MICROS 3700 POS System Software User Guide


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Copyright 1998
MICROS Systems, Inc.
Beltsville, MD USA
All Rights Reserved
Part Number: 100134-504QG(GLWLRQ
micros Systems, Inc.
POS Configurator Users
3 7 0 0 P O S
Restaurant Enterprise Series
Warranties Although the best efforts are made to ensure that the information in this manual is
complete and correct, MICROS Systems, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with
regard to this material, including but not limited to the implied warranties of
marketability and fitness for a particular purpose. Information in this manual is
subject to change without notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or information recording and retrieval systems, for any
purpose other than for personal use, without the express written permission of
MICROS Systems, Inc.
MICROS Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,
performance, or use of this manual.
Trademarks CorelDraw is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation.
FrameMaker is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation.
Visio is a registered trademark of Visio Corporation.
SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft in the U.S. and other countries.
SybaseSQL Anywhere™ is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc.
Microsoft, Win32, Windows, and Windows NT, Windows95 are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Design and Production
This manual was written with FrameMaker 5.0 for Windows. Some illustrations
and diagrams were designed in CorelDraw and/or Visio.
Printing History New editions of this manual incorporate new and changed material since the
previous edition. Minor corrections and updates may be incorporated into reprints
of the current edition without changing the publication date or the edition number.
Edition Month Year Software Version
1st September 1996 1.00
2nd April 1998 2.00
3700 POS Configurator User’s iii
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Welcome to the POS Configurator User’s Guide............................... viii
Conventions and Symbols................................................................... xi
What’s New?........................................................................................ xii
Reader Response ................................................................................. xiii
Chapter 1: The 3700 System Database
Overview.............................................................................................. 1-2
Introducing the Database................................................................... 1-3
Types of Database Tables................................................................... 1-5
How Forms are Related to Tables......................................................1-10
Chapter 2: Creating a Database
Overview.............................................................................................. 2-2
Database Sources................................................................................ 2-3
Programming Methods ....................................................................... 2-5
Suggested Programming Order.......................................................... 2-7
POS Configurator Folders and Forms .............................................. 2-9
Wrapping Up.......................................................................................2-10
Chapter 3: Using POS Configurator
Overview.............................................................................................. 3-2
The Control Panel ............................................................................... 3-3
Opening POS Configurator................................................................. 3-5
The Main Window............................................................................... 3-7
The Toolbar..........................................................................................3-11
Quick Reference to POS Configurator Tools .....................................3-12
Working with Forms ...........................................................................3-14
Adding Records....................................................................................3-18
Copying and Pasting Single Records..................................................3-19
Block Copying and Pasting Records...................................................3-20
Finding a Record.................................................................................3-21
Editing a Record..................................................................................3-22
Deleting Single Records......................................................................3-23
Block Deleting Records.......................................................................3-24
Saving Changes...................................................................................3-25
Printing Employee and Menu Item Definitions................................3-26
Using Touchscreen Designer..............................................................3-28
Table of Contents
Chapter 4: Devices
Overview.............................................................................................. 4-2
Network Node...................................................................................... 4-3
Devices................................................................................................. 4-5
Order Devices ...................................................................................... 4-8
User Workstations...............................................................................4-11
CA/EDC Drivers..................................................................................4-20
Touchscreens .......................................................................................4-24
Touchscreen Designer.........................................................................4-27
Chapter 5: System
Overview.............................................................................................. 5-2
Restaurant........................................................................................... 5-3
Order Types......................................................................................... 5-6
Information Screens............................................................................ 5-7
Reasons................................................................................................ 5-9
Periods .................................................................................................5-11
Serving Periods....................................................................................5-12
Time Periods........................................................................................5-13
External Programs..............................................................................5-15
Chapter 6: Sales
Overview.............................................................................................. 6-2
Tax Rates............................................................................................. 6-3
Tax Classes.......................................................................................... 6-7
Print Classes........................................................................................ 6-8
Menu Levels.........................................................................................6-10
Currency ..............................................................................................6-26
Menu Item Classes..............................................................................6-39
Menu Items..........................................................................................6-43
3700 POS Configurator User’s v
Table of Contents
Chapter 7: Revenue Centers
Overview.............................................................................................. 7-2
RVC Credit Cards ............................................................................... 7-3
RVC Discount / Service....................................................................... 7-7
RVC Display Design............................................................................ 7-8
RVC Posting ........................................................................................ 7-9
RVC Printing.......................................................................................7-11
RVC Print Design................................................................................7-13
RVC Interfaces....................................................................................7-18
RVC Seats............................................................................................7-20
RVC Table Seating..............................................................................7-21
RVC Taxes...........................................................................................7-22
RVC Touchscreens ..............................................................................7-25
RVC Transactions ...............................................................................7-28
Chapter 8: Employees
Overview.............................................................................................. 8-2
Employee Classes................................................................................ 8-3
Configurator Access ............................................................................8-11
Jobs ......................................................................................................8-12
Time and Attendance..........................................................................8-18
Time Clock Schedule...........................................................................8-22
Chapter 9: Reporting
Overview.............................................................................................. 9-2
Report Templates................................................................................ 9-3
Report Classes..................................................................................... 9-5
Report Date Range.............................................................................. 9-6
Schedule Classes................................................................................. 9-7
Cashier Totals ..................................................................................... 9-9
Historical Totals..................................................................................9-10
Report Groups .....................................................................................9-12
Tracking Groups..................................................................................9-15
Autosequence Steps ............................................................................9-18
Appendix A: For 2700 Users
What Happened to…........................................................................... A-2
Table of Contents
3700 POS Configurator User’s vii
POS Configurator
Refer to the preface if you have any questions about the
organization, conventions, or contents of this manual.
In this chapter
Welcome to the POS Configurator Users Guide.....................viii
Conventions and Symbols...........................................................xi
Whats New? ...............................................................................xii
Reader Response ..................................................................... -xiii
Welcome to the POS Configurator User’s Guide
Welcome to the POS Configurator Users Guide
The purpose of this manual is to provide MICROS installers
and customers with an overview of the POS Configurator
Chapter 1: Understanding the 3700 System Database
This chapter contains an introduction to the structure and
contents of a 3700 database.
Chapter 2: Creating a New Database
This chapter describes the methods for creating a new database.
Chapter 3: Using POS Configurator
This chapter introduces the POS Configurator interface and
describes the steps to performing basic operations.
Chapter 4: Devices
This chapter describes the forms in the Devices folder which are
used to configure hardware devices. It includes a description of
the forms for programming user workstations, printers, and
Chapter 5: System
This chapter describes the forms in the System folder, which are
used to enter basic information about a restaurant. It includes
forms for programming the name, local currency, table
arrangement, and time periods.
Chapter 6: Sales
This chapter describes the forms in the Sales folder. It includes
forms for programming menu items, and condiments, as well as
the discounts, and taxes that apply to sales.
Chapter 7: Revenue Centers
This chapter describes the forms in the Revenue Centers folder.
These forms contain options for customizing restaurant
operations in each revenue center.
Chapter 8: Employees
This chapter describes the forms in the Employees folder. It
includes forms for programming personnel, timekeeping, and
Chapter 9: Reporting
This chapter describes the forms in the Reporting folder. It
includes forms for programming totals, tracking groups, and
3700 POS Configurator User’s ix
Welcome to the POS Configurator User’s Guide
Appendix A: For 2700 Users
This chapter describes the changes 2700 users will see in the
3700 POS Configurator.
This manual is intended for use by:
MICROS Installers/Programmers/Dealers
MICROS Customer Service
MICROS Training Personnel
MIS Personnel
This manual assumes that you have the following knowledge or
Working knowledge of the Windows interface.
Operational understanding of PCs.
Understanding of basic network concepts.
Basic knowledge of relational database concepts.
Understanding of POS terminology and concepts.
Exposure to a MICROS POS system (2400, 2700, 4700,
8700) or other POS; preferably experience programming
2700 System.
Familiarity with MICROS peripheral devices.
Welcome to the POS Configurator User’s Guide
Related Manuals This section provides a list of the related MICROS
documentation as well as a list of suggested reading materials.
MICROS Documentation
The 3700 Restaurant Enterprise System library includes:
3700 Administration Applications Manual 100134-503
3700 Custom Reports Design Manual 100134-508
3700 Feature Quick Reference Manual 100134-506
3700 Feature Reference Manual 100134-501
3700 Hardware Installation Guide 100134-514
3700 Hardware User’s Maintenance Guide 100134-512
PC Workstation Model 32 Setup Guide 100016-085
3700 Reports Manual 100134-511
3700 Site Preparation Guide 100134-513
3700 Site Survey Manual 100134-505
3700 SQL / Database Access Manual 100134-507
3700 POS Configurator Users Guide 100134-504
3700 System Interface Module Users Guide 100134-516
3700 System Platform Installation Manual 100134-515
3700 Users Manual 100134-502
Suggested Reading
Crystal Reports documentation
Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit
Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 documentation
Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 Resource Kit
Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 documentation
Sybase SQL documentation
3700 POS Configurator User’s xi
Conventions and Symbols
Conventions and Symbols
This section describes the conventions and symbols used in this
Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this manual.
Symbols The following symbols are used throughout this manual.
Convention Meaning
[Key] Keys on a PC or PC Workstation. Example:
‘Message’ Messages that may appear during the
programming process. Example: ‘Select Menu
Item Range’
|Indicates the sequence of menu items to be
selected. Example: File | Sales | Condiments
Italics Indicates the proper name of a POS
Configurator option
This symbol is used to bring special attention to a
related feature.
This symbol is used to point out suggestions that can
save you time and difficulty.
What’s New?
What’s New?
What’s new in v1.01
No new forms were added for this version.
What’s new in v1.02
Touchscreen Designer...........................................................4-27
Using Touchscreen Designer ................................................3-28
What’s new in v2.00
Com Ports................................................................................ 4-4
Network................................................................................... 4-3
Report Date Range.................................................................. 9-6
3700 POS Configurator User’s xiii
Reader Response
Reader Response
As you read this, the documentation staff at MICROS is hard at
work preparing the next edition of this manual. Your feedback
could be instrumental in changing that next edition.
Tell us what you think— we’d like to hear from you!
We are very interested in hearing from you about:
Good ideas -
Tell us about some part of this manual that you think works
well– we’ll be sure to maintain it.
Ideas that need work -
Tell us about an area that needs to be improved– we’ll punch
it up.
Information not included -
Did we miss something? Let us know so we can add it.
Information that’s not clear -
Did you find something hard to follow? We’ll rethink it and
rewrite it.
Information that’s not correct -
Did something get past our arduous tech edit process? Help
us fix it.
How to reach us Postal Address
If you can offer any criticisms or suggestions about this manual,
please mail a note or postcard to:
MICROS Systems, Inc.
12000 Baltimore Blvd.
Beltsville, MD 20705 USA
Attn: Documentation Group Manager,
Table Service Restaurants Group
E-mail Address
As an alternative, you may address criticisms and suggestions
regarding this manual by electronic mail to:
Please use the name of the manual as the subject line.
Reader Response
3700 POS Configurator User’s 1-1
Chapter 1
The 3700 System Database
This chapter contains an introduction to the structure and
contents of a 3700 database. It includes information about the
characteristics of the 3700 database, the relationships between
tables and the classification of database tables.
In this chapter
Introducing the Database.........................................................1-3
Types of Database Tables..........................................................1-5
How Forms are Related to Tables ..........................................1-10
The 3700 System Database
The 3700 system uses client/server architecture to manage the
unique information about each restaurant’s POS environment.
Details about the restaurant’s operation reside in tables on a
database server, an application that manages the database. The
database server in turn resides on the server PC. In a MICROS
3700 system, POS Configurator is the gateway to the tables
managed by the database server and makes programming a
3700 system easier.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 1-3
The 3700 System Database
Introducing the Database
Introducing the Database
Characteristics of the 3700 system include:
It is a relational database in which tables store all
The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
manages the database and functions as the database server.
POS Configurator is the software layer between you and
RDBMS. It’s your interface to the database.
A Database System
In a 3700 system, RDBMS acts as a multi-user database server.
This means that many workstations (clients) can access the
information stored in the database.
RDBMS is the software between the physical database and you.
We’ve made accessing the database even simpler by adding an
additional software layer between you and RDBMS. That layer
is 3700 POS Configurator POS Configurator.
An SQL Database
Database information is accessed through SQL—pronounced
“sequel”. SQL is a software language that uses English-like
commands to manipulate information in tables. Here is an
example of an SQL command:
Database Server
POS ConfiguratorPOS Configurator
End User
SQL Anywhere
Microsoft SQL
The 3700 System Database
Introducing the Database
select * from micros.mi_def
POS Configurator makes it easy for you to access and modify
the tables necessary for programming a database. You don’t
need to know SQL to use POS Configurator.
You do not need to program every table in the database to
configure a 3700 system. POS Configurator gives you access
only to those tables and fields necessary for configuring POS
operations and installed hardware.
Database Tables A database consists of many tables. Each table in a relational
database holds a specific set of information about a restaurant.
When the system performs a transaction, it accesses the
database tables to obtain the information. For instance, menu
item names reside in the Menu Item Definition table, while
menu item prices reside in the Menu Item Price Definition
table. In the 3700 system, one menu item definition (name) can
be associated with several different prices (Bar, Restaurant, and
Happy Hour). This makes the system flexible.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 1-5
The 3700 System Database
Types of Database Tables
Types of Database Tables
The tables in the database fall into several basic categories:
definition, class definition, totals, detail, and status.
Not all of these types of tables can be accessed and edited
through POS Configurator. Both definition and class definition
tables can be accessed and modified. However, total, detail, and
status tables are not accessible through POS Configurator. The
system updates total, detail, and status type tables behind the
Definition Tables A definition table defines the characteristics of an item in the
database, such as a menu item, employee, or guest check. The
example below shows part of the Header Definition table
(hdr_def). You can see how each line in the header is stored as a
column in the database table.
Types of Database Tables
Accessible from
Edited Manually
Updated by
Definition XX
Class Definition X X
Total X
Detail X
Status X
MICROS Systems, Inc.
12000 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, Maryland 20705
Phone: 1-800-638-0985
The 3700 System Database
Types of Database Tables
Some of the other definition tables in the 3700 database include:
Class Definition Tables
This specialized type of definition table plays an important role
in a 3700 database. Class definition tables impact:
Each class defines a set of identical characteristics. The class
can then be shared by many different items that use these
Advantages of Class Definition Tables
The advantages of class definition tables in the database
Simplifying database programming and maintenance
Reducing the total disk space required to store a complete
set of definitions
Simplifying the Programming Process
Classes simplify database programming and maintenance. For
example, assume that you define a menu item class called
Order Type
Menu Item
Touchscreen Style
Help Screen
Menu Item Group
Revenue Center
Tender Media
Tax Class
Order Device
Color Combo
menu items
fixed price meal courses
historical totals
menu levels
3700 POS Configurator User’s 1-7
The 3700 System Database
Types of Database Tables
When you create a menu item that is an appetizer, you can
assign it to the menu item class, “Appetizers”. This menu item
then shares the same set of characteristics as other appetizers
in the database. If you edit the characteristics in “Appetizers”,
then you automatically change the characteristics for all menu
items assigned to this class. Making changes to 12 menu items
becomes a one-step process.
Reducing Disk Space
Since you are not storing class definition information with every
menu item, you have less information to store on the server. For
example, 12 menu items each increment the seat number when
ordered. Increment seat number is an option selected for the
menu item class. As a result, each menu item record does not
require this option selection.
Class definition tables in the 3700 database include:
Type Class Menu Item Table
Menu Item Type Class Table
Shared Definitions
Condiment Selection
Course Selection
Print Definition
Menu Item Type
Menu Level
Historical Total
The 3700 System Database
Types of Database Tables
Totals Tables Totals tables contain accumulated totals information that
reflect transaction activity, such as menu item sales and time
period sales. The system provides different types of totals,
Unlike definition tables, totals tables are not accessible through
POS Configurator. The system updates these tables
automatically based on transaction activity. To see the
transaction activity associated with these totals tables, you
must generate reports.
Configuring Totals
In the Reporting folder you’ll program definition tables to
manage the totals information. The system can be programmed
Create daily totals
You may choose which totals to store on a daily basis.
Store daily transactions for a specified number of days
For example, you may want to keep historical totals, going
back as far as a year or two.
Purge totals
This procedure is a basic housekeeping chore, designed to
help you manage the amount of information that you keep.
From an administrative perspective, this procedure also
conserves disk space.
Order Type
Menu Item
Family Group
Major Group
Menu Item Group
Serving Period
Time Period
Revenue Center
3700 POS Configurator User’s 1-9
The 3700 System Database
Types of Database Tables
Detail Tables Detail tables hold supporting information about transactions
and activities. For example, the Time Card detail table stores
an employees clock in date and time, clock out date and time
and total number of hours. Some other detail tables in the 3700
system include:
Status Tables The system updates status tables to respond to system activity.
For example, the system status table contains the business
date, and the date and time of the last system update. The
employee status table includes information about an employee’s
current activity. For example, it includes the job number this
employee is clocked in under.
Credit Card Batch
Menu Item
Tender Media
Credit Authorization
Tips Declared
No Sale
The 3700 System Database
How Forms are Related to Tables
How Forms are Related to Tables
The forms in POS Configurator allow you to enter information
into the database tables. The information you enter in a form is
not always stored in just one table in the database. For
example, when you program the Menu Items form you enter the
name and price of each menu item. These are stored in the
Menu Item Definition table and the Menu Item Price Definition
table. POS Configurator simplifies the programming process by
eliminating the need to access multiple tables.
Linking Forms Many of the forms in POS Configurator contain fields that are
links to other forms. For example, when programming a menu
item, you must link it to a Print Class. You can add to or modify
the Print Classes form if you click the folder icon beside the
The Menu Items form allows you to select information from the
Print Class form. When this menu item is ordered, the system
retrieves information from the database tables where each
piece of information is stored.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 1-11
The 3700 System Database
How Forms are Related to Tables
Sequence and Object Numbers
Each record in a 3700 database table is identified by a unique
sequence number. Sequence numbers refer to individual records
in the table and therefore may never change. You cannot view
sequence numbers in most POS Configurator forms, because
they are set in the database. Object numbers, on the other
hand, are part of every form in POS Configurator.
You cannot directly change an object number to one
that already exists for another record. Each object
number in the database must be unique. To change
object numbers, assign a new (unique) object
number to the items you want to change. Then you
may reassign the numbers.
Object numbers in SQL
tables correspond to the
numbers in POS
Configurator. You can see
and edit most object
Sequence numbers usually
do not appear in POS
Configurator. They are part
of the SQL table.
The 3700 System Database
How Forms are Related to Tables
Scope The scope of the 3700 system allows you to consolidate and
share data:
for a revenue center
for the entire system
For instance, you can create sales and labor reports for each
revenue center. And of course you can create these same reports
on a system-wide basis.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 2-1
Chapter 2
Chapter 5
Creating a Database
This chapter describes the procedure for creating a database.
In this chapter
Database Sources ......................................................................2-3
Programming Methods .............................................................2-5
Suggested Programming Order................................................2-7
POS Configurator Folders and Forms .....................................2-9
Wrapping Up ...........................................................................2-10
Creating a Database
Programming a new database requires you to do some planning.
Use the 3700 Site Survey to gather information about the
restaurant and its operation before you attempt to program a
Read this chapter for information about the following
programming topics:
Pre-programming steps
Programming methods
Introduction to the programming process
What to do after you complete programming
3700 POS Configurator User’s 2-3
Creating a Database
Database Sources
Database Sources
There are several ways you can create a new database:
Adapt the 3700 sample database
Adapt a 3700 database from a similar site
Convert a 2700 database
Program a shell (blank) database
Whether you choose to start fresh or with an existing database,
you must plan ahead to ensure successful implementation.
Using the Site Survey
The site survey should be completed by the programmer/
installer early in the installation process, so that you can use it
when developing the database.
Completing the Site Survey
The 3700 Site Survey contains questionnaires and charts for
compiling information about the restaurant. The programmer/
installer conducts interviews with restaurant management
acquire the information.
If you have not yet completed the site survey, do so before
developing the database. The site survey will ensure greater
success during and after the installation.
Adapting or Converting an Existing Database
Starting with an existing database, one that has common
features enabled, is faster and easier than programming a
blank database.
Options for starting with an existing database include:
Adapting the sample 3700 database
Adapting an existing, similar database.
Converting a 2700 database
Adapting the Sample Database
MICROS provides a sample 3700 database with every system.
The sample database contains records you can modify, and has a
typical set of features already enabled.
Adapting a Similar Database
Chain restaurants usually use identical operating procedures
and menus. When installing a system in a new unit, you may
wish to copy the database an existing site and modify it to meet
the new restaurant’s specific needs.
Creating a Database
Database Sources
Converting a 2700 Database
You can convert a 2700 database for use in the 3700 system.
Although this is certainly preferable to typing a 2700 database
into the 3700 POS Configurator, you’ll still need to make
changes to areas of the database that are different in the 2700.
For example, keyboards are not used in the 3700 database. As a
result, you must create touchscreens to replace 2700 keyboards,
and redesign any areas in the database where keyboards are
used, such as menu items and employees.
For information on 2700/3700 conversion utilities, contact your
MICROS representative.
Programming a Shell Database
If you choose to start with a blank database, you must program
the forms in the order shown in “Suggested Programming
Order” on page 2-7. Before you begin, read the warning section
titled “Don’t Lock Yourself Out” on page 2-7
Blank Forms
When you start with a blank database, most forms do not
contain any records. An exception to this are forms that have a
preset number of records available or forms that contain
required information. For example, the Report Templates form
contains a record for each report template that comes with the
system. You cannot delete these records, but you can insert
additional records if needed. If a form does not contain records,
you must add them. See “Adding Records” on page 3-18 for more
3700 POS Configurator User’s 2-5
Creating a Database
Programming Methods
Programming Methods
There are two ways to approach database programming:
Programming by feature
Programming by form
The most efficient way to program a new database or make
major changes to an existing database is to do so by form. If you
need to modify or enable a particular feature, then you should
do your programming by feature.
Using the Feature Reference Manual
The Feature Reference Manual is the primary reference to the
3700 system. The Feature Reference is an encyclopedia of
system features, from hardware to POS transactions.
Each feature has the following sections:
Related Topics
The Enabling section provides a summary of the options and
fields that make the feature work.
Programming by Feature
Some features may require programming a combination of
components in several different forms. For example, to enable
the suspend/resume feature, you must program fields or options
in the RVC Transactions, Employee Classes, and Tender/Media
Some features of the 3700 system require you to define a single
option. In the case of double-wide printing, for example,
selecting a single option enables the feature.
Introducing POS Configurator and POS Configurator’s online
help module do not provide instructions for programming
specific features. When programming by feature, refer to the
3700 Feature Reference Manual.
Creating a Database
Programming Methods
Programming by Form
Systematically completing information in the forms is the
fastest way to program a database. To minimize re-opening
forms and save time, use the “Suggested Programming Order
on page 2-7.
Programming Order
This order is designed so that you program a database in much
the same way that you would build a house: before you put up
the walls, you need a foundation.
Start with the first form and work your way down the list.
Depending on the restaurant’s needs, you may not need to
program every form. Optional forms are listed last and may be
programmed at any time.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 2-7
Creating a Database
Suggested Programming Order
Suggested Programming Order
Don’t Lock Yourself Out
When entering POS Configurator for the first time in a blank
database, the system grants you access based on the fact that
the database is empty.
However, once records of any kind are entered in the database,
the system enables Configurator Access security. This means
that the system will allow only an authorized employee to
continue editing POS Configurator.
When programming a blank database, you must first
create a record for an authorized employee— you!
1. Open the Employee Class form and create a class.
2. Open the Configurator Access form, and select the employee
class you just created. Grant read, insert, update, and delete
privileges for All Forms to this employee class.
3. Open the Employee form and create an employee record.
Link this employee to the class you just created, and assign
the employee an ID. Remember this ID!
4. Save and exit these forms.
If these steps are not followed, POS Configurator will
lock you out. To recover, you must use SQL to examine
and edit the emp_def, emp_class_def, and
emp_class_cfg_access_def tables in the database.
Form Use this link To Return to
Before doing anything else, create a record for an employee who is authorized to program in POS Configurator.
Network Node
Order Device Descriptors Program Headers for remote orders
Tax Rates
Tax Classes
User Workstation Revenue Centers
Order Types Program Revenue Center Names
Program Order Types Default Sign In Touchscreen
Information Screens
Reason Codes
Creating a Database
Suggested Programming Order
Time Periods
Serving Periods
Print Classes
Menu Levels
Discounts/Service Charges Descriptors Program Discount/Service SLUs Touchscreen Style
Tender/Media Descriptors Program Tender/Media SLUs Touchscreen Style
RVC Credit Cards
RVC Discount/Service
RVC Display Design
RVC Interfaces
RVC Posting
RVC Printing
RVC Print Design
RVC Seats
RVC Taxes
RVC Transactions
Employee Classes Default Touchscreen
Configurator Access
Employees Cashier Totals Program cashier totals names
Menu Item Classes Descriptors Program Sales Itemizers
Menu Items Descriptors
Report Groups Program Menu Item SLUs
Program Report Groups Touchscreen Style
Touchscreen Designer
RVC Touchscreens
Tracking Groups
Historical Totals
Optional Programming
Time and Attendance
Time Clock Schedule
External Programs
Autosequences Report Schedule Program Report Schedule Classes
Autosequence Steps Report Date Range Program Date Ranges
Form Use this link To Return to
3700 POS Configurator User’s 2-9
Creating a Database
POS Configurator Folders and Forms
POS Configurator Folders and Forms
Menu Items Courses Discount/Service Print Classes
Menu Item classes Descriptors Tender/Media Tax Rates
Condiments Menu Levels Currency Tax Classes
Employees Jobs
Employee Classes Time and Attendance
Configurator Access Time Clock Schedule
Network Node Order Devices Touchscreens
Devices Interfaces Touchscreen Designer
User Workstations CA/EDC Drivers
Revenue Center
RVC Credit Cards RVC Posting RVC Interfaces RVC Taxes
RVC Discount/SVC RVC Printing RVC Seats RVC Touchscreens
RVC Display Design RVC Print Design RVC Table Seating RVC Transactions
Restaurant Information Screens Periods External Programs
Reasons Serving Periods Licensing Order Types
Macros Time Periods
Report Templates Schedule Classes Report Groups Autosequences
Report Classes Cashier Totals Tracking Groups Autosequence Steps
Report Date Range Historical Totals
Creating a Database
Wrapping Up
Wrapping Up
After you finish programming, wrap up with the following
Back up the database
Review site survey
Test the database
Clear totals
Perform these tasks before using the database in a live
Back Up the Database
Once you have a working database in place, you will probably
continue to make changes. When you make a change to the
database, don’t forget to make a backup.
Use Windows Explorer to create a backup copy of your database
Review the Site Survey
Review the site survey. The features enabled in the database
should correspond to the requirements indicated by the site
Review the menu items with the menu provided by the
restaurant. Check the employee information in the database
with that provided in the site survey.
Test the Database
Testing the database helps you ensure that the database meets
operational requirements. Test every key and every feature to
make sure they work correctly.
For example, are pop-up menu items available on the correct
levels? Are employee privileges set correctly? Can you access
every menu item on the correct touchscreens, menu levels, and
at the correct prices?
Use your test to verify that all menu items, discounts, service
charges, and tender/media are printing on the appropriate
remote, journal, guest check, validation, and local order
3700 POS Configurator User’s 2-11
Creating a Database
Wrapping Up
Run all autosequences to verify that reports are set up correctly,
including tracking groups. Also, check that the reports print to
the proper output device.
Clear Totals After testing the database, clear any totals that you may have
accumulated. For example, if you were testing printing and
labor features, close all guest checks, clock out any employees,
and clear all totals.
Creating a Database
Wrapping Up
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-1
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
Using POS Configurator
This chapter introduces the POS Configurator interface and
describes the steps to performing basic operations.
In this chapter
The Control Panel .....................................................................3-3
Opening POS Configurator.......................................................3-5
The Main Window .....................................................................3-7
The Toolbar..............................................................................3-11
Quick Reference to POS Configurator Tools..........................3-12
Working with Forms ...............................................................3-14
Adding Records........................................................................3-18
Copying and Pasting Single Records......................................3-19
Block Copying and Pasting Records.......................................3-20
Finding a Record .....................................................................3-21
Editing a Record......................................................................3-22
Deleting Single Records..........................................................3-23
Block Deleting Records ...........................................................3-24
Saving Changes.......................................................................3-25
Printing Employee and Menu Item Definitions ....................3-26
Using Touchscreen Designer ..................................................3-28
Using POS Configurator
The 3700 POS Configurator interface is easy to learn and use.
Refer to the topics on the following pages to understand the
tools and functionality of POS Configurator.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-3
Using POS Configurator
The Control Panel
The Control Panel
Before you can open and use POS Configurator, you must start
the SQL Database Server through the Control Panel. (Note: if
you are already running POS Operations then the database
server is running. Go straight to “Opening POS Configurator”
on page 3-5.)
Starting the Control Panel
Open the MICROS 3700 Applications program group and
double-click the Control Panel icon.
If this icon is not located on your desktop, use the Windows
Start menu to open the MICROS 3700 Applications folder.
Choose this
or choose this
Using POS Configurator
The Control Panel
Starting the SQL Database Server
Once the Control Panel is open, select the PC that acts as the
database server and click Database to start the server. The
Database button will start the following processes:
Diskless Boot Server (if installed)
SQL Database Server
3700 DBS Server
Control Panel Wait for the Control Panel to display “Ready” before starting
POS Configurator.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-5
Using POS Configurator
Opening POS Configurator
Opening POS Configurator
Double-click the POS Configurator icon on your PC’s desktop.
If this icon is not located on your desktop, use the Windows
Start menu to open the MICROS 3700 Applications folder.The
POS Configurator module opens. If this is the first time this
database is being programmed, refer immediately to “Don’t
Lock Yourself Out” on page 2-7.
If the steps described on page 2-7are not followed, POS
Configurator will lock you out.
Choose this
or choose this
Using POS Configurator
Opening POS Configurator
If this database has been opened before, the sign-in screen
displays. Enter the PC Applications ID programmed in your
employee record.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-7
Using POS Configurator
The Main Window
The Main Window
The main window provides easy access to the POS Configurator
forms. Each folder on the main window displays a set of buttons
that open forms. By completing the fields and options on the
forms, you complete the database.
Menus Menus provide an alternate way to access information.
The File Menu
The File menu offers the same selections as the folders and
buttons. It’s just another way to open a form for editing.
Keyboard shortcuts
in Sales you can use the keyboard
combination [Ctrl] + [C] to open the
Condiments form instead of clicking
the Condiments button in the main
Using POS Configurator
The Main Window
The Options Menu
The Options menu allows you to turn Caching on or off. Select
Cached Updates to cause saved changes to be posted to the
database when you exit a form. When this option is not selected,
changes are posted to the database immediately (upon saving).
The Help Menu
POS Configurator offers online Help. Click Help in this menu to
open the Table of Contents. You can select a book and browse
through the pages (topics) or search for specific information in
the Index.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-9
Using POS Configurator
The Main Window
Folders Each folder in POS Configurator contains buttons that open
forms. When you click on a folder name, the buttons change to
display the contents of that folder. The folders in POS
Configurator include:
Revenue Center
Buttons The buttons on each folder open the forms for editing.
Using POS Configurator
The Main Window
Hints Hints appear at the bottom of each window to give you more
detail about an object. To use Hints, simply place your cursor
over a field, option, or object.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-11
Using POS Configurator
The Toolbar
The Toolbar
The POS Configurator toolbar provides shortcuts to common
operations. These shortcuts can save you time as you program
or make changes to the database. Refer to “Quick Reference to
POS Configurator Tools” on page 3-12 for an explanation of each
Tool Tips Tools tips appear when you place the cursor over a toolbar
button. The tip tells you what the tool does.
Special Tools Some forms contain special tools to speed maintenance,
programming tasks, and printing.
Calendar Tool
This button appears in beside any field that requires
you to select dates and times.
View Current
This button displays only active employee records in
the Employees form.
View All
This button displays both active and inactive
employees in the Employees form.
This button will print the Employee and Menu Item
definitions. This tool is only included in the Employees
and Menu Item forms.
Using POS Configurator
Quick Reference to POS Configurator Tools
Quick Reference to POS Configurator Tools
Use this button to remove a record and save it to the clipboard.
Use this button to save selected information to the clipboard.
Use this button to place saved information in a new location.
Copy Record
Use this button to save all the information associated with a
record to the clipboard.
Paste Record
Use this button to place a saved record in a new location.
Use this button to delete the information in a field.
Block Copy/Paste
Use this button to copy and paste a group of records.
Block Delete
Use this button to delete a group of records.
Use this button to search for fields that contain a certain value.
First Record
Move to the first record (the beginning).
Previous Record
Move up one record.
Next Record
Move down one record.
Last Record
Move to the last record (the end).
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-13
Using POS Configurator
Quick Reference to POS Configurator Tools
Save Changes
Use this button to save changes to the database. Note: If Post
Cached Updates is not selected in the Options menu, changes
are automatically posted as you move between records.
Use this button to insert a blank record. The next available
record number will be used.
Delete Record
Use this button to remove a record.
Use this button to erase the last change made. This button is
only available (red) before the change is saved.
Main Window
Use this button to bring the Main Menu to the top of the
Context Sensitive Help
Use this button to get context sensitive help while working in a
form. You can click on a field or option to get more information.
View All (Employees form)
Use this button to see current and former employee
View Current (Employees form)
Use this button to only current employee information.
Switch to Another Form
Use this button to switch to another open POS Configurator
Use this button to open the help file. [CTRL+L]
Using POS Configurator
Working with Forms
Working with Forms
The forms in POS Configurator allow you to enter information
into the database tables. You can choose to work in either
Record or Table View. In Record View, you see only the options
and fields for the record that is selected. Record View is best
when adding or changing a single record and Table View is best
for adding or editing multiple records.
Working in Record View
In Record View, the 3700 interface uses a form to display fields
and options. You can create new records in the database by
completing the necessary fields and selecting the options that
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-15
Using POS Configurator
Working with Forms
Selecting Options
Option selections appear as checkboxes when you are working
in record view. To select, click the box. A check appears to
indicate that the option is selected. To clear an option, click the
box to remove the check.
Sort ByYou can sort items for display by name or by record number.
Sort by name to quickly locate a certain menu item.
Sort by record number to quickly locate blank records within a
Tabs Tabs within the forms organize the information into logical
Using POS Configurator
Working with Forms
Folder Links
Some fields are actually links to other tables. When you click on
the folder next to the field it opens the other form so you can
edit or create records in that form.
Browse The browse button is displayed in certain form. The button will
open a window containing the directory structure of the PC and
allows the user to store the selected file.
Context-sensitive Help
To get information about a field or option, click the Help button.
A question mark displays next to the cursor while you are in
Help mode. When you click an option or field, a popup window
displays detailed information. When you are finished viewing
the information, click the Help button again to end Help mode.
The cursor returns to normal. You may click as many fields and
options as you want while in Help mode.
You cannot select or deselect options in Help mode. You
must return to normal mode before you may continue
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-17
Using POS Configurator
Working with Forms
Working in Table View
Table View is best for adding multiple records. In Table View,
you can copy and paste columns of information. You can also
add, change, or delete multiple records more efficiently. For
example, if you wanted to add three new soups to the menu, you
could block copy/paste three existing soup records and then
change their names, and other unique information.
Using POS Configurator
Adding Records
Adding Records
POS Configurator makes it easy to add new records to the
database. You can add a new employee or a new group of menu
items simply by inserting a record in the corresponding file. If
you are adding a long list of items, you may want to work in
table view. See “Working in Table View” on page 3-17.
To add a record
1. Click the record below which you wish to add a new record.
2. Click Insert. POS Configurator creates a new record and
automatically assigns the next available record number.
3. Enter a name for the new record.
4. Complete the associated fields and options that define this
Use the [Tab] key to move through the fields more
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-19
Using POS Configurator
Copying and Pasting Single Records
Copying and Pasting Single Records
You can copy and paste a single field or an entire record. Use
Copy and Paste in Table view to add new items to the database.
To add a record using copy and paste
1. Select the record you want to duplicate.
2. Click Copy Record. POS Configurator copies the record to
the clipboard.
3. Use the Insert button to create a blank record if one is
4. Click Paste Record. POS Configurator duplicates the record
at the next available record number.
5. Give the new record a unique name and modify as needed.
6. Click Save.
To copy and paste a field
1. Select the field you want to copy.
2. Click Copy.
3. Click in the field where you want to paste the information.
4. Click Paste.
5. Click Save.
Using POS Configurator
Block Copying and Pasting Records
Block Copying and Pasting Records
You can copy a range of records and paste them in a new
location using Block Copy/Paste. This is useful for adding a
group of new records which share many of the same
characteristics as existing records. For example, you may want
to add three new salads to the menu by copying three existing
salad records and changing the names.
To copy and paste a block of records
1. Select the first record in the range you want to copy.
2. Click Block/Copy Paste. POS Configurator displays a dialog
3. Type the range of record numbers you want to copy.
4. Select a paste option.
5. Click OK.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-21
Using POS Configurator
Finding a Record
Finding a Record
You can locate records within a form using Find. This is useful
for searching a form that contains a long list of records, or for
making changes to records that share a value. For example, you
can search for a particular employee record by name, or find all
the menu item records with the same price.
To find a record
1. Click Find. POS Configurator displays a dialog box.
2. Choose a the name of the field you want to search.
3. Enter the word or number in Field Value.
4. Select the search parameters you wish to use.
5. Click First.
Using POS Configurator
Editing a Record
Editing a Record
Edits may be completed in Table View or Record View.
To edit a record
1. Click the field you want to edit.
2. Type the new information.
3. Click Save.
To clear a field
1. Click the field you wish to clear.
2. Click Clear.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-23
Using POS Configurator
Deleting Single Records
Deleting Single Records
You may occasionally need to delete a record from the database.
For example, a menu item that’s been discontinued could be
To delete a record
1. Click the record you want to delete.
2. Click Delete. The system asks you to confirm the deletion.
3. Click OK. The record is removed from the database.
To disable a menu item or employee record, but
preserve it in the database for future use, use the
Effective To field to make it inactive.
Using POS Configurator
Block Deleting Records
Block Deleting Records
You can easily remove a range of records using Block Delete.
To delete a block of records
1. Click Block Delete. A dialog box displays.
2. Type the record numbers for the range of records you want
to delete.
3. Click OK. The system asks you to confirm the deletion.
4. Click OK.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-25
Using POS Configurator
Saving Changes
Saving Changes
To save a change
1. Click Save.
Using POS Configurator
Printing Employee and Menu Item Definitions
Printing Employee and Menu Item Definitions
There is a print button on the Employee and Menu Item
forms. The button will print out a report with either all, or a
range of definitions.
When the print button is selected, the following will be
When Range is selected, the From and To pull down menus will
be active. When All is selected, the From and To pull down
menus will be inactive.
Employee Definition Report
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-27
Using POS Configurator
Printing Employee and Menu Item Definitions
Menu Item Definition Report
Using POS Configurator
Using Touchscreen Designer
Using Touchscreen Designer
The illustrations below will help you get acquainted with
Touchscreen Designer.
List of
Touchscreens Highlighted
Design Area
Template Style
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-29
Using POS Configurator
Using Touchscreen Designer
Touchscreen Designer Fields
Changing the default key size
The default key size can be changed to automatically insert the
desired key on the touchscreen without having to manually
change the key size. To set a new default key size, right-click on
a key and select Set As Default Key. This is now the default key
size, color, and font. To change back to the original default key
size, right-click on the design grid and select Restore Default
Legend Enter the word or phrase to display on this key.
Icon Select an icon to display on the key if one is desired.
Icon Pos Select a position for this icon: Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Center
Font Select a font to display the legend for this key.
Color Select a color combination for this key.
Next Enter the Next touchscreen to display when this key is pressed
if appropriate.
Category Select the correct key category for this key.
Function Select the action this key performs.
Key Number This field is completed automatically when you select the
Category and Function.
Template Displays the selected template.
Resolution Select the resolution to change the display size.
Using POS Configurator
Using Touchscreen Designer
Right-click touchscreen key
The following menu will pop up when you right-click a
touchscreen key. You can then choose any of the options listed.
Right-click touchscreen
The following menu will pop up when you right-click any area of
the touchscreen. You can then select from any of the options.
Multiple Select
Multiple Select allows you to select several touchscreen keys by
holding the PC keyboard’s [Control] key while selecting the
touchscreen keys. The user can then edit every key selected at
Drag and Resize
The drag and resize option allows you to move and resize keys
that already exist on the touchscreen. Any single key can be
resized by using the cursor to drag the key’s border to the
desired size. Any key can be moved across the screen by
selecting the key and dragging it to the desired spot on the
3700 POS Configurator User’s 3-31
Using POS Configurator
Using Touchscreen Designer
The Key Palette
The key palette is a type of “clipboard” on which one or more
keys can be stored while designing a touchscreen. Keys can be
moved from the touchscreen to the key palette and back again.
To enable the key palette, click the key palette button on the
tool bar.
To add a key to the key palette, right-click on the key you wish
to move and select Send To Key Palette. There are two ways to
bring a key back from the key palette:
Place the cursor on the touchscreen field and right-click.
Select Get From Key Palette. The key palette displays:
Select the key you want and press OK.
Open the key palette and highlight the key you wish to bring
back to the touchscreen. Click OK. The key will be moved
from the key palette to the touchscreen.
Using POS Configurator
Using Touchscreen Designer
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-1
Chapter 4
The Devices folder is your gateway to configuring the hardware
devices used in a restaurant. It includes forms for programming
user workstations, printers, touchscreens, and interfaces with
other systems.
In this chapter
Network Node............................................................................4-3
Order Devices ............................................................................4-8
User Workstations...................................................................4-11
CA/EDC Drivers......................................................................4-20
Touchscreen Designer .............................................................4-27
Complete the forms in the Devices folder in following order to
configure the system hardware:
1. Network Node
2. Devices
3. Order Devices
4. User Workstations
5. Interfaces
6. CA/EDC Drivers
7. Touchscreens
8. Touchscreen Designer
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-3
Network Node
Network Node
In the Network Node form, create a unique name for each PC in
the system, and associate it with the computers name. Choose a
name that identifies the location of each node for quick access.
NetworkProgram a network name, IP Address, and Subnet Mask for
each PC. Also program all Diskless PCs in the system.
In the example above, the Server is located near the kitchen
and the third workstation is located at the host station. They
are named Server and PCWS03 (Diskless).
Network Node
COM Ports
Program COM ports and parameters..
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-5
Use the Devices folder to identify each physical device in the
system. Select a name that identifies the function of the device.
For example, Bar Printer is more descriptive than Printer #5.
When listing devices you can:
List every UWS first, followed by peripheral devices.
List each UWS with its associated peripheral devices
immediately below.
General Name and identify each physical device in this system.
In the example above all PCWS are listed first with the
printer(s) listed last.
Printer Definition
If the device is a printer, specify its type and settings.
In the example above, record number 2 is identified as an
Express Thermal with 42 Columns and 10 Linefeeds.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-7
Printer Interface
If the device is a printer, specify its IDN ID (if required) and its
com port.
The example above shows the IDN ID and COM Port for the
Epson Printer.
Order Devices
Order Devices
Use the Order Devices folder to configure the devices that print
order output in this restaurant.
Using Logical Order Devices
It is possible to list more order devices than there are physical
printers in the system, by creating “logical” devices. When
logical devices are used, a single device, such as a thermal
printer, can accept remote orders for several “logical” printers.
The logical devices you program in the Order Devices form are
available whenever a remote order device is selected in the
following forms: User Workstation, Menu Items, Tender/Media,
Discount/Service Charge.
Logical Printer Physical Printer
1 - Hot Food
2 - Salads
3 - Desserts
4 - Carryout
Logical Printer Physical Printer
1 - Hot Food
2 - Salads
3 - Desserts
4 - Carryout
Instead of having a
separate printer for
each type of printing...
...one printer handles
multiple tasks. Each
logical printer can be
programmed with its
own header and option
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-9
Order Devices
Backup and Redirection Devices
A backup printer takes over the printing for a device if it fails to
operate. (It can fail to operate when it’s out of paper, for
example.) A redirection device allows the output for a printer to
be rerouted automatically. For example, an autosequence might
be created that includes redirecting order output during a
certain serving period in the restaurant.
General Create a record for each logical order device this restaurant will
use. Use the folder link to go to Descriptors|Headers and create
a header for each order device.
In the example above, the Hot and Cold Line printers are
actually the same physical device. However, by using logical
order devices, this restaurant displays the Header **HOT**
when printing hot food to the Express Thermal.
Order Devices
Options Select options to control the appearance of order chits printed
by each device.
In the example above, this restaurant selects options that cause
the seat number to print on order device output.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-11
User Workstations
User Workstations
Use the User Workstations form to assign touchscreens,
options, order devices, and printers to each UWS. Option
settings can be customized for each UWS. For example, the auto
sign out of employees at the UWS behind the bar may be
disabled, but remain active at the wait staffs UWS.
Guest check, and credit authorization/endorsement printers
should be convenient to the workstation they serve. Remote
printers should be convenient to the kitchen area they serve.
Assigning Default Screens
You may choose to assign default touchscreens by Employee
Class, UWS, or revenue center. The following table shows the
priority the 3700 system gives to each screen.
Cash Drawer Assignments
Cash drawers may be assigned in two ways in the 3700 system,
by UWS or by employee.
To assign cash drawers by UWS
Select the option Assign drawer by UWS in the User
Workstations (Cashier) form.
Program an [Assign/Change cash drawer] key in this revenue
center’s SLU.
Select the Open drawer option for Tender/Media keys that
should cause the cash drawer to open.
Level Field Form
1 Training
Screen RVC Touchscreens form, Touchscreens
Touchscreen Employee Classes form, Clock In/Sign In
Transaction User Workstations form, General tab
Transaction RVC Touchscreens form, Touchscreens
User Workstations
General Make selections for each UWS. Use the folder link to go to RVC
Transactions to create a name for each revenue center. Use the
folder link to go to Order Types to create the order types for this
Make a note to return to the Default Transaction field after
Touchscreen programming is complete if you are assigning
default screens by UWS.
In the example above, PCWS01 is assigned to the revenue
center called Restaurant. Because no Default Transaction
Touchscreen is selected, this UWS will display the touchscreen
assigned to the revenue center in RVC Touchscreens.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-13
User Workstations
UWS Options
Select the desired options for each UWS.
This restaurant chooses to display 256 Colors on the PCWS01.
User Workstations
Cashier Select options to control cashier assignment when assigned by
UWS (not employee).
In the example above, this restaurant assigns a cashier link to
each UWS. Cashier totals are used to balance by shift rather
than by employee in this restaurant because the employee who
begins the check is not the same employee who tenders the
check. Cashiers may also be assigned in the Employees form in
which case this tab is used only to assign the number of cash
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-15
User Workstations
Order Devices
Enable the order devices associated with this UWS.
The order devices you enable at each UWS can mask the
printing of specific menu items or discounts. For example,
CARROT CAKE is programmed in Menu Items to print at the
Cold Line printer. The PCWS01 in the dining room has the Cold
Line printer enabled. When CARROT CAKE is ordered at the
PCWS01 the order prints at the Cold Line printer in the
kitchen. However, the PCWS in the carryout does not have the
Cold Line printer enabled. When carrot cake is ordered, the
carryout employee sells the cake from the display case.
User Workstations
PrintersSelect the printers that will service each UWS.
In this restaurant, customer receipts from the PCWS01 are
programmed to print at the Express printer located nearby.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-17
User Workstations
Select the peripherals that will service each UWS.
Use the Interface folder to identify the PMS (Property
Management System), SIM (System Interface Module), or any
other Interface System and there configuration.
General Create a record for different Interface System(s) this restaurant
will use.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-19
InterfaceConfiguration the communications parameters.
CA/EDC Drivers
CA/EDC Drivers
List and configure the credit card driver(s) this restaurant will
use for authorization and settlement of credit card transactions.
The driver activation code you enter determines the fields that
will be active in the other tabs.
Driver Enter the name and Driver Activation Code for each driver this
restaurant requires. You must save the Driver Code before
configuring the other tabs in this form.
This restaurant uses the MAPP driver for authorization and
settlement of credit card transactions.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-21
CA/EDC Drivers
System Complete the active fields. The fields in this form do not become
active until you save the Driver Activation Code in the Driver
This restaurant uses the modem listed in the system properties
folder for authorization and settlement. The number one is
entered to indicate that the first modem listed should be used.
CA/EDC Drivers
Complete the active fields. The fields in this form do not become
active until you save the Driver Activation Code in the Driver
To enable the MLI Header for the MAPP Driver, this restaurant
enters a 1 in the MLI Header field.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-23
CA/EDC Drivers
Complete the active fields. The fields in this form do not become
active until you save the Driver Activation Code in the Driver
To enable the MLI Header for the MAPP Driver, this restaurant
enters a 1 in the MLI Header field.
Use the touchscreens form to enter a list of touchscreens and
create styles for generated keys.
You can create touchscreens by:
Using the touchscreens provided with the sample database.
Editing sample touchscreens to suit the restaurant’s needs.
Creating new touchscreens.
The example below shows some sample touchscreens.
Alpha Entry
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-25
Enter a name for each touchscreen and template required by
this restaurant.
This restaurant uses different sign in screens for the Bar and
Restaurant. The Bar sign in screen contains two one-touch sign
in keys to allow bartenders to sign in quickly.
Styles Create the styles for displaying generated keys and assign each
style to a template.
The style created by the settings above displays on the Bevg
Shell template.
These keys are
generated based
on the style.
These are user-defined keys created
in Touchscreen Designer on the Food
Shell template.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 4-27
Touchscreen Designer
Touchscreen Designer
Use the Touchscreen Designer form to create new touchscreens
and edit samples for this restaurant’s use.
Programming Create a layout for each touchscreen listed. Use the fields below
the design area to define each key’s characteristics. For more
information on using Touchscreen Designer, see “Using
Touchscreen Designer” on page 3-28.
The entries in the fields above create the following key:
Touchscreen Designer
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-1
Chapter 5
The forms in the System folder help you enter information
about the name, local currency, table arrangement, and serving
periods for a restaurant.
In this chapter
Order Types ...............................................................................5-6
Information Screens..................................................................5-7
Periods .....................................................................................5-11
Serving Periods .......................................................................5-12
Time Periods............................................................................5-13
External Programs..................................................................5-15
Use the forms in the System folder to enter information that
applies to the entire system or restaurant. Complete the forms
in the following order:
1. Restaurant
2. Order Types
3. Information Screens
4. Reasons
5. Periods
6. Time Periods
7. Macros (Optional)
8. External Programs (Optional)
9. Licensing
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-3
In the Restaurant form, enter information such as, the name(s)
that apply to this restaurant, information about operational
days and hours, base currency, and the taxes that apply to this
Enter the descriptions that apply to this restaurant.
This restaurant is located in a shopping mall and is also known
by it’s mall location. The mall name is entered as a secondary
Business Settings
Establish the business settings for this restaurant.
The Business Day Start Time and Business Week Start Day
fields establish a starting point for totals reporting that occurs
daily and/or weekly. For example, if a restaurant wants weekly
sales and labor reports to start at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, select
6:00 a.m. in Business Day Start Time and Monday in Business
Week Start Day. (Click the clock button to select a.m. or p.m.)
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-5
Options Select the options that apply to this restaurant.
A restaurant located in Canada uses European date and time
formats. The date appears as: 09SEPT96 when programmed to
print on customer receipts, guest checks, and reports.
Order Types
Order Types
At least one order type must be defined and enabled for every
Order type names can be up to eight characters. The name
appears on balance reports, in the subtotal line during
transactions, and can be programmed to print on guest checks
and order receipts. It is not necessary to assign a name to an
order type unless you want the name to display and print.
Programming Create the order types required by this restaurant. Use the
folder link to go to Sales|Tax Classes and create the tax classes
required by this restaurant
This restaurant sells food for take out. A key is programmed on
the touchscreen for this order type. The option Print order type
on order chit is selected. When the key is used, the kitchen
knows to wrap the order for take out.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-7
Information Screens
Information Screens
The 3700 system allows you to design information screens that
are unique to each restaurant. These screens are accessed
through a touchscreen key and include information such as
directions to the restaurant or group rates.
The first screen in the Information Screens form displays when
the [Info] key is pressed. It is often used as an index to list the
name and number of the screens in the system. Employees can
access subsequent screens by pressing the [Info] key repeatedly,
or by typing the number of the screen they wish to view and
pressing [Info]. Pressing [Clear] clears the display.
Information Screens
Programming Create the information screens required by this restaurant. Use
spaces to center the information. The name of the screen
Here is how Information Screen #2 will look.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-9
The 3700 sample database comes with a default set of reasons
for use with voids, returns, and time card adjustments. Some
common adjustment reasons are listed in the table below.
You can also create custom reasons for a restaurant.
Time Card Adjustment Reasons
On Time Early From Break
Early Late From Break
Late Not Scheduled
on Break Mgr Clock Out
On Paid Break No Schedule
Void/Return Adjustment Reasons
Other Object in Food
Rang wrong item Object in Bev
Rang too many Guest Didn’t Like
Guest Chg’d Mind Long Ticket Time
Rang Wrong Check
Programming Enter the reasons this restaurant requires and select when the
reason should display.
A restaurant that specializes in spicy dishes wants to track how
many orders are returned because they are too spicy. The
example above shows a new reason called “Too Spicy.” It will
display as an adjustment reason whenever an item is returned.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-11
Use the Periods form to create a set of periods for the
restaurant. These periods serve as the basis for reports and
automatic menu level changes.
Programming Create the periods this restaurant requires.
A period is created for a daily Happy Hour which begins at
4:00 pm and ends at 7:00 pm M-F. This period can be used as a
basis for reporting and automatic menu level changes. Menu
Levels are programmed to change automatically by linking to
this period in the Menu Levels form.
Serving Periods
Serving Periods
Serving Periods are use to track sales for a given period of time.
Programming Create the Serving Periods required by this restaurant
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-13
Time Periods
Time Periods
Periods are used to analyze the sales activity during certain
times of the day or shifts in small (to the minute) or large (up to
24 hours) increments. 3700 system report templates can
generate reports for time periods for a revenue center or for the
entire system.
Programming Create the Time Periods required by this restaurant.
This restaurant wants totals for different serving periods as
well as hourly. Time periods are created that reflect both of
these reporting requirements.
Use the Macros form to create collections of keystrokes.
Develop a macro for each task that requires a sequence of
keystrokes by an employee. A macro may include any key or
may be linked to another macro. When macros are chained
together they execute in succession. There is no limit to the
number of macros that can be linked together.
If a macro is being linked to another, include the key code for
that macro as the last step in the macro. The macro will ignore
any steps that follow the Macro key code.
Programming Create the macros required by this restaurant.
This restaurant offers a “Daily Special” featuring soup, salad,
coffee, and a discount. The Daily Special macro posts the entire
Daily Special with a single keystroke. The [Macro] key makes
ordering the daily special fast, convenient, and error free. It also
provides the sales tracking data that would not be available if
the “Daily Special” were programmed as a single menu item.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 5-15
External Programs
External Programs
Use this form to enter any external programs this restaurant
will use in conjunction with the 3700 system.
Programming Enter information about each external program this restaurant
This restaurant Validates and Backs up the database using an
external program.
This form includes the 3700 system software key licensing
This restaurant Validates and Backs up the database using an
external program.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-1
Chapter 6
The Sales folder contains information about the types of food
and beverages a restaurant serves. Not only do you enter the
names and prices of menu items here, but you also determine
what condiments will be available with each menu item, the
types of tender/media accepted, and the discounts and taxes
that apply to sales.
In this chapter
Tax Rates ...................................................................................6-3
Tax Classes................................................................................6-7
Print Classes..............................................................................6-8
Menu Levels ............................................................................6-10
Currency ..................................................................................6-26
Courses ....................................................................................6-27
Menu Item Classes..................................................................6-39
Menu Items..............................................................................6-43
Use the forms in the Sales folder to enter information about the
items this restaurant sells and the taxes, discounts and service
charges that apply. Program the forms in the Sales folder in the
following order:
1. Tax Rates
2. Tax Classes
3. Print Classes
4. Menu Levels
5. Discount / Service
6. Tender / Media
7. Currency
8. Courses
9. Descriptors
10. Menu Item Classes
11. Condiments
12. Menu Items
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-3
Tax Rates
Tax Rates
Use the Tax Rates form to define the tax rates that apply to
sales in a particular restaurant. Some localities charge a
different tax on food and beverages. Create a tax rate for each
tax this restaurant charges.
The restaurant’s location determines the method for calculating
taxes. The 3700 system allows you to program the following tax
Type Definition Example
Percent The tax is calculated by
multiplying the amount in the
percentage field by the total.
$5.00 x 5% = .25 Tax
The tax is calculated based
on a chart provided by the
local government. To
calculate tax this way,
complete the Breakpoints tab.
From chart:
$4.75 -$5.00 = .24 Tax
The tax is calculated by
taking a percentage of the
price and posting it as tax.
Subtract tax from total:
$5.00= $4.75 to
Sales.25 to Tax.
Tax Rates
General Create a tax rate for each tax this restaurant requires.
This restaurant collects a 5% tax on food. They call the tax
“Food Tax.” This name will print on customer receipts and
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-5
Tax Rates
Complete the Breakpoints tab if Breakpoint is selected in the
Type field on the General tab.
Using the breakpoint tax tables provided by the local
government, calculate the difference between the first and
second amounts in the From Amount column.
Enter the result in the Amount column of the Breakpoints
table. Do not enter a decimal point.
Repeat these steps until a pattern emerges.
Select the Number of the breakpoint that begins the pattern
in Begin Repeat.
Select the Number of the breakpoint that ends the pattern
in End Repeat.
This restaurant uses breakpoint taxes. The example above
shows a repeating pattern that begins with 16 and ends
with 34.
Tax Rates
Canadian Tax
Complete the Canadian Tax form for Canadian Tax rates.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-7
Tax Classes
Tax Classes
Once you’ve created the tax rates a restaurant will use, you can
group them into tax classes. Tax classes are applied in the Menu
Item Classes form and determine the taxes that apply to
specific classes of food and beverages. For example, menu item
classes that are food items might have a tax class called “Food
Tax” applied, beverages might have “Beverage Tax” and
condiments might have a tax class called “No Tax.”
Programming Create the tax classes this restaurant requires.
This restaurant needs tax classes for applying food and
beverage taxes separately and in combination. A tax class called
“All Taxes” is created.
Print Classes
Print Classes
Use this form to create print classes to control how and where
different types of menu items print. You can select from the
following print locations for each print class you create:
Print on...
Customer receipt
Local order receipt
Guest Check
In addition you can select from the list of remote order devices
you programmed in Devices| Order Devices to control where
items in each print class print. It useful to remember that
remote order devices can be “logical” devices. This means that
two remote devices may actually print at the same physical
Selecting a Print Class
Select a print class to control where and how each menu item
will print. For example, menu items such as entrees, appetizers,
and drinks need to print on guest checks, journals and reports.
Bottled wines might be programmed to print a local order
receipt and food condiments may only print to the journal and
reports. A Print Class can also be used to control the order in
which items print. Within a Print Class items will sort and
print in the order in which they are entered. Print Classes can
also be used to:
sort draft beer orders before bottle beer orders
print high prep time foods before low prep time foods
print certain types of menu items in red
exclude condiments from customer receipts
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-9
Print Classes
Programming Create the print classes required by this restaurant.
This restaurant uses two print classes to control the printing of
bar condiments. Priced bar condiments are programmed to
print on the journal and reports. Unpriced condiments do not
print to the journal or reports. They are only programmed to
print in red on the customer receipt/check.
Menu Levels
Menu Levels
Use this form to define a set of menu level classes to simplify
menu item programming. Menu levels serve to “filter out” menu
items that should not be available under certain conditions.
Each menu item is linked to a menu level class in the Menu
Items form. The menu levels you enable for each class
Which Main Menu levels will allow access to items in this
Which Sub-menu levels will allow access to items in this
Whether menu levels (Main and Sub) will remain active
(Stay down) when items in this class are posted, and if not,
to which menu levels will the system “pop-up”
Automatic menu levels allow the 3700 system to change menu
levels automatically to:
Distinguish between menu items ordered in different meal
periods (such as Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner)
Identify menu items available on different menus (such as
Regular, Happy Hour, Late Night)
Specify different sizes of menu items (such as Small,
Medium, Large)
Perform a combination of the above functions. For example,
the Main menu levels Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner could
be reserved for period filtering, while Sub-menu levels
Small, Medium, and Large determine price filtering.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-11
Menu Levels
Menu Level Classes
Create the menu level classes required by this restaurant.
Example (Main)
This restaurant offers a Bagel w/ Crm Cheese during Breakfast,
Lunch, and Dinner. By assigning Bagel w/Crm Cheese to the
Menu Level Class “All Levels”, the bagel is available at all times
of the day. The price of the bagel defaults to the breakfast
(Price1) price. At other times of the day, when a bagel is
ordered, the employee is required to change the menu level to
charge a higher price.
Example (Sub)
This restaurant serves soup in cups and bowls and charges a
higher price for the bowl. The Menu Level Class “Lunch and
Dinner” has sub menu levels 1 and 2 enabled. This allows the
restaurant to offer a cup and a bowl of soup at two different
prices. During Dinner, the sub menu level pops-up to 2, the bowl
price. To order a cup of Clam Chowder, the employee must press
a [Change Menu Level] key.
Menu Levels
Automatic Menu Levels
Create a record for each automatic menu level change this
restaurant requires.
In this restaurant, the menu level automatically changes to
Main Level 2 for Happy Hour in the Bar. Menu items with a
Price2 value, automatically change to this price during the
Happy hour period.
The menu item must belong to a Menu Item Class with
the option Enable prices 2-4 selected.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-13
Use this form to program the discounts and service charges
used in this restaurant. Discounts include such items as Senior
Citizen Discounts, Employee Meal Discounts, and Coupon
Promotions. Typical service charges include Autogratuities,
Room Service Charges, and Entertainment Cover Charges.
General Create each discount and service charge this restaurant
This restaurant allows employees a 24% discount on employee
meals. The discount is programmed as a key that appears on
the Food Discounts SLU. Employees must have a privilege level
of 2 or higher to use the key.
Options Select the options and itemizers that apply to each discount or
service charge.
Selecting the Preset option for the Empl. Meal discount, causes
the 3700 system to apply the amount entered in the Percent
field on the General tab. This discount is programmed to
require a reference (the employee number) and prints a
validation chit for the employee to sign.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-15
Discount/Service Charge
Use this tab to complete the programming of Discounts and
Service Charges. Note: Only the options that apply to the Type
are available to each record.
This restaurant limits the Empl. Meal discount to a maximum
of $5.00. To create this limit, the option Limit discount was
selected and $5.00 was entered in the Amount field on the
General tab.
Organizing Tender/Media
Micros recommends that tender/media keys be organized
numerically based on their type. This makes reports easy to
read and simplifies database maintenance tasks.
Types of Tender/Media
A Payment subtracts the amount entered from the amount due.
If the result is 0, the check is closed and the transaction
finalized. Examples of payment keys include: cash, credit cards,
room charges and foreign currency. Payment keys can be
created to record special activity, such as house charges, walk-
outs, and employee meals.
A Service Total ends the current transaction and saves the
check information for later recall. This type of key is also used
for [Reprint Check], [Print Check], [Chain/Fire], [Hold/Fire],
[Seat Check], and [Print Memo Check] keys.
A Pickup records the withdrawal of cash from a cash drawer,
such as payment of petty cash, or when money is collected in the
middle of a high-volume shift to reduce liability at each UWS. It
is also used to record tips paid.
A Loan records the addition of cash to a cash drawer, such as
the beginning bank for a shift.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-17
General Create each tender/media key this restaurant requires.
This restaurant accepts cash,
traveler’s checks, personal checks,
food stamps, and a variety of credit
cards. A tender Media key is
created for each. In addition keys
are created for Media handling and
service total functions. The 3700
system allows you to associate an
icon with each Tender/Media key.
Tender Select the options that apply to each tender/media key.
For example, the option Open drawer is used with the[Cash]
key, as well as with the [Tips Paid] key. Other options here are
used to control the posting, HALO, and required entries for each
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-19
Preset Tender Keys
Create any Preset Tender Keys this restaurant uses.
This restaurant speeds up cash handling by programming
payment keys for common denominations of U.S. dollars. The
payment screen might look like this:
Credit Card Tender
Select options to control the verification and authorization
requirements for credit cards accepted by this restaurant.
This restaurant selects Verify before authorization to check the
credit card number against known parameters of each credit
card company before sending an authorization request. Micros
recommends selecting this option for all credit cards. For more
information refer to The Feature Reference Manual.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-21
Credit Authorization
Define the authorization limits and the Credit Authorization
and Electronic Draft Capture processor for each credit card key
you create.
In the example above, Visa and Mastercard are both authorized
by the DEMO driver. Initial authorization requests are made
for $20.00 and a 25% tip is automatically added to subsequent
authorization requests.
Enter the range of digits that identify each credit card type. The
preamble is used to associate credit cards read with the
magnetic card reader with the correct payment key.
For example, Visa is the only card that starts with 4. By
entering 4*, any card that begins with 4 is identified as Visa by
the system.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-23
Property Management System (PMS)
Select the options that apply to each PMS key.
For example, the Room Charge key allows the posting of 0.00
dollar amounts and a 19 character reference.
Service Total Options
Select options to add functionality to service total key types.
To create a key that will “chain” several checks together, select
Chain Order. The orders on the chained checks will all be sent
to order output devices when the Fire key is pressed. This
feature ensures that guests at the same table, but with separate
checks, receive their food at the same time.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-25
PrintingSelect the printing options that this restaurant requires for
each key.
The Media Declaration key above is programmed to print a
validation chit. However, none of the print check options are
selected because a media declaration does not require a check to
Use this form to program the system to accept alternate
Programming Define the other currencies this restaurant accepts.
Customers in this restaurant often pay with Canadian currency.
The system is programmed to prompt the cashier for the
currency in which to issue change. The UWS has two cash
drawers assigned in the User Workstations form; one for U.S.
currency and one for Canadian currency.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-27
Use this form to define courses in restaurants that offer fixed
price meals. For more information about Fixed Price Meals, see
the 3700 Feature Reference Manual.
Some of the characteristics of courses are:
Posting a priced menu item as a course forces its price to be
Posting additional course selections above those allowed
with the fixed price meal causes the customer to be charged
for the additional items
Course selections may be posted during any service round
Use the following table to understand the steps for
programming the Courses form. A restaurant offers the
following fixed price meals:
Courses in Meal Price Course
Soup/Salad, Entree, Dessert $12.95 Lunch
Appetizer, Soup, Salad, Entree, Dessert $21.95 Dinner
Courses Create a record for each course this restaurant offers as part of
a fixed price meal. The name can be descriptive, such as “Soup
or numeric, Course 1, Course 2, etc.
This restaurant offers two fixed price meals; one at lunch and
one at dinner. The lunch meal offers a choice from three courses:
Soup/Salad, Entree, and Dessert. The dinner meal offers four
courses: Appetizer, Soup/Salad, Entree, and Dessert. A record is
created for each course that is part of a fixed price meal.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-29
Course Membership
Create the course membership groups required by this
The lunch meal allows a choice of either Soup or Salad as one of
its courses. A course membership that includes soup and salad
items is created. In the Menu Items form, items that are offered
in this course are assigned to this Course Membership.
Course Selection
Create a record for each type of fixed price meal this restaurant
offers and select the courses included in the meal.
The fixed price lunch meal in this restaurant includes selections
from the Soup/Salad, Entree, and Dessert courses.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-31
In the 3700 system, a descriptor is a word or phrase that
appears on a UWS display, report, and/or prints at a 3700
printer. Use the Descriptors form to program:
SLU names and styles
Sales Itemizers
Headers and Trailers
Discount/Service SLU
Enter a name to describe each SLU this restaurant requires
and select a style for generated keys.
This restaurant displays two different SLUs for discounts. By
creating separate SLUs for each type of discount, this
restaurant is able to display only the discounts that apply in
each revenue center.
Menu Item SLU
Enter a name to describe each Menu Item SLU this restaurant
requires and select a style for generated keys.
The employee can easily locate the menu item, Ice Cream,
because it’s logically assigned to an SLU. In this case Desserts!
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-33
Tender/Media SLU
Enter a name to describe each Tender/Media SLU this
restaurant requires and select a style for generated keys.
This restaurant places keys for tendering cash, checks, credit
cards and Travelers Checks on a Screen Lookup that can be
accessed from the Default Transaction screen.
Sales Itemizers
Create the itemizers this restaurant requires for subtotaling
menu items.
This restaurant subtotals food and soft beverages separately
from liquor, beer and wine.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-35
Headers and Trailers
Enter a name to describe each Header and Trailer this
restaurant requires.
The Bar Check header created above prints on customer
Use the Condiments form to program the condiment groups for
this restaurant.
Condiment Groups
Create a group for each type of condiment required by this
This restaurant requires condiment groups for Meat and Fish
preparation because it offers several entrees of this type.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-37
Condiment Membership
Create larger membership classes for condiments and select the
groups that belong to each.
A condiment Membership class called “Meat Temperatures” is
created. Meat Temperature selections are placed in this class
when programming the Menu Items form as shown below:
Condiment Selection
Create the allowed and required condiment selections required
for each type of menu item in this restaurant.
A separate condiment selection is created for cheeseburgers in
this restaurant. When used as a Required Condiment selection
in the Menu Items form, the employee is required to post the
Meat Temperature, Cheese Choice, and Starch choice for
cheeseburgers. Another condiment selection group which
includes general condiment selections such as mayonnaise,
ketchup, and pickles is used as an Allowed Condiment selection
for cheeseburgers. The section of the Menu Items form shown
below shows how condiment selections are used.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-39
Menu Item Classes
Menu Item Classes
Use the Menu Item Classes form to simplify programming by
assigning the same privilege levels and option settings to all
menu items in a class.
Create the Menu Item Classes required by this restaurant.
Menu items assigned to the Menu Item Class “Cocktail/Liquor”
share characteristics assigned to the class. A Bloody Mary and a
Daiquiri, for example, share the same Tax Class and itemizer
Menu Item Classes
General Options
Define the characteristics of each menu item.
You can define certain Menu Item Classes as Beverages when
you are using the Beverage Control feature of the 3700 system.
See the 3700 Feature Reference Manual for information about
this feature.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-41
Menu Item Classes
Print/Display Options
Select options to control the printing and display of each class of
menu items on order chits, customer receipts, and UWS
Menu Items in the “Cocktail/Liquor” class are programmed to
print as nicknames at the order printer located behind the bar.
The nickname for each item is entered in the Name2 field of the
Menu Items form.
Menu Item Classes
Select the required pricing and posting options for each class of
menu items.
This restaurant reduces drink prices during Happy Hour. By
selecting Enable prices 2 through 4 and Use sub menu level for
prices, the restaurant can create several prices for the drinks in
this Menu Item class.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-43
Menu Items
Menu Items
Use this form to program menu items. The Menu Item table is
one of the largest in the database. You should plan and organize
it before program it.
Organizing the Menu Items form
MICROS recommends that menu items be organized
numerically based on their Major Group and further divided by
Family Group. This makes reports easy to read and simplifies
database maintenance tasks.
For example, you might include an Index at the top of the form
which lists the numbers associated with each Major Group.
Within each Major Group, Family Groups may also be assigned
a specific numeric range. For example, all menu items
belonging to the Major Group, “Beer” might be assigned a
numeric range of 1000 - 1999. Within the “Beer” Major Group,
the Family Group, “Draft Beer” could be numbered 1000-1099,
while another Family Group “Bottled Beer” could be numbered
You should group menu items according to similarities and pre-
assign ranges of record numbers. Use the example below as a
starting point. Numbering varies for each restaurant,
depending on the number of menu items in each Major Group.
Condiments which are offered as charged items and as
non-priced items must be entered twice.
A Numbering Plan
1000 Beers
2000 Glass Wines
3000 Bottle Wines
5000 Liquor
6000 Aperitif
6100 Brandy
6200 Cognac
6300 Sherry/Port
6400 Liquors
8000 Cocktails
20000 Food Preps
25000 Bar Preps
35000 Non-Alcoholic
101001 Appetizers
101101 Soups
102001 Salads
103001 Sandwiches
104001 Pastas
105001 Entrees
106001 Desserts
199001 Specials
Menu Items
Naming Menu Items
The 3700 system allows you to assign two names to each menu
item. Programming determines whether Name1, Name2, or
both, appear in the transaction detail, and on guest checks,
receipts and remote order devices. Name1 prints on reports.
Name2 can be used where the kitchen staff speaks a another
language, or where the kitchen uses abbreviations.
SLU Priorities
Assign an SLU priority to control the order in which items
display on touchscreens. For example, a long list of mixed
drinks might display alphabetically on several screens when the
[Cocktail] key is pressed. By assigning the most popular drinks
an SLU priority of 1, and others a priority of 2 or 3, you can
create three alphabetical lists of cocktails. Employees will find
the popular drink on the first pages.
Assigning Menu Items to Courses
If the menu item is:
A course in a Fixed Price Meal, select the course to which it
belongs in the Course Membership field. For example, Clam
Chowder would belong to the Soup course.
A fixed price meal, select the course selection group from
which choices may be selected in the Course Selection field.
For example the Seafood Special might include selections for
a selection group that includes the courses Salad, Entree,
and Dessert. The courses that are included in each Course
Selection option are programmed in the Courses form.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-45
Menu Items
Create a record for each menu item and condiment this
restaurant requires.
In this restaurant, bottled wines are programmed to display in
an NLU (Number Lookup) window because the list is so lengthy.
The employee chooses an item by entering the NLU number.
Menu Items
Select the groups for each menu item this restaurant requires.
You can select a Menu Item and Condiment Group for each
menu item. The menu item will be included in sales totals for
the selected group.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-47
Menu Items
Select the options that apply to this menu item.
This restaurant has a limited number of lobsters each day for
sale. Selecting the option Check availability causes the system
to display the prompt: “THIS MENU ITEM IS SOLD OUT”
when there are no more lobsters available.
If an order is placed for more lobsters than is on hand, the
system responds with the prompt, “ONLY [#] ITEMS
If, for some reason, the restaurant did not receive their
shipment of lobsters, the system responds with the prompt
The manager enters the number of lobsters available
each day through Manager Procedures.
Menu Items
Reports Select the Major and Family Groups for each menu item this
restaurant requires.
You can select a Major, and Family Group, for each menu item.
The menu item will be included in sales totals for the selected
3700 POS Configurator User’s 6-49
Menu Items
Prices Create prices for each menu item and condiment this
restaurant requires.
Each menu item may have up to four different prices. The prices
may change depending on the revenue center, time of day, or
active menu level. In order for a menu item to have more than
one price, the option Enable prices 2-4 must be selected in Menu
Item Classes | Price/Totals.
Menu Items
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-1
Chapter 7
Revenue Centers
The forms in the Revenue Centers folder contain options for
customizing restaurant operations in each revenue center.
In this chapter
RVC Credit Cards......................................................................7-3
RVC Discount / Service .............................................................7-7
RVC Display Design..................................................................7-8
RVC Posting...............................................................................7-9
RVC Printing...........................................................................7-11
RVC Print Design....................................................................7-13
RVC Interfaces ........................................................................7-18
RVC Seats................................................................................7-20
RVC Table Seating ..................................................................7-21
RVC Taxes................................................................................7-22
RVC Touchscreens...................................................................7-25
RVC Transactions....................................................................7-28
Revenue Centers
Different revenue centers are defined within a system to
provide sales tracking, accounting, and transaction control.
Usually, a revenue center matches an outlet in the restaurant,
such as a bar, dining room, or a retail shop.
Defining options for each revenue center allows a restaurant to:
Provide accounting information for outlets in the system, as
a subset of the system.
Control or restrict access.
Define functional characteristics for the outlet. For instance,
the operations in a bar can vary from those in a dining room.
Configure the forms in the Revenue Centers folder in the
following order:
1. RVC Credit Cards
2. RVC Discount/Service
3. RVC Display Design
4. RVC Interfaces
5. RVC Posting
6. RVC Printing
7. RVC Print Design
8. RVC Sales
9. RVC Taxes
10. RVC Transactions
11. RVC Touchscreens
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-3
Revenue Centers
RVC Credit Cards
RVC Credit Cards
Different revenue centers require different credit card handling
options. The 3700 system allows you to customize credit card
handling in each revenue center.
General Select the credit card options that apply to each revenue center.
This restaurant has several workstations in the Restaurant
revenue center. By selecting the option Display CA status on
UWS only, the status of pending credit authorizations can be
displayed separately, at each UWS.
Revenue Centers
RVC Credit Cards
Select the headers and trailers to print on credit card vouchers
for each revenue center.
The example below shows the credit card trailer for the
Restaurant revenue center. Trailers are programmed in
Thanks for dining with us!
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-5
Revenue Centers
RVC Credit Cards
Floor Limits
Enable the secondary floor limits for each revenue center.
The Restaurant revenue center enables a secondary floor limit
to control when a second request for authorization is initiated.
In this example, a second authorization is requested anytime
the service total reaches 10% more than the initial
authorization amount. Floor limits are established in
Sales|Tender/Media (Credit Auth tab).
Some credit card processors require authorization of
all transactions regardless of the amount.
Revenue Centers
RVC Credit Cards
PrintingSelect options to control the printing of credit card vouchers in
each revenue center.
This restaurant selects the option Print voucher in background
to cause a credit card voucher to print automatically when
authorization is received. This feature is used with the
Suspend /Resume feature of the 3700 system. For more
information about the Suspend/Resume feature, see the 3700
Feature Reference Manual.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-7
Revenue Centers
RVC Discount / Service
RVC Discount / Service
Discounts and Service Charges may be controlled at the
revenue center level.
Programming Select discount and service charge options for each revenue
This revenue center charges a 15% autogratuity on every check.
This service charge is created in the Sales|Discount/Service
Revenue Centers
RVC Display Design
RVC Display Design
The options in RVC Display Design allow you to control the
display in each revenue center. For example, you can control the
sorting and consolidation of items posted in a previous round for
each revenue center.
Programming Select the display options for each revenue center.
This restaurant uses the term “Beverage” to display with the
Beverage Control prompt in the Restaurant. They might choose
“Drinks” to display in the Bar. For more information about
Beverage Control, see the 3700 Feature Reference Manual.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-9
Revenue Centers
RVC Posting
RVC Posting
Use the RVC Posting form to select the keys to which cash and
bank tenders should post, and choose the number of days of
check detail to store. Other posting options that can be
determined at the revenue center level include rounding,
posting to transaction or check employee, and order type totals
posting options.
General Select separate posting options for each revenue center.
This restaurant uses a key named “Cash” to record change due
amounts and Tips Paid regardless of which tender key is used to
perform the action.
Revenue Centers
RVC Posting
Options Select totals and rounding options for each revenue center.
In this restaurant, the host seats the guests and begins a check
before the waiter or waitress is assigned (the host is the check
employee.) The restaurant selects the option Current round
posts to transaction employee to track the revenue generated by
each waiter or waitress. Otherwise totals in this restaurant
would only post to the host.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-11
Revenue Centers
RVC Printing
RVC Printing
Use the Revenue Center Printing form to customize check
operations and printing in each revenue center.
General Complete the fields to control printing in each revenue center.
The Restaurant revenue center is programmed to allow three
checks to print before authorization is required. The Bar
however, only allows one check to print before authorization
since more supervision is desired in the Bar environment.
Revenue Centers
RVC Printing
Options Select the desired printing options for each revenue center.
This restaurant selects the option Partial cut after customer
receipt, to keep receipts printed near the door to the restaurant
from blowing away.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-13
Revenue Centers
RVC Print Design
RVC Print Design
Use this form to design a different look for receipts and guest
checks in each revenue center.
General Enter the names to print on guest checks, customer receipts,
and order output for each revenue center.
This revenue center uses the word “Subtotal” on guest checks
and receipts.
Revenue Centers
RVC Print Design
Enter the number of lines needed to control the length of
customer receipts in each revenue center.
The Restaurant uses a guest check that includes a pre-printed
logo. By entering 12 in the Lines before header field, the guest
check begins printing below the logo. (Micros slip printers print
6 lines per inch.)
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-15
Revenue Centers
RVC Print Design
Guest Checks
Select options to determine what prints on guest checks in each
revenue center.
Guest checks in the Bar revenue center include the time and
Revenue Centers
RVC Print Design
Options Select options to control the printing of checks and order chits
in each revenue center.
In the Restaurant revenue center, voids print in red on order
chits to alert kitchen employees not to prepare the item.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-17
Revenue Centers
RVC Print Design
Headers and Trailers
Select a different header and/or trailer to print on guest checks,
customer receipts, and local orders in each revenue center.
In this restaurant, checks printed in the Bar revenue center
display a different name than checks printed in the Restaurant
revenue center.
Revenue Centers
RVC Interfaces
RVC Interfaces
Use the RVC Interface folder to identify the PMS (Property
Management System) and SIM (System Interface Module)
configuration on a Revenue Center basis.
SIM Select the display options for each revenue center.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-19
Revenue Centers
RVC Interfaces
PMS Select the display options for each revenue center.
Revenue Centers
RVC Seats
RVC Seats
Use the RVC Seats form to control the operation of the Seats
feature in each revenue center.
Programming Enable seat handling in appropriate revenue centers.
This restaurant has four revenue centers: Bar, Restaurant,
Catering and Retail. Seats are enabled only in the Restaurant
and Bar.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-21
Revenue Centers
RVC Table Seating
RVC Table Seating
Use the RVC Table Seating form to define service points in the
in each revenue center. Usually, the point of service is a table,
but a “table” can be any conveniently defined point or area of
Table Names
A table names can be any 4 alphanumeric characters. Table
names need not be in any particular order. Different revenue
centers can assign the same table names without affecting
system-wide table counts, providing that each table in the
system has a unique table record number. Within a revenue
center, however, if checks are to be begun, picked up, or
transferred by table number, every table must be given a unique
Programming Create records for the tables in each revenue center.
The Restaurant revenue center has tables numbered 1 through
Revenue Centers
RVC Taxes
RVC Taxes
Use the RVC Taxes form to customize tax operations in each
revenue center.
General Define the tax options for each revenue center.
In the Restaurant revenue center the phrase that prints on
customer receipts and guest checks is “Tax.”
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-23
Revenue Centers
RVC Taxes
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Select options that affect how Value Added Taxes (VAT) print on
guest checks in each revenue center. VAT is a form of sales tax
used outside the United States.
Revenue Centers
RVC Taxes
Canadian Tax
Configure the Canadian tax printing options for each revenue
The example below shows how tax lines print when the option
Print separate Canadian tax lines is selected.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-25
Revenue Centers
RVC Touchscreens
RVC Touchscreens
Use the RVC Touchscreens form to customize touchscreen
displays in each revenue center.
Select the touchscreens to display in each revenue center.
For example, the sign in screen displayed in the Restaurant
revenue center may differ from the one displayed in the Bar.
Use the folder link to open the Touchscreens form if you need to
create more touchscreens.
Revenue Centers
RVC Touchscreens
Styles Choose a style to display open checks when an employee presses
the [Pick Up Check] or [Transfer key]. You can select a different
style in each revenue center for splitting checks, editing seats,
and sharing checks.
A restaurant might design more than one style for the keys that
display when the [Pickup Check] key is pressed. For example,
the Restaurant revenue center, with 50 tables, might use
smaller keys to display open checks than the Bar revenue
center that has only 10 tables.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-27
Revenue Centers
RVC Touchscreens
Alerts Enable alerts in the appropriate revenue centers.
Alert times in the Restaurant are set for 900 and 1800 seconds.
Revenue Centers
RVC Transactions
RVC Transactions
Use the RVC Transactions form to customize the options that
control the operation of the 3700 system for each revenue
General Select the options for each revenue center.
This restaurant often serves large groups. The option Allow
table chaining is selected to allow employees to Chain and Fire
orders at multiple tables. This ensures that the customers in a
group receive their food at the same time. Chain and Fire
Tender Media keys are required with this option. Refer to the
3700 Feature Reference Manual for more information on Chain
and Fire.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-29
Revenue Centers
RVC Transactions
Select options to control check and receipt handling in each
revenue center.
In the Bar, Allow fast transactions enables employees to begin a
check by pressing a menu item key. This allows for faster
service in this revenue center.
Revenue Centers
RVC Transactions
Cashier Select the options that control cashiering in each revenue
For example if you enter “Cashier” in the Cashier Name field
the prompt “ENTER CASHIER ID NUMBER” displays.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-31
Revenue Centers
RVC Transactions
SecuritySelect the security options required by each revenue center.
This restaurant wants to be sure employee meals are charged to
the correct employee. The option Use employee ID when entering
employee meal, adds an additional layer of security. The
employee ID is entered in the ID field of the Employees form.
Revenue Centers
RVC Transactions
Menu Levels
Select a default menu level for each revenue center.
In the Bar, when a customer orders a large drink, the price is
drawn from Sub Menu Level 3 and the prefix “LG” prints and
displays in front of the menu item.
A menu level “pops up” when it returns to the default
menu level after a transaction such as a service total.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 7-33
Revenue Centers
RVC Transactions
Retail The Retail options will be available in a later version.
Revenue Centers
RVC Transactions
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-1
Chapter 8
Use the Employees folder to program information about a
restaurant’s employees and schedule.
In this chapter
Employee Classes......................................................................8-3
Configurator Access ................................................................8-11
Jobs ..........................................................................................8-12
Time and Attendance..............................................................8-18
Time Clock Schedule...............................................................8-22
Use this folder to create Employee Classes to control privileges,
and to enter individual employee information. If you are using
the Time and Attendance feature, you’ll assign job codes and
program the Time and Attendance and Time Clock Schedule
forms. Before you begin to enter information about individual
employees, use the forms provided with the 3700 Site Survey to
organize the information.
Program the forms in this folder in the following order:
1. Employee Classes
2. Configurator Access
3. Jobs
4. Employees
5. Time and Attendance (Optional)
6. Time Clock Schedule (Optional)
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-3
Employee Classes
Employee Classes
Employee Classes allow you to:
Generate reports for specific kinds of employees
Simplify programming by assigning the same privilege and
option settings to all employees in a class
Organize employees according to the duties that they perform
most often, and then by privileges. Assign each division in
duties or privileges to a separate Employee Class.
Clock In/Sign In
Create the Employee Classes required by this restaurant and
assign privileges related to Time and Attendance and Sign In.
In this restaurant, the employee class, Bartenders, is privileged
to use one-touch sign in keys. The default touchscreen (Bar
Main) is programmed to display two one-touch keys, one for
each bartender on duty.
Employee Classes
Select the privileges for each employee class.
The Managers in this restaurant are privileged to create and
settle credit card batches, as well as to edit and report on credit
card batches. The table below shows the privilege hierarchy in
the 3700 system.
3 Highest - Managers, Property Experts
2 High - Assistant Managers, Head Waiters, Hosts
1 Low - Kitchen Staff, Bus Persons
0 No restrictions - access to this key or operation is not restricted
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-5
Employee Classes
Select the procedures that each employee class may perform.
In this restaurant, Managers often redirect printer output
during slow periods when two order output devices are not
Employee Classes
Select the options that control the transactions each employee
class may perform.
In this restaurant cashiers are privileged to use the [No Sale]
key in order to make change for the jukebox.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-7
Employee Classes
Guest Checks
Assign privileges involving checks to the appropriate employee
In this restaurant, the options Pickup check and Begin check are
selected for servers. Other options, such as Pick up others’
check, are reserved for managers and cashiers. Remember, if
you do not assign a privilege to an employee class, employees
may only perform the operation by obtaining authorization.
Employee Classes
PrintingSelect the options that control printing for each employee class.
In this restaurant, servers print checks when the customer
requests one (on demand). A [Print Check] key is programmed
on the touchscreen.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-9
Employee Classes
Select the void and return privileges for each employee class.
Servers in this restaurant may void only current round menu
items. The privilege of voiding previous round menu items is
reserved for management.
Voids and returns can be programmed to require a
reason. See “Reasons” on page 5-9.
Employee Classes
Options Assign privileges to each employee class to control tendering,
cashier and cash drawer assignment, and menu level changes.
In this restaurant cashiers are responsible for balancing a cash
drawer. The employees in this class use an [Assign Cashier] key
to create a cashier link. Another method of assigning a cashier
link is by UWS. See “User Workstations” on page 4-11 for more
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-11
Configurator Access
Configurator Access
The Configurator Access form allows you to privilege some
employee classes to view programming information, or to make
changes to all or some forms.
Programming Choose the forms that each employee class may access in POS
Configurator, and indicate the actions they may perform.
This restaurant allows servers to read the Menu Items form.
They may not update, add, or delete records however.
In most cases the employee classes you create will translate into
specific jobs. You might create jobs such as, Dishwasher, Chef,
Kitchen Manager, Line Cook, Headwaiter, Server, Bartender,
Manager, and Assistant Manager. You can define a default pay
rate for each job and specify if employees clocking into that job
are required to declare tips in the Jobs form.
Job Definitions
Create the jobs required by this restaurant.
In this restaurant the default regular pay rate for a cook is
$5.00 per hour. Employees clocking in under this job will be
paid this rate unless a different wage is programmed in the
Employees form (Job Rates tab).
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-13
Job Categories
Create categories for reporting purposes. Then assign each Job
in the definitions tab to a category.
This restaurant groups Dishwashers, Chefs, and Cooks into a
job category called Back.
Organizing Employee Information
There are several ways to organize the employees form. You can
list employees alphabetically from A to Z, or you can list
employees alphabetically according to their employee class.
This arrangement simplifies programming and maintenance.
General Enter each employee’s name. Then complete the fields on the
General form.
Jake, a Server, is assigned the employee ID 5. He will use this
number to sign in and clock in to the 3700 system.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-15
Options Assign a cash drawer to employees that require one.
In this restaurant, Bartenders are responsible for balancing a
cash drawer at the end of their shift. Jennifer and Mathew are
assigned cash drawers 1 and 2 respectively.
Employee Status
Select a cashier link for each employee’s totals posting.
Jake’s totals will post to Cashier 1 in reports.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-17
Job Rates
Select the Job that this employee most often performs and
indicate any change in pay or clock in grace.
Matthew, a long-time employee, is paid at a higher rate than
the default pay rate established for cooks in the Jobs form. The
higher rates are entered in the Override Rate fields.
Time and Attendance
Time and Attendance
Use the Time and Attendance form to program the 3700 system
to keep track of wages, hours, and schedules.
General Define the payroll information for this restaurant.
This restaurant’s payroll begins on Sunday and is calculated
Programming of this form is not required unless your
restaurant uses Time and Attendance.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-19
Time and Attendance
Time Clock Schedule
Enable the schedule created in the Time Clock Schedule form,
and select the desired options and grace periods.
This restaurant uses the Time Clock Schedule. Employees in
this restaurant are allowed a 15 minute grace period when
clocking in or out. This means they may clock in up to 15
minutes before or after their scheduled start time. If they
attempt to clock in outside this grace period, the system will
require authorization.
Individual employees may be given a specific late clock
in grace in the Employees form. The Employee Classes
form provides options for overriding the Time and
Attendance grace periods.
Time and Attendance
Define the overtime parameters for this restaurant.
This restaurant’s daily overtime begins after 24 hours on the
time clock.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 8-21
Time and Attendance
Breaks Enter information about break durations, prompts and
authorization for this restaurant.
This restaurant allows employees one paid and one unpaid
break each day. When employees clock out, they are prompted,
“Are you taking a paid break?” In addition, the system is
programmed to require authorization for employees clocking in
late from paid or unpaid breaks. The restaurant does not track
early clock ins.
Time Clock Schedule
Time Clock Schedule
Programming of this form is not required unless the Time and
Attendance feature is used in this restaurant.
While Time and Attendance tracks hours and wages, the Time
Clock Schedule lists the days and hours each employee works.
Each employee may be assigned a job. To reduce labor costs,
employees may be prevented from clocking in early or clocking
out late, and the schedule can be used to call attention to
employees who clock in late or clock out early.
Programming Create a schedule for each employee.
Each employee is assigned a date and time for clocking in and
out. Micros recommends using Table View for programming the
Time Clock Schedule form. If no Job Title is assigned, the
employee is prompted to select a job when clocking in.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-1
Chapter 9
Use the Reporting folder to program totals tracking, create
autosequences, and automate routine tasks.
In this chapter
Report Templates ......................................................................9-3
Report Classes...........................................................................9-5
Report Date Range....................................................................9-6
Schedule Classes .......................................................................9-7
Cashier Totals............................................................................9-9
Historical Totals ......................................................................9-10
Report Groups .........................................................................9-12
Tracking Groups......................................................................9-15
Autosequence Steps.................................................................9-18
Use the forms in the Reporting folder to customize reporting to
meet a specific restaurant’s needs. The 3700 system comes with
many standard report templates which may be used to run
reports manually, or included in autosequences. You can create
additional Report Classes, Date Ranges, Schedules, Totals
information, and Tracking and Reporting Groups in this folder.
Program the forms in the following order:
1. Report Groups
2. Tracking Groups
3. Historical Totals
4. Report Classes
5. Report Templates
6. Report Schedule
7. Report Date Range
8. Autosequences
9. Autosequence Steps
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-3
Report Templates
Report Templates
The system ships with a set of standard report templates
designed by MICROS. The reports run from the Autosequences
and Reports module are based on the templates in the Report
Templates form. Templates also include formulas that calculate
information for some fields.
Report Templates
Programming Use this form to add any specialized report templates this
restaurant requires.
This report was generated by the Daily System Sales Detail
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-5
Report Classes
Report Classes
The sample database provides you with predefined report
classes. Report classes are useful because there are over 200
report templates in the sample database. Report classes allow
you to assign similar attributes to a group of reports.
Programming Create any additional Report Classes required by this
The report templates System Job Summary, Employee Time
Card and Job Detail, and Employee Job Summary belong to the
Report Class “SYS Labor.” SYS Labor reports are programmed
to prompt for a date range. These reports run from the Labor
category in the Reports module.
Report Date Range
Report Date Range
Use the Report Date Range form to create date ranges for
reports whose Report Class have the option Prompt for Date
Range selected.
The Offset field can be used to modify a date type by selecting a
specific start or end date. For example, you could create a report
range for yesterday by selecting Business Date (for the current
business date) and entering -1 in the Offset Day field.
Programming Create the reporting ranges required by this restaurant.
A date range for last month is created by the entries in the
example above.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-7
Schedule Classes
Schedule Classes
Use the Schedule Classes form to create schedules for reports
generated by autosequences.
General Create the report schedules this restaurant requires.
In this example Daily Shift Reports runs every day beginning at
10:00a.m. and repeats every four hours.
Schedule Classes
Use the numbers 1 - 31 (for days) and 1 - 12 (for months) to
specify the dates or months included for schedule types Dates in
Month or Months in Year.
This Report Schedule reports totals for the 7th, 14th, 21st, and
28th of each month.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-9
Cashier Totals
Cashier Totals
Use this form to create a name for each cashier link in the
system. The name might be assigned to an employee or a UWS
depending on the method this restaurant uses to track cashier
Programming Create a cashier link for each UWS or Employee.
In this restaurant each employee is assigned a cashier link.
Historical Totals
Historical Totals
Use the Historical totals form to determine a period of time for
saving totals accumulated by the 3700 system. Before you can
assign Historical Totals to each database totals table, you must
create the classes. The sample database includes some
predefined classes for your use.
Classes Create any additional Historical Totals classes required by this
Totals in the Weekly Totals class are saved for 7 days. Selecting
the option Do not create daily total means that daily totals are
not stored for totals in this class. This option helps to minimize
the size of the database.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-11
Historical Totals
Assign an Historical Totals class to each Historical Total to
determine how data is stored in this totals table.
In the table above, Shift Employee Total is assigned to the
Weekly Totals class. Totals will be saved for seven days and no
daily totals will be created.
The Name field in the Descriptors tab is not editable.
The field contains a descriptive title for each totals
table in the database.
Report Groups
Report Groups
Report Groups provide a means for creating subtotals and
sorting items on reports, as well as selecting items to include in
a report. Each menu item in the system can be programmed to
post to one major group, family group, and menu item group.
Sales reports provide sales information for each group.
Major Groups
Create the Major Groups required by this restaurant.
This restaurant places Beer, Wine, and Liquor into separate
Major groups. Another restaurant might place all these
alcoholic beverages into one Major Group.
There is no implicit relationship between these groups;
no hierarchical structure. For example, family groups
are not required to be a subset of major groups.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-13
Report Groups
Family Groups
Create the Family Groups required by this restaurant.
This restaurant creates a Family Group for each type of menu
item. Soups, Salads, and Sandwiches are assigned the same
category to ensure they will print together on reports.
Report Groups
Menu Item Groups
Create the Menu Item groups required by this restaurant.
Menu item groups can be used to track sales of menu items that
are not part of the same family group. For example, “Light and
Healthy” selections are a part of the following Family Groups:
Appetizers, Entrees, Salads, and Desserts. An additional Menu
Item Group called “Light and Healthy” is created to track sales
of these diverse menu items separately.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-15
Tracking Groups
Tracking Groups
A tracking group is a set of totals used to track specific
How Many Totals Can I Track in One Group?
When setting up tracking groups, keep in mind that you can
create up to 64 tracking totals in a group, but only 48 will print
on Micros standard reports. The system records information for
the remaining tracking totals, but you must create a custom
report to print it. See the 3700 Custom Reports Design Manual
for further information on creating custom reports.
Using Subtotals
Tracking totals appear on standard reports in three columns,
with a subtotal for each column. You may be able to get useful
subtotal information by grouping tracking totals appropriately.
A subtotal is provided for each of the following groups of
tracking totals:
Tracking totals 1-16
Tracking totals 17-32
Tracking totals 33-48.
Some tracking totals are predefined and do not require
a Tracking Number. For example, Void is predefined.
When you create a tracking group that uses the
Tracking Total Type Void, it stores the total number of
times the Void key is used.
Tracking Groups
Programming Create each Tracking group required by this restaurant.
A restaurant that specializes in hamburgers may want to
establish a tracking group to track the sale of these important
menu items. First a name for the tracking group is entered in
the Tracking Groups section on the left, in this case Hamburger
Sales. Then a number and name is assigned to each item this
group will track. In this example, Swiss Burger, Wally Burger,
Steve’s Burger, and Veggie Burger will be tracked. Since this
tracking group will track specific menu items, the Tracking
Total Type is Menu Items and the Tracking Total Number field
displays each menu item.
Once totals are posted to a tracking group, it can no
longer be modified. The Tracking Group form displays
the message “Tracking Group in Use.”
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-17
An Autosequence is a predefined set of reports or other
commands. The steps in an autosequence can be programmed to
print reports, execute external programs, call stored
procedures, or call another autosequence.
Programming Create each autosequence this restaurant requires.
This restaurant creates an autosequence called “Lunch
Reports” to run a series of reports after the lunch hour. The
reports that are part of this autosequence are defined in the
Autosequence Steps form.
Autosequence Steps
Autosequence Steps
Use this form to create each step in the autosequence. If the
step is a report, select the report template to use and give it a
unique title on the Reports tab. You can indicate what should
happen if the autosequence encounters an error on the Error
Actions tab, and determine the scope of the report using the
options on the Ranges tab. If an autosequence step calls another
autosequence or a stored procedure, select those options on the
respective tabs.
Ranges Select a method for determining the range of dates, shifts,
revenue centers, and objects for each report in the
The first report in the Lunch Autosequence is programmed to
prompt for a date range.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-19
Autosequence Steps
Error Actions
Choose what should happen if an error occurs during this step.
The system will ignore any errors encountered during this step.
Autosequence Steps
Call/Ext. Prog
Choose another autosequence or and external program as a
Starting NT Backup is a step that calls an External Program.
3700 POS Configurator User’s 9-21
Autosequence Steps
Report Select a report template as a step in an autosequence.
The first step in the Lunch Reports autosequence is to run the
Revenue Center Time Period Totals report.
Autosequence Steps
Stored Procedures
Add any stored procedures to this autosequence.
The first step in an end of day autosequence could be to run the
stored procedure which checks for open guest checks. Using the
Branch option, when open guest checks are found during this
step, the system can be programmed to print an open check
3700 POS Configurator User’s A-1
Appendix A
For 2700 Users
This chapter describes the changes 2700 users will see in the
3700 POS Configurator.
In this appendix
What Happened to….................................................................A-2
What Happened to…
What Happened to…
Some 2700 features have changed extensively or no longer exist.
If a 2700 feature has been removed, it is usually because:
a new 3700 feature has replaced the old feature.
we implemented the feature in a different way.
we are not including the feature in the current version of the
3700 system software.
The table below shows lists some 2700 features that are not
included or are very different in 3700.
Broadcasting the Database
The configuration of the 3700 system network makes
broadcasting the database unnecessary.
Since the 3700 database resides on the hard disk of the
database server, the clients access the database from the server
as needed. A change made to the database is immediately
available to all clients; no database broadcast is necessary.
Not in Version
Broadcasting Database X
Data Redundancy Configuration X
File Configuration X
Hexadecimal Type Fields X
Keyboard Table X
Liquor Dispensing System X
MAP Characters X
PC ISN Configuration X
Report Options X
Tracking Groups X
Video Display Unit X
3700 POS Configurator User’s A-3
What Happened to…
File ConfigurationIn the 2700 system, you must allocate a set amount of RAM to
variable-length files to program the database.The amount of
RAM installed in a 2700 system unit determines the size
available for each of these variable-length files.
Allocating RAM to definition tables in the 3700 database is
unnecessary. The size of your 3700 database is only limited by
system resources.
Hexadecimal Type Fields
Most fields in the 2700 database required hexadecimal values.
The 3700 database does not use hexadecimal-type fields.
Instead, you click a selection box to select or clear options.
What Happened to…
MAP Characters In the 2700 System, you can substitute up to six default
characters with international or special characters, called MAP
Now, you access special characters by using the Windows® 95
and Windows NT ANSI character set.
PC ISN In a 2700 network, the MICROS PC ISN board allows you to
link multiple 2700 Systems in a global communications network
(ISN), creating logical systems. PC ISN is not used to network
devices in a 3700 system. Instead, the 3700 system uses an
industry standard Ethernet 10BaseT for networking user
workstations, printers, and other devices in the system.
Report Options The special report features once implemented by defining
Report Options are now:
Built into the report templates
Options you can select in the Reporting folder
Special Characters
3700 POS Configurator User’s Index 1
Note: A Master Index is located in the 3700 Feature Quick Reference Manual.
All page numbers are hotspots.
2700 database, converting to 3700 2-4
2700 features in the 3700 A-2
3700 Feature Reference Manual
primary programming reference 2-5
3700 Site Survey
using when programming a database 2-10
adding records 3-18
add-on tax
breakpoint type 6-3
percentage type 6-3
enabling 7-27
alternate currency
programming 6-26
automatic menu level changes 6-12
Autosequence Steps form
programming 9-18 to 9-22
Autosequences form
programming 9-17
of menu items 6-47
backup printer
using 4-9
block copy/paste tool, in POS Configurator
block delete tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
specifying 6-5
programming 8-21
business day
start time 5-4
business week
start day 5-4
terminology illustrated 3-7, 3-9
CA/EDC form
programming 4-20 to 4-23
calendar tool, in POS Configurator 3-11
Canadian tax
programming 6-6, 7-24
cash drawer
assigning 4-11
assigning by workstation 4-14
Cashier Totals form
programming 9-9
chain and fire
programming 7-28
[Chain] key 6-16
chaining macros 5-14
class definition tables
access options 1-5
described 1-6 to 1-7
advantages of using 1-6 to 1-7
clear tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
used by 3700 1-2
class definition tables used by 1-6
programming 6-36 to 6-38, 6-43
Condiments form
programming 6-36 to 6-38
Configurator Access form
programming 8-11
Control Panel
starting 3-3
copy record tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
copy tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
blocks of records 3-20
database fields 3-19
single database records 3-19
menu items, assigning to 6-44
Courses form
programming 6-27 to 6-30
credit authorization
specifying limits 6-21
credit card
voucher header and trailer, programming
Currency form
programming 6-26
customer receipt
lines on 7-14
printing on 6-8
cut tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
Index 2
daily totals
creating 1-8
adding records 3-18
backing up 2-10, 2-11
broadcasting A-2
changes, saving 3-25
fields, copying 3-19
records, copying 3-19
relational 1-3
testing 2-10 to 2-11
database server
described 1-2
starting 3-4
database table
types 1-5 to 1-9
updated by POS Configurator 1-2, 1-3
default touchscreen
assigning 4-11
definition tables
access options 1-5
described 1-5 to 1-6
delete record tool, in POS Configurator 3-13
deleting records 3-23
deleting records, as blocks 3-24
defined 6-31
programming 6-35
Descriptors form
programming 6-31 to 6-35
detail tables
access options 1-5
described 1-9
Devices folder
programming order of forms 4-2
Devices form
programming 4-5 to 4-7
discount itemizer 6-14
Discount/Service form
programming 6-13 to 6-15
programming 6-13 to 6-15
driver activation code
entering 4-20
driver, CA/EDC
programming 4-20 to 4-23
editing records 3-22
Employee Classes form
programming 8-3 to 8-10
Employee Definition Report 3-26
employee ID
requiring for employee meal 7-31
class definition table used by 1-6
organizing records in POS Configurator
Employees folder
programming order of forms 8-2
Employees form
programming 8-14 to 8-17
error actions, for autosequences 9-19
external programs
running through autosequences 9-20
External Programs form
programming 5-15
family groups
assigning to menu items 6-48
organizing Menu Items form by 6-43
programming 9-13
fast transaction
enabling 7-29
copying 3-19
pasting 3-19
file configuration
differences from 2700 A-3
file menu, in POS Configurator 3-7
find tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
finding records 3-21
first record tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
fixed price meal
class definition tables used by courses 1-6
courses, programming 6-27 to 6-30, 6-44
floor limit. See secondary floor limit
in POS Configurator, listed 2-9, 3-9
terminology illustrated 3-7
folder links
using 3-16
foreign currency. See alternate currency
in POS Configurator, listed 2-9
Record View, working in 3-14 to 3-16
Table View, working in 3-17
grace periods
overriding 8-19
guest check
printing on 6-8
help menu, in POS Configurator 3-8
help tool, in POS Configurator 3-13
3700 POS Configurator User’s Index 3
help. See online help
hexadecimal fields, in 2700 A-3
terminology illustrated 3-7, 3-10
historical totals
class definition tables used by 1-6
Historical Totals form
programming 9-10 to 9-11
[Hold] key 6-16
on tender/media keys 6-17
ID PC Applications 3-6
inclusive tax
described 6-3
information screens 5-7
Information Screens Form
programming 5-7 to 5-8
insert tool, in POS Configurator 3-13
Interfaces form
programming 4-18 to 4-19
job categories
programming 8-13
Jobs form
programming 8-12 to 8-13
printing to 6-8
keyboard shortcuts
in POS Configurator 3-7
labor day start time. See business day start time
labor tracking. See time & attendance
labor week start day. See business week start day
last record tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
Licensing form
programming 5-16
loan keys 6-16
local order receipt
printing on 6-8
logical order devices
programming 4-9
using 4-8, 6-8
programming 5-14
Macros form
programming 5-14
main window tool, in POS Configurator 3-13
major groups
assigning to menu items 6-46, 6-48
organizing Menu Items form by 6-43
programming 9-12
MAP characters, in 2700 A-4
Menu Item Classes form
programming 6-39 to 6-42
Menu Item Definition Report 3-27
menu item groups
assigning menu items to 6-46
programming 9-14
menu items
class definition tables used by 1-6
disabling without deleting 3-23
programming 6-43 to 6-49
Menu Items form
programming 6-43 to 6-49
menu levels
class definition tables used by 1-6
Menu Levels form
programming 6-10 to 6-12
menus in POS Configurator
illustrated 3-7
modifiers. See condiments
Network Node form 4-3 to 4-4
next record tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
object numbers
changing 1-11
described 1-11
online help
context-sensitive 3-16
options menu, in POS Configurator 3-8
order chits
appearance of, programming 4-10
printing order type on 5-6
order devices
enabling 4-15
logical, using 4-8
Order Devices form
programming 4-8 to 4-10
order redirection 4-9
order types
names 5-6
Index 4
Order Types form
programming 5-6
paste record tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
paste tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
blocks of records 3-20
fields 3-19
records 3-19
defined 6-16
payment keys 6-16
PC Applications ID 3-6
PC ISN, in 2700 A-4
programming 5-11
Periods Form
programming 5-11
physical devices
programming 4-5
pickup keys 6-16
pop-up menu levels 7-32
POS Configurator
folders and forms listed 2-9
menus in 3-7 to 3-8
starting 3-5
toolbar 3-11 to 3-13
specifying 6-22
previous record tool, in POS Configurator 3-12
programming 6-42
[Print Check] key 6-16
Print Classes form
programming 6-8 to 6-9
[Print Memo Check] key 6-16
print tool, in POS Configurator 3-11
backup 4-9
class definition tables used by 1-6
communication settings, specifying 4-7
port information, specifying 4-7
employee definitions 3-26
menu item definitions 3-26
employee class, assigning to 8-4
serving periods 5-12
programming a database
3700 Feature Reference Manual as primary
reference 2-5
adapting or converting an existing
database 2-3 to 2-4
by feature 2-5
by form 2-6
completion, checklist 2-10
preliminary planning 2-3
suggested order 2-7 to 2-8
using the shell database 2-4
programming licensing 5-16
purging totals 1-8
for autosequences 9-18
RDBMS (Relational Database Management
as part of 3700 system 1-3
programming 5-9 to 5-10
Reasons form
programming 5-9 to 5-10
Record View, in POS Configurator
3-14 to 3-16
records, in the database
adding 3-18
copying and pasting 3-19
copying and pasting as blocks 3-20
deleting 3-23
deleting as blocks 3-24
editing 3-22
finding 3-21
redirection device
using 4-9
relational database
information in 1-4
Report Classes form
programming 9-5
Report Date Range form
programming 9-6
Report Groups form
programming 9-12 to 9-14
Report Schedule form
programming 9-7 to 9-8
Report Templates form
programming 9-3 to 9-4
Reporting folder
programming order of forms 9-2
in 2700 A-4
printing on 6-8
running through autosequences 9-21
Restaurant form
programming 5-3 to 5-5
3700 POS Configurator User’s Index 5
privileges for employees, assigning 8-9
reasons 5-9
Revenue Center folder
programming order of forms 7-2
RVC Credit Cards form
programming 7-3 to 7-6
RVC Discount/Service form
programming 7-7
RVC Display Design form
programming 7-8
RVC Posting form
programming 7-9 to 7-10
RVC Print Design form
programming 7-13 to 7-17
RVC Printing form
programming 7-11 to 7-12
RVC Seats form
programming 7-20
RVC Table Seating form
programming 7-21
RVC Taxes form
programming 7-22 to 7-24
RVC Touchscreens form
programming 7-25 to 7-27
RVC Transactions form
programming 7-28 to 7-33
Sales folder
programming order of forms 6-2
sales itemizers
descriptors, programming 6-34
sample database
programming database using 2-3
save changes tool, in POS Configurator 3-13
saving changes to the database 3-25
of 3700 system 1-12
secondary floor limit
programming 7-5
selecting options 3-15
sequence numbers
described 1-11
service charge
programming 6-13 to 6-15
service charge itemizers
programming 6-14
service total
defined 6-16
service total keys 6-16, 6-24
Serving Periods Form
programming 5-12
SLUdescriptors 6-31 to 6-33
priorities, assigning 6-44
sort options
programming 7-8
sorting records, in POS Configurator 3-15
SQLdefined 1-3
status tables
access options 1-5
described 1-9
stored procedures
running through autosequences 9-22
System folder
programming order of forms 5-2
table number
described 7-21
tables, database
types of 1-5 to 1-9
updated by POS Configurator 1-2, 1-4
tabs, in POS Configurator 3-15
Tax Classes form
programming 6-7
Tax Rates form
programming 6-3 to 6-6
programming 6-3 to 6-7
Tender/Media form
programming 6-16 to 6-25
time & attendance
programming 8-18 to 8-21
time card
adjustment reasons 5-9
Time Clock Schedule form
programming 8-22
time periods
programming 5-13
Time Periods form
programming 5-13
timekeeping. See time & attendance
clearing 2-11
saving 9-10
totals tables
access options 1-5
described 1-8
creating 4-24
default alpha entry, example 4-24
default transaction, example 4-24
default, assigning 4-11
sign in, example 4-24
styles, programming 4-26
Touchscreen Designer 4-27
fields 3-29
using 4-27
Index 6
Touchscreens form
programming 4-24 to 4-26
Tracking Groups form
programming 9-15 to 9-16
tracking totals
number of 9-15
subtotals of 9-15
transaction detail
storing 1-8
undo tool, in POS Configurator 3-13
User Workstations form
programming 4-11 to 4-16
Value Added Tax (VAT)
programming 7-23
view all tool, in POS Configurator 3-11
view current tool, in POS Configurator 3-11
privileges for employees, assigning 8-9
reasons 5-9

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