Microscope Meas. Calibration Instructions

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Installing the Microscope Measurement Tools plugin:
Unzip the file “Analyze - Microscope Measurement Tools v1.zip”
Place the resulting “Analyze” folder into:
Fiji.app / plugins / Scripts
(You’ll have to figure out where your Fiji folder is downloaded/extracted to)
For example, the file hierarchy looks like this:

To calibrate your microscope:
– 1st, take photos of a known measurement sample with your microscope, at each
magnification that you want to calibrate.
– open Fiji (The file ImageJ-win32.exe on Windows)
– open an image file taken at the desired magnification/scope with measurement

marker sample.
– Zoom in on the measurement to calibrate to
– Draw a Line ROI (region of interest) along the calibration measurement feature
– Choose Analyze > Set Scale…
– The “Distance in Pixels” will already be set by your Line ROI.
– Type in the “Known Distance” (from your measured feature)

– Record the resulting “Scale” value, eg. 9.1667 pixels/unit, where unit is cm, mm, um
– This “Scale” value will be used in the settings file, so record both a name for the scale
and the scale value, e.g..:
Nikon DSLR 10x
9.1667 pixel/um
Nikon DSLR 50x
1.8333 pixel/um
Nikon DSLR 100x
0.9167 pixel/um

(I think I got the order correct here - these are just dummy values)
– Then open the file
/Applications / Fiji.app / plugins / Scripts / Analyze / Microscope Measurement Tools /
– Edit the `names` list to reflect the name of each calibration,
eg. [‘Nikon DSLR 10x’, ‘Nikon DSLR 50x’, ‘Nikon DSLR 100x’] etc.
– Edit the `cals` list to reflect the corresponding `pixel-per-unit` calibration for each
setting, from your previously taken records,
eg. [ 9.1667, 1.8333, 0.9167 ]

Unfortunately, the changes to the settings file may not be automatically picked up by
The workaround is to do the following
1) Quit Fiji.
2) Delete the 'py.class' file in the plugin’s folder (and edit your user-settings file as
Fiji.app / plugins / Scripts / Analyze / Microscope Measurement Tools /
3) Open Fiji. It should have picked up the new settings now.
Run Analyze > Microscope Measurement Tools > Choose Microscope Calibration,
and see if the pop-up window shows the new names and calibration values you set in
your user-settings file..
Luckily, you should only have to do this once, when you do your initial calibration/setup.

Performing a measurement:
Now you can open any image file and run
Analyze > Microscope Measurement Tools > Choose Microscope Calibration (at
the very bottom of the Analyze menu)
And set the scale to the appropriate calibrated measurement scale.

Then the correct scale will be used for commands like:
Analyze > Tools > Scale Bar…
—> add a scale bar to the image
Analyze > Microscope Measurement Tools > Draw Measurement - Line
—> draw a line first, and then annotate it with the measured length. The text will
be placed at the last point of the line.

Also, drawing lines/rectangles etc. will show the correct “Length” and units in the Fiji
main window/status bar. However, these don’t annotate the image itself - use the “Draw
Measurement” script I provided for that.
Note that you should probably not over-write the original photograph when you annotate
it, so use “Save As…”
-- Demis
2015, Praevium Research Inc.


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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 5
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Title                           : Microscope Meas. - Calibration instructions
Author                          : Demis John
Subject                         : 
Producer                        : Mac OS X 10.10.3 Quartz PDFContext
Creator                         : TextEdit
Create Date                     : 2015:05:28 14:54:50Z
Modify Date                     : 2015:05:28 14:54:50Z
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