User Manual: Williamsburg 1042 Series
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Compiled by:
L. Eileen Parris
July, 1988
Additions by:
Greg Williams
Gail Greve
Marianne Carden
This catalog includes all microfilm and microfiche titles in the Foundation
Library's holdings as of June, 1996 excluding microfilm received via the Virginia Colonial
Records Project. When available, an inventory of VCRP film will be added as an appendix.
This catalog is based on an author/title list compiled by Margaret S. Gill in 1973.
The microforms collection has grown considerably in the intervening fifteen years. In this
edition, in addition to bringing the author and title listings up to date, subject entries have been
added to pull like materials together. Whenever possible Library of Congress subject headings
were used. This volume is intended to complement the Microforms Collection Catalog located in
the Central Library.
This project required the work of many people, including Library student
assistants and volunteers. The editors would like to express their appreciation for this assistance.

M-1276 Abbott, Phyllis R. "The development and operation of an American
land system to 1800." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1959.
M-1044 Abercromby, James. Letter book, 1746-1773. Virginia State Library.
M-1584 Gelles, Edith Belle. "Abigail Adams: domesticity and the American
Revolution." Ph.D., University of California at Irvine, 1978.
M-82.14 Abingdon Parish (Gloucester County, Va.). Register, 1678-1761.
Virginia Historical Society.
M-1642 Haulman, Daniel Lee. "Abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed: constitutional changes as the colonies became states,
1776-1784." Ph.D., Auburn University, 1983.
M-1799.1-5 Accomack County, Virginia Records. Land Tax, 1782-1850. Library
of Virginia.
M-1781-1784 Accomack County, Virginia Records. Personal Property Taxes,
1782-1850. Library of Virginia.
M-1687.1 [Accomack County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1467 Du Refuge, Eustache. The accomplished courtier (London, 1658).
Newberry Library.
M-1677 Byrd, William II. Accounts as solicitor general of the colonies and
receiver of the Tobacco Tax, 1688-1704. See also: M-1375.
M-1035 Handel, George Frederic. Acis and Galatea; a mask (London, c. 1743).
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1094.1 Ackermann, R. The history of the colleges of Winchester, Eton and
Westminster with the Charter-House, the schools of St. Paul's, Merchant
Taylors, Harrow, and Rugby, and the Free-School of Christ's Hospital
(London, 1816). British Museum.
M-1027 Ackermann, R. Nine books containing imitations of drawings of
modern carriages (London, 1791-1804). British Museum?
MF-34.1-18 [ Actors--Great Britain] Wilkinson, Tate (1739-1803), Memoirs of his
own life. York, 1790. Microfiche publication by Research Publications.
M-1042 Winfree, Waverly Keith. "Acts not in Hening's Statutes, 1702-1732,
with a biographical sketch of William Waller Hening." M.A.,
College of William and Mary, 1959.
Microcard Acts of the Privy Council of England. Colonial Series.
M-1584 [Adams, Abigail]. Gelles, Edith Belle. "Abigail Adams: domesticity
and the American Revolution." Ph.D., University of California at Irvine,
M-1741 [Adams, John]. Schulz, Constance Bartlett. "The radical religious
ideas of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams: a comparison." Ph.D.,
University of Cincinnati, 1973.
MF 45.1-6 [Adams, J.N.] A Bibliography of Eighteenth
Century Legal Literature. Guide available.
M-82.1 Adams papers, 1672-1801. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1028.5 Additional Manuscripts 29,903. Imports and exports compared with
the excess of each country, 1698-1716. British Museum.
M-1506 Wichers, Marilyn L.G. "The administration of justice in colonial
Maryland, 1632-1689." Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1979.
M-1249 Shepard, Edwin Lee. "The administration of justice in revolutionary
Virginia, 1770-1790." M.A., University of Virginia, 1974.
M-1712 Berlin, Robert Harry. "The administration of military justice in the
Continental Army during the American Revolution, 1775-1783."
Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara, 1976.
M-1168 Oldham, Wilfrid. "The administration of the system of
transportation of British convicts, 1763-1793." Ph.D., University of
London, 1933.
M-1600 Morales, Donald M. "African American folk survivals in
contemporary Black American theater." Ph.D., State University of
New York at Stony Brook, 1981.
M-1402 Constantine, James R. "The African slave trade, a study of eighteenth-
century propaganda and public controversy." Ph.D., Indiana University,

M-1581 [Afro-American women]. Derby, Doris Adelaide. "Black women
basket makers: a study of domestic economy in Charleston County,
South Carolina." Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
M-1583 [Afro-American women]. Wares, Lydia Jean. "Dress of the African-
American woman in slavery and freedom, 1500-1935." Ph.D., Perdue
University, 1981.
M-1714 [Afro-Americans]. Butler, Alfloyd. "The Blacks' contribution of
elements of African religion to Christianity in America: a case study of
the Great Awakening in South Carolina." Ph.D., Northwestern
University, 1975.
M-1716 [Afro-Americans]. Carl-White, Mary Allison. "The role of Black
artisans in the building trades in the decorative arts in South Carolina's
Charleston district, 1760-1800." Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1982.
M-1095 [Afro-Americans]. Hook, Francis Moore. "The Negro in colonial
Virginia, 1619-1765." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1952.
M-1097 [Afro-Americans]. Jackson, L.P. "Virginia Negro soldiers and seamen
in the American Revolution." The Journal of Negro History, XXVII: 3,
July 1942, 247-287.
M-1768.1-13 [Afro-Americans] Journal of Negro History, Vol. 1 (1916) - Vol. 68
(1983). University Microfilms International.
M-1607 [Afro-Americans]. McRae, Norman. "Blacks in Detroit, 1736-1823:
the search for freedom and community and its implications for
educators." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1982.
M-1763.1-5 [Afro-Americans]. Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the state
of Virginia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
1865-1869. National Archives.
M-1498 [Afro-Americans]. Robinson, Jean. "Black healers during the colonial
period and early 19th century America." Ph.D., Southern Illinois
University, 1979.
M-1573 [Afro-Americans]. Suttles, William C. "A trace of soul: the religion
of Negro slaves on plantations of North America." Ph.D., University of
Michigan, 1979.
M-1017 [Afro-Americans]. Tate, Thaddeus W., Jr. "The Negro in eighteenth-
century Williamsburg." Unpublished report, Department of Research,
Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 1957.
M-1379 [Afro-Americans]. William, Oscar Renal, Jr. "Blacks and colonial
legislation in the Middle Colonies." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1964.
M-1497 [Aged]. Murphy, John E. "The image of old age and the elderly in pre-
industrial America: a content analysis of selected 18th and 19th century
magazines." Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, 1979.
M-1348 Agrell, Giovanni. Six sonatas for two German flutes (London, n.d.).
British Library.
M-1328 Gouger, James. "Agricultural change in the Northern Neck, 1700-
1860." Ph.D., University of Florida, 1976.
M-1883 [Agriculture]. Black (Narcisa L.) Diaries. Mississippi Dept. of
Archives & History. 1861 -1884.
M-1164 [Agriculture]. Cabell, N. F. Collection of agricultural papers, 1722-
1879. Virginia State Library.
M-2049 [Agriculture]. The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1960, Items 1-
12. British Library.
M-1317-1 [Agriculture] Randolph Estate-Farm Account Book, 1783-1829.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
M-1775 Jansen, Mary L. "Agriculture in Virginia in the Post-colonial period."
M.A., Columbia University, 1935.
M-1769 Andrews, Archie Davis. "Agriculture in Virginia, 1789-1820." M.A.,
University of Virginia, 1950.
M-1504 White, Deborah. "Ain't I a woman? Female slaves in the antebellum
south." Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1979.
M-1774.1-2 Aitken, Robert. Waste Book and Ledger, 1771-1802. Library
Company of Philadelphia.
M-1163 [Albemarle County, Va.]. Fredericksville Parish records, 1742-1787;
vestry book, 1742-1787. Library of Virginia.
M-34 Albemarle County, Va. Personal property tax lists, 1782-1790.
Library of Virginia.
M-1687.1-2 [Albemarle County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1173.1 Albemarle Parish (Surry and Sussex counties, Va.). Vestry book,
1742-1787. Library of Virginia.
M-1326 Albert, Peter J. "The protean institution: the geography, economy and
ideology of slavery in post-revolutionary Virginia." Ph.D., University of
Maryland, 1976.
M-62.1-2 Alderman Library, University of Virginia. Miscellaneous manuscripts.
M-1182 Aldridge, Frederick Stokes. "Organization and administration of the
militia system of colonial Virginia." Ph.D., American University, 1964.
M-1603 Groover, Ralph E. "Alexander Campbell and the family." Ph.D.,
Emory University, 1981.
M-1835.1-8 Alexandria City Land and Personal Property Tax Records, 1787 -
1850. Libray of Virginia.
M-1810.1-5 Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria Virginia, 1784-1802. Library of
M-1658 [Alexandria, Va.]. Allen, Larry Steven. "Musical life in Old Town,
Alexandria, Virginia, 1749-1814." M.A., American University, 1979.
M-1739 [Alexandria, Va.]. Preisser, Thomas Milton. "Eighteenth-century
Alexandria, Virginia, before the Revolution, 1749-1776." Ph.D.,
College of William and Mary, 1977.
M-1144.1-14 Allason papers, 1757-1804. Library of Virginia.
M-1045 Allason papers. Invoice and inventory book, 1761-1764. Letter book,
1757-1770. Virginia State Library.
M-1825 Allee, Virginia Rae Mueller. "David Allee's Children." M.A., The
University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1988.
M-124 [Allegiance]. Berwick, Keith B. "Prudence and patriotism: the
backgrounds of allegiance in revolutionary Virginia." M.A., University
of California, 1957.
M-1658 Allen, Larry Steven. "Musical life in Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia,
1749-1814." M.A., American University, 1979.
M-1591 Allen, Mary Barbara. "The question of right: parliamentary
sovereignty and the American colonies, 1763-1774. Ph.D., University of
Kentucky, 1981.
M-1229 [Allison, William]. Spoede, Robert W. "William Allason: merchant in
an emerging nation." Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 1973.
M-4 [Almanacs]. Carter, Landon. Diaries, 1766-1767, in Virginia almanacs.
William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan, and Alderman
Library, University of Virginia.
M-5 [Almanacs]. Carter, Robert Wormeley. Diaries, 1764-1765, in Virginia
almanacs. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan.
M-1075.1-2 [Almanacs]. Virginia almanac (Williamsburg), 1732-1769. Various
M-4 and 5 [Almanacs]. Virginia almanac (Williamsburg), 1764-1767. William L.
Clements Library, University of Michigan. See also: M-98.2-3
M-1325 [Almanacs]. Virginia almanac (Williamsburg), 1777. Virginia
Historical Society.
M-1324 [Almanacs]. Virginia and Maryland almanac, 1732. John Carter Brown
M-1035 [Almanacs]. Weems, Mason Locke. The lover's almanak, No. 1
(Fredericksburg, c. 1799). Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1652 Compton, Benjamin Richard. "Amateur instrumental music in
America, 1765-1810." Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 1952.
M-1120 Ambler, Eliza Jacquelin. Papers, 1780-1823. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library. DEPOSIT.
M-62.1 Ambler, Elizabeth Barbour. Papers, 1748-1777. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia.
M-104 Ambler manuscripts, 1638-1809. Library of Congress.
M-82.12 [Amelia County, Va.] Diary, Oct. 30, 1807-Jan. 22, 1808. Virginia
Historical Society.
M-1687.1 [Amelia County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1219 Gram, Hans. American, a new march (N.P., 1791). Library of
M-1401 [American Antiquarian Society]. Miscellaneous manuscripts from the
collection of the American Antiquarian Society.
M-1259.1-10 American archivist, 1938-1974. Colorado State Archives.
M-1509 Christianson, Keith Scott. "The American experience of
imprisonment, 1607-1776." Ph.D., State University of New York at
Albany, 1981.
M-1490 Green, Gregory C. "American eyes: the habit of visual perception on a
new continent, 1620-1864." Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1980.
M-1147 American gazette & Norfolk & Portsmouth Public Advertiser
(Norfolk), 1795-1796. Norfolk Public Library.
M-1632 Mian, Badshah Khann. "American habeus corpus: a historical view."
J.S.D., Tulane University, 1979.
M-1219 American harmony (Boston, 1792), by Oliver Holden. Library of
MF-31.1-35 American History and Culture. The Cultural Resources
Management Bibliography. 1985 Chadwyck-Healey.
M-1128 Foote, William Alfred. "The American independent companies of the
British Army, 1664-1764." Ph.D., University of California at Los
Angeles, 1966.
M-1403 Wasserman, Maurice M. "The American Indian as seen by the
seventeenth century chroniclers." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,
M-1503 Van Keuren, M. Louise. "American Indian responses and reactions
to the colonists as recorded in 17th and 18th century American
literature." Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1981.
M-73 American Loyalist transcripts, 1783-1790. New York Public Library.
M-1068 Smith, Paul Robert. "American loyalists in British military policy,
1775-1781." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1962.
M-1371 American Material from the Tarleton Papers, (18th Century).
Liverpool Public Libraries, Liverpool.
M-1535 Varga, Patricia H. "The American opera to 1790." Ph.D., Rutgers
University, 1981.
M-64 [American Philosophical Society]. Miscellaneous manuscripts from
the collection of the American Philosophical Society.
M-1026 American Portraits, 1620-1825, found in Massachusetts, Vol. 1
(Boston, 1939, W.P.A. Historical Records Survey). College of William
and Mary.
M-1293 [American Revolution]. Ammerman, David L. "The first Continental
Congress and the coming of the American Revolution." Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1966.
M-1444 [American Revolution]. Chaffin, Robert J. "Prologue to war: the
Townshend Acts and the American Revolution, 1767-1770." Ph.D.,
Indiana University, 1967.

M-149 [American Revolution]. Chapin, Bradley. "The law of treason during
the American Revolution, 1765-1783." Ph.D., Cornell University, 1951.
M-168 [American Revolution]. Les combattants Francais de la guerre
Americaine, 1778-1783 (Paris, c. 1900). France, Ministére des Affaires
M-1033 [American Revolution]. Cometti, Elizabeth. "The departments of the
Quartermaster and Clothier-General, 1775-1780." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1939.
M-1508 [American Revolution]. Conrad, Dennis M. "Nathaniel Greene and
the southern campaigns, 1780-1783." Ph.D., Duke University, 1979.
M-1510 [American Revolution]. Denn, John R. "Prison narratives of the
American Revolution." Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1980.
M-99 [American Revolution]. Documents relating to the Seige of Yorktown,
1778-1788. Pierpont Morgan Library.
M-1720 [American Revolution]. Ebinger, Warren M. "The role of the clergy in
the American Revolution." Ph.D., American University, 1976.
M-1190.1-5 [American Revolution]. Sol Feinstone collection of the American
Revolution. American Philosophical Society.
M-1284 [American Revolution]. Hall, Cline E. "The southern dissenting clergy
and the American Revolution." Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1975.
M-1648 [American Revolution]. Hoffman, Elliott Wheelock. "The German
soldiers in the American Revolution." Ph.D., University of New
Hampshire, 1982.
M-23 [American Revolution]. Honyman, Robert. Diary, 1776-1782 [This is
not so much a diary as a contemporary history of the Revolution].
Library of Congress.
M-1097 [American Revolution]. Jackson, L.P. "Virginia Negro soldiers and
seamen in the American Revolution," The Journal of Negro History,
XXVI: 3, July 1942, 247-287.

M-1228 [American Revolution]. Lohrenz, Otto. "Virginia clergy in the
American Revolution, 1774-1799." Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1970.
M-20 [American Revolution]. Losse de Bayac, Charles Joseph de.
Revolution de la Nouvelle Angleterre, 1763-1783 [Mss.]. Alderman
Library, University of Virginia.
M-1331 [American Revolution]. McBride, John. "The Virginia war effort,
1775-1783." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1977.
M-189 [American Revolution]. Matthews, John Carter. "Richard Henry Lee
and the American Revolution." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1160.2 [American Revolution]. Mitchell, Peter M. "Loyalists' property and
the Revolution in Virginia." Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1965.
M-1070.1 [American Revolution]. "Navy of the Revolution." Southern Literary
Messenger, 1857. College of William and Mary.
M-1304 [American Revolution]. Oaks, Robert Francis. "Philadelphia
merchants and the American Revolution, 1765-1776." Ph.D., University
of Southern California, 1970.
M-76 [American Revolution]. Revolutionary papers, 1777-1779. Maryland
Historical Society.
M-1399.1-50 [American Revolution]. Revolutionary War muster rolls (selections).
National Archives.
M-71 [American Revolution]. Robernier, Louis Jean Baptiste Silvestre de.
Journal of the war in America, 1780-1783 [Mss.]. Rhode Island
Historical Society.
M-1111 [American Revolution]. Robertson of Kindeace. Military diary in
America, 1781 [Mss.]. Scottish Record Office.
M-1740 [American Revolution]. Sands, John Ogilby. "Sea power at Yorktown:
the archaeology of the captive fleet." Ph.D., George Washington
University, 1980.
M-1191 [American Revolution]. Sellers, John R. "The Virginia continental
line, 1775-1780." Ph.D., Tuland University, 1968.
M-184 [American Revolution]. Smith, Glenn Curtis. "Pamphleteers and the
American Revolution in Virginia, 1752-1776." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1937.
M-1068 [American Revolution]. Smith, Paul Robert. "American Loyalists in
British military policy, 1775-1781." Ph.D., University of Michigan,
M-1511 [American Revolution]. Smith, Raymond A., III. "A traveler's view of
revolutionary America." Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1981.
M-1068 [American Revolution]. Treacy, Mildred Freeman. "Nathaniel Greene
and the southern campaign, August 1780-April 1781." Ph.D., University
of Utah, 1962.
M-1196.1-11 [American Revolution]. United States. War Department. Collection
of Revolutionary War records, 1775-1790." Miscellaneous numbered
records. National Archives.
M-1169.5 [American Revolution]. Virginia, Army of. Papers concerning the
army of the Revolution, 1777-1789. Virginia State Library. See also:
M-1048.1 [American Revolution]. Virginia, Committee of Safety for. Ledger,
1775-1776. Virginia State Library.
M-1263 Terman, William T. "The American Revolution and the Baptist and
Presbyterian clergy of Virginia: a study of dissenter opinion and
action." Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1974.
M-1723 Fliegalman, Jay W. "The American revolution against patriarchy,
1770-1800." Ph.D., Stanford University, 1977.
M-1384 Becker, Laura Leff. "The American Revolution as a community
experience: a case study of Reading, Pennsylvania." Ph.D., University
of Pennsylvania, 1978.
M-12 Fagerstrom, Dalphy I. "The American revolutionary movement in

Scottish opinion, 1763 to 1783." Ph.D., Edinburgh University, 1951.
M-1291 Hamm, Tommy J. "The American slave trade with Africa, 1620-
1807." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1975.
M-1130.1 Amherst County, Va. Papers, 1761-1811. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1687.1 [Amherst County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-98.4 Amherst, Sir Jeffrey. Papers, 1763. William L. Clements Library,
University of Michigan.
M-1467 Amhurst, N. The amorous gallant's tongue (London, 1741); The lady's
preceptor (London, 1745); Terrea filius (London, 1762). Newberry
M-1293 Ammerman, David L. "The first Continental Congress and the coming
of the American Revolution." Ph.D., Cornell University, 1966.
M-1467 Amhurst, N. The amorous gallant's tongue (London, 1741).
Newberry Library.
MF 36.1-141 Bull-Simonsen Einaudi, Karin. Ancient Roman architecture:
photographic index, 1979.
M-1060.2 Anderson, James. Ledger B, 1778-1785; Ledger C, 1785-1799.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1566 Anderson, James D. "Thomas Wharton, 1730/1-1784: merchant in
Philadelphia." Ph.D., University of Akron, 1977.
M-1695 Anderson, Judith L. "Thomas Jefferson's case for an arcadian
America." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1970.
M-1525.1-17 Anderson, Robert. Papers, 1693 [1787-1858] 1877. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-82.2-3 Anderson, Robert. Papers, Williamsburg and Yorktown Merchant,
1804-1813. Virginia Historical Society.
M-62.6 Anderson, Robert. Tobacco letter book, 1698-1717. Alderman
Library, University of Virginia.
M-1207 Anderson-Macauley papers, 1770-1858, from the Brock Collection.
Huntington Library.
M-1672 Andrews, William Loring. Bibliopegy in the U.S.: and kindred
subjects (New York, 1902). University of Kentucky.
M-1769 Andrews, Archie Davis. "Agriculture in Virginia, 1789-1820." M.A.
University of Virginia, 1950.
M-1320 [Andros, Sir Edmund]. Bloom, Jeanne G. "Sir Edmund Andros: a
study in 17th century colonial administration." Ph.D., Yale University,
M-1011 Anger, Charles Leroy. "Patrick Henry: practical politician." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1194 Gunderson, Joan R. "The Anglican ministry in Virginia, 1723-1776: a
study of a social class." Ph.D., Notre Dame University, 1972.
M-1067 Nelson, John Kendall. "Anglican missions in America, 1701-1724: a
study of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts."
Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1962.
M-1015 Seiler, William H. "The Anglican parish in Tidewater Virginia,
1607-1776." Ph.D., State University of Iowa, 1948.
M-1256 Mills, Frederick V. "Anglican resistance to an American Episcopate,
1761-1789." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1967.
M-102 Middleton, Arthur Pierce. "Anglican Virginia: the established church
of the Old Dominion, 1607-1786." Unpublished report, Department of
Research, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., n.d.
M-1351 Morgan, Gwenda. "Anglo-Virginian relations, 1748-1764." M.Phil.,
University of Southampton, 1970.
M-1277 [Anti-Federalism]. Cox, Harold. "Federalism and Anti-Federalism in
Virginia, 1787: a study of political and economic motivations." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1958.
M-1105 [Anti-Federalism]. Cubbison, Mary Paige. "The Virginia
Antifederalists: a summary view, September 1786-May 1788." M.A.,
Duke University, 1961.
M-1011 [Anti-Federalism]. Scott, Margaret P. "Virginia's reaction to the
Federal question, ca. 1780-1788, with especial reference to the growth of
Antifederalism." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1940. See also: M-
M-1294 Schick, James B. "The Anti-Federalist ideology in Virginia, 1787-
1788." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1971.
M-190 Antigua and the Antiguans. Vols. 1 & 2 (London, 1844). Library of
M-1093 Apothecary account book, 1729-1751 [probably belonging to Thomas
Wharton of Williamsburg]. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1513 Aquila, Richard. "The Iroquois restoration: A study of Iroquois power,
politics, and relations with Indians and whites, 1700-1744." Ph.D., Ohio
State University, 1977.
M-1447 [Archaeology]. Lewis, Kenneth E., Jr. "Jamestown frontier: an
archaeological study of colonization." Ph.D., University of Oklahoma,
M-1319 [Archaeology]. Otto, John S. "Status differences and the
archaeological record." Ph.D., University of Florida, 1975.
M-1740 [Archaeology]. Sands, John Ogilby. "Sea power at Yorktown: the
archaeology of the captive fleet." Ph.D., George Washington University,
M-1443 Binford, Lewis R. "Archaeological and ethnohistorical investigation
of cultural diversity and progressive development among aboriginal
culture of coastal Virginia and North Carolina." Ph.D., University of
Michigan, 1964.
M-1455 Turner, Edwin Randolph III. "An archaeological ethnohistorical study

of the evolution of rank societies in the Virginia coastal plain."
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University, 1976.
M-1235 Cotter, John Lambert. "Archaeological excavations at Jamestown,
Virginia." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1959.
M-1517 McMillan, Barbara A. "An archaeological survey of St. Mary's
County, Maryland. M.A., American University, 1972.
M-1899 [Architectural ornamentation] Laurent, Elizabeth MacLean. "The
Interplay of Architectural Form and Ornament on Virginia's Northern
Neck, 1720-1840." Thesis. University of Delaware. 1989.
M-1893.1-4 [Architectural Periodicals] Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals.
Seventh Supplement. 1986. G.K. Hall & Co. Mircopublications.
M-1894.1-4 [Architectual Periodicals] Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals.
Eighth Supplement. 1987. G.K. Hall & Co. Mircopublications.
MF 36.1-141 [Architecture--Rome] Bull-Simonsen Einaudi, Karin. Ancient Roman
architecture: photographic index, 1979.
M-1335 [Architecture]. Clifton, Ronald D. "Forms and patterns: room
specialization in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania family
dwellings." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1971.
M-1758.1-4 [Architecture]. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Department of
Architectural Research. Architects' field notes. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1906 [Architecture] Franklin, Rachel Elaine. "Thomas Jefferson's Poplar
Forest." Ph'D thesis. Middle Tennessee State University. 1989.
M-1776 [Architecture--Domestic]. Zehmer, John G. Jr. "The early domestic
Architecture of Dinwiddie County, VA." M.A. University of Virginia,
M-144 [Architecture]. Felibien, M. Des principes de l'architecture (Paris,
1699). Columbia University Library.
M-1392 [Architecture]. Garrett, David. Designs and estimates of farm houses,
etc., for the counties of York, Northumberland, Cumberland,
Westmoreland, and Bishopric of Durham (London, 1747). Columbia
University Library.
M-1393 [Architecture]. Gauger, Nicholas. Fires improved: being a new
method of building chimneys (London, 1715). Library of Congress.
M-143 [Architecture]. Halfpenny, William. Practical architecture, 5th edition
(London, 1730). Columbia University Library.
MF-16.1-101 [Architecture]. Historic American Buldings Survey: Virginia. Library
of Congress.
M-1947 [Architecture]. Krafft, Johann Karl. Plans, coupes, elevations des plus
belles maisons & des hotels construits a Paris & dans les environs.
MF-9 [Architecture]. Latrobe, Benjamin. Papers, 1795-1820. Maryland
Historical Society.
M-144 [Architecture]. Le Clerc. Traite d'architecture (Paris, 1714). Columbia
University Library.
M-144 [Architecture]. Le Muet, Pierre. The art of fair building (London,
1675). Columbia University Library.
M-143 [Architecture]. Morris, Robert. Lectures on architecture (London,
1734). Columbia University Library.
M-143 [Architecture]. Palladio, Andrea. The first book of architecture
(London, 1663). Columbia University Library. See also: M-144 for
1718 edition.
M-95 [Architecture]. Primatt, Stephen. The city and country purchaser and
builder (London, 1667). Library of Congress.
M-1751.1-4 [Architecture]. Royal Institute of British Architects. The drawing
collection, Phase D. Palladio, Smithson, Adams. Source: World
Microfilms Pub., Ltd., London.
M-145 [Architecture]. Scamozzi, Vincenzo. L'Idea della architettura
universale (Venice, 1615). Columbia University Library.
M-143 [Architecture]. Serlio, Sebastiano. Libro primo d'architettura (Venetia,
1766); also, Il settimo libro d'architettura (1775). Columbia University
M-161 [Architecture]. Shortness, J. Harmonic architecture (London, 1741).
Origin unknown.
M-1605 [Architecture]. Stone, Gary Wheeler. "Society, housing and
architecture in early Maryland: John Lewger's St. John's." Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1982.
M-162 [Architecture]. Swan, Abraham. The British architect: or the builders
treasury of staircases (London, n.d.) Avery Library.
M-1394 [Architecture]. Swan, Abraham. Designs for chimnies (London,
1765). Kocher Collection, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
N-143 [Architecture]. Vignola. The compleat architect (London, 1702).
Columbia University Library.
M-143 [Architecture]. Vitruvius. The theory and practice of architecture
(London, 1703). Columbia University Library.
M-1585 L'Architecture du l'art de bien bastier (mss., 17th or 18th century)
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
MF-12.1-40 Lowry, Bates, ed. The architecture of Washington, D.C. (Washington,
1976-1979). Dunlap Society.
M-1204 Arents, George. Tobacco collection, 1730-1797. New York Public
M-1280 Chotiner, Harry W. "The aristocracy of virtue: the American ruling
class, 1783-1801." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1959.
M-1640 [Arithmetic]. Ellet, William. Manuscript arithmetic book, 1761. Duke
University Library.
M-1120 Arithmetic exercise book, ca. 1793. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1105 Armentrout, Mary Travers. "A political study of Virginia finance,
1781-1789." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1934.
M-1016.3-4 Armistead, William. Account book, 1780-1781 [commercial agent
ledger]. Virginia State Library.
M-1194 Armour, Robert A. "Opposition to the Methodist Church in eighteenth
century Virginia." Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1968.
M-1467 Armstrong, John. The art of complaisance (London, 1673); and The art
of preserving health (London, 1744). Newberry Library.
M-1095 Armstrong, Susan S. "A repertoire of the American colonial theatre;
compiled from material gathered for 'Colonial theatre: its history and
operations,' by Hugh F. Rankin." Unpublished report, Department of
Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1955.
M-1348 Arne, Dr., et al. Six medley or comic overtures (London, n.d.). British
M-1130 Arnold, Oliver. Memorandum book, 1749-1810. Massachusetts
Historical Society.
M-1773 [Art.] Krimmel, John Lewis. Sketchbooks, 1809-1821. Winterthur
Museum and Library.
M-1747 [Art]. Thistlethwaite, Mark Edward. "The image of George
Washington: studies in mid-nineteenth-century American history
painting." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1977.
M-1626 [Art and religion]. Wedell, Roger William. "Images and visions: art
and religion in America, 1700-1975." Ph.D., Graduate Theological
Union, 1982.
M-1168 Plumier, Charles. L'art de tourner (Lyon 1701). Winterthur Museum
M-1806 Gilroy, Clinton G. The Art of weaving, by hand and by power. New
York, 1844. Harvard University Library.
M-1064.1-2 [Art history]. American correspondence of the Royal Society of Arts
(London, 1755-1840).
M-1467 Armstrong, John. The art of complaisance (London, 1673). Newberry
M-1470 Guazzo, Stephen. The art of conversation (London, 1738). Newberry
M-144 Le Muet, Pierre. The art of fair building (London, 1675). Columbia
University Library.
M-1467 Armstrong, John. The art of preserving health (London, 1744).
Newberry Library.
M-1433 Potts, Lewis W. "Arthur Lee, American revolutionary." Ph.D., Duke
Univeristy, 1969.
M-1429 Riggs, Alvin R. "Arthur Lee and the radical whigs, 1768-1776."
Ph.D., Yale University, 1967.
M-1604 [Artists]. Rossheim, Beth N. "Thomas Sully (1783-1872): beginning
portraitists in Norfolk." M.A., Old Dominion University, 1981.
M-151 [Artists]. Sully, Julia. Potrait file/Virginia art index. Library of
MF-7.1-36 [Artists]. Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts. Guide to the
index of early southern artists and artisans (New York, 1985).
M-1222 Ashworth, Charles Stewart. A new and complete system of drum
beating (Washington, D.C., 1812). New York Public Library.
MF-15.1-2 Association for Documentary Editing. Newsletter, volumes 1-8
(March 1979-December 1986).
M-1467 Astell, Mary. An essay in defense of the female sex (1697); A further
essay relating to the female sex (London, 1697); A serious proposal to
the ladies (London, 1697). Newberry Library.
M-1814 [Astronomy]. Young, Joseph, M.D. A New Physical System of
Astronomy. New York, 1800. National Library of Medicine.
M-62.6 Atkinson, Roger. Account book, 1762-1803. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia.
M-51 Atkinson, Roger. Letter book, 1769-1776. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia.
M-1163 [Augusta County, Va.]. Augusta Parish, vestry book, 1746-1780.
Library of Virginia.
M-1687.1 [Augusta County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1163 Augusta Parish (Augusta County, Va.). Vestry book, 1746-1780.
Virginia State Library.
M-1182 Austin, Alan Kenneth. "The role of the Anglican Church and its clergy
in the political life of colonial Virginia." Ph.D., University of Georgia,
M-1893.1-4 Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. Seventh Supplement. 1986.
G.K. Hall & Co. Mircopublications.
M-1894.1-4 Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. Eighth Supplement. 1987.
G.K. Hall & Co. Mircopublications.
M-24.1 Avery, Isaac. Papers, 1769. Southern Historical Collection, University
of North Carolina.
M-1031 [Aylett, William]. Hatch, Charles Eldridge. "Colonel William Aylett, a
revolutionary merchant in Virginia." M.A., Corcoran School of History,
M-1227 [Bacon's Rebellion]. Billings, Warren M. "Virginia's deplored
condition, 1660-1676." Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, 1968.
M-1205 Badminton garden matters, 1706-1712, Mss. volume one. Cory
Library, Cambridge.
M-1993 Bailey, N. Dictionarium Domesticum. The
Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 4578, Items

1-4. British Library.
M-1667 Bagdon, Robert Joseph. "Musical life in Charleston, S.C., from 1732
to 1776 as recorded in colonial sources." Ph.D., University of Miami,
M-47 Bagge, Edmund. Account book, 1726-1733. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1993 Bailey, N. Dictionarium Domesticum. The Eighteenth Century Series,
Reel 4578, Items 1-4. British Library.
M-1353 Baine, Robert. Account book, 1758-1759. Library of Congress.
M-1116 Baker, Daniel. Papers, 1804-1848. Massachusetts Historical Society.
M-1410 [Balance of payments]. McCusker, John J., Jr. "The rum trade and the
balance of payments of the thirteen continental colonies, 1650-1775."
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1970.
M-1407 Shepherd, James, Jr. "A balance of payments for the thirteen
colonies, 1768-1772." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1966.
M-162 [Balance of trade]. Suviranta, Br. The theory of the balance of trade in
England (Helsingors, 1923). Princeton University Library.
M-1619 [Ball family]. Cody, Cheryll Ann. "Slave demography and family
formation: a community study of the Ball family plantations, 1720-
1896." Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1982.
M-21 Ball, Joseph. Letter book, 1743-1780. Library of Congress.
M-1077 Ballad opera libretti; Songs in the contrivance. New York Public
M-1412 [Baltimore, Md.]. Ritchey, Robert D. "A history of the Baltimore stage
in the eighteenth century." Ph.D., Louisiana State University and
Agricultural and Medical College, 1971.
M-1041 [Banister family]. Horner, Frederick. The history of the Blair,
Banister, and Braxton families before and after the Revolution
(Philadelphia, 1898). College of William and Mary.
M-1930.1-19 Banks Collection of Trade Cards in the British Museum.
M-1027 Banks, Joseph. Miscellaneous collection of trade cards. British
M-1614 [Baptists]. Kroll-Smith, Jack Stephen. "In search of status power: The
Baptist revival in colonial Virginia, 1760-1776." Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1982.
M-1263 [Baptists]. Terman, William T. "The American Revolution and the
Baptist and Presbyterian clergy of Virginia: a study of dissenter opinion
and action." Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1974.
M-1826 Barber, Janet Campbell, "Old Age and the Life Course of Slaves. A
Case Study of a Nineteenth Century Virginia Plantation." Ph.D.,
University of Kansas, 1983.
M-1816.1-26 [Barbour Family]. Records of the Ante-bellum Southern Plantations
from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series E. Part II. Guide
available. University of Virginia Library. University Publications of
America, Frederick, Md.
M-1767 [Barker]. Ledger of Messrs. Barker, 1788-1797,Coachbuilders of
London, England. Maidstone Museum, Maidstone, Kent, England.
M-1886.1-45 [Barksdale, Peter] Records of the Ante-bellum Southern plantations
from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series F. Pt. 3. 1724-1902.
Selections from the manuscripts at Duke University. University
Publications of America, Frederick Md.
M-1409 Barrow, Robert Mangum. "Newspaper advertising in colonial
America, 1704-1775." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1967.
M-1017 Barrow, Robert Mangum. "Williamsburg and Norfolk: municipal
government and justice in colonial Virginia." M.A., College of William
and Mary, 1960.
M-1530 Bascom, Ruth Henshaw. Diaries, 1789-1800. American Antiquarian
M-22.3 Bassett family. Papers, 1693-1837. Library of Congress.
M-1587 Bates, William. Flora or hob in the well [music]. London, n.d. British
M-1372 Bath, Catalogue of miscellaneous manuscripts [n.d.]. The Marquess of
Bath, Longleat.
M-1687.1 [Bath County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1274 Bath Parish (Dinwiddie County, Va.). Register, 1827-1897. Virginia
State Library.
M-1348 Battino. A collection of airs and duets for two German flutes (London,
n.d.); Six sonatas for two violins (London, n.d.). British Library.
M-1116; M-1556 Baylor family. Papers, 1717 [1770-1848] 1891. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-62.5-6 Baylor, John. Papers, 1701-1816. Alderman Library, University of
M-1140.l-10 Baynton, Wharton and Morgan papers, 1757-1787. Pennsylvania
Historical and Museum Commission.
M-1705 Beatty, James Paul. "Thomas Jefferson and slavery." M.A., North
Texas State University, 1973.
MF 28 Thomas Aston Coffin Plantation Records, 1800-1813. Beaufort Co.,
South Carolina.
M-1586 Beaufort, James. Hoyle's games improved (London, 1775). Middleton
Library, Louisiana State University.
M-1384 Becker, Laura Leff. "The American Revolution as a community
experience: a case study of Reading, Pennsylvania." Ph.D., University
of Pennsylvania, 1978.
M-1234 Becker, Robert A. "Politics of taxation in America, 1763-1783."
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1971.
M-1105 Beckman, Gail McK. "An introduction to the history of American
criminal law: the penal code of Thomas Jefferson, Edward Livingston,
and David Dudley Field." Research project, Department of Research,
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1965. Filmed by the University of
Pennsylvania Library.
M-1687.2 [Bedford County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-65 Beebe, Lewis. Journals, 1799-1801. Historical Society of
M-1670 Beeks, Graydon Fisher Jr. "The Chandos anthem and Te Deum of
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)." Ph.D., University of California at
Berkeley, 1981.
M-45 Belsches estate/account book, 1764-1771 [in Frances Jerdone Papers].
Library of Virginia.
M-1501 Summers, Norma S. "Benjamin Franklin: printing entrepreneur."
Ph.D., University of Alabama, 1979.
M-1290 Bennish, Leroy J. "The Stamp Act Congress." Ph.D., Duke University,
M-1238 Benson, Dale Edward. "Wealth and power in Virginia, 1774-1776: a
study of the organization of revolt." Ph.D., University of Maine, 1972.
M-1711 Berens, John F. "Divine providence and the American Enlightenment:
1740-1815." Ph.D., Marquette University, 1975.
M-1687.1 [Berkeley County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-62.3-4 Berkeley family of Barn Elms. Papers, 1653-1789. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia.
M-1816.1-26 [Berkeley family]. Records of the Ante-bellum Southern Plantations
from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series E. Part II. Guide
available. University of Virginia Library. Source: University
Publications of America, Frederick Md.

M-62.3 Berkeley, Francis L., Jr. "The Berkeleys of Barn Elms, planters of
colonial Virginia and a calendar of the Berkeley papers, 1653-1767."
M.A., University of Virginia, 1940.
M-1105 [Berkeley, Sir William]. Carson, Jane D. "Sir William Berkeley,
Governor of Virginia: a study in colonial policy." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1951.
M-36.1 Berkeley, William N. Papers, 177l-1800. Duke University.
M-62.3 Berkeley, Francis L., Jr. "The Berkeleys of Barn Elms, planters of
colonial Virginia and a calendar of the Berkeley papers, 1653-1767."
M.A., University of Virginia, 1940.
M-1712 Berlin, Robert Harry. "The Administration of military justice in the
Continental Army during the American Revolution, 1775-1783." Ph.D.,
University of California at Santa Barbara, 1976.
M-1990 Bernard, Richard. A guide to grand-ivry men... British Library.
M-175.1-2 Berthier, Louis-Alexandre. Papers, 1780-1785. Princeton University
M-124 Berwick, Keith B. "Prudence and patriotism: the backgrounds of
allegiance in revolutionary Virginia." M.A., University of Chicago,
M-1713 Betka, James Anthony. "The ideology and rhetoric of Thomas Paine:
political justification through metaphor." Ph.D., Rutgers University,
M-3 Beverley, Robert. Letter book, 1761-1775. Library of Congress.
M-181 Beverley, Robert. Letters, 1763-1774 [typescripts, part of Landon
Carter papers]. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1334 Beverley, William. Account book, letter books, and book of deeds and
wills, 1665-1748. New York Public Library.
M-33 Beverley, William. Letter book, 1737-1744. New York Public Library.
M-162 Winsor, Justin, ed. Bibliographical contributions of the Harvard
University Library, No. 8. "Calendar of the Arthur Lee manuscripts."
(Cambridge, 1882). Library of Congress.
M-1672 Andrews, William Loring. Bibliopegy in the U.S.: and kindred
subjects (New York, 1902). University of Kentucky Library.
M 45.1-6 [Adams, J.N.] A Bibliography of Eighteenth
Century Legal Literature. Guide available.
M-173 Bigelow, Alden Griswold. "Hugh Blair Grigsby: historian and
antiquarian." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1957.
M-1671 Bikle, Charles Henry. "The odes for St. Cecilia's Day in London
(1683-1703)." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1982.
M-1227 Billings, Warren M. "Virginia's deplored condition, 1660-1676: the
coming of Bacon's Rebellion." Ph.D., Northern Illinois University,
M-1443 Binford, Lewis R. "Archaeological and ethnohistorical investigation of
cultural diversity and progressive development among aboriginal culture
of coastal Virginia and North Carolina." Ph.D., University of Michigan,
MF-2 The Biographical Dictionary of early Virginia, 1607-1660. Ransom
B. True, ed. Richmond, 1982.
M-1844.1-3 [Birmingham, England] Birmingham trade directories. Central Public
Library, Birmingham. 1767 - 1830.
M-1844.1-3 Birmingham trade directories. Central Public Library, Birmingham.
1767 - 1830.
M-54 Biscoe, Robert. The merchant's magazine; or, factor's guide
(Williamsburg, 1743). John Carter Brown Library, Brown University.
M-1719 Dorrill, George T. "Black and white speech in the South: evidence
from the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States."
Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1982.

M-1498 Robinson, Jean. "Black healers during the colonial period and early
19th century America." Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, 1979.
M-1883 Black (Narcisa L.) Diaries. Mississippi Dept. of Archives & History.
1861 - 1884.
M-1245 Black, William Priestley. "The Virginia Gazette, 1766-1774: the
beginnings of an indigenous literature." Ph.D., Duke University, 1971.
M-1581 Derby, Doris Adelaide. "Black women basket makers: a study in
domestic economy in Charleston County, South Carolina." Ph.D.,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1980.
M-1474 Blackey, Robert A. "The political career of George Montagu Dunk,
Second Earl of Halifax, 1748-1771: a study of an eighteenth century
English minister." Ph.D., New York University, 1968.
M-1424 Blackman, Dora Mae. "The care of the mentally ill in America, 1604-
1812, in the thirteen original colonies." Ph.D., University of
Washington, 1964.
M-1379 Williams, Oscar Renal, Jr. "Blacks and colonial legislation in the
Middle Colonies." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1969.
M-1714 Butler, Alfloyd. "The Blacks' contribution of elements of African
religion to Christianity in America: a case study of the Great
Awakening in South Carolina." Ph.D., Northwestern Univeristy, 1975.
M-1607 McRae, Norman. "Blacks in Detroit, 1736-1833: the search for
freedom and community and its implications for educators." Ph.D.,
University of Michigan, 1982.
M-128 [Blacksmithing]. Welldon, W. and J. The smith's right hand (London,
1765). British Museum.
M-1086.1-2 Blackstone's Commentaries edited by St. George Tucker (2nd edition
with notes for a 3rd edition). College of William and Mary.
M-1041 [Blair family]. Horner, Frederick. The history of the Blair, Banister,
and Braxton families before and after the Revolution (Philadelphia,
1898). College of William and Mary.
M-1095 [Blair, James]. Harrison, Margaret Scott. "Commissary James Blair of
Virginia: a study in personality and power." M.A., College of William
and Mary, 1958.
M-157 [Blair, James]. Mohler, Samuel R. "Commissary James Blair,
churchman, educator and politician of colonial Virginia." Ph.D.,
University of Chicago, 1940.
M-192.1 Keener, William G. "Blair-Prentis-Cary partnership: the store and its
operation." Unpublished report, Department of Research, Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation, 1957. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-76 Bland family. Papers, 1757-1860. Maryland Historical Society.
M-196 Bland, Humphrey. A treatise of military discipline (London, 1727).
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1526 [Bland, Martha]. Corran, Martha Dangerfield Bland. Excerpts from
Mrs. B's diary, 1763-1796 (mss.) Brock Collection, Huntington Library.
M-1183 [Bland, Richard]. Daetweiler, Robert Chester. "Richard Bland:
conservator of self-government in eighteenth-century Virginia." Ph.D.,
University of Washington, 1968.
M-86 Bland, Richard. A fragment on the pistole fee, claimed by the
Governor of Virginia, 1753 Edited by Worthington C. Ford (Brooklyn,
1891). College of William and Mary.
M-1134 [Bland, Richard]. Manuscript, or Instructions commicons letters of
advice and admonitions and publique speeches proclamations &c., 1606-
1692. Library of Congress.
M-1041 [Bland, Theodorick]. Campbell, Charles, editor. Bland papers: being
a selection from the manuscripts of Colonel Theodorick Bland, Jr., of
Prince George County, Virginia, to which are prefixed an introduction
and a memoir of Colonel Bland (Petersburg, 1840-1843). College of
William and Mary.
M-62.1 Bland, Theodorick. Papers, 1741-1787. Alderman Library, University
of Virginia.
M-1265 Blathwayt, William. Account of British trade in America, 1682-1712;
Office book, 1682/3-1688. Phillips Collections, Library of Congress.
M-1524.1-10 Blathwayt, William. Papers, 1631 [1680-1700] 1722. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library. See also M-46.1-6.
M-1112.1-2 Blathwayt, William. Papers, 1656/7-1716. Huntington Library.
M-1258 Blathwayt, William. Papers, 1674-1717. Gloucester Record Office.
M-1274 Blissland Parish (New Kent County, Va.). Vestry book, 1721-1789.
Virginia State Library.
M-1320 Bloom, Jeanne G. "Sir Edmund Andros: a study in 17th century
colonial administration." Ph.D., Yale University, 1962.
M-1065 Blow, William. Family notes. College of William and Mary.
M-1028.5 Board of Trade, 6/185, 6/240-41. Public Records Office, London.
MF 46.1-11 [Bodeleian Library--Catalogs] Pre-1801 Book
Prospectuses. Part II: Prospectuses from
the Gough Collection. Bodleian Library.
M-1348 Bocherini, Luigi. Six quatuors pour deux violins (London, n.d.).
British Library.
M-1432 Bockelman, Wayne L. "Continuity and change in revolutionary
Pennsylvania: a study of county government and office holders." Ph.D.,
Northwestern University, 1969.
M-140 Bogle, George. Papers, 1696-1777. Mitchell Library, Glasgow.
M-1370 [Bolden, William]. Sparling and Bolden letter book, 1788-1799.
Liverpool Public Libraries.
M-1999 Bolling, Robert. La Gazetta di Parnaso or Poems, Imitations,
Translations. 1760s-1770s. Huntington Library, San Marino, Ca.
M-1690 Bolling, Robert, Jr. Manuscript music book with Virginia Gazette
excerpts, 1764-1770s. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
M-36.1 Bolling, William. Papers, 1766-1786. Duke University.
M-1886.1-45 [Bolling, William] Records of the Ante-bellum Southern plantations
from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series F. Pt. 3. 1724-1902.
Selections from the manuscripts at Duke University. University
Publications of America. Frederick, MD.
M-1706 Bonn, Jr., Franklyn G., "The idea of political party in the thought of
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison." Ph.D., University of Minnesota,
M-1479 [Bookbinding]. The whole art of book-binding, containing valuable
receipts for sprinkling, marbling, colouring, etc. (Richmond, 1824).
Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
M-1774.1-2 [Book Industries and Trade]. Aitken, Robert Waste Book and Ledger,
1771-1802. Library Company of Philadelphia.
M-1034.2 Mair, John. Bookkeeping methodiz'd, or, a methodical treatise of
merchant accounts, according to the Italian form, 5th edition (Edinburgh,
1757). Library of Congress.
M-1672 [Books and book collecting]. Andrews, William Loring. Bibliopegy in
the U.S.: and kindred subjects (New York, 1902). University of
Kentucky Library.
M-188 [Books and book collecting]. Carter, Landon and Robert W. Title
pages of the libraries of. Sabine Hall.
M-1093 [Books and book collecting]. Darton & Harvey's catalogue for 1792.
Comprising about twenty thousand volumes of valuable books (London,
c. 1792). Galt Family Papers, College of William and Mary.
M-1674 [Books and book collecting]. Farren, Donald. "Subscription: a study
of the 18th century American book trade." Ph.D., Columbia University,
M-1599 [Books and book collecting]. Kruger, Linda M. "The New York City
book trade, 1725-1750." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1980.
M-1182 [Books and book collecting]. Smith, Loren. "James Madison's library
list of 1783 with critical introduction and notes." Ph.D., Claremont
Graduate School, 1969.
M-1481 [Books and book collecting]. Zane, Isaac. Book catalogs, 1791.
Coates and Reynell Papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
M-1188.1-8 Boone, Daniel. Manuscripts relating to, from the Draper manuscripts.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-1155 Booth-Lightfoot account book, 1746-1752. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia.
M-1188.9 Border forays papers in the Draper manuscripts. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
M-76 Bordley, Stephen. Letter books, 1727/8-1759. Maryland Historical
M-1406 [Bordley, Stephen]. Morton, Joseph C. "Stephen Bordley of colonial
Annapolis." Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1964.
M-155 Bost, George. "Samuel Davies, colonial revivalist and champion of
religious toleration." Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1942.
M-29 Boston Committee of Correspondence, 1774-1775. New York Public
M-2027.1-2 Boston Metropolitan Area (Mass.)--Description--Views. Arthur A.
Shurcliff Collection of glass lantern slides. Massachusetts Historical
M-1897 Botany. Pulsipher, Lydia M. The Cultural Landscape of Montserrat,
West Indies, in the Seventeenth Century: Early Environmental
Consequences of British Colonial Development. Thesis. Southern
Illinois University. 1977.
M-34 Botetourt County, Va. Register of births, 1853-1871. Library of
M-1687.1 [Botetourt County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1395 Botetourt manuscripts from Badminton. Duke of Beaufort, and
Gloucester Record Office.
M-1527.1-6 Botetourt manuscripts from Badminton. Part two. Gloucester Record
M-1269 [Boucher, Jonathan]. Zimmer, Anne Y. "Jonathan Boucher: moderate
loyalist and public man." Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1966.
M-1300 Bourguignon, Henry J. "The first Federal court: the history of the
Continental Congress' Committee on Appeal and its Court of Appeals in
cases of capture, 1775-1787." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1968.
M-1426 Bowers, Paul C., Jr. "Richard Henry Lee and the Contintental
Congress, 1774-1779." Ph.D., Duke University, 1965.
M-1287 Bowman, Eldon G. "Patrick Henry's political philosophy." Ph.D., The
Claremont Graduate School, 1962.
M-1029 Bowrey, Thomas. Papers, ca. 1690-1710. Lloyds of London.
M-121 Bowyer-Hubard papers, 1767-1816. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1886.1-45 [Boyd, Archibald H.] Records of the Ante-bellum Southern plantations
from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series F. Pt. 3. 1724-1902.
Selections from the manuscripts at Duke University.
M-1730 [Boylston, Zabdiel]. Mager, Gerald Marvin. "Zabdiel Boylston:
medical pioneer of colonial Boston." Ph.D., University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 1975.
M-1324 Bradford, James. "Society and government in Loudon County, 1790-
1800." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1976.
M-1242 Bradley, Michael Raymond. "Puritans of Virginia: their influence on
the religious life of the Old Dominion, 1607-1659." Ph.D., Vanderbilt
University, 1971.
M-1034.2 Braxton, Carter. Business papers, 1779-1811; letters, 1762-1788.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
M-1034 [Braxton, Carter]. Case, William Emmerson. "Carter Braxton." M.A.,
University of Virginia, 1936.
M-1183 [Braxton, Carter]. Stevens, L. Tomlin. "Carter Braxton: signer of the
Declaration of Independence." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1969.
M-1041 [Braxton family]. Horner, Frederick. The history of the Blair, Banister,
and Braxton families before and after the Revolution (Philadelphia,
1898). College of William and Mary.
M-74 [Bray, Dr.]. Manuscripts of Dr. Bray's Associates. Minute book, 1735-
1744. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Archives, London,
M-1486 [Bray, Dr.]. Van Horne, John C. "Pious designes: the American
correspondence of the Associates of Dr. Bray, 1731-1775." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1979.
M-1558 Bray, James. Ledger, 1736-1746. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-1382 Essig, James David. "Break every yoke: American evangelicals against
slavery, 1770-1808." Ph.D., Yale University, 1978.
M-62.1 Breckinridge, James. Letters, 1780-1791. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia. Owned by the Albemarle County Historical
M-1031 Bremner, John. Five pages of music in the journal of John Bremner.
New York Historical Society.
MF-17.1-3 Brent, Chester Horton, "The Descendants of Hugh Brent." Rutland,
Vt., 1936
MF-18.1-3 Brent, Chester Horton, "The Descendants of Collo. Giles Brent, Capt.
George Brent... Rutland Vt., 1946
M-1260 Breshaw, Elaine W. "Dr. Alexander Hamilton and the Enlightenment
in Maryland." Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1973.
M-1123 Iglehart, Esther Garland. "A brief history of the Eastern State
Hospital as shown by a study of the early records of the Hospital."
M.A., College of William and Mary, 1930.
M-1058 Briggs, Gray. Ledger, 1764-1774 [1784]. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1546 Briggs, Kader. Letter, 1846. North Carolina Department of Archives
and History.
M-1067 Brightman, Ann. "Fabrics and styles of colonial window hangings as
revealed through Boston and Salem, Mass., records, 1700-1760." Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 1963.
M-1274 Bristol Parish (Prince George County, Va.). Register, 1720-1792;
vestry book, 1720-1789. Library of Virginia.
M-1164 Bristow, Robert. Account and letter books, 1688 [1705]-1750. Library
of Virginia.
M-1493 Holmberg, Georgia McK. "British-American Whig rhetoric, 1765-
1776: a content analysis of the London Gazette, London Chronicle, and
Boston Gazette." Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1979.
M-105 Swan, Abraham. The British architect: or the builders treasury of
staircases (London, n.d.). Avery Library.
M-1040 Shy, John Willard. "The British Army in North America, 1760-1775."
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1961.
M-1495 Marini, Alfred J. "The British corps of marines, 1746-1771, and the
U.S. marine corps, 1798-1818: a comparative study of the early
administration and institutionalization of two modern marine forces."
Ph.D., University of Maine, 1979.
M-154.1-30 British Headquarters (Sir Guy Carleton) papers, 1747-[1777]-1783.
Public Record Office, London.
M-176.l-4 Broadsides, English, 1215-1955. Library of Congress.
M-171 Brock, Leslie Van Horn. "The currency of the American colonies,
1700-1764." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1941.
M-1761 Brock, Leslie Van Horn. Manuscript draft for an unfinished book on
currency in colonial America. Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
M-85 Brock Notebook. Virginia Historical Society. (Privately owned-Miss
Elizabeth Brock).
M-153.1-4 Brock, Robert. Collection, 18th and 19th centuries. Huntington
M-1687.1 [Brooke County, Va.]. U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-76 Brooks, William. Papers, 1764-1780. Maryland Historical Society.
M-1054 Brown family. Papers, 1758-1793. John Carter Brown Library.
M-1901 Brown, Ella Lees. "The Uses of Landscape." PH'd Thesis. Washington
University. 1972.
M-1182.2 Brown, Katherine B. L. "The role of Presbyterian dissent in colonial
and revolutionary Virginia, 1740-1785." Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
University, 1969.
M-1173.2 [Brunswick County, Va.]. St. Andrew's Parish vestry book, 1732-
1797. Virginia State Library.
M-1687.1 [Brunswick County, Va.]. U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-120 Bruton Parish (James City County and Williamsburg, Va.). Register,
1662-1797. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1151.1-3 Bruton Parish (James City County and Williamsburg, Va.). Records,
1827-1965. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library and Bruton
Parish House.
M-1186.1-9 Bryan family. Papers, 1679-1943. Alderman Library, Library of

M-62.6-8 Bryan family. Papers, 1764-1887. Alderman Library, University of
M-1462 Bryan, John. Executor's account for the estate of, 1801-1807. In the
Nathaniel Burwell Ledger, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1707 Bryce-Laporte, Roy S. "The conceptualization of the American slave
plantation as a total institution." Ph.D., University of California, Los
Angeles, 1968.
M-2048 Buchanan & Simpson. Business Books, 1754-1773.
Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh.
M-1243 Buckley, Thomas Edwin. "Church and state in Virginia, 1776-1787."
Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara, 1973.
MF 36.1-141 Bull-Simonsen Einaudi, Karin. Ancient Roman architecture:
photographic index, 1979.
M-109 Bullock, Thomas. "Crafts and craftsmen in Williamsburg, Virginia,
1736-1761, as revealed by the York County records and advertisements
in the Virginia Gazette." M.A., Duke University, 1950.
M-1037 Bullock, Thomas. "Silversmithing in colonial America." Unpublished
report, Department of Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation,
M-1763.1-5 [Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands]. Records of
the Assistant Commissioner for the state of Virginia, Bureau of
Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869. National
M-1347 Burgess, Henry, Jr. Six concertos for the harpsichord (London, 1740).
British Museum.
M-81 Burgesses, House of. Virginia. Williamsburg Journals; 5 August,
1736; 1 November, 1738; 21 August, 1740. Mrs. George P. Coleman.
M-1137.1-4 Burke, Thomas. Papers, 1763-1852. Southern Historical Collection,
University of North Carolina, and the North Carolina Department of
Archives and Records.
M-1611 Burkhart, Larry Lee. "The good fight: medicine in colonial
Pennsylvania, 1681-1765." Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1981.
M-1657 Wierzbicki, James Eugene. "Burlesque opera in London, 1729-1737."
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 1979.
M-1653 Burnett, Henry. "The sacred music of Maurice Green (1696-1755)"
Ph.D., City University of New York, 1978.
M-1289 Burnett, Rand. "The quest for union in the American colonies, 1689-
1701." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1967.
M-1678.1-2 Burnham, Joshua. Papers, 1758-1817. Essex Institute, Salem,
M-1440 [Burr, Ester]. Crumpacker, Laurie. "Ester Burr's journal, 1754-1757:
a document of evangelical sisterhood." Ph.D., Boston University, 1978.
M-1762.1-2 Burton, James Henry. Papers, 1845-1928. Yale University Library.
M-1514 Burton, William J. "Hellish fiends and brutish men: Amerindian-
Euroamerican interaction in southern New England, an interdisciplinary
analysis, 1600-1750." Ph.D., Kent State University, 1976.
M-1557-1558 Burwell Papers, [1736-1786] 1810. Carter Burwell ledger, 1738-1756;
James Bray ledger/Nathaniel Burwell daybook, 1736-1746, 1773-1779;
ledger of Carter Burwell's estate; Nathaniel Burwell daybook, 1779-
1786; loose papers, 1756-1843. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-1462 Burwell, Nathaniel. Ledger, 1771-1812 (contains John Bryan
accounts). Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1777.1-2 Bushman, Richard L, comp. "A Random Sample of Kent County,
Delaware, Estate Inventories, 1727-1790."
M-1441 Bute broadsides in the Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Research Publications Incorporated.
M-1714 Butler, Alfloyd. "The Blacks' contribution of elements of African
religion to Christianity in America: a case study of the Great Awakening
in South Carolina." Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1975.
M-36.1 Butler, Edward G.W. Papers, 1778-1780. Duke University.
M-1434 Butler, Lindley S. "The coming revolution in North Carolina, 1763-
1776." Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971.
M-1715 Bykerk, Loree Gerdes. "Representation by delegate in the early
American colonies." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1977.
M-1030 Byng, Edward. Sketch book. British Museum.
M-1553 Byrd, Samuel Powell. Papers, 1723-1858. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library. See also: M-49.4
M-36.1 Byrd, William. Papers, 1717/18. Duke University.
M-1677 Byrd, William II. Accounts as solicitor general of the colonies and
receiver of the Tobacco Tax, 1688-1704. Letters to Facetia. Privately
owned. See also: M-1375
M-49.5 Byrd, William II. Manuscripts, 1728-1729. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library. See also: M-49.5.
M-153.3 Byrd, William II. Notebook, 1697-1702. Brock Collection,
Huntington Library.
M-97 Byrd, William III. Memorandum book, 1757-1758. Library of
M-1164 Cabell, N. F. Collection of agricultural papers, 1722-1879. Virginia
State Library.
M-1102 Sheraton, T. The cabinet dictionary (London, 1803). Privately owned.
M-1102 Heppelwhite, A. The cabinet-maker and upholsterer's guide
(London, 1788). Privately owned.
M-1191 [Cabinetmaking]. Account book, 1767-1777, of an unidentified
cabinetmaker in the Fredericksburg area. Winterthur Museum.
M-1102 [Cabinetmaking]. T. Sheraton, The cabinet dictionary (London, 1803);
A. Heppelwhite, The cabinet-maker and upholsterer's guide (London,
1788); T. Chippendale, The gentleman and cabinet-maker's director
(London, 1754). Privately owned.
M-1681 Cable, Thomas. Letter book, 1722-1751. Maryland Historical Society.
M-1367 Calef and Chutter (Firm). Letter book, 1783-1796. Rhodes House,
Oxford University.
M-31 Caley, Percy B. "Dunmore: colonial governor of New York and
Virginia, 1770-1782." Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1939.
M-1570 Callahan, Erret H. "Pamunkey housebuilding: an experimental study
of Late Woodland construction technology in the Powhatan
Confederacy." Ph.D., Catholic University, 1981.
M-1471 Callieres, Jacques de. The courtier's calling (London, 1675). Yale
University Library.
M-142 Callister papers, 1741-1766. Maryland Diocesan Library (Peabody
Institute Library).
M-194 Calloway, James E. "Diasallowances of Colonial legislation, 1696-
1737." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1953.
M-1487 Calvert, Karin L. F. "The perception of childhood in America, 1670-
1870." M.A., University of Delaware, 1979.
M-1595 Cambone, Stephen A. "Noble sentiments and manly eloquence: the
First Continental Congress and the decision for American
independence." Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1982.
M-142 Camm, Rev. John. A...view...of...the Two-Penny Act (Annapolis,
1763). Maryland Diocesan Library (Peabody Institute Library).
M-1726 Jennings, Judith Gaile. "The campaign for the abolition of the British
slave trade: the Quaker contribution, 1757-1807." Ph.D., University of
Kentucky, 1975.

M-1603 [Campbell, Alexander]. Groover, Ralph E. "Alexander Campbell and
the family: precept and example." Ph.D., Emory University, 1982.
M-1021.37-39 Campbell, Alexander. Papers, 1790-1827. Tucker-Coleman
Collection, College of William and Mary.
M-1041 Campbell, Charles, ed. The Bland papers: being a selection from the
manuscripts of Colonel Theodorick Bland, Jr. (Petersburg, 1840-1843).
College of William and Mary.
M-1200 Campbell, Duncan. Letter books, 1766-1776. Mitchell Library,
Sydney, Australia.
M-80 Campbell, R. E. London tradesman (London, 1747). Library of
M-1005 Campbell-Preston papers, 1776. Library of Congress.
M-1348 Campioni, Carlo Antonio. Six Sonatas or duets for two violins
(London, n.d.). British Library.
MF 38. 1-28 Camus, Raoul F., National tune index microform: early American wind
& ceremonial music, 1636-1836. University Music Editions, c. 1989.
M-1216.1 Cape-Fear mercury (Wilmington, N.C.), 1769-1775. Various
M-1515 Carbone, Victor A. "Environment and prehistory in the Shenandoah
Valley." Ph.D., Catholic University, 1976.
M-1424 Blackman, Dora Mae. "The care of the mentally ill in America, 1604-
1812, in the thirteen original colonies." Ph.D., University of
Washington, 1964.
M-1430 Henner, Soloman. "The career of William Tryon as Governor of the
province of New York, 1771-1780." Ed.D., New York University,
M-1716 Carl-White, Mary Allison. "The role of Black artisans in the building
trades in the decorative arts in South Carolina's Charleston district,
1760-1800." Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1982.
M-154.1-30 Carleton, Guy, Sir (British Headquarters). Papers, 1747-[1777]-1783.
Public Record Office, London.
M-1675 Carlin, William. Account book, Alexandria, Va., 1750s-1770s.
Privately owned.
M-1574 Carmical, Oline, Jr. "Plans of union, 1634-1783: a study and
reappraisal of projects for uniting the English colonies in North
America." Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1975.
M-1383 Friedlander, Amy Ellen. "Carolina Huguenots: a study in cultural
pluralism in the Low Country, 1679-1768." Ph.D., Emory University,
M-1127 Caroline County, Va. Appeals and land causes, 1777-1807. Virginia
State Library.
M-1800.1-7 Caroline County, Virginia Records. Land Tax, 1811-1863. Virginia
State Library.
M-1785-1791 Caroline County, Virginia Records. Personal Property Taxes, 1812-
1865. Virginia State Library.
M-1687.2 [Caroline County, Va.]. U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1596 Carp, E. Wayne. "Supplying the Revolution: Continental Army
administration and American political culture, 1775-1783." Ph.D.,
University of California at Berkeley, 1981.
M-1168 [Carpentry]. Plumier, Charles. L'art de tourner (Lyon, 1701).
Winterthur Museum Library.
M-1027 [Carriages]. Ackerman, R. Nine books containing imitations of
drawings of modern carriages (London, 1791-1804). British Museum.
M-1932 [Carriages]. George Hunter Carriage Account Book. Historical Society
of Pennsylvania.
M-1812 [Carriages]. William Hunter's Carriage Account Book, 1788-1789.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
M-76 Carroll, Charles. Papers, 1764-1781. Maryland Historical Society.
M-1680 Carroll, James. Daybook, 1714-1721. Georgetown University Library.
M-1105 Carson, Jane D. "Sir William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia: a study
in colonial policy." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1951.
M-1034 Case, William Emerson. "Carter Braxton." M.A., University of
Virginia, 1936.
M-1183 Stevens, L. Tomlin. "Carter Braxton: signer of the Declaration if
Independence." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1969.
M-1139.1-4 Carter family. Papers, 1659-1797. Alderman Library, University of
M-82.4-9 Carter family. Papers, 1705-1830. Virginia Historical Society.
M-76 Carter family. Papers, 1769-[1804]-1827. Maryland Historical
M-1553 Carter, James, Dr. Account book, 1752-1774. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library. See also: M-102
M-62.8 Carter, John, Landon and Charles. Letter book, 1732-1782.
Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
M-1099.1-2 Carter, Landon. Diaries, 1752-1778. Alderman Library, University of
M-1104.1-2 Carter, Landon. Diaries, 1752-1778 (typesripts). Alderman Library,
University of Virginia, and William L. Clements Library, University of
M-84 Carter, Landon. Diaries, 1752-1755. Alderman Library, University of
M-4 Carter, Landon. Diaries, 1766-1767, in Virginia almanacs. William L.
Clements Library, University of Michigan, and Alderman Library,
University of Virginia. See also: M-98.2-3
M-106 [Carter, Landon]. A letter from a gentleman in Virginia, to the
merchants of Great Britain, trading to that colony (London, 1754).
Boston Athenaeum.
M-188 Carter, Landon and Robert W. Title pages of the libraries of. Sabine
M-58.2 Carter Letterbooks, 1760-1771. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1223 Carter, Robert. Collection and letter book, 1796-1797. Maryland
Historical Society.
M-113 Carter, Robert. Diary, 1722-1727; letter books, 1723-1732. Alderman
Library, University of Virginia.
M-1025 [Carter, Robert]. Eley, Susan Briggs. "Robert Carter letter book,
1764-1768." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1968.
M-1484 Carter, Robert. Letters and papers, 1790-1804. Swedenborg School of
M-1588 [Carter, Robert]. Manuscript music book [attributed to Robert Carter],
ca. 1750-1770. Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music,
University of Rochester.
M-50 Carter, Robert. Nomini Hall account book, 1784-1785. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-50 Carter, Robert. Nomini Hall day book, 1773-1783. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-2045 Carter, Robert "King." Letterbook, 1723-24;
Letterbook, 1727-1728; Letterbook, 1728-1730;
Will, July 23, 1730; Estate inventory. Virginia
Historical Society, Richmond.
M-1439.1-2 Carter, Robert. Papers, 1759-1805. Library of Congress.
M-21 Carter, Robert of Nomini Hall. Account book, 1759-1775. Library of

M-1025 Carter, Robert of Nomini Hall. Letter book,1761-1768. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library. See also: M-114
M-121 Carter, Robert of Nomini Hall. Letter book, 1769. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-36.1-3 Carter, Robert of Nomini Hall. Letter books, 1772-1793.
Memorandum books, 1771; 1777-1779; day books and letter books,
1773-1793. Duke University Library.
M-1886.1-45 [Carter, Robert of Nomini Hall] Records of the Ante-bellum Southern
plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series F. Pt. 3.
1724-1902. Selections from the manuscripts at Duke University.
M-5 Carter, Robert Wormeley. Diary in Virginia Almanacs, 1764-1765.
William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan.
M-1317.1 Carter, R.W. Diary, of Sabine Hall, in the Virginia Almanac of 1776.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1621 Hodges, Graham Russell. "The cartmen of New York City, 1667-
1801." Ph.D., New York University, 1982.
M-1393 Carwitham, John. Floor decorations of various kinds (London, 1739).
Library of Congress.
M-1546 Cary, Robert. Miscellaneous papers. Power of attorney, 1794 March
20, Cary et al. to Benjamin Waller. North Carolina State Archives.
M-1170 Case, Geminiani F. A treatise of good taste in the art of musick
(London, 1749). Library of Congress.
M-1998 [Casebooks]. Jefferson's Case Book, 1767
1768. Huntington Library, San Marino, Ca.
M-1411 Cassimere, Raphael, Jr. "The origins and early development of slavery
in Maryland, 1633 to 1715." Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1971.
M-98.8 Castellane papers, 1770-1782. William L. Clements Library, University
of Michigan.
M-134 Castiglione, Luigi. Viaggio negli satai unitie. 1785, 1786. Chapter II,
Della Virginia only. American Philosophical Society.
M-1742 Shawen, Neil McDowell. "The casting of a lengthened shadow:
Jefferson's role in determining the site for a state university in Virginia."
Ph.D., George Washington University, 1980.
M-1069 Castles, William Henry. "The Virginia Gazette, 1736-1766: its
editors, editorial policies, and literary content." Ph.D., University of
Tennessee, 1962.
M-37 Caswell, Richard. Papers, 1775. North Carolina Department of
Archives and History.
M-1026 [Tweedy, John]. A catalog of drugs, and or chymical and galenical
medicines; sold by John Tweedy at his shop in Newport Rhode Island
(Newport?, 1760?). New York Department of Health, Education and
M-1093 Wellings, Thomas. A catalogue of chymical and galenical medicenes
truly prepared and sold, with all sorts of drugs.... (London, n.d.). Galt
Collection, College of William and Mary.
M-1026 [Day, John and Co.]. Catalogue of drugs, chymical and galenical
preparations, shop furniture, patent medicines, and surgeons instruments,
sold by John Day and Co. (Philadelphia, 1771). American Philosophical
M-1135 Poor, Nathaniel P. Catalogue of President Jefferson's Library
(Washington, 1829). Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
MF-8.1-2 [Catesby, Mark]. Mark Catesby specimens in the Samuel Dale
Herbarium. British Museum.
M-186 Laing, Wesley Newton. "Cattle in early Virginia." Ph.D., University
of Virginia, 1952.
M-1012-1013 Manahan, John E. "The cavalier remounted: a study of the origins of
Virginia's population." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1946.
M-1649 Cecil-Fronsman, Bill. "The common whites: class and culture in
Antebellum North Carolina." Ph.D., University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 1983.
M-1360.1-23 [Census]. Federal population censuses, 1790-1850. National Archives.
M-1687.1-2 [Census]. U.S. Census of 1810 (selected Virginia counties). National
M-1688 [Census]. U.S. Census of 1850 for Dinwiddie County, Va. National
M-1928 [Census] U.S. Census, 1860. Population schedule for James City
County, Williamsburg, Va., and Jefferson County, Va.
M-1927 [Census] U.S. Census, 1860. Slave schedules for Henrico, James City,
Kanawha, King George, King and Queen, & King William Counties in
M-1034 Chace, William Emerson. "Carter Braxton." M.A., University of
Virginia, 1936.
M-1444 Chaffin, Robert J. "Prologue to war: the Townshend Acts and the
American Revolution, 1767-1770." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1967.
M-1521 O'Brien, William A. "Challenge to consensus: social, political and
economic implications of Maryland sectionalism, 1776-1789." Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1974.
M-29 Chalmers collection, 1750-1781. New York Public Library.
M-1717 Chamberlain, Elizabeth S. "The Virginia historical novel to 1835."
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979.
M-1059 Chambers, William, Sir. Letter books, 1769-1775. British Museum.
M-1670 Beeks, Graydon Fisher, Jr. "The Chandos anthem and Te Deum of
George Frideric Handel." Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley,
M-149 Chapin, Bradley. "The law of treason during the American Revolution,
1765-1783." Ph.D., Cornell University, 1951.

M-24.1 Chapman, Alfred. Papers, 1779-1869; 1876. University of North
M-159 Reed, Henry Clay. "Chapters in a history of crime and punishment
in New Jersey." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1934.
M-1050.4-5 Charles City County Records. Deeds, Wills, Orders and Disputes,
1655-1774. Charles City County Courthouse.
M-2036 Charles City County, Va. Deed Book No. 4,
1789-1802; Deed Book No.5, 1803-1816.
Charles City County Courthouse.
M-2037 Charles City County, Va. Deed Book No.6,
1816-1824; Deed Book No.7, 1824-1831.
Charles City County Courthouse.
M-117.1-3 Charles City County, Va. Court Orders. Minute books. 1737-1837.
Charles City County Clerks Office.
M-1801.1-3 Charles City County, Virginia Records. Land Tax, 1782-1863.
Virginia State Library.
M-1.59 Charles City County, Va. Land tax lists, 1782-1824. Virginia State
M-1818 [Charles City Co., Va.] Major-Marable Family Papers, 1703-1929.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1792.1-3 Charles City County, Va. Personal property tax lists, 1783-1863.
Virginia State Library.
M-1.58 Charles City County, Va. Personal property tax lists, 1783-1822.
Virginia State Library.
M-1051.2 Charles City County, Va. Petitions, n.d. Virginia State Library.
M-117.1-3 Charles City County, Va. Records. See: Guide to County Records on
Microfilm at the Virginia State Library for holdings. See also: M-
M-2040 Charles City County, Va. Virginia Orders,
1650; Orders, 1672-1673; Order Book, 1677-
1679; Orders, 1680, 1685; Order Book, 1687-
1695. Library of Virginia.
M-2038 Charles City County, Va. Will Book No. 1, 1789-1808;
Will Book No.2, 1808-1824. Charles City
M-2039 Charles City County, Va. Will Book No.3, 1824-
1833; Will Book No.4, 1833-1845. Charles
City County Courthouse.
M-1327 Walsh, Lorena. "Charles County, Maryland, 1658-1705: a study of
Chesapeake social and political structure." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1979.
M-1116 Charles, John S. Memoirs, 1928. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-1466 Charles Parish (York County, Va.). Register, 1648-1784; 1800.
Virginia State Library.
M-1161.9 Charleston (S.C.) gazette, November 1778 to January 1780.
Charleston Library Society.
M-1400.1-10 Charleston, S.C. Inventories. Various repositories.
MF-26.1-3 St. Paul's Stono Parish Records, Charleston County, South Carolina.
Minutes, Account and Cash books, 1786-1869.
M-82.10 Charleton, Jane. Martha Robinson Upshur Papers. 1779-1843.
M-55.1 Charlton, Edward. Account book, 1769-1784. College of William and
M-1021.32; Chesterfield County, Va. Court records,
M-1021.35 1753-1786; court dockets, 1780-1785. Tucker-Coleman Collection,
College of William and Mary.
M-1802.1-3 Chesterfield County, Virginia Records. Land Tax, 1791-1850.
Virginia State Library.
M-1793.1-5 Chesterfield County, Virginia Records. Personal Property Taxes,
1783-1851. Virginia State Library.
M-1687.2 [Chesterfield County, Va.] U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1668 Chevalier, Constance Renee. "Imagination in the music of Mozart:
18th century guidelines to shaping musical expression." Ph.D., Stanford,
M-97 Chicago Historical Society. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 18th century
M-98.21 [Chicago Historical Society]. Rankin, Hugh F. and Susan S.
Armstrong. "Survey of the manuscripts in the Chicago Historical
Society; Newberry Library; University of Chicago; and William L.
Clements Library." Unpublished report, Department of Research,
Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 1956.
M-98.21 [Chicago, University of]. Rankin, Hugh F. and Susan S. Armstrong.
"Survey of the manuscripts in the Chicago Historical Society; Newberry
Library; University of Chicago; and William L. Clements Library."
Unpublished report, Department of Research, Colonial Williamsburg,
Inc., 1956.
M-1487 [Childhood]. Calvert, Karin L.F. "The perception of childhood in
America, 1670-1870." M.A., University of Delaware, 1979.
M-1500 [Childhood]. Scadron, Arlene W. "The formative years: childhood and
childrearing in 18th century Anglo-American culture." Ph.D., University
of California at Berkeley, 1979.
M-1120 [Childhood]. Sequeyra, Dr. John de. Diseases of children (mss.). Galt
Collection, College of William and Mary.
M-1929 [Children's Literature, American] Smith, Margaret Bayard.
Diversions of Sydney by a friend of youth. Free Library of Philadelphia.
M-1102 Chippendale, Thomas. The gentlemman and cabinet-maker's director
(London, 1755). Privately owned.
M-24.3 Chiswell, Col. John. Daybook, 1751-1757. University of North
M-17 Cholmondeley (Houghton) papers, 1729-1750. Cambridge University
M-1280 Chotiner, Harry W. "The aristocracy of virtue: the American ruling
class, 1783-1801." Ph.D., University of California at Santa Cruz, 1975.
M-1173.1 Christ Church Parish (Lancaster County, Va.) Parish book, 1701-
1783; vestry book, 1739-1788; processioner's returns, 1711-1783; estate
papers of Ralph Wormeley, 1701-1716. Virginia State Library.
M-1233 Christensen, Lois E. "Washington's experience and the creation of the
Presidency." Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 1957.
M-1438 Conard, Arlyn M. "Christianization of Indians in colonial Virginia."
Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1979.
M-1509 Christianson, Keith Scott. "The American experience of
imprisonment, 1607-1776." Ph.D., State University of New York at
Albany, 1981.
M-1620 Chudleigh, Norma Lane. "Using British sources for American family
history." Ph.D., Rice Unviversity, 1981.
M-1708 [Church and state]. Kay, Miryam Neulander. "Separation of church
and state in Jeffersonian Virginia." Ph.D., University of Kentucky,
M-1404 [Church and state]. Mantiply, Victor Edsel. "The origin and
development in Virginia of the concept of separation of church and
state." Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1958.
M-1243 Buckley, Thomas Edwin. "Church and state in Virginia, 1776-1787."
Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara, 1973.
M-1908 Husband, Paul Edward. "Church Membership in Northampton:
Solomon Stoddard verses Jonathan Edwards." Ph'D thesis.
Westminster Theological Seminary. 1990. Purchase.
M-1182 [Church of England]. Austin, Alan Kenneth. "The role of the
Anglican Church and its clergy in the political life of colonial Virginia."
Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1969.
M-1272 [Church of England]. Gage, T.E. "The established church in colonial
Virginia, 1689-1785." Ph.D., University of Missouri at Columbia, 1974.
M-1194 [Church of England]. Gunderson, Joan R. "The Anglican ministry in
Virginia, 1723-1776: a study of a social class." Ph.D., Notre Dame
University, 1972.
M-102 [Church of England]. Middleton, Arthur Pierce. "Anglican Virginia:
the established church of the Old Dominion, 1607-1786." Unpublished
report, Department of Research, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., n.d.
M-1256 [Church of England]. Mills, Frederick V. "Anglican resistance to an
American episcopate, 1761-1768." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,
M-1733 [Church of England]. Murray, Sean Collins. "The Reverend Samuel
Johnson, 1696-1772: Anglican protagonist in colonial America." Ph.D.,
State University of New York at Buffalo, 1975.
M-1129 [Church of England]. Porter, William Smith. Notes from a Peakland
Parish: an account of the church and parish of Hope in the county of
Derby (Sheffield, 1923). Sheffield City Library.
M-1244 [Church of England]. Quinlivan, Mary. "Ideological controversy over
religious establishment in revolutionary Virginia." Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin, 1971.
M-1015 [Church of England]. Seiler, William H. "The Anglican parish in
Tidewater, Virginia, 1607-1776." Ph.D., State University of Iowa, 1948.
M-98.3 [Church of England]. Thoughts upon the present state of the Church of
England in America, 1764. William L. Clements Library.
M-1456 [Church of England]. Whiting, Marvin Y. "Virginia's experiment with
religious uniformity: a study of a major aspect of Anglican and
evangelical ideology, 1699-1786." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1970.
M-82.14 [Church records]. Abingdon Parish (Gloucester County, Va.).
Register, 1678-1761. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1173.1 [Church records]. Albemarle Parish (Surry and Sussex counties, Va.).
Vestry book, 1742-1787. Virginia State Library.
M-1054 [Church records]. Annals of Lerwick [Scotland]. Kirk session records,
1897. Scottish Central Library.
M-1163 [Church records]. Augusta Parish (Augusta County, Va.). Vestry
book, 1746-1780. Virginia State Library.
M-1274 [Church records]. Bath Parish (Dinwiddie County, Va.). Register,
1827-1897. Virginia State Library.
M-1274 [Church records]. Blissland Parish (New Kent County, Va.). Vestry
book, 1721-1789. Virginia State Library.
M-1274 [Church records]. Bristol Parish (Prince George County, Va.).
Register, 1720-1792; vestry book, 1720-1789. Virginia State Library.
M-120 [Church records]. Bruton Parish (James City County and
Williamsburg, Va.). Register, 1662-1797. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1151.1-3 [Church records]. Bruton Parish (James City County and
Williamsburg, Va.). Records, 1827-1965. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library and Bruton Parish House.
M-1173.1 [Church records]. Christ Church Parish (Lancaster County, Va.).
Parish book, 1701-1783; vestry book, 1739-1788; processioner's returns,
1711-1783; estate papers of Ralph Wormeley, 1701-1716. Virginia
State Library.
M-1173.1 [Church records]. Dettingen Parish (Prince William County, Va.).
Vestry book, 1745-1802. Virginia State Library.
M-1173.2 [Church records]. Elizabeth River Parish (Norfolk County, Va.).
Vestry book, 1749-1761. Virginia State Library.
M-1163 [Church records]. Fredericksville Parish (Louisa and Albemarle
counties, Va.). Records, 1742-1787; vestry book, 1742-1787. Virginia
State Library.
M-1173.2 [Church records]. Newport Parish (Isle of Wight County, Va.). Vestry
book, 1724-1772. Virginia State Library.
M-1173.2 [Church records]. St. Andrew's Parish (Brunswick County, Va.).
Vestry book, 1732-1797. Virginia State Library.
M-1163 [Church records]. St. George's Parish (Spotsylvania County, Va.).
Vestry book, 1746-1817. University of Virginia.
M-1163 [Church records]. St. Mark's Parish (Culpeper County, Va.). Records,
1730-1797. Virginia State Library.
M-1173.2 [Church records]. South Farnham Parish (Essex County, Va.). Vestry
book, 1739-1876. Virginia State Library.
M-1173.2 [Church records]. Suffolk Parish (Nansemond County, Va.). Vestry
book, 1749-1856. Virginia State Library.
M-1098 [Church records]. Wakefield All Saints Parish (Yorkshire, England).
Register, 1716-1789. Micro Methods, Inc.
M-1173.2 [Church records]. Wicomico Parish (Northumberland County, Va.).
Vestry book, 1703-1795. Virginia State Library.
M-1367 [Chuter, John]. Calef and Chuter letter book, 1783-1796. Rhodes
House, Oxford University.
M-95 Primatt, Stephen. The city and country purchaser and builder
(London, 1667). Library of Congress.
M-1844.1-3 [City directories] Birmingham trade directories. Central Public
Library, Birmingham. 1767 - 1830.
M-1081 [Directories] 1766, 1774, 1777. City of Liverpool Reference Library.
M-1926. 1-3 [City directories] Liverpool Directories, 1766-1824.
M-12 [City directories]. Complete guide to London, 1755; 1756. University
of London, Institute of Historic Research.
M-1038.1-2 [City directories]. London directories, 1677-1825. British Museum,
Bishopgate Library, and Guildhall Library. See also: M-1123.
M-1887.1-60 [City directories] London [England] Directories From The Guildhall
Library. Groups 1 & 2. 1677-1855. Research Publications.
M-1123 [City directories] London directory, 1791 (incomplete). University of
Chicago Library?
M-1082 [City directories] Manchester directories, 1772, 1773, 1781, 1788,
1794, 1797, 1800, 1802, 1808/09, 1811, 1813, 1815. Manchester Public
M-1081 [City directories]. Shetckly's Sheffield (England) directory, 1774. City
of Sheffield Public Library.
M-1168 [City directories]. Smith, Joseph. "Explanation and key to the various
manufactures of Sheffield (Sheffield, 1816). Winterthur Museum
M-1414 Earnest, Grace E. "City life in the old south: the British travellers'
image." Ph.D., Florida State University, 1966.
M-1762.1-2 [Civil War]. Burton, James Henry. Papers, 1845-1928. Yale
University Library.
M-1126.2 [Civil War]. Confederate States of America. District Court, Richmond.
Records, 1861-1865. Virginia State Library.
M-1113 [Civil War]. United States, War Department. The war of the rebellion:
a compilation of official records of the Union and Confederate armies,
selections (Washington, D.C., 1880-1891).
M-1188.10-25 Clark, George Rogers. Manuscripts in the Draper Collection. State
Historical Society of Wisconsin.

MF-1.1 Clark, George Rogers. Manuscripts in the Draper Collection, calendar
of. State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-1423 Clark, John B., Jr. "Fire protection in the Old South." Ph.D.,
University of Kentucky, 1957.
M-1198 Clark, Malcolm. "The coastwise trade and Caribbean trade of the
Chesapeake Bay, 1696-1776." Ph.D., Georgetown University, 1969.
M-1188.26 Clark, William. Papers, 1780-1804, in the Draper Collection. State
Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-1937 [Clarke County, Va.] Hofstra, Warren R. These Find Prospects:
Frederick County, Virginia, 1738-1840. Ph'D thesis. University of
Virginia, 1985.
M-1103 Clarke, John. Letter book, 1804-1808. Virginia State Library.
M-1496 Lowry, Charles B. "Class, politics, rebellion and regional
development in proprietary North Carolina, 1697-1720." Ph.D.,
University of Florida, 1979.
M-1330 Clemens, Paul. "From tobacco to grain: economic development on
Maryland's Eastern Shore, 1660-1750." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin,
M-98.1 [Clements Library]. Catalog of [Virginia] manuscripts from the
William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-98.3 [Clements Library]. Miscellaneous manuscripts from the collections of
the William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan. See also: M-
M-98.21 [Clements Library]. Rankin, Hugh F. and Susan S. Armstrong.
"Survey of the manuscripts in the Chicago Historical Society; Newberry
Library; University of Chicago; and William L. Clements Library."
Unpublished report, Department of Research, Colonial Williamsburg,
Inc., 1956.
M-1335 Clifton, Ronald D. "Forms and patterns: room specialization in

Maryland, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania family dwellings." Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1971.
M-1458 Clinton, Catherine. "The plantation mistress: another side of Southern
slavery, 1780-1835." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1980.
M-98.1-2 Clinton, George. Papers, 1730-1754. William L. Clements Library,
University of Michigan.
M-98.9-18 Clinton, Henry, Sir. Papers, 1776-1794. William L. Clements Library,
University of Michigan.
M-1109 [Clinton, Henry Fiennes]. Newcastle, Duke of. Letters, 1774-1782.
Nottingham University, England.
M-36.3 Clopton, John. Papers, 1759-[1791]. Duke University Library.
M-1813 [Clothing]. Instructions for Cutting Out Apparel for the Poor. London,
1789. British Library.
M-1882 [Clubfoot]. Sheldrake, Timothy. A Practical Essay on the Club-Foot.
National Library of Medicine. 1798.
M-1027 [Coaches]. Currus civilis; or genteel designs for coaches, chariots, etc.
(London, 1774). British Museum.
M-1767 [Coachbuilders]. Ledger of Messrs. Barker, 1788-1797, Coachbuilders
of London, England. Maidstone Museum, Maidstone, Kent, England.
M-121 Coach drawings, 18th century. 1 vol. Colonial Williamsburg
Founation Library.
M-1585 Coaches and carriages, papers on. 19th century. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-103 Coakley, Robert Walker. "Virginia commerce during the American
Revolution." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1949.
M-1567 Coalter, Milton J. "The life of Gilbert Tennent: a case study of
continental pietism's influence on the First Great Awakening in the
Middle Colonies." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1982.
M-1198 Clark, Malcolm. "The coastwise trade and Caribbean trade of the
Chesapeake Bay, 1696-1766." Ph.D., Georgetown University, 1969.
M-1066 [Cocke, John Hartwell]. Coyner, Martin Boyd. "John Hartwell Cocke
of Bremo: agriculture and slavery in the ante-bellum south." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1961.
M-1619 Cody, Cheryll Ann. "Slave demography and family formation: a
community study of the Ball family plantations, 1720-1896." Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota, 1982.
M-1902 Coe, William Bufford. "John Wesley and Marriage." Th.D Thesis.
Boston University School of Theology. 1990.
MF 28 [Coffin, Thomas Aston]. Thomas Aston Coffin Plantation Records,
1800-1813. Beaufort Co., South Carolina.
M-1542 Cohen, Robert. "Jewish demography in the eighteenth century: a study
of London, the West Indies, and early America." Ph.D., Brandeis
University, 1976.
M-1317.2 Coleman, Robert Spilsbe. Exercise book, 1773-1775. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1108.1-3 Coleman-Washington papers. Nathaniel Beverley Tucker Papers,
College of William and Mary.
M-1348 Battino. A collection of airs and duets for two German flutes
(London, n.d.). British Library.
M-1736 Osborne, Ruby Orders. "The College of William and Mary in
Virginia, 1800-1827." Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 1981.
M-1206 Collinson, Peter. Commonplace books. Linnean Society.
M-1026 [Collinson, Peter]. Fothergill, John. Some account of the late Peter
Collinson (London, 1770). American Philosophical Society.
M-1628 Colomy, Paul Burbank. "Stunted differentiation: a sociological
examination of Virginia's political elite, 1720-1850." Ph.D., University
of California at Los Angeles, 1982.
M-1031 Hatch, Charles Eldridge. "Colonel William Aylett, a revolutionary
merchant of Virginia." M.A., Corcoran School of History, 1936.
M-177 Hoyt, William Dana, Jr. "Colonel William Fleming on the Virginia
frontier, 1755-1783." Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1940.
M-1729 Lang, Elizabeth H. "Colonial colleges and politics: Yale, King's
College and the College of Philadelphia, 1740-1764." Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1976.
M-1421 Kleber, Brooks E. "The colonial newspaper and the emergence of an
American community." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1957.
M-1892.1-9 Colonial Port Commodity Import and Export Records for Virginia
(Accomac, Rappahannock, South Potomac), Jamaica, New York, and
South Carolina (1680-1769).
M-1189.5 Wynne, T.H., and W.S. Gilmer, eds. Colonial records of Virginia,
1619-1680 (Richmond, 1874; reprinted Baltimore, 1964). Brown
M-199 Colonial Records Project. Index to Survey Reports 1-199. Virginia
State Library.
M-1283 Meyer, Richard E. "Colonial values and the development of the
American nation as expression in almanacs, 1700-1790." Ph.D.,
University of Kansas, 1970.
M-1577 Westbury, Susan A. "Colonial Virginia and the Atlantic slave trade."
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1981.
M-1758.1-4 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Department of Architectural
Research. Architects' field notes. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-1561 [Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library]. Miscellaneous
manuscripts from the collections of the Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.

MF 33. 1-122 Colonial Williamsburg Research Collections in Microform, A
Guide. From the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Microforms
Collections. University Publications of America, Bethesda, MD.
Printed short title/subject catalog available.
M-1288 [Colonization]. Holsinger, J. Calvin. "A survey of the major arguments
used by English promoters to encourage colonization and interest in
America in the early colonial era." Ph.D., Temple University, 1967.
M-168 France. Ministere des Affaires Etrangers. Les combattants Francais
de la guerre Americaine, 1778-1783 (Paris, c. 1900).
M-1033 Cometti, Elizabeth. "The departments of the Quartermaster and
Clothier-General, 1775-1780." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1434 Butler, Lindley S. "The coming Revolution in North Carolina, 1763-
1776." Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971.
M-1844.1-3 [Commerce] Birmingham trade directories. Central Public Library,
Birmingham. 1767 - 1830.
M-103 [Commerce]. Coakley, Robert Walker. "Virginia commerce during the
American Revolution." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1949.
M-1892.1-9 [Commerce] Colonial Port Commodity Import and Export Records for
Virginia (Accomac, Rappahannock, South Potomac), Jamaica, New
York, and South Carolina (1680-1769).
M-1090 [Commerce]. Hemphill, John Mickle II. "Virginia and the English
commercial system, 1689-1733: studies in the development and
fluctuations of a colonial economy under imperial control." Ph.D.,
Princeton University, 1964.
M-1921 [Commerce] James Douglas Account Book, 1784-1792. Original:
University of Michigan: Clement Library.
M-1183.2 [Commerce]. Klingaman, David Charles. "The development of
Virginia's coastwise trade and grain trade in the late colonial period."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1967.
M-1887.1-60 [Commerce] London [England] Directories From The Guildhall Library.
Groups 1 & 2. 1677-1855. Research Publications.
M-1016.3-4 [Commercial agent]. Armistead, William. Account book, 1780-1781.
Virginia State Library.
M-1344 Stewart, Peter. "The commercial history of Hampton Roads,
Virginia, 1815-1860." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1962.
M-157 Mohler, Samuel R. "Commissary James Blair, churchman, educator
and politician of colonial Virginia." Ph.D., University of Chicago,
M-1095 Harrison, Margaret Scott. "Commissary James Blair of Virginia: a
study in personality and power." M.A., College of William and Mary,
M-1649 Cecil-Fronsman, Bill. "The common whites: class and culture in ante-
bellum North Carolina." Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, 1983.
M-1644 Henderson, Rodger Craige. "Community development and the
revolutionary transition in 19th century Lancaster County [Pa.]."
Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghampton, 1983.
M-1380 Comp, T. Allan. "Grain and flour in eastern Virginia, 1800-1860."
Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1978.
M-1168 Compleat appraiser (London, 1783). Winterthur Museum.
M-143 Vignola. The compleat architect (London, 1702). Columbia
University Library.
M-1019 Compleat tutor for the fife (London, n.d.). Library of Congress.
M-1552 Complete mariner: or a treatise on navigation(Williamsburg, 1731).
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library. See also: M-1117
M-1778 Complete Instructions for the German flute. British Library.
M-1652 Compton, Benjamin Richard. "Amateur instrumental music in
America, 1765-1810." Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 1979.
M-1438 Conard, Arlyn M. "Christianization of Indians in colonial Virginia."
Th.D., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1979.
M-1090 Selby, John Edward. "A concept of liberty." Ph.D., Brown University,
M-1707 Bryce-Laporte, Roy S. "The conceptualization of the American slave
plantation as a total institution." Ph.D., University of California at
Los Angeles, 1968.
M-1606 [Condorcet, Marquis de]. McAllister, Elaine. "The Marquis de
Condorcet and Thomas Jefferson: revolutionary proposals for civic
education in the eighteenth century." Ph.D., Georgia State University,
M-1762.1-2 [Confederate States of America]. Burton, James Henry. Papers, 1845-
1928. Yale University Press.
M-1126.2 Confederate States of America. District Court, Richmond. Records,
1861-1865. Virginia State Library.
M-1625 [Connecticut]. Lacey, Barbara Ellson. "Woman and the Great
Awakening in Connecticut." Ph.D., Clark University, 1982.
M-36.3 [Connecticut]. Missionary Society of Connecticut, Trustees. A
summary of Christian doctrine and practice: designed especially for the
use of the people of the new settlements of the United States of America
(Hartford, 1804). Duke University.
M-1610 Connell-Ludwick, Donna Lynn. "Heraldry as a representation of
English class identification among American colonial immigrants, 1600
to 1775." Ph.D., Chadron State College, 1982.
M-1718 Conner, Jett B. "Thomas Paine and the first principles of democratic
republics." Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, 1980.
M-1508 Conrad, Dennis M. "Nathanael Greene and the southern campaigns,
1780-1783." Ph.D., Duke University, 1979.
M-1593 Soderlund, Jean Ruth. "Conscience, interest, and power: the
development of Quaker opposition to slavery in the Delaware Valley,
1688-1780." Ph.D., Temple University, 1982.
M-142 [Dulany, Daniel]. Considerations on the proprietry of imposing taxes
in the British colonies (Annapolis, 1765). Maryland Diocesan Library
(Peabody Institute Library).
M-1402 Constantine, James R. "The African slave trade, a study of eighteenth
century propoganda and public controversy." Ph.D., Indiana University,
M-1040 Oliver, George Brown. "A constitutional history of Virginia, 1776-
1860." Ph.D., Duke University, 1951.
M-1426 [Continental Congress]. Bowers, Paul C., Jr. "Richard Henry Lee and
the Continental Congress, 1774-1779." Ph.D., Duke University, 1965.
M-1595 [Continental Congress]. Cambone, Stephen A. "Noble sentiments and
manly eloquence: the First Continental Congress and the decision for
American Independence." Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1982.
M-1286 [Continental Congress]. Head, John M. " 'A time to rend': the
members of the Continental Congress and the decision for American
independence, 1774-1776." Ph.D., Brown University, 1966.
M-1900.1-92 Continental Congress papers. For holdings see published catalog of
Continental Congress papers.
M-1195.1-4 [Continental Congress]. Papers of the Continental Congress, 1775-
1789. Virginia State Library.
M-1432 Bockelman, Wayne L. "Continuity and change in revolutionary
Pennsylvania: a study of county government and office holders."
Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1969.
M-1253 Erlen, Jonathon. "Control of the military: an issue between the House
of Burgesses and the royal governors to 1715." M.A., University of
Kentucky, 1972.
M-1039 Knepper, George W. "The Convention Army, 1777-1783." Ph.D.,
University of Michigan Library, 1967.
M-1635 Cookbook, manuscript, early 18th century, with typed transcript and
index. Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts.
M-1093 Cookbook, 1739. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1093 Cookbook, 1836. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1821 Cookbooks from the Harvard Library, 1723-1924. Harvard University
M-1943 "Cookery Receipts." An 18th century manuscript cookbook.
Original Tryon Palace.
M-1079 [Cookery]. Custis, Francis Parke. Cookbook, 18th century. Historical
Society of Pennsylvania.
M-1991 [Cookery]. The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1016, Items 1-11.
British Library.
M-1992 [Cookery]. The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1852, Items 1-13.
M-2049 [Cookery]. The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1960, Items 1-12.
M-1993 [Cookery]. The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 4578, Items 1-4.
M-1690 [Cookery]. Frazer, Mrs. The practice of cookery (Dublin, 1791).
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
MF-14.1-2 [Cookery]. Hines, Mary Anne. The larder invaded: reflections on three
centuries of Philadelphia food and drink (Philadelphia, 1987).
M-1585 [Cookery]. Recipe book, ca. 1800s (mss.) Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1003 Cope, Robert Samuel. "Slavery and servitude in the colony of Virginia
in the seventeenth century." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1950.
M-1609 [Copley, John Singleton]. Klayman, Richard. "The education of an
artist: the American years of John Singleton Copley, 1738-1744."
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, 1981.
M-78 Coppet, Andre de. Collection, 1775-1781. Princeton University
M-36.3 Corbin, Francis Porteus. Papers, 1662-1734. Duke University
M-1559-1560 Corbin, Richard. Papers, 1746-[1762-1800]-1825. Tobacco book.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library. See also: M-55.1-2
M-1053 Corbin, S. Wellford. Diary, 1864-1865. Privately owned.
M-1110.1-2 Cornwallis papers. Public Records Office.
M-1526 Corran, Martha Dangerfield Bland. Excerpts from Mrs. B's Diary,
1763-1796. Brock Collection, Huntington Library.
M-24.2-4 Cosby, James. Account books, 1738-1744. Frederick Hall Plantation
accounts, University of North Carolina.
M-38 Richardson, Genevieve. "Costuming on the American stage, 1751-
1901: a study of major developments in wardrobe practice and costume
style." Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1953.
M-1235 Cotter, John Lambert. "Archeological excavations at Jamestown,
Virginia." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1959.
M-1001 Cotton, James and Ann. Loyalist claims, 1777-1789. North Carolina
Department of Archives and History.
M-40 Coulter, Calvin B. "The Virginia merchant." Ph.D., Princeton
University, 1944.
M-61 [Council]. Virginia. Governor's Council. Journals, 1752-1774. Public
Record Office, London.
M-1338.1-8 [Council]. Virginia. Governor's Council. Journals, 1787-1818.
Virginia State Library.
M-16.2 [Council]. Virginia State Records Project. "Virginia Miscellany".
Various Research Libraries.
M-1416 Kuroda, Tadahisa. "The county court system of Virginia from the
Revolution to the Civil War." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1970.
M-1378 Ellefson, Clifton Ashley. "The county courts and the Provincial
Court of Maryland, 1733-1763." Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1963.
M-150 [County records]. Index to Virginia county records on microfilm.
Virginia State Library.
M-2040 [Court records]. Charles City County, Va.
Virginia Orders, 1650; Orders, 1672-1673;
Order Book, 1677-1679; Orders, 1680, 1685;
Order Book, 1687-1695. Library of Virginia.
M-1364-13 [Court records] Middlesex County, Va.
Wills, Book G, 1787-93; Orders, 1758-67;
Wills, inventories, etc. 1794-95; Wills,
etc., 1795-98. Library of Virginia.
M-2042 [Court records]. Norfolk City, Va. Hustings
& Corp. Court Order Book, No.1, 1761-69;
No.2, 1770-82; No.3, 1783-85. Norfolk City
M-1467 [Courtesy books, early English]. Newberry Library.
M-1471 Callieres, Jacques de. The courtier's calling (London, 1675). Yale
University Library.
M-2018.1-3 Coventry papers at Bath. Source copy Library of Congress. Originals
at Longleat House, Bath.
M-1277 Cox, Harold. "Federalism and Anti-Federalism in Virginia, 1787: a
study of political and economic motivations." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1958.
M-1066 Coyner, Martin Boyd. "John Hartwell Cocke of Bremo: agriculture
and slavery in the ante-bellum south." Ph.D., University of Virginia,
M-109 Bullock, Thomas. "Crafts and craftsmen in Williamsburg, Virginia,
1736-1761, as revealed by the York County records and advertisements
in the Virginia Gazette." M.A., Duke University, 1950.
M-1807.1-4 [Crafts]. Sprengel, P.N. Handwerke in Tabellen. Berlin, 1767-1777.
Columbia University.
M-1696 Cragan, Thomas M. "Thomas Jefferson's early attitudes toward
manufacturing, agriculture and commerce." Ph.D., University of
Tennessee, 1965.
M-55.1 Craig, Alexander. Account books, 1749-1756 and 1761-1763. Galt
family papers, College of William and Mary.
M-67 Williamson, Arthur Shelburn. "Credit relations between colonial and
English merchants in the 18th century." Ph.D., University of Iowa,
M-1556 Cresswell, Nicholas. Journal, 1774-1777. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library. See also: M-1036.1-2
M-1096 Paschall, Davis Y. "Crime and its punishment in colonial Virginia,
1607-1776." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1937.
M-1641 Marsella, Paul Donald. "Criminal cases at the Essex County,
Massachusetts, Court of General Sessions, 1700-1785." Ph.D.,
University of New Hampshire, 1983.
M-1135 Crittenden family. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1798-1863. Library of
M-1753 William Croghan papers from the Draper Manuscripts. State
Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-1031 Cronin, David Edward. "The Vest Mansion, its Historical and
Romantic Associations as Confederate and Union Headquarters". 1862-
1865. New York Hist. Soc.
M-7 Crozier, William A., ed. Williamsburg wills (Baltimore, 1934). Vol. 3.
Virginia State Library.
M-1440 Crumpacker, Laurie. "Ester Burr's journal, 1754-1757: a document of
evangelical sisterhood." Ph.D., Boston University, 1978.
M-1105 Cubbison, Mary Paige. "The Virginia Antifederalists: a summary
view, September 1786-May 1788." M.A., Duke University, 1961.
M-1177 Culbertson, James. Papers, 1779-1780. Virginia State Library.
M-1445 Cullen, Charles T. "St. George Tucker and law in Virginia, 1772-
1804." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1971.
M-1488 Cullen, George F. "Talking to a whirlwind: the Loyalist printer in
America, 1763-1783." Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1979.
M-1163 [Culpeper County, Va.]. St. Mark's Parish. Records, 1730-1797.
Virginia State Library.
M-1897 Pulsipher, Lydia M. The Cultural Landscape of Montserrat, West
Indies, in the Seventeenth Century: Early Environmental
Consequences of British Colonial Development. Thesis. Southern
Illinois University. 1977.
M-1572 Struna, Nancy L. "The cultural significance of sport in the colonial
Chesapeake and Massachusetts." Ph.D., University of Maryland,
M-52 Cuninghame, William & Co. Letter books, 1767-1773; 1774-1777.
Privately owned. Filmed by the National Library of Scotland. See also:
M-1111 Cunninghame of Thornton papers, 1776-1782. Scottish Record
M-1761 [Currency]. Brock, Leslie Van Horn. Manuscript draft for an
unfinished book on currency in colonial America. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia.
M-91 [Currency]. Scheick, Donald Bowie. "The regulation of commodity
currency in colonial Virginia." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1954.
M-1020 [Currency]. Woodruff, Ebenezer B. Single multiplication of money
(mss.), May 19, 1791. Privately owned.
M-1069.2 Ernst, Joseph Albert. "Currency in the era of the American
Revolution: a history of colonial paper money practices and British
monetary practices. 1764-1781." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1962.
M-171 Brock, Leslie van Horn. "The currency of the American colonies,
1700-1764." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1941.
M-1027 Currus civilis; or genteel designs, for coaches, chariots, post-chaises,
vis a vis, road and park phaetons, whiskeys, single horse chaises, &c. in
the most fashinable taste, elegantly engraved on thirty plates (London,
1774). British Museum.
M-148 Custis, Daniel Parke. Letters, 1755-1756. Etting Collection, Historical
Society of Pennsylvania.
M-1079 Custis family. Papers, 1711-1792. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1079 Custis, Frances Parke. Cookbook, 18th century. Historical Society of
M-1523 Custis, John. Invoice book, 1734-1739. Privately owned.
M-8 Custis, John. Letter book, 1717-1741. Library of Congress.
M-1157 Custis, John. Letter book, 1717-1741. Typescripts by Maude H.
Woodfin. Virginia Historical Society.
M-58.1-2 Custis Papers. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1028.1-3 [Customs]. Public Record Office, Customs 3/1-26. Ledgers of imports
and exports, 1697-1777.
M-82.12 Dabney, Charles. Papers, 1776-1782. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1686 Dabney, Charles W. Papers, 1716-[1785-1831]-1945. University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
M-24.1 Dabney, Charles W. Papers, 1744-1940. Southern Historical
Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
M-1585 Dabney, William and Charles. Ledger, 1755-1778. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1183 Daetweiler, Robert Chester. "Richard Bland: conservator of self-
government in eighteenth-century Virginia." Ph.D., University of
Washington, 1968.
M-1040 Dain, Norman. "Insanity: changing concepts in the U.S., 1789-1865."
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1961.
MF-8.1-2 [Dale, Samuel]. Mark Catesby specimens in the Samuel Dale
Herbarium. British Museum.
M-1132.1-2 [Dalhousie muniments]. Papers relating to America in the Dalhousie
Muniments [James Glenn papers, 1743-1756; Brig. Gen. John Forbes
papers, c. 1758]. Scottish Record Office; filmed by Micro Methods, Inc.
M-161 [Dancing]. Weaver, John. Orchesography or the art of dancing
(London, c. 1715). Library of Congress.
M-1271 Danglade, James K. "John Graves Simcoe and the U.S., 1775-1796: a
study in Anglo-American frontier diplomacy." Ph.D., Ball State
University, 1972.
M-1093 Darton and Harvey's catalogue for 1792. Comprising about twenty
thousand volumes of valuable books (London, c1792). Galt family
papers, College of William and Mary.
M-1825 Allee, Virginia Rae Mueller. "David Allee's Children." M.A., The
University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1988.
M-155 [Davies, Samuel]. Bost, George. "Samuel Davies, colonial revivalist
and champion of religious toleration." Ph.D., University of Chicago,
M-1709 [Davies, Samuel]. Larson, Barbara Ann. "A rhetorical study of the
preaching of the Reverend Samuel Davies in the colony of Virginia,
1747-1759." Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1969.

M-1396 Davies, Samuel. Miscellaneous poems (Williamsburg, 1751). Boston
Public Library.
M-1398 Davies, Samuel. Virginia's danger and remedy (Williamsburg, 1756).
Library of Congress.
M-1026 Davis, Florence Pearl. "The education of southern girls from the
middle of the eighteenth century to the close of the Antebellum period."
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1951.
M-1236 Davis, Thomas Robert. "Sport and excercise in the lives of selected
colonial Americans: Massachusetts and Virginia, 1770-1775." Ph.D.,
University of Maryland, 1970.
M-22.3-4 Dawson, Thomas and William. Papers, 1728-1775. Library of
M-1903 Dean, Kevin William. "A Rhetorical Biography of Jonathan Edwards:
Beyond the Fires of Hell." Ph'D thesis. University of Maryland, College
Park. 1989.
M-1602 Dean, Patricia A. "The meek get in their licks: temperance literature of
the early nineteenth century as an expression of private feminism."
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1981.
M-2043 Dease, William. Remarks on medical jurisprudence..., 1793.
National Library of Medicine.
M-1543 Declaration of Independence, 1776. Library of Congress.
M-1431 Fortin, Roger A. "The decline of royal authority in Massachusetts."
Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1969.
M-2036 [Deeds]. Charles City County, Va. Deed Book No. 4, 1789-1802;
Deed Book No.5, 1803-1816. Charles City County Courthouse.
M-2037 [Deeds]. Charles City County, Va. Deed Book No. 6, 1816-1824;
Deed Book No.7, 1824-1831. Charles City County Courthouse.
M-1252 Deen, James William. "Patterns of Virginia testation, 1660-1719: a
study of the wills of four Tidewater counties." M.A., University of
Virginia, 1971.
M-1520 Walsh, William P. "The defeat of Major General Arthur St. Clair,
November 4, 1791: a study of the nation's response, 1791-1793."
Ph.D., Loyola University of Chicago, 1977.
M-1777.1-2 [Delaware, Kent County]. Bushman, Richard L, comp. "A Random
Sample of Kent County, Delaware, Estate Inventories, 1727-1790."
M-1593 [Delaware Valley]. Soderlund, Jean Ruth. "Conscience, interest, and
power: the development of Quaker opposition to slavery in the
Delaware Valley, 1688-1780." Ph.D., Temple University, 1982.
M-1109 Delvine papers. Grant of Ballindalloch. [Letters of James Grant
during the American Revolution]. See also: M-1110.2
M-1697 Denbo, Marilou. "The nineteenth century presidents of the College of
William and Mary." Ph.D., New York University, 1974.
M-1239 Denboer, Gordon Roy. "The House of Delegates and evolution of
political parties in Virginia, 1782-1792." Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin, 1972.
M-1120 Deneufville papers, 1785-ca. 1850. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-1510 Denn, John R. "Prison narratives of the American Revolution." Ph.D.,
Michigan State University, 1980.
M-1033 Cometti, Elizabeth. "The departments of the Quartermaster and
Clothier-General, 1775-1780." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1581 Derby, Doris Adelaide. "Black women basket makers: a study of
domestic economy in Charleston County, South Carolina." Ph.D.,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign, 1980.
M-1129 [Derbyshire]. Porter, William Smith. Notes from a Peakland Parish:
an account of the church and Parish of Hope in the county of Derby.
Sheffield, 1923. Sheffield City Library.
M-1489 Derounian, Kathryn Z. "Genre, voice and character in the literature of
six early American women writers, 1650-1817." Ph.D., Pennsylvania
State University, 1980.
MF-17.1-3 Brent, Chester Horton,"The Descendants of Hugh Brent." Rutland, Vt.,
MF-18.1-3 Brent, Chester Horton, "The Descendants of Collo. Giles Brent, Capt.
George Brent... Rutland Vt., 1946
M-1120 De Sequeyra, John. Notebooks on diseases, 1745-1781; ante 1795.
Galt family papers, College of William and Mary.
M-1392 Garrett, David. Designs and estimates of farm houses, etc., for the
counties of York, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland and
Bishopric of Durham (London, 1747). Columbia Univerisity Library.
M-1394 Swan, Abraham. Designs for chimnies (London, 1765). Kocher
Collection, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1173.1 Dettingen Parish (Prince William County, Va.). Vestry book, 1745-
1802. Virginia State Library.
M-1276 Abbott, Phyllis R. "The development and operation of an American
land system to 1800," Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1959.
M-1664 Suehs, Hermann Charles. "The development, implementation, and
assessment of a course of study for the improvisational techniques in
the performance of Baroque music from 1679 to 1741." D.M.A.,
Catholic University, 1979.
M-1091 McNamara, Brooks Barry. "The development of the American
playhouse in the eighteenth century." Ph.D., Tulane University, 1965.
M-1734 Neely, Frederick Tilden. "The development of Virginia taxation, 1775
to 1860." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1956.
M-1183.2 Klingaman, David Charles. "The development of Virginia's coastwise
trade and grain trade in the late colonial period." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1967.
M-1548 DeWitt, Simeon. Route map, 1781. New York Historical Society.
M-30 Dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Scented, William Oronoco, planters,
both men of good understanding, and Justice Love-Country, who can
speak for himself. By a sincere lover of Virginia (Williamsburg, 1732).
John Carter Brown Library.
M-82.12 Diary, Oct. 30, 1807-Jan. 22, 1808. Diary of an itinerant peddler
traveling in Virginia counties with Edward Downing. Miscellaneous
Manuscripts. Virginia Historical Soc.
M-1613 [Dickinson, John]. Hynes, Sandra Sarkela. "The political rhetoric of
John Dickinson, 1764-1776." Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1982.
M-1240 Dickson, Charles Ellis. "Politics in a new nation: early career of James
Monroe." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1978.
M-80 Macquer, Philippe. Dictionaire portalif des arts et metiers (Yverdon,
1747). Vol. 3, pp. 64-83, only. Possibly Library of Congress.
M-1993 [Bailey, N.] Dictionarium Domesticum. The
Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 4578, Items 1-4.
British Library.
M-1270 Diffendal, Anne. "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign
Parts and assimilation of foreign Protestants in British North America."
Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 1974.
M-1095 Dillard, Carra Garret. "The grammar school of the College of William
and Mary, 1693-1888." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1951.
M-1274 [Dinwiddie County, Va.]. Bath Parish register, 1827-1897. Virginia
State Library.
M-1021.35 Dinwiddie County, Va. Court papers to March 1783. Tucker-Coleman
Collection, College of William and Mary.
M-1687.2 [Dinwiddie County, Va.]. U.S. Census of 1810. National Archives.
M-1688 [Dinwiddie County, Va.]. U.S. Census of 1850. National Archives.
M-1776 [Dinwiddie County Va.]. Zehmer, John G. Jr. "The early domestic
Architecture of Dinwiddie County, VA." M.A. University of Virginia,
M-26 [Dinwiddie, Robert]. Koontz, Louis, ed. Correspondence of Robert
Dinwiddie. University of California, 1951.
M-1001 Dinwiddie, Robert. Letter to the Earl of Bute, 17 January 1763.
Additional Mss. 38334, British Museum.
M-1844.1-3 [Directories] Birmingham trade directories. Central Public Library,
Birmingham. 1767 - 1830.
M-1081 [Directories] 1766, 1774, 1777. City of Liverpool Reference Library.
M-1926. 1-3 [Directories] Liverpool Directories, 1766-1824.
M-12 [Directories]. Complete guide to London, 1755; 1756. University of
London, Institute of Historic Research.
M-1038.1-2 [Directories]. London directories, 1677-1825. British Museum,
Bishopgate Library, and Guildhall Library. See also: M-1123.
M-1123 [Directories] London directory, 1791 (incomplete). University of
Chicago Library?
M-1082 [Directories] Manchester directories, 1772, 1773, 1781, 1788, 1794,
1797, 1800, 1802, 1808/09, 1811, 1813, 1815. Manchester Public
M-1081 [Directories]. Shetckly's Sheffield (England) directory, 1774. City of
Sheffield Public Library.
M-1168 [Directories]. Smith, Joseph. "Explanation and key to the various
manufactures of Sheffield (Sheffield, 1816). Winterthur Museum
M-194 Callaway, James. "Disallowance of colonial legislation, 1696-1737."
Ph.D., Indiana University, 1953.
M-1026 Morgan, John, M.D. A discourse upon the institution of medical
schools in America (Philadelphia, 1765). Historical Society of
M-1120 [Disease]. De Sequeyra, John. Notebooks on diseases, 1745-1781; ante
1795. Galt Family papers, College of William and Mary.
M-36.3 Dismal Swamp Land Company papers, 1665-1813. Duke University
M-1560 Dismal Swamp Land Company papers, 1792-1834. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1701 Hines, Mary Elizabeth. "Dissent in the political philosophy of
Thomas Jefferson." Ph.D., Catholic Univ. 1981.
M-1008 Malone, Miles S. "The distribution of population on the Virginia
frontier in 1775." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1935.
M-1929 Smith, Margaret Bayard. Diversions of Sydney by a friend of youth.
Free Library of Philadelphia.
M-1199 Ludwell, Philip III. The divine and holy litergy of St. John
Chrysostom (Mss., 1760). Church History Society, Austin, Texas.
M-1711 Berens, John F. "Divine Providence and the American
Enlightenment: 1740-1815." Ph.D., Marquette University, 1975.
M-1310.1-12 Dixon, Edward. Papers, 1743-1808. Library of Congress.
M-1260 Breshaw, Elaine W. "Dr. Alexander Hamilton and the
Enlightenment in Maryland." Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1973.
M-1359 Nyland, Keith. "Dr. Thomas Walker." Ph.D., Ohio State University,
MF-4 Jensen, Merrill, ed. Documentary history of the ratification of the
Constitution (Madison, Wisconsin, 1979- ). Microfiche supplement to
published edition.
M-1165 Dodge, John. Account book, Commissary Department, Fort Jefferson,
1779-1780. Virginia State Library.
M-1904 Doe, Donald Bartlett. "The Sublime As An Esthetic Correlative: A
Study of Late Eighteenth Century Aesthetic Theory, Landscape Painting
and Gothic Drama." Ph'd thesis. Ohio University. 1977.
MF-24 Domestic Servants in Philadelphia, 1780-1830. National Park Service.
M-1719 Dorrill, George T. "Black and white speech in the South: evidence
from the linguistic atlas of the middle and south Atlantic states." Ph.D.,
University of South Carolina, 1982.
M-1815 Dossie, Robert. Handmaid to the Arts. London, 1758. University of
Wisconsin, Madison.
M-1921 Douglas, James, Account Book, 1784-1792. Original: University of
Michigan: Clement Library.
M-21 Downman, Raleigh. Letters, 1760-1780. See Joseph Ball Letter Book.
M-1315 Downs, Joseph. Manuscripts, 1670-1841. Winterthur Museum.
M-1188.1-8 [Draper manuscripts]. Boone manuscripts. State Historical Society
of Wisconsin.
M-1188.9 [Draper manuscripts]. Border forays papers. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
M-1188.10-25 [Draper manuscripts]. George Rogers Clark papers. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
MF-1.1 [Draper manuscripts]. George Rogers Clark papers, calendar of.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-1188.26 [Draper manuscripts]. William Clark papers. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
M-1753 [Draper manuscripts]. William Croghan papers. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
M-1188.29 [Draper manuscripts]. Draper's biographical sketches. State
Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-1188.30-35 [Draper manuscripts]. Frontier wars manuscripts. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
MF-1.2 [Draper manuscripts]. Frontier wars manuscripts. calendar of.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-1188.36-42 [Draper manuscripts]. Kentucky manuscripts. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
M-1188.29 [Draper manuscripts]. North Carolina manuscripts. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
M-1188.27-28 [Draper manuscripts]. Pittsburgh & Northwest Virginia
manuscripts. State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-125.1-2 [Draper manuscripts]. Preston papers. State Historical Society of
M-1754 [Draper manuscripts]. David Shephard papers. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
M-10.1-2 [Draper manuscripts]. David Shephard papers, calendar of. State
Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-125.3-5 [Draper manuscripts]. Virginia papers. State Historical Society of
M-1583 Wares, Lydia Jean. "Dress of the African-American woman in
slavery and freedom, 1500-1935." Ph.D., Purdue University, 1981.
M-1694.1-2 Drinker, Elizabeth. Diaries, 1758-1807. Drinker Papers, Historical
Society of Pennsylvania.
M-1834 [Drinking Customs]. Stubaus, Karen R. " "The Good Creatures":
Drinking Law and Custom in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts and
Virginia." Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1984.
M-1312 Dromgoole, Edward. Papers, 1806-1809; 1813. University of North
Carolina and privately owned.
M-1026 [Drugs]. A catalog of drugs, and or chymical and galenical medicines;
sold by John Tweedy at his shop in Newport Rhode Island, and for hime
in New York, at the Sign of the Unicorn and Mortar (Newport?, 1760?).
New York Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
M-1026 [Drugs]. Catalogue of drugs, chymical and galenical preparations, shop
furniture, patent medicines, and surgeons instruments, sold by John Day
and Co. (Philadelphia, 1771). American Philosophical Society.
M-1093 [Drugs]. Wellings, Thomas. A catalogue of chymical and galenical
medicenes truly prepared and sold, with all sorts of drugs.... (London,
n.d.). Galt Collection, College of William and Mary.
M-1532 Duke, Kathleen Mary. "Women's education and the eighteenth century
British novel." Ph.D., University of Arkansas, 1980.
M-36.4 [Duke University Library]. Miscellaneous manuscripts from the
collections of the Duke University Library.
M-142 [Dulany, Daniel]. Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in
the British colonies (Annapolis, 1765). Maryland Diocesan Library
(Peabody Institute Library).
M-122 Dulany papers. Maryland Historical Society.
M-50 Dumfries, Va. Records at large in the District Court, 1798-1799.
Virginia State Library.
MF 46.1-11 [Dummies (Bookselling)] Pre-1801 Book
Prospectuses. Part II: Prospectuses from
the Gough Collection. Bodleian Library.
M-1474 [Dunk, George Montagu]. Blackey, Robert A. "The political career of
George Montagu Dunk, Second Earl of Halifax, 1748-1771." Ph.D.,
New York University, 1968.
M-31 Caley, Percy B. "Dunmore: colonial governor of New York and
Virginia, 1770-1782." Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1939.
M-36.3 Dunning, Edward, Mrs. Papers, 1851. Duke University Library.
M-1497 Du Refuge, Eustache. The accomplished courtier (London, 1658).
Newberry Library.
M-1313 [Dunwalt, Gottfried]. Catalogus musicalium (Koln, 1770). British
M-1123 Durrett collection, selected items. University of Chicago.
M-1468 Greiert, Steven G. "The Earl of Halifax and British colonial policy,
1748-1756." Ph.D., Duke University, 1976.
M-1638.l-105 Early American medical imprints, 1668-1820. Various repositories.
Source: Research Publications, Inc.
M-1655 Locke, James Eric. "Early American piano themes and variations,
1790-1830: a study of music and musicians." M.A., California State
University, 1980.
MF-19-22. 1-495 Early American Research Reports from the Colonial Williamsburg
Libraries. Segment 1 Opus Publication. Copies 1-4.
M-1323 Hobson, Charles. "Early career of Edmund Randolph, 1753-1789."
Ph.D., Emory University, 1971.
M-1776 Zehmer, John G. Jr. "The early domestic Architecture of Dinwiddie
County, VA." M.A. University of Virginia, 1970.
M-1467 [Early English courtesy books], Roll 2. Newberry Library.
M-1592 La Monte, Ruthe Bradburn. "Early Maryland education: the
colonials, the Catholics, and the Carrolls." Ph.D., Ohio State University,
M-1414 Earnest, Grace E. "City life in the Old South: the British travellers'
image." Ph.D., Florida State University, 1966.
M-1154 East India Company. Goods for sale in London, 1704-1727. India
Office Library, London.
M-1123 [Eastern State Hospital]. Iglehart, Esther Garland. "A brief history of
Eastern State Hospital as shown by a study of the early records of the
hospital." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1930.
M-1035 [Eastern State Hospital]. Minute book of the Court of Directors of the
[Lunatick] Hospital, 1771-1801. Original manuscripts at Virginia State
Library. This copy from photostat at the Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1123 [Eastern State Hospital]. Siske, James Harding. "A history of the
Eastern State Hospital of Virginia under the Galt family, 1773-1862."
M.A., College of William and Mary, 1949.
M-1898. 1-4 [Eastern State Hospital] Galt Family/Eastern State Hospital Papers.
Originals owned by Eastern State Hospital.
M-1019 Pickering, Thomathe, Jr. An easy plan of discipline for a militia
(Salem, 1775). Harvard University Library.
M-1720 Ebinger, Warren M. "The role of the clergy in the American
Revolution." Ph.D., American University, 1976.
M-1616 Lustig, Mary Lou. "Eboracensis: the public career of Robert Hunter
(1666-1734)." Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1982.
M-1298 Kelly, Kevin P. "Economic and social development of 17th century
Surry County, Virginia." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1972.
M-1279 Maganzin, Louis. "Economic depression in Maryland and Virginia."
Ed.D., Georgetown University, 1967.
M-1617 Siener, William Harold. "Economic development in revolutionary
Virginia: Fredericksburg, 1750-1810." Ph.D., College of William and
Mary, 1982.
M-1892.1-9 [Ecomonic History] Colonial Port Commodity Import and Export
Records for Virginia (Accomac, Rappahannock, South Potomac),
Jamaica, New York, and South Carolina (1680-1769).
M-1417 [Economic history]. Egnal, Marc M. "The Pennsylvania economy,
1748-1762." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1975.
M-1764 [Economic history] Goldsmiths' -Kress Library of Economic
Literature. Reel 1949
M-1822 [Economic History]. Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic
Literature. Reel 1733
M-1842 [Economic History] Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature,
Reel 807.
M-1845 - 1880 [Economic History] Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature,
Reels 351, 366, 383, 391, 398, 401, 416, 421, 445, 453, 459, 474, 479,
480, 497, 500, 508, 509, 526, 540, 567, 585, 601, 605, 608, 614, 627,
635, 640, 675, 685, 839, 929, 975, 1009, 2057.
M-1888 [Economic History] Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Ecomonic Literature,
Reel 1501.
M-1890 [Economic History] Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Ecomonic Literature,
Reel 718.
M-1891 [Economic History] Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Ecomonic Literature,
Reel 882.
M-1922 [Economic History] Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic
Literature. Item 6429.4. Reel 389.
M-1923 [Economic History] Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic
Literature. Items 7645-7679. Reel 488.
M-1924 [Economic History] Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic
Literature. Items 10175.3 -10186. Reel 855.
M-1925 [Economic History] Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic
Literature. Items 10860-10865.5 Reel 1012.
M-1945 [Economic History] Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Ecomonic
Literature. Items 9678.1-9678.8. Reel 770.
M-1946 [Economic History] Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Ecomonic
Literature. Unit 51 Items 21742.27- 21742.33. Reel 2146.
M-1771 [Economic History]. Hoest, William Walter. "The plantation in a
regional economy: Pocket Plantation, 1762-1785. M.A., University of
Virginia, 1977.
M-1087 [Economic history]. Rainbolt, John C. "The Virginia vision: a
political history of the efforts to diversify the economy of the Old
Dominion, 1650-1706." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1966.
M-1344 [Economic history]. Stewart, Peter. "The commercial history of
Hampton Roads, Virginia, 1815-1860." Ph.D., University of Virginia,
M-1772 [Economic History]. Tschan, Francis Joesph. "The Virginia planters:
some aspects of the economic history of Virginia, 1700-1775." Ph.D.,
University of Chicago, 1916.
M-191 Soltow, James H. "The economic role of Williamsburg." Unpublished
report, Department of Research, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 1956.
M-1278 Menard, Russell R. "Economy and society in early colonial
Maryland." Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1975.
M-1213 Edenton (N.C.) gazette, 1800-1801. Various repositories. Source:
North Carolina State Archives.
M-1213 Edenton (N.C.) intelligencer, 1788. Various repositories. Source:
North Carolina State Archives.
M-1115.1-2 Edinburgh University matriculation records, 1623-1828. Edinburgh
MF-15.1-2 [Editing]. Association for Documentary Editing. Newsletter, volumes
1-8 (March 1979-December 1986).
M-1698 Edmonds, Anthony Owens. "The image of the southern plantation:
comparison of recent historical and fictional accounts." Ph.D.,
Vanderbilt University, 1970.
M-1094.1 [Education]. Ackermann, R. "The history of the colleges of
Winchester, Eton and Westminster with the Charter-House, the schools
of St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors, Harrow, and Rugby, and the Free-School
of Christ's Hospital (London, 1816). British Museum.
M-58.2 [Education]. Donald Robertson Account Book. 1758-1775. Virginia
Historical Society.
M-1532 [Education]. Duke, Kathleen Mary. "Women's education and the
eighteenth century British novel." Ph.D., University of Arkansas, 1980.
M-1592 [Education]. LaMonte, Ruth Bradburn. "Early Maryland education:
the colonials, the Catholics, and the Carrolls." Ph.D., Ohio State
University, 1976.
M-1729 [Education]. Lang, Elizabeth H. "Colonial colleges and politics: Yale,
King's College and the College of Philadelphia, 1740-1764." Ph.D.,
Cornell University, 1976.
M-1606 [Education]. McAllister, Elaine. "The Marquis de Condorcet and
Thomas Jefferson: revolutionary proposals for civic education in the
eighteenth century." Ph.D., Georgia State University, 1982.
M-1607 [Education]. McRae, Norman. "Blacks in Detroit, 1736-1823: the
search for freedom and community and its implications for educators."
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1982.
M-1282 [Education]. Mathews, Alice E. "Pre-college education in the southern
colonies." Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1968.
M-1449 [Education]. Medlin, Stuart B. "The founding of the permanent
denominational colleges in Virginia, 1776-1861." Ph.D., College of
William and Mary, 1976.
M-1736 [Education]. Osborne, Ruby Orders. "The College of William and
Mary in Virginia, 1800-1827." Ph.D., College of William and Mary,
M-1164 [Education]. Robertson, Donald. School account book, 1756-1773.
Virginia Historical Society.
M-1749 [Education]. Wall, Charles Coleman. "Students and student life at the
University of Virginia, 1825 to 1861." Ph.D., University of Virginia,

M-1766 [Education]. William and Mary, College of. Records, 1710-1818.
Library of Congress.
M-1884 [Education]. Young Gentlemen and Lady's Private Tutor. British
M-1609 Klayman, Richard. "The education of an artist: the American years of
John Singleton Copley, 1738-1744." Ph.D., University of New
Hampshire, 1981.
M-1026 Davis, Florence Pearl. "The education of southern girls from the
middle of the eighteenth century to the close of the antebellum period."
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1951.
M-1724 Harris, Woodrow Wilson. "The education of the southern urban
adult: Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia, 1790-1812."
Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1979.
M-1903 [Edwards, Jonathan] Dean, Kevin William. "A Rhetorical Biography
of Jonathan Edwards: Beyond the Fires of Hell." Ph'D thesis. University
of Maryland, College Park. 1989.
M-1908 [Edwards, Jonathan] Husband, Paul Edward. "Church Membership in
Northampton: Solomon Stoddard verses Jonathan Edwards." Ph'D
thesis. Westminster Theological Seminary. 1990. Purchase.
M-1912 [Edwards, Jonathan] McDermott, Gerald Robert. One Holy and
Happy Society: The Public Theology of Jonathan Edwards. Ph'D thesis.
University of Iowa. 1989.
M-1913 [Edwards, Jonathan] Pauw, Amy Plantinga. "The Supreme Harmony
of all": Jonathan Edwards and the Trinity. Ph'D thesis. Yale University.
M-1917 [Edwards, Jonathan] Steele, Richard Bruce. "Gracious Affection" and
"True Virtue" in the Experimental Theoligies of Jonathan Edwards and
John Wesley. Ph'D thesis. Marquette University. 1990.
M-1358 Young, Chester. "Effects of the French and Indian War on civilian
life in the frontier counties of Virginia, 1754-1763." Ph.D.,
Vanderbilt University, 1969.

M-1146.1-2 Effingham, Baron Howard of, Papers. Library of Congress.
M-1034.2 Eggleston, Joseph Jr. Letter to St. George Tucker, Japan, 4 October
1780. Privately owned.
M-1417 Egnal, Marc M. "The Pennsylvania economy, 1748-1762: an analysis
of short-run fluctuations in the context of long-run changes in the
Atlantic trading community." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison,
M-1348 Valentine, John. Eight easy symphonies (London, n.d.). British
M-1739 Preisser, Thomas Milton. "Eighteenth-century Alexandria, Virginia,
before the Revolution, 1749-1776." Ph.D., College of William and
Mary, 1977.
M-1918 Welsh, Rosemary. "Eighteenth Century British Landscape Theory:
Rituals of Consecration." Ph'D thesis. State University of New York at
Binghamton. 1987.
M-1991 The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1016, Items 1-11. British
M-1992 The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1852, Items 1-13. British
M-2049 The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1960, Items 1-12. British
M-2041 The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 3070, Item 1, v.1. James, R. (
Robert). A medicinal dictionary... Harvard University Library.
M-1993 The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 4578, Items 1-4. British
M-1575 Parent, Anthony S. " 'Either a fool or a fury:' the emergence of
paternalism in colonial Virginia slave society." Ph.D., University of
California at Los Angeles, 1982.

M-1381 Ekirch, Arthur Roger. " 'Poor Carolina': society and politics in North
Carolina, 1729-1771." Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1979.
MF-30 [Elections, 18th Century, England]. Nottinghamshire Poll Book. The
Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, London. 1754.
MF-29.1-5 [Elections, 18th Century, England] Westminster Poll Book. Society
of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, London. 1749.
M-1025 Eley, Susan Briggs. "Robert Carter letter book, 1764-1768." M.A.,
College of William and Mary, 1962.
M-1721 Eliades, David K. "The Indian policy of colonial South Carolina, 1670-
1763." Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1981.
M-117.4-6 Elizabeth City County, Va. Records. See: Guide to county records on
microfilm at the Virginia State Library for holdings. See also: M-
1050.6, M-1162.1-5, and M-1679
M-1540 Elizabeth City County, Va. Land tax records, 1782-1822. Virginia
State Library.
M-1803.1-2 Elizabeth City County, Virginia Records. Land Tax, 1782-1850.
Virginia State Library.
M-1794.1-2 Elizabeth City County, Virginina Records. Personal Property Taxes,
1786-1851. Virginia State Library.
M-1298 Hughes, Sarah S. "Elizabeth City County, Virginia, 1782-1810: the
economic and social structure of a Tidewater county in the early national
years." Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 1975.
MF-23 St. Paul's Church (Prostestant Episcopal) Norfolk, Va. Vestry Book of
Elizabeth Parish, 1749-1761. New York Public Library.
M-1096 [Elizabeth City Parish]. von Doenhoff, Marion Ruth. "The Vestry
Book of Elizabeth City Parish; 1751-1784." M.A., College of William
and Mary, 1957.
M-1173.2 Elizabeth River Parish (Norfolk County, Va.). Vestry book, 1749-
1761. Virginia State Library.
M-1378 Ellefson, Clinton Ashley. "The county courts and the Provincial Court
of Maryand, 1733-1763." Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1963.
M-1640 Ellet, William. Manuscript arithmetic book, 1761. Duke University
M-1819 Elliott, Elizabeth G., Collection, 1755-1871. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1885 Ellis & Allen Co. Records. Library of Congress. 1797 - 1800.
M-29 Emmet collection, 1742-1802. New York Public
Library. See also: M-1202, 1332
M-1745 Stuart, Reginald Charles. "Encounter with Mars: Thomas Jefferson's
view of war." Ph.D., University of Florida, 1974.
M-1213 Encyclopedian instructor (Edenton, N.C.), 1800. Various repositories.
Source: North Carolina State Archives.
M-1665 Rohrer, Katherine Tinley. "The energy of English words: a linguistic
approach to Henry Purcell's method of setting texts." Ph.D., Princeton
University, 1980.
M-1408 Engdahl, Bonnie T. "Paradise in the New World: a study of the image
of the garden in the literature of colonial America." Ph.D., University of
California at Los Angeles, 1967.
M-1594.1-16 [England, Lincolnshire] Thistlewood collection, 1720-1853.
Lincolnshire Archives, England.
MF-30 [England, Nottinghamshire]. Nottinghamshire Poll Book. The
Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, London. 1754.
MF-29.1-5 [England, Westminster] Westminster Poll Book. Society of
Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, London. 1749.
M-1518 Pham, Augustine Lan Van. "English colonial treaties with American
Indians: observations on a neglected grave." Ph.D., Fordham
University, 1977.
M-1296 Ward, Churchill E. "The English conception of America, 1550-1700."
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve, 1974.
M-1665 [English language]. Rohrer, Katherine Tinley. "The energy of English
words: a linguistic approach to Henry Purcell's method of setting texts."
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1980.
M-1019 Entire new and compleat instructions for the fife (London, n.d.).
Library of Congress.
M-1515 Carbone, Victor A. "Environment and prehistory in the Shenandoah
Valley." Ph.D., Catholic University, 1976.
M-1702 [Episcopal Church]. Holmes, David Lynn. "William Meade and the
church of Virginia, 1789-1829." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971.
M-1253 Erlen, Jonathan. "Control of the military: an issue between the House
of Burgesses and the royal Governors to 1713." M.A., University of
Kentucky, 1972.
M-1905 Ernest, John Richard. "The Langauge of Truth: Narrative Strategy in
the Histories of William H. Prescott, George Bancroft, Henry Adams."
Ph.D thesis. University of Virginia. 1989. Purchase.
M-1069.2 Ernst, Joseph Albert. "Currency in the era of the American
Revolution: a history of colonial paper money practices and British
monetary policies, 1764-1781." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1962.
M-1018 Plee, Auguste. Esquisses faites au cours d'un voyage aux Etats-Unis,
Canada, Antilles, 1809-1825 (manuscript). Museum d'Histoire
M-1467 Astell, Mary. An essay in defense of the female sex (London, 1697).
Newberry Library.
M-123 Essay on the increase in trade (London, 1749). John Carter Brown
M-1392 Jackson, J.B. An essay on the invention of engraving and printing in
chiaro oscuro (London, 1754). Newberry Library.
M-1804.1-3 Essex County, Virginia Records. Land Tax, 1782-1850. Virginia
State Library.
M-1795.1-3 Essex County, Virginia Records. Personal Property Taxes, 1782-
1852. Virginia State Library.
M-1173.2 [Essex County, Va]. South Farnham Parish. Vestry book, 1739-1876.
Virginia State Library.
M-102 [Essex Institute]. Catalogue of negatives in the Essex Institute
collections. Salem, Massachusetts, 1925. Essex Institute.
M-1224.1-7 [Essex Institute]. Inventory of sample books from the collections of the
Essex Institute.
M-1382 Essig, James David. "Break every yoke: American evangelicals against
slavery, 1770-1808." Ph.D., Yale University, 1978.
M-1272 Gage, T.E. "The established church in colonial Virginia, 1689-1785."
Ph.D., University of Missouri at Columbia, 1974.
M-1777.1-2 [Estate Inventories]. Bushman, Richard L, comp. "A Random Sample
of Kent County, Delaware, Estate Inventories, 1727-1790."
M-1317-1 [Estate matters] Randolph Estate-Farm Account Book, 1783-1829.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
M-1440 Crumpacker, Laurie. "Ester Burr's journal, 1754-1757: a document of
evangelical sisterhood." Ph.D., Boston University, 1978.
M-1750 Williams, Kenneth R. "The ethics of Thomas Jefferson." Ph.D.,
Boston University, 1962.
M-174 Evens, Emory Gibbons. "The Nelsons: A biographical study of a
Virginia family in the eighteenth century." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1957.
M-22.3 Jarvis, James. Events in Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, to 1853
(manuscript). Library of Congress.
M-1017 Tennant, John. Every man his own doctor, 2nd edition (Williamsburg
and Annapolis, 1734). The New York Academy of Medicine.
M-1477 Tennant, John. Every man his own doctor, 3rd edition (Williamsburg
and Annapolis, 1736). Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
M-1460 Every woman her own housekeeper (London, 1773). New York
Academy of Medicine.
M-1598 Graves, William H. "The evolution of American Indian policy: from
colonial times to the Florida Treaty (1819)." Ph.D., Florida State
University , 1982.
M-156 Fisher, Miles M. "The evolution of slave songs of the United States."
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1949.
M-1738 Peltier, Charlotte Hyams. "The evolution of the criminal justice
system of the Eastern Cherokees, 1580-1838." Ph.D., Rice University,
M-1003 Reader, Faye Bartlett. "The evolution of the Virginia land grant
system in the eighteenth century." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1937.
M-1638 Mercer, John. An exact abridgement of all the public acts of
assembly of Virginia (Williamsburg, 1737), and; A continuation of the
abridgement (Williamsburg, 1739). College of William and Mary.
M-1339.1-13 Executive letter books, 1780-1816. Virginia State Library.
M-1156 Expenditure, Colonial Establishments. C.O. 5/112-113. Original
Correspondence, Secretary of state. Estimates of Annual Expenses of
Colonial Establishments, 1767-1768.
M-1246 Rich, Myra L. "Experimental years: Virginia, 1781-1798." Ph.D.,
Yale University, 1965.
M-1168 Smith, Joseph. Explanation or key to the various manufactures of
Sheffield (Sheffield, 1816). Winterthur Museum Library.
M-1028.5 [Exports]. Imports and exports compared with the excess of each
country, 1698-1716. Additional mss. 29,903, British Museum.
M-1028.1-3 [Exports]. Ledgers of imports and exports, 1697-1777. Customs 3/1-
26, Public Record Office, London.
M-93 Stewart, James. Extracts from ploca cosmos: or, the whole art of hair
dressing (London, 1782). College of William and Mary.
M-1067 Brightman, Ann. "Fabrics and styles of colonial window hangings as
revealed through Boston and Salem, Mass., records, 1700-1760." Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 1963.
M-12 Fagerstrom, Dalphy I. "The American Revolutionary movement in
Scottish opinion 1763 to 1783." Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, 1951.
M-1436 Fairbanks, Joseph H., Jr. "Richard Peters (c. 1704-1776): Provincial
Secretary of Pennsylvania." Ph.D., University of Alabama, 1972.
M-1266 Fairfax Estate Account Books, 1781-1798. Library of Congress. Two
M-1534 Shevelow, Kathryn A. "Fair-sexing it: Richard Steele's `Tattler` and
the revolution of a feminized prose in English periodical literature."
Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, 1981.
M-1603 [Family history]. Groover, Ralph E. "Alexander Campbell and the
family: precept and example." Ph.D., Emory University, 1982.
M-1281 [Family history]. Oberseider, Nancy L. "A socio-demographic study of
the family as a social unit in Tidewater, Virginia." Ph.D., University of
Maryland, 1975.
M-1500 [Family history]. Scadron, Arlene W. "The formative years:
childhood and childrearing in eighteenth century Anglo-American
culture." Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1974.
M-1012 Rogers, Albert Allen. "Family life in eighteenth century Virginia."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1374.1-10 Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, 1752-1800.
M-1266 Farmer, Henry George. Military music and its story; the rise and
development of military music (London, c. 1912). Library of Congress.
M-1519 Veatch, Betty L. "The Farmington landing site: a cultural sequence of
the Maryland coastal plain." M.A., American University, 1974.
M-1674 Farren, Donald. "Subscription: a study of the 18th century American
book trade." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1982.
M-79.1 [Fauquier, Francis]. Norkus, Nellie. "Francis Fauquier, Lieutenant-
Governor of Virginia, 1758-1768: a study in colonial problems." Ph.D.,
University of Pittsburgh, 1954.
M-1368.1-2 Fawcett & Lister papers, 1725-1806; 1731-1766. Central Public
Library, Halifax, Yorkshire, England.
M-1085.1-2 Febiger, Col. Christian. Papers and orderly books, 1777-1782.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
M-1755 [Federal Convention, 1787]. Jones, Marilyn Cleo. "Virginia's role in
the Federal Convention, 1787." M.A., University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 1947.
M-1360.1-23 Federal population censuses, 1790-1850 (1800 not included; contained
no Virginia data). National Archives.
M-1277 Cox, Harold. "Federalism and Anti-Federalism in Virginia, 1787: a
study of political and economic motivations." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1958.
M-1170 Feinstone Collection. American Philosophical Society.
M-1190.1-5 Sol Feinstone collection of the American Revolution. Originals:
American Philosophical Society. Source: Scholarly Resources, Inc.
M-144 Felibien, M. Des principes de l'architecture (Paris, 1699). Columbia
University Library.
M-1533 Hull, N.E.H. "Female felons: women and serious crime in the Superior
Courts of Massachusetts, 1673-1774." Ph.D., Columbia University,
M-1109 Ferguson, Adam. Letter book relative to the British Commission in
America, 1778-1779. Edinburgh University Library.
M-1669 Heap, Harold Eugene. "Festival odes for St. Cecilia's Day in England
from their inception to the time of Handel." D.M.A., University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1980.
M-127 Fiennes, Celia. Through England on a side saddle in the time of
William and Mary (London, 1888). Library of Congress.
M-1630 Filiaci, Anne Marie. "Raising the Republic: American women in the
public sphere, 1750-1800." Ph.D., State University of New York at
Buffalo, 1982.
M-1124 Filmer papers, 1653-1683. Kent County Archives, England.
M-1105 [Finance]. Armentrout, Mary Travers. "A political study of Virginia
finance, 1781-1789." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1934.
M-1722 Finkelstein, Robert Z. "Merchant, revolutionist, and statesman: a
reappraisal of the life and public services of John Hancock, 1737-1798."
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1981.
M-1169.6 Finnie, William. Deputy Quarter Master General. Accounts, 1776-
1780. Virginia State Library.
M-1423 Clark, John B., Jr. "Fire protection in the Old South." Ph.D.,
University of Kentucky, 1957.
M-1393 Gauger, Nicholas. Fires improved: being a new method of building
chimneys (London, 1715). Library of Congress.
M-1942.1-12 [Fire Insurance] Mutual Assurance Society: Declarations. Ca. 1795-
1825. Virginia State Library.
M-143 Palladio, Andrea. The first book of architecture (London, 1663).
Columbia University Library.
M-144 Palladio, Andrea. The first book of architecture (London, 1718).
Columbia University Library.
M-1293 Ammerman, David L. "The first Continental Congress and the
coming of the American Revolution." Ph.D., Cornell University,
M-1300 Bourguignon, Henry J. "The first federal court: the history of the
Continental Congress Committee on Appeal and its Court of Appeals in
cases of capture, 1775-1787." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1968.
M-1105 Fisch, Theodore. "The revolutionary committee system in
Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York (1772-1775)." M.A., University
of Illinois, 1945.
M-156 Fisher, Miles M. "The evolution of slave songs of the United States."
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1949.
M-87.1-3 Fithian, Philip Vickers. Journals, 1766; 1773-1775; 1775-1776.
Princeton University.
M-172 Fitzgerald, General Louis. Papers, 1861-(1864)-1908. Privately
M-1886.1-45 [Fitzhugh, Henry] Records of the Ante-bellum Southern plantations
from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series F. Pt. 3. 1724-1902.
Selections from the manuscripts at Duke University.
M-1189.1-5 Fleet, Beverley. Virginia colonial abstracts, 34 volumes. New York
Historical Society.
M-79.2 Fleet, Beverly. Virginia Colonial Abstracts. Huntington Library.
M-1376 Fleming, Henry. Papers, 1772-1795. Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle.
M-177 [Fleming, William]. Hoyt, William Dana, Jr. "Colonel William
Fleming on the Virginia frontier, 1755-1783." Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
University, 1940.
M-1723 Fliegelman, Jay W. "The American revolution against patriarchy,
1770-1800." Ph.D., Stanford University, 1977.
M-1944 Flohr, Georg Daniel, Reisen Beshreibung von Amerika welche das
Hochlobiche Regiment Zweibrucken hat gemacht zu Land von Jahrs,
1780-1784. Journal in German. Maps of several towns in the United
States and the Carribean.
M-1393 Carwitham, John. "Floor decorations of various kinds (London,
1739). Library of Congress.
M-1587 Bates, William. Flora, or hob in the well [music] (London, n.d.).
British Library.
M-1185.11 Floyd, John. Letters, 1831-1834. Virginia State Library.
M-1063 Folliott, George. Diary, 1765-1766. Wigan Free Public Library.
M-1623 Follis, Jane Thompson. "Frances Wright: feminism and literature in
ante-bellum America." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at Madison,
M-1170 Fontaine family. Papers, 1754-1765. American Philosophical Society.
M-1557 Fontaine, John. Journal, 1710-1719. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1556 Fontaine-Maury papers, 1710-1874. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1529 Foote, Abigail. Journal, 1775. Connecticut Historical Society.
M-1128 Foote, William Alfred. "The American independent companies of the
British Army, 1664-1764." Ph.D., University of California at Los
Angeles, 1966.
M-1132.1-2 Forbes, John. Papers, c. 1758. See: Dalhousie Muniments, Scottish
Record Office.
M-1746 [Force, Peter]. Sung, Carolyn Hoover. "Peter Force: Washington
printer and creator of the American archives." Ph.D., George
Washington University, 1985.
M-1500 Scadron, Arlene W. "The formative years: childhood and
childrearing in eighteenth century Anglo-American culture." Ph.D.,
University of California at Berkeley, 1974.
M-1948.1-4 [Foreign Relations] Liston Papers, 1796-1800. The Sir Robert Liston
papers. National Library of Scotland.
M-1335 Clifton, Ronald D. "Forms and patterns: room specialization in
Maryland, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania family dwellings." Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania.
M-1039 Huston, John Wilson. "Fort Pitt, 1758-1772." Ph.D., University of
Pittsburgh, 1957.
M-1431 Fortin, Roger A. "The decline of royal authority in Massachusetts."
Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1969.
M-1026 Fothergill, John. Some account of the late Peter Collinson (London,
1770). American Philosophical Society.
M-165 Riley, Edward M. "The founding and development of Yorktown,
Virginia, 1691-1781." Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1942.
M-1494 Jarvis, Thomas M. "The founding fathers and the future of
American foreign policy: unity and disunity, 1783-1788." Ph.D.,
American University, 1980.
M-1449 Medlin, Stuart B. "The founding of the permanent denominational
colleges in Virginia, 1776-1861." Ed.D., College of William and Mary,
M-1645 Fowle, Barry Windsor. "The Maryland militia during the
Revolutionary War: a revolutionary organization." Ph.D., University of
Maryland, 1982.
M-185 Potts, Allan. Fox hunting in America (Washington, 1912). Virginia
State Library.
M-86 Bland, Richard. A fragment of the pistol fee, claimed by the Governor
of Virginia, 1753. Edited by Worthington C. Ford (Brooklyn, 1891).
College of William and Mary.
M-27 France. Archives Nationales. Affaires etrangeres. Series BI, V1183.
Consular correspondence, Williamsburg, 1784-1787.

M-1752 France. Bibliotheque et Archives. Cartes, plan et memoires. Orig:
Bibliotheque Historique de la Marine, Paris. Source: Library of
M-1623 Follis, Jane Thompson. "Frances Wright: feminism and literature in
ante-bellum America." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at Madison,
M-1095 Frank, Willard C., Jr. "Rousing a nation: the Virginia Gazette and the
growing crisis, 1773-1774." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1962.
M-1389.1-3 Franklin, Benjamin. Account books, 1714-[1730-1787] 1874.
Originals from various repositories. Source copy is Scholarly Resources,
M-1501 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Summers, Norma S. "Benjamin Franklin:
printing entrepreneur." Ph.D., University of Alabama, 1979.
M-1703 Johansen, Bruce Elliott. "Franklin, Jefferson and American Indians:
a study in the cross-cultural communication of ideas." Ph.D., University
of Washington, 1979.
M-1906 Franklin, Rachel Elaine. "Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest." Ph'D
thesis. Middle Tennessee State University. 1989.
M-1027 Frank's trade cards. British Museum.
M-1690 Frazer, Mrs. The practice of cookery (Dublin, 1791). Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1889 [Frederick County, Va.] Index of Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and
their Descendants. University of Virginia.
M-1937 [Frederick County, Va.] Hofstra, Warren R. These Find Prospects:
Frederick County, Virginia, 1738-1840. Ph'D thesis. University of
Virginia, 1985.
M-24.2-5 Frederick Hall Plantation account books, 1727-1762. University of
North Carolina.
M-1811 [Fredericksburg, Va.]. Siener, William Harold. "Economic
development in revolutionary Virginia: Fredericksburg, 1750-1810."
Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 1982.
M-1809 [Fredericksburg, Va.]. Virginia Herald, Fredericksburg, Va. 1802-
1804. Library of Congress.
M-1808.1-2 [Fredericksburg, Va.]. Virginia Herald/Fredericksburg Advertiser.
1792-1795 & 1807-1809. Fredericksburg, Virginia.
M-1836 Fredericksburg Land Tax Records, 1782 - 1850. Virginia State
M-1163 Fredericksville Parish (Louisa and Albemarle counties, Va.). Records,
1742-1787; vestry book, 1742-1787. Virginia State Library.
M-1763.1-5 [Freedmen]. Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the state of
Virginia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned lands, 1865-
1869. National Archives.
M-1358 [French and Indian War]. Young, Chester. "Effects of the French and
Indian War on civilian life in the frontier counties of Virginia, 1754-
1763." Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1969.
M-1193.1-4 French, S. Bassett. Biographical sketches (manuscript). Virginia State
M-9 Frick, Bertha M. "History of printing in Virginia, 1750-1783, with a
list of imprints of that period." M.A., Columbia University, 1933.
M-1383 Friedlander, Amy Ellen. "Carolina Huguenots: a study in cultural
pluralism in the Low Country, 1679-1768." Ph.D., Emory University,
M-1330 Clemens, Paul. "From tobacco to grain: economic development on
Maryland's Eastern Shore, 1660-1750." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin,
M-1896 Frontier and Pioneer Life. Pickman, Susan Lois. Life on the Spanish-
American Colonial Frontier: A Study in the Social and Economic
History the Mid-eighteenth Century St. Augustine, Florida. PH'D thesis.
State University of New York at Stony Brook. 1980.
M-1188.30-35 Frontier wars manuscripts in the Draper Manuscripts. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin.
MF-1.2 Frontier wars manuscripts in the Draper Manuscripts, calendar of.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
M-22.4-5 Fulham Palace manuscripts, Virginia (British transcripts). Library of
M-1467 Astell, Mary. A further essay relating to the female sex (London,
1697). Newberry Library.
M-1272 Gage, T. E. "The established church in colonial Virginia, 1689-1785."
Ph.D., University of Missouri at Columbia, 1974.
M-98.4 Gage papers, 1763-1775. William L. Clements Library.
M-1131.1-28 Galt family papers, 1749-1904. College of William and Mary.
M-1585 Galt family papers. Miscellaneous, [1847-1875] 1941. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1898. 1-4 Galt Family/Eastern State Hospital Papers. Originals owned by Eastern
State Hospital.
M-1123 [Galt family]. Siske, James Harding. "A history of the Eastern State
Hospital of Virginia under the Galt family, 1773-1862." M.A., College
of William and Mary, 1949.
M-55.1 Galt, John M. Account book, 1782-1783. College of William and
M-1079 Galt, John M. Apothecary account book, 1770-1780. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation. See also M-120.
M-1545.1-7 Galt, John M. Papers. Calt family collection, College of William and
M-1071 Galt-Barraud Apothecary-surgeon account books and day books.
1782-1797. College of William and Mary.
M-1169.5 Gamble, Robert. See Virginia: Army Papers, 1777-1789.
M-1586 [Games]. Beaufort, James. Hoyle's games improved (London, 1775).
Middleton Library, Louisiana State University.
M-1205 [Gardens]. Badminton garden matters, 1706-1712, manuscript volume
on. Cory Library, Cambridge.
M-1408 [Gardens]. Engdahl, Bonnie T. "Paradise in the New World: a study
of the image of the garden in the literature of colonial America." Ph.D.,
University of California at Los Angeles, 1967.
M-1560 [Gardens]. Holywell horticultural papers, 1760-[1770] 1829. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-66 [Gardens]. Hornsby, Joseph. Diary of planting and gardening, 1798
(mss.). Filson Club Historical Society.
M-121 [Gardens]. Hubard family. Papers, vol. III: Gardening notes, recipes,
and remedies. Southern Historical Collection, University of North
M-1231 [Gardens]. Prentis, Joseph. Account/garden book, 1774-1788.
Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
M-1452 [Gardens]. Roberson, Samuel A. "Thomas Jefferson and the 18th
century landscape garden movement in England." Ph.D., Yale
University, 1974.
M-1392 Garrett, David. Designs and estimates of farm houses, etc., for the
counties of York, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland and
Bishopric of Durham (London, 1747). Columbia University Library.
M-1555 Garrett-Bland-Tazewell papers, 1822-1930. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation. See also M-1117.
M-1321 Garrett-Minor papers, 1765-1798. Library of Congress.
M-1317.2 Garrett-Tazewell Papers, Addition I. Begins on Frame 239. Colonial
M-1393 Gauger, Nicholas. Fires improved: being a new method of building
chimneys (London, 1715). Library of Congress.
M-1040 Gelbach, Clyde Christian. "Spencer Roane of Virginia, 1762-1822: a
judicial advocate of states rights." Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1955.
M-1584 Gelles, Edith Belle. "Abigail Adams: domesticity and the American
Revolution." Ph.D., University of California at Irvine, 1978.
M-1620 [Genealogy]. Chudleigh, Norma Lane. "Using British sources for
American family history." Ph.D., Rice University, 1981.
M-16.1-5 General Assembly, Journals of the Houses of. State Records Project.
M-98.6 Oswald, Richard. General observations relative to the present state
of the war (London, 1779). William L. Clements Library, University of
M-120 Stevens, Henry. Genesis of the United States (London, 1956).
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1489 Derounian, Kathryn A. "Genre, voice and character in the literature
of six early American women writers, 1650-1817." Ph.D.,
Pennnsylvania State University, 1980.
M-1102 Chippendale, T. The gentleman and cabinet-maker's director
(London, 1754). Privately owned.
M-1241 Peterson, Raymond G. "George Washington, capitalistic farmer."
Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1970.
M-1450 Mosley, James D. "George Washington: seeds of statesmanship,
1753-1758." Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. 1974.
M-115 Hemphill, Edwin. "George Wythe and the colonial Briton: a
biographyical study of the pre-Revolutionary era in Virginia." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1937.
M-1646 [Georgia]. Statom, Thomas Ralph. "Negro slavery in eighteenth
century Georgia." Ph.D., University of Alabama, 1982.
M-98.5-6 Germain papers, 1768-1782. William L. Clements Library.
M-1648 Hoffman, Elliott Wheelock. "The German soldiers in the American
revolution." Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, 1982.
M-1170 [Gibson, Edmund]. Two letters to the Lord Bishop of London
(London, 1729). Lambeth Palace.
M-163 Gibson-Maynadier papers, 1740-1752. Maryland Historical Society.
M-1656 Giesy, Marya Hannum. "A study of the similarities in fingering
principles of the 18th and 20th centuries." D.M.A., Ohio State
University, 1979.
M-1817 [Gilding]. The Painter, Gilder and Varnisher's. Philadelphia, 1869.
Library of Congress.
M-1816.1-26 [Gilliam family]. Records of the Ante-bellum Southern Plantations
from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series E. Part II. Guide
available. University of Virginia Library. Source: University
Publications of America, Frederick, Md.
M-1886. 1-45 [Gilliam, Mary E.C.]. Records of the Ante-bellum Southern
Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War. Series F. Part III.
Guide available. Duke University. Source: University Publications of
America, Frederick, Md.
M-1539.1-85 Gillow family papers. 1731-1931. Westminster City Library, London.
M-1806 Gilroy, Clinton G. The Art of weaving, by hand and by power. New
York, 1844. Harvard University Library.
M-139 [Gingerbread, Giles]. The renowned history of Giles Gingerbread
(Boston, 1768). Princeton University.
M-1627 Gitlin, Laura N. "The professionalization of medical superintendants
and the treatment of the poor in the United States: the issue of
incurability, 1840-1870." Ph.D., Purdue University, 1982.
M-2047 [Glasgow, Scotland]. Port of Glasgow. Customs
Accounts, vols 1-25. Scottish Record Office.
M-1361 Glass, Hannah. The servants directory or home keepers companion
(London, 1760). Library of Congress.
M-1442.1-20 Glassford, John and Co. Account books for Virginia, 1758-1817, vols.
164-228. Library of Congress.
M-1132.1 Glen, James. Papers of James Glen, Governor of South Carolina, 1743-
1756. See Dalhousie Muniments, Scottish Record Office.
M-1171.1-18 Glen-Sanders papers, 1674-1965. New York Historical Society.
M-82.14 [Gloucester County, Va.]. Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761.
Virginia Historical Society.
M-1805.1-4 Gloucester County, Virginia Records. Land Tax, 1782-1813.
Virginia State Library.
M-1796.1-6 Gloucester County, Virginia Records. Personal Property Taxes,
1782-1861. Virginia State Library.
M-1166 Godwin, Samuel. Memo book, 1707-1725. Later notations in the
1750s, 1770s, and 1790s. Huntington Library.
M-1302 Goldenberg, Joseph A. "The ship building industry in colonial
America." Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1969.
M-1764 Goldsmiths' -Kress Library of Economic Literature. Reel 1949.
M-1822 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic Literature. Reel 1733.
M-1842 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 807.
M-1845 - 1880 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reels 351, 366, 383,
391, 398, 401, 416, 421, 445, 453, 459, 474, 479, 480, 497, 500, 508,
509, 526, 540, 567, 585, 601, 605, 608, 614, 627, 635, 640, 675, 685,
839, 929, 975, 1009, 2057.
M-1888 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 1501.
M-1890 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 718.
M-1891 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 882.
M-1922 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature. Item 6429.4. Reel
M-1923 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature. Items 7645-7679.
Reel 488.
M-1924 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature. Items 10175.3 -
10186. Reel 855.
M-1925 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature. Items 10860-
10865.5 Reel 1012.
M-1945 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Ecomonic Literature. Items 9678.1-
9678.8. Reel 770.
M-1946 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Ecomonic Literature. Unit 51 Items
21742.27- 21742.33. Reel 2146.
M-1446 Golladay, Victor D. "The Nicholas family of Virginia, 1722-1820."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1973.
M-178.1-2 Gooch, William. Letters, 1727-1751. Transcripts. Virginia Historical
M-1183 [Gooch, William]. Prinz, Andrew. "Sir William Gooch in Virginia:
the King's good servant." Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1963.
M-82.10-11 Lt. Gov. Sir William Gooch Transcripts. [1721?] 1727-1751.
Virginia Historical Society.
M-1834 Stubaus, Karen R. " "The Good Creatures": Drinking Law and
Custom in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts and Virginia."
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1984.
M-1611 Burkhart, Larry Lee. "The good fight: medicine in colonial
Pennsylvania, 1681-1765." Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1981.
M-1457 Ulrich, Laurel T. "Good wives: a study in role definition in northern
New England, 1650-1750." Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, 1980.
M-1328 Gouger, James. "Agricultural change in the Northern Neck, 1700-
1860." Ph.D., University of Florida, 1976.
M-1317.1 [Gough, Peter]. Kearney, Ravaud. An appeal to the candid of all
denominations, in reply to one Peter Gough of St. Mary's County,
Maryland (Baltimore, 1828); also, A refutation of sundry written charges
made by the Rev. Ravaud Kearney of the Protestant Episcopal Church
against Peter Gough of Saint Mary's County, Maryland (Baltimore,
1828). Maryland Historical Society.
M-1427 Huhta, James K. "Government by instruction: North Carolina, 1731-
1766: a study of the influence of royal institutions on the major
controversies between the governors and the Lower House." Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1965.
M-1033 Johnson, Robert. "Government regulation of business enterprise in
Virginia, 1750-1820." Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1958.
M-61 [Governor's Council]. Virginia. Governor's Council. Journals, 1752-
1774. Public Record Office, London.
M-1338.1-8 [Governor's Council]. Virginia. Governor's Council. Journals, 1787-
1818. Virginia State Library.
M-1917 Steele, Richard Bruce. "Gracious Affection" and "True Virtue" in
the Experimental Theoligies of Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley.
Ph'D thesis. Marquette University. 1990.
M-1385 Gragg, Larry Dale. "Migration in early America: the Virginia Quaker
experience." Ph.D., University of Missouri at Columbia, 1978.
M-1380 Comp, T. Allan. "Grain and flour in eastern Virginia, 1800-1860."
Ph.D., University of Deleware, 1978.
M-1219 Gram, Hans. American, a new march (N.P., 1791). Library of
M-1095 Dillard, Carra Garret. "The grammar school of the College of William
and Mary, 1693-1888." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1951.
M-1109 [Grant, James]. Delvine papers. Grant of Ballindalloch [Letters of
James Grant during the American Revolution]. See also: M-1110.2
M-1598 Graves, William H. "The evolution of American Indian policy: from
colonial times to the Florida Treaty (1819)." Ph.D., Florida State
University, 1982.
M-1035 Grayson, William. See Richmond College Historical papers.
M-1714 [Great Awakening]. Butler, Alfloyd. "The Blacks' contribution of
elements of African religion to Christianity in America: a case study of
the Great Awakening in South Carolina." Ph.D., Northwestern
University, 1975.
M-1567 [Great Awakening]. Coalter, Milton J. "The life of Gilbert Tenent: a
case study of continental pietism's influence on the First Great
Awakening in the Middle Colonies." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1982.
M-1725 [Great Awakening]. Havner, Carter Stone. "The reaction of Yale to
the Great Awakening, 1740-1766." Ph.D., University of Texas at
Austin, 1977.
M-1625 [Great Awakening]. Lacey, Barbara Ellson. "Women and the Great
Awakening in Connecticut." Ph.D., Clark University, 1982.
M-1490 Green, Gregory C. "American eyes: the habit of visual perception on a
new continent, 1620-1864." Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1980.
M-1629 Green, John Heyward. "The rhetoric antecedant to the women's
liberation movement from 1776-1850." Ph.D., Florida State University,
M-1653 [Green, Maurice]. Burnett, Henry. "The sacred music of Maurice
Green (1696-1755)." Ph.D., City University of New York, 1978.
M-1169.15 Green, Thomas. Diary, 31 May 1827 to 19 June 1829. Virginia State
Library, Bryan Family papers.
M-1261 Greenberg, Michael. "Gentleman Slaveholders: Social Outlook of the
Virginia Planter Class." Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1972.
M-1006 Greene, Jack P. House of Burgesses committee assignments, 1688-
1775 (manuscript). Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
M-98.19-21 Greene, Nathanael. Papers, 1778-1786. William L. Clements Library.
M-1508 [Greene, Nathanael]. Conrad, Dennis M. "Nathanael Greene and the
southern campaigns, 1780-1783." Ph.D., Duke University, 1979.
M-1068 [Greene, Nathanael]. Treacy, Mildred Freeman. "Nathanael Greene
and the southern campaign, August 1780-April 1781." Ph.D., University
of Utah, 1962.
M-63.2 Greene papers, 1779-1780. American Philosophical Society.
M-1031 Greenwood, John. Music books of fife major John Greenwood of Col.
John Patterson's 15th Massachusetts Regiment, 1775-1776. New York
Historical Society.
M-1468 Greiert, Steven G. "The Earl of Halifax and British colonial policy:
1748-1756." Ph.D., Duke University, 1976.
M-1020 Griffin, Cyrus. See Stuart-Linton, Charles E. T., "Letters to Traquair,"
The Stewarts, Vol. IX, 1953.
M-160 Griffith, Lucille B. "The Virginia House of Burgesses, 1750-1774."
Ph.D., Brown University, 1957.
M-173 [Grigsby, Hugh Blair]. Bigelow, Alden Griswold. "Hugh Blair
Grigsby: historian and antiquarian." Ph.D., University of Virginia,
M-1061 Grigsby, Hugh Blair. Introduction to Robert Rose diary (mss., c.
1808). Original: Huntington Library, San Marino, Calfornia. Source
copy: Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
MF-32.1-2 Grimes, William. Life of William Grimes, the runaway slave, brought
down to the present. 1855.
M-1437 Grimmelman, Jan E. L. "This world and the next: religion, death,
success and love in Jefferson's Virginia." Ph.D., University of Michigan,
M-1654 Groce, Nancy Jane. "Musical instrument making in New York City
during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries." Ph.D., University of
Michigan, 1982.
M-1603 Groover, Ralph E. "Alexander Campbell and the family: precept and
example." Ph.D., Emory University, 1982.
M-1170 Grymes, Philip. Papers, ca. 1761-1764. Library of Congress.
M-1470 Guazzo, Stephen. The art of conversation (London, 1738). Newberry
M-1990 Bernard, Richard. A guide to grand-ivry men...
British Library.
MF-7.1-36 Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts. Guide to the index of
early southern decorative arts (New York, 1985).
M-167 Guiette, Robert. Marionnettes de tradition populaire (Bruxelles, 1949).
Library of Congress.
M-1194 Gunderson, Joan R. "The Anglican ministry in Virginia, 1723-1776: a
study of a social class." Ph.D., Notre Dame University, 1972.
M-1699 Gurley, James Lafayette. "Thomas Jefferson's philosophy and
theology: as related to his political principles, including separation of
church and state." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1975.
M-93 [Hairdressing]. Stewart, James. Extracts from plocacosmos: or, the
whole art of hair dressing (London, 1782). College of William and
M-143 Halfpenny, Will[ia]m. Practical architecture, 5th edition (London,
1730). Columbia University Library.
M-1468 [Halifax, Earl of]. Greiert, Steven G. "The Earl of Halifax and British
colonial policy, 1748-1756." Ph.D., Duke University, 1976.
M-1284 Hall, Cline E. "The southern dissenting clergy and the American
Revolution." Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1975.
M-1216.1-3 Hall's Wilmington Gazette. [North Carolina]. Various repositories.
M-1260 [Hamilton, Alexander]. Breshaw, Elaine W. "Dr. Alexander Hamilton
and the Enlightenment in Maryland." Ph.D., University of Maryland,
M-122 Hamilton, Alexander. Papers. See Maryland Historical Society,
Miscellaneous Manuscripts.
M-195 [Hamilton, Henry]. Jaebker, Orville J. "Henry Hamilton: British
soldier and colonial governor." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1954.
M-1291 Hamm, Tommy T. "The American slave trade with Africa, 1620-
1807." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1975.
M-62.1 Hamond, Sir Andrew Snape. Autobiography (manuscript). Alderman
Library, University of Virginia.
M-1121.1-3 Hamond papers, 1766-1825. University of Virginia.
M-1344 [Hampton Roads, Va.]. Stewart, Peter. "The commercial history of
Hampton Roads, Virginia, 1815-1860." Ph.D., University of Virginia,
M-1722 [Hancock, John]. Finkelstein, Robert Z. "Merchant, revolutionist, and
statesman: a reappraisal of the life and public services of John Hancock,
1737-1798." Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1981.
M-1035 Handel, George Frideric. Acis and Galatea; a mask (London, c. 1743).
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1670 [Handel, George Frideric]. Beeks, Graydon Fisher, Jr. "The Chandos
anthem and Te Deum of George Frderick Handel (1685-1759)." Ph.D.,
University of California at Berkeley, 1981.
M-1091 [Handel, George Frideric]. Mr. Handel and St. Martini. Warlike
musick, book I-IV (London, 1760?). Library of Congress.

M-1815 Dossie, Robert. Handmaid to the Arts. London, 1758. University of
Wisconsin, Madison.
M-1807.1-4 Sprengel, P.N. Handwerke in Tabellen. Berlin, 1767-1777. Columbia
M-1120 Hankin family memorandum book, ca. 1691-1834. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-62.1 Hanover County, Va. Ledgers, 1735-1741; 1756. Alderman Library,
University of Virginia.
M-1162.6-7 Hanover County, Va. Records, 1783-1792. See: Guide to County
Records on Microfilm at the Virginia State Library for holdings.
M-34 [Hanover County, Va.] Pages from Sheriff's tax book, c. 1789.
Virginia State Library.
M-1837.1-8 Hanover County Land Tax Lists, 1782 - 1863. Virginia State Library.
M-1838.1-8 Hanover County Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782 -1863. Virginia
State Library.
M-98.8 Harmar, Josiah. Papers, 1782-1783. William L. Clements Library.
M-161 Shortness, J. Harmonic architecture (London, 1741). Origin
M-1251 Harrington, Richard Melvin. "Virginia merchant community, 1783-
1789." M.A., University of Virginia, 1972.
M-1724 Harris, Woodrow Wilson. "The education of the Southern urban adult:
Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia, 1790-1812." Ph.D.,
University of Georgia, 1979.
M-1169.5 Harrison, Benjamin, Governor. See Virginia. Army, papers, 1777-
M-1095 Harrison, Margaret Scott. "Commissary James Blair of Virginia: a
study in personality and power." M.A., College of William and Mary,
M-1039 Harrold, Frances Long. "Thomas Jefferson and the Commonwealth of
Virginia: a study in constitutional thought." Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College,
M-1560 Harrower, John. Diary, 1773-1776. Richard Corbin papers, Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1117 Hartwell, Blair, and Chilton. The present state and government of
Virginia, ca. 1697 (published 1727). Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Library. See also M-136.
M-50 Harwood, Humphrey. Account books, 1776-1794. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-98.4 Haskell, Clinton H. Collection, 1769-1785. William L. Clements
M-1522 Hast, Adele. "Loyalism in Virginia during the American Revolution:
the Norfolk area and the Eastern Shore." Ph.D., University of Iowa,
M-1031 Hatch, Charles Eldridge. "Colonel William Aylett, a revolutionary
merchant of Virginia." M.A., Corcoran School of History, 1936.
M-1642 Haulman, Daniel Lee. "Abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed: constitutional changes as the colonies become states, 1776-
1784." Ph.D., Auburn University, 1983.
M-1725 Havner, Carter Stone. "The reaction of Yale to the Great Awakening,
1740-1766." Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1977.
M-1435 Haw, James A. "Politics in revolutionary Maryland, 1753-1788."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1972.
M-1176 Hay, William. See Virginia. Commercial Agent's Loose Papers, 1782-
M-1285 Hays, Garry D. "The idea of union in 18th century colonial America."
Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1964.
M-1141 Hazeltine, David. Instructor in martial music (Exeter, NH, n.d.).
Newberry Library.
M-1286 Head, John M. " 'A time to rend:' the members of the Continental
Congress and the decision for American independence, 1774-1776."
Ph.D., Brown University, 1966.
M-1931.1-27 Heal Collection of Trade Cards in the British Museum. British
M-1026 Heal trade cards. British Museum, Print Department.
M-1669 Heap, Harold Eugene. "Festival odes for St. Cecilia's Day in England
from their inception to the time of Handel." D.M.A., University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1980.
M-1461 Heasel, Anthony. Servant's book of knowledge (London, 1733). Yale
M-1247 Hecht, Irene W. "The Virginia colony, 1607-1640: a study in frontier
growth." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1969.
M-1824 Heintzelman, Andrea J. "Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century
Wharf Technology: Historical and Archeological Investigations of Three
Eastern U.S. Examples." M.A., The American University. 1988.
M-1491 Hellenbrand, Harold L. "The unfinished revolution: education and
community in the thought of Thomas Jefferson." Ph.D., Stanford
University, 1980.
M-1514 Burton, William J. "Hellish fiends and brutish men: Amerindian-
Euroamerican interaction in southern New England, an interdisciplinary
analysis, 1600-1750." Ph.D., Kent State University, 1976.
M-1039 [Hemp]. Herndon, George Melvin. "The story of hemp in colonial
Virginia." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1959.
M-115 Hemphill, Edwin. "George Wythe and the colonial Briton: a
biographical study of the pre-Revolutionary era in Virginia." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1937.

M-1090 Hemphill, John Mickle II. "Virginia and the English commercial
system, 1689-1733: studies in the development and fluctuations of a
colonial economy under imperial control." Ph.D., Princeton University,
M-1644 Henderson, Rodger Craige. "Community development and the
revolutionary transition in 19th century Lancaster County, Penn." Ph.D.,
State University of New York at Binghampton, 1983.
M-1042 [Hening, William Waller]. Winfree, Waverly Keith, comp. "Acts not
in Hening's Statutes, 1702-1732, with a biographical sketch of William
Waller Hening." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1959.
M-1254 Henley, William Albert. "Independence and the beginnings of a new
government, 1774-1776." M.A., Ohio State University, 1971.
M-1430 Henner, Solomon. "The career of William Tryon as Governor of the
province of New York, 1771-1780." Ed.D., New York University, 1968.
M-1387 Henrich, Frederick Kahler. "A role for regulation: early American
legislation to protect the public interest." Ph.D., State University of New
York at Buffalo, 1978.
M-1938.1-5 Henrico County Land Tax Books, 1799-1850. Virginia State Library.
M-1050.7 Henrico County, Va. Orphans' Court records, 1677-1739. Henrico
County Court House.
M-1685 [Henrico County, Va.]. Society of Friends, Virginia. Records book of
quarterly meetings in Henrico County, Virginia, 1757-1778. Huntington
M-195 Jaebker, Orville J. "Henry Hamilton: British soldier and colonial
governor." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1954.
M-1569 Templin, Thomas E. "Henry 'Lighthorse Harry' Lee: a biography."
Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1975.
M-1011 [Henry, Patrick]. Anger, Charles Leroy. "Patrick Henry: practical
politician." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1287 [Henry, Patrick]. Bowman, Eldon G. "Patrick Henry's political
philosopy." Ph.D., The Claremont Graduate School, 1962.
M-170 Henry, Patrick. Papers, 1910 (List of manuscripts, portraits, and
furniture sold at an auction in 1910). Walter M. Schwartz, Jr.
M-89.2 Henry, Patrick. Papers, 1775-1818. Library of Congress.
M-36.3 Henry, Patrick. Papers, 1775-1785. Duke University Library.
M-1568 Henry, Susan J. "Notes toward the liberation of journalism history: a
study of five women printers in colonial America." Ph.D., Syracuse
University, 1976.
M-1102 Heppelwhite, A. The cabinet-maker and upholsterer's guide (London,
1788). Privately owned.
M-1217.1-2 Herald of Freedom. State Gazette of North Carolina (New Bern and
Edonton). 1787-1799. Various Repositories.
M-1610 Connell-Ludwick, Donna Lynn. "Heraldry as a representation of
English class identification among American colonial immigrants,
1600 to 1775." Ph.D., Chadron State College, 1982.
M-1536 [Herbals]. Wells, Christa M. Wilmanns. "A small herbal of little cost,
1762-1776: a case study of a colonial herbal as a social and cultural
document." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1980.
M-1770 Herndon, George Melvin. "A history of tobacco in Virginia, 1613-
1680." M.A., University of Virginia, 1956.
M-1039 Herndon, George Melvin. "The story of hemp in colonial Virginia."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1959.
M-1219 Hewitt, James. The new Federal overature (New York, 1797); Three
sonatas for the piano (New York, 1796); Military amusement
(Philadelphia, 1796). Library of Congress.
M-1465 Leaming, Hugo P. "Hidden Americans: the maroons of Virginia and
the Carolinas." Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1979.
M-1226 Higgenson and Bird (firm). Letter book, 1718-1719. Library of
M-133 Shield, William H. and J. O'Keefe. The highland reel (London, n.d.).
Library of Congress.
M-122 Hill, Clement. Papers. See Maryland Historical Society miscellaneous
M-1988 Hill, Frances Baylor. The 1797 Diary of
Frances Baylor Hill. University of Virginia.
M-83 Hilldrup, Robert L. "Virginia Convention of 1776: a study in
revolutionary politics." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1935.
M-1350 Hillier, Susan. "The trade of the Virginia colony, 1606-1660." Ph.D.,
Liverpool University, 1972.
M-1213 Hillsborough North Carolina Gazette, 1785 & 1789. Various
M-1700 Hines, James Robert. "Musical activity in Norfolk, Virginia, 1680-
1973." Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1974.
MF-14.1-2 Hines, Mary Anne. The larder invaded: reflections on three centuries
of Philadelphia food and drink (Philadelphia, 1987).
M-1701 Hines, Mary Elizabeth. "Dissent in the political philosophy of Thomas
Jefferson." Ph.D., Catholic Univ., 1981.
MF-16.1-101 Historic American Buldings Survey: Virginia. Library of Congress.
M-65 Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1645-
M-1905 [Historiography] Ernest, John Richard. "The Langauge of Truth:
Narrative Strategy in the Histories of William H. Prescott, George
Bancroft, Henry Adams." Ph.D thesis. University of Virginia. 1989.
M-1066 Wunderlich, Charles Edward. "A history and bibliography of early
American musical periodicals, 1782-1852." Ph.D., University of
Michigan, 1962.
M-1040 Stoutamire, Albert L. "A history of music in Richmond, Virginia,
from 1742 to 1865." Ed.D., Florida State University, 1960.
M-1097 Mitchell, Bernard E. "A history of printing in colonial Virginia."
M.A., College of William and Mary, 1929.
M-9 Frick, Bertha M. "History of printing in Virginia, 1750-1783, with a
list of imprints of that period." M.A., Columbia University, 1933.
M-1412 Ritchey, Robert D. "A history of the Baltimore stage in the
eighteenth century." Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 1971.
M-1933 Shockley, Martin Staples. "A History of the Theatre in Richmond,
Virginia, 1819-1839." Ph.D. thesis, University of North Carolina, 1937.
M-1770 Herndon, George Melvin. "A history of tobacco in Virginia, 1613-
1680." M.A., University of Virginia, 1956.
M-1765 History of Women, Reel 16. Printed Books.
M-1823 History of Women, Vols. 531-534. Printed books, 1746-1794.
M-1041 Horner, Frederick. The history of the Blair, Banister, and Braxton
families before and after the Revolution (Philadelphia, 1898). College
of William and Mary.
M-1094.1 Ackermann, R. The history of the colleges of Winchester, Eton and
Westminster with the Charter-House, the schools of St. Paul's, Merchant,
Taylors, Harrow, and Rugby, and the Free-School of Christ's Hospital
(London, 1816). British Museum.
M-1123 Siske, James Harding. "A history of the Eastern State Hospital in
Virginia under the Galt family, 1773-1862." M.A., College of
William and Mary, 1949.
M-15 Randolph, Edmund. History of Virginia (mss.) Virginia Historical

MF 33. 1-122 [History sources] Colonial Williamsburg Research Collections in
Microform, A Guide. From the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Microforms Collections. University Publications of America, Bethesda,
MD. Printed short title/subject catalog available.
M-1062 Hobhouse letters, 1722-1755. Bristol Central Library, Bristol, and
Bristol Record Office.
M-1323 Hobson, Charles. "Early career of Edmund Randolph, 1753-1789."
Ph.D., Emory University, 1971.
M-1621 Hodges, Graham Russell. "The cartmen of New York City, 1667-
1801." Ph.D., New York University, 1982.
M-1920 Hodgson, William Daybook, 1807-1809. Original: Duke University.
M-1771 Hoest, William Walter. "The plantation in a regional economy: Pocket
Plantation, 1762-1785." M.A., University of Virginia, 1977.
M-1648 Hoffman, Elliott Wheelock. "The German soldiers in the American
Revolution." Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, 1982.
M-1937 Hofstra, Warren R. (b. 1947). "These Fine Prospects. Frederick
County, Virginia, 1738-1840." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1985.
M-1219 Holden, Oliver. American harmony (Boston, 1792). Library of
M-1219 Holden, Oliver. Sacred dirges, hymns and anthems (Boston, 1800).
Library of Congress.
M-1492 Holland, Lorraine Eve. "Rise and fall of the Ante-bellum aristocracy:
a generational analysis." Ph.D., University of California at Irvine, 1980.
M-76 Hollyday papers, 1715-1891. Maryland Historical Society.
M-1493 Holmberg, Georgia McK. "British-American Whig rhetoric, 1765-
1776: a content analysis of the London Gazette, London Chronicle, and
Boston Gazette." Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1979.
M-1702 Holmes, David Lynn. "William Meade and the Church of Virginia,
1789-1829." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971.
M-1288 Holsinger, J. Calvin. "A survey of the major arguments used by
English promoters to encourage colonization and interest in America in
the early colonial era." Ph.D., Temple University, 1967.
M-1907 Holton, Woody. "The Revolt of the Ruling Class: The Influence of
Indians, Merchants, and Laborers on the Virginia Gentry's Break with
England." Ph'D thesis. Duke University. 1990.
M-1219 Holyoke, Samuel. The instrumental assistant (Exeter, 1807). Library of
M-1560 Holywell horticultural papers, 1760-[1770]-1829. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1991 [Home economics] The Eighteenth Century Series,
Reel 1016, Items 1-11. British Library.
M-23 Honeyman, Robert. Diary, 1776-1782. [This is not so much a diary as
a contemporary history of the Revolution]. Library of Congress.
M-1472 Trusler, John. The honours of the table (Dublin, 1791). Yale
M-1459.1-3 Hooe, Stone and Co. Account books, 1770-1806. New York Public
M-1710 Hooe, Stone and Co. Invoice book, 1770-1784. New York Public
M-1095 Hook, Francis Moore. "The Negro in colonial Virginia, 1619-1765."
M.A., College of William and Mary, 1952.
M-1169.10 Hook, John. Papers, 1763-1806 (photostats). Virginia State Library.
M-36.3 Hook, John. Papers, 1771-1784. Duke University.
M-36.3 Hoomes, John. Papers, 1779-1781. Duke University.
M-1020 Hopkinson, Francis. A pretty story written in the year of our Lord,
1774 (Williamsburg, 1774). Library of Congress.
MF 35. 1-2 [Hopkinson, Francis] A second edition (with necessary improvements
which now render the sense entirely plain) of The lawfulness, excellency
and advantage of instrumental music in the public worship of God, but
chiefly of organs...
M-1041 Horner, Frederick. The history of the Blair, Banister, and Braxton
families before and after the Revolution, with a brief sketch of their
descendants (Philadelphia, 1898). College of William and Mary.
M-66 Hornsby, Joseph. Diary of planting and gardening, 1798. Filson Club
Historical Society.
M-17 [Houghton]. Cholmondeley (Houghton) papers, 1729-1750.
Cambridge University Library.
M-1006 Greene, Jack P. House of Burgesses committee assignments, 1688-
1775 (manuscript). Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
M-1239 Denboer, Gordon Roy. "The House of Delegates and the evolution of
political parties in Virginia, 1782-1792." Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin, 1972.
M-1146.1-2 [Howard] Baron Howard of Effingham Papers. Library of Congress.
M-1586 Beaufort, James. Hoyles games improved (London, 1775). Middleton
Library, Louisiana State University.
M-177 Hoyt, William Dana, Jr. "Colonel William Fleming on the Virginia
frontier, 1755-1783." Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1940.
M-24.1-2 Hubard, E. W. Papers, 1741-1907. Southern Historical Collection,
University of North Carolina.
M-121 [Hubard family]. Bowyer-Hubard papers, 1767-1816. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1590 Hubard family. Papers, vol. III: Gardening notes, recipes, and
remedies. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.
M-1081 Hubard family. Papers, music from. Southern Historical Collection,
University of North Carolina.
M-173 Bigelow, Alden Griswold. "Hugh Blair Grigsby: historian and
antiquarian." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1957.
M-1298 Hughes, Sarah S. "Elizabeth City County, Virginia, 1782-1810: the
economic and social structure of a Tidewater county in the early national
years." Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 1975.
M-1427 Huhta, James K. "Government by instruction: North Carolina, 1731-
1766: a study of the influence of royal institutions on the major
controversies between the governors and the Lower House." Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1965.
M-1533 Hull, N. E. H. "Female felons: women and serious crime in the
Superior Courts of Massachusetts, 1673-1774." Ph.D., Columbia
University, 1980.
M-1010 Hummel, Ray O. "The Virginia House of Burgesses, 1698-1750."
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 1934.
M-1096 Hunnicutt, Spotswood. "Quakerism in colonial Virginia." M.A.,
College of William and Mary, 1957.
M-1322 Hunt, James. Account book, 1775-1820. Library of Congress.
M-110 Hunt and Greenleaf (firm). Letter book, 1747-1749. Historical
Society of Pennsylvania.
M-62.6 Hunter family. Manuscripts, calendar of, 1704-1779. Alderman
Library, Unviversity of Virginia.
M-121 Hunter and Spotswood families. Documents, 1742-1790. Privately
M-1183.3 [Hunter, Robert]. Scanlon, James Edward. "A life of Robert Hunter,
1666-1734." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1969.
M-1932 Hunter, George, Carriage Account Book. Historical Society of
M-1812 [Hunter, William]. William Hunter's Carriage Account Book, 1788-
1789. Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
M-153.3; Huntington Library. Miscellaneous manuscripts,
M-1167 17th-19th centuries.
M-1117 Huntington papers, [1761-1799]-1864. Connecticut Historical Society.
M-1908 Husband, Paul Edward. "Church Membership in Northampton:
Solomon Stoddard verses Jonathan Edwards." Ph'D thesis. Westminster
Theological Seminary. 1990. Purchase.
M-1039 Huston, John Wilson. "Fort Pitt, 1758-1772." Ph.D., University of
Pittsburgh, 1957.
M-1613 Hynes, Sandra Sarkela. "The political rhetoric of John Dickinson,
1764-1776." Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1982.
M-145 Scamozzi, Vincenzo. L'idea della architettura universale (Venice,
1615). Columbia University Library.
M-1418 Wade, Simeon M., Jr. "The idea of luxury in nineteenth century
England." Ph.D., Harvard University, 1968.
M-1285 Hays, Garry D. "The idea of union in 18th century colonial
America." Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1964.
M-1244 Quinlivan, Mary. "Ideological controversy over religious
establishment in revolutionary Virginia." Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin, 1971.
M-1713 Betka, James Anthony. "The ideology and rhetoric of Thomas Paine:
political justification through metaphor." Ph.D., Rutgers University,
M-1515 White, Nancy A. "Idol, equal and slave: white female identity with
male guilt, a study of female role definition in the antebellum south."
Ph.D., American University, 1980.
M-1123 Iglehart, Esther Garland. "A brief history of the Eastern State
Hospital as shown by a study of the early records of the hospital." M.A.,
College of William and Mary, 1930.
M-143 Serlio, Sebastiano. Il settimo libro d'architettura (l775). Columbia
University Library.
M-1188.26 Illinois Manuscripts in the Draper Manuscripts. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin, Madison.
M-1076 [Illustrations]. Seventeenth and eighteenth century maps and
illustrations from miscellaneous publications. Colonial Williamsburg
M-1747 Thistlethwaite, Mark Edward. "The image of George Washington:
studies in mid-nineteenth-century American history painting." Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1977.
M-1497 Murphy, John F. "The image of old age and the elderly in pre-
industrial America: a content analysis of selected 18th and 19th
century magazines." Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, 1979.
M-1698 Edmonds, Anthony Owens. "The image of the southern plantation:
comparison of recent historical and fictional accounts." Ph.D.,
Vanderbilt University, 1970.
M-1626 Wedell, Roger William. "Images and visions: art and religion in
America, 1700-1975." Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union, 1982.
M-1631 Wylie, Mary Sykes. "Images of sickness and health in American
medical thought, 1776-1800 and 1835-1865." Ph.D., American
University, 1981.
M-1668 Chevalier, Constance Renee. "Imagination in the music of Mozart:
18th century guidelines to shaping musical expression." Ph.D., Stanford
University, 1982.
M-1028.5 Imports and exports compared with the excess of each country, 1698-
1716. Additional Mss. 29,903, British Museum.
M-1028.1-3 [Imports]. Ledgers of imports and exports, 1697-1777. Public Record
Office, Customs 3/1-26.
M-1509 [Imprisonment]. Christianson, Keith Scott. "The American experience
of imprisonment, 1607-1776." Ph.D., State University of New York at
Albany, 1981.
M-1614 Kroll-Smith, Jack Stephen. "In search of status power: the Baptist
revival in colonial Virginia, 1760-1776." Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1982.
M-1254 Henley, William Albert. "Independence and the beginnings of a new
government, 1774-1776." M.A., Ohio State University, 1971.
M-1516 Levernier, James A. "Indian captivity narratives: their function and
forms." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1975.
M-1721 Eliades, David K. "The Indian policy of colonial South Carolina,
1670-1763." Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1981.
M-1013 Robinson, Walter S., Jr. "The Indian policy of colonial Virginia."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1950.
M-1513 [Indians]. Aquila, Richard. "The Iroquois restoration: a study of
Iroquois power, politics, and relations with Indians and whites, 1700-
1744." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1977.
M-1445 [Indians]. Binford, Lewis R. "Archaeological and ethnohistorical
investigation of cultural diversity and progressive development among
aboriginal culture of coastal Virginia and North Carolina." Ph.D.,
University of Michigan, 1964.
M-1514 [Indians]. Burton, William J. "Hellish fiends and brutish men:
Amerindian-Euroamerican interaction in southern New England."
Ph.D., Kent State University, 1976.
M-1570 [Indians]. Callahan, Erret H. "Pamunkey housebuilding: and
experimental study of Late Woodland construction technology in the
Powhatan confederacy." Ph.D., Catholic University, 1981.
M-1438 [Indians]. Conard, Arlyn M. "The Christianization of Indians in
colonial Virginia." Th.D., Union Theological Seminary of Virginia,
M-1598 [Indians]. Graves, William H. "The evolution of American Indian
policy: from colonial times to the Florida Treaty (1819)." Ph.D., Florida
State University, 1982.
M-1703 [Indians]. Johansen, Bruce Elliot. "Franklin, Jefferson and the
American Indians: a study in the cross-cultural communication of
ideas." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1979.
M-1647 [Indians]. McConnell, Michael Norman. "The search for security:
Indian-English relations in the Trans-Appalachian Region, 1758-1763."
Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 1983.
M-1738 [Indians]. Peltier, Charlotte Hyams. "The evolution of the criminal
justice system of the Eastern Cherokees, 1580-1838." Ph.D., Rice
University, 1982.
M-1518 [Indians]. Pham, Augustine Lan Van. "English colonial treaties with
American Indians: observations on a neglected grave." Ph.D., Fordham
University, 1977.
M-16.2 [Indians]. Records of the States: Virginia, 1730-1776, William Sumner
Jenkins, ed. (Washington, D.C., 1949). Library of Congress.
M-1194 [Indians]. Rutman, Darrett. "A militant New World, 1607-1640."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1959.
M-1454 [Indians]. Taylor, Maxwell F., Jr. "The influence of religion on white
attitudes toward the Indian in the early settlement of Virginia." Ph.D.,
Emory University, 1970.
M-1503 [Indians]. Van Keuren, M. Luise. "American Indian responses and
reactions to the colonists as recorded in 17th and 18th century American
literature." Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1981.
M-1403 [Indians]. Wasserman, Maurice M. "The American Indian as seen by
the seventeenth century chronicles." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,
M-1827 [Indians]. Wilson, Jack Hubert Jr. "A Study of the Late Prehistoric,
Protohistoric, and Historic Indians of the Carolina and Virginia
Piedmont. Structure, Process, and Ecology." Ph.D., University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1983.
M-69 Keim, Clarence Ray. "The influence of primogeniture and entail in
the development of Virginia." Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1926.
M-1454 Taylor, Maxwell F., Jr. "The influence of religion on white attitudes
toward the Indian in the early settlement of Virginia." Ph.D., Emory
University, 1970.
M-1737 Parks, William. "The influence of Scottish sentimentalist ethical
theory on Thomas Jefferson's philosophy of human nature." Ph.D.,
College of William and Mary, 1975.
M-69 [Inheritance and succession]. Keim, Clarence Ray. "Influence of
primogeniture and entail in the development of Virginia." Ph.D.,
University of Chicago, 1926.
M-1464 [Inheritance and succession]. Narrett, David E. "Patterns of
inheritance in colonial New York City, 1664-1775: a study in the history
of the family." Ph.D., Cornell University, 1981.
M-22.3 Innes, Harry. Papers, 1791-1815. Library of Congress.
M-1040 Dain, Norman. "Insanity: changing concepts in the United States,
1789-1865." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1961.
M-1996.1-2 Institute of Early American History and Culture
(Williamsburg, Va.) William and Mary Quarterly,
v.1-11, 1921-1931. College of William and Mary,
Williamsburg, Va.
M-1033 Rapun, N.J. Instruccion general de el cultivo de Tavacas, 1764
(manuscript). Arents Collection, New York Public Library.
M-1813 Instructions for Cutting Out Apparel for the Poor. London, 1789.
British Library.
M-1464 Marquets, Archibald. Instructions to a son (London, 1698). Newberry
M-1141 Hazeltine, David. Instructor in martial music (Exeter, N.H., n.d.).
Newberry Library.
M-1219 Holyoke, Samuel. The instrumental assistant (Exeter, 1807). Library
of Congress.
M-1942.1-12 [Insurance] Mutual Assurance Society: Declarations. Ca. 1795-1825.
Virginia State Library.
M-97 [Insurance]. Sun Fire Company Minutes. Mr. Thomas Duffey,
Norfolk, Va.
M-1067 [Interior decoration]. Brightman, Ann. "Fabrics and styles of colonial
window hangings as revealed through Boston and Salem, Mass., records,
1700-1760." Ph.D., Florida State University, 1963.
M-1393 [Interior decoration]. Carwitham, John. Floor decorations of various
kinds (London, 1739). Library of Congress.
M-1420 Kinnamon, John A. "The internal revenues of colonial Maryland."
Ph.D., Indiana University, 1955.
M-1899 Laurent, Elizabeth MacLean. "The Interplay of Architectural Form
and Ornament on Virginia's Northern Neck, 1720-1840." Thesis.
University of Delaware. 1989.
M-1105 Beckman, Gail McK. "An introduction to the history of American
criminal law: the penal code of Thomas Jefferson, Edward Livingston,
and David Dudley Field." Unpublished research report, Department of
Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1965.
M-1209.1-2 Inventories, New York City, 1717-1718. New York Historical Society.
M-94 Van Ness, Richard I. "An investigation of the development of
radicalism in the legislature of colonial Virginia with an emphasis on
the period of revolutionary growth, 1765-1776." Ph.D., University of
Southern California, 1953.
M-36.3 James Iredell Papers. Duke University.
M-161 Ireland, Joseph N. Records of the New York Stage (New York, 1866).
University of North Carolina Library.
M-1031 [Iron industry and trade]. Enterprise Manufacturing Company of
Pennsylvania. Patented Hardward Manufacturers and Iron Founders,
Catalogues of 1881, 1878, 1899. Privately owned?
M-1262 [Iron industry and trade]. Lewis, Ronald. "Slavery in the Chesapeake
iron industry, 1716-1865." Ph.D., University of Akron, 1974.
M-1415 [Iron industry and trade]. Robbins, Michael W. "The Principio
Company: iron-making in colonial Maryland, 1720-1781." Ph.D.,
George Washington University, 1972.
M-1169.3 [Iron industry and trade]. Westham Foundry. Papers, 1776-1786.
Virginia State Library. See also: M-1175, Westham Foundary loose
papers, 1780-1792.
M-1513 Aquila, Richard. "The Iroquois restoration: a study of Iroquois power,
politics, and relations with Indians and whites, 1700-1744." Ph.D., Ohio
State University, 1977.
M-1829 Irwin, James Reid. "Slave Agriculture and Staple Crops in the Virginia
Piedmont." Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1986.
M-1634 Isle of Wight County, Va. Forms book, 1771-1780. Isle of Wight
County Clerk's Office.
M-1939.1-6 Isle of Wight County, Va. Land Tax Books, 1782-1850. Virginia State
M-36.4 Isle of Wight County, Va. Minutes of the Revolutionary Committee,
15 Jan-15 Jun l775. Duke University Library.
M-1173.2 [Isle of Wight County, Va.]. Newport Parish vestry book, 1724-1772.
Virginia State Library.
M-1541.1-21 Isle of Wight County, Va. Records, 1636-1817. Isle of Wight County
Clerk's Office. Source: Virginia State Library.
M-36.3 Izard, Ralph. Papers, 15 Jan 1775. Duke University Library.

M-1392 Jackson, J.B. An essay on the invention of engraving and printing in
chiaro oscuro (London, 1754). Newberry Library.
M-1097 Jackson, L.P. "Virginia Negro soldiers and seamen in the American
Revolution." The Journal of Negro History, XXVII: 3, July 1942, 247-
M-195 Jaebker, Orville J. "Henry Hamilton: British soldier and colonial
governor." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1954.
M-1594.1-16 [Jamaica] Thistlewood collection, 1720-1853. Lincolnshire Archives,
M-2041 James, R. (Robert). A medicinal dictionary...
The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 3070,
Item 1, v.1. Harvard University Library.
M-1549 James City County, Va. Deed books 1 and 2, 1854-1861; 1865-1874.
James City County Clerk's Office. Source: Virginia State Library.
M-1179 James City County, Va. Executive papers, 1781-1829. Virginia State
M-1273 James City County, Va. Land owners, 1619-1779. Virginia State
M-1.56-57 James City County, Va. Land tax records, 1783-1861. James City
County Clerk's Office.
M-1.53-55 James City County, Va. Personal property tax lists, 1782-1861. James
City County Clerk's Office.
M-34 James City County, Va. Petitions, 1777-1861. Virginia State Library.
M-2050 James City County, Va. Plat Books, 1898; 1905-1930. Library of
M-2051 James City County, Va. Plat Book, June 17,
1930-January 7, 1933. Library of Virginia.
M-1927 [James City County, Va.--slavery] U.S. Census, 1860. Slave schedules
for Henrico, James City, Kanawha, King George, King and Queen, &
King William Counties in Virginia.
M-1928 [James City County, Va. Census] U.S. Federal Census, 1860.
Population schedule for James City County, Williamsburg, Va., and
Jefferson County, Va. National Archives.
M-1129 James City County-Williamsburg, Va. Tax book, 1768-1769.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1182 Smith, Loren. "James Madison's library list of 1783 with critical
introduction and notes." Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1969.
M-1558 Jameson papers, 1756-[1795]-1872. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1235 [Jamestown]. Cotter, John Lambert. "Archeological excavations at
Jamestown, Virginia." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1954.
M-1447 Lewis, Kenneth E., Jr. "Jamestown frontier: an archaeological study
of colonization." Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 1975.
M-1208.2 Neil Jamieson Daybook, 1777-1782. New York Historical Society.
M-57.1-12 Jamieson, Neil. Papers, 1757-1789. Library of Congress.
M-1775 Jansen, Mary L. "Agriculture in Virginia in the Post-colonial period."
M.A. Columbia University, 1935.
M-1345 Janson, Charles. The stranger in America, containing observations
made during a long residence in that country, on the genius, manners and
customs of the people of the United States....(London, 1807). Duke
University Library.
M-1041 [Jarratt, Devereux]. Matthews, Elizabeth Weatherford, ed. "The life
of the Reverend Devereux Jarratt, Rector of Bath Parish, Dinwiddie
County, Virginia." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1957.
M-22.3 Jarvis, James. Events in Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, to 1853
(manuscript). Library of Congress.
M-1494 Jarvis, Thomas M. "The founding fathers and the future of American
foreign policy: unity and disunity, 1783-1788." Ph.D., American
University, 1980.
M-1695 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Anderson, Judith L. "Thomas Jefferson's case for
an arcadian America." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1970.
M-1705 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Beatty, James Paul. "Thomas Jefferson and
slavery." M.A., North Texas State University, 1973.
M-11 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Correspondence of Henry A. Washington relative
to his edition of Jefferson's writings. College of William and Mary,
Tucker-Coleman Collection.
M-1135 Jefferson, Thomas. Correspondence with W. W. Hening, 1791-1824.
Library of Congress.
M-1696 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Cragan, Thomas M. "Thomas Jefferson's early
attitudes toward manufacturing, agriculture and commerce." Ph.D.,
University of Tennessee. 1965.
M-1906 [Jefferson, Thomas] Franklin, Rachel Elaine. "Thomas Jefferson's
Poplar Forest." Ph'D thesis. Middle Tennessee State University. 1989.
M-1437 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Grimmelman, Jan E.L. "This world and the next:
religion, death, success and love in Jefferson's Virginia." Ph.D.,
University of Michigan, 1977.
M-1699 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Gurley, James Lafayette. "Thomas Jefferson's
philosophy and theology: as related to his political principles, including
separation of church and state." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1975.
M-1039 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Harrold, Frances Long. "Thomas Jefferson and
the Commonwealth of Virginia: a study in constitutional thought."
Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, 1960.
M-1491 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Hellenbrand, Harold L. "The unfinished
revolution: education and community in the thought of Thomas
Jefferson." Ph.D., Stanford University, 1980.
M-1703 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Johansen, Bruce Elliott. "Franklin, Jefferson and
the American Indians: a study in the cross-cultural communication of
ideas." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1979.
M-59 Jefferson, Thomas. Letters, ca. 1779-1826. (This is the most useful
filming of these papers, and should be used in preference to M-10.1-2 or
M-48, which cover the same papers). Majority now in the Tucker-
Coleman collection, College of William and Mary.
M-1606 [Jefferson, Thomas]. McAllister, Elaine. "The Marquis de Condorcet
and Thomas Jefferson: revolutionary proposals for civic education in
the eighteenth century." Ph.D., Georgia State University, 1982.
M-162 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Meison, Adolf F. "Thomas Jefferson, war
governor of Virginia." Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1942.
M-1689.1-5 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Monticello music collection. Thomas Jefferson
Memorial Foundation. Source copy University of Virginia.
M-1998 Jefferson, Thomas. Jefferson's Case Book,
1767-1768. Huntington Library, San Marino,
M-18 Jefferson, Thomas. Papers, 1651-1826. Library of Congress.
M-1994.1-16 Jefferson, Thomas. Papers, 1705-1827. Mass.
Historical Society.
M-1346.1-10 Jefferson, Thomas. Papers, 1732-1828. University of Virginia.
M-1673.1-8 Jefferson, Thomas. Papers, 1606-1822. Series 3-9 only. Library of
M-1737 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Parks, William. "The influence of Scottish
sentimentalist ethical theory on Thomas Jefferson's philosophy of human
nature." Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 1975.
M-1135 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Poor, Nathaniel P. Catalogue of President
Jefferson's library (Washington, 1829). University of Virginia.
M-1741 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Schulz, Constance Bartlett. "The radical
religious ideas of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams: a comparison."
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 1973.
M-1742 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Shawen, Neil McDowell. "The casting of a
lengthened shadow: Jefferson's role in determining the site for a state
university in Virginia." Ph.D., George Washington University, 1980.
M-1565 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Shonting, Donald A. "Romantic aspects in the
work of Thomas Jefferson." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1977.
M-1915 [Jefferson, Thomas] Sloan, Herbert E. "Principle and Interest: Thomas
Jefferson and the Problem of Debt." Ph'D thesis. Columbia University.
M-1745 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Stuart, Reginald Charles. "Encounter with Mars:
Thomas Jefferson's view of war." Ph.D., University of Florida, 1974.
M-1750 [Jefferson, Thomas]. Williams, Kenneth R. "The ethics of Thomas
Jefferson." Ph.D., Boston University, 1962.
M-1352 Wu, Arlouine G. "Jefferson's court." M.A., Columbia University,
M-1748 Tucker, David. "Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia." Ph.D.,
Clement Graduate School, 1981.
M-1563 Jenkins, William W. "Three centuries of development of the
Pocahontas story in American literature: 1608-1908." Ph.D., University
of Tennessee, 1977.
M-1726 Jennings, Judith Gaile. "The campaign for the abolition of the British
slave trade: the Quaker contribution, 1757-1807." Ph.D., University of
Kentucky, 1975.
MF-4 [Jensen, Merrill]. Documentary history of the ratification of the
Constitution (Madison, Wisconsin, 1976- ). Edited by Merrill Jensen.
Supplement to published volume.
M-50 Jerdone, Francis. Account book, 1751-1752. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1118 Jerdone, Francis. Cargo waste book, 1748-1749. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-152.1-2 Jerdone, Francis. Papers, 1736-1772. College of William and Mary.
M-1169.15 Jerdone, Francis. Papers, 1749-1873. Virginia State Library.
M-152.2 Jett, Letterbook of Thomas, 1769-1776. William and Mary-Jerdone
MF-44.1-24 [Jewelry-Catalogs.] Jewellery Gallery in the
Victoria and Albert Museum: A Visual Catalog.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
M-1542 Cohen, Robert. "Jewish demography in the eighteenth century: a
study of London, the West Indies, and early America." Ph.D., Brandeis
University, 1976.
M-1703 Johansen, Bruce Elliott. "Franklin, Jefferson and American Indians: a
study in the cross-cultural communication of ideas." Ph.D., University
of Washington, 1979.
M-1271 Danglade, James K. "John Graves Simcoe and the U.S., 1775-1796: a
study in Anglo-American frontier diplomacy." Ph.D., Ball State
University, 1972.
M-1066 Coyner, Martin Boyd. "John Hartwell Cocke of Bremo: agriculture
and slavery in the antebellum south." Ph.D., University of Virginia,
M-1248 Tanner, Carol Minor. "John Page of Rosewell." M.A., University of
Virginia, 1944.
M-1914 Royster, Mark Powell. "John Wesley's Doctrine of Prevenient Grace
in the Missiological Perspective." D. Miss. Thesis. Asbury Theological
Seminary. 1989.
M-70.3 Johns Papers. Kensey Johns, Merchant, 1749-1763. Maryland Hall of
M-1033 Johnson, Robert. "Government regulation of business enterprise in
Virginia, 1750-1820." Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1958.
M-1733 [Johnson, Samuel]. Murray, Sean Collins. "The Reverend Samuel
Johnson, 1696-1772: Anglican protagonist in colonial America." Ph.D.,
State University of New York at Buffalo, 1975.
M-1264 Zimmer, Anne Y. "Janathan Boucher: moderate loyalist and public
man." Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1966.
M-1135 Jones family. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1767-1796. Library of
M-22.1-3 Jones family. Papers, 1649-1889. Library of Congress.
M-1397.1-15 Jones family. Papers, 1649-1896. Library of Congress.
M-24.1 Jones, Allen. Letters, 1781. University of North Carolina, Southern
Historical Collections.
M-1755 Jones, Marilyn Cleo. "Virginia's role in the Federal Convention, 1787."
M.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1947.
M-36.3 Jones, Joseph. Papers, 1687-1721. Duke University Library.
M-1177 Jones, Samuel. Papers, 1781. Virginia State Library.
M-1317.2 Jones, Scervant. Papers, 1834-1854. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-1637 Jones, William C. Account book, 1803-1813. University of Virginia
M-1377 Jordan, David W. "The Royal Period of Colonial Maryland, 1689-
1715." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1966.
M-2044 Journal de l'Armee, aux ordres de Monsieur
le Comte de Rochambeau, pendant les compagnes
de 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783, dans l'Amerique
septentrionale. Departement des Manuscrits,
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.
M-1768.1-13 Journal of Negro History, Vol.1 (1916) - Vol. 68 (1983). University
Microfilms International.
M-1300 [Justice, Administration of]. Bourguignon, Henry J. "The first federal
court: the history of the Continental Congress' Committee on Appeal
and its Court of Appeals in cases of capture, 1775-1787." Ph.D.,
University of Michigan, 1968.
M-1378 [Justice, Administration of]. Ellefson, Clinton Ashley. "The county
courts and the Provincal Court of Maryland, 1733-1763." Ph.D.,
University of Maryland, 1963.
M-16.2 [Justices of the Peace]. Webb, George. The office and authority of the
Justice of the Peace (Williamsburg, 1736). Library of Congress.
M-1141 Kappey, Jacob Adam. Military music: a history of wind-instrumental
bands (London, 1894). Library of Congress.
M-1001 Karjavin, Theodore. Memoirs of Theodore Karjavin from the
Russkaya Starina [the Russian Past] I: 275 (1875). Harvard University.
M-1303 Karst, Judith. "Newspaper medicine: a cultural study of the colonial
south, 1730-1770." Ph.D., Tulane University, 1971.
M-1708 Kay, Miryam Neulander. "Separation of church and state in
Jeffersonian Virginia." Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1967.
M-1317.1 Kearney, Ravaud. An appeal to the candid of all denominations, in
reply to one Peter Gough of St. Mary's County, Maryland (Baltimore,
1828); also, A refutation of sundry written charges made by the Rev.
Ravaud Kearney of the Protestant Episcopal Church against Peter Gough
of Saint Mary's County, Maryland (Baltimore, 1828). Maryland
Historical Society.
M-192.1 Keener, William G. "Blair-Prentis-Cary partnership: the store and its
operation," unpublished report, Department of Research, Colonial
Williamsburg, Inc., 1957.
M-69 Keim, Clarence Ray. "Influence of primogeniture and entail in the
development of Virginia." Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1926.
M-425 [Keith, Sir William]. Wendel, Thomas H. "The life and writings of Sir
William Keith, Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsylvania and the three lower
counties, 1717-1726." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1964.
M-1428 Keller, Claire W. "Pennsylvania government, 1701-1740: a study of
the operation of colonial government." Ph.D., University of
Washington, 1967.
M-193 Kelley, Darwin N. "Separation of powers: the American development
of separation of powers and the use of this principle in the Constitution
of the United States, 1607-1787." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1953.
M-1298 Kelly, Kevin P. "Economic and social development of 17th century
Surry County, Virginia." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1972.
M-1188.36-42. Kentucky manuscripts in the Draper Manuscripts. State Historical
Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
M-1727 Kern, John. "The politics of violence: colonial American rebellions,
protests, and riots, 1676-1747." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at
Madison, 1976.
M-1040 Ketcham, Ralph Louis. "The mind of James Madison." D.S.S.,
Syracuse University, 1956.
M-1659 Metz, Charles Jonathan II. "Keyboard duets belonging to the
Washington family: a performance practice study." Ph.D., Washington
University, 1981.
M-1728 Kiley, Michael M. "The republic of reason: the political ideas of
Thomas Paine." Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara, 1979.
M-62.2 King William County, Va. Courthouse store ledger, 1773. Alderman
Library, University of Virginia.
M-1940.3-4 King William County, Va. Land Tax Books, 1782-1850. Virginia State
M-1940.1-2 King George County, Va. Land Tax Books, 1782-1850. Virginia State

M-1162.1-12 King George County, Va. Records, 1740-1807. See: Guide to County
Records on Microfilm at the Virginia State Library for holdings.
M-1935.1-4 King William County, Va. Personal Property Tax Lists: 1782-1793,
1833-1863. Original: Virginia State Library.
M-1422 Looney, John F. "The King's representative: Benning Wentworth,
colonial governor, 1741-1767." Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1961.
M-1682.1-2 Kingsbury, Susan M., ed. "The Records of the Virginia Company of
London", 1606-1626. Library of Congress.
M-1420 Kinnamon, John A. "The internal revenues of colonial Maryland."
Ph.D., Indiana University, 1955.
M-36.3 Kirby, Samuel F. Account book, 1785-1804. Duke University Library.
M-1531 [Kirkbridge, Thomas Story]. Tomes, Nancy Jane. "The persuasive
insitution: Thomas Story Kirkbridge and the art of asylum-keeping,
1841-1883." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1978.
M-1609 Klayman, Richard. "The education of an artist: the American years of
John Singleton Copley, 1738-1744." Ph.D., University of New
Hampshire, 1981.
M-1421 Kleber, Brooks E. "The colonial newspaper and the emergence of an
American community." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1957.
M-1909 Klein, George Jay. "Theme and Form in English Landscape Poetry."
Ph'D thesis. University of Oregon. 1974.
M-1091 Klein, Herbert Sanford. "Slavery in Cuba and Virginia: a comparative
history of the first hundred years." M.A., University of Chicago, 1959.
M-1183.2 Klingaman, David Charles. "The development of Virginia's coastwise
trade and grain trade in the late colonial period." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1967.
M-1039 Knepper, George W. "The Convention Army, 1777-1783." Ph.D.,
University of Michigan, 1954.
M-106 [Knox, Thomas]. A letter from Mr. [Thomas] Knox of Bristol to the
Honourable William Nelson, Esq. of Virginia. Bristol, 1759. Boston
M-98.6 Knox, William. Papers, 1765-1783; 1806. William L. Clements
M-26 Koontz, Louis, ed. Correspondence of Robert Dinwiddie (University of
California, 1951).
M-1910 Koslowski, Mark Frederick. "Political Scriptures": The Changing
Constitutionalism of James Madison. Ph'D thesis. Columbia University.
M-1947 Krafft, Johann Karl. Plans, coupes, elevations des plus belles maisons
& des hotels construits a Paris & dans les environs.
M-1764 Goldsmiths' -Kress Library of Economic Literature. Reel 1949
M-1822 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic Literature. Reel 1733.
M-1842 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 807.
M-1845 - 1880 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reels 351, 366,
383, 391, 398, 401, 416, 421, 445, 453, 459, 474, 479, 480, 497, 500,
508, 509, 526, 540, 567, 585, 601, 605, 608, 614, 627, 635, 640, 675,
685, 839, 929, 975, 1009, 2057.
M-1888 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 1501.
M-1890 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 718.
M-1891 Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature, Reel 882.
M-1922 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic Literature. Item 6429.4.
Reel 389.
M-1923 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic Literature. Items 7645-
7679. Reel 488.
M-1924 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic Literature. Items 10175.3 -
10186. Reel 855.
M-1925 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Economic Literature. Items 10860-
10865.5 Reel 1012.
M-1945 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Ecomonic Literature. Items 9678.1-
9678.8. Reel 770.
M-1946 Goldsmith's - Kress Library of Ecomonic Literature. Unit 51 Items
21742.27- 21742.33. Reel 2146.
M-1773 Krimmel, John Lewis. Sketchbooks, 1809-1821. Winterthur Museum
and Library.
M-1614 Kroll-Smith, Jack Stephen. "In search of status power: the Baptist
revival in colonial Virginia, 1760-1776." Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1982.
M-1599 Kruger, Linda M. "The New York City book trade, 1725-1750."
D.L.S., Columbia University, 1980.
MF-6.1-3 Kukla, Jon K. "Political institutions in Virginia, 1619-1660." Ph.D.,
University of Toronto, 1980.
M-1268 Kulikoff, Allen. "Tobacco and slaves: population, economy, and
society in 18th century Maryland." Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1976.
M-1416 Kuroda, Tadahisa. "The county court system of Virginia from the
Revolution to the Civil War." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1970.
M-1405 Kussrow, Van Carl, Jr. "On with the show: a study of public
arguments in favor of theatre in America." Ph.D., Indiana University,
M-1624 Kwilecki, Susan Eugenia. "Through the needle's eye: religion in the
lives of wealthy colonial Americans." Ph.D., Stanford University, 1982.
M-100 [Labor and laboring classes]. Smith, Robert A. "The technologies and
working conditions of colonial free laborers." Ph.D., University if
Illinois, 1950.

M-1625 Lacey, Barbara Ellson. "Women and the Great Awakening in
Connecticut." Ph.D., Clark University, 1982.
M-1155 The ladies complete letter-writer.... (London, 1763). Virginia State
M-1467 Amhurst, N. The lady's perceptor (London, 1745). Newberry Library.
M-1551 Lafayette-Leclerc papers, 1780-1789. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library. See also: M-49.5.
M-186 Laing, Wesley Newton. "Cattle in early Virginia." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1952.
M-1911 Lambert, Franklin Talley. "Selling Religion in the Consumer
Revolution: George Whitfield and the Transatlantic Revivals, 1737-
1745." Ph'D thesis. Northwestern University. 1990.
M-1592 LaMonte, Ruth Bradburn. "Early Maryland education: the colonials,
the Catholics, and the Carrolls." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1976.
M-2027.1-2 Landscape architecture--Massachusetts. Arthur A. Shurcliff
Collection of glass lantern slides. Massachusetts Historical
M-1173.1 [Lancaster County, Va.]. Christ Church Parish book, 1701-1788;
vestry book, 1739-1788; processioner's returns, 1711-1783; estate papers
of Ralph Wormeley, 1701-1716. Virginia State Library.
M-1363.1-18 Lancaster County, Va. Records. See: Guide to County Records on
Microfilm at the Virginia State Library for holdings. See also: M-117.7-
M-1839 Lancaster County Land Tax Book, 1782 - 1850. Virginia State
M-1560 [Land companies]. Dismal Swamp Land Company papers, 1792-1834.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. See also: Dismal Swamp Land
Company papers, 1666-1813. Duke University Library.
M-115 Voorhis, Manning Curles. "The land grant policy of colonial
Virginia, 1607-1774." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1940.
M-1003 [Land grants]. Reeder, Faye Bartlett. "The evolution of the Virginia
land grant system in the eighteenth century." Ph.D., Ohio State
University, 1937.
M-1049.1-4 [Land Office Records] Virginia Land Office, Patents, & Grants.
Virginia State Library.
M-1078.1-10 [Land Office Records]. Virginia Patent Books, 1623-1724. Virginia
State Archives.
M-135 Land, Robert H. "Theatre in colonial Virginia." M.A., University of
Virginia, 1936.
M-1276 [Land settlement]. Abbott, Phyllis R. "The development and operation
of an American land system to 1800." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin,
M-1639 [Land settlement]. Shiverick, Nathan Crary. "Virginia and the western
land problems, 1776-1800." Ph.D., Harvard University, 1965.
M-1643 [Land settlement]. Sturdevant, Rick Willard. "Quest for Eden: George
Washington's frontier land interest." Ph.D., University of California at
Santa Barbara, 1982.
M-1343 True, Ransom B. "Land transactions in Louisa County, Virginia,
1765-1812: a quantitative analysis." Ph.D., University of Virginia,
M-1564 Landon, Esther A. "Seventeenth and eighteenth century English
colonial music texts: an analysis of instructional content." Ph.D.,
University of California at Los Angeles, 1977.
M-1901 [Landscape Architecture] Brown, Ella Lees. "The Uses of
Landscape." PH'd Thesis. Washington University. 1972.
M-1904 [Landscape in Art] Doe, Donald Bartlett. "The Sublime As An
Esthetic Correlative: A Study of Late Eighteenth Century Aesthetic
Theory, Landscape Painting and Gothic Drama." Ph'd thesis. Ohio
University. 1977.
M-1916 [Landscape in art] Smith, Louise Zandberg, "The Transforming Eye:
Response to Landscape as a Measure of Social Sensibility." Ph'D thesis.
University of Virginia. 1974.
M-1918 [Landscape painting] Welsh, Rosemary. Eighteenth Century British
Landscape Theory: Rituals of Consecration." Ph'D thesis. State
University of New York at Binghamton. 1987.
M-1729 Lang, Elizabeth H. "Colonial colleges and politics: Yale, King's
College and the College of Philadelphia, 1740-1764." Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1976.
M-1905 Ernest, John Richard. "The Langauge of Truth: Narrative Strategy in
the Histories of William H. Prescott, George Bancroft, Henry
Adams." Ph.D thesis. University of Virginia. 1989. Purchase.
MF-14.1-2 Hines, Mary Anne. The larder invaded: reflections on three centuries
of Philadelphia food and drink (Philadelphia, 1987).
M-1709 Larson, Barbara Ann. "A rhetorical study of the preaching of the
Reverend Samuel Davies in the colony of Virginia, 1747-1759." Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota, 1969.
M-1662 Lasocki, David Ronald Graham. "Professional recorder players in
England, 1540-1740." Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1983.
M-1824 Heintzelman, Andrea J. "Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century
Wharf Technology: Historical and Archeological Investigations of
Three Eastern U.S. Examples." M.A., The American University.
M-1585 Latrobe, Benjamin. Music book. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
MF-9 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry. Papers, 1795-1820. Maryland Historical
M-1899 Laurent, Elizabeth MacLean. "The Interplay of Architectural Form
and Ornament on Virginia's Northern Neck, 1720-1840." Thesis.
University of Delaware. 1989.
MF 45.1-6 [Law]. Adams, J.N. A Bibliography of Eighteenth
Century Legal Literature. Guide available.
M-194 [Law]. Calloway, James E. "Disallowances of colonial legislation,
1696-1737." Ph.D., Indiana State University, 1953.
M-1021.36 [Law]. A collection of the laws of Virginia (London, 1684); An
abridgement of the publick laws of Virginia (London, 1722). Tucker-
Coleman Collection, College of William and Mary.
M-1387 [Law]. Henrich, Frederick Kahler. "A role for regulation of early
American legislation to protect the public interest." Ph.D., State
University of New York at Buffalo, 1978.
M-1638 [Law]. Mercer, John. An exact abridgement of all the public acts of
Assembly of Virginia (Williamsburg, 1737), and A continuation of the
abridgement (Williamsburg, 1739). College of William and Mary.
M-1632 [Law]. Mian, Badshah Khann. "American habeus corpus: a historical
view." J.S.D., Tulane University, 1980.
M-1249 [Law]. Shepard, Edwin Lee. "Administration of justice in revolutionary
Virginia: 1700-1790." M.A., University of Virginia, 1974.
M-1582 [Law]. Smith, Robert Gerard. "Toward a system of law: law revision
and codification in colonial America." Ph.D., Cornell University, 1977.
M-1212 [Law]. Treon, John A. "Martin v. Hunter's lessee: a case study."
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1970.
M-1158.1-2 [Law]. Tucker, St. George. Notebooks of cases in the General, District
and Court of Appeals in Virginia, 1786-1811 (mss.). College of William
and Mary.
M-1463 [Law]. Virginia. General Assembly. Statutes, 1736 (Williamsburg,
1736). New York Public Library.
M-1042 [Law]. Winfree, Waverly Keith. "Acts not in Hening's Statutes, 1702-
1732, with a biographical sketch of William Waller Hening." M.A.,
College of William and Mary, 1959.
M-1642 [Law, Consitutional]. Haulman, Daniel Lee. "Abolishing the forms to
which they are accustomed: constitutional changes as the colonies
became states, 1776-1784." Ph.D., Auburn University, 1983.
M-1105 [Law, Criminal]. Beckman, Gail McK. "An introduction to the history
of American criminal law: the penal code of Thomas Jefferson, Edward
Livingston, and David Dudley Field." Research project, Department of
Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1965. Filmed by
University of Pennsylvania Library.
M-1533 [Law, Criminal]. Hull, N.E.H. "Female felons: women and serious
crime in the Superior Courts of Massachusetts, 1673-1774." Ph.D.,
Columbia University, 1980.
M-1641 [Law, Criminal]. Marsella, Paul Donald. "Criminal cases at the Essex
County, Massachusetts, Court of General Sessions, 1700-1785." Ph.D.,
University of New Hampshire, 1982.
M-159 [Law, Criminal]. Reed, Henry Clay. "Chapters in a history of crime
and punishment in New Jersey." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1939.
M-149 Chapin, Bradley. "The law of treason during the American
Revolution, 1765-1783." Ph.D., Cornell University, 1951.
M-1998 [Law--Virginia--Cases]. Jefferson's Case
Book, 1767-1768. Huntington Library,
San Marino, Ca.
M-36.4 Lawson, Robert. Papers, 1780-1785. Duke University Library.
M-1465 Leaming, Hugo P. "Hidden Americans: the maroons of Virginia and
the Carolinas." Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1979.
M-144 Le Clerc. Traite d'architecture.... (Paris, 1714). Columbia University
M-143 Morris, Robert. Lectures on architecture (London, 1734). Columbia
University Library.
M-1767 Ledger of Messrs. Barker, 1788-1797, Coachbuilders of London,
England. Maidstone Museum, Maidstone, Kent, England.
M-163 Arthur Lee Letters, 1763-1774. Harvard College Library.
M-185 [Lee, Arthur]. Potts, Louis W. "Arthur Lee, American revolutionary."
Ph.D., Duke University, 1969.
M-1429 [Lee, Arthur]. Riggs, Alvin R. "Arthur Lee and the radical Whigs,
1768-1776." Ph.D., Yale University, 1967.
M-162 [Lee, Arthur]. Winsor, Justin, ed. Bibliographical contributions of the
Harvard University Library, No.8, "Calendar of the Arthur Lee
Manuscripts (Cambridge, 1882). Library of Congress.
M-1264 Lee, Charles. Notebook of court cases, 1783-1793 [1855]. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1117 [Lee, James]. See: Teagle-Lee papers, 1808-[1829-1842]-1877.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1704 Lee, Jean Butenhoff. "The social order of a revolutionary people:
Charles County, Maryland." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1984.
M-1569 [Lee, Henry]. Templin, Thomas E. "Henry 'Lighthorse Harry' Lee: a
biography." Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1975.
M-1122.1-8 Lee papers, 1742-1795. University of Virginia and other repositories.
M-1043.1-6 Lee papers, 1750-1824, Revolutionary [Richard Henry, Arthur, and
William Lee]. Alderman Library, University of Virginia.
M-63.2 Lee papers, 1769-1789 [1823]. Letters to Richard Henry Lee.
American Philosophical Society.
M-1017 Lee papers, 1775-1782. [Selections and excerpts from the Lee Papers,
printed in the Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 27, 1858]. College of
William and Mary.
M-1919 Lee, Philip Ludwell, Ledger, 1743-1783. Westmoreland County, Va.
Original Duke University.
M-21 Lee, Richard Bland. Papers, 1700-1825. Library of Congress.
M-1426 [Lee, Richard Henry]. Bowers, Paul C., Jr. "Richard Henry Lee and
the Continental Congress, 1774-1779." Ph.D., Duke University, 1965.
M-1070.2 [Lee, Richard Henry]. Excerpts from the Richard Henry Lee Papers in
the Southern Literary Messenger. College of William and Mary.
M-189 [Lee, Richard Henry]. Matthews, John Carter. "Richard Henry Lee
and the American Revolution." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1220 Lee, Richard Henry. Memorandum book, 1776-1794. Huntington
M-36.4 Lee, Robert Edward. Papers, 1749. [Thomas Lee's message to the
House of Burgesses and Council of Virginia, 1749]. Duke University
M-141 William Lee Letterbooks, 1769-1795. The Robert E. Lee Memorial
Foundation, Stratford Hall, Va.
M-82.9-10 William Lee Letterbooks, 1774-1787. Virginia Historical Society.
M-1091 LeMay, Joseph Alberic Leo. "A literary history of colonial Maryland."
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1964.
M-144 Le Muet, Pierre. The art of fair building.... (London, 1675). Columbia
University Library.
M-1054 [Lerwick, Scotland]. "Kirk session records," Annals of Lerwick, 1897.
Scottish Central Library.
M-1097 Lescure, William J. "The early political career of Robert Carter
Nicholas, 1728-1769." M.A., College of William and Mary, 1961.
M-1111 [Leslie, William]. See: Levin & Melville Muniments, Sec. IX, 1771-
1780. Scottish Record Office.
M-106 [Carter, Landon]. A letter from a gentleman in Virginia, to the
merchants of Great Britain, trading to that colony (London, 1754).
Boston Athenaeum.
M-1677 Byrd, William II. Letters to Facetia. Privately owned. See also: M-
M-1111 Leven & Melville Muniments, Sec. IX, 1771-1780. [Letters and other
papers regarding Captain William Leslie]. Scottish Record Office.
M-1516 Levernier, James A. "Indian captivity narratives: their function and
forms." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1975.
M-1447 Lewis, Kenneth E., Jr. "Jamestown frontier: an archeological study of
colonization." Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 1975.
M-1262 Lewis, Ronald. "Slavery in the Chesapeake iron industry, 1716-1865."
Ph.D., University of Akron, 1974.
M-1820 Lewis, William. The New Dispensatory. London, 1753. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1090 [Liberty]. Selby, John Edward. "A concept of liberty." Ph.D., Brown
University, 1968.
MF-11.1-87 Library of Congress, Geography Section. Shelflist. University
Microfilms Internationa.
M-89.2 Library of Congress, Virginia Miscellaneous Box I.
M-143 Serlio, Sebastiano. Libro primo d'architettura (Venetia, 1766).
Columbia University Library.
M-75 Turrentine, Percy Winfield. "Life and works of Nathaniel Beverley
Tucker." Ph.D., Harvard University, 1952.
M-425 Wendel, Thomas H. "The life and writings of Sir William Keith,
Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsylvania and the three lower counties,
1717-1726." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1964.
M-1267 Noble, Dorothy. "The life of Francis Nicholson." Ph.D., Columbia
University, 1968.
M-1567 Coalter, Milton J. "The life of Gilbert Tenent: a case study of
continental pietism's influence on the First Great Awakening in the
middle colonies." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1982.
M-1079 Toombs, Kenneth. "The life of Littleton Waller Tazewell." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1955.
M-1183 Scanlon, James Edward. "A life of Robert Hunter, 1666-1734." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1969.
M-1041 Matthews, Elizabeth Weatherford, ed. "The life of the Reverend
Devereux Jarratt, Rector of Bath Parish, Dinwiddie County, Virginia."
M.A., College of William and Mary, 1957.
M-1896 Pickman, Susan Lois. Life on the Spanish-American Colonial
Frontier: A Study in the Social and Economic History the Mid-
eighteenth Century St. Augustine, Florida. PH'D thesis. State
University of New York at Stony Brook. 1980.
MF-32.1-2 Grimes, William. Life of William Grimes, the runaway slave,
brought down to the present. 1855.
M-1555 Lightfoot, William. Papers, 1740-1764. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library. See also: M-1093
M-1135 Lindsay, Hugh. Log of the U.S. frigate "St. Lawrence," 1848-1859,
Portsmouth, Virginia. Virginia State Library.
M-1719 [Linquistics]. Dorrill, George T. "Black and white speech patterns in
the South." Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1982.
M-70.3 List of Debts Due to William Mollison of London, Jan. 1, 1774-May
8, 1779. Hall of Records (Md.).
M-1026 List of photographs in the files of the Washington Bicentennial
Commission and the United States Constitution Sequicentennial
Commission. The National Archives.
M-1666 Lister, George. "Traditions of keyboard technique from 1650 to 1750."
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979.
M-1948.1-4 Liston Papers, 1796-1800. The Sir Robert Liston papers. National
Library of Scotland.
M-1091 LeMay, Joseph Alberic Leo. "A literary history of colonial
Maryland." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1964.
M-1245 [Literature]. Black, William Priestley. "The Virginia Gazette, 1766-
1774: the beginnings of an indigenous literature." Ph.D., Duke
University, 1971.
M-1717 [Literature]. Chamberlain, Elizabeth S. "The Virginia historical novel
to 1835." Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979.
M-1489 [Literature]. Derounian, Kathryn A. "Genre, voice and character in the
literature of six early American women writers, 1650-1817." Ph.D.,
Pennsylvania State University, 1980.
M-1563 [Literature]. Jenkins, William W. "Three centuries of development of
the Pocahontas story in American literature: 1608-1908." Ph.D.,
University of Tennessee, 1977.
M-1516 [Literature]. Levernier, James A. "Indian captivity narratives: their
function and forms." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1975.
M-1497 [Literature]. Murphy, John E. "The image of old age and the elderly in
pre-industrial America: a content analysis of selected 18th and 19th
century magazines." Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, 1979.
M-1283 [Literature]. Myer, Richard E. "Colonial values and development of
the American nation as expression in almanacs, 1700-1790." Ph.D.,
University of Kansas, 1970.
M-1828 [Literature]. Sargent, Mark L. "Rekindled Fires: Jamestown and
Plymouth in American Literature, 1765-1863." Ph.D. Claremont
College, 1985.
M-1534 [Literature]. Shevelow, Kathryn A. "Fair-sexing it: Richard Steele's
'Tatler' and the evolution of a feminized prose in English periodical
literature." Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, 1981.
M-1565 [Literature]. Shonting, Donald A. "Romantic aspects in the work of
Thomas Jefferson." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1977.
M-1748 [Literature]. Tucker, David. "Jefferson's 'Notes on the State of
Virginia'. " Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1981.
M-1503 [Literature]. Van Keuren, M. Luise. "American Indian responses and
reactions to the colonists as recorded in 17th and 18th century American
literature." Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1981.
M-1403 [Literature]. Wasserman, Maurice M. "The American Indian as seen
by the seventeenth century chroniclers." Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1954.
M-1391 [Literature]. Whiting, Marvin W. "Religious literature in Virginia,
1685-1786: a preface to a study in the history of ideas." M.A., Emory
University, 1975.
M-1448 Little, Paul J. "Reactions to the theatre: Virginia, Massachusetts,
Pennsylvania, 1665-1793." Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1969.
M-183 Little pretty pocket-book (Worcester, 1787). The New York Public
M-1081 Williamson's Liverpool advertiser and mercantile chronicle, 1774.
City of Liverpool Reference Library.
M-1081 Liverpool directories, 1766, 1774, 1777. City of Liverpool Reference
M-1926. 1-3 Liverpool directories, 1766-1824.
M-1106.1-3 Liverpool papers, American material in the, 1727-1828. British
M-1373 Liverpool plantation registers, 1744-1773. Customs House,
Liverpool, England.
M-1655 Locke, James Eric. "Early American piano themes and variations:
1790-1830: a survey of music and musicians." M.A., California State
University, 1980.

M-88 Lockhart Family Papers, 1712-[1768-1772]1848. Privately owned.
M-1135 [Log-books]. Lindsay, Hugh. Log of the U.S. frigate "St. Lawrence,"
1848-1859, Portsmouth, Virginia. Virginia State Library.
M-1228 Lohrenz, Otto. "Virginia clergy in the American Revolution, 1774-
1799." Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1970.
M-12 [London]. Complete guide to London, 1755; 1756. University of
London, Institute of Historical Research.
M-1038.1-3 London directories, 1677-1825. British Museum, Bishopgate Library,
M-1887.1-60 London Directories From The Guildhall Library. Groups 1 & 2. 1677-
1855. Research Publications.
M-1123 London directory, 1791 (incomplete). University of Chicago Library?
M-1187.1-21 London gazette, 1665-1800. Originals: various repositories. Source:
Micro Methods Ltd.
M-1921 [London--merchants] James Douglas Account Book, 1784-1792.
Original: University of Michigan: Clement Library.
M-80 Campbell, R.E. London tradesman (London, 1747). Library of
M-1422 Looney, John F. "The king's representive: Benning Wentworth,
colonial governor, 1741-1767." Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1961.
M-20 Losse de Bayac, Charles Joseph de. Revolution de la Nouvelle
Angleterre, 1763-1783 [Mss. journal]. Alderman Library, University of
M-1324 [Loudon County, Va.]. Bradford, James. "Society and government in
Loudon County, 1790-1800." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1976.
M-1162.9 Louisa County, Va. Records, 1743-1790. See: Guide to County
Records Available at the Virginia State Library for holdings.
M-1163 [Louisa County, Va.]. Fredericksville Parish records, 1742-1787;
vestry book, 1742-1787. Virginia State Library.
M-1343 [Louisa County, Va.] True, Ransom B. "Land transactions in Louisa
County, Virginia, 1765-1812: a quantitative analysis." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1976.
M-1035 Weems, Mason Locke. The lover's almanac, no. 1 (Fredericksburg, c.
1799). Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1015 Low, Augustus. "Virginia in the critical period, 1783-1789." Ph.D.,
State University of Iowa, 1941.
MF-12.1-40 Lowry, Bates, ed. The architecture of Washington, D.C. (Washington,
1976-1979). Dunlap Society.
M-1496 Lowry, Charles B. "Class, politics, rebellion and regional development
in proprietary North Carolina, 1697-1720." Ph.D., University of Florida,
M-1522 Hast, Adel. "Loyalism in Virginia during the American Revolution:
the Norfolk area and the Eastern Shore." Ph.D., University of Oiwa,
M-73 [Loyalists]. American Loyalist transcripts, 1783-1790. New York
Public Library.
M-1001 [Loyalists]. Cotton, James and Ann. Loyalist claims, 1777-1789.
North Carolina Department of Archives and History.
M-1488 [Loyalists]. Cullen, George F. "Talking to a whirlwind: the Loyalist
printer in America, 1763-1783." Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1979.
M-1068 [Loyalists]. Smith, Paul Hubert. "American Loyalists in British
military policy, 1775-1781." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1962.
M-1756 [Loyalists]. Wentworth, John. Loyalist claim. New York Public
M-1269 [Loyalists]. Zimmer, Anne Y. "Jonathan Boucher: moderate Loyalist
and public man." Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1966.
M-1160.2 Mitchell, Peter M. "Loyalists' property and the Revolution in
Virginia." Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1965.
M-1557 Ludwell papers, 1676-[1771]-1828. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Library. See also: M-1118.
M-1199 Ludwell, Phillip III. The divine and holy litergy of St. John
Chrysostom (Mss., 1760). Church History Society, Austin, Texas.
M-1616 Lustig, Mary Lou. "Eboracensis: the public career of Robert Hunter
(1666-1734)." Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1982.
M-1419.1-2 Lutwidge, Walter. Letter books, 1739-41; 1746-49. Cumbria, Carlisle,
Record Office.
M-108 Lux, William. Letter book, 1763-1768. New York Historical Society.
M-1418 [Luxury]. Wade, Simeon M., Jr. "The idea of luxury in nineteenth
century England." Ph.D., Harvard University, 1968.
M-98.2 Lyttelton, William H. Papers, 1756-1760. William L. Clements.
M-1606 McAllister, Elaine. "The Marquis de Condorcet and Thomas Jefferson:
revolutionary proposals for civic education in the eighteenth century."
Ph.D., Georgia State University, 1982.
M-1331 McBride, John. "Virginia war effort, 1775-1783." Ph.D., University of
Virginia, 1977.
M-1166 McCall vs. McCall. Chancery file boxes 1-5 and 8, 1779-1785. Essex
County, Virginia, Clerk's Office.
MF 27.1-2 St. James, Santee Episcopal Church McClellanville, South Carolina.
Register and Vestry Minutes, 1758-1886.
M-1647 McConnell, Michael Norman. "The search for security: Indian-
English relations in the Trans-Appalachian Region, 1758-1763." Ph.D.,
College of William and Mary, 1983.
M-1410 McCusker, John J., Jr. "The rum trade and the balance of payments of
the thirteen Continental colonies, 1650-1775." Ph.D., University of
Pittsburgh, 1970.
M-1912 McDermott, Gerald Robert. "One Holy and Happy Society: The Public
Theology of Jonathan Edwards." Ph'D thesis. University of Iowa. 1989.
M-1221 John N. McDowell Papers. Presbyterian Historical Society. Shane
M-1538 McGovern, Constance. "Mad doctors: American psychiatrists, 1800-
1860." Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1976.
M-1349 McKenzie, Alexander Account Book, 1748-1750. Historical Society
of Pennsylvania.
M-16.2 MacKerchen, Daniel. A memorial relating to the tobacco trade
(Williamsburg, 1737). Library of Congress.
M-1517 McMillan, Barbara A. "An archeological survey of St. Mary's County,
Maryland." M.A., American University, 1972.
M-1091 McNamara, Brooks Barry. "The development of the American
playhouse in the eighteenth century." Ph.D., Tulane University, 1965.
M-80 Macquer, Philippe. Dictionnaire portalif des arts et metiers (Yverdon,
1747). Vol. 3, pp. 64-83. Library of Congress?
M-1607 McRae, Norman. "Blacks in Detroit, 1736-1823: the search for
freedom and community and its implications for educators." Ph.D.,
University of Michigan, 1982.
M-1538 McGovern, Constance. "Mad doctors: American psychiatrists, 1800-
1860." Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1976.
M-1040 [Madison, James]. Ketcham, Ralph Louis. "The mind of James
Madison." D.S.S., Syracuse University, 1956.
M-1910 [Madison, James] Koslowski, Mark Frederick. "Political Scriptures":
The Changing Constitutionalism of James Madison. Ph'D thesis.
Columbia University. 1989.
M-1182 [Madison, James]. Smith, Loren. "James Madison's library list of 1783
with critical introduction and notes." Ph.D., Claremont Graduate
School, 1969.
M-1017 Madison, [James], Bishop. Manifestations of the beneficence of divine
providence (Richmond, 1795). Library of Congress.
M-36.4 Madison, James, [Bishop]. Papers, 1787-1808. Duke University.
M-1221 Madison, James, Sr. Account book, 1755-1763. Presbyterian
Historical Society.
M-1279 Maganzin, Louis. "Economic depression in Maryland and Virginia."
Ed.D., Georgetown University, 1967.
M-1730 Mager, Gerald Marvin. "Zabdiel Boylston: medical pioneer of
colonial Boston." Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
M-1033 Mahan, Terrence Levi, S.J. "Virginia reaction to British policy, 1763-
1776." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1960.
M-1034.2 Mair, John. Bookkeeping methodiz'd or, a methodical treatise of
merchant accounts, according to the Italian form (Edinburgh, 1757). 5th
edition. Library of Congress.
M-1818.1-4 Major-Marable Family Papers, 1703-1929. Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1731 Malone, Kathryn Ruth. "The Virginia doctrines, the Commonwealth,
and the Republic: the role of fundamental principles in Virginia politics,
1798-1833." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1981.
M-1008 Malone, Miles S. "The distribution of population on the Virginia
frontier in 1775." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1935.
M-1012-1013 Manahan, John E. "The Cavalier remounted: a study of the origins of
Virginia's population." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1946.
M-1082 Manchester directories, 1772, 1773, 1781, 1788, 1794, 1797, 1800,
1802, 1808/09, 1811, 1813, 1815. Manchester Public Library.
M-1083 Manchester mercury, 1774-1776. Manchester Public Library.
M-1404 Manges, Frances M. "Women shopkeepers, tavernkeepers, and artisans
in colonial Philadelphia." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1958.
M-1017 Madison, [James], Bishop. Manifestations of the beneficence of
divine providence (Richmond, 1795). Library of Congress.
M-1571 [Manners and customs]. Rainard, Robert L. "The origins and
development of the gentlemanly ideal in the south, 1607-1865." Ph.D.,
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Medical College, 1981.
M-1055 Mantiply, Victor Edsel. "The origin and development in Virginia of
the concept of separation of church and state." Ph.D., Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary, 1958.
M-162 Manual exercise [No t.p., n.d.]. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
M-198 Manual excercise (Philadelphia, l776). Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation Library.
M-1168 [Manufactures]. Smith, Joseph. Explanation or key to the various
manufactures of Sheffield (Sheffield, 1816). Winterthur Museum
M-1588 Manuscript music book [probably Robert Carter's], ca. 1750-1770.
Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music, University of
M-1548 [Maps]. Dewitt, Simeon. Route Map, 1781. New York Historical
M-1752 [Maps]. France. Bibliotheque et Archives. Cartes, plan et memoires.
Original: Bibliotheque historique de la Marine, Paris. Source this copy:
Library of Congress.
M-2050 [Maps]. James City County and City of
Williamsburg. Clerk of Circuit Court.
Plat Books, 1898; 1905-1930. Library
of Virginia.
M-2051 [Maps]. James City County. Plat Book,
June 17, 1930-January 7, 1933. Library
of Virginia.
MF-11.1-87 [Maps]. Library of Congress, Geography Section. Shelflist. University
Microfilms International.
M-2030 [Maps]. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Reel 17. Pre-1950 Sanborn
Fire Insurance Maps for Suffolk, Tappahannock, Tazewell, Urbanna,
Victoria, Warrenton, Waverly, Waynesboro, West Point,
Westhampton, and Williamsburg, Va. Geography and Map Div.,
Libray of Congress.
M-1076 [Maps]. Seventeenth and eighteenth century maps and illustrations from
miscellaneous publications. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1818.1-4 [Marable Family]. Major-Marable Family Papers, 1703-1929. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1997 [Marches]. Music books, 1775-183?. Connecticut
Historical Society, Hartford, Conn.
M-1495 Marini, Alfred J. "The British corps of marines, 1746-1771, and the
U.S. Marine Corps, 1798-1818: a comparative study of the early
administration and institutionalization of two modern marine forces."
Ph.D., University of Maine, 1979.
M-167 Guiette, Robert. Marionnettes de tradition populaire (Bruxelles,
1949). Library of Congress.
M-16.2 Markland, J. Typographia, or ode on printing (Williamsburg, 1730).
Library of Congress.
M-1464 Marquets, Archibald. Instructions to a son (London, 1698). Newberry
M-1606 McAllister, Elaine. "The Marquis de Condorcet and Thomas
Jefferson: revolutionary proposals for civic education in the eighteenth
century." Ph.D., Georgia State University, 1982.
M-1902 [Marriage] Coe, William Bufford. "John Wesley and Marriage." Th.D
Thesis. Boston University School of Theology. 1990.
M-1641 Marsella, Paul Donald. "Criminal cases at the Essex County,
Massachusetts, Court of General Sessions, 1700-1785." Ph.D.,
University of New Hampshire, 1983.
M-1221 Marshall Papers, 1814-1825 and Robert Marshall Papers, 1790-
1818. Presbyterian Historical Society, Shane Collection.
M-1585 Marston, Samuel. Account/day book, 1766-1774. Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-1088 [Martin, Samuel & George]. Diary of George Martin, with
introduction by W. Minchinton (Exeter, 1964) Public Library,
Whitehaven, England.
M-1212 Treon, John A. "Martin v. Hunter's lessee: a case study." Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 1970.
M-1260 [Maryland]. Brenshaw, Elaine W. "Dr. Alexander Hamilton and the
Enlightenment in Maryland." Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1973.
M-1411 [Maryland]. Cassimiere, Raphael J. "The origins and early
development of slavery in Maryland, 1633 to 1715." Ph.D., Lehigh
University, 1971.
M-1330 [Maryland]. Clemens, Paul. "From tobacco to grain: economic
development on Maryland's Eastern Shore, 1660-1750." Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin, 1974.
M-1378 [Maryland]. Ellefson, Clinton Ashley. "The county courts and the
Provincial Court of Maryland, 1733-1763." Ph.D., University of
Maryland, 1963.
M-1435 [Maryland]. Haw, James A. "Politics in revolutionary Maryland, 1753-
1788." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1972.
M-1377 [Maryland]. Jordon, David W. "The royal period of colonial Maryland,
1689-1715." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1966.
M-1420 [Maryland]. Kinnamon, John A. "The internal revenues of colonial
Maryland." Ph.D., Indiana University, 1955.
M-1268 [Maryland]. Kulikoff, Allen. "Tobacco and slaves: population,
economy and society in 18th century Maryland." Ph.D., Brandeis
University, 1976.
M-1592 [Maryland]. LaMonte, Ruth Bradburn. "Early Maryland education:
the colonials, the Catholics, and the Carrolls." Ph.D., Ohio State
University, 1976.
M-1704 [Maryland]. Lee, Jean Butenhoff. "The social order of a revolutionary
people: Charles County, Maryland." Ph.D., University of Virginia,
M-1091 [Maryland]. LeMay, Joseph Alberic Leo. "A literary history of
colonial Maryland." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1964.
M-70.3 [Maryland]. List of Debts Due to William Mollison of London (No.
1502). Maryland Hall of Records.
M-1647 [Maryland]. McMillan, Barbara A. "An archeological survey of St.
Mary's County, Maryland." M.A., American University, 1972.
M-1278 [Maryland]. Menard, Russell R. "Economy and society in early
colonial Maryland." Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1975.
M-130 [Maryland]. Minutes of proceeding of the commissioners appointed to
examine the public records of Maryland, 1724-1729. Maryland Hall of
M-1521 [Maryland]. O'Brien, William A. "Challenge to consensus: social,
political and economic implications of Maryland sectionalism, 1776-
1789." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1979.
M-1415 [Maryland]. Robbins, Michael W. "The Principio Company: iron-
making in colonial Maryland, 1720-1781." Ph.D., George Washington
University, 1972.
M-1605 [Maryland]. Stone, Gary Wheeler. "Society, housing and architecture
in early Maryland: John Lewger's St. John's." Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1982.
M-1327 [Maryland]. Walsh, Lorena. "Charles County, Maryland, 1658-1705:
a study of Chesapeake social and political structure." Ph.D., University
of Virginia, 1979.
M-1506 [Maryland]. Wichers, Marilyn L.G. "The administration of justice in
colonial Maryland, 1632-1689." Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1979.
M-1255 "The Maryland and Virginia Wheat Trade from its Beginnings to
the American Revolution". Gaspare John Saladino. 1960 M.A.
Thesis. University of Wisconsin.
M-1092 Maryland gazette, 1728-1734. Various repositories.
M-1100.1-13 Maryland gazette, 1745-1839. Various repositories.
M-122 Maryland Historical Society, 1721-1774.
M-1222.1-7 Maryland journal, 1773-1797. University of Delaware.
M-1645 Fowles, Barry Windor. "The Maryland militia during the
Revolutionary War: a revolutionary organization." Ph.D., University
of Maryland, 1982.
M-101 Maryland Notary Public Record, 1734-1743. (Brice Protest Book).
Maryland Historical Society MS 138.
M-107 Maryland Notary Public Record Book, 1744-1778; 1794-1797.
Maryland Hall of Records.
M-1677 Masons, Williamsburg Lodge Number Six. Records, 1811-1827.
Privately owned.
M-22 Massachusetts Historical Society. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1728-
M-1431 [Massachusetts]. Fortin, Roger A. "The decline of royal authority in
Massachusetts." Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1969.
M-1641 [Massachusetts]. Marsella, Paul Donald. "Criminal cases at the Essex
County, Massachusetts, Court of General Session, 1700-1785." Ph.D.,
University of New Hampshire, 1983.
M-82.13 Massie, William. Account books, 1747-1748. Virginia Historical
M-1451 Refsell, O.M. "The Massies of Virginia: a documentary history of a
planter family." Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1959.
M-1025 [Mathematics]. Manuscript volume on mathematics, n.d. [Attributed
to Mr. Landis, tutor in colonial New Jersey]. Privately owned.
M-1025 [Mathematics]. Manuscript volume on mathematics, n.d. Privately
M-1059 [Mathematics, tables, etc]. Modern method of regulating and forming
a table, explained and displayed (London, 1750). Harvard University.
M-1282 Mathews, Alice E. "Pre-college education in the southern colonies."
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1968.
M-1041 Matthews, Elizabeth Weatherford, ed. "The life of the Reverend
Devereux Jarratt, Rector of Bath Parish, Dinwiddie County, Virginia."
M.A., College of William and Mary, 1957.
M-189 Matthews, John Carter. "Richard Henry Lee and the American
Revolution." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1939.
M-1003 Maurer, Maurer. "The musical life of colonial America in the
eighteenth century." Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1950.
M-1636.1-9 Mazzei, Philip. Papers, 1730-1816. Originals from various
repositories. Source copy Krous International Publications, 1982.
M-62.2 Meade, Andrew. Account book, 1758-1795 [1827]. University of
Virginia, Alderman Library.
M-1702 [Meade, William]. Holmes, David Lynn. "William Meade and the
Church of Virginia, 1788-1829." Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971.

M-166 Moxon, Joseph. Mechanick exercises, 3rd edition (London, 1703).
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library.
M-2031 Mecklenburg County, Va. Personal Property
Tax Lists, 1782-1805. Library of Virginia.
M-2032 Mecklenburg County, Va. Personal Property
Tax Lists, 1806-1828. Library of Virginia.
M-2033 Mecklenburg County, Va. Personal Property
Tax Lists, 1829-1848. Library of Virginia.
M-2034 Mecklenburg County, Va. Personal Property
Tax Lists, 1849-1850. Library of Virginia.
M-1831 Medford, Edna Greene. "The Transition From Slavery to Freedom in a
Diversified Economy: Virginia's Lower Peninsula, 1860-1900." Ph.D,
University of Maryland, 1987.
M-1026 [Medical education]. Morgan, John, M.D. A discourse upon the
institution of medical schools in America (Philadelphia, 1765).
Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
M-2041 James, R. (Robert). A medicinal dictionary...
The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 3070,
Item 1, v.1. Harvard University Library.
M-1611 [Medicine]. Burkhart, Larry Lee. "The good fight: medicine in
colonial Pennsylvania, 1681-1765." Ph.D., Lehigh Univeristy, 1981.
M-2043 [Medicine]. Dease, William. Remarks on medical
jurisprudence..., 1793. National Library of
M-1120 [Medicine]. De Sequeyra, John. Notebooks on diseases, 1745-1781;
ante 1795. Galt Family papers, College of William and Mary.
M-1638.1-105 [Medicine]. Early American medical imprints, 1668-1820. Originals:
various repositories. Source: Research Publications, Inc.

M-1992 [Medicine]. The Eighteenth Century Series, Reel 1852, Items 1-13.
British Library.
M-2041 [Medicine]. James, Robert. A medicinal dictionary... London, 1743-
Harvard University Library.
M-1303 [Medicine]. Karst, Judith. "Newspaper medicine: a cultural study of
the colonial south, 1730-1770." Ph.D., Tulane University, 1971.
M-1730 [Medicine]. Mager, Gerald Marvin. "Zabdiel Boylston, medical
pioneer of colonial Boston." Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 1975.
M-1498 [Medicine]. Robinson, Jean. "Black healers during the colonial period
and early 19th century America." Ph.D., Southern Illinois University,
M-1882 [Medicine]. Sheldrake, Timothy. A Practical Essay on the Club-Foot.
National Library of Medicine. 1798.
M-1502 [Medicine]. Sydenham, Diane M. "Practitioner and patient: the
practice of medicine in 18th century South Carolina." Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University, 1979.
M-1017[ [Medicine]. Tennant, John. Every man his own doctor, 2nd ed.
(Williamsburg and Annapolis, 1734). New York Academy of Medicine.
M-1477 [Medicine]. Tennant, John. Every man his own doctor, 3rd ed.
(Williamsburg and Annapolis, 1736). Historical Society of
M-2049 [Medicine]. Turner, Daniel, M.D. The ancient
physician's legacy impartially survey'd...
(London, 1733). The Eighteenth Century Series,
Reel 1960, Items 8. British Library.
M-1553 [Medicine]. Walker, Dr. Robert. Notebook of cases, 1785-1787.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library. See also: M-1118.
M-1631 [Medicine]. Wylie, Mary Sykes. "Images of sickness and health in
American medical thought, 1776-1800 and 1835-1863." Ph.D.,
American University, 1981.
M-1814 [Medicine]. Young, Joseph, M.D. A New Physical System of
Astronomy. New York, 1800. National Library of Medicine.
M-1449 Medlin, Stuart B. "The founding of the permanent denominational
colleges in Virginia, 1776-1861." Ed.D., College of William and Mary,
M-1602 Dean, Patricia A. "The meek get their licks: temperance literature of
the early nineteenth century as an expression of private feminism."
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1981.
M-162 Meisen, Adolf F. "Thomas Jefferson, war governor of Virginia." Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina, 1942."
M-16.2 MacKerchen, Daniel. A memorial relating to the tobacco trade
(Williamsburg, 1737). Library of Congress.
MF-34.1-18 "Memoirs of His Own Life". Wilkinson, Tate (1739-1803) York,
1790. Library of Congress, Research Publications.
M-86 Memoirs of Lt. Henry Timberlake, 1756-1765, Johnson City, Tenn.
Samuel Cole Williams, ed. College of William and Mary.
M-1278 Menard, Russell R. "Economy and society in early colonial Maryland."
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1975.
M-1012 Menk, Patricia H. "The origins and growth of party politics in
Virginia, 1660-1705." Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1945.
M-1424 [Mental illness]. Blackman, Dora Mae. "The care of the mentally ill in
America, 1604-1812." Ph.D., University of Washington, 1964.
M-1040 [Mental illness]. Dain, Norman. "Insanity: changing concepts in the
U.S., 1789-1865." Ph.D., Columbia University, 1961.
M-1627 [Mental illness]. Gitlin, Laura N. "The professionalization of medical
superintendents and the treatment of the poor in the United States: the
issue of incurability, 1840-1870." Ph.D., Purdue University, 1982.