj. -.250 No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. No Adj.
4.500% 101.300 101.190 101.080 100.970 4.500% 101.281 101.171 101.061 100.951 720 - 739 +.250 No Adj. -.250 -.500 No Adj. No Adj. No Adj. No Adj.
4.625% 101.897 101.787 101.677 101.567 4.625% 101.897 101.787 101.677 101.567 700 - 719 +.250 -.500 -.750 -1.000 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500
4.750% 102.479 102.369 102.259 102.149 4.750% 102.479 102.369 102.259 102.149 680 - 699 No Adj. -.500 -1.250 -1.750 -1.000 -.750 -.750 -.750
4.875% 102.944 102.834 102.724 102.614 4.875% 102.944 102.834 102.724 102.614 660 - 679 No Adj. -1.000 -2.250 -2.750 -2.250 -1.750 -1.750 -1.750
5.000% 103.421 103.311 103.201 103.091 5.000% 103.421 103.311 103.201 103.091 640 - 659 -.500 -1.250 -2.750 -3.000 -2.750 -2.250 -2.250 -2.250
5.125% 103.955 103.845 103.735 103.625
2 Unit -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000
** High LTV 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.500 -1.000
No Escrow -.250 -.250 -.250 -.250 n/a n/a n/a n/a
3.750% 99.843 99.733 99.623 99.513 3.750% 99.843 99.733 99.623 99.513
3.875% 100.365 100.255 100.145 100.035 3.875% 100.365 100.255 100.145 100.035
4.000% 101.003 100.893 100.783 100.673 4.000% 101.003 100.893 100.783 100.673 New Adjustment Caps
4.125% 101.482 101.372 101.262 101.152 4.125% 101.482 101.372 101.262 101.152 30 Yr Fixed w/LTV > 80% .750 CLTV of 75.01 - 90% -.750
4.250% 101.984 101.874 101.764 101.654 4.250% 101.984 101.874 101.764 101.654 30 Yr Fixed w/LTV <= 80% 2.000 CLTV of 90.01 - 95% -1.000
4.375% 102.397 102.287 102.177 102.067 4.375% 102.397 102.287 102.177 102.067 15 Yr Fixed w/LTV > 80% 0 CLTV of 95.01 - 110% -1.500
4.500% 102.400 102.290 102.180 102.070 4.500% 102.400 102.290 102.180 102.070 15 Yr Fixed w/LTV <= 80% 2.000
Loan amount & state adjusters from page 1 apply.
Condo's not allowed on this program.
(Adj caps include all adjustments EXCEPT escrow waiver and loan amount adj.)
4.000% 100.425 100.197 100.017 99.794 <= $55,000 -1.500 5/18/16: Updated Adjusters
4.125% 100.922 100.694 100.514 100.291 $55,001 - $75,000 -.750
4.250% 101.496 101.268 101.088 100.865 $75,001 - $100,000 -.500
4.375% 101.991 101.763 101.583 101.360 $100,001 - $150,000 No Adj.
4.500% 102.474 102.246 102.066 101.843 $150,001+ +.250
4.625% 102.937 102.709 102.529 102.306
4.750% 103.377 103.149 102.969 102.746 FICO 640 - 659 -.625
4.875% 103.666 103.438 103.258 103.035 FICO 660 - 679 -.250
5.000% 104.099 103.871 103.691 103.468 FICO 680 - 699 No Adj.
5.125% 103.773 103.545 103.365 103.142 FICO 700 - 719 +.100
5.250% 104.593 104.365 104.185 103.962 FICO 720+ +.200
Max GRH Rate =
Conforming Fixed Rate Program: FHA / VA Fixed Rate Program:
Available on conforming fixed rate only (30 yr, 20 yr, 15 yr, 10 yr) 90 Days: .375 Upfront Fee Available for FHA/VA 30 yr & 15 yr
60 day price minus .250 is used, plus applicable rate add on. (Plus/minus any applicable adjusters) 120 Days: .625 Upfront Fee Upfront fee is non-refundable/not credited & due within 5 days.
Refer to chart below for Rate Add On and Refundable Upfront Fee: 150 Days: .875 Upfront Fee 60 day pricing is used.
180 Days: 1.125 Upfront Fee Indicate desired lock period in comments when locking online.
Days Upfront Fee Refund @ Closing Rate Add-On FHA: All lock periods are available
90 0.375% 0.00% 0.000% VA: Only available for 90 or 120 days (N/A for 150 & 180 days)
120 0.625% 0.00% 0.000%
180 1.000% 0.00% 0.125%
270 1.000% 0.00% 0.250%
360 1.000% 0.00% 0.375%
(Upfront fee is due MSI within 5 days of lock and is non-refundable if withdrawn or denied)
Once the loan is locked, the upfront fee is owed.
Mortgage Services III, L.L.C.
Current Wholesale Rate Sheet
DU Refi Plus Program
DU Refi Plus Program DU Refi Plus Program DU Refi Plus Program "Un-Capped" Price Adjustments
30 Year Fixed - #300003 20 Year Fixed - #200003 15 Year Fixed - #150003
** Special Note **
20 & 30 Year Terms 30 Year Terms Only (Applies to all DU Refi Plus programs)
(Adjustment caps apply to all of the above)
DU Refi Plus w/MI
DU Refi Plus w/MI
(Adjustment caps apply to all of the above)
30 Year Fixed - #300004
15 Year Fixed - #150004
"Capped" Price Adjustments
LP Relief "Open Access" Program
LP Relief Program LP Relief w/MI LP Relief - FICO/LTV Adj. (Applies to 30 Yr Program Only)
30 Year Fixed - #300007 30 Year Fixed - #300008
Applies to both 30 Yr & 15 Yr Programs:
LP Relief Program LP Relief w/MI
15 Year Fixed - #150007 15 Year Fixed - #150008
Subordinate Financing
#300300 - 30 Year Fixed - Rural Housing Loan Amount Adjustments ** Special Note **
FICO Adjustments
Extended Lock Programs
Page 3 of 5 Mortgage Services III, L.L.C. is a wholly owned subsidiary of First State Bank
This rate sheet is intended for Mortgage Professionals only.
Max price paid is 105.000 unless otherwise noted.
Home Office Ph. #: 888-664-9108
Oakbrook Office Ph. #: 630-396-3553
Pricing E-Fax #: 309-807-4993
Web Site:
Pricing E-Mail:
Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day
4.250% 97.987 97.924 97.862 97.799 4.250% 98.487 98.424 98.362 98.299 4.250% 99.350 99.287 99.225 99.162 4.000% 98.725 98.662 98.600 98.537
4.375% 98.612 98.549 98.487 98.424 4.375% 99.112 99.049 98.987 98.924 4.375% 99.787 99.724 99.662 99.599 4.125% 99.287 99.224 99.162 99.099
4.500% 99.237 99.174 99.112 99.049 4.500% 99.737 99.674 99.612 99.549 4.500% 100.225 100.162 100.100 100.037 4.250% 99.725 99.662 99.600 99.537
4.625% 99.737 99.674 99.612 99.549 4.625% 100.237 100.174 100.112 100.049 4.625% 100.662 100.599 100.537 100.474 4.375% 100.162 100.099 100.037 99.974
4.750% 100.237 100.174 100.112 100.049 4.750% 100.737 100.674 100.612 100.549 4.750% 101.100 101.037 100.975 100.912 4.500% 100.600 100.537 100.475 100.412
4.875% 100.737 100.674 100.612 100.549 4.875% 101.237 101.174 101.112 101.049 4.875% 101.537 101.474 101.412 101.349 4.625% 101.037 100.974 100.912 100.849
5.000% 101.237 101.174 101.112 101.049 5.000% 101.737 101.674 101.612 101.549 5.000% 101.975 101.912 101.850 101.787 4.750% 101.475 101.412 101.350 101.287
5.125% 101.737 101.674 101.612 101.549 5.125% 102.237 102.174 102.112 102.049 5.125% 102.412 102.349 102.287 102.224 4.875% 101.912 101.849 101.787 101.724
5.250% 102.237 102.174 102.112 102.049 5.250% 102.737 102.674 102.612 102.549 5.250% 102.787 102.724 102.662 102.599
4.125% 100.155 100.092 100.030 99.967 4.250% 100.405 100.342 100.280 100.217 4.375% 100.257 100.194 100.132 100.069
4.250% 100.530 100.467 100.405 100.342 4.375% 100.780 100.717 100.655 100.592 4.500% 100.632 100.569 100.507 100.444
4.500% 101.280 101.217 101.155 101.092 4.625% 101.530 101.467 101.405 101.342 4.750% 101.382 101.319 101.257 101.194
4.625% 101.655 101.592 101.530 101.467 4.750% 101.905 101.842 101.780 101.717 4.875% 101.757 101.694 101.632 101.569
60.01 - 70.01 75.01 Refinance (30 & 20 Yr) -0.125 Min FICO = 700 (Fixed)
<=60% 70% 75% 80% Refinance (15 & 10 Yr) -0.125 Min FICO = 720 (Arms)
FICO: Refinance (5/1 & 7/1 Arm) -0.125 Max Loan Amount = $3.0 Mil
800+ +.875 +.750 +.500 +.250 Refinance (10/1 Arm) -0.125 No Escrow Waiver Fee!
780 - 799 +.750 +.625 +.375 +.125 2nd Home -.250
760 - 779
Loan Amounts >= $1.0 mil
740 - 759 +.250 +.125 -.125 -.625
720 - 739 0 -.250 -.500 -1.000
700 - 719 -.125 -.625 -.875 -1.375 Preferred Payment Plan (ACH)* -.250% (To Rate)
Property: 30 & 20 Year Fixed (IL, KS, MO) 0.250
Investment Prop. -1.750 N/A N/A N/A * Rate can be reduced by .250% by setting up an 15 & 10 Year Fixed (IL, KS, MO) 0.125
3 Unit -.375 -.375 N/A N/A ACH for monthly payments. Arms (IL, KS, MO) 0.125
4 Unit -1.000 -1.000 N/A N/A
Cash Out
FICO 600 - 619 No Adj FICO 680 - 699 +.125
4.500% 101.287 101.012 100.862 100.687 FICO 580 - 599 -.750 4.500% 102.273 102.023 101.898 101.748 FICO 660 - 679 No Adj
4.625% 101.627 101.352 101.202 101.027 VA - Purchase Only (#300333) -.250 4.625% 102.592 102.342 102.217 102.067 FICO 640 - 659 -.250
4.750% 101.572 101.297 101.147 100.972 $50,000 - $75,000 -1.000 4.750% 103.042 102.792 102.667 102.517 FICO 620 - 639 -1.250
4.875% 101.981 101.706 101.556 101.381 $75,001 - $125,000 -.375 4.875% 103.276 103.026 102.901 102.751
5.000% 102.347 102.072 101.922 101.747 $125,001+ No Adj 5.000% 103.570 103.320 103.195 103.045
5.125% 102.087 101.812 101.662 101.487 5.125% 103.814 103.564 103.439 103.289 FICO 600 - 619 No Adj
5.250% 102.461 102.186 102.036 101.861 5.250% 103.770 103.520 103.395 103.245 FICO 580 - 599 -.750
5.375% 101.959 101.684 101.534 101.359 5.375% 104.033 103.783 103.658 103.508
5.625% 102.560 102.285 102.135 101.960 $50,000 - $75,000 -1.500
$75,001 - $125,000 -.375
$125,001+ No Adj
4.875% 101.776 101.526 101.401 101.251
5.000% 102.070 101.820 101.695 101.545
5.125% 102.314 102.064 101.939 101.789
5.250% 102.270 102.020 101.895 101.745
5.375% 102.533 102.283 102.158 102.008
5.500% 102.645 102.395 102.270 102.120
60.01 - 70.01 - 75.01 - 80.01 - 85.01 - 90.01 - 95.01 - 2-4 Unit Property -1.000
4.125% 99.578 99.468 99.358 99.248 70.00% 75.00% 80.00% 85.00% 90.00% 95.00% 97.00% Condo w/LTV 75.01 - 80.00% -.750
4.250% 100.364 100.254 100.144 100.034 >= 740 0 -.250 -.250 -.500 0 0 0 0
4.375% 100.883 100.773 100.663 100.553 720 - 739 0 -.250 -.500 -.750 0 0 0 0
4.500% 101.478 101.368 101.258 101.148 700 - 719 0 -.500 -1.000 -1.250 0 0 0 0 > 80% LTV and >= 680 FICO: Cap = 0.000
4.625% 102.027 101.917 101.807 101.697 680 - 699 0 -.500 -1.250 -1.500 0 0 0 0 > 80% LTV and < 680 FICO: Cap = 1.500
4.750% 102.556 102.446 102.336 102.226 660 - 679 0 -1.000 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 < 80% LTV: Cap = 1.500
4.875% 103.043 102.933 102.823 102.713 640 - 659 -.500 -1.250 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500
5.000% 103.574 103.464 103.354 103.244 620 - 639 -.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 N/A All conforming loan amount adjustments from
5.125% 104.094 103.984 103.874 103.764 page 2 apply.
LTV % Coverage LTV <= 80.00% -1.500 LP is required
4.250% 100.244 100.134 100.024 99.914 95.01 - 97% 25% LTV > 80.00% & FICO < 680 -1.500 Max LTV: 97%
4.375% 100.799 100.689 100.579 100.469 90.01 - 95% 25% LTV > 80.00% & FICO >= 680 No Adj. Borrower income limits apply
4.500% 101.517 101.407 101.297 101.187 85.01 - 90% 25% Loan amount adjustments from page 2 apply.
4.625% 101.928 101.818 101.708 101.598 80.01 - 85% 12% Non-Community Sub Fin -.500
4.750% 102.452 102.342 102.232 102.122
4.875% 103.056 102.946 102.836 102.726
5.000% 103.664 103.554 103.444 103.334
5.125% 104.198 104.088 103.978 103.868
Account Executive
Brent Wilder 309-826-0484 bwilder@msiloans.biz 15 Day Relock: Worse Case Pricing 2 Days (Only if 2 is all that is needed) Free!
30 Day Relock: Worse Case Pricing 1-30 Days (Max = 30 days) -.020/day
(Max of 2 relocks allowed)
** Rate lock requests accepted until 6:00 pm central time. Overnight price protection is not available. (2nd relock is max of 15 days and requires a closing date)
** Rates/Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Not to be used to determine eligibility.
** All loans must disburse by expiration date and be delivered to MSI within 4 days of disbursement.
** Lower of two median credit scores used for all programs.
** All extension/relock requests must be requested prior to 5 pm ct.
Mortgage Services III, L.L.C.
Current Wholesale Rate Sheet
Jumbo Programs
#300440 - 30 Year Jumbo #200440 - 20 Year Jumbo #150440 - 15 Year Jumbo #100440 - 10 Year Jumbo
#510440 - 5/1 Arm #710440 - 7/1 Arm #910440 - 10/1 Arm
Caps: 2/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor Caps: 2/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor Caps: 2/2/5 Margin: 2.250 Index: Libor
Price Adjustments Price Adjustments Program Features
RATE Adjustment State Pricing Special
Lower FICO FHA/VA Programs
FHA/VA: 580 - 619 FICO FHA/VA w/FICO 580 - 619 Adjustments FHA Streamline w/620 Min FICO FHA Streamline w/620 Min FICO Adj.
30 Year Fixed - #300133 30 Year Fixed - #300134
FHA Streamline w/580 Min FICO Adj.
Loan Amount Adj.
FHA Streamline w/FICO 580-619
30 Year Fixed - #300154
Home Ready (DU) Home Ready FICO/LTV Adjustments Other Home Ready Adjustments
#300053 - 30 Year Fixed FICO <=60.00%
Home Ready Adjustment Caps
Home Possible
Home Possible (LP) MI Coverage Home Possible FICO/LTV Adjustments Program Features
#300036 - 30 Year Fixed
Important Information About MSI:
Re-Lock Policy Extension Policy
Page 4 of 5 Mortgage Services III, L.L.C. is a wholly owned subsidiary of First State Bank
This rate sheet is intended for Mortgage Professionals only.
Max price paid is 105.000 unless otherwise noted.
Home Office Ph. #: 888-664-9108
Oakbrook Office Ph. #: 630-396-3553
Pricing E-Fax #: 309-807-4993
Web Site:
Pricing E-Mail:
Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day Rate 15-Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Day
4.500% 99.399 99.274 99.149 99.024 4.250% 99.481 99.356 99.231 99.106 3.625% 97.728 97.603 97.478 97.353 3.750% 98.205 98.080 97.955 97.830
4.625% 99.838 99.713 99.588 99.463 4.375% 100.022 99.897 99.772 99.647 3.750% 98.255 98.130 98.005 97.880 3.875% 98.718 98.593 98.468 98.343
4.750% 100.386 100.261 100.136 100.011 4.500% 100.360 100.235 100.110 99.985 3.875% 98.768 98.643 98.518 98.393 4.000% 99.057 98.932 98.807 98.682
4.875% 100.916 100.791 100.666 100.541 4.625% 100.838 100.713 100.588 100.463 4.000% 99.107 98.982 98.857 98.732 4.125% 99.574 99.449 99.324 99.199
5.000% 101.371 101.246 101.121 100.996 4.750% 101.457 101.332 101.207 101.082 4.125% 99.624 99.499 99.374 99.249 4.250% 99.961 99.836 99.711 99.586
5.125% 101.814 101.689 101.564 101.439 4.875% 102.052 101.927 101.802 101.677 4.250% 100.011 99.886 99.761 99.636 4.375% 100.350 100.225 100.100 99.975
5.250% 101.991 101.866 101.741 101.616 5.000% 102.623 102.498 102.373 102.248 4.375% 100.400 100.275 100.150 100.025 4.500% 100.743 100.618 100.493 100.368
All agency & loan amount adjusters from page 2 apply.
LPMI options are also available -- Regular LPMI adjusters apply.
Current Wholesale Rate Sheet
Medical Doctor Program
#300062 - 30 Year Fixed - Med Dr. #200062 - 20 Year Fixed - Med Dr. #150062 - 15 Year Fixed - Med Dr. #100062 - 10 Year Fixed - Med Dr.
Mortgage Services III, L.L.C.
Page 5 of 5 Mortgage Services III, L.L.C. is a wholly owned subsidiary of First State Bank
This rate sheet is intended for Mortgage Professionals only.
Max price paid is 105.000 unless otherwise noted.

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