Machine_Routines Machine Routines
Machine_Routines Machine_Routines
User Manual: Machine_Routines
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ORCHARD OREGON THE RHMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORHTION 8820 BELLANCA AVENUE LOS ANGELES 45 , CALIFORKIA October 10, 1955 Recipients of the Ramo-Wooldridge Utility Routine Library: The enclosed "Table of Contents 11 should repla.c e the one currently in the notebook. The enclosed description for FRI-O is a revision and should replace the present FRI-O description. All thi rteen pages of the section currently in the notebook entitled IIGeneral Description of ERA-l103 Operation Using the Service Routine Library" should be replaced by the enclosed section liThe Utility Routine Library Handling Package". The routines currently included as appendices to this section (that is, FRI-I, URT-O, and URT-l) should be replaced by the enclosed routines FRI-l, UH.'l'-3, and UR'l'-l respectively. The three new routines should be placed in their proper alphabetical position \,ri th the r est of the utility routines r ather than as appendices to the II Utility Routine Library Handling Package". The following enclosures are new additions to your library notebook: CPO-I DIE-O EXP-3 WG-2 lI;DP-I NUI-3 SIN-3 SNI-I SNI-2 STT-O TST-O Card Punch Output for Floating Point Numbers Definite Integral Evaluation Routine Floating Point Exponential Routine Floating Point Natural Logarithm Hioctal Memory Dump Numerical Integrat ion by the Gill V~thod Floating Point Sine-Cosine Routine Arcsine- il rco s ine Routine Flouting Point jl rC8 :Lne-/~rco sine Routine Storage to Nagnetic 'l'ape Transfer ~~ gnetic Tape to Storage Transfer Walter F. Bauer, Head Digital Computing Center Computer Systems Division I-S171 a-7IBI ., Page 1 of 2 Revised 10-3-55 THE RAMO""WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION :u,s Angeles 45, California UTILITY ROUTINE LIBRARY Table of Contents A General Description of the Utility Routine Library Organization Programming and Operating Conventions Programming Reminders The Utility Routine Library Handling Package Octal-Decimal Conversion Tabl es Pool of Flexowriter Codes Service Routine Starting Addresses Arithmetic Routines Checking and Executive Routines ALR- l CMP=O MDP=O MDP-l r-IDP=2 MII""O SAM=O STT-O TST=O URT-l URT=3 Entrance Address Alarm Routine The Ramo-Wooldridge One~Pass Assembly Program (RAWOOP) The Flexowri ter Memory Dump The Bioctal Memory Dump The Oc tal Card Dump Memory Inspection and Insertion Automatic Sampler Storage to Magnetic Tape Transfer Magnetic Tape to St orage TranSfer Utility Routine Transfer - Magnetic Tape to Drum Utility Routine Transfer"" Drum to Magnetic Tape Differential and Integral Equation Routines DIE=O NUI=3 Definite Integral Evaluation Routine Numerical Integration by the Gill Method Input and Output Routines CPO=l FRI=O FRI=l HTO-O Card Punch Output for Floating Point Numbers The Ferranti Input Routine Simplified Ferranti Input Routine for Bootstrap Procedure Decimal Output Routine for Flexowriter and Punch Page 2 of 2 Revised 10-3<»55 Interpolation and Curve Fitting Routines Logarithmie 9 Exponential t and Rooting Routines EXP=l EXP-3 LOG-2 SQR=O ~x Approximation e - Routine Floating Point Exponential Routine Floating Point Natural Logarithm Routine Square Root Routine Matrix Routines Statistical and Clerical Routines Trigonometric Routines SIN=O SIN=l SIN=2 SIN=3 SNI=l SNI-2 TNI=O TNI=l Central Exchange Sine-Cosine Routine Polynomial Multiply Sine-Cosine Routine Small Angle Sine=Cosine Routine Floating Point Sine-Gosine Routine Arcsine-Arcosine Routine Floating Point Arcsine-Arcosine Routine Arctangent Routine Floating Point Arctangent Routine • Pg o 1 of 2 THE RAMO-\~OOLDRIDGE CORPORJ\.TION Los Angeles 45, California The Utility Routine Library Handling Packa~or Paper Tape Input Norma l Oper a tion During normal operation, the Service Routine Library i s stored on the drum . In order to use one of the routines , control is tran sfe rred to one of the low-numb ered drum addresses in the 40000b channel (see the list of "Service Routine Starting Addresses") . Details concerning the operation of these routines and their loc a tions can be found in the write- ups . MT Start If, at any time , the library stored on MD i 8 destroyed by a program, or because the drum interlace has been changed , Gr for some other r eason, the entire library may be loaded onto ~ from magnetic tape. Selecting ET Start and starting effects loa ding of the ser vic8 r outine library from 10 , and starting effects loading of the service routine library and the assembly pr ogram and subroutines from HT zero. PAK is set to the CI..:F- O starting address upon completion of the transfer . Bootstr~ Sinc e the Ferranti reade r requires a programmed r ead in, it i s necessary to "bootstrap " into the machi ne when no input routine is s tored in memory. The proc edure devised to load an input progr am involves the use of one binary card ( since 'this method requi r es the fewest number of instructions to be loaded manually) . It i s nece ssary to key in manually only f our words which perform the r ead in of one binary card (24 words) and transfer control to the se 24 words . Thi s binary c ard contains a simplifi ed Ferranti Input Routine (FRI-O) which then begi ns to r ea d in the s ervic e routine library paper tape. This tape contains at its beginning the regul ar FRI-O input routine and instructions transf erring it to it s proper loc ati on on ED. \-,ihen FRI-O has been loaded on I 0, i = 1, 2 , • • • , n. n Suppose I is to be approximated by a quadratur e forl;'u la of the form n n r " = h L. c.l f(x.l ) = x n - Xo ~ c. y. l=O l l i=O n where the c. a re the appropria te coefficients, e . g ., for the trapezoidal rule l Co = c n = 1/2 and c.l =1 otherwise. Let n Jl} = lin I* = (xn Li=O c. y .• l l Then - x ) J*. 0 Noti ce that J-:f does not involve x , and th er efore Jlf can be computed without r egard to the scaling of x . For this reason Jlf rather than P is obtained by the subroutine. If n is even Simpson ' s rule is us ed throughout the interva l (x O' xn ) . If n is odd Simpson ' s rule is u s ed over th e interval (x ' x _ ) and Newton 's three - eighths rule O n 3 is used over the interval (x 3 ' x ), nn therefore Jlf = 1/3n (yo + 4Yl + 2Y2 + 4Y3 + 2Y4 + • J" = 1/3n (yo + 4Yl + 2Y2 + • + Ly ~ n -,~ . + 4y n - 1 + ".In ) for n even , and DIE-O Pg o 4 of 8 Let a be s ome value in the clos ed interval (xO,x ) and l et f::l and y be vdues in n th e clos ed interva ls (xO ,xn- 3 ) and ( x n- 3 ' xn ) respective ly. If ~J L is continuous throughout the interval (xO, xn ) and if n is even = y4(a) (x - xO)5 , where y4(a) n 18~ · = d4~ J x=a dx4 If d4 y is conti nuous throughout th e invertal (x , x _ ) and exists t hroughout the O n 3 dx/+ interva l (x ~ , x) and if n is odd n-J n · For the deri vation of these quadratur e formulas and their error t er ms , see Numerical Calculus, pp . 120 thru 124 . ~Qlne ls Machine Time The time r equired f or t his subr outine is (2 . 25 + •62n ) ms , n time r equired is 2. 73 ms . f:. 3. \-Ihen n = 3 the , l"Ia chine Checking Two prelimina ry test ca se s ,,fer e run : 1. n = 99 , y. 1 = _( 235 _1 ) for all i . The r esult obtained was _235 (it should ha ve been -( 235 -1). 2. n = 98 , ·y.1 = (235 _1) for all i. The correc t result, (235 _1), was obtained . In addition, the fo llowing computations were performed: 1. SIN-O wes us ed to produce a tabl e of sines and cosines for the ar guments y = TrX/ 2 = (rr/2 )' n- 2- 4 , n = 0, 1 , 2 , b 2. Let S , 99 . b =Jo cos ydy = sin band C =Jo sin ydy = I-cos b . compute SJ< and GJ< for b = (rr/2 ).n. 24 , DIE-O was us ed to n = 2 , 3 , L" • • • 9 , n = 10,15 , 20 , 25 n = 30 , 40 , 50 , • • • 90 , and n = 99 · DIEPO -" Pg o For 8BCh b (or n ) [. = S':- - sin band [. fo llowing tabl es re~ulted : c 3. 6 n [. '10 2 .101 . 338 " . 197 .422 . 287 ·490 . 365 . 540 .429 . 560 ·477 . 200 . 101 -. 365 -.506 .- .198 . 286 . 516 . 286 - . 338 [. ' 10 s J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99 = c'* - 1 5 of 8 + co s b 1.-!Ore computed. The 6 c . 010 .050 . 039 .125 . 087 . 215 .151 .316 . 229 . 650 . 71.3 1.056 1.022 . 881 .415 . 039 . 087 . 516 .945 . 981 It \.Jas to be ex-pected that , in general, the errors would be greater for n odd. The overall behavier of [. and [. is easil y seen to be consi s t ent with the fact that s. [. s and [. c For exampl e , [. s ydy . Sl.11c e c represent t he errors in integrating the cosine and the sine r e spectively. = 30 is sma ll for n 1 = WTi~ + o 1 because it is the error obtained in JWr + 1T 16 7T 2 J ~Tr = If 2 In fact , [. s equal to [. s f or n = 2 (b = (1/ 16) 71 ). for n = 30 (b = (15/16 )1T ) is eX8ctly . Evidentl y, a ll the errors [. s and c: c are l e ss than their corresponding maximum estima t es as c omputed by the formulas Ebove under Error.....estl mrits " In particular , for n = 10 and 15 t he f ollmJing maximum error estima "i:,c s ]'Jere hand computed : DIE-O Pg o 6 of 8 n 10 15 Max(. S .508 .740 Max 6 (.0 .421 .903 10 DIE-O Pg o ? of 8 o o o o o o o o o o DO P 0 0 OOPOl 00P02 DO PO 3 00P04 DO P 0 5 00P06 00P07 00800 00801 00802 00803 0080 4 0080 5 00806 00807 00808 00809 00810 00811 00812 0081 3 00814 00815 00816 00817 00818 00819 00820 00821 00822 00823 00824 OOCOO OOTOO 01COO OOPOO 00800 OONOO o 1 COO DOPOO 00800 OONOO M8 00000 MJ 00000 T P A 0 000 T P QOOOO o v 01COO Z J OONOO T V 00822 T P OOTOl MP 01 COl T P AOOOO T P 00 C 0 3 T P 01C02 T P 00 CO 3 T P 00 TO 3 o V 01COO 00 TO 8 R8 T V 00T02 8 P OOCOO R P 30003 MA 00T05 T P AOOOO L A AOOOO T P AOOOO I J 00 TO 8 8 P 00 T 0 9 8 A OOTOO o V 00T04 MJ 00000 T P 00T04 MJ 00000 o 0 00000 R A 00811 8 P 00 TO 9 00013 00023 . 01078 01024 01032 01059 49864 49810 49818 49845 OOPOO 00000 OOTOl 00T02 00T03 00P06 00819 00T03 OOTOl 00T04 00T05 00T06 00T07 AOOOO 00T08 00 C 0 3 00811 00000 00812 00000 00T09 00036 OOTOO 00823 00036 00036 00T04 00000 A 000 0 00 POl 00820 01COO 00036 o o I R R E Y C T DR U M 8 TOR AGE DIRECTOR Y NO ALRM EXIT NORMAL EX I T ENTRY 8TORE NAND AOR8 OF Y 0 IS N EVEN Y E 8 E X ITT 0 820 N-BAR EQUAL8 N 8TORE 3N 8TORE 1 4 AND 1 NOEX 18 ONE HALF N-BAR MIN U 8 0 N E PRE 8 TOR E V CLEAR A FORM 8 UM 8 TOR E PARTIAL 8 UM8 8 INDEX NEG YE8 8TORE INTEGRAL TO X N-BAR 8TORE INTEGRAL IN A GOT 0 E X I T OU MMY-8 EE P6 MOFY V BY 2 RE8TORE PAR- .. 4 \ .. DIE-O Pg. 8 of 8 00S2S 00S26 oONOO oONOl 00N02 00N03 00N04 oONOS 00N06 ~ONO? 00N08 00N09 00Ni0 00Ni1 00N12 DON 1 3 DON 1 4 DONiS 00N16 DONi? 00N18 o 1 COO olCOi o 1 CO2 o 1 C0 3 S A MJ TV TP S T ZJ TP LA TP TP TP TP RA TV SP RP MA o V RA MJ 00 00 a 0 a 0 o 0 OOTOO 00000 00N18 OOTOl 01COl OOSOO AOOOO OOTOl 01COl 01C03 01C03 01COl 00T02 00T02 OOCOO 30004 00T06 OOTOl 00T04 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00036 00 S 1 0 00S19 AOOOO 00T03 00N04 00T04 00003 00T06 OOTO? 00T08 00T09 00T03 00N14 00000 OONiS 00000 00T06 00T06 00 pal OONOS 00002 00003 00004 00009 T I A L SUM Ga T a S I N I S a 0 0 I T T0 NS I S N- BAR N 3 I S YES C LEA S TOR E STORE S 0 EXN-3 R T4 8 N 3 9 9 AND 3 S TOR E A 0 R S o F YN-BAR C LEA R A FOR M SUM S TOR E I NTEN A GR AL G0 T 0 E X I T DUM MY -S E'E N 0 CON S TAN T S 2 3 4 AND 9 EXP-3 Pgo 1 of 4 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45 , California Floating Point Exponential Routine Specifications Identifica tion Ta g : EXP-3 'I'yp . e .• Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec : SUB 50230 04715 Storage : 32 ins tructiocG , adur ess es OOEOO thru 00E31 01EOO thru O1E31 15 constants in program, addresses 02EOO thru 02E14 O3EOO thru 03E14 47 words OOEOO 01EOO 02EOO 03EOO 2 total program storage , addresses thru 00E31 thru O1E31 thru 02E14 thru 03E14 words temporary s torage pool used, addresses 00027b thru 00030b The constant pool is used by this routin e Program Entrance: 1I.ddr ess 00E02 (01E02 ) Program Exit: 1I.ddres s 00E01 (OlEOl) 1I.larm Exit: Th e al arm exit i s us ed by this routine Drum 1I.ssignment: Addresses 63766b thru 64045b l1achine Time: 4.3 ms average , 5.46 ms maximum Mode of Operation: Floating point Coded by: . H. Perry July 27, 1955 Code Checked by: R. Bi ge1m-J July 27, 19'55 lv;achine Check.ed by: E. Perry August 8, 195 5 Approved by : H. Bauer 1I.ugust 10, 1955 EXP=3 Pg o 2 of 4 \, De scription \llien supplied with an argument X in SNAP form this routine will compute the exponential (eX) using a Rand Polynomial Approximation producing the answer in SNAP form. Progra~ning Instructions This routine can be inserted into a program by ClI,P-O by the USe of a "SUB" card in the input deck. 1. Pl ace the double length extension of X in the accumulator. X nrust be in SNAP form. 2. Return JumIL.. to the subrouti~. Assuming that the subro,utine was assigned to r egion 001mO for assembly, use the instruction RJ OOKOI 00K02. 3. At the time of exit frq~~he sUQfoutine, the double length extension of eX in SNAP form will be in the accumulator. Error Analysis . -26 x For X~2, the errcr in ex lS less than 2 ,for X >2; the error in e is less than 2- (26-E) where E is the binary power of X. 1v1a th eE1~: ti~~;L Analysis = (2-l29)'2~og2e+129) 1. eX 2. Divide (X.log e + 129) into an integra l part Rand 2 O~ S> l By the necessary limit.s tions on X, R~O, 3. eX = (2R-129 )(2S) = 2 oc . lS 8 fractional part S. (2R-128)(~S ) eva luat ed using the Rand Polynomial Approximation number 20. (2 S S = 10SloglO 5. Since 6. S R-128 is the cha r acteristic of the answer in floating nota tion, and 2 is the mantissa. 2 Ran~f O~S > l , 1~2 >2 l/2~2S/2>1 Variable 7 An a l arm 'vJill r esult if X is gr ea t er than . 693 x 27. If X is less than -.693 x 2 , the answer wi ll be zero, but no al a r m wi ll occur. Essentially, the exponential of any nUJnber can be fo und, provided tha t exponential can be expressed in SNAP form. EXP=:3 Pg o :3 of 4 Alarm Conditions An alarm print will occur if the variable falls outside the permissible range stated above . The fl exowriter ,.;ill print "aiarm" and the address of the cell in the main program containing the RJ instruction ' l,.Thich was used to enter EXP- 3. Pushing the start button after an alarm halt will transfer control to the exit of EXP- 3. EXP-3 Pgo 4 of 4 'II. 0 0 0 0 EO 0 E0 1 E02 EO 3 E0 4 E05 E06 E07 E08 E0 9 E1 0 E 11 E12 E1 3 E1 4 E1 5 E1 6 E1 7 E 18 E1 9 E2 0 E 21 E2 2 E23 E2 4 E2 5 E 26 E 27 E28 E30 E 31 2 E0 0 2 E0 1 2E02 2E03 2 EO 4 2E05 2E06 2E07 2E08 2E09 2E10 2E11 2E12 2E13 2E14 37 MJ TP TM TJ SP QJ QT Q T Q J AT CC RS SJ LA TV LA MP LA AT SS MP TP SP RP PM MP SP TP RA MJ 20 77 o0 1 3 27 11 00 00 00 00 o2 o5 11 10 OOEOO 01EOO 02EOO 03EOO 75701 00000 AOOOO AOOOO 03EOO 00013 01E01 03E01 03E02 01E10 03E01 00024 00024 01E17 AOOOO 80000 00023 80000 AOOOO 03E05 00024 AOOOO 80000 03E07 20007. 03E08 80000 80000 80000 AOOOO 00000 75426 70000 07777 40000 05243 00000 50404 00750 01235 10726 45263 02177 23242 15354 00000 50230 01024 50262 01056 75702 00000 QOOOO AOOOO 01E07 00000 01EOO 00024 00023 01 E 1 2 00023 03E01 03E03 01E14 00008 01E16 00000 03E04 00010 00024 00035 03E06 00023 00035 01E26 00023 QOOOO 00028 QOOOO QOOOO 01E01 00000 00000 77777 00000 54511 00201 65025 76227 60322 65710 67026 57751 73144 37452 00000 8 EXP R 0 U T N 32 32 REL 2 0 0 0 EX P CON S T 15 R E L 2000 15 A L ARM E X I T NORMAL E X I T ZER0 E-128 M NEG A L ARM E-36 ANS 1 M F I XED LOG E 8 A S E E F I NAL 2 - .128 A R G OF POL Y A-7 POLY EVALUATI o N FIN A L PAC KED OUT RAN G E MAS K MAS K 92 LOG E 8 A S E 2 129 LG 2 8 AS E 1 0 34 A-7 33 A-6 33 A-5 33 A-4 A-3 33 33 A- 2 33 A-1 33 A-O M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 • FRI..,O Pg o 1 of 7 Revised 10-3=55 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California The Ferranti Input Routine SDecifications Identification Tag: FRI-O Type: Service routine (with a subroutine entrance provided) Storage: 91 instructions, addresses 40001b and 75160b thru 75174b 75177b thru 75256b 75260b thru 75314b 16 constants in p~ogram, addresses 75175b, 75176b, 75257b, 75333b, and 75315b thru 75330b 2 words temporary storage used in program, addresses 75331b thru 75332b 109 words total program storage, addresses 40001b and 75160b thru 75333b The constant and temporary storage pools are not used by this routine Service Entrance: Address 40001b Program Entranc e : Address 75161b Program Exit: Address 75173b Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: R. Beach l-Tay 18, 1955 Code ChGcked by : R. Summe rs May 19, 1955 Machine Checked by: R. Beach August 4., 1955 Approved by: 1 1.Vo August 29, 1955 Bauer FRI ...Q Pgo 2 of 7 Revised 10-3""55 Description I. Genera l This routine is designed to r ead , by mean s of the Ferranti r eader, seven- level bioctal t.hpe prepared as descri bed belm,; . The routine r eads in paper tape at th e f ull speed of the Ferranti \']i th only short he sitation when a check or ins~rt addres s is ehcountered . If desired , the to pe may contain a chec lr sum to b e t ested for agr eement with the c omputed sum of the dElta r ead-in . The routine will r ea d data into any ES or 1',D cell a l though the reading of informa tion into c ertain drum c ells (as described in detail below) will r esult in abnorrral oper ation . The r outine stores the contents of FS on }flJ) at addresses 76000b through 77777b and th en transfers its elf to ES . It sums itse lf (in ES ) and checks the sum against the correct sum (stored on I".D ) . The Ferranti r eeder is star t ed in the free runni ng mode and the routine proc e eds to read tape and process the info rmatiOJ~ contained on the tape in the same manner as do e s t he El1.J\ photoel ec tric reader (for exceptions , see II. 3 and 4). Each word to be transferred to me:r.ory is sumrted a s it is read in from tepe e Hords which are to be r ead into ES are first stored in the Ivm i mage of ES (7 6000b thru 77777b) • During operation all words are r ead into ES from t he tape and a block transfe r to MD is ma de when (1) E,S has b een filled with data (that is , \.[hen 92LI- words have been read i n) ; (2 ) an insert address appea rs on the tape ; or (3 ) the "end of tape " seven - l evel c ombina tion has been r ea d in ( s ee II . 4). The reader is stopped before maki ng the transfer and is started a-gain after the transfer ha s been compl eted in the first two cas es; in the la st ces e , the reader i s s topped , ES is restored from the I't:D image and control is t r ansferred to the exit . The r eader is also halted ",hen a check addres s appea r s on the tape . If no check sum t est ( s ee II . 3 ) is to be made af a succes sful check addre ss t est thp, reader is started iw~e di 0 t e ly ; if the check sum t est is specifi ed the reader is started after the tes t is made and the sum det ermined to be correct . The r outine doe s not prev0n t read in to addre sse s 40001b , 75160b thru 75333b , or 76000b thru 77777b . 11 t ape specifying loael ing into the s e c el ls will ordinarily hot be r 8£ d in cocrectly . II. Requi rements for Tape Preparatiog 1. 2. The first "lOrd on a tape must be an insert address . Chec k addresse s should be us ed , a lthough FrrI - O will operate without them. J\ check addre ss irrJr.edia t ely fol l oHing an i ns ert addr e ss must be the same as the ins ert addre s s . 3. For a check Stun tes t the f ollO\.Jing four words mus t appear on the ta pe a t. the point wher e the sum is to be tested : FRI=O Pg o 3 of 7 Revised 10",,3=55 1) Ins ert address 75 202b 2) High order 36 bits of check surri 3) J~w 4) Check address 75 204b order 36 bits of check sum Operating Instructions (to be folloHed when the routine is used as a service routine) 1. Set PAK to 40001b and start. 2. Computation vJill halt with the 1'1S instruction 56 00000 40001 at the completion of the read in. Progranuning Instructions (to be followed when the routine is us ed as a subroutine) 1. Enter the routine with the RJ instruction 37 75173 75161. 2. Control is r eturned to the cell immedia tely following the RJ instruction as soon as an "end of block" punch is r eached on the tape. Alarm Conditions 1. No "end of t ape" punch. This condition is indic ated by the tape running completely out of the Ferranti reade r. vihen such a condition occurs the operGtor should a. Master clear b. Set PfU( to 0007 L~b and start c. \t,lben computation ha lts (when a s ervice entry vIa s us ed) with the 1'1S instruction 56 00000 40001 t he machine will r e returned to its original state and th e data r ead from the tape will be properly stored. If a program entry was used control will be transferred to the proper c el l in the main pro gram . 2. FfU-O not transferred tg ES c or rectly. If AL11.- l prints "FRI·O 75165" and (I\ ) and (Q), the sum of the program transferred to ES has failed to check. Starting at this point transfers FRI - O to ES aga in . A second failure indic a t e s that b e r estored . 3. F~I -O is not on the drum correctly and should Check address failur e . If ALR-l prints "ALAH IC" and (A) and ( Q) , a check address ha s fail ed. In the al arm print (An ) is the address of the next cell to be loaded and ( ~~ ) is the check address that wa s r ead in from paper tape. Starting at t his time will cause the mach ine to ignor the failure and operation 1-fi l l continue normally. 4. Check sum fa ilure . If flLR-l prj.nts "AU\l"\ 11<" and (A) and ( Q), the check sum on the tape has fail ed to agree with the computed sum. Starting a t this poi nt will cause th e routine to ignor the f ailure and to begin +,... .,..""" r'l 'in t.h p. t.ane aJ~_a.-",·,-,-, n,-" .______________ ==-=====-________ ~ FRI=O Pg o 4 of ? Revised 10",,3=55 If at any time (ES) need be r estored from its image, starting at 40040b w5ll transfer the image to ES and transfer control to the FRI-O exit. 5. And !lend of tape!l (or !lend of blocl{lI) punch nrust be present on the tape to halt read in. This consists of seventh l evel punches in t"JO consecUtive frames on the tape at the point ",here the read in is to be stopped. This seventh l evel combination HC ts as a signal to FRI-O to restore (ES) and stop the Ferranti r ea der. It is compatible with the EnA photoelectric reader in that it is an illegal combination which halts the ERA reader. ~ FRI=O Pg o 5 of " Revised lO-J 55 eo 75161 75325 40000 75160 117 133 136 144 40001 75160 75161 75162 75163 75164 75165 75166 75167 75170 75171 75172 75173 75174 75175 75176 75177 75200 7520 1 75 20 2 7520 3 75204 7520 5 75206 75 207 75210 75211 75 2 1 2 7521 3 7 521 4 75215 75 2 16 75 217 75220 75 2 2 1 75222 75 2 2 3 7 5 2 2 4 7 5225 75 226 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 1 6 1 1 1 1 75 1 1 1 6 75 1 1 75 1 1 1 1 45 56 00 73 31 75 32 34 1 1 4 3 3 7 45 2 3 23 1 1 1 7 76 31 52 31 52 51 43 4 3 43 51 43 45 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 7530 2 00000 75173 31777 00001 75306 30135 75177 31777 76001 76000 00000 00000 00000 53553 00000 2013 5 00001 75176 75257 75175 75701 00000 0013 6 00137 00120 00006 00000 00140 00121 00133 001 22 0012 2 00123 00124 0012 5 00126 00126 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 75160 75173 76000 00000 75165 76001 40040 00001 00001 75172 00001 00000 00000 40001 00042 76415 00000 00004 00000 00044 75756 00011 75703 75166 00136 00137 00061 00014 10000 00006 00140 00001 10000 00133 00061 00074 00031 20000 00074 00015 FR I 0 D I RE C TOR Y CAR D S CAR D S SET ENTRANCE SET E X I T S TOR E E S A ND LOA 0 FR I 0 I NT 0 ES SET RESTORE RESTORE E S FRO M I MAG E EX I T COMPUTE AND T EST C LEA R SUM STORAGE SET U P S TAR T READER REA D T 0 Q ASS E MB L E D AT A oBT AI N S EVE NTH LEV E L COD E S T HIS E D S TH I S I A CA S T HIS S T H I S END o F TAP E RET T 0 REA D FRI=O Pgo 6 of 7 Revised 10-3=55 75227 75230 75231 75232 75233 75234 75235 75236 75237 75240 75 241 75 2 42 75243 75244 75 2 45 75 2 46 75247 75250 75251 75 252 75 253 75 25 4 7 5 2 5 5 75 256 7 5 257 75260 75 2 61 75262 75263 75264 75265 75266 75 26 7 7 5270 75271 75 272 75 273 75274 75 2 75 75276 75277 75300 75301 75302 75303 7530 4 75305 1 7 1 1 36 2 1 43 4 3 1 6 1 1 37 43 45 23 45 31 32 34 34 34 43 54 32 1 6 37 45 2 6 2 1 31 32 32 1 1 54 1 1 1 1 43 45 1 7 31 34 35 1 1 42 1 6 00 1 1 1 1 4 3 43 00005 00061 00120 20000 00127 00140 0003 2 00140 75701 00135 00000 20000 00000 0013 6 00137 00144 00145 00145 00144 20000 00145 00071 75701 00000 12144 00061 00136 00137 00140 20000 20000 20000 00061 00117 00000 0000 5 00061 00120 00131 0013 4 00127 20000 00000 00144 00133 00123 00124 00031 25016 20000 00134 00044 00042 75756 10000 75703 00046 00014 20000 00036 00044 00000 00000 00000 00044 00011 00044 00000 75756 75703 0 0011 23704 00130 00044 00000 00000 00137 00044 00136 25007 00074 00015 00074 00000 00017 00103 20000 00111 00104 01634 75174 20000 00113 00115 S TOP READER ADDRESS T EST TAG T 0 A L ARM TAPE C A T 0 Q S P E C I FIE 0 MOO C A T EST C H E C K SU M SET U P A L ARM P R I NT TAG T 0 A L AR M ") "- 1'1 MOO A 0 R S ADO ASSEMBLED WORD T 0 COMPUTED SUM WI TH OAT --A S TOP READER SET U P N M B R o F W0 R 0 S T 0 TRNSFR DOE S OAT A G 0 I N ES SET U P T NSF R TRANSFER OAT A TOM 0 8 T HIS A OAT A W0 R 0 S T HIS - A "1' 1 FRI-O Pg o 7 of 7 Revised 10-3~55 45 21 45 2 1 45 1 6 45 1 1 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 75 00 00 00 00 75306 75307 75310 75311 75312 75313 75314 75315 75316 75317 75320 7 5 321 75322 75323 75324 75 325 75326 75327 75330 75331 75332 75333 - " "lL l \ ) r ," 00000 20000 00000 00134 00000 00140 00000 00140 00140 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 30000 00000 00000 00000 00000 75170 00132 00102 75301 00013 00134 00013 02000 00144 00077 17700 10100 11100 10500 00300 02000 00001 00105 76000 00000 00000 7 5204 M0 RET T 0 MOD S TOR AGE ADDRESS MOD INSERT ADDRESS INS E R T ADDRESS o0 K0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • I 1 0 11 00 S 0 0 1 Ci( lfY' COD E I A FRI-l Pg o 1 of :3 Revised 10-3-55 THE RAHO-HOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Simplified Ferranti Input Routine for Bootstrap Procedur~ Specifications Identification Tag: FRI-l Type: Service routine, but not available as part of service routine library Storage: 17 instructions, addresses OOOOOb thru 00020b 6 constants in program, addresses 00021b thru 00025b and 00027b 1 word of temporary storage in program, address 00026b. Two wordb of temporary storage not in program, addresse0 00030b and 00040b. The temporary and constant storage pools are not used by this routine. Entrance: OOOOOb (automatic entrance from keyed in binary card read in routine). Coded by: R. Beach April 1, 1955 Code Checked by: R. Summers April 2, 1955 R. Beach April 12, 1955 1;[. Bauer August 23 , 1955 ~~chine Checked by: Approved by: FRI-l Pgo 2 of 3 Re.,,'! sed 10-3-55 This routine is a simplification of FRI- O which can be conta ined on one bina ry card . It is used, as part of the bootstrap proc edure, to r ead FRI-O into ES . The routine r e8 ,d~l tape into ES recognizing only ins ert address e s , data 1.-lOrds , and the "end of tape" seven - level combination. Hhen it f inds the "end of tap e " combination it tran sf ers control to the transfer instructions a t 00050b t hru 00053b. The t ran sfer instructions stop the reader , clear cells 40001b thru 40040b , 70000b thru 75777b, and 60000b thru 67777b , transfer FRI-O to its proper loc a tion on IifJD and then transfer control to FRI-O. Oper ating Instructions See the "Bootstrap Proc edure " in the "Utility Routine Libra ry Handling Package" description . FRI...1 Pgo :3 of 3 Revi sed lo-.3~55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 26 2 7 45 1 7 11 21 7 6 31 5 2 31 5 2 5 1 4 3 4 3 51 4 3 45 16 4 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00006 00030 00002 00000 00030 00022 00026 00023 00023 00024 00025 00027 00027 00000 00030 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00001 00001 00040 00021 10000 00006 00030 00001 1 000 0 00026 00002 00017 2 0 000 00050 00004 00002 00004 00001 00077 17700 1 0 100 11100 00000 00300 ENTRANCE S TAR T READER E N T E R OAT A MOD A 0 R S REA 0 T 0 Q ASS E M8 L E OAT A oBT AI N SEVENTH LEV E L COD E S T HIS E 0 S T HIS I A S THI S END o F 8 L0 CK RET T 0 REA 0 INSERT ADDRESS A 0 R S MOOFIER OAT A MAS K 7 L V L MAS K E 0 COO E I A COO E 7TH L V L COO E END COO E / LOG-2 Page 1 of 3 THE RAMO-HOOLDRIDGE CORPORil.TION Los Angeles 45, California Floating Point Natural Logarithm__Routine Spec ific a tions Identification Tag: LOG-2 Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec: " SUB 50190 03810 Storage : 28 instructions, addresses OLNOO thru OLN27 lLNOO thru lLN27 10 constants in program, 2INOO thru 2LN09 3 LNOO thru 3 LN09 38 \.JQrds OLNOO lLNOO 2INOO 3LNOO addre~ses total program storage, address es thru OLN27 thru lLN27 thru 2LN09 thru 3LN09 3 words t emporary storage pool us ed, addresses 00027b thru 00031b The constant pool is us ed by this routine Program Entrance: Address OIN02 (lLN02) Program Exit: Address OllJOl (lLN01 ) Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is used by this routine Drum Assignment: Addres s 63716b thru 63763b Machine Time: 3 . 37 ms average, 4.12 ms maximum Mode of Opera tion: Floeting point Coded by: M. Perry July 27, 1955 Code Checked by: R. BigelO1J July 27, 1955 I<1achine Ch ecked by: 1-1. Perry August 8 , 1955 /,pproved by: H. Bauer August 10, 1955 , LOG-2 Page 2 of 3 When supplied with an argument X in SnAP form this routine will compute the natural logarithm of X using a Rand Polynomial Approximation, producing an answer in SNAP form. PrograIT~ing Instructions Th is routine can be inserted into a program by in the input deck. Cl~-O by the USe of a "SUB " card 1. · Place the double l engjJ1 extension of X in the accumulator. SNAP form. X must be in 2. Return Jump to the subroutine. Assuming the,t the routine \-,as assigned to r egion OOKOO for assembly, use the instruction RJ OOKOI 00K02. 3. At the time of exit from this routine, the double length extension of In X in SNAP form will be in the accumulator. Error Analysis The error i n the result of this routine is less than 2-26. Mathematical Analysis 1. Let X ::: M·2 e Then In X (In 2) (log2X) e (In 2) log2(M.2 ) (In 2) e-l + log2(2M) 2. Log (2M) is found by evaluating the Rand Polynomial Approximation Number 42, 2 with argument 2M. 3. Since 1/2 ~ M< 1, 1 ~ 2M< 2 and log2 (2M) is between 0 and 1. Range of Variable The logarithm of any number x, (X:>O) may be evaluated by this routine provided X can be expressed in SNAP form. Alarm Conditions An alarm print will occur if the variable falls outside the permissible range stated above. The flexowrit er will print "alarm" and the address of the cell in the main program containing the RJ instruction which was used to enter LOG- 2. Pushing the start button after an alarm halt will transfer control to the exit of LOG-2. ,. roQ..2 Page 3 of 3 D 0 D D LNOO LNOl L N0 2 LN03 LN04 LN05 LN06 LN07 LN08 L N0 9 LN10 L N 11 LN12 L N1 3 L N1 4 LN15 LN16 L N1 7 L N1 8 L N1 9 L N2 0 L N2 1 L N2 2 L N2 3 L N2 4 L N2 5 L N2 6 L N 27 2LNOO 2L N Ol 2LN02 2 L NO 3 2LN04 2LN05 2LN06 2LN07 2LN08 2LN09 37 MJ S J TP QT RS S T S P AT SS DV MP TP S P RP PM PM MP TP ZJ S F LA TP S P AT CC TP MJ 00 20 o0 o0 1 5 o2 00 00 1 3 1 0 OLNOO lLNOO 2LNOO 3LNOO 75701 00000 lLNOO AOOOO 3LNOO QOOOO 3LNOl 00023 3LN02 3LN03 QOOOO QOOOO BOOOO 3LN04 20003 3LN05 00024 BOOOO BOOOO lLN20 AOOOO AOOOO BOOOO 00025 3 L NO 9 00023 AOOOO 00000 07777 04000 13240 26501 71272 23066 75434 56125 05620 00000 50190 01024 50218 01052 75702 00000 1 L N0 3 QOOOO 00023 00023 00024 00001 QOOOO 00034 00023 QOOOO 00025 00035 lLN16 00025 00023 3LN08 AOOOO lLNOl 00025 00027 00023 00027 QOOOO QOOOO AOOOO 1LNOl 77777 00000 47463 17147 26456 04015 22311 07310 5774 0 00000 B L N ROUTIN 28 TO B E ALTERD L N CON S T 1 0 TO B E ALTERD A L ARM E X I T NORMAL EXI T NORMAL E N TRY M E-128 E-ONE HAL F AR G OF POL Y AR G C-7 SQUARED POLY EVALUATI LN 2 S CAL E M B B B B B B B B B B oN M FIN A L E-128 F I N A L PAC K EXTEND OUT MAS K SQ R T 2 2 X RT 2 C-7 C-5 C-3 C-l LN 2 64 35 32 3 0 2 8 34 MDP-1 Page 1 of 7 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California The Biocta1 Memory I? Specifications Identification Tag: MDP-l Type: Service routine (with a program entry available) Storage: 157 instructions, addresses 40005b, 74703b thrq 74754b 74760b thru 75141b ,17 constants in program, addresses 74755b thru 74757b 75142b thru 75157b 174 words . total program storage, addresses 74703b thru 75157b 10 words temporary storage pool used, addresses 00027b thru 0OO40b .. , The constant pool is used by this routine I Service Entrance: Address 40005b Program Entrance: Address 74705b Program Exit: Address 74704b Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is used by this routine Drum Addresses 74703b thru 75157b Assignmen~: Machine Time: 21 seconds per 100 words maximum Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: w. Dixon August 15, 1955 Cod$ Checked by: c. Koos August 20, 1955 Machine Checked by: W. Dixon September 15, 1955 1 Approved by: ( w. Bauer September 19, 1955 MDP=l hp2~ 7 Desoription This routine will dump 9nto bioctal tape the contents of any specified number of oonsecutive storage pells. It feeds leader and trailer, inserts insert and oheck add~esses ang oheck sums, and may place a double seven-level punoh (required to stop FRI-O) at the end of each dump. The tape produced can /be read back into the 1103 with the Ferranti reader . (using FRI-O) or with the ERA photoelectric reader. However, when using the photoelectric reader 9ne should note that the check sum will be read into oells 75702b and 75703b and that the double seven-level combination will stop the reader by causing a fault. I i This routine stores (ES) in cells 76oo0b thru' 77777b while operating and at its conclusion restores (ES), (A), (Q), and (Fl) to their original state. Operating Instructions (to be followed when the routine is used as a service routine) 1. Set PAK to 4oo05b and start. 2. Computation will halt with the MS instruction 56 00000 74730 and Q will be cleared. Manually enter the parameter word in Q. Place the address of the first cell to be dumped in ~ and the address of the last cell to be dumped in Qv· The range of the dump may extend from ES addresses to drum addresses. For example, if the word 00 00200 4oo50b is placed in Q, the routine will dump cells 00200b through 01777b and 40000b through 40050b. If an FRI-O stop code is to be punched on the tape following the dump place a 01 in the operation portion of Q. If no stop code is to be punched place an 00 in the operation portion of Q. 4. Start. 5. Computation will halt at the conclusion of the dump with the MS instruction 56 00000 74706. 6. For another dump one need only push the start button and return to step 2 above. Programming Instructions (to be followed when the routine is used as a subroutine) 1. Enter the routine with the RJ instruction 37 74704 74705 B. 2. Enter the parameter word. If the RJ instruction is in cell n the parameter word (as described in operating instruction 3 above) must be placed in cell n + 1. 3. At the conclusion of the routine control will be transferred to the instruction in cell n + 2. ,. MDP=l Page 3 of 7 Alarm Conditions An alarm print will oocur if an unacceptable parameter word has been supplied to the routine. Anyone of the following three oonditions will produce an alarm print: '\t> Qv 02000b ~Qu <: 40000b ~ Q <::40000b 02000b ~ v If the service entrance was used the Flexowriter will print IIKl)P-l 74705". The operator ~y push the start button at this time and return to operating instruction 2 for another dump. If the program entrance was '4-sed the Flexowriter will print "MDP-1II and the address of the cell in the main program containing the parameter word. Pushing the start button at this time will transfer control to the exit of MDP-l . . Manual Restore If' the oper a tor wishes to stop a dump before its normal completion he may 1. Force stop while the punch is operating. 2. Set PAR to 4OO40b and start. 3. Computation will halt with an MS instruction in cell 74704b (the MDP-l exit) • If the service entrance has been used the operator may push the start button and return t o operHting instruction 2 for another dump. If the program entrance has been used pushing the start button will cause a normal exit from the routine. MDP-l Page 4 of 7 75701 1 5 27 40000 74703 74767 41 75112 164 75142 214 1 5 1 6 1 7 20 2 1 22 23 24 2 5 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 40 40005 74703 74704 74705 74706 74707 74710 74711 74712 74713 74714 74715 74716 74717 74720 74721 74722 74723 74724 74725 74726 74727 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 52 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 37 00 45 11 37 23 56 11 54 11 11 11 11 45 37 11 53 31 15 11 45 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00001 00000 00001 00000 52525 00000 07777 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 75701 00000 00000 74755 74720 10000 00000 20000 20000 20000 10000 00000 74705 00000 74720 00024 74705 74704 20000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00077 00000 00001 o O· 0 0 1 00110 25252 00000 00000 07777 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 74706 75702 00000 74721 74704 74712 10000 74761 00030 00044 00027 00031 76000 00000 o 0000 74712 10000 74704 00017 74726 10000 74760 AL RiD CON S T P 0 0 L TEMP POOL C 40000 ENTR A ES PROG M ES PROG P Z E R0 SIX BIT EXTR ADVANCE U A D V A NeE V ADV U AND V DECIMAL 72 A L T ERN A TOR OP CODE MASR N MAS K NR MA SK FIRST ADORES LAST ADDRESS INSERT ADDRS CHECK ADORES FA INDEX LA INDEX NBR OF WORDS WORD INDEX SUM H I SUM LOW TOE N T RAN C E ALARM XT EX IT PRO G E N T R SE R V E NT R S TOR E A Q T0 CLEAR Q ENTER PARAM S TOR E AR. AL Q F I SET FI TO MJ TO STORE A Q OP MASK SET XT TO MJ PAR A M W0 R 0 T 0 Q MDP-l Page 5 of 7 74730 74731 74732 74733 74734 74735 74736 74737 74740 74741 74742 74743 74744 74745 74746 74747 74750 74751 7 4 7 52 74753 74754 74755 7 4 7 56 74757 74760 74761 74762 74763 74764 74765 74766 74767 74770 74771 74772 74773 74774 74775 74776 74777 75000 75001 75002 75003 75004 75005 75006 7 5007 75010 75011 75 11 11 75 1 1 37 1 1 45 37 45 37 45 1 1 53 75 1 1 31 32 11 1 1 45 56 07 45 21 1 6 51 47 1 6 45 00 75 1 1 75 63 63 1 6 55 1 6 1 1 42 1 1 42 45 42 45 1 1 42 42 1 1 31777 00001 74757 30172 74767 74754 74756 00000 74754 00000 74754 00000 00024 74755 31777 76001 o 0027 00030 00031 76000 00000 00000 22155 00000 74704 74766 00024 74765 75103 00000 00000 10012 00015 0024 0 00000 10000 10000 10000 10000 00030 00027 0002 7 00214 00000 00215 00000 00030 00215 00214 00027 7473 2 76001 40040 00041 00041 74746 75756 74703 74746 7 4 704 74744 74704 10000 74704 74750 00001 00044 00000 10000 00000 00000 7 4 706 65204 74742 00020 75101 20000 74764 75101 74730 00155 00043 00027 00045 00015 00015 00030 00025 00027 20000 74735 20000 00056 00072 00060 74735 20000 00074 74735 00031 ES T0 I MAG E 40040 G T0 ES T T0 ES RESTORE T 0 ALR A L ARM X T RESTORE EX I T MS R S T R EX I T K T0 Q T0 EXI T R 0 U T T 0 I R N E E CON S T TAG MAN RES T R INC R I M E X I T T EST FOR P U o F S TOP COD E NO PUN C H SET PRO EX I TO TAG TO TO TO TO TO MAS MS R E S CON S T C LEA R T E MP S TOR E PUN C H LEADER P U 7 LEV E L LAS T ADRESS FIR S T A DRS T 0 S TOR E LA T 0 A AG N S T F A FA T0 A A G N S T 4 0 000 DR U M o N L Y A G N S T 2000 TO A L R R S T R LA T0 A AGNS T 2 0 0 0 A G N S T 4 000 0 FA T0 I A MDP-l Page 6 of 7 75012 75013 75014 75015 7 5016 75017 75020 75021 75 022 75023 75024 75025 75026 75027 75030 75031 75032 75033 75034 7 5035 75036 75037 75040 75041 7 5 042 75043 75044 75045 75046 75047 75050 75051 75052 75053 7 5054 75055 75056 75057 75060 75061 75062 75063 75064 75065 75066 75067 75070 75071 75072 75073 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 45 75 1 1 37 2 1 2 1 1 6 11 36 35 1 1 42 23 45 1 1 45 1 6 1 1 37 1 1 31 35 53 53 31 1 5 21 75 11 3 1 32 75 32 1 1 54 11 37 1 1 47 11 37 45 1 1 37 1 1 00027 00 21 6 00216 00214 00226 00000 30004 00027 00072 00033 00034 00227 00034 00033 00020 00220 00035 00035 00000 00221 00000 00230 00031 00176 00025 00036 000 17 20000 20000 o 003 3 20000 0003 3 30000 00000 00037 00040 20000 00275 20000 20000 20000 00171 00035 00100 00032 00204 00000 00222 00176 00020 00033 00032 00034 00027 00142 0007 5 00077 00031 00072 00217 00217 00106 20000 00036 0 0035 20000 00107 00035 00114 00036 00106 0010 6 10 000 00172 10000 00017 20000 00124 00130 00017 00125 00220 00126 00275 00044 00000 00132 00000 00040 00044 00037 00164 20000 00140 10000 00177 00143 10000 00172 00036 FA T0 F A 017'77 T 0 017'77 T 0 40000 T 0 SET J U M P NDX CA L AX FA 1 F AL A T0 AC A LAX T0 F AX INC R F A X AND L A X B Y 76000 SET J U M P 2 SET WR D I N D X SET N B R WR D S 824 T 0 A A G S T N B R WD S CLER N B R WD S J U MP 2 NDX SET WR D TO J U MP 2 SET J U M P 2 I A T0 Q TO P U I A MAS K T 0 Q SET N U M B R o F REPEATS FOR SUM AND TRNSFR F A I N DE X T 0 T P INS TRCT INC R F A I N D X DAT A T 0 ES SUM R 0 UT I N E S TAR T S HER E AND END S HER E TO P U D A T A Z J o N N U MB E R o F ,W ORDS CA T 0 Q TO P U C A J U MP 1 SUM I A T0 Q P U SUM I A TO SET W R D I N D X · .... MDP-l Page? of ? 75074 75075 75076 75077 75100 75101 75102 75103 75104 75105 7510 6 75107 75110 75111 75112 75113 7 5114 75115 75116 75117 75120 75121 75122 75123 75124 75125 75126 75127 75130 75131 75132 75133 75134 75135 75136 75137 7 5 140 75141 75142 75143 75144 75145 75146 75147 75150 75151 75152 75153 75154 75155 75156 75157 1 1 11 37 1 1 37 75 63 75 63 75 63 45 1 6 45 1 5 1 1 21 37 41 45 1 1 37 1 1 37 45 21 11 37 23 37 45 1 1 55 63 41 55 63 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00037 00040 00171 00223 00204 00022 00000 00002 10000 00240 00000 00000 00231 00000 00230 00000 00165 00213 00036 00000 00020 00 21 3 00020 00213 00000 10000 00224 00213 00041 00213 00000 00225 10000 00000 00041 10000 10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0027 5 00000 00275 00276 00164 10000 00177 00155 00015 00157 00015 00161 00015 74740 00142 00072 00165 10000 00017 00205 00165 00000 00041 00206 00041 00206 00000 00020 0004 1 00206 00041 00206 00000 00041 00006 10000 00206 00006 10000 00000 40000 02000 01777 76000 01470 01467 75202 75203 00002 00004 00162 00111 00114 00143 SUM T 0 ES TP P U SUM SUM C A T 0 Q TO P U SUM C A PUN C H LEA D E R PUN C H F R I 0 STOP COD E PUN C H LEADER TO RESTORE RESTORE J U MP 1 WRD T 0 Q P U I C R INS T TO PUN C H D WRD I N DX A T SET I N D X P U TO PUN C H SET I N D X TO PUN C H r A INC R C A P SET I N D X U TO PUN C H SET I N D X C TO PUN C H A SET I NDX P U N C H R 0 U T I N E 40000 200 0 17778 76000 SUM I A SUM C A 28 48 DUM Y ADDRESS DUM Y ADDRE SS DUMY ADDRESS DUMY ADDRESS NUI-3 Pg. 1 of 8 THE RANO':"vJOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 1~5, California Gill Method Subroutine Specifications Identification Tag: NUI-3 Type: Subroutine Assembly Storage Spec: SUB 49880 07414 Storage: 59 instructions, addresses OGMOO thru OGM40 lGMOO thru lGMl 7 15 constants in program, addresses OGCOO thru OGc14 74 words OGMOO lGMOO OGCOO total program storage, addresses thru OGM1~0 thru lGMl 7 thru OGc14 10 vrords temporary storage pool used, addresses 00027b (OGTOO) thru 00040b (OGT09) Drum Assignment: Addresses 63230b thru 63354b Program Entrances: Addresses OGM02, OGM03, and OG!·104 Program Exit: Address OGMOI Machine Time: (10.3 n + 1. 9 ) ms per point average) ",here n equals the number of equations in the system Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: J. R. M. R. Code Checked by: M. Elmore June 8, 1955 Machine Checked by: M. Elmore July 7, 1955 Approved by: 1,1. Bauer July 22, 1955 Carlson Douthitt Elmore Stunmers NUl"'3 Pg. 2 of 8 Description The Gill Method Subroutine integrates a system of first order, differential equations using a ,s tep-by-step process. Using the values of the variables at a point and, the coding for computing the derivative of each of the dependent variables at that point, the Gill Method Subroutine produces the coordinates for the next point of the solution each time it is entered. A special entrance sets up the subroutine for a particular system of equations, t hus allovnng the subroutine to solve concurrently several different systems in the same program. The independent variable is incremented within the subroutine itself. Notation The system of equations to be solved is ,y), (i == ~ ~ == n 1,2, . . . ,n). are intermediate values of the calculation (zero initially ) x is the increment of the independent variable x h is the binary scaling power of x (i.e. x·2h is in the computer) h-l is the binary scaling power cif ~x m. is the binary scaling power of y. ~ ~ f is the cornmon difference between the scaling power of Yi end the scaling dy. ~ pO\-1'er of dx for each i. dy. m - f is the binary scaling power of i L == 73 + f ~ ax - h Programming and Operating Instructions Assign the Gill Method Subroutine to some arbitrary region, say OOMOO. In order to solve a given system, the following array of variables, derivatives, intermediate values, and parameters should be assigned a region, say OONOO. NUI-3 Pg o :3 of 8 ooNOO L ooNOl 00 OGN05 OGN06 ooN02 n-l ooN03 LlX h scaled 2 - l ooN04 .. scaled 2h OGN05 a.x- scaled ~ OGN06 Y'1 scaled ~ OGN07 ql initially zero v dYl dY2 - f OGN08 ax scaled m - f 2 OGN09 Y2 scaled m 2 OGNlO q2 initially zero dy . In addition, the coding for computing ,ax~ for all i, (i = 1, 2, • . • , n) shotud be assigned a region, say ODEOO. This coding ivill use the values in region OGNOO dyi to compute all ~~ as specified by the equations in the system and should place the results in the appropriate places in region ooNOO. It should then exit to the Gill Method Subroutine With an HJ 00000 001'-104 (see belmv). Assuming the Gill Hethod Subroutine is in region OGHOO, the three entrances are OGM02, oot103, and ooM04. The exit is OGMOl. The first entrance, OGM02, is used for setting up the Gill Hethod Subroutine only for the particular system to be solved. It is entered by an RJ command followed by a parameter word "'hich specifies the location of the variables, and the location of the coding for calculating the derivatives: RJ OGHOl OGM02 00 OGNOO ODEOO second entrance, ooM03, is the entrance for producing a point of the solution. It is entered by an RJ command: RJ ooMOl OGM03. Entering using this conunand results in foUr passes through both the Gill Method Subroutine and the coding for computing the derivatives, and leaves in region OGNOO the nei" values of the variables, the derivatives at those values, and x advanced by ~x, ready for the next step. ~le The third entrance, OGM04, is the entrance from the coding for calculatinG the derivatives and is used on each of the four passes necessary for computing one pOint. As noted above, it is entered by an MJ command in the ODEOO region: MJ 00000 ooM04 NUI-3 Pg. 4 of S ~hthematic al Analysis Theory. "A Process for the St~p-by-Step Integration of Differential Equations in an Automatic Digital Computing Machine" by S. Gill, published in Cambridge Philosophical Society Proceedings, Vol. In, Part I, January 1951, should be consulted for a detailed analySis of the process on which the subroutine is based. Suppose ,,,e lcnow the point (X, Y , Y2' • . • , Y ) on the curve defined by the l n system of equations dYl dx dY2 "i - (1/3) <;1'1 ov er one step f rom all rounding off errors is (':-There f is the quantity mentioned i n t h e section on notation) 1/6 l· 7/ 3 {2- 2f . -I- (l/ 1 6 ) h 2 L. (O~i) ay: J J 2}] 1 / 2 X u, u == the va lue of one unit in the last digit of y. Machine CheckinG A driver routine solved tlva systems of equations bot h separately and conctU"rently, us ing the Gill Hethod Subroutine . The tvlO systems solved are given belmT to indic ate accuracy o,nd to serve as eX8.JJrples . NUI-3 Pg. 7 of 8 1. E(lUC1.·~ion::; dYl = CL'( Y2 equivalent to the second order dY 2 == dx a2y -Y1 e~lationf + Y = O. -2- ax I nitial ConditionB Solut i on Y = sin x l Accuracy In a spot check of the results , the greatest absolute error observed i -l aS 6 1. 5 x 10- • (For x = 3.1415925696, Y = . 0000015!~25. HOi-leVer, sin x = l . . 000000084 ). 2. Equations dYl = Y dx 2 dY2 = Y dx 3 dY 3 Equivalent to the third order equ ation Y + 4x2 3 x dx == ,6.x = .1 = L~x 2 Initia l Conditions At x = .1, Y == . 000025, Y l 2 = . 001, Y 3 = .03 Sol ut ion y=x 1 LI· -3 3 - x+ bo x 1 6000 ! .ccuracy In a spot check of the results, the greate st relative error observed was 6 3 · ~· x 10- . (For x - . 1999999975, Yl = .OOO~.21j.99858 . Hm-rever, the solution is a ctually . OOO~. 2500002) . NUI-3 Pg. 8 of 8 D 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 2Gt100 2G M01 2GM02 2 G Ivl 03 2 G M04 2GM0 5 2 G ~I 0 6· 2GM07 2GM08 ,H 1.1 09 2 G ~"' 1 0 2 G 1111 2 G M1 2 2GM13 2GM14 2GM15 2 G M1 6 2GM17 2 G ~I 1 8 2GM19 2GM20 2GM2 1 2GM22 2 G ~I 2 3 2GM24 2 G /1 2 5 2GM 2 6 . 2GM 2 7 2GM 2 8 2 G 12 9 2GM30 2GM3 1 2GM32 2CM3 3 2GM34 2 G ~I 3 5 2GM36 2GM3 7 2 G'/,I 30 2GM39 2GM40 3 G ~I 0 0 3GMOl 3 G 1.102 3GM03 3 G M04 3 G M05 3 G ~I 0 6 3GM07 3GM08 3G h,1 09 3 G 1,110 3 G Ivl l l 3GM 1 2 3 G ~I l 3 3 G 1,11 4 3 G 1,11 5 3GM16 3G M17 1 G COO 1 G COl 1 G CO2 1 G C 03 lGC04lGC05lGC 06 lG C0 7l GCOO 1 GC0 9 lGC10l GCl l 1 Gel 2 l GC13 lG C14 - FS MJ MJ MJ TP QJ QJ TP RA .R P TP TU TV TP RP TP MP LA TP MP MA LA TP AT AT LA MA LA AT RA RP TP RA RA IJ MJ T LJ TP R II MJ QJ S P TU TP TV TU TV RA RP TU RA AT TU TU LQ TV RA RA MJ G IvI 1GM 2 G IvI 3 G 1,\ oGC 1 GC oGT OGT0 9 OGM06 OGM38 Q OGM10 300 o· 3 1 G MOO O G M36 Q o G M40 OG M0 7 OG T09 OGCOl OG Ml l OGT0 5 OGM15 OGM31 OGT08 o G M1. 6 O GTOO OGTOO 2000 2051 63230 6330:). 20 73 63323 . 27 63230 63231 63232 TO SE T UP E NT E R R E - ENTER WHAT PAS S S'ff 0 R E C T R UP PAS S S TO R E P AS S 'C 0 N S RES ET ADDRESSES RES E T N- l 632~3 63234 63235 6323fi 63237 OGMi5 OGM31 OG T0 8 OG C02 OGM14 OGCOO OGM21 OGM10 63240 63241 63242 63243 63244 6. 3245 63246 63247 6325 0 63251 63252 63253 63254 632 55 63256 63257 63260 63261 63262 63263 63264 63265 63266 63;:l 6 7 63270 63271 632 7 2 632 73 6:';2 7 4 Q 6.-3275 30003 A A OGT05 OGT06 A A A OG T Q4 A OG T07 A OG T (l2 o G TO 1 30002 oGT0 1 CALC . K S HI F T L S T OR E K AK A K RQ OGT03 OGT03 o GT 0 2 38 o G TO 4 S TO R E 2R 3R A A 34 OGT03 38 OGT02 OGT04 OGM32 R 3R C K ADD O L D Q EQUALS Q NEW Y S T OR E y AND Q ADVANCE ADD RES S E S CY C L E N o G CO l o G M0 7 OGMOl OGMOl A OGM07 o Q0 1 5 :1.GM02 · OGTOO OG T OO . OGM35 OG T OO lGM05 OGM17 OC T OO 15 10 O' 03 lGM09 OG T OO OGMll OGM13 15 15 A A OG M1 6 A OG M38 21 A Q OG M38 OGM38 15 OGM01 16 OGMOl GC 3 3 5 8 8 1 o1 05 02 02 0 2 .1 0 1 01 1 o3 05 1 024 1065 49080 4992 1 1003 49939 23 92093 92893 92893 7 07 1 0 70710 70710 6 6606 33333 1 2 1 00 1 -0 1 2 1 88 1-0 1 2108 1-0 01 67012 6 78 1 2 67012 66667-0 1 3 3333 -0 1 1 3 4 34 3 4 3 4 3 4 34 3 4 34 3 4 34 34 34 A1 08 1 o C1 A2 o B2 oC2 A3 oB3 OC3 A4 084 o C4 S CAL E S CA L E S CAL E 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 63276 63277 63300 6330 1 63302 63303 6 3304 63305 63306 6330 7 633 10 633 11 63312 63313 63314 633 15 63316 63317 6332 0 6 3 .32 1 63322 6 33 2 3 63324 63325 63326 6332 7 63330 6333 1 03332 63333 63334 '63335 63336 63337 63:34 0 63341 00 00000 00000 00 00000 000' 00 60 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00 OD 0 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 57 00000 00000 4 5 00000 00000 45 00000 02051 45 00000 02044 11 00040 10000 4 4 02006 02050 4 4 02046 02007 11 10000 00040 21 02012 020 7 4 75 30003 0 20 13 11 00000 00034 1 5 00000 020 17 1 6 00000 02 ·037 11 00000 00037 75 30003 02020 11 00000 00027 71 000 0 0 00027 54 20000 00000 11 20000 0003<1 71 00034 00032 72 00035 00031 54 2aOOO 00046 11 20000 0003. 3 35 ;~ 0 0 00 200. 00 35 )0033 20000 54 20000 00042 72 00036 00032 54 20000 00046 35 00031 00031 21 00030 00033 75 30002 02040 11 00030 00000 21 020 17 02074 21 0203 7 020 75 41 00037 0201 6 4 5 00000 00000 15 020· 7 3 02012 11 0202:; 1 0000 21 00000 ' 00000 4 5 00000 02007 4 4 02001 02007 31 02001 00017 1 5 20000 02053 11 00 ,000 0002 7 16 00027 02043 1 5 00027 02056 1 6 00000 02021 2 1 0002 7 00017 75 10003 02062 15 00027 . 02013 21 02015 00017 35 00017 20000 1 5 200 00 02020 1 5 . 20000 0 .2 0 4 6 55 200 0 0 00025 1 6 10000 02046 2 1 020 4 6 00017 2 1 0200 1 00020 45 00000 02001 00 02073 00000 00 000 0 3 00000 00 00000 0000 3 10 00000 00000 5 7 77777 77 7 77 6 7 77777 7 7777 0 4 53730 3 14 60 73 24047 46317 73 2404 7 46317 33 2 4 047 46320 4 4 53730 3 14 5 7 4 4 5 373 0 3 14 57 02 52 5 25 25253 52525 2 5 25~ 7 2 6 7 77777 77777 SIN-3 Pg o 1 of 4 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Floating Point Sine-Cosine Routine Specifications Identification Tag: clIN-3 Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec: sun 50075 05915 Storage: 44 instructions, addresses OOSOO thru 00s43 OISOO thru 01s43 15 constants in program, addresses 02S00 thru 02Sl4 03S00 thtu 03Sl4 59 i-lOrds OOSOO OISOO 02S00 03S00 total program storage, addreuses thru 00s43 thru 01s43 thru 02Sl4 thru 03S14 2 words temporary storage pool used, addresses 00027b thru 00030b The constant pool is used by this routine Program Entrances: OOT02 (01T02) for sine, OOT04 · (01T04) for cosine Program Exit: OOTOI (OlTOl) Drum Assignment: Addresses 63533b thru 63625b Machine Time: 3. 9 Mode of Operation: Floating point Coded by: M. Perry July 27, 1955 Code Checked by: R. Bigelow July 27, 1955 Machine Checked by: M. Perry August 8, 1955 Approved by: W. Bauer August 10, 1955 rns average, 4.8 ms maximum SIN~3 Pg o 2 of 4 Description When supplied with an argument X itiSNAP form, this routine will evaluate Sine X or Cosine X (depending on which of the two entrances is used) using a Rand Poly~ nomial Approximation, producing the answer in SNAP form. Pr0gramming Instructions Thif? routine can be inserted into a program by CMP-O by the use of a "SUB" card in the input deck. 1. P~ace the double length e~~ension of X in the accumulator. X must be in radians and must be in SNAP form. 2. Return jump to the subroutine. Assuming that the subroutine 'Ym.s assigned to region OOKOO for assembly, use either the instruction RJ OOKOl 00K02 for the sine~ or the instruction RJ OOKOl OOK04 for the cosine. 3. At the time of exit from the subroutine, the double length extension of sine X (or cosine X) 'in SNAP form will be in the accumulator. Error Analysis The error in the result of this routine is less than 2-26 j however/ . the significance of the sine (or cosine) cannot exceed the significance of the fractional part of X. Mathematical Method 1. Let y = (2/ n)X, then sine X cosine X = sin(n/2)(Y) = sine (n/2)(Y + 1) 2. Divide y (or y + +) into an integral part R, and a fractional part S. 3. R defines the quadrant into which X falls. Let R' be the two low order positions of R, since in binary notation, any other positions merely define a number of complete revolutions. 4. R' is a number one less than the number of the quadrant into which X falls. 5. S defines the displacement (in a position direction) within the quadrant indicated by R' • 6. Therefore, if R' = 00 R' - 01 R' = 10 R' = 11 7. Sine (or cosine) X 8. Sin(n/2)X is approximated by the Rand Polynomial Approximation Number 16, using argument z. z= S first quadrant Let Z = (l-S) second quadrant Let Z = (-S) third quadrant Let z = (l-S) fourth quadrant Let = sin(n/2)Z. SIN~3 Pg o 3 of 4 Range of Variable No alarm condition is recognized by this routine. However, as X approaches + 227 the number of significant digits in Sine X (or Cosine X) approaches zero, and X merely defines a number of revolutions and does not significantly designate an angle. SIN-3 Pg. 4 of 0 0 0 0 800 S Ol 802 S03 804 S05 S06 S07 808 . 809 810 81 J S12 8 13 814 S 15 S1 6 S17 S1 8 S 1'9 S2 0 821 82? S2 3 824 S2 5 826 82 "( 828 829 S3 0 831 S3 2 833 834 835 S36 83 '7 838 839 840 84 1 842 843 2800 2801 2802 2 S0 3 2 S 04 2805 2S06 2807 2808 2809 2810 281 1 281 ;; 2813 2814 MJ TP MJ TP TP QT QT QJ CC RA LQ RS T 111 TJ TP LQ AT MP TP LA AT QT r P QJ TP QJ SP ST MP TP 8 P RP PM MP TP ZJ 8 F TP 8 P 8 A 8 A TP MJ 20 00 77 63 54 24 17 11 13 o0 7 .7 00 76 00 00 00800 0 1 800 02800 03800 50075 01024 50119 01068 00000 00013 00000 03800 AOOOO 03S01 03S02 01 SO 9 00024 OOO? :3 000?3 000?4 AOOOO 03S03 00013 000?4 03S0"4 03805 BOOOO AOOOO 01S42 03806 03807 01825 03808 01S27 03S00 00023 00023 BOOOO 03809 20004 03810 80000 BOOOO 01837 AOOOO AOOOO 00024 03814 00023 BOOOO 00000 00000 0 7777 70000 3 ·0000 20000 2 7 630 77777 30000 30000 02366 66333 50638 5524<:! 62207 00000 01 842 01805 01S42 QOOOO 00023 00024 01Sll 03S02 03S02 00008 03S00 ADOOO 01S16 00023 2 0 0 '09 01S20 00023 A 0000 00 QOOOO 00023 01S42 01826 01842 01 S29 00000 00023 00023 00024 00035 01334 00024 00023 AOOOO 01 SO l 00024 000.23 00000 00035 00027 110000 01S01 00000 77777 00000 00000 04107 15562 77777 20000 20000 5735}_ 1 4 7 ::. 5 12,55 07 644 73244 00076 8 1 N R OUT N 44 TO A E ALTERD 8 I N CON 8 T 15 TO A E ALTERD A L ARM E X I T NORMA L E X I T 8 I N EN T RY COS E N TRY M [-1 28 N EG M E E ABS M I N 35 QDRNTS Z 1 MI NU8 Z A R G OF POL Y A R G SQUARED 33 C-9 //r/ POL Y EVALUATI 8 CAL E B B B B B B 8 8 S B 8 B B B B oN M E-12 8 F I N A L PAC I( E 0 EXTEND OU T 1 o I~ 128 MA 8 K tv! A S I< 27 ADD R E 8 S MO D 2 PI 35 MAS I( N TO A PO S NTO A NEG 38 C-9 C-7 35 C-5 33 C- 3 31 2 9 C-l 62 63533 2000 6360 7 2054 63533 63534 63535 63536 63537 63540 63541 6 '3542 63543 6 354 rogram stora~e, addresses OASOO (lASOO) thru OA S48 (lAS48) 2ASOO (3ASOO) thru 2ASll (3ASll) 3 words temporary storage pool u:!;ed, addresses 00027b thru 00031b . The constant pool is used by this routine Program Entrances: OAS02 for arcsine, OASO) for arcosine Program Exit: OASOl Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is used by this routine Drum Assignment: Address 04155b thru 64251b Hachine Time: 7.17 ms average, 8.74 ms maximum Hode of Operation: F10nting point Coded by: 1-1. Perry August 25, 1955 Code Checked by: R. Bigelow August 28, 1955 M. Perry September 7, 1955 H. Bauer September 12, 1955 ¥~chine Checked by: Approved by: SI"1-2 Page 2 of 5 Description When supplied with an argument X in SNAP form, this routine will compute the arcsine or the arcosine of X (depending on which of two entrances was used) using a Rand Polynomial Approximation producing the answer in SNAP form. Programming Instructions This routine can be inserted into a program by CMP-O by the use of a "SUB" card in the input deck. 1. Place the argument X in the accumulator. 2. Return Jump to the subroutine. Assuming that the subroutine was assigned to region OOKOO for assembly, use the instruction RJ OOKOI OOK02 for arcsine, or RJ OOKOI OOK03 for arcosine. 3. At the time of exit from the subroutine, the double length extension of arcsine X, or arcosine X, in SNAP form will be in the accumulator. Error X must be in SNAP form. Analys~ . The error in the result produced by this subroutine is less than 2 -~ I •• Mathematical Analysis 1. The Rand Polynomial Number 39 is evaluated the absolute value of X as the argument. Designate the result as p(X). 2. The square root of 1 minus the absolute value of X is found using the square root subroutine within SNAP. Designate this results as R(X). 3. If X is positive, let Y = P(X)R(X) If X is negative; let Y 4. Arcsine = X = (~/2)-Y Arcosine X 5. =~-P(X)R(X) =Y This procedure places arcsine X in the first or fourth quadrant, and arcosine X in the first or second quadrant. Range of Variable An alarm will occur if the argument is outside the range -1 X 1. Any within this range will give results with the above stated accuracy. ~rgument Alarm Conditions An alarm print will occur if the argument is outside the permissible . rang~. The flexowriter will print "alarm" and the address of the cell in the main program containing the RJ instruction which was used to enter SNI-2. Special Note SNI-2 Page 3 of 5 The SNAP floa ting point routine must be in electrostatic storage before this subroutine can be used, since the square root subroutine is used within this routine. SNI-2 Page 4 of 5 D D D D D D D D D AS 0 0 A S Ol AS 0 2 AS 0 3 AS 0 4 AS 0 5 AS 0 6 AS 0 7 A S 08 A S 09 AS 1 0 AS 1 1 AS 1 2 AS 1 3 AS 1 4 AS 1 5 AS 1 6 AS 1 7 AS 1 8 AS 1 9 AS 2 0 AS 2 1 AS 2 2 AS 2 3 AS 2 4 AS 2 5 AS 2 6 AS 2 7 AS 2 8 AS 2 9 AS 3 0 AS 3 1 AS 3 2 37 MJ TP TP TP TM TP TP ST TJ QT SP TV LA ST SF SJ LA TN LA TP RJ TP SP SS TV SN RP PM MP LA SP TP OOKOO OOTOO OOCOO SRTOO OOPOO OASOO lASOO 2ASOO 3ASOO 75701 00906 00722 00754 00927 00877 50349 01024 50398 01073 75702 3 A S 11 0001 3 AOOOO AOOOO 80000 80000 3 A SO 8 00K14 00K03 QOOOO 80000 00025 3 A SO 9 QOOOO 1 AS 1 7 AOOOO 80000 00T04 1 A SOl OOCOO 00P02 00T04 S RT 2 6 80000 3 A S 00 20007 3 A SOl 80000 AOOOO 80000 80000 00013 00023 00024 A 000 0 00013 00025 QOOOO 1 AS 1 3 00025 00008 1 AS 1 3 00000 QOOOO 00T04 1 AS 0 0 00027 00T03 00027 OOCOO S R TOO 00 COO 00000 00008 lAS31 00036 1 A S 29 00025 00T03 00010 00000 00025 8 S NAP CON S S NAP T E MP S NAP E X I T S NAP S Q R a a T S NAP CON S ARC S N R T N 4 9 49 RE L 2 0 a 0 ARC S N eNS 11 REL 2 0 a 0 11 A L AR M E X I T NORMAL E X I T ARC SIN E N T R ARC COS E N T R X X A8 S C LEA R 1 3 C LEA R 2 5 X-50 X E QUA L Z ERa M M F I XED X-l i-X SF 33 FLOATED N Ta 4 FIN D ROO T REPAIR S NAP A-7 E V AL POL Y RAN D 2 9 56 66 31 SNI-2 Page 5 of AS 3 3 AS 3 4 AS 3 5 AS 3 6 A S 37 A S 38 AS 3 9 A S 40 AS 4 1 AS 4 2 AS 4 3 AS 4 4 AS 4 5 AS 4 6 A S 47 A S 48 2ASOO 2 A SOl 2AS02 2AS03 2 AS 0 4 2AS05 2 AS 0 6 2AS07 2 A S 08 2 AS 0 9 2AS10 2 A S 11 S TAR T S TAR T TP QJ S P S T S P ZJ S T S F ZJ LA TP S P AT CC TP MJ o1 o6 o1 o3 o5 o8 o2 o1 o6 1 0 o7 o1 MEMO ME MO 00024 1 AS 3 5 3 A S 11 00025 00023 1 AS 3 9 00025 00025 1AS42 AOOOO BOOOO 00023 3 AS 1 0 00025 AOOOO 00000 26249 67009 70881 08918 01743 89789 14598 57079 20000 00000 40000 57079 00000 00000 SUM Y SU M Y QOOOO 1 A S 37 00001 00025 00000 1AS40 00025 00023 1 A SOl 00027 00025 00027 QOOOO QOOOO A 000 0 1 A SOl 11000 01000 25600 81000 04600 87400 80160 63 0 5 0 00000 00001 00000 63268 00000 00000 5 X X NEG P I ARC M 003 003 002 002 002 002 001 4 2 4 0 38 36 34 32 30 28 B B B 31 SIN FIN A L E FIN A L PAC K EXTEND OUT A-7 A-6 A-5 A-4 A-3 A-2 A-1 A 0 50 33 1 6 0 P I o VE R 2 TAP E OUTPUT TAP E OUTPUT STT=O Pg o 1 of 6 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California STOH.lI.GE TO MflGN.ETIC TAPE ·TRANSFER ROUTINE Specifications Identification Tag: STT-O Type: Service routine (with a program entry available) Storage: 97 instructions, addresses 40006b, 74667b 7L~530b thru 11 constants in program, addresses 74670b thru 74702b 108 words total program storage, addresses 40006b, 74530b thru 74702b ':!be constant and temporary pools are not used by this routine Service Entrance: Address 40006b Program Entrance: Address 74532b Program Exit: Address 74544b Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is not used by this routine Drum Assignment: Addresses 74530b thru 74702b . VJachine Time: ~~de of Operation: 5.6 seconds for transfer of (ES) Fixed point Coded by: R. Beach ~ray Code Checked by: C. Koos August 14, 1955 VJachine Checked by: c. Koos August 20, 1955 Approved by: \~ . Bauer August 30, 1955 11, 1955 STT-O Pg o 2 of 6 Description This routine transfers information from the internal computer memory to magnetic tape where it will be stored until read back in 5.gain by TST-O. A parameter word is used to specify 1. The loc ation of data to be stored 2. The HT unit to be used for stora ge 3. Hhether or not IvlT is to be re,,,ound to its original position after storage 4. The address to vlhich control is t o be transferred VJhen the data is read back by T8T-0. \'.Jhen using STT-O as a subroutine the parameter wo:cd follows the RJ instruction used to enter the routine. ~.Jhen using STl'-C as a service routine the parameter word is manually entered in Q when the computer halts (after being started at the s ervice entrance) . At the time of ent17 the routine stores (ES ) on the orura, bootstraps itself into ES , stores (A) and (Q) and obt&ins the parameter word. At is conclusion the routine restores (ES ), (A) and (Q) and transfers control to the exit instruction. The routine stores one block of informa tion i n addition to the number of blocks necessa.ry for storing the data , as follows: 1. The first half of the first block contains (Q), (J\ ), the parameter word and tvJel ve zero words . 2. The second half of the first block thru the first half of the l ast block inclusive contain the information to be stored . 3. The l ast half of the l ast block contains the Sum of the data (that is, the double preciSion sum of the split 'extension of each word), the number of blocks transferred to tape , the starting and stopping address es for the transfer, and el even zero Hords. Parameter Hard This parameter word is of the form Be DEEFF GGGGG , ,,,here B, e, D, E, F, and G are all octal digits. If B =0 B. The octal digit B deter mine s whether (ES ) is to be stored on ET . (ES ) '''ill be stored , if B f 0 (ES ) vTill no t be stored. C. ;I'he octal digit e determines whether HT is to be rewound to its original position after the data has been trc:.nsferred. If e = 0 the rewind Hill be executed, if e f 0 it will not be . Do :'1'he octe.l digit D determine s the l~'l' unit un i.Jhich the data is to be stored. HI' units are specified by the same digits u sed in the standa rd 1103 !-iT cornrr..ands .. STT-O Pg. 3 of 6 E. The two octal digit number EE specifies the address of the first word to be transferred from interna l storage to tQP~. This number is the integer part of the first address devided by 8. That is, (EE)(512) is the address of the first cell to be transferred. F. The t\VO octal digit number FF specifies the address of the last word to be transferred. As in E above this number must also be a multiple of 512. (F'F)(512) is the address of the l ast word t o be transferred. G. The V-address portion of the parameter "1Ord (GGGGG ) specifies the address to which PAI<: is to be set when the transferred information is read back to internal memory by '1'ST-O. As an example consider the parameter 1.-lOrd 01 24246 00017B. This specifie·s a transfer of (ES ) and the contents of cells 42000b thru 45777b with no re,.inding after the transfer. PAI<: will be set to 00017b by TST- O when the routine is read back to internal memory. Operating Instructions (to be fo l lowed ",hen the routine is used as a service routine) 1. Set PAK to 40006b and start. 2. ComputB:j:.ion 4. Computation h§3.1.t£ ,.]hen the transfer is completed, setting PAK to the address specified in the parameter word. halt~ with the HS instruction 56 00000 00010. Programming Instructions (to be followed when the routine is to be used as a subroutine ) 1. Enter the routin~ l.]i th the ~ instruction 37 ?lr5.~)3?:.. If the ru instruction is stored at addr;ess n the pa. rameter lITOI'd should be in address n + 1 and B.t its c onclusion the routine will transfer control to th e instruction i n address n + 2. Res tore To restore (ES ), (A), and ( Q) at any time before normal completion set. PAK to 40040b and start. The magnetic tape will be reHound at this time if the parameter word specifies a re"lind. STT-O Pgo 4 of 6 123 200 1200 137 7 4 5 3 0 74545 40000 40006 74530 74531 74532 74533 74534 74535 74536 74537 74540 74541 74542 74543 74544 74545 74546 74547 74550 74551 74552 74553 74554 74555 74556 74557 74 560 74561 74562 74563 74564 74565 74566 74567 74570 74571 74572 74573 74574 74575 74576 74577 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 1 6 45 1 6 1 1 11 75 1 1 75 1 1 75 1 1 1 1 45 56 1 6 11 11 54 1 1 45 2 3 56 1 1 1 6 1 6 45 31 1 5 11 42 2 1 1 1 21 1 1 11 53 53 53 75 23 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 74666 00000 74701 00000 7455 3 31777 00001 30135 74546 31777 76001 76000 00000 00000 00135 10000 20000 20000 20000 00000 10000 00000 10000 10000 00012 00000 74544 20000 00011 00022 00022 00000 74544 10000 00124 00142 00142 00142 30020 00143 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 74530 74553 74533 74553 76000 00000 74537 76001 00001 00001 74543 00001 00000 00000 00000 40040 00137 00141 00044 00140 00000 10000 00011 00142 74545 74544 00025 00017 00022 20000 00.022 00133 00142 00123 10000 10000 00057 00112 00121 00033 00143 STT-O Pgo 5 of 6 74600 74601 74602 74603 74604 74 6 0 5 74 6 06 74607 74610 7 4611 74 612 7 4613 74 6 14 74 615 7 4616 7 461 7 74 620 74621 74 622 7 4 623 7 4624 74625 74626 7 4627 74 630 74631 74 632 74633 74 6 34 74 635 74 636 74 6 37 74 64 0 74641 74 642 7 4643 74 64 4 7 4 6 45 74646 74647 74650 74651 74652 74653 7 4 654 74 655 74 656 75 1 1 55 51 47 1 6 55 51 47 1 1 2 1 75 11 31 32 75 32 1 1 54 1 1 65 75 1 1 21 43 45 1 6 55 51 4 2 55 51 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 45 2 1 31 32 75 32 11 54 1 1 75 11 30020 00137 10000 00142 00041 00030 10000 00142 00065 00127 00143 31000 76000 00144 00145 21000 00220 20000 20000 20000 00020 30020 01200 00047 00146 00000 00070 00142 00130 0013 2 10000 00130 00111 20000 00047 00147 00000 00143 · 00144 00145 20005 00137 20000 20000 20000 30020 00143 00035 00200 00003 20000 00040 00120 00003 20000 00044 00146 00125 00050 00220 00044 00000 00054 00000 00145 00044 00144 00200 00062 00200 00126 00065 00045 00063 10003 00147 00100 00006 00146 00047 00047 00146 00047 00045 00131 00044 00000 00105 00000 00145 00044 00144 00112 00220 .. ~ STT-O Pg~ 6 of 6 . 74657 74660 74661 74662 74663 74664 74665 74666 74667 74670 74671 7 4 672 7 46 73 74674 74675 74 6 76 74 6 77 74700 74701 74702 65 1 1 53 1 1 31 32 45 67 45 00 00 00 00 1 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00001 o 0 132 00143 00 1 3 7 00140 00141 00000 00000 00000 00000 70000 000 2 0 01000 00000 77000 00001 07777 76000 00000 00000 00200 10000 00121 10000 00044 00000 74541 00007 74541 00001 00000 00000 00000 00220 00000 00000 00000 00000 00015 00115 TST-O Pg o 1 of 6 THE RAMO-HOOIDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Magnetic Tape to :3torage Transfer Routine Specifications Identification Tag: TST-O Type: Service routine (with a program entry available) Storage: 95 instructions, addresses 400071, 7434.0b thru 74L~75b 8 constants in program, addresses 74476b thru 74505b 103 words total program storage, addresses 400071, 74340b thru 74505b The constant and temporary storage pools are not us ed by this routine Service Entrance: Address 40007 Program Entrance: Address 74342 Program Exit: Address 74354 Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is us ed by this routine Drum Assignment : Address es 74340b thru 74505b l'lachine Time : 5. 6 s econds for transfer of (ES) Mode of Oper ation: Fixed point Coded by: R. Beach May 11, 1955 Code Checked by: C. 1\oos August 13, 1955 lvfachine Checked by: C. 1 e then s et from values stored on Iv1T, (E8) is restored , and control is transferl'~d to the exit instruction. Parameter \~ord The form of the parameter word is OX YOo.o.o. ZZZZZ , where X, Y, and Z are octal digits . X. The octal digit X deterrr.ines the cell to which control will be transferred to at the conclusion of the routine. If X = 0 control ,,,ill be transferred to the address specified in the parameter word used for 8TT-0 " hen the data va s transferred to magnetic tape. If X -j:; 0 control will he transferred to ZZZZZ. Y. The octal digit Y determines which NT unit will be selected. ET units are spec ified by the same digits used in the st.andard 1103 11;T commands. Z. The V-address of the parameter word ( ZZZZZ ) specifies the address to which control will he transferred at the conclusion of the routine (see X above). ~ting Instructions (to be followed when T8T-o. is us ed as a service routine) th ELll.~ramet.e r 1. }'IE-nually ent er word in Q. 2. 8et PAt to 4o.o.07b and start. 3. Computation will halt after a successful transfer ,nth PAK set as specified (s ee "Par ameter Hord" above ). Programming Instructions 1. Use the R.J instruction 37 74354 74342B to e:G ter T8T-o.. The cell inunedia.t ely following the RJ instruction must conta in the parameter \-lord. TST-O Pg. J of 6 20 Aft eE-~~~.£~~~fJful tra!~~fer control "lill be transferred to the cell specified by the parameter word . Alarm Conditions If the sum test fails Aill- l is entered and IITST-O 7577711 is printed on the fl exo writer . Starting efter the alarm halt causes a rewind of the tape and another transfer of the same d.ata from HT. Re store If, at any time during its oper a tion, T:3T- O is interrupted (or after en al erm print), PAK s et to 40040b and the mechine started, the routine will 1. .~ lewind H'~ 2. Restore (ES)~ (A) , end (Q) 3. Transfer control to the TST- O exit instruction (if this ha.0. been specified) • TST-O Pg. 4 of 6 121 200 1220 132 74340 7 4 355 40000 40007 74340 74341 74342 74343 74344 74345 74346 74347 7 4 350 7 4 351 74352 74353 7 4 3 5 4 7 4 355 74356 74357 74360 74361 74362 74363 74364 74365 74366 74367 74370 74371 74372 74373 74374 7 4375 74376 74 377 74400 74401 74 4 02 74 4 0 3 74404 00 aa 00 00 00 00 00 45 1 6 45 1 6 1 1 11 75 1 1 75 1 1 75 1 1 1 1 45 56 11 45 42 2 1 11 1 6 11 53 53 53 64 23 2 3 55 51 47 1 6 11 1 6 64 31 32 75 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 74350 00000 74412 00000 74354 31777 00001 30130 74356 31777 76001 76000 00000 00000 10000 00000 00005 00005 00000 a a 066 00121 00132 0013 2 00132 00001 00133 00134 00121 00203 00043 00071 00122 00105 00020 00133 00134 21000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 74340 74347 . 7434 3 74347 76000 00000 74347 76001 00000 00001 74353 00001 oaaaa 00000 00000 00132 00006 00005 00130 00132 40040 10000 00013 00024 00071 00200 00133 00134 10006 20000 00021 00035 00135 00041 00240 00044 00000 00 0 31 TST-O Pg o 5 of 6 7 440 5 74406 74407 74410 74411 74412 74413 74414 74415 74416 74417 7 4 420 74421 74422 74423 74424 74425 74426 74427 74430 74431 74432 74433 74434 74435 74436 74437 74440 74441 74442 74443 74444 74 445 74 446 74447 74450 74451 74452 74453 74454 74455 74456 74457 74460 32 1 1 54 11 75 11 75 11 21 43 45 1 6 1 5 55 51 42 55 51 1 6 11 1 6 45 1 1 53 31 32 75 32 32 34 43 11 37 67 45 55 5 1 47 1 6 11 4.3 1 6 51 47 00220 20000 20000 20000 31000 00220 30020 01220 00035 00135 00000 00047 00030 00203 00124 00125 10000 00124 20000 00035 00136 00000 00126 00220 0013 3 00134 20004 00200 00220 00222 00221 00127 75701 00000 00000 00121 00132 00077 00203 74362 00005 00132 00203 0010 6 00000 00134 00044 00133 00036 00115 00040 00220 00123 00106 00024 00041 00035 10030 00136 00056 00006 00135 00035 00135 00035 00024 10000 00071 00044 00000 00064 00000 00000 00044 00073 75756 75702 76000 00013 10003 20000 00076 00132 20000 00112 74354 20000 00104 TST-O Pg o 6 of 6 74461 74462 7 4463 74464 74465 74466 74467 74470 74471 74472 74473 74474 74475 74476 74477 74500 74501 74502 74503 74504 74505 1 5 67 31 32 11 45 1 6 1 6 45 31 1 5 11 45 00 11 00 00 00 00 01 00 00071 00000 00201 00202 00200 00000 00132 00112 00000 74354 20000 00001 00000 70000 00221 00000 00000 00000 07777 24015 76000 00105 00043 00044 00000 10000 74351 74355 74354 00102 00017 00005 20000 00003 00000 00000 01000 77000 40000 00000 63704 00000 URT=l Pgo 1 of 5 Revised 10<-3=55 THE MMO-v]OOLDRIDGE CORPORl\TION los Angeles L.. 5, California Utility Routine Transfer-Magnetic Tape to Drum Identification Tag: URT-l Type: Service routine (but not available as part of servic e routine library) Storage: 45 instructions, addresses OOOOOb thru 00054b 1 constant in program, address.00073b (remaining constants stored with instructions) The remainder of ES is used as temporary storage The constant and temporary storage pools are not us ed by this routine Entrance: MT Start Machine Time: Approximately 15 seconds for successful transfer of the service routine library only, or approxi mately 35 seconds for transfer if CHP-O and the subroutine library are included. Coded by: R. Beach April 1, 1955 Code Checked by: R. Beach April 2, 1955 Machine Checked by: R. Beach April 14, 1955 Approved by: w. August 23, 1955 Bauer ·- URT=l Pg o 2 of' 5 Revised lQo.3~55 This routine is located in the first two blocks of magnetic tape unit zero and is specifically designed to transfer the library from magnetic tape to magnetic drum . It oper a tes in two different modec~ , the mode of operation having been selected when it was activated. Mode No .1 loads addresses 40001b thru 40040b and 70000b thru 75777b only. Mode No. 2 loads these addresses and addresses 60000b thru 67777b. This routine does not save the contents of ES since it is assumed that it will be us ed only when a complete reloading of the computer memory is necessary. An NT Start r eads in the first 32 words of the routine and starts oper&tion. The routin e first r eads in an additional 32 words from MT (remainder of the routine its elf) and then checks its sum, which is stor~d at the end 9f the second block. In doing this, it also checks the sum of the service routine library which is stor ed in the second block. After a succ essful sum check the routine reads in the 96 blocks needed to fill 70000b thru 75777b. Twenty-four blocks are r ead in at one time and transferred to MD, then r ea d back into ES and sumrnE!d. vlhen all 96 blocks have been transf erred the routine ~e a ds in one more block and transfers this into 40001 thru 40041, r eads it back into ES, sums, and a dds the sum of the sum of the 96 blocks previously transferred. This computed sum is then checked against .the correct sum. If the sum checks, the mode of opera tion is determined. If Mode No . 1 ha s been selected a reHind instruction is given and the computer halts with the HS instruction 56 00000 L~OOO1, setting PAK to the FRI-O starting a ddress. If Mode No. 2 ha s been selected T8T-0 is activated to read in Rawoop and the subroutine library. A r ewind instruction is given and the computer .then halts wi th the l-(S instruction 56 00000 40010, setting PAK to the C~/iP-O starting address . 1. II. To transfer the service routine library only Star~ 1. Select MT 2. Change PC R (if necessary) to select the proper MT unit 3. Start . The routine loads 40001b thru 40041b and 70000b thru 75777b and halts with the MS instruction 56 00000 40001, setting PAK to the FRI - O starting address . Succ e ssful transfer takes about 15 ·seconds. To transfer the s ervice routine librarY., CKP-O, and the subroutine library 1. Sel ect 1<1T Stert 2. Change PCR (if necessa ry) to sel ect the proper ET unit 3. I.ft,ake (Art ) grea t er than zero "- URT-l Pg o 3 of 5 Revised lO~3=55 L".. Start. The routine loads4000lb thru 40040b, 70000b thru 75777b, and 60000b thru 67777b and halts with the l·;S instruction 56 00000 40010 s etting PAK to .t he starting address of CMF- O. Successful transfer takes about 35 seconds. Alarm Conditions 1. If the machine halts on a final~ almost immediately after an IvIT start the transfer routine is not in ES correctly. Sel ec t XT start and start for another transfer . If the second transfer is not succe s sful r evert to the bootstrap procedure to loa d the library . 2. If the fl exO\'Jri ter prints an lie II and the machine halts with the 11S instructi on 56 00000 00051 the sum of the library transferred to the drum is not correct. Select ET start and start for another ·transfer . 3. 1:men orer a ting in Hode No.2 TST- O is activated after address 4000lb thru 40040b and 70000b thru 75777b have been loaded successfully. If the sum t est fails while loadin g addresses 60000b thru 67777b, the a l a rm routine prints the tag \-Jord T8T-0 and the address 75777b . Starting cause s rewind and another 1'1T transfer to addresses 60000b thru 67777b . VJarning After a succ essful transfer the computer halts but MI' is still r ewinding to its original position. If a Ha ster Clear is executed and the machine sta rted a ref e r ence to the rewinding 111 (before r ewinding is compl et e ) will caUS e trouble . If no Master Clear has been executed the machine will wait for the r ewinding to be c ompleted . URT-1 PgG 4 of 5 Revised 10-3-55 1700 1701 1702 1703 170 4 1705 1706 1707 1710 1711 1712 171 3 1714 1715 1716 1717 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 45 1 1 64 3 1 75 32 34 43 67 57 75 2 3 1 6 6 4 75 11 31 1 5 75 1 1 2 1 31 75 32 11 54 1 1 4 1 6 4 75 1 1 75 1 1 31 75 32 34 43 61 34 67 56 4 1 1 6 45 00000 20000 00001 00000 20075 00001 00077 00076 00002 77777 30003 00175 00010 00030 31400 00200 00017 20000 31400 00000 00017 00176 21401 00177 20000 20000 20000 00175 00001 30040 00200 30040 40001 o 017 6 20041 00177 00075 00074 00000 00074 00143 00000 00172 00036 00000 o0 0 0 1 00172 o 004 0 00000 00006 00000 00044 00012 00003 77777 00014 00175 00175 00200 00020 70000 00017 00023 00024 00200 00073 00044 00030 00000 00177 00044 00176 00015 00200 00037 40001 00041 00200 00044 00044 00000 00044 00052 00016 00044 00000 00051 00055 00051 00050 URT-1 Page 5 o f 5 Revised 10 -3-55 17 S 5 1756 1757 1760 17 61 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 37 01 67 56 00 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74354 00000 00344 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 74342 00057 00000 40010 00000 00000 00000 0000 0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 01400 00000 00000 00000 00000 LIB LIB UR T UR T SUM HI SUM L0 1 SU M 1 SUM HI L0 URT=3 Pgo 1 of 5 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Utili ty Routine Transfer Drum to l1agnetic Tape Specifications Identification Tag: URT-3 Type: Service routine Storage: 108 instructions, addresses 40000b and 00050b thru 00222b 8 constants in program, addreqses 00223b thru00232b All of ES is used for temporary storage but not included with the program 116 words total program storage, addresses 40000b and 00050b thru 00232b The temporary and constant storage pools are not used by this routine l'1achine Time: 100 seconds approximately Mode of Operation: .Fixed point Coded by: R. Beach August 1, 1955 R. Beach August 15, 1955 H. Bauer August 23, 1955 V~ chine Checked by: Approved by: • URT...3 Pgo 2 of 1l 5 Upon being entered the routine fir st s ets up all r eferences to magnetic tape to correspond to the unit s el ected when URT-3 is activated. The contents of cells 40001b thru 40040b and 70000b thru 75777b are then summed and the sum pl aced in 01774b and 01775b. The contents of cells 01700b thru 01775b are then summed and the sum placed in 01776b and 01777b. The informa tion in cells 01700b , 7000Gb thru 75777b , and 40001b thru 40040b are then transferred to ET in that order . The contents of cells 60002b thru 67777b are summed and the sum placed in 60000b and 60001b. STT-O is en t ered to dump the information in cells·60000b thru 67777b (the subroutine library consisting of Rawoop and the subroutines). URT-3 computes the sum of all information pl aced on 1'(T , rewinds MT to its ori ginal posi tion and reads back the data from IvIT , sUIIiIning 8S it reads. If th e sum is correct, a BH instruction is given to return 1-1T to its original position and computation halts with PAK set to 40001b, the FRI-O starting address. Operating Instructions 1. Select}ID Start. 2. Set the number of the 11T to be loaded in the low order octal digit of Q. 3. Start. URT-3 transfers the complete library to MT and halts with the 118 instruction 56 00000 40001 after a succ essful transfer . Alarm Conditions -----If the sum of data r ead back from ~ is not correct the alarm routine is entered; the tag \-lord URT-3 and the address 00067 are printed on the flexowri ter. The sum of the da ta on ET appears in A. Restarting at this time initiates another transfer of dota. Harning 1. It is advisable to position MT at the first block before loading so that the 1'(T can be repositioned, manually if nece ssary. 2. lift er a successful transfer the machine halts but I,IT is still rewinding to it.s original position. If a master clea r is executed and the machine started a r ef er ence to the rewinding ET (b8fore the rewinding is complete) will cause trouble. If no m~ster clear has been executed th e machine will wait for the r eversing to be compl eted . URT-3 Pg. 1 ,of $ 60000 50 70 223 233 240 17 a a 40000 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 110 ' 111 112 113 114 11 5 116 117 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 11 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 11 75 11 31 1 5 75 32 31 32 75 11 75 32 11 54 11 21 42 31 75 32 11 54 11 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 10000 00230 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 00214 30040 40001 00240 00226 20037 0024 1. 01774 01775 31400 00000 21400 00300 20000 20000 20000 00102 00224 01700 20075 01701 20000 20000 20000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00033 10000 00120 00124 00127 00175 00176 00202 00213 01.702 01710 01715 01734 01750 01756 01757 00000 00073 00240 00000 00102 00101 00000 00044 00000 00103 00300 00105 00000 01775 00044 01774 00223 00077 00000 00115 00000 01777 00044 01776 TRNSFR FROM 4000 1 TRNSFR AND S UM FRO M 70000 SUM URT 1 AND S TOR E o N MT ... URT=3 Pg. 4 of 5 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 65 1 5 75 1 1 65 21 4 2 65 23 2 3 1 5 31 32 75 11 75 32 1 1 54 11 2 1 42 31 32 32 32 32 32 1 1 34 11 32 32 32 75 32 32 32 32 32 1 1 54 11 2 3 37 11 67 00002 00226 31400 00000 00030 0012 3 00224 00001 60000 60001 00130 60000 60001 31000 00000 21000 00300 20000 20000 20000 0013 6 00226 60000 00175 60000 60001 60001 002 27 20000 20000 20000 01774 01776 00233 2000 3 01775 00234 00234 00232 01777 20000 20000 20000 10000 74544 06070 00344 01700 00123 00124 00300 00300 00223 00122 00240 60000 60001 00136 00044 00000 00137 00300 00141 00000 60001 00044 60000 00225 00133 00044 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00234 00044 00233 00000 00044 00000 00164 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00234 00044 00233 10000 74532 00000 00215 S TOR E SERV I CE L I 8 RARY · . URT-3 Pg. 5 of 177 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 230 231 232 23 55 11 64 75 32 11 44 1 6 34 43 1 6 67 45 56 54 32 1 1 37 45 00 1 1 00 11 00 00 34 1 2 10000 00230 10000 00014 20600 00300 00235 00207 00176 00234 00233 00213 00344 00000 00000 20000 00234 00231 75701 00000 01400 76000 01000 70000 00201 70000 12015 50000 10000 10030 00235 00300 00205 00000 10000 00201 00214 00044 00213 00214 00216 00000 4 0 001 00044 00000 75756 75702 00070 00000 00300 00000 00300 00000 00000 67004 00220 5 February 17, 1955 Nu o 33 (Re'lised) RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE ONE-PASS ASSEMBLY PROGRAM FOR THE ERA-1 103 By Jules Marsel and Thomas Tack The Ramo-\'looldridge one-pass a ssembly program (Rawoop ) is designed t ranslat e an 1103 program or iginal l y coded in symbolic~ regiona.l 9 de ~imal rom to its final octal form. The program will accept instructions with symbolic addresses and numer ical dat a in binary or decimal f orill. It will cause subroutines to be appropriately assembl ed in the program. The result of assembli ng a program will be output in a form to facilitate progrEml check=out and r apid program read-in of the t ranslated datao Input-Output ~ched cards afe used ~ s input for Rawoop. The punched card has one 1103 word plus remarks on it or the c~d contains an instructi on to the assembly program and remarks. Rawoop' s output is both punched car ds and punched paper tape D The output card contains an exact duplicate of t he corresponding i nput card in addi 1(ion to the octal transl ation o~ the i nput card vs ini'oI"lll8 tionn The. programmer can obtain a side );>y aide -.listing 'OlL hi;• .-unt.ranslated program1 remarkSl p and translated program by running t he output deck of cards on associated equip= ment such as the IBl-l 402. The punched paper t ape is a seventh-level bioctal tape complete wit h insert and check addresses, and is suff icient f or putting the translated program into the 11 03 either by using the ERA photo-electric reader or by usi ng a Ferranti tape reader wit h an appropriate read-in program. The input and and output cards ar e standard 80-column~ 12=row cards o Columns 1-5 ar e used for the symholic addres s of the untr anslated ward o Colurnns 7-10 are used for the 11 03 instruction or psuedo instruction o Columns 12-16 are f or the u address. Columns 18-22 are for the v address. Columns 24-26 are for decimal scaling information. Columns 28-30 are for binary scaling information. Columns 32-43 are for alpha-numeric remarks. rYE RAMO WOOLDRIDGE (Cf\"ORA liON I PAGE . OF (Figure 1) PROBLEM ..ina 2 D 3 10 4 D 5 1""-- D ----1- ,r 6 ;v it 'I i: , 7 1 Ie - ii • _x .A • M.P L E oF :1 2 )C 8 :r Jf E Ii :1 THE: 9 o T Y P E F o 1 1 ;C :2 1 ~c 'e 5 f 6 - + • ,f9 J 1 ·f:2 9 is • ·1 3 4 5 6 3 4 - f -Q~~'LJL=-~-i 5 . -4I 6 ..s 7 ~. j e 9 o 1 :2 I • i 'r C :1 ~ I , ___ .___ -J.. _ _ ~ 1 CC'1 5 'jY .~. H 1L.... ___ .._. _Jl. H ___ . __ .L. __ . . 7 -- '0 H '!,I I' 12 - 16 ~ 1 II , II it j I' : . !: Ii: i • ___ ---...l...: 18 - 22 11 it " I ~ :i it iii i . I[ . . . t ' j I I I' __ --'1-..L ___ .-"- . ___ . ____ .._____ .. 24 - 26 28-3 0 . CHECKED BY F:tgun 1 i ." 32 - 43 2 In addition to the above columns, the output cards contain the translated information in columns 47-67. On Speed of ~ input cards, ~ ~ not ~ punchedo Ass~mbly Due to the 1103 ' s ability to read and punch cardssimul taneously while 1.t is punching paper tape, Rawoop takes only a few seconds more than the total lClard readi ng time to execute its entire translation. Errors do not ne c~8sitate complete re-assembly. Consequently, Rawoop is exceedingly e conow~cal in i s use of machine time 0 Symbolic Addresses A fi ve character form, in keeping with 1103 machine f orm p is used by Rawoop for symbolic addresses. The first three characters designate the region of the address while the last two characters are the sequence number of the address within its region. For example, 18JOO is the zeroth address in region 18J and OOG'! 9 is the nineteenth :address i"1 region 01 C (01 COO is the first addres s in region 01 C) In keeping with the one-pass nature of Rawoop, the sequence numbers are consecutive decJ,.mal nUl1lbers. The l:lbsolute' address assigned to 01 C19 is riineteen greater t han "the address assigned to 01 COO o Thus, the address structure has a regional character 0 0 As indicated above, the first two characters of the relative address or region are numeric and the ~hird character is alphabetic o The absolute address for region 000 (all zeros ) has already been chosen in Rawoop to be zero. Consequently, 00029 would have as its octal translation~ 00035 and absolute machine addresses up to 99 will be correctly translatedo The a ssembly program recognizes the alphabetic letter "0" as different from the numerical uiO~ 8 to avoid confusion, the programmer will probably not want to use symbolic addresses involving tho letter O. A, B, and Q Addresses The accumulator, the B register (accumulator bits A70 ~A35)p and the Q register must be addressed by putting an A, B, or Q in the leftmost column of ei ther the u or v fields. efhe remaining four columns may have no punches or zero punches. The octal translations of A, B, and Q are 20000~ 30000~ and 10000 respectively o Addresses Involving j, k, and n The command structure of the 1103 is such that the u and v addresses at times contain numbers rat-ber than machine addresses as is the case in the SPuk~ R.f>jn, loT and MJjv commands. The representation of j,n ha.s j as the first character and n as the l ast four characters. The quantities j and n are written as decimal numberso Thus a j9n of 30199 is translated as 30307 (octal). No distinction is made by Rawoop betiol'een j,n addresse~ and j addresses. If the programmer desires to use the last four characters of a j address to store a number (not a relative address)9 he may do so knowing that these four digits will be treated as the n in j9n addre sses o 3 In the 1103 i'" ddr~ss s truc ture , k 13ddresses indic.::.te left ci rcula r shift.s of from 0 t o 127 pla ces a t . ost. H9,.re \Ter, since the 1103 inte rnal hard\l1ar9 occa sion,;; ly make s i t. j e s ir;;.ble t o ho va th~ 1'i s t octa.l bit of a k addresSl be a number other theUl ze ro , k c. ddresses \-1i11 b~ treFlted in the same manner as lin a ddresiil :; s ; f or exa.rnple, 20017 becomes 20021 (octa.l ) . Void Address-es ~- Certain of the 11\)3 COlIlD1Cillds such a s FS- -, BJj ,n c._ have ignored addresses a ssocict ed with th.3n.,. All ~uc h addr e s ses re treated by Rawoop as if' they were rel ative ad 'r es s.;;ls and i: a va ilable f or the s of pre=setting addresses o All ze ros, of course , a.r e t~a..nsL; ted into a ll zeros . In a 9ne-pass a s~embly program, it :i,s necessary that a.t the beginning of the program sufficient inforlllatio:p is supplied tc enable all symbolic; addresses to be assigned absolute addresses. Rawoop doe s this by ffi~ans of d:i,.rectory cards. A di re ctory card has a. D punched in column 1, the bese word of the region (e.g. 01GOO) in the u address columns, and the a bsolute decii1'.al a.ddre s~ of the ba se word in the v address col'il.llIlillls o For examples, see figure 1. For purposes of a.ssigning decimq.l addresses to the drum.\) the convention 'vlc. S adopted that octal address 40,000 on the drum ha.s the decimal address 40 9 0000 Thus, the drum addres ses r~.nge f;rom 40,000 - 56,383. Rawoop can handle up to 60 directory cards in anyone a ssembly 0 S;xmbolic Ad.dresses of Program_pata With the exception of tpe D cards and tne START card D all the input cards have a relative addre ss punched in colunms 1-5. This address is the address of the word to the right and cow.pletely de termines the memory location into which this word will be re,:td by the output bioctal tape. Commands The 1103 alphabetic representatio~ of the commands is used 8 These t wo letter combin~tions, such as RA, are entered into columns 9 and 10 IJLl the stand= ar d 1103 commands a re recognizeo. by ~woop and this recognition impl~es lmowing whether the addresses associl-,ted with the cO!DIUe.nd ar e of the u ~ vi> the jn9 wl) Olr' of the u,k types. 0 In addition to the s tanda.rd 1103 cOIIh'Tlands, the special commands 1P9 PN 9 and MM are r ecognized. The PM, MM cOlDIDa:pds and the availabilit y of the B register for addre ssing are modifications on the Ramo-Wooldridge 1103 . PM is a ~polynomial multiply" ca.'nmand for polynomial evaluc.tion whose octal equivalent is 241) MM is) 'it;h.e "modified multiply-add" (fastar in opera tion tha.n HA) whose octa.l equivalent is 25 0 None of these mo dificat~ons are used in the operation of RawoOp1) the program will oper ate on any 1103 with reproducer and high-speed punch. IP comma..'lds are tree. t eq as if the cqrIlPlE.nd s tructure were IPuv HoWeV9E'i> for users of interpretive programs quch ~ s the Convair Flipp a psuedo ~ammand i~ avails.ble.. The command i"Pabuv ~ where a and b octal digi t.s and Ul and VI are 0 4 .r':L ti v,~ a ssi gnf:d to th.:: al~ct.r·(,;.<::lt.tic :"t.or-.,;';, is '~t'-'n3 I;";cd :1:1, 'bo!', l ' oit nu b~x' :'} ()c. cupyi n ,~ til' r' , '''' .~',\, ., . . :1.., ,~.f ,. l ,f;:, tr rwl.'i:, .. G. \Jor, v/ith ;;-~ b to t ae 10ft. of them. s is shr'm in .;, 5'-' Y> • ,I• • iat.) colufnns 7 <:.nci E; the c~b oef:) int o col s 9 . -:. n d 10 on the inp •. "':. ~ _ 0 2. 8 u 'v '. i' t' ;:88 3,., U' M ,e V I i ~)::; It i s soma times (.e:;Jira bl e th,· t a r s l ""ti ve address be ph.ced in 11 word t s.t To en~ble this ~ the co. mene 0 0 (zeros) .is recog= rlized transh t ed into 00. The U tald v addre sses must bi-.; symbo~iG add:resses o As uSWil , hOvlcvcr , an a ddr ess of f i ve z eros is t ransla ted into. f"l.V6 zeros o h e ::; zeros for its cc;ulInC:i.nd Gode. De cim&,l Numbe rs De ci.rne.l n1lnl bers a re presented to Rawoop ' .s normali zed num,b~r~ times .-'< po~l6r of ten. The progra ,mer a l,so st:::~ites the bin :ry s ca ling fbctor to . e ap,.' ed to the' resulting r ounded bin2.ry nunlber. For eXfu.lple, -739. 1 is presen·ted as ~'':7 0 ~91 x 10"0 1 ~nd ,11 decima.l numbers a re normalized so thf::i,t t heir absolu.te v"'"i.ue lias 9.99999 99999. between The sii:Sn of the nUlhOG r is in col UCi.n 9, the inte ~r:ll p<,rt in colu:v.rA 11 0 l) ~..nd the fr 3.0tiuna.1 p t1rt in co,lumns 12-16 ' nd 18-22. The power of 10 allobled is ft"oJ:1l =4J0I to +10. This eXFonent goes into columns 24- <'. 6. The desired binary sC5.le 'aGtol" goes into colu;nns 28-30. For ex~n~ple s, f n li~e 13, Figure 1 p the nurr.ber- to be tran~lated is 3.1 23 x 10- 6 with !:l. s c&.le f -;1.ctor of 2 2 ;,J 1 :Cn all ca ses a minus sign r epre sent~ a nega tive nu.."Ilber and a Z61'O or nt, puni:<:, a posi ti ve number. FJ.o.::.. t ing de ci!il&l nuru bers .", r~ presented to Re.\voop in the S8J"~e IDb.nner a:s decd.1l..u numbe rs. HO"'9ve r, :i,nste"ld of 3. binr:;ry s cale f ;':.ctor being pl""c&.rl .m cIJlumns 0;8=30" axA F i s punch(: ' ;i.n column 28. The cOllve rted flo c:.. ting decimal num.bel' is in the for.n u~ed. in the Conva ir l<'lip . Tha t is, the lei't,mo:?t 28 bits is a mantissa with the !nary point just to the right of the sign bit a nc. t he rightmo st eight its is fa signed ex ponent. Oct, l Constants Octa l const a nts ca n be insert8d i nto th~; progr am. usi ,ng !.awoopo ~~ha o JOOP thl:l t all the crords have been r eceived is a card wit.h a rplative ~ddress punched i n colun~s 1:=1~ o colu.~ms 1~5, an~ This signa,l ca US,,1S Rr, woop to ips8rt into the tran slated program i n 1,:)ca.tioDSl 00000 a nd 40000 a manU'il jur,lP to the octa l transl:.:;.t.ton of the r eld.tive address, o He;n:::8 , after the resulting punched paper t ape is re ad int ·:> the 1103 v a. .n!l.gnetl,~ I"'Lto,l'o, sts,r t l"[i11. s t 'lrt the probl,em a t the rela tive address i ndi oated in the ~l 0.01· 'l~n;3o -,:Subroutine .... ...... s -'"''' ~ '' '' ..--~ - R<3,woop is designed to tra nsla.t'3 subroutines coded in oct,ql and stored on th~ arurll , and include thelli :i.nto the main progr alTl o one psue' 0 cQ!mlV£l.nd, the "SUB" cO!Jll1land. rel;'~tive to 011000 This is erfs'Cited by - 5 - Columns 1-5 of the ::'UB co nand cont a i n the relative address 6ssigned to the zeroth word of the 'subr out ine bJ one of the 0 cords o Columns 719 8 9 end 9 have the lett ,:;!r s SUB . GolulJl!ls 18 , 1 g , f:!n d 20 h:).v9 the nUlJ1ber of words in the subroutine . Col umns 21 and 22 h,-,-ve t he nu;nber of constsnts at the end of the subroutine T'[hich not to be t r a.nsla ted . ColU1~'\.Tl s 12=15 have the location 0._ where the zeroth word of tho subroutine is stored on the drum. (this address iSl t he decL-n.!tl 1rum addre ss) . I n operb.tion, t he inform.'1. t 1on i n these if;; sirnply co pie d from a. subroutine specifica tion list . A l i sting of t h" t ran sl at ed s ubroutine is ilSlutlly provided by he output car ds . The :J nch.:tng of car ds f or this however p eM be sUP,)I'csscd by depressing the j =3 jurr~ button . Hawoop clllc'U.._ht e s the memory surn of al l t ranslated words including t..Jle Thi s sum is the do uble precision sum. of the spli t extension of t he tr!;l. nsh .t ad. words . The s um is both printed on the listing and is re[\(1 by the output p.~ pe r t a pe i nto o(.}tal addr e sses 6'7 ~ 776 and 67 IJ 7I7I"?! of the drum. The high or de r value of the sum :is in 67 ~ 77 5 . 0000 0 s.nd 40000 jUll P instructions. _ _ UrderL'"lI' l' . ...._____ __ of___ Input Ca._r.•ds _E. _ ~ Ra.woop makes the following requireme nts on the order i ng of the input cards: di recto~y cards 9 howeve~9 1. All dire ctory cards must come first. The c:m any orde r within tberase lve s. 2. 'l'he START card must come last. 3. The SUB c'l rds, if any, :nust im.Tlledi dtely pre cede the ST]I;:!.T oorr'i o However, the SUB cards can have any order wi t .hi n the:nselves o The cards a ct ually giving the wor ds of the progrwn f oll ow the directory cards. ~"or the s ake of minimizing the nUJ..lber of insert and che ck addresses on the output bioctal tape; the cards should. be in order within their regions . However, a correct output t ape will result no nett er what order these inc:olllll!ll": c9.r ds in. If the cF:\rds were out of ori er, a cornvenient listing s till can b~ obtained by re-orjering the output cards. The following points are important in the oper'3.tion of RaWOOpg 1. The reproducer must be set for fields I end II onlyo 2. The input cards are to be placed f a.ce down with a.t least six blank car ds following the ST.J1T card. 3. Two cards are to be fed into the punch channel o 4. Both the typewri ter and tpe high-speed punch must be turned on. 5. After reading the a sse:ubly program into the ma chine ll an i'1D start is su.ffici·e nt to start or re-start Raw-oop . Rawoop c hecks its ow me~ory swa a t the beginning of the proble and gives a signal if th~ check discloses an error . 6 6. lLl l 0.9.r 1s ,:...rd el e '~re d out of the read snd write channels at the end of the program. If' it is desired to suppress the output subroutina be depr essed . ~a.I'dS 9 jW:1P 3 should Error Detection Ra¥lOOP will s top and signal the reason i n case of €li ther of the followilllg t¥lO occurrances8 More than sixty D CB,rris are e ntered or any a, I'd o·ther thl'lD ~i tnsxo a SUB ca r or t he S'l'AH.'r c3.rd f oll ows 5. 3UB cr rd. All other errors ~ including a D car d occurring in t he .l'.tdin jeck W'l..ll nc :: 2 62156 41 6 217~1 621 4·4 127 SP N5 36 RESTORE AL 62157 31 62172 00044- 128 SA N 6 00000 RESTORE AR 62160 32 62173 00000 129 TP N7 Q RESTORE Q 621 61 11 62174 10000 L30 TP N 8 00000 RESTORE F1 62161 11 62175 00000 L31 PR 00000 Z10 PR CAR fu.-.orRN 62163 61 00000 62213 L32 MJ 00000 L STOP 62164 45 00000 62124- NOO PR OQOOO OOZOO PUMlvlY 6216 5 61 00000 62201 B ADV U 62166 00 00001 00000 N02 ,2 B DEC 2 62167 00 00000 00002 N03 5 B DEC 5 62170 00 00000 00005 DEC 11 62171 00 00000 00013 N01 N04 , TAG TO Q 6 00000 N 1.24 1 11 IN Dl'~ · .. Pg o 3l N05 00 00000 00000 B AL 6~1n 00 00000 00000 NOS 00 00000 00000 B All. 62173 00 00000 00000 NO? 00 00000 00000 B Q 6,,174 00 00000 00000 NOS 00 00000 00000 B F1 62175 OOl 00000 00000 Nag 00 00000 00000 B INDEX 1 62116 00 00000 00000 N1 0 00 00000 000 0 B INDEX 2 62177 00 00000 00000 N11 00 00000 00000 B TAG 62200 00 00000 00000 START 00101 00000 45 00000 62~25 START OOL.Q1 40000 45 00000 62~ 25 ,, REPORT ~"""90 DIV I 51 ON _-"'S""' &no=....=D1~e.Q!:=o__ All MODEL DATE 8A,~c:;l1 r8Thed 14/~ 12 TITLE 'LIP A 'loa.tin, Point Subroutia. 'Syitem for The ERA 1103 Computer , '- ~--. '. ,i PREPARED BY_--",C=h!-rlet J .. Swtrt ~,,. ---.-' CHECKED - .REFERENCE _ _ _-'---_ _--:,.~_ .; "mbere of D! g1..tal ex .' qC!lPut1n.A...-r.,b~ratop" . APPROV£D~: ey_ " ---.·;-. · '_ ' --:l~_ _- ". .NO.' • Of: ~AGES ~..57.''-:-::~; ..... . • • I ,- NO ' OFOIAGR:.AMS· . ··oAn: , CONS?LIOATED VULT£E AIRCRAFT CORPO~ATION ANALYStS /~HECK£O 1 PAGE ~EPORT NO 5" .... 011:00 01V 15 10'" PR£'-AREO 8Y BY Z)'(..J..-}O MODE~ REVISED BY PA TE 12/07/';1. liotl"s on FLTF l~ro, 3. t\l~}jOtl! ·~. t~ exponent ptl.rt , In a?dition to cells,Oll,?';" to G1 T77 and th03e a~sj~ncd to . Dub- • The 07 COMlTl8.nd . ca ~1 ct! ., ulerl to ten-dr.aLe a stories. " If '.. An ~·xal1\ple of i t : use lit tti61- 01 '1elO 11 00 11 100 11;01 ~ +6X -u:,R ClI.'01 11. ()7 lJ.;~ l l1~oo ~ X-~+X~R 010 .. ,2 , L7 00500 01 0( ,3 I l-~ ~ '2"Z"! " )( ( add tar .... to series) Lid tr.i ~ term ~l tcr U,e sum? (l' .S 1) ./ ,. . , C0 NSO LlOAT~O A N ALV_I S P'RE,.ARtO." CHECKED BY "£YISE: O VUL.TI:I A I .. CR ... " C. J. '~ ~AG. CO .. P"O ..... noN ....N OlUO' O I VtetoH ItIJllOfrr NO. -..oDCL ev DATI[ A Fleat1n.,; P01.t Subl"outiDe Sy,tea U.1n,; A Paoked _.pre,.station tor III 1103 Computer (Flip) t» 10/l5/~ R8T1a.d The lyate& de.oribed her. U intended to be 1ndet1oi tely .xpud.d to includ. card operationa, t l"anacendental funct1on. _to. ,10 oc taldl~lta lang (preoeded by oct.l 14, rh. interpr.ted inltntetiOAI are ;the IP cOJllU.Jld). The baa1o ' .,..tna I . ~coupi .. ES cen. 01477 to Qlm and 00001. The whole .yttea 11 ,1eoated an the drUJll, 1..n locationl more ,pac. 11 needed. 17m~, 7l:/:xx) to It any ,ubrout1ne oper,a t1on. Ire Uled, 00014. T>1e basic opera~ion. in P'LIP \1.Ie teapora.rl .. 00002 to 00031. Subrout i ne ' operationa Ule celli 00002 to Compo.ltiOll of In.truot1 Cln, I lnltruotion Code ' 6 bitl Firat Addr .... z 12 bit, 29 ••• ~) (123 ••• 112) 12 bite (111 ••• SeoOlld Add!- n 88' • ., (1 10) Addr •• te. ' 1M lut 10 bit. of each, addr... f,ol"1Dtl. ~ ..Uo· .. ddr .... 'tn. firlt two bi ta, if one •• oaul. either or bo~ ' of the two 'pe()lal oounter,1 bl and ~ to b e ad'4.d to this -exeouti.- ..ddr~... , bali~ '1'b.a f1rat bit ·oa\1l .. ht adare .. to fora the ~o be ad(, ~he " ..eOQ~' Qft ca~ea b \W1n~ 2 to be ~c1ditd. The aatructio,n 18 .~cuted " th1. enout1oza addr... which _WIt ' not exceed Olm. All execvtion addreue', refer to E8. . ~I Spec1al ' Regbtel"l III a !' ui .~ . pee 1a l1y-,refeITed to 1.n order.. In order to.', ref'er ~o ' l, Q" and ..~. 1a the •• o.l"d.rt~. ' \aU ..ddr.e •••• ·:l774. 1775;lTr6 11711 . . . . are • bi .' . .~ :l"e.ptoti., ... , ' '. . .. ~ • ' J'LIP &J'~ r~~~lrt1"~17 eq.~~" ~:, (:Rl· .u. ('Q) ''''.... b& . ~~ ., . !perat1oa _'lluto~~:nt. A>r l~ .d 'iTr5 atter-~ ~T U. ' ~ " ' . , .'. .• • J ) . , ;' . ' ,.,. , - ... ; -.,;.' ' CONSOUOATItO VULT~E AIHCA"prT COAfOOf'''T'ION ANALY .. S ~AE~A"ED."" C. J. Swi rt 2 1.)(..u90 PAGE .UPOOAT NO eAN 01&00 Dlv,e,oM CHECKEO BY All MOOt:L 10/20/~. (Rey ) DATE . 'UV.SI:O BY If a reault 1s plaoed in both y and R. (j{) is not a operation. double extension of (R); otherwise it la. IV C~ntenta of Reglatera l-xeept for b 1 and b2' the contente of every re g1eter 11 interpreted ·aa a number of the ·fora q x 2 P • bit•• ! the la.t 8. looouplea the ftrat 28 Negative pt. and q" Denta, the ftr.t d1 r1 t at both p and q are "expre.8.d bein~ by · e ~ mpl. The binary a air-n bi t. point of q follow. the sir,n bit • . Except tor the .peelal case pc. q == 0, q is rutricteo to the valuea 1 ·/ q ~ .. and p h re- atricted to the range /P/<27 • · For p ~· 27 an alarm print oocura, F'o~ p ~ -27 both p and q V Ilre . . t equal to Jero. Loading A lOader routine 11 included in the FLIP .y.teJl to. trand'er n.IP and lueh of its Bubroutinee .. are Uled, into IS. It u.ea ES .oell. 00000 to 00006, 0<><:l40 to. 00121 and 01477 to. Olm. FLIP operaiiea are o.f two ·type., buie' code o.peration. and .ubroutine operation•• I The eoi:1er mUat .pecU'y whioh · of the latter he 11!; and the. ·.emory location. of the subroutine •• . rhea. are apecified by para- . oell. l!)eter word. 1n consecuti .... atart1i1~ in cell Tlle 'tint 00122. tWo oetal digi ta of each .uolv..ord for. the 'operation oode. last five octal .ep~" ~t1p17 . .,.a . 'epth·. 1'81'1&. . .ulUpl., , - " 'pt1n au1t1pl~' ~~ " " , . ' ''''r • .. s ~ a · '. J .· ·t.· x '1 1 . - '- ,0 . " ,\ f. '. ' 7 ., 1.~'1" IUltlp17 '~ ' .... _,-~~~' ''''t_1Y.IIW.l'~ , • • Ii. f :S - ~ ..)', . " , ' ~ · DJ~l_ · : ~~------~------~--~~~~~~~-.-~---.---~~~------~ C O N S O L I DA T ED VU L T EE A I RCRAFT CORPORATION ... "' A L YS IS PREPARED BY C. "\1. SWift SA" 5 PAGE Ol f GO DIV I S IO N REPOR T N O ZJl...490 C H( CK ED BY MODEL 1.11 RE I, I SE D BY DATE 8/11/9t (rLIP) ~l (reT1.ed R:-:"-x......"y,R Diyide and 32 33 12/9/sL) tran8~it Divid. R ?(.v+ x) ... Accumula te D~Tide R 3L .. He~ative 35 replaoe Divi de Rep:ative Divide and tra.nlrui t 36 -y~ 37 R -(y.:. x) .. R 40 Countei ~l jUll'lp} If (oounter b n ) 1..4 Counter b jump , counter b x ~ R 2 legat1Te Divide Aocumulate negative divide n counter b n The contents of the counters are add on. to e.nd jump to ~' . to ,ero and continue pre.ent ~. floe. ting nu..m,ber •• continue pre.,e~t sequenc~. unchan~d It not,set (R) 11 une~ nged. sequence. lote, < (x). by opera t ion. ( n ) 11 Irx.-R r • .. jump may oocur • .45 IhtTltr'''' Ab.ol\lte Va.l ue Threaho ld JUillp l(Rl. I(x)\~ It contln~ ol"uent · sequence. uncha.n~d jUIap 'ixedto Floating ~Y . Cail by operation. It x ~ -R a not occut. ,t'h&. last·S " bit. of (y) .... P ': and let .correctly ,n ormali.•• c; .al1dp... c~ed repr ... 1 , , •• n~tlon .ot ':q . x 2P '. in ft. • . '. ., : " ~ 4' .. ' (y) ' ~Y'.~ l;Ie , .!!!:!~:" . .' " 51 (R) i l <'~' x) @)!I' q., . whe~e,' \ q \< ~ l. ~" ~~~. t.M · , .' '6t.. ':;'. jump to y, Qthenrhe 'loat:1~ .to · Fi-xea: · '. Ta~ ,. q' a.nd .~ " .. pt·. fro. the· tlo&till« Jlwibn .4NAL YB'S ,~.4()E CONSOLIDATI[D VULTEE A1RCAAI"T CORf"O".4T10 N c. ~RE"ARtD BY tI. lwih ....N R £POAT NO 01&00 DIV"ION CJiICKItO lilY - ' MODEL. ,REVISED BY ' DATI[ (PLYP) 8/l1/~ 12/9/54) (reY1I'e d 51 (ooat) Pl.. ting to Pixed 6 ,' ",-490 All ill I. fake p fro. the 1... t 8 bi t. of (x). Store q q.::.,' X @ 1n y and R where 2P'-P B. Subroutine Oper.. ttou (I.. uparate pa~e. tor detail.) 40 ' (bu1e ood.) 41 (bali q code) 42 (bade code) 4, Ctm"ert neuwr1ter 1np"" data. L4 (bade oode) 45 (bade code) 50 Sq,." Root 51 (b..·l0 : ~od.) 52 Print OIl 'leQW'tlt.r t ' ", . ,j 53 ,~ 56 'Loc¥, " fla. CU. ,57 'll...dCa:r~ • " 60 ' Cojl1¥ ". ';1 ,',' ',' t'~ .•,S "" ' ~' 6Q , ,C'etaii;'l ' ~. 63 .~ . ,. ' ", . ~ ~: '. " "<'!.. .' " ... " " l< ' . ': . , ,', , , 10 , I, ~ ) TT . , " '. ',' :~ ,~,- i' ':tr:ae • ' • ~ : .. > . , ~ , ','Sat 61 < '; ' .f :~ . .: ' ~ .... .'::' ~. , . ~. ,:"'. ;- ,f" : '" . , ),. .. I • ! • ... ~" '.' '"" ···.f,,,··· " f. ANA LV.9 15 CQNS OU QATEO liULT£e: A IAC.V.... T CORPORAT'JON C. J. Swift ,.RI:PAR£O Sf CHaCKn~ "AM Oll~ 7 ,.ACiI: 1»0490 ",a.-olri . NO, 0,11 . .10.. !!IY 111 MODEL. REVISI!:O BY 8/n/54 DATa (rni .. cl 12~/54) FLIP Subroutine Speelt1. . t1ona to.tart 1n cen 01000 and a.r.aod1t1ed by tlW P'LIP subroutiae. are ooded .... embly routine under oontrol of tbe FLIP l ...d.r routine. laob ••broutine 1._ .... t~ed a command eode number. I Co--.nd Code Par... tet- ~ placed in dr\B looat'-OD It • OPe -, hu the tora.- D.1. 11 ' o :z: DrUJI ot the .u})routlne where D.!: - ~"\' III ' ~lIt1IIber . , number ot cell. modified n II ot oe11. oecupp1ed Inrut Intormatica At ' the entty to the .ubroutine, the SMoad. OG t& i. I>1~lt . 1 0 00005 (x) 00006 (y) (x) (a) 0 00007 (01734) (x) .(y) (y) 0 y y 20000 Cod • . 4. 5_• .(xl -(x) , . ; 0 7 ' ';'(x) " -(x) .. ", .: J r ""~' 1 (R) 0 0 '1 . (1) , " . , 20000 . 6_ . . (1) (I) (y) .- .(R) 0 ot Co • Qd ~ 2 (-x) thi. intor.at1aa. t . .porar1e. ~ 20000 . -'0- - ., , 36 'bit. exteAl10a ., 00010 of .exp~••,", fro. 36 -b1~; ... rt.~lon · o~ ~xP-~Dt . 00111 (00005) ..' (00006) · fro • ~. 000l~ . ., . ,' R " .... _...... . 11 ud \" ~~lt"GU, . , . , ,1 ~. .. , .'-.: ..... ' ' . ., ', '~ . : . . ..,. t' '" ..... " '. '(~~r~.i~~: ~~".~~, . ;.n.7t'tt7~ .:( .. ~~~. , . .. :. ..... " . :~ z fr ~y Uplil!tllt' - - ~r~i i~ ' hal beG tran'.to~ · ~ ' .~ "\ . .. "., ,', . -C~nd , Oo# ;·ln , 1a-.·-t ~~ o~tai di~t.~ 10000 '; the -', 36 b1t~xtenaio.: ot 'e~"t ·' ~_ '(00005) ;' ~ . . 1a 'lxeou&~oa addr~"~" , x y ". '~ . . .' " .. ·000000000Il00· .~J - • ANALYSIS CONSOLI DATED V U LTE:E' AIRCRAFT CORPORATION ... PREPARED BY 8 PA(iE SAN O'I:G O 0 1"''' ' 0 101 REPORT NO Z).!...J l 90 CHECKED BY MODEL All REVISED BY OATE &/11/54 FLIP tIl {rev i e e d 12/9/ 54 > Ext t Informa t 1 on Subrou ti ne exits ! t o 01607, 01721,01731..., 017 35 or' fl. Exit at OL07. 1' . EJ\:it a t !S hou l d 01721. Pl&C'~ zero 1':0 0173L lo q e o @ 1n I n tr.i e c&se t.h e sub ro u tine 0dX~5 in 0(0 10 Where th e des i red result i s q ' . 2P • l_llnd.r. f':1.a y be It :').'-' The routi ·~ will nf" r ' al i le, test, na('~ int ' P. ', and n u;:b e ra. below) (lI f' e Nor:rAHt~, t<' € t. pack l1'"1 d r tor e . leav~: ' 7wL5. pouible 3v 'bi t '"0 t o 017 31 . • :o.: x i t a t 91731. , 0173 tj or 01737 c. [OO ' ., .,-",::or:, ~. ·k .x, . . .JJ... ..., 1'11\.. ... -ta." ~.'r~)( \ Sex 4 \ " . "k,'., . Sc~. r~f.~ ~ ·t' x,j·.. X: . ~ ~~>~7,. J. "f h--+)C l-t&)l .. ~~)( • ~\,J ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >- }~ Ilol <) ~ 0 II till 0 ¥ .J L U • eww~ Z I: :z: . • LUI: - ~~ f' '. '.' I "t- u• ... ,. s.)( +R~)( : . .' ~' l1-'t,~", t,~:., ~ J-. ~ ~ t •• ';'~/~ . ,.tl~ )"_. ,,~~,,~ ~ • '" tl~~ ~ - e )( .... )C " . . III ... ')( I ~ ~ , ) I S".x-'~ ,...,~._ I ., 0 .. I -1 Ie • - )I . . l(. $c~ t---~W 1"-<'" ).) '><.Jl ..... ~ I • ANALYSI. .. fltEP ... ,U;O 8Y c. CONSOUOAT..I[O VULl'&1l AJRCR ... "T COR~RAnON J. Switt 10 PAQIl ZM-490 RIlJllOJitT NO MOOIlL .AN DlhICS' DIYI.ION CHECKED BY fIt£VISED BY All 8/l1/~ DATil (r.,.ile4 12/9/~ ) FLIP FLIP 8TOltAGI LOC.lTIOI8 Subroutine l\aber .r Code IuI1ber DrUII Addreu Word. Con.tant.l, ......bly Routae 72 40 Buia Cod. 193 14T1 8wbroutiD. Part.lleter. /. tIJ . - 1704 J.oader 61 76~5 01537 17 76553 (01000) 26 76521 (Ol0(0) 31 7~62 (01000) 56 , 71262 (01000) 77260 (01000) 76000 (76000) 71'~ (01000) me;.. (OlOOO) 2 17452 (01000) 18 ,76,00 , (01000) ,S.,are Root Trace • ~' PRln ~ . , 'lexGWriter Iaput COIrAr.101t '. " 76414 ,Pro.... !race n~ ' ,' " . \ ' 16414 ' ~. .. , .. '~ , OOU1 " 76~ (01001) '16'56 (.1000) ... . " ' . J " .! '" " ............ _. \ t .... " . \ 1 • CO"'SOLIOAT~O VULT££ AI"C"A'-" COIlt"ORATlON 11 PAGE ....... 01£00 0""'5 ' ON RE POR T N 0 ZIf.-49< MODE L All DATE 1'::/1r:;/54 Loader .. 76575 01537 11 76655 OOOOQ 7~576 01540 75 30061 01615 76577 01541 11 76600 01542 -76600 D1542 75 30062 01544 76601 01?4~ 11 77716 00040 76602 01544 11 0012 ' 3 Requ1.1tion parnm9ter Pi 76603 01-545 11 0000 4 ft 76604 01546 31 00004 00017 76605 01547 11 20000 '00005 76606 01550 55 00003 00026 76607 01551 11 01621 10000 Ilui: 76610 01552 53 00Q.03 01554 Set order J 76611 0155~ 75 ' 30002 01555 } 76612 01554 ' 11' 0~0~00006 76613 01555 76614 .01556 16 . 0900.4 01576 76615 01557 . 55 00006 00011 76616 01560 : 31 00005 00071 76617 01561 .. 52 76620 01562 47 0156301601 76621 01563 . 55'· 00006 00'014 . ( .: 76622 ... k .J . } ~ ~ ~ ~d Aaaembly to ES th ,. .....,e (Pi) ....... OP ~· e ~ ( t ) 5 ~ (t ) 3 q "requiai tion subroutine Fllrametera Requhi tion S~.r.o'!.~~ ~ e Parametea Pi', P2 . ot62~. . Transfer Conltante 1. 15 00006 01576 } "" Transfer loader to ES Se t order, "ir~ns fer !I ubroutine t~ ES't Place parametet' f -; r &sserubly r.outioe · , . 00122 Ie this th,. tflrmina~lort fla~? \, .01S€?4 : 11 .01577 ~Oooor' Set repeat order t ·rr..n~ fer .lsbr~~t1ne to U· j 01565 ' . ,2 .Q1621-:01575 '/ ... : ."..,: . 76624 . .01566 . ,t6 Ol)'Oor 01571' .' 76623 .. .. : • " . .. o1.~i.' ·55 00007 00025 " , "' . ' .. . '. ' . , 766~6. '. ',.:' 01570 ',1.0 '10000 01572 ,'< - . • . '.....,',':' '.:. : ~ ~ 766~_t~:< ·:· ~5'~i ~.·:~~'· ~~'4.[3QoO?J· '; ... - , . I " .. :', . . . " Set ~ ' ". " " .... ' .... -....-'::j.......::'~'. - • 166~5 '-:. ' ., . .:"'.' .ubrout!!'l~ r.~nenc.. " ' 111 sUle C. ., CON.Ol.I~AT£O VULT££ A I "CI'tAI"T tOA"OI't"TION ."Ioi Olf:QO R p O W', , ' M O Ot D ATE ~ooog 01572. 15 00005 76631 01573 76632 0157' 76633 01575 [77 77177 777771} 01576 11 @OOOO 00000] Transfer Subroutine t o ES 01577 75 30000 01544 Prototype order for 76636 01600 00 00000 00000 · Parameter for leTO subroutine" 76637 01601 '11 01620 01774 76640 n1602 11 01617 00001 76641 01603 11 01622 00002 76642 01604 37 00101 00100 76643 01605 75 10003 01607 } . 76644 01606 11 QP040 '01775 76645 01607 75 30275 01774 } 16646 01610 .11 i6755 0114 17 76647 016i1 75 30222 01776 • 76650 01612 11 77027 01551 76651 01613 75 30236 . 01776 ' 76652 01614 . 11 77014 91536 76653 01615 75 30074 01542 76654 . 01616 1176661 01704 76655. -01617 .45 OOQOO 01624 , 7,6656 01620 , 56 '00000 00010 21 01544 00073} 21 01561 00074 , Step to next subroutine - . 01575 obsoleto order Kod~ fy subroutines Clear FLIP temporaries Tr~sf.r in Ba.ic (LIP " Obsolete - Trans f er Subroutine parameters to ES , (J.) ·2 · Exit' order tor· }oader ". 01621 ': 00 00177 ' 00000 , 76660 ' 01622 . 45 00000 76761 . . E~traotor ", obi olete order zw-.49C 111 1n 115/?lJ ir e 1-1" ..::, bI,1 . ~ 11~o '01m .' ~., Oi'56~ ,4,' 00000 01605 ~ 'b~ ·· l44ca TTO" ' ' oi~ ' i6 17IJio' ..~. ~~. jqp to·~o 3"'. , 01~ 0s.n6 "' }' '" ~(~, ~ O1m ~. ~ ~ .~~" 00000 017)~.. . " ' co"-ud J 40' coaau" ~ ,,' Ol~' 42 0001- 0160R , ~ b-490 M O DEL .:\ 12/14/54 "< .~'" i f ' , .,. t:" CONSOLIDATED IIULTEE A I R C RAFT CO RPORATIO"l SAN OI(GO D IVI S IO N 1..7 PI"'GE.. , All lo/15/~ MO DEL D A TE 7704'r 01571 77050 01572 16 01734 00012} 16 01736 0173 4 77 051 01573 16 00012 01736 77052 01574 , 23 20000 00011 77053 01575 46 01602 01576 If 77054 01576 47 01603 01577 I f , 1S,eX 77055 01577 12 00005 00005' 77056 01600 12 00006 20000 77057 01601 42 00005 01603 ,ty I ~R If lx \ >\ T '1 1'7060 01602 16' ,01734 Chug_ ,xit 77061 01603 11 01774 20000 ' 77062 01604 45 00090 01735 77063 77064 23 20000 00011 01606 " 42 00056 01611 77065 01607 77066 01610 ,45 00000 0173- 77067 01611 46 , 01r'37 01612 77070 01612 13 20000 .' 20000 . 77.071 01613 35 ' 01773 Interchanr. y ..nd Exit .eX-.cY ~ 41 c~d jump to 1602 '7 ICY) jump to 1603 ~ I' 111 01736 \ \1 6 , command R ~ .eX , !C! , jUIllp to lW3 ~~ ' R Exit 01605 ~ p .. pi R jump to 1611 11 00046 20000 Clea.r a~wer Exit - it < o. -> R p - pt ' p' .. p, o16l~ Set order I jump t ~ ~ pf 2 P- -_ , 0 q '. ~ 77072 ,01'614 '54 00006 00110 7707l 01615 '45 77074 01616 q • 2 P- P '..., q oooqo 0113'4 ' " y..., B 11 00006, qooo7 . .. ,. , Exit , t"pi' o rd ~ r. 4 \ 1707 5 01'617 77.076 01620 77077 01,621 ' 54 00011' 00054 ' ,77100 01622 ,11 0177'4 00006 77101 01623 , 4-5, 00000 .oi7~~ " 31 01774 9003,4 . I \ I " I , {~) ~ Y, ,8?Y', un,pAck ' ; .. 20000 ,00011 U Z~-490 REPORT N0 ' ,0 . " ,. • 7710~ , , 01624 'f' .... • ,,' ... ' '! . . :. ' . ' ..... JUIlJ> 'to l.i\ll ti ply ' . • , • .... ~-i ;;.~ . " -. .,.Of·. • J ., ~6 - 000Q?,' 011>6 ", "" ,,_" S,'to~, ,'ex'it .. ',,~' " _.. " 77103 ,: 016~?,' 11-~2,ci90.6 :~1.17Ji , 7710.- 016g6 . 11 , t'ooo-o ":01.775 · . . .2 • "., '. t ':' - .., Stbr~ )\ '~:1t - '" . - ' $tor. , ({_~' ~ " ,,~, -~. ~ ,~ ·a'" ',. '.: " >. ••. .. ';i DTeR ..<,:1;-:":: ;:-:., .:--: " '. ..,. 4 ( > • .. '. '" ".~ ,,£.. • ', ':'. . ... CONSOL'OAT€O VULT€I: A" fIICAAFT CO"P'OItATION . 18 P,-.uf , SA ... O'I:GO DIV I SION RtP U Al P\j L~ All ~ ODEL 10/15/:;.... D ATE 71105 01627 17106 .()163Q 35 01766 01631 71107 01631 11 [00000] 10000 77110 01632 75' 30004 01634 77111 01633 51 01761 00004 77112 01634 3~ 00007 31 00000.' 00017 , 72 00005 01777 77114 54 20000 00001 --. b2 01637 77U6 01640 , 73 01765 10000 71117 01641 16 10000 01652 77120 01642 55 10000 00017' 77121 01643 11 10000 00013 77122 01644 S4 20000 00075 17123 . 7712- 01645 ' 16 ,20000 017 3~, 01646 16 20000 00013' :- 77125 01647 16 20000 01655 -17126 01650 75 10003 01652 . } 77127 .01651.', 11 00040 00005 '\ 71133 .-, ..,. ' t5 1 ~ 4ddressei t6 J Ba.i~ Address •• Put Execution Pr••• t o ~OOO5 pOOog' 47 01655 0165,, ' 01654' 11 ' 01770 00005 01655 ~'1 00'0 ?6 " , • I Addre8 ~ ea , PIckUp and Store iato ~13 order. 1 .. T and B (x) ~ 1. OtX 2" 1 55 , ~ ~ ooo,oq' " .01656 ',: =1&7 01660 01957 , .' <- ~ Pickup ' 01653 • b 1. indicators . 01652 r [21 • q 72 00006 01776 ' -77132 ~I indic~tor. Modify 71115 77131 :> Iutructlon 00012 77113 ' 71130 Z'J...J.GO , Pic~ , ..' , '.. ' 0"7" .' ; , ' ' ..- " •. ' • " ," • 2- 1$5 , , .< .' '. -, ',' ,:I, , ;\' ~ : '. y , ~ ,(,) ~ J{ • t ., , .. " ." =; l·· . ..,".' < , t7 CONSOLlo~tI:O VULtln: "'''CRAFT C.()R~ORATION -19 P* OFf~TtON, ;- S"""'" ~ O'£GO O h.~4): I~J "4 >' AiSL' ~l "EP(~~T " 77 235 01757 11 :00040 00007 o~ 77236 017 60 45 00000 01701 Jump to ADD 77-Z37 01761 00 ' 77000 00000 77240 C' 1 762 00 002{)0 02000 77241 01763 00 00400 0400.0 77242 , 01764 77243 017~5 00 00400'00000 1'7244 01766 10 77777 ,1 0000 77245.- 01767 ' 54 ' OOOO~' OO107 7724() 01770 00 00000 00200 7724.7 017 71 71 77777 77600 77250 01772 77" 77777 77400- 7~251. , 0177 3 ' 54 00006 00110 '00 2." - " ')( ll' M~C.' r:. I. l) 4, H 1" 'l :'. /;J-l B Extractors 00177 ' 717'77 01631 Prototype . r , C1714 ,~ '" . ' ... " ,. : " , ... .'. '~_.1' .l , '~ -. .... " , ." :, .,: ,'" ,.- .,,-; . . ~. .~ ..... :.' -'- ,.. , '\ ,"; .:' '! ~ ::" '" . '.:--' _' :S.,'/' • ~ ". -==-- - . - -- ---= -" " - , . CONSOLIOATED VUl. TE£ AIR C RA Ft C ORPORA T ION S ...... OI£GoO Oiv'SI O "" , ~ ,. : 22 I .\ " . '. • 12/1.'./cJ.. Alarm Print • 76000 76000 4, 00000 ~OOOO 76 02.~ 7602~ 76001 76001 . 45 00000 76024 7602~ 76024' 16 76031 760 W . 76002 '7 760,0 76025 7602~ 76025 11 20000 ()()(){)4. 76003 31 76000 00017 76026 76026 . ~ 20000 {)()()44 76oo~ 76027 76027 11 20000 ~ 76030 760:~0 30000 760'1 .760'1 00 00000 76006 76032 760,2 U ~7 00006 760~n 760" 61 00000 ~4 760~ 760~ " 7603' 7603" .. .' 51 00067 20000 . 76036 '5 0004,2 760 37, . 76004 76004 76~ 7600, U 30000 76000 76006 76006 11 7604} 00006 76007 76007 76010 76010 61 00000 760U 76011 41 00006 76007 76012 76012 l' ' oOo~ , 20000 • • l' 20000 ,~ , 76042 00006 7~2 56 00000 76000 4, OOQOO 10000 0000, ' , . 7601.3 76013 '2 76000 0002, ,'.- 76036 7601~ 7601- 11 20000 10000 760~1 760'7 00 OOOQO 00000 7601, 7601.5 U 00044 00006 76040 76040 41 00006 76016 76016 ~7 7604t'· 760" 76~1 7604; . 4, 00000 30000 , . 76042 16042 -5 ~~ ' Oi207 16017 . - 76017 11 ... 76020 .76021 76020 00<>05 ' 10000 '~' 37 76~1, 760,? . 16021 11 . ~ '. -10000 . . . " 760~ l 04 79 ' 76044 . ' . 76043 00 90~ 00005 00 00060 00000 760:4• .. , .- " .. .' . , .r ' ~ .; , .. ' ' .' .. (" O NSOl IO .... 1E:O VUl TEE AIRCRAFT C"O RPORATION "'s ..... D ' ''~<) O'''11HO .... 0" T lliPl ' ! SW' CqfjCK for f'LIP 76414 • 51 00000 00000 Halt oooooJ 76<.1' 7641, [00 00000 7f>416 76416 'U 40000 00000 7~11 16417 2, 10000 10000 76420 70.201'22000 76421 704 21 ~2 76422 7b4~ ~ 7641' 10000 7042~ 7642~ 2, 10000 7641' 76425 7642, 7' 10012 7~ 31 76426 76426 61 00000 764}4 16427 7tJ.+27 7' 100t2 7~141 ' BUll 76000 764~0 764 30 61 00000 764~6 76451 76431 " 16 7~" 40000, 764'2 ~ 7~'3 00 00000. 764,. 00 ~ ~, 764), 764 ~, 00 00000 0004 7 76436 764 }6 00 000Q0 00026 7~ '7 00 7~40 00 00000 0<»14 764'2' 764}1 7~O 764.41 I ..: . olear A,Q Check .um l S 00000 40000 " 76'7' 00000 00011 . '. . Print "N" 00" •• t orrler Halt a.Jdreaa FLE:XOWRITER 12/11./54 CONSOLl 'OATEO IIULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATION , SA'" OI~GO OrV1510 .. .H E p~ M l 1rl.l .. 764-, . 76445 76446 76446 00 00000 ()()()4, 76447 76i447 00, 00000 00047 764,0 76450 00 764'1 761+'1 00 00000 00006' 764~ 76452 ' 00 .00000 0000, 164" ' 764,~ 00 00000 00004 764~ 76454 00 00000 0001' 76455 76455 00 00000 OOOO} 76456 76456 OQ 00000 00002 , 761+57 0000000 ~7 OOOOO()()()()2 76457 00 00000 000'7 40000 45 00000 40Q00 7~16 EN1'RA.NCE " " ", -": . A , i. ,r ~ ":. S', '" ", ......~. " . S ,~. , ." ~.;", ... -: .. . ~. "~ 'J. 1 ~ • .:,~ , ' ;. .:' , ,i, :"J" . . ~ .. ..... .. '( ~ , . '".'., 24 P A Gf, .. • :'I- -. 'I ~ t T "" . J ..., ' . ->~ .. . , . ... ' L ....' . "U L. • t; to. A I I'/C~ I(f T COR P 'OR" T ION S ....... D . L.u O £;'''''> .. . 7774 7 1"716 . . 'YJOh 0 . 00 ·00000 00000 n .720 -n"2t 77723 00 77777 00000 00 00000 00002 ' 00072 00 00000 TI777 0004 2 61 00000 0004 5 000-" 00 00001..,'00000 . JoeL. ~ : 00 00000 00003 ooo-n. 00 -00.000 00001 0007' 00 00001 00001 00076 00 07777 .0T i·77 .ooorr '. 00 00000 COllO 00100 11 001222Q()OO 77757 00101 47 0010'2 00000 00 00000 ()()()fA TI760 . 00102 QOOO9.-00062 : 7tr61 OfJ(I4 5 00 OOO(}() OOO~ 7 0 (.\()4 {} '.lO' ('J\.) ()4 7 000(0)0 00074 · ooqoo 00052 777'>5 . c<>05.1 77 f }O ' i,)()052 · 00 . c '0005i 7JOO07~ 001.o4 .~ ~ 00006 00 00000 90072 7776, ... 0010, . ~t 90005. 00110 777'>3 000.55 00 00000 ·00060 : 777M', ':~ '00106 'c. 21" 00100 0007} .·i'7T;.iJ 0005/5 00 00000 oooS} ~ • <' . . :', 777~( . "l , ~ , ' TI74' . : 1"77". • ~. }1~46314 ; 6314ti :f I.: ',. ',:-1 . ' .'I: ~ JGOrn ,~. . ' ', . ' '.~: t. . " . "tti.72 QOOOO '. ::,- .~, :., .:~':', 'Trn~ :,;~.l '"v I •••• \.~ , . . ~ " 00<>70 f,--{~);~-~,-.,;".~.:. . ~J:. :C1 """7m '" '7!!'L1"'"" ;.' ..• ' . ·,;~, J ~~c,' ~:~-. ~,,;, . ' r ~.r; .. tJ ,;;~;~:·, .'~: : ..:: .:.1- OOt1.,' :: 71 ~~~ oc<>ci~"" '.: :. ·.~·:o0116 ~:!'".::~~ ;f~ '",,: ).'-'/~ ',~ ",~._ "c'.'. '~~1 ' .~.::. . \~,;~.~: · (.,l ,~f '. . · "'or >.~~~. ~1on.· ~:'rl~li ·~ ~~b,," ~li,ort:: ~~19:1 · .' ''' ' ' : : . "~,. '~~~~": :~ '. , .t..' . :.~'{ '~."'''' r}~ . ~;.. , . .. ' .0011:4 ' ,11,:0007": 10000 . . ,:,"- .... ~ >," ~. .~ .. \ . "', . . :... .. ~,/ ";,. .;\..., ":'. '77.'n1 . ': .' ~ ; " ~ ~OOO? q>93~:-,' <: .. "",': · · 00065 ' ~ ·676h" 'Q..ij1';:.~ .~"'. ,~, '" .' \~ "-. '5 ':J,.... ", '::.. , '.~: .. ~~ ; . .,.~ : \" _.:'" :" . ''''''000: '00 ~OO ''",~~~;~~' .-' -",~~... ~ " ,v~ '~,,-: ," ~~." ~ ., . . -; , 00061..00600 ' , . .~, (~20. wooq~ \ ..~ .'.;.~/'.<~~1, 21,~ ~74e.,; m4, '~» OOO6T" oO ' ()()()Q() '~YT ".:;; ···:·:11tr6 , · ··~, oo1io····: 4' ·~ -~O) ·;~··'~ ..: ;~' ;.'.. · ';.~. l , ;',~ ' ',,,', "'. .. \', . ".~ ":, <1 ct ..:>'.",';,. :' ,":. ,,; ';~"';' ,': / . ' ,.- -. . .-. ~·:!'·-'t:~ .:., ;' .,,, . . 00ill ,21 00007 n·{42 ·.' ~ .~· ~ooo~ .: ," .. • . ,,' ~ . 31' 1o~,,~ '~4,~':,: .. '.. ' Qt)O?, . . . ':.-. f . .Tr74~ . I • m67' " 00:U1 .. U 00040 \ 00061 ' 00 00000 ~ ~ '77737 ' ',~ " T.t766.;. ... 00 OOOOQ. 00012 '. 00060 i· , "" 77765: . 0010,7 ·' 4, 00000 00100 4 •. oc05'r ooOopoo 00013 .' - .. : . .( 00054 ,"tTl?>' .. ~ .171'2 ... 25 , F< r r, " Z):~90 00005 00:1 03 16 ' 20000 00112 . 71162 . 00 00000 · 00066 i i. , . ,' p, 00071 .- , " . .( 14;- ,)0041 7T~2 7 77731 (>0, . '" ,~, .'.' " ,.:..,:. , .' C OI\.5JU ., ATE I "'~l P .. ~t U ev ~" f (_ "t D 'H. , Sf '. ) C •.]. Sw1. \, 'L • E " ",p. '"I AFT C ().fH' 0 RA"T lON rt L ~":l Z)f~9C I'fEPORJ "" ,, S. L. Pollack a" PA GE All MODE L o A1£ !-"( 1l/ 15/ SL " FLIP Flexowriter Input Conversi ': n RQut1ne Command Codel 43 Numrer of Cella. 58 I De;scription -This cO!'IIM.nd con~er t l! ' a twr-wor d inpv.t rl!tpreeentation of a .numberto tnt normalited FLIP Conn 'l.lid storp's t he result in· y, but not in-,R·. . . worde are (x) a r: d ~-r 1). Jf character ' (' Od,tH. The' two -" When tann 6 bit. at . .. ti!!le they are 1.2 flexowr-iter the number represented 1't ' 10 p' . J 0.1 ~ q' (. 1 the5e flexnwritercharactere arf.n .' .. 2.. 1 :4= 3 4. 5 6 7 e 9 q. 9 q q .±' q q .: q 1'1 '.. 1.2 10 P P . ,... t The .dec imal . (notpti.en·t ) prefede,~ < ph~ racter- nuaber~. .- . .... ~ The ;,1 ~ po.itllJnfl I ~ " 8reco~.1~.r,dplu. uni. ~ . Occup~ 1ed' by. 'minu. s i~ (o;tal 5£). , j ' -' 'I'h$twelfth ,.' di~Jt~ . i-nm.ta,terh}~nq.-in u3. U8.ny. b': ·~ ' ,~IlY'Ti&~e r~t;.\.Irn .. r tr the ~~r r~'p:~~' ~~n~~'d~>c~~d~ : ~lZl d 1 .. 1~q , in ..l'i.cilut~. :: 't'i'. p ' ia' n~t . a_rl~.i mf-r.1 t~r ' n~T teal . , c';, .' • iHr:tt, . .' 1 ~'~1t~de;' ~t .' ~( • • an alaht halt will . ; r ,~, ... '- ~ . '. ' ~ . ~ .... ' ..... ~, ' ~_t· ~ ~ ,,~, 'I';'. ,, , ...... '," 0 ,~ ;. ....:.' - 'r"';.' . A · ,,' ~Y S I~(' "~(illn A TE:I ) " 'H. PAR.£ C' " ' . '; F ,- Kf. O BY Hr"I" ~ [' C. J. S. L. ~ w1 t't . ULT(E A IRC"l A "T CORPO RA TIO N ~" .. '-'~"", (' ~,~ PA G f .... 4~ -2 RE POR'T ..... " Poll~ck "" o DEI flY DATE ZII-L90 All 1l/15/~ II . F1 OW Chart tJ~C. 'f"""'r.t/ C!vl' ....... t" "".1lf''S~4 i tl'l.~1 Ilf"')""~ I I ---==~==============~ f'I -I I I r- ---- -.-- --I .1:' lal . h J' ~ tV ~ 1 , I \' 'I I F' ·- 1- T·· r <: .- I - --1 la N. -');V ! ", t.!.._~. ~ I i --- ~..:I-:..e..) , ,.j ," ' f' ; ~;. .' 1 , ~, C ONSOLIDATED 'It'UL T££ Af~ C ~""F'T CORP O R"' T ION ~ 773'52 01000 16 01042 01025 77"3 01001 l' " 7D ~ 01002 16 00013 . 01064 r3~5 O1OC3 U 77356 01004 U 010,1 00012 (; 773'7 01~ U 010,1 0000' 0 77360 01006 U 01046 0102- 7r ~1 01907 ~7 01041 7n62 01010 4~ ,00061 01012 77}63 01011 23 01024 n~f:). 01012 2' 00005 00005 77~5 0101.) ~7 " 77366 \ , " 01011. ()()()U ~ 01017 1.1 ( J 1 7737' 01023' ,41 00003 01Q13 ' .. 77402 7(403 ~ 714 04 • '. - . :- n4a, 774 06 f'r\07 ... .A. ;.:: ' ,. ' " • r • • .- to(: .' . : 10 ~~d .,. I ~ .~ . 1Ddex t,ally '2 '" "'.' r ",.,' :': . ~ '30000] , :£ .~..~ f:.~ . :,' .. _ .. ,," ,':;' d.., . J . }7 ~ 300Ci0,: I)) , ;'74;)1 +~~ [.~~ S . c;j,e , i, ~ . 01~4 ' [~ 01~ .' -< 8i~ . d. ' btnarYd,1'~t " ~. ' • 01022 . ~'OOO()7~_ooOo5 77400 rnl~ua ·one did t -,. TIY{14 . ,C. i r.n) -. 01021 71 00060 0000, 77377 J • 'it. -"" N order 0-...,. . 7T~7' 77'76 ta 11y 1 _ charge order: 00060 OOOOT- . ~ Teat for 01016 01020 . 23 00007 00006 +: e.lly 2 let FLEX dlp:lt 7.5 20013 7604, 77'71 x. ~ , .~t 010 ~ 01016 '1 00064 00006 --,. ( x) 01.Q~2 77370 77372 • et or j ar a 01041 010,2 ~, ~...490 -. } 00004 01015 43 • j~p .~ . Ie t swi t c: h Ia 01003 7Ty57 . 4}-3 PA.l.>[ ~, ,I:, ." ~ ',' " ~ ... , '. ,~ . "N· ~f31 . -'-; .: 'A': " . ' (:;' :~31 :!.u· lo1~,:f;( .' !V ': ~ _' . . . -: ,- ,;., ' , ' .~: ... PM-.~ , CON50LtriA'T£O VUL T££ AIACAAFT CO ..... OftATION SAN 01 1:1:00 D I V I S I ON 43~ I'ft..P' .J RT N O I, 17410 010~ 11 00067 00012 7 m11 01.0'7 " ~ 00006 .hilt 77412, , 01040 77413 ~1 4, 00000 7741- 01042 00 7~~ O1Ok" 11 00074 0000, ,1 ~ ~ QOOOO % ~ , exit 00000 0104, tally 2 o~ u 01~ 77417 0104, 4, 00000 01007 77420 01046 77421 01C#7 13 00005 000" 0101.7 12/11/54 O..., T£ flex di r.t t tract to A con. ant ,1 tally 1 ~ 1-'" ~16 JK-490 MODEL 01~ set order .. .. ?t.~ d ••• jump i . l' ~ 000'2 ...!..... ' oOrultanta 1'7422 010,0 02 00000 00000 7742' 01~1 00 00000 00006 m~ 00014 , 16; 017}6 ()()()()2 7742' 0001' 14 ' 4200' 20031 m26 00016 77427 , 00017 (14 } U 20000 , 00032 3000' l00}2. .tore ~xit FIXF.D ~ . " 'T(4}O 00020 21, 000" m,1 na.,2 ~ 46 OOO1I1. ~ '." TT'i" ' T74,~ . 77~'7 . '. -d.'. ·. oooa.O 00026 ',0002:.5 ' 14 '2000' 100,2 OOQ24' , 2" ~ 4,"00000 ~, " 00021 16 ' ~" ;. ~ oQo ~O , ~'~ " 01070 1"" , 45 00000 . 24 qQOQo • ., 'ex) 101 1· ~ d ••• " .~ ,00074 ", • <, • , qooz: , ," '~ z" } ~ . .:: \ " . : , < .... , 1 -, l(~ ", ~. . 10 7' ,' .' 00461 U20cr "':; ~, ,;' : _xi t ~ 6tn~l -' .:;. ,- . .', .tOre " 017?6 ' ~}:,;,. , .. ,e ~ , O,d ' .• ~ ' ~ 11 OOO'~ ' OOOOO ",~ ," " 00074 rr, PLOATING N-r , /D -,,>N ,~ 00022 . a1dre •• . ':, -"' . . .:. . '. .' :>16¥; "i66i;;.':r.a h;'lQ ~ , ~ . ~ '. · l.i.d~~ par__~~.. ~: '~. '; . '" ' . ... & "'A~ vS)S . . CO~.SOLJDATED PHEP.JlEO 8'1' .... ._ "E r .... [ 0 BY :;. . i. F(I 1 . " k• \ f VIJL TEl! A 1RCR,I.-T C< "PC';"' I\ fl C' ''' PA T '·, -1 \....~ .. l f .. :: wi I t Rf,,$t-D B " I \ C'or.t!r.llnd Coder ·1 17 Thi8 cnmrnand c~~~ ute8 the square root of (x) and etorea It in with full accuracy. ' An Alarm H'alt .occurs f or ne l"ative arvuments. II J Flow Chart .f.$,)( 1:' (kt .. Sc )(:-1 , 'j " -.;......,----.-..'.J. L -__ :, / " ~IItA,.rlr . ex;r " . /.', .... ' .. . CONSOLIOATED VULTE!: AIRCRAFT: CORPORATION • 'AN qilGO O I\,ISION - P Au f. 50-2 ~LP () H r ~,,'l %11-.490 MODt:. L D AT E. so SQllARE R"('1' SUBROUrltm 76", 01000 11 0000, 20000 I 76,~ 01001 ~6 7604, 01002 XrO 76'5~ 01002 42 0007~ 01~ 2- 1"5 - IX 76'56 0100' ~ 00010 00107 i 76"7 01004 4, 20000 01010 sex odd! 76560 . 01~ 46 01006 01007 .CX10 76~1 01006 " .eX -+-1 -J1 .ex 76~2' 01007 ~ ~ 76~' 01010 11 ~ ()()0()6 ' 76~ ,01011 76~, 91012 76~ 0101' 7' 0000, ~ 76'}67 ,0101~ 54 76'70 010t.~ ~'10000 ~ 76'71 ' 01016 76'72 01017 4. 010~ 01020 76'7' 01020 4, 00000 01721 ' 11 00074 00010 2:1 , ~ 0000, ~2 (le 11 (x) .. OT) ..... .ex - --::> X ~ xi ~®. ~A !V'..;. Xi ---'" ~ , i Xi ' ~ A.,t s 00107 "}B i-il:.;\-X{" .~ ~ ~ ' -: Xi ~ @ th ,® ,': Q .. ~ Xi txl , ---. Xi ... 1 A X~ 10 , -- . . ; -: ' , ' .1' , .. ,, ' A x~{g\ 8C x ~N 1 - 2- 35 00070 .~ 51 00006 ~ ix 00107 12/14/54 ' ' \." • ~. . ,t' . .,. ~ C()NSOU~T£O ytJt.TEI!: AIRCRAFT q::>R PORA-TiON 4- N A t YSIS PR£PAR{O 8\' r: H( C M:ED B'V C. J. S1rlt"t 52~1 "PAGE SAN OllC.O 01\11510" Z.M~ R£POftT "40 - S~ L. Pollack MOO'£; L o;"u RE . ' SE D BY 4.11 li/15/Sl FLIP Print and Pune,h Subroutine Pr i nt Co~d COdel 52 Punch Command Code J '53 DeHri pHon I These two co~d. CCHlv~,t _ (x} to a floatinrr · c n t he tl"xowri ter or . pUnch a ~l~xolf'd ter tape. For theae ." , . '- '-," -..~- , ," '" " ~ -, . ~ .. ,,> >:.:, ',' .I.; ". '\ ". ':J '. 'j. '01- .. ~' . Or Jl.r-,.ALVSIS PREPARED BY C H.ECKED BY REV I SED CONS?LlDATI!O VULT!!!. AIRCRAfT C~PO~AT'ION .c. J. Sri f't S. L. Pollack ll.AN O'~GO PAGE (> ''' '.' 0''< 52-2 ... RfPOR'T "' 0 ",oo'n S .... O"'T£ Z. ..t..9C A! l ll/ ly~ Print and Punch Subroutine II "lOW' Chart · r.:. . .,.· ,h19\p"."~J Iot.. .. ~'" q, "."' •• V''\;' . .... '" " •• t.T" , .,/t,l c(lI~ ,.ft .1!t>"f4.#--es \to,.· ~ 'I "+$ .... Q\ (I"' • • .,.,. gfuflpo.,. • .,y. · ~.cqf'·."", 1IY1c;f 11'1 1-41\.~'- i .-;:, FL" /I t>,d~yS I . l(""" I. S "f(E o ~ ~c':'~'" ~)l,..,,~>. t" (d . ~.'\ T"."'I.~ ........, I. r. """••.•• .,., 1«.t.'."1 '. d , c.t,..,~ : C ...... ~--,~-~ -...-:-- .-- ~.- ·,v~D .,., ......... ; - - AI, " .;.... P .. t"'Sf'-'." +Q a,I p~' f.~~ -:. t,,<'6t .- !. . p..~. 4 , ',.t~ ." ~f llil.' '" P, f. PI'" , .' , ' p, ....p ... · .... tCl,~J. ;, . ,t.·' 'to 1'J , t > • I • ;PlAt "'~l, (t<,. f A,«, .. . ... ~',... f Ij ." ~ ,.. ~ . \. ..~. "'" ·r.t it:~",:#.Y': ·~ ".1.~ " . , .. ~v .'.,t ~".·t~ ~~, ;to . . : ~.'., . r ..:t7't~.~ p. .....·( ... , ~~ ··f; .. ""'tit , , ·. ;',t.'fi-'t't ,. P;:" > ((;\1..,. Jo"&.,,. ' ,..~",, .. 1'.- \. L .' " - ~. l • -...... .. f·· I : I , .... ... C ONSOLIOATED VULTE£ "' I RCRAFT COR .. OAATlO,:, . " .. D I EGO O I V I S JO '" 53 7726Q PU1iCH SHBRflUTIlf! Pl"oto~ ~ t2 . 01000 U 01067 01001 11 00005 0003' x -.., t35 01002 11 00040 00036 o 01003 7' 3001.6" 0100, 01004 11 01051 0001, 01005 54 C>OOO5 2001, 01 ")(.,6 - 4~ 01007 3"7 00027 0001' 01010 75 10020 01012 01011 13. 00074 ' 00015 77274 01012 71 000" 77275 01013 46 01014 0101' .{ 77276 01014 11 0103 7 00015 S 7721"7 0101' 54 20000 01016 12. 20000 200JO 77301 01017 ~5 77302 01020 ' 73 77263 772 70 ,. .. 7no, ..01021 . 7"0DA .01022 7730' 000()2 20000 01010 :r ~xponttnt (rl.~. ) load tempora,y nrder. 1... t X I J 01~1 OOO~l 1 '107 sa inte r:er 01()50 20000 Round 01~1 1_ t diY,i t 00016 13 .01040 00017 75 --?d&cLnal de-ciul pOi.n t 30006 01024 · } ' ~emaining 0:102 ~ : ." 0104'20 20 77}06 digit. .et doormal point . TI307 01025 u T7,10 ~026 4.6 01;027 01030 113'1:1 . 01027 U 010'7 00027 ooo}6 20000< J~. ad.jUl t ':ai gn' d·h-it of., d ••• 77312 ."' o103Q 12' 2OQOO 2Qqdo '. . lit d1.t1 t d';tt. ""! F ! " t ...• ). !.. 52-3 &-490 q-' , CON SOLIDA TED Ir'UL T£« AIRCRA"T CORPORA lION 010}7 00 00000 0001- 12. 01040 00 00000 00006 6. 77323 01041 00 00461 13200 77321t 01042 ' 00 OOO}6 4UOO 77325 0104, 00 OOOO} TI326 01044 00 00000 2,420 'rTI27 0104 5 , 00 00000 017';0 ' 00000 ~ 12/14/54 o,~o 00 m31 ,0104 7 00 00000 00012 m~2 01050 00 00000 77333 00015 1.6 01 T~6 ()()()1j 7n}4 00016 21 OOO~ 00074- d •• -;+ 1 77335 00017 14 '000' 200" • ~ 10 4 ' 11 77336 Q()()2() 77337 00021 (14 45003 0002, n}4o 00022 23 000 ~ 0007~ 77}41, 0002' ' 14 2000, 200" 77}42 00024 7~' 00025 :14 ,100, 200', 77~ 00026 16 0001' Teetore exit 77}45 ~7. 4, 00000 01T}6 01T}' exit 77}4.6 000,0 37 7m7 }OOOO 77~ 7 000,1 2; ' 77777 75404 77'50 000'2 24 00000 ~ 77351 01067 63 00000 ()()()45 00144 10 ~ , 5 .ave exit addrel' r 1ll 4 5 3 l00~ ~d.e • 10.1 . 1,1 d ••• -l ~ d.e. lON ~ N ~ P'LOA'fING . - . FIXED 1 (adju.ted for roundin~) t, 10 ' '(adju.ted ,for rO~llding) I0 , prototype Qrder ., 7670" , 70 ,71262 03409 ' l_der- ' paraaeter ' " I ' 52 PR'INT . SUBRCUT:!JI 01000 11 00042 - aet prototype . 0Q002 ", " .. ", ~ II ',; ..... ., ~ - , 4 ~" - • ", .. f' h-L90 MODE L ' DATE 01046 4, 00000 52-4 P,,-,., REP')~1 NO \ . :., ,- ANALYSIS CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPOF'lATION PREPAREO CHE~KE D C. J. ,Swift BY REPORT "'0 S . L. PollllcK BY ~-1 PAGE !tAN DlfGO DIVISI()'" MOOEL REvlSlO B Y D A TE ;." -J ..QC <\"'..1 ' (- I 11 l "-,/:Y.I fLIP ' LOrarit~~ Subrouti~ e Nurot,er of Ce 11s r 31 I Deecription !hi! command c~utel lOJr>e (x.) and 6 ton~1I 't he r"}sul t in y "nd R. A , (l) polynom.i a l a p,?ro il!l UBe d w-h1c h ,~i vea Il n:s.ximum error of the order of II 3 • 10-8. Fl C)?I Chll:- t , ()) .. 8·l. ~ ) X=-)..~'I - L')! ()r):; (1" -I) L" ').. ~ I I .. ~ . 1, " ) t t.. '" ()( .. /) fJ t 7 L~' _(~ ; I) : G. ~ . ~ • ~ X\ .. .. : a.~.A ,6 , . ~ 4o"" ,L .. -L - -~,-. - .. o~ 0 ,L i " -Ii.,.. - / ...... ~/t.' , N.I't , ' , 6. ,.,. " ,. ... (i) "See 8lw.t 56'• .lpl>roxl. . t1ou b~ lu..rlI:Mtl Anal,..f. I .a publication 01 'the, Rand ,C,p TporiitiClll '-. ' , ,,',,' -.' , .: , : " .. ' ----- , ' CQN..5OCTpATfO VVLTE£ AIRCRAFT ~ ."N O', I£G O ,O'\(IS 'O.. . C Of~POR,"'rION ' .. ' .~// 76462 01000 }6 oOO~, 00010 • 7646} 01001 13 0000, 20000 76464 01002 4~ 00066 0102, 7646, 01.00' ,~ 00066 <>0006 ? ,.' .. "". 7~ ' 01004 " 54 ,ooQo6 00001 16467 0100, '. "-. p-l } } ~ p, CliO . 2q-l ,. OJ) ~ x ':0- 'ti -61022Q1007 S ~ i 0 -7 L " ~ ;< .- '76470 ' 01006 'UO<:104Q 0Q005 764~ . . 01007 \21 '0000, ~0000] 7~72 :91010 71 20000 00006·, 7641'1 '01011 ~. 2ObOO ()O()k, , 764~ 01012 ":" 7!)4-.,,· ;,., Q1~ ~'. ;'~.:: ...;: .... " ;. 1. .,..'1 ~ ", J x .L L ~L • ® 11 20000 ~ . " 21 :01007, o6O'r4 ! • .' • 1-1 '- . " 1- '. 94Q1~ .~2 0102~~ 01~,1 ".'~: ~_: .;.~~ " o1~ ,!54 ,~ , Q()1oi'-"' . :.-' ' ,- " r :' "rii016,', ~ ,~~::'Oi~~~>" 'rs~J -'''''01011: ;/~" ~' ~':::' ,,, ... ,)~·~, p~Jn· 2;,,-, CJ.~)?:~:;'~ ', ~ ' p'l." -- """ " , \ " ;, .-.... ' ~ , \'. t.u ' . cONsoLllj~TEn ItV,,- TEE "' I A C R"~ T CO Jf PO R ... TION ....... 0.(. ... 0 c · V.S.\) .... M, lit t l' l\ H 76512 01030 01 U721 -41642 - 7651' O1a~l 74 74607 ' 70746 a t)' 76'14 010~2 ~ 27266 0220, a, 76,15 010}3 70 22764 2'4~ ah 76'16 010~ 12 47414 '7545 76517 010" 60 0020" 77'20 '--2 76,:20 010,6 37 77774 20006 a1 76705 37 76462 02400 loader a a 7 3 ". -.,. ~-.,.. paramet~r • '., .", 12/11J5L< ... I\IA L YSIS CONSOLIOATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATION PREP'ARED BY C. J. Swi ~t C HE C KED BY S. L. ?clhck ..... . PAGE OI[G() 01 111&10"- c:,O-l ' R£PO"1 NO ... .H l MODEl REVISED BY DATE llils/ :;i. FLIP ~in~ ~na Sine ~ommand ~odel Cosine Command ~ubrout\ne 60 Code. 61 Number of Cells, I Coeine 51 DelScript10n '!'helle two eOmRlands cOl'!:pute the sine or cosine of (x) and store it in A polYDoaial a pproximation i. U8~d(l) which rives a maxim~ .Tror y and R. of the order ot FOor ar-~nt8 10 lar,a that the rO\mdoff error ... 5 • 10-9. of the ar~nt obacur~. the result, an alar-m halt occUT.S. If the cosine \ au~:rout.i ntf] h uaed, the aine sub routine mU15t also be .peeified tothe loader, and i f the loop-ticn of the-f1rH cell of the cosine lubroutfne h .y,that of th • • 1ne lubrouti~e must be y ~ 2. '- " ",' " - " --.... . .' - ' .. . - (1) . Se• •he.t < -- ~ ...~ -. .' ( " ' ; " , ' ;: ,~ ..', . ~,' ';:" '14. · ·ipp.ri~_ti?~~·: in:: '.tiC:al b&lj.ia(/·"~ ~,~~b~~,~~~forl .,: Rind, . c.<>.rp.oTCttioll '.". ," : r - <~"">" . .. at' -tit- :. '. . ANAVI'SIS CONSOLIDATED VULTE£ AIRCRAF"T CORPORATION PRr,.,.,RED 8'1' C. J. Swift C HECK ED BY!:. .... '1 c,\..-;, PAGE., o,iGO DIVIS.O", REPOI'H"'O L. ! clltlck ... OOEL RE vI SED BY 11/1"';/::. DATF Sine 60 ~nd Co.ine Subroutin& , 0 ... , X 1.. P i' C.: ~ p e " - 1. .., '~ ~ .;: ~ALAK~ - ')."o }. ., A-."l1r-.A ~ .... () :a.'J@ '1' 1 'j -'ft. -'9 ':J -- I· .t..."hh ~ " l ' A,w~c"t ~ X· ')..". ' . )-Po\ ,+."f YG~',..J~ ..... 0" ....... ".". ' &'1111" )(1. ~ :: .Jt-h·.... ~' ... l·· A o ....,. p- (.; SI.l..".... I;ar H'i . ~ -P' ~ , .. **.~C'I • .,jS ' .. . l I .j .'1':,.. , -r~ '~ptl,,( ·r,f~?\.~! .. f "1 -t t~"i .:..! ' .. .l All .1 .,.,l. . •' l' CO NSQL IO Il. TE() VULT Ef: 41RCRAFT C ORPORII.TlON ~ PA ,; f ...... DI I:GO OIVISION 60-~ Rf-Pt)F~' N t' 6 1 C:"lSrNE S'rBR ntl TlME 01~ 01000 11 00004 01001 45 00000 01003 7671 7 02 774-52 00200 loader parameter be SUre ' SliBR(tUTINR 0004 0 00004 0 - ? t4 77454 01000 1i 774 55 01001 23 00010 ooo~ ! / 7 01002 46 01.)()3 76~· ' 01 J(l3 '5 0005 3 20000 .ex-27 + 5L 010(}4 46 01006 01007 Zero Reaul t ? I 77461 01005 00 774'62 01006 11 77463 01007 774~ I ~ .&. 00090 00036 ,. it 0 00005 36 01005 10000 3' . I 01010 I 01050 01011 } ?~, Oi O.ll J [11 00010 10.x;0J 7-,...66 01012 1+4 01013 01014 lett Ihlft ? T(l4.67 0101, I U 20000 o ---:-'" rr470 ,{)1014 "r~ 71471 01 o~ '5 00004 I?OOOO 7714 '(2 01016 U 00066 00Q04 77"S3 01017 ).2 010,2 01023 / 2<)()()Q 01060 10000_ \,-' , 11474 '5 '00004 00601 TT47' ~ 010,1 20000. 77476 4, 01~1 / 1.. x-n"21r ~ ~ + {.,?, ~ ~ 1Y~ l . t- S I CP, ~ '% " r A. ..... 'f 'I tL ~ I ,I I I ,i I· I 01017 I I moo TIm 7-,,02 71503 ··moa . jUlip 1 k~~ T74n / '( - :n-' --, 'r :::;=}.~ ~ x@ " 01~1 11 aOooo. 60006 " , if OQ()lo\ ,.,.,' o10~ '. . .. .' ~ 0000-7 - t6@ _ , '1-490 H.( '.r f - -..,. r CQ NS O LIOATED V U L1££ "' J R C R"~ T CO RP O RAT IO N SA,.,. Ol f GO (' I .... i S H.. , "" p.,," 9 _ L ~ ta ll y i n 506 01032 77507 010~3 01 00007 00006 T' 510 010}4 54 77511 010'5 35 61060 OOCX)7 77512 ()1 0 ~6 23 010'5 00073 .tep 1 010' 7 41 00010 0103U clone ? 01040 71 ()OOO7 00005 01()1..1 ~ 77'515 0104 2 U (X)()44 00010 , 2000000045 200°9 ) . t , , -, ' 12/1L/9. ~pC;;;; x.P+o1 ~) ~6 J 11_ 20000 00005 ~ . x® x. F' ' ' " T517 0104, U OQOO4 ~ 10060 ~ -:7520 01044 44 01045 01046 ) 77521 . 01045 13 0000, 00005 01046 U ~o 60010 77523 0104 7 4, 77,24 , 01050 54 0000, 24110 17,)2, 01051 14 41+.176 ' 65200 rr526 01052 06 22077 32504 , 77527 01053 31 10yr5 52'202 01..055 01 21464 ~n1 -lC o 00000 01721 --.., ~ x .ex exit prototype 1r@ 'tr /2 6~ . 010~ " 77 '" t31;' 46346 ·, 77532 ' 77533 ' , 01 a, 7 . m34 ' 01060 7~71' . · , 0000117 :527'.7- ' 31 1037'5 - 21r ® ,2.421-. ; 7671,61 - 774~ - 04160. 4 , - t;'j . . ,; '- loa4er, pa rameVr , ... " ',-to .. '. '. t., . ' -~', ;;: \' , \ "".: ~. - . ::;'-' , - .' , .. ' ~.".' .; ,-'t >' , .... .., " I';: , :.,: ".: ;...... '. -.-, .' -' ~ CONSOLIDATEO VULTEE AIRCRA FT CORPORATION PREPAR~D BY CH E C KED BY P.e,Gf C. J . :' IY,i t t :; . I. ! o;bdc: 62-1 REPORT "10, MODEL: R£V1 S£ D HY DAif 11 ... L:, -J.. ~C 11 1""/:1. T.'LIP: Aro ran..-ent and A;c Coblln~ent Suhroutin,e A.... ~ CO"aniMt CO!'1.lM.nd Cod~ 6~ I, NUl'!\b er of Cells I I ~. 47 , edItion These, two ~ompllte tan~1X C u8~d. i!Tl8tion is $ 1/2 10 -7' • o reot-l X and ' t>tore the result in yt.nd (l) " Tb e error h o f the order of cotAne-ent!lubrouti'ne 'is u~e-d. ~e Ilf c hnp'l'tnt subroutine If .'Tlust flls o bf' f'lClec1fied t o t he loader, "nd if th~ loc'\t1on of t h- firs t ~"' ll " ~-. .' '. ;" • ,of;. , .. 'I. ~ . ,', .~ " , ; , . c' • '1, ;:< • .; ,~ . > (1 ,.", .",,' . ,..-,' ' ,'-;' " .r.,,·· ',' ",' .. ' ... CONSOLlDATECl V UL TEE A I R C Rp'T CORI-'ORA~ I OI'\. ""'A L YSI$ PR£P,I"~FD P",Gf J. : _1. ft BY REPORI , . ,. I H£CKED BY ~OOEL Arc II J~ / ! _. '. D "'Tf RE v lSEO B ,Y Ts.nren~ an c 1., ;"(' -.( .ZIt .., <)J A~ 1 CO~I'"'1"f!r. t S\lbrout~ne flow Cha rt ®--Ftr -. e' }- \. s. X;U , -- ...,----_ . ~<;..~l.., X')... .~. ~X~ .~ )( O~p ! ' PtC, --,p " P,. ,)(,; .. ~. p '1 .. 1 -~..-.--.....:.-~ " .., ' ,.~~---,... . " -, "-It·~,~ :~ , '"! . . . . " .. ~-+L.i " : ._. _...,.- , . ,lC ,,...; " , ~ . .' " " , . ; ;. ('ONSOLIOA f£O VUL TEE A.1ACA4FT' CO RP'ORAT ION \ . . . . 01(<0001\11 '1 10 "" RA " ,E '. M O Ot: l O A.1 E T&n~nt 62 Arc °•0012 0 e1 ~ 01000 11 76~01 01001 2, 00010 00074 76,02 01902 -6 01007 0100, O,Scx 76~0"5 01003 1} 00010 00010 -Sex -"'? Sex 16,04 01004 '1 00066 09042 1630, 0100~ 7} 0000" 76~06 01006 27 0001.2 00062 reverse- ' 6 76}0? 01007 21 00010 0104 ~ Sex.. 76 ~10 01010 46 01011 01012 163U 01011 U 00040 20000 76'12 01012 . ~5 010~ 0101'... 76~1' 01013 76~1-4 7631~ [,4 00005 0060, '005'5) 01014 . 71 00005 10000 0101' ' '~ 000lt6 Moo . 010i6 76}17 ,0 101711 00040 '0001.0 76}20 0100'0 1','010" o -" J' ~ . . 27 1 (1Y2 @or -~ Sex Sex , Sex-!'r . x.2 . - -- _~ xl j -t x ~ ~ Sox o ,Scx • r::\ ~ s; f -,I b I " \ ' - 0102',_~ ""',, 1!5 \" ~ L ".~, " 76321 " . 01021 . l7i 0001000006,] . • ~ ,~ J~' k. 20000 0Q006 76}16 11 Scx..;l I ~12/14/54 • Subroutine 76'00 ()()()4 62-3. RL' )\' ~Q 1 ''< ~ . ZII-L90 20000 00046 , 76}22 . 01022 , 76,2, 0102, }, [01044JOOO1" 7634' ; 01~' 76}46 0104-6 76 ~'76 110" °11 76}l47 ' 01041 O~ 0"'1 '7500 °9 12/1.4/54 conll ':anta Oax 1 O1o}6 0;1037 e1 9-L.~/2 -7 fl ~ 1 , &1 -=j ~ ,lex 27. °1 5 00 ~61" ,~6, 76,~ , O1~ 76"1 ' 010,1 06 'Ok02 4"" 13 .}U6 °13 3~' °7 °5 163~ 010,2 6, 76,,} 010,} '1 'mn 2'166 ' 76}~ 01~ ~ ~}17 10166 c3 ' " , " . 76721 : 0000, ~l ~5 pro~otype ' 16121 "76'OOO~ ' 16,;6 , ,01000 16"1 , 01001 ' 4'. 00000 0100, order, ' ", loa'de r par&lll&ter U 00062 00012 .. ~ , , " ; jump ~ , . " , " '. . .... " , l';'ader . para'rlleter ' -'" -~ , - . ., , .'; .: ,.,., , " A~ALyal. ':::ONS0LiOAT!O VULTEE A tRC RAJFT CO RPOIitATION PIltr:PARtO 8 V C. J. Swift - Cl lGe olv.ato... . AN 70-1 "Avl: tw-L90 REPO R l'" NO CHECKEO BY ~1l MOOEL IItEVISI!:O BY 11/15/ 54 ---, OATI: nIP Exponential Subroutine Co ad Code. 70 JluJrber of Celli 1 25 I De~arl,tiOil 'l"hh oGIf'.!lIlnd cOl!lP",te. the exponential ot (x) and . it~. Full aoouraoy i . obtained by a power .eri... alara halt ocour.. II it 1n For Talues nf (x ) ~ it &lid R. 64. an .-x 1. obtainec by c~~ut1ng .+x and reoip reoat1 n&' 'low ChArt • - --------.... '1-'/0 _ "' ~- r --- . ~--, ! AI.-A R. .A.f ! 1'-· '1. nlI L.:Ii____ -t.~ • ( [.t-.s-tn} A~/.. ,«~~/tQ,,4 ..s ! $t.1'f:. Q4a"'~H• .. ." .• ~ <:'-" : . . . '" ..... CO NSOLl04T£O IIULTEE "lfH. RAFT C ORP O R.TION ~ .. ,.. C>I ( U ' ) , ... " 70-2 (') I V I S I .) ~ : . . :, 01000 11 00005 00037 /' 01001 3~ 01002 11 00005 20000 x -, A 01003 44 01004 01030 Ic:x-7 01004 75 ,0011 01006 01005 U 01015 00015 00067 10000 BC'X J } . 76367 01010 47 01011 01013 : 76371 01011 11 01027 76~72 01012 27 00037 01772 76'1' 0101' 75 30003 00016 } 763 74 0101~ 16 01 n4 76"37'5 0091' 76'76 00016 14 32003 00037 .1 763TI 00017 14 21002 60026 ) 76400 00020 14 00002 60027 76401 00021 14. 07002 70026 7640e 00022 ~7 0001" 0002~ 76403 dOO23 [U 00027 20000] 0000, 7 -7' Q. 0 I eet up l e~porBry 0002~ , or dere preset variable. x,O 76370 f1i~ - '\ 0004 01010 " ~. t'l.'7 :x 8f'tt . order 1 -x -..., x ~ R sh :. ft addruse. OOO~ l00~O II } 761ro4 . 000214 7; 30003 . 01734 l 7~O' OOO?, 16 OOO}4 '.()17}4 j 76406 01026 . 20 00000 00001 764 orr 01~7 , 1- '2002 700'1 16410 .01030 47 01607 1604, +tr -, S.R 1'7'/81 s -" 12-27 R " ahift addrel.e •• EXIT 1- • 1/. --.,. R XtO . • .• -,,-"-..r 12/11./~ ANALYSIS CONSOLJ DATI:O VUL..TI:I AIAC"AFT CO",.O'UT10N "REPAAtO BY CHECKI:D BY fIt~I.I{D C. J. Swift S. 1-'o l1aok PAQI: MODEL BY 77-1 l.-4~ ptl:l"'OfitT NO ....... DICGO PIYI.ION DATI: All 11/12/9.. Trace Subroutine 77 Comman d Codes Numb~r I of Cells, 26 Delcr1ption The trace rou ti'l e operates in with the runnin ~ Tape 2 (1.'12). of ·the r ~utin e ',WO r-ei' r, phases. teet~d Phase I and I opera t~6 concurrently tores information on lla~.t1o Phase II opf'ra tee eep!iTlltely f'rom t he routine b ei.n~ te.ted. It the information which was stored by Phase I on 1lT2, proceeses it and r~&d. p,. nchea a paper tape output. ' The con tent of 3S _111 t. autolll6tioll lly restored after this phase. II Phase I :-he traee subroutine mu.t be .pecified to the loade!'". for this purpose · is 77. ' It requires· 2b cell •• whenever MJl is on. ce 11s 7L.000 to When loaded, it will operate 'The MJ instruction is in cell 01735. 7L.oL,1 as It. "c ~mt'\and cod." This subroutine use. tempora·des. II I Phase 2 This operation ~es ·the ;;:S a nd cell completed. 1. Its operatint in8tructi ~ n. Set PAl to 77f::1Jo. L.oooo but will restore- ' oth when ares . - Preas Start. The 1103 prints ·out ." Rewind UT2- and hal ts. 2. After rewindin.; MT2, .... rt. (if PAl waS disturbed, set it to L.OOOO). The routine will search t he tape for t he data, t hell process it one block at a ti &". e. · The 'lutput is punched 011 paper1;npe. The end of data will be apparent t he routi ne .earches Mr2 wi ttiout punchint. p.per. ' 3. ; ...... -. ",.... ') ~ tape. Halt,~ . To continue the pro,; lem, set PAX toLlOOOO and I!Itart. The il03 wi H . . .. . rutore ES ..nd4 ~, 00 and halt with a 50 0()()90 40000 oomltland. A ... A LYS.. ,.",alr CON$C UOATr:O \(UL Ti:E AIRCRAfI'T CO"P'O"ATION &wi ft S. r ollack ,.'UJI'AREO.... C. J. CHECKEO.V "II~," NO .AN olaeJO O I V'.IOH MOO!:1.. "("V'SI:O S': IT DAn: 77-2 Zll-L90 All 1l/12/~ Output 32 The tra ce routine output prints a di t'"it 11ne for each FLIP ina t ruction. If a jump occurs, either an erroneous line appear. or no line a.t a11 • FLIP subroutine include FLIp OOMmAnds ba. ~ ic commands • . Theae will appear aa extra lines before t he FLIP lubroutine oOnlJUnd line. AAAA OP xxxx yyyy .... q.qqqqqq The linea 'have the fonal _ . :t pp . of the .addreu ot the four ' di~its where A.AAA is the lut .;)ome Inat~1on. ,op 18 the oOl!llDlU1d code. xxxx is . t),Ut basic x .. 4)1relll. YY'YY is the bade y. tom, The reeult of the operation, "In flo'a.tinr, decimal 1 , 'q 1n R. <. 10 0 1i CI • lOP Where Some of the FLIP ·.ub rout·l~e ecananda do not leave their reiult . For .the.!ut. the r:esult. q. lOP nil beerroneoua·. 1.n order to avoid con1'ueioll when several probleM are traoed uai-ng the aame ma~etle tape, ~ha!e II overwrite. the trace information •• it 1 • . proceued. . . . , . >. .~ . , .'. .•: ' . ~ ....... . '. ' " :;. .. : . : .' .J . , . , "'.' • " < . -,' . ~" -, ' '. . .' , .~, " l/1 CON SOLIDATED VULTE! AIRCRAFT CORPOAATION ""I A ~,( Srs PREPARED B Y oJ • •1lIfi!'t ' . C HE C KED 8'1' PAG£ 5"" OI FG O 01V 1510" ;:'oll/l ck DATE Cht\rt " lOW 11/12/9: Phas e I . ~ .~ -. " a v~"' .. ~bl Co (, i,t P'l'~'>to'l-("cf tIl 1 IOA' drY" A, ad ay,,> ~ ., of ,\) "..~~Y\cl ;1 "~ '~ I' __ ' ' A. ~, '\. - - ,-- !s.t 1 'I ' -' O .... «... l "1 ..... ~,' - ,I rch~"", II II l J c._c :1 ..., " -- , ,. II _ , ~ - I .---..".. I' )l< c" r • , • 1-9\ ~ J rr~ ~~----~---- -~ ----~~ E~IT ,A.~~~~~ Irs.. 1 ~ A (A) ., ,.',,,a, ~ ~ r~<'<4I" ~ I ",d t: J elf ~\o'Y«'t. LCIC __ i , r. '" ,.,.. c. rr~, ~~. ",a ''''LIl,'f r I.", ,'1 ,~o"" l' .., 7517 1,..~e ,I " F~ A,t ) r' ...., ~.itS.; •• , )jtl , j t I ... 'j '----.-~--- - - - . ------_.... --:-_......_-- (3 I,:~ j .J O"'i ~t(H~ 1 ... 0.,« g"",,'h-r, 1ECfSED BY S. L. Follack CONSOLIDATED "tiL TEE: 'AIR C RAFT CoRPORATiON 5 ...... O l l Oc) - O I V . S IO l'. -/,' -1. RfP O RT MODEL "' O,,~ -l.~90 .t..':'l O"TE.ll/l~; REvISED BY VI PAGE i;.. ' flow Cha rt.. Phase II > Isr", e. ' __ u. 0 .t",c... ~~ S.1 r.· I to :.f ~ 0,,;:1 e.". .,. , .t'1.t,..,E5 l- ..... ~ th ' l " Rf"","4() 11~l." P"lIrr s~t II ¥(i ·.",O , set" ., ••.,. f- • .,,..<4 .. o~""' ~e Ir" k'------------ -- -- R.. J I?to." k t. .' ... ~ ""'-A~'~ . 'j. . l.s-. ~I·•.t· ""do, "'''''1\-. "" - -.- --'- -- ---' f(qliA<~ ES ' PI'.' ''! , , ~ _." " <., '1 D.~O U to I t . rH~ · " , '; .> ( .- > '. ) " \. .....,.. ,. ,. n-5 CO NSOLIDIU£D VU L TEE AIRCRAFT C ORPORATION S"" :)I (GO 0 ' '' ' 5 'O N PA ' ~f r~ E. , I~' M \.")O 77 PFASE I of TRACE 01000 ~ 7 01000 ~02'J 2~1 01001 11 20000 0102, svr. R 76524 0100, 7652' 01004 76526 01~ 15 20000 01006 }' 76 ~27 01006 u[jQ9O'5J 01024 01007 7~ '000, 010tl } 16~~1 01J10 U . 01023 [7400;] 765'52 01011 21 01010 76~3' 01012 42 01026 O1oW 765~ 01013 16 01027 01010 76~'5 exit addreSi (A) ~ I .tore A, I, H on ()()()4, step done! 75 ,00'56 01016 } plac. ea on lID 1~0 01015 U 01000 76~O 01017 U 74001 01000 ::6~1 01020 6~ 76542 01021 75 300~ 010~0 7654' 01022 U 76536 DAlE 765'7 20001 -01000 7~ ,0 1000 . } l J place inTormation in IS print on i! l' 2 rutore ES let order 76~' 0102~ 76~6 01025 ' tl ()()()h0 74001 76~7 01026 . 11 0102' 76~ OlOen 00 00000 7" 001 76'51 O1O}o U 76"2 01031 45 017;6 017'6 l' 1qokO 01001 01~ , 74 °'7 . . 20000 - '" 1 J ol...r ternporar1. •• I .r ooutailt, re,' T-ore - it ' extt .f . loader' ~1I;M;tet " ,. . . '. . .; '. ..~ · /\" %li-490 I 12/14/54 04_<* " • • ' • 1" - CONSOLIOATEO V U LTE£ " 1 ~ C ~ .... r T c. RP O RATI O N 5 ..... OIl-GO 0 1\( . 51 0 "< ; .\ \. ,. 17..J..) q. \ . E. "'04 . } PItASi II of TRAC E .' " Lo ,000 17600 00117 11. 40000 74000 77&>1 00120 75 31777 7767-' T160'2 · 00121 U 00001 74 001 7760~ 00122 " 77601+ 0012~ 00 00000 776o-j 001.2J4 ~, 17606 ~ , 7 ooroo · 00201 77607 00126 4~ 77610 00127 . 2"2 04470 70157 716U 00130 74 4,000 00000 77612 001,1 00 00000 00000 17613 00132 U OO~ 77614 00133 4~ 00000 7657'5 enter loader 77615 00134 f6 7 20010 00000 back tape 77616 ()()1j5 77617 00136 7~ JOOO~ 001..0 ] e to r8 00000 01300 _ CXX)()() } } 00000 0021, • tore E.S • Loader parameter. re tur:'l trom loader pri nt fhx chArae tera - J. 1.2203 U406 I Flex characte.. 40000 presst 15 001 72 0C>13 7 Lo,ooo order . piokup A. I ,R 77620 001'7 11 @o700}0020 77621 001.0 u: 77622 00141 42 00170 001'} 77623 . 00142 42 00171 00146 77624 0014} 21 00137 00073 Step by one 77~ 001" 42 001 n 001}6 done' 7762f> 001., .., 00000 ·0 0222 jump 776Q7 00146 21 . 00i3 7 00174 Step by three -776,0 00147 6, 00000 ~ puJ'l ch GarT ill y-e 776'1 .001-,0 .".oooao 00011 .hU't -A by n632 ~ ~7 oofb6 ~7 puaeh A 776" ~ " ()0()21 00006 .hi tt • ~ 20000 ) Jr Test I c ~ return octal ' . > • 1< . t • .. Z~ ..J lqo ,. ~~ .' .,. .,"' .. CO NSOLJO".TEO VUL TEE AIR C RAF'T CORPO RAT IO N $4,.. Olf-GO 0''''1$10 .... _ i ' A. ,. ! ' 77 -7 q~ I ' "r~' '- \ 77634 001" 11 00074 00006 1 776)5 001~ Yr 00166 00160 punoh opera tioD 77636 001" '1 00166 001'7 punoh x 77637 001~ 45 00000 001." juap 77640 00157 11 ~3 00006 3 51 0006 7 20CX?0 x-TRACT DIGIT TIe.., 00162 '5 0016.7 0016, eet order 0016, [00. 00000 00006J punch di/!:1t 77~5 00164 41 00006 001.6~ IDdex 77646 0016, 63 776l4. 7 00166 45 00000 00000 n6,a 00167 6, 00000 776'1 00170 13 17777 77777 -'(' i76'52 ' 00171 14 77777 7m? . 7765' 00172 '~oon.tanta 776~ 0017~ 77&;' 00174 n6'!16 0017' '7 00166 00157 776'7 . 00176 14 ,'002 77660 oOt77' 4, "00000 00136 ~ 14, ,oooootooooo J " exi, t :77(;61 " 77Q62 ~ prototype order / - punch y ,_ aoooo oOi)1:,f;'i 00200' 00011 1;"20900 ~ -'.,, 17664 ' 6020' 21 ' 00200 00074 jump SUBR 'It'TINE f'0R 'Ft.E~ PR r ,.,. } let: order, , .tep "f • " :7766"": , , ()02()4 ,,' Ti666 : " ~ ' :>,,::".-- exit ::;=] ~, ~ punch .pace 0004, ,7766, • Of ':': 00000 ~4 00 ' 06700 QOOOO, , . SHIn , 77644 I' FOR OC TAL PUNCH 00161 ; ~ SU8R~TI1fE tally . 77642 " .... ~ 15, 10000 0000' • -- ~ ~lly 00160 77641 · 31. ',00000 0<>044 41' 002C>6 do2OO ,.' don.t 71~l'-< ~.- r;.,,'~~ ' ~p _~'iy,,:-:.~ « ~ . ~.,: ~ ~' .,. . •. -"-<.. :-:.~,><; " ... ' ZV-L90 "' ' .hitt 'P WlOh ;;..I; . Qext :qil!;~t·, '. ' , '":.;' -.l , ...... >0{) £ • . ." CO"'.OLIO"'f£~ V.UL U:i'-4 1I1tCIlt4F.r COR,.OIltA~lbN . .AN DIEGO DIV I 'I~ • ~ 71-e PAGE RE PO R T NO h-L90 MO DEL DATE. ~. ~ ~ "" 17671 00Q10 21 ~ 00040 77672 00211 ~1 77613 0Cla12 11 776~ 00010 77674 .00213 ~ 71675 CX>21.4 11 7160, 00122 77676 .~ 71677 . ·002j,6 ~ 31JTI . moo 00217 u 74001 00001 T1701 00220 U -,4000 40000 77702 00221. 56 00000 40000 halt 1770, ~ .65 20010 00'90 print O'f'e., old date 777~ · 0022' ~ 20010 .00700. read n•• data 7Tf~ 0022~ '1 ' 10400' 00134.· 71706 .~ 11 e1ear R ~~ 50200 "'7 40000 done' .et exit of loader } ~ oot2, 17701 00,00 put pbaae II into E.S. let hO.oou 'for re .. toratioa } re,tore &S .. , rei tor. 40.000 . ~o 12~ -' .. J •• 1.... ,.tore .er:o. for pria~ , . A MAGNETIC TAPE INTERPRETIVE ROUTINE "TAPEWORM" Dgscription "Tapeworm" is a routine for controlling the operation of the Uniservos on the Univac Scientific, Model 110)A. It is an interpretive routine which permits a programmer to s~ ecify with a single Interpret instruction a read, write, move, or revind operation. This routine includes provision for rereading a block in case of a parity check failure and automa tic selection of the writing mode according to the peripheral equipment for vhich the tape is intended. Form of the Interpret Instruction Use of the Inte~ret instruction provides a convenient means of referencing magnetic tape subroutines. Because of the availability of 10 octal digits in the instruction for the storage of parameters, any of the Uniservo operations may be specified with a single vord. The form of the Interpret instruction for the operations of reading, vriting, moving and rewinding is given belovo Here each character represents an octal digit of the instruotion. '- a. IP OP -B UU SSSS for reading tape b. IP OP LIB un c. IP OP UU BBBB for moving tape d. IP OP ~- SSSS for vri ting tape for rewinding tape UU These Interpret instructions specify magnetic tape operations as follovs, a. Reading Tape: OP -B UU SSSS IP IP = .14 OP = 01 For reading foreward =0, For reading backward B= UU= SSSS = the number of blocks (not words) to be read the Uniservo involved the address in Rapid Access Storage of the first cell to be read into A MAGNETIC TAPE INTERPRETIVE ROUTINE "TAPEWORM" b. liri tipg Tape J IP OP Ll B UU SSSS IP = 14 OP =03 the code number as given below of the peripheral equipment for which the tape is intended B ~ 00= SSSS = the number of blocks (not words) to be ",ritten the Unieervo involved the address !p. Rapid Access Storage of the first cell to be read from The following code numbers are used for.4, = 0 1103 A internal 6. =1 High Speed Printer = 2 Uniprinter = 3 Magnetic Tape-to-Punohed-Card Converter =4 Unitape-to-Teletape Converter = 5 Unitape Transmission Tgpes prepared for the Uni tape-to-Teletape Converter may be used for Unitape Transmission aDd oonversely. Any tapas may be read into the ll03A. o. Hoving Tape: IP OP - UU BBBB IP=14 OP =02 for moving foreward = 06 for moving backward 00= BBB&= the Uniservo involved the number of blocks to be moved 2 A MAGNETIC TAPE INTERPRETIVE ROUTINE "TAPEWORW' d. Rewinding: IP OP 4_ UU - IP :: 14 OP :: 04 Ll = 1 if interlock is desired = 0 if interlock is not desired UU = the Uniservo involved Digits denoted by a dash may be filled with anything. A maximum of seven blocks may be written or ~ with a single Interpret instruction but the tape may be ~ as many as 7777 blocks. Note that the block number for moving is in a different position than the block number for reading or writing. In reading baokward, the first word goes into SSSS and the second into address~ - lJ in reading foreward the seoond word goes into address SSSS + 1. Reread After a block is read from magnetic tape, the contents of lOA are exrunined to see if a parity check failure has occurred. If there is no failure, the next block is read in without stopping the tape. If there is a failure, the reread subroutine is entered. This subroutine performs successive rereads of the block, reversing the direction of the read after each failure. In case the direction of the original read is foreward, the rereads are performed in the following sequenoea 1. read backward, normal bias 2. read foreward, high bias .3. read baokward, high bias 4. read foreward, low bias 5. read baokward, low bias After each reread, the parity check indicator is tested. If the reread has been successful, the tape i6 positioned at the end of the block, the bias returned to normal, and the next blook read. If a reread fails, the next reread in the sequenoe is performed. Should the entire sequence be executed without asuocessfUl reading of the block, the oomputer is stopped. A restart of the computer will oontinue with the reading of the next block. .3 A MAGNETIC TAPE INTERPRETIVE ROUTINE "TAPEWORM" References to Tapeworm When an Interpret instruction at address y is executed, y + 1 is inserted in the U-address of and the next instruction is obtained fram must contain a manual Jump instruction which provides the exit from Tapeworm to the next instruction of the main program at address y + 1. '2 must contain a manual Jump to the entrance of Tapeworm. '1 '2. '1 The first eight instructions of Tapeworm detect whether an Interpret instruction is referring to this magnetic tape interpretive routine or to some other interpretive routine used by the same program. With the Interpret instruction of the form IP OP XXXI XXXI, if 00 < OP < 07 it is assumed the Interpret instruction refers to Tapeworm. Two en ts are provided, one for OP 00 and the other for OP? 07. If a program refers to interpretive routines other than Tapeworm, these en ts may lead to the other interpretive routines • . If' no other interpretive routines are used, the first eight instructions of Tapeworm may be omitted. = Location Tapeworm occupies 14910 cells of Rapid Access Storage. Of these, the parity check test and reread routine occupy 5010 cells; 8 cells are used to determine if an Interpret instruction refers to Tapeworm. 'Speed For a reading or writing operation there is approximately one millisecond between execution of the Interpret instruotion which specifies the Uniservo operation and the External Function instruction which initiates the. operation. This time is increased to 1.25 milliseconds if it is necessary to identify the interpretive routine being referred to. If absolute addresses are assigned to TapelolOrm, starting with bl 01000, it is assembly modifiable. = In case Tapeworm is interrupted during operation, it must be again transferred into Rapid Acoess Storage in order to operate 4 · A MAGNETIC TAPE INTERPRETIVE ROUTINE "TAPEWORM" correctly the next time it is used. If Tapeworm stops after an unsuccessful reread, it will reset itself if and only if it is restarted wi thout any changes in the computer controls. '- 5 f ~~~ ~~t ~~~-IA· ( "fi IOH 0) .. '\ '-- I ~ I .... CIl' ..... RO ' r---MO Y E uu + stU { OR TAPE: F"OR1... RO .ua l REW : HQ -.V, V, Cl.E .. R OR .. HO a lTS I" 10 sn H IO SET 1'1 11 FOR JU MP ...... P9 FOIit JUM,. ....... P I 3 5£T I'll PATTE"" FOIit IN Y!5 JUMP ...... PI SET HIO FO,. JU MP -+H3 SfT H II 'Oft JU IIIP ___ ,n 5£T MI FOft .IUIII,. --.. PI sn 1'110 FOR JUIIIP ---.. 1'13 SET 1'1 11 FO" JU MP --+ 113 '(1 H' JUM"_ OP 01 02 03 04 05 06 - CODES : READ FDRWARD MOVE FO RWARD WRITE REWIND READ BACK MOVE BACK FOR p, KEY VALUES OF 0 : ABBREV IAT IONS · o F I - ADDRESS 00000 F2 -ADDRESS 00001 (JU MP TO STA RT OF THIS PROGRAM ) PF - PREVIOUS FA ILURE OP - DPERAT ION CODE ( H.)v - CO NTENTS OF V- ADDRESS AT ADDRESS H. I 2 3 4 5 1I03 A INTERNAL HIGH SPEED PRINTER UNIPRINTER TAPE TO CARD CONVERTER UNITAPE - TELETYPE CONVERTER UNITAPE TRANSMISSION [-~ REMINDER FLAG MAGNETIC TAPE INTERPRETIVE ROUTINE "TAPEWORM" I I ( I ) OPERATION DEC.ISION ( JUMP ) 8 @) CON NECTOR REFEREN CED CONNECTOR I Page 1 MAGBETIC TAPE IBTERPRETIVE ROtrrDfE 'l'apewona REGION REGIONAL IHSTRtmION ADDRESS Resion B. b1 Selects Uniservo Interpretive Routine b2 d1 left shift 15 0 17 36 c1 a 15 a b2 address of IP 11[ yJ vi IP instruction -? vi a IP instruction ~ a 11 vi 42 c2 exit 1 42 c3 d1 exit 2 45 Resion D. Set Parameters, Select thiservo Operation IP instruction -7 AI 31 subtract 1 f'rom u-address } ~ u of b2 Uniservo instruction? yes ~ too small -7 exit 1 too large ~ exit 2 mask q d1 11 c4 q 53 vi v2 11 c5 q mask 53 v2 h4 ssss 55 vi 34 Right shift IP by 8 53 c6 v2 OP code -7 v2 55 vi 21 2nd octal dig1t of OP code to left end 44 d2 vi Back or rewind ? yes no ~ uu + ssss ( or bbbb) '7 -7 v2 q ~ v address for EW or ER d2 d1 d3 Read back or rewind Move back d1 ~ d3 r1 d4 Read back ~ r1 Rewind ~ . d4 -7 d2 -7 vi ~ d3 Page 2 MAGlETlC TAPE Drl'ERPRETIVE ROUrINE Tapeworm RmlON IBSTRUCTlOH RmlONAL ADDRESS 11 c8 vi 55 q 2 44 d5 d6 . d5 55 vi 1 d6 55 c6 q 40 53 v2 vi 31 c1 20 35 vi v2 d4 d7 17 Rewind digit } lnterlock~ Set lOB i!~ -- vi ~ yes ~ d5 no -7 d6 lOB e3 for rewind with interlock } Insert uu } Rewind lOB word -7 v2 v2 Oniservo selection for move and rewind 15 c9 v2 Clear digits inv2 45 0 f1 Exit r2 Move forevard or write Read toreward - ) r2 d7 Write ~ v3 Move foreward Region W. Set up to write wi 44 v2 44 w3 v3 11 c10 a 44 w4 w? ~ Bit pattern -7 Separate b. 54 a 45 w5 w6 44 20 v2 d7 a 6 .. 4 or 5 ~ ~ "O- w4 ~ 3-1 Left shift 16 (4 groups) w9 w6 w7 6 - 2 or 3 ~ t:::. ,. 0 or 1 ~ a 10 Lef't shif't 8 (2 groups) v6 v7 w4 w5 MAGBETIC TAPE INTERPRETIVE ROUTINE Tapeworm REGION RroIOlW. INSTRreTIOII RPJIARKS I ADDRESS v7 v8 54 a v9 55 c6 53 a '5 vi 51 47 hi h2 6 -1 ~ v8 ~ . ~ v9 0 .I v8 Region H. Read / Write 44 q 1.. 4 Lef't shif't 2 Set mask for write bits group v2 Write bits 11 Number of blocks ~ v add. of q c7 vi lIumber of blocks ~ vi h2 h5 Read (write) 0 blocks ~ yes -7 no ~ h2 v2 Start tape writing (reading) q 17 ~ v2 23 vi c9 Set index for 2nd IJ h3 11 c11 v3 Set index for 1st IJ h4 'tTJ10000 h5 [ ssss] 21 h4 v4 41 v3 h4 41 vi [ h31 23 vi c9 [ h6 45 h7 76 h8 43 c9 h9 21 vi hl.O 41 vi h5 r4] a [ pi] Write (read) 1 block n blocks done? no yes -7 h3 if writing h 7 if reading r4 if writing h7 if reading Fezity check Yes -7 ~ h9 OK? no pi if 1st failure ~ p2 if previous failure c9 [ h3J All blocks readr no ~ h3 no previous failure p9 previous failure yes ~ h11 MAGBETIC TAPE IJr1'ERPRETIVE ROU'l'IltE Tapeworm. RmIOB REGIONAL IBSTRUCTIOIf ADDRESS All. blocks are read • no previous t'ailure ~ r ~ previous t'ailure ~ p13 btl 45 r1 13 v4 r2 23 h4 21 h5 ci4 Insert Parity check 23 h6 c15 Set exit t'or Parity check Region R. Set up to read v4 r3 r4 EW' ci~ 21 h4 ci3 23 h5 ci4 21 h6 ci5 11 c9 v4 11 c12 45 t'1 ~ ER:. Go to read hi 45 direct ion ot' read Change ER~ } w Remove Parity check Reset direction index Stop tape Exit Region p, Parity-Error pi 21 hiO ci6 Reread 21 h11 ci8 21 h8 c11 11 c19 v5 p2 ci2 11 1~ v4 v4 21 h4 v4 55 v4 q 22 Set exits t'rom ER Reset bit t'ol1D&tion stop tape Change direction index Line up direction bit with IOBI~ 5 Page MAGltE'l'IC TAPE IN'rERPRE"I'IVE ROU'l'IlIE Tapeworm REGION REGIOHAL mSTRUCTIOB ADDRESS 23 v2 q Change tape direction 21 vi c9 Reset b10ck counter to 11 v5 q Set bit sequence 11 c20 a Bias change instruction "- p3 p8 p3 1 change bias -..,. p3 o not change bias ~ p6 1 10v and stop -7 o high -7 p6 1 stop ~ p11 o 10v ~ p5 o~~set ~ h10 a p8 p4 p4 44 p11 p5 p5 35 c9 p7 p6 35 c9 p7 p7 17 (c21-1) p8 17 v2 Start tape v5 store parity check bit pattern 11 p9 p10 Modity p7 q 45 h3 17 c23 bias change ~or Change bias Reread Set bias to normal) stop 23 h10 c16 23 h11 c18 23 h8 c17 11 v5 q "- p10 h9 13 v4 v4 55 v4 q 22 23 v2 q 21 v2 c24 Change (v2 )\ 37; round sea Ie down Store results Jump to exit Instruction for round and scale down CODE Error code into AR ERROR 264767031361 D=24 , 290, 062, 513 o 8 & A MJ 8 234 FILL SP Reset K odd, jump I RIFT 8 } srOREIl LT 81 K6··· K l ~Q5 -;· ;QO 65324 A=27, 349 , .. LOCATION OPERATION u ADDRESS v ADDRESS EXPLANATION B2 B 114534644516 8=10, 291. 988, 814 B3 B 330657140271 C-=29 , 104, 062, 651 B4 B 23 B5 B 265011714640 B6 B 77 B7 B 200000000000 B8 B 377777777777 CODE B 243512001001 STORE 0 0 FIlL STORE 1 FILL FILL FILL STORE2 FILL FILL FILL STORE3 FILL FILL FILL TJ constant 24, 296, 004, 000 Mask for sca Ie factor 34 2 235 - 1 PROGRAM WRITE-UP 1. IDENTIFICATION SINE x, STATED POINT A. E. ROBERTS, JR., M. D. BERNICK - MARCH, 1956 REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC 2. PURPOSE Given x, this program computes Sine x . . 3. METOOD a. Accuracy b. Range of argument~ c. Derivation is obtained from 1T sin 2" x = 1-2 Ixl' 232 < 271 1T sin 2 "4 (x-l) 1T Polynomial approximation for sin 4 n as a funct ion of n (_n)2 for -1::5 n::51 is derived from the Chebyshev expansion : 1T (]" sin 4x = 2 k~l (_l)k J2k-l (;) T2k - l (xl. x is entered and multiplied by ;. so that ;x = y. The routine then computes 1T' sin 2Y = sin x. 4. USAGE a. Calling Sequence - Standard. b. Control and results The argument is to be placed in the accumulatorj the function will be found in the accumulator upon completion of the routine. The routine also stores the argument in t+3 and t+4 and the function in t+5. c. Space required: 54 words including constants and working storage. d. Error codes - none. 5. RESTRICT IONS 6. CODING lNFORMATI~ a. Constants~ 12 locations. b. Working Storage ~ c. Timing I loc,ation. SINE x, STATED POINT A. E. ROBERTS, JR. M. D. BERNICK - MARCH, 1956 REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC LOCATION OPERATION ENTRY MJ ERROR &J EXIT MJ X FILL Xl u ADDRESS v ADDRESS EXPLANATION STARr Jump to body of program DlAG Error exit to diagnostic routine FILL S ucces s exit FILL FILL Most significant part of argument FILL FILL FILL Least significant part of argument Y FILL FILL FILL Function START LT ~ x Store M.S.P. of argument LTI ~ Xl Store L.S.P. of argument DV B Q R. 232 ~ Ai 0 ~ R < 2 MP A Bl 2 R· 7r ·2 67 LT 3 Q Rl • 2 34-+ Q DIAG+2 7r = Rl ' 267-+ A TP PID PROI Set PROI for positive function QJ NEG POS Test for positive or negative functio TP PR02 PROI Reset PROI for negative function B2 A Extract 235. (x mod 1)=235 x*-+AR QJ 20R4 1OR3 Test for quadrant 1OR3 SS B3 ¢ 7r I 7r =cos /2 I sin 2x 20R4 MP A Q .270 {x>l<_1)2 -+ A SA B3 o NEG POS LT (x*-l)' (x.-l)· 235 -+A }ROURd & scale down [2 34 (x*-1l2+1/2 J A TN A STO~ -[2 34 {x*-1)2+1/2] =-N-+STORE TU PR02 PR03 Set u address of PR03 for i=O LOCATION PR04 OPERATION uADDRESS vADDRES5 TP B4 Q MP Q STORE SA B3 LT PR03 A EXPLANATI~ With Pi in Q, i =0, 1 , 2, 3; -N Pi ~ 0 }ROUnd & scale down A [-NoP;o2- 36+1/2]->-AR ~Q AT FILL Q [ A3- r No Pi· 2- 36+1/2 J =Pi+l RA POO3 B5 i+l-+ i in POO3 TJ PR05 PR04 Test end point MP Q Q P4 ::::::(2 35 sin4Y)+ Y in Q.P4 2 SA B3 o 1T LT } Round & scale down A 2-36P42+1/2 AR A -[2- 36P42+1/2] .N:::;:-2 68 sin 2 MP A SIOlE 55 B6 37 Round TN A A : : : 2 32 2 sin24Y .... A ST B7 A : : : 232 (2 sin 2 4y-l ) .... A PROl FILL FILL FILL For + function complement A PR06 TP A y Store function EXIT Jump to exit PRO -+ & ~Y .... A 1T scale down:::::: _2- 33 sin 2 "4Y .... AR 7T MJ 1T PR02 MJ B8 PR06 .for - function, donVt complement A PR05 AT B6 Q End point test threshold. B2 B 377777777774 Mask for (Q34 B3 B 400000000000 235 B4 B B8 B 462621024 B 12146566440 A2 = 1,369,107,744 B 122535716221 Al = 11,097,578,641 12265046 0 •• A4 = 2. 714, 150 A3 = 80,421,396 Q2) ,. . .. LOCATION OPERATI~ uADDRESS EXPLANATION vADDRESS = 26,986,075,408 B 311037552420 AO B6 B 200000000000 234 B7 B 40000000000 232 B5 B B B 311037552421 21T x 2 32 Bl B 242763015554 2/1T x 235 STORE . FILL 100000 FILL FILL Advance of u t 1. IDENTIFICATION 2. PURPOSE RRF2, ARCTAN X STATED POINT P. Johnson, M. Bernick - Revised 15 May 1957 Remington Rand Univac =arctan Given X, Compute I(X) 3. METHOD Iy(x) - arctan Xl! 2-25 a. Accuracy. b. Range of Argument: Ix I~ c. Scaling: d. Derivation: 7 y( X)--l: 1=1 4. X X· 233 , I(X) • 233 I(X) is computed using the polynomial approximation C 2i+l 21 1 X + given in Rand Sheet No. 13. USAGE a. Calling Sequence r r+l b. RJ U ADDR. V ADDR. +2 t t Normal Return Control and Results The argument, X, must be initially stored at t+4. the result, Y(X), will be found at t+3, and in AR• c. Spaoe Required 54 oells of instruotions and constants 1 cell of working storage d. Error Codes The following error codes are left in the accumulator on return through the error exit. EXPLANATION ~ RRF2 • 212 + 1 RRF2 • 212 -+ 2 X < - 1 X >1 -2- 5. REV. 5/15/57 RESTRICTIONS The argument must be in radians, within the stated range, and scaled 233. 6. CODING INFORMATION ao Constants CONSTANT 1.Q£ b. B 677777777777 lower limit on X: -2 33 B1 100000000001 B2 040000000000 Upper limit on X: 233 + 1 232 for rounding B3 573120142744 B4 263054507277 B5 432774360726 B6 305357575005 B7 561447164514 B8 314201226657 B9 525263620355 BIO 377777723167 37 C7 • 2 C • 237 5 C3 .236 C1 • 235 CODE 545431050001 Error code for X <-1 CODE 1 545431050002 Error code for X> 1 Working Spaoe 1 oel1 labeled STORE o. EXPLANATION Timing Average 3.19 mlB. Maximum 3.2 mls. C15 ~ ~2 C13 • 240 C11 • 239 38 C9 • 2 REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC PAGE J PROBLEM 5 OF RRF2 CODED BY Johnsop. Bernick PATE: REV 15 .May $57 0 ITEM NUMBER OP LOC , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , SUB , , TEMPS, 1 INOUT, 1 MJ , 0 RJ , ERROR , , EXIT , Y , , , , TJ , TJ , MJ , MP ENTRY X START OK U , , MJ 00 00 TP SA LTL , MP , LTL , , , , , MP t LTL , , , , , , , , , , , RRF2 1 START FILL FILL FILL B B1 0 X B2 0 MP , Q BJ B5 Q 2 FILL , , , , , ERROR 1 , , , B4 2 FILL A X AT ~ AT 0 , , , 1 , , , , 54 DIAG , , , LTL , , , , DIAG+2 , 0 COMMENTS V OK ERROR 2 & $ .$ $ ERROR EXIT $ SUCCESS EXIT $ FUNCTION $ ARGUMENT $ ARGUMENT TO A $ TEST FOR $ ARGUMENT OUT $ OF RANGE $ FORM ROUND AND , , STORE X SQRD , STORE , SCLD 33 IN TEMP $ STORE , X J A Q , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , STORE A Q STORE A , , , , , , , $ $ EVALUATE $ $ POLYNOMIAL $ $ EXPRESSION $ $ FOR $ PAGE 4 REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC PROBLEM OF 5 RRF2 CODED BY Johnson.Bernick DATE Rev.15May '57 ITEM NUMBER OP LOC , , , , :- '. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ERROR 1 ERROR 2 B , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , AT MP LTL AT MP , , , , , LTL , , , , , , , AT , LTL AT MP LTL AT MP MP LTL TP MJ SP MJ SP MJ B67 B6 Q 2 B7 Q 3 B8 Q 2 2 BIO Q , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , B9 Q 1 A 0 CODE 0 CODE 1 0 77777 COMMENTS V U Q STORE , , ARCTAN X A Q STORE A Q STORE A Q , , , , STORE , , , , , , , , A • $ $ , , , , By , , , METHOD $ $ NESTING $ $ $ • $ $ A , , Q , $ , , , , $ X y EXIT 0 ERROR 0 ERROR 77777 , , , , , $ $ STORE FUNCTION $ TO SUCCESS EXIT $ ERROR CODE TO A $ TO ERROR EXIT $ ERROR CODE TO A $ TO ERROR EXIT $ LOtIER LIMIT $ # PAGE. REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC PROBLEM 5 LOC , B1 , , , , , , , , , , , , B2 B3 ' B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 CODE CODE 1 OP , B10 , B04 , B57 , B26 , B43 , B30 , B56 , B31 , B52 , B37 , B54 , B54 , ENDSUB U , , , , , 00000 DATE REV. 15 May ' 57 00000 31201 30545 , , , 00001 00000 42744 07277 , , , 14471 , , , 42012 , 26657 52636 20355 , , , 77777 , , , , , 27743 P 5'"'53575 , 54310 54310 eOlfl.ENTS V , 60726 75005 64514 23167 50001 50002 5 RRF2 CODED BY Johnson. Btrnick ITEM NUMBER OF , , , , , , , , , , , , , UPPER LIMIT & ROUND BIT $ C15 SCLD 42 $ C13 SCLD 40 $ C1l SCLD 39 $ C9 SCLD 38 $ C7 SCLD 37 $ C5 SCLD 37 $ C3 SCLD 36 $ C1 SCLD 35 $ ERROR • CODES $ $ THIS IS A USE PROGRAM BATOOl PRINT - OF.F-Ln~ - STATED DECJ}~ DATA by D I Cook, Boeing Airplane Co , Dec 1956 A PURPOSE The purpose of this program is to prepare a magnetic tape on the l103A computer to print a block of consecutive words of memory as stated dec imal data on the Univac High Spee d Printer . The information is written on Uniservo number two in the fixed block mode. B J.1ETHOD The data to be J..Tinted are scaled to proper bina.ry' fractions (with the binary point between the sign and the most significant bits ) from the scaling information supplied by the programmer as control information. Repeated multiplication by ten is performed on the scaled word to obtain succes sive decimal digits . The decimal point is inserted in t he appropriate position and a minus sign is inserted after the least significant digit- i f the word is negative . Zeros praceeding the most significant digit are not converted to XS) code and, hence I are not printed by the high speed printer. colunm to be printed may contain twelve characters including the decimal point and sign. If' the word is too large to be printed in the form indicated by the scaling information the decimal point is shifted to the right and the low order digit s are truncated . An eleven dieit integer is printed without a decimal JX)int . A "Fast Feed In symbol is inserted as the first character of the first blockette and every sixtieth block9tte causing the data to be printed at 60 lines per page. A "Printer stop" symbol is inserted as the first character of the blockette immediately foll~-ng t he last blockette to be printed in order to stop the printer after completing the printing . C USAGE L. The following instruction is written by the progra.'llIl1er to ent er this program where "tl! is the locati on of the first inst ruction of this program and "r" is a location in the main program: . Lee Op U v r RJ t +2 t r+l Explanation Jump to the first instruction of this program. Control is returned to this location following the successful execution of thi s program. SA C 1546 l · R3 BOEING I NO. PA GE Tor: +- 27000 C USAGE (cont'd) 2. The following control data must be stored within this prograI:l. prior to transferring control to location t. Loe t+3 Op N U v Explanation L M Format Control . N is the number of columns to be printed where OeN~8. L is the location of the first data word to be printed . It is assumed that successive words are in consecutive locations . M i s the number of lines to be printed and must be chosen such that L+M' N is a legal storage location. t+4 t+5 t+6 • • • • t +ll - Scale Indices. Di is the number of decimal places to be printed to the right of the decimal point for all data in the ith column where OeDi-lO . B~ is the number of binary places to the r~ght of the binary point for all data to be printed in the ith column rThere OI!!iBi j£ 3$ 3. i'llhen using this program Uniservo number two must be ready to receiva 'tn-itten information. The tape is not rewound before or after printing so that additional information rnsy be written on the tape. 4. The following is the normal storage assignment for this program . It should be noted that this assignment may be altered by the compiler . Item Total Program Starting Location Number of words Dec Oct Dee Oct t Without Erasable 8torage t Subject to Address ':,10d. t Program Constants t+143 t+168 Erasable storage t t t t +2l1 t +2$O 301 168 143 455 25 217 31 133 205 250 5. No error cheeks are made within this progr8lll and no error oodes are used. Failure to comply with the restrictions imposed on the Fbrmat Control Word in location t+3 may result in an 11C':T fault. SAC 1546 l -R3 27000 C USAGE (contld) 6. The printed format produced by thie program consists of N columns of 12 character s each with 3 blank spaces between columns . The 12 characters within a column consi st of 10 (or l ess) decimal digits , a decimal point and a minus sign (if the number is negative) or a blank space (iI§ the number i s positive ). Eleven digit integers are printed without a decimal point and the 12 characters then consist of 11 dec~l digits and a minus sign or a blank Elpa.t:e . D RESTRICTIONS 1. This program will operate on the standard "minimum 1l0)AII computer as establis hed by USE . 2. This program is self- contained and no other programs are used . 3. This program will print data contained anywhere in the addres s able IT'.emory of the computer other than that space occupied by the program itself . The data are assumed to be in s tated binary form in consecutive memory locations. 4. The tape produced by tlrl.s program is in fixed block form in blockettes of 120 characters each and a density of 128 lines per inch suitable for printing on the Univac High Speed Printer . 5. The standard USE 120- 120 printer board is used to print the data from the tape . E CODING 1. INFOFU~TION This program uses 133 words of erasable storage . In normal usage this block of erasable storage begins with location l O(t+168) 2. = 8(t+2$0) . This program will write a printer tape at approximately blockettes per minute. 400 SAC 1546 l -R3 BOEI""G I NO. 'l'OO~ PAGE 2 · 7000 ~------------~~ j:.l~ - TOQl -:>qII\'T IS , ...... 1 ,.tJ 71b~~LJC65 1 5 , 'If , .. , 4". 0 , )I '· ?5 . U )( , )< F'lt'Tf C'-RL <:0 c, S? c:: • c:: I) c:o; C:f. )( ,j'JIJ tRJ ,MJ , FILL ,FILL ,F I L'_ ,FILL ,J=ILL . FILL ,F I LI_ , F I LI_ '+l 3~ · <' , .. o. (' H, 0 . <.' 'C ·2,0 -OTA G , f' ·I=TLL ,J=ILL .I=TLL ,FfLL .J= LL . FTLL t FTLL ' FILL · J="rLL ·FYLL ' ~TM~·2 ' c Tli _ - "r LL 'C'?LL · r::-rLL , r::TLL ,cTLL _cTLL ,cTLL 'LrN~<; ,F£I G~ .q,o , M,-J ,C ,ExIT LJA ,~Pl , 12C ./.IlI2 U~l ,1 P , TV , ZFR<' ,TP , '''P I V';;' ' C\ l OCI( ·CTPL ' 41'l? (::0 o1 ,I T , rJ ,j'JIJ .TJ • -r p 56? ,TU . 'TV , 'TV . TV .TV ,TV , !.J A , fJA ,RA ,RA ,TP CALC Cook - ~TLL , q~ -6A 'c E4 ·llNF.-C; ,L TNFC; ,r: 1 . F'TR~T . APR • • • • ~ 0 l • • • • • Lor~TI ON • • I 0 4 I r II'E'" 10 WORD PR I ~ I r t-J~"E C;ET LO(A I H' OJ= FfHCT I I E Or ...:.IX 10 op II'I -r cr'r( LT"'~') ~ ' ~ TP"'T ·.t::1=2 ,c:'lp "r ·~ P-4 ,O::"P'-T ,r::'R"1 .~F 5 ·1:1=6 ·6 ~5 ' DC ~Eq Ot-= COl UM'\J'" TO pP1Nr PFH SAC 114 5 A ... ", L'I\I~ PKT'\JT '\10 CUl[IMI\Ie: TEe: r FnR r.., ( ' ~c:- T~{)"J Cf'lU JMf\''-; PR T !T u (Ol lJi"'Nc • Lor'\TI f)1\J OJ:. r l Pe: l .... C ~LF tN')t:. )' • * • Q • • • • • • • • 1 4 · o.LTt o DATE PRINT - OFF- LINE - STATED DECI¥.AL DATA FITh'D BLOCK BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY 1____________________________________ I______________S_EA_T_T_LE__ 14_,_W_A_S_H_'N_G_T_O_N___________ _ CONTRACT NO. , PR~""~~j." · (:I'll - "; F 1 REVISED F!~C;T • • E 1( T r tN'-IEN 1"0 L f'lF- C TO OK! I • • CLF'IR -.;TUR,o ',r J=r)t-J l-'oYN"I' J~l\Gt .~TP"'T 12,.';6 "lEW T~~T 'I , ~ C . ')(' O~ NUjVI ' ~F~ • C ('L .... ·VLJ O~ • ' V? ' ~J=.? Moe • • • 'V P ' V'? .V '.j ~LOC\(' 0 • N' 1M , ~1:"6 , 6Fl F IVE r) - 0 0 , f' DA-rt ERR " R J:'XIT "urCES"; EX' r COI'l roOI WOI-I ' ) C;CIILE TNtJI CEc:: -':!Al • ~X I1 · <;.'12 ' COL '- o":Cr~£IL OOII-iLE Lt.N(;' rf-J rrFro,l ~UM iN I rH PROGHAj\Il t'T 10no TN~ r RIJ ,. T r 0 1" '3 51 I r:1,JEC'T T" 'lOUKt: so;. PROSRo\OV1 COI'I, ,o1"Tc:. E.R (I <;AIj' E S1 0PAGr.:: NUM~ER OfrO"'TR') 1 \I/()R 0 c I\IU" ~F~ OP r'K(IGH!l r-A HI=' c;UI rc; ' CCL ~ ~ I-CHE-CK--I-=~-~o..::-~f----+---I APR i 0 - "'TRI , (,;TRL ,ZF'FW . r::TPL , zr.::Rn (>£1 • 0 ,FILL ,TU ,'fU .Tp ,TV .TP , IJ C? ~T£lTC') PRO~R~M ,~ , fl\lT~v ~~E ,F-I , F~ROR - OF~ -LrNF - rUT TOOl -------PAGE 4 f .T M , TP ,TP ,~p ~', , "'"U "T V ' (:;"LL. " heRI ) j .}J:'R () 'i'FR( l '~F:C 4 , 8TN ' ~"LL ,C ,• 0 , P"N ,OFC ~ T ,TP · ,pS ,QP , ') ] ,"'P I I , T , t.T ,TP .1Q ,ep ,I T , I Tl , -rp ,')Fr ,q~ , 4P ," , · ,DV ,RA ,TP fC fC'] ,~p .c: rALt 'LPPt'bI 0 I t; i - D0 •L1 , 6R1 ,C ,G . ....,~ , UPPH" ,t::TLL , '" , r. ,j •G · 00 ,4.(''1: l~r4 ,T? , TJ .T O I \jLl ,L 0'1' J:' 0 , f f\J IQ , \I . (' R r' ' SF • 'T P ,M J I n , eA IIH 'Rn C ok N('T L l'q(~E t:: !'JO IIG~' • I f'1 a L t-' 0 r 1\1 r • 4 •• LO(,~TI ON 4 ROII'\Jn Of- r I V r~o~ flUC T1':"' f • TE <.;; r F I W (' V0:: r' F l ") 'II j IN C·.:;>RT '. n Gf-' ..... 1 G 1 r ( 1C' 1 ,G i INC; '~Pl . JFC 4 SuuuRE~ S ~UIrd A~OrHFo PUIN T 1 '5E'1 ,2 ' \~(,RI ) • 1 • '.\ ORt ) ~ , f' , t,;PPF I-' 'I_ O~I ~bI 12 .I)t t ) FCC' C , (:(;'4 , r) FC ,O (1II\'r .... ? T ,c:. p ,::"A n· '\ • SUP -.J P E ':> S P t-' [ f' T 1 N (; ' LPPF-'R · eC2 , I ( IF 4 ' 602 , PO'''~R ·~6 ' Zt=R() ,TP = U ""'D~I"'S~ r0 1 J ;"'" DO o.:LE"E!'J C-lflRflrTt='f./c:. ,Vj ' OPC ,7 1 .'P rjf_p\ ~ 4 'L0W~o ., p = "~DRFS~ ' LPPf-R , IJ 1 4 i ·6C ,1_(' Wr~ ,nv ~HIPT 4 ,Q , IJ CALC .~P? ~ 0 q j •G •C , c:.A , PA (:C· ' LPPr~ , 'i = j ,TP ,TP ,TU cC'? • U ·LO WfP " RO 17F ' 8 FC O ..... 1'''T t " 10 F )( 1 Ir, rOMM"Nn IJ P' U R 15 I~" .t,;PPEP , f' . 'i IO ,I. T ' 3TN , 2 , I Rl\ ,ep PRt:" o"r~ .';t:"(' ,"'J , TJ c.;; /\1/ t: 4 • ' ~('IP l fP? ,PA 4 , 8TN ,ep ' 0 Wl' -J, r 0 t- C I M~ L I 1\' r F- y BTNARv TN,-'F. Y ,4 0 , OFC · 6P2 1 , ff~ j S l\ \ I t: 4 <':l\IIt:: ' ':3C: ALt=' I , r;Fc ~ "IEXT , 2I ~ ,q GET · • SA"~ 0 T G I T ~ , "36 , !: REVISED r 1" (.1 ~ DATE I-~-~~O~---+~-=-~I---+---IPRINT _ OFF- LINE - STATED DECIHAL DATA CHECK APR APR FIXED BLOCK BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY -- - ---"- TOOl SEATTLE 14, WASHINGTON I ------------------I-----------~------------ - CONTRACT NO. PAGE '5 , '" ,~A , 1J tF 3 tF4 , Lc , tiT ' V7, 'l T ,C , cp , c e.. 'l,PPt:-~ , c TLl .("lJ '~FC: A t! T , 1 P dJ . V? ,C ~ c; U P '..l R E "S 4 CO"'VER r LOW!:Q '~ D f ,"6 f • 6- ,f: E6 f •C ; , >\ · LJP Pt:. R ' LOWFc , ll,1 TI- H '~H3 f I ~TLL f . CjLL f ,RA ,": Fl ' 6t:'2 • V':: , ~r '~L , ,., ,76 • 18 ,PA · · ,-:; c q " ,_' 1 ,'f'U ' ~FLJ .~A ,C.A T ,TP , q LOC K I , r. , FWI •c .tl9 · 1"1 ] ~ 112 ..56 Cook CHECK I ~'E)'T LOC'ITION Or- i" ' Ey-r DO '1~orH~R ~0Hr APR TAR ~ I) ('lEY" T"Ir)r-l( L H.lF' f WRrrE ~LOC~ ON TI'P~ DO ,\NorHER LTNF .~fLL • C;;r()) f NHTrE Pr?TI\JTf ,~ ' ':! ll. l • ~ F' I I TC IE I Ll.o •A I 1\1 FrYEll DL()CK "'OL't:.. rl' l FrvE'I' PLnCK fIo'out. f f ~ ' '3A3 ' H~ I TC: • . ~TOfJ • S T () u , rl~t-'E • ~ ~.' RTIE t'l~r-'E P ~ r "Jp. ~ ,C)(IT 'ZFRO I--R_EV_I_SE_D--l-_D_AT_E_ PRINT - OFF-LINE - STATED DECIMAL DATA FIXED BLOCK APR I\i 'II(IPr) f • '\,P 'LTNt-~ )f I" T A pc' n ,... I r,. I I ~ f' Ir:.1T<:: .... I ~A ·9 A2 I !;" ~~ 0 1 G 1 T '" TOP H I ' ~A , 12 () ,C L">SI • Lor'\TI()N OF 1 . c: oGt. ,FF , i=' , "' II · va ·- .RP • Lor '\T I nN Or- ' V20 . ": . 7J MO\ /E ,cT p '--T • <;TOf-l , :J t.Gt:" 1 MO"<=': NF X I , t- f ,T P , TJ T f f ~ T~ 4 , l, r ,1_ TN I- F' , ~rLL .&.:o ,M J M0 \1 ': , cT LL '~1l1 , IJ ,IJ ,TP f • • ,';I"L" , 9LOCK , r. ,t- W1 fa TEP • 18 tTJ , p c.. .TP . fF .PP\ '!JUPI) \ • 1R ~ ,PA ,TJ .PA CONVEH TF 0 . ICTLL " , I MO"~ ·V e;., , V.r::. ' ~F'" ,I T IN c ';:Rr MI Nl'S STGN 'V~ ,t, Fr::. ,"P 17GJT l"'orH~R 'V'" '~t:'4 ,"P DO f 'L0\A'l="ro' , rv" ,j XC 3 f ' LPpcH ,'TP Z F' rW S ro f •C ,'fP , PA . PA , PA "'E'ltT O I '~!T ~ ,'T'P , ~A CALC • AD D ' 61="3 ' L'PPFR • LOWI="H ,TP ,C '1'.. ,9 N ,1J • <. 86 1 2 BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY I ,., TOOl SEATTLE 14, WASHINGTON CONTRACT NO_ BAC 17415 A • R1 • PAGE 6 \ . -~~~-~- - - - - - - --~------------------------------------------------~ o~ ,~P ,lI,nR r .~f, 9"1 • l' \oj , ,}('I .~ r ~ . ~n ~ usn 7C'R" , ,c r p ,~ ()'"' .P C' C? , y , .. ('I , '1 /"I1J ['e; , )< , , r- ... r'7 , ... , ... , .. ,. 'J( , .. ,)I , [' 1 0 t ,0.0 I CO . O ' OOv . o ~ 0000 .( ' 'O OOOO . C t '" V? v ·. . ,p ,8 ,p VI1 ,p · \Ie; t R , ... e; \" ,p , ... 7 \/ Q , 'If ,.p. t' , "0 I?O PO f 1\)'1 cT(')t-' Fj;;I Wi:) T ,p ,p ,P r~ ,Q 1\' • 4 • • • • • ~ • • • ...... , ... LJ ?- <:' • , ... ? )( , y , ~ ,+ lOOOOOClC.O , ... 1 OOUOf)/}CC . C' •• I Ot.lUUOnCOO . f") ' · , 00uOOOcn00.0 , ... , ooe 00 ," [10 • POWC:R S at-' , .. , onooo" . C )( , 'j r~ ~ , ... , , y r~ ~ ~ .' • ~ ; , ... 0 . 11 ~ '+20.U fio 17 , ... ~OO U UOl'CCOO (l ,"'37 nuuO(lcoono ''''? CtJ6 4 6?COOO • • t Nr <; U8 , I • • • " . fHA~t: LTI\IEe; Pl)Gt: " ,p ,e PLOC~ ,H COl c: ,p ,p ,lIl.TE:0 t"(')o[j .8 ,p DF.:r: • .. r ·. , + (' (' ,. r , ... ('I , .. r , .. r , ... r t:l'1\j , t-' C'Co,LE .B , .. (' ,IP°J::P , EI , + (' L n\~ER ,p f , tl , .. r , .. (' IIBLF.: ' <;TIlRO{JF Or: l [I\IE c.:. TO pp 1 'I' r OF l rr" E<; PCH P r- E • N'J.tvI 'ER OF I [ "'E c: p~' r-' "' V '1CK N U ~~ ~ER Of!' C'O I Ur-""J" fJFR I tNE FLOfJ • FLT..'I r') r n I-'E : rNvE-YT n • I,ftl0o ~ •• ~E~ 0 1-' l'l r I Te; TC l L E ~ r Or' fJOT I • NIJM ~E R Or- r '-it' R IICTC'R<; PF~ \.'I Il KI' ,. ." p ~ -'l FR OF f' r (~ ITr.; T" Rl r. ~r / I F I-' n {I\I r Fl°<.;T • '" CH~~/lC1FR~ (') F (' (j I\Vt:RTEn OHn L~ST ~ C H~ ~(J C TER c OF "0 v 'r!l-i. l t::n 'NOH'" TF '''P('t-<· P '( S T OHf.lGE FnK • PRT '\j T I)Rt." LfN.:' IML'G!='S l?n W"~f)S j N U Ilt1 '~FR j N U M~F~ j - , I j j j - - I_C_A_lC_-+-....!C~o~o~k'---+'1~2:...::_~~j6 I - R-E_V_'SE_D--+_D_AT_E'_ , PRINT _ OFF- LINE ... STATED DECIMAL DATA CHECK FIXED BLOCK APR APR BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY SEATTlE 14, WASHINGTON TOOl - -=-=-":="- - -1 I ------------------------------------I --------------------~--------------·---·-- CONTRACT NO. SAC PAGE 7 1748 A - Rt ~------------------------------------ . -- J _ _ • USE Subroutine I. Identification R-W EXP-2, Stated point Exponential, Malcolm Perry, 22 March 1956 - Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation II. Purpose Given 2 35x this routine computes 2 35 eX. III., Range, Method a. Truncation error of the polynomial is b. Range. c. Method. -(ln2) (2 35 +2 -1) < 34.5 X ln2 The routine finds q, an integer such that X where < < 2- 35 • =q (1n2) + r Ir I ~ ln2 2 This gives eX ~ (e ln2 )q 'e r = Zq'e r = (2q+l).~ 2 q l Since the factor 2 + is easily applied by shifting, it is only necessary to calculate the quantity e r /2. This is accomplished by a 7th order approximating polynomial where the domain of r is This polynomial was obt.e.ined with the aid of routine CVF -O. The coefficients of the polynomial are listed in the accompanying code listing. between the function e r /2 interval stated above, is The maximum discrepancy and the polynOmial, in the .75 X 2- 35 • The error in the machine's approximation to e in all case s by .[(ll.3 + .7 Ix l ) eX + 1 J '2- 35 X is bounded That is I( A)f - eX'2 35 1 < (l1.3 + .7 IxI ) eX + l Most of the error is due to round-off within the routine. The actual error is usually less than the bound stated here. IV. Usa.&e a. Calling sequence LOe OP r RJ r+l b. v u Normal return Control and Results 2 35 X must be in A upon entry to the routine j 2 35 eX is lett in A upon normal return. c• Space required 28 instructiona, l5 constants, 3 temporaries d. Alarm conditions If X falls in the interval 34.5 (ln2) 2, the error in eX is less than 2-(26-E) where E is the binary power of X. b. Range. x < .693 x 27 • If x < - .693 x 27 J the answer will be zero. c. Method. = (2-129 ) 1. eX .2x(10g2e+1 29) 2. Divide (X.lo32e + 129) into an integral part R and a fractional part S. on X, R ~ O, O ~S By the necessary limitations <1 3. eX = (2R - 129 ){2 S ) = (2R-128){~S) 2 4. 2 S is evaluated using the Rand Polynomial Approximation number 20.(2 S 5. Since 0 ~ = 10Slog102) S <" 1 ,1 ~ 2 S < 8 1/2 :::; 2 /2 6. 2 <1 R-128 is the characteristic of the answer, in f'loating notation, and 2 S 2" 1s the mantissa. IV. Usage a. Calling sequence WC OP u v r RJ t+2 t r+l b. Normal return Control and Results The arguIIltnt x in fioating point must be in A upon entry; e c. x in fioating point is left in A upon normal return . Space required 43 instructions, 19 constants, 3 tempora.rie s d. Alarm conditions The alarm exit is used if x falls outside tha permissible range. V. No restrictions VI. Coding Information a. Constants WC CON6'l'ANT +44 2 35 ln2 +45 4 23 !ln2 +53 234 +54 40 07777 77777'0 +55 37 70000 ooOOOb +56 00 00000 00170b +57 00 00000 OOO44b +58 6 +59 1 2 5 +60 227 +61 43 RW EXP-3 3-26-56 E28 LT 00001 AOOOO 34 E29 AT 00000 02EOO 34 E30 IJ 02E02 00E26 E31 LA 02EOl 20027 E32 AT OlE09 QOOOO E33 EJ AOOOO 00E36 E34 TP OlEla 00000 E35 MJ 00000 OOEOl E36 SP 02EOO 00028 E37 LT 00000 02EOO 27 E38 LT 00001 AOOOO 28 E39 TJ 01E16 00E42 E40 RA QOOOO OlE16 E41 TP 02EOO AOOOO E42 AT QOOOO AOOOO PACK E43 QJ 00E34 00E02 CHECK EXP ALARM TAG lEOO 06 93147 18056 -01 35 LN 2 lE01 06 93147 18056 -01 34 HLF LN 2 lE02 01 99243 65600 -04 34 C7 lE03 01 39485 76760 -03 34 C6 1E04 08 33324 84740 -03 34 C5 lE05 04 16662 18354 -02 34 C4 1E06 01 66666 66994 -01 34 (3 1E07 05 00000 01077 -01 34 C2 lE08 09 99999 99997 -01 34 C1 1E09 20 00000 00000 B CO . RW EXP-3 3-26-56 ·' lElO 40 01111 17111 B MASK lEI1 31 10000 00000 B MASK 1El2 00 00000 00110 B 1El3 00 00000 00044 B lEl4 00 00000 00006 B lE15 00 00001 00000 B lEl6 00 10000 00000 B lEI1 00 00000 00053 B lEIS 00 00000 00000 ALARM TAG 2EOO 00 00000 00000 MANTISSA 2EOl 00 00000 00000 EXPONENT 2E02 00 00000 00000 INDEX \ PROGRAM WRITE-UP 1. ARCSINE X, STATED POINT IDENTIFICATION A. FRANCK, M.D. r BERNICK - MARCH 1956 REMINGTON-RAND mIVAC 2. PURPOSE Given x, this program computes Arcsine x. 3. METHOD =I "'-F (x) I ~ 2-24 · B. Accuracy b. Range of argument: c. F(x) arcrln~- =aresin x is I (x) I ~ I computed in radians from the polynomial approximation arcsin x ~ 1T/2 -.J1:X ~ a1 xi. The square root is 1=0 computed by an approximation and one application of the NewtonRaphson Formula. 4. USAGE a. Calling Sequence u ADDR. QE r r+l b. RJ t+2 Normal Return v ADDR. t Control and Results The argument is to be placed in the Accumulator and the function will be found in the Accumulator. The program also places the argument in t+3 and the function in t+4. c. Space Required: storage. 109 locations including constants and working d. Error Codes £RLANATI I 301224060001 5. RESTRICIIONS 6. CODING INFORMATION a. Constants: 22 locations b. Working Storage: c. Timing 7 locations ARCSINE x, STATED POINT A. FRANCK, M.D. BERNICK - MARCH, 1956 REMINGTON-RAND UNIVAC I.DCATION. OPERATION. ENl'RY MJ ERROR RJ EXIT MJ uADDRESS. DIAG+2 vADDRESS. EXPLANATION START Jump to body of program DIAG Error exit to diagnositc routine FILL Success exit X FIlL FHL FILL Argument Y FIlL FilL FIlL Function STAIn' TP A x 1M A A TJ B2l PROG MJ PROG NOZERO NEG POS ERRORl Store argument ~x I > 1 TP A Y ZJ NOZERO EXIT x=O TP A STORE Store TP x TP Bl SJ NEG TP B2 TM A A EJ B XONE I x \::::1 MP STORE B3 a> x·2 LT 1 AT B4 STORE 2 MP STORE STORE 2 LT I A STORE 1 Ixl x~A Preset STOREI for sign determination POS STORE 1 A A Reset STOREI for negative argument Ixl~ A 77 LOCATION. OPERATION. uADDRESS. vADDRESS. EXPLANATION (a7x2+86x+a5) '2 AT B5 STORE2 MP STORE STORE 2 LT 3 A AT 86 STORE2 MP STORE STORE2 LT 2 A AT 87 STORE 2 MP STORE STORE 2 LT 2 A AT 88 STORE 2 MP STORE STORE2 LT 2 A AT B9 STORE2 MP STORE SfORE2 LT fJ AT BID TN srORE 40 (a7x3+"'+84)'240 (87x4p"'+a3)'239 (87x5+ ••• +a2)·238 (a7x6+ ••• +al)·237 A A (a7 x7+ •• ·+ao ) .234 (A)=-x'2 33 (A) =(l-x) .233 STORE2 SA 8 fJ SF A STORE3 SP A fJ TP A SA 811 LT fJ STORES Store F MP B12 STORE 5 A.F -+ AR AT 813 STORE 6 Store A.f+B SN 814 Scale factor (Al):::(); (AR) =N; 234 ~ N~ 235 STORE 4 18 15 Store N [ (N+D) ] ~ 218 =F-+A -C.2 1S -+ A lJ)CATION. OPERATION. uADDRESS. vADDRESS. DV STORE 5 AT STORE6 srORE5 SP STORE4 32 SS stORE 5 DV STORE 5 A AT STORE 5 STORE 5 LQ STORE 3 35 QT B17 TV A A A EXPLANATION (-C.215)~F=-G AR . Store AF+B-G=Yl N.232 A N.2 32 Yl A (N.232~Yl)-l AR Store (N·2 32 ~ Yl)-l+Yl=Y2 Ko Q35,K6 ••• Kl ••• Q5 ••• Qo (K-Ko) ~ 2 ~ AR RIFT Set up V part of shift PROGI Set PROGl for storage of results TP DONE TJ B15 NOSCAR (K-Ko) TP SCAR PROGl Reset PROGI for scale and round NOSCAR QJ RIFT I 37, round & scale I-x X(x)·2 67 I-x X(x)·2 33 (Q)=(c-arcsin X)·233 x neg, j wnp LOCATIOO. OPERATION. EXPLANATION EXIT Jump MJ fJ TN B20 Q MJ fJ PROG3 XONE ERROR I vADDRESS. uADDRESS. SP CODE MJ fJ A ERROR to exit x=1;- 7T 2 "233-+ Q Enter error code in A Jump to error exit 233 100000000000 B B Bl B fJ B2 B 1 B3 B 532413520070 87 44 B4 B 332441425535 86 42 B5 B 564007151545 85 40 B6 B 370417441233 84 40 B7 B 462370666522 83 39 sa B 266165166073 82 38 B9 B 444200330653 81 37 BI0 B 311037551633 80 34 Bll B 264767031361 0=24,290,062,513 B12 B B13 B 114534644516 8--10,291,988,814 B14 B 330657140271 ~29,104,062,651 B15 B B16 B 265011714640 B17 B 77 B18 B 200000000000 234 B19 B 377777777777 235-1 B20 B 144417665210 1f 65324 23 A=27,349 1J constant 24,296,004,000 Masie for SF 2 "233 LOCATION. OPERATION. uADDRESS. vADDRESS. 821 B 100000000001 CODE. B 301224060001 STORE FILL FILL FILL srOREl FILL FILL FILL STORE 2 FILL FILL FlU. sroRE3 FILL FILL FILL srORE4 FILL FILL FILL SImms FILL FILL FILL srORE6 FILL FILL Flu.. EXPLANATION RW SIN-4 5/ 15 / 56 USE Subroutine 1. Identification: RW SIN-4, Floating Point Sine-Cosine Routine Malcolm Perry, April, 1956 Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation Los Angeles 45, California II. Purpose: Given x in floating point form, this program calculates sine x if the parameter word is zero or cosine x if the paramete r word is non-zero. III. Accur acy, Range, Method: a. Sine x or cosine x is computed to 26 binary places of accuracy, or to as many correct bits as there are in the fractional portion of the argument, whichever is less. When x ?;22 7 , this routine substitutes zero for the argument. The alarm exit is not used. b. x may be any floating point number. c. The Rand Pplynomial Approximation Number 16 is used to calculate sin x or cos x. 1. Let Y = (2/n)x, then sine x cosine x 2. sin (n/2)Y sin( n/2 )(y+l) Divide y (or y+l) into an integral part R, and a fractional part S. RW SIN-4 5/15/56 3. R defines the quadrant into which x falls. Pg. 2 Let R' be the two low order positions of R) since in binary notation) other positions merely define a number of complete revolutions. 4. R' is a number one less than the number of the quadrant into which x falls. 5. S defines the displacement (in a positive direction) ,vi thin the quadrant indicated by R I 6. • Therefore) i f R' 00) Let S first quadrant R' 01) Let (l-S) second quadrant R' 10 ) Let ( -s) third quadrant R' 11) Let (l-S) fourth quadrant = sin(n/2)z 7. Sine (or cosine) x 8. (l/z) sin (n/2)z is approximated by the Rand Polynomial Approximation Number 16) using argument z. If x < 1/2) (2/ n )x) which is in float ing form, is 9. substituted for z before doing step 10. Multiply the approximat ion from item 8 by z giving the 10. result) sin TV. (or cosine x). Usage: a. b. Calling Sequence LOC OP r RJ r Normal return u t + 2 v t Control and Results The argument x must be placed in the Accumulator and the parameter word (zero or non-zero) in t + 3. At the time of RW SIN -4 5/15/56 normal exit from the routine, sinx (or cos x) will be in the Accumulator. c. Space Required 56 instructions, 12 constants, 4 temporaries. d. Error Codes The alarm exit is not used by thi s routine. V. Restrictions: The range of x as a floating point number is approximately VI. Coding a. Information:~ , Constants 2 35 +62 +63 17 77777 77777 +64 00 00001 00000 +65 00 00000 00200 +68 00 00000 00003 128 - a/rc .. ~ ~ 10 38 Pg. 3 - --- --- RW SIN-4 5/15/56 Pg . 4 oosoo OOS Ol 0 0502 0 0503 00504 00505 ') 0506 00 507 0 0508 00509 0 0 51 0 v OSll (} 05 2 OOS13 J05_4 O OSI~ 005 16 00S17 00518 00519 0 0520 0 0521 00522 00523 00524 00525 00526 0 05 7 (: 0528 00529 00530 00S31 00532 00533 0 0534 0 0535 00536 00537 00538 00539 MJ 0000 0 00 0000 0 MJ 0000 0 00 00000 TU 00537 I T 00009 LQ AOOO O MP Q()OOO LT 00000 TP QOOOO TM 0250 0 ST 01508 S J 0051 3 S A 01510 SJ 00S17 TV Af)OO O LA 00000 LT 00008 TP 00S03 ZJ 00S26 iJ 01510 CC QOOOO TV AOOOO LA QOOOO iP 00503 ZJ 00526 TN 00000 AT 01 50 6 0;- 01506 CC 02500 QJ 00531 RS 00554 QJ 00533 TP 01506 5T 02501 TP 02501 MP QOOOO LT 00002 TP 01500 TP 01511 00504 0000 0 0 000 0 0000 0 OC5S 4 02500 00035 0 1505 00000 02501 AOOO O C2S0 0 ENTR Y ALARM EX IT NORMAL EX r . ~. PARAM WD SE T EX!: PC' S C:X P PLU S 200 I"' ANT ;:, CI\ I_ :15 SC ALE) (0 OUADR ANTS ~) C AL ED 34 '. XPCf'E N T I.)f\j (3 ! l .. _~ E X ~):JI ! 0 05 2 0 00000 0051 5 0 0<)16 0000 0 0000 0 AOOOO ANG~E LESS THAN HA L'· t"1 AI\jj I ~5A RS SC ALE D 34PARAMETER wD 00536 00522 Aaoo o 00523 00000 ADaOO OOS28 AOOO O AN GL ~ GR EATR T HAN HAL. F R5 SCALED 34 PARAM ETER Wf) IF C05IN E QOOOO 0 250 1 ARE Z FI XE!) AOOOO 00532 01501 00535 AOOOO 02501 00000 QOOOO 02502 00000 02503 EXP ~INL ZRO QUADRN T 30R4 QUADRN T 2 0 R'+ Z SQUARE D :.) CALE D 34 C9 SCAL ED j O INDEX RW SIN -4 5/15/56 5 Pg . 00S40 00541 00542 00543 00544 00S45 00546 00548 00549 00550 00S51 00552 00S53 00554 00555 00S41 0 1S00 0 1501 01502 01503 01504 01505 01506 01507 01 508 01509 01S10 . -; . 11 TU RA MP LT AT IJ MP lJ SF LT RA SA CC RP TN LT 01 -4 07 ~6 01 06 17 00 00 00 00 00 00S38 00544 00S44 01507 QOOOO 02502 00002 AOOOO 00000 00000 02503 00541 00000 02501 00S49 00S02 AOOOO 02503 00028 00000 02S00 02503 01509 00021 AOOOO 00000 00000 00502 AOOO O AOO OO 00006 AOOOO 5 }484 1900 0 61376 55700 96896 79280 4 5963 111 ,,) 6 51019 6318 5 36619 11225 77771 77777 00001 00000 00000 00200 00000 000 ? 3 00000 00034 00000 00003 BUMP CON5TNT EVALUATE RAND I POL YNOM I AL 5CALED '30 MULl By 1 64 EXI T TES T FLOAT MNl5S A PLUS 5CL Fc r FINL EXPON' : PACK ONCE FOR NE.G TW ! CE FR PCl5 FINL MANTS ..·iA -0 '.,. -0 1 -02 ~01 -01 B B B 30 (- 9 30 C-'7 30 ( -5 30 (-3 30 C- 1 35 2 OVER P I MASK 1 28 8 B 59 B 3 28 650 ... PC-Oooo 6s 11 April 1956 LOAD HUB TO AUTOMATIC PLOTTER CARD CONVERSION This routine will retain the indicative information in the first field of a load hub card and convert the other seven fields from floating decimal form to fixed decimal form which can be read by the automatic plottero Each output word will be of the form OOOXX.XXOOO and should not exceed 70.00. The plotter does not distinguish between ~ X and Y punch on a load hub card, so a constant must be added to fields having negative values, to make all values positive. Each field is divided by a scaling factor so that the final output will be u.'lits of centimeters. Use the following formula to determine the scaling factors. x M +- K • )L~ ~1J Given X K = A Multiple of M such that K bounds largest negative number in the field o M • Number of unit of X desired per centimeter. M s~ould be of the form 1 X lOP, 2 X loP, or 5 X loP where p may equal any number. This facilitates easier reading of the graph. Xp • Plotter values in centimeters. ( I. Input (Use 533 Panel No.2, 7, or 12). A. wad Card. B. FLAIR Deck (08 command is used) Decks 033.20 and 033.21. C. Conversion Deck No. 079.00 - 16 cards. D. E. F. Load Hub Card containing K in floating point for each field (except first rield -- first field may be used for indicative material and is not used in the output). Load Hub Card containing M in floating point for each field (except first field -- not used in output). Load Hub Cards to be converted. NOTE~ II. Input ~ be in this order for routine to work. Console Setting -- Standard wad Setting. OUtput. III. A. B. Load Hub form - fixed decimal in form OOOXX. XXOOO withy punch in un1 ts position of each field o A one (1) is added to the left position in the first field, which still contains original indicative information, to identify it as a plotter card. The last seven fields are converted at a rate of approximate~ 25 cards per minute. .. ' . '.. ~ 650-PC-OOoo6s 11 April 1956 -2- EXAMPLE OF HOW TO DETERMINE SCALING FACTORS 2nd / l s t Field 4th 3rd 5th 6th 8th 7th Indicative Information -- ------- - - .- Suppose field number 4 is to be plotted against field number 6. In field 4 are the X values and in field 6' are the Y values. The highest X value is 1379 and the largest negative X value is -17. The highest Y value is 120 and there are no negative Y values. The graph is to be plotted on the regular size "centimeter paper", which is 70 X 70 centimeters (notebook size is 20 em. X 25 em.). 1379 M 1379 + K 26 .., 120 + K No more than 70 em. K( , 20 _ 69.95 em. Therefore: K· 20 M • 20 (f 120 ~. Id or . J.e The X ax1 s i s moved up 1 em. 4) + 2 0 • 60 em. Therefore: ~~ T ~ Write-up Approved • K •• 02 (for Field 6) M The Y axis does not move. Coding EWHrag - No more than 10 em. A 'IN. ?I~ 'W. W~ ~ ~1---. / . . I 650-5D-OOOO7S / June 29, 1956 Revision of FLAIR New 06 Command Deck 033.24 consists of four cards and is now available 110 use in conjunction with FLAIR. This deck changes the 06 command from a NO-oP to a repeat command of the fOrrll "repeat the set of commands starting at 0< the number of times in ~ ". ' The 06 command MUst be sequential to the last instruction of the set. At the completion of ~ loops, the next command is sequential to the 06 command. The form. of the instruetion is 06 oc::. N, where ae:- is the address of the first instruction of the set to be repeated, and N is the number of timee the loop is to be performed. For example, if I is the address of the first instruction of the set, and L is the last, the address of the 06 command MUst be L + 1. - -o A L+1 I 06 N Thus, the set of conunands from address I to L will be performed N times and the next instruction will be at L+2. The set of commands from I to L may contain both "FLAIR and machine language comm.ands, providing L is a FLAIR command, or a command to re-enter FLAIR at (1+1), where (1+1) is sequential to the last FLAIR command used. " sequential. If N is zero, the 06 command is a NO-oP, and the next instruction is " If the set of instructions I to L must be used again later in the program, their addresses may be modified by use of the 08 and/or 8"1f command so that the 06 command may be used again on the same set (even though it is not sequential before the modification). " This deck should be read into the machine following FLAIR so that the proper modification of FLAIR will be made. Storages 1200 thru 1216 are required for this command. Coding of new 06 command: -A 1678 1204 1205 1206 " 1203 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 0 6$ 16 69 22 6, 16 69 22 35 11 D' 161$ 1793 1203 1203 0000 1202 1615 1890 0006 8003 I 1204 120, 1206 8001 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 650-SD-00007S -2- Coding of new 06 command I t ! .Q 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1200 65 15 20 60 1201 1202 4S 20 00 00 (continued) - - I D 1213 1202 1201 1202 1890 1202 0000 0000 1200 1214 1215 1216 8003 1612 0001 0000 Coding W. o. Write-up W. Approved ag Wootan o. Wootan ..g.£ &«!:: 650-sD-OOOO8S June 29, 1956 ADDITION TO FLAIR New 09 CoDlWld DeCk 033.23 can be used in conjunction with FLAIR (Deck 033.20) and the FLAIR index registers (Deck 0)3.21) to provide a "transfer and set index" command. '!he 09 ex ~ command, if' located in storage "n", sets the index register tagged by "ex n to "n + 1" and transfers the control sequence to addresa ..".. This command makes an automatic return from subroutines possible. Example. sets index "D'" to Olll 80 09 • 0008 8000 0250 0251 Hypothetical routine which • • always uses number stored • in Position 0250 025 0260 Olll 00 OP 8000 0000 ex ~ 'ntis Routine uses drum positions 1217 to 1227 inclusive. Coding' o J. 6, 1681 1222 1218 1225 1219 1226 1220 1227 1221 122) 1224 1217 - 1217 ) 122, 188, 19 1642 .30 69 69 I 1867 35 22 1,3, 23 6,22 - D 1220 1222 1219 1226 1227 1209 1192 1867 1615 122) 2 4 1221 1224 1867 8003 IBB5 Coding 1218 e.D WritA-up ag IM 2... H 1iL~ CtAQ'4 HJ0:JJ7 Appro"~(LAcf£' #1rG-- ·- . 5 YMB~L( c i-I Bft4-f? '/ OP612 t1= ,IoNS . 0 LGT 45000 LOGIC TRACE 0 ODD 40000 DRUM STARTS 0 DAS 40172 TNT PR 0 ST 40;>03 START 0 RR 40203 00031 READ 0 BL 4')203 00053 LOAD TIIPt S D E ~ ~AS I-<; Abb-I-NG SEQUENCE ;.QN S-'J:.A-NT-S-F-O R 0 CN 40203 00104 OP PKG -.Bt.. 0 BS 40203 00123 STORE D MQ 4()203 001<=;5 ROUTINE -C.l(S.lJfl4 READ WITH BINARY 0 Olv 40441 PREPARE 0 MAF 5"'5500 MAFIA C:;OO02 MISCRAP 4C:;~ 5 ? nATA TAPE D MCR Q 0 D OTC A- CC>RREC+-I-O nTC Ll4632 RELOC 0 OUP 417 0 ? TAPE nup Ll4230 RFLOC 0 CAM 46144 TAPE CAM 44172 RELOC ~ s 0 pBT 4S516 PRINT BIN TAPE PBT Ll1325 RELOC 0 PBC 4 t 17~ PCH RIN CDS PBC 46400 RFLOC 0 OCt 46600 DRUM CORE IMAGE Q FAp 41376 FAP 0 FF 01420 RUFFER ER ODDOO MJ onROO RO SERVICE TPE OD002 MS ODDOO STOP DODOlJ. MJ O£,)Rl0 LOAD BINARY ODQOfol MJ OOR21') 3 40000 00000 lJ.0026 40004 00000 40040 40006 4~' 00000 40052 40010 LtC: 00000 4001;> 4C, 00000 4007'" 40014 4C:; 00000 40110 ~I GQ OD010 MJ Ol')R40 DOD!? MJ ODR<=;O 40061~ 11 2 NOT USED 00013 DOOl5 DDDI7 MJ 40015 4001 40017 41:; 4f, 40023 4C, 40027 1 I 00001 00001 40031 00 00000 00000 LOAD FAP 40033 37 40224 40172 BINARY 40035 0(\ 00024 00000 40037 00 40415 00000 40041 1 1 00053 00053 40045 37 40224 4017? A 40047 0(" 01500 00000 ARB 40051 0('1 53500 00000 40053 1 1 50000 50000 40055 or- 00000 00000 40057 37 40224 40172 40063 40065 00 50002 00000 3:'2 402211 UOl12 11 40557 40557 40067 00 00000 00000 40071 37 40224 4017? REPL 00R6r:; nATA TAPE CORR E-----O-lJP-L.-LC-A--ll TAPE COMPARE DDR7r:; ULAF0 READ B I J CDS onR8r:; I READ PAPER TAPE 00R 5 5 MJ MJ DDDlc) • • r 41:, 40115 4012~ 40127 140 40141 USED PREPARE LIBRARY D - DOROt TP STOt DDR03 DDR07 SE VICE STOt e A 00 01)024 00000 B -1--0 I3R8 AD--A-SsEMB BINARy TAPE ~ DDRI I TP ~ Leo RLoe g DDR13 DDRI5 RJ O\llPOO DASOO DDR17 00 01500 00000 DDRIc) DDR21 Ml\FOO TP ~HPOO OPTION LOAD MAFIA MHPOO DDR23 A MISCRAP 8 DOR29 DOR31 M~ROO BRB TP DUMOO ntJMOO DOR"33 nUMP B LOGIC ODR37 00 00516 00000 A 40073 0(\ 00516 00000 RFPL DDR3C) 00 LGTOO 00000 BRB 40075 00 45000 00000 REPL DDR41 TP FTROO FTROO 40077 I 1 44327 44327 RFPL 40101 00 00000 00000 5 DDR43 DDR45 TRACE R RJ DMPOO DASOO NOT USED DDR47 B DDR49 B 37 40224 40172 00 00000 00000 40107 00 00000 00000 , z DDR50 RJ D''1POO OT USED A 00 40 I 16 37 40224 40,72 ODR5;> R 4() I 12 00 00000 00000 DDR54 B 40 I 14 00 00000 00000 40 I 16 11 45652 01774 40120 00 00000 00000 40122 37 40224 40172 4012u 00 00224 00000 DDR5~ TP DTCOO TAPF TCOO ~- DDR5R 9 TAPE -UgLI~ -- BRB DDR6~ TP CAMOO COMPARE AMOO DDR6A B PRINT PRTOO DDR74 gg BRB BINARY DDR7A 0 (' 41702 00000 40130 1 I 46144 00001 4013;> 00 00000 00000 40134 37 40224 40172 40140 00 45516 00000 40142 1 I 45574 45574 40146 37 40 150 00 40152 or- 41176 00000 . 4015u 1 I 46426 46421) 40156 00 00000 00000 40166 37 40224 40172 B PUNCH R DDR84 DDR8~ 4 01 26 CARDS BRB PRCOO TP ROQOO RPQ OO DOR8R BIOCTAL B NOT USED 40172 DDR92 B 40162 00 00000 00000 ODR94 B 40164 00 00000 00000 4016f:, 1 1 00236 00236 40170 00 00000 00000 SAVE F I CORE 40172 11 00000 46600 SAVE A LEFT V .LG.i:JT RESET Fl CORE 4()t7u 2.;> 00000 40232 4017~ 11 40203 00000 IMAGE 40200 I 1 0000, TO CORE 40202 11 40204 0000, DDR9f, TP ZYOO SERVICE 7YOO ~- DDR9R R s DMPO~ DASO? LT OASOu TP OSTOO DASOf, TP DASOS TP DSTO' FROM RUM 3 STOI DC I 01 46601 2 <;TO, .." • BL24 ZJ \1 010 STll MPOI TP RROO RROO MP03 CHECKSUM ERROR TP STOqE EXEC 40225 1 , 00031 00031 B Q 40;>31 00 00000 (;0000 B A RIGHT 40~33 00 00000 oooon R MPOC; f,OO OO MP07 CNOI 02 on004 10001 A 40310 0;> 00004 10001 CNO'5 02 0 0 602 10000 R 40312 0;> 00602 10000 40314 0(1 00000 00003 4 0 316 0 (1 00000 00005 ~40 40320 00 00000 00360 M-RPT 1) OVLP RPT DUMMY 40322 7(;: 30000 00000 SET STORE LaC 40326 I c)ET 1\10 WORDS 40330 1 c: 00170 00023 40334 3~ 00 114 0015U 4033f, 3t', 31000 00024 OV IN U V OF A 40342 3C:, 00024 32000 IF NEGATIVE 4034f- 4t', 00144 00146 '5 C; TRM 01 CNO~ • 00 00000 n036(') CN 1 1 RP 3(')000 CN13 24 B ;>0 S15 ~ BSOO TU ~ U13 MP OI c: 00102 00022 A A 10 Q T • BSOf, AT CNO~ SET OV TRM 4.O-M-I-N LaC EO OVLP RS25 SET ZERO BS 1 ;> AT '1P03 A BS14 TN 0 BS16 sJ e), S17 BS18 TP MP02 0 BS20 rP 0 A Rsl~ N TO Q SET OVERLAP A '5 BS2;> R NORM~L 40354 00000 00000 9S24 R OVERLAP 40356 00 00000 00000 MP 04 ZERO LOCATION 40360 1~ 00000 00025 MQ05 SET PPT 40362 3~ 00122 00,62 CHECKSUM 40366 3:> 00031 00000 CORRECT SUM 40370 3L1 00025 00000 MOOO TU MOO;> AT MOO4 RS A 5 CN14 A CLEAR A 3 2 Mr.'It"IA ~S .'-1P04 ----- MQOq ZJ 1010 MMOO RJ "'1009 MMO' TU 0 MM04 MM04 TP MP01 MMOf, TV A ~T1c:; 4()371. FXIT IF ZERO R-R-Q..R-.S+G-~ -- MO')O CKSUM D1M+ L O-C---CALlOBTAIN CALL SEQ R- C-6JRRE ROUTIf\JE t..L- MI1'J ~ET fRROR EXIT 47 00167 00171 37 40401 1 t~ 32000 00017 40403 1f-. 0002, 00017 40405 31 32000 00017 EX LOC TO A Q 40407 55 32000 00017 OBTAIN ROUTINE f; t IF II\! CORE 40411 37 00 117 00130 TRANSFER 40415, 7r: 30022 01752 . 40417 1(- 0004c; 01771 40423 37 00103 00053 4f'1427 7r:: 21607 40431 3 L1 01772 00044 TEST FOR 40433 47 01767 01770 RCW 40435 11 01752 00055 4044, 37 00336 00320 40443 7~· '" CJ(S • MM08 TV "1 Po 1 MM10 SP A 1 c:; MM1~ LQ A 1 c:; MM14 RJ eN I 1 MMlf, ~T r.N12 A LFOO RP ST1C:; SUCCFSS EXIT STORAGE BY)C:; 31)01~ F02 ~ LFO' TV LF04 TP 0 ~R12 F17 SET FAP ONLY XT LFO~ 75 31607 FlO BBR LF1() 75 21607 F'12 e8R LF1;> Flp. 36 F15 F16 zJ - R A LOAn 8 I NARy LF14 • • • • BRING FAP o 17oL~ ( LFlf, TP F02 BCWOO LF18 ~ET B w lYOO RJ ZY64 ZySO ZY02 75 21607 7Y0 4 BASIC OPS 88R FAP 21607 00242 4QLI~LI lY04 TP A lYO" TP DLF1A lY71 MPOO C) lYOA IJ "1P OO zy50 5 lY1? TP D ~ 1P05 ZY14 DV ZY66 0 MP06 AND " SET INDEX LQ TST END CKSUMS 4045, 41 00021 00320 OPERATIONS R ENO-LlOOOO OCT 40453 1~ 40455 1 1 40231 31000 40461 7r; 30170 00260 TV lY34 RROA 40463 1~ 00342 0010Ll BY I,q EQ BLKCT COLD START lY1A 32000 40437 40445 00300 00041 ." ZY19 RJ 7y37 7Y47 WR rTF BLOCK SET FIRST WORD 40u66 :;st: 00120 01420 RUMP DRUM READ 40470 21 00302 00341 EXIT IF ZERO 40u7u 47 0027;? 00274 WRITE BLOCK 4()476 37 00315 00301 U0500 7r: 00170 00277 40')02 1"7 00000 00104 4050u 7~ 30167 00303 , Zy6A 40506 17 00342 TEST NO BLOCKS T ZY27 7.Y2A ZJ ZY30 RLOCK • ZY37 EF ZY41 RJ RR 10 RRJ4 40512 3"7 00043 00035 ZYU3 RS GFOO F='FOO 40514 2~ ZY4~ RP 20120 ZY4 7 ZY47 lJ 7Y4~ ZY49 TU ZY34 ZY51 40522 1 ~ 00300 00321 ZY51 TP Dr1P02 MP02 4052(" 1 1 00023 MP03 40534 11 32000 00020 U0536 5c: 00J21 FORM WORD SET ZY5~ RS A ZY57 SA ZY59 TP A ZY61 LQ 7.Y,)1 31021 ZY63 RA i'Y51 01610 01420 ZERO ACCUM A CHECKSUM 3102C; .. - 7V70 n 0 TO DRUM ZY67 Z¥68 ZVf>9 ZY71 167 02 00606 20001 RP 20000 B 8 lVSR 23 I 19 SIC; 2 1 1 00023 00000 40544 00 00167 00000 4054f, 7c: .20000 00330 4055;> 40204 00001 1IllB I IE EOBWA. CKSUM DUMMV B PREPAqA TI ON 3 40542 '. DLF 40415 , 1 46144 f;: D OLF 0 0 0 MM D IS AB 41656 22~1 01610 CROO 30013 CR02 BRING FAF' F17 , F08 CHECKSUM M06 eEWHJD +'~12 CR06 01 I A J RP \lCO? rP RFOO Oc; VC04 V VC06 ~co:Z ChJ 'lLeos HCQg VCOP, CPOS BFO~ VCto AT IN QT VCJ T VCt? YL-l VCt4 TP SA VC16 !e fA LQ (~ VCt8 ST Y~o S~-C.? ~1-VC VC20 C21 VC22 AT ~FO() ou, I.J I RS I=1FOO COg CLEAR HJDlc.:ES TO CARD . 4'5654 4S€;I5§ 45656 4~€;I5+ 45660 30015 01776 37 01771 01760 .., 2'1 1 8F-02 02 7r.. 30002 02001, 4'5662 45664 45665 45666 5LI w oe W-l OJ¥' 2 IF W IS EVEN ADD 2 MfAS~ 10 Q ?S3 L TO Q 4'5670 US611 45672 45674 11 02301 31000 LUI 0201 it 02015 3" 00063 0230? I ." 022~1 31000 ~I 02300 31000 SET INDEX 4 SlIM TIMES lEN POSITION 45676 4561'145700 45:Z01 45702 1 1 00065 -:3 I 02:300 32 02300 I 1 32000 5&' 31000 TIMES FIVE l15f.63 02301 0000e; 2;;- OOOOQ 0230:2. 31 02302 00002 ~ Q '~~OQ Q qFOO Q • • • • • • • • - OBTAIN L AND w u ~5613 - 00 e I;P07 I 13EoO I=1FOO r.PO~ O/~ 02 01 BEOO 06 VCt3 -3 Sl.JeggESS S~ACE ADD TO SUM lESl END SliM CP04 L-l A 20 AFOO 45704 LI~+O§ 4S706 ll§+O'145710 ~LC2J VC24 VC25 VC26 'iC27 VC2A 7~ :r-AP- LA ~F(')1 61 00000 SP ~F02 F fA TP O,FOI VCO;? \LCO;3 • RP S TP 45652 ~ F- CR06 C.g VCOO • • • • ~;<:3 3.6 • 40351 RELOC Cs .EF __ - O;?300 CR 4~6r;6 1774 C U36S6 EF 4~656 2052 Z-------1J,3656 2-1-1 1 CD 43656 2152 0 • • #:a 7I11!E D MP A MMOI ,AT MM02 A AT 8F02 A BEQl I'i fA RA RFOO CPOL~ FRACT TIMES 20 +INI!II\L +DEL EQ BlJEEEB Ann BLOCK NUMBER 45712 4$713 45714 U571S 45716 00013 0000;2 00001 02300 00096 2-00..0 3f- 00064 32000 Uf:, 02031 3" 02300 02300 Lq 0001J 02 23 02300 00062 73 00067 02300 71 32000 02~L+2 35 02302 32000 It'!: 32000 Q23Q1 21 02300 00062 ~. . "z c > c "0 "" ~ ~. ~ > n • 6 VC30 VC31 VC32 \lC 3:'5 MMOc) \lC36 RIJ<1e VC34 TV Q eA \lCOI RP 30002 P TU EF12 VCOI SET FIRST STORE VC16 02 VC OO UP 4C:;720 ADnRE SS AND 1~ 21 7'· 11 02045 02252 02050 45724 31000 020 0 5 30002 Q23QO It:; 02066 4'5726 41 00011 020011 LJ.5721 45722 CooQa 02005 ;; ~ ~ c . ~ ~. r ~ IJ I TST END lOOP > z ~. VC'7 E;FOOEFOI gf' 2 EF03 04 EF05 F-G EF07 E--F--O EF09 M,) HZOO RJ F:F2-9-- EF2Q FP74 ?10 ABOO TP ;V\M03 Q - RJ I="F19 rF14 TP-I- A2-A ZJ EF06 EF08 EF15 ~1-0 EF 1 1 12 EF13 E~1--4 • • W t EF21 EF22 EF23 EF'27 F-2A EF29 ;Je HZOO HZO? "-'1-2--0:3 HZOu 005 HZ06 6 5 DIGIT AND BACK ~ ~: AB OO WRITE BLOCK A8 0n READ EF25 SUBTRACT SIX-O HS ZERO A 2 ARB TP TS07 A R aG12 SA AF3(')0 00000 l J ----F';F-2 9 EF OO RP 20120 A-~~152' 21 TP I 01 I 02 RRA I 03 CP04 T~ 1 0-6 G-1 I TU EF12 HZ05 :r: NEXT SU M TEST B~6 RESTORE 6bO!;K SET INDEX - RUMP ~LOCK CT SE+ I~ggX +G ~ SET FIRST WD 03 HZ10 uc; • • • • • • • • • • • 00000 02063 37 02075 02071 OOOGO GOO 75 10003 02067 61 oaai:4~ 5f 00000 02000 45747 ';lll O-G-Q. 11 00066 00014 S 45755 457S6 45757 I~ 5760 45761 11 oa~lo H70S TST BLOCK FILL ~r;:2t :r:0 HZ10 11 HZ12 2;1 H214 l15 HZ16 TU HZ05 SET UP RP 3000~1 H712 H7BFOO TP TV -~21-2 Q TP TSe-? ;3-102 - Lt;; "HZ1S FROM TV I:)'FOI A~ HZ18 (JJ HZ21 ~ rl"l- VCG HZ20 MJ 00000 HZ2Q "-'I-Z-2-1 :r~-G/I HZ29 HZ22 sP ~F(')3 A-r: :'4M 1--0 LT 00000 p~ HZ .3 0 1 1 00007 32000 2~ '70 021-Gt', 3;:> 01610 00000 7c:. 20170 00000 4577 1 21 L I§~:Z~ 1 1 GOG 1(:) 000lS 45773 1 c::: 02066 02116 11 00000 32000 43 00012 02123 45775 -- 45777 00012 00062 2. 41 00015 4 C; 00000 1 r:, 02 116 1~ 3000/1 I I 00000 - 02 I 16 02.0-Z:Z 02125 • 02126 ~. 02300 ~ -~ BbE TP 1Ll 61.+:"510 01610 r:, 20170 02103 23 01610 0,5-2-1 ~, 1 I 00010 00011 s:a. 1.1-6001 46002 46003 WORDS -Q.?-Q..2:.() 1-":l- 1 LI 74210 01610 45767 ~~~OOG ~ ~ SET FIRST WORD 46005 1.+6006 46007 '" 0 31000 02130 1 1 OGOG 1(-. 02301 02147 > ~. . n a H719 ,~~:. ~~QLI ~FO:3 ~~- 9F03 W~I+g ..,. L15+6 :/. 06 61 00000 31000 00014 02012 4~ 00000 00000 41 Ll57614 45765 4~:Z:Zll ~IO IS THIS IN 66 IJ I AT GOB-- §14Ll 45745 45763 END FILE 81..0CI( EJ I SP 4574 1 4-!;-1-4-2415743 -; M~J-O-Q-O~ 0 HZ~ HZ2~ 3~ 1 37 02075 0207n 1 , 0OO11~ w, 02060 02062 G22:i16 3-1-G.G.G LI ~ZG9 2;2:3 45-?~ 45737 45751 §1S2 45753 ~ MJ R--.J- J::.F2Q FP74 210 FP6 l 1 310 RP 20120 '= 45735 I=l-I SET LOOP HZOA HZ24 3 AND STOP 4~~4 00000 02111 02107 III 74210 0161n 4~ L15+5e !A H~ - Q ~O{j-EH521 EF25 • • • • EF1"3 MS 00000 CR04 P-R P+4 TP CP08 I 05 E~1-- EF19 45731 C;-7-3-245733 8 ~A-S---M 8*pR ~:ro • E~ EF15 E-F16 EF17 &~2 • RP 1000' ~-f----G-2-1-O-T TAPE IF f> I=t--G{}-R-R-E-G T IONS H", VE BEE M-ADE; T¥P-£ GGG OTHERwISE ¥ SHORT cR-R-I AG~ RET REWIND MMOS Q EF19 4-5f.-3-e WRITE LAST BL EF Oc;) MJ T-PRJ 45727 R~~-~AND T,(~ {}I+- 1- TO CORRECT 1 BF03 SET RPT 2 1.1-6011 ND ll~ STORE I~ F.;-VE~ SE:r: RP-:3 SPLIT LAST *BI..ANI HZ31 232 COOO TOP ±BLC!~~S STORE AND TP R-J • CD04 TP .0.05 '1M 1:3 I 5 :1).3 C. OC:; ~P05 I ~F04 00030 RA "1M!4 lC032 VC31.\. CPCP07 11 00014 ROW INOEX TO 2 46034 11 00014 02-, 0003(' l~~G2 46030 1f 02263 02212 <' 4~031 G~~~ . ZONE IF FIRST WORD IS STARI DO NOT READ M-J-O..Q.Q.nCI--CD 0 1 RP 3000S 23 0001 1 0006;> 46032 -. -- sP 46026 IF LAST CORR IO r=:H.IAL MOOE SET FIRST STORE SIAe:r:: co eOR ROW IND TO 8 R COOf, 2;> 00000 32000 3S 02254 02 7r:.. 00000 02150 I MM1~ COO;> 46022 U602;3 46024 C014 C014 il6-G-35 ~·l 46036 46037 46040 31 • . 2 4'11; 02257 0204;; BUMP STORE :r::o ~e;AD CLEAR WOR KING 4f,042 46044 21 02212 00065 00000 02153 7r:.. 30010 02170 READ 4A046 7(- 00000 32000 ROW SEl EOR ROW SUM WD IND TO 3 ENIER SliM POSIT COLUMN 46050 lJ.605, 46052 7(-. TEST E JO 46056 lleG57 46060 lleG6, 46062 4~OLL;} 4~ t- • • COIf, CO!? COlA C01Q C020 ER 10000 A RS C025 MM15 0;; TP ~Pt")6 I se A 06 LQ ABOO I C022 LQ C02~ C024 025 C026 na..l- • • RJ ~D23 CDt2 COMelJ+e:~ WQ SET FOR DIGIT A! ar;:olJ. CD25 ~~Oll EWW £IJM MM17 8UMP SUM ADD RA D2~-- C028 C02Q C030 CQ31 CD3;> 01 oJ MM 16 COlO 4605~ 46054 - 1 I RP 30004 CD30 TOTAL ~~ !3EOLL eEOO su~ IJ I OS BE 3000'* C014 IS CO DONE SIOBE CARD RF04 TP 46064 tleG6§ 46066 10000 0220:3 1 I 00064 31 32000 5 c; 01610 2~ st:; 02261 00001 411 021+9 00000 37 0220, 0216fl ~~ • TU C036 C03:Z C0 38 (~T C040 reoo TROt re02 TR03 MJ TU Ee64 TP TROS reo6 TR07 II.! sP as sP re C025 ABOI 21 4, 46070 4~O6+ 2120 1c ABOI ONES COMMON ONES Nor CO~ MQ ONES COM TO ;>0 46074 lJ60:ZS 46076 51 00000 0161 1 2 .~ 31000 Q! 61 1 31 0161 1 OOOOLI TO SUM t;EI ErBS! SIOBE AND BUFFER lJ6!Q! 04 reos CD20 ~P08 TROS lIBOO I 05 reos Ieo:z 30 RE~D BI QC~ SET IN DEX TO 5 8 8LOCKETTE IE EraSI WORD IS 46100 4~102 '*6103 46104 2 ]! L" Hi 11 02203 022111' . 46112 46, 14 21 00010 00062 J 8UMP LIN • 00000 02203 02263 Q22~0 02176 02230 6[4[410 016]0 00066 00014 00 00000 00000 I e:; 02230 Q22~2 31 00000 00036 22 000('\0 32000 43 02257 0204~ 46106 '*610i 461 10 1 00 NOT READ .3 02~OG 46072 C0 25 ~!Q 0.2~01~ 00014 02170 7. ~, 300011 00000 11 02304 00000 SET LOG ICAL MP 18 ~'1M oa~Oll C036 ~BQ! Q oa~04 21 02203 02262 ,2-: 75 30004 02210 ~ C034 32000 02260 00015 00006 00001 • • • • • • • • • • ,> ... TR12 -----l' R-I--3 ~1MOO MM0, MMO? M03 • MM04 .M-e-5 MM06 MMe1- MMOA M09 MM10 1, MM12 M--l MMIU IJ I OS MJ TST END ALOCK TR 04 ~AQ-A-GA-I ~1 77 a4 00 00000 01576 o-1-~1 ';2 OH4 0 4 24 OCiO 31 20104 t-:s-0-~2----2 HLKo)02 0()200 20000 02 O-t')200 3000002 01)200 40000 o-G-e~e-0-4-(')OO 0 0 00 00000 '010 1 B 8 8 B • 37 37373 73737 MMIR M-14 MM20 C-SO-o CSO, S--T-AgT B BFO~ TP SHORTB GEl REWIND ? SPACES BOTTOM SPACES T START CD RDR :0 XS3 START -' AND \iy LOOP TESTER IN IJ A-N-G-----! DUMMY n-02-4- 0 30 R-E----.3 19-2--GROG TP eS02 CR OO 211 05031 20104 ---13 03032 2M-{ 02 00200 20000 46125 0 l-~ -92 e 0000 46127 O? 00200 40000 6130 -------Be-- e 0OO4--G-Q-G00 00000 1010, 46131 4M---J--2--.- ----G-l-G-l 0 1 0 00-046133 4C 00000 00005 3"1 46 e46135 00 65662 1~5466 46,3-646137 37 37373 73737 ~124 4 M B ~4:0 ggQG!I2M4 TO COQE . 46141 46143 4M-4-446145 • ----G-!~--5-2-G~-4G 46123 R O~4--------0-e-Oe-4-----8 o-G---Q-f)<;m-t-B-G-O . AD DRESS DUMMY 8 F3 B 8 40 0')000 00005 B l-O- - 8 00 615662 U5466 R MM16 ----- ~: 1----2-28 o--1-G , e--l~OOO-0 MM-1 f MASK 41 000 11~ 02227 000-00 OC!22l! 00 00000 00077 ~Q.G.G-9-Q0,Q 24 461-a - -0 00 00000 01576 46121 46115 4b-l-t-6 46117 11 00000 0231() - G!14- 00 00000 00030 1-~ ~O;30G 0 1 1 46146 01774 r:S-G- • • • • • Q • e _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • e • INDEX OF LIBRARY PROGRAMS .z:a== •• ••••••• • •••••.• • 01 AUG 56 KEY TO CLASSIFICATION B1 ,B3 B4 El FO 11 14 J4 KO Ll NO Nl N2 ZO ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS - TRIGONOMETRIC ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS - EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS - ROOTS AND POWERS APPROXIMATIONS - TABLE LOOK-~P AND INTERPOLATION MATRICES, VECTORS, AND SIMUt.c'TANEOUS LINEAR EQUAT·IONS INPUT - BINARY INPUT - COMPOSITE OUTPUT - COMPOSITE INFORMATION TRANSFER EXECUTIVE ROUTINES - ASSEMBLY DeBUGGING ROUTINES - TRAP MEMORY PRINT DEBUGGING ROUTINES - TRACING DEBUGGING ROUTINES - MEMORY DUMP ALL OTHERS INDEX OF TITLES : ,: : = - B1 B1 B3 B3 B4 B4 . E1 E1 FO 11 11 14 J4 KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO Ll NO Nl NZ ZO UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA ATN1 S+C1 EXPl LN 2 SQR3 'SQR4 BPEl BPE3 INVI CSBl CSB2 DBCl BDC1 CCBl CSH2 CTH1 RWD2 5PHl STHl TCHI TPHI T5B3 T5M2 SAPl SPMI SP02 SPOl OTMl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 et_ ;:.= .• a::s ARC TANGENT SUBROUTINE SINE AND COSINE SUBROUTINE EXPONENTIAL SUBROUTINE NATURAL LOGARITHM SUBROUTINE SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE BIVARIATE POLYNOMIAL EVALUATION SUBROUTINE BIVARIATE TABLE INTERPOLATION MATRIX INVERSION ABSOLUTE BINARY LOADER ABSOLUTE BINARY LOADER DECIMAL, OCTAL, BCD LOADER GENERALIZED PRINT PROGRAM BINARY CHECK SUM CORRECTOR READ BCD TAPE OR ON-LINE CARD READER OFF-LINE CARD READER SIMULATOR READ-WRITE DRUM PROGRAM BCD OUTPUT PROGRAM BCD TAPE WRITING PROGRAM OFF-LINE PUNCH SIMULATOR OFF-LINE PRINTER SIMULATOR LOAD BINARY CARD IMAGES FROM TAPE READ TAPE WITH REDUNDANCV CHECKING SHARE A5SEr-1BLER TRAP DECIMAL MEMORY PRINT FLOW TRACE CONTROL PANEL PRINT AND OCTAL MEMORV PRINT ... '·SCOOP) TAPE END-O~"'fILE ANDIOR REWIND · ZO ZO ZO ZO ZO lO lO lO lO ,lO ZO ZO ZO ZO ZO UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA 01'M2 OTM3 OTM4 OTM5 OTM6 OTM7 OTM8 OTM9 OTMA PCSl RWOl VCSl ZCSl ZCS2 ZORl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TAPE REWIND CONTROL WRITE END-oF-FILE AND/OR REWIND N TAPES TAPE REWIND CONTROL BEGINNING-OF-JOB PRINTER TAPE r-1A RK PRINTER OUTPUT TAPE POSITIONER BEGINNING-OF-JOB PRINTER TA PE MA RK BEGINNING-OF-JOB PUNCH TAPE ' MARK PUNCH OUTPUT TAPE POSITIONER WRITE JOB TITLE AND BEGINNING-OF- JOB PRINTER TAPE MARK PUNCH DRUM CHECK SUM VERIFIER READ-WRITE DRUM VERIFY DRUM CHECK SUM CLEAR CORE STORAGE AND MAIN FRAME SET CORE STORAGE TO ZERO CLEAR N DRUMS INDEX OF PROGRAMS D:: . _ : =_ ........ . ELF.MENTARY FUNCTIONS - TRIGONOMETRIC =:a;.::::'= _.= == B1 B1 81 B1 UA UA UA UA ATN1 ATNl ATNl ATNl B1 B1 B1 B1 UA UA UA UA S+C1 0 S+C1 1 S+C1 2 S+C1 3 0 1 2 3 ==a:.a.=s.::,: _ ARC TANGENT SUBROUTINE COMPUTES PRI NCt,PAL VALUE OF THE ARC TANGENT. RESULT' IS GIVEN IN RADIANS. USJ;S RAND POLYNOMIAL. ROU'TINE REQUIRES 39 CELLS PLUS 3 COMMON. TIMING ABOUT 4.2 MS. SINE AND COSINE SUBROU'rI NE COMPUTES THE SINE OR COSINE OF AN ANGLE GIVEN IN RADIANS. USES RAND POLYNOMIAL. ROUTINE REQUIRES 61 CELLS PLUS 2 COMMON. TIMING ABOUT 3 MS. ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS - EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC : : a : :'= .::..a.;:= B3 B3 B3 B3 UA UA UA UA EXPl 0 EXPl 1 EXPl 2 EXPl 3 B3 UA LN 2 0 B3 UA LN 2 1 83 UA LN 2 2 B3 UA LN 2 3 ======:lI:: EXPONENTIAL SUBROUTINE COMPUTES E TO THE X FOR ALL. X LESS THAN 72. USES ECONOMIZED POLYNOMIAL. ROUTINE REQUIRES 45 CELLS PLUS 2 COMMON. TIMING ABOUT 3.1 MS. NATURAL LOGARITHM SUBROUTINE COMPUTES THE NATURAL LOGARITHM OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF X. USES A RAND POLYNOMlAL. ROUTINE REQUIRES 55 CELLS PLUS 3 COMMON. TIMING ABOUT 4 MS. ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS - ROOTS AND POWERS B4 UA SQR3 0 B4 UA SQR3 1 B4 UA SQR3 2 B4 B4 B4 ,B4 UA UA UA UA SQR4 SQR4 SQR4 SQR4 0 1 2 3 ========== ====:=2:. ::t&:a: .: == ==-===.a SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE COMPUTES THE SQUARE ROOT OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF REQUIRES 22 CELLS PLUS 4 COMMON. TIMING 1.4 MS. SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE COMPUTES THE SQUARE RO(",T OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF ERROR RETURN RESULTS IF THE RADICAND IS NEGATIVe. REQUIRES 25 CELLS PLUS 4 COMMON. TIMING 1.5 MS. x. ROUTINE x. AN ROUTINE APPROXIMATIONS - TABLE LOOf<'.-UP AND INTERPOLATION ==:= .=~= . ========= E1 El E1 E1 E1 UA UA UA UA UA BPEl BPEl BPEl BPEl BPEl 0 E1 El El El El E1 E1 El UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA BPE3 BPE3 BPE3 BPE3 BPE3 BPE3 BPE3 BPE3 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 ==='== = ': .:= == =.== ======-==:: :....=- BIVARIATE POLYNOMIAL EVALUATION SUBROUTINE EVALUATES A BIVARIATE POLYNOMIAL OF TOTAL DEGREE N~ ROUTINE REQUIRES 36 CELLS PLUS 4 COMMON. EACH POLYNOMIAL REQUIRES «N+2)(N+l)/2)+5 CELLS FOR COEFFICIENT STORAGE. NO OUT-OF'" RANGE TEST IS PERFORMED. TIMING 0.l8N*N+0.72N+1.056' MS. BIVARIATE TABLE INTERPOLATION SELECTS A SUITABLE 3 BY 3 ARRAY OF FUNCTION VALUES FROM AN M BY N ARRAY IN CORE. PERFORMS BIVARIATE INTERPOLATION IN THIS 3 BY 3 ARRAY BY FITTING AND EVALUATING 3 QUADRATICS , IN V, FOLLOWED BY ONE IN X. AN OUT-OF-RANGE ERROR RETURN IS PROVIDED. ROUTINE REQUIRES 161 CELLS PLUS 12 COMMON. VALUES OF X, y, AND Z REQUIRE M+N+M*N CELLS. TIMING AVERAGES ABOUT 16 MS FOR A 10 BY 10 ARRAY. { MATRICES, VECTORS, AND SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO 3 UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA INVI 0 INVI 1 INVI 2 INV13 INVl 4 INVI 5 INVI 6 INVl 7 MATRIX INVERSION INVERTS A MATRIX STORED IN CORE STORAGE. USES AN ELIMINATION METHOD. THE STARRING ELEMENT IS THE LARGEST IN THE COLUMN, BUT THE COLUMNS ARE USED IN ORDER FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. THE ORIGINAL MATRIX IS DESTROYED, AND IS REPLACED IN STORAGE BY THE INVERSE. THE ROUTINE REQUIRES 171 CELLS PLUS 2N+8 COMMON. A 61 BY 61 MATRIX CAN BE INVERTED IN A 4096 WORD MACHINE IN ABOUT 100 SECONDS. INJJUT .. BINARY 11 UA Il . UA 11 UA 11 UA 11 UA CSSl CSSl CSSl CSSl CSSl 0 UA UA UA UA UA CSS2 CSS2 CSS2 CSS2 CSS2 0 11 .11 11 II 11 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ASSOLUTE BINARY LOADER LOADS SHARE STANDARD NON-RELOCATABLE BINARY INFORMATION CARDS AND TRANSFER CARD~. ALSO LOADS PROGRAM CORRECTIONS PUNCHED IN ROWS 8 TO 12 OF TRANSFER CARDS PROGRAM IS SELF-LOADING AND USES CELLS 0 TO 71. : ABSOLUTE BINARY LOADER LOADS SHARE STANDARD NON-RELOCATABLE BINARY INFORMATION CARbS AND TRANSFER CARDS. ALsO LOADS PROGRAM CORRECTIONS PUNCHED IN ROWS 8 TO 12 OF TRANSFER CARDS. PROGRAM IS NOT SELFLOADING. PROGRAM REQU~RES 54 CELLS PLUS 3 COMMON. INPUT - COMPOSITE 14 UA DSCl 0 14 UA DSCl 1 14 UA DSCl 2 14 UA DSCl 3 14 14 14 14 14 14 UA UA UA UA UA UA DSCl DSC1 DSCl DSC1 DSC1 DBCl 4 5 6 7 8 9 DECIMAL. OCTAL. BCD LOADER USED WITH UA TSM 2 OR UA CSH 2. CONTROLS TAPE. PROGRAM UA TSM 2 OR TAPE OR CARD PROGRAM UA CSH 2 TO READ BCD INFORMATION INTO CORE. CONVERTS THIS INFORMATION TO BINARY, .. FIXED OR FLOATING DECIMAL NUMBERS BE .ING CONVERTED TO FIXE.D OR FLOATlNG BINARY NUMBERS. AND DECIMAL OR OCTAL INTEGERS BEING CONVERTED TO BINARY INTEGERS. ALSO READS AND STORES HOLLERITH LABELS. COMMENTS. ETC.. INPUT CARD FORMAT IS VARIABLE. LOAOING MAY BE CONTROLLED BY TRANSFER CARDS. ROUTINE REQUIRES 312 CELLS PLUS 24 COMMON. I OUTPUT - COMPOSITE J4 J4 J4 J4 J4 J4 J4 J4 J4 UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA SDCl SDC1 SDC1 SDCl SDCl SOCl SDC1 SDCl eDCl 0 1 2 3 It 5 6 7 8 GENERALIZED PRINT PROGRAM USED WITH UA STH 1 OR UA SPH 1. CONVERTS FLOATING BINARY NUMBERS TO FIXED OR FLOATING BINARY CODED DE-A39-A36*A511 AS,6 ') ----- ,----- --.--'-'- Bl19=A32* (A58*A561 ASl) * (A3'7-A40-A31*A51/A5-6) , Cl19=A29*(ASS*A56/ASlt*(Dl-A51/A56J -- --D119=A30*A5 8*A561 A5l _. -- 0 _ Ell'9= (A58ifA561 AS1)* « Al'9*A3) *(.A:3.6-A39-A36*AS,1,IN5-6):fo(A2G*A3:,2 - - ...-,-1,-- (A37-A40-A37*A51/A56)-(A23*A29)*("O'1 -ASltA56·;)i+A24*A30) . ,--- - .--P120=A57*A59/A52 ---- --.--- ,----- ,- ,A120=A3,1 *P120* (Dl-As'2/ AS1 J B120=A32 ~~P 12 0 e12 O=A29 -l(- P120"~ (A42*{ DI-A52;,/ A5"71-+A25*A33*A38. o 120=A30~(-P 120* C' A4:3-A46-A43*A521 A57+A41*A2-5*A33) E120=A33';;'PI 20 F120=A44-A41+A24*A30*A41-A52*A44/A51+A38*A2:3*A29 - . .. --.. -.--___ .. --_ 0 _ H120=P120* (-AI9*A31* (DI-AS.21 A57 ,),+A20:*'A32+A23*A2:9*A42*(Ol"'A52/ A,57) +A30 -)<:- A24* (A43-A46-A43*A5ZI AS7lfoA2: 5*A313*( A44-A41+A2-4*A30* -. --.-- - . 1 A41 +A38-l<-A,22*A29-As2*A441 A51)' .) ~ -- -- - - 2 A123=A67*A79*A80/A81 8123=(A13+A15'*A79*A67/A81 a* 1 C12~=A31*A64/A11 . __ 0 - - ----- 1 - D123=A32*A65/A77 G123=A30 *A66/A77 P12'3=A34/A77 Q123=A35*A34/A71 R12'.3= (j -A 79*A 78*A6 7-A18,*A80*A.67*A7"9) I ASJ..+ tA94*A3S,*A'34+A19*A.31 *A64+A20~rA32*A65+A2"3*A29~A, 63+A30*A2'4*A6:6-A28*,A34l/'A17) F124=A51*A77 A124=A3:1 * (A36-A39 )'IF1.24 B124=A32*(A37-A40)/F124 C124-=A29/F124 D124=A30/F124 -, - 0 E12-4= (A19*A31* (A,3'6 '-A39l-t:A20*A32* ',A37-A40 )'-A23*A29+A,2:1t*A30,ll ----------.----.1.-_____ .. F124 . , G!25<=A17*A82 A125,=A2'9/GI2's B12'5:=A31 * A36;/ G'1'Z'5 - - --- - . -- ___ , __ E125=A53/ A82 _. _______ . A 126=A 3 ,1 I R12.6 .'---.- ----- --...-. ~ _...... Bl,26=A3:2/R126 . _. __ .. _. . C12b= (A42+A3.3*A 3'8'*A25 )· *A2\9}R.l2~ F 12:6= A2'9* A38 o G126=A30~~A41 P126= f A32*A20-A 1·9*A3.1+<'A2:3*A.29*'A4.2+A.2-4*A-30·* ,f A43-A46 it:+ J:*:A6,..,A''*6&2o'1 -P12.6.1'I!A2* _1 A126+A3*Bl.26+A,6*C126+A1*D126 . - -, - ------- ----- -- ----_____ _ _____________ ... Z 12 7:A 2*A 12 7 -A6,*B 12 7,...A 7*C12:7-A8,* .o127 +Z 126*E .121~F 1.21 Z128;=A8*A128-A6*B12:8-A2*C12,8-A3*0128-A7*.E,lZ,8+Z126.*F12B~G,128 Z129=AIO*A129+Z119-C12~ , Z130=-AIO*A130+Z120~C130 X=COSF(Z129) ___________ Y=SINF(Z129) Z131=Z127*X-Z 128*V Z132=Z128*X+Z127*Y ZI33=Z124*X-Z123*V Z 134=Z 123*X+Z 124*V Z141 =A9*A141+ (A13lf-A141*B14.1-(141 A135= ( (A5-A22 )*A 70+A,1 3:+At'5) ,. ",.t\9,·,,·A26 ,).*A71"+A13,.A14 '. A139=D 1*A11*A79 Bl'39=D 1*A19 o - (139=D 1*A71*A79*A26 Z13~=A9*A137*Z136*Zl~6.Al:J9+ ,tA13,4!~1,ift,.) *.Al~'l.Zl'6.Z)'{S;'''SlS9, 1· -. A19-1*Z 196*Z136*C139 A143=( All*A73+Al3-+A.15-A27*A131t.(.A9.A7.l~13~A14~A26*A21~. 1----- - -- - -.- - -. Z136.=A135*SL+B X136=Z136'*AL:P+BET X143=A143*ALP+BET A137=CO+X 13.6* ( C1 + X136* (:C2+ X.1 .36* t C3,+X136* t C4+X136* tC.5+X li:3O* o (6) tll -l 1 o Z14,3 =CO+){143* (CI:+X~43* tCZ'+ X1A3* t.C3+-X143* ,( C4+Xl.lf3* ·(eS+X143* &---- -- -- 1.-.--.-- (6 .) ),:). .}..) ~---------.----. -- 'c--- - ---------.--.---.......-_.-.-- "'- -_._._- ----_._-_._- - - - r-.- - - - - - -- 1-- - -- - - -_ ....._--_. 1---- - - - - - -- - - 1-- - - - - - - -- - - 1-- - - - - - - ------_._----- - - - - - ---- -.....-- ---------_. .- ... _------- . - - - - :- - - - - - - -- - _._----------1--- - -- - - - - - - - 1:-- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ----- -----_._._-_. 1-- - _ . _- - - - .- -------_._--.-- _... _.... _.._- '1 . 1 / REM CODING BY ALGEBRAIC TRANSLATION SECTION OF FORTRAN REM Z • -A + (B-C*O)*(E*SINF(B-C*D))*(F~C*DJ/(RO • X*(Rl + X*(R2 1 REM + X*(R3 + X*R41l4, IZ3) Il2) IZ1' ·CL.A X FOP l4 FMP R4 FAD R3 FOP Z3 FMP X FAD R2 FOP Z2 FMP- X FAD R1 FOP Z1 FMP 'X FAD RO · DENOMINATOR 5TO 15+8 Loa C FMP 0 C*O STO 15+7 CHS FAD F C~D F STO 1S+6 CLA B FSB lS+7 C*D B STO 15+5 5XO 15+4.4TSX SIN.4 LXD 1S+4.4 • .4vn. (S-C*D) 5TO 15+4 Loa E FMP 15+4 STO 15+3 E ~(B-C~O) LOQ 15+3 FMP 15+5 FOP 15+8 FM·P 15+6 FSB A STO Z ~ ;f - ". I Stacking Analysis Reference: T. C. Fry - "Probability and Its Engineering Uses" Chapter X-D. Van Nostrand Co. Assumptions: 1. Runs average 4 minutes each. 2. Distribution of length of runs is approximately exponential. 3. System is in statistical e~uilibriumj i.e., the probability of its being in any specified condition is independent of the time at which it is examined. 4. Machine change-over time between one run and the next is negligible. 5. The number of job sources is large compared to the number of machines. 6. Any job can be handled on any machine. 7. All machines are in use whenever there is enough work available. 8. Any run which cannot be handled immediately is held until a machine becomes available. It is then handled at once. If several runs are being held, they will be serviced in the order in which they originate. j f " L:= • ...r : ., .- o t ,..::i I ". ,..:.: Tq 0 .S5 0 ." 0.7 LOAD I.i--t-' . . . -+.~ : Jh-'~' _...l . ~~ t ,- ::.I.~'i-:!' - ;J+t . . . ~8 'FAcToR + .t4I~J::,,:r:rf:tp:··:·.··C·'-~I,fP~ ~7 ·---d ~r-=r- r Q9 ~ --- "'r- :~ 1. 0 -" 0 ... X; - I'" .., 0 '" I-'!l 0", I- " • :to> '" .,,1"I'I1:l '" 0 0;: 4 () n :s: ~O ~ . ';' W .g rJ = ....01:;: , ~ I : 'r 1.7 L.oAD ," -,~-... J.; >f8 FACTOR 'T-'- r~ tE· . !?-::i ~l: ~9 4ili F~' .:t'~ 2 .0 - '<: 0 '" >< ~ _ rr . 0 '" 1-0(1 0", 1-" ..... "., ;;;:r. ~ ,., c: .; noS: :EO.s: '" . '" w g R)~ QI~ 1-, -x 4 " (,) . - : o 2·55 . .. , 2 .,", "__. 'T'·:~i--, ·- r .....l~;.-.;:~; 2 .7 LOAD . ...... ~'." 2.8 FAC.TOR "' 'l.":: ~. ..- ~==t!-.~ ,, :~ . ~ ,'" ±t:+C+-.n .~.~;~.ti.;- 2.9 ,:~l- ~'~tl~C:± P i· :tt:::tt ~ ~. T -~r=-_ .;:;-tl · i+t± ... - '." 0.0 . • o~ ..;>,$$ , , , • Tabulation of ryp1cal Results Percentage of Idle Time Delay in Minutes One 704 Two 704's Three 704'6 Four 704'6 Average 20. 10. 6.67 5· 11 19 10. 5. 3·33 2.5 25 41 89 5· 2·5 1.67 1.25 52 85 181 2·5 1.25 0.83 0.62 loB 173 365 1.25 0.62 0.42 0.]1 219 349 734 One out of three - One out of ten 43 Note that these results may easily be modified for cases where the average length of run is greater than or less than 4 IDfnutes since, to a close approximation, the delay is directly proportional to the average length . of run. " r---- ~- I OR2 6 January 1958 DECIY.AL ClffiD READ ROUTINE Compilable: 11inimum 1103A Operations Research Office-Sumner Revision of CVl31-Hauser and Gerkin A. PDRPOSE This routine reads decimal numbers from cards and converts them into the appropriate binary. numbers, sealed as de~ired by the programmer. B.· tTSAGE l. LEADING LINES Sub Temps Inout OR2 142 1 o o o 2 • . INPUT The input consists of two basic parts. The actual input to the routine is a control word having the following composition: AB OPPPP ODDDD (octal) , A: First· octal digit, controls picking o£ cards in ei ther channel of the Bull reproducer. = 0 =1 A A A A• = B: Do not pick Pick a read card 2 Pick a punch card 3 Pick both read and punch cards Second octal digit, controls the reading operation. B B =0 =1 Do not read Read a card OPPPP: Magnetic core address of the first. parameter word. ODDDD: Magnetic core address where the nUmber from the first card field is to be stored. This control vlOrd supplies the subroutine va th the location of the parameter words which have the following composition: FF SSBBL LRRZZ (octal) FF: flag for final parameter word FF FF = 77 = 00 (octal) for final par~~eter word otherwise 0R2 -2ri ~ht SS: Binary scaling factor (number of bits to the the binary point) of converted number. of BB: ~~ber of blank or unused card columns to the left of t he field. (See definition of field under D.) LL: ~Umber of columns (digit positions) to the left of the decimal point. p~: Number of remaining columns in the field, exclusive of sign (number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point plus one for the decimal point). ZZ: Not used. Range of parameters: DECI}llAL OCTAL 00 S ss .5 35 00 S" SS S 00 S BB $ 63 00 S BB 5' 77 00 s: LL S 10 00 ~ LL .s 12 _ 00 s: RR .$ 11 00 S RR ~ 01 oS LL ;. RR 01 ~ LL + RR $ 11 43 13 ~ 13 These parameter words should be stored as coristants by the -programmer in consecutive order. To read a card containing · ~ fieldS (numbers) ~ consecutive parameters must be stored beginning at the aqdress specified by the u-address of the control word. The ~th parameter should contain 77 (octal) as the first two digits. 3. RECOVERY PROCEDURE In case of a card machine failure or an accidental stop in the middle of a card cycle, the current card may be reread: reposition the cards, set (Pft~) 00000, and Start. = 4. NUMBER OF TAGS USED 5. RUNNI NG TIME - = 23 (decimal) The programmer has 14 ms. computing time available between references to the card routine. If this time is regarded as a maximum, the Bull reader is virtually in a state of free run, and can attain a reading speed of approximately 120 cards per minute. -:$ o T""" C. RESTRICTIONS The only restrictions. are those caused by the parameter ranges. OR2 -3D. ADDITIONAL PROGRPl-J.ITN8- A~TIJ OP:sR.ATING INFOPJ.~TION This card routine operates on a two-cycle basis, making more efficient use of the card cycle time than pre\Qous routines. As a result, as many as forty fields may be read from each card without causing any timing qifficulties. Two basic operations are performed during the IB-point card cycle. The first five points (about 140 ms.) are used to decode the control words and to perform the final conversion of information read during the previous read cycle. The remainder of the card cycle is used to read information from the present card and convert this information into binary coded decimal form. Trre--binary coded decimal information is then converted to binary and scaled during the first part of the next read cycle. Thus , although it takes two card cycles to complete the operation of reading and converting, the net effect is conversion of one card each card cycle. A field consists of a number of consecutive card columns. The last column of a field is reserved for the sign of the decimal number stored in that field. An II-punch signifies a negative number, no punch (blank column) signifies a positive number. A combination 12, 3, and B punch in one column may be used to represent a decimal point. Fields need not be adjacent~there may be unused columns, punched or unpunched, between them--nor need they be alike in size. The read side of the Bull must be cycled once before reading. The following coding is an example of a routine to read E cards, each of which contains E decimal numbers. TAG Set OPS 0R2 0R2 TP 0R2 RA IJ v.s Cycle Read · 11 11 Cycle Read K IJC Read - 1 Read 1 IJC Step Set - 1 Pick a read card Read (only) first card Set counter for n -1 Read and conve~ Advance data storage Check counter Control word II Param Data n-l X B Comments V 10 K IJC Step Param U p 1st. parameter word " " " cards, No. of minus one Counter for n reads Constant Parameter words • Data B Reserv pth. parameter word pn pn Region at which data is to be stored Note that the above coding assumes the format on each of the n cards to be the same. In other words, any particular field must have the same size and location on all of the ~ cards, or else a new set of E parameter words must be used for each card. -4The information read from the card is stored witpin the card routine in coded decimal form. Thus, if the subroutine is destroyed between card cycles, this information ~~ not be converted on the following card cycle. 0R2 TAG OPS - V ADD:tESS U ADDRESS -, COHIICSNTS ,SUB ,OR2 ~14.2 , $ ,TD~S ,0 ,0 , $ ,INOUT ,1 ,0 , $ , MJ , ,p·n ,ENTRANCE ~ , ,ALARM EXIT $ ,FILL ,NOID'lAL EXIT $ ,COI\TTROL "lORD $ ,TEST CONTROL ~ ,ALARH ,EXIT , MJ ,P ,X , .... .... ,TP , BODY- 2 ,Q , , QT ,P ,A , , , ,ZJ ,BODY ,BODY-1 ,07 , , , SETTING $ ,RJ ,PICK+l ,PICK+l ,SET S\'lITCH $ ,BODY ,TP ,P ,PAR ,SET UP $ , ,RJ ,GO ,GO $ ,PAR ,X , , , , , V0 , ,EXIT , $ ,GO ,M? ,K ,FILL , $ , ,TU ,A , ROW+4 ,STORE PARAMEI'ER WORD $ ,TV ,A ,NEG+2 ,STORE DATA WORD $ , ,LQ ,A ,3 $ , ,SP ,MASK+4 ,30 , , ,QA , HASK-l ,A , EXTRACT PICK CODES $ , , , ,SA ,A ,1 ,LQ ,Q ,2 , , ,QJ ,OUT+l ,PICK ,READ? $ ,PICK ,EF ,A ,START CARD CYCLE $ ~'JORD FOR SWITCH E~'1'RAN CE $ $ $ $ .$ $ r- ~ 0 ...... ,RJ ,PICK+l ,PICK+2 ,CONVERSION SWITCH $ ,RJ ,PICK+2 ,PICK+3 ,READ SWITCH $ -5- 0R2 TAG to -.:t 0 or- V ADDRESS U ADDRESS oOPS , ,SP ,GO , ,AT ,K-l ,OUT ,X , ,SA ,K , , ,RJ ,PICK+2 ,RS , COHMENT3 .... ,SET ,OUT ~ EXIT ,ROW WORD 3 ~ ,ADD READ CODE $ ,PICK ,SET TO READ .,..'t ,A ,A , ;;> ,RPI ,10 ,OUTt6 ,CLEAR ~ , ,TP ,A ,MASK+5 , , ,TV ,K-2 , ,TV ,READ+6 ,DIGIT ,READ ,ERa , ,OUT ,READ $ , ,ERI ,Q , ONE $ , ,ERI ,R WORD , $ , ,RJ ,READ+3 ,REAOT4 ,LAST ROW SWITCH $ ., ,TP , AWAY+2 ,ADD $ , ,TP , MASK-l ,INDEX , , , ,SP ,K-l ,9 , $ ,SA ,A ,3 , oil> ,BIT ,QJ ,BIT+l ,BIT+2 · ,BIT IN THIS COLUHN? .;p , , , ,SA ,DIGIT , , $ ,SJ ,BIT+3 ,READ+7 ,REACHED SENTINEL? $ ,SP ,A , $ ,ADD ',X , , , , $ , ,RA ,ADD ,MASK+2 ,STEP MATRIX STORE $ , , , ,IJ ,INDEX ,READ+6 ,ROW WORD EXHAUSTED? $ ,RJ ,ADD+3 ,ADD+4 ,SWITCH $ ,LQ ,RWORD , $ , ,RJ , ADD-+-3 , READ+ 5 , , .. MATRIX ,SET RERUN -6- '" ... ;;> ... ~ ... ~ ROW .... .;p '" ... $ OR2 PT"_ .-..:J ,.,r U OPS V ADDR"2:SS ADD:t~3 S CGMHENTS ,LQ , CUT ,28 $ ,RJ , A~D+3 ,READ+6 $ , RJ , ADD+8 , ADD~9 , S~..'ITCH FOR SIGN ROIy $ ,IJ ,DIGIT ,READ , $ , RJ , ADD+8 , OUT+7 ,RJ , READ+3 ,READ ,READ LAST ROW $ ,RJ ,PICK+l ,PICK+3 ,SET CONVERSION SvJITCH $ ,TU ,A ,yAY+2 ,STEP+l , ;n> " ,RJ ,NEG+5 ,ROW+4 ,SET CONVERSION REPEAT $ ,LQ ,FILL' , LAST , ~J ,LAST+1 ,LAST+2 ,LAST FIELD? $ , ,TV ,PICK+1 , NEG+ 5 ,SET CONVERSION EXIT $ , ,LQ ,Q ,11 , ,QT ,MASK ,A ,TV ,A ,REMt3 ,LQ ,Q ,6 ,QT ,MASK ,INDEX , $ ,LQ ,Q ,6 , $ ,QT , Y~ SK ,RWORD $ ,LQ ,Q ,6 $ , ,QT ,MASK ,OUT $ , ,SA ,A ,14 $ , SET ,AT ,A~>JAY+l ,SET+l ,SET NEXT INSTRUCTION $ , ,X , , , $ ,IJ ,INDEX ,NEG+6 $ $> , ,RmJ 1 $ 0' ~ $ $ ,SET SHIFI' , , ,RJ ,AWAY ,SET.J.4 ,IJ ,RWORD ,STEP-2 , ,RJ ,STEP~3 ,REM ,SHIFI' DECHLll.L POINT -7- $ $ , , , 0 ,.- $ $ ~ O?.2 TAG , RElI, , ,NEG , OPS U ADD:t~S S V ADDRESS CCIY..2:1:TS .... ,RJ , A:'!AY , RErVi , CCrJil:<:RT .;. ,IJ , OUT ,STEP-2 , . ,TP ,SET+1 ,A ,LT1 ,71 ,Q , ·3 , SP , INDEX ,FILL , $ ,SA ,Q ,ADD ROUNDING TERM $ ,DV ,SET+1 ,SET+1 ,RJ ,ST EP~3 , STEP-2 , QT ,Y.ASK+4 ,A ,ZJ , NEG+1 , NEG+2 ,SIGN NEGATIVE? $ ,TN ,SET+1 , SET+1 , $ ,TP ,SET+1 ,FILL ,STORE RESULT .;p ,RA ,RO'rJ+4 , MASKtl , $ ,RA , NEG+2 ,K , 'lP ,FILL , $ , MJ REl·:AINI!{G T~FL·:S $ $ ,SHIFT SIGN $ $ A ... ,TV , Ai-1AY+3 ,S TEP t3 ,IJ ·,DIGIT ,STEP+2 , MATRIX HORD EXHAUSTED? $ , TP , HASK+4 ,DIGIT , $ ,STEP ,RA , STEP+1 , t·1ASK+1 , ,TP ,FILL , MASKt5 , ,LQ , NASK+5 ,4 , , , , ,RJ ,ST EP~3 ,STEPt4 , AWAY , 11J , " ~ $ ,TRANSFER NEH ~~TRIX WORD $ $ , SHITCH $ ,SP . ,IHDEX ,2 $ ,SA ,INDEX ,1 $ , QA , MASK+3 ,InDEX ct 'If' ,FILL ,CONVERSION EXIT $ ,TP ,K ,SET+1 ,PRESET $ ~ AT , HASK+5 , HASK+5 ,PRESET $ -8- .-. 0R2 OPS TAG U , $ ,GO , $ , , $ ,1 , .jp ,1 ,TABLE $ ,X ,10 , $ ,X ,100 ,X ,1000 $ ,X ,10000 ;;p , ,LA · ,X ,X ,N ,..- POiVERS $ ,>;. ,100000 , ,X ,1 ,000000 , ,X ,10 ,000000 ,X ,100 ,000000 , ,X ,1000 ,000000 , , , , ,X ,10000 ,000000 , ,X ,3 ,MASK , , , , , ,77)B "EXTRACTOR $ , , ,1 ,0 ,U ADVANCE $ , ,1 ,1 , U AND V ADVANCE $ , , , ,17)B ,10)B , $ ,RESERV ,9 ,9 ,11ATRIX WORD $ ,INDEX .,X , , .,INDEX $ ,DIGIT ,X , , ,DIGIT $ ,RWORD · ,X , ,ROW WORD 2 $ , ,ENDSUB , , $ , 0 '" , , ,..- ,. , ,X , , tr\ CCl-iliENTS ,SET+2 , ,K V ADDRESS ADDRESS , -9- $ OF $ $ $ $ TEN $ $ $ OR3 6 January 1958 DECIMAL CARD PUNCH ROUTINE Compilable: lVlinimum 1103!!. Operations Research Office-Sumner Revision of CVl30-Hauser and Gerkin A. PURPOSE This routine converts binary numbers into decimal, and punches them on cards, complete with sign and decimal point. B. USAGE l. LEADING LIl\TES Sub Temps Inout 2. OR3 0 1 173 0 0 INPUT The input to this routine consists of a control word and a series of paramet er words. The progrannner must supply the routine with the control word, which in turn supplies the routine with the location of the parameter words and the location of the data which is to be punched. The control word has the following composition: AB OPPPP ODDDD (octal) A: First octal digit, controls picking of cards in either channel of the Bull Reproducer. =0 =1 A =2 A A B: not pick Pick a read card Pick a punch card Do Second octal digit, controls the punching operation. B B =0 =2 Do not punch Punch a card OPPPP: Magnetic core address of the first parameter word. ODDDD: Magnetic core address of the first data word. The parameter words (one for each data word) have the following compositions: FF FF = 77 = 00 (octal) for final parameter word. otherwise OR3 -2- SS: Binary scaling factor (number of bits to the right of the binary po in t ) • BB: Number of blank or unused columns between previous field (see definition of field under D), or edge of card, and present field. LL: 1Uffiber of digit positions to the left of the decimal point. RR: Number of remaining columns in the field exclusive of sign. (RR 00 - no decimal point and no decinial fraction.) ZZ: Flag for zero suppression. = = ZZ 77 (octal) for zero suppression ZZ = 00 for no zero suppression. Only zeros in the integer part are suppressed. A zero immediately preceding the decimal point is not suppressed. The total size of a field is: LL + RR ~ 1 Range of Parameters: OCTAL DECI}fJ~ ss 00 S SS ~ 35 ODS 00 ~ BB i 63 00 ~ BB ~ 43 S 77 s: LL S. 10 00 s: LL S 12 OO~RR5'll 00 ~ 00 01 S'. LL - RR ~ 11 RR ,513 01 So LL - RR ~ 13 The parameter words, one for each field, must be stored consecutively, starting at some w~gnetic core memory location 'OPPPP. There must be an equal number of consecutive words starting with some magnetic core memory location ODDDD, filled with data for the punch routine. 3. RECOVERY PROCEDURE In the event of a card machine failure or an accidental stop in the middle of a card cycle, the current card may be punched again. Set (PAK) 00000, and Starto = OF TAGS USED = 18 (decimal) 4. NmrnER 5. RlJ111ITNG TIME The programmer has 17 ros. computing time available between references to t.he card routine. If this time is regarded as a maximum, the Bull punch is virtually in a state of free run, and can attain a punching speed of approximately 120 cards per minute. OR3 -3C. ?ESTRI CTImTS The only restrictions are those caused by t he parameter ranges. D. ADDITIOJ~AL F?"OGR.t.l·}~If.TG M.:D OPERATHTG Il;FOP..i':ATIGN ~:un:bers are rounded to the specified nu.n:ber of decimal digits after the decimal point before punching takes place. A divide f ault occurs if an insufficient number of card colurrns is allowed for the integer portion of a field. Punching takes place at the third card station in the punch channel. Therefore, two punch cards must be advanced 'before punching can take place. This may be done cy referencing the card routine twice, supplying the appropriate control Hord. (See composition of control words.) A field consists of a number of consecutive card columns. The last colunn of the field is reserved for the sign of the decimal number stored in that field. ~~ Il-punch signifies a negative number, no punch (blank column) signifies a positive number. A combinat~on 12, 3, and 8 punch in one column represents a decimal point. Fields need not be adjacent--there may be unused columns, punched or unpunched, between them~-nor need they ' be alike in size. I It is possible to convert and punch as many as forty fields in a card and have 17 IDS. computing time available between references to the punch routine. OR3 TAG V ADDRESS U ADDRESS OPS COMr·!E!\TTS ,SUB ,OR3 · ,173 , TID:FS ,0 ,0 , -;; ,INOl1T ,1 ,0 , $ ,BODY ,ENTRANCE $ , HJ $ ,ALAP'}~ ,ALAPcM ,. l('\ l('\ 0 ~ ,FlU ,X , , ,BODY ,TP ,P , ,RJ ,PAR ,X , ,EXIT ,MJ ,P ~, EXIT , NOPJ.fjI~ EXIT ci!' ~ $ ,CONTROL v.JORD $ ,PAR ,SET $ ,GO ,GO , $ , ,¥JJ , , ,EXIT ,.GO ,MP ,K+6 , , , ,TU , UP ENTRA.NCE " $ $ ,FILL , , ,A , LAST-1 ,SET PARAMETER PICKUP $ ,LQ ,A ,3 , $ ,SA . ,A ,li , $ ,TU ,A ,STORE4-7 ,SET DATA PICKUP $ ,SP ,K+3 ,32 , $ , ,QA ,D1AGE-5 ,A ,EXTRACT PICK CODES $ , ,SA ,A ,1 $ , , ,QJ ,BULL-1 ,BULL-:), , , $ ,QJ ,PUNCH-1 ,BUU ,PUNCH? $ ,BUil ,EF ,A ,START BUil $ , ,SP ,GO ,SET $ , ,AT ,K+5 ,BULLl-3 , $ , , ,MB , ,BtJLLt3 ,EXIT $ ,SA ,K+3 , ,ADD PUNCH CODE $ ,PUNCH ,EF , ,A ,START BUil $ , ,CC , DIAGE ,A , $ -4- $ EXIT OR3 TAG OPS ..- ... ,35 ,P1.JNCH+4 y ,TP ,A ,IHAGEt1 '" .;;> , ,TV ,K , ,SET , ,TP ,K+2 , BULL+3 , $ , ,TP , PRESET ,ALLt2 , S , ,RJ , JI.LLt4 ,LAST-1 ,SET , ,LQ ,FILL ,LAST , QJ .1NEG+4 ,.LA.sT+1 ,LQ ,Q ,il , ,QT ,IHAGE-4 ,A , , , ,SN ,A ,AT ,PRESET+5 ,STOREtS .1SET UP SHIFT ORDER $ ,LQ ,Q ,6 ,. $ , ,QT , D'lAGE-4 ,sTEP+5 $ , , ,LQ ,Q ,6 , , , F,AGE-4 ,ALLt3 , $ ,SA ,A ,14 , $ ,AT ,PRESET+6 ,SET+l ,SET NEXT I NSTRUCTION $ , , $ $ . ,QT ,X 0 COElJEIITS ,RPV ,SET -J) Il"\ V ADDRESS U ADDRESS E1·~GENCY RERUN S~!ITCH ... ';( ... y , y ,LAST FIELD? $ .... $ , $ ~ ell- <;j> ,LQ ,Q ,.6 ,QT , IJV.JAGE-4 ,SET+1 , , ,SA ,A ,14 , $ , ,AT ,PRESET+7 ,STORE ,SET NEXT I NSTRUCTION $ ,STORE ,X , , $ , , , ,QJ ,NEGtl ,STORE+2 ,ZERO SUPPRESSION? $ ,TV , NOZERO ,PHESET-1 $ ,RJ ,NOZEHotS ,STOREt4 , , ,. ,IJ ,STEP+5 ,NOZER0+3 , $ , , , -5- $ $ OR3 TAG I:'-- ~ OPS -U ltD:::lRESS V ADDRESS COl-:J.ZNTS $ , STEPt5 , , , , , , $ ,SA ,Q , ,ADD ROUNDING TER}l $. , ,DV ,STEPt-6 ,A , $ , ,AT ,A ,STORE , $ , ,RJ , NOZEROt8 ,DEC-l ,L TThES THROUGH $; , ,IJ ,AL1+3 , NOZERO+9 , CONIlERSION LOOP $ ,DEC ,TV ,K-l ,NOZEROt-8 ,STORE DECIMAL POINT $ , ,IJ , SET-r1 ,STEP+2 $ , ,IJ ,SETt-l , NOZERO~9 $ ,. , , , ,TU ,STORE+7 , NEG-I , , , ,RA ,LAST-l ,D'JAGE-3 ,STEP PAP.n~TER $ ,RA ,STORE+7 ,D-1AGE-3 , $ ,TV ,ALL+4 , NOZEROt-8 ,SET EXIT $ , ,SN ,ll-1AGE-3 , , ,LQ ,FILL , , , $ ,NEG ,QJ ,NOZEROt-l , NOZEROt3 ,NEGATIVE? $ , ,RJ ,PRESET-l ,STOREt3 , $ , , ,EJ ,ALL+3 ; NOZERO , $ ,HJ , ,NOZERO+3 , $ , ., , ,RJ ,AL1+4 ,.LAST+l , $ ,3 ,ALL+l ,SET UP $ ,TP ,PRESET4-2 . ,ALL+2 , ,ALL ,EJ ,PRESETt-3 ,BD1L+l , , ,TV ,K , ,X , , ,SP ,DlA-GE-3 ,19 , ,DV ,STORE ,Q , ,'I'M ,FILL ,X , . ,RP3 $ .... ;;p $ .... 'Il> PUNCH OR:;~"'RS $ 0 T"'" $ ,SET EMERGENC ;' RERUN . ,PUNCH -6- $ $ OR3 TAG OPS , , ,X V ADDRESS COKHENTS ., ONE ~ 'ii' ,X " , , ,STEP , RP2 ,3 ,ALL ,STEP w , ,RS ,ALL+2 , K+-6 , $ , SP , I MAGE-2 , , AT , ALL+2 , STEP+5 , AT , K+4 ,STEP+6 ,X , , , , , ,X , , ,SN ,DiAGE-1 , ,PRESET-1 , NOZERO+1 ,SET NO ZERO SUPPRESSION $ , AT ,ALL+2 , NOZEROt2 $ , ,X , , , , , , ,LQ ,BtiLL+3 ,35 , $ ,QJ , NOZER0+5 , NOZER(}.f8 ,ADVANCE TO 11EV1 CARD FIELD? $ , ,RA ,ALLt2 ,Kt1 , $ , , ,TJ ,PRESET+1 , NOZER0+8 , THIRD CARD FIELD? $ ,LQ ,BULLt-3 ,8 , $ ,. ,¥..J , ,FILL , $ , , , , , ,SP ,STORE ,2 , $ ,SA ,STORE ,1 , $ ,.TP ,A ,STORE ,STORE FRACTIONAL PART $ ,SS ,A ,51 $ ,ZJ , NOZERO ,FILL , , $ ,.PRESET ,CC ,IMAGE+2 ,BVL1+3 ,P $ , ,CC ,IMAGE+24 ,BVL1+3 $ , ,EVJO , DJ..AGE-+-35 , ,EWl , , , , , , , , NOZERO , RJ to U ADDRESS Rml PUNCH ORDERS ~ 'or' .... $ S $ $ , $ $ $ U"\ 0 .- , ITlAGE+ll ~7- R E S $ $ OR3 OPS TJ"G , , , , ,K ,. , , , , V U ADD?..ESS , K;,1J.. COMl'::ENTS ADD?~SS ,D::AGE+23 $ E , ,SP ,STEP+5 ,35 ,TP ,K+7 ,STEP+6 , TP ,Kt6 ,STORE , $ ,DEC+2 , $ ,GO , $ T $ S '" i,f , , , ,12 , ,U ADVANCE $ ,B ,400000 ,000000 , $ , , ,2 , $ ,5 , , , , $ $ ,LA , ,B ,1 , $ ,B , , ,1 ,TABLE $ ,X , ,10 $ ,X , ;100 , , ,X , ,1000 ,X ,10000 $ , ,X , , , ,X , ,1000000 , ,X , ,10000000 , , , , , , , , ,X ,1 ,00000000 , $ ,X ,10 ,00000000 $ ,x ,100 ,00000000 , , ,X , ,3 , $ ,B , ,77 ,EXTRACTOR $ , , ,1 , $ ,3 , , ,2 , , , , 0' ~ ,100000 POVJERS $. $ $ OF $ $ TEN $ 0 , , , -8- $ $ OR3 TAG U ADDRESS OPS ,36 ,mAGE ,RESERV , ,:s::nS17B , V ADDRESS ,.36 , ." 8o ..... -9- COH1-:SNTS ,D-i.!;'GE R3GION 0R4 6 January 1958 COL~m HEADING ROUTI~~ Compilable: Minimum 1103A Oper ations Research Office - Sumner A. PllRPOSE This routine allows the programmer to i nc lude alpha-numeric information, titles, and beadings in any punched card output. B. USAG:S 1. LEP..DING LINES Sub Temps Inout 2. 0R4 o 1 75 o o INPUT The inp~t to this routine is a single parameter word having the fO;rnl; AO 00000 BBBBB (octal) A =4 Read and store one card image A ~ Q Punch one stored card image ~~BBB: 3. The first storage address (drum or core) of a card image. If a card is to be read and stored, BBBBB is the first of 36 (decimal) storage locations which will be used by the image. If a stored image is to be punched, BBBBB is the first address at whicb the image is to be found. RECOVERY PROCEDURE There are only two ways in wbich a card fault can occur while this routine is operating: (a) Erasure of tbe manual jump command at position 00000 before entering t he column heading routine. (b) Failure of the external equipment in picking a read or punch card. In either case, the routine may be restarted at the normal entr~ce after tbe cards have been repositioned. 4. NUMBER OF TAGS USED 5. RUN~TING =2 (decimal) TIME The time required for one use of the routine is approximately the same as the time required for one complete read or punch cycle of the Bull reproducer. Therefore, it is possible to achieve virtual free run (120 cards per minute) if the programming between successive references to the routine is kept to a minimum. 0R4 -2- C. RESTRICTIONS The storage positions at vlhich a card image is to be stored should not coincide with any address vii thin the column heading routine itself, since this would result in writing over part of the routine. Similarly, the programmer should not enter the read routine without specifying a storage address, since the routine will then store the image beginning at address 00000, erasing the manual jump at this posit~on. D. AnDITIOKAL F~ OGRf1]-1·rr ~~G ftJm OPE...R.ATING I!l.1FOREATION Since this routine does not attempt any conversion, but merely holds a card image, it is possible to punch anything whatsoever on the input cards. The output cards are limited by the Bull reproducer's inability to perform depend?bly if more than 160 punches per card, or 60 punches in any one row, are required. Since t here are no real limitations on the input-output forrr;c.t, it is possible to include any number of special codes to control t he t abul2.tiClg equipment when the output cards are printed. OR4 TAG , , , $ , OR4 ,76 ,T2 ·P3 ,C ,0 , $ ,I NOUT ,1 ,0 , $ ,BODY ,NOID1AL ENTRANCE $ , $ , NOR.!.r.AL EXIT $ ,MJ ,ALARN ,HJ ,FILL ,X , $ , , ,BODY ,RPO ,1 , BODY+2 , ,TP ,BODY-1 ,A ,SJ , BODY+17 , BODYf.3 ,LA ,A ,15 ,PUNCH ENTRANCE $ ,TU ,A ,BODYt6 , $ ,RP3 ,36 ,BODYf.7 ,OBTAIN nl;.AGE $ ,TP ,FILL ,IJC"5 , $ ,TP ,IJC-1 ,IJC )SET IJC $ ,EF , ,IJC+4 ,PICK PUNCH $ ,IJC+5 ,PUNCH $ ,IJc+6 ,ONE $ ,IJC+7 , ROVJ $ , , , '"..-0 COHMENTS ,SUB ,EWO C") V ADDRESS U ADDRESS OF'S ,EVa , ,EVa $ $ $ ,RP2 ,3 ,BODY+14 ,ADVANCE $ ,RA ,BODY+-9 ,IJC+1 , $ ,IJ ,IJC ,BODY+9 ,CARD FINISHED? $ ,RP,LJ ,3 ,BODY-2 , RESET, EXIT $ ,RS ,BODY+9 ,IJ(;.f2 , $ H'IAGE , , , , ,TV ,A ,BODY+29 $ ,TP ,IJC-1 ,IJC $ , ,EF , IJC+3 ,PICK READ $ , ,ERO ,IJC1r5 ,READ $ -3- OR4 TAG V ADDRESS U ADDRESS OPS ,ER1 , ., ,IJCt7 ,RP2 ,3 ,RA , , ,ER1 , , COMMENTS ,IJC+6 ONE $ ROW $ ,BODY+-25 ,ADVANCE .;p ,BODy... 20 ,IJCt1 , $ ,IJ ,IJC ,BODY+20 ,CARD FINISHED? $ , ,RP2 ,3 , BODY+28 ,RESET $ , , , ,RS , BODY+-20 ,IJC+-Z , $ ,RP3 ,36 ,BODY-2 ,STORE IMAGE, EXIT $ ,TP ,IJC+5 ,FILL , $ ,11 ,N-1 ROWS $ ,ROW COUNTER $ ,X D.fAGE ... ,IJC ,X , ,x ,3 ,ROW ADVANCE $ , , ,X ,36 ,RESET CONSTANT $ ,B ,400000 ,000005 ,PICK READ CODE $ , ,B ,400000 ,000012 ,PICK PUNCH CODE $ , , ,RE3ERV ,36 ,36 ,IMAGE REGION $ ,ENDSUB , , , $ -4- OR5 6 January 1958 OCTAL TYPEi'ffiITER OUTPUT ROUTINE Compilable: Jv1inirnum 1103A Operations Res earch Offic e-Sumne r A. PPEPOSE This routine types on the console flexovlri ter the octal contents of any storage address, with the follovling options: B. (a) Twelve digit octal type-out, no s pacing, no zero suppression. (b) Octal type-out with zero suppression, no spacing. (c) Tvlelve digit octal type-out, ·w ith spacing between the and ~ portions of the word, no zero suppression. ~., B, USAGE 1. LEADING LINES OR5 o Sub Temps Inout 2. 1 55 o o TNPUT The input t~ this routine consists of a single parameter word which has the following composition: AO A o =0 =4 BBBBB CCCCC (octal) no zero suppression zero suppression (assumes that BBBBB = 0) BBBBB: Any bits at all within the u-portion of· the parameter will cause the routine to space between the ~. ,E, and :y portion of the word. BBBBB = 0 assumes no .spacing desired. CCCCC: The storage address at which the desired octal number is to be found. 3 • RECOVERY PROCEDURE No recovery procedure is necessary, since the only possible fault which could occur would be one due to computer malfunction or typewriter malfunction, either of which would be just cause for running maintenance tests. 4. NUMBER OF TAGS USED 5. RUNNING TIME = 3 (decimal) The speed of the routine is limited only by the operating speed of the console flexowriter. -2C. RESTRICTIONS It is not possible to type out the contents of the Accumulator, but it is possible to type out the contents of .the Q-register if so desired. D. P.DDITIONft~ PROGRAHMTNG AND OPERATING INFOR.,.~TIO N This routine is not intended to be used as a flexowriter dump of consecutive storage addresses, and therefore, must be nsed one time for each machine word to be typed out . For this same reason, the address of the output word is not included in the type-out. TAG , , OPS ,SUB ,ORS - ,55 , t ,TEHPS , , , $ ,INOt~ ,1 ,0 , .,;> ,Ptl ,ENTRANCE $ ,. ,ALARM $ ,FILL ,EXIT $ , EJ t'...0 0 ..- Cm,;}1ENTS V ADDRESS U ADD:lliSS ~ , ,ALARM , , MJ , , ,P ,X , , ,PARAKETER $ , , , , , ,TP ,P ,A ,TEST FOR $ ,SJ ,IJCtl ,P+3 ,ZERO SUPPRESSION $ ,TU ,A ,PRINT-2 ,NO SUPPRESSION $ ,RS ,A ,A ,TEST FOR $ ,.EJ ,PRINT-2 ,IJC+2 ,SPACING $ , ,SP ,.P ,.15 ,. SHIFT PARAMETER $ , ,TU ,A ,Pt9 ,OBTAIN ADDRESS $ , ,TP ,IJC-2 ,.IJC ,SET IJC $ ,TP ,FILL ,PRINT-3 ,OBTAIN NUMBER $ ,.SP ,PRINT-3 , ,NO. TO A $ ,LT ,39 ,PRINT-3 ,ISOLATE ONE DIGIT $ , TP ,A ,A ,CLEAR A LEFT $ ,MJ , ,P+14 ,SWITCH $ ,AT ~PRINT ,P+15 ,LOAD PRINT ORDER $ ,X , , ,PRINT $ ,IJ ,.IJC ,P+IO "CHECK IJC $ ,IJC-l ,SPACE $ , , , , , , , , , . ,.PR , ,.TP ,IJC-l ,IJC ,SET IJC $ , ,.RJ ,IJC-9 ,P+IO ,SWITCH $ , ,TP ,IJC-l ,IJC ,SET IJC $ , . ,RJ ,IJC-9 ,Pt1O ,.SWITCH $ -3- OPS .TAG ,TV ,PRINT-l ,IJC-9 ,RESET $ , ,TV , PRI NT-1 ,IJC-7 ,RESET 'II' , , , MJ , , ,P-1 ,GO TO EXIT $ ,13 , NO. OF DIGITS .. ,1 , $ ,.B , , ,4 , $ ,IJC ,x , , ,nJDEX JUNP COUNTER $ , ,TP ,PRINT-5 ,P+13 ,SET S1tlITCH $ , ,TP ,IJC-3 ,IJC ,SET IJC $ ,SP ,P ,15 ,SHIFT P.ARPJ.TrER $ , ,TU ,A ,P+9 ,OBI'AIN ADDRESS $ , , ,RJ ,IJC-9 ,P+9 ,RE-ENTER $ ,TP ,PRINT-4 ,P+13 ,RESET SWITCH $ ,B T'"" / $ 1. .- IDEN'tIFICATION f"lL TOO), OCTAL TAPE WRITE RooER SKINNER - 5 MARCH 1957 l.OChlIEED rUSSILES DIVISION 2. PURPOSE To write on a designated tape in octal format, n words from consecutive core or drum locations. ). METHOD This program writes the necessary number of blocks as determined by n in XS-) code with) blanks followin g each word, or 48 words per block. No instructions are executed between external write commands during the writing of each block. 4. USAGE a. Calling Sequence OPe LOC. b. u ADDR. r RJ r+l Normal Return v ADDR. t+2 t Control and Results A parameter word with the following form must be placed at ~). aa bbbbb ccccc a) Uniservo to be selected. b) Number of words to be written. c) Initial core or drum location. c. Space Required 74 cells of instructions. 128 cells of erasable labeled COH!-10H t hrough CGr-1J;10H+ 127. d. Error Codes The parameter word is left in the Q-Register on return through the error exit. The followin g error code is left in the Accumulator on return through the error exit. EXPLANATION Core overflow in attempting to fetch and write n words. e. Tape Format The tape is Hrittenat 128 lines densi ty and 1.0 inch block and blockette spacin tY , 5. fl. Hords per blockett-e. RESTRIC TIO!~ S If the initial core address and n are such that this routin(~ attempts to fetch a Hord at a location one greater than th e last leeal core address, the routine will H'ri te th e number of vlOrds up to and including the last core address cl11d th en exit throu['; h the error exit. 6. CODING I NFOm1ATION aL. b. Constants LOCATION CONSTANT EXPLAlJATION VHASK 000000077777 V address mask. TI1ASK 000000170000 Tape indic;:ator mask. BLANK 010101010101 XS-3 code for blank .,/ord. XS3TS 3777 3777 3777 XS-3 conversion test. ODDEV 525252:~;25252 Odd-even indicator. LBKS 010101000000 Blanks in left half of vlOrd. RBKS 000000010101 Blanks in ri ght half of Hord. COD:!:! 660303060001 Error code for core overflQw.. Ul 000000100000 1 in U-address. Nl 000000000001 One. N3 000000000003 Three. N5 000000000005 Five. N7 000000000007 Seyen. N47 000000000057 Forty-seven. N48 000000000060 Forty-eight. vlorking storage 128 cells labeled c. Timing Unknom. COl"r." ~ON through COl·'[fv ON+127 • T Dote LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION , March 19,7 Approved MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION Title OCTAL TAPE WRITE LOC OP ENTRY MJ ERROR RJ EX IT MJ Y FILL START SP TU LO OT LA TP OS CYCLE RS TP SJ NTEST SA SJ NZERO ZJ NPART ST RPV TP STBK TV TP WORD TN CONV SA LO QA LQ OJ PTST AT LT LQ OJ ODD RPB TP EVEN LA LT AT LA LT AT RA RPB STORE TP BUMP RA NEWV RA EJ IJ LQ LASTW QJ ODDWD LO TV RPB FORM MSO # 8~20 •• U-ADDR DIAG+ FILL Y· A Y VMASK Y TMASK A COMMON N47 NTEST N48 EXIT NPART Nl 120 BLANK STBK FILL N3 N3 COMMON+ N7 XS3TS CONV N3 0 ODDEV EVEN 2 COMMON+ COMMON+ 0 LBKS COMMON+ 0 COMMON+ COMMON+ 5 COMMON+ STORE WORD OVER COMMON+ ODDEV ODDWD ODDEV STORE 2 V-ADDR 2 ExpLANAT ION START DIAG FILL FILL 15 WORD 31025B COMMON 32066B SET INITIAL ADDR NO. WORDS POSITION T 0 WRITE N48 COMMON+ STBK0 NZERO EXIT COMMON+ vJORDCOMMON + STORE COMMON+ A SET WRITE 1 1 TEST FOR END 1 1 SET WORD INDEX 8 SET IMAGE TO BKS 1ST BUFFER ADDR CURRENT WORD -3 TO A XS-3 POSITIONED POSITION AND ADD DIGIT lOOP TEST STORE RIGHT STORE LEFT ODD-EVEN IND EVEN OR ODD FIRST AND . SECOND SPL IT WORD 2 6 2 3 A 1 PTST CO ~1MON+ 7 COMMON+ 6 1 6 6 7 6 7 3 1 ODD NEWV COMMON+ 18 A COMMON+ 3 5 BBBXXX THIRD SPLIT WORD 6 FOURTH XXX BBB FIFTH STORE IN BUFF ER BUMP STORE BUMP WORD FETCH TEST FOR OVFL NO. WORDS TEST 18 A COMMON+ RBKS BUMP FILL N5 Ul BEXIT WORD 31001B WRBK 1 LSST WRBK SET WORD INDEX TEST FOR FULL BLK ODD NO. OF WORDS RESET IND STORE Page J ~ LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Dole March ____~=-______M_I_ss_I_LE__SY_S_T_E_M_S_D_IV_IS_I_o_N________~~~____~__~~ 195~1 Approved Title OCTAL TAPE WRITE LOC LSST . WRBK BE XlT OVER WRITE VMASK TMASK BLANK XS3TS ODDEV L8KS R8KS OP TP EF RPV EWB TP MJ TP B B B B 8 B B B Ul B Nl N3 B N5 N7 N47 N48 B B B B B END FOAM _ MSO 8~ 20 •• U-ADDR COMMON+ 120 ODDEV 100008 V"'ADDR 3 FILL WRliE CYCLE COMMON+ COMMON LASTW COMMON+ 620064600001 77777 170000 10101010101 377737773777 525252525252 10101000000 10101 100000 1 3 5 7 57 60 EXPLANATION 8 2 LAST WORD START TAPE COPY AND RETURN PREPARE EXIT RETURN TO WRITE OVERFLOW TEST WRITE DUMMY VMASK TAPE IND MASK ALL BLANKS XS-3 CONV. TEST ODD-EVEN TEST LEFT 3 BLANKS RT 3 BLANKS 1 IN U ADDR ONE THRE'E FIVE SEVEN FORTY-SEVEN FORTY-EIGHT . '. 1. IDENTIFICATION 2. PURPOSE -r~;.1oL- ML TOOl, OCTAL TAPE READ Roger Skinner - Revised - 6 Harch 1957 Lockheed Missile Systems Division To read and store into consecutive core or drum locations, n words from a designated octal tape. 3. METHOD a. This program reads the necessary number of blocks as determined by n from the designated uniservo. during reading of each block. The blanks between words are removed The conversion out of 15-3 and storing of the converted information is accomplished between blocks. b. Four attempts will be made to read each block successfully in event of parity check. Two attempts will be made at normal bias, one at high bias, and one at low bias.. 4. USAGE a. Calling Sequence lDC. OPe RJ r . v ADDR. t+2 t Normal Return r+ 1 b. u ADDR. Control and Results A parameter word with the fo]]&w.iing t&rm mUlS't. be pla.eed. at t+ 3. aa bbbbb cccee a) b' ~} Uniservo to< be select.ed. Number of octal ltlOrds to be read and stored. Initial storage location. 86 cells of instructions. 101 cells of erasable labeled COMMON through CO~10N+lOO. -Pa~ e d. 6 March 1957 2- Error Codes The parameter word is left in the Q-Register on return through the error exit. The diagnostic routine is entered immediately, and no attempt is made to space the tape forward to correspond to the number of blocks indicated by n. The following error codes are left in the Accumulator on return through the error exit. EXPLANATION CODE TOOl 212+1 Four unsuccessful attempts to read block. TOOl. 212+2 Core overflow while storing information. 0 e. Tape Format The octal tape read by this routine consists of blocks containing 48 octal words in XS-3 code, each followed by 3 blanks. 5. RESTRICTIONS a. Information stored in such a way to overflow the last core address will cause immediate b. e~t to the diagnostic routine. If other than 3 blanks separate the octal words on tape, then the leading binary bit of the first of these 3 characters must not be a binary one. 6 March 1957 -Page 3- 6. CODING INFORl"IATION a. Constants LOCATION b. CONSTANT VHASK 000000077771 V address mask. '!'MASK 000000170000 Tape indicator mask. BIAS 020000150000 Normal bias. 'l}{REES 0)0)0)0)030) Used in XS-) Conversion. CODEl 660)0)040001 TOOl x 212+1 CODE2 660)0)040002 TOOl x 212+2 U2 000000200000 2 in U address Nl 000000000001 One N3 00000000000) Three N4 000000000004 Four N.5 00000000000,5 Five N7 00000()000001 Seven N23 000000000027 Twenty-three N48 000000000060 Forty-eight Working Storage 101 cells labeled COMHON through COMMON+100. c. EXPLANATION Timing Unknown "" ... . T LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Date API" ;;:,ed 6 March 1921 Madel MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION Title !leporl No. OCTAL TAPE READ LaC FN TRY FRROR EX IT Y START CYCLE TEST ZERO PART SBIAS RDBK STORE COpy POSIT FAULT RETRN CHNGE OK FETCH FORM It MSO 852 0 ® •• OP MJ RJ MJ FILL TV LQ QT LA TP OS OS RS TP SJ SA SJ ZJ TP EF TP EF TV TP IJ RPB TP RPV ER B LA LA LT AT ERB LT AT RA IJ ERA ZJ IJ SP TP MJ SP AT EF EF RA MJ TU RP B TP U-ADDR V-A DDR 0 DIflG+ 2 0 FILL Y Y VMASK Y TMA SK A A COMMON N48 TEST N48 EXIT PART A N3 PART N23 (OMMON+ 1 4 (OMMON+ 97 4 0 18 COMMON+IOO STORE (O MM ON+ 3 2 SHIFT 2 FILL NO WORDS POSIT ION T SE T READ SE T F3K SP ACE 1 SE T INDEX TST FOR FULL BK 1 SE T INDEX SE T NORMAL BIA S SET BIA S IND EX READ ONE BLOCK SET FIRST STO RE BLK INDEX TO 23 COM~10N+ 2 3 COpy COpy FILL PO S IT STORE FOUR WORDS 97 RE AD FOU R \-JORDS PO S ITION THI RD SPLIT FOURTH 99 A A COMMON+IoO N4 STORE 1 A OK CHNGE 0 THI RD STA ND ARD FIFTH FRO~1 TAPE POSITION FOURTH STAND ARD BUM P STO RE 18 18 A C m~ t-10N+ 0 ERROR lOA TO A CHEC K TES T BIAS TAPE ERROR CODE PARAMETE R WORD GO TO AL ARM EXIT Er~ROR 12 0 0 ZERO EX IT COMr>lON+ BIAS (OMMON+ READ STORE COMMO~I+ 0 CO MM ON+ 99 COMMON+I00 0 (OM MO N+ 99 0 CO MMON + SE T INITIAL ADD 0 0 FAULT COMMON+ CODEI Y 0 A 8 IA S STAR T Dr AG FIl.L F= ILL FSTOR 31 0 25B COMMON 32066B Q RE AD BKSP N48 (OMt-10N+ SB IA S EXP LANATION 1 (OMMON+ COMMON+ 8KS P Nl RD[1 K OK + SUBS TCOM MON+ 4 4 2 CHANGE BIAS BA CKSPA CE REREAD SE T FIR ST \."O RD 2 5 CU RR EN T \-.JORD Ipage 4 ... to" • Date Approved LOC SUBST SEC SHIFT FSTOR OVER OVERD READ BKSP BIAS VMASK TMASK N1 N3 N4 N5 N7 N23 N48 U2 THREES CODEl CODE2 FORM It MSD 8520 the diagnostic routine. b. tf other than 3 blanks separate the octal words on tape, then the leading binary bit of the first of these 3 characters MUst not be a binary one. 6. CODING INFORMATION a. Constants IDCATION CONSTANT OVDUM 353iooOl00oo Overflow dullll1lY word WMASK OYl711111771 Conversion mask TMASK 000000170000 Tape indicator mask. MASK1 000000000077 XS-3 conversion mask VMASK 000000071717 Normal Bias NEl1AX 400000000000 Conversion constant EXPI 035440262615 Conversion coefficient EXP2 600000111150 Conversion coefficient EXP3 210524354513 Conversion coefficient WB2T 324464741134 Log to base 2 of 10, *33 U2 000000200000 2 in U address ETAB 200000000000 . 2 to 0, *34 ETAB"'l 21345340"/440 2 to .125, *34 ETAB+2 230151101214 2 to .25, *34 ETAB+3 245775532516 2 to .315, *34 ETAB+4 265011114640 2 to .5, *34 ETAB+5 305316250212 2 to .625, *34 ETAB+6 327211763126 2 to .75, *34 ETAB+7 352601433417 2 to .815, *34 CODE1 660303050001 Tape error code BIAS 020000150000 Normal Bias • EXPLANATION -Page 6. CODING a. b. INFOR~TION 4- (Continued) Constants (Continued) EXPLANATION IDCATION CONSTANT CODE2 660303050002 Core overflow code CODE3 66030 .305000 3 Power overflow code. NZ 000000000000 Zero Nl 000000000001 One. N2 000000000002 Two N3 000000000003 '!bree N4 000000000004 Four N5 00000000000,5 Five N8 000000000010 Eight N23 000000000027 Twenty-three. N48 000000000060 Forty-etght Nl29 ,')00000000201 One hundred twenty-nine N2,56 000000000400 One hundred fifty-six. Wc'rking Storage 103 cells labeled COMMON through COMMON+102 c. 6 March 1957 Timing Unknown v LOU S FILL. 15. SE T UP lJ AUDRESSS A"~TQL6,$ CN12.IDX).SET RT INDEX 3$ FILL.6.NUMBER TO Q LEFT 6$ CN27,A.MASK 6 LSD 10 AS TM27.TM28.PREVIOUS XS3 DIGITS A'T~27.CURRENT XS3 DIGITS NOBLK,~LANK,ACC EQ ZEROS .TSTDX4.BLANK NEXT CARDS CN61,PLUS.A PLUS SlGN$ CN28.MINUS,A MINUS SIGN$ CNJO.ANO,A NU MBER$ CN8.ANL'ANLS CN7,ANF'ANF$ CN6.AOEE.AD$ CN5.ABEE.ABS CN20.APT.A POINT$ CN4.ACOM,A COMMAS CN9.EXIT.AC-EXITS .ERROR,ERRORS L(O).SIGIND.CLEAR ~IGN INOS .HTDX3.$ CN2Q.SIGIND.SETStGN I NO MINUS$ ,RTDX3.$ CNIO,Q,NUMBER MINU~ 3$ TM7'2.SrO ACC$ TM7.1.MULT BY 10$ Q. n~7. ADD IN DIGITS n16. TH8. M PLUS T TV M$ ,H.TDX3.$ CN29.LINO.SET L INurCATOR$ L(O).TM7.CLEAR S~ .HTDX,.$ CN2Q.FIND,SET F INUICATOR$ . I 2 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION T Dote April 2, 1951 Model Approved Report No . TItle NUMERICAL CAPn DATA INPUT CLEAT , , , SENSI G. CLESIG. ADEE 5TONS • ABE.E STOD NEGED , , APT RTDX3 ACOM LSET , , • • , CLEAM , FINDQ , FSET NEGF DEE.a DsET • • FORM :: MSD 8520 ~t: ,. Page MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION TP TP TP TP QJ TP TP MJ TP TP TP MJ TP TP TP QJ TP Tp TP QJ TN MJ TP TP IJ RA IJ TU IJ MJ EJ TP QJ TP A1 TV TP TP TP TP MJ TP OJ TP TP TP QJ TN TP MJ TP QJ TP Tp QJ NEGD Tr-J 5TOD2 TP MJ TP , • , , , , , ,• •, ,• • • •, , • ,• , • •, , •, • • • • •, , , , • • ,• ,• , ,• , , • • •, , , , •, , , ,• TM7,NFLOT,S TO N FlOAT$ LCO) ,TM A,C LEAR TS LCO),N5IGN,$ SIGINO,Q,5lGN IND fO Q$ SENSIG.CLEARS.T£ST SIGN INOS CN2Q,N5IGN,SET NO ~IGN IND! L(O) .SIGINO.CLEAR SIGN INDS ,CLEARS.$ LCO).D5CF.CLEAR D ~CALE FACTORS CN29.DIND.SET 0 INUICATOR$ TM7.NSTAT.S TO N SIATED$ .CLEAT,$ CN2Q, BINO ,SET B INUICATOR$ LCO).BSCF.CLEAR B SCALE FACTORS OIND.Q,D INDICATOR TO Q$ STOD,STONS.$ TM7.0SCF,S TO 0 SCALE FACTOR$ L(O),OINO,CLEAR D lNDICATOR.S S I GIN D, (J • 5 I GN IND 10 Q$ NEGED.CLEARS.TEST ~IGN INOS DSCF,D5CF,NEG 0 SCA E FACTORS .CLESIG.$ LCO),TM6,SET M Ea 10 ZEROS CN29,pI~D,SET PT INDICATORS IDX3,NTQL6,TEST RT INDEX 3$ NTQL6.CN3,MODIFY K~ IDX?,SEOXR3,TEST INDEX RT2$ CN25.SEUAD,CHANGE ~EUA O $ IDX1,sEDXR2.TEST INDEX RT1$ ,TSTOX4,RETUR N TO MAIN ROUTINES TM28.STORE,COMMA BY COMMAS LIND,Q,l INO TO a$ LSET,FINDQ,TEST L .LNDS TM7.A.S TO ACCS TM5.A.AOD IN REt. LUCS A.STORE.MODIFY STOKE I NS TRUCT lOt-.I S L(O).TM~.CLEAR MS L(O).TM7.CLEAR SS L(O),LIND,CLEAR L lND$ L(Bl).TM8.SET E.O TO 1 $ ,RTDX'.$ FIND,Q,FIND TO QS FSET,DEEQ.TEST F INDICATORS TM7.FLOAT.S TO F$ LCO) ,FIND,CLEAR F .lNDICATORS SIGIND,Q,SIGN INDICATOR TO QS NEGF.FLOP,TEST SIGN INDICATOR$ FLOAT.FLOAT.NEGATIVE F$ L(O),SIGINO,CLEAR ~IGNIND$ ,FLOP.TO FLOATING ~T Co~v.s DINO,Q.OINDICATOR TO QS DSET.BEEQ,TEST 0 INDICATORS L(O),DIND.CLEAR D INDICATORS SIGlND,~,SIGN INDICATORS NEGD.STOD2 ,TEST DS~ SIGNS TM7,DSCF.MINUS OSF$ L(O),sIGINO.CLEAR ~IGN INDICATO~$ ,STAP.TO 5P CONVE.R~IONS TM7.DSCF,S TO DSF$ MLC 001 3 T Mode l Dote Page I 4 ~~__~A~~~ :r= i1~2~ , ~1~9~ 5~ 7 ____~~______________________________~~~____~____~ Approved TItle Re port N o. Nm1ERICAL CARD DATA INPUT BEEQ BSET •• • • • • STONS2 t NEGN STAP DOK • • , • • • • T0081 (~. PTOQ • , PNSET • t PSET , • STORE , • • COFLO , RETURN. SPCON • DENZO t DELZO • • • ,• DIVIG • • • DIVRc.",. SH 1FT , • DEZO • SHIFT2. 4 t DEGRO. • • FORM :; MSD 852 0 t MPVN • SHIFT.,. RESIGN, MJ TP OJ TP TP MJ TP TP QJ TP TP TM SS SJ TP MJ TP MJ TP QJ TP MJ TP ST MJ TP RA EJ MJ SP TP MJ TP ZJ SJ SN SA TU Tv SP DV SP TU OV SP SA LA MJ TV SP MJ TV SP SA TU MP LA TP QJ , • • • , • • • • • , , , • , , • • • , • , • t • t • • • • • , , t • • • • • • • • , , , , , , • , • • , , , , • • • .STAP.TO SP CONVER~IONS BIND.Q.S INDICATOR$ BSET.STONS2.TEST B INDICATO~S TM7.BsCF,S TO BSF$ L(O) .eIND.CLEAR B iNDICATORS .STAP.TO SP CONVER~IONS TM7.NSTAT.S TO N STATED$ SIGI ND.Q,SIGN INDI~ATOR$ NEGN.STAP,TEST N SIGN~ CN29.NSIGN.SET NEG NUMBER INDS L(O).SIGIND,CLEAR ~IGN INDICATOPS DSCF,A,l) TO A$ CNI9 •• 0 MINUS DOK.TOOBIG.TEST SI£E OF DSCF$ DSCF.A.$ ,PTO(,),$ CN62,RESULT.DSF TOU LARGES .STORE,$ PI ND.Q,PT INOICATOK TO QS PSET.PNSET,S OSCF.TEE,$ .SPCON,CONVERSION$ L(O),PIND.CLEAR PT INDICATOR$ TM6.TEE.D MINUS M$ ,SPCON.CONVERSION$ RESULT,FILL,STORE NUMBE RS STORE.LCBl), BUMB LOCATIONS CN65.COFLO.TEST COKE OVE~FLOW$ • CLEAM, RE TURNS CN63.0,CORE OVERFLUW TO AS V.Q.PARAMETER TO Q~ .ERROR.TO ERROR EXiTS TEE.A.D TO A$ DENZO,OEZO,D EQ ZEKOS DELlO,DEGRO,D LESS THA N ZEROs TEE.1 S .ABSOLUTE 0$ CN3I,.AOD TABLE OR!G$ A,DIVIG.SET UP DIV1DES BSCF.SHIFT,SET UP ~HIFT$ NSTAT,.N TO ACCS FILL,REG.DIVIDE BY 10DS A.35.SHIFT RE~AIND~R$ DIVIG.~IVREM.SETUP REMAIN DIVIDES FILL,TM~9,REMAINDEK 9 V 10$ REG.35,INTEGER TO A$ Q.37.FRACTION TO A~ A,FJLL,KESULT IN A$ ,RE S I G:'-I. $ BSCF,SHIFT2,SET UP SHIFTS NSTAT.FILL.SHIFT NS "$ .~ESIGN.$ BSCF,SHIFT3,$ TE.E.15,a TO US CN3t,.AOD TABLE OR1GS A,MPYN.SET UP MPY$ FILL.NSTAT.MPY 10D NST$ A.FILL.SHIFT PRODU~TS NSIGN,Q,N SIGN TO ~$ NNEG.NPOS.TEST IND1CATORS MLC 001 T Dole , LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION April 2, 1957 A pproved NNEG NPOS FLOP EXNEG , , TN MJ TP MJ TP ST MP LT LQ SJ RS SP EXPOS , , • • • FPMY AT SP LT AT QT MP LT AT MP LT AT SP DV AT MP LT ~P ZETOA • OFLO , SLEROW. REGITA. FORM r M SO B52 0 ®E' rog e Report No. NUMERICAL CARD DATA INPUT / (J M odel MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION CN2 eN3 CN4 CNS CN6 eN1 CN8 CN9 eNIO eN 11 CNI2 eNI3 CNI4 CNIS CNI6 , , , SF TP RA AT SJ TP MJ TJ SP MJ LQ TP LT AT MJ B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B • •, , • • •, ,• , , , ,• , , , , • • • A.RESULT.NEGATIVE N$ .STORE.TO STORES A.RESULT.POSITIVE N$ ,STORE,TO STORES FLOAT.A,F 10 AS TM6,Q.F MINUS M TO OS Q.CN43.E LOG lOS 3.LEROtJ.SAVE INTEGt.RS A.35,F~ACTION TO AS EXNEG,EXPOS.EXPONEf NEG S L£ROW.L(BI),INTEGEK PLUS IS CN2Q.,ISCALE035$ Q.Q.GET POS COMPs Q.4,$ ,A.$ CN46.FPMy.TLU SETU~$ CNLt5,Q.MASK ALL BUT 3$ Q.CN55.$ .A,$ CN56,RTKOw.S Q.RTROW.S .A.$ CN57.RTKOW.$ • Q.33,$ W.A.S • RTRO CN44.Q.$ • •, Q.FILL,S , A,NFLOT.$ , A.TM12,$ , A'REG,S , LEROw.CN58,$ •• ~.A.$ , ,• , , , , •, , , , , , • • •, , • ,• • •, , • TMI2.LEROW.$ ZETOA.OFLO.$ L(O).A.ZERO TO ACC~ .REGITA,$ CN59,SLEROW.OVERFLOWS CN64,O,POWER OFLO 10 AS .RETURN,TO ERROR Rt.TUR N$ LEROW,27.$ REG.A,S 28.A,$ Q,A,$ .RESIGN.s 20"TWENTYS 0000001.00000·$ 24,.COMMAS 45 •• B$47 .. 0$ 51 • ,F$ 26. ,L$ 46 .. Cs 3' .0$ 4. ,ONE XS3S 5"TWO XS3S 6,.THREE XS3$ 7 •• FOUR XS3$ lO"FIVt:: X~3S 1 1 , , S I X XS3s l1LC 001 5 " Dote - LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION April 2, 1957 Approved CN22 • CN2J • CN24 • CN25 , CN26 , CN27 • CN28 • CN29 • CN30 • , CN31 CN32 • CN33 CN34 , CN35 • CN36 • CN37 , CN38 • CN39 • CN40 • CN41 • CN42 • CN43 • CN44 CN45 • CN46 • CN47 • CN48 • CN49 • CN50 • CN51 • CN52 • CNS3 CN51.+ • CN55 • CN56 • CN57 • CN58 , CN59 , CN60 • CN61 CN62 CN63 CN64 , CN65 • 10100 , ICIOO • DIAG , , , • •, • IJ • FORM :MSD 85 20 B B B B B ,• ,• , , , 8 B B B Page HLC 001 NUMERICAL CARD DATA INPUT , , ,• , I Report No . Title CN17 CN18 CNI9 CN20 CN21 Model MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION ,• • • •, ,• 12"SEVEN X53$ 13 •• EIGHT X53$ 1q,.NINE XS3~ 61"PTi . 5252525'25252..AlTE~NATOR$ CN 1Q •• i CN24 .. S IOIOO.I0IOO.$ CN26. ,$ tCIOO.ICIOO.$ 77 •• MASK$ 20.,NEGATIVE SIGNS uOOOOOO.OOOOO,tNDI~ATORS 15. ,$ CN32,,$ B • 1 , • TEtJ TO lEROS 12 •• TEN TO O~E$ B 144.,TEN B • 1750 •• TEN TOTO TWO$ B • 23420.,TEN TO THREES FOURS B , 303240 •• TEN TO FIV~$ B B TO SIXS • 3641100.,TEN B 461 1320.0,TfN • 5753604.00,TEN TOTO StVENS B tIGHTS B 73465,45000.TEN TO • 1124027,62000.TEN TONIN~$ 8 • 3244647.41134.LOG 10 ELEVENS B BASE 25 • 2000000.00000., SCALEDTO 34$ B • 0377777.77777.MASKS B ~p FOR T~US • Q,CN47,OUMMY 1 B 2000000.00000.2 TO 0_8 534$ B TO 1.. 8 S34S • 2134534.07440.2 B • 2301577.01214.2 TO 2-8 534$ B 2457755.32516'2 TO 3-8 S34$ • 2650117.,4640.2 B U.. R $34S • 3053162.50212.2 TO B TO • 3272117.63126.2 TO 65 ..... 88 534$ B •t 3526011.+.33477,2 TO 7-8 534S B 531.+5 0354U02.62675.A~ StALED 36$ B • 6000001 .7 I 150. A1 SCALED 35$ B • 27052U3.54S13.LOG E BASE 2 S345 B • 201 •• ,2.9$ B 400, •$ B • 4000000.00005.EF RtAD CAROS5 8 B 40 •• POSITIVE SIGNS • 7777777.77777.$ B • 31030.3040001.CORE OFlO CODES B • B 31030.3040002.POWEK OFLO CODES • TP RESULT.,0000)8.CORt OFLO IND$ RESERV' 6.6.$ RESERV. 6.6.$ RESERY, 3,3.$ , , ,$ END , • • , • • • r 6 A. IDENTIFICATION. ML DOOl OCTAL DUMP T. H. DEWEY 16 APRIL 1951 LOCKHEED MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION B. PURPOSE. To dump core or drum on any designated uniservo. c. METHOD. The program prepares an XS-3 tape, suitable for listing on the off-line high speed printer, which contains the contents of memory from A to B, where A and B are specified in a parameter word. The program preserves core by making use of a core image on drum. A 264 word buffer region is constructed, pulling out 6 words per blockette and replenishing the buf~er when necessary. A sentinel block is appended to the end of each dump consisting of a printer stop s.ymbol repeated 720 times. other sentinel. D. Replace the constant at c+17 to substitute any USAGE. 1. The dump was programmed with the intention of being initiated by a drum start. Modifications have been made in order to initiate it by a normal USE entry, to wi tl RJ r r+l 2. t+2 normal return t to dump There are five parameter words as followSI (t+3) • (Q) (t+4) • (AL) (t+5) • (Aa) -(t+6) • 00 aaaaa bbbbb where aaaaa is starting address and bbbbb is last address to be dumped; '. ML DOOI OCTAL DUMP D. USAGE. Page 2 (continued) It (t+6) • 0 then entire core is dumped. (t+7) • 00 00000 0000'1' where T designates uniservo for dumping; If (t+7) • 0 then uniservo 5 is used. 3. Space required 234 words 158 words 65 words 636 words of of of of instructions and constants on drum instructions in core erasable and constants in core image on drum 4. Tape format Eaoh block of tape contains the contents of 36 consecutive locations. In addition a heading block precedes each dump containing the contents of Q, ALI CORE F1' F2, ')' and the status of the manual jump switches. Aa, E. RESTRICTIONS. 1. When specifying dump lind ts A and B must be either both core or both drum addresses. No continuous dumping from core to drum or drum to core is allowed. 2. The MJl switch is used to determine whether or not more than one dump is to be put on a given uniservo. If the MJl switch is on, then after the program has dumped from A to B the tape is left Positioned to receive another du.rnp. If the MJl switch is off the tape is rewound. In either case core is restored, if necessary, and control is returned to the progrannner. 3. That part of drum designated by the programmer to be the drum core image cannot be dumped, since the lower part of core is immediately placed in the image when entering the dump program. This restriction can be avoided by a suitable modification. >, ML nCOl F. Page OCTAL DUMP CODING INFORMATION. 1. NUmerical constants 22 cells labeled c thru c + 21 2. .Alphabetic heading constants 31 cells labeled: M thru M + 5 H thru H + 14 H2 thru H2 + 9 3. Buffer storage 264 cells labeled z thru z + 263 4. Tape wri te image 120 cells labeled IM thru IM + 119 5. Working storage 49 cells labeled! IND thru thru V thru thru L w 6. Timing Unknown INn W V L +7 +6 +13 +19 3 LULt\Ht.I:..U AIHLI' l -2- 5. RESTRICTIONS The argument must be within the stated range and scaled 233. 6. CODING I NFORMATION a. Constants 1QQ C CONSTANTS 10 00000 00000 EXPLANATIOn 33 1 • 2 Cl 00 00000 00000 Zero C2 00 00000 00001 One C3 53 24135 20070 ~ C4 33 24414 25535 a6 C5 56 40071 51545 c6 C7 37 50417 41?34 4h 23706 66522 C8 26 61651 66073 C9 44 42003 30653 CI0 31 10375 51633 40 5 - 2 'a • 240 4 39 8 3 • 2 38 8 2 • 2 37 8 1 • 2 aO • 234 C11 37 77777 77777 Round Constant C12 14 44176 65211 !l C13 10 00000 00001' 1 - 233 + 1 C14 26 47670 31361 D = 24,291,062,513 C15 00 00000 65324 A = Z7,348 C16 11 45346 44516 B = 10,291,988,814 C17 33 06571 40273 C = 29,104,062,651 C18 00 00000 00077 Shift Count Mask C19 26 50117 14640 $ C20 20 00000 00000 1 CODE 54 54311 10000 Error Code • 244 -242 a • 233 2 0 Q 234 ~4 (Rounded) -3b. Work Space 7 cells labeled STORE thru ST0RE+6 c. T1.m1ng Approximate maximwn ot 6.75 m1s. for I =- (1_1.2-33 ). REM1NGTON RAND UNIVAC 8 PAGE...-4.-0F PROBLEM IW6 CODED BYFraIjck. VapHi1st DATE 6-15-57 ITEr.f NUl1!3ER OP LOC , , SUB , TEMPS , , nmUT , ENTRY MJ , ERROR , ALARM , EXIT , MJ , y , 00 ,X , 00 , START , TIt , , TJ , SP , ,MJ , TP , PROG , , ZJ , NOZERO , TP , TP , , , TP , , EJ J J J TP , MTImS J , , TM J , , , PLUS , EJ , MP , LTL , Arr>J. RRF6 , , 1 J 0 7 , , 0 " FIlJ. , FILL , X , C13 , CODE , 0 , C12 , NOZERO , A , X , C1 , MINUS J C2 , A , C , STOP..E , 1 , C4 COMMENTS V U , 98 , 0 , 1 , START , , FIlJ. J FILL • • • • • , , , , , , J $ FtniCTION SCLD 33 $ , FILL , ARGUMENT S6LD 33 , , , ABS X TO A A PROO , 0 , ERROR , y , EXIT , STORE $ , CHCK FOR X GRTR 1 t , ERROR CODE TO A , GO , Y =PI ovr 2 , STORE+1 , PLUS , TEST SIGN OF X , STOP.E+l , SET FOR NEG , , ABS A A FOR X=O STORE ABS X X TO A $ SET FOR POS X X TO A =1 , XONE , , C3 , EVALUATE , A , STORE-t-2 J • • • • TO ERROR EXIT $ , , , , , • TES~ X POLYNOMIAL , EXPRESSION I $ • • • • • $ $ REMINGTON RAlID UNIVAC PAGE PROBI»1 5 RRF6 CODED ByItanck. VanHiIst 10C ITEM NUNBER , , , , , , , , , , , , , OP , , STORE , AT , C, ,MP , , , , , 1TL , AT , loW , LTL , AT , , MP , LTL , AT , MP , LTL , AT II , , , , , , , , , , TIl , SA , J 1 STORE :3 C6 COMMENTS , STORE+2 , IN $ , A , STORE+2 , APPROXIMATION $ ) STORE+2 , A ) STORE+2 , OF ARCSIN X , ACCUMULATE , IN • ,$' . $ , STORE+2 SCLD 34 $ STORR , STORE+2 , $ , 2 , C7 , STORE , 2 , CS, STORE , 2 , A , STORE+2 , $ , , , , , , , , , $ 14P , , STORE , LTL , 0 I AT , , , , SF , SP , TP , SA , LTL DATE 6-15-57 V U • HP , 1TL 8 OF , , , , c9 , STORE+2 , A , STORE+2 , STORE+2 , , A STORE+2 , STORE+2 , A • $ $ $ • $ $ • • C , STOF.E+2 , A , 0 , IN A $ A , STORE+3 , K TO STORE+3 $ A , , (R) = N SCLD 34 $ A , STOilE+4 $ 18 , , STORE+5 , CIO STORE C14 0 , I 0 , X(X) TO STORE+2 , FOfu~ (I-X) SCLD 33$ STORE N FORM AND STORE • (N+D) SCLD -l8=F • REM!~CTON PAGE:-.....;6~OF_8_ _ RAND UNIVAC PROBLEM RRF6 COLED BY Frapck.YanHi1BtDATE 6-15-57 LOC ITEM NUMBER 1 , , , , , , , J , , , OP COMMENTS V U ,SN , , , , r:v , STORE+5 , , AT , STORE+6 , STORE+5 , Y(l) APPRX SQRT N SCLD 16' , SP ; STORE+4 , N SCLD 32 TO A $ , ss , STORE-t5 N - Y (1) $ , , DV , STORE+5 , , , AT , STORE+5 , STORE+5 , =Y(2):-aSQRT N SOLD 17 • ,LQ , STORE+3 , K(O) IN Q(35) , QT , TV , , , , , QJ ,MP , AT C15 , STORE+5 , A x F TO STORE C16 , STORFt+6 , A x F+B TO STORE $ C17 , 15 , -0 SCLD 15 TO A $ A , -0 $ C18 32 OVER F = -G $ 0 '. A , (Novr Y(l» -1+Y(1) • 35 A $ , K-K(O) OVR 2 IN A • , KODD , SET SCALE FOR SQRT N • , KODD , KEVEN , TEST PARITY OF K . $ , , STORE+5 , (Y(2)+1) ovr 2 $ , SCLD 17 EQLS $ A , KEVEN ,MP , , SA , C20 , , , LTL , , STORE+5 , SQRT (N SCLD K-1) $ , STORE+5 , FILL , , C11 , 0 , RND SCL SQRT (1-X)' 0 , A , SCLD .3.3 IN A $ A , STORE+2 , FORM $ :2 , A , SCLD .3.3 Q. , , KODD , Sp , , SA , , LTL , ,MP , , LTL , , ST , .' , , , , C19 0 C12 J 1 INA - ARCSIN X IN Q $ • $ PAGE 7 OF 8 - IUl:MINGTON RAND UNIVAC RRF6 PROBLEM COLED BY Fre.pck, Va,p Hilst DATE 6-15-57 Lee ITEM NUMBzn , TEST , , Nr::GX , , , , IJ , TN , I~ , '£N , , , '1'1' , , } lJ , XONE , ' '''! . , , 1'V .. l 'i , , B10 I ) , ,~ , , , C1 , C2 , C3 , B , , , B5.3 , , C4 I , C5 ,B56 j ~ , .237 , C7 ,B46 I , , , 0- STORE+1 Q COMMENTS V , .NEGX , , Q , Y IN 2ND QUAD . $ " FOR X NEG $ C1.2 , - f.RCOS X EQUALS A , , A , AROSINX - PI OVR 2$ A , Y , 0 , EXIT C12 , Q , TE[,T , e , 00000 , 1 SOLD 33 $ 1 0 , ZERO $ , .4 ONE $ Q 0 00000 2413:i I ., , 20070 " STORE FUNCTION $ SOLD 33 $ FOR X =1 $ , A(7) SOLD 44 $ • , 24414 , 2553~ , A(6) SCLD 42 , 40071 1 5154, , A(5) SOLD 40 , 504rl , 4J2 .34 , A(4) SOLD 40 $ 237~ , 66,.G2 , A(3) SOUl 39 $ B26 , 61651 , 66073 , A(2) SOLD 38 $ , C9 ,B44 , 4,2003 , 3a;S3 , A(l) SOLD 37 $ , C10 , B31 , 10375 , 51633 , A(O) SCLD 34 $$ Cl1 , D37 , 77777 , 77777 , ROUND $ , C12 IB14 , 44176 , , C13 , BI0 , B26 , 00000 , ()()()0l , LIMIT , 47(,70 , 31361 , D=24 291 062 513 $ I , 0 u OP 08 , C14 B'-' ''' .,.) 65~1l CONSTANT $ , Plover 2 SCLD 33 $ ON X $ ' . PAGE.__8___ OF I:?HI ?;CTOF HAND UlGVAC PROBLEM CODED BY ITEM NUMBER OP toe , C15 , , C16 Frnnc~. RRF6 VanHilst DATE 6-15-57 COMMENTS V U 8 ) , 65324 , A = 27 348 , Bll ) 4534h , 44516 , B = 10 291 988 814$ , C17 , B.33 , 06571 , 4027.3 , C = 29 104 , , B , , , C18 B 77 , C19 , B~6 , 50117 , 14640 , C20 , B20 00000 , 00000 , , H54 , 54';11 , ENDSUB , 1 CODE , l00cO . $ ~2 K MASK 651 • $ , SQRT 2 RND SCLD 34$ , , , 1 SCLD 34 ERROR CODE i $ $ 10 IDENTIFICATION RRF1, COS X STATED POINT A. E. Roberts, R. "Van Hl1et, 1 June 1957 Remington Rand Univac 2. PURPOSE Given X, computes Y(X) = sin (X + ~) = cos X 3. METHOD IY(x) - cos xl ! 2-30 a. Accuracy: b. Range of lrgument: o. Scalin;J': d. X IX + ~I < 1f • 236 radians • ~2 , Y(X) • 232 1f 2 n obtained from the relation sin 2 ; = 1 - 2 sin . sin !L N ~ ;} and a polynomial expanslon for 4 • ~ee RRF3.. ~ Sin XJ N The argument X is incremented ~ ~ ; then ~/1f (X + n/2) :: i is 4 (i - 1) Derivation: formed and the routlnp. computes sin(1f/2)~ = cos X• ......) 4. USAGE a. Calling Sequence r r b. + 1 Qf U ADDR RJ t Normal Return + 2 V AnDR t Control and Hesults The most signifi,c ant 36 hits of the argument, X, must be ini tislly stored in cells t + 4, and the least significant 36 bits of X stored in t + 5. The function Y(X) will be found in t +3, and in the accumulator at the completion of the routine. c. Space Required 56 cella of instructions and constants 1 cell of working storage d. Error Codes None . 5. RESTRICTIONS 32 . The argument, X, muet be scaled 2 and within the stated range. CODING INFORMATION 6. a. Con8tants .w.g mLAtiATl2B CQNSTANT PIV2 06 22O'T1 32504 fJ/2 • ';2 2VPI 24 Z7630 15554 2/. • ~5 MASK 37 17m 77774 Modulus m. 40 00000 00000 1 • ~5 ":' b. 12 20 00000 00000 1 ' ~4 N3, 04 00000 00000 1 • ~2 UAD 00 00001 00000 lJ-Addres8 Advance A4 00 00122 65046 Coeffioients in A4+l 00 04626 21024 Polynomial A4+2 01 21465 66440 Expansion of .4+3 ' 12 25357 16221 A4+4 31 10375 52420 2PI 31 10375 5242l Working Storage 1 cell labeled STORE c. Timing Maximum 4.30 mls • . .... sin(Tf/4 2v • ~2 to'ls PAGE REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC -. PROBLEM 'j 3 OF 5 RRll CODED BY Roberts. yap. Hillt DATE 611157 LOC ITEM NUMBER OP U , SUB , REFl ,50 , TEMPS 1 , 0 2 , 1 0 , START , FILL FUNCTION Y t , FILL , FILL , ARGUMENT X(MSP) t , FILL , FILL ARGUMENT X(LSP) t , SP ,IM ,36 X TO A t , SA , XL , 0 , AT , PIV2 , A DV , 21'1 ' I Q IMP , A I 2VPI , LTL , TP , , Q , , , , , , , , NEGT , NEGT + 2 , QJ , MINUS , PLUS TP , RELCl ERROR , ALARM , EXIT ,MJ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Y , 00 , FILL XM , 00 XL , START , INOU'!' , , , , , ,MJ I I §OMMENTS , , , , , , , , , , , , ENTRY V 00 , 0 3 , FILL t t t t NOT USED ,- t t $ ADD PI OVER 2 t FCTR OUT 2 PI $ FORM i SCLD 34 t IN Q $ FUNCTION PLUS TEST SIGN OF Y • , NEGT + 2 , , FUNCTION MINUS t I t MINUS I PLUS , QT , MASK , A , W+i MOD 1 SCLD 35 t , Qj , EVEN , ODD TEST QUAD NUMBER $ ODD , SS , Hl , 0 FORM W-l INR t EVEN IMP I A , Q I , SA , N1 I 0 I , LTL , , A , , , , , I 0 W-l SQRD IN A ROUND SCALE 34 IN A • N • • • REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC ~ .. "-. PAGE' '" ... - PROBLEM BBll CODED BY Roberts. yan Hl18t ITEM NUMBER toe OP , , TN , , , TU , , TP , NEST ,MP , SA , , , LTL , , AT , ,RA , , TJ , ,MP , , SA , , LTL , ,MP , , 55 , NEaT , TN , , ST , ,00 , , TP , ,MJ , RELC 1 , MJ , RELC 2 , AT , RELC :3 , 00 , PIV2 ,B06 , 2VPI ,B24 tl MASK , B37 U , A DATE 6/1/57 COMMENTS V , STORE " .. -,'v - N TO STORE , RELC 3 , NEST + 3 , FORM SINE OF , , , , Ai. , PI(W-1) OVER Q , STORE , NEST + 3 ,UAD , , , , , , , RELC 2 , NEST , TEST END POINT , , A , STORE , , , , , , , , , , , , SQUARE 5 0 , , , N1 0 , FILL , , Q Nl ,.i". 52 , , A N3 , , , , , , Q 0 A Q Q 0 A 37 A A , FILL , FILL , , , A , 0 , EXIT 0 , NEaT + 3 Y , A4 + 5 , , A4 + 1 , 00000 , 22077 , 32504 , 27630 , 15554 ,77777 , 77774 Q 5 OF , , , , 4(W-1) SOLD 35 IN A -, illS ROUND SCALE 34 IN A ROUND AND SCL' 32 2S SQRD TIMES (-N) MINUS 1 IN A ~ • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • ... $ TO A FOR Y POS • STORE FUNCTION TO EXIT REUTIVE CONSTANTS FOR TEST ABD PRESET PI OVER 2 SCLD 32 2 OVER PI SCLD 35 MODULUS • • • • • • • • .- REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC PAGE PROBLEM CODED BY Bobert., Y'P we ITEM JfUJ:1BER , , , , , , , y H1 , B40 , 00000 , 00000 12 ,B2O , ()()()(X) , 00000 1.3 , B04 , 00000 , 00000 UAD , B A4 , B , B , , , , , , , u Of 2PI 1 , 00000 122 , 65046 462h , 21024 , BOl , 21465 , 66440 ,B12 , 25.357 , 1622l , B.31 , 10.375 , 52420 , 831 , 10.375 , 52421 , ENDSUB , , , or , RRF;L lUlt~ DATI 6/1/57 Q9MMIITS , , , , , , , , , , , 1 seLD 35 1 SCLD .34 1 seLD .32 U ADVAHCE OCliST.AJlTS FOR POLDOMIAL EXPANSION 2PI SOLD .32 • • • • • • • • • • • 1. RftF5~ IDENTIFICATION . S'tl'l'Efi POINT . , ARCSI~ X ' A. Franck, M. D. Bernick, REVISED 15 June 1957 Remington Rand Uni vec ., PURPOS.E =erc~in X in radians • Given X, compute Y(X) .3 • METHOD ~ .~ IY(x) - arosin a. Accuracy I b. Range of Argument. c. Scaling: d. Derivationa ! 2-26 II IXI! 1 X· ~) , y(X) • ~3 Y(X) i, computed in radiaM ~ -..1: - X , 7 X (I), where X. -1: trom, the polynomial approximation air. (See Rand Sheet 1139.) i=o The square root i8 obtained as follows I tor ~N~, then tor sui table Y(I) IS A, B, C, D. yell =J.(N+D)+B-C/(N+D) 1s an approximation to S with relative error not in excess ot .0000172; one application ot the Newton Raphson Formula gives Y(2). 4. (See RRl9, SQUARE ROOT STATED POINT.) USAGE a. Calling Sequence - OP ~ r r+l b. , i . YADDll U ADRR , BJ t+2 Normal Return t Control and Results .. , ...' ./ The argument, X, must be initiallJ .tored at t+4J' the reiult, T(I), will . . . . , ~ be found at t+3 upon sucoessful coapletiQnot the routine. c. Space Required 96 cells ot instructions and constants 7 cells ot working space d. Error Codes The follOwing error oode is left in the AcicUlllUl:etor. on return through the . ... ' error exits • . I ~ I :IqPLANATIOl! Ixl>l , -25. 6-15-57 RESTRICTIONS The argument must be 6. REVISED. wi thin the stated range and scaled i33• CODING INFORMATION a. Constants Y& CONSTAlft' iIPLANATION C 10 00000 00000 1 -· Cl 00 00000 00000 Zero C2 00 00000 00001 1 • 2 C3 53 24135 2CXY70 a., • 244 . C4 33 24414 25535 a6 • 242 40 a5 • 2 a .240 4 9 a 3 i33 0 C5 . 56 40071 51545 C6 37 50417 41234 C7 J.6 23706 66522 C8 26 61651 660?3 a2 C9 44 42003 30653 a CI0 31 10375 51633 a O • ';4 Cll 37 77777 77777 1 f·~ . ) • i3 • iJ8 . • i37 'l Round Constant 1f C12 14 44176 65211 -2 C13 10 00000 00001 1 • C14 26 47670 31361 1)::24,294062,513 C15 00 00000 65324 A='Z7,,48 C16 11 45346 44516 8=10,291,988,814 C17 33 06571 40273 C=29, 104, 062,651 C18 00 00000 C'IJOTI Shirt Count Mask C19 26 50117 l4640 ~ C20 20 00000 00000 1 • CODE 545431100000 Error Cod. • i33 ~3 + 1 • i34 i34 (rounded) ... -3b. 6-15-57 Work Spice 7 cells labeled c. RIV. STORE thru STORE + 6 Timing • 2-33) • Approximate maximum of 6 •66 mls. for X = - (1 - 1 PAGE REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC 4 OF 7 PROBLEM RRF5 DATE REV. 6-15-57 CODED BY Franck, Bernick ITEM NUMBER LOG , OP , SUB , , TEMPS , , IN OUT , ENTRY ,MJ , ERROR , ALARM , EXIT ,MJ , Y , 00 , X , 00 , START , TM , , TJ , SP , , MJ , , PROG , TP , ,ZJ , NOZERO , TP ,. , TP , , TP , ,SJ , MINUS , TP , TJol , , PLUS ,EJ , MP , , , LTL , , AT , ,MP U COM M EN T S V , , , , , , , FILL , 96 , 0 , 1 , START , , FILL , FILL , FILL , , , ABS X TO A , RRF5 , , 7 1 , , 0 , 0 , FILL X , ARGUMENT SCLD 33 , PROG , 0 , ERROR CODE TO A 0 , ERROR , GO A , , X=Y IF X=O , C13 , , , A ~ , FUNCTION SCLD 33 CODE Y , CHK FOR X GRTR 1 TO ERROR EXIT , NOZERO , EXrr , TEST X = 0 , , A , STORE , ASS X TO STORE X , , X TO A , C1 , STORE+1 , SET FOR POS Y , PLUS , STORE+1 , TEST SIGN OF X A , A , ABS X TO A C , XONE , TEST X :: 1 , , C3 , A , , , , MINUS , , , C2 , STORE , , A 1 C4 , STORE , STORE+2 , STORE+2 , SET FOR NEG Y EVALUATE POLYNCMIAL EXPRESSION IN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • $ REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC PAGE 5 or..t ' .~7 __ .. - PROBLEMl;.. ' -.LRRl::.w;,.S"-_ _ __ CODED BY lranck.Berniok DATE REV.6-.5-57 ITEM NUMBER , , , , , , , , , , , , , Lob OP , LTL U , AT , 1 , 05 , STORE , 3 , C6 ,MP , LTL , AT ,MP , LTL V A , STORE+2 ,f , STORE+2 A l , , , CQMMEl!TS APPROIIMATION O'IY AOCUMUUTE Dl , STORE+2 , STORE+2S0LD 34 , STORE , STORE+2 , , AT , , ,MP , STORE , STORE+2 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , LTL , AT ,MP J LTL , , 2 2 , STORE+2 STORE , STORE+2 2 J , LTL , a , AT , CI0 , TN , STORE , SA , , , , , , , MP , , , , , , Sp , , TP ,SF , SA , LTL ,MP J A 08 J , AT A , STORE+2 07 , , , , , , C9 STORE , A J STORE+2 , STORE+2 A " , STORE+.2 , X(X) TO STORE+2 0 , , A , STORE+3 A , A " STORE+4 , , , , , FORM AN» STORE 014 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ A , FORM (l-X) SOLD 33. 0 , 0 18 INA ! TO STORE+3 (R) =N SOLD 34 • STORE N " 0 , STORE+5 , (B+D) -SCLD -1&=1 C15 , STORE+5 , A X F TO STORE • , , REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC 6 PAGE , 7 RRF2 PROBlEM . '. or CODED BY lIWl£k.I!!Gai12i DATE REVIR-'2-~:Z -,., LOC ITEM NUMBER , or u v C9MHENTS , , AT , C16 , STORE-+6 , , SN , C17 , 15 , DV , STORE+5 , A , AT , STOREi6 , , , , SF , STORE+4 ,ss , STORE+5 , DV , STORE+5 , STORE+5 , .32 , 0 , .A , , , , , , AT , STORE+5 , STORE+5 ,LQ , STORE+3 ,ctr , C18 , , ,TV , A , IODD , , SET SOALE FOR 'SQRT -N • , QJ , KODD , KEVEN , TES!' PARITl'{)F K , KEVEN ,MP , C19 , STORE+5 , (Y(2)+1) OVR 2 , SA C20 , , SOLD 17 EQUALS , , , , , LTL , , , KODD , SF , , , , , a '.35 , AxF+B TO STORE ; -c sow 15 TO A , -c ov.m F = . ..0 , ; $ • • • • , Y(l)APRXfQRT~: atD'16 • , N SCLD .32 TO·.• ' , li - 1(1) ,(N ovr I(l) )..l+I(l). , =I(2)=SQRTI SOLD 17 • , x{o) in Q(35) .. , • < A 1 , I-X(O) OVER 2 IN A$ (Jl ~: sW X-l) • • • , STORE+5 , SQRTr , STORE+5 , FILL , , SA , 0 , miD SOL SQRT (I-X) • , LTL 0 A , SCLD .3.3 IN A A , STORE+2 , x(x) TIMES SQRT (l-I) • 2 , , A , SCLD 3.3 IN A , ST , , , , , , Q , -ARCSINX SOLD .3.3 , TEST , IJ , STORE+l , NEOY , TEST FOR NEG I , ,TN Q , Q , , NEGY , TF Q , I , STORE FUNCTION , ,MJ , , , 0 , EXIT ,MP , LTL 'r Cll C12 , IN A YPOS •• • t· • • • • • • I.Y~Q • - . .. . ~. 7_.'_· _ PAGE___7_OF__ REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC PROBLEM........RRF ........... 5 _ _ _ __ CODED BY Frapck.Bernick IT'F:M NUMBIR I LOC XONE U V C °FOR11 t1X E=N1 T S Cl I C2 , B , C12 , ° , 00000 , , C3 , B53 , 24135 , 20070 , A(7) SCLD 44 , , , OF DATEREV.6-15-57 , TN , MJ C , BI0 B , Q , TEST , 00000 , , , 0 , , 1 , • • • • • • • • • • , 1 seLD 33 ZERO , , , , C4 , B33 , 24414 , 25535 , A(6) SCLD 42- C5 , B56 , 4ocrn. , 51545 , A(5) SCLD 40 , C6 , B37 , 50417 , 41234 , A(4) SCLD 40 , , C7 , B46 t 237~ , 66522 , A(3) SCLD 39 C8 ,B2£> t 61651 , 66073 , A(2) SCLD 38 C9 ,B44 , ~"2003 , 3C65.'3 , A(l) SCLD 37 $ ONE $ , C10 J B31 , 10375 , 51633 , A(O) SCLD 34 $ , Cl1 , B37 , 77777 ,77777 , ROUND $ , C12 ,B14 , 44176 , 652ll , Pl! OVER 2 SCLD 33 • J C13 , B10 , OOOX> , ()(x)()1 , C14 , B26 , 47670 , 31361 , 0=24 291 C15 , B , , 65324 , A C16 , , 453/..6 , 44516 , B=10 291 9S8 814 $ C17 , B33 06571 , 40273 , 0=29 104 C62 651 C1S , , , , 1 ~2 $ 513 = 273~' • $ • • • • , , B26 , 50117 , 14640 , SQRT 2 RND SCLD 34 • C20 , B20 , 00000 , 00000 CODE , B54 , 54311 , 00000 , ENDSUB , , , , , C19 , , , , I LIMIT ON X B , , I ::2.1 CONSTANT 77 K MASK 1 SCLD '34 ERROR CODE $ , A. Identifioat~on CE 1002 Tape Handler* Harold Dahl beck Sperry Rand Corps ot Engineers Linnea Laure v 1 June 1957 B. PURPOSE This program provides the fa0111 ties to read, write, move or rewind a tape am any or all uniservos in variations ot mode, spaoing and direction. It provides tor the preparation ot tapes to be read b.y several of the peripheral equipments. Provision is also made for the storage of data in the memory in inverse or direot order ~ and may be read into memory in various modes by indicating the number of blocks and/or amount of \lorking storage to be tilleda The routine can keep an account ot the relative position of all tapes on the Uniservos in terms of blooks from the leader position, as veIl as to establish conditions tor writing a full tape. It will &180 varn the user of undesirable orders, suoh as reading or moving back'Jard more blocks than it has moved forward. When a tape reading fault occurs the routine viII automatically attempt rereads of that block in various directions and at different bias levels. C. METHOD The program takes as its oontrol the interpretation of two input parameters whioh in! tiate all tape aotions a These parameters function as pseudo tape commands. * This routine follows the set of specifications set forth in November 1956 by Capt. Roger Bate and George Toal of the Corps of Engineers. -2- There are two counters kept for each servo: 1. Block counter R:-_ _ _ advances on all read, write, and ,move orders in the forward direction; deoreases on all read and move baokward. 2. Tape length counter N_ _ _ _ increased each time a blook is written bnto the tapeo These two counters should be set to zero whenever a tape action 1. initiated from the beginning of the tapeo Do USAGE 10 The routine was programmed to be used as a straight subroutine, or as a USE aubroutineo It is entered by means of the 2. 3. r RJ r -f 1 8eque~o. (t is starting address of routine) normal return There are two input parameters whioh must be pre-inserted P1 at P2 at Before using this routine, one should insure the proper setting of the following preset parameters for a given installation. 1. NOON determines tape length 20 SERVV number of servos plus one 3. UL upper address limit 40 LL lower address limit Manual control ot the routine is also possible Qy means of a small add! tional routine known as Test 10 '. -.3- E. CODING INFORMATION 1. Tape Handler has 65.3 wordso 2. The Tap .3 There are three print routines which oan be used independent 0 Handler inserts a 45 oommand into 171770 or the tape handler. &. bo Print Non-Negative deoimal integer SP K RJ PEXIT SP K RJ c. 0 PRINT FLEX-CODE PRINT K Word 42 W1 OCTAL PRINT K. Word K .39 SP I RJ PRElIT PRWORD These tags are internal to the Tape Handler. Parameters The two parameter vords have the octal form & Ph P2 M = 1st storage looation OPERATION B - Number or Blooks c D W • Number of vords OPERATION L = lsngth of Blook Not Operation Servo Read Write or Length of storage bin Used A S B S -4Every reference to the routine must be prefaced b.Y the insertion of these two worde: 1. Every pair must obey the following general restrictions. 1 -L SS< No. of servos plus one. 2. LL ~ M ~ UL 3. LL ~ M-fL ~ UL Care should be taken to select the proper parameters to effect the required action; thus, a brier discussion of how the routine translates the parameters is in ordera OP.A is first translated. This option permits the programmer to set the servo counters to zero in order to begin a fresh tape with zero readings and hence keep a meaningful block and tape length count. Special heed should be given to this option in order to avoid ambiguous interpretation of the counters which are automatically varied with the tape action. OP.A. o Has no effect on servo counters 1 Sets R servo SS 2 Sets all servos 3 Sets 4 Sets N - 0 for 5 Sets N = 0 & R = 0 for servo SS 6 Sets N 7 Sets switch to b.Jpass test for full output tape when = 0 for R = 0 for N = 0 for servo 55 aJ~ servos =0 & R =0 for vri ting. all servos Resets on next entry to this routine a OP.B is neKt translated and selects the required action. o No action. 1 Sets Read s'Wi tch (after selecting tape oode and increment) Exits from routine setting Q to aero. Then it decodes OPe READ. -5Sets wri te switch (after selecting tape code and increment) 2 then decodes OPe Write. MOves B blocks forward or backward. 3 Exits from routine setting Q to zero. 4 . Rewind servo S8. 5 Rewind servo 55 with interlock. 6 Re\lind all servos. 7 Rewind all servos \lith interlook. After the selection of a rewind, both servs oounters are set to zero for the appropriate servo. Q is set to zero and normal exit is made. OP.C initiates no tape action b,y itself; serves only to seleot the necessary EF code word as well as to set the required switohes in the routine; e~t., tape direotiono READ OPTION 0 Variable Forward 1 Variable Backward 2,6,7 Fixed Forward 3 Fixed Baokward 4 BSP Forward 5 HSP Baokward WRITE OnION o or 1 Variable 2 or 3 Fixed 4 or 5 HSP 6 Tape to Card (Fixed Blook 128 - .1" - 2.4") 7 Uniprinter II (Fixed Block 50 - O~ - 2 .4") Options 6 and 7 should be read by using options 2 and 30 HSP options reads a true machine variable n word block, whereas writing with the HSP option writes a 20 word blocko The direction of address inorementing in memory is determined from OPe D. OPt D. 0=3=4=5=6=7 Sets increment of plus one for forward direction. 1 Sets increment of minus one for baokward direction. 2 Set. increment of sero (One looation for all worda). The WRITE options are translated only if the write switch was set (OP. B) o Write W words from M. OP.C selects writing modeo (0=2=3=5=7) a - Fixed mode assumes 120 word blocks. b - HSP mode assumes 20 word blocks. c - Variable mode writes an (L -I- 3) word block. The BLI is automatioally generated from L and added during the write. If W is not an even multiple of 120, 20 or L, respectively, the final block will be padded with tape sentinels to give a full blocko If W is equal to zero, a stopper block i B written onto tape. 1 Write B blocks, from M. Variable mode only. Assumes that block in memory has one BLI followed by n data words. implies that M contains a BLI.) L will be reduced by n (This Before writing each block, a test is made to insure that the first word of a BLI. ~ I- !!fa block contains 1 for each block to prevent -7- exceeding the initial L. Failure to meet either of these conditions causes an alarm printout. 4 Write B blocks from M. OPe C selects writing mode a - Fixed mode assumes 120 word blocks b - BSP mode assumes 20 word blocks c - Variable mode writes an (L-I3) word block. The BLI is auto- matically generated from L and added during the write. Before starting this option, a test is made to Bee whether the number of words as given by blocks times size will satisfy LL:: M..,tw~UL If W is equal to zero, a stopper block is written onto tape. 6 Write all blocks contained within L words from M. Variable mode only. Assumes that words. ~ (This b100k in memory has one BLI followed by n data ~mplies that M contains a BLI). following the last block must be a bin sentinel. The first word Starting at M, blocks will be suocessively written on tape until one of the following oonditions occurl 1. Bin Sentinel Found normal exit 2. Last block exceeds reduced L Alarm print 3. Proper location does not contain BLI Alarm print The READ Options are translated only if the read switoh was set o (oP .B.) Read B blocks into Mo OP.C selects reading mode. (0=2=.3=6) a - nxed mode reads in 120 word blocks. b - BSP mode reads in N word blocks. c - Variable mode does not insert BLI or sum check in memory. 1 Read B b100ks into M. Variable mode only. Insert one BLI (but not Sum ~eok) into ~emory as first word of b100k followed by n data words. For options 1 and 00, L = maximum storage allowed and is reduoed as eaoh variable block is read in. Should the remaining space be insuffioient to store the last blook; reading is stopped, the 1alt -8block is not read in and the tape will be repositioned. This latter action will cause an alarm :.:>rint. 4 Read Blocks as needed to fill up L vorda. On variable mode, no BLI or sum check is inserted. 5 Read Blocks as needed to fill up L words. Variable mode only. Inserts one BLI (but not sum check) into memory as first word of block followed by n For options 4 and 5, (t - 1) data words. = maximum storage allowed. A special end sentinel (07 77777 77777) is added as the next vord after the last valid word stored. W::: longest variable block expected. 8houU the re~ning space be insufficient, (as determined by the incom1n; BLI) the last block will not be read in and the tape is repositioned. Also, if W is larger than the reduced L, no further attempt viII be made to read. 7 Check Read Tape OP. C selects mode. At any desired time, this option may be invoked to 1. Print out CHRD Servo No. ~ock 2. NO • . Read backward from tapes in the mode sele6ted that many blocks without reading jhe vords into memory~ 3. Revind the tape on that servo without interlock. The Fixed n~ary parameter words for check reading &reI 30,OOOO1,M 70,02oo0,001S8 HSP 50,00001, M 70,02000,00 1 SS Variable 10,00001, M 70,02000,00 1 SS -9ALARM EXIT AND ERROR PRINTOUT Since the Tape Handler is normally referenced and controlled from external routines qy means of the two parameter words, it was felt necessary to incorporate into the routine itself a method which guards against the insertion of improper parameter words as well as to monitor the dynamic results of the initiated tape actions. To facilitate this aim, it was required that normal exit from the routine would always be accompanied qy the insertion of an appropriate bit pattern into the Q-Regiater, which could then be interrogated further by an external diagnostic routine which checks the bits in Q immediately following the exit from the Tape Handler. There are onl y three normal exits from the tape handlers 1• When this routine exi ts wi th no unexpected resuJJfi "Q35=Oo 2. Tape End Sentinel Found a - Test is made for variable and fixed mode. b - The block ~ c - The tape is read into memory. ~ repositioned or rewound. d - Exit is preoeded 3. qy a printouto Output Tape Full a - ~ each bl~ok is increased qy i8 written, the tape length oounter an amount dependent on blook size and spaeingo b - Unless the b,ypass option was selected (1 1s made to aee it the last ~eaumulated tape length oonstant NCON. =7), a test sum exceeded the It NCON was exoeeded, a stopper block is automatioally written onto tape and the block count increased receive a stopper block. qy oneo HSP option does not -10- c - Exit is preceded b.Y a printout. Before each ex! t the accumulator will be filled with a 77 00000 %%XXX where xxxxx will be the initial address of the current block entry .bould the r ead order be interrupted b.Y an alarm conditiono On an exit print out, the format will consist of the following liz line.: Example !!xPlanation 1. Normal Exi t Line 20 P1 30 P2 40 45 00000 01234 .... 30 00001 04000 00 02000 00103 Error (or ex! t) No. Exit 34 50 Servo Noo Servo 3 6. No. Block 63 Block This printout should enable the programmer to discover the cause of the printout. In the example given above, one can readily obtain the following information: 1. The tape handler was last referenced from address 012330 2. No servo counters were set to zero. 3. The action called for was a read backward one fixed block from servo 3 into the location 04000 and incrementing the address forward in memory. 4. The exit number states that a tape sentinel was discovered in block 6.30 -11- SUMMARY OF FLEX0-WRITER PRINTOUTS NO EXPLANATION 34 End Sentinel round ACTION TAKIN TEST CONDITION 1. Variable mode: Found Print stopper block 2. Fixed mode I Exit Firat word was tape sentinel 33 End of Tape NCON ...c:::::N ~ 1 • Automatioally writing last block writes stopper blook (except in HSP) 2. Advances ~ock counter 30 32 Mod 6 Print end Ex! t Last failure to Print and read block due to Cease * lokld6 31 Uhrockable Parity 30 Uhrockable Sum Cheok 29 Possible 720 Last failure to read Print and block due to parity Cease Last failure to read Print and block due to sum check Cease MACHINE HANGS UP Set PAl to 17777 on 720 or sprocket to print and exi t * * trom routine. * Halts on easily identified It) 00123, XXXIX. to attempt another reread of blocko Push start button -12- 9 Illegal Servo No. o~ sgc:::::: SERVV Print and Cease 8 Insuffioient Spaoe L~~UL Print and • 'i LLe:::M direction in memory. U. "::::; Mrw ~UL -/-= 7 6 5 7'L-===UL Sign depends upon Oease , forvard) N '-::::::: 0 Move Back Neg Print and Read Back Neg Cease L reduted to point where (L - Block Size) ~ O Print and read or write not possible Cease lot Blook Length Indo 00 JIXXX IIXU Print and Cease Reoovery is poss! ble from errors 9, 8, 7, and 5 Note: tt 1• Correoting Parameters P1 and P2 manually 0 2. Setting PAK to T. ito starting address and push START. -13GWSSARX FIXED BlPeK The standard fixed block length is 120 words. The blook and blockette spacing depend on the option seleotedo VARIABLE BLOCK The block oontains n ~3 words where the first and last words oontain the Block length Indicators, and immediately preoeding the last word is the word containing the Sum Checko BLOCK LENGTH ~TOR L1 One octal word appearing as 00 XXXXX YYYYY where X =Y = the number of words in a variable block exoluding the Bo 1010's and the Sum Check. SUM CHECK One word whioh equals the least 36 bits of the algebraio summation of the words within the blook excluding the ~ B. L. I. 'e and the Sum Cheok itself. HSP BLOCK The true machine variable blook consieting of n words. However, since this option was intended for use with the High Speed Printer, the writing of these blocks was restrioted to 20 wordso This restriction can be removed easily. SENTINElS Tape Sentinels: 74 74747 47474 whioh prints as Basket Sentinel: 07 77777 7m7 eZzzaa (used internally with the tape handler routine). STOPPER B100 K 1. Fixed block length option, This block contains 120 words of tape sentinelso 2. Variable block length option. This block consists of only one word, the tape sentinel. Servo Number (Two octal digits) Initial 3torage location from whioh words are written or read into memory 0 -14Number ot blocks (Four octal digits) ., ,, Number of Words (Five octal digits) Block Counter for servo Tape Length Coun~er for Servo Has various meanings depending on use. In general, on writing variable blocks, it is the number of words in the block. On reading, it determines the amount of space available. Preset constant equal to one more than the number of servos existing at a particular installationo \ Preset upper limit in memory beyond which reading and wri ting is Prohi bi ted. Preset lower limit in memory ~low which reading and writing is Prohi bi ted. Preset constant used to limit writing on tapes beyond a desired length. Measured in tenths of frames 0 Currently calculated from the formula: (1500)' 90% X 12" X 1280 at 128/inch. = 20,736,000 tenths ot frames RWBFJN 10-15-57 P. 1 of 6 RWBFJN , Floating Point Bessel Function J n Subroutine Pro grammed by : David G . Cantor, The Ramo- Wooldridge Corporation Date : September 16, 1957 A. Purpose : This subroutine calculate s J (x) for arbitrary x and integer n. n Floating point arithmetic is used. B. Usage : 1. Specifications . Standard USE subroutine using built-in floating point. SUB, 2. 3. 4. RWBFJN, 171 TEMPS, 5 3 INOUT, 2 1 Input First word - x in floating point . Second word - n in fixed point scaled at 2 First word ' - J 0 Output n (x) in floating point. Space required Length of subroutine - 171 words. Temporary storage in compiled region - 8 words. Other routine s used - R WSQF1, RWCNF4 Other temporary storage - None • RWBFJN 10-15-57 P. 2 of 6 5. C. Error codes - The alarm exit is not used Restrictions and Coding Information: The routine u ses 11 03A built - in floating point arithmetic. x must be a standard floating point number and n must be an integer . D. Timing : If Ix l ..::> 3 and I n l = 0 or 1, t = 15 m. s . = 25+lnl If Ix l ?3 and Ixl ? ln l>1then t If Ix l< \nl or Ixl E. <3 then t = 15 m. s. + 1. 21n\ m. s. Mathematical Method : 1. Formu l as . (a ) For J 0 and J 1 when I x l ~3 asympotic formulas are used. See E . E . Allen , Analytical Approximations , Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation, Vol. 6, October, 1954, pp . 240-1 . (b) For I n (x) when \ x l >Inl >1and \ x I ? 3 the re cur sion formula J . 1 (x) = nT 2n x is used for which the starting values J o (x) and J 1 (x) are computed as in .(a) . (c) For J n (x ) when I x I E; The test em- which also serves to prevent the product from becoming too small. In the event this test is violated an arbitrary change on z is imposed by adding (previousl y defined) to the real part o~ z. E In this event the output includes only z and F(z) while F (z) is replaced by zero. r b. After each iteration a test is made to prevent undue growth in the magnitude of the values of the function F r(zi) and F r(zi+1)' * these values do fluctuate a new iterant zi = (Zl' +zl' 2 +1) If is chosen. One line skip indicates that z7 was formed. Auxiliary program. This program evaluates F(z) for a given z determined by the subroutine. This coding can include a control option limiting the region of search for a root to a well defined local portion of the complex plane by properly constraining successive iterants. RWRTI 1 10-17-57 P. 10 of 20 The applicability of this method to general root finding problems is noteworthy for a number of reasons. The procedure is completely general, requiring no knowledge of the location of the roots nor any special starting process. Furthermore, complex roots are obtained with the same ease as are real roots. Since the iteration requires only the evaluation of the function, and never the value of the derivative, the scheme is useful in problems where the evaluation of the derivative is very difficult. While multiple roots do not present any c:omputational difficulties, they are obtained with less accuracy than simple roots. Also, the rate of convergence is considerably reduced in the case of multiple or clustered roots. :D'Ct-e-~~i~e three starting values : o ,_ _ _ _~ z l' z z ' and z3 according to (\J t"- i option chosen. Find the as soci , ated functional values. - -.-. -r-- ~ I I- j If' G I I- I t"- rl E-t rlrl ff;1 ~'- 0 • P=:rlP-. ;~__ -.... i \ \ I -~ ---~ i parabola' and' d~ter~i~e new l estimate zi+l' not equal to a previously found root. F(zi+l) and Fr(zi+l)' - - --------1--·- I I ! .~ --. ~ { I I ~-- \.... I ..... -- ! , b) Izi+l - zi I out VI ~ Option to accept conjugate Of'::] L_____l_a_s_r_o.o_t_n_o_~ - ~--,./ Auxiliary Program : Convergence test: ~: a) I I .. I . I I .-- -~ Option to output Zi+ I' F (Zi +l ) and F r (z.1 +1)'____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I Find I Option to control search for z in the canplex plane I IFit r '\ / -- - Flow Chart for Arbitrary Root Finding Substitute / RWRTl l lO ..17..57 P. 12 0:' 20 , , ,SUB .RWRT Il .1 • TEMPS , I NOUT .2 ,ENTRY ,MJ ,ALARM .ALARM • ,EXIT .MJ ,• .ARG t ,ARGI t •, ,DET • , DETI t ,t ,PAR 1 t ,PAR2 • t ,PAR2 .START .TV , ,SP ,PAR2 ,A _ ,TU • ,TP ,e3 • ,TV ,PARI • ,T 112 5 .RS • ,PAR1 .TU , ,SP ,PARI , ,AT ,e8 ,A .TV ,t ,ea .TN , ,IN .TP ,C3 ,AGAIN .TP .e8 .TP ,RPV .14 ,TP ,C3 •,M2 ,2 .RP3 ,TP ,FILL .M3 ,TP , TII6 ,M4 , ,ZJ ,OPT2 ,MS ,T1I7 .EJ ,e2 .FM ,,OPT2 .TP .0 .FM .e2 ,TP ,0 .FA .T'12 ,TP ,0 ,FA .T'13 , ,TP ,0 , ,OUT .RJ , ,ANS .TP , ,TP ,ANS1 ,FS ,T'6 • ,0 ,TP ,• ,FS ,T', , ,0 ,TP ,RJ ,OUT •, ,ANS .TP , , • , , , , , .464 .0 .4 .START •, ,• ,• , t ,N6 ,15 .M3 .T1I25 ; T112.5 ,ea tIN .57 ,A ,I N .T1I23 • t NM , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ t • • , t t • •, , , , •, • •.N-1 • • •• ,,SET $ $ $ COUNTER ,TII22 ,CLEAR COUNTER • TN'26 ,M2 .T jM4 ,cLEAR TEMPORARV ,SECTION • TII6 ,A ,MS ,OPT1 ,T1I6 .T'12 tT'7 .T'13 .T#6 .ARG .T'7 ,ARGI tIN ,T ,T'l ,nU2 ,ARG .Tll3 .ARGl , IN ,T'2 • .DETE~MtNE ,STARTtNG OPTioN ,• , • • • ,EX •• •tx%1,t:+ •,F •• OF X. , .X'l-Et •.1= OF X2 t • $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~ $ $ ~ $ $ $ $ $ ~ ~ ~ 9 .t mlRT11 10-17-57 P. 13 of' 20 • .TP .MJ .OPTI .TN ,TN , .TP .RJ .TP .TP , .TP ,TP t ,RJ • .TP , .TP ,MB .TP , .TP ,RJ ,TP • ,TP , ,TP ,TP , .TN , .TP ,REPEAT,TN .FP .FI " .TP ,TP • , •• • • • , • , , , , • t • • • •t • • • • • ,F I ,FI .TP .FM ,TN ,,ANS1 ,Cl .C1 ,(3 .OUT .ANS ,ANSI .Cl .C3 ,OUT ,ANS ,ANSl .T#6 ,T#7 .OUT ,ANS .ANSl .ARG .ARG1 .C4 .C4 • T#9 ,TNl .T#8 .Q ,HIS .T#9 • T#8 ,TH3 ,Me .TH12 .ARG .ARGI • IN .T ,T#1 ,ARG ,ARGl tIN , T#2 • T#:; .ARG .ARG1 tIN ,T1I4 ,T#5 .T#6 ,T#7 ,TH8 ,T#10 ,Q .T#4 ,T .T#14 ,Q , TN9 .T ,T#1 .T#15 .T#15 .0 ,0 ,0 •FI ,T#8 .TP .FM ,FI ,TP .FM ,0 .TN ,Q .Ft ,TN ,FA ,FM .TP ,FM .FI .TN ,FA ,FM .TP .T#10 • T#8 .T#9 ,0 .T#11 ,0 .TN18 .0 ,0 .T#10 .T#11 .0 .T#19 .0 ,0 ,T#14 .T#16 ,T1I15 .T1I14 .T#17 ,T#3 to .T#2 ,T#18 .T1I14 ,C6 .T1I14 .T#3 .T#2 U#19 .T#lS ,C6 .T#lS • •• .-1 • ,F OF •• •.1 $ $ $ -1 .F OF 1 ; , .X OR ZERO • • • •• , ,t •, • ,• •, •; • • •t • • •f • ••• •• t •• •.~C $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5> $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ <£ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RvlRT~ ~ ~0-~7-57 P. ~4 of 20 , , , , , , , , , •, , , , , ,,, , , , , , • • •, ,• •, , , ,• • , t t ,• , ,• , , , • •,M15 ,FA ,TP ,FA ,TP ,TN ,FP ,FI .TP ,TP ,FI ,FI ,TP ,FM ,TN ,FI ,TP ,FM ,FM .TP ,FM ,TN ,FI ,TP ,FM ,Ft .TP ,TP .FM ,TN ,FI .FM .TN ,FM .Ft ,FM .TN ,TN ,r:p ,Ft ,TP ,TP 9Fl ,Ft ,TP ,RJ ,FM .Ft ,TP ,SJ ,TN .T1I18 ,a ,TII19 ,a ,TII19 .TIIll ,TII4 ,T1I18 ,TII5 ,TII19 ,a .T1I16 ,TII18 ,TII10 • TII17 ,TII18 ,TII19 ,a ,a ,a .T1I17 ,a ,T'16 ,a ,T1I17 ,a ,a ,TII9 ,a ,TII8 ,a ,TII8 .T1I9 ,TII16 ,Tllil tTII10 .T1I17 .T1I17 ,a ,T'16 ,TII18 ,T1I16 ,C6 .T'19 ,TIUS ,a ,T1I14 ,T1I20 ,TillS ,TII14 .a ,T'15 .T1I14 ,a ,a .T1I20 ,TII11 t Till 0 ,a ,a ,T*10 ,TII4 ,Q ,Q .T1I21 ,T'15 ,T"20 ,Q ,T'19 .T'21 .TII'20 ,a ,NBOOY ,ANS ,ANSII1 .0 ,M15 tANS t TII5 . T1I4 ,C6 ,T1I20 ~T'5 IiT'll , <:6 ,T'21 ,a tTlllS .T'14 .SARG,l ,Q ,T1I14 ,T1I15 ,SARG1I2 .SBOOY ,T1I16 ,TII17 .A ,M17 ,ANS •,• , ,• , , , , , ,B ,,, , ,, ,,B2 , ,• • ; • ,• , , , , ,• ,• ,, ,, 9 •; ,, , • •, $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! ~ ~ 5 ~ RvlRT1 1 10-17-57 P. 15 of 20 • , , ,M17 , t • ,• ,M1S • .M19 , M20 ,• , , , •, t , , ,M20A , • ,• •t , , , • ,• ,• • • •t • .TN .FA ,TP .FA .TP ,TP ,TP ,TP ,ZJ ,TP ,ZJ .TP ,RJ ,TP ,TP ,FM ,TN ,FI tTP ,FA ,TP tFM .FI tTP ,FA ,TP .TP tRJ ,TM .. TM ,FA ,TM ,TM • Tr'J\ ,FA • TM .ST l· TJ .ANS#l tANS .0 ,ANSII1 ,0 ,T1I20 .T1I21 .SARGII2 ,M20 .SARGII3 .M20 .(1 .NOBODY tANS .ANSNl , T#9 ,0 , Tl/S to .0 ,0 ,TN9 ,TN8 ,0 ,0 ,0 • TIII20 ,OUT ;T#4 , Till, to ,ANS#l .T#16 .SARGII2 .T1I17 .SARG#3 ,SARG .SARGll1 .A ,M1S ,A tM19 .SARGN2 .BODY .T1I8 ,T#9 tTlH3 ,0 .TN12 ,H/20 .TN6 tARG HN12 ;TN13 ,T1II13 tun .ARGl ,T1I12 dN to .T1I14 ~ T#14 ;Q ,11114 tANS 9ANSl ,Q ,TII15 , ,t ,• • •• • •, t • • •f •t , • •, , , • •• • • ,• ,H1l5 , •t ,T#14 .A ,A 9 ; ~SNE X T2Nl ~N"'2 ,TN8 ,0 ,C4 tTIII8 ~T1II9 ,( 4 ,0 9TN9 ,T1II12 .(4 - sO ;Q ,FM ITP 9FM ,TP ,FM ,TP ,FM ,TP 90 .FA .TN6 .TP ,FA .TP • T117 to .T1I13 .T1I12 ,C4 ,1*13 to .T#12 tARG ,0 ,ARGl ,T~13 , • • • • 9 , • • • • t t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! g ~ RWRTll lO-l7-57 P. l6 ot , , .5N , ,TP ,SJ ,RWFl ,MJ ,RP3 ,TP .TP .N .TP ,TP , ,TP ,FA ,TP , ,TP , ,MJ ,RJ ,IN .TP • ,TP .TP ,SJ .TP .N15 .TP .TP .SP .TU ,N16 .RP3 .TP .N17 ,FS .N1S .TP , .TM , .FS ,TP ,TM • • TJ • .ZJ • ,TM • ,TM ,N19 , ,TM , .TJ ,ZJ • ,N19A .TM ; N20 .FD , ,TP ,N198 ,TP ,TJ • ,RPV ,TP ,,N21 ,RJ ,MJ ,CONTIN,FM ,TN , , , • , • , ,• , ,• • , • •, , ,pARl .SN ,C8 •, 4 .T'2 .ANS ,ANS,l .ARG ,ARGl ,T,e .Q ,. T'9 . FILL ,OET . .OETl .T.23 ,SKIP ,T'23 ,Cl .C3 .PAR2 ,A .2 .FILL ,ARG ,Q ,Q ,ARG1 .Q ,Q ,T'14 . tN19-1 ,T'17 ,ARG ",ARGl .T1I15 ,N19A .ARGl .T1I14 ,0 .C1l ,T'14 .2 ,C~ .OUT2 , .T'21 ,Q t A" • ,M20A , .M20A ,N ,T .T,4 .T'5 .T,6 .T.? .c: 1 .T,10 . T,11 ,REPEAT ,FILL ,ANS ,ANS,1 .A ,N 15 .T'24 ,T'20 .T'21 ,15 .N1? .N18 ,T'16 .T'16 .T'16 ,T'14 ,T'17 .T'17 ,A ,N19 " . tN2l-2 .T'14 ,T'15 fA ,N20 ,N198 ,T1I15 ,T'15 .r,14 .A ,CONTIN .N21 .ANS .OUTl ,BUMPX ,T'17 .Q ,•, $ $ $ $ •• • ••• • ••• •.ENTRY •• •• .SET $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TO AUXLIARV INDEX ,SET ONE ••• , ,• • ,• .x-x • • •• ,• , •,• • ,• ,• •, •• 20 $ S $ t $ S $ $ S $ S $ S S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~ 9 S J RWRT1 1 10-17-57 P. 17 of 20 , , ,t , t , t ,t , , ,,N25 , , ,N1 , , , ,N2 ,N3 • ,N30 ,OUT ,N01 , • ,SKIP , ,N02 , , ,,0UTl , ,PU , , ,t t ,• , ,FI ,TP ,FM 9FI ,TP ,TP ,RA , IJ ,TP ,TP ,TP ,TP ,RJ ,TM tTJ ,TM t TM ,TJ ,TM ,TM ,TM ,TJ ,TM ,RS ,TJ fMJ ,RJ ,MJ ,TM ,TJ ,MJ ,TM .TJ .MJ ,TM ,TJ ,MJ ,RA ,EJ ,TP ,SJ .RWF1 ,TP ,AT ,RWPl tRWPl ,RWP 1 ,RWP1 ,RW!'l ,RWPl , TI'I20 ,T1I16 ,Q ,T1I14 .T1I17 f T1120 , T*21 ,Q ,T1I14 ,N17 ,T1I24 ,DET ,DETl , TI'I20 ,TII21 .NOBODY tANS ,(12 ,TII12 ,TII13 ,T1I14 ,T1I16 .TH21 ,T1I20 ,(5 tN16 ,SARG .SARGII1 ,SAR G1I2 ,SARGII3 ,BODY ,A .N01 ,T1I14 ,A ,N 1 ,T1'I13 ,T1I14 , TII6 ,T1I7 .T#15 .T1I15 ,A ,N2 .T1I15 ,T1I14 ,N30 .(ONVG .OUT1 ,FILL ,A ,SKIP ,N25 tA ,N02 .N25 ,A ,(ONVG ,N25 tea ,( ONVG ,A ,OUT2 , TII7 ,TillS ,(7 f ,OUT2 , .ANSNl .(12 , ,DET ,(12 •,DETl ,(12 t , TII22 ,(9 ,PAR 1 ,PU .(13 ,T 112 3 ,(10 ,A ,ARG .ARG1 ,DET ,DETi ,ANS , ,A ,A , t • • • , , , , , , t , , , , ,• , ,• ,t , ,• , , ,F-E , ,• • ,• ,• t , , , • , , , ,• , • • • ; • • $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ g 9 ~ ~ ~ RWRT1 1 10-17-57 P. 18 of 20 , ,RWPI ,OUT 2 ,MJ ,BUMPX .FA , ,TP , ,MJ ,CONVG ,RA ,RP3 ,TP ,N6 ,RA .N7 , TP , ,TJ , ,MJ ,N9 ,RJ , ,RWFI ,N8 ,RA ,EJ ,TP ,SJ ,NlO .TM , ,TM ,ST , ,TJ , ,MJ ,TM ,TJ ,CONJUG,TP ,SJ ,TN ,NIl ,TN ,00 ,dNM ,RPV , ,TP ,SBODY , TM ,TM ,TJ , , , , , , , , , ,,ANSi'll ,ARG ,,0 ,M3 .2 ,ARG ,N6 ,PAR 1 .N6 , .OUT2 ,C10 ,T 1'123 _ , TI'I25 ,PAR2 ,NlO ,ARGI ,ARG ,T1'I14 ,C7 , ,ARGl ,Cll ,T1'I26 ,AGAIN ,C8 ,ARGl ,FILL ,2 ,C3 ,SARGI'II ,SARGI'I2 ,TEMP ,SNEX Tl ,A ,TEMP , ,ZJ ,SNEXTltTP , ,FD ,0 ,SNEXT2,TP , ,FP ,ANSi'll ,RWSOFl,O , ,TP tA , ,FP ,ANS , ,RS ,0 , ,SJ ,SZERO ,SNEXT3,RWSOF1,A , ,TP .SARGl'li , ,SJ ,SNEXT4,TP ,SJ ,SNEXT4 .SARGI'I2 ,SNEXT5 , ,FILL ,C2 .ARG tIN fC5 ,N7 ,FILL ,ClO ,A ,N9 ,N8 ,PU • ,C8 ,EXITi ,A ,AGAIN .T1'I14 ,A ,A ,N 101'15 ,AGAIN ,A ,AGAIN ,A ,N 11 ,T1'I26 ,ARGl ,FILL ,CONVG tANS ,TEMP ,A ,SCASE2 .SZERO ,ANS ,ANS ,ANSi'll ,Cl ,SO ,Q ,TEMP ,SK2 ,SNEXT~ .SO .A ,SNEXT8 ,A ,SNEXT6 , , , , , , ,STORE RESULT •, , , • .SKIP A LINE $ $ $ $ $ t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ j f t •, •, ,• ,• , •, , • • , j • • t , , , , • •, ,t t • , • $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RWRrl 1 \ 10-11-51 P. 19 of 20 .SNEXT5.TN ,MJ •.SNEXT6.TP .SNEXT7,RA , ,FD ,TM , ,MJ ,SNEXT8,TP ,RA , ,FD .TP , ,MJ ,SCASE2,TP ,,SNEXT9,FD .MJ tSZERO ,RS , ,TP ,NBODY .MJ ,TM ,,BODY ,TM , .TJ , ,FD , ,TP , .FP , ,FM ,NEXTl .TP , ,TP , , FP .FD t ,TP ,• .TN ,FP tFD , ,TP , , , ,• •,CASE2 .MJ ,FD tTP .FP , tFM ,NEXT2 .TP , ,TP , ,FP , ,FD ,TP • ,TN , ,FP , .FD , ,TN ,NOBODY,MJ . ,EXITl ,TP , , ,.SQN3 .SQN3 ,SQN3 ,SARGN2 ,Q , .SQN3 ,SQN3 ,SARGN2 ,Q •,TEMP ,,SARGN2 ,ANSl .A , ,SARGII2 .SARGN3 .TEMP ,SARGN3 ,Q ,TEMP to ,Q ,TEMP .SARGNl ,Q ,Q .TEMP ,SARG to ,Q t ,SARGII2 ,Q , TEMP to .Q ,SARG ,TEMP ,a ,Q .SARGtll ,TEMP ,Q ,a •,PAR 1 ,ANSNl ,SNEXT7 tANSNl ,SK2 tSQN3 ,ANS ,NBODY tANS ,SK2 ,SQII3 tANSN! ,NBODY tANS ,SARGNl ,SNEXT2 ,A ,ANSNl ,FILL ,A .TEMP ,CASE2 ,SARGN2 ,TEMP .Cl .SARGN2 tANSNl ,Q .SARG ,ANSNl ,ANS ,Q .SARGNl .ANSNi ,ANSNl .NOBODY tSARG#3 ,TEMP tel ,SARGII3 ,ANSlil ,0 ,SARGlil ,ANSlil ,ANS ,a ,SARG ,ANStll ,ANStll ,FILL ,A • ,• t $ $ $ ,• , $ $ $ $ $ ; $ , • • •• •t ,t , • •, , , •, , , , , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ t $ , $ $ t • •t ,• • •• , •• , , ,• ,•. • $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! RWRT1 1 10-11.. 51 P. 20 of 20 ,TJ ,MJ ,EX I T2 ,RWF1 ,RWF1 , ,MJ ,(1 ,F ,(2 ,F , ,(3 ,(4 ,F , ,(5 , ,(6 ,(7 ,F ,02 , ,EXIT2 ,EXIT , ,(14 ,(3 , ,SKIP PAGE ,OUTPUT BIN ,EXIT , ,t , , , , ,E ,ZERO ,N6 , ,1 ,.001 , ,.5 ,2 ,2 ,400001"B ,(10 , , , tCll tF- ,.000001 ,F ,ID-20 ,(8 ,(9 ,(12 ,(13 ,(14 ,SK2 ,ANS ,ANSI ,SARG ,T , , , ,00 , , , , , , ,1 ,100 ,2 , , , , , ,(ONVERGEN(E FA(TOR , , , ,10-20 ,56 ,11 , , , , ,4 t ;27 , , ,100001'B , , , , , ,RESERV,4 ,RESERV,27 ,END5UB, t , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ , ••• k..,. RWBFFO 10-15-57 Page 1 of 5 RWBFFO, Floating Point Bessel Function Subroutine Programmed by : David G . Cantor, The Ramo- Wooldridge Corporation Date: A. August 25, 1957 Purpose: This subroutine calculates J o (x ) or Y (x) using floating point 0 arithmetic. B. Usage : 1. Specifications. Standard USE subroutine using built-in floa tin g po i n t. SUB, 2. RWBFFO, 97 TEMPS , ° ° INOUT, 2 2 Input First word: x, in floating point. Second word: a. If a. is> 0, J If a. is = 0, J o o If 0, J 1 (x) is calculated. 3. 4. If a is = 0, If a is =< 0, , J 1 (x) and Y 1 (x) are calculated. Y1 (x) is calculated. Output First word : J 1 (x), if calculated. Second word: Y 1 (x), if calculated. Space required : Length of subroutine - 97 words Temporary storage in compiled region - none · - RWBFFI 10-15-57 P. 2 of 5 Other routines used - RWLN F 2, RWCNF4 , RWSQF1 Other temporary storage - n one 5. Error codes If x ~-3 and Y 1 (x) i s to b e calculated the routine goes to the alarm exit. If - 3 0'0 <: Th e square root, x . . . + lY, 1S 1n the right half-plane except when a :;: 0, in which case it is on the non-negative imaginary axis. .3. • L 0, the routine g'ves x answe r if a :;: 0 and I b I =y < 2 -128 For the particular case ;:: 0 . Zero is also given as an / whe re a and b are the real artd imaginary parts of the given complex number. « • 1 .. RWCSQ1 10-15-57 Page 3 of 3 , ,SUB , RWCS 01 ,TEMPS d , ,TNOUT ,2 , , ,MJ ,ALARM ,ALARM , ,EXIT ,MJ ,ANS 1 , ,ANS2 , ,ARGI , , ,ARG2 , ,BODY , TM ,ARGI ,TM ,ARG2 ,TJ ,TEMP , ZJ ,N EX T1 ,NEXTI ,TP ,A ,FD ,TEMP ,NEXT2 ,TP ,0 ,FP ,ANS2 ,RWSOFI,O ,TP ,A , ,FP ,ANSI ,RS ,0 ,SJ ,ZERO ,NEXT3 ,RWSOFI,A ,TP ,ARGI ,SJ ,NEXT4 ,NEXT 4 ,TP ,ARG2 ,SJ ,NEXT5 ,NEXT5 ,TN ,SOtl3 ,MJ ,NEXT6 ,TP ,SOtl3 ,NEXT7 ,RA ,S Otl3 ,FD ,ARG2 ,TM ,0 ,MJ ,NEXT8 ,TP ,SOtl3 ,RA ,SOtl3 ,FD ,ARG2 ,TP ,0 , ,MJ ,CASE2 ,TP ,TE~~P ,NEXT9 ,FD ,ARG2 ,MJ ,ZERO ,RS ,ANSI ,TP ,A , , ,MJ ,KI ,F d.OOOO ,K2 ,00 ,100001'B ,ENDSUB, ,47 ,2 ,2 ,BODY , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,FILL , , ,TEMP ,A ,CASE2 ,ZERO ,ANS I ,ANSI ,ANS2 ,Kl ,SO ,0 , TEMP ,K2 ,NEXT3 ,SO ,A ,NEXT8 ,A ,NEXT6 ,ANS2 ,NEXT7 ,ANS2 ,K2 ,S Otl3 ,ANS 1 ,EX I T ,ANSI ,K2 ,SOtl3 ,ANS2 ,EXIT ,ANSI ,ARG1 ,NEXT2 ,A ,ANS2 ,EX IT , , , , , , , , , t t t , , , , , , , , , , , , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RWMVM2 10-17-5 7 P. 1 of 5 _ R WMVM2, 'Complex, Floating Point Matrix- Vector Multiplication Programmed by : F. W. Blackwell, The Ramo- Wooldridge Corporation Date: A. August 20, 1957 Purpose: This subroutine computes the product of the square matrix A - a I and the vector x. The computation is performed in complex floating point arithmetic. B. Usage: 1. Specifications. Standard USE subroutine using built-in floating point. SUB 2. R WMVM2, 86 TEMPS, 5 0 INOUT , 4 0 Input. First word: o. Second word: 0. Third word: 00, A, x Fourth word: 00, Y, N where o. 0. R 1 A R 1 = floating point, real component of a = floating point , imaginary component of a = address of the first cell in the region of 2n2 cells where the matrix A is stored, row by row. A may be either in core storage or on RWMVM2 10-17-57 P. 2 of 5 the magnetic drum. It is as sumed throughout this s ubroutine that each element is stored in two consecutive cells, the real part immediately preceding the imaginary part. x = address of the first cell in a region of 4n cells, the fir st 2n of which contain the vector X , and the second 2n of which are successively used for temporary storage of the rows of the matrix. This region should be in core storage for efficient operation. Y = address of the first cell in the region of 2n cells where the resultant vector Y is to be stored. N 3. = order of the matrix A Output. The vector Y which equals (A - a I) X is stored in a region of 2n cells beginning at location Y, as indicated above. 4. Space requi red. Length of subroutine: 86 cells Temporary storage in compiled region: Other routine s used: 5 cells none Other temporary storage : data, re sults, and temporary storage occupy an additional 2n2 t 6n cells, 2n2 of which (the matrix) may be stored on the magnetic drum. RWMVM2 10-17-57 P . 3 of 5 5. Error Codes. The alarm exit is not used by this subroutine • . C. Restrictions and Coding Information Data must in standard USE floating point repres entation. The pro- gram is self- contained, performing its own complex arithmetic. The 1103A built-in floating point is used. The subroutine does not destroy the input data, the matrix, or the vector. If every- thing (including the matrix) is in core storage of 4096 cells, the limitation on the order of the matrix A is N ~ 43. Since the matrix may be stored on the drum, N may be as large as 90. ~ . 2 5ni'2 1. 5n + 1.8 milliseconds. If the matrix is on the drum. add 17n milliseconds to this time. E. Mathematical Method The matrix is brought in a row at a time to temporary storage and the complex inner product of this row and the given vector is computed to form an element of the resultant vector. Representative times obtained by trial on the 110 3'A for matrices having random elements with a range of approximately 10 4 - and stored on the drum are as follows : Orde r of Matrix Time in Seconds 10 0.37 15 1. 01 20 1. 37 25 1. 74 30 3.08 50 6.88 80 19. 14 RWMVM2 10-17-57 P. 4 of 5 , , , ,EXIT ,ARG ,BODY , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,R13 ,R8 ,R9 ,RIO ,Rll ,R12 , , ,R3 ,Rl , ,R2 ,SUB ,RWMVM2 ,TEMPS ,5 ,INOUT ,4 ,MJ ,ALARM , , ,MJ ,RESERV,4 ,(3 ,TP ,TV ,ARGtl3 ,T3 tTP ,RS ,T3 ,SP ,T4 ,LO ,T4 ,A ,RA ,TV ,A ,TV ,A ,TV ,A ,TV ,A ,RA ,A ,A ,TV ,A ,TV ,TV ,A ,A ,LA ,A ,TU ,RS ,A ,TU ,A ,A ,RS ,TU ,A ,TU ,A ,A ,RA ,A ,TU ,TU ,A ,TU ,ARGtl2 ,SP ,ARGtl3 ,TV ,A ,A ,RA ,TV ,A , T4 ,TP ,LO ,T5 ,TU ,T4 ,RA ,R13 ,TP , T3 ,RP3 ,0 ,TP ,FILL ,FS ,FILL ,TP ,0 ,FS ,F I LL ,TP ,0 ,TP , T3 ,TP ,(3 ,0 ,TN ,FI ,FILL ,TN ,0 ,FI ,FILL ,86 ,0 ,0 ,BODY , ,FILL ,4 ,T3 ,T3 , T4 ,(4 ,1 tl6 ,ARGtl2 ,R 8 ,R 10 ,R2 ,R5 ,(4 ,R12 ,R 1 ,R4 ,15 ,R 11 ,(6 ,R9 , T4 ,R2 ,R4 ,(6 ,R 1 ,R5 ,R8 ,57 ,R6 ,(4 ,R7 ,T5 ,21 ,T 5 ,T4 ,T2 ,R9 ,FILL ,ARG ,FILL ,ARGtll ,FILL ,T 1 ,0 ,0 ,FILL , , , • , , , .N IN T3 %TEMPORARYt ,N IN T4 %TEMPORARYt ,N-l IN T3 ,2N IN A ,2N IN U ADDRESS OF T4 ,Xtl2N IN V ADDRESS OF A , , , ,,Xtl2Ntll , , IN V ADDRESS OF A ,Xtl2Ntl1 IN U ADDRESS OF A •,Xtl2N , ,x , IN U ADDRESS OF A , ,,Xtl1 , , ,y , IN U ADDRESS OF A IN U ADDRESS OF A IN V ADDRESS OF A ,,Ytl1 , , IN V ADDRESS OF A ,2N---2N IN T5 ,SET REPEAT INSTRU(TION ,SET INDEX FOR LARGE ~OOP ,FILL 3--2N IN U ,FILL M IN U, Xtl2N IN V ,FILL Xtl2N IN U ,FILL Xtl2N IN V ,FILL Xtl2NtlI IN U ,FILL Xtl2Ntll IN V ,SET INDEX FOR SMALL LOOP 1 ,(LEAR 0 , ,0 ,,FILL Xtll IN U, Xtl2NtlI IN V ,FILL ,FILL X IN U, Xtl2N IN V $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ,. RWMVM2 10-17-57 P. 5 of 5 ,RA ,RA tI J . ,R6 , ,R4 ,R5 ,TP ,RA ,RS ,RS ,TP ,TP ,FI ,FI ,RA ,RA dJ ,R7 , , ,TP ,RA ,RS ,RS ,RA , RA ,RA ,RA , RA ,JJ , ,RS ,MJ ,C1 ,C2 ,C3 ,C4 ,C5 ,C6 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,R 1 ,R2 ,T1 ,Q ,R6 ,R 1 ,R2 ,T3 ,C3 ,FILL ,FILL ,R4 ,R5 ,T1 ,Q ,R7 ,R't ,R5 ,R8 ,R9 ,RIO ,R 11 ,R12 ,T 2 ,R13 ,2 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,2 ,1 ,ENDSUB, ,C 1 ,C 1 ,R 3 ,FILL ,C 2 ,T 5 ,T 5 ,T1 ,Q ,FILL ,FILL ,C 1 ,Cl ,R4 ,FILL ,C2 ,T 5 ,T5 ,T4 ,C5 ,C2 ,C5 ,C2 ,R 13 ,T 4 ,EXIT ,2 ,2 ,0 t1 ,0 ,0 , ,INCREAS[ U BY 2, V BY 2 ,INCREASe U BY 2. V BY 2 ,TEST END OF SMALL LOOP 1 ,FILL Y IN V ,INCREASE V BY 2 ,RESET U AND V ,RESET U AND V ,SET INDEX FOR SMALL LOOP 2 ,CLEAR Q .FILL X IN U, Xtif2 Ntif 1 IN V .FILL Xtifl IN U, Xtif2N IN V ,INCREASE U BY 2. V BY 2 ,INCREASE U BY 2. V BY 2 ,TEST END OF SMALL LOOP 2 ,FILL Ytifl IN V ,INCREASE V BY 2 ,RESET U AND V ,RESET U AND V ,INCREASE U BY 2N tI NCR EASE U BY 2 ,INCREASE V BY 2 ,INCREASE U BY 2 .INCREASE V BY 2 ,TEST END OF LARGE LOOP ,RESET REPEAT INSTRUCTION , ,CONSTANTS , , , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ... ' •• ,filii RWDETS lO~lS-S7 Page 1 of 5 RWDET5, Complex, Floating Point Determinant Evaluation for Tri-diagonal Matrices Programmed by: Werner L . Frank, The Ramo- Wooldridge Corporation Date: August 15, 1957 A. .Purpose : Thi s subroutine evaluate s the determinant of the matrix A - A. I. where A is a tri-diagonal matrix of order N. A tri-diagonal matrix, or Jacobi matrix is defined to be one for which a .. = 0 for I i - j I > 1. For the special case determinant of A. A= lJ 0 one obtains the The computation is performed in complex floating point arithmetic . B. Usage: 1. Specifications. Standard USE subroutine using built-in floating point. SUB, 2. RWDET 5, 59, TEMPS, 7 , 0 , INOUT, 3 2 Input First word Second word Third word where A.R AI = floating = floating point, real component of point, imaginary A compo~ent of A RWDET5 10-15-57 Page 2 of 5 N = MATLOC = order of the Matrix A address of the first cell of a region of 4N-2 cells where the matrix A is stored. elements a .. of A, IJ Ii - j I ~1 ""- Only the are stored. They are arranged in the order of a . , (i = 1 •.• N) in the 11 first 2N cells and the products a,1, 1'+1· a 1 ' +l, 1' (i = 1. .. N-l) in the next 2(N-I) cells. 3. Output First word - floating point, real component of A -A~ Second word - floating point , imaginary component of I 4. A -Al l Space required Length of subroutine - 59 cells Temporary storage in compiled region - 7 cells Other temporary storage - (4N- 2) cells 5. C. Error codes - Alarm exit is not used Restrictions and Coding Information: Data must be in standard USE complex floating point representation. The program is self contained performing its own complex arithmetic. The 11 03A built-in floating point package is used. subroutine does not destroy the input data. The For core storage of 4096 cells, the limitations on the order of the matrix A is N ~ 1 000. D. Timing: (6 N + 1) milliseconds where N is the order of the matrix RWDET5 10-15-57 Page 3 of 5 E, Mathematical Method : Given the tri -diagonal matrix A f; I c1 II 0 b a c 0 1 b 2 a 2 Z 3 0 0 0 0 b 0 3 I I II I ! c ab ' n-2 n-1 n-1 o then the determinant P n ( ~\ ) of (A - j\ I) is obtained by application of the recursion formula whe re P - 1 = 0 and P 0 = 1 T he routine assumes that the products b . . c. have been formed 1 1 prior to entry and are stored in order immediately following the a ., 1 • RWDET5 10-15-57 Pag e 4 of 5 , . RWDETS 10-17-57 Page 5 of 5 , ZER a ,ONE , TWO ,ONEB ,MJ ,0 0 ,F , , ,1 d ,2 , ENDSlJB , ,E X IT , , $ $ $ $ $ $ RWCDV1 10-15-57 Page 1 of 3 R WCDV1, Complex Floating Point Division Pro grammed by: Date: A. David G. Cantor, The Ramo- Wooldridge Corporation September 1, 1957 Purpos e: Given the complex floating point numbers a + biand c + di this subroutine calculates p + qi = B. a+bi c+d i Usage: 1. Specifications. Standard USE subroutine using built-in floating point. SUB, 2. RWCDV1, 41 TEMPS, 1 0 INOUT, 4 2 Input Fir st word - a Second word - b Third word Fourth word c - d a and b are the real and imaginary parts of the numerator, respectively: c and dare th e real and imaginary parts of the denominator, respectively . RWCDV1 10-15-57 Page 2 of 3 3. Output First word - p Second word - q p and q are the real and imaginary parts of the denominator, respectively. 4. Space required Length of subroutine - 41 Temporary storage in compiled region - 1 Other routines used - none Other temporary storage - none 5. C. Error codes - Alarm exit is not used. Restrictions and Coding Information: Data must be in standard USE complex floating point repre sentation. Built-in 11 03A floating point arithmetic is used. . rea 1 or . ImagInary par t 0 If the f t h e answer IS . 1arger t h an 2 12 7, a division fault or characteri stic overflow fault will occur. D. Timing: 4 milliseconds E. Mathematical Method: If If Icl~ldl then p+qi= Ic I ~ld I then p+qi = d a+b (-) c d c (1 +(-) 2) c c a(cr) +b d( 1 +(~) 2) d +i d b-a(-) c c(1 +(i) 2) c +i c b(cr) -a d(1+(~) 2) RWCDV1 10-15-57 Page 3 of 3 , Slit' ,';"!C8V 1 ,41 ,:E'-1P.c; ,1 ,0 dNOU1 ,4 ,2 , BODY , ~'J , {,LA 0 ~.I ,A L ;~p 'v1 , ,EXIT , !v1J , A~!S , ARG ,~E S ~ q '/ , ? ,80DY , t;;::-X71 ,Q:::SER'J,4. ,FILL ,2 ,4 ,A , H;~ ,r~RGfi2 9TM ,A~Gf:/:3 ,TE /"lP , TJ ,Tc'W ,FD ,To ,Q ,FP ,r E ~1P ,t:"v 9 Tr ,0 ~ 1 , CASE 2 ,ARGIf2 ,TEfvlP ,K , ARG:lf2 ,ANStil ,l\RGIf3 ,T P ,T FMP ,F P ,A RG tll , FD ,0 ,TP ,0 ,T N , TEMP ,FP ,A RG ,Q , FD ,T P ,0 ,MJ , ( ASf2 , FD ,A RG tI? ,Q ,TP ,FP ,TEMP ,Q ,FM ,NEXT 2 , TP ,0 tTP ,A RG , FP ,T EMP ,FD ,0 ,TP ,0 ,TN ,A RG lfl ,FP ,TEMP ,Q ,FD ,Q ,TN ,MJ ,K ,F tl.OOOO ,E NDSLJB , ,0 ,ARG ,ANStl1 ,ANS .0 ,ARGtll ,ANStil ,ANS/fl ,E XI T ,ARGtl3 ,TEMP ,K ,ARGtl3 ,ANSlfl ,Q .ARGtll ,ANStil ,ANS ,Q ,ARG ,AN Slfl ,ANSlfl ,EX I T 9000000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RWDET4 10-15-5 7 P. 1 of 7 R WDET4, Complex, Floating Point Determinant Evaluation for Nearly Triangular Matrices Programmed by: Werner L . Frank, The Ramo- Wooldridg-e Corporation Date: August 1, 1957 A. Purpose: This subroutine evaluates the determinant of the matrix A -A I, where A is nearly triangular, square matrix of order N. By a nearly triangular matrix is meant a matrix for which a >1 . i - j of A . For the special case A = a one ij = 0 if obtains the determinant The computation is performed in complex floating point arithmetic. B. Usage: 1. Specifications Standard USE subroutine using built-in floating point . SUB, RWDET4, 199, 1 a TEMPS, INOUT, 2. 42, Input Firat word AR Second word A'1 Third word 0 0 , MATLOC, N Fourth word 00, TEMLOC, 00000 '" iloa,Hng pOint, real component of A RWDET4 10-15-57 P . 2 of 7 AI N = floating point, llnaginary component of = order A of the matrix A MATLOC = address of the first cell in the region where the matnx A is stored , row by row. Zero elements, > a .. for i ,- J' 1 are not stored . This region of 1J . 2 N + 3N- 2 cells should be in core storage for efficient operation . TEMLOC = the addre s s of the fir st c ell in a re gion of temporary storage of length 2N. 'This region should be in core storage for efficient operation . 3. Output First word - floating point , real component of I A - A. I I Second word - floating point, imaginary component of 4. Space required Length of subroutine - 199 cells Temporary storage in compiled region - 1 cell Other temporary storage - (N 5. C. 2 + 5N - 2) cells Error codes - Alarm exit not used Re strictions and Coding Information : Data must be in standard USE complex floating point representation. The program is self contained performing its own complex arithmetic , The 1103A built -in floating point package is used. subroutine does not de stray the input data nor the matrix A . The For RWDET4 10-15-57 P. 3 of 7 core storage of 4096 cells, the limitati on on the order of the matrix A is N ~ 60. D. TIming : (1 . 5n E. 2 T 6n . 4) milh s econds Mathernatlcal Method Elementary row ope rations a re performe d on t he matrix A reducing it to an upper tnangular m atrix A. AI Before eliminating, the rna gmtude of lea element s o f two rows whi c h are to be linearly combined. are comp a re d and the e l ement of largest modulus become s the p ivotal point. ofAisthevalueof The product of the diagonal elements lA-Ali, RWDET4 10-15-57 P.4 of 7 "S UB , RWDET4,198,$ ,,TEMPS,l,O,$ , I NOUT ,4 , ,MJ ,nn ,ALARM ~ALARM , tMJ ,EX IT t ,RI ,R2 ,PARI , ,PAR2 , , PAR3 , , , PAR4 ,PAR4 ,$ ~TU ,TU ,PAR4 ,PAR4 ,T U ,TU ,PAR4 , P4 • Rr-'\ ,sp .TV ,TV .51 .r Ronl , : ('l ,rp \ C 01'13 t ," CI'J 4 , ,MATRIX LOC, N , TEM LaC ,P 3 ,p 14 ,P 19 , P4 ,CON7 , ,57 " /\ ,/\ , f\ .P?Cr;l ,P 16 ,PRODl .PRO!)1l ,PROD12 I f ON5 .PROD13 ., '; 1 ,rEM " TP • C' r ,( O~J(? ,f"'I\r:: :., .R 1 • R2 .Q I 16 , Tt J , 1";. c, ,. 1\ , P? 3 .,., I , RA t .A "PPV • TP •~ D , : n~I': , t, ,p • P 1\ R 1 ,TfM;II2 ,TEN1;112 ,1 LJ ?1 ,p AR':l, ,TV • PAR 3 ,R~ ,irM ,PA ,TEM ,(ON2 .FIll. ,FILL;IIT ,PAIIl ,'1 ,Tp ,DA , ill ,ENTRANCE ,ALARM EX IT ,NORMAL EXIT ,RESUL T ,CELLS ,LAMBDA •r A '\ .TV .TV ,TV .Rp ,TV , ,P ,P,'\Rt~ , ,2 ,S "P ,2N •, ,N-2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ,r~p-3, ,rON 8 ,P25 $ ,PRO[')l1 ,P27 $ .TV ,PA ,( 2R • T IJ ,P,'\R 4 , P ,'\ • ',- 3R ,C 4P ,(lP .~S ,(;/0 , T P ,Rr\ ,R 1\ , PI ,TEMIt9 ,P 2 3 ,e lR ~TV , ( 3 f~ • (L. P $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ,P jl P 4 t F5 • FILL If) ,,~ 3 R ,ChR ."r- ILL ,e Of\) 5 ,F ILL I . P ,f) , p .TV ,i ,( ,TV ,TV ~ ,PAR 1 ,FILL i ( ON7 ~ N1 O~~ '? ,PAP2 RWDET4 10-15-57 P. 5 of 7 , ,P3 ,P4 , ,P5 ,P5A ,TV ,TU ,TU ,RA ,TU ,TU , TU ,TU ,TM ,T M ,TJ ,TP ,H1 ,TM ,TJ ,ZJ ,P6 ,EJ ,P7 ,TM ,PB .RS ,.SJ,INT,NOINT-l,$ tINT .TN .TN , .RP3 ,P14 ,TP ,P14A ,RP3 ,P15 ,TP ,Pl5A ,RJ , ,RP3 , ,TP ,PlSB .RA , ,RP3 ,Pl6 .TP , .RP3 ,NOINT ,TP ,Ple ,RP3 ,TP ,P19 ,Pl9A ,RJ ,RP3 .TP ,Pl9B , RA ,P20 ,RJ ,CORR ,RA , RA ,TU ,TV ,TU , ,TV ,(ORR5 ,FS , (ORR6 ,TP ,RA ,RA ,(ORR7 ,FS ,(ORR8 ,TP "MJ"P24,$ , , ,P29 ,PRODI ,p 5 ,P23 ,P5A ,P23 ,(ON7 ,P5A ,P23 ,P16 ,p 15 ,P23 ,P23 ,NOINT ,P3 ,P25 ,FILun ,TEMfl2 ,FILLflTfll ,A ,P5 ,TEMtl2 ,A ,TEMfl2 ,FILLtlLtl2N,TEMfl3 ,FILLtlLfl2Nfll,A ,PB ,TEMfl3 ,P7 ,P6 ,OUT ,TEMfl2 ,A ,TEMtl3 ,TEMfl3 .TEMfl2 ,Rl .R 1 ,R2 ,R 2 ,2 ,P14A ,ARG ,FILLtlT ,2 ,Pl5A ,FILLflLtl2N,ARGtl2 ,NOBODY ,BODY ,2 ,Pl5B ,ANS .TEM#2 ,P23 ,CON2 ,2 ,P20 ,FILLflLfl2N,FILLflT ,2 .P 18 ,FILLtlLfl2N,ARG ,2 ,P19A ,FILLtlT .ARGfl2 ,NOBODY ,BODY ,2 ,Pl9B ,ANS ,TEMfl2 ,P2S ,CON2 ,PROD2 ,PRODl ,P23 ,CONl ,P2S ,(ONl ,P23 ,CORRS ,P23 ,CORR6 ,(ORR7 ,P23 ,P23 ,(ORR8 ,FILL ,PARI ,Q ,FILL ,(ORR7 ,(ON7 ,(ORR8 ,CON5 ,PAR2 ,FILL ,Q ,FILL • , • ,DETERMINE ,PIVOT , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ • • • • , $ • • $ $ .CHANGE SIGN OF ,DET $ $ $ $ , , ,• ,.DIVIDE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .FORM K $ $ •, $ • , •,D IV I DE •,FORM K , , , , , , $ , , , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RWDET4 10-15-57 P . 6 of 7 ,P22 ,p23 ,P24 , P25 ,P26 , ,P27 , ,P29 , ,P30 ,RP3 ,TP ,RP3 ,TP ,TN ,FP ,F I ,TP ,TN ,F I ,F I ,TN ,RA ,RA ,RA ,RA dJ . , ,2 ,P24 ,FILLtJUf2N,FILL ,TEMfl4 ,2 ,P26 ,FILLfiT ,FILL tTEMfl6 ,Q ,TEMtJ6 ,TEMfl2 ,TEMfl4 ,TEMtJ7 ,TEMfl3 ,Q ,FILLfiT ,Q ,TEMtJ5 • ,TEMtJ2 ,TEMfl7 • ,TEMtJ3 ,TEMfl6 ,Q ,FILLflTlIIl ,P27 ,CON2 ,P29 ,CON2 , ,P23 ,CONl ,P25 ,CONl ,TEMIII9 ,P22 , ,p 1 ,TEM ,PRODl ,,PROD2 ,EX I T ,R 1 ,CON3 ,R2 ,CON 3 , ,EX IT ,R2 ,FILU,Hfll , • tIJ ,RJ , ,MJ ,OUT ,TP ,TP , ,MJ ,PRODl ,FM , ,Q ,TN ,R 1 ,,PRODll,FI ,TP ,0 ,PROD12,FM ,R2 ,Rl ,PROD13,FI ,TP ,0 , ,TP ,TEMIII8 ,PROD2 ,MJ ,2 ,CONl • ,CON2 , , ,CON3 ,00 ,(ON4 ,F tl ,(ON5 ,(ON6, ,77771'8 ·, ,$ ,1 .(ON7 , ,CON8 ,TEM ,RESERV, lO ,L ,EOUALS,O ,T ,EOUALS,O ,2N ,EOUALS,Q ,ANS ,RESERV.2 , ARG ,RESERV,4 ,BODY , TM, .ARGIII2 ,TM ,ARGIII3 ,TJ ,TEMP ,FD ,ARGIII3 ,TP ,0 ,FP ,TEMP ,FM ,0 ,0 ,TP , , , , , , ,Q ,FILLIllT ,TEMIII8 ,FILLIllT ,FILLIIITlIIl ,R2 ,R 1 ,FILL , ,2 , ,1 • • , ,• , , , , , • , , ,2 ,4 ,A ,TEMP ,CASE2 ,ARGfl2 ,TEMP ,K ,ARGfl2 ,A , I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ •,TEMIII4 ,,lO $ $ $ $ $ $ , , , , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1# ...... RWDET4 10-15-57 P. 7 of 7 ,zJ ,NEXTI ,TP ,TP ,FP ,FD ,TP ,TN ,FP ,FD , ,TP "MJ, ,NOBODY,$ ,(ASE2 ,FD ,TP ,FP ,FM ,TP , ZJ ,NEXT2 ,TP ,TP ,FP ,FD ,TP , TN ,FP ,FD , ,TN ,NOBODY,MJ ,K tF ,.ENDSUA,. ,$ ,N EX T1 ,0 ,TEMP ,ARGHI ,0 ,0 , TEMP ,ARG ,0 ,0 ,ARGH2 ,0 ,TEMP ,0 ,0 ,N EX T2 ,0 ,ARG ,TEMP ,a ,a ,ARGHI ,TEMP ,ALARM ,ANSHI ,0 ,ARG ,ANSi'll ,ANS ,0 ,ARGHI ,ANSHI ,ANSi'll ,ARGI'I3 ,TEMP ,K ,ARGH3 ,A ,ALARM ,ANSHI , ,ARGHI ,ANSHl ,ANS • ,a ,a ,1.0000 ,FILL .000000 , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ , ,0 ,ARG ,ANSHI .ANSHl ,0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ , • • $ $ $ to A. I$:i~nt'i{ibation 1. Title: , High Speed Printer Edi.t Rou.t ine, . INFOOOl 2., AU,t hprs: Date: , 3. B. R. : Graharn, W., Bauer 1 Ju~y 1957 Installation: , Wriih~ Fi~ld Purpose Th,i s routihe edits alphanumeric information from core or drum memory and prepares a magnetic tape on any designated servo. su). table for liating on the off-· line hi~h speed printer. , c. Hethod' Any of a nUfTlber of conversion or translation rou,t ines may be uped to produce . the alphanumeric characters for the Edit Routi~e from binary data. This routine requ,ires that one ar~u~nt word be transferred into it by the calling sequ~nce and that a paramet~r list be available . One entry into the Edit Routine is sufficient to produpe any number of lines (blockettes) N, ' less than 1000, of identical format. ; Each column i~ the group of N lines requires two descriptive \fOrds in the parameter list. , The edited information is recorded on tape i~ blocks of 720 hexabit characters, each block thu~ containing s,ix blockettes of 120 characters. D. U§aQe 1. Calling Sequence ~ Q1? r-1 TP Arg Edit +, 2 RJ Normal Return r r+l U:"8dar' V-e.ddr'. Edit + 3 Ed,i t 2. ' Control Data a. ; Argument The argument word which is transferred into the Edit calling sequence is made up as follows: ( Loc Q1? U-addr V-actdr Arg xX XX XXX XXXXX FE T N Rou~ine by the P P i p the address of the fi ,r st word of the parameter list. · N (decimal) is the number of Ilnes of identical format to be produped. (1 ~ N ~ 009) T (decimal) designates the servo unit on which output is to be recorded. (1 ~ T ~ 10) F and E (octal) are printer control digits •. If F = 1,2,3, or 4, the corresponding Fast Feed Iv II, III, or IV is placed in the first of the N blockettes. If E32 If E31 N blockettes. = 1, = lv a multiline symbol is placed in each of the N blockettes. a printer breakpoint symbol is placed in the first of the If E30 = 1, a printer stop symbol is placed in the last of the N blockettes. When the argument specifies printer control symbols , the total number of characters available for blocKette construction is 120 minus the number of symbols used. b. : Parameters The parameter list, whicn is stored beginning at address P9 contains a pair of parameter words for each column and is followed by a pair of control words Pi and PC) to signal the end of tne list. Pi is always zero. If}l2 is zero, a partially firlea block is not written at the ena of N blockettes which permits an accumulation of blockettes; nowever, a full block (six blockettes) is always written on magnetic tape . , If P2 is not zero, a partially filled block is written at the end of N blockettes wi th each unu,s ed blockette translated as a blank line of output. Each pair of words in the parameter list is made up as follows: Loc QQ U-addr V-addr Param XX D XXXXX XXX XX W M S XXXXX Param + 1 r< v I.V (decimal) IS the nLlmber of ctlaracters allotted to tile column. ( 1 ~ W~ 120) S (decimal) is the number of spaces to precede the column . (0 ~ S ~ 98) M is the address of the first word of data to appear in this column. D (octal) is tne increment to be added to 1 to obtain the addresses of data for succeeding lines of this column . . The original parameter list is never altered. 2 C is the first address occupied by tne conversion routine which is required for data in tnis colwnn. The re~ainder of tne second word of the pair may contain additional informa.tion required by tne partlcu~ar conversion routine, such as scaling, or the first address of additional information requirea . "' he precise form of this word will be specified by the particular conversion routine . The Edit Routine generates a calling sequence which transfers this pair of parameter words into the particular conversion routine witll the address C replaced by the address (K) at wnich the conversion rOutine is to store W results. The results from the conversion routine will be a series of six-bit excess three characters . On exit fro~ the conversion routine Q35 will be zero if tr-.ese characters are packed six to a word. Q3h will be one if these characte rs are stored one to a word in the rigntmost SlX bi ts, wi th the leftmost trli rty bi ts being zero. , 3. ' Space Required 327 memory cells 4. l!:rror Codes If code = 1, Servo is greater than 10, or equal to zero . = 2, N is zero. = 3, P is zero. = 4, C is zero . = 5, the Blockette is to be greater than 120 characters . , (A R) = Argument (Q) =, WF'OOOl in Flex Code. 5. Format Generated The format is controlled entirely by the argument and E. par~neter list. Restrictions 1. A cban~e in servo designation causes a partially filled block (if it exists ) to be recorded on the old servo. 2. If P2 is zero and N is not an even ~ultiple of 6, a "clean-up" pass must be executed to.write the partiall) filled block. 3. Other Program Required One or more subsidiary rou,t ines are necessary to process data for editing . 3 F. Coding Information 1. Constants and their locations a. Alphanuneric 1K b. throu~h iK6 Numeric 2K t hrough 2K27 c. Internal temporary storage 3K 2. throu~h JK4 Erasable output storage P t nrough Pi26 4 WFOOOl ~age 1 of 5 pages. o ~S # MEANS / MEANS , , r1 ~ , , , , t) ~ r ,? J ~ , '-17 ., ~. t;l ,r l .(: i 1 ,c ~ ,- ?, t 14 --: $ + J ~ (~ ~ ? K 1.1' ~ r i I... , ?i-:", ...... .0, ::0 ,. ? '"1 () , Wli'tOOl 5 page s • Page 2 of . 1 ., r p - r.... : { 1 .. } -:' c 1' ,. . rl ., t ),' ~ 1'1 I r .,.. 'V ; 1 t r , : ? , '" , " ~ '! ;.... t ;.: 2 .. . i 1, .f 1 -' ./ ,,- .... , J T', .... .. 0 ;: ..... r , • 1 " ,'" , , I 41 'T • 0 , T .'. l ' t.. '. ,T \ j .,. I ..... ·L j r- - . • r - '. - ;> , ' - "" ,., ·l 'I f ".. L, (' ., .... f , , Tl' ' .. ~ ;-, vo: .,. ;.'" -'1 , r'" c , 1r .' ~ F'>,:'~ .. CT . t ,.) ,j , p, . , ,_~ 'r' ? , T ~, , " ' .J . 'l 1 ','I ,- r r" -Y, .~ ,) r WFOOOl 3 of .5 pages . Page 2 ~ , ~ ~ . (" ·, r 'f;, ". , · ~ - , • ., ~ • - ,. 1 • "' ... · " 0 , , p-;:,'" ·, - r. ~ · ,r , .,.r J 7 , !\ ' i"""'r. ~ LJ - ., ? ~ ' R,J .j , ., i ·- , . - , -, ) ;I< 1 J :..)<0/. ·- -. ~ :) ' \ . D , 1 'J :: · " , ·, >. -,.. ~ "C\ ' 1 ~ '1 '"':,f1 ..,. " 1 ,, . ,: f :- 1.L ::\ ., J , ~ • ;- Tt l L LL 1 ,f !" , , ,. •? J rn i · '~C ' 1 . , ., 1 ~ , r. ;' ,., , i. , r' , :: T l i ,• A r - .LQ - • r- 1 [ 0'; 1. ·, ftJ I! ~ · ~ ;) , •' '.' .J ! J " , L'"' ," , , , J. - ,- , • , ,.j I ~') , P .\ ~ c- .. 0, ' , TC) ,? f· .. t'I •, '1.J.:.. . , .OHI .~ c. , , 7V ? , 1 j, , ;' ::f -, ;:: , 1 t,J. , ,, .. 0' "'l. ~.1 r- , - .r I_. 'L. .,J .- , 1 ~ "'"r, I ~ ~ ~'1 , • , • cc ? .: ~ ,•Z ) ,. , , c: ., 1 I :~ L f"l .J I , c:? .:; .. , r: - , '*l . .- 'J r; .Lot. , ?'( 1 , , -, ? '"'I , .., ~ . J , ') , F J ', .( 1 ? . , , r;N 1 'J • V 1 ~> ~ S :"J •.' . '1 J ;'0 ~ ?~ t /:. "'::t)' " ;t I . '- c • 7:t:~~c ~ f- QtH:;o • t'IlGB , r;1~'-E 0 YlF00 91 Page 5 of 5 'pagtU,. USE Letter No: To: PC-4 December 11, 1957 USE Policy Committee, Publications Committee, Installation Hpads. Enclosed herewith is the coding only for USE routines WF 0001, WF 0002, WFOOOJ, WF0004 and WF0005. The original routines, previously distributed, were somewhat illegible. WF was kind enough to provide us with another master. Please note that line C18(+2) in WF 0004 was incomplete in the original copy which was distributed. L' .( .tl ""; I 1 1.." '-I.. ~, I / (. l.l.. . -t ., i.. Dirk de Vries ' Executive Secretary, USE Remington Rand Univac, Uni vac Park, st. Paul 16, MINNESOTA. DdV:diw WFOOO1 , , , ,B ,B1 ,B2 ,PARAM ,B3 ,C , , , , , , ,C1 , , ,C2 , , ,C3 , ,C4 ,C5 ,. , ,C6 ,C7 ,9 8 , ,C9 ,C10 , , ,Cll , , ,C12 ,e13 , , ,C14 , , , ,C15 , ,C16 , , ,C17 ,SUB ,TEMPS ,IN OUT ,MJO ,ALARM ,MJO ,WFOOO1 ,127 ,1 ,0 , , ,0 , ,TP ,lKl ,RESERV ,120 ,TP IlK ,TP ,TP ,TV ,RPl ,TP ,55 ,QT ,ZJ ,RA ,LA ,TU ,TP ,RA ,QJ ,RS ,TV ,RA ,QJ ,TV ,TP ,RA ,QJ ,RS ,TV ,RA ,LQ ,QT ,ZJ ,SP ,SA ,TP ,MJO ,LQ ,QT ,DV ,ZJ ,SP ,MJO ,TP ,TP ,TJ ,TP ,lK2 ,2K ,C3 ,120 ,2Kl ,PARAM ,2K7 ,C2 ,P+120 ,A ,A ,FILL ,3K ,C5 ,F ,3K ,3K ,C7 ,3K ,2K14 ,3K ,Cl0 ,F3 ,3K ,3K ,Q ,2Kl6 ,C14 ,2K3 ,PARAM ,2K27 ,0 ,Q ,2Kl7 ,2Kl8 ,C16 ,2K2 ,0 ,11.• ,2K8 ,P+l21 ,P+121 ,327 ,0 ,0 ,C , , , ,120 ,F ,F3 ,F14 ,BIN ,PRESETS/SWITCH 1 ,SlVITCH 2 ,S~lITCH 3 ,SET LOOP COUNT TO ZERO ,SET STORE DATA LOCATION ,ENTRY , 0 ,EXIT ALARM ,EXIT NORMAL ,FILL , , ,P~126 ,3K ,Cl ,P ,Q+3 ,P+120 ,C4 ,lK6 ,15 ,C3 ,P ,2Kl ,C6 ,2K1 ,F1 ,2K1 ,C9 ;C$ ,FILL ,2Kl ,C11 ,2K1 ,F4 ,2K1 ,9 , ,P+120 ,C12 ,36 ,0 ,Q ,Bl ,6 ,A ,P+l21 ,C15 ,36 ,C13 ,P+122 ,A ,C18 ,A , ,STORE SPACES IN BLOCKETTE , SHIFT AIDUMENT , ,TEST FOR FAST FEED SYMBOL ,YES , , , SET FF SYMBOL , ,TEST FOR MULTILINE SYMBOL ,YES SET SWITCH 1 ,SET ML LOCATION , ,TEST FOR BREAKPOINT SYMBOL ,YES ,SET BP SYMBOL , ,TEST FOR PRINTER STOP SYMBOL , YES SET SWITCH 2 ,SET PS LOCATION , ,SHIFT ARGUMENT ,EXTRACT P ,DOES P EQUAL ZERO ,YES LOAD 3 CODE AND ,LOAD ARGUMENT INTO A , ,GO TO ALARM EXIT TO PRINT A , SHIFT AIDUMENT , ,STORE SERVO NUMBER , DOES NUMBER OF LINES EQUAL ZERO , YES LOAD 2 CODE , ,STORE N , ; IS SERVO GREATER THAN 10 ,NO $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOOOI , ,CIS , ,C19 ,C20 , ,DO , ,Dl , , ,D2 , ,D3 , , ,D4 ,05 , , ,E , , ,ZJ ,SP ,MJO ,EJ ,TP ,ZJ ,TP ,ZJ ,EF "RP1 ,EW! ,RPI ,TP ,TV ,TV ,TP ,RJ ,TP ,54 ,AT ,TP ,El "E2 ,E3 ,IJ ,l-fJO ,TU ,RP3 ,TP , , ,TP ,ZJ ,E4 ,E5 , , ,E6 , ,E7 , , , , , , , , , , , ,E8 , ,E9 , ,E10 , , ,RA ,TP ,QT ,ZJ ,SP ,MJO ,TV ,LA ,TV ,RA ,TV ,RA ,QT ,DV ,RA ,TV ,RA ,TJ ,SP ,MJO ,TV ,IJ ,TV ,55 ,QT ,C19 ,2Kl ,0 ,3Kl ,3K1 ,DO . ,3K2 ,01 ,0 ,120 ,0 ,120 ,2K20 ,lK5 ,lK5 ,2K ,D4 ,P+121 ,P+12l ,2K19, ,3K ,P+122 ,0 ,P+120 ,2 ,FILL ,E3 ,P+123 ,E5 ,2K17 ,P+l24 ,E7 ,2K4 ,0 ,A ,A ,A ,El2 ,El2 ~El1 ,P+123 ,' 2K26 ,A ,A ,A ,1K4 ,2K5 ,,0 ,A ,A ,A ,P+123 ,2K21 ,C18 ,36 ,c13 ,E ,A ,02 ,A ,03 ,3K3 ,02 ,B3 ,D3 ,B3 ,F9 ,FlO ,3K2 ,05 ,3Kl ,A+12 ,3K3 ,P+121 ,El ,B2 ,E) ,DOES SERVO EQUAL ZERO ,SERVO IN ERROR/LOAD 1, CODE , ,DOES NEW SERVO EQUAL OLD ,NO ,TEST FOR INITIAL SEWP ,NO "IS THERE ANY DATA IN BLOCK "YES ,WRITE ' ,BLOCK AND ,FILL BLOCK ,WITH CONDENSED SPACES , , ,SET BLOCKETTE COUNT TO , ,STORE NEW SERVO NUMBER , ZERO ,PREPARE NEW MT COMMAND ,SET STORE DATA LOCATION ,DOES N EQUAL ZERO , YES GO TO NORMAL EXIT ,SET E3 , , OBTAIN , , ,E4 ,P+123 ,2K23 ,A ,F ,Q ,A ,E6 ,36 ,c13 ' ,El2 ,15 ,El2 ,2K23 ,Ell ,2K3 ,A ,P+125 ,P+12l ,P+l24 ,P+125 ,E9 ,36 ,C13 ,P+121 ,E10 ,E22 ,Q+6 ,A PAIR OF PARAt-lETER WORDS ,DOES PARAMETER EQUAL ZERO ,NO ,EXTRACT C , DOES C EQUAL ZERO ,YES LOAD 4 CODE , ,SET C IN RJ , ,MODIFY RJ ORDER ,FORSUBRTN ENTRY ,SET UP RP TO , STORE PARAMETERS ,EXTRACT WS ,STORE W ,MODIFY DATA ,STORAGE LOCATION BY S ,ADD W , IS BLOCKETTE TOO LAroE , YES LOAD 5 CODE , ,STORE NEXT . DATA ,STORAGE LOCATION ,SETUP ORDER TO UNPACK , ,EXTRACT 0 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOOO1 , , , , ,Ell ,E12 , ,E13 , , , , , ,m , , , ,E15 , , ,E16 , , , ,El7 ,E1a , ,El9 ,E20 , ,E2l , , , , ,E22 ,F ,Fl ,F2 , ,MP ,LA ,AT ,RP3 ,TP ,RJ ,QJ ,TV ,TP ,RS ,TP ,DV ,ZJ ,TP ,MP ,TV ,RA ,RA ,LA ,TU ,LQ ,TU ,TP ,ZJ ,TP ,SP ,TP ,RS ,IJ ,MJO ,IJ ,MJO ,QT ,RS ,LQ ,MJO ,MJO ,TP ,RA ,RA , , ,TP ,F3 ,F4 ,F5 ,TP I ,ZJ ,MJO ,TP ,ZJ ,F6 ,RS ,17 ,TU , , ,TP ,TP ,TP ,Fa ,F9 ,FlO ,SP ,QA , IRA ,IJ ,RA , I ,A ,P+126 ,A ,15 ,P+123 ,P+123 ,2 ,El2 ,P+123 ,FILL ,FILL ,FILL ,E2 , ,E13 ,2K ,E16 ,2K ,3K4 ,P+l24 ' ,2Kl ,P+125 ,A ,2K6 ,P+123 ,El4 ,El5 ,A ,3K4 ,A ,2K6 ,A ,El6 ,P+123 ,2Kl ,P+l24 " ,P+123 ,15 ' ,A ,A ,E16 , ,FILL ,FILL ,El6 ,Ela ,A ,3K4 ;E19 ,E17 ,2K6 ,3K4 ,FILL ,0 ,A ,Q ~E1a ;'2K24 ,E2l ,3K4 ,0 ,E17 ,P+125 ,E22 ,0 ,E2 ' ,2K21 ,FILL ,E22 ,2Kl ,Q ,30 ,E20 ,0 ,0 ,F2 ,FILL ' ,2Kl3 ,2Kl ,3K2 ,P+126 ,2K! ,A ,P+122 ,F7 ,F3 ,0 ,F5 ,FILL ,2K15 ,A ,P+l24 ,F6 ,F7 ,2Kl ,m ,FlO ,lK3 ,2K2l ,Q ,P+123 ,2K25 ,P+124 12K5 ,FILL ,6 ,FILL ,FILL ,flO ,2K24 ,P+l24 ,F9 ,2K24 ,F9 ,LOOP COUNT TIMES D , ,MODIFY , M ,STORE PARAMETER PAIR ,GO TO SUBROUTINE ,IS DATA PACKED ,YES ,INDEX TO ZERO , ,W TO A ,NUMBER OF LOCATIONS , IS THERE A REMAINDER ,YES SET . INDEX , ,SET LQ FOR SPECIAL SHIFT ,INCREASE LOCATION NO ,DETERMINE LAST LOCATION , ,SET LQ ,SHIFT , , ,TEST FOR REMAINDER ,NO SET 6 INDEX ' , , WORD , TO Q , , ,INDEX ON W , ,EXTRACT '!'VIO CHARACTERS , , , ,SWITCH 1 , SET ML SYMBOL ,INCREASE BLOCKETTE COUNT ,INCREASE LOOP COUNT , ,DOES N EQUAL ZERO ,YES SWITCH 2 ,SET PS SYMBOL , ,DOES FINAL PARAMETER EQUAL ZERO ,NO SET SWITCH 3 , CONDENSE BLOCKETTE , AND STORE IN BLOCK " , , , , , , 7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ,$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$ 1VFOOOI , ,Fll ,F12 , , ,F13 ,F14 ,F15 ,F16 , ,1K ,1IU ,lK2 ,lK3 ,11\4, ,lK5 ,lK6 ,2K ,2Kl ,2K2 ,2K3 ,2K4 ,2K5 ,2K6 ,2K7 ,2K8 ,2K9 ,2KIO ,21ill ,2K12 ,2K13 ,2K14 ,2Kl5 ,2K16 ,2K17 ,21\18 ,2K19 ,2K20 ,2K21 ,2K22" ,21\23 ,2K24 ,21\25 ,2K26 ,2K27 ,3K ,3Kl ,3K2 ,3K3 ,.3K4 , ,RA ,IJ ,TP ,EJ ,MJO ,RJ ,MJO ,RJ ,RP1 ,TP ,MJO ,MJO ,MJO , , , , ,B ,B ,~ ,B ,B ,B ,B, ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B02 ,BOl ,B ,B ,B ,B ,13 ,B ,B31 ,B ,B ,B ,B , ,ENDSUB ,FlO ,P+12.3 ,.3K2 , 2K6 ,0 ,D4 ,0 ,D4 ,120 ,2K1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,P , ,B3 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,77777 , , , , ,2Kl ,F8 ,A ,Fl.3 ,F14 ,Dl ,F16 ,DO ,E ,P ,F2 ,F5 ,F16 , ,IS BLOCK FULL ,NO , YES WRITE BLOCK ,SWITCH 3 , WRITE BLOCK ,FILL BLOCKETTE ,WITH SPACES , , , , , , , , ,P+121 ,B.3 ,2K8 ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,12 ,37 ,42 ,57 ,76 ,20 ,61 ,60 ,00000 ,77777 ,01750 ,00000 ,00746 ,01010 ,10101 , ,77 , ,777 , 2 ,00000 , 1 ,00000 ,23 , ,00144 ,26373 ,73752 , ,0 , ,0 , ,0 · , ,0 , ,0 ,ZERO ,ONE ,TWO ,THREE ,FOUR ,FIVE ,SIX ,SEVEN ,INDEX ,FAST FEED - FF 1 . ,FF 2 ,FF 3 ,FF 4 ,MULTILINE - ML ,BREAKPOINT BP ,PRINTER STOP ,MASK U ,MASK V ,DIVISOR ,OFF LINE WRITE BLOCK ,CONDENSED SPACES ,6 BIT MASK ,9 BIT MASK ,ADVANCE U ,ADVANCE U ,INDEX ,DIVISOR , , , ,STORE DATA LOCATION , SERVO NUMBER ,BLCCKETTE COUNT , TAPE COMMAND ,INDEX , , 8 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ v WFOOO2 ' , , , ,B ,B1 ,B2 ,B3 ,B4 ,C , , , ,Cl , , , ,C2 , , , , ,C3 , , , ,C4 ,C5 ,c6 ,C7 , ,CS ,C9 , , ,CI0 ,GIl , , ,C12 ,C13 ,C14 , , ,C15 , , , , , , , ,SUB , TEMPS ,IN OUT ,MJO ,ALARM ,MJO ,B ,B ,TP ,QT ,DV ,TJ ,SP ,SA ,TP ,MJO ,LA ,AT ,TV ,RP1 ,TN ,TV ,LQ ,QT ,EJ ,EJ ,TP ,TU ,SP ,TP ,LQ ,QT ,RA ,IJ ,RJ ,TP ,RP2 ,RA ,RP3 ,TP ,TP ,LQ ,MJO ,TP ,RJ " ,RA ,K ,Kl ,TP ,RJ ,RA ,TP ,MJO ,RP3 ,B ,WFOOO2 ,15 ,2 ,0 , ,0 , , ,KlO ,B3 ,K9 ,KS ,B3 ,.B4 ,Kl2 ,0 ,A ,K ,B4 ,14 ,K2 ,C3-1 ,B4 ,K3 ,Kl ,K2 ,Kll ,B3 ,FILL ,A ,Q ,K6 ,C9 ,P ,CI0 ,C9 ,14 ,P+1 , ,P+1 ,1\4 ,B3 ,0 ,K1 ,ClO ,C9 ,K4 ,C10 ,C9 ,K4 ,0 ,0 , , , , ,61 ,127 ,0 ,C ,ENTRY ,EXIT ALARM ,EXIT NORMAL , ,FILL ,0 ,0 ,Q ,A ,A ,C2 ,36 ,0 ,Q ,Bl ,15 ,C12 :,C13 ,C3 ,P+1 ,C9 ,Q+21 ,A ,C14 ,C15 ,P ,C7 ,0 , , , ,EXTRACT WS ,W TO A , IS \i TOO LAmE ,YES , LOAD PARAMETERS ,AND CODE ,GO TO ALARH EXIT , ,SET , , ,STORE - 2 ,SET STORE DIGIT LOG , ,EXTRACT CODE ,ADDRESS ,SPEX;IAL FORMAT , SET 11 INDEX , ,OBTAIN WORD ,\vORD TO Q ,Q , ,3 ,FILL ,Kl ,C8 ,C11 ,STORE DIGIT , , , ,UNPACKED INDICATOR TO , ,CONVERT TO XS~3 , ,Q ,C12 ,K3 ,B2 ,FILL ,P ,Q+6 ,C8 ,P ,C6 ,IG. ,P ,C8 ,IG. ,P ,C8 ,B2 ,1 RP ,TRANSFER W RE,SULTS ,SET 4 INDEX , , ,SET 1 INDEX " . , SKIP FOR SPACE ,SET 4 INDEX , ,SKIP FOR SPACE ,SET 4 INDEX , , , Q $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOOO2 ,K2 ,K3 ,K4 ,K5 ,K6 ,K7 ,K8 ,K9 ,KlO ,Kll ,Kl2 , ,B' ,B ,B ,B~ ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B31 ,ENDSUB , , , , , , , , , , ,26373 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 ,16 ,17 ,144 ,77777 ,13 ,73774 , , 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ \'lFOOO3 , , , ,B ,Bl ,B2 ,B3 ,B4 ,e , , , , ,Cl , , , , , , , , , ,C2 , ,C3 , , ,C4 , , ," , , , , ,C5 , , , ,. , ,C6 , ,C7 , ,CS , , ,C9 ,C10 ,Cll ,012 .. ,SUB ,1»fPS ,IN OUT ,MJO ,ALARM ,MJO ,B ,B' ,TP ,QT ,DV ,TP ,TJ ,LA ,AT ,TP ,RPI ,TN ,TV ,LQ ,QT ,TP ,TJ ,ST ,ZJ ,MP ,SA ,TU ,TP ,ST , A'11' ,TP ,RA ,LQ ,TP ,SA ,TV ,TP ,TV ,RA ,TV ,RA ,TU ,TP ,SJ ,TN ,TM ,LA ,TP , ,ZJ ,SS ,RP3 ,DV ,TU ,WFOOO3 ,16 ,2 ,0 , ,0 , , ,K7 ,BS ,KlS ,K3 ,P+13 ,P+13 ,J ,K ,13 ,Kl ,B4 ,B4 ,K7 ,K5 ,P+13 ,P+13 ,C3 ,A ,KS "A ,K9 ,P+14 ,J2 ,Jl ,CI0 ,P+15 ,J3 ,P+14 ,A ,K4 ,A ,C19 ,P+13 ,ca ,B3 ,FILL ,C7 ,K20 ,A ,A ,A ,C9 ,A ,0 ,KlO ,J3 , ,104 , ,127 ,0 , ,C ,ENTRY o , o ,EXIT ALARM ,FILL ,EXIT NORMAL ,0 ,PARAMETER ,0 ,CELLS ,Q ,MASK TO Q ,A ,EXTRACT WS ,P+13 ,SAVE W ,A , ,C23 , IS WTOO LAmE ,NO ,15 ,C21 , SET TRANSFER , ,P+14 , ,C1+5 ,P , ,C22 ,SHIFT SS ,Q.+21 ,SAVE SS ,P+~3 ,A , , IS SS TOO LAFGE ,C23 ,NO · ,P-13 ,IS S5 35 ,C4 ,K6 ,NO ,0 ,P...14 ,SAVE I DIGITS ,A , ,SAVE F DIGITS ,P+15 ,ell ,SET DIVIDE ,CI0 ,PLACE RP ,SET N ,fof:14 ,21 ', ,SHIFT F DIGITS , ,A , ,57 , ,C5 ,SET POINT ,FILL ,SET F LOCATION ,C19 , ,K20 ,SET LA ,ca ,K20 ,SET K , ,c6 ,OBTAIN WOlID ,A ,IS WOlID . NEGATIVE ,CS ,YES SET SIGN ,P , ,A ,SHIFT WOlID ,FILL ,SAVE F PART ,P+14 , IS WORD ZERO ,C15 ,NO ,36 , ,C12 ,EXTRACT INTEGRAL DIGITS ,P+l , ,C13 , , 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOO03 , ,C13 , ,C14 , , , ,C15 , ,C16 ,C17 , ,CIS , , ,C19 , , ,C20 , , ,C21 ,C22 ,C23 , , , ,J ,J1 ,J2 ,J3 ,K ,10. ,K2 ,K3 ,1(4 ,K5 ,K6 ,K7 ,K8 ,K9 ,KlO ,Kll ,K12 ,K13 ,Kl4 ,Kl5 ,K16 ,K17 ,Kl8 ,K19 ,K20 ,K21 , ,TV ,TP ,ZJ ,TN ,RA ,RA ,MJO ,TV J,RS ,TP ,IJ ,MJO ,SP ,SA ,TP ,LTO ,RA ,MJO ,TP ,RP2 ,RA ,RP ,TP ,TP ,SP ,SA ,MJO ,RP3 ,liP3 ,DV , ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,Bll ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B31 ,END SUB ,C11 ,FIlL ,C17 ,IG. ,C13 ,C14 ,0 ,C5 ,C16 ,K ,P+15 ,0 ,P+14 ,P+14 ,A ,0 ,C19 ,0 ,C11 ,13 ,P ,FILL ,P ,K21 ,B3 ,B4 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,KlO ,P+l , , , , , , , , , ,c14 ,A ,C14 ,FILL ,KS ,K20 ,C13 ,c16 ,K20 ,FILL ,CIS ,C20 ,2 ,1 ,P+14 ,FILL ,K20 ,C17 ,Q ,C21 ,K2 ,FILL ,FILL ,Q ,36 ,0 ,B1 ,B2 ,C12 ,P+1 , ,0 ,2 ,3 ,15 ,17 ,43 ,23210 ,77777 1 ,00000 , 13 ,00000 ,62000 ,24027 ,45000 ,73465 ,60400 ,5753 ,13200 ,461 ,41100 ,36 ,03240 ,3 , ,23420 , ,1750 ,144 , ,12 , ,1 ,26373 ,73770 , , , , ,SUPPRESS ,HIGH ,ORDER ,ZEROS , , ,ZERO WORD , , , , , ,EXTRACT , , , , ,UNPACKED INDICATOR TO Q ,CONVEa'! TO ,XS-THREE ,TRANSFER ,vi DIGITS ,SETUP ,FOR ,ALARM ,EXIT , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ i'WOOO4 , , , ,B ,Bl ,B2 ,B;', ,B4 ,C , , , , ,Cl , ,C2 , , , , , , , ,SUB ,TEMPS ,IN OUT ,MJO ,ALARM ,MJO ,B ,B ,TP ,QT ,DV ,TP ,TJ ,TP ,TJ ,ST ,AT ,SP ,AT ,TV ,RA ,C.3 ,C4 , , ,RP1 ,TN ,TU ,TP ,TP ,ZJ ~~5 ,TP ,-' , , , ,TM ,QT ,QT ,LQ ,TJ . ' ,C6 ,C7 , ,CS , ,C9 , , ,CIO , , , , , ,cal , , , , ,C12 ,MJO ,TP ,SJ ,TN ,TM ,TP ,~2 ,TJ ,SP ,TP ,SS ,TP ,TP ,MJO ,RS ,RS ,TP ,SS ,TU ,TP ,WFOOO4 ,19 ,2 ,0 , ,0 , , ,Kl4 ,B.3 ,Kl2 ,KS ,P ,P ,K6 ,K5 ,Jl ,P ,J2 ,J.3 ,C15 ,1.3 ,K2 ,B.3 ,FILL ,A ,c6 ,A ,0 ,A ,K17 "KlS ,P+1 ,Kl5 ,P ,C8 ,Kl ,A ,Kl6 ,77 ,1K ,lK+77 ,A ,A ,A ,Kl1 ,0 ,Q ,P ,J ,Q ,A ,FILL ,200 ,127 ,0 ,C , ,FILL ,0 ,0 ,Q ,A ,P ,A ,C27 ,A ,C27 ,P+1 ,C2.3 ,15 ,C25 ,C15 ,P+1 ,C.3 ,P+5 ,C4 ,A ,P ,C5 ,P+6 ,C21+4 ,Q ,P+1 ' ,P+2 ,9 ,C21+5 ,A ,C9 ,P+5 ,A ,P ,CIO ,Cll ,45 ,P+.3 ,27 ,P+4 ,P ,C1.3 ,Kl.3 ,Q ,A ,15 ,C12 ,Q , , , ,ENTRY ,EXIT ALARM ,EXIT NORMAL , , , ,V MASK ,EXTRACT WS ,STORE \'1 , , IS WTOO LARGE ,NO , IS WTOO SMALL ,NO ,SET EXPONENT SHIFT , , , SETUP , , , , FOR ROUNDING ,OBTAIN WORD ,AND STORE ,IS WORD ZERO ,YES STORE ZERO , ,MAG WORD TO Q ,WORD CHARACTERISTIC , lvORD MANTISSA ,SHIFT CHARACTERISTIC ,IS WORD NORMALIZED ,i-lORD TO A ,IS WORD NEGATIVE , YES SET SIGN , , , ,10 TO MINDS .38 , HIGHEST PO\'-lER OF 10 , STO~ CHARACTERISTIC , ,STORE MANTISSA ,10 to .38 , , J, N-R MINUS , 20114 ,ADD OF FIRST POWER OF 10 ,LOCATE ,APPROPRIATE POi'lER ,OF TEN .3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOOO4 ~ , , ,C13 , , ,C14 , ,C15 , ,C16 , ,C17 , , ,C1S , , ,C19 , , , , , ,C20 ,C21 , , , , , , ,C22 ,C23 ,C24 , ,C25 ,C26 ,C27 , , , ,J ,J1 ,J2 ,J3 ,Kl ,K2 ,K3 ,K4 ,K5 ,K6 ,K7 ,QT ,QT ,Kl7 ,KIS ,P+3 ',P+l ,P+1 ,A ,P+2 ,P+4 ,P+2 ,P+2 ,P ,Kl9 ,LQ ,RS ' ,RA ,TV ,SP ,DV ~RA ,EJ ,RA ,TP ,TP ,K6 ,P-+2 ,J1 ,P+2 ,P+2 ,A ,0 ,C19 ,P+1 ,P+7 ,P ,C20 ,C21 ~LQ ,TV ,SP ,SA ,TP ,LTO ,RA ,IJ ,TP ,RS ,ZJ ,SJ ,TN ,TM ,DV ,TP ,TP ,HP2 ,RA ,HP3 ,TP ,TV ,TP , ,B ,B ,B ,B31 ,B ,B ,B ,CIS ,P+6 ,n ,A ,K7 ,A ,K9 ,13 ,P+5 ,3 ,P+15 ,B4 ,C22 ,RP3 ,TP ,RP3 ,n ,n ,0 ,TP ,SP ,SA ,TP ,MJO , ,P+3 ,P+4 ,9 ,P+3 ,KIO ,C14 ,FILL ,P+2 ,FILL ,C17 ,Kl ,P+2 ,P+l ,1 ,C19 ,2 ,1 ,P+2. ,FILL ,P+5 ,B3 ,B4 ,K4 ,0 " ,P+15 ,0 , , , , ,26373 , , , , ,021+4 ,C21+2 ,P+15 ,A ,P+16 ,P-+17 ,P+7 ,C22 ,K3 ,C24 ,P+7 ,C26 ,Q ,B2 ,FILL ,36 ,0 ,Q ,B1 ,1K ,P+7 ,B2 ,KlS ,1 ,2 ,3 ,73764 ,5 ,7 ,12 ,STORE CHARACTERISTIC ,STORE MANTISSA ,SHIFT CHARACTERISTIC ~ ,ADD 35 ,SET SCALING , SHIFT WORD MANTISSA ,DIVIDE BY POWER 10 MANTISSA ,ROUND , IS THERE OVERFLOW , YES INCREASE EXP ,1 SCALED 35 , SET SEvEN INDEX ,SHIFT FRACTION ,SET STORAGE LOCATION ,MULTIPLY ,BY TEN , , , ,S DIGITS , ,EXP MINUS 1 ,IS EXP ZERO , NO IS EXP NroATIVE , YES SET SIGN OF EXPONENT , ,FIRST DIGIT OF EXPONENT ,SECOND DIGIT OF EXPONENT ,SET POINT ,CONVERT , TO X5-3 ,SHIFT , SIGN AND EXP , SET TRANSFER ,UNPACKED INDICATOR TO Q ,TRANSFER ,W DIGITS ,LOAD ,ARGUMENTS ,AND Rl'N CODE ,GO TO ALARM EXIT , , , , , , , ,WFOOO4 , , , 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOOO4 ,K8 ,K9 ,K10 ,Kl1 ,Kl2 ,IG) ,Kl4 ,K15 ,Kl6 ,K17 ,K18 ,K19 ,K20 ,K21 ,1\22 ,1\23 ,K24 ,K25 ,K26 ,1K , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B77 ,B37 ,B40 ,B3 ,B ,B: ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,BOO ,BOO ,B01 ,BOl ,B02 ,B02 ,B02 ,B03 ,B03 ,B04 ,B04 ,B04 ,BOS ,B05 ,B06 ,B06 ,B06 ,B07 ,B07 ,B10 ,BI0 ,B11 ,B11 ,B11 ,B12 ,B12 ,1313 ,B13 ,B13 ,B14 ,B14 ,B15 ,B15 ,B16 ,B16 , , , , , , , ,4000 ,77777 ,70000 ,07777 ,14631 ,12172 ,1014 ,64 ,5 , , , ,26634 ,64201 ,15242 : ,46512 ,04116 ,35142 ,66373 ,24034 ,55044 ,06255 ,37730 ,74747 ,26141 ,57571 ,14653 ,46026 ,77434 ,34561 ,65716 ,17301 ,54471 ,05607 ,37151 ,74401 ,25502 ,57022 ,14313 ,45376 ,76676 ,34227 ,6liZ74 "- ,16553 ,54143 ,05174 ,36433 ,15 ,17 ,43 ,47 ,144 ,20114 ,77777 ,00000 ,77731 ,00000 ,77777 ,46554 ,70245 ,22336 ,33343 ,17427 ,41434 ,3266 ,254 ,37347 ,63521 ,20445 ,64556 ,60745 , 35136 , 04365 ,72631 ,11400 ,13700 ,36660 ,23216· ,10061 ,32075 ,70246 ,66320 ,44004 ,66403 ,24103 ,71124 ,13564 ,36522 ,26246 ,65750 ,23342 ,70232 ,63140 ,57770 ,33766 ,01372 ,61671 ,76247 ,36750 ,26542 ,34273 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ~ , 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOOO4 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,B16 ,B17 ,B17 ,B20 ,B20 ,B20 ,B21 ,B2l ,B22 , ,B22 ,B23 ,B23 ,B23 ,B24 ,B24 ,B25 ,B25 ,B25 ,B26 ,B26 ,B27 ,B27 ,B30 ,B30 ,B30 ,B31 ,B31 ,B32 ,B32 ,B32 ,B33 ,B33 ,B34 ,B34 ,B34 ,B35 ,B35 ,B36 ,B36 ,B37 ,B37 ,B37 ,B40 ,END SUB ,74061 ,11565 ,34122 ,25075 ,56314 ,63146 ,14000 ,00000 ,00000 ,45000 ,76200 ,00000 ,27640 ,00000 ,00000 ,64704 ,16065 ,00000 ,20000 ,47502 ,04611 ,32000 ,60400 ,35753 ,67346 ,54500 ,24520 ,13710 ,55644 ,16672 ,07215 ,22450 ,44430 ,23471 ,75536 ,30410 ,27065 ,76512 ,64341 ,57116 ,15432 ,12741 ,4 6740 ,55532 ,04254 ,34430 ,35327 ,43536 ,66615 ,34466 ,24170 ,31702 ,55226 ,40262 ,06474 . ',10336 ,44105 ,45213 ,75126 ,76456 ,26354 ,56171 ,64023 ,74714 ,15030 ,74077 ,13116 ,46237 ,77706 ,75742 ,26555 ,34734 ,66123 . ,34311 ,17550 ,23373 ,.54641 ,14135 ,06011 ,37164 ,67021 ,37413 ,32313 ;"74547 ,25701 ,20775 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,. , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6 $ $ $ .$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WFOO05 , , , ,B ,B1 ,B2. ,BJ ,B4 ,C , , , , , ,Cl ,C2. ,C3 , , , ,C4 ,C5 ,K ,Kl ,K2. ,K3 ,1\4 , ,SUB ,TEMPS ,IN OUT ,MJO ,ALAR}! ,HJO ,13' ,B. ,TU ,TU ,TP ,QT ,DV ,DV ,ZJ ,RA ,LA ,AT ,TV ,TP ,RP3 ,TP ,B ,B ,B ,B ,B ,END SUB , 24 ,WFOO05 ,1 ,2 ,0 , ,0 , , , 1\4, ,B) ,1\3 ,BJ ,1\2 ,Kl ,C2 ,P ,P ,C4 ,B4 ,C , ,FILL , , , , ,30000 , ,12.7 ,0 ,C 0 , ,FILL ,0 ,0 jC4 , , , ,ENTRY o ,EXIT ,ALARM , EXIT NORllfAL ,PARAMETER ,CEU.s ,PRESETS ,C5 ,Q ,A ,A ,P ,C3 ,K . ,15 ,C4 ,C5 , , , ,Q , ,STORE DATA , , , ,B2 ,FILL ,1 ,6 ,144 ,77777 ,00000 , ,OBTAIN W IN A ,DIVIDE BY 6 ,IS THERE A REMAINDER ,YES INCRF.ASE QUOTIENT ,NO ,FORM N OF REPEAT , ,PACKED INDICATOR TO Q , , , 3 IN EDIT ROUTINE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1. I DENTIFICATION f!. PUR pmE APSD - SPECTRAL DENSITY Harry Shaw - Octobe r 15, 1957 Appli ed Physics Laboratory G).ven M + 1 lags (s ee APAC - AU.rcx:;ORltELATION) RH, H c:: O(l)M, computo M + 1 values UJ, J := O(l)M, of what is essentially the speotral density function. 3. METHOD a. The method of Tukey (see 1h£Sampling Theory of Power Spectra Estimates, Symposium on Applications of Autocorrelation Analysis to Physical Problems, Woods Hole, Mass., 1949) is used to compute UJ ~ ~(J/2MA t) where 2M a( is 6(; the spectral density function ~ (~ rr' ) == 4~ R(t) cos 2nf't do Since M !: UJ rv RO J:::O furnishes a convenient check, the sum of the UJ is also computed. b. Inputs RH are integers scaled zero and can be computed by APAC (if obtained in same .; other way care should be taken that IRHI Outputs are integers scaled zero. 4. USAGE a. Calling Sequence r r + 1 Q£ RJ Normal U t + 2 Return .L t < 2 29 ). Page 2 b. Control and Results Enter with the code word 00 OMMMM WWWWW in the accumulator, and lags RH in locations W + H. Exit with UJ in locations W + M + 1 + J, LUJ in location W + 2M + 2, and locations W-l thru W + M unchanged. c. Space Required 172 cells of instructions and constants 13 cells of temporary storage Block of 3M + .3 locations beginning at core address W-l (inoludes data mean and lag storage) d. EII'ror Codes Nohe 5. RESTRICTIONS See .3.b. 6. TIMING "2 Approximately M ., mls • APSD PAGE 3 Oct. 15, 1957 APPLIED PHYSICS LAB ITm1 NO. LOC , , OP V U j C011MENTS ,SUB ,APSD ,172 ,LEADING LINE $ ,TEMPS ,13 ,0 ,TE}lPS $ ,T ,MJO ,PlOO ,ENTRANCE $ , , ,ALARM , ,ALARM EXIT $ ,MJO , , , , , NORMAL EXIT $ ,PlOO ,TV ,A ,UlOl ,GENERATE $ , ,LT ,25)B ,UlOO , V - ADDRESSES $ , , , , , , ,SP ,UlOl , ,AT ,IG. ,U300 ,AT ,UlOO ,U301 ,AT ,IG. . ,U302 ,AT ,UlOO ,U303 , , , , , ,AT ,IG. ,U304 ; . ,AT ,Kl ,Ul03 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,SP ,U302 ,AT $ $ ~~ $ $ $ , , , $ ,IU ,U305 , $ ,TV ,U302' ,P205 ,SET $ ,TV .. U300 ,P2l5 , V - ADDRESSES $ ,TV ,U303 ,P226 ,TV ,U300 ,P228 ,TV ,U304 ,P264 ,TV ,U304 ,P302 , , , , ,TV ,U305 ,P307 ,TV ,U301 ,P320., ,TV ,U304 ,P.321 ,TV ,U301 ,P344 ,TV ,U303 ,P363 , , , , , ~~ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ,, '.' APPLIED f3JiYP~CS APSD PAGE 4 Oct. 15, 1957 UB ITEI1 NO. LOe V Q~ e01lMENTS Y , , , ,ST ,U210 ,Ul02 , , ,LQ ,U300 ,17)B ,GENERATE $ ,LQ ,U301 ,17)B ,V - ADDRESSES $ , .tLQ ,U302 ,17)B ,LQ 1V305 ,17)B ,SP ,Ul01 ,17)B ,TP ,A ,v104 ,SP ,UlOO ,17)B ,AT ,0104 ,u304 ,LQ ,V303 ,17)B ,RS ,V303 ,K2 , , , , , , , , ,TV ,Ul04 ,P200 ,SET ~~ ,TV ,Ul04 ,P222 , V - ADDRESSES ~~ ,TV ,Ul04 ,P304 , $ , ,TU ,V304 ,P164 , $ ,P164 ,TP ,FILL ,Ul04 ,TU ,v304 ,P201 ,TU ,U300 ,P204 ,TV ,U300 ,P215 ,TU ,U304 ,P219 ,TU "u304 ,P221 , ,'lU ,V300 ,P225 , ,TV ,U300 ,P228 ,TU "V300 ,P302 ,TV ,U305 ,P320 ,TV ,V303 ,P321 , , , , , , , , ; , , , , , , , ., , , ,SP ,UlOO J , , , , , , , , , , , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~~ ~~ $ ~~ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ APSD PAGE 5 Oct. 1S, 19S7 APPLIED PHYSICS LAB I TEM NO. LOC , , , , , , , , , OP COl1MENTS V U , ,TU ,U301 ,P340 ,TU ,u305 ,P341 ,TU ,U302 ,P343 ,TU ;U301 ,P362 , , , ,SP ,UlOO '~ 1~()B. ,SET $ ,AT ,U208 ,A ,REPEATS $ ,TU ,A ,P203 ,TU ,A ,P224 ,TU ,A , P36l ,AT ,U209 ,A ,TU ,A ,P301 ,RS ,P203 , K2 ,RS ,P224 ,K2 $ $ $ $ , , $ $ , , $ , , , , , , ,RA ,P361 ,K2 ,RS ,P301 ,K2 , , , , , ,P200 ,TP ,FILL ,A ,to (SO) $ ,P20l ,AT ,FIIL ,A ,'10 $ , \ ,LT ,,43)B ,A ,W +M + 2 $ ,P203 ,RP ,FILL ,P205 ,P204 ,AT ,FI!L "A ,P205 ,DV ,U10O ,FILL , , , , , ,SP ,UlOO ,43)B ,111 ,TP ,A ,Q ,TO $ ,LT , ,A ,w.'.+-,·2M + 2 $ ,ST ,Kl ,UlOl ,TP 'UlOl ,u4oo , , , , , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (SO) ~( $ $ PH~ +CS APPLIED ITEM NO. LAB LOG ,P215 APSD PAGE 6 Oct. 15, 1957 OP COJl1HENTS V U , TN ,FILL ,FILL , , , ,RA ,P215 , U200 , IJ , u400 , P215 , "QJ , P219 , P221 , P219 , TN ,FILL ,A , , MJ , , P222 , , , , , , P221 , TP , FILL ,A , , P222 ,AT , FILL ,A , , LT ,43):5 ,A ;, P224 "RP , FILL , P226 , P225 , AT , FILL ,A , , , , , P226 , DV , UlOO , FILL ; , , TP , U101 , u400 , P228 , TN , FILL , FILL , , , , ,RA , P228 , U200 , , , , IJ /I u400 , P228 , SP , u205 , , COS pIIM ,DV , UIOO , Q .) ,MP ,Q ,Q , , LT ,6 1 U300 .t ,MP , U300 , U300 , " LT ,6 , U301 ,MP , u300 , U301 ,I.T ,6 , U302 , SP , U201 ,36)B ,MA , lU300 , U202 , I1A , U301 , u203 .t .t , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $ ~i $ $ $ $ ~~ $ $ $ $ ~~ $ ~~ $ $ (S30) $ ~~ ~~ ~~ $ ~p $ $. ~~ $ $ APSD PAGE 7 APPLIE.D PHY'31 CS LAB Oct. 15, 1957 ITEM NO . OP IPC , , , , , , U COMMENTS V ,MA ,U302 ,u204 , $ ,LT ,6 ,U302 , INITIALIZE $ ,LT ,1 ,U300 ,2 COS FIlM $ ,TP ,U201 ,U301 , $ ,SP ,UlOO , ,SET OUTSIDE LOOP $ ,ST ,Kl ,u400 ,FOR M-l PASSES $ ,P260 ,IJ ,u400 ,P262 ,M-l PASSES $ , ,HJ , ,P320 ,TEST $ ,P262 ,MP ~ U300 ,U301 ,no. , ,LT ,6)B ,A ,P264 ,ST ,U302 ,FILL , , , , , , , , , ,TP ,U301 ",U302 ,H + 1 TO H $ ,TP ,A ,U301 , $ ,TP ,A ,u304 ,INITIALIZE $ ,TP "U201 ,u305 , $ ,LT ,10OOl)B ,U303 ,2 YIn. $ ,TP ,UI02 ,U401 ,SET M-2 PASSES $ ,TV ,Ul03 ,P282 , SET STORE 'YHP $ ,P280 ,MP ,U303 ,U304 ,YHP TD W + 2M + 2 + P $ , ,LT ,6)B ,A ,P282 ,ST ,u305 ,FILL , , , ,TP ,U304 ,u.305 ,P + 1 TO P J ,TP ,A ,u.304 (530) $ $ $ ~~ $ $ , , , ,RA ,P282 ,Kl , , ,IJ ,U401 ,P280 , M-2 PASSES TEST $ ,SP ,KO , , LH TO \-1 + M + 2 + H $ ,P.301 ,RP ,FILL ,P.30.3 , $ $ $ APSD APPLIED PHYSI as LAB Oct. ITEM NO. IPC v Q Or 15, PAGE 8 1951 COt1MENIS ,P302 ,M/\. tFILL ,FILL , $ ,P303 ,LT ,1)B ,A , $ ,P304 ,AT ,FILL ,A , ,TN ,Ul04 ,Ul04 , ,AT ,Ul04 ,A ,P301 ,DV ,UlOO ,FILL , , , , , ,RA ,P301 ,IG. ,STEP LH STORE $ , ,MJ , ,P260 ,JUr1P TO TEST $ ,.1'320 ,TP ,FILL ,FILL ,IJ. 1OL,-1 $ ,P32+ ~TP ,FILL ,FILL , $ , "TP ,UlOO ,u400 ,SET .;. M + 1 PASSES $' ,P340 ,TP ,FILL ,A ,UJ TO t'T + 11 + 1 + J $ ,P341 ,AT ,FILL ,A , IMP ,A ,u206 ,P343 ,M/\. ,FILL ,U207 ,P344 ,LT ,1)B ,FILL , ,RA ,P340 ,K2 j '~IJl~l ,RA ,P341 ,K2 ,RA ,P343 ,K2 ,RA ,P344 ,IG. , , , , , $ $ $ $ , , , $ ~~ ~~ $ $ $ , , , , ,lJ ,u400 ,P340 ,M + 1 PASSES TEST $ ,TP ,KO ,A ,sm1 ~~ ,P361 ,RP ,FILL ,P363 ,TO $ ,P362 ,AT ,FILL ,A ,W + 211 + 2 $ ,P363 "TP ,A ,FILL , $ , ,ID , ,T + 2 , JUNP TO EXIT $ ,U200 ,00 ,2 ,2 ,UUP2VUPP $ $ UJ $ 9 APSD PAGE APPLI:c:D PHYSICS LAB Oct. 15, 1957 ITEl1 LOC NO. V U OP , COH~1ENTS ,U201 ,01 , ,U202 ,77 ,37777)B ,77777)B ,~} (S30) ,U203 , 00 ,2525)B ,u204 ,77 ,77722)B ,37223)B ,- 1/6 (S30) $ ,u205 ,03 ,1l037)B ,55242)B ,PI (S30) $ ,U206 ,07 ,27024)B ,36561)B ,.23 (s35) $ ,U207 ,21 ,21727)B ,2437)B ,.54 (S35) $ ,U208 ,00 ,20000)B ,U209 ,00 ,10000)B ,U210 ,00 , ,KO ,00 ,Kl. ,1 (S30) ,25252)B , ~ (S30) ~~ ~~ $ ,FOR $ ,PRF.BEI'S ~p , $ ,. , , , , ,ZERO $ ,00 , ,1 ,V - ADVANCE $ ,K2 ,00 ,1 , ,U - ADVANCE $ , "ENDSUB , , , $ <~ 1. IDENTI FICATWN 2. PURPOOE APAC - AUTOCORRELATION Harry Shaw October 15, 1957 Applied Physics Laboratory Given N data XJ, J = l(l)N, compute data mean X and M + 1 , lags RH, H = O(l)M. / J. METHOD a. R( 1:) lIS 1m T L.r T T y(t} 0 t:IO is approximated by 1 N-H L R(H l:! t) ~ RH .. N:-H Ie"'l IT. Y K + H where YJ • XJ-X, J = l(l)N. b. Inputs XJ are integers scaled zero such that ILXJJ~9999. Outputs are integers scaled zero. 4. USAGE a. Calling Sequence QL r r + 1 b. RJ Normal t + 2 t Retu,rn Control and Results Enter with the code word 00 OMMMM wwwwwrooooO-COreMOdeJ in the aooumulator, the oode word 00 NNNNN L-VVVVV - Drum Mode in the Q-register, and the data XJ in locations W + J-1 for the Core Mode or V + J-1 for the Drum Mode. Exit with the data mean X in location W-l and the lags RH in locations W + H. The code word 00 OMMMM WWWWW is left in the accumulator (See APSD -' Speotral Density). Page 2 c. SpRee Required 160 cel ls of instructi ons and constan ts 13 cells of t emporary storage Core Mode - block of N + M + 2 locations beginning at core address W-l Drum Mode - block of N l ocations beginning at drum address V and block of 3M + 2 locations beginning at core address W-l. d. Error Codes None 5. RESTRICTIONS See 6. J.b. TIMING Approximately 1/2 MN/t s. APPLIED PIITSICS LAB TEM NO. LOC. APAC PAGE 3 Oct. 15, 1957 OP , ,SUB , ' , TEMPS V U , APAC ,160 ,,13 ,,0 CONrOO1'l'S , LEADING LINE , , $ TEHPS $ ENTRANCE $ , ALARM EXIT $ , NORMAL EXIT $ ,NJO , , , , , "PlOO ,TP ,A ,UlOO , SAVE 1ST CD , "TV ,A , UlO1 , H (SO) $ ,TV , Q , Ul03 , V (SO) ~~ , TU ,A ,Ul06 , M (S15) $ "TU ,Q , UlOB , N (s15) $ ,LA "A ,17)B , W (s15) $ ,TU ,A ,Ul02 , S ,LQ ,Q ,17)B , V (S15) $ "TU ,Q , Ul04 , ~~ ,LT ,6 ,Ulo5 , M (so) $ ,LQ ,Q ,6 , N (so) $ ,TV ,Q ,UlO7 , $ "TU ,UlO2 ,P401 , PRESET INST $ ,TU ,UlO2 ,p406 , CONHON TO $ ,TV ,UlOl ,P401 , BOTH HODES $ ,TV ,UlOl ,P501 ,RS ,P401 - ,Kl ,TP ,Ul09 ,Q ,Q':) ,Ul06 ,p500 ,RA ,p500 ,K2 ,SP ,UlO3 , , , , , , , ,ZJ ,P300 ,P200 , ,T , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,MJO , ALARM , PlOO WI) $ $ $ $ $ $ MODE TEST $ $ · APPLIED PHYSI CS ITEH .NO. IAP .i\r.A C Oct. LOC. OP V U ,QS ,Ul08 ,P251 ,QS ,Ul08 ,P400 ,Q') ,Ul08 ,p405 ,OS ,P500 ,P254 , TP , l-'too ,P414 ,TU ., Ul02 ,P408 ,RA ,P408 ,UI08 , TU ,U102 ,P50l ,RA ,P501 ,Ul08 , TV ,UlOl ,P252 ,TV ,P40l ,P253 ,TV ,UlOl ,P255 ,RA ,P255 ,Ul07 ,TV ,11500 ,PUO , ,TP ,KO ,P251 ,RP ,P252 ,P200 , , , , , , PAGE 4 15, 1951 CONHENTS , , , , , COllE HODE PRESET $ $ ~~ $ $ , , , $ $ ,A , , , , , , , ,10000)B ,P253 , :~ ,RA ,A ,FILL , $ ,P253 ,DV , Ul07 ,FILL ,P254 ,RP ,10000)B ;P256 ,P255 , TP ,KO ,FILL ,P256 ,MJ , ,p400 ,P300 ,TP , U107 ,A , ,DV , UlOS , U300 , ,LT ,10017)B , U301 , TP , Ul09 ,Q ,Q') ,A ,P3S6 , , ,QS ,A , P358 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $ ~~ $ $ $ $ $ CORE HODE $ ~~ $ $ JUMP TO E .,$ DRUM MODE PRESET ~~ . ~~ ¢!. 'l> $ ~~ ~~ 'PAGE 5 APAC Oct. 15, 1957 ,APPLIED PHYSU:;S LAB ITEM NO . LOC OP U V \'" , P60l , ,QS ,.it" , ,RA , P601 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,QS "- / , , , , , , , C01~mNTS $ , ulo6 , , , Ulo6 , P35l , $ ,QS , Ulo6 , P353 $ ,05 ,Ulo6 , P361 ,RA ,P36l , K2 ,SP , Ulo6 ,1 ,QS ,A ,P369 ,TV , UlOl ,P350 . , , , , , , ,TV ,UlOl ,P352 $ ,TV ,UlOl ,P354 ,TV ,UlO1 ,P357 , , , ,TV ,UlOl ,P359 ,TV ,UlOl ,P360 ,TV ~UlOl ,P370 ,TV ,UlOl ,P602 ,RS ,P350 ,Kl ,RS ,P360 ,Kl ,SP ,Ulo5 ,1 ,RA ,A ,UlOl ,TV ' ,A ,P362 ,TU ,Ulo4 ,P352 ,TU ,Ulo4 ,P370 , , , , , , , , , , , ,TU ,UlO2 ,P354 , , ,TU ,UlO2 ,P359 ,RS ,P354 ,K2 ,RS ,P359 ,K2 ",,', ,. , , , $ $ ~ $ $ $ $ $ ~~ $. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~~ .f<.PAC -PAGE 6 APPLIED PHYSICS LAB Oct. 15, 1957 ITFJ1 OP LOO NO. , , , , , , , , , OOl1l-1ENTS V U ,TP ,Ulo'8 ,A , ,RS ,A ,U3 01 . RA. , ,A ,ulo4 ,TU ,A ,P)57 , , , ,RS ,A ,Ulo6 , ,TU ,A ,P602 ,RS ,U300 ,Kl ,TP ,U)OO ,U)01 ,RS ,U301 ,IG. , , , , ,P350 ,TP ,KO ,FILL , DRU1'1 MODE $ ,P351 ,RP ,30000)B ,P)53 , $ ,P352 ,TP ,FILL ,FIUJ ,P)53 ,P354'. ,P355 ,RP ,IJ ,10000)B ,p)55 ,F]1L ,FILL ,U300 ,P3?5 , ,TU ,P)59 ,P3552 IP3552 , 'l'P ,FILL ,A ;p)56 ,RP ,30000)B ,P358 IP)57 ,TP ,FILL ,FILL ,P358 ,RP ,10000)B ,P360 ,P359 ,RA ,FILL ,FILL ,P360 ,DV ,UI07 ,FILL ,P361 ,RP ,1OOOO)B ,p)6,3 ,p)62 ,TP ' ,KO ,FILL IP363 ,TP ,U109 ,Q , , "QS ,Ulo6 ,,P405 ,SP , Ulo6 ,,1 ,QS ,A ,p4oo , ~RA , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $ ~~ $ ~~ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ,,' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~~ $ }\PPLIED PHYSI CS ITEI1 NO. APAO - PAGE 7 Oct. 15, 1957 :L,AB LOO OP U, V OONMENTS , , ,TP ,puS ,P41h ,TV ,r1600 ,P410 ,P369 ,RP ,30000)B ,P371 ,P370 ,TP ,FILL ,FILL ,P371 ,SP ,Ulo6 ,1 , ,RA ,A ,UI02 , , , , , , , , ,TU ,A ,P408 , ,MJ , ,p400 ,JU}1P ,P375 ,RA ,P352 ,UI06 , $ , ,MJ , ,P351 ,LOOP ~~ ,P400 ,RP ,,20000)B ,P402 ,El' $ .P401 ,RS ,FILL ,FILL , $ ,P402 ,TP ,UlO7 ,U401 , $ , ,TV ,UlOl ,P406 , ,TP ,ul05 ,u400 ,P4oU ,TP ,KO ,A ,p405 ,RP ,30000)B ,P407 ,P406 ,MA ,FILL ,FILL ,P407 ,DV ,U401 ,Q ,p408 ,RA ,FILL ,Q , , , , , , , , ,IJ ,u4oo ,P4l1 , ,PUO ,MJ , ,FILL , JUMP ,TO ,PW ,RS . ,U40l ,10. , ,RA ,p406 ,Kl I ,RA ,P408 ,K2 ,P414 ,PUS ,RS ,MJ ,P405 ,K2 ,P404 n. '\ ,! , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TO E ~~ $ $ ~~ $ $ $ ~~ $ E $ , , , $ , $ , LOOP ~~ $ $ --- PAGE 8 Oct. 15, 1957 ' APPLIED PHYSICS LAB ITEH NO. APAC LOC OP U V Cmll·1ENTS ,p500 ,RP ,30000)B ,P502 ,E2 $ ,P501 ,TP ,FILL , $ ,~502 ,TP ,UIOO , $ , ,MJ , ,T , JUI'1P TO EXIT $ ,p600 ,IJ ,U,301 ,p613 ,E3 $ ,p601 ,RP ,30000)B ,p603 $ ,P602 ,TP ,FILL ,FILL ,p603 ,TP ,UI09 ,Q "QS ,P601 ,P400 ,TU ,p601 ,P405 ,TP , M400 ,P414 , , , , ,SP ,Ul06 ,1 ,RA ,A ,UI02 ,TU ,A ,P408 ,TU ,A ,P501 , , , , , , , , , , , ,TV ,M500 ,pUO , $ , ,NJ , ,p400 ,JID1P TO E $ ,p613 ,RA ,P370 ,Ul06 , $ , ,MJ , ,P369 ,JUMP TO E $ ,1'ttoo ,RS ,pL~05 ,K2 ,PRESET $ ,,~OO ,00 ,p500 ,E $ ,:1'1600 ,00 , , ,P600 ,E $ ,UI09 ,00 . ,7777)B , ,MASK $ ,KO ,00 ,ZERO $ ,Kl , , , ,FILL "A + 2 ~~ $ $ $ ~~ $ $ ~~ $ , ,00 , , ,1 ,V - ADVANCE $ ,K2 ,00 , 1 ,U - ADv.aNCE $ , ,ENDSUB , , , , $ . HOUSEl 1103-A Subroutine 1. Identification: HOUSEl Use Compiler Tape Dump Keipert, Tantzen, July 57 Holloman Air Development Center 2. Purpose: Punch USE compiler side-by-side output on cards for listing on the IBM 407. Useful if the high speed printer is down or for installations having none. 3. Method: The first 80 characters of each blockette are punched on a first card, the next 36 characters are punched in columns 37-72 on a second car d. The second card contains also a control punch to facilit ate printing all 116 characters on one line. The last 4 characters of each blockette are ignored. Tbe punching of the second card is optionalo 4. Usage: The routine is a service routine. For purp oses of distribution through USE it has been written as a standard subroutine, with one exception, the control words are in A and Q only. In the subroutine form the usage is: Place Tape Unit number in AO_4 Set Q35 = 0 for punching 2 cards per blockette Q35 = 1 for punching 1 card per blockette Then RJ HOUSElt2 HOUSEl No manual cycling of Bull necessary. 5. Restrictions: 5.1. Control Punch. The second card will have a punch in row 12, column 7. The column may be change d easily by taking a different constant C+7. 5.2. Special Characters. There are 10 characters on the 407, which will not be identical for different machines . The compiler tape has 6 characte r s which have to be correlated to 6 of the 10 hole combinations. This is done by 6 bioctal special codes SC through sc+5. As coded now, the correspondence is: 1 HOUSEl Holes Characters plus 12 period 12-8-3 parenthe sis close 12-8-4 comma 0-3-3 space none parenthesis open 0-5-4 If your L07 is different, substitute other codes according to the following correspondence t~ble. Special octal code. Holes wanted, 12 01 11 02 8-3 15 8-4 16 12-8-3 35 12-8-4 36 11-8-3 55 11-8-4 56 0-8-3 75 0-8-4 76 The end of line character is always punched as ll-8-3. 6. 5.3. Wiring board. Use a standard 80-80 board. If wanted, use control punch on second card to print columns 37-72 of second card into paper columns 81-116. 5.4. Parity erroro If a parity error is found, the routine will automatically go to the parity error routine HOSPll (see Useful Note #13). This is accomplished by the three COlTunands PAR+2,3, and 4. If t his routine is not available at your installation, replace those 3 commands by something else. Coding Information: Space required in core to operate - 323 cells. Cards are punched at a rate of 110 cards/min. Routine is machine checked. 2 l HOUSEl FLG! CHART EF, pick punch card one card per blockette? JNO . set SWan I jump - - - - - - : set SW on 2 --- - form tape constants EF, pick punch read one block parity checks? y e 3 go to tape reread routine initialize PICK rewind. Tu last blockette? yes ~ OUT clear punch ch. EF, pi9k punch, punch jump to EXIT clear image, set bit set for field 1 mod. PICK --------------------------------------------~ set char index BODY I READ LAST SET Istore char in image I PICK i-JOR field ready? Trd ready? r i- yes yes RJ a 0 _ _ _ _---1...... -----~.~ set for field 2 set HJ to b jump b no '----~ F3 '-----,-+ . - set for field 3 set, RJ to c jump - - - - - c '"-----,"iif. CARD punch a card sw I 2 adv~nce ! i L I" PICK by 6 t TVIO first card? block ready? / nt LAST \ Yi ~es READ S EF, pick punch, punch set for field 2 set RJ to c clear image .____________._-___,___~:p 3 bit in field 1. HOUSEl FLO,.] CHART rETAIL: STOP..E CHAli.ACTER IN IMAGE Set cmd for row 8 for row 4 for zone for digits PICK shift for next character mask character out shift bit one rir,ht blank? yes TEST test for special codes change if necessary REGION code < 20B? yes . modify PUN [_ _ _ _ ----.J code - 20B J bit to zone ~ code < l5B? yes . bit to row · 8 code = l6B? yes set for bit to row~ SPECIL bit to row 4 or 3··~ jump set cmd to store bit 4 - NOHMAL bit to raw 12 - 9 PUN 4 l;.:;...t HOUSEl '. (_J LOC OP U ADDR 8 20 126 V ADDR REMARKS "C''''''''- X X X 31 166 y START BODY READ PAR LAST CL SET PICK TEST MJ 0 0 FILL 0 MJ EF wBODY+ OJ TV EST+ MJ TV EST+ LA A R+ AT AT R EF 0 EF 0 RPV 120 ERB 0 0 ERA PAR+ ZJ TP READ TP READ+ HOSP11+ RJ TU BODY TU PICK ~A lAST+ TP FILL R+ EJ EF 0 RPV 39 C+ TP C+ TP TP CON C+ TP RA PICK TP C1+ T+ TU PUN+ RA C+ AT AT C+ TP A lO FIll R+ OT T+ LO TEST ZJ EJ CE CE+ EJ I 2 1 2 6 BODY FILL FIll R+ BODY+ Sw READSW 12 T+ T R+ T PAR 1 4 HOUSEl PUNCH USE COMPILER SIDE-BY-SIDEOUTPUT ON CARDS KEIPERT,TANTZEN JULY1957 ENTRY NOT USED EXIT PP ONE OR TWO CARDS? SET FOR 1 CARD 4 4 1 SET FOR 2 CARDS FORM TAPE CONSTANTS PP READ ONE BLOCK W 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 :3 4 .5 3 1 A PAR+ HOSP1l+ HOSPll+ HOSPll PICK LAST+ C+ A OUT R+ CL+ CR T+ T+ I ND C+ IND+ PUN+ C+ SPECll PUN NORMAL 6 T+ 5 3 4 2 3 LAST BLOCKETTE? 2 pp,p 2 CLEAR IMAGE SET BIT SET FIELD 1 ADDR 1ST CARD IND 1 2 3 1 :3 3 3 35 NORMAl+ CH CHI 1 5 PARITY? GO TO REREAD INITIALIZE 1 CHAR IND SET FOR RmoJ 8 FOR ROVI 4 ZONE DIGIT NEXT CHAR MASK SHIFT BIT 1 RIGHT BLANK? NO, YES CHECK 1 HOUSEl ---j ("{:) LOC CH CHI CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 REGION PUN SPECIL NORMAL F3 WOR CARD WRITE OP EJ EJ EJ EJ MJ TP MJ TP MJ TP MJ TP NJ TP MJ TP TP TJ RS RS MJ CC TP TJ CC TP TJ RA CC I'-1J LTR RS CC LQ OJ RJ RA TV MJ RA LQ TV MJ IJ MJ RP8 TV TP EWA EWB U ADDR CE+ CE+ CE+ C+ 2 3 4 2 0 CE+ 0 CE+ 5 6 0 CE+ 7 0 CE+ 8 0 CE+ 0 CE+ T+ C1 PUN T+ 0 FILL T+ C1+ FILL C1+ T+ SPECIL FILL 0 9 10 3 3 3 1 1 3 15 NORMAL FILL Q NORMAL+ NORMAL+ T+ CON+ 0 T+ T+ CON+ 0 IND+ 0 0 0 CH2 CH3 CH5 CH4 REGION T+ REGION T+ REGION T+ REGION T+ REGION T+ NOR''''AL+ T+ A PUN C+ C1 REGION+ T+ A NORMALT+ A SPECIL C+ T+ NORMAL+ T+ T+ T+ 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 :3 WOR NORMAL+ (1+ NORi"1AL+ SET Cl+ REMARKS FOR SPECIAL CODES 3 REPL 638 BY 018 3 REPL 22B BY 358 3 REPL 73B BY 368 3 REPL 21B BY 756 3 1 REPL 01 BY OOB 3 REPL 17B BY 768 3 LESS 208? YES MODIFY ZONE CODE-20B 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 35 3 3 CON+ C1+ V ADDR 4 4 BIT TO ZONE NORMAL CODE? YES nIT TO ROW 8 158 TO A CODE 168? YES SET FOR ROW 3 6IT TO ROW 4 OR 3 SET FOR ROW BIT TO RO'.~ TEST FIELD DONE? YES,NO 3 SET FOR FIELD 2 SET RJ TO B 4 SET FOR FIELD 3 3 SET RJ TO C 2 WORD READY? NO 2 SET UP WRITE 0-1DS ROW INDEX = 11 WRITE NEXT 8 L+ SET SET+ SET CARD+ WRITE NOR~1A 3 Q FILL FILL 6 · . nOUSEl :..l.) -7 ;'--=:J LaC OP U ADDR V ADDR REMARKS 'P'" SW TWO OUT EWB RPU RA IJ MJ RA EJ M..J I..J TP M..J EF TP RA TV RPV TP TP MJ EF RP EF MJ CON EST 0 FILL 3 viR I TE+ WRITE C+ WRITE FILL C+ READ LAST TWO+ A SW+ R+ T+ C1+ NORMAL+ OUTCR CR+ \vOR T+ OUT+ R+ START+ Q 0 PICK EST 0 IND PICK 0 CON T+ CON+ 39 C+ C+ 0 2 2 1 7 3 ROW 5 2 6 3 LQ R w+ 119 FIRST CARD? YES PICK CMD TO A 2 2 2 4 :3 2 11 PP.P SET FOR FIELD 2 SET RJ TO C Cl.EAR IMAGE PLACE CONTROL BIT 4 :3 REWIND TAPE 5 CLEAR PUNCH JUMP TO EXIT 2 CR F3 CARD CR+ CR CR+ 6 SW+ TWO MODIFY CARD READ? NO JUMP IF 2 CARDS ADVANCE PICK BY 6 BLOCK READY? YES 26 13 1 402B 40 40 61 61616B 40 0 2 00200B C lOB 12B 77B 161618 0 (\ PP pp,p MASK END MARK CYCl.E DUMMY 120 1 ZERO COMPJL CODE SPACE 1 4 (1 7 6 40000B 0 20B 158 5 7 CONTROL PUNCH · .. ,- j HOU GEl 'I.:..d --' ~' LOC OP U ADDR V ADDR REMARKS 13B 15B CE 63B 22B 438 21B 17B 1 35B 36B 758 76B T RESERV IND RESERV W RESERV CR RESERV END 5 5 2 120 2 120 39 39 8 COMPILER CODE+ PERIOD PAREN CLOSE COMMA PAREN OPEN (PLUS) 6 SPECIAL (PER I OD) CODES DETERMINED (PAR CL BY LAYOUT OF (COMMA INDIVIDUAL (SPACE) (PAR OP IBM 407 INDICES BLOCK SPACE CARD IMAGE SPACE # v ,- 1""; 2. IDEwtIFICATIO:f RRF010 - NATURAL LOG X FLOATI :~G POINT L. M. Johnson - 15 August 1957 Remington Rand Univac PURPOSE = lnX Given X, compute Y(X) 3. in floating point, using stated point arithmetic. METHOD a. Accuracy: b. Ra r ge of Argument: c. Scaling: d. Derivftionl ly(X) - In(X)I ~2-27 in a 27 bit mantissa. 1103AF, flo ating point binary number representEtion. obtatfied from the relation InX = (1n2)(10j~) ; log2X is 1 4 _1.- 1 < < X _ ./2 approxi~ted by the expreSS1.on 2 + ~ C2i - l X + J2 where 1_X_2. i=l . (See Rend Sheet Number 42, and RRFOll - Natural Log X Stated Poi nt .) I 4. U • USAmE a . . Calli ng Sequence 1QQ. OP U ADDR r RJ t+2 Normal Return r+l b. V ADDR t Control &nd Results The argument, X, in floating point form must be initiDlly stored et t+4; the function Y(X) will be found in floeting point form at t+3 upon successful completion of the routine. c. Y(X) is also left in An. • Space Required 78 cells of instructions and constants 3 cells of working storege d. Error Codes The followi ng error code in flex is left in the Q-register upon return through the error exit . EXPLANATIO!l RRF010 5. RESTRICTIONS The argument must be within the stated range and must be in packed, normolized floating binary form. -2- 6. CODrG r EFORJU '"' r m! a. Cons t ants l£QQ. 00 00000 00000 Zero 01 55 20236 31500 J2 · 02 00 00000 00002 03 20 00000 00000 04 00 00001 00000 05 15 71272 26456 06 22 34660 40144 07 36 61611 14432 08 34 25216 61765 09 010 26 13441 37677 Ln2 • 2 00 00000 00200 Characteristic Bia s 011 00 00000 00046 3810 C12 00 00000 00110 72 CODE 12 12263 75237 Working Space 3 cells labeled STORE thru STORE+2 c. __ EXPLANATION 0 , b. CotlSTANTS Timing Maximum of 5.70 IDle. 35 2 D-Address Advance o7 • 235 C .235 5 35 C • 2 3 35 (C - 2) • 2 1 35 10 Error Code (Flex) PAGE....l-OF--LRRF010 CODED BY L ! JOMNSO~l DATEB-15-57 REMINGTON RAlm UNIVAC PROBLEt~ ITEM NUMBER OP LOG , , , , , , , , SUB I NOUT , TEMPS ENTRY ERROR EXIT Y , ·,X , START , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , t"'EST , , , , , MJ , ALARM , MJ , 00 , , , , 00 TP TJ TP U , RRF010 ,1 , 3 , 0 I , , , 0 , TP , LTL , LTR , SP , SA , SA , LTL , SP ,SS , DV , MP , SA , LTL , TU , TP , MP , SA ) LTL , AT , , , , , ,RJ , ROmID+4, ROfiill , LTL , 1 , A , MP ,RJ , A , C9 , , , ROUND+4, ROUND $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FUNCTION FP ARGUMEliiT FP TEST FOR X LESS-EQUAL ZERO , , ERROR ,A , STORE , FLOATING POINT , , , , Q , TJ , MP , $ $ $ , , , , , ,RA , , X , , 9 0 , Q Q , o C1 , 0 , C2 , 0 , 34 , STORE+1, Q 0, C1 , 3.3 , STORE+1, STORE+2, Q , Q , C3 , 0 , 1 , STORE+1, SET , NEST+3, C5 ,.Q , Q , STORE+l, C.3 , 0 , 1 , A , , Q FILL , NEST+3 , C4 , TEST , NEST , Q STORE+2, ,M3 , , , , , , , , , , , , $ , , , , FILL FILL C X CODE START , LNX FILL , FILL , FILL , A START+4, , 0 , 78 1 0 , , , , , , C 0 MMEN T S V • , , , STORE CHARACTERISTIC $ AND t1ANTISSA (=M) $ FORM AND STORE $ (2M+SQUARE ROOT 2) $ ROmmED SCALED 3.3 $ IN T~~P $ FORM (2M-SQUARE ROOT 2) $ SCALED 68 IN A $ FORt1 SQUARE OF Z= $ «2M-SQUARE ROOT 2)/(2M+SQUARE ROOT 2)} $ ROUND SCALED $ 35 I~ TEMP $ $ C(7) TO Q PARTIAL EVALUATION OF POLYNOMIAL (=P) EXPRESSION IN APPRX OF !.h'X SCALED 35 IN Q FORM ROUND STORE (P-2Z ) SCALED 35 IN A FORM ROUND STORE (P-2Z ) LN2 SCALD $) $ $ • $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ • PAGE 4 OF . 5 PROBLEM R.1U'010 CODED BY L. J OIH7S0N DATE R-15- 57 OP LOO ITEM N:TMBER -C , , LTL LA , , , , , , , , , , , , , , NTZER , , , YES . , , , ,MJ , ROUND , , , , , , , , ST , MP ,RJ , LTL ,RS , MP , AT , AT , TP , SF , LTL , LTL , ZJ , SP , TJ , ST , AT , LTR , CC SET TEST C C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 , C5 , c6 , SJ , ST ,MJ , AT ,MJ )00 ., -AT ,f B , B55 , B , B20 ,B , B15 , B22 U , 1 CO MM E NT S V , , STORE+2 , , , C3 STORE+1, 35 IN TEMP , FORF (2Z-1/2) LN2 1 STORE+2, SCLD 35 , I N TE}l:P C9 ROUND , STORE+2, , ~m IA S CHAR (=C) C10 , FORM C( LN2 ) SCLD 35 C9 A , FOR~ (P+0-1/2) LN2 A , SCLD 35 IN A STORE , FORM STORE , NOR!vf.ALIZED , MANTISSA Y , I N Y AND A A , EXIT 0 , TEST 38 GRTR K YES , A , ADD BIAS TO CHAR A , STORE+2 t , ROUND+4 , ,1 , , , STORE , , A , STORE+2 , , STORE+1 , , , C , , A , 28 , , , 0 , , NTZER , , STORE , , C11 , , 012 , , C10 , Q , , 27 , y , Q , EXIT , , 0 , ROUND+1 , ROUND+3, , , A , C3 , ROUND+4, , 0 , , A , C3 , 0 , FILL , , FILL , , C6 , Q , , C6+3 , , 0 , , 31500 , , 20236 , , , 00000 1 , 71272 , 34660 , , , , , 2 00000 00000 26456 40144 PACK UP Y(X) FP EXIT ZERO SQUARE ROOT 2 SOLD 35 , ROUND BIT , 1 SCLD 34 U ADD ADVA NCE , C(7) SCALED 35 , C(5) SCALED 35 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ • $ $ $ $ • • REMINGTON RA!-ID U!HVAO PROBI.IDfi PAGE 5 RRFOIO CODED BY L. JOm:SON OF LOO NTMBER , , , , , , , , C7 C8 C9 CI0 Cll C12 CODE , B36 , B34 , B26 , 61611 , 25216 , 13441 ~ , B , , , , B , , B , , B12 , 12263 , ENDSUB , , , 14432 61765 37677 200 / 46 110 75237 5 DATE 8-15-57 CO Mt-1ENTS V U OF , C(3) SCALED 35 , C(I)-2 SCALED 35 , LN 2 SCALED 35 , DEC 128 38 , DEC 72 , ERROR CODE , DEC , • , 1. Title: 2. Autl1ors: Date: 3. B. Single Precision Floating Point Conversion p WF0004. W. Baue r and. H. Graham 1 July 1057 Installation: Wr ight Field Purpose This routine converts a single length floating point binary word from core or drwn memory to its floating decimal equivalent and then to excess-three characters. wFOOO4 is to be used primarily as a subsidiary of the High Speed Printer Edit Rout ine, WB~OOOl. C. Us~ge 1- Calling Sequence Loc r r+1 r+2 r+3 2. QQ RP3 TP RJ Normal U-addr '{ -aC1g.r 2 Parameter C+2 Return r+£ C+B C Contrvl Dena Two parameters are required for each word to be converted. They are as follows: Lbc QQ U:-add'r V-ador Param XX XXX XX XXX XX D Param+1 11 S VI ----_. XXXXX r~ \{ (decimal) is tl1e number of cnara.cters to be storea starting at address '( 7 ~ K. II{ ~ 13) S See WF0001, para D2(b). M is the address of the first word to be converted. D See WF'OOOl, para D2( b). K is tne first address of the cells in whiCH tne converted word is stored. This aata is a series of six-bit excess-tnree cnaracters stored one to a word in tne ri ~n tmost six bits, tne leftmost t hirty oita bein, zero. 3. Space Required 200 merlJory cells · ( 4. Error Codes An alarm occurs if: a.. W< 7 b. W> 13 In either case the ala.rm is a.nnotatec.1 a.s .follows: (AL) (AR) (Q) R. = first parameter word = second parameter word = WF0004 in flex code Format Generated 'II controls tne number of output cha.racters as follows: Number of Ch~racter§ (-')X.XXXXXXX( - )XX (--)X. XXXXXX(-)XX W 18 12 (-)X.X(-)XX 7 D. Res t-r::16t,iQh~ t 1. The word to be convertea must conform to the 1103A liefini tion of a paCKea floating point number. E. 2. An unnormalized number is translatea as a series of space coaes. 3. Rounding to n digits is accomplished by Cooing Ihfor:mat'ion 1. Constants ana their Locat ions a. Alphanumeric J tttrougn J3 b. Numeric K1 througn K26 1K 2. tlirOU~l1 lK115 Erasable Output Locations P t r. rou~ i1 P17 aCldin~ 5 in the n+1 place. . ( \It'FOOO or 5 Page peges o o H I ~ » ,2 '" Q .i . 0 •- -, , < ,_ ; ~ a; i . ~ f ~ '. ,( , . " ! ~ ( , • ; ·,14 .... f ., , 1 , T:-l • j( ,0 , T .J ,...) • ~p •f i • 1"" ~r, • "-' ~ J; -p 1 ,J ,r I ~ , j r: , r: ,; t.; ,< ~ 1 • 0 -t ... :-r'jP ~ r- . ~ (:-~ A lJ , r I- oft ""'·C , -P' 1 •t. 1.... • , -r-p ., ~- 6 , 7.J TO , ; 'r:. • . K,~ .\ ,. , 0 ~ (j ~ "' " f"«(\O ! 1 - , SiLL ¢ 1., ~ <:cT (, ~ r~ r: e', • 1 -; - /~ , J? 'T' T K "c t V; .. ~T r. ", ':'":7 ,0' , f t , , r" ')7 i J T , C2 / ,' .. "- ~ • , .. !' f ,(~? t r 9 ) " 9 ':\ • ~"V ,. n;y ' LL ,• ~ lVIEANS (\ • J "7 lG : MEANS , fA ': ~ ~ ~ Kl '! K1,1 -:IT t D'c, ;.L. 0 • ,~ TJ ,.," 1; ::: .T p , , SJ ., CF; ~ • ~. 1 ,. 7 , n~ 7\ J , o":-J. t '" ; ,0 2 -7-1 f ""., , T'-'! t ~ " , • , C.S ~p " ~ , , ..,...,.... " ,~ ( 1) ••J l) ,A 11 <- "I i "\ .... , "" S'$ "D "?~ ~ t ~ J ~ ~ p . (11 , ? , 1(13 ; ,h,:'~ ., {"" 'II i f.' ,: 1 \'[0. '"=, r" \ $ M:!tl.NS + .. WF0004 Page 2 of 5 pas-a . , ~r ;;- ~t" ,.) .. J '" ~ ~~ I LL 7 ., L$ , J:- ~ , / .. •, rt '? ~:'I , l? , ';' ~ ). D" 1 . :) <'11 , -; A. ;-" A , ) ! ;:'ILL - -j V" to 'I' , '" , '" J" , '~6 t}~ ) ...I..; '") )~ ~ t ; Jl i1 t 1:' ,0 ~ c t , I"" ~ . , c'r,. ~ . ~ " r:-s if ~ t 1 ... 7 v 1 t f' , ""/l , T~ , ., T 4 , ,','If , I:) , TP 02 , ":;A , ~ l,' -;, ["",:, , ('>3 , '1 , '-'71... .. ::> , (: p t ( ') 1 , 1',1 ,A • 7 ~,.. ., 1\ a , r( ,l . , ,., 1/ t:) , ';l , +:'1'1 '" r \j .. , v'" . ? tt- f 0 ~·f ., C 2)' ,Q , TO , (~5 t "C3, p ,C 2-& t ( 7. 7 f ~ c- ,~ • " i:P ,0 FOO04 Pllge 3 of 5 pages. ,, , ,• •.0 • , , 1. o ,R .. .1' , ~")1 ," f't-, , 0 ,0 .0 ·· ,0 , ;0 ', 0 ·.. ., ;) ; . 0 o .0 , :t , 0 , 0 ,0 , " U L(.,l 3!" , 0. ; , ~2';h J- .:>' ,0 , 2 )" , ?£'::6'\4 f. ~ 1 'J.: , '~i' 47 ,0 , f)J~C;21 ,0 t 't:/~4- ; ~ , 64·::;;5.6 b , r-.r7U) , 'i -, 1 "f.. r, " , , . Af.'A-''l. , '143 , ?t1G~4 t 7;' R t' 0 I.:. L. t c: "ll 1 1 iJ r f'; , 0 , t o , 0 , , , , } ~)'16 , ~Vl) , 7 7 4"l, . ;;:()7 J ~, l=" 7 , t.:l, , ~'\ , }'"{'),0171l?1.i. ~ r.:. I. h"1 1 ,, 1 '~ Rf .,. , " \; 6 '~ ( h k 72 , ~~4j.L.~1 , ','1 ('1 t Cl 1 1 1~ ,'J , 0 , 0 ., 0 Oli.. C1 WF0004 5 Ps.ge4 (If pages/> , 'j "1 I .- 1 ~ 7.4'Ql , ? :' ,. , c:. , ., r r2 \:> , c,">r"" ·n.'.. -: o ~ ~! f~" " -::. ., , 0 , 1{?1":< , ,!,,ql." , a ,L ~';l,7( , 'i71'~ .0 t '" ..~ .0 . , 0 , .'( f~ 6 ..,:: f ':!/ .,,,- t (, t..,' ~'-jt, • Q .. I" ~J f' .) 1 '.J.7~ 7 11 ,0 , 1:S::;;-; , 0 ~ ,0 ' -; '.;.ll. ".:\ t, ,.0 , ~ } l. ~c . ~ ! ) ~.q f; c , 0 ,0 " ; ::; , ~o . 1-7; ? t 0 , c R '"', t.;? t 0 t R?:? . 0 ,to? ," J '-' , , ..." ..... , ¢ , 9;::~ t C ~ ',;"; q?,~ ~ rJl!+ ~ • -:, :7 r:;. ~ .:;. ;:J. . , .~ r. ~'1 -'. , 2 ;.> '~ ~ ., :~ 'H 7 1 ~ 0 , 0 I), , 7'S..~?t.. ,'~'I+Jf' , C '? (76 t ~-'rr:,t:, , "M;;j? . 0 ; .:; 7 1 }. h ,0 ,0 ., - ? ,..-" -,.., ') 1 f" ,Q?!? ,0 , :" , {.. ':>"4 1 ,1? 7[~" , C o ,0 " !) ,0 , , 0 ,<> t o 11 0 , 2~~5L t ~~'7~ tf-[, l)?'3 , .t.!ll t lS0~0 ,7~C77 , 46717 , 77'7 6 , Q({7;'lt ,0 ,0 ,0 WFOOOq. Page 5 of , r , , 5 pag~ . A. I~ehtirication 1. Title: 2. Autl1ors: Date: 3. Single Precision Stated Point Conversion, WF0003 VI. Bauer and R. l:lrananJ 1 July 1957 Installation: Wright Field B. Purpose This routine converts a single lengtn statea point binary word from core or drum memory to its decimal equivalent and tnen to excess-tnree characters. WF0003 is to be used prirr~rily as a subsidiary of the Hi~h Speed Printer Edit Rou tine 9 \~F'0001. c. 1. Calling SelJ.uence Lac QQ LJ::;a.dar r RP3 TP 2 r+l r+2 r+8 2. RJ Normal Parameter C+P, Return Y:'adar · r+£ C+3 C Control Data Two parameters are required for eacil word to be converteu. They are as follows: Lac Q£ U-actdr Y-aadr PararTJ XX XXXXX D M XXX XX Pararn+l ---XX J K. VI S XXXXX K VI (decimal) is the numot!r of cnaracters to be stored starting at adaress (1 ~ w ~: 13) S See WF0001, para D2(b). 11 is the address of the first word to be converted . D See 'ri'F00019 para D2(b). K is the first address of tne cells in wnich the converted woro is storeu. Tnis uata is a series of six-bit 9 excess-tnree cnaracters stored one to a word in tne ri~rjtmost six bits, the leftmost tnirty oits oein~ zero. J (<.tec irnal) is the binary scal int:; of tne woro to be convertea. (0 ~ J ~ 35). 2. Space Requ,ired 104 memory cells 4. Error Codes The alarm conditions are as follows: a. W > 18 b. J > 35 Botn are annotated in the samE;! manner namely: p CAL) = first parameter word CAR) = ~econd parameter word CQ) = WFOOO3 in flex code Output will be E. tru~cated if W is less than 13; however p a word is never rounded o CoCi,ih'g Informaqon" 1. Constants and their Locations a. Alphanupler ic J through b. J~ Numeric K through K21 2. Era.sable OU,t put Locations P tnrougn P15 WF0003 Page 1 of 3 pageso o MEANS # MEANS + / MEANS .." " , ,', , f::' .- ~ :.. - j' " .•, ; Tt) .. " • . 1 , ~ "') 1 1"'~ ' ; or + \18 / j L J L- ,. r , ~!') • ::< ... ' ~ iii , .1 T~ , ~-;11" - (, 4 '--'"; j '.\ "t ~ y , ; Po. /, 'r .,. I, . TI:' ,, ':': •, .... - T iI ') ,. 0 , .~ , ': f ll, T \~ • • C· \ ~ (' 1c r P' 1 ,rq • .--1 - (-i 1 'r r h .. L ,'\ .I ~ • LL T ' I '" I -;- t'·(). $ WF0003 3 page-s • Page 2 c,f . ! g . ~ ~ ! ? 1 ~ , , Cl 'I . , T" , - '. 'r. .1 " 1; -1 1+ 'f. < , ~ ! r t ., , •, , r 1 , I • T--" ·1 ~ ~ J ;:,) -J ,, 0 '• • • , c· to D , , <:: T , r- ", ~ · ~ "J t . . • :P" ,(' "1 ~, ~~:\ • · ~ <:: ,J, , ~ ~v II' ", · , ,- , 1 • I~ ~~ . r:"1 ~ ., V. ~l / , "<, '< ~ ,:: • I' ,'::' p, • f'I ~ -, '" /c . p , '{..7 . r:< ,K , K (~ , ;:: , K' 1( ~ i? 1 -: , K' - , r~ 1 I , 11:';'- ~;:-{LL :.r tL ,~ I r LL , .... -:J ,...," ~r . ,J1 ~ ~<'?J ~ • ,.., J. , p ;('?? r r"~ .,. .. , (, ~ ' ) F1 , P ,., ' ,n n. , , '-1 , ~ -, ' ? t ~ • • 1S , ~ -~ - , iJ 0 " ~ , 17 r -. !\ WF0003 Page 3 of :3 pag«Bo ·· ~ -. . Vl") 1 ·f , 10.11 ~ y 6 , I" 0 t /1. ~ , f. ~ . p , • ~ \ . p /(')1 t ~) 1 ,iI 0 ~ -; c t , 1>-17 , L' , , iR , K , 1<10 .. - ...., , 0 ~ , l'f'.; '.I , 12 • ", ;C J , D'.ll J1 • r:-+,U, r: , F\ ,~ ,1 ), 'A. -- . .' ~ ~ '77 f .0 ; r) , A t () <) A. Iil~h t iilca t ion Title: 2. Authors: Date: 3. B. Octal Conversion, WFOO02 l. W. Bauer anu R. Graham 1 ,J uly 1957 Ins talla t ion: Wright Field. PUI-pO£1e 'r nis routine converts binary data from core or arum memory to its octal equivalent and then to excess-three cnaracters. WF0002 is to be used primarily as a subsidiary of the Hign Speed Printer Edit Routine, WFOOOl. C. Usage 1- 2. Ca.lling Sequence Loc QQ U-addr V-addz: r r+1 r+2 r+3 RP3 TP RJ Normal 2 r+2 c+3 c Parameter c+2 Return Control Data Two parameters are required. for each wora to be converted. They are as follows: Lac Q£ U::~d~.r V-addr Param XX XXXXX XXX XX D M Param+l W --:--K B S XXXXX K Vi (decima.l) is the number of ctlaracters, including spaces, to be stored. at audress K. S ~1 (1~w~14). See WFOOO1~ para D2(b) is tne address of the first word to be converted. K is the first adaress of the cells in which the converted word is stored. This data is a series of six-bit, excess-tllree characters stored one to a worll in the rightmost six bits~ the leftmost thirty bits being zero. S is a format control word. If B = 0) (M) is translated: XXXXXXXXXXXX__• If B = 1, the address 1'1 is translateu: XXXXX_--,-__ If B = 2~ (M) is translated.: XX_XXxXX_XXXXX. 3. Space Requ,ired 81 memory cells 4. Error Codes Wnen W is greater than 14, an alarm occurs. (AL) (AR) (Q) D. = first parameter word = second parameter word = VlF0002 in flex COCle Restrictioh§ Output will be truncated if: 1- 2. 3. = O~ 1:3 = . 1, E = 2~ B and \'1 is less than 12 and. W is less than 5 and W is less tnan 14. E. COdih~ Inforfuat1on 1- Constants and their LOCiit ions a. Alphanumeric K b. Numeric K1 tnrougll K12 2. Erasable Output p throu~n P14 Stora~e • K J '; 1 , :. , ;< '> :tt 4: ,11) ,-12 ~r i '1 t -":1 ~ r.>:tJ 1 ') 1r; 1 T LOCb .:p.. • ." A. Iaentification 1. Title: 2. Authors: Date: 3. B. Alphanurner ic Conyers ion p WFOOOf) W. Bauer ana R. Graham 1 July 1957 Installation: Wright Field Purpose This routine assembles prestored p prepacKed excess~three characters from core or urum memory for e~iting. WF0005 is to be used primarily as a subsidiary of the High Speed Printer Edit Routine p ' ''FOOOL C. Usage 1- 2. Calling Sequence Loc ill? U.-ador V':"6dd.r r r+l r+£ r+8 RP3 TP RJ Normal 2 r+2 c+B c Parameter c+2 Return Control Data Two parameters are required for each They are as folloiNs: ~roup Loc QlL U-e.di1r V::... adc.i r Param XX XXXXX XXX XX D M Vi of cl1ara.cters to be assembledo S XXXXX Param+1 K W (aecimal) is tne nUf,lber of cnaracters, including spaces to' be · stored starting at adaress K. (1 ~ W~ 180 ). S See dF0001, M is toe ~ ~r ~ D~ (b). ~aare8B D See WF0001 9 of tne first six characters to be assembled. pa.r~ D2(b). K is the firs t a.daress of the cells in .inich the assembled data is storea. This data is a series of six-bit, excess-tnree cnaracters pacKed six tea woru. 3. Space i1equireJ 24 memory cells 7 D. Cooing Information 1. Constants ana their Locat ions K througn K4 . . .. Erasable Output Locations 9 p I .- , page. ~~. 10 • RRFOO8 ~~COS X FLOATING POINT L. I{rak, R. VDn Hi lst 15 July 1957 Remington Rend Univac IDENTIFICATION PURPOSE Given X compute Y(X) = arcoosx in radians 3. METHOD a. Accuracy: Iy(x) - arccoaxl ! 2-26 in a normalized 27 bit mantissa. b. Range of Argument: c. Sceling: d. Ixl ~ 1; for O!IXI<2-32 , Y(X) is set equal to tT 2• 1l03AF pecked, 8-27, floating point number representation. 33 Derivation: X is converted to stated point scaled 2 ; the function, arcsin X 1T is computed; then arccos x =2 - arcsin x (See RRF6, Arccos x Stated Point), and this stated point value is converted to floating point re?resentvtion for y(x ) • 4. USAGE ·a. Calling Sequence LOC OP U, ADDR » J, r RJ t+2 ~ r+l b. v ADDR ,f!' 5)j Normal t Return Control and Results The floating point representation of tqe argument, X, must be initially stored at t+4, the floeting point representation of the function, Y(X), will be found at t+3 upon successful completion of the routine. c. Space required 122 cells of instructions snd constants. 7 cells of working epace. d. Error Codes The following error code is left in the Q-register on return through the error exit: EXPLANATION I'XI>l RRFQ()8 5. RESTRICTIONS The argument must be in 1103AF normalized, packed floating point number representation and must be within the stated • --2- 6. CO:JI;m I NfO-;tM;. TIOK 8. Conste,nts 1QQ. CONSTANT I:;~~l.ll!:lA'T'IQN 2- 27 ) C 20 14000 00001 FP (1+1 C1 00 00000 00000 Zero C2 14 14000 00000 FP 2-3'""- C3 00 00000 00001 One C4 20 14000 00000 FP 1 C5 37 70000 00000 Characteristic Mask C6 00 00000 00126 Characteristic Unbias Constant C7 53 24135 2 0Cfl0 ~ C8 33 24414 25535 C9 56 40CJ71 51545 C10 37 50417 41234 C11 46 23706 66522 C12 26 61f51 66Cf73 0 '244 C13 44 42003 30653 C14 31 10375 51633 C15 10 00000 00000 4286 • 2 a • 240 5 40 8 4 • 2 39 6 3 • 2 38 6., • 2 37 8 1 • 2 • ,.,34 8 0 ..: 1 0 233 C16 26 47670 31361 Constant.s C17 00 00000 65324 For C18 11 453M) 44516 Square Root C19 33 06571 40273 Routine C20 00 00000 00077 Mask C~l 26 50117 14640 $0 234 C22 20 00000 00000 34 1 • 2 C23 37 77777 77777 Round Factor C24 ' 14 44176 65211 C25 07 20000 00000 .!! , 233 2 • Characteristic Bias I c26 20 16220 77325 FP IC. TT :2 -3(cant) b. EXPLAJ~A T IO N LOC CONSTANT C27 11 00000 00000 Characteristic Bias II CODE 12 12263 73760 Error Code Work Space 7 cells labeled STORE thru STORE+6 c. Timing Approximate maximum of 7.22 mls. for X= _(1_1.2- 27 ) - PAGE REMI:NGTON RAND UNIVAC IIIn08 '.' '. PROBLEM CODED BY Krak. Van Hi1st I TEM NUMBER OP LOC , , , v U .....,--* 4 . OF 8 DATE. 70:-15=57 COMMENTS ,SUB ,. ~ ,l22 , $ , TEMPS , 7 , o , 1 , , • o , S'l'ART . , INOm , , 1 $ , ENTRY , , ERROR ,A!..,ARM , EXIT ,MJ o , FILL , , , , Y ,00 , FILL , FILL , FUNCTION $ , X ,00 , FILL , FILL , ARGUMENT $ , START t x , ,ABSXTOA $ c , PROG , CHI{ FOR X GRTR 1 $ , $ MJ , , $ • • • , , TJ , , , ,S'P , CODE , ,MJ , o , ERROR , , TP , C26 , , FOR SMALL X AND $ , TJ , C2 , EXIT ,X~. O $ , TP , A , STORE , STORE ABS X $ , TP , x , , $ C1 , , FROG , , , TM , , , 'l'P , ,SJ , MINUS , . MINUS , TP , C; , ,'I'M , ,EJ , C4 , TP , C5 , A , , , , , , PLUS , CC ,LQ ,RS A , STORE , , A Q Y A , STORE+1 GO TO ERROR EXIT Y=P!OVR2 . , SET FOR ros X $ $ , TEST SIGN OF X $ , STORE+l , SET FOR TOO X $ , , ABS X TO A A , XONE , TEST 1=1 • • $ , , Q , MASK TO Q Q , CHAR TO Q , Q , STORE MANTISSA $ , FOF.M SHIFT COUNT $ , $ Q , Q , 9 c6 IN Q $ ~ PAGE~OF S REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC PRODLEM RRFOOS CODED BY KRAK' VAN HILST DATE 7-15-57 ITEM NUMBER OP LOC , , , , , , , , , , SHIFT V U , TV , , COM ME NT S , SHIFT , K = CWiR -86 $ , STORE , FILL , , LTL , , STORE , ABS X SCLD 33 TO STORE e e , MP , STORE , C7 , $ , LTL , , , A , EVALuAT$ $ SP , AT Q O· 1 CS , STORE+2. I SHIFT MANT K LEFT , MP , STORE , STORE+2 , EXPRESSION , LTL , , , AT t , MP , STORE , , , 1 C9 A , STORE+2 , STORE+2 , A J , AT , :3 , C10 , STORE , 2 , C11 , , MP , , , LTL , , , , , , , , , , , AT , , , MP , STORE , LTL , AT , , , MP , STORE , STORE+2 , LTL , , A t , LTL , , AT , , , MP , LTL , AT ~ STORE . 2 C12 2 c13 0 C14 , STORE+2 , STORE+2 • A , STORE+2 , STORE+2 , A $ APPROXIMATION $ OF ARCSINX $ $ J IN e , , , , , , STORE+2 , , , , , , , STORE+2 IN ACCUMULATE , , STORE+2 $ J , STORE+2 A STORE+2 $ SCLD 34 $ • • • • • $ $ .• :. ;" , X(I) TO STO~+2 .,; , TN , STORE , A , FORM (l-X) , SA , C15 , a , SOLD 33 IN A , SF , A , STORE+3 e roLYNOMIAL , K TO STORE+3 $ I· ·t· • • $ R»iINGTON RA~ UNI VAC rAGI ITEM NUMBER . ...:...... ~ . OP LOG , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , OF , ".8 ' PROB:r.»i ~ a which bits of word to be sorted. If no extractor is desired set equal to zero. t 7 SS vvvvv NNNNN SSa - Code for last' parameter,' 77 - last .~ RRRRR8 - First MD address for temporary storage of relative locations of data . while being sorted, must equal number of data plus one. WW parameter, 00 - otherwise; VV~!a - First MD address of data to be arranged in respe:C to original sorted data. NNNn~8 - First ~/ address of final storage for data after arrangement in respect to original sorted data. ·Upon completion of the sort with the use of an extractor the oriqinal data will be stored,sorted in respect to ' the extracted bits. e. Space required 165 cells of instructions and constants 266 cells of working storage 2(n 1) cells of designated working storage. sorted. d. N equals numbe:r of cells of data to be Error codes "ERROR" is printed. 5. ~. RESTR ICf IONS a. This routine will operate on any 1l03A as established by USE but size of Me limits the number of data to be sorted. b. This routine is self contained. c. This routine requires that the temporary storage beginning at Nm~~rna be in MG, there ~ by limiting the number of pieces of data to be sorted to the (number of locations 'in MC) minus 65;7? If so desired, this temporary storage could be located in the MD. but the timin~ Will be increased by a mUltiple of approximately 500. d. An extracto!" (t 6) must not be used when it is known that the data will contain negatiVe numbers..: e. The octal numbers 40 00000 00000 and 37 17777 77777:. 'lJIust not be centained in the data to be sorted as these numbers are used · by th~r.:~rp,tltine during·the sorting procedure. ' f. No internal check is made by the routine for over-lapping of regions. CODING INFORMATION a. Working storage 266 cells labeled TEMPS through TEMPS 265 b. Constants 20 cells labeled CON through CON 19 ~.~IT~E~M~NO~.~______~T~AG~__~=O~P~E~R~AT~ro~N~~~U~AD~DR~ES~S~V~AD~D~R~E~S~S____~C~O~M~~lli~NT~S____~~__. ~ , SUB t SORT t 165 $ TEMPS INOur t MJ t ALARM t MJ t RESERV , PR3 t TP PR2 t , ENTRY , ERROR t EXIT , PAR • START t 1 2 3 l1J 4 , 5 , 6 7 8 , 9 ,Sf ,-.1 , 2 , 3 , , , , , 4 5 6 7 8 , DA , 1 ,2 3 t 4 5 t t K 1 t t 2, , 3 EX 1 t t TV , TV • TU , TP t qr t QT , RS , AT • SA t TU • TV t RP , TP , SP t SA t TV , TP t TP , LT l1J , TP t TP • 14 , 3 t PAR 3 TEMPS PAR t PAR-ti t Q • 25 Q • A t PAR ,CON t PAR , TEMPS t TEMPSt-"4 , CONt4 , CON+5 t EX-t2 4 5 TV 6 , RP 2 , 3 4 t , 5 , 6 7 8 ,MA t t qr TP , TJ , TP , TU t TU , TV , RP , 0 TP , RPI FILL , 14 t STAR'1t-2 , TEMPS STARTt4 17 t t $ $ PAR .TO TEMP $ SH 1FT TO U $ $ Q $ • A $ , 25 , SH 1FT TO V $ • A $ TEMPS $ • TEMPS+-l ,. $ t DA 1 $ t Q , EXT. TO Q $ , TEMPSt4 $ t Q $ $ , TEMPS+4 $ • 17 • SET UP RP $ t A t DA $ • TEMPSt-l t DA-tl $ t FilL , DAt-2 $ , FILL FILL DATA TO Me $ t DA 1 , 0 $ t TEMfSi-4 0 $ , A· , DAi-5 $ t CONH' t FilL , .STORE SEN. .$ , TEMPSt-4 , A· , NO OF DATA TO A $ , 35 , TEMPS~, A/128 10 K $ A 7 $ , Q , TEMPS1-7 t REM 10 K 1 $ t PARt-3 , A tEXT. TO A $ , A 7 WS 1 t , LQ . , LT $ $ $ $ $ , 0 0 , START to, TP t TU TU 3 t TP TP 266 ~ 14 ., 0 t ZJ , 2 t t t t DA t Q t WS t Q t EX~ EX -R EX-fl PARt-l TEMPSi-l , FlU. ,WS · , FilL , FILL PAR t A CON}-8, WSt8 , A , ~7 , DA , WSt6 , PAR+l t WS..,..7 , DAf-l , WS+7 , FILL , WS+8 , FILL , FILL CON+9 A , 128 , MA~ . , SET RP $ $ $ .$ $ , MASK our , WITH EXT. $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ $ $ $ $ $ C. Timing Depending on number of pieces of data and arrangement " the timing will vary oonsiderably. For 77768 pieces of data it will be approximately 2 minutes. 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Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-21:37:19 Create Date : 2017:11:19 14:52:48-08:00 Modify Date : 2017:11:19 15:31:58-08:00 Metadata Date : 2017:11:19 15:31:58-08:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:8f66fe4d-4169-3e4e-b6ec-b1b9bb410030 Instance ID : uuid:cebb4bb1-fa5b-0c47-a6ae-28c843b0c699 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Page Count : 520EXIF Metadata provided by