NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening Guide 1.3.0
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NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening Guide Version 1.3.0 February 2019 Implemented on: ACCESS NYC: NYC Benefits Eligibility API: Contact: Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction Rules Owners Income Sources Resource Types Expense Types S2_R001 - Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit S2_R002 - Child Care (HRA) S2_R003 - EarlyLearn NYC Child Care (ACS) S2_R004 - Child Tax Credit - (DCA / IRS) S2_R005 - Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) - (DOF) S2_R006 - Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) - (DCA / IRS) S2_R007 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP) (Food Stamps) - (HRA) S2_R008 - EarlyLearn NYC Head Start - (ACS) S2_R009 - Comprehensive After School System of NYC (COMPASS NYC) - (DYCD) S2_R010 - Cash Assistance- (HRA) S2_R011 – Health Insurance Assistance - (HIA) S2_R012 - School Tax Relief (STAR) S2_R013 - Section 8 Housing - (NYCHA) S2_R014 - Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) - (DOF) S2_R015 - Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) - (DOF) S2_R016 – Pre-K for All (Pre-K) - (DOE) S2_R017 – Disabled Homeowners’ Exemption (DHE) - (DOF) S2_R018 – Veterans' Property Tax Exemption - (DOF) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 2 of 63 February 2019 S2_R019 – Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) - (HRA) S2_R020 – SchoolFoods (School Meals) - (DOE) S2_R021 – New York State Unemployment Insurance - (NYS Department of Labor) S2_R022 – Women, Infants and Children (WIC) - (HRA) S2_R023 – Summer Meals - (DOE) S2_R024 – NYCHA Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (REES) - (NYCHA) S2_R025 – Senior Employment Services (SES) - (DFTA) S2_R026 – Workforce1 - (SBS) S2_R027 – Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) - (NYS DOH) S2_R028 – Learn & Earn (formerly In-School Youth Employment Program - ISY) - (DYCD) S2_R029 – Nurse-Family Partnership (for women/girls having their first baby) - (DOHMH) S2_R030 – Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) - (DYCD) S2_R031 – Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP) - (NYS DOH) S2_R032 – IDNYC - (HRA) Appendix NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 3 of 63 February 2019 Introduction This document provides general guidelines governing screening for 31 City, State, and Federal public benefits and programs. They are interpreted and implemented as logic in the rules engine that governs ACCESS NYC’s screening tool and for the NYC Benefits Eligibility API and returns results of potentially eligible programs at the household level. It’s important to understand the following: ● The results from these guidelines do not represent an eligibility determination and do not guarantee eligibility in any program. To enroll in a benefit or program, a resident will need to submit an application through the administering governmental agency, which will determine eligibility. The results from these guidelines do not prohibit anyone from applying for any benefits or programs. These guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of the administering governmental agency. The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity makes reasonable efforts to produce updates on a quarterly basis, but such updates are not guaranteed. ● ● ● Rules Owners Agencies contributing to these rules and guidelines Agency # of screening programs Program names 1 Human Resources Administration (HRA) 5 SNAP, Cash Assistance, HEAP, Health Insurance, IDNYC 2 Department of Finance (DOF) 5 SCRIE, DRIE, DHE, SCHE, Veterans' Property Tax Exemption 3 Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA ) 3 EITC, Child Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit 4 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 5 Department of Education (DOE) 3 Summer Meals, SchooFood, Pre-K for All NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 4 of 63 February 2019 6 Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) 3 COMPASS, In-School Youth Employment Program (Learn & Earn), SYEP 7 Administration for Children's Services (ACS) 2 EarlyLearn Child Care, EarlyLearn Head Start 8 NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA) 2 Section 8, NYCHA Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (REES) 9 NYS Department of Health (NYS DOH) 3 WIC, Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP), Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) 10 NYS Department of Labor 1 NYS Unemployment Insurance 11 Department for the Aging (DFTA) 1 Senior Employment Services 12 Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) 2 Nurse-Family Partnership 13 Department of Small Business Services (SBS) 1 Workforce1 Total 13 31 All of the above Income Sources The following income sources are used on this screening document depending upon the program specific rules: Income Source Wages, Salary, Tips Self-employment Income Investment Income (interest, dividends, and profit from selling stocks) Withdrawals from Deferred Compensation (IRA, Keogh, etc.); Unemployment NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 5 of 63 February 2019 Workers’ Compensation Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Social Security Disability Benefits Social Security Dependent Benefits Social Security Survivor’s Benefits Social Security Retirement Benefits Rental Income Child Support (Received) Alimony (Received) Government or Private Pension Boarder, Lodger Cash Assistance Grant Veterans Pension, Benefits NYS Disability Benefits Disability Related Medicaid Gifts/Contributions (Received) Resource Types The following resource types may be included, depending upon the program specific rules: Resource Types Cash on Hand Checking or Savings Accounts Stocks or Bonds or Mutual Funds NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 6 of 63 February 2019 Expense Types The following expense types may be included, depending upon the program specific rules: Expense Type Rent Mortgage Child Care Child Support (Paid) Dependent Care Medical Heating Cooling Third Party Health Insurance Premium Utilities NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 7 of 63 February 2019 S2_R001 - Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Are there children under the age of 13 in the household and does the household member have an expense type of Child Care or Dependent Care? - If No to either question, go to #2 - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. DONE 2. All other household members We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. DONE S2_R002 - Child Care (HRA) Since 2009, there is no need to have separate screening rules on ANYC for Child Care HRA and ACS. S2_R003 - EarlyLearn NYC Child Care (ACS) 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Child Care. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household member’s age less than 5? AND does the head of household have a relationship of parent or step-parent to the child? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, determine the number of household members and count all income for: ▪ the child head of household ▪ the spouse of the head of household (if there is one) ▪ any other household members that are aged less than 18 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 8 of 63 February 2019 Check gross monthly income levels by household size. # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 <=$1012 √ 2 <=$2743 √ 3 <=$3463 √ 4 <=$4183 √ 5 <=$4903 √ 6 <=$5623 √ 7 <=$6343 √ 8 <=$7063 √ Source: Child Care Fee Schedule – Annually.(Effective July 2018) - If the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Child Care. DONE - If the gross monthly income is greater than the income levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Child Care. DONE 3. Is the household member blind or disabled and aged between 5 and 18? AND does the head of household have a relationship of parent or step-parent to the child? - If No, go to #4 - If Yes, determine the number of household members and count all income for: ▪ the child ▪ head of household ▪ the spouse of the head of household (if there is one) ▪ any other household members that are aged less than 18 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 9 of 63 February 2019 Check gross monthly income levels by household size. # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 <=$1012 √ 2 <=$2743 √ 3 <=$3463 √ 4 <=$4183 √ 5 <=$4903 √ 6 <=$5623 √ 7 <=$6343 √ 8 <=$7063 √ Source: Child Care Fee Schedule – Annually. (Effective July 2018). - If the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Child Care. DONE - If the gross monthly income is greater than the income levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Child Care. DONE 4. Is the household member’s age less than 5? AND does the head of household have a relationship OTHER than parent or step-parent to the child? - If No, go to #5 - If Yes, sum the child’s income treat the household size as one. Check gross monthly income levels by household size. # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 <=$1012 √ Source: Child Care Fee Schedule – Annually. (Effective July 2018) - If the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Child Care. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 10 of 63 February 2019 - If the gross monthly income is greater than the income levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Child Care. DONE 5. Is the household member blind or disabled and aged between 5 and 18? AND does the head of household have a relationship OTHER of parent or step-parent to the child? - If No, go to #6 - If Yes, sum the child’s income treat the household size as one. Check gross monthly income levels by household size. # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 <=$1012 √ Source: Child Care Fee Schedule – Annually. (Effective July 2018) - If the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Child Care. DONE - If the gross monthly income is greater than the income levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Child Care. DONE 6. All other household members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Child Care. DONE S2_R004 - Child Tax Credit - (DCA / IRS) 1. Are any household members under the age of 17 in the household? - If No, go to #2 - If Yes, the household “May Be Eligible” for Child Tax Credit. The message that displays on the results screen should read “Household Members with a Dependent Child”. DONE 2. All other households - We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Child Tax Credit. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 11 of 63 February 2019 S2_R005 - Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) - (DOF) 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for DRIE. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the primary applicant aged 18 or older? AND does the household rent their primary residence? AND is the primary applicant named on the lease or the rent order or have been granted succession rights to the apartment? AND does the household live in an apartment regulated by the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR): Rent Stabilized; Rent Controlled; HDFC Cooperative Shareholder apartment; Mitchell-Lama Apartment; Section 213 Cooperative AND does the primary applicant have an income type of: Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Federal Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI); U.S Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Pension or Compensation (Must be military service-related disability pension or compensation); Disability Related Medicaid (if the applicant has received either SSI or SSDI in the past). - If No to any question, go to #3 - If Yes, sum all income sources for all household members. Check gross annual income is less than or equal to $50,000. Annual Household Eligible Income <= $50,000 √ - If the household’s gross annual income is less than or equal to $50,000, the household “May Be Eligible” for DRIE. DONE - If the household’s gross annual income is greater than $50,000 we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for DRIE. DONE 3. All other households We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for DRIE. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 12 of 63 February 2019 S2_R006 - Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) - (DCA / IRS) 1. Determine if the household member is one of the following: Head of Household, Head of Household’s Spouse, or not Head of Household or Head of Household’s Spouse 2. Is the Head of Household married? AND is the member the Head of Household or the Head of Household’s spouse AND does the Head of Household or their spouse have an income type of: Wages, Salary, Tips or Self-Employment Income AND (is there a child under the age of 19 in the household OR is there a student under the age of 24 in the household OR is there a blind or disabled household member (not the Head of Household or the Spouse))? - If No to any question, go to #3 - If Yes, count the number of children and students that meet the age criteria above. Sum the earned income sources (Wages, Salary, Tips and Self-Employment) for the head of household and the spouse. Sum the investment income sources (Investment Income and Rental Income) for the head of household and the spouse. Check annual earned income and investment income levels by the number of children in the household. # of Children in Household Annual Earned Income Annual Investment Income Eligible 1 <= $45,207 <= $3,450 √ More than 1 <= $50,597 <= $3,450 √ Updated: Jan. 2018 - If the Head of Household’s and spouse’s annual earned and investment income is less than or equal to the income levels for the number of children/students in the household, the Head of Household and the spouse “May Be Eligible” for EITC. DONE - If the Head of Household’s and spouse’s annual earned or investment income is greater than the income levels for the number of children/students in the household, we are “Unable to Determine” if the Head of Household’s and the spouse’s potential eligibility for EITC. DONE 3. Is the Head of Household married? AND is the member the Head of Household or the Head of Household’s spouse AND is the Head of Household or their spouse at least age 25 and less than 65 AND does the Head of Household or their spouse have an income type of: Wages, Salary, Tips or Self-Employment Income? NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 13 of 63 February 2019 - If No to any question, go to #4 - If Yes, sum the earned income sources (Wages, Salary, Tips and Self-Employment) and the investment income sources (Investment Income and Rental Income) for the head of household and the spouse. Check annual earned income is less than or equal to $20,600 and that the annual investment income is less than or equal to $3,450. # of Children in Household Annual Earned Income Annual Investment Income Eligible 0 <= $20,600 <= $3,450 √ Updated: Jan. 2018 - If the Head of Household’s and spouse’s annual earned and investment income is less than or equal to the income levels, the Head of Household and the spouse “May Be Eligible” for EITC. DONE - If the Head of Household’s and spouse’s annual earned or investment income is greater than the income levels, we are “Unable to Determine” if the Head of Household’s and the spouse’s potential eligibility for EITC. DONE 4. Is the member the Head of Household AND is the Head of Household unmarried AND does the Head of Household have an income type of: Wages, Salary, Tips or Self-Employment Income AND (is there a child under the age of 19 in the household OR is there a student under the age of 24 in the household OR is there a blind or disabled household member (not the Head of Household))? - If No to any question, go to #5 - If Yes, count the number of children and students that meet the age criteria above. Sum the earned income sources (Wages, Salary, Tips and Self-Employment) for the head of household. Sum the investment income sources (Investment Income and Rental Income) for the head of household. Check annual earned income and investment income levels by the number of children in the household. # of Children in Household Annual Earned Income Annual Investment Income Eligible 1 <= $39,617 <= $3,450 √ More than 1 <= $45,007 <= $3,450 √ Updated: Jan. 2018 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 14 of 63 February 2019 - If the Head of Household’s annual earned and investment income is less than or equal to the income levels for the number of children/students in the household, the Head of Household “May Be Eligible” for EITC. DONE - If the Head of Household’s annual earned or investment income is greater than the income levels for the number of children/students in the household, we are “Unable to Determine” if the Head of Household’s potential eligibility for EITC. DONE 5. Is the member the Head of Household AND is the Head of Household unmarried AND is the Head of Household at least age 25 and less than 65 AND does the Head of Household have an income type of: Wages, Salary, Tips or Self-Employment Income? - If No to any question, go to #6 - If Yes, sum the earned income sources (Wages, Salary, Tips and Self-Employment) and the investment income sources (Investment Income and Rental Income) for the head of household. Check annual earned income and investment income levels. # of Children in Household Annual Earned Income Annual Investment Income Eligible 0 <= $15,010 <= $3,450 √ Updated: Jan. 2018 - If the Head of Household’s annual earned and investment incomes are less than or equal to the income levels, the Head of Household “May Be Eligible” for EITC. DONE - If the Head of Household’s annual earned or investment income is greater than the income levels, we are “Unable to Determine” if the Head of Household’s potential eligibility for EITC. DONE 6. Is the household member someone other than the Head of Household and the Head of Household’s spouse AND is the household member at least age 25 and less than 65 AND does the household member have an income type of: Wages, Salary, Tips or Self-Employment Income AND (is there a child under the age of 19 in the household OR is there a student under the age of 24 in the household OR is there a blind or disabled household member (not the Head of Household, the Spouse or the Household Member))? - If No to any question, go to #7 - If Yes, count the number of children and students that meet the age criteria above. Sum the earned income sources (Wages, Salary, Tips and Self-Employment) for the household member. Sum the investment income sources (Investment Income and Rental Income) for the household NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 15 of 63 February 2019 member. Check annual earned income and investment income levels by the number of children in the household. # of Children in Household Annual Earned Income Annual Investment Income Eligible 1 <= $45,207 <= $3,450 √ More than 1 <= $50,597 <= $3,450 √ Updated: Jan. 2018 - If the household member’s annual earned and investment income is less than or equal to the income levels for the number of children/students in the household, the household member “May Be Eligible” for EITC. DONE - If the household member’s annual earned or investment income is greater than the income levels for the number of children/students in the household, we are “Unable to Determine” if the household member’s potential eligibility for EITC. DONE 7. Is the household member someone other than the Head of Household and the Head of Household’s spouse AND is the household member at least age 25 and less than 65 AND does the household member have an income type of: Wages, Salary, Tips or Self-Employment Income? - If No to any question, go to #8 - If Yes, sum the earned income sources (Wages, Salary, Tips and Self-Employment) and the investment income sources (Investment Income and Rental Income) for the household member. Check annual earned income is less than or equal to $20,600 and that the annual investment income is less than or equal to $3,450. # of Children in Household Annual Earned Income Annual Investment Income Eligible 0 <= $ 20,600 <= $3,450 √ Updated: Jan. 2018 - If the household member’s annual earned and investment incomes are less than or equal to the income levels, the household member “May Be Eligible” for EITC. DONE - If the household member’s annual earned or investment income is greater than the income levels, we are “Unable to Determine” if the household member’s potential eligibility for EITC. DONE 8. All other households members We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for EITC. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 16 of 63 February 2019 S2_R007 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP) (Food Stamps) - (HRA) 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SNAP benefits. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Do all household members have an income source of Supplemental Security Income OR Cash Assistance Grant? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, the household “May Be Eligible” for SNAP benefits. No income test is required. DONE 3. Is there a disabled or blind household member? (all household members are not disabled or blind) OR Is there a household member aged 60 or older? - If No to all three questions, go to #4 - If Yes to any of the three questions, check gross monthly income minus Child Support (Paid) expense by household size. Household Member Aged 60 or Over AND/OR Household Member with Disability/Blind 200% of poverty level # of People in Household Monthly Household Income (200%) Eligible 1 <= $ 2,010 √ 2 <= $ 2,707 √ 3 <= $ 3,403 √ 4 <= $ 4,100 √ 5 <= $ 4,797 √ 6 <= $ 5,493 √ 7 <= $ 6,190 √ 8 <= $ 6,897 √ Each Additional Person $697 √ (SNAP table - step#3) Source Updated : Policy Directive #17-21-ELI-October 2017 changes in SNAP Standards - If the household’s gross monthly income minus the Child Support (Paid) expense are less than or equal to the levels for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for SNAP benefits. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 17 of 63 February 2019 - If the household’s gross monthly income minus the Child Support (Paid) expense are greater than the levels for the household size, use the following Monthly SNAP Budget Calculation to determine net income for the household and compare the net income to the table below. Monthly SNAP Budget Calculation for SSI/Aged/Disabled A Earned Income Income 1 Monthly Gross Earned Income (Income Sources: Wages, Salary, Tips+ Self-Employment Income) + Net Monthly Income From Boarder/Lodger (Income Sources: Boarder/lodger) Income 2 + Unearned Income (All Income Sources, Except Wages, Salary, Tip; - Monthly Child Support (paid) Total Income B Deductions Total Earned Income from income 1 x 20% + Standard Deduction- Monthly 1-3 person household 4 person household 5 person household 6+ person household $160 $170 $199 $228 + Monthly Child/Dependent Care Cost The sum of the reported child Care and Dependent Care Expense + Monthly Medical Expenses MINUS $35 (if less than zero, default to 0.) Total Deductions C Adjusted Income = Total Income-Total Deductions D Shelter Costs Monthly Actual Rent or Mortgage Billed to Household (Expense Type: Rent/Mortgage) + Other Monthly Expenses (always default to 0) + $ 791 Monthly Utility Allowance Total Shelter Costs E Excess Shelter Deductions Total Shelter Costs - Adjusted Income DIVIDED BY 2 Excess Shelter Costs (If less than zero, default to 0.) F Monthly Food Stamp Net Income Adjusted Income - Excess Shelter Cost Monthly Net Food Stamp Income ***Compare to Net Monthly Income Limits*** (SNAP Budget Calculation – step #3) Source Updated: Policy Directive #17-21-ELI-October 2017 changes in SNAP Standards NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 18 of 63 February 2019 Household Member Aged 60 or Over AND/OR Household Member with Disability # of People in Household Monthly Net Food Stamp Income Resources Eligible 1 <= $ 1,005 <=$3,500 √ 2 <= $ 1,354 <=$3,500 √ 3 <= $ 1,720 <=$3,500 √ 4 <= $ 2,050 <=$3,500 √ 5 <= $ 2,399 <=$3,500 √ 6 <= $ 2,747 <=$3,500 √ 7 <= $ 3,095 <=$3,500 √ 8 <= $ 3,444 <=$3,500 √ Each Additional Person $349 <=$3,500 √ (Net SNAP Income – step #3) NOTE: the above table is for 100% income limits Source Updated: Policy Directive #17-21-ELI- October 2017 changes in SNAP Standards - If the household’s monthly net SNAP income and resources are less than or equal to the levels for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Food Stamps. DONE - If the household’s monthly net SNAP income or resources are greater than the levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SNAP. DONE 4. Does the household incur dependent care costs? - If No go to #5 - If Yes, check gross monthly income minus Child Support (Paid) expense by household size. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 19 of 63 February 2019 Household Member Incurs Dependent Care Costs 200% of poverty level # of people in Monthly Household the Household Income (200%) Eligible 1 <= $ 2,010 √ 2 <= $ 2,707 √ 3 <= $ 3,403 √ 4 <= $ 4,100 √ 5 <= $ 4,797 √ 6 <= $ 5,493 √ 7 <= $ 6,190 √ 8 <= $ 6,887 √ Each Additional Person $697 √ Source Updated : Policy Directive #17-21-ELI-October 2017 changes in SNAP Standards - If the household’s gross monthly income minus the Child Support (Paid) expense are less than or equal to the levels for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for SNAP benefits. DONE - If the household’s gross monthly income minus the Child Support (Paid) expense are greater than the levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SNAP benefits . DONE 5. All other Households (no disabled, no blind, no elderly) Check gross monthly income minus Child Support (Paid) expense by household size. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 20 of 63 February 2019 NO Household Members Aged 60 or Over OR with a Disability ( 150% table) # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 <= $ 1,508 √ 2 <= $ 2,030 √ 3 <= $ 2,553 √ 4 <= $ 3,075 √ 5 <= $ 3,598 √ 6 <= $ 4,120 √ 7 <= $ 4,643 √ 8 <= $ 5,165 √ Each Additional Person $523 √ (SNAP table - step#5) Source Updated : Policy Directive #17-21-ELI-October 2017 changes in SNAP Standards − If the household’s gross monthly income minus the Child Support (Paid) expense are less than or equal to the levels for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for SNAP benefits. DONE − If the household’s gross monthly income minus the Child Support (Paid) expense are greater than the levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SNAP benefits. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 21 of 63 February 2019 S2_R008 - EarlyLearn NYC Head Start - (ACS) While these rules should be run for each household member individually, the overall household size and gross income will be used. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Head Start. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household member’s age between 2 and 5 years ? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, check gross monthly income levels by household size. # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 <= $1,012 √ 2 <= $1,372 √ 3 <= $1,732 √ 4 <= $2,092 √ 5 <= $2,452 √ 6 <= $2,812 √ 7 <= $3,172 √ 8 <= $3,532 √ Each Additional Person $360 √ Source: Head Start Family Income Guidelines for 2018 (last updated June 2018) - If the household’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Head Start. DONE - If the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the income levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Head Start. DONE 3. All other household members We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Head Start. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 22 of 63 February 2019 S2_R009 - Comprehensive After School System of NYC (COMPASS NYC) - (DYCD) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Comprehensive After School System of NYC (COMPASS NYC). DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household member a student aged between 5 and 21 years old? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, the household “May Be Eligible” for Comprehensive After School System of NYC (COMPASS NYC). DONE 3. All other households members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Comprehensive After School System of NYC (COMPASS NYC). DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 23 of 63 February 2019 S2_R010 - Cash Assistance- (HRA) 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Are you or anyone in your household aged 60 or older? AND Are you or anyone else in your household pregnant? AND (Are there children under 18 in the household? OR Are there children aged 18 in the household that are full-time students? ) - If No to either question, go to #3 - If Yes to all three questions, check gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter with Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas, Pregnancy). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Househol d Family ** Shelter with Children ** Shelter without Children Energy ** Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas ** Pregnancy ** Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation 1 $158.00 $ 277.00 $0.00 $25.10 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $580.10 $1,073.19 2 $252.00 $ 283.00 $0.00 $39.50 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $694.50 $1,284.83 3 $336.00 $ 400.00 $0.00 $53.00 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $909.00 $1,681.65 4 $433.00 $ 450.00 $0.00 $68.70 $73.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,074.70 $1,988.20 5 $534.00 $ 501.00 $0.00 $84.70 $77.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,246.70 $2,306.40 6 $617.00 $ 524.00 $0.00 $97.20 $82.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,370.20 $2,534.87 7 $702.00 $ 546.00 $0.00 $109.70 $88.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,495.70 $2,767.05 8 $787.00 $ 546.00 $0.00 $122.20 $93.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,598.20 $2,956.67 Each Additional Person $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) (Last reviewed by agency: Sept. 2018 ) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 24 of 63 February 2019 Maximum needs Allowances x 185% # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Resources Eligible 1 <=$1,073.19 <= $3,000 √ 2 <=$1,284.83 <= $3,000 √ 3 <=$1,681.65 <= $3,000 √ 4 <=$1,988.20 <= $3,000 √ 5 <=$2,306.40 <= $3,000 √ 6 <=$2,534.87 <= $3,000 √ 7 <=$2,767.05 <= $3,000 √ 8 <=$2,956.67 <= $3,000 √ Each Additional Person <=$180.38 <= $3,000 √ Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 25 of 63 February 2019 3. Are you or anyone in your household aged 60 or older? AND (Are there children under 18 in the household? OR Are there children aged 18 in the household that are full-time students? ) - If No to either question, go to #4 MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Household Family 1 $158.00 2 ** Shelter with Children Shelter without Children Energy $277.00 $0.00 $283.00 ** $252.00 Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas ** Pregnancy Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation $25.10 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $530.10 $980.69 $0.00 $39.50 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $644.50 $1,192.33 ** 3 $336.00 $400.00 $0.00 $53.00 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $859.00 $1,589.15 4 $433.00 $450.00 $0.00 $68.70 $73.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,024.70 $1,859.70 5 $534.00 $501.00 $0.00 $84.70 $77.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,196.70 $2,213.90 6 $617.00 $524.00 $0.00 $97.20 $82.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,320.20 $2,442.37 7 $702.00 $546.00 $0.00 $109.70 $88.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,445.70 $2,674.55 8 $787.00 $546.00 $0.00 $122.20 $93.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,548.20 $2,864.17 Each Additional $85.00 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 $0.00 Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If Yes to both questions, check gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter with Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 26 of 63 February 2019 Maximum Needs Allowances x 185% # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Resources Eligible 1 <=$980.69 <= $3,000 √ 2 <=$1,192.33 <= $3,000 √ 3 <=$1,589.15 <= $3,000 √ 4 <=$1,859.70 <= $3,000 √ 5 <=$2,213.90 <= $3,000 √ 6 <=$2,442.37 <= $3,000 √ 7 <=$2,674.55 <= $3,000 √ 8 <=$2,864.17 <= $3,000 √ Each Additional Person <=$180.38 <= $3,000 √ Source: 2017 Guide to Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Public Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE 4. Are you or anyone in your household aged 60 or older? AND Are you or anyone else in your household pregnant? - If No, go to #5 - If Yes, check the gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter with Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas, Pregnancy). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 27 of 63 February 2019 MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Househ old Family ** Shelter with Children ** Shelter without Children ** Energy ** Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas ** Pregnancy ** Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation 1 $158.00 $277.00 $0.00 $25.10 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $580.10 $1,073.19 2 $252.00 $283.00 $0.00 $39.50 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $694.50 $1,284.83 3 $336.00 $400.00 $0.00 $53.00 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $909.00 $1,681.65 4 $433.00 $450.00 $0.00 $68.70 $73.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,074.70 $1,988.20 5 $534.00 $501.00 $0.00 $84.70 $77.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,246.70 $2,306.40 6 $617.00 $524.00 $0.00 $97.20 $82.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,370.20 $2,534.87 7 $702.00 $546.00 $0.00 $109.70 $88.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,495.70 $2,767.05 8 $787.00 $546.00 $0.00 $122.20 $93.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,598.20 $2,956.67 Each Additional $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 28 of 63 February 2019 Maximum Needs Allowances x 185% # of People Eligible Monthly Household Income Resources 1 <=$1,073.19 <= $3,000 √ 2 <=$1,284.83 <= $3,000 √ 3 <=$1,681.65 <= $3,000 √ 4 <=$1,988.20 <= $3,000 √ 5 <=$2,306.40 <= $3,000 √ 6 <=$2,534.87 <= $3,000 √ 7 <=$2,767.05 <= $3,000 √ 8 <=$2,956.67 <= $3,000 √ Each Additional $180.38 <= $3,000 √ in Household Person Source: 2017 Guide to Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Public Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE 5. Are you or anyone in your household aged 60 or older? (no pregnant women or children) - If No, go to #6 - If Yes, check gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter without Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 29 of 63 February 2019 MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Househ old Family ** Shelt er with Child ren Shelter without Children ** Energy ** 1 $158.00 $0.0 0 $215.00 $25.10 $70.00 2 $252.00 $0.0 0 $250.00 $39.50 3 $336.00 $0.0 0 $286.00 4 $433.00 $0.0 0 5 $534.00 6 Fuel for Preg Heating nanc Other than y Natural Gas ** Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation $0.00 $0.00 $468.10 $865.99 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $611.50 $1,131.28 $53.00 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $745.00 $1,378.25 $312.00 $68.70 $73.00 $0.00 $0.00 $886.70 $1,640.40 $0.0 0 $337.00 $84.70 $77.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,032.70 $1,910.50 $617.00 $0.0 0 $349.00 $97.20 $82.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,145.20 $2,118.62 7 $702.00 $0.0 0 $403.00 $109.70 $88.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,302.70 $2,410.00 8 $787.00 $0.0 0 $403.00 $122.20 $93.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,405.20 $2,599.62 Each Additional $85.00 $0.0 0 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 30 of 63 February 2019 Maximum Needs Allowances x 185% # of People Monthly Household Income Resource s Eligible 1 <=$865.99 <= $3,000 √ 2 <=$1,131.28 <= $3,000 √ 3 <=$1,378.25 <= $3,000 √ 4 <=$1,640.40 <= $3,000 √ 5 <=$1,910.50 <= $3,000 √ 6 <=$2,118.62 <= $3,000 √ 7 <=$2,410.00 <= $3,000 √ 8 <=$2,599.62 <= $3,000 √ Each Additional $180.38 <= $3,000 √ in Household Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE 6. Are you or anyone else in your household pregnant? AND (Are there children under 18 in the household? OR Are there children aged 18 in the household that are full-time students? ) - If No to either question, go to #7 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 31 of 63 February 2019 - If Yes to both questions, check gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter with Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas, Pregnancy). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Family ** Shelter with Children ** Shelter without Children ** Energy ** Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas ** Pregnancy ** Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation 1 $158.00 $277.00 $0.00 $25.10 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $580.10 $1,073.19 2 $252.00 $283.00 $0.00 $39.50 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $694.50 $1,284.83 3 $336.00 $400.00 $0.00 $53.00 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $909.00 $1,681.65 4 $433.00 $450.00 $0.00 $68.70 $73.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,074.70 $1,988.20 5 $534.00 $501.00 $0.00 $84.70 $77.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,246.70 $2,306.40 6 $617.00 $524.00 $0.00 $97.20 $82.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,370.20 $2,534.87 7 $702.00 $546.00 $0.00 $109.70 $88.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,495.70 $2,767.05 8 $787.00 $546.00 $0.00 $122.20 $93.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,598.20 $2,956.67 Each Additional $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 Household Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 32 of 63 February 2019 Maximum Needs Allowances x 185% # of people in Household Monthly Household Income Resources Eligibl e 1 <=$1,073.19 <= $2,000 √ 2 <=$1,284.83 <= $2,000 √ 3 <=$1,681.65 <= $2,000 √ 4 <=$1,988.20 <= $2,000 √ 5 <=$2,306.40 <= $2,000 √ 6 <=$2,534.87 <= $2,000 √ 7 <=$2,767.05 <= $2,000 √ 8 <=$2,956.67 <= $2,000 √ Each Additional <=$180.38 <= $2,000 √ Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE 7. Are you or anyone else in your household pregnant? - If No, go to #8 - If Yes, check the gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter with Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas, Pregnancy). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 33 of 63 February 2019 MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Househol d Family ** Shelter with Children ** Shelter without Children ** Energy ** Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas ** Pregnancy ** Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation 1 $158.00 $277.00 $0.00 $25.10 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $580.10 $1,073.19 2 $252.00 $283.00 $0.00 $39.50 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $694.50 $1,284.83 3 $336.00 $400.00 $0.00 $53.00 $70.00 $50.00 $0.00 $909.00 $1,681.65 4 $433.00 $450.00 $0.00 $68.70 $73.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,074.70 $1,988.20 5 $534.00 $501.00 $0.00 $84.70 $77.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,246.70 $2,306.40 6 $617.00 $524.00 $0.00 $97.20 $82.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,370.20 $2,534.87 7 $702.00 $546.00 $0.00 $109.70 $88.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,495.70 $2,767.05 8 $787.00 $546.00 $0.00 $122.20 $93.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,598.20 $2,956.67 Each Additional $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 Person Source: 2017 Guide to Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Public Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 34 of 63 February 2019 Maximum Needs Allowances x 185% # of People Monthly Household Income Resources Eligible 1 <=$1,073.19 <= $2,000 √ 2 <=$1,284.83 <= $2,000 √ 3 <=$1,681.65 <= $2,000 √ 4 <=$1,988.20 <= $2,000 √ 5 <=$2,306.40 <= $2,000 √ 6 <=$2,534.87 <= $2,000 √ 7 <=$2,767.05 <= $2,000 √ 8 <=$2,956.67 <= $2,000 √ Each Additional <=$180.38 <= $2,000 √ in Household Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE 8. Are there any children under 18 in the household? OR Are there children aged 18 in the household that are full-time students? - If No, go to #9 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 35 of 63 February 2019 - If Yes, check the gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter with Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Househol d Family ** Shelter with Children ** Shelter without Children Energy ** Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas ** Pregnancy Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation 1 $158.00 $277.00 $0.00 $25.10 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $530.10 $980.69 2 $252.00 $283.00 $0.00 $39.50 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $644.50 $1,192.33 3 $336.00 $400.00 $0.00 $53.00 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $859.00 $1,589.15 4 $433.00 $450.00 $0.00 $68.70 $73.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,024.70 $1,859.70 5 $534.00 $501.00 $0.00 $84.70 $77.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,196.70 $2,213.90 6 $617.00 $524.00 $0.00 $97.20 $82.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,320.20 $2,442.37 7 $702.00 $546.00 $0.00 $109.70 $88.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,445.70 $2,674.55 8 $787.00 $546.00 $0.00 $122.20 $93.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,548.20 $2,864.17 $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 Each Additional Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 36 of 63 February 2019 Maximum Needs Allowances x 185% # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Resources Eligible 1 <=$980.69 <= $2,000 √ 2 <=$1,192.33 <= $2,000 √ 3 <=$1,589.15 <= $2,000 √ 4 <=$1,859.70 <= $2,000 √ 5 <=$2,213.90 <= $2,000 √ 6 <=$2,442.37 <= $2,000 √ 7 <=$2,674.55 <= $2,000 √ 8 <=$2,864.17 <= $2,000 √ Each Additional <=$180.38 <= $2,000 √ Person Source: 2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE 9. All other households (no household members aged 60 or older, no pregnant women, no children) - If Yes, check the gross monthly income levels by household size against the 185% maximum monthly needs allowances calculation (Family, Shelter without Children, Energy, Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas). Also check the Cash Assistance resource levels. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 37 of 63 February 2019 MONTHLY NEEDS ALLOWANCES # of People in Househol d Family ** Shelter with Children Shelter without Children ** Energy ** Fuel for Heating Other than Natural Gas ** Pregnancy Other Total Needs Allowances ** 185% Gross Income Calculation 1 $158.00 $0.00 $215.00 $25.10 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $468.10 $865.99 2 $252.00 $0.00 $250.00 $39.50 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $611.50 $1,131.28 3 $336.00 $0.00 $286.00 $53.00 $70.00 $0.00 $0.00 $745.00 $1,378.25 4 $433.00 $0.00 $312.00 $68.70 $73.00 $0.00 $0.00 $886.70 $1,640.40 5 $534.00 $0.00 $337.00 $84.70 $77.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,032.70 $1,910.50 6 $617.00 $0.00 $349.00 $97.20 $82.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,145.20 $2,118.62 7 $702.00 $0.00 $403.00 $109.70 $88.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,302.70 $2,410.00 8 $787.00 $0.00 $403.00 $122.20 $93.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,405.20 $2,599.62 Each Additional $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.50 $180.38 Person Source:2017 Guide to Cash Assistance Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Cash Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 38 of 63 February 2019 Maximum Needs Allowances x 185% # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Resources Eligible 1 <=$865.99 <= $2,000 √ 2 <=$1,131.28 <= $2,000 √ 3 <=$1,378.25 <= $2,000 √ 4 <=$1,640.40 <= $2,000 √ 5 <=$1,910.50 <= $2,000 √ 6 <=$2,118.62 <= $2,000 √ 7 <=$2,410.00 <= $2,000 √ 8 <=$2,599.62 <= $2,000 √ Each Additional $180.38 <= $2,000 √ Person Source: 2017 Guide to Budgeting (Form W-203K) and Public Assistance Budget Computation (Form W-648) - If the household’s resources are below the guidelines and the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Cash Assistance. DONE - If the household’s resources are higher than the guidelines or the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the 185% maximum needs allowances calculation for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Cash Assistance. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 39 of 63 February 2019 S2_R011 – Health Insurance Assistance - (HIA) These rules should be run for the household. 1. All Households ‘May Be Eligible’ for Health Insurance assistance. DONE S2_R012 - School Tax Relief (STAR) These rules should be run for the household. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for STAR. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the primary residence owned? - If No, go to #4. - If Yes, go to #3. 3. Is owner #1 or owner #2 aged 65 or older as of the current year? If No, the household “May Be Eligible” for School Tax Relief (Basic STAR). DONE If Yes, sum all income sources for owner #1 and owner #2. Check gross annual income against the level below. Annual Household Income <= $86,000 Eligible √ - If the owner’s gross annual income is less than or equal to $86,000, the household “May Be Eligible” for School Tax Relief (Enhanced STAR). DONE - If the owner’s gross annual income is greater than $86,000 and less than or equal to $500,000, the household “May Be Eligible” for School Tax Relief (Basic STAR). DONE 4. All other households NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 40 of 63 February 2019 We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for School Tax Relief (STAR). DONE S2_R013 - Section 8 Housing - (NYCHA) These rules should be run for the household. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Section 8. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the head of household age 18 or older? - If No, go to #3. - If Yes, use the household size and gross income for all household members to determine if the household may be eligible for Section 8. # of People in Household Annual Household Income Eligible 1 <= $26,900 √ 2 <= $30,700 √ 3 <= $34,550 √ 4 <= $38,400 √ 5 <= $41,450 √ 6 <= $44,550 √ 7 <= $47,600 √ 8 <= $50,700 √ Update is work in progress (there is an updated income table effective April 2018) - If the household’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income level for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for Section 8. DONE - If the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the income level for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Section 8. DONE 3. All other households members We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Section 8. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 41 of 63 February 2019 S2_R014 - Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) - (DOF) These rules should be run for the household. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SCHE. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is owner #1 or owner #2 aged 65 or older AND does the household own their primary residence? - If No to either question, go to #3 - If Yes, sum all income sources for owner #1 and owner #2. Check gross annual income against the level below. Annual Household Income < = $58,399 Eligible √ Source: DOF’s website SCHE eligibility requirement section (Updated Dec. 2017) - If the owner’s gross annual income is less than or equal to $58,399, the household “May Be Eligible” for SCHE. DONE - If the owner’s gross annual income is greater than $58,399, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SCHE. DONE 3. All other households - We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SCHE. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 42 of 63 February 2019 S2_R015 - Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) - (DOF) These rules should be run for the household. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SCRIE. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the primary applicant aged 62 or older? AND does the household rent their primary residence? And is the primary applicant named on the lease or the rent order or have been granted succession rights to the apartment? AND does the household live in the following apartment types regulated by the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR): Rent Stabilized or Rent Controlled; Mitchell-Lama Apartment; Rent Regulated Hotel Unit; HDFC Cooperative Shareholder apartment , Section 213 Cooperative - If No to any question, go to #3 - If Yes, sum all income sources for all household members (excluding income source of Gifts Received). Check gross annual income is less than or equal to $50,000. Annual Household Income <= $50,000 Eligible √ - If the household’s gross annual income is less than or equal to $50,000, the household “May Be Eligible” for SCRIE. DONE - If the household’s gross annual income is greater than $50,000, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SCRIE. DONE 3. Does the primary applicant spends more than one-third of monthly household income on rent? - If Yes, the household “May Be Eligible” for SCRIE. - If No, go to #4 4. All other households - We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for SCRIE. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 43 of 63 February 2019 S2_R016 – Pre-K for All (Pre-K) - (DOE) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for UPK. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household at least 4 years old in the current year ? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Pre-K. DONE 3. All other household members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Pre-K. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 44 of 63 February 2019 S2_R017 – Disabled Homeowners’ Exemption (DHE) - (DOF) These rules should be run for the household. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for DHE. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is owner #1 or owner #2 disabled or blind OR (does owner #1 or owner #2 have an income type of: Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Benefits) AND does the household own their primary residence? - If No to either question, go to #3 - If Yes, sum all income sources for owner #1 and owner #2. Check gross annual income against the level below. Annual Household Income <=$58,399 Eligible √ Source: DOF’s website DHE eligibility requirement section (Updated Dec. 2017) - If the owner’s gross annual income is less than or equal to $58,399, the household “May Be Eligible” for DHE. DONE - If the owner’s gross annual income is greater than $58,399, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for DHE. DONE 3. All other households - We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for DHE. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 45 of 63 February 2019 S2_R018 – Veterans' Property Tax Exemption - (DOF) These rules should be run for the household. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Veterans’ Exemption. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is owner #1 or owner #2 a veteran AND does the household own their primary residence? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes to both questions, the household “May Be Eligible” for Veterans’ Exemption. DONE 3. All other households - We are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for Veterans’ Exemption. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 46 of 63 February 2019 S2_R019 – Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) - (HRA) These rules should be run for the household. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for HEAP. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Does the household have a residence type of ‘Housing Authority’ and not have an expense type of ‘Heating’? - If Yes, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for HEAP. DONE - If No, go to #3. 3. Does the household have a residence type of ‘Hotel’? - If Yes, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for HEAP. DONE - If No, go to #4. 4. Use the household size and gross income to determine if the household may be eligible for HEAP. The following income should be excluded from the gross income calculation: Wages, Salary, Tips and Self-employment Income for member less than 18 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 47 of 63 February 2019 # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 <= $2,391 √ 2 <= $3,127 √ 3 <= $3,863 √ 4 <= $4,598 √ 5 <=$5,334 √ 6 <= $6,070 √ 7 <= $6,208 √ 8 <= $6,346 √ 9 <= $6,483 √ 10 <= $6,621 √ 11 <= $6,918 √ Each Additional $540 √ Person Effective: 11/13/2018 (Note: Income levels only upto 8 household members are implemented on ANYC) - If the household’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income level for the household size, the household “May Be Eligible” for HEAP. DONE - If the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the income level for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for HEAP. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 48 of 63 February 2019 S2_R020 – SchoolFoods (School Meals) - (DOE) (NOTE: It is confirmed by the agency liaison that all students are able to receive free meals in school regardless of their family’s economic situation. The table rules are not needed for NYC’s School Child Nutrition Program. 8/22/2018) These rules run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for School Meals. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household member’s age between 0 - 21 AND is the household member a student? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for School Meals. DONE - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for School Meals. DONE S2_R021 – New York State Unemployment Insurance - (NYS Department of Labor) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Is the household member currently unemployed AND did the household member work within the last 18 months? - If No to either questions, go to #2 - If Yes to both questions, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Unemployment Insurance. DONE 2. All other household members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Unemployment Insurance. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 49 of 63 February 2019 S2_R022 – Women, Infants and Children (WIC) - (HRA) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Is the household member a “Foster-Child” of the Head of Household? - If No question, go to #2 - If Yes, Go to Section A 2. Is the household member pregnant? - If No question, go to #3 - If Yes, Go to Section B 3. Is the household member’s age less than 5? - If No question, go to #4 -If Yes, Go to Section B. 4. All other household members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for WIC. DONE Section A 1. Is the household member pregnant? - If No, go to #2 - If Yes, check if the household member’s monthly income is less than or equal to $2,538. # of People in Household 2 Member’s Monthly Income <= $ 2,538 Eligible √ Last Updated: May 2018 - If the member’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels, the member “May Be Eligible” for WIC. DONE - If the member’s gross monthly income is greater than the income levels, we are “Unable to Determine” the member’s potential eligibility for WIC. DONE 2. Is the household member’s age less than 5? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, check if the household member’s monthly income is less than or equal to $1,872. # of People in Household 1 Member’s Monthly Income Eligible <= $ 1,872 √ Last Updated: May 2018 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 50 of 63 February 2019 - If the member’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels, the member “May Be Eligible” for WIC. DONE - If the member’s gross monthly income is greater than the income levels, we are “Unable to Determine” the member’s potential eligibility for WIC. DONE 3. All other household members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for WIC. DONE Section B 1. Determine the household size. - Increase the household size by the number of pregnant women in the household who do not have a Foster-child relationship to the Head of Household. (i.e. one pregnant woman, increase by one; two pregnant women, increase by two; etc.) - Subtract the number of Foster Children from the household size. 2. Determine the household income by adding income for all household members, excluding household members that have a “Foster-Child” relationship type to the Head of Household. 3. Check gross monthly income levels by household size. # of People in Household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Each Add'l Person Monthly Eligible Household Income <= $ 1,872 <= $ 2,538 <= $ 3,204 <= $ 3,870 <= $ 4,536 <= $ 5,202 <= $5,868 <= $6,534 +$666 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Source: Agency received federal WIC Income eligibility guidelines (updated May 2018 (Effective through June 30, 2019) - If the household’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income level for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for WIC. DONE - If the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the income level for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for WIC. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 51 of 63 February 2019 S2_R023 – Summer Meals - (DOE) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Is the household member aged less than 19? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Summer Meals. DONE 2. All other household members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Summer Meals. DONE S2_R024 – NYCHA Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (REES) - (NYCHA) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for REES. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Does the household rent their primary residence and have a residence type of ‘Housing Authority’? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for REES. DONE - If Yes, go to #3 3. Is the household member 18 or older? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for REES. DONE - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for REES. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 52 of 63 February 2019 S2_R025 – Senior Employment Services (SES) - (DFTA) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for SES. DONE - If Yes, go to #2. 2. Is the household member 55 years old or older? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for SES. DONE - If Yes, go to #3. 3. Is the household member currently unemployed? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for SES. DONE - If Yes, go to #4. 4. Is the household member disabled? OR Is the household member NOT the Head of Household or the Spouse of the Head of Household? - If No, go to #5. - If Yes, calculate the household member’s gross income. Include the following income sources in the gross income calculation for that household member: - Alimony (Received) Border or Lodger Child Support (Received) Government or Private Pension Investment Income (interest, dividends, and profit from selling stock) Rental Income Self-employment Income 75% of Social Security Retirement benefits 75% of Social Security Survivor benefits Wages, Salary, Tips Withdrawals from Deferred Compensation (IRA, Keogh, etc.) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 53 of 63 February 2019 # of People in Household 1 Monthly Household Income Eligible <= $1,264.58 √ Updated: Feb 2018 - If the household member’s gross income is less than or equal to the income level for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for SES. DONE - If the household member’s gross income is greater than the income level for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for SES. DONE 5. Is the household member the Head of Household or the spouse of the Head of Household? - If No, we are unable to determine the household member’s eligibility for SES. DONE - If Yes, determine the number of household members by counting: ▪ the Head of Household ▪ the spouse of the Head of Household (if there is one) Include the following income sources in the gross income calculation for the Head of Household and the spouse of the Head of Household (if there is one): - Alimony (Received) Border or Lodger Child Support (Received) Government or Private Pension Investment Income (interest, dividends, and profit from selling stock) Rental Income Self-employment Income 75% of Social Security Retirement benefits 75% of Social Security Survivor benefits Wages, Salary, Tips Withdrawals from Deferred Compensation (IRA, Keogh, etc.) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 54 of 63 February 2019 # of people in the Household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For each additional person, add Monthly Income <= $1,264.58 <= $1,714.58 <= $2,164.58 <= $2,614.58 <= $3,064.58 <= $3,514.58 <= $3,964.58 <= $4,414.58 Eligible √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ $450 Last Updated Feb. 2018 (NOTE: Agency provided the rate up to 8 household members although rules details implements up to 2 people.) - If the household’s gross income is less than or equal to the income level for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for SES. DONE - If the household’s gross income is greater than the income level for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for SES. DONE S2_R026 – Workforce1 - (SBS) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Is the household member 18 or older? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for Workforce1. DONE - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for Workforce1. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 55 of 63 February 2019 S2_R027 – Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) - (NYS DOH) 1. Determine the household size. Is the household member aged 60 or older? Check gross monthly income levels by household size. # of People in Monthly Household Household Income 1 <=$ 1,316 √ 2 <=$ 1,784 √ 3 <=$ 2,252 √ 4 <=$ 2,720 √ 5 <= $ 3,188 √ 6 <= $ 3,656 √ 7 <= $ 4,124 √ 8 <= $ 4,592 √ Each Additional + $ 468 √ Eligible Person Updated Sept. 2018 (Source: - If the household’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income level for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for CSFP. DONE - If the household’s gross monthly income is greater than the income level for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for CSFP. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 56 of 63 February 2019 S2_R028 – Learn & Earn (formerly In-School Youth Employment Program - ISY) - (DYCD) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for ISY. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household member’s age between 14 and 21 years AND Is the household member a student AND Does the household have an income source of ‘Cash Assistance Grant’ - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for ISY. DONE 3. Is the household member’s age between 14 and 21 years AND Is the household member a student AND Is the household member disabled? - If No, go to #4 - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for ISY. DONE 4. Is the household member’s age between 14 and 21 years AND Is the household member a student AND Is the household member a ‘Foster Child’ of the head of household? - If No, go to #5 - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for ISY. DONE 5. Is the household member’s age between 14 and 21 years AND Is the household member a student AND Is the household member pregnant? - If No, go to #6 - If Yes, the household member “May Be Eligible” for ISY. DONE 6. Is the household member’s age between 14 and 21 years AND Is the household member a student? AND Is the member a ‘Child’ or ‘Step-Child’ of the Head of Household? - If No, go to #7 - If Yes, determine the household size by only counting the following members: ▪ head of household ▪ the spouse of the head of household (if there is one) ▪ children of the head of household (child or step-child) - Then determine the household total income by counting all income for the following members: ▪ head of household ▪ the spouse of the head of household (if there is one) NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 57 of 63 February 2019 ▪ children of the head of household (child or step-child) - For these household members, exclude the following income sources from the gross income calculation: ▪ Child Support (Received) ▪ Cash Assistance Grant ▪ Social Security Survivor’s Benefits ▪ Supplemental Security Income (SSI) ▪ Unemployment Benefits Eligible Household Annual Household Income 1 $11,670.00 √ 2 $18,336.00 √ 3 $25,168.00 √ 4 $31,071.00 √ 5 $36,664.00 √ 6 $42,885.00 √ 7 $49,106.00 √ 8 $55,327.00 √ Each Additional Person $6,221.00 √ # of People in - If the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels for the household size, the - household member “May Be Eligible” for ISY. DONE - If the gross monthly income is greater than the income levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for ISY. DONE 7. Is the household member’s age between 14 and 21 years AND Is the household member a student? AND Is the member NOT a ‘Child’ or ‘Step-Child’ of the Head of Household? - If No, go to #8 NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 58 of 63 February 2019 For this household member, exclude the following income sources from the gross income calculation: ▪ Child Support (Received) ▪ Cash Assistance Grant ▪ Social Security Survivor’s Benefits ▪ Supplemental Security Income (SSI) ▪ Unemployment Benefits # of People in Household 1 Annual Household Income Eligible <= $11,670 √ - If the gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income levels for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for ISY. DONE - If the gross monthly income is greater than the income levels for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for ISY. DONE 8. All other household members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for ISY. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 59 of 63 February 2019 S2_R029 – Nurse-Family Partnership (for women/girls having their first baby) - (DOHMH) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for NFP. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household member pregnant? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, increase the household size by one (to account for the unborn child) and check if the household member’s monthly income is less than or equal to $2,960. # of People in Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 2 <= $2,960 √ 3 <= $3,733 √ 4 <= $4,606 √ 5 <= $5,280 √ 6 <= $6,053 √ 7 <= $6,826 √ 8 <= $7,599 Last Updated 02/2016 - If the household member’s gross monthly income is less than or equal to the income level for the household size, the household member “May Be Eligible” for NFP. DONE If the household member’s gross monthly income is greater than the income level for the household size, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for NFP. DONE 3. All other households members - We are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for NFP. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 60 of 63 February 2019 S2_R030 – Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) - (DYCD) These rules should be run for each household member individually. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for SYEP. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 2. Is the household member’s age between between 14 and 24? - If Yes, the household member is potentially eligible for SYEP. DONE - If No, we are unable to determine eligibility for SYEP. DONE. S2_R031 – Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP) - (NYS DOH) While these rules should be run for each household member individually, the overall household size and gross income will be used. 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for any New York City Public Health Insurance program. DONE - If Yes, go to #2 1. Is the household member enrolled in Medicaid ? - If No, go to #3 - If Yes, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for any New York City Public Health Insurance program. DONE 2. Is the household member pregnant? - If No, continue to step 4. - If yes “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for the Family Planning Benefit program. DONE 3. Is the household member under 10 or over 64 years of age? - If No, continue to step 5. - If yes “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for the Family Planning Benefit program. DONE 4. If household member is not pregnant and aged 10 to 64 check gross monthly income by household size. - For calculating the household size if there is a pregnant household member increase household size by the number of pregnant women in the household (i.e. one pregnant woman, NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 61 of 63 February 2019 increase by one; two pregnant women, increase by two; etc.) before continuing. There is no need to step through the rules for the unborn child (only the household size is increased). Household Monthly Household Income Eligible 1 $ 2,257 √ 2 $ 3,059 √ 3 $ 3,862 √ 4 $ 4,665 √ 5 $ 5,468 √ 6 $ 6,271 √ 7 $ 7,073 √ 8 $ 7,876 √ # of People in √ Each Additional Person +$ 803 Source: Preliminary Federal Poverty Guidelines 2018 spreadsheet. (Last updated Oct/2018) S2_R032 – IDNYC - (HRA) 1. Does the household live in New York City? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household’s potential eligibility for IDNYC. DONE - If Yes, proceed to 2. 2. Is any other household member 10 years old or older? - If No, we are “Unable to Determine” the household member’s potential eligibility for IDNYC. - If Yes, household member “May be eligible” for IDNYC. DONE NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 62 of 63 February 2019 Appendix “DONE” - When eligibility rules state “DONE” at the end of eligibility step, it means that the rule doesn't check anything else or it doesn’t look any further to check eligibility with in the specific step. Gross Income - total pay before taxes or other deductions. Head of household - is the person who can represent everyone in your family and pays most of the family’s expenses. If you pay more than half the cost for your home this year, you are the head of household. Household - is composed of one or more people who live together. For SNAP, it applies for people who eat and prepare meals together. May be eligible - it is not guaranteed but most probably so. Primary residence - principal and permanent place of residence. One can have only one primary residence but may own more than one property. A registered legal address (on New York State (NYS) driver license or non-driver license New York City identification card, on Income Taxes or voters registration) is considered your primary residence. Unable to Determine - iit is unable to know or decide what will be the outcome. NYC Benefits Eligibility Screening 1.3.0 Page 63 of 63 February 2019
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