MatrikonOPC Explorer User's Manual Matrikon OPC User
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MatrikonOPC Explorer User's Manual MatrikonOPC Explorer User's Manual This manual is a product of Matrikon Inc. Matrikon Inc. Suite 1800, 10405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3N4 Canada Phone: +1.780.448.1010 Fax: +1.780.448.9191 Document Revision History: Date Document Version Description Author 2004-03-17 1.0 Migrated to new template. TNN 2005-01-07 1.1 Updated Copyright information. EJM 2008-01-24 1.2 Added new functionality. MWH 2008-02-05 2.0 Migrated to new template, general edit. LB 2008-02-26 3.0 New install package documented in Installation and Un-Installation sections. LB 2008-03-06 3.1 Screenshots updated and new functionality added. MWH 2008-04-07 3.2 Main window screenshot and description updates. LB 2008-07-21 3.3 New functionality and screenshot updates. MWH 4.0 Screenshots and information updated/added in the Configuration section to reflect new Explorer (v4.0.0.0) and MatrikonOPC Security Gateway functionality. LB 2008-10-06 MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 2 2009-08-21 5.0 MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual Updated References, Document Terminology, and Contacting Support sections. Added Limitations section. Removed DEP settings note in Installation section. Updated Starting MatrikonOPC Explorer section. Setup Complete screenshot replaced. Added Tables 23 and 24. Security and Offline Mode appendixes, and references to them, were removed. Un-Installation section updated. Added A&E functionality which involved the following: replaced MatrikonOPC Explorer screenshots (Figures 7 and 8), updated Table 6 MatrikonOPC Explorer Window Commands, updated Table 8 Server Menu Commands, updated Adding OPC Groups section, updated Changing OPC Groups section, added Subscription Options and Adding Subscriptions sections, updated Data Display section, updated Advise Log section, added Error Log section, added Exporting Groups, Items, and Alarms section. LB, MM 3 SOFTWARE VERSION Version: DOCUMENT VERSION Version: 5.0 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION © Copyright 1997 - 2009, Matrikon Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Matrikon Inc. CONFIDENTIAL The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary to Matrikon Inc. It may not be disclosed or transferred, directly or indirectly, to any third party without the explicit written permission of Matrikon Inc. LIMITATIONS Matrikon has made its best effort to prepare this manual. Matrikon makes no representation or warranties of any kind with regard to the completeness or accuracy of the contents herein and accepts no liability of any kind including without limitation warranties of merchantable quality, satisfactory quality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose on those arising by law, statute, usage of trade, course of dealing or otherwise. Matrikon shall not be liable for any losses or damages of any kind caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly from this manual. LICENSE AGREEMENT This document and the software described in this document are supplied under a license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that agreement. Matrikon reserves the right to make any improvements and/or changes to product specifications at any time without notice. TRADEMARK INFORMATION The following are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations: Matrikon and MatrikonOPC are trademarks or registered trademarks of Matrikon Inc. OTHER MatrikonOPC™ is a division of Matrikon™ Inc. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 4 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 9 Who Should Use This Manual ............................................................................................ 9 Overview of Manual ......................................................................................................... 9 References ................................................................................................................... 10 Document Terminology .................................................................................................. 10 Getting Started............................................................................................................... 11 System Requirements.................................................................................................... 11 Software Requirements ............................................................................................... 11 Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................. 11 Installation................................................................................................................... 11 Installed Files ............................................................................................................... 18 Licensing ..................................................................................................................... 18 Contacting Support ....................................................................................................... 19 Configuration ................................................................................................................. 20 Starting MatrikonOPC Explorer ........................................................................................ 20 MatrikonOPC Explorer Window ........................................................................................ 20 File Menu .................................................................................................................. 24 Server Menu .............................................................................................................. 24 Group Menu............................................................................................................... 25 Item Menu ................................................................................................................ 26 View Menu ................................................................................................................ 26 Help Menu ................................................................................................................. 26 Toolbar Options.......................................................................................................... 26 Viewing Available OPC Servers ........................................................................................ 27 Connecting to an OPC Server .......................................................................................... 28 Adding OPC Groups ....................................................................................................... 29 Changing OPC Groups.................................................................................................... 30 Adding Subscriptions ..................................................................................................... 30 Subscription Settings Tab ............................................................................................ 31 Filtering Tab .............................................................................................................. 32 Subscription Options...................................................................................................... 34 Adding OPC Items ......................................................................................................... 36 File Menu .................................................................................................................. 38 Edit Menu.................................................................................................................. 38 View Menu ................................................................................................................ 38 Browse Menu ............................................................................................................. 39 Toolbar Options.......................................................................................................... 39 Item ID..................................................................................................................... 42 Access Path ............................................................................................................... 43 Browsing the Server Address Space .............................................................................. 43 Requested Data Type .................................................................................................. 44 Active State............................................................................................................... 44 Validate the OPC Items ............................................................................................... 44 Read Real-Time Values .................................................................................................. 44 Update Rate .............................................................................................................. 45 Active State............................................................................................................... 45 Time Bias .................................................................................................................. 45 Dead-Band ................................................................................................................ 46 I/O Method................................................................................................................ 46 Data Display .............................................................................................................. 46 MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 5 Group Info ................................................................................................................ 47 Subscription Info ........................................................................................................ 48 Advise Log ................................................................................................................ 48 Error Log................................................................................................................... 49 Write Control Values ................................................................................................... 50 Options Window ............................................................................................................ 52 General Options ......................................................................................................... 52 Data Transfer Options ................................................................................................. 54 Data Display Options .................................................................................................. 55 COM Options ............................................................................................................. 56 Miscellaneous Options ................................................................................................. 58 Exporting Groups, Items, and Alarms............................................................................... 59 Exporting Groups ....................................................................................................... 59 Exporting Items ......................................................................................................... 59 Exporting Alarms........................................................................................................ 60 Saving a Session........................................................................................................... 60 Reloading a Session....................................................................................................... 60 Clearing a Session......................................................................................................... 60 Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 61 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 62 Problems and Solutions.................................................................................................. 62 Un-Installation ............................................................................................................... 66 Table of Appendices Appendix A Distributed COM (DCOM) ........................................................................ 71 DCOM Configuration Utility ............................................................................................. 71 Default Properties ......................................................................................................... 71 Security Permissions...................................................................................................... 72 Server Identity ............................................................................................................. 76 Default Protocols........................................................................................................... 76 Remote Program ID....................................................................................................... 77 Appendix B Standard Data Types............................................................................... 78 Appendix C OPC Quality Flags ................................................................................... 79 Quality BitField ............................................................................................................. 79 Substatus BitField ......................................................................................................... 79 Limit BitField ................................................................................................................ 81 Table of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - InstallAware Wizard Verification Window ...................................................... License Agreement Screen ............................................................................. Destination Folder Screen .............................................................................. Start Menu Screen.......................................................................................... Installing MatrikonOPC Explorer Screen......................................................... MatrikonOPC Explorer Setup Complete Screen ............................................... MatrikonOPC Explorer (Prior to Server Connection)....................................... MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 6 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 8 - MatrikonOPC Explorer (with Connected Server)............................................. 9 - Supported OPC Interfaces .............................................................................. 10 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Toolbar ..................................................................... 11 - Server List.................................................................................................... 12 - Connecting to an OPC Server Window (Other Network Computers) ............. 13 - Add Group Window ...................................................................................... 14 - Add Subscription Window (Subscription Settings Tab) ................................ 15 - Add Subscription Window (Filtering Tab)..................................................... 16 - New Subscription ......................................................................................... 17 - Export Tags Window .................................................................................... 18 - Subscription Properties Window .................................................................. 19 - Tag Studio .................................................................................................... 20 - View Tag Generator Button .......................................................................... 21 - Tag Generator Window................................................................................. 22 - Browse Access Paths Button ........................................................................ 23 - Group Properties Window ............................................................................ 24 - Data Display................................................................................................. 25 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Advise Log Window................................................... 26 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Error Log Window ..................................................... 27 - Write Values Window (Multiple Value Tab) .................................................. 28 - Write Values Window (Signal Generator Tab) .............................................. 29 - General Options Tab..................................................................................... 30 - Data Transfer Options Tab ........................................................................... 31 - Data Display Options Tab ............................................................................. 32 - COM Options Tab .......................................................................................... 33 - Miscellaneous Options Tab ........................................................................... 34 - Callback Group ............................................................................................. 35 - Component Services Window ....................................................................... 36 - Add or Remove Programs............................................................................. 37 - Welcome to MatrikonOPC Explorer Maintenance Screen .............................. 38 - Ready to Uninstall Screen ............................................................................ 39 - Uninstalling MatrikonOPC Explorer Screen ................................................... 40 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Setup Complete Screen ............................................. 41 - Distributed COM Configuration Properties Window ...................................... 42 - Distributed COM Configuration Security Tab ................................................ 43 - Registry Value Permissions Window ............................................................ 44 - Add Users and Groups Window .................................................................... 22 23 27 27 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 42 42 43 45 47 49 50 50 51 53 54 56 57 58 62 63 66 67 68 69 70 73 74 75 75 Table of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1 - Terms and Definitions...................................................................................... 2 - Files Installed in "Explorer" Folder.................................................................. 3 - Files Installed in "Common" Folder ................................................................. 4 - MatrikonOPC Support Regional Contact Information ....................................... 5 - After-Hours Support ........................................................................................ 6 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Window Commands...................................................... 7 - File Menu Commands....................................................................................... 8 - Server Menu Commands .................................................................................. 9 - Group Menu Commands ................................................................................... 10 - Item Menu Commands................................................................................... 11 - View Menu Commands................................................................................... MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 10 18 18 19 19 24 24 25 25 26 26 7 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 - Help Menu Commands ................................................................................... MatrikonOPC Explorer Window Toolbar Options ............................................ Add Subscription Window (Subscription Settings Tab) Components ............. Add Subscription Window (Filtering Tab) Components.................................. Tag Studio Commands ................................................................................... File Menu Commands (Tag Studio) ................................................................ Edit Menu Commands (Tag Studio)................................................................ View Menu Commands (Tag Studio) .............................................................. Browse Menu Commands (Tag Studio) .......................................................... Tag Studio Toolbar Options ........................................................................... Tag Studio Components ................................................................................. Group Info Display Information..................................................................... Subscription Info Display Information........................................................... General Options Tab Fields ............................................................................ Data Transfer Options Tab Fields................................................................... Data Display Options Tab Fields .................................................................... COM Options Tab Fields ................................................................................. Miscellaneous Options Tab Fields .................................................................. Standard Data Types ..................................................................................... Quality BitField Values................................................................................... Substatus – BAD Quality................................................................................ Substatus – UNCERTAIN Quality.................................................................... Substatus – GOOD Quality ............................................................................. Limit BitField Values ...................................................................................... MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 26 27 32 33 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 47 48 53 55 56 58 59 78 79 80 81 81 81 8 Introduction MatrikonOPC™ Explorer is a general-purpose OPC client. It is included with all MatrikonOPC servers to ensure that users always have a reliable means with which to test the capabilities of the software. Who Should Use This Manual This manual is intended for use by all users of MatrikonOPC Explorer. This manual explains how to install and configure the application, and how to perform common tasks. Overview of Manual This document uses icons to highlight valuable information. Remember these icons and what they mean, as they will assist you throughout the manual. This symbol denotes important information that must be acknowledged. Failure to do so may result in the software not functioning properly. BOLD Font displayed in this color and style indicates a hyperlink to the applicable/associated information within this document, or if applicable, any external sources. The User’s Manual has been designed as such so that you can click on references in the document to jump to that referenced point without having to scroll through several pages (in some cases). For example, if you were to see the sentence “Refer to Figure 1 for more information”, pressing the CTRL key and clicking your mouse on the text “Figure 1” will automatically take you to the location of Figure 1 within the document. This manual consists of several sections and is structured as follows: • Introduction – this introductory chapter. • Getting Started – provides instructions for installing the application, and how to contact MatrikonOPC’s Support team. • Configuration – shows how to start and configure the application, and describes each component in detail, including windows/screens, panels, tabs, and menu commands. • Limitations – provides information on specific performance and operational limitations of the software. • Troubleshooting – provides solutions for common problems that may be encountered, and answers to frequently asked questions. • Un-installation – provides instructions on un-installing software. • Appendices: o A - DCOM o B – Standard Data Types o C – OPC Quality Flags MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 9 References This document references information found within the following documents/sites: • • • • OPC Data Access Custom Interface Standard v1.0a • OPC Data Access Custom Interface Standard v2.05a • OPC Security v1.0 • OPC Alarms and Event Interface Standard v1.0 Document Terminology The following terms used interchangeably throughout this document: • screen and window • MatrikonOPC Explorer and OPC Explorer Table 1 provides a list of definitions for terms used throughout this document. Term/Abbreviation Description A&E OPC Alarms and Events. Provides access to process alarm and event data. COM Component Object Model. A method for organizing software, specifying how to build components that can be dynamically interchanged. DA OPC Data Access. Provides access to real-time process data. DCOM Distributed Component Object Model. An extension of COM that allows communication between COM components over a network. DDE Dynamic Data Exchange. Allows the transfer of data between two running applications. HDA OPC Historical Data Access. HMI Human Machine Interface. Device that allows interaction between the user and machine. Typically used in process control applications. Matrikon Matrikon Inc. MatrikonOPC Matrikon’s brand name for its OPC servers and clients. OPC A communication standard. Refer to for more information. PLC Programmable Logic Controller. Table 1 - Terms and Definitions MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 10 Getting Started This chapter contains important information about installing the application and how to contact Matrikon’s Support team. The System Requirements section shows how to avoid future problems by ensuring that the system meets the minimum software and hardware requirements. Detailed step-by-step instructions in the Installation section walks you through the installation process and lists the files that are installed during this process. Refer to the Licensing section in this document for information on licensing this application and any associated server. If any problems are encountered during installation or licensing, refer to the Contacting Support section for information about how to contact the MatrikonOPC Support team for assistance. System Requirements The software has minimum Software and Hardware system requirements. These requirements must be met for the software to function properly. Software Requirements The server requires the following software: • Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1, or • Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 • Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 (or better) Note: It is recommended that the most current service packs are installed. Hardware Requirements The server requires the following hardware: • Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor • 512 MB RAM • 40 GB 7200 RPM hard drive Installation Note: Usually, MatrikonOPC Explorer is automatically installed along with your server. However, there may be instances where you need to install MatrikonOPC Explorer by itself. If that is the case, use the steps outlined in the procedure that follows. Once the system requirements have been met, you are ready to install the software. To install the software: 1. Insert the MatrikonOPC Explorer CD into the CD drive. 2. If the MatrikonOPC Welcome screen does not automatically appear, double-click the MatrikonOPCExplorer.exe file. The InstallAware Wizard verifies its contents (Figure 1) and then the License Agreement screen (Figure 2) appears. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 11 Notes: • The Version number located in the lower left corner indicates the version number of the software that is being installed. The text “X.X.X.X” will be replaced with the specific product version. • From the License Agreement screen, you have the option of selecting the I reject the license agreement option. Selecting the I reject the license agreement option button disables the Next button so your options are to cancel the install by clicking on the Cancel button, or select the I accept the license agreement option button enabling you to proceed through the install. Figure 1 - InstallAware Wizard Verification Window MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 12 Figure 2 - License Agreement Screen 3. Read the Software License Agreement, using the scroll bar to view the entire message. 4. Select the I accept the license agreement option button. 5. Click on the Next button. The Destination Folder screen (Figure 3) appears. Note: From this point onward, the Back button is available allowing you to return to the previous screen or screens. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 13 Figure 3 - Destination Folder Screen 6. Select the folder in which to install MatrikonOPC Explorer, or accept the default location displayed in the Folder path field. 7. On the Destination Folder screen select or clear the checkbox associated with the installation of any or all of the following: • MatrikonOPC NewsReader • MatrikonOPC Tunneller (30-day demonstration version) • MatrikonOPC Analyzer (selected by default) • MatrikonOPC Simulation Server (selected by default) Note: As part of the installation process, the MatrikonOPC Analyzer tool is installed and used to detect the system settings that affect the use of this software. No information is communicated back to Matrikon. Information is stored on this system only for future use by MatrikonOPC Support to assist with troubleshooting, if required. 8. Click on the Next button. The Start Menu screen (Figure 4) appears. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 14 Figure 4 - Start Menu Screen 9. Select the required Start Menu group and then specify whether you want shortcuts created only for yourself, or for all users, by selecting the applicable option button. 10. Click on the INSTALL button. The Installing MatrikonOPC Explorer screen (Figure 5) appears, installation begins and the server files are copied to the computer. Note: Prior to starting the installation, you have the option of clicking on the Back button to change any of the installation information. Click on the Cancel button if you wish to stop or cancel the installation. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 15 Figure 5 - Installing MatrikonOPC Explorer Screen 11. When the installation has finished, the MatrikonOPC Explorer Setup Complete screen (Figure 6) appears stating that MatrikonOPC Explorer has been successfully installed. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 16 Figure 6 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Setup Complete Screen 12. At this point, you have the option launching any or all of the following by selecting the appropriate checkbox or checkboxes: • MatrikonOPC Explorer • Release Notes • User’s Manual • Quick Start Guide 13. Click on the Finish button to complete the installation and exit the Wizard. 14. The necessary files are copied to the target computer, the software components are registered, and shortcut icons are created in the Start menu. Note: At this point, it is recommended that you verify the DCOM settings for your installed servers. Reference to the DCOM configuration can be found in the DCOM Manual. This configuration varies for different operating systems. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 17 Installed Files The installation program copies all necessary files to the target computer and creates shortcut icons in the Start menu. The files listed in Table 2 are installed by default, in the following location: C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\ Explorer File Name Description eximg.dll Component of MatrikonOPC Explorer. Explorer.wmv Instructional video demonstrating how to configure MatrikonOPC Explorer. Explorer EULA.pdf End-User License Agreement in PDF format. MatrikonOPC Server for Explorer Quick Start Guide.pdf Procedural document providing instructions to get you up and running on MatrikonOPC Explorer as quickly as possible. MatrikonOPC Server for Explorer Release Notes.pdf Release Notes for this product. MatrikonOPC Server for Explorer User Manual.pdf This document. OPCExplorer.exe Product executable. Project Info.log Build information specific to the current version of the server. Table 2 - Files Installed in "Explorer" Folder The files listed in Table 3 are installed by default, in the following location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\MatrikonOPC\Common File Name Description OPCAuto.dll MatrikonOPC Automation Component – enables developers to access OPC data from client applications developed using automation tools such as Visual Basic, VBA, and VB Script. OPCDAAuto.dll MatrikonOPC Automation Component – enables developers to access OPC data from client applications developed using automation tools such as Visual Basic, VBA, and VB Script. opchda_ps.dll The proxy-stub file that allows OPC clients to make remote connections to an OPC HDA server. OPCHDAAUTO.dll MatrikonOPC HDA Automation Component – enables developers to access OPC HDA data from client applications developed using automation tools such as Visual Basic, VBA, and VB Script. Table 3 - Files Installed in "Common" Folder Licensing Most MatrikonOPC products require some form of licensing criteria be met to ensure that it functions successfully. For information about the licensing of the MatrikonOPC server that accompanies this MatrikonOPC Explorer, please refer to the Licensing section of the server-specific User’s Manual. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 18 Contacting Support The MatrikonOPC Customer Services department ( is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact MatrikonOPC Support using the information below, or send an email ( For Monday to Friday daytime support requests, contact MatrikonOPC Support using the regional phone numbers provided in Table 4. Region Office Hours North America 8:00am-5:00pm UTC/GMT -7 hours (MST) Europe /Africa * 9:00am-5:00pm UTC/GMT +1 hours (CET) Middle East * 9:00am-5:00pm UTC/GMT +3 hours Australia/Asia * 9:00am-5:00pm UTC/GMT +10 hours (AEST) Contact Information +1-877-OPC-4-ALL +49-221-969-77-0 (Request OPC Support) +973-174-65363 +61-2-4908-2198 (Request OPC Support) * Toll-free regional numbers coming soon! Table 4 - MatrikonOPC Support Regional Contact Information For after-hours support in all regions, please use either of the following numbers. There is no extra charge from MatrikonOPC for calling their after-hours support numbers. Region Contact Information +1-780-231-9480 All +1-780-264-6714 Table 5 - After-Hours Support MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 19 Configuration Minimal configuration of MatrikonOPC Explorer is required for the application to function properly, but users can customize its behaviour as required. This chapter shows users how to start and configure the application and describes each component in detail, including the windows, panels, and menu commands. The Starting MatrikonOPC Explorer section of this manual shows users how to start the application, and describes the MatrikonOPC Explorer window and Options window in detail. The Configuration section describes in detail how to connect to servers and how to add groups and items. Starting MatrikonOPC Explorer To launch MatrikonOPC Explorer, you have the following options: To launch MatrikonOPC Explorer from the Start menu: 1. Click on the Windows Start button. 2. Select Programs -> MatrikonOPC -> Explorer -> MatrikonOPC Explorer. 3. The MatrikonOPC Explorer window (Figure 8) is displayed. To launch MatrikonOPC Explorer from a MatrikonOPC server Configuration screen: 1. From the toolbar on the main Configuration screen of the required server, click on the View OPC Tags for this Server icon ( ). 2. The MatrikonOPC Explorer’s Tag Studio window (Figure 8) is displayed. To launch MatrikonOPC Explorer using command-line: Note: You have the option of passing a configuration file to MatrikonOPC Explorer as a commandline argument. This launches OPC Explorer with a path to the XML file and automatically loads the file. In the following procedure, you would replace C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\Explorer\test.xml with the configuration file path of your choice. 1. Use the Start -> Run with command CMD to bring up a command window. 2. Type the following: CD C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\Explorer. 3. Press Enter. 4. Type the following: opcexplorer.exe C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\Explorer\test.xml. 5. Press Enter. 6. MatrikonOPC Explorer is launched with the configuration file (in this example, test.xml) automatically loaded. MatrikonOPC Explorer Window The information provided in this section describes the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, functions, and menus. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 20 Figure 7 shows the MatrikonOPC Explorer window prior to selecting and connecting to a server. Figure 8 displays the MatrikonOPC Explorer window once a server has been selected in the left navigation pane, and you have connected to that selected server. Figure 7 - MatrikonOPC Explorer (Prior to Server Connection) MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 21 Figure 8 - MatrikonOPC Explorer (with Connected Server) Table 6 describes the commands in the MatrikonOPC Explorer window. Command Description Main Menu Provides access to the File, Server, Group, Item, View, and Help menus. Main Toolbar Provides shortcut buttons for commands in the Main Menu. Refer to Table 13 for descriptions of these buttons. Navigation Pane Displays a tree of configuration objects currently defined in the server. Select an object to display its current settings in the right-hand panel. Contents Displays the contents associated with the item selected in the navigation pane on the left side of this screen. The column headings (an example of which can be seen in Figure 24 and are displayed once you have added a group and items to that group) can be used to sort the listed items. Click on the heading of your choice to sort in ascending or descending order, as required. Once you click on a particular heading, a blue triangle appears ) and will change direction when you click on the ( column heading. When you initially access the main Explorer window, the Contents pane (i.e., the pane on the right side of the screen) displays the OPC Server Connection Options and MatrikonOPC Configuration Options which are greyed out, and empty Server Status, Server Info, and Group Info MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 22 Command Description screen sections. Once you have selected and connected to a server, the following screen sections are also displayed in the Contents pane: Supported OPC Interfaces, OPC Security. The Server Status and Server Info screen sections now also contain server information. The Group Info screen section is populated once a group is created and selected. OPC Server Connection Options Until a ProgID is selected in the navigation pane, these option buttons are greyed out. Once you select a ProgID, the Connect button is enabled. Upon selecting the Connect button, the label then changes to read Disconnect and following buttons are enabled. • Connect/Disconnect – connects/disconnects to/from the selected server. • Add Tags – displays the Add Group window (Figure 13). • Add Alarms – displays the Add Subscription window (Figure 14). Once a ProgID has been selected, the OPC Server, OPC Security (if Security is supported by the selected server) and the Licensing buttons are all enabled allowing you to configure the necessary options (i.e., server, security, licensing). MatrikonOPC Configuration Options Server Status Supported OPC Interfaces • OPC Server – displays the Configuration screen for the selected server. Refer to the Server Configuration section in the User’s Manual installed with the selected server. • OPC Security – if enabled, displays an Enter server password window. Use the password set during installation of the selected server. Entering the required password allows you to access the MatrikonOPC Tag Security Configuration Utility screen. • Licensing – displays the MTK Software Authorization screen allowing you to license the selected server. For more information, refer to the Licensing Procedures document installed with the selected server. This option is greyed out if the selected server does not require licensing (e.g., Simulation Server). This screen section is not displayed until a server is selected and connected to. The connected server status information is displayed: Prog ID of the selected server, whether the selected server is connect, server status, number of groups added to the server, total number of items within all groups, current time, and the last update time. This screen section is not displayed until a server is selected and connected to. Supported OPC interfaces are displayed: DA, HDA, A&E, Security. If the selected server does not support one or more of the interfaces, in the Supported OPC Interfaces screen section, the name of that particular interface appears greyed out with a red X across it (Figure 9). Figure 9 - Supported OPC Interfaces MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 23 Command OPC Security Description This screen section is not displayed until a server is selected and connected to. OPC Security Check is displayed. This screen section confirms whether OPC Security is implemented or not. The OPC Security screen section also contains a link to MatrikonOPC Security Gateway information available on the MatrikonOPC website. Server Info Displays statistics on the server currently selected in the navigation pane: Server, Connected, State, Groups, Total Items, Current Local Time, Update Local Time. MatrikonOPC Ads/Tips Displays ads for MatrikonOPC and a variety of MatrikonOPC Explorer tips. Displays statistics on the group currently selected in the navigation pane: Group, Connected (Async I/O), Active, Items, Current Update Rate, Percent Deadband, Data Change Rate. Group Info/Subscription Info Note: In situations where a subscription has been added to a connected server, and that subscription has been selected in the navigation pane, this screen section is then labelled as Subscription Info. In that case, the following statistics are then displayed: Subscription, Active, Alarms, Current Buffer Time, Severity Maximum, Severity Minimum, Max Buffer Size, Event Types. Table 6 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Window Commands The following sections describe the menus available from the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, and what they are used for. File Menu Table 7 describes the File menu commands. Command Description New Session Clears the current session and starts a new one. Open Displays the Open Session window allowing you to locate and open a saved session as an XML file. Save Saves the current configuration to an XML file. Displays the Save Session window to prompt for a new file name if the configuration is new and has not been saved before. Save As Saves the current configuration to an XML file. Displays the Save Session window to prompt for a new file name. Exit Closes the current session. Table 7 - File Menu Commands Server Menu Table 8 describes the Server menu commands. Command Description Connect Connects to the selected server. Disconnect Disconnects from the selected server. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 24 Command Description Add Group Displays the Add Group window which allows you to define the settings for a new group. Add Subscription Displays the Add Subscription window which allows you to define the settings for a new subscription. Export Groups Saves an export of all of the currently configured groups in this OPC server. Displays the Export Tags window allowing you to define a new file name (.csv) to identify the export of configured groups. For more information, refer to Exporting Groups, Items, and Alarms. Logon If enabled, select this option to display the OPC Security (Private) window where you can enter your logon settings. If the OPC server you are connected to supports the OPC security interface, then this option is available and you can specify a User ID and Password to log onto the OPC server with. Logoff If the OPC server you are connected to supports the OPC security interface, then you can log out from your current username and password that was used in the Logon option. This option is enabled only once you have logged on. Add/Connect Server Displays the Connecting to an OPC Server window which allows you to manually add another server, and/or connect to another server. Properties Displays the Server Properties window which allows you to access general properties associated with the selected server (e.g., Prog ID, vendor, registry settings), server status, as well as required and optional interfaces. Table 8 - Server Menu Commands Group Menu Table 9 describes the Group menu commands. Command Description Activate/Deactivate Activates or deactivates the selected group, as required. If the group is active, the Deactivate menu option is available. If the group is inactive, the Activate menu option is available. Use Async I/O Specify whether or not Asynchronous I/O is to be used by the selected group. Device Read Specify whether or not to force a Device Read. Add Items Displays the Tag Studio allowing you to add items to the selected group. Export Items Saves an export of all of the currently configured items in the selected group. Displays the Export Tags window allowing you to define a new file name to identify the export of configured items. For more information, refer to Exporting Groups, Items, and Alarms. Delete Enables you to delete the selected group. Properties Displays the Group Properties window where you can update general properties and view the associated required and optional interfaces. Table 9 - Group Menu Commands MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 25 Item Menu Table 10 describes the Group menu commands. Command Description Write Values Displays the Write Values window which allows you to write values to the selected item or items. Activate/Deactivate Activates or deactivates the selected item or items. If the item is active, the Deactivate menu option is available. If the item is inactive, the Activate menu option is available. Delete Enables you to delete the selected item or items. Export Items Saves an export of all of the currently selected items. Displays the Export Tags window for a new file name. For more information, refer to Exporting Groups, Items, and Alarms. Properties Displays the Item Properties window where you can update general properties and detailed item properties. Table 10 - Item Menu Commands View Menu Table 11 describes the View menu commands. Command Description Advise Log Displays the MatrikonOPC Explorer Advise Log window. Error Log Displays the MatrikonOPC Explorer Error Log window. Update Speed Allows you to specify the refresh rate for the value display in OPC Explorer: High, Normal, Low. Refresh Refreshes the displayed OPC Explorer and any updates made. Options Displays the Options window used to change MatrikonOPC server options: General, Data Transfer, Data Display, COM, and Miscellaneous. Table 11 - View Menu Commands Help Menu Table 12 describes the Help menu commands. Command Description MatrikonOPC on the Web Opens a link to the MatrikonOPC web site. About Displays the Welcome screen, which includes information about the product version. Table 12 - Help Menu Commands Toolbar Options Figure 10 displays the MatrikonOPC Explorer toolbar. Each toolbar option is described in Table 13. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 26 Figure 10 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Toolbar Option Description Connect to remote OPC Server Use this button to display the Connecting to an OPC Server window. Connect to/Disconnect from OPC Server Select this button to disconnect from ( selected server. Properties Use this button to display the Server Properties window. OPC Server Refresh Select this button to refresh the selected server. Add Group Use this button to display the Add Group window allowing you to create groups and add them to the selected server. Group Properties Use this button to display the Group Properties window. Delete Group Select this button to delete selected groups. Activate/Deactivate Group Select this button to activate or deactivate selected groups, as required. Use/Stop using Asynch I/O Select this button to use or stop using Asynch I/O, as required. Force Demand Read Select this button force a Demand Read for the selected group. Add OPC Items Use this button to display the Tag Studio allowing you to add tags. OPC item properties Use this button to display the Item Properties window. Delete OPC items Select this button to delete selected items. Activate/Deactivate item(s) Select this button to activate or deactivate selected items, as required. Write to selected OPC items Use this button to display the Write Values window allowing you to define a new value for the selected item or items. ), or connect to ( ), the Table 13 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Window Toolbar Options Viewing Available OPC Servers MatrikonOPC Explorer is an OPC client application. It connects to OPC server applications and displays real-time values as they are received. When OPC Explorer starts up, it searches the registry on the local computer and generates a list of program IDs for available OPC servers. It displays this list in a browser view in the left-hand pane (Figure 11) of the OPC Explorer. Figure 11 - Server List MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 27 Every OPC server has a unique program ID. This is a human-readable text string that is converted to a globally-unique identification number which COM then uses to identify the server. Each server may have a version-specific program ID (with a number appended to the end of the string), a version-independent program ID (no number), or both. All MatrikonOPC servers have both types, but only the version-dependent program ID shows up in the list. If an error occurs during the communication session between OPC Explorer and an OPC server, a message appears explaining as much. Click on the Details button to get a more descriptive explanation of the error. Clear the Disconnect Server checkbox to ignore the error and continue without disconnecting from the server. Select the Error Log option from the View menu to display a log of past errors in the MatrikonOPC Explorer Error Log window. For more information, refer to Error Log. Connecting to an OPC Server To connect to an OPC server: 1. From the main MatrikonOPC Explorer window, in the browser view (i.e., navigation pane), select a program ID. 2. In the OPC Server Connections Options screen section in the Contents pane, click on the Connect button, or From the toolbar, select the Connect to selected OPC Server icon ( ), or Right-click your mouse on the required ProgID in the navigation pane, and select Connect from the displayed menu, or From the Server menu, select the Connect option. Notes: • The browser pane allows users to choose OPC servers on the Local or Networked machines. Another option for remote connections is the Other Network Computers option. Right-clicking your mouse on this item and selecting Add/Connect Server displays the Connecting to an OPC Server window (Figure 12) which allows you to manually enter a host name/IP address and OPC Server Prog ID. • COM will attempt to launch the OPC server if it is not currently running when the first client attempts to connect to it. If the server runs as a local executable, then COM will run it. If the server runs as an NT service, then COM will start it up. • Similarly, when the last client application disconnects from an OPC server, the server will shut down. MatrikonOPC servers wait for one minute before shutting down to avoid unnecessary processing when client applications connect and disconnect frequently. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 28 Figure 12 - Connecting to an OPC Server Window (Other Network Computers) Adding OPC Groups Note: To add a group or groups to a connected server (for assistance, see Connecting to an OPC Server), follows the steps outlined in the procedure below. To add an OPC group: 1. From MatrikonOPC Explorer, in the browser view (i.e., navigation pane), select the connected server to which you want to add an OPC group. 2. From the toolbar, click on the Add Group button ( ), or Right-click your mouse on the required server and select the Add Group option from the displayed menu, or From the Server menu, select the Add Group option. Note: You also have the option of adding a group by first clicking on the Add Tags button in the OPC Server Connections Options screen section of the Matrikon Explorer window. The Tag Studio then appears allowing you to add items as required (for more information, refer to Adding OPC Items). Once you close the Tag Studio, a new group is automatically created for you. 3. The Add Group window (Figure 13) appears. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 29 Figure 13 - Add Group Window 4. Enter a name for the group. If the Group Name field is left blank, the OPC server will assign a unique name for the group. 5. Change the other settings as desired. 6. Click on the OK button. 7. The Tag Studio (Figure 19) appears allowing you to add OPC items to your new group (refer to Adding OPC Items). 8. After adding items to the group, click on the OK button. 9. The newly-created group and associated items now appear in the navigation pane under the selected server. Changing OPC Groups To change an OPC group: 1. Select the group for which you want to change settings, and from the Group menu either: Select the Properties menu option, or From the toolbar, click on the Group Properties button ( ), or Right-click your mouse on the group you wish to change, and select Properties from the displayed menu. 2. The Group Properties window appears. 3. Change the settings as required. Refer to Read Real-Time Values for further explanation of what these settings do. 4. Click on the Apply button to submit the changes. 5. Click on the OK button to close the Group Properties window and return to Matrikon Explorer. Adding Subscriptions A subscription is added to a connected server and is used to categorize alarms for that server. The Add Subscription window consists of two tabs: • Subscription Settings • Filtering MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 30 Subscription Settings Tab The Subscription Settings tab (Figure 14) is where the subscription’s name, update rate, and size are defined. This tab is where you specify whether the subscription is enabled or disabled. Table 14 describes the tab components. Figure 14 - Add Subscription Window (Subscription Settings Tab) Option Subscription Name Enable Description Allows you to enter a name for the subscription. If this field is left blank, the OPC server assigns a unique name for the subscription. Use this checkbox to enable (i.e., checkbox is selected) or disable (i.e., checkbox is cleared) the subscription. By default, the checkbox is selected. Update Rate Allows you to enter or select a value that defines the rate (in milliseconds) at which the subscription is to be updated. Default = 1000. Max Size Allows you to enter or select a value that specifies the maximum size allowed for the current subscription. A value of 0 indicates an unlimited size. Default = 0. OK Cancel Select this button to save any changes made and close the window. Note: This information stays consistent across all tabs. Select this button to close the window without saving any changes made. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 31 Option Description Note: This information stays consistent across all tabs. Table 14 - Add Subscription Window (Subscription Settings Tab) Components Filtering Tab The Filtering tab (Figure 15) filters the subscription alarms by event type, severity, and categories. Table 15 describes the tab components. Figure 15 - Add Subscription Window (Filtering Tab) Option Events Description Allows you to specify what types of events are to be included (i.e., checkbox is selected) in the subscription: Simple, Conditional, and/or Tracking. By default, all checkboxes are selected. High Severity Allows you to enter or select a value defining the highest severity allowed for an event within a range of 1 (lowest priority) through and including 1000 (highest priority). Default = 1000. Low Severity Allows you to enter or select a value defining the lowest severity allowed for an event within a range of 1 (lowest priority) through and including 1000 (highest priority). Default = 1. Categories In this screen section, the Available pane lists all of the possible MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 32 Option Description different alarms supported by the server. The available alarms depend on the server to which you are connected. If an alarm is not enabled, it is not listed in the Enabled pane. Select this button to save any changes made and close the window. OK Note: This information stays consistent across all tabs. Select this button to close the window without saving any changes made. Cancel Note: This information stays consistent across all tabs. Table 15 - Add Subscription Window (Filtering Tab) Components To add a subscription: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, in the browser view (i.e., navigation pane), select the connected OPC server to which you want to add a subscription. 2. From the Server menu, select the Add Subscription option, or Right-click your mouse on the server to which you want to add a subscription, and select the Add Subscription option from the displayed menu, or Click on the Add Alarms icon in the OPC Server Connection Options screen section. 3. The Add Subscription window (Figure 14) appears. 4. With the Subscription Settings tab selected, enter a name for the subscription. If the Subscription Name field is left blank, the OPC server will assign a unique name for the subscription. 5. Make changes as required. 6. Select the Filtering tab (Figure 15) and make any other required changes. 7. Click OK. 8. The Add Subscription window closes and you are returned to the MatrikonOPC Explorer where the newly-created subscription is now displayed in the navigation pane (Figure 16). Note: Once a subscription has been created, the properties can only be viewed and cannot be changed. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 33 Figure 16 - New Subscription Subscription Options Right-clicking your mouse on a subscription in the navigation pane (as an example, refer to Figure 16), the following options are available: Clear Alarms – clears all alarms associated with the selected subscription. Export Alarms – displays the Export Tags window (Figure 17) allowing you to save the information from the selected alarm or alarms to a .csv file. For more information, refer to Exporting Groups, Items, and Alarms. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 34 Figure 17 - Export Tags Window Delete Subscription – allows you to delete a subscription. Properties – displays the Subscription Properties window (Figure 18) which is display only. This window allows you to view the settings applied to the selected subscription. Note: Once a subscription has been created, the properties can only be viewed and cannot be changed. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 35 Figure 18 - Subscription Properties Window Adding OPC Items An OPC group serves as a logical collection of data items. The Tag Studio (Figure 19) is a utility for creating, validating, and adding OPC items. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 36 Figure 19 - Tag Studio Table 16 describes the commands in the Tag Studio. Command Description Main Menu Provides access to the File, Edit, View and Browse menus. Main Toolbar Provides shortcut buttons for commands in the Main Menu. Refer to Table 21 for descriptions of these buttons. Tag Entry This panel allows you to specify and edit those tags to be added to a group. Tags to be added This panel lists the tags to be added to a group, and displays properties for a selected item. Table 16 - Tag Studio Commands MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 37 File Menu Table 17 describes the File menu commands. Command Description Validate Tags Select this menu option to validate the selected items. Close Select this menu option to close the Tag Studio and return to MatrikonOPC Explorer. Update and return Select this menu option to update and close the Tag Studio and return to MatrikonOPC Explorer. Table 17 - File Menu Commands (Tag Studio) Edit Menu Table 18 describes the Edit menu commands. Command Description Clear Tag List Select this menu option to clear all tags from the Tags to be added screen section. Select All Select this menu option to select all tags listed in the Tags to be added screen section. Remove Tag Select this menu option to delete all selected items in the Tags to be added screen section. Table 18 - Edit Menu Commands (Tag Studio) View Menu Table 19 describes the View menu commands. Command Description Status Bar Select this menu option (i.e., checkmark appears next to option) to display a status bar at the bottom of the screen Server Browser Select this menu option (i.e., checkmark appears next to option) to display the server browser in the Tag Entry screen section. Item Info Select this menu option (i.e., checkmark appears next to option) to display the Item Information screen section (below the Tags to be added section). Large Icons Select this menu option (i.e., bullet point appears next to option) and the items listed in the Tags to be added screen section are displayed as large icons. Small Icons Select this menu option (i.e., bullet point appears next to option) and the items listed in the Tags to be added screen section are displayed as small icons. List Select this menu option (i.e., bullet point appears next to option) and the items listed in the Tags to be added screen section are displayed in a list format. Table 19 - View Menu Commands (Tag Studio) MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 38 Browse Menu Table 20 describes the Browse menu commands. Command Description Refresh Select this menu option to refresh the Tag Studio. Flat Browse Select this menu option (i.e., checkmark appears next to option) to enable flat browsing for available tags. Hierarchical Browse Select this menu option (i.e., checkmark appears next to option) to enable hierarchical browsing for available tags. Table 20 - Browse Menu Commands (Tag Studio) Toolbar Options Each Tag Studio toolbar option is described in Table 21. Option Description Select this button to close the item browser and add the selected items. Select this button to edit the selected item. Select this button to delete selected items. Select this button to validate the selected items. Select this button to show or hide the browse tree, as required. Select this button to refresh the browse tree. This button is available only when the server browser is displayed. Select this button to change the view of item list. Items are either listed or appear as icons. Table 21 - Tag Studio Toolbar Options Table 22 describes the Tag Studio components. Command Description Item ID Allows you to enter the required item ID. Data Type Allows you to select the required data type from the drop-down list. If this field is left empty, the default data type will be used. Create Active Select this checkbox if you want the tag to be created in an active state. Add tag to list Select this button to add the tag definition to the tag list (i.e., Tags to be added section). Tags in the tag list will be added to the selected group once the OK button is selected. Access Path Allows you to enter (or select by using the Browse Access Paths button) the tag’s access path. Access paths are optional and may not be used by some servers. Browse Access Paths Use this button to display the Browse Access Paths window. If access MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 39 Command Description paths are available for the item (not the case for all servers), they are listed for selection in this window. Select a path in this window, click on the OK button. The window closes and the selected access path is displayed in the Access Path field. Filter Allows you to enter a filter string to apply to the server. Data Type Filter Allows you to select the data type, which is to be used to filter available tags, from the drop-down list. If this field is left empty, the default data type will be used. Write Access Select this checkbox to browse only writeable items. Read Access Select this checkbox to browse only readable items. Branches Select this checkbox to apply the filter to the branches. Items Select this checkbox to apply the filter to the items. Available Items in Server [Server Name] Allows you to select and expand a grouping to view the items it contains. Available Tags Lists the tags associated with the selected item in the Available Items screen section. Allows you to edit item IDs and add one or more tags to the tag list. Tags to be added List of those tags selected for addition to the current group. Select a tag to view its properties in the Item Information screen section (i.e., section below Tags to be added). You can double-click on a tag to edit it, if required. Right-clicking your mouse on a tag displays a menu allowing you to write values to the tag, deactivate it, delete it, or view its properties. Item Information Lists the properties associated with the tag selected in the Tags to be added screen section. Table 22 - Tag Studio Components You can use either of the following methods to add OPC items to a group: To add an OPC item using the Item ID field: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, in the browser view (i.e., navigation pane), select the OPC group to which you want to add an item or items. 2. From the Group menu, select the Add Items option, or From the toolbar, click on the Add OPC Items button ( ), or Right-click your mouse on the group to which you want to add an item, and select the Add Items option from the displayed menu, or Double-click your mouse on the group to which you want to add an item. 3. The Tag Studio (Figure 19) appears. 4. From the Tag Studio, in the Item ID field, enter an item ID. 5. Click on the Add tag to list (i.e., right-pointing arrow) button. The item then appears in the Tags to be added list. 6. Double-click on the item to edit its settings in the Tag Entry panel, or MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 40 Right-click your mouse on the item and select Edit from the displayed menu. Note: The appearance of the Add tag to list button changes to include this graphic above the arrow on the button. 7. Make changes as required. 8. From the File menu, select the Update and Return menu option to add the created items to the OPC group and return to the MatrikonOPC Explorer. To add an OPC item from the Available Items screen section: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, in the browser view (i.e., navigation pane), select the OPC group to which you want to add an item or items. 2. From the Group menu, select the Add Items option, or From the toolbar, click on the Add OPC Items button ( ), or Right-click your mouse on the group to which you want to add an item, and select the Add Items option from the displayed menu, or Double-click your mouse on the group to which you want to add an item. 3. The Tag Studio (Figure 19) appears. 4. From the Tag Studio, in the Available Items screen section, select and expand either the [Server Name] Items or Configured Aliases nodes. 5. Browse to the desired item or items. 6. Right-click your mouse on the required item and select Add to Tag List from the displayed menu, or Double-click your mouse on the required tag to move it to the Tags to be added screen section, or To add all of the tags listed in the Available Tags screen section, right-click your mouse anywhere in that screen section and select Add All Items to Tag List from the displayed menu. 7. Double-click on the item to edit its settings in the Tag Entry panel, or Right-click your mouse on the item and select Edit from the displayed menu. Note: The appearance of the Add tag to list button changes to include this graphic above the arrow on the button. 8. Make changes as required. 9. From the File menu, select the Update and Return menu option to add the created items to the OPC group and return to the MatrikonOPC Explorer. The following sub-sections describe the MatrikonOPC Explorer components and functions in more detail: • Item ID • Access Path • Browsing the Server Address Space • Requested Data Type MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 41 • Active State • Validate the OPC Items Item ID All OPC items must be identified by an item ID. This identifier is a server-specific string of characters that uniquely identifies a source of data to an OPC server. More than one OPC item may refer to the same item ID at the same time. Note: Items or devices given names containing a period, comma, or hash mark, will not be available in MatrikonOPC Explorer. On the Tag Studio, enter the item ID in the Item ID field. Click on the View tag generator button (outlined in red in Figure 20) adjacent to the Item ID field. The Tag Generator window Figure 21 appears. The Tag Generator is a utility used to create large numbers of tags that follow a known pattern. Figure 20 - View Tag Generator Button Figure 21 - Tag Generator Window Some examples of item IDs might be: • PLC1.4:0001 MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 42 • North:FIC101/CV • \\ARCSVR:DBTAG001 Refer to your OPC server’s documentation for information about the specific syntax of the item IDs. Access Path Some OPC servers may allow clients to specify an access path in addition to an item ID. An access path may suggest to the server how it should get the data for a particular item. For example, it might specify the method of communication to use for accessing the data (i.e., radio, satellite, or modem). Servers are under no obligation to use the access path, although they will return errors if the access path is invalid. From the Tag Studio, click on the Browse Access Paths button (outlined in red in Figure 22) to the right of the Access Path field to browse the access paths that are available for the selected item ID (if the server supports this feature). MatrikonOPC servers do not use access paths. Leave the Access Path field blank if it is not used. Figure 22 - Browse Access Paths Button Browsing the Server Address Space Browsing is supported by some OPC servers as a means of isolating users from the exact syntax of its item IDs. Browsing allows users of OPC clients to view the “contents” of a server to find a particular tag and resolve it into a valid item ID. It is not primarily intended for auto-generating OPC items. If the OPC server supports browsing, then a tree view and list view appear in Tag Studio. The browsing method can be changed form hierarchical to flat by clicking on the Tag Studio’s Browse menu which gives you the option of selecting Flat Browse or Hierarchical Browse. When using flat browsing, all items are displayed in the Available Tags window. When using hierarchical browsing, the tree view displays “branches” in the address space, while the list view displays the “leaves” that are available under the selected branch. Each leaf either represents an actual item or else it may provide a hint indicative of available items. For example, if there are thousands of numbered items under a branch, the server might simply provide a single leaf representing the range of numeric addresses available. While browsing, you may apply a number of filter criteria to search for a particular type of item. The syntax of the filter is vendor-specific, but the algorithm recommended by the OPC Foundation follows the same pattern as the Visual Basic “Like” function with respect to item names. For example, A* filters out any item names that do not begin with the letter A. This filter may also apply to branches. Items may also be filtered by data type and access rights. Choosing a type other than Empty/Default causes the browser to display only those items with the same canonical data type as that selected. Access rights are non-exclusive. For example, selecting write access and deselecting read access will display only items that can be written to, regardless of their read accessibility. Selecting both should filter nothing out. Double-click on a leaf and Tag Studio will place the fully-qualified item ID for that item in the Item ID field. If the item ID is a hint, then change it to a “real” item, following the pattern provided by the hint. Alternatively, right-click on the item and choose Add to Tag List to add the item using the previous item’s settings. Selecting Add All Items to Tag List adds every item under the branch. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 43 Requested Data Type All OPC items have a native (canonical) data type. That is to say, there is a default format to the data that the server supplies for an item. When creating OPC items, client applications can specify a requested data type for each item. The OPC server will attempt to convert any data from the item to this format, if possible. If the requested and canonical data types are incompatible, the server will fail to validate the item when it is added. Active State Like groups, OPC items may be active or inactive. Refer to Read Real-Time Values for more information about this setting. Validate the OPC Items OPC items can be validated using any of the following options: • From the Tag Studio, select Validate Tags from the File menu, or • From the toolbar, click on the Validate Items button ( • Right-click your mouse in the Tags to be added screen section and select Validate Tags from the displayed menu. ), or Tag Studio will then query the OPC server to determine whether the items are correct. A small red X that appears next to an item indicates that it did not validate properly. A green checkmark indicates that the item is valid. A blue question mark indicates that the item has not yet been validated. Read Real-Time Values Once items are added to an OPC group, MatrikonOPC Explorer continually updates the display for that group with real-time data. The data values appear in the list view on the right-hand side of the OPC Explorer window. Each item is listed along with its item ID, access path, active state, value, quality and timestamp. When there are a number of groups created on an OPC server, use the group list view to navigate between different groups as well as to view the items in those groups. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 44 Figure 23 - Group Properties Window Update Rate The OPC server tries to keep MatrikonOPC Explorer informed with values for an OPC group at the requested update rate for that group. If the requested update rate is too fast for the server to handle, then it will return a revised update rate that it will use instead. Internally, the server tries to keep the data items at least as “fresh” as indicated by the update rate. However, the server will send values to the client no faster than the update rate to avoid overwhelming it. Active State OPC servers only update values for active items in active groups. When an individual item is set inactive, the server stops sending updates for the item. When a group is set inactive, the server stops sending values for any items in that group. Client applications (such as HMI applications) can help to reduce the processing load on an OPC server by deactivating groups and items that are not currently needed. Choose the Activate or Deactivate option from the Group or Item menus at any time to change the active state of an OPC group or individual OPC items. Time Bias Some OPC client applications may use the OPC server time bias setting as a storage area for time zone information. This information might be used to display server timestamps in a time zone other than UTC or the local time zone. MatrikonOPC Explorer does not use this information, but allows the user to write the information to the server as a test. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 45 Dead-Band Some OPC servers support dead-band for updates from analog data sources. The dead-band value is a percentage of full-scale deflection and so the high and low limits for the item must be known ahead of time. Dead-band affects only updates between an OPC client and a server. It has no effect on communication between an OPC server and its respective device or devices. I/O Method MatrikonOPC Explorer allows the user to specify the method of communication to use with a group. Synchronous I/O is generally reserved for testing and special operations. OPC Explorer also allows the user to choose between the 1.0a or 2.0 style of asynchronous I/O. The normal recommended setting is Auto-Detect I/O, which attempts to use 2.0 first, and then 1.0a if that fails, and finally Synchronous I/O if the previous two fail. Data Display Although the OPC server may supply data changes to MatrikonOPC Explorer at the update rate of the group, a global setting specifies the refresh rate for the display in OPC Explorer. Choose the Update Speed option from the View menu and select one of the available options: High, Normal, Low. In the item display, the Value field shows the real-time value for the item. The Quality field indicates whether or not this value is valid, and why (refer to Appendix C - OPC Quality Flags for more information). The Timestamp field indicates how “fresh” the value is (the time that it was received from the data source). The Server and Group/Subscription Info panels at the bottom of the window display status information about the selected server and group or subscription. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 46 Figure 24 - Data Display Group Info Table 23 describes the information displayed in the Group Info panel. Item Description Group Displays the selected group’s name. Connected (Async I/O) States whether the selected group is using asynchronous reads (i.e., Yes) and to which OPC specification it conforms. Active Shows whether the selected group is active (Yes/No). Items Shows the number of items in the selected group. Current Update Rate Displays the current update rate of the selected group. Percent Deadband Displays the percent deadband specified in your group’s properties. This parameter is required by the OPC DA specification. Data Change Rate Measures the throughput rate of the OPC server,by storing the last 10 updates from the OPC server and averaging them over time. Table 23 - Group Info Display Information MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 47 Subscription Info Table 24 describes the information displayed in the Subscription Info panel. Item Description Subscription Displays the selected subscription’s name. Active Shows whether the selected group is active (Yes/No). Alarms The number of alarms currently displayed. The maximum number of alarms that can be displayed per subscription is 1000. Current Buffer Time The update rate specified on your subscription. All alarms that are reported within this time frame are reported. Severity Maximum All alarms within the range the maximum and minimum severity are reported to the subscription. Severity Minimum All alarms between the maximum and minimum severity are reported to the subscription. Max Buffer Size The number of alarms that can be reported in a single update. Event Types Event types that are currently subscribed to. This can include Simple, Conditional, and/or Tracking event types. Table 24 - Subscription Info Display Information Note: For additional information please, refer to the OPC AE 1.0 and DA 2.05A specifications. Advise Log The Advise Log option displays a log of ongoing I/O transactions. To view the Advise Log window: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, select the required group. 2. From the View menu, select the Advise Log option. 3. The MatrikonOPC Explorer Advise Log window (Figure 25) appears displaying the transactions log. Note: The Advise Log window can be re-sized as needed, allowing you to view all log text. 4. Right-clicking your mouse in the Advise Log window displays the following menu options: • Clear Log - clears the log and a new log is started. • Stay On Top - keeps the log window above all other windows in the desktop. • Follow Last Entry - keeps the most recent entry visible at all times. • Export Log – displays the Export Advise Log window allowing you to export the current log information to a file (*.log). MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 48 Figure 25 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Advise Log Window Note: Advise log may take up significant CPU usage if many data updates are occurring. Error Log A log of past errors is displayed in the MatrikonOPC Explorer Error Log window. To view the Error Log window: 5. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, select the Error Log option from the View menu. 6. The MatrikonOPC Explorer Error Log window (Figure 26) appears displaying a log of errors. 7. Right-clicking your mouse in the Error Log window displays the following menu options: • Clear Log - clears the log and a new log is started. • Export Log – displays the Export Error Log window allowing you to export the current log information to a file (*.csv). MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 49 Figure 26 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Error Log Window Write Control Values MatrikonOPC Explorer allows you to write control values to items in an OPC group. To write a control value: 1. Select the desired item or items in the list view of the Contents pane. 2. Select the Write Values option from the Item menu, or From the toolbar, click on the Write to selected OPC items button ( ), or Right-click your mouse on the required item and select Write Values from the displayed menu, or Double-click your mouse on the required item. 3. The Write Values window (Figure 27) is displayed with the Multiple Value tab selected. Figure 27 - Write Values Window (Multiple Value Tab) MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 50 4. In the New Value column, enter the control values to be written to the item. 5. In the Data Type column, if required, select the necessary data type from the drop-down list for each item. 6. Select the Apply button to perform the write. 7. Select the OK button to close the Write Values window. Note: Control values may be written to items regardless of whether they or the group they are in, are active or inactive. If the items and the group containing the items are both active, the written control value should appear when the next update occurs. Also, some OPC servers may contain read-only items. Values written to these items will be discarded. MatrikonOPC Explorer also contains a Signal Generator to write ramping control values to the OPC items. To write a ramping control value: 1. From the Write Values window, select the Signal Generator tab (Figure 28). 2. Enter the high and low limits, and the increment factor for the ramp wave. 3. In the Frequency field, enter the time period in milliseconds and click on the Start button. 4. Select the Stop button or close the Write Values window to finish writing the ramp wave. Figure 28 - Write Values Window (Signal Generator Tab) MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 51 Options Window The Options window is used to change certain aspects of OPC Explorer’s behaviour. This window consists of five tabs: • General • Data Transfer • Data Display • COM • Miscellaneous The Defaults button on the Options window can be used to restore the original settings. Use the Errors checkboxes on the Miscellaneous tab to specify whether the error window should be displayed when COM or OPC errors occur, or when errors occur for individual items. The sanity check option (also on the Miscellaneous tab) ensures that the OPC server keeps track of lists of groups and items properly. At present, session files may only be stored as text files, so the binary format is unavailable. General Options This tab allows you to view and edit the way OPC Explorer saves and loads its files, and OPC server and item browsing options. To view the General options: 1. On the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, from the View menu, select the Options menu item. 2. The Options window appears. 3. From the Options window, select the General tab (Figure 29). MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 52 Figure 29 - General Options Tab Table 25 describes the fields available on the General tab. Field Description Save current configuration on shutdown Automatically saves the current configuration to the specified file before shutting down, if selected. Backup: X copies Automatically keeps up to the specified number (i.e., X) of backup copies of the configuration file when saving the configuration. Load configuration on setup Automatically loads a configuration from the specified file when starting up, if selected. Displays the full path of an existing file for load and save operations. Filename Click on the ellipsis button ( select an existing file name. OPC Server Browsing Allows you choose a method by which to browse for OPC servers. OPC Item Browsing Allows you to enable or disable the auto-browsing of OPC server items upon group creation. You can also specify hierarchical or flat browsing. ) to display the Open window used to Table 25 - General Options Tab Fields MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 53 Data Transfer Options The Data Transfer tab allows you to: • Select the data source used by MatrikonOPC Explorer. • Customize the way Asynchronous I/O is performed. • Customize the way values are written. To view the Data Transfer options: 1. On the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, from the View menu, select the Options menu item. 2. The Options window appears. 3. From the Options window, select the Data Transfer tab (Figure 30). Figure 30 - Data Transfer Options Tab Table 26 describes the fields available on the Data Transfer tab. Field Demand Reads Description Use this section of the Data Transfer tab to specify the data source that OPC Explorer should use when requesting demand updates from the OPC server. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 54 Field Description The Cache option should be selected for normal operation. Only select the Device option for special testing operations. Device reads yield a serious performance penalty and can prevent OPC servers from functioning properly if they are used too often. Refreshes The OPC data of the currently selected group can be updated on a periodic basis to ensure that the data is current. The refresh rate option controls how fast the data will be requested from the end OPC server. The Cache option should be selected for normal operation. Only select the Device option for special testing operations. Device reads yield a serious performance penalty and can prevent OPC servers from functioning properly if they are used too often. Writes Select the Respect access rights when writing values checkbox to avoid including read-only items in the Write Values window. Otherwise, OPC Explorer will allow users to write values to any items. Table 26 - Data Transfer Options Tab Fields Data Display Options The Data Display tab allows users to view and edit the way value quality and value timestamps are shown. To view the Data Display options: 1. On the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, from the View menu, select the Options menu item. 2. The Options window appears. 3. From the Options window, select the Data Display tab (Figure 31). MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 55 Figure 31 - Data Display Options Tab Table 27 describes the fields available on the Data Display tab. Field Description Quality Select the Display value qualities as text checkbox to show a text description of the item quality in the Quality field. If the checkbox is cleared, OPC Explorer will display a numeric value. You may want to have the checkbox cleared if the quality value contains vendor-specific information in the upper byte. Time & Date Select either the Display timestamps using local time zone option or the Display timestamps using group time bias depending on whether you want timestamps displayed in local time or UTC. Table 27 - Data Display Options Tab Fields COM Options The COM tab allows you to view and edit class context flags to be used when OPC Explorer attempts to connect to an OPC server. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 56 IMPORTANT: Do NOT clear any of the checkboxes in the Server Context section of the COM tab unless absolutely necessary. Changing these settings may prevent MatrikonOPC Explorer from properly connecting to your server. To view the COM options: 1. On the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, from the View menu, select the Options menu item. 2. The Options window appears. 3. From the Options window, select the COM tab (Figure 32). Figure 32 - COM Options Tab Table 28 describes the fields available on the COM options tab. Field Server Context Description Allows for the selection of context MatrikonOPC Explorer requests when creating server instances. WARNING: Do not clear any of these checkboxes unless absolutely necessary. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 57 Field OPCEnum Timeout Description Allows you to specify the amount of time (in seconds) that the MatrikonOPC Explorer will wait before cancelling a remote call. Table 28 - COM Options Tab Fields Miscellaneous Options The Miscellaneous tab allows you to view and edit the following features: • Browsing network machines on start-up • Sanity checking • Error reporting customization • Auto-adding groups and items To view the Miscellaneous options: 1. On the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, from the View menu, select the Options menu item. 2. The Options window appears. 3. From the Options window, select the Miscellaneous tab (Figure 33). Figure 33 - Miscellaneous Options Tab MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 58 Table 28 describes the fields available on the Miscellaneous options tab. Field Description Startup Browsing Select the Disable Network Browsing On Startup checkbox to disable the browsing of neighbouring network machines upon start-up. Sanity Allows you to control strict sanity checking by selecting the Confirm list synchronization with the server checkbox. Errors Allows you to customize the way in which COM/OPC and/or item errors are reported. Select the checkboxes to display the required errors. Auto Items Select the Auto Add OPC items checkbox to automatically add items when you add a group. Table 29 - Miscellaneous Options Tab Fields Exporting Groups, Items, and Alarms MatrikonOPC Explorer allows you the ability to export group, item, and alarm information to files for use at a later time. Each of the following procedures results in the Export Tags window (Figure 17) appearing, where you can save the information in a .csv file to the location of your choice. Exporting Groups To export a group: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, with the required server connected, select the Export Groups option from the Server menu. Exporting Items There are various locations from which to export items. To export items: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, right-click your mouse on a connected server in navigation pane. 2. Select Export Items from displayed menu. Or, 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, right-click your mouse on a group in the navigation pane. 2. Select Export Items from displayed menu. Or, 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, select a group in the navigation pane. 2. Select Export Items from Group menu. Or, 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, once an item or items have been added to a group, right-click on an item in the Contents pane. 2. Select Export Items from the displayed menu. Or, MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 59 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, right-click your mouse on a connected server in the navigation pane. 2. Select Export Items from displayed menu. Exporting Alarms To export alarms: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, right-click your mouse on a subscription in the navigation pane. 2. Select Export Alarms from the displayed menu. Or, 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, once an alarm or alarms have been added to a subscription, right-click on an alarm in the Contents pane. 2. Select Export from the displayed menu. Saving a Session The current session configuration, including all server connections, groups, and items, can be saved to an XML file. To save a session: 1. From the File menu, select either the Save or Save As menu option. 2. The Save Session window appears. 3. Enter a file name if saving the file for the first time. 4. Click Save. Reloading a Session To reload a session: 1. From the File menu, select the Open menu option. 2. The Open Session window appears. 3. Navigate to the location of the required XML file. 4. Select the required file. 5. Click Open. 6. The selected session is loaded. Clearing a Session To clear a session: 1. From the File menu, select the New Session menu option. 2. A message is displayed asking if you want to save the session. 3. Click No. 4. The session is cleared. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 60 Limitations MatrikonOPC Explorer has the following limitation: 1. Supported specifications – only the following are supported: OPC DA 1.0a, OPC DA 2.05a, OPC A&E 1.0. 2. Advise Log – opening the Advise log while there are many updates for OPC items causes CPU usage to increase dramatically. Refer to the MatrikonOPC Explorer Release Notes for known issues. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 61 Troubleshooting The following section addresses some of the most common problems encountered, and questions asked, while using this OPC server. Please check the following Problems/Solutions section before contacting the MatrikonOPC Support team. Problems and Solutions Asynch I/O not adding properly Problem: When I add an OPC Group using Asynch I/O it does not add properly. However, a Synchronous group works. Solution: This error is caused by a failure of the OPC client (OPC Explorer in this case) to validate the OPC server when establishing a callback group. Figure 34 - Callback Group To resolve this issue: 1. Navigate to the DCOM Configuration window: Start -> Run and then enter dcomcnfg in the Run window. Click on the OK button. 2. The Component Services window appears. Select and expand the following nodes: Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer. 3. Select DCOM Config from the expanded My Computer node. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 62 Figure 35 - Component Services Window 4. Once you are in the DCOM configuration window, right-click on My Computer and select Properties. 5. From the My Computer Properties window, select the Default Properties tab. Make sure that Connect is selected in the Default Authentication Level field. 6. Select the COM Security tab. Make sure the essential groups of Everyone, Interactive, Network, and System are present for both Access Permissions, and Launch and Activation Permissions. 7. Once you have made the changes, restart your OPC server and OPC Explorer and see if you can now make the connection. Cannot see desired OPC server in MatrikonOPC Explorer Problem: Solution: I cannot see the OPC server I want, in OPC Explorer. MatrikonOPC Explorer depends on OPCEnum for a list of available OPC servers on the destination machine. OPC Explorer can also be configured to manually scrape the registry for OPC servers. To use registry browsing: 1. From the MatrikonOPC Explorer window, select the Options menu option from the File menu. 2. The Options window is displayed. 3. With the General tab selected, select the Registry option in the OPC Server Browsing screen section. 4. Click on the OK button to commit the change. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 63 Notes: • Alternatively, to connect using OPCEnum, the component for OPCEnum will need to be correctly configured for access. This can be done in the Component Services control panel by following the detailed instructions provided via the links below. After completing the configuration changes, OPC Enum service will need to be re-started in the Services control panel. o Windows 2000 DCOM Configuration o Windows XP DCOM Configuration “Item definition does not conform to the servers’ syntax” error message Problem: Solution: When trying to validate a tag after it has been added to the Tags to be added list in the Tag Studio, the following error message is displayed: “Error: Item definition does not conform to the servers’ syntax”. In general, the reason for this is because the information in the tag is not correct. However, the tags’ syntax is technically correct. That is, the colons and periods and so on, are in the right places, but the names are incorrect or misspelled. “Item definition does not exist in the address space” error message Problem: Solution: The following error message is displayed: “Error: Item definition does exist in the address space”. In general, the reason for this error is because the information in the tag is correct, but the colons and periods are in the wrong spots, or you are not pointing the tag to the correct place. This would be an example of not referencing all the device links on some servers. “0x80070005 Access is denied” error message Problem: Solution: The following error message is displayed: “0x80070005 Access is denied”. This error message is associated with COM and DCOM. The error likely indicates that your OPC client cannot access the OPC server due to COM or DCOM security settings. To changes these, you will have to access the DCOMCNFG tool and allow this communication. This is true for both a user account and the system account. To resolve this issue: 1. Navigate to the DCOM Configuration window: Start -> Run and then enter dcomcnfg in the Run window. Click on the OK button. 2. The Component Services window appears. Select and expand the following nodes: Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer. Select the DCOM Config folder. 3. Browse to your OPC server, right-click on it and select Properties. 4. From the Properties window, select the General tab. Make sure that Connect is selected in the Authentication Level field. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 64 5. Select the Security tab. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, select the Customize option button and then click on the Edit button. 6. Make sure you have allowed permissions to Everyone, Interactive, Network, and System. Click OK. 7. Under Access Permissions, select the Customize option button and click on the Edit button. 8. Make sure you have allowed permissions to Everyone, Interactive, Network, and System. Click OK. Search the MatrikonOPC Support Knowledge Base at to find the answers to other commonly-asked MatrikonOPC Explorer questions. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 65 Un-Installation To successfully un-install MatrikonOPC Explorer, using the Add or Remove Programs from the Microsoft Windows Control Panel is recommended. To un-install MatrikonOPC Explorer: 1. Click on the Start button and highlight the Control Panel item. 2. From the displayed menu, select Add or Remove Programs. 3. The Add or Remove Programs window is displayed. 4. Scroll through the list of currently installed programs and updates to find and select MatrikonOPC Explorer. Figure 36 - Add or Remove Programs 5. Click on the Remove button associated with the MatrikonOPC Explorer program to initiate the un-install process. Note: You will need to close any open applications of Matrikon OPC Explorer. 6. The MatrikonOPC Explorer – InstallAware Wizard appears and the Welcome to MatrikonOPC Explorer Maintenance screen (Figure 37) is displayed. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 66 Figure 37 - Welcome to MatrikonOPC Explorer Maintenance Screen 7. Select the Remove option button to uninstall MatrikonOPC Explorer entirely. 8. Click on the Next button. The Ready to Uninstall screen (Figure 38) is displayed. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 67 Figure 38 - Ready to Uninstall Screen 9. Click on the Next button. 10. The Uninstalling MatrikonOPC Explorer screen (Figure 39) appears and the un-install takes place. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 68 Figure 39 - Uninstalling MatrikonOPC Explorer Screen 11. When the un-install has finished, the Matrikon Explorer Setup Complete screen (Figure 40) appears stating that MatrikonOPC Explorer was successfully un-installed. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 69 Figure 40 - MatrikonOPC Explorer Setup Complete Screen 12. Click on the Finish button to complete the un-install and exit the Wizard. 13. The program no longer appears listed in the Add or Remove Programs window. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 70 Appendix A Distributed COM (DCOM) DCOM is an object protocol that enables COM components (such as OPC clients and servers) to communicate directly with each other across a network. A certain amount of configuration is required on the system where the OPC server is installed to allow remote clients to connect to it over the network. Readers should be familiar with DCOM and with Windows 2000 security features and security administration. Information regarding Distributed COM and various links to related sites, white papers, specs, etc, can be found at Notes: • The following steps are suggestions only. Ask your Windows Network Administrator for more information about the settings that you should use, especially between different domains. • The steps provided in this appendix apply to Windows NT operating systems only. For information on how to configure DCOM settings for newer Windows operating systems, please refer to the MatrikonOPC Online Support page on DCOM Settings. DCOM Configuration Utility Start the DCOM configuration utility either from the server configuration utility or from the command-line (DCOMCNFG). Answer, yes to any message boxes that appear (allowing the utility to assign application ID entries to those servers that don't already have them). The main window for DCOMCNFG allows the user to either configure default settings for all COM servers or else to configure settings for a specific server chosen from the list. The former will affect all servers configured to use the default settings. The latter will affect the selected server only. DCOM settings are stored in the registry and loaded by COM (and OPC) servers at start-up. Therefore, server processes must be shut down and re-started for these changes to take effect. Default Properties The Default Properties tab contains settings that affect all DCOM communication on the machine. • First of all, ensure that the Enable Distributed COM on this computer is selected in so that the machine is available to others via DCOM. • Select the Enable COM Internet Services on this computer to allow DCOM access to the machine from the Internet (check with your administrator). • In general, the other settings do not need to be changed. The Authentication Level specifies when COM should authenticate the identity of calling clients (each call, each packet, etc). • Normally, it should be set to Connect, indicating that COM should authenticate clients when they first connect to a server. If it is set to None, then COM performs no authentication and ignores any access permission settings. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 71 The Impersonation Level specifies whether servers can ascertain the identity of calling clients and whether they can then perform operations on the client's behalf (as if the server is the client). • Normally, it should be set to Identify, allowing the server to identify the calling client to see if it is allowed access to a certain resource but not to actually access any of these resources as the client. • Select the Provide additional security for reference tracking to make even the reference counting on COM objects secure. This setting is not generally required. Security Permissions The most important DCOM settings for an OPC server are the security permissions. There are two ways for you to set these: 1. Change the specific settings for the server (recommended). 2. Change the default settings (not recommended) and make sure that the OPC server will use these. Either way, be certain that the access and launch permissions are correct for the server. Setting Security Permissions To set the security permissions for an OPC Server: 1. Open the DCOM configuration utility. 2. Select the OPC server, and then click Properties. 3. The Distributed COM Configuration Properties window (Figure 41) appears. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 72 Figure 41 - Distributed COM Configuration Properties Window 4. Click on the Security tab to set the security for the server. 5. The Distributed COM Configuration Security tab (Figure 42) appears. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 73 Figure 42 - Distributed COM Configuration Security Tab Notes: • The Access Permissions contain an Access Control List of principals that are allowed to interact with objects supplied by a server. • The Launch Permissions contain an Access Control List of principals that are allowed to start up a server process or service. 6. Include the names of users or user groups from trusted domains that you wish to be able to use the OPC server on this machine. Include the Everyone group to allow access to all users on a particular domain. 7. To set the Access permissions, click Use custom access permissions and then click Edit. 8. The Registry Value Permissions window (Figure 43) appears. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 74 Figure 43 - Registry Value Permissions Window 9. To add users to the list click Add. 10. The Add Users and Groups window (Figure 44) appears. Figure 44 - Add Users and Groups Window 11. To add a user to the list, select the user, and then click Add. If the user you wish to add does not appear then click Show Users. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 75 12. When you are done adding users, click OK to close the Add Users and Groups window. You can then choose to Allow Access or Deny Access for each user. Notes: • The procedure to set the launch permissions is similar to the above, but instead of choosing Allow Access for a user you would choose Allow Launch. • The Configuration Permissions contain an Access Control List of principals that are allowed to modify the configuration information for a server. In other words, it indicates who is allowed to alter the registry entries for installed servers as well as who is able to access the registry for the purposes of installing new servers. It is usually simpler to install and configure servers as a user with local administrative rights. 13. To connect to an OPC server from outside of the domain, create a local user account on both the server and the client machine with identical username and password. Then, add the local user on the OPC server to the DCOM permissions. Use the local account on the client machine to connect to the OPC server. Server Identity The Identity tab for a selected COM (or OPC) server specifies the user account that should be used when COM starts up the process. The available settings are different for servers that run as local executables as opposed to those that run as NT services. It is strongly recommended that OPC servers should be installed to run as NT services if they are going to be accessed by remote clients via DCOM. This ensures that the server can always be accessed even if no one is presently logged on to the machine, and only one server process ever starts up. It also adds a greater degree of security in terms of who is able to shut down the server process. Servers that run as local executables have the option of running as the launching user (the calling client–this is the default), the interactive user (the one currently logged onto the machine), or a specified user. It is usually best to use the interactive user or a specified user. Otherwise, remote clients might start up multiple separate server processes that are not accessible to others. Servers that run as NT services should generally run as the local System account. Alternatively, the server can be set to run as a specified user, although this is usually done from the Service Control Manager applet rather than DCOMCNFG. Access and Launch permissions are particularly important when installing a server to run as an NT service. Default Protocols The Default Protocols tab specifies the communication protocols available to DCOM. The order that protocols appear in the list indicates the priority in which they will be used (the topmost having the highest priority). The more protocols that appear in the list, the better the chances of connecting to an OPC server on an unknown remote machine (such as at an OPC Interoperability Workshop). However, it may also take longer for DCOM to time out if a server machine is not present since it has to try each protocol in turn. For most situations, it is best to remove all unused protocols from the list and only include those that are necessary for your network. For example, on a TCP/IP network, one would include the Connection-oriented TCP/IP protocol. Contact your IT personnel for more information about your network. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 76 Evidence indicates that there are problems with the datagramoriented protocols (such as UDP/IP) that can cause memory leaks in DCOM. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these protocols be removed from the list of default protocols. Datagram-oriented protocols are not supported under Windows 2000 at all (although the DCOM configuration utility still allows you to configure them). Remote Program ID Before the OPC Server Browser became available, OPC client applications had to search the registry to generate a list of available OPC servers. Therefore, some older OPC clients need to have a program ID in the local registry in order to connect to a particular OPC server. The simplest solution is to install the OPC server software on the client machine even if it is not used. Alternatively, use the following steps to copy a program ID to the client machine. Note: This method may not work for every OPC client. Please check the client documentation for more information. WARNING: Any changes made to the registry must be made with extreme caution! 1. Back up your registry. 2. On the server machine, run REGEDIT as a user that has access rights to the local registry. 3. Expand the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key. 4. Find the program ID(s) for the desired OPC server(s). Note: In the case of Matrikon OPC Servers, the ID has the form Matrikon.OPC.Device. If you quickly type the first few letters then REGEDIT should jump to the location of that key. Some servers may have both a version-specific as well as a version-independent program ID. In this case both IDs should be copied to the client machine. 5. For each program ID, select the key and choose Export Registry File from the Registry menu. Enter a file name, and then click Save. Be careful not to overwrite other export files that you are creating. 6. Copy the exported REG files to the client machine. 7. Merge the REG files into the registry of the client machine. Note: This should simply be a matter of double clicking on the file from the desktop of the client machine. Alternatively, run REGEDIT on the client machine and choose Import Registry File from the Registry menu, selecting each file in turn. This must be done as a user who has write access to the local registry. 8. Use REGEDIT to check that the program IDs have in fact, been copied. 9. Delete the REG files since they are no longer needed. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 77 Appendix B Standard Data Types The Standard data types and their descriptions are listed in Table 30. Hex Dec Data Type Description 0000 0 VT_EMPTY Default/Empty (nothing) 0002 2 VT_I2 2-byte signed integer 0003 3 VT_I4 4-byte signed integer 0004 4 VT_R4 4-byte (single-precision) real 0005 5 VT_R8 8-byte (double-precision) real 0006 6 VT_CY Currency 0007 7 VT_DATE Date 0008 8 VT_BSTR Text (UNICODE) 000A 10 VT_ERROR Error code 000B 11 VT_BOOL Boolean (TRUE = -1, FALSE = 0) 0011 16 VT_I1 1-byte signed integer 0012 17 VT_UI1 1-byte unsigned integer 0013 18 VT_UI2 2-byte unsigned integer 0014 19 VT_UI4 4-byte unsigned integer 2002 8194 VT_ARRAY | VT_I2 Array of 2-byte signed integers 2003 8195 VT_ARRAY | VT_I4 Array of 4-byte signed integer 2004 8196 VT_ARRAY | VT_R4 Array of 4-byte (single-precision) real 2005 8197 VT_ARRAY | VT_R8 Array of 8-byte (double-precision) real 2006 8198 VT_ARRAY | VT_CY Array of currency values 2007 8199 VT_ARRAY | VT_DATE Array of dates 2008 8200 VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR Array of text values 200A 8202 VT_ARRAY | VT_ERROR Array of error codes 200B 8203 VT_ARRAY | VT_BOOL Array of Boolean values 2011 8208 VT_ARRAY | VT_I1 Array of 1-byte signed integers 2012 8209 VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1 Array of 1-byte unsigned integers 2013 8210 VT_ARRAY | VT_UI2 Array of 2-byte unsigned integers 2014 8211 VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4 Array of 4-byte unsigned integers Table 30 - Standard Data Types MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 78 Appendix C OPC Quality Flags Note: The following information is taken from the OPC Data Access Custom Interface Specification v2.05 document. These flags represent the quality state for an item’s data value. The low eight bits of the Quality flags are currently defined in the form of three-bit fields: Quality, Substatus, and Limit status. The eight Quality bits are arranged as follows: QQSSSSLL. The high eight bits are available for vendor-specific use. If these bits are used, the standard OPC Quality bits must still be set as accurately as possible to indicate what assumptions the client can make about the returned data. In addition, it is the responsibility of any client interpreting vendorspecific quality information to make sure that the server providing it uses the same “rules” as the client. Details of the OPC standard Quality bits are as follows. Quality BitField QQ Bit Value 0 00SSSSLL 1 01SSSSLL 2 3 Definition Description Bad Value is not useful for reasons indicated by the Substatus. Uncertain The quality of the value is uncertain for reasons indicated by the Substatus. 10SSSSLL N/A Not used by OPC. 11SSSSLL Good The quality of the value is Good. Table 31 - Quality BitField Values A server that supports no quality information must return 3 (Good). It is also acceptable for a server to simply return BAD or GOOD (0x00 or 0xC0) and to always return 0 for Substatus and Limit. It is recommended that clients minimally check the Quality Bit field of all results (even if they do not check the Substatus or Limit fields). Even when a BAD value is indicated, the contents of the Value field must still be a well-defined VARIANT even though it does not contain an accurate value. This is to simplify error handling in client applications. For example, clients are always expected to call VariantClear() on the results of a Synchronous Read. Similarly, the IAdviseSink needs to be able to interpret and “unpack” the Value and Data included in the stream even if that data is BAD. If the server has no known value to return then some reasonable default should be returned such as a NULL string or 0 numeric value. Substatus BitField The layout of this field depends on the value of the Quality field. Substatus for BAD Quality SSSS 0 Bit Value 000000LL Definition Non-specific MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual Description The value is bad, but no specific reason is known. 79 SSSS 1 Bit Value 000001LL 2 000010LL 3 000011LL 4 000100LL 5 000101LL 6 000110LL 7 000111LL 8-15 Definition Description Configuration Error There is some server-specific problem with the configuration. For example, the item in question has been deleted from the configuration. Not Connected The input is required to be logically connected to something, but is not. This quality may reflect that no value is available at this time reasons such as the value may have not been provided by the data source. Device Failure A device failure has been detected. Sensor Failure A sensor failure had been detected (the Limit field can provide additional diagnostic information in some situations). Last Known Value Communications have failed. However, the last known value is available. Note that the “age” of the value may be determined from the TIMESTAMPin the OPCITEMSTATE. Comm Failure Communications have failed. There is no last known value available Out of Service The block is off scan or otherwise locked. This quality is also used when the active state of the item or the group containing the item is Inactive. N/A Not used by OPC. Table 32 - Substatus – BAD Quality Servers which do not support Substatus should return 0. Note that an “old” value may be returned with the Quality set to BAD (0) and the Substatus set to 5. This is for consistency with the Fieldbus Specification. This is the only case in which a client may assume that a BAD value is still usable by the application. Substatus for UNCERTAIN Quality SSSS 0 1 2-3 Bit Value 010000LL Definition Description Non-specific There is no specific reason why the value is uncertain. Last Usable Value Whatever was writing this value has stopped doing so. The returned value should be regarded as “stale”. Note that this differs from a BAD value with Substatus 5 (Last Known Value). That status is associated specifically with a detectable communications error on a “fetched” value. This error is associated with the failure of some external source to “put” something into the value within an acceptable period of time. Note that the age of the value can be determined from the TIMESTAMP in OPCITEMSTATE. N/A Not used by OPC. 010001LL MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 80 SSSS 4 Bit Value Definition Description Sensor Not Accurate Either the value has “pegged” at one of the sensor limits (in which case the limit field should be set to 1 or 2) or the sensor is otherwise known to be out of calibration via some form of internal diagnostics (in which case the Limit field should be 0). Engineering Units Exceeded The returned value is outside the limits defined for this parameter. Note that in this case (per the Fieldbus Specification) the Limit field indicates which limit has been exceeded but does NOT necessarily imply that the value cannot move farther out of range. Sub-Normal The value is derived from multiple sources and has less than the required number of good sources. N/A Not used by OPC. 010100LL 5 010101LL 6 010110LL 7-15 Table 33 - Substatus – UNCERTAIN Quality Servers which do not support Substatus should return 0. Substatus for GOOD Quality SSSS 0 Bit Value 110000LL 1-5 6 110110LL 7-15 Definition Description Non-specific The value is good. There are no special conditions. N/A Not used by OPC. Local Override The value has been overridden. Typically, this means the input has been disconnected and a manually-entered value has been “forced”. N/A Not used by OPC. Table 34 - Substatus – GOOD Quality Servers which do not support Substatus should return 0. Limit BitField The Limit field is valid regardless of the Quality and Substatus. In some cases, such as Sensor Failure, it can provide useful diagnostic information. LL Bit Value Definition Description 0 QQSSSS00 Not Limited The value is free to move up or down. 1 QQSSSS01 Low Limited The value has “pegged” at some lower limit. 2 QQSSSS10 High Limited The value has “pegged” at some high limit. 3 QQSSSS11 Constant The value is a constant and cannot move. Table 35 - Limit BitField Values Servers which do not support Limit should return 0. Symbolic equates are defined for values and masks for these BitFields in the QUALITY section of the OPC header files. MatrikonOPC Explorer v5.0.0.0 User’s Manual 81
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