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A pocket Companion for the Initiated
Compiled and arranged by Robert Macoy
Revised Edition 1867
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by
in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the
Southern District of New York.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by
in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the
Southern District of New York.

In presenting to the Fraternity another edition of the "MASONIC MANUAL," in an
enlarged and more comprehensive character, the compiler cannot forego the
opportunity of acknowledging his obligations to the Brotherhood for the very
liberal and flattering testimonials of their approbation extended to him, as well as
to those who have taken so warm an interest in the appearance of the present
The great aim of the present issue is intended to fill a VACUUM long existing in
the Order - that of rendering, in a practical sense, the best method of assisting
the learner in acquiring a knowledge of the rites and ceremonies of the various
branches of the Order, principally through the aid of well-arranged emblems,
illustrating the symbols of the Craft.
The compiler, desirous of aiding the studious novitiate in his laudable ambition to
climb the ladder of Masonic Preferment, has copiously embellished the capitular
degrees with many entirely new and appropriate emblems, illustrating the
lectures therein, and with such perspicuity as to render a thorough understanding
of them easy of attainment.
The degrees of Knighthood have also been favored with a variety of plain and
intelligible designs, emblematical of those beautiful subsidiary appendages to
Freemasonry, and so far rendered applicable to the work as to require but little
further elucidation to familiarize the Sir Knight with the minutiae of the chivalric
branch of the institution.
The numerous representations of JEWELS, for Grand and Subordinate Lodges,
Chapters, and Encampments, selected from every accessible authentic source,
will, no
doubt, be practicably beneficial to the members of the fraternity.
The Charges, Ceremonies of Consecration. Dedication, and Installation are
selected from the works of the oldest standard Masonic writers, with such
corrections only as are deemed essential to avoid prolixity of verbiage.
The subjoined forms of Masonic Documents are highly esteemed for their utility
and correctness, and are estimated as articles of great value to the Craft
The entire work has been prepared with the utmost attention to accuracy, and a
due regard to the solemn injunction - "to preserve the ancient landmarks of the
Order." The compiler asks but an examination of its internal arrangements to
convince the reader that no expense has been spared in furnishing a very
extensive "MASONIC POCKET COMPANION," and, in presenting it to the
Brotherhood, he desires that it shall stand entirely upon its merits for their

The Masonic public are herewith presented with a revised edition of "MACOY's
Although this work has had for the last fifteen years a sale far surpassing that of
any other of the kind, it was found that to meet the wants of the ORDER at the
present time it needed revision.
This labor was committed to the hands of Bro. Wm. M. Cunningham, who is well
known to the CRAFT, and whose name will be a sufficient guarantee that the work
in its present form is complete and correct.
As such the publishers commend it to the confidence and favor of the MASONIC
June, 1867.


FREE-MASONRY is a MORAL ORDER, instituted by virtuous men, with the
praiseworthy design of recalling to our remembrance the most sublime TRUTHS,
in the midst of the most innocent and social pleasures, - founded on LIBERALITY,
BROTHERLY LOVE and CHARITY. It is a beautiful SYSTEM of MORALITY, veiled in
allegory and illustrated by symbols. TRUTH is its centre, - the point whence its
radii merge, point out to its disciples a correct knowledge of the Great Architect of
the Universe, and the moral laws which he has ordained for their government.
A proper administration of the various ceremonies connected with our ritual is of
the first importance and worthy of our serious consideration. The rites and
ceremonies of Free-masonry form the distinctive peculiarity of the Institution. In
their nature they are simple - in their end instructive. They naturally excite a high
degree of curiosity in a newly initiated brother, and create an earnest desire to
investigate their meaning, and to become acquainted with their object and
design. It requires, however, both serious application and untiring diligence to
ascertain the precise nature of every ceremony which our ancient brethren saw
reason to adopt in the formation of an exclusive system, which was to pass
through the world unconnected with the religion and politics of all times, and of
every people among whom it should flourish and increase. In order to preserve
our ceremonies from the hand of innovation, it is essentially necessary that every
officer should be thoroughly acquainted with them, and that a firm determination
should exist among the craft to admit no change. A few words here or there may
not in themselves appear of much consequence, yet, by

frequent allowance, we become habituated to them, and thus open the door to
evils of more serious magnitude. There is, there can be, no safety but in a rigid
adherence to the ancient ceremonies of the Order.
The first of these that claim our attention are those employed in opening and
closing the Lodge; much might here be said in relation to them did they admit of
written elucidation, but as they are necessarily kept within the body of the Lodge,
nothing but vague and unsatisfactory hints could be given respecting them; we
therefore prefer to pass them in silence, urging as a recommendation to visit
each other as the best method of keeping out innovation and preserving entire
In connection with this ceremony, a variety of charges have, at various times,
been used by the Order; from the number, we cull the two following, as well for
their simple beauty as for the wholesome truths contained in them.
"The ways of virtue are beautiful. Knowledge is attained by degrees. Wisdom
dwells with contemplation: there we must seek her. Let us then, Brethren, apply
ourselves with becoming zeal to the practice of the excellent principles inculcated
by our Order. Let us ever remember that the great objects of our association are,
the restraint
of improper desires and passions, the cultivation of an active benevolence, and
the promotion of a correct knowledge of the duties we owe to God, our neighbor
and ourselves. Let us be united, and practice with assiduity the sacred tenets of
our Order. Let all private animosities, if any unhappily exist, give place to
affection and brotherly love. It is a useless parade to talk of the subjection of
irregular passions within the walls of the Lodge, if we permit them to triumph in
our intercourse with each other. Uniting in the grand design, let us be happy
ourselves and endeavor to promote the happiness of others. Let us cultivate the
great moral virtues which are laid down on our Masonic Trestleboard, and
improve in every thing that is good, amiable and useful. Let the benign Genius of
the Mystic Art preside over our councils, and under her sway let us act with a
dignity becoming the high moral character of our venerable Institution."
"Brethren: You are now about to quit this sacred retreat of friendship and virtue,
to mix again with the world. Amidst its concerns and employments, forget not the
duties you have heard so frequently inculcated and forcibly recommended in this
Lodge. Be diligent, prudent, temperate, discreet. Remember that around this
altar you have promised to befriend and relieve every Brother who shall need
your assistance. Remember that you
have promised to remind him, in the most tender manner, of his failings, and aid
his reformation. Vindicate his character, when wrongfully traduced. Suggest in his
behalf the most candid and favorable circumstances. Is he justly reprehended? Let the world observe how Masons love one another.

"These generous principles are to extend further. Every human being has a claim
upon your kind offices'. Do good unto all.' Recommend it more 'especially to the
household of the FAITHFUL.'
"By diligence in the duties of your respective callings; by liberal benevolence and
diffusive charity; by constancy and fidelity in your friendships, discover the
beneficial and happy effects of this ancient and honorable Institution. Let it not be
supposed that you have here' LABORED in vain, and spent your STRENGTH for
nought; for your WORK is with the LORD and your RECOMPENSE with your GOD.'
"Finally, Brethren, be ye all of one mind, - live in peace, and may the God of love
and peace delight to dwell with and bless you!"
By the regulations of the Fraternity, a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry
cannot be initiated in any regular Lodge, without having been proposed at a
preceding regular meeting. All applications for initiation should be made in
writing, giving name, residence, age, occupation, and references.
The petition, having been read in open Lodge, is placed on file. A committee is
then appointed to investigate the character and qualifications of the petitioner. If,
at the next regular meeting of the Lodge, the report of the Committee be
favorable, and the candidate is admitted, he is required to give his free and full
assent to the following interrogations:


"Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, before these gentlemen, that,
unbiased by friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary motives, you freely
and voluntarily offer yourself a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry?
"Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, before these gentlemen, that
you are prompted to solicit the privileges of Masonry by a favorable
opinion conceived of the Institution, a desire of knowledge, and a sincere
wish of being serviceable to your fellow-creatures?
"Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, before these gentle men, that
you will cheerfully conform to all the ancient established sages and
customs of the Fraternity?"
Do you solemnly declare upon your honor that you have never petitioned
any other lodge for initiation, and been rejected? *)

The candidate, if no objection be urged to the contrary, is then introduced in due
and ancient form.
Having thus spoken of the Lodge and its officers, a few words to the craft
themselves might not be
deemed out of place; but we prefer to speak to them in the plain yet eloquent
language of the following charges, worthy the attention of all men, and
particularly the zealous enquirer for MASONIC TRUTH.

Whoever would be a Mason should know how to practice all the private virtues.
He should avoid all manner of intemperance or excess, which might prevent his
performance of the laudable duties of his Craft, or lead him into enormities which
would reflect dishonor upon the ancient Fraternity. He is to be industrious in his
profession, and true to the Master he serves. He is to labor justly, and not to eat
any man's bread for nought; but to pay truly for his meat and drink. What leisure
his labor allows, he is to employ in studying the arts and sciences with a diligent
mind, that he may the better perform all his duties to his Creator, his country, his
neighbor and himself.
He is to seek and acquire, as far as possible, the virtues of patience, meekness,
self-denial, forbearance, and the like, which give him the command over himself,
and enable him to govern his own family with affection, dignity and prudence: at
the same time checking every disposition injurious to
the world and promoting that love and service which Brethren of the same
household owe to each other.
Therefore, to afford succor to the distressed, to divide our bread with the
industrious poor, and to put the misguided traveler into the way, are duties of the
Craft, suitable to its dignity and expressive of its usefulness. But, though a Mason
is never to shut his ear unkindly against the complaints of any of the human race,
yet when a Brother is oppressed or suffers, he is in a more peculiar manner called
upon to open his whole soul in love and compassion to him, and to relieve him
without prejudice, according to his capacity.
It is also necessary, that all who would be true Masons should learn to abstain
from all malice, slander and evil speaking; from all provoking, reproachful and
ungodly language; keeping always a tongue of good report.
A Mason should know how to obey those who are set over him; however inferior
they may be in worldly rank or condition. For although Masonry pests no man of
his honors and titles, yet, in a Lodge, pre-eminence of virtue, and knowledge in
the art, is considered as the true source of all nobility, rule and government.
The virtue indispensably requisite in Masons is - SECRECY. This is the guard of
their confidence, and the security of their trust So great a stress is to be laid
upon it, that it is enforced under the strongest obligations; nor, in their esteem, is
man to be accounted wise, who has not intellectual strength and ability sufficient
to cover and conceal such honest secrets as are committed to him, as well as his
own more serious and private affairs.
A Mason is a peaceable citizen, and is never to be concerned in plots and
conspiracies against the peace and welfare of the nation, nor to behave himself,

undutifully to inferior magistrates. He is cheerfully to conform to every lawful
authority; to uphold on every occasion, the interest of the community, and
zealously promote the prosperity of his own country. Masonry has ever flourished
in times of peace, and been always injured by war, bloodshed and confusion; so
that kings and princes in every age, have been much disposed to encourage the
craftsmen on account of their peaceableness and loyalty, whereby they practically
answer the cavils of their adversaries and promote the honor of the Fraternity.
Craftsmen are bound by peculiar ties to promote peace, cultivate harmony, and
live in concord and Brotherly Love.
While the Lodge is open for work, Masons must hold no private conversation or
committees, without leave from the Master; nor talk of anything foreign or
impertinent; nor interrupt the Master or Wardens, or any Brother addressing
himself to the Chair; nor behave inattentively, while the Lodge

The first step taken by a candidate, on entering a Lodge of Freemasons, teaches
him the pernicious tendency of infidelity, and shows him that the foundation on
which Masonry rests, is the belief and acknowledgment of a Supreme being; that
in Him alone a sure confidence can be safely placed to protect his steps in all the
dangers and difficulties he may be called to encounter in his pro
gress through life; it assures him that, if his faith be well founded in that Being,
he may confidently pursue his course without fear and without danger.

Masonry was originally an operative society, and in that form those who worked
as ENTERED APPRENTICES, were styled the first class; but in Speculative or Freemasonry, the degree of which we are now treating is regarded as the first of the
order. Its reception places the novitiate in possession of the masonic alphabet,
and discloses to him the fundamental principles of this time-honored institution.
It is divided into three sections, viz: 1st. The ceremony; 2d. Its moral, and 3d. Its
necessity and consistency.
A full and perfect knowledge of this section is indispensably necessary to every
Mason, who would be serviceable to the Institution, and would avail himself of its
privileges and its enjoyments.
"Vouchsafe thine aid, Almighty father of the Universe, to this our present
convention; and grant that this candidate for Masonry may dedicate and devote
his life to thy service, and become a true and faithful Brother among us. Endue
him with a competency of thy divine Wisdom, that by the influence of the pure
principles of our Order, he may the better be enabled to display the beauties of
holiness, to the honor of thy holy name. Amen Response - "So move it be."
"Behold! how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity:
" It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard,
even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garment:
"As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of
Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore."
Music - "Auld Lang Syne."
Behold! how pleasant and how good,
For brethren such as we,
Of the "Accepted" brotherhood
To dwell in unity!
'T is like the oil on Aaron's head
Which to his feet distils;
Like Hermon's dew so richly shed
On Zion's sacred hills
For there the Lord of light and love
A blessing sent with power;
Oh, may we all this blessing prove,
E'en life forevermore:
On Friendship's altar rising here
Our hands now plighted be,
To live in love with hearts sincere,
in peace and unity.

It is the duty of the Master of the Lodge, as one of the precautionary measures of
initiation, to explain to the candidate the nature and design of the Institution. And
while he informs him that it is founded on the purest principles of virtue; that it
possesses great and invaluable privileges, and that in order to secure those
privileges to worthy men, and worthy men alone, voluntary pledges of fidelity are
required. He will at the same time assure him that nothing will be expected of
him incompatible with his civil, moral or religious duties.
That ancient and spotless ensign of Masonry, the LAMB-SKIN or WHITE APRON, is
presented in behalf of the Lodge and the fraternity in general.
"It is an emblem of innocence, and the badge of a Mason; more ancient than the
golden fleece, or Roman eagle; more honorable than the star and garter, or any
other order that can be conferred upon the candidate at the time of his initiation,
or at any future period. by king, prince, potentate, or any other person, except he
be a Mason." * * * It is hoped he will wear it with pleasure to himself and honor
to the fraternity.
In the course of this section is exhibited a beautiful and impressive illustration of
the first, and one of the grand principles of the institution; and concludes with a
moral application of

"The twenty-four inch gauge is an instrument used by operative masons to
measure and lay out their work; but we, as free and accepted masons, are taught
to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of dividing our time. It
being divided into twenty-four equal parts, is emblematical of the twenty-four
hours of the day, which we are taught to divide into three equal parts; whereby
are found eight hours for the service of GOD, and a distressed worthy brother;
eight for our usual vocations; and eight for refreshment and sleep.
"The common gavel is an instrument made use of by operative masons to break
off the corners of rough stones, the better to fit them for the builder's use; but

we, as free and accepted masons, are taught to make use of it for the
more noble and
glorious purpose of divesting our hearts and consciences of all the vices and
superfluities of life; thereby fitting our minds as living stones for that spiritual
building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

This section is one of vital importance, not only to the candidate, but to the craft
generally, and should be properly understood by every presiding officer; as all
ceremonies would appear light and frivolous, unless accompanied by those moral
lessons and fraternal impressions which they are intended so strongly to impress
on the minds of all who pass through or witness them, that neither time nor
circumstance can eradicate them from the memory.
Every candidate, at his initiation, is presented with a lamb-skin, or white apron.
"The LAMB has, in all ages, been deemed an emblem of innocence; the lamb-skin
is therefore to remind him of that purity of life and rectitude of conduct, which is
so essentially necessary to his gaining admission into the Celestial Lodge above,
where the Supreme Architect of the universe presides."

This section fully explains the manner of constituting, and the proper authority for
holding a Lodge. Here also, we learn where Lodges were anciently held; their
form, support, covering, furniture, ornaments, lights and jewels; how situated,
and to whom dedicated, as well in former times as at present.

Its form is * * * *. Its dimensions from east to west, embracing every clime
between north and south; in fact its universal chain of friendship encircles every
portion of the human family, and beams wherever civilization extends * * * *

The Masonic Lodge, bounded only by the extreme points of the compass, the
highest heavens, and the lowest depth of the central abyss, is metaphorically
supported by three great pillars, which are denominated WISDOM, STRENGTH
and BEAUTY; because there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to support,
and beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings. The universe is the
temple of the DEITY whom we serve; Wisdom, Strength and Beauty are about his
throne as pillars of his work; for his wisdom is infinite, his strength is
omnipotence, and his beauty shines forth through all his creation in symmetry
and order.

Its COVERING is no less than the clouded canopy or starry-decked heaven, where
all good Masons hope at last to arrive, by the aid of that theological ladder, which

Jacob, in his vision, saw extending from earth to heaven; the three principal
rounds of which are denominated FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY; which
admonish us to have faith in GOD, hope in immortality, and charity to all
mankind. The greatest of these is CHARITY, for our faith may be lost in sight;
hope ends in fruition; but charity extends beyond the grave, through the
boundless realms of eternity."
Every well-governed lodge is furnished with the Holy Bible, the Square and the
The Bible is dedicated to the service of God, because it is the inestimable gift of
god to man, * * * * ; The square to the Master, because it is the proper Masonic
emblem of his office; and the compasses to the craft, because, by a due attention
to its use, they are taught to circumscribe their desires, and keep their passions
within due bonds. *)
*) The following appropriate illustration of the * * * of masonry, may be given
with beautiful effect:
"As more immediate guides for a Free-mason, the lodge is furnished with
unerring rules, whereby he shall form his conduct. The book of the law is laid
before him, that he may not say, through ignorance he erred; whatever the Great
Architect of the world hath dictated to mankind, as the mode in which he would
be served, and the path in which to tread is to obtain his approbation; whatever
precepts he hath administered, and with whatever laws he hath inspired the
sages of old, the same are faithfully comprised in the book of the law of masonry.
That book reveals the duties which the Great Master of all exacts from us; open
every eye, comprehensible to every mind; then who shall say among us that he
knoweth not the acceptable service!"
"The rule, the square, and the compasses, are emblematical of the conduct we
should pursue in society. To observe punctually in all our engagements, faithfully
and religiously to discharge these important obligation, which we owe to GOD and
our neighbor; to be upright in all our dealings: to hold the scale of justice in equal
poise; to square our action by unerring rule of GOD's sacred word; to keep within
compass and bounds with all mankind, particularly with a brother; to keep within
bounds those unruly passions which oftentimes interfere with the enjoyments of
society, and degrade both the man and the Freemason: to recall to our minds,
that in the great scale of existence, the whole family of mankind are upon a level
with each other, and that the only question of preference among Free-masons
should be, who is most wise, who is most good! For the time will come, and non
of us know how soon, when death, the great leveler of all human greatness, will
rob us our distinctions, and bring us to a level with the dust."

The ornaments of a Lodge are a representation of the Mosaic pavement, which
formed the ground floor of King Solomon's Temple; the beautiful tesselated
border (the border that surrounded it), and the blazing star in the centre, the S.:
S.: or Holy of Holies.*)
The Mosaic pavement is emblematical of human life, checkered with good and
evil; the indented tessel, or tesselated border, of the manifold blessings and
comforts which constantly surround us, and which we hope to enjoy by a firm
reliance on divine Providence, which is hieroglyphically represented by the blazing
star in the centre. +)
+) 'As the steps of man are trod in the various and uncertain incidents of life, as
our days are checkered with a strange contrariety of events, and our passage
through this existence, though sometimes attended with prosperous
circumstances, is often beset by a multitude of evils; hence is the lodge furnished
with Mosaic work, to remind us of the precariousness of our state on earth; today, our feet tread in prosperity; to-morrow, we totter on the uneven paths of
weakness, temptation and adversity Whilst this emblem is before us, we are
instructed to boast of nothing; to have compassion, and give aid to them

The moveable and immoveable jewels also claim our attention.

The immoveable jewels are
The rough ashler is a stone in its rude and natural state, as taken from the
quarry: the perfect ashler, one prepared by the workmen, to be adjusted by the
working tools of the fellowcraft; and the trestle board is for the master workman
to draw his designs upon.
who are in adversity; to walk uprightly, and with humility; for such is this
existence, that there is no station in which pride can be stably founded - all men
in birth and in the grave are on a level. Whilst we tread on this Mosaic work, let
our ideas return to the original which it copies; and let every mason act as the
dictates of reason prompt him to live in brotherly love."
By the rough ashler we are reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature;
by the perfect ashler, of that state of perfection at which we hope to arrive by a
virtuous education, our own endeavors, and the blessing of DEITY. And as the
operative workman erects his temporal building in accordance with the designs
laid down upon the trestle board, by the master workman, so should we, both
operative and speculative, endeavor to erect our spiritual building in accordance
with the designs laid down by the Supreme Architect of the universe, in the great
book of nature and revelation, which is our spiritual, moral and masonic trestleboard.
Lodges are situated due east and west.

Lodges in ancient times were dedicated to King Solomon * * *, and continued to
be so dedicated until after the crusades. Among the various orders of knights
engaged in those chivalric wars, none were more conspicuous than the
magnanimous order
of the Knights of St. John. Many brethren the ancient craft also went forth to aid
in redeeming the sepulchre of the Saviour, from the hands of the infidel; between
these and the knights of St. John, there existed a reciprocal feeling of brotherly
love. On the plains of Jerusalem, they entered into a solemn compact of
friendship, and it was mutually agreed between them that henceforth all lodges,
whose members acknowledged the divinity of Christ, should be dedicated to St.
John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist, who were two eminent Christian
patrons of Freemasonry. From that time, therefore, there has been represented,
in every well governed Lodge, a certain POINT WITHIN A CIRCLE, embordered by
two perpendicular parallel lines, representing those two saints, upon the vertex of
the circle rests the Holy Scriptures. The point within the circle represents an

inpidual brother; the circle is the boundary line,
beyond which he is never to suffer his passions to
betray him. In going round this circle, he must
necessarily touch upon these two lines, as well as
the Holy Scriptures; which teaches us that while a Mason keeps himself
circumscribed within their precepts, it is impossible that he should materially err.
The principal tenets of our profession are threefold, including the inculcation and
practice of those truly commendable virtues, BROTHRLY - LOVE, RELIEF and
By the exercise of Brotherly Love, we are taught to regard the whole human
species as one family; the high, the low; the rich, the poor; who, as created by
one Almighty Parent and in habitants of the same planet, are to aid, support and
protect each other. On this principle, Masonry unites men of every country, sect
and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise
have remained at a perpetual distance.
To relieve the distressed, is a duty incumbent on all men; but particularly on
Masons, who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of sincere affection. To
soothe the unhappy; to sympathize with their misfortunes; to compassionate
their miseries, and to restore peace to their troubled minds, is the great aim we
have in view. On this basis, we form our friendships and establish our connections
Truth is a divine attribute, and the foundation of every virtue. To be good and
true, is the first lesson we are taught in masonry. On this theme we contemplate,
and by its dictates endeavor to regulate our conduct: hence, while influenced by
this principle, hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among us; sincerity and plain
dealing distinguish us; and the heart and tongue join in promoting each other's
welfare, and rejoicing in each other's prosperity.

The Four Cardinal Virtues explained.
FORTITUDE is that noble and steady purpose of the mind, whereby we are
enabled to undergo any pain, peril or danger, when prudentially deemed
expedient. This virtue is equally distant from rashness or cowardice; and should
be deeply impressed upon the mind of every mason, as a safeguard or security
against any illegal attack that may be made, by force or otherwise, to extort from
him any of those valuable secrets with which he has been so solemnly entrusted,
and which were emblematically represented upon his first admission into the

PRUDENCE teaches us to regulate our lives and actions agreeably to the dictates
of reason, and is that habit by which we wisely judge, and prudentially determine,
on all things relative to our present, as well as to our future happiness. This
virtue should be the peculiar characteristic of every Mason, not only for the
government of his conduct while in the Lodge, but also when abroad in the world.
It should be particularly attended to, in all strange and mixed companies, never
to let fall the least sign, token or word, whereby the secrets of Masonry might be
unlawfully obtained.
TEMPERANCE is that due restraint upon our affections and passions, which
renders the body tame and governable, and frees the mind from the allurements
of vice. This virtue should be the constant practice of every Mason; as he is
thereby taught to avoid excess, or contracting any licentious or vicious habit, the
indulgence of which might lead him to disclose some of those
valuable secrets, which he has promised to conceal and never reveal, and which
would consequently subject him to the contempt and detestation of all good
JUSTICE is that standard, or boundary of right, which enables us to render unto
every main his just due, without distinction. This virtue is not only consistent with
divne and human laws, but is the very cement and support of civil society; and as
justice in a great measure constitutes the really good man, so should it be the
invariable practice of every Mason, never to deviate from the minutest principles
The illustration of these virtues is accompanied with some general observations
peculiar to Masons Due veneration is also paid to our ancient patrons.
The earth is that alone of all the elements that has never proved unfriendly to
man; the bodies of water deluge him with rain; oppress him with hail, and drown
him with inundations. The air rushes in storms, prepares the tempest, and lights
up the volcano; but the earth, ever kind and indulgent, is found subservient to his
wishes; though con***
stantly harassed, more to furnish the luxuries than the necessities of life, she
never refuses her accustomed yield; spreading his path with flowers, and his
table with plenty; though she produces poison, still she supplies the antidote, and
returns, with interest, every good committed to her care; and when at last he is
called upon to pass through the "dark valley of the shadow of Death," she once
more receives him, and piously covers his remains within her bosom; this
admonishes us that from it we came and to it we must shortly return.

Such is the arrangement of the different sections in the first lecture, which, with
the forms adopted at the opening and closing of a Lodge, comprehends the first
degree of Masonry.
BROTHER: - As you are now introduced into the first principles of Masonry, I
congratulate you on being accepted into this ancient and honorable order: ancient, as having subsisted from time immemorial, and honorable, as tending in
every particular, so to render all men who will be conformable to its precepts. No
institution was ever
raised on a better principle, or more solid foundation; nor were ever more
excellent rules and useful maxims laid down, than are inculcated in the several
Masonic lectures. The greatest and best of men, in all ages, have been
encouragers and promoters of the art; and have never deemed it derogatory to
their dignity, to level themselves with the fraternity, extend their privileges, and
patronize their assemblies. There are three great duties, which, as a Mason, you
are charged to inculcate - to GOD, your neighbor, and yourself. To GOD, in never
mentioning his name, but with that reverential awe which is due from a creature
to his CREATOR; to implore his aid in all your laudable undertakings, and to
esteem him as the chief good; - to your neighbor, in acting upon the square, and
doing unto him as you wish he should do unto you; and to yourself, in avoiding
all irregularity and intemperance, which may impair your faculties, or debase the
dignity of your profession. A zealous attachment to these duties, will insure public
and private esteem.
In the state, you are to be a quiet and peaceful citizen, true to your government,
and just to your country; you are not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but
patiently submit to legal authority, and conform with cheerfulness to the
government of the country in which you live. In your outward demeanor, be
particularly careful to avoid censure and reproach
Although your frequent appearance at our regular meetings is earnestly solicited,
yet it is not meant that masonry should interfere with your necessary vocations;
for these are on no account to be neglected; neither are you to suffer your zeal
for the institution to lead you into argument with those who, through ignorance,
may ridicule it.
At your leisure hours, that you may improve in masonic knowledge, you are to
converse with well informed brethren, who will be always as ready to give, as you
will be to receive, instruction.
Finally, keep sacred and inviolable the mysteries of the order; as these are to
distinguish you from the rest of the community, and mark your consequence
among masons. If, in the circle of your acquaintance, you find a person desirous
of being initiated into masonry, be particularly careful not to recommend him,
unless you are convinced he will conform to our rules; that the honor, glory and
reputation of the institution, may be firmly established, and the world at large
convinced of its good effects.


MASONRY is a progressive science, and is divded into different grades, or
degrees, for the more regular advancement in the know ledge of its mysteries.
According to the progress we make, we limit or extend our inquiries; and, in
proportion to our capacity, we attain to a less or greater degree of perfection.
Masonry includes within its circle almost every branch of polite learning. Under
the veil of its
mysteries is comprehended a regular system of science. Many of its illustrations,
to the narrow mind, may appear unimportant; but the man of more enlarged
faculties will perceive them to be, in the highest degree, useful and interesting.
To please the accomplished scholar, and ingenious artist, Masonry is wisely
planned; and, in the investigation of its latent doctrines, the philosopher and
mathematician may experience equal delight and satisfaction.
To exhaust the various subjects of which it treats, would transcend the powers of
the brightest genius; still, however, nearer approaches to perfection may be
made; and the man of wisdom will not check the progress of his abilities, though
the task he attempts may at first seem insurmountable. Perseverance and
application remove each difficulty as it occurs; every step he advances new
pleasures open to his view, and instruction of the noblest kind attends his
researches. In the diligent pursuit of knowledge, the intellectual faculties are
employed in promoting the glory of GOD, and the good of man.

The first degree is well calculated to enforce the duties of morality, and imprint
on the memory the noblest principles which can adorn the human mind. It is
therefore the best introduction to the second degree, which not only extends the
same plan, but comprehends a more diffusive system of knowledge. Here,
practice and theory join, in
qualifying the industrious Mason to share the pleasures which an advancement of
the art must necessarily afford. Listening with attention to the wise opinions of
experienced craftsmen, on important subjects, he gradually familiarizes his mind
to useful instruction, and is soon enabled to investigate truths of the utmost
concern in the general transactions of life.
The first section of the second degree accurately elucidates the mode of
introduction into that particular grade; and instructs the diligent craftsman how to
proceed in the proper arrangement of the ceremonies used on the occasion. It
qualifies him to judge of their importance, and convinces him of the necessity of
strictly adhering to every established usage of the order. Many duties, which
cement in the firmest union well-informed brethren, are illustrated in this section;
and an opportunity is given to make such advances in masonry, as will always
distinguish the abilities of those who have arrived at preferment.
The knowledge of this section is absolutely necessary for all craftsmen; and as it
recapitulates the ceremony of initiation, and contains many other
important particulars, no officer or member of a lodge should be unacquainted
with it.
The following passage of Scripture is appropriate to this degree:
"Thus he shewed me: and behold, the LORD stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumb-line in his hand. And the LORD said unto me, AMOS, what
seest thou? and I said, a plumb line. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a
plumb-line in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any
more." - AMOS, vii. 7, 8.
Come, Craftsmen, assembled our pleasure to share,
Who walk by the PLUMB, and who work by the SQUARE;
While traveling in love, on the LEVEL of time,
Sweet hope shall light on to a far better clime.
The second section of this degree has reference to the origin of the institution,
and views Masonry under two denominations-operative and speculative. These
are separately considered, and the principles on which both are founded,
particularly explained. Their affinity is pointed out, by allegorical figures and
typical representations. The period stipulated for rewarding merit is fixed, and the

inimitable moral to which that circumstance alludes is explained; the creation of
the world is described, and many other particulars recited, all of which have been
carefully preserved among Masons, and transmitted from one age to another by
oral tradition.
Circumstances of great importance to the fraternity are here particularized, and
many traditional tenets and customs confirmed by sacred and profane record.
The celestial and terrestrial globes are considered with a minute accuracy; and
here the accomplished craftsman may display his talents to advantage, in the
elucidation of the Orders of Architecture, the Senses of human nature, and the
liberal Arts and Sciences, which are severally classed in a regular arrangement. In
short, this section contains a store of valuable knowledge, founded on reason and
sacred record, both entertaining and instructive.
Masonry is considered under two denominations. operative and speculative.
By Operative Masonry we allude to a proper application of the useful rules of
architecture, whence a structure will derive figure, strength and beauty, and
whence will result a due proportion and a just correspondence in all its parts. It
furnishes us with dwellings, and convenient shelters from the vicissitudes and
inclemencies of seasons; and while it displays the effects of human wisdom, as
well in the choice as in the arrangement of the sundry materials of which an
edifice is composed, it demonstrates that a fund of science and industry is
implanted in man, for the best, most salutary and beneficent purposes.
By Speculative Masonry, we learn to subdue the passions, act upon the square,
keep a tongue of good report, maintain secrecy, and practice charity. It is so far
interwoven with religion, as to lay us under obligations to pay that rational
homage to the DEITY, which at once constitutes our duty and our happiness. It
leads the contemplative to view, with reverence and admiration, the glorious
worlds of creation, and inspires him with the most exalted ideas of the perfection
of his divine Creator.
In six days GOD created the heavens and the earth, and rested upon the seventh
day; the seventh, therefore, our ancient brethren consecrated as a day of rest
from their labors, thereby enjoying frequent opportunities to contemplate the
glorious works of the creation, and to adore their great CREATOR.

PEACE, UNITY, AND PLENTY are introduced, and their moral application
The doctrine of the SPHERES is included in the science of astronomy, and
particularly considered in this section
The globes are two artificial spherical bodies, on the convex surface of which are
represented the countries, seas, and various parts of the earth, the face of the
heavens, the planetary revolutions, and other important particulars.
Their principal use, besides serving as maps to distinguish the outward parts of
the earth, and the situation of the fixed stars, is to illustrate and explain the
phenomena arising from the annual revolution, and the diurnal rotation of the
earth round its own axis. They are invaluable instruments for improving the mind,
and giving it the most distinct idea of any problem or proposition, as well as
enabling it to solve the same. Contemplating these bodies, we are inspired with a

due reverence for the DEITY and his works, and are induced to encourage the
studies of astronomy, geography, navigation, and the arts dependent on them,
by which society has been so much benefited.
Come under consideration in this section; a brief description of them may not be

By order in architecture, is meant a system of all the members, proportions and
ornaments of columns and pilasters; or, it is a regular arrangement of the
projecting parts of a building, which, united with those of a column, form a
beautiful, perfect and complete whole.
From the first formation of society, order in architecture may be traced. When the
rigor of seasons obliged men to contrive shelter from the inclemency of the
weather, we learn that they first planted trees on end, and then laid others
across, to support a covering. The bands which connected those trees at top and
bottom, are said to have given rise to the idea of the base and capital of pillars:
and, from this simple hint, originally proceeded the more improved art of
The five orders are thus classed: the TUSCAN, DORIC, IONIC, CORINTHIAN AND
Is the most simple and solid of the five orders. It was invented in Tuscany,
whence it derives its name. Its column is seven diameters high; and its capital,
base and entablature have but few mouldings. The simplicity of the construction
of this column renders it eligible where ornament would be superfluous.

Which is plain and natural, is the most ancient, and was invented
by the Greeks. Its column is eight diameters high, and has
seldom any ornaments on base or capital, except mouldings;
though the frieze is distinguished by triglyphs and metopes, and
triglyphs compose the ornaments of the frieze. The solid composition of this order
gives it a preference, in structures where strength and a noble simplicity are
chiefly required. The Doric is the best proportioned of all the orders. The several
parts of which it is composed are founded on the natural position of solid bodies.
In its first invention it was more simple than in its present state. In after times,
when it began to be adorned, it gained the name of Doric; for when it was con***
structed in its primitive and simple form, the name of Tuscan was conferred on it.
Hence the Tuscan precedes the Doric in rank, on account of its resemblance to
that pillar in its original state.
Bears a kind of mean proportion between the more solid and delicate orders. Its
column is nine diameters high; its capital is adorned with volutes, and its cornice
has dentils. There is both delicacy and ingenuity displayed in this pillar; the
invention of which is attributed to the Ionians, as the famous temple of DIANA, at
Ephesus, was of this order. It is said to have been formed after the model of an
agreeable young woman, of an elegant shape, dressed in her hair; as a contrast
to the Doric order, which was formed after that of a strong, robust man.
The richest of the five orders, is deemed a master-piece of art. Its column is ten
diameters high, and its capital is adorned with two rows of leaves, and eight
volutes, which sustain the abacus. The frieze is ornamented with curious devices,
the cornice with dentils and modillions. This order is used in stately and superb
It was invented at Corinth, by CALLIMACHUS, who is said to have taken the hint
of the capital of this pillar from the following remarkable circumstance.
Accidentally passing by the tomb of a young lady, he perceived a basket of toys,
covered with a tile, placed over an acanthus root, having been left there by her
nurse. As the branches grew up, they encompassed the basket, until arriving at
the tile, they met with an obstruction, and bent downwards. Callimachus, struck
with the object, set about imitating the figure; the vase of the capital he made to
represent the basket; the abacus the tile, and the volutes the bending leaves.
Is compounded of the other orders, and was contrived by the Romans. Its capital
has the two rows of leaves of the Corinthian and the volutes of the Ionic. Its
column has quarter-rounds, as the Tuscan and Doric order; is ten diameters high,
and its cornice has dentils, or simple modillions. This pillar is generally found in
buildings where strength, elegance and beauty are displayed.

The ancient and original orders of architecture, revered by Masons, are no more
than three, the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, which were invented by the Greeks.
To these, the Romans have added
two, the Tuscan, which they made plainer than the Doric, and the Composite,
which was more ornamental, if not more beautiful, than the Corinthian. The first
three orders alone, however, show invention and particular character, and
essentially differ from each other; the two others have nothing but what is
borrowed, and differ only accidentally; the Tuscan is the Doric in its earliest state;
and the Composite is the Corinthian enriched with the Ionic. To the Greeks,
therefore, and not to the Romans, we are indebted for what is great, judicious
and distinct in architecture.
An analysis of the human faculties is next given in this section, in which the five
external senses particularly claim attention.
The senses we are to consider as the gifts of nature, and though not the
acquisition of our reasoning faculty, yet in the use of them, are still subject to
reason. Reason, properly employed, confirms the documents of nature, which are
always true and wholesome; she distinguishes the good from the bad; rejects the
last with modesty, adheres to the first with reverence. The objects of human
knowledge are innumerable; the channels by which this knowledge is conveyed
are few. Among these, the perception of external things by the senses, and the
information we receive from human testimony, are not the least considerable;
the analogy between them is obvious. In the testimony of nature, given by the
senses, as well as in human testimony, given by information, things are signified
by signs. In one as well as the other, the mind, either by original principles or by
custom, passes from the sign to the conception and belief of the thing signified.
The signs in the natural language, as well as the signs in our original perceptions,
have the same signification in all climates and nations, and the skill of
interpreting them is not acquired, but innate.
Having made these observations, we shall proceed to give a brief description of
the five senses.
Is that sense by which we distinguish sounds, and are capable of enjoying all the
agreeable charms of music. By it we are enabled to enjoy the pleasures of
society, and reciprocally to communicate to each other our thoughts and
intentions, our purposes and desires; and thus our reason is rendered capable of
exerting its utmost power and energy. The wise and beneficent Author of Nature,
intended by the formation of this sense, that we should be social creatures, and
receive the greatest and most important part of our knowledge from social
intercourse with each other. For these purposes we are endowed with hearing,
that by a proper exertion of our rational powers, our happiness may be complete.

Is that sense by which we distinguish objects, and in an instant of time, without
change of place or situation, view armies in battle array, figures of the most
stately structures, and all the agreeable variety displayed in the landscape of
nature. By this sense we find our way on the pathless ocean, traverse the globe
of earth, determine its figure and dimensions, and delineate any region or quarter
of it. By it we measure the planetary orbs, and make new discoveries in the
sphere of the fixed stars. Nay, more, by it we perceive the tempers and
dispositions, the passions and affections of our fellow creatures, when they wish
most to conceal them; so that, though the tongue may be taught to lie and
dissemble, the countenance will display the hypocrisy to the discerning eye. In
fine, the rays of light which administer to this sense, are the most astonishing
parts of the animated creation, and render the eye a peculiar object of
Of all the faculties, SIGHT is the noblest. The structure of the eye, and its
appurtenances, evince the admirable contrivance of nature for performing all its
various external and internal motions; while the variety displayed in the eyes of
different animals, suited to their several ways of life, clearly demonstrates this
organ to be the master-piece of nature's works.
Is that sense by which we distinguish the different qualities of bodies; such as
heat and cold, hardness and softness, roughness and smoothness, figure, solidity,
motion and extension.
These three senses, hearing, seeing, and feeling, are deemed peculiarly essential
among masons.
Is that sense by which we distinguish odors, the various kinds of which convey
different impressions to the mind. Animal and vegetable bodies, and indeed most
other bodies, while exposed to the air, continually send forth effluvia of vast
subtlety, as well in a state of life and growth, as in the state of fermentation and
putrefaction. These effiuvia, being drawn into the nostrils along with the air, are
the means by which all bodies are distinguished. Hence it is evident, that there is
a manifest appearance of design in the great Creator's having planted the organ
of smell in the inside of that canal, through which the air continually passes in
Enables us to make a proper distinction in the choice of our food. The organ of
this sense guards the entrance of the alimentary canal, as that of smelling guards
the entrance of the canal for res***
piration. From the situation of both these organs, it is plain that they were
intended by nature to distinguish wholesome food from that which is nauseous.
Every thing that enters into the stomach must undergo the scrutiny of tasting;

and by it we are capable of discerning the changes which the same body
undergoes in the different compositions of art, cookery, chemistry, pharmacy, &c.
Smelling and tasting are inseparably connected, and it is by the unnatural kind of
life men commonly lead in society, that these senses are rendered less fit to
perform their natural offices.
The proper use of these five senses enables us to form just and accurate notions
of the operations of nature; and when we reflect on the objects with which our
senses are gratified, we become conscious of them, and are enabled to attend to
them, till they become familiar objects of thought.
On the mind all our knowledge must depend; what, therefore, can be a more
proper subject for the investigation of Masons?
To sum up the whole of this transcendent measure of GOD'S bounty to man, we
shall add, that memory, imagination, taste, reasoning, moral perception, and all
the active powers of the soul, present a vast and boundless field for philosophical
disquisition, which far exceeds human enquiry, and are peculiar mysteries, known
only to nature, and to nature's God, to whom all are indebted for creation,
reservation, and every blessing we enjoy.

Are also illustrated in this section. A brief analysis of the character of each, may
not, therefore, be inappropriate in this place.
Is the key by which alone the door can be opened to the understanding of
speech. It is Grammar which reveals the admirable art of language, and unfolds
its various constituent parts, its names, definitions, and respective offices; it
unravels, as it were, the thread of which the web of speech is composed. These
reflections seldom occur to any one before their acquaintance with the art; yet it
is most certain, that, without a knowledge of Grammar, it is very difficult to speak
with propriety, precision, and purity.
It is by Rhetoric that the art of speaking eloquently is acquired. To be an eloquent
speaker, in the proper sense of the word, is far from being either a common or an
easy attainment: it is the art of being persuasive and commanding; the art, not
only of pleasing the fancy, but of speaking both to the understanding and to the
Is that science which directs us how to form clear and distinct ideas of things, and
thereby prevents us from being misled by their similitude or resem***
blance. Of all the human sciences, that concerning man is certainly most worthy
of the human mind, and the proper manner of conducting its several powers in

the attainment of truth and knowledge. This science ought to be cultivated as the
foundation or ground-work of our inquiries; particularly, in the pursuit of those
sublime principles which claim our attention as masons.
Is the art of numbering, or that part of the mathematics which considers the
properties of numbers in general. We have but a very imperfect idea of things
without quantity, and as imperfect of quantity itself, without the help of
Arithmetic. All the works of the Almighty are made in number, weight and
measure; therefore, to understand them rightly, we ought to understand
arithmetical calculations, and the greater advancement we make in the
mathematical sciences, the more capable we shall be of considering such things
as are the ordinary objects of our conceptions, and be thereby led to a more
comprehensive knowledge of our great Creator, and the works of the creation.
Treats of the powers and properties of magnitudes in general, where length,
breadth and thickness are considered - from a point to a line, from a line to a
superfices, and from a superfices to a solid.
A point is the beginning of all geometrical matter.
A line is a continuation of the same.
A superfices is length and breadth without a given thickness.
A solid is length and breadth, with a given thickness, which forms a cube and
comprehends the whole.
By this science the architect is enabled to construct his plans, and execute his
designs; the general, to arrange his soldiers; the engineer, to mark out grounds
for encampments; the geographer, to give us the dimensions of the world, and all
things therein contained; to delineate the extent of seas, and specify the divisions
of empires, kingdoms and provinces. By it, also, the astronomer is enabled to
make his observations, and to fix the duration of times and seasons, years and
cycles. In fine, Geometry is the foundation of architecture, and the root of the
Is that elevated science which affects the passions by sound. There are few who
have not felt its charms, and acknowledged its expressions to be intelligible to the
heart. It is a language of delightful sensations, far more eloquent than words; it
breathes to the ear the clearest intimations; it touches and gently agitates the
agreeable and sublime passions; it wraps us in melan***
choly, and elevates us in joy; it dissolves and enflames; it melts us in tenderness,
and excites us to war. This science is truly congenial to the nature of man; for by
its powerful charms, the most discordant passions may be harmonized and

brought into perfect unison: but it never sounds with such seraphic harmony, as
when employed in singing hymns of gratitude to the Creator of the universe.
Is that sublime science which inspires the contemplative mind to soar aloft, and
read the wisdom, strength, and beauty of the great Creator in the heavens. How
nobly eloquent of the Deity is the celestial hemisphere! - spangled with the most
magnificent heralds of his infinite glory! They speak to the whole universe; for
there is no speech so barbarous, but their language is understood; nor nation so
distant, but their voices are heard among them.
The heavens proclaim the glory of GOD;
The firmament declareth the works of his hands.
Assisted by Astronomy, we ascertain the laws which govern the heavenly bodies,
and by which their motions are directed; investigate the power by which they
circulate in their orbs, discover their size, determine their distance, explain their
various phenomena, and correct the fallacy of the senses by the light of truth.
Here an emblem of PLENTY is introduced and explained.





Geometry, the first and noblest of sciences, is the Basis on which
the superstructure of Free-masonry is erected. By Geometry we
may curiously trace nature through her various windings, to her
most concealed recesses. By it, we discover the power, wisdom and
goodness of the GRAND ARTIFICER of the universe, and view with
delight the proportions which connect this vast machine. By it, we
discover how the planets move in their respective orbits, and
demonstrate their various revolutions. By it we account for the
return of the seasons, and the variety of scenes which each season
displays to the discerning eye. Numberless worlds are around

us, all framed by the same Divine Artist which roll through the vast
expanse, and are all conducted by the same unerring law of nature.
A survey of nature, and the observation of her beautiful
proportions, first determined man to imitate the divine plan, and
study symmetry and order. This gave rise to societies, and birth to
every useful art. The architect began to design; and the plans
which he laid down, being improved by time and experience, have
produced works which are the admiration of every age.
The lapse of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance, and the
devastations of war, have laid waste and destroyed many valuable
monuments of antiquity, on which the utmost exertions of human
genius have been employed. Even the Temple of Solomon, so
spacious and magnificent, and constructed by so many celebrated
artists, escaped not the unsparing ravages of barbarous force.
Freemasonry, notwithstanding, has still survived. The attentive ear
receives the sound from the instructive tongue, and the mysteries
of masonry are safely lodged in the repository of faithful breasts.
Tools and implements of architecture, and symbolic emblems, most
expressive, are selected by the fraternity, to imprint on the mind
wise and serious truths; and thus, through a succession of ages,
are transmitted unimpaired the most excellent tenets of out
Thus end the two sections of the second lecture, which, with the
ceremony used at the opening and closing the lodge, comprehend
the second degree of masonry. This lecture contains a regular
system of science, demonstrated on the clearest principles, and
founded on the most stable foundation.
BROTHER: - Being passed to the second degree of Free-masonry,
we congratulate you on your preferment. The internal, and not the
external qualifications of a man, are what masonry regards. As you
increase in knowledge, you will improve in social intercourse.
It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Fellow
Craft, you are bound to discharge, or to enlarge on the necessity of
a strict adherence to them, as your own experience must have
established their value. Our laws and regulations you are
strenuously to support; and be always ready to assist in seeing
them duly executed. You are not to palliate, or aggravate, the
offences of your brethren; but in the decision of every trespass
against our rules. you are to judge with
candor, admonish with friendship, and reprehend with justice.

The study of the liberal arts, that valuable branch of education,
which tends so effectually to polish and adorn the mind, is
earnestly recommended to your consideration; especially the
science of Geometry, which is established as the basis our art.
Geometry, or Masonry, originally synonymous terms, being of a
divine and moral nature, is enriched with the most useful
knowledge; while it proves the wonderful properties of nature, it
demonstrates the more important truths of morality.
Your past behavior and regular deportment have merited the honor
which we have now conferred; and in your new character, it is
expected that you will conform to the principles of the order, by
steadily persevering in the practice of every commendable virtue.
Such is the nature of your engagements as a Fellow Craft, and to
these duties you are bound by the most sacred ties.

FREE-MASONRY in every degree, as before remarked, is
progressive. A knowledge of it can only be attained by time,
patience and application. In the first degree, we are taught the
duties we owe to God, our neighbor and ourselves. In the second,
we are more thoroughly inducted into the mysteries of moral
science, and learn to trace the goodness and majesty of the
Creator, by minutely analyzing his works. But the third degree is
the cement of the
whole. It is calculated to bind men together by mystic points of
fellowship, as in a bond of fraternal affection and Brotherly Love. It
is among brethren of this degree, that the ancient landmarks of the

order are preserved, and it is from them that we derive that fund of
information which none but ingenious and expert masons can
It is also from brethren of this degree, that the rulers of the Craft
are selected; because it is only from those who are capable of
giving instruction, that we can reasonably expect to receive it.
A knowledge of the first section of this degree is indispensable to
every brother who would make himself useful in the ceremonial
transactions of a lodge.
The following passage of Scripture is introduced during the
"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil
days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I
have no pleasure in them; while the sun, or the light, or the moon,
or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:
in the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the
strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because
are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened, and
the doors shall be shut in the streets when the sound of the
grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all
the daughters of music shall be brought low; also, when they shall
be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and
the almond-tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a
burden, and desire shall fail; because man goeth to his long home,
and the mourners go about the streets: or ever the silver cord be
loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at
the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the
dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto
GOD who gave it."
Music - "Bonny Doon."
LET us remember in our youth,
Before the evil days draw nigh,
Ere memory fail, and pleasure fly;
Or sun, or moon, or planet's light
Grow dark, or clouds return in gloom;
Ere vital spark no more incite;
When strength shall bow, and years consume.
Let us in youth remember HIM!
Who formed our frame, and spirits gave,

Ere windows of the mind grow dim,
Or door of speech obstructed wave:
When voice of bird fresh terrors wake,
And Music's daughters charm no more,
Or fear to rise, with trembling shake
Along the path we travel o'er.
In youth, to GOD, let memory cling,
Before desire shall fail, or wane,
Or e'er be loosed life's silver string,
Or bowl at fountain rent in twain:
For man to his long home doth go,
And mourners group around his urn;
Our dust, to dust again must flow,
And spirits unto GOD return.
All the implements in masonry, indiscriminately, properly belong to
brethren of this degree, and may be illustrated in this section. The
TROWEL, however, is more particularly referred to.
Is an instrument made use of by operative masons, to spread the
cement which unites the building into one common mass; but we,
as free and accepted masons, are taught to make use it for the
more noble and glorious purpose of spreading the cement of
Brotherly Love and affection; that cement which unites us into one
sacred band, or society of friends and brothers, among whom no
contention should ever exist, but that noble contention, or rather
emulation, of who best can work and best agree.
This section recites the historical traditions of the Order, and
presents to view a picture of great moral sublimity. It exemplifies
an instance of virtue and firmness, seldom equaled, and never

Funeral Dirge.
Music - "Pleyel."
Solemn strikes the fun'ral chime.
Notes of our departing time;
As we journey here below,
Through a pilgrimage of wo!
Mortals, now indulge a tear,
For mortality is near!
See how wide her trophies wave
O'er the slumbers of the grave!
Here another guest we bring, Seraphs of celestial wing,
To our fun'ral altar come,
Waft this friend and brother home.
There, enlarged, thy soul shall see
What was veiled in mystery;
Heavenly glories of the place
Show his Maker face to face
Lord of all! below - above -

Fill our hearts with truth and love;
When dissolves our earthly tie,
Take us to thy Lodge on high
The following prayer is used at the raising of brother to the sublime
degree of Master Mason:
THOU, O GOD! knowest our down-setting an our up-rising. and
understandeth our thoughts afar off. Shield and defend us from the
evil intentions
of our enemies, and support us under the trials and afflictions we
are destined to endure, while traveling through this vale of tears.
Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He
cometh forth as a flower, and is cut down; he fleeth also as a
shadow, and continueth not. Seeing his days are determined, the
number of his months are with thee; thou hast appointed his
bounds that he cannot pass: turn from him that he may rest, till he
shall accomplish his day. For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut
down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof
will not cease. But man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth
up the ghost, and where is he? As the waters fail from the sea, and
the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not
up till the heavens shall be no more. Yet, O Lord! have compassion
on the children of thy creation; administer them comfort in time of
trouble, and save them with an everlasting salvation. So mote it be


This section illustrates certain hieroglyphical emblems and
inculcates many useful and impressive moral lessons. It also details
many particulars relative to the building of the Temple at
This magnificent structure was founded in the fourth year of the
reign of SOLOMON, on the second day of the month Zif, being the
second month of the sacred year. It was located on Mount Moriah,
near the place where Abraham was about to offer up his son Isaac,
and where David met and appeased the destroying angel. Josephus
informs us, that.

It is said to have been supported by fourteen hundred and fiftythree columns, and two thousand nine hundred and six pilasters,
all hewn from the finest Parian marble. There were employed in its
building, three Grand Masters; three thousand and three hundred
Masters or Overseers of the work; eighty thousand Fellow Crafts;
and seventy thousand Entered Apprentices, or bearers of burdens.
All these were classed and arranged in such
manner, by the wisdom of Solomon, that neither envy, discord, nor
confusion, was suffered to interrupt or disturb the peace and good
fellowship which prevailed among the workmen.
In front of the magnificent porch, were placed the two celebrated
pillars, - one on the left hand and one on the right hand. They are
supposed to have been placed there as a memorial to the children
of Israel, of the happy deliverance of their forefathers from
Egyptian bondage, and in commemoration of the miraculous pillars
of fire and cloud. The pillar of fire gave light to the Israelites and
facilitated their march, and the cloud proved darkness to Pharaoh
and his host, and retarded their pursuit. King Solomon, therefore,
ordered these pillars to be placed at the entrance of the temple, as
the most conspicuous part, that the children of Israel might have
that happy event continually before their eyes, in going to and
returning from divine worship.

In this section are also explained a variety of appropriate emblems,
with which the skilful brother will not fail to make himself familiarly
acquainted. Among them are the following:
Usually delineated upon the master's carpet, are emblematical of
the three principal stages of human life, viz: youth, manhood and
age. In youth, as entered apprentices, we ought industriously to
occupy our minds in the attainment of useful knowledge: in
manhood, as fellow crafts, we should apply our knowledge to the
discharge of our respective duties to God, our neighbor, and
ourselves; that so, in age, as master masons, we may enjoy the
happy reflection consequent on a well-spent life, and die in the
hope of a glorious immortality.
Is an emblem of a pure heart, which is always an acceptable
sacrifice to the Deity; and, as this glows
with to fervent heat, so should our hearts
continually glow with gratitude to the great
and beneficent Author of our existence, for
the manifold blessings and comforts we
Is an emblem of industry, and recommends the practice of that
virtue to all created beings, from the highest seraph in heaven, to
the lowest reptile of the dust. It teaches us, that as we came into
the world rational and intelligent beings, so we should ever be
industrious ones; never sitting down contented while our fellowcreatures around us are in want, especially when it is in our power
to relieve them, without inconvenience to ourselves.

When we take a survey of nature, we view man, in
his infancy, more helpless and indigent than the
brutal creation; he lies languishing for days,
months and years, totally incapable of providing
sustenance for himself, of guarding against the
attack of the wild beasts of the field, or sheltering
himself from the incelemencies of the weather. It
might have pleased the great Creator of heaven
and earth, to have made man independent of all other beings; but,
as dependence is one of the strongest bonds of society, mankind
were mad dependent on each other for protection and security as
they thereby enjoy better opportunities of fulfilling the duties of
reciprocal love and friendship. Thus was man formed for social and
active life the noblest part of the work of God; and he that will so
demean himself, as not to be endeavoring to add to the common
stock of knowledge and understanding, may be deemed a drone in
the hive of nature, a useless member of society, and unworthy of
our protection as masons.
Reminds us that we should be ever watchful and guarded in our
thoughts words and actions, particularly when before the enemies
of masonry; ever bearing in remembrance those truly masonic
virtues, silence and circumspection.
Demonstrates that justice will sooner or later overtake us; and
although our thoughts, words and actions may be hidden from the
eyes of man, yet that

whom the SUN, MOON, and STARS obey, and under whose
watchful care, even COMETS perform their stupendous revolutions,
pervades the inmost recesses of the human HEART, and will reward
us according to our merits.
Are emblems of a well-grounded hope, and
a well-spent life. They are emblematical of
that divine. Art, which safely wafts us over
this tempestuous sea of troubles, and that
Anchor, which shall safely moor us into a
peaceful harbor, where the wicked cease
from troubling and the weary shall find
This was an invention of our ancient friend and brother, the great
Pythagoras, who, in his travels through Asia, Africa and Europe,
was initiated into several orders of priesthood, and raised to the
sublime degree of a master mason. This wise philosopher enriched
his mind abundantly in a general knowledge of things, and more
especially in geometry, or masonry. On this subject, he drew out
many problems and theorems; and among the most distinguished,
he erected this, which, in the joy of his heart, he called Eureka,
signifying, in the Grecian language, I have found it; and upon the
discovery of which, he is said to have sacrificed a hecatomb. It
teaches masons to be general lovers of the arts and sciences.
Is an emblem of human life. Behold! how swiftly the sands run, and

how rapidly our lives are drawing to a close! We
cannot without astonishment behold the little
particles which are contained in this machine; - how
they pass away almost imperceptibly! and yet, to
our surprise, in the short space of an hour they are
al exhausted. Thus wastes man! To-day, he puts forth the tender
leaves of hope; to-morrow, blossoms and hears his
blushing honors thick upon him; the next day comes a frost, which
nips the shoot; and when he thinks his greatness is still aspiring,
he falls, like autumn leaves, to enrich our mother earth.
Is an emblem of time, which cuts the brittle thread of life, and
launches us into eternity. Behold! what havoc the scythe of time
makes among the human race! If by chance we should escape the
numerous evils incident to childhood and youth, and with health
and vigor arrive to the years of manhood; yet, withal, we must
soon be cut down by the all devouring scythe of time, and be
gathered into the land where our fathers have gone before us.

BROTHER: - Your zeal for our institution, the progress you have
made in our mysteries, and your steady conformity to our useful
regulations, have pointed you out as a proper object for this
peculiar mark of our favor.
Duty and honor now alike bind you to be faithful to every trust; to
support the dignity of your character on all occasions; and
strenuously to enforce, by precept and example, a steady
obedience to the tenets of Free-masonry. Exemplary conduct on
your part, will convince the world, that merit is the just title to our
privileges, and that on you our favors have not been undeservedly
In this respectable character you are authorized to correct the
irregularities of your less informed brethren; to fortify their minds

with resolution against the snares of the insidious, and to guard
them against every allurement to vicious practices. To preserve
unsullied the reputation of the fraternity, ought to be your constant
care; and, therefore, it becomes your province to caution the
inexperienced against a breach of fidelity. To your inferiors in rank
or office, you are to recommend obedience and submission; to your
equals, courtesy and affability; to your superiors, kindness
and condescension. Universal benevolence you are zealously to
inculcate; and by the regularity of your own conduct, endeavor to
remove every aspersion against this venerable institution. Our
ancient landmarks you are carefully to preserve, and not suffer
them, on any pretence, to be infringed, or countenance a deviation
from our established customs.
Your honor and reputation are concerned in supporting with
dignity, the respectable character you now bear. Let no motive,
therefore, make you swerve from your duty, violate your vows, or
betray your trust; but be true and faithful, and imitate the example
of that celebrated artist whom you have this evening represented.
Thus you will render yourself deserving of the honor which we have
conferred, and worthy of the confidence we have reposed in you.


THIS degree of Masonry was not less useful in its original institution, nor are its
effects less beneficial to mankind, than those which precede it. By the influence of
this degree, each operative Mason, at the erection of the Temple of Solomon, was

known and distinguished by the Senior Warden. By its effects the
disorder and confusion, that might otherwise have attended
so immense an undertaking was completely prevented; and not only
the craftsmen themselves, who were eighty thousand in number, but every part
of their workmanship, was discriminated with the greatest nicety, and the utmost
facility. If defects were found in the work, by the help of this degree, the
Overseers were enabled, without difficulty, to ascertain who was the faulty
workman; so that its deficiencies might be remedied without injuring the credit,
or diminishing the reward of the industrious and faithful of the craft.
"Wherefore, brethren, lay aside all malice, and guile, and hypocrisies, and envies
and all evil speakings. If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious; to whom
coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of GOD, and
precious; ye also, as living stones, be ye built up a spiritual house, an holy
priesthood, to offer up sacrifices acceptable to GOD.
"Brethren, this is the will of GOD, that, with well doing, ye put to silence the
ignorance of foolish men. As free, and not as using your liberty for a cloak of
maliciousness; but as the servants of GOD. Honor all men; love the brotherhood;
fear GOD."
*) A more appropriate lesson for the opening ceremonies of this degree may be
found in Isaiah xxviii. 16,17,18.
This section explains the manner of opening the lodge. It also teaches the
stations *) and duties of the officers, and the preparation and introduction of

*) A Mark Master's Lodge, when fully organized for work, consists on the
members of the Chapter to which it is attached, and the following officers, viz: R.
W. Master, in the East; Senior Warden, in the, West; Junior Warden, in the
South: Treasurer on the right, and Secretary, on the left, near the chair; Marshal,
or Master of Ceremonies on
In this section is exemplified the regularity and good order that was observed by
the craftsmen on Mount Libanus, and in the plains and quarries of Zeredatha, and
ends with a beautiful display of the manner in which one of the principal events
originated, which characterizes this degree.
Illustrates the foundation and history of the degree, and impresses upon the mind
of the candidate, in a striking manner, the Importance of a strict observance of
his obligation to be ever ready to stretch forth his hand for the relief of indigent
and worthy brethren. The number of workmen employed in building the Temple
of Solomon, and the privileges they enjoyed, are specified; the mode of
the left, in front of the Secretary, Senior Deacon, on the right, in front of the
Treasurer; Junior Deacon, at the right of the Senior Warden Master Overseer, at
the East Gate; Senior Overseer at the West Gate Junior Overseer, at the South

Gate; Stewards on the right and left of the Junior Warden; Chaplain, in the East,
on tie left of the Master.
The officers of Chapters take rank in Mark Master's Lodges as follows, viz: the
High Priest, as R. W. Master; King, as Senior Warden; Scribe, as Junior Warden;
Captain of the Host, as Marshal, or Master of Ceremonies; Principal Sojourner, as
Senior Deacon; Royal Arch Captain as Junior Deacon; Master of the Third Veil, as
Master Overseer; Master of the Second Veil, as Senior Overseer; Master of the
First Veil, as Junior Overseer. The Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain, Stewards, and
Tyler, a officers of corresponding rank.
merit, and of punishing the guilty, are pointed out: and the marks of distinction,
which were conferred on our ancient brethren, as the rewards of excellence, are
The following passages of Scripture are introduced and explained.
The stone which the builders refused, is become the head stone of the corner. PSALMS cxviii. 22.
Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the
same is become the head of the corner? - - MATT. xxi. 42.
And have ye not read this scripture, The stone which the builders rejected, is
become the head of the corner? - - MARK xii. 10.
What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same
is become the head of the corner? LUKE xx. 17.
This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders, which is become the
head of the corner. - - Acts iv. 11. * * * * * *
He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear. - - R.EV. iii. 13.
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him
a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth
saving he hat receiveth it. - - REV. ii. 17

And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need; and we will
bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa, and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.
- - II CHRON. ii. 16.
Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary, which
looketh toward the east; and it was shut. And the Lord said unto me, Son of man,
MARK WELL, and behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say
unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the laws
thereof; and mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the
sanctuary. - - EZEKIEL xliv. 1-5.
The working tools of a Mark Master are the chisel and mallet.
Morally demonstrates the advantages of discipline and education. The mind, like
the diamond in its original state, is rude and unpolished; but as the effect of the
chisel on the external coat soon presents to view the latent beauties of the
diamond, so education discovers the latent virtues of the mind, and draws them
forth to range the large field of master and space, to display the summit of
human knowledge, our duty to God and to man.
Morally teaches to correct irregularities, and reduce man to a proper level; so
that, by quiet deportment, he may, in the school of discipline, learn to be
content. What the mallet is to the workman enlightened reason is to the
passions: it curbs ambition; it depresses envy; it moderates anger, and it
encourages good dispositions; whence arises among good masons that comely
"Which nothing earthly gives, or can destroy, The soul's calm sunshine, and the
heartfelt joy"
Music - " God save great Washington."

MARK MASTERS all appear,
Before the Chief O'erseer, In concert move:

Let him your work inspect,
For the Chief Architect;
If there be no defect,
He will approve.
You who have passed the square,
For your rewards prepare,
Join heart and hand;
Each with his mark in view,
March with the just and true;
Wages to you are due,
At your command.
HIRAM, the widow's son,
Sent unto Solomon
Our great key-sone;
On it appears the name
Which raises high the fame
Of all to whom the same
Is truly known.
Now to the westward move,
Where, full of strength and love,
HIRAM doth stand;
But if impostors are
Mix'd with the worthy there,

Caution them to beware
Of the right hand.
For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went
out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard. And when he had
agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And
he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and said unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right I
will give you. And they went their way. And again he went out about the sixth
and ninth hour, and did likewise. And about the eleventh hour, he went out and
found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day
idle. They say unto him, Because no man bath hired us. He saith unto them, Go
ye also into the

vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So when even was come,
the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the laborers, and give them
their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were
hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the
first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise
received every man a penny. And when they had received it, they murmured
against the good man of the house, saying, These last have wrought but one
hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and
heat of the day. But he answered one of them, and said
Friend, I do thee no wrong; didst not thou agree with me for a penny? Take that
thine is, and go thy way; I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. Is it not

lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil because I am
good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for man be called, but few
chosen. - MATT. xx. 1-16.
Now to the praise of those
Who triumph'd o'er the foes
Of mason's art;
To the praiseworthy three,
Who founded this degree;
May all their virtues be
Deep in our hearts.
BROTHER: - I congratulate you on having been thought worthy of being
promoted to this honorable degree of Masonry. Permit me to impress it on your
mind, that your assiduity should ever be commensurate with your duties, which
become more and more extensive as you advance in Masonry.
The situation to which you are now promoted, will draw upon you not only the
scrutinizing eyes of the world at large, but those also of your brethren, on whom
this degree of Masonry has not been
conferred; all will be justified in expecting your conduct and behavior to be such
as may with safety be imitated.
In the honorable character of Mark Master Mason, it is more particularly your
duty to endeavor to let your conduct in the lodge, and among your brethren, be
such as may stand the test of the Grand Overseer's square, that you may not,
like the unfinished and imperfect work of the negligent and unfaithful of former
times, be rejected and thrown aside, as unfit for that spiritual building, that house
not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
While such is your conduct, should misfortunes assail you, should friends forsake
you, should envy traduce your good name, and malice persecute you; yet may
you have confidence, that among Mark Master Masons you will have friends who
will administer relief to your distresses, and comfort in your afflictions; ever
bearing in mind, as a consolation under all the frowns of fortune, and as an
encouragement to hope for better prospects, that the stone which the builders
rejected, (possessing merits to them unknown) became the chief stone of the

THIS degree should be carefully studied, and well understood, by every Master of
a Lodge It treats of the government of our society; the disposition of our rulers;
and illustrates their requisite qualifications. It includes the ceremony of opening
and closing lodges in the several preceding degrees; and also the forms of
Installation and Consecration, in the Grand Lodge.
as well as private lodges. It comprehends the ceremonies at laying the foundation
stones of public buildings, and also at dedications and at funerals, by a variety of
particulars explanatory of those ceremonies.*)

Any number of Master Masons, not under seven, desirous of forming a new
Lodge, must apply, by petition, to the Grand Lodge of the State in which they
reside, as follows:
"To the M W. Grand Lodge of the State of -.
The undersigned petitioners, being Ancient Free and Accepted Master Masons,
having the prosperity of the fraternity at heart, and willing to exert their best
endeavors to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of Masonry, respectfully
represent - That they are desirous of forming a new lodge in the -- of --, to be
named --, No.--. They therefore pray for letters of dispensation, or a warrant of
constitution, to empower them to assemble as a legal Lodge, to discharge the
duties of Masonry, in a regular and constitutional manner, according to the

original forms of the Order, and the regulations of the Grand Lodge. They have
nominated and do recommend brother A. B
*) For the ceremonies connected with the working of this degree see pp. 109113. A lesson from Ps. 1. should be read at opening.
to be the first Master; C. D to be the first Senior Warden, and E. F. to be the first
Junior Warden, of said Lodge. If the prayer of the petition shall be granted, they
promise a strict conformity to the constitution, laws and regulations of the Grand
Lodge." *) *) This is also the ease when chartered lodges cease to exist.
*) This petition, being signed by at least seven regular master masons (one of
whom must be a Past Master, and recommended by a lodge or lodges adjacent to
the place where the new lodge is to be holden, is delivered to the Grand
Secretary, who lays it before the Grand Lodge.
If the petition meets the approbation of the Grand Lodge, they generally
order a dispensation to be issued, which is signed by the Grand or Deputy Grand
Master, and authorizes the petitioners to assemble as a LEGAL lodge, for a
specified term of time.
In some jurisdictions, the Grand and Deputy Grand Masters, respectively are
invested with authority to grant dispensations, at pleasure during the recess of
the Grand Lodge; in others, they are never issued without the special direction of
the Grand Lodge.
Lodges working under dispensations are considered merely as agents of the
Grand Lodge, their presiding officers are not entitled to the rank of Past Masters;
their officers are not privileged with a vote or voice in the Grand Lodge; they
cannot change their officers without the special approbation and appointment of
the Grand Lodge and in case of the cessation of such lodges, their funds, jewels,
and other property accumulated by initiations into the several degrees, become
the property of the Grand Lodge, and must be delivered over to the Grand
When lodges that are at first instituted by dispensation,have passed a proper
term of probation, they make application to the Grand Lodge for a Charter of
Constitution. If this be obtained they are then confirmed in the possession of their
property, and possess all the rights and privileges of regularly constituted lodges,
as long as they conform to the Constitutions of Masonry. After a charter is
granted by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master appoints a day and hour for
constituting and consecrating the new lodge, and for installing its master wardens
and other officers. If the Grand Master, in person, attends the ceremony the
lodge is said to be constituted in AMPLE FORM; if the Deputy Grand Master only,
it is said to be constituted in DUE FORM; but if the power of performing the
ceremony is vested in a subordinate lodge, it is said to be constituted in FORM.
When charters of constitution are granted for places where the distance is
great as to render it inconvenient for the grand officers to attend, the Grand
Master, or his Deputy, issues a written instrument, under his hand and private
seal, to some worthy Present or Past Master with full power to congregate
constitute and install the petitioners.

On the day and hour appointed, the Grand Master and his officers meet in a
convenient room, near to that in which the lodge to be constituted is assembled,
and open the Grand Lodge in the third degree of masonry.
The officers of the new lodge are to be examined by the Deputy Grand Master;
after which they return to their lodge.
The new lodge then sends one of its members to the Grand Master, with the
following message, viz:
"MOST WORSHIPFUL: -- The officers and brethren of -- Lodge, who are now
assembled at --, have instructed me to inform you, that the Most Worshipful
Grand Lodge (or Grand Master) was pleased to grant them a letter of
dispensation, bearing date the -- day of -- in the year --, authorizing them to
form and open a lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, in the -- of --; that since
that period they have regularly assembled, and conducted the business of
masonry according to the best of their abilities; that their proceedings, having
received the approbation of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, they have obtained
a Charter of Constitution, and are desirous that their lodge should be
consecrated, and their officers installed, agreeably to the ancient usages and
customs of the Craft; for which purpose they are now met, and await the
pleasure of the Most Worshipful Grand Master"
He then returns to his lodge, who prepare for the reception of the Grand Lodge.
When notice is given that they are prepared, the Grand Lodge walk in procession
to their hall. When the Grand Master enters, the grand honors are given by the
new lodge; the officers of which resign their seats to the grand officers, and take
their several stations on their left.
The necessary cautions are then given, and all, excepting Masters and Past
Masters of lodges, are requested to retire, until the Master of the new lodge is
placed in the Oriental Chair. He is then bound to the faithful performance of his
trust, and duly invested.
Upon due notice, the Grand Marshal reconducts the brethren into the hall, and all
take their places, except the members of the new lodge, who form a procession
on one side of the hall, to salute their Master. As they advance, the Grand Master
addresses them, "Brethren, Behold your Master!" As they pass, they make the
proper salutation, and when they have all passed, he joins them, and takes his
appropriate station.
A grand procession is then formed in the following order, viz:
Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards, with White Rods;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;
Master Masons;

Junior Deacons;
Senior Deacons;
Past Wardens;
Junior Wardens;
Senior Wardens;
Past Masters;
Mark Masters;
Royal Arch Masons;
Knights Templars;
Masters of Lodges;
Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Stewards, with White Rods;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;
Master Masons;
Secretary and Treasurer;
Two Brethren, carrying the Master's Carpet;
Junior and Senior Wardens;
The Holy Writings, carried by the oldest member not in office;
The W. Master;
Grand Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Grand Stewards, with White Rods;
Brother, carrying a Golden Vessel with Corn;
Two Brethren, carrying Silver Vessels, one of Wine, the other of Oil;
Grand Secretaries;
Grand Treasurers;
A Past Master, bearing the Holy Writings, Square and Compasses, supported by
two Stewards, with Rods;
Two Burning Tapers, borne by two Past Masters;
Clergy and Orator;
The Tuscan and Composite Orders;
The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Orders;
Past Grand Wardens;
Past Deputy Grand Masters;
Past Grand Masters;
The Globes;
Junior and Senior Grand Wardens;
Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master;
The Master of the Oldest Lodge, carrying the Book of Constitutions;

The Grand Deacons, on a line seven feet apart, on the right and left of the Grand
Master, with Black Rods;
Grand Standard Bearer;
Grand Sword Bearer, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards, with White Rods.
The procession moves on to the church or house where the services are to be
performed. When the
front of the procession arrives at the door, they halt, open to the right and left,
and face inward, while the Grand Master, and others, in succession, pass through
and enter the house.
A platform is erected in front of the pulpit, and provided with seats for the
accommodation of the grand officers.
The Bible, Square and Compass, and Book of Constitutions, are placed upon a
table in front of the Grand Master; the Lodge is placed in the centre, upon a
platform, covered with white satin, or linen, and encompassed by the three
tapers, and the vessels of corn, wine and oil.

A piece of Music
An Oration
A piece of Music
The Grand Marshal then directs the officers ,nd members of the new lodge
in front of the Grand Master. The Deputy Grand Master ad dresses the
Grand Master as follows:
"MOST WORSHIPFUL: - A number of brethren, duly instructed in the
mysteries of Masonry, having assembled together at stated periods, for
some time past, by virtue of a dispensation granted them for that
purpose, do now desire to be constituted into a regular Lodge, agreeably
to the ancient usages and customs of the fraternity."

Their Secretary then delivers the dispensation and records to the Master elect,
who presents them to the Grand Master.
The Grand Master examines the records, and if they are found correct. proclaims,
"The records appear to be properly entered, and are approved. Upon due
deliberation, the Grand Lodge have granted the brethren of this new lodge, a
Charter, confirming them in the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted
Lodge; which the Grand Secretary will now read."
After the Charter is read, the Grand Master then says,

"We shall now proceed, according to ancient usage, to constitute these brethren
into a regular lodge."
Whereupon the several officers of the new lodge deliver up their jewels and
badges to their Master, who presents them with his own, to the Deputy Grand
Master, and he to the Grand Master.
The Deputy Grand Master now presents the Master elect of the new lodge, to the
Grand Master, saying,
"MOST WORSHIPFUL: - I present you Brother --, whom the members of the lodge
now to be constituted, have chosen for their Master."
The Grand Master asks them if they remain satisfied with their choice. (They be in
token of assent.)
The Master then presents, severally, his Wardens and other officers, naming
them and their respective offices. The Grand Master asks the brethren if they
remain satisfied with each and all of them (They bow as before.)
The officers and members of the new lodge then form in the broad aisle, in front
of the Grand Master, and the business of CONSECRATION commences with
solemn music.
The Grand Master, attended by the grand officers and the Grand Chaplain, form
themselves in order, round the lodge, which is then uncovered, while a piece of
solemn music is performed. The first clause of the Consecration Prayer is
rehearsed, as follows:
"Great Architect of the Universe! Maker and Ruler of all Worlds! deign, from thy
celestial temple, from realms of light and glory, to bless us in all the purposes of
our present assembly!
"We humbly invoke thee to give us, at this and at all times, Wisdom in all our
doings, Strength of mind in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony in all
our communications"
"Permit us, O thou Author of Light and Life, great Source of Love and Happiness,
to erect this lodge, and now solemnly to consecrate it to the honor of thy glory!
"Glory be to God on high." Response.
"As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be! Amen."
During the response, the Deputy Grand Master, and the Grand Wardens, take the
vessels of corn, wine and oil, and sprinkle the elements of Consecration upon the
The Grand Chaplain then continues:

"Grant, O Lord our God, that those who are now about to be invested with the
government of this lodge, may be endued with wisdom to instruct their brethren
in all their duties. May Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, always prevail among the
members of this lodge; and may this bond of union continue to strengthen the
lodges throughout the world!
"Bless all our brethren, wherever dispersed; and grant speedy relief to all who are
either oppressed or distressed.
"We affectionately commend to thee all the members of thy whole family. May
they increase in the knowledge of thee, and in the love of each other.
"Finally; May we finish all our work here below, with thine approbation; and then
have our transition from this earthly abode to thy heavenly temple above, there
to enjoy light, glory and bliss ineffable and eternal!
"Glory be to God on high!" Response.
A piece of solemn music is performed while the lodge is covered.
The Grand Chaplain then DEDICATES the Lodge in the following terms:
"To the memory of HOLY SAINTS JOHN we dedicate this Lodge. May every
brother revere their character, and imitate their virtues.
"Glory be to God on high."
Response: "Amen! so mote it be! Amen!
A piece of music is then performed, whilst the brethren of the new lodge advance
in procession, to salute the Grand Lodge, with their hands crossed upon their
breasts, and bowing as they pass.
The Grand Master then rises, and CONSTITUTES the new lodge in the form
"In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, I now constitute and form you,
my brethren, into a lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. From henceforth I
empower you to act as a regular lodge, constituted in conformity to the rites of
our Order, and the charge of our ancient and honorable fraternity; and may the
Supreme Architect of the universe prosper, direct and counsel you in all your
Response: "So mote it be!"

The Grand Master *) asks his Deputy, "Whether he has examined the Master
nominated in the warrant, and finds him well skilled in the noble science and the
royal art." The Deputy answering in the affirmative, + by the Grand Master's
order, takes the candidate from among his fellows, and presents him at the

pedestal, saying, "Most Worshipful Master, I present my worthy brother, A. B., to
be installed Master of this (new) lodge. I find him to be of good morals, and of
great skill, true and trusty; and I doubt not he will discharge his duty with
The Grand Master then addresses him:
"BROTHER: - Previous to your investiture, it is necessary that you should signify
your assent to those ancient charges and regulations which point out the duty of
a Master of a Lodge."
The Grand Master then reads, or orders to be read, a summary of the ancient
charges to the Master elect, as follows, viz:

You agree to be a good man and true, and strictly to obey the moral law.

*) In this and other similar instances, where the Grand Master is specified in
acting may be understood any Master who performs the ceremony.
+) A private examination is understood to precede the installation of every









You agree to be a peaceable citizen, and cheerfully to conform to the laws
of the country in which you reside.
You promise not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against
government, but patiently to submit to the decisions of the supreme legis
You agree to pay a proper respect to the civil magistrates, to work
diligently, live creditably, and act honorably by all men.
You agree to hold in veneration the original rulers and patrons of the
Order of Masonry, and their regular successors, supreme and subordinate,
according to their stations; and to submit to the awards and resolutions of
your brethren, when convened, in every case consistent with the
constitutions of the Order.
You agree to avoid private piques and quarrels, and to guard against
intemperance and excess.
You agree to be cautious in your behavior, courteous to your brethren,
and faithful to your lodge.
You promise to respect genuine brethren and to discountenance
imposters, and all dissenter from the original plan of Masonry.
You agree to promote the general good of society, to cultivate the social
virtues, and to propagate the knowledge of the art.
You promise to pay homage to the Grand Master for the time being, and to
his officers when

duly installed; and strictly to conform to every edict of the Grand Lodge,
or General Assembly of Masons, that is not subversive of the principles
and ground work of Masonry.

You admit that it is not in the power of any man, or body of men, to make
innovations in the body of Masonry.





You promise a regular attendance on the committees and communications
of the Grand Lodge, on receiving proper notice; and to pay attention to all
the duties of Masonry, on convenient occasions.
You admit that no new lodge shall be formed without permission of the
Grand Lodge; and that no countenance be given to any irregular lodge, or
to any person clandestinely initiated therein, being contrary to the ancient
charges of the Order.
You admit that no person can be regularly made a Mason in, or admitted a
member of, any regular lodge, without previous notice, and due inquiry
into his character.
You agree that no visitors shall be received into your lodge without due
examination, and producing proper vouchers of their having been initiated
into a regular lodge.

These are the regulations of Free and Accepted Masons.
The Grand Master then addresses the Master elect in the following manner: "Do
you submit to
these charges, and promise to support these regulations, as Masters have done in
all ages before you?"
The Master having signified his cordial submission as before, the Grand Master
thus addresses him: -"Brother A. B., in consequence of your conformity to the charges and regulations
of the Order, you are now to be installed Master of this lodge, in full confidence of
your care, skill and capacity to govern the same."
The Master is then regularly invested with the insignia of his office, and the
furniture and implements of his lodge. The various implements of the profession
are emblematical of our conduct in life, and upon this occasion are carefully
The Holy Writings, that great light in Masonry, will guide you to all truth; it will
direct your paths to the temple of happiness, and point out to you the whole duty
of man.
The Square teaches us to regulate our actions by rule and line, and to harmonize
our conduct by the principles of morality and virtue.
The Compass teaches us to limit our desires in every station, that, rising to
eminence by merit; we may live respected, and die regretted.

The Rule directs, that we should punctually observe our duty; press forward in
the path of virtue, and, neither inclining to the right or to the left, in all our
actions have eternity in view.

The Line teaches us the criterion of moral rectitude, to avoid dissimulation in
conversation and action, and to direct our steps to the path which leads to
The Book of Constitutions you are to search at all times. Cause it to be read in
your lodge, that none may pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it enjoins.
You now receive in charge the Charter, by the authority of which this lodge is
held. You are carefully to preserve and duly transmit it to your successor in office.
Lastly, you receive in charge the By-Laws of your lodge, which you are to see
carefully and punctually executed.
The Jewels of the officers of the new lodge are then returned to the Master, who
delivers them, respectively, to the several officers of the Grand Lodge, according
to their rank.
The subordinate officers of the new lodge are then invested with their jewels, by
the grand officers of corresponding rank; and are by them, severally in turn,
conducted to the Grand Master, who delivers to each of them a short charge, as
follows: ***
" Brother C. D., you are appointed*) Senior Warden of this lodge, and are now
invested with the insignia of your office.
"The Level demonstrates that we are descended from the same stock, partake of
the same nature, and share the same hope; and though distinctions among men
are necessary to preserve subordination, yet no eminence of station should make
us forget that we are brethren; for he who is placed on the lowest spoke of
fortune's wheel, may be entitled to our regard; because a time will come, and the
wisest knows not how soon, when all distinctions, but that of goodness, shall
cease; and death, the grand leveler of human greatness, reduce us to the same
"Your regular attendance on our stated meetings is essentially necessary. In the
absence of the Master, you are to govern this lodge; in his presence, you are to
assist him in the government of it. I firmly rely on your knowledge of Masonry,
and attachment to the lodge for the faithful discharge of the duties of this
important trust - Lock well to the West!"
*) When the Installation is not of the officers of a new lodge, the words "have
been elected," should be substituted for the words "an appointed," in all cases
where the officer is chosen by ballot.
"Brother E. F., you are appointed Junior Warden of this lodge; and are now
invested with the badge of your office.

The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations, to hold the
scale of justice in equal poise; to observe the just medium between intemperance
and pleasure, and to make our passions and prejudices coincide with the line of
our duty. To you is committed the superintendence of the craft during the hours
of refreshment; it is therefore indispensably necessary that you should not only
be temperate and discreet in the indulgence of your own inclinations, but
carefully observe that none of the craft be suffered to convert the purposes of
refreshment into intemperance and excess. Your regular and punctual attendance
is particularly requested, and I have no doubt that you will faithfully execute the
duty which you owe to your present appointment. - Look well to the South!"
"Brother G. H., you are appointed Treasurer of this lodge. It is your duty to
receive all moneys from the hands of the Secretary; keep just and regular
accounts of the same, and pay them out at the Worshipful Master's will and
pleasure, with the consent of the lodge. I trust your regard for the
fraternity will prompt you to the faithful discharge of the duties of your office."
"Brother I. K., you are appointed Secretary of this lodge. It is your duty to
observe the Worshipful Master's will and pleasure; to record the proceedings of
the lodge, to receive all moneys, and pay them into the hands of the Treasurer.
Your good inclination to Masonry and this lodge, I hope, will induce you to
discharge the duties of your office with fidelity, and by so doing, you will merit
the esteem and applause of your brethren."
"Rev. Brother L. M., you are appointed Chaplain of this lodge. It is your duty to
perform those solemn services which we should constantly render to our infinite
Creator; and which, when offered by one whose holy profession is "to point to
heaven and lead the way," may, by refining our souls, strengthening our virtues,
and purifying our minds, prepare us for admission into the society of those above,
whose happiness will be as endless as it is perfect."
"Brothers L. M. and N. O., you are appointed Deacons of this lodge. It is your
province to attend on the Master and Wardens, and to act as
*) A silver dove is the correct jewel of the Deacons.- Oliver.
their proxies in the active duties of the lodge; such as in the reception of
candidates into the different degrees of Masonry; the introduction and
accommodation of visitors, and in the immediate practice of our rites. The Square
and Compasses, as badges of your office, I entrust to your care, not doubting
your vigilance and attention."



"Brothers R.
S. and T. U., you are appointed Stewards (Masters of
of this lodge. The duties of your office are to assist the
Deacons and other officers in performing their respective duties. Your regular and
early attendance will afford the best proof of your zeal and attachment to the
"Brother V. W., you are appointed Tyler of this lodge, and I invest you with the
implement of your office. As the sword is placed in the hands of the Tyler, to
enable him effectually to guard against the approach of cowans and
eavesdroppers, and suffer none to pass or repass but such as are duly qualified,
so it should admonish us to set a guard over our thoughts, a watch at our lips,
post a sentinel over our actions; thereby
preventing the approach of every unworthy thought or deed, and preserving
consciences void of offence towards GOD and towards man."
"WORSHIPFUL MASTER: - The Grand Lodge having committed to your care the
superintendence and government of the brethren who are to compose this lodge,
you cannot be insensible of the obligations which devolve on you as their head;
nor of your responsibility for the faithful discharge of the important duties
annexed to your appointment. The honor, reputation and usefulness of your
lodge, will materially depend on the skill and assiduity with which you manage its
concerns; whilst the happiness of its members will be generally promoted, in
proportion to the zeal and ability with which you propagate the genuine principles
of our institution.
"For a pattern of imitation, consider the great luminary of nature, which, rising in
the East, regularly diffuses light and lustre to all within the circle. In like manner
it is your province to spread and communicate light and instruction to the
brethren of your lodge. Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and high
importance of Masonry; and seriously admonish them never to disgrace it.
Charge them to practice out of the lodge, those duties which they have been
taught in it; and by
amiable, discreet and virtuous conduct, to convince mankind of the goodness of
the institution; so that when a person is said to be a member of it, the world may
know that he is one to whom the burdened heart may pour out its sorrows; to
whom distress may prefer its suit; whose hand is guided by justice, and his heart
is expanded by benevolence. In short, by a diligent observance of the By-laws of
your lodge, the Constitutions of Masonry, and above all, the Holy Scriptures,
which are given as a rule and guide to your faith, you will be enabled to acquit
yourself with honor and reputation, and lay up a crown of rejoicing, which shall
continue when time shall be no more.

"You are too well acquainted with the principles of Masonry, to warrant any
distrust that you will be found wanting in the discharge of your respective duties.
Suffice it to say, that what you have seen praiseworthy in others, you should
carefully imitate; and what in them may have appeared defective, you should in
yourselves amend. You should be examples of good order and regularity; for it is
only by a due regard to the laws, in your own conduct, that you can expect
obedience to them from others. You are assiduously to assist the Master in the
discharge of his trust; diffusing light and imparting knowledge to all whom he
shall place under your care. In the absence of the
Master, you will succeed to higher duties; your acquirements must therefore be
such, as that the craft may never suffer for want of proper instruction. From the
spirit which you have hitherto evinced, I entertain no doubt that your future
conduct will be such as to merit the applause of your brethren, and the testimony
of a good conscience.
"Such is the nature of our constitution, that as some must of necessity rule and
teach, so others must, of course, learn to submit and obey. Humility in both is an
essential duty. The officers who are appointed to govern your lodge, are
sufficiently conversant with the rules of propriety, and the laws of the institution,
to avoid exceeding the powers with which they are entrusted; and you are of too
generous dispositions to envy their preferment. I therefore trust that you will
have but one aim, to please each other, and unite in the grand design of being
happy and communicating happiness.
"Finally, my brethren, as this association has been formed and perfected in so
much unanimity and concord, in which we greatly rejoice, so may it long
continue. May you long enjoy every satisfaction and delight, which disinterested
friendship can afford. May kindness and brotherly affection distinguish your
conduct, as men and as masons. Within your peaceful walls, may your
children celebrate with joy and gratitude, the annual recurrence of this auspicious
solemnity. And may the tenets of our profession be transmitted through your
lodge, pure and unimpaired, from generation to generation."
The Grand Marshal then proclaims the new lodge, in the following manner, viz:
"In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of --, I proclaim
this new Lodge, by the name of -- Lodge, duly constituted."
The Grand Chaplain then makes the concluding prayer, which ends the public
The grand procession is then formed in the same order as before, and returns to
the hall. The following, or some other ode, is sung, which concludes the ceremony
of installation.
Music - "Bright Rosy Morning."

Behold! in the East our new Master appear;
Come, brothers, we'll greet him with hearts all sincere;
We'll serve him with freedom, fervor and zeal;
And aid him his duties and trust to fulfil.
In the West see the Warden with Level in hand,
The Master to aid, and obey his command,
We'll aid him with freedom, fervor and zeal,
And help him his duties and trust to fulfil.
In the South, see the Warden by Plumb stand upright,
Who watches the sun, and takes note of its flight,
We'll aid, &c.
The lodge is then closed with the usual solemnities in the different degrees, by
the Grand Master and his officers.
This is the usual ceremony observed by regular Masons at the Constitution of a
new lodge, which the Grand Master may abridge or extend at pleasure; but the
material points are upon no account to be omitted. The same ceremony and
charges attend every succeeding installation of new officers.

THIS ceremony is conducted by the Grand Master and his officers, assisted by the
members of the Grand Lodge, and such officers and members of private lodges as
can conveniently attend. The Chief Magistrate, and other civil officers of the place
where the building is to be erected, also generally attend on the occasion.
At the time appointed, the Grand Lodge is convened in some suitable place,
approved by the Grand Master. A band of martial music is pro***
vided, and the brethren appear in the insignia of the Order, and with white gloves
and aprons. The lodge is opened by the Grand Master, and the rules for
regulating the procession to and from the place where the ceremony is to be
performed, are read by the Grand Secretary. The necessary cautions are then
given from the Chair, and the lodge is adjourned; after which the procession sets
out in the following order:
Two Tylers, with drawn Swords;
Tyler of the oldest Lodge, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards of the oldest Lodge;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;
Master Masons;
Junior Deacons;
Senior Deacons;

Past Wardens;
Junior Wardens;
Senior Wardens;
Past Masters;
Mark Masters;
Royal Arch Masons;
Knights Templars;
Masters of Lodges;
Grand Tyler, with a draws Sword;
Grand Stewards, with White Rods;
A Brother, with a Golden Vessel containing Corn;
Two Brethren, carrying Silver Vessels, one of Wine, the other of Oil;
Principal Architect, with Square, Level and Plumb Grand Secretary;
Grand Treasurer; Bible, Square and Compass, carried by a Master of a Lodge,
supported by two Stewards;
Grand Chaplain;
The Five Orders;
Past Grand Wardens;
Past Deputy Grand Masters;
Past Grand Masters;
Chief Magistrate of the place;
Two Large Lights, borne by two Masters of Lodges;
Grand Wardens;
Deputy Grand Master;
The Master of the Oldest Lodge, carrying the Book of Constitutions;
Grand Deacons, with Black Rods, seven feet apart; The M. W. GRAND MASTER;
Grand Standard Bearer;
Grand Sword Bearer, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards, with White Rods.
A triumphal arch is usually erected at the place where the ceremony is to be
performed. The procession passes through the arch, and the brethren
repairing to their stands, the Grand Master and his officers take their places on a
temporary platform, covered with carpet.
An ode in honor of Masonry is then sung.
The Grand Master commands silence, and the necessary preparations are made
for laying the stone, on which is engraved the year of Masonry, he name and
titles of the Grand Master, &c., &c.
The stone is raised up, by the means of an engine erected for that purpose, and
the Grand Chaplain, or Orator, repeats a short prayer. The Grand Treasurer, by
the Grand Master's command, places under the stone various sorts of coin and
medals of the present age. Solemn music is introduced, and the stone let down
into its place. The principal Architect then presents the working tools to the Grand
Master, who applies the Plumb, Square and Level to the stone, in their proper
positions, and pronounces it to be "WELL FORMED, TRUE AND TRUSTY."

The golden and silver vessels are next brought to the table, and delivered; the
former to the Deputy Grand Master, and the latter to the Grand Wardens, who
successively present them to the Grand Master; and he, according to ancient
ceremony, pours the corn, the wine, and the oil, which they contain, on the
stone; saying.
"May the all-bounteous Author of Nature bless the inhabitants of this place with
all the necessaries, conveniences and comforts of life; assist in
the erection and completion of this building; protect the workmen against every
accident, and long preserve this structure from decay; and grant to us all, a
supply of the CORN of nourishment, the WINE of refreshment, and the OIL of
joy." "Amen! so mote it be! Amen!"
He then strikes the stone thrice with the mallet, and the public honors of masonry
are given.
The Grand Master then delivers over to the Architect the various implements of
architecture, entrusting him with the superintendence and direction of the work;
after which he reascends the platform, and an oration, suitable to the occasion, is
delivered. A voluntary collection is made for the workmen, and the sum collected
is placed upon the stone by the Grand Treasurer. The ceremony concludes with
an appropriate ode. After which the procession returns to the place whence it set
out, and the lodge is closed in due form.

On the day appointed for the celebration of the ceremony of Dedication, the
Grand Master and his officers, accompanied by the members of the Grand Lodge
meet in a convenient room, near to the place where the ceremony is be
performed, and the Grand Lodge is opened in ample form, in the third degree of
The Master of the Lodge to which the hall to be dedicated belongs, being present,
rises and addresses the Grand Master as follows:
"The brethren of -- Lodge, being animated with a desire of promoting the honor
and interest of the craft, have, at great pains and expense, erected a Masonic
Hall, for their convenience and accommodation. They are now desirous that the
same should be examined by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge; and if it should
meet their approbation, that it should be solemnly dedicated to Masonic
purposes, agreeably to ancient form."
The Grand Master then directs the Grand Secretary to read the Order of
Procession, which is delivered over to the Grand Marshal; and a general charge,
respecting propriety of behavior, is given by the Deputy Grand Master; or the
necessary directions are given to the brethren from the Chair.

A grand procession is then formed in the order laid down in the first section. The
whole moves forward to the hall which is to be dedicated; and upon the arrival of
the front of the procession at the door, they halt, open to the right and left and
face inward, whilst the Grand Master, and others in succession, pass through and
enter. The music continues while the procession marches three times around the
The Lodge is placed in the centre. The Grand
Master having taken the chair, under a canopy; the grand officers take the places
of the corresponding officers of the lodge, and the Masters and Wardens of other
lodges, repair to the places previously prepared for their reception. The three
lights (in a triangular form), and the gold and silver pitchers, with the corn, wine
and oil, are placed on the Lodge, at the head of which stands the pedestal, or
altar, with the Bible open, and the Square and Compass fixed thereon, with the
Charter, Book of Constitutions and By-laws.
An anthem is sung, and an exordium on Masonry given; after which, the Architect
addresses the Grand Master as follows:
"Having been entrusted with the superintendence and management of the
workmen employed in the construction of this edifice; and having, according to
the best of my ability, accomplished the task assigned me, I now return my
thanks for the honor of this appointment, and beg leave to surrender up the
implements which were committed to roy care, when the foundation of this fabric
was laid; humbly hoping, that the exertions which have been made on this
occasion, will be crowned with your approbation, and that of the Most Worshipful
Grand Lodge."
To which the Grand Master replies as follows:
"BROTHER ARCHITECT: - The skill and fidelity
displayed in the execution of the trust reposed in you, at the commencement of
this undertaking, have secured the entire approbation of the Grand Lodge; and
they sincerely pray, that this edifice lay continue a lasting monument of the taste.
spirit, and liberality of its founders."
An ode in honor of Masonry is sung.
The Deputy Grand Master then rises and says:
"MOST WORSHIPFUL: - The hall in which we are now assembled, and the plan
upon which it has been constructed, having met with your approbation, it is the
desire of the fraternity that it should be now dedicated, according to ancient form
and usage."
Whereupon the Grand Master requests all to retire but such as are Master
Masons. A procession is then formed in the following order, viz:

Grand Sword Bearer;
Grand Standard Bearer;
A Past Master, with a Light;
A Past Master, with Bible, Square and Compass on a Velvet Cushion;
Two Past Masters, each with a Light;
Grand Secretary and Treasurer, with Emblems;
Grand Junior Warden, with Pitcher of Corn;
Grand Senior Warden, with Pitcher of Wine;
Deputy Grand Master, with Pitcher of Oil;
Grand Master; Two Stewards, with Rods.
All the other brethren keep their places, and assist in performing an ode, which
continues during the procession, excepting only at the intervals of dedication.
Music - "Migdol."
And with thee bring thy spotless train;
Constant at our sacred rites attend,
While we adore thy peaceful reign.
The Lodge being uncovered, and the first procession being made around it, the
Grand Master having reached the East, the Grand Junior Warden presents the
pitcher of corn to the Grand Master, who, striking thrice with his mallet, pours it
out upon the Lodge, at the same time pronouncing,
"In the name of the great JEHOVAH, to whom be all honor and glory, I do
solemnly dedicate this hall to FREE-MASONRY."
The grand honors are given.
Bring with thee VIRTUE! brightest maid;
Bring Love, bring Truth, bring Friendship here
While social mirth shall lend her aid,
To soothe the wrinkled brow of care.
The second procession is then made around the Lodge, and the Grand Senior
Warden presents the pitcher of wine to the Grand Master, who sprinkles it upon
the Lodge, at the same time saying,
"In the name of the Holy SAINTS JOHN, I do solemnly dedicate this hall to
The grand honors are twice repeated.
Bring CHARITY! with goodness crowned,
Encircled in thy heavenly robe!
Diffuse thy blessings all around,
To every corner of the GLOBE!

The third procession is then made round the Lodge, and the Deputy
Grand Master presents the pitcher of oil to the Grand Master, who,
sprinkling it upon the Lodge, says,
"In the name of the whole FRATERNITY, I do solemnly dedicate this hall
The grand honors are thrice repeated.
A solemn invocation is made to the Throne of Grace, by the Grand Chaplain.
To Heaven's high Architect all praise,
All praise, all gratitude be given,
Who deigned the human soul to raise,
By mystic secrets sprung from Heaven.
After which the Lodge is covered, and the Grand Master retires to his chair. An
oration is then delivered, and the ceremonies conclude with music. The Grand
Lodge is again formed in procession, as at first, and returns to the room where it
was opened, and is closed in ample form.

THE ceremonies which are observed on the occasion of funerals are highly
appropriate they are performed as a melancholy Masonic duty, and as token of
respect and affection to the memory of a departed brother. No mason can be
interred with the formalities of the Order unless he has been advanced to the
third degree. Fellow Crafts and Apprentices are not entitled to funeral obsequies.
All the brethren who walk in procession, should observe, as much as possible, an
uniformity in their dress; black clothes, with white gloves and aprons, are most
The brethren being assembled at the Lodge room, (or some other convenient
place) the presiding officer opens the lodge in the third degree; and having stated
the purpose of the meeting the service begins.
Master. - "What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? Shall he deliver
his soul from the hand of the grave?"
"Response. - " Man walketh in a vain shadow; he heapeth up riches, and cannot
tell who shall gather them."
Master. - "When he dieth, he shall carry nothing away; his glory shall not descend
after him."
Response. - " Naked he came into the world, and naked he must return."
Master. - "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; Blessed be the name of
the Lord!"

[The grand honors are then given, and the Master, taking the SACRED ROLL in
his hand, says:]
"Let us die the death of the righteous, and let our last end be like his."
Response. - "God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even unto
[The Master then records the name and age of the deceased upon the roll, and
"Almighty Father! into thy hands we commend the soul of our departed brother."
[The brethren respond three times, giving the public grand honors each time: *) ]
"The will of God is accomplished. So mote it be!"
*) The public grand honors are given in the following manner: - Both arms are
crossed on the breast, the left uppernost and the open palms of the hands
sharply striking the shoulders; they are then raised above the head, the palms
striking each other, and then made to fall smartly upon the thighs. - MACKEY.
[The Master then deposits the roll in the archives, and repeats the following or
some other suitable prayer:]
Most merciful and glorious Lord God! our heavenly Father! Author of all good, and
Giver of all mercy! pour down thy blessings upon us, and strengthen our solemn
engagements with the ties of sincere affection. May the present instance of
mortality remind us of our approaching fate, and draw our attention toward thee,
the only refuge in time of need, that, when the awful moment shall arrive that we
are about to quit this transitory scene, the enlivening prospect of thy mercy may
dispel the gloom of death; that after our departure hence in peace, we may be
received into thine everlasting kingdom, and there enjoy, in union with our
departed friends, the just reward of a pious and virtuous life. Amen.
Response. - So mote it be.
[A procession is then formed, which proceeds to the house of the deceased, and
from thence to the place of interment. Should there be services at a church or at
the house of the deceased, a brief responsive service should be used, concluding
with the Lord's Prayer immediately after the benediction has been pronounced.
Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Stewards, with White Rods;
Musicians, (if they are Masons, otherwise they follow the Tyler;)
Master Masons;
Senior and Junior Deacons;
Secretary and Treasurer;
Senior and Junior Wardells;

The Holy Writings, on a cushion, covered with black cloth, carried by the oldest
(or some suitable) member of the Lodge;
The Master;
with the insignia
Pall Bearers.

placed thereon.
Pall Bearers
When the procession arrives at the place of in inerment, the members of the
lodge form a circle round the grave; the officers take their position at the head of
the grave, on the right of the mourners. The following exhortation is then given:
NOTE. - If a past or present Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, or Grand
Warden, should join the procession of a private lodge, proper attention is to be
paid to them. They take place after the Master of the lodge. Two Deacons. with
black rods are appointed by the Master to attend a Grand Warden; and when the
Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master is present, the Book of Constitutions is
bore before him, a Sword Bearer follows him, and the Deacons, with black reds,
on his right and left.


Again we are called to assemble among the habitations of the dead, to behold the
"narrow house appointed for all living." Here, around us, in that peace which the
world cannot give, sleep the unnumbered dead. The gentle breeze fans their
verdant covering, they heed it not; the sunshine and the storm pass over them,
and they are not disturbed; stones and lettered monuments symbolize the
affection of surviving friends, yet no sound proceeds from them, save that silent
but thrilling admonition, "seek ye the narrow path and the straight gate that lead
unto eternal life."
We are again called upon to consider the uncertainty of human life the immutable
of death, and the vanity of all human pursuits. Decrepitude and decay are written
upon every living thing. The cradle and the coffin stand side by side: and it is a
melancholy truth, that so soon as we begin to live that moment also we begin to
die. It is passing strange that notwithstanding the daily mementos of mortality
that cross our path; notwithstanding the funeral bell so often tolls in our ears,
and the "mournful procession" go about our streets, that we will not more
seriously consider our approaching fate. We go on from design to design, add
hope to hope, and lay out plans for the employment of many years, until we are
suddenly alarmed at the approach of the Messenger of Death, at a moment when
we least expect him, and which we probably conclude to be the meridian of our
What, then, are all the externals of human dignity, the power of wealth, the
dreams of ambition, the pride of intellect, or the charms of beauty, when Nature
has paid her just debt? Fix your eyes on the last sad scene, and view life stript of
its ornaments, and exposed in its natural meanness and you must be persuaded
of the utter emptiness of these delusions. In the grave all fallacies are detected,
all ranks are leveled, and all distinctions are done away.
While we drop the sympathetic tear over the grave of our deceased brother, let
us east around his foibles, whatever they may have been, the
broad mantle of masonic charity, nor withhold from his memory the
commendation that his virtues claim at our hands. Perfection on earth has never
yet been attained the wisest, as well as the best of men, have gone astray.
Suffer, then, the apologies of human nature to plead for him who can no longer
extenuate for himself.
Our present meeting and proceedings will have been vain and useless, if they fail
to excite our serious reflections, and strengthen our resolutions of amendment.
Be then persuaded, my brethren, by the uncertainty of human life, and the
unsubstantial nature of all its pursuits, and no longer postpone the all-important
concern of preparing for eternity. Let us each embrace the present moment, and
while time and opportunity offer, prepare for that great change, when the
pleasures of the world shall be as poison to our lips, and happy reflections of a
well spent life afford the only consolation. Thus shall our hopes be not frustrated,
nor we hurried unprepared into the presence of that all-wise and powerful Judge,
to whom the secrets of every heart are known. Let us resolve to maintain with
greater assiduity the dignified character of our profession. May our faith be
evinced in a correct moral walk and deportment; may our hope be bright as the

glorious mysteries that will be revealed hereafter; and our charity boundless as
the wants of our fellow creatures. And having faithfully discharged the great
duties which we owe to GOD, to our neighbor, and ourselves; when at last it shall
please the Grand Master of the universe to summon us into his eternal presence,
may the trestleboard of our whole lives pass such inspection that it may be given
unto each of us to "eat of the hidden manna," and to receive the "white stone
with a new name written," that will ensure perpetual and unspeakable happiness
at his right hand.
The following invocations are then made: Master. - May we be true and faithful to each other, and may we live and die in
Response. - So mote it be.
Master. - May we profess what is good, and always act agreeably to our
Response. - So mote it be.
Master.- May the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord be gracious unto us,
and may all our good intentions be crowned with success.
Response. - So mote it be.
Master. - Glory be to God in the highest; on earth peace; good will towards men.
Response. - So mote it be, now, henceforth, and forever. Amen.
The apron is taken from the coffin, and handed to the Master; the coffin is
deposited in the grave, and the service is then renewed.
Master. - Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God, in his wise providence, to
take out of the world the soul of our deceased brother, we therefore commit his
body to the ground - earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
The secretary then advances, and deposits the ROLL in the grave. (See foot-note,
page 138.)
Master. - Friend and brother! We bid thee a last, a long FAREWELL! Thou art at
rest from thy labors. May it be in peace.
Response. - So mote it be. Amen.
Then may be sung the Funeral Dirge. (See page 72.)
The Master then presenting the apron, continues -

"The lamb-skin or white apron is the emblem of innocence and the badge of a
Mason. It is more ancient than the golden fleece or Roman eagle; more honorable
than the star and garter.
The Master then deposits it in the grave.
This emblem I now deposit in the grave of our deceased brother. By it we are
reminded of the universal dominion of Death. The arm of Friendship cannot
interpose to prevent his coming; the wealth of the world cannot purchase our
release; nor will the innocence of youth, or the charms of beauty propitiate his
purpose. The mattock, the
coffin, and the melancholy grave, admonish us of our mortality, and that, sooner
or later, these frail bodies must moulder in their parent dust.
The Master, holding the evergreen, continues This evergreen, which once marked the temporary resting place of the illustrious
dead, is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul. By this we are
reminded of our high and glorious destiny beyond the "world of shadows," and
that there dwells within our tabernacle of clay an immortal spirit, over which the
grave has no dominion and death no power.
The brethren then move in procession round the place of interment, and severally
drop the sprig of evergreen into the grave; after which, the public grand honors
are given. *) The Master then continues the ceremony at the grave, in the
following words:
From time immemorial, it has been the custom among the fraternity of free and
accepted Masons, at the request of a brother, to accompany his corpse to the
place of interment, and there to deposit his remains with the usual formalities.
In conformity to this usage, and at the request of our deceased brother, whose
memory we revere,
*) In depositing the evergreen all the brethren should carefully observe the
correct form, which is, by extending the right hand over the grave, dropping the
evergreen; then raising the hand, pointing it to the zenith, bringing it down upon
the left breast, and thence to the side, thereby signifying that we consign the
body of our departed brother to the tomb, commend his spirit to Him who gave it,
and that his memory is faithfully cherished within our hearts.- Cunningham.
and whose loss we now deplore, we have assembled in the character of Masons,
to offer up to his memory, before the world, the last tribute of our affection;
thereby demonstrating the sincerity of our past esteem for him, and our steady
attachment to the principles of the order.
The Great Creator, having been pleased, out of his infinite mercy, to remove our
brother from the cares and troubles of this transitory existence, to a state of
endless duration, thus severing another link from the fraternal chain that binds us
together; may we, who survive him, be more strongly cemented in the ties of

union and friendship; that, during the short space allotted us here, we may wisely
and usefully employ our time; and, in the reciprocal intercourse of kind and
friendly acts, mutually promote the welfare and happiness of each other. Unto the
grave we have consigned the body of our deceased brother; earth to earth, ashes
to ashes, dust to dust. We leave him in the hands of a Being who doeth all things
well; who is glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders.
To those of his immediate relatives and friends, who are most heart-stricken at
the loss we have all sustained, we have but little of this world's consolation to
offer. We can only sincerely, deeply and most affectionately sympathize with
them in
their afflictive bereavement.*) [But in the beautiful spirit of the Christian's
theology we dare to say, that HE, who "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,"
looks down with infinite compassion upon the widow and fatherless, in the hour of
their desolation; and that the same benevolent Saviour, who wept while on earth,
will fold the arms of his love and protection around those who put their trust in
The service is here concluded with the following, or some other suitable prayer:
ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, as it has pleased thee to take from the light
of our abode, one dear to our hearts, we beseech thee to bless and sanctify unto
us this dispensation of thy Providence. Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on
high, that we may glorify thee in all our ways. May we realize that thine Allseeing Eye is upon us, and be influenced by the spirit of truth and love to perfect
obedience, - that we may enjoy the divine approbation here below. And when our
toils on earth shall have ceased, may we be raised to the enjoyment of fadeless
light and immortal life in that kingdom where faith and hope shall end - and love
and joy prevail through eternal ages.
*) The paragraph enclosed in brackets must be omitted if the deceased brother
was a Jew. - ED.
And thine, O righteous Father, shall be the glory forever. Amen.
Thus the service ends, and the procession returns in form to the place whence it
set out, where the necessary duties are complied with, and the business of
Masonry is renewed. The insignia and ornaments of the deceased, if an officer of
a lodge, are returned to the Master, with the usual ceremonies.


NONE but the meritorious and praiseworthy, none but those who, through
diligence and industry, have progressed far towards perfection; none but those
who have been seated in the ORIENTAL CHAIR, by the unanimous suffrages of
their brethren, can be admitted to this degree of Masonry.
In its original establishment, when the temple of Jerusalem was finished, and the
fraternity celebrated the capstone with great joy, it is demonstrable that none but
those who had proved themselves to be complete masters of their profession,
were admitted to this honor; and, indeed, the duties incumbent on every Mason,
who is accepted and acknowledged as a Most Excellent Master, are such as
render it indispensable that he should have a perfect knowledge of all the
preceding degrees.
The following passage of Scripture is read at opening, accompanied by solemn
The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell
therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?
He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto
vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and
righteousness from the GOD of his salvation. This is the generation of them that
seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and
be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is
this King of Glory?
The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye
gates; even lift them up ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come

n. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of Hosts, he is the King of
Glory. Selah. - PSALM xxiv.
The following Psalm is read during the ceremony of receiving a
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. - Our
feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that
is compact together: Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the
testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. For there are set
thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. Pray for the peace of
Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and
prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now
say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the LORD our GOD I will seek
thy good " - Ps. cxxii.

ALL hail to the morning
That bids us rejoice;
The temple's completed,
Exalt high each voice.
The capstone is finish'd,
Our labor is o'er;
The sound of the gavel
Shall hail us no more

To the Power Almighty, who ever has guided
The tribes of old Israel, exalting their fame.
To Him, who hath govern'd our hearts undivided,
Let's send forth our voices to praise his great name.
Companions, assemble
On this joyful day;
(The occasion is glorious,)
The keystone to lay;
Fulfill'd is the promise,
To bring forth the capstone
With shouting and praise.








There is no more occasion for level or plumb-line,
For trowel or gavel, for compass or square;
Our works are completed, the ARK safely seated,
And we shall be greeted as workmen most rare.








Now those that are worthy,
Our toils who have shar'd,
And prov'd themselves faithful,
Shall meet their reward.
Their virtue and knowledge,
Industry and skill,
Have our approbation,
Have gained our good-will.
We accept and receive them, Most Excellent Masters
Invested with honors, and power to preside;
Among worthy craftsmen, wherever assembled,
The knowledge of Masons to spread far and wide.
Descend now and fill
This lodge with thy glory,
Our hearts with good will' Preside at our meetings,
Assist us to find
True pleasure in teaching
Good will to mankind.
Thy wisdom inspired the great institution,
Thy strength shall support it till nature expire;
And when the creation shall fall into ruin,
Its beauty shall rise through the midst of the fire.

The following passages of scripture are also introduced.
Then said Solomon, The LORD hath said that he would dwell in the thick
darkness. But I have built an house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy
dwelling forever. And the king turned his face, and blessed the whole
congregation of Israel: (and all the congregation of Israel stood:) And he said.
Blessed be the LORD GOD of Israel, who hath with his hands fulfilled that which
he spake with his mouth to my father David, saying, Since the day that I brought
forth my people out of the land of Egypt, I chose no city among all the tribes of
Israel to build an house in, that my name might be there; neither chose I any
man to be a ruler over my people Israel; but I have chosen Jerusalem, that my
name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel. Now,
it was in the heart of David, my father, to build an house for the name of the
LORD GOD of Israel. But the LORD said to David, my father, Forasmuch as it was
in thine heart to build an house for my name, thou didst well in that it was in
thine heart: notwithstanding, thou shalt not build the house; but thy son, which
shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house for my name. The
LORD, therefore, hath performed his word that he hath spoken; for I am
risen up in the room of David, my father, and am set on the throne of Israel, as
the Lord promised, and have built the house for the name of the LORD GOD of
Israel; and in it have I put the ark, wherein is the covenant of the LORD, that he
made with the children of Israel.
And he stood before the altar of the LORD, in the presence of all the congregation
of Israel, and spread forth his hands: for Solomon had made a brazen scaffold of

five cubits long, and five cubits broad, and three cubits high, and had set it in the
midst of the court; and upon it he stood, and kneeled down upon his knees,
before all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands toward heaven,
and said,
"O LORD GOD of Israel, there is no GOD like thee in heaven nor in the earth;
which keepest covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy servants that walk before
thee with all their hearts; thou which hast kept with thy servant David my father,
that which thou hast promised him; and spakest with thy mouth, and hast
fulfilled it with thine hand, as it is this day. Now, therefore, O LORD GOD of
Israel, keep with thy servant David my father, that which thou hast promised
him, saying, There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit upon the throne of
Israel; yet so that thy children take heed
to their way to walk in my law, as thou hast walked before me. Now, then, O
LORD GOD of Israel, let thy word be verified, which thou hast spoken unto thy
servant David. But will GOD in very deed dwell with men on the earth? Behold,
heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this
house which I have built! Have respect, therefore, to the prayer of thy servant,
and to his supplication, O LORD my GOD, to hearken unto the cry and the prayer
which thy servant prayeth before thee: that thine eyes may be open upon this
house day and night, upon the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldst put
thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward
this place. Hearken, therefore, unto the supplications of thy servant, and of thy
people Israel, which they shall make toward this place; hear thou from thy
dwelling place, even from heaven; and, when thou hearest, forgive.
Now, my GOD, let, I beseech thee, let thine eyes be open; and let thine ears be
attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. Now therefore arise, O LORD
GOD, into thy resting-place, thou and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O
LORD GOD, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness. O
LORD GOD, turn no away the face of thine anointed: remember the mercies of
David, thy servant. - II CHRON vi
Now when Solomon had made an end of praying the fire came down from
heaven, and consumeth the burnt-offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the
LORD filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the
LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD'S house. And when all
the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD
upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the
pavement, and worshipped, and praised the LORD, saying, FOR HE IS GOOD;
BROTHER: - Your admittance to this degree of Masonry, is a proof of the good
opinion the brethren of this lodge entertain of your masonic abilities. Let this
consideration induce you to be careful of forfeiting, by misconduct and inattention
to our rules, that esteem which has raised you to the rank you now possess.
It is one of your great duties, as a Most Excellent Master, to dispense light and
truth to the uninformed Mason; and I need not remind you of the impossibility of

complying with this obligation without possessing an accurate
acquaintance with the lectures of each degree.
If you are not already completely conversant in all the degrees
heretofore conferred on you, remember, that an indulgence, prompted by a belief
that you will apply yourself with double diligence to make yourself so, has
induced the brethren to accept you. Let it, therefore, be your unremitting study
to acquire such a degree of knowledge and information, as shall enable you to
discharge, with propriety, the various duties incumbent on you, and to preserve,
unsullied, the title now conferred upon you of a Most Excellent Master.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green
pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. - He restoreth my soul; he
leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with
me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me, in
he presence of mine enemies; thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth
over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will
dwell in the house of the LORD forever. - PSALM xxiii.
A Brief Description of King Solomon's Temple.
THIS structure, for beauty, magnificence and expense, exceeded any building
which was ever erected. It was built of large stones of white marble, curiously
hewn, and so artfully joined together, that they appeared like one entire stone.
Its inner walls, beams, posts, doors, floors and ceilings, were made of cedar and
olive wood, and planks of fir, which were entirely covered with plates of gold, with
various beautiful engravings, and adorned with precious jewels of many colors.
The nails which fastened those plates were also of gold, with heads of curious
workmanship. The roof was of olive wood, covered with gold, and when the sun
shone thereon, the reflection from it was of such a refulgent splendor that it
dazzled the eyes of all who beheld it. The court in which the temple stood, and
the courts without, were adorned on all sides with stately buildings and cloisters;
and the gates entering therein, were exquisitely beautiful and elegant. The
vessels consecrated to the perpetual use of the temple, were suited to the
magnificence of the edifice in which they were deposited and used.
Josephus-states, that there were one hundred and forty thousand of those
vessels, which were made of gold, and one million three hundred and forty
thousand of silver; ten thousand vestments for the priests, made of silk, with
purple girdles: and two millions of purple vestments for the singers. There were
also two hundred thousand trumpets, and forty thousand other musical
instruments, made use of in the temple, and in worshipping GOD.
According to the most accurate computation of the number of talents of gold,
silver and brass laid out upon the temple, the sum amounts to six thousand nine

hundred and four millions, eight hundred and twenty-two thousand and five
hundred pounds sterling; and the jewels are reckoned to exceed this sum. The
gold vessels are estimated at five hundred and forty-five millions, two hundred
and ninety-six thousand, two hundred and three pounds and four shillings
sterling; and the silver ones at four hundred and thirty-nine millions, three
hundred and forty-four thousand pounds sterling; amounting in all, to nine
hundred and eighty-four millions, six hundred and thirty thousand, two hundred
and thirty pounds, four shillings. In addition to this, there were expenses for
workmen, and for materials brought from Mount Libanus and the quarries of
Zeredatha. There were ten thousand men per month in Lebanon, employed in
falling and preparing the timbers for the craftsmen to hew them; seventy
thousand to carry burdens; eighty thousand to hew the stones and timber, and
three thousand three hundred overseers of the work; who were all employed for
seven years; to whom, besides their
wages and diet, King Solomon gave, as a free gift, six millions, seven hundred
and thirty-three thousand, nine hundred and seventy-seven pounds.
The treasure left by David, towards carrying on this noble and glorious work, is
reckoned to be nine hundred and eleven millions, four hundred and six teen
thousand, two hundred and seven pounds; to which, if we add King Solomon's
annual revenue, his trading to Ophir for gold, and the presents made him by all
the earth, we shall not wonder at his being able to carry on so stupendous a
work; nor can we, without impiety, question its surpassing all other structures,
since we are assured that it was built by the immediate direction of HEAVEN.


THIS degree is indescribably more august, sublime and important
than all which precede it; and is the summit and perfection of ancient
Masonry. It impresses on our minds a belief of the being and
existence of a Supreme Deity, without beginning of days or end of
years; and reminds us of the reverence due to his holy name. It also
brings to light many essentials of the craft, which were, for the space of four
hundred and seventy years, buried in darkness; and without a knowledge of
which the Masonic character cannot be complete.
The lecture of this degree is divided into two sections, and should be well
understood by every Royal Arch Mason; upon an accurate acquaintance with it,
will depend his usefulness at our assemblies; and without it, he will be unqualified
to perform the duties of the various stations in which his services may be
required by the Chapter.
This section furnishes us with many interesting particulars relative to the state of
the fraternity, during and since the reign of King Solomon; and illustrates the
causes and consequences of some very important events which occurred during
his reign. It explains the mode of government and organization of a Chapter; it
designates the appellation, number and situation of the several officers, and
points out the purposes and duties of their respective stations.*)
*) A Chapter of Royal Arch Masons consists of any convenient number of
members, and the following officers, exclusive of the Treasurer, Chaplain,
Stewards and Tyler, viz: M. E. High Priest, - his station is in the East of the
Sacred Sanctuary; E. King, in the East, on the right of the M. E. H. P.; E. Scribe,
in the East. on the left of the M. E. H. P.; Captain of the Host, on the right, in
front of the E. K.; Principal Sojourner, on the left, in front of the E. Scribe; Royal
Arch Captain, within the Fourth Veil, or Sanctuary; M. of Third Veil, within the
Third Veil; M of Second Veil, within the Second Veil; M. of First Veil, within the
First Veil.
Now we command you, brethren, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother
that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition that ye received of us. For
yourselves know how ye ought to follow us; for we behaved not ourselves
disorderly among you. Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but
wrought with labor and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to
any of you; not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an example
unto you to follow us. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you,
that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are
some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.
Now them that are such, we command and exhort, that with quietness they work,
and eat their own bread. But ye, brethren, be not weary in well-doing. And if any
man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with
him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as all enemy, but admonish him
as a brother. Now the LORD of peace himself give you peace always by all means.
The LORD be with you all - II THESR. iii.6 -16. *)

*) Isaiah lxi. 4-9 should be used instead of above, which is
inappropriate to this degree. - ED.

This section is fully supplied with illustrations of historical truth. It amplifies, in
beautiful an striking colors, that prosperity and happiness ar the sure attendants
of perseverance and justice while dishonor and ruin invariably follow the practice
of vice and immorality. It contains much that is beautifully illustrative of the
preceding degrees; a perfect knowledge of which is essential to the accomplished
and well-informed Mason.
The following prayer, charges and passages of Scripture are introduced during the
ceremony of Exaltation.
I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that
they have not known; I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things
straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them. - ISA. xlii. 16
"O thou eternal and omnipotent JEHOVAH, the glorious and everlasting I AM,
permit us, thy frail, dependent and needy creatures, in the name of our Most
Excellent and Supreme High Priest, to approach thy divine Majesty. And do thou,
sittest between the Cherubim, incline thine ear to the voice of our praises, and of
our supplication; and vouchsafe to commune with us from off the mercy seat. We
humbly adore and worship the unspeakable perfections, and thy unbounded
goodness and benevolence. We bless thee, that when man had sinned, and fallen
from his innocence and happiness, thou didst still leave unto him the powers of
reasoning, and the capacity of improvement and of pleasure. We adore Thee, that
amidst the pains and calamities of our present state, so many means of
refreshment and satisfaction are afforded us, while traveling the rugged path of
life. And O, thou who didst aforetime appear unto thy servant Moses, in a fame of
fire out of the midst of a bush, enkindle, we beseech thee, in each of our hearts,
a flame of devotion to thee, of love to each other, and of benevolence and charity
to all mankind. May the veils of ignorance and blindness be removed from the
eyes of our understandings, that we may behold and adore thy mighty and
wondrous works. May the rod and staff of thy grace and power continually
support us, and defend us from the rage of all our enemies, and especially from
the subtlety and malice of that old serpent, who with cruel vigilance seeketh our
ruin. May the leprosy of sin be eradicated from our bosoms; and may Holiness to
the Lord be engraven upon all our thoughts, words and actions. May the incense
of piety ascend continually unto thee, from off the
altar of our hearts, and burn day and night, as a sweet-smelling savor unto thee.
May we daily search the records of truth, that we may be more and more
instructed in our duty; and may we share the blessedness of those who hear the

may we

sacred word and keep it. And
finally, O merciful Father,
where we shall have passed
through the outward veils of
these earthly courts, when the
earthly house of this
tabernacle shall be dissolved,
be admitted into the Holy of
above, into the presence of
Grand Council of Heaven,
the Supreme High Priest
presides, forever reigns."


So mote it be.

Moses kept the flock of Jethro,
father-in-law, the priest of
and he led the flock to the
side of the desert, and came
mountain of GOD, even to
And the Angel of the LORD
appeared unto him in a flame
of fire, out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush burned
with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And when the LORD saw that he
turned aside to see, GOD called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said,
Moses, Moses! And he said, Here am I. And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off
thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
to the

over, he said, I am the GOD of thy father, the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of
Isaac, and the GOD of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look
upon GOD." - EXOD. iii. 1-6.
Zedekiah was one-and-twenty years old when he began to reigned eleven years
in Jerusalem. And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his GOD,
and humbled not himself before Jeremiah the prophet speaking from the mouth
of the LORD. And he also rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar, and stiffened his
neck, and hardened his heart, from turning unto the LORD GOD of Israel.
Moreover, all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much
after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD,
which he had hallowed in Jerusalem. And the LORD GOD of their fathers sent to
them by his messengers, because he had compassion on his people and on his

place. But they mocked the messengers of GOD and despised his words, and
misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till
there was no remedy.
Therefore he brought upon them the king of the Chaldees, who slew their young
men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion upon
young man or maiden, old man, or him that stooped for age; he gave them all

into his hand. And all the
vessels of the house of
GOD, great and small, and
the treasures of the house
LORD, and the treasures of
of the
all these he brought to
the king, and of his princes;
house of GOD, and brake
Babylon. And they burnt the
down the wall of Jerusalem, * * * * * and burnt all the palaces thereof with
fire, and destroyed all the goodly vessels thereof. And them that had escaped
from the sword, carried he away to Babylon; - where they were servants to him
and his sons, until the reign of the kingdom of Persia.- II CHRON xxxvi 11-20
* * * * * *
Now, in the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, the Lord stirred up the spirit of
Cyrus, king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom,
and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith Cyrus, king of Persia, the LORD GOD
of Heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he hath charged
me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among
you of all his people? his GOD be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which
is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD GOD of Israel, (he is the GOD)
which is in Jerusalem. - EZRA i. 1-3. * * * * * *
And Moses said unto GOD, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and
shall say unto them, The GOD of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they
shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And GOD said
unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: And he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children
of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. EXODUS iii 13, 14. * * * * * *

Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me: give ear unto my voice. Let my
prayer be set before thee as an incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the
evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my
lips. Incline not mi heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that

work iniquity. Let the righteous smite me, it
shall be a kindness; and let him reprove me, it
shall be an excellent oil. Mine eyes are unto
thee, O GOD the LORD; in thee is my trust;
leave not my soul destitute. Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me,
and the gins of the workers of iniquity. Let the wicked fail into their own nets,
whilst that I withal escape. - PSALM cxli.
I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my
supplication. I poured out my complaint before him: I shewed before him my
trouble. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my
path. In the way wherein I walked, have they privily laid a snare for me. I looked
on my right hand and beheld but there was no man that would know
me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. I cried unto thee, O LORD: I
said, Thou art my refuge, and my portion in the land of the living. Attend unto my
cry; for I am, brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are
stronger than I. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name. - PSALM








Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer
we, and in thy righteousness. And enter not into judgment with thy servant; for
in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my
soul; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath made me to dwell in
darkness. Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is
desolate. Hear me speedily, O LORD; my spirit faileth; hide not thy face from me,
lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. Cause me to hear thy loving
kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust cause me to now the way wherein
I should walk for I lift up my soul unto thee. Teach me to do thy will; for thou art
my GOD; bring my soul out of trouble, and of thy mercy cut off my enemies, for I
am thy servant. - PSALM cxliii.

And Moses answered and said. But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken
unto my voice, for they will say, The LORD hath not appeared unto thee. And the
LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said,
Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and
Moses fled from before it. And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand,
and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a
rod in his hand. That they may believe that the LORD GOD of their fathers, the
GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac, and the GOD of Jacob, hath appeared unto
thee. - EXODUS iv. 1-5.
And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thy hand into thy bosom. And
he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold his hand was
leprous as snow. And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put
his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and behold, it
was turned again as his other flesh. And it shall come to pass, if they will not
believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe
the voice of the latter sign. - EXODUS iv. 6-8
And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither
hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it
upon the dry land: and the water which thou takest out of the river, shall become
blood upon the dry land. - EXODUS iv. 9
Speak now to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua,
the son of Josedech, the high priest, and to the residue of the peo***
ple, saying, Who is left among you, that saw this house in her first glory? and
how do ye see _....... it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing?
Yet now be strong, O Zeruhbbabel; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the
high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, for I am with you, saith the
LORD of Hosts.

In that day will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith
the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee. - HAGGAI ii. 223.
The working tools of a Royal Arch Mason are the Crow, Pickax, and Spade.

The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall
also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of Hosts hath sent me unto you.
For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall
see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven. - ZECHARIAH iv. 9,

In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the
breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of
old. - AMOS ix. 11.

The following passages of Scripture are read by the High Priest:
In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was
without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the
Spirit of GOD moved upon the face of the waters. And GOD said, Let there be
light; and there was light. - GENESIS i 1-3.
And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of writing the words of this
law in a book, until they were finished that Moses commanded the Levites which
bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying, Take this book of the law, and
put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the LORD your GOD, that it may be
there for a witness against thee. - DEUT. xxxi. 24-26.
And the LORD said unto Moses, Bring Aaron's rod again before the testimony, to
be kept for a token. - NUMBERS xvii, 10
And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth, Fill an omer of
the manna, to be kept for your generations; that Do they may see the bread
wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the
land of Egypt. And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of
manna therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your generations. As
the Lord commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony to be kept.
- EXODUS xvi. 32-34.

And thou shalt put the mercy-seat above, upon tie ark; and in the ark thou shalt
put the testimony that I shall give thee. - EXODUS xxv. 21.
For there was a tabernacle made; the first wherein was the candlestick. and the
table, and the shew-bread; which is called the Sanctuary. And after the veils, the
tabernacle, which is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden censer, and
the ark of the covenant, overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden
pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the
covenant; and over it, the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy-seat; of
which we cannot now speak particularly. - HEBREWS ix. 2-5.
And GOD spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord; and I appeared
unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of GOD ALMIGHTY; but
by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. - EXODUS vi. 2-3.
The High Priest will then read the following passage:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was
GOD. The same was in the beginning with GOD. All things were made by him:
and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the
life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness
comprehended it not. - JOHN i 1-5.*)
*) Instead of the above, this lesson should consist of the first chapter Genesis
and the first three Verse of the second chapter. - ED.
[The WORKING TOOLS of a Royal Arch Mason may be thus explained:
The working tools of a Royal Arch Mason, are the Crow, Pickax and Spade. The
Crow is used by operative masons to raise things of great weight and bulk; the

Pickax to loosen the soil and prepare it for digging, and the Spade to remove
rubbish. But the Royal Arch Mason is emblematically taught to use them for more
noble purposes. By them he is reminded that it his sacred duty to lift from his
mind the heavy weight of passions and prejudices which encumber his progress
towards virtue, loosening the hold which long habits of sin and folly have had
upon his disposition, and removing the rubbish of vice and ignorance, which
prevents him from beholding that eternal foundation of truth and wisdom upon
which he is to erect the spiritual and moral temple of his second life]
WORTHY COMPANION: By the consent and assistance of the members of this
Chapter, you are now exalted to the sublime and honorable degree of Royal Arch
Mason. The rites and mysteries developed in this degree, have been handed
through a chosen few, unchanged by time, and uncontrolled by prejudice; and we
expect and trust they will be regarded by you with the same veneration, and
transmitted with the same scrupulous purity to your successors.
No one can reflect on the ceremonies of gaining admission into this place, without
being forcibly struck with the important lessons which they teach. Here we are
necessarily led to contemplate, with gratitude and admiration, the sacred Source
from whence all earthly comforts flow. Here we find additional inducements to
continue steadfast and immoveable in the discharge of our respective duties; and
here we are bound by the most solemn ties, to promote each other's welfare, and
correct each other's failings, by advice, admonition, and reproof. As it is our
earnest desire, and a duty we owe to our companions of this order, that the
admission of every candidate into this Chapter should be attended by the
approbation of the most scrutinizing eye, we hope always to possess the
satisfaction of finding none among us, but such as will promote, to the utmost of
their power, the great end of our institution. By paying due attention to this
determination, we expect your will never recommend any candidate to this
Chapter, whose abilities, and knowledge of the preceding degrees you cannot
freely vouch for, and whom you do not firmly and confidently believe, will fully
conform to the principles of our order, and fulfill the obligations of a
Royal Arch Mason. While such are our members we may expect to be united in
one object, without luke warmness, inattention or neglect; but zeal fidelity, and
affection will be the distinguishing characteristics of our society; and that
satisfaction, harmony and peace may be enjoyed at our meetings which no other
society can afford.
The Chapter is closed with solemn ceremonies, and the following prayer is
rehearsed by the Most Excellent High Priest:
By the Wisdom of the Supreme High Priest, may we be directed; by his Strength
may we be enabled, and by the Beauty of virtue may we be incited, to perform
the obligations here enjoined on us; to keep inviolably the mysteries here

unfolded to us; and invariably to practice all those duties out of the Chapter,
which are inculcated in it."
Response - "So mote it be Amen."
Thus famous fabric was situated on Mount Moriah, near the place where Abraham
was about to offer up his son Isaac, and where David met and appeased the
destroying angel. It was begun in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon; the
third after the death of David; four hundred and eighty
years after the passage of the Red Sea, and on the second day of the month Zif,
being the second month of the sacred year, which answers to the 21st of April, in
the year of the world, 2992; and was carried on with such prodigious speed, that
it was finished, in all its parts, in little more than seven years.
By the Masonic art, and the wise regulations of Solomon, every part of the
building, whether of stone, brick, timber or metal, was wrought and prepared
before they were brought to Jerusalem; so that the only tools made use of in
erecting the fabric were wooden instruments prepared for that purpose. The noise
of the ax, the hammer, and every other tool of metal, was confined to the forests
of Lebanon, where the timber was procured; and to Mount Libanus, and to the
plains and quarries of Zeredatha, where the stones were raised, squared, marked
and numbered; that nothing might be heard among the Masons at Jerusalem, but
harmony and peace.
In the year of the world 3029, King Solomon died, and was succeeded by his son
Rehoboam, who, immediately after the death of his father, went down to
Sbechem, where the chiefs of the people were met together to proclaim him king.
When Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who was in Egypt, whither he had fled from
the presence of Solomon, and whose ambition had long aspired to the throne,
heard of the death of the king, he hastened
to return from Egypt, to put himself at the head of the discontented tribes, and
lead them on to rebellion. He accordingly assembled them together. and came to
King Rehoboam, and spake to him after this manner.
"Thy father made our yoke grievous; now therefore, ease thou somewhat the
grievous servitude of thy father, and his heavy yoke that he put upon us, and we
will serve thee. And he said unto them, Come again unto me, after three days.
And the people departed. And King Rehoboam took counsel with the old men that
had stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, saying, What counsel give
ye me, to return answer to this people? And they spake unto him saying, If thou
be kind to this people, and please them, and speak good words to them, they will
be thy servants forever. But he forsook the counsel which the old men gave him,
and took counsel of the young men that were brought up with him, that stood
before him. And he said unto them, what advice give ye, that we may return
answer to this people, which have spoken to me, saying, Ease somewhat the
yoke that thy father did put upon us? And the young men that were brought up
with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou answer the people that spake

unto thee saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it somewhat
lighter for us thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than
my father's loins. For, whereas
my father put a heavy yoke upon you, I will put more to your yoke; my father
chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. So Jeroboam and
all the people came to Rehoboam on the third day, as the king bade, saying,
Come again to me on the third day. And the king answered them roughly, and
King Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the old men, and answered them after the
advice of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add
thereto; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with
scorpions. And when all Israel saw that the king would not hearken unto them,
the people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? and we
have none inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to your tents, O! Israel:
and now, David, see to thine own house. So all Israel went to their tents." - II
After a series of changes and events, of which an account may be found in the
history of the Temple, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, with his forces, took
possession of Jerusalem, and having made captive Jehoiachim, the king of Judah,
elevated his uncle Zedekiah to the throne, after binding him by a solemn oath
neither to make innovations in the government, nor to take part with the
Egyptians in their wars against Babylon.
At the end of eight years, Zedekiah violated his oath to Nebuchadnezzar, by
forming a treaty offensive and defensive with the Egyptians; thinking
that jointly they could subdue the king of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar immediately
marched and ravaged Zedekiah's country, seized his castle and fortress, and
proceeded to the siege of Jerusalem Pharaoh, learning how Zedekiah was
pressed, advanced to his relief, with a view of raising the siege. Nebuchadnezzar,
haring intimation thereof, would not wait his approach, but proceeded to give him
battle, and in one contest drove him out of Syria. This circumstance suspended
the siege.
In the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, the king of Babylon again besieged
Jerusalem with a large army, and for a year and a half exerted all his strength to
conquer it; but the city did not yield, though enfeebled by famine and pestilence.
In the eleventh year the siege went on vigorously; the Babylonians completed
their works, having raised towers all around the city, so as to drive the invaded
party from the walls. The place, though a prey to plague and famine, was
obstinately defended during the space of a year and a half. But at length, want of
provisions and forces compelled its surrender, and it was accordingly delivered, at
midnight, to the officers of Nebuchadnezzar.
In the seventieth year of the captivity of the Jews, and the first of the reign of
Cyrus, king of Persia, he issued his famous edict purporting that the GOD adored
by the Israelites was the Eternal Being through whose bounty he enjoyed the
regal dignity; and that he had found himself honorably

mentioned by the prophets of ancient date, as the person who should cause
Jerusalem to be rebuilt, and restore the Hebrews to their former state of
grandeur and independency; he, therefore, gave orders for the release of the
captives, with his permission to return to their own native country, to rebuild the
city, and the house of the Lord.
The principal people of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with the priests and
Levites, immediately departed for Jerusalem and commenced the undertaking;
but many of the Jews determined to remain in Babylon, rather than relinquish the
possessions they had obtained in that city.
The Jews who accepted the proposals of Cyrus, for rebuilding the city and temple,
applied themselves with the greatest industry to prepare the foundations thereof,
but had made no considerable progress when application was made by some of
the neighboring nations, requesting the princes and governors, who had direction
of the work, to prevent further proceedings. The most strenuous opposers of the
intended structure were the Chuthites, who resided on the other side of the river,
and whom Salmanezer, king of Assyria, had led to re-people Samaria, after he
had expelled the Israelites.
During the year 3484, Joshua and Zerubbabel incited by Haggai and Zechariah,
continued the work by order of Darius.
In the course of the year 3489, the second temple was completed.


THIS degree is intimately connected with Royal Arch Masonry; and cannot be
conferred upon any one who has not received the Royal Arch degree. It is short,

but contains much valuable information, and enables us to comprehend those
mysteries which are essentially necessary to a correct understanding of Royal
Arch Masonry.
The following passages of Scripture are appropriate to this degree:
And Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the LORD:
the altar of gold, and the table of gold, whereupon the shewbread was; and the
candlesticks of pure gold; five on the right side and five on the left, before the
oracle; with the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs of gold; and the bowls,
and the snuffers, and the basins, and the spoons, and the censers, of pure gold;
and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of the inner house, the most holy
place, and for the doors of the house, to wit, of the temple. So Hiram made an
end of doing all the work that he made king Solomon for the house of the LORD. 1 KINGS vii. 48. 50. 40.* * * * * *
"And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man
according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they
may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the
city. - REV. xxii. 12-14.
The officers, their titles and stations in a Council of Royal Masters are as follows:
Most Illustrious Grand Master, as S., K of I in the East; Right Illustrious Grand
Master, H. K. of T., on the right of the M. I. M. G.; illustrious Conductor of the
Work, (Adoniram, as Rep. of H. A.,) in the West; Master of the Exchequer, as
Treasurer, at the foot of the throne on the right; Recorder, at the foot of the
throne, on the left; Conductor of the Council, near the South; Captain of the
Guards, in the West, on the right; Sentinel, at the Door.
And he set the cherubims within the inner house; and they stretched forth the
wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the
wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one
another in the midst of the house. - I KINGS vi. 27.
The Ark, called the glory of Israel, which was seated in the middle of the holy
place, under the wings of the cherubim, was a small chest or coffer, three feet
nine inches long, two feet three inches wide, and three feet three inches high. It
was made of wood, excepting only the mercy-seat, but overlaid with gold both
inside and out. It had a ledge of gold surrounding it at the top, into which the
cover, called the mercy-seat, was let in. The mercy-scat was of solid gold, the
thickness of an hand's breadth; at the two ends were the two cherubim, looking
inward towards each other, with their wings expanded, which, embracing the
whole circumference of the mercy-seat, they met on each side, in the middle; all
of the Rabbins say it was made out of the same mass, without any soldering of
Here the Shekinah, or Divine Presence rested, and was visible in the appearance
of a cloud over it. From hence the Bathkoll issued, and gave answers when GOD

was consulted. And hence it is, that GOD is said, in the Scripture, to dwell
between the cherubim; that is, between the cherubim on the mercy-seat,
because there was the seat or throne of the visible appearance of his glory
among them.


THIS degree is the summit and perfection of ancient Masonry; and without which
the history of the Royal Arch Degree can hardly be aid to be complete. It
rationally accounts for the concealment and preservation of those essentials of
the craft, which were brought to light at the erection of the second temple; and
which lay con***
pealed from the Masonic eye for four hundred and seventy years. Many
particulars relative to those few who were selected, for their superior skill, to
complete an important part of king Solomon's temple, are explained. And here,
too, is exemplified an instance of justice and mercy by our ancient patron,
towards one of the craft, who was led to disobey his commands by an overzealous attachment for the institution. It ends with a description of a particular
circumstance, which characterizes the degree.

May the Supreme Grand Master graciously preside over all our
counsels, and direct us in all such things as he will be pleased to
approve and bless. May our profession as Masons be the rule of our
conduct as men. May our secret retreat ever continue to be the resort
of the just and merciful; the seat of the moral virtues, and the home of
the select. So mote it be.
His foundation is in the holy mountains. The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more
than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken ofThe officers and
stations of a Council of Select Masters are as follows:
Thrice Illustrious Grand Master, as K. S., in the East; Deputy Illustrious as H., K.
T. on the right, in the East; Principal Conductor of the Work, as H. A., on the left;
Treasurer, in the North; Recorder, in the South; Grand Captain of the Guards, as
Adoniram, in the West Grand Marshal; Grand Steward, as Achizar (Ahishar), at
the Door.
thee, O city of God. Selah I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that
know me. Behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there. And
of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her; and the Highest
himself shall establish her. The LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people,
that this man was born there. Selah. As well the singers, as the players on
instruments, shall be there: all my springs are in thee. - PSALM lxxxvii.
The following passages of Scripture are introduced and explained:
So king Solomon was king over all Israel. Azariah, the son of Nathan, was over
the officers; and Zabud, the son of Nathan, was principal officer, and the king's
friend; and Ahishar was over the household; and Adoniram, the son of Abda, was
over the tribute. - I KINGS iv. 1-5-6.
And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, and
hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house. And Solomon's builders and
Hiram's builders did hew them, and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber
and stones to build the house. - I Kings v. 17-18.
And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. He was a widow's son, of
the tribe of
Napthali; and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker of brass; and he was filled
with wisdom and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. - I
KINGS vii. 13-14.
The ancients of Gebal, and the wise men thereof, were in thee thy caulkers; all
the ships of the sea, with their mariners, were in thee, to occupy thy
merchandise." - EZEKIEL xxvii. 9.

And it came to pass,
when Moses had made an
end of writing the words of this law in a
book, until they were finished, that
Moses commanded the Levites which bare the ark of the covenant of
the Lord, saying, Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of
the ark of the covenant of the LORD your GOD, that it may be there
for a witness against thee. - DEUT. xxxi. 24-26.* * *
And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth, Fill an omer of
the manna, to be kept for your generations; that they may see the bread
wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the
land of Egypt. And Moses sallied unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an
omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your
generations.As the Lord commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the
Testimony to be kept. - EXODUS xvi. 32-34
And the LORD said unto Moses, Bring Aaron's rod again before the testimony,
to be kept for a token. - NUMBERS xvii. 10.
And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation, to speak with
him, then he heard the voice of one speaking to him from off the mercy-seat that
was upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he
spake unto him. - NUMBERS vii. 89.
And look that thou make them after their pattern which was shewed thee in the
mount. - EXODUS xxv 40.
COMPANTON: - Having attained to this degree you have passed the circle of
perfection in ancient Masonry. In the capacity of Select Master you must be
sensible that your obligations are increased in proportion to your privileges. Let it
be your constant care to prove yourself worthy of the con***
fidence reposed in you, and of the high honor conferred, in admitting you to this
select degree. Let uprightness and integrity attend your steps; let justice and
mercy mark your conduct; let fervency and zeal stimulate you in the discharge of
the various duties incumbent upon you; but suffer not an idle or impertinent
curiosity to lead you astray, or betray you into danger. Be deaf to every
insinuation which would have a tendency to weaken your resolution, or tempt you
to an act of disobedience. Be voluntarily dumb and blind, when the exercise of
those faculties would endanger the peace of your mind, or the probity of your
conduct; and let silence and secrecy, those cardinal virtues of a Select Master, on
all necessary occasions, be scrupulously observed. By a steady adherence to the
important instructions contained in this degree, you will merit the approbation of
the select number with whom you are associated, and will enjoy the high
satisfaction of having acted well your part in the important enterprise in which
you are engaged; and, after having wrought your regular hours, may be admitted
to participate in all the privileges of a Select Master.

COMPANIONS: - Being about to quit this sacred retreat, to mix again with the
world, let us not forget, amid the cares and vicissitudes of active life, the bright
example of sincere friendship, so beautifully illustrated in the lives of the founders of this degree. Let us take the lesson
home with us, and may it strengthen the bands of fraternal love between us;
incite our hearts to duty, and our desires to wisdom. Let us exercise Charity,
cherish Hope, walk in Faith. And may that moral principle, which is the mystic
cement of our fellowship remain with and bless us. So mote it be.
The Most Puissant Grand Master of the Grand Council, or his representative; or a
Past Master of a subordinate Council, will preside; and direct the Recorder to read
so much of the record as pertains to the election of the officers. After which he
will say:


• "Companions of -- Council -- Do you remain satisfied with the choice you have
made in the selection of your officers for the ensuing year?"

The answer being in the affirmative, the officers elect are arranged in due form;
when the following declaration is proposed:
"I, A -- B--, do solemnly promise, that I will faithfully, and to the best of my
ability, dis-


charge the duties of the office to which I have been elected; and that I will
strictly conform to the requirements of the by-laws of this Council, and the
regulations of the Grand Council, under which the same is holden, so far
as they may come to my knowledge."


The Grand Marshal then presents the Thrice Illustrious G. Master elect for
installation, "as a companion well skilled in the Royal Mysteries; zealous in
diffusing the select principles of our fathers, and in whose integrity and
fidelity his brethren repose the highest confidence."
The installing officer then addresses him as follows:
THRICE ILLUSTIOUS - I feel great satisfaction in receiving you as the
Thrice Illustrious Grand Master of this Council. It is a station highly
honorable to him who diligently and faithfully performs the duties it
devolves upon him. But previously to investing you with the appropriate
jewel of your office, I must require your unequivocal assent to the
following interrogatories;
Do you solemnly promise that you will use your utmost endeavors
to correct the vices and purify the morals of your brethren; and to
promote the peace, happiness and prosperity of your Council?
That you will not suffer your Council to be opened when there are
less than nine Select Masters present?








That you will not suffer any person to pass the circle of perfection
in your Council, in whose integrity, fervency and zeal you have not
entire confidence?
That you will not acknowledge or hold inter course with any Council
that does not work under some regular and constitutional
That you will not admit any visitor into your Council who has not
been regularly and lawfully invested with the degrees conferred
therein, without his having previously been formally healed?
That you will faithfully observe and support such by-laws as may be
made by your Council, in conformity with the Constitution and
General Regulations of the Grand Council, under whose authority it
That you will pay due respect and obedience to the Grand Officers,
when duly installed, and sustain them in the discharge of their
lawful duties?
Do you submit to all these requirements, and promise to observe
and practice them faithfully?

Response: I Do.
And now, Thrice Illustrious, with entire confidence in the rectitude of your
intentions, and in the integrity of your character as a Select Mason, I invest you
with this jewel, the appropriate badge of your office.
Having been honored with the free suffrages of your Companions, and elevated to
the highest office
within their gift, it becomes your duty to set them tin example of diligence,
industry and fidelity: to see that the officers associated with you faithfully
preform their respective duties; and that the interests and reputation of your
Council are not endangered by imprudence or neglect.
The important trust committed to your charge will call forth your best exertions,
and the exercise of your best faculties. As the representative of the wise King of
Israel, it will be your duty to recite the secret traditions, to illustrate the moral
principles of the Order, to cherish the worthy, and hold in due veneration the
ancient landmarks.
By frequent recurrence to the by-laws of your Council, and the general
regulations of the fraternity, and a consistent observance of the great principles
inculcated in the lectures and charges, you will be enabled to fulfill the important
obligations resting upon you, with honor to yourself, and with credit to the Craft.
And may He, without whose approving smiles our labors are all in vain, give
strength to your endeavors and support to your exertions.
A COMPANION - Having been elected to the second office in this Council, it is with
pleasure that I invest you with this jewel, the badge of your office. The duties of
the important office to which your

Companions have elevated you, will require your
constant and earnest attention. You are to occupy the second seat in the Council;
and it will be your duty to aid and support your chief in all the requirements of his
office. In his absence, you will be called upon to preside in Council and to
discharge his duties. Although the representative of a King and elevated in rank
above your Companions, may you never forget that, in all the duties you owe to
GOD, your neighbor, and yourself, you and they stand upon the same level of
equality. Let the bright example of your illustrious predecessor in the Grand
Council at Jerusalem, stimulate you to the faithful performance of every duty;
and when the King of Kings shall summon you to his immediate presence, from
His hand may you receive a crown of glory, which shall never fade away.
CHARGE TO THE P.'. C.'. W.'.
COMPANION: - As the third officer in the Council, I invest you with this badge. It
is your duty to sound the Silver Trumpet at early dawn and eve of day, when the
sun's first and last beams gild the mountain-tops; to announce high noon, and
proclaim the time of rest and labor. In the absence of either of your superior
officers, you will be required to perform his duties; and, as the interests of your
Council ought never to be permitted to suffer through the want of intelligence in
its officers.
you will allow me to urge upon you the necessity of being always qualified and
prepared to meet such an emergency, should it ever arise. Having been admitted
to the fellowship of Kings, you will be frequently reminded that the office of
mediator is both honorable and praiseworthy. Let it, therefore, be your constant
care to preserve harmony and unanimity of sentiment among the members of
your Council. Discountenance whatever may tend to create division and
dissension among the brethren in any of the departments of Masonry; and as the
glorious sun at its meridian dispels the mists and clouds that obscure the horizon,
so may your exertions tend to dissipate the mists of jealousy and discord, should
they ever unfortunately arise in your Council.
COMPANION: - You have been elected to a responsible office, and I with pleasure
invest you with this jewel. It is your duty to number and weigh out the Shekels of
the Sanctuary, and to provide for the helpless orphan. The qualities which should
distinguish you are accuracy and fidelity; accuracy in keeping a fair and true
account of the receipts and disbursements; fidelity in carefully preserving the
property and funds of the Council, and in rendering a just account of the same
when required. Your interest in this Council, your attachment to the craft, and
your known integrity of character, are a sure guaranty that your duties will be
faithfully performed
COMCPANION: - I now invest you with this badge of your office. The qualities
which should recommend a Recorder are correctness in recording the proceedings
of the Council; judgment in discriminating between what is proper and that which
is improper to be written; regularity in making the returns to the Grand Council;
integrity in accounting for all moneys that may pass through his hands, and
fidelity in paying the same over to the Grand Treasurer. The possession of these
qualities has designated you as a suitable Companion for this important office;

and I entertain no doubt that you will
discharge all the duties incumbent on you with fidelity and honor. And when you
shall have completed the record of your transactions here below, and finished the
term of your probation, may you be admitted to the Grand Council above, and
find your name recorded in the book of life eternal.
A COMPANION: - Having been elected Cap tain of the Guards, I present you with
this implement of your office. Guard well your post, and suffer none to pass it but
the select, the faithful and the worthy Be ever attentive to the commands of your
chief and always near at hand to see them duly executed
COMPANION: - The duties of your office require but little elucidation. It is your
duty, in connection with the Conductor, to attend to the examination of visitors,
and to take special care that none are permitted to enter but such as have proved
their title to our favor and friendship. I present you with the implement of your
office, in the confident belief that it is entrusted to competent and faithful hands.
COMPANION: - You are appointed Steward (or Sentinel) of this Council; and now
invest you with this badge, and present you with this implement of your office. As
the Sword is placed in the hands of the Steward to enable him to guard the
Sanctuary and entrance to the secret passage, with sleepless vigilance, against
intruders, so should it morally serve as a constant admonition to us to set a
guard at the entrance of our thoughts; to place a watch at the door of our lips; to
post a sentinel at the avenue of our actions; thereby excluding every unworthy
thought, word, and deed; and enabling us to preserve our consciences void of
offence towards GOD and man.
COMPANIONS: - From the nature of the constitution of every society, some must
rule and others obey. And while justice and moderation are required of the
officers, in the discharge of their official duties, subordination and respect for
their rulers are equally demanded of the members. The relation is reciprocal. The
interests of both are inseparable; and, without mutual co-operation the labors of
neither can succeed. Let the avenues to your passions be strictly guarded; let no
curious intruder find his way into the secret recesses of your retirement, to
disturb the harmony which should ever prevail among the select and chosen. In
so doing, you will best secure the prosperity of your Council, the respect of your
brethren, and the commendation of your own consciences.
The Grand Marshal will then proclaim the Council to be regularly constituted, and
its officers duly installed.


THIS order appertains to the office of High Priest of a Royal Arch Chapter; and no
one can be legally entitled to receive it, until he has been duly elected to preside
as High Priest in a regular Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. This order should
not be conferred when a less number than nine duly qualified High Priests are
present. It should be conferred by the Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch
Chapter, or such Present or Past High Priest as he may designate for that
purpose. A convention, notified to meet at the time of any communication of the
Grand Chapter, will afford the best opportunity of conferring this important and
exalted degree of Masonry with appropriate solemnity. Whenever it is conferred,
the following directions are to be observed:
A candidate desirous of receiving the order of High Priesthood, makes a written
request to his predecessor in office, or, when it can be done, to the Grand High
Priest, respectfully requesting that a convention of High Priests may be called, for
the purpose of conferring on him the order. When the convention meets, and is
duly organized, a certificate of the due election of the candidate to the office of
High Priest must be produced. This certificate is signed by his predecessor in
office, attested by the Secretary of the Chapter. On examination of this
certificate, the qualifications of the candidate are ascertained. The solemn
ceremonies of conferring the order upon him then ensue. When ended, the
presiding officer directs the Secretary of the convention to make a record of the
proceedings, and return it to the Secretary

of the Grand Chapter, to be by him laid before the Grand High Priest, for the
information of all whom it may concern. The convention of High Priests is then
closed in due form.
It is the duty of every companion as soon after his election to the office of High
Priest as is consistent with his personal convenience, to apply for admission to
the order of High Priesthood, that he may be fully qualified properly to govern his
The following passages of Scripture are made use of during the ceremonies
appertaining to this order:
And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son (who dwelt in Sodom), and his goods,
and departed. And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the
Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eschol, and
brother of Aner; and these were confederate with Abram. And when Abram heard
that his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his
own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan. And he
divided himself against them, he and his servants, by night, and smote them, and
pursued them unto Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damascus. And he
brought back all the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods,
and the women also,
and the people. And the king of Sodom went out to meet him, after his return
from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the
valley of Shevah, which is the king's dale. And Melchizedek, king of Salem,
brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high GOD. And
he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high GOD, which hath
delivered thine enemies into thine hand. And he gave him tithes of all. And the
king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to
thyself. And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand unto the
LORD, the most high GOD, the possessor of heaven and earth, that I will not take
from a thread even to a shoe-latchet, and that I will not take anything that is
thine, lest thou shouldst say, I have made Abram rich: save only that which the
young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner,
Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion. - GENESIS xiv. 12-24.
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons,
saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, the
LORD bless thee, and keep thee; the LORD make his face to shine upon thee, and
be gracious unto thee; the LORD lift up his coun***
tenance upon thee, and give thee peace. - NUMB vi. 22-26.
For this Melchizedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high GOD, who met
Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; to whom
also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being by interpretation, King of
righteousness, and after that also, King of Salem, which is, King of peace;
without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of
days, nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of GOD, abideth a priest
continually. Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch
Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils. And verily, they that are of the sons of

Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take
tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they
come out of the loins of Abraham. For he testifieth, Thou art a priest forever after
the order of Melchizedec. And inasmuch as not without an oath he was made
priest. For those priests (under the Levitical law) were made without an oath; but
this with an oath, by him that said unto him, the LORD sware, and will not
repent, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec. - HEB. vii. 1-517-20-21.

The Grand Officers will meet at a convenient place and open.

• The subordinate Chapter will meet in the outer courts of their hall, and form an
avenue for the reception of the Grand officers.

When formed, they will dispatch a Committee to the place where the Grand
officers are assembled, to inform the Grand Marshal that the Chapter is prepared
to receive them; the Grand Marshal will announce the committee and introduce
them to the Grand officers.


• The Grand officers will move in procession, conducted by the committee, to the
hall of the Chapter, in the following order:
Grand Tyler;
Two Grand Stewards;
Representatives of subordinate Chapters, according to seniority, by threes,
Three Great Lights;
Orator, Chaplain and other Clergy;
Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Royal Arch Captain;
*) Grand P. Sojourner, Grand Captain of the

*) The Grand P. Sojourner, Grand Captain of the Host, and Grand Royal Arch
Captain, are appointed pro tempore.
Host, and Deputy Grand High Priest;
Grand Scribe, Grand King, and Grand High Priest.
When the Grand High Priest enters the grand honors are given.


The Grand Secretary will then call over the names of the officers elect;
and the Grand High Priest will ask whether they accept their respective
offices. If they answer in the affirmative, he then asks the members
whether they remain satisfied with their choice. If they answer in the
affirmative, he directs their officers to approach the sacred volume, and
become qualified for installation.
The Grand Marshal will then form the whole in procession, and they will
march through the veils into the inner apartment, where they will


surround the altar, which is previously prepared, in ample form, for the
All present will kneel, and the following prayer will be recited:
"Almighty and Supreme High Priest of heaven and earth! Who is there in
heaven but thee, and who upon earth can stand in competition with thee?
Thy OMNISCIENT mind brings all things in review, past, present and to
come; thine OMNIPOTENT arm directs the movements of the vast
creation; thine OMNIPRESENT eye pervades the secret recesses of every
heart; thy boundless beneficence supplies us with every comfort and
enjoyment; and thine unspeakable perfections and glory surpass the

standing of the children of men! Our Father, who art in heaven, we invoke
thy benediction upon the purposes of our present assembly. Let this
Chapter be established to thine honor: let its officers be endowed with
wisdom to discern, and fidelity to pursue, its true interests; let its
members be ever mindful of the duty they owe to their GOD; the
obedience they owe to their superiors; the love they owe to their equals,
and the good will they owe to all mankind. Let this Chapter be consecrated
to thy glory, and it members ever exemplify their love to GOD by their
beneficence to man.
Glory be to GOD on high.
Response - "So mote it be. Amen."
The officers are then qualified in due form.
All the Companions, except High Priests and Past High Priests, are then
desired to withdraw, while the new High Priest is solemnly bound to the
performance of his duties; and after the performance of other necessary
ceremonies, not proper to be written, they are permitted to return.

The whole then return to their appropriate stations; when the Grand
Marshal will form a general procession, in the following order:
Three Royal Arch Stewards with Rods;
Tyler of a Lodge;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;

Master Masons;
Stewards of Lodges, having Jewels;
Deacons, having Jewels;
Secretaries, having Jewels;
Treasurers, having Jewels;
Wardens, having Jewels;
Mark Master Masons;
M. E. Masters;
Royal Arch Masons, by three;
Royal Masters, by three;
Select Masters, by three;
Orders of Knighthood;

Tyler of the new Chapter;
Members of the new Chapter, by three;
Three Masters of Veils;
Secretary, Treasurer, R. A. Captain; and
P. Sojourner, carrying the Ark;
A Companion, carrying the Pot of Incense;
Two Companions, carrying Lights;
Scribe, High Priest and King;
Grand Chapter, as before prescribed;
On arriving at the church, or house where the services are to be
performed, they halt, open to the right and left, and face inward, while the
Grand officers and others in succession, pass through and enter the house.

The officers and members of the new Chapter, and also of the Grand
Chapter, being seated, the Grand Marshal proclaims silence, and the
ceremonies commence.




An Anthem or Ode is to be performed.
An Oration or Address is to be delivered.
An Ode or piece of Music.
The Deputy Grand High Priest then rises and informs the Grand High
Priest, that "a number of Companions, duly instructed in the sublime
mysteries, being desirous of promoting the honor, and propagating the
principles of the Art, have applied to the Grand Chapter for a warrant to
constitute a new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, which, having been
obtained, they are now assembled for the purpose of being constituted,
and having their officers installed in due and ancient form.
The Grand Marshal will then form the officers and members of the new
Chapter in front of the Grand officers; after which, the Grand High Priest
directs the Grand Secretary to read the warrant.
The Grand High Priest then rises and says, By virtue of the high powers in
me vested, I do form you, my respected Companions, into a regular
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. From henceforth you are authorized and
empowered to open and hold a lodge of Mark Masters, Past Masters, and
Most Excellent Masters, and a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons; and to do
and perform all such things as thereunto may appertain; conforming, in all
your doings, to the General Grand Royal Arch Constitution, and the
general regulations of the State Grand

Chapter. And may the God of your fathers be with you, guide and direct
you in all your doings."


The furniture, clothing, jewels, implements, utensils, etc., belonging to the
Chapter, (having been previously placed in the centre, in front of the
Grand officers, covered,) are now uncovered, and the new Chapter is
dedicated in due and ancient form.
The dedication then follows: the Grand Chaplain saying, "To our Most
Excellent Patron, ZERUBBABEL, we solemnly dedicate this Chapter. May
the blessing of our Heavenly High Priest descend and rest upon its
members, and may their felicity be immortal.
"Glory be to GOD on high." - Response by the Companions.



"As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end!
Amen". - "So mote it be."
The Grand Marshal then says, "I am directed to proclaim, and I do hereby
proclaim, this Chapter, by the name of -- Chapter,*) duly consecrated,
constituted and dedicated. This, etc
An Ode.

*) All legally constituted bodies of Royal Arch Masons are called Chapters; as
regular bodies of Masons of the preceding degrees, are called Lodges. Every
Chapter ought to assemble for work, at least ones in three months; and must
consist of a High Priest, King, Scribe, Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner,
Royal Arch Captain, three Grand Masters of the Veils, Treasurer, Secretary, Tyler
and as many members as may be found convenient for working to advantage.

The Deputy Grand High Priest will then present the first officer of the new
Chapter to the Grand High Priest, saying,
"MOST EXCELLENT GRAND HIGH PRIEST: - I present you my worthy
Companion -- --, nominated in the warrant, to be installed High Priest of
this (new) Chapter. I find him to be skillful in the royal art, and attentive
to the moral precepts of our forefathers, and have therefore no doubt but
he will discharge the duties of his office with fidelity.

The officers of the Chapter officiate in the lodges, holden for conferring the
preparatory degrees, according to rank, as follows, viz:
The High Priest, as Master.
The King, as Senior Warden.
The Scribe, as Junior Warden.
The Captain of the Host, as Marshal or Master of Ceremonies.
The Principal Sojourner, as Senior Deacon.
The Royal Arch Chapter as Junior Deacon.
The Master of the First Veil, as Junior Overseer.
The Master of the Second Veil, as Senior Overseer.
The Master of the Third Veil, Master Overseer.
The Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain, Stewards and Tyler, as officers of
corresponding rank.
The High Priest of every Chapter has it in special charge, to see that the by-laws
of his Chapter, as well as the General Grand Royal Arch Constitution, and all the
regulations of the Grand Chapter are duly observed; that all the officers of his
Chapter perform the duties of their respective offices faithfully, and are examples
of diligence and industry to their companions; that true and accurate records of
all the proceedings of the Chapter are kept by the Secretary; that the Treasurer
keeps and render exact and just accounts of al the moneys and other property
belonging to the Chapter; that the regular returns be made annually to the Grand
Chapter; and that the annual does to the Grand Chapter be regularly and
punctually paid. He has the right and authority of calling his chapter together at
pleasure, upon any emergency or occurrence which, in his judgment, may require
their meeting. It is his privilege and duty, together with the King and Scribe, to
attend the meeting of the Grand Chapter, either in person or by proxy and the
well-being of the institution requires that this duty should on no occasion be

The Grand HIgh Priest then addresses him as follows:
MOST EXCELLENT COMPANION. - I feel much satisfaction in performing my
duty on the present occasion, by installing you into the office of High Priest of this
(new) Chapter. It is an office highly honorable to all those who diligently perform
the important duties annexed to it. Your reputed Masonic knowledge, however,
precludes the necessity of a particular enumeration of those duties. I shall,
therefore only observe, that by a frequent recurrence to the constitution, and
general regulations and constant practice of the several sublime lectures and
charges, you will be best able to fulfill them; and I am confident that the
Companions who are chosen to preside with you, will give strength to your
endeavors, and support your exertions. I shall now propose certain questions to
you, relative to the duties of your office, and to which I must request your
unequivocal answer.


Do you solemnly promise that you will redouble your endeavors to correct
the vices, purify the morals and promote the happiness of those of your
Companions, who have attained this sublime degree?
That you will never suffer your Chapter to be opened, unless there be
present nine regular Royal Arch Masons?









That You will never suffer either more or less than three brethren to be
exalted in your Chapter at one and the same time?
That you will not exalt any one to this degree, who has not shown a
charitable and humane disposition; or who has not made a considerable
proficiency in the foregoing degree?
That you will promote the general good of our order, and, on all proper
occasions, be ready to give and receive instructions, and particularly from
the General and State Grand officers?
That to the utmost of your power, you will preserve the solemnities of our
ceremonies, and behave, in open Chapter, with the most profound respect
and reverence, as an example to your Companions?
That you will not acknowledge or have intercourse with any Chapter that
does not work under a constitutional warrant or dispensation.
That you will not admit any visitor into your Chapter, who has not been
exalted in a Chapter legally constituted, without his being first formally
That you will observe and support such by-laws as may be made by your
Chapter, in conformity to the General Grand Royal Arch Constitution, and
the general regulations of the Grand Chapter?
That you will pay due respect and obedience to the instructions of the
General and State Grand
*** officers, particularly relating to the several lectures and charges, and
will resign the chair to them, severally, when they may visit your Chapter?



That you will support and observe the General Grand Royal Arch
Constitution, and the general regulations of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter,
under whose authority you act?
Do you submit to all these things, and do you promise to observe and
practice them faithfully?

These questions being answered in the affirmative, the Companions all kneel, and
the Grand Chaplain repeats the following prayer:

"Most Holy and glorious LORD GOD, the Great High Priest of heaven and
earth! we approach thee with reverence, and implore thy blessing on the
Companion appointed to preside over this new assembly, and now prostrate
before thee; fill his heart with thy fear, that his tongue and actions may
pronounce thy glory. Make him steadfast in thy service grant him firmness of
mind; animate his heart, and strengthen his endeavors; may he teach thy
judgments and thy laws; and may the incense he shall put before thee, upon
thine altar, prove an acceptable sacrifice unto thee. Bless him, O LORD, and bless
the work of his hands. Accept us, in mercy; hear thou from heaven, thy dwellingplace, and forgive our transgressions
Response - " So mote it be"

The Grand High Priest will then cause the High Priest elect to be invested
with his clothing, badges, &c; after which he will address him as follows:
MOST EXCELLENT: - In consequence of your cheerful acquiescence with
the charges, which you have heard recited, you are qualified for
installation as the High Priest of this Royal Arch Chapter; and it is
incumbent upon me, on this occasion, to point out some of the particulars
appertaining to your office, duty and dignity.
The office of High Priest is a station highly honorable to all those who
diligently perform the important duties annexed to it. By a frequent
recurrence to the constitution and general regulations, and a constant
practice of the several sublime lectures and charges, you will be best
enabled to fulfill those duties; and I am confident that the Companions,
who are chosen to preside with you, will give strength to your endeavors,
and support to your exertions.
Let the mitre, with which you are invested, remind you of the dignity of
the office you sustain, and its inscription impress upon your mind a sense
of your dependence upon GOD; that perfection is not given unto man upon
earth, and that perfect holiness belongeth alone unto the LORD.
The breast-plate with which you are decorated, in imitation of that upon
which were engraven the names of the twelve tribes, and worn by the
High Priest of Israel, is to teach you that you are always to bear in mind
your responsibility to the laws and ordinances of the institution, and that
the honor and interests of your Chapter and its members, should be
always near your heart.
The various colors of the robes you wear, are emblematical of every grace
and virtue which can adorn and beautify the human mind; each of which
will be briefly illustrated in the course of the charges to be delivered to
your subordinate officers. I now deliver into your hands the Charter under
which you are to work; you will receive it as a sacred deposit, and never
permit it to be used for any other purposes than those expressed in it.
I present you with the Book of the Law, the great Light in every degree of
Masonry. The doctrines contained in this sacred volume, create in us a

belief in the dispensations of Divine Providence, which
belief strengthens our FAITH, and enables us to ascend
the first step of the Grand Masonic Ladder. This faith
natu rally produces in us a HOPE of becoming partakers of the promises
expressed in this inestimable gift of GOD to man; which hope enables us
to ascend the second step. But the third and last being CHARITY,
comprehends the former, and will continue to exert

its influence, when Faith shall be lost in sight, and Hope in complete
I present you with the Constitution of the General Grand Royal Arch
Chapter; the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
this State; and also, with the By-laws of your Chapter. You will cause all
these to be frequently read and punctually obeyed.
And now, Most Excellent, permit me, in behalf of the Craft here
assembled, to offer you our most sincere congratulations on your
accession to the honorable station you now fill. I doubt not you will govern
with such order and regularity as to convince your Companions that their
partiality has not been misplaced.
Companions of Chapter, -- Behold your High Priest. [They rise and bow,
or, if the Installation be not public, salute him with the honors of Royal
Arch Masonry.] Recollect that the prosperity of your Chapter will as much
depend on your support, assistance and obedience, as on his assiduity,
information and wisdom.


The Marshal of the Chapter will then present the second officer to the
Deputy Grand High Priest, who will present him to the Grand High Priest.
The Grand high Priest will then ask him whether he has attended to the
ancient charges and regulations before recited to his superior officer; if no
answers in the affirmative, he is asked whether

he fully and freely assents to the same: if he answers in the affirmative, the
Grand High Priest directs his Deputy to invest him with his clothing, &c., and then
addresses him as follows, viz:
EXCELLENT COMPANION: - The important station to which you are elected in this
Chapter, requires from you exemplary conduct; its duties demand your most
assiduous attention; you are to second and support your chief in all the
requirements of his office; and should casualties at any time prevent his
attendance, you are to succeed him in the performance of his duties. Your badge
(the Level, surmounted by a Crown) should remind you, that although you are
the representative of a King, and exalted by office above your companions, yet
that you remain upon a level with them, as respects your duty to GOD, your
neighbor, and yourself; that you are equally bound with them to be obedient to
the laws and ordinances of the institution, to be charitable, humane and just, and
to seek every occasion of doing good.

Your office teaches a striking lesson of humility. The institutions of political
society teach us to con sider the king as the chief of created beings, and that
the first duty of his subjects is to obey his mandates - but the institutions of
our sublime de***
grees, by placing the King in a situation subordinate to the High Priest, teaches us
that our duty to GOD is paramount to all other duties, and should ever claim the
priority of our obedience to man; and that, however strongly we may be bound to
obey the laws of civil society, yet that those laws, to be just, should never
intermeddle with matters of conscience, nor dictate articles of faith.
The Scarlet Robe, an emblem of imperial dignity, should remind you of the
paternal concern you should ever feel for the welfare of your Chapter, and the
fervency and zeal with which you should endeavor to promote its prosperity.
In presenting to you the Crown, which is an emblem of royalty, I would remind
you that, to reign sovereign in the hearts and affections of men, must be far
more grateful to a generous and benevolent mind than to rule over their lives and
fortunes; and that to enable you to enjoy this pre-eminence with honor and
satisfaction, you must subject your own passions and prejudices to the dominion
of reason and charity.
You are entitled to the second seat in the council of your companions. Let the
bright example of your illustrious predecessor in the Grand Council at Jerusalem,
stimulate you to the faithful discharge of your duties; and when the King of kings
shall summon you into his immediate presence, from his hand may you receive a
crown of glory, which shall never fade away.
EXCELLENT COMPANION: - The office of Scribe, to which you are elected, is very
important and respectable. In the absence of your superior officers, you are
bound to succeed them and perform their duties. The purposes of the institution
ought never to suffer for want of intelligence in its proper officers; you will
therefore perceive the necessity there is of your possessing such qualifications as
will enable you to accomplish those duties which are incumbent upon you, in your
appropriate station, as well as those which may occasionally devolve on you by
the absence of your superiors.
The Purple Robe, with which you are invested, is an emblem of union, and is
calculated to remind you that the harmony and unanimity of the Chapter should
be your constant aim; and to this end you are studiously to avoid all occasions of
giving offence, or countenancing anything that may create divisions or
dissensions. You are, by all means in your power, to endeavor to establish a
permanent union and good understanding among all orders and degrees of
masonry; and, as the glorious sun, at its meridian height, dispels the mists and
clouds which obscure the horizon, so may your exertions tend to dissipate the
gloom of jealousy and discord whenever they may appear.

Your badge (a Plum-rule, surmounted by a Turban,) is
an emblem of rectitude and vigilance; and while you
stand as a watchman upon the tower, to guard your
companions against the approach of those enemies of human felicity,
intemperance and excess, let this faithful monitor ever remind you to walk
uprightly in your station; admonishing and animating your companions to fidelity
and industry while at labor, and to temperance and moderation while at
refreshment. And when the great Watchman of Israel, whose eye never slumbers
nor sleeps, shall relieve you from your post on earth, may he permit you, in
heaven, to participate in that food and refreshment which is "Such as the saints
in glory love, And such as angels eat."
COMPANION: - The office with which you are entrusted is of high importance, and
demands your most zealous consideration. The preservation of the most essential
traits of our ancient customs usages and landmarks, are within your province;
and it is indispensably necessary that the part assigned to you, in the immediate
practice of our rites and ceremonies, should be perfectly understood and correctly
Your office corresponds with that of Marshal, or Master of Ceremonies. You are to
superintend all
processions of your Chapter, when moving as a distinct body, either in public or
private; and as the world can only judge of our private discipline by our public
deportment, you will be careful that the utmost order and decorum be observed
on all such occasions. You will ever be attentive to the commands of your chief,
and always near at hand to see them duly executed. I invest you with the badge
of your office, and presume that you will give to your duties all that study and
attention which their importance demands.
COMIPANION: - The office confided to you, though subordinate in degree, is
equal in importance to any in the Chapter, that of your chief alone excepted. Your
office corresponds with that of Senior-Deacon, in the preparatory degrees. Among
the duties required of you, the preparation and introduction of candidates are not
the least. As in our intercourse with the world, experience teaches that first
impressions are often the most durable, and the most difficult to eradicate; so it
is of great importance, in all cases, that those impressions should be correct and
just; hence it is essential that the officer, who brings the blind by a way that they
knew not, and leads them in paths that they have not known, should always be
well qualified to make
darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.
Your robe of office is an emblem of humility; and teaches that, in the prosecution
of a laudable undertaking, we should never decline taking any part that may be
assigned us, although it may be the most difficult or dangerous.

The rose-colored tesselated
border, adorning the robe, is an
emblem of ardor and
perseverance, and signifies, that when we have engaged in a virtuous course,
notwithstanding all the impediments, hardships and trials we may be destined to
encounter, should endure them all with fortitude, and ardently persevere unto the
end; resting assured of receiving, at the termination of our labors, a noble and
glorious reward. Your past exertions will be considered as a pledge of your future
assiduity in the faithful discharge of your duties.
COMPANION: - The well-known duties of your station require but little
elucidation. Your office in the preparatory degrees corresponds with that of Junior
Deacon. It is your province, conjointly with the Captain of the Host, to attend the
examination of all visitors, and to take care that none are permitted to enter the
Chapter but such as have traveled the rugged path of trial, and evinced their title
to our
favor and friendship. You will be attentive to obey the commands of the Captain
of the Host during the introduction of strangers among the workmen; and should
they be permitted to pass your post, may they, by him, be introduced into the
presence of the Grand Council.
The White Banner, entrusted to your care, is emblematical of that purity of heart
and rectitude of conduct, which ought to actuate all those who pass the white veil
of the sanctuary. I give it to you strongly in charge, never to suffer any one to
pass your post without the Signet of Truth. I present you the badge of your
office, in expectation of your performing your duties with intelligence, assiduity
and propriety.
COMPANION: - I present you with the Scarlet Banner, which is the ensign of your
office, and with a sword to protect and defend the same. The rich and beautiful
color of your banner is emblematical of fervency and zeal; it is the appropriate
color of the Royal Arch degree. It admonishes us that we should be fervent in the
exercise of our devotions to GOD, and zealous in our endeavors to promote the
happiness of man.
COMIPANION: - I invest you with the purple banner, which is the ensign of your
office, and arm you with a sword, to enable you to maintain its honor. The color
of your banner is produced by a due mixture of blue and scarlet; the former of
which is the characteristic color of the symbolic or first three degrees of masonry,
and the latter that of the Royal Arch degree. It is an emblem of unions, and is the
characteristic color of the intermediate degrees. It admonishes us to cultivate and
improve that spirit of union and harmony, between the brethren of the symbolic
degrees, and the companions of the sublime degrees, which should ever
distinguish the members of a society founded upon the principles of everlasting
truth and universal philanthropy.

COMPANION: - I invest you with the blue banner,
which is the ensign of your office, and a sword for it: defense and protection. The
color of your banner is one of the most durable and beautiful in nature. Is is the
appropriate color adopted and worn by our ancient brethren of the three symbolic
degrees, and is the peculiar characteristic of an institution which
has stood the test of ages, and which is as much distinguished by the durability of
its materials or principles, as by the beauty of its superstructure.
This an emblem of universal friendship and benevolence; and instructs us that in
the mind of a Mason those virtues should be as expansive as the blue arch of
heaven itself.
COMPA.N1ONS: - Those who are placed as overseers of any work should be well
qualified to judge of its beauties and deformities, its excellencies and defects;
they should be capable of estimating the former and amending the latter. This
consideration should induce you to cultivate and improve all those qualifications
with which you are already endowed, as well as to persevere in your endeavors to
acquire those in which you are deficient. Let the various colors of the banners
committed to your charge, admonish you to the exercise of the several virtues of
which they are emblematic; and you are to enjoin the practice of those virtues
upon all who shall present themselves, or the work of their hands for your
inspection. Let no work receive your approbation but such as is calculated to
adorn and strengthen the masonic edifice. Be industrious and faithful in practicing
and disseminating a knowledge
of the true and perfect work, which alone can stand the test of the Grand
Overseer's square, in the great day of trial and retribution.
COMPANION: - I with pleasure invest you with your badge as Secretary of this
Chapter. The qualities which should recommend a Secretary are, promptitude in
issuing the notifications and orders of his superior officers; punctuality in
attending the meetings of the Chapter; correctness in recording their
proceedings; judgment in discriminating between what is proper and what is
improper to be committed to writing; regularity in making his annual returns to
the Grand Chapter; integrity in accounting for all moneys that may pass through
his hands; and fidelity in paying the same over into the hands of the Treasurer.
The possession of these good qualities, I presume, has designated you a suitable
candidate for this important office; and I cannot entertain a doubt that you will
discharge its duties beneficially to the Chapter, and honorably to yourself. And
when you shall have completed the record of your transactions here below, and

the term of your probation,
may you be admitted into the
celestial Grand Chapter of
saints and angels, and your name recorded in the book of life eternal.
COMPANION: - You are elected Treasurer of this Chapter, and I have the pleasure
of investing you with the badge of your office. The qualities which should
recommend a Treasurer, are accuracy and fidelity; accuracy in keeping a fair and
minute account of all receipts and disbursements; fidelity in carefully preserving
all the property and funds of the Chapter, that may be placed in his hands, and
rendering a just account of the same, whenever he is called upon for that
purpose. I presume that your respect for the institution, your attachment to the
interests of your Chapter, and your regard for a good name, which is better than
precious ointment, will prompt you to the faithful discharge of the duties of your
E. AND REV. COMPANION: - You are appointed Chaplain of this Chapter; and I
now invest you with this jewel, the badge of your office. It is emblematical of
eternity, and reminds us that here is not our abiding place. Your inclination will
doubtedly conspire with your duty, when you perform, in the Chapter, those
solemn services which created beings should constantly render to their infinite
CREATOR; and which, when offered by one whose holy profession is, "to point to
heaven and lead the way," may, by refining our morals, strengthening our
virtues, and purifying our minds, prepare us for admission into the society of
those above, whose happiness will be as endless as it is perfect.
COMPANIONS: - You being elected Stewards of this Chapter, I with pleasure
invest you with the badges of your office. It is your province to see that every
necessary preparation is made for the convenience and accommodation of the
Chapter, previous to the time appointed for meeting. You are to see that the
clothing, implements and furniture of each degree, respectively, are properly
disposed and in suitable array for use, whenever they may be required, and that
they are secured, and proper care taken of them, when the business of the
Chapter is over. You are to see that necessary refreshments are provided, and
that all your companions, and particularly visitors, are suitably accommodated
and supplied. You are to be frugal and prudent in your disbursements, and to be
careful that no ex***
travagance or waste is committed in your department; and when you have
faithfully fulfilled your stewardship here below, may you receive from heaven the
happy greeting of "Well done, good and faithful servants."

COMPANION: - You are appointed Tyler of this Chapter, and I invest you with
the badge, and this implement of your office. As the sword is placed in the
hands of the Tyler, to enable him effectually to guard against the approach of
all cowans and eaves-droppers, and suffer none to pass or repass but such as are
duly qualified; so it should morally serve as a constant admonition to us to set a
guard at the entrance of our thoughts; to place a watch at the door of our lips; to
post a sentinel at the avenue of our actions; thereby excluding every unqualified
and unworthy thought, word and deed; and preserving consciences void of
offence toward GOD and toward man.
As the first application from visitors for admission into the Chapter is generally
made to the Tyler at the door, your station will often present you to the
observation of strangers; it is therefore essentially necessary that he who
sustains the office with which you are entrusted, should be a man of good morals,
steady habits, strict discipline, temperate, affable
and discreet. I trust that a just regard for the honor and reputation of the
institution will ever induce you to perform, with fidelity, the trust reposed in you;
and when the door of this earthly tabernacle shall be closed, may you find an
abund ant entrance through the gates into the temple and city of our GOD.
M. E. COMPANION: - Having been honored with the free suffrages of the
members of this Chapter, you are elected to the most important office which is
within their power to bestow. This expression of their esteem and respect should
draw from you corresponding sensations; and your demeanor should be such as
to repay the honor they have so conspicuously conferred upon you, by an
honorable and faithful discharge of the duties of your office. The station you are
called to fill is important, not only as it respects the correct practice of our rites
and ceremonies, and the internal economy of the Chapter over which you
preside; but the public reputation of the institution will be generally found to rise
or fall according to the skill, fidelity and discretion with which its concerns are
managed, and in proportion as the characters and conduct of its principal officers
are estimable or censurable.
You have accepted a trust, to which is attached a weight of responsibility, that
will require all your efforts to discharge, honorably to yourself and satisfactorily to
the Chapter. You are to see that
your officers are capable and faithful in the exercise of their offices. Should they
lack ability you are expected to supply their defects; you are to watch carefully
the progress of their performances, and to see that the long-established customs
of the institution suffer no derangement in their hands. You are to have a careful
eye over the general conduct of the Chapter; see that due order and
subordination are observed on all occasions; that the members are properly
instructed; that due solemnity be observed in the practice of our rites; that no
improper levity be permitted at any time, but more especially at the introduction
of strangers among the workmen.

In fine, you are to be an example to your officers and members which they need
not hesitate to follow; thus securing to yourself the favor of heaven and the
applause of your brethren and companions.
COMPANIONS IN OFFICE: - Precept and example should ever advance with equal
pace. Those moral duties which you are required to teach unto others, you should
never neglect to practice yourselves. Do you desire that the demeanor of your
equals and inferiors toward you should be marked with deference and respect; be
sure that you omit no opportunity of furnishing them with examples in your own
conduct towards your superiors. Do you desire to obtain instruction from those
who are more wise
or better informed than yourselves? Be sure that you are always ready to impart
of your knowledge to those within your sphere, who stand in need of and are
entitled to receive it. Do you desire distinction among your companions? Be sure
that your claims to preferment are founded upon superior attainments; let no
ambitious passion be suffered to induce you to envy or supplant a companion
who may be considered as better qualified for promotion than yourselves; but
rather let a laudable emulation induce you to strive to excel each other in
improvement and discipline; ever remembering, that he who faithfully performs
his duty, even in a subordinate or private station, is as justly entitled to esteem
and respect, as he who is invested with supreme authority.
COMPANIONS: - The exercise and management of the sublime degrees of
Masonry in your Chapter hitherto, are so highly appreciated, and the good
reputation of the Chapter so well established, that I must presume these
considerations alone, were there no others of greater magnitude, would be
sufficient to induce you to preserve and to perpetuate this valuable and honorable
character. But when to this is added the pleasure which every philanthropic heart
must feel in doing good, in promoting good order; in diffusing light and
knowledge; in cultivating Masonic and Christian charity, which
are the great objects of this sublime institution, I cannot doubt that your future
conduct, and that of your successors, will be calculated still to increase the lustre
of your justly esteemed reputation.May your Chapter become beautiful as the
TEMPLE, peaceful as the ARK, and sacred as its most holy place. May your
oblations of piety and praise be grateful as the INCENSE; your love warm as its
flame, and your charity diffusive as its fragrance. May your hearts be pure as the
ALTAR, and your conduct acceptable as the OFFERING. May the exercise of your
CHARITY be as constant as the returning wants of the distressed widow and
helpless orphan. May the approbation of Heaven be your encouragement, and the
testimony of a good conscience your support; may you be endowed with every
good and perfect gift, while traveling the rugged path of life, and finally be
admitted within the veil of heaven, to the full enjoyment of life eternal. So mote it
be. Amen.



The officers and members of the Chapter will then pass in review in front
of the grand officers, with their hands crossed on their breasts, bowing as
they pass.
The Grand Marshal will then proclaim the Chapter, by the name of --,
Chapter No. -- to be regularly constituted, and its officers duly installed.



The ceremonies conclude with an Ode, or appropriate piece of music.
The procession is then formed, when they return to the place from whence
they set out.
When the Grand officers retire, the Chapter will form an avenue for them
to pass through, and salute them with the grand honors.



THE Orders of Knighthood are conferred under the sanction of, or in connection
with, Masonic assemblies. This degree is intimately associated with the Royal
Arch, and cannot be conferred upon any brother who has not been exalted to that
sublime degree. *
*) Knights of the East and West, or Knights of the Sword, is a more correct title
for this grade. - ED.

It is founded upon incidents which occurred during the reign of DARIUS,
king of Persia, and illustrates the difficulties and interruptions encountered
by the Jews in rebuilding the house of the Lord at Jerusalem.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done as in heaven so also upon the earth. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever. Amen.
Sovereign Master, upon a throne, in the East; Chancellor, on the right of the S.
M.: Master of the Palace, on the left of the S. M.; Prelate, or the right of the C.;
Master of Cavalry, on the right of the first division, when separately formed, and
on the right of the hole, when formed in line; Master of Infantry, on the right of
the second division, when separately formed, and on the left of the whole, when
formed in line; Master of Finances, on the right, in front of the C.; Master of
Despatches on the left, in front of the M. of P.; Standard Bearer, in the West
Sword Bearer, on the right of the St. B.; Warder, on the left of the St. B.;
Guards, at the Passes; Sentinel, at the Door, outside. The knights are arranged,
in equal numbers, on the right and left of the throne.
The assembly is denominated a Council. The drapery of the throne is green, a
green banner is suspended above the throne; on it a triple triangle, with a red
cross in the centre of each; underneath are arranged the emblems of the Order.
The presiding officer wears a green collar, trimmed with red, to which is
suspended a triple triangle. The knights wear a green collar, trimmed with red,
and a sword and trowel, crosswise
The following passages of Scripture are appropriate to this order, and are
rehearsed by the Prelate:
"Now in the second year of their coming unto the house of GOD at Jerusalem, in
the second month, began Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua the son of
Jozadak, and the remnant of their brethren the priests and the Levites, and all
they that were come out of the captivity unto Jerusalem; and appointed the
Levites, from twenty years old and upward, to set forward the work of the house
of the LORD. Then stood Jeshua, with his sons and his brethren, Kadmiel and his
sons, the sons of Judah, together to set forward the workmen in the house of
God; the sons of Henadad, with their sons and their brethren the Levites. And
when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, they set the
priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with
cymbals, to praise the LORD, after the ordinance of David king of Israel. And they
sang together by course, in praising and giving thanks unto the LORD: because
he is good;. for his mercy endureth forever toward Israel. And all the people
shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD, because the foundation
of the house of the LORD was laid"

Now when the adversaries of Judah and
Benjamin heard that the children of the
captivity builded the temple unto the
LORD GOD of Israel, then they came to
Zerubbabel, and to the chief of the
fathers, and said unto them, Let us build
with you; for we seek your GOD as ye do; and we do sacrifice unto
him, since the days of Esar-Haddon king of Assur, which brought us up hither.
But Zerubbabel and Jeshua, and the rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel, said
unto them, Ye have nothing to do with us to build an house unto our GOD; but
we ourselves together will build unto the LORD GOD of Israel, as king Cyrus, the
king of Persia, hath commanded us. Then the people of the land weakened the
hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building; and hired counselors
against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus, king of Persia even
until the reign of Darius, king of Persia. And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the
beginning of his reign, wrote they unto him an accusation against the inhabitants
of Judah and Jeru***
salem. And in the days of Artaxerxes wrote Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, and the
rest of their companions, unto Artaxerxes king of Persia; and the writing of the
letter was written in the Syrian tongue, and interpreting in the Syrian tongue.
Rehum the chancellor, and Shimshai the scribe, wrote a letter against Jerusalem
to Artaxerxes the king, in this sort: this is the copy of the letter that they sent
unto him, even unto Artaxerxes the king: Thy servants, the men on this side the
river, and at such a time. Be it known unto the king, that the Jews, which came
up from thee to us, are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad
city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations. Be it known
now unto the king, that if this city be builded, and the walls set up again, then
will they not pay toll, tribute and custom, and so thou shalt endamage the
revenue of the kings. Now because we have maintenance from the king's palace,
and it was not meet for us to see the king's dishonor; therefore have we sent and
certified the king: that search may be made in the book of the records of thy
fathers: so shalt thou find in the book of the record, and know that this city is a
rebellious city, and hurtful unto kings and provinces, and that they have moved
sedition within the same of old time: for which cause was this city destroyed. We
certify the king, that if this city be builded again, and the walls thereof set up, by
this means thou shalt have no portion on this side the river. Then
sent the king an answer unto Rehum the chancellor, and to Shimshai the scribe,
and to the rest of their companions that dwell in Samaria, and unto the rest
beyond the river, Peace, and at such a time. The letter which ye sent unto us
hath been plainly read before me. And I commanded, and search hath been
made, and it is found that this city of old time hath made insurrection against
kings, and that rebellion and sedition have been made therein. There have been
mighty kings also over Jerusalem, which have ruled over all countries beyond the
river; and toll, tribute and custom was paid unto them. Give ye now
commandment to cause these men to cease, and that this city be not builded,
until another commandment shall be given from me. Take heed now, that ye fail
not to do this: why should damage grow to the hurt of the kings? Now, when the
copy of king Artaxerxes' letter was read before Rehum, and Shimshai the scribe,
and their companions, they went up in haste to Jerusalem, unto the Jews, and
made them to cease by force and power. Then ceased the work of the house of

GOD, which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of
Darius, king of Persia. - EZRA iv.
Darius the king, having ascended the throne of Persia, the children of the
captivity were inspired with new hopes of protection and support in com***
pleting their noble and glorious undertaking, which had been so often and so long
impeded by their adversaries on the other side of the river.

Josephus informs us that Darius, whilst he was yet a private man, made a vow to
GOD, that if he ever came to the throne he would restore all the holy vessels that
were at Babylon, and send them back again to Jerusalem.
Zerubbabel, one of the most excellent and faithful rulers of the Jews, having been
formerly distinguished by the favorable notice and friendship of the king, whilst in
private life, offered himself to encounter the hazardous enterprise of traversing
the Persian dominions, and seeking admission to the
royal presence, in order that he might seize the first favorable moment to remind
the king of the vow which he had made, and to impress upon his mind the
almighty force and importance of TRUTH. From the known piety of the king no
doubt was entertained of obtaining his consent, that their enemies might be
removed far from thence, and that they might be no longer impeded in the
glorious undertaking in which they were engaged. The council of rulers accepted,
with great joy, this noble sacrifice on the part of Zerubbabel, and invested him
with the necessary passports and commendations to enable him to pass through

their own dominions in safety. Having passed the barriers, and entered the
Persian dominions, he was taken captive, clothed in the habiliments of a slave,
and put in chains; but not discouraged by this misfortune, he declared himself a
prince of the power of Judah, and demanded an audience of the sovereign. He
was told that he could only appear in the presence of the sovereign as a captive
and slave: to which he consented, being impressed with a belief, that if by any
means he could gain access to the king, he should succeed in the object of his
Zerubbabel, having thus gained admission to the royal presence, was recognized
by the king at the friend and companion of his youth, and was interrogated as to
his motives in attempting to pass the barriers of his dominions; to which
Zerubbabel replied, that he was induced to seek the face of the

king by the tears and complaints of his brethren and companions in Jerusalem,
who were impeded, by their adversaries on the other side of the river, in the
noble and glorious undertaking of rebuilding the house of the LORD, in which they
had been permitted to engage by their late sovereign master, Cyrus, the king;
that this great work having been made to cease by force and power, he had come
to implore the sovereign that he might be restored to his confidence, and
admitted amongst the servants of his household. The king answered, that he had
often reflected, with peculiar pleasure, upon their former intimacy; that he had
heard, with great satisfaction, of his fame as a wise and accomplished ruler
among the architects of his country; that having a profound veneration for an
which was reputed to practice mysteries which were calculated to promote the
glory of the nation, and the happiness of the people, he would instantly restore
him to favor, upon condition that he would reveal those mysteries which so
eminently distinguished the architects of the Jews from those of all other nations.

Zerubbabel replied, that their institution inculcated the doctrine that TRUTH is a
divine attribute, and the foundation of every virtue; that to be good men and true
was the first lesson they were taught that his engagements were inviolable; that
if he could obtain the royal favor only by the sacrifice of his integrity, he should
humbly beg leave to renounce the protection of the sovereign, and cheerfully
submit to an honorable exile, or a glorious death.
The king, struck with admiration at the firmness and discretion of Zerubbabel,
declared that his virtue and integrity were truly commendable; that his fidelity to
his engagements were worthy of imitation, and from that moment he was
restored to his confidence.
Darius, in the first year of his reign, gave a splendid and magnificent
entertainment to the princes and nobility; and after they had retired, finding
himself unable to sleep, he fell into discourse with his three favorite officers, to
whom he proposed certain questions, telling them, at the same time, that he who
should give him the most reasonable and

satisfactory answer, should be clothed in purple, drink in a golden cup, wear a
silken tiara, and a golden chain about his neck. He then proposed this question:
which is greatest, the strength of WINE, of the KING, or of WOMEN? To this the
first answered, wine is the strongest; the second, that the king was strongest;
and the third, (who was Zerubbabel) that women were stronger, but above all
things, TRUTH beareth the victory.
The king, being forcibly struck with the addition Zerubbabel had made to his
question, ordered than the princes and nobles should assemble on the following
day, to hear the subject discussed.
On the following day the king assembled together the princes and nobility, to
hear the question debated. The first began as follows, upon

"O ye princes and rulers, how exceeding strong is wine! it causeth all men to err
that drink it; it maketh the mind of the king and the beggar to be all one; of the
bondman and the freeman; of the poor man and of the rich; it turneth also every
thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man remembereth neither sorrow nor
debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits, and enliveneth the heavy hearts of
the miserable. It maketh a man forget his brethren, and draw his sword against
his best friends. O ye princes and rulers, is not wine the strongest, that forceth us
to do these things?"
Then began the second, and spoke as follows, upon
"It is beyond dispute, O princes and rulers, that GOD has made man master of all
things under the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and apply them
to his service as he pleases: but whereas men have only dominion over other
sublunary creatures, kings have an authority even over men themselves, and a
right of ruling them by will and pleasure. Now, he that is master of those who are
masters of all things else, hath no earthly thing above him."
Then began Zerubbabel, upon
"O princes and rulers, the force of wine is not
to be denied; neither is that of kings, that unites so many men in one common
bond of allegiance; but the supereminency of woman is yet above all this; for
kings are but the gifts of women, and they are also the mothers of those that
cultivate our vineyards. Women have the power to make us abandon our very
country and relations, and many times to forget the best friends we have in the
world, and, forsaking all other comforts, to live and die with them. But when all is
said, neither they, nor wine, nor kings, are comparable to the almighty force of
TRUTH. As for all other things, they are mortal and transient, but truth alone is
unchangeable and everlasting; the benefits we receive from it are subject to no
variations or vicissitudes of time and fortune. In her judgment is no
unrighteousness, and she is the strength, wisdom, power and majesty of all ages.
Blessed be the GOD of Truth."
When Zerubbabel had finished speaking, the princes and rulers cried out, "Great
is truth, and mighty above all things."
Then said the king to Zerubbabel, "Ask what thou wilt, and I will give it thee,
because thou art found wisest among thy companions."
Then said he to Darius, "O king, remember thy vow, which thou hast vowed, to
build Jerusalem in the day when thou shouldst come to thy kingdom, and to
restore the holy vessels which were taken away out of Jerusalem. Thou hast also
vowed to build up the temple, which was burned when Judah

was made desolate by the Chaldees. And
now, O king, this is that I desire of thee,
that thou make good the vow, the
performance whereof, with thine own
mouth, thou hast vowed to the king of
Then Darius the king stood up and embraced him, and gave him passports and
letters to his governors and officers, that they should safely convey both him, and
those that should go with him, to Jerusalem; and that they should not be delayed
or hindered from building the city and the temple until they should be finished.
He also restored all the holy vessels remaining in his possession, that had been
taken from Jerusalem, when the children of Israel were carried away captive to
Babylon, and reserved by Cyrus. * * * * * *
But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the
Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up,
and hat the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth, and
conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to
hinder it. Nevertheless, we made our prayer unto our GOD, and set a watch
against them day and night,
because of them. And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is
decayed, and there is much rubbish, so that we are not able to build the wall. And
our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst
among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease. And it came to pass,
that when the Jews, which dwelt by them, came, they said unto us ten times,
From all places whence ye shall return unto us, they will be upon you. And it
came to pass, when our enemies heard it was known unto us, and God had
brought their counsel to naught, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one
unto his work. And it came to pass, from that time forth, that the half of my
servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears,
the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the
house of Judah. They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with
those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with
the other hand held a weapon. For the builders, every one had his sword girded
by his side, and so builded; and he that sounded the trumpet was by me. And I
said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, The work is
great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another: In
what place, therefore, ye hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto
us; our GOD shall fight, for us." - NEHMIAH iv. 7-20.
Then Darius the king made decree, and search was made in the house of the
rolls, where the treasures were laid up in Babylon. And there was found at
Achmetha, in the palace that is in the province of the Medes a roll, and therein
was a record thus written: In the first year of Cyrus the king, the same Cyrus the
king made a decree concerning the house of God at Jerusalem, Let the house be
builded, the place, where they offered sacrifices, and let the foundations thereof
be strongly laid; the height thereof threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof
threescore cubits; with three rows of great stones, and a row of new timber; and

let the expenses be given out of the king's house. And also let the golden and
silver vessels of the house of GOD, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the
temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought unto Babylon, be restored, and
brought again unto the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to his place, and
place them in the house of God. Now, therefore, Tatnai, governor beyond the
river, Shethar-boznai, and your companions, the Apharsachites, which are
beyond the river, be ye far from thence: let the work of his house of GOD alone;
let the governor of the Jews, and the elders of the Jews, build this house of GOD
in his place. Moreover, I make a decree what ye shall do to the elders of these
Jews, for the
building of this house of GOD; that of the king's goods, even of the tribute
beyond the river, forthwith expenses be given unto these men, that they be not
hindered. And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and
lambs, for burnt-offerings of the GOD of heaven; wheat, salt, wine and oil,
according to the appointment of the priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be given
them day by day without fail; that they may offer sacrifices of sweet savors unto
the GOD of heaven, and pray for the life of the king, and of his sons. Also, I have
made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down
from his house, and being set up let him be hanged thereon; and let his house be
made a dunghill for this. And the GOD that hath caused his name to dwell there
destroy all kings and people, that shall put to their hand to alter and to destroy
this house of GOD which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have made a decree; let it be
done with speed. Then Tatnai, governor on this side the river Shethar-boznai, and
their companions, according to that which Darius the king had sent, so they did
speedily. And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the
prophesying of Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah, the son of Iddo; and they
builded and finished it, according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and
according to the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes, king of
Persia. - EZRA vi.

THE Order of Knights Templar, who were originally called "Poor fellowsoldiers of
Jesus Christ," took its rise about the year 1118.
Nine noble knights formed a society to guard and protect the Christian pilgrims
who traveled from abroad to visit the Holy Sepulchre.
These men were encouraged by the Abbot of Jerusalem, who assigned them and
their companions a place of retreat in a Christian church, called the church of the
Holy Temple, from which they were called Templars.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done as in heaven so also upon the earth. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever. Amen.
The throne is situated in the East; above is suspended a banner; on it a cross
irradiated with rays of light; on each side a sky-blue banner, on one of which are
arranged the emblems of the Order, and on the other a Paschal lamb and Maltese
cross, with the motto, "THE WILL OF GOD." The Most Eminent Grand Commander
is seated on the throne, the Generalissimo, Prelate, and Past Grand Commanders

on his right; the Captain General on his left; the Treasurer on the right, and the
Recorder on the left, in front; the Senior Warden at the
south-west angle of the triangle, and upon the right of the first division; the
Junior Warden at the north-west angle of the triangle, and on the left of the third
division the Standard Bearer in the west, the Sword Bearer on the right and the
Warder on his left; Guards, at the passes; Sentinel, at the door, outside. The
Knights are so arranged that there shall be an equal number on each side of the
throne and in front. Three tents, at proper distances, in an adjoining room, or in
the north of the Encampment, and stationed in front, with a black banner, having
a star of nine points; in the centre of the star, a cross and serpent of gold,
surrounded by a circle, with the motto, "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES", painted upon it.
A full suit of black, with a sword and military hat; a scarf, five inches wide in the
whole, of white, bordered with black one inch on either side; a strip of navy lace,
one fourth of an inch wide, at the inner edge of the black: the ends of the scarf
extend six inches below the point of intersection, hanging on the right shoulder
and crossing the body to the left side; on the left breast a star of nine points; in
the centre of the star, a cross and serpent of gold, surrounded by a circle, in
which is engraved, "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES."

James, a servant of GOD and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which
are scattered abroad, greeting. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into
divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire,
wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of GOD, that giveth to all
men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in
faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven
with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive
anything of the Lord. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let the
brother of low degree rejoice in that be is exalted. If any man among you seem

to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this
man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is
this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself
unspotted from the world. - JAMES i. 1-10-26-27

-- I greet thee.
Silver and gold have I none: but such as I have give I thee.
Hearken to a lesson to cheer thee on thy way, and assure thee of success.
And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread and a bottle of water
and gave it unto Hagar (putting it on her shoulder,) and the child, and sent her
away, and she departed and wandered in the wilderness, and the water was
spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs; and the angel
of GOD called to Hager out of heaven, saying. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him
in thine hand; for I will make him a great ration and GOD opened her eyes, and
she saw a swell of water
By faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country,
dwelling in tabernacles; for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose
builder and maker is GOD.
Be ye therefore followers of GOD as dear children, rejoicing in the Lord always;
and again I say, rejoice. Farewell -- GOD speed thee.
-- I greet thee. If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one
of you say, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled, and ye give them not of
those things which are needful for the body, what doth it profit? To do good and
to communicate, forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,
after the traditions of men; after the rudiments of the world, and not
after Christ: For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead
bodily. Farewell - GOD speed thee.
-- I greet thee.
He that receiveth you, receiveth me, and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that
sent me. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart,
and ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is
easy and my burden is light. Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little
ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you he
shall in no wise lose his reward.
Farewell - GOD speed thee.

Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests and said
unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you. And they
covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought
opportunity to betray him. Now, the first day of the feast of unleavened bread,
the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him,
Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? And he said, Go
into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at
hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples. And the disciples
did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the passover. Now, when
the even was come, he sat down with the twelve. And as they did eat, he said,


you, that one
you shall
betray me. And they were exceeding
sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I? And he
answered and said, he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall
betray me. The Son of man goeth, as it is written of him; but woe unto that man
by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not
been born. Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I?
He said unto him, Thou hast said. - MATT. xxvi. 14-25.
Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the
disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. And he took with him Peter and
the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then faith
he unto them, My soul is ex***
ceeding sorrowful, even unto death, tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he
went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be
possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.
And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter,
What! could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not
into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. He went away
again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass
away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. And he came and found them
asleep again; for their eyes were heavy. And he left them, and went away again,
and prayed the third time, saying the same words. Then cometh he unto his
disciples. and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold the hour
is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us
be going: behold, he is at hand that doth betray me. And while he yet spake, lo!
Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude, with swords and
staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people. Now he that betrayed him,
gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him
fast. And forthwith he came to Jesus,
and said, Hail, Master; and kissed him. - MATT xxvi. 36-50.
When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was
made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am
innocent of the blood of this just person; see ye to it. Then answered all the
people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. Then released he
Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be
crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hail, and
gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put on
him a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns they put it upon
his head, and a reed in his right hand; and they bowed the knee before him, and
mocked him, saying, Hail, king of the Jews! And they spit upon him, and took the
reed and smote him on the head. And after that they had mocked him, they took
the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to

crucify him. And as they came out,
they found a man of Cyrene,
Simon by name: him they
compelled to
bear his cross. And when they
were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, A place of a skull, they
gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof he
would not drink. And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots;
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet; They parted my
garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. And sitting down,
they watched him there; and set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS
Although it is appointed unto all men once to die, yet the Scriptures inform us,
that the Savior of the world arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, there
forever he is seated on the throne of majesty in high; and they also assure us,
that all who have received Him for their righteousness, and put their trust in Him,
shall rise to life everlasting. In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn,
toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, to
see the sepulchre. And behold there was a great earthquake
for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the
stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his
raiment white as snow: and for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as
dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, "Fear not ye: for I
know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here; for he is risen, as
he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay: and go quickly, and tell his
disciples that he is risen from the dead; and behold he goeth before you into
Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo! I have told you." And they departed quickly
from the sepulchre, with fear and great joy, and did run to bring his disciples
And as they went to tell his disciples, behold Jesus met them, saying, All hail. Aid
they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
And he led them out, as far as to Bethany; and he lifted up his hands, and
blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from
them, and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him, and returned to
Jerusalem with great joy.
The following ode may be appropriately intro duced during the ceremonies:
The rising GOD forsakes the tomb!
Up to his Father's court he flies;
Cherubic legions guard him home,
And shout him welcome to the skies.
Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell
How high our great deliv'rer reigns,

Sing how he spoil'd the hosts of hell,
And led the monster, death, in chains.
Say live forever, wondrous king,
Born to redeem, and strong to save,
Then ask the tyrant, "where's thy sting?
And where's thy vict'ry, boasting grave?"
And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the if disciples, and said, (the
number of the names together were about an hundred and twenty,) Men and
brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost, by
the mouth of David, spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them
that took Jesus. For he was numbered with us, and had obtained
part of this ministry. Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity;
and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed
out. And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem; insomuch as that field
is called in their proper tongue, Aceldamna, that is to say, The field of blood. For
it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man
dwell therein: and his bishopric let another take. Wherefore, of these men which
have companied with us, all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among
us, beginning from the baptism of John unto that same day that he was taken ut
from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection. And
they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus and
Matthias. And they prayed and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all
men, show whether of these two thou hast chosen, that he may take part of this
ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go
to his own place. And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias;
and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. - ACTS i. 15-26

THE Knights of St. John, or
Hospitallers of St. John, afterward
known as Knights of Rhodes, and finally called Knights of
Malta, was a military religious Order, established at about the
commencement of the Crusades. As early as 1018, some
merchants from Amalfi, in Naples, being struck with the misery to which the
pilgrims were exposed on their road to the Holy Land, obtained permission of the
Caliph of Egypt, to erect a church and build a monastery near the site of the Holy
Sepulchre at Jerusalem, which they dedicated to St. John the Baptist. They
entertained all pilgrims that came for devotion, and cure, the diseased among
them. They became eminent for their devotion, charity, and hospitality. St. John
the Baptist, being their patron, they were called Brethren Hospitallers of St. John
the Baptist of Jerusalem, to distinguish them from the Knights of the Holy
Sepulchre. They took the black habit of the Hermits of St. Augustine, and on the
left breast wore a cross of eight points. "In war they wore crimson, with a white
cross, but in their monasteries, and on the day of their profession, the black
garment only." *)
The following passages of Scripture are rehearsed in Encampments of Knights of
And when they were escaped, then they knew that the Island was called Melita.
And the barbarous people showed us no little kindness; for they kindled a fire,
and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.
And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there
came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand. And when the barbarians
saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No
doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped
*) The working of this grade is an Americanism, The Order of Malta should have
no place in Templar Masonry. - ED.
the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. And he shook off the beast into the
fire, and felt no harm. Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or
fallen down dead suddenly; but after they had looked a great while, and saw no
harm come to him. - ACTS xxviii. 1-6.
And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF
Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. - REV. ii. 10.
But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus
came. The other disciples, therefore, said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But
he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the prints of the nails, and put

my finger into the prints of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not
believe. And after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas with
them. Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said,
Peace be unto you, etc. - ST JOHN xx. 24-28.
SIR KNTGHT: - Having passed through the several degrees and honorary
distinctions of our ancient and honorable institution - in your admission to the
tesselated Masonic ground floor - your ascent into the middle chamber - your
entrance to the unfinished sanctum sanctorum - your regularly passing the
several gates of the temple - induction to the oriental chair - witnessing the
completion and dedication of that superb model of excellence, the Temple, which
has immortalized the names of our ancient Grand Masters, and the justly
celebrated craftsmen: - having wrought in the ruins of the first Temple, and from
its sacred Royal Arch brought to light incalculable treasures and advantages to
the craft: - having duly studied into the way and manner of their concealment;
also having been engaged in the hazardous enterprise of traversing an enemy's
dominions, and there convincing a foreign prince that truth is great and will
prevail; therefore, you are now admitted to a participation in those labors which
are to effect the erection of a temple more glorious than the first, even that
beauteous temple of holiness and innocence, whose pillars are Charity, Mercy and
Justice, the foundation of which is in the breast of every one who has tasted that
the Lord is gracious: to whom you come as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed
of men, but chosen of God and precious.
And now, Sir Knight, we bid you welcome to all these rights and privileges, even
to that disinterested friendship and unbounded hospitality which ever has, and we
hope and trust ever will continue to adorn, distinguish and characterize this noble
It will henceforth become your duty, and should be your desire, to assist, protect
and befriend the weary way-worn traveler, who finds the heights of fortune
inaccessible, and the thorny paths of life broken, adverse and forlorn, - to succor,
defend and protect the innocent, the distressed and the helpless, ever standing
forth as a champion to espouse the cause of the Christian religion.
You are to inculcate, enforce and practice virtue; and amidst all the temptations
which surround you, never be drawn aside from the path of duty, or forgetful of
those due guards and pass-words which are necessary to be had in perpetual
remembrance; and while one hand is wielding the sword for your Companion in
danger, let the other grasp the mystic Trowel, and widely diffuse the genuine
cement of Brotherly Love and Friendship.
Should calumny assail the character of a brother Sir Knight, recollect that you are
to step forth and vindicate his good name, and assist him on all necessary
occasions. Should assailants ever attempt your honor, interest or happiness,
remember, also, at the same time, you have the counsel and support of your
brethren, whose mystic swords, combining the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity,
with Jus***

tice, Fortitude, and Mercy will leap from their scabbards in defense of your just
rights, and insure you a glorious triumph over all your enemies.
On this occasion permit me, Sir Knight, to remind you of our mutual
engagements, our reciprocal ties; whatever may be your situation or rank in life
you will find those, in similar stations, who have dignified themselves and been
useful to mankind. You are therefore called upon to discharge all your duties with
fidelity and patience, whether in the field, in the senate, on the bench, at the bar,
or at the Holy Altar. Whether you are placed upon the highest pinnacle of worldly
grandeur, or glide more securely in the humble vale of obscurity, unnoticed, save
by a few; it matters not, for a few rolling suns will close the scene, when naught
but holiness will serve as a sure pass-word to gain admission into that REST
prepared from the foundation of the world.
If you see a brother bending under the cross of adversity and disappointment,
look not idly on, neither pass by on the other side, but fly to his relief. If he be
deceived, tell him the Truth; if he be calumniated, vindicate his cause; for,
although in some instances, he may have erred, still recollect that indiscretion in
him should never destroy humanity in you.
Finally, Sir Knights, as memento mori is deeply engraved on all sublunary
enjoyments, let us ever be found in the habiliments of righteousness, tra***
versing the straight path of rectitude, virtue and true holiness, so that having
discharged our duty here below, performed the pilgrimage of life, burst the bands
of mortality, passed over the Jordan of death, and safely landed on the broad
shore of eternity, there, in the presence of myriads of attending angels, we may
be greeted as brethren, and received into the extended arms of the Blessed
Immanuel, and forever made to participate in his Heavenly kingdom.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on
the whole armor of GOD that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the
devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of GOD,
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the
breast-plate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the
gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able
to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and
the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. - EPHES. vi. 10-17
The Sir Knights will assemble in the room where the ceremonies are to be
performed, and open a Commandery. The jewels are then placed on the altar. An
ode is then sung, succeeded by prayer.

The Grand Marshal will then say, "Right Eminent Grand Commander, a
constitutional number of Knights Templar, duly instructed in the sublime
mysteries of our Orders, and being desirous of promoting the honor of the same
by aiding the cause of humanity, knowledge and virtue, have applied to proper
authority for a warrant or charter to constitute them a regular Commandery of
Knights Templar, and the appendant Orders. The prayer of their petition having
been granted, they are now assembled for the purpose of being legally
constituted, and of having their officers installed in due and ancient form."
The Grand Commander will then direct the Grand Recorder to read the charter,
which being done, he will ask the members if they still approve of the officers
named in the charter; if they assent, the Grand Commander will declare:
"By virtue of the high power and authority in me vested, I do now form you, my
worthy brother knights,
into a just and regular Commandery of Knights Templar. Henceforth you are
authorized and empowered to form and open a Council of Knights of the Red
Cross, a Commandery of Knights Templar, and Knights of Malta, of the Order of
St. John of Jerusalem, and to perform all such things as may appertain to the
same; conforming in all your doings to the laws and constitution of the Grand
Commandery, under whose authority you act, and to the constitution and edicts
of the Grand Encampment of the United States. And may the God of your fathers
be with you, guide and direct you in all your undertakings."
The jewels are now uncovered to solemn music, when the Prelate rises and says:
"From time immemorial, it has been customary for the Masonic fraternity to
dedicate the different departments of our institution to different patrons. We
dedicate our Lodges to St. John the Baptist, and the Evangelist; our Chapters to
Zerubbabel, and our Commanderies to St. John the Almoner. We do this not in
that superstitious sense in which the brethren employ the term when they set
apart their temples for the worship of their imaginary deities, nor in that high and
solemn sense in which Christians dedicate their churches to the great Jehovah;
but we do it simply to testify our respect and esteem for the character of those
who have been so eminently beneficial to our institution, and that their examples
may stimulate us to imitate their exalted virtues
"To our most eminent and worthy Patron St. JOHN the ALMONER, I do now
solemnly dedicate this Commandery, by the name and title of -- Commandery;
and may the God of all grace abundantly bless you in your laudable undertaking,
and may each one of its members so redeem his time, that he may receive the
joyful invitation: 'Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.' Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will towards men."
Response. - "As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen."

The Eminent Commander elect is then presented to the Grand Commander by the
Marshal, who says:
RIGHT EMINENT: - I have the honor to present you Eminent Sir, who has been
elected to the office of Eminent Commander of this Commandery. I find him to be
well skilled in our sublime mysteries, and observant of the noble precepts of our
forefathers, and have, therefore, no doubt but he will discharge the important
duties of his office with fidelity."
The Grand Commander then asks, "Eminent, are you ready to subscribe to the
oath of office?" On his answering in the affirmative, the Grand Commander will
draw his sword, and holding it horizontally, the edge toward the Eminent
Commander elect, who will place
his left hand on the same, and his right hand on his left breast, and repeat as
"I, A. B., do solemnly promise, upon the honor of a Knight Templar, that I will, to
the best of my knowledge and ability, faithfully discharge the various duties
incumbent upon the office to which I have been elected; that I will support and
maintain the By-Laws of this Commandery, and the laws and constitution of the
Grand Commandery, under whose immediate authority I act; also the constitution
and edicts of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America."
The Grand Commander will then address the Eminent Commander elect, as
" EMINENT SIR: - Having been elected to the important and honorable station of
Eminent Commander of this (new) Commandery, it is with unfeigned pleasure
that I enter upon the discharge of the pleasing duty of installing you into your
office. As the head of an institution founded upon the Christian religion, and the
practice of the Christian virtues, you will sensibly realize the great responsibility
of the new relation in which you now stand to your brethren; and, I am fully
persuaded, will so conduct the important interests about to be committed to your
hands, as to reflect honor upon yourself and credit upon your Commandery. It
now, Sir Knight, becomes my duty to propose certain questions to you, relative to
your office, to which I must request unequivocal answers.
Do you solemnly promise, upon the honor of a Knight Templar, that you will
redouble your endeavors to correct the vices, purify the morals, and promote the
happiness of those of your brethren who have attained this magnanimous Order?
That you will never suffer your Commandery to be opened, unless there be
present seven regular Sir Knights of the Order?
That you will not confer the Orders upon any one who has not shown a charitable
and humane disposition: or who has not made a considerable proficiency in the
foregoing Degrees?

That you will promote the general good of our Order, and on all proper occasions
be ready to give and receive instructions, and particularly from the General and
State Grand Officers?
That to the utmost of your power you will preserve the solemnities of our
ceremonies, and behave, in open Commandery, with the most profound respect
and reverence, as an example to your brethren?
That you will not acknowledge or have intercourse with any Commandery that
does not work under a constitutional Warrant or Dispensation?
That you will not admit any visitor into your Commandery who has not been
Knighted in a Commandery legally constituted, without his being first formally
That you will pay due respect and obedience to the instructions of the general
and State Grand officers, particularly relating to the several lectures and charges,
and will resign the Chair to them severally, when they may visit your
That you will support and observe the Constitution of the Grand Encampment,
and the General Regulations of the Grand Commandery under whose authority
you act?
That you will bind your successor in office to the observance of the same rules to
which you have now assented?
"Do you submit to all these things? and do you promise to observe and practice
them faithfully?"
EMINENT: - You will now permit me to invest you with this badge of your office;
It is a CROSS, surmounted by Rays of Light. It is an appropriate and beautiful
emblem of the sublime principles of this magnanimous and Christian Order of
Knighthood. The Cross will remind you of Him who offered up his life as a
propitiation for the sins of the world; and the refulgent rays that emanate from it,
of those divine teachings and sublime precepts which He
has left to guide and direct us in the paths of truth and holiness.
I present you the CHARTER of your Commandery. You will receive it as a sacred
deposit, and never permit it to be used for any other purpose than those
expressed in it, and safely transmit it to your successor in office.
I also commit to your hands the HOLY BIBLE, the Great Light in every degree of
Masonry, together with the CROSS SWORDS. The doctrines contained in this
sacred volume, create in us a belief in the existence of the eternal JEHOVAH, the
one only true and living God, the Creator and Judge of all things in heaven and on

earth. They also confirm in us a belief in the dispensations
of his Providence. This belief strengthens our FAITH, and
enables us to ascend the first step of the Grand Masonic Ladder. This FAITH
naturally produces in us a HOPE of becoming partakers of the promises expressed
in this inestimable gift of GOD to man, which hope enables us to ascend the
second step. But the third and the last, being CHARITY, comprehends the former,
and will continue to exert its influence when Faith shall be lost in sight, and Hope
in complete enjoyment.
The CROSS SWORDS, resting upon the HOLY BIBLE, are to remind us that we
should be "strong in the LORD, and in the power of his might;" - that we should
"put on the whole armor of GOD," to be able to wrestle successfully against
principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places.
I also present to you the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United
States of America; the Rules and regulations of the Grand Commandery of this
State, and the By-laws of your Commandery. You will frequently consult them
yourself, and cause them to be read for the information of your Commandery,
that all, being informed of their duty, may have no reasonable excuse to offer for
the neglect of it.
And now, Eminent Sir, permit me to induct you into the Chair of your
Commandery, and, in behalf of the Sir Knights here assembled, to offer you my
most sincere congratulations on your accession to the honorable station you now
fill. It will henceforth be your special duty to preserve inviolate the Laws and
Constitutions of the Order, to dispense justice, reward merit, encourage truth,
and diffuse the sublime principles of universal benevolence. You will distribute
alms to poor and weary pilgrims traveling from afar; feed the hungry; clothe the
naked, and bind up the wounds of the afflicted. You will inculcate the duties of
charity and hospitality, and govern your Commandery with justice and
moderation. And finally, my brother, may the bright example of the illustrious
heroes of former ages, whose matchless valor has shed undying luster over the
name of Knight Templar, encourage and animate you to the faithful performance
of every duty.
Sir Knights: - Behold your Eminent Commander, [The Knights rise and present
arms]. Recollect, Sir
Knights, that the prosperity of your Commandery, will as much depend on your
support, assistance and obedience, as on the assiduity, fidelity and wisdom of
your Commander.
The remainder of the officers are then duly qualified, by taking the oath of office,
in the form and manner before stated. The Grand Marshal then presents the
SIR: - You have been elected Generalissimo of this Commandery. I now invest
you with the badge of your office, which is a Square, surmounted by a Paschal
Lamb. When beholding the lamb, let it stimulate you to have, at all times, a

watchful eye over your own conduct, and an earnest solicitude
for the prosperity of the kingdom of the blest Emmanuel, the
spotless Lamb of God, who was slain from the foundation of
the world.
The square is to remind you that the institution of Freemasonry, and the Orders
of Knighthood were formerly governed by the same Grand Masters, and that the
same principles of brotherly love and friendship should forever govern the
members of both orders. Your station, Sir Knight, is on the right of your
Commander; your duty is to receive and communicate all orders, signs and
petitions: to assist your Commander in his
various duties, and in his absence to preside in the Commandery. The exercise of
all your talents and zeal will be necessary in the discharge of your various duties.
I charge you, therefore, to be faithful to the Sir Knights with whom you are
associated; put them often in remembrance of those things which tend to their
everlasting peace. Finally, "preach to them the word: be instant in season, and
out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine;" ever
remembering the promise, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a
crown of life."
SIR: - You are elected Captain-General of this Commandery. I now invest you
with the badge of your office, which is a Level, surmounted by a Cock. As the
undaunted courage and valor of the cock stimulates him to conquer his
competition or yield himself a victim to the contest, so should you be stimulated
to the discharge of every duty. You should have on "the breast-plate of
righteousness," so that with patience and meekness you may ever travel on the
level of humility, and be so supplied with divine grace as to prevent you from
selling your God or denying your Master. Your station is on the left of your
Commander. Your duty, among other things, is to see that the proper officers
make all due preparation for the various meetings of the Commandery; that the
chamber and asylum are in suitable array for the introduction of candidates and
the dispatch of business. You are also to receive and communicate all orders
issued by the Eminent Commander, through the officers of the line. You are to
assist in Council and in the absence of your Commander and Generalissimo, you
are to govern the Commandery. The distressed widow, the helpless orphan, and
the innocent of the weaker sex, you are ever to assist and protect. But, above all,
you are to stand forth, having your loins girt about with TRUTH, in defense of the
Christian religion from all its enemies. And now I exhort you, that with fidelity
you perform every duty; and "Whatsoever ye do, do heartily as to the Lord, and
not unto men: continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;"
ever bearing in mind the promise, "Be not weary in welldoing, for in due time you
shall reap if ye faint not."
SIR :- You are elected Prelate of this Commandery. I have the pleasure of
investing you with this Triple Triangle, which is the badge of your office, and a
beautiful emblem of the Eternal Jehovah. Your station is on the right of the

are very interesting

Generalissimo; your duty is to officiate at the altar; to offer
up prayers and oblations to Deity. The duties of your office

and highly important, and will require your early and punctual attendance at
every meeting. Your jewel is to remind you of the importance of the trust reposed
in you; and may "He who is able, abundantly furnish you for every good work,
preserve you from falling into error; improve, strengthen, establish and perfect
you," and, finally, greet you with, "Well done, good and faithful servant: enter
thou into the joy of thy Lord."
SIR: - You are elected Senior Warden of this Commandery. I now invest you with
the badge of your office, which is a Hollow Square and Sword of Justice. It is to
remind you that as the children of Israel marched in a hollow square, in their
journey through the wilderness, in order to guard and protect the Ark of the
Covenant, so should you be vigilant in guarding every avenue from innovation
and error. Let the sword of justice, therefore, be ever drawn to guard the
Constitution of the Order. Your station is at the south-west angle of the triangle,
and upon the right of the first division. You will attend pilgrim warriors traveling
from afar, comfort and support pilgrim penitents, and recommend them after due
trial, to the favor and protection of the Eminent Commander. You will be
assiduous in teaching your division their duties and exercises. You will, on all
occasions, form the avenues
for the approach and departure of your Commander; and prepare the lines for
inspection and review. Let it be your constant care that the warrior be not
deterred from duty, nor the penitent molested on his journey. Finally, "Let your
light so shine before men, that they seeing your good works may glorify your
Father which is in heaven."
SIR: - You are elected Junior Warden of this Commandery. I now invest you with
the badge of your office, which is an Eagle and Flaming Sword. It is to remind you
to perform your various duties with justice and valor, having an eagle eye on the
prosperity of the Order. Your station is at the north-west angle of the triangle,
and on the left of the third division. Your duty is to attend weary pilgrims,
traveling from afar, conduct them on their journey, plead their cause, and, by
permission of the Grand Commander, introduce them into the asylum. You will be
careful that in addition to the sandals, staff and scrip, their whole preparation and
deportment be such as shall cause them to be recognized as children of humility.
Teach that "Magna est veritas et praevalebit" is the motto of our orders and
although in the course of their pilgrimage, they will often find the heights of
fortune inaccessible, and the thorny path of life crooked, adverse and forlorn;
yet, by faith and humility, courage, constancy, and perseverance in the great
duties set before them in the gospel, they may gain admission into the asylum
above there to enjoy the honor and rewards that await the valiant soldiers of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, be ye perfect, always abounding in the works of the

A city that is set

Lord that you may be a
shining light in the world.
on a hill cannot be hid.

SIR: - You are elected Treasurer of this Commandery. I now invest you with the
badge of your office. Your station is on the right of the Eminent Commander, in
front. The qualities which should recommend a Treasurer are accuracy and
fidelity: accuracy, in keeping a fair and minute account of all receipts and
disbursements; fidelity, in carefully preserving all the property and funds of the
Commandery, that may he placed in his hands, and rendering a just account of
the same whenever he is called upon for that purpose. I presume that your
respect and attachment to the Commandery, and your earnest solicitude for a
good name, which is better than precious ointment, will prompt you to the faithful
discharge of the duties of your office.
SIR: - You are elected Recorder of this Commandery. I now invest you with the
badge of your office. Your station is on the left of the Eminent Commander, in
front. The qualities which should recommend a Recorder are, promptitude in
issuing the notifications and orders of his superior officers; punctuality in
attending the meetings of the Commandery; correctness in recording their
proceedings; judgment in discriminating between what is proper and what is
improper to be committed to writing; integrity in accounting for all moneys that
may pass through his hands, and fidelity in paying the same over into the hands
of the Treasurer. The possession of these good qualities, I presume, has
designated you as a suitable candidate for this important office; and I cannot
entertain a doubt that you will discharge its duties beneficially to the
Commandery and honorably to yourself. And when you shall have completed the
record of your transactions here below, and finished the term of your probation,
may you be admitted into the celestial asylum of saints and angels, and find your
name recorded in the LAMB's Book of Life.
SIR: - You are elected Standard Bearer of this Commandery. I now invest you
with the badge of your office, which is a Plumb surmounted by a Banner, Your
station is in the west, and in the centre of the second division. Your duty is to
display, support and protect the standard of the Order, which I now with
pleasure, confide to your valor. You will remember that it is our rallying point in
time of danger; and when unfurled in a just and virtuous cause, you will never
relinquish it to an enemy but with your life. Let, therefore, your conduct be such
as all the virtuous will delight to imitate; let the refulgent rays which ever
emanate from pure benevolence and humility, diffuse their luster on all around,
that it may encourage and animate all true and courteous knights, and, at the
same time, confound and dismay all their enemies.
SIR: - You are elected Sword Bearers of this Commandery. I now invest you with
the badge of your office, which is a Triangle and Cross Swords. Your station is on

the right of the Standard Bearer, and on the right of the
second division, when formed in line. Your duty is to watch all
orders and signals from
the Emminent Commander, and see that they are promptly obeyed. You are also
to assist in the protection of the banners of the Order, and with a heart lively
devoted to the principles of Faith, Hope and Charity; with the mystic sword that is
endowed with justice and fortitude, and tempered by mercy, in your hand, you
may cast your eyes upon the standard, and remember that "In hoc signo vinces"
is an expressive motto of our Order, and consoling to the heart of every believer.
SIR:-You are elected Warder of this Commandery. I now invest you with the
badge of your office, which is a Square Plate, with a Trumpet and Cross Swords
engraved thereon. Your station is upon the left of the Standard Bearer, and upon
the left of the second division, when formed in line. Your duty is to announce the
approach and departure of the Eminent Commander; to post the sentinels, and
see that the asylum is duly guarded. You will, also, report all petitions from
visitors and strangers, and communicate the orders of your superior officers; and
I charge you to be punctual in your attendance at our meetings, and indefatigable
in the discharge of your important duties; for though yours is among the last
offices in the Commandery, it is by no means the least in importance.
SIR KNIGHTS: - You are appointed Captains of the Guards. I now invest you with
your badge of office, which is a Square Plate, with a Battle Ax engraved thereon.
Your post is that of honor as well as danger. You will therefore be vigilant, and
challenge with spirit, examine with caution, admonish with candor, relieve
cheerfully, protect with fidelity, and fight valiantly.
SIR KNIGHTS: - To manage and conduct the concerns of a Commandery of
Knights Templar with that promptitude, integrity and skill which the institution
demands, will require the exercise of all the talents, and perseverance of its
officers and members. Are any of you solicitous that your equals and inferiors
should conduct themselves toward you with deference and respect? you will be
sure to let no opportunity pass without furnishing them an example in your own
conduct toward your superiors. The officers will recollect that those moral and
religious duties and precepts which they, from time to time, so forcibly impress
upon the minds of others, should by no means be neglected by themselves; as
the most effectual way to insure success, is to let precept and example go hand
in hand.
I would therefore exhort one and all of you to look well to the East, to the West,
to the North and to the

South, and see that the entering avenues are strictly guarded, and that you
suffer no one to pass the threshold of your asylum but the worthy children of
humility, and, at the same time, that you suffer no one to walk among you
disorderly without admonition or reproof. While such is the conduct of the officers
and members, you may rest assured that this valiant magnanimous order will
forever flourish like the green bay tree. And now, my worthy Sir Knights, I would
address you in the language of David to his beloved city, "Peace be within thy
walls, and prosperity within thy palaces." For my brethren and companions' sake,
I will now say, Peace be with thee.
The Grand Marshal then proclaims the new Commandery in the following manner,
"In the name of the Most Eminent Grand Commandery of the State of --, I
proclaim this new Commandery, by the name of -- Commandery, to be legally
constituted, consecrated, and the officers duly installed."
After the necessary business is finished the Commandery is closed.

MUSIC - "Sweet home."
Farewell, till again we shall welcome the time
Which brings us once more to our fame-cherished shrine;
And though from each other we distant may roam,
Again may all meet in this our dear lov'd home
Home, home - sweet, sweet home.
May every dear brother find joy and peace at home.
And when our last parting on earth shall draw nigh,
And we shall be called to the Grand Lodge on high,
May each be prepared when the summons shall come,
To meet the Grand Master in Heaven our home
Home, home-sweet, sweet home.
May every dear brother find Heaven a home.
MUSIC - "Rule Britannia."
When earth's foundation first was laid,
By the Almighty Artist's hand;
'Twas then our perfect, our perfect laws were made,
Established by his strict command.
Hail! mysterious, Hail, glorious Masonry!
That makes us ever great and free

In vain mankind for shelter sought,
In vain from place to place did roam,
Until from heaven, from heaven he was taught
To plan, to build, to fix his home.
Illustrious hence we date our Art,
And now in beauteous piles appear,
We shall to endless, to endless time impart,
How worthy and how great we are.
Nor we less fam'd for every tie,
By which the human thought is bound;
Love, truth and friendship, and friendship socially,
Join all our hearts and hands around.
Our actions still by Virtue blest,
And to our precepts ever true,
The world admiring, admiring shall request
To learn, and our bright paths pursue.
Music - "God save the King."
Hail, Masonry divine!
Glory of ages, shine!
Long may'st thou reign:
Where'er thy Lodges stand,
May they have great conmmand
And always grace the land.
Thou art divine!
Great fabrics still arise,
And grace the azure skies;
Great are thy schemes;
Thy noble orders are
Matchless, beyond compare;
No art with thee can share.
Thou art divine!
Hiram, the architect,
Did all the Craft direct
How they should build.
Sol'mon, great Israel's king,+
Did mighty blessings bring,+
And left us room to sing,+
Hail, royal art!+
(+ = Chorus 3 times)
MUSIC - Old Hundred, L. M.

Great Architect of Heaven and earth,
To whom all nature owes its birth;
Thou spake! and vast creation stood.
Surveyed the work - pronounced it good.
Lord, can'st thou deign to own and bless
This humble dome - this sacred place?
Oh! let thy Spirit's presence shine
Within these walls - this house of thine
***'T was reared in honor of thy name.
Here kindle, Lord, the sacred flame;
Oh! make it burn in every heart,
And never from this place depart.
Here may our precepts' powerful truth,
Instruct the aged and the youth;
Nor let illiberal party zeal,
E'er mar the union, Masons feel.
Let life divine here seize the dead;
Here may the starving poor he fed;
Here may the mourner comfort find;
Here love prevail for all mankind.
Lord, here the wants of all supply,
And fit our souls to dwell on high;
From service in this humble place,
Raise us to praise thee face to face.
AIR - Creation.
Deep in the quarries of the stone,
Amid vast heaps of other rock,
In darkness hid, to art unknown,
We found this rude and shapeless block.
Now shaped by art, its roughness gone,
And fit-this noble work to grace;
And lay it here, a corner stone.
Chosen and sure, in proper place.
Within this stone there lies conceal'd
What future ages may disclose,
The sacred truths to us reveal'd,
By Him who fell by ruthless foes.
On Him, this corner stone we build,
To Him, this edifice erect;
And still, until this work's fulfill'd,
May Heaven the workman's ways direct.
MUSIC - "Safely through another week."

Joy! the sacred Law is found,
Now the Temple stands complete;
Gladly let us gather round,
Where the Pontiff holds his seat
Now he spreads the volume wide,
Opening forth its leaves to day,
And the monarch by his side,
Gazes on the bright display.
Joy! the secret vault is found;
Full the sunbeam falls within,
Pointing darkly under ground.
To the treasure we would win.
They have brought it forth to light,
And again it cheers the earth;
All its leaves art purely bright,
Shining in their newest worth
This shall be the sacred mark,
Which shall guide us to the skies,
Bearing, like a holy ark,
All the hearts who love to rise,
This shall be the corner stone
Which the builders threw away,
But was found the only one
Fitted for the arch's stay.
MUSIC - Shirland.
Companions we have met,
And passed a peaceful hour;
These moments may we ne'er forget,
But hope and pray for more.
Thro' this and every night,
Lordl, grant us - sweet repose;
Now aid us by thy holy light,
This Ioyal Arch to close.
As, when the weary trav'ler gains
The height of some commanding hill,
His heart revives, if o'er the plains
He sees his home, though distant still,
So, when the Christian pilgrim views
By faith his mansion in the skies,
The sight his fainting strength renews,
And wings his speed to reach the prize.

The hope of heaven his spirit cheers;
No more he grieves for sorrows past;
Nor any future conflict fears,
So he may safe arrive at last.
O Lord, on thee our hopes we stay,
To lead us on to thine abode;
Assur'd thy love will far o'erpay
The hardest labors of the road
Words by BURNS. AIR - Bonny Doon.
ADIEU, a heart warm, fond adieu,
Ye brothers of our mystic tie;
Ye favored and enlighten'd few,
Companions of my social joy;
Though I to foreign lands must hie,
Pursuing fortune's slipp'ry ba';
With melting heart and brimful eye,
I'll mind you still when far awa'
Oft have I met your social band,
To spend a cheerful festive night,
Oft honor'd with supreme command,
Presiding o'er the sons of light:
And by that hieroglyphic bright,
Which none but craftsmen ever saw,
Strong mem'ry on my heart shall write,
Those happy scenes when far awa'.
May freedom, harmony and love,
Cement you in the grand design,
Beneath th' Omniscient Eye above,
The glorious Architect divine:
That you may keep th' unerring line,
Still guided by the plummet's law,
'Till order bright completely shine,
Shall be my prayer when far awa'.
And you, farewell, whose merits claim
Justly that highest badge to wear,
May heaven bless your noble name,
To Masonry and friendship dear:
My last request permit me then,
When yearly you're assembled a,
One round, I ask it with a tear,
To him, your friend that's far awa'.
And you, kind-hearted sisters, fair,
I sing farewell to all your charms Th' impression of your pleasing air
With rapture oft my bosom warms,

Alas! the social winter's night
No more returns while breath I draw
'Till sisters, brothers, all unite,
In that Grand Lodge that's far awa'.

In affixing dates to official Masonic documents, Freemasons should always use
the calendar peculiar to themselves: the common calendar, or vulgar era, may
also be used in the sam instrument. The dates vary in the different branches of
the order.
Masons of the York and French rites, date from the creation of the world, calling it
"Anno Lucis," which they abbreviate A.·. L.·. signifying"in the year of Light." Thus
with them the present year is A.·. L.·. 5852. Masons of the York rite begin the
year on the first January, but in the French rite it commences on the first of
March, and instead of the month receiving their usual names, they are designated
numerically. as first, sec ont, third, &c. Thus, the "1st day of the 11th Masonic
month, Anno Lucis, 5852." The French sometimes, instead of the initials A.·. L.·.,
use "L'an de la V.·. L.·., or "Vraie Lumiere," that is, "Year of True Light."
Royal Arch Masons commence their era with the year in which Zerubbabel began
to build the second temple, which was 530 years before Christ. Their style for the
year 1852 is, therefore, A.·. Inv.·., that is, Anno Inventionis, or, in the year of the
Discovery, 2382.
Royal and Select Masters very often make use of the common masonic date,
Anno Lucis, but properly they should date from the year in which Solomon's
Temple was completed and their style would then be, Anno Depositionis, or, in
the Year of the Deposit, and they would date the present year as 2852.
Knights Templars use the era of the organization of their order, in 1118. Their
style for the present year is .·. O.·., Anna Ordinis, or, in the year of the Order,
• TO FIND THE ANCIENT CRAFT. - Add 4000 to the vulgar era. Thus 1852 and
4000 are 5852.

TO FIND THE DATE OF ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. - Add 530 to the vulgar era
.Thus 530 and 1852 are 2382.


• TO FIND THE ROYAL AND SELECT MASTER'S DATE, - Add 1000 to the vulgar
era. Thus 1000 and 1852 are 2852.

• TO FIND THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' DATE, - Subtract 1118 from the vulgar era.
Thus 1118 from 1852 is 734.

The following table shows, in one view, the date of the present year, in all the
branches of the Order: Year of the Lord, A. D. 1852 - Vulgar era. Year of the
Light, A.·. L.·. 5852 - Ancient Craft Masonry. Year of the Discovery, A.·. L.·. 2382
- Royal Arch Masonry. Year of the Deposit, A.·. Dep.·. 2852 - Royal and Select
Masters. Year of the Order, A.·. O.·. 734 - Knights Templars.

[For the form of petition to constitute a new Lodge, see
Present, or Past Master's degree, p. 98.]
To all whom it may concern:
KNOW YE, That we, Q -- R--, Most Worshipful Grand Master
of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of --, having received
a petition from a constitutional number of brethren, who
have been properly vouched for as Master Masons in good
standing, setting forth, that having the honor and prosperity
of the Craft at heart, they are desirous of establishing a new
Lodge at -- under our masonic jurisdiction, and requesting a
Dispensation for the same: And whereas there appears to us,
good and sufficient cause for granting the prayer of the said
petition; we, by virtue of the powers in us vested by the
ancient Constitutions of the Order, do grant this our
DlSPFNSATION, empowering Brother A -- B --, to act as
Worshipful Master, Brother C-- D--, to act as Senior Warden,
and Brother E-- F--, to act as Junior Warden of a Lodge to be
held under our jurisdiction at ***** by the name of ---. And
we further authorize the said brethren, to Enter, Pass and
Raise Free-masons, according to the Ancient Constitutions of
the Order, the customs and usages of the Craft, and the
Rules and Regulatiens of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of
******, and not otherwise. And this our DISPENSATION
shall continue of force until the Grand Lodge aforesaid shall
grant a Warrant of Constitution for the same, or this
Dispensation be revoked by us, or the authority of the
aforesaid Grand Lodge.

[L. S.] Y-- Z--,
Grand Secretary

Given under our hand, and the seal
of the Grand Lodge, at -- this
-- day of --, A.·. L.·. 58
Q-- R--,
Grand Master

To all enlightened and Aceevted Ancient Free-mason
throughout the globe, GREETING:
KNOW YE, That the bearer, hereof Brother J - K, has been
regularly initiated as an ENTERED APPRENTICE, passed as a
FELOW CRAFT and raised to the Sublime Degree of a
MASTER MASON; and having worked among us to our entire

satisfaction, as a true, faithful and worthy brother, WE, the
Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of -- Lodge, No. --,
recommend that he be received and acknowledged as such,
by all true and accepted Ancient Free-masons wheresoever
In testimony whereof, we have granted him this certificate,
under the seal of our Lodge, first causing him to write his
name in the margin, that he alone may have the benefit
Given at --, this -- day of --, in the year of light, 58--.
A-- B--, Worshipful Master.
C-- D--, Senior Warden.
E-- F--, Junior Warden.
[L. S.] G-- H--, Secretary.
Grand Lodge of --.
This is to certify, that -- Lodge, No. --, is a legally constituted
Lodge, working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of -, and that this diploma is therefore entitled to full credit
among the brethren.
Y-- Z--, Grand Secretary.
To all whom it may concern:
The most Worshipful Grand Lodge of --, assembled in Grand
Communication in the city of --, and State of --, SEND
KNOW YE, That we, the Grand Lodge of --, invested with full
power and authority over all the Craft, and Supreme Court of
Appeal in all Masonic cases
arising under its jurisdiction, do hereby authorize and
empower our trusty and well-beloved brethren, A -- B--,
Worshipful Master; C-- D--, as Senior Warden, and E-- F--,
Junior Warden; to open and hold Lodge by the name of --, to
be designated in our register as number --; the said Lodge to
be holde at --, or within three miles of the same.
And we do likewise authorize and empower our said
brethren, A-- B--, C-- D--, and E-- F, to Enter, Pas and Raise
Free-masons, according to the most ancient custom and
usage of the Craft, in all ages and nations throughout the
world, and not otherwise.
And we do further authorize and empower the said A-- B, C-D, and E-- F--, and their successors in office, to hear all and
singular, matters and things, relative to the Craft within the
jurisdiction of the said Lodge.
And lastly, we do further authorize, empower and direct our
said trusty and well-beloved brethren, A-- B--, C-- D--, and
E-- F--, to install their successors in office, after being

elected and chosen to invest thew with all the powers and
dignities to their offices respectively belonging, and to deliver
to them this WARRANT OF CONSTITUTION: and such
successors shall, in like manner, from time to time, install
their successors, and proceed in the premises as above
directed: Such installation to be upon, or immediately
preceding the Festival of St. John the Evangelist, during the
continuance of the said Lodge forever. Provided, always, That
the above named brethren, and their successors do pay, and
cause to be paid, due respect and obedience to the Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge of --, aforesaid, and to the by-laws,
rules, regulations and edicts thereof; otherwise, this Warrant
of Constitution to be of no force nor virtue.
Given in open Grand Lodge, under the hands of our Grand
Officers, and the seal of our Grand Lodge, at --, this -- day of
Anno Domini, 18--, and Anno Lucis, 58 --.
Q-- R--, Grand Master. W-- V--, Senior Grand Warden.
S-- T--, Deputy Grand Master. W-- X--, Junior Grand Warden
[L- S.]
Y-- Z--, Grand Secretary.
To all whom it may concern:
But more especially, to Brothers A-- B--, Worshipful Master
elect; C-- D, Senior Warden elect; and E-- F--, Junior Warden
elect, and the rest of the Brethren who have been
empowered by Warrant of Constitution regularly issued under
the authority of Constitution regularly issued under the
authority of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of --, to
assemble as a regular Lodge in in the town of --.
KOW YE, That reposing special trust and confidence in the
skill, prudence and integrity of our W. Brother L-- M--, we
have thought proper, ourselves being unable to attend, to
nominiate and apoint our said Worshipful Brother L-- M--, to
constitute "In Form," the brethren aforesaid, into a regular
Lodge, to be known and distinguished by the name of -Lodge, No. --, and to instal their officers elect, according to
ancient form and the usages of the Craft; and for so doing,
this shall be his Warrant.
Given under our hand and the seal of the Grand Lodge, at --,
this -- day of --, A.·. L.·., 58--.
Q-- R--,
Grand Master.
(L. S.)
Y-- Z --,

Grand Secretary.
To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of --.
In consideration of the confidence we repose in the skill and
integrity of our Worshipful Brothler S-- T --, to be niominated
and appointed, and by these presents do nominate and
apoint our said Worshipful Brother S -- T --, to be our proxy
in the Grand Lodge, and there to represent us and to do
every act and thing agreeably to the Constitutions of the
Order, and the rules and regulatitons ol the Grand Lodge, as
fully and completely as the officers of our Lodge could do
were they personally present
Witness the hands of our worshipful Master, and Secretary, and the seal of the
Lodge, at --, this -- day of --, A.·. L.·. 58--.
A-- B--, W. Master.
(L. S.)
B-- C--, Secretary.
To all the Enlightened, Entered, Passed, Raised and Exalted under the canopy of
WE, the undersigned, officers of the Grand Royal Chapter of --, Do certify, that
the bearer, our truly beloved Companion, A-- B--, who hath, in the margin
hereof, signed his name, has been regularly admitted to the degree of Mark
Master, inducted into the Oriental chair of King Solomon, and received and
acknowledged as a Most Excellent Master; and been exalted to the august degree
of a ROYAL ARCH MASON. We recommend him to all Royal Arch Masons
throughout the two hemispheres, and enjoin it on them to recognize him as such.
Given under the hands and seal of the Grand Chapter at --, this -- day of --, A.
D., 18--, and in the year of the Discovery 23--,
G -- H--, H. Priest. L -- M --, King.
J-- K --, G. H. P. N -- O--, Scribe.
(L. S.)
R -- S--, Secretary.

Grand Chapter of --.
This is to certify, that -- Chapter, No. --, is a legally constituted Chapter, working
under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of --, and that this diploma is
therefore entitled to full credit among the Companions.

Y-- Z--, Grand Secretary.
To all Sir Knights of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, and of the Valiant and
Magnanimois Orders of Knights Templars and Knights of Malta, around the globe,
to whom these presents may come, GREETING:
WE, the presiding officers of -- Encampment, of Knights Templars, No.--, held at -, do certify and make known, that our Illustrious Sir Knight L-- M--, having
previously received the necessary degrees, has been regularly dubbed and
created in this Encampment, a Knight of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross,
and of the Valiant ant Magnanimous Order of Knights Templars, and Knights of
Malta, or Order of St. John of Jerusalem. We do, therefore, cordially recommend
him to the friendship, assistance and protection of all Valiant and Magnanimous
Sir Knights in all parts of the globe, wherever he may go.
In testimony whereof, having first caused our Illustrious Sir Knight to sign his
name in the margin, we have hereunto set ourhands, and caused the seal of our
Encampment to be affixed this -- day of --, in the year of the Lord, 1850, and of
the Order, 733.
A-- B--, Grand Commander. E-- F--, Captain General.
C-- D --, Generalissimo. G-- H --, Prelate.
(L. S.)
J -- K--, Recorder
Grand Encampment of -This is to certify, that -- Encampment, No.--, is a legally constituted
Encampment, working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of --, and
that this diploma is therefore entitled to full credit among the Sir Knights.
Y-- Z--, Grand Recorder.


Past Master.

Senior Warden.

Junior Warden.



Senior Deacon.

Junior Deacon.



Masters of Ceremonies.



Grand Master

P. G. Master.

D. G. Master.

S. G. Warden.

J. G. Warden.

Grand Secretary.

Grand Treasurer.

Grand Chaplan.

Grand Marshal.

G. Stand. Bearer.

G. Sword Bearer.

Grand Steward.

Grand Deacons

G. Pursuivant.

Grand Tyler.



1. Collar and Jewel of the G. M.; 2. D. G. M.; 3. S. G. W.; 4. P. D. G. M; 5. G.
Chap.; 6. J. G. W.; 7. G. Regist.; 8. G. Sec; 9. G. Treas.; 10. G. Des.

Grand and Subordinate Lodge Jewels. - (English.)

1. G. Sup. of Works; 2.. Director of Cer., 3. G. S. B.; 4. G. Organist; 5. G. Purs.;
6. G. Steward;. G. Tyler; 8. Collar of P. G. Officer; 9. Pro. G. M.; 10. Master of
Lodge; 11. D. Pro. G. M.; 12. P. Master; 13. Inner Guardian; 14. Tyler.


High Priest

Capt. of the Host
Principal Sojourner
Royal Arch Capt.

Master of Veils


Grand Commander


Capt. General


Senior Warden

Junior Warden



Stand. Bearer

Sword Bearer




1st G. Principal.
2d G. Princ'l.
3d G. Princ'l.
G. Superintend't.

Prince Z.
Past Prince Z.

Past Haggai.
Past Jeshua.
Prin'l Sojourner.

Assist. Sojourner.
Stand. Bearer.

Sword Bearer.
Master of Cerem.





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