RS57A NMet EIS X.01 References PSDEIS V2

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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
1854 Treaty Authority. 2006. Ceded Territory Conservation Code. Final Version. August 2, 2006.
Retrieved from:
---. 2007. Code for Treaty Gathering. July 24, 2007.
---. 2013. 1854 Treaty Authority Fishing Seasons, 2013-2014.Board Approved March 14, 2013.
ACHP. See Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
Adams, J.L., R.T. Leibfried, & E.S. Herr. 2004. Final Report, East Range Hydrology Project. Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources, Region 2, Grand Rapids, MN. March 2004.
Addison and McConnell. 2008. A review of carcinogenicity studies of asbestos and non-asbestos
tremolite and other amphiboles, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology; Volume 52, Issue 1,
Supplement pp:187-99. October, 2008.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). 2008. Consultation with Indian Tribes in the Section
106 Review Process: A Handbook. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.
AECOM. 2009a. 2009 NorthMet Mine/Forest Service Additional Parcel Northern Goshawk and Owl
Survey - Final Report. Document No. 05461-007-0400. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation. August 2009.
---. 2009b. Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species and Habitat Assessment for the
Proposed PolyMet Land Exchange. Document No. 05461-004-0400. Prepared for
PolyMet Mining Corporation. October 2009.
---. 2011a. 2008 NorthMet Mine/Forest Service Additional Parcel Summer Wildlife and Wetland
Assessment - Final Report. Document No. 05461-005-0400. Prepared for PolyMet
Mining Corporation. May 2011.
---. 2011b. 2009 Hay Lake Parcel and McFarland Parcel Summer Wildlife and Wetland
Assessment Final Report. Document No. 05461-008-0400. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation. October 2011.
---. 2011c. Hunting Club, Lake County, and Wolf Land Parcels Fall 2010 Wildlife and Wetland
Assessment Final Report. Document No. 6018.8563.0400. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation. June 2011.
---. 2011d. Wetland, Lake Shoreline, Stream Frontage, and Floodplain Assessment for the
Proposed PolyMet Land Exchange. Document No. 05461-004-0500. Prepared for
PolyMet Mining Corporation. June 2011.
Alberta. See Government of Alberta, Canada.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
Allan, Stacy. 1993. Final Report on Data Recovery Investigations of the Cedar Creek Sites, 21AK58, a
Multicomponent Habitation Site. Cedar Creek Archaeological Data Recovery Project,
Archaeology Department, Minnesota Historical Society.
Allison, Jerry D. and Terry L. Allison. 2005. “Partition Coefficients for Metals in Surface Water, Soil,
and Waste.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development.
Document EPA/600/R-05/074. July.
AluChem, Inc. 2010. Magnesium Hydroxide MSDS. CAS # 1309-42-8. September 10, 2010.
Anderson, C. 1997. Evaluation of Selected Potential Candidate Research Natural Areas as Representative
of Ecological Landtype Associations on the Superior National Forest, Minnesota. Biological
Report No. 58 - Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. December 1997.
Apfelbaum, S., Cockrell, R., Larson, J., Eppich, D., Odum, R., & Thomas, N. 1995. Determination of
Life Cycle Assessment Ecosystem Impact Indicators of Mining Activities for the Mesabi Iron
Range, Minnesota. October 1995.
Apps, C.D. 2000. Space-use, Diet, Demographics, and Topographic Associations of Lynx in the Southern
Canadian Rocky Mountains: A Study. In Ruggiero, L.F., Aubry, K.B.,Buskirk, S.W., Koehler,
G.M., Krebs, C.J., McKelvey, K.S., & Squires, J.R.(eds.) . Ecology and Conservation of Lynx in
the United States 351-371. Boulder, CO: University Press.
Archer, D. 2005. Fate of fossil fuel CO2 in geologic time. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 110,
C09S05, doi:10.1029/2004JC002626.
Arrowhead. See Arrowhead Regional Development Commission.
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (Arrowhead). 2011. City of Babbitt Comprehensive Plan.
Prepared for City of Babbitt. November 2011. Retrieved from:
Arzigian, C. 2008. Minnesota Statewide Multiple Property Documentation Form for the Woodland
Tradition. Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse.
Report on file at the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office.
Atkins, Annette. 2007. Creating Minnesota: A History from the Inside Out. Minnesota Historical Society
Press. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Atkinson, M.A.L. 2006. Chapter 4: Molecular and Cellular Responses to Asbestos Exposure. Asbestos:
Risk Assessment, Epidemiology, and Health Effects. Edited by Ronald F. Dodson, Ph.D. and
Samuel P. Hammar, M.D. CRC Press.
Auer, N.A. 1996. Importance of Habitat and Migration to Sturgeons with Emphasis on Lake Sturgeon.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences:53 S1: 152-160.
Auer, N.A. (ed.). 2003. A Lake Sturgeon Rehabilitation Plan for Lake Superior. Great Lakes Fishery
Commission, Miscellaneous Publication 2003-02. May 2003.
BBER. See Bureau of Business and Economic Research.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
Bailey, T.N., Bangs, E.E., Portner, M.F., Malloy, J.C., & McAvinchey, R.J. 1986. An Apparent
Overexploited Lynx Population on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management,
50(2), 279-289.
Balogh, S.J., E.B. Swain, and Y.H. Nollet. 2006. Elevated methylmercury concentrations and loadings
during flooding in Minnesota rivers. Science of the Total Environment 368: 138-148.
Barbour, M.T., Gerritsen, J., Snyder, B.D., & Stribling, J.B. 1999. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use
in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish, Second
Edition. EPA 841-B-99-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Water;
Washington, D.C. Retrieved from:
Barnard Dunkelberg. 2009. Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport Final EIS. Accessed 21 March 2012.
Barr. See Barr Engineering.
Barr Engineering (Barr). 2005. RS26 – Partridge River Level 1 Rosgen Geomorphic Survey. Rosgen
Classification Partridge River from Headwaters to Colby Lake. Draft-01. December 8, 2005.
---. 2006a. Cumulative Wetland Effect Analysis East Reserve Mining Project. Prepared for
Ispat Inland Mining Company. July 10, 2006.
---. 2006b. RS02 – Hydrogeological – Drill Hole Monitoring and Data Collection – Phase 1.
Hydrogeologic Investigation Phase 1. PolyMet NorthMet Mine Site. Draft-02.
November 16, 2006.
---. 2006c. RS10 – Hydrogeological – Drill Hole Monitoring and Data Collection Phase 2.
Hydrogeologic Investigation Phase II. PolyMet NorthMet Mine Site. Draft-02.
November 16, 2006.
---.2006d. RS14 – Wetland Delineation and Wetland Functional Assessment Report. Draft-02,
November 20, 2006.
---. 2006e. RS44 – Wetland Hydrology Study. November 20, 2006.
---. 2006f. RS64 – Technical Memorandum: Existing Tailings Basin Water Information. Draft-01.
February 7, 2006.
---. 2006g. RS 70 – Mercury Deposition and Bioaccumulation Cumulative Impact Report,
Cumulative Impacts Analysis, Minnesota Iron Range Industrial Development Projects,
Mercury Deposition and Evaluation of Bioaccumulation in Fish in Northeast Minnesota.
November 2006.
---. 2006h. RS71 – Cumulative Impacts Analysis, Minnesota Iron Range Industrial Development
Projects, Assessment of Potential Visibility Impacts in Federal Class I Areas in
Minnesota. November 2006.
---. 2007a. PolyMet Data. E-mail from Miguel Wong, Ph.D., P.E. February 14, 2007.
---. 2007b. RS10A – Hydrogeological Drill Hole Monitoring and Data Collection – Phase 3.
Phase III Hydrogeologic Investigation. March 2007.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2007c. RS14 – Supplemental Information to the Wetland Delineation Report EIS
Report/Study. Addendum 01. Submitted in support of the PolyMet Mining Corp.'s
NorthMet Mine and Ore Processing Facilities Project Detailed Project Description.
September 2007.
---. 2007d. RS22 – Mine Waste Water Management for the PolyMet NorthMet Mine Site.
Technical Detail Report. Draft-02. October 17, 2007.
---. 2007e. RS29T – Technical Design Evaluation Report - Wastewater Treatment Technology
NorthMet Project. Draft-02, March 30. Addendum, October 2007, 8 sections, 14 tables, 5
figures, 11 appendices.
---. 2007f. RS52 – PolyMet Technical Design Evaluation Report - Mine Closure Plan Report.
July 2007.
---. 2007g. RS55T – Tailings Basin Modifications to Eliminate Water Release via Seepage.
PolyMet Technical Design Evaluation Report. Draft-02. February 13, 2007.
---. 2007h. RS63 – Technical Memorandum: Updated PolyMet Mining Baseline Surface Water
Quality Information Report. Draft-02. June 29, 2007.
---. 2007i. RS76 – Technical Memorandum: Summary and Interpretation of Surface Water
Quality Monitoring Data, PolyMet Mining Company. June 27, 2007.
---. 2007j. Technical Memorandum: Results of Autumn 2007 Field Surveys for Botrychium
rugulosum at PolyMet Mine Site. November 7, 2007.
---. 2007k. Addendum 01, Supplemental Information to the November 2006 Air Quality
Cumulative Impact Assessment Report on Mercury Deposition and Evaluation of
Bioaccumulation in Fish in Northeast Minnesota, EIS Report/Study RS70. August 2007.
---. 2007l. RS58A - Emission Control Technology Review for NorthMet Project Processing Plant
RS58A. October 2007.
---. 2007m. RS61 - Fiber Information, NorthMet Mine and Ore Processing Facilities Project,
Fibers Data Related to the Processing of NorthMet Deposit Ore, EIS Report Study 61.
---. 2007n. Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Review of NorthMet Project Mine Site.
February 2007.
---. 2007o. RS58B – Emission Control Technology Review for NorthMet Project Mine Site.
Draft-02. September 2007.
---. 2008a. External Memorandum: Changes to the Tailings Basin Flows in the Embarrass River
Watershed PolyMet RS-74. Memo to J. Scott and S. Arkley from K. Wenigmann, G.
Williams, and M. Wong. October 14, 2008.
---. 2008b. Lined Tailings Basin Alternative - EIS Data Request. Technical Memorandum from
Gregg Williams at Barr Engineering Company PolyMet Project File, Project No. 23/69-
862-006-001, 6 p. April 8.
---.2008c. RS13B – Tailings BasinMitigation Design Water Balance. Draft-01. September 8,
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2008d. RS22B – Mine Waste Water Management for the PolyMet NorthMet Mine Site,
Appendix B: Groundwater Modeling of the NorthMet Mine Site. Draft-03.
---.2008e. RS73B – Streamflow and Lake Level Changes: Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling
Results for the PolyMet NorthMet Mine Site. Draft-03. September 12, 2008.
---. 2008f. RS74A – Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Modeling: Mine Site. Draft-02.
September 16, 2008.
---. 2008g. RS74B – Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Modeling: Plant Site. Draft-02.
September 14, 2008.
---. 2008h. Technical Memorandum: Indirect Wetland Impacts at the Mine Site. June 2, 2008.
---. 2008i. Technical Memorandum: Plant Site Groundwater Impacts Predictions. November 12,
---. 2008j. Technical Memorandum: Water Quality Estimates for LTVSMC Tailings Basin Cell
2E and Cell 2W Seepage. February 8, 2008.
---. 2008k. Technical Memorandum: Wetland Impacts - Tailings Basin Mitigation Alternative.
June 2, 2008.
---. 2008l. Technical Memorandum: Wetland Impacts - Tailings Basin Mitigation Alternative.
May 28, 2008.
---. 2008m. RS20T – Wetland Mitigation Plan. Report Prepared for PolyMet Mining, Inc., Hoyt
Lakes, Minnesota. Minneapolis. Minnesota. Draft-04 January 15, 2008.
---. 2008n. RS57A – Stationary Point and Fugitive Source Emission Calculations for the
NorthMet Project Plant Site. November 2008.
---. 2009a. Cumulative Effects Analysis of Wildlife Habitat and Threatened and Endangered
Wildlife Species: Keetac Expansion Project. Prepared for U.S. Steel. February 2009.
---. 2009b. Draft 2009 Wild Rice and Sulfate Monitoring: Spring Mine Creek, Embarrass River,
Partridge River, Pike River, and Lower St. Louis River. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation. September 2009.
---. 2009c. Technical Memorandum: Colby Lake Water Quality Samples. April 7, 2009.
---. 2009d. Technical Memorandum: Results of Residential Well Sampling North of LTVSMC
Tailings Basin. January 27, 2009.
---. 2009e. Technical Memorandum: Results of Tailings Basin Hydrogeological Investigation.
June 2, 2009.
---. 2009f. Technical Memorandum: Tailings Basin Area Geologic and Hydrogeologic Setting.
Memo to Stuart Arkley, MDNR, from Tom Radue and Tina Pint, Barr. April 2, 2009.
---. 2009g. NorthMet Project Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory & Energy and Efficiency
Analysis. March 2009.
---. 2009h. Technical memo: Results of site specific soil sorption.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2009i. Proposed Water Management Plan for the Mesabi Mining Project.
---. 2010a. 2009 Wild Rice Survey and Sulfate Monitoring Report prepared for Mesabi Nugget
Phase II.
---. 2010b. NorthMet Project Baseline Wetland Type Evaluation. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation. March 2010.
---. 2010c. Technical Memorandum: Results from the Additional Baseline Monitoring for Sulfate
and Methylmercury in the Embarrass River Watershed, July – November 2009. April 9,
---. 2010d. Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Report 2007-2009. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation. March 10, 2008.
---. 2011a. 2010 Wild Rice and Water Quality Monitoring Report: Second Creek, Spring Mine
Creek, Trimble Creek, Unnamed Creek (PM 11), Wyman Creek, Embarrass River,
Partridge River, Pike River, and St. Louis River. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation. January 2011.
---. 2011b. Aquatic Biota Survey Report for the NorthMet Project. Prepared for PolyMet Mining
Corporation PolyMet. August 2011.
---. 2011c. Mineral Character Determination Related to Exchange of Lands Between Polymet
Mining and USFS. Prepared for PolyMet Mining Corporation. December 1, 2011.
---. 2011d. NorthMet Project Baseline Wetland Type Evaluation. Report Prepared for PolyMet
Mining, Inc., Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. Minneapolis: April 2011.
---. 2011f. RS71 - Cumulative Impacts Analysis, Assessment of Potential Ecosystem
Acidification Cumulative Impacts in Northeast Minnesota, NorthMet Project. Version 2.
November 2011.
---. 2011g. NorthMet Mine and Ore Processing Facility Project, Mineral Fibers Data Related to
the Processing of NorthMet Deposit Ore, Addendum 02, Fine Particle Air Emission
Control Technology Update. December 2011.
---. 2011h. Work Plan for a Supplemental Air Emissions Risk Analysis (AERA) for the NorthMet
Mine Site. Version 2: November 14, 2011.
---. 2012a. 2011 Wild Rice and Water Quality Monitoring - Second Creek, Spring Mine Creek,
Trimble Creek, Unnamed Creek PM 11, Wyman Creek, Embarrass River, Partridge
River, and Pike River. February 2012.
---. 2012b. Cumulative Impacts Analysis: Local Mercury Deposition and Bioaccumulation in
Fish. Prepared for PolyMet Mining Inc. July 2012.
---. 2012c. Cumulative Impacts Analysis Local Mercury Deposition and Bioaccumulation in Fish
NorthMet Project. April 2012.
---. 2012d. NorthMet Mine Site Water Modeling Work Plan, Version 6. 14 February 2012.
---. 2012e. NorthMet Plant Site Water Modeling Work Plan, Version 7. 13 April 2012.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2012f. NorthMet Project Adaptive Water Management Plan, Version 2. 10 July 2012.
---. 2012g. Partridge River Hydrologic Impacts-XP-SWMM Results. December 10, 2012.
---. 2012h. Technical Memorandum: Summary of Water Related Model Calibrations and Plant
Site Corroborations. Technical Memorandum. From Greg Williams Barr Engineering , to
Erik Carlson MN DNR . 24 July 2012.
---. 2012i. NorthMet Memorandum: Traffic Information. February 8, 2012.
---. 2012k. Class I Area Air Dispersion Modeling Report v2 MAY2012.
---. 2012l. UpdatedCalcsMineSDEIS VER 10.0 10_27_12.xlsx.
---. 2012n. Class II Mine Site Air Quality Dispersion Modeling Report v1 MAY2012.pdf
---. 2012o. Class II Plant Site Air Quality Dispersion Modeling Report v1 AUG2012.pdf
---. 2012p. Class II Mine Site Air Quality Dispersion Modeling Report v2 AUG2012.pdf
---. 2012q. Class II Plant Site Air Quality Dispersion Modeling Report v2 NOV2012.pdf
---. 2012r. Mercury Emission Control Technology Review for NorthMet Project Processing Plant.
February 2012. Version 2.
---. 2012s. Green House Gas and Climate Change Evaluation, PolyMet Project. June 2012.
---. 2012v. Technical Memorandum: Response to Questions on Saline Groundwater. From John
Swenson and Jere Mohr to Bill Johnson. 7 September 2012.
---. 2013a. CDF059 Tributary Flow Augmentation. Ver. 4. January 25, 2013.
---. 2013b. Technical Memorandum: Ongoing data collection for the NorthMet water quality
modeling, aka Data Sufficiency Document – version 3. February 25, 2013.
---. 2013c. NorthMet Project - Local Mercury Deposition and Bioaccumulation in Fish
Addendum 01. March 13, 2013.
---. 2013d. UpdatedCalcsPlantVer7.0_02_26_13.xlsx.
---. 2013e. CDF 069.
---. 2013f. Water Modeling Results Version 5.
---. 2013g. Final Pilot Testing Report. Plane Site Wastewater Treatment Plant Pilot Testing
Program. Prepared for PolyMet Mining Inc. January 2013.
---. 2013h. Technical Memo: Background Concentration of Beryllium and Manganese. January 4,
---. 2013i. CDF061, 1.17.13.
---. 2013j. Air Emissions Risk Analysis – Mine Site Supplement V3Feb2013.pdf, page 90 of 119,
Large Figure 4.
---. 2013k. Air Emissions Risk Analysis – Plant Site Supplement V3Mar2013.pdf, page 113 of
1162, Large Figure 5.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2013l. Technical Memorandum: NorthMet Flotation Tailings Basin: Containment System
Effects on Slope Stability. April 19, 2013.
---. 2013m. 2012 Wildrice and Water Quality Monitoring Summary. Prepared for PolyMet
Mining Inc. January 2013.
---. 2013n. CDF062 Colby Lake Probabilistic Water Quality, Version 2. January 31, 2013.
Barr Engineering and HC Itasca. 2009. Dissolved Solids and Chemical Balance Mesabi Nugget Phase II
Project – Draft 01. Prepared for Steel Dynamics, Inc. Mesabi Mining, LLC by Barr Engineering
and HC Itasca. December 14, 2009. Draft-01.
Bassett Acoustics. 2004. Environmental Impact Statement for the Clermont Coal Mine Project,
Queensland, Australia, August 2004.
Bell Museum of Natural History. 2011. Bell Museum of Natural History Vascular Plant Database.
University of Minnesota Herbarium, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Accessed on August 16, 2011.
Retrieved from:
Benton-Banai, E. 1988. The Mishomis Book: The Voice of the Ojibway. St. Paul, MN: Indian County
Press and Publications, Inc.
Berman and Crump. 2003. Final draft: Technical support document for a protocol to assess asbestos-
related risk. Berman and Crump Protocol, Prepared for Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
Response. USEPA, Washington DC. Original version September 4, 2001, updated in 2003.
Berndt, M.E. 2003. Mercury and Mining in Minnesota. Minerals Coordinating Committee, Final Report.
Submitted June 30, 2003, Revised October 15, 2003. Retrieved from:
Bettis, E.A. III and D.M. Thompson. 1981. Holocene landscape evolution in western Iowa - concepts,
methods, and implications for archaeology. In S.F. Anfinson (ed.). , Current directions in
Midwestern Archaeology: Selected papers from the Mankato Conference pp. 1–14 , Occasional
Papers in Minnesota Archaeology 9. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Archaeological Society.
Bloom, N. S. 1992. “On the chemical form of mercury in edible fish and marine invertebrate tissue.”
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(5): 1010-1017.
Bottomley, D.J. 1996. A Review of Theories on the Origins of Saline Waters and Crines in the Canadian
Precambrian Shield. Wastes and Impacts Division, Directorate of Fuel Cycles and Materials
regulation. Atomic Energy Control Board: Ottawa, Canada. February 1996.
Bradley, W.C., Rhymer, J.M., & McCollough, M. 2002. Habitat Selection by Wood Turtles (Clemmys
Insculpta): An Application of Paired Logistic Regression. Ecology, 83(3), 833-843.
Brand, C.J., & Keith, L.B. 1979. Lynx Demography During a Snowshoe Hare Decline in Alberta. Journal
of Wildlife Management 43(4), 827-849.
Breneman, D. 2005. Stream and Wetland Biological Survey. NRRI Technical Report Number NRRI/TR-
2005/05. Prepared for PolyMet Mining Corporation. February 2005.
Brooks, K.N. 1992. Chapter 10: Surface Hydrology. In H.E. Wright (Ed.), The Patterned Peatlands of
Northern Minnesota pp. 153-162. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
Burdett, C.L., & Niemi, G.J. 2002. Conservation Assessment for Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides
tridactylus). Prepared for U.S.D.A. Forest Service (USFS). October 2002.
Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER). 2009. The Economic Impact of Non-Ferrous
Mining on the State of Minnesota and the Arrowhead Region and Douglas County, WI. March
2009. University of Minnesota Duluth, Labovitz School of Business and Economics, Bureau of
Business and Economic Research, Duluth, MN.
---. 2012. NorthMet Economic Impact 2011 Update: Economic Impact of PolyMet’s NorthMet
Project on St. Louis County, Minnesota. March 2012. University of Minnesota Duluth, Labovitz
School of Business and Economics, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Duluth, MN.
Buskirk, S.W., Ruggiero, L.F., & Krebs, C.J. 2000. Habitat Fragmentation and Interspecific Competition:
Implications for Lynx Conservation. In Ruggiero, L.F., Aubry, K.B.,Buskirk, S.W., Koehler,
G.M., Krebs, C.J., McKelvey, K.S., & Squires, J.R. eds. . Ecology and Conservation of Lynx in
the United States 83-100 .Boulder, CO: University Press.
CEQ. See Council on Environmental Quality.
COSEWIC. See Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.
CSCC. See Ciba Specialty Chemicals Corporation.
CSS. See College of St. Scholastica.
Canada. See Government of Canada.
Chiriboga, Esteban. 2012. Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission.
Christian, D.P. 1993. Distribution and Abundance of Bog Lemmings (Synaptomys Cooperi and
S.Borealis) and Associated Small Mammals in Lowland Habitats in Northern Minnesota
Sensitive Small Mammals of the Chippewa National Forest. Prepared for John Mathisen, CNF,
and Rich Baker, MDNR. March 1993.
Ciba Specialty Chemicals Corporation (CSCC). 2005. MagnaFloc 342 MSDS. October 7, 2005.
City of Babbitt. 1996. Zoning Ordinance for the City of Babbitt. Hard copy on file with the City of
Babbitt, Babbitt Minnesota. Accessed October 6, 2011.
ClearTech Industries Inc. 2010. Potassium Permanganate MSDS April 1, 2010.
Cleland, Charles E., and Richard A. Carlson, Jr. 2002. The Elders Speak: Natural Resource use by the
Forest County Potawatomi Community. Report prepared for the Forest County Potawatomi
Community by Aurora Associates.
Cliffs Erie. 2009. Cliffs Erie Tailings Basin Monitoring, May 2009.
Clifton, James A., George Cornell, and James M. McClurken. 1986. People of the Three Fires: the
Ottawa, Potawatomi and Ojibway of Michigan. Grand Rapids: Michigan Indian Press.
Climate Registry, The. 2008. General Reporting Protocol. Version 1.1. Accurate, transparent, and
consistent measurement of GHGs across North America. May 2008.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
Clinton, President William J. 1994. Memorandum on Government-to-Government Relations with Native
American Tribal Governments. April 29, 1994.
Cochran, P.A., & Pettinelli, T.C. 1987. Northern and Southern Brook Lampreys (Ichthyomyzon fossor and
I. gagei) in Minnesota. Prepared for Conservation Biology Research Grants Program, Division of
Ecological Services, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Coffin, B., and L. Pfannmuller, eds. 1988. Minnesota's Endangered Flora and Fauna (65), 149.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
College of St. Scholastica (CSS). Fast Facts. 2012. Accessed May 9, 2012. Retrieved from:
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 2003. COSEWIC Assessment
and Update Status Report on the Shortjaw Cisco Coregonus Zenithicus. Retrieved from:
Compeau, G.C. and R. Bartha. 1985. Sulfate-reducing bacteria: Principal methylators of mercury in
anoxic estuarine sediment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol 50, Pages 498-502.
Cook County. 2011. Online Zoning Information database. Retrieved from:
Cooper, L. and E. Johnson. 1964. Sandy Lake Ware and its Distribution. American Antiquity
Volume 29 (4).
Cummins, K.S., & Mayer, C.A. 1992. Field Guide to Freshwater Mussels of the Midwest. Manual 5.
Champagne, IL: Illinois Natural History Survey.
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). 1981. Memorandum to Agencies: Forty Most Asked Questions
Concerning CEQ's National Environmental Policy Act Regulations: 2a. Alternatives Outside the
Capability of Applicant or Jurisdiction of Agency. Retrieved from
DOJ. See U.S. Department of Justice.
Day, Stephen. 2008. Memo: RS46 Agency Work Plan Request for Section 4.1 DRAFT. SRK Consulting.
Memo to Jim Scott, PolyMet. June 18.
Dobbs, Clark, A. 1989 Outline of Historic Contexts for the Prehistoric Period ca.12,000B.P. – A.D.
1700: A Document in the Series Minnesota History in Sites and Structures: A Comprehensive
Planning Series. Institute for Minnesota Archaeology Reports of Investigations Number 37
prepared for the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office.
Doll, R. and J. Peto. 1985. Asbestos effects on health of exposure to asbestos. HMSO,
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Dore, W.G. 1969. Wild Rice. Ottawa, Canada: The Queen's Printer for Canada.
Dow Chemical Company. 2009. Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol Product Safety Assessment. June 26, 2009.
Dyno (Dynamo Nobel). 2010. Blasting and Explosives Quick Reference Guide, 2010.
Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
EDR. See Environmental Data Resources, Inc.
EDS. See Engineered Drilling Solutions.
ENSR. See ENSR International.
ERM. See Environmental Resources Management.
Edwards, A.J. 2012. 1994-2011Big Game and Furbearer Harvest Report. 1854 Treaty Authority.
Technical Report 12-02. February 2012.
eFlora. 2011. Flora search engine. Accessed on August 16, 2011. Retrieved from:
Eggers, S.D. 2011. Technical Memorandum: Distinguishing Between Bogs That Are Entirely
Precipitation Driven Versus Those with Some Degree of Mineral Inputs from Groundwater
and/or Surface Water Runoff. November 7, 2011.
---. 2011b. USACE Draft Memorandum: Distinguishing Between Bogs That Are Entirely
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Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2011n. Rare Species Guide: Chilostigma Itascae Species Profile. Accessed March 5, 2012.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
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NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
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---. 2011d. MPCA Staff Recommendation on Impact Criteria Related to the Permittability of the
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
Northeast Technical Services, Inc. (NTS). 2002. Phase I - Environmental Site Assessment, Cliffs Erie
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This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2011i. NorthMet Project Wild Rice Mitigation, Sensitive Period Aspects. Version 1. July 27,
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
---. 2013i. NorthMet Water Modeling Data Package, Volume 1 - Mine Site Version 12. March 8,
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
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Preliminary Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PSDEIS)
NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange
This PSDEIS document is a Co-lead Agency provisional draft intended for internal review only.
Corrections, revisions, and changes will be made prior to the release of the SDEIS for public review and comment.
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