
User Manual:

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Manual for Task # 1
Prerequisite :
1. Installed python version 3.6
2. Install rypc package
Configuring Server:
There is configure file "". we have properties that is used for
configuring the port number of server It tells the server to run on which port of
machine By default server port is set to 12346. If you want to change the default
port you can open "". Change the property server port=12346 to
Running Server
Once you changed the port number of server if needed. You can run server using
this command : python . Then the server will be running
Configuring Peer
There is configure file "". Inside that file properties that are used to
configuring connection to indeed server.
Those Properties are:
server= (default server IP Address)
port=12346(Default Server running port Number)
port1=5001(Default peer1 Port no used for File transfer)
Indexed server address and indexed server port are changed according to the
server running IP address and port no of server. Port1 is changed for each peer,
So make sure that port for each peer is different when running multiple peer
Like for Peer1 our Properties file should be like
Indexed server address= IP Address)
indexed server port=12346(Server running port Number)
port1=5001 (Peer1 local port)
As we can see above that for all the peers connecting to same server IP
and port number 12346 i.e running port of server. But port is changing for all
peers as peer1 has 5001 port number , peer2 has 9002 port number and peer3
has 5003 port number. etc up to 6 peers in the source code file
Running Peer
After running your server it will be waiting from any peer to register or download
or search for any files have been registered by peers (which are the facilities of
the indexed server). Peer should run and choose from the menu to register or
download or search
Command line to run any of those peers : python Client1
Now you have the server and the peer running you can run the 6 peers together
If you download any file form any port you will find it in source code file

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