User Manual:
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Twisha Purohit 01707597
Internet and Web Systems 1
Manual- Book Rating System
There are two ways to run this project.
1. One version of it is live on the ‘weblab’ server in which I have hardcoded that the vales so
as to view the complete understanding of the project. Please navigate to ‘Projects’ tab
title, in that choose ‘Internet and web systems’ and then ‘Week 10’ to see the working.
2. The ‘index’ page is made by using threeJS library. It has 159 elements and each element
has a name of a novel, along with name of the author and its genre. Each element is
casted with a box shadow. Whenever you point the cursor to a particular element an
element hover function is used to highlight the selection and when a novel is clicked an
onclick event is performed which then opens a new window with the respective novel
details. The Perspective Camera is used to change the view with the accordance of
camera. This html file performs 3D Transformations such that,
By scrolling up you go deep in to the view.
By scrolling down you get out of the view.
By holding the mouse + left button you can rotate the table/sphere.
These views are even touch enabled, i.e. if the system is touch screen then the touch
can be used to perform the 3D transformations.
When sphere is selected you can observe the taxonomy of projections being
3. Click on enter to go to the login page. There a temporary username and password
provided to enter the website.
4. By using them, you will land and to the home page of the website.
5. There you can find a book by genre or search the book in the top right corner. Clicking
on a book will open a small window showing the its author, genre and average rating.
6. You can click on write a review button and write a review.
1. Go to the github link of my project and then download the week 10 folder.
2. Then before running the project, you will need to download node js and mysql
workbench in the local machine.
3. Then open cmd, go to the root folder of the project and type command ‘ npm install
4. Open workbench and import the given sql files to it.
5. The again in cmd, run the command ‘node sever.js’ and open the given local host to
see the project live.
Twisha Purohit 01707597