MT2523 Series Reference Manual Public
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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Version: 1.1 Release date: 14 December 2016 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). MediaTek cannot grant you permission for any material that is owned by third parties. You may only use or reproduce this document if you have agreed to and been bound by the applicable license agreement with MediaTek (“License Agreement”) and been granted explicit permission within the License Agreement (“Permitted User”). If you are not a Permitted User, please cease any access or use of this document immediately. Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS-IS” BASIS ONLY. MEDIATEK EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND AND SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS RELATING TO OR ARISING OUT OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY USE OR INABILITY TO USE THEREOF. Specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Document Revision History Revision Date Description 0.1 11 December 2015 Initial draft. 0.2 22 February 2016 Review completed. 0.3 23 June 2016 Update G2D, AFE, MMSYS. 1.0 31 Auguest 2016 Update MMSYS. 1.1 14 December 2016 Add PMU. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page i of vii MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table of contents 1. Documentation General Conventions .................................................................................................... 1 1.1. 1.2. Abbreviations for Control Modules .................................................................................................... 1 Abbreviations for Registers ................................................................................................................ 2 2. Bus Architecture and Memory Map ....................................................................................................... 3 3. External Interrupt Controller ................................................................................................................. 8 3.1. 3.2. 4. Direct Memory Access ..........................................................................................................................20 4.1. 4.2. 5. General Description .......................................................................................................................... 85 Register Definition ............................................................................................................................ 89 Inter-Integrated Circuit Controller ........................................................................................................97 9.1. 9.2. 10. General Description .......................................................................................................................... 75 Register Definition ............................................................................................................................ 78 Serial Peripheral Interface Slave Controller ..........................................................................................85 8.1. 8.2. 9. General Description .......................................................................................................................... 56 Register Definition ............................................................................................................................ 60 Serial Peripheral Interface Master Controller .......................................................................................75 7.1. 7.2. 8. General Description .......................................................................................................................... 44 Register Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 44 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter ......................................................................................56 6.1. 6.2. 7. General Description .......................................................................................................................... 20 Register Definition ............................................................................................................................ 24 Real Time Clock.....................................................................................................................................44 5.1. 5.2. 6. General Description ............................................................................................................................ 8 Register Definition ............................................................................................................................ 10 General Description .......................................................................................................................... 97 Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 100 SD Memory Card Controller ................................................................................................................110 10.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 110 10.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 112 11. USB2.0 High-Speed Device Controller .................................................................................................142 11.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 142 11.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 145 12. General Purpose Timer .......................................................................................................................210 12.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 210 12.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 212 13. Pulse Width Modulation .....................................................................................................................233 13.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 233 13.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 234 14. Keypad Scanner ..................................................................................................................................236 14.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 236 14.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 242 15. General Purpose Counter....................................................................................................................246 15.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 246 15.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 247 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page ii of vii MT2523 Series Reference Manual 16. Auxiliary ADC Unit ..............................................................................................................................251 16.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 251 16.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 252 16.3. Programming Guide ........................................................................................................................ 256 17. General Purpose DAC..........................................................................................................................257 17.1. 17.2. 17.3. 17.4. 18. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 257 Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 257 Programming Guide ........................................................................................................................ 259 Limitations and Important Notes ................................................................................................... 260 Accessory Detector .............................................................................................................................261 18.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 261 18.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 263 19. True Random Number Generator .......................................................................................................273 19.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 273 19.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 275 19.3. Programming Guide ........................................................................................................................ 278 20. Audio Front End ..................................................................................................................................279 20.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 279 20.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 281 21. 2D Acceleration ..................................................................................................................................303 21.1. 21.2. 21.3. 21.4. 22. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 303 Features .......................................................................................................................................... 304 Application Notes ........................................................................................................................... 309 Register Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 311 Multimedia Subsystem Configuration .................................................................................................324 22.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 324 22.2. Block diagram ................................................................................................................................. 324 22.3. Register definition .......................................................................................................................... 325 23. LCD display .........................................................................................................................................330 23.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 330 23.2. LCD registers definition .................................................................................................................. 336 24. Display Serial Interface (DSI) ...............................................................................................................381 24.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 381 24.2. Features .......................................................................................................................................... 381 24.3. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 382 25. Image Resizer .....................................................................................................................................397 25.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 397 25.2. Application Notes ........................................................................................................................... 397 25.3. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 399 26. Image Rotator DMA ............................................................................................................................413 26.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 413 26.2. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 415 27. General Purpose Inputs/Outputs ........................................................................................................423 27.1. General Description ........................................................................................................................ 423 27.2. IO Pull Up/Down Control Truth Table ............................................................................................. 423 27.3. Register Definition .......................................................................................................................... 426 28. MT2523 Top Clock Setting ..................................................................................................................567 28.1. MT2523 Clock Scheme ................................................................................................................... 567 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page iii of vii MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28.2. Clock Setting Programming Guide .................................................................................................. 568 29. Power Management Unit....................................................................................................................585 29.1. 29.2. 29.3. 29.4. 29.5. 29.6. 29.7. 29.8. Power supply schemes ................................................................................................................... 586 Voltage regulator ............................................................................................................................ 587 Low power mode ............................................................................................................................ 589 Pulse Charger (PCHR) ...................................................................................................................... 589 Power On/Off sequence ................................................................................................................. 592 LED current sink (ISINK) .................................................................................................................. 594 Vibrator driver ................................................................................................................................ 595 PMU AUXADC ................................................................................................................................. 595 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page iv of vii MT2523 Series Reference Manual Lists of tables and figures Table 2-1. MT2523 bus connection.........................................................................................................................3 Table 2-2. Top view memory map ..........................................................................................................................3 Table 2-3. Always-on domain peripherals...............................................................................................................4 Table 2-4. Power-down domain peripherals...........................................................................................................5 Table 3-1. External interrupt sources......................................................................................................................9 Table 4-1. Virtual FIFO access ports ......................................................................................................................23 Table 7-1. SPI master controller interface ............................................................................................................76 Table 8-1. SPI slave controller interface................................................................................................................86 Table 8-2. SPI slave command description............................................................................................................87 Table 8-3. SPI slave status description (use RS command to poll SPI slave status) ..............................................87 Table 10-1. Sharing of pins for SD memory card controller ................................................................................111 Table 12-1. Operation mode of GPT ...................................................................................................................210 Table 12-2. Timer feature ...................................................................................................................................210 Table 14-1. 3*3 single key’s order number in COL/ROW matrix ........................................................................236 Table 14-2. 3*3 double key’s order number in COL/ROW matrix ......................................................................236 Table 16-1. AUXADC channel description ...........................................................................................................252 Table 21-1. The 2D engine register mapping ......................................................................................................311 Table 23-1. LCD controller internal state ............................................................................................................332 Table 23-2. LCD TE Ports .....................................................................................................................................348 Table 23-3. WROICON.FORMAT List ...................................................................................................................352 Table 23-4. Layer address alignment constraint .................................................................................................365 Table 26-1. ImageRotator DMA Output Format .................................................................................................413 Table 26-2. Base Address and Buffer Size Restrictions .......................................................................................414 Table 27-1. GPIO v.s. IO type mapping ...............................................................................................................423 Table 29-1. LDO input power plan ......................................................................................................................586 Table 29-2. LDO types and brief specifications ...................................................................................................588 Table 29-3. Application and input range of ADC channels ..................................................................................595 Figure 3-1. Block diagram of external interrupt controller .....................................................................................8 Figure 4-1. Variety data paths of DMA transfers ..................................................................................................20 Figure 4-2. DMA block diagram.............................................................................................................................20 Figure 4-3. Ring buffer and double buffer memory data movement ...................................................................21 Figure 4-4. Unaligned word accesses ....................................................................................................................22 Figure 4-5. Virtual FIFO DMA ................................................................................................................................22 Figure 6-1. Block Diagram of UART .......................................................................................................................57 Figure 7-1. Pin connection between SPI master and SPI slave .............................................................................75 Figure 7-2. SPI transmission formats ....................................................................................................................75 Figure 7-3. Operation flow with or without PAUSE mode ....................................................................................77 Figure 7-4. CS_N de-assert mode ..........................................................................................................................77 Figure 7-5. Block diagram of SPI master controller...............................................................................................77 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page v of vii MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 8-1. Pin connection between SPI master and SPI slave .............................................................................85 Figure 8-2. SPI transmission formats ....................................................................................................................85 Figure 8-3. SPI slave controller commands waveform ..........................................................................................86 Figure 8-4. SPI slave control flow diagram ............................................................................................................86 Figure 8-5. Config read/write (CR/CW) command format ....................................................................................88 Figure 8-6. Block diagram of SPI slave controller ..................................................................................................89 Figure 10-1. Card detection for SD memory card ...............................................................................................111 Figure 10-2. IO Pinmux setting for MSDC............................................................................................................112 Figure 11-1. Multiple packet RX flow (known size) .............................................................................................143 Figure 11-2. Multiple packet RX flow (unknown size) .........................................................................................144 Figure 11-3. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................145 Figure 12-1. Block diagram of GPT ......................................................................................................................211 Figure 13-1. PWM waveform ..............................................................................................................................233 Figure 13-2. PWM waveform with register values..............................................................................................233 Figure 14-1. 3x3 keypad matrix (9 keys) .............................................................................................................237 Figure 14-2. 3x3 keypad matrix (18 keys) ...........................................................................................................237 Figure 14-3. One key pressed with de-bounce mechanism denoted .................................................................238 Figure 14-4. (a) Two keys pressed, case 1; (b) Two keys pressed, case 2 ...........................................................238 Figure 14-5. Single keypad detection method ....................................................................................................239 Figure 14-6. Brief schematic diagram of double keypad ....................................................................................240 Figure 14-7. Single key case ................................................................................................................................240 Figure 14-8. Row scan .........................................................................................................................................241 Figure 14-9. Column scan ....................................................................................................................................241 Figure 16-1. AUXADC architecture ......................................................................................................................251 Figure 18-1. Suggested accessory detection circuit ............................................................................................261 Figure 18-2. State machine between microphone and hook-switch plug-in/out change ..................................262 Figure 18-3. PWM waveform ..............................................................................................................................262 Figure 18-4. PWM waveform with register value present ..................................................................................265 Figure 18-5. PWM waveform with DEBOUNCE register value present...............................................................267 Figure 19-1. TRNG architecture...........................................................................................................................273 Figure 19-2. H-FIRO architecture ........................................................................................................................274 Figure 19-3. H-RO and H-GARO architecture ......................................................................................................274 Figure 19-4. TRNG operation flow ......................................................................................................................275 Figure 20-1. Block diagram of digital circuits of the audio front-end .................................................................279 Figure 20-2. Timing diagram of Bluetooth application .......................................................................................280 Figure 20-3. Timing diagram of different clock rate Bluetooth application........................................................280 Figure 20-4. EDI Format 1: EIAJ (FMT = 0) ...........................................................................................................281 Figure 20-5. EDI Format 1: I2S (FMT = 1) ............................................................................................................281 Figure 21-1. 2D Engine Block Diagram ................................................................................................................303 Figure 21-2. 2D Engine Coordinates ....................................................................................................................304 Figure 21-3. 2D Engine Clipping Operation .........................................................................................................305 Figure 21-4. Font Drawing Setting ......................................................................................................................306 Figure 21-5. Anti-aliasing Font Diagram ..............................................................................................................307 Figure 21-6. Anti-aliasing Font Example..............................................................................................................308 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page vi of vii MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 21-7. Rectangle Fill with Alpha-Blending Example ...................................................................................308 Figure 21-8. The block diagram of graphic 2D driver interface...........................................................................309 Figure 21-9. DIS_BG example ..............................................................................................................................315 Figure 21-10. Color Replacement Stage ..............................................................................................................318 Figure 21-11. ROI Memory Offset .......................................................................................................................319 Figure 21-12. Image of Different Rotation Angles ..............................................................................................321 Figure 22-1. Multimedia Subsystem Block Diagram ...........................................................................................324 Figure 23-1. LCD Block Diagram ..........................................................................................................................331 Figure 23-2. Two kinds of usages of overlay& PQ can be configured by different settings. ...............................331 Figure 23-3. LCD State Transitions ......................................................................................................................332 Figure 23-4. LCD serial interface read timing diagram ........................................................................................343 Figure 23-5. LCD serial interface read waveform example .................................................................................344 Figure 23-6. LCD serial interface write timing diagram.......................................................................................344 Figure 23-7. LCD serial interface write waveform example ................................................................................345 Figure 23-8. SYNC_MODE = 0 ..............................................................................................................................346 Figure 23-9. LCM Scan Line Timing .....................................................................................................................346 Figure 23-10. TE Scan Line Example ....................................................................................................................347 Figure 23-11. Layers and ROI setting ..................................................................................................................357 Figure 23-12. ROI write to memory setting ........................................................................................................358 Figure 23-13. Layer source RGB format ..............................................................................................................360 Figure 23-14. YUYV422 byte order in memory ...................................................................................................360 Figure 24-1. Pixel Format of RGB888 ..................................................................................................................381 Figure 24-2. Pixel Format of Loosely RGB666 .....................................................................................................382 Figure 24-3. Pixel Format of RGB565 ..................................................................................................................382 Figure 25-1. Image Resizer Overview ..................................................................................................................397 Figure 25-2. Resizer double buffered registers updating and taking effect timing chart ...................................398 Figure 25-3. Resizer interrupt and busy asserting timing chart ..........................................................................398 Figure 25-4. Memory clipping chart ....................................................................................................................410 Figure 26-1. Image Rotator DMA Input Interface ...............................................................................................413 Figure 26-2. Image Rotator DMA Architecture ...................................................................................................413 Figure 26-3. Image Rotator DMA Descriptor Format ..........................................................................................414 Figure 27-1. GPIO block diagram ........................................................................................................................423 Figure 28-1. MT2523 clock scheme ....................................................................................................................568 Figure 29-1. MT2523 series PMU architecture ...................................................................................................585 Figure 29-2. MT2523 series power domain .......................................................................................................587 Figure 29-3. General LDO block diagram ...........................................................................................................588 Figure 29-4. PCHR schematics ............................................................................................................................590 Figure 29-5. Charging control modes .................................................................................................................591 Figure 29-6. Power-on/off control sequence by pressing PWRKEY ...................................................................593 Figure 29-7. Power-on/off control sequence by charger plug in .......................................................................593 Figure 29-8. ISINK block diagram .......................................................................................................................595 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page vii of vii MT2523 Series Reference Manual 1. Documentation General Conventions 1.1. Abbreviations for Control Modules Abbreviation Full name EINT External interrupt controller DMA Direct memory access UART Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter SPI master Serial peripheral interface master controller SPI slave Serial peripheral interface slave controller I2C Inter-integrated circuit interface MSDC SD memory card controller USB USB 2.0 high-speed device controller GPT General purpose timer PWM Pulse width modulation KP Scanner Keypad scanner GPCount General purpose counter AUXADC Auxiliary ADC GPDAC General purpose DAC Accdet Accessory detector TRNG True random Number Generator GPIO General purpose inputs-outputs PMU Power management unit © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 1 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 1.2. Abbreviations for Registers Abbreviation Full name RW Read and write RO Read only WO Write only RC Read 1 to clear WC Write 1 to clear RWC Read or write 1 to clear FM Frequency measurement FRC Free running counter © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 2 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 2. Bus Architecture and Memory Map To better support various IOT applications, MT2523 adopts 32-bit multi-AHB matrix to provide low-power, fast and flexible data operation. Table 2-1 shows the interconnections between bus masters (CM4, four SPI masters, SPI slave, debug system, Multimedia (MM) system, USB, and three DMAs) and slaves (AO APB peripherals, PD APB peripherals, TCM, SFC, EMI, MDSYS, BTSYS). Table 2-1. MT2523 bus connection Master ARM CM4 AO DMA PD DMA Sensor DMA AO APB Peripherals ● ● PD APB Peripherals ● ● ● TCM ● ● ● ● EMI ● ● ● ● SFC ● ● ● Audio DSP ● BTSYS ● Slave MM Debug SYS SYS SPI Master SPI Slave ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● USB ● ● ● ● Table 2-2. Top view memory map Start Address End Address Corresponding Module 0x0000_0000 0x03FF_FFFF EMI 0x0400_0000 0x0400_7FFF CM4 TCM/cache 0x0400_8000 0x0402_7FFF CM4 TCM 0x0410_0000 0x041F_FFFF Boot ROM 0x0800_0000 0x0BFF_FFFF SFC 0x8000_0000 0x8000_FFFF Version code 0x8200_0000 0x83FF_FFFF MDSYS 0xA000_0000 0xA03F_FFFF PD APB peripherals © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Comment This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 3 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Start Address End Address Corresponding Module 0xA040_0000 0xA04F_FFFF MMSYS 0xA080_0000 0xA08F_FFFF CM4 peripheral 0xA090_0000 0xA09F_FFFF PD AHB peripherals 0xA200_0000 0xA21F_FFFF AO APB peripherals 0xA290_0000 0xA29F_FFFF AO AHB peripherals 0xA300_0000 0xA3FF_FFFF BTSYS 0xE000_0000 0xE003_FFFF CM4 private peripheral bus internal 0xE004_0000 0xE00F_FFFF CM4 private peripheral bus external Comment Table 2-3. Always-on domain peripherals Start Address Module Description Bus Interface Comments A200_0000 VERSION_CTRL APB Mapped to 0x8000_0000 A201_0000 Configuration registers APB Clock, power down, version and reset A202_0000 General purpose inputs/outputs APB A203_0000 Interrupt controller (eint+cirq) APB A204_0000 Analog chip interface controller APB A205_0000 Reset generation unit APB A206_0000 EFUSE APB A207_0000 AO DMA controller APB A208_0000 INFRA BUS configuration APB A209_0000 MIPI_TX_CONFIG APB A20A_0000 Configuration Registers APB A20B_0000 SEJ APB A20C_0000 PSI_MST APB A20D_0000 Keypad Scanner APB A20E_0000 BTIF APB © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. PLL, CLKSQ, FH, CLKSW and SIMLS Clock, 104M This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 4 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Start Address Module Description Bus Interface A20F_0000 MCU_TOPSM APB A210_0000 CM4_TOPSM APB A211_0000 CM4_CFG_PRIVATE APB A213_0000 GP Counter APB A214_0000 GP Timer APB A215_0000 I2C_D2D APB A216_0000 Pulse width modulation outputs 0 APB A217_0000 Pulse width modulation outputs 1 APB A218_0000 Display pulse width modulation APB A219_0000 Reserved APB A21A_0000 PMU mixedsys APB A21B_0000 General purpose DAC APB A21C_0000 Analog baseband (ABB) controller APB A21D_0000 A-Die configuration registers APB A21E_0000 Real-time clock APB A21F_0000 ACCDET APB A292_0000 AO DMA controller AHB Comments Clock, reset, etc. AHB slave port of AO DMA Table 2-4. Power-down domain peripherals Start Address Module Description Bus Interface A000_0000 DMA controller APB A001_0000 TRNG APB A002_0000 MS/SD controller 0 APB A003_0000 MS/SD controller 1 APB A004_0000 Serial flash APB A005_0000 External memory interface APB © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Comments This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 5 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Start Address Module Description Bus Interface A006_0000 DebugSYS APB 0 APB A007_0000 DebugSYS APB 1 APB A008_0000 DebugSYS APB 2 APB A009_0000 DebugSYS APB 3 APB A00A_0000 DebugSYS APB 4 APB A00B_0000 DebugSYS APB 5 APB A00C_0000 DebugSYS APB 6 APB A00D_0000 UART 0 APB A00E_0000 UART 1 APB A00F_0000 UART 2 APB A010_0000 UART 3 APB A011_0000 SPI_MASTER 0 APB A012_0000 SPI_MASTER 1 APB A013_0000 SPI_MASTER 2 APB A014_0000 SPI_MASTER 3 APB A015_0000 SPI_SLAVE APB A016_0000 Pulse width modulation outputs 2 APB A017_0000 Pulse width modulation outputs 3 APB A018_0000 Pulse width modulation outputs 4 APB A019_0000 Pulse width modulation outputs 5 APB A01A_0000 Reserved APB A01B_0000 I2C_2 APB A01C_0000 INFRA MBIST configuration APB A01D_0000 Reserved APB A01E_0000 Reserved APB A01F_0000 Sensor memory APB A020_0000 Reserved APB © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Comments This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 6 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Start Address Module Description Bus Interface A021_0000 I2C_0 APB A022_0000 I2C_1_18V APB A023_0000 Sensor DMA controller APB A024_0000 Auxiliary ADC Unit APB A090_0000 USB AHB A091_0000 USB SIFSLV AHB A090_0001 PD DMA AHB © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Comments This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 7 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 3. External Interrupt Controller 3.1. General Description External interrupt controller supports some interrupt requests coming from external sources and peripherals. All external interrupts, including external and peripherals sources, have the ability to inform the system to resume the system clock. The external interrupts can be used for different types of applications, mainly for event detections: detection of hand free connection, hood opening and battery charger connection. Since the external event may be unstable in a certain period, a de-bounce mechanism is introduced to ensure the functionality. The circuitry is mainly used to verify that the input signal remains stable for a programmable number of periods of the clock. When this condition is satisfied, for the appearance or the disappearance of the input, the output of the de-bounce logic will change to the desired state. Note that because it uses the 32,768Hz slow clock to perform the de-bounce process, the parameter of the de-bounce period and de-bounce enable takes effect no sooner than one 32,768Hz clock cycle (~30.52us) after the software program sets them up. When the sources of external interrupt controller are used to resume the system clock in sleep mode, the de-bounce mechanism must be enabled. However, the polarities of EINTs are clocked with the system clock, and therefore any change to them takes effect immediately. Figure 3-1 is the block diagram of external interrupt controller. Table 3-1 illustrates the external interrupt sources and related configuration of GPIO mode. Note that the corresponding GPIO as external interrupt source should be in the input mode and is affected by GPIO data input inversion registers (GPIO_DINV). Refer to the GPIO section for more details. peripherals peripherals peripherals Debounce Logic Debounce Logic APB BUS Interrupt Control EINT_IRQ Register Figure 3-1. Block diagram of external interrupt controller © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 8 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 3-1. External interrupt sources EINT Source pin EINT Source pin EINT0 AUXIN0 if (GPIO0_MODE==1) EINT16 URXD0 if (GPIO16_MODE==3) EINT1 AUXIN1 if (GPIO1_MODE==1) EINT17 UTXD0 if (GPIO17_MODE==3) EINT2 AUXIN2 if (GPIO2_MODE==1) EINT18 GPIO_B1 if (GPIO19_MODE==2) EINT19 GPIO_B5 if (GPIO23_MODE==2) EINT20 keypad (KCOL0~4) EINT21 uart0_rxd EINT22 uart1_rxd EINT3 EINT4 EINT5 EINT6 GPIO_A04 if (GPIO4_MODE==1), otherwise MCDA3 if (GPIO35_MODE==2) GPIO_A1 if (GPIO5_MODE==1), otherwise LSCE_B if (GPIO39_MODE==2) GPIO_A2 if (GPIO6_MODE==1), otherwise LSDA if (GPIO41_MODE==2) GPIO_A3 if (GPIO7_MODE==1), otherwise LPTE if (GPIO43_MODE==2) EINT7 GPIO_A4 if (GPIO8_MODE==1) EINT23 uart2_rxd EINT8 GPIO_A5 if (GPIO9_MODE==1) EINT24 uart3_rxd EINT25 bt_eint_b EINT26 btif_sleep_wakeup_in_b EINT27 pdn_usb11 EINT28 accdet_irq_b EINT29 rtc_event_b EINT30 pmic_irq_b EINT31 gpcounter_irq_b EINT9 EINT10 EINT11 EINT12 EINT13 EINT14 EINT15 GPIO_C0 if (GPIO11_MODE==1), otherwise CMRST if (GPIO24_MODE==4) GPIO_C1 if (GPIO12_MODE==1), otherwise CMCSK if (GPIO29_MODE==5) GPIO_C2 if (GPIO13_MODE==1), otherwise MCCK if (GPIO30_MODE==2) GPIO_C3 if (GPIO14_MODE==1), otherwise MCCM0 if (GPIO31_MODE==2) GPIO_C4 if (GPIO15_MODE==1), otherwise MCDA0 if (GPIO32_MODE==2) AUXIN3 if (GPIO3_MODE==1), otherwise MCDA1 if (GPIO33_MODE==2) AUXIN4 if (GPIO10_MODE==1), otherwise MCDA2 if (GPIO34_MODE==2) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 9 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 3.2. Register Definition Module name: EINT Base address: (+A2030000h) Address A2030300 Name EINT_STA Width 32 Register Function EINT interrupt status register A2030308 A2030310 EINT_INTACK EINT_EEVT 32 32 EINT interrupt acknowledge register EINT wakeup event_b status register A2030320 32 EINT interrupt mask register A2030328 EINT_MASK EINT_MASK_SE T 32 EINT interrupt mask set register A2030330 EINT_MASK_C LR 32 EINT interrupt mask clear register A2030340 EINT_WAKEUP _MASK 32 EINT wakeup event mask register A2030348 EINT_WAKEUP _MASK_SET 32 EINT wakeup event mask set register A2030350 EINT_WAKEUP _MASK_CLR 32 EINT wakeup event mask clear register 32 EINT sensitivity register 32 EINT sensitivity set register A2030368 EINT_SENS EINT_SENS_SE T A2030370 EINT_SENS_CL R 32 EINT sensitivity clear register A2030380 EINT_DUALED GE_SENS 32 EINT dual edge sensitivity register A2030388 EINT_DUALED GE_SENS_SET 32 EINT dual edge sensitivity set register A2030390 EINT_DUALED GE_SENS_CLR 32 EINT dual edge sensitivity clear register 32 EINT software interrupt register 32 EINT software interrupt soft register A2030360 A20303a8 EINT_SOFT EINT_SOFT_SE T A20303b0 EINT_SOFT_CL R 32 EINT software interrupt clear register A20303c0 EINT_D0EN 32 EINT domain 0 enable register A2030400 ~ A203047C EINTi_CON (i=0~31) 32 EINTi config register A2030300 EINT_STA A20303a0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 EINT interrupt status register 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_STA[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_STA[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 16 0 Page 10 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 Description External interrupt status This register keeps up with the current status of which EINT source generates the interrupt request. If the EINT sources are set to edge sensitivity, EINT_IRQ will be de-asserted when the corresponding EINT_INTACK is programmed by 1. EINT_STA[i] for EINTi. EINT_STA 0: No external interrupt request is generated. 1: External Interrupt request is pending. A2030308 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_INTACK EINT interrupt acknowledge register 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_INTACK[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_INTACK[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 Description EINT_INTACK Interrupt acknowledgement Writing “1” to the specific bit position to acknowledge the interrupt request corresponding to the external interrupt line source. EINT_INTACK[i] for EINTi. 0: No effect 1: Interrupt request is acknowledged. A2030310 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset EINT_EEVT EINT wakeup event_b status register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 0 EEB RO 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 EEB Description EINT wake up event_b This register is a debugging port to monitor internal signals. It is async signal. 0: EINT wakes up sleep mode. 1: EINT does not wake up sleep mode. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 11 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2030320 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 1 EINT_MASK 30 1 29 1 EINT interrupt mask register 28 1 27 1 26 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 FFFFFFFF 25 24 23 22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 EINT_MASK[31:16] RO 1 1 1 1 1 EINT_MASK[15:0] RO 1 1 1 1 20 1 19 1 18 1 17 1 16 1 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Interrupt mask This register controls whether or not the EINT source is allowed to generate an interrupt request. Setting a specific bit position to “1” will prevent the external interrupt line from becoming active. EINT_MASK[i] for EINTi. EINT_MASK 0: Interrupt request is enabled. 1: Interrupt request is disabled. A2030328 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_MASK_S EINT interrupt mask set register ET 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_MASK[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_MASK[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Enables mask for the associated external interrupt source This register is used to set up individual mask bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective; also set EINT_MASK bits to 1. Otherwise, EINT_MASK bits will retain the original value. EINT_MASK[i] for EINTi. EINT_MASK 0: No effect 1: Enable the corresponding MASK bit A2030330 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_MASK_C EINT interrupt mask clear register LR 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_MASK[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_MASK[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 16 0 Page 12 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Disables mask for the associated external interrupt source This register is used to clear individual mask bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective, and EINT_MASK bits are also cleared (to 0). Otherwise, EINT_MASK bits will retain the original value. EINT_MASK[i] for EINTi. EINT_MASK 0: No effect 1: Disable the corresponding MASK bit A2030340 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 1 EINT_WAKEU EINT wakeup event mask register P_MASK 30 1 29 1 28 1 27 1 15 14 13 12 11 1 1 1 1 1 FFFFFFFF 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[31:16] RO 1 1 1 1 1 1 EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[15:0] RO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 18 1 17 1 16 1 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description EINT_WAKEUP_M Wakeup event mask ASK This register controls whether or not the EINT source is allowed to generate a wakeup event request. Setting a specific bit position to “1” will prevent the external interrupt line from becoming active. EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[i] for EINTi. 31:0 0: Wakeup event request is enabled. 1: Wakeup event request is disabled. A2030348 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 EINT_WAKEU EINT wakeup event mask set register P_MASK_SET 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 15 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 10 9 8 7 6 5 EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description EINT_WAKEUP_M Enables mask for the associated external interrupt source ASK This register is used to set up individual mask bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective; also set EINT_WAKEUP_MASK bits to 1. Otherwise, EINT_WAKEUP_MASK bits will retain the original value. EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[i] for EINTi. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 13 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic A2030350 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 Name Description 0: No effect 1: Enable the corresponding MASK bit EINT_WAKEU EINT wakeup event mask clear register P_MASK_CLR 30 0 29 28 0 27 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 10 9 8 7 6 5 EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description EINT_WAKEUP_M Disables mask for the associated external interrupt source ASK This register is used to clear individual mask bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective, and EINT_WAKEUP_MASK bits are also cleared (to 0). Otherwise, EINT_WAKEUP_MASK bits will retain the original value. EINT_WAKEUP_MASK[i] for EINTi. 31:0 0: No effect 1: Disable the corresponding MASK bit A2030360 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_SENS 30 29 EINT sensitivity register 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_SENS[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_SENS[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Sensitivity type of the associated external interrupt source Sensitivity type of external interrupt source. EINT_SENS[i] for EINTi. EINT_SENS 0: Edge sensitivity 1: Level sensitivity A2030368 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 0 15 EINT_SENS_S EINT sensitivity set register ET 30 0 14 29 0 13 28 0 12 27 0 11 26 0 10 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 EINT_SENS[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 1 16 0 0 Page 14 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Name Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_SENS[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Enables sensitive for the associated external interrupt source. This register is used to set up individual sensitive bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective; also set EINT_SENS bits to 1. Otherwise, EINT_SENS bits will retain the original value. EINT_SENS[i] for EINTi. EINT_SENS 0: No effect 1: Enable the corresponding SENS bit A2030370 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_SENS_C EINT sensitivity clear register LR 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_SENS[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_SENS[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Disables sensitive for the associated external interrupt source. This register is used to clear individual sensitive bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective, and EINT_SENS bits are also cleared (set to 0). Otherwise, EINT_SENS bits will retain the original value. EINT_SENS[i] for EINTi. EINT_SENS 0: No effect 1: Disable the corresponding SENS bit A2030380 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 EINT_DUALED EINT dual edge sensitivity register GE_SENS 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 15 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 10 9 8 7 6 5 EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description EINT_DUALEDGE_ Dual edge sensitivity enable of the associated external interrupt source SENS Dual edge sensitivity enable of external interrupt source. (EINT_SENS © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 15 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description should be 0.) EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[i] for EINTi. 0: Disable 1: Enable A2030388 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 EINT_DUALED EINT dual edge sensitivity set register GE_SENS_SET 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 15 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 10 9 8 7 6 5 EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description EINT_DUALEDGE_ Enables dual edge sensitivity for the associated external interrupt source SENS This register is used to set up individual dual edge sensitive bits. (EINT_SENS should be 0) Only the bits set to 1 are effective; also set EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS bits to 1. Otherwise, EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS bits will retain the original value. EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[i] for EINTi. 31:0 0: No effect 1: Enable the corresponding DUALEDGE bit A2030390 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 EINT_DUALED EINT dual edge sensitivity clear register GE_SENS_CLR 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 15 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 10 9 8 7 6 5 EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description EINT_DUALEDGE_ Disables dual edge sensitive for the associated external interrupt source. SENS This register is used to clear individual sensitive bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective, and EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS bits are also cleared (to 0). Otherwise, EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS bits will retain the original value. EINT_DUALEDGE_SENS[i] for EINTi. 0: No effect 1: Disable the corresponding DUALEDGE bit © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 16 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A20303a0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_SOFT 30 29 EINT software interrupt register 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_SOFT[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_SOFT[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Software interrupt This register is used for debugging purpose. EINT_SOFT[i] for EINTi. EINT_SOFT 0: No effect 1: Trigger an EINT A20303a8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_SOFT_S EINT software interrupt set register ET 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_SOFT[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_SOFT[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Enables software for the associated external interrupt source This register is used to set up individual software bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective, and EINT_SOFT bits are also set to 1. Otherwise, EINT_SOFT bits will retain the original value. EINT_SOFT[i] for EINTi. EINT_SOFT 0: No effect 1: Enable the corresponding SOFT bit A20303b0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 EINT_SOFT_C EINT software interrupt clear register LR 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_SOFT[31:16] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_SOFT[15:0] WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 17 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name Description Disables software for the associated external interrupt source This register is used to clear individual software bits. Only the bits set to 1 are effective, and EINT_SOFT bits are also cleared (to 0). Otherwise, EINT_SOFT bits will retain the original value. EINT_SOFT[i] for EINTi. EINT_SOFT 0: No effect 1: Disable the corresponding SOFT bit A20303c0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset EINT_D0EN 31 30 29 EINT domain 0 enable register 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 EINT_D0EN[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EINT_D0EN[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 Description EINT enable config for domain 0 Each bit indicates whether the corresponding EINT is enabled for domain 0. If enabled, it will assert interrupt or wakeup_event depending on the corresponding mask bit value. EINT_D0EN[i] for EINTi. EINT_D0EN 0: Disable 1: Enable A2030400~ EINTi_CON A203047c (i=0~31) (step 0x4) 0000000 0 EINTi config register Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Type Reset Bit WO 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name RSTD BC Name DBC_ EN PRESCALER POL RW 0 RW 0 Type Reset RW 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31 0 0 RSTDBC DBC_CNT 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 Description EINTi debounce count reset Write once to reset the de-bounce counter so that EINT can be updated immediately without de-bounce latency. This option needs 100usec latency to take effect. 0: No effect 1: Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 18 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) 15 14:12 11 10:0 Mnemonic Name Description DBC_EN Enables EINTi debounce circuit 0: Disable 1: Enable PRESCALER EINTi debounce clock cycle period prescaler. 000: 32,768Hz, max. 0.0625sec 001: 16,384Hz 010: 8,192Hz 011: 4,096Hz 100: 2,048Hz, max. 1sec 101: 1,024Hz 110: 512Hz 111: 256Hz, max. 8secs POL Configures polarity Activation type of the EINT source 0: Active low 1: Active high DBC_CNT Configures EINTi debounce duration (The clock period is determined in PRESCALER.) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 19 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 4. Direct Memory Access 4.1. General Description A DMA controller is placed on AHB bus to support fast data transfers and off-load the processor. With this controller, specific devices on AHB or APB buses can benefit greatly from quick completion of data movement from or to memory modules. Such generic DMA controller can also be used to connect two devices other than memory modules as long as they can be addressed in memory space. Figure 4-1 illustrates the system connections. Figure 4-1. Variety data paths of DMA transfers Up to 17 channels of simultaneous data transfers are supported. Each channel has a similar set of registers to be configured to different schemes as desired. Both interrupt and polling based schemes in handling the completion event are supported. The block diagram of such generic DMA controller is illustrated in Figure 4-2. Figure 4-2. DMA block diagram © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 20 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 4.1.1. Full-size and Half-size DMA Channels There are three types of DMA channels in the DMA controller: full-size DMA channel, half-size DMA channel and virtual FIFO DMA. Channel 1 is a full-size DMA channel, channels 2 to 7 are half-size channels, and channels 9 to 18 are virtual FIFO DMA channels. The difference between the first two types of DMA channels is that both source and destination address are programmable in full-size DMA channels, but only the address of one side can be programmed in the half-size DMA channel. In half-size channels, only either the source or destination address can be programmed while the addresses of the other side are fixed. 4.1.2. Ring Buffer and Double Buffer Memory Data Movement DMA channels 1 to 7 support ring-buffer and double-buffer memory data movement. This can be achieved by programming DMA_WPPT and DMA_WPTO, as well as setting up WPEN in the DMA_CON register to enable. Figure 4-3 illustrates how this function works. Once the transfer counter reaches WPPT, the next address will jump to WPTO address after the WPPT data transfer is completed. Note that only one side can be configured as ring-buffer or double-buffer memory, and this is controlled by WPSD in the DMA_CON register. Figure 4-3. Ring buffer and double buffer memory data movement 4.1.3. Unaligned Word Access The address of word access on AHB bus must be aligned to word boundary, or the 2 LSB is truncated to 00b. If the programmer does not notice this, an incorrect data fetch may be caused. In the case where the data are to be moved from unaligned addresses to aligned addresses, the word is usually first split into four bytes then moved byte by byte. Thus the four read and four write transfers will appear on the bus. To improve bus efficiency, the unaligned-word access is provided in DMA2~7. When this function is enabled, the DMAs will move data from the unaligned address to aligned address by executing four continuous byte-read accesses and one word-write access, reducing the number of transfers on the bus by three. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 21 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 4-4. Unaligned word accesses 4.1.4. Virtual FIFO DMA Virtual FIFO DMA is used to ease UART control. The difference between the virtual FIFO DMA and the ordinary DMA is that the virtual FIFO DMA contains additional FIFO controllers. The read and write pointers are kept in the virtual FIFO DMA. In a read from the FIFO, the read pointer points to the address of the next data. In a write to the FIFO, the write pointer moves to the next address. If the FIFO is empty, a FIFO read will not be allowed. Similarly, the data will not be written to the FIFO if the FIFO is full. Due to UART flow control requirements, an alert length is programmed. Once the FIFO space is smaller than this value, an alert signal will be issued to enable the UART flow control. The type of flow control performed depends on the setting in the UART. Each virtual FIFO DMA can be programmed as RX or TX FIFO. This depends on the setting of DIR in the DMA_CON register. If DIR is “0” (READ), it means TX FIFO. On the other hand, if DIR is “1” (WRITE), the virtual FIFO DMA will be specified as an RX FIFO. The virtual FIFO DMA provides an interrupt to MCU. This interrupt informs the MCU that there are data in the FIFO, and the amount of data is above or under the value defined in the DMA_COUNT register. Based on this, the MCU does not need to poll the DMA to know when the data must be removed from or put into the FIFO. Figure 4-5. Virtual FIFO DMA © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 22 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 4-1. Virtual FIFO access ports DMA number Address of virtual FIFO access port Reference UART DMA9(PD) A092_0000h UART1 TX DMA10(PD) A092_0100h UART1 RX DMA11(PD) A092_0200h UART2 TX DMA12(PD) A092_0300h UART2 RX DMA13(PD) A092_0400h UART3 TX DMA14(PD) A092_0500h UART3 RX DMA15(PD) A092_0600h UART0 TX DMA16(PD) A092_0700h UART0 RX DMA17(AO) A292_0000h BTIF TX DMA18(AO) A292_0100h BTIF RX Table 4-2. Function list of DMA channels DMA number Type Ring buffer Double buffer Burst mode Unaligned word access Peripheral DMA1 (PD) Full size ● ● ● DMA2 (PD) Half size ● ● ● ● MSDC1 DMA3 (PD) Half size ● ● ● ● MSDC2 DMA4 (Sensor) Half size ● ● ● ● I2C0 TX DMA5 (Sensor) Half size ● ● ● ● I2C0 RX DMA6 (Sensor) Half size ● ● ● ● I2C1 TX DMA7 (Sensor) Half size ● ● ● ● I2C1 RX DMA9 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART1_TX DMA10 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART1_RX DMA11 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART2_TX DMA12 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART2_RX DMA13 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART3_TX DMA14 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART3_RX DMA15 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART0_TX DMA16 (PD) Virtual FIFO ● UART0_RX DMA17 (AO) Virtual FIFO ● BTIF_TX DMA18 (AO) Virtual FIFO ● BTIF_RX © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 23 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 4.2. Register Definition 4.2.1. Register Summary Module name: PD_DMA Base address: (+A0000000h) Address Name Width Register Function A0000000 PD_DMA_GLBSTA 32 DMA global status register A0000020 PD_DMA_GLB_SWRST 32 DMA global software reset A0000100 GDMA1_SRC 32 DMA channel 1 source address register A0000104 GDMA1_DST 32 DMA channel 1 destination address register DMA channel 1 wrap point address register A0000108 GDMA1_WPPT 32 A000010C GDMA1_WPTO 32 DMA channel 1 wrap to address register A0000110 GDMA1_COUNT 32 DMA channel 1 transfer count register A0000114 GDMA1_CON 32 DMA channel 1 control register A0000118 GDMA1_START 32 DMA channel 1 start register A000011C GDMA1_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 1 interrupt status register A0000120 GDMA1_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 1 interrupt acknowledge register A0000124 GDMA1_RLCT 32 DMA channel 1 remaining length of current transfer A0000208 PDMA2_WPPT 32 DMA channel 2 wrap point address register A000020C PDMA2_WPTO 32 DMA channel 2 wrap to address register A0000210 PDMA2_COUNT 32 DMA channel 2 transfer count register A0000214 PDMA2_CON 32 DMA channel 2 control register A0000218 PDMA2_START 32 DMA channel 2 start register A000021C PDMA2_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 2 interrupt status register A0000220 PDMA2_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 2 interrupt acknowledge register A0000224 PDMA2_RLCT 32 DMA channel 2 remaining length of current transfer A000022C PDMA2_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 2 programmable address register A0000308 PDMA3_WPPT 32 DMA channel 3 wrap point address register A000030C PDMA3_WPTO 32 DMA channel 3 wrap to address register A0000310 PDMA3_COUNT 32 DMA channel 3 transfer count register A0000314 PDMA3_CON 32 DMA channel 3 control register A0000318 PDMA3_START 32 DMA channel 3 start register A000031C PDMA3_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 3 interrupt status register A0000320 PDMA3_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 3 interrupt acknowledge register DMA channel 3 remaining length of current transfer A0000324 PDMA3_RLCT 32 A000032C PDMA3_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 3 programmable address register A0000910 VDMA9_COUNT 32 DMA channel 9 transfer count register A0000914 VDMA9_CON 32 DMA channel 9 control register A0000918 VDMA9_START 32 DMA channel 9 start register A000091C VDMA9_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 9 interrupt status register A0000920 VDMA9_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 9 interrupt acknowledge register A000092C VDMA9_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 9 programmable address register A0000930 VDMA9_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 9 write pointer A0000934 VDMA9_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 9 read pointer A0000938 VDMA9_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 9 FIFO count A000093C VDMA9_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 9 FIFO status A0000940 VDMA9_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 9 alert length © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 24 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0000944 VDMA9_FFSIZE 32 A0000A10 VDMA10_COUNT 32 DMA channel 9 FIFO size DMA channel 10 transfer count register A0000A14 VDMA10_CON 32 DMA channel 10 control register A0000A18 VDMA10_START 32 DMA channel 10 start register A0000A1C VDMA10_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 10 interrupt status register DMA channel 10 interrupt acknowledge register A0000A20 VDMA10_ACKINT 32 A0000A2C VDMA10_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 10 programmable address register A0000A30 VDMA10_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 10 write pointer A0000A34 VDMA10_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 10 read pointer A0000A38 VDMA10_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 10 FIFO count A0000A3C VDMA10_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 10 FIFO status A0000A40 VDMA10_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 10 alert length A0000A44 VDMA10_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 10 FIFO size A0000B10 VDMA11_COUNT 32 DMA channel 11 transfer count register A0000B14 VDMA11_CON 32 DMA channel 11 control register A0000B18 VDMA11_START 32 DMA channel 11 start register A0000B1C VDMA11_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 11 interrupt status register A0000B20 VDMA11_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 11 interrupt acknowledge register A0000B2C VDMA11_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 11 programmable address register A0000B30 VDMA11_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 11 write pointer A0000B34 VDMA11_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 11 read pointer A0000B38 VDMA11_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 11 FIFO count A0000B3C VDMA11_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 11 FIFO status A0000B40 VDMA11_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 11 alert length A0000B44 VDMA11_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 11 FIFO size A0000C10 VDMA12_COUNT 32 DMA channel 12 transfer count register A0000C14 VDMA12_CON 32 DMA channel 12 control register A0000C18 VDMA12_START 32 DMA channel 12 start register A0000C1C VDMA12_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 12 interrupt status register DMA channel 12 interrupt acknowledge register A0000C20 VDMA12_ACKINT 32 A0000C2C VDMA12_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 12 programmable address register A0000C30 VDMA12_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 12 write pointer DMA channel 12 read pointer A0000C34 VDMA12_RDPTR 32 A0000C38 VDMA12_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 12 FIFO count A0000C3C VDMA12_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 12 FIFO status A0000C40 VDMA12_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 12 alert length A0000C44 VDMA12_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 12 FIFO size A0000D10 VDMA13_COUNT 32 DMA channel 13 transfer count register A0000D14 VDMA13_CON 32 DMA channel 13 control register A0000D18 VDMA13_START 32 DMA channel 13 start register DMA channel 13 interrupt status register A0000D1C VDMA13_INTSTA 32 A0000D20 VDMA13_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 13 interrupt acknowledge register A0000D2C VDMA13_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 13 programmable address register A0000D30 VDMA13_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 13 write pointer A0000D34 VDMA13_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 13 read pointer DMA channel 13 FIFO count A0000D38 VDMA13_FFCNT 32 A0000D3C VDMA13_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 13 FIFO status A0000D40 VDMA13_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 13 alert length A0000D44 VDMA13_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 13 FIFO size © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 25 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0000E10 VDMA14_COUNT 32 DMA channel 14 transfer count register A0000E14 VDMA14_CON 32 DMA channel 14 control register A0000E18 VDMA14_START 32 DMA channel 14 start register A0000E1C VDMA14_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 14 interrupt status register A0000E20 VDMA14_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 14 interrupt acknowledge register A0000E2C VDMA14_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 14 programmable address register A0000E30 VDMA14_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 14 write pointer A0000E34 VDMA14_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 14 read pointer A0000E38 VDMA14_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 14 FIFO count A0000E3C VDMA14_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 14 FIFO status A0000E40 VDMA14_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 14 alert length A0000E44 VDMA14_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 14 FIFO size A0000F10 VDMA15_COUNT 32 DMA channel 15 transfer count register A0000F14 VDMA15_CON 32 DMA channel 15 control register A0000F18 VDMA15_START 32 DMA channel 15 start register A0000F1C VDMA15_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 15 interrupt status register A0000F20 VDMA15_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 15 interrupt acknowledge register A0000F2C VDMA15_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 15 programmable address register A0000F30 VDMA15_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 15 write pointer A0000F34 VDMA15_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 15 read pointer A0000F38 VDMA15_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 15 FIFO count A0000F3C VDMA15_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 15 FIFO status A0000F40 VDMA15_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 15 alert length A0000F44 VDMA15_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 15 FIFO size A0001010 VDMA16_COUNT 32 DMA channel 16 transfer count register A0001014 VDMA16_CON 32 DMA channel 16 control register A0001018 VDMA16_START 32 DMA channel 16 start register A000101C VDMA16_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 16 interrupt status register A0001020 VDMA16_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 16 interrupt acknowledge register A000102C VDMA16_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 16 programmable address register A0001030 VDMA16_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 16 write pointer A0001034 VDMA16_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 16 read pointer DMA channel 16 FIFO count A0001038 VDMA16_FFCNT 32 A000103C VDMA16_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 16 FIFO status A0001040 VDMA16_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 16 alert length A0001044 VDMA16_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 16 FIFO size Module name: AO_DMA Base address: (+A2070000h) Address Name Width Register Function A2070000 AO_DMA_GLBSTA 32 DMA global status register A2070020 AO_DMA_GLB_SWRST 32 DMA global software reset A2070910 VDMA17_COUNT 32 DMA channel 17 transfer count register A2070914 VDMA17_CON 32 DMA channel 17 control register DMA channel 17 start register A2070918 VDMA17_START 32 A207091C VDMA17_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 17 interrupt status register A2070920 VDMA17_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 17 interrupt acknowledge register A207092C VDMA17_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 17 programmable address register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 26 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2070930 VDMA17_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 17 write pointer A2070934 VDMA17_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 17 read pointer A2070938 VDMA17_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 17 FIFO count A207093C VDMA17_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 17 FIFO status A2070940 VDMA17_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 17 alert length DMA channel 17 FIFO size A2070944 VDMA17_FFSIZE 32 A2070A10 VDMA18_COUNT 32 DMA channel 18 transfer count register A2070A14 VDMA18_CON 32 DMA channel 18 control register A2070A18 VDMA18_START 32 DMA channel 18 start register A2070A1C VDMA18_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 18 interrupt status register A2070A20 VDMA18_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 18 interrupt acknowledge register A2070A2C VDMA18_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 18 programmable address register A2070A30 VDMA18_WRPTR 32 DMA channel 18 write pointer A2070A34 VDMA18_RDPTR 32 DMA channel 18 read pointer A2070A38 VDMA18_FFCNT 32 DMA channel 18 FIFO count A2070A3C VDMA18_FFSTA 32 DMA channel 18 FIFO status A2070A40 VDMA18_ALTLEN 32 DMA channel 18 alert length A2070A44 VDMA18_FFSIZE 32 DMA channel 18 FIFO size Module name: SENSOR_DMA Base address: (+A0230000h) Address Name Width Register Function A0230000 SENSOR_DMA_GLBSTA 32 DMA global status register A0230020 SENSOR_DMA_GLB_SWRS T 32 DMA global software reset A0230208 PDMA4_WPPT 32 DMA channel 4 wrap point address register A023020C PDMA4_WPTO 32 DMA channel 4 wrap to address register A0230210 PDMA4_COUNT 32 DMA channel 4 transfer count register A0230214 PDMA4_CON 32 DMA channel 4 control register A0230218 PDMA4_START 32 DMA channel 4 start register A023021C PDMA4_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 4 interrupt status register A0230220 PDMA4_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 4 interrupt acknowledge register DMA channel 4 remaining length of current transfer A0230224 PDMA4_RLCT 32 A023022C PDMA4_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 4 programmable address register A0230308 PDMA5_WPPT 32 DMA channel 5 wrap point address register A023030C PDMA5_WPTO 32 DMA channel 5 wrap to address register A0230310 PDMA5_COUNT 32 DMA channel 5 transfer count register A0230314 PDMA5_CON 32 DMA channel 5 control register A0230318 PDMA5_START 32 DMA channel 5 start register A023031C PDMA5_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 5 interrupt status register A0230320 PDMA5_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 5 interrupt acknowledge register A0230324 PDMA5_RLCT 32 DMA channel 5 remaining length of current transfer A023032C PDMA5_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 5 programmable address register DMA channel 6 wrap point address register A0230408 PDMA6_WPPT 32 A023040C PDMA6_WPTO 32 DMA channel 6 wrap to address register A0230410 PDMA6_COUNT 32 DMA channel 6 transfer count register A0230414 PDMA6_CON 32 DMA channel 6 control register A0230418 PDMA6_START 32 DMA channel 6 start register A023041C PDMA6_INTSTA 32 DMA channel 6 interrupt status register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 27 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0230420 PDMA6_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 6 interrupt acknowledge register A0230424 PDMA6_RLCT 32 DMA channel 6 remaining length of current transfer A023042C PDMA6_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 6 programmable address register A0230508 PDMA7_WPPT 32 DMA channel 7 wrap point address register A023050C PDMA7_WPTO 32 DMA channel 7 wrap to address register A0230510 PDMA7_COUNT 32 DMA channel 7 transfer count register A0230514 PDMA7_CON 32 DMA channel 7 control register A0230518 PDMA7_START 32 DMA channel 7 start register DMA channel 7 interrupt status register A023051C PDMA7_INTSTA 32 A0230520 PDMA7_ACKINT 32 DMA channel 7 interrupt acknowledge register A0230524 PDMA7_RLCT 32 DMA channel 7 remaining length of current transfer A023052C PDMA7_PGMADDR 32 DMA channel 7 programmable address register 4.2.2. Global Registers PD_DMA_GLB DMA global status register STA A0000000 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 30 IT 16 RO 0 RUN 16 RO 0 15 14 29 IT 15 RO 0 13 28 RUN 15 RO 0 12 27 IT 14 RO 0 11 26 RUN 14 RO 0 10 25 IT 13 RO 0 9 24 RUN 13 RO 0 8 23 IT 12 RO 0 7 00000000 22 RUN 12 RO 0 6 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 21 20 19 18 17 16 IT 11 RO 0 RUN 11 RO 0 IT 10 RO 0 RUN 10 RO 0 IT 9 RO 0 RUN 9 RO 0 IT 3 RO 0 RUN 3 RO 0 IT 2 RO 0 RUN 2 RO 0 IT 1 RO 0 RUN 1 RO 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description 31 IT16 Channel 16 interrupt status 30 RUN16 Channel 16 running status 29 IT15 Channel 15 interrupt status 28 RUN15 Channel 15 running status 27 IT14 Channel 14 interrupt status 26 RUN14 Channel 14 running status 25 IT13 Channel 13 interrupt status 24 RUN13 Channel 13 running status 23 IT12 Channel 12 interrupt status 22 RUN12 Channel 12 running status 21 IT11 Channel 11 interrupt status 20 RUN11 Channel 11 running status 19 IT10 Channel 10 interrupt status 18 RUN10 Channel 10 running status 17 IT9 Channel 9 interrupt status 16 RUN9 Channel 9 running status 5 IT3 Channel 3 interrupt status 4 RUN3 Channel 3 running status 3 IT2 Channel 2 interrupt status 2 RUN2 Channel 2 running status © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 28 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 1 IT1 Channel 1 interrupt status 0 RUN1 Channel 1 running status PD_DMA_GLB DMA global software reset _SWRST A0000020 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 0 Bit Software reset Write 1 to reset. AO_DMA_GLB DMA global status register STA 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 19 IT18 Channel 18 interrupt status RUN18 Channel 18 running status 17 IT17 Channel 17 interrupt status 16 RUN17 Channel 17 running status Bit Name Type Reset Bit 19 IT 18 RO 0 3 18 RUN 18 RO 0 2 AO_DMA_GLB DMA global software reset _SWRST 1 16 RUN 17 RO 0 0 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 0 17 IT 17 RO 0 Description 18 A2070020 0 SW_ RESE T RW 0 Description SW_RESET A2070000 16 SW_RESET 16 0 SW_ RESE T RW 0 Description Software reset Write 1 to reset. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 29 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual SENSOR_DMA DMA global status register _GLBSTA A0230000 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 25 9 IT 7 RO 0 24 8 RUN 7 RO 0 23 7 IT 6 RO 0 22 6 RUN 6 RO 0 21 5 IT 5 RO 0 20 4 RUN 5 RO 0 19 3 IT 4 RO 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 RUN 4 RO 0 Description 9 IT7 Channel 10 interrupt status 8 RUN7 Channel 10 running status 7 IT6 Channel 4 interrupt status 6 RUN6 Channel 4 running status 5 IT5 Channel 3 interrupt status 4 RUN5 Channel 3 running status 3 IT4 Channel 2 interrupt status 2 RUN4 Channel 2 running status SENSOR_DMA DMA global software reset _GLB_SWRST A0230020 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 00000000 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 0 4.2.3. Software reset Write 1 to reset. SW_RESET GDMA (Full-size DMA) Registers 31 30 0 0 29 0 28 0 DMA channel 1 source address register 27 0 26 25 0 0 SRC[31:16] RW 0 0 0 SRC[15:0] RW 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 31:0 0 SW_ RESE T RW 0 Description A0000100 GDMA1_SRC Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 16 SRC 9 24 23 8 7 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description GDMA source address © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 30 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name A0000104 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description The register contains the base or current source address that the DMA channel is currently operating in. Writing to this register specifies the base address of the transfer source for a DMA channel. Reading this register will return the address value from which the DMA is reading. GDMA1_DST 31 30 0 0 29 0 28 0 25 0 0 DST[31:16] RW 0 0 0 DST[15:0] RW 0 0 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 24 23 8 7 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 0 GDMA destination address The register contains the base or current destination address that the DMA channel is currently operating in. Writing to this register specifies the base address of the transfer destination for a DMA channel. Reading this register will return the address value to which the DMA is writing. GDMA1_WPPT DMA channel 1 wrap point address register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WPPT RW 0 0 Description Transfer counts before jump The register specifies the transfer count required to perform before the jump point. This can be used to support the ring buffer or double buffer style memory accesses. To enable this function, two control bits, WPEN and WPSD, in the DMA control register must be programmed. If the transfer counter in the DMA engine matches this value, an address jump will occur, and the next address will be the address specified in GDMAn_WPTO. To enable this function, set up WPEN in GDMAn_CON. Note: The total size of data specified in the wrap point count in a DMA channel is determined by LEN together with SIZE in GDMAn_CON, i.e. WPPT x SIZE. WPPT A000010C GDMA1_WPTO DMA channel 1 wrap to address register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 16 Description DST Bit(s) Name 15:0 0 26 14 A0000108 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 27 15 Bit(s) Name 31:0 DMA channel 1 destination address register 31 0 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 25 0 0 WPTO[31:16] RW 0 0 0 WPTO[15:0] RW 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 24 23 8 7 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 3 2 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 16 0 Page 31 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 31:0 Jump address The register specifies the address of the jump destination of a given DMA transfer to support the ring buffer or double buffer style memory accesses. To enable this function, set up two control bits, WPEN and WPSD, in the DMA control register. To enable this function, WPEN in GDMAn_CON should be set. GDMA1_COUN DMA channel 1 transfer count register T A0000110 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description WPTO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 Amount of total transfer counts This register specifies the amount of total transfer counts the DMA channel is required to perform. Upon completion, the DMA channel will generate an interrupt request to the processor when ITEN in GDMAn_CON is set to 1. Note: The total size of data transferred by a DMA channel is determined by LEN together with SIZE in GDMAn_CON, i.e. LEN x SIZE. GDMA1_CON 31 COUNT RW 0 0 Description COUNT A0000114 Bit 00000000 DMA channel 1 control register 00000000 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 20 19 18 4 3 2 Name Type Reset Bit 15 Name ITEN Type RW Reset 0 Bit(s) Name BURST RW 0 0 17 16 1 0 WPE WPS N D RW RW 0 0 DREQ DINC SINC RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 SIZE RW 0 Description 17 WPEN Enables wrap Address-wrapping for ring buffer and double buffer. The next address of DMA will jump to WRAP TO address when the current address matches WRAP POINT count. 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 WPSD Selects wrap The side using address-wrapping function. Only one side of a DMA channel can activate the address-wrapping function at a time. 0: Address-wrapping on source 1: Address-wrapping on destination 15 ITEN Enables DMA transfer completion interrupt 0: Disable 1: Enable 9:8 BURST Transfer type The burst-type transfers have better bus efficiency. Mass data movement is recommended to use this type of transfer. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 32 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description Note: The burst-type transfer will not stop until all the beats in a burst are completed or the transfer length is reached. Which transfer type can be used is restricted by the SIZE. If SIZE is 00b, i.e. byte transfer, all of the four transfer types can be used. If SIZE is 01b, i.e. half-word transfer, 16-beat incrementing burst cannot be used. If SIZE is 10b, i.e. word transfer, only single and 4-beat incrementing burst can be used. 00: Single 01: Reserved 10: 4-beat incrementing burst 11: Reserved 4 DREQ Throttle and handshake control for DMA transfer The DMA master is able to throttle down the transfer rate by request-grant handshake. 0: No throttle control during DMA transfer or transfers occurr only between memories 1: Hardware handshake management 3 DINC Incremental destination address The destination addresses increase every transfer. If the setting of SIZE is byte, the destination addresses will increase by 1 every single transfer. If half-word, it will increase by 2; and if word, increase by 4. 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 SINC Incremental source address The source addresses increase every transfer. If the setting of SIZE is byte, the source addresses will increase by 1 every single transfer. If half-word, it will increase by 2; and if word, increase by 4. 0: Disable 1: Enable 1:0 SIZE Data size within the confine of a bus cycle per transfer These bits confine the data transfer size between the source and destination to the specified value for individual bus cycle. The size is in terms of byte, and the maximum value is 4 bytes. It is mainly decided by the data width of a DMA master. 00: Byte transfer/1 byte 01: Half-word transfer/2 bytes 10: Word transfer/4 bytes 11: Reserved A0000118 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GDMA1_STAR DMA channel 1 start register T 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 STR RW 0 Bit(s) Name 15 00000000 STR Description Start control for a DMA channel This register controls the activity of a DMA channel. Note that prior to setting STR to 1, all the configurations should be done by giving proper value to the registers. Once STR is set to 1, the hardware will not clear it automatically no matter the DMA channel accomplishes the DMA transfer or not. In other words, the value of STR stays at 1 regardless of the completion of the DMA transfer. Therefore, the software program should clear STR to 0 before restarting another DMA transfer. If this bit is cleared to 0 when DMA transfer is active, the software © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 33 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name GDMA1_INTST DMA channel 1 interrupt status register A A000011C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description should poll RUNn in DMA_GLBSTA after this bit is cleared to ensure the current DMA transfer is terminated by the DMA engine. 0: The DMA channel is stopped. 1: The DMA channel is started and running. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INT RW 0 Bit(s) Name 15 Description Interrupt status for DMA channel 0: No interrupt request is generated. 1: One interrupt request is pending and waiting for service. INT GDMA1_ACKI DMA channel 1 interrupt acknowledge register NT A0000120 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACK WO 0 Interrupt acknowledge for the DMA channel 0: No effect 1: Interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. GDMA1_RLCT DMA channel 1 remaining length of current transfer 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 Description ACK A0000124 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 00000000 31 Bit(s) Name 15 00000000 RLCT RLCT RO 0 0 Description Reflects left count of transfer Note: This value is transfer count, not the transfer data size. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 34 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual PDMA (Half-size DMA) Registers Only PDMA2 register is listed below. The register contents of other PDMA channels are the same as those of PDMA2, only that the addresses are different. For register addresses, refer to the register summary section. A0000208 PDMA2_WPPT DMA channel 2 wrap point address register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 00000000 WPPT RW 0 0 Description Transfer counts before jump The register specifies the transfer count required to perform before the jump point. This can be used to support the ring buffer or double buffer style memory accesses. To enable this function, two control bits, WPEN and WPSD, in the DMA control register must be programmed. If the transfer counter in the DMA engine matches this value, an address jump will occur, and the next address will be the address specified in PDMAn_WPTO. To enable this function, set up WPEN in PDMAn_CON. Note: The total size of data specified in the wrap point count in a DMA channel is determined by LEN together with SIZE in PDMAn_CON, i.e. WPPT x SIZE. WPPT A000020C PDMA2_WPTO DMA channel 2 wrap to address register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 0 0 29 0 28 0 25 0 0 WPTO[31:16] RW 0 0 0 WPTO[15:0] RW 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 24 23 8 7 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Jump address The register specifies the address of the jump destination of a given DMA transfer to support the ring buffer or double buffer style memory accesses. To enable this function, set up two control bits, WPEN and WPSD, in the DMA control register. To enable this function, WPEN in PDMAn_CON should be set. WPTO A0000210 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 26 15 Bit(s) Name 31:0 27 00000000 PDMA2_COUN DMA channel 2 transfer count register T 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNT RW 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 35 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 15:0 Amount of total transfer counts This register specifies the amount of total transfer counts the DMA channel is required to perform. Upon completion, the DMA channel will generate an interrupt request to the processor when ITEN in PDMAn_CON is set to 1. Note: The total size of data transferred by a DMA channel is determined by LEN together with SIZE in PDMAn_CON, i.e. LEN x SIZE. COUNT A0000214 Bit Description PDMA2_CON 31 30 29 28 DMA channel 2 control register 27 26 25 24 23 22 00000000 21 20 19 18 Name DIR Type Reset Bit 15 Name ITEN Type RW Reset 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Name 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 BURST RW 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 B2W DREQ DINC SINC RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 17 16 1 0 WPE WPS N D RW RW 0 0 0 SIZE RW 0 Description 18 DIR Directions of PDMA transfer The direction is from the perspective of the DMA masters. WRITE means reading from master then writing to the address specified in PDMAn_PGMADDR, and vice versa. No effect on channel 1. 0: Peripheral TX 1: Peripheral RX 17 WPEN Enables wrap Address-wrapping for ring buffer and double buffer. The next address of DMA will jump to WRAP TO address when the current address matches WRAP POINT count. 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 WPSD Selects wrap The side using address-wrapping function. Only one side of a DMA channel can activate the address-wrapping function at a time. 0: Address-wrapping on source 1: Address-wrapping on destination 15 ITEN Enables DMA transfer completion interrupt 0: Disable 1: Enable 9:8 BURST Transfer type The burst-type transfers have better bus efficiency. Mass data movement is recommended to use this type of transfer. Note: The burst-type transfer will not stop until all of the beats in a burst are completed or the transfer length is reached. Which transfer type can be used is restricted by the SIZE. If SIZE is 00b, i.e. byte transfer, all of the four transfer types can be used. If SIZE is 01b, i.e. half-word transfer, 16-beat incrementing burst cannot be used. If SIZE is 10b, i.e. word transfer, only single and 4-beat incrementing burst can be used. 00: Single 01: Reserved 10: 4-beat incrementing burst 11: Reserved B2W Byte to word Word to byte or byte to word transfer for the applications of transferring nonword-aligned-address data to word-aligned-address data. Note: BURST is set to 4-beat burst this function is enabled, and the SIZE is set to 5 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 36 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description byte. 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 DREQ Throttle and handshake control for DMA transfer The DMA master is able to throttle down the transfer rate by request-grant handshake. 0: No throttle control during DMA transfer or transfers occurred only between memories 1: Hardware handshake management 3 DINC Incremental destination address The destination addresses increase every transfer. If the setting of SIZE is byte, the destination addresses will increase by 1 every single transfer. If half-word, it will increase by 2; and if word, increase by 4. 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 SINC Incremental source address The source addresses increase every transfer. If the setting of SIZE is byte, the source addresses will increase by 1 every single transfer. If half-word, it will increase by 2; and if word, increase by 4. 0: Disable 1: Enable 1:0 SIZE Data size within the confine of a bus cycle per transfer These bits confine the data transfer size between the source and destination to the specified value for individual bus cycle. The size is in terms of byte, and the maximum value is 4 bytes. It is mainly decided by the data width of a DMA master. 00: Byte transfer/1 byte 01: Half-word transfer/2 bytes 10: Word transfer/4 bytes 11: Reserved A0000218 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset PDMA2_STAR DMA channel 2 start register T 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 STR RW 0 Bit(s) Name 15 00000000 STR Description Start control for a DMA channel This register controls the activity of a DMA channel. Note that prior to setting STR to 1, all the configurations should be done by giving proper value to the registers. Once STR is set to 1, the hardware will not clear it automatically no matter the DMA channel accomplishes the DMA transfer or not. In other words, the value of STR stays at 1 regardless of the completion of the DMA transfer. Therefore, the software program should clear STR to 0 before restarting another DMA transfer. If this bit is cleared to 0 when DMA transfer is active, the software should poll RUNn in DMA_GLBSTA after this bit is cleared to ensure the current DMA transfer is terminated by the DMA engine. 0: The DMA channel is stopped. 1: The DMA channel is started and running. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 37 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual PDMA2_INTST DMA channel 2 interrupt status register A A000021C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INT RO 0 Bit(s) Name 15 Description Interrupt status for DMA channel 0: No interrupt request is generated. 1: One interrupt request is pending and waiting for service. INT PDMA2_ACKI DMA channel 2 interrupt acknowledge register NT A0000220 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACK WO 0 Interrupt acknowledge for the DMA channel 0: No effect 1: Interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. PDMA2_RLCT DMA channel 2 remaining length of current transfer 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 Description ACK A0000224 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 00000000 31 Bit(s) Name 15 00000000 RLCT RLCT RO 0 0 Description Reflects left count of transfer Note: This value is transfer count, not the transfer data size. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 38 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual PDMA2_PGMA DMA channel 2 programmable address DDR register A000022C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 PGMADDR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PGMADDR[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 31:0 27 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description PDMA programmable address The above registers specify the address for a half-size DMA channel. This address represents the source address if DIR in DMA_CON is set to 0 and represents the destination address if DIR in PDMAn_CON is set to 1. PGMADDR 0 00000000 VDMA (Virtual FIFO DMA) Registers Only VDMA9 register is listed below. The register contents of other VDMA channels are the same as those of VDMA9, only that the addresses are different. For register addresses, refer to the register summary section. VDMA9_COUN DMA channel 9 transfer count register T A0000910 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 00000000 Description FIFO threshold For virtual FIFO DMA, this register is used to configure the RX threshold and TX threshold. The interrupt will be triggered when FIFO count is larger than or equal to RX threshold in RX path or FIFO count is less than or equal to TX threshold in TX path. Note: The ITEN bit in the VDMAn_CON register should be set, or no interrupt will be issued. n is from 1 to 16. COUNT A0000914 COUNT RW 0 0 VDMA9_CON DMA channel 9 control register Bit 31 Name Type Reset Bit 15 Name ITEN Type RW Reset 0 00000000 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 20 19 4 3 DREQ RW 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 DIR RW 0 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 0 SIZE RW 0 Page 39 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 18 DIR Directions of PDMA transfer The direction is from the perspective of the DMA masters. WRITE means reading from master and then writing to the address specified in VDMAn_PGMADDR, and vice versa. No effect on channel 1. 0: Peripheral TX 1: Peripheral RX 15 ITEN Enables DMA transfer completion interrupt 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 DREQ Throttle and handshake control for DMA transfer The DMA master is able to throttle down the transfer rate by request-grant handshake. 0: No throttle control during DMA transfer or transfers occurred only between memories 1: Hardware handshake management SIZE Data size within the confine of a bus cycle per transfer These bits confine the data transfer size between the source and destination to the specified value for individual bus cycle. The size is in terms of byte, and the maximum value is 4 bytes. It is mainly decided by the data width of a DMA master. 00: Byte transfer/1 byte 01: Half-word transfer/2 bytes 10: Word transfer/4 bytes 11: Reserved 1:0 A0000918 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset VDMA9_STAR DMA channel 9 start register T 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 STR RW 0 Bit(s) Name 15 00000000 STR Description Start control for a DMA channel This register controls the activity of a DMA channel. Note that prior to setting STR to 1, all the configurations should be done by giving proper value to the registers. Once STR is set to 1, the hardware will not clear it automatically no matter the DMA channel accomplishes the DMA transfer or not. In other words, the value of STR stays at 1 regardless of the completion of the DMA transfer. Therefore, the software program should clear STR to 0 before restarting another DMA transfer. If this bit is cleared to 0 when DMA transfer is active, the software should poll RUNn in DMA_GLBSTA after this bit is cleared to ensure the current DMA transfer is terminated by the DMA engine. 0: The DMA channel is stopped. 1: The DMA channel is started and running. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 40 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual VDMA9_INTST DMA channel 9 interrupt status register A A000091C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INT RW 0 Bit(s) Name 15 Description Interrupt status for DMA channel 0: No interrupt request is generated. 1: One interrupt request is pending and waiting for service. INT VDMA9_ACKI DMA channel 9 interrupt acknowledge register NT A0000920 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACK WO 0 Description Interrupt acknowledge for the DMA channel 0: No effect 1: Interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. ACK A000092C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset VDMA9_PGMA DMA channel 9 programmable address DDR register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 PGMADDR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PGMADDR[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 31:0 00000000 31 Bit(s) Name 15 00000000 PGMADDR 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description VDMA programmable address The above registers specify the address for a half-size DMA channel. This address represents the source address if DIR in DMA_CON is set to 0 and represents the destination address if DIR in VDMAn_CON is set to 1. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 41 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0000930 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset VDMA9_WRPT DMA channel 9 write pointer R 31 30 29 28 9 8 7 6 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WRPTR[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 Virtual FIFO write pointer VDMA9_RDPT DMA channel 9 read pointer R 31 16 Description WRPTR 30 0 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 25 0 0 RDPTR[31:16] RO 0 0 0 RDPTR[15:0] RO 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 24 23 8 7 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Virtual FIFO read pointer RDPTR VDMA9_FFCN DMA channel 9 FIFO count T 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FFCNT RO 0 0 Description Displays the number of data stored in FIFO 0 means FIFO is empty; FIFO will be full if FFCNT is equal to FFSIZE. FFCNT A000093C Bit Name Type Reset Bit 22 12 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 23 13 A0000938 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 24 14 0 Bit(s) Name 31:0 25 15 A0000934 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 WRPTR[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 31:0 27 00000000 VDMA9_FFST DMA channel 9 FIFO status A 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. EMPT ALT FULL Y RO RO RO 0 0 0 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 42 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 2 ALT Indicates FIFO count is larger than ALTLEN DMA issues an alert signal to UART/BRIF to enable UART/BRIF flow control. 0: Not reach alert region 1: Reach alert region 1 EMPTY Indicates FIFO is empty 0: Not empty 1: Empty 0 FULL Indicates FIFO is full 0: Not full 1: Full A0000940 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset VDMA9_ALTL DMA channel 9 alert length EN 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 Bit(s) Name 5:0 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 0 0 ALTLEN RW 0 0 Specifies alert length of virtual FIFO DMA Once the remaining FIFO space is less than ALTLEN, an alert signal will be issued to UART/BRIF to enable the flow control. Normally, ALTLEN should be bigger than 16 for UART/BRIF applications. VDMA9_FFSIZ DMA channel 9 FIFO size E 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 19 Description ALTLEN A0000944 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 00000000 FFSIZE FFSIZE RW 0 0 Description Specifies FIFO size of virtual FIFO DMA © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 43 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 5. Real Time Clock 5.1. General Description The Real-Time Clock (RTC) module provides time and data information, as well as 32,768 kHz clock. The provided 32k clock is selected between three clock sources: one from the external (XOSC32), and two from the internal (DCXO, EOSC32). An additional pin, XOSC32_ENB, is added for the 32k crystal existence information. The clock source is from the external oscillator or from the embedded clock sources, determined by the XOSC32_ENB pin setting. The RTC block has an independent power supply. When the mobile handset is powered off, a dedicated regulator supplies the RTC block. In addition to providing timing data, an alarm interrupt is generated and can be used to power up the baseband core. Regulator interrupts corresponding to seconds, minutes, hours and days can be generated whenever the time counter value reaches a maximum value (e.g., 59 for seconds and minutes, 23 for hours, etc.). The year span is supported up to 2127. The maximum day-of-month values, which depend on the leap year condition, are stored in the RTC block. 5.2. Register Definitions Module name: RTC Base address: (+A21E0000h) Address Name Widt h A21E0000 RTC_BBPU 16 Baseband power up A21E0004 RTC_IRQ_STA 16 RTC IRQ status This register is fixed atin 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. A21E0008 RTC_IRQ_EN 16 RTC IRQ enable This register is fixed atin 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. A21E000C RTC_CII_EN 16 Counter increment IRQ enable This register activates or de-activates the IRQ generation when the TC counter reaches its maximum value. Register Function A21E0010 RTC_AL_MAS K 16 RTC alarm mask The alarm condition for alarm IRQ generation depends on whether or not the corresponding bit in this register is masked. Warning: If you set all bits to 1 in RTC_AL_MASK (i.e. RTC_AL_MASK=0x7f) and PWREN=1 in RTC_BBPU, it means alarm will comes every secondEVERY SECOND, not disabled. A21E0014 RTC_TC_SEC 16 RTC seconds time counter register A21E0018 RTC_TC_MIN 16 RTC minutes time counter register A21E001C RTC_TC_HOU 16 RTC hours time counter register A21E0020 RTC_TC_DOM 16 RTC day-of-month time counter register A21E0024 RTC_TC_DOW 16 RTC day-of-week time counter register A21E0028 RTC_TC_MTH 16 RTC month time counter register A21E002C RTC_TC_YEA 16 RTC year time counter register A21E0030 RTC_AL_SEC 16 RTC second alarm setting register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 44 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: RTC Base address: (+A21E0000h) A21E0034 RTC_AL_MIN 16 RTC minute alarm setting register A21E0038 RTC_AL_HOU 16 RTC hour alarm setting register A21E003C RTC_AL_DOM 16 RTC day-of-month alarm setting register A21E0040 RTC_AL_DOW 16 RTC day-of-week alarm setting register A21E0044 RTC_AL_MTH 16 RTC month alarm setting register A21E0048 RTC_AL_YEA 16 RTC year alarm setting register A21E0050 RTC_POWER KEY1 16 RTC_POWERKEY1 register A21E0054 RTC_POWER KEY2 16 RTC_POWERKEY2 register A21E0058 RTC_PDN1 16 PDN1 A21E005C RTC_PDN2 16 PDN2 A21E0060 RTC_SPAR0 16 Spare register for specific purpose A21E0064 RTC_SPAR1 16 Spare register for specific purpose A21E0068 RTC_PROT 16 Lock/unlock scheme to prevent RTC miswriting A21E006C RTC_DIFF 16 One-time calibration offset This register is fixed atin 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. A21E0070 RTC_CALI 16 Repeat calibration offset This register is fixed atin 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. A21E0074 RTC_WRTGR 16 Enable the transfers from core to RTC in the queue A21E0000 RTC_BBPU Bit 15 14 13 Name Type Reset Baseband power up 12 11 10 9 8 KEY_BBPU 0 0 0 0 WO 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 CB US Y RE LO AD RO 0 WO 0 0000 4 3 2 AL AR M_ PU RW 0 1 0 PW RE N RW 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:8 KEY_BBPU Description A bus write is acceptable only when KEY_BBPU is correct. 6 CBUSY The read/write channels between RTC / Core is busy. This bit indicates high after software program sequence to anyone of RTC data registers and enables the transfer by RTC_WRTGR=1. By thise way, it will beis high after the reset from low to high because RTC reloads the process. 5 RELOAD Reloads the values from RTC domain to Ccore domain. Generally speaking, RTC will reload to synchronize the data from RTC to core when reset from 0 to 1. This bit can be treated as a debug bit. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 45 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 2 ALARM_PU 0 PWREN A21E0004 Bit 15 Description Indicates whether or not PMU is powered on by alarm. 0: No alarm occurred; the alarm condition has not been met. 1: Alarm occurred. Write 1 to clear this bit. 0: RTC alarm has no action on power switch. 1: When an RTC alarm occurs, ALARM_PU will beis set to 1 and the system will be powereds on by RTC alarm wakeup. RTC_IRQ_STA 14 13 12 RTC IRQ status 11 10 9 8 7 6 0000 5 4 Name Type Reset Overview Bit(s) 1 0 A21E0008 Bit 15 0 AL ST A RC 0 LPSTA This register iIndicates the IRQ status and whether or not the LPD is asserteds. 0: No IRQ occurred; the 32K clock is good. 1: IRQ occurred; the 32K clock stopped or stops. This can be masked by LP_EN or cleared by initializinge LPD. TCSTA This register iIndicates the IRQ status and whether or not the tick condition has been met. 0: No IRQ occurred; the tick condition has not been met. 1: IRQ occurred; the tick condition has been met. ALSTA This register iIndicates the IRQ status and whether or not the alarm condition has been met. 0: No IRQ occurred; the alarm condition has not been met. 1: IRQ occurred; the alarm condition has been met. RTC_IRQ_EN 14 13 12 RTC IRQ enable 11 10 9 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 Name Type Reset RW 0 Bit(s) 1 TC ST A RC 0 Description LP _E N Overview 2 This register is fixed in 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. Name 3 3 LP ST A RO 0 2 ON ES HO T RW 0 1 0 TC _E N AL _E N RW 0 RW 0 This register is fixed atin 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. Name 3 LP_EN 2 ONESHOT 1 TC_EN Description This register eEnables the control bit for IRQ generation if the Llow power is detected (32k clock off). 0: Disable IRQ generations. 1: Enable the LPD. Controls automatic reset of AL_EN and TC_EN. This register eEnables the control bit for IRQ generation if the tick condition has been met. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 46 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 0: Disable IRQ generations. 1: Enable the tick time match interrupt. Clear the interrupt when ONESHOT is high upon generation of the corresponding IRQ. 0 AL_EN A21E000C Bit This register eEnables the control bit for IRQ generation if the alarm condition has been met. 0: Disable IRQ generations. 1: Enable the alarm time match interrupt. Clear the interrupt when ONESHOT is high upon generation of the corresponding IRQ. 15 RTC_CII_EN 14 13 12 Counter increment IRQ enable 11 10 Name Type Reset Overview 9 SE CC II_ 1_ 8 RW 0 0000 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SE CC II_ 1_4 SE CC II_ 1_2 YE AC II MT HC II DO WC II DO MC II HO UC II MI NC II SE CC II RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 This register activates or de-activates the IRQ generation when the TC counter reaches its maximum value. Bit(s) Name Description 9 SECCII_1_8 Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each one-eighth of a second update. 8 SECCII_1_4 Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each one-fourth of a second update. 7 SECCII_1_2 Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each one-half of a second update. 6 YEACII Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each year update. 5 MTHCII Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each month update. 4 DOWCII Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each day-of-week update. 3 DOMCII Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each day-of-month update. 2 HOUCII Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each hour update. 1 MINCII Set the bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each minute update. 0 SECCII Set this bit to 1 to activate the IRQ at each second update. A21E0010 Bit 15 RTC_AL_MAS K 14 13 Name Type Reset Overview 12 RTC alarm mask 11 10 9 8 7 6 YE A_ MS K RW 0 5 MT H_ MS K RW 0 0000 4 DO W_ MS K RW 0 3 DO M_ MS K RW 0 2 HO U_ MS K RW 0 1 MI N_ MS K RW 0 0 SE C_ MS K RW 0 The alarm condition for alarm IRQ generation depends on whether or not the corresponding bit in this register is masked. Warning: If you set all bits to 1 in RTC_AL_MASK (i.e. RTC_AL_MASK=0x7f) and PWREN=1 in RTC_BBPU, it means alarm will comes every second EVERY SECOND, not disabled. Bit(s) Name 6 YEA_MSK Description 0: Condition (RTC_TC_YEA = RTC_AL_YEA) is checked to generate the alarm signal. 1: Condition (RTC_TC_YEA = RTC_AL_YEA) is masked, i.e. the value of © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 47 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description RTC_TC_YEA does not affect the alarm IRQ generation. 5 MTH_MSK 0: Condition (RTC_TC_MTH = RTC_AL_MTH) is checked to generate the alarm signal. 1: Condition (RTC_TC_MTH = RTC_AL_MTH) is masked, i.e. the value of RTC_TC_MTH does not affect the alarm IRQ generation. 4 DOW_MSK 0: Condition (RTC_TC_DOW = RTC_AL_DOW) is checked to generate the alarm signal. 1: Condition (RTC_TC_DOW = RTC_AL_DOW) is masked, i.e. the value of RTC_TC_DOW does not affect the alarm IRQ generation. 3 DOM_MSK 0: Condition (RTC_TC_DOM = RTC_AL_DOM) is checked to generate the alarm signal. 1: Condition (RTC_TC_DOM = RTC_AL_DOM) is masked, i.e. the value of RTC_TC_DOM does not affect the alarm IRQ generation. 2 HOU_MSK 0: Condition (RTC_TC_HOU = RTC_AL_HOU) is checked to generate the alarm signal. 1: Condition (RTC_TC_HOU = RTC_AL_HOU) is masked, i.e. the value of RTC_TC_HOU does not affect the alarm IRQ generation. 1 MIN_MSK 0: Condition (RTC_TC_MIN = RTC_AL_MIN) is checked to generate the alarm signal. 1: Condition (RTC_TC_MIN = RTC_AL_MIN) is masked, i.e. the value of RTC_TC_MIN does not affect the alarm IRQ generation. 0 SEC_MSK 0: Condition (RTC_TC_SEC = RTC_AL_SEC) is checked to generate the alarm signal. 1: Condition (RTC_TC_SEC = RTC_AL_SEC) is masked, i.e. the value of RTC_TC_SEC does not affect the alarm IRQ generation. A21E0014 RTC_TC_SEC Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 13 12 RTC seconds time counter register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0000 4 3 2 1 TC_SECOND RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name Description 5:0 TC_SECOND The second initial value for the time counter. The rRange: of its value is: 0-~59. A21E0018 RTC_TC_MIN Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 13 12 RTC minutes time counter register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 4 0000 3 2 1 TC_MINUTE RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name Description 5:0 TC_MINUTE The minute initial value for the time counter. The rRange: of its value is: 0~-59. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 48 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A21E001C RTC_TC_HOU Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 13 12 RTC hours time counter register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0000 3 2 1 TC_HOUR RW 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 4:0 TC_HOUR Description The hour initial value for the time counter. The rRange: of its value is: 0-~23. A21E0020 RTC_TC_DOM Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 13 12 RTC day-of-month time counter register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0000 3 2 1 TC_DOM RW 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) 4:0 A21E0024 Bit Name Type Reset 15 Name Description TC_DOM The day-of-month initial value for the time counter. The day-ofmonth maximum value depends on the leap year condition, i.e. 2 LSB of year time counter are 0zeros. RTC_TC_DOW 14 13 12 RTC day-of-week time counter register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0000 3 2 1 0 TC_DOW RW 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 2:0 TC_DOW Description The day-of-week initial value for the time counter. The rRange: of its value is: 1-~7. A21E0028 RTC_TC_MTH Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 13 12 RTC month time counter register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0000 3 0 2 1 TC_MONTH RW 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name Description 3:0 TC_MONTH The month initial value for the time counter. The rRange: of its value is: 1-~12. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 49 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A21E002C RTC_TC_YEA Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 13 12 RTC year time counter register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 0000 4 3 2 TC_YEAR RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) 6:0 A21E0030 Bit 15 Name Description TC_YEAR The year initial value for the time counter. The rRange: of its value is: 0-127. (2000-2127). Software can bias the year as multiples of 4 for the internal leap-year formula. Here are 3 examples: 2000-2127, 1972~2099, 1904~2031.To simplify, RTC hardware treats all 4-multiple as leap years. If the range you defined includes non-leap 4-multiple year (e.g.say: 2100), you have to adjust it to the correct date by yourselves. (e.g.x: change Feb. 29th, 2100 to Mar. 1st, 2100). It's suggested to bias the range large than 1900 and less thean 2100 to evade the manual adjustment, I.e.: the bias values are suggested to be in the range of [-28,-96], that are (1972~ 2099) ~ (1904~ 2031). The formal leap formula: if year modulo 400 is 0 then leap else if year modulo 100 is 0 then no_leap else if year modulo 4 is 0 then leap else no_leap RTC_AL_SEC 14 Name Type Reset Overview Bit(s) 13 12 RTC_LP D_OPT RW 0 0 RTC second alarm setting register 11 10 9 8 7 RTC_LPD_OPT 5:0 AL_SECOND 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 LPD option 00: XOSC LPD | EOSC LPD (triggers when clock stops or VRTC low-V) 01: EOSC LPD (triggers when VRTC low-V) 10: XOSC LPD (triggers when clock stops) 11: nNo LPD The second value of the alarm counter setting. The rRange: of its value is: 0-59. RTC_AL_MIN Bit Name Type Reset 14 13 4 Description A21E0034 15 5 AL_SECOND Name 13:12 6 0000 12 RTC minute alarm setting register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0000 4 3 2 1 AL_MINUTE RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 5:0 AL_MINUTE Description The minute value of the alarm counter setting. The rRange: of its value is: 0-59. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 50 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A21E0038 RTC_AL_HOU RTC hour alarm setting register Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 9 8 0 0 0 0 13 12 11 10 NEW_SPARE0 RW 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 0 0000 3 2 1 AL_HOUR RW 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:8 NEW_SPARE0 4:0 AL_HOUR A21E003C Bit Name Type Reset RTC_AL_DOM 15 14 0 0 Description The registers are rReserved for specific purposes. The hour value of the alarm counter setting. The rRange: of its value is: 0-~23. RTC day-of-month alarm setting register 13 12 11 10 NEW_SPARE1 RW 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 6 5 4 0 0000 3 2 1 AL_DOM RW 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:8 NEW_SPARE1 4:0 AL_DOM A21E0040 Bit Name Type Reset Description The registers are rReserved for specific purposes. The day-of-month value of the alarm counter setting. The day-ofmonth maximum value depends on the leap year condition, i.e. 2 LSB of year time counter are zeros 0. RTC_AL_DOW 15 14 0 0 RTC day-of-week alarm setting register 13 12 11 10 NEW_SPARE2 RW 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 6 5 4 0000 3 2 1 0 AL_DOW RW 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:8 NEW_SPARE2 2:0 AL_DOW A21E0044 RTC_AL_MTH Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 0 0 13 Description The registers are rReserved for specific purposes. The day-of-week value of the alarm counter setting. The rRange: of its value is: 1-~7. RTC month alarm setting register 12 11 10 NEW_SPARE3 RW 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 6 5 4 0000 3 0 2 1 AL_MONTH RW 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:8 NEW_SPARE3 3:0 AL_MONTH Description The registers are rReserved for specific purposes. The month value of the alarm counter setting. The rRange: of its © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 51 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description value is: 1-~12. A21E0048 RTC_AL_YEA RTC year alarm setting register Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 9 8 0 0 0 0 13 12 11 10 NEW_SPARE4 RW 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 0 0 0000 4 3 2 AL_YEAR RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:8 NEW_SPARE4 6:0 AL_YEAR The registers are rReserved for specific purposes. The year value of the alarm counter setting. The rRange: of its value is: 0-~127. (2000-2127) RTC_POWERK EY1 A21E0050 Bit Name Type Reset Description RTC_POWERKEY1 register 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 RTC_POWERKEY1 RW 0 0 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:0 The RTC content is protected by RTC_POWERKEY1 and RTC_POWRKEY2. When RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 are not equal to the correct values, the RTC content is not credibleis. RTC_POWERKEY1 RTC_POWERK EY2 A21E0054 Bit Name Type Reset Description RTC_POWERKEY2 register 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 RTC_POWERKEY2 RW 0 0 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name Description 15:0 RTC_POWERKEY2 The RTC content is protected by RTC_POWERKEY1 and RTC_POWRKEY2. When RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 are not equal to the correct values, the RTC content is not credibleis. A21E0058 Bit Name Type Reset RTC_PDN1 PDN1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 RTC_PDN1 RW 0 0 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 52 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Bit(s) Name 15:0 RTC_PDN1 A21E005C Bit Name Type Reset Description The sSpare registers for software to keep the power -on and power off state information. RTC_PDN2 PDN2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 RTC_PDN2 RW 0 0 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:0 RTC_PDN2 Description The sSpare registers for software to keep the power power-on and power power-off state information. A21E0060 RTC_SPAR0 Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spare register for specific purpose 8 7 6 RTC_SPAR0 RW 0 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:0 RTC_SPAR0 A21E0064 Bit Name Type Reset Description The registers are rReserved for specific purposes. RTC_SPAR1 Spare register for specific purpose 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 RTC_SPAR1 RW 0 0 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 15:0 RTC_SPAR1 A21E0068 Bit Name Type Reset Description The registers are rReserved for specific purposes. RTC_PROT Lock/unlock scheme to prevent RTC miswriting 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 RTC_PROT RW 0 0 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) 15:0 Name Description RTC_PROT The RTC write interface is protected by RTC_PROT. Whether the RTC writing interface is enabled or not is decided by RTC_PROT contents. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 53 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description When RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 are not equal to the correct values, the RTC writing interface willis always be enabled. But when they match, users have to perform Uunlock flow to enable the writing interface. Notice: Please aAlways keep RTC in the unlock state in power -on mode. Once the normal RTC content writing is completed, do notDO NOT modify the RTC_PROT content to lock the RTC. The RTC_PROT contents will be cleared automatically when powered off immediately. A21E006C Bit 15 Name CA LI_ RD _S EL Type Reset RW 0 Overview Bit(s) 14 13 12 PO WE R_ DE TE CT ED RO - One-time calibration offset 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RTC_DIFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 This register is fixed atin 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. Name 15 12 RTC_DIFF Description Selects which RTC_CALI is to be read when reading RTC_CALI register 0: nNormal RTC_CALI 1: K_EOSC32_RTC_CALI CALI_RD_SEL POWER_DETECTED POWER_DETECTED status 0: powerkey not match 1: RTC_POWERKEY1, RTC_POWERKEY2, RTC_POWERKEY1_NEW, and RTC_POWERKEY2_NEW match the correct value. These registers are used to aAdjusts the internal counter of RTC. It eaffects once and returns to 0zero when in done. 11:0 In some cases, you observe the RTC is faster or slower than the standard. To cChanginge RTC_TC_SEC is coarse and may cause alarm problems. RTC_DIFF provides a finer time unit. An internal 15-bit counter accumulates in each 32768HZz clock. Entering a non-zero value into the RTC_DIFF will causes the internal RTC counter to increases or decreases RTC_DIFF when RTC_DIFF changes to 0zero again. RTC_DIFF is in represents as 2's completement form. RTC_DIFF For example, if you fill in 0xfff into RTC_DIFF, the internal counter will decreases 1 when RTC_DIFF returns to 0zero. In other words, you can only use RTC_DIFF continuously if RTC_DIFF is equal to 0zero now. Note: RTC_DIFF ranges from 0x800 (-2048) to 0x7fd (2045). Using 0x7ff and & 0x7fe is not allowed.are forbid to use. A21E0070 Bit Name 15 K_ EO RTC_CALI 14 CA LI_ 13 12 Repeat calibration offset 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0000 4 3 2 1 0 RTC_CALI © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 54 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A21E0070 Type Reset SC 32 _O VE RF LO W RW 0 Overview RTC_CALI Repeat calibration offset 0000 W R_ SE L RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This register is fixed atin 0 when RTC_POWERKEY1 & RTC_POWERKEY2 unmatch the correct values. Bit(s) Name Description 15 K_EOSC32_OVERFL OW EOSC32 calibration overflow (EOSC32 RTC_CALI update result from PMU rtc_eosc_cali module overflow) 0: nNot overflow 1: oOverflow 14 CALI_WR_SEL 13:0 These registers provide a repeat calibration scheme. RTC_CALI provides two types2 kinds of calibration. 1. 14-bit calibration capability in 8-second duration; in other words, 12-bit calibration capability in each second. RTC_CALI is in represents in 2's complement form, such that you can adjust RTC increasing or decreasing. Due to that RTC_CALI is revealed in 8 seconds, the resolution is less than a 1/32768 clock. Avg. resolution: 1/32768/8=3.81us Avg. adjust range: -31.25~31.246ms/sec in 2's complement: -0x2000~0x1fff (-8192~8191) 2. 14-bit calibration capability in 1-second duration when use EOSC32 as 32K source (K_EOSC32_RTC_CALI); This typekind of usage is with resolution 1/32768=30.52us RTC_CALI A21E0074 Bit Enables EOSC32 Cali value write enable. Only takes effect oin RTC_CALI write operation. 0: nNormal RTC_CALI 1: K_EOSC32_RTC_CALI 15 Enable the transfers from core to RTC in the queue RTC_WRTGR 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0000 2 Name Type Reset 1 0 W RT GR WO 0 Overview Bit(s) 0 Name Description WRTGR This register eEnables the transfers from core to RTC. After you modify all the RTC registers you are'd like to change, you must write RTC_WRTGR to 1 to trigger the transfer. The prior writing operations are queued at core power domain. The pending data will not be transferred to RTC domain until WRTGR=1. After WRTGR=1, the pending data will beis transferred to RTC domain sequentially in order of register address, from low to high. For example: RTC_BBPU -> RTC_IRQ_EN -> RTC_CII_EN -> RTC_AL_MASK -> RTC_TC_SEC -> etc. The CBUSY in RTC_BBPU is equal to 1 in writing process. You can observe CBUSY to determine when the transmission is completeds. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 55 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 6. Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 6.1. General Description The baseband chipset houses four UARTs. UARTs provide full duplex serial communication channels between the baseband chipset and external devices. UART has both M16C450 and M16550A modes of operation, which are compatible with a range of standard software drivers. The extensions are designed to be broadly software compatible with 16550A variants, but certain areas offer no consensus. In common with M16550A, the UART supports word lengths from 5 to 8 bits, an optional parity bit and one or two stop bits and is fully programmable by an 8-bit CPU interface. A 16-bit programmable baud rate generator and an 8-bit scratch register are included, together with separate transmit and receive FIFOs. Two modem control lines and a diagnostic loop-back mode are provided. UART also includes two DMA handshake lines, indicating when the FIFOs are ready to transfer data to the CPU. Note that UART is designed so that all internal operation is synchronized by the CLK signal. This synchronization results in minor timing differences between the UART and industry standard 16550A device, which means that the core is not clock for clock identical to the original device. After hardware reset, UART will be in M16C450 mode; its FIFOs can then be enabled and UART can enter M16550A mode. UART has further additional functions beyond the M16550A mode. Each of the extended functions can be selected individually under software control. UART provides more powerful enhancements than the industry-standard 16550: Hardware flow control This feature is very useful when the ISR latency is hard to predict and control in embedded applications. The MCU is relieved of having to fetch the received data within a fixed amount of time. Note that in order to enable the enhancements (hardware flow control), the enhanced mode bit, EFR[4], must be set. If EFR[4] is not set, IER[7:4], FCR[5:4], cannot be written and MCR[7] cannot be read. The enhanced mode bit ensures that UART is backward compatible with the software that has been written for 16C450 and 16550A devices. 6.1.1. Features • Provides four channels • DMA, polling or interrupt operation • Supports word lengths from five to eignt bits, with an optional parity bit and one or two stop bits • Two UART ports for hardware automatic flow control (UART0, UART1) • Supports baud rates from 110bps up to 921,600bps • Baud rate auto detection from 110bps up to 115,200bps © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 56 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 6.1.2. Block Diagram Baud Rate Generator Baud Divisor Clock TX FIFO APB BUS I/F APB Bus RX FIFO TX Machine Uart_tx_data RX Machine Uart_rx_data Modem Control Modem Outputs Modem Inputs Figure 6-1. Block Diagram of UART 6.1.3. Programming Guide UART Band Rate Setting UART baud rate = UART clock frequency/HIGHSPEED/{DLM, DLL} UART clock frequency = 26MHz HIGHSPEED = 16/8/4/(sampe_count+1) DLM = User setting DLL = User setting Example 1: Setting UART baud rate = 921600 RATEFIX_AD = 0x00 > UART clock frequency is set to “26MHz” HIGHSPEED = 0x02 > HIGHSPEED is set to “4” DLM = 0x0 > DLM is set to “0” DLL = 0x7 > DLM is set to “7” UART baud rate 26MHz/4/7 ≒ 921600Hz © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 57 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Example 2: Setting UART baud rate = 115200 RATEFIX_AD = 0x05 > UART clock frequency is set to “13MHz” HIGHSPEED = 0x03 > HIGHSPEED is set to “Sample Count” SAMPLE_COUNT = 0xD > Sample count is set to “13” DLM = 0x0 > DLM is set to “0” DLL = 0x7 > DLM is set to “8” UART baud rate 13MHz/(13+1)/8 ≒ 115200Hz Note: You can increase (+1) the sample count of each bit of data by register FRACDIV_M and FRACDIV_L. For example, to set bit 0, 4 and 8 of data to having a bigger sample count: SAMPLE_COUNT = 0xD FRACDIV_M = 0x1 FRACDIV_L = 0x11 Data Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 sample count 14 13 13 13 14 The feature can make UART receive/transmit data more accurately. Bit 3 13 Bit 2 13 Bit 1 13 Bit 0 14 Automatic Baud Rate Detection Setting This feature can auto detect RX data baud rate without setting up UART baud rate. 1. AUTOBAUD_EN = |0x1: Enable auto-baud feature with standard baud rate (standard baud rate: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 1200, 300, 110 bits/sec) AUTOBAUD_EN = |0x3: Enable auto-baud feature without standard baud rate (range from 115200 to 110 bits/sec) 2. AUTOBAUD_RATE_FIX: autobaud feature sample clock 26/13MHz 3. AUTOBAUDSAMPLE = 0d13: For autobaud feature sample clock = 26MHz AUTOBAUDSAMPLE = 0d6: For autobaud feature sample clock = 13MHz HW Flow Control Setting This feature controls UART start/stop transmission by RTS/CTS signal. 1. EFR = |0xC0: Enable RTS/CTS for hardware transmission/reception flow control 2. MCR = |0x2: RTS output can be controlled by flow control condition. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 58 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual SW Flow Control Setting This feature controls UART start/stop transmission by transmitting/receiving specific data. 1. EFR[3:0] Function 00xx No TX flow control xx00 No RX flow control 10xx Transmit XON1/XOFF1 as flow control bytes xx10 Receive XON1/XOFF1 as flow control bytes 2. XON1: User setting 3. XOFF1: User setting 4. ESCAPE_en: 0x01 5. ESCAPE_DAT: User setting When SW flow control is enabled, and you are to transmit special character (ESC, XON, XOFF), set ESCAPE_en = 1. When UART device receives two data (ESC & ~ special character), it can recognize the ESC command and store the special character as a data. Example: UART TX transmit > ESC(command), ~XON ̶ UART TX transmit > ESC(command), ~XOFF UART TX transmit > ESC(command), ~ESC ̶ UART RX receive > XON(data) ̶ UART RX receive > XOFF(data) UART RX receive > ESC(data) Enable Sleep Mode This feature gives feedback sleep_ack signal for system having sleep requirement. 1. SLEEP_ACK_SEL = 0: Support sleep_ack when autobaud_en is opened. SLEEP_ACK_SEL = 1: Does not support sleep_ack when autobaud_en is opened. 2. SLEEP_EN = 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 59 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 6.2. Register Definition There are four UARTs in this SOC. The usage of the registers below is the same except that the base address should be changed to respective one. UART number Base address Feature UART0 0xA00D0000 Supports DMA, HW flow control UART1 0xA00E0000 Supports DMA, HW flow control UART2 0xA00F0000 Supports DMA UART3 0xA0100000 Supports DMA Module name: UART Base address: (+A00D0000h) Address Name Width A00D0000 RBR 8 A00D0000 THR 8 A00D0000 DLL 8 A00D0004 IER 8 A00D0004 DLM 8 A00D0008 IIR 8 A00D0008 FCR 8 A00D0008 EFR 8 Register Function RX Buffer Register Note: RBR is modified when LCR[7] = 0 TX Holding Register Note: THR is modified when LCR[7] = 0 Divisor Latch (LS) Divides the UART internal clk frequency Note: DLL is modified when LCR[7] != 0 Interrupt Enable Register By storing 1 to a specific bit position, the interrupt associated with that bit is enabled. Otherwise, the interrupt will be disabled. Note: IER[3:0] are modified when LCR[7] = 0. IER[7:4] are modified when LCR[7] = 0 & EFR[4] = 1. Divisor Latch (MS) Divides the UART internal clk frequency. Note: DLM is modified when LCR[7] != 0. Interrupt Identification Register Priority is from high to low as the following. IIR[5:0]= 6'h1: No interrupt pending. IIR[5:0]= 6'h6: Line status interrupt (under IER[2]=1). IIR[5:0]= 6'hc: RX data time-out interrupt (under IER[0]=1). IIR[5:0]= 6'h4: RX data are placed in the RX buffer register or the RX FIFO trigger level is reached (under IER[0]=1). IIR[5:0]= 6'h2: TX holding register is empty or the contents of the TX FIFO have been reduced to its trigger level (under IER[1]=1). IIR[5:0]= 6'h10: XOFF character received (under IER[5]=1, EFR[4] = 1). IIR[5:0]= 6'h20: CTS or RTS rising edge (under IER[7]=1 or EFR[6] = 1). Note: DLM is modified when LCR != 8'hBF. FIFO Control Register FCR is used to control the trigger levels of the FIFOs or flush the FIFOs. Note: FCR[7:6] is modified when LCR != 8'hBF FCR[5:4] is modified when LCR != 8'hBF & EFR[4] = 1 FCR[4:0] is modified when LCR != 8'hBF. Enhanced Feature Register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 60 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Address Name Width A00D000C LCR 8 A00D0010 MCR 8 A00D0010 XON1 8 A00D0014 LSR 8 A00D0018 XOFF1 8 A00D001C SCR 8 A00D0020 AUTOBAUD_EN 8 A00D0024 HIGHSPEED 8 A00D0028 SAMPLE_COUNT 8 A00D002C SAMPLE_POINT 8 A00D0030 AUTOBAUD_REG 8 A00D0034 RATEFIX_AD 8 A00D0038 AUTOBAUDSAMPLE 8 A00D003C GUARD 8 A00D0040 ESCAPE_DAT 8 A00D0044 ESCAPE_EN 8 A00D0048 SLEEP_EN 8 A00D004C DMA_EN 8 A00D0050 RXTRI_AD 8 Register Function EFR is used to enable HW/SW flow control. Note: EFR is modified when LCR = 8'hBF. Line Control Register Determines characteristics of serial communication signals. Modem Control Register Controls interface signals of the UART. Note: MCR[5:0] is modified when LCR != 8'hBF, MCR[7] can be read when LCR != 8'hBF & EFR[4] = 1. XON1 Char Register Note: XON1 is modified when LCR = 8'hBF. Line Status Register Note: LSR is modified when LCR != 8'hBF. XOFF1 Char Register Note: XOFF1 is modified when LCR = 8'hBF. Scratch Register General purpose read/write register. After reset, its value will be un-defined. Note: SCR is modified when LCR != 8'hBF. Auto Baud Detect Enable Register Enables UART auto baud detect feature. High Speed Mode Register HIGHSPEED is used to control UART baud rate. Sample Counter Register When HIGHSPEED=3, sample_count will be the threshold value for UART sample counter (sample_num). Count from 0 to sample_count. Sample Point Register When HIGHSPEED=3, UART gets the input data when sample_count=sample_num, e.g. system clock = 13MHz, 921600 = 13000000/14. Therefore, sample_count = 13, and sample point = 6 (sampling the central point to decrease the inaccuracy) SAMPLE_POINT is usually (SAMPLE_COUNT1)/2 without decimal. Auto Baud Monitor Register Autobaud detection state. Will not be changed until autobaud_en is enabled again. Clock Rate Fix Register Configures system and autobaud feature clock. Auto Baud Sample Register Since the system clock may change, autobaud sample duration should change as the system clock changes. When system clock = 13MHz, autobaudsample = 6; when system clock = 26MHz, autobaudsample = 13. Guard Time Added Register Adds guard interval after stop bit. Escape Character Register Escape character of software flow control. Escape Enable Register Uses escape character for software flow control. Sleep Enable Register Allows UART to enter sleep mode. DMA Enable Register Allows UART to transmit/receive data using DMA. Rx Trigger Address UART RX FIFO threshold. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 61 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Address Name Width A00D0054 FRACDIV_L 8 A00D0058 FRACDIV_M 8 A00D005C FCR_RD 8 A00D0000 Bit Name Type Reset RBR 15 14 RX Buffer Register 13 12 Bit(s) Name 7:0 Bit Name Type Reset THR 15 14 Bit Name Type Reset 12 Bit Name DLL Type Reset 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 RBR RU 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 THR WO 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 14 Divisor Latch (LS) 13 12 11 10 9 01 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 DLL RW 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 Description Divisor latch low 8-bit data Note: Modified when LCR[7] != 0. DLL 15 7 TX holding Register Write-only register. The transmitted data can be written by setting this register. Only when LCR[7] = 0. 15 A00D0004 8 Description Bit(s) Name 7:0 9 TX Holding Register 13 THR A00D0000 10 RX buffer register Read-update register. The received data can be read by accessing this register. Only when LCR[7] = 0. Bit(s) Name 7:0 11 00 Description RBR A00D0000 Register Function Fractional Divider LSB Address Increases (+1) the sample count of bit 0 ~ 7 of data. Fractional Divider MSB Address Increases (+1) the sample count of bit 8 ~ 9 of data. FIFO Control Register Sets up FIFO trigger threshold. IER 14 Interrupt Enable Register 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 00 6 5 XOF CTSI RTSI FI RW RW RW 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 4 1 0 ETBE ERB ELSI I FI RW RW RW 0 0 0 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 62 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 7 CTSI Masks an interrupt that is generated when a rising edge is detected on the CTS modem control line. Note: This interrupt is only enabled when hardware flow control is enabled. 0: Mask an interrupt generated when a rising edge is detected on the CTS modem control line. 1: Unmask an interrupt generated when a rising edge is detected on the CTS modem control line. 6 RTSI Interrupt is inhibited when a rising edge is detected on the RTS modem control line. Note: This interrupt is only enabled when hardware flow control is enabled. 0: Interrupt is inhibited when a rising edge is detected on the RTS modem control line. 1: Interrupt is generated when a rising edge is detected on the RTS modem control line. 5 XOFFI Masks an interrupt that is generated when an XOFF character is received. Note: This interrupt is only enabled when software flow control is enabled. 0: Mask an interrupt generated when an XOFF character is received. 1: Unmask an interrupt generated when an XOFF character is received. 2 ELSI When set to1, an interrupt will be generated if BI, FE, PE or OE (LSR[4:1]) becomes set. 0: No interrupt will be generated if BI, FE, PE or OE (LSR[4:1]) becomes set. 1: An interrupt will be generated if BI, FE, PE or OE (LSR[4:1]) becomes set. 1 ETBEI When set to 1, an interrupt will be generated if the TX holding register is empty or the contents of the TX FIFO have been reduced to its trigger level. 0: No interrupt will be generated if the TX holding register is empty or the contents of the TX FIFO have been reduced to its trigger level. 1: An interrupt will be generated if the TX folding register is empty or the contents of the TX FIFO have been reduced to its trigger level. 0 ERBFI When set to 1, an interrupt will be generated if RX data are placed in RX buffer register or the RX trigger level is reached. 0: No interrupt will be generated if RX data are placed in the RX buffer register or the RX trigger level is reached. 1: An interrupt will be generated if RX Data are placed in the RX buffer register or the RX trigger level is reached. A00D0004 Bit Name Type Reset DLM 15 14 Bit(s) Name 7:0 DLM Divisor Latch (MS) 13 12 11 10 9 00 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 DLM RW 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Description Divisor latch high 8-bit data Note: Modified when LCR[7]!=0. DLL & DLM can only be updated when DLAB(LCR[7]) is set to 1. Division by 1 will generate a BAUD signal that is constantly high. DLL & DLM setting formula is {DLM,DLL}=(system clock frequency/baud_pulse/baud_rate). When RATE_FIX(RATEFIX_AD[0])=0, system clock frequency = 26MHz. When RATE_FIX(RATEFIX_AD[0])=1, system clock frequency = 13MHz. For baud_pulse value, refer to HIGH_SPEED(offset=24H) register. For example, when at 26MHz, default speed mode and 115200 baud rate, {DLM,DLL}=26MHz/16/115200=14. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 63 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A00D0008 Bit Name Type Reset IIR 15 14 Bit(s) Name 7:6 FIFOE 5:0 ID Interrupt Identification Register 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 FIFOE RO 0 0 01 5 4 3 0 0 0 ID RU 2 1 0 0 0 1 Description IIR[5:0] -Priority level- interrupt source 000001 No interrupt pending 000110 1 Line status interrupt: BI, FE, PE or OE set in LSR (under IER[2]=1) 001100 2 RX data time-out: Time-out on character in RX FIFO (under IER[0]=1) 000100 3 RX data received: RX data received or RX trigger level reached (under IER[0]=1) 000010 4 TX holding register empty: TX holding register empty or TX FIFO trigger level reached (under IER[1]=1) 010000 5 Software flow control: XOFF character received (under IER[5]=1) 100000 6 Hardware flow control: CTS or RTS rising edge (under IER[7]=1 or IER[6]=1) Line status interrupt: A RX line status interrupt (IIR[5:0] = 000110) will be generated if ELSI (IER[2]) is set and any of BI, FE, PE or OE (LSR[4:1]) becomes set. The interrupt is cleared by reading the line status register. RX data time-out interrupt: When the virtual FIFO mode is disabled, RX data time-out interrupt will be generated if all of the following conditions are applied: 1. FIFO contains at least one character. 2. The most recent character is received longer than four character periods ago (including all start, parity and stop bits); 3. The most recent CPU read of the FIFO is longer than four character periods ago. The timeout timer is restarted upon receipt of a new byte from the RX shift register or upon a CPU read from the RX FIFO. The RX data time-out interrupt is enabled by setting EFRBI (IER[0]) to 1 and is cleared by reading RX FIFO. When the virtual FIFO mode is enabled, RX data time-out interrupt will be generated if all of the following conditions are applied: 1. FIFO is empty. 2. The most recent character is received longer than four character periods ago (including all start, parity and stop bits). 3. The most recent CPU read of the FIFO is longer than four character periods ago. The timeout timer is restarted upon receipt of a new byte from the RX shift register or reading DMA_EN register. The RX Data Timeout Interrupt is enabled by setting EFRBI (IER[0]) to 1 and is cleared by reading DMA_EN register. RX data received interrupt: A RX received interrupt (IER[5:0] = 000100b) will be generated if EFRBI (IER[0]) is set and either RX data are placed in the RX buffer register or the RX trigger level is reached. The interrupt is cleared by reading the RX buffer register or the RX FIFO (if enabled). TX holding register empty interrupt: A TX holding register empty interrupt © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 64 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description (IIR[5:0] = 000010) will be generated if ETRBI (IER[1]) is set and either the TX holding register is empty or the contents of the TX FIFO are reduced to its trigger level. The interrupt is cleared by writing to the TX holding register or TX FIFO if FIFO is enabled. Software flow control interrupt: A software flow control interrupt (IIR[5:0] = 010000) will be generated if the software flow control is enabled and XOFFI (IER[5]) becomes set, indicating that an XOFF character has been received. The interrupt is cleared by reading the interrupt identification register. Hardware flow control interrupt: A hardware flow control interrupt (IER[5:0] = 100000) will be generated if the hardware flow control is enabled and either RTSI (IER[6]) or CTSI (IER[7]) becomes set indicating that a rising edge has been detected on either the RTS/CTS modem control line. The interrupt is cleared by reading the interrupt identification register. A00D0008 Bit Name FCR 15 14 FIFO Control Register 13 12 11 10 9 8 Type Reset Bit(s) Name 00 7 6 5 4 RFTL1_RF TFTL1_TF TL0 TL0 WO WO 0 0 0 0 RFTL1_RFTL0 RX FIFO trigger threshold RX FIFO contains total 32 bytes. 0: 1 1: 6 2: 12 3: Use RX TRIG register data 5:4 TFTL1_TFTL0 TX FIFO trigger threshold TX FIFO contains total 16 bytes. 0: 1 1: 4 2: 8 3: 14 2 CLRT Control bit to clear TX FIFO 0: No effect 1: Clear TX FIFO 1 CLRR Control bit to clear RX FIFO 0: No effect 1: Clear RX FIFO 0 FIFOE Enables FIFO This bit can affect other registers setting. 0: Disable both RX and TX FIFOs. 1: Enable both RX and TX FIFOs. Bit Name Type Reset 15 2 1 0 CLR FIFO CLRT R E WO WO WO 0 0 0 Description 7:6 A00D0008 3 EFR 14 Enhanced Feature Register 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 AUT O_CT S RW 0 00 6 AUT O_R TS RW 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 ENA BLE_ E RW 0 3 2 1 0 SW_FLOW_CONT 0 0 RW This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 0 0 Page 65 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUTO_CTS Enables hardware transmission flow control 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 AUTO_RTS Enables hardware reception flow control 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 ENABLE_E Enables enhancement feature 0: Disable 1: Enable SW_FLOW_CONT Software flow control bits 00xx: No TX flow control 10xx: Transmit XON1/XOFF1 as flow control bytes xx00: No RX flow control xx10: Receive XON1/XOFF1 as flow control bytes 3:0 A00D000C Bit Name LCR 15 14 Line Control Register 13 12 11 10 9 Type Reset Bit(s) Name 8 00 7 DLA B RW 0 6 5 SB SP RW 0 RW 0 4 3 2 1 0 WLS1_WL EPS PEN STB S0 RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 Description 7 DLAB Divisor latch access bit 0: RX and TX registers are read/written at Address 0 and the IER register is read/written at Address 4. 1: Divisor Latch LS is read/written at Address 0 and the Divisor Latch MS is read/written at Address 4. 6 SB Sets up break 0: No effect 1: TX signal is forced to the 0 state. 5 SP Stick parity 0: No effect. 1: The parity bit is forced to a defined state, depending on the states of EPS and PEN: If EPS=1 & PEN=1, the even parity bit will be set and checked. If EPS=0 & PEN=1, the odd parity bit will be set and checked. 4 EPS Selects even parity 0: When EPS=0, an odd number of ones is sent and checked. 1: When EPS=1, an even number of ones is sent and checked. 3 PEN Enables parity 0: The parity is neither transmitted nor checked. 1: The parity is transmitted and checked. 2 STB Number of STOP bits 0: One STOP bit is always added. 1: Two STOP bits are added after each character is sent; unless the character length is 5 when 1 STOP bit is added. WLS1_WLS0 Selects word length 0: 5 bits 1: 6 bits 2: 7 bits 3: 8 bits 1:0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 66 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A00D0010 Bit MCR 15 14 Modem Control Register 13 12 11 10 9 8 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 00 7 XOF F_ST ATUS RU 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 Loop RTS RW 0 RW 0 Description 7 XOFF_STATUS Read-only bit 0: When an XON character is received. 1: When an XOFF character is received. 4 Loop Loop-back control bit 0: No loop-back is enabled. 1: Loop-back mode is enabled. 1 RTS Controls the state of the output NRTS, even in loop mode. 0: RTS will always output 1. 1: RTS's output will be controlled by flow control condition. A00D0010 Bit Name Type Reset XON1 15 14 XON1 Char Register 13 12 Bit(s) Name 7:0 Bit 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 XON1 RW 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 XON1 character for software flow control Modified only when LCR = 8'hBF. LSR 15 11 Description XON1 A00D0014 0 14 Line Status Register 13 12 11 10 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 9 8 60 7 6 5 FIFO TEM THR ERR T E RU RU RU 0 1 1 4 3 2 1 0 BI FE PE OE DR RU 0 RU 0 RU 0 RU 0 RU 0 Description 7 FIFOERR RX FIFO error indicator 0: No PE, FE, BI set in the RX FIFO. 1: Set to 1 when there is at least one PE, FE or BI in the RX FIFO. 6 TEMT TX holding register (or TX FIFO) and the TX shift register are empty. 0: Empty conditions below are not met. 1: If FIFOs are enabled, the bit will be set whenever the TX FIFO and the TX shift register are empty. If FIFOs are disabled, the bit will be set whenever TX holding register and TX shift register are empty. 5 THRE Indicates if there is room for TX holding register or TX FIFO is reduced to its trigger level 0: Reset whenever the contents of the TX FIFO are more than its trigger level (FIFOs are enabled), or whenever TX holding register is not empty (FIFOs are disabled). 1: Set whenever the contents of the TX FIFO are reduced to its trigger level © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 67 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description (FIFOs are enabled), or whenever TX holding register is empty and ready to accept new data (FIFOs are disabled). 4 BI Break interrupt 0: Reset by the CPU reading this register 1: If the FIFOs are disabled, this bit will be set whenever the SIN is held in the 0 state for more than one transmission time (START bit + DATA bits + PARITY + STOP bits). If the FIFOs are enabled, this error will be associated with a corresponding character in the FIFO and is flagged when this byte is at the top of the FIFO. When a break occurs, only one zero character is loaded into the FIFO: The next character transfer is enabled when RX signal goes into the marking state and receives the next valid start bit. 3 FE Framing error 0: Reset by the CPU reading this register 1: If the FIFOs are disabled, this bit will be set if the received data do not have a valid STOP bit. If the FIFOs are enabled, the state of this bit will be revealed when the byte it refers to is the next to be read. 2 PE Parity error 0: Reset by the CPU reading this register 1: If the FIFOs are disabled, this bit will be set if the received data do not have a valid parity bit. If the FIFOs are enabled, the state of this bit will be revealed when the referred byte is the next to be read. 1 OE Overrun error 0: Reset by the CPU reading this register. 1: If the FIFOs are disabled, this bit will be set if the RX buffer is not read by the CPU before the new data from the RX shift register overwrites the previous contents. If the FIFOs are enabled, an overrun error will occur when the RX FIFO is full and the RX shift register becomes full. OE will be set as soon as this happens. The character in the shift register is then overwritten, but not transferred to the FIFO. 0 DR Data ready 0: Cleared by the CPU reading the RX buffer or by reading all the FIFO bytes. 1: Set by the RX buffer register has data or FIFO becoming no empty. A00D0018 Bit Name Type Reset XOFF1 15 14 XOFF1 Char Register 13 12 Bit(s) Name 7:0 Bit Name Type Reset 14 Bit(s) Name 7:0 SCR 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 XOFF1 RW 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 XOFF1 character for software flow control Modified only when LCR = 0xBF. SCR 15 10 Description XOFF1 A00D001C 11 00 Scratch Register 13 12 11 10 9 00 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 SCR RW 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Description General purpose read/write register The register will not be reset. Modified when LCR != 8'hBF. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 68 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A00D0020 Bit AUTOBAUD_EN Auto Baud Detect Enable Register 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 00 5 4 3 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 2 SLEE P_AC K_SE L RO 0 1 AUT OBA UD_ SEL RW 0 0 AUT OBA UD_ EN RW 0 Description 2 SLEEP_ACK_SEL Selects sleep ack when autobaud_en 0: Support sleep_ack when autobaud_en is opened . 1: Does not support sleep_ack when autobaud_en is opened . 1 AUTOBAUD_SEL Selects auto-baud 0: Support standard baud rate detection 1: Support non_standard baud rate detection (support baud from 110 to 115200; recommended to use 26MHz to auto fix) . 0 AUTOBAUD_EN Auto-baud enabling signal 0: Disable auto-baud function 1: Enable auto-baud function (UARTn+0024h SPEED should be set to 0.) Note: When AUTOBAUD_EN is active, there should not be A*/a* char before the auto baud char AT/at. If A*/a* is Inevitable, autobaud will fail and please disable AUTOBAUD_EN to reset the autobaud feature and autobaud_en again. The AUTOBAUD_EN will automatic clear when baud rate detect success. A00D0024 Bit Name Type Reset HIGHSPEED 15 14 13 High Speed Mode Register 12 Bit(s) Name 1:0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 14 13 12 7 00 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SPEED RW 0 0 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 2 SAMPLECOUNT RW 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Description SAMPLECOUNT 15 8 SAMPLE_COUN Sample Counter Register T 15 A00D002C 9 UART sample counter base 0: Based on 16*baud_pulse, baud_rate = system clock frequency/16/{DLM, DLL} 1: Based on 8*baud_pulse, baud_rate = system clock frequency/8/{DLM, DLL} 2: Based on 4*baud_pulse, baud_rate = system clock frequency/4/{DLM, DLL} 3: Based on sampe_count * baud_pulse, baud_rate = system clock frequency / (sampe_count+1)/{DLM, DLL} Bit(s) Name 7:0 10 Description SPEED A00D0028 11 Only useful when HIGHSPEED mode = 3. SAMPLE_POINT Sample Point Register 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 FF 7 6 1 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 3 2 SAMPLEPOINT RW 1 1 1 1 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 1 0 1 1 Page 69 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 7:0 SAMPLE_POINT is usually (SAMPLE_COUNT-1)/2 without decimal. Effective only when HIGHSPEED=3. SAMPLEPOINT A00D0030 Bit Name Type Reset Description AUTOBAUD_RE Auto Baud Monitor Register G 15 14 13 12 Bit(s) Name 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 4 BAUD_STAT RU 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 BAUD_RATE RU 0 0 0 0 Description 7:4 BAUD_STAT Autobaud state (only true value in standard autobaud detection) 0: Autobaud is detecting. 1: AT_7N1 2: AT_7O1 3: AT_7E1 4: AT_8N1 5: AT_8O1 6: AT_8E1 7: at_7N1 8: at_7E1 9: at_7O1 10: at_8N1 11: at_8E1 12: at_8O1 13: Autobaud detection fails 3:0 BAUD_RATE Autobaud baud rate (only true value in standard autobaud detection) 0: 115,200 1: 57,600 2: 38,400 3: 19,200 4: 9,600 5: 4,800 6: 2,400 7: 1,200 8: 300 9: 110 A00D0034 Bit RATEFIX_AD 15 14 13 12 Clock Rate Fix Register 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 1 1 0 AUT OBA UD_ RAT RAT E_FI E_FI X X RW RW 0 0 Description AUTOBAUD_RATE_FI 0: Use 26MHz as system clock for UART auto baud detection X 1: Use 13MHz as system clock for UART auto baud detection © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 70 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 0 RATE_FIX A00D0038 Bit Name Type Reset Description 0: Use 26MHz as system clock for UART TX/RX 1: Use 13MHz as system clock for UART TX/RX AUTOBAUDSAM Auto Baud Sample Register PLE 15 14 13 12 9 8 7 6 5 GUARD 15 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 5 2 1 GUARD_CNT 1 1 RW 1 1 Guard interval add enabling signal 0: No guard interval added 1: Add guard interval after stop bit. GUARD_CNT Guard interval count value Guard interval = [1/( UART clock frequency / HIGHSPEED / {DLM, DLL})] *GUARD_CNT. ESCAPE_DAT 15 14 13 12 15 Escape Character Register 11 10 9 8 FF 7 6 1 1 5 4 3 2 ESCAPE_DAT RW 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Description Escape character added before software flow control data and escape character If TX data are xon (31h), with esc_en =1, UART will transmit data as esc + CEh (~xon). ESCAPE_DAT A00D0044 Bit 3 Description Bit(s) Name 7:0 0 0F 6 GUARD_EN A00D0040 Bit Name Type Reset 4 GUA RD_ EN RW 0 1 Guard Time Added Register 12 Bit(s) Name 3:0 0 clk diveision for autobaud rate detection System clk 26m: 'd13 System clk 13m: 'd6 Type Reset 4 4 3 2 1 AUTOBAUDSAMPLE RW 0 1 1 0 Description AUTOBAUDSAMPLE A00D003C Bit Name 10 0 Bit(s) Name 5:0 11 0D ESCAPE_EN 14 13 Escape Enable Register 12 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 1 0 ESC_ EN RW 0 Page 71 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 0 Adds escape character in transmitter and removes escape character in receiver by UART 0: Does not deal with the escape character 1: Add escape character in transmitter and remove escape character in receiver ESC_EN A00D0048 Bit Description SLEEP_EN 15 14 13 Sleep Enable Register 12 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 0 Bit Description For sleep mode issue 0: Does not deal with sleep mode indicate signal 1: Activate hardware flow control or software control according to software initial setting when the chip enters sleep mode. Release hardware flow when the chip wakes up. However, for software control, UART sends xon when awaken and when FIFO does not reach threshold level. SLEEP_EN A00D004C DMA_EN 15 0 SLEE P_E N RW 0 14 13 DMA Enable Register 12 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 4 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 3 2 1 TO_C FIFO NT_ TX_ _lsr_ AUT DMA sel ORST _EN RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 RX_ DMA _EN RW 0 Description 3 FIFO_lsr_sel Selects FIFO LSR mode 0: LSR will hold the first line status error state until you read the LSR register. 1: LSR will update automatically. 2 TO_CNT_AUTORST Time-out counter auto reset register 0: After RX time-out happens, SW shall reset the interrupt by reading DMA_EN. 1: The RX time-out counter will be auto reset. 1 TX_DMA_EN TX_DMA mechanism enabling signal 0: Does not use DMA in TX 1: Use DMA in TX. When this register is enabled, the flow control will be based on the DMA threshold and generate a time-out interrupt for DMA. 0 RX_DMA_EN RX_DMA mechanism enabling signal 0: Does not use DMA in RX 1: Use DMA in RX. When this register is enabled, the flow control will be based on the DMA threshold and generate a time-out interrupt A00D0050 Bit Name Type Reset 15 RXTRI_AD 14 13 Rx Trigger Address 12 11 10 9 00 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 2 1 RXTRIG RW 0 0 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 0 0 Page 72 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 3:0 When { RFTL1_RFTL0}=2'b11, the RX FIFO threshold will be Rxtrig. The value is suggested to be smaller than half of RX FIFO size, which is 32 bytes. RXTRIG A00D0054 Bit Name Type Reset Description FRACDIV_L 15 14 13 Fractional Divider LSB Address 12 Bit(s) Name 7:0 Bit Name 9 8 7 6 0 0 00 5 4 3 FRACDIV_L RW 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Adds sampling count (+1) from state data7 to data0 to contribute fractional divisor.only when high_speed=3. FRACDIV_M 15 10 Description FRACDIV_L A00D0058 11 14 13 Fractional Divider MSB Address 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 00 5 4 3 2 Type Reset Bit(s) Name 1:0 Bit Description Adds sampling count when in state stop to parity to contribute fractional divisor.only when high_speed=3. FRACDIV_M A00D005C FCR_RD 15 1 0 FRACDIV_ M RW 0 0 14 13 FIFO Control Register 12 11 10 9 8 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 00 7 6 5 4 RFTL1_RF TFTL1_TF TL0 TL0 RO RO 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 CLR FIFO CLRT R E RO RO RO 0 0 0 Description 7:6 RFTL1_RFTL0 RX FIFO trigger threshold RX FIFO contains total 32 bytes. 0: 1 1: 6 2: 12 3: Use RX TRIG register data 5:4 TFTL1_TFTL0 TX FIFO trigger threshold TX FIFO contains total 32 bytes. 0: 1 1: 4 2: 8 3: 14 2 CLRT 0: TX FIFO is not cleared. 1: TX FIFO is cleared. 1 CLRR 0: RX FIFO is not cleared. 1: RX FIFO is cleared. 0 FIFOE Enables FIFO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 73 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description This bit must be set to 1 for any of other bits in the registers to have any effect. 0: RX and TX FIFOs are not enabled. 1: RX and TX FIFOs are enabled. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 74 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 7. Serial Peripheral Interface Master Controller 7.1. General Description The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a bit-serial, four-pin transmission protocol. Figure 7-1 is an example of the connection between the SPI master and SPI slave. The SPI controller is a master responsible of data transmission with slave. SPI Master SCK MOSI MISO CS0 CS1 SCK MOSI MISO CS SPI Slave0 SCK MOSI MISO CS SPI Slave1 Figure 7-1. Pin connection between SPI master and SPI slave Figure 7-2 shows the waveform during SPI transmission. The low active CS_N determines the start point and end point of one transaction. The CS_N setup time, hold time and idle time are also depicted. CPOL defines the clock polarity in the transmission. Two types of polarity can be adopted, i.e. polarity 0 and polarity 1. Figure 7-2 shows both of the clock polarity (CPOL) as examples. CPHA defines the legal timing to sample MOSI and MISO. Two different methods can be adopted. CS_N idle time Data Transmission CS_N CS_N setup time CS_N hold time SCK (CPOL=0) SCK Edge Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCK (CPOL=1) SAMPLE MOSI/MISO (CPHA=0) SAMPLE MOSI/MISO (CPHA=1) Figure 7-2. SPI transmission formats © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 75 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 7-1. SPI master controller interface 7.1.1. Signal name Type Description CS0 O Low active chip selection signal CS1 O Low active chip selection signal SCK O The (bit) serial clock MOSI O Data signal from master output to slave input MISO I Data signal from slave output to master input Features The features of the SPI master controller are: • Configurable CS_N setup time, hold time and idle time • Programmable SCK high time and low time • Configurable transmitting and receiving bit order • Two configurable modes for the source of the data to be transmitted: 1) In TX DMA mode, the SPI controller automatically fetches the transmitted data (to be put on the MOSI line) from memory; 2) In TX FIFO mode, the data to be transmitted on the MOSI line are written to FIFO before the start of the transaction. • Two configurable modes for destination of the data to be received: 1) In RX DMA mode, the SPI controller automatically stores the received data (from MISO line) to memory; 2) In RX FIFO mode, the received data keep being in RX FIFO of the SPI controller. The processor must read back the data by itself. • Adjustable endian order from/to memory system • Programmable byte length for transmission • Unlimited length for transmission, achieved by the operation of PAUSE mode. In PAUSE mode, the CS_N signal will keep being active (low) after the transmission. At this time, the SPI controller is in PAUSE_IDLE state, ready to receive the resume command. Figure 7-3 is the state transition. • Configurable option to control CS_N de-assertion between byte transfers. The controller supports a special transmission format called CS_N de-assert mode. Figure 7-4 illustrates the waveform in this transmission format. • SPI master supports connecting two SPI slaves. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 76 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual activate IDLE ! (pause) BUSY pause PAUSE IDLE resume Figure 7-3. Operation flow with or without PAUSE mode CS_N BYTE SCLK BYTE ... BYTE BYTE BYTE Figure 7-4. CS_N de-assert mode Block Diagram APB BUS Control Register tx0 AHB BUS 7.1.2. (16byte) 32 bits tx1 TX rx1 RX (16byte) MOSI AHB Interface rx0 (16byte) (16byte) MISO Figure 7-5. Block diagram of SPI master controller © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 77 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 7.2. Register Definition There are four SPI master controllers in this SOC. The usage of the registers below is the same except that the base address should be changed to respective one. SPI number Base address SPI0 0xA0110000 SPI1 0xA0120000 SPI2 0xA0130000 SPI3 0xA0140000 Module name: SPI0 Base address: (+A0110000h) Address A0110000 A0110004 A0110008 A011000C A0110010 A0110014 A0110018 A011001C A0110020 A0110024 A0110028 Name SPI_CFG0 SPI_CFG1 SPI_TX_SRC SPI_RX_DST SPI_TX_DATA SPI_RX_DATA SPI_CMD SPI_STATUS0 SPI_STATUS1 SPI_PAD_MACR O_SEL SPI_CFG2 Width 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 A0110000 SPI_CFG0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset SPI Configuration 2 Register SPI Configuration 0 Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 0 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 25 24 23 22 CS_SETUP_COUNT RW 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 CS_HOLD_COUNT RW 0 0 0 0 Name CS_HOLD_COUNT 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description 31:16 CS_SETUP_COUNT CS_SETUP_COUNT 15:0 Register Function SPI Configuration 0 Register SPI Configuration 1 Register SPI TX Source Address Register SPI RX Destination Address Register SPI TX DATA FIFO SPI RX DATA FIFO SPI Command Register SPI Status 0 Register SPI Status 1 Register SPI pad_macro selection Register CS_HOLD_COUNT Chip select setup time Setup time = (CS_SETUP_COUNT+1)*CLK_PERIOD, where CLK_PERIOD (38.46ns) is the cycle time of the clock the SPI engine adopts. Chip select hold time Hold time = (CS_HOLD_COUNT+1)*CLK_PERIOD, where CLK_PERIOD (38.46ns) is the cycle time of the clock the SPI engine adopts. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 78 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0110004 SPI_CFG1 Bit 31 29 SPI Configuration 1 Register 28 27 GET_ TICK _DLY Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 RW 26 DE VIC E_ SE L RW 25 24 23 22 21 20 00000000 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 4 3 2 CS_IDLE_COUNT RW 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 PACKET_LENGTH RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 13 12 11 10 PACKET_LOOP_CNT RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:29 GET_TICK_DLY GET_TICK_DLY If the speed of SPI is not fast enough, the three bits can help tolerate get_tick timing. The timing range between get_tick is one cycle depending on CLK_PERIOD (38.46ns). DEVICE_SEL SPI master receives device 0 or device 1 MISO data. 26 DEVICE_SEL 25:16 PACKET_LENGTH 15:8 7:0 PACKET_LENGTH PACKET_LOOP_CN PACKET_LOOP_CN T The transmission on SPI bus consists of units bytes. Hence, PACKET_LENGTH[9:0] define number of T bytes in one packet; PACKET_LOOP_CNT[7:0] define the number of packets within one transaction. The number of bytes in one packet = PACKET_LENGTH + 1. The number of packets in one transaction = PACKET_LOOP_CNT + 1. Total bytes of one transaction = (PACKET_LENGTH + 1) *(PACKET_LOOP_CNT + 1). CS_IDLE_COUNT CS_IDLE_COUNT Chip select idle time Time between consecutive transaction = (CS_HOLD_COUNT+1)*CLK_PERIOD. A0110008 SPI_TX_SRC Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 29 28 27 26 25 0 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 SPI TX Source Address Register 31 SPI_TX_SRC 24 23 22 SPI_TX_SRC RW 0 0 0 8 7 6 SPI_TX_SRC RW 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description SPI_TX_SRC If TX_DMA_EN is set, the data to be put on the MOSI line will be kept in memory in advance, and the SPI controller will automatically read the data from memory. SPI_TX_SRC defines the memory address from which SPI controller starts to read data. The address must be aligned to word boundary. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 79 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A011000C SPI_RX_DST Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset SPI RX Destination Address Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 0 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 SPI_RX_DST 31:0 31:0 28 27 26 0 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 SPI_TX_DATA WO 0 0 0 9 8 7 SPI_TX_DATA WO 0 0 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description SPI_TX_DATA The depth of the TX FIFO is 32 bytes. Write to this register to write 4 bytes to TX FIFO. The TX FIFO pointer will automatically move toward the next four bytes. Read from this register to read 4 bytes from the FIFO, and the TX FIFO pointer will automatically move toward the next four bytes. SPI RX DATA FIFO 31 30 29 28 27 26 0 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_RX_DATA 17 SPI TX DATA FIFO 29 Bit(s) Mnemonic 18 If RX_DMA_EN is set, the received data from the MISO line will be moved to memory automatically by the SPI controller. SPI_RX_DST defines the memory address to which the SPI controller starts to store the data. The address must be aligned to word boundary. A0110014 SPI_RX_DATA Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 19 SPI_RX_DST 30 SPI_TX_DATA 20 Description 31 Bit(s) Mnemonic 21 Name A0110010 SPI_TX_DATA Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 24 23 22 SPI_RX_DST RW 0 0 0 8 7 6 SPI_RX_DST RW 0 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 SPI_RX_DATA RO 0 0 0 9 8 7 SPI_RX_DATA RO 0 0 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description SPI_RX_DATA The depth of the RX FIFO is 32 bytes. Read from this register to read 4 bytes from RX FIFO. The RX FIFO pointer will automatically move toward the © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 80 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description next four bytes. Write to this register to write 4 bytes to FIFO, and the RX FIFO pointer will automatically move toward the next four bytes. A0110018 SPI_CMD Bit SPI Command Register 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 26 25 24 23 22 21 00000000 20 19 18 3 2 Name Type Reset Bit 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 RX_ SAM CS_D TX_E RX_E TX_D RXM TXM D CS_P P EASS PAUS Name NDIA NDIA SBF SBF MA_ MA_ CPOL CPHA OL LE_S ERT_ E_EN EN N N EN EL EN RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Type Reset 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description 0 0 RST 17 16 FINI PAUS SH_I E_IE E RW RW 0 0 1 0 RESU CMD_ ME ACT RW WO WO 0 0 0 17 PAUSE_IE PAUSE_IE Interrupt enable bit of pause flag in SPI status register 16 FINISH_IE FINISH_IE Interrupt enable bit of finish flag in SPI status register 15 TX_ENDIAN TX_ENDIAN Defines whether to reverse the endian order of the data DMA from memory. Default (0) is not to reverse. Only supports DMA mode. 14 RX_ENDIAN RX_ENDIAN Defines whether to reverse the endian order of the data DMA to memory. Default (0) is not to reverse. 13 RXMSBF RXMSBF Indicates the data received from MISO line is MSB first or not. Set RXMSBF to 1 for MSB first, otherwise set it to 0. 12 TXMSBF TXMSBF Indicates the data sent on MOSI line is MSB first or not. Set TXMSBF to 1 for MSB first, otherwise set it to 0. 11 TX_DMA_EN TX_DMA_EN DMA mode enable bit of the data to be transmitted. Default (0) is not to enable. 10 RX_DMA_EN RX_DMA_EN DMA mode enable bit of the data being received. Default (0) is not to enable. 9 CPOL CPOL Control bit of the SCK polarity. 0: CPOL = 0 1: CPOL = 1 8 CPHA CPHA Defines the SPI clock format 0 or SPI clock format 1 during transmission © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 81 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: CPHA = 0 1: CPHA = 1 7 CS_POL Control bit of chip select polarity CS_POL 0: Active low 1: Active high 6 SAMPLE_SEL Control bit of sample edge of miso SAMPLE_SEL 0: Positive edge 1: Negative edge 5 CS_DEASSERT_EN CS_DEASSERT_EN Enable bit of the chip select de-assertion mode. Set it to1 to enable this mode. 4 PAUSE_EN PAUSE_EN Enable bit of the pause mode. Set it to 1 to enable this mode. 2 RST RST Software reset bit; resets the state machine and data FIFO of SPI controller. When this bit is 1, software reset is active high. The default value is 0. 1 RESUME RESUME This bit is used when controller is in PAUSE IDLE state. Write 1 to this bit to trigger the SPI controller resume transfer from PAUSE IDLE state. 0 CMD_ACT CMD_ACT Command activate bit. Write 1 to this bit to trigger the SPI controller to start the transaction. A011001C SPI_STATUS0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 30 29 28 SPI Status 0 Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 AAAA 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1 PAUS E RC 0 FINI SH RC 0 0 1 PAUSE PAUSE Interrupt status bit in pause mode. It will be set by the SPI controller when it completes the transaction, entering the PAUSE IDLE state. 0 FINISH FINISH Interrupt status bit in non-pause mode. It will be set by the SPI controller when it completes the transaction, entering the IDLE state. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 82 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0110020 SPI_STATUS1 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 26 25 24 23 22 00000001 21 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 BUSY RO 1 BUSY Name Description BUSY This status flag reflects the SPI controller is busy or not. This bit is low active, i.e. 0 represents the SPI controller is busy now. 1'b1: Idle 1'b0: Busy A0110024 SPI_PAD_MACRO_SEL SPI pad_macro selection Register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 25 31 30 29 28 27 26 24 23 22 21 00000000 20 19 18 17 16 AAAA 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PAD_MACRO_SEL RW 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 2:0 20 AAAA Bit(s) Mnemonic 0 SPI Status 1 Register 27 PAD_MACRO_SEL Name Description PAD_MACRO_SEL Selects which PAD group SPI will use 0 0 Note: SPI0 pad macro A = 0, SPI0 pad macro B = 1; SPI1 pad macro A = 0, SPI1 pad macro B = 2; SPI2 pad macro A = 0, SPI2 pad macro B = 2; SPI3 pad macro A = 0, SPI3 pad macro B = 1; A0110028 SPI_CFG2 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset SPI Configuration 2 Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 0 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 25 24 23 22 SCK_LOW_COUNT RW 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 SCK_HIGH_COUNT RW 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 83 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:16 SCK_LOW_COUNT SCK_LOW_COUNT 15:0 SCK_HIGH_COUNT SCK_HIGH_COUNT SCK clock low time = (SCK_LOW_COUNT+1)*CLK_PERIOD SCK clock high time = (SCK_HIGH_COUNT+1)*CLK_PERIOD. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 84 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 8. Serial Peripheral Interface Slave Controller 8.1. General Description The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a bit-serial, four-pin transmission protocol. Figure 8-1 is an example of the connection between the SPI master and SPI slave. The SPI slave controller can be configured by SPI master transmit data, it is a slave responsible of data transmission with the master. SCK MOSI MISO CS SPI Master SCK MOSI MISO CS SPI Slave Figure 8-1. Pin connection between SPI master and SPI slave Figure 7-2 shows the waveform during the SPI transmission. The low active CS_N determines the start point and end point of one transaction. The CS_N setup time, hold time and idle time are also depicted. CPOL defines the clock polarity in the transmission. Two types of polarity can be adopted, i.e. polarity 0 and polarity 1. Figure 7-2 shows both of the clock polarity (CPOL) as examples. CPHA defines the legal timing to sample MOSI and MISO. Two different methods can be adopted. CS_N idle time Data Transmission CS_N CS_N setup time CS_N hold time SCK (CPOL=0) SCK Edge Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCK (CPOL=1) SAMPLE MOSI/MISO (CPHA=0) SAMPLE MOSI/MISO (CPHA=1) Figure 8-2. SPI transmission formats © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 85 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 8-1. SPI slave controller interface 8.1.1. Signal name Type Description CS I Low active chip selection signal SCK I The (bit) serial clock (Max SCK clock rate is 13MHz.) MOSI I Data signal from master output to slave input MISO O Data signal from slave output to master input Features The SPI slave controller has eight commands that can be configured by SPI master transmit data. The commands include “power-off”, “power-on”, “configure-write”, “configure-read”, “write-data”, “read-data”, “write-status” and “read-status”. The command waveform is shown in Figure 8-3. Figure 8-3. SPI slave controller commands waveform SPI slave control flow The SPI slave control flow is shown in Figure 8-4 . Power On CMD N Read Status CMD Read/Write Data CMD SLV_ON = 1 SPI Transmission Y Config Read/Write CMD Read Status CMD Read Status CMD Write Status CMD (clear RD_ERR/WR_ERR) N RDWR_FINISH = 1 & RD_ERR/WR_ERR = 0 Y N CFG_SUCESS = 1 & TXRX_FIFO_RDY = 1 Power Off CMD Y Figure 8-4. SPI slave control flow diagram © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 86 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual First, SPI master transmits “power-on” command to turn on SPI slave controller then transmits “config-read/write” command to configure the transfer data length and read/write address of the memory. After SPI slave is configured, it can send/receive data package with SPI master by “read/write-data” command. Finally, use “poweroff” command to turn off SPI slave controller. In each state, SPI master transmits “read-status” command to poll SPI slave situation. If SPI master detects error flag bit of state, it should send “write-status” command to clear the bit and poll this bit until it turns low. Detailed descriptions of SPI slave command are shown in Table 8-2 and the SPI slave status in Table 8-3 . Table 8-2. SPI slave command description CMD default Cmd field [7:0] code Data field Usage Read Data (RD) 8’b81 N bytes. Burst data payload Master read data Write Data (WD) 8’h06 N bytes. Burst data payload Master write data Read Status (RS) 8’h0A 1 byte Master reads slave status register Write Status (WS) 8’h08 1 byte Master writes slave status register to clear error bit (i.e. write 1 to clear). Config Read (CR) 8‘h02 Config Write (CW) 8’h04 Power On (PWRO) 8’h0E 0 byte Master uses this configure CMD to wake up system and tell MCU to turn on SLAVE. Power Off (PWRF) 8’h0C 0 byte Master uses this configure CMD to wake up system and tell MCU to turn off SLAVE. 4 bytes addr, Master configure slave to start read data. 4 bytes data length 4 bytes addr, Master configures slave to start write data. 4 bytes data length Table 8-3. SPI slave status description (use RS command to poll SPI slave status) Bit Function Interrupt source Usage SLV_ON 0 Master polls this bit until slave is on after sending POWERON CMD. N SR_CFG_SUCCESS 1 Master checks this bit to know if CW/CR command is successful. N SR_TXRX_FIFO_RDY 2 If master configures read/write, when slave is ready to send/receive data, the master can send RD/WD command. Clean: After SPI slave receives CR/CW command. N SR_RD_ERR 3 After a RD command, master can read this bit to know if there is error in the read transfer. If there is error, master should send WS command to clear this bit and poll this bit until this bit turns 0. Y SR_WR_ERR 4 After a WD command, master can read this bit to know if there is error in the write transfer. If there is error, master should send WS command to clear this bit and poll this bit until this bit turns 0. Y SR_RDWR_FINISH 5 After RD/WD transaction, master can poll this bit to know if the Y © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 87 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Function Bit Interrupt Usage source read/write transfer is finished. Clean: After SPI slave receives CR/CW command. Indicates SPI slave does not receive or send data for some time. SR_TIMOUT_ERR 6 SR_CMD_ERR 7 Y If there is error, master should send WS command to clear this bit and poll this bit until this bit turns 0. If master sends an error CMD at the first byte, master can know the error status through the received data. Clean: After SPI slave receives correct command. N Figure 8-5. Config read/write (CR/CW) command format The features of the SPI slave controller are: • Configurable transmitting and receiving bit order • The SPI slave controller automatically fetches the transmitted data (to be put on the MISO line) from memory. • The SPI slave controller automatically stores the received data (from MOSI line) to memory. • Programmable byte length for transmission • Adjustable time out interrupt threshold, if the time that SPI slave does not receive or send data is exceeded. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 88 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 8.1.2. Block Diagram APB BUS Control Register tx0 AHB BUS (16byte) tx1 TX rx1 RX (16byte) MISO AHB Interface rx0 (16byte) (16byte) MOSI Figure 8-6. Block diagram of SPI slave controller 8.2. Register Definition There is one SPI slave controller in this SOC. The usage of the registers below is the same except that the base address should be changed to respective one. Module name: SPISLV Base address: (+A0150000h) Address A0150000 A0150004 A0150008 A015000C A0150010 A0150014 A0150018 A015001C A0150020 A0150024 A0150028 A015002C A0150030 Name SPISLV_TRANS_TY PE SPISLV_TRANS_LE NGTH SPISLV_TRANS_AD DR SPISLV_CTRL SPISLV_STATUS SPISLV_TIMOUT_T HR SPISLV_SW_RST SPISLV_BUFFER_B ASE_ADDR SPISLV_BUFFER_SI ZE SPISLV_IRQ SPISLV_MISO_EAR LY_HALF_SCK SPISLV_CMD_DEFI NE0 SPISLV_CMD_DEFI NE1 Width Register Function 32 SPISLV Transfer Information Register 32 SPISLV Transfer Length Register 32 SPISLV Transfer Address Register 32 32 SPISLV Control Register SPISLV Status Register 32 SPISLV Timeout Threshold Register 32 SPISLV SW Reset Register 32 SPISLV Buffer Base Address Register 32 SPISLV Buffer Size Register 32 SPISLV IRQ Register 32 SPISLV MISO EARLY HALF SCK Register 32 SPISLV Command0 Define 32 SPISLV Command1 Define © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 89 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0150000 Bit Name Type Reset Bit SPISLV_TRAN SPISLV Transfer Information Register S_TYPE 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 10:9 8 7:0 DIR DIR 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 DBG_AHB_ DIR STATUS RO RO 1 0 0 CMD_RECEIVED 0 0 0 0 RO 0 31 Command spislv receives SPISLV_TRAN SPISLV Transfer Length Register S_LENGTH 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 TRANS_LENGTH[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRANS_LENGTH[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRANS_LE TRANS_LENGTH NGTH 31 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 3 2 SPISLV_TRAN SPISLV Transfer Address Register S_ADDR 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRANS_ADDR[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 Transfer length which SPI master has configured 1: 1 byte transfer n: n byte transfer TRANS_ADDR[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 1 Description 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 24 DIR=1: DMA write memory DIR=0: DMA read memory CMD_RECECMD_RECEIVED IVED A0150008 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 25 Description Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 26 DBG_AHB_DBG_AHB_STATUS 10: IDLE STATUS 00: BUST transfer 01: SINGLE WORD transfer 11: SINGLE BYTE transfer A0150004 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0000200 0 TRANS_AD TRANS_ADDR DR 0 0000000 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Transfer address which SPI master has configured © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 90 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual A015000C Bit 0001000 0 SPISLV_CTRL SPISLV Control Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 21 20 19 18 17 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit SW_ POW DECO TX_D RX_D ER_O DE_A MA_S MA_S TXMS RXMS FF_I Name DDRE W_R W_R BF BF NT_E SS_E EADY EADY N N Type RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 16 15 RD_T WR_ RD_C RANS CFG_ FG_F _FINI FINIS INISH SH_I H_IN _INT NT_E T_EN _EN N RW RW RW 0 0 0 TMO UT_E RR_I NT_E N RW 0 16 POW ER_O N_IN T_EN RW 1 0 WR_ WR_ RD_D TRAN DATA ATA_ SIZE_ S_FI _ERR ERR_ CPOL CPHA OF_A NISH _INT INT_ DDR _INT _EN EN _EN RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description POWER_O POWER_ON_INT_ Defines POWER ON command IRQ enable. N_INT_EN EN SW_DECO SW_DECODE_ADD Indicates whether software decode address is sent by SPI DE_ADDRERESS_EN master SS_EN 0: SW will not decode address. HW should judge whether master is configured successfully. 1: SW will decode address. HW does not need to judge whether master is configured successfully. 14 TX_DMA_S TX_DMA_SW_REA Indicates SW has received IRQ after SPI master sends CR/RD W_READY DY CMD and configures data, prepares TX DATA and configures DMA address; HW can start TX DMA transfer 13 RX_DMA_ RX_DMA_SW_REA Indicates SW has received IRQ after SPI master sends SW_READ DY CW/WR CMD and configures data, configures DMA address; Y HW can start RX DMA transfer 12 TXMSBF TXMSBF Indicates the data sent on MISO line is MSB first or not Set RXMSBF to 1 for MSB first; otherwise set it to 0. 11 RXMSBF RXMSBF Indicates the data received from MOSI line is MSB first or not Set TXMSBF to 1 for MSB first; otherwise set it to 0. 10 POWER_O POWER_OFF_INT_ Defines POWER OFF command IRQ enable FF_INT_E EN N 9 WR_CFG_F CW_FINISH_INT_ INISH_INT EN _EN 8 RD_CFG_F CR_FINISH_INT_E Defines CR configure finishing IRQ enable INISH_INT N _EN 7 RD_TRANS RD_TRANS_FINIS _FINISH_I H_INT_EN NT_EN Defines RD data finishing IRQ enable 6 TMOUT_E TMOUT_ERR_INT RR_INT_E _EN N Defines TIMEOUT IRQ enable 5 WR_TRAN WR_TRANS_FINIS Defines WR data finishing IRQ enable S_FINISH_ H_INT_EN INT_EN 4 WR_DATA WR_DATA_ERR_I _ERR_INT NT_EN Defines CW configure finishing IRQ enable Defines WR data error IRQ enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 91 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name _EN Description 3 RD_DATA_ RD_DATA_ERR_IN Defines RD data error IRQ enable ERR_INT_ T_EN EN 2 CPOL CPOL Control bit of the SCK polarity 0: CPOL = 0 1: CPOL = 1 1 CPHA CPHA Defines SPI Clock Format 0 or SPI Clock Format 1 during transmission 0: CPHA = 0 1: CPHA = 1 0 SIZE_OF_ADSIZE_OF_ADDR DR A0150010 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Defines CW/CR command format 0: Data filed includes 2 byte transfer address and 2 byte transfer length. 1: Data filed includes 4 byte transfer address & and byte transfer length. SPISLV_STAT SPISLV Status Register US 0000000 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SR_C SR_C SR_P SR_TI SR_R SR_T SR_C SR_P SR_W SR_R FG_ FG_R SR_C SR_W SR_R OWE XRX_ FG_S SLV_ MOU DWR OWE R_FI D_FI WRIT EAD_ MD_E R_ER D_ER R_OF T_ER _FINI FIFO_ UCES ON R NISH NISH E_FI FINIS RROR R R_ON F S R SH RDY NISH H RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13 SR_POWE SR_POWER_ON R_ON Indicates whether SPI SLAVE receives power-on command Cleared after SLV_ON = 0. 12 SR_POWE SR_POWER_OFF R_OFF Indicates whether SPI SLAVE receives power-off command Cleared after SLV_ON = 1. 11 SR_WR_FI SR_WR_FINISH NISH Indicates whether SPI SLAVE write data is finished Cleared after the next CFG read/write. 10 SR_RD_FI SR_RD_FINISH NISH Indicates whether SPI SLAVE read data is finished Cleared after the next CFG read/write. 9 SR_CFG_W SR_CFG_WRITE_F Indicates whether SPI receive CFG READ CMD is finished RITE_FINI INISH Cleared after sw_rx_dma_ready. SH 8 SR_CFG_R SR_CFG_READ_FI EAD_FINIS NISH H Indicates whether SPI receive CFG READ CMD is finished Cleared after sw_tx_dma_ready. 7 SR_CMD_E SR_CMD_ERROR RROR Indicates whether SPI master sends an error command Used for SPI master to debug; cleared after SPI master sends a correct command. 6 SR_TIMOU SR_TIMOUT_ERR T_ERR Indicates time-out and SPI slave does not receive or send data for some time If there is error, master must send WS command to clear this bit and poll this bit until this bit turns to 0. 5 SR_RDWR SR_RDWR_FINISH Indicates whether SPI master RD/WR is finished © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 92 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name _FINISH Description After the master receives/sends all data, it can poll this bit to know if the read/write transfer is finished. Cleared after SPI slave receives CR/CW command. 4 SR_WR_E SR_WR_ERR RR Indicates SPI master WR error After a RD command, master can read this bit to know if there is error in the write transfer through RS. If there is error, master must send WS command to clear this bit and poll this bit until this bit turns to 0 3 SR_RD_ER SR_RD_ERR R Indicates SPI master RD error After a RD command, master can read this bit to know if there is error in the read transfer through RS. If there is error, master must send WS command to clear this bit and poll this bit until this bit turns to 0. 2 SR_TXRX_ SR_TXRX_FIFO_R Indicates TX/RX FIFO ready FIFO_RDY DY When CR, this bit used to indicate whether TX FIFO is ready. Master polls this bit to know if the slave is ready to send data, then master can send RD command. When CW, this bit used to indicate whether RX FIFO is ready. Master polls this bit to know if the slave is ready to send data, then master can send WD command. This bit will be cleared after SPI slave receives CR/CW command. 1 SR_CFG_S SR_CFG_SUCESS UCESS Indicates whether SPI master is configured successfully. Master checks this bit to know if CW/CR command is successful. 0 SLV_ON Defines SPI slave on Master polls this bit until the slave is on. A0150014 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 SLV_ON SPISLV_TIMO SPISLV Timeout Threshold Register UT_THR 30 29 28 27 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_TIMOUT_THR[15:0] RW 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description SPI_TIMO TIMOUT_THR UT_THR A0150018 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 25 SPI_TIMOUT_THR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 26 000000F F Timeout threshold time If the time that SPI slave does not receive or send data is exceeded, there will be a timeout IRQ. SPISLV_SW_R SPISLV SW Reset Register ST 0000000 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 16 0 SPI_S W_R ST RW 0 Page 93 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 A015001C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description SPI_SW_R SW_RST ST 31 Software reset bit; resets the state machine and data FIFO of SPI controller. When this bit is 1, software reset is active high. The default value is 0. SPISLV_BUFF ER_BASE_AD SPISLV Buffer Base Address Register DR 30 29 28 27 21 10 9 8 7 6 5 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_BUFFER_BASE_ADDR[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 16 0 Description SPI_BUFFE BUFFER_BASE_AD Configurable DMA address to access memory R_BASE_A DR DDR 31 SPISLV_BUFF SPISLV Buffer Size Register ER_SIZE 30 29 28 27 26 0000000 0 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 SPI_BUFFER_SIZE[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_BUFFER_SIZE[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_BUFFE BUFFER_SIZE R_SIZE SPISLV_IRQ 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Configurable BUFFER size indicating whether SPI master is configured successfully 0000000 0 SPISLV IRQ Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic 21 Description Name 8 22 13 A0150024 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 23 14 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 24 15 A0150020 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 25 SPI_BUFFER_BASE_ADDR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 26 0000000 0 Name SR_TIMOU SR_TIMOUT_ER T_ERR_IR R_IRQ 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 SR_TI SR_W SR_R SR_P SR_P SR_W SR_R MOU R_ER D_ER WRO WRO R_FI D_FI T_ER R_IR R_IR N_IR FF_IR NISH NISH R_IR Q Q Q _IRQ _IRQ Q Q RC RC RC RO RC RC RC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 16 1 0 SR_C SR_C WR_ RD_F FINIS INIS H_IR H_IR Q Q RC RC 0 0 Description Indicates timeout IRQ Read clear © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 94 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Q Name Description 7 SR_WR_E RR_IRQ SR_WR_ERR_IR Q Indicates SPI master WR error IRQ Read clear 6 SR_RD_ER SR_RD_ERR_IR Q R_IRQ Indicates SPI master RD error IRQ Read clear 5 SR_PWRO N_IRQ SR_PWRON_IRQ Indicates slave receiving power-on IRQ Cleared by SLV_ON = 1 4 SR_PWRO FF_IRQ SR_PWROFF_IR Q Indicates receiving power-off CMD IRQ Read clear 3 SR_WR_FI SR_WR_FINISH NISH_IRQ _IRQ Indicates SPI master WR is finished Read clear 2 SR_RD_FI NISH_IRQ Indicates SPI master RD finished IRQ Read clear 1 SR_CWR_F SR_CWR_FINIS INISH_IRQ H_IRQ Indicates SPI master configure write transfer finished IRQ Read clear 0 SR_CRD_F SR_CRD_FINISH INISH_IRQ _IRQ Indicates SPI master configure read transfer finished IRQ Read clear A0150028 Bit Name Type Reset Bit SR_RD_FINISH_ IRQ SPISLV_MISO _EARLY_HAL SPISLV MISO EARLY HALF SCK Register F_SCK 0000000 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic 0 0 SPI_ MISO _EAR LY_H ALF_ SCK RW 0 Description SPI_MISO_ MISO_EARLY_HA Defines whether to send miso early harf sck cycle EARLY_HA LF_SCK Used for improving SPI timing LF_SCK A015002C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Name 16 31 SPISLV_CMD_ SPISLV Command0 Define DEFINE0 30 29 28 27 26 25 12 11 10 0 0 15 14 13 0 CMD_WS RW 0 1 0 0 0 CMD_WR RW 0 0 0 0 1 080A0681 24 23 22 21 0 0 0 0 CMD_RS RW 0 1 0 CMD_RD RW 0 0 9 8 1 0 7 1 6 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 20 19 18 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 17 1 16 0 Page 95 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:24 CMD_WS CMD_WS Defines Write Status (WR) command value 23:16 CMD_RS CMD_RS Defines Read Status (RS) command value 15:8 CMD_WR CMD_WR Defines Write Data (WR) command value 7:0 CMD_RD CMD_RD Defines Read Data (RD) command value A0150030 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 SPISLV_CMD_ SPISLV Command1 Define DEFINE1 30 0 29 28 27 26 12 11 10 CMD_POWEROFF RW 0 0 1 1 15 14 13 0 0 0 CMD_CW RW 0 0 1 25 0 0C0E040 2 24 23 22 0 0 0 CMD_POWERON RW 0 0 1 1 0 CMD_CR RW 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 0 6 21 20 19 18 17 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:24 CMD_POW CMD_POWEROFF EROFF Defines power-off command value 23:16 CMD_POW CMD_POWERON ERON Defines power-on command value 15:8 CMD_CW CMD_CW Defines Configure Write (CW) command value 7:0 CMD_CR CMD_CR Defines Configure Read (CR) command value © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 1 16 0 Page 96 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 9. Inter-Integrated Circuit Controller 9.1. General Description Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) is a two-wire serial interface. The two signals are SCL and SDA. SCL is a clock signal driven by the master. SDA is a bi-directional data signal that can be driven by either the master or the slave. This generic controller supports the master role and conforms to the I2C specification. 9.1.1. Feature • I2C compliant master mode operation • Adjustable clock speed for LS/FS mode operation • Supports 7-bit/10-bit addressing • Supports high-speed mode • Supports slave clock extension • Supports DMA mode • START/STOP/REPEATED START condition • Manual/DMA transfer mode • Multi-write per transfer (up to 15 data bytes) • Multi-read per transfer (up to 15 data bytes) • Multi-transfer per transaction • Combined format transfer with length change capability • Active drive/wired-and I/O configuration 9.1.2. Manual/DMA Transfer Mode The controller offers two types of transfer mode, manual and DMA. When manual mode is selected, in addition to the slave address register, the controller has a built-in 8-byte deep FIFO which allows MCU to prepare up to eight bytes of data for a write transfer, or read up to eight bytes of data for a read transfer. When DMA mode is enabled, the data to and from the FIFO is controlled via DMA transfer and therefore supports up to 15 bytes of consecutive read or write, with the data read from or write to another memory space. When DMA mode is enabled, the flow control mechanism is also implemented to hold the bus clk when FIFO underflow or overflow condition is encountered. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 97 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 9.1.3. Transfer Format Support This controller is designed to be as generic as possible to support a wide range of devices that may utilize different combinations of transfer formats. Here are the transfer format types that can be supported through different software configurations. Wording convention note • Transfer = Anything encapsulated within a Start and Stop or Repeated Start. • Transfer length = Number of bytes within the transfer • Transaction = This is the top unit. Everything combined equals one transaction. • Transaction length = Number of transfers to be conducted. Master to slave dir Slave to master dir Single-byte access Single Byte Write S Slave Address A DATA A P A DATA nA P A DATA A P A/ nA P Single Byte Read S Slave Address Multi-byte access Multi Byte Write S Slave Address N bytes + ack Multi Byte Read S Slave Address A DATA N bytes + ack/nak © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 98 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual Multi-byte transfer + multi-transfer (same direction) Multi Byte Write + Multi Transfer Slave Address S A DATA A P + wait time + P + wait time + N bytes + ack/nak X transfers Multi Byte Read + Multi Transfer Slave Address S A A/ nA DATA N bytes + ack/nak X transfers Multi-byte transfer + multi-transfer w RS (same direction) Multi Byte Write + Multi Transfer + Repeated Start Slave Address S A DATA A + P + P DATA A R N bytes + ack/nak X transfers Multi Byte Read + Multi Transfer + Repeated Start S Slave Address + A DATA A/ nA R N bytes + ack/nak X transfers Combined write/read with Repeated Start (direction change) Note: 1. Only supports write and then read sequence. Read and then write is not supported. 2. In this format, transaction is 2 Combined Multi Byte Write + Multi Byte Read S Slave Address A DATA A R Slave Address N bytes + ack/nak © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. A P M bytes + ack/nak This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Page 99 of 692 MT2523 Series Reference Manual 9.1.4. Programming Guide Common transfer programmable parameters Programmable Parameters slave_addr S Slave A Address slave_addr + dir change rs_stop DATA A DATA A delay_len P/ RS S Slave A Address DATA A DATA A P/ RS transfer_len / aux transfer_len transfer_len transac_len Output waveform timing programmable parameters 9.2. Register Definition There are four I2C channels in this SOC. I2C number Base address Feature Source clock I2C0 0xA0210000 Supports DMA mode Fix 26M I2C1 0xA0220000 Supports DMA mode Fix 26M I2C2 0xA01B0000 Does not support DMA mode Bus clock I2C_d2d 0xA2150000 Does not support DMA mode Bus clock © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 100 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: I2C_SCCB_Controller base address: (+A0210000) Address A0210000 A0210004 Name DATA_PORT SLAVE_ADDR A0210008 INTR_MASK 16 A021000C INTR_STAT 16 A0210010 CONTROL 16 A0210014 TRANSFER_LEN 16 A0210018 TRANSAC_LEN 16 A021001C DELAY_LEN 16 A0210020 TIMING 16 A0210024 START 16 A021002C A0210030 A0210038 CLOCK_DIV FIFO_STAT FIFO_ADDR_CLR 16 16 16 A0210040 IO_CONFIG 16 A0210048 HS 16 A0210050 A0210060 A0210064 A0210068 A021006C SOFTRESET SPARE DEBUGSTAT DEBUGCTRL 16 16 16 16 16 TRANSFER_LEN_ Width 16 16 Register function Data port register Slave address register Interrupt mask register This register provides masks for the corresponding interrupt sources as indicated in the intr_stat register. 1 = Allow interrupt 0 = Disable interrupt Note: When disabled, the corresponding interrupt will not be asserted; however intr_stat will still be updated with the status, i.e. mask does not affect intr_stat register values. Interrupt status register When an interrupt is issued by the I2C controller, this register will need to be read by MCU to determine the cause for the interrupt. After this status is read and appropriate actions are taken, the corresponding interrupt source will need to be written 1 to clear. Control register Transfer length register (number of bytes per transfer) Transaction length register (number of transfers per transaction) Inter delay length register Timing control register LS/FS only. This register is used to control the output waveform timing. Each half pulse width, i.e. each high or low pulse, is equal to (step_cnt_div+1)*(sample_cnt_div + 1)/13MHz Start register Clock divergence of I2C source clock FIFO status register FIFO address clear register IO config register This register is used to configure the I/O for the SDA and SCL lines to select between normal I/O mode, or open-drain mode to support wired-and bus. High speed mode register This register contains options for supporting high speed operation features. Each HS half pulse width, i.e. each high or low pulse, is equal to (step_cnt_div+1)*(sample_cnt_div + 1)/13MHz Soft reset register SPARE Debug status register Debug control register Transfer length register (number of bytes per © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 101 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Address Name Width Register function AUX A0210000 Bit Name Type Reset 15 transfer) DATA_PORT 14 13 Data Port Register 12 11 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 7:0 10 9 0000 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 DATA_PORT RW 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Description FIFO access port During master write sequences (slave_addr[0] = 0), this port can be written by APB, and during master read sequences (slave_addr[0] = 1), this port can be read by APB. Note: Slave_addr must be set correctly before accessing FIFO. DATA_POR DATA_PORT T For debugging only: If the fifo_apb_debug bit is set, FIFO can be read and written by the APB. A0210004 Bit Name Type Reset 15 SLAVE_ADDR Slave Address Register 14 13 12 11 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 7:0 Bit 15 INTR_MASK 14 13 9 8 00BF 7 6 5 1 0 1 3 SLAVE_ADDR RW 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 Specifies the slave address of the device to be accessed Bit 0 is defined by the I2C protocol as a bit that indicates the direction of transfer. 0: Master write 1: Master read 12 Interrupt Mask Register 11 10 9 8 7 Name Type Reset Overview 4 Description SLAVE_AD SLAVE_ADDR DR A0210008 10 0007 6 5 4 3 2 1 This register provides masks for the corresponding interrupt sources as indicated in intr_stat register. (1 = allow interrupt 0 = disable interrupt) Note that when disabled, the corresponding interrupt will not be asserted; however the intr_stat will still be updated with the status, i.e. mask does not affect intr_stat register values. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 2 MASK_HS_MASK_HS_NACKE Setting this value to 0 will mask HS_NACKERR interrupt NACKER R signal. 1 MASK_AC MASK_ACKERR KERR Setting this value to 0 will mask ACK_ERR interrupt signal. 0 MASK_TRA MASK_TRANSAC_ NSAC_COMCOMP P Setting this value to 0 will mask TRANSAC_COMP interrupt signal. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 MASK MASK MASK _TRA _HS_ _ACK NSAC NACK ERR _COM ER P RW RW RW 1 1 1 Page 102 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A021000C Bit 15 INTR_STAT 14 13 Interrupt Status Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 0000 6 5 4 3 Name Type Reset Overview 2 1 0 TRAN HS_N ACKE SAC_ ACKE RR COM RR P W1C W1C W1C 0 0 0 When an interrupt is issued by i2c controller, this register will need to be read by mcu to determine the cause for the interrupt. After this status has been read and appropriate actions are taken, the corresponding interrupt source will need to be write 1 cleared. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 2 HS_NACKE HS_NACKERR RR This status will be asserted if HS master code nack error detection is enabled. If enabled, HS master code nack err will cause transaction to end and stop will be issued. 1 ACKERR This status will be asserted if ACK error detection is enabled. If enabled, ackerr will cause transaction to end and stop will be issued. 0 TRANSAC_ TRANSAC_COMP COMP A0210010 Bit 15 ACKERR CONTROL 14 13 This status will be asserted when a transaction has completed successfully. Control Register 12 11 10 9 0000 8 Name Type Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TRAN ACKE SFER DIR_ CLK_ DMA RS_S RR_D _LEN CHAN EXT_ _EN TOP ET_E _CHA EN GE N NGE RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 6 TRANSFER TRANSFER_LEN_C This options specifies whether or not to change the transfer _LEN_CHA HANGE length after the fist transfer completes. If enabled, the NGE transfers after the first transfer will use the transfer_len_aux parameter. 5 ACKERR_D ACKERR_DET_EN ET_EN This option enables slave ack error detection. When enabled, if slave ack error is detected, the master will terminate the transaction by issuing a STOP condition then assert ackerr interrupt. MCU should handle this case appropriately then reset the FIFO address before reissuing transaction. If this option is disabled, the controller will ignore slave ack error and keep on scheduled transaction. 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 DIR_CHAN DIR_CHANGE GE This option is used for combined transfer format, where the direction of transfer is to be changed from write to read after the FIRST RS condition. Note: When set to 1, the transfers after the direction change will be based on the transfer_len_aux parameter. 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 CLK_EXT_ CLK_EXT_EN EN I2C spec allows slaves to hold the SCL line low if it is not yet ready for further processing. Therefore, if this bit is set to 1, © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 103 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description master controller will enter a high wait state until the slave releases the SCL line. 2 DMA_EN DMA_EN By default, this is disabled, and FIFO data should be manually prepared by MCU. This default setting should be used for transfer sizes of less than 8 data bytes and no multiple transfer is configured. When enabled, DMA requests will be turned on, and the FIFO data should be prepared in memory. 1 RS_STOP RS_STOP In LS/FS mode, this bit affects multi-transfer transaction only. It controls whether or not REPEATED-START condition is used between transfers. The last ending transfer always ends with a STOP. In HS mode, this bit must be set to 1. 0: Use STOP 1: Use REPEATED-START A0210014 Bit Name Type Reset 15 TRANSFER_LE Transfer Length Register (Number of Bytes per N Transfer) 14 13 12 11 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 12 11 Bit Name Type Reset 15 DELAY_LEN 14 13 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TRANSFER_LEN RW 0 0 0 1 Indicates the number of data bytes to be transferred in 1 transfer unit (excluding slave address byte) Note: The value must be set to be bigger than 1; otherwise no transfer will take place. 10 9 8 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 2 TRANSAC_LEN RW 0 0 0 0 0001 1 0 0 1 Indicates the number of transfers to be transferred in 1 transaction Note: The value must be set to be bigger than 1; otherwise no transfer will take place. Inter Delay Length Register 12 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 7:0 7 Description TRANSAC_ TRANSAC_LEN LEN A021001C 8 TRANSAC_LE Transaction Length Register (Number of Transfers N per Transaction) Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 7:0 9 Description TRANSFER TRANSFER_LEN _LEN A0210018 10 0001 DELAY_LE DELAY_LEN N 11 10 9 8 0002 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 DELAY_LEN RW 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 Description Sets up wait delay between consecutive transfers when RS_STOP bit is set to 0 Unit: Half the pulse width © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 104 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0210020 Bit Name Type Reset Bit TIMING Timing Control Register 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 DATA Name _REA DATA_READ_TIM E D_AD J Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 1 Overview SAMPLE_CNT_DI V 0 RW 1 STEP_CNT_DIV RW 1 0 0 0 0 LS/FS only. This register is used to control the output waveform timing. Each half pulse width (ie. each high or low pulse) is equal to = step_cnt_div * (sample_cnt_div * f_clock_div Mhz) Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15 00001303 31 Description DATA_REA DATA_READ_ADJ D_ADJ When set to 1, data latch in sampling time during master reads are adjusted according to DATA_READ_TIME value. Otherwise, by default, data is latched in at half of the high pulse width point. This value must be set to less than or equal to half the high pulse width. 14:12 DATA_REA DATA_READ_TIME This value is valid only when DATA_READ_ADJ is set to 1. D_TIME This can be used to adjust so that data is latched in at earlier sampling points (assuming data is settled by then) 10:8 SAMPLE_C SAMPLE_CNT_DIV Used for LS/FS only. This adjusts the width of each sample. NT_DIV (sample width = sample_cnt_div*f_clock_div Mhz) 5:0 STEP_CNT STEP_CNT_DIV _DIV A0210024 Bit START 15 14 Specifies the number of samples per half pulse width (i.e. each high or low pulse) Cannot be 0 . Start Register 13 12 11 10 9 0000 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 START A021002C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 STAR T RW 0 Description Starts the transaction on the bus It is auto de-asserted at the end of the transaction. START CLOCK_DIV Clock divergence of I2C source clock 0004 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CLOCK_DIV RW 1 0 0 Overview © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 105 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 2:0 A0210030 Bit Description f_clock_div = source clock/(CLOCK_DIV + 1) CLOCK_DI CLOCK_DIV V 15 FIFO_STAT 14 13 FIFO Status Register 12 11 10 9 Name RD_ADDR WR_ADDR Type Reset RO RU 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 0 8 0001 7 6 5 0 0 0 RU 0 11:8 WR_ADDR WR_ADDR Current WR address pointer Only bit [2:0] have physical meanings. 7:4 FIFO_OFFS FIFO_OFFSET ET wr_addr[3:0] - rd_addr[3:0] 1 WR_FULL WR_FULL Indicates FIFO is full 0 RD_EMPTYRD_EMPTY Indicates FIFO is empty 15 2 1 0 FIFO_ADDR_CL FIFO Address Clear Register R 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 Bit 15 IO_CONFIG 14 13 0 FIFO _ADD R_CL R WO 0 Description FIFO_ADD FIFO_ADDR_CLR R_CLR A0210040 0 WR_ RD_E FULL MPTY RO RO 0 1 Description Current RD address pointer Only bit [2:0] have physical meanings. Bit 3 FIFO_OFFSET 15:12 RD_ADDR RD_ADDR A0210038 4 When written 1'b1, a one pulse fifo_addr_clr will be generated to clear the FIFO address to 0. IO Config Register 12 11 10 9 8 0000 7 6 5 4 3 Name IDLE _OE_ EN Type Reset RW 0 2 1 0 SDA_ SCL_I IO_C O_CO ONFI NFIG G RW RW 0 0 Overview: This register is used to configure the I/O for the SDA and SCL lines to select between normal I/O mode or open-drain mode to support wired-and bus. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 3 IDLE_OE_ IDLE_OE_EN EN 0: Does not drive bus in idle state 1: Drive bus in idle state 1 SDA_IO_C SDA_IO_CONFIG 0: Normal tristate I/O mode © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 106 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name ONFIG 0 SCL_IO_C SCL_IO_CONFIG ONFIG A0210048 Bit Description 1: Open-drain mode HS 15 14 High Speed Mode Register 13 12 11 HS_SAMPLE_CNT _DIV Name Type Reset 0 0: Normal tristate I/O mode 1: Open-drain mode RW 0 10 9 8 7 HS_STEP_CNT_DI V 0 0 RW 0 0102 6 5 4 3 2 1 MASTER_CODE 1 0 RW 0 0 HS_N ACKE HS_E RR_D N ET_E N RW RW 1 0 0 Overview: This register contains options for supporting high speed operation features Each HS half pulse width, i.e. each high or low pulse, is equal to (step_cnt_div+1)*(sample_cnt_div + 1)/13MHz. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 14:12 HS_SAMPL HS_SAMPLE_CNT_ When the high-speed mode is entered after the master code transfer is completed, the sample width will become dependent on this parameter. E_CNT_DI DIV V 10:8 HS_STEP_ HS_STEP_CNT_DI CNT_DIV V When the high-speed mode is entered after the master code transfer is completed, the number of samples per half pulse width will become dependent on this value. 6:4 MASTER_C MASTER_CODE ODE This is the 3 bit programmable value for the master code to be transmitted. 1 HS_NACKE HS_NACKERR_DE RR_DET_E T_EN N Enables NACKERR detection during the master code transmission When enabled, if NACK is not received after the master code is transmitted, the transaction will be terminated with a STOP condition. 0 HS_EN Enables high-speed transaction Note: rs_stop must be set to 1. A0210050 Bit 15 HS_EN SOFTRESET 14 13 Soft Reset Register 12 11 10 9 8 0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 Bit Name Type Reset Description SOFT_RES SOFT_RESET ET A0210060 15 SPARE 14 13 When written 1'b1, a one pulse soft reset will be used as synchronous reset to reset the I2C internal hardware circuits. SPARE 12 11 0000 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 SOFT _RES ET WO 0 2 1 SPARE RW 0 0 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 107 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 SPARE A0210064 Bit 15 Description SPARE Reserved for future use DEBUGSTAT 14 13 12 Debug Status Register 11 10 9 8 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0020 7 6 5 MAST MAST BUS_ ER_ ER_R BUSY WRIT EAD E RO RO RO 0 0 1 4 3 2 1 0 MASTER_STATE 0 0 RO 0 0 0 Description 7 BUS_BUSY SPARE Reserved 6 MASTER_ MASTER_WRITE WRITE For debugging only 1: Current transfer is in the master write dir. 5 MASTER_R MASTER_READ EAD For debugging only 1: Current transfer is in the master read dir. 4:0 MASTER_S MASTER_STATE TATE (For debugging only) Reads back the current master_state. 0: Idle state 1: I2c master is preparing to send out the start bit, SCL=1, SDA=1. 2: I2C master is sending out the start bit, SCL=1, SDA=0. 3: I2C master/slave is preparing to transmit data bit, SCL=0, SDA=data bit. (Data bit can be changed when SCL=0.) 4: I2C master/slave is transmitting data bit, SCL=1, SDA=data bit. (Data bit is stable when SCL=1.) 5: I2C master/slave is preparing to transmit the ACK bit, SCL=0, SDA=ack. (The ACK bit can be changed when SCL=0.) 6: I2C master/slave is transmitting the ACK bit, SCL=1, SDA=0. (The ACK bit is stable when SCL=1.) 7: I2C master is preparing to send out stop bit or repeated-start bit, SCL=0, SDA=0/1. (0: Stop bit; 1: Repeated-start bit) 8: I2C master is sending out stop bit or repeated-start bit, SCL=1, SDA=1/0. (0: Repeated-start bit; 1: Stop bit) 9: I2C master is in delay start between two transfers, SCL=1, SDA=1. 10: I2C master is in FIFO wait state; For writing transaction, it means FIFO is empty and I2C master is waiting for DMA controller to write data into FIFo. For reading transaction, it means FIFO is full and I2C master is waiting for DMA controller to read data from FIFOo, SCL=0, SDA=don't care. 12: I2C master is preparing to send out data bit of master code. This state is used only in high-speed transaction, SCL=0, SDA=data bit of master code. (Data bit of master code can be changed when SCL=0.) 13: I2C master is sending out data bit of master code. This state is used only in high-speed transaction, SCL=1, SDA=data bit of master code. (Data bit of master code is stable when SCL=1.) 14: I2C master/slave is preparing to transmit the NACK bit, SCL=0, SDA=nack bit. (The NACK bit can be changed when SCL=0.) This state is used only in high-speed transaction. 15: I2C master/slave is transmitting the NACK bit, SCL=1, SDA=1. This state is used only in high-speed transaction. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 108 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0210068 Bit 15 DEBUGCTRL 14 13 12 Debug Control Register 11 10 9 8 7 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 FIFO APB_ _APB DEBU _DEB G_RD UG WO RW 0 0 Description 1 APB_DEBU APB_DEBUG_RD G_RD 0 FIFO_APB_FIFO_APB_DEBUG Used for trace 32 debugging DEBUG When using trace 32, and the memory map is shown, turning this bit on will block the normal APB read access. The APB read access to the FIFO will then be enabled by writing to apb_debug_rd. 0: Disable 1: Enable A021006C Bit Name Type Reset 15 TRANSFER_LE Transfer Length Register (Number of Bytes per N_AUX Transfer) 14 13 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 Only valid when fifo_apb_debug is set to 1 Writing to this register will generate a 1 pulsed FIFO APB RD signal for reading the FIFO data. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0001 1 0 TRANSFER_LEN_AUX RW 0 0 0 1 Description Only valid when dir_change or transfer_len_change is set to 1. Indicates the number of data bytes to be transferred in 1 transfer unit (excluding slave address byte) for the transfers following the direction change or transfer_len_change TRANSFER TRANSFER_LEN_A If dir_change =1, the first write transfer length will depend on _LEN_AUX UX transfer_len, while the second read transfer length will depend on transfer_len_aux. Dir change is always after the first transfer. Similarly, transfer length change is always after the first transfer. Note: The value must be set to be bigger than 1; otherwise no transfer will take place. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 109 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 10. SD Memory Card Controller 10.1. General Description The controller fully supports the SD memory card bus protocol as defined in SD Memory Card Specification Part 1 Physical Layer Specification version 2.0 and eMMC 4.41 protocol. Furthermore, the controller also partially supports the SDIO card specification version 2.0. However, the controller can only be configured as the host of the SD memory card. Hereafter, the controller is also abbreviated as the SD controller. The following are the main features of the controller. • Interface with MCU by APB bus • 16/32-bit access on APB bus • 16/32-bit access for control registers • 32-bit access for FIFO • Built-in 32 bytes FIFO buffers for transmit and receive, FIFO is shared for transmit and receive • Built-in CRC circuit • CRC generation can be disabled • DMA supported • Interrupt capabilities • Data rate up to 48Mbps in serial mode, 48x4 Mbps in parallel model, the module is targeted at 48MHz operating clock • Serial clock rate on SD/MMC bus is programmable • Card detection capabilities during sleep mode • Controllability of power for memory card • Does not support SPI mode for SD/MMC memory card • Does not support multiple SD/MMC memory cards 10.1.1. Pin Assignment The following lists pins required for the SD memory card. Table 10-1 shows how the pins are shared. Note that all I/O pads have embedded both pull-up and pull-down resistors because they are shared by the SD memory card. The pull-down resistors for these pins can be used for power saving. If optimal pull-up or pull-down resistors are required on the system board, all embedded pull-up and pull-down resistors can be disabled by programming the corresponding control registers. The VDDPD pin is used for power saving. Power for the SD memory card can be shut down by programming the corresponding control register. The WP (Write Protection) pin is used to detect the status of the Write Protection Switch on the SD memory card. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 110 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 10-1. Sharing of pins for SD memory card controller No. Name Type MMC SD Description 1 SD_CLK O CLK CLK Clock 2 SD_DAT3 I/O/PP CD/DAT3 CD/DAT3 Data Line [Bit 3] 3 SD_DAT0 I/O/PP DAT0 DAT0 Data Line [Bit 0] 4 SD_DAT1 I/O/PP DAT1 DAT1 Data Line [Bit 1] 5 SD_DAT2 I/O/PP DAT2 DAT2 Data Line [Bit 2] 6 SD_CMD I/O/PP CMD CMD Command or bus state 7 SD_PWRON O - - VDD ON/OFF 8 SD_WP I - - Write protection switch in SD 9 SD_INS I VSS2 VSS2 Card detection 10.1.2. Card Detection For SD memory card, detection of card insertion/removal by hardware is supported, and a dedicated pin “INS” is used to perform card insertion and removal for SD. The pin “INS” will be connected to the pin “VSS2” of a SD connector (see Figure 10-1 ). CARD HOST RPU SW1 INS_IN PAD INS RPD SW2 Figure 10-1. Card detection for SD memory card © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 111 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 10.1.3. IO Pad Setting Figure 10-2. IO Pinmux setting for MSDC There are one set of dedicated pads for MSDC0 and two sets of pads for MSDC1. To switch between those two sets, the GPIO and an extra input mux setting are needed. For GPIO settings, refer to GPIO specification. For input mux setting, refer to the table below. Address Register Name Field Name MSB LSB A2010234 HW_MISC3 MSDC1_PAD_SEL 0 0 10.2. Description 0: GPIO_A PAD for MSDC1 1: CAMERA PAD for MSDC1 Register Definition There are two MSDCs in this SOC. The usage of the registers below is the same except that the base address should be changed to respective one. MSDC number Base address Feature MSDC0 0xA0020000 Supports DMA, 4-bit data line MSDC1 0xA0030000 Supports DMA, 4-bit data line Module name: MSDC0 Base address: (+a0020000h) Address Name A0020000 MSDC_CFG A0020004 MSDC_STA A0020008 MSDC_INT A0020010 MSDC_DAT A0020014 MSDC_IOCON Width 32 32 32 32 32 Register Function SD Memory Card Controller Configuration Register SD Memory Card Controller Status Register SD Memory Card Controller Interrupt Register SD Memory Card Controller Data Register SD Memory Card Controller IO Control Register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 112 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Address Name Width 32 Register Function SD Memory Card Controller IO Control Register 1 SD Memory Card Controller Configuration Register SD Memory Card Controller Command Register SD Memory Card Controller Argument Register SD Memory Card Controller Status Register SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 0 SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 1 SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 2 SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 3 SD Memory Card Controller Command Status Register SD Memory Card Controller Data Status Register A0020018 MSDC_IOCON1 A0020020 SDC_CFG A0020024 SDC_CMD A0020028 SDC_ARG A002002C SDC_STA A0020030 SDC_RESP0 A0020034 SDC_RESP1 A0020038 SDC_RESP2 A002003C SDC_RESP3 A0020040 SDC_CMDSTA A0020044 SDC_DATSTA A0020048 SDC_CSTA 32 SD Memory Card Status Register A002004C SDC_IRQMASK0 32 SD Memory Card IRQ Mask Register 0 A0020050 SDC_IRQMASK1 32 SD Memory Card IRQ Mask Register 1 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 A0020054 SDIO_CFG 32 SDIO Configuration Register A0020058 SDIO_STA 32 SDIO Status Register A0020080 CLK_RED 32 CLK Latch Configuration Register DAT_CHECKSUM 32 MSDC Rx Data Check Sum Register A0020098 A0020000 MSDC_CFG Bit 31 30 29 SD Memory Card Controller Configuration Register 28 27 Nam e Type Rese t Bit 25 24 FIFOTHD RW 15 14 13 12 1 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 7 SC LK ON SCLKF Type RW 0 0 0 0 23 CL KS RC _P AT RW 0 Nam e Rese t 26 0 0 0 0 22 6 CR ED 21 20 19 18 17 16 VD DP D RC DE N DI RQ EN PI NE N DM AE N INT EN RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 ST DB Y 4 3 2 NO CR C 1 0 RS T MS DC RW W1 C RW 0 0 0 RW RW RW 0 0 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 04000020 CLKSRC RW 0 0 Page 113 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 27:24 FIFOTHD FIFOTHD FIFO threshold. The register field determines when to issue a DMA request. For write transactions, DMA requests will be asserted if the number of free entries in FIFO are larger than or equal to the value in the register field. For read transactions, DMA requests will be asserted if the number of valid entries in FIFO are larger than or equal to the value in the register field. The register field must be set according to the setting of data transfer count in DMA burst mode. If single mode for DMA transfer is used, the register field should be set to 0b0001. 0000: Invalid. 0001: Threshold value is 1. 0010: Threshold value is 2. 0011~01111: ... 1000: Threshold value is 8. others: Invalid 23 CLKSRC_PAT CLKSRC_PAT CLKSRC patch, when {CLKSRC_PAT,CLKSRC} equal to 0: CLKSQ_F26M_CK 1: LFOSC_F26M_CK 2: MPLL_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz) 3: MPLL_DIV4_CK (78MHz) 4: MPLL_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) 5: HFOSC_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz) 6: HFOSC_DIV4_CK (78MHz) 7: HFOSC_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) 21 VDDPD VDDPD Controls the output pin VDDPD used for power saving. The output pin VDDPD will control power for memory card. 0: The output pin VDDPD will output logic low. The power for memory card will be turned off. 1: The output pin VDDPD will output logic high. The power for memory card will be turned on. 20 RCDEN RCDEN Controls the output pin RCDEN used for card identification process when the controller is for SD memory card. Its output will control the pull down resistor on the system board to connect or disconnect with the signal © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 114 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description CD/DAT3. 0: The output pin RCDEN will output logic low. 1: The output pin RCDEN will output logic high. 19 DIRQEN DIRQEN Enables data request interrupt. The register bit is used to control if data request is used as an interrupt source. 0: Data request is not used as an interrupt source. 1: Data request is used as an interrupt source. 18 PINEN PINEN Enables pin interrupt. The register bit is used to control if the pin for card detection is used as an interrupt source. 0: The pin for card detection is not used as an interrupt source. 1: The pin for card detection is used as an interrupt source. 17 DMAEN DMAEN Enables DMA. Note that if DMA capability is disabled then application software must poll the status of the register MSDC_STA for checking any data transfer request. If DMA is desired, the register bit must be set before command register is written. 0: DMA request induced by various conditions is disabled, no matter the controller is configured as the host of either SD memory card or memory stick. 1: DMA request induced by various conditions is enabled, no matter the controller is configured as the host of either SD memory card or memory stick. 16 INTEN INTEN Enables interrupt. Note that if interrupt capability is disabled, application software must poll the status of the register MSDC_STA to check for any interrupt request. 0: Interrupt induced by various conditions is disabled, no matter the controller is configured as the host of either SD memory card or memory stick. 1: Interrupt induced by various conditions is enabled, no matter the controller is configured as the host of either SD memory card or memory stick. 15:8 SCLKF SCLKF Controls clock frequency of serial clock on SD bus. Denote clock frequency of SD bus serial clock as fslave and clock frequency of the SD controller as fhost which is 89.1MHz. Then the value of the register field is as the following. Note: The allowed maximum frequency of © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 115 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description fslave is 44.55MHz. While changing clock rate, it needs "1T clock period before changing + 1T clock period after change" for HW signal to resynchronize. 00000000b: fslave =(1/2)*fhost 00000001b: fslave = (1/(4*1))*fhost 00000010b: fslave = (1/(4*2))*fhost 00000011b: fslave = (1/(4*3))*fhost 00000100b~111111110b: ... 11111111b: fslave = (1/(4*255))*fhost 7 SCLKON SCLKON Serial clock always on. For debugging. 0: Serial clock not always on. 1: Serial clock always on. 6 CRED CRED Rising edge data. The register bit is used to determine that serial data input is latched at the falling edge or the rising edge of serial clock. The default setting is at the rising edge. If serial data have worse timing, set the register bit to'1'. When the memory card has worse timing on return read data, set the register bit to '1'. 0: Serial data input is latched at the rising edge of serial clock. 1: Serial data input is latched at the falling edge of serial clock. 5 STDBY STDBY Standby mode. If the module is powered down, operating clock to the module will be stopped. At the same time, clock to card detection circuitry will also be stopped. If detection of memory card insertion and removal is desired, write '1' to the register bit. If interrupt for detection of memory card insertion and removal is enabled, interrupt will take place whenever memory is inserted or removed. 0: Standby mode is disabled. 1: Standby mode is enabled. 4:3 CLKSRC CLKSRC Specifies which clock is used as source clock of memory card. Use MPLL (312MHz) or HFOSC (312MHz) as source clock of memory card when clock hopping is not enabled. If clock hopping is enabled, MPLL clock's hopping rate will be 0~-8% and HFOSC 312MHz (0~-8%). © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 116 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 00: CLKSQ_F26M_CK; MPLL_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) 01: LFOSC_F26M_CK; HFOSC_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz) 10: MPLL_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz); HFOSC_DIV4_CK (78MHz) 11: MPLL_DIV4_CK (78MHz); HFOSC_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) 2 NOCRC Disables CRC. 1 indicates that data transfer without CRC is desired. For write data block, data will be transmitted without CRC. For read data block, CRC will not be checked. It is for tests. NOCRC 0: Data transfer with CRC is desired. 1: Data transfer without CRC is desired. 1 RST Software reset. Writing 1 to the register bit will cause internal synchronous reset of SD controller but will not reset register settings. RST should only be set when RST is equal to 0. RST 0: Read 0 stands for the reset process is finished. 1: Write 1 to reset SD controller. 0 MSDC Configures the controller as SD memory card mode. CLK/CMD/DAT line will be pulled low when SD memory card mode is disabled. MSDC 0: Disable SD memory card 1: Enable SD memory card A0020004 MSDC_STA SD Memory Card Controller Status Register 00000002 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Nam e BU SY FIFOCNT INT DR Q BE BF Type RO RO RO RO RO RO Rese t 14 FIF OC LR W1 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 0 Page 117 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic 15 BUSY Name Description BUSY Status of the controller. If the controller is in busy state, the register bit will be '1'. Otherwise '0'. 0: The controller is in busy state. 1: The controller is in idle state. 14 FIFOCLR FIFOCLR Clears FIFO. Writing '1' to the register bit will cause the content of FIFO clear and reset the status of FIFO controller. 0: Read 0 stands for the FIFO clear process is finished. 1: Write 1 to clear the content of FIFO clear and reset the status of FIFO controller. 7:4 FIFOCNT FIFOCNT FIFO count. The register field shows how many valid entries are in FIFO. 0000: There is 0 valid entry in FIFO. 0001: There is 1 valid entry in FIFO. 0010: There are 2 valid entries in FIFO. 0011~0111: ... 1000: There are 8 valid entries in FIFO. 3 INT INT Indicates if any interrupt exists. While any interrupt exists, the register bit still will be active even if the register bit INTEN in the register MSDC_CFG is disabled. SD controller can interrupt MCU by issuing interrupt request to interrupt controller, or software/application polls the register endlessly to check if any interrupt request exists in SD controller. When the register bit INTEN in the register MSDC_CFG is disabled, the second method will be used. For read commands, it is possible that timeout error takes place. Software can read the status register to check if timeout error takes place without OS time tick support or data request is asserted. Note: The register bit will be cleared when reading the register MSDC_INT. 0: No interrupt request exists. 1: Interrupt request exists. 2 DRQ DRQ Indicates if any data transfer is required. When any data transfer is required, the register bit still will be active even if the register bit DIRQEN in the register MSDC_CFG is disabled. Data transfer can be achieved by DMA channel alleviating MCU loading, or by polling the register bit to check if any data transfer is © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 118 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description requested. When the register bit DIRQEN in the register MSDC_CFG is disabled, the second method will be used. 0: No DMA request exists. 1: DMA request exists. 1 BE Indicates if FIFO in SD controller is empty BE 0: FIFO in SD controller is not empty. 1: FIFO in SD controller is empty. 0 BF Indicates if FIFO in SD controller is full BF 0: FIFO in SD controller is not full. 1: FIFO in SD controller is full. A0020008 MSDC_INT Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit SD Memory Card Controller Interrupt Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 SD MC IR Q RC 3 SD DA TIR Q RC 2 SD CM DI RQ RC 1 0 PI NI RQ DI RQ RC RC 0 0 0 0 0 Nam e SDI OI RQ Type Rese t RC 6 SD R1 BI RQ RC 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 7 00000000 SDIOIRQ Name Description SDIOIRQ SDIO interrupt. The register bit indicates if any interrupt for SDIO exists. Whenever interrupt for SDIO exists, the register bit will be set to '1' if interrupt is enabled. It will be reset when the register is read. 0: No SDIO interrupt 1: Interrupt for SDIO exists. 6 SDR1BIRQ SDR1BIRQ SD R1b response interrupt. The register bit will be active when a SD command with R1b response finished and the DAT0 line has transited from busy to idle state. Single block write commands with R1b response will cause interrupt when the command is completed no matter successfully or with CRC error. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 119 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description However, multi-block write commands with R1b response will not cause the interrupt because multi-block write commands are always stopped by STOP_TRANS commands. STOP_TRANS commands (with R1b response) behind multi-block write commands will cause the interrupt. Single block read command with R1b response will cause the interrupt when the command is completed but multi-block read commands do not. Note: STOP_TRANS commands (with R1b response) behind multi-block read commands will cause interrupt. 0: No interrupt for SD R1b response. 1: Interrupt for SD R1b response exists. 4 SDMCIRQ SDMCIRQ SD memory card interrupt. The register bit indicates if any interrupt for SD memory card exists. Whenever interrupt for SD memory card exists, i.e. any bit in the register SDC_CSTA is active, the register bit will be set to '1' if interrupt is enabled. It will be reset when the register is read. Note: This bit will not trigger MSDC hardware interrupt. 0: No SD memory card interrupt 1: SD memory card interrupt exists. 3 SDDATIRQ SDDATIRQ SD bus DAT interrupt. The register bit indicates if any interrupt for SD DAT line exists. Whenever interrupt for SD DAT line exists, i.e. any bit in the register SDC_ DATSTA is active, the register bit will be set to '1' if interrupt is enabled. It will be reset when the register is read. 0: No SD DAT line interrupt 1: SD DAT line interrupt exists. 2 SDCMDIRQ SDCMDIRQ SD bus CMD interrupt. The register bit indicates if any interrupt for SD CMD line exists. Whenever interrupt for SD CMD line exists, i.e. any bit in the register SDC_CMDSTA is active, the register bit will be set to '1' if interrupt is enabled. It will be reset when the register is read. 0: No SD CMD line interrupt 1: SD CMD line interrupt exists. 1 PINIRQ PINIRQ Pin change interrupt. The register bit indicates if any interrupt for memory card insertion/removal exists. Whenever memory © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 120 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description card is inserted or removed and card detection interrupt is enabled, i.e. the register bit PINEN in the register MSDC_CFG is set to '1', the register bit will be set to '1'. It will be reset when the register is read. 0: Otherwise 1: Card is inserted or removed. 0 DIRQ Data request interrupt. The register bit indicates if any interrupt for data request exists. Whenever data request exists and data request as an interrupt source is enabled, i.e. the register bit DIRQEN in the register MSDC_CFG is set to '1', the register bit will be active. It will be reset when reading it. For software, data requests can be recognized by polling the register bit DRQ or by data request interrupt. Data request interrupts will be generated every FIFOTHD data transfer. DIRQ 0: No data request interrupt 1: Data request interrupt occurs. A0020010 MSDC_DAT Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 31 28 27 26 25 24 23 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 DATA RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATA RW 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 29 SD Memory Card Controller Data Register DATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description DATA Reads/writes data from/to FIFO inside SD controller. Data access is in unit of 32 bits. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 121 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0020014 Bit 31 MSDC_IOCON 30 29 28 SD Memory Card Controller IO Control Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 Nam e SAMPLE DLY FIXDLY Type Rese t Bit RW RW 15 Nam e CM DR E Type Rese t RW 10 HI GH _S PE ED RW 0 0 14 13 12 11 21 SA MP ON RW 20 CR CD IS RW 19 CM DS EL RW 18 010000C3 17 16 INTLH DS W RW RW 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMABUR ST SR CF G1 SR CF G0 ODCCFG1 ODCCFG0 RW RW RW RW RW 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 25:24 SAMPLEDLY SAMPLEDLY The register is used for SW to select the turn around delay cycle between write data end bit and CRC status for SD card. 00: 0-T delay 01: 1-T delay 10: 2-T delay 11: 3-T delay 23:22 FIXDLY The register is used for SW to select the delay cycle after clock fix high for the host controller to SD card. FIXDLY 00: 0-T delay 01: 1-T delay 10: 2-T delay 11: 3-T delay 21 SAMPON SAMPON Data sample enable always on. The bit’s suggested setting is 1 when feedback clock is used and 0 when multiple phase clock is used. 0: Data sample enable not always on 1: Data sample enable always on. 20 CRCDIS Switches off data CRC check for SD read data CRCDIS 0: CRC check is on. 1: CRC check is off. 19 CMDSEL CMDSEL Determines whether the host should delay 1-T © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 122 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description to latch response from card 0: Host latches response without 1-T delay. 1: Host latches response with 1-T delay. 18:17 INTLH Selects latch timing for SDIO multi-block read interrupt INTLH 00: Host latches INT at the second backend clock after the end bit of current data block from card is received. (default) 01: Host latches INT at the first backend clock after the end bit of current data block from card is received. 10: Host latches INT at the second backend clock after the end bit of current data block from card is received. 11: Host latches INT at the third backend clock after the end bit of current data block from card is received. 16 DSW Determines whether the host should latch data with 1-T delay or not. For SD card, this bit is suggested to be 0. For MSPRO cards, it is suggested to be 1. DSW 0: Host latches the data with 1-T delay. 1: Host latches the data without 1-T delay. 15 CMDRE Determines whether the host should latch response token (sent from card on CMD line ) at rising edge or falling edge of serial clock. (T.B.D this bit is un-useful) CMDRE 0: Host latches response at rising edge of serial clock 1: Host latches response at falling edge of serial clock 10 HIGH_SPEED HIGH_SPEED For high-speed mode when internal sample clock is used. High-speed mode means that the SD/MMC serial bus clock rate is bigger than 25MHz. The default speed mode means that the SD/MMC serial bus clock rate is bigger than 25MHz. 0: Default speed 1: High speed 9:8 DMABURST DMABURST The register is used for SW to select burst type when data transfer by DMA. Note: Only single mode can support non-4N bytes data transfer in read operation. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 123 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 00: Single mode 01: 4-beat incrementing burst 10: 8-beat incrementing burst 11: Reserved. 7 SRCFG1 Output driving capability the pins DAT0, DAT1, DAT2 and DAT3 SRCFG1 0: Fast slew rate 1: Slow slew rate 6 SRCFG0 Output driving capability the pins CMD/BS and SCLK SRCFG0 0: Fast slew rate 1: Slow slew rate 5:3 ODCCFG1 Output driving capability the pins DAT0, DAT1, DAT2 and DAT3 ODCCFG1 000: 4mA 001: 8mA 010: 12mA 011: 16mA 2:0 ODCCFG0 Output driving capability the pins CMD/BS and SCLK ODCCFG0 000: 4mA 001: 8mA 010: 12mA 011: 16mA A0020018 Bit 31 MSDC_IOCON1 30 29 28 27 SD Memory Card Controller IO Control Register 1 26 25 24 23 22 Nam e Type Rese t 21 20 19 00022022 18 PR CF G_ RS T_ WP RW 17 PRVAL_R ST_WP RW 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 1 0 Page 124 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Nam e Type Rese t 15 14 PR CF G_ CK RW 13 12 PRVAL_C K 0 RW 1 Bit(s) Mnemonic 18 11 PRCFG_RST/WP 0 10 PR CF G_ CM RW 0 9 8 PRVAL_C M RW 0 0 7 6 PR CF G_ DA RW 0 5 4 PRVAL_D A RW 1 0 3 2 PR CF G_I NS RW 1 0 PRVAL_I NS RW 0 1 0 Name Description PRCFG_RST_WP Pull up/down register configuration for pin RST/WP. The default value is 0. 0: Pull up resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP is enabled. 1: Pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP is enabled. 17:16 PRVAL_RST/WP PRVAL_RST_WP Pull up/down register value for pin RST/WP. The default value is 10. 00: Pull up resistor and pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP are all disabled. 01: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP value is 47k. 10: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP value is 47k. 11: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP value is 23.5k. 14 PRCFG_CK PRCFG_CK Configures pull up/down register for pin CK. The default value is 0. 0: Pull up resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CK is enabled. 1: Pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CK is enabled. 13:12 PRVAL_CK PRVAL_CK Pull up/down register value for pin CLK. The default value is 10. 00: Pull up resistor and pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CLK are all disabled. 01: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CLK value is 47k. 10: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CLK value is 47k. 11: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CLK value is 23.5k. 10 PRCFG_CM PRCFG_CM Configures pull up/down register for the pin CM. The default value is 0. 0: Pull up resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CM is © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 125 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description enabled. 1: Pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CM is enabled. 9:8 PRVAL_CM PRVAL_CM Pull up/down register value for pin CMD/BS. The default value is 00. 00: Pull up resistor and pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CMD/BS are all disabled. 01: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CMD/BS value is 47k. 10: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CMD/BS value is 47k. 11: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin CMD/BS value is 23.5k. 6 PRCFG_DA PRCFG_DA Configures pull up/down register for pin DAT0, DAT1, DAT2, DAT3. The default value is 0. 0: Pull up resistor in the I/O pad of the pin DAT is enabled. 1: Pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin DAT is enabled. 5:4 PRVAL_DA PRVAL_DA Pull up/down register value for pin DAT0, DAT1, DAT2, DAT3. The default value is 10. 00: Pull up resistor and pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin DAT are all disabled. 01: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin DAT value is 47k. 10: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin DAT value is 47k. 11: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin DAT value is 23.5k. 2 PRCFG_INS PRCFG_INS Configures pull up/down register for pin INS. The default value is 0 0: Pull up resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP is enabled. 1: Pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin WP is enabled. 1:0 PRVAL_INS PRVAL_INS Pull up/down register value for pin INS. The default value is 10. 00: Pull up resistor and pull down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin INS are all disabled. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 126 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 01: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin INS value is 47k. 10: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin INS value is 47k. 11: Pull up/down resistor in the I/O pad of the pin INS value is 23.5k. A0020020 SDC_CFG Bit 31 30 29 Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 00008000 19 18 DTOC WDOD SDI O RW RW RW 17 MD LE N RW 16 0 0 SIE N RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 BSYDLY BLKLEN RW RW 1 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:24 SD Memory Card Controller Configuration Register DTOC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description DTOC Data timeout counter. The period from finish of the initial host read command or the last read data block in a multiple block read operation to the start bit of the next read data block requires at least two serial clock cycles. The counter is used to extend the period (Read Data Access Time) in unit of 65,536 serial clocks. See the register field description of the register bit RDINT for reference. 00000000: Extend 65,536 more serial clock cycle. 00000001: Extend 65,536x2 more serial clock cycles. 00000010: Extend 65,536x3 more serial clock cycles. 00000011~11111110: ... 11111111: Extend 65,536x 256 more serial clock cycles. 23:20 WDOD WDOD Write data output delay. The period from finish of the response for the initial host write command or the last write data block in a multiple block write operation to the start bit of the next write data block requires at least two serial clock cycles. The register field is used to extend the period (Write Data Output Delay) in unit of one serial clock. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 127 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0000: No extension 0001: Extend one more serial clock cycle. 0010: Extend two more serial clock cycles. 0011~1110: ... 1111: Extend fifteen more serial clock cycles. 19 SDIO SDIO Enables SDIO 0: SDIO mode is disabled. 1: SDIO mode is enabled. 17 MDLEN MDLEN Enables multiple data line. The register can be enabled only when SD memory card is applied and detected by software application. It is the responsibility of the application to program the bit correctly when a MultiMediaCard is applied. If a MultiMediaCard is applied and 4bit data line is enabled, the 4 bits will be outputted every serial clock. Therefore, data integrity will fail. 0: 4-bit data line is disabled. 1: 4-bit data line is enabled. 16 SIEN SIEN Enables serial interface. It should be enabled as soon as possible before any command. 0: Serial interface for SD is disabled. 1: Serial interface for SD is enabled. 15:12 BSYDLY BSYDLY The register field is only valid for the commands with R1b response. If the command has a response of R1b type, SD controller must monitor the data line 0 for card busy status from the bit time that is two serial clock cycles after the command end bit to check if operations in SD memory card have finished. The register field is used to expand the time between the command end bit and end of detection period to detect card busy status. If time is up and there is no card busy status on data line 0, the controller will abandon the detection. 0000: No extension 0001: Extend one more serial clock cycle. 0010: Extend two more serial clock cycles. 0011~1110: ... © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 128 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1111: Extend fifteen more serial clock cycles. 11:0 BLKLEN It refers to Block Length. The register field defines the length of one block in unit of byte in a data transaction. The maximum value of block length is 2048 bytes. BLKLEN 000000000000: Reserved. 000000000001: Block length is 1 byte. 000000000010: Block length is 2 bytes. 000000000011~011111111110: ... 011111111111: Block length is 2047 bytes. 100000000000: Block length is 2048 bytes. A0020024 Bit SDC_CMD 31 30 29 SD Memory Card Controller Command Register 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 00000000 18 17 Nam e Type Rese t Bit 15 14 13 Nam e INT C ST OP Type Rese t RW 0 0 11 10 RW DTYPE ID RT RSPTYP RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 16 16 CM DF AIL RW CMDFAIL 12 0 0 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 BR EA K RW 5 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 CMD RW 0 0 Name Description CMDFAIL If 4-bit SDIO mode is enabled, when CMD/DAT error occurs, set up this bit to select whether to "wait stop command" or "wait data state machine idle". 0: Wait stop command 1: Wait data state machine idle 15 INTC INTC Indicates if the command is GO_IRQ_STATE. If the command is GO_IRQ_STATE, the period between command token and response token will not be limited. 0: The command is not GO_IRQ_STATE. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 129 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: The command is GO_IRQ_STATE. 14 STOP STOP Indicates if the command is a stop transmission command. 0: The command is not a stop transmission command. 1: The command is a stop transmission command. 13 RW RW Defines the command is a read command or write command. The register bit is valid only when the command will cause a transaction with data token. 0: The command is a read command. 1: The command is a write command. 12:11 DTYPE DTYPE Defines data token type for the command 00: No data token for the command 01: Single block transaction 10: Multiple block transaction. That is, the command is a multiple block read or write command. 11: Stream operation. It should only be used when a MultiMediaCard is applied. 10 IDRT IDRT Identification response time. The register bit indicates if the command has a response with NID (i.e. 5 serial clock cycles as defined in SD Memory Card Specification Part 1 Physical Layer Specification version 1.0) response time. The register bit is valid only when the command has a response token. Thus the register bit must be set to '1' for CMD2 (ALL_SEND_CID) and ACMD41 (SD_APP_OP_CMD). 0: Otherwise. 1: The command has a response with NID response time. 9:7 RSPTYP RSPTYP Defines response type for the command. For commands with R1 and R1b response, the register SDC_CSTA (not SDC_STA) will be updated after response token is received. This register SDC_CSTA contains the status of the SD and will be used as response interrupt sources. Note: If CMD7 is used with all 0's RCA, RSPTYP must be "000". Command "GO_TO_IDLE" also has RSPTYP='000'. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 130 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 000: There is no response for the command. For instance, broadcast command without response and GO_INACTIVE_STATE command. 001: The command has R1 response. R1 response token is 48-bit. 010: The command has R2 response. R2 response token is 136-bit. 011: The command has R3 response. Even though R3 is 48-bit response, it does not contain CRC checksum. 100: The command has R4 response. R4 response token is 48-bit. (only for MMC) 101: The command has R5 response. R5 response token is 48-bit. (only for MMC) 110: The command has R6 response. R6 response token is 48-bit. 111: The command has R1b response. If the command has a response of R1b type, SD controller must monitor the data line 0 for card busy status from the bit time that is two or four serial clock cycles after the command end bit to check if operations in SD memory card have finished. There are two cases for detection of card busy status. The first case is that the host stops the data transmission during an active write data transfer. The card will assert busy signal after the stop transmission command end bit followed by four serial clock cycles. The second case is that the card is in idle state or under a scenario of receiving a stop transmission command between data blocks when multiple block write command is in progress. The register bit is valid only when the command has a response token. 6 BREAK BREAK Aborts pending MMC GO_IRQ_MODE command. It is only valid for a pending GO_IRQ_MODE command waiting for MMC interrupt response. 0: Other fields are valid. 1: Break a pending MMC GO_IRQ_MODE command in the controller. Other fields are invalid. 5:0 CMD CMD SD memory card command. Total 6 bits. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 131 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0020028 SDC_ARG Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 31 29 SD Memory Card Controller Argument Register 28 26 Nam e Type Rese t 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARG RW 0 0 0 0 ARG 0 0 0 0 Name Description ARG Contains argument of SD memory card command SD Memory Card Controller Status Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 RO 4 FE DA TB US Y RO 3 FE CM DB US Y RO 2 BE DA TB US Y RO 1 BE CM DB US Y RO 0 BE SD CB US Y RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 WP Bit(s) Mnemonic 15 24 RW A002002C SDC_STA Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 25 ARG Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 27 00000000 WP Name Description WP Detects the status of Write Protection switch on SD memory card. The register bit shows the status of Write Protection switch on SD memory card. There is no default reset value. The pin WP (Write Protection) is also only useful while the controller is configured for SD memory card. 1: Write Protection switch on. It means that memory card is desired to be write-protected. 0: Write Protection switch off. It means that memory card is writable. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 132 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic 4 FEDATBUSY Name Description FEDATBUSY Indicates if any transmission is going on DAT line on SD bus. This bit indicates directly the CMD line at card clock domain. For those commands without data but still involving DAT line, the register bit is useless. For example, if an Erase command is issued, checking if the register bit is '0' before issuing the next command with data will not guarantee that the controller is idle. In this situation, use the register bit BESDCBUSY. 0: No transmission is going on DAT line on SD bus. 1: There exists transmission going on DAT line on SD bus. 3 FECMDBUSY FECMDBUSY Indicates if any transmission is going on CMD line on SD bus. This bit indicates directly the CMD line at card clock domain. 0: No transmission is going on CMD line on SD bus. 1: There exists transmission going on CMD line on SD bus. 2 BEDATBUSY BEDATBUSY Indicates if any transmission is going on DAT line on SD bus. 0: Backend SDC controller gets the info that no transmission is going on DAT line on SD bus. 1: Backend SDC controller gets the info that there exists transmission going on DAT line on SD bus. 1 BECMDBUSY BECMDBUSY Indicates if any transmission is going on CMD line on SD bus. This bit shows backend controller's CMD busy state. The busy state is sync from card clock domain to bus clock domain. 0: Backend SDC controller gets the info that no transmission is going on CMD line on SD bus. 1: Backend SDC controller gets the info that there exists transmission going on CMD line on SD bus. 0 BESDCBUSY BESDCBUSY Indicates if SD controller is busy, i.e. any transmission is going on CMD or DAT line on SD bus. This bit shows backend controller's SDC busy state. The busy state is sync from card clock domain to bus clock domain. 0: Backend SD controller is idle. 1: Backend SD controller is busy. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 133 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0020030 SDC_RESP0 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 31 30 29 28 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESP_31_0 RO 0 0 0 0 RESP[31:0] 0 0 0 0 Description RESP_31_0 SDC_RESP1 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 31 0 Name A0020034 29 28 SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 1 27 26 25 24 23 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RESP_63_32 RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESP_63_32 RO 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 27 00000000 RESP_31_0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 0 0 0 0 Name RESP[63:32] SDC_RESP2 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 29 0 Description RESP_63_32 A0020038 31 0 28 SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 2 27 26 25 24 23 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RESP_95_64 RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESP_95_64 RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 134 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name RESP[95:64] Description RESP_95_64 A002003C SDC_RESP3 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 31 30 29 28 27 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESP_127_96 RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name RESP[127:96] 0 Description RESP_127_96 A0020040 SDC_CMDSTA Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 25 SD Memory Card Controller Command Status Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 RS PC RC ER R RC 1 0 CM DT O CM DR DY RC RC 0 0 0 Nam e Type Rese t Bit(s) Mnemonic 2 00000000 RESP_127_96 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 SD Memory Card Controller Response Register 3 RSPCRCERR Name Description RSPCRCERR CRC error on CMD detected. 1 indicates that SD controller detects a CRC error after reading a response from the CMD line. 0: Otherwise 1: SD controller detects a CRC error after reading a response from the CMD line. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 135 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic 1 CMDTO Name Description CMDTO Timeout on CMD detected. 1 indicates that SD controller detects a timeout condition while waiting for a response on the CMD line. 0: Otherwise 1: SD controller detects a timeout condition while waiting for a response on the CMD line. 0 CMDRDY For command without response, the register bit will be '1' once the command is completed on SD bus. For command with response, the register bit will be '1' whenever the command is issued onto SD bus and its corresponding response is received without CRC error. CMDRDY 0: Otherwise 1: Command with/without response finish successfully without CRC error. A0020044 SDC_DATSTA SD Memory Card Controller Data Status Register Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nam e Type Rese t 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 9:2 DATCRCERR 0 0 00000000 DATCRCERR DA TT O RC RC 0 BL KD ON E RC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description DATCRCERR CRC error on DAT detected. 1 indicates that SD controller detected a CRC error for bit n after reading a block of data from the DAT line or SD signaled a CRC error after writing a block of data to the DAT line. 0: Otherwise 1: SD controller detects a CRC error after reading a block of data from the DAT line or SD signaled a CRC error after writing a block of data to the DAT line. Note that: n is 7~0 for 8-bits mode, each bit read and clear individually. 1 DATTO DATTO Timeout on DAT detected. 1 indicates that SD controller detected a timeout condition while © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 136 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description waiting for data token on the DAT line. 0: Otherwise 1: SD controller detects a timeout condition while waiting for data token on the DAT line. 0 BLKDONE Indicates the status of data block transfer BLKDONE 0: Otherwise 1: A data block is successfully transferred. A0020048 SDC_CSTA Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 31 30 29 28 26 24 23 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CSTA_31_0 RC 0 0 0 0 0 0 CSTA [31:0] 31 30 0 0 Name 29 0 Description CSTA_31_0 A002004C SDC_IRQMASK0 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 25 CSTA_31_0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 SD Memory Card Status Register 27 28 27 SD Memory Card IRQ Mask Register 0 26 25 24 23 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 IRQMASK_31_0 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRQMASK_31_0 RW 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 0 0 0 Name 0 0 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 137 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Name IRQMASK [31:0] IRQMASK_31_0 A0020050 SDC_IRQMASK1 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 31 29 28 27 SD Memory Card IRQ Mask Register 1 26 25 24 23 22 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 IRQMASK_63_32 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRQMASK_63_32 RW 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 Description 0 0 0 0 Name IRQMASK [63:32] 0 Description IRQMASK_63_32 A0020054 SDIO_CFG Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 SDIO Configuration Register 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 DIS SE L RW 4 3 INT CS EL RW 2 DS BS EL RW 1 0 0 0 Nam e Type Rese t 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 5 DISSEL 00000000 Name Description DISSEL Selects data block interrupt source INT EN RW 0 0: The host will detect SDIO interrupt during interrupt period between two data blocks of multiple block data access. 1: The host will ignore SDIO interrupt during interrupt period between two data blocks of multiple block data access. 3 INTCSEL INTCSEL Selects interrupt control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 138 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: The host detects DAT1 low as SDIO interrupt. 1: The host detects DAT3/DAT2/DAT1/DAT0 4'b1101 as SDIO interrupt. 2 DSBSEL Selects data block start bit DSBSEL 0: Use data line 0 as start bit of data block and other data lines are ignored. 1: Start bit of a data block is received only when data line 0-3 all become low. 0 INTEN Enables interrupt for SDIO INTEN 0: Disable 1: Enable A0020058 SDIO_STA Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00000000 16 0 IR Q RO 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 0 SDIO Status Register IRQ Name Description IRQ SDIO interrupt exists on the data line. F, for example, during the interrupt period, in the 1 bit data line mode, and DAT1/5 goes low from high, this bit will become 1 from 0. I, if DAT1/5 goes high from low, this bit will become 0 from 1. 0: There is no SDIO interrupt existing on the data line. 1: There is SDIO interrupt existing on the data line. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 139 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0020080 CLK_RED Bit 31 30 Nam e Type Rese t Bit 29 CM D_ RE D RW 00000000 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 12 11 10 9 8 6 CL K_ LA TC H RW 5 4 3 2 1 0 RW 7 CL KP AD _R ED RW 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 DA T_ RE D Nam e Type Rese t Bit(s) Mnemonic 29 CLK Latch Configuration Register 28 CMD_RED Name Description CMD_RED Determines command response from card output is latched at falling edge or rising edge of internal clock (only effective when CLK_LATCH = 1) 0: Internal clock rising edge to latch response 1: Internal clock falling edge to latch response 13 DAT_RED DAT_RED Determines input data from card output is latched at falling edge or rising edge of internal sample clock (only effective when CLK_LATCH = 1) 0: Internal clock rising edge to latch data 1: Internal clock falling edge to latch data 7 CLKPAD_RED CLKPAD_RED Determines input data from card is latched at falling edge or rising edge of the feedback clock from pad. The suggested setting is 0 for SD/eMMC serial clock is less than 25MHz and 1 for SD serial clock is higher than 25MHz. (only effective when CLK_LATCH = 0) 0: Internal feedback clock rising edge to latch data/response 1: Internal feedback clock falling edge to latch data/response 6 CLK_LATCH CLK_LATCH Determines which clock to latch data from card. The suggested setting is 0. 0: Internal feedback clock is used to latch data/response from card. 1: Internal clock is used to latch data/response from card. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 140 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description A0020098 DAT_CHECKSUM Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 31 30 28 27 MSDC Rx Data Check Sum Register 26 25 24 23 22 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 DAT_CHECKSUM RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DAT_CHECKSUM RW 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic 31:0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description DAT_CHECKSUM The checksum algorithm is 32 bit's XOR. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 141 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 11. USB2.0 High-Speed Device Controller 11.1. General Description USB20 controller supports HS (480M)/FS (12M)/LS (1.5M). The USB controller is configured for supporting 2 endpoints to receive packets and four endpoints to send packets except for endpoint 0. These endpoints can be individually configured in the software to handle either Bulk transfers, Interrupt transfers or Isochronous transfers. There are four DMA channels, and the embedded RAM size is configurable up to 3264 bytes. The embedded RAM can be dynamically configured to each endpoint. 11.1.1. Features Feature Speed Enhanced feature Endpoint DMA channel Embedded RAM 11.1.2. Description HS (480M)/FS (12M)/LS (1.5M) Generic device 4 TX, 2 RX 4 3264 Programming Guide DMA: USB20 includes a multi-channel DMA controller, configurable for up to 4 channels. This DMA controller supports two DMA modes, referred to as DMA Modes 0 and 1. When operating in DMA Mode 0, the DMA controller can only be programmed to load/unload one packet, so processor intervention is required for each packet transferred over the USB. This mode can be used with any endpoint, whether it uses Control, Bulk, Isochronous, or Interrupt transactions. When operating in DMA Mode 1, the DMA controller can be programmed to load/unload a complete bulk transfer (which can be many packets). Once set up, the DMA controller will load/unload all packets of the transfer, interrupting the processor only when the transfer has completed. DMA Mode 1 can only be used with endpoints that use Bulk transactions. Each channel can be independently programmed for the selected operating mode. (For detailed register information, refer to USB20 MAC register map.) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 142 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual IDLE State Set IntrRxE.Dn=0 Set RxCSR.D15 (AutoClear) = 1 Set RxCSR.D13 (DMAReqEnab) = 1 Set RxCSR.D11 (DMAReqMode) = 0 (If Host: Also set RxCSR.D14(AutoReq) = 1) Set DMA registers as follows: Set ADDR = Address to store data Set COUNT = Amount of data Set CNTL.D0, CNTL.D2, CNTL.D3 = 1 Set CNTL.D1 = 0 Set CNTL[D10,9] as required Yes Is COUNT = 0? No DMA controller asserts DMA_NINT. Is DMAReq[m] high? No If necessary, clear RxPktRdy. Yes DMA controller request bus IDLE State Is AHB_HGRANT high? No Yes DMA Controller reads from FIFO. Write to ADDR and decrements COUNT. RxPktRdy cleared (Unless packet is less than RxMaxP) Figure 11-1. Multiple packet RX flow (known size) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 143 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual IDLE State Set IntrRxE.Dn=0 Set RxCSR.D15 (AutoClear) = 1 Set RxCSR.D13 (DMAReqEnab) = 1 Set RxCSR.D11 (DMAReqMode) = 1 (If Host: Also set RxCSR.D14(AutoReq) = 1) Set DMA registers as follows: Set ADDR = Address to store data Set COUNT = Size of buffer Set CNTL.D0, CNTL.D2, CNTL.D3 = 1 Set CNTL.D1 = 0 Set CNTL[D10,9] as required No Is Packet Size = RxMaxP? Assert Rx Endpoint interrupt. Yes Is DMAReq[m] high? No Yes On MC_NINT = 1, Is IntrRx[n] = 1? DMA controller request bus Yes Is AHB_HGRANT high? No Read packet from FIFO. Clear RxPktRdy. Yes DMA controller reads from FIFO. Write to ADDR and decrements COUNT. IDLE State RxPktRdy cleared Figure 11-2. Multiple packet RX flow (unknown size) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 144 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. No MT2523 Series Reference Manual 11.1.3. Block Diagram DMA Requests Endpoint Control EP0 Control (Peripheral) EP0 Control (Host) XCLK EP1- 15 Control Combine Wndpoints Transmit CPU INTERFACE Interrupt Control Receive Host Transaction Scheduler Interrupts Common Regs Cycle Control Packet Encoder/Decoder UTM Data Sync (HCLK to XCLK) UTMI+Level2 PHY Packet Encode Data Sync (XCLK to HCLK) Packet Decode HS Negotiation RAM Controller Rx Buff Rx Buff Tx Buff Tx Buff FIFO decoder CRC gen/check HNP/SRP ULPI Wrapper AHB Slave DMA Controller (Optional) Cycle Control AHB Master Timers USB1.1 PHY RAM Figure 11-3. Block diagram 11.2. Register Definition Module name: Unified_USB Base address: (+A0900000h) Name Widt h A0900000 FADDR 8 Function Address Register (Device mode only) A0900001 POWER_PERI 8 Power Management Register A0900002 INTRTX 16 Tx Interrupt Status Register A0900004 INTRRX 16 Rx Interrupt Status Register A0900006 INTRTXE 16 Tx Interrupt Enable Register Address Register Function A0900008 INTRRXE 16 Rx Interrupt Enable Register A090000A INTRUSB 8 Common USB Interrupt Register A090000B INTRUSBE 8 Common USB Interrupt Enable Register A090000C FRAME 16 Frame Number Register A090000E INDEX 8 Endpoint Selection Index Register A090000F TESTMODE 8 Test Mode Enable Register A0900010 TXMAP 16 TXMAP Register A0900012 TXCSR_PERI 16 Tx CSR Register A0900016 RXCSR_PERI 16 RX CSR Register A0900018 RXCOUNT 16 Rx Count Register A090001A TXTYPE 8 TxType Register A090001B TXINTERVAL 8 TxInterval Register A090001C RXTYPE 8 RxType Register A090001D RXINTERVAL 8 RxInterval Register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 145 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: Unified_USB Base address: (+A0900000h) A090001F FIFOSIZE 8 Configured FIFO Size Register A0900020 FIFO0 32 USB Endpoint 0 FIFO Register A0900024 FIFO1 32 USB Endpoint 1 FIFO Register A0900028 FIFO2 32 USB Endpoint 2 FIFO Register A0900060 DEVCTL 8 Device Control Register A0900061 PWRUPCNT 8 Power Up Counter Register A0900062 TXFIFOSZ 8 Tx FIFO Size Register A0900063 RXFIFOSZ 8 Rx FIFO Size Register A0900064 TXFIFOADD 16 Tx FIFO Address Register A0900066 RXFIFOADD 16 Rx FIFO Address Register A090006C HWCAPS 16 Hardware Capability Register A090006E HWSVERS 16 Version Register A0900070 BUSPERF1 16 USB Bus Performance Register 1 A0900072 BUSPERF2 16 USB Bus Performance Register 2 A0900074 BUSPERF3 16 USB Bus Performance Register 3 A0900078 EPINFO 8 Number of Tx and Rx Register A0900079 RAMINFO 8 Width of RAM and Number of DMA Channel Register A090007A LINKINFO 8 Delay to be Applied Register A090007B VPLEN 8 Vbus Pulsing Charge Register A090007C HS_EOF1 8 Time Buffer Available on HS Transaction Register A090007D FS_EOF1 8 Time Buffer Available on FS Transaction Register A090007E LS_EOF1 8 Time Buffer Available on LS Transaction Register A090007F RST_INFO 8 Reset Information Register A0900080 RXTOG 16 Rx Data Toggle Set/Status Register A0900082 RXTOGEN 16 Rx Data Toggle Enable Register A0900084 TXTOG 16 Tx Data Toggle Set/Status Register A0900086 TXTOGEN 16 Tx Data Toggle Enable Register A09000A0 USB_L1INTS 32 USB Level 1 Interrupt Status Register A09000A4 USB_L1INTM 32 USB Level 1 Interrupt Mask Register A09000A8 USB_L1INTP 32 USB Level 1 Interrupt Polarity Register A09000AC USB_L1INTC 32 USB Level 1 Interrupt Control Register A0900102 CSR0_PERI 16 EP0 Control Status Register A0900108 COUNT0 16 EP0 Received Bytes Register A090010A Type0 8 EP0 Type Register A090010B NAKLIMT0 8 NAK Limit Register A090010C SRAMCONFIG SIZE 16 SRAM Size Register A090010E HBCONFIGDA TA 8 High Bind-width Configuration Register A090010F CONFIGDATA 8 Core Configuration Register A0900110 TX1MAP 16 TX1MAP Register A0900112 TX1CSR_PERI 16 Tx1 CSR Register A0900114 RX1MAP 16 RX1MAP Register A0900116 RX1CSR_PERI 16 RX1 CSR Register Rx1 Count Register A0900118 RX1COUNT 16 A090011A TX1TYPE 8 Tx1Type Register A090011B TX1INTERVAL 8 Tx1Interval Register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 146 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: Unified_USB Base address: (+A0900000h) A090011C RX1TYPE 8 Rx1Type Register A090011D RX1INTERVAL 8 Rx1Interval Register A090011F FIFOSIZE1 8 EP1 Configured FIFO Size Register A0900120 TX2MAP 16 TX2MAP Register A0900122 TX2CSR_PERI 16 Tx2 CSR Register A0900124 RX2MAP 16 RX2MAP Register A0900126 RX2CSR_PERI 16 RX2 CSR Register A0900128 RX2COUNT 16 Rx2 Count Register A090012A TX2TYPE 8 Tx2Type Register A090012B TX2INTERVAL 8 Tx2Interval Register A090012C RX2TYPE 8 Rx2Type Register A090012D RX2INTERVA L 8 Rx2Interval Register A090012F FIFOSIZE2 8 EP2 Configured FIFO Size Register A0900130 TX3MAP 16 TX3MAP Register A0900132 TX3CSR_PERI 16 Tx3 CSR Register A090013A TX3TYPE 8 Tx3Type Register A090013B TX3INTERVAL 8 Tx3Interval Register A090013F FIFOSIZE3 8 EP3 Configured FIFO Size Register A0900140 TX4MAP 16 TX4MAP Register A0900142 TX4CSR_PERI 16 Tx4 CSR Register A090014A TX4TYPE 8 Tx4Type Register A090014B TX4INTERVA L 8 Tx4Interval Register A090014F FIFOSIZE4 8 EP4 Configured FIFO Size Register A0900200 DMA_INTR 32 DMA Interrupt Status Register A0900204 DMA_CNTL_0 16 DMA Channel 0 Control Register A0900208 DMA_ADDR_ 0 32 DMA Channel 0 Address Register A090020C DMA_COUNT _0 32 DMA Channel 0 Byte Count Register A0900210 DMA_LIMITE R 32 DMA Limiter Register A0900214 DMA_CNTL_1 16 DMA Channel 1 Control Register A0900218 DMA_ADDR_1 32 DMA Channel 1 Address Register A090021C DMA_COUNT _1 32 DMA Channel 1 Byte Count Register A0900220 DMA_CONFIG 32 DMA Configuration Register A0900224 DMA_CNTL_2 16 DMA Channel 2 Control Register A0900228 DMA_ADDR_ 2 32 DMA Channel 2 Address Register A090022C DMA_COUNT _2 32 DMA Channel 2 Byte Count Register A0900234 DMA_CNTL_3 16 DMA Channel 3 Control Register A0900238 DMA_ADDR_ 3 32 DMA Channel 3 Address Register A090023C DMA_COUNT _3 32 DMA Channel 3 Byte Count Register A0900304 EP1RXPKTCO UNT 16 EP1 RxPktCount Register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 147 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: Unified_USB Base address: (+A0900000h) A0900308 EP2RXPKTCO UNT 16 EP2 RxPktCount Register A0900604 TM1 16 Test Mode 1 Register A0900608 HWVER_DAT E 32 HW Version Control Register A0900684 SRAMA 32 SRAM Address Register A0900688 SRAMD 32 SRAM Data Register A0900690 RISC_SIZE 32 RISC Size Register A0900700 RESREG 32 Reserved Register A0900730 OTG20_CSRL 8 OTG20 Related Control Register L A0900731 OTG20_CSRH 8 OTG20 Related Control Register H A090000 0 FADDR Bit Name Type Reset 15 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 0 0 FUNCTION_ADDRE SS FAddr is an 8-bit register that should be written with the 7-bit address of the peripheral part of the transaction. When the USB2.0 controller is used in Peripheral mode (DevCtl.bit2=0), this register should be written with the address received through a SET_ADDRESS command, which will then be used for decoding the function address in subsequent token packets. When the USB2.0 controller is used in host mode (DevCtl.bit2=1), function address will be configured by TXFUNCADDR and RXFUNCADDR. 15 POWER_PER I 14 13 12 Power Management Register 11 10 9 8 20 5 4 Name ISO UP DA TE SO FTC ON N HS EN AB Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 6 2 Description 6 7 3 FUNCTION_ADDRESS RW 0 0 0 0 0 7 Bit(s) 00 Name A0900001 Bit 13 0 Bit(s) 6:0 14 Function Address Register (Device mode only) 3 2 1 HS MO DE RE SET RE SU ME SU SPE ND MO DE RU 0 RU 0 RW 0 RU 0 0 EN AB LES US PE ND M RW 0 Name Description ISOUPDATE When set by the CPU, the USB2.0 controller will wait for an SOF token from the time TxPktRdy is set before sending the packet. If an IN token is received before an SOF token, a 0 length data packet will be sent. Note: Only valid in peripheral mode. This bit only affects endpoints performing Isochronous transfers. SOFTCONN If Soft Connect/Disconnect feature is enabled, the USB D+/D- lines will be enabled when this bit is set by the CPU and tri-stated when this bit is cleared by the CPU. In Peripheral FS mode, clearing Softcon bit may need execution of latency until © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 148 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description USB BUS SE0 is detected by HW. Execution Latency ~= 1ms, such as SOF Packet EOP or RESET In Peripheral HS mode, clearing Softcon bit still needs execution of latency until USB BUS SE0 is detected by HW. Execution Latency ~= 1us, such as HS idle Note: This bit should only be set in peripheral mode. For host mode, this bit will be set if DEVCTL[0] session bit is set. This bit should also be cleared if session bit is cleared by CPU. HSENAB When set by the CPU, the USB2.0 controller will negotiate for highspeed mode when the device is reset by the hub. If not set, the device will only operate in full-speed mode. 4 HSMODE When set, this read-only bit indicates high-speed mode successfully negotiated during USB reset. In peripheral mode, becomes valid when USB reset is completed (as indicated by USB reset interrupt). In host mode, becomes valid when Reset bit is cleared. Remains valid for the duration of the session. Note: Allowance is made for Tiny-J signaling in determining the transfer speed to select. 3 RESET This bit is set when Reset signaling is present on the bus. Note: This bit is read/written from the CPU in host mode but read-only in peripheral mode. 2 RESUME Set by the CPU to generate Resume signaling when the function is in suspend mode. The CPU should clear this bit after 10ms (max. 15ms) to end Resume signaling. In host mode, this bit is also automatically set when Resume signaling from the target is detected when the USB2.0 controller is suspended. 1 SUSPENDMODE In host mode, this bit is set by the CPU to enter suspend mode. In peripheral mode, this bit is set on entryo into suspend mode. Cleared when the CPU reads the interrupt register or sets up the Resume bit above. 0 ENABLESUSPENDM Set by the CPU to enable the SUSPENDM output 5 A090000 2 Bit 15 Tx Interrupt Status Register INTRTX 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Name Type Reset 0000 4 EP4 _T X W1C 0 3 EP3 _T X W1C 0 Bit(s) Name Description 4 EP4_TX T4 Endpoint N interrupt event 3 EP3_TX T3 Endpoint N interrupt event 2 EP2_TX T2 Endpoint N interrupt event 1 EP1_TX T1 Endpoint N interrupt event. 0 EP0 Endpoint 0 interrupt event © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 2 EP2 _T X W1C 0 1 EP1 _T X W1C 0 0 EP 0 W1C 0 Page 149 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090000 4 Bit 15 Rx Interrupt Status Register INTRRX 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 2 EP2_RX R2 Endpoint N interrupt event 1 EP1_RX R1 Endpoint N interrupt event A090000 6 Bit 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Name Type Reset 4 EP4 _T XE RW 1 3 EP3 _T XE RW 1 Name Description 4 EP4_TXE 1'b0: Disable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 1'b1: Enable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 3 EP3_TXE 1'b0: Disable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 1'b1: Enable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 2 EP2_TXE 1'b0: Disable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 1'b1: Enable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 1 EP1_TXE 1'b0: Disable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 1'b1: Enable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 0 EP0_E 1'b0: Disable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event 1'b1: Enable Tx Endpoint N interrupt event Bit 15 14 13 12 2 EP2 _T XE RW 1 1 EP1 _T XE RW 1 Rx Interrupt Enable Register INTRRXE 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 EP 0_ E RW 1 FFFE 4 3 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 2 EP2_RXE 1'b0: Disable Rx Endpoint N interrupt event 1'b1: Enable Rx Endpoint N interrupt event 1 EP1_RXE 1'b0: Disable Rx Endpoint N interrupt event 1'b1: Enable Rx Endpoint N interrupt event © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 FFFF Bit(s) A090000 8 1 EP1 _R X W1C 0 Tx Interrupt Enable Register INTRTXE 14 2 EP2 _R X W1C 0 2 EP2 _R XE RW 1 1 EP1 _R XE RW 1 0 Page 150 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090000 A Bit Common USB Interrupt Register INTRUSB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Name Type Reset 7 VB US ER RO R W1C 0 00 6 5 4 3 SES SR EQ DIS CO N CO NN SO F W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 2 RE SET _B AB LE W1C 0 1 0 RE SU ME SU SPE ND W1C 0 W1C 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 VBUSERROR Set when VBus drops below the VBus Valid threshold during a session Only valid when USB2.0 controller is 'A' device. 6 SESSREQ Set when Session Request signaling has been detected Only valid when USB2.0 controller is 'A' device. 5 DISCON Set in host mode when a device disconnect is detected. Set in peripheral mode when a session ends. Valid at all transaction speeds. 4 CONN Set when a device connection is detected Only valid in host mode. Valid at all transaction speeds. 3 SOF Set when a new frame starts. 2 RESET_BABLE Set in peripheral mode when Reset signaling is detected on the bus. Set in host mode when babble is detected. Note: Only active after the first SOF has been sent. 1 RESUME Set when Resume signaling is detected on the bus when the USB2.0 controller is in suspend mode. 0 SUSPEND Set when Suspend signaling is detected on the bus Only valid in peripheral mode. A090000 B Bit Common USB Interrupt Enable Register INTRUSBE 15 14 13 Name Type Reset 12 11 10 9 8 7 VB US ER RO R_ E RW 0 06 6 5 4 3 SES SR EQ _E DIS CO N_ E CO NN _E SO F_E RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 VBUSERROR_E Enables VBusError interrupt 6 SESSREQ_E Enables SessReq interrupt 5 DISCON_E Enables Discon interrupt 4 CONN_E Enables Conn interrupt 3 SOF_E Enables SOF interrupt 2 RESET_BABLE_E Enables Reset/Babble interrupt 1 RESEUM_E Enables Resume interrupt 0 SUSPEND_E Enables Suspend interrupt © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 2 RE SET _B AB LE _E RW 1 1 0 RE SE UM _E SU SPE ND _E RW 1 RW 0 Page 151 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090000 C Bit Name Type Reset 15 Frame Number Register FRAME 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 6 5 0000 4 FRAME_NUMBER RU 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 10:0 FRAME_NUMBER Frame is a 11-bit read-only register that holds the last received frame number. A090000 E Bit Name Type Reset 15 Bit(s) 3:0 14 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SELECTED_ENDPOINT RW 0 0 0 0 SELECTED_ENDPO INT Each TX endpoint and RX endpoint has its own set of control/status registers located between USB+100h - USB+1FFh. In addition, one set of TX control/status and one set of RX control/status registers appear at USB+010h - USB+01Fh. Index is a 4-bit register that determines which endpoint control/status registers are accessed. Before accessing an endpoint's control/status registers at USB+010h - USB+01Fh, the endpoint number should be written to the Index register to ensure that the correct control/status registers appear in the memory map. 15 Test Mode Enable Register TESTMODE 14 13 Type Reset 7 11 Description Name Bit(s) 12 00 Name A090000 F Bit Endpoint Selection Index Register INDEX 12 11 10 9 8 7 FO RC E_ HO ST RW 0 6 FIF O_ AC CES S A0 0 00 5 4 FO RC E_ FS FO RC E_ HS RW 0 RW 0 3 TES T_P AC KE T RW 0 2 1 TES T_ K TES T_J RW 0 RW 0 0 TES T_S E0 _N AK RW 0 Name Description FORCE_HOST The CPU sets up this bit to instruct the core to enter host mode when the Session bit is set, regardless of whether it is connected to any peripheral. The state of the CID input, HostDisconnect and LineState signals are ignored. The core will then remain in host mode until the Session bit is cleared, even if a device is disconnected, and if the Force_Host bit remains set, will re-enter host mode the next time the Session bit is set. When in this mode, the status of the HOSTDISCON signal from the PHY may be read from bit7 of the ACTLR0.DevCtl register. The operating speed is determined by the Force_HS and Force_FS bits as the following. USB2.0 IP only Force_HS Force_FS Operating Speed 0 0 Low Speed 0 1 Full Speed 1 0 High Speed © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 152 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 1 1 Undefined 6 FIFO_ACCESS The CPU sets up this bit to transfer the packet in Endpoint 0 TX FIFO to Endpoint 0 RX FIFO. It is cleared automatically. USB2.0 IP only. 5 FORCE_FS The CPU sets up this bit either in conjunction with bit7 above or to force the USB2.0 controller into full-speed mode when it receives a USB reset. 4 FORCE_HS The CPU sets up this bit either in conjunction with bit7 above or to force the USB2.0 controller into high-speed mode when it receives a USB reset. USB2.0 IP only. 3 TEST_PACKET (HS_MODE) The CPU sets up this bit to enter Test_Packet test mode. In this mode, the USB2.0 controller repetitively transmits on the bus a 53-byte test packet, the form of which is defined in the Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, Section 7.1.20. Note: The test packet has a fixed format and must be loaded into Endpoint 0 FIFO before the test mode is entered. USB2.0 IP only. 2 TEST_K (HS_MODE) The CPU sets up this bit to enter Test_K test mode. In this mode, the USB2.0 controller transmits a continuous K on the bus. USB2.0 IP only. 1 TEST_J (HS_MODE) The CPU sets up this bit to enter Test_J test mode. In this mode, the USB2.0 controller transmits a continuous J on the bus. USB2.0 IP only. 0 TEST_SE0_NAK (HS_MODE) The CPU sets up this bit to enter Test_SE0_NAK test mode. In this mode, the USB2.0 controller remains in high-speed mode but responds to any valid IN token with a NAK. USB2.0 IP only. A0900010 Bit Name Type Reset 15 TXMAP 14 13 TXMAP Register 12 0 M_1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 12:11 M_1 Maximum payload size for indexed TX endpoint, M-1 Packet multiplier m maximum payload transaction register MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The TxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected TX endpoint in a single operation. There is a TxMaxP register for each TX endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bit10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in fullspeed and high-speed operations. Where the option of highbandwidth Isochronous endpoints or of packet splitting on Bulk endpoints has been taken when the core is configured, the register includes either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. In the case of Bulk endpoints with the packet splitting option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the maximum number of 'USB' packets (i.e. packets for transmission over the USB) of the specified payload into which a single data packet placed in the FIFO should be split, prior to transfer. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit1513 will not be implemented and bit12-11 (if included) will be ignored.) Note: The data packet is required to be an exact multiple of the payload specified by bit10~0, which is itself required to be one of 8, 16, 32, 64 or (in the case of high speed transfers) 512 bytes. For Isochronous endpoints operating in highspeed mode and with the high-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit 11 set or bit 12 set, respectively) and it specifies the 10:0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 153 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single microframe. If either bit11 or bit12 is non-0, the USB2.0 controller will automatically split any data packet written to the FIFO into up to 2 or 3 'USB' packets, each containing the specified payload (or less). The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be transmitted in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in fullspeed mod, bits11 and 12 are ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) should match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch will cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) should not exceed the FIFO size for the TX endpoint and should not exceed half the FIFO size if double-buffering is required. If this register is changed after packets have been sent from the endpoint, the TX endpoint FIFO should be completely flushed (using the FlushFIFO bit in TxCSR) after writing the new value to this register. A0900012 Bit TXCSR_PERI 15 14 13 11 10 FR CD AT AT OG DM AR EQ MO DE RW 0 RW 0 Name AU TO SET ISO DM AR EQ EN Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Tx CSR Register 12 9 8 SET TX PK TR DY _T WI CE A1 0 0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PT X CL RD AT AT OG SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO UN DE RR UN FIF ON OT EM PT Y TX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 A1 0 RU 0 A0 0 Name Description AUTOSET If The CPU sets up this bit, TxPktRdy will be automatically set when data of the maximum packet size (value in TxMaxP) is loaded into the TxFIFO. If a packet of less than the maximum packet size is loaded, TxPktRdy will have to be set manually. 14 ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the TX endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the TX endpoint for Bulk or Interrupt transfers. Note: This bit only takes effect in peripheral mode. In host mode, it always returns 0. 12 DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for TX endpoint. FRCDATATOG The CPU sets up this bit to force the endpoint data toggle to switch and the data packet to be cleared from the FIFO, regardless of whether an ACK is received. This can be used by Interrupt TX endpoints used to communicate rate feedback for Isochronous endpoints. 10 DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA request mode 1 and clears it to select DMA request mode 0. Note: This bit should not be cleared either before or in the same cycle as the DMAReqEn bit is cleared. 8 SETTXPKTRDY_TW ICE Indicates TxPktRdy had been set while it is 1'b1 already. Write 0 to clear it. INCOMPTX When the endpoint is used for high-bandwidth Isochronous/Interrupt transfers, this bit will be set to indicate where a large packet has been split into 2 or 3 packets for transmission but insufficient IN tokens have been received to send all the parts. Note: In anything other than a high-bandwidth transfer, this bit will always return 0. 15 11 7 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 154 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description Write 0 to clear it. CLRDATATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. SENTSTALL This bit is set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The FIFO will be flushed and TX interrupt generated if enabled and the TxPktRdy bit is cleared. The CPU should clear this bit. Write 0 to clear it. SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake to an IN token. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is used for Isochronous transfer. Otherwise, CPU should wait for SENTSTALL interrupt to be generated before clearing the SENDSTALL bit. 3 FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the latest packet from the endpoint TxFIFO. The FIFO pointer is reset, the TxPktRdy bit is cleared, and an interrupt is generated. May be set simultaneously with TxPktRdy to abort the packet that is currently loaded into the FIFO. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when TxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. If the FIFO is double-buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear the FIFO. 2 UNDERRUN The USB sets up this bit if an IN token is received when the TxPktRdy bit not set. The CPU should clear this bit. Write 0 to clear it. 1 FIFONOTEMPTY The USB sets up this bit when there is at least 1 packet in the TxFIFO. This bit will be asserted automatically when TXPKTRDY is set by CPU and de-asserted when CPU flushes FIFO or sends a STALL packet. TXPKTRDY The CPU sets up this bit after loading a data packet into the FIFO. It is cleared automatically when a data packet has been transmitted. An interrupt is also generated at this point (if enabled). TxPktRdy is also automatically cleared (interrupt is generated) prior to loading a second packet into a double-buffered FIFO. 6 5 4 0 A0900014 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 12:11 10:0 15 RXMAP 14 13 RXMAP Register 12 0 M_1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Name Description M_1 Maximum payload size for indexed RX endpoint , M-1 Packet multiplier m MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The RxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected RX endpoint in a single operation. There is a RxMaxP register for each RX endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bit10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in fullspeed and high-speed operations. Where the option of high-bandwidth Isochronous endpoints or of combining Bulk packets has been taken when the core is configured, the register includes either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. For Bulk endpoints with the packet combining option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the number of USB packets of the specified payload which are to be combined into a single data packet within the FIFO. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit15-bit13 will not be implemented and bit12-bit11 (if included) will be ignored.) For Isochronous endpoints operating in high-speed mode and with the high-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit 11 set or bit 12 set, respectively) and it © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 155 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description specifies the maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single microframe. If either bit 11 or bit 12 is non-0, the USB2.0 controller will automatically combine the separate USB packets received in any microframe into a single packet within the Rx FIFO. The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be received in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in full-speed mode or if high-bandwidth is not enabled, bits 11 and 12 are ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) must match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch will cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) should not exceed the FIFO size for the OUT endpoint, and should not exceed half the FIFO size if double-buffering is required. A0900016 Bit 15 RXCSR_PERI RX CSR Register 14 13 12 11 Name AU TO CL EA R ISO DM AR EQ EN DIS NY ET _PI DE RR DM AR EQ MO DE Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) 10 9 KE EP ER RS TA TU S RW 0 0000 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PR X CL RD TA TO G SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO DA TA ER R OV ER RU N FIF OF UL L RX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 RU 0 A1 0 RU 0 A1 0 Name Description 15 AUTOCLEAR If the CPU sets up this bit, the RxPktRdy bit will be automatically cleared when a packet of RxMaxP bytes has been unloaded from the RxFIFO. When packets of less than the maximum packet size are unloaded, RxPktRdy will have to be cleared manually. Note: Maximum packet size-3,-2,-1 is handled like maximum packet size which is auto cleared by hardware. 14 ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the Rx endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the Rx endpoint for Bulk/Interrupt transfers. 13 DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for the Rx endpoint. DISNYET_PIDERR The CPU sets up this bit to disable the sending of NYET handshakes. When set, all successfully received Rx packets will be ACK'd including at the point at which the RxFIFO becomes full. Note: This bit only takes effect in high-speed mode, in which it should be set for all interrupt endpoints. This bit is set when there is a PID error in the received packet. It is cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared or write 0 to clear it. DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA Request Mode 1 and clears it to select DMA Request Mode 0. DMA Request Mode 1: Rx endpoint interrupt is generated only when DMA Request Mode 1 receives a short packet. RxDMAReq is generated when receiving a Max-Packet-size packet. DMA Request Mode 0: No Rx endpoint interrupt. RxDMAReq is generated when RxPktRdy is set. KEEPERRSTATUS This bit is used when endpoint works with USBQ and in ISOCHRONOUS mode. When this bit is set, the isochronous error, PIDERROR, INCOMPRX and DATAERROR will be kept and only cleared by SW. 12 11 9 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 156 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 8 INCOMPRX This bit is set in an isochronous transfer if the packet in RxFIFO is incomplete because parts of the data are not received. When KeepErrorStatus = 0, it will be cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared or write 0 to clear it. Note: In anything other than an isochronous transfer, this bit will always return 0. Write 0 to clear it. 7 CLRDTATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. 6 SENTSTALL This bit is set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The CPU should clear this bit. An interrupt will be generated when the bit is set. Write 0 to clear it. 5 SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is used for ISO transfers. FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the next packet to be read from the endpoint RxFIFO. The RxFIFO pointer is reset and the RxPktRdy bit is cleared. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when RxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. If RxFIFO is double buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear RxFIFO. DATAERR This bit is set when RxPktRdy is set if the data packet has a CRC or bit-stuff error in it. It is cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared. Note: This bit is only valid when the endpoint operates in ISO mode. In Bulk mode, it always returns to 0. 2 OVERRUN This bit will be set if an OUT packet cannot be loaded into RxFIFO. The CPU should clear this bit (write 0 to clear it). Note: This bit is only valid when the endpoint operates in ISO mode. In Bulk mode, it always returns to 0. The new incoming packet will not be written to RxFIFO. Write 0 to clear it. 1 FIFOFULL This bit is set when no more packets can be loaded into RxFIFO. RXPKTRDY This bit is set when a data packet has been received (to RxFIFO). The CPU should clear this bit when the packet has been unloaded from RxFIFO. An interrupt will be generated when the bit is set. Write 0 to clear it. 4 3 0 A0900018 Bit Name Type Reset 15 Bit(s) 13:0 RXCOUNT 14 Name Type Reset 15 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 RXCOUNT RU 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description RXCOUNT It is a 14-bit read-only register that holds the number of received data bytes in the packet in RxFIFO. Note: The value returns changes as FIFO is unloaded and is only valid when RxPktRdy (RxCSR.D0) is set. A090001A Bit Rx Count Register 13 TXTYPE 14 13 TxType Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 TX_SPEE D RW 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 5 4 TX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 TX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Page 157 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option. When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed 2'b00: Unused 7:6 TX_SPEED 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 TX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set up this bit to select the required protocol for Tx endpoint: 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 TX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. A090001B Bit Name Type Reset 15 Bit(s) 7:0 TXINTERVA L 14 Name Type Reset 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 00 5 4 3 2 1 0 TX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description TX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M (Host mode only) TxInterval Register TxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently selected Tx endpoint. For Bulk endpoints, this register sets up the number of frames/microframes after which the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a TxInterval register for each configured Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high speed transfers), as the following: Transfer Type | Speed | Valid values (m) | Interpretation Interrupt | Low Speed or Full Speed | 1-255 | Polling interval is m frames. Interrupt | High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) microframes Isochronous | Full Speed or High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk | Full Speed or High Speed | 2-16 | NAK Limit is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. A090001C Bit 13 TxInterval Register 15 RXTYPE 14 13 RxType Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 RXSPEED 0 RW 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 5 4 RX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 RX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Page 158 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description RXSPEED Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option. When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed 2'b00: Unused 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 RX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set this to select the required protocol for the Tx endpoint: 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 RX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. 7:6 A090001 D RXINTERVA L Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 Bit(s) 7:0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 00 5 4 3 2 1 0 RX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description RX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M RxInterval Register RxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently selected Rx endpoint. For Bulk endpoints, this register sets the number of frames/microframes after which the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a RxInterval register for each configured Rx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). RX POLLING INTERVAL/NAK LIMIT (M), (host mode only) In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high speed transfers), as the following: Transfer type speed valid values (m) interpretation Interrupt low speed or full speed 1 - 255 polling interval is m frames. High speed 1 - 16 polling interval is 2(m-1) microframes Isochronous full speed or high speed 1 - 16 polling interval is 2(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk full speed or high speed 2 - 16 NAK limit is 2(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. A090001F Bit Name Type Reset 13 RxInterval Register 15 FIFOSIZE 14 13 12 Configured FIFO Size Register 11 10 9 8 7 0 6 5 RXFIFOSIZE DC 0 0 00 4 3 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 RXFIFOSIZE Indicates RxFIFO size of 2^n bytes Example: Value 10 means 2^10 = 1024 bytes. 3:0 TXFIFOSIZE Indicates TxFIFO size of 2^n bytes Example: Value 10 means 2^10 = 1024 bytes. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 2 1 TXFIFOSIZE DC 0 0 0 0 Page 159 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name A0900020 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 FIFO0 30 0 0 27 0 26 0 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 FIFO_DATA[31:16] Other 0 0 0 0 FIFO_DATA[15:0] Other 0 0 0 0 21 00000000 20 19 0 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description FIFO_DATA The Endpoint FIFO registers provides 16 addresses for CPU to access FIFOs for each endpoint. Writing to these addresses loads data into TxFIFO for the corresponding endpoint. Reading from these addresses unloads data from RxFIFO for the corresponding endpoint. Note: 1. Transfers to and from FIFOs may be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit as required, and any combination of access is allowed provided the data accessed are contiguous. However, all the transfers associated with one packet must be of the ame width so that the data are consistently byte-, word- or double-word-aligned. The last transfer may however contain fewer bytes than the previous transfers in order to complete an odd-byte or odd-word transfer. For DC/DTV project, also refer to the RISC_SIZE register to complete FIFO access. 2. Depending on the size of the FIFO and the expected maximum packet size, the FIFOs support either single-packet or double-packet buffering. However, burst writing of multiple packets is not supported as flags need to be set after each packet is written. 3. Following a STALL response or a Tx Strike Out error on Endpoint, the associated FIFO is completely flushed. 4. For programmers, do not use debug tools to monitor or read the FIFO region. The FIFO pointer will increase and cause unexpected error in MAC state machine. A0900024 31:0 0 28 14 31:0 Bit(s) 29 USB Endpoint 0 FIFO Register 15 Bit(s) Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description FIFO1 30 0 29 0 USB Endpoint 1 FIFO Register 28 0 27 0 26 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 FIFO_DATA[31:16] Other 0 0 0 0 FIFO_DATA[15:0] Other 0 0 0 0 21 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description FIFO_DATA The Endpoint FIFO registers provides 16 addresses for CPU access to FIFOs for each endpoint. Writing to these addresses loads data into the TxFIFO for the corresponding endpoint. Reading from these addresses unloads data from RxFIFO for the corresponding endpoint. Note: 1. Transfers to and from FIFOs may be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit as required, and any combination of access is allowed provided the data accessed are contiguous. However, all the transfers associated with one packet must be of the ame width so that the data are consistently byte-, word- or double-word-aligned. The last transfer may however contain fewer bytes than the previous transfers in order to © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 160 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description complete an odd-byte or odd-word transfer. For DC/DTV project, also refer to the RISC_SIZE register to complete FIFO access. 2. Depending on the size of the FIFO and the expected maximum packet size, the FIFOs support either single-packet or double-packet buffering. However, burst writing of multiple packets is not supported as flags need to be set after each packet is written. 3. Following a STALL response or a Tx Strike Out error on Endpoint, the associated FIFO is completely flushed. 4. For programmers, do not use debug tools to monitor or read the FIFO region. The FIFO pointer will increase and cause unexpected error in MAC state machine. A090002 8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) 31:0 15 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 FIFO_DATA[31:16] Other 0 0 0 0 FIFO_DATA[15:0] Other 0 0 0 0 21 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description FIFO_DATA The Endpoint FIFO registers provides 16 addresses for CPU access to the FIFOs for each endpoint. Writing to these addresses loads data into TxFIFO for the corresponding endpoint. Reading from these addresses unloads data from RxFIFO for the corresponding endpoint. Note: 1. Transfers to and from FIFOs may be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit as required, and any combination of access is allowed provided the data accessed are contiguous. However, all the transfers associated with one packet must be of the ame width so that the data are consistently byte-, word- or double-word-aligned. The last transfer may however contain fewer bytes than the previous transfers in order to complete an odd-byte or odd-word transfer. For DC/DTV project, also refer to RISC_SIZE register to complete FIFO access. 2. Depending on the size of the FIFO and the expected maximum packet size, the FIFOs support either single-packet or double-packet buffering. However, burst writing of multiple packets is not supported as flags need to be set after each packet is written. 3. Following a STALL response or a Tx Strike Out error on Endpoint, the associated FIFO is completely flushed. 4. For programmers, do not use debug tools to monitor or read the FIFO region. The FIFO pointer will increase and cause unexpected error in MAC state machine. A090006 0 Bit USB Endpoint 2 FIFO Register FIFO2 Device Control Register DEVCTL 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 80 6 5 Name B_ DE VIC E FS DE V LS DE V VBUS HO ST MO DE Type RU RU RU RU RU Reset 1 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 HO ST RE Q Oth er 0 0 SES SIO N Oth er 0 Page 161 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 7 Description This read-only bit indicates whether the USB2.0 controller operates as the 'A' device or the 'B' device. Only valid when a session is in progress. Note: If the core is in Force_Host mode, this bit will indicate the state of the HOSTDISCON input signal from the PHY. 1'b0: 'A' device B_DEVICE 1'b1: 'B' device 6 FSDEV This read-only bit is set when a full-speed or high-speed device has been detected being connected to the port. (High-speed devices are distinguished from full-speed by checking for high-speed chirps when the device is reset.) Only valid in host mode. 5 LSDEV This read-only bit is set when a low-speed device has been detected being connected to the port. Only valid in host mode. 4:3 VBUS These read-only bits encode the current VBUS level as the following: (only available with OTG function equipped; else the register value will be undefined.) 2'b00: Below SessionEnd 2'b01: Above SessionEnd, below AValid 2'b10: Above AValid, below VBusValid 2'b11: About VBusValid 2 HOSTMODE This read-only bit is set when the USB2.0 controller is acting as a host. 1 HOSTREQ When set, the USB2.0 controller will initiate Host Negotiation when Suspend mode is entered. Cleared when Host Negotiation is completed ('B' device only). SESSION When operating as 'A' device, this bit is set or cleared by the CPU to start or end a session. When operating as 'B' device, this bit is set/cleared by the USB2.0 controller when a session starts/ends. It is also set by the CPU to initiate the Session Request Protocol. When the USB2.0 controller is in Suspend mode, the bit may be cleared by the CPU to perform software disconnect. Note: Clearing this bit when the core is not suspended will result in undefined behavior. 0 A0900061 PWRUPCNT Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 13 12 Power Up Counter Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0F 4 3 1 2 1 PWRUPCNT RW 1 1 0 1 Bit(s) Name Description 3:0 PWRUPCNT Power up counter limit. The power up counter counts the K state duration during suspend; when it times out, the resume interrupt will be issued. The register should be configured according to AHB clock speed. A0900062 Bit 15 TXFIFOSZ 14 13 12 Tx FIFO Size Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 00 4 TX DP B RW 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 TXSZ 0 0 RW Page 162 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4 TXDPB Defines whether double-packet buffering supported for TxFIFO. When '1', double-packet buffering is supported. When '0', only singlepacket buffering is supported. TXSZ Maximum packet size to be allowed for (before any splitting within the FIFO of Bulk/High-Bandwidth packets prior to transmission). If TxDPB = 0, FIFO will also be this size; if TxDPB = 1, FIFO will be twice this size. TxSZ[3:0] Packet size (bytes) 4'b0000: 8 4'b0001: 16 4'b0010: 32 4'b0011: 64 4'b0100: 128 4'b0101: 256 4'b0110: 512 4'b0111: 1024 4'b1000: 2048 (single-packet buffering only) 4'b1001: 4096 (single-packet buffering only) Others: Not supported 3:0 A0900063 Bit 15 RXFIFOSZ 14 13 12 Rx FIFO Size Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Name Type Reset 00 4 RX DP B RW 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 RXSZ 0 0 RW Bit(s) Name Description 4 RXDPB Defines whether double-packet buffering supported for TxFIFO. When 1, double-packet buffering is supported. When 0, only singlepacket buffering is supported. RXSZ Maximum packet size to be allowed for (before any splitting within the FIFO of Bulk/High-Bandwidth packets prior to transmission). If TxDPB = 0, FIFO will also be this size; if TxDPB = 1, FIFO will be twice this size RxSZ[3:0] Packet size (bytes) 4'b0000: 8 4'b0001: 16 4'b0010: 32 4'b0011: 64 4'b0100: 128 4'b0101: 256 4'b0110: 512 4'b0111: 1024 4'b1000: 2048 (single-packet buffering only) 4'b1001: 4096 (single-packet buffering only) Others: Not supported 3:0 A090006 4 Bit Name Type Reset 15 Tx FIFO Address Register TXFIFOADD 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 TXFIFOADD RW 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 163 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) 12:0 A090006 6 Name Description TXFIFOADD TxFIFOadd is a 13-bit register which controls the start address of the selected Tx endpoint FIFO. TxFIFOadd[12:0] Start address 13'h0000: 0000 13'h0001: 0008 13'h0002: 0010 13'h1FFF: FFF8 Rx FIFO Address Register RXFIFOADD Bit 15 Name Dat aEr rInt rEn Type Reset RW 0 14 Ove rR UN Intr En RW 0 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RXFIFOADD 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 15 DataErrIntrEn Enables data error interrupt Note: This bit is only valid when the endpoint is operating in ISO mode. 14 OverRUNIntrEn Enables over run interrupt Note: this bit is only valid when the endpoint is operating in ISO mode. RXFIFOADD RxFIFOadd is a 13-bit register which controls the start address of the selected Rx endpoint FIFO. RxFIFOadd[12:0] Start address 13'h0000: 0000 13'h0001: 0008 13'h0002: 0010 13'h1FFF: FFF8 12:0 A090006 C Bit Name Type Reset Hardware Capability Register HWCAPS 15 QM U_ SU PP OR T RO 0 14 HU B_ SU PP OR T RO 0 13 US B20 _S UP PO RT RO 1 12 US B11 _S UP PO RT RO 0 11 10 MSTR_W RAP_INT FX 0 DC 0 9 8 7 6 5 SLAVE_W RAP_INT FX 0 DC 2003 4 3 2 1 0 USB_VERSION_CODE 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 0 0 15 QMU_SUPPORT QMU feature support 14 HUB_SUPPORT HUB feature support 13 USB20_SUPPORT USB2.0 feature support 12 USB11_SUPPORT USB1.1 feature support 11:10 MSTR_WRAP_INTF X Configures AHB master interface 2'b00: Mentor AHB master interface © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. RO 0 1 1 Page 164 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 2'b01: Asynchronous AHB master interface 2'b10: Asynchronous AXI master interface 2'b11: Asynchronous DX DRAM master interface 9:8 SLAVE_WRAP_INT FX Configures AHB slave interface 2'b00: Mentor AHB slave interface 2'b01: Asynchronous AHB master interface 2'b10: Asynchronous AXI master interface 2'b11: Asynchronous DX CPU slave interface 5:0 USB_VERSION_CO DE USB hardware version code A090006 E Bit Name Type Reset 15 Version Register HWSVERS 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 0 6 0000 5 4 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 USB_SUB_VERSIO N_CODE USB software version code A0900070 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 CL RD MA RE QE AR LY _E N RW 0 BUSPERF1 14 13 12 SO FT_ DE BO UN CE ISO _E RR _C NT _E N ISO _R TY _DI S RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 3 2 1 USB Bus Performance Register 1 11 10 PR EA MB LE _D EL AY _E N RW 0 9 8 7 0 USB_SUB_VERSION_CODE RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 0 0000 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 HOST_WAIT_EP0 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 Name Description CLRDMAREQEARLY _EN CLRDMAREQEARLY_EN = 1 means DMAReq is cleared when 8 bytes of data remain in FIFO for RX, or TXMAXP-8 bytes are loaded in FIFO for TX. CLRDMAREQEARLY_EN = 0 means DMAReq is only cleared when RX FIFO is read empty, or TXMAXP is loaded to TX FIFO. 14 SOFT_DEBOUNCE If soft_debounce=0, debounce will be implemented by hardware, that is 120ms, the same as before. If soft_debounce=1, after DP/DM is stable for 1ms, connection interrupt will be generated, and software will determine how long the delay is for debounce. This bit only affects the debounce behavior when the cable starts connection. It does not affect HNP when the cable is connected. 13 ISO_ERR_CNT_EN Musbhdrc has different behavior from the USB spec. in HUB ISO mode. When this bit is set, the Strike out mechanism of re-try failed will be engaged and complete the transaction. 12 ISO_RTY_DIS Musbhdrc has different behavior from the USB spec. in HUB ISO 15 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 165 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description mode. This bit is disable the retry of CSplit @ SOF 10 9:0 PREAMBLE_DELAY _EN Host mode only and downstream port connect to hub. This bit enables the function of host delay to issue a preamble +ack packet after receiving data from LS device about 3 LS bit time. HOST_WAIT_EP0 Host waiting time of Endpoint 0 The written value defines the minimum cycles for controller to issue the next IN/OUT/PING token during idle state. 0: No wait >0: During idle state, the controller must wait for at least the exact cycles written before it issues the next IN/OUT/PING token. The cycle unit is as USB system clock cycle. A0900072 Bit 15 Name HS R_I SOI CH K_ DIS Type Reset RW 1 BUSPERF2 14 HS T_I SO OC HK _DI S RW 1 13 12 USB Bus Performance Register 2 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 C000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOST_WAIT_EPX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 15 HSR_ISOICHK_DIS ISO Rx 0-packet Disable in host mode Optional disable selection for ISO Rx 0 packet 14 HST_ISOOCHK_DIS ISO Tx 0-packet Disable in host mode Optional disable selection for ISO Rx 0 packet HOST_WAIT_EPX Host waiting time of all endpoints except for Endpoint 0 The written value defines the minimum cycles for controller to issue the next IN/OUT/PING token during idle state. 0: No wait >0: During idle state, the controller must wait for at least the exact cycles written before it issues the next IN/OUT/PING token. The cycle unit is as USB system clock cycle. 13:0 A0900074 Bit 15 BUSPERF3 14 13 12 USB Bus Performance Register 3 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0A48 3 Name VB US ER R_ MO DE FL US H_ FIF O_ EN NO ISE _ST ILL _S OF BA B_ CL R_ EN UN DO _S RP FIX Type Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1 2 OT G_ DE GLI TC H_ DIS AB LE RW 0 1 0 EP _S WR ST DIS US BR ESE T A0 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 11 VBUSERR_MODE Controls whether VBUS error will reset USB controller or only set up the VBUS error bit © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 166 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 1'b0: Set up INTRUSB.bit[7] VBUS error only 1'b1: Reset USB controller and set up INTRUSB.bit[7] VBUS error tooDataErr interrupt enable. The DataErr status bit is in RxCSR[3] and should be written 0 to clear.TBD 9 FLUSH_FIFO_EN Enables Flush FIFO 1'b1: Clear USBPtr0, USBPtr1 of EPx Tx by flush FIFO command. 1'b0: USBPtr0, USBPtr1 of EPx Tx cannot be cleared by flush FIFO command. 7 NOISE_STILL_SOF Forces transmitting SOF as babble interrupt BAB_CLR_EN Controls babble session 1'b0: Babble interrupt will not close session automatically. 6 1'b1: Babble interrupt will close session automatically. 3 UNDO_SRPFIX The CPU sets up this bit to recover to the original circuit of USB2.0 IP about SRP. 2 OTG_DEGLITCH_D ISABLE Set to 1 to disable deglitch circuit of OTG signal group VBUSVALID, AVALID and SESSEND. EP_SWRST SW can reset the USB MAC setting by setting this bit to 1. EP_SWRST will be cleared by HW automatically. The MAC settings include function address, endpoint interrupt enable/status, endpoint state and EP TX/RX CSR. DISUSBRESET If DISUSBRESET is 0, USB MAC setting will be reset to inconfigured condition when USB bus reset is detected. SW can set this bit to 1 to disable USB MAC setting. Reset by HW when USB bus reset is detected. The HW reset MAC settings include: 1. Clear function address register 2. Clear index register 3. Flush all endpoint FIFOs 4. Clear control/status register a. EPN TX/RXMAXP b. EPN TX/RXCSR c. EPN TX/RXTYPE d. EPN TX/RXInterval e. EPN RXCOUNT f. EP0 CSR0 g. EP0 COUNT0 5. Enable TX/RX endpoint interrupt and clear TX/RX interrupt status Note: EPN TX/RX FIFOSZ/AD are not cleared. 1 0 A0900078 Bit Name Type Reset 15 EPINFO 14 13 Number of Tx and Rx Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 24 4 RXENDPOINTS RO 0 0 1 0 3 2 Name Description 7:4 RXENDPOINTS Number of Rx endpoints implemented in the design. 3:0 TXENDPOINTS Number of Tx endpoints implemented in the design. Bit Name Type Reset 15 RAMINFO 14 13 12 Width of RAM and Number of DMA Channel Register 11 10 9 8 7 0 6 5 DMACHANS RO 1 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 TXENDPOINTS RO 0 1 0 0 Bit(s) A0900079 1 4 3 0 1 4A 2 1 RAMBITS DC 0 1 0 0 Page 167 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 DMACHANS Number of DMA channels implemented in the design. 3:0 RAMBITS Width of the RAM address bus-1 A090007 A Bit Name Type Reset 15 Delay to be Applied Register LINKINFO 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 0 6 5 WTCON RW 1 0 5C 4 3 1 1 2 1 WTID RW 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 WTCON Sets the wait to be applied to allow for the user's connect/disconnect filter in units of 533.3ns. (The default setting corresponds to 2.667us.) The default value will change to be 4'h8 to meet 2.667us. 3:0 WTID Sets up delay to be applied from IDPULLUP being asserted to IDDIG being considered valid in units of 4.369ms. The default setting corresponds to 52.43ms.) A090007 B Bit Name Type Reset 15 Vbus Pulsing Charge Register VPLEN 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 1 3C 4 3 VPLEN RW 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 VPLEN Sets up duration of the VBus pulsing charge in units of 136.5 us. (The default setting corresponds to 8.19ms A090007C Bit Name Type Reset 15 Time Buffer Available on HS Transaction Register HS_EOF1 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 1 0 0 4 80 3 HS_EOF1 RW 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 HS_EOF1 Sets up high-speed transactions the time before EOF to stop beginning new transactions, in units of 133.3ns. The default setting corresponds to 17.07us. USB2.0 IP only. A090007 D Bit Name Type Reset 15 Time Buffer Available on FS Transaction Register FS_EOF1 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 1 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 4 77 3 FS_EOF1 RW 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 Page 168 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) 7:0 A090007E Bit Name Type Reset 15 Bit(s) 7:0 A090007F Bit Name Type Reset 15 Name Description FS_EOF1 Sets up full-speed transactions the time before EOF to stop beginning new transactions, in units of 533.3ns. (The default setting corresponds to 63.46us.) The default value will change to be 8'hBE to meet 63.46us. 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 1 1 7:4 3:0 3 LS_EOF1 RW 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 Description LS_EOF1 Sets up Q252low-speed transactions the time before EOF to stop beginning new transactions, in units of 1.067us. (The default setting corresponds to 121.6us.). USB2.0 IP only. The default value will change to be 8'hB6 to meet 121.6us. RST_INFO 14 13 12 Reset Information Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 WTFSSE0 RW 0 0 00 4 3 0 0 2 1 WTCHRP RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description WTFSSE0 Signifies the SE0 signal duration before issuing the reset signal (for device only). Duration = 272.8 x WTFSSE0 + 2.5 usec. This register will only be reset when hardware is reset. WTCHRP Sets up delay to be applied from detecting Reset to sending chirp K (for device only). The duration = 272.8 x WTCHRP + 0.1 usec. This register will only be reset when hardware is reset. A090008 0 15 4 72 Name 0 Bit(s) Bit Time Buffer Available on LS Transaction Register LS_EOF1 Rx Data Toggle Set/Status Register RXTOG 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Name Type Reset 4 0000 3 2 EP2 RX TO G Oth er 0 1 EP1 RX TO G Oth er 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 2 EP2RXTOG Receive Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit Set/Status When read, these bits indicate the current state of the Endpoint n data toggle. If enable bit is high, the bit may be written with the required setting of the data toggle. If enable is low, any value written will be ignored © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 169 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Logical Endpoint n RX data toggle bit = 0 1'b1: Logical Endpoint n RX data toggle bit = 1 1 EP1RXTOG A090008 2 Bit Receive Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit Set/Status. When read, these bits indicate the current state of the Endpoint n data toggle. If enable bit is high, the bit may be written with the required setting of the data toggle. If enable is low, any value written will be ignored Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Logical Endpoint n RX data toggle bit = 0 1'b1: Logical Endpoint n RX data toggle bit = 1 15 Rx Data Toggle Enable Register RXTOGEN 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0000 3 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 2 1 15 Description EP2RXTOGEN Enables Receive Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit If enable bit is set, the endpoint n data toggle can be set. Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Forbid RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG 1'b1: Allow RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG EP1RXTOGEN Enables Receive Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit If enable bit is set, the endpoint n data toggle can be set. Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Forbid RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG 1'b1: Allow RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG Tx Data Toggle Set/Status Register TXTOG 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 1 EP1 RX TO GE N RW 0 Name A090008 4 Bit 2 EP2 RX TO GE N RW 0 4 EP4 TX TO G Oth er 0 0 0000 3 EP3 TX TO G Oth er 0 2 EP2 TX TO G Oth er 0 1 EP1 TX TO G Oth er 0 0 Name Description 4 EP4TXTOG Transmit Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit Set/Status When read, these bits indicate the current state of the Endpoint n data toggle. If enable bit is high, the bit may be written with the required setting of the data toggle. If enable is low, any value written will be ignored Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 0 1'b1: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 1 3 EP3TXTOG Transmit Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit Set/Status When read, these bits indicate the current state of the Endpoint n data toggle. If enable bit is high, the bit may be written with the required setting of the data © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 170 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description toggle. If enable is low, any value written will be ignored Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 0 1'b1: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 1 2 1 A090008 6 Bit 15 EP2TXTOG Transmit Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit Set/Status When read, these bits indicate the current state of the Endpoint n data toggle. If enable bit is high, the bit may be written with the required setting of the data toggle. If enable is low, any value written will be ignored Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 0 1'b1: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 1 EP1TXTOG Transmit Logical Endpoint n Data Toggle Bit Set/Status When read, these bits indicate the current state of the Endpoint n data toggle. If enable bit is high, the bit may be written with the required setting of the data toggle. If enable is low, any value written will be ignored Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 0 1'b1: Logical Endpoint n TX data toggle bit = 1 Tx Data Toggle Enable Register TXTOGEN 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 4 3 2 1 4 EP4 TX TO GE N RW 0 0000 3 EP3 TX TO GE N RW 0 2 EP2 TX TO GE N RW 0 1 EP1 TX TO GE N RW 0 Name Description EP4TXTOGEN Enables Receive Logical Endpoint 1 Data Toggle Bit If enable bit is set, the endpoint n data toggle can be set. Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Forbid RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG 1'b1: Allow RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG EP3TXTOGEN Enables Receive Logical Endpoint 1 Data Toggle Bit If enable bit is set, the endpoint n data toggle can be set. Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Forbid RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG 1'b1: Allow RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG EP2TXTOGEN Enables Receive Logical Endpoint 1 Data Toggle Bit If enable bit is set, the endpoint n data toggle can be set. Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Forbid RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG 1'b1: Allow RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG EP1TXTOGEN Enables Receive Logical Endpoint 1 Data Toggle Bit If enable bit is set, the endpoint n data toggle can be set. Note: This register is word access. 1'b0: Forbid RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG 1'b1: Allow RISC writing EP n data toggle status with EP1RXTOG © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 Page 171 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A09000A 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 30 29 28 15 14 13 12 Name Type Reset Bit(s) USB Level 1 Interrupt Status Register USB_L1INTS 27 11 PO WE RD WN _IN T_S TA TU S RU 0 26 25 10 9 DR VV BU S_I NT _ST AT US ID DIG _IN T_S TA TU S RU 0 RU 0 00000000 24 23 22 21 20 19 8 7 6 5 4 VB US VA LID _IN T_S TA TU S RU 0 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 RX _IN T_S TA TU S TX _IN T_S TA TU S RU 0 RU 0 DP DM _IN T_S TA TU S QH IF_ INT _ST AT US QI NT _ST AT US PS R_I NT _ST AT US DM A_I NT _ST AT US US BC OM _IN T_S TA TU S RU 0 RU 0 RU 0 RU 0 RU 0 RU 0 Name Description 11 POWERDWN_INT_ STATUS Power-down interrupt status When controller is in host suspend mode, VBus is valid, and DP is asserted, this bit will set. When controller is in peripheral mode, Avalid is setting, and DP is asserted, this bit will set. When controller is in idle state, avalid is de-asserted , and linestate is in SE0, this bit will also set. 10 DRVVBUS_INT_STA TUS DRVVBUS interrupt status This bit shows the interrupt trigger status of DRVVBUS. The trigger polarity is determined by DRVVBUS_INT_POL. This interrupt is used in USB OTG charge pump control. 9 IDDIG_INT_STATU S IDDIG interrupt status This bit shows the interrupt trigger status of IDDIG. The trigger polarity is determined by IDDIG_INT_POL. This interrupt is used in USB OTG attachment. 8 VBUSVALID_INT_S TATUS VBUSVALID interrupt status This bit shows the interrupt trigger status of VBUSVALID. The trigger polarity is determined by VBUSVALID_INT_POL. This interrupt is used in USB attachment to host. 7 DPDM_INT_STATU S DPDM interrupt status This bit shows the interrupt trigger status of DPDM. The trigger condition is whether DP or DM goes high. This interrupt is used in USB HOST mode to detect device attachment. 6 QHIF_INT_STATUS USBQ HIF command interrupt status Only valid when WiMAX Q is available. 5 QINT_STATUS USBQ interrupt status Only valid when USBQ is available. 4 PSR_INT_STATUS Packet sequence recorder interrupt status 3 DMA_INT_STATUS DMA interrupt status 2 USBCOM_INT_STA TUS USB common interrupt status 1 RX_INT_STATUS Endpoint Rx interrupt status 0 TX_INT_STATUS Endpoint Tx interrupt status © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 172 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A09000A 4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit USB Level 1 Interrupt Mask Register USB_L1INTM 31 30 29 28 15 14 13 12 Name Type Reset 27 11 PO WE RD WN _IN T_ UN MA SK RW 0 26 25 10 9 DR VV BU S_I NT _U NM AS K RW 0 ID DIG _IN T_ UN MA SK RW 0 00000000 24 23 22 21 20 19 8 7 6 5 4 VB US VA LID _IN T_ UN MA SK RW 0 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 RX _IN T_ UN MA SK TX _IN T_ UN MA SK RW 0 RW 0 DP DM _IN T_ UN MA SK QH IF_ INT _U NM AS K QI NT _U NM AS K PS R_I NT _U NM AS K DM A_I NT _U NM AS K US BC OM _IN T_ UN MA SK RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 11 POWERDWN_INT_ UNMASK Unmasks POWERDWN interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 10 DRVVBUS_INT_UN MASK Unmasks DRVVBUS interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 9 IDDIG_INT_UNMA SK Unmasks IDDIG Interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 8 VBUSVALID_INT_U NMASK Unmasks VBUSVALID Interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 7 DPDM_INT_UNMA SK Unmasks DPDM Interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 6 QHIF_INT_UNMAS K Unmasks USBQ HIF command interrupt Only valid when WiMAX Q is available. 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 5 QINT_UNMASK Unmasks USBQ Interrupt Only valid when USBQ is available. . 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 4 PSR_INT_UNMASK Unmasks packet sequence recorder interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 3 DMA_INT_UNMAS K Unmasks DMA interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 2 USBCOM_INT_UN MASK Unmasks USB common interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 1 RX_INT_UNMASK Unmasks endpoint Rx interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt 1'b1: Unmask interrupt 0 TX_INT_UNMASK Unmasks endpoint Tx Interrupt 1'b0: Mask interrupt © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 173 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 1'b1: Unmask interrupt A09000A 8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit USB Level 1 Interrupt Polarity Register USB_L1INTP 31 30 29 28 15 14 13 12 Name Type Reset 27 26 25 11 10 9 DR VV BU S_I NT _P OL ID DIG _IN T_ PO L RW 0 RW 1 PO WE RD WN _IN T_ PO L RW 0 00000200 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VB US VA LID _IN T_ PO L RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 11 POWERDWN_INT_ POL POWERDWN interrupt polarity 1'b0: Interrupt trigger when POWERDWN is 1. 1'b1: Interrupt trigger when POWERDWN is 0. 10 DRVVBUS_INT_PO L DRVVBUS interrupt polarity 1'b0: Interrupt trigger when DRVVBUS is 1. 1'b1: Interrupt trigger when DRVVBUS is 0. 9 IDDIG_INT_POL IDDIG interrupt polarity 1'b0: Interrupt trigger when IDDIG is 1. 1'b1: Interrupt trigger when IDDIG is 0. 8 VBUSVALID_INT_P OL VBUSVALID interrupt polarity 1'b0: Interrupt trigger when VBUSVALID is 1. 1'b1: Interrupt trigger when VBUSVALID is 0. A09000A C Bit Name Type Reset Bit USB Level 1 Interrupt Control Register USB_L1INTC 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 0 USB_INT_SYNC USB interrupt synchronization 1'b0: USB output interrupt is output directly. 1'b1: USB output interrupt is synchronized by MCU BUS clock registers. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 0 US B_I NT _SY NC RW 0 Page 174 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0900102 Bit 15 CSR0_PERI 13 12 EP0 Control Status Register 8 7 Name FL US HFI FO SE RVI CES ET UP ED N Type Reset A0 0 A0 0 Bit(s) 14 11 10 9 6 SE RVI CE DR XP KT RD Y A0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 SE ND ST AL L SET UP EN D DA TA EN D SE NT ST AL L TX PK TR DY RX PK TR DY A0 0 RU 0 A0 0 RW 0 A0 0 RU 0 Name Description 8 FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the next packet to be transmitted/read from the Endpoint 0 FIFO. It is cleared automatically. The FIFO pointer is reset and the TxPktRdy/RxPktRdy bit (below) is cleared. May be set simultaneously with TxPktRdy to abort the packet that is currently loaded into FIFO. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when TxPktRdy/RxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. 7 SERVICESETUPEDN The CPU writes 1 to this bit to clear the SetupEnd bit. It is cleared automatically. 6 SERVICEDRXPKTR DY The CPU writes 1 to this bit to clear the RxPktRdy bit. It is cleared automatically. SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to terminate the current transaction. The STALL handshake will be transmitted, and this bit will be cleared automatically. Note: The FIFO should be flushed before SendStall is set. SETUPEND This bit will be set when a control transaction ends before the DataEnd bit is set. An interrupt will be generated and the FIFO flushed at this time. The bit is cleared by the CPU writing 1 to the ServicedSetupEnd bit. 3 DATAEND The CPU sets up this bit when setting TxPktRdy for the last data packet, when clearing RxPktRdy after unloading the last data packet, and when setting up TxPktRdy for a 0 length data packet. It is cleared automatically. 2 SENTSTALL This bit is set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The CPU should clear this bit. Write 0 to clear it. 1 TXPKTRDY The CPU sets up this bit after loading a data packet into the FIFO. It is cleared automatically when a data packet has been transmitted. An interrupt is also generated at this point (if enabled) 0 RXPKTRDY This bit is set when a data packet has been received. An interrupt is generated when this bit is set. The CPU clears this bit by setting up the ServicedRxPktRdy bit. 5 4 A0900108 Bit Name Type Reset 15 COUNT0 14 13 EP0 Received Bytes Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 0000 4 3 2 EP0_RX_COUNT RU 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 6:0 EP0_RX_COUNT Count0 is a 7-bit read-only register that indicates the number of © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 175 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description received data bytes in the Endpoint 0 FIFO. The value returned changes as the contents of the FIFO change and is only valid when RxPktRdy (IDXEPR0.CSR0.bit0) is set. A090010A Bit Name Type Reset 15 Bit(s) Type0 14 13 EP0 Type Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 EP0_Type RW 0 0 Name 00 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option. When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed 2'b00: Unused 7:6 EP0_Type 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low A090010B NAKLIMT0 Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 00 5 4 0 Bit(s) 4:0 A090010C Bit Name Type Reset 13 NAK Limit Register 3 2 1 NAKLIMIT0 RW 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description NAKLIMIT0 (Host mode only) NAKLimit0 is a 5-bit register that sets up the number of frames/microframes (high-speed transfers) after which Endpoint 0 should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. (Equivalent settings for other endpoints can be made through their TxInterval and RxInterval registers.). The number of frames/microframes selected is 2(m-1) (where m is the value set in the register, valid values 2 - 16). If the host receives NAK responses from the target for more frames than the number represented by the limit set in this register, the endpoint will be halted. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. SRAMCONFI GSIZE SRAM Size Register 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 7 SRAM_SIZE RO 0 0 0800 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 15:0 SRAM_SIZE Depth of SRAM with data bus width 32 bits. For example, if SRAM is configured to 8KB, SRAM_SIZE will be 16'h800. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 176 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090010E Bit Name Type Reset 15 HBCONFIGD ATA 14 13 High Bind-width Configuration Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 NUM_HB_EPR RO 0 0 0 0 00 3 2 Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 NUM_HB_EPR Number of high bind-width RX endpoints 3:0 NUM_HB_EPT Number of high bind-width TX endpoints A090010F Bit 15 CONFIGDAT A 14 13 1 0 NUM_HB_EPT RO 0 0 0 0 Core Configuration Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 1F 4 3 2 1 SO FTC ON E RO 1 Name MP RX E MP TX E BIG EN DIA N HB RX E HB TX E DY NFI FO SIZ IN G Type Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 0 UT MI DA TA WI DT H RO 1 Bit(s) Name Description 7 MPRXE When set to 1, automatic amalgamation of bulk packets will be selected. 6 MPTXE When set to 1, automatic splitting of bulk packets will be selected. 5 BIGENDIAN Set to 1 indicates big-endian ordering is selected. 4 HBRXE Set to 1 indicates high-bandwidth Rx ISO Endpoint Support is selected. 3 HBTXE Set to 1 indicates high-bandwidth Tx ISO Endpoint Support is selected. 2 DYNFIFOSIZING Set to 1 indicates Dynamic FIFO Sizing option is selected. 1 SOFTCONE Set to 1 indicates Soft Connect/Disconnect option is selected. 0 UTMIDATAWIDTH Indicates selected UTMI+ data width 1'b0: 8 bits 1'b1: 16 bits A0900110 Bit Name Type Reset 15 TX1MAP 14 13 TX1MAP Register 12 0 M1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 12:11 M1 Maximum payload size for indexed TX endpoint, M1 packet multiplier m maximum payload transaction register 10:0 MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The TxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected Tx endpoint in a single operation. There is a TxMaxP register for each Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bits 10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 177 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in full-speed and highspeed operations. Where the option of high-bandwidth isochronous endpoints or of packet splitting on bulk endpoints has been taken when the core is configured, the register will include either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. In the case of bulk endpoints with the packet splitting option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the maximum number of 'USB' packets (i.e. packets for transmission over the USB) of the specified payload into which a single data packet placed in the FIFO should be split, prior to the transfer. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit15-13 will not be implemented and bit12-11 (if included) will be ignored.) Note: The data packet should be an exact multiple of the payload specified by bit10~0, which is itself required to be one of 8, 16, 32, 64 or (in the case of high speed transfers) 512 bytes. For isochronous endpoints operating in high-speed mode and with the High-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit11 set or bit12 set respectively) and it specifies the maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single microframe. If either bit11 or bit12 is not 0, the USB2.0 controller will automatically split any data packet written to FIFO into up to 2 or 3 'USB' packets, each containing the specified payload (or less). The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be transmitted in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in fullspeed mode, bit11 and 12 are ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) should match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch can cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) must not exceed the FIFO size for the Tx endpoint and should not exceed half the FIFO size if doublebuffering is required. If this register is changed after packets have been sent from the endpoint, the Tx endpoint FIFO should be completely flushed (using the FlushFIFO bit in TxCSR) after writing the new value to this register. A0900112 Bit 15 TX1CSR_PER I 14 13 12 11 10 FR CD AT AT OG DM AR EQ MO DE RW 0 RW 0 Name AU TO SET ISO DM AR EQ EN Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) 15 14 Tx1 CSR Register 9 8 SET TX PK TR DY _T WI CE A1 0 0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PT X CL RD AT AT OG SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO UN DE RR UN FIF ON OT EM PT Y TX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 A1 0 RU 0 A0 0 Name Description AUTOSET If The CPU sets up this bit, TxPktRdy will be automatically set when data of the maximum packet size (value in TxMaxP) is loaded into the TxFIFO. If a packet of less than the maximum packet size is loaded, TxPktRdy will have to be set manually. ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the Tx endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the Tx endpoint for Bulk or Interrupt transfers. Note: This bit only takes effect in peripheral mode. In host mode, it always returns to 0. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 178 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 12 DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for the Tx endpoint. FRCDATATOG The CPU sets up this bit to force the endpoint data toggle to switch and the data packet to be cleared from the FIFO, regardless of whether an ACK was received. This can be used by Interrupt Tx endpoints that are used to communicate rate feedback for Isochronous endpoints. 10 DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA Request Mode 1 and clears it to select DMA Request Mode 0. Note: This bit should not be cleared either before or in the same cycle as the DMAReqEn bit is cleared. 8 SETTXPKTRDY_TW ICE Indicates TxPktRdy had been set when it is 1'b1 already. Write 0 to clear it. 7 INCOMPTX When the endpoint is used for high-bandwidth Isochronous/Interrupt transfers, this bit is set to indicate where a large packet has been split into 2 or 3 packets for transmission but insufficient IN tokens have been received to send all the parts. Note: In anything other than a high-bandwidth transfer, this bit will always return to 0. Write 0 to clear it. 6 CLRDATATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. SENTSTALL This bit is set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The FIFO will be flushed and Tx interrupt generated if enabled and the TxPktRdy bit is cleared. The CPU should clear this bit. Write 0 to clear it. SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake to an IN token. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is used for Isochronous transfer. Otherwise, CPU should wait for SENTSTALL interrupt to be generated before clearing the SENDSTALL bit. 3 FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the latest packet from the endpoint TxFIFO. The FIFO pointer is reset, the TxPktRdy bit is cleared and an interrupt is generated. May be set simultaneously with TxPktRdy to abort the packet currently loaded into FIFO. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when TxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. If the FIFO is double-buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear the FIFO. 2 UNDERRUN The USB will set up this bit if an IN token is received when the TxPktRdy bit is not set. The CPU should clear this bit (write 0 to clear it). 1 FIFONOTEMPTY The USB sets up this bit when there is at least 1 packet in TxFIFO. This bit will be asserted automatically when TXPKTRDY is set by CPU and de-asserted when CPU flushes FIFO or sends a STALL packet. TXPKTRDY The CPU sets up this bit after loading a data packet into FIFO. It is cleared automatically when a data packet has been transmitted. An interrupt is also generated at this point (if enabled). TxPktRdy is also automatically cleared (interrupt is generated) prior to loading a second packet into a double-buffered FIFO. 11 5 4 0 A0900114 Bit Name Type Reset 15 RX1MAP 14 13 RX1MAP Register 12 0 M1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 0 0 0 Page 179 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 12:11 M1 Maximum payload size for indexed RX endpoint, M1 packet multiplier m MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The RxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected Rx endpoint in a single operation. There is a RxMaxP register for each Rx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bit10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in fullspeed and high-speed operations. Where the option of high-bandwidth isochronous endpoints or of combining bulk packets has been taken when the core is configured, the register includes either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. For Bulk endpoints with the packet combining option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the number of USB packets of the specified payload which are to be combined into a single data packet within the FIFO. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit15~13 will not be implemented and bit12~11 (if included) will be ignored.) For isochronous endpoints operating in high-speed mode and with the high-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit11 set or bit12 set respectively) and it specifies the maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single microframe. If either bit11 or bit12 is not 0, the USB2.0 controller will automatically combine the separate USB packets received in any microframe into a single packet within the Rx FIFO. The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be received in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in full-speed mode or if high-bandwidth is not enabled, bit11 and 12 will be ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) should match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch can cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) should not exceed the FIFO size for the OUT endpoint and half the FIFO size if double-buffering is required. 10:0 A0900116 Bit 15 RX1CSR_PE RI RX1 CSR Register 14 13 12 11 Name AU TO CL EA R ISO DM AR EQ EN DIS NY ET _PI DE RR DM AR EQ MO DE Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) 10 9 KE EP ER RS TA TU S RW 0 0000 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PR X CL RD TA TO G SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO DA TA ER R OV ER RU N FIF OF UL L RX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 RU 0 A1 0 RU 0 A1 0 Name Description 15 AUTOCLEAR If the CPU sets up this bit, the RxPktRdy bit will be automatically cleared when a packet of RxMaxP bytes has been unloaded from the RxFIFO. When packets of less than the maximum packet size are unloaded, RxPktRdy will have to be cleared manually. Note: Maximum packet size-3,-2,-1 is handled like maximum packet size which is auto cleared by hardware. 14 ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the Rx endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the Rx endpoint for Bulk/Interrupt © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 180 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description transfers. DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for the Rx endpoint. DISNYET_PIDERR The CPU sets up this bit to disable the sending of NYET handshakes. When set, all successfully received Rx packets will be ACK'd including at the point at which the RxFIFO becomes full. Note: This bit only takes effect in high-speed mode, in which it should be set for all interrupt endpoint. This bit is set when there is a PID error in the received packet. It is cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared or write 0 to clear it. DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA Request Mode 1 and clears it to select DMA Request Mode 0. DMA Request Mode 1: Rx endpoint interrupt is generated only when DMA Request Mode 1 and received a short packet. RxDMAReq is generated when receiving a Max-Packetsize packet. DMA Request Mode 0: No Rx endpoint interrupt. RxDMAReq will be generated when RxPktRdy is set. KEEPERRSTATUS This bit is used when endpoint works with USBQ and in ISOCHRONOUS mode. When this bit is set, the isochronous error, PIDERROR, INCOMPRX and DATAERROR will be kept and only cleared by SW. 8 INCOMPRX This bit will be set in an Isochronous transfer if the packet in the RxFIFO is incomplete because parts of the data are not received. When KeepErrorStatus = 0, it will be cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared or write 0 to clear it. Note: In anything other than a Isochronous transfer, this bit will always return 0. Write 0 to clear it. 7 CLRDTATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. 6 SENTSTALL This bit is set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The CPU should clear this bit. An interrupt will be generated when the bit is set. Write 0 to clear it. 5 SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is being used for ISO transfers. FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the next packet to be read from the endpoint RxFIFO. The RxFIFO pointer is reset and the RxPktRdy bit is cleared. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when RxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. If the RxFIFO is double buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear the RxFIFO. DATAERR This bit will be set when RxPktRdy is set if the data packet has a CRC or bit-stuff error in it. Cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared. Note: This bit is only valid when the endpoint is operating in ISO mode. In Bulk mode, it always returns to 0. 2 OVERRUN This bit will be set if an OUT packet cannot be loaded into RxFIFO. The CPU should clear this bit (write 0 to clear it). Note: This bit is only valid when the endpoint is operating in ISO mode. In Bulk mode, it always returns to 0. The new incoming packet will not be written to RxFIFO. 1 FIFOFULL This bit will be set when no more packets can be loaded into RxFIFO. RXPKTRDY This bit will be set when a data packet has been received (to RxFIFO). The CPU should clear this bit when the packet has been unloaded from RxFIFO. An interrupt will be generated when the bit is set. Write 0 to clear it. 13 12 11 9 4 3 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 181 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0900118 RX1COUNT Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 Bit(s) 13:0 A090011A Bit 15 Rx1 Count Register 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 RXCOUNT RU 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description RXCOUNT It is a 14-bit read-only register that holds the number of received data bytes in the packet in RxFIFO. Note: The value returned changes as the FIFO is unloaded and is only valid when RxPktRdy(RxCSR.D0) is set. TX1TYPE 14 13 12 Tx1Type Register 11 10 9 8 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 7 6 TX_SPEE D RW 0 0 00 5 4 TX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 TX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description TX_SPEED Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed. 2'b00: Unused 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 TX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set up this to select the required protocol for the Tx endpoint. 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 TX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. 7:6 A090011B Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:0 15 TX1INTERVA L 14 13 12 Tx1Interval Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 00 5 4 3 2 1 0 TX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description TX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M (Host mode only) TxInterval Register TxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently-selected Tx endpoint. For Bulk endpoints, this register sets up the number of frames/microframes after which the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a TxInterval register for each configured Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 182 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description speed transfers), as the following: Transfer Type | Speed | Valid values (m) | Interpretation Interrupt | Low Speed or Full Speed | 1-255 | Polling interval is m frames. Interrupt | High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) microframes Isochronous | Full Speed or High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk | Full Speed or High Speed | 2-16 | NAK Limit is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. The register should be set before TxType for Bulk endpoint. A090011C Bit 15 RX1TYPE 14 13 12 Rx1Type Register 11 10 9 8 Name 7 6 RXSPEED Type Reset 0 Bit(s) RW 0 00 5 4 RX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 RX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description RXSPEED Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed. 2'b00: Unused 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 RX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set up this to select the required protocol for the Tx endpoint. 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 RX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. 7:6 A090011D Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:0 15 RX1INTERVA L 14 13 12 Rx1Interval Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 00 4 3 2 1 0 RX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description RX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M RxInterval Register RxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently selected Rx endpoint. For Bulk endpoints, this register sets up the number of frames/microframes after which the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a RxInterval register for each configured Rx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). RX POLLING INTERVAL / NAK LIMIT (M), (Host mode only) In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high speed transfers), as the following: © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 183 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description Transfer Type Speed Valid values (m) Interpretation Interrupt Low Speed or Full Speed 1 - 255 Polling interval is m frames. High Speed 1 - 16 Polling interval is 2(m-1) microframes Isochronous Full Speed or High Speed 1 - 16 Polling interval is 2(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk Full Speed or High Speed 2 - 16 NAK Limit is 2(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. The register should be set before RxType for Bulk endpoint. A090011F Bit Name Type Reset 15 FIFOSIZE1 14 13 EP1 Configured FIFO Size Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 6 5 RXFIFOSIZE DC 0 1 AA 4 3 0 1 Name Description 7:4 RXFIFOSIZE Indicates the RxFIFO size of 2^n bytes Example: Value 10 means 2^10 = 1024 bytes. 3:0 TXFIFOSIZE Indicates the TxFIFO size of 2^n bytes Example: Value 10 means 2^10 = 1024 bytes. Bit Name Type Reset 15 TX2MAP 14 13 1 TXFIFOSIZE DC 0 1 Bit(s) A0900120 2 TX2MAP Register 12 0 M1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 12:11 M1 Maximum payload size for indexed TX endpoint, M1 packet multiplier m maximum payload transaction register MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The TxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected Tx endpoint in a single operation. There is a TxMaxP register for each Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bit10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in full-speed and highspeed operations. Where the option of high-bandwidth Isochronous endpoints or of packet splitting on Bulk endpoints has been taken when the core is configured, the register includes either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. In the case of Bulk endpoints with the packet splitting option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the maximum number of 'USB' packets (i.e. packets for transmission over the USB) of the specified payload into which a single data packet placed in the FIFO should be split, prior to transfer. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit15-13 will not be implemented and bit12-11 (if included) will be ignored.) Note: The data packet should be an exact multiple of the payload specified by bit10~0, which is itself required to be one of 8, 16, 32, 64 or (in the case of highspeed transfers) 512 bytes. For Isochronous endpoints operating in high-speed mode and with the high-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit11 set or bit12 set respectively) and it specifies the maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single microframe. If either bit11 or bit12 is not 0, the USB2.0 controller will 10:0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 184 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description automatically split any data packet written to the FIFO into up to 2 or 3 'USB' packets, each containing the specified payload (or less). The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be transmitted in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in fullspeed mod, bit11 and 12 are ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) should match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch can cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) should not exceed the FIFO size for the Tx endpoint and half the FIFO size if double-buffering is required. If this register is changed after packets have been sent from the endpoint, the Tx endpoint FIFO should be completely flushed (using the FlushFIFO bit in TxCSR) after writing the new value to this register. TX2CSR_PE RI A0900122 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 FR CD AT AT OG DM AR EQ MO DE RW 0 RW 0 Name AU TO SET ISO DM AR EQ EN Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Tx2 CSR Register 9 8 SET TX PK TR DY _T WI CE A1 0 0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PT X CL RD AT AT OG SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO UN DE RR UN FIF ON OT EM PT Y TX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 A1 0 RU 0 A0 0 Name Description AUTOSET If The CPU sets up this bit, TxPktRdy will be automatically set when data of the maximum packet size (value in TxMaxP) is loaded into the TxFIFO. If a packet of less than the maximum packet size is loaded, TxPktRdy will have to be set manually. 14 ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the Tx endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the Tx endpoint for Bulk or Interrupt transfers. Note: This bit only takes effect in peripheral mode. In host mode, it always returns to 0. 12 DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for the Tx endpoint. FRCDATATOG The CPU sets up this bit to force the endpoint data toggle to switch and the data packet to be cleared from FIFO, regardless of whether an ACK is received. This can be used by Interrupt Tx endpoints that are used to communicate rate feedback for isochronous endpoints. 10 DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA Request Mode 1 and clears it to select DMA Request Mode 0. Note: This bit should not be cleared either before or in the same cycle as the DMAReqEn bit is cleared. 8 SETTXPKTRDY_TW ICE Indicates TxPktRdy had been set when it is 1'b1 already. Write 0 to clear it. 7 INCOMPTX When the endpoint is used for high-bandwidth Isochronous/Interrupt transfers, this bit is set to indicate where a large packet has been split into 2 or 3 packets for transmission but insufficient IN tokens have been received to send all the parts. Note: In anything other than a high-bandwidth transfer, this bit will always return to 0. Write 0 to clear it. 6 CLRDATATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. 15 11 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 185 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description SENTSTALL This bit will be set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The FIFO will be flushed and Tx interrupt generated if enabled and the TxPktRdy bit is cleared. The CPU should clear this bit. Write 0 to clear it. SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake to an IN token. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is being used for Isochronous transfer. Otherwise, CPU should wait SENTSTALL interrupt generated before clearning SENDSTALL bit. 3 FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the latest packet from the endpoint TxFIFO. The FIFO pointer is reset, the TxPktRdy bit is cleared and an interrupt is generated. May be set simultaneously with TxPktRdy to abort the packet currently loaded into FIFO. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when TxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. If the FIFO is double-buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear the FIFO. 2 UNDERRUN The USB will set up this bit if an IN token is received when the TxPktRdy bit is not set. The CPU should clear this bit (write 0 to clear it). 1 FIFONOTEMPTY The USB sets up this bit when there is at least 1 packet in TxFIFO. This bit will be asserted automatically when TXPKTRDY is set by CPU and de-asserted when CPU flushes FIFO or sends a STALL packet. TXPKTRDY The CPU sets up this bit after loading a data packet into FIFO. It is cleared automatically when a data packet has been transmitted. An interrupt is also generated at this point (if enabled). TxPktRdy is also automatically cleared (interrupt is generated) prior to loading a second packet into a double-buffered FIFO. 5 4 0 A0900124 Bit Name Type Reset 15 RX2MAP 14 13 RX2MAP Register 12 0 M1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 12:11 M1 Maximum payload size for indexed RX endpoint, M1 packet multiplier m MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The RxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected Rx endpoint in a single operation. There is a RxMaxP register for each Rx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bit10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in fullspeed and high-speed operations. Where the option of high-bandwidth isochronous endpoints or of combining bulk packets has been taken when the core is configured, the register includes either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. For bulk endpoints with the packet combining option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the number of USB packets of the specified payload which are to be combined into a single data packet within the FIFO. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit15-bit13 will not be implemented and bit12-11 (if included) will be ignored.) For isochronous endpoints operating in high-speed mode and with the high-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit11 set or bit12 set respectively) and it specifies the maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single 10:0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 186 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description microframe. If either bit11 or bit12 is not 0, the USB2.0 controller will automatically combine the separate USB packets received in any microframe into a single packet within Rx FIFO. The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be received in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in full-speed mode or if high-bandwidth is not enabled, bit11 and 12 will be ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) should match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch can cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) should not exceed the FIFO size for the OUT endpoint and half the FIFO size if double-buffering is required. RX2CSR_PE RI A0900126 Bit 15 RX2 CSR Register 14 13 12 11 Name AU TO CL EA R ISO DM AR EQ EN DIS NY ET _PI DE RR DM AR EQ MO DE Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) 10 9 KE EP ER RS TA TU S RW 0 0000 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PR X CL RD TA TO G SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO DA TA ER R OV ER RU N FIF OF UL L RX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 RU 0 A1 0 RU 0 A1 0 Name Description 15 AUTOCLEAR If the CPU sets up this bit, the RxPktRdy bit will be automatically cleared when a packet of RxMaxP bytes has been unloaded from RxFIFO. When packets of less than the maximum packet size are unloaded, RxPktRdy will have to be cleared manually. Note: Maximum packet size-3,-2,-1 is handled like maximum packet size which is auto cleared by hardware. 14 ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the Rx endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the Rx endpoint for bulk/interrupt transfers. 13 DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for the Rx endpoint. DISNYET_PIDERR The CPU sets up this bit to disable the sending of NYET handshakes. When set, all successfully received Rx packets will be ACK'd including at the point at which the RxFIFO becomes full. Note: This bit only takes effect in high-speed mode, in which it should be set for all interrupt endpoints. This bit will be set when there is a PID error in the received packet. Cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared or write 0 to clear it. DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA Request Mode 1 and clears it to select DMA Request Mode 0. DMA Request Mode 1: Rx endpoint interrupt is generated only when DMA Request Mode 1 and received a short packet. RxDMAReq is generated when receiving a Max-Packet-size packet. DMA Request Mode 0: No Rx endpoint interrupt. RxDMAReq will be generated when RxPktRdy is set. 9 KEEPERRSTATUS This bit is used when endpoint works with USBQ and in ISOCHRONOUS mode. When this bit is set, the isochronous error, PIDERROR, INCOMPRX and DATAERROR will be kept and only cleared by SW. 8 INCOMPRX This bit will be set in an Isochronous transfer if the packet in the 12 11 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 187 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description RxFIFO is incomplete because parts of the data are not received. When KeepErrorStatus = 0, it will be cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared or write 0 to clear it. Note: In anything other than a Isochronous transfer, this bit will always return 0. Write 0 to clear it. CLRDTATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. SENTSTALL This bit will be set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The CPU should clear this bit. An interrupt will be generated when the bit is set. Write 0 to clear it. SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is used for ISO transfers. FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the next packet to be read from the endpoint RxFIFO. The RxFIFO pointer is reset and the RxPktRdy bit is cleared. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when RxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. If the RxFIFO is double buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear RxFIFO. DATAERR This bit is set when RxPktRdy is set if the data packet has a CRC or bit-stuff error in it. Cleared when RxPktRdy is cleared. Note: This bit is only valid when the endpoint is operating in ISO mode. In bulk mode, it always returns to 0. 2 OVERRUN This bit will be set if an OUT packet cannot be loaded into RxFIFO. The CPU should clear this bit (write 0 to clear it). Note: This bit is only valid when the endpoint is operating in ISO mode. In bulk mode, it always returns to 0. The new incoming packet will not be written to RxFIFO. 1 FIFOFULL This bit will be set when no more packets can be loaded into RxFIFO. RXPKTRDY This bit will be set when a data packet has been received (to RxFIFO). The CPU should clear this bit when the packet has been unloaded from RxFIFO. An interrupt will be generated when the bit is set. Write 0 to clear it. 7 6 5 4 3 0 A0900128 RX2COUNT Bit Name Type Reset 14 15 Bit(s) 13:0 A090012A Bit Name Type Reset 15 Rx2 Count Register 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 RXCOUNT RU 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description RXCOUNT It is a 14-bit read-only register that holds the number of received data bytes in the packet in RxFIFO. Note: The value returned changes as the FIFO is unloaded and is only valid when RxPktRdy(RxCSR.D0) is set. TX2TYPE 14 13 12 Tx2Type Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 TX_SPEE D RW 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 5 4 TX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 TX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Page 188 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description TX_SPEED Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed. 2'b00: Unused 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 TX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set up this to select the required protocol for the Tx endpoint. 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 TX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. 7:6 A090012B Bit Name Type Reset 15 Bit(s) 7:0 14 13 12 Tx2Interval Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 00 4 3 2 1 0 TX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description TX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M (Host mode only) TxInterval Register TxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently selected Tx endpoint. For bulk endpoints, this register sets up the number of frames/microframes after which the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a TxInterval register for each configured Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high speed transfers), as the following: Transfer Type | Speed | Valid values (m) | Interpretation Interrupt | Low Speed or Full Speed | 1-255 | Polling interval is m frames. Interrupt | High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) microframes Isochronous | Full Speed or High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk | Full Speed or High Speed | 2-16 | NAK Limit is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. The register should be set before TxType for Bulk endpoint. A090012C Bit TX2INTERVA L 15 RX2TYPE 14 13 Name 12 Rx2Type Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 RXSPEED Type Reset 0 RW 0 00 5 4 RX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 RX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:6 RXSPEED Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 189 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description be accessed. 2'b00: Unused 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 RX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set up this to select the required protocol for the Tx endpoint. 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 RX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. A090012D Bit Name Type Reset 15 Bit(s) 7:0 14 13 12 Rx2Interval Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 00 4 3 2 1 0 RX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description RX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M RxInterval Register RxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently selected Rx endpoint. For bulk endpoints, this register sets up the number of frames/microframes after which the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a RxInterval register for each configured Rx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). RX POLLING INTERVAL / NAK LIMIT (M), (Host mode only) In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high speed transfers), as the following: Transfer Type Speed Valid values (m) Interpretation Interrupt Low Speed or Full Speed 1 - 255 Polling interval is m frames. High Speed 1 - 16 Polling interval is 2(m-1) microframes Isochronous Full Speed or High Speed 1 - 16 Polling interval is 2(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk Full Speed or High Speed 2 - 16 NAK Limit is 2(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. The register should be set before RxType for bulk endpoint. A090012F Bit Name Type Reset RX2INTERV AL 15 FIFOSIZE2 14 13 12 EP2 Configured FIFO Size Register 11 10 9 8 7 1 6 5 RXFIFOSIZE DC 0 1 AA 4 3 0 1 Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 RXFIFOSIZE Indicates the RxFIFO size of 2^n bytes Example: Value 10 means 2^10 = 1024 bytes. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 2 1 TXFIFOSIZE DC 0 1 0 0 Page 190 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0900130 Bit Name Type Reset 15 TX3MAP 14 13 TX3MAP Register 12 0 M1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 12:11 M1 Maximum payload size for indexed TX endpoint, M1 packet multiplier m maximum payload transaction register MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The TxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected Tx endpoint in a single operation. There is a TxMaxP register for each Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bit10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in full-speed and highspeed operations. Where the option of high-bandwidth isochronous endpoints or of packet splitting on bulk endpoints has been taken when the core is configured, the register includes either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. In the case of bulk endpoints with the packet splitting option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the maximum number of 'USB' packets (i.e. packets for transmission over the USB) of the specified payload into which a single data packet placed in the FIFO should be split, prior to transfer. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit15-13 will not be implemented and bit12-11 (if included) will be ignored.) Note: The data packet should be an exact multiple of the payload specified by bit10~0, which is itself required to be one of 8, 16, 32, 64 or (in the case of high speed transfers) 512 bytes. For isochronous endpoints operating in high-speed mode and with the high-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit11 set or bit12 set respectively) and it specifies the maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single microframe. If either bit11 or bit 12 is not 0, the USB2.0 controller will automatically split any data packet written to FIFO into up to 2 or 3 'USB' packets, each containing the specified payload (or less). The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be transmitted in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in fullspeed mode, bit11 and 12 are ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) should match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch can cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) should not exceed the FIFO size for the Tx endpoint and half the FIFO size if double-buffering is required. If this register is changed after packets have been sent from the endpoint, the Tx endpoint FIFO should be completely flushed (using the FlushFIFO bit in TxCSR) after writing the new value to this register. 10:0 A0900132 Bit 15 TX3CSR_PE RI 14 13 Tx3 CSR Register 12 11 10 FR CD AT AT OG DM AR EQ MO DE RW 0 RW 0 Name AU TO SET ISO DM AR EQ EN Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 9 8 SET TX PK TR DY _T WI CE A1 0 0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PT X CL RD AT AT OG SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO UN DE RR UN FIF ON OT EM PT Y TX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 A1 0 RU 0 A0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 191 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description AUTOSET If the CPU sets up this bit, TxPktRdy will be automatically set when data of the maximum packet size (value in TxMaxP) is loaded into TxFIFO. If a packet of less than the maximum packet size is loaded, TxPktRdy will have to be set manually. 14 ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the Tx endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the Tx endpoint for Bulk or Interrupt transfers. Note: This bit only takes effect in peripheral mode. In host mode, it always returns to 0. 12 DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for the Tx endpoint. FRCDATATOG The CPU sets up this bit to force the endpoint data toggle to switch and the data packet to be cleared from FIFO, regardless of whether an ACK is received. This can be used by interrupt Tx endpoints that are used to communicate rate feedback for isochronous endpoints. 10 DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA Request Mode 1 and clears it to select DMA Request Mode 0. Note: This bit should not be cleared either before or in the same cycle as the DMAReqEn bit is cleared. 8 SETTXPKTRDY_ TWICE Indicates TxPktRdy had been set when it is 1'b1 already. Write 0 to clear it. 7 INCOMPTX When the endpoint is used for high-bandwidth Isochronous/Interrupt transfers, this bit is set to indicate where a large packet has been split into 2 or 3 packets for transmission but insufficient IN tokens have been received to send all the parts. Note: In anything other than a high-bandwidth transfer, this bit will always return to 0. Write 0 to clear it. 6 CLRDATATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. SENTSTALL This bit will be set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The FIFO will be flushed and Tx interrupt generated if enabled and the TxPktRdy bit is cleared. The CPU should clear this bit. Write 0 to clear it. SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake to an IN token. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is used for Isochronous transfer. Otherwise, CPU should wait for SENTSTALL interrupt to be generated before clearing the SENDSTALL bit. 3 FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the latest packet from the endpoint TxFIFO. The FIFO pointer is reset, the TxPktRdy bit is cleared and an interrupt is generated. May be set simultaneously with TxPktRdy to abort the packet currently loaded into FIFO. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when TxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it may cause data corruption. If FIFO is double-buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear FIFO. 2 UNDERRUN The USB will set up this bit if an IN token is received when the TxPktRdy bit not set. The CPU should clear this bit (write 0 to clear it). 1 FIFONOTEMPTY The USB will set up this bit when there is at least 1 packet in TxFIFO. This bit will be asserted automatically when TXPKTRDY is set by CPU and deasserted when CPU flush FIFO or send a STALL packet. TXPKTRDY The CPU will set up this bit after loading a data packet into FIFO. It is cleared automatically when a data packet has been transmitted. An interrupt is also generated at this point (if enabled). TxPktRdy is also automatically cleared (interrupt is generated) prior to loading a second packet into a double-buffered FIFO. 15 11 5 4 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 192 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090013A Bit 15 TX3TYPE 14 13 12 Tx3Type Register 11 10 9 8 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 6 TX_SPEE D RW 0 0 00 5 4 TX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 TX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description TX_SPEED Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed. 2'b00: Unused 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 TX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set up this to select the required protocol for the Tx endpoint. 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 TX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. 7:6 A090013B Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:0 15 TX3INTERVA L 14 13 12 Tx3Interval Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 00 4 3 2 1 0 TX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description TX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M (Host mode only) TxInterval Register TxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently selected Tx endpoint. For bulk endpoints, this register sets up the number of frames/microframes after which the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a TxInterval register for each configured Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high speed transfers), as the following: Transfer Type | Speed | Valid values (m) | Interpretation Interrupt | Low Speed or Full Speed | 1-255 | Polling interval is m frames. Interrupt | High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) microframes Isochronous | Full Speed or High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk | Full Speed or High Speed | 2-16 | NAK Limit is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. The register should be set before TxType for Bulk endpoint. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 193 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090013F Bit Name Type Reset 15 FIFOSIZE3 14 13 EP3 Configured FIFO Size Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2A 3 1 Name Description 3:0 TXFIFOSIZE Indicates the TxFIFO size of 2^n bytes Example: Value 10 means 2^10 = 1024 bytes. Bit Name Type Reset 15 TX4MAP 14 13 1 TXFIFOSIZE DC 0 1 Bit(s) A0900140 2 TX4MAP Register 12 0 M1 RW 11 10 9 0 0 0 8 7 6 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_TRANSACTION RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 12:11 M1 Maximum payload size for indexed TX endpoint, M1 packet multiplier m maximum payload transaction register MAXIMUM_PAYLO AD_TRANSACTION The TxMaxP register defines the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through the selected Tx endpoint in asingle operation. There is a TxMaxP register for each Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). Bit10~0 define (in bytes) the maximum payload transmitted in a single transaction. The value set can be up to 1024 bytes but is subject to the constraints placed by the USB Specification on packet sizes for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous transfers in full-speed and highspeed operations. Where the option of high-bandwidth isochronous endpoints or of packet splitting on bulk endpoints has been taken when the core is configured, the register includes either 2 or 5 further bits that define a multiplier m which is equal to one more than the value recorded. In the case of bulk endpoints with the packet splitting option enabled, the multiplier m can be up to 32 and defines the maximum number of 'USB' packets (i.e. packets for transmission over the USB) of the specified payload into which a single data packet placed in the FIFO should be split, prior to transfer. (If the packet splitting option is not enabled, bit15-13 will not be implemented and bit12-11 (if included) will be ignored.) Note: The data packet should be an exact multiple of the payload specified by bit10~0, which is itself required to be one of 8, 16, 32, 64 or (in the case of high speed transfers) 512 bytes. For isochronous endpoints operating in high-speed mode and with the high-bandwidth option enabled, m may only be either 2 or 3 (corresponding to bit11 set or bit12 set respectively) and it specifies the maximum number of such transactions that can take place in a single microframe. If either bit11 or bit12 is not 0, the USB2.0 controller will automatically split any data packet written to the FIFO into up to 2 or 3 'USB' packets, each containing the specified payload (or less). The maximum payload for each transaction is 1024 bytes, so this allows up to 3072 bytes to be transmitted in each microframe. (For Isochronous/Interrupt transfers in fullspeed mode, bit 11 and 12 are ignored.) The value written to bit10~0 (multiplied by m in the case of high-bandwidth Isochronous transfers) should match the value given in the wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the associated endpoint (see USB Specification Revision 2.0, Chapter 9). A mismatch can cause unexpected results. The total amount of data represented by the value written to this register (specified payload * m) should not exceed the FIFO size for the Tx endpoint and half the FIFO size if double-buffering is required. If this register is changed after packets have been sent from the endpoint, the Tx endpoint FIFO should be completely flushed (using the FlushFIFO bit in TxCSR) after writing the new value to this register. 10:0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 194 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual TX4CSR_PE RI A0900142 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 FR CD AT AT OG DM AR EQ MO DE RW 0 RW 0 Name AU TO SET ISO DM AR EQ EN Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Tx4 CSR Register 9 8 SET TX PK TR DY _T WI CE A1 0 0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INC OM PT X CL RD AT AT OG SE NT ST AL L SE ND ST AL L FL US HFI FO UN DE RR UN FIF ON OT EM PT Y TX PK TR DY A1 0 A0 0 A1 0 RW 0 A0 0 A1 0 RU 0 A0 0 Name Description AUTOSET If the CPU sets up this bit, TxPktRdy will be automatically set when data of the maximum packet size (value in TxMaxP) is loaded into TxFIFO. If a packet of less than the maximum packet size is loaded, TxPktRdy will have to be set manually. 14 ISO The CPU sets up this bit to enable the Tx endpoint for Isochronous transfers and clears it to enable the Tx endpoint for Bulk or Interrupt transfers. Note: This bit only takes effect in peripheral mode. In host mode, it always returns to 0. 12 DMAREQEN The CPU sets up this bit to enable the DMA request for the Tx endpoint. FRCDATATOG The CPU sets up this bit to force the endpoint data toggle to switch and the data packet to be cleared from the FIFO, regardless of whether an ACK is received. This can be used by Interrupt Tx endpoints that are used to communicate rate feedback for isochronous endpoints. 10 DMAREQMODE The CPU sets up this bit to select DMA Request Mode 1 and clears it to select DMA Request Mode 0. Note: This bit should not be cleared either before or in the same cycle as the DMAReqEn bit is cleared. 8 SETTXPKTRDY_TW ICE Indicates TxPktRdy had been set when it is 1'b1 already. Write 0 to clear it. 7 INCOMPTX When the endpoint is used for high-bandwidth Isochronous/Interrupt transfers, this bit will be set to indicate where a large packet has been split into 2 or 3 packets for transmission but insufficient IN tokens have been received to send all the parts. Note: In anything other than a high-bandwidth transfer, this bit will always return to 0. Write 0 to clear it. 6 CLRDATATOG The CPU writes 1 to this bit to reset the endpoint data toggle to 0. SENTSTALL This bit will be set when a STALL handshake is transmitted. The FIFO will be flushed and Tx interrupt generated if enabled and the TxPktRdy bit is cleared. The CPU should clear this bit. Write 0 to clear it. SENDSTALL The CPU writes 1 to this bit to issue a STALL handshake to an IN token. The CPU clears this bit to terminate the stall condition. Note: This bit has no effect where the endpoint is used for Isochronous transfer. Otherwise, CPU should wait for SENTSTALL interrupt to be generated before clearing the SENDSTALL bit. FLUSHFIFO The CPU writes 1 to this bit to flush the latest packet from the endpoint TxFIFO. The FIFO pointer is reset, the TxPktRdy bit is cleared and an interrupt is generated. May be set simultaneously with TxPktRdy to abort the packet currently loaded into FIFO. Note: FlushFIFO should only be used when TxPktRdy is set. In other cases, it 15 11 5 4 3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 195 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description may cause data corruption. If the FIFO is double-buffered, FlushFIFO may need to be set twice to completely clear the FIFO. 2 UNDERRUN The USB will set up this bit if an IN token is received when the TxPktRdy bit not set. The CPU should clear this bit (write 0 to clear it). 1 FIFONOTEMPTY The USB will set up this bit when there is at least 1 packet in the TxFIFO. This bit will be asserted automatically when TXPKTRDY is set by CPU and de-asserted when CPU flushes FIFO or sends a STALL packet. TXPKTRDY The CPU will set up this bit after loading a data packet into FIFO. It is cleared automatically when a data packet has been transmitted. An interrupt is also generated at this point (if enabled). TxPktRdy is also automatically cleared (interrupt is generated) prior to loading a second packet into a double-buffered FIFO. 0 A090014A Bit 15 TX4TYPE 14 13 12 Tx4Type Register 11 10 9 8 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 6 TX_SPEE D RW 0 0 00 5 4 TX_PROT OCOL RW 0 0 3 2 1 0 TX_TARGET_EP_NUM BER RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description TX_SPEED Operating speed of the target device when the core is configured with the multipoint option When the core is not configured with the multipoint option, these bits should not be accessed. 2'b00: Unused 2'b01: High 2'b10: Full 2'b11: Low 5:4 TX_PROTOCOL The CPU should set up this to select the required protocol for the Tx endpoint. 2'b00: Illegal 2'b01: Isochronous 2'b10: Bulk 2'b11: Interrupt 3:0 TX_TARGET_EP_N UMBER The CPU should set this value to the endpoint number containing in the Tx endpoint descriptor returned to the USB2.0 controller during device enumeration. 7:6 A090014B Bit Name Type Reset 15 TX4INTERVA L 14 13 12 Tx4Interval Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 00 4 3 2 1 0 TX_POLLING_INTERVAL_NAK_LIMIT_M RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 TX_POLLING_INTE RVAL_NAK_LIMIT_ M (Host mode only) TxInterval Register TxInterval is an 8-bit register that, for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers, defines the polling interval for the currently selected Tx endpoint. For bulk endpoints, this register sets up the number of frames/microframes after which © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 196 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description the endpoint should time out on receiving a stream of NAK responses. There is a TxInterval register for each configured Tx endpoint (except for Endpoint 0). In each case the value that is set defines a number of frames/microframes (high speed transfers), as the following: Transfer Type | Speed | Valid values (m) | Interpretation Interrupt | Low Speed or Full Speed | 1-255 | Polling interval is m frames. Interrupt | High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) microframes Isochronous | Full Speed or High Speed | 1-16 | Polling interval is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes Bulk | Full Speed or High Speed | 2-16 | NAK Limit is 2^(m-1) frames/microframes. Note: Value 0 or 1 disables the NAK timeout function. The register should be set before TxType for Bulk endpoint. A090014F Bit Name Type Reset 15 FIFOSIZE4 14 13 12 EP4 Configured FIFO Size Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2A 3 1 Bit(s) Name Description 3:0 TXFIFOSIZE Indicates the TxFIFO size of 2^n bytes Example: Value 10 means 2^10 = 1024 bytes. A090020 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 DMA Interrupt Status Register DMA_INTR 30 29 28 27 26 25 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 15 14 0 DMA_INTR_UNMASK_SET A0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_INTR_UNMASK RU 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 24 23 0 0 1 TXFIFOSIZE DC 0 1 0 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_INTR_UNMASK_CLEAR A0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_INTR_STATUS W1C 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 31:24 DMA_INTR_UNMA SK_SET Sets DMA_INTR_UNMASK to 1 23:16 DMA_INTR_UNMA SK_CLEAR Clears DMA_INTR_UNMASK to 0 15:8 DMA_INTR_UNMA SK Unmasks DMA interrupts The DMA interrupt will be generated when DMA_INTR_UNMASK and DMA_INTR_STATUS are both 1. DMA_INTR_STATU S Indicates DMA complete interrupt status, one bit per DMA channel implemented Bit 0 is used for DMA channel 1; bit 1 is used for DMA channel 2, etc. Write 1 to clear it. Note: DMA interrupt will be asserted after disabling the DMA enable when receiving a null packet even thought DMA_COUNT_M still does not reach 0. 7:0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 197 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0900204 Bit 15 DMA_CNTL_ 0 14 13 12 DMA Channel 0 Control Register 11 Name DM AA BO RT Type A0 RU Reset 0 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 DM AC HE N BURST_M ODE BU SE RR ENDPNT RW RU RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0000 3 1 0 INT EN DM AM OD E 2 DM ADI R DM AE N RW RW RW 0 0 0 Oth er 0 Bit(s) Name Description 13 DMAABORT If SW needs to abort the current DMA transfer, set DMAABORT=1 and DMAEN=0. After the transfer is aborted completely, DMA interrupt will occur. 11 DMACHEN DMA channel enable monitor bit 10:9 BURST_MODE 2'b00: Burst Mode 0: Bursts of unspecified length 2'b01: Burst Mode 1: INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b10: Burst Mode 2: INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b11: Burst Mode 3: INCR16, INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 8 BUSERR Bus error 7:4 ENDPNT Endpoint which DMA will transfer with 3 INTEN Enables interrupt 2 DMAMODE DMA mode DMA mode 0: Single packet operation DMA mode 1: Multi packets operation, with the configuration of DMAReqMode in RXCSR bit 11 DMA mode 1 can support both known and unknown size transaction. 1 DMADIR Direction 0: DMA write (Rx endpoint) 1: DMA read (Tx endpoint) DMAEN Enables DMA The bit will be cleared when the DMA transfer is completed. Programmers should not disable DMA_en before the transfer is completed. If programmers disable dma_en during the transfer, DMA will not stop immediately until the last bus transfer is completed. 0 A090020 8 DMA_ADDR _0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 Bit(s) 31:0 31 29 28 DMA Channel 0 Address Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 DMA_ADDR_0[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_ADDR_0[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description DMA_ADDR_0 32-bit DMA start address Updated (increased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when multiple packet DMA (DMA Mode = 1) is used © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 198 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090020 C DMA_COUN T_0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA Channel 0 Byte Count Register 23 0 7 22 0 6 00000000 21 20 19 18 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 DMA_COUNT_0[23:16] RW 0 0 0 0 DMA_COUNT_0[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 17 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 23:0 DMA_COUNT_0 24-bit DMA transfer count with byte unit Updated (decreased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when each packet is transferred. A0900210 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset DMA Limiter Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) 7:0 A0900214 Bit DMA_LIMIT ER 15 DMA_LIMITER RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description DMA_LIMITER This register suppresses bus utilization of the DMA channel. The value is from 0 to 255. 0 means no limitation, and 255 means totally banned. The value between 0 and 255 means certain DMA can have permission to use AHB every (4 x n) AHB clock cycles. Note: It is not recommended to limit the bus utilization of the DMA channels because this increases the latency of response to the masters, and the transfer rate will decrease. Before using it, programmers should make sure that the bus masters have some protective mechanism to avoid entering wrong states. DMA_CNTL_ 1 14 13 12 DMA Channel 1 Control Register 11 Name DM AA BO RT Type A0 RU Reset 0 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 DM AC HE N BURST_M ODE BU SE RR ENDPNT RW RU RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0000 3 1 0 INT EN DM AM OD E 2 DM ADI R DM AE N RW RW RW 0 0 0 Oth er 0 Bit(s) Name Description 13 DMAABORT If SW needs to abort the current DMA transfer, set DMAABORT=1 and DMAEN=0. After the transfer is aborted completely, DMA interrupt will occur. 11 DMACHEN DMA channel enable monitor bit. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 199 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 10:9 BURST_MODE 2'b00: Burst Mode 0: Bursts of unspecified length 2'b01: Burst Mode 1: INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b10: Burst Mode 2: INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b11: Burst Mode 3: INCR16, INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 8 BUSERR Bus error 7:4 ENDPNT Endpoint which DMA will transfer with. 3 INTEN Enables interrupt 2 DMAMODE DMA mode 1 DMADIR Direction 0: DMA write (Rx endpoint) 1: DMA read (Tx endpoint) DMAEN Enables DMA The bit will be cleared when the DMA transfer is completed. Programmers should not disable DMA_en before the transfer is completed. If programmers disable dma_en during the transfer, DMA will not stop immediately until the last bus transfer is completed. 0 A0900218 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 DMA_ADDR _1 30 29 28 DMA Channel 1 Address Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 DMA_ADDR_1[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_ADDR_1[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 31:0 DMA_ADDR_1 32-bit DMA start address Updated (increased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when multiple packet DMA (DMA Mode = 1) is used A090021C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset DMA_COUN T_1 DMA Channel 1 Byte Count Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 7 22 0 6 DMA_COUNT_1[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 DMA_COUNT_1[23:16] RW 0 0 0 0 17 0 16 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 23:0 DMA_COUNT_1 24-bit DMA transfer count with byte unit Updated (decreased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when each packet is transferred. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 200 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0900220 Bit Name Type Reset Bit DMA_CONFI G DMA Configuration Register 00000004 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 AHB_HP ROT_2_E N DMA_ACT IVE_EN Name Type Reset 0 Bit(s) RW 0 0 RW 0 16 0 DMAQ_CHAN_S EL AH BW AIT _SE L RW 0 RW 0 0 0 BO UN DA RY _1K _C RO SS_ EN RW 0 Name Description DMA_ACTIVE_EN The two bits control usb_active. 2'b00: usb_active depends on all DMAEN of DMA channel control register. 2'b01: usb_active ties to 1. 2'b10: usb_active ties to 0. 2'b11: usb_active depends on ep_active, dma_active and all DMAEN of DMA channel control register (OR logic). 9:8 AHB_HPROT_2_EN The two bits control the AHB master interface HPROT2 function operating in non-bufferable/bufferable/last transfer non-bufferable mode. 2'b00: All write transfers of a burst will be accessed by bufferable mode except for the last transfer of a burst. 2'b01: AHB master HPROT2 is always accessed by non-bufferable mode. 2'b10: AHB master HPROT2 is always accessed by bufferable mode. 2'b11: Reserved 6:4 DMAQ_CHAN_SEL Selects DMA channel used by USB_DMAQ if it is available It will not affect if USB_DMAQ is not available. 1 AHBWAIT_SEL Selects AHBWAIT behavior Set to 1 to return to old DMA master AHB wait condition. This bit is used to test DMA FIFO overflow bug. 0 BOUNDARY_1K_CR OSS_EN Enables 1k boundary page crossing Set to 1 to force burst transfer regardless of 1k boundary crossing. Note: This will violate AHB 1k boundary specification but gain some bus performance. 11:10 A0900224 Bit 15 DMA_CNTL_ 2 14 13 12 DMA Channel 2 Control Register 11 Name DM AA BO RT Type A0 RU Reset 0 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 DM AC HE N BURST_M ODE BU SE RR ENDPNT RW RU RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0000 3 1 0 INT EN DM AM OD E 2 DM ADI R DM AE N RW RW RW 0 0 0 Oth er 0 Bit(s) Name Description 13 DMAABORT If SW needs to abort the current DMA transfer, set DMAABORT=1 and DMAEN=0. After the transfer is aborted completely, DMA © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 201 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description interrupt will occur. DMACHEN DMA channel enable monitor bit 10:9 BURST_MODE 2'b00: Burst Mode 0: Bursts of unspecified length 2'b01: Burst Mode 1: INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b10: Burst Mode 2: INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b11: Burst Mode 3: INCR16, INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 8 BUSERR Bus error 7:4 ENDPNT Endpoint which DMA will transfer with 3 INTEN Enables interrupt 2 DMAMODE DMA mode 1 DMADIR Direction 0: DMA write (Rx endpoint) 1: DMA read (Tx endpoint) DMAEN Enables DMA The bit will be cleared when the DMA transfer is completed. Programmers should not disable DMA_en before the transfer is completed. If programmers disable dma_en during the transfer, DMA will not stop immediately until the last bus transfer is completed. 11 0 A0900228 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 DMA_ADDR _2 30 29 28 DMA Channel 2 Address Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 DMA_ADDR_2[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_ADDR_2[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 31:0 DMA_ADDR_2 32-bit DMA start address Updated (increased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when multiple packet DMA (DMA Mode = 1) is used A090022C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset DMA_COUN T_2 DMA Channel 2 Byte Count Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 7 22 0 6 DMA_COUNT_2[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 DMA_COUNT_2[23:16] RW 0 0 0 0 17 0 16 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 23:0 DMA_COUNT_2 24-bit DMA transfer count with byte unit Updated (decreased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when each packet is transferred. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 202 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0900234 Bit 15 DMA_CNTL_ 3 14 13 12 DMA Channel 3 Control Register 11 Name DM AA BO RT Type A0 RU Reset 0 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 DM AC HE N BURST_M ODE BU SE RR ENDPNT RW RU RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0000 3 1 0 INT EN DM AM OD E 2 DM ADI R DM AE N RW RW RW 0 0 0 Oth er 0 Bit(s) Name Description 13 DMAABORT If SW needs to abort the current DMA transfer, set DMAABORT=1 and DMAEN=0. After the transfer is aborted completely, DMA interrupt will occur. 11 DMACHEN DMA channel enable monitor bit 10:9 BURST_MODE 2'b00: Burst Mode 0: Bursts of unspecified length 2'b01: Burst Mode 1: INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b10: Burst Mode 2: INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 2'b11: Burst Mode 3: INCR16, INCR8, INCR4 or unspecified length 8 BUSERR Bus error 7:4 ENDPNT Endpoint which DMA will transfer with 3 INTEN Enables interrupt 2 DMAMODE DMA mode 1 DMADIR Direction 0: DMA write (Rx endpoint) 1: DMA read (Tx endpoint) DMAEN Enables DMA The bit will be cleared when the DMA transfer is completed. Programmers should not disable DMA_en before the trnsfer is completed. If programmers disable dma_en during the transfer, DMA will not stop immediately until the last bus transfer is completed. 0 A0900238 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 DMA_ADDR _3 30 29 28 DMA Channel 3 Address Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 DMA_ADDR_3[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_ADDR_3[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 00000000 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 31:0 DMA_ADDR_3 32-bit DMA start address Updated (increased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when multiple packet DMA (DMA Mode = 1) is used © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 203 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A090023C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset DMA_COUN T_3 DMA Channel 3 Byte Count Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 7 22 0 6 DMA_COUNT_3[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 20 19 18 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 DMA_COUNT_3[23:16] RW 0 0 0 0 17 0 16 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 23:0 DMA_COUNT_3 24-bit DMA transfer count with byte unit Updated (decreased) by USB2.0 controller automatically when each packet is transferred. A0900304 Bit Name Type Reset EP1RXPKTC OUNT EP1 RxPktCount Register 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) 15:0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description EP1RXPKTCOUNT Sets up the number of packets of Rx Endpoint n size MaxP that are to be transferred in a block transfer Only used in host mode when AutoReq is set. It has no effect in peripheral mode or when AutoReq is not set. RqPktCount (host mode only) For each Rx Endpoint 1 - 15, the USB2.0 controller provides a 16-bit RqPktCount register. This read/write register is used in host mode to specify the number of packets that are to be transferred in a block transfer of one or more bulk packets of length MaxP to Rx Endpoint n. The core uses the value recorded in this register to determine the number of requests to issue where the AutoReq option (included in the RxCSR register) has been set. Note: Multiple packets combined into a single bulk packet within the FIFO count as one packet. EP2RXPKTC OUNT Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 15:0 8 EP1RXPKTCOUNT RW 0 0 0 0 Name A090030 8 Bit(s) 9 0000 EP2 RxPktCount Register 9 8 7 6 EP2RXPKTCOUNT RW 0 0 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description EP2RXPKTCOUNT Sets up the number of packets of Rx Endpoint n size MaxP that are to be transferred in a block transfer Only used in host mode when AutoReq is set. It has no effect in peripheral mode or when AutoReq is not set. RqPktCount (host mode only) For each Rx Endpoint 1 - 15, the USB2.0 controller provides a 16-bit RqPktCount register. This read/write register is used in host mode to specify the number of packets that are to be transferred in a block transfer of one or more bulk packets of length MaxP to Rx Endpoint n. The core uses the value recorded in this register to determine the number of requests © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 204 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description to issue where the AutoReq option (included in the RxCSR register) has been set. Note: Multiple packets combined into a single bulk packet within the FIFO count as one packet. A090060 4 Bit 15 Test Mode 1 Register TM1 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0000 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 0 TM1 USB IP internal TM1. A090060 8 HWVER_DA TE Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 31 29 28 HW Version Control Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 HWVER_DATE[31:16] DC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 HWVER_DATE[15:0] DC 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 21 0 20121214 20 19 18 17 0 1 4 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Name Description 31:0 HWVER_DATE Hardware version control register date format 32'hYYYYMMDD Bit 31 SRAMA 30 29 SRAM Address Register 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 SRAMA RW 0 0 0 00000000 20 19 18 Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 16 5 Bit(s) A0900684 0 TM 1 RW 0 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 17 EP 0_S tart Ad _T M6 _en RW 0 1 0 16 SR AM DB G RW 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 17 EP0_StartAd_TM6_ en Software can enable this bit to change the EP0 FIFO start address for test mode 6 FIFO loopback test by DMA/PIO. 16 SRAMDBG SRAM_DEBUG_MODE Software can read the data in SRAM of USB core when this bit is enabled. The related registers are SRAMA, SRAMD. After setting this bit to 1, software can set © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 205 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description up SRAMA (SRAM address) then read the data in register SRAMD (SRAM data). This is for debugging mode only and should be disabled in normal operation. 1'b0: Software set this bit 0 to disable SRAM_DEBUG_MODE. 1'b1: Software set this bit 1 to enable SRAM_DEBUG_MODE. 15:0 SRAMA A090068 8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 SRAM Data Register SRAMD 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) 31:0 A090069 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit SRAM_ADDRESS The register is used for RISC to read data from USB SRAM. The unit is 4 bytes. For example, to check 0x400 byte address, set this register to 0x100. This register is only available when the register bit SRAM_DEBUG_MODE of register SRAMDBG is set to 1. When SRAM ADDRESS is set, SRAM DATA will display the data in the address SRAM ADDRESS in SRAM. It is for debugging mode only. 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 SRAMDATA[31:16] RU 0 0 0 0 SRAMDATA[15:0] RU 0 0 0 0 00000000 21 0 20 19 18 17 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description SRAMDATA SRAM_DATA The register is used for RISC to read data from USB SRAM. This register is only available when the register bit SRAM_DEBUG_MODE of register SRAMDBG is set to 1. When SRAM ADDRESS is set, SRAM DATA will display the data in the address SRAM ADDRESS in SRAM. It is for debugging mode only. RISC Size Register RISC_SIZE 00000002 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Type Reset 1:0 0 Name Name Bit(s) 16 Name Description RISC_SIZE Configures RISC wrapper access size 2'b00: 8-bit byte access 2'b01: 16-bit half word access 2'b10: 32-bit word access 2'b11: Reserved © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 17 16 1 0 RISC_SIZ E RW 1 0 Page 206 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0900700 Bit 31 RESREG 30 29 Reserved Register 28 27 Name Type Reset Bit 26 24 23 22 FFFF0000 21 20 RESERVEDH 1 15 1 14 1 13 1 12 1 11 1 10 Name Type Reset 25 RW 1 9 1 8 1 7 1 1 1 6 5 4 0 0 0 19 MA C_ CG _DI S RW 1 3 18 US B_ CG _DI S RW 1 2 17 MC U_ CG _DI S RW 1 0 HS TP WR DW N_ OP T RW 0 1 RESERVEDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 16 DM A_ CG _DI S RW 1 Bit(s) Name Description 19 MAC_CG_DIS Disables USB MAC clock gate to enhance dynamic power 0 18 USB_CG_DIS Disables USB clock gate 17 DMA_CG_DIS Disables DMA clock gate 16 MCU_CG_DIS Disables MCU clock gate HSTPWRDWN_OPT Host mode device connection detection option 0: Disable 1: Enable the detection of device connection when MAC clock is off and drive powerdwn wakeup signal to wake up the system 0 A0900730 Bit 14 13 12 OTG20 Related Control Register L 11 10 9 8 00 7 6 5 4 3 Name DIS _H SU S EN _A _H FS_ WH NP DIS _B _W TDI S EN _H HS _S US P_ DIS DIS _C HA RG E_ VB US Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) 15 OTG20_CSR L 2 EN _H SU S_ RE SU ME _IN T RW 0 1 0 EN _H SU S_ RE SU ME OT G2 0_ EN RW 0 RW 0 Name Description DIS_HSUS Disables host mode entering C_OPM_HSUS state before entering suspend Suggested: 1'b1 0: Host mode enters C_OPM_HSUS state before entering suspend. 1: Disable host mode entering C_OPM_HSUS state before entering suspend. 6 EN_A_HFS_WHNP If this bit is enabled, FS idle of A device will transfer to HFS_HSUS state first. Suggested: 1'b1 in all modes (device/host/OTG) 0: FS idle of A device will not transfer to HFS_HSUS state first. 1: FS idle of A device will transfer to HFS_HSUS state first. 5 DIS_B_WTDIS Disables B device entering C_OPM_B_WTDIS states before switching to host mode Suggested: 1'b1 7 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 207 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 0: B device enters C_OPM_B_WTDIS states before switching to host mode. 1: B device does not enter C_OPM_B_WTDIS states before switching to host mode. EN_HHS_SUSP_DI S Enables host-hs-suspend entering OPM_FS_WTCON state first while receiving disconnect signal Suggested: 1'b1 in all modes (device/host/OTG) 0: The host mode enters fs_normal mode directly when the device receives the disconnect signal as suspend state in all states. 1: The host mode enters OPM_FS_WTCON mode first when the device receives the disconnect signal as suspend state in all states. DIS_CHARGE_VBU S Disables B device charging VBUS function for OTG2.0 feature 0: B device charges VBUS when B device initiates the SRP protocol. This mode makes compatible the OTG1.3 related SRP flow. 1: B device does not charge VBUS when B device initiates the SRP protocol. This mode is for satisfying the OTG2.0 protocol. EN_HSUS_RESUME _INT Enables hsus mode of host initializing resuming interrupt while receiving resume K as waiting for HNP Suggested: 1'b1 for OTG2.0 mode 0: Suspend mode of host does not initialize resuming interrupt as receiving resume K while host is waiting for HNP protocol in OTG20 mode. 1: Suspend mode of host initializes resuming interrupt as receiving resume K while host is waiting for HNP protocol in OTG20 mode. 1 EN_HSUS_RESUME Enables hnpsus-mode of host entering host-normal mode as receiving resume K while waiting for HNP Suggested: 1'b0 when USB works in OTG20 mode 0: hnpsus-mode of host stays in hnpsus-mode as receiving resume K while waiting for HNP. 1: hnpsus-mode of host enters host-normal mode as receiving resume K while waiting for HNP. 0 OTG20_EN Enables OTG 2.0 feature 0: Disable OTG2.0 feature; default OTG1.3 mode. 1: Enable USB OTG20 feature 4 3 2 A0900731 Bit 15 OTG20_CSR H 14 13 12 OTG20 Related Control Register H 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 00 3 2 1 Name DIS _A UT OR ST Type Reset RW 0 Bit(s) 0 EN _C ON _D EB _S HO RT RW 0 Name Description 1 DIS_AUTORST Informs whether HW sends bus reset automatically when B-device changes to host with HNP 0: HW sends bus reset automatically when B-device changes to host with HNP. 1: HW does not send bus reset when B-device changes to host mode. SW should set up the reset bit for sending bus reset. The bit is added for OTG20 compliance test. 0 EN_CON_DEB_SHO RT Enable this bit to decrease A device connection denounce waiting timing. Suggested: 1'b1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 208 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 0: A device connection without denounce waiting timing 1: Decrease A device connection denounce waiting timing © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 209 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 12. General Purpose Timer 12.1. Introduction The GPT includes five 32-bit timers and one 64-bit timer. Each timer has four operation modes, which are ONESHOT, REPEAT, freerun with interrupt (FREERUN_I) and FREERUN, and can operate on one of the two clock sources, RTC clock (32.768kHz) and system clock (13MHz). GPT is an always on IP. When the system is in sleep or deep sleep mode, it still keeps the previous configuration and keeps working. However, there is no 13MHz clock source in deep sleep mode; users need to switch clock source to 32kHz, which sets GPT*_CLK[4] to 1’b1. 12.1.1. Features The four operation modes for GPT are ONE-SHOT, REPEAT, FREERUN_I, and FREERUN. See Table 12-1 for the functions of each mode. Table 12-1. Operation mode of GPT Auto Stop Interrupt Increases when EN=1 and … When COUNTn = COMPAREn Example: Compare is set to 2 ONE-SHOT Yes Yes Stops when COUNTn = COMPAREn EN is reset to 0. 0,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,… REPEAT No Yes Count is reset to 0. 0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2… FREERUN_I No Yes Reset to 0 when overflow 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,… FREERUN No No Reset to 0 when overflow 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,… Mode *Bold means interrupt Each timer can be programmed to select the clock source, RTC clock (32.76kHz) or system clock (13MHz). After the clock source is determined, the division ratio of the selected clock can be programmed. The division ratio can be fine-granulated as 1, 2, 3, 4 to 13 and coarse-granulated as 16, 32 and 64. Table 12-2. Timer feature Timer Resolution Interrupt Prescalor Mode Clock GPT1– GPT5 32-bit Yes 1-13, 16, 32, 64 ONE-SHOT/ REPEAT / FREERUN_I/FREERUN 32KHz/ 13MHz GPT6 64-bit Yes 1-13, 16, 32, 64 ONE-SHOT/ REPEAT / FREERUN_I/FREERUN 32KHz/ 13MHz © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 210 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 12.1.2. Block Diagram 32bit 64 bit APXGPT 32kHz 13MHz GPT1 GPT2 Sleep Control GPT3 GPT4 IRQ MCU GPT5 GPT6 Figure 12-1. Block diagram of GPT 12.1.3. Programming Guide To program and use GPT, note that: • The counter value can be read any time even when the clock source is RTC clock. • The compare value can be programmed any time. Sequence flow: • Turn off GPT clock. • Set up GPT clock source and frequency divider. • Turn on GPT clock. • Enable/disable IRQ and IRQ mask. • Set up compare value. • Set up GPT mode. • Enable GPT. For the GPT6 64-bit timer, the read operation of the 64-bit timer value will be separated into two APB reads since an APB read is of 32-bit width. To perform the read of 64-bit timer value, the lower word should be read first then the higher word. The read operation of lower word freezes the “read value” of the higher word but does not freeze the timer counting. This ensures that the separated read operation acquires the correct timer value. If both two tasks, e.g. task A and task B, perform the read of 64-bit timer value, task A first reads the lower word of the value, and task B reads the lower word of the value. Either of the tasks reads the higher word of timer value, and the obtained value will be the time when task B reads the lower word of timer value. To guarantee task A reads the correct 64-bit timer value, some software procedures are required, e.g. the semaphore. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 211 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 12.2. Register Definition Module name: GPT Base address: (+A2140000h) Address Name Width Register Function GPT IRQ Status Shows the interrupt status of each GPT A2140000 GPT_IRQSTA 32 A2140004 GPT_IRQMASK 0 32 A2140008 GPT_IRQMASK1 32 A2140010 GPT1_CON 32 GPT1 Control The General control for GPT1 A2140014 GPT1_CLK 32 GPT1 Clock Setting Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock A2140018 GPT1_IRQ_EN 32 GPT IRQ Enabling Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt A214001C GPT1_IRQ_STA 32 GPT IRQ Status Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 A2140020 GPT1_IRQ_ACK 32 A2140024 GPT1_COUNT 32 A2140028 GPT1_COMPAR E 32 GPT1 Compare Value Compare value for GPT1 A2140040 GPT2_CON 32 GPT2 Control General control for GPT2 A2140044 GPT2_CLK 32 GPT2 Clock Setting Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock A2140048 GPT2_IRQ_EN 32 GPT IRQ Enabling Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt A214004C GPT2_IRQ_STA 32 A2140050 GPT2_IRQ_ACK 32 A2140054 GPT2_COUNT 32 GPT2 Counter Timer count of GPT2 A2140058 GPT2_COMPAR E 32 GPT2 Compare Value Compare value for GPT2 A2140070 GPT3_CON 32 GPT3 Control General control for GPT3 A2140074 GPT3_CLK 32 GPT3 Clock Setting Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock A2140078 GPT3_IRQ_EN 32 A214007C GPT3_IRQ_STA 32 A2140080 GPT3_IRQ_ACK 32 GPT IRQ Acknowledgement Acknowledges the GPT interrupt A2140084 GPT3_COUNT 32 GPT3 Counter Timer count of GPT3 A2140088 GPT3_COMPAR E 32 GPT3 Compare Value ARM IRQMASK Register Masks specific GPT's interrupt to ARM CM4 IRQMASK Register Masks specific GPT's interrupt to CM4 GPT IRQ Acknowledgement Acknowledges the GPT interrupt GPT1 Counter Timer count of GPT1 GPT IRQ Status Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 GPT IRQ Acknowledgement Acknowledges the GPT interrupt GPT IRQ Enabling Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt GPT IRQ Status Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 212 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Compare value for GPT3 GPT4 Control General control for GPT4 A21400A0 GPT4_CON 32 A21400A4 GPT4_CLK 32 A21400A8 GPT4_IRQ_EN 32 A21400AC GPT4_IRQ_STA 32 GPT IRQ Status Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 A21400B0 GPT4_IRQ_ACK 32 GPT IRQ Acknowledgement Acknowledges the GPT interrupt A21400B4 GPT4_COUNT 32 GPT4 Counter Timer count of GPT4 A21400B8 GPT4_COMPAR E 32 GPT4 Compare Value Compare value for GPT4 A21400D0 GPT5_CON 32 A21400D4 GPT5_CLK 32 A21400D8 GPT5_IRQ_EN 32 GPT IRQ Enabling Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt A21400DC GPT5_IRQ_STA 32 GPT IRQ Status Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 A21400E0 GPT5_IRQ_ACK 32 GPT IRQ Acknowledgement Acknowledges the GPT interrupt A21400E4 GPT5_COUNT 32 GPT5 Counter Timer count of GPT5 A21400E8 GPT5_COMPAR E 32 A2140100 GPT6_CON 32 A2140104 GPT6_CLK 32 GPT6 Clock Setting Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock A2140108 GPT6_IRQ_EN 32 GPT IRQ Enabling Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt A214010C GPT6_IRQ_STA 32 GPT IRQ Status Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 A2140110 GPT6_IRQ_ACK 32 GPT IRQ Acknowledgement Acknowledges the GPT interrupt A2140114 GPT6_COUNTL 32 A2140118 GPT6_COMPAR EL 32 A214011C GPT6_COUNTH 32 GPT6 Counter L Higher word timer count for GPT6 A2140120 GPT6_COMPAR EH 32 GPT6 Compare Value H Higher word compare value for GPT6 A2140000 GPT_IRQSTA Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 GPT4 Clock Setting Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock GPT IRQ Enabling Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt GPT5 Control General control for GPT5 GPT5 Clock Setting Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock GPT5 Compare Value Compare value for GPT5 GPT6 Control General control for GPT6 GPT6 Counter L Lower word timer count for GPT6 GPT6 Compare Value L Lower word compare value for GPT6 GPT IRQ Status 27 26 25 00000000 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 16 Page 213 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset 15 Overview 14 13 12 A2140004 0 0 3 2 IRQSTA RO 0 0 1 0 0 0 0000003F 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 1 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 1 1 IRQ_MSK0 RW 1 1 Masks specific GPT's interrupt to ARM Description By default, ARM will not receive GPT3's interrupt. IRQ_MSK0 GPT_IRQMAS CM4 IRQMASK Register K1 0000003F 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 1 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 1 1 IRQ_MSK1 RW 1 1 Masks specific GPT's interrupt to CM4 Description By default, CM4 will only receive GPT3's interrupt. IRQ_MSK1 A2140010 Type Reset 4 GPT_IRQMAS ARM IRQMASK Register K0 Bit(s) Name Name 5 29 Overview Bit Name Type Reset Bit 6 30 A2140008 5:0 7 Interrupt status of each GPT 0: No associated interrupt is generated 1: Associated interrupt is pending and waiting for service. Bit(s) Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 8 31 Overview 5:0 9 Description IRQSTA Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 10 Shows the interrupt status of each GPT Bit(s) Name 5:0 11 GPT1_CON GPT1 Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SW_C G1 RW 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. MODE1 0 RW CLR1 EN1 WO 0 0 RW 0 Page 214 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview The General control for GPT1 Bit(s) Name Description 6 SW_CG1 Stop GPT1's clock if this bit is enabled. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5:4 MODE1 Operation mode of GPT1 00: ONE-SHOT mode 01: REPEAT mode 10: FREERUN_I mode 11: FREERUN mode 1 CLR1 Clears the counter of GPT1 to 0 0: No effect 1: Clear It takes 2~3 T GPT1_CK for CLR1 to clear the counter of GPT1. 0 EN1 Enables GPT1 0: Disable 1: Enable It takes 2~3 T GPT1_CK for EN1 to enable/disable GPT1. A2140014 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT1_CLK 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 20 19 4 3 CLK1 RW 0 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 CLKDIV1 RW 0 0 0 Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock Bit(s) Name 3:0 00000000 30 Overview 4 GPT1 Clock Setting 31 Description CLK1 Sets up clock source of GPT1 0: System clock (13MHz) 1: RTC clock (32kHz) CLKDIV1 Setting of GPT1 input clock frequency divider 0000: Clock source divided by 1 0001: Clock source divided by 2 0010: Clock source divided by 3 0011: Clock source divided by 4 0100: Clock source divided by 5 0101: Clock source divided by 6 0110: Clock source divided by 7 0111: Clock source divided by 8 1000: Clock source divided by 9 1001: Clock source divided by 10 1010: Clock source divided by 11 1011: Clock source divided by 12 1100: Clock source divided by 13 1101: Clock source divided by 16 1110: Clock source divided by 32 1111: Clock source divided by 64 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 215 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2140018 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT1_IRQ_EN GPT IRQ Enabling 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview Description Enables interrupt of GPT1 0: Disable interrupt of GPT1 1: Enable interrupt of GPT1 IRQEN A214001C Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT1_IRQ_ST GPT IRQ Status A 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview A2140020 Interrupt status of GPT1 0: No interrupt is generated from GPT1 1: GPT1's interrupt is pending and waiting for service. GPT1_IRQ_AC GPT IRQ Acknowledgement K 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview 16 0 IRQA CK WO 0 Acknowledges the GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 0 IRQS TA RO 0 Description IRQSTA Bit Name Type Reset Bit 16 Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 Bit(s) Name 0 0 IRQE N RW 0 Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 16 IRQACK Description Interrupt acknowledgement for GPT1 0: No effect 1: Associated interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 216 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2140024 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT1_COUNT GPT1 Counter 31 30 29 28 23 22 9 8 7 6 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER1[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2140028 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Timer counter of GPT1 GPT1_COMPA GPT1 Compare Value RE 31 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COMPARE1[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE1[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Compare value for GPT1 Bit(s) Name Description Compare value of GPT1 Write new compare value will also clear the counter of GPT1. COMPARE1 A2140040 GPT2_CON GPT2 Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Name Type Reset Overview 21 Timer count of GPT1 COUNTER1 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 24 14 Bit(s) Name 31:0 00000000 25 15 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 COUNTER1[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 Overview 31:0 27 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SW_C G2 RW 0 MODE2 0 RW CLR2 EN2 WO 0 0 RW 0 General control for GPT2 Bit(s) Name Description 6 SW_CG2 Stop GPT2's clock if this bit is enabled. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5:4 MODE2 Operation mode of GPT2 00: ONE-SHOT mode 01: REPEAT mode © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 217 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 10: FREERUN_I mode 11: FREERUN mode 1 CLR2 Clears the counter of GPT2 to 0 0: No effect 1: Clear It takes 2~3 T GPT2_CK for CLR2 to clear the counter of GPT2. 0 EN2 Enables GPT2 0: Disable 1: Enable It takes 2~3 T GPT2_CK for EN2 to enable/disable GPT2. A2140044 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT2_CLK GPT2 Clock Setting 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Overview 3:0 19 4 3 CLK2 RW 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 0 CLKDIV2 RW 0 0 0 Description CLK2 Sets up clock source of GPT2 0: System clock (13MHz) 1: RTC clock (32kHz) CLKDIV2 Setting of GPT2 input clock frequency divider 0000: Clock source divided by 1 0001: Clock source divided by 2 0010: Clock source divided by 3 0011: Clock source divided by 4 0100: Clock source divided by 5 0101: Clock source divided by 6 0110: Clock source divided by 7 0111: Clock source divided by 8 1000: Clock source divided by 9 1001: Clock source divided by 10 1010: Clock source divided by 11 1011: Clock source divided by 12 1100: Clock source divided by 13 1101: Clock source divided by 16 1110: Clock source divided by 32 1111: Clock source divided by 64 A2140048 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 20 Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock Bit(s) Name 4 00000000 GPT2_IRQ_EN GPT IRQ Enabling 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 0 IRQE N RW 0 Page 218 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 Description Enables interrupt of GPT2 0: Disable interrupt of GPT2 1: Enable interrupt of GPT2 IRQEN A214004C Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT2_IRQ_ST GPT IRQ Status A 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview Description Interrupt status of GPT2 0: No interrupt is generated from GPT2 1: GPT2's interrupt is pending and waiting for service. IRQSTA A2140050 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT2_IRQ_AC GPT IRQ Acknowledgement K 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview 0 IRQA CK WO 0 Description Interrupt acknowledgement for GPT2 0: No effect 1: Associated interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. IRQACK A2140054 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 16 Acknowledges the GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 0 IRQS TA RO 0 Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 Bit(s) Name 0 16 31 GPT2_COUNT GPT2 Counter 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COUNTER2[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER2[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Page 219 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Timer count of GPT2 Bit(s) Name 31:0 Description Timer counter of GPT2 COUNTER2 GPT2_COMPA GPT2 Compare Value RE A2140058 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE2[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Compare value for GPT2 Bit(s) Name Description Compare value of GPT2 Write new compare value will also clear the counter of GPT2. COMPARE2 A2140070 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 26 COMPARE2[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 Overview 31:0 27 00000000 GPT3_CON GPT3 Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Name Type Reset Overview 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SW_C G3 RW 0 MODE3 0 RW CLR3 EN3 WO 0 0 RW 0 General control for GPT3 Bit(s) Name Description 6 SW_CG3 Stop GPT3's clock if this bit is enabled. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5:4 MODE3 Operation mode of GPT3 00: ONE-SHOT mode 01: REPEAT mode 10: FREERUN_I mode 11: FREERUN mode 1 CLR3 Clears the counter of GPT3 to 0 0: No effect 1: Clear It takes 2~3 T GPT3_CK for CLR3 to clear the counter of GPT3. 0 EN3 Enables GPT3 0: Disable 1: Enable It takes 2~3 T GPT3_CK for EN3 to enable/disable GPT3. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 220 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2140074 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT3_CLK GPT3 Clock Setting 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Overview 3:0 20 19 4 3 CLK3 RW 0 17 16 2 1 0 CLKDIV3 RW 0 0 Sets up clock source of GPT3 0: System clock (13MHz) 1: RTC clock (32kHz) CLKDIV3 Setting of GPT3 input clock frequency divider 0000: Clock source divided by 1 0001: Clock source divided by 2 0010: Clock source divided by 3 0011: Clock source divided by 4 0100: Clock source divided by 5 0101: Clock source divided by 6 0110: Clock source divided by 7 0111: Clock source divided by 8 1000: Clock source divided by 9 1001: Clock source divided by 10 1010: Clock source divided by 11 1011: Clock source divided by 12 1100: Clock source divided by 13 1101: Clock source divided by 16 1110: Clock source divided by 32 1111: Clock source divided by 64 A2140078 GPT3_IRQ_EN GPT IRQ Enabling 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview 16 0 IRQE N RW 0 Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 0 Description CLK3 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 0 18 Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock Bit(s) Name 4 00000000 31 IRQEN Description Enables interrupt of GPT3 0: Disable interrupt of GPT3 1: Enable interrupt of GPT3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 221 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A214007C Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT3_IRQ_ST GPT IRQ Status A 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview Description Interrupt status of GPT3 0: No interrupt is generated from GPT3 1: GPT3's interrupt is pending and waiting for service. IRQSTA A2140080 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT3_IRQ_AC GPT IRQ Acknowledgement K 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview A2140084 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COUNTER3[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER3[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Timer count of GPT3 Bit(s) Name 31:0 Interrupt acknowledgement for GPT3 0: No effect 1: Associated interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. GPT3_COUNT GPT3 Counter 31 Overview 0 IRQA CK WO 0 Description IRQACK Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 16 Acknowledges the GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 0 IRQS TA RO 0 Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 Bit(s) Name 0 16 COUNTER3 Description Timer counter of GPT3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 222 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual GPT3_COMPA GPT3 Compare Value RE A2140088 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE3[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 0 Description Compare value of GPT3 Write new compare value will also clear the counter of GPT3. COMPARE3 A21400A0 GPT4_CON GPT4 Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Name Type Reset Overview 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SW_C G4 RW 0 MODE4 0 RW CLR4 EN4 WO 0 0 RW 0 General control for GPT4 Bit(s) Name Description 6 SW_CG4 Stop GPT4's clock if this bit is enabled. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5:4 MODE4 Operation mode of GPT4 00: ONE-SHOT mode 01: REPEAT mode 10: FREERUN_I mode 11: FREERUN mode 1 CLR4 Clears the counter of GPT4 to 0 0: No effect 1: Clear It takes 2~3 T GPT4_CK for CLR4 to clear the counter of GPT4. 0 EN4 Enables GPT4 0: Disable 1: Enable It takes 2~3 T GPT4_CK for EN4 to enable/disable GPT4. A21400A4 Bit Name Type Reset 2 16 Compare value for GPT3 Bit(s) Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit 26 COMPARE3[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 Overview 31:0 27 00000000 31 GPT4_CLK 30 29 GPT4 Clock Setting 28 27 26 25 24 00000000 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 16 Page 223 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 Overview 13 12 3:0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 CLK4 RW 0 0 2 1 CLKDIV4 RW 0 0 Sets up clock source of GPT4 0: System clock (13MHz) 1: RTC clock (32kHz) CLKDIV4 Setting of GPT4 input clock frequency divider 0000: Clock source divided by 1 0001: Clock source divided by 2 0010: Clock source divided by 3 0011: Clock source divided by 4 0100: Clock source divided by 5 0101: Clock source divided by 6 0110: Clock source divided by 7 0111: Clock source divided by 8 1000: Clock source divided by 9 1001: Clock source divided by 10 1010: Clock source divided by 11 1011: Clock source divided by 12 1100: Clock source divided by 13 1101: Clock source divided by 16 1110: Clock source divided by 32 1111: Clock source divided by 64 A21400A8 GPT4_IRQ_EN GPT IRQ Enabling 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Type Reset Overview 16 0 IRQE N RW 0 Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name Description Enables interrupt of GPT4 0: Disable interrupt of GPT4 1: Enable interrupt of GPT4 IRQEN A21400AC Bit Name Type Reset Bit 0 00000000 Name 0 0 Description CLK4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 3 Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock Bit(s) Name 4 11 GPT4_IRQ_ST GPT IRQ Status A 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 0 IRQS TA RO 0 Page 224 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 Bit(s) Name 0 Description Interrupt status of GPT4 0: No interrupt is generated from GPT4 1: GPT4's interrupt is pending and waiting for service. IRQSTA A21400B0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT4_IRQ_AC GPT IRQ Acknowledgement K 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview Description Interrupt acknowledgement for GPT4 0: No effect 1: Associated interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. IRQACK A21400B4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT4_COUNT GPT4 Counter 31 30 29 28 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER4[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Timer count of GPT4 Bit(s) Name Description Timer counter of GPT4 COUNTER4 A21400B8 Overview 26 15 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 27 00000000 COUNTER4[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 Overview 31:0 0 IRQA CK WO 0 Acknowledges the GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 16 31 GPT4_COMPA GPT4 Compare Value RE 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COMPARE4[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE4[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Compare value for GPT4 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 225 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 31:0 Description Compare value of GPT4 Write new compare value will also clear the counter of GPT4. COMPARE4 A21400D0 GPT5_CON Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT5 Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Name Type Reset Overview 22 6 SW_C G5 RW 0 21 20 19 18 5 4 3 2 MODE5 0 RW 0 WO 0 0 RW 0 Description SW_CG5 Stop GPT5's clock if this bit is enabled. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5:4 MODE5 Operation mode of GPT5 00: ONE-SHOT mode 01: REPEAT mode 10: FREERUN_I mode 11: FREERUN mode 1 CLR5 Clears the counter of GPT5 to 0 0: No effect 1: Clear It takes 2~3 T GPT5_CK for CLR5 to clear the counter of GPT5. 0 EN5 Enables GPT5 0: Disable 1: Enable It takes 2~3 T GPT5_CK for EN5 to enable/disable GPT5. A21400D4 GPT5_CLK GPT5 Clock Setting 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Overview 20 19 4 3 CLK5 RW 0 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 CLKDIV5 RW 0 0 0 Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock Bit(s) Name 3:0 1 CLR5 EN5 6 4 16 General control for GPT5 Bit(s) Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 17 Description CLK5 Sets up clock source of GPT5 0: System clock (13MHz) 1: RTC clock (32kHz) CLKDIV5 Setting of GPT5 input clock frequency divider 0000: Clock source divided by 1 0001: Clock source divided by 2 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 226 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name A21400D8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Description 0010: Clock source divided by 3 0011: Clock source divided by 4 0100: Clock source divided by 5 0101: Clock source divided by 6 0110: Clock source divided by 7 0111: Clock source divided by 8 1000: Clock source divided by 9 1001: Clock source divided by 10 1010: Clock source divided by 11 1011: Clock source divided by 12 1100: Clock source divided by 13 1101: Clock source divided by 16 1110: Clock source divided by 32 1111: Clock source divided by 64 GPT5_IRQ_EN GPT IRQ Enabling 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview Description Enables interrupt of GPT5 0: Disable interrupt of GPT5 1: Enable interrupt of GPT5 IRQEN A21400DC Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT5_IRQ_ST GPT IRQ Status A 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview 16 0 IRQS TA RO 0 Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 Bit(s) Name 0 0 IRQE N RW 0 Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 16 IRQSTA Description Interrupt status of GPT5 0: No interrupt is generated from GPT5 1: GPT5's interrupt is pending and waiting for service. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 227 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A21400E0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT5_IRQ_AC GPT IRQ Acknowledgement K 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview Description Interrupt acknowledgement for GPT5 0: No effect 1: Associated interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. IRQACK A21400E4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT5_COUNT GPT5 Counter 31 30 29 28 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER5[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Timer count of GPT5 Description Timer counter of GPT5 COUNTER5 A21400E8 GPT5_COMPA GPT5 Compare Value RE 31 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COMPARE5[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE5[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Compare value for GPT5 Bit(s) Name 31:0 25 14 Bit(s) Name Overview 26 15 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 27 00000000 COUNTER5[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 Overview 31:0 0 IRQA CK WO 0 Acknowledges the GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 16 COMPARE5 Description Compare value of GPT5 Write new compare value will also clear the counter of GPT5. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 228 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2140100 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT6_CON GPT6 Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Name Type Reset Overview 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SW_C G6 RW 0 MODE6 0 RW CLR6 EN6 WO 0 0 General control for GPT6 Bit(s) Name Description 6 SW_CG6 Stop GPT6's clock if this bit is enabled. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5:4 MODE6 Operation mode of GPT6 00: ONE-SHOT mode 01: REPEAT mode 10: FREERUN_I mode 11: FREERUN mode 1 CLR6 Clears the counter of GPT6 to 0 0: No effect 1: Clear It takes 2~3 T GPT6_CK for CLR6 to clear the counter of GPT6. 0 EN6 Enables GPT6 0: Disable 1: Enable It takes 2~3 T GPT6_CK for EN6 to enable/disable GPT6. A2140104 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT6_CLK 00000000 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 20 19 4 3 CLK6 RW 0 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 CLKDIV6 RW 0 0 0 Controls the clock source and division ratio of GPT clock Bit(s) Name 3:0 GPT6 Clock Setting 31 Overview 4 RW 0 Description CLK6 Set clock source of GPT6 0: System clock (13MHz) 1: RTC clock (32kHz) CLKDIV6 Setting of GPT6 input clock frequency divider 0000: Clock source divided by 1 0001: Clock source divided by 2 0010: Clock source divided by 3 0011: Clock source divided by 4 0100: Clock source divided by 5 0101: Clock source divided by 6 0110: Clock source divided by 7 0111: Clock source divided by 8 1000: Clock source divided by 9 1001: Clock source divided by 10 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 229 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name A2140108 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Description 1010: Clock source divided by 11 1011: Clock source divided by 12 1100: Clock source divided by 13 1101: Clock source divided by 16 1110: Clock source divided by 32 1111: Clock source divided by 64 GPT6_IRQ_EN GPT IRQ Enabling 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview Description Enables interrupt of GPT6 0: Disable interrupt of GPT6 1: Enable interrupt of GPT6 IRQEN A214010C Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPT6_IRQ_ST GPT IRQ Status A 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview 0 IRQS TA RO 0 Description Interrupt status of GPT6 0: No interrupt is generated from GPT6 1: GPT6's interrupt is pending and waiting for service. IRQSTA A2140110 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 16 Shows the interrupt status of GPT1 Bit(s) Name 0 0 IRQE N RW 0 Controls the enabling/disabling of GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 16 GPT6_IRQ_AC GPT IRQ Acknowledgement K 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 0 IRQA CK WO 0 Page 230 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Acknowledges the GPT interrupt Bit(s) Name 0 Description Interrupt acknowledgement for GPT6 0: No effect 1: Associated interrupt request is acknowledged and should be relinquished. IRQACK A2140114 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT6_COUNT GPT6 Counter L L 31 30 29 28 23 22 9 8 7 6 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER6L[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Lower word timer count for GPT6 Description Lower word of timer count of GPT6 The read operation of GPT6_COUNTL will make GPT6_COUNTH fixed until the next read operation of GPT6_COUNTL. COUNTER6L A2140118 GPT6_COMPA GPT6 Compare Value L REL 31 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COMPARE6L[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE6L[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Lower word compare value for GPT6 Bit(s) Name Description Lower word of compare value of GPT6 Write new compare value will also clear the counter of GPT6. COMPARE6L A214011C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 24 14 Bit(s) Name 31:0 25 15 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 COUNTER6L[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 Overview 31:0 27 00000000 31 GPT6_COUNT GPT6 Counter L H 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COUNTER6H[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER6H[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Page 231 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview Higher word timer count for GPT6 Bit(s) Name 31:0 Description A2140120 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPT6_COMPA GPT6 Compare Value H REH 31 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 COMPARE6H[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE6H[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Higher word compare value for GPT6 Bit(s) Name 31:0 Higher word of timer count of GPT6 COUNTER6H COMPARE6H Description Higher word of compare of GPT6 Write new compare value will also clear the counter of GPT6. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 232 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 13. Pulse Width Modulation 13.1. General Description The generic pulse width modulators (PWM) are implemented to generate pulse sequences with programmable frequency and duty cycle for LCD backlight. The duration of the PWM output signal is LOW as long as the internal counter value is bigger than or equal to the threshold value. The waveform is shown in Figure 13-1. Internal counter Threshold PWM Signal Figure 13-1. PWM waveform The frequency and volume of PWM output signal are determined by registers PWM_1CH_CTRL, PWM_1CH_THRES, and PWM_1CH_COUNT. The POWERDOWN (pwm_1ch_pdn) signal is applied to power down the PWM_1CH module. When PWM_1CH is deactivated (pwm_1ch_pdn=1), the output will be in LOW state. The output PWM frequency is determined by: CLK CLOCK _ DIV × ( PWM _ 1CH _ COUNT + 1) CLK = 13 MHz, when CLK_SLE=0 CLK = 32 KHz, when CLK_SLE=1 CLOCK_DIV = 1, when CLK_DIV = 00b CLOCK_DIV = 2, when CLK_DIV = 01b CLOCK_DIV = 4, when CLK_DIV = 10b CLOCK_DIV = 8, when CLK_DIV = 11b The output PWM duty cycle is determined by: PWM _ 1CH _ THRES PWM _ 1CH _ COUNT + 1 Note that PWM_1CH_THRES should be less than PWM_1CH_COUNT. If this condition is not satisfied, the output pulse of the PWM will always behigh. Figure 7-2 is the PWM waveform with indicated register values. 13MHz PWM_COUNT = 5 PWM_THRES = 1 PWM_CON = 0b Figure 13-2. PWM waveform with register values © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 233 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 13.2. Register Definition There are six PWM channels in this SOC. The usage of the registers below is the same except that the base address should be changed to respective one. PWM number Base address PWM0 (Always on domain) 0xA2160000 PWM1 (Always on domain) 0xA2170000 PWM2 (Power down domain) 0xA0160000 PWM3 (Power down domain) 0xA0170000 PWM4 (Power down domain) 0xA0180000 PWM5 (Power down domain) 0xA0190000 Module name: PulseWidthModulation Base address: (+A2160000h) Address A2160000 Name PWM_1CH_CTRL_AD DR Width 16 A2160004 PWM_1CH_COUNT_A DDR 16 PWM max counter value register A2160008 PWM_1CH_THRESH_ ADDR 16 PWM threshold value register A2160000 Bit Name 15 PWM_1CH _CTRL_ADDR 14 13 12 Register Function PWM control register PWM control register 11 10 9 8 0000 7 6 5 4 3 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 2 PWM_1CH CLK_SEL _CLK_SEL 1:0 PWM_1CH CLK_DIV _CLK_DIV A2160004 Bit Name Type Reset 15 2 1 0 PWM _1CH PWM_1CH _CLK _CLK_DIV _SEL RW RW 0 0 0 Selects source clock frequency of PWM 0:CLK=13MHz (unable to work in sleep mode) 1: CLK=32kHz Selects clock prescaler scale of PWM 2'b00: f=fclk 2'b01: f=fclk/2 2'b10: f=fclk/4 2'b11: f=fclk/8 PWM_1CH_COU PWM max counter value register NT_ADDR 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 1 1 1 8 7 6 5 4 PWM_1CH_COUNT RW 1 1 1 1 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0000 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 Page 234 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 12:0 PWM_1CH PWM_1CH_COUNT PWM max. counter value _COUNT This value is the initial value for the internal counter. Regardless of the operation mode, if PWM_1CH_COUNT is written when the internal counter is counting backwards, the new initial value will not take effect until the internal counter counts down to 0, i.e. a complete period. A2160008 Bit Name Type Reset 15 PWM_1CH_THR PWM threshold value register ESH_ADDR 14 13 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 12:0 Description 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 PWM_1CH_THRES RW 0 0 0 0 0 0000 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Description PWM_1CH PWM_1CH_THRES PWM threshold value _THRES When the internal counter value is bigger than or equal to PWM_1CH_THRES, the PWM output signal will be 0. When the internal counter is less than PWM_1CH_THRES, the PWM output signal will be 1. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 235 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 14. Keypad Scanner 14.1. General Description The keypad supports two types of keypads, 3*3 single keys and 3*3 configurable double keys, and it will not be powered off to support the system wake-up event. The 3*3 keypad can be divided into two parts: 1) The keypad interface including three columns and three rows (see Figure 14-1 and Figure 14-2); 2) The key detection block provides key pressed, key released and de-bounce mechanisms. Each time the key is pressed or released, i.e. something different in the 3x3 matrix, the key detection block senses the change and recognizes if a key has been pressed or released. Whenever the key status changes and is stable, a KEYPAD IRQ will be issued. The MCU can then read the key(s) pressed directly in register KP_MEM1 and KP_MEM2. To ensure the key pressed information is not missed, the status register in keypad will not be read-cleared by the APB read command. The status register can only be changed by the key-pressed detection FSM. This keypad detects one or two keys pressed simultaneously with any combination. Figure 14-3 shows the condition when one key is pressed. Figure 14-4(a) and Figure 14-4(b) illustrate the cases of two keys pressed. Since the key pressed detection depends on the HIGH or LOW level of the external keypad interface, if the keys are pressed at the same time, and there exists a key that is on the same column and the same row with other keys, the pressed key cannot be correctly decoded. For example, if there are three key pressed: key1 = (x1, y1), key2 = (x2, y2), and key3 = (x1, y2), both key3 and key4 = (x2, y1) will be detected, and therefore they cannot be distinguished correctly. Hence, the keypad detects only one or two keys pressed simultaneously in any combination. More than two keys pressed simultaneously in a specific pattern will retrieve wrong information. The 3*3 keypad supports a 3*3*2 = 18 keys matrix. The 18 keys are divided into 9 sub groups, and each group consists of 2 keys and a 20ohm resistor. Besides the limitation of the 3*3 keypad, 3*3 keypad has another limitation, which is it cannot detect two keys pressed simultaneously when the two keys are in one group, i.e. the 3*3 keypad cannot detect key 0 and key 1 or key 15 and key 16 pressed simultaneously. Table 14-1. 3*3 single key’s order number in COL/ROW matrix COL0 COL1 COL2 ROW2 18 19 20 ROW1 9 10 11 ROW0 0 1 2 Table 14-2. 3*3 double key’s order number in COL/ROW matrix COL0 COL1 COL2 ROW2 26/27 28/29 30/31 ROW1 13/14 15/16 17/18 ROW0 0/1 2/3 4/5 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 236 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual COL2 COL2 COL0 COL0 COL1 COL1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ROW2 ROW2 11 ROW1 ROW1 ROW0 ROW0 Baseband Baseband PMIC PMIC integrated integrated BB BB chip chip Figure 14-1. 3x3 keypad matrix (9 keys) KCOL0 KROW0 KCOL1 2 0 4 3 1 KROW1 9 7 10 16 14 15 5 11 8 KROW2 KCOL2 12 18 17 19 Baseband Figure 14-2. 3x3 keypad matrix (18 keys) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 237 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 14.1.1. Waveform Key Pressed De-bounce time De-bounce time Key-pressed Status KP_IRQ KEY_PRESS_IRQ KEY_RELEASE_IRQ Figure 14-3. One key pressed with de-bounce mechanism denoted Key1 pressed Key2 pressed Status IRQ Key1 pressed Key2 pressed Key1 released Key2 released Key2 released Key1 released (a) Key1 pressed Key2 pressed Status IRQ Key1 pressed Key2 pressed (b) Figure 14-4. (a) Two keys pressed, case 1; (b) Two keys pressed, case 2 14.1.2. Keypad Detection Flow Single Keypad Detection In single keypad, the KROWx is always in output mode and KCOLx always in input mode. KCOLx has low detection capability, which means that if there are no keys pressed, KCOLx will be pulled up and KROWx always pulled low. In Figure 14-2, assume A1 (red key) is pressed, KCOLx can detect key pressed by the low pulse signal. According to the order of low pulse time occurrence, t1, t2 and t3 decide which KROWx is pressed. In this example, KCOL0 can detect a low pulse signal at t1 to know A1 key has been pressed. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 238 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 14-5. Single keypad detection method Double Keypad Detection Flow Figure 14-6 is the brief schematic diagram of double keypad internal circuit, including the following characteristics: 1. 20K ohm resistors on new added keys are required. 2. KCOL needs 200K ohm internal PD/PU resistors. 3. KROW needs 2K ohm internal PD resistors. 4. KROW/KCOL should be bi-directional. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 239 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 14-6. Brief schematic diagram of double keypad The detection flow of single keypad case in double keypad hardware is described step by step in Figure 14-7, Figure 14-8 and Figure 14-9. In Figure 14-7, KCOLx is initialized as input mode and the KROWx as output mode. In step 1, internal pull up resistor is enabled in KCOLx to let it stuck at high, and output low to all of KROWx in step 2. In step 4, the falling edge signal can be detected from KCOL0 to start key scanning. Figure 14-7. Single key case © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 240 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual The keypad row scan is depicted in Figure 14-8. The pull-up resistor is disabled and the pull-down resistor is enabled to let KCOL0 stuck at low in step 5 and 6. In step 7, KROW0 is sent logic high pulse at time t1, and KCOL0 can receive high pulse signal at time t1 due to key B is still pressed. Hence, the keypad in which rows can be decided. Figure 14-8. Row scan The row position is decided after the row scan. In Figure 14-8, column scanning is conducted to locate the final position of key. All KROWx are changed to input mode, and pull-down resistor is enabled in step 9. Switch KCOL0 to output mode and send logic high pulse in step 10 for KROW0 to receive logic low level and know key B is pressed in the final step 11. Figure 14-9. Column scan © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 241 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 14.1.3. Programming Guide Single Keypad Command Sequence Example Address A20D0024 Register name KP_EN A20D0020 KP_SEL A20D0018 A20D0018 KP_DEBOUNCE KP_DEBOUNCE Value 0x0001 W 0x1c70 W 0x0018 0x0018 R Loop Register function Enable keypad Select single keypad Enable 3 rows and 3 columns Set up de-bounce time Loop Double Keypad Command Sequence Example Address A20D0024 Register name KP_EN A20D0020 A20D0018 A20D001C A20D0018 14.2. R/W W R/W W Value 0x0001 KP_SEL W 0x1c71 KP_DEBOUNCE KP_SCAN_TIMING KP_DEBOUNCE W W 0x0018 0x0011 0x0018 R Loop Register function Enable keypad Select double keypad; Enable 3 rows and 3 columns Set up de-bounce time Loop Register Definition Module name: KP Base address: (+A20D0000h) Address Name Width Register Function A20D0000 KP_STA 16 Keypad Status A20D0004 KP_MEM1 16 Keypad Scanning Output Register Shows the key-pressed status of key 0 (LSB) ~ key 15. Refer to Table 14-1 and Table 14-2. A20D0008 KP_MEM2 16 Keypad Scanning Output Register Shows the key-pressed status of key 16 (LSB) ~ key 31. Refer to Table 14-1 and Table 14-2. 16 De-bounce Period Setting Defines the waiting period before key pressing or release events are considered stable. If the de-bounce setting is too small, the keypad will be too sensitive and detect too many unexpected key presses. The suitable de-bounce time setting must be adjusted according to the user's habit. A20D0018 KP_DEBOUNCE A20D001C KP_SCAN_TIMI NG 16 A20D0020 KP_SEL 16 A20D0024 KP_EN 16 Keypad Scan Timing Adjustment Register Sets up the 3*3 keypad scan timing. Note: ROW_SCAN_DIV > ROW_ HIGH_PULSE and COL_SCAN_DIV > COL_ HIGH_PULSE. ROW_ HIGH_PULSE /COL_ HIGH_PULSE are used to lower the power consumption for it decreases the actual scan number during the de-bounce time. Keypad Selection Register For selecting: 1: To use single keypad or double keypad 2: Which cols and rows are used when double keypad is used Keypad Enable Register Enables/Disables keypad. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 242 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A20D0000 KP_STA Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 Keypad Status 12 11 10 9 0000 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 0 STA RO 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 STA Description Indicates keypad status This register will not be cleared by the read operation. 0: No key pressed 1: Key pressed STA A20D0004 KP_MEM1 Bit 15 14 13 KEY1 KEY1 KEY1 Name 5 4 3 Type RO RO RO Reset 1 1 1 Overview Keypad Scanning Output Register 12 11 8 7 6 5 EE3F 4 3 0 KEY5 KEY4 KEY3 KEY2 KEY1 KEY0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 Shows the key-pressed status of key 0 (LSB) ~ key 15. Refer to Table 14-1 and Table 14-2. 15 KEY15 KEY15 14 KEY14 KEY14 13 KEY13 KEY13 11 KEY11 KEY11 10 KEY10 KEY10 9 KEY9 KEY9 5 KEY5 KEY5 4 KEY4 KEY4 3 KEY3 KEY3 2 KEY2 KEY2 1 KEY1 KEY1 0 KEY0 KEY0 Description A20D0008 KP_MEM2 15 14 13 Keypad Scanning Output Register 12 11 10 Name KEY3 KEY3 KEY2 KEY2 KEY2 KEY2 1 0 9 8 7 6 Type RO RO RO RO RO RO Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 Overview 9 KEY1 KEY11 KEY9 0 RO RO RO 1 1 1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit 10 9 8 7 6 5 FC1F 4 3 2 1 0 KEY2 KEY1 KEY1 KEY1 KEY1 0 9 8 7 6 RO RO RO RO RO 1 1 1 1 1 Shows the key-pressed status of key 16 (LSB) ~ key 31. Refer to Table 14-1 and Table 14-2. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15 KEY31 KEY31 14 KEY30 KEY30 13 KEY29 KEY29 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 243 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 12 KEY28 KEY28 11 KEY27 KEY27 10 KEY26 KEY26 4 KEY20 KEY20 3 KEY19 KEY19 2 KEY18 KEY18 1 KEY17 KEY17 0 KEY16 KEY16 A20D0018 Bit Name Type Reset 15 Overview Description KP_DEBOUNC De-bounce Period Setting E 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 A20D001C 15 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 De-bounce time = KP_DEBOUNCE/32ms KP_SCAN_TIM Keypad Scan Timing Adjustment Register ING 14 13 12 COL_ HIGH_PULSE RW 0 0 0 0 Overview 5 Description DEBOUNC DEBOUNCE E Bit Name Type Reset 6 DEBOUNCE RW 0 0 Defines the waiting period before key pressing or release events are considered stable. If the debounce setting is too small, the keypad will be too sensitive and detect too many unexpected key presses. The suitable de-bounce time setting must be adjusted according to the user's habit. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 13:0 7 0400 11 10 9 8 ROW_ HIGH_PULSE RW 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 COL_SCAN_DIV RW 0 0 0 1 0011 3 2 1 0 ROW_SCAN_DIV RW 0 0 0 1 Sets up the 3*3 keypad scan timing for double keypad. Note: ROW_SCAN_DIV > ROW_ HIGH_PULSE and COL_SCAN_DIV > COL_ HIGH_PULSE. ROW_ HIGH_PULSE /COL_ HIGH_PULSE are used to lower the power consumption for it decreases the actual scan number during the de-bounce time. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:12 COL_ COL_HIGH_PULSE Sets up the COL SCAN high pulse, i.e. cycles of the scan high HIGH_PUL pulse SE Default 0 means the high scan pulse needs 1 cycle. 11:8 ROW_ ROW_HIGH_PULS Sets up the ROW SCAN high pulse, i.e. cycles of the scan high HIGH_PUL E pulse SE Default 0 means the high scan pulse needs 1 cycle. 7:4 COL_SCAN COL_SCAN_DIV _DIV Sets up the COL SCAN cycle which includes COL_INTERVAL_DIV and the high pulse period Default 1 means there are 2 cycles for each scan, including 1 cycle high pulse and 1 cycle interval. 3:0 ROW_SCA ROW_SCAN_DIV N_DIV Sets up the ROW SCAN cycle which includes ROW_INTERVAL_DIV and the high pulse period Default 1 means there are 2 cycles for each scan, including 1 cycle high pulse and 1 cycle interval. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 244 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A20D0020 KP_SEL Bit 15 14 Name Keypad Selection Register 13 12 11 9 8 KP1_COL_SEL Type Reset 0 Overview 0 0 RW 1 1 1C70 6 5 4 3 1 0 0 0 RW 1 2 1 DUMMY2 1 1 0 RW 0 0 Description 9:4 KP1_ROW_ KP1_ROW_SEL SEL 3:1 DUMMY2 DUMMY2 KP_SEL KP_SEL A20D0024 KP_EN 15 14 13 Selects which cols are used when double keypad is used MT2523 supports maximum 3*3 double. col2, col1 and col0 can be used. 0: Disable corresponding column 1: Enable corresponding column Selects which rows are used when double keypad is used MT2523 supports maximum 3*3 double. row2, row1 and row0 can be used. 0: Disable corresponding row 1: Enable corresponding row Selects to use single keypad or double keypad 0: Use single keypad 1: Use double keypad Keypad Enable Register 12 11 10 9 8 7 0001 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Overview 0 KP_E N RW 0 Enables/Disables keypad. Note: When KP_EN is set to 0, both single and double keypad registers cannot be read and written. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 0 KP_S EL DC 0 For selecting: 1) To use single keypad or double keypad; 2) Which cols and rows are used when double keypad is used 15:10 KP1_COL_ KP1_COL_SEL SEL Bit 7 KP1_ROW_SEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 10 KP_EN KP_EN Description 0: Disable keypad (Both single and double keypad will not work.) 1: Enable keypad (Either single or double keypad will work.) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 245 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 15. General Purpose Counter 15.1. General Description General purpose counter (GP-counter) is a counter to count a pad toggle times and furthermore calculates the moving speed. It counts once the channel is enabled and provides an interrupt which will be triggered when the counter exceeds the threshold. Depending on the pulse width from pad, you can choose suitable clock source for the GP-counter: 32kHz or 26MHz. You only have to set up GPCOUNTER_MISC[8]: GPC_BCLK_SEL to choose. The GP-counter will add 1 when the pluse width from pad is longer than debouce time, which is set on GPCOUNTER_DEBOUNCE. GP-counter is an always on IP. When the system is in sleep mode, it still works. However, there is no 26MHz clock source in sleep mode, so users have to switch the clock source to 32kHz, which sets GPCOUNTER_MISC[8]: GPC_BCLK_SEL to 1’b1. GP-counter can trigger interrupt and wake-up events (level). You can set up EINT to capture wake-up events from GP-counter before the system enters sleep mode. Refer to EINT datasheet for more details. 15.1.1. Programming Guide GP-counter is an always on IP. To save the most power, the software has to power down the block clock to the module. You may set up the GP-counter register before powering on the block clock. Next, set up GPCOUNTER_CON_SET to start counting and set GPCOUNTER_CON_CLR to end counting. Read GPCOUNTER_CON to see if GP-counter is enabled or not. The counted data are stored in GPCOUNTER_DATA. Once GPCOUNTER_DATA is read, you may get the number and clear the counter at the same time. Programming sequence: 1. Set up GP-Counter register: Set up clock source, interrupt enable, debounce time, and threshold. a. Select 32K clock source before the system enters sleep mode. b. Power down GP-counter block clock first then switch block clock source. 2. Power on GP-counter block clock. 3. Set up GPCOUNTER_CON_SET to start counting. 4. Set up GPCOUNTER_CON_CLR to end counting. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 246 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 15.2. Register Definition Module name: GPCOUNTER Base address: (+A21E0000h) Address Name Width Register Function A21E0000 GPCOUNTER_ CON 32 GPCOUNTER Control Register Shows the GP counter status (counter enabled or not). A21E0004 GPCOUNTER_ CON_SET 32 GPCOUNTER Control Set Register Sets up the GP counter status (counter enabled). A21E0008 GPCOUNTER_ CON_CLR 32 GPCOUNTER Control Clear Register Clears the GP counter enable status (counter not enabled). A21E000C GPCOUNTER_ MISC 32 GPCOUNTER MISC Setting Defines clock and interrupt, etc. A21E0010 GPCOUNTER_ DEBOUNCE 32 GPCOUNTER De-bounce Period Setting Defines the waiting period before PAD pressing events are considered stable. If the de-bounce setting is too small, the counter will be too sensitive and detect too many unexpected PAD presses. The suitable de-bounce time setting should be adjusted according to the user's habit. A21E0014 GPCOUNTER_ DATA 32 GPCOUNTER Counter for Clear (Read and Clear) Data counted by GPCOUNTER will be cleared once they are read A21E0018 GPCOUNTER_ THRESHOLD 32 GPCOUNTER Threshold When the counter value is bigger than or equal to GPCOUNTER Threshold, the GP counter interrupt will be triggered. A21E001C GPCOUNTER_ INTERRUPT_ STA 32 GPCOUNTER Interrupt Status Interrupt status A21E0000 GPCOUNTER _CON Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPCOUNTER Control Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name 0 GPC_EN GPC_CH_EN A21E0004 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 16 0 GP C_ EN RO 0 Description GPCOUNTER _CON_SET 0: Not enable mode. 1: Enable mode. GPCOUNTER Control Set Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 247 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A21E0004 GPCOUNTER _CON_SET GPCOUNTER Control Set Register 00000000 GP C_S ET WO 0 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name 0 GPC_SET GPC_SET A21E0008 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Description GPCOUNTER _CON_CLR 0: Not enable counter 1: Enable counter GPCOUNTER Control Clear Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name 0 GPC_CLR GPC_CLR A21E000C Bit 0 GP C_ CL R WO 0 Description 0: Enable counter 1: Clear counter enabled GPCOUNTER _MISC GPCOUNTER MISC Setting 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Name Type Reset Bit 16 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name 24 GPC_INV _EN GPC_INV_EN 00010001 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GP C_I NV _E N RW 0 GP C_ BC LK _SE L RW 0 16 GP C_I NT _E N RW 1 0 Description GP-counter will detect rising edge from Pad_in toggle 0: Detect rising edge of a toggle 1: Detect falling edge of a toggle © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 248 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description Note: Set GPC_INV_EN as the default level of signal from pad (HIGH or LOW). Once the GP-counter is disabled (GPC_CH_EN=1'b0), it will keep pad-in signal LEVEL as GPC_INV_EN, no matter the level of signal from the pad is HIGH or LOW. Issues will happen when the default level of signal from pad is different from GPC_INV_EN. For example, when GPC_INV_EN=1'b0, but the default level of signal from pad is HIGH, the GP-counter will automatically add 1 when GPC_CH_EN goes from 0 to 1. 16 GPC_INT _EN GPC_INT_EN 0: For disable 1: For enable 8 GPC_BCL K_SEL GPC_CLK_SEL 0: Clock from 26MHz 1: Clock from 32kHz A21E0010 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPCOUNTER _DEBOUNCE GPCOUNTER De-bounce Period Setting 00000001 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 GPC_PAD_DEB RW 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 15:0 GPC_PA D_DEB GPC_DEBOUNCE De-bounce time = DEB_TIME*clock period GPC_COUNTER counts according to the GP counter clock, which can be selected by register GPC_BCLK_SEL. A21E0014 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 GP C_ CO UN TE R1_ DA TA RO 0 GPCOUNTER _DATA 30 29 28 GPCOUNTER Counter for Clear (Read and Clear) 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 00000000 18 17 16 GPC_COUNTER1_OVERFLOW[30:16] 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name 31 GPC_CO UNTER1_ GPC_OVERFLOW 0 10 0 9 0 8 RO 0 7 0 6 0 5 GPC_COUNTER1_OVERFLOW[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Description 0: Not overflow 1: Overflow © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 249 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemoni c 30:0 GPC_CO UNTER1_ OVERFL OW Name Description GPC_COUNTER Data counted by GPCOUNTER (read and clear) DATA A21E0018 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPCOUNTER _THRESHOL D 31 30 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 29 1 28 GPCOUNTER Threshold 0 27 0 26 0 60000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 GPC_THRESHOLD[30:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 GPC_THRESHOLD[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 18 17 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 30:0 GPC_TH RESHOL D GPC_THRESHOL D If GPC_COUNTER > GPC_THRESHOLD, IRQ request. GPC_COUNTER counts according to the GP counter clock, which can be selected by register GPC_BCLK_SEL. A21E001C Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPCOUNTER _INTERRUP T_STA GPCOUNTER Interrupt Status 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name 0 GPC_INT _STA GPC_INT_STA 16 0 GP C_I NT _ST A RO 0 Description 0: Interrupt 1: No interrupt © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 250 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 16. Auxiliary ADC Unit 16.1. General Description MT2523 features one auxiliary ADC function. The auxiliary ADC unit is for identifying the plugged peripheral. The ADC function contains 8 channels for measuring external channel or internal use and a 12-bit SAR (Successive Approximation Register) ADC. PDN_AUXADC F13M_EN AUTOSET_STR IMMEDIATE_STR APB BUS ADC_RDY AUXADC_CORE AUXADC_SIF ADC_SCKO Vin SPLD ADC_SFS PUWAIT_EN AUXADC_REG DAC ADC_SDAT A SADC_SIF COMP ADC SEL_LATCH [7:0] ADC_STATE ADC_LATCH Latch_Dat a ADC_S T ADC_SEL_IN ADC_PDN ADC_SEL_OUT Figure 16-1. AUXADC architecture Each channel operates in immediate mode. In immediate mode, the A/D converter samples the value once only when the flag of channel in the AUXADC_CON1 register is set. For example, if flag IMM0 in AUXADC_CON1 is set, the A/D converter will sample the data for channel 0. The IMM flags should be cleared and set again to initialize another sampling. The value sampled for channel 0 is stored in register AUXADC_DAT0, and the value for channel 1 is stored in register AUXADC_DAT1, and so on. If the AUTOSET flag in register AUXADC_CON3 is set, the auto-sample function will be enabled. So far, it is used in test mode only. The A/D converter samples the data for the channel in which the corresponding data register is read. For example, the AUTOSET flag is set. When the data register AUXADC_DAT0 is read, the A/D converter will sample the next value for channel 0 immediately. If multiple channels are selected at the same time, the task will be performed sequentially on every selected channel. For example, if AUXADC_CON1 is set to 0x3f, i.e. 6 channels are selected, the state machine in the unit will start sampling from channel 5 to channel 0 and save the values of each input channel in respective registers. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 251 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 16-1. AUXADC channel description 16.2. AUXADC Channel ID Description Channel 6 GPDAC (test only) Channel 7 Audio DL_HPL (internal use) Channel 8 Audio DL_HPR (internal use) Channel 11 External Channel 12 External Channel 13 External Channel 14 External Channel 15 External Register Definition Module name: AUXADC Base address: (+A0240000h) Address Name Widt h A0240004 AUXADC_CON 1 16 Auxiliary ADC Control Register 1 A024000C AUXADC_CON 3 16 Auxiliary ADC Control Register 3 A0240028 AUXADC_DAT 6 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 6 Register (GPDAC) A024002C AUXADC_DAT 7 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 7 Register (Audio DL_HPL) A0240030 AUXADC_DAT 8 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 8 Register (Audio DL_HPR) A024003C AUXADC_DAT 11 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 11 Register (External) A0240040 AUXADC_DAT 12 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 12 Register (External) A0240044 AUXADC_DAT 13 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 13 Register (External) A0240048 AUXADC_DAT 14 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 14 Register (External) A024004C AUXADC_DAT 15 16 Auxiliary ADC Channel 15 Register (External) A0240004 AUXADC_CO N1 Bit Name Type Reset 15 IM M1 5 RW 0 14 IM M1 4 RW 0 13 IM M1 3 RW 0 12 IM M1 2 RW 0 Register Function Auxiliary ADC Control Register 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 IM M11 IM M8 IM M7 IM M6 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 0000 3 2 1 0 Page 252 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual These bits are set individually to sample the data for the corresponding channel. It supports multiple flags. Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 15 IMM15 IMM15 Channel 15 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. 14 IMM14 IMM14 Channel 14 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. 13 IMM13 IMM13 Channel 13 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. 12 IMM12 IMM12 Channel 12 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. 11 IMM11 IMM11 Channel 11 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. 8 IMM8 IMM8 Channel 8 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. 7 IMM7 IMM7 Channel 7 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. 6 IMM6 IMM6 Channel 6 immediate mode 0: The channel is not selected. 1: The channel is selected. A024000 C AUXADC_CO N3 Auxiliary ADC Control Register 3 Bit 15 Name AU TO SET SO FT_ RS T Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0010 3 2 1 0 AU XA DC _ST A RO 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 15 AUTOSET AUTOSET (Test mode only) Defines the auto-sample mode of the module. In auto-sample mode, each channel with its sample register read can start sampling immediately without configuring the control register AUXADC_CON1 again. 7 SOFT_RS T SOFT_RST Software reset AUXADC state machine 0: Normal function 1: Reset AUXADC state machine 0 AUXADC _STA AUXADC_STA Defines the state of the module 0: This module is idle. 1: This module is busy. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 253 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0240028 Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T6 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 6 Register (GPDAC) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT6 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT6 DAT6 Sampled data for channel 6 A024002C Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T7 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 7 Register (Audio DL_HPL) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT7 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT7 DAT7 Sampled data for channel7 A0240030 Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T8 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 8 Register (Audio DL_HPR) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT8 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT8 DAT8 Sampled data for channel 8 A024003C Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T11 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 11 Register (External) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT11 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT11 DAT11 Sampled data for channel 11 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 254 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0240040 Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T12 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 12 Register (External) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT12 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT12 DAT12 Sampled data for channel 12 A0240044 Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T13 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 13 Register (External) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT13 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT13 DAT13 Sampled data for channel 13 A0240048 Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T14 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 14 Register (External) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT14 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT14 DAT14 Sampled data for channel 14 A024004 C Bit Name Type Reset 15 AUXADC_DA T15 14 13 12 Auxiliary ADC Channel 15 Register (External) 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 DAT15 RO 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 11:0 DAT15 DAT15 Sampled data for channel 15 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 255 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 16.3. Programming Guide Turn on auxadc clock Sel channel (IMM mode) Wait for adc_state==idle Sample data 1. Immediate mode sampling is accomplished by programming AUXADC_CON1 with the channels to be sampled. 2. Sample data after selecting channel. Wait for AUXADC_CON3[0]:AUXADC_STAT changing from busy to idle. It is necessary to program AUXADC_CON1 back to 0 before sampling again 3. To do the next immediate mode, wait for 17us for per channel enable in the previous AUXADC_CON1 setting. If there are flag IMM6 and IMM7 in AUXADC_CON1, wait for 34us. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 256 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 17. General Purpose DAC 17.1. General Description The general purpose DAC is a fat monitor containing 128x10 SRAM in design. It outputs data from SRAM to DAC continuously at 1.083MHz and the output region from register settings. 17.2. Register Definition Module name: GPDAC Base address: (+A21B0000h) Address Name Width Register Function A21B001C SWRST OUTPUT_COM MAND A21B0020 OUTPUT_REGI ON 16 Output address region A21B0024 WRITE_COMM AND 32 Write command A21B0050 GPDAC_SRAM _PWR 16 SRAM power control register A21B0018 A21B0018 Bit SWRST 15 14 13 16 Soft reset 16 Output command Soft reset 12 11 10 0000 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset 0 SWRS T RW 0 Overview Bit(s) Name 0 Description Resets all register 0: Idle, in normal mode 1: Reset SWRST A21B001C Bit 15 OUTPUT_COM Output command MAND 14 13 12 11 10 9 0010 8 7 6 Name Type Reset 5 4 REPE AT_E N RW 1 3 2 1 0 OUTP UT_E N RW 0 Overview © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 257 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description GPDAC is always in repeat mode; it repeats by the configuration of the OUTPUT REGION register. 0: Stop repeat 1: GPDAC is in repeat mode (default) 4 REPEAT_EN 0 OUTPUT_EN A21B0020 Bit Name Type Reset GPDAC starts to output data. If STOP is required, set output_en and repeat_en to 0. 0: Stop output 1: Output data OUTPUT_REGI Define the range of output ON 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 OUTPUT_END_ADDR RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 0 0000 6 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 OUTPUT_START_ADDR RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name Description 14:8 OUTPUT_END_ADDR Defines the range of output (end of address) 6:0 OUTPUT_START_AD DR A21B0024 Bit Defines the range of output (start of address) WRITE_COMM Write command AND 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset SRAM_DATA[7:0] RW 0 0 0 0 SRAM_ADDR RW 0 0 0 17 16 1 0 0 0 SRAM_DAT A[9:8] RW 0 0 Overview Bit(s) Name Description 17:8 SRAM_DATA Write in SRAM. SRAM_data 6:0 SRAM_ADDR Write in SRAM. SRAM address A2370050 Bit 15 GPDAC_SRA M_PWR 14 13 12 SRAM power control register 11 10 9 8 7 6 3 2 Name GP DA C_S LEE PB GP DA C_ PD Type Reset RW 1 RW 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 000A 4 1 GP DA C_I SOI NT B RW 1 0 GP DA C_ RE T RW 0 Page 258 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 3 GPDAC_SLEEPB SRAM sleep control 2 GPDAC_PD SRAM power down control 1 GPDAC_ISOINTB SRAM ISO control 0 GPDAC_RET SRAM retention control 17.3. Description Programming Guide Turn on gpdac clock Set ACFG_CLK_CG_CLR=0x0040 Write in sram Set GPDAC_WRITE_COMMAND Config Output Set GPDAC_OUTPUT_REGION Set GPDAC_OUTPUT_COMMAND START output Definition of each step shown in the figure above: 1. Turn on GPDAC. 2. Write in SRAM: Write data into SRAM by register GPDAC_WRITE_COMMAND, including SRAM_ADDR and SRAM_DATA. 3. Configure output: Set up output data region by GPDAC_OUTPUT_REGION and set repeat_en (default 1) and output_en = 1 by GPDAC_OUTPUT_COMMAND. 4. Start output to DAC. 5. Stop output DAC: Set GPDAC_OUTPUT_COMMAND = 0x00. Configure output_en and repeat_en as 0. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 259 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 17.4. Limitations and Important Notes This section describes the limitations and some important notes on GPDAC. 17.4.1. Soft Reset GPDAC_SWRST resets all registers expect for itself and the data in SRAM. Set GPDAC_SWRST to 1 then set GPDAC_SWRST to 0 to complete soft reset. 17.4.2. Definition of repeat_mode and no_repeat Mode By default repeat_en is 1. output_en = 1 will start output data as expected, and DA_GPDAC_BUS will output the data by the settings of start address and end address in GPDAC_OUTPUT_REGION continuously. However, if repeat_en turns to 0, DA_GPDAC_BUS will still output until the setting of the end address in GPDAC_OUTPUT_REGION and output_en will become 0 automatically in the end of output. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 260 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 18. Accessory Detector 18.1. General Description The hardware accessory detector (ACCDET) detects plug-in/out of multiple types of external components. Based on the suggested circuit (see Figure 18-1), this design supports two types of external components, which are microphone and hook-switch. This design uses the internal 2-bit comparator to separate external components. The de-bounce scheme is also supported to resist uncertain input noises. When the plug-in/out state is stable, the PWM unit of ACCDET will enable the comparator, MBIAS and threshold voltage of the comparator periodically for the plugging detection. With suitable PWM settings, very low-power consumption can be achieved when the detection feature is enabled. To compensate the delay between the detection login and comparator, the delay enabling scheme is adopted. Given the suitable delay number compared to the rising edge of PWM high pulse, the stable plugging state can be prorogated to digital detection logic, and the correct plugging state can then be detected and reported. Figure 18-2 shows the state machine. The state machine is executed by the software to control the ACCDET design. The ACCDET design will send one interrupt to acknowledge the software after the ACCDET input state is changed and the duration of the state is longer than de-bounce time. The software needs to read out the memorized ACCDET input state and follow the recommended state machine to program the register in it. Brown: Register Red: Digital Signal 110k 1.77V MICBIASP 1.9V 1220k 0.4V 350k Pploy w=0.5u CMP_clk A RG_VPWDB_MBIAS + - B AccDetect + Vth_clk MBias_clk AccDetection Logic Figure 18-1. Suggested accessory detection circuit (Note.RG_VPWDB_MBIAS = A21C0060[1]) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 261 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual RG_VPWDB_MBIAS=0 means Microphone activated; RG_VPWDB_MBIAS=1 means not activated Standby (not plugged) Always: MicBias_clk=on/off Vth_MB_clk=on/off CMP_clk=on/off RG_VPWDB_MBAIS= 0 or 1 MicBias_clk=on/off Vth_clk=on/off CMP_clk=on/off A=1 B=1 A=0 B=1 MIC RG_VPWDB_MBAIS= 0 or 1 MicBias_clk=on/off Vth_clk=on/off CMP_clk=on/off A=0,B=0 A=0 B=1 A=1 B=1 A=0 B=0 Hook Switched RG_VPWDB_MBAIS= 0 or 1 MicBias_clk=on/off Vth_clk=on/off CMP_clk=on/off Figure 18-2. State machine between microphone and hook-switch plug-in/out change 18.1.1. Pulse Width Modulation The ACCDET design also provides one Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) to enable the comparator, microphone’s bias current and the threshold voltage of the comparator periodically. With suitable PWM and settings for delayed enabling, the ACCDET can achieve very low power consumption and accurate plug-in/out detection. Figure 18-3 is a timing diagram example of such PWM design. The output from PWM keeps being at 0 until the value of the counter is smaller than the programmed threshold. PWM_WIDTH Internal Counter Threshold PWM Signal Figure 18-3. PWM waveform © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 262 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 18.2. Register Definition Module name: ACCDET Base address: (+A21F0000h) Address A21F0000 A21F0004 A21F0008 A21F000C A21F0010 A21F0024 A21F0028 A21F002C A21F0030 A21F0038 A21F003C A21F0040 A21F0044 A21F0048 A21F004C A21F0050 A21F0054 A21F0058 A21F005C A21F0000 Bit Name ACCDET_RSTB ACCDET_CTRL ACCDET_STATE_SWCTRL ACCDET_PWM_WIDTH ACCDET_PWM_THRESH ACCDET_EN_DELAY_NU M ACCDET_PWM_IDLE_VA LUE ACCDET_DEBOUNCE0 ACCDET_DEBOUNCE1 ACCDET_DEBOUNCE3 ACCDET_IRQ_STS ACCDET_CURR_IN ACCDET_SAMPLE_IN ACCDET_MEMOIZED_IN ACCDET_LAST_MEMOIZE D_IN ACCDET_FSM_STATE ACCDET_CURR_DEBOUN CE ACCDET_VERSION ACCDET_IN_DEFAULT Width 32 32 32 32 32 Register function ACCDET software reset register ACCDET control register ACCDET state switch control register ACCDET PWM width register ACCDET PWM threshold register ACCDET enable delay number register 32 ACCDET PWM IDLE value register 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 ACCDET debounce0 register ACCDET debounce1 register ACCDET debounce3 register ACCDET interrupt status register ACCDET current input status register ACCDET sampled input status register ACCDET memorized input status register ACCDET last memorized input status register ACCDET FSM status register ACCDET current de-bounce status register 32 32 32 32 32 ACCDET version code Default value of accdet_in ACCDET_RSTB ACCDET software reset register 0000000 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 Mne Type Reset Bit Type Reset Overview 0 RST B RW 1 Mne After applying the setting to register, software reset will be necessary for state initialization. Without this process, ACCDET may detect incorrect plug state. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 263 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 RSTB A21F0004 Bit Description Set to 0 to reset the ACCDET unit; set to 1 after the reset process is finished. This software reset will clear ACCDET's enable signal but keep all ACCDET's settings. After the reset process, ACCDET will return to the IDLE state. RSTB ACCDET_CTRL ACCDET control register 0000000 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit ACC DET _EN RW 0 Mne Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 ACCDET_ EN EN A21F0008 Bit Description Set to 1 to enable the ACCDET unit. ACCDET_STAT ACCDET state switch control register E_SWCTRL 0000000 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit MBI VTH AS_P _PW WM_ M_E EN N RW RW 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name CMP _PW M_E N RW 0 RW 1 Description 4 MBIAS_P MBIAS_PWM_ENEnables PWM of ACCDET MBIAS unit WM_EN 3 VTH_PW VTH_PWM_EN M_EN Enables PWM of ACCDET voltage threshold unit 2 CMP_PW CMP_PWM_EN M_EN RESERVE Reserved D Enables PWM of ACCDET comparator 0 RES ERV ED Reserved as 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 264 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A21F000C Bit ACCDET_PWM ACCDET PWM width register _WIDTH 0000000 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PWM_WIDTH RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:0 PWM_WI PWM_WIDTH DTH ACCDET PWM width It is PWM max. counter value. It will be the initial value for the internal counter. The PWM internal counter always counts down to 0 to finish one complete period, and the value of the internal counter will return to the value of PWM_WIDTH. PWM output frequency = (32k/PWM_WIDTH) Hz PWM WIDTH = 10 Stable Detection Sate Stable Detection Sate PWM THRESH = 6 RISE_DELAY_NUM = 2 FALL_DELAY_NUM = 1 Figure 18-4. PWM waveform with register value present A21F0010 Bit ACCDET_PWM ACCDET PWM threshold register _THRESH 0000000 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PWM_THRESH RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15:0 PWM_TH PWM_THRESH RESH Description ACCDET PWM threshold When the internal counter value is bigger than or equal to © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 265 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A21F0024 Bit Description PWM_THRESH, the PWM output signal will be 0. When the internal counter is smaller than PWM_THRESH, the PWM output signal will be 1. PWM output duty cycle = (PWM_THRESH)x(1/32) ms ACCDET_EN_ ACCDET enable delay number register DELAY_NUM 00000101 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Mne Type Reset Bit FALL _DE Mne LAY _NU M Type RW Reset 0 RISE_DELAY_NUM 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15 0 1 RW 0 0 Description FALL_DE FALL_DELAY_N Falling delay cycle compared to CMP PWM waveform LAY_NUM UM Suitable delay cycle is necessary for making sure the plug state is stable after ACCDET is disabled. This number indicates the clock cycle number between the point when the digital part of ACCDET stops receiving accdet_in and the point when the analog part of ACCDET stops working. 14:0 RISE_DEL RISE_DELAY_N AY_NUM UM A21F0028 Bit 0 Rising delay cycle compared to PWM waveform Suitable delay cycle is necessary for making sure the plug state is stable before ACCDET is activated. This number indicates the clock cycle number between the point when the analog part of ACCDET starts working and the point when the digital part of ACCDET starts receiving stable accdet_in. ACCDET_PWM ACCDET PWM IDLE value register _IDLE_VALUE 0000000 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit MBI VTH CMP AS RW RW RW 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 266 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 2 MBIAS MBIAS IDLE value of MBIAS PWM (MBias_clk in Figure 1-1) 1 VTH VTH IDLE value of VTH PWM (Vth_clk in Figure 1-1) 0 CMP CMP IDLE value of CMP PWM (CMP_clk in Figure 1-1) A21F002C Bit ACCDET_DEB ACCDET debounce0 register OUNCE0 0000001 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 DEBOUNCE0 RW 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 This register defines the waiting period before hook key press event is considered stable. If the de-bounce setting is too small, the hook key press will be too sensitive and detect too many unexpected plug-ins/outs or hook press/release events. The suitable de-bounce time setting must be adjusted according to the user's demand. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:0 DEBOUNC DEBOUNCE0 E0 De-bounce time for hook key press event (control of the next state = Hook Switch State in Figure 1-2) De-bounce time = DEBOUNCE/32 ms De-bounce Region PWM WIDTH = 10 DEBOUNCE = 3 PWM THRESH = 6 RISE_DELAY_NUM = 2 De-bounce Region DEBOUNCE = 6 FALL_DELAY_NUM = 1 Figure 18-5. PWM waveform with DEBOUNCE register value present A21F0030 Bit ACCDET_DEB ACCDET debounce1 register OUNCE1 0000001 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 DEBOUNCE1 RW 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 267 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview This register defines the waiting period before plug-in is considered stable. If the debounce setting is too small, the plug-in will be too sensitive and detect too many unexpected plug-ins/outs or hook key press/release events. The suitable de-bounce time setting must be adjusted according to the user's demand. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:0 DEBOUNC DEBOUNCE1 E1 A21F0038 Bit De-bounce time for plug-in event (control of the next state = MIC State in Figure 1-2) De-bounce time = DEBOUNCE/32 ms ACCDET_DEB ACCDET debounce3 register OUNCE3 0000001 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 DEBOUNCE3 RW 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 This register defines the waiting period before plug-out is considered stable. If the debounce setting is too small, the plug-out will be too sensitive and detect too many unexpected plug-ins/outs or hook key press/release events. The suitable de-bounce time setting must be adjusted according to the user's demand. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:0 DEBOUNC DEBOUNCE3 E3 A21F003C Bit De-bounce time for plug-out event (control of the next state = Standby State in Figure 1-2) De-bounce time = DEBOUNCE/32 ms ACCDET_IRQ_ ACCDET interrupt status register STS 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0000000 0 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset Overview IRQ_ CLR RW 0 IRQ RO 0 When the interrupt of ACCDET is asserted, IRQ_CLR should be set to 1 to clear the interrupt status. This bit will pause all activities in the ACCDET design until both interrupt status and IRQ_CLR are cleared. The software should write 1 to IRQ_CLR first to clear the interrupt (IRQ). After that, the software should read ACCDET_IRQ_STS again to make IRQ_CLR self-reset to 0. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 268 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 8 IRQ_CLR IRQ_CLR Clears interrupt status of ACCDET unit 0 IRQ Interrupt status of ACCDET unit Because this register will be cleared by hardware, the interrupt edge-sensitive scheme should be adopted for this design. A21F0040 Bit IRQ ACCDET_CUR ACCDET current input status register R_IN 0000000 3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit CURR_IN RO 1 1 Mne Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 CURR_IN CURR_IN A21F0044 Bit Description Current input status of ACCDET unit ACCDET_SAM ACCDET sampled input status register PLE_IN 0000000 3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit SAMPLE_I N RO 1 1 Mne Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 SAMPLE_ SAMPLE_IN IN A21F0048 Bit Description 31 Samples input status of ACCDET unit When the plug-in/out/hook-key state is changed, the ACCDET unit will do sampling. ACCDET_MEM ACCDET memorized input status register OIZED_IN 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0000000 3 19 18 17 16 Mne Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 269 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Mne Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 Description MEMORIZ MEMORIZED_IN Memorized input status of ACCDET unit ED_IN When the plug-in/out/hook-key states is changed and held longer than the de-bounce time, the ACCDET unit will save the sampled input state to the memorized state. The interrupt will also be asserted to acknowledge the software. A21F004C Bit 0 MEMORIZ ED_IN RO 1 1 ACCDET_LAST ACCDET Last memorized input status register _MEMOIZED_ IN 0000000 3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit LAST_ME MORIZED _IN RO 1 1 Mne Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 LAST_ME LAST_MEMORI MORIZED ZED_IN _IN A21F0050 Bit Description Last memorized input status of ACCDET unit ACCDET_FSM ACCDET FSM status register _STATE 0000000 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 18 17 16 2 1 0 Mne Type Reset Bit FSM_STATE RO 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 2:0 FSM_STA FSM_SATE TE Description State of ACCDET unit finite-state-machine 0: ACCDET_IDLE 1: ACCDET_SAMPLE 2: ACCDET_DEBOUNCE © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 270 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A21F0054 Bit Description 3: ACCDET_CHECK 4: ACCDET_MEMORIZED 5: ACCDET_IRQ ACCDET_CUR ACCDET current de-bounce status register R_DEBOUNCE 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 0000000 4 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CURR_DEBOUNCE RO 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 Description 15:0 CURR_DE CURR_DEBOUNC Currently used de-bounce time setting BOUNCE E ACCDET_VE RSION ACCDET version code 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 A21F0058 Bit 000000 03 17 16 1 0 Name Type Reset Bit ACCDET _VERSIO N RO 1 1 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemon ic 1:0 ACCDET _VERSI ON A21F005C Bit 31 Name Description ACCDET_VERS ION Version code for ACCDET ACCDET_IN_ DEFAULT Default value of accdet_in 30 27 29 28 26 25 24 23 0000000 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 271 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ACC DET _IN _DE FAU LT_ REF RES H_E N RW 0 Name Type Reset Overview 0 ACCDET_ IN_DEFA ULT RW 1 1 The default value of sample_accdet_in and memorised_accdet_in can be set by software instead of using the default value set by hardware(i.e. 3). ACCDET_DEFAULT_REFRESH_EN is the enable bit controlling whether to use this additional function. The value of sample_accdet_in and memorized_accdet_in will change when accdet_en rises from low to high. Note that if software reset is applied when accdet_en is high, the default value of sample_accdet_in and memorized_accdet_in will also be loaded when the software reset is de-asserted. Bit(s) Mnemon ic Name Description 4 ACCDET _IN_DE FAULT_ REFRES H_EN ACCDET_IN_D EFAULT_REFR ESH_EN Enable signal for whether to load accdet_in_default 0: accdet_in_default will not be loaded. 1: accdet_in_default will be loaded. 1:0 ACCDET _IN_DE FAULT ACCDET_IN_D EFAULT Default value of accdet_in set by software © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 272 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 19. True Random Number Generator 19.1. General Description The True Random Number Generator (TRNG) is a device in power-down domain that generates random numbers from a physical process. Figure 19-1 is the basic architecture. TRNG RO control FSM controls the flow of random number generation. The randomness comes from the inter-operation between various ring oscillators of which the output transition frequency is affected by PVT (process, voltage, temperature) variation. The utilized ring oscillator includes Hybrid Fibonacci Ring Oscillator (H-FIRO), Hybrid Ring Oscillator (H-RO), and Hybrid Galois Ring Oscillator (H-GARO). Von Neumann Extractor is used to balance the 0/1 occurrence of the random number. It monitors two consecutively generated random bits to determine one valid output bit; the basic rules are 00drop, 011, 100, 11drop. Error detection block detects if the execution time exceeds the timeout limit while enabling the Von Neumann extractor. IRQ will be issued when random number is successfully generated or timeout error occurs. Note that the generated random number is for one-time use only. Once the generated random data are acquired by CPU, TRNG data will be reset to 0. Furthermore, TRNG also supports freerun mode which turns on the ring oscillator constantly to interfere the supply voltage for security purpose. 19.1.1. Block Diagram Figure 19-1. TRNG architecture © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 273 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 19-2. H-FIRO architecture Figure 19-3. H-RO and H-GARO architecture The polynomial used by TRNG is x15 + x14 + x7 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x2 +1. The RO operation is as the following: 1. Inner RO is closed and starts oscillating. 2. Inner RO is opened and in an unpredictable state. Outer RO is closed and starts oscillating. 3. Sample the RO data as TRNG data. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 274 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 19-4. TRNG operation flow 19.2. Register Definition TRNG control/status registers are available over APB interface. The corresponding address map is as the following. Module name: TRNG Base address: (+A0010000h) Address Name Width Register Function A0010000 TRNG_CTRL 32 TRNG Control Register This register controls the TRNG FSM. A0010004 TRNG_TIME 32 TRNG Time Register This register controls the timing of internal FSM. A0010008 TRNG_DATA 32 TRNG Data Register This register stores the random data. A001000C TRNG_CONF 32 TRNG Configure Register This register configures ROs, extractor setting. A0010010 TRNG_INT_SET 32 Interrupt Setting Register This register stores the IRQ status. A0010014 TRNG_INT_CLR 32 Interrupt Clean Register This register clears the IRQ status. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 275 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0010000 TRNG_CTRL Bit 31 Name TRNG Type Reset Bit Name _RDY RO 0 15 TRNG Control Register 00000000 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name Description 31 TRNG_RDY Indicates whether the TRNG data are ready or not (software polling) 0: Random data are not ready. 1: Random data are ready. 1 TRNF_FREERUN 0 TRNG_START Turns on freerun (interference) mode 0: Disable freerun 1: Enable freerun Starts/terminates random number generation 0: Stop generation 1: Start generation A0010004 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 16 1 0 TRNG TRNG _FREE _STAR RUN T RW RW 0 0 Type Reset Bit(s) 17 TRNG_TIME 31 30 0 0 15 14 0 0 29 TRNG Time Register 28 27 0 SAMPLE_CNT RW 0 0 0 LATCH_CNT RW 0 1 13 12 11 26 0 10 0 25 00000000 24 1 1 9 8 0 0 23 0 7 0 22 0 6 0 21 20 19 0 UNGATE_CNT RW 0 1 0 SYSCLK_CNT RW 0 0 5 4 3 18 17 1 16 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Bit(s) Name Description 31:24 SAMPLE_CNT Controls sampling time of TRNG data. Counted by TRNG SYSCLK. 23:16 UNGATE_CNT Controls interval of TRNG inverter ungating time. Counted by TRNG SYSCLK. 15:8 LATCH_CNT Controls interval of TRNG inverter latching time. Counted by TRNG SYSCLK. 7:0 SYSCLK_CNT Controls frequency of TRNG SYSCLK. Counted by system bus clock (TRNG_SYSCLK = SYSTEM_BUS_CLOCK/ SYSCLK_CNT) A0010008 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset TRNG_DATA 31 30 0 0 15 14 0 0 29 TRNG Data Register 28 0 13 0 0 12 0 27 0 11 0 26 0 10 0 25 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 DATA[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 DATA[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Bit(s) Name Description 31:0 DATA Generated random data A001000C TRNG_CONF 00000000 24 8 23 7 6 5 4 3 2 TRNG Configure Register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 0 0001001C Page 276 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 31 Name FR_IR Type Reset Bit Name Q_EN RW 0 15 31 17:6 5 14 29 13 28 12 27 26 11 10 25 9 24 8 23 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 TIMEOUT_LIMIT Enables ring oscillator Bit[0] = 1: Enable H-FIRO Bit[1] = 1: Enable H-RO Bit[2] = 1: Enable H-GARO 1:0 RO_OUT_SEL Selects which RO to connect to debug out 2'b00: H-FIRO 2'b01: H-RO 2'b10: H-GARO A0010010 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset RW 1 31 30 0 0 15 14 0 0 29 0 13 0 28 0 12 0 27 0 11 0 26 0 10 0 1 1 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 INT[31:16] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 INT[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 23 7 6 5 Description INT IRQ status Bit [0] = 1: Successful random number generation Bit [1] = 1: Timeout error 4 3 2 TRNG_INT_CLR Interrupt Clean Register 30 0 0 15 14 0 0 29 0 13 0 28 0 12 0 27 0 11 0 26 0 10 0 0 00000000 Name 31 16 RO_OUT_SE L RW 0 0 TRNG_INT_SET Interrupt Setting Register A0010014 31:0 2 RO_EN 1 17 TIMEOUT_LI MIT[11:10] RW 0 1 1: Enable IRQ during freerun mode 0: Disable IRQ during freerun mode Configures sampling times limit when extractor is enabled If the limit is exceeded, it will issue timeout error interrupt and turn off TRNG. RO_EN Bit(s) 3 18 Description 4:2 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 4 19 FR_IRQ_EN 1: Turn on Von-Neumann extractor 0: Turn off Von-Neumann extractor 31:0 5 VON_ EN RW 0 20 Name VON_EN Bit(s) 21 6 TIMEOUT_LIMIT[9:0] Type Reset Bit(s) 30 16 0 00000000 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 CLR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 CLR[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 23 7 6 Name Description CLR Clears IRQ status by setting register to 0x0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 3 2 16 0 Page 277 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 19.3. Programming Guide 1. Enable TRNG_CG_CLOCK. 2. Set TRNG_TIME to a proper latch/sampling period with respect to system bus clock (e.g. 0x08030F01). 3. Set TRNG_CONF TIMEOUT_LIMIT (e.g. 0xFFF). 4. Set TRNG_CONF RO_EN value (e.g. 0x7). 5. Set TRNG_CTRL[0] to 1 to start TRNG 6. Wait for IRQ or poll TRNG_CTRL[31] (TRNG_RDY). 7. Read TRNG_INT_SET to check IRQ status (bit[0] = 1: successful; bit[1] = 1: timeout ). 8. Set TRNG_INT_CLR to 0x0 to clear IRQ status. 9. Set TRNG_CTRL[0] to 0 to stop TRNG. 10. If timeout, go to step 5 to regenerate random numbers. 11. If the generation is successful, read TRNG_DATA to get 32-bit random data. 12. Disable TRNG_CG_CLOCK. Note that TRNG_TIME and TRNG_CONF (except for RO_OUT_SEL) can only be configured when TRNG is idle (TRNG_CTRL [0] = 0). Furthermore, if timeout occurs, TRNG will terminate the generation process until the user restarts TRNG. G2D_L0_SRC KEY G2D+0094h G2D Layer 0 Source Key Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SRCKEY[31:16] R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 SRCKEY[15:0] R/W 0 SRCKEY If SKEY_EN is enabled, this field represents source key color. If FONT_EN is enabled, this filed represents foreground color. If RECT_EN is enabled, this field represents the constant color for rectangle fill. The color format is the same as CLRFMT in G2D_L0_CON. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 278 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 20. Audio Front End 20.1. General Description The audio front end (AFE) essentially consists of voice and audio data paths. All voice band data paths comply with the GSM 03.50 specification. Mono hands-free audio or external FM radio playback paths are also provided. The audio stereo path facilitates CD-quality playback, external FM radio, and voice playback through a headset. Figure 1-1 is the digital circuits block diagram of the audio front-end. The APB register block is an APB peripheral that stores settings from the MCU. The DSP audio port (DAP) block interfaces with the DSP for control and data communications. The digital filter block performs filter operations for voice band and audio band signal processing. The Digital Audio Interface (DAI) block communicates with the system simulator for FTA or external Bluetooth modules. DAI/BT APB Registers 8/16K 64k 6.5M Uplink DF ADC IF DF DSP processor Voice UL : down 4X/8X Voice DL: up8X Audio DL: up 8X A/V DAC SDM 6.5MHz 1st order SRC 6.5MHz DSP 2X 16X 8X Downlink 8~48K Figure 20-1. Block diagram of digital circuits of the audio front-end To communicate with the external Bluetooth module, the master-mode PCM interface and master-mode I2S/EIAJ interface are supported. The clock of PCM interface is 256kHz while the frame sync is 8kHz. Both long sync and short sync interfaces are supported. The PCM interface can transmit 16-bit stereo or 32-bit mono 8kHz sampling rate voice signal. Figure 20-2 is the timing diagram of the PCM interface. Note that the serial data changes when the clock is rising and is latched when the clock is falling. Figure 20-3 shows the timing diagram of different clock rate PCM interface; the clock rate can be configured to 1x/2x/4x/8x of the original clock rate. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 279 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual dai_clk bt_sync(s) bt_sync(l) dai_tx 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 dai_rx 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Figure 20-2. Timing diagram of Bluetooth application Figure 20-3. Timing diagram of different clock rate Bluetooth application I2S/EIAJ interface is designed to transmit high quality audio data. Figure 20-4 and Figure 20-5 illustrate the timing diagram of the two types of interfaces. I2S/EIAJ can support 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, and 48 kHz sampling rate audio signals. The clock frequency of I2S/EIAJ can be 32×(sampling frequency), or 64×(sampling frequency). For example, to transmit a 44.1 kHz CD-quality music, the clock frequency should be 32 × 44.1 kHz = 1.4112 MHz or 64 × 44.1 kHz = 2.8224 MHz. I2S/EIAJ interface is not only used for Bluetooth module, but also for external DAC components. Audio data can easily be sent to the external DAC through the I2S/EIAJ interface. In this document, the I2S/EIAJ interface is referred to as EDI (External DAC Interface). © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 280 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual EDI_CLK EDI_WS EDI_DAT Left Channel 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Right Channel 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 Figure 20-4. EDI Format 1: EIAJ (FMT = 0) EDI_CLK EDI_WS EDI_DAT Left Channel 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 11 12 10 9 8 Right Channel 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Figure 20-5. EDI Format 1: I2S (FMT = 1) 20.2. Register Definition Registers in audio front-end are listed as the following. Module name: AFE_A63260 Base address: (+82CD0000h) Address Name AFE_VMCU_CON0 Width 16 AFE Voice MCU Control Register A synchronous reset signal is issued before periodical interrupts of 8kHz frequency are issued. Clearing this register will stop the interrupt generation. AFE_VMCU_CON1 AFE_VMCU_CON2 16 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 1 82CD0010 16 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 2 Set up this register for consistency of analog circuit setting. Suggested value: 0x003c 82CD0014 AFE_VDB_CON 16 AFE Voice DAI Bluetooth Control Register Set up this register for DAI test mode and Bluetooth application. 82CD0018 AFE_VLB_CON 16 AFE Voice Loopback Mode Control Register Set up this register for AFE voice digital circuit configuration control. Several loop back modes are implemented for test purposes. Default values correspond to the normal function mode. 82CD001C AFE_VMCU_CON3 16 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 3 Set up this register for voice settings. 82CD0020 AFE_AMCU_CON0 16 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 0 A synchronous reset signal is issued before periodical interrupts of 1/6 sampling frequency are issued. Clearing this register will stop the interrupt generation. 82CD0024 AFE_AMCU_CON1 16 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 1 MCU sets up this register to inform hardware of the sampling frequency of audio being played back. 82CD0028 AFE_EDI_CON 16 AFE EDI Control Register This register is used to control the EDI. 82CD002C AFE_AMCU_CON2 16 AFE Audio Control Register 2 Set up this register for consistency of analog circuit setting. Suggested value: 0x3c 82CD0030 AFE_DAC_TEST 16 Audio/Voice DAC SineWave Generator 82CD0000 82CD000C Register Function © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 281 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual This register is only for analog design verification on audio/voice DACs. AFE_VAM_SET AFE_AMCU_CON3 16 16 Audio/Voice Interactive Mode Setting 82CD0038 82CD003C AFE_AMCU_CON4 16 AFE Audio Control Register 4 Set up this register for A3 parameter of pre-distortion. 82CD0040 16 16 AFE DC Compensation Debug Register 1 16 16 AFE DC Compensation Debug Register 3 16 AFE Checksum Register 1 82CD0148 AFE_DC_DBG_1 AFE_DC_DBG_2 AFE_DC_DBG_3 AFE_ACHECK_SUM _R AFE_ACHECK_SUM _L AFE_MUTE_STA 16 AFE Mute Status Register This register indicates the current mute status. 82CD0180 AFE_AMCU_CON5 16 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 5 This register sets up audio SDM selection in normal mode. 82CD0184 AFE_AMCU_CON6 16 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 6 Set up this register for audio right channel dc offset value cancellation. 82CD0188 AFE_AMCU_CON7 16 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 7 Set up this register for audio left channel dc offset value cancellation. 82CD0190 AFE_DBG_RD_PRE 16 AFE MCU Debug Mode Reading SRAM Out This register reads memory content from AFE SRAM in debug mode. It can only work when debug mode register pulls high. 82CD0194 AFE_DBG_MD_CON 0 16 AFE Debug Mode Control Register 0 Set up this register to start debug mode; the debug done signal will return in the same register. 82CD0198 AFE_DBG_MD_CON 1 16 AFE Debug Mode Control Register 1 This register reads memory content from AFE SRAM in debug mode. It can only work when debug mode register pulls high. 82CD019C AFE_DBG_APB_STA TUS 16 AFE MCU Status Register This register reads the status when writing/reading SRAM data or debugging. 82CD01A0 AFE_VMCU_CON4 16 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 4 Set up this register for DC offset value cancellation. 82CD01CC AFE_CMPR_CNTR 16 AFE Compare Counter Control Register Compares counter control 82CD01E0 AFE_DBG_RD_DAT 24 AFE Debug Mode - Reading SRAM Data When user reads memory data from memory in debug mode, the data will be here. Before read, make sure the read status is ok for read. 82CD01E4 AFE_APBMEM_RD_ DAT 24 AFE MCU Reading SRAM Data This register reads memory content from AFE SRAM. If the read address is AFE_BASE + 1518~153C, this register will output IIR coefficient. Before read, make sure the read status is ok for read. 82CD01E8 AFE_APBMEM_RD 16 AFE MCU Read SRAM Request Reads AFE SRAM data from MCU 82CD01EC AFE_PC_1X_IDX AFE_DBG_SIG 16 AFE Program 1X IDX 16 AFE 8X/Buffer/Mux Debug Debug mode signals in AFE hardware Bit [5:4] is aafe_on/vafe_on align 1x_enable signal; used for debug mode Bit [3:0] is debug signal of AFE 8X buffer. AFE_PC_OUT_DBG AFE_DBG_1XDAT 16 16 AFE Program PC Address 82CD0034 82CD0044 82CD0048 82CD0140 82CD0144 82CD01F0 82CD01F4 82CD01F8 AFE Audio Control Register 3 Set up this register for A2 parameter of pre-distortion. AFE DC Compensation Debug Register 2 AFE Checksum Register 0 DBG_1XDAT © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 282 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 16 16 AFE COSIM RG Test 82CD0210 AFE_COSIM_RG AFE_MCU_CON0 82CD0214 AFE_MCU_CON1 16 AFE MCU CON1 AFE data path control register; turns on/off udsp and a_interface 82CD0200 82CD000 0 Bit Name 15 AFE_VMCU_ CON0 14 13 12 AFE MCU CON0 AFE top control register; turns on/off enable generation AFE Voice MCU Control Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 1 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c 0 82CD000 C Bit Nam e 15 Name Description VIRQON Turns on 8k interrupt 0: Turn off 1: Turn on AFE_VMCU_ CON1 14 13 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c 12 DU AL _M IC RW 0 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 1 11 10 VM OD E32 K RW 0 9 VM OD E4 K RW 1 8 7 6 5 12 DUAL_MIC Dual mic control 0: Signal mic 1: Dual mic 10 VMODE32K Configures uplink 32K recording 0: See vmode4K RG 1: 32K sample rate 9 VMODE4K Selects DSP data mode 0: 8K inband 1: 4K inband 7 VRSDON SDM level for VBITX (uplink) 0: 2 levels 1: 3 levels Bit Name Type 15 VD C_ CO MP _E N RW 14 13 12 4 3 2 1 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 2 11 VT X_ CK _P HA SE RW 10 9 0 RW 0 Description AFE_VMCU_ CON2 0200 VR SD ON Name 82CD0010 0 VIR QO N RW 0 8 7 6 5 003C 4 3 2 1 0 VSDM_GAIN RW © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 283 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset Bit(s) 0 0 Mnemoni c 1 1 1 1 0 0 Name Description 15 VDC_COMP_EN Enables DC offset compensation 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 VTX_CK_PHASE Selects phase selection for clock to analog 0: Clock changes at data falling edge. 1: Clock changes at data rising edge. 5:0 VSDM_GAIN Gain settings at voice SDM input. Suggested value: 0x3c (60/64). Other SDM gain settings may cause performance degradation. 000000: 0/64 000001: 1/64 111111: 63/64 82CD001C Bit Nam e 15 AFE_VMCU_ CON3 14 13 12 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 3 11 10 9 Type Reset Bit(s) 8 7 6 SD ML P_ UL TO DL RW 0 Mnemoni c 5 VS DM _D AT A_ MO NO RW 0 0000 4 3 2 RW 0 RW 0 Description 8 SDMLP_ULTODL UL sigma delta data loopback to DL sigma delta data 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 VSDM_DATA_MON O Rch output data = Lch outut data 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 SDMLP_DLTOUL DL sigma delta data loopback to UL sigma delta data 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 SDM_CK_PHASE Selects phase of SDM clock 0: Clock changes at data falling edge. 1: Clock changes at data rising edge. Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15:0 AFE_VMCU_ CON4 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 4 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mnemoni c 9 8 7 6 DC_OFFSET_VALUE RW 0 0 0 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description DC_OFFSET_VALU E Set up this register for DC offset value cancellation. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 SD M_ CK _P HA SE Name 82CD01A 0 1 SD ML P_ DL TO UL Page 284 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD01A C Bit Nam e AFE_VMCU_ CON5 15 14 12 LCH_PHASE Type Reset Bit(s) 13 AFE Voice MCU Control Register 5 11 RW 011 Mnemoni c 10 RCH_PHASE RW 111 9 CK _P HA SE RW 0 8 7 6 5 0000 4 DIG MI C_ EN RW 0 3 2 1 0 3P2 5M _SE L RW 0 Name Description 15:13 LCH_PHASE Selects digital mic LCH data phase from phase 0~phase 7 12:10 RCH_PHASE Selects digital mic RCH data phase from phase 0~phase 7 9 CK_PHASE Selects digital mic clock latch phase (option since the L/R phase can select) 4 DIG_MIC_EN Enables digital mic 0: Enable analog mic 1: Enable digital mic 0 D3P25M_SEL Selects digital mic sample rate 0: 1.625M 1: 3.25M 82CD0014 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit(s) AFE_VDB_C ON 15 14 PCM_CK_ MODE 0 RW 0 12 VB T_L OO P_ BA CK RW 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 VB T_L OO P VD AIO N VB TO N VB TSY NC RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 2 1 0 Description PCM_CK_MODE Pcm clock (dai_clk) rate mode 00: 1x, dai_clk rate = dai_tx bit rate (8k*32-bit = 256kHz) 01: 2x, dai_clk rate = 2*dai_tx bit rate (512kHz) 10: 4x, dai_clk rate = 4*dai_tx bit rate (1024kHz) 11: 8x, dai_clk rate = 8*dai_tx bit rate (2048kHz) 12 VBT_LOOP_BACK Loop back test for DAI/BT interface. DAI_TX = DAI_RX 0: No loopback 1: Loopback 10 VBT_LOOP Loop back test for DAI/BT interface If true, dai_rx_tmp = dai_tx 0: No loopback 1: Loopback 5 VDAION Turns on DAI function 4 VBTON Turns on Bluetooth PCM function 3 VBTSYNC Bluetooth PCM frame sync type 0: Short sync 1: Long sync 2:0 VBTSLEN Bluetooth PCM long frame sync length = VBTSLEN+1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 VBTSLEN Name 15:14 Mnemoni c 13 AFE Voice DAI Bluetooth Control Register RW 0 0 Page 285 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD0018 Bit Nam e 15 AFE_VLB_C ON 14 13 AFE Voice Loopback Mode Control Register 12 11 10 9 8 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c 7 EN GE N_ OP T RW 0 6 VIN TIN SEL RW 0 5 VD SP BY PA SS RW 0 4 VD SPC SM OD E RW 0 0000 3 VD API N_ CH 1 RW 0 2 VD API N_ CH 0 RW 0 1 VIN TIN MO DE RW 0 Name Description 7 ENGEN_OPT engen generator option 0: Origin engen 1: New engen option 6 VINTINSEL Selects DL data when VINTINMODE = 1 0: 1st voice uplink input 1: 2nd voice uplink input 5 VDSPBYPASS Loopback data will not be gated by VDSPRDY. 0: Normal mode 1: Bypass DSP loopback mode 4 VDSPCSMODE DSP COSIM only, to align DATA 0: Normal mode 1: Cosim mode 3 VDAPIN_CH1 MODEMSIM voice loopback control Uplink1 data = downlink data loopback 0: Normal mode 1: Loopback mode 2 VDAPIN_CH0 MODEMSIM voice loopback control Uplink0 data = downlink data loopback 0: Normal mode 1: Loopback mode 1 VINTINMODE Downlink data = uplink data 0: Normal mode 1: Loopback mode 0 VDECINMODE Decimator input mode control Downlink output data are looped back to uplink through internal SDM. 0: Normal mode 1: Loopback mode AFE_SLV_I2 S_CON 82CD030 0 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit Nam e 31 30 SL V_I 2S_ EN AF E_ FO C_ EN RW 0 RW 0 15 14 29 13 SLV_I2S_MODE 28 12 AFE Slave I2S Control Register 27 11 26 10 25 9 24 8 23 7 22 6 000000 00 21 5 20 4 19 3 18 SLV _I2 S_B IT_ SW AP RW 0 2 17 SL V_I 2S_ BY PA SS_ SR C RW 0 1 SL V_I 2S_ FM T © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 VD ECI NM OD E RW 0 16 SLV _I2 S_2 CH _SE L RW 0 0 SLV _I2 S_P CM _SE L Page 286 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Type Reset Bit(s) R/W 0 Mnemoni c RW 0 RW 0 Name Description 31 SLV_I2S_EN Enables slave I2S 0: Disable 1: Enable 30 AFE_FOC_EN Enables SRC function in slave I2S 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 SLV_I2S_BIT_SWA P Swaps MSB 16 bits and LSB 16 bits. For backup control, keep 0 in default. 0: No swap 1: Swap 17 SLV_I2S_BYPASS_ SRC Bypasses SRC function in slave I2S. For backup control, keep 0 in default. 0: No bypass 1: Bypass SRC 16 SLV_I2S_2CH_SEL Slave I2S nomo or stereo mode. For backup control, keep 0 in default. 0: Speech mode, RCH = LCH data 1: Stereo mode SLV_I2S_MODE Sampling frequency setting; only 8kHz and 16kHz are useful. Others reserved 0000: 8kHz 0001: 11.025kHz 0010: 12kHz 0100: 16kHz 0101: 22.05kHz 0110: 24kHz 1000: 32kHz 1001: 44.1kHz 1010: 48kHz 1 SLV_I2S_FMT EDI format 0: EIAJ 1: I2S 0 SLV_I2S_PCM_SEL Selects PCM or slave I2S UL: PCM FIFO data from PCM or slave I2S DL: DSP output data to PCM or slave I2S 0: PCM 1: Slave I2S 15:12 82CD0310 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit(s) 15 15 AFE_FOC_T X_CON0 14 FR EQ _ES T_ MO DE N_ STE P_ MO DE R/ W 0 R/ W 1 Mnemoni c 13 12 AFE Slave I2S TX FOC Control Register 0 11 10 9 STEP_EST_UPDATE_LV 8 7 6 R/W 011010 5 3 2 1 0 MON STE P_ LI M_ MO DE PT R_ TA RA CK _E M RW RW RW RW 0000 0 0 0 Name Description FREQ_EST_MODE Frequency offset estimation mode 0: In 512 cycles © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 4 5a00 RT _E N Page 287 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 1: In 1024 cycles N_STEP_MODE Controls the reference for step_change 0: Refer to step 1: Refer to step_target 13:8 STEP_EST_UPDAT E_LV Controls step update threshold for frequency tracking 0~63 7:4 MON Selects data monitor Only used in debug mode. Keep at 0000 in normal mode. 3 STEP_LIM_MODE Controls maximum tracking frequency offset 0: 270 ppm 1: 540 ppm 2 PTR_TRACK_EN Controls the enable signal to tracking frequency when pointer difference changes 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 FT_EN Controls the enable signals for frequency tracking Note: Remember to open SRC and I2S before starting frequency tracking. 0: No frequency tracking 1: Frequency tracking on 14 82CD0314 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit(s) 15 MA NU AL R/ W 0 AFE_FOC_T X_CON1 14 13 Mnemoni c Name STEP_MANUAL 15 9 8 7 6 5 STEP_MANUAL 4 3 2 1 0 Description MANUAL 82CD0318 10 0_0000_0000_0000 12:0 Bit(s) 11 0000 RW 15 Bit Nam e Type Reset 12 AFE Slave I2S TX FOC Control Register 1 AFE_FOC_T X_CON2 14 13 12 Controls frequency tracking mode 0: Auto-tracking 1: Manual mode step_manual = frequency offset (ppm)/step_ini. AFE Slave I2S TX FOC Control Register 2 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1589 3 2 1 0 N_STEP_JUMP_CON3 N_STEP_JUMP_CON2 N_STEP_JUMP_CON1 N_STEP_JUMP_CON0 R/W 0001 R/W 0101 R/W 1000 R/W 1001 Mnemoni c Name Description 15:12 N_STEP_JUMP_CO N3 Controls input samples to change step when step change is larger than power (2, step_change_con3) 11:8 N_STEP_JUMP_CO N2 Controls input samples to change step when step change is smaller than power (2, step_change_con2) 7:4 N_STEP_JUMP_CO N1 Controls input samples to change step when step change is smaller than power (2, step_change_con1) 3:0 N_STEP_JUMP_CO N0 Controls input samples to change step when step change is smaller than power (2, step_change_con0) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 288 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD031C AFE_FOC_T X_CON3 Bit Nam e Type Reset 15 Bit(s) Mnemoni c 14 10 Name 9 8 7 6 5 4 STEP_CHANGE_CON0 3 2 1 0 Description AFE_FOC_T X_CON4 Bit Nam e Type Reset 15 Bit(s) Mnemoni c 14 Controls boundary between N_STEP_JUMP0 and N_STEP_JUMP1 13 12 AFE Slave I2S TX FOC Control Register 4 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0067 4 STEP_CHANGE_CON1 3 2 1 0 R/W 000_0110_0111 10:0 Name Description Controls boundary between N_STEP_JUMP1 and N_STEP_JUMP2 STEP_CHANGE_CO N1 82CD032 4 AFE_FOC_T X_CON5 Bit Nam e Type Reset 15 Bit(s) Mnemoni c 14 13 12 AFE Slave I2S TX FOC Control Register 5 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 019a STEP_CHANGE_CON2 3 2 1 0 R/W 001_1001_1010 10:0 Name Description Controls boundary between N_STEP_JUMP2 and N_STEP_JUMP3 STEP_CHANGE_CO N2 82CD033 0 Reset 11 STEP_CHANGE_CO N0 82CD032 0 Type 12 0034 R/W 000_0011_0100 10:0 Bit Nam e 13 AFE Slave I2S TX FOC Control Register 3 15 AFE_FOC_R X_CON0 14 FR EQ _ES T_ MO DE N_ STE P_ MO DE R/ W 0 R/ W 1 13 12 AFE Slave I2S RX FOC Control Register 0 11 10 9 STEP_EST_UPDATE_LV 8 7 6 R/W 011010 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 5a00 3 2 1 0 MON STE P_ LI M_ MO DE PT R_ TA RA CK _E M RW RW RW RW 0000 0 0 0 RT _E N Page 289 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 15 FREQ_EST_MODE Frequency offset estimation mode 0: In 512 cycles 1: In 1024 cycles 14 N_STEP_MODE Controls reference for step_change. 0: Refer to step 1: Refer to step_target 13:8 STEP_EST_UPDAT E_LV Controls step update threshold for frequency tracking 0~63 7:4 MON Selects data monitor Only used in debug mode. Keep 0000 in normal mode. 3 STEP_LIM_MODE This bit controls the maximum tracking frequency offset. 0: 270 ppm 1: 540 ppm 2 PTR_TRACK_EN Controls the enable signal to tracking frequency when pointer difference changes 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 FT_EN Controls the enable signals for frequency tracking Note: Remember to open SRC and I2S before starting frequency tracking. 0: No frequency tracking 1: Frequency tracking on 82CD033 4 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit(s) 15 MA NU AL R/ W 0 AFE_FOC_R X_CON1 14 Mnemoni c 9 8 7 6 5 STEP_MANUAL 4 3 2 1 0 Description STEP_MANUAL 15 10 Name MANUAL 82CD033 8 15:12 11 0_0000_0000_0000 12:0 Bit(s) 12 0000 RW 15 Bit Nam e Type Reset 13 AFE Slave I2S RX FOC Control Register 1 AFE_FOC_R X_CON2 14 13 12 Controls frequency tracking mode 0: Auto-tracking 1: Manual mode step_manual = frequency offset (ppm)/step_ini. AFE Slave I2S RX FOC Control Register 2 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1589 3 2 1 0 N_STEP_JUMP_CON3 N_STEP_JUMP_CON2 N_STEP_JUMP_CON1 N_STEP_JUMP_CON0 R/W 0001 R/W 0101 R/W 1000 R/W 1001 Mnemoni c Name Description N_STEP_JUMP_CO Controls input samples to change step when step change is larger © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 290 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual N3 than power (2, step_change_con3) 11:8 N_STEP_JUMP_CO N2 Controls input samples to change step when step change is smaller than power (2, step_change_con2) 7:4 N_STEP_JUMP_CO N1 Controls input samples to change step when step change is smaller than power (2, step_change_con1) 3:0 N_STEP_JUMP_CO N0 Controls input samples to change step when step change is smaller than power (2, step_change_con0) 82CD033 C AFE_FOC_R X_CON3 Bit Nam e Type Reset 15 Bit(s) Mnemoni c 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 STEP_CHANGE_CON0 0034 3 2 1 0 R/W 000_0011_0100 10:0 Name Description STEP_CHANGE_CO N0 82CD034 0 AFE_FOC_R X_CON4 Bit Nam e Type Reset 15 Bit(s) Mnemoni c 14 13 12 Controls boundary between N_STEP_JUMP0 and N_STEP_JUMP1 AFE Slave I2S RX FOC Control Register 4 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 STEP_CHANGE_CON1 0067 3 2 1 0 R/W 000_0110_0111 10:0 Name Description STEP_CHANGE_CO N1 82CD034 4 AFE_FOC_R X_CON5 Bit Nam e Type Reset 15 Bit(s) Mnemoni c 10:0 13 AFE Slave I2S RX FOC Control Register 3 14 13 12 Controls boundary between N_STEP_JUMP1 and N_STEP_JUMP2 AFE Slave I2S RX FOC Control Register 5 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 STEP_CHANGE_CON2 019a 3 2 1 0 R/W 001_1001_1010 Name STEP_CHANGE_CO N2 Description Controls boundary between N_STEP_JUMP2 and N_STEP_JUMP3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 291 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD002 0 Bit Name 15 AFE_AMCU_ CON0 14 13 12 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 AIR QO N RW 0 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c 0 82CD002 4 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit(s) 15 Name Description AIRQON Turns on audio interrupt operation 0: Turn off 1: Turn on AFE_AMCU_ CON1 14 13 MO NO _SE L RW 0 Mnemoni c 12 i2s _1x out _se l RW 0 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 AFS 0 0 RW 0C00 5 4 ARAMPSP 0 0 0 RW 0 3 2 AM UT ER AM UT EL RW 0 RW 0 1 Name Description 14 MONO_SEL Selects mono mode AFE HW will do “(left + right)/2” operation to the audio sample pair. Thus both right and left channel DAC will have the same inputs. 0: Normal function 1: Enable mono mode 12 i2s_1xout_sel 1X data to I2S means data from DSP FIFO and do not pass ASP 0: Normal mode 1: Audio 1x data to I2S 9:6 AFS Sampling frequency setting Others reserved 0000: 8kHz 0001: 11.025kHz 0010: 12kHz 0100: 16kHz 0101: 22.05kHz 0110: 24kHz 1000: 32kHz 1001: 44.1kHz 1010: 48kHz 5:4 ARAMPSP Selects ramp up/down speed 00: 8, 4096/AFS 01: 16, 2048/AFS 10: 24, 1024/AFS 11: 32, 512/AFS 3 AMUTER Mute the audio R-channel, with soft ramp up/down 0: No mute 1: Turn on mute function 2 AMUTEL Mutes audio L-channel, with soft ramp up/down 0: No mute 1: Turn on mute function © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 Page 292 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD002 C Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 AD C_ CO MP _E N RW 0 AFE_AMCU_ CON2 14 EDI _W S_ OP TIO N RW 0 Mnemoni c 13 12 AFE Audio Control Register 2 11 10 9 8 7 6 PR EDI T_ EN EDI _SE L RW 0 RW 0 003C 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 RW 1 Description 15 ADC_COMP_EN Enables DC offset compensation 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 EDI_WS_OPTION Optional setting for I2S Do not touch the bit. 10 PREDIT_EN Enables pre-distortion function No use now 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 EDI_SEL Feeds EDI input data to audio filter directly 0: Audio data come from DSP. 1: Audio data come from EDI input. ASDM_GAIN Gain settings at audio SDM input Suggested value: 0x3c (60/64). Other SDM gain settings may cause performance degradation. 000000: 0/64 000001: 1/64 111111: 63/64 82CD003 8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 AFE_AMCU_ CON3 14 Mnemoni c 11:0 82CD003 C Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 11:0 15 13 12 14 Mnemoni c 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 PRE_A2 A2 parameter for pre-distortion 12 0 0000 5 PRE_A2 RW 0 0 Description 13 0 AFE Audio Control Register 3 Name AFE_AMCU_ CON4 0 ASDM_GAIN Name 5:0 1 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 AFE Audio Control Register 4 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 0000 5 PRE_A3 RW 0 0 Name Description PRE_A3 A3 parameter for pre-distortion © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 293 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD0180 Bit Nam e 15 AFE_AMCU_ CON5 14 13 12 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 5 11 10 9 7 6 SD ML P_ UL TO DL Type Reset Bit(s) 8 RW 0 Mnemoni c 5 AS DM _D AT A_ MO NO RW 0 0000 4 3 2 SD M_ CK _P HA SE RW 0 RW 0 Description 8 SDMLP_ULTODL UL sigma delta data loopback to DL sigma delta data 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 ASDM_DATA_MON O Rch output data = Lch outut data 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 SDMLP_DLTOUL DL sigma delta data loopback to UL sigma delta data 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 SDM_CK_PHASE Selects phase of SDM clock 0: Clock changes at data falling edge. 1: Clock changes at data rising edge. Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) AFE_AMCU_ CON6 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 Mnemoni c 15:0 82CD0188 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15:0 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 6 15 9 8 7 6 5 RCH_AUDIO_DC_OFFSET_VALUE RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description RCH_AUDIO_DC_ OFFSET_VALUE Set up this register for audio right channel DC offset value cancellation. AFE_AMCU_ CON7 AFE Audio MCU Control Register 7 15 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 Mnemoni c 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 LCH_AUDIO_DC_OFFSET_VALUE RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description LCH_AUDIO_DC_ OFFSET_VALUE Set up this register for audio left channel DC offset value cancellation. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 SD ML P_ DL TO UL Name 82CD0184 1 Page 294 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD002 8 Bit Name AFE_EDI_CO N 15 14 EN 2 UL _T OI2 SD SP Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Mnemoni c 13 AFE EDI Control Register 12 11 RW 9 UL TO EDI I2S_OUT_ MODE 0 10 RW 0 0 EDI _L PB K_ MO DE RW 0 8 7 003C 6 5 DIR 4 3 2 WCYCLE RW 0 0 1 RW 1 1 1 1 0 FM T EN RW 0 RW 0 Name Description 15 EN2 Enables EDI PAD output Only for master output mode. 0: Disable EDI PAD output 1: Enable EDI PAD output 14 UL_TOI2SDSP For 32K recording; uplink data should go to dsp_i2s port 0: UL data do not go to dsp_i2s port. 1: UL data go to dsp_i2s port. I2S_OUT_MODE I2S output mode 00: 1X output 01: 2X output 10: 4X output 10 ULTOEDI Uplink data to I2S 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 EDI_LPBK_MODE Control loopback mode: EDI_RX = EDI_TX 0: Normal mode 1: Loopback mode 8 DIR Serial data bit direction 0: Only output mode active. Audio data are fed out to the external device. 1: Both input mode and output mode are active. WCYCLE Clock cycle count in a word Cycle count = WCYCLE + 1; and WCYCLE can only be 15 or 31. Any other values will result in unpredictable errors. 15: Cycle count is 16. 31: Cycle count is 32. 1 FMT EDI format 0: EIAJ 1: I2S 0 EN Enables EDI When EDI is disabled, EDI_DAT and EDI_WS will hold low. 0: Disable EDI 1: Enable EDI 13:12 6:2 82CD003 0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 15 VO N RW 0 AFE_DAC_T EST 14 AO N RW 0 Mnemoni c 13 MU TE RW 0 12 Audio/Voice DAC SineWave Generator 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 AMP_DIV 1 RW 1 0701 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 FREQ_DIV 1 0 0 0 0 RW Name Description VON Makes voice DAC output the test sine wave 0: Voice DAC inputs are normal voice samples. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 Page 295 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 1: Voice DAC inputs are sine waves. 14 AON Makes audio DAC output the test sine wave 0: Audio DAC inputs are normal voice samples. 1: Audio DAC inputs are sine waves. 13 MUTE Mute switch 0: Turn on the sine wave output in this test mode 1: Mute the sine wave output 10:8 AMP_DIV Amplitude setting 111: Full scale 110: 1/2 full scale 101: 1/4 full scale 100: 1/8 full scale 011: 1/16 full scale 010: 1/32 full scale 001: 1/64 full scale 000: 1/128 full scale 7:0 FREQ_DIV Frequency setting, 1X ~ 15X (voice), 1X ~ 31X (audio) Audio frequency = Sampling rate/64*FREQ_DIV Voice frequency = Sampling rate/32*FREQ_DIV Example: 16K voice mode, FREQ_DIV=3, frequency = 16K/32*3 = 1.5K 82CD003 4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 A2 V RW 0 AFE_VAM_S ET 14 13 12 Audio/Voice Interactive Mode Setting 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0005 4 3 2 1 0 PER_VAL 1 Mnemoni c RW 0 1 Name Description 15 A2V Redirects audio interrupt to voice interrupt, i.e. replaces voice interrupt by audio interrupt 0: Voice interrupt/audio interrupt 1: Audio interrupt/no interrupt 2:0 PER_VAL Counter reset value for audio interrupt generation period setting. For example, by default, the setting = 5 will lead to interrupt per 6 L/R samples. Changing this value will change the rate of audio interrupt. 82CD004 0 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit(s) 15 AFE_DC_DB G_1 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AFE_DC_DBG_1 0 0 Mnemoni c 15:0 82CD004 4 Bit Nam 13 AFE DC Debug Register 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 RO 0 Name Description AFE_DC_DBG_1 AFE left channel 8X dc compensation/gain output value [15:0] for debugging AFE_DC_DB G_2 14 0 13 12 AFE DC Debug Register 2 11 10 9 8 7 AFE_DC_DBG_2 0000 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Page 296 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual e Type Reset Bit(s) 0 0 Mnemoni c 15:0 82CD004 8 Bit Nam e Type Reset Bit(s) 15 DB G_ DC _SE L R/ W 0 0 0 0 0 0 RO 0 0 0 0 0 AFE right channel 8X dc compensation/gain output value [15:0] for debugging 13 AFE DC Debug Register 3 12 11 10 9 8 7 0000 6 5 4 3 RO 0 Name 0 0 0 AFE_DC_DBG_2 _1 AFE right channel 8X dc compensation/gain output value [19:16] for debugging 3:0 AFE_DC_DBG_1 _1 AFE left channel 8X dc compensation/gain output value [19:16] for debugging AFE_ACHEC K_SUM_R 0 0 Mnemoni c 82CD0144 Bit(s) 15:0 0 0 0 12 AFE Checksum Register 0 11 10 9 8 7 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AFE_ACHECK_SUM_R 15:0 Bit Name Type Reset 13 0 Description 7:4 14 1 RO 0 DBG_DC_SEL 0: AFE_DC_DBG_0 to AFE_DC_DBG_3 is DC compensation output. 1: AFE_DC_DBG_0 to AFE_DC_DBG_3 is gain stage output. Bit(s) 2 AFE_DC_DBG_1_1 DBG_DC_SEL 15 0 AFE_DC_DBG_2 15 Bit Nam e Type Reset 0 Description AFE_DC_DBG_2_1 Mnemoni c 82CD0140 0 Name AFE_DC_DB G_3 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Name Description AFE_ACHECK_SU M_R AFE right channel 8X checksum value for cosim debugging AFE_ACHEC K_SUM_L AFE Checksum Register 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mnemoni c 0 9 8 7 0000 6 AFE_ACHECK_SUM_L RO 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description AFE_ACHECK_SU M_L AFE left channel 8X checksum value for cosim debugging © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 297 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 82CD0148 Bit Name 15 AFE_MUTE_ STA 14 13 12 AFE Mute Status Register 11 10 9 8 7 0000 6 5 4 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 3 UNMUTE_DONE_L UNMUTE_DONE_L status 2 UNMUTE_DONE_R UNMUTE_DONE_R status 1 MUTE_DONE_L MUTE_DONE_L status 0 MUTE_DONE_R MUTE_DONE_R status 82CD0190 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 AFE_DBG_R D_PRE 14 Mnemoni c 11:10 9:0 82CD0194 Bit Name 15 13 12 14 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 MEM RW 6 5 MEM Memory 00: NA 01: Data memory 10: Coefficient memory 11: DSP co-processor mapping registers AFE_DBG_RD_PRE Read address 12 1 0 UN MU TE_ DO NE _R MU TE _D ON E_ L MU TE _D ON E_ R RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 4 0000 3 AFE_DBG_RD_PRE RW 0 0 0 0 Description 13 2 AFE MCU Debug Mode Reading SRAM Out Name AFE_DBG_M D_CON0 3 UN MU TE _D ON E_ L RO 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 AFE Debug Mode Control Register 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0000 4 3 2 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name 1 DB G_ DO NE RO 0 Description 1 DBG_DONE Debug done signal 0 DBG_TRIG Set up this bit to start running debug mode when debug mode enable register is high. 82CD0198 Bit 15 AFE_DBG_M D_CON1 14 13 0 DB G_ TRI G RW 0 12 AFE Debug Mode Control Register 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 0000 4 3 2 1 0 Page 298 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Name Type Reset Bit(s) DB G_ MD RW 0 MODE_SEL 0 Mnemoni c RW 0 DBG_MD_VAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 Name Description DBG_MD Enables debug mode 0: Disable 1: Enable 14:12 MODE_SEL Selects debug mode 000: Step 1 mode 001: Nxt n cycle, n is DBG_MD_VAL 010: Run to break point. Break point is DBG_MD_VAL 011: Run 1X 101: Run to n 1X, n is DBG_MD_VAL 11:0 DBG_MD_VAL Corresponding value for different debug mode 15 82CD019C Bit Name 15 AFE_DBG_A PB_STATUS 14 13 12 Mnemoni c 11 10 9 8 7 Name 6 5 4 3 DBGR_OK Status for debug mode reading SRAM APBR_OK Status for read SRAM data 0 APBW_ACK Status for writing data into SRAM Type Reset Bit(s) 15 avc ntr _er r_s ign al RO 0 AFE_CMPR_ CNTR 14 15 31 12 AFE Compare Counter Control Register 11 0 11:0 Bit 1 AP BR _O K RO 0 0 AP BW _A CK RO 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 021D 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 cmpr_cntr Mnemoni c 82CD01E0 13 2 DB GR _O K RO 0 Description 1 Bit Name 0 0000 2 82CD01CC 0 AFE MCU Status Register Type Reset Bit(s) 0 1 0 0 0 RW 0 Name Description avcntr_err_signal Compare counter for 1X enable error flag cmpr_cntr If the clock count in 1x enable < cmpr_cntr, avcntr_err_signal will be pulled high. AFE_DBG_R D_DAT 30 0 29 28 AFE Debug Mode - Reading SRAM Data 27 26 25 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 000000 19 18 17 16 Page 299 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mnemoni c 19:0 82CD01E4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) DBG_RD_DAT The register width is 20 bits. 4 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 Mnemoni c 15 Description AFE_APBMEM_RD _DAT The register width is 20 bits 13 12 Mnemoni c 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 MEM RW 6 0 0 0 0 0 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 AFE_APBMEM_RD_DA T[19:16] RO 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 AFE_APBMEM_RD RW 0 0 0 0 MEM Memory 00: NA 01: Data memory 10: Coefficient memory 11: DSP co-processor mapping registers AFE_APBMEM_RD Read address 12 0 0000 Description 13 1 AFE MCU Read SRAM Request Name AFE_PC_1X_ IDX 14 AFE_APBMEM_RD_DAT[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name AFE_APBME M_RD 2 000000 27 Mnemoni c 3 AFE MCU Reading SRAM Data 28 82CD01EC 11:0 Description 5 29 9:0 Bit(s) 6 30 11:10 Bit Name Type Reset 7 31 82CD01E8 Bit(s) 8 DBG_RD_DAT[15:0] RO 0 0 0 0 Name AFE_APBME M_RD_DAT 19:0 Bit Name Type Reset 9 DBG_RD_DAT[19:16] RO 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 AFE Program 1X IDX 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0022 7 6 5 4 AFE_PC_1X_IDX RW 0 0 1 0 Name Description AFE_PC_1X_IDX DSP co-processor idle address © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 Page 300 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Do not change the value. AFE may hang if the value is changed. 82CD01F0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 DB G_1 XD AT _E N RW 0 AFE_DBG_SI G 14 Mnemoni c 13 12 AFE 8X/Buffer/Mux Debug 11 10 9 8 0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 V8 X_ LP BK DM IC_ SW AP AA FE _A LN VA FE _A LN VD L VU L AD L I2S RW 0 RW 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 Name Description 15 DBG_1XDAT_EN Enables 1X sample data for debug input 7 V8X_LPBK Voice downlink 8x output loopback to uplink 8x 6 DMIC_SWAP Swaps digital mic input source 5 AAFE_ALN aafe_on align 1x_enable signal 4 VAFE_ALN vafe_on align 1x_enable signal 3 VDL VDL debug signal 2 VUL VLL debug signal 1 ADL ADL debug signal 0 I2S I2S debug signal 82CD01F4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 AFE_PC_OU T_DBG 14 Mnemoni c 11:0 82CD01F8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 13 12 AFE Program PC Address 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PC_OUT Current DSP co-processor programming counter output for debugging DBG_1XDAT 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 82CD020 0 5 Description 15 15:0 6 PC_OUT RO 0 0 Name AFE_DBG_1 XDAT Mnemoni c 0000 9 0000 8 7 6 AFE_DBG_1XDAT RW 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description AFE_DBG_1XDAT Debug 1X input. Used in debug mode AFE_COSIM _RG AFE COSIM RG Test © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0000 Page 301 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Nam e 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c Name Description 1 FPGA_DL2UL_LPB K FPGA loopback mode 0: Normal mode 1: Uplink data are from DL FIFO. 0 UL_SINE_OUT Uplink data are sine table output. 82CD0210 Bit Name AFE_MCU_C ON0 15 14 13 12 1 AFE MCU Control Register 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 FP GA _D L2 UL _L PB K RW 0 UL _SI NE _O UT RW 0 0000 5 4 3 2 1 0 AF E_ ON RW 0 Type Reset Bit(s) Mnemoni c 0 82CD0214 Bit Name Name Description AFE_ON Turns on the audio front end 0: Turn off 1: Turn on AFE_MCU_C ON1 15 14 Type Reset Bit(s Mnemo ) nic 13 12 AFE MCU Control Register 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 Name Description 3 UDSP_DL_ON Turns on UDSP DL function 0: Turn off 1: Turn on 2 A_IF_DL_ON Turns on a_interface DL function 0: Turn off 1: Turn on 1 UDSP_UL_ON Turns on UDSP UL function 0: Turn off 1: Turn on 0 A_IF_UL_ON Turns on a_interface UL function 0: Turn off 1: Turn on © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0000 5 4 3 UD SP_ DL _O N RW 0 2 A_I F_ DL _O N RW 0 1 UD SP_ UL _O N RW 0 0 A_I F_ UL _O N RW 0 Page 302 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 21. 2D Acceleration 21.1. General Description To enhance MMI display and gaming experiences, a 2D acceleration engine is implemented. It supports many types of color formats. Main features are listed as follows: • Four-layer overlay with individual color format, window size, source key, constant alpha and rotation. • Supports up to 2048x2048 resolution for each layer and Region of Interest (ROI). • Each layer supports RGB565, RGB888, BGR888, ARGB8888, PARGB8888, ARGB6666, ARGB8565, PARGB6666, PARGB8565 and YUYV422 format • Font caching: normal font and anti-aliasing font • Rectangle fill with alpha-blending • Specific output color replacement MCU can program 2D engine registers via APB. However, MCU has to make sure that the 2D engine is not BUSY before any write to 2D engine registers occurs. An interrupt scheme is also provided for more flexibility. Top view of 2D engine is shown as . CLK / RST / IRQ Test mode G2D Engine APB s GMC rw Figure 21-1. 2D Engine Block Diagram © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 303 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 21.2. Features 21.2.1. 2D Coordinate The ROI coordinates in 2D engine are represented as 12-bit signed integers which covered from -2048 to 2047. The maximum resolution of ROI coordinates can achieve 4096x4096, however the maximum ROI size and layer window size are 2048x2048. shows the coordinate system of 2D engine. min(-2048) x (0,0) min(-2048) L0_ofs max(2047) ROI_ofs L3_ofs ROI_height ROI_width L2_ofs y max(2047) Figure 21-2. 2D Engine Coordinates 21.2.2. Color Format Each layer supports RGB565, RGB888, BGR888, ARGB8888, PARGB8888 and YUV422 (UY0VY1 from low address to high address) color format. 2D engine supports RGB565, RGB888, BGR888, ARGB8888 and PARGB8888 color format for write channel. However, 2D engine cannot convert PARGB to ARGB color format (Ex. Layer 0 and 1 are PARGB color format but ROI is ARGB) 21.2.3. Clipping Window The setting for clipping window is effective for all the 2D graphics. A pair of minimum and maximum boundary is applied on ROI window. The portion outside the clipping window will not be drawn to the memory, but the pixels on the boundary will be kept. The clipping operation is illustrated in . © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 304 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual x (0,0) ROI clp_min clp_max y Figure 21-3. 2D Engine Clipping Operation 21.2.4. Alpha Blending Formula The alpha blending formula is selected by source color format and the formula is listed below: 1. If the source color format is PARGB 2. if (SCA != 0xff) { Dst.R = Dst.R * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.R * SCA/0xff; Dst.G = Dst.G * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.G * SCA/0xff; Dst.B = Dst.B * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.B * SCA/0xff; Dst.A = Dst.A * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.A * SCA/0xff; } else { Dst.R = Dst.R * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.R; Dst.G = Dst.G * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.G; Dst.B = Dst.B * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.B; Dst.A = Dst.A * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.A; } If the source color format is ARGB if (SCA != 0xff) { Dst.R = Dst.R * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.R * (Src.A/0xff) * (SCA/0xff); Dst.G = Dst.G * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.G * (Src.A/0xff) * (SCA/0xff); Dst.B = Dst.B * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.B * (Src.A/0xff) * (SCA/0xff); Dst.A = Dst.A * (0xff – Src.A * SCA/0xff) / 0xff + Src.A * SCA/0xff; } else { Dst.R = Dst.R * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.R * Src.A/0xff; Dst.G = Dst.G * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.G * Src.A/0xff; Dst.B = Dst.B * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.B * Src.A/0xff; Dst.A = Dst.A * (0xff – Src.A) / 0xff + Src.A; } 3. If the source color format is RGB) Dst.R = Dst.R * (0xff – SCA) / 0xff + Src.R * SCA/0xff; Dst.G = Dst.G * (0xff – SCA) / 0xff + Src.G * SCA/0xff; Dst.B = Dst.B * (0xff – SCA) / 0xff + Src.B * SCA/0xff; Dst.A = Dst.A * (0xff – SCA) / 0xff + Src.A * SCA/0xff; © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 305 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Where SCA is the source constant alpha specified by ALPHA in G2D_Lx_CON, Dst.ARGB is the destination color, and Src.ARGB is the source color. If the source color format is RGB888 or RGB565, Src.A will be 0xff. The range of the alpha channel is from 0x0 to 0xff. When performing PARGB or ARGB with SCA, it takes two cycles to complete the alpha-blending formula. Thus we do not recommend using SCA when aa-font drawing and rectangle fill. 21.2.5. Font Drawing Normal Font Drawing The 2D engine helps to render fonts stored in one-bit-per-pixel format. If the index value is one, 2D engine writes foreground color out to memory and no action will be taken if the value is zero. The start bit of font drawing can be implemented by shifting the starting x coordinate of source, and it can be non-byte aligned to save memory usage for font caching. In addition, the rotations can be performed at the same time when drawing fonts. Source pitch (the same with destination width) Source base address Source height (the same with destination one) Source width (the same with destination one) Destination pitch Destination base address Destination height Foreground Color Background Color Destination width Figure 21-4. Font Drawing Setting © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 306 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Anti-Aliasing Font Drawing The 2D engine can accelerate the rendering of anti-aliasing fonts stored in multi-bit-per-pixel format (1/2/4/8). It is realized by enabled FONT_EN and ALP_EN in G2D_Lx_CON. The index color gives the interpolation weight value for foreground color. In anti-aliasing font drawing, there are two passes alpha blending applying among the font alpha value, foreground color, and destination color. The following figure describes the sequence. Bitmap font 1/2/4/8 bit index bitstream ARGB or PARGB FGCLR lower layer buffer Alpha Blending 1 Alpha Blending 2 ROI memory buffer Figure 21-5. Anti-aliasing Font Diagram Alpha blending 1 performs alpha blending between alpha value from font alpha bitstream and foreground color. The formula is listed below: switch( bit_per_pixel){ case 1: weighting = (bit_stream == 1) ? 0xff : 0x00; case 2: weighting = (bit_stream << 6) | (bit_stream << 4) | (bit_stream << 2) | (bit_stream << 0); case 4: weighting = (bit_stream << 4) | (bit_stream << 0); case 8: weighting = bit_stream; } if (layer color format == PARGB){ font.[argb] = (fgclr.[argb] * weighting + 0x80) / 0xff; } else { font.a = (fgclr.a * weighting + 0x80) / 0xff; } where the divide by 0xff is implemented as following formula: value / 0xff = (value * 257) >> 16; Alpha blending 2 is an alpha blending between the result of alpha blending 1 and destination color. The formula of alpha blending 2 is as same as section 21.2.4. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 307 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Figure 21-6. Anti-aliasing Font Example shows an example of anti-aliasing font operation. Each layer can be configured as font bitmap (layer 2 in this example). After blending all layers’ pixel, the color would be written to ROI memory buffer. 21.2.6. Rectangle Fill Each layer could be configured as a constant color to perform rectangle fill. If alpha-blending is enabled at this layer, the constant color will blending to lower layer as shown in . Figure 21-7. Rectangle Fill with Alpha-Blending Example © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 308 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 21.3. Application Notes The purpose of this document is to describe the functional interface of G2D to help supporting the usage of 2D accelerations. It is noted that there are many 2D acceleration features provided by MediaTek’s 2D Hardware/Software engine. However, in current driver design, we supported 1. Hardware Bitblt 2. Hardware Rectangle fill 3. Hardware Font drawing 4. Software Linear transform 5. Hardware Overlay Generally, the G2D driver interfaces are provided and combined with GDI layers. It is strongly suggested that application to use G2D interface through GDI. Nevertheless, you could use the 2D engine by calling the G2D driver APIs directly. Below figure shows the block diagram of graphic 2D driver interface • GDI: Graphics Device Interface, • G2D: Graphic 2D engine • BitBlt: Bit block transfers GDI Camera Unified G2D Interface HW Driver SW Codec (Only support Linear Transform) Figure 21-8. The block diagram of graphic 2D driver interface © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 309 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Here is an example for BitBlt using API: src_buf = (kal_uint8 *)&rgb565_240X320[0]; dst_buf = (kal_uint8 *)&dst_hw_image_240X320[0]; src_color_format = G2D_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB565; dst_color_format = G2D_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB565; src_rect_w = 240; src_rect_h = 320; dst_rect_w = 320; dst_rect_h = 240; /// G2D_STATUS_BUSY means someone is using G2D if(G2D_STATUS_OK != g2dGetHandle(&g2dHandle, G2D_CODEC_TYPE_HW, G2D_GET_HANDLE_MODE_DIRECT_RETURN_HANDLE)) return; g2dSetCallbackFunction(g2dHandle,NULL); g2dSetDstRGBBufferInfo(g2dHandle, (kal_uint8 *)dst_buf, 240 * 320 * 4, dst_rect_w, dst_rect_h, dst_color_format); g2dSetColorReplacement(g2dHandle, KAL_FALSE, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255); g2dSetDstClipWindow(g2dHandle, KAL_FALSE, 0, 0, dst_rect_w, dst_rect_h); g2dSetSrcKey(g2dHandle, KAL_FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0); g2dBitBltSetSrcRGBBufferInfo(g2dHandle, src_buf, 240 * 320 * 2, src_rect_w, src_rect_h, src_color_format); g2dBitBltSetSrcWindow(g2dHandle, 0, 0, src_rect_w, src_rect_h); g2dBitBltSetDstWindow(g2dHandle, 0, 0, dst_rect_w, dst_rect_h); g2dBitBltSetRotation(g2dHandle, G2D_ROTATE_ANGLE_090); g2dBitBltSetSrcAlpha(g2dHandle, KAL_FALSE, 0x0); g2dBitBltSetDstAlpha(g2dHandle, KAL_FALSE, 0x0); g2dBitBltStart(g2dHandle); while(g2dGetStatus(g2dHandle)) {}; g2dReleaseHandle(g2dHandle); © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 310 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 21.4. Register Definitions summarizes the 2D engine register mapping on APB. The base address of 2D engine is A0440000h . Table 21-1. The 2D engine register mapping APB Address Register Function Acronym G2D+0000h G2D Start Register START G2D+0004h G2D Mode Control Register MODE_CON G2D+0008h G2D Reset Register RESET G2D+000Ch G2D Status Register STATUS G2D+0010 G2D Interrupt Regsiter IRQ G2D+0014h G2D Slow Down Control Register SLOW_DOWN G2D+0040h G2D ROI Control Register ROI_CON G2D+0044h G2D Write to Memory Address Register W2M_ADDR G2D+0048h G2D Write to Memory Pitch Register W2M_PITCH G2D+004Ch G2D ROI Offset Register ROI_OFS G2D+0050h G2D ROI Size Register ROI_SIZE G2D+0054h G2D ROI Background Color Register ROI_BGCLR G2D+0058h G2D Clipping Minimum Coordinate Register CLP_MIN G2D+005Ch G2D Clipping Maximum Coordinate Register CLP_MAX G2D+0060h G2D Avoid Write Color Register AVO_CLR G2D+0064h G2D Replaced Color Register REP_CLR G2D+0068h G2D Write to Memory Offset Register W2M_MOFS G2D+0070h G2D MW Initial value MW_INIT G2D+0074h G2D MZ Initial value MZ_INIT G2D+0078h G2D Dithering Control Register DI_CON G2D+0080h G2D Layer 0 Control Register L0_CON G2D+0084h G2D Layer 0 Address Register L0_ADDR G2D+0088h G2D Layer 0 Pitch Register L0_PITCH G2D+008Ch G2D Layer 0 Offset Register L0_OFS G2D+0090h G2D Layer 0 Size Register L0_SIZE G2D Layer 0 Source Key Register L0_SRCKEY G2D Initial Source Sample Z Register SZ_INIT G2D+00C0h G2D Layer 1 Control Register L1_CON G2D+00C4h G2D Layer 1 Address Register L1_ADDR G2D+0094h © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 311 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual G2D+00C8h G2D Layer 1 Pitch Register L1_PITCH G2D+00CCh G2D Layer 1 Offset Register L1_OFS G2D+00D0h G2D Layer 1 Size Register L1_SIZE G2D+00D4h G2D Layer 1 Source Key Register L1_SRCKEY G2D+0100h G2D Layer 2 Control Register L2_CON G2D+0104h G2D Layer 2 Address Register L2_ADDR G2D+0108h G2D Layer 2 Pitch Register L2_PITCH G2D+010Ch G2D Layer 2 Offset Register L2_OFS G2D+0110h G2D Layer 2 Size Register L2_SIZE G2D+0114h G2D Layer 2 Source Key Register L2_SRCKEY G2D+0140h G2D Layer 3 Control Register L3_CON G2D+0144h G2D Layer 3 Address Register L3_ADDR G2D+0148h G2D Layer 3 Pitch Register L3_PITCH G2D+014Ch G2D Layer 3 Offset Register L3_OFS G2D+0150h G2D Layer 3 Size Register L3_SIZE G2D+0154h G2D Layer 3 Source Key Register L3_SRCKEY Module name: 2D Accleration Base address: (+A0440000h) G2D+0000h G2D Start Register Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 G2D_START 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 STAR T Name Type Reset R/W 0 START G2D start register. This register should be enabled after all of other registers are already filled. Please follow the start sequence to trigger G2D: *G2D_RESET = 2; *G2D_RESET = 0; *G2D_START = 1; 0 disable G2D engine 1 trigger G2D engine G2D_MODE_ CON G2D+0004h G2D Mode Control Register Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RESERVED R/W 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 312 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ENG_MODE RO 1 ENG_MODE 2D engine function mode 001 Bitblt others Reserved G2D+0008h G2D Reset Register Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 G2D_RESET 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WRS HRST T Name Type Reset R/W R/W 0 0 HRST G2D hard reset. All registers (except APB registers) will be reset to initial value immediately. WRST G2D warm reset. Please follow correct reset sequence to avoid potential bus hang problem (breaking bus protocol) G2D_RESET = 0x1; while (G2D_STATUS != 0){ read G2D_STATUS; } G2D_RESET = 0x2; G2D_RESET = 0x0; G2D+000Ch G2D Status Register Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 G2D_STATUS 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TBUS BUSY Y Name Type Reset RO 0 RO 0 Read this register to get 2D engine status. 2D engine may function abnormally if any 2D engine register is modified when BUSY. BUSY 2D engine is busy. TBUSY Transaction busy. If any read/write memory access transaction is not completed, this register will be asserted. G2D+0010h G2D Interrupt Register Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 G2D_IRQ 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name Type Reset Bit 16 FLAG 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 R/W 0 0 FLGA 0_IR Q_EN Name Type Reset R/W 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 313 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual FLAG0_IRQ_EN 2D engine interrupt enabled. The interrupt is negative level sensitive. FLAG0 2D interrupt status. It is raised when engine finished the task and FLAG0_IRQ_EN is asserted. 0 Write 0 to clear interrupt 1 Interrupt occurs. Software can also write this bit to trigger G2D interrupt. G2D_SLOW_ DOWN G2D+0014h G2D Slow Down Control Register Bit 31 Name EN Type R/W Reset 0 Bit 15 Name Type Reset 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 RD_BTYP 14 13 12 11 10 R/W 0 9 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 WR_BTYP 8 7 6 R/W 100 5 SLOW_CNT R/W 0 EN Enable slow down mechanism to slower 2D engine read/write memory speed RD_BTYP Read request maximum burst type 000 burst-8 001 burst-4 011 single others reserved WR_BTYP Write request maximum burst type 100 burst-16 011 burst-8 010 burst-4 000 single SLOW_CNT Read/write request slow counter. The minimum cycle count between two read/write request. G2D_ROI_CO N G2D+0040h G2D ROI Control Register Bit 31 Name EN0 30 EN1 29 EN2 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 EN3 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 21 20 CLR_ REP_ EN 11 Name OUT_ALPHA Type Reset R/W 0 10 9 8 7 6 OUT_ ALP_ EN R/W 0 R/W 0 5 19 18 17 16 DIS_ TILE_ FORC CLP_ BG SIZE E_TS EN 4 R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 CLRFMT R/W 0 ENn Enable the nth layer CLR_REP_EN Color replacement enabled. DIS_BG Disable background color. shows the effect of this register. In linear transform mode, DIS_BG should always be 1’b1. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 314 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 0 1 Enable background color If any of following condition is true, this write request will be ignored (1) No layer covered this ROI position (2) Normal font and the bitstream value is zero (3) Source key hit Figure 21-9. DIS_BG example TILE_SIZE ROI scan tile size, only take effect when FORCE_TS is on. Please set zero (8x8) when performing linear transform. 0 4x4 for bitblt. 8x8 for linear transform 1 8x8 for bitblt. 16x8 for linear transform FORCE_TS Force tile size. When this field is off, hardware selects the best tile size automatically. 8x8 for linear transform. 16x8 for only one layer is enabled. 0 Off. Hardware select automatically 1 On. Force tile size CLP_EN Clipping window enabled. Pixels out of clipping window will not be written. OUT_ALPHA Replace written alpha channel value with this field when OUT_ALP_EN is enabled. OUT_ALP_EN Output alpha channel replacement enabled. CLRFMT Write to memory color format. (Notice: After alpha-blending, the color format is always PARGB, not ARGB) 00001 RGB565 00011 RGB888 01000 ARGB8888 (only for bitblt without alpha-blending) 01001 ARGB8565 (only for bitblt without alpha-blending) 01010 ARGB6666 (only for bitblt without alpha-blending) 01100 PARGB8888 01101 PARGB8565 01110 PARGB6666 10011 BGR888 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 315 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual G2D_W2M_A DDR G2D+0044h G2D W2M Address Register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 W2M_ADDR[31:16] R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 W2M_ADDR[15:0] R/W 0 W2M_ADDR Write to memory base address. The address should be 2 byte aligned for RGB565 output and 4 byte aligned for ARGB8888 or PARGB8888. RGB888 output can start at any address. G2D_W2M_P ITCH G2D+0048h G2D W2M Pitch Register Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PITCH R/W 0 PITCH Write to memory pitch in unit of byte. The pitch divided by the output color format byte-per-pixel (bpp) must be equal or greater than the ROI width. If the output bpp is 4, the pitch must be divisible by 4. If the bpp is 2, the pitch must be divisible by 2. If the bpp is 3 (RGB888), the pitch can be any number greater than ROI width*3. The maximum pitch is 0x2000 which indicates the maximum resolution is 2048x2048@ARGB8888. G2D_ROI_OF S G2D+004Ch G2D ROI Offset Register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 OFS_X R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 OFS_Y R/W 0 OFS_X OFS_Y ROI x offset in unit of pixel. 12-bit signed integer, range: [-2048~2047] ROI y offset in unit of pixel. 12-bit signed integer, range: [-2048~2047] G2D_ROI_SI ZE G2D+0050h G2D ROI Size Register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 WIDTH R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 HEIGHT R/W 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 316 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual WIDTH Width of ROI window in unit of pixel. 12bit unsigned integer, range: [1, 2048] HEIGHT Height of ROI window in unit of pixel. 12bit unsigned integer, range: [1, 2048] G2D_ROI_BG CLR G2D+0054h G2D ROI Background Color Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 ALPHA 15 14 13 R/W 0 12 11 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 REG R/W 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 GREEN 4 3 BLUE R/W 0 R/W 0 The color format of background color is PARGB8888. ALPHA Alpha component of ROI background color RED Red component of ROI background color GREEN Green component of ROI background color BLUE Blue component of ROI background color G2D_CLP_MI N G2D+0058h G2D Clipping Minimum Register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 CLP_MIN_X R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 CLP_MIN_Y R/W 0 The clipping window is shown in . Clipping window is not supported in SAD function mode. CLP_MIN_X The minimum value of x coordinate in clipping window, signed 12-bit integer. Range:[2048~2047] CLP_MIN_Y The minimum value of y coordinate in clipping window, signed 12-bit integer. Range:[2048~2047] G2D_CLP_M AX G2D+005Ch G2D Clipping Maximum Register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 CLP_MAX_X R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 CLP_MAX_Y R/W 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 317 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual The clipping window is shown in . CLP_MAX_X The maximum value of x coordinate in clipping window, signed 12-bit integer. Range:[2048~2047] CLP_MAX_Y The maximum value of y coordinate in clipping window, signed 12-bit integer. Range:[2048~2047] G2D_AVO_CL R G2D+0060h G2D Avoid Write Color Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AVO_CLR[31:16] R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 AVO_CLR[15:0] R/W 0 AVO_CLR When CLR_REP_EN is enabled and write out color is equal to AVO_CLR, the color would be replaced with REP_CLR. The color format of AVO_CLR is the same with ROI color format. The compare operation is done at the last stage as shown in following figure. AVO_CLR Pixel Engine ARGB8888 Color Conversion (w2m_fmt) CMP Write color REP_CLR Figure 21-10. Color Replacement Stage G2D_REP_CL R G2D+0064h G2D Replaced Color Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 REP_CLR[31:16] R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 REP_CLR[15:0] R/W 0 REP_CLR When CLR_REP_EN is enabled and write out color is equal to AVO_CLR, the color would be replaced with REP_CLR. The color format of REP_CLR is the same with ROI color format. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 318 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual G2D_W2M_M OFS G2D+0068h G2D Write to Memory Offset Register Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 W2M_MOFS _X R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 W2M_MOFS_Y R/W 0 W2M_MOFS _X The ROI memory x-offset, signed 12-bit integer. Range:[-2048~2047] W2M_MOFS_Y The ROI memory y-offset, signed 12-bit integer. Range:[-2048~2047] for(y’=0; y’SE0) Scanning time of one line (in unit of LCD working clock cycle) = (LCD_CALC_HTT.COUNT*256) / (SE1 – SE0) else Scanning time of one line (in unit of LCD working clock cycle) = (LCD_CALC_HTT.COUNT*256) / (SE1 – SE0 + vertical total lines including blanking) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 348 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 8. The scanning time of one line can be used in both sync mode 0 and mode 1 by setting LCD_SYNC_LCM_SIZE.HTT = (Scanning time of one line)/16; LCD_SYNC_LC LCD Sync LCM Size Register M_SIZE A0450048 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 0 26 25 0 0 10 00010001 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 8 0 0 7 VTT RW 6 0 0 5 0 HTT RW 4 3 2 16 1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 27:16 VTT Vertical Timing Set the number of horizontal LCM lines including blanking lines. VTT must be greater than 0. 9:0 HTT Horizontal Timing Indicate how long a LCM horizontal line is in unites of 16*T which T is the LCD cycle time. LCD_SYNC_C LCD Sync Counter Register NT A045004C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 26 25 0 0 00000001 24 23 0 0 SCANLINE RU 0 0 0 WAITLINE RW 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 6 5 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 2 16 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 27:16 SCANLINE Current TE counter value 11:0 WAITLINE TE Delay SCANLINE will count until it reaches this value and a TE interrupt will be issued (if enabled). LCD will then begin updating a frame. WAITLINE must be greater than 0. A0450050 Bit Name Type Reset Bit LCD_TECON 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 Name SW_T E Type Reset LCD Tearing Control Register 31 RW 0 00000000 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TE_C DSI_ DSI_S OUNT END_ TART ER_E CTL _CTL N RW RW RW 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. TE_R SYNC TE_E SYNC EPEA _MO DGE_ _EN SEL DE T RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Page 349 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15 SW_TE Software TE Software emulated TE signal. Write this bit from 0 to 1 will let LCD act like a TE signal has been received. This is only used for SYNC_MODE = 0. 10 TE_COUNTER_EN The way DSI leaves wait TE state 0: by DSI’s TE signal 1: by LCD’s TE counter 9 DSI_END_CTL DSI produce eof 0: end indication is by DSI vde falling 1: end indication is by DSI frame done signal 8 DSI_START_CTL DSI produces sof 0: start byDSI vsync falling 1: start by DSI TE event 3 TE_REPEAT repeat mode 0: update LCM once every TE signal coming 1: repeat updaing LCM after TE signal coming 2 SYNC_MODE TE Sync Mode: Select the TE type to use (0: LCd working cycle time *16 *HTT *LINES ns) 0: LCD updates when a TE edge is detected and a specified delay has passed. 1: LCD updates when software read the current LCM scanline and LCD has counted from the current scanline the specified update scanline. 1 TE_EDGE_SEL TE Edge Select Select which edge is used to detect a TE signal 0: Rising edge 1: Falling edge 0 SYNC_EN Sync Enable Enable or Disable LCD TE control 0: Disable 1: Enable A0450080 LCD_ROICON LCD Region of Interest Control Register Bit 31 30 29 28 Name EN0 EN1 EN2 EN3 Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 15 ENC RW 0 14 13 0 12 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 27 11 00000000 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEND COLO _RES IF24 R_EN _MO D RW RW RW 0 0 0 COMMAND RW 0 0 FMT RW Description 31 EN0 Layer 0 window enable control 30 EN1 Layer 1 window enable control 29 EN2 Layer 2 window enable control 28 EN3 Layer 3 window enable control 26 COLOR_EN Enable the data path through mm_color 0: Disable the data path through mm_color 1: Enable the data path through mm_color 25 IF24 24 Bit Data bus Enable: © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 350 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 24 SEND_RES_MOD Description 0: ROI BUS width set to FMT specified width 1: ROI BUS width set to 24 bit width Send Residual Odd Pixel When the LCD Interface is configured to send 2 pixels/cycle or 2 pixels/3 cycles and the ROI width is odd, the last pixel of each line will not form a pixel pair. If the ROI height is odd as well, the last pixel of the frame will also not be a pixel pair. In each case, the LCD Interface will send extra data to fill in for the missing pixel. This setting allows one to choose how the extra data will be sent. 0: Send the residual odd pixel per frame. In this mode, the last pixel of a line is combined with an extra byte and sent to LCM. LCD driver should not care this extra byte. EX: ROI is 3x2, the output sequence is R0G0 --- pixel0 of line 0 B0R1 G1B1 R2G2 B2R1 --- LCD driver should not care R1 R0G0 --- pixel 0 of line 1 B0R1 G1B1 R2G2 B2R1 --- LCD driver should not care R1 1: Send the residual odd pixel per frame. In this mode, the last pixel of a line is combined with the first pixel of the next line as a two-pixel-pair, and is sent to LCM EX: ROI is 3x2, the output sequence is R0G0 --- pixel0 of line 0 B0R1 G1B1 R2G2 B2R0 --- pixel 0 of line 1 G0B0 R1G1 B1R2 G2B2 R0G0 --- pixel 0 of line 2 B0R1 G1B1 R2G2 B2R1 --- LCD driver should not care R1. ENC Command Transfer Enable Control 0: Only send pixel data to LCM, not send commands in command queue. 1: Send commands in command queue first, and then send pixel data to LCM. The number of commands to be sent is specified by COMMAND. 13:8 COMMAND Number of commands to be sent to LCD module. N means N+1 commands will be sent. Maximum value is 63. 7:0 FMT ROI Transfer Format Specify the interface size and transfer color format of the ROI. The interface size should match the Parallel/Serial Interface size setting. FORMAT is divided into several fields: Bit 0: Sequence (0:BGR, 1: RGB) Bit 1: Significance Bit 2: Padding Bit 5-3: Color format (010: RGB565, 011: RGB666, 100: RGB888) Bit 7-6: Interface size (00: 8 bit, 01: 16 bit, 10: 9 bit, 11: 18 bit) 15 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 351 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual RGB56 5 9 16 18 throughput (pixel/cycle) 0 0 1pixel/2cycle R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3 G2G1G0B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 1 1pixel/2cycle B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3 G2G1G0R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 0 1pixel/2cycle G2G1G0B4B3B2B1B0 R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3 x 1 1 1pixel/2cycle G2G1G0R4R3R2R1R0 B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3 x 0 0 1pixel/2cycle G3R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3 B0G2G1G0B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 1 1pixel/2cycle G3B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3 R0G2G1G0R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 0 1pixel/2cycle B0G2G1G0B4B3B2B1B0 G3R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3 x 1 1 1pixel/2cycle R0G2G1G0R4R3R2R1R0 G3B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3 x x 0 1pixel/1cycle R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3G2G1G0B4B3B2B1B0 x x 1 1pixel/1cycle B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3G2G1G0R4R3R2R1R0 x x 0 1pixel/1cycle xxR4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3G2G1G0B4B3B2B1B0 x x 1 1pixel/1cycle xxB4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3G2G1G0R4R3R2R1R0 0 0 0 1pixel/3cycle R5R4R3R2R1R0xx G5G4G3G2G1G0xx B5B4B3B2B1B0xx 0 0 1 1pixel/3cycle B5B4B3B2B1B0xx G5G4G3G2G1G0xx R5R4R3R2R1R0xx 0 1 0 1pixel/3cycle B5B4B3B2B1B0xx G5G4G3G2G1G0xx R5R4R3R2R1R0xx 0 1 1 1pixel/3cycle R5R4R3R2R1R0xx G5G4G3G2G1G0xx B5B4B3B2B1B0xx 1 0 0 1pixel/3cycle xxR5R4R3R2R1R0 xxG5G4G3G2G1G0 xxB5B4B3B2B1B0 1 0 1 1pixel/3cycle xxB5B4B3B2B1B0 xxG5G4G3G2G1G0 xxR5R4R3R2R1R0 8 RGB66 6 output sequence x sequence significance 8 padding I/F width format Table 23-3. WROICON.FORMAT List © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 352 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. throughput (pixel/cycle) 1 0 1pixel/3cycle xxB5B4B3B2B1B0 xxG5G4G3G2G1G0 xxR5R4R3R2R1R0 1 1 1 1pixel/3cycle xxR5R4R3R2R1R0 xxG5G4G3G2G1G0 xxB5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 0 1pixel/2cycle R5R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3 G2G1G0B5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 1 1pixel/2cycle B5B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3 G2G1G0R5R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 0 1pixel/2cycle G2G1G0B5B4B3B2B1B0 R5R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3 x 1 1 1pixel/2cycle G2G1G0R5R4R3R2R1R0 B5B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3 0 0 0 2pixel/3cycle R5R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3G2G1G0xxxx B5B4B3B2B1B0R5R4R3R2R1R0xxxx G5G4G3G2G1G0B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxx 0 0 1 2pixel/3cycle B5B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3G2G1G0xxxx R5R4R3R2R1R0B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxx G5G4G3G2G1G0R5R4R3R2R1R0xxxx 0 1 0 2pixel/3cycle G5G4G3G2G1G0B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxx B5B4B3B2B1B0R5R4R3R2R1R0xxxx R5R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3G2G1G0xxxx 0 1 1 2pixel/3cycle G5G4G3G2G1G0R5R4R3R2R1R0xxxx R5R4R3R2R1R0B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxx B5B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3G2G1G0xxxx 1 0 0 2pixel/3cycle xxxxR5R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3G2G1G0 xxxxB5B4B3B2B1B0R5R4R3R2R1R0 xxxxG5G4G3G2G1G0B5B4B3B2B1B0 1 0 1 2pixel/3cycle xxxxB5B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3G2G1G0 xxxxR5R4R3R2R1R0B5B4B3B2B1B0 xxxxG5G4G3G2G1G0R5R4R3R2R1R0 1 1 0 2pixel/3cycle xxxxG5G4G3G2G1G0B5B4B3B2B1B0 xxxxB5B4B3B2B1B0R5R4R3R2R1R0 xxxxR5R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3G2G1G0 1 1 1 2pixel/3cycle xxxxG5G4G3G2G1G0R5R4R3R2R1R0 xxxxR5R4R3R2R1R0B5B4B3B2B1B0 xxxxB5B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3G2G1G0 x x 0 1pixel/1cycle R5R4R3R2R1R0G5G4G3G2G1G0B5B4B3B2B1B0 x x 1 1pixel/1cycle B5B4B3B2B1B0G5G4G3G2G1G0R5R4R3R2R1R0 0 x 0 1pixel/1cycle R5R4R3R2R1R0xxG5G4G3G2G1G0xxB5B4B3B2B1B0xx 16 RGB66 6 18 24 output sequence 1 sequence significance 9 padding I/F width format MT2523 Series Reference Manual © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 353 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 8 9 RGB88 8 16 RGB88 8 16 throughput (pixel/cycle) x 1 1pixel/1cycle B5B4B3B2B1B0xxG5G4G3G2G1G0xx R5R4R3R2R1R0xx 1 x 0 1pixel/1cycle xxR5R4R3R2R1R0xxG5G4G3G2G1G0xxB5B4B3B2B1B0 1 x 1 1pixel/1cycle xxB5B4B3B2B1B0xxG5G4G3G2G1G0xxR5R4R3R2R1R0 x 0 0 1pixel/3cycle R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 1 1pixel/3cycle B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 0 1pixel/3cycle B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 1 1pixel/3cycle R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 0 1pixel/3cycle R0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 G0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 1 1pixel/3cycle B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 G0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 R0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 0 1pixel/3cycle B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 G0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 R0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 1 1pixel/3cycle R0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 G0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 0 2pixel/3cycle R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 1 2pixel/3cycle B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 0 2pixel/3cycle G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 x 1 1 2pixel/3cycle G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0G7G5G5G4G3G2G1G0 output sequence 0 sequence significance 8 padding RGB88 8 I/F width format MT2523 Series Reference Manual © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 354 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. throughput (pixel/cycle) 0 0 2pixel/3cycle xxR7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 xxB7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 xxG7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 x 0 1 2pixel/3cycle xxB7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 xxR7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 xxG7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 x 1 0 2pixel/3cycle xxG7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 xxB7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 xxR7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 x 1 1 2pixel/3cycle xxG7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 xxR7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 xxB7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0G7G5G5G4G3G2G1G0 x x 0 1pixel/1cycle R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0G7G5G5G4G3G2G1G0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 x x 1 1pixel/1cycle B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 G7G5G5G4G3G2G1G0R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 18 24 output sequence significance x sequence padding I/F width format MT2523 Series Reference Manual Mapping of data order in 2-data-pin protocol with WROICON.FORMAT General Expression Sequence setting in LCD_WROICON/Data written to SIF_SPE_SDAT port D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SIF_2PIN_SIZE (I/F width) LSDA0 LSA0 LSDA0 18 LSA0 LSDA0 16 LSA0 LSDA0 12 LSA0 24 Output sequence in 2data-pin A0450084 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 D23 D11 D17 D8 D15 D7 D11 D5 D22 D10 D16 D7 D14 D6 D10 D4 D21 D9 D15 D6 D13 D5 D9 D3 D20 D8 D14 D5 D12 D4 D8 D2 D19 D7 D13 D4 D11 D3 D7 D1 D18 D6 D12 D3 D10 D2 D6 D0 D17 D5 D11 D2 D9 D1 D16 D4 D10 D1 D8 D0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D3 D2 D1 D0 D9 D0 LCD_WROIOF LCD Region of Interest Window Offset S Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET ROI Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET ROI Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 0 Page 355 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0450088 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset LCD_WROICA LCD Region of Interest Command Address DD Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 7:4 0 LCM Address There are only 5 possible values that may be set for ADDR: 0h: Commands are sent to LCD-B LCM CS0 and the A0 bit will be set to 0. 2h: Commands are sent to LCD-B LCM CS1 and the A0 bit will be set to 0. 4h: Commands are sent to LCD-B LCM CS2 and the A0 bit will be set to 0. 8h: Commands are sent to LCD-C LCM CS0 and the A0 bit will be set to 0. Ah: Commands are sent to LCD-C LCM CS1 and the A0 bit will be set to 0. LCD_WROIDA LCD Region of Interest Data Address Register DD 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 7:4 ADDR RW 0 0 Description ADDR A045008C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 00000000 ADDR ADDR RW 0 0 0 Description LCM Address There are only 5 possible values that may be set for ADDR: 1h: Commands are sent to LCD-B LCM CS0 and the A0 bit will be set to 1. 3h: Commands are sent to LCD-B LCM CS1 and the A0 bit will be set to 1. 5h: Commands are sent to LCD-B LCM CS2 and the A0 bit will be set to 1. 9h: Commands are sent to LCD-C LCM CS0 and the A0 bit will be set to 1. Bh: Commands are sent to LCD-C LCM CS1 and the A0 bit will be set to 1. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 356 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset LCD_WROISIZ LCD Region of Interest Size Register E 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 24 23 22 0 0 0 ROW RW 0 0 COL RW 0 9 8 0 0 7 21 6 0 5 00000000 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 ROW ROI Window Row Size Specify the number of rows in the ROI window. 10:0 COL ROI Window Column Size Specify the number of columns in the ROI window. Layers in memory (L0WINOFS.X, L0WINOFS.Y) (WROIOFS.X, WROIOFS.Y) L0WINPITCH (L3WINOFS.X, L3WINOFS.Y) L3WINSIZE.ROW L3WINMOFS Layer 1 L3WINSIZE.COL (L1WINOFS.X, L1WINOFS.Y) WROISIZE.COL L1WINPITCH L3WINADD ROI Layer 3 L1WINMOFS L3WINSIZE.COL L1WINSIZE.COL L1WINSIZE.ROW L1WINADD L0WINSIZE.COL Layer 0 WROISIZE.ROW L0WINMOFS 0 Layers in ROI coordinate system L0WINSIZE.ROW L0WINSIZE.COL L0WINSIZE.ROW L0WINADD (0,0) 2 16 L1WINSIZE.COL A0450090 L1WINSIZE.ROW L3WINSIZE.ROW L3WINPITCH L0WINCON.ROTATE = 0 L1WINCON.ROTATE = 3 L3WINCON.ROTATE = 1 (2047,2047) Figure 23-11. Layers and ROI setting © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 357 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual WROI_W2MADD ROI in memory WROI_W2MOFS row 1 WROISIZE.COL ROI WROISIZE.ROW row 0 WROI_W2M_PITCH row 0 row 1 Each row is separated by a pitch when written to memory. The pitch between each line is specified by WROI_W2M_PITCH Figure 23-12. ROI write to memory setting A045009C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 LCD_WROI_B LCD Region of Interest Background Color GCLR Register 30 0 29 14 13 0 0 0 27 26 25 12 11 10 0 0 ALPHA RW 0 0 0 15 28 GREEN RW 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLUE RW 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 0 6 5 0 RED RW 4 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:24 ALPHA Alpha component of ROI window's background color 23:16 RED Red component of ROI window's background color 15:8 GREEN Green component of ROI window's background color 7:0 BLUE Blue component of ROI window's background color A04500B0 Bit 31 LCD_L0WINC LCD Layer 0 Window Control Register ON 30 29 28 27 26 Name RGB_ SWAP Type Reset Bit RW 0 Name Type Reset 15 14 SRC_ SRC KEYE N RW RW 0 0 13 12 11 RW 0 9 24 DST_ KEYE N RW 0 8 23 22 21 0 7 0 6 RW 0 5 0 RW 0 0 00000000 20 19 CLRFMT ALPH A_EN ROTATE 0 10 25 16 0 4 3 18 17 2 1 0 0 DITH ER_E N RW 0 16 BYTE _SWA P RW 0 0 ALPHA 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 0 RW 0 0 Page 358 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26 RGB_SWAP Swap RGB order of pixel data read from memory. 24 DST_KEYEN Enable destination color key. If the color format is YUYV422, this function is not supported. CLRFMT Color format 0000: 8bpp indexed color 0001: RGB565 0010: YUYV422 0011: RGB888 0100: ARGB8888 0101: PARGB8888 0110: XRGB 0111: ARGB6666 1000: PARGB6666 1001: 4bpp index color mode 1010: 2bpp index color mode 1011: 1bpp index color mode 1000: PARGB6666 Others: Reserved 18 DITHER_EN Enable dithering. Please refer to LCD_DITHERCON 16 BYTE_SWAP Swap high byte and low byte of pixel data read from memory. 15 SRC Disable auot-increment of the source pixel address. It makes the value of each pixel is the same as the first pixel of this frame. It is just for debug. 14 SRC_KEYEN Enable source color key. If the color format is YUYV422, this function is not supported ROTATE Rotation configuration 000: no rotation 001: 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 010: 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 011: 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 100: Horizontal flip 101: Horizontal flip then 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 110: Horizontal flip then 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 111: Horizontal flip then 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) ALPHA_EN Enable alpha blending ALPHA Constant alpha value 23:20 13:11 8 7:0 Note: SRC_KEYEN and DST_KEYEN are exclusive setting. They can’t be enabled at the same time. RGB_SWP Swap RGB order of pixel data read from memory © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 359 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual RGB_SWP=0 BYTE_SWP=1 RGB_SWP=0 BYTE_SWP=0 31 23 ARGB A 31 15 A 31 15 XRGB X 7 G R 15 RGB565 15 7 31 15 7 B B 0 R R R R RGGGGGG B B B B B 4321054321043210 15 G 15 23 15 0 R 7 0 GGG B B B B B R R R R R GGG 2104321043210543 15 7 31 G 15 23 7 15 15 7 The byte order in memory of YUYV422 is described in . Y0 is the Y component of the first pixel, P0. Y1 is the Y component of the second pixel, P1. Y1 2 V 1 Y0 0 byte order in memory U P0 P1 image of this layer Figure 23-14. YUYV422 byte order in memory Note: When use YUYV422 mode, the pitch of this layer (LCD_LxWINPITCH) must be even, and the base address (LCD_LxWINADD) of this layer also must be 4-byte aligned. Source color key and destination color key are NOT supported in YUYV422 mode. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. B 0 B 0 GGGR R R R R B B B B B GGG 2104321043210543 Figure 23-13. Layer source RGB format 3 0 7 R 0 0 X G R B B B B B GGGGGG R R R R R 4321054321043210 A B R 0 7 15 0 A PB G 0 7 15 23 R 7 B PG R 0 7 B 23 R G 15 G PR 0 7 15 31 PR G B 23 R 0 7 15 31 R PG 23 0 7 B R 7 7 PB X 0 G 15 0 23 31 X 15 B A 0 R B 31 A 7 23 A 0 PR 15 23 31 A 7 G B 0 R PG B G 7 15 23 0 7 R 23 PB 0 15 G 31 B G 15 23 B 0 7 R 31 PB PG 15 23 RGB888 7 PR 23 0 B G R 23 PARGB 7 RGB_SWP=1 BYTE_SWP=1 RGB_SWP=1 BYTE_SWP=0 Page 360 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Note: If color depth is YUYV422, the YUYV422 source will be translated to RGB domain and then overlaid. The YUV to RGB transformation is following the equations. 45 Y R 32 0 1 × 32 − 11 − 23 • U − 128 G = 32 32 57 0 V − 128 B The alpha blending formula is selected by source color format automatically. If source color format is RGB565, RGB888 or YUYV422 then the alpha blending formula is dst.r = dst.r * (0xff - SCA ) / 0xff + src.r * SCA / 0xff; dst.g = dst.g * (0xff - SCA ) / 0xff + src.g * SCA / 0xff; dst.b = dst.b * (0xff - SCA ) / 0xff + src.b * SCA / 0xff; dst.a = dst.a * (0xff - SCA ) / 0xff + SCA; If source color format is PARGB then the alpha blending formula is if ( SCA != 0xff) { dst.r = dst.r * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.r * SCA / 0xff; dst.g = dst.g * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.g * SCA / 0xff; dst.b = dst.b * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.b * SCA / 0xff; dst.a = dst.a * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.a * SCA / 0xff; } else { // SCA == 0xff dst.r = dst.r * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.r; dst.g = dst.g * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.g; dst.b = dst.b * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.b; dst.a = dst.a * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.a } If source color format is ARGB then the alpha blending formula is © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 361 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual if ( SCA != 0xff ) { dst.r = dst.r * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.r * src.a / 0xff * SCA / 0xff; dst.g = dst.g * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.g * src.a / 0xff * SCA / 0xff; dst.b = dst.b * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.b * src.a / 0xff * SCA / 0xff; dst.a = dst.a * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff + src.a * SCA / 0xff; } else { // SCA == 0xff if SCA = 0xff dst.r = dst.r * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.r * src.a / 0xff; dst.g = dst.g * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.g * src.a / 0xff; dst.r = dst.b * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.b * src.a / 0xff; dst.a = dst.a * (0xff - src.a ) / 0xff + src.a; } src.r, src.g, src.b, and src.a are this layer’s pixel value. dst.r, dst.r, dst.b, and dst.a are the result of alpha blending of all lower layers. Note: SCA is the source constant alpha specified by LCD_L0WINCON.ALPHA. Alpha blending hardware approximation: If source color format is RGB565, RGB888 or YUYV422 then the hardware implements the following equation to approximate the above equation of 8-bit index color, RGB565, RGB888 or YUYV422. Only list red channel, other channels are the same. tmp.r = SCA × (src.r - dst.r) + 255 * dst.r + 128; dst'.r = ( tmp.r + tmp.r >> 8) >> 8; tmp_d.a = dst.a × (255 - SCA) + 128 tmp.a = (tmp_d.a + tmp_d.a >> 8) >> 8 dst'.a = src.a + tmp.a If source color format is PARGB then the hardware implements the following equation to approximate the above equation of PARGB. Only list red channel, others are the same. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 362 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual if ( SCA != 0xff ) { tmp_s.a = src.a × SCA + 128 src'.a = (tmp_s.a + tmp_s.a >> 8) >> 8 tmp_s.r = src.r × SCA + 128 src'.r = (tmp_s.r + tmp_s.r >> 8) >> 8 tmp_d.r = dst.r × (255 - src'.a) + 128 tmp.r = (tmp_d.r + tmp_d.r >> 8) >> 8 dst'.r = src'.r + tmp.r } else { // SCA == 0xff tmp_d.r = dst.r × (255 - src.a) + 128 tmp.r = (tmp_d.r + tmp_d.r >> 8) >> 8 dst'.r = src.r + tmp.r } If source color format is ARGB then the hardware implements the following equation to approximate the above equation of ARGB. Only list red and alpha channels, others are the same. if ( SCA != 0xff ) { tmp_s.a = src.a × SCA + 128; src'.a = (tmp_s.a + tmp_s.a >> 8) >> 8; tmp_d.a = dst.a × (255 - src'.a) + 128; tmp.a = (tmp_d.a + tmp_d.a >> 8) >> 8; dst'.a = src'.a + tmp.a; tmp.r = src'.a × (src.r - dst.r) + 255 * dst.r + 128; dst'.r = ( tmp.r + tmp.r >> 8) >> 8; } else { // SCA == 0xff tmp_d.a = dst.a × (255 - src.a) + 128; tmp.a = (tmp_d.a + tmp_d.a >> 8) >> 8; dst'.a = src.a + tmp.a; tmp.r = src.a × (src.r - dst.r) + 255 * dst.r + 128; dst'.r = ( tmp.r + tmp.r >> 8) >> 8; } Effect Ordering: Each layer has many effects which can be turned on concurrently. The order the effects are applied are as follows: 1. Memory Offset and Pitch are first used to determine which part of the layer in memory to display. 2. If turned on, a scroll effect is then applied. 3. Rotation is applied to the layer. 4. Finally, swap and dither are applied in this order 5. The layer is alpha blended with previous layers and/or the ROI background. 6. The ROI output is sent to the LCM and/or memory in the color format set by the corresponding register. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 363 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A04500B4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 LCD_L0WINK LCD Layer 0 Color Key Register EY 30 29 28 27 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 CLRKEY[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLRKEY[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 LCD_L0WINO LCD Layer 0 Window Display Offset Register FS 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 00000000 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 0 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 0 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 LCD_L0WINA LCD Layer 0 Window Display Start Address DD Register 30 0 29 0 31:0 28 0 27 0 26 25 0 0 ADDR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 ADDR[15:0] RW 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name ADDR 0 The source color key or destination key, which depends on LCD_L0WINCON.SRC_KEYEN or LCD_L0WINCON.DST_KEYEN 31 A04500BC 16 Description CLRKEY A04500B8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 00000000 9 24 23 8 7 16 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Layer 0 source start address (byte address), please see Figure 13. The address must be aligned to layer color depth boundary as Table 6. The LCD has a special function to use the LCM as a layer's frame buffer. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 364 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 23-4. Layer address alignment constraint LCD_L0WINCON.CLRFMT ADDR alignment 0001 RGB565 2 bytes alignment 0100/0101, ARGB8888/ PRGB8888 4 bytes alignment 0011 RGB888 no alignment constraint 0010 YUYV422 4 bytes alignment 0000 8bpp index color mode 4 bytes alignment 1001 4bpp index color mode 4 bytes alignment 1010 2bpp index color mode 4 bytes alignment 1011 1bpp index color mode 4 bytes alignment A04500C0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Color format LCD_L0WINSI LCD Layer 0 Window Size ZE 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 22 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 COLUMN RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 21 ROW RW 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 ROW Layer 0 Window Row Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. 10:0 COLUMN Layer 0 Window Column Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. A04500C8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset LCD_L0WINM LCD Layer 0 Memory Offset OFS 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 0 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 0 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 16 0 Page 365 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A04500CC Bit Name Type Reset LCD_L0WINPI LCD Layer 0 Memory Pitch TCH 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15:0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 Type Reset Bit RW 0 Type Reset 14 SRC_ SRC KEYE N RW RW 0 0 13 12 0 RW 0 26 RGB_SWAP 24 DST_KEYEN CLRFMT 18 DITHER_EN 16 BYTE_SWAP 15 SRC 14 SRC_KEYEN 13:11 11 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROTATE 10 25 9 24 DST_ KEYE N RW 0 8 23 22 21 0 RW 0 00000000 20 19 CLRFMT 0 7 0 6 RW 0 5 ALPH A_EN ROTATE Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 23:20 5 LCD_L1WINCO LCD Layer 1 Window Control Register N RGB_ SWAP Name 6 Layer 0 Memory Pitch in unit of byte, please see Figure 13. This should be set to the total width of the image in memory times the number of bytes per pixel. For 4 bpp color depth settings, the pitch must be a multple of 4. For 2 bpp color depth settings, the pitch must be a multiple of 2. For 3 bpp (RGB888) color depth settings, the pitch may be a multiple of any number Name 15 7 PITCH RW 0 0 Description PITCH A04500E0 8 0000 0 4 3 18 17 2 1 0 0 DITH ER_E N RW 0 16 BYTE _SWA P RW 0 0 ALPHA 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 Description Color format 0000: 8bpp indexed color 0001: RGB565 0010: YUYV422 0011: RGB888 0100: ARGB8888 0101: PARGB8888 0110: XRGB 0111: ARGB6666 1000: PARGB6666 1001: 4bpp index color mode 1010: 2bpp index color mode 1011: 1bpp index color mode 1000: PARGB6666 Others: Reserved Disable auot-increment of the source pixel address. It makes the value of each pixel is the same as the first pixel of this frame. It is just for debug. Rotation configuration 000: no rotation © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 366 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 8 7:0 A04500E4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 Description 001: 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 010: 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 011: 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 100: Horizontal flip 101: Horizontal flip then 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 110: Horizontal flip then 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 111: Horizontal flip then 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) ALPHA_EN Enable alpha blending ALPHA Constant alpha value LCD_L1WINKE LCD Layer 1 Color Key Register Y 30 29 28 27 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 CLRKEY[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLRKEY[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 LCD_L1WINOF LCD Layer 1 Window Display Offset Register S 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 00000000 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 1 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 1 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 LCD_L1WINA LCD Layer 1 Window Display Start Address DD Register 30 0 29 0 0 The source color key or destination key, which depends on LCD_L1WINCON.SRC_KEYEN or LCD_L1WINCON.DST_KEYEN 31 A04500EC 16 Description CLRKEY A04500E8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 00000000 28 0 27 0 26 25 0 0 ADDR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 ADDR[15:0] RW 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 24 23 8 7 16 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 4 3 2 16 0 Page 367 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 A04500F0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description Layer 1 source start address (byte address), please see Figure 13. The address must be aligned to layer color depth boundary as Table 6. The LCD has a special function to use the LCM as a layer's frame buffer. ADDR LCD_L1WINSI LCD Layer 1 Window Size ZE 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 22 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 COLUMN RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 21 ROW RW 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 ROW Layer 1 Window Row Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. 10:0 COLUMN Layer 1 Window Column Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. A04500F8 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset LCD_L1WINM LCD Layer 1 Memory Offset OFS 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 1 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 1 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. A04500FC Bit Name Type Reset LCD_L1WINPI LCD Layer 1 Memory Pitch TCH 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15:0 PITCH 8 7 PITCH RW 0 0 16 0 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Layer 1 Memory Pitch in unit of byte, please see Figure 13. This should be set to the total width of the image in memory times the number of bytes per pixel. For 4 bpp color depth settings, the pitch must be a multple of 4. For 2 bpp color © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 368 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A0450110 Bit 31 Description depth settings, the pitch must be a multiple of 2. For 3 bpp (RGB888) color depth settins, the pitch may be a multiple of any number LCD_L2WINC LCD Layer 2 Window Control Register ON 30 29 28 27 26 Name RGB_ SWAP Type Reset Bit RW 0 Name Type Reset 15 14 SRC_ SRC KEYE N RW RW 0 0 13 12 0 RW 0 26 RGB_SWAP 24 DST_KEYEN CLRFMT 18 DITHER_EN 16 BYTE_SWAP 15 SRC 14 SRC_KEYEN 13:11 8 7:0 10 9 24 DST_ KEYE N RW 0 8 23 22 21 0 RW 0 20 19 CLRFMT 0 7 0 6 RW 0 5 ALPH A_EN ROTATE Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 23:20 11 25 00000000 0 4 3 18 17 2 1 0 0 DITH ER_E N RW 0 16 BYTE _SWA P RW 0 0 ALPHA 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 Description Color format 0000: 8bpp indexed color 0001: RGB565 0010: YUYV422 0011: RGB888 0100: ARGB8888 0101: PARGB8888 0110: XRGB 0111: ARGB6666 1000: PARGB6666 1001: 4bpp index color mode 1010: 2bpp index color mode 1011: 1bpp index color mode 1000: PARGB6666 Others: Reserved Disable auot-increment of the source pixel address. It makes the value of each pixel is the same as the first pixel of this frame. It is just for debug. ROTATE Rotation configuration 000: no rotation 001: 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 010: 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 011: 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 100: Horizontal flip 101: Horizontal flip then 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single reqest only) 110: Horizontal flip then 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 111: Horizontal flip then 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) ALPHA_EN Enable alpha blending ALPHA Constant alpha value © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 369 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0450114 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 LCD_L2WINK LCD Layer 2 Color Key Register EY 30 29 28 27 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 CLRKEY[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLRKEY[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 LCD_L2WINO LCD Layer 2 Window Display Offset Register FS 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 00000000 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 2 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 2 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 LCD_L2WINA LCD Layer 2 Window Display Start Address DD Register 30 0 29 0 31:0 28 0 27 0 26 25 0 0 ADDR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 ADDR[15:0] RW 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name ADDR 0 The source color key or destination key, which depends on LCD_L2WINCON.SRC_KEYEN or LCD_L2WINCON.DST_KEYEN 31 A045011C 16 Description CLRKEY A0450118 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 00000000 9 24 23 8 7 16 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Layer 2 source start address (byte address), please see Figure 13. The address must be aligned to layer color depth boundary as Table 6. The LCD has a special function to use the LCM as a layer's frame buffer. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 370 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0450120 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset LCD_L2WINSI LCD Layer 2 Window Size ZE 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 22 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 COLUMN RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 21 ROW RW 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 ROW Layer 2 Window Row Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. 10:0 COLUMN Layer 2 Window Column Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. A0450128 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset LCD_L2WINM LCD Layer 2 Memory Offset OFS 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 2 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 2 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. A045012C Bit Name Type Reset LCD_L2WINPI LCD Layer 2 Memory Pitch TCH 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15:0 PITCH 8 7 PITCH RW 0 0 16 0 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Layer 2 Memory Pitch in unit of byte, please see Figure 13. This should be set to the total width of the image in memory times the number of bytes per pixel. For 4 bpp color depth settings, the pitch must be a multple of 4. For 2 bpp color depth settings, the pitch must be a multiple of 2. For 3 bpp (RGB888) color depth settins, the pitch may be a multiple of any number © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 371 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0450140 Bit 31 LCD_L3WINC LCD Layer 3 Window Control Register ON 30 29 28 27 26 Name RGB_ SWAP Type Reset Bit RW 0 Name Type Reset 15 14 SRC_ SRC KEYE N RW RW 0 0 13 12 11 0 RW 0 RGB_SWAP 24 DST_KEYEN 18 DITHER_EN 16 BYTE_SWAP 15 SRC 14 SRC_KEYEN 8 A0450144 Bit Name 31 8 23 22 21 RW 0 0 20 19 CLRFMT 0 7 0 RW 6 0 5 ALPH A_EN 0 4 3 18 17 2 1 0 0 DITH ER_E N RW 0 0 ALPHA 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 Disable auot-increment of the source pixel address. It makes the value of each pixel is the same as the first pixel of this frame. It is just for debug. ROTATE Rotation configuration 000: no rotation 001: 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 010: 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 011: 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) 100: Horizontal flip 101: Horizontal flip then 90 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single reqest only) 110: Horizontal flip then 180 degree rotation (counterclockwise) 111: Horizontal flip then 270 degree rotation (counterclockwise, single request only) ALPHA_EN Enable alpha blending ALPHA Constant alpha value LCD_L3WINK LCD Layer 3 Color Key Register EY 30 16 BYTE _SWA P RW 0 Color format 0000: 8bpp indexed color 0001: RGB565 0010: YUYV422 0011: RGB888 0100: ARGB8888 0101: PARGB8888 0110: XRGB 0111: ARGB6666 1000: PARGB6666 1001: 4bpp index color mode 1010: 2bpp index color mode 1011: 1bpp index color mode 1000: PARGB6666 Others: Reserved CLRFMT 7:0 24 DST_ KEYE N RW 0 Description 26 13:11 9 ROTATE Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 23:20 10 25 00000000 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 CLRKEY[31:16] 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 Page 372 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLRKEY[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 9 8 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 The source color key or destination key, which depends on LCD_L3WINCON.SRC_KEYEN or LCD_L3WINCON.DST_KEYEN LCD_L3WINO LCD Layer 3 Window Display Offset Register FS 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 00000000 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 3 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 3 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. A045014C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 LCD_L3WINA LCD Layer 3 Window Display Start Address DD Register 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 25 0 0 ADDR[31:16] RW 0 0 0 ADDR[15:0] RW 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 9 24 23 8 7 16 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Layer 3 source start address (byte address), please see Figure 13. The address must be aligned to layer color depth boundary as Table 6. The LCD has a special function to use the LCM as a layer's frame buffer. ADDR A0450150 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 15 31:0 0 Description CLRKEY A0450148 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 15 0 RW 0 LCD_L3WINSI LCD Layer 3 Window Size ZE 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 22 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 COLUMN RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 ROW RW 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Page 373 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 ROW Layer 3 Window Row Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. 10:0 COLUMN Layer 3 Window Column Size in unit of pixel, please see Figure 13. LCD_L3WINM LCD Layer 3 Memory Offset OFS A0450158 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 00000000 24 23 0 0 Y_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 0 X_OFFSET RW 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 19 18 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:16 Y_OFFSET Layer 3 Window Column Offset, please see figure 13. 10:0 X_OFFSET Layer 3 Window ROW Offset, please see figure 13. LCD_L3WINPI LCD Layer 3 Memory Pitch TCH A045015C Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 15:0 0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Layer 3 Memory Pitch in unit of byte, please see Figure 13. This should be set to the total width of the image in memory times the number of bytes per pixel. For 4 bpp color depth settings, the pitch must be a multple of 4. For 2 bpp color depth settings, the pitch must be a multiple of 2. For 3 bpp (RGB888) color depth settins, the pitch may be a multiple of any number LCD_SIF_STR LCD SIF Start Byte Configuration Register _BYTE_CON 31 15 7 PITCH RW 0 0 SIF1_ STR_ Name BYTE _MO D Type RW Reset 0 0 Description PITCH A0450270 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 8 16 00000000 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SIF1_ STR_ BYTE _SWI TCH RW 0 SIF0_ SIF0_ STR_ STR_ SIF1_STR_DATA_ BYTE BYTE SIZE _MO _SWI D TCH RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. SIF0_STR_DATA_ SIZE RW 0 0 0 Page 374 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15 SIF1_STR_BYTE_M Start Byte mode of serial interface 1. OD 0: Start Byte mode off 1: Start Byte mode on 14 SIF1_STR_BYTE_S WITCH Start Byte mod2 switch of serial interface 1. 0: Start Byte mod2 switch off 1: Start Byte mod2 switch on SIF1_STR_DATA_S Interface size of the data part of serial interface 1 under Start IZE Byte mode. 000: 8 bits 001: 9 bits 010: 16 bits 011: 18 bits 100: 24 bits 101: 32 bits 10:8 Start Byte mode of serial interface 0. 0: Start Byte mode off 1: Start Byte mode on 7 SIF0_STR_BYTE_ MOD 6 SIF0_STR_BYTE_S Start Byte mod2 switch of serial interface 0. WITCH 0: Start Byte mod2 switch off 1: Start Byte mod2 switch on SIF0_STR_DATA_S Interface size of the data part of serial interface 0 under Start IZE Byte mode. 000: 8 bits 001: 9 bits 010: 16 bits 011: 18 bits 100: 24 bits 101: 32 bits 2:0 A0450278 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 LCD_SIF_WR_ LCD SIF Write Start Byte Value STR_BYTE 30 29 28 27 26 13 12 11 10 15 14 0 SIF1_WR_STR_BYTE2 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIF1_WR_STR_BYTE RW 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 25 0 00000000 24 23 22 0 0 0 SIF0_WR_STR_BYTE2 RW 0 0 0 0 0 SIF0_WR_STR_BYTE RW 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 7 0 6 21 20 19 18 5 4 3 2 17 0 16 0 1 0 0 0 Description 31:24 SIF1_WR_STR_BYT Value of the write start byte2 of serial interface 1. E2 23:16 SIF0_WR_STR_BY TE2 15:8 SIF1_WR_STR_BYT Value of the write start byte of serial interface 1. E 7:0 SIF0_WR_STR_BY TE Value of the write start byte2 of serial interface 0. Value of the write start byte of serial interface 0. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 375 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual LCD_SIF_RD_ LCD SIF Read Start Byte Value STR_BYTE A045027C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIF1_RD_STR_BYTE RW 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 SIF0_RD_STR_BYTE RW 0 0 0 0 Description 15:8 SIF1_RD_STR_BYT Value of the read start byte of serial interface 1. E 7:0 SIF0_RD_STR_BYT Value of the read start byte of serial interface 0. E LCD_SIF_ A045030 PAD_INP LCD serial pad selection 0 UT_SELE CT Bit 31 30 Name Type Reset Bit 15 14 Name Type Reset 00000000 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 2 16 0 LSDA_SEL RW 0 0 LSDI_SEL RW 0 1 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 18:16 LSDA_SEL input selection of lsda from slcd_pad_macro 000: from pad_macro input 0 001: from pad_macro input 1 2:0 LSDI_SEL Input selection of lsdi from slcd_pad_macro 000: from pad_macro input 0 001: from pad_macro input 1 A0450400 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 LCD_TABLE_I LCD INDEX Mode 0_1 NDEX_0_1 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 INDEX1_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDEX0_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description 31:16 INDEX1_RGB565 index 1 RGB565 15:0 INDEX0_RGB565 index 0 RGB565 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 376 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual LCD_TABLE_I LCD INDEX Mode 2_3 NDEX_2_3 A0450404 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 INDEX3_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDEX2_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 INDEX3_RGB565 index 3 RGB565 15:0 INDEX2_RGB565 index 2 RGB565 LCD_TAB A045040 LE_INDE LCD INDEX Mode 4_5 8 X_4_5 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 INDEX5_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDEX4_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 7 6 5 4 INDEX5_RGB565 index 5 RGB565 15:0 INDEX4_RGB565 index 4 RGB565 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 LCD_TABLE_I LCD INDEX Mode 6_7 NDEX_6_7 30 29 28 27 26 00000000 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 INDEX7_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDEX6_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 16 Description 31:16 A045040C 0 0 0 Description 31:16 Bit 31 30 Name Type Reset 0 0 Bit 15 14 Name Type Reset 0 0 16 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description 31:16 INDEX7_RGB565 index 7 RGB565 15:0 INDEX6_RGB565 index 6 RGB565 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 377 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0450410 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 LCD_TABLE_I LCD INDEX Mode 8_9 NDEX_8_9 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 INDEX9_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDEX8_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name INDEX9_RGB565 index 9 RGB565 15:0 INDEX8_RGB565 index 8 RGB565 A0450414 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDEXa_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name INDEXb_RGB565 index 11 15:0 INDEXa_RGB565 index 10 RGB565 31 30 29 28 27 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 26 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDEXc_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 00000000 14 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description 31:16 INDEXd_RGB565 index 13 RGB565 15:0 INDEXc_RGB565 index 12 RGB565 Bit Name Type Reset 0 LCD_TABLE_I LCD INDEX Mode c_d NDEX_c_d 15 A045041C 17 RGB565 INDEXd_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 18 Description 31:16 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 19 00000000 15 A0450418 20 LCD_TABLE_I LCD INDEX Mode a_b NDEX_a_b INDEXb_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 0 21 Description 31:16 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 00000000 LCD_TABLE_I LCD INDEX Mode e_f NDEX_e_f 31 30 29 28 27 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 00000000 23 22 INDEXf_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 378 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 9 8 7 INDEXf_RGB565 index 15 RGB565 15:0 INDEXe_RGB565 index 14 RGB565 A0450F80 LCD_SCMD0 31 0 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 0 0 DATA[15:0] Other 0 0 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 0 0 DATA[15:0] Other 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 9 24 23 8 7 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 28 0 LCD Serial Interface Command Port1 27 0 26 25 0 0 DATA[31:16] Other 0 0 0 DATA[15:0] Other 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATA 0 16 0 Data Port Write or read this register to directly access the LCD-C LCM0. The A0 bit will be 1. A0450FA0 LCD_SCMD1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 0 Description DATA 0 7 0 11 0 8 DATA[31:16] Other 0 0 12 0 23 25 13 29 9 24 26 14 30 1 LCD Serial Interface Data Port0 15 31 2 Command Port Write or read this register to directly access the LCD-C LCM0. LSA0=0 in 4-wire mode or A0 bit=0 in 3-wire mode LCD_SDAT0 30 3 Description DATA 31:0 31:0 0 DATA[31:16] Other 0 0 12 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 25 13 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 26 14 A0450F90 4 LCD Serial Interface Command Port0 15 31:0 5 Description 31:16 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 6 INDEXe_RGB565 RW 0 0 0 0 9 24 23 8 7 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Command Port Write or read this register to directly access the LCD-C LCM1. The A0 bit will be 0. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 379 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0450FB0 LCD_SDAT1 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 30 0 29 0 0 27 0 26 25 0 0 DATA[31:16] Other 0 0 0 DATA[15:0] Other 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31:0 LCD Serial Interface Data Port1 28 DATA 9 24 23 8 7 00000000 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 16 0 Description Data Port Write or read this register to directly access the LCD-C LCM1. The A0 bit will be 1. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 380 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 24. Display Serial Interface (DSI) 24.1. General Description The display serial interface (DSI) is based on MIPI Alliance Specification, supporting high-speed serial data transfer between host processor and peripheral devices such as display modules. DSI supports command mode data transfer defined in MIPI spec, and it also provides bidirectional transmission with low-power mode to receive messages from the peripheral. 24.2. Features The DSI engine has the following features for display serial interface: • One clock lane and one data lane • Bidirectional data transmission in low-power mode in data lane 0 • Uni-directional data transmission in high-speed mode in data lane 0 • DCS command transmission • Pixel format of RGB565/loosely RGB666/RGB888 • Supports non-continuous high-speed transmission in data lane • Supports peripheral TE and external TE signal detection • Supports ultra-low power mode control 24.2.1. R1[7] Pixel Format G1[7] B1[7] R2[7] G2[7] B2[7] … R1[6] G1[6] B1[6] R2[6] G2[6] B2[6] … R1[5] G1[5] B1[5] R2[5] G2[5] B2[5] … R1[4] G1[4] B1[4] R2[4] G2[4] B2[4] … R1[3] G1[3] B1[3] R2[3] G2[3] B2[3] … R1[2] G1[2] B1[2] R2[2] G2[2] B2[2] … R1[1] G1[1] B1[1] R2[1] G2[1] B2[1] … R1[0] G1[0] B1[0] R2[0] G2[0] B2[0] … Time Figure 24-1. Pixel Format of RGB888 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 381 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual B1[5] G1[5] R1[5] R2[5] G2[5] B2[5] … R1[4] G1[4] B1[4] R2[4] G2[4] B2[4] … R1[3] G1[3] B1[3] R2[3] G2[3] B2[3] … R1[2] G1[2] B1[2] R2[2] G2[2] B2[2] … R1[1] G1[1] B1[1] R2[1] G2[1] B2[1] … R1[0] G1[0] B1[0] R2[0] G2[0] B2[0] … 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 … 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 1'b0 … G3[2] … Time Figure 24-2. Pixel Format of Loosely RGB666 R1[4] G2[2] R2[4] G1[2] R3[4] R1[3] G1[1] R2[3] G2[1] R3[3] G3[1] … R1[2] G1[0] R2[2] G2[0] R3[2] G3[0] … R1[1] B1[4] R2[1] B2[4] R3[1] B3[4] … R1[0] B1[3] R2[0] B2[3] R3[0] B3[3] … G1[5] B1[2] G2[5] B2[2] G3[5] B3[2] … G1[4] B1[1] G2[4] B2[1] G3[4] B3[1] … G1[3] B1[0] G2[3] B2[0] G3[3] B3[0] … Time Figure 24-3. Pixel Format of RGB565 24.3. Register Definition Module name: DISP_DSI Base address: (+a04a0000h) Address A04A0000 Name DSI_START Width 32 Register Function DSI Interrupt Enable Register DSI Start Register A04A0008 DSI_INTEN 32 A04A000C DSI_INTSTA 32 DSI Interrupt Status Register A04A0010 DSI_COM_CON 32 DSI Common Control Register DSI Mode Control Register A04A0014 DSI_MODE_CON 32 A04A0018 DSI_TXRX_CON 32 DSI TX RX Control Register A04A001C DSI_PSCON 32 DSI Pixel Stream Control Register A04A002C DSI_VACT_NL 32 DSI Vertical Active Register A04A0060 DSI_CMDQ_CON 32 DSI Command Queue Control Register DSI HSTX Clock Low-power Mode Word Count Register DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 0 ~ 3 Register DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 4 ~ 7 Register DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 8 ~ 11 Register DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 12 ~ 15 Register DSI Read Data Acknowledge Register A04A0064 DSI_HSTX_CKLP_WC A04A0074 DSI_RX_DATA03 A04A0078 DSI_RX_DATA47 A04A007C DSI_RX_DATA8B A04A0080 DSI_RX_DATAC A04A0084 DSI_RX_RACK 32 32 32 32 32 32 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 382 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Address Name Width 32 Register Function A04A0088 DSI_RX_TRIG_STA A04A0090 DSI_MEM_CONTI 32 DSI Receiver Status Register DSI Memory Continue Command Register DSI Frame Byte Count Register A04A0094 DSI_FRM_BC 32 A04A00A0 DSI_TIME_CON0 32 DSI Timing Control 0 Register A04A00A4 DSI_TIME_CON1 32 DSI Timing Control 1 Register DSI PHY Lane Clock Control Register A04A0104 DSI_PHY_LCCON 32 A04A0108 DSI_PHY_LD0CON 32 DSI PHY Lane 0 Control Register A04A0110 DSI_PHY_TIMCON0 32 DSI PHY Timing Control 0 Register A04A0114 DSI_PHY_TIMCON1 32 DSI PHY Timing Control 1 Register A04A0118 DSI_PHY_TIMCON2 32 DSI PHY Timing Control 2 Register DSI_PHY_TIMCON3 DSI_CMDQ [n] (n=0~127) 32 DSI PHY Timing Control 3 Register A04A011C A04A0200~ a04a03fc A04A0000 DSI_START Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 32 DSI Command Queue DSI Start Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 SL EE PO UT _S TA RT RW 1 0 Nam e Type Rese t DSI_START 31 30 29 28 0 Description DSI sleep-out operation Set up this bit to wake up DSI from ULPS mode. This bit is only available when SLEEP_MODE = 1. 0: No effect 1: Start Starts DSI controller operation Set up this bit to start DSI control. 0: No effect 1: Start A04A0008 DSI_INTEN Bit Nam e Type Rese t RW 0 Bit(s) Name 2 SLEEPOUT_START 0 DSI _S TA RT DSI Interrupt Enable Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 00000000 19 18 17 16 Page 383 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Type Rese t Bit(s) Name 7 TE_TIMEOUT_INT_EN 6 SLEEPOUT_DONE_INT_EN 4 FRAME_DONE_INT_EN 2 TE_RDY_INT_EN 1 CMD_DONE_INT_EN 0 LPRX_RD_RDY_INT_EN Type Rese t 0 0 31 DSI _B US Y RU 30 29 28 5 4 3 2 1 0 FR AM E_ DO NE _I NT _E N TE _R DY _I NT _E N CM D_ DO NE _I NT _E N LP RX _R D_ RD Y_I NT _E N RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 Description TE timeout interrupt This interrupt will be issued when the wait time of TE signal exceeds SW-configured threshold 0: Disable 1: Enable Enables ULPS sleep-out interrupt The interrupt will be issued when ULPS sleep out procedure is completed 0: Disable 1: Enable Frame done interrupt This interrupt will be issued when the frame transmission is done 0: Disable 1: Enable DSI TE ready interrupt This interrupt will be issued when either BTA TE or external TE is received 0: Disable 1: Enable Enables DSI command mode finished interrupt This interrupt will be issued when all commands set in command queue are executed 0: Disable 1: Enable Enables RX data-ready interrupt This interrupt will be issued when RX data are received through read commands. It is recommended to enable this interrupt to receive data because the read response may be overwritten if another read command exists. An RACK operation should be set after reading data to allow HW continue execution 0: Disable 1: Enable A04A000C DSI_INTSTA Nam e RW 6 SL EE PO UT _D ON E_I NT _E N RW TE _TI ME OU T_I NT _E N Nam e Bit 7 DSI Interrupt Status Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 00000000 19 18 17 16 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 384 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 A1 6 SL EE PO UT _D ON E_I NT _F LA G A1 0 0 TE _TI ME OU T_I NT _F LA G Nam e Type Rese t Bit(s) Name 31 DSI_BUSY 7 TE_TIMEOUT_INT_FLAG 6 SLEEPOUT_DONE_INT_FLAG 4 FRAME_DONE_INT_FLAG 2 TE_RDY_INT_FLAG 1 CMD_DONE_INT_FLAG 0 LPRX_RD_RDY_INT_FLAG 5 4 3 2 1 0 FR AM E_ DO NE _I NT _F LA G TE _R DY _I NT _F LA G CM D_ DO NE _I NT _F LA G LP RX _R D_ RD Y_I NT _F LA G A1 A1 A1 A1 0 0 0 0 Description DSI busy status 0: Idle 1: Busy TE time-out interrupt status 0: Clear interrupt 1: No effect ULPS sleep-out done interrupt status. 0: Clear interrupt 1: No effect Frame done interrupt status 0: Clear interrupt 1: No effect DSI TE ready interrupt status 0: Clear interrupt 1: No effect DSI command mode finish interrupt status 0: Clear interrupt 1: No effect RX data-ready interrupt status 0: Clear interrupt 1: No effect A04A0010 DSI_COM_CON DSI Common Control Register Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 DP HY _R ES ET RW 1 0 Nam e Type Rese t 00000000 DSI _R ES ET RW 0 Bit(s) Name 2 DPHY_RESET 0 Description DIG_MIPI_TX software reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 385 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 0 DSI_RESET A04A0014 Bit Description 0: De-assert software reset 1: Assert software reset DSI module software reset 0: De-assert software reset 1: Assert software reset 31 DSI_MODE_CON 30 29 28 27 DSI Mode Control Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 15 14 A04A0018 13 12 11 10 31 15 Nam e Type Rese t 18 17 16 29 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description DSI sleep mode for ULPS wake-up operation This mode is used during wake-up stage to leave ULPS. Set this bit to 1 before setting LANE_NUM to enable output data lane to LP00; then set up SLEEPOUT_START to start the ULPS-exit process. 0: Disable 1: Enable DSI_TXRX_CON 30 9 28 27 DSI TX RX Control Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 00000000 20 Nam e Type Rese t Bit 19 0 Bit(s) Name 20 SLEEP_MODE Bit 00000000 20 SL EE P_ MO DE RW 14 13 12 MAX_RTN_SIZE RW 0 0 0 0 11 9 8 7 6 18 17 16 TE _W IT H_ CM D_ EN TY PE1 _B TA _S EL HS TX _C KL P_ EN RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 10 EX T_ TE _E DG E_ SE L RW EX T_ TE _E N HS TX _D IS_ EO T LANE_NUM RW RW RW 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 5 19 TE _TI ME OU T_ CH K_ EN RW 0 4 0 0 0 Page 386 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 19 TE_TIMEOUT_CHK_EN 18 TE_WITH_CMD_EN 17 TYPE1_BTA_SEL 16 HSTX_CKLP_EN 15:12 MAX_RTN_SIZE 10 EXT_TE_EDGE_SEL 9 EXT_TE_EN 6 HSTX_DIS_EOT 5:2 LANE_NUM A04A001C Bit Description Enables TE time-out check mechanism Enable this bit to turn on DSI TE and external TE time-out check mechanism based on wait time of TE_TIMEOUT. 0: Disable 1: Enable In the tradition design, TE command executes 'bus turnaround' and ignores other settings in the same command column. Combine the TE bit and other commands if this bit is asserted. 0: Disable 1: Enable Selects TYPE1 BTA mechanism 0: TYPE1 BTA by frame 1: TYPE1 BTA by packet Enables non-continuous clock lane 0: Disable 1: Enable Maximum return packet size This register constrains maximum return packet that the slave side will send back to the host. It takes effect after the host sends 'Set Maximum Return Packet Size' packet to slave. Selects trigger edge type of external TE 0: Rising edge 1: Falling edge Enables external TE signal This bit should be set to receive external TE if LPTE pin is used as external TE pin 0: Disable 1: Enable Disables end of transmission packet. 0: Enable EoTp 1: Disable EoTp Lane number Set up this bit to turn on lane circuit. 4'b0000: Disable all lanes 4'b0001: Enable 1 data lane + 1 clock lane 31 DSI_PSCON 30 29 28 DSI Pixel Stream Control Register 27 26 Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 15 14 13 12 11 10 24 23 22 RG B_ SW AP DSI_PS_ SEL RW RW 0 0 9 8 7 6 21 20 19 00000000 25 BY TE _S WA P RW 18 17 16 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DSI_PS_WC RW 0 Bit(s) Name 25 BYTE_SWAP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Selects byte order © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 387 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 24 RGB_SWAP 17:16 DSI_PS_SEL 13:0 DSI_PS_WC Description For RGB565 type, it swaps bytes between MSB and LSB. For other stream types, this bit is not used. 0: Normal case 1: Byte order change Selects order of RGB For all color types, it changes the color order in format of RGB or BGR. 0: Normal case 1: R/B order change Selects pixel stream type 0: Packed pixel stream with 16-bit RGB 5-6-5 format 2: Loosely pixel stream with 24-bit RGB 6-6-6 format 3: Packed pixel stream with 24-bit RGB 8-8-8 format Word count of long packet in valid pixel data duration Unit: Byte This value must be (H_SIZE*BPP). Take the QVGA display as an example, the value of PS_WC is (240*3) = 720 in decimal. A04A002C DSI_VACT_NL Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t DSI Vertical Active Register 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 VACT_NL RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name 11:0 VACT_NL 0 0 0 0 0 Description Vertical active duration Configures frame height of pixels A04A0060 DSI_CMDQ_CON Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 00000000 31 DSI Command Queue Control Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 CMDQ_SIZE RW 0 Bit(s) Name 7:0 CMDQ_SIZE 0 0 0 0 Description Number of commands in command queue Range: 1 ~ 127 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 388 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description A04A0064 DSI_HSTX_CKLP_WC DSI HSTX Clock Low-power Mode Word Count Register Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 00010000 18 17 Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 HSTX_CKLP_WC RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 16 HSTX_CKLP_WC_AUTO 15:2 HSTX_CKLP_WC DSI_RX_DATA03 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 31 29 28 0 0 Description Automatic calculation for HSTX_CKLP_WC Word count of non-continuous clock lane counter Sets up HSTX clock low-power period when HSTX_CKLP_EN = 1. Refer to programming guide for details on the usage. A04A0074 Bit(s) 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 16 HS TX _C KL P_ WC _A UT O RW 27 DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 0 ~ 3 Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 BYTE3 BYTE2 RO RO 00000000 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name BYTE3 BYTE2 BYTE1 BYTE0 0 BYTE1 BYTE0 RO RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description RX read data buffer byte 3 RX read data buffer byte 2 RX read data buffer byte 1 RX read data buffer byte 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 389 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A04A0078 DSI_RX_DATA47 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 Bit(s) 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 31 29 28 27 DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 4 ~ 7 Register 26 Bit(s) 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 23 22 21 20 19 BYTE6 RO RO 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BYTE5 BYTE4 RO RO 0 0 0 Name BYTE7 BYTE6 BYTE5 BYTE4 31 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description RX read data buffer byte 7 RX read data buffer byte 6 RX read data buffer byte 5 RX read data buffer byte 4 29 28 27 DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 8 ~ 11 Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 BYTEB BYTEA RO RO 00000000 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BYTE9 BYTE8 RO RO 0 0 0 Name BYTEB BYTEA BYTE9 BYTE8 31 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description RX read data buffer byte 11 RX read data buffer byte 10 RX read data buffer byte 9 RX read data buffer byte 8 A04A0080 DSI_RX_DATAC Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese 24 BYTE7 A04A007C DSI_RX_DATA8B Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 25 00000000 29 28 27 DSI Receive Packet Data Byte 12 ~ 15 Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 BYTEF BYTEE RO RO 00000000 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 BYTED BYTEC RO 0 0 0 0 RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 0 0 Page 390 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual t Bit(s) 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 Name BYTEF BYTEE BYTED BYTEC Description RX read data buffer byte 15 RX read data buffer byte 14 RX read data buffer byte 13 RX read data buffer byte 12 A04A0084 DSI_RX_RACK Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit DSI Read Data Acknowledge Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RA CK _B YP AS S 0 Nam e RA CK Type RW Rese t W1 C 0 0 Bit(s) Name 1 RACK_BYPASS 0 Description Enables RX read acknowledge bypass Set this bit to enable to ignore RACK from SW and continue next commands 1: Does not check RACK 0: Check RACK Acknowledges RX read When a read command is executed and read data are received completely, the LPRX_RD_RDY interrupt will be issued. After read from the RX_DATA buffer, set up this bit to continue to the next command. 1: Acknowledge 0: No effect RACK A04A0088 DSI_RX_TRIG_STA Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit DSI Receiver Status Register 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 DI RE CTI ON RX _U LP S RU RU 3 RX _T RI G_ 3 RU 2 RX _T RI G_ 2 RU 1 RX _T RI G_ 1 RU 0 RX _T RI G_ 0 RU 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nam e Type Rese t © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 391 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 5 DIRECTION 4 RX_ULPS 3 RX_TRIG_3 2 RX_TRIG_2 1 RX_TRIG_1 0 RX_TRIG_0 Description Escape turnaround direction Current bus direction of Data Lane 0. If set to 1, there will be reverse direction transmission on Data Lane0 in Low Power mode. Otherwise, it will be a forward direction transmission. 1: Reverse direction 0: Forward direction RX ULPS (Ultra-low power state) Entry pattern is 00011110 Reserved by DSI specification. Entry pattern is 10100000 Acknowledge. Entry pattern is 00100001 TE. Entry pattern is 01011101 Remote application reset. Entry pattern is 01100010 A04A0090 DSI_MEM_CONTI Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t DSI Memory Continue Command Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DSI_RWMEM_CONTI RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 DSI_RWMEM_CONTI 31 30 29 28 0 0 0 0 Description Read/Write memory continue command. A04A0094 DSI_FRM_BC Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 00000000 DSI Frame Byte Count Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 00000000 19 18 17 16 DSI_FRM_BC RW 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DSI_FRM_BC RW 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 20:0 DSI_FRM_BC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Frame buffer byte count The total number of byte is expected to be read for type3 command. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 392 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A04A00A0 DSI_TIME_CON0 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t DSI Timing Control 0 Register 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ULPS_WAKEUP_PRD RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 ULPS_WAKEUP_PRD 0 0 1 0 Description ULPS wakeup period Cycle count for ultra-low power state (ULPS) wake-up during ULPS-exit sequence. Total wait time = (ULPS_WAKEUP_PRD*1024*DSI clock cycle time) Default value: 5ms under 26MHz DSI byte clock A04A00A4 DSI_TIME_CON1 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 00000080 31 DSI Timing Control 1 Register 00002000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TE_TIMEOUT_PRD RW 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 15:0 TE_TIMEOUT_PRD DSI_PHY_LCCON Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 29 28 0 0 0 Description TE time-out check period Cycle count to check TE time-out and issue time-out interrupt when waiting for TE signal. Total wait time = (TE_TIMEOUT_PRD*16384*DSI clock cycle time) Default value: 5sec under 26MHz DSI byte clock A04A0104 31 0 27 DSI PHY Lane Clock Control Register 26 25 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 00000000 18 17 16 Page 393 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Nam e Type Rese t Bit(s) Name 2 LC_WAKEUP_EN 1 LC_ULPM_EN 0 LC_HSTX_EN 2 LC _W AK EU P_ EN RW 1 0 LC _U LP M_ EN LC _H ST X_ EN RW RW 0 0 0 Description Enables clock lane wake-up Make the clock lane wake-up from ultra-low power mode. Make sure DSI_EN = 1 when setting this register Enables clock lane ULPS Make the clock lane go to ultra-low power mode. Make sure DSI_EN = 1 when setup this register Enables clock lane HS mode Start clock lane high speed transmission. A04A0108 DSI_PHY_LD0CON Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 DSI PHY Lane 0 Control Register 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 L0 _W AK EU P_ EN RW 1 L0 _U LP M_ EN RW 0 L0 _R M_ TRI G_ EN RW 0 0 0 Nam e Type Rese t Bit(s) Name 2 L0_WAKEUP_EN 1 L0_ULPM_EN 0 L0_RM_TRIG_EN Description Enables data lane 0 wake-up Make the data lane 0 wake-up from ultra-low power mode. Enables data lane 0 ULPS Make the data lane 0 go to ultra-low power mode. Enables data lane 0 remote application trigger Send application trigger to slave side. A04A0110 DSI_PHY_TIMCON0 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e 30 31 29 00000000 28 27 DSI PHY Timing Control 0 Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 DA_HS_TRAIL DA_HS_ZERO RW RW 14140A0A 18 17 16 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DA_HS_PREP LPX © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 394 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Type Rese t Bit(s) 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 RW 0 0 0 0 RW 1 0 Name DA_HS_TRAIL DA_HS_ZERO DA_HS_PREP LPX DSI_PHY_TIMCON1 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 Bit(s) 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Description Control for timing parameter: T_HS-Trail Control for timing parameter: T_HS-Zero Control for timing parameter: T_HS-Prepare Control for timing parameter: T_LPX A04A0114 31 1 29 28 27 DSI PHY Timing Control 1 Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 CLK_HS_EXIT TA_GET RW RW 0E1A1632 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 TA_SURE TA_GO RW RW 1 0 1 Name CLK_HS_EXIT TA_GET TA_SURE TA_GO DSI_PHY_TIMCON2 Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 29 0 0 0 1 1 0 Description Control for timing parameter: T_HS-Exit for clock lane Control for timing parameter: T_TA-Get Control for timing parameter: T_TA-Sure Control for timing parameter: T_TA-Go A04A0118 31 1 28 27 DSI PHY Timing Control 2 Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 CLK_HS_TRAIL CLK_HS_ZERO RW RW 14140000 18 17 16 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit(s) Name 31:24 CLK_HS_TRAIL 23:16 CLK_HS_ZERO Description Control for timing parameter: T_CLK-Trail Control for timing parameter: T_CLK-Zero A04A011C DSI_PHY_TIMCON3 Bit Nam e Type Rese t 30 31 29 28 27 DSI PHY Timing Control 3 Register 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 000E0E0A 19 18 17 16 1 1 1 0 DA_HS_EXIT RW 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 0 Page 395 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit(s) 25:16 15:8 7:0 15 14 0 0 13 12 11 10 Bit(s) 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:6 5 30 6 5 4 3 RW RW 0 29 7 CLK_HS_PREP 0 1 1 Name DA_HS_EXIT CLK_HS_POST CLK_HS_PREP 31 8 CLK_HS_POST 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 DATA_1 DATA_0 RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Name DATA_1 DATA_0 DATA_ID RESV TE 4 CL 3 HS 2 BTA 1:0 TYPE 0 0 0 1 0 00000000 0 0 1 DSI Command Queue 0 0 2 Description Control for timing parameter: T_HS-Exit for data lane Control for timing parameter: T_CLK-Post Control for timing parameter: T_CLK-Prepare A04A0200 DSI_CMDQ ~ [n](n=0~127) A04A03FC Bit Nam e Type Rese t Bit Nam e Type Rese t 9 18 17 16 0 0 0 2 1 0 DATA_ID RESV TE CL HS RW RW RW RW RW BT A RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TYPE RW 0 0 Description Data byte 1 of command Data byte 0 of command Data ID of command Reserved Enables internal or external TE 0: Disable 1: Enable Selects DCS byte 0: 1-byte DCS 1: 2-byte DCS Enables high-speed transmission 0: LPTX transmission 1: HSTX transmission Enables BTA 0: Disable 1: Enable Command types 0: Type-0 command 1: Type-1 command 2: Type-2 command 3: Type-3 command © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 396 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 25. Image Resizer 25.1. General Description This block provides the image resizing function for image and video capturing scenarios. It receives image data from the Caminf module or from memory input, performs the image resizing function and outputs to the ROTATOR. shows the block diagram. The resizer is composed of horizontal and vertical resizing blocks. It can scale up or down the input image by any ratio. It also supports tile processing which can combines tiles into a full frame in memory-input mode. The maximum size of input images is limited to 2047x2047 and maximum size of output images is limited to 2047x2047. Caminf YUV444 (UV duplicated) CROP Resizing Rotator YUV444 (UV duplicated) Memory Input (CLIP) Image Resizer UYVY YUV420 YUV422 UYVY YUV420 YUV422 Memory Memory Figure 25-1. Image Resizer Overview 25.2. Application Notes ORIGSZ.WS CROP_L SRCSZ.WS CROP_R INPUT IMAGE SRCSZ.HS ORIGSZ.HS CROP_T CROPPED IMAGE CROP_B There is a cropping example. Assuming an uncropped image with size = (640, 480), if the size of the cropped frame is (320, 240) and the cropped region is the center of input frame. Then the setting will be CROP_L = 160, CROP_R = 479, CROP_T = 120, CROP_B = 359, and SRCSZ_WS = 320, SRCSZ_HS = 240. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 397 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Note that there are two kinds of registers, registers related to cropping function and the rest registers, including ratio, and size, etc. Two kinds of double buffered registers have two separated updating time as described in the . In the normal case, registers related to cropping function will be updated at B if the following criterion is satisfied: 1. LOCK bit is not ‘1’ at B. The rest registers will be updated at C if the following criteria are satisfied: 1. LOCK bit is not ‘1’ at B. 2. LOCK bit is not changed from B to C. To make sure HW double buffered registers behave by this rule, we can guarantee that the cropping registers and the rest registers take effect at the same frame. However, from input frame #0, if after interrupt is asserted at A and FW cannot finish registers programming before B, then all the registers will take function at frame #2. update crop registers if not lock A Input frame #0 Cropped frame #0 B update rest registers if: 1. B is not lock 2. LOCK bit is not changed from B to C Input frame #1 Upscaled output frame #0 Settings take effect at frame #1 Input frame #2 Cropped frame #2 C Cropped frame #1 Upscaled output frame #1 time Upscaled output frame #2 Settings take effect at frame #2 Figure 25-2. Resizer double buffered registers updating and taking effect timing chart As shown in , in cropping mode, the FSTINT is asserted at the beginning of cropped frame. The FEDINT is asserted at the end of output frame. There are three independent busy status bits for three different frames, input frame, cropping frame and output frame. FSTINT FEDINT Input frame #0 Cropped frame #0 output frame #0 INBUSY BUSYI OUTBUSY BUSYO CROPBUSY BUSYC Figure 25-3. Resizer interrupt and busy asserting timing chart Configuration procedure when source is cam RESZ_CFG = 0x10 (continuous), 0x0 (single run); RESZ_SRCSZ1 = source image size; © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 398 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual RESZ_TARSZ1 = target image size; RESZ_HRATIO1 = horizontal ratio; RESZ_VRATIO1 = vertical ratio; RESZ_HRES1 = horizontal residual; RESZ_VRES1 = vertical residual; RESZ_FRCFG = working memory size, interrupt enable; RESZ_CON = 0x1; Configuration procedure when source is memory (frame mode) RESZ_CFG = 0x1 or 0x2 or 0x3 (single run); RESZ_SMBASE_Y = source memory for Y base address; RESZ_SMBASE_U = source memory for U base address; RESZ_SMBASE_V = source memory for V base address; RESZ_SRCSZ1 = source image size; RESZ_TARSZ1 = target image size; RESZ_HRATIO1 = horizontal ratio; RESZ_VRATIO1 = vertical ratio; RESZ_HRES1 = horizontal residual; RESZ_VRES1 = vertical residual; RESZ_FRCFG = working memory size, interrupt enable; RESZ_CON = 0x1; Configuration procedure when source is memory (tile mode) RESZ_CFG = 0x10001 or 0x10002 or 0x10003 (single run); RESZ_SMBASE_Y = source tile memory for Y base address; RESZ_SMBASE_U = source tile memory for U base address; RESZ_SMBASE_V = source tile memory for V base address; RESZ_SRCSZ1 = source tile size; RESZ_TARSZ1 = target tile size; RESZ_HRATIO1 = horizontal ratio; RESZ_VRATIO1 = vertical ratio; RESZ_HRES1 = horizontal residual; RESZ_VRES1 = vertical residual; Setup tile parameters according tile formula RESZ_FRCFG = working memory size, interrupt enable; RESZ_CON = 0x1; Configuration procedure for disable clock. RESZ_CON = 0x0; RESZ_CON = 0X10000; while ((RESZ_CON&0x10000) == 1) ; RESZ_FRCFG = RESZ_FRCFG & 0xFFFF13FF; SWInt = RESZ_INT & 0x0000003F; Disable clock; 25.3. Register Definition Address Name Width © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Register Function Page 399 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Address A0410000 Name RESZ_CFG Width 32 Register Function Image Resizer Configuration Register The register is for global configuration of Image Resizer. Image Resizer Control Register The register is for global control of Image Resizer. Furthermore, software reset will not reset all register setting. Remember trigger Image Resizer first before trigger image sources to Image Resizer. A0410004 RESZ_CON 32 A0410008 RESZ_STA 32 A041000C RESZ_INT 32 A0410010 RESZ_SRCSZ1 32 The register specifies the size of source image. The allowable maximum size is 2047x2047. The register specifies the size of target image. The allowable maximum size is 960x2047 with resizing and 2047x2047 without resizing. However, it is suggested to limit WT <= 480 when SRC is CAM and with resizing. Image Resizer Status Register The register indicates global status of Image Resizer. Image Resizer Interrupt Register The register shows up the interrupt status of resizer. Image Resizer Source Image Size Register 1 Image Resizer Target Image Size Register 1 A0410014 RESZ_TARSZ1 32 A0410018 RESZ_HRATIO1 32 A041001C RESZ_VRATIO1 32 A0410020 RESZ_HRES1 32 A0410024 RESZ_VRES1 32 Image Resizer Horizontal Ratio Register 1 The register specifies horizontal resizing ratio. Image Resizer Vertical Ratio Register 1 The register specifies vertical resizing ratio. Image Resizer Horizontal Residual Register 1 The register specifies horizontal residual. It is obtained by RESZ_SRCSZ1.WS % RESZ_TARSZ1.WT. Image Resizer Vertical Residual Register 1 The register specifies vertical residual. It is obtained by RESZ_SRCSZ1.HS % RESZ_TARSZ1.HT. Image Resizer LOCK Register A041002C RESZ_LOCK 32 A0410030 RESZ_ORIGSZ1 32 This register specifies the lock register. Once this bit is programmed to be '1', Resizer stops updating double buffered registers at Vsync. The function of lock register is to prevent Resizer updating only partial parameters when firmware programs registers near input Vsync. Set to 1 before changing size related registers, and set to 0 after all size related registers are programmed. Image Resizer Crop Original Size Register 1 These registers are only used when CROP_EN = '1'. This field specifies original size before image cropping. Image Resizer Crop Left Right Register 1 A0410034 RESZ_CROPLR1 32 These registers are only used when CROP_EN = '1'. This field specifies the horizontal start and end position index for image cropping. Please note that these indexes are defined as the following illustration. For an uncropped image, the index of start point is 0 and the index of end point is (ORIGSZ_WS-1). The width cropped frame is therefore defined as (CROP_R - CROP_L+1). Image Resizer Crop Top Bottom Register 1 A0410038 RESZ_CROPTB1 32 A0410040 RESZ_FRCFG 32 These registers are only used when CROP_EN = '1'. This field specifies the vertical start and end position index for image cropping. Please note that these indexes are defined as the following illustration. For an uncropped image, the index of start point is 0 and the index of end point is (ORIGSZ_HS-1). The height cropped frame is therefore defined as (CROP_B - CROP_T+1). Image Resizer Fine Resizing Configuration Register The register specifies various setting of control for fine resizing, including of horizontal and vertical resizing. Note that all parameters must be set before © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 400 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Address Name Width Register Function horizontal and vertical resizing proceeds. Image Resizer Debug Configuration Register A0410090 RESZ_DBGCFG 32 A04100B0 RESZ_INFO0 32 Image Resizer Information Register 0 A04100B4 RESZ_INFO1 32 Image Resizer Information Register 1 The register is used to help debug. Image Resizer Y-Component Source Memory Base Address Register A04100DC The register specifies the base address of memory input for Y-component or UYVY format. It's only useful in Memory input mode. It should be 4 bytes aligned without CLIP_EN. It should be format aligned with CLIP_EN. That is 4 bytes for UYVY format and 2 bytes for YUV420 and YUV422 format. However, the base address before clipping must be 4 bytes aligned. 32 RESZ_SMBASE_Y Image Resizer U-Component Source Memory Base Address Register A04100E0 The register specifies the base address of memory input for U-component. It's only useful in Memory input mode. It should be 4 bytes aligned without CLIP_EN. It should be format aligned with CLIP_EN. That is 1 byte. However, the base address before clipping must be 4 bytes aligned. 32 RESZ_SMBASE_U Image Resizer V-Component Source Memory Base Address Register The register specifies the base address of memory input for V-component. It's only useful in Memory input mode. It should be 4 bytes aligned without CLIP_EN. It should be format aligned with CLIP_EN. That is 1 byte. However, the base address before clipping must be 4 bytes aligned. A04100E4 RESZ_SMBASE_V 32 A04100F0 RESZ_GMCCON 32 Image Resizer GMC Control Register A04100FC RESZ_CLIP 32 Image Resizer CLIP Register A0410100 RESZ_TILE_CFG 32 A0410104 RESZ_TILE_START_POS _X1 32 A041010C RESZ_TILE_START_POS _Y1 32 A0410114 RESZ_BI_TRUNC_ERR_ COMP1 32 A0410118 RESZ_BI_INIT_RESID1 32 Image Resizer Tile Configuration Register Configuration setting of tile-based resizer. Image Resizer Tile Start Position X Register 1 Start setting of tile-based resizer. Image Resizer Tile Start Position Y Register 1 Start setting of tile-based resizer. Image Resizer Bilinear Truncation Error Compensation Register 1 Bilinear setting of tile-based resizer. Image Resizer Bilinear Initial Residual Register 1 Bilinear setting of tile-based resizer. All undefined bit fields must be set as the default values. A0410000 Bit 31 30 29 000000 00 Image Resizer Configuration Register RESZ_CFG 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 16 Page 401 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual MO DE1 RW 0 Name Type Reset Bit 0 0 15 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 9 Name 0 0 VS RS TE N2 RW 0 VS RS TE N1 RW 0 8 7 0 6 VS RS TE N0 RW 0 0 0 5 4 DC M_ DIS PC ON RW 0 RW 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 SRC1 Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name Description 16 MODE1 Mode selection of 1st pass of resizer. 0: Frame mode. 1: Tile mode. 8 VSRSTEN2 Resizer auto reset when SRC1 is camera and pixel drop is detected. 0: Disable. 1: Enable. 7 VSRSTEN1 Resizer auto reset when SRC1 is camera and new frame comes and previous input is complete but output not complete. 0: Disable. (skip current frame) 1: Enable. (Give up previous frame) 6 VSRSTEN0 Resizer auto reset when SRC1 is camera and new frame comes. 0: Disable. 1: Enable. 5 DCM_DIS DCM enabling/disabling setting. 0: Enable DCM. 1: Disable DCM. PCON The register bit specifies if resizing continues whenever an image finishes processing. Once continuous run for pixel-based resizing is enabled and pixelbased resizing is running, the only way to stop is to reset resizer. If to stop immediately is desired, reset resizer directly. If the last image is desired, set the register bit to '0' first. Then wait until image resizer is not busy again. Finally reset image resizer. 0: Single run. 1: Continuous run. SRC1 The register bit specified the input source of 1st pass of resizer. 0: Camera input. 1: Memory input. Packet UYVY format. 2: Memory input. Planar YUV420 format. 3: Memory input. Planar YUV422 format. 4 1:0 0 A0410004 Bit 0 0 30 29 0 0 0 0 28 27 26 25 24 23 0 0 0 22 21 0 0 20 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 18 17 0 0 RS T RW 0 0 EN A RW 0 Name Type Reset Bit RW 000000 00 Image Resizer Control Register RESZ_CON 31 0 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 16 RST Writing '1' to the register will cause resizing to stop. Resizer itself would clear this bit to 0 when it is ready to be enabled. When this bit is 1, do not enable resizer. 0 ENA Writing '1' to the register bit to enable resizer. Name © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 Page 402 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0410008 Bit 31 30 29 000000 00 Image Resizer Status Register RESZ_STA 28 27 26 25 24 23 0 0 22 21 0 0 20 19 0 0 18 17 0 0 Name Type Reset Bit 0 0 15 Name Type Reset 0 Bit(s) 0 0 14 13 12 ER R5 ER R4 ER R3 W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 0 11 0 0 0 10 9 8 ER R2 ER R1 ER R0 W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 7 6 5 4 3 CR OP BU SY 0 0 0 RO 0 2 INB US Y 0 RO 0 1 16 DC M_ STA TU S RO 0 ME MI NB US Y RO 0 0 OU TB US Y RO 0 Name Description 16 DCM_STATUS DCM status. 14 ERR5 Error status. Input pixel is not enough when crop is enabled. Write this bit to 1 or reset resizer to clear. 13 ERR4 Error status. Drop frame due to LOCK is changed between start point of original image and start point of cropped image. Write this bit to 1 or reset resizer to clear. 12 ERR3 Error status. Drop frame due to LOCK when vsync comes. Write this bit to 1 or reset resizer to clear. 10 ERR2 Error status. Input complete but output not complete when new frame comes. Write this bit to 1 or reset resizer to clear. 9 ERR1 Error status. Input pixel is not enough. Write this bit to 1 or reset resizer to clear. 8 ERR0 Error status. Pixel over run (Camera request but resizer not ack). Write this bit to 1 or reset resizer to clear. 4 CROPBUSY Cropping busy status. 2 INBUSY Input busy status. 1 MEMINBUSY Memory input busy status. 0 OUTBUSY Output busy status. A041000C Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 0 15 30 0 14 29 0 13 000000 00 Image Resizer Interrupt Register RESZ_INT 28 0 12 27 0 11 26 0 10 25 0 9 24 23 0 0 8 7 22 21 0 0 0 LC KD RPI NT RC 0 6 Name 5 20 19 0 0 MI NI NT PX DI NT RC 0 RC 0 4 3 18 17 0 0 0 FST AR T1I NT RC 0 2 1 16 0 0 FE ND INT Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name Description LCKDRPINT Interrupt for drop frame for lock occurs. No matter the register bit RESZ_FRCFG.LCKDRPINTEN is enabled or not, the register bit will be active whenever drop frame for lock occurs. It could be as software interrupt by 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. RC 0 Page 403 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual polling the register bit. Clear it by reading the register. 4 MININT Interrupt for memory input. No matter the register bit RESZ_FRCFG.MININTEN is enabled or not, the register bit will be active whenever memory input is done. It could be as software interrupt by polling the register bit. Clear it by reading the register. 3 PXDINT Interrupt for pixel drop. No matter the register bit RESZ_FRCFG.PXDINTEN is enabled or not, the register bit will be active whenever pixel drop occurs. It could be as software interrupt by polling the register bit. Clear it by reading the register. Useful for error detection. FSTART1INT Interrupt for frame start of 1st pass. No matter the register bit RESZ_FRCFG.FSTART1INTEN is enabled or not, the register bit will be active whenever a new frame of 1st pass arrives. It could be as software interrupt by polling the register bit. Clear it by reading the register. Useful for digital zooming. FENDINT Interrupt for frame end. No matter the register bit RESZ_FRCFG.FENDINTEN is enabled or not, the register bit will be active whenever whole image is done. It could be as software interrupt by polling the register bit. Clear it by reading the register. 1 0 A0410010 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 0 RESZ_SRCSZ1 30 0 29 0 28 0 000000 00 Image Resizer Source Image Size Register 1 27 26 0 0 25 0 24 23 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 21 20 19 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 7 6 0 HS RW 0 0 0 WS RW 0 Name Description 26:16 HS The register field specifies the height of source image. 10:0 WS The register field specifies the width of source image. 18 17 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Note: WS and HS must be format aligned (RESZ_CROPLR1.CROP_EN = 0). src format HS WS caminf YUV444 Multiples of 1 Multiples of 1 YUV420 Multiples of 2 Multiples of 2 YUV422 Multiples of 1 Multiples of 2 UYVY Multiples of 1 Multiples of 2 memory A0410014 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 0 RESZ_TARSZ1 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 24 23 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name 000000 00 Image Resizer Target Image Size Register 1 22 21 20 19 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 7 6 0 HT RW 0 0 0 WT RW 0 18 17 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Description 26:16 HT The register field specifies the height of target image. 10:0 WT The register field specifies the width of target image. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 404 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0410018 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset RESZ_HRATIO 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 8 7 6 0 0 5 4 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 RATIO[31:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RATIO[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 19 0 0 3 2 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 31:0 RATIO Ratio = (RESZ_TARSZ.WT < RESZ_SRCSZ.WS ) ? (RESZ_TARSZ.WT -1) * 220 / (RESZ_SRCSZ.WS -1) : (RESZ_SRCSZ.WS) * 220 / RESZ_TARSZ.WT A041001C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset RESZ_VRATIO 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 8 7 6 0 0 5 4 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RATIO[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) 11:0 0 0 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 24 23 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 22 21 0 0 6 5 RESIDUAL RW 0 0 Name Description RESIDUAL Residual = RESZ_SRCSZ1.WS % RESZ_TARSZ1.WT 31 RESZ_VRES1 30 29 28 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 19 0 0 3 2 0 0 20 16 0 000000 00 18 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 16 0 000000 00 Image Resizer Vertical Residual Register 1 27 0 18 20 4 16 000000 00 Image Resizer Horizontal Residual Register 1 15 A0410024 Bit Name Type 0 28 0 2 Ratio = (RESZ_TARSZ.HT < RESZ_SRCSZ.HS ) ? (RESZ_TARSZ.HT -1) * 220 / (RESZ_SRCSZ.HS -1) : (RESZ_SRCSZ.HS) * 220 / RESZ_TARSZ.HT 29 0 3 RATIO 30 1 0 31:0 31 0 0 Description Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 19 Name RESZ_HRES1 17 20 Bit(s) A0410020 18 Image Resizer Vertical Ratio Register 1 RATIO[31:16] RW 0 0 0 000000 00 Image Resizer Horizontal Ratio Register 1 19 18 17 16 Page 405 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 11:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 5 RESIDUAL RW 0 0 Name Description RESIDUAL Residual = RESZ_SRCSZ1.HS % RESZ_TARSZ1.HT A041002C Bit Name Type Reset Bit 0 15 30 0 0 29 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 24 23 0 0 22 21 0 0 7 6 0 0 20 19 0 0 5 4 0 0 18 17 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 0 0 1 Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description LOCK Writing '1' to the register bit prevents updating double buffered registers. Name 0 0 000000 00 Image Resizer LOCK Register RESZ_LOCK 31 0 4 0 16 0 0 LO CK RW 0 Note: If lock is set to 1, and vsync comes, the frame will be dropped because the setting is not reliable. So please keep the locked region as short as possible. LCKDRP interrupt can be used to detect this event. RESZ_ORIGSZ 1 A0410030 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 30 0 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 24 23 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name 000000 00 Image Resizer Crop Original Size Register 1 22 21 20 6 5 4 ORIGSZ_HS RW 0 0 0 7 ORIGSZ_WS RW 0 0 0 0 19 18 17 0 16 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description 26:16 ORIGSZ_HS Resizer input image height before cropping for pass 1. 10:0 ORIGSZ_WS Resizer input image width before cropping for pass 1. Note: If CROP_EN = 1 and SRC is memory, ORIGSZ_WS and ORIGSZ_HS must be format aligned. src format ORIGSZ_HS ORIGSZ_WS caminf YUV444 Multiples of 1 Multiples of 1 YUV420 Multiples of 2 Multiples of 2 YUV422 Multiples of 1 Multiples of 2 UYVY Multiples of 1 Multiples of 2 memory A0410034 Bit Name Type Reset RESZ_CROPLR1 31 CROP_EN RW 0 Image Resizer Crop Left Right Register 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 CROP_L RW 0 0 00000000 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 Page 406 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 CROP_R RW 0 0 Name Description CROP_EN Crop enable for pass 1. 26:16 CROP_L Horizontal cropping start/left position index for pass 1. 10:0 CROP_R Horizontal cropping end/right position index for pass 1. 31 A0410038 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 RESZ_CROPTB 1 30 0 29 0 28 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 000000 00 Image Resizer Crop Top Bottom Register 1 27 0 26 0 25 0 24 23 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 22 21 20 6 5 4 CROP_T RW 0 0 0 19 0 CROP_B RW 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 26:16 CROP_T Vertical cropping start/top position index for pass 1. 10:0 CROP_B Vertical cropping end/bottom position index for pass 1. A0410040 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 0 RESZ_FRCFG 30 0 29 0 15 14 13 Name LC KI NT EN MI NI NT EN PX DI NT EN Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 28 0 12 0 18 17 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Image Resizer Fine Resizing Configuration Register 27 0 11 FST AR T1I NT EN RW 0 26 0 10 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 000000 02 19 18 9 8 0 0 7 6 0 0 5 4 0 WMSZ1 RW 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 0 16 0 1 0 1 0 FE ND INT EN RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 21:16 WMSZ1 It stands for working memory size for single pass or 1st pass of two pass resizing. The register specifies how many lines after horizontal resizing can be filled into working memory. Its minimum value is 2 and maximum value is 31. And the formula is (1920 / ((WT+3)/4*4)). 15 LCKINTEN Drop frame due to lock interrupt enable. 14 MININTEN Memory input interrupt enable. 13 PXDINTEN Pixel drop interrupt enable. 11 FSTART1INTEN Frame start of 1st pass interrupt enable. 0: Interrupt for frame start of 1st pass is disabled. 1: Interrupt for frame start of 1st pass is enabled. 10 FENDINTEN Frame end interrupt enable. 0: Interrupt for frame end is disabled. 1: Interrupt for frame end is enabled. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 407 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual RESZ_DBGCF G A0410090 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 30 0 0 29 0 28 0 000002 00 Image Resizer Debug Configuration Register 27 0 0 0 23 0 0 7 6 21 0 0 20 19 0 0 5 4 0 0 18 17 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Type Reset 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 11 NODB Force register not double buffered. 0: Double buffered, registers are effective when camera vsync arrives or memory input starts. 1: No double buffered. 10 PHR1 Force horizontal resizing to execute even though it's not necessary. 0: Normal operation. 1: Force horizontal resizing to execute even though it's not necessary. 9 PVR1 Force vertical resizing to execute even though it's not necessary. 0: Normal operation. 1: Force vertical resizing to execute even though it's not necessary. A04100B0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 0 RESZ_INFO0 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 IN_VERT_CNT RO 0 0 0 0 IN_HORZ_CNT RO 0 0 0 0 IN_VERT_CNT Input vertical counter. 15:0 IN_HORZ_CNT Input horizontal counter. Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 0 RESZ_INFO1 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name 25 24 23 22 9 8 7 6 OUT_VERT_CNT RO 0 0 0 0 OUT_HORZ_CNT RO 0 0 0 0 OUT_VERT_CNT Output vertical counter. 15:0 OUT_HORZ_CNT Output horizontal counter. 31 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESZ_SMBAS E_Y 30 000000 00 21 0 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description 31:16 Bit 20 Image Resizer Information Register 1 15 A04100D C 0 0 Description 31:16 A04100B4 21 16 000000 00 Image Resizer Information Register 0 15 Name PV R1 RW 1 8 22 13 PH R1 RW 0 9 24 14 NO DB RW 0 10 25 15 Name 11 26 29 28 Image Resizer Y-Component Source Memory Base Address Register 27 26 25 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 xxxxxxx x 17 16 Page 408 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31:0 SMBASE_Y[31:16] RW 15 Bit(s) 31:0 Bit(s) 31:0 11 10 9 8 7 SMBASE_Y[15:0] RW 6 5 4 3 2 1 RESZ_SMBAS E_U Image Resizer U-Component Source Memory Base Address Register 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Name xxxxxxx x 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SMBASE_U[31:16] RW SMBASE_U[15:0] RW Description SMBASE_U RESZ_SMBAS E_V Image Resizer V-Component Source Memory Base Address Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Name xxxxxxx x 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SMBASE_V[31:16] RW SMBASE_V[15:0] RW Description SMBASE_V 31 0 15 RESZ_GMCCO N 30 0 14 29 0 13 28 0 12 000000 00 Image Resizer GMC Control Register 27 26 25 24 11 10 9 8 RD_MIN_REQ_INTERVAL RW 0 0 0 0 23 0 7 22 21 0 0 6 5 20 19 0 0 4 18 17 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 RD _M AX _B L Name Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name Description RD_MIN_REQ_INTER It specifies how many AHB bus cycles between two GMC requests for read 31:20 0 Description 31 A04100F0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 12 SMBASE_Y A04100E4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 13 Name A04100E0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 RW 0 0 16 0 0 RD _M IN_ RE Q_ EN RW 0 Page 409 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual VAL port. 4 RD_MAX_BL Specify the maximum burst length of GMC request for read port. 0: Burst 4 beats access, and one beat is 4 bytes. Total data amount is 16 bytes per access. 1: Single 4 bytes access. 0 RD_MIN_REQ_EN Enable GMC port minimum request control for read port. A04100FC Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 30 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLI P_ EN RW 0 0 29 0 000000 00 Image Resizer CLIP Register RESZ_CLIP 28 27 0 0 26 0 25 0 24 23 0 0 7 0 22 21 0 0 6 5 MEM_WD RW 0 0 Name Description 31 CLIP_EN Enable clip function of memory in mode. 0: Disable. 1: Enable. 11:0 MEM_WD Width of background image. The unit is pixels. 20 19 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 18 17 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 mem_wd 4 bytes align smbase ws hs Figure 25-4. Memory clipping chart Note: MEM_WD should be format aligned. format MEM_WD YUV420 Multiples of 2 YUV422 Multiples of 2 UYVY Multiples of 2 All of the following registers are for tile-based processing. These registers are inactive while RESZ_CFG.MODE1 is frame mode. A0410100 RESZ_TILE_C FG 000000 00 Image Resizer Tile Configuration Register © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 410 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 0 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 25 0 0 24 23 0 0 22 21 0 0 7 6 0 0 20 19 0 0 5 4 0 0 18 17 3 2 0 0 0 0 SA _E N_ Y1 RW 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Type Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 1 SA_EN_Y1 Vertical source accumulation enable siganl of 1st pass of resizer. 0: Disable (frame_target_height ≥ frame_source_height). 1: Enable (frame_target_height < frame_source_height). 0 SA_EN_X1 Horizontal source accumulation enable siganl of 1st pass of resizer. 0: Disable (frame_target_width ≥ frame_source_width). 1: Enable (frame_target_width < frame_source_width). Name A0410104 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 30:0 31 0 Bit(s) 30:0 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 TILE_START_POS_X[30:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 TILE_START_POS_X[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Description TILE_START_POS_X Horizontal start position of bilinear interpolation. Format: Q0.11.20. Horizontal start weight of source accumulation. Format: Q0.0.20. 31 0 30 0 29 0 28 0 0 26 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 TILE_START_POS_Y[30:16] RW 0 0 0 0 0 TILE_START_POS_Y[15:0] RW 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Description TILE_START_POS_Y Vertical start position of bilinear interpolation. Format: Q0.11.20. Vertical start weight of source accumulation. Format: Q0.0.20. RESZ_BI_TRU NC_ERR_COM P1 Image Resizer Bilinear Truncation Error Compensation Register 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 18 Name A0410114 16 000000 00 Image Resizer Tile Start Position Y Register 1 27 SA _E N_ X1 RW 0 18 Name RESZ_TILE_S TART_POS_Y1 0 0 000000 00 Image Resizer Tile Start Position X Register 1 15 A041010C Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset RESZ_TILE_S TART_POS_X1 1 16 16 0 000000 00 Page 411 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 BI_TRUNC_ERR_COMP_Y RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BI_TRUNC_ERR_COMP_X RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 18 17 0 16 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description 27:16 BI_TRUNC_ERR_COM P_Y Vertical condition of truncation error compensation by accumulated residual. 11:0 BI_TRUNC_ERR_COM P_X Horizontal condition of truncation error compensation by accumulated residual. A0410118 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 31 RESZ_BI_INIT _RESID1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 7 6 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 BI_INIT_RESID_Y RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BI_INIT_RESID_X RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name 000000 00 Image Resizer Bilinear Initial Residual Register 1 0 0 0 18 17 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Description 28:16 BI_INIT_RESID_Y Vertical initial residual for truncation error compensation. 12:0 BI_INIT_RESID_X Horizontal initial residual for truncation error compensation. Since the bilinear-interpolation step is represented by fixed-point representation, there are truncation errors in the computational process. In order to reduce the truncation-error effect, resizer will compensate the errors at each integer interpolation point. The following is the example. 10 pixels 15 pixels 10 2 5 = ≈ 0.625 = (3 - bit binary precision) 15 3 8 residual = 10 % 15 = 10 ⇒ interpolation position 2 4 6 8 0 3 3 3 3 interpolation position by fixed point 5 10 15 21 0 8 8 8 8 16 (truncation-error compensation) incremental residual 8 0 10 5 15 10 step (ratio) = © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 412 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 26. Image Rotator DMA 26.1. General Description Image Rotator DMA receives YUV444 pixel data from input interface as shown in Figure 26-1, and output to memory. The architecture is shown in Figure 26-2. When writing to memory, it supports various formats. Supported Ooutput packed formats include: UYVY (YUYV422). Supported oOutput planar formats include: scanline planarYUV420 and YUV422. In this specification, generic YUV format refers to scanline planar YUV420/YUV422. These output formats ares shown in Table 26-1. clk req pixel[31:0] ack pixel #1 pixel #2 Figure 26-1. Image Rotator DMA Input Interface input from previous engine ROT_DMA output to memory Figure 26-2. Image Rotator DMA Architecture Table 26-1. ImageRotator DMA Output Format Output formats UYVY Planar YUV420 Planar YUV422 26.1.1. Feature List • Descriptor based mode • Hardware auto loop mode • Color formats transformation • Output Image pitching for UYVY • Rotation for UYVY • Hardware semaphore support © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 413 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 26.1.2. Descriptor Format There are six6 enable signals indicating each 4- bytes command. The full sets of rotator DMA’s descriptor is 24s bytes including six6 segments and with four4 bytes each segment. IDMA_QUEUE_BASEADDR + des_size * rpt offset en y_dst_str_addr 4 en u_dst_str_addr 4 en v_dst_str_addr 4 en src_w src_h 4 0x0 0x0 0x4 en dst_w_in_byte 0x8 0xc 4 0x10 en con 4 0x14 Figure 26-3. Image Rotator DMA Descriptor Format 26.1.3. Frame buffer start address and size notes Output frame buffer start address must be 4- byte alignment. The size of each frame buffer must be a multiple of four4 bytes. That is, if output format is YUV420. Y, U and V plane must allocate size of multiple of four4 bytes. If the image size will not occupyied every 4 bytes allocated, the residual bytes not used will be written with dummy data. Dummy data value is undefined and scenario dependent. The table belowFollowing table summarizes base address and buffer size restrictions. Table 26-2. Base Address and Buffer Size Restrictions Y, U, V frame start address (bytes) Width (pixels) Height (pixels) *HW output size (bytes) DST_W_IN_BYTE (bytes) UYVY(packed) 4x 2x 1x 4x 4x YUV422(planar) 4x 2x 1x 4x - YUV420(planar) 4x 2x 2x 4x - YUV422(planar) with pitch enabled 4x 8x 1x 4x 8x YUV420(planar) with pitch enabled 4x 8x 2x 4x 8x © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 414 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 26.1.4. Rotation Rotator supports 90 degree of rotation with flip for UYVY color format image of width smaller than or equal to 480 pixels. 26.2. Register Definition The base address of ROT_DMA is 0xA040_0000. Register Address Register Function Acronym ROT_DMA+0000h Rotator DMA Interrupt Flag ROT_DMA_IRQ_FLAG ROT_DMA+0008h Rotator DMA Interrupt Flag Clear ROT_DMA_IRQ_FLAG_CLR ROT_DMA+0018h Rotator DMA Configuration ROT_DMA_CFG ROT_DMA+0028h Rotator DMA Stop Register ROT_DMA_STOP ROT_DMA+0030h Rotator DMA Enable Status ROT_DMA_EN ROT_DMA+0038h Rotator DMA Reset Register ROT_DMA_RESET ROT_DMA+0300h Image Rotator DMA SLOW DOWN ROT_DMA_SLOW_DOWN ROT_DMA+0318h Image Rotator DMA Y Destination Start Address ROT_DMA_ Y_DST_STR_ADDR ROT_DMA+0320h Image Rotator DMA U Destination Start Address ROT_DMA_ U_DST_STR_ADDR ROT_DMA+0328h Image Rotator DMA V Destination Start Address ROT_DMA_ V_DST_STR_ADDR ROT_DMA+0330h Image Rotator DMA Source Image Size ROT_DMA_SRC_SIZE ROT_DMA+0348h Image Rotator DMA Destination Image Size ROT_DMA_DST_SIZE ROT_DMA+0368h Image Rotator DMA Control Register ROT_DMA_CON ROT_DMA+ Rotator DMA Interrupt Flag 0000h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 ROT_DMA_I RQ_FLAG 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name Type Reset Bit 16 FLAG 0_IR Q_EN 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 R/W 0 0 FLAG 0 Name Type Reset R/W 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 415 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual This register is used by software to parse error message and some events triggered by the engine. Occurrence of these events/error messages is denoted by flags. Flags can issue interrupt which is level triggered. To turn on interrupt issue capability, assert IRQ_EN. Note that interrupt will only issue when engine’s EN is asserted. This behavior give software opportunity to prevent unnecessary interrupt before start of engine. For each flag (e.g. FLAG1): When read: 0 Event/error not took place 1 Event/error took place When write: 0 Clear flag. To clear flags, Using IRQ_FLAG_CLR register is preferred. 1 Software asserted event/error For each flag IRQ_EN (e.g. FLAG1_IRQ_EN): IRQ_EN Interrupt enable. Enable or disable corresponding interrupt issue capability. If the bit is deasserted, the corresponding flag will still raise in respond to the event, but will not issue interrupt. If asserted, the interrupt will issue at EN==1 if the event takes place. 0 Disable. 1 Enable. Flags descriptions: FLAG0 This is raised when engine finished the descriptor and INT_EN is asserted. ROT_DMA_I RQ_FLAG_CL R ROT_DMA+ Rotator DMA Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0008h Bit Name Type Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 0 FLAG 0_CL R Name Type WO FLAGn_CLR Clear interrupt flag number n. When clearing interrupt flag and interrupt flag trigger event occur at the same time. Event trigger was given higher priority to let software programmer still notified by the event. 0 Do not clear (no effect on interrupt flag) 1 Clear interrupt flag © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 416 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual ROT_DMA+ Rotator DMA Configuration 0018h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 ROT_DMA_C FG 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 FRAM E_SY Name NC_E N Type R/W Reset 0 Bit 15 16 YUV_ PITC H_EN 14 Name DROP Type Reset R/W 0 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AUTO _LOO P R/W 0 AUTO_LOOP Auto loop. Automatically loop back to the first command when all commands are consumed. 0 Disable 1 Enable DROP this register only takes effect when en=0 (engine at turn off status) 0 stall previous engine’s input data if any 1 drop previous engine’s input data if any YUV_PITCH_EN Enable pitch mechanism for generic YUV output format. This register only takes effect when OUTPUT_FORMAT is generic YUV. 0 Y, U, V data will be written to memory in continuous address respectively if OUTPUT_FORMAT is generic YUV. 1 Y plane data will be written to memory in pitch value, DST_W_IN_BYTE and U, V plane data will be written to memory in pitch value, DST_W_IN_BYTE/2. The source width must be multiple of 8. FRAME_SYNC_EN Frame sync signal from camera. No effect when the DMA engine is not part of camera image datapath. 0 Disable 1 Enable ROT_DMA+ Rotator DMA Stop Register 0028h Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset ROT_DMA_S TOP 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 0 STOP R//W 0 Stop the engine engine by writing this register. When writing 1, DMA engine will stop after finishing the current frame. When writing 0, DMA stop will be de-asserted. This status will be checked at each end of frame. During the engine operation, this status has no effect. STOP Stop (disable) the DMA engine. 0 De-assert stop status © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 417 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 1 Stop the DMA engine at frame end. ROT_DMA+ Rotator DMA Enable Status Register 0030h ROT_DMA_E N Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EN Enable Status. When read, this indicates whether DMA is enabled or not. To enable the engine, write 1 into this register. To stop the engine, use STOP, WARM_RESET or HARD_RESET instead. In register mode and without auto loop, engine will set en = 0 when finishing its job. In auto loop, only when SW assert stop/reset can turn off engine. 0 EN R/W 0 ROT_DMA+ Rotator DMA Reset Register 0038h Bit Name Type Reset Bit 16 ROT_DMA_R ESET 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 17 16 1 0 WAR HAR M_RS D_RS T T Name Type Reset R/W R/W 0 0 HARD_RST Reset DMA descriptor queue and control register settings. This will clear control settings and in Image DMA registers immediately. This reset may cause pending bus transactions left in the DMA engine. Software should determine an amount of safe reset time and assert the reset for that period of time. 0 De-assert reset 1 Assert reset WARM_RST Reset DMA descriptor queue and control register settings. This will clear control settings in Image DMA registers after no pending bus transactions left. This is often so called safe reset. This bit will be de-asserted automatically after the settings are cleared. Software should wait for this bit to be de-asserted by hardware before performing other DMA tasks. 0 De-assert reset 1 Assert reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 418 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual ROT_DMA+ Image Rotator DMA SLOW DOWN 0300h Bit Name Type Reset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 ROT_DMA_S LOW_DOWN 22 21 20 19 18 17 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 SLOW_CNT R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 0 SLO W_E N Name Type Reset R/W 0 SLOW_EN Slow down enable. Assert this to slow down engine. Amount of slow down is determined by SLOW_CNT. Enable this to decrease the performance of rotator. 0 Disable 1 Enable SLOW_CNT Slow down count. Delay SLOW_CNT cycle to issue next hardware bus transaction. This value is not adjustable during engine operation. ROT_DMA_ Y_DST_STR_ ADDR ROT_DMA+ Image Rotator DMA Y Destination Start 0318h Address Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 Y_DST_STR_ADDR R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Y_DST_STR_ADDR R/W 0 Y_DST_STR_ADDR Destination Y start address. This address indicate the pitch window start address. When output format is generic YUV, this address indicate the Y plane’s start address. When rotation, an offset must be added, please refer to the ”Frame start address” section. ROT_DMA_ U_DST_STR_ ADDR ROT_DMA+ Image Rotator DMA U Destination Start 0320h Address Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 U_DST_STR_ADDR R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 U_DST_STR_ADDR R/W 0 U_DST_STR_ADDR Destination U start address. When output format is not generic YUV, this is not used. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 419 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual When output format is generic YUV, this address indicates the U plane’s start address in planar format. ROT_DMA_ V_DST_STR_ ADDR ROT_DMA+ Image Rotator DMA V Destination Start 0328h Address Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 V_DST_STR_ADDR R/W 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 V_DST_STR_ADDR R/W 0 V_DST_STR_ADDR Destination V start address. When output format is not generic YUV, this is not used. When output format is generic YUV, this address indicates the V plane’s start address. ROT_DMA+ Image Rotator DMA Source Image Size 0330h Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 ROT_DMA_S RC_SIZE 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 SRC_H 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 R/W 0 5 6 SRC_W R/W 0 SRC_W: (must format Alignment) Source width. This number indicates the input image’s width in pixel. Width of 0 is not valid SRC_H: (must format Alignment) Source height. This number indicates the input image’s height in pixel. Height of 0 is not valid ROT_DMA+ Image Rotator DMA Destination Image Size 0348h Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset ROT_DMA_D ST_SIZE 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DST_W_IN_BYTE R/W 0 DST_W_IN_BYTE: (must format Alignment) Destination width in bytes. This number indicates the destination image’s width in pixel, and start from 1. 0 means image size = 0 pixels. dst_w_in_byte = dst_w * 2 for UYVY or dst_w*1 for YUV420/YUV422 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 420 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual ROT_DMA+ Image Rotator DMA Control Register 0368h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 INT_ NOP EN ROT_ EN Type R/W R/W Reset 0 0 Bit 15 14 R/W 0 11 Name 13 12 26 25 24 ROT_DMA_C ON 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 V_SU BSAM PLE 10 9 R/W 0 8 Name THRESHOLD Type Reset R/W 3 ULTR PROT A_EN _EN OUTPUT_FORMAT R/W R/W 0 1 R/W 0 OUTPUT_FORMAT Output format 4: UYVY (YUYV422) 7: Generic YUV Others: Reserved V_SUBSAMPLE Vertical sub-sampling. If output format is not generic YUV, this bit is meaningless. If output format is generic YUV 0 YUV422 1 YUV420 THRESHOLD Bus control threshold, the maximum output data size per bus transaction 0 4 bytes 3 16 bytes 7 32 bytes Others Reserved ULTRA_EN Enable of bus ultra signal 0 Disable 1 Enable PROT_EN Enable of bus protect signal. Set this to 1 when the source is from camera. Set this to 0 when the source is from memory 0 Disable 1 Enable ROT_EN Rotation angle. Only UYVY output format can be rotated. 0 No rotation 1 90 degree rotation with flip INT_EN Interrupt enable. When enabled, engine will assert FLAG0 as soon as finishing execution of the descriptor. Not as the name implied, only this bit alone will not issue interrupt. FLAG0_IRQ_EN must also enable for interrupt to take effect. 0 Disable 1 Enable NOP No operation command 0 Command is no operation. DMA engine will drop incoming frame with the size set in SRC_SIZE 1 Command is effective. DMA engine will process incoming frame. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 421 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Performance guidelines: 1. Threshold set the maximum data bytes per transfer. The greater the threshold, the higher DRAM utilization rate. Thus achieving better performance. The recommended value of threshold is 7 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 422 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 27. General Purpose Inputs/Outputs 27.1. General Description MT2523G/D platform offers 48 general purpose I/O pins. By setting up the control registers, the MCU software can control the direction, the output value, and read the input values on these pins. These GPIOs and GPOs are multiplexed with other functions to reduce the pin count. To facilitate application use, the software can configure which clock to send outside the chip. There are six clock-out ports embedded in 48 GPIO pins, and each clock-out can be programmed to output appropriate clock source. Besides, when two GPIOs function for the same peripheral IP, the smaller GPIO serial number has higher priority than the one of bigger number. Figure 27-1. GPIO block diagram 27.2. IO Pull Up/Down Control Truth Table Table 27-1. GPIO v.s. IO type mapping GPIO Name IO Type GPIO Name IO Type GPIO0 IO TYPE 4 GPIO25 IO TYPE 1 GPIO1 IO TYPE 4 GPIO26 IO TYPE 1 GPIO2 IO TYPE 4 GPIO27 IO TYPE 1 GPIO3 IO TYPE 4 GPIO28 IO TYPE 1 GPIO4 IO TYPE 1 GPIO29 IO TYPE 1 GPIO5 IO TYPE 1 GPIO30 IO TYPE 1 GPIO6 IO TYPE 1 GPIO31 IO TYPE 1 GPIO7 IO TYPE 1 GPIO32 IO TYPE 1 GPIO8 IO TYPE 1 GPIO33 IO TYPE 1 GPIO9 IO TYPE 1 GPIO34 IO TYPE 1 GPIO10 IO TYPE 4 GPIO35 IO TYPE 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 423 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual GPIO Name IO Type GPIO Name IO Type GPIO11 IO TYPE 1 GPIO36 IO TYPE 1 GPIO12 IO TYPE 1 GPIO37 IO TYPE 1 GPIO13 IO TYPE 1 GPIO38 IO TYPE 1 GPIO14 IO TYPE 1 GPIO39 IO TYPE 1 GPIO15 IO TYPE 1 GPIO40 IO TYPE 1 GPIO16 IO TYPE 1 GPIO41 IO TYPE 1 GPIO17 IO TYPE 1 GPIO42 IO TYPE 1 GPIO18 IO TYPE 3 GPIO43 IO TYPE 1 GPIO19 IO TYPE 3 GPIO44 IO TYPE 1 GPIO20 IO TYPE 3 GPIO45 IO TYPE 1 GPIO21 IO TYPE 2 GPIO46 IO TYPE 1 GPIO22 IO TYPE 2 GPIO47 IO TYPE 1 GPIO23 IO TYPE 2 GPIO48 IO TYPE 1 GPIO24 IO TYPE 1 Refer to the truth table of pull-up/down control for the all GPIO pins excludingGPIO_0, GPIO_1, GPIO_2, GPIO_3, and GPIO_10. Table 27-2. IO type 1 - pull up/down control GPIO_DIR GPIO_PUPD GPIO_R1 GPIO_R0 Resistance Value 0 0 0 0 High-Z 0 0 0 1 Pull-Up, 47K 0 0 1 0 Pull-Up, 47K 0 0 1 1 Pull-Up, 23.5K 0 1 0 0 High-Z 0 1 0 1 Pull-Down, 47K 0 1 1 0 Pull-Down, 47K 0 1 1 1 Pull-Down, 23.5K 1 X X X High-Z © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 424 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 27-3. IO type 2 - pull up/down control GPIO_DIR GPIO_PUPD GPIO_R1 GPIO_R0 Resistance Value 0 0 0 0 High-Z 0 0 0 1 Pull-up, 75K 0 0 1 0 Pull-up, 200K 0 0 1 1 Pull-up, 75K parallel 200K 0 1 0 0 High-Z 0 1 0 1 Pull-down, 75K 0 1 1 0 Pull-down, 200K 0 1 1 1 Pull-down, 75K parallel 200K 1 X X X High-Z Table 27-4. IO type 3 - pull up/down control GPIO_DIR GPIO_PUPD GPIO_R1 GPIO_R0 Resistance Value 0 0 0 0 High-Z 0 0 0 1 Pull-up, 75K 0 0 1 0 Pull-up, 2K 0 0 1 1 Pull-up, 75K parallel 2K 0 1 0 0 High-Z 0 1 0 1 Pull-down, 75K 0 1 1 0 Pull-down, 2K 0 1 1 1 Pull-down, 75K parallel 2K 1 X X X High-Z © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 425 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Table 27-5. IO type 4 - pull up/down control 27.3. GPIO_DIR GPIO_PULLEN GPIO_PULLSEL Resistance Value 0 1 1 Pull-up, 75K 0 0 0 High-Z 0 1 0 Pull-down, 75K 1 X X High-Z Register Definition Module name: gpio_reg Base address: (+A2020000h) Address Name Width Register Function A2020000 GPIO_DIR0 32 A2020004 GPIO_DIR0_SE T 32 A2020008 GPIO_DIR0_CL R 32 GPIO Direction Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 A2020010 GPIO_DIR1 32 GPIO Direction Control Configures GPIO direction A2020014 GPIO_DIR1_SE T 32 GPIO Direction Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 A2020018 GPIO_DIR1_CL R 32 GPIO Direction Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 A2020100 GPIO_PULLEN0 32 A2020104 GPIO_PULLEN0 _SET 32 A2020108 GPIO_PULLEN0 _CLR 32 GPIO Pull-up/down Enable Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLEN0 A2020200 GPIO_DINV0 32 GPIO Data Inversion Control Configures GPIO inversion enabling A2020204 GPIO_DINV0_S ET 32 GPIO Data Inversion Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV0 A2020208 GPIO_DINV0_C LR 32 GPIO Data Inversion Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV0 A2020210 GPIO_DINV1 32 A2020214 GPIO_DINV1_S ET 32 A2020218 GPIO_DINV1_C LR 32 GPIO Data Inversion Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV1 A2020300 GPIO_DOUT0 32 GPIO Output Data Control Configures GPIO output value A2020304 GPIO_DOUT0_S ET 32 GPIO Output Data Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 GPIO Direction Control Configures GPIO direction GPIO Direction Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 GPIO Pull-up/down Enable Control Configures GPIO pull enabling GPIO Pull-up/down Enable Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLEN0 GPIO Data Inversion Control Configures GPIO inversion enabling GPIO Data Inversion Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 426 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual GPIO Output Data Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 GPIO Output Data Control Configures GPIO output value A2020308 GPIO_DOUT0_ CLR 32 A2020310 GPIO_DOUT1 32 A2020314 GPIO_DOUT1_S ET 32 GPIO Output Data Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 A2020318 GPIO_DOUT1_C LR 32 GPIO Output Data Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 A2020400 GPIO_DIN0 32 GPIO Input Data Value Reads GPIO input value A2020410 GPIO_DIN1 32 GPIO Input Data Value Reads GPIO input value A2020500 GPIO_PULLSEL 0 32 A2020504 GPIO_PULLSEL 0_SET 32 A2020508 GPIO_PULLSEL 0_CLR 32 GPIO Pullsel Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLSEL0 A2020600 GPIO_SMT0 32 GPIO SMT Control Configures GPIO Schmitt trigger control A2020604 GPIO_SMT0_SE T 32 GPIO SMT Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT0 A2020608 GPIO_SMT0_CL R 32 GPIO SMT Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT0 A2020610 GPIO_SMT1 32 A2020614 GPIO_SMT1_SE T 32 A2020618 GPIO_SMT1_CL R 32 GPIO SMT Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT1 A2020700 GPIO_SR0 32 GPIO SR Control Configures GPIO slew rate control A2020704 GPIO_SR0_SET 32 GPIO SR Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SR0 A2020708 GPIO_SR0_CLR 32 GPIO SR Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SR0 A2020710 GPIO_SR1 32 A2020714 GPIO_SR1_SET 32 A2020718 GPIO_SR1_CLR 32 GPIO SR Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SR1 A2020800 GPIO_DRV0 32 GPIO DRV Control Configures GPIO driving control A2020804 GPIO_DRV0_SE T 32 GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV0 A2020808 GPIO_DRV0_CL R 32 GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV0 A2020810 GPIO_DRV1 32 A2020814 GPIO_DRV1_SE T 32 A2020818 GPIO_DRV1_CL R 32 GPIO Pullsel Control Configures GPIO PUPD selection GPIO Pullsel Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLSEL0 GPIO SMT Control Configures GPIO Schmitt trigger control GPIO SMT Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT1 GPIO SR Control Configures GPIO slew rate control GPIO SR Control For bitwise access of GPIO_SR1 GPIO DRV Control Configures GPIO driving control GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV1 GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 427 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual GPIO DRV Control Configures GPIO driving control GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV2 A2020820 GPIO_DRV2 32 A2020824 GPIO_DRV2_SE T 32 A2020828 GPIO_DRV2_CL R 32 GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV2 A2020830 GPIO_DRV3 32 GPIO DRV Control Configures GPIO driving control A2020834 GPIO_DRV3_SE T 32 GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV3 A2020838 GPIO_DRV3_CL R 32 GPIO DRV Control For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV3 A2020900 GPIO_IES0 32 A2020904 GPIO_IES0_SE T 32 A2020908 GPIO_IES0_CL R 32 GPIO IES Control For bitwise access of GPIO_IES0 A2020910 GPIO_IES1 32 GPIO IES Control Configures GPIO input enabling control A2020914 GPIO_IES1_SET 32 GPIO IES Control For bitwise access of GPIO_IES1 A2020918 GPIO_IES1_CLR 32 GPIO IES Control For bitwise access of GPIO_IES1 A2020A00 GPIO_PUPD0 32 A2020A04 GPIO_PUPD0_S ET 32 A2020A08 GPIO_PUPD0_C LR 32 GPIO PUPD Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD0 A2020A10 GPIO_PUPD1 32 GPIO PUPD Control Configures GPIO PUPD control A2020A14 GPIO_PUPD1_S ET 32 GPIO PUPD Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD1 A2020A18 GPIO_PUPD1_C LR 32 GPIO PUPD Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD1 A2020B00 GPIO_RESEN0_ 0 32 A2020B04 GPIO_RESEN0_ 0_SET 32 A2020B08 GPIO_RESEN0_ 0_CLR 32 GPIO R0 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_0 A2020B10 GPIO_RESEN0_ 1 32 GPIO R0 Control Configures GPIO R0 control A2020B14 GPIO_RESEN0_ 1_SET 32 GPIO R0 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_1 A2020B18 GPIO_RESEN0_ 1_CLR 32 GPIO R0 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_1 A2020B20 GPIO_RESEN1_ 0 32 A2020B24 GPIO_RESEN1_ 0_SET 32 A2020B28 GPIO_RESEN1_ 0_CLR 32 GPIO IES Control Configures GPIO input enabling control GPIO IES Control For bitwise access of GPIO_IES0 GPIO PUPD Control Configures GPIO PUPD control GPIO PUPD Control For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD0 GPIO R0 Control Configures GPIO R0 control GPIO R0 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_0 GPIO R1 Control Configures GPIO R1 control GPIO R1 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_0 GPIO R1 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 428 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual GPIO R1 Control Configures GPIO R1 control GPIO R1 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_1 A2020B30 GPIO_RESEN1_ 1 32 A2020B34 GPIO_RESEN1_ 1_SET 32 A2020B38 GPIO_RESEN1_ 1_CLR 32 GPIO R1 Control For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_1 A2020C00 GPIO_MODE0 32 GPIO Mode Control Configures GPIO aux. mode A2020C04 GPIO_MODE0_ SET 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE0 A2020C08 GPIO_MODE0_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE0 A2020C10 GPIO_MODE1 32 A2020C14 GPIO_MODE1_S ET 32 A2020C18 GPIO_MODE1_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE1 A2020C20 GPIO_MODE2 32 GPIO Mode Control Configures GPIO aux. mode A2020C24 GPIO_MODE2_ SET 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE2 A2020C28 GPIO_MODE2_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE2 A2020C30 GPIO_MODE3 32 A2020C34 GPIO_MODE3_ SET 32 A2020C38 GPIO_MODE3_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE3 A2020C40 GPIO_MODE4 32 GPIO Mode Control Configures GPIO aux. mode A2020C44 GPIO_MODE4_ SET 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE4 A2020C48 GPIO_MODE4_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE4 A2020C50 GPIO_MODE5 32 A2020C54 GPIO_MODE5_ SET 32 A2020C58 GPIO_MODE5_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE5 A2020C60 GPIO_MODE6 32 GPIO Mode Control Configures GPIO aux. mode A2020C64 GPIO_MODE6_ SET 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE6 A2020C68 GPIO_MODE6_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE6 A2020D00 GPIO_TDSEL0 32 A2020D04 GPIO_TDSEL0_ SET 32 A2020D08 GPIO_TDSEL0_ CLR 32 GPIO Mode Control Configures GPIO aux. mode GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE1 GPIO Mode Control Configures GPIO aux. mode GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE3 GPIO Mode Control Configures GPIO aux. mode GPIO Mode Control For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE5 GPIO TDSEL Control GPIO TX duty control register GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual GPIO TDSEL Control GPIO TX duty control register GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL A2020D10 GPIO_TDSEL1 32 A2020D14 GPIO_TDSEL1_ SET 32 A2020D18 GPIO_TDSEL1_ CLR 32 GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL A2020D20 GPIO_TDSEL2 32 GPIO TDSEL Control GPIO TX duty control register A2020D24 GPIO_TDSEL2_ SET 32 GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL A2020D28 GPIO_TDSEL2_ CLR 32 GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL A2020D30 GPIO_TDSEL3 32 A2020D34 GPIO_TDSEL3_ SET 32 A2020D38 GPIO_TDSEL3_ CLR 32 GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL A2020E00 CLK_OUT0 32 CLK Out Selection Control CLK OUT0 Setting A2020E10 CLK_OUT1 32 CLK Out Selection Control CLK OUT1 Setting A2020E20 CLK_OUT2 32 CLK Out Selection Control CLK OUT2 Setting A2020E30 CLK_OUT3 32 A2020E40 CLK_OUT4 32 A2020E50 CLK_OUT5 32 A2020000 GPIO_DIR0 Bit Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset GPIO TDSEL Control GPIO TX duty control register GPIO TDSEL Control For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL CLK Out Selection Control CLK OUT3 Setting CLK Out Selection Control CLK OUT4 Setting CLK Out Selection Control CLK OUT5 Setting GPIO Direction Control 02020000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO direction Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_DIR GPIO31 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_DIR GPIO30 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_DIR GPIO29 direction control 0: GPIO as input © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: GPIO as output 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_DIR GPIO28 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_DIR GPIO27 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_DIR GPIO26 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_DIR GPIO25 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_DIR GPIO24 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_DIR GPIO23 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_DIR GPIO22 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_DIR GPIO21 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_DIR GPIO20 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_DIR GPIO19 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_DIR GPIO18 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_DIR GPIO17 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_DIR GPIO16 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_DIR GPIO15 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_DIR GPIO14 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_DIR GPIO13 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_DIR GPIO12 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_DIR GPIO11 direction control 0: GPIO as input © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: GPIO as output 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_DIR GPIO10 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_DIR GPIO9 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_DIR GPIO8 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_DIR GPIO7 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_DIR GPIO6 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_DIR GPIO5 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_DIR GPIO4 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_DIR GPIO3 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_DIR GPIO2 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_DIR GPIO1 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_DIR GPIO0 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output A2020004 Bit Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset GPIO_DIR0_S GPIO Direction Control ET 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31 00000000 GPIO31 GPIO31_DIR Description Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020008 Bit Mne Type Reset Bit Mne Type Reset GPIO_DIR0_C GPIO Direction Control LR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 direction 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020010 Bit GPIO_DIR1 GPIO Direction Control 00180088 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RW 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Configures GPIO direction Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_DIR GPIO48 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_DIR GPIO47 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_DIR GPIO46 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_DIR GPIO45 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_DIR GPIO44 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_DIR GPIO43 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_DIR GPIO42 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_DIR GPIO41 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_DIR GPIO40 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_DIR GPIO39 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_DIR GPIO38 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_DIR GPIO37 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_DIR GPIO36 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_DIR GPIO35 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_DIR GPIO34 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_DIR GPIO33 direction control 0: GPIO as input 1: GPIO as output 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_DIR GPIO32 direction control 0: GPIO as input © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020014 Bit Description 1: GPIO as output GPIO_DIR1_S GPIO Direction Control ET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_DIR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 direction 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020018 Bit GPIO_DIR1_C GPIO Direction Control LR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_DIR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 direction 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020100 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPIO_PULLEN GPIO Pull-up/down Enable Control 0 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 Name Type Reset Overview 0000040F 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO1 0 RW 1 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 3 2 0 RW RW RW RW 1 1 1 1 Configures GPIO pull enabling Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_PULLEN GPIO10 PULLEN 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_PULLEN GPIO3 PULLEN 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_PULLEN GPIO2 PULLEN © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 440 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_PULLEN GPIO1 PULLEN 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_PULLEN GPIO0 PULLEN 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020104 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPIO_PULLEN GPIO Pull-up/down Enable Control 0_SET 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 Name Type Reset Overview 00000000 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO1 0 WO 0 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLEN0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_PULLEN Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 PULLEN_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_PULLEN Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 PULLEN_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_PULLEN Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 PULLEN_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_PULLEN Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 PULLEN_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_PULLEN Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 PULLEN_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020108 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_PULLEN GPIO Pull-up/down Enable Control 0_CLR 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 00000000 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO1 0 WO 0 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLEN0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_PULLEN Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10 PULLEN_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_PULLEN Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3 PULLEN_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_PULLEN Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2 PULLEN_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_PULLEN Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1 PULLEN_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_PULLEN Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0 PULLEN_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020200 Bit GPIO_DINV0 31 30 29 GPIO Data Inversion Control 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 INV3 INV2 INV2 INV2 INV2 INV2 INV2 INV2 Name INV31 0 INV27 INV25 INV21 INV19 INV18 INV17 INV16 9 8 6 4 3 2 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name INV15 INV14 INV13 INV12 INV11 INV10 INV9 INV8 INV7 INV6 INV5 INV4 INV3 INV2 INV1 INV0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO inversion enabling Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 INV31 GPIO31_DINV GPIO31 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 30 INV30 GPIO30_DINV GPIO30 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 29 INV29 GPIO29_DINV GPIO29 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 28 INV28 GPIO28_DINV GPIO28 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 27 INV27 GPIO27_DINV GPIO27 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 26 INV26 GPIO26_DINV GPIO26 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 25 INV25 GPIO25_DINV GPIO25 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 24 INV24 GPIO24_DINV GPIO24 inversion control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 23 INV23 GPIO23_DINV GPIO23 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 22 INV22 GPIO22_DINV GPIO22 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 21 INV21 GPIO21_DINV GPIO21 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 20 INV20 GPIO20_DINV GPIO20 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 19 INV19 GPIO19_DINV GPIO19 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 18 INV18 GPIO18_DINV GPIO18 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 17 INV17 GPIO17_DINV GPIO17 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 16 INV16 GPIO16_DINV GPIO16 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 15 INV15 GPIO15_DINV GPIO15 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 14 INV14 GPIO14_DINV GPIO14 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 13 INV13 GPIO13_DINV GPIO13 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 12 INV12 GPIO12_DINV GPIO12 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 11 INV11 GPIO11_DINV GPIO11 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 10 INV10 GPIO10_DINV GPIO10 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 9 INV9 GPIO9_DINV GPIO9 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 8 INV8 GPIO8_DINV GPIO8 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 7 INV7 GPIO7_DINV GPIO7 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 6 INV6 GPIO6_DINV GPIO6 inversion control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 5 INV5 GPIO5_DINV GPIO5 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 4 INV4 GPIO4_DINV GPIO4 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 3 INV3 GPIO3_DINV GPIO3 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 2 INV2 GPIO2_DINV GPIO2 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 1 INV1 GPIO1_DINV GPIO1 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 0 INV0 GPIO0_DINV GPIO0 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value A2020204 GPIO_DINV0_ GPIO Data Inversion Control SET 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name INV31 INV3 INV2 INV2 INV27 INV2 INV25 INV2 INV2 INV2 INV21 INV2 INV19 INV18 INV17 INV16 0 9 8 6 4 3 2 0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name INV15 INV14 INV13 INV12 INV11 INV10 INV9 INV8 INV7 INV6 INV5 INV4 INV3 INV2 INV1 INV0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 INV31 GPIO31_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 30 INV30 GPIO30_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 INV29 GPIO29_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 INV28 GPIO28_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 INV27 GPIO27_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 INV26 GPIO26_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 25 INV25 GPIO25_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 INV24 GPIO24_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 INV23 GPIO23_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 INV22 GPIO22_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 INV21 GPIO21_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 INV20 GPIO20_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 INV19 GPIO19_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 INV18 GPIO18_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 INV17 GPIO17_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 INV16 GPIO16_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 INV15 GPIO15_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 INV14 GPIO14_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 INV13 GPIO13_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 INV12 GPIO12_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 INV11 GPIO11_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 INV10 GPIO10_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 INV9 GPIO9_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 INV8 GPIO8_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 7 INV7 GPIO7_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 INV6 GPIO6_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 INV5 GPIO5_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 INV4 GPIO4_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 INV3 GPIO3_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 INV2 GPIO2_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 INV1 GPIO1_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 INV0 GPIO0_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020208 Bit GPIO_DINV0_ GPIO Data Inversion Control CLR 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 00000000 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name INV31 INV3 INV2 INV2 INV27 INV2 INV25 INV2 INV2 INV2 INV21 INV2 INV19 INV18 INV17 INV16 0 9 8 6 4 3 2 0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name INV15 INV14 INV13 INV12 INV11 INV10 INV9 INV8 INV7 INV6 INV5 INV4 INV3 INV2 INV1 INV0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 INV31 GPIO31_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 INV30 GPIO30_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 INV29 GPIO29_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 INV28 GPIO28_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27 INV27 GPIO27_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 inversion control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 INV26 GPIO26_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 INV25 GPIO25_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 INV24 GPIO24_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 INV23 GPIO23_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 INV22 GPIO22_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 INV21 GPIO21_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 INV20 GPIO20_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 INV19 GPIO19_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 INV18 GPIO18_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 INV17 GPIO17_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 INV16 GPIO16_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 INV15 GPIO15_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 INV14 GPIO14_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 INV13 GPIO13_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 INV12 GPIO12_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 INV11 GPIO11_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 INV10 GPIO10_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 INV9 GPIO9_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 inversion control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 INV8 GPIO8_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 INV7 GPIO7_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 INV6 GPIO6_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 INV5 GPIO5_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 INV4 GPIO4_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 INV3 GPIO3_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 INV2 GPIO2_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 INV1 GPIO1_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 INV0 GPIO0_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020210 Bit GPIO_DINV1 GPIO Data Inversion Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 INV4 8 RW 0 0 INV4 INV4 INV4 INV4 INV4 INV4 INV3 INV3 INV3 INV3 INV3 INV3 Name INV45 INV41 INV37 INV35 7 6 4 3 2 0 9 8 6 4 3 2 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO inversion enabling Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 INV48 GPIO48_DINV GPIO48 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 15 INV47 GPIO47_DINV GPIO47 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 14 INV46 GPIO46_DINV GPIO46 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13 INV45 GPIO45_DINV GPIO45 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 12 INV44 GPIO44_DINV GPIO44 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 11 INV43 GPIO43_DINV GPIO43 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 10 INV42 GPIO42_DINV GPIO42 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 9 INV41 GPIO41_DINV GPIO41 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 8 INV40 GPIO40_DINV GPIO40 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 7 INV39 GPIO39_DINV GPIO39 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 6 INV38 GPIO38_DINV GPIO38 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 5 INV37 GPIO37_DINV GPIO37 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 4 INV36 GPIO36_DINV GPIO36 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 3 INV35 GPIO35_DINV GPIO35 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 2 INV34 GPIO34_DINV GPIO34 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 1 INV33 GPIO33_DINV GPIO33 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value 0 INV32 GPIO32_DINV GPIO32 inversion control 0: Keep input value 1: Invert input value A2020214 Bit GPIO_DINV1_ GPIO Data Inversion Control SET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 INV4 8 WO 0 0 Name INV4 INV4 INV45 INV4 INV4 INV4 INV41 INV4 INV3 INV3 INV37 INV3 INV35 INV3 INV3 INV3 7 6 4 3 2 0 9 8 6 4 3 2 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 INV48 GPIO48_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 INV47 GPIO47_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 INV46 GPIO46_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 INV45 GPIO45_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 INV44 GPIO44_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 INV43 GPIO43_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 INV42 GPIO42_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 INV41 GPIO41_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 INV40 GPIO40_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 INV39 GPIO39_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 INV38 GPIO38_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 INV37 GPIO37_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 INV36 GPIO36_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 INV35 GPIO35_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 INV34 GPIO34_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 INV33 GPIO33_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 inversion control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 INV32 GPIO32_DINV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 inversion control 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020218 Bit Description 1: SET bits GPIO_DINV1_ GPIO Data Inversion Control CLR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 INV4 8 WO 0 0 Name INV4 INV4 INV45 INV4 INV4 INV4 INV41 INV4 INV3 INV3 INV37 INV3 INV35 INV3 INV3 INV3 7 6 4 3 2 0 9 8 6 4 3 2 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DINV1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 INV48 GPIO48_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 INV47 GPIO47_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 INV46 GPIO46_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 INV45 GPIO45_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 INV44 GPIO44_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 INV43 GPIO43_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 INV42 GPIO42_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 INV41 GPIO41_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 INV40 GPIO40_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 INV39 GPIO39_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 INV38 GPIO38_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 INV37 GPIO37_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 4 INV36 GPIO36_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 INV35 GPIO35_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 INV34 GPIO34_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 INV33 GPIO33_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 INV32 GPIO32_DINV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 inversion control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020300 GPIO_DOUT0 GPIO Output Data Control 02020000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO output value Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_OUT GPIO31 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_OUT GPIO30 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_OUT GPIO29 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_OUT GPIO28 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_OUT GPIO27 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_OUT GPIO26 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_OUT GPIO25 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_OUT GPIO24 data output value 0: GPIO output LO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: GPIO output HI 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_OUT GPIO23 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_OUT GPIO22 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_OUT GPIO21 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_OUT GPIO20 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_OUT GPIO19 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_OUT GPIO18 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_OUT GPIO17 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_OUT GPIO16 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_OUT GPIO15 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_OUT GPIO14 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_OUT GPIO13 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_OUT GPIO12 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_OUT GPIO11 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_OUT GPIO10 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_OUT GPIO9 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_OUT GPIO8 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_OUT GPIO7 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_OUT GPIO6 data output value 0: GPIO output LO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: GPIO output HI 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_OUT GPIO5 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_OUT GPIO4 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_OUT GPIO3 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_OUT GPIO2 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_OUT GPIO1 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_OUT GPIO0 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI A2020304 GPIO_DOUT0_ GPIO Output Data Control SET 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 455 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020308 GPIO_DOUT0_ GPIO Output Data Control CLR 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 456 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 457 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020310 Bit GPIO_DOUT1 GPIO Output Data Control 00000080 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RW 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO output value Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 6 GPIO48 GPIO48_OUT GPIO48 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_OUT GPIO47 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_OUT GPIO46 data output value 0: GPIO output LO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: GPIO output HI 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_OUT GPIO45 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_OUT GPIO44 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_OUT GPIO43 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_OUT GPIO42 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_OUT GPIO41 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_OUT GPIO40 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_OUT GPIO39 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_OUT GPIO38 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_OUT GPIO37 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_OUT GPIO36 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_OUT GPIO35 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_OUT GPIO34 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_OUT GPIO33 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_OUT GPIO32 data output value 0: GPIO output LO 1: GPIO output HI A2020314 Bit GPIO_DOUT1_ GPIO Output Data Control SET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Type Reset WO 0 Overview WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 data output value 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_OUT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 data output value © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020318 Bit Description 0: Keep 1: SET bits GPIO_DOUT1_ GPIO Output Data Control CLR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Name 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_DIR1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 data output value 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_OUT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 data output value 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020400 GPIO_DIN0 GPIO Input Data Value 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Reads GPIO input value Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_DIN GPIO31 data input value 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_DIN GPIO30 data input value 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_DIN GPIO29 data input value 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_DIN GPIO28 data input value 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_DIN GPIO27 data input value 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_DIN GPIO26 data input value 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_DIN GPIO25 data input value 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_DIN GPIO24 data input value 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_DIN GPIO23 data input value 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_DIN GPIO22 data input value 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_DIN GPIO21 data input value 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_DIN GPIO20 data input value 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_DIN GPIO19 data input value 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_DIN GPIO18 data input value 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_DIN GPIO17 data input value 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_DIN GPIO16 data input value 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_DIN GPIO15 data input value 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_DIN GPIO14 data input value © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_DIN GPIO13 data input value 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_DIN GPIO12 data input value 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_DIN GPIO11 data input value 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_DIN GPIO10 data input value 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_DIN GPIO9 data input value 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_DIN GPIO8 data input value 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_DIN GPIO7 data input value 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_DIN GPIO6 data input value 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_DIN GPIO5 data input value 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_DIN GPIO4 data input value 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_DIN GPIO3 data input value 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_DIN GPIO2 data input value 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_DIN GPIO1 data input value 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_DIN GPIO0 data input value A2020410 Bit GPIO_DIN1 GPIO Input Data Value 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RO 0 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Name 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Reads GPIO input value Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_DIN GPIO48 data input value 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_DIN GPIO47 data input value 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_DIN GPIO46 data input value 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_DIN GPIO45 data input value 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_DIN GPIO44 data input value 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_DIN GPIO43 data input value 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_DIN GPIO42 data input value 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_DIN GPIO41 data input value 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_DIN GPIO40 data input value 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_DIN GPIO39 data input value 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_DIN GPIO38 data input value 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_DIN GPIO37 data input value 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_DIN GPIO36 data input value 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_DIN GPIO35 data input value 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_DIN GPIO34 data input value 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_DIN GPIO33 data input value 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_DIN GPIO32 data input value © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2020500 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPIO_PULLSE GPIO Pullsel Control L0 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 Name Type Reset Overview 0000040F 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO1 0 RW 1 17 16 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 3 2 0 RW RW RW RW 1 1 1 1 Description 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_PULLSEL GPIO10_PULLSEL 0: Pull down 1: Pull up 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_PULLSEL GPIO3_PULLSEL 0: Pull down 1: Pull up 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_PULLSEL GPIO2_PULLSEL 0: Pull down 1: Pull up 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_PULLSEL GPIO1_PULLSEL 0: Pull down 1: Pull up 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_PULLSEL GPIO0_PULLSEL 0: Pull down 1: Pull up A2020504 GPIO_PULLSE GPIO Pullsel Control L0_SET 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 Name Type Reset Overview 18 Configures GPIO PUPD selection Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit 19 00000000 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO1 0 WO 0 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLSEL0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_PULLSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 PULLSEL_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_PULLSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 PULLSEL_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_PULLSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 PULLSEL_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_PULLSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 PULLSEL_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_PULLSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 PULLSEL_SET 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020508 Bit Name Type Reset Bit GPIO_PULLSE GPIO Pullsel Control L0_CLR 31 30 29 28 27 15 14 13 12 11 Name Type Reset Overview 00000000 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO1 0 WO 0 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_PULLSEL0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_PULLSEL Bitwise CKR operation of GPIO10 PULLSEL_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_PULLSEL Bitwise CKR operation of GPIO3 PULLSEL_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_PULLSEL Bitwise CKR operation of GPIO2 PULLSEL_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_PULLSEL Bitwise CKR operation of GPIO1 PULLSEL_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_PULLSEL Bitwise CKR operation of GPIO0 PULLSEL_CLR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020600 GPIO_SMT0 GPIO SMT Control 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO Name 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO Schmitt trigger control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_SMT SMT for GPIO31 0: Disable 1: Enable 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_SMT SMT for GPIO30 0: Disable 1: Enable 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_SMT SMT for GPIO29 0: Disable 1: Enable 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_SMT SMT for GPIO28 0: Disable 1: Enable 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_SMT SMT for GPIO27 0: Disable 1: Enable 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_SMT SMT for GPIO26 0: Disable 1: Enable 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_SMT SMT for GPIO25 0: Disable 1: Enable 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_SMT SMT for GPIO24 0: Disable 1: Enable 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_SMT SMT for GPIO23 0: Disable 1: Enable 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_SMT SMT for GPIO22 0: Disable 1: Enable 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_SMT SMT for GPIO21 0: Disable 1: Enable 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_SMT SMT for GPIO20 0: Disable 1: Enable 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_SMT SMT for GPIO19 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_SMT SMT for GPIO18 0: Disable 1: Enable 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_SMT SMT for GPIO17 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_SMT SMT for GPIO16 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_SMT SMT for GPIO15 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_SMT SMT for GPIO14 0: Disable 1: Enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_SMT SMT for GPIO13 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_SMT SMT for GPIO12 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_SMT SMT for GPIO11 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_SMT SMT for GPIO10 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_SMT SMT for GPIO9 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_SMT SMT for GPIO8 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_SMT SMT for GPIO7 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_SMT SMT for GPIO6 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_SMT SMT for GPIO5 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_SMT SMT for GPIO4 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_SMT SMT for GPIO3 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_SMT SMT for GPIO2 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_SMT SMT for GPIO1 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_SMT SMT for GPIO0 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020604 GPIO_SMT0_S GPIO SMT Control ET 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 SMT 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020608 Bit 31 GPIO_SMT0_C GPIO SMT Control LR 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 00000000 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 469 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 0 15 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 SMT © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 470 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020610 GPIO_SMT1 GPIO SMT Control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00000000 Page 471 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RW 0 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Name 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO Schmitt trigger control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_SMT SMT for GPIO48 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_SMT SMT for GPIO47 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_SMT SMT for GPIO46 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_SMT SMT for GPIO45 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_SMT SMT for GPIO44 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_SMT SMT for GPIO43 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_SMT SMT for GPIO42 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_SMT SMT for GPIO41 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_SMT SMT for GPIO40 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_SMT SMT for GPIO39 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_SMT SMT for GPIO38 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_SMT SMT for GPIO37 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_SMT SMT for GPIO36 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_SMT SMT for GPIO35 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_SMT SMT for GPIO34 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 472 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_SMT SMT for GPIO33 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_SMT SMT for GPIO32 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020614 Bit GPIO_SMT1_S GPIO SMT Control ET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Name 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 SMT 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: SET bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_SMT Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 SMT 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020618 Bit GPIO_SMT1_C GPIO SMT Control LR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_SMT1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_SMT Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 SMT 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020700 GPIO_SR0 GPIO SR Control FFFFFFFF Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Overview Configures GPIO slew rate control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_SR Description SR for GPIO31 0: Disable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: Enable 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_SR SR for GPIO30 0: Disable 1: Enable 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_SR SR for GPIO29 0: Disable 1: Enable 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_SR SR for GPIO28 0: Disable 1: Enable 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_SR SR for GPIO27 0: Disable 1: Enable 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_SR SR for GPIO26 0: Disable 1: Enable 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_SR SR for GPIO25 0: Disable 1: Enable 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_SR SR for GPIO24 0: Disable 1: Enable 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_SR SR for GPIO23 0: Disable 1: Enable 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_SR SR for GPIO22 0: Disable 1: Enable 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_SR SR for GPIO21 0: Disable 1: Enable 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_SR SR for GPIO20 0: Disable 1: Enable 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_SR SR for GPIO19 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_SR SR for GPIO18 0: Disable 1: Enable 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_SR SR for GPIO17 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_SR SR for GPIO16 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_SR SR for GPIO15 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_SR SR for GPIO14 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_SR SR for GPIO13 0: Disable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: Enable 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_SR SR for GPIO12 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_SR SR for GPIO11 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_SR SR for GPIO10 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_SR SR for GPIO9 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_SR SR for GPIO8 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_SR SR for GPIO7 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_SR SR for GPIO6 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_SR SR for GPIO5 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_SR SR for GPIO4 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_SR SR for GPIO3 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_SR SR for GPIO2 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_SR SR for GPIO1 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_SR SR for GPIO0 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020704 GPIO_SR0_SE GPIO SR Control T 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_SR0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 SR © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020708 GPIO_SR0_CL GPIO SR Control R 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO Type Reset Bit 31 WO 0 15 30 WO 0 14 29 WO 0 13 28 WO 0 12 27 WO 0 11 26 WO 0 10 25 WO 0 9 24 WO 0 8 23 WO 0 7 22 WO 0 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 WO 0 5 20 WO 0 4 9 WO 0 3 8 WO 0 2 7 WO 0 1 16 WO 0 0 Page 479 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Name Type Reset GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_SR0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020710 Bit 31 GPIO_SR1 30 29 GPIO SR Control 28 27 26 25 0007FFFF 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Name © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 17 16 GPIO 48 Page 481 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Type Reset Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RW 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Name 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Overview Configures GPIO slew rate control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_SR SR for GPIO48 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_SR SR for GPIO47 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_SR SR for GPIO46 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_SR SR for GPIO45 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_SR SR for GPIO44 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_SR SR for GPIO43 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_SR SR for GPIO42 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_SR SR for GPIO41 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_SR SR for GPIO40 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_SR SR for GPIO39 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_SR SR for GPIO38 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_SR SR for GPIO37 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_SR SR for GPIO36 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_SR SR for GPIO35 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_SR SR for GPIO34 0: Disable 1: Enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_SR SR for GPIO33 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_SR SR for GPIO32 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020714 Bit GPIO_SR1_SE GPIO SR Control T 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_SR1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 483 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_SR Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 SR 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020718 Bit GPIO_SR1_CL GPIO SR Control R 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_SR1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 484 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_SR Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 SR 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020800 GPIO_DRV0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO DRV Control 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO15 RW 0 0 GPIO7 RW 0 0 GPIO14 RW 0 0 GPIO6 RW 0 0 GPIO13 RW 0 0 GPIO5 RW 0 0 GPIO12 RW 0 0 GPIO4 RW 0 0 GPIO11 RW 0 0 GPIO3 RW 0 0 GPIO10 RW 0 0 GPIO2 RW 0 0 GPIO9 RW 0 0 GPIO1 RW 0 0 GPIO8 RW 0 0 GPIO0 RW 0 0 Configures GPIO driving control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO15 GPIO15_DRV GPIO15 driving control 29:28 GPIO14 GPIO14_DRV GPIO14 driving control 27:26 GPIO13 GPIO13_DRV GPIO13 driving control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 485 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 25:24 GPIO12 GPIO12_DRV GPIO12 driving control 23:22 GPIO11 GPIO11_DRV GPIO11 driving control 21:20 GPIO10 GPIO10_DRV GPIO10 driving control 19:18 GPIO9 GPIO9_DRV GPIO9 driving control 17:16 GPIO8 GPIO8_DRV GPIO8 driving control 15:14 GPIO7 GPIO7_DRV GPIO7 driving control 13:12 GPIO6 GPIO6_DRV GPIO6 driving control 11:10 GPIO5 GPIO5_DRV GPIO5 driving control 9:8 GPIO4 GPIO4_DRV GPIO4 driving control 7:6 GPIO3 GPIO3_DRV GPIO3 driving control 5:4 GPIO2 GPIO2_DRV GPIO2 driving control 3:2 GPIO1 GPIO1_DRV GPIO1 driving control 1:0 GPIO0 GPIO0_DRV GPIO0 driving control A2020804 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV0_S GPIO DRV Control ET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO15 WO 0 0 GPIO7 WO 0 0 GPIO14 WO 0 0 GPIO6 WO 0 0 GPIO13 WO 0 0 GPIO5 WO 0 0 GPIO12 WO 0 0 GPIO4 WO 0 0 GPIO11 WO 0 0 GPIO3 WO 0 0 GPIO10 WO 0 0 GPIO2 WO 0 0 GPIO9 WO 0 0 GPIO1 WO 0 0 GPIO8 WO 0 0 GPIO0 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO15 GPIO15_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29:28 GPIO14 GPIO14_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:26 GPIO13 GPIO13_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25:24 GPIO12 GPIO12_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:22 GPIO11 GPIO11_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21:20 GPIO10 GPIO10_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:18 GPIO9 GPIO9_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17:16 GPIO8 GPIO8_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8_DRV 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 486 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: SET bits 15:14 GPIO7 GPIO7_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13:12 GPIO6 GPIO6_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:10 GPIO5 GPIO5_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9:8 GPIO4 GPIO4_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:6 GPIO3 GPIO3_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5:4 GPIO2 GPIO2_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:2 GPIO1 GPIO1_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1:0 GPIO0 GPIO0_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020808 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV0_C GPIO DRV Control LR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO15 WO 0 0 GPIO7 WO 0 0 GPIO14 WO 0 0 GPIO6 WO 0 0 GPIO13 WO 0 0 GPIO5 WO 0 0 GPIO12 WO 0 0 GPIO4 WO 0 0 GPIO11 WO 0 0 GPIO3 WO 0 0 GPIO10 WO 0 0 GPIO2 WO 0 0 GPIO9 WO 0 0 GPIO1 WO 0 0 GPIO8 WO 0 0 GPIO0 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO15 GPIO15_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29:28 GPIO14 GPIO14_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:26 GPIO13 GPIO13_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25:24 GPIO12 GPIO12_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:22 GPIO11 GPIO11_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11_DRV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 487 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21:20 GPIO10 GPIO10_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:18 GPIO9 GPIO9_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17:16 GPIO8 GPIO8_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:14 GPIO7 GPIO7_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13:12 GPIO6 GPIO6_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:10 GPIO5 GPIO5_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9:8 GPIO4 GPIO4_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:6 GPIO3 GPIO3_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5:4 GPIO2 GPIO2_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:2 GPIO1 GPIO1_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1:0 GPIO0 GPIO0_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020810 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV1 GPIO DRV Control 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO31 RW 0 0 GPIO23 RW 0 0 GPIO30 RW 0 0 GPIO22 RW 0 0 GPIO29 RW 0 0 GPIO21 RW 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO28 RW 0 0 GPIO20 RW 0 0 GPIO27 RW 0 0 GPIO19 RW 0 0 GPIO26 RW 0 0 GPIO18 RW 0 0 GPIO25 RW 0 0 GPIO17 RW 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO24 RW 0 0 GPIO16 RW 0 0 Configures GPIO driving control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO31 GPIO31_DRV GPIO31 driving control 29:28 GPIO30 GPIO30_DRV GPIO30 driving control 27:26 GPIO29 GPIO29_DRV GPIO29 driving control 25:24 GPIO28 GPIO28_DRV GPIO28 driving control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 488 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 23:22 GPIO27 GPIO27_DRV GPIO27 driving control 21:20 GPIO26 GPIO26_DRV GPIO26 driving control 19:18 GPIO25 GPIO25_DRV GPIO25 driving control 17:16 GPIO24 GPIO24_DRV GPIO24 driving control 15:14 GPIO23 GPIO23_DRV GPIO23 driving control 13:12 GPIO22 GPIO22_DRV GPIO22 driving control 11:10 GPIO21 GPIO21_DRV GPIO21 driving control 9:8 GPIO20 GPIO20_DRV GPIO20 driving control 7:6 GPIO19 GPIO19_DRV GPIO19 driving control 5:4 GPIO18 GPIO18_DRV GPIO18 driving control 3:2 GPIO17 GPIO17_DRV GPIO17 driving control 1:0 GPIO16 GPIO16_DRV GPIO16 driving control A2020814 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV1_S GPIO DRV Control ET 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO31 WO 0 0 GPIO23 WO 0 0 GPIO30 WO 0 0 GPIO22 WO 0 0 GPIO29 WO 0 0 GPIO21 WO 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO28 WO 0 0 GPIO20 WO 0 0 GPIO27 WO 0 0 GPIO19 WO 0 0 GPIO26 WO 0 0 GPIO18 WO 0 0 GPIO25 WO 0 0 GPIO17 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO24 WO 0 0 GPIO16 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO31 GPIO31_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29:28 GPIO30 GPIO30_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:26 GPIO29 GPIO29_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25:24 GPIO28 GPIO28_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:22 GPIO27 GPIO27_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21:20 GPIO26 GPIO26_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:18 GPIO25 GPIO25_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17:16 GPIO24 GPIO24_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 489 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:14 GPIO23 GPIO23_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13:12 GPIO22 GPIO22_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:10 GPIO21 GPIO21_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9:8 GPIO20 GPIO20_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:6 GPIO19 GPIO19_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5:4 GPIO18 GPIO18_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:2 GPIO17 GPIO17_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1:0 GPIO16 GPIO16_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020818 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV1_C GPIO DRV Control LR 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO31 WO 0 0 GPIO23 WO 0 0 GPIO30 WO 0 0 GPIO22 WO 0 0 GPIO29 WO 0 0 GPIO21 WO 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO28 WO 0 0 GPIO20 WO 0 0 GPIO27 WO 0 0 GPIO19 WO 0 0 GPIO26 WO 0 0 GPIO18 WO 0 0 GPIO25 WO 0 0 GPIO17 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO24 WO 0 0 GPIO16 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO31 GPIO31_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29:28 GPIO30 GPIO30_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:26 GPIO29 GPIO29_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25:24 GPIO28 GPIO28_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:22 GPIO27 GPIO27_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27_DRV 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 490 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 21:20 GPIO26 GPIO26_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:18 GPIO25 GPIO25_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17:16 GPIO24 GPIO24_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:14 GPIO23 GPIO23_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13:12 GPIO22 GPIO22_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:10 GPIO21 GPIO21_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9:8 GPIO20 GPIO20_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:6 GPIO19 GPIO19_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5:4 GPIO18 GPIO18_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:2 GPIO17 GPIO17_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1:0 GPIO16 GPIO16_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020820 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV2 GPIO DRV Control 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO47 RW 0 0 GPIO39 RW 0 0 GPIO46 RW 0 0 GPIO38 RW 0 0 GPIO45 RW 0 0 GPIO37 RW 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO44 RW 0 0 GPIO36 RW 0 0 00000000 23 22 7 6 GPIO43 RW 0 0 GPIO35 RW 0 0 21 20 5 4 GPIO42 RW 0 0 GPIO34 RW 0 0 19 18 3 2 GPIO41 RW 0 0 GPIO33 RW 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO40 RW 0 0 GPIO32 RW 0 0 Configures GPIO driving control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO47 GPIO47_DRV GPIO47 driving control 29:28 GPIO46 GPIO46_DRV GPIO46 driving control 27:26 GPIO45 GPIO45_DRV GPIO45 driving control 25:24 GPIO44 GPIO44_DRV GPIO44 driving control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 491 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 23:22 GPIO43 GPIO43_DRV GPIO43 driving control 21:20 GPIO42 GPIO42_DRV GPIO42 driving control 19:18 GPIO41 GPIO41_DRV GPIO41 driving control 17:16 GPIO40 GPIO40_DRV GPIO40 driving control 15:14 GPIO39 GPIO39_DRV GPIO39 driving control 13:12 GPIO38 GPIO38_DRV GPIO38 driving control 11:10 GPIO37 GPIO37_DRV GPIO37 driving control 9:8 GPIO36 GPIO36_DRV GPIO36 driving control 7:6 GPIO35 GPIO35_DRV GPIO35 driving control 5:4 GPIO34 GPIO34_DRV GPIO34 driving control 3:2 GPIO33 GPIO33_DRV GPIO33 driving control 1:0 GPIO32 GPIO32_DRV GPIO32 driving control A2020824 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV2_S GPIO DRV Control ET 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO47 WO 0 0 GPIO39 WO 0 0 GPIO46 WO 0 0 GPIO38 WO 0 0 GPIO45 WO 0 0 GPIO37 WO 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO44 WO 0 0 GPIO36 WO 0 0 00000000 23 22 7 6 GPIO43 WO 0 0 GPIO35 WO 0 0 21 20 5 4 GPIO42 WO 0 0 GPIO34 WO 0 0 19 18 3 2 GPIO41 WO 0 0 GPIO33 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO40 WO 0 0 GPIO32 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO47 GPIO47_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29:28 GPIO46 GPIO46_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:26 GPIO45 GPIO45_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25:24 GPIO44 GPIO44_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:22 GPIO43 GPIO43_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21:20 GPIO42 GPIO42_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:18 GPIO41 GPIO41_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17:16 GPIO40 GPIO40_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 492 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:14 GPIO39 GPIO39_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13:12 GPIO38 GPIO38_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:10 GPIO37 GPIO37_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9:8 GPIO36 GPIO36_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:6 GPIO35 GPIO35_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5:4 GPIO34 GPIO34_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:2 GPIO33 GPIO33_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1:0 GPIO32 GPIO32_DRV Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020828 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_DRV2_C GPIO DRV Control LR 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO47 WO 0 0 GPIO39 WO 0 0 GPIO46 WO 0 0 GPIO38 WO 0 0 GPIO45 WO 0 0 GPIO37 WO 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO44 WO 0 0 GPIO36 WO 0 0 00000000 23 22 7 6 GPIO43 WO 0 0 GPIO35 WO 0 0 21 20 5 4 GPIO42 WO 0 0 GPIO34 WO 0 0 19 18 3 2 GPIO41 WO 0 0 GPIO33 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO40 WO 0 0 GPIO32 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO47 GPIO47_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29:28 GPIO46 GPIO46_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:26 GPIO45 GPIO45_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25:24 GPIO44 GPIO44_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:22 GPIO43 GPIO43_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43_DRV 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 493 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 21:20 GPIO42 GPIO42_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:18 GPIO41 GPIO41_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17:16 GPIO40 GPIO40_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:14 GPIO39 GPIO39_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13:12 GPIO38 GPIO38_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:10 GPIO37 GPIO37_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9:8 GPIO36 GPIO36_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:6 GPIO35 GPIO35_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5:4 GPIO34 GPIO34_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:2 GPIO33 GPIO33_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1:0 GPIO32 GPIO32_DRV Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020830 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPIO_DRV3 GPIO DRV Control 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Overview GPIO48 A2020834 17 16 1 0 GPIO48 RW 0 0 Configures GPIO driving control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 00000000 31 GPIO48_DRV Description GPIO48 driving control GPIO_DRV3_S GPIO DRV Control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00000000 Page 494 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual ET Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Overview GPIO48 A2020838 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48_DRV 0: Keep 1: SET bits GPIO48_DRV GPIO_DRV3_C GPIO DRV Control LR Type Reset Bit 00000000 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 17 16 1 0 GPIO48 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV3 GPIO48 Description Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48_DRV 0: Keep 1: CLR bits GPIO48_DRV A2020900 GPIO_IES0 Bit 0 Description Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Name 1 GPIO48 WO 0 0 31 Overview 1:0 16 For bitwise access of GPIO_DRV3 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 17 GPIO IES Control FFFFFFFF 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Name GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Overview Configures GPIO input enabling control Note that the GPIO_DIN value is meaningless once GPIO_IES is enabled. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_IES Description Input buffer for GPIO31_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 495 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_IES Input buffer for GPIO30_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_IES Input buffer for GPIO29_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_IES Input buffer for GPIO28_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_IES Input buffer for GPIO27_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_IES Input buffer for GPIO26_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_IES Input buffer for GPIO25_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_IES Input buffer for GPIO24_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_IES Input buffer for GPIO23_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_IES Input buffer for GPIO22_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_IES Input buffer for GPIO21_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_IES Input buffer for GPIO20_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_IES Input buffer for GPIO19_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_IES Input buffer for GPIO18_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_IES Input buffer for GPIO17_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_IES Input buffer for GPIO16_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_IES Input buffer for GPIO15_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_IES Input buffer for GPIO14_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_IES Input buffer for GPIO13_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_IES Input buffer for GPIO12_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_IES Input buffer for GPIO11_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_IES Input buffer for GPIO10_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_IES Input buffer for GPIO9_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_IES Input buffer for GPIO8_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_IES Input buffer for GPIO7_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_IES Input buffer for GPIO6_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_IES Input buffer for GPIO5_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_IES Input buffer for GPIO4_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_IES Input buffer for GPIO3_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_IES Input buffer for GPIO2_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_IES Input buffer for GPIO1_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_IES Input buffer for GPIO0_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020904 GPIO_IES0_SE GPIO IES Control T 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_IES0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 497 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Note that the GPIO_DIN value is meaningless once is GPIO_IES enabled. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 input buffer 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 498 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020908 Bit 31 GPIO_IES0_C GPIO IES Control LR 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 00000000 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 499 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 0 15 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_IES0 Note that the GPIO_DIN value is meaningless once GPIO_IES is enabled. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 input buffer © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 500 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO10 GPIO10_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO3 GPIO3_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO2 GPIO2_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO1 GPIO1_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO0 GPIO0_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 501 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2020910 Bit GPIO_IES1 GPIO IES Control 0007FFFF 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RW 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Overview Configures GPIO input enabling control Note that the GPIO_DIN value is meaningless once GPIO_IES is enabled. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_IES Input buffer for GPIO48_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_IES Input buffer for GPIO47_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_IES Input buffer for GPIO46_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_IES Input buffer for GPIO45_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_IES Input buffer for GPIO44_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_IES Input buffer for GPIO43_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_IES Input buffer for GPIO42_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_IES Input buffer for GPIO41_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_IES Input buffer for GPIO40_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_IES Input buffer for GPIO39_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_IES Input buffer for GPIO38_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_IES Input buffer for GPIO37_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_IES Input buffer for GPIO36_IES © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 502 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_IES Input buffer for GPIO35_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_IES Input buffer for GPIO34_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_IES Input buffer for GPIO33_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_IES Input buffer for GPIO32_IES 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020914 Bit GPIO_IES1_SE GPIO IES Control T 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Name 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_IES1 Note that the GPIO_DIN value is meaningless once GPIO_IES is enabled. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 503 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_IES Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 input buffer 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020918 Bit GPIO_IES1_CL GPIO IES Control R 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_IES1 Note that the GPIO_DIN value is meaningless once GPIO_IES is enabled. Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 input buffer 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 504 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_IES Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 input buffer 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020A00 GPIO_PUPD0 GPIO PUPD Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 F9E0FBF0 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 505 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 Overview 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 RW RW RW RW RW RW 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 Configures GPIO PUPD control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_PUPD PUPD for GPIO31_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_PUPD PUPD for GPIO30_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_PUPD PUPD for GPIO29_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_PUPD PUPD for GPIO28_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_PUPD PUPD for GPIO27_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_PUPD PUPD for GPIO26_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_PUPD PUPD for GPIO25_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_PUPD PUPD for GPIO24_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_PUPD PUPD for GPIO23_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_PUPD PUPD for GPIO22_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_PUPD PUPD for GPIO21_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_PUPD PUPD for GPIO20_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_PUPD PUPD for GPIO19_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_PUPD PUPD for GPIO18_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_PUPD PUPD for GPIO17_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_PUPD PUPD for GPIO16_PUPD 0: Disable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 506 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: Enable 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_PUPD PUPD for GPIO15_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_PUPD PUPD for GPIO14_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_PUPD PUPD for GPIO13_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_PUPD PUPD for GPIO12_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_PUPD PUPD for GPIO11_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_PUPD PUPD for GPIO9_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_PUPD PUPD for GPIO8_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_PUPD PUPD for GPIO7_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_PUPD PUPD for GPIO6_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_PUPD PUPD for GPIO5_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_PUPD PUPD for GPIO4_PUPD 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020A04 GPIO_PUPD0_ GPIO PUPD Control SET Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO31 GPIO31_PUPD Description Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 507 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 508 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020A08 GPIO_PUPD0_ GPIO PUPD Control CLR Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Overview GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 509 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020A10 Bit GPIO_PUPD1 GPIO PUPD Control 0001FF77 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RW 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Overview Configures GPIO PUPD control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_PUPD PUPD for GPIO48 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_PUPD PUPD for GPIO47 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_PUPD PUPD for GPIO46 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_PUPD PUPD for GPIO45 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_PUPD PUPD for GPIO44 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_PUPD PUPD for GPIO43 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_PUPD PUPD for GPIO42 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_PUPD PUPD for GPIO41 0: Disable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: Enable 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_PUPD PUPD for GPIO40 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_PUPD PUPD for GPIO39 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_PUPD PUPD for GPIO38 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_PUPD PUPD for GPIO37 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_PUPD PUPD for GPIO36 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_PUPD PUPD for GPIO35 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_PUPD PUPD for GPIO34 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_PUPD PUPD for GPIO33 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_PUPD PUPD for GPIO32 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020A14 Bit GPIO_PUPD1_ GPIO PUPD Control SET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_PUPD Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 PUPD 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020A18 Bit GPIO_PUPD1_ GPIO PUPD Control CLR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset 0 Overview 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_PUPD1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 PUPD 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_PUPD Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 PUPD 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020B00 Description 1: CLR bits GPIO_RESEN0 GPIO R0 Control _0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 FDFDFBF0 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 Overview GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 RW RW RW RW RW RW 1 1 1 1 1 1 Configures GPIO R0 control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_R0 R0 for GPIO31 0: Disable 1: Enable 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_R0 R0 for GPIO30 0: Disable 1: Enable 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_R0 R0 for GPIO29 0: Disable 1: Enable 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_R0 R0 for GPIO28 0: Disable 1: Enable 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_R0 R0 for GPIO27 0: Disable 1: Enable 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_R0 R0 for GPIO26 0: Disable 1: Enable 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_R0 R0 for GPIO25 0: Disable 1: Enable 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_R0 R0 for GPIO24 0: Disable 1: Enable 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_R0 R0 for GPIO23 0: Disable 1: Enable 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_R0 R0 for GPIO22 0: Disable 1: Enable 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_R0 R0 for GPIO21 0: Disable 1: Enable 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_R0 R0 for GPIO20 0: Disable 1: Enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_R0 R0 for GPIO19 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_R0 R0 for GPIO18 0: Disable 1: Enable 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_R0 R0 for GPIO17 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_R0 R0 for GPIO16 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_R0 R0 for GPIO15 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_R0 R0 for GPIO14 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_R0 R0 for GPIO13 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_R0 R0 for GPIO12 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_R0 R0 for GPIO11 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_R0 R0 for GPIO9 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_R0 R0 for GPIO8 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_R0 R0 for GPIO7 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_R0 R0 for GPIO6 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_R0 R0 for GPIO5 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_R0 R0 for GPIO4 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020B04 Bit 31 GPIO_RESEN0 GPIO R0 Control _0_SET 30 29 28 27 26 25 00000000 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Overview 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 R0 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020B08 GPIO_RESEN0 GPIO R0 Control _0_CLR Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 31 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO31 GPIO31_R0 Description Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020B10 Bit GPIO_RESEN0 GPIO R0 Control _1 0001FF77 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RW 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Overview Configures GPIO R0 control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_R0 R0 for GPIO48 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_R0 R0 for GPIO47 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_R0 R0 for GPIO46 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_R0 R0 for GPIO45 0: Disable 1: Enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_R0 R0 for GPIO44 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_R0 R0 for GPIO43 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_R0 R0 for GPIO42 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_R0 R0 for GPIO41 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_R0 R0 for GPIO40 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_R0 R0 for GPIO39 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_R0 R0 for GPIO38 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_R0 R0 for GPIO37 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_R0 R0 for GPIO36 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_R0 R0 for GPIO35 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_R0 R0 for GPIO34 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_R0 R0 for GPIO33 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_R0 R0 for GPIO32 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020B14 Bit GPIO_RESEN0 GPIO R0 Control _1_SET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_R0 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 R0 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2020B18 Bit GPIO_RESEN0 GPIO R0 Control _1_CLR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN0_1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 R0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_R0 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 R0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020B20 GPIO_RESEN1 GPIO R1 Control _0 00000000 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 RW 0 Type Reset Bit 15 30 RW 0 14 29 RW 0 13 28 RW 0 12 27 RW 0 26 RW 0 11 10 GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 Name 15 4 3 2 1 Type RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Overview 25 RW 0 9 24 RW 0 8 23 RW 0 7 22 RW 0 6 21 RW 0 5 20 RW 0 4 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 RW 0 3 8 RW 0 2 7 RW 0 1 16 RW 0 0 Configures GPIO R1 control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_R1 R1 for GPIO31 0: Disable 1: Enable 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_R1 R1 for GPIO30 0: Disable 1: Enable 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_R1 R1 for GPIO29 0: Disable 1: Enable 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_R1 R1 for GPIO28 0: Disable 1: Enable 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_R1 R1 for GPIO27 0: Disable 1: Enable 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_R1 R1 for GPIO26 0: Disable 1: Enable 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_R1 R1 for GPIO25 0: Disable 1: Enable 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_R1 R1 for GPIO24 0: Disable 1: Enable 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_R1 R1 for GPIO23 0: Disable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: Enable 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_R1 R1 for GPIO22 0: Disable 1: Enable 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_R1 R1 for GPIO21 0: Disable 1: Enable 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_R1 R1 for GPIO20 0: Disable 1: Enable 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_R1 R1 for GPIO19 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_R1 R1 for GPIO18 0: Disable 1: Enable 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_R1 R1 for GPIO17 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_R1 R1 for GPIO16 0: Disable 1: Enable 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_R1 R1 for GPIO15 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_R1 R1 for GPIO14 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_R1 R1 for GPIO13 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_R1 R1 for GPIO12 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_R1 R1 for GPIO11 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_R1 R1 for GPIO9 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_R1 R1 for GPIO8 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_R1 R1 for GPIO7 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_R1 R1 for GPIO6 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_R1 R1 for GPIO5 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_R1 R1 for GPIO4 0: Disable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020B24 Description 1: Enable GPIO_RESEN1 GPIO R1 Control _0_SET Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Overview GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020B28 Bit 31 GPIO_RESEN1 GPIO R1 Control _0_CLR 30 29 28 27 26 25 00000000 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 16 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit 15 14 13 12 11 Name GPIO GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 15 4 3 2 1 Type WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Overview 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 9 8 7 6 5 4 WO WO WO WO WO WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31 GPIO31 GPIO31_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 30 GPIO30 GPIO30_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29 GPIO29 GPIO29_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 28 GPIO28 GPIO28_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27 GPIO27 GPIO27_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26 GPIO26 GPIO26_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25 GPIO25 GPIO25_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 24 GPIO24 GPIO24_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23 GPIO23 GPIO23_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22 GPIO22 GPIO22_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21 GPIO21 GPIO21_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 20 GPIO20 GPIO20_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19 GPIO19 GPIO19_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18 GPIO18 GPIO18_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 17 GPIO17 GPIO17_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 16 GPIO16 GPIO16_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16 R1 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO15 GPIO15_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO14 GPIO14_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO13 GPIO13_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO12 GPIO12_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO11 GPIO11_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO9 GPIO9_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO8 GPIO8_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO7 GPIO7_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6 GPIO6 GPIO6_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO5 GPIO5_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO4 GPIO4_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020B30 Bit GPIO_RESEN1 GPIO R1 Control _1 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 RW 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview Configures GPIO R1 control Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_R1 Description R1 for GPIO48 0: Disable 1: Enable © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_R1 R1 for GPIO47 0: Disable 1: Enable 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_R1 R1 for GPIO46 0: Disable 1: Enable 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_R1 R1 for GPIO45 0: Disable 1: Enable 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_R1 R1 for GPIO44 0: Disable 1: Enable 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_R1 R1 for GPIO43 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_R1 R1 for GPIO42 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_R1 R1 for GPIO41 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_R1 R1 for GPIO40 0: Disable 1: Enable 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_R1 R1 for GPIO39 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_R1 R1 for GPIO38 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_R1 R1 for GPIO37 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_R1 R1 for GPIO36 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_R1 R1 for GPIO35 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_R1 R1 for GPIO34 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_R1 R1 for GPIO33 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_R1 R1 for GPIO32 0: Disable 1: Enable A2020B34 Bit 31 GPIO_RESEN1 GPIO R1 Control _1_SET 30 29 28 27 26 25 00000000 24 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 16 Page 530 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Name Type Reset Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34 R1 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: SET bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_R1 Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32 R1 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020B38 Bit GPIO_RESEN1 GPIO R1 Control _1_CLR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name Type Reset Bit 16 GPIO 48 WO 0 0 Name GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Type WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_RESEN1_1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 16 GPIO48 GPIO48_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15 GPIO47 GPIO47_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14 GPIO46 GPIO46_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13 GPIO45 GPIO45_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 12 GPIO44 GPIO44_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11 GPIO43 GPIO43_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 10 GPIO42 GPIO42_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9 GPIO41 GPIO41_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 8 GPIO40 GPIO40_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7 GPIO39 GPIO39_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 6 GPIO38 GPIO38_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5 GPIO37 GPIO37_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 4 GPIO36 GPIO36_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3 GPIO35 GPIO35_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2 GPIO34 GPIO34_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1 GPIO33 GPIO33_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 0 GPIO32 GPIO32_R1 Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32 R1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020C00 GPIO_MODE0 GPIO Mode Control Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 31 30 15 14 0 0 29 28 13 GPIO7 RW 0 GPIO3 RW 0 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 00000000 25 24 9 8 7 0 0 GPIO6 RW 0 GPIO2 RW 0 0 0 23 22 0 6 21 20 5 4 3 0 0 GPIO5 RW 0 GPIO1 RW 0 0 0 19 18 0 2 17 16 1 0 GPIO4 RW 0 GPIO0 RW 0 0 0 0 Configures GPIO aux. mode Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30:28 GPIO7 Aux. mode of GPIO_7 0: GPIO7 (IO) 1: EINT6 (I) 2: MC1_A_DA1 (IO) 3: SLA_EDICK (I) 4: U2TXD (O) 5: Reserved 6: BT_BUCK_EN_HW (O) 7: MA_SPI0_B_MISO (I) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 26:24 GPIO6 Aux. mode of GPIO_6 0: GPIO6 (IO) 1: EINT5 (I) 2: MC1_A_DA0 (IO) 3: SLA_EDIWS (I) 4: U2RXD (I) 5: Reserved 6: Reserved 7: MA_SPI0_B_MOSI (O) 8: Reserved © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 9: Reserved 22:20 GPIO5 Aux. mode of GPIO_5 0: GPIO5 (IO) 1: EINT4 (I) 2: MC1_A_CM0 (IO) 3: SLA_EDIDI (I) 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: U1TXD (O) 7: MA_SPI0_B_SCK (O) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 18:16 GPIO4 Aux. mode of GPIO_4 0: GPIO4 (IO) 1: EINT3 (I) 2: MC1_A_CK (IO) 3: SLA_EDIDO (O) 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: U1RXD (I) 7: MA_SPI0_B_CS (O) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 15:12 GPIO3 Aux. mode of GPIO_3 0: GPIO3 (IO) 1: EINT14 (I) 2: AUXADCIN_3 (AIO) 3: U3TXD (I) 4: U0RTS (O) 5: MA_SPI1_A_MISO (I) 6: MA_EDICK (O) 7: MA_SPI0_A_MISO (I) 8: DEBUGMON14 (IO) 9: BTPRI (IO) 11:8 GPIO2 Aux. mode of GPIO_2 0: GPIO2 (IO) 1: EINT2 (I) 2: AUXADCIN_2 (AIO) 3: U3RXD (I) 4: U0CTS (I) 5: MA_SPI1_A_MOSI (O) 6: MA_EDIWS (O) 7: MA_SPI0_A_MOSI (O) 8: DEBUGMON13 (IO) 9: BT_BUCK_EN_HW (O) 7:4 GPIO1 Aux. mode of GPIO_1 0: GPIO1 (IO) 1: EINT1 (I) 2: AUXADCIN_1 (AIO) 3: U2TXD (O) 4: PWM1 (O) 5: MA_SPI1_A_SCK (O) 6: MA_EDIDI (I) 7: MA_SPI0_A_SCK (O) 8: DEBUGMON12 (IO) 9: BTDBGACKN (I) 3:0 GPIO0 Aux. mode of GPIO_0 0: GPIO0 (IO) 1: EINT0 (I) 2: AUXADCIN_0 (AIO) 3: U2RXD (I) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020C04 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPIO_MODE0 GPIO Mode Control _SET 31 30 15 14 0 Overview Description 4: PWM0 (O) 5: MA_SPI1_A_CS (O) 6: MA_EDIDO (O) 7: MA_SPI0_A_CS (O) 8: DEBUGMON11 (IO) 9: BTJTDI (O) 0 29 28 13 GPIO7 WO 0 GPIO3 WO 0 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 00000000 25 24 9 8 7 0 0 GPIO6 WO 0 GPIO2 WO 0 0 0 23 22 0 6 21 20 5 4 3 0 0 GPIO5 WO 0 GPIO1 WO 0 0 0 19 18 0 2 16 1 0 GPIO0 WO 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30:28 GPIO7 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_7 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26:24 GPIO6 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_6 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22:20 GPIO5 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_5 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18:16 GPIO4 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_4 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:12 GPIO3 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_3 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:8 GPIO2 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_2 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:4 GPIO1 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:0 GPIO0 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_0 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020C08 Bit Name Type Reset Bit 17 GPIO4 WO 0 GPIO_MODE0 GPIO Mode Control _CLR 31 30 15 14 0 29 28 13 12 GPIO7 WO 0 0 27 26 11 10 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO6 WO 0 0 00000000 23 7 22 0 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 5 4 GPIO5 WO 0 0 19 3 18 0 2 17 16 1 0 GPIO4 WO 0 0 Page 535 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Name Type Reset 0 Overview GPIO3 WO 0 0 0 GPIO2 WO 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO1 WO 0 0 0 0 GPIO0 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30:28 GPIO7 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_7 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26:24 GPIO6 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_6 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22:20 GPIO5 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_5 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18:16 GPIO4 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_4 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:12 GPIO3 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_3 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:8 GPIO2 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_2 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:4 GPIO1 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:0 GPIO0 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020C10 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 0 GPIO_MODE1 GPIO Mode Control 31 30 15 14 29 28 13 0 GPIO15 RW 0 0 GPIO11 RW 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO14 RW 0 GPIO10 RW 0 0 0 00000000 23 7 0 22 21 0 GPIO13 RW 0 0 GPIO9 RW 0 6 5 20 0 4 0 19 3 18 17 16 1 0 0 GPIO12 RW 0 0 GPIO8 RW 0 2 0 0 Configures GPIO aux. mode Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30:28 Aux. mode of GPIO_15 0: GPIO15 (IO) 1: EINT13 (I) 2: Reserved 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: PWM4 (O) 6: Reserved 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved GPIO15 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:24 GPIO14 Aux. mode of GPIO_14 0: GPIO14 (IO) 1: EINT12 (I) 2: CLKO4 (O) 3: MA_EDICK (O) 4: MA_SPI1_B_MISO (O) 5: PWM3 (O) 6: SLA_EDICK (I) 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 22:20 GPIO13 Aux. mode of GPIO_13 0: GPIO13 (IO) 1: EINT11 (I) 2: CLKO3 (O) 3: MA_EDIWS (O) 4: MA_SPI1_B_MOSI (O) 5: PWM2 (O) 6: SLA_EDIWS (I) 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 18:16 GPIO12 Aux. mode of GPIO_12 0: GPIO12 (IO) 1: EINT10 (I) 2: Reserved 3: MA_EDIDI (I) 4: MA_SPI1_B_SCK (O) 5: PWM1 (O) 6: SLA_EDIDI (I) 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 14:12 GPIO11 Aux. mode of GPIO_11 0: GPIO11 (IO) 1: EINT9 (I) 2: BT_BUCK_EN_HW (O) 3: MA_EDIDO (O) 4: MA_SPI1_B_CS (O) 5: PWM0 (O) 6: SLA_EDIDO (O) 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 11:8 GPIO10 Aux. mode of GPIO_10 0: GPIO10 (IO) 1: EINT15 (I) 2: AUXADCIN_4(AIO) 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: Reserved 7: Reserved 8: DEBUGMON15(IO) 9: BTPRI(IO) 6:4 GPIO9 Aux. mode of GPIO_9 0: GPIO9 (IO) 1: EINT8 (I) 2: MC1_A_DA3 (IO) 3: Reserved 4: Reserved © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 2:0 Overview Aux. mode of GPIO_8 0: GPIO8 (IO) 1: EINT7 (I) 2: MC1_A_DA2 (IO) 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: SCL2 (IO) 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved GPIO8 A2020C14 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description 5: Reserved 6: SDA2 (IO) 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved GPIO_MODE1_ GPIO Mode Control SET 31 30 15 14 29 28 13 0 GPIO15 WO 0 0 GPIO11 WO 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO14 WO 0 GPIO10 WO 0 0 0 0 00000000 23 7 22 21 0 GPIO13 WO 0 0 GPIO9 WO 0 6 5 20 0 4 0 19 3 18 17 16 1 0 0 GPIO12 WO 0 0 GPIO8 WO 0 2 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE1 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30:28 GPIO15 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KCOL1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26:24 GPIO14 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KCOL2 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22:20 GPIO13 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KCOL3 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18:16 GPIO12 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KCOL4 0: Keep 1: SET bits 14:12 GPIO11 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of UTXD1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:8 GPIO10 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of URXD1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6:4 GPIO9 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_9 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2:0 GPIO8 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_8 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual A2020C18 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset GPIO_MODE1_ GPIO Mode Control CLR 31 30 15 14 Overview 29 28 13 0 GPIO15 WO 0 0 GPIO11 WO 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO14 WO 0 GPIO10 WO 0 0 0 00000000 23 22 7 0 0 GPIO9 WO 0 6 0 21 GPIO13 WO 0 5 20 0 4 19 3 0 18 1 0 0 GPIO8 WO 0 2 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE1 Description 30:28 GPIO15 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KCOL1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 26:24 GPIO14 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KCOL2 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22:20 GPIO13 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KCOL3 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18:16 GPIO12 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KCOL4 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 14:12 GPIO11 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of UTXD1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:8 GPIO10 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of URXD1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6:4 GPIO9 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_9 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2:0 GPIO8 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of GPIO_8 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020C20 GPIO_MODE2 GPIO Mode Control Overview 16 0 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 17 GPIO12 WO 0 31 0 15 0 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 0 0 GPIO23 RW 0 0 GPIO19 RW 0 0 0 27 25 24 23 10 9 8 0 0 GPIO22 RW 0 0 0 00000011 26 GPIO18 RW 0 0 22 21 20 6 5 4 7 0 GPIO21 RW 0 0 0 GPIO17 RW 0 0 1 19 18 3 2 17 16 1 0 GPIO20 RW 0 0 0 GPIO16 RW 0 0 1 Configures GPIO aux. mode Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 Aux. mode of GPIO_23 GPIO23 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: GPIO23 (IO) 1: KROW0 (IO) 2: EINT19 (I) 3: CLKO0 (O) 4: U1CTS(I) 5: TRACEDATA3 (O) 6: MC_RST (O) 7: DEBUGMON9 (IO) 8: JTRST_B (I) 9: BTJTRSTB (I) 27:24 GPIO22 Aux. mode of GPIO_22 0: GPIO22 (IO) 1: KROW1 (IO) 2: U1TXD (O) 3: U3TXD (O) 4: Reserved 5: TRACEDATA2 (O) 6: TRACE_SWV (O) 7: DEBUGMON5 (IO) 8: JTDO (O) 9: BTDBGIN (I) 23:20 GPIO21 Aux. mode of GPIO_21 0: GPIO21 (IO) 1: KROW2 (IO) 2: Reserved 3: GPCOUNTER_0 (I) 4: U1RTS (O) 5: TRACECLK (O) 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON4 (IO) 8: JTCK (I) 9: BTJTCK (I) 18:16 GPIO20 Aux. mode of GPIO_20 0: GPIO20 (IO) 1: KCOL0 (IO) 2: GPSFSYNC (O) 3: U0CTS (I) 4: SDA2 (IO) 5: Reserved 6: MA_SPI2_CS1(O) 7: DEBUGMON7 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 15:12 GPIO19 Aux. mode of GPIO_19 0: GPIO19 (IO) 1: KCOL1 (IO) 2: EINT18 (I) 3: U0RTS (O) 4: SCL2 (IO) 5: TRACEDATA1 (O) 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON2 (IO) 8: JTMS (IO) 9: BTJTMS (IO) 11:8 GPIO18 Aux. mode of GPIO_18 0: GPIO18 (IO) 1: KCOL2 (IO) 2: U1RXD (I) 3: U3RXD (I) 4: Reserved 5: TRACEDATA0 (O) 6: LSCE1_B1 (O) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 7: DEBUGMON6 (IO) 8: JTDI (I) 9: BTJTDI (IO) 6:4 GPIO17 Aux. mode of GPIO_17 0: GPIO17 (IO) 1: U0TXD (O) 2: Reserved 3: EINT17 (I) 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: DEBUGMIN_CK (I) 7: Reserved 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 2:0 GPIO16 Aux. mode of GPIO_16 0: GPIO16 (IO) 1: U0RXD (I) 2: Reserved 3: EINT16 (I) 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: DEBUGMIN0 (I) 7: DEBUGMON0 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved A2020C24 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 31 0 15 0 GPIO_MODE2 GPIO Mode Control _SET 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 0 0 GPIO23 WO 0 0 GPIO19 WO 0 0 0 27 0 00000000 26 25 24 23 10 9 8 0 0 GPIO22 WO 0 0 GPIO18 WO 0 0 0 7 22 21 20 6 5 4 GPIO21 WO 0 0 0 GPIO17 WO 0 0 0 19 18 3 2 17 16 1 0 GPIO20 WO 0 0 0 GPIO16 WO 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO23 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of BPI_BUS1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:24 GPIO22 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of BPI_BUS2 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:20 GPIO21 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KROW0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18:16 GPIO20 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KROW1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:12 GPIO19 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KROW2 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:8 GPIO18 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KROW3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: SET bits 6:4 GPIO17 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KROW4 0: Keep 1: SET bits 2:0 GPIO16 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of KCOL0 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020C28 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 15 0 Overview GPIO_MODE2 GPIO Mode Control _CLR 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 0 0 GPIO23 WO 0 0 GPIO19 WO 0 0 0 27 0 00000000 26 25 24 23 10 9 8 0 0 GPIO22 WO 0 0 GPIO18 WO 0 0 7 0 22 21 20 6 5 4 GPIO21 WO 0 0 0 GPIO17 WO 0 0 19 18 3 2 0 16 1 0 GPIO16 WO 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE2 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO23 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of BPI_BUS1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:24 GPIO22 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of BPI_BUS2 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:20 GPIO21 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KROW0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18:16 GPIO20 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KROW1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:12 GPIO19 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KROW2 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:8 GPIO18 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KROW3 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 6:4 GPIO17 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KROW4 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 2:0 GPIO16 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of KCOL0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020C30 GPIO_MODE3 GPIO Mode Control Bit Name Type 17 GPIO20 WO 0 0 0 31 30 29 GPIO31 RW 28 27 26 25 GPIO30 RW 24 00000000 23 22 21 GPIO29 RW © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 20 19 18 17 GPIO28 RW 16 Page 542 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 0 15 0 0 14 0 13 GPIO27 RW 0 0 0 0 12 11 0 0 0 10 0 9 GPIO26 RW 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 GPIO25 RW 0 0 7 6 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 GPIO24 RW 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 Configures GPIO aux. mode Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO31 Aux. mode of GPIO_31 0: GPIO31 (IO) 1: SDA0 (IO) 2: EINT12 (I) 3: PWM1 (O) 4: U1TXD (I) 5: MC0_CM0 (IO) 6: DEBUGMIN1 (I) 7: DEBUGMON1 (IO) 8: BT_RGPIO1 (IO) 9: SDA2 (IO) 27:24 GPIO30 Aux. mode of GPIO_30 0: GPIO30 (IO) 1: SCL0 (IO) 2: EINT11 (I) 3: PWM0 (O) 4: U1RXD (I) 5: MC0_CK (IO) 6: BT_RGPIO0 (IO) 7: DEBUGMON0 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: SCL2 (IO) 23:20 GPIO29 Aux. mode of GPIO_29 0: GPIO29 (IO) 1: CMCSK (I) 2: LPTE (I) 3: Reserved 4: CMCSD2 (I) 5: EINT10 (I) 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON15 (IO) 8: MC1_B_DA1(IO) 9: BT_RGPIO2 (IO) 19:16 GPIO28 Aux. mode of GPIO_28 0: GPIO28 (IO) 1: CMMCLK (O) 2: LSA0DA1 (O) 3: DAISYNC (O) 4: MA_SPI2_A_MISO (I) 5: MA_SPI3_A_MISO (I) 6: JTDO (O) 7: DEBUGMON14 (IO) 8: MC1_B_DA0(IO) 9: SLV_SPI0_MISO (O) 15:12 GPIO27 Aux. mode of GPIO_27 0: GPIO27 (IO) 1: CMCSD1 (O) 2: LSDA1 (IO) 3: DAIPCMOUT (I) 4: MA_SPI2_A_MOSI (O) 5: MA_SPI3_A_MOSI (O) 6: JTRST_B (I) 7: DEBUGMON13 (IO) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 8: MC1_B_CK(IO) 9: SLV_SPI0_MOSI (I) 11:8 GPIO26 Aux. mode of GPIO_26 0: GPIO26 (IO) 1: CMCSD0 (O) 2: LSCE_B1 (O) 3: DAIPCMIN (I) 4: MA_SPI2_A_SCK (O) 5: MA_SPI3_A_SCK (O) 6: JTCK (I) 7: DEBUGMON12 (IO) 8: MC1_B_CM0 (IO) 9: SLV_SPI0_SCK (I) 7:4 GPIO25 Aux. mode of GPIO_25 0: GPIO25 (IO) 1: CMPDN (O) 2: LSCK1 (O) 3: DAICLK (O) 4: MA_SPI2_A_CS (O) 5: MA_SPI3_A_CS (O) 6: JTMS (IO) 7: DEBUGMON11 (IO) 8: MC1_B_DA2 (IO) 9: SLV_SPI0_CS (I) 3:0 GPIO24 Aux. mode of GPIO_24 0: GPIO24 (IO) 1: CMRST (O) 2: LSRSTB (O) 3: CLKO1 (O) 4: EINT9 (I) 5: GPCOUNTER_0 (I) 6: JTDI (I) 7: DEBUGMON10 (IO) 8: MC1_B_DA3 (IO) 9: Reserved A2020C34 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 31 0 15 0 GPIO_MODE3 GPIO Mode Control _SET 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 0 0 GPIO31 WO 0 0 GPIO27 WO 0 0 0 27 0 00000000 26 25 24 23 10 9 8 0 0 GPIO29 WO 0 0 0 GPIO25 WO 0 0 GPIO30 WO 0 0 GPIO26 WO 0 0 0 7 22 21 20 19 6 5 4 0 0 GPIO28 WO 0 0 0 GPIO24 WO 0 0 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 3 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE3 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO31 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of MCCK 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:24 GPIO30 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of CMCSK 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:20 GPIO29 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of CMMCLK © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:16 GPIO28 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of CMCSD1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:12 GPIO27 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of CMCSD0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:8 GPIO26 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of CMPDN 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:4 GPIO25 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of CMRST 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:0 GPIO24 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of BPI_BUS0 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020C38 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 31 0 15 0 GPIO_MODE3 GPIO Mode Control _CLR 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 0 0 GPIO31 WO 0 0 GPIO27 WO 0 0 0 27 0 00000000 26 25 24 23 10 9 8 0 0 GPIO29 WO 0 0 0 GPIO25 WO 0 0 GPIO30 WO 0 0 GPIO26 WO 0 0 0 7 22 21 20 19 6 5 4 0 0 GPIO28 WO 0 0 0 GPIO24 WO 0 0 0 3 18 17 16 2 1 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE3 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO31 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of MCCK 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:24 GPIO30 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of CMCSK 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:20 GPIO29 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of CMMCLK 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:16 GPIO28 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of CMCSD1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:12 GPIO27 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of CMCSD0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:8 GPIO26 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of CMPDN 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:4 GPIO25 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of CMRST 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 Description Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of BPI_BUS0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits GPIO24 A2020C40 GPIO_MODE4 GPIO Mode Control Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 31 0 15 0 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 1 0 GPIO39 RW 0 0 GPIO35 RW 0 0 1 27 25 24 10 9 8 7 1 0 GPIO38 RW 0 0 0 10001111 26 GPIO34 RW 0 0 0 23 22 0 6 21 20 5 GPIO37 RW 0 GPIO33 RW 0 0 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 GPIO36 RW 0 0 GPIO32 RW 0 0 0 1 Configures GPIO aux. mode Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO39 Aux. mode of GPIO_39 0: GPIO39 (IO) 1: LSCE_B0 (O) 2: EINT4 (I) 3: CMCSD0 (I) 4: CLKO4 (O) 5: SFSCS0 (O) 6: DEBUGMIN5 (I) 7: DEBUGMON5 (IO) 8: SCL1 (IO) 9: MA_SPI2_B_CS (O) 27:24 GPIO38 Aux. mode of GPIO_38 0: GPIO38 (IO) 1: LSRSTB (O) 2: Reserved 3: CMRST (O) 4: CLKO3 (O) 5: SFSWP (O) 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON9 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: SCL1(IO) 22:20 GPIO37 Aux. mode of GPIO_37 0: GPIO37 (IO) 1: SDA0 (IO) 2: SDA1 (IO) 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: DEBUGMIN4 (I) 7: DEBUGMON4 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 18:16 GPIO36 Aux. mode of GPIO_36 0: GPIO36 (IO) 1: SCL0 (IO) 2: SCL1 (IO) 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: DEBUGMIN3 (I) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 7: DEBUGMON3 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 15:12 GPIO35 Aux. mode of GPIO_35 0: GPIO35 (IO) 1: SLV_SPI0_MISO (I) 2: EINT3 (I) 3: PWM5 (O) 4: DAIPCMOUT (I) 5: MC0_DA3 (IO) 6: CLKO2 (O) 7: BT_RGPIO5 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: MA_SPI3_B_MISO (I) 11:8 GPIO34 Aux. mode of GPIO_34 0: GPIO34 (IO) 1: SLV_SPI0_MOSI (I) 2: EINT15 (I) 3: PWM4 (O) 4: DAICLK (I) 5: MC0_DA2 (IO) 6: BT_RGPIO4 (IO) 7: DEBUGMON4 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: MA_SPI3_B_MOSI (O) 7:4 GPIO33 Aux. mode of GPIO_33 0: GPIO33 (IO) 1: SLV_SPI0_SCK (I) 2: EINT14 (I) 3: PWM3 (O) 4: DAIPCMIN (I) 5: MC0_DA1 (IO) 6: BT_RGPIO3 (IO) 7: DEBUGMON3 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: MA_SPI3_B_SCK (O) 3:0 GPIO32 Aux. mode of GPIO_32 0: GPIO32 (IO) 1: SLV_SPI0_CS (I) 2: EINT13 (I) 3: PWM2 (O) 4: DAISYNC (O) 5: MC0_DA0 (IO) 6: DEBUGMIN2 (I) 7: DEBUGMON2 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: MA_SPI3_B_CS (O) A2020C44 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 0 15 0 GPIO_MODE4 GPIO Mode Control _SET 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 0 0 GPIO39 WO 0 0 GPIO35 WO 0 0 0 27 0 00000000 26 25 24 10 9 8 7 0 0 GPIO38 WO 0 0 GPIO34 WO 0 0 0 23 22 0 6 21 20 5 GPIO37 WO 0 GPIO33 WO 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 GPIO36 WO 0 0 GPIO32 WO 0 0 0 0 Page 547 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Overview For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE4 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO39 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SIM1_SCLK 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:24 GPIO38 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SIM1_SRST 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22:20 GPIO37 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SIM1_SIO 0: Keep 1: SET bits 18:16 GPIO36 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of MCDA3 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:12 GPIO35 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of MCDA2 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:8 GPIO34 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of MCDA1 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:4 GPIO33 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of MCDA0 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:0 GPIO32 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of MCCM0 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020C48 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 31 0 15 0 GPIO_MODE4 GPIO Mode Control _CLR 30 29 28 14 13 12 11 0 0 GPIO39 WO 0 0 GPIO35 WO 0 0 0 27 0 00000000 26 25 24 10 9 8 7 0 0 GPIO38 WO 0 0 GPIO34 WO 0 0 0 23 22 0 6 21 20 5 GPIO37 WO 0 GPIO33 WO 0 0 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 GPIO36 WO 0 0 GPIO32 WO 0 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE4 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:28 GPIO39 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SIM1_SCLK 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:24 GPIO38 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SIM1_SRST 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22:20 GPIO37 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SIM1_SIO 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 18:16 GPIO36 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of MCDA3 0: Keep 1: CLR bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 15:12 GPIO35 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of MCDA2 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:8 GPIO34 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of MCDA1 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:4 GPIO33 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of MCDA0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:0 GPIO32 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of MCCM0 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020C50 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_MODE5 GPIO Mode Control 31 30 15 14 0 0 29 28 13 GPIO47 RW 0 GPIO43 RW 0 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 9 8 7 0 0 GPIO46 RW 0 0 GPIO42 RW 0 0 22 0 6 21 20 19 5 4 0 0 GPIO44 RW 0 0 0 GPIO40 RW 0 0 GPIO45 RW 0 GPIO41 RW 0 0 0 3 18 17 16 2 1 0 0 0 Configures GPIO aux. mode Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30:28 GPIO47 Aux. mode of GPIO_47 0: GPIO47 (IO) 1: MA_SPI1_CS1 (O) 2: Reserved 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON2 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 26:24 GPIO46 Aux. mode of GPIO_46 0: GPIO46 (IO) 1: MA_SPI0_CS1 (O) 2: Reserved 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON1 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 22:20 GPIO45 Aux. mode of GPIO_45 0: GPIO45 (IO) 1: SRCLKENAI (I) 2: Reserved 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: Reserved 7: Reserved © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 8: Reserved 9: Reserved 19:16 GPIO44 Aux. mode of GPIO_44 0: GPIO44 (IO) 1: LSCE1_B1 (O) 2: DISP_PWM (O) 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON0 (IO) 8: DEBUGMON6 (IO) 9: Reserved 15:12 GPIO43 Aux. mode of GPIO_43 0: GPIO43 (IO) 1: LPTE (I) 2: EINT6 (I) 3: CMCSK (I) 4: CMCSD2 (I) 5: SFSIN (O) 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON7 (IO) 8: DEBUGMIN7 (I) 9: SDA1 (IO) 11:8 GPIO42 Aux. mode of GPIO_42 0: GPIO42 (IO) 1: LSA0DA0 (O) 2: LSCE1_B0 (O) 3: CMMCLK (O) 4: Reserved 5: SFSOUT (O) 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON8 (IO) 8: CLKO5 (O) 9: MA_SPI2_B_MISO (O) 7:4 GPIO41 Aux. mode of GPIO_41 0: GPIO41 (IO) 1: LSDA0 (IO) 2: EINT5 (I) 3: CMCSD1 (I) 4: WIFITOBT (I) 5: SFSCK (O) 6: DEBUGMIN6 (I) 7: DEBUGMON6 (IO) 8: SDA1 (IO) 9: MA_SPI2_B_MOSI (O) 3:0 GPIO40 Aux. mode of GPIO_40 0: GPIO40 (IO) 1: LSCK0 (O) 2: Reserved 3: CMPDN (O) 4: Reserved 5: SFSHOLD (O) 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON10 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: MA_SPI2_B_SCK (O) A2020C54 GPIO_MODE5 GPIO Mode Control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00000000 Page 550 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual _SET Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 15 14 0 Overview 0 29 28 13 GPIO47 WO 0 GPIO43 WO 0 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 9 8 7 0 0 GPIO46 WO 0 0 GPIO42 WO 0 0 22 0 6 21 20 19 5 4 0 0 GPIO44 WO 0 0 0 GPIO40 WO 0 0 GPIO45 WO 0 GPIO41 WO 0 0 0 3 18 17 16 2 1 0 Description 30:28 GPIO47 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of LSCK 0: Keep 1: SET bits 26:24 GPIO46 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of LSCE_B 0: Keep 1: SET bits 22:20 GPIO45 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of LSRSTB 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:16 GPIO44 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SDA28 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:12 GPIO43 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SCL28 0: Keep 1: SET bits 11:8 GPIO42 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SIM2_SCLK 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:4 GPIO41 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SIM2_SRST 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:0 GPIO40 Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of SIM2_SIO 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020C58 Overview 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE5 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 0 GPIO_MODE5 GPIO Mode Control _CLR 31 30 15 14 0 0 29 28 13 GPIO47 WO 0 GPIO43 WO 0 0 27 26 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 9 8 7 0 0 GPIO46 WO 0 0 GPIO42 WO 0 0 22 0 6 21 20 19 5 4 0 0 GPIO44 WO 0 0 0 GPIO40 WO 0 0 GPIO45 WO 0 GPIO41 WO 0 0 0 3 18 17 16 2 1 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE5 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 30:28 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of LSCK 0: Keep 1: CLR bits GPIO47 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 26:24 GPIO46 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of LSCE_B 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 22:20 GPIO45 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of LSRSTB 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:16 GPIO44 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SDA28 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:12 GPIO43 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SCL28 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:8 GPIO42 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SIM2_SCLK 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:4 GPIO41 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SIM2_SRST 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:0 GPIO40 Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of SIM2_SIO 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020C60 GPIO_MODE6 GPIO Mode Control Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Overview GPIO48 RW 0 0 0 Configures GPIO aux. mode Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 2:0 Description Aux. mode of GPIO_48 0: GPIO48 (IO) 1: MA_SPI3_CS1 (O) 2: Reserved 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Reserved 6: Reserved 7: DEBUGMON5 (IO) 8: Reserved 9: Reserved GPIO48 A2020C64 Bit Name Type Reset 00011110 31 31 GPIO_MODE6 GPIO Mode Control _SET 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 00000000 23 22 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 21 20 19 18 17 16 Page 552 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit Name Type Reset 15 Overview 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2:0 Description Bitwise SET operation for Aux. mode of LSDA 0: Keep 1: SET bits GPIO48 A2020C68 GPIO_MODE6 GPIO Mode Control _CLR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Overview GPIO48 WO 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE6 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 2:0 Description Bitwise CLR operation for Aux. mode of LSDA 0: Keep 1: CLR bits GPIO48 A2020D00 GPIO_TDSEL0 GPIO TDSEL Control Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 0 GPIO48 WO 0 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_MODE6 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 10 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO15 RW 0 0 GPIO7 RW 0 0 GPIO14 RW 0 0 GPIO6 RW 0 0 GPIO13 RW 0 0 GPIO5 RW 0 0 GPIO12 RW 0 0 GPIO4 RW 0 0 GPIO11 RW 0 0 GPIO3 RW 0 0 GPIO10 RW 0 0 GPIO2 RW 0 0 GPIO9 RW 0 0 GPIO1 RW 0 0 GPIO8 RW 0 0 GPIO0 RW 0 0 GPIO TX duty control register Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO15 GPIO15_TDSEL GPIO15 Tx duty control 29:28 GPIO14 GPIO14_TDSEL GPIO14 Tx duty control 27:26 GPIO13 GPIO13_TDSEL GPIO13 Tx duty control 25:24 GPIO12 GPIO12_TDSEL GPIO12 Tx duty control 23:22 GPIO11 GPIO11_TDSEL GPIO11 Tx duty control 21:20 GPIO10 GPIO10_TDSEL GPIO10 Tx duty control 19:18 GPIO9 GPIO9_TDSEL GPIO9 Tx duty control 17:16 GPIO8 GPIO8_TDSEL GPIO8 Tx duty control 15:14 GPIO7 GPIO7_TDSEL GPIO7 Tx duty control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 553 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13:12 GPIO6 GPIO6_TDSEL GPIO6 Tx duty control 11:10 GPIO5 GPIO5_TDSEL GPIO5 Tx duty control 9:8 GPIO4 GPIO4_TDSEL GPIO4 Tx duty control 7:6 GPIO3 GPIO3_TDSEL GPIO3 Tx duty control 5:4 GPIO2 GPIO2_TDSEL GPIO2 Tx duty control 3:2 GPIO1 GPIO1_TDSEL GPIO1 Tx duty control 1:0 GPIO0 GPIO0_TDSEL GPIO0 Tx duty control A2020D04 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_TDSEL0 GPIO TDSEL Control _SET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO15 WO 0 0 GPIO7 WO 0 0 GPIO14 WO 0 0 GPIO6 WO 0 0 GPIO13 WO 0 0 GPIO5 WO 0 0 GPIO12 WO 0 0 GPIO4 WO 0 0 GPIO11 WO 0 0 GPIO3 WO 0 0 GPIO10 WO 0 0 GPIO2 WO 0 0 GPIO9 WO 0 0 GPIO1 WO 0 0 GPIO8 WO 0 0 GPIO0 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO15 GPIO15_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO15_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29:28 GPIO14 GPIO14_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO14_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:26 GPIO13 GPIO13_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO13_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25:24 GPIO12 GPIO12_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO12_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:22 GPIO11 GPIO11_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO11_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21:20 GPIO10 GPIO10_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO10_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:18 GPIO9 GPIO9_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO9_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17:16 GPIO8 GPIO8_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO8_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:14 GPIO7 GPIO7_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO7_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13:12 GPIO6 GPIO6_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO6_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 11:10 GPIO5 GPIO5_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO5_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9:8 GPIO4 GPIO4_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO4_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:6 GPIO3 GPIO3_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO3_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5:4 GPIO2 GPIO2_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO2_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:2 GPIO1 GPIO1_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO1_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1:0 GPIO0 GPIO0_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO0_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020D08 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_TDSEL0 GPIO TDSEL Control _CLR 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO15 WO 0 0 GPIO7 WO 0 0 GPIO14 WO 0 0 GPIO6 WO 0 0 GPIO13 WO 0 0 GPIO5 WO 0 0 GPIO12 WO 0 0 GPIO4 WO 0 0 GPIO11 WO 0 0 GPIO3 WO 0 0 GPIO10 WO 0 0 GPIO2 WO 0 0 GPIO9 WO 0 0 GPIO1 WO 0 0 GPIO8 WO 0 0 GPIO0 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO15 GPIO15_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO15_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29:28 GPIO14 GPIO14_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO14_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:26 GPIO13 GPIO13_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO13_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25:24 GPIO12 GPIO12_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO12_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:22 GPIO11 GPIO11_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO11_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21:20 GPIO10 GPIO10_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO10_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:18 GPIO9 GPIO9_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO9_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 17:16 GPIO8 GPIO8_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO8_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:14 GPIO7 GPIO7_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO7_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13:12 GPIO6 GPIO6_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO6_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:10 GPIO5 GPIO5_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO5_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9:8 GPIO4 GPIO4_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO4_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:6 GPIO3 GPIO3_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO3_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5:4 GPIO2 GPIO2_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO2_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:2 GPIO1 GPIO1_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO1_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1:0 GPIO0 GPIO0_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO0_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020D10 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_TDSEL1 GPIO TDSEL Control 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO31 RW 0 0 GPIO23 RW 0 0 GPIO30 RW 0 0 GPIO22 RW 0 0 GPIO29 RW 0 0 GPIO21 RW 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO28 RW 0 0 GPIO20 RW 0 0 GPIO27 RW 0 0 GPIO19 RW 0 0 GPIO26 RW 0 0 GPIO18 RW 0 0 GPIO25 RW 0 0 GPIO17 RW 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO24 RW 0 0 GPIO16 RW 0 0 GPIO TX duty control register Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO31 GPIO31_TDSEL GPIO31 Tx duty control 29:28 GPIO30 GPIO30_TDSEL GPIO30 Tx duty control 27:26 GPIO29 GPIO29_TDSEL GPIO29 Tx duty control 25:24 GPIO28 GPIO28_TDSEL GPIO28 Tx duty control 23:22 GPIO27 GPIO27_TDSEL GPIO27 Tx duty control 21:20 GPIO26 GPIO26_TDSEL GPIO26 Tx duty control 19:18 GPIO25 GPIO25_TDSEL GPIO25 Tx duty control 17:16 GPIO24 GPIO24_TDSEL GPIO24 Tx duty control 15:14 GPIO23 GPIO23_TDSEL GPIO23 Tx duty control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13:12 GPIO22 GPIO22_TDSEL GPIO22 Tx duty control 11:10 GPIO21 GPIO21_TDSEL GPIO21 Tx duty control 9:8 GPIO20 GPIO20_TDSEL GPIO20 Tx duty control 7:6 GPIO19 GPIO19_TDSEL GPIO19 Tx duty control 5:4 GPIO18 GPIO18_TDSEL GPIO18 Tx duty control 3:2 GPIO17 GPIO17_TDSEL GPIO17 Tx duty control 1:0 GPIO16 GPIO16_TDSEL GPIO16 Tx duty control A2020D14 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_TDSEL1 GPIO TDSEL Control _SET 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO31 WO 0 0 GPIO23 WO 0 0 GPIO30 WO 0 0 GPIO22 WO 0 0 GPIO29 WO 0 0 GPIO21 WO 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO28 WO 0 0 GPIO20 WO 0 0 GPIO27 WO 0 0 GPIO19 WO 0 0 GPIO26 WO 0 0 GPIO18 WO 0 0 GPIO25 WO 0 0 GPIO17 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO24 WO 0 0 GPIO16 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO31 GPIO31_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO31_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29:28 GPIO30 GPIO30_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO30_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:26 GPIO29 GPIO29_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO29_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25:24 GPIO28 GPIO28_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO28_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:22 GPIO27 GPIO27_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO27_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21:20 GPIO26 GPIO26_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO26_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:18 GPIO25 GPIO25_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO25_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17:16 GPIO24 GPIO24_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO24_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:14 GPIO23 GPIO23_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO23_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13:12 GPIO22 GPIO22_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO22_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 11:10 GPIO21 GPIO21_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO21_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9:8 GPIO20 GPIO20_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO20_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:6 GPIO19 GPIO19_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO19_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5:4 GPIO18 GPIO18_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO18_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:2 GPIO17 GPIO17_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO17_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1:0 GPIO16 GPIO16_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO16_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020D18 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_TDSEL1 GPIO TDSEL Control _CLR 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO31 WO 0 0 GPIO23 WO 0 0 GPIO30 WO 0 0 GPIO22 WO 0 0 GPIO29 WO 0 0 GPIO21 WO 0 0 00000000 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO28 WO 0 0 GPIO20 WO 0 0 GPIO27 WO 0 0 GPIO19 WO 0 0 GPIO26 WO 0 0 GPIO18 WO 0 0 GPIO25 WO 0 0 GPIO17 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO24 WO 0 0 GPIO16 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO31 GPIO31_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO31_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29:28 GPIO30 GPIO30_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO30_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:26 GPIO29 GPIO29_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO29_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25:24 GPIO28 GPIO28_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO28_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:22 GPIO27 GPIO27_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO27_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21:20 GPIO26 GPIO26_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO26_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:18 GPIO25 GPIO25_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO25_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 17:16 GPIO24 GPIO24_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO24_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:14 GPIO23 GPIO23_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO23_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13:12 GPIO22 GPIO22_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO22_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:10 GPIO21 GPIO21_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO21_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9:8 GPIO20 GPIO20_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO20_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:6 GPIO19 GPIO19_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO19_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5:4 GPIO18 GPIO18_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO18_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:2 GPIO17 GPIO17_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO17_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1:0 GPIO16 GPIO16_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO16_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020D20 GPIO_TDSEL2 GPIO TDSEL Control Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO47 RW 0 0 GPIO39 RW 0 0 GPIO46 RW 0 0 GPIO38 RW 0 0 GPIO45 RW 0 0 GPIO37 RW 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO44 RW 0 0 GPIO36 RW 0 0 00000000 23 22 7 6 GPIO43 RW 0 0 GPIO35 RW 0 0 21 20 5 4 GPIO42 RW 0 0 GPIO34 RW 0 0 19 18 3 2 GPIO41 RW 0 0 GPIO33 RW 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO40 RW 0 0 GPIO32 RW 0 0 GPIO TX duty control register Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO47 GPIO47_TDSEL GPIO47 Tx duty control 29:28 GPIO46 GPIO46_TDSEL GPIO46 Tx duty control 27:26 GPIO45 GPIO45_TDSEL GPIO45 Tx duty control 25:24 GPIO44 GPIO44_TDSEL GPIO44 Tx duty control 23:22 GPIO43 GPIO43_TDSEL GPIO43 Tx duty control 21:20 GPIO42 GPIO42_TDSEL GPIO42 Tx duty control 19:18 GPIO41 GPIO41_TDSEL GPIO41 Tx duty control 17:16 GPIO40 GPIO40_TDSEL GPIO40 Tx duty control 15:14 GPIO39 GPIO39_TDSEL GPIO39 Tx duty control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 13:12 GPIO38 GPIO38_TDSEL GPIO38 Tx duty control 11:10 GPIO37 GPIO37_TDSEL GPIO37 Tx duty control 9:8 GPIO36 GPIO36_TDSEL GPIO36 Tx duty control 7:6 GPIO35 GPIO35_TDSEL GPIO35 Tx duty control 5:4 GPIO34 GPIO34_TDSEL GPIO34 Tx duty control 3:2 GPIO33 GPIO33_TDSEL GPIO33 Tx duty control 1:0 GPIO32 GPIO32_TDSEL GPIO32 Tx duty control A2020D24 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_TDSEL2 GPIO TDSEL Control _SET 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO47 WO 0 0 GPIO39 WO 0 0 GPIO46 WO 0 0 GPIO38 WO 0 0 GPIO45 WO 0 0 GPIO37 WO 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO44 WO 0 0 GPIO36 WO 0 0 00000000 23 22 7 6 GPIO43 WO 0 0 GPIO35 WO 0 0 21 20 5 4 GPIO42 WO 0 0 GPIO34 WO 0 0 19 18 3 2 GPIO41 WO 0 0 GPIO33 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO40 WO 0 0 GPIO32 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO47 GPIO47_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO47_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 29:28 GPIO46 GPIO46_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO46_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 27:26 GPIO45 GPIO45_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO45_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 25:24 GPIO44 GPIO44_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO44_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 23:22 GPIO43 GPIO43_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO43_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 21:20 GPIO42 GPIO42_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO42_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 19:18 GPIO41 GPIO41_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO41_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 17:16 GPIO40 GPIO40_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO40_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 15:14 GPIO39 GPIO39_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO39_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 13:12 GPIO38 GPIO38_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO38_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 11:10 GPIO37 GPIO37_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO37_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 9:8 GPIO36 GPIO36_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO36_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 7:6 GPIO35 GPIO35_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO35_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 5:4 GPIO34 GPIO34_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO34_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 3:2 GPIO33 GPIO33_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO33_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 1:0 GPIO32 GPIO32_TDSEL Bitwise SET operation of GPIO32_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits A2020D28 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Overview GPIO_TDSEL2 GPIO TDSEL Control _CLR 31 30 29 28 27 26 15 14 13 12 11 10 GPIO47 WO 0 0 GPIO39 WO 0 0 GPIO46 WO 0 0 GPIO38 WO 0 0 GPIO45 WO 0 0 GPIO37 WO 0 0 25 24 9 8 GPIO44 WO 0 0 GPIO36 WO 0 0 00000000 23 22 7 6 GPIO43 WO 0 0 GPIO35 WO 0 0 21 20 5 4 GPIO42 WO 0 0 GPIO34 WO 0 0 19 18 3 2 GPIO41 WO 0 0 GPIO33 WO 0 0 17 16 1 0 GPIO40 WO 0 0 GPIO32 WO 0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 31:30 GPIO47 GPIO47_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO47_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 29:28 GPIO46 GPIO46_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO46_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 27:26 GPIO45 GPIO45_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO45_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 25:24 GPIO44 GPIO44_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO44_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 23:22 GPIO43 GPIO43_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO43_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 21:20 GPIO42 GPIO42_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO42_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 19:18 GPIO41 GPIO41_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO41_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description 1: CLR bits 17:16 GPIO40 GPIO40_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO40_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 15:14 GPIO39 GPIO39_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO39_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 13:12 GPIO38 GPIO38_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO38_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 11:10 GPIO37 GPIO37_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO37_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 9:8 GPIO36 GPIO36_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO36_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 7:6 GPIO35 GPIO35_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO35_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 5:4 GPIO34 GPIO34_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO34_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 3:2 GPIO33 GPIO33_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO33_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits 1:0 GPIO32 GPIO32_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO32_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits A2020D30 GPIO_TDSEL3 GPIO TDSEL Control Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Overview GPIO48 A2020D34 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name 17 16 1 0 GPIO48 RW 0 0 GPIO TX duty control register Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 00000000 31 Description GPIO48_TDSEL GPIO48 Tx duty control GPIO_TDSEL3 GPIO TDSEL Control _SET 00000000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 17 16 1 0 GPIO48 Page 562 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Type Reset 0 Overview GPIO48 A2020D38 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description GPIO48_TDSEL GPIO_TDSEL3 GPIO TDSEL Control _CLR 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO48 16 1 0 GPIO48 WO 0 0 Description GPIO48_TDSEL Bitwise CLR operation of GPIO48_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: CLR bits CLK Out Selection Control 00000004 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 Overview 17 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL A2020E00 CLK_OUT0 18 17 16 2 1 0 CLK_OUT0 RW 1 0 0 CLK OUT0 Setting Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 00000000 30 Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Bitwise SET operation of GPIO48_TDSEL Tx duty control 0: Keep 1: SET bits 31 Overview 1:0 0 For bitwise access of GPIO_TDSEL Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 1:0 WO CLK_OUT0 CFG0 Description Selects clock output for CLKO_0 [0]: Reserved [1]: f26m_mcusys_ck [2]: Reserved [3]: Reserved [4]: f32k_mcusys_ck [5]: Reserved [6]: Reserved [7]: Reserved [8]: Reserved [9]: Reserved [10]: Reserved [11]: Reserved [12]: Reserved [13]: Reserved © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 563 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020E10 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset Description [14]: Reserved [15]: Reserved CLK_OUT1 CLK Out Selection Control 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 Overview 2 1 0 CLK_OUT1 RW 1 0 CLK Out Selection Control 0 00000004 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 CLK_OUT2 RW 1 0 0 CLK OUT2 setting Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 16 Selects clock output for CLKO_1 [0]: Reserved [1]: f26m_mcusys_ck [2]: Reserved [3]: Reserved [4]: f32k_mcusys_ck [5]: Reserved [6]: Reserved [7]: Reserved [8]: Reserved [9]: Reserved [10]: Reserved [11]: Reserved [12]: Reserved [13]: Reserved [14]: Reserved [15]: Reserved A2020E20 CLK_OUT2 Overview 17 Description CLK_OUT1 CFG1 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 18 CLK OUT1 setting Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 00000004 CLK_OUT2 CFG2 Description Selects clock output for CLKO_2 [0]: Reserved [1]: f26m_mcusys_ck [2]: Reserved [3]: Reserved [4]: f32k_mcusys_ck [5]: Reserved [6]: Reserved [7]: Reserved © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name Description [8]: Reserved [9]: Reserved [10]: Reserved [11]: Reserved [12]: Reserved [13]: Reserved [14]: Reserved [15]: Reserved A2020E30 CLK_OUT3 CLK Out Selection Control Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 Overview 2 1 0 CLK_OUT3 RW 1 0 CLK Out Selection Control 0 00000004 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 CLK_OUT4 RW 1 0 0 CLK OUT4 setting Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 16 Selects clock output for CLKO_3 [0]: Reserved [1]: f26m_mcusys_ck [2]: Reserved [3]: Reserved [4]: f32k_mcusys_ck [5]: Reserved [6]: Reserved [7]: Reserved [8]: Reserved [9]: Reserved [10]: Reserved [11]: Reserved [12]: Reserved [13]: Reserved [14]: Reserved [15]: Reserved A2020E40 CLK_OUT4 Overview 17 Description CLK_OUT3 CFG3 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 18 CLK OUT3 setting Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 00000004 CLK_OUT4 CFG4 Description Selects clock output for CLKO_4 [0]: Reserved [1]: f26m_mcusys_ck © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 565 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Mnemonic Name A2020E50 Bit Name Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset CLK_OUT5 CLK Out Selection Control 00000004 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 Overview 18 17 16 2 1 0 CLK_OUT5 RW 1 0 0 CLK OUT5 setting Bit(s) Mnemonic Name 3:0 Description [2]: Reserved [3]: reserved [4]: f32k_mcusys_ck [5]: Reserved [6]: Reserved [7]: Reserved [8]: Reserved [9]: Reserved [10]: Reserved [11]: Reserved [12]: Reserved [13]: Reserved [14]: Reserved [15]: Reserved CLK_OUT5 CFG5 Description Selects clock output for CLKO_5 [0]: Reserved [1]: f26m_mcusys_ck [2]: Reserved [3]: Reserved [4]: f32k_mcusys_ck [5]: Reserved [6]: Reserved [7]: Reserved [8]: Reserved [9]: Reserved [10]: Reserved [11]: Reserved [12]: Reserved [13]: Reserved [14]: Reserved [15]: Reserved © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 566 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28. MT2523 Top Clock Setting This chapter defines the clock settings for MT2523. 28.1. MT2523 Clock Scheme This chapter describes the following settings: • CM4 MCU clock setting • Peripheral BUS clock setting • BSI clock setting • Serial flash clock setting • DSP clock setting • DISP PWM clock • CAM clock setting • SLCD clock setting • MSDC0 clock setting • MSDC1 clock setting The USB clock’s frequency typically cannot be changed and so is not described in this chapter. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 567 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. M MT2523 Series Reference Manual pad_functest_ck G create_generated clock root R create clock root i ignore pin Clock Switch - Digital Clock Frequency DIV PLLs Clock Switch – Clock source selection Top Global Con {rf_msdc_cfg_clksrc_patch, rf_msdc_cfg_pws} BT PLL DCXO 26MHz 1 0 R CSW_CLKSQ_CK R RTC_F32K_CK gp_f26m_ gfmux_sel LFOSC_F26M_CK 1 0 R 0 1 2 3 EN CG R lp_lfosc_mux CLKSQ_F6P5M_CK ~(SW cg | _sel R chg_clk) LFOSC_F13M_CK /2 R LFOSC_F6P5M_CK LFOSC_F26M_CK 0 EN LFOSC_F13M_CK 1 /4 R LFOSC_F6P5M_CK 2 CG CLKSQ LFOSC 26M CLKSQ_F26M_CK CLKSQ_F13M_CK CLKSQ_F6P5M_CK RTC_F32K_CK CLKSQ_F13M_CK (to bt/modem/ dpm/mixedsys_d) /2 /4 CLKSQ_F26M_CK UPLL 312M lp_clksq_mux ~(SW cg | _sel chg_clk) rg_pad_functest_ck_sel MIPI PLL UPLL_F48M_CK UPLL_F48M_CK 3 CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK MPLL_DIV3P5_CK MPLL_DIV4_CK CSW_LP_C MPLL_DIV5_CK LKSQ_CK lp_f26m_gf HFOSC_DIV3P5_CK MPLL_DIV4_CK mux_sel HFOSC_DIV5_CK 1 0 CSW_LP_F26M_CK R CSW_LP_L FOSC_CK CSW_GP_F26M_CK (to uart) /1.5 R /2 R R /5 R /3 /2 R UPLL_F104M_CK UPLL_F104M_CK UPLL_F62M_CK R /3.5 R MPLL_F178M_CK /3 R MPLL_F208M_CK /2.5 R R MPLL_F624M_CK MPLL_F312M_CK HFOSC_CK CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK MPLL_DIV3_CK MPLL_F125M_CK MPLL_DIV4_CK MPLL_DIV5_CK HFOSC_DIV3_CK HFOSC_DIV4_CK HFOSC_DIV5_CK CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK UPLL_48M_CK UPLL_F312M_CK MPLL_F250M_CK 1 0 /1.5 R /1.5 MPLL_F125M_CK /2 R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~(HW cg | chg_clk) EN SW cg CSW_SFC_CK & dcm test_ck 0 1 2 3 EN i CG 0 1 2 3 EN CG 0 1 CSW_CAM48M_CK gcam_ck CSW_USB48M_CK gusb_ck CG /2 /4 R R /3 /6 R R MPLL_DIV3_CK /2.5 R MPLL_DIV2P5_CK MPLL_DIV2_CK MPLL_DIV4_CK MPLL_DIV1P5_CK ~(HW cg | chg_clk) R MPLL_DIV3P5_CK /5 R MPLL_DIV5_CK /3 /6 R R HFOSC_DIV3_CK /2.5 R HFOSC_DIV2P5_CK HFOSC_DIV1P5_CK HFOSC_DIV6_CK /3.5 R HFOSC_DIV3P5_CK /5 R HFOSC_DIV5_CK ghbus_ck SW cg & dcm CSW_BUS_CK EN CG 0 1 EN CG i ghbus_pd_bus_mclk_ck ghbus_ao_bus_mclk_ck 0 1 MPLL_DIV6_CK /3.5 R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 cm_mux_sel=efuse_cpu_104m & (sel_reg > 4'd4) ? 4'd4 : sel_reg CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK 0 CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK 1 ~(HW cg | UPLL_F104M_CK 2 chg_clk) 3 MPLL_DIV3_CK HFOSC_DIV3_CK 4 EN MPLL_F208M_CK 5 CG 6 MPLL_DIV2_CK HFOSC_DIV1P5_CK 7 HFOSC_DIV2_CK 8 dsp_mux_sel CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK 0 CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK 1 ~(HW cg | 2 MPLL_DIV2_CK chg_clk) 3 MPLL_F138M_CK 4 MPLL_DIV2P5_CK EN 5 UPLL_F125M_CK CG 6 HFOSC_DIV2_CK HFOSC_DIV2P5_CK 7 slcd_mux_sel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~(SW cg | chg_clk) 0 1 2 3 SW cg CSW_CM_CK & dcm 0 1 test_ck i 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 CG SW cg & HW idle CSW_DSP_CK gmems_ck gdsp_ck EN CG 0 1 test_ck i 0 1 CSW_SLCD_CK SW cg & HW idle gslcd_ck CG CSW_DISP_PWM_CK gdisp_pwm_ck EN CG EN hnodcm_bsispi_ck CSW|_BSISPI_CK CG CSW_LP_F26M_CK CSW_F32K_CK RTC_F32K_CK CG EN bsi_mux_sel ~(SW cg | HW cg | chg_clk) CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK MPLL_DIV2P5_CK MPLL_DIV3_CK HFOSC_DIV2P5_CK HFOSC_DIV3_CK 1'b0 gcm_ck EN EN disp_pwm_mux_sel ~(SW cg | chg_clk) R gsfc_ck EN 0 1 CG bus_mux_sel CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK UPLL_F62M_CK MPLL_DIV5_CK MPLL_DIV6_CK HFOSC_DIV5_CK HFOSC_DIV6_CK CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK UPLL_F104M_CK HFOSC_DIV3_CK 32KHz gmsdc1_ck CSW_MSDC1_CK usb_mux_sel ~(SW cg | chg_clk) CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK UPLL_48M_CK UPLL_F62M_CK CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK MPLL_DIV2P5_CK MPLL_DIV3_CK MPLL_DIV4_CK HFOSC_DIV2P5_CK HFOSC_DIV3_CK HFOSC_DIV4_CK RTC gmsdc0_ck CSW_MSDC0_CK CG MPLL_F138M_CK DDS HFOSC 312M UPLL_F208M_CK /4.5 mpll_powerful_div[0] R EN cam_mux_sel ~(SW cg | chg_clk) UPLL_F312M_CK MPLL 624M ~(SW cg | chg_clk) sfc_mux_sel UPLL_F312M_CK R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f26m_ck f32k_ck Figure 28-1. MT2523 clock scheme 28.2. Clock Setting Programming Guide The clock settings of MT2523 are configured by CRs which control some clock dividers and MUXs. This chapter describes how to switch clock source/frequency for MT2523 system and peripheral devices. Note that all clock sources should be enabled and stable when S/W switches to it. Follow the minimum VCORE voltage limitation, or there will be timing violation issues. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 568 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28.2.1. General Slow Clock Setting There are three types of slow clocks, DCXO (CLKSQ) 26M, LFOSC 26M and 32K. CLKSQ 26M and LFOSC 26M are divided into 13M and 6.5M. You can select LFOSC for lower power or CLKSQ for more accuracy. CM4/BUS/SFC default clock is from CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK; you can switch to CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK or other higher clock frequencies. The clock source of UART 0 ~ 3 is from CSW_GP_F26M_CK. BT and audio 26M clock is from CLKSQ_F26M_CK. Other modules’ slow clocks are derived from CSW_LP_F26M_CK, e.g. PWM/GPTIMER/I2C0/I2C1/SPI/SENSOR_DMA. Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 0: CLKSQ_F26M_CK (26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CLKSQ_F13M_CK (13MHz) NA 0.9v 2: CLKSQ_F6P5M_CK (6.5MHz) NA 0.9v 3: RTC_F32K_CK (32kHz) NA 0.9v Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 0: LFOSC_F26M_CK (26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: LFOSC_F13M_CK (13MHz) NA 0.9v 2: LFOSC_F6P5M_CK (6.5MHz) NA 0.9v 3: RTC_F32K_CK (32kHz) NA 0.9v Mux select register (active when chg=1) CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK LP_CLKSQ_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDD (0xA201010C) bit[25:24] Mux select option The configured CRs and steps are: LP_CLKSQ_MUX_SEL : 0xA201010C[25:24] CHG_LP_CLKSQ =1 : 0xA21D0150[12] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[12] = 0. Mux select register (active when chg=1) CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK LP_LFOSC_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDD (0xA201010C) bit[23:22] Mux select option © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 569 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual The configured CRs and steps are: LP_ LFOSC_MUX_SEL : 0xA201010C[23:22] CHG_LP_LFOSC =1 : 0xA21D0150[13] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[13] = 0. CSW_LP_F26M_CK Mux select register Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) LP_F26M_GFMUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[20] 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK NA 0.9v Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 0: CLKSQ_F26M_CK (26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: LFOSC_F26M_CK (26MHz) NA 0.9v The configured CRs and steps are: LP_F26M_GFMUX_SEL: 0xA2010104[20] MUX change will succeed after 2T original clock + 2T target clock. Mux select register CSW_GP_F26M_CK GP_F26M_GFMUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[21] The configured CRs and steps are: GP_F26M_GFMUX_SEL: 0xA2010104[21] MUX change will succeed after 2T original clock + 2T target clock. 28.2.2. CM4 MCU Clock Setting The CM4 MCU clock supports slow clock, 104MHz and max. 208MHz (divided from PLL). CM4 MCU clock is CM4 CPU clock. CM4 and EMI/SFC/MM AHB BUS (MEMS) clock are derived from CM4 MCU clock and equals half of CM4 MCU clock frequency. EMI needs 50/50 duty clock, so none of 50/50 duty clock source is forbidden with pSRAM scenario. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 570 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_CM_CK CHG_CM = *ACFG_CLK_UPDATE (0XA21D0150) BIT[1] Mux select register (active when chg=1) CM_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[6:3] Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: UPLL_F104M_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[8+1]=1 1.1v 3: MPLL_DIV3_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+4]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+7]=1 1.1v 4: HFOSC_DIV3_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[0]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[3]=1 1.1v 5: MPLL_F208M_CK (208MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+2]=1 1.3v 6: MPLL_DIV2_CK (156MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+5]=1 1.3v 7: HFOSC_DIV1P5_CK (none 50/50 duty, forbidden) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[0]=1 NA 8: HFOSC_DIV2_CK (156MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[1]=1 1.3v The configured CRs and steps are: © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 571 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] CM_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[6:3] CHG_CM =1 : 0xA21D0150[1] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[1] = 0. 28.2.3. Peripheral BUS Clock Setting The Peripheral BUS clock supports slow clock, 52MHz and max. 62.4MHz. Peripheral BUS clock is for peripheral I2C_D2D/I2C2/DMA/DMA_AO/SPISLV clock and general BUS clock. Peripheral BUS clock can only run at max. 13MHz in 0.9v. Therefore, setting up BUS DCM signal “RG_BUS_FREE_FSEL” to derive 13MHz clock from 26MHz is required. Refer to clock API for the setup method. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_BUS_CK CHG_BUS = *ACFG_CLK_UPDATE (0XA21D0150) BIT[0] Mux select register (active when chg=1) BUS_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[2:0] Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: UPLL_F62M_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[8+3]=1 1.1v 3: MPLL_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+9]=1 1.1v 4: MPLL_DIV6_CK (52MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+4]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+7]=1 1.1v 5: HFOSC_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[5]=1 1.1v © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 572 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) Mux select register (active when chg=1) Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 6: HFOSC_DIV6_CK (52MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[0]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[3]=1 1.1v The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] BUS_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[2:0] CHG_BUS =1 : 0xA21D0150[0] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[0] = 0. 28.2.4. BSI BUS Clock Setting The BSI clock supports slow clock, 104MHz and max. 124.8MHz. BSI clock is for DCXO configuration BSI interface. BSI clock frequency should be bigger than or equal to twice of Peripheral BUS clock. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_BSI_CK CHG_BSI = *ACFG_CLK_UPDATE (0XA21D0150) BIT[5] Mux select register (active when chg=1) BSI_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[19:17] Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: MPLL_DIV2P5_CK (none 50/50 duty 124.8MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+6]=1 1.1v © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 573 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltage (typ) 3: MPLL_DIV3_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+4]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[16+7]=1 1.1v 4: HFOSC_DIV2P5_CK (none 50/50 duty 124.8MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[2]=1 1.1v 5: HFOSC_DIV3_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[0]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100) bit[3]=1 1.1v Mux select register (active when chg=1) The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] BSI_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[19:17] RG_BSICSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[5] CHG_BSI =1 : 0xA21D0150[5] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[5] = 0. RG_BSICSW_FORCE_ON=0 : 0xA201010C[5] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 574 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28.2.5. Serial Flash Clock Setting The serial flash clock supports slow clock, 62.4MHz and max. 78MHz. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_SFC_CK CHG_SFC = *ACFG_CLK_UPDAT E (0XA21D0150) BIT[3] Mux select register (active when chg=1) SFC_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[13:10] Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: MPLL_DIV3_CK (104MHz, forbidden) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+4]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+7]=1 NA 3: MPLL_F125M_CK ( 124.8MHz, forbidden) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+3]=1 NA 4: MPLL_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+5]=1 1.1v 5: MPLL_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+9]=1 1.1v 6: HFOSC_DIV3_CK (104MHz, forbidden) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[0]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[3]=1 NA © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 575 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 7: HFOSC_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[1]=1 1.1v 8: HFOSC_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[5]=1 1.1v Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: MPLL_DIV2_CK (156MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+5]=1 1.3v Mux select register (active when chg=1) The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] SFC_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[13:10] RG_SFCCSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[3] CHG_SFC =1 : 0xA21D0150[3] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[3] = 0. RG_SFCCSW_FORCE_ON=0 28.2.6. : 0xA201010C[3] DSP Clock Setting The DSP clock supports slow clock, 124.8MHz and max. 156MHz. DSP clock is for audio. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_DSP_CK CHG_DSP = *ACFG_CLK_UPDAT E (0XA21D0150) BIT[6] Mux select register (active when chg=1) DSP_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[30:28] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 576 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 3: MPLL_F138M_CK (none 50/50 duty 138.68MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+10]=1 1.3v 4: MPLL_DIV2P5_CK (none 50/50 duty 124.8MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+6]=1 1.1v 5: UPLL_F125M_CK (none 50/50 duty 124.8MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[8+2]=1 1.1v 6: HFOSC_DIV2_CK (156MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[1]=1 1.3v 7: HFOSC_DIV2P5_CK (none 50/50 duty 124.8MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[2]=1 1.1v Mux select register (active when chg=1) The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] RG_DSPCSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[6] DSP_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[30:28] CHG_DSP =1 : 0xA21D0150[6] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[6] = 0. RG_DSPCSW_FORCE_ON=0 : 0xA201010C[6] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 577 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28.2.7. DISP PWM Clock Setting DISP PWM Clock supports slow clock, and 104MHz. DISP PWM clock is for display module. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_DISP_C K CHG_DISP_PWM = *ACFG_CLK_UPDAT E (0XA21D0150) BIT[9] Mux select register (active when chg=1) DISP_PWM_MU X_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[27:26] Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: UPLL_F104M_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[8+1]=1 1.1v 3: HFOSC_DIV3_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[0]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[3]=1 1.1v The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] DISP_PWM_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[27:26] RG_DISPPWMCSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[9] CHG_DISP_PWM =1 : 0xA21D0150[9] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[9] = 0. RG_DISPPWMCSW_FORCE_ON=0 : 0xA201010C[9] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 578 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28.2.8. CAM Clock Setting The CAM clock supports slow clock, 48MHz and 312MHz. CAM clock is for camera module. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_CAM_C K CHG_CAM = *ACFG_CLK_UPDAT E (0XA21D0150) BIT[7] Mux select register (active when chg=1) CAM_MUX_SEL = *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[23:22] Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: UPLL_48M_CK (48MHz) NA 1.1v 3: UPLL_F312M_CK (312MHz) NA 1.1v The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] CAM_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[23:22] RG_CAMCSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[7] CHG_CAM =1 : 0xA21D0150[7] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[7] = 0. RG_CAMCSW_FORCE_ON=0 : 0xA201010C[7] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 579 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28.2.9. SLCD Clock Setting The SLCD clock supports slow clock, 78MHz, 104MHz, and max. 124.8MHz. SLCD clock is for display module. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_SFC_CK CHG_SLCD = *ACFG_CLK_UPDAT E (0XA21D0150) BIT[4] Mux select register (active when chg=1) {RG_SLCD_CK_SE L, SLCD_MUX_SEL} = {*CLK_CONDD (0xA201010C) bit[21], *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104) bit[16:14]} Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: MPLL_DIV2P5_CK (none 50/50 duty 124.8MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+6]=1 1.1v 3: MPLL_DIV3_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+4]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+7]=1 1.1v 4: MPLL_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+5]=1 1.1v 5: HFOSC_DIV2P5_CK (none 50/50 duty 124.8MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[2]=1 1.1v 6: HFOSC_DIV3_CK (104MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[0]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[3]=1 1.1v 7: HFOSC_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[1]=1 1.1v © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 580 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 8: MPLL_F125M_CK (124.5MHz 50/50 duty) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+3]=1 1.1v Mux select register (active when chg=1) The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] SLCD_MUX_SEL : 0xA2010104[16:14] RG_SLCD_CK_SEL : 0xA201010C[21] RG_SLCDCSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[4] CHG_SLCD =1 : 0xA21D0150[4] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[4] = 0. RG_SLCDCSW_FORCE_ON=0 : 0xA201010C[4] 28.2.10. MSDC0 Clock Setting The MSDC0 clock supports slow clock, 62.4MHz, 78MHz and max. 89.1MHz. MSDC0 clock is for eMMC0 module. CSW_MSDC0 _CK Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) Mux select register (active when chg=1) CHG_MSDC0 = *ACFG_CLK_UPDATE (0XA21D0150) BIT[10] { RF_MSDC0_MS DC_CFG_CLKSR C_PATCH, RF_MSDC0_MS DC_CFG_PWS } = *MSDC0_MSDC _CFG (0xA0020000) bit {[23],[4:3]} Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: MPLL_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+8]=1 1.3v © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 581 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) Mux select register (active when chg=1) Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 3: MPLL_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+5]=1 1.2v 4: MPLL_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+9]=1 1.1v 5: HFOSC_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[4]=1 1.3v 6: HFOSC_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[1]=1 1.2v 7: HFOSC_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[5]=1 1.1v The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] RF_MSDC0_MSDC_CFG_CLKSRC_PATCH : 0xA0020000[23] RF_MSDC0_MSDC_CFG_PWS : 0xA0020000[4:3] RG_MSDC0CSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[10] CHG_MSDC0 =1 : 0xA21D0150[10] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[10] = 0. RG_MSDC0CSW_FORCE_ON=0 : 0xA201010C[10] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 582 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 28.2.11. MSDC1 Clock Setting The MSDC1 clock supports slow clock, 62.4MHz, 78MHz and max. 89.1MHz. MSDC1 clock is for eMMC1 module. Change bit (gating when chg, auto clear) CSW_MSDC1 _CK CHG_MSDC1 = *ACFG_CLK_UPDATE (0XA21D0150) BIT[11] Mux select register (active when chg=1) {RF_MSDC1_M SDC_CFG_CLKS RC_PATCH, RF_MSDC1_MS DC_CFG_PWS} = *MSDC1_MSDC _CFG (0xA0030000) bit {[23],[4:3]} Mux select option Powerful divide enable bit works @ *CLK_CONDB (0xA2010104 ) bit[31]=1 Min. vcore voltag e (typ) 0: CSW_LP_CLKSQ_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 1: CSW_LP_LFOSC_CK (max. 26MHz) NA 0.9v 2: MPLL_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+8]=1 1.3v 3: MPLL_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+5]=1 1.2v 4: MPLL_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16]=1 *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[16+9]=1 1.1v 5: HFOSC_DIV3P5_CK (89.1MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[4]=1 1.3v 6: HFOSC_DIV4_CK (78MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[1]=1 1.2v 7: HFOSC_DIV5_CK (62.4MHz) *CLK_CONDA (0xA2010100 ) bit[5]=1 1.1v © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 583 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual The configured CRs and steps are: POWERFUL_DIV_EN : 0xA2010100[31:0] PLL_DIV_EN=1 : 0xA2010104[31] RF_MSDC1_MSDC_CFG_CLKSRC_PATCH : 0xA0030000[23] RF_MSDC1_MSDC_CFG_PWS : 0xA0030000[4:3] RG_MSDC1CSW_FORCE_ON=1 : 0xA201010C[11] CHG_MSDC1 =1 : 0xA21D0150[11] MUX change will succeed when read 0xA21D0150[11] = 0. RG_MSDC1CSW_FORCE_ON=0 : 0xA201010C[11] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 584 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 29. Power Management Unit The power management unit (PMU) manages the power supply of the entire chip, such as baseband, processor, memory, camera, vibrator, and more. The digital part of PMU is integrated into the analog part (see Figure 29-1). PMU includes the following analog functions for signal processing: • Digital Core Buck Converter (𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 ): The buck converter is optimized for high efficiency and low quiescent current. • LDO and power switch. Regulate battery voltage to lower voltage level. • LED current sink (ISINK) switches: Sink current for the LCM module. • Start-up (STRUP). Generates power on/off control sequence of start-up circuits. • Pulse charger (PCHR). Controls battery charging. VCORE Essential LDOs LCM Module VCORE VDIG18 VA18 VIO18 VIO28 VSF VMC ISINK Current Sink *1 VDIG18 VDDK AVDD_RTC VIO18 AVDD18_AUXADC DVDD18_VSWXM AVDD18_DCXO VIO28 AVDD28_ABB AVDD28_MIPI DVDD_VIO_B VA18 VIO18 VIO28 VIO28 DVDD18_VIO18 DVDD_GPO DVDD_VIO_A DVDD_VIO_C MT2523G/D Base Band Processor VIO18 MT2523G/D PMU VSF DVDD_VSF VMC DVDD33_VMC AVDD33_USB VIBR M Charger In BJT +Rsense BATSNS Extra LDOs Vibrator Pulse-Charger Controller Basic Feature LDOs VUSB VCAMA VBT Memory card VUSB VCAMA Camera sensor VBT AVDD_VBT AVDD13_BTRF MT2523G/D Bluetooth RF Figure 29-1. MT2523 series PMU architecture © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 585 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 29.1. Power supply schemes There are four battery input balls for regulator input. The recommended battery operation range is from 3.15V to 4.8V, which is suitable for Li-ion battery applications. 1) VBAT_BUCK_CTRL and VBAT_CORE are power supplies for VCORE in buck mode, VBAT_LDOS1 is the power supply for VCORE in LDO mode, VIO18, VA18, VIO28, VUSB and VDIG18. 2) There is a power switch between VBAT_LDOS1 and PWRSW_OUT to reduce sub-block power leakage current. PWRSW_OUT supplies power for VA28, VCAMA, VBT, VMC and VIBR. 3) VSWXM and VSWDP power switches are supplied with power from VIO18. 4) VSWMP power switch is supplied with power from VIO28. The LDO input power plan is shown in Table 29-1. Table 29-1. LDO input power plan Type Name Buck VCORE (buck mode) VBAT_LDOS1 DLDO VCORE (LDO mode) VBAT_LDOS2=>PWRSW_OUT ALDO VA28 VBAT_LDOS2=>PWRSW_OUT ALDO VCAMA VBAT_LDOS1 DLDO VIO18 From VIO18 Power switch VSWXM From VIO18 Power switch VSWDP VBAT_LDOS2=>PWRSW_OUT ALDO VBT VBAT_LDOS1 ALDO VA18 VBAT_LDOS2 DLDO VSF VBAT_LDOS1 DLDO VIO28 From VIO28 Power switch VSWMP VBAT_LDOS1 DLDO VUSB VBAT_LDOS2=>PWRSW_OUT DLDO VMC VBAT_LDOS2=>PWRSW_OUT DLDO VIBR DVDD18_DIG VDIG18 Input power plan VBAT_BUCK_CTRL VBAT_VCORE VBAT_LDOS1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 586 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 29.2. Voltage regulator VBAT_VCORE VBAT_LDOS1 VBAT_LDOS2 VCORE 200mA 0.7~1.3V PWRSW SOC Core (CPU, DSP, MM, ….) VCORE 20mA 0.7~1.3V VIO28 150mA 2.8V VA18 2.5mA 1.8V 1. PSRAM I/O PADs 2. 1.8V sensor 3. EXTM (PSRAM) VSWXM 70mA VIO18 200mA 1.8V VSWDP 70mA 1. 1.8V LCM 2. PLL 3. Dedicated display VSWMP 20mA/OFF VBT 100mA 2.8V Bluetooth VA28 150mA 2.8V 1. AUDIO 2. AUXADC 3. DAC VCAMA 100mA 2.8V/OFF 1. GPIO, Peri. I/O PADs 2. LPOSC VIBR 100mA 1.8, 2.8, 3.0, 3.3V/OFF MIPI, DSI analog 1. GPIO, Peri. I/O PADs 2. 2.8V sensor 3. SOC Efuse 4. 2.8V LCM 1. AUXADC 2. PCHR 3. DCXO 1. Camera Vibrator VMC 230mA 3, 3.3V 1. MSDC and interface I/O PADs 2. 3.3V sensor PCHR AVDD33 BATSNS VDIG18 5mA 1.8V 1. RTC Marco 2. 32KHz OSC 3. Start-up digital CHRIN VBAT_LDOS2 VUSB 80mA 3.3V 1. USB 2.0 2. 3.3V sensor VSF 100mA 1.86V 1. Serial Flash 2. Interface I/O PADs VBAT_LDOS2 STRUP Default on power block LDO Default on power block ALDO Default off power block ALDO Default on power block PWRSW Default on power block DLDO Default off power block DLDO Default on power block SW Default on power block PCHR Default off power block SW Default on power block STRUP Default off power block BUCK VSWXM: External SRAM Switch VCAMA: Camera Supply Voltage VSWDP: Dedicate Display Switch PCHR: Pulse Charger VSWMP: MIPI Switch CHRIN: Charger In PWRSW: Power Switch Figure 29-2. MT2523 series power domain 29.2.1. LDO PMU integrates 12 general low dropout regulators (LDO). Performance optimization is achieved using the APIs for different quiescent current, dropout voltage, line/load regulation, ripple rejection and output noise. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 587 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual LDO is capable of maintaining its specified output voltage over a wide range of load current and input voltage, down to a very small difference between input and output voltages. The LDO design includes features, such as discharge control, soft start and current limit. Before LDO is enabled, the output pin of LDO should be first discharged to avoid voltage accumulation on the capacitance. The soft-start limits inrush current and controls output-voltage rising time during power-up. The current limit is the current protection to limit LDO’s output current and power dissipation. There are three types of LDOs in PMU of the MT2523 series platform and the general LDO block diagram is shown in Figure 29-3. The analog LDO is optimized for low-frequency ripple rejection to reject VBAT ripples. The digital IO LDO is a linear regulator optimized for very low quiescent current. VDIG18 LDO is a linear regulator that can charge up a capacitor-type backup coin cell that supplies the RTC module. VBAT_XXX VREF Current Limit VOUT VOUT R1 VOUT Discharge Control R2 GND Figure 29-3. General LDO block diagram LDO types Table 29-2. LDO types and brief specifications Type LDO name Vout (Volt) Imax (mA) Description ALDO VBT 2.8 100 Bluetooth ALDO VA28 2.8 150 Audio ALDO VA18 1.8 2.5 AUXADC ALDO VCAMA 2.8 100 Camera sensor DLDO VIO28 2.8 150 Digital IO and Bluetooth DLDO VUSB 3.3 80 USB DLDO VIO18 1.8 200 Digital IO DLDO VCORE 0.7~1.30 20 Digital baseband DLDO VIBR 1.3/1.5/1.8/2/2.5/2.8/3/3.3 100 Vibrator DLDO VMC 1.8/2.8/3.0/3.3 230 Memory card © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 588 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Type LDO name Vout (Volt) Imax (mA) Description DLDO VSF 1.86/3.0/3.3 100 Serial flash Power Switch VSWXM 1.8 70 Power Switch VSWDP 1.8 70 Power Switch VSWMP 2.8 20 Powered by VIO18 PSRAM I/O. Powered by VIO18 Dedicated display MIPI DSI analog Regulator ON There are three power modes configured by software when the regulator is on − Normal mode, Lite mode and LP mode. In power-on state, the regulators are powered on by normal mode to achieve fast power-on. The soft start feature limits the inrush current to avoid battery voltage drop. DIG18 LDO is in ULP mode at power-off state. Regulator Off Disabling the regulator and entering the shutdown mode will cause output voltage to discharge through N-MOSFET to ground. In shutdown mode, the quiescent current can be reduced to below 0.1µA. 29.3. Low power mode The device supports four low-power modes to achieve the best compromise in low power consumption. The ULP mode LDO is only implemented in DIG18, VCOR_LOD, VIO18, VIO28 and VSF. LDO mode selection can be configured through the PSI register. 29.4. Pulse Charger (PCHR) The charger controller senses the charger input voltage from either a standard AC-DC adapter or a USB charger. When the charger input voltage is within a pre-determined range, the charging process is activated. This detector can resist higher input voltage than other parts of the PMU. 29.4.1. Charger detection Whenever an invalid charging source is detected (> 5.5V), the charger detector will stop the charging process immediately to prevent the chip even the device from burning out. In addition, if the charger-in level is not high enough (< 4.15V), the charger will also be disabled to avoid improper charging behavior. 29.4.2. Charging control When the charger is active, the charger controller will manage the charging phase according to the battery status. During the charging period, the battery voltage is constantly monitored. The battery charger supports pre-charge mode (VBAT < 3.45V, PMU power-off state), CC mode (constant current mode or fast charging mode at the range 3.45V < VBAT < 4.2V) and CV mode (constant voltage mode) to optimize the charging process for Li-ion battery. Figure 29-4 and Figure 29-5 is the charging block/state diagram. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 589 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Charger block diagram Off Chip CHRIN ON Chip CHRLDO CHRIN VBAT DRV VBAT_DDLO_DET VREF VBAT_UVLO_DET VBAT Voltage divider 8V LDMOS CSDAC_EN VBAT_DDLO_VTH<1:0> CSDAC_DAT<7:0> VBAT_UVLO_VTH<1:0> ISENSE VBAT_CC_DET VBAT_CC_VTH[1:0] CS_DET VBAT_CV_DET EN CS_EN VBAT_CV_VTH[1:0] Current in2 in1 Sensing vr set VREF CS_VTH[3:0] gain CHR_LDO_DET VBAT_OV_DET Rsense BATSNS (VBAT) VBAT VBAT_OV_VTH[1:0] Charger Core And Digital Controller VA18 BATON COMP BATON_UNDET Interface To BB RNTC OTG/BATON VREF GEN COMP OTG_BVALID_DET BC12 Controller CHRIN OTG_BVAILD_EN VCDT VCDT VREF GEN MUX COMP VCDT_DET CCHRLDO_DET_CMP VCDT_VTH[3:0] CHR_LDO_DET COMP VTH CGRLDOGOOD VBGR Figure 29-4. PCHR schematics © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 590 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual NON-CHARGING NO YES CHRIN>4.15V PRECC0 unlock DeadBATT VBAT<2.2V? NO YES PreCC VBAT<2.7V 5 min timeout NO CC Mode VBAT>3V (software initiate) NO CV Mode VBAT=4.2V Charger OFF YES (Software programmable) PreCC 2.7V 2.2V Figure 29-7. Power-on/off control sequence by charger plug in © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 593 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 1) Pushing PWRKEY (pulling the PWRKEY pin to low level). Pulling PWRKEY low is a typical method to turn on the handset. The system reset ends once all default-on regulators are sequentially turned on. After that, the baseband will send the BBWAKEUP signal back to PMIC for acknowledgement. To successfully power on the handset, PWRKEY should be kept low until PMIC receives BBWAKEUP from the baseband. 2) RTC module generates PWRHOLD to wake up the system. If the RTC module is scheduled to wake up the handset at some time, the PWRHOLD signal will be directly sent to PMIC. In this case, PWRHOLD becomes high at specific moment and allows PMIC power-on. This is called the RTC alarm. 3) Valid charger plug-in (CHRIN voltage within valid range). The charger plug-in will also turn on the handset if the charger is valid. When PMU_CHGIN input voltage is greater than CHGIN_VTHH and VSYS>UVLO, the handset will also be powered on. Under-voltage lockout (UVLO) The UVLO state in PMIC prevents start-up if the initial voltage of the main battery is below UVLO_VTH. The judgment is done by VBATSNS. It ensures that the handset is powered on with the battery in good condition. The UVLO function is performed by a hysteretic comparator to ensure smooth power-on. In addition, when the battery voltage is getting lower, it will enter the UVLO state and PMIC will be turned off by itself, except for VRTC LDO, to prevent further discharging. Once PMIC enters the UVLO state, it will draw low quiescent current. RTC LDO will still be working until DDLO disables it. Deep discharge lockout (DDLO) PMIC will enter the deep discharge lockout (DDLO) state when the battery voltage drops below DDLO_VTHL. In this state, VRTC LDO will be shut down. Otherwise, it will draw very low quiescent current to prevent further discharging or even damage to the cells. Reset PMIC contains a reset control circuit that takes effect at both power-up and power-down. The RESETB pin is held low in the beginning of power-up and returns to high after the pre-determined delay time. The delay time is controlled by a large counter, which uses the clock from the internal ring-oscillator. At power-off, the RESETB pin will return to low immediately without any delay. Over-temperature protection If the die temperature of PMIC exceeds 125°C (typical condition), PMIC will automatically disable all regulators except for VRTC. Once the over-temperature state is resolved, a new power-on sequence will be required to enable the regulators. 29.6. LED current sink (ISINK) Maximum of two indicator LED drivers are supported. Figure 29-8 provides the usage of indicator LED drivers. The LED driver of MT2523 series supports PWM mode and breath mode. The LED current changing from small to large then descending is the breath mode. The breathing cycle time, including Trising_1, Trising_2, Ton, Toff, Tfalling_1, and Tfalling_2 period can be modified through software configuration of the registers. © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 594 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual NI_ISINKS_CH_EN RG_ISINKS_CH0_STEP[2:0] VBAT VBAT Isink A2D signals ISINK NI_ISINKS0_STATUS NI_ISINKS1_STATUS ISINK_EN Step[2:0] Figure 29-8. ISINK block diagram 29.7. Vibrator driver The VIBR driver power allows up to 100mA current for eccentric rotating mass (ERM) or coin type vibrator with programmable output voltage. 29.8. PMU AUXADC The PMU auxiliary ADC includes the following functional blocks: • Analog multiplexer: Selects signals from one of the input channels. The signal, such as temperature, are monitored and transferred to the voltage domain. • 15-bit A/D converter: Converts the multiplexed input signal to 15-bit digital data. The PMU auxiliary ADC input range and specification is shown in Table 29-3. Table 29-3. Application and input range of ADC channels Channel Application Input range [V] 0 BATSNS 3.0 ~ 4.8 1 ISENSE 3.0 ~ 4.8 2 VCDT 0 ~ 1.5 3 BATON 0.1 ~ 1.7 Internal use N/A Others © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: PMIC_REG Base address: (+0h) Address Name Widt h 1D RSTCFG3 8 Reset config 3 1E INTSTS0 8 Interrupt status/clear 0 1F INTSTS1 8 Interrupt status/clear 1 20 INTSTS2 8 Interrupt status/clear 2 21 INTSTS3 8 Interrupt status/clear 3 22 INTSTS4 8 Interrupt status/clear 4 23 INTSTS5 8 Interrupt status/clear 5 24 INTSTS6 8 Interrupt status/clear 6 Register Function 25 INTEN0 8 Interrupt enable 0 26 INTEN1 8 Interrupt enable 1 27 INTEN2 8 Interrupt enable 2 28 INTEN3 8 Interrupt enable 3 Interrupt enable 4 29 INTEN4 8 2A INTEN5 8 Interrupt enable 5 2B INTEN6 8 Interrupt enable 6 2C INTMISC 8 interrupt misc register 2D PONSTS 8 Power on source record register 2E POFFSTS 8 Power off source record register 2F PDNSTS0 8 Power exception shutdown status 0 30 PDNSTS1 8 Power exception shutdown status 1 31 PDNSTS2 8 Power exception shutdown status 2 32 PSSTS0 8 Power supply status 0 register 33 PSSTS1 8 Power supply status 1 register 34 PSSTS2 8 Power supply status 2 register 35 PSOCSTS0 8 Power supply Overcurrent status 0 register 36 PSOCSTS1 8 Power supply Overcurrent status 1 register 37 PSPGSTS0 8 Power supply PWRGOOD status 0 register 38 PSPGSTS1 8 Power supply PWRGOOD status 1 register Power supply Operational mode status 0 register 39 PSOMSTS0 8 3A PSOMSTS1 8 Power supply Operational mode status 1 register 3B PSOMSTS2 8 Power supply Operational mode status 2 register 3C THMSTS 8 Thermal Status 3D WKFG_STS 8 Wake Up Fuel Gauge Status 40 PSICTL 8 PSI control register 41 PSISTS 8 PSI status register 48 PPCCFG0 8 PPC configruation 0 register 4A PPCCFG2 8 PPC configruation 2 register 4B PPCCTL0 8 PPC control 0 register 4D SHDNCFG1 8 Shutdown configuration 1 register 87 CHR_CON0 8 Charger control register 0 88 CHR_CON1 8 Charger Control Register 1 89 CHR_CON2 8 Charger Control Register 2 8A CHR_CON3 8 Charger Control Register 3 8B CHR_CON4 8 Charger Control Register 4 8D CHR_CON6 8 Charger Control Register 6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: PMIC_REG Base address: (+0h) 8E CHR_CON7 8 Charger Control Register 7 8F CHR_CON7_H 8 Charger Control Register 7_H 92 CHR_CON9 8 Charger Control Register 9 93 CHR_CON10 8 Charger Control Register 10 96 CHR_CON13 8 Charger Control Register 13 97 CHR_CON13_ H 8 Charger Control Register 13_H 99 CHR_CON15 8 Charger Control Register 15 9A CHR_CON16 8 Charger Control Register 16 9B CHR_CON16_ H 8 Charger Control Register 16_H 9C CHR_CON17 8 Charger Control Register 17 9D CHR_CON18 8 Charger Control Register 18 9E CHR_CON19 8 Charger Control Register 19 9F CHR_CON20 8 Charger Control Register 20 A0 CHR_CON21 8 Charger Control Register 21 A1 CHR_CON21_ H 8 Charger Control Register 21_H A3 CHR_CON23 8 Charger Control Register 23 A4 CHR_CON24 8 Charger Control Register 24 A5 CHR_CON25 8 Charger Control Register 25 AA CHR_CON30 8 Charger Control Register 30 AB CHR_CON30_ H 8 Charger Control Register 30_H AD CHR_CON42 8 Charger Control Register 42 AE BATON_CON0 8 BATON Control Register 0 B0 CHR_CON44 8 Charger Control Register 44 B1 CHR_CON45 8 Charger Control Register 45 B2 CHR_CON45_ H 8 Charger Control Register 45_H B3 CHR_CON46 8 Charger Control Register 46 B4 CHR_CON46_ H 8 Charger Control Register 46_H B5 CHR_CON47 8 Charger Control Register 47 DA VA18CTL0 8 VA18 Control register 0 DB VA18CTL1 8 VA18 Control register 1 E2 VA18PSI0 8 VA18 LDO PSI register0 E3 VA18PSI1 8 VA18 LDO PSI register1 E4 VBTCTL0 8 VBT Control register 0 E5 VACTL0 8 VA Control register 0 E6 VCLDOCTL0 8 VCORE LDO Control register 0 E8 PSWCTL1 8 PSW Control register 1 E9 VIO18CTL0 8 VIO18 Control register 0 EA VSFCTL0 8 VSF Control register 0 EB VIO28CTL0 8 VIO28 Control register 0 EC VMCCTL0 8 VMC Control register 0 ED VUSBCTL0 8 VUSB Control register 0 EF VUSBLDO0 8 VUSBLDO0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: PMIC_REG Base address: (+0h) F3 VUSBLDOBF0 8 VUSBLDOBF0 F5 VUSBPSI0 8 VUSB LDO PSI register0 F6 VUSBPSI1 8 VUSB LDO PSI register1 F7 VDIG18LDO0 8 VDIG18LDO0 FB VDIG18LDOBF 0 8 VDIG18LDOBF0 FD VCLDO0 8 VCORE LDO register 0 FE VCLDO1 8 VCORE LDO register 1 101 VCLDOBF0 8 VCORE LDO buffer register 0 103 VCLDOPSI0 8 VCORE LDO PSI register 0 104 VCLDOPSI1 8 VCORE LDO PSI register 1 105 VCLDOPSI2 8 VCORE LDO PSI register 2 106 VCLDOPSI3 8 VCORE LDO PSI register 3 107 VCLDOPSI4 8 VCORE LDO PSI register 4 VCORE LDO PSI register 5 108 VCLDOPSI5 8 10A VIO18LDO0 8 VIO18LDO0 10E VIO18LDOBF0 8 VIO18LDOBF0 110 VIO18PSI0 8 VIO18 LDO PSI register0 111 VIO18PSI1 8 VIO18 LDO PSI register1 113 VSFLDO0 8 VSFLDO0 114 VSFLDO1 8 VSFLDO1 117 VSFLDOBF0 8 VSFLDOBF0 119 VSFPSI0 8 VSF LDO PSI register0 11A VSFPSI1 8 VSF LDO PSI register1 11C SMPSCTL0 8 SMPS Control Register 0 121 SMPSANA3 8 SMPS Analog Control Register 3 135 VCBUCK19 8 VCORE BUCK register 19 13E VCBUCKPSI0 8 VCORE BUCK PSI register 0 13F VCBUCKPSI1 8 VCORE BUCK PSI register 1 140 VCBUCKPSI2 8 VCORE BUCK PSI register 2 200 AUXADC_ADC 0 8 AUXADC ADC register 0 201 AUXADC_ADC 0_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 0_H 202 AUXADC_ADC 1 8 AUXADC ADC register 1 203 AUXADC_ADC 1_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 1_H 204 AUXADC_ADC 2 8 AUXADC ADC register 2 205 AUXADC_ADC 2_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 2_H 206 AUXADC_ADC 3 8 AUXADC ADC register 3 207 AUXADC_ADC 3_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 3_H 208 AUXADC_ADC 4 8 AUXADC ADC register 4 209 AUXADC_ADC 4_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 4_H © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: PMIC_REG Base address: (+0h) 21A AUXADC_ADC 13 8 AUXADC ADC register 13 21B AUXADC_ADC 13_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 13_H 21C AUXADC_ADC 14 8 AUXADC ADC register 14 21D AUXADC_ADC 14_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 14_H 21E AUXADC_ADC 15 8 AUXADC ADC register 15 21F AUXADC_ADC 15_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 15_H 226 AUXADC_ADC 19 8 AUXADC ADC register 19 227 AUXADC_ADC 19_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 19_H 228 AUXADC_ADC 20 8 AUXADC ADC register 20 229 AUXADC_ADC 20_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 20_H 22A AUXADC_ADC 21 8 AUXADC ADC register 21 22B AUXADC_ADC 21_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 21_H 22C AUXADC_ADC 22 8 AUXADC ADC register 22 22D AUXADC_ADC 22_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 22_H 22E AUXADC_ADC 23 8 AUXADC ADC register 23 22F AUXADC_ADC 23_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 23_H 230 AUXADC_ADC 24 8 AUXADC ADC register 24 231 AUXADC_ADC 24_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 24_H 232 AUXADC_ADC 25 8 AUXADC ADC register 25 233 AUXADC_ADC 25_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 25_H 234 AUXADC_ADC 26 8 AUXADC ADC register 26 235 AUXADC_ADC 26_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 26_H 236 AUXADC_ADC 27 8 AUXADC ADC register 27 237 AUXADC_ADC 27_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 27_H 238 AUXADC_ADC 28 8 AUXADC ADC register 28 239 AUXADC_ADC 28_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 28_H 23A AUXADC_ADC 29 8 AUXADC ADC register 29 23B AUXADC_ADC 29_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 29_H © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: PMIC_REG Base address: (+0h) 23C AUXADC_ADC 30 8 AUXADC ADC register 30 23D AUXADC_ADC 30_H 8 AUXADC1 ADC register 0_H 23E AUXADC_ADC 31 8 AUXADC ADC register 31 23F AUXADC_ADC 31_H 8 AUXADC1 ADC register 1_H 240 AUXADC_ADC 32 8 AUXADC ADC register 32 241 AUXADC_ADC 32_H 8 AUXADC1 ADC register 2_H 242 AUXADC_ADC 33 8 AUXADC ADC register 33 243 AUXADC_ADC 33_H 8 AUXADC1 ADC register 3_H 244 AUXADC_ADC 34 8 AUXADC ADC register 34 245 AUXADC_ADC 34_H 8 AUXADC1 ADC register 4_H 246 AUXADC_ADC 35 8 AUXADC ADC register 35 247 AUXADC_ADC 35_H 8 AUXADC ADC register 33_H 248 AUXADC_ADC 36 8 AUXADC ADC register 36 249 AUXADC_ADC 36_H 8 AUXADC ADC register _H 24A AUXADC_ADC 37 8 AUXADC ADC register 37 24B AUXADC_ADC 37_H 8 AUXADC1 ADC register _H 24C AUXADC_ADC 38 8 AUXADC ADC register 34_H 24D AUXADC_ADC 38_H 8 AUXADC1 ADC register 34_H 24E AUXADC_STA 0 8 AUXADC_STA0 24F AUXADC_STA 0_H 8 AUXADC_STA0_H 250 AUXADC_STA 1 8 AUXADC_STA1 251 AUXADC_STA 1_H 8 AUXADC_STA1_H 2BE AUXADC_LBA T2_4 8 AUXADC_LBAT2_4 2BF AUXADC_LBA T2_4_H 8 AUXADC_LBAT2_4_H 2C0 AUXADC_LBA T2_5 8 AUXADC_LBAT2_5 2C1 AUXADC_LBA T2_5_H 8 AUXADC_LBAT2_5_H 2EF VBTLDO0 8 VBT LDO register 0 2F3 VBTLDOBF0 8 VBT LDO buffer register 0 2F5 VBTPSI0 8 VBTP LDO PSI register0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Module name: PMIC_REG Base address: (+0h) 2F6 VBTPSI1 8 VBTP LDO PSI register1 2F8 VALDO0 8 VA LDO register 0 2FC VALDOBF0 8 VA LDO buffer register 0 2FE VAPSI0 8 VA LDO PSI register0 2FF VAPSI1 8 VA LDO PSI register1 300 VCAMACTL0 8 VCAMA Control register 0 302 VCAMALDO0 8 VCAMALDO0 303 VCAMALDO1 8 VCAMA LDO register 1 306 VCAMALDOBF 0 8 VCAMA LDO buffer register 0 30A PSWCTL0 8 PSW Control register 0 30F SWIO18PSI 8 SWIO18 LDO PSI register 313 VIO28LDO0 8 VIO28LDO0 317 VIO28LDOBF0 8 VIO28LDOBF0 319 VIO28PSI0 8 VIO28 LDO PSI register0 31A VIO28PSI1 8 VIO28 LDO PSI register1 31C VMCLDO0 8 VMCLDO0 31D VMCLDO1 8 VMCLDO1 320 VMCLDOBF0 8 VMCLDOBF0 322 VMCPSI0 8 VMC LDO PSI register0 323 VMCPSI1 8 VMC LDO PSI register1 324 VIBRCTL0 8 VIBR Control register 0 326 VIBRLDO0 8 VIBRLDO0 327 VIBRLDO1 8 VIBRLDO1 32A VIBRLDOBF0 8 VIBRLDOBF0 32C ISINK0_CON0 8 ISINK0 Control Register 0 32D ISINK0_CON1 8 ISINK0 Control Register 1 32E ISINK0_CON2 8 ISINK0 Control Register 2 330 ISINK0_CON4 8 ISINK0 Control Register 4 331 ISINK0_CON5 8 ISINK0 Control Register 5 332 ISINK0_CON6 8 ISINK0 Control Register 6 333 ISINK1_CON0 8 ISINK1 Control Register 0 334 ISINK1_CON1 8 ISINK1 Control Register 1 335 ISINK1_CON2 8 ISINK1 Control Register 2 337 ISINK1_CON4 8 ISINK1 Control Register 4 338 ISINK1_CON5 8 ISINK1 Control Register 5 339 ISINK1_CON6 8 ISINK1 Control Register 6 33A ISINK2_CON1 8 ISINK2 Control Register 1 33C ISINK3_CON1 8 ISINK3 Control Register 1 33F ISINK_ANA0_ H 8 ISINKS ACD Interface 0 High 344 ISINK_EN_CT RL_Low 8 ISINK Enable control Low 345 ISINK_EN_CT RL_High 8 ISINK Enable control High 346 ISINK_MODE _CTRL 8 ISINK mode control © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 1D Reset config 3 RSTCFG3 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name Type Reset 00 2 WDTRST B_STAT US RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 2 WDTRSTB_STATUS WDTRSTB reset status 1'b0: No occured 1'b1: Occurred 1E Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 ints_dldo _pg_f W1C 0 6 ints_dldo _pg_r W1C 0 5 ints_dldo _oc_f W1C 0 4 ints_dldo _oc_r W1C 0 Name 7 ints_dldo_pg_f 6 ints_dldo_pg_r 5 ints_dldo_oc_f 4 ints_dldo_oc_r 3 ints_aldo_pg_f 2 ints_aldo_pg_r 1 ints_aldo_oc_f 0 ints_aldo_oc_r 3 ints_aldo _pg_f W1C 0 00 2 ints_aldo _pg_r W1C 0 00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name ints_pke ylp_f ints_pke ylp_r ints_vc_l do_oc_f ints_vc_l do_oc_r ints_vcor e_pg_f ints_vcor e_pg_r Type Reset W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 Name ints_pkeylp_f 6 ints_pkeylp_r 0 ints_aldo _oc_r W1C 0 Interru pt status/ clear 1 INTSTS1 7 1 ints_aldo _oc_f W1C 0 Description 1F Bit(s) 0 Interru pt status/ clear 0 INTSTS0 Bit 1 1 ints_vc_ buck_oc _f W1C 0 0 ints_vc_ buck_oc _r W1C 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 5 ints_vc_ldo_oc_f 4 ints_vc_ldo_oc_r 3 ints_vcore_pg_f 2 ints_vcore_pg_r 1 ints_vc_buck_oc_f 0 ints_vc_buck_oc_r 20 Interru pt status/ clear 2 INTSTS2 Bit Name Type Reset 7 ints_pwr key_f W1C 0 Bit(s) Name 7 ints_pwrkey_f 6 ints_pwrkey_r 5 ints_axpkey_f 4 ints_axpkey_r 3 ints_thm2_f 2 ints_thm2_r 1 ints_thm1_f 0 ints_thm1_r 6 ints_pwr key_r W1C 0 5 ints_axp key_f W1C 0 4 ints_axp key_r W1C 0 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 Name 7 ints_thr_l_f 6 ints_thr_l_r 5 ints_thr_h_f 4 ints_thr_h_r 3 ints_chrdet_f 2 ints_chrdet_r 1 ints_chgov_f 0 ints_chgov_r 1 ints_thm 1_f W1C 0 0 ints_thm 1_r W1C 0 Interru pt status/ clear 3 INTSTS3 ints_thr_ l_f W1C 0 2 ints_thm 2_r W1C 0 Description 21 Bit 3 ints_thm 2_f W1C 0 00 6 ints_thr_ l_r W1C 0 5 ints_thr_ h_f W1C 0 4 ints_thr_ h_r W1C 0 3 ints_chr det_f W1C 0 00 2 ints_chr det_r W1C 0 1 ints_chg ov_f W1C 0 0 ints_chg ov_r W1C 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 22 Interru pt status/ clear 4 INTSTS4 Bit 7 6 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 5 ints_psw _pg_f W1C 0 4 ints_psw _pg_r W1C 0 Name 5 ints_psw_pg_f 4 ints_psw_pg_r 3 ints_over40_f 2 ints_over40_r 1 ints_over110_f 0 ints_over110_r Bit 7 6 5 4 Name ints_war m_lv ints_hot _lv ints_chr wdt_lv ints_bval id_det_lv Type Reset W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 7 ints_warm_lv 6 ints_hot_lv 5 ints_chrwdt_lv 4 ints_bvalid_det_lv 3 ints_vbat_undet_lv 2 ints_vbaton_hv_lv 1 ints_bat_l_lv 0 ints_bat_h_lv Name Type Reset 00 3 ints_vbat _undet_l v W1C 0 2 1 0 ints_vbat on_hv_lv ints_bat_ l_lv ints_bat_ h_lv W1C 0 W1C 0 W1C 0 Interru pt status/ clear 6 INTSTS6 7 0 ints_over 110_r W1C 0 Description 24 Bit 1 ints_over 110_f W1C 0 Interru pt status/ clear 5 INTSTS5 Name 2 ints_over 40_r W1C 0 Description 23 Bit(s) 3 ints_over 40_f W1C 0 00 6 5 4 ints_ad_l bat_lv W1C 0 3 ints_nag _c_lv W1C 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 ints_imp _lv W1C 0 1 ints_cold _lv W1C 0 0 ints_cool _lv W1C 0 Page 604 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 4 ints_ad_lbat_lv 3 ints_nag_c_lv 2 ints_imp_lv 1 ints_cold_lv 0 ints_cool_lv Description 25 Interru pt enable 0 INTEN0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 inte_dld o_pg_f RW 0 6 inte_dld o_pg_r RW 0 5 inte_dld o_oc_f RW 0 4 inte_dldo _oc_r RW 0 Name 7 inte_dldo_pg_f 6 inte_dldo_pg_r 5 inte_dldo_oc_f 4 inte_dldo_oc_r 3 inte_aldo_pg_f 2 inte_aldo_pg_r 1 inte_aldo_oc_f 0 inte_aldo_oc_r 3 inte_aldo _pg_f RW 0 00 2 inte_aldo _pg_r RW 0 Interru pt enable 1 INTEN1 00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name inte_pke ylp_f inte_pke ylp_r inte_vc_l do_oc_f inte_vc_l do_oc_r inte_vcor e_pg_f inte_vcor e_pg_r Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Name 7 inte_pkeylp_f 6 inte_pkeylp_r 5 inte_vc_ldo_oc_f 4 inte_vc_ldo_oc_r 3 inte_vcore_pg_f 2 inte_vcore_pg_r 0 inte_aldo _oc_r RW 0 Description 26 Bit(s) 1 inte_aldo _oc_f RW 0 1 inte_vc_buck_oc_f 0 inte_vc_buck_oc_r 1 inte_vc_ buck_oc _f RW 0 0 inte_vc_ buck_oc _r RW 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 27 Interru pt enable 2 INTEN2 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 inte_pwr key_f RW 0 6 inte_pwr key_r RW 0 5 inte_axp key_f RW 0 4 inte_axp key_r RW 0 Name 7 inte_pwrkey_f 6 inte_pwrkey_r 5 inte_axpkey_f 4 inte_axpkey_r 3 inte_thm 2_f RW 0 00 2 inte_thm 2_r RW 0 1 inte_thm 1_f RW 0 Description 3 inte_thm2_f Thermal interrupt 1 falling: T < 40 2 inte_thm2_r Thermal interrupt 1 rising: T > 55 1 inte_thm1_f Thermal interrupt 1 falling: T < 110 0 inte_thm1_r Thermal interrupt 1 rising: T > 125 28 Interru pt enable 3 INTEN3 Bit Name Type Reset 7 inte_thr _l_f RW 0 Bit(s) Name 7 inte_thr_l_f 6 inte_thr_l_r 5 inte_thr_h_f 4 inte_thr_h_r 3 inte_chrdet_f 2 inte_chrdet_r 1 inte_chgov_f 0 inte_chgov_r 6 inte_thr_ l_r RW 0 5 inte_thr_ h_f RW 0 4 inte_thr_ h_r RW 0 Name Type Reset 2 inte_chr det_r RW 0 1 inte_chg ov_f RW 0 0 inte_chg ov_r RW 0 Interru pt enable 4 INTEN4 7 3 inte_chr det_f RW 0 00 Description 29 Bit 0 inte_thm 1_r RW 0 6 5 inte_psw _pg_f RW 0 4 inte_psw _pg_r RW 0 3 inte_over 40_f RW 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 inte_over 40_r RW 0 1 inte_over 110_f RW 0 0 inte_over 110_r RW 0 Page 606 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 5 inte_psw_pg_f 4 inte_psw_pg_r 3 inte_over40_f 2 inte_over40_r 1 inte_over110_f 0 inte_over110_r Description 2A Interru pt enable 5 INTEN5 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name inte_war m_lv inte_hot _lv inte_chr wdt_lv inte_bval id_det_lv Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Name 7 inte_warm_lv 6 inte_hot_lv 5 inte_chrwdt_lv 4 inte_bvalid_det_lv 3 inte_vbat_undet_lv 2 inte_vbaton_hv_lv 1 inte_bat_l_lv 0 inte_bat_h_lv 7 Type Reset Bit(s) Name 4 inte_ad_lbat_lv 3 inte_nag_c_lv 2 inte_imp_lv 1 inte_cold_lv 0 inte_cool_lv 2 1 0 inte_vbat on_hv_lv inte_bat _l_lv inte_bat _h_lv RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Interru pt enable 6 INTEN6 Bit 3 inte_vbat _undet_l v RW 0 Description 2B Name 00 6 5 4 inte_ad_l bat_lv RW 0 3 inte_nag _c_lv RW 0 00 2 inte_imp _lv RW 0 1 inte_cold _lv RW 0 0 inte_cool _lv RW 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 607 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 2C interru pt misc registe r INTMISC Bit 7 6 5 4 00 3 2 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 1 rg_intr_mode_sel 0 polarity 6 5 Name Type Reset 4 STS_RB OOT RO 0 3 STS_SPA R RO 0 2 STS_CH RIN RO 0 Name Description 4 STS_RBOOT Power on for cold reset 1 STS_RTC A RO 0 3 STS_SPAR Power on for SPAR event 2 STS_CHRIN Power on for charger insertion 1 STS_RTCA Power on for RTC alarm 0 STS_PWRKEY Power on for PWREKY press 2E Name Type Reset 7 6 STS_PKE YLP RO 0 5 STS_CRS T RO 0 0 STS_PW RKEY RO 0 Power off source record registe r POFFSTS STS_NO RMOFF RO 0 RW 0 00 Bit(s) Bit polarity Power on source record registe r PONSTS 7 0 Description 2D Bit 1 rg_intr_ mode_sel RW 0 4 STS_WR ST RO 0 3 STS_TH RDN RO 0 00 2 STS_PSO C RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 STS_NORMOFF Power off for PWRHOLD clear 6 STS_PKEYLP Power off for power key(s) long press 5 STS_CRST Power off for cold reset 4 STS_WRST Power reset for warm reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 STS_PGF AIL RO 0 0 STS_UVL O RO 0 Page 608 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 3 STS_THRDN Power off for thermal shutdown 2 STS_PSOC Power off for SOC WDT reset 1 STS_PGFAIL Power off for PWRGOOD failure 0 STS_UVLO Power off for UVLO event 2F Power excepti on shutdo wn status 0 PDNSTS0 Bit 7 Name Type Reset 6 STS_PD N_VSF_ PG RO 0 5 STS_PD N_VIO18 _PG RO 0 4 STS_PD N_VCOR E_PG RO 0 3 STS_PD N_VA18_ PG RO 0 00 2 STS_PD N_VCAM A_PG RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 6 STS_PDN_VSF_PG Log the shutdown PG 5 STS_PDN_VIO18_P G Log the shutdown PG 4 STS_PDN_VCORE_ PG Log the shutdown PG 3 STS_PDN_VA18_PG Log the shutdown PG 2 STS_PDN_VCAMA_ PG Log the shutdown PG 1 STS_PDN_VA_PG Log the shutdown PG 0 STS_PDN_VBT_PG Log the shutdown PG 30 Name Type Reset 7 STS_PD N_SWBA T_PG RO 0 6 STS_PD N_VIBR_ PG RO 0 5 STS_PD N_VUSB _PG RO 0 0 STS_PD N_VBT_ PG RO 0 Power excepti on shutdo wn status 1 PDNSTS1 Bit 1 STS_PD N_VA_P G RO 0 4 STS_PD N_VMC_ PG RO 0 3 STS_PD N_SWM P_PG RO 0 00 2 STS_PD N_VIO28 _PG RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 STS_PDN_SWBAT_ PG Log the shutdown PG 6 STS_PDN_VIBR_PG Log the shutdown PG 5 STS_PDN_VUSB_P G Log the shutdown PG © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 STS_PD N_SWDP _PG RO 0 0 STS_PD N_SWX M_PG RO 0 Page 609 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4 STS_PDN_VMC_PG Log the shutdown PG 3 STS_PDN_SWMP_P G Log the shutdown PG 2 STS_PDN_VIO28_P G Log the shutdown PG 1 STS_PDN_SWDP_P G Log the shutdown PG 0 STS_PDN_SWXM_P G Log the shutdown PG 31 Power excepti on shutdo wn status 2 PDNSTS2 Bit 7 6 5 Name STS_PD N_VIO18 _OC Type Reset RO 0 4 STS_PD N_VCOR E_LDO_ OC RO 0 00 3 STS_PD N_VCOR E_BUCK _OC RO 0 2 1 0 STS_PD N_VIO28 _OC STS_PD N_VA_O C STS_PD N_VMC_ OC RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 5 STS_PDN_VIO18_O C Log the shutdown OC 4 STS_PDN_VCORE_ LDO_OC Log the shutdown OC 3 STS_PDN_VCORE_ BUCK_OC Log the shutdown OC 2 STS_PDN_VIO28_O C Log the shutdown OC 1 STS_PDN_VA_OC Log the shutdown OC 0 STS_PDN_VMC_OC Log the shutdown OC 32 Power supply status 0 registe r PSSTS0 Bit 7 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 6 STS_VA18_ENA 5 STS_VA_ENA 6 STS_VA1 8_ENA RO 0 5 STS_VA_ ENA RO 0 4 STS_VBT _ENA RO 0 3 STS_VCA MA_ENA RO 0 00 2 STS_VUS B_ENA RO 0 1 STS_OSC _EN RO 0 0 STS_IVG EN_EN RO 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 610 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4 STS_VBT_ENA 3 STS_VCAMA_ENA 2 STS_VUSB_ENA 1 STS_OSC_EN 0 STS_IVGEN_EN 33 Power supply status 1 registe r PSSTS1 Bit 7 00 6 5 4 3 2 Name STS_VIB R_ENA STS_VM C_ENA STS_VIO 28_ENA STS_VSF _ENA STS_VIO 18_ENA Type Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name 6 STS_VIBR_ENA 5 STS_VMC_ENA 4 STS_VIO28_ENA STS_VSF_ENA 2 STS_VIO18_ENA 1 STS_VC_LDO_ENA 0 STS_VC_BUCK_EN A 34 Power supply status 2 registe r PSSTS2 7 00 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name PKEYLP _VAL AXPKEY _VAL PWRKEY _VAL STS_SW MP_ENA STS_SW DP_ENA STS_SW XM_ENA Type Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name 6 PKEYLP_VAL 5 AXPKEY_VAL 4 PWRKEY_VAL 3 STS_SWMP_ENA 0 STS_VC_ BUCK_E NA RO 0 Description 3 Bit 1 STS_VC_ LDO_EN A RO 0 2 STS_SWDP_ENA 1 STS_SWXM_ENA 0 STS_SWBAT_ENA 0 STS_SW BAT_EN A RO 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 611 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 35 Power supply Overcu rrent status 0 registe r PSOCSTS0 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name STS_VSF _OC STS_VIO 18_OC STS_VC_ LDO_OC Type Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name 6 STS_VSF_OC 5 STS_VIO18_OC 4 STS_VC_LDO_OC 3 STS_VC_BUCK_OC 2 STS_VA18_OC 1 STS_VA_OC 0 STS_VBT_OC Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 4 STS_VIBR_OC 3 STS_VCAMA_OC 2 STS_VUSB_OC 1 STS_VMC_OC 0 STS_VIO28_OC 2 1 0 STS_VA1 8_OC STS_VA_ OC STS_VBT _OC RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 Power supply Overcu rrent status 1 registe r PSOCSTS1 7 3 STS_VC_ BUCK_O C RO 0 Description 36 Bit 00 6 5 4 STS_VIB R_OC RO 0 3 STS_VCA MA_OC RO 0 00 2 STS_VUS B_OC RO 0 1 STS_VM C_OC RO 0 0 STS_VIO 28_OC RO 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 612 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 37 Power supply PWRG OOD status 0 registe r PSPGSTS0 Bit 7 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 6 STS_VSF _PG RO 0 5 STS_VIO 18_PG RO 0 4 STS_VCO RE_PG RO 0 Name 6 STS_VSF_PG 5 STS_VIO18_PG 4 STS_VCORE_PG 3 STS_VA18_PG 2 STS_VCAMA_PG 1 STS_VA_PG 0 STS_VBT_PG Name Type Reset 7 Bit(s) Name 7 STS_SWBAT_PG 6 STS_VIBR_PG 5 STS_VUSB_PG 4 STS_VMC_PG 3 STS_SWMP_PG 2 STS_VIO28_PG 1 STS_SWDP_PG 0 STS_SWXM_PG 1 STS_VA_ PG RO 0 0 STS_VBT _PG RO 0 Power supply PWRG OOD status 1 registe r PSPGSTS1 STS_SW BAT_PG RO 0 2 STS_VCA MA_PG RO 0 Description 38 Bit 3 STS_VA1 8_PG RO 0 00 6 STS_VIB R_PG RO 0 5 STS_VUS B_PG RO 0 4 STS_VM C_PG RO 0 3 STS_SW MP_PG RO 0 00 2 STS_VIO 28_PG RO 0 1 STS_SW DP_PG RO 0 0 STS_SW XM_PG RO 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 613 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 39 Power supply Operati onal mode status 0 registe r PSOMSTS0 Bit 7 6 STS_VA1 8_OPMO D RO 0 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 6 STS_VA18_OPMOD 5:4 STS_VCAMA_OPMO D 5 4 STS_VCAMA_OPMO D 0 RO 0 STS_VA_OPMOD 1:0 STS_VBT_OPMOD 3A Type Reset 7 6 STS_VSF_OPMOD 0 2 STS_VA_OPMOD 0 RO 0 1 0 STS_VBT_OPMOD RO 0 0 Power supply Operati onal mode status 1 registe r PSOMSTS1 Bit 3 Description 3:2 Name 00 RO Bit(s) Name 7:6 STS_VSF_OPMOD 5:4 STS_VIO18_OPMOD 3:2 STS_VC_LDO_OPM OD 1:0 STS_VDIG18_OPMO D 0 5 4 STS_VIO18_OPMOD 0 RO 0 3 00 2 STS_VC_LDO_OPMO D RO 0 0 1 0 STS_VDIG18_OPMO D RO 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 614 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 3B Power supply Operati onal mode status 2 registe r PSOMSTS2 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 6 STS_VIBR_OPMOD RO 0 0 5 4 STS_VUSB_OPMOD RO 0 0 Name 7:6 STS_VIBR_OPMOD 5:4 STS_VUSB_OPMOD 3:2 STS_VMC_OPMOD 1:0 STS_VIO28_OPMO D 6 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 5 STS_THM_DEB_ST S 4 STS_THM_RAW_ST S 3 STS_THM_OVER125 2 STS_THM_OVER110 1 STS_THM_OVER55 0 STS_THM_OVER40 5 STS_TH M_DEB_ STS RO 0 4 STS_TH M_RAW _STS RO 0 0 3 STS_TH M_OVER 125 RO 0 00 2 STS_TH M_OVER 110 RO 0 1 STS_TH M_OVER 55 RO 0 0 STS_TH M_OVER 40 RO 0 Wake Up Fuel Gauge Status WKFG_STS 7 1 STS_VIO28_OPMOD RO 0 0 Description 3D Bit 2 Therm al Status THMSTS 7 3 STS_VMC_OPMOD RO 0 0 Description 3C Bit 00 6 5 4 3 00 2 1 0 STS_WK UP_FG_ DONE W1C 0 Name Type Reset © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 615 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 0 STS_WKUP_FG_DO NE Description 40 PSI control registe r PSICTL Bit 7 6 5 4 Name 3 2 0 RW Description 3:2 RG_HNDOVR_LEN VR handover time interval selection 00: 2T*32K 01: 3T*32K 10: 4T*32K 11: 5T*32K 0 RG_PSIOVR PSI overwrite enable 0: disable 1: enable 41 PSI status registe r PSISTS 7 6 RGS_PSI_STS RO 0 0 5 4 3 Bit(s) Name Description 7:6 RGS_PSI_STS PSI bus status 48 7 6 5 00 2 1 0 PPC configr uation 0 registe r PPCCFG0 Bit Name Type Reset 0 RG_PSIO VR RW 1 0 Name Bit Name Type Reset 1 RG_HNDOVR_LEN Type Reset Bit(s) 01 4 3 3B 2 RG_WDTRST_ACT RW 1 0 1 0 Bit(s) Name Description 3:2 RG_WDTRST_ACT reg/warm reset may trigger VSF/SWXM power recycle. If VSF/SWXM power recycle is triggered, the warm reset timing is © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 616 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description extended to 150ms. 00: pmic reg reset 01: warm reset 10: cold reset 11: reserved 4A PPC configr uation 2 registe r PPCCFG2 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name Type Reset 21 2 RG_XRS T_ACT RW 0 1 0 Bit(s) Name Description 2 RG_XRST_ACT Response for EXTRSTB assertion during active modes 0: Warm reset 1: Cold reset 4B PPC control 0 registe r PPCCTL0 Bit 7 6 Name Type Reset 5 RG_CRS T RW 0 4 3 RG_WRS T RW 0 00 2 Bit(s) Name Description 5 RG_CRST Issue cold reset 4 RG_WRST Issue warm reset 4D 7 6 5 0 Shutdo wn configu ration 1 registe r SHDNCFG1 Bit Name Type Reset 1 4 3 08 2 RG_PKEY_LTIME RW 1 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 0 Page 617 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) 3:2 Name Description RG_PKEY_LTIME PWRKEY long press shutdown timing selection. (typical value) 00: 5 sec 01: 7 sec 10: 8 sec 11: 11 sec 87 Charge r control registe r0 CHR_CON0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 RGS_VC DT_HV_ DET RO 0 6 RGS_VC DT_LV_ DET RO 0 5 RGS_CH RDET RO 0 4 RG_NOR M_CHR_ EN RW 0 01 3 2 RG_CSD AC_EN RW 0 1 RGS_CH R_LDO_ DET RO 0 0 RG_VCD T_HV_E N RW 1 Name Description 7 RGS_VCDT_HV_DE T Charger-in high voltage detection (with de-bounce). 0: charge-in voltage < VCDT_HV_VTH 1:charge-in voltage > VCDT_HV_VTH 6 RGS_VCDT_LV_DE T Charger-in low voltage detection (with de-bounce). 0: charge-in voltage < VCDT_LV_VTH 1:charge-in voltage > VCDT_LV_VTH 5 RGS_CHRDET Charger-in detect. 0: No valid charger detected 1: Valid charger detected 4 RG_NORM_CHR_E N Charger enable setting, which would gated CSDAC_EN, PCHR_AUTO and HWCV_EN 0: Charger disabled 1: Charger enabled 3 RG_CSDAC_EN CS DAC enable. 0: CS DAC disabled 1: CS DAC enabled 1 RGS_CHR_LDO_DE T Charger LDO detection. If not detected, pulse charger cannot work. 0: Invalid charger LDO 1: Valid charger LDO 0 RG_VCDT_HV_EN ChargerIn HV detection function enable (0: disable, 1: enable) 88 Charge r Control Registe r1 CHR_CON1 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 1 Name 6 5 RG_VCDT_HV_VTH RW 0 1 4 3 1 0 B2 2 1 RG_VCDT_LV_VTH RW 0 1 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 618 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) 7:4 3:0 Name Description RG_VCDT_HV_VTH ChargerIn HV detection threshold, default 4.3/9.5V for VTHL/VTHH 0000~1000: 4.2V~4.6V with 50mV/step 1001~1100: 6V~7.5V with 500mV/step 1101~1111: 8.5V~10.5V with 1000mV/step RG_VCDT_LV_VTH ChargerIn LV detection threshold, default 4.3/9.5V for VTHL/VTHH 0000~1000: 4.2V~4.6V with 50mV/step 1001~1100: 6V~7.5V with 500mV/step 1101~1111: 8.5V~10.5V with 1000mV/step 89 Charge r Control Registe r2 CHR_CON2 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 RGS_VB AT_CC_ DET RO 0 6 RGS_VB AT_CV_ DET RO 0 5 4 3 RGS_CS _DET RG_CS_ EN RO 0 RW 0 04 2 RG_VBA T_CC_E N RW 1 1 RG_VBA T_CV_E N RW 0 Name Description 7 RGS_VBAT_CC_DE T VBAT voltage detection for CC. 0: VBAT voltage < VBAT_CC_VTH 1: VBAT voltage > VBAT_CC_VTH 6 RGS_VBAT_CV_DE T VBAT voltage detection for CV. 0: VBAT voltage < VBAT_CV_VTH 1: VBAT voltage > VBAT_CV_VTH 5 RGS_CS_DET Current sense voltage detection. 0: CS voltage < CS_VTH 1: CS voltage > CS_VTH 3 RG_CS_EN Current sense voltage detection comparator enable. 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 2 RG_VBAT_CC_EN Battery CC detection enable (0: disable, 1: enable) 1 RG_VBAT_CV_EN Battery CV detection enable 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 8A Charge r Control Registe r3 CHR_CON3 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 RG_VBAT_CC_VTH RW 1 1 0 5 4 0 0 3 CF 2 RG_VBAT_NORM_CV_VTH RW 1 1 Bit(s) Name Description 7:6 RG_VBAT_CC_VTH Battery CC dection threshold © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 0 1 1 Page 619 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 00: 3.3V 01: 3.35V 10: 3.4V 11: 3.45V (default) 5:0 Battery CV dection threshold trimming option, default 4.2V this register is used for FT CV threshold trimming and not for customer's fine tuning (pchr_dig should invert MSB bit. otherwise, BC1.1 2.2V threshold would be wrong) 000000~000011:3.5V, 3.6V, 3.7V, 3.8V 000100~000111:3.85V, 3.9V, 4V, 4.05V 001000~001011:4.1V, 4.125V, 4.1375v, 4.15V 001100~001111:4.1625V, 4.175V, 4.1875V, 4.2V (default) 010000~010011:4.2125V, 4.225V, 4.2375V, 4.25V 010100~010111:4.2625V, 4.275V, 4.2875V, 4.3V 011000~011011:4.3125V, 4.325V, 4.3375V, 4.35V 011100~011111:4.3625V, 4.375V, 4.3875V, 4.4V 100000~100011:4.4125V, 4.425V, 4.4375V, 4.45V 100100~100111:4.4625V, 4.475V, 4.4875V, 4.5V 101000:4.6V 111111:2.2V (BC1.1) RG_VBAT_NORM_ CV_VTH 8B CHR_CON4 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 8D Charge r Control Registe r4 7 6 5 4 3 1 0F 2 1 RG_NORM_CS_VTH RW 1 1 Name Description RG_NORM_CS_VT H Current sense voltage detection threshold @ Rcs=65mohm 1111: 70mA 1110: 200mA 1101: 300mA 1100: 450mA (usbdl) 1011: 550mA 1010: 650mA 1001: 700mA 1000: 800mA 0111: 900mA 0110: 1000mA 0101: 1100mA 0100: 1200mA 0011: 1350mA 0010: 1500mA 0001: 1600mA 0000: 2000mA CHR_CON6 Charge r Control Registe r6 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 1 03 Page 620 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 8D Charge r Control Registe r6 CHR_CON6 Bit 7 Name Type Reset 6 RGS_VB AT_OV_ DET RO 0 5 RG_VBA T_OV_D EG RW 0 4 03 3 2 1 0 RG_VBA T_OV_E N RW 1 RG_VBAT_OV_VTH 0 0 RW 0 1 Bit(s) Name Description 6 RGS_VBAT_OV_DE T VBAT_OV voltage detection. 0 VBAT voltage < VBAT_OV_VTH 1 VBAT voltage > VBAT_OV_VTH 5 RG_VBAT_OV_DEG VBAT OV voltage detection deglitch enable. 0 no debounce 1 debounce one cycle (1us) 4:1 RG_VBAT_OV_VTH Battery over-voltag detection threshold 0000: 3.900V, 0001: 4.200V (default), 0010: 4.300V, 0011: 4.400V 0100: 4.450V, 0101: 4.500V, 0110: 4.600V, 0111: 4.700V 1000: 3.800V 0 RG_VBAT_OV_EN Battery over-voltag for driving protection (0: disable, 1: enable) 8E Charge r Control Registe r7 CHR_CON7 Bit 7 6 5 4 01 3 2 Name BATON_ TDET_E N Type Reset RW 0 1 RG_BAT ON_HT_ EN_RSV 0 RW 0 0 RG_BAT ON_EN Bit(s) Name Description 2 BATON_TDET_EN 0: N/A 1: Enable BATON Temperature detection 1 RG_BATON_HT_EN _RSV0 Battery-On HW high temperature detection 0: Disabled 1: Enabled RG_BATON_EN BATON battery detection comparator enable (gated by CHR_LDO_DET to default 1 in analog domain) 0: disable 1: enable (Default) 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. RW 1 Page 621 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 8F Charge r Control Registe r 7_H CHR_CON7_H Bit Name Type Reset 7 Bit(s) Name 0 na 6 5 4 2 1 0 na RW 0 Description 92 Charge r Control Registe r9 CHR_CON9 Bit 3 00 7 6 5 4 3 00 2 1 0 RG_FRC _CSVTH _USBDL RW 0 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 0 RG_FRC_CSVTH_U SBDL Force CS DAC detection threshold to maximum in USB download mode 0: CS_VTH=450mA in USBDL mode 1: CS_VTH=1600mA in USBDL mode 93 Charge r Control Registe r 10 CHR_CON10 Bit 7 Name Type Reset 6 RGS_OT G_BVALI D_DET RO 0 5 RG_OTG _BVALID _EN RW 1 4 3 20 2 1 0 Bit(s) Name Description 6 RGS_OTG_BVALID _DET Indicates if the session for B-peripheral is valid (0.8V 4V 5 RG_OTG_BVALID_ EN OTG BValid detection enable (1: enable, 0: disable) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 622 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 96 Charge r Control Registe r 13 CHR_CON13 Bit 7 6 5 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 4 3:0 4 RG_CHR WDT_EN RW 1 3 2 1 0 RG_CHRWDT_TD 0 0 RW 0 0 Name Description RG_CHRWDT_EN Enable setting for charger watch-dog timer 0 disable 1 enable if (CHR_EN(@CHR_CON0) == 1) Note1: UVLO don't care this bit and will timeout after 3000s Note2: PCHR_TESTMODE can force to control watch-dog enable by using this bit RG_CHRWDT_TD Time constant setting for charger watch-dog timer 0: 4 sec 1: 8 sec 2: 16 sec 3: 32 sec 4: 128 sec 5: 256 sec 6: 512 sec 7: 1024 sec 8~15: 3000 sec 97 Charge r Control Registe r 13_H CHR_CON13_H Bit 10 7 6 5 4 00 3 2 1 0 RG_CHR WDT_W R W1C 0 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 0 RG_CHRWDT_WR To reset charger watch-dog timer and update CHRWDT_TD 0: reset inactive 1: reset active and CHRWDT_TD updated to PCHR_DIG 99 Charge r Control Registe r 15 CHR_CON15 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 3 00 2 RGS_CH RWDT_O 1 RG_CHR WDT_FL 0 Page 623 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 99 Charge r Control Registe r 15 CHR_CON15 00 UT RO 0 Type Reset AG_WR W1C 0 Bit(s) Name Description 2 RGS_CHRWDT_OU T Time-out flag for charger watch-dog timer Read: 0: No time-out status 1: Time-out status asserted 1 RG_CHRWDT_FLA G_WR Clear time-out flag for charger watch-dog timer Read: 0: N/A (while RGS_CHRWDT_OUT=0) 1: Clear time-out flag while RGS_CHRWDT_OUT=1 9A Charge r Control Registe r 16 CHR_CON16 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3 RG_USB DL_SET RW 0 00 2 1 RG_USB DL_RST RW 0 0 Name Description 3 RG_USBDL_SET USBDL_MODE software set control 0: No effect 1: Force enter USBDL MODE 2 RG_USBDL_RST USBDL_MODE software reset control 0: No effect 1: Force leave USBDL MODE (priority is less than USBDL_DET) 9B Charge r Control Registe r 16_H CHR_CON16_H Bit 7 6 5 4 00 3 2 Name RG_ADC IN_CHR _EN RG_ADC IN_VSEN _EN RG_ADC IN_VBAT _EN Type Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Name 1 RG_ADC IN_VSEN _EXT_B ATON_E N RW 0 0 RG_ADC IN_VSEN _MUX_E N RW 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 624 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4 RG_ADCIN_CHR_E N AUXADC input source enable for CHR 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 3 RG_ADCIN_VSEN_ EN AUXADC input source enable for VSEN 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 2 RG_ADCIN_VBAT_ EN AUXADC input source enable for VBAT 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 1 RG_ADCIN_VSEN_ EXT_BATON_EN AUXADC input source enable for external source to be switched to AUXADC's Ch3 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 0 RG_ADCIN_VSEN_ MUX_EN AUXADC input source enable for VSEN to be switched to VBAT's divider 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 9C Charge r Control Registe r 17 CHR_CON17 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 02 2 RG_UVLO_VTHL RW 0 1 0 1 0 Bit(s) Name Description 4:0 RG_UVLO_VTHL UVLO low threshold selection 00000: 2.5V, 00001: 2.55V, 00010: 2.6V (default), 00011: 2.65V 00100: 2.7V, 00101: 2.75V, 00110: 2.8V, 00111: 2.85V, 01000: 2.9V 9D Charge r Control Registe r 18 CHR_CON18 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 4:0 7 6 5 4 3 03 2 1 0 RG_LBAT_INT_VTH RW 0 0 1 0 1 Name Description RG_LBAT_INT_VT H LBAT_INT threshold voltage 00000: 2.5V, 00001: 2.55V, 00010: 2.6V (default), 00011: 2.65V 00100: 2.7V, 00101: 2.75V, 00110: 2.8V, 00111: 2.85V, 01000: 2.9V, 01001: 2.95V, 01010: 3.0V, 01011: 3.05V, 01100: 3.1V, 01101: 3.15V, 01110: 3.2V, 01111: 3.25V, 11000: 3.3V, 11001: 3.35V, 11010: 3.4V © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 625 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 9E Charge r Control Registe r 19 CHR_CON19 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 2:0 7 6 5 4 Type Reset 1 RG_BGR_RSEL RW 0 Name Description RG_BGR_RSEL BGR resistor (R0 = R1) selection, R2=85K, and VBG=(R0/R2)*dVBE+VBE 0: c0, 780K (default) 1: c1, 820K 2: c2, 860K 3: c3, 900K 4: cm4, 620K 5: cm3, 660K 6: cm2, 700K 7: cm1, 740K 7 RGS_BC1 1_CMP_ OUT RO 0 6 5 0 0 Charge r Control Registe r 20 CHR_CON20 Name 2 0 9F Bit 3 00 4 3 00 2 RG_BC11_VSRC_EN 0 RW 0 1 0 RG_BC11 _RST RW 0 RG_BC11 _BB_CT RL RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 RGS_BC11_CMP_O UT Comparison result of BC11 charger detection 0: DP or DM < BC11_VREF_VTH 1: DP or DM > BC11_VREF_VTH 3:2 RG_BC11_VSRC_EN BC11 voltage source. Set VDP_SRC = 0.6V 0: disable the voltage 1: enable the voltage source to DM 2: enable the voltage source to DP 3: forbidden 1 RG_BC11_RST Reset BC11 detection mechanism in PCHR_DIG 0: No effect 1: BC11 detection mechanism is disabled in PCHR_DIG 0 RG_BC11_BB_CTRL Force BC11 charger detection controlled by baseband 0: BC11 detection by PCHR_DIG (hardware mode) 1: BC11 detection by baseband (software mode) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 626 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A0 Charge r Control Registe r 21 CHR_CON21 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 6 5 RG_BC11_IPU_EN 0 RW 0 4 RG_BC11_IPD_EN 0 RW 0 3 00 2 RG_BC11_CMP_EN 0 RW 0 1 Name Description RG_BC11_IPU_EN BC11 7~15uA pull up current enable 0: disable the pull-up current 1: enable the pull-up current to DM 2: enable the pull-up current to DP 3: forbidden RG_BC11_IPD_EN BC11 50~150uA pull down current 0: disable the pull-down current 1: enable the pull-down current to DM 2: enable the pull-down current to DP 3: forbidden 3:2 RG_BC11_CMP_EN BC11 comparator connection 0: disable the comparator 1: enable the comparator to DM 2: enable the comparator to DP 3: forbidden 1:0 RG_BC11_VREF_VT H VREF threshold voltage for comparator 0: VREF_VTH=0.325V 1: VREF_VTH=1.2V 2 & 3: VREF_VTH=2.6V (for Apple adaptor) 7:6 5:4 A1 Charge r Control Registe r 21_H CHR_CON21_H Bit 7 6 5 0 RG_BC11_VREF_VT H RW 0 0 4 3 00 2 1 0 RG_BC11 _BIAS_E N RW 0 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 0 RG_BC11_BIAS_EN Enable BC11 detection bias circuit 0: Disabled 1: Enabled © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 627 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual A3 Charge r Control Registe r 23 CHR_CON23 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 5 RG_CSDAC_STP RW 0 4 04 3 2 0 1 1 RG_CSDAC_DLY RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 6:4 RG_CSDAC_STP Current DAC output step timer. 1/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 code/ per-step 2:0 RG_CSDAC_DLY Current DAC output detection delay control. 16/32/64/128/256/512/1024/2048us (512us default, reuse in HW CV Mode) A4 Name Type Reset 7 RG_CHR IND_DI MMING RW 0 6 5 4 RG_CHR IND_ON RW 1 0 Charge r Control Registe r 24 CHR_CON24 Bit 0 44 3 2 1 0 0 0 RG_LOW_ICH_DB 0 0 0 RW 1 Bit(s) Name Description 7 RG_CHRIND_DIM MING Enable pre-charge indicator dimming 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 6 RG_CHRIND_ON Pre-charge indicator on (gated by CHR_LDO_DET to default 0 in analog domain) 0: disable indicator 1: enable indicator 5:0 RG_LOW_ICH_DB Plug out HW detection debounce time (base=16ms) Debounce time : Code * 16ms A5 Charge r Control Registe r 25 CHR_CON25 Bit Name Type Reset 7 RG_ULC _DET_E N RW 0 6 RG_HW CV_EN RW 0 5 4 RG_TRA CKING_ EN RW 1 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 3 10 2 RG_CSD AC_MOD E RW 0 1 0 RG_VCD T_MODE RG_CV_ MODE RW 0 RW 0 Page 628 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 7 RG_ULC_DET_EN Enable charger plug out auto detection. This fuction has to be applied with RG_HWCV_EN=1. 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 6 RG_HWCV_EN Enable hardware CV current tracking 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 4 RG_TRACKING_EN 0 : Current calibration use CS_VTH[n] and CS_VTH[n-1] as high/low threshold. 1 : Current calibration use CS_VTH[n] and LTH as high/low threshold. 2 RG_CSDAC_MODE 0: If not entering CC, charging is AUTO mode 1: If leaving UVLO, charging is controlled by RG_CSDAC_EN (same as CC mode) 1 RG_VCDT_MODE Charger detection mode selection 0: Charger detection can only be active in off state 1: Charger detection is active in both on and off state 0 RG_CV_MODE Battery CV detection mode selection. 0: CV detection can only be active in off state 1: CV detection is active in both on and off state AA Charge r Control Registe r 30 CHR_CON30 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 1 0 0 4 3 RG_DAC_USBDL_MAX RW 0 1 8E 2 1 0 1 1 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 RG_DAC_USBDL_M AX USBDL maximum current setting Default: 0x28E ==> 1010001110 AB Charge r Control Registe r 30_H CHR_CON30_H Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name Type Reset 02 2 Bit(s) Name Description 1:0 RG_DAC_USBDL_M AX1 USBDL maximum current setting Default: 0x28E ==> 1010001110 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 0 RG_DAC_USBDL_M AX1 RW 1 0 Page 629 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual AD Charge r Control Registe r 42 CHR_CON42 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 00 2 Name Type Reset 1 Bit(s) Name Description 1 RG_ENVTEM_EN To block CHR_DET signal to start_up 0: N/A 1: write enable 0 RG_ENVTEM_D To block CHR_DET signal to start_up 1:block 0: non-block AE 7 6 5 RG_ENV TEM_D RW 0 BATON Control Registe r0 BATON_CON0 Bit 0 RG_ENV TEM_EN W1C 0 4 3 00 2 1 0 RG_BAT ON_HT_ EN RW 0 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 0 RG_BATON_HT_EN Battery-On HW high temperature detection 1'b0: disable 1'b1: enable B0 Charge r Control Registe r 44 CHR_CON44 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name Type Reset 01 2 1 RGS_BA TON_UN DET RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 1 RGS_BATON_UNDE T Battery-On undetected (1: not detected, 0: detected) 0 RG_QI_BATON_LT _EN © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 RG_QI_B ATON_L T_EN RW 1 Page 630 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual B1 Charge r Control Registe r 45 CHR_CON45 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 1 5:0 1 Description RG_JW_CS_VTH Current sense voltage detection threshold @ Rcs=65mohm 1111: 70mA 1110: 200mA 1101: 300mA 1100: 450mA (usbdl) 1011: 550mA 1010: 650mA 1001: 700mA 1000: 800mA 0111: 900mA 0110: 1000mA 0101: 1100mA 0100: 1200mA 0011: 1350mA 0010: 1500mA 0001: 1600mA 0000: 2000mA 7 6 0 1 Charge r Control Registe r 45_H CHR_CON45_H Bit(s) 2 RG_JW_CS_VTH RW 1 1 Name B2 Bit Name Type Reset 3 0F 5 4 0 0 3 0F 2 RG_JW_CV_VTH RW 1 1 1 0 1 1 Name Description RG_JW_CV_VTH Battery CV dection threshold trimming option, default 4.2V this register is used for FT CV threshold trimming and not for customer's fine tuning (pchr_dig should invert MSB bit. otherwise, BC1.1 2.2V threshold would be wrong) 000000~000011:3.5V, 3.6V, 3.7V, 3.8V 000100~000111:3.85V, 3.9V, 4V, 4.05V 001000~001011:4.1V, 4.125V, 4.1375v, 4.15V 001100~001111:4.1625V, 4.175V, 4.1875V, 4.2V (default) 010000~010011:4.2125V, 4.225V, 4.2375V, 4.25V 010100~010111:4.2625V, 4.275V, 4.2875V, 4.3V 011000~011011:4.3125V, 4.325V, 4.3375V, 4.35V 011100~011111:4.3625V, 4.375V, 4.3875V, 4.4V 100000~100011:4.4125V, 4.425V, 4.4375V, 4.45V 100100~100111:4.4625V, 4.475V, 4.4875V, 4.5V 101000:4.6V © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 631 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 111111:2.2V (BC1.1) B3 Charge r Control Registe r 46 CHR_CON46 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 1 5:0 1 Description RG_JC_CS_VTH Current sense voltage detection threshold @ Rcs=65mohm 1111: 70mA 1110: 200mA 1101: 300mA 1100: 450mA (usbdl) 1011: 550mA 1010: 650mA 1001: 700mA 1000: 800mA 0111: 900mA 0110: 1000mA 0101: 1100mA 0100: 1200mA 0011: 1350mA 0010: 1500mA 0001: 1600mA 0000: 2000mA 7 6 0 1 Charge r Control Registe r 46_H CHR_CON46_H Bit(s) 2 RG_JC_CS_VTH RW 1 1 Name B4 Bit Name Type Reset 3 0F 5 4 0 0 3 0F 2 RG_JC_CV_VTH RW 1 1 1 0 1 1 Name Description RG_JC_CV_VTH Battery CV dection threshold trimming option, default 4.2V this register is used for FT CV threshold trimming and not for customer's fine tuning (pchr_dig should invert MSB bit. otherwise, BC1.1 2.2V threshold would be wrong) 000000~000011:3.5V, 3.6V, 3.7V, 3.8V 000100~000111:3.85V, 3.9V, 4V, 4.05V 001000~001011:4.1V, 4.125V, 4.1375v, 4.15V 001100~001111:4.1625V, 4.175V, 4.1875V, 4.2V (default) 010000~010011:4.2125V, 4.225V, 4.2375V, 4.25V 010100~010111:4.2625V, 4.275V, 4.2875V, 4.3V 011000~011011:4.3125V, 4.325V, 4.3375V, 4.35V 011100~011111:4.3625V, 4.375V, 4.3875V, 4.4V © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 100000~100011:4.4125V, 4.425V, 4.4375V, 4.45V 100100~100111:4.4625V, 4.475V, 4.4875V, 4.5V 101000:4.6V 111111:2.2V (BC1.1) B5 Charge r Control Registe r 47 CHR_CON47 Bit 7 6 5 4 00 3 2 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 1 RG_JEITA_EN 0:disable JEITA 1: enable JEITA DA 7 6 5 4 3 Name Type Reset 01 2 RG_OVR _VA18_P MOD RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 2 RG_OVR_VA18_PM OD 0: Normal mode 1: Low power mode 0 RG_VA18_EN DB 7 6 5 1 0 RG_VA18 _EN RW 1 VA18 Control registe r1 VA18CTL1 Bit 0 VA18 Control registe r0 VA18CTL0 Bit 1 RG_JEIT A_EN RW 0 4 3 Name Type Reset 05 2 RG_OFF _VA18_P MOD RW 1 1 0 Bit(s) Name Description 2 RG_OFF_VA18_PM OD VA18 operational mode for system OFF mode 0: Normal mode 1: Low power mode © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 633 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual E2 VA18 LDO PSI registe r0 VA18PSI0 Bit 7 6 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 5 RG_LP_VA18_PMO D 1 RG_HP_VA18_PMO D 5 RG_LP_ VA18_P MOD RW 0 4 6 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 5 RG_S1_VA18_PMO D 4 RG_S1_VA18_ON 1 RG_S0_VA18_PMO D 0 RG_S0_VA18_ON 5 RG_S1_V A18_PM OD RW 0 4 3 RW 0 6 5 4 3 0 Name 1 RG_S0_ VA18_P MOD RW 0 0 RG_S0_ VA18_O N RW 0 VBT Control registe r0 Type Reset Bit(s) 2 00 2 RG_OVR_VBT_PMO D Name 0 00 RG_S1_V A18_ON VBTCTL0 7 1 RG_HP_ VA18_P MOD RW 0 Description E4 Bit 2 VA18 LDO PSI registe r1 VA18PSI1 7 3 Description E3 Bit 00 RW 0 1 RG_VBT _OCFB_ EN RW 0 0 RG_VBT _EN RW 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 634 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 3:2 RG_OVR_VBT_PM OD VBT LDO operation mode 00: Normal mode 01: Lite mode 10: LP mode 11: ULP mode 1 RG_VBT_OCFB_EN 0 RG_VBT_EN VBT LDO enable 0: disable 1: enable E5 VA Control registe r0 VACTL0 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name 3 2 RG_OVR_VA_PMOD Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name 3:2 RG_OVR_VA_PMO D 1 RG_VA_OCFB_EN 0 RG_VA_EN 0 RG_VA_ EN RW 0 6 5 4 3 10 2 RG_OVR_VC_LDO_P MOD Name 0 VCORE LDO Control registe r0 VCLDOCTL0 7 RW 1 RG_VA_ OCFB_E N RW 0 Description E6 Bit 00 Type Reset 0 RW Bit(s) Name Description 3:2 RG_OVR_VC_LDO_ PMOD 00: Normal mode 01: Lite mode 10: LP mode 11: ULP mode 1 RG_VC_LDO_OCFB _EN 0 RG_VC_LDO_EN © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 1 RG_VC_ LDO_OC FB_EN RW 0 0 RG_VC_ LDO_EN RW 0 Page 635 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual E8 PSW Control registe r1 PSWCTL1 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 00 2 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 1 RG_SWD P_ENA RW 0 0 RG_SWX M_ENA RW 0 Description 1 RG_SWDP_ENA ECO: optional SWDP enable, enabled by RG_PSEQ_RSV1_LSB[0] 0 RG_SWXM_ENA ECO: optional SWXM enable, enabled by RG_PSEQ_RSV1_LSB[0] E9 VIO18 Control registe r0 VIO18CTL0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 RG_OVR_VIO18_PM OD Name Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name 3:2 RG_OVR_VIO18_P MOD 1 RG_VIO18_OCFB_E N 0 RG_VIO18_EN 0 6 5 4 3 Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name 3:2 RG_OVR_VSF_PMO D 1 RG_VSF_OCFB_EN 0 RG_VSF_EN RG_VIO1 8_EN RW 0 10 2 RG_OVR_VSF_PMO D Name 0 VSF Control registe r0 VSFCTL0 7 RW 1 RG_VIO1 8_OCFB _EN RW 0 Description EA Bit 10 RW 0 1 RG_VSF _OCFB_ EN RW 0 0 RG_VSF _EN RW 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 636 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual EB VIO28 Control registe r0 VIO28CTL0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name 3:2 RG_OVR_VIO28_P MOD 1 RG_VIO28_OCFB_E N 0 RG_VIO28_EN 0 6 5 4 Name 3 Type Reset 0 Name 3:2 RG_OVR_VMC_PM OD 1 RG_VMC_OCFB_EN 0 RG_VMC_EN 2 RW 0 6 5 4 3 Type Reset 0 Name 3:2 RG_OVR_VUSB_PM OD 1 RG_VUSB_OCFB_E N 0 RG_VUSB_EN 0 RG_VMC _EN RW 0 00 2 RG_OVR_VUSB_PM OD Bit(s) 1 RG_VMC _OCFB_ EN RW 0 VUSB Control registe r0 VUSBCTL0 Name RW 0 Description ED 7 RG_VIO2 8_EN 00 RG_OVR_VMC_PMO D Bit(s) 0 VMC Control registe r0 VMCCTL0 7 RW 1 RG_VIO2 8_OCFB _EN RW 0 Description EC Bit 2 RG_OVR_VIO28_PM OD Name Bit 30 RW 0 1 RG_VUS B_OCFB _EN RW 0 0 RG_VUS B_EN RW 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 637 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual EF VUSBL DO0 VUSBLDO0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 3:0 2 Description RG_VUSB_CAL 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV 7 6 5 1 RG_VUSB_CAL RW 0 0 Name 0 0 VUSBL DOBF0 VUSBLDOBF0 Bit(s) 3 0 F3 Bit Name Type Reset 00 4 3 0 00 2 Name Description RG_VUSB_BUF_CA L 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 RG_VUSB_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 0 0 Page 638 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual F5 VUSB LDO PSI registe r0 VUSBPSI0 Bit 7 Name Type Reset 6 5 4 RG_LP_VUSB_PMO D RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_LP_VUSB_PMO D 2:1 RG_HP_VUSB_PM OD 3 7 6 5 RG_S1_VUSB_PMOD Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_S1_VUSB_PMO D 4 RGS_S1_VUSB_ON 2:1 RG_S0_VUSB_PMO D 0 RGS_S0_VUSB_ON RW 0 4 3:0 7 00 3 RGS_S1_ VUSB_O N RO 0 2 1 0 RG_S0_VUSB_PMO D 0 RW 0 RGS_S0_ VUSB_O N RO 0 VDIG1 8LDO0 VDIG18LDO0 Bit(s) 0 Description F7 Bit Name Type Reset 1 VUSB LDO PSI registe r1 VUSBPSI1 Name 2 RG_HP_VUSB_PMO D RW 0 0 Description F6 Bit 00 6 5 4 3 0 00 2 Name Description RG_OVR_VDIG18_C AL VDIG18 calibration 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 RG_OVR_VDIG18_CAL RW 0 0 0 0 Page 639 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV FB VDIG1 8LDOB F0 VDIG18LDOBF0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 0 Description RG_OVR_VDIG18_B UF_CAL VDIG18 buffer calibration 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 1 0 0 VCORE LDO registe r0 VCLDO0 4:0 2 RG_OVR_VDIG18_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 Name FD Bit(s) 3 00 4 3 00 2 1 0 RG_OVR_VC_LDO_CAL RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description RG_OVR_VC_LDO_ CAL VC LDO calibration 5'b00000: 0 mV 5'b00001: -5 mV 5'b00010: -10 mV 5'b00011: -15 mV 5'b00100: -20 mV 5'b00101: -25 mV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 Page 640 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 5'b00110: -30 mV 5'b00111: -35 mV 5'b01000: -40 mV 5'b01001: -45 mV 5'b01010: -50 mV 5'b01011: -55 mV 5'b01100: -60 mV 5'b01101: -65 mV 5'b01110: -70 mV 5'b01111: -75 mV 5'b10000: +80 mV 5'b10000: +75 mV 5'b10001: +70 mV 5'b10010: +65 mV 5'b10011: +60 mV 5'b10100: +55 mV 5'b10101: +50 mV 5'b10110: +45 mV 5'b10111: +40 mV 5'b11000: +35 mV 5'b11001: +30 mV 5'b11010: +25 mV 5'b11011: +20 mV 5'b11100: +15 mV 5'b11101: +10 mV 5'b11110: +5 mV FE VCORE LDO registe r1 VCLDO1 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 3 1 0A 2 Name Description RG_OVR_VC_LDO_ VOSEL VC LDO output voltage 4'b0000: 0.7V 4'b0001: 0.75 V 4'b0010: 0.8 V 4'b0011: 0.85 V 4'b0100: 0.9 V 4'b0101: 0.95 V 4'b0110: 1 V 4'b0111: 1.05 V 4'b1000: 1.1V 4'b1001: 1.15 V 4'b1010: 1.2 V 4'b1011: 1.25 V 4'b1100: 1.3 V 4'b1101: 1.3 V 4'b1110: 1.3 V 4'b1111: 1.3 V © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 RG_OVR_VC_LDO_VOSEL RW 0 1 0 0 Page 641 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 101 VCORE LDO buffer registe r0 VCLDOBF0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 4:0 7 6 5 4 0 1 RG_OVR_VC_LDO_ BUF_CAL VC LDO buffer calibration 5'b00000: 0 mV 5'b00001: -5 mV 5'b00010: -10 mV 5'b00011: -15 mV 5'b00100: -20 mV 5'b00101: -25 mV 5'b00110: -30 mV 5'b00111: -35 mV 5'b01000: -40 mV 5'b01001: -45 mV 5'b01010: -50 mV 5'b01011: -55 mV 5'b01100: -60 mV 5'b01101: -65 mV 5'b01110: -70 mV 5'b01111: -75 mV 5'b10000: +80 mV 5'b10000: +75 mV 5'b10001: +70 mV 5'b10010: +65 mV 5'b10011: +60 mV 5'b10100: +55 mV 5'b10101: +50 mV 5'b10110: +45 mV 5'b10111: +40 mV 5'b11000: +35 mV 5'b11001: +30 mV 5'b11010: +25 mV 5'b11011: +20 mV 5'b11100: +15 mV 5'b11101: +10 mV 5'b11110: +5 mV 7 Name Bit(s) 2 Description 6 5 4 Name 1 RW 0 0 C0 3 2 1 0 RG_HP_VC_LDO_P MOD RG_HP_VC_LDO_VOSEL 1 0 VCORE LDO PSI registe r0 VCLDOPSI0 Type Reset 3 RG_OVR_VC_LDO_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 0 Name 103 Bit 00 0 0 RW 0 RG_HP_ VC_LDO _ON RW 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 642 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 RG_HP_VC_LDO_V OSEL 4'b0000: 0.7V 4'b0001: 0.75 V 4'b0010: 0.8 V 4'b0011: 0.85 V 4'b0100: 0.9 V 4'b0101: 0.95 V 4'b0110: 1 V 4'b0111: 1.05 V 4'b1000: 1.1V 4'b1001: 1.15 V 4'b1010: 1.2 V 4'b1011: 1.25 V 4'b1100: 1.3 V 4'b1101: 1.3 V 4'b1110: 1.3 V 4'b1111: 1.3 V 2:1 RG_HP_VC_LDO_P MOD 00: Normal mode 01: Lite mode 10: LP mode 11: ULP mode 0 RG_HP_VC_LDO_O N 104 VCORE LDO PSI registe r1 VCLDOPSI1 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 4 Name 4:0 RG_HP_VC_LDO_C AL Type Reset 1 0 0 VCORE LDO PSI registe r2 VCLDOPSI2 7 Name 2 RG_HP_VC_LDO_CAL RW 0 0 0 Description 105 Bit 3 0 Bit(s) 00 6 5 4 3 0 RW 0 2 1 0 RG_LP_VC_LDO_PM OD RG_LP_VC_LDO_VOSEL 1 80 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 RG_LP_VC_LDO_V OSEL 4'b0000: 0.7V 4'b0001: 0.75 V 4'b0010: 0.8 V 4'b0011: 0.85 V © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. RW 0 RG_LP_ VC_LDO _ON RW 0 Page 643 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4'b0100: 0.9 V 4'b0101: 0.95 V 4'b0110: 1 V 4'b0111: 1.05 V 4'b1000: 1.1V 4'b1001: 1.15 V 4'b1010: 1.2 V 4'b1011: 1.25 V 4'b1100: 1.3 V 4'b1101: 1.3 V 4'b1110: 1.3 V 4'b1111: 1.3 V 2:1 RG_LP_VC_LDO_P MOD 0 RG_LP_VC_LDO_O N 106 VCORE LDO PSI registe r3 VCLDOPSI3 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 4 Name 4:0 RG_LP_VC_LDO_C AL 6 5 4 3 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 2:1 RG_S0_VC_LDO_P MOD 1 0 0 VCORE LDO PSI registe r4 VCLDOPSI4 7 2 RG_LP_VC_LDO_CAL RW 0 0 0 Description 107 Bit 3 0 Bit(s) 00 00 2 1 RG_S0_VC_LDO_PM OD RW 0 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 644 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 108 VCORE LDO PSI registe r5 VCLDOPSI5 Bit 7 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 6 5 4 3 RG_S1_VC_LDO_VOSEL 0 0 RW 0 0 00 2 Name Description 7:4 RG_S1_VC_LDO_V OSEL 4'b0000: 0.7V 4'b0001: 0.75 V 4'b0010: 0.8 V 4'b0011: 0.85 V 4'b0100: 0.9 V 4'b0101: 0.95 V 4'b0110: 1 V 4'b0111: 1.05 V 4'b1000: 1.1V 4'b1001: 1.15 V 4'b1010: 1.2 V 4'b1011: 1.25 V 4'b1100: 1.3 V 4'b1101: 1.3 V 4'b1110: 1.3 V 4'b1111: 1.3 V 2:1 RG_S1_VC_LDO_P MOD 10A Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 6 5 0 VIO18L DO0 VIO18LDO0 7 1 RG_S1_VC_LDO_PM OD RW 0 0 4 3 0 00 2 Name Description RG_VIO18_CAL 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 RG_VIO18_CAL RW 0 0 0 0 Page 645 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 10E VIO18L DOBF0 VIO18LDOBF0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 0 Description RG_VIO18_BUF_CA L 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV 7 Name Type Reset 6 5 RG_LP_VIO18_PMO D RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_LP_VIO18_PMO D 2:1 RG_HP_VIO18_PM OD 4 Type Reset Bit(s) Name 0 3 00 2 1 RG_HP_VIO18_PMO D RW 0 0 0 VIO18 LDO PSI registe r1 VIO18PSI1 Name 0 Description 111 7 1 VIO18 LDO PSI registe r0 VIO18PSI0 Bit 2 RG_VIO18_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 Name 110 Bit 3 00 6 5 RG_S1_VIO18_PMO D RW 0 0 4 3 00 2 1 RG_S0_VIO18_PMO D RW 0 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 646 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_S1_VIO18_PMO D 2:1 RG_S0_VIO18_PMO D Description 113 VSFLD O0 VSFLDO0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 0 2 Description RG_VSF_CAL 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV 6 5 4 3 2 Type Reset 1 0 0 00 Name Bit(s) 0 VSFLD O1 VSFLDO1 7 1 RG_VSF_CAL RW 0 0 Name 114 Bit 3 00 Name Description RG_VSF_VOSEL_1 VSF output voltage select bit_1 2'b00: 1.86V 2'b01: 3 V 2'b10: 3.3 V 2b'11: null RG_VSF_VOSEL_0 VSF output voltage select bit_0 2'b00: 1.86V 2'b01: 3 V 2'b10: 3.3 V 2b'11: null © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 RG_VSF _VOSEL _1 RW 0 0 RG_VSF _VOSEL _0 RW 0 Page 647 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 117 VSFLD OBF0 VSFLDOBF0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 5 4 0 Description RG_VSF_BUF_CAL 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV 7 6 5 RG_LP_VSF_PMOD RW 0 0 4 Name 0 0 3 00 2 1 RG_HP_VSF_PMOD RW 0 0 0 Description 6:5 RG_LP_VSF_PMOD 2:1 RG_HP_VSF_PMOD 11A VSF LDO PSI registe r1 VSFPSI1 Bit 1 VSF LDO PSI registe r0 VSFPSI0 Bit(s) 2 RG_VSF_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 Name 119 Bit Name Type Reset 3 00 7 6 5 Name RG_S1_VSF_PMOD Type Reset RW 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_S1_VSF_PMOD 4 RGS_S1_VSF_ON 0 4 00 3 RGS_S1_ VSF_ON RO 0 2 1 0 RG_S0_VSF_PMOD 0 RW 0 RGS_S0_ VSF_ON RO 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 648 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 2:1 RG_S0_VSF_PMOD 0 RGS_S0_VSF_ON 11C SMPS Control Registe r0 SMPSCTL0 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7 6 5 RG_VCORE_BUCK_S CHG_TSTEP 0 RW 0 4 16 3 RG_VCO RE_BUC K_SCHG _EN RW 1 2 1 Name Description 7:6 RG_VCORE_BUCK_ SCHG_TSTEP VCORE DVS soft change time step 2'b00: 0.6us (default) 2'b01: 1.3us 2'b10: 2.6us 2'b11: 4.6us 4 RG_VCORE_BUCK_ SCHG_EN VCORE DVS soft change enable 121 SMPS Analog Control Registe r3 SMPSANA3 Bit 7 6 5 Name Type Reset 4 00 3 RG_VOU TDET_E N RW 0 2 1 0 RW Name Description 3 RG_VOUTDET_EN VOUT tied to VBAT detection enable 0: disable 1: enable RG_VCORE_VSLEE P_SEL sleep mode voltage selection 00: 0.7V 01: 0.75V 10: 0.6V 11: 0.65V 135 VCBUCK19 0 RG_VCORE_VSLEEP _SEL Bit(s) 2:1 0 0 VCORE BUCK registe r 19 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 Page 649 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 135 VCORE BUCK registe r 19 VCBUCK19 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 00 2 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 1 RGS_QI_VCORE_O C_STATUS OC status 13E 7 Name Type Reset Bit(s) 6 5 4 RG_HP_VC_BUCK_VOVAL 1 1 RW 1 0 VCORE BUCK PSI registe r0 VCBUCKPSI0 Bit 1 RGS_QI_ VCORE_ OC_STAT US RO 0 3 E1 2 1 0 RG_HP_VC_BUCK_VOADJ 0 0 RW 0 0 RG_HP_ VC_BUC K_ON RW 1 Name Description 7:4 RG_HP_VC_BUCK_ VOVAL VCORE BUCK output voltage value for HP state 0000: 0.6v 0001: 0.6v + 50mV 0010: 0.6v + 50mV*2 0100: 0.6v + 50mv*4 0110: 0.6v + 50mv*6 1000: 0.6v + 50mv*8 1010: 0.6v + 50mv*10 1100: 0.6v + 50mv*12 = 1.2v 1110: 0.6v + 50mv*14 1111: 0.6v + 50mV*15 = 1.35v 3:1 RG_HP_VC_BUCK_ VOADJ VCORE BUCK voltage adjust value for HP state (6.25mV/bit) 0 RG_HP_VC_BUCK_ ON VCORE BUCK on/off control for HP state 0: off 1: on 13F VCORE BUCK PSI registe r1 VCBUCKPSI1 Bit Name 7 6 5 RG_LP_VC_BUCK_VOVAL 4 3 A1 2 1 0 RG_LP_ VC_BUC RG_LP_VC_BUCK_VOADJ © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 13F Type Reset Bit(s) VCORE BUCK PSI registe r1 VCBUCKPSI1 1 0 RW 1 0 0 A1 RW 0 K_ON RW 1 0 Name Description 7:4 RG_LP_VC_BUCK_ VOVAL VCORE BUCK output voltage value for LP state 0000: 0.6v 0001: 0.6v + 50mV 0010: 0.6v + 50mV*2 0100: 0.6v + 50mv*4 0110: 0.6v + 50mv*6 1000: 0.6v + 50mv*8 1010: 0.6v + 50mv*10 1100: 0.6v + 50mv*12 = 1.2v 1110: 0.6v + 50mv*14 1111: 0.6v + 50mV*15 = 1.35v 3:1 RG_LP_VC_BUCK_ VOADJ VCORE BUCK voltage adjust value for LP state (6.25mV/bit) 0 RG_LP_VC_BUCK_ ON VCORE BUCK on/off control for LP state 0: off 1: on 140 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) VCORE BUCK PSI registe r2 VCBUCKPSI2 7 0 6 5 RG_S1_VC_BUCK_VOVAL RW 0 1 4 0 3 20 2 1 0 RG_S1_VC_BUCK_VOADJ RW 0 0 0 Name Description 7:4 RG_S1_VC_BUCK_ VOVAL VCORE BUCK output voltage value for LP state 0000: 0.6v 0001: 0.6v + 50mV 0010: 0.6v + 50mV*2 0100: 0.6v + 50mv*4 0110: 0.6v + 50mv*6 1000: 0.6v + 50mv*8 1010: 0.6v + 50mv*10 1100: 0.6v + 50mv*12 = 1.2v 1110: 0.6v + 50mv*14 1111: 0.6v + 50mV*15 = 1.35v 3:1 RG_S1_VC_BUCK_ VOADJ VCORE BUCK voltage adjust value for LP state (6.25mV/bit) © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 200 AUXAD C ADC registe r0 AUXADC_ADC0 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH0_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH0_L AUXADC channel 0 output data bit [7:0] 201 AUXADC_ADC0_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH0 RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 0_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH0_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH0 AUXADC channel 0 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH0_H AUXADC channel 0 output data bit [14:8] 202 AUXAD C ADC registe r1 AUXADC_ADC1 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH1_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH1_L AUXADC channel 1 output data bit [7:0] 203 Bit Name AUXADC_ADC1_H 7 AUXADC 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 1_H 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH1_H © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 0 Page 652 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 203 AUXADC_ADC1_H _ADC_R DY_CH1 RO 0 Type Reset 0 0 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r 1_H RO 0 00 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH1 AUXADC channel 1 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH1_H AUXADC channel 1 output data bit [14:8] 204 AUXAD C ADC registe r2 AUXADC_ADC2 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH2_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH2_L AUXADC channel 2 output data bit [7:0] 205 AUXADC_ADC2_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH2 RO 0 6 5 0 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 2_H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH2_H 0 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH2 AUXADC channel 2 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH2_H AUXADC channel 2 output data bit [11:8] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 Page 653 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 206 AUXAD C ADC registe r3 AUXADC_ADC3 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH3_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH3_L AUXADC channel 3 output data bit [7:0] 207 AUXADC_ADC3_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH3 RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 3_H 3 00 2 1 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH3_H 0 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH3 AUXADC channel 3 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH3_H AUXADC channel 3 output data bit [11:8] 208 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH4_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH4_L AUXADC channel 4 output data bit [7:0] 209 Bit Name AUXADC_ADC4_H 7 AUXADC 6 5 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r4 AUXADC_ADC4 Bit Name Type Reset 0 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 4_H 3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 1 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH4_H 0 Page 654 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 209 AUXADC_ADC4_H _ADC_R DY_CH4 RO 0 Type Reset AUXAD C ADC registe r 4_H 0 00 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH4 AUXADC channel 4 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH4_H AUXADC channel 4 output data bit [11:8] 21A AUXAD C ADC registe r 13 AUXADC_ADC13 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_THR_HW_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _THR_HW_L AUXADC channel 13 output data bit [7:0] 21B AUXADC_ADC13_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset Bit(s) AUXADC _ADC_R DY_THR _HW RO 0 6 5 0 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 13_H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_THR_HW_H 0 0 RO 0 0 Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _THR_HW AUXADC channel 13 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _THR_HW_H AUXADC channel 13 output data bit [11:8] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 655 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 21C AUXAD C ADC registe r 14 AUXADC_ADC14 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_LBAT_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _LBAT_L AUXADC channel 14 output data bit [7:0] 21D AUXADC_ADC14_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_LBA T RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 14_H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_LBAT_H 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _LBAT AUXADC channel 14 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _LBAT_H AUXADC channel 14 output data bit [11:8] 21E AUXAD C ADC registe r 15 AUXADC_ADC15 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_LBAT2_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _LBAT2_L AUXADC channel 15 output data bit [7:0] 21F AUXADC_ADC15_H Bit 7 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 15_H 3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 1 0 Page 656 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 21F AUXADC_ADC15_H Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_LBA T2 RO 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r 15_H 00 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_LBAT2_H 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _LBAT2 AUXADC channel 15 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _LBAT2_H AUXADC channel 15 output data bit [11:8] 226 AUXAD C ADC registe r 19 AUXADC_ADC19 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH4_BY_MD_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH4_BY_MD_L AUXADC channel 19 output data bit [7:0] 227 AUXADC_ADC19_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH4 _BY_MD RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 19_H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH4_BY_MD_H 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH4_BY_MD AUXADC channel 19 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH4_BY_MD_H AUXADC channel 19 output data bit [11:8] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 228 AUXAD C ADC registe r 20 AUXADC_ADC20 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_WAKEUP_PCHR_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _WAKEUP_PCHR_L AUXADC channel 20 output data bit [7:0] 229 AUXADC_ADC20_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_WAK EUP_PC HR RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 20_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_WAKEUP_PCHR_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _WAKEUP_PCHR AUXADC channel 20 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _WAKEUP_PCHR_ H AUXADC channel 20 output data bit [14:8] 22A AUXAD C ADC registe r 21 AUXADC_ADC21 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_WAKEUP_SWCHR_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _WAKEUP_SWCHR _L AUXADC channel 21 output data bit [7:0] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 658 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 22B AUXADC_ADC21_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_WAK EUP_SW CHR RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 21_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_WAKEUP_SWCHR_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _WAKEUP_SWCHR AUXADC channel 21 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _WAKEUP_SWCHR _H AUXADC channel 21 output data bit [14:8] 22C AUXAD C ADC registe r 22 AUXADC_ADC22 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH0_BY_MD_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH0_BY_MD_L AUXADC channel 22 output data bit [7:0] 22D AUXADC_ADC22_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH0 _BY_MD RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 22_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH0_BY_MD_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH0_BY_MD AUXADC channel 22 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH0_BY_MD_H AUXADC channel 22 output data bit [14:8] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 22E AUXAD C ADC registe r 23 AUXADC_ADC23 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH0_BY_AP_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH0_BY_AP_L AUXADC channel 23 output data bit [7:0] 22F AUXADC_ADC23_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH0 _BY_AP RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 23_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH0_BY_AP_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH0_BY_AP AUXADC channel 23 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH0_BY_AP_H AUXADC channel 23 output data bit [14:8] 230 AUXAD C ADC registe r 24 AUXADC_ADC24 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH1_BY_MD_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH1_BY_MD_L AUXADC channel 24 output data bit [7:0] 231 AUXADC_ADC24_H AUXAD C ADC registe r 24_H © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 Page 660 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 231 AUXADC_ADC24_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH1 _BY_MD RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 24_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH1_BY_MD_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH1_BY_MD AUXADC channel 24 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH1_BY_MD_H AUXADC channel 24 output data bit [14:8] 232 AUXAD C ADC registe r 25 AUXADC_ADC25 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH1_BY_AP_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH1_BY_AP_L AUXADC channel 25 output data bit [7:0] 233 AUXADC_ADC25_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_CH1 _BY_AP RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 25_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_CH1_BY_AP_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _CH1_BY_AP AUXADC channel 25 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _CH1_BY_AP_H AUXADC channel 25 output data bit [14:8] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 234 AUXAD C ADC registe r 26 AUXADC_ADC26 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_VISMPS0_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _VISMPS0_L AUXADC channel 26 output data bit [7:0] 235 AUXADC_ADC26_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_VIS MPS0 RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 26_H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_VISMPS0_H 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _VISMPS0 AUXADC channel 26 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _VISMPS0_H AUXADC channel 26 output data bit [11:8] 236 AUXAD C ADC registe r 27 AUXADC_ADC27 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_FGADC1_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _FGADC1_L AUXADC channel 27 output data bit [7:0] 237 AUXADC_ADC27_H Bit 7 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 27_H 3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 1 0 Page 662 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 237 AUXADC_ADC27_H Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_FGA DC1 RO 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r 27_H 00 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_FGADC1_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _FGADC1 AUXADC channel 27 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _FGADC1_H AUXADC channel 27 output data bit [14:8] 238 AUXAD C ADC registe r 28 AUXADC_ADC28 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_FGADC2_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _FGADC2_L AUXADC channel 28 output data bit [7:0] 239 AUXADC_ADC28_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_FGA DC2 RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 28_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_FGADC2_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _FGADC2 AUXADC channel 28 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _FGADC2_H AUXADC channel 28 output data bit [14:8] © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 23A AUXAD C ADC registe r 29 AUXADC_ADC29 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_IMP_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _IMP_L AUXADC channel 29 output data bit [7:0] 23B AUXADC_ADC29_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_IMP RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r 29_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_IMP_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _IMP AUXADC channel 29 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _IMP_H AUXADC channel 29 output data bit [14:8] 23C AUXAD C ADC registe r 30 AUXADC_ADC30 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_IMP_AVG_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _IMP_AVG_L AUXADC channel 30 output data bit [7:0] 23D Bit Name AUXADC_ADC30_H 7 AUXADC 6 5 4 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 0_H 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_IMP_AVG_H © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 0 Page 664 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 23D AUXADC_ADC30_H _ADC_R DY_IMP _AVG RO 0 Type Reset Bit(s) 0 0 0 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 0_H RO 0 00 0 0 0 Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _IMP_AVG AUXADC channel 30 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _IMP_AVG_H AUXADC channel 30 output data bit [14:8] 23E AUXAD C ADC registe r 31 AUXADC_ADC31 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_RAW_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _RAW_L AUXADC channel 31 output data bit [7:0] 23F AUXADC_ADC31_H Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 4 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 1_H 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_RAW_H RO 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _RAW_H AUXADC channel 31 output data bit [14:8] 240 Bit Name Type AUXAD C ADC registe r 32 AUXADC_ADC32 7 6 5 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_MDRT_L RO © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 1 0 Page 665 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 240 AUXAD C ADC registe r 32 AUXADC_ADC32 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _MDRT_L AUXADC channel 32 output data bit [7:0] 241 AUXADC_ADC32_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_MDR T RO 0 6 5 4 0 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 2_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_MDRT_H 0 0 0 RO 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _MDRT AUXADC channel 32 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _MDRT_H AUXADC channel 32 output data bit [14:8] 242 AUXAD C ADC registe r 33 AUXADC_ADC33 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_JEITA_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _JEITA_L AUXADC output data 243 AUXADC_ADC33_H Bit Name 7 AUXADC _ADC_R DY_JEIT 6 5 4 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 3_H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_JEITA_H © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 666 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 243 AUXADC_ADC33_H A RO 0 Type Reset AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 3_H 0 00 0 RO Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _JEITA AUXADC output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _JEITA_H AUXADC output data 244 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_BY_GPS_L RO 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_BY_GPS_L AUXADC channel 4 output data 245 AUXADC_ADC34_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset Bit(s) AUXADC _ADC_R DY_DCX O_BY_G PS RO 0 6 5 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r 34 AUXADC_ADC34 Bit Name Type Reset 0 4 1 0 0 0 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 4_H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_BY_GPS_H 0 0 RO 0 Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _DCXO_BY_GPS AUXADC channel 4 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_BY_GPS_H AUXADC channel 4 output data © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 Page 667 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 246 AUXAD C ADC registe r 35 AUXADC_ADC35 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_BY_MD_L RO 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_BY_MD_L AUXADC channel 4 output data 247 AUXADC_ADC35_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_DCX O_BY_M D RO 0 6 5 4 1 0 0 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r 33_H 3 00 2 1 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_BY_MD_H 0 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _DCXO_BY_MD AUXADC channel 4 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_BY_MD_H AUXADC channel 4 output data 248 7 6 0 0 5 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r 36 AUXADC_ADC36 Bit Name Type Reset 0 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_BY_AP_L RO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_BY_AP_L AUXADC channel 4 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 668 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 249 AUXADC_ADC36_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_DCX O_BY_A P RO 0 6 5 4 AUXAD C ADC registe r _H 3 00 2 1 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_BY_AP_H 0 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _DCXO_BY_AP AUXADC channel 4 output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_BY_AP_H AUXADC channel 4 output data 24A 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 00 2 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_MDRT_L RO 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_MDRT_L AUXADC output data 24B AUXADC_ADC37_H Bit 7 Name Type Reset AUXADC _ADC_R DY_DCX O_MDRT RO 0 6 5 0 AUXAD C ADC registe r 37 AUXADC_ADC37 Bit Name Type Reset 0 4 1 0 0 0 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r _H 3 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_DCXO_MDRT_H 0 0 RO Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _DCXO_MDRT AUXADC output data ready 0: AUXADC data proceeding 1: AUXADC data ready 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _DCXO_MDRT_H AUXADC output data © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 0 Page 669 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 24C AUXAD C ADC registe r 34_H AUXADC_ADC38 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _NAG_L 4 AUXADC_ADC38_H 7 Name Type Reset 6 AUXADC _ADC_R DY_NAG RO 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 4 AUXAD C1 ADC registe r 34_H 3 00 2 1 0 0 0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_NAG_H 0 Bit(s) Name 7 AUXADC_ADC_RDY _NAG 6:0 AUXADC_ADC_OUT _NAG_H 0 0 RO 0 0 Description 24E AUXAD C_STA 0 AUXADC_STA0 Bit Name Type Reset 2 Description 24D Bit 3 AUXADC_ADC_OUT_NAG_L RO 0 0 00 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_ADC_BUSY_IN_L RO 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_L AUXADC ADC BUSY STATUS_L, bit[7] = CH7 ~ bit[0] = CH0 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 24F AUXADC_STA0_H Bit Name 7 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ WAKEUP 6 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ VISMPS0 5 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ LBAT2 4 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ LBAT AUXAD C_STA 0_H 3 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 1 0 AUXADC_ADC_BUSY_IN_H Page 670 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 24F AUXADC_STA0_H Type Reset Bit(s) RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 AUXAD C_STA 0_H 00 0 0 RO 0 0 Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_WAKEUP ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 6 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_VISMPS0 ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 5 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_LBAT2 ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 4 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_LBAT ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 3:0 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_H AUXADC ADC BUSY STATUS_H, bit[3] = CH11 ~ bit[0] = CH8 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 250 AUXAD C_STA1 AUXADC_STA1 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ SHARE AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ MDRT AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ JEITA AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ NAG Type Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 3 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ DCXO_G PS RO 0 00 2 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ DCXO_G PS_MD RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_SHARE ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 6 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_MDRT ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 5 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_JEITA ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 4 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_NAG ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 3 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_DCXO_GPS ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 2 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_DCXO_GPS_ MD ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ DCXO_G PS_AP RO 0 0 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ DCXO_M DRT RO 0 Page 671 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 1 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_DCXO_GPS_ AP ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 0 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_DCXO_MDRT ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 251 AUXAD C_STA1 _H AUXADC_STA1_H Bit 7 Name AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ THR_MD Type Reset RO 0 6 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ THR_H W RO 0 5 4 00 3 2 1 0 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ FGADC2 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ FGADC1 AUXADC _ADC_B USY_IN_ IMP RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_THR_MD ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 6 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_THR_HW ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 2 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_FGADC2 ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 1 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_FGADC1 ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 0 AUXADC_ADC_BUS Y_IN_IMP ADC busy status 1: BUSY 0: IDLE 2BE Bit Name Type Reset AUXADC_LBAT2_4 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 AUXAD C_LBA T2_4 3 AUXADC_LBAT2_VOLT_MAX RW 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_LBAT2_V OLT_MAX LBAT2 detection voltage setting © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 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MT2523 Series Reference Manual 2BF Bit Name Type Reset AUXADC_LBAT2_4_H 7 6 5 4 AUXAD C_LBA T2_4_ H 3 0 80 2 Bit(s) Name Description 3:0 AUXADC_LBAT2_V OLT_MAXa LBAT2 detection voltage setting 2C0 Bit Name Type Reset AUXADC_LBAT2_5 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 AUXADC_LBAT2_VOLT_MIN RW 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name Description 7:0 AUXADC_LBAT2_V OLT_MIN LBAT2 detection voltage setting Bit Name Type Reset AUXADC_LBAT2_5_H 7 6 5 4 AUXAD C_LBA T2_5_ H 3 0 80 2 Name Description 3:0 AUXADC_LBAT2_V OLT_MINa LBAT2 detection voltage setting Bit Name Type Reset 6 5 4 3 0 Bit(s) Name 3:0 RG_VBT_CAL 0 0 VBT LDO registe r0 VBTLDO0 7 1 AUXADC_LBAT2_VOLT_MINa RW 0 0 Bit(s) 2EF 0 AUXAD C_LBA T2_5 Bit(s) 2C1 1 AUXADC_LBAT2_VOLT_MAXa RW 0 0 0 00 2 1 0 RG_VBT_CAL RW 0 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 673 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 2F3 VBT LDO buffer registe r0 VBTLDOBF0 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 4 0 Bit(s) Name 3:0 RG_VBT_BUF_CAL 6 5 RG_LP_VBT_PMOD RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_LP_VBT_PMOD 2:1 RG_HP_VBT_PMO D 0 0 4 3 00 2 1 RG_HP_VBT_PMOD RW 0 0 0 Description 2F6 VBTP LDO PSI registe r1 VBTPSI1 Bit 1 VBTP LDO PSI registe r0 VBTPSI0 7 2 RG_VBT_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 Description 2F5 Bit Name Type Reset 3 00 7 6 5 Name RG_S1_VBT_PMOD Type Reset RW 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_S1_VBT_PMOD 4 RGS_S1_VBT_ON 2:1 RG_S0_VBT_PMOD 0 RGS_S0_VBT_ON 0 4 00 3 RGS_S1_ VBT_ON RO 0 2 1 0 RG_S0_VBT_PMOD 0 RW 0 RGS_S0_ VBT_ON RO 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 674 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 2F8 VA LDO registe r0 VALDO0 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 4 Name 3:0 RG_VA_CAL 7 6 5 4 Name 3:0 RG_VA_BUF_CAL 6 5 RG_LP_VA_PMOD RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_LP_VA_PMOD 2:1 RG_HP_VA_PMOD 4 2 1 RG_VA_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 0 0 3 00 2 1 RG_HP_VA_PMOD RW 0 0 0 VA LDO PSI registe r1 VAPSI1 Type Reset 00 Description 2FF 7 0 VA LDO PSI registe r0 VAPSI0 7 0 Description 2FE Name 3 0 Bit(s) 1 RG_VA_CAL RW 0 0 VA LDO buffer registe r0 VALDOBF0 Bit 2 Description 2FC Bit Name Type Reset 3 0 Bit(s) Bit Name Type Reset 00 6 5 RG_S1_VA_PMOD 0 RW 0 4 RGS_S1_ VA_ON RO 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 3 00 2 1 0 RG_S0_VA_PMOD 0 RW 0 RGS_S0_ VA_ON RO 0 Page 675 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_S1_VA_PMOD 4 RGS_S1_VA_ON 2:1 RG_S0_VA_PMOD 0 RGS_S0_VA_ON Description 300 VCAM A Control registe r0 VCAMACTL0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name 3:2 RG_OVR_VCAMA_P MOD 1 RG_VCAMA_OCFB_ EN 0 RG_VCAMA_EN 6 Name 3:0 RG_VCAMA_CAL 2:0 4 RW 0 3 00 2 1 RG_VCAMA_CAL RW 0 0 0 0 VCAM A LDO registe r1 VCAMALDO1 7 RG_VCA MA_EN Description 303 Bit(s) 5 0 Bit(s) 0 0 VCAM ALDO0 VCAMALDO0 7 RW 1 RG_VCA MA_OCF B_EN RW 0 Description 302 Bit Name Type Reset 2 RG_OVR_VCAMA_P MOD Name Bit Name Type Reset 00 6 5 4 3 Name Description RG_VCAMA_VOSEL 3'b000: 1.5 V 3'b001: 1.8 V 3'b010: 2.5 V 3'b011: 2.8 V © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 03 2 1 0 RG_VCAMA_VOSEL RW 0 1 1 Page 676 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 3'b100: Reserved 3'b101: Reserved 3'b110: Reserved 3'b111: Reserved 306 VCAM A LDO buffer registe r0 VCAMALDOBF0 Bit 7 Name Type Reset 6 5 4 RG_VCAMA_COIN_SS_TRIM_BI AS RW 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 6:4 RG_VCAMA_COIN_ SS_TRIM_BIAS 3:0 RG_VCAMA_BUF_C AL 0 6 5 4 3 Type Reset Name 2 RG_SWMP_EN 1 RG_SWDP_EN 0 RG_SWXM_EN Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name 0 RW 0 0 00 2 RG_SW MP_EN RW 0 1 RG_SWD P_EN RW 0 0 RG_SWX M_EN RW 0 SWIO1 8 LDO PSI registe r SWIO18PSI 7 0 Description 30F Bit 1 RG_VCAMA_BUF_CAL Name Bit(s) 2 PSW Control registe r0 PSWCTL0 7 3 Description 30A Bit 00 6 5 4 3 RGS_S1_ SWDP_O N RO 0 00 2 RGS_S0_ SWDP_O N RO 0 1 RGS_S1_ SWXM_ ON RO 0 0 RGS_S0_ SWXM_ ON RO 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 677 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 3 RGS_S1_SWDP_ON 2 RGS_S0_SWDP_ON 1 RGS_S1_SWXM_ON 0 RGS_S0_SWXM_O N Description 313 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 7 6 Bit(s) 3:0 5 4 3 0 00 2 Description RG_VIO28_CAL_E1 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV 6 5 0 0 VIO28 LDOBF 0 VIO28LDOBF0 7 1 RG_VIO28_CAL_E1 RW 0 0 Name 317 Bit Name Type Reset VIO28 LDO0 VIO28LDO0 4 3 0 00 2 Name Description RG_VIO28_BUF_CA L_E1 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 RG_VIO28_BUF_CAL_E1 RW 0 0 0 0 Page 678 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV 319 VIO28 LDO PSI registe r0 VIO28PSI0 Bit 7 Name Type Reset 6 5 RG_LP_VIO28_PMO D_E1 RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_LP_VIO28_PM OD_E1 2:1 RG_HP_VIO28_PM OD_E1 4 7 6 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_S1_VIO28_PMO D_E1 4 RGS_S1_VIO28_ON _E1 2:1 RG_S0_VIO28_PM OD_E1 0 RGS_S0_VIO28_ON _E1 RW 0 4 00 3 RGS_S1_ VIO28_O N_E1 RO 0 2 0 RG_S0_VIO28_PMO D_E1 0 6 5 4 3 0 Name 1 RW 0 RGS_S0_ VIO28_O N_E1 RO 0 VMCL DO0 VMCLDO0 7 0 Description 31C Bit(s) 5 RG_S1_VIO28_PMO D_E1 Type Reset Bit Name Type Reset 1 VIO28 LDO PSI registe r1 VIO28PSI1 Name 2 RG_HP_VIO28_PMO D_E1 RW 0 0 Description 31A Bit 3 00 00 2 1 0 RG_VMC_CAL RW 0 0 0 Description © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 679 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name 3:0 RG_VMC_CAL Description 31D VMCL DO1 VMCLDO1 Bit Name Type Reset 7 6 5 4 02 3 2 Bit(s) Name Description 1:0 RG_VMC_VOSEL 2'b00: 1.8V 2'b01: 2.8V 2'b10: 3V 2b'11: 3.3V 320 7 6 5 4 Name 3:0 RG_VMC_BUF_CAL 6 5 RG_LP_VMC_PMOD RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_LP_VMC_PMO D 2:1 RG_HP_VMC_PMO D 4 0 0 3 00 2 1 RG_HP_VMC_PMOD RW 0 0 0 VMC LDO PSI registe r1 VMCPSI1 7 1 Description 323 Bit 2 RG_VMC_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 VMC LDO PSI registe r0 VMCPSI0 7 00 Description 322 Bit Name Type Reset 3 0 Bit(s) 0 VMCL DOBF0 VMCLDOBF0 Bit Name Type Reset 1 RG_VMC_VOSEL RW 1 0 6 5 4 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 3 00 2 1 0 Page 680 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 323 VMC LDO PSI registe r1 VMCPSI1 Name RGS_S1_ VMC_ON RO 0 RG_S1_VMC_PMOD Type Reset 0 Bit(s) Name 6:5 RG_S1_VMC_PMOD 4 RGS_S1_VMC_ON 2:1 RG_S0_VMC_PMO D 0 RGS_S0_VMC_ON RW 0 6 Name 5 4 RG_VIBR_STBTD Type Reset Bit(s) 0 RW 0 RW 00 3 2 RG_OVR_VIBR_PMO D 0 0 RW 0 Name Description 5:4 RG_VIBR_STBTD 00: 240us (Li-ion) / 1.6ms (coin) 01: 2.4ms (Li-ion) / 15 ms (coin) 10: 90 us (Li-ion) / 1.2 ms (coin) 11: 3 ms (Li-ion) / 17 ms (coin) 3:2 RG_OVR_VIBR_PM OD 1 RG_VIBR_OCFB_E N 0 RG_VIBR_EN 326 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 3:0 6 5 1 RG_VIB R_OCFB _EN RW 0 0 RG_VIB R_EN RW 0 VIBRL DO0 VIBRLDO0 7 0 RGS_S0_ VMC_ON RO 0 VIBR Control registe r0 VIBRCTL0 7 RG_S0_VMC_PMOD Description 324 Bit 00 4 3 0 00 Name Description RG_VIBR_CAL 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 2 1 0 RG_VIBR_CAL RW 0 0 0 Page 681 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV 327 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 2:0 7 6 Bit(s) 3:0 5 4 05 3 2 1 Name Description RG_VIBR_VOSEL 3'b000: 1.3V 3'b001: 1.5 V 3'b010: 1.8 V 3'b011: 2 V 3'b100: 2.5 V 3'b101: 2.8 V 3'b110: 3 V 3'b111: 3.3 V 32A Bit Name Type Reset VIBRL DO1 VIBRLDO1 6 5 0 1 VIBRL DOBF0 VIBRLDOBF0 7 1 RG_VIBR_VOSEL RW 0 4 3 0 00 2 Name Description RG_VIBR_BUF_CA L 4'b0000: 0 mV 4'b0001: -20 mV 4'b0010: -40 mV 4'b0011: -60 mV 4'b0100: -80 mV 4'b0101: -100 mV 4'b0110: -120 mV 4'b0111: -140 mV 4'b1000: +160 mV 4'b1001: +140 mV 4'b1010: +120 mV 4'b1011: +100 mV 4'b1100: +80 mV 4'b1101: +60 mV 4'b1110: +40 mV 4'b1111: +20 mV © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 RG_VIBR_BUF_CAL RW 0 0 0 0 Page 682 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 32C Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:0 ISINK0_CON0 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 ISINK_DIM0_FSEL_L RW 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name Description ISINK_DIM0_FSEL _L ISINK0 dimming frequency selection backlight: (@ 2MHz) 2: 20k Hz 61: 1k Hz 311: 200 Hz 12499: 5 Hz 31249: 2 Hz 62499: 1Hz indicator: (@32KHz) 0: 1k Hz 4: 200 Hz 199: 5 Hz 499: 2 Hz 999: 1Hz 1999: 0.5Hz 4999: 0.2 Hz 9999: 0.1 Hz 32D Bit Name Type Reset ISINK0 Control Registe r0 ISINK0 Control Registe r1 ISINK0_CON1 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 ISINK_DIM0_FSEL_H RW 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:0 ISINK_DIM0_FSEL _H ISINK0 dimming frequency selection 32E Bit Name Type Reset ISINK0 Control Registe r2 ISINK0_CON2 7 0 6 ISINK_CH0_STEP RW 0 5 4 0 0 3 00 2 1 0 ISINK_DIM0_DUTY RW 0 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:5 ISINK_CH0_STEP Coarse 6 step current level for ISINK CH0 000: 4mA 001: 8mA © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 683 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 010: 12mA 011: 16mA 100: 20mA 101: 24mA 110: 24mA 111: 24mA 4:0 ISINK ON-duty of dimming0 control N: (N+1)/32 0: 1/32 1: 2/32 2: 3/32 31: 32/32 ISINK_DIM0_DUTY 330 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:4 3:0 ISINK0 Control Registe r4 ISINK0_CON4 7 0 6 5 ISINK_BREATH0_TR1_SEL RW 0 0 4 3 0 0 00 2 1 ISINK_BREATH0_TR2_SEL RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description ISINK_BREATH0_T R1_SEL ISINK0 breath mode rising time selection for duty 0%~30% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s ISINK_BREATH0_T R2_SEL ISINK0 breath mode rising time selection for duty 31%~100% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 684 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 331 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:4 3:0 ISINK0_CON5 7 0 6 5 ISINK_BREATH0_TF1_SEL RW 0 0 4 3 0 0 00 2 1 ISINK_BREATH0_TF2_SEL RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description ISINK_BREATH0_T F1_SEL ISINK0 breath mode falling time selection for duty 0%~30% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s ISINK_BREATH0_T F2_SEL ISINK0 breath mode falling time selection for duty 31%~100% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s 332 Bit Name Type Reset ISINK0 Control Registe r5 ISINK0 Control Registe r6 ISINK0_CON6 7 0 6 5 ISINK_BREATH0_TON_SEL RW 0 0 4 3 0 0 00 2 1 ISINK_BREATH0_TOFF_SEL RW 0 0 Bit(s) Name Description 7:4 ISINK_BREATH0_T ISINK0 breath mode Ton time selection © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 0 Page 685 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) 3:0 Name Description ON_SEL 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s ISINK0 breath mode Toff time selection 0: 0.246s 1: 0.677s 2: 1.046s 3: 1.417s 4: 1.845s 5: 2.214s 6: 2.583s 7: 3.014s 8: 3.383s 9: 3.752s 10: 4.183s 11: 4.552s 12: 4.921s 13: 5.351s 14: 5.720s 15: 6.151s ISINK_BREATH0_T OFF_SEL 333 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:0 ISINK1 Control Registe r0 ISINK1_CON0 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 ISINK_DIM1_FSEL_L RW 0 0 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name Description ISINK_DIM1_FSEL_ L ISINK1 dimming frequency selection backlight: (@ 2MHz) 2: 20k Hz 61: 1k Hz 311: 200 Hz 12499: 5 Hz 31249: 2 Hz 62499: 1Hz indicator: (@32KHz) 0: 1k Hz 4: 200 Hz 199: 5 Hz 499: 2 Hz 999: 1Hz 1999: 0.5Hz © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 686 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 4999: 0.2 Hz 9999: 0.1 Hz 334 Bit Name Type Reset ISINK1_CON1 7 6 5 0 0 0 Bit(s) Name 7:0 ISINK_DIM1_FSEL_ H Bit(s) 7:5 4:0 7 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 ISINK1 Control Registe r2 ISINK1_CON2 6 ISINK_CH1_STEP RW 0 5 4 0 0 3 00 2 1 Description ISINK_CH1_STEP Coarse 6 step current level for ISINK CH1 000: 4mA 001: 8mA 010: 12mA 011: 16mA 100: 20mA 101: 24mA 110: 24mA 111: 24mA ISINK_DIM1_DUTY ISINK ON-duty of dimming1 control N: (N+1)/32 0: 1/32 1: 2/32 2: 3/32 31: 32/32 0 6 5 ISINK_BREATH1_TR1_SEL RW 0 0 0 ISINK1 Control Registe r4 ISINK1_CON4 7 0 ISINK_DIM1_DUTY RW 0 0 0 Name 337 Bit Name Type Reset 4 ISINK_DIM1_FSEL_H RW 0 0 00 Description 335 Bit Name Type Reset ISINK1 Control Registe r1 4 3 0 0 © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 00 2 1 ISINK_BREATH1_TR2_SEL RW 0 0 0 0 Page 687 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) 7:4 3:0 Name Description ISINK_BREATH1_T R1_SEL ISINK1 breath mode rising time selection for duty 0%~30% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s ISINK_BREATH1_T R2_SEL ISINK1 breath mode rising time selection for duty 31%~100% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s 338 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:4 ISINK1 Control Registe r5 ISINK1_CON5 7 0 6 5 ISINK_BREATH1_TF1_SEL RW 0 0 4 3 0 0 00 2 1 ISINK_BREATH1_TF2_SEL RW 0 0 0 0 Name Description ISINK_BREATH1_T F1_SEL ISINK1 breath mode falling time selection for duty 0% ~ 30% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 688 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s 3:0 ISINK1 breath mode falling time selection for duty31% ~ 100% 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s ISINK_BREATH1_T F2_SEL 339 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:4 3:0 ISINK1 Control Registe r6 ISINK1_CON6 7 0 6 5 ISINK_BREATH1_TON_SEL RW 0 0 4 3 0 0 00 2 1 ISINK_BREATH1_TOFF_SEL RW 0 0 Name Description ISINK_BREATH1_T ON_SEL ISINK1 breath mode Ton time selection 0: 0.123s 1: 0.338s 2: 0.523s 3: 0.707s 4: 0.926s 5: 1.107s 6: 1.291s 7: 1.507s 8: 1.691s 9: 1.876s 10: 2.091s 11: 2.276s 12: 2.460s 13: 2.676s 14: 2.860s 15: 3.075s ISINK_BREATH1_T OFF_SEL ISINK1 breath mode Toff time selection 0: 0.246s 1: 0.677s 2: 1.046s 3: 1.417s 4: 1.845s 5: 2.214s 6: 2.583s 7: 3.014s 8: 3.383s 9: 3.752s © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 0 0 Page 689 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual Bit(s) Name Description 10: 4.183s 11: 4.552s 12: 4.921s 13: 5.351s 14: 5.720s 15: 6.151s 33A Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:5 ISINK2_CON1 7 0 6 ISINK_CH2_STEP RW 0 Bit(s) 7:5 5 4 3 00 2 1 0 0 Name Description ISINK_CH2_STEP Coarse 6 step current level for ISINK CH2 000: 4mA 001: 8mA 010: 12mA 011: 16mA 100: 20mA 101: 24mA 110: 24mA 111: 24mA 33C Bit Name Type Reset ISINK2 Control Registe r1 ISINK3 Control Registe r1 ISINK3_CON1 7 0 6 ISINK_CH3_STEP RW 0 5 4 3 00 2 1 0 0 Name Description ISINK_CH3_STEP Coarse 6 step current level for ISINK CH3 000: 4mA 001: 8mA 010: 12mA 011: 16mA 100: 20mA 101: 24mA 110: 24mA 111: 24mA © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. Page 690 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 33F ISINKS ACD Interfa ce 0 High ISINK_ANA0_H Bit 7 6 5 4 3 00 2 Name Type Reset Bit(s) Name Description 1 RG_ISINK1_DOUBL E isink surrent doubel 1'b1: enable 1'b0: disable 0 RG_ISINK0_DOUBL E isink surrent doubel 1'b1: enable 1'b0: disable 344 ISINK_EN_CTRL_Low Bit 7 6 Name Type Reset 5 RG_ISIN K1_CHO P_EN RW 1 1 RG_ISIN K1_DOU BLE RW 0 ISINK Enable control Low 4 3 RG_ISIN K0_CHO P_EN RW 1 F0 2 1 0 ISINK_C H1_EN ISINK_C H0_EN RW 0 RW 0 Bit(s) Name Description 5 RG_ISINK1_CHOP_ EN ISINK Channel 1 CHOP CLK enable 1'b0: Disable 1'b1: Enable 4 RG_ISINK0_CHOP_ EN ISINK Channel 0 CHOP CLK enable 1'b0: Disable 1'b1: Enable 1 ISINK_CH1_EN Turn on ISINK Channel 1 1'b0: Disable 1'b1: Enable 0 ISINK_CH0_EN Turn on ISINK Channel 0 1'b0: Disable 1'b1: Enable 345 ISINK_EN_CTRL_High Bit 7 6 5 0 RG_ISIN K0_DOU BLE RW 0 ISINK Enable control High 4 Name © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 3 00 2 1 ISINK_C H1_BIAS _EN 0 ISINK_C H0_BIAS _EN Page 691 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. MT2523 Series Reference Manual 345 ISINK_EN_CTRL_High ISINK Enable control High 00 Type Reset Bit(s) RW 0 Name Description 1 ISINK_CH1_BIAS_E N ISINK Channel 1 CHOP CLK enable 1'b0: Disable 1'b1: Enable 0 ISINK_CH0_BIAS_ EN ISINK Channel 0 CHOP CLK enable 1'b0: Disable 1'b1: Enable 346 Bit Name Type Reset Bit(s) 7:6 5:4 ISINK_MODE_CTRL 7 6 ISINK_CH0_MODE RW 0 0 5 RW 0 ISINK mode control 4 3 ISINK_CH1_MODE RW 0 0 08 2 Name Description ISINK_CH0_MODE ISINK Channel 0 enable mode select 2'b00: PWM mode 2'b01: Breath mode 2'b10: register mode 2'b11: register mode ISINK_CH1_MODE ISINK Channel 1 enable mode select 2'b00: PWM mode 2'b01: Breath mode 2'b10: register mode 2'b11: register mode © 2015 - 2017 MediaTek Inc. 1 0 Page 692 of 692 This document contains information that is proprietary to MediaTek Inc. (“MediaTek”) and/or its licensor(s). Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Encryption : Standard V4.4 (128-bit) User Access : Print, Copy, Extract, Print high-res Author : MediaTek Inc. Comments : Company : Telegram Studios Content Type Id : 0x010100C01574E716B48540A2901D80B9DAC368 Create Date : 2017:06:26 22:00:40+08:00 Keywords : "MediaTek, LinkIt, development, platform, RTOS, 2523, MT2523G, MT2523D, Bluetooth, BLE, GNSS, open, source, HDK, board, SDK, prototype, IoT, internet, things, UART, I2C, SPI, I2S, PWM, SDIO, MSDC, USB, PCMIF, ADC, dual digital MIC" Modify Date : 2017:06:26 22:16:05+08:00 Source Modified : D:20170626135745 Subject : MT2523 series chipsets include MT2523D, MT2523G, and MT2523S. This reference manual illustrate the programming flow and register control of MT2523 series chipsets. Language : EN-US Tagged PDF : Yes XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c015 84.159810, 2016/09/10-02:41:30 Metadata Date : 2017:06:26 22:16:05+08:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat PDFMaker 15 for Word Document ID : uuid:a3f1229f-8f4b-4c4a-87f8-5bfd88e787d6 Instance ID : uuid:a8d902d9-f67a-42bf-9f96-239374068046 Format : application/pdf Title : MT2523 Series Reference Manual Description : MT2523 series chipsets include MT2523D, MT2523G, and MT2523S. This reference manual illustrate the programming flow and register control of MT2523 series chipsets. Creator : MediaTek Inc. Producer : Adobe PDF Library 15.0 Headline : MT2523 series chipsets include MT2523D, MT2523G, and MT2523S. This reference manual illustrate the programming flow and register control of MT2523 series chipsets. Page Layout : OneColumn Page Count : 700EXIF Metadata provided by