Min's Compleat Tarot Manual2 Manual
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MIN’S COMPLEAT TAROT MANUAL ______________________________ With Min’s Compleat Tarot Pak ______________________________ ©2004 Daniel Joseph Min All rights are free Min’s Free Press Continental Divide, CO Min’s Google-archived digital edition December 26, 2002. First printed edition published by MFP on July 1, 2004. Preface After completing my first book, ‘Historical Calendar Of Jesus’, my interest in the astronomy and astrology of the ancient magoi who visited Jesus in 2 BC was greatly accelerated. I learned independently to translate and study the prophetic writings and judicial astrology of Dr. Michel de Nostradamus, and to harvest astrologically-relevant content from the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce — all with ardent enthusiasm. I studied classical Greco-Roman mythology, which, in light of my bible studies and my practice of Nosty’s and Cayce’s judicial astrology, kindled my interest in Tarot, and among other enterprises encouraged me to write this book. I was fortunate enough to have a musical and mathematical upbringing. My mother an accomplished pianist, and my father an engineer. Thus math, music, and pattern-recognition in general has always come easily for me. There’s a fundamental correlation between astronomy and astrology, mythology and tarot. And this is to recognize that music and mathematics connects the whole together. Not only in theory, but verily in the real-world, through personal experience and increasing psychic awareness. At the end of this book, I’ve included all 78 of my original tarot cards, which can be cut to size on any standard paper cutter. These cards can be used as “flash cards” for instructional purposes, and can be used as a true set of tarot cards for professional-quality tarot readings. Enjoy! Daniel Joseph Min July 1, 2004 Contents Ch 1 – Groundrules ...........................................1 Ch 2 – Tree of Life .............................................3 Ch 3 – Ten Heavens.........................................11 Ch 4 – Twelve Signs.........................................32 Ch 5 – Court Cards..........................................47 Ch 6 – Pip Cards..............................................52 Ch 7 – Solar System .........................................60 Ch 8 – Trinity ..................................................62 Ch 9 – Music of the Spheres ............................65 Min’s Compleat Tarot Pak ............................104 Chapter 1 Groundrules T TAROT IS an interface for helping believers in psychic or paranormal powers beyond our five senses to establish meaningful contact herewith. The seasoned practitioner of tarot may use this marvelous and powerful tool to communicate with spirits of the dead, or to predict future events, else for more traditional readings of the present, past and future — by its revelation in the cards. You may ask questions of the spirits of the tarot, and receive answers by shuffling and drawing cards from the deck, or ask your client to do the same. Really, the only limit for how you can use the tarot is the limit you have imposed on it, not it on you. Be creative, spontaneous, above all be yourself. Be confident in your innate God-given abilities. Find the method that works best for you and use it, develop it, learn to master your techniques. The usefulness of tarot can best be appreciated by laying down some ground rules first, so that as you gain familiarity with tarot, you can build your psychic house of knowledge on a firm foundation of scientific facts & astronomical truths, beginning with the universal principles of cause and effect, action and reaction. These form the basis of life itself, of all existence. For example, consider light and darkness, as in contrast to itself, as with white against black. How do we know that something has light, if not by noticing the absence of light, i.e. darkness? This is commonly symbolized by the yin and yang, the feminine and masculine aspects or forces of the universe, energies which both contrast with and complement each other simply and profoundly, passively and actively, “weakly” and “strongly”. The keyword here is completely. Yin or yang, by themselves, are incomplete thus are inseparable since the universe is complete as everything in the universe is part of itself, all part of One. Do you know your right hand from your left hand? Of course you do. Clasp your hands together and see how they naturally interlock as if one fist. The wife and husband are joined together as one, as the circle which holds the yin & yang is one, even as the planets of our solar system are one. Ten planets, heavens and spheres, as one system. And so we’ve established this first ground rule for learning and using tarot: Interconnectivity! Synchronicity! Our primary rule states that all existence in the universe is interconnected, in some way or another — ways we can’t even imagine, but also in ways that we can study & understand. Let us rejoice that we’re all a part of the One. We’ll call this our LAW OF ONE like Edgar Cayce used to talk about in his psychic readings. For contrast against the One, we’ll call it BABYLON, also in honor of Edgar Cayce as he used to call children of fragmented philosophy HE the “children of Belial”, or as this ancient word “lbb” means ben Babel, “the children of confusion by mixing”. It’s all in the bible. You can look it up later. 2 Ground Rules As our first ground rule, we’ll acknowledge our at-one-ment with the universe, giving thanks to its Creator and the Gods who are altogether One. This is fundamental to understanding how to use the tarot, since every one of the seventy-eight cards in the deck has a definitive relationship with the other, each being precisely defined by astronomical truths and astrological deductions, by the divine Law singing the quintessential music of the spheres. This makes a good invocation before beginning a session of tarot readings, e.g., the Muses who sing and are of One mind and One voice as One divine symphony praising the immortal Gods & Goddesses, lead us in thy modes of truth and songs of love. You may even want to sing it, or chant a mantra in the language of your choice…it’s up to you. It can be any words or songs of your choosing said aloud or in silence as long as you say something kind in the presence of God who is everywhere always. Give thanks in whatever way you are comfortable with. Remember you must ask for divine guidance. Ask and ye shall receive. Knock, and the door opens. Have faith that the divine power will guide you. Say a prayer for your clients in their presence. It doesn’t have to be religious, just heartfelt and deliberate. Practice tarot in good faith and you’ll succeed. If you doubt that Tarot can help, then it’s likely that you’ll fail to get any helpful or veracious reading from the cards. Show faith by works and be confident the Gods can help you. Keep this in mind while reading the cards. In the next lesson, we’ll practice the ten-card spread by using the ancient tree of life layout. 3 Chapter 2 Tree of Life THE TEN-CARD ancient “tree of life” layout is among the easiest to learn and most effective procedure for casting a tarot reading, but is by no means the only layout you should try using. I prefer the ten-card layout, since it’s generally in keeping with the traditional kabalah, the ten “ineffable sephiroth” to quote the Sepher Yetzirah, an ancient scripture reportedly based on the work of the sovereign astrologue Abraham — which it most likely is, considering its highly profound and astrologically-accurate context. The ten positions of the cards in the tree of life layout are clearly defined, and are also directly associated with the ten planets, the ten, heavenly spheres of divine consciousness called the ten sephiroth, as previously noted. While the planets are examined in more detail in later chapters, this chapter will help you to get started with laying out a tarot spread using the tree of life as our layout template. There are some excellent graphical depictions of the tree of life available on the internet and in books, but unfortunately, none of them are completely accurate regarding the planetary positions. The following chart is entirely correct, and is depicted using simple ASCII text: 4 Tree of Life 8 A {Kether} Uranus STAR / Aeolian \ / Infinity \ / \ 2-------------------9 B B {Binah} {Hochma} Mercury Neptune MAGICIAN HERMIT Locrian Locrian Intellect Wisdom | | 7-------------------6 G F {Gevurah} {Chesed} Saturn Jupiter (JUDGMENT,west) (EMPEROR,north) Mixolydian Lydian Judgment Charity | \ / | | \ 3 / | | \ C / | | {Tipharet} | | Venus | | EMPRESS | | Ionian | | /Beauty \ | | / \ | | / \ | 4-------------------5 D E {Hod} {Netzach} Sun Mars (SUN,east) (TOWER,south) Dorian Phrygian Majesty Victory \ 1 / \ A / \ {Yesod} / Moon MOON Aeolian Foundation | 10 C {Malchut} Pluton FOOL Ionian Center Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 5 The cards are shuffled. Whether or not you want to include inverted or “reversed” cards in your tarot is simply a matter of personal preference. I recommend placing all cards upright no matter if they’re initially dealt inverted or not. You will find it easier to learn what you are doing. Later, as you gain experience in tarot readings, you may wish to accommodate card reversals, and read them as you see fit. By not using them you will find it less confusing, and easier to read, and certainly less intimidating to your clients. Personally, I’m not convinced that it makes any difference if a card is dealt reversed, just as any astrological chart has only an upright view. Some tarot readers associate the inverted cards with planets in retrograde, but only ten of the seventy-eight cards in the tarot deck represent planets in the first place and more importantly, the ten planets refer to its sidereal positions, but not synodic position as would-be retrograde planets. This principle is thoroughly explained in later chapters. For now, try casting a chart using the above tree of life layout. You should shuffle your cards at least once before dealing them. Be aware that some tarot readers use only the major arcana, while others prefer the minor arcana, and may use an ordinary deck of playing cards in place of the 56-card minor arcana (the “pages” of the elements account for extra cards). I recommend using the entire 78-card tarot deck at all times for doing readings since each card has a very specific astrological meaning, which the major or minor arcana alone can not account for. Again, this is explained in later chapters. Also, if you’re reading for someone else, it is customary to allow your client to cut the cards into three smaller piles then select the middle pile of cards and set all the other cards aside (i.e. assuming at least ten cards in the middle pile or else you must borrow from another pile). Once you have the cards in hand, deal ten cards in the following order. Do not, I repeat do NOT deviate from this order, or your reading may be in error. How do we know this? Because the tree of life is made by paths from one heaven to the next, and in a very specific order at its fundamental roots. You can change the order of the paths, but then you must change the corresponding planetary positions accordingly. E.g., you place the first card in the position of the Moon if you like, then place the second card in the position of Mercury, etc. Just make sure that the position of the planets does NOT deviate from the charts on the preceding and following page. In any case, I recommend laying out only one card at a time, and always read it according to its planetary position, then proceed to the next. NOTE: the planets shown in parentheses correspond to the planetary position of that card, not the card itself. Understand? 6 Tree of Life ___________ { } | 3rd | | | | (Mercury) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 4th | | | | (Saturn) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 5th | | | | (Sun) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 1st | | | | (Uranus) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 6th | | | | (Venus) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 9th | | | | (Moon) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 10th | | | | (Pluto) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 2nd | | | | (Neptune) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 7th | | | | (Jupiter) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} ___________ { } | 8th | | | | (Mars) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {___________} Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 7 Now we come to the fun part, actually READING the cards! One by one as you deal them out in the above “tree of life” layout, you’ll learn the basic meanings from reading the following chapters on the planets and signs, the houses and horoscopes, since that’s exactly what the Tarot represents. As in the above layout, the first planet is Uranus who is associated with “new beginnings”, and the card that conjuncts Uranus indicates a planet, or caelestial sign, or a house of the horoscope, or other meaning depending on the card that you’ve placed here. For example, you may have placed the “Empress” in this first position, meaning Venus, sphere of hope, beauty, justice and equilibrium, she is adding hope & beauty to this new beginning for Uranus, playing her major Ionian modality to Uranus’ natural minor Aeolian. Try playing these modes on a piano or other keyboard, and you can immediately hear how these complement each other by switching between minor & major. Much, much more could be said of Venus conjunct Uranus, but I’ll say it simply for now. You’ll should study the following chapters if you want to learn judicial “tarot-astrology” basics. Armed with this knowledge, then you’ll be reading these cards faster and more meaningfully for your family, friends and clients. The following three charts are provided for convenient reference to a common piano keyboard, since these list their precise correspondences using classic “tarot-astrology” nomenclature in the seven diatonic modes of the sidereal planetary orbits about the Sun (solars) and the twelve chromatic tones of the synodic planetary orbits or phases to the Earth (lunaires). Just remember that the seven, fixed diatonic modes are transposable across the twelve fixed chromatic tones in each octave, thereby producing the eighty-four unique key signatures of the Gods (ref. complete “84 key signatures” charts and associated charts in chapter 9): 8 Tree of Life _ _ | | _ _ _ _ __ _(_)_ _ ___ ___ | |_| || | ‘ \/ _` | | ‘_/ -_|_-< |____\_,_|_||_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ } { } | { } { } | { } { } { } | { F | W | T | H | D | H | L | C | S | P | J | D | F | W | T | H | D | H O | O | E | A | E | I | O | H | T | R | U | E | O | O | E | A | E | I R | R | M | N | V | E | V | A | R | I | S | A | R | R | M | N | V | E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | S | C | A | P | A | T | G | C | L | V | L | S | S | C | A | P | A | T A | A | Q | I | R | A | E | A | E | I | I | C | A | A | Q | I | R | A G | P | U | S | I | U | M | N | O | R | B | O | G | P | U | S | I | U | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | J | S | S | J | M | V | M | M | S | M | V | M | J | S | S | J | M | V U | A | A | U | A | E | E | O | U | E | E | A | U | A | A | U | A | E P | T | T | P | R | N | R | O | N | R | N | R | P | T | T | P | R | N | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B | I | I | V | R | R | O | O | Y | G | G | B | B | I | I | V | R | R I | N | V | I | E | O | R | Y | E | R | B | L | I | N | V | I | E | O n | D | o | O | D | r | A | e | L | E | l | U | n | D | i | O | D | r | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ab | |Bb | | |Db | |Eb | | |Gb | |Ab | |Bb | | |Db G# | |A# | | |C# | |D# | | |F# | |G# | |A# | | |C# __] [___] | [___] [___] | [___] [___] [___] | [__ | | | | | | | | | | | | S | H | F | S | T | E | J | M | M | E | | T | E | O | U | O | M | U | O | A | M | | A | R | O | N | W | P | D | O | G | P | | | | | | | | | | | | | U | N | P | S | M | J | S | M | M | V | | R | E | L | U | A | U | A | O | E | E | | A | P | U | N | R | P | T | O | R | N | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | 9 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | A | B | C | |______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<----------Mixolydian(G-G)--/ | | | | | |<--------------Lydian(F-F)--------/ | | | | |<-------------Phrygian(E-E)-------------/ | | | |<--------------Dorian(D-D)--------------------/ | | |<---------------Ionian(C-C)-------------------->| | |<---------------Locrian(B-B)------------------->| |<---------------Aeolian(A-A)------------------->| ___ _ _ / __|___| |__ _(_)_ _ ___ ___ \__ Y _ \ / _` | | ‘_/ -_|_-< |___|___/_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/ Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual _ _ | | _ _ _ _ __ _(_)_ _ ___ ___ | |_| || | ‘ \/ _` | | ‘_/ -_|_-< |____\_,_|_||_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ } { } | { } { } | { } { } { } | { F | W | T | H | D | H | L | C | S | P | J | D | F | W | T | H | D | H O | O | E | A | E | I | O | H | T | R | U | E | O | O | E | A | E | I R | R | M | N | V | E | V | A | R | I | S | A | R | R | M | N | V | E T | L | P | G | I | R | E | R | E | E | T | T | T | L | P | G | I | R U | D | E | E | L | O | R | I | N | S | I | H | U | D | E | E | L | O N | | R | D | | P | S | O | G | T | C | | N | | R | D | | P E | | A | | | H | | T | T | E | E | | E | | A | | | H | | N | M | | A | | | H | S | | | | | N | M | | A | | C | A | | N | | | | S | | | | | C | A | | N | | E | N | | T | | | | | | | | | E | N | | T | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ab | |Bb | | |Db | |Eb | | |Gb | |Ab | |Bb | | |Db G# | |A# | | |C# | |D# | | |F# | |G# | |A# | | |C# __} {___} | {___} {___} | {___} {___} {___} | {__ | | | | | | | | | | | | S | H | F | S | T | E | J | M | M | E | | T | E | O | U | O | M | U | O | A | M | | A | R | O | N | W | P | D | O | G | P | | R | M | L | | E | E | G | N | I | R | | | I | | | R | R | M | | C | E | | | T | | | | O | E | | I | S | | | | | | | R | N | | A | S | | | | | | | | T | | N | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | A | B | C | |______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<----------Mixolydian(G-G)--/ | | | | | |<--------------Lydian(F-F)--------/ | | | | |<-------------Phrygian(E-E)-------------/ | | | |<--------------Dorian(D-D)--------------------/ | | |<---------------Ionian(C-C)-------------------->| | |<---------------Locrian(B-B)------------------->| |<---------------Aeolian(A-A)------------------->| ___ _ _ / __|___| |__ _(_)_ _ ___ ___ \__ Y _ \ / _` | | ‘_/ -_|_-< |___|___/_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/ 9 10 Tree of Life _ _ | | _ _ _ _ __ _(_)_ _ ___ ___ | |_| || | ‘ \/ _` | | ‘_/ -_|_-< |____\_,_|_||_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ } { } | { } { } | { } { } { } | { S | C | A | P | A | T | G | C | L | V | L | S | S | C | A | P | A | T A | A | Q | I | R | A | E | A | E | I | I | C | A | A | Q | I | R | A G | P | U | S | I | U | M | N | O | R | B | O | G | P | U | S | I | U I | R | A | C | E | R | I | C | | G | R | R | I | R | A | C | E | R T | I | R | E | S | U | N | E | | O | A | P | T | I | R | E | S | U T | C | I | S | | S | I | R | | | | I | T | C | I | S | | S A | O | U | | | | | | | | | O | A | O | U | | | R | R | S | | | | | | | | | | R | R | S | | | I | N | | | | | | | | | | | I | N | | | | U | | | | | | | | | | | | U | | | | | S | | | | | | | | | | | | S | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ab | |Bb | | |Db | |Eb | | |Gb | |Ab | |Bb | | |Db G# | |A# | | |C# | |D# | | |F# | |G# | |A# | | |C# __} {___} | {___} {___} | {___} {___} {___} | {__ | | | | | | | | | | | | U | N | P | S | M | J | S | M | M | V | | R | E | L | U | A | U | A | O | E | E | | A | P | U | N | R | P | T | O | R | N | | N | T | T | | S | I | U | N | C | U | | U | U | O | | | T | R | | U | S | | S | N | | | | E | N | | R | | | | E | | | | R | | | Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | A | B | C | |______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<----------Mixolydian(G-G)--/ | | | | | |<--------------Lydian(F-F)--------/ | | | | |<-------------Phrygian(E-E)-------------/ | | | |<--------------Dorian(D-D)--------------------/ | | |<---------------Ionian(C-C)-------------------->| | |<---------------Locrian(B-B)------------------->| |<---------------Aeolian(A-A)------------------->| ___ _ _ / __|___| |__ _(_)_ _ ___ ___ \__ Y _ \ / _` | | ‘_/ -_|_-< |___|___/_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/ 11 Chapter 3 Ten Heavens FUNDAMENTAL TO LEARNING to read the tarot is the study of its astronomical and astrological basis, beginning with the ten planets, our solar system. Each planet is numbered according to its orbital distance from the Sun with the lone exception of the Moon, since she orbits the Earth thus orbits the Sun epicyclically. The orbits of the planets are called the “Solars”, meaning sidereal orbits, the orbital period with respect to distant stars. This chapter will introduce you to these planets and their astrological meanings for use in tarot, For additional astronomical or mythological data on the planets, search the internet or a library. Note also that the outer planets Uranus, Neptune & Pluto, are only briefly summarized in this chapter. Same goes for the Moon, since everyone is already familiar enough with it, at least astronomically (the outer planets & the Moon are covered thoroughly in my fourth book ‘Planetary Awareness Technique’; on the Google-archives and in print where available). #I THE MOON ________________________ Trump: THE MOON Planet: The Moon Roman: LVNE/Diana Greek: Artemis/Hekate Sphere: Foundation Synodic: 29.53 Sidereal: 27.322/0.075 Heaven: First Arcana: Ace Pitch: A > C Species: lesser natural Order: W-H-W-W-H-W (7) Mode: Aeolian Muse: Klio Goddess: History ________________________ The tarot card of the Moon symbolizes the first sidereal heaven the Moon, sphere of Imagination whose muse is Klio, the lesser natural which is the Aeolian (Hypodorian) mode, composed of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn — in that order, with Moon first of the sacred seven, her natural minor commensurate with the heavens. Morpheus, the formation of dreams, son of sleep Somnus. “These things said he and after that he saith unto them, our friend Lazarus sleeps; but I go that I may awake him out of sleep”-John 11. 12 Ten Heavens Souls incarnated from the lunar souljourn bring with them exceptional powers of imagination and as a result tend to be easily influenced by the suggestions of others & susceptible to hypnosis. The shadowy depths of the Moon hold vast oceans of “unconscious” thought, dreams, and fantasies. Moon souls are dreamers and so make imaginative and oft-talented artists, musicians, authors of fiction and other pursuits which benefit from a prolific imagination. But the Moon is emotional, so her recent graduates ought to be careful not to let emotions run your life. The Moon loves a distraction, a diversion, an active social life, so take care, O Moon, you’d best keep your vows. #II THE MAGICIAN ________________________ Trump: THE MAGVS Planet: Mercury Roman: MERCVRII Greek: Hermes Sphere: Intellect Synodic: 115.9 Sidereal: 87.969/0.241 Heaven: Second Arcana: II Pitch: B > C Species: lesser w/b2 & b5 Order: H-W-W-H-W-W (7) Mode: Locrian Muse: Kaliope Goddess: Epic ________________________ The tarot card of The Magician symbolizes the second sidereal heaven of Mercury, this sphere of Intellect whose muse is Kaliope’; the theoretical Locrian mode (lesser w/b2 & b5 ancient Mixolydian) is composed of Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Moon, in that order, which is the 2nd order of the heavens. Calculating, logical — not necessarily rational — mind; apt pupil quick to deduce and evaluate, connects the “dots” — too fast at times; tends to be prejudgmental. Souljourners incarnate from Mercury bring expediency of mind, quickness of inductive and deductive reason, with superlative logic, master of the sacred letters, geometry, proportion, perspective, “analytical” mind. Consider the 3:2:1 resonance of Mercury who rotates on a slightly-oblique axis of about 2 degrees very nearly 1.5 times (1.5000) for every 360-degree sidereal orbit (87.97046 earthdays) around the Sun. As a result, one solar day on Mercury — i.e. axial rotation with respect Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 13 to the Sun, but not to the distant stars as a sidereal period is calculated — that solar day would appear to a Mercury-bound observer to take almost exactly two side- real years to complete; therefore, it takes just three sidereal rotations of Mercury to complete two sidereal orbits, ergo its 3:2:1 ratio of day-to-year resonances, and is but one example of 100s of predictable conjoins. Mercury, the nearest planet to the Sun, is our second- hottest planet before Venus. Mercury can be seen as a morning or evening star just above the horizon, since Mercury is so close to the Sun, thus can only be seen just after sunset or before sunrise — near its maximum elongation therefrom. Mercury’s appearance is similar to Earth’s heavily cratered Moon, except the coloring of Mercury consists of more brownish sepia-like tones. Mercury’s daily temperature delta varies between 270* F (168*C) in the middle of the night, rising up to a whopping 800* F (427*C) in broad daylight. Mercury’s long sidereal day averages about 1407.60 earth-hours (58.646 earth-days to complete one, 360* revolution). Mercury’s high density (5.44) is second only to Earth (5.50), and has an equatorial diameter of about 3,031 miles (4,878km; cf. Earth at 12,756km or 7,926 miles). The element Mercury, aka quicksilver, is alchemically associated with quick-mindedness and inconstancy like Mercury’s untamed locrian modality whose taming comes by Neptune on Mercury’s diatonic octave. From Mercury, the apparent size of the Sun’s fiery disc varies, 1.1 to 1.6 degrees due to Mercury’s eccentric orbit — that is, two to three times larger than the Sun appears to Earth. O what a fearful sight that would be to behold. Mercury, Hermes, the cleverest and oft-most deceptive of the Olympian Gods with winged sandals and caduceus in hand. Hermes son of Zeus and the most beautiful of the Pleiades, Maia (04Tau53’25” +4:23’25” J2000), who is clustered together with her sisters near 5 degrees Taurus. Hermes, the God of boundaries, landmarks, and guideposts; the God of trade, commerce, and metrology. Mercury’s persuasive often deceptive speech is common to political and business acumen, the home and social life, thus Hermes is the God of thieves and deception, cunning, conniving, popularly known as the “Trickster” or Magician of the Major Arcana. Hermes is deemed God of epic literature and oratory, also God of athletics. In ancient times, statues of Hermes were often placed at crossroads to bestow blessings and guidance on tra- velers. It was the duty of travelers to place a stone at roadsigns, to help improve the roads and make them more passable for future travelers. Thereby the Greek word for the built-up stone landmarks became hermaion, in honor of Hermes. As with each new undertaking, the ancient Greeks would seek the counsel from Hermes and doctors of medicine have prayed to Mercury ever since. Kaliope’ is called “chief” of the Muses, no doubt for her Locrian modality not really favoring any one muse apart from herself. She is pictured as representative of the muses just as 14 Ten Heavens Mercury is pictured as messenger or representative of the Gods. She’s portrayed seated, holding a stylus and writing tablet. Other depictions have her standing crowned with laurel leaves, holding a pipe, or a manuscript entwined with laurel. Notably, the steam-driven whistle organ invented by A.S. Denny in 1850 USA was named for Calliope, who is said to be mother of the Sirens (fathered by Achelous). In Greek, Kalliopeia means “fine-voiced”, since Hermes invented the kithara(lyre), syrinx from reeds (pan-flute), and some say fire perhaps due to his proximity to the Sun. #III THE EMPRESS ________________________ Trump: THE EMPRESS Planet: Venus Roman: VENERIS Greek: Aphrodite Sphere: Beauty Synodic: 583.9 Sidereal: 224.70/0.615 Heaven: Third Arcana: III Pitch: C > C Species: greater natural Order: W-W-H-W-W-W (7) Mode: Treble Ionian Muse: Terpsichore Goddess: Dance ________________________ The tarot card of The Empress symbolizes the third sidereal heaven of Venus, the sphere of beauty, perfection & balance. Her muse is Terpsichore, or greater natural Ionian modality (ancient Lydian), who begins the third order of the heavens which is Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, & Mercury, in that order. Souls incarnate from the Venus souljourn are naturally loving, patient, kind, merciful, and appreciative. Venusians love love, love all that is beautiful and refined, as gestalt or synergy in the arts, symmetry, natural-beauty. Terpsichore is muse of “the dance”, or one who participates to the music of the spheres. Venus transceives her graceful, beautiful and well-balanced participation upon the resonant octave of her greater perfect Ionian mode with Pluton-Hades. Venus is the second planet out from the Sun at a mean (semi- major axis) orbital distance of 0.723332 AU (108,208,930km). Notably, where Venus is sufficiently elongated from the Sun and the sky is crystal-clear, Venus can barely be seen with the naked eye in broad daylight in drier or desert climates and lower air pollution as in pre-modern times. At 12,103.6 km in equatorial diameter, Venus is nearly the same size as Earth (12,756.3 km). Venus ro- Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 15 tates clockwise along her axis (looking south), instead of counterclockwise like Earth and the other planets. Venus rotates very slowly, and spins “up- sidedown” on her slight axial inclination tilted 2.64* (i.e. nearly perpendicular to her heliocentric orbital plane), so is in perpetual retrograde rotation at approximately 177.4*. One 360* sidereal-day of Venus equals -243.0187 (retrograde) solar earth-days, longer than her sidereal-year @ 225 earth- days, so one solar-day on Venus equals about 117 earthdays. With respect to Venus, the morning Sun would appear to rise in the west instead of the east, but only under her ambient light, never by direct sunlight, since Venus is perpetually covered by heavy clouds — clouds so thick it’s impossible to see her surface from above. This dense overcast is composed mainly of sulfuric acid reaching 35 miles above her surface (the highest clouds on Earth reach 10 miles for comparison). These clouds are fast moving, circling the entire planet in about four earth days. The composition of Venus’ incredibly dense atmosphere is about 96% carbon dioxide, & 3% nitrogen, and notably with only trace amounts (0.003%) of water vapor. Venus appears as a pale sulphur-yellowish disc, beautifully photographed in mosaic by the Mariner 10 spacecraft back in 1974. Then the images returned from the Magellan spacecraft in 1990 revealed deep reddish, orangish, and yellowish high- lights on the planet’s surface, where her daily temperature averages about 870*F (452*C) because of the clouds trapping solar heat, creating a highly-efficient Venusian greenhouse effect with intense atmospheric pressure at the surface 90+ Earth-atmospheres — that’s over 1300 psi! Although the cloud layers spin around above the surface like a hurricane there is little wind velocity down at the surface itself, with no rainfall or oceans whatsoever since the pressure repels the sulphuric rain droplets cycling among the clouds like virga — a far cry from what orthodox academia expected to find up there. For example, in his book, ‘Asimov on Astronomy’ (pub. in 1974 Doubleday; cf. ‘Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus’ first published in 1954 ibid), Asimov acknowledges the unex- pectedly hot atmosphere of Venus as follows: “We [now] know that it is dreadfully hot (hot enough to melt lead!), dread- fully dry with an unbreathable atmosphere of carbon dioxide that is dreadfully thick”. Decades earlier in 1950 Immanuel Velikovsky anticipated that Venus would reveal surprisingly greater surface temperature than anyone previously expected. Greek Aphrodite translates as “foam-born”, raised up out of a handful of dust and seafoam…as Kronus castrated Ouranos and cast his cosmic testicles into Earth’s ocean, combining stardust and spittle (cf. Aphrodisias, sexual); see chapter one of Genesis in the old testament, the sixth and last day of creation is Venus’ Day, the mode of humankind’s creating. Aphrodite was worshipped as “Goddess of the Sea” by ancient seafarers who relied heavily on stars for navigation. Homer refers to Venus as daughter of Zeus & Dione, and the fickle spouse of the lame blacksmith God, Hephaistos (Lat. Vulcan). 16 Ten Heavens Aphrodite’s most powerful lover is Ares, and so she is said to be mother of Anteros, Eros, Harmonia, Phobos, and Deimos by their father Mars (see Lesson #V The Tower) Aphrodite is also said to be mother of Aeneas and Lyrus by Anchises, and Hermaphroditus by Hermes, Eryx by Poseidon, also Priapus by Dionysus. Venus is the most beautiful promoter of fertility, and patron goddess of prostitutes (in the vulgar sense when you stop and think about it). Her numerous epithets include Anadyomene, sea-born; Genetrix, creator; Eupoloios, meaning fair voyage; and Pandemos of all people. Her Empress traits are shared by middle-eastern, & eastern fertility Goddesses, particularly Astarte, & Ishtar (cognate to I’star for which Easter is named, cf. the bright morning star…of Bethlehem). Hence, the ankh, astrological symbol for Venus, is engraved in the garden tombe of Joseph of Aramaethea located outside the ancient gates of Damascus (just north of old Jerusalem). Ishtar is the one great Goddess of the heaven in Babylonian mythology — verily the Empress. The Greek myths of Aphrodite similarly reflect life’s cyclic nature, that the Gods often engage in divine “conflict” out of which the Gods incarnate to live and die again and again throughout the grand cycles of life according to the divine purpose of creation. Greeks were powerfully attracted to Aphrodite as the goddess whose love & hope resurrects her lover out of the depths of Hades. #IV THE SUN ________________________ Trump: THE SUN Planet: Sun Roman: SOLIS/Apollo Greek: Apollon/Helios Sphere: Majesty Synodic: n/a Sidereal: 365.26/1.000 Heaven: Fourth Arcana: IV Pitch: D > C Species: lesser melodic Order: W-H-W-W-W-H (7) Mode: Dorian Muse: Melpomene Goddess: Tragedy ________________________ The tarot card of The Sun symbolizes the fourth sidereal heaven of Sol, the sphere of strength, power and majesty. His muse is Melpomene, or lesser melodic Dorian modality (ancient Phrygian) who begins the fourth order of heaven namely Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury & Venus, in that order. Souls incarnated from the splendor of the Sun bring Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 17 with them spiritual strength, courage, and the heliocentric infinity-forces (see Lesson #VIII The Star), the assurance of fixed stability, reliability, steadfast resolve. Solar souls know the sun-blots of consciousness (dark depressions on the photosphere are called sunspots). Melpomene holds the mask of tragedy complementing Thalia muse of Neptune — who holds the mask of the divine comedy (see Lesson #IX, The Hermit). Melpomene is depicted hold- ing in her right hand the mask worn by tragedians and in her left hand the roll containing her parts to be played. Her robe is beautifully draped in generous folds while a mantle falls over her shoulder. Sometimes she’s pictured wearing a diadem or wreath, and holding a small sword or club to mete out Sol’s tragic endings. Dorian is tragedy. The Sun is average as middle-aged yellow stars go but is near enough to the Earth to project a magnitude of minus 26.8. At 886k miles mean equatorial diameter, the Sun is half-way between the largest and the smallest observable stars, so is classified common yellow spectrum class G2V. The sidereal rotation period of the Sun is slower at the poles than it is at the equator, variable between thirty- six days down to twenty-five days respectively above the convective zones, with 25.38 days clear down to the core. In synodic terms, this breaks down to about 26.8 days at the solar equator, 28.2 days at 30* solar latitude, 30.8 days at 60* latitude, 31.8 days at 75*. The mean synodic rotation number of the Sun (Carrington) is ~27.2753 days. At the solar core, temperatures are believed to reach up to fifteen million degrees Kelvin; cooler on the surface at 5800 K, sunspot umbra 4240 K, penumbra 5680 K, chromo- sphere between 4300 to 50,000 K & corona between 800,000 to 3,000,000 K. All this energy creates immense pressure at the core estimated at 340,000,000,000 (billion) Earth- atmospheres i.e. nearly 5,000,000,000,000 (trillion) psi. When viewed through filters, the Sun appears to glow red- orange with a fiery, flaming edge, but is far too hot to maintain permanent surface features — its luminous sphere in a perpetually energetic gaseous state composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. The energy of the Sun comes from nuclear fission, or its conversion of hydrogen to helium which energy migrates up to the surface and radiates out into space as extra-radioactive solar wind. Solar flares occur without warning, sending billions of particles out into space. This solar radiation is what prevents manned missions into outer space beyond the Van Allen Belt. See? At birth, Zeus presented Apollon with a cap, a lyre, and a chariot drawn by sacred swans, who circled seven times around the island of Delos whence Apollo was born on the seventh day of the month Bysios, var. Pysios, “lunisolar month of oracular inquiry.” [Mestrius Plutarchos, ‘Greek Questions’ 292.D.9ff; cited as Plu.2.292e; IG22.1126.45]. The seventh of Bysios was usually just before the spring, although the ancient Greek calendar varied from place to place and from year to year by inconsistent or localized intercalary leap-year rules, festivals, temples, rituals, etc. Ancient traditions hold the Hebrew-Egyptian priest Moses was also born 18 Ten Heavens on the seventh day of the lunarsolar month Adar(II) the seventh day of which is also, usually, just before spring. Notably Moses’ souljourn was the Sun. Likewise, Apollo was regarded as the powerful God of law and order. Moses & Apollo are competing for the same God. Thus the number seven and seven swans are held sacred by Apollo, who is depicted as wearing a crown of seven rays. But rather than being fed mother’s milk he was nourished with sweet nectar and quickly threw off his baby clothes to assume his manly form. The myth continues that Apollo set forth with his bow and arrow, in search of sanctuary. He settles in a mountain gorge where awaits the terrible dragon Python who’d been summoned there in order to kill Apollo’s mother, Leto. Instead, Apollo kills Python with one of his powerful arrows (reminiscent of “coronal mass ejection” and intensely-powerful, radioactive solar wind). After patting himself on the back and setting a crown of laurel leaves upon his own head, Apollon establishes his sanctuary in the valley of Phokis (cognate focus) at the center of Greece on the southern slopes of Mt. Parnassus, at the oracle of Pytho which was renamed Delphi (delphis, dolphin) in honor of this powerful God’s first mammalian incarnation. It was at this shrine, the presiding oracle Pythia whose predecessors had similarly conjured visions and dreams of the past, present and future (since remote antiquity, according to some they would speak in tongues) willingly devoted her talent to the exceedingly-powerful, youthful and radiant God. Apollo’s attributions match up well with his classic mythology, his radiant strength in Leo, his youthful joy, & his children of the fifth house. Apollo’s victory over Python was celebrated every eighth year during the Delphic festivals of Stepterion. Notably, there were many other oracles such as those operating in Delos, Tenedos and elsewhere, and not only in Greece but all over the world. But the most important oracle in the world would become the Oracle at Delphi. Because Apollon had slain Python, Pythia became personal oracle. Thus it was that Apollon acquired the world’s most famous oracle and place of sanctuary, along with the Delphic Tripod of Plataia (Constantine the 1st would later remove the last of these Delphic tripods and take it to his “Hippodrome” in then Constantinople). The tripod originally served as a chair for the presiding oracle. Its saddle was a large golden bowl solidly affixed to three long elegant golden slats for its legs — though ancient depictions show three heavier vertical golden columns as the tripod’s supports, as depicted on the most ancient Greek coins and works of art — often shown topped with three golden rings or hoops called omphalos, which in the Greek means “world’s navel” or umbilical chord, the center of whose navel (Pluton at the center of Earth) is shown as a smooth white stone or pebble. The white stone is said to represent the Earth’s divine energies which is centered as gravity is centered about her sphere. The ring on the chair’s back served as back support or lumbar terminal, with two rings in front for the priestess to grip tightly with her hands, as the second and third conductive terminals to amplify Pythias connection with the Earth’s energy centers as if raising Kundulini through the seven major chakras…root, sacral, solar, heart, Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 19 throat, brow, & crown. It seems the tripod enhanced the oracle’s psychic senses by “connecting” her with Mother Earth. According to some, the famous Delphic oracle made utterances in divinely-inspired verses which only the temple priest could interpret, but the oracle’s prophecies were usually equivocal, or just too ambiguous to be understood at the time, its meanings undiscernible until those events came to pass: then her prophecy could clearly be understood. Is it any wonder that Nostradamus’ prophecies predictably frustrate gentile audiences until after the fact — confounding them all the more! Better to recognize that prophecy & fulfillment share common roots. In order that Apollo could enjoy the brilliance of skies throughout the year, he would leave Delphi at the autumn- al equinox and travel to the land of the hyperboreans on the northern shores of the river Ocean, which flowed all around the Earth. At the vernal equinox, Apollo returned to Delphi where nightingales would sing in welcoming him back home. The Hyperboreans enjoyed eternal lives before banishment, chastisement, pain, suffering and death came upon the world. Apollo is the vanquisher of all darkness. Just as Artemis (see Lesson #I The Moon) launched arrows causing the death of females for whom the cause of death was undetermined, so her twin brother Apollo sent arrows which brought death upon males whence the cause of death was undetermined. Thus Apollo and Artemis work in tandem, astronomically balancing the masculine & feminine traits. Recall that Apollo and Artemis killed seven sons & seven daughters of Queen Niobe, since she’d compared them with the Sun & Moon in Leto’s presence…fatal miscalculation! “The Sun, that is Apollo, is Leader of the Muses, and inasmuch as He completes our life with good order, He produces in the world Aesculapius; for even before the world was He had the latter by his side.”—Emp. Julian ‘Upon the Sovereign Sun’ Aesculapius (Asklepios), god of medicine, was the mortal son of Apollo by Coronis, hence Homer refers to Apollo’s son in the human sense as a “skillful physician” who was so skillful at healing that he could even raise the dead. This made Hades feel threatened, and so he complained to Zeus, who in turn struck Asklepios down with a lightning bolt — on account of his healing practices threatening to void Hades’ underworld, by raising all men from the dead. We can view this in the temporal sense as raising a dead person back to life only to have them inexorably die all over again at some later date. However, to rise from the dead in the eternal sense insists that soul-body be made Christ-indivisible. This is healing on the highest order. To paraphrase the great historian Josephus, don’t be too surprised that our human body is created to live forever. 20 Ten Heavens Notably the skilled physician personified by Aesculapius had special talents in surgery and made use of medicinal plants, crystals, and all manner of homeopathic remedies reminiscent of the shaman or tribal witchdoctors, verily of the Mercurian souljourn (see Lesson #II The Magician). Among Aesculapius’ children, are his two daughters named Hygeia (hygieinos, hygiene, healthful) and also, Panacea (panakeia, cure-all for every illness, fix-all for every problem such as the mythical fountain of youth). Mercury & Apollo are the spheres of healing, just as cleanliness, Hygeia is next to godliness, Panacea! So the hippocratic oath sworn by physicians (who pray to Hermes) begin with an invocation for the great physician Apollon, Asclepius, Hygieia & Panacea, and all the other Gods & Goddesses of the Pantheion. Note here that the single caduceus (Lewis & Short dictionary states “kind. Gk kerukeion a herald’s staff…a staff of peaceable embassy…orig. olive-stick with stemmata which afterwards were formed into serpents) as the staff of Asclepius became the double-helix symbol. In Dr. Max Luscher’s ‘The Luscher Color Test’ on page 63 he writes: “Yellow corresponds symbolically to welcoming warmth of sunlight…to the cheerful spirit…happiness.” #V THE TOWER ________________________ Trump: THE TOWER Planet: Mars Roman: MARTIS Greek: Ares Sphere: Victory Synodic: 780.0 Sidereal: 686.98/1.881 Heaven: Fifth Arcana: V Pitch: E > C Species: lesser w/b2 Order: H-W-W-W-H-W (7) Mode: Phrygian Muse: Eratho Goddess: Lyric ________________________ The tarot card of The Tower symbolizes the fifth sidereal heaven of Mars, the sphere of warmongering, combativeness, hostility, madness, wrath, hypersensitivity, irritability, temper, conquest, aggressiveness, audacity, assertiveness, bellicosity, frenzy, daringness, persistence, victory etc. The muse of Mars is Eratho, or diatonic modality of lyric which is the Phrygian mode (lesser w/ b2, ancient Dorian), beginning the fifth order of heaven, namely Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Venus, & Sun, verily in that order. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 21 Mars is the fourth planet out from the Sun & first planet beyond Earth’s own orbit at a mean distance of 1.52366231 AU (227,936,640km J2000), thus is sidereally fifth heaven. At 6,794 km equatorial diameter (0.5326 ER), Mars is over half the size of Earth. Mars appears red to the naked eye, and when viewed through a telescope the feared Red Planet reveals his dark markings, his reddish, ferruginous, even pinkish colorings. Mars is covered by iron-rich dust with many basaltic(igneous) rocks — owing to the composition of its crust. White icecaps at the poles are composed mainly of frozen H2O (water) and carbon dioxide (dry ice). These features respond to Mars’ tropical seasonal changes which result from its ~25.19* rotational obliquity to its helio- centric orbit (i.e., Mars’ equatorial tilt to the Martian ecliptic i.e. some 1.8506 degrees inclined to the Earth’s ecliptic). Thus for astrological charts on Mars, we’d use the Martian ecliptic (not Earth’s). Mars takes almost two tropical Earth-years (present long-term average 1.8808476) to complete one, 360* sidereal orbit; averaging 24.622962 earth-hours (1.02595675 solar earth-days) to complete one, 360* sidereal rotation. On the long-term average, a solar day of Mars is equal to about 24 hours, 39 minutes & 35.2 seconds — or less than forty minutes longer than one solar day on Earth. This daily period varies significantly, due to Mars’ moderate orbital eccentricity of 0.09341233(FK5). There’s evidence that Mars was once a lot warmer, and had plenty of flowing liquid water, indicative of climate and seasons similar to those of Earth — in view of the myriads of driedout river canals apparent on the Martian surface; e.g. the deep line of green named the Mariner Rift Valley. It must’ve rained or snowed in the Martian mountains then ran down cutting channels and forming riverbeds. Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, at 17 miles (27 km, 90,000’) elevation and 320 miles(520 km) across! Most believe this “missing” water was frozen into the Martian permafrost although a planet-wide catastrophe would also account for this now-parched atmosphere. There are cratered spots on Mars believed to be extinct volcano vents. These craters fill up temporarily with dust during windstorms then empty out again after each tempest passes. (cf. anger which almost instantly “fills up” then empties just as quickly; cf. starry cup concerning soul’s descent into matter, ref. Macrobius, Bk. I. Ch. 12). These planet- wide dust storms can last several weeks and coincide with Mars’ winter solstice in the northern hemisphere which in turn coincides with Martian perihelion (i.e., the nearest approach to the Sun). Mars exhibits somewhat “Earth-like” seasons, but more extreme with greater daily and seasonal variation in pressure and temperature etc. than any other planet in the solar system — but it wasn’t always the case. Mars’ thin atmosphere rises sixty miles above the surface, and is composed primarily of carbon dioxide (95.32%) with 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, 0.13% oxygen, 0.03% water, and 0.00025% neon. The Martian surface is very cold & dry and is covered with a plentitude of 22 Ten Heavens rocks and boulders — and a plethora of anomalous monuments and causeways, which seem to be remnants of a long-forgotten civilization gone awry. Mars has no ozone layer and has no oceans. Like its dried- up channels and riverbeds, whole ancient floodplains bear testimony to the abundance of water which used to sustain life on Mars. At present there is little or no protection from intense solar radiation, although Mars receives only about half the solar energy as what continuously bombards the Earth & Moon. At the Martian equator, the temperature ranges from 80 degrees Fahrenheit in broad daylight, then plunges rapidly to an arctic-like -150 degrees F at night. Many astronomers have reported a controversial phenomenon called the blue haze also seen as a violet layer apparent in photographs taken with red and blue filters. Rationale for this phenomenon abounds, but explanations are dubious. Mars’ pronounced red color stands in contrast to its dark markings. Mars’ two companion satellites, Phobos & Deimos, are so named for fear and terror, stifling and paralyzing effects against our initiative by terror and dread. These twin fearmongers accompany Ares, the ambitious God of war, son of Zeus & Hera, brother of Aphrodite, Arge, Eileityia, Eris and Hebe. By Aphrodite, he was the father to Anteros, Enyo, Deimos, Harmonia, Pallor and Phobos. Ares generally is less popular and less successful in his endeavors than other Olympian Gods. Athena personified nobler aspects of warfare, glory, honor and victory, while Ares personified more brutal aspects of warfare, and so was often depicted as wearing military armor. Ares is the “bully” of Gods, a brute inclined to commit violence, shed blood and plunder. The dog and vulture are Ares’ escutcheons, being first to brave the battlefields. Also, the wolf and the woodpecker are held sacred by Ares. To be an offshoot of Mars refers to Ares’ souljourners, heroes who demonstrate great valor and formidability via fighting against worthy adversaries. As the myth goes, Ares was caught in a “love affair” with Aphrodite. Her husband Hephaestus caught him then exposed him to ridicule, revealing that Ares had behaved dishonor- ably. In contrast, the Roman Mars is named after Ares who became honored above Jupiter as chief God of the conquest, and so The Tower is symbolic of an unconquerable conquest. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 23 #VI THE EMPEROR ________________________ Trump: THE EMPEROR Planet: Jupiter Roman: IOVIS/Deus Greek: Zeus Sphere: Charity Synodic: 399.9 Sidereal: 4332.2/11.86 Heaven: Sixth Arcana: VI Pitch: F > C Species: greater w/#4 Order: W-W-W-H-W-W (7) Mode: Lydian Muse: Euterpe Goddess: Melody ________________________ The tarot card of the Emperor symbolizes the sixth sidereal heaven of the “king planet” Jupiter, sphere of augmentation, enlargement, expansiveness, joviality, nobility, excellency, affluence, privilege, dignity, charitableness, universality, universalism, benevolence, exuberance, immunity, leadership, governance, farsightedness, travel far and abroad, holistic, broadminded, comprehensiveness, inclusiveness, “eagle-eyed”. The muse of Jupiter is Euterpe, diatonic modality of melody which is the Lydian mode (greater w/#4, ancient Hypolydian), the sixth order of the heavens, being Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun & Mars, very specifically in that order. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest astronomical planet in the solar system (the Sun is rightly called a planet by sovereign astrologues as is Gaea’s Moon). The Jovian Giant orbits far beyond Mars, and far beyond the asteroid belt, at mean distance of 778,415,560 km, or about 483,685,000 miles (5.20336301 AU @ J2000). Jupiter measures 142,984 km at the equator(88,850 miles) spinning like a top with a sidereal day of merely 9 hours 55 minutes 27 seconds, i.e., constantly rotating at over 28,000 mph at the equator. One 360* sidereal orbit of Jupiter takes about 11.8626 mean tropical Earth-years to complete (synodic year 1.095 years). Jupiter appears as a giant striped orb whose bands of color, clouds and storms run parallel to the equator — its patterns rapidly changing in both width and color due to the dynamic weather activity within. The atmosphere of Jupiter is thick, 10s of 1000s of miles deep, which could constitute the mass of the entire planet; described as 90% hydrogen, 10% helium, traces 24 Ten Heavens of methane, ammonia, water & miscellaneous compounds, as being put under increasing pressure at the Jovian depths. Jupiter was well-named by the ancients as the “king” planet, IOVIS in the Latin, & Zeus of the classical Greek pantheion, supreme ruler among the heavenly realms — verily The Emperor. Jupiter exerts an especially strong gravitational influence on the orbits of comets, hence the Jupiter family of comets. Jupiter has an intense radiation belt in its magnetic field or magnetosphere, a source of very powerful radio emissions. Jupiter is surrounded by no less than 28 natural satellites, including the well-known Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Galileo viewed Jupiter’s four brightest moons using a crude telescope hence these were dubbed the “Galilean” satellites. Speaking of which, quoting from an article dated 11/30/2001, surprising observations were made for Jupiter’s moon Europa: “‘This extra thick layer of ice near the poles wants to spin out toward the equator’… But because the ice is locked into a global crust, it cannot simply spin out in all directions. Instead, the entire shell of the moon wanders. This effect was originally predicted by Gregory Ojakangas and David Stevenson in 1989.” In fact, the great “sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce described just such crustal-displacements in his readings on Atlantis and other prehistoric high-cultures whose extant corruption brought them worldwide cataclysmic destruction. Even Albert Einstein postdicted this decades before 1989, where he said: “In a polar region there is continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth’s rotation acts on these unsymmetrically deposited masses, and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point produce a movement of the earth’s crust over the rest of the earth’s body…”—Albert Einstein, from his foreword to professor C.H. Hapgood’s ‘Earth’s Shifting Crust’ p.1 Continuing with Jupiter… The Great Red Spot is observed to be a complex storm, whose colossal clouds reach thirty miles atop surrounding regions. Jupiter is extremely cold at its surface, with a mean cloud temperature of -121* C. The temperature is believed to rise above Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 25 6,000* K at a depth of 10,000 km (6200 miles), and is under extreme pressure, enough to break hydrogen atoms down into a liquid metallic state — said to be near one million b. Jupiter’s main ring is about 6500 km (4000 miles) wide with an outer perimeter about 129,000 km (80,000 miles) measured from Jupiter’s geocenter. There’s a halo within the ring at its edge, some 20,000 km (12,500 miles) thick and 30,500 km (19,000 miles) wide. Beyond the main ring are two “gossamer” rings, one beginning at the main ring’s outer perimeter and about 52,000 km (32,000 miles) wide, the other beginning at 181,000km (112,000 miles) and 40,000 km (25,000 miles) wide. The main ring is very thin, less than 10 km (6 miles) thick. Zeus is the sixth and youngest son born under Titans Kronos & Rhea (masculine & feminine energy of the same God of time). Upon the birth of Zeus, Rhea presents Kronos with a blanket concealing a stone — which Kronos promptly swallows when his rings are edge-on (every 14.75 years per long-term averages), fearing that one of his children shall succeed his reign by election in the war of ten sidereal years, i.e. ten planets each from their respective sidereal orbits in the spirit of prophecy. Hence, Zeus rules in the heavens, and so our king planet is represented by the tarot card of The Emperor. See? Essentially, the brightness of Zeus shineth through charity. The Jupiter souljourn can be likened to jolly ole’ St. Nick whose concern for others(poor in spirit) is put into action. To care for others, to care about others. That is supremacy. Zeus fathered myriad children by as many mothers, including the Seasons by the Titaness Themis, Eunomia, Dike, Eirene & the Fates; by Demeter Zeus begat Persophone; and Muses born of Mnemosyne; the Graces by Eurynome; the twins Apollon and Artemis by Leto; Aphrodite by Dione; Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia and Hephaestus by Hera. Beyond this, a plethora of children are attributed to Zeus’ amatory propensity to be fruitful & multiply, by seducing both goddesses and mortal women alike! As the most exalted God on Mt Olympus, Zeus is known as the God of brightness. The eagle is held sacred by Zeus, flying above and beyond where mortal eyes can see. His attribution is the thunderbolt, the highly-focused power of the heavens. Thus Apollo is said to scatter the arrows of Zeus on mortal man, his rays(thunderbolts) of enlightenment upon the world. 26 Ten Heavens #VII JUDGMENT ________________________ Trump: JUDGMENT Planet: Saturn Roman: SATVRNI/Scythe Greek: Kronos Sphere: Judgment/Time Synodic: 378.1 Sidereal: 10760./29.45 Heaven: Seventh Arcana: VII Pitch: G > C Species: greater w/b7 Order: W-W-H-W-W-H (7) Mode: Mixolydian Muse: Polihymnia Goddess: Hymnody ________________________ The tarot card of Judgment symbolizes the seventh sidereal heaven of Saturn (Gk. Kronos), the seventh heavenly sphere, the scythe of time. Saturn is the height of limitation and reflection, contemplation and introspection, that boundary of experience defined by its oft razorsharp, cutting edge. Scythe, sickle, machete. It’s over, it’s finished, the end. Saturnian, saturnine, the sabbath, sabbatic seventh, seven times seven the overworked land lay fallow and rejuvenates. O hallowed number VII your heavens and earth are completed. The Gods blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it the Gods rested from all His works which He had made. The muse of Saturn is Polihymnia, diatonic mode of hymnody, meaning “many hymns” in the Mixolydian mode (greater w/ b7, ancient Hypophrygian) —the seventh order of heaven: Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter, in that order. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun at a mean distance of 1,426,731,900 km or about 886,530,100 miles (9.53707032 AU J2000). Saturn measures 120,540km (74,900 miles) at its equator and has a mean sidereal day of 10 hours 39 minutes 22 seconds i.e. rotating 22,000 mph at the equator — nearly as fast as Jupiter’s sidereal day (see Lesson #VI Emperor). One sidereal orbit of Saturn takes about 29.44750 tropical Earth-years to complete (synodic year equals ~1.035 years). Although nearly 75,000 miles across at the equator, Saturn measures significantly less, about 67,500 miles, along the poles and so is the most oblate planet in our solar system. Saturn’s composition is described as mostly hydrogen (97%), 3% helium, with traces of methane and ammonia; thus is the least-dense planet in our solar system is 70gm/cm^3 or 30% less Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 27 than water. Saturn’s appearance is similar to Jupiter but is fainter with soft yellow and gold atmospheric bands, thus ancient mythological associations of Saturn with gold. Saturn’s breathtaking system of rings turn edge-on as seen from Earth on average every 14.75 tropical Earth-years. As classical mythology recounts “Saturn swallows his children” when the rings are invisible. Hubble space telescope shows that these rings are never completely invisible but almost. Briefly, the rings are designated by the letters A through G, with a couple of significant gaps in between. These are, in order of their discovery, rings ‘A’ 122,200km, B 92,200, C 73,200, D 67,000, E 230,000, F 140,600, & G 170,000; the significant gaps are named the Cassini Division at 119,000, and Keeler (Encke) Gap at 133,500. Each ring & gap has its own orbital period ranging from 4.9 hours for the ‘D’ ring, to 31.3 for ring ‘E’. Of these major ring divisions, rings A, B & C are wide, and plainly visible through a telescope. The other ring divisions are much fainter and difficult to see. Each ring is subdivided into 1000s of “ringlets” that are, for the greatest part, only two to three dozen meters thick and are made of ice crystals and assorted impurities. When Galileo first viewed Saturn’s rings, they were nearly at maximum angle to Earth. At other times the rings seemed to disappear prompting Galileo to ask Has Saturn swallowed his children?…in reference to Saturn’s ancient mythology. The most common photographs of Saturn are taken with rings at their greatest angularity to the Earth. However, due to Saturn’s orbital eccentricity (0.054151 J2000), the Sun is seen to illuminate Saturn’s northern hemisphere for nearly 15.75 tropical Earth-years whereas the southern hemisphere sees less than 13.75 years of sunlight, so these intervals average 14.75 years. Notably, Nostradamus referred to this maximum angle of the rings as “Saturne fenera”, translated verbatim “Saturn turned and Sun-dried”. That’s interesting, since Galileo was born barely two years before Nostradamus died in the summer of 1566. Understand? A little over half of the ring-disappearing acts are described as oscillating triple passages by astronomers, lasting 8.5 to 9 months as Saturn crosses back and forth, south-north-south and north- southnorth, as viewed along the plane of Earth’s ecliptic. There are eighteen confirmed moons of Saturn, plus a dozen or more “provisional” satellites pending some verification. Titan is the largest of Saturn’s moons at 5150km (3200 mi). 28 Ten Heavens #VIII THE STAR ________________________ Trump: THE STAR Planet: Stars/Uranus Roman: Caelest.Firma./Uranus Greek: Kosmikos/Ouranos Sphere: Infinity/Extremes Synodic: 369.7 Sidereal: 30685./84.02 (Uranus) Sidereal: 1.00004 (Earth-stars) Heaven: Eighth Arcana: VIII Pitch: A < C Species: lesser natural, +bass Order: W-H-W-W-H-W-W (8) Mode: Bass Aeolian Muse: Urania Goddess: Astronomy ________________________ The tarot card of The Star symbolizes the eighth sidereal heaven of Ouranos & Uranus for which the three “rungs” in the numeral VIII inspires the golden ladder rising beyond Saturn’s binding rings of time (see Lesson #VII Judgment), reaching the constellations upon the caelestial firmament in clear-view of the fixed stars illuminating the heavens, in clair-voyance of nearby Neptune(see Lesson #IX Hermit). Ouranos, Uranus, sphere of new beginnings on the resonant octave of the lunar foundation; the deepest, the furthest, the faintest, the subtlest — drawing upon the most intense contradistinctions and starkest of all possible contrasts, black or white, all or nothing, it’s this way or that way. The muse of Ouranos, Uranus, Urania, diatonic modality of astronomy, begins on the bass octave of the Moon’s lesser- natural Aeolian mode (ancient Hypodorian) and is composed of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which is the eighth order of the heavens and is the first order to include Neptune and Pluto on Mercury’s and Venus’ resonant lower octave, respectively. The Uranian is ultra- sensitive, hyper-receptive; at times to extreme opposites, unresponsive, unreceptive, the switch is either on or off and may toggle between these opposites at breakneck speed. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 29 #IX THE HERMIT ________________________ Trump: THE HERMIT Planet: Seasons/Neptune Roman: Mobile/Neptune Greek: Poseidon Sphere: Wisdom/Sapience Synodic: 367.5 Sidereal: 60190./164.8 (Neptune) Sidereal: 1.00000 (Earth-seasons) Heaven: Ninth Arcana: IX Pitch: B < C Species: lesser w/b2 & b5 +bass Order: H-W-W-H-W-W-W-H (9) Mode: Bass Locrian Muse: Thalia Goddess: Divine Comedy ________________________ The tarot card of The Hermit symbolizes the ninth sidereal heaven of Poseidon and the waters aloft terra firma, which includes Gaea’s seasons, oceans, rivers and streams, upper and lower atmosphere, her climate from solid ground to the vacuum of inner space. Everywhere water is about the Earth, solid, liquid and vapor, Neptune rules over the clouds and ice, rain and hail, sleet and snow, as underground springs Poseidon rules over earthquakes, cataclysms & earthchanges, her seasonal variations, wholly the Earth’s tropical realm. Poseidon, Neptune, mighty sphere of wisdom on the resonant bass octave of Mercury’s Locrian mode (ancient Mixolydian); whose muse is Thalia, the divine comedy via Neptune, Pluto, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon — exactly in that order, which is the ninth, diatonic sidereal order of the heavens. 30 Ten Heavens #X THE FOOL ________________________ Trump: THE FOOL Planet: Earth/Terra Firma/Pluto Roman: EMPIREVM/Primum Mobile Greek: Empeiros/Gaea/Hades Sphere: Center of Activity Synodic: 366.7 Sidereal: 90800. 247.9 (Pluto) Sidereal: 0.00000 (Earth-geocentric) Heaven: Tenth Arcana: X Pitch: C = C Species: greater natural, +middle Order: W-W-H-W-W-W-H-W-W (10) Mode: Center Ionian Muse: Mnemosyne Goddess: Memory ________________________ The tarot card of The Fool symbolizes the developing tenth sidereal heaven of PlutonHades and his Wealth under terra firma, clear down to the white pebble at Earth’s geocenter, the center of activity where the Gods & Goddesses converge in the brilliant white light of the Empireum, the Empyrean, our crystalline mother of psychometric memories. Mnemosyne and her nine radiant daughters, 10 diatonic sidereal modes of heaven gathered together primum mobile, heaven-on-earth, our sphere of activity, the terrestrial houses of the Gods in the temple of the Living God. You should say I REMEMBER! Pluton-Hades, our central sphere on the resonant octave of Venus’ greater perfect *Ionian mode(ancient Lydian) at the center of human hearing: Pluto, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon & Mercury, in that order, which is the tenth sidereal order of the heavens — the ephemeris or daybook of the Gods. *FOOTNOTE ON MODALITIES OF URANUS, NEPTUNE & PLUTO: The three outer planets who are symbolized by the tarot cards of The Star, The Hermit, and The Fool, respectively, their three modalities are actually composed of eight planets, nine planets, then ten planets, respectively. The precise correspondence of each planet, muse, mode, trump card, etc., are summarized by the following chart: Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 31 DIATONIC SIDEREAL MODES IN THE OCTAVE (Tarot,Orbit,Planet,Pitch,Mode,Muse,Goddess) Tar S# Pla Key Mod Mus God Relative Middle C FOO 10 Plu C Ion Mne Mem <=C equal middle C HER 9 Nep B Loc Tha Com <=B below middle C STA 8 Ura A Aeo Ura Ast <=A below middle C <=bottom --------------------------------------------JUD 7 Sat G Mix Pol Hym <=G above middle C EMP 6 Jup F Lyd Eut Mel <=F above middle C TOW 5 Mar E Phr Era Lyr <=E above middle C SUN 4 Sun D Dor Mel Tra <=D above middle C --------------------------------------------EMP 3 Ven C Ion Ter Dan <=C above middle C <=top MAG 2 Mer B Loc Kal Epi <=B above middle C MOO 1 Moo A Aeo Kli His <=A above middle C As to see in the table above, the sidereal modality of The Star (Uranus) is composed of eight tones not seven, and The Hermit (Neptune) is composed of nine tones, not eight or seven, and finally, The Fool is composed of fully ten tones not just nine, eight or seven as its sidereal predecessors. That is exactly why, for example, the sidereal modality of The Star is the Aeolian mode per the bass octave of the Moon, and so is composed of eight tones, with emphasis on the A below middle C or the resonant bass octave of the Moon. See? The same principle holds for Neptune and Pluto (Hermit & Fool), proving incontrovertibly that the sidereal ethoi of the muses Urania, Thalia, and Mnemosyne, are distinct from Klio, Kaliope, and Terpsichore, by virtue of their added bass tonality, thus are inclusive for the three outer planets; and so Uranus has 8 tones, Neptune has 9 & Pluto has 10. 32 Chapter 4 Twelve Signs HAVING STUDIED the ten planets of the major arcane in the previous chapter, now it’s time to focus on the synodic phases of the planets to the Earth, as are called the signs or ensigns, the forces of the planets to the Earth by their relative motion hereto. The simplest way to understand this is to look at the chart below. Notice how the planetary order is indicated by arrows as “inferior” and “superior” with inferior signs from Aquarius to Cancer, while the superior signs are from Leo to Capricorn. See? |<----Inferior----->| |<-----Superior---->| | | | | 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap TEM HAN DEV HIE LOV CHA STR PRI JUS DEA FOR WOR Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat /Ur /Ne | | | | | | | /Pl | | | | | | | |<->| | | | | | | | | | |<--------->| | | | | | | | |<----------------->| | | | | | |<------------------------->| | | | |<--------------------------------->| | |<----------------------------------------->| <=Order <=Sign <=Tarot <=Planet For the five planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, each makes two signs in the zodiac, as having one inferior and one superior sign. This is explained thoroughly in later chapters, so all you need to know for now is that superior planets move closer to the Earth after reaching the far side of the Sun, while inferior planets move away from Earth after reaching the near side of the Sun. It’s easy once you understand the simple principles involved. With that said, here’re the twelve planetary signs of the caelestial zodiac, literally made by planetary motion relative to the Earth, hence synodic phases: Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 33 #1 THE DEVIL ________________________ Trump: DEVIL Glyph: Ram Quality: Ambition Ensign: Aries Bearing: 0*-30* (east above) Number: 1 Tone: C Color: Red Ruler: Mars-inferior Roman: Martivs/March Babylon: Nisanu/Nisan(Abib) ________________________ The tarot card of The Devil is signified by the caelestial sign of Aries. The Devil’s chromatic color is Red, and his chromatic tone is C. The Devil’s chromatic ensign is Mars-inferior, i.e. the malefic force of Mars receding from the Earth; Mars, fifth heaven (see Lesson #V The Tower) in red-shift, in separation from martian souls incarnate on Earth. Aries is self-important, self-centered, putting self first, i.e., self in opposition to others, opposing consciousness of others. Aries is self-conscious, self-aggrandizing, self- promoting, badtempered, aggressive, forceful, an evil-doer when left to his own devices. But don’t forget, every card, ensign, planet, god, all find their place in the pantheion. #2 THE HIEROPHANT ________________________ Trump: HIEROPHANT Glyph: Bull Quality: Passion Ensign: Taurus Bearing: 30*-60* (north east) Number: 2 Tone: C#/Db Color: Red-Orange Ruler: Venus-inferior Roman: Aprilis/April Babylon: Aiaru/Iyyar(Zif) ________________________ The tarot card of The Hierophant is signified by the caelestial sign of Taurus. The Hierophant’s chromatic color is Red-Orange, his chromatic tone is Db/C#, and chromatic ensign is Venus-inferior, the malefic force of Venus receding from the Earth; Venus, third heaven (see 34 Twelve Signs Lesson #III The Empress) in red-shift separating from venusian souls who are incarnated upon the Earth. Taurus is the advocate for temporal living, passionate for life in the body. Taurus opposes death of the self, opposing the sting of death. Taurus, the constellation, begins near Gorgona Tertia (rhPer J2000 00Tau07’15.522” +20:34’34”) and Algol (bePer 01Tau22’40.423” +22:25’48”), centered on Aldebaran (alTau 15Tau00’00.000” -5:28’03”), notably ending on the Great Pyramid star Alnitak (zeOri 29Tau53’35.804” -25:17’38”) and Alhecka (zeTau mag 3.00 29Tau59’45.675” -2:11’45”). The Great Alnitak Pyramid, which was built nearly 12,500 tropical years ago, is the longsince withering altar in the midst of Egypt, & where the oracle took commencement; hence the ankh adorns the empty tomb, just as the empty vault in the king’s chamber symbolizes his life-eternal (Edgar Cayce talks about this via the psychic readings). Hence Taurus is the universal symbol for temporal living, temporal experience in the body, our temporal life which ends in death of the body — the wages of sin. Understand? As the bright morning star, Venus was known to the Greeks as Phosphoros, Latins as Lucifer, Lucificus, light-bearer, son of morning who “dies” as he is overpowered by the Sun. On average some 220 days past superior conjunction, Venus reaches maximum elongation from the Sun, leaving about 72 days until the next inferior conjunction (292 days total). Venus retrogrades on average for about 42 days, centered on inferior conjunction. Note 157 mean-synodic periods of Venus equals ~251 tropical years, as 1871 sidereal years of Venus equals ~720 mean-synodic years of Venus — which equals about 1151 tropical Earth-years. These are well-known examples of synodic multiples, such as Venus’ almost exactly 8 tropical Earth-year multiple at maximum synodic elongation (next on June 8, 2004, again 8 years later, on June 6, 2012, etc.). Most synodic multiples of the planets are very predictable, recurring over long periods of time with subtle variations due to the dynamics of their orbits, which variations are also predictable. The ancients were adept at making these long-term predictions based on the synodic multiples, just as Nostradamus did to predict superior & inferior conjoins for his quatrins, as his epistle toward Henry II of France. In approaching her superior conjunction with the Sun, Venus is “lost” under the saturation of sunlight, remaining hidden from view for an interval that lasts about ninety earth-days, with superior conjunction occurring near the 45th day of the interval. Venus orbits the Sun about 1.626 times faster than the Earth does (note here that the Sun appears to orbit Earth hence the relative sidereal orbital period of the Sun equals exactly one sidereal year of the Earth). Venus and Earth both have relatively low orbital eccentricities i.e. near-circular sidereal orbits, Venus about 0.0068 (J2000), & Earth 0.0167. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 35 Venus emerges as the bright evening star (i.e. visible after sunset) approximately 45 days after her superior conjunction (to the Sun; see Lesson #7 Justice). Venus continues to move closer to Earth until about the time of inferior conjunction (Sun-Venus-Earth syzygy), very near to her closest approach to Earth. Starting about 4 days before inferior conjunction, Venus disappears from view as she is obscured once again by the sunlight where she remains hidden for about 8 earth-days (cf. 90 earth-days, centered on Venus’ superior conjunction). Near inferior conjunction Venus approaches within 25 million miles of Earth, then about 4 days after inferior conjunction, Venus emerges at heliacal rising — just barely visible before sunrise, becoming progressively more prominent as the bright morning star as her rising occurs earlier and earlier before sunrise — as Venus recedes from Earth. This period is malefic for souls incarnated from Venus, as this inferior separation, most brightly portrayed by the planet Venus, exemplifies our second death, that “cut-off” point of soul from its heavenly souljourn and simultaneous incarnation as a mortal being, or “son of man” in the ancient tongue (son in the neuter gender). Is it any wonder then, that Venus’ day, that venerated sixth and last day of creation, is the day of humankind’s creating? This is true in the profoundest sense, as a planet needn’t be receding for a souljourn to occur, but is in the active-tense of *separation*: the distancing of soul’s heavenly realm away from its earthly experience…much reminiscent of a lost love as our recently disembodied souls were cast down to the Earth: “How you are cut off from the heavens, O Lucifer son ofmorning! You are cast down to the earth, making sinfulhumans vulnerable.”—Isaiah 14:12, literal translation The sacred letters are thus recounted as Lucifer & his angels fall into mortal living — virtually identical to ancient Mayan myths of Quetzalcoatl, for whom the Mayans reckoned a 584-day cycle between superior conjunctions, or inferior conjunctions. The Mayans referred to soul’s incarnating as “Quetzalcoatl’s descent to earth”, with Venus’ emergence as the morning star symbolizing his (i.e. his/her) first arrival, Quetz’ birth or incarnation as a sinful human. Near superior conjunction, we discerned the Sun & Venus to contend in inexorable duel, the contest to the death verbatim reminiscent of Nosty’s quatrin: 36 Twelve Signs C5Q53 La loy du Sol & Venus contendus The law of the Sun & Venus contended Appropriant l’esprit de prophetie: Appropriating the spirit of prophecy: Ne l’vn ne l’autre ne seront entendus, Not the one nor the other neither will be heard, Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Messie. By Sun will hold the law of the great Messiah. --interlinear translation by Daniel Joseph Min And so the Hierophant, advocate for temporal experience who is signified by the universal sign of Taurus, is advocating soul’s incarnation in its mortal body and is opposed to the sting of death. Taurus is passionate for life, for all that temporal living means to us as souls incarnated in our body, promoting all the pains & pleasures of soul-body experience. #3 THE LOVERS ________________________ Trump: LOVERS Glyph: II (twins) Quality: Communication Ensign: Gemini Bearing: 60*-90* (north below) Number: 3 Tone: D Color: Orange Ruler: Mercury-inferior Roman: Maivs/May Babylon: Simanu/Sivan ________________________ The tarot card of The Lovers is signified by the caelestial sign of Gemini. The Lovers’ chromatic color is Orange, and chromatic tone is D. The Lovers’ chromatic ensign is verily Mercury-inferior i.e. the malefic force of Mercury receding from the Earth; Mercury, second heaven (see Lesson #II The Magician) in red-shift, in separation from mercurial souls incarnate upon the Earth — as Mercury zooms around the Sun along its sidereal orbit of under eightyeight earth days. Mercury’s orbit is the second most eccentric in the solar system, about 0.2056 (cf. distant Pluto, at about 0.2528). Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 37 The glyph for the “Gemini twins” is named for the II, ergo the Roman numeral II, numbering the second sidereal heaven. Because Mercury is numbered second, expressly according to its sidereal orbit, the stellar Gemini twins Castor (alGem, 25Gem27’08.049” +10:05’45”) & Pollux (beGem 28Gem25’37.723” + 6:41’02”) signify the relationship of the mortal and the immortal as the communication between mortals and the Gods, between soul’s earthly experiences, and soul’s disembodied experiences among the heavenly spheres. That’s why Mercury is said to be messenger of the Gods, always nearby the Sun, quick-footed, quick-thinking Mercury flying away in heaven, his Locrian mode “stealing” from the Gods as he goes along. #4 THE CHARIOT ________________________ Trump: CHARIOT Glyph: Crab Quality: Imagination Ensign: Cancer Bearing: 90*-120* (north above) Number: 4 Tone: D#/Eb Color: Orange-Yellow Ruler: Moon Roman: Jvnivs/June Babylon: Duzu/Tammuz ________________________ The closest of your silver exerts two primary phases to the Earth, waxing and waning, evening and morning, benefic and malefic. Her evening phase begins at the molad or mean lunarsolar conjunction. The thin, new crescent of the Moon or neomenie (lit. “new mensis”), generally can be seen one or two days after Moon-Sun conjunction — weather permitting. As each waxing Moon becomes more and more prominent in the evening skies, her “horns” are seen to hang in view of the populace, until the first quarter, when the Moon begins waxing protuberant towards the full Moon, which is Sun-Moon opposition when the full Moon rises at lunar morning just as the Sun sets at solar evening. The full Moon commences her inferior lunar phase of waning malefic, reaching third quarter, until the Sun fully consumes the waning lunar crescent and the mensis begins anew. The tarot card of The Chariot is signified by the caelestial sign of Cancer. The Chariot’s chromatic color is Orange-Yellow, and its chromatic tone is Eb/D#. The Chariot’s chromatic ensign is the Moon waxing superior and waning inferior, i.e. benefic and malefic forces of the Moon, respectively. The Moon is the first heaven (see Lesson #I The Moon). The Chariot represents the lunar “roller-coaster” of human emotions waxing silvery & waning shadowy, 38 Twelve Signs her momentum, as with the moment of lunar inertia, particularly for lunar souls incarnate upon the Earth. The Chariot is the ensign of unconscious energy ergo collective unconscious — the stuff dreams are made of. Nostradamus referred to the Moon as: “l’on feroit de votre argnterie”, literally, the one closest of your silver in his excellent Interrogation of Thieves Who Steal Sacred Things, warning tropical astro-illogers against “stealing” the sacred objects — the heavens — from their places on the caelestial sphere: as Nosty shows by his astrological diagram dated February 3rd 1562, in reply to corrupt church officials of Orange (which notably is the color of Mercury-inferior, the one who steals from fellow Gods)…so reader beware! The Moon has the shortest and fastest sidereal orbit of all the planets, and so is naturally numbered 1st, hence the Ace, among the heavens. The Moon completes each sidereal orbit in about 27.32 days—less than a third that of Mercury’s 88-day sidereal year. Moon’s synodic period (mensis, Gk. men, measure of a month) is the time between consecutive Sun-Moon conjunction on the superior side, & Sun-Moon opposition inferior. Sun-Moon syzygies occur twice about every 29.53 days, once superior, and about a fortnight later, inferior. As a result, the Moon appears to move rather swiftly through her synodic phases and against the caelestial firmament, as compared with any of the other planets. The Moon has slightly more mass to one side, so that the familiar lunar “disc” always points toward Earth. Thus the dark side of the Moon isn’t really dark but is more accurately the far side of the Moon, getting the same amount of sunlight per lunar phases that are the opposite or mathematical complement of the common lunar phases seen from Earth. A definitively feminine archetype, the Moon presides over the menstrual cycle which lasts on average 28 (21-35) days…time enough for the Moon to complete a sidereal and synodic year. The Harvest Moon rises in the evening as a marvelous yellowish-to-orangish disc near the autumnal equinox. Notably, orange-yellow is the chroma-color of Cancer. The benefic, waxing personality of Cancer is Artemis, thereafter her malefic, waning personality is Hekate. Thus Artemis is associated with the north lunar node or head of the dragon, and Hekate is associated with Lilith/tail of the dragon. The three-headed Cerberus who stands sentinel at the gates of Hades (the broad entrance into the underworld) is Hekate’s “familiar” spirit, thus images of Cerberus were commonly placed at remote crossroads in honor of our Invincible Queen. Like Artemis, Hekate holds a burning torch signifying that she is the nocturnal goddess by shadows of night. Hekate is revered as our supreme Goddess of the craft. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 39 #5 STRENGTH ________________________ Trump: STRENGTH Glyph: Lion Quality: Power Ensign: Leo Bearing: 120*-150* (north west) Number: 5 Tone: E Color: Yellow Ruler: Sun Roman: Jvlivs/July Babylon: Abu/Ab(Av) ________________________ The Sun, the power of destiny, exerts two primary phases to the Earth, night and day, evening and morning, sunset and sunrise, malefic and benefic. The rule of day is for Apollon-Re, the rays of the Sun, while the rule of night is for the heavenly spheres, the Moon and the Stars also (of the Stars, Sol [Gk. Helios] numbers fourth in orbit). The Sun shines perpetually upon the Earth which revolves sidereal-daily, while she orbits the Sun sidereal-yearly, resulting in her solar-daily rotation; i.e. with respect to the Sun. The slowly-precessing obliquity of the Earth on her axis of rotation to the Sun results in a tropicalyearly orbit which is Earth’s tropical year in the angle of sunlight irrespective of her daily rotation i.e. only with respect to the gyrating axis of her daily rotations but without regard to the periodicity of daily rotations. The Sun gives the greater light, and is the power-giving heart of our solar system. The Sun is by far the largest body herein. The Sun verily is the nearest star to Earth, averaging precisely one astronomical unit (AU) in radial distance (149,597,870.7km; 92,955,807.2 mi) in the short- term and slowly closing this distance over the long-term. The most radiant of the Gods is the central orchestrator who holds the divine instruments of consciousness in the orbits to which they formed and continue to evolve. Note that Artemis(Diana), Apollo’s twin sister, appears to be almost exactly the same size as her shining twin brother since she is 400 times smaller & 400x closer than Apollo. as becomes self-evident during a total solar eclipse. Un- like any of the other planets, the Sun & Moon both do in fact orbit the Earth: the Moon epicyclically and the Sun relatively; so Artemis & Apollo work in tandem, exerting their twin feminine and masculine energies Night and Day. The tarot card of Strength is signified by the caelestial sign of Leo, whose chromatic color is Yellow, & chromatic tone is E. Strength’s chromatic ensign is the Sun, rising superior and setting inferior, i.e. the benefic & malefic forces of the Sun, respectively. The Sun is fourth 40 Twelve Signs heaven (see Lesson #IV The Sun). The constellation Leo was named for the Lion, whose sharp fangs (ergo sharp sickle) serve to “devour” the planets as they approach their respective superior conjunctions. Leo is known as king of the jungle, ergo the royal and majestic constellation of his namesake beginning near Subra, depicted by the Sphinx’s “left paw” (omiLeo 29Can27’25.544” -3:45’25”), Regulus, the “bearded star”, or “heart” of Leo (alLeo 05Leo02’19.526 +0:27’53”), and Rho Leo, depicted by the “right paw” (11Leo35’52.786” +0:08’59” J2000). While the Sphinx is certainly far older that the Pyramids at El Gizeh plateau, it is notable that the precessional age of Leo had very nearly just begun as the Great Pyramid was beginning to be built cir 10,490 BC; given ~25,626.8304 tropical years per great year, divided by 12, equals ~2,135.5692 tropical years per zodiacal age (i.e. ~780,000 solar days/age) barely 30 years difference! It is more likely that the Sphinx was quarried out during the prior age of Leo which began approximately ~36,100 BC, or perhaps an even older age of Leo, beginning ~61,700 BC. In any case, Leo is revered as the majestic constellation ruled by the Sun and he is strong indeed! Leo is strength, he’s the POWER of destiny in our solar system experiences. #6 THE HIGH PRIESTESS ________________________ Trump: PRIESTESS Glyph: Virgin Quality: Virtue Ensign: Virgo Bearing: 150*-180* (west below) Number: 6 Tone: F Color: Green Ruler: Mercury-superior Roman: Avgvstvs/August Babylon: Ululu/Elul ________________________ The tarot card of the High Priestess is signified by the caelestial sign of Virgo, whose chromatic color is Green, and chromatic tone is F. Her chromatic ensign is Mercury- superior, the benefic force of Mercury closing by radial velocity. The Virgin is persistent, meticulous, thorough, healing, planting, growing, your proverbial “green thumb”. The stars of Virgo include Alkaid (etUMa 02Vir08’28.548” + 54:23’00” J2000), Vindemiatrix (epVir 15Vir08’46.184” + 16:12’12”), and finally, Spica (alVir 29Vir02’45.136” 2:03’15”) & Arcturus (alBoo 29Vir26’16.363” +30:44’00”) i.e. the caelestial meridian near the beginning of Libra. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 41 #7 JUSTICE ________________________ Trump: Glyph: Quality: Ensign: Bearing: Number: Tone: Color: Ruler: Roman: Babylon: JUSTICE Scales Justice Libra 180*-210* (west above) 7 F#/Gb Green-Blue Venus-superior September/September Tashritu/Tishri (Ethanim) ________________________ The tarot card of Justice is signified by the caelestial sign of Libra, the universal fulcrum wielding the scales of justice. The chromatic color of Justice is Green-Blue, and her chromatic tone is Gb/F#. The chromatic ensign of Justice is Venus-superior, her benefic force closing the distance to Earth; Venus in blue-shift is beneficial for venusian souls incarnated upon the Earth. Remember, this pertains to each and every soul’s collective experiences through the heavens over long epochs of soul’s evolution. Justice promotes consciousness & the awareness of others. Justice opposes the Devil thus the Devil opposes Justice. Justice is the universal archetype of grace, beauty, and balance, as her shimmering ruler Venus is second only to the Moon in apparent magnitude or brightness. Thus it is that the evening star is the brightest representative of Hesperos, Lat. Vesper, the Goddess of evening, naturally the wife of Atlas, since it is he who holds up the Earth for our treasures in heaven, the “golden apples” of Hera defended by the “hesperides”, the seven immortal maidens. After all it is Venus whose love and devotion resurrects her lover out out of the depths of Hades…”Adonis lives, he is risen again!” this, in deference to Venus’ undying love for Adonis. Venus is called Adonai, an ancient name for the one called Love—who reigns over the heavens and the earth; in the Hebrew ynda (shortened Nda), pronounced awdone’. Since the actual name of God is unpronounceable, Adonai is used as a pronounceable substitute parallel to Yahweh, the God of love, i.e., the eternal power of love; as was the epithet of Aphrodite, the lovely evening Star. 42 Twelve Signs #8 DEATH ________________________ Trump: Glyph: Quality: Ensign: Bearing: Number: Tone: Color: Ruler: Roman: Babylon: DEATH Scorpion Vitality Scorpio 210*-240* (south west) 8 G Blue Mars-superior October/October Arahsamnu/Heshvan (Bul) ________________________ The tarot card of Death is signified by the caelestial sign of Scorpio, the sting of Death…the wages of sin. Death to the self in opposition to the Hierophant, who naturally opposes the Scorpion. The chromatic color of Death is Blue whose chromatic tone is G. The chromatic ensign of Death is verily Mars-superior, benefic force, a helping of non-sticky zen, a change will do you good, a new beginning, thus Uranus exalts under the Scorpion (see Lesson #VIII The Star), embracing new experiences. The great forces of Mars encompass the forces of Venus. The Scorpion expends temporal vim, vigor and sex drive. Mars in blue-shift is beneficial for all martian souls incarnate upon the Earth. Death is the universal arche- type of vitality, contrast, self-surrender. What do we surrender in death? That which the Hierophant promotes, those pains and pleasures of temporal human experience; passion for life and death of that passion. Understand? The forces of change, the crossroads, fork in the road (see Lesson #V The Tower). PlutonHades rules over the inferior Scorpian aspect, the underworld, diis manibus. Past Cerberus, ferried by Charon across Styx, oblivion, five rivers, Phlegethon, Acheron, Styx, Lethe, Cocytus; Pyriphlegethon (the river of fire), Acheron (the river of eternal woe), Cocytus (river of weeping and wailing), Lethe (river of forgetfulness), Styx (river of hatred); (see Lesson #VII Judgment); souls by fate into Elysion, the golden age of Saturn, else Tartaros outer darkness, eternal damnation, where the woodbine twineth, and the iceman cometh not. How will *you* fare at the Judgment? Vast riches await those to whom nothing is not assured. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 43 #9 WHEEL OF FORTUNE ________________________ Trump: FORTUNE Glyph: Archer Quality: Fortune Ensign: Sagittarius Bearing: 240*-270* (south below) Number: 9 Tone: G#/Ab Color: Blue-Indigo Ruler: Jupiter-superior Roman: Nouember/November Babylon: Kislimu/Kislev ________________________ The tarot card of Wheel of Fortune is signified by the caelestial sign of Sagittarius the chromatic ensign of Jupiter-superior, the benefic force of Jupiter closing the distance by radial velocity—verily beneficial for souls incarnated from the Jupiter souljourn. Chromatic color is Blue-Indigo, plus the chromatic tone is Ab/G#. Fortune, chance, the benefic force of the great planet Jupiter — encompassing the orbit of Mars, and the orbit of the asteroid belt. Jupiter, king planet (see Lesson #VI The Emperor) promotes dignity, honesty and charity; free to expand and explore, to seize new opportunities. Faith, hope, charity. The greatest of these is charity. Sagittarius A* which is the compact yet incredibly powerful radio source at (or very near) the center of the Milky Way galaxy, makes the caelestial sign of Sagittarius the most universally energetic sign in our stellar zodiac (albeit the dynamical center of the galaxy is considered to be sgrab, cf. sgra). Sgr A* is rightly called the Sun of our Sun. Mayan astronomers, for example calculated i.e. predicted the conjunction of the winter solstice Sun and the sacred tree which is the apparent intercept of the ecliptic and galactic planes 5 degrees Sagittarius (which occurs at 11:11:23 UT 21-Dec-2012) to occur on “13 Baktun” ( — which in fact it does, marking the end of the fifth age of the Sun, since there are exactly 5 ages of the Sun per great year of tropical precession, with each solar age making about 1,872,000 solar days which is 5125.366 years. With the sacred tree located at about five degrees Sagittarius, Sgr A* is located two degrees therein; the sacred tree near Sinistra nuOph 04Sag57’11.426” +13:39’55”, Sgr A* 02Sag03’06.794” -5:36’27” J2000. The galactic and ecliptic plane-intercept near the galactic center Sgr A* is about 3 ecliptic degrees 9 minutes and 36 seconds east of Sgr A* 02Sag03’07” -5:36’27” (FK5) i.e. about 05Sag12’43” referencing Aldebaran 15Tau00’00” -5:28’03” on the 44 Twelve Signs J2000 epoch. But the 2012 winter solstice occurs at 05Sag01’12”, that’s more than ten arcminutes from modern values. Notably the winter solstice of Tuesday December 22, 1998 01:56:26 UT, marks the first birth of the Sun at the tree since the last 1st solar age one great year ago circa 23,615 BC (; JD-6903717), by using the modern definition for “galactic plane” and using Aldebaran exactly fifteen degrees Taurus. In nice round numbers the sacred tree was probably assumed to be located three degrees east of Sgr A*, the latter of which marked two degrees Sagittarius: Regulus 5 Leo & Thuban 12 Leo, Aldebaran 15 Taurus, Alcyone 5 Taurus, Sirius 19 Gemini, Spica 29 Virgo & Arcturus 29 Virgo, Antares 15 Scorpio, and so on, the emphasis being on the planets, the Gods in our solar system not merely distant stellar archetypes. The stars were used for establishing the positions of the terrestrial house cusps and planets therein, these being more effective than arbitrary signs on the caelestial firmament. Zeus rules in the heaven. Sagittarius is the universal sign of expansiveness, but the actual force of Jupiter is made BY Jupiter! Once you understand this, you’ll understand it all. #10 THE WORLD ________________________ Trump: THE WORLD Glyph: Horned Goat Quality: Discipline Ensign: Capricorn Bearing: 270*-300* (south above) Number: 10 Tone: A Color: Indigo Ruler: Saturn-superior Roman: December/December Babylon: Tebetu/Tebet ________________________ The tarot card of The World is signified by the caelestial sign of Capricorn, the chromatic ensign of Saturn-superior, the benefic force of Saturn closing the distance by radial velocity — beneficial for souls incarnating from the Saturn souljourn. Chromatic color is Indigo & chromatic tone is A. The Caper, he-goat, symbolized by the “inverted” pentagram, the benefic aspect of the Scythe (see Lesson #VII Judgment) universal archetype of discipline, devotion, introspection, reflection, contemplation, the physical realm of existence which was created benefic and malefic, evening and morning. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 45 Capricorn is the benefic aspect of Kronus i.e. father time whose somewhat eccentric (0.05415 J2000) orbit encompasses Jupiter, the asteroid belt and Mars, Earth and Moon, Venus, Mercury, & Sun — the most effective planets in astrological horoscopes…albeit the outer planets are verily effective concerning our souljourns there and the aspects these make upon souls-incarnate. These forces are active in real-time. It’s our individual and collective experiences there which bring the aspects to bear upon our incarnate-experience in the physical realm; bringing to fruition, as completion of something, the worldly consequence of time; bringing about abrupt, unexpected, unanticipated, catastrophic changes in- to our worldly experience. Giving cause for reflection, as this maxim “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. #11 TEMPERANCE ________________________ Trump: TEMPERANCE Glyph: Water Bearer Quality: Inspiration Ensign: Aquarius Bearing: 300*-330* (south east) Number: 11 Tone: A#/Bb Color: Indigo-Violet Ruler: Saturn-inferior/Uranus Roman: Janvarivs/January Babylon: Shabatu/Shebat ________________________ The tarot card of Temperance is signified by the caelestial sign of Aquarius, the chromatic ensign of Uranus-superior & Saturn-inferior, i.e. the benefic force of Uranus & malefic forces of Saturn. The chromatic color of Aquarius is Indigo- Violet, and the chromatic tone is Bb/A#. The greater forces of Uranus encompass the naked-eye visible planets — although Uranus can just barely be seen with the naked eye under the most ideal seeing conditions and knowing just where to look (such conditions predate modern electric “light pollution”). As a result Uranus was relegated on par with the caelestial firmament; a known planet but one which was too far away to see with the unaided eye on a consistent ergo corroborative basis. For all intents and purposes, Ouranos is the Earth’s caelestial firmament whereas the planet Uranus and thus its position on the caelestial sphere for which it is named was known only to erudite ancient astronomers or psychic adepts. The benefic forces of Ouranos, i.e. Earth’s sidereal heaven, & the benefic forces of the planet Uranus (see Lesson #VIII The Star) combine to accentuate the universal archetypes of the twelve planetary signs—the stars—approaching infinity; drawing soul outward toward 46 Twelve Signs realms of extreme consciousness, encompassing time, the father of time exceeding father-time as it was from Earth’s beginnings: when Gaea advent Ouranos her heavenly firmament, this “cosmic marriage” of our Earth- centered universe-apparent because it appeared that Ouranos as the starry night wrapped his arms completely around Gaea, and by which their progeny Kronos, primeval God of time, is revealed to the Earth. Through soul’s experiences there, we acquire temperance, as souls being tempered by those forces of inspiration, the forces of again-ness as a new beginning. Here the inferior aspect of the Scythe takes hold, limiting extreme tendencies, restricting motion towards the infinite, constraining soul’s desire to escape the bonds of the world, even as Aquarius is inextricably joined with Capricorn. See? #12 THE HANGED MAN ________________________ Trump: HANGED MAN Glyph: Fishes Quality: Mysticism Ensign: Pisces Bearing: 330*-360* (east below) Number: 12 Tone: B Color: Violet Ruler: Jupiter-inferior/Neptune Roman: Febrvarivs/February Babylon: Addaru/Adar* *AddaruII/V’Adar (leapyear) ________________________ The tarot card of the Hanged Man is signified by the caelestial sign of Pisces, which is the chromatic en- sign of Neptune-superior & Jupiter-inferior, benefic force of Neptune & the malefic force of Jupiter. The chromatic color of Pisces is Violet & chromatic tone is B. The greater forces of Neptune encompass all of the naked-eye visible planets including faint Uranus, at times with distant Pluton crossing Neptune’s path. The universal mystical archetype, man reaching up to the Gods, reaching up to his brother Pluton-Hades at the center of the Earth thus the center of Mnemosyne, mother of the music of the spheres. Jupiter-inferior, the receding aspect of Zeus in separation from souls- incarnate therefrom. The cumulative universal aspect of experience to the sphere of wisdom (see Lesson #9 The Hermit) is the taming of our Mercurial intellect through the mysterious aspects wrought by souljourns in Neptune — malefic aspect for souls incarnated from Jupiter. Vast realm of waters just above terra firma, the reign of Neptune, closing the distance to heaven by the elements…soul is prepared to meet the Devil. 47 Chapter 5 Court Cards NOW THAT YOU’ve been introduced to the twenty-two universal trump cards of the major arcana, in the sophisticated language of astronomy and astrology, music and mythology, you’ll be happy to know that the minor arcana is, for all intents and purposes, perfectly synonymous with playing cards—save for the four additional “page” cards plus the obvious dissimilarity in how tarot cards or playing cards are commonly used. This should make it easier for you to recognize and remember the fifty-six cards of the minor arcana, by associating them with the more familiar cards of hoyle — and no wonder since playing cards are known to be rooted in the minor arcana, thus associations are perfectly justified. You’ll surely recognize the first twelve cards of the minor arcana as the face cards: King, Queen & Jack each of the four suits Clubs, Hearts, Spades and Diamonds. That’s the easy part. The hard part is learning what these “face” cards mean in tarot, since they correspond with astrological houses of ones horoscope, meaning that predominantly ruling planets revealed in a tarot spread point to which houses are the most active, and which planets are the most effective or influential for the reading. This aspect of the tarot pertains to daily living or the more temporal influences of the planets to the Earth and to our body, the corporeal energies of the planets in the houses, activating channels or pathways in the horoscope. If it sounds to you like this is difficult to learn, you’re right. It depends on your mathematical and musical aptitude as much as anything else. And if you’re intuitive, that helps too, but intuition alone is not nearly as certain as the synergy of mind, heart and soul. Some come by this naturally, while others have to work at it a bit. If I could give but one word of advice over all others, learn pattern recognition. Learn to recognize the limits of uncertainty. The order can not help but to emerge out of the chaos. It’s like “finding” familiar images in the clouds. Our collective unconscious “helps” us to see this empirically like a biofeedback mechanism of sorts. Some call it anthropomorphism, but basically it’s just you and it—and everything that that entails. How else can I explain this? It just comes to you with practice. You look at the cards and see what they reveal. You can listen to the cards and hear their key signature “singing” in a dominant voice. Granted, that probably sounds crazy to the novice, but believe me with practice you’ll see the light. As with the major arcana, all of the cards in the minor arcana include a brief summary of important features or aspects thereof. Essentially, you can look at each card in its layout position and read the description printed thereon and get a picture of the reading without much extra effort. All you need to remember really, is that the major arcana denotes heavenly as- 48 Court Cards pects of the psyche, while the minor arcana denotes more immediate and temporary portents having a more direct effect on your life. Rather than devote so much of this chapter to the descriptions, explanations and divinatory meaning of each face card all by itself, it’s more useful to learn how the planets interact with these face cards, since these tell the planets in the houses of the horoscope. Meanwhile, I’ve listed the face cards below for reference since their stand-alone meanings are, for the most part, self-explanatory, just as all the other cards in the deck are. What also counts more is their positions in the layout, as we’ll cover in the next chapter on “pip” cards. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual ________________________ Court: King of Wands Quality: Cardinal Self Force: Strong Nuclear Element: Fire Suit: Clubs House: First Tone: C Color: Red Sign: Ego (aries) Ruler: Mars-inferior ________________________ Court: Queen of Pentacles Quality: Fixed World Force: Gravitation Element: Earth Suit: Diamonds House: Second Tone: C#/Db Color: Red-Orange Sign: Riches (taurus) Ruler: Venus-inferior ________________________ Court: Knight of Swords Quality: Mutable Consciousness Force: Electromagnetic Element: Air Suit: Spades House: Third Tone: D Color: Orange Sign: Brothers (gemini) Ruler: Mercury-inferior ________________________ Court: King of Cups Quality: Cardinal Unconscious Force: Weak Nuclear Element: Water Suit: Hearts House: Fourth Tone: D#/Eb Color: Orange-Yellow Sign: Parents (cancer) Ruler: The Moon ________________________ 49 50 Court Cards ________________________ Court: Queen of Wands Quality: Fixed Self Force: Strong Nuclear Element: Fire Suit: Clubs House: Fifth Tone: E Color: Yellow Sign: Sons (leo) Ruler: The Sun ________________________ Court: Knight of Pentacles Quality: Mutable World Force: Gravitation Element: Earth Suit: Diamonds House: Sixth Tone: F Color: Green Sign: Servants (virgo) Ruler: Mercury-superior ________________________ Court: King of Swords Quality: Cardinal Consciousness Force: Electromagnetic Element: Air Suit: Spades House: Seventh Tone: F#/Gb Color: Green-Blue Sign: Marriage (libra) Ruler: Venus-superior ________________________ Court: Queen of Cups Quality: Fixed Unconscious Force: Weak Nuclear Element: Water Suit: Hearts House: Eighth Tone: G Color: Blue Sign: Death (scorpio) Ruler: Mars-superior/Pluto ________________________ Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual ________________________ Court: Knight of Wands Quality: Mutable Self Force: Strong Nuclear Element: Fire Suit: Clubs House: Ninth Tone: G#/Ab Color: Blue-Indigo Sign: Spirit (sagittarius) Ruler: Jupiter-superior ________________________ Court: King of Pentacles Quality: Cardinal World Force: Gravitation Element: Earth Suit: Diamonds House: Tenth Tone: A Color: Indigo Sign: Society (capricorn) Ruler: Saturn-superior ________________________ Court: Queen of Swords Quality: Fixed Consciousness Force: Electromagnetic Element: Air Suit: Spades House: Eleventh Tone: A#/Bb Color: Indigo-Violet Sign: Friends (aquarius) Ruler: Saturn-inferior/Uranus ________________________ Court: Quality: Force: Element: Suit: House: Tone: Color: Sign: Ruler: Knight of Cups Mutable Unconscious Weak Nuclear Water Hearts Twelfth B Violet Debts (pisces) Jupiter-inferior/Neptune 51 52 Chapter 6 Pip Cards LISTED AT THE END of this chapter are the forty pip cards for the minor arcana. These cards are generally self-explanatory as stand-alone cards, but for this chapter we’ll concentrate on those divinatory meanings implied by the conjunctions of sidereal planetary positions with cards that are drawn from the center pile, as described in chapter two. Anywhere cards of the major arcana appear, these denote the conjunction of planets or caelestial ensigns as the case may be, while minor arcana cards denote the houses or planets in the houses mainly determined by the position of the card or else the sidereal number thereof. For example, Mercury the “Magician” is sidereal number II. Let’s say you were to draw the II of Pentacles and place it in the third position of the “tree of life” as shown in chapter 2, which is the root position of Mercury. This indicates a significant ruling Mercury in the sixth house of the horoscope, which house is represented by the Knight of Pentacles a.k.a. Jack of Diamonds. As shown in the previous chapter, the Knight of Pentacles card indicates the mutable quality of the element Earth, the color Green, and the key of F, in Mercury’s theoretical Locrian modality as indicated on the trump card of the “Magician”. If you jump ahead to chapter 9, you’ll find the “key signatures” chart where all eighty-four of the key signatures are precisely spelled-out in musical and in corresponding astronomical terms. If you look under the sign of Virgo (Priestess), you’ll see the “6th House…Court of the Knight of Pentacles” with Mercury listed under Locrian: Virgo - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Pentacles HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Pentacles 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun R R R R If you were to sit down at a piano and actually play these notes you’d be playing in the key of “F-Locrian”. Notice the musical notations shown with 5 flatted notes in reference to descending steps, while these would normally be written as sharps (F,F#,G#,A#,B,C#,D#) for ascending steps. Same exact notes, just using different notation. Note also how the Moon, Venus & Jupiter benefit by Mercury’s Locrian modality ruling in the 6th house, since each of the seven unique modes are composed of the seven planets, Moon thru Saturn, with only their order shifting according to the primary ruling planet, as in this case, Mercury, as each planet is the first or tonic keynote in its diatonic modal signature. The “Solar/Lunar” keyboard charts in chapter two make these a lot easier to understand—seeing Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 53 that Pluton is the center of human hearing, the center of tonality, the center of pitch on the middle C. As concert pitch this is commonly referenced to the A over middle C, given at 440 or 442 cycles per second. Students of sacred geometry have compared a few slightly different tunings achieving remarkable results. J.S. Bach considered C# above middle C as our center pitch, while others find detuning their instruments slightly gives a deeper sound to the music. The center is relative to hearing, and human hearing is centered on about middle C, give or take a few cents sharp or flat of pitch. More importantly, is the matter of steps & half- steps, white keys and black keys, the principle of keyboard design forever centered on middle C, finding half-steps from E to F, and from B to C, all on white keys. Notice the pentatonic scales on all black keys, all of which is based on the mathematical principles of music & all of which is centered on the middle C. So you see, middle C is verily the center, and so Pluton is verily the center of the Stars and center of the Tarot, the center of the human ear, the center of Gaea. Next, let’s say you draw a VI of Cups and place it in the tree of life position of the Moon. VI is the sidereal number of Jupiter, and the Moon rules over the court of King of Cups. Therefore Jupiter is exalted in the fourth house, that of Parents. As one more example, you draw the VIII of Swords, and place it in the position of Mars. As you’ll discover Mars doesn’t rule any of the houses listed on the VIII of Swords card, which are the houses of Marriage, Friends or Brothers, seventh, eleventh and third houses respectively. You’ll have to look at the rest of the tree for clues as to which house Uranus is conjunct Mars in. If Venus is the dominant planet, then it is likely that Mars is fallen in the seventh house, since Venus rules over the seventh house. While a strong Mercury would more likely find Mars in the third house, but if no planet appears to be dominating the chart, then Uranus might rule in the eleventh house over Mars therein. It’s easy once you get the hang of it. It is very similar to adjudicating an astrological horoscope, that is “reading” the horoscope for the most telling scenario, as determined by the planet hierarchy. The strongest planets in a chart are those that are ruling or fallen, benefic or malefic as the case may be. Determine these and you’ll get the overview of the houses and planetary rulerships in no time. It’ll start coming together for you. If you draw the King of Pentacles, and place it in the position of Pluto, this would mean Pluto is in the tenth house, in the service of Saturn, in the service of Society. See how easy that is? Also, if you were to draw the Queen of Cups and place it in the position of Saturn, then Saturn and Pluto would be in mutual reception which is good for both planets and their influence which is brought to bear in the eighth & tenth houses. Because there are more than twice as many cards in the minor arcana than the major arcana, it’s not uncommon to draw only minor arcana cards in a ten-card reading. That’s fine, since you have ten planets of the major arcana already placing in the tree of life’s planetary “place-holders”, so any cards you draw must share influence with all ten planets resulting in a 54 Pip Cards complete reading every time. It’s like having the Eye of the Sky at your fingertips! Not bad for home-made tarot cards. It’s up to you to take advantage of them. Divinatory meanings of cards are very dependent on the precognitive aptitude of the card reader. As you get to know the planets and their traits, you may discover one day that they speak to you just as spirits of the dead speak to the living beings who “tune in” to their psychic frequency via a certain instinct in the art of divination. The Gods & Goddesses are universal and immortal, whereas mundane events gain influence therefrom and are constrained until our limit of patience is reached: then watch the Gods “rock and roll” by the elements! By their domification of Earth under the heavens. Here are the forty pip cards: Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual ___________________ ___________________ Card: Ace Planet: Moon Trump: The Moon Keyword: Feeling Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: Ace Planet: Moon Trump: The Moon Keyword: Feeling Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: Ace Planet: Moon Trump: The Moon Keyword: Feeling Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: Ace Planet: Moon Trump: The Moon Keyword: Feeling Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ Card: II Planet: Mercury Trump: The Magvs Keyword: Intellect Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: II Planet: Mercury Trump: The Magvs Keyword: Intellect Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: II Planet: Mercury Trump: The Magvs Keyword: Intellect Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: II Planet: Mercury Trump: The Magvs Keyword: Intellect Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ 55 56 Pip Cards Card: III Planet: Venus Trump: Empress Keyword: Beauty Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: III Planet: Venus Trump: Empress Keyword: Beauty Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: III Planet: Venus Trump: Empress Keyword: Beauty Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: III Planet: Venus Trump: Empress Keyword: Beauty Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ Card: IV Planet: Sun Trump: The Sun Keyword: Majesty Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: IV Planet: Sun Trump: The Sun Keyword: Majesty Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: IV Planet: Sun Trump: The Sun Keyword: Majesty Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: IV Planet: Sun Trump: The Sun Keyword: Majesty Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual Card: V Planet: Mars Trump: The Tower Keyword: Crossroads Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: V Planet: Mars Trump: The Tower Keyword: Crossroads Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: V Planet: Mars Trump: The Tower Keyword: Crossroads Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: V Planet: Mars Trump: The Tower Keyword: Crossroads Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ Card: VI Planet: Jupiter Trump: Emperor Keyword: Joviality Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: VI Planet: Jupiter Trump: Emperor Keyword: Joviality Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: VI Planet: Jupiter Trump: Emperor Keyword: Joviality Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: VI Planet: Jupiter Trump: Emperor Keyword: Joviality Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ 57 58 Pip Cards Card: VII Planet: Saturn Trump: Judgment Keyword: Finality Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: VII Planet: Saturn Trump: Judgment Keyword: Finality Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: VII Planet: Saturn Trump: Judgment Keyword: Finality Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: VII Planet: Saturn Trump: Judgment Keyword: Finality Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ Card: VIII Planet: Uranus Trump: The Star Keyword: Extremes Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: VIII Planet: Uranus Trump: The Star Keyword: Extremes Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: VIII Planet: Uranus Trump: The Star Keyword: Extremes Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: VIII Planet: Uranus Trump: The Star Keyword: Extremes Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual Card: IX Planet: Neptune Trump: The Hermit Keyword: Wisdom Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: IX Planet: Neptune Trump: The Hermit Keyword: Wisdom Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: IX Planet: Neptune Trump: The Hermit Keyword: Wisdom Suit: Swords Hoyle: Spades Element: Air King: Marriage Queen: Friends Knight: Brothers ___________________ Card: IX Planet: Neptune Trump: The Hermit Keyword: Wisdom Suit: Cups Hoyle: Hearts Element: Water King: Parents Queen: Death Knight: Debts ___________________ Card: X Planet: Pluto Trump: The Fool Keyword: The Earth Suit: Wands Hoyle: Clubs Element: Fire King: Ego Queen: Sons Knight: Spirit ___________________ Card: X Planet: Pluto Trump: The Fool Keyword: The Earth Suit: Pentacles Hoyle: Diamonds Element: Earth King: Society Queen: Riches Knight: Servants ___________________ Card: Planet: Trump: Keyword: Suit: Hoyle: Element: King: Queen: Knight: X Pluto The Fool The Earth Swords Spades Air Marriage Friends Brothers Card: Planet: Trump: Keyword: Suit: Hoyle: Element: King: Queen: Knight: X Pluto The Fool The Earth Cups Hearts Water Parents Death Debts 59 60 Chapter 7 Solar System CONSIDER THE NICHE filled by each planet in their sidereal orbits around the Sun and the Sun & Moon around the Earth. Relatively speaking the planets are orbiting Earth epicyclically much as the Moon orbits the Sun in similar fashion the obvious dif- ference being that the Sun is by far the dominant gravitational focus for the entire “solar system”. The pertinence here, is that man exists solely on the Earth, and has never stood on the Sun nor any other planet in the solar system apart from Earth: at least not for many long millennia they haven’t. We deduce that the planets orbit the Sun based on what we see from Earth and from data sent back to Earth from un-manned vehicles launched into space. His instruments are in space, but man is on Earth. It’s amazing how such easy observational concepts escape any comprehension or acknowledgment by the orthodox astronomers, who instead create a “straw-man” argument of geocentricity vs heliocentricity, as if ancient astronomers around the planet never understood this distinction! That’s merely absurd, as the explicit sidereal numbering of the planets and sidereal fifths-numbering for the days of the week by ancient astronomers proves that they knew fullwell the difference between heliocentric and geocentric planetary motion. Ancients had amassed libraries of knowledge beyond such basic concepts as these, most of which are lost to antiquity and what little remains does so in exiguous fragments. Most if not all of what’s written in this book is my feeble attempt to resurrect some of these lost principles of astronomy & astrology — as I am able. By applying these ancient principles to the tarot, the pages thereof are “resuscitated” back to life, since the basis for all this is as old as man him- self, even hundreds of millions of sidereal years since the evening and morning of his/her creating. Which brings us to the main point of this chapter, to draw your attention to the togetherness of the planets, the Gods who congregate in the pantheion. In their diatonic sidereal modalities the planets were formed and have continued to evolve for long aeons of time in space, providing the environment and sustenance for all forms of life herein. This is the foundation of the world by the elements of creation, and is the enabling force of the psyche, the breath of life and its astrological processes upon which the tarot is dependent for its meaning and interpretation. That is why we begin with the seven planets and their seven diatonic modalities, the seven unique styles of heavenly consciousness each of whose uniqueness depends on all the other planets for its very existence. Each planet makes a unique modal signature because it does so among its peers, meaning all eighty-four key signatures have an equally vital role in the symphony of the planets or what we call the “music of the spheres” since it combines the sidereal modes with synodic ensigns. You see it’s heliocen- Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 61 tric AND geocentric, diatonic AND chromatic, white keys AND black keys, Solaires AND Lunaires. As the cornerstone of life itself, the cycles of life and death, the radiant “wheel” of the eighty-four, these Solars & Lunars are the essential ingredients for mastering tarot. Take note how the planets works together, and the cards of the tarot layout work together to reveal their portent. Read every tarot spread in context, each card in position one by one then the gestalt which they mutually inspire, our Jovian “overview”. This brings a sense of completion to your reading of the cards, a conclusion to every tarot session where the spirit of divination prevails over mind. Not supplanting thought, rather governing over it. In the next chapter, we’ll complete the tarot pak with its last four cards or pages of the elements. Chapter 8 Trinity NOW WE’VE REACHED the last four cards in tarot, the four “Pages”. The Page cards represent the four elemental triplicities of the court cards in composite, where the creator, sustainer and destroyer splay out from a single element, one divine trinity or elemental triad as one force, thereby symbolized by the Page of each element. The four elements of creation are 1) Fire, the strong nuclear force; 2) Water or weak nuclear force; 3) Air, electromagnetic force; 4) Earth, the force of gravitation. 1&2 micro, 3&4 macro. Together, the Pages quintessentially synergize the fifth element, called the kether or aether, the spirit “fluttering” upon the face of existence. The four primordial elements extend to no less than ten dimensions or planes of consciousness to which the planets co-formed in their orbits from the beginning. The spirit is ever-present in all dimensions, as spirit is slightly above the creation just as will is slightly above it. Each of the four page cards point to its triad of tones, colors, houses, etc and their ruling planets. Understanding the elemental trinities is tantamount to understanding Sepher Yetzirah, as I’ve previously mentioned back in chapter 2. For example, I suggest that you play the triad as it appears on each Page card beginning with the Page of Wands, whose tones are C, E and G#; consider also its colors, Red, Yellow and Blue- Indigo; its fiery houses of Ego, Sons & Spirit; its rulers Mars-receding, Sun, Jupiter-closing; refer also to chapter 5, the three court cards King of Wands, Queen of Wands, Knight of Wands, who together form the trinity of Page of Wands. This is the actual basis of the divine trinity, Father, Son, Spirit; King, Queen, Knight. This is the basis for all ancient wisdom, the triad of Life (death), Death (life), and the Resurrection forever in the balance thereof…eternally. We may read the Page card in a tarot layout in the same way, by considering first the element it represents, its elemental triplicity. Let’s say you draw the Page of Swords, placing it in the position of Saturn. Therefore the eleventh house is actively ruled by Saturn-receding and his father Uranus, in the astrological element of Air, and which is the Electromagnetic force of Consciousness: whose King is Venus-superior. Quetzalcoatl-the-lesser is lost behind the Sun to become the greater or immortal Quetzalcoatl, who is the force of Venus closing to the Earth (cf major arcana trump of “Justice” chapter 4), and means Venus is ruling in the seventh house. The Page of Swords under Saturn also points to Mercury-inferior, ruling in the third house of Brothers. Play the triad D, F#, & A#. It’s the same interval as other Pages, but each is in a different key a wholestep up from the previous. Try playing the second then third inversion of the same notes F#, A# and D, then A#, D and F#. The first, second and third inversions of each triad help you to recognize its triune essence, and all four Pages cover the complete spectrum of twelve chromatic tones in Earth’s houses of her synodic zodiac-meaning numbered by planets according to their synodic phases to the Earth. Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 63 Below are the four Pages in the tarot pak, and are the last cards listed in this book. In the next chapter, select copies of my astrological charts are included for your reference, and as a learning aid for students and teachers alike. ______________________________ Court Card: Force: Triplicity: Trinity: Quality: Element: Suit: Tones: Color: Page Strong Wands 1s, 5b, 9p Self Fire Clubs C, E, G#/Ab Red, Yellow, & Blue-Indigo Signs: Ego, Sons, Spirit Rulers: Mars-inferior, Sun, & Jupiter-superior ______________________________ Court Card: Force: Triplicity: Trinity: Quality: Element: Suit: Tones: Color: Page Gravity Pentacles 2s, 6p, 10b World Earth Diamonds C#/Db, F, A Red-Orange, Green, & Indigo Signs: Riches, Servants, & Society Rulers: Venus-inferior, Mercury-superior, & Saturn-superior 64 Trinity ______________________________ Court Card: Force: Triplicity: Trinity: Quality: Element: Suit: Tones: Color: Page Electromagnetic Swords 3s, 7p, 11b Consciousness Air Spades D, F#/Gb, A#/Bb Orange, Green-Blue & Indigo-Violet Signs: Brothers, Marriage, & Friends Rulers: Mercury-inferior, Venus-superior, Saturn-inferior, & Uranus ______________________________ Court Card: Force: Triplicity: Trinity: Quality: Element: Suit: Tones: Color: Page Weak Cups 4s, 8p, 12b Unconscious Water Hearts D#/Eb, G, B Orange-Yellow, Blue, & Violet Signs: Parents, Death, & Debts Rulers: Moon, Mars-superior, Jupiter-inferior, & Neptune Chapter 9 Music of the Spheres KEY SIGNATURES OF EVENING LIBRA JUSTICE ------7th House Court of the King of Swords Libra MOON (Moon) STAR (Uranus) 4 5 6 B Db D Pis Tau Gem Sun Mar Jup F F - Aeolian - Ace of Swords - Eight of Swords 7 1 2 3 E Gb Ab A Leo Lib Sag Cap Sat Moo Mer Ven F F Libra - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Swords HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Swords 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 B C D E Gb G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun F Libra - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Swords FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Swords 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun R R R R Libra SUN (Sun) 4 5 6 B Db Eb Pis Tau Can Sat Moo Mer e - Dorian Four of Swords 7 1 2 3 E Gb Ab A Leo Lib Sag Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup d d Libra - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Swords 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 B Db D E Gb G A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R F R Libra - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Swords 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R Libra - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Swords 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Bb B Db Eb E Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo e e d e _________________________________ SCORPIO DEATH ------8th House Court of the Queen of Cups Scorpio - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Cups STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Cups 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Bb C D Eb F G A Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer e e d Scorpio - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Cups HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Cups 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Sco Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F R F Scorpio - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Cups FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Cups 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 B C D E Gb G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun F Scorpio - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Cups 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb C D E F G Aqu Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun d d 2 A Cap Mar e Scorpio - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Cups 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Bb C D Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup R R R R 66 Music of the Spheres Scorpio - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Cups 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 B Db D E Gb G A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R F R Scorpio - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Cups 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 B C D E F G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo F F F F _________________________________ SAGITTARIUS FORTUNE ------9th House Court of the Knight of Wands Sagittarius - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Wands STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Wands 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb B Db Eb E Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo e e d e Sagittarius - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Wands HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Wands 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 B Db D E Gb Ab A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sag Cap Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F F F F Sagittarius - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Wands FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Wands 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Sco Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F R F Sagittarius - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Wands 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun R R R R Sagittarius - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Wands 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 B Db Eb E Gb Ab A Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Cap Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup e d d Sagittarius - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Wands 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb C D Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup R R R R Sagittarius - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Wands 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R _________________________________ CAPRICORN WORLD ------10th House Court of the King of Pentacles Capricorn - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Pentacles STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Pentacles 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 B C D E F G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo F F F F Capricorn - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Pentacles HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Pentacles 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb C D Eb F G A Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer e e d Capricorn - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Pentacles FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Pentacles 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 B Db D E Gb Ab A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sag Cap Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F F F F Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual Capricorn - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Pentacles 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 B C D E Gb G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun F Capricorn - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Pentacles 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bb C D E F G A Aqu Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar d d e Capricorn - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Pentacles 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 B Db Eb E Gb Ab A Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Cap Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup e d d Capricorn - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Pentacles 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 B Db D E Gb G A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R F R _________________________________ AQUARIUS TEMPERANCE -------11th House Court of the Queen of Swords Aquarius - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Swords STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Swords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R Aquarius - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Swords HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Swords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bb B Db Eb E Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo e e d e 67 Aquarius - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Swords FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Swords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bb C D Eb F G A Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer e e d Aquarius - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Swords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Sco Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F R F Aquarius - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Swords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun R R R R Aquarius - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Swords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bb C D E F G A Aqu Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar d d e Aquarius - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Swords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bb C D Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup R R R R _________________________________ PISCES HANGED MAN -------12th House Court of the Knight of Cups Pisces - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Cups STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Cups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B Db D E Gb G A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R F R 68 Music of the Spheres Pisces - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Cups HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Cups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B C D E F G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo F F F F Pisces - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Cups FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Cups 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bb B Db Eb E Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo e e d e Pisces - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Cups 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Db D E Gb Ab Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer F F F F 7 A Cap Ven Pisces - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Cups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B C D E Gb G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun F Pisces - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Cups 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun R R R R Pisces - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Cups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B Db Eb E Gb Ab A Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Cap Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup e d d _________________________________ KEY SIGNATURES OF MORNING ARIES DEVIL ------1st House Court of the King of Wands Aries - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Wands STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Wands 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bb C D Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup R R R R Aries - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Wands HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Wands 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R Aries - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Wands FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Wands 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 B C D E F G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo F F F F Aries - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Wands 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bb C D Eb F G A Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer e e d Aries - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Wands 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Sco Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F R F Aries - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Wands 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 B C D E Gb G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun F Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual Aries - Mixolydian Taurus - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Wands JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Pentacles 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Bb C D E F G A Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun d d d e R R R R _________________________________ _________________________________ TAURUS HIEROPHANT GEMINI -------LOVERS 2nd House ------Court of the Queen of Pentacles 3rd House Court of the Knight of Swords Taurus - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Pentacles Gemini - Aeolian STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Pentacles MOON (Moon) - Ace of Swords 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Swords B Db Eb E Gb Ab A 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Cap Bb C D E F G A Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Aqu Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap e d d Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar d d d e Taurus - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Pentacles Gemini - Locrian HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Pentacles MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Swords 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Swords B Db D E Gb G A 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Bb C D Eb F G Ab Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag R F R Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Taurus - Ionian R R R R EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Pentacles FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Pentacles Gemini - Ionian 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Swords Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Swords Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Lib Sag 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat B Db D E Gb G A R Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Taurus - Dorian R F R SUN (Sun) - Four of Pentacles 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Gemini - Dorian Bb B Db Eb E Gb Ab SUN (Sun) - Four of Swords Aqu Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo B C D E F G A e e d e Pis Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Taurus - Phrygian F F F F TOWER (Mars) - Five of Pentacles 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gemini - Phrygian B Db D E Gb Ab A TOWER (Mars) - Five of Swords Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sag Cap 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Bb C D Eb F G A F F F F Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Taurus - Lydian e e d EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Pentacles 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Sco Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F R F 69 70 Music of the Spheres Gemini - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Swords 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 B Db D E Gb Ab A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sag Cap Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F F F F Gemini - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Swords 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 B C D E Gb G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun F _________________________________ CANCER CHARIOT ------4th House Court of the King of Cups Cancer - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Cups STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Cups 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun R R R R Cancer - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine 6 7 1 2 3 B Db Eb E Gb Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun e d of Cups of Cups 4 5 Ab A Sag Cap Mar Jup d Cancer - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Cups FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Cups 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Bb C D Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup R R R R Cancer - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Cups 5 6 7 1 2 3 Bb C Db Eb F Gb Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Lib Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup R 4 Ab Sag Sat Cancer - Phrygian TOWER (Mars) - Five of Cups 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Bb B Db Eb E Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo e e d e Cancer - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Cups 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Bb C D Eb F G A Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer e e d Cancer - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Cups 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Sco Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F R F _________________________________ LEO STRENGTH ------5th House Court of the Queen of Wands Leo - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Wands STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Wands 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 B C D E Gb G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun F Leo - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Wands HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Wands 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Bb C D E F G A Aqu Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar d d e Leo - Ionian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Wands FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Wands 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 B Db Eb E Gb Ab A Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Cap Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup e d d Leo - Dorian SUN (Sun) - Four of Wands 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 B Db D E Gb G A Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sco Cap Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat R F R Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual Virgo - Ionian Phrygian EMPRESS (Venus) - Three of Pentacles - Five of Wands FOOL (Pluton) - Ten of Pentacles 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 E F G A Bb C D E F G A Leo Vir Sco Cap Aqu Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Mar Jup Sat Moo Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar F F d d d e Leo - Lydian Virgo - Dorian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Wands SUN (Sun) - Four of Pentacles 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 Bb B Db Eb E Gb Ab Bb C D Eb F G Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Leo Lib Sag Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup e e d e R R R R Leo - Mixolydian Virgo - Phrygian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Wands TOWER (Mars) - Five of Pentacles 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 B Db D E Gb Ab A Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Pis Tau Gem Leo Lib Sag Cap Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat F F F F R _________________________________ Leo TOWER (Mars) 5 6 7 B C D Pis Ari Gem Mer Ven Sun F F VIRGO PRIESTESS ------6th House Court of the Knight of Pentacles Virgo - Aeolian MOON (Moon) - Ace of Pentacles STAR (Uranus) - Eight of Pentacles 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Aqu Ari Tau Can Vir Sco Sag Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven F R F Virgo - Locrian MAGICIAN (Mercury) - Two of Pentacles HERMIT (Neptune) - Nine of Pentacles 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun R R R R Virgo - Lydian EMPEROR (Jupiter) - Six of Pentacles 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 B C D E F G A Pis Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo F F F F Virgo - Mixolydian JUDGMENT (Saturn) - Seven of Pentacles 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 Bb C D Eb F G A Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Cap Ven Sun Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer e e d 71 72 Music of the Spheres These next six charts complete the section of SPR YTzYRH, Height, Depth, East, West, South, & North: IRIS LOOKING ABOVE (SPR YTzYRH “I H W”) EMP JUD JUD EMP TOW EMP <=Trump VI VII VII VI V III <=Heaven Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven <=Ruler Ada She Teb Kis Che Tis <=Hebrew Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep <=Roman Hea Spa Dia Clu Hea Spa <=Suit Wat Air Ear Fir Wat Air <=Element Mut Fix Car Mut Fix Car <=Quality Cup Swo Pen Wan Cup Swo <=Arcana Kni Que Kin Kni Que Kin <=Court HAN TEM WOR FOR DEA JUS <=Trump Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib <=Sign Inf Inf Sup Sup Sup Sup <=Phase Vio IVi Ind BIn Blu GBl <=Color B Bb A Ab G Gb <=Tone 12 11 10 9 8 7 <=Order -----------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 <=Order C Db D Eb E F <=Tone Red ROr Ora OYe Yel Gre <=Color Inf Inf Inf Inf Sup Sup <=Phase Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir <=Sign DEV HIE LOV CHA STR PRI <=Trump Kin Que Kni Kin Que Kni <=Court Wan Pen Swo Cup Wan Pen <=Arcana Car Fix Mut Car Fix Mut <=Quality Fir Ear Air Wat Fir Ear <=Element Clu Dia Spa Hea Clu Dia <=Suit Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug <=Roman Nis Iyy Siv Tam Ab_ Elu <=Hebrew Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer <=Ruler V III II I IV II <=Heaven TOW EMP MAG MOO SUN MAG <=Trump Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual IRIS LOOKING BELOW (SPR YTzYRH “I W H”) TOW EMP MAG MOO SUN MAG <=Trump V III II I IV II <=Heaven Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer <=Ruler Nis Iyy Siv Tam Ab_ Elu <=Hebrew Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug <=Roman Clu Dia Spa Hea Clu Dia <=Suit Fir Ear Air Wat Fir Ear <=Element Car Fix Mut Car Fix Mut <=Quality Wan Pen Swo Cup Wan Pen <=Arcana Kin Que Kni Kin Que Kni <=Court DEV HIE LOV CHA STR PRI <=Trump Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir <=Sign Inf Inf Inf Inf Sup Sup <=Phase Red ROr Ora OYe Yel Gre <=Color C Db D Eb E F <=Tone 1 2 3 4 5 6 <=Order -----------------------------------------12 11 10 9 8 7 <=Order B Bb A Ab G Gb <=Tone Vio IVi Ind BIn Blu GBl <=Color Inf Inf Sup Sup Sup Sup <=Phase Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib <=Sign HAN TEM WOR FOR DEA JUS <=Trump Kni Que Kin Kni Que Kin <=Court Cup Swo Pen Wan Cup Swo <=Arcana Mut Fix Car Mut Fix Car <=Quality Wat Air Ear Fir Wat Air <=Element Hea Spa Dia Clu Hea Spa <=Suit Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep <=Roman Ada She Teb Kis Che Tis <=Hebrew Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven <=Ruler VI VII VII VI V III <=Heaven EMP JUD JUD EMP TOW EMP <=Trump 73 74 Music of the Spheres IRIS LOOKING EAST (SPR YTzYRH “H I W”) /-Sup.-->| |<----Inferior----->| |<-Sup.--/ “blue- | | “red-shift” | | “blueshift” | | | | shift” | | | | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 <=Order Gb F E Eb D Db C B Bb A Ab G <=Tone GBl Gre Yel OYe Ora ROr Red Vio IVi Ind BIn Blu <=Color Lib Vir Leo Can Gem Tau Ari Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco <=Sign JUS PRI STR CHA LOV HIE DEV HAN TEM WOR FOR DEA <=Trump -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------\ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 <=House H Kin Kni Que Kin Kni Que Kin Kni Que Kin Kni Que <=Court o Swo Pen Wan Cup Swo Pen Wan Cup Swo Pen Wan Cup <=Arcana u Car Mut Fix Car Mut Fix Car Mut Fix Car Mut Fix <=Quality s Air Ear Fir Wat Air Ear Fir Wat Air Ear Fir Wat <=Element e Spa Dia Clu Hea Spa Dia Clu Hea Spa Dia Clu Hea <=Suit s -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------/ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 <=Order Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct <=Roman Tis Elu Ab_ Tam Siv Iyy Nis Ada She Teb Kis Che <=Hebrew Ven Mer Sun Moo Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar <=Ruler III II IV I II III V VI VII VII VI V <=Heaven EMP MAG SUN MOO MAG EMP TOW EMP JUD JUD EMP TOW <=Trump | | | | | | | /Ne /Ur | | /Pl | | | | | | | IX VIII | | X | | | | | | | HER STA | | FOO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<->| | | | | | | | | | |<--------->| | | | | | | | |<----------------->| | | | | | | /------------------------>| | | | | |<-\ /---------------------------->| | | |<-----\ /-------------------------------->| |<---------\ Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual IRIS LOOKING WEST (SPR YTzYRH “H W I”) /-Inf.-->| |<-----Superior---->| |<-Inf.--/ “red| | “blue-shift” | | “redshift” | | | | shift” | | | | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 <=Order Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B C <=Tone ROr Ora OYe Yel Gre GBl Blu BIn Ind IVi Vio Red <=Color Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari <=Sign HIE LOV CHA STR PRI JUS DEA FOR WOR TEM HAN DEV <=Trump -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------\ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 <=House H Que Kni Kin Que Kni Kin Que Kni Kin Que Kni Kin <=Court o Pen Swo Cup Wan Pen Swo Cup Wan Pen Swo Cup Wan <=Arcana u Fix Mut Car Fix Mut Car Fix Mut Car Fix Mut Car <=Quality s Ear Air Wat Fir Ear Air Wat Fir Ear Air Wat Fir <=Element e Dia Spa Hea Clu Dia Spa Hea Clu Dia Spa Hea Clu <=Suit s -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 <=Order Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar <=Roman Iyy Siv Tam Ab_ Elu Tis Che Kis Teb She Ada Nis <=Hebrew Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar <=Ruler III II I IV II III V VI VII VII VI V <=Heaven EMP MAG MOO SUN MAG EMP TOW EMP JUD JUD EMP TOW <=Trump | | | | | | /Pl | | /Ur /Ne | | | | | | | X | | VIII IX | | | | | | | FOO | | STA HER | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<->| | | | | | | | | | |<--------->| | | | | | | | |<----------------->| | | | | | | /------------------------>| | | | | |<-\ /---------------------------->| | | |<-----\ /-------------------------------->| |<---------\ 75 76 Music of the Spheres IRIS LOOKING SOUTH (SPR YTzYRH “W I H”) |<----Superior----->| |<-----Inferior---->| | “blue-shift” | | “red-shift” | | | | | 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 <=Order A Ab G Gb F E Eb D Db C B Bb <=Tone Ind BIn Blu GBl Gre Yel OYe Ora ROr Red Vio IVi <=Color | | | | | | | | | /Uv /Ir | Cap Sag Sco Lib Vir Leo Can Gem Tau Ari Pis Aqu <=Sign WOR FOR DEA JUS PRI STR CHA LOV HIE DEV HAN TEM <=Trump -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------\ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 <=House H Kin Kni Que Kin Kni Que Kin Kni Que Kin Kni Que <=Court o Pen Wan Cup Swo Pen Wan Cup Swo Pen Wan Cup Swo <=Arcana u Car Mut Fix Car Mut Fix Car Mut Fix Car Mut Fix <=Quality s Ear Fir Wat Air Ear Fir Wat Air Ear Fir Wat Air <=Element e Dia Clu Hea Spa Dia Clu Hea Spa Dia Clu Hea Spa <=Suit s -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------/ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 <=Order Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan <=Roman Teb Kis Che Tis Elu Ab_ Tam Siv Iyy Nis Ada She <=Hebrew Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Sun Moo Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat <=Ruler VII VI V III II IV I II III V VI VII <=Heaven JUD EMP TOW EMP MAG SUN MOO MAG EMP TOW EMP JUD <=Trump | | /Pl | | | | | | | /Ne /Ur | | X | | | | | | | IX VIII | | FOO | | | | | | | HER STA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<->| | | | | | | | | | |<--------->| | | | | | | | |<----------------->| | | | | | |<------------------------->| | | | |<--------------------------------->| | |<----------------------------------------->| Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual IRIS LOOKING NORTH (SPR YTzYRH “W H I”) |<----Inferior----->| |<-----Superior---->| | “red-shift” | | “blue-shift” | | | | | 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <=Order Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A <=Tone IVi Vio Red ROr Ora OYe Yel Gre GBl Blu BIn Ind <=Color | /Ir /Uv | | | | | | | | | Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap <=Sign TEM HAN DEV HIE LOV CHA STR PRI JUS DEA FOR WOR <=Trump -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------\ 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <=House H Que Kni Kin Que Kni Kin Que Kni Kin Que Kni Kin <=Court o Swo Cup Wan Pen Swo Cup Wan Pen Swo Cup Wan Pen <=Arcana u Fix Mut Car Fix Mut Car Fix Mut Car Fix Mut Car <=Quality s Air Wat Fir Ear Air Wat Fir Ear Air Wat Fir Ear <=Element e Spa Hea Clu Dia Spa Hea Clu Dia Spa Hea Clu Dia <=Suit s -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-------------/ 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <=Order Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec <=Roman She Ada Nis Iyy Siv Tam Ab_ Elu Tis Che Kis Teb <=Hebrew Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat <=Ruler VII VI V III II I IV II III V VI VII <=Heaven JUD EMP TOW EMP MAG MOO SUN MAG EMP TOW EMP JUD <=Trump /Ur /Ne | | | | | | | /Pl | | VIII IX | | | | | | | X | | STA HER | | | | | | | FOO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<->| | | | | | | | | | |<--------->| | | | | | | | |<----------------->| | | | | | |<------------------------->| | | | |<--------------------------------->| | |<----------------------------------------->| 77 78 Music of the Spheres SIDEREAL (Solars) |<------------------29.45------------------>| | |<--------------11.86-------------->| | | | |<----------1.881---------->| | | 84.02 | | |<------0.615------>| | | | /Ur | | | |<--0.241-->| | | | | | 164.8 | | | 0.075 | | 247.9 | | | /Ne | | | | 1 | | /Pl | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A IVi Vio Red ROr Ora OYe Yel Gre GBl Blu BIn Ind | | | | | | | | | | | | | */Ne | | | | | | */Pl | | | 1.006 | | | 0.081 | | 1.004 | | */Ur | | | |<--0.317-->| | | | | 1.012 | | |<------1.599------>| | | | | | |<----------2.136---------->| | | | |<--------------1.095-------------->| | |<------------------1.035------------------>| SYNODIC (Lunars) *NOTE:Ura rules Earth’s sidereal year =~ 1.00004 Nep rules Earth’s tropical year =~ 1.00000 Plu rules Earth’s own geocenter =~ 0.00000, _______________________________________________ <=planetary rulers <=zodiacal ensigns <=evening (liturg) <=morning (eccles) <=chromatic tones <=chromatic colors Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual PLANET S# Pla *10 Plu *9 Nep *8 Ura 7 Sat 6 Jup 5 Mar 4 Sun 3 Ven 2 Mer 1 Moo ORBITS/SACRE GLOMES Synod Sider./TropY 366.7 90800. 247.9 367.5 60190. 164.8 369.7 30685. 84.02 378.1 10760. 29.45 399.9 4332.2 11.86 780.0 686.98 1.881 ----- 365.26 1.000 583.9 224.70 0.615 115.9 87.969 0.241 29.53 27.322 0.075 Cf. the above with this chart dated cir. 440 AD, which agrees with Greco-Roman authorities dated centuries BC: *COELVM EMPIREVM HABITACVLVM DEI ET OMNIVM ELECTORVM Heaven Name Place Musa goddess Tenth Primum Mobile Earth/Pluto Mnemosyne Memory Ninth Mobile Seasons/Neptune Thalia Comedy Eighth Caelest.Firma. Stars/Uranus Urania Astronomy Seventh SATVRNI Saturn Polihymnia Hymnody Sixth IOVIS Jupiter Euterpe Melody Fifth MARTIS Mars Eratho Lyric Fourth SOLIS Sun Melpomene Tragedy Third VENERIS Venus Terpsicore Dance Second MERCVRII Mercury Kaliope Epic First LVNE Moon Klio History *NOTE: The ancient Latin motto above translates as: “Heaven in Practice is the Habitation of the Gods And Wholly by Election” 79 80 Music of the Spheres HEBREW / GREEK / ROMAN ALPHABETICAL CORRESPONDENCE TABLE ----------------------------------Heb/Gre Hebrew / Greek /Rom /def. 1 / 1 Aleph / Alpha /A /oxen 2 / 2 Beth / Beta /B /house 3 / 3 Gimel / Gamma /G /camel 4 / 4 Daleth / Delta /D /door 5 / 5 He / Epsilon /E /window 6 /(6) Waw / Digamma /F/V /nail 7 / 6 Zayin / Zeta /Z /sword 8 / 7 Heth / Eta /HE /wall 9 / 8 Teth / Theta /TH /snake 10 / 9 Yodh / Iota /I /hand 11 /10 Kaph / Kappa /K /fist 12 /11 Lamedh / Lambda /L /goad 13 /12 Mem / My /M /water 14 /13 Nun / Ny /N /fish 15 /14 Samekh / Xi /X /prop 16 /15 Ayin / Omikron /O /eye 17 /16 Peh / Pi /P /mouth 18 /-- Tzadhe / ~ /TZ /fishhook 19 /-Qoph / Koph /Q /ear 20 /17 Resh / Rho /R /head 21 /18 Shin / Sigma /S /tooth 22 /19 Tau / Tau /T /cross ~ /20 ~ / Ypsilon /U /~ ~ /21 ~ / Phei /PH /~ ~ /22 ~ / Chi /KH /~ ~ /23 ~ / Psei /PS /~ ~ /24 ~ / Omega /O /~ 1 / 1 13 /12 21 /18 THE THREE MOTHERS Aleph / Alpha /A Mem / Mu /M Shin / Sigma /S /oxhead /water /tooth Shin/Sigma-FIRE (suit of wands) Sagittarius = purified 9 Leo = balance 5 Aries = sinful 1 Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual 81 EARTH (suit of pentacles) Virgo = purified 6 Capricorn = balance 10 Taurus = sinful 2 Aleph/Alpha-AIR (suit of swords) Libra = purified Aquarius = balance Gemini = sinful 7 11 3 Mem/Mu-WATER (suit of cups) Scorpio = purified Pisces = balance Cancer = sinful 8 12 4 THE SEVEN DOUBLES Beth / Beta /B Gimel / Gamma /G Daleth / Delta /D Kaph / Kappa /K Peh / Pi /P Resh / Rho /R Tau / Tau /T 2 3 4 11 17 20 22 / 2 / 3 / 4 /10 /16 /17 /19 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 THE TWELVE SIMPLES / 5 He / Epsilon /E /(6) Waw / Digamma /F/V / 6 Zayin / Zeta /Z / 7 Heth / Eta /HE / 8 Teth / Theta /TH / 9 Yodh / Iota /I /11 Lamedh / Lambda /L /13 Nun / Nu /N /14 Samekh / Xi /X /15 Ayin / Omikron /O /-- Tzadhe / ~ /TZ /-Qoph / ~ /Q “house “camel “door “fist “mouth “head “cross - /window /nail /sword /wall /snake /hand /goad /fish /prop /eye /fishhook /ear life” peace” wisdom” riches” grace” fertility” power” 82 Music of the Spheres THE TWELVE DIRECTIONS* deg. direction cusp(titan) zodiac -----------------------------------0 Eastabove aries first 30 Northeast taurus second 60 Northbelow gemini third 90 Northabove cancer fourth 120 Northwest leo fifth 150 Westbelow virgo sixth 180 Westabove libra seventh 210 Southwest scorpio eighth 240 Southbelow sagittarius ninth 270 Southabove capricorn tenth 300 Southeast aquarius eleventh 330 Eastbelow pisces twelfth *NOTE: directional houses are unadjudicated. Houses of the horoscope are “turned” under the ruling Olympians. However, directional positions of the planets still matter very much, ‘specially for planets in ascendancy until the midheaven revealing ones sojourn in natal charts and most active dispositor. __________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 4 9 13 15 16 19 21 22 THE TWELVE / 1 Aleph / / 2 Beth / / 3 Gimel / / 4 Daleth / / 4 Daleth / / 8 Teth / /12 Mem / /14 Samekh / /15 Ayin / /-Qoph / /18 Shin / /19 Tau / CONSTELLATIONS* Alpha /A /oxen Beta /B /house Gamma /G /camel Delta /D /door Delta /D /door Theta /TH /snake My /M /water Xi /X /prop Omikron /O /eye Koph /Q /ear Sigma /S /tooth Tau /T /cross *NOTE: the “SPR YTzYRH” based on the judicial astrology of Ab-Ram/Abraham does not specify which letters explicitly go with which signs of the caelestial zodiac…only that they do. ____________________________________________ Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual DIATONIC SIDEREAL MODES IN THE OCTAVE (Orbit, Planet, Pitch, Mode, Muse, Goddess) S# Pla Key Mod Mus God Relative Middle C 10 Plu C Ion Mne Mem <=C equal middle C 9 Nep B Loc Tha Com <=B below middle C 8 Ura A Aeo Ura Ast <=A below middle C <=bottom ---------------------------------------7 Sat G Mix Pol Hym <=G above middle C 6 Jup F Lyd Eut Mel <=F above middle C 5 Mar E Phr Era Lyr <=E above middle C 4 Sun D Dor Mel Tra <=D above middle C ---------------------------------------3 Ven C Ion Ter Dan <=C above middle C <=top 2 Mer B Loc Kal Epi <=B above middle C 1 Moo A Aeo Kli His <=A above middle C DIATONIC SIDEREAL MODE-NOMENCLATURE (same mode, common ascending, ancient descending) Tonic Common Ancient Planet Heaven *C Ionian Lydian Pluto Tenth *B Locrian Mixolydian Neptune Ninth *A Aeolian Hypodorian Uranus Eighth G Mixolydian Hypophrygian Saturn Seventh F Lydian Hypolydian Jupiter Sixth E Phrygian Dorian Mars Fifth D Dorian Phrygian Sun Fourth C Ionian Lydian Venus Third B Locrian Mixolydian Mercury Second A Aeolian Hypodorian Moon First *NOTE outer planet modes are in the lower octave. DIATONIC SIDEREAL MODES IN WHOLE & HALF STEPS # alpha AscendSteps Mode *Species 7 G W-W-H-W-W-H Mixolydian greater w/ b7 6 F W-W-W-H-W-W Lydian greater w/ #4 5 E H-W-W-W-H-W Phrygian lesser w/ b2 4 D W-H-W-W-W-H Dorian lesser melodic 3 C W-W-H-W-W-W Ionian greater natural 2 B H-W-W-H-W-W Locrian lesser w/ b2 b5 1 A W-H-W-W-H-W Aeolian lesser natural *greater, major, perfect; lesser, minor, imperfect. 83 84 Music of the Spheres Ch 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 RULERSHIPS ON OUR CAELESTIAL SPHERE (ecliptic 0 lat. Aldebaran 15Tau lon.) Sign Glyph Quality Rul-phase Aries Ram Ambition Mar-inf Taurus Bull Passion Ven-inf Gemini Twins Communication Mer-inf Cancer Crab Imagination Moo-inf Leo Lion Power Sun-sup Virgo Virgin Virtue Mer-sup Libra Scales Justice Ven-sup Scorpius Scorpion Vitality Mar-sup,Plu-inf Sagittarius Archer Fortune Jup-sup Capricorn Horned Goat Discipline Sat-sup Aquarius Water Bearer Inspiration Sat-inf,Ura-sup Pisces Fishes Mysticism Jup-inf,Nep-sup RULERSHIPS IN OUR TERRESTRIAL SPHERE (meridian houses/courts of the horoscope) Hs Rulership Rul-phase 01 - Ego - Mar-inf 02 - Riches - Ven-inf 03 - Brothers - Mer-inf 04 - Parents - Moo-inf 05 - Sons - Sun-sup 06 - Servants - Mer-sup 07 - Marriage - Ven-sup 08 - Death - Mar-sup,Plu-inf 09 - Spirit - Jup-sup 10 - Society - Sat-sup 11 - Friends - Sat-inf,Ura-sup 12 - Debts - Jup-inf,Nep-sup Min’s Compleat Tarot Manual SUMMARY OF RULERSHIPS IN THE IRIS (name,rule,co-rule,fall,co-fall,exalt,debilitate) Name Rul Crl Fal Cfl Exa Deb Pluto Sco Tau Vir Pis Neptune Pis Vir Sag Gem Uranus Aqu Leo Sco Tau Saturn Cap Aqu Can Leo Lib Ari Jupiter Sag Pis Gem Vir Can Cap Mars Ari Sco Lib Tau Cap Can Sun Leo Aqu Ari Lib Venus Lib Tau Ari Sco Pis Vir Mercury Gem Vir Sag Pis Aqu Leo Moon Can Cap Tau Sco Node Aqu Leo Vir Pis Lilith Sco Tau Pis Vir Fortune Pis Vir Sag Gem TROPICAL MONTHS OF THE YEAR IN THE IRIS summary of seasonal rulerships during the zodiacal months of the tropical year Name Rul Crl Fal Cfl Exa Deb Pluto sco tau vir pis Neptune pis vir sag gem Uranus aqu leo sco tau Saturn cap aqu can leo lib ari Jupiter sag pis gem vir can cap Mars ari sco lib tau cap can Sun leo aqu ari lib Venus lib tau ari sco pis vir Mercury gem vir sag pis aqu leo Moon can cap tau sco GENERAL PLANET DATA J2000 (reference http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov, http://www.solarviews.com) Planet: AU Year Diam Hr/Day Mass Dens Axis Sat Earth: 1.000 1.00 1.000 24.00 1.000 5.52 23.44 1 Sun: 0.000 0.00 109.125 ~720.00 322946.000 1.37 00.00 9 Moon: 0.003 0.07 0.272 655.72 0.012 3.34 1.542 0 Mercury: 0.387 0.24 0.382 1407.51 0.055 5.43 02.00 0 Venus: 0.723 0.62 0.949 5832.45 0.815 5.20 177.3 0 Mars: 1.524 1.88 0.532 24.62 0.107 3.93 25.19 2 Jupiter: 5.203 11.86 11.209 9.92 317.938 1.33 03.13 16 Saturn: 9.537 29.45 9.449 10.66 95.181 0.69 25.33 18 Uranus:19.191 84.02 4.007 17.24 14.531 1.32 97.86 15 Neptune:30.069 164.79 3.883 16.11 17.135 1.64 28.31 8 Pluto:39.482 247.92 0.180 153.29 0.002 1.10 122.5 1 85 86 Music of the Spheres S# 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ADDITIONAL ORBITAL DATA J2000 Pla eccent. incl. retro av. Plu 0.24881 17.14 Nep 0.00859 1.769 Ura 0.04717 0.799 Sat 0.05415 2.484 138 days Jup 0.04839 1.305 121 days Mar 0.09341 1.851 73 days Sun 0.01671 0.000 -------Ven 0.00677 3.395 42 days Mer 0.20563 7.005 22 days Moo 0.05 0.017 -------- SIDEREAL-SYNODIC-TROPICAL MULTIPLES (the five planets of evening & morning) MAGICIAN/Mercury: 85 mean-synodic periods =~ 27 tropical years; 191 sidereal ~ 145 mean-synodic ~ 46 tropical EMPRESS/Venus: 157 mean-synodic periods =~ 251 tropical years; 1871 sidereal ~ 720 mean-synodic ~ 1151 tropical TOWER/Mars: 22 mean-synodic periods =~ 47 tropical years 151 sidereal ~ 133 mean-synodic ~ 284 tropical EMPEROR/Jupiter: 76 mean-synodic periods =~ 83 tropical years 36 sidereal ~ 391 mean-synodic ~ 427 tropical JUDGMENT/Saturn: 57 mean-synodic periods =~ 59 tropical years 9 sidereal ~ 256 mean-synodic ~ 265 tropical Saturn’s rings edge-on =~ avg. 14.75 years – fin – - From near the Continental Divide of Central Colorado, USA This 24. of December, 2002. Done by Daniel Joseph Min
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 90 Creator : Min's Compleat Tarot Manual2.doc - Microsoft Word Create Date : 2004:06:24 16:13:41 Subject : Judicial Tarot Title : Min's Compleat Tarot Manual2.PDF Author : Daniel Joseph Min Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.05 for Windows NT Keywords : expert, astronomerEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools