Manual Payroll

User Manual:

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Below given are the guidelines to install the payroll system.
Installing Required Software
LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP and is a package that provides all these four in
one go. Commands to install LAMP in Linux are:-
DO Press TAB to go next option and space for selection in terminal. And Do
Provide Some Passwords When asked otherwise u have to do installation again
#sudo apt-get install apache2
#sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
#sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-server
#sudo apt -get install phpmyadmin
#sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql
#sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
set password according to your choose and check on bowers
Installation of Required Softwares in Windows
For Windows many packages are available like WAMP, XAMPP, WAMP (From bitnami). One can
easily search them on Google and can easily install it.
Setting up Project
After installing all required softwares place the project main folder in www root folder. In case of
lamp it will be /var/www , in case of XAMPP and WAMPP (Bitnami) it will be folder_packg_name/
apache/htdocs/ and in case of WAMPP it will be packge_install_folder/apace/www
Setting Up Database
1. After this time to setup database. Either open mysql command line utility or open
http://localhost/phpmyadmin which is GUI utility to import a sql file. Find the .sql file in the
downloaded folder and import it into new database you made.
2. Also make changes in dbfiles/config.php inside the main root folder as according to you.

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