Nace_Ventura_Tips_and_Tricks_3ed_1991 Nace Ventura Tips And Tricks 3ed 1991

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rd Edition

Tips & Tricks
By Ted Nace
with Daniel Will-Harris

Voted "Best PC
Desktop Publishing Book
of 1990" by the readers
of Publish magazine



Ventura International Character Set

More Responses
From Reviewers
and Readers
(continued from back cover)

Provides many suggestions not found in
the Ventura manual. Highly recommended for those using Ventura on the

Ventura's manual and workbook are
perfectly complemented by this
minor masterpiece.




Small Press

The tips and the advice alone make the
book indispensable, especially a sec- .
tion no manual could ever include: practicing, well, voodoo tricks against inexplicable but not unheard-of problems.

Directions magazine

This is the single best book about
Ventura. If you buy only one book, this
should be it. Sprinkled throughout the
book are tips and tricks for things you
wouldn't think could be done. These
treasures alone justify adding this book
to your library.

Laser News

Desktop Publishing and Office

Truly an expert's guide.

PC Publishing

I can't even begin to tell you how invaluable your Ventura Tips and Tricks book
has been. I recommend it to

Amy Jone, Berkeley, CA

I have found your excellent book to be
extremely helpful and loaded with great
hints. Certainly the best all-round
book on Ventura that I've seen. It
goes beyond the "This-is-what-thescreen-looks-like" books.

Dr. Shih-chang Wang, San Francisco, CA

Let me take this opportunity to thank
you on a very enjoyable reference book.
There is enough humor, wit, and
damn good information that it makes
learning more enjoyable. Please keep
writing more about Ventura.

I recently purchased your book and
have enjoyed every minute of it. I
have used Ventura for about a year now
and I think it's great, but still have
found a lot of useful information in your
book. Thanks.

-Henry D. Hill 3rd, Rockaway, NJ


It is a pleasure to read a book which is
neither submerged in jargon nor
aimed at the Mickey Mouse level!
- A. D. Cunningham, London, England

I just finished reading your book. I installed Ventura, tried the mouse a few
times, looked at the various screens,
and then started reading your book. It
worked! I have now turned out a number of nice documents.

I recently purchased your book, Ventura Tips and Tricks, and find it very
helpful-and, for some reason I can't explain, more comprehensible than
the other Ventura books on the
market. It is easily read and packed
with information.

Tanya Marshall, New Castle, DE

I just have to say a hearty "thank you"
for publishing Ventura Tips and Tricks.
I'm a new user of Ventura, and I've
found this book to be the most helpful and practical book on Ventura
I've seen. In fact, I took a class at a
local computer dealership and found
that the instructor had used your book
to learn Ventura herself.

jan Keiiey, Little Rock, AR

I purchased another after-market book
on Ventura, but found that if I couldn't
find the answer to a problem in the Ventura reference manual, the other book
didn't help either. Then I found your
book, and 10 and behold, it has
helped lots of times.

Peter Johnson, Los Altos, CA


Dee Aston, Provo,


Chester Treadway, Miami, FL

I buy about $5,000 worth of books a
year and I find yours to be one of the
better works. I consider myself an expert in desktop publishing, scanning,
image processing, graphics, and CAD.
Your book is one of the most useful
of the genre.

Dale M. McNulty, Newport Beach, CA

I would like to applaud your book!

Stellan Borg, Sollentuna, Sweden

Helpful. A solid, professional book.

Nancy Campbell, Owings, MD

The book is excellent ... a really good

William Tsang, Chicago, IL

Very glad I purchased your book.

Edward Zawlocki, Tokyo, Japan

Thanks for a book which has really
helped us learn Ventura.
- E.P. Lukert, Arlington, TX

Wonderful. I use it more often than
Xerox's own manual!

A great help!

Jennifer Grant, Shelburne, VT

Paul Weiss, Santa Barbara, CA
Guido M. Haas, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

A super book!

M. T. Parker, Denver, CO


Dennis C. Kelly, Searcy, AR

Very useful!

Elinor C. Cruze, Redwood City, CA

An excellent reference source.

Michele L. Spencer, Raleigh, NC

I loved your Ventura Tips and

Thomas F. Collura, Chagrin Falls, OH

Very informative and helpful.

Susan Pratt, Leesburg, VA

Enjoyed your book very much.

Guy Temieux, Montreal, Canada

Your book has been invaluable to me.
John G. Conway, Burwood, Victoria,

I have found this book to be of considerable value to me in working with
Ventura Publisher.

R. Carl Stoufer, Gainesville, FL

Your book is great. The most understandable text on Ventura I've

Barbara Peterson, Windermere, FL

Very interesting and informative

Timothy J. Ambroshe, Clearwater, FL

Real helpful!

Jeannette Roerig, Des MOines, IA

Thank you for publishing a book of
this caliber.

Lawrence J. Kolbrak, Chippewa Falls, WI

Am impressed with the quality of information in your book. It's easily read
and there's a ton of tips.

Bill Fales, Nappanee, IN

We have been haVing quite a time
mastering Ventura, and this book has
helped greatly.
- Marlin G. Waechter, Stanton, NE
As one who has struggled with the
Xerox documentation, your book was
really a fresh wind. A fantastic book.

Earl Selby, Carmel Valley, CA

Ventura Tips and Tricks is the most
up-to-date reference yet published
not only on Ventura Publisher but on
the whole desktop publishing industry.

Jan Reid, Santa Cruz, CA

This is the first book that' 5 really
made sense out of Ventura style sheets.

Gary Tarbet, Washington, DC

Ventura Tips and Tricks is a drop of
dew! Everything so clear! I was so

grateful to see a few words about
Ventura's voodoo.

Paula V. Green, Colorado Springs, CO

I have gotten a tremendous value
from your Ventura Tips and Tricks,
especially the chapters on managing
files and Lotus worksheets.

Chuck Fairchild, Washington, DC

Your book is fantastic. It's been an incredible help in teaching Ventura.

Victoria Rose, Shelburne, VT

Your book helped clear up a lot of
the little problems I've had with Ventura.

Ken Rubman, Westbury, NY

Your book is by far the best supplemental publication on Ventura.

Tedd Powell, Pittsburgh, PA

I found your book to be one of the
best (if not the best) third-party
book on Ventura. The information is
excellent. Keep up the outstanding work!
- Eric N. Foster, Pittsburgh, PA
I really was impressed with your
book. I've been using Ventura since Day
One. It was nice to pick up something I
can throw in front of a student.


Larry Marshall, Los Angeles, CA

Davina Baker, Aptos, CA

I just purchased Ventura Tips and
Tricks and don't know how I've
made it without it. Don't change a

Thank you for a fine book!

Lorian Lipton, Winsor, CT

I have found the book invaluable in
my business.

Hilda Farley, Bucks, England

A super book!

Cris Sandifer, Key Largo, FL

We love your book!

Chuck Gittelson, San Francisco, CA

A very good book. I was impressed
by it.

Kevin Dean, Charlottesville, VA

Your book is excellent. I'm recommending it highly.
Nina Johnson, Novato, CAGood information/

Well written and very useful.

Patrick Gaffney, Chicago, IL

I have really gotten a lot from your

Gale Noble, San Diego, CA

I am a very satisfied user of Ventura Tips and Tricks.

Chris Cowdrey, Modesto, CA

First rate! Just what I needed!

John S. Taylor, Arnold, MD

Truly helpful!

Michael J. Stu bIer, Phoenix, AZ

Very helpful!

Bob Stoulill, Albany, OR
Pam Granquist, Phoenix, AZ

Paul Glick, Skokie, IL
Debbie Crane, Washington, DC
Nancy Anderson, Colorado Springs, CO
Richard Niefield, Houston, TX
John Conway, Victoria, Australia
Robbin C. Lynch, Vero Beach, FL
Robert F. Dugan, Woodinville, WA
Fred W. Hays, Kettering, OH
Frank R. Eichenlaub, Seattle, WA
Brian Nunes, Los Angeles, CA

Very good!
Gary Minniss, Scottsdale, AZ
Marc Gander, Hampstead, England

Very informative!

Rick Fenstermaker, St. Paul, MI

Very useful!
Peter Johnson, Los Altos, CA
Ralph F. Rumpf, Stevensville, MI
Robert A. Walker, Falls Church, VA
George Fleming, Westbrook, CT

Robert U. Guthrie, Omaha, NE
Jean Lhoirh, Brussels, Belgium
R. Carl Stoufer, GaineSVille, FL
Timothy J. Ambroshe, Clearwater, FL
Philip H. Dossick, Forest Hills, NY
Robert Dufon, East Chicago, IN

Extremely useful!

Bette A. Grunkemeyer, Dublin, OH


Sue Horton, London, England


Kurt Kiesow III, Los Gatos, CA

Jerome Wahlert, Mundelein, IL
Gale Noble, San Diego, CA
Peter &hneider, Philadelphia, PA
Evelyn O'Donnell, Sunnyvale, CA
Lee Jones, Hiroshima, Japan
Stefanie Korner, Munich, West Germany
Juli Perry, Orlando, FL

Rita Schultz, Minneapolis, MN
John F. DePaola, Capitol Heights, MD
Robert Watkins, New York, NY

Tips &


Ted Nace
with Daniel Will-Harris



Ted Nace
with Daniel Will-Harris
Peachpit Press, Inc.
1085 Keith Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94708
415/527-8555 (phone)
415/524-9775 (fax)
Copyright © 1987-1991 by Ted Nace and Peachpit Press, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher. For information, contact Peachpit Press.
Portions of this book originally appeared in PC World, Publish, Personal Publishing, Desktop
Communications, Ventura Professionall, and Computer Currents magaZines.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are
claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and Peachpit Press was
aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps.
Notice of Liability:
The information in this book is distributed on an "As Is" basis, without warranty. Neither the
author nor Peachpit Press shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any
liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instmctions
contained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described herein.

Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data
Nace, Ted.
Ventura tips and tricks. / Ted Nace, Daniel Will-Harris. - 3rd ed.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-938151-20-7: $27.95
1. Desktop publishing. 2. Ventura publisher (Computer program)
I. Will-Harris, Daniel. II. Title. III. Title: Ventura tips and tricks
Z286.D47N33 1991

Printed and bound in the United States of America
ISBN 0-938151-20-7

This book is dedicated to the memory of
Benjamin Linder.

This book would be far less complete without the contributions of
Daniel Will-Harris, who wrote most of the profiles of software and
hardware products that work in conjunction with Ventura. It's
been written that "nobody knows more about desktop publishing
with pes than Daniel Will-Harris." Actually, nobody knows anywhere near as much, except maybe God and Toni Will-Harris. My
sincere appreciation also to Lindsay Mugglestone, who did the
research for bringing the "Resources" section up to date and who
also checked the manuscript for accuracy. (Of course, after Lindsay was finished I went through and added a whole new set of
mistakes.) Thanks to Cathy Cockrell and Kimn Neilson for proofreading the book and to Dennis McLeod for designing the cover.
Thanks to the many people who shared their favorite tips and
tricks. Among the tipsters: Rick Altman, Janet Bein, Andrew Buc,
Don Heiskell, Dee Knight, Lee Lorenzen, John Meyer, Randall
Newton, Sally Robinson, Douglas Smith, Jim Smith, and Mary
Westheimer. For smoking out inaccuracies in the previous two
editions, thanks to Peter Donnelly, Neil Sandow, Peter Hardy,
Craig Seligman, Luther Sperberg, and Will Tait.
Thanks to Larry Gerhard and the folks at Ventura Software and
Hill & Knowlton (Ventura's PR agency), for their continued support of this book. Special thanks to Andy Miller, who not only
works 9 to 5 as Ventura Software's shepherd to third-party developers, but also genuinely cares about the future of Ventura Publisher. While the administration running the marketing of Ventura
Publisher has changed several times since the first release of the



program, one person who has been consistently helpful over the
years is Cheryl Downing. Thanks, Cheryl!
Additional thanks to others who provided software and hardware,
including LaserMaster Corporation, which loaned a LaserMaster
LMI000 Plain Paper Typesetter and a GlassPage monitor; Radius,
which loaned a TPD/21 monitor; Hewlett-Packard, which loaned
a LaserJet III printer; Adobe Systems and Bitstream, which loaned
fonts; Anderson Consulting & Software, which loaned the Tiffany
Plus utility used for Windows screen snapshots; and Symsoft,
which loaned the HotShot Graphics program used for DOS/ GEM
screen snapshots.
Other colleagues who gave inspiration and encouragement include Rick Altman, Jesse Berst, Michael Copeland, Bob Cowart,
Steve Cummings, Mike Cuthbertson, Louise Domenitz, Susie
Hammond, Richard Jantz, Bob Moody, Bill Neuenschwander, Jay
Nitschke, Katherine Pfeiffer, Ernest Priestly, David Ranson, Gene
Rodrigues, Steve Roth, Sally Skanderup, Lynn Walterick, Bob
Weibel, Tony Webster, Jim Welch, Toni Will-Harris, and Joe and
Elizabeth Woodman.
When I had almost given up the hope of ever finishing this book
at my own busy office, a compassionate Kit Duane offered to let
me use her house as a secret work hideaway. I never actually
schlepped all my stuff down to the Duane's, but just knowing I
could go there was a great feeling.
I can't imagine a better group of people to work with than my
compaiieros at Peachpit Press. Hearty applause and forearm
bashes to Carl Bruce, Gregor Clark, Keasley Jones, Gaen Murphree, Dawn Stevens, and Elizabeth Weiss.
Finally, thanks to my wife, Helen, for being incredibly nice to me
and bringing me all kinds of plants and candy. Thanks to Jasper
and Emma for working and playing with me. Now we get to do
all those things we said we would do after the book got done!

Production Note
Most of this book was written using WordPerfect and Microsoft
Word, though a significant portion was typed directly into Ventura. The computer system consisted of a PC's Limited 386 from
Dell Computer, a Relisys VGA monitor, and a LaserMaster GlassPage monitor. DOS/GEM screen snapshots were made and
cropped using Hotshot Graphics from Symsoft; Windows Ventura
screen snapshots were made with Tiffany Plus from Anderson
Consulting & Software. Other illustrations were assembled from a
variety of sources. Some were loaded into frames with Ventura;
others were photostatted to size, and taped or pasted in place.
Aside from the figures that were manually pasted in, the book
(including tables, figures, index, and table of contents), was formatted with the DOS/GEM version running under Windows 3.0.
Master pages were printed on a LaserMaster 1000 Plain Paper
Typesetter. Principal fonts were Adobe's Garamond and Avant
At the printer during creation of negatives, the 8.5- by II-inch
master pages created by the LaserMaster 1000 were photographically reduced by 18 percent, resulting in the final 7- by 9-inch trim
size. The cover was designed and produced by Dennis McLeod
using a combination of Macintosh typesetting and traditional
graphic arts methods. The book was printed on a web press. I'm
ashamed to admit that the paper is not recycled, but we're working on it and hopefully will switch over sometime soon.

Table of
Introduction ..


. .. 1


1. Which Ventura Is Right for You? ............. 9
What's New About the Gold Series? ...................................
Minor Improvements ........................................
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Should I Buy the DOS/GEM Version or the Windows Version? .............
Features Comparison ........................................
Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Printing ...................................................
Scalable Screen Fonts .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organization of Commands ...................................
Importing Text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
No Undo ..................................................
Multiple Clipboards ..........................................
Working with Multiple Chapters ...............................
Speed ....................................................
PostScript Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Buginess ..................................................
Computer ..................................................
Running the DOS/GEM Version from Windows ..................


2. How Ventura Works ....................... 19
What Can Ventura Do? ............................................. 24
Some History .............................................. . . . . . . . 24


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

A Scenario ........................................................ 28
Modes: Five Programs in One ........................................ 30
Analyzing the Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Category 1: Bridges to the Outside World ......... '" ................... 31
Category 2: Customizing the Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 32
Category 3: Text and Graphics Operations .............................. 32
Category 4: Formatting .............................................. 33
Style Sheets and Tags: Formatting at the Paragraph Level ........... 33
Document Specifications ...................................... 34
Frame Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 34
Sub-Paragraph Specifications ................................... 35
Graphic Specifications ........................................ 35
A Final Concept: Ventura As a Software Hub ............................ 36
A Bi-directional Exchange ..................................... 36
Benefits of the Open System Approach .......................... 37
A Drawback of the Open System Approach ...................... 37
Putting It All Together ............................................... 38



3. Configuring Your System .................. 41
Choosing a Computer ............................................... 42
Five Configurations .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ 44
A Low-End System ......................... , ................ .44
An Inexpensive Laser Printer System ........................... .45
A Medium-Priced System (Speed Oriented) ...................... .45
A Medium-Priced System (Type-Oriented) ....................... .46
A High-Priced System ........................................ .46
Full-Blown Publishing ....................................... .47
Conclusion ........................................................ 48

4. Printers ................................. 49
Laser Printer Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 49
Canon Engines .............................................. 51
Higher-Resolution and Enhanced Resolution Printers ..................... 52
Page Description Languages .......................................... 53
PostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54
PCL Level 4 and Laser]et Clones ................................ 55
PCL LevelS ................................................. 56
Printing Speed ..................................................... 56
The Printer Capabilities Page ......................................... 57
Laser]et Fonts ............................................... 60

Table of Contents


Printer Upgrades ..................................................
Profile: LaserMaster ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Tabloid News ..............................................
Fonts-a-plenty ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special Font Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printing Complex Pages .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What About PostScript Graphics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5. Monitors ................................ 67
Monitor Lingo and Standards ........................................
Profile: Soft Kicker ................................................
ZAP Mode .................................................
Software Compatibility .......................................
Large-Screen Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Screen Fonts ...............................................
Aspect Ratio of Pixels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Size of Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flicker ....................................................
Heat and Power ............................................
Software Compatibility .......................................
Primary versus Secondary Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ease of Installation ..........................................
Contrast ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cabling ....................................................
Computer Compatibility ......................................
Edge Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Orientation ................................................
Graphics Coprocessors .......................................
Use with a Mouse ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Health Effects ..............................................
Profile: Wyse WY-700 ..............................................
Profile: Radius TPD ................................................
Profile: LaserMaster GlassPage 1280 and DPS-1 Graphics Card .............


6. Scanners ................................ 83
Optical Scanners ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Video Scanners ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scanning Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Black-and-White versus Grayscale Scanners ............................
Displaying TIFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Memory Demands ...........................................
The Problem with Laser Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scanning Line Art ..................................................
Profile: Hewlett-Packard ScanJet Plus .................................



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition



7. Managing Files ........................... 93
Why Pay Attention to Files? .......................................... 95
Underlying Concepts ................................................ 95
Every Document is a Family of Files ............................. 95
The Chapter File ................................................... 96
The Style Sheet File ................................................. 97
INF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 97
The PUB File ..................................................... 100
Other Files ....................................................... 100
Pros and Cons .................................................... 102
Refresher on DOS ................................................ 102
Creating Directories ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103
Paths, Filters, and Wildcards .................................. 104
The Backup Button (DOS/GEM Version) .............................. 107
Hands Off \ TYPESET .............................................. 108
Two Organization Strategies ......................................... 108
Plan I: A File Strategy for Short Documents ............................ 109
Plan II: A File Strategy for Long Documents ............................ 111
Archiving and Transferring Documents ., .............................. 112
Using Multi-Chapter or Manage Publication for Backups ................. 113
Restoring a Chapter from a Floppy to a Hard Disk ...................... 116
File Management Utilities ........................................... 119

8. Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text ....... 121
Creating Text ................................................. ' .... 121
Attributes: Converted and Ignored .................................... 125
Line Endings ..................................................... 126
Beware of Tabs ................................................... 127
Dashes and Quotation Marks ........................................ 127
Embedding Formatting Information ................................... 129
Tags .......................... , ........................... 131
Breaks and Spaces .......................................... 131
Character Attributes ......................................... 132
Special Codes .............................................. 132
Nonkeyboard Characters ..................................... 132
Loading Text ..................................................... 138
Text Destinations .................................................. 139
Text Clipboard ............................................. 139
Text Cursor ................................................ 139
Loading Worksheet Data ............................................ 140
Ventura (older versions) ...................................... 141

Table of Contents


Using a Worksheet-Conversion Utility ..........................
PRN-to-Table ............................................. ,
Ventura's Text Editor ..............................................
Inserting Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ,
Inserting Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Inserting Page and Chapter Numbers ..........................
Formatting Words within Paragraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Assignment List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Set Font (DOS/GEM Version) .................................
Set Font Attributes (Windows Version) .........................
Using Attribute Overrides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Editing Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Creating Text within Ventura .......................................
Caption Files ....................................................
Generated Files ..................................................
Questions and Answers ............................................


9. Working with Style Sheets ................ 157
Ventura's Sample Style Sheets ...................... : ................
Miscellaneous Sample Style Sheets ............................
Third-Party Style Sheets ............................................
Loading a Style Sheet ..............................................
Tagging .........................................................
Mouse Tagging ............................................
Tagging with the Function Keys ..............................
Tagging with a Word Processor ...............................
Tagging with WordPerfect ......................................... ,
VPDRAFT.STY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VPFINAL.STY ............................... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
TAGTeam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Tagging with Microsoft Word ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Creating a New Tag ...............................................
Naming Tags ....................................................
Deleting a Tag ...................................................
Printing a Style Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Generated Tags ..................................................
Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


10. Formatting Text ........................ 185
Advice for Beginners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
An Inventory of Ventura's Typographic Controls .......................
Padding around Frames ...........................................
Offsets and Indents ...............................................
Tabs ...........................................................
Breaks ..........................................................



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Simulating Tabs in Justified Text ..................................... 202
Ruling Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 203
Vertical Alignment and Justification ................................... 206
Spacing between Lines and Paragraphs ............................... 208
Interline Spacing ............................................ 208
Spacing between Paragraphs ................................. 209
Spacing between Words '" ......................................... 211
Fixed Spaces .... " ................................................ 211
Figure Space ............................................... 211
Em Space .................................................. 212
En Space .................................................. 212
Thin Space ................................................ 212
Spaces between Letters ............................................. 213
Manual Kerning ............................................ 213
Automatic Kerning ., ........................................ 216
Tracking .................................................. 219
Letter Spacing .............................................. 220
Special Effects .................................................... 222
Bullets .................... .- ............................... 222
Small Caps ................................................. 224
Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 224

11. Tables ................................ 227
Tabs .................................................. '" ....... 227
Breaks .......................................................... 229
Box Text ......................................................... 229
Ruling Line Below ................................................. 229
The Table Generator ............................................... 231
Adjusting the Size of the Cells ................................. 233

12. Equations ............................. 241
EQN Syntax ...................................................... 242
Entering Symbols .................................................. 245
Method 1: Spelling Out the Greek ............................. 245
Method 2: Using the Symbol Command ......................... 245
Method 3: Symbol Combinations .............................. 246
Special Symbol Commands ................................... 246
Font Changes ..................................................... 247
Italicized Variables and Romanized Functions ........................ .. 247
Quotation Marks .................................................. 251
Diacritical Marks .................................................. 251
How to Build an Equation .......................................... 251

13. Pagination

. . . . . . ..................... . 2:;:;

Headers and Footers ............................................... 256

Table of Contents


Tagging Headers and Footers ..................................... "
Header and Footer Spacing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Footnotes .......................................................
Widows and Orphans .............................................
Automatic Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Frame Anchoring ................................................
Four Kinds of Anchors ......................................
Automatic Text Insertion ......................................... "
Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Step One: Inserting Index Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step Two: Generating the Index ..............................
Step Three: Formatting the Index .............................
No Pain, No Gain ..........................................
Generating a Table of Contents .....................................
Step One: Generating the TOC Text File .......................
Step Two: Formatting the File ................................
Cross Referencing ................................................
Inserting Page and Chapter Numbers ..........................
Cross Referencing with Markers ............................. "
Cross Referencing with Frame Anchors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Variable Text ............................................ "


14. Document Layout Strategies .............. 281
Base-Page Strategy .............................................. "
Newspaper-Style Strategy ..........................................
Free-Form Strategy .............................................. "
Designing Documents " ......................................... "
Universal Procedure ..............................................
Components of the Page ......................................... "
The Grid .................................................
Inside Margin versus Outside Margin ..........................
Margins and Vertical Justification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Active Area ...............................................
Gutters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview .......................................................
Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Starting a New Style Sheet .........................................
Establishing the Grid .............................................
Headers and Footers .............................................
Using the Template ...............................................
Ancillary Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued On ... , Continued From....................................
Box Text Style Sheet ..............................................
Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition



15. Using Graphics ......................... 307
Bitmapped Graphics ......................................... 307
Object Graphics ............................................ 308
Comparative Advantages ..................................... 308
Scanning Images ....... '.' ......................................... 310
Loading Graphics ................................................. 313
Types of File Formats ............................................. 313
PCX ...................................................... 314
IMG ...................................................... 314
TIFF ...................................................... 315
CGM ..................................................... 315
HPGL ..................................................... 316
EPS ....................................................... 316
DXF ...................................................... 317
Windows Metafile ........................................... 317
VideoShow ................................................ 317
AutoCAD SLD .............................................. 318
Format Translators ................................................. 318
Cropping, Panning, and Scaling ...................................... 319
Positioning and Sizing the Frame .............................. 321
Positioning and Scaling the Picture ............................. 322
How to Scale a Bitmapped Graphic ............................ 324
Captions ......................................................... 325
Ventura's Drawing Tools ............................................ 327
Changing Graphic Defaults with Save To ........................ 327
Applying Graphic Defaults with Load From ...................... 327
Selecting Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 328
Graphics and Frames .............................................. 329
Box Text ......................................................... 333
Labeling Graphics ........................................... 334
Creating Tables ................................................... 335
Frames or Box Text? ............................................... 335
Questions ........................................................ 335

16. Graphics Tools ......................... 341
Profile: The PC Paintbmsh Family .................................... 343
A New Generation of Drawing Programs .............................. 344
Tracing ................................................... 346
Fun with Type ............................................. 346
Profile: GEM Artline ............................................... 347
Profile: Corel Draw ................................................ 350

Table of Contents


Intuitive Drawing ..........................................
Auto-Tracing Scanned Images ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type Handling ............................................
Jumping to a Shape ........................................
Calligraphic Pen Shapes .....................................
Color Support .............................................
No Speed Demon ..........................................
Import/Export ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The standout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Profile: Micrografx Designer ........................................
Technical Orientation .......................................
Space and Format ..........................................
Powerful Tools ............................................
Profile: Arts & Letters Editor ........................................
A Zillion Images ...........................................
Unique Features ...........................................
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


17. Clip Art ............................... 361
Formats ..................................................
Object-Oriented Clip Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publisher's PicturePak ...................................... ,
ClickArt EPS Illustrations ....................................
Image Club ...............................................
Other Sources for Object-Oriented Art .........................
Bitmapped Clip Art ...............................................
ClickArt Series of Image Portfolios ............................
Desktop Art ...............................................
Metro ImageBase ..........................................
Other Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GEM Draw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Micrografx Designer ....................................... ,
Hewlett-Packard Graphics Gallery .............................
Arts & Letters ..............................................


18. Encapsulated PostScript ................. 371
Using Ventura Print Files ...........................................
DOS/GEM Version .........................................
Windows Version ..........................................
The EPS Format ................................................. ,
Editing EPS Files Within Ventura ....................................
Removing the PS2.PRE File (DOS/GEM Version only) ...................
PostScript Resources ..............................................
Books ....................................................
Publications ...............................................



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Electronic Bulletin Boards .................................... 379
Custom PostScript Graphics ................................... 379

19. Screen Snapshots ....................... 381
Choosing a Screen Snapshot Utility ................................... 383
What Displays Do They Support? .............................. 383
Do They Allow Editing of the Image? ........................... 383
What Formats Do They Create? ................................ 384
Can They Capture Windows Screens? ........................... 384
How Extensive Are the Controls over Parameters? ................ 385
What Are the Memory Requirements? ........................... 385
Text Screens ...................................................... 385
Keeping Track of Screen Shots ...................................... 386
Scaling Screen Snapshots ........................................... 387
Profile: Frieze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 387
Profile: HotShot Graphics ........................................... 388
Screen Capnlre ............................................. 388
Legal Graffiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 389
More Legal Graffiti ............. . . . . . . . . . . ................... 390
File Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 390
Hotshot Grab .............................................. 390



20. Using Fonts ............................ 395
Font Terminology .................................................. 397
Bitmap Fonts and Outline Fonts ..................................... 398
Font Storage Locations ............................................. 399
Selecting Fonts in Ventura .......................................... 402
Paragraph Method ......................................... .402
Text Method ............................................... 403
Using Embedded Font Codes ................................. 405
Downloading Fonts ................................................ 405
Downloading LaserJet Fonts (DOS/GEM Version) ................. 405
Downloading PostScript Fonts (DOS/GEM Version) .............. .408
Draft and Ultimate Printing .......................................... 408

21. Adding New Fonts ...................... 411
Step One: Buy the Fonts ........................................... .413
Building Your Personal Font Library ........................... .413
Sources for PostScript Fonts ................................. .417
Sources of LaserJet Fonts .................................... .419

Table of Contents


Other Non-PostScript Printers ................................
Set Two: Run the Font Installation Program ...........................
Step Three: Generate Bitmapped Fonts from Master Outlines .............
Step Four: Convert the Fonts to Your Printer's Format, If Necessary ........
Step Five: Generate WID Files, If Necessary .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step Six: Generate Screen Fonts (DOS/GEM Version) ...................
Step Seven: Copy Printer Files to the Correct Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step Eight: Copy Screen Fonts to the \ VENTURA Directory ..............
Step Nine: Copy and Merge the WID Files ............................
Example One: Generating and Installing a Fontware Font. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing Fontware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Making the Fonts ..........................................
Installing the Fonts into Ventura ..............................
Adding Screen Fonts ........................................
Example Two: Installing a laserJet Font ..............................


22. Font Tools ............................. 439

ATM (Adobe Type Manager) .................................
Bitstream Facelift ..........................................
Micrologic MoreFonts ......................................
Atech's Publisher's PowerPak ................................
SuperPrint ................................................
Fontware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage Requirements .......................................
Character Set or Symbol Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fontware for the LaserJet III ..................................
Profile: SoftCraft's Fontware ........................................
Storage Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Profile: Type Director .............................................
Profile: MoreFonts ................................................
Profile: Z-Soft SoftType .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Profile: Publisher's Type Foundry ...................................
Switch-hitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Windows Interface .........................................
Editing Tools .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technicalities ..............................................
Special Effects ...................................................
Draw Programs ..................................................
Black Turning Gray Over You ................................
Profile: fontART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Profile: Font Effects ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Profile: laserMaster Special Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Profile: WYSIfonts! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Profile: FontSpace ................................................




Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition



23. Speed Tips ............................. 475
Disk Caching .................................................... 475
PrintCache ............................ : .......................... 479
Downloading Fonts ................................................ 480
Consolidating Your Hard Disk ..................................... .480
Avoiding Spill Files ................................................ 481
Parallel Printer Interface ............................................ 482
Faster Screen Fonts ................................................ 482
Speeding up the Display with the /F Switch ........................... .483
Greeking Text .................................................... 484
Selecting a Fast Double-Click Speed ................................. .485
Tagging in Text Editing Mode (Windows Version) ....................... 485
Multiple-Paragraph Tagging ........................................ .485
Move the Toolbox (Windows Version) ................................ 485
Use the AIt Key Shortcuts (Windows Version) .......................... 486
Use the Macro Recorder (Windows Version) ........................... 486
Avoiding On-Screen Kerning ........................................ 487
Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................ 487
Ctrl-X ........................................................... 488
The Backup Box (DOS/GEM Version) ............................... .488
Mouse Tips ...................................................... 489
Pretagging Text .................................................. 489
Using the Esc Key to Clear Lines (DOS/GEM Version) ................... .489
Hiding Pictures ................................................... 489
Using the Shift Key ............................................... 490
Storing Graphic Defaults ........................................... .490
Faster Hyphenation ................................................ 490
Math Coprocessor? ............................................... .491
Loading a Chapter with the Program ................................ .491
Pre-loading the PostScript Prolog .................................... .492

24. Safety Tips ............................. 493
Backing Up ....................................................... 493
Renaming Style Sheets ............................................. 494
Renaming Text Files ............................................... 494
Saving .................................................. , .... , ... 494
Using Abandon ................................................... 495
Creating Separate Directories ........................................ 495
Backing up to Floppies or Tape ..................................... .496
Limiting Chapter Size .............................................. 496
Saving Old Width Tables .......................................... .496

Table of Contents


Organizing Font Files ............................................. 497
Responding to the "Internal System Error!" Message .................... 497

25. Printing Tips ........................... 499
Imagesetter Proofing ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Printer Intensity Control ...........................................
The Collating Trap ....... : ........................................
Crop Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Registration Marks .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Decreasing the Size of Print Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Penny Saved ..................................................
Can You Tmst Those Cheap Toner Refills? ............................
Profile: PrintCache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Torqing PostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Print Full-Page Graphics on a 512K LaserJet ....................
Speeding up Printing By Hiding Graphics .............................
What Kind of Paper to Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Speeding up Printing By Downloading the Postscript Prologue ...........
Printing on Unsupported Printers ........ '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saving Before Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wait for the Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printing Oversized Pages on a Standard Laser Printer ...................
Printing Mirror-Image (Wrong-Reading) Pages .........................
Printing Crop Marks on Standard-Sized Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


26. Memory Limitations and Solutions ........ 513
Overview .......................................................
Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How Ventura Uses Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Diagnostics Box ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
"Internal Memory in Use" ....................................
"External Memory in Use" ...................................
"EMS Memory in Use" .......................................
"Text Memory in Use" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
"Paragraphs in Use" ........................................
"Line Elements in Use" ......................................
"Ext Memory Swapped Out" .................................
"Text Memory Swapped Out" ................................
"Width Table Size" .........................................
"Graphics Buffer Size" ......................................
"Screen Fonts Size" ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
"Hyphenation Size" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
"Perm. Strings Size" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
"FARCODE Overlay Size" ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Memory Management Options .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Extended and Expanded Memory .............................. 521
Using a RAM Disk ................... , ....................... 523
Disk Caching ............................................... 523
Adjusting Buffers in CONFIG.SYS ............................ .525
Disabling FASTOPEN ........................................ 525
Adjusting the Screen Fonts Buffer .............................. 525
Adjusting the Graphics Buffer ................................. 526
Memory Magic with HIMEM.syS (286 and 386 Computers Only) .... 527
More Memory Magic: 386MAX ................................ 529
What Are the Limits? ............................................... 531

27. Utilities ............................... 533
Profile: XVP/Tabs ................................................ 534
Profile: DataTAG ................................................. 536
Profile: XVP/Base ................................................. 537
Profile: WP2VP ................................................... 537
Profile: TAGteam ................................................. 539
Additional PostScript Support ....................................... 540
Profile: VP/Saddle ................................................ 540
Two-Up ................................................... 541
Enlarged Format ............................................ 541
File/Style Management ............................................ 541
Profile: VP Manager ............................................... 541
Chapter Description and History .............................. 542
Do you need it? ............................................ 542
Profile: VPMover .................................................. 544
Profile: MouseWare ................................................ 546
The Other Button ........................................... 546
Profile: VP to the Max .............................................. 547

28. Label Sheets .............. ............. 549
Overview ........................................................ 550
Preparing the Text File ............................................. 551
Formatting in Ventura .............................................. 554

29. Printing Envelopes ..................... 559
Procedure ........................................................ 561
The Destination Address Window .............................. 561
The Renlrn Address Window .................................. 562
Testing Positions ............................................ 562
Making the Return Address Repeat .............................. 563
Formatting the Destination Address ............................ 563
Saving the Style Sheet and the Chapter ......................... 563
Printing Multiple Envelopes ............................. ............ 564


Table of Contents

~(). ~()()Cl()() 1r~c:~



Crashing ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Some Appeals are Granted ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Watch Out for the Pause Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Post-Crash Hard Disk Cleanup ......................................
Those Disappearing Screen Fonts (DOS/GEM Version) ..................
Backup Files .....................................................
Redrawing the Screen with Esc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
A Totally Scrambled Screen ........................................
Delete Key Won't Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Shift-Ctr! ........................................................
Disappearing Formats ................................... . . . . . . . . . .
Fixing an Isolated Paragraph Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Things that Go Beep in the Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Problems Changing Text Attributes ..................................
Create a Null Paragraph Before Inserting Text .........................
Moving Large Blocks of Text Within a Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Amaze Your Friends by Customizing Ventura's Menus! ..................


Using ~entura With()ut a M()use ...........


Windows Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
General Operations (DOS/GEM Version) .............................
Special Techniques (DOS/GEM Version) ..............................
Editing VP.BAT (DOS/GEM Version) .................................





A. Res()urc:es ............................. .:;81
Clip Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
LaserJet Fonts ....................................................
PostScript Fonts ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Font Tools ......................................................
Graphics Software ................................................
Monitors .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LaserJet-Compatible Printers ........................................
PostScript Printers (300 dpi) ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PostScript Printers and Typesetters (Above 300 dpi) ....................
Other Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printer Controllers ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scanners ........................................................
Utilities .........................................................



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

User Groups ...................................................... 624
Bulletin Boards ................................................. .. 630
Newsletters and Magazines ......................................... 631
Style Sheets .................................................... .. 632
Training ......................................................... 633
PostScript Service Bureaus .......................................... 633
Other Resources .................................................. 641

B. GrapWcs Program Compatibility ........... 643
CGM ............................................................ 644
DXF ............................................................ 645
HPGL ........................................................... 645
VideoShow ....................................................... 649

C. Glossary ............................... 651
Index .................................... 663

I first saw Xerox Ventura Publisher in the spring of 1986, when
Ventura Software president John Meyer and head programmer
Don Heiskell visited the PC World offices in San Francisco to
show off a fledgling version of the program. At that time the
agreement between Ventura Software and Xerox Corporation to
market Ventura Publisher did not yet exist. Ventura Software was
still just an unknown startup with a whistle and a song, one of a
crowd of small companies claiming to do something new and
different with words, pictures, and laser printers.
As Meyer and Heiskell set up their XT-compatible computer in PC
World's glass-walled demonstration room, I reflected on the irony
that two years earlier this same room had been rigged up with
peek-proof curtains to sequester a prototype of the Macintosh
computer while a small team of PC World staffers worked in
secret to create the first issue of Macworld magazine. For the first
year of its existence, the Macintosh had been widely ridiculed as
a $2500 Etch-A-Sketch, a fun machine to play around with but
hopelessly devoid of any useful software.
Now that little machine was showing it could throw fast balls too.
With the introduction of its LaserWriter printer and the advent of
a new generation of slick page makeup software, Apple was
opening up a vast new market, dubbed desktop publishing by its
enthusiasts, or CAP (computer-aided publishing) by the more
acronymically minded. As yet, nothing existed on the PC-compatible side of the industry to rival the Macintosh/LaserWriter


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

combination, a situation that was causing no small degree of consternation in places like PC World.
With various editors and production managers clustered around a
long table in PC World's demonstration room, Meyer started up
Ventura and immediately went into a blistering tour. While the
staff looked on, increasingly absorbed, he set up a document in
multiple columns, added pictures, and demonstrated the use of
Ventura's style sheet method of formatting.
I wasn't sure which was more astonishing, the speed of the program or the number of features that Meyer was showing. Compared to other PC programs then on the market that purported to
provide desktop publishing capabilities ... well, there just was no
Expressing the general sentiment in the room, someone jested,
"You got a Macintosh hidden in that computer?" Meyer only
smiled, but the response was implied: That's obviously not possible - this program's way too fast.
But it wasn't a comparison against the Macintosh that Meyer
seemed to be interested in stressing, it was between two levels of
PCs. "I want to emphasize," he said, "that the speed you're seeing
isn't the result of us using a souped-up computer. We're purposely
showing the program on an XT-compatible rather than an ATcompatible. "
Abruptly, the 4emonstration halted with an unexpected program
crash. For a moment, even the garrulous Meyer seemed at a loss
for words, but Heiskell actually seemed to take a sort of perverse
satisfaction in the blowout. He flashed a laid-back smile, leaned
forward, and jotted a few notes on a legal pad. "That's the one I
was trying to get on Sunday," he remarked, grinning.
At the time of the Ventura demonstration, I had just finished typesetting the book Laserjet Unlimited the old-fashioned way, that is,
using Microsoft Word. With the version of Word that existed at
that time, you could easily incorporate various laser printer fonts



in a document and format the appearance of text using flexible
style sheets. However, when it came to adding illustrations to a
document, you had no alternative to the light table and the xACTO knife. Facing the prospect of repeating the manual pasteup
ordeal with my next book, I couldn't wait to get my hands on
Ventura .


So What's It For?
To make a long story short, I did get my hands on Ventura, I
experimented with it, and I confirmed that it was indeed as good
a tool as I had hoped. The book you're holding is physical evidence that Ventura is ideally suited for long documents such as
books, and also manuals, long reports, and other hefty publications.
But what about shorter documents like newsletters? Again, I can
only refer to my own personal experience, which is that the longer I've used Ventura, the more I've found myself leaning on it for
all kinds of jobs: designing flyers, running off each week's invoice
forms, typesetting poetry, designing business cards, making
phone logs - you name it.


Now in its third edition, this book is a product of discoveries
made by myself and others during our explorations into Ventura.

If you're new to Ventura, my advice is to first install the program
on your computer and then read Chapter 2, "How Ventura
Works," which explains the basic concepts behind Ventura. If
you're already experienced with Ventura, you can simply browse
through the book, exploring those topics that interest you most.
The book is organized into seven parts. Section I, "Orientation,"
covers the features of Ventura and also explains the basic concepts underlying the program.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Section II, "Hardware," discusses the three main elements that
make up a publishing system: computer, printer, and monitor,
plus an increasingly popular fourth element, the digital scanner.
Section III, "Using Ventura," begins with the critical topic of
managing files on your hard disk, then explains the various stages
of assembling and formatting a Ventura document.
Section IV, "Graphics" examines some of the important new
graphics tools that can be used in conjunction with Ventura, explains Ventura's own graphics features, and covers several special
topics: clip art, Encapsulated PostScript, and screen snapshots.
Section V, "Fonts," tells how to install new fonts into Ventura and
provides background information on a variety of useful thirdparty tools that enable you to generate, enhance, and edit your
screen and printer fonts.
Section VI, "Special Topics," is a miscellany of information that
hopefully will be of use as you attempt to "push the envelope"
with Ventura: speeding up your work, enhancing your printer
output, overcoming memOlY limitations, evaluating third-party
utilities, printing envelopes and label sheets, using Ventura
without a mouse, and overcoming some of Ventura's glitches and
rough spots.
Finally, the book contains three appendices. The first is an extensive survey of the variety of third-party resources that have
gravitated around Ventura as it has risen to become the leading
publishing program available today. Second is a listing of graphics
software compatible with Ventura. Third is a glossary of typographic terms and Ventura jargon.
As you make your own Ventura discoveries, I hope you'll take the
time to share them with me and/or with the Ventura Publisher
User's Group, whose phone number is provided below. Please let
me know what you think ought to be added to the book, where
the explanations went astray, entries that shoplq have been in-



cluded in the index - whatever. The more detailed, the more
downright picky your critiques, the better!
Also, if you have bought this book from a bookstore or a dealer
rather than directly from Peachpit Press, take a moment to send
us your name and address so we can drop you a line when the
next edition comes out. Dealers of Ventura Publisher and Ventura
trainers are especially encouraged to contact Peachpit Press about
promotions and quantity discounts .

• Getting Help
If you have complaints about Ventura Publisher, the person to
send them to is Larry Gerhard, President, Ventura Software Inc.,
15175 Innovation Drive, San Diego, California 92128. Although
Ventura Software is a subsidiary of Xerox, it has a good deal of
autonomy which allows it to be more responsive to user needs.
The phone number of Larry and crew at Ventura Software is
619/673-0172. To get technical assistance from Ventura, you have
several options. First, anyone who upgrades to version 3.0 can
have 60 days of free support from the time they receive their
upgrade. A second option is to pay $150 for an annual support
contract, which gives you unlimited calling privileges to an 800
number, a subscription to Ventura Professional! magazine, a $50
discount coupon for training classes, and a 1 percent discount
on your next upgrade. A third option is a corporate group support
plan, which provides a variety of benefits and costs $1,000 per
year. Finally, if you'd rather pay by the call, you can dial 900/8968880, and pay $15 for a SUppOlt call of any length. For more
information on Ventura's SUppOlt plans, call 800/822-8221 in the
U.S. or 800/228-8579 in Canada.


Other sources of help are your local user group (see Appendix A
for listings) and Ventura Professional! magazine (408/227-5030).
Good luck!
Ted Nace
Berkeley, California




Which Ventura
Is Right/or You?
Make new friends but keep the old,
One is silver and the other gold.
Greetings, fellow monitor lizards! Ventura Publisher, which began
strictly as a DOS program, is now running on four platforms:
DOS, Windows, OS/2, and Macintosh. This book covers Ventura
Publisher Gold Series: DOS/GEM Edition and Windows Edition.
Users of the OS/2 and Macintosh versions of the program may
also find the book helpful, but those editions are not explicitly
For both new and experienced Ventura users, the two questions
most frequently asked are (1) What's new about the Gold Series?
and (2) Should I use the DOS/GEM version or the Windows version? The purpose of this chapter is to answer those two questions.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

What's New About the Gold Series?
Basically, the Gold Series offers the same features as Ventura 2.0,
which was introduced in 1988. Yes, there are some minor improvements (see below), but in general, instead of adding new
features, the programming team put their energy into creating
Windows and OS/2 versions of the program that matched the
existing DOS/GEM version. Meanwhile, a separate programming
team prepared the Macintosh version.
Although Ventura's decision to move the program to new platforms rather than upgrade was probably logical, it doesn't do
much for the people who have been using version 2.0 and have
been wishing for some new capabilities. So, to make the product
more attractive, Ventura Software decided to include the Professional Extension and the Network Server modules in the regular
package at no extra cost.
That's a pretty good deal, because the Professional Extension has
five powerful features: table generation, equation generation,
cross-referencing, vertical justification, and EMS support. The EMS
support is a great boon, because being able to work with EMS
solves many of the crashes and tight memory problems that used
to plague Ventura. The table generation feature is also fantastic basically the equivalent of a separate forms generation package .

• Minor Improvements
As for improvements in the DOS/GEM version of the program,
these are all fairly minor. Numerous bugs have reportedly been
fixed, though no list of such fixes has been released. Other improvements include support for longer footnotes that can flow
from page to page, improvement in the HPGL graphics import
capability (note: HPGL stands for Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language, a format used by AutoCAD and other CAD programs),
better importing of Mac Pict II graphics and Microsoft Word 5.0
text files, and support for LaserJet lID duplex printing.

Chapter 1: Which Ventura Is Right for You?


• Conclusion
If you already had the Ventura 2.0 (base version), upgrading to
the Gold Series is definitely worthwhile because of all the new
Professional Extension features you'll now be able to use. If you
were already using the Professional Extension, the upgrade is of
minor benefit but probably worth doing anyway, if only for the
bug fixes .


Should I Buy the DOS/GEM Version or the
Windows Version?
This is the most commonly asked question. Windows 3 has
achieved instant popularity for good reason: in addition to offering an attractive, Mac-like user interface, it also makes switching
back and forth between different programs as easy as pressing
Alt-Tab. For the latter reason alone, it would at first glance seem
obvious that you would be better off switching to the Windows
version of Ventura. Actually, however, the decision is somewhat
complicated because the Windows and DOS/GEM versions both
have certain advantages and disadvantages .

• Features Comparison
For the most part, the Windows version provides the same features as the DOS/GEM version. In a few areas, however, there are

. Keyboard Shortcuts. In keeping with the standard
protocol for Windows applications, menus can be accessed
by pressing the Alt key, which takes you to the menu line,
and then pressing one or more keystrokes. This gives you
an alternative to using the mouse, but whether it is faster or
slower depends on your style of working.
· Macro Recorder. One of the accessories that comes with
Windows 3 is the Macro Recorder. You can use this utility to


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

save sequences of keystrokes, allowing you to access frequently used commands more quickly.

· Help Screens. In the DOS/GEM version, you can get a brief
explanation of any dialog box by pressing the small question mark box in the upper right corner of the dialog box. In
the Windows version, the help facility is a good deal more
detailed and complete, but it is also somewhat more difficult
to access.
· Ruling Lines. In the Windows version, Ventura provides a
number of pre-cooked options for ruling lines. In the DOS/
GEM version, you can create the same SOlts of ruling lines,
but it takes a bit more work.
. Tagging. Here's one of the nicest features of the Windows
version. You can assign any tag to any paragraph right from
text editing mode - no need to switch to tagging mode
first. In the DOS/GEM version, you can also assign tags from
text editing mode, but only for the ten tags that you have
previously assigned to function keys.
. Cutting and Pasting Tags. With the Windows version, you
can copy a tag from one style sheet and paste it into a different style sheet. This is only possible in the DOS/GEM version if you buy a third-party utility such as VPToolbox .

• Monitors
By now, most vendors of large-screen monitors have made drivers
available for Windows 3. In some cases, however, a driver doesn't
exist and may never be written. If you have such a monitor, you
may be prevented from using Windows altogether or else may
have to use Windows with the monitor running in EGA or VGA
emulation mode. Check with your monitor vendor before switching to Windows Ventura .

• Printing
Some of the Windows 3 printing drivers are still painfully slow,
especially the PostScript driver. The problem is conlpounded by

Chapter 1: Which Ventura Is Right/or You?


the fact that if you use one of your old width tables from the
DOS/GEM version, Ventura assumes that any fonts you use in a
chapter must be downloaded each time, and you can't selectively
turn font downloading on and off for particular fonts. There are
third-party printing utilities that provide better performance than
the Windows driver, of course, and eventually Microsoft and/or
the printer vendors can be expected to correct the problem. Until
then, however, printing from the Windows version will be slower
than with the DOS/GEM version.

• Scalable Screen Fonts
Here's an area where the Windows version of Ventura has an
advantage over the DOS/GEM version. As described in Chapter
22, "Font Tools," several utilities are now available for Windows,
including ATM from Adobe and FaceLift from Bitstream, that can
create screen fonts at any size on the fly from your PostScript or
Bitstream printer font outlines. This brings Ventura much closer to
the ideal of What You See Is What You Get and also removes the
need to store large numbers of space-gobbling bitmapped screen
fonts on your hard disk. With the DOS/GEM version, scalable
screen fonts are only available for the LaserMaster GlassPage

• Organization of Commands
Although anyone who has used the DOS/GEM version for awhile
can usually find any menu selection without breaking stride,
there's no denying that the organization of the menus is slightly
idiosyncratic. For instance, why is Remove Text/File found under
the Edit menu rather than under the File menu? Why is Set Printer
Info (which lets you choose your printer and width table) located
under the Options menu rather than next to the Print command
under the File menu?
In the Windows version, the organization of the menus is more
logical. Also, the lists of files and tags are contained in small
windows that you can drag to a convenient location on the screen


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

and adjust to any size you want. That's a more flexible setup than
the one used by the DOS/GEM version. Whether it provides a
significant speed advantage, however, is doubtful. But for beginners, the Windows version should be a bit less confusing.

• Importing Text
One of the best things about Ventura has always been that it could
import text and graphics from virtually any program. Currently,
however, the Windows version does not provide an import filter
for any Windows-based word processing program. To get around
this limitation, you'll have to remember to save your Word for
Windows text files in a format such as ASCII or DOS Word.

• No Undo
Standard in almost every Windows application is an Undo command. Unfortunately, it's not present in Windows Ventura - a
serious omission that will hopefully be corrected soon.

• Multiple Clipboards
In the DOS/GEM version, there are actually three clipboards, one
for frames, one for box text, and one for regular text. This means
that you can save a block of text and also a frame containing a
graphic from one chapter, then open up another chapter and
paste in both the block of text and the frame. In the Windows
version there is only a single clipboard. This makes the Windows
version slightly less convenient from a cut-and-paste perspective.
But as noted above, the Windows version has a very useful cutand-paste feature not found in the DOS/GEM version: being able
to cut and paste tags from one style sheet to another.

• Working with Multiple Chapters
The Windows version would have a great advantage over the
DOS/GEM version if you could have two chapters open at the
same time in adjacent windows. That would allow easy cutting

Chapter 1: Which Ventura Is Right for You?


and pasting of text, frames, box text, and tags. Unfortunately, you
can only have one chapter open at a time with the Windows
version, and you cannot run multiple sessions of the program
itself concurrently. (You can, however, run Windows Ventura and
DOS/GEM Ventura concurrently and switch back and forth with
Alt-Tab, though doing so is of limited value.)

• Speed
Provided you use a disk caching utility (see Chapter 23 for
details), the DOS/GEM version is faster than the Windows version. But the speed of Ventura itself isn't the real issue: what you
need to consider is the overall speed of your computer work. If
you work exclusively with Ventura and not with any other
programs, the DOS/GEM version may be a better choice from a
speed perspective. But if you frequently go in and out of Ventura
to use your word processor, to perform tasks in DOS, to log onto
CompuServe or MCI Mail, or to use other programs, you may
really fall in love with the ability of Windows to let you jump from
one program to another with a simple Alt-Tab.
One way to get the best of both worlds - the speed of the
DOS/GEM version and the convenient task switching of Windows
3 - is to run the DOS/GEM version of Ventura from within Windows. That's what I currently do, and that's what I plan on doing
at least until a new version of Windows Ventura is released with
fewer bugs.

• PostScript Printing
For those with PostScript printers, the availability of scalable
screen fonts via Adobe's ATM for Windows is a powerful inducement to use the Windows version. However, for printing to PostScript, the Windows version has two drawbacks. One is that the
driver is ridiculously slow. The other is that the PostScript preamble (PS2.PRE), which many Ventura users have edited to create
special effects such as rotated and outline type, is replaced by the
Windows PostScript driver, which is not easy to access.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

• Buginess
Because it's been in existence in almost exactly the same form for
over two years, the GEM/DOS version has had time to be thoroughly debugged. It's still possible to make the program crash,
but it's not easy.
Like any new program, the first release of the Windows version
still has some bugs, many of which are probably caused by Windows itself. By the time you read this, most of those initial bugs
will hopefully be fixed, so check with your dealer or Ventura
Software to see if the version you are considering has a number
later than 3.0. Generally, a number such as 3.01 or 3.02 will indicate a bug-fix release. In fact, as this book was going to press, the
first free fix-it patch was already being released. To receive your
copy of the latest patch, call Ventura Software customer support at
800/822-8221 and ask for "the latest Ventura Windows patch." Or
you can download the patch from the Ventura bulletin board on

• Computer
Although more and more people are migrating to 80386 computers, one of the nicest things about the DOS/GEM version of
Ventura has always been that it didn't require an expensive computer. Any XT (8086 chip) or AT (80286 chip) with 640K and a
hard disk will work fine. Although Microsoft says that Windows 3
will run on an AT computer, you really do need an 80386 with at
least 2MB and preferably more RAM to get decent performance.
So if you're one of the millions of people using an XT or AT, you'll
definitely want to stick with the DOS/GEM version.

• Running the DOS/GEM Version from Windows
For those with 80386 computers, Windows 3 is an irresistable
piece of software. Once you've installed it on your computer, you
can continue to run your familiar DOS programs like WordPerfect,
Word, dBASE, and Lotus, while selectively sampling some of the

Chapter 1: Which Ventura Is Right for You?


new generation of Windows software such as Corel Draw, Excel,
Ami, and Persuasion. As for Ventura, my advice is to stay with the
DOS/GEM version but to run it from Windows. That way you can
have the best of both worlds. Eventually, when the Windows
version is sufficiently debugged and has all the necessary drivers
in place, you can switch to that version.
Here's how to set up the DOS/GEM version to run from Windows:
• If you haven't installed Ventura to run from DOS, do so.
• If you haven't installed Windows 3, do so.
• Copy the VENTURA.PIF file from the utility disk to the Ventura directory.
• (Optional) If you don't already have a program group called
Non-Windows Applications or DOS Programs, create one by
selecting New from the File menu.




Open the window for the program group in which you
want the icon for DOS/GEM Ventura to appear. Select new
from the File menu then select Program Item.
In the Description box, type DOS Ventura (or whatever you
want to call it).
Select Browse.
In the Browse dialog box, change the extension in the
Filename from *.exe to *. pif.

• From the Directory List, select the drive containing Ventura.
Usually this will be C.


VP .PIF or VPPROF.PIF should now appear in the File List.
Select the one you want to use.
Select OK or press Enter.

Now you can run Ventura directly from the Program Manager.

How Ventura

Works"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."

So said Albert Einstein in reference to physics, but the observation
applies equally well to software. While learning Ventura does take
effort, there's no getting around the fact that preparing documents
is an inherently complex task.
Mastering Ventura requires hands-on practice creating documents;
however, it may also help to review some of the concepts that the
program is based on.


Mode Icons, also
called functIon
boxes. From left to
right they are FramIng, Tagging, Text
EditIng, Graphic
DrawIng, and Table

Current SelectIon
Box. In frame
mode It tel/s
what file you
usIng. In taggIng
mode what tag;
In text mode It
tells If the cursor
Is on a text attrIbute; In
graphIcs mode It
tel/s what kind of
graphic Is
selected; In Table
mode It tells you
what rows and
columns are

Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Path and name of
the current chapter
(selected from the
File menu).

Full Box. It makes the screen full sIze agaIn
after you shrInk It wIth the resIze box; not
used unless you accIdentally shrInk the

Ruler. It can be turned off
by selecting HIde Rulers
from the Options menu.
The measurement units
can be changed usIng
the Set Ruler option of the
OptIons menu.

Current Page Box.

Scroll Bar. Use
It when you
want tojump
down the

Scrolling Arrow.
Use It when you
want to move
down one line at
a tIme.

Figure 2-1a: The parts o/the Ventura screen (DOS/GEM version).


Chapter 2: How Ventura Works

AddItIon Button. In frame or graphIcs mode It must be selected before
you draw a new frame. In taggIng mode It must be selected to create
a new tag. In text mode It reads Set Font and must be selected to
change the attrIbutes of a sIngle letter, word, or phrase. In table mode
It must be selected before you add a new table.

Menu LIne.

AssIgnment LIst. In
frame mode It lists
text and graphIcs
flies contaIned In
a document. In
taggIng mode It
lists tags. In text
mode It lists formattIng styles such as
bold and Italic. In
graphIcs mode It Is
replaced by the
drawIng tools. In
table mode It Is
replaced by the
table-edItIng functions.

, • • • • • • • • • • • 60 • • • • 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . .







, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,






















, ...............................:


I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'

Frame Handles (they IndIcate whIch frame Is currently active).

Figure 2-1b: The parts of the Ventura screen (DOS/GEM version).

Resize Button (a relic of
GEM: not normally used).


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Control Menu Box. It
lets you change the
sIze of Ventura's wIndow, close Ventura
(some as selecting
Exit from the File
menu), or swItch to
the WIndows Task LIst.

TItle Bar. It tells the
nome and path of
the currect chapter
and style sheet.
Style sheet currently loaded
(selected from the File menu).






Toolbox. The top line shows the
selection arrow plus Ventura's five
modes of operation. The bottom
line shows the five basIc drawIng

File List. It shows what text and
graphics flies are Included In a document.

Tog LIst. It shows the
togs In the current style



Current Page Box.

...... 1

L Page 1



Scroll Bar. Use It
when you want
to scroll quIckly.

Figure 2-1c: The parts o/the Ventura screen (Windows version).

Scrolling Arrow.
Use It when you
wont to scroll
more slowly.


Chapter 2: How Ventura Works

Menu Line. You can access
each set of commands either
by clicking on them with the
mouse or by press Alt and
then the first letter of the
menu name.

Minimize and maximize buttons enlarge
Ventura to fill the whole display or else
shrink It down Into an Icon.

c:\\ypeset\UN III LI:U.CHP 1&I:JOOK-Pl.STYJ


. .......... .

- - - - - - Column guides .





Ruler. It can be
turned on or off
from the View



Frame Handles.
They tell you
which frame Is



Current Selection Indicator. It tells you what
text or graphics file Is In
the active frame.

Figure 2-1d: The parts of the Ventura screen (Windows version).


Windows Corner. These are
located at all four corners
of the current window and
can be used to resize the


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

What Can Ventura Do?
Before we get into exploring the workings of Ventura, let's take a
brief inventory of what the program actually lets you accomplish.
• It lets you merge text and graphics files created by other
programs into a single document. Graphics can be scaled
and stretched. Text blocks automatically reformat to flow
around inserted graphics.
• It gives you full typographic control over the appearance of

text, including hyphenation, kerning, tracking, space band
control (i.e., spacing between words), letter spacing (spacing within words), and leading (spacing between lines). It
also provides a variety of controls over boxes and ruling
• It provides batch pagination features such as automatic

page, figure, and section numbering, index and table of contents generation, and chaining of multiple chapters at print
• It provides a simple text editor that allows insertion and deletion as well as block moves. Any changes you make in
text are reflected back to the original files.
• It provides an internal graphics program that allows you to
generate lines and arrows, empty or shaded rectangles, and
empty or shaded ellipses.

• Results of formatting, including actual typefaces and line
breaks, are shown on the screen. Most monitors that work
with the IBM PC are supported by the program, including
large-screen, high-resolution displays.
• Output options include dot matrix and color inkjet printers,
laser printers, and PostScript-compatible typesetters .


Some History
So far so good. We've noted what Ventura can do. But we still
haven't established just what Ventura is. According to which mag-

Chapter 2: How Ventura Works


azine article you read, it has been variously described as a "super
word processor," a "WYSIWYG batch-pagination program," and
as a "page makeup" or "page layout" program. All these terms are
more or less accurate, but they also apply to any number of other
programs on the market. So why is Ventura, among all these other
products, a runaway bestseller?
To really understand the significance of Ventura, we need to look
at the history of computer-based publishing. From the first use of
computers for creating documents, a gap existed between two
types of systems. One type was systems that provided a whatyou-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) view of the final page and
allowed you to "paste up" text and graphics on-screen. This approach, which might best be described by the term "page makeup" (since the user created a document one page at a time), had
its roots in the computer-aided design (CAD) and computer
graphics technology that moved from experimental to commercial
during the 1960's. It came into use in the publishing industry in
the 1970's, when it was adapted for onscreen layouts of display
Meanwhile, other systems were being developed that used a nonWYSIWYG, code-based approach. With these programs, documents were created in two stages. First, the user embedded typographic and pagination codes (and macros representing sets of
codes) in the text of a document. Then the program processed the
codes all at once, automatically generating pages with the proper
headers, footers, page numbers, and so forth. The advantage of
this approach was that the user didn't have to create pages one at
a time; the disadvantage was that these systems didn't provide the
interactive visual feedback provided by page makeup programs.
Only when the document was printed could the final result be
Before Ventura, many experts assumed that the page makeup and
the batch approaches were irreconcilable. And indeed, as publishing systems were introduced for personal computers, they typically fell into one or the other camp. Some of the early Macintosh


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Most of the functions In the Edit menu are only
available when you are In Text mode. The exception Is a pair of commands for removing
text and pictures from a page or renaming
text flies.

The Desk menu Is not
used for any purpose except to list
the names of the
Ventura development team and to
hide an obscure
status report
(described In Chapter 20).

The options In the Chapter menu can be applied no matter what
mode you are currently
In. This menu mainly provides functions that
apply to the document
as a whole.

The Graphic menu's operations are
available when the Graphics Icon Is
selected. They control the appearance of graphics you have
drawn with tools from Ventura's
graphIcs palette. To change the /lne
and fill attrIbutes of a graphic element such as a line or a box, you
must first draw and then select that



The functions of the Paragraph menu are only
available In TaggIng mode when a particular
paragraph has been selected. This menu Is used
to control the typographic settings stored In
each tag.




The File menu Is used for
bringing text and pictures
into Ventura documents,
for loading or savIng documents that you have already begun working on
(called Chapters), and for
loading and saving style

No matter what mode you are
In, the View menu can be used
to zoom In or out. It also provides
an alternative way to switch
among Ventura's four modes.







The functions In the Frame menu are only available
when the Frame or Graphics Icon Is selected. They are
applied to the currently active frame: either to the base
page (whIch Itself Is a frame) or one of the additional
frames you have drawn on the page. Among the settings controlled through this menu are the number of
columns of text In a frame, the scaling and cropping of
graphics Imported Into frames, the amount of padding
surrounding a frame, the background shade of the
frame, and the placement of vertical rules In a frame.

The Options menu Is used to control various settings for the user
Interface, such as whether a ruler Is shown on screen. It also Includes the Multi-Chapter options, which are used to back up
chapters to disk, to print multiple chapters, and to generate a
table of contents or an Index.

Figure 2-2a: Notes on the Menu Line (DOS/GEM version).


Chapter 2: How Ventura Works

The Edit menu provides basic
cut, copy, and paste for
both text and graphics. In addition, It contains commands
for updating anchors (pictures connected to text) and
automatically generated
numbers. Finally, this menu
contains the Set Preferences
dialog box.

The functions In the Frame menu are applied to the currently active
frame: either to the base page (which Itself Is a frame) or one of the
additional frames you have drawn on the page. Among the settings
controlled through this menu are the number of columns of text In a
frame, the scaling and cropping of graphics Imported Into frames,
the amount of padding surrounding a frame, the background
shade of the frame, and the placement of vertical rules In a frame.
In addition, you use this menu to remove or rename flies.

No matter what
mode you are In, the
View menu can be
used to zoom In or
out. It also lets you
customize the appearance of the
screen with options
to hide or show wlndows, rules, column
guides, etc.

The Graphic menu's operations
are available when the Graphics
Icon Is selected. They control the
appearance of graphics you
have drawn with tools from
Ventura's graphics palette. To
change the line and fill attributes
of a graphic element such as a
line or a box, you must first draw
and then select tha[t element. /





Frame _Paragraph


The File menu Is used
for bringing text and
pictures Into Ventura
documents, for loading
or saving documents
that you have already
begun working on
(called chapters), for
loading and saving
style sheets, and for
printing. The Manage
Publication dialog box
controls document
backups and multlchapter operations.


The functions of
the Paragraph
menu are only
available when a
particular paragraph has been
selected. This
menu Is used to
change the typographic settings
tor tags.

The Chapter menu controls headers,
footers, footnotes, paper size and orientatiOn, Inserting pages, and Jumping
backward and forward to a different



The Table menu
lets you Insert a
table between
two paragraphs
and then set and
alter the structure
and appearance
of the table.



The Help menu lets you get quick Information without resorting to the
manual. In addition, selecting Help
with the mouse (not with the F1 key)
provides you with a report on
Ventura's memory allocation for
frames and tags and for paragraphs
and text. You can Change the allocation If necessary.

The Text menu lets you override the character formatting of a tag to change the appearance of a
single letter, word, or longer passage. You can apply
Italics, underlining, etc. In addition, this menu lets you
Insert "special Items" such as hoI/ow boxes and equations.

Figure 2-2b: Notes on the Menu Line (Windows version).


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

hits, such as PageMaker and ReadySetGo!, were strongly rooted in
the page makeup tradition. Other Macintosh programs, such as
JustText, and programs for the PC such as ScenicWriter, TEX, and
MagnaType, followed the batch approach.
What sets Ventura apart is that it merges some aspects of both
approaches. Just as in the typical page makeup system, you can
work interactively with each individual page, watching the results
of your formatting decisions on the screen. On the other hand, the
program provides the speed of a batch program by automatically
setting up as many pages as are required to compose your documents. In a real sense, with Ventura you get the best of both
worlds .


A Scenario
Let's bring the discussion down to earth by describing a typical
scenario. Caroline is a freelance technical writer who writes and
produces manuals for several companies. The manuals combine
text, scanned images, and simple diagrams.
To create her text, Caroline types it into WordPerfect. She scans
images using an HP ScanJet Plus scanner, editing the pictures
using Picture Publisher and saving them in Tagged Image File
Format (TIFF).
Once she has created the text and graphics files for a chapter of
the manual, Caroline loads Ventura Publisher (DOS/GEM version)
and then loads a style sheet, using the operations in the File
menu. While the screen is still blank, she uses the operations in
the Chapter menu to select the dimensions of the paper she intends to print on. She then uses the Options menu to turn the
column guides on. Next, she switches to frame mode (by clicking
on the frame icon) and uses the operations in the Frame menu to
adjust the margins of the base page. By viewing the column
guides, she checks that the margins are satisfactolY.

Chapter 2: How Ventura Works


With the page size and margins set, Caroline loads text from her
WordPerfect files onto the page. She then switches to tagging
mode and begins "tagging" her document. Each of the tags contained in her style sheet contains the formatting information appropriate to a particular type of paragraph. Tags have names like
"Headline," "Subhead," and "Body Text" and are listed on the left
side of the screen. To tag a paragraph, she merely clicks her
mouse once on the paragraph and then once on the name of a tag
in the list of tags.
If no tag is available for a given purpose, Caroline creates a new
one, using the Add New Tag option. She names the new tag and
then uses the options in the Paragraph menu to specify such
elements as font, first line indent, left and right spacing, spacing
between lines and paragraphs, ruling lines, and special features
such as bullets.
The work of tagging goes fairly fast. Most text doesn't need to be
tagged at all, since Ventura automatically assigns the Body Text
tag to any untagged text.
Once the text is completely tagged, Caroline switches to text
mode and uses Ventura's built-in word processor to make minor
insertions and deletions to accommodate last-minute changes in
her text.
Having finished using Ventura's word processor, she switches to
frame mode again, clicks on Add New Frame, and draws several
frames to accommodate pictures. She then uses the File menu to
load scanned images into these frames. Next, she uses the Margins and Columns option of the Frame menu to place margins
between the pictures and the frames, and uses the Sizing & Scaling option of the Frame menu to adjust the scaling and cropping
of the pictures. Then she uses the Anchors & Captions option of
the Frame menu to add captions to the pictures.
Caroline now switches to Ventura's internal graphics mode and
uses the line drawing and box text tools to label her pictures.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Then she switches briefly back into text mode to add some text to
the boxes and then switches to tagging mode to format the text.
Having formatted the text and graphics on each page of the
manual, she now uses the Chapter menu again to (;ldd Headers
and Footers to her pages. Finally, she uses the File menu to give
her document a chapter name, save it, and print it out.


Modes: Five Programs in One
As the above scenario illustrates, the process of creating a document with Ventura involves continually moving in and out of the
five modes provided by the program and using the commands
that are available in each. Once you have become experienced
with Ventura, you'll find yourself choosing the right mode and
looking into the right menu more or less automatically, and you'll
find that the various modes work together quite seamlessly. However, in first attempting to grasp the way the program works, it's
useful to recognize that the five modes actually represent five
different programs merged into one.
The first two programs are a page layout program and a pagination program (some functions of each are assigned to the frame
drawing and tagging modes). The third program is a simple word
processor (text editing mode), and the fourth is a simple drawing
program (graphics mode). The fifth is a forms-generation program
(table editing mode). When you're in a given mode, some of the
items in the pull-down menus are shown in black and can be
selected, while others are shown in gray and cannot be selected.
This is Ventura's way of allowing the five programs to share the
same set of menus.
In addition to the commands available in the various modes, there
are also some commands that can be used no matter which mode
you happen to be in. These include commands for loading text or
graphics into Ventura, printing documents, and customizing the
program's user interface.

Chapter 2: How Ventura Works



Analyzing the Operations
Clearly, it's important to know the purposes served by each of
Ventura's five modes. But to grasp the program we need to take a
slightly different tack. Let's now look at Ventura's operations not
in terms of what mode they are assigned to but in terms of what
they let you accomplish. If you analyze Ventura's structure from
that perspective, you'll see that the operations available to you fall
into four categories:
• Operations for importing and exporting various items such
as text, graphics, and style sheets
• Operations for customizing the Ventura interface
• Text and graphics processing operations
• Formatting operations


Category 1: Bridges to the Outside World
Before you can format a document you have to pull text and
graphics into Ventura, and after you format the document you
have to either print it or store it on disk. In addition, with any
program there are various housekeeping chores that need to be
attended to, such as saving style sheets and documents to use
This is where Ventura's "bridging" operations come into play.
Most of these reside in the File menu, including commands for
loading text or pictures into Ventura, saving documents that have
been formatted, printing, and using DOS to create new subdirectories to hold documents. In the DOS/GEM version, a few bridging commands, particularly those for removing text or pictures or
text from a document, reside in the Edit menu rather than the File
menu. Finally, in the DOS/GEM version, the Options menu includes a selection, Add/Remove Fonts, for increasing or reducing
the number of fonts available for use in documents.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Most of your bridging work will typically occur when you are first
beginning to create a document and when you are ending your
work. At the beginning, you load the appropriate files and style
sheets; at the end you print the document and save the completed
(or partially completed) chapter.


Category 2: Customizing the Interface
No user interface is perfect for every type of user and every type
of document. For that reason, Ventura provides an extensive
range of operations for customizing the appearance of Ventura's
main screen as well as for controlling the type of feedback
provided about the status of a document. In the DOS/GEM version, these customizing controls are mainly located in the Options
menu; in the Windows version, they are found in the View and
Edit menus. These controls let you hide or show elements such as
rulers, column guides, and pictures; flag loose lines; turn column
snap and line snap on and off; use pull-down or drop-down
menus; adjust the double-click speed of the mouse (DOS/GEM
only-in the Windows version, you do this via the Windows Control Pane!); and view on-screen kerning.
Another location of such operations is the View menu, which lets
you specify the degree of magnification of the screen. Finally, the
scroll bars on the right side and bottom of the screen let you
control the portion of the page you are currently viewing .


Category 3: Text and Graphics Operations
Ventura's internal word processor and graphics generator are useful for making last-minute changes and for enhancing pictures
generated by scanners, CAD programs, drawing programs, and
business graphics programs.
The word processor is activated when you select the Text icon. Its
commands are located in the Edit menu and in the sidebar
(DOS/GEM version) or the Text menu (Windows version).

Chapter 2: How Ventura Works


The graphics generator is activated when you select the Graphics
icon (DOS/GEM version) or one of the Graphics tools (Windows
version). Additional graphic controls are found in the Graphics
menu .


Category 4: Formatting
While the operations we've discussed so far are certainly important, formatting is at the center of what Ventura is all about. It is
also the most complex of the capabilities provided by the program, with commands scattered in various menus. In the
remainder of this chapter we'll go through the various tools
provided by Ventura for formatting various levels of the document.

• Style Sheets and Tags: Formatting at the
Paragraph Level
A style sheet might be thought of as a cookbook, a compilation of
recipes (called "tags") for how individual paragraphs are to be
formatted. For example, a tag called Subhead might specify that a
given paragraph is to be centered in the column and set in 18point Palatino Bold type, with 3 picas (half an inch) of leading
(vertical space) separating it from the previous paragraph and 1
pica separating it from the following paragraph. Every time you
attach this tag to a paragraph of plain text, it will assume all the
attributes stored in the tag.
Much of the work of formatting a document in Ventura involves
setting up the specifications for the various tags and then attaching these tags as needed throughout the document.
Sounds simple enough. Unfortunately, the style sheet alone
doesn't provide quite enough information to completely set up a
document. What do you do when a single letter or word within a
paragraph is formatted differently from the rest of the paragraph?
And what about formatting directions that transcend the in-


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

dividual paragraph, such as the margins for the entire page or the
numbering scheme for the entire document?
To take care of the issues of document formatting that extend
above and below the level of the individual paragraph, Ventura
provides a number of tools. None of these tools works quite as
simply as the style sheet concept, and the way the tools are organized within menus is at times confusing. Although it's not possible within this chapter to explain completely the relationship
between these various tools, the following is a simplified synopsis
of four levels of formatting control that Ventura provides, for the
document as a whole, for frames on pages, for words and phrases
within paragraphs, and for graphics.

• Document Specifications
Operations that affect the entire document are mainly located in
the Chapter menu. These include the size of paper being used
and whether the document is to be in portrait (vertical) or
landscape (horizontal) orientation; the numbering of chapters,
pages, and subheads; and the contents of headers and footers.
Generally, when you layout a document, the first menu to pull
down is the Chapter menu.

• Frame Specifications
Frames are one of the most confusing concepts in Ventura, since
they serve so many different purposes. When you start any document from scratch, Ventura automatically creates a frame that
coincides with the dimensions of the paper and hence is called
the "base page" frame.
Specifications that are set for the base page frame, such as margins and background shading, apply to the entire document. On
the other hand, you can create smaller frames on individual pages
to hold text or pictures. These frames must each be given individual settings for such things as margins and columns, and

Chapter 2: How Ventura Works


unlike the settings for the base page frames, the specifications
you enter for a smaller frame on the page apply to that frame
While the difference between the base page frame and additional
frames tends to cause confusion, so does the fact that the scaling
of graphics is handled in the same dialog box (the Sizing & Scaling option of the Frame menu) as the size specifications for
frames themselves .

• Sub-Paragraph Specifications
For altering the specifications of a letter, word, or phrase within a
tagged paragraph, Ventura provides two methods of control. One
is a list of attributes that appears on the left side of the screen
when you are in text editing mode. To apply these, you hold
down the mouse button while dragging the icon across a portion
of text, then click on the name of the desired attribute.
A second method of controlling text formats is the Set Font button. This works in a similar fashion: highlight a passage of text,
click on Set Font, then use the dialog box that appears to specify
the desired font formats .

• Graphic Specifications
Ventura allows you both to import graphics and to generate
graphics within the program. Generating internal graphics is done
using the tools that appear on the left side of the screen when the
Graphics icon is selected. Once graphics are drawn, the options
in the Graphics menu can be used to alter them: for instance, to
change the thickness of a line or the background shade of an
It is somewhat confusing that there is no menu specifically
devoted to sizing and positioning graphics imported into Ventura
from other programs. Some of the commands for doing that are
accessed via the Sizing & Scaling option of the Frame menu (scal-


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

ing and cropping the picture), others via the Margins and
Columns option of the Frame menu (margins around the picture) .


A Final Concept: Ventura As a Software Hub
One of the insights designed into Ventura is the recognition that
publishing is a modular effort; that is, it comprises distinct series
of stages such as writing, editing, proofing, layout, and preparation of graphics. In our scenario above, Caroline was doing all the
work herself. Typically, however, publishing is a group effort, in
which various specialists merge their respective crafts towards a
common end.
Translated into the computer world, publishing's n10dular and
sequential nature means different people using different software
tools. Ventura's design allows it to be a useful adjunct to almost
any of the most popular computer applications, including word
processing, database, graphics, spreadsheet, and CAD programs.
Most people are already comfortable with a particular word processing program and don't care to change. Ditto with respect to
graphics programs. For instance, the preparation of the typical
manual may involve one writer using WordPerfect, another using
XyWrite, and an illustrator using AutoCAD, Publisher's Paintbrush,
and perhaps other graphics programs as well. Not only does Ventura allow importing a diverse array of file formats, but it does so
smoothly and easily .

• A Bi-directional Exchange
If Ventura only allowed files to be imported, you'd be faced with
a difficult situation when it came time to update and revise a
major document. Fortunately, the exchange is potentially bi-directional. If a document needs to be reworked, you can use Ventura's
editing tools to make changes, and those alterations will be
reflected back in the original files.

Chapter 2: How Ventura Works


The method chosen by Ventura's designers to implement the
open systems concept is worth noting. For each document you
generate with the program, Ventura creates a unique file with the
extension CHP. This chapter file contains pointers to all the other
files that together make up a document, including associated files
generated by Ventura and the original word processing and
graphics files. Because of this scheme, Ventura does not need to
generate an immense file containing the entire document, which
helps the speed of the program while minimizing the demands it
places on your system's storage. Other files that Ventura uses are
the INF file, which stores various settings in between your sessions with the program, and GEN files that Ventura creates to
contain text it automatically generates such as tables of contents
and indexes. These files are discussed in greater detail in Chapter
7, "Managing Files."

• Benefits of the Open System Approach
The open system approach used by Ventura has two additional
benefits. As noted, it allows easy revision of documents, such as
manuals and parts catalogs, that move through multiple generations. With Ventura, a document can be dynamic: revised and
rewritten with each printing.
The second benefit of the open system approach is that it allows
those using Ventura to stay with the various personal computer
programs they are already comfortable with. This is convenient,
of course, but also has the enormous practical benefit for organizations of minimizing the amount of retraining that needs to
take place .

• A Drawback of the Open System Approach
The drawback of the open system approach is that it leads to a
proliferation of files for every document. While Ventura provides
some techniques for managing these files and moving them
about, the work of avoiding confusion on your hard disk requires
a great deal of attention to detail and time-consuming file


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

management. Special utility programs, such as VPToolbox (discussed in Chapter 7, "Files") have even been introduced for the
specific purpose of managing the multiple files that make up a
Ventura document .


Putting It All Together
Hopefully, this chapter has persuaded you that despite the seeming complexity of Ventura's structure, there's method in the madness. Once you get used to the quirks of how operations are
organized in menus, you'll find that formatting documents with
Ventura is a speedy, natural process. In the end, you'll appreciate
Ventura's power when you see the results on paper. In other
words: the proof is in the printing.




Your System
Using Ventura as the software hub, you can build a wide variety
of publishing systems, depending on your budget and your
needs. One of the beauties of the program is that it can run on a
relatively cheap hardware system. According to Xerox, the minimum configuration for the DOS/GEM version is a PC XT with
640K of memory, a mouse (of virtually any variety), a graphics
monitor (of virtually any variety), and one to three megabytes of
extra hard disk memory. By today's standards that's a modest,
inexpensive system, one that can be had for around a thousand
dollars, which makes Ventura one of the real bargains among the
current crop of desktop publishing programs.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Choosing a Computer
Of course, you should always be a bit skeptical when people talk
about a "minimum configuration." What exactly do they mean? As
I'm sure you're aware, simply being able to run a program on a
machine is not enough; it must run fast enough to make work go
forward without too much finger tapping.
I've used Ventura on a number of machines: a 1983-vintage IBM
PC with a CGA monitor, a 10MB hard disk and 576K of memory;
a Compaq DeskPro, an Everex AT clone (10MHz, 1 wait state), a
Hewlett-Packard Vectra AT compatible, an AST Premium 286 AT
compatible (10 MHz, no wait states), and a PC's Limited 386 computer (16 MHz). The table on the following page shows the results
of speed tests on several of these. The figures, however, don't
convey anything about the feel of the program, the subjective
difference in performance from one machine environment to
I found even the plain IBM PC to give adequate performance,
provided the document I was working on didn't include any
graphics. Because that computer lacked much memory, it would
resort to disk swapping to handle pictures, and the result was a
tremendous wait. Working with text was no problem. Also, the
Color Graphics Adapter proved not to be the hindrance I'd expected. Despite its meager resolution, I found it easy to do fairly
exacting work (by zooming in closer when necessary). The only
real drawback with the eGA was not being able to read most text
in Normal view.
On the Compaq DeskPro, which uses the 8088 chip, Ventura
zipped along quite nicely, and in fact the performance seemed
just as good as on the HP Vectra, which uses the 80286 chip. Of
course, on the 10 MHz machines the performance was yet another
notch higher, but the striking similarity between using Ventura on
the DeskPro and the Vectra proved to my satisfaction that it isn't
the microprocessor that counts so much as the speed of your hard
disk. At the time I did the comparison my Vectra hard disk had


Chapter 3: Configuring Your System

Table 3-1
Speed Tests on Different Computers







1. Load Ventura








2. Load 3-pg chapter








3. Load bit-mapped image








4. Load object graphic
















5. Move bit-mapped image
7. Jump to end of 25-pg doc


All times apply to the DOS/GEM version and are recorded in seconds. The computers
were (A) an IBM PC with a 10Mb hard disk; (8) a 640K Compaq DeskPro with a 20 Mb
hard disk; (C) a 640K Hewlett-Packard Vectra with 020 Mb hard disk; (0) a 640K Everex
AT clone with a 40 Mb hard disk; (E) Everex AT using the Flash disk caching program; (F)
a PC's Limited 386 computer (16 MHz); and (G) a PC's Limited 386 computer (16 MHz)
using the Vcache disk caching program.

become badly fragmented over time and had definitely become
somewhat sluggish. The moral: Go ahead and use Ventura on an
XT-class machine, and if considering the options for upgrading
such a machine for better performance, invest in a faster hard
Of course, you can get better performance from systems that have
more memory, larger hard disks, faster microprocessors, higherresolution monitors, and special RAM-disk and disk caching
utilities. By the time I was laying out the first edition of this book,
I had graduated to a fast AT clone with a Viking I 19-inch monitor
- and I definitely appreciated the increased speed and the convenience of working on the full-page monitor. For the second
edition, I used a 16-MHz PC's Limited 386 computer made by Dell


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Computer Corporation with an Amdek 1280 high-resolution
monitor. Moving from a 286 computer to a 386 computer definitely changed the feel of the program. For the first time, I could set
my own pace in formatting a document, not have the pace dictated by the computer. Consequently, the work seemed that much
My own experience is that Ventura is flexible enough to adapt to
your hardware resources. Assuming your budget has some limits,
the question is: what sort of hardware investments will yield the
most bang for the buck? In this chapter we'll start by looking at
some hypothetical configurations. In the following chapters we'll
look at each particular type of hardware in detail: laser printers,
monitors, and scanners .


Five Configurations
As the following brief case studies show, prices for a publishing
system built around Ventura can range from $900 for a minimal
system to $62,000 for a full-blown, multi-workstation system, including a Linotronic imagesetter.

• A Low-End System
System A is used by a graduate student who plans to typeset her
240-page thesis with Ventura, as well as to create the questionnaires and other materials. Since her budget is quite limited, she
makes use of the laser printers at the local desktop publishing
service bureau, which provides laser printers and computers on
an hourly rental basis. Her computer is an XT clone with a 20-MB
hard disk and a Hercules clone graphics card. She uses Ventura's
optional keyboard controls but plans to add a mouse as soon as
she can afford one. For output she uses an Epson dot matrix
printer. Although the quality of Ventura's output on the Epson
isn't good enough for master copies, it is sufficient for creating
proofing copies. For final copies, the student rents time on an
Apple LaserWriter, or possibly on a Linotronic 200, to produce the


Chapter 3: Configuring Your System

final version of her thesis. The price breakdown of her system is
as follows:

System A
20M B XT clone
dot matrix printer



• An Inexpensive Laser Printer System
System B is used by a business consultant who frequently designs
forms for clients and prints reports containing business graphics
and tables. He does not have the funds for options such as a
full-page monitor or a high-end laser printer. His system is the
least expensive laser printer system:

System B
20MB AT clone
LaserJet liP



• A Medium-Priced System (Speed Oriented)
System C is used by a freelance technical writer who prepares
manuals for small software companies. Her priority is speed, not
output quality, so she has chosen to spend most of her budget on
a fast computer and a high-resolution monitor, and to save money
by buying an inexpensive laser printer. She uses an IBM AT done
computer with a 40MB hard disk and a mouse, and a Wyse 700
monitor. Because she can get by with the standard Swiss, Dutch,
Courier, and Symbol typefaces provided with Ventura, she opted
not to buy a PostScript printer, and instead bought a used HP
LaserJet printer and retrofitted it with a LaserMaster LC2 printer
accelerator. This controller resides on a board installed in the
computer and connected with an ultra-high-speed cable directly
to the video interface of the printer, a scheme that allows extremely fast printing. The cost of her system:


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

System C
40MB AT clone
Wyse 700 monitor
HP LaserJet (used)
LaserMaster LC2 controller





] ,8QO

• A Medium-Priced System (Type-Oriented)
System D is used by the proprietor of a walk-in desktop publishing shop that produces a wide range of materials: books, business
reports, resumes, newsletters, forms, and manuals. Customers are
generally businesses that provide him with files in WordS tar,
WordPerfect, MultiMate, or Microsoft Word format. The shop does
not have a scanner. When images need to be merged into documents he advises clients to have halftones made at a graphic arts
shop and then to paste them onto boxes that he creates with
Ventura. Because of the variety of typefaces needed by customers,
he uses a QMS-PS 810 PostScript laser printer, which includes
about a dozen built-in scalable typefaces. Because his budget is
limited, he uses a Hercules clone board with an AT clone computer, but plans to purchase a higher-resolution monitor as his
next investment. His system:

System D
40M B AT clone
QMS PS 810



• A High-Priced System
System E was assembled by the manager of a department that
produces all the manuals for a small but well-heeled engineering
company. The company decided to pull out all the stops in setting
up a desktop publishing system - well, almost all the stops: they
balked at her request for a Linotronic imagesetter. The system
includes an IBM PS/2 Model 80 computer with 80 MB of storage,


Chapter 3: Configuring Your System

a QMS-PS 810 printer, a LaserMaster LC2, a Viking 2 full-page
display, and a Microtek scanner. The price of the system is as

System E
IBM PS/2 Model 80 Computer
QMS PS-810
LaserMaster LC/2
Microtek scanner
Viking 2 display




• Full-Blown Publishing
System F is used by a task force that is developing prototype
systems, procedures, and training materials for a Fortune 1000
company. The company intends eventually to invest in Venturabased systems for its offices in numerous different locations in the
United States and overseas. The system includes six 386 clone
workstations - three attached to PostScript printers, the other
three to LaserJet III printers. The group shares a single scanner
and a Linotronic imagesetter. The entire system is as follows:

System F
Six 80M B 386 clones
Three QMS-PS 810 printers
Three LaserJet III printers
Six Wyse 700 displays
One Microtek scanner
One Linotronic 200 Imagesetter
Price per workstation





Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Some interesting conclusions can be drawn from these scenarios.
The first is that publishing systems based around Ventura start at
around $1,800 (assuming the system includes a laser printer), but
that a bare-bones configuration can cost as little as $900, provided
you are willing to put up with the inconvenience of proofing on a
dot-matrix printer. On the other hand, if you decide to set up a
no-holds-barred workstation with all the fixin's and buy the latest
IBM-brand computers, your bill can run upwards of $13,000. With
careful selection of computers, however, and sharing of typesetting equipment by a workgroup, you can have an even better
system (since it includes a typesetter) for under $11,000 per
workstation. Note that such a system is vastly superior to the
traditional multiterminal typesetting systems of yore, since each
"terminal" is actually a powerful personal computer rather than a
dumb terminal serving the typesetting machine.

In the fall of 1983, an announcement was made at the immense
Comdex Computer Show in Las Vegas that drew little notice at the
time, but that in retrospect marked the firing shot of the technological revolution we now call desktop publishing. That announcement was by Canon Corporation, a Japanese manufacturer
better known for its cameras than for its computer equipment. At
Comdex, Canon offered to provide other companies with laser
printer engines for a price, when purchased in quantity, of under
$1000 .


Laser Printer Engines
Unlike a car engine, a laser printer engine includes all the mechanical parts of the printer and usually the chassis as welleverything but the microelectronics controlling the machine. Pre-


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

viously, a price of under $1,000 for a laser printer engine would
have been laughable. However, Canon had found ways of adapting the design of its low-cost office copiers, and was planning to
push laser printers into the realm of mass production economies.
Among the first to take Canon up on the offer was Hewlett-Packard, which designed its own controller to add to the Canon engine, called it the LaserJet, and started selling the fast, quiet little
printers to businesses for $3,500 each. Eventually, several scores
of companies were to do likewise, customizing their own particular laser printers around the Canon engine.
To this day, laser printer manufacturers have continued to follow
the pattern set by Canon and HP. A relatively small number of
Japanese firms create the laser printer engines. Canon and Ricoh
are the leaders; others include Kyocera, NEC, and Epson. American and Japanese companies then enhance these engines with
their own controller designs - companies such as Apple Computer, QMS, and Hewlett-Packard.
The engine is the physical mechanism of the printer, determining
such factors as print quality, durability, paper handling, and cost
of toner and other replaceables. The controller is the brain of the
printer, determining such factors as availability of fonts and graphics capabilities. In general, most of the important matters to be
concerned about are the controller's domain, since most of the
printer engines (with some notable exceptions) are capable of
competent printing and paper handling.
A number of criteria set them apart, including print quality (crispness of characters, quality of gray shades, blackness of blacks),
paper handling, speed, availability of fonts, graphics capabilities,
compatibility with typesetting machines, and quality of graphics.
Among laser printer engines, the most basic difference is whether
the printer uses write-black technology or write-white. In a writeblack engine, the portions of the drum marked by the laser are
identical to the areas of black produced on the page. In a writewhite engine, a reverse-imaging technique is used in which the

Chapter 4: Printers


portions of the drum marked by the laser are identical to the areas
of white produced on the page. Write-black engines produce
round pixels and are better at printing fine lines and serifs. Writewhite engines produce scalloped pixels and have trouble with
fine lines and serifs. From a print quality standpoint, it appears
that write-black engines are clearly superior, and most of the popular laser printers being sold these days, including those from
Hewlett-Packard and Apple, use write-black technology .

• Canon Engines
The first wave of laser printers, including the LaserJet, LaserJet
Plus, LaserWriter, and QMS KISS, were based on the Canon LBPCX. The LBP-CX was reliable and capable of crisp, clean output.
The engine had some annoying drawbacks, notably small input
and output paper trays and blacks that weren't quite black.
The Canon LBP-SX was a major redesign of the LBP-CX. Like the
LBP-CX, the LBP-SX has excellent print quality, and like the CX
has all its replaceable supplies, including toner, in a single convenient cartridge. The cartridge lasts for 4000 copies, compared to
the 3000 copies of the CX cartridge. Print quality is improved over
the LBP-CX: the new engine retains the former one's crisp handling of serifs and fine lines, but now prints blacks that are truly
black. An important feature is a toner intensity control, which lets
you adjust the darkness of type to your liking. At about 50
pounds, the LBP-SX is 30 percent lighter than the LBP-CX. However, paper trays are larger and paper emerges in the correct order
(i.e., face down). Most of the leading printers today, including
those from Hewlett-Packard, Apple, and QMS, use this engine or
the LBP-LX, a slower engine featured in the LaserJet lIP and other
compact printers.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Tip 4 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Importance of Intensity
Advertisement after advertisement emphasizes the ability of this
printer or that one to print ((blacker blacks." As is well known,
solid areas printed by the first low-cost laser engine, the Canon
LEP-CX, were too light for most people's liking, and subsequent
laser printer designs have all compensated for the problem.
However, perhaps more important than whether a printer can
print true black is whether the printer provides a way of controlling the print intensity. This turns out to be extremely important
if you are producing master copies on your laser printer that will
be reproduced on a photocopying machine or at a print shop. As
a general rule, master copies should be as light as possible without beginning to fade. That's because all reproduction methods
tend to darken type. Type that looks acceptable on the master
tends to become excessively dark after reproduction.
The moral: When you buy a laser printer, check to see that it has
an intensity control.


Higher-Resolution and Enhanced
Resolution Printers
While 300 dpi has become the de facto standard for laser printers,
there is no reason that desktop laser printers should not graduate
toward better quality. The resolution of most laser printers is 300
dots per inch, which is too coarse for replacing actual typeset
output in most situations. On the other hand, printing at 1200 dpi,
the low end of phototypesetting, is far more expensive. Some sort
of technology is needed to bridge the gap between 300-dpi laser
printing and 1200-dpi phototypesetting. That technology is now
appearing in commercial products.
The techniques vary. Some printers, such as the Printware 720 IQ

Chapter 4: Printers


Professional Laser Imager, sport a higher number of dots per inch.
On the other hand, the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III provides
higher quality without increasing the dots per inch by means of a
technology known as Resolution Enhancement. Finally, some
printers, including the LaserMaster LMIOOO, combine increased
resolution with some sort of enhancement technology.
Of course, there's only one sure-fire way to judge the effectiveness of one approach versus another: ask for sample pages and
compare them under a magnifying glass .


Page Description Languages
The laser printer controller is the "brains" of the printer, the part
that endows the printer with its ability to generate graphics and
characters. It is also known as the raster image processor (RIP). In
most cases, the RIP is located inside the printer itself. The AST
Turbolaser, the IBM Personal Pageprinter, the LaserMaster LC2,
the QMS JetScript, and some others locate their RIPs on circuit
boards within the computer.
The capabilities of printer RIPs vary widely. As a result, some
laser printers are capable of printing only one or two monospaced fonts and have no graphics capabilities, while others can
print fonts of virtually any style or size as well as graphics of any
sort. The difference is in the software used by the RIP, which is
referred to as the page description language (PDL).
Ventura works with virtually all the page description languages on
the market, including Adobe's PostScript and HP's Printer Command Language or PCL. However, the capabilities of Ventura will
vary, depending on which page description language your printer
is running. Let's now look at these two page description languages in turn.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

• PostScript
PostScript is by far the most important page description language.
It was developed by Adobe Systems, which in turn sells other

companies the rights to incorporate PostScript into their laser
printers and typesetters. So far, the list of PostScript printers includes the Apple LaserWriter lINT and IINTX, the QMS PS 810, the
QMS PS Jet printer retrofit kit, the QMS JetScript retrofit kit, the
IBM Personal Pageprinter, the TI OmniLaser, the Compugraphic
CG 400-PS laser printer, the 1690-dpi Linotronic 200 phototypesetter, the 2540-dpi Linotronic 300 typesetter, and many others.
The first notable feature of PostScript is that it allows device independence; that is, files created for anyone of the printers listed
above can be printed on any other (with certain exceptions related to differences in the amount of RAM built into the printers).
The second notable feature of PostScript is that it uses fonts generated from outlines. This method is vastly superior to the alternative, which is to store the actual pattern of dots in each font as a
bit map. With PostScript's outline method, fonts of any size can be
generated from a single outline, and only one master outline file
needs to be stored for each typeface. The Adobe collection of
fonts includes scores of commercial typefaces licensed from the
lTC, Mergenthaler, Stempel, and Haas type collections.
PostScript makes it possible to apply various graphic effects to
type, including rotation, stretching, filling with patterns, and distorting. However, Ventura does not provide commands to exploit
these talents. Similarly, PostScript's extraordinary abilities with
graphics are not fully tapped by Ventura. The one exception is the
Encapsulated PostScript option, which allows special effects written in PostScript to be incorporated into documents. For more
information on this format, see Chapter 18, "Encapsulated PostScript."

Chapter 4: Printers



peL Level 4 and LaserJet Clones
PCL, or Printer Command Language, is Hewlett-Packard's designation for the set of internal commands used by the LaserJet printer family. The LaserJet Plus, LaserJet II, LaserJet lIP, all feature PCL
Level 4, and this version of PCL Level 4 is also built into the
LaserJet clones sold by virtually every printer manufacturer.
Compared with PostScript, PCL Level 4 has fairly rudimentary
capabilities. Whereas PostScript printers use master font outlines
that can be automatically scaled to any size, PCL Level 4 printers
must work with fonts at fixed sizes. Despite the fact that there are
now software programs such as Glyphix that can automatically
create fonts at different sizes for the printer, the absence of font
scaling remains a major drawback of PCL Level 4 printers.
PCL Level 4 printers also lack the sophisticated graphics capabilities of PostScript printers, but from a practical standpoint this
problem does not actually prove to be much of a hindrance. Most
of the graphic effects generated by Ventura as well as by drawing
programs like Corel Draw can be printed on a standard PCL Level
4 printer.
When you install Ventura for any PCL Level 4 printer, you should
select both the 300-dpi and the 150-dpi LaserJet Plus drivers. Select the 300-dpi driver first so that it is the default driver. (The
150-dpi driver need only be used if you are printing a page with
lots of graphics and your printer is short on memory.)
Because there is no formal certification process for PCL printers,
some differences between the LaserJet clones and the real LaserJet tend to crop up from time to time. Generally speaking, the
clones have no problem in handling fonts in HP format, including
the fonts supplied with Ventura. As long as your documents are
text-only, using a LaserJet Plus clone is a safe bet.
With graphics, clones sometimes show subtle differences from the
LaserJet Plus and LaserJet II. Problems include streaking in
scanned graphics or clip art, anomalous vertical lines, difficulty


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

producing all eight shades of gray, and trouble producing graphics in landscape orientation (Le., across the length of the paper).

Tip 4 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Testing a LaserJet Clone
If you're shopping for

a printer and aren't sure whether it provides a good emulation of the Laserjet Plus, ask the salesperson to
print out a copy of SCOOP.CHP, the sample newsletter that is
provided with Ventura in the \ TYPESET directory. If the clonf3
can handle that newsletter, the emulation is up to snuff.


peL Level


The LaserJet III and IIID feature the newest, highest stage of HP's
Printer Command Language, PCL Level 5. The most important
new element of Level 5 is the ability to scale fonts within the
printer. If you are using the Windows version of Ventura, you can
have direct access to these scalable fonts. The DOS/GEM version,
however, does not provide a LaserJet III driver, but such drivers
are available from VPUG (Ventura Professional Users Group) and
from SWFTE International. For access information, see Appendix
A, "Resources."


Printing Speed
Speed is a major issue when using a program like Ventura. You
want to be working on your document, not sipping coffee while
the printer takes its time printing a page. The time it takes to print
a document can vary tremendously from printer to printer. A page
that requires 4 minutes on one printer may take 20 seconds on
another. Two factors determine the speed of a printer.
A big factor affecting the speed of printing is the transmission
channel between computer and printer. Many printers, in particular the Apple LaserWriter family, do not have a parallel port

Chapter 4: Printers


and hence must be connected to the computer via a serial cable
operating at 9600 baud or via an AppleTalk cable. Neither the
serial option nor the AppleTalk option is well suited for PC users:
the former is slow, and the latter requires you to buy a special
AppleTalk board. Much better is a parallel channel, and as a rule
of thumb you should avoid any printer that doesn't provide one.
There's one way of linking a computer to a printer that is even
faster than a parallel interface. This is the direct link to the I/O
port used by accelerator boards such as the LaserMaster LX series.
The second factor affecting printer speed is the efficiency of the
printer's controller and the type of page description language
used by the printer. PostScript printers tend to be somewhat
slower than other laser printers; PostScript typesetting machines
are infamous for their sluggishness. The situation for PostScript is
gradually improving, however, as Adobe Systems improves its
PostScript controllers. In addition, some of the PostScript clone
printers on the market are significantly faster than Adobe PostScript printers. In addition, it should be noted that Ventura's own
PostScript driver has been souped up since the initial release of
the program and is now rated at 30 percent faster than before.
If you've already settled on your hardware, you can't do much
about the speed of the transmission channel or the speed of the
printer itself. However, there are a variety of other techniques that
you can apply to speed up the printing process, including downloading fonts ahead of time and using a print cache. These are
detailed in Chapter 25, "Printing Tips."


The Printer Capabilities Page
Laser printers differ in their capabilities, and these differences are
summarized in a printer capabilities test that is automatically installed on your hard disk when you install Ventura. To use the
test, load CAPABILI.CHP from the \ 1YPESET subdirectory. Printing out this page on your printer gives you the following information:


Ventura Tips and Trick,~ 3rd Edition

• What the boundaries of the imaging area are. With most
printers, the black border will extend to within about 1/4inch of the edge. The white margin shows the unprintable
portion of the page.
• What sizes of fonts are currently available. With printers that
use bitmapped fonts, such as the LaserJet II and lIP, you're
generally limited to fonts of about 24 or 30 points, though
on-the-fly font generators such as Glyphix, FaceLift (for Windows), and Adobe Type Manager (also for Windows) are
able to overcome that ceiling. With PostScript printers, the
limit is 240 points. With LaserMaster controllers and printers
there is no limit.
• Whether your printer can handle transparent and opaque
graphics. The LaserJet can print transparent graphics but not
opaque; PostScript can print opaque but not transparent.
• Whether your printer can print reversed (white on black)
type. PostScript and LaserMaster printers can. LaserJet III
printers can as well, though only with a Laset:Jet III driver.
peL Level 4 printers cannot unless you are using a specially
generated white-on-black font.
• Whether your printer can print opaque shaded graphics on
top of ruling lines. With the LaserJet, the ruling lines show
• Whether your printer can print text at various rotations. peL
Level 4: no. PostScript, LaserMaster, and peL Level 5: yes.
• Whether the fonts supplied with Ventura for your printer include kerning information. In Ventura 3.0, the answer is yes
for both PostScript and LaserJet printers.
• Whether the printer can render type formatted for various
colors as different shades of gray.


Chapter 4: Printers

White text. The box to the left should be black with the words "Reverse
Text" printed in white on top of it. If your printer cannot print white text
on a black background (e.g., LaserJet), you will see only a black box.
Opaque graphics. The word
"Under" from the phrase "Text
Under Graphics" should be completely obscured by the opaque
oval. If your printer can't print
opaque graphics, the text partially
shows through the oval.

Transparent graphics. The word
"Under" from the phrase "Text
Under Graphics" should be partially obscured by the transparent
oval. If your printer can't print
transparent graphics (e.g., PostScript), the text will be totally
Font sizes. The numbers below represent a range of point sizes between 6 and 72 point Times (or Dutch). If the size is not currently
available for your printer, the number will print in the nearest available

Rotated text. The words
"Rotated Text" below should
appear at right angles to the
words "Normal Text" if your
printer can print rotated text.
Otherwise, the words "Rotated
Text" will not appear at all.

Normal Text
Colored text. If your printer
maps colors to shades of gray,
you should see different shades
for the following words: red,
green, blue, cyan, yellow,

No Kern: VA

Ruling lines. This 3 ruling
lines around this box
should be obscured by an
opaque circle. On some
printers, the rules show

Automatic kerning. Some
printer width tables contain
kerning information. If your
printer width table contains
kerning information, the letters
VA will be closer together in the
frrst line than in the second line
above. Otherwise, the VA in
both lines will be identical.

Figure 4-1: The printer capabilities page produced by an HP Laserjet II printer with

512K of memory.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Tip 4 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Parallel Versus Serial
When setting up a Lase1jet printer, make sure you select a parallel
interface rather than a serial one. That's because serial transmission makes downloading of fonts and graphics is considerably

• LaserJet Fonts
Besides the Bitstream-designed Dutch (Times Roman) and Swiss
(Helvetica) fonts provided by Ventura for the LaserJet, hundreds
of other fonts are available from third-party vendors. For details,
see Chapter 21, "Adding New Fonts." For a full-scale treatment of
the subject, see Peachpit Press's The Laserjet Font Book.

Tip 4 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How Much LaserJet Memory?
The Laserjet IIP comes with 512K of RAM; the Laserjet III comes
with 1MB. As long as you stick to using three or four fonts at a
time, don't print any bitmapped graphics larger than about a
quarter of a page, and don't use any fonts larger than 30 points,
this built-in memory should suffice. If your needs go further than
that, you can buy upgrade board from HP or from third-party
suppliers such as Pacific Data Products. If you're someone with a
big appetite for graphics and large fonts, get 2MB. The 4MB upgrade is only necessary if the printer is used on a network and
several people all want to download their own fonts into the


Printer Upgrades
There are several reasons why you might want to upgrade a
standard LaserJet or other laser printer: to add PostScript, to speed
up printing, or to increase the size and number of fonts available

Chapter 4: Printers


for printing. Fortunately, a number of upgrade options are readily
available. These include the LaserMaster LX6, which is a pair of
boards that are inserted into the printer and into your computer.
More convenient to install are the new PostScript cartridges that
install into one of the slots on the front of the LaserJet II, lIP, or III.
For details on these cartridges, see Appendix: A, "Resources."
When using an external printer controller, such as the LaserMaster
LX upgrades, you remove two screws and slip a card in, just like
you do in a computer. These cards use the I/O slot to bypass the
normal printer controller of the printer, so that the computer
sends the image directly to the printer, rather than sending data
which the printer must construct into an image.
Image doesn't always mean a painting or drawing. Each letter of
a bitmapped font is actually made up of pixels, or dots, to form an
image, just like a paint-type graphic. These pictures of letters are
combined with other graphics into the image of a single page,
which the printer then prints.
Transmission speeds through the I/O slot are much faster than
through a parallel cable, and this is one of the speed advantages
of cards like the LaserMaster and JLaser.

Tip 4 - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Missing I/O Slot
Despite the tremendous value of the optional I/O slot, not all SX
engines have it. The QMS-PS 810 and the HP Laserjet lIP don't.
So before you rush out to buy a Canon-based printer, look in the
back for the little I/O slot, gateway to a world of wonder- or at
least speed.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition


Considering what they offer - speed and higher resolution at an
affordable price - it's not hard to see why LaserMaster's various
printer controllers amnd plain-paper typesetters have taken the
desktop publishing market by storm. At the low end is the LX
series of controllers, which are upgrade boards that you install in
your computer and connect with a special cable to the back of
your LaserJet (except the lIP), Canon LBP, or IBM laser printer. At
the high end is the LM1000 Plain Paper Typesetter, which comes
complete with board and printer. The LX controllers increase the
resolution of the printer to anywhere from 400 by 400 TurboRes
to 800 by 800 TurboRes, depending on the model. The LMIOOO
Plain Paper Typesetter offers 1000 by 1000 TurboRes quality.
Note that LaserMaster avoids rating its controllers in terms of dots
per inch and instead uses the term TurboRes. That's because,
strictly speaking, 800 by 800 TurboRes only means 800 dots per
inch in the horizontal direction. In the vertical direction, the actual
resolution is 300 dpi, which LaserMaster enhances using a
patented method of controlling the size and placement of laser
printer dots. The enhancement is real, but whether 800 by 800
TurboRes is really just as good as 800 by 800 dots per inch is
debatable. To really judge the quality of LaserMaster output, have
your dealer print out a sample for you and compare it to actual
imagesetter output. This book, by the way, was printed on a
LaserMaster 1000 using converted Adobe Type 1 fonts, and then
photographically reduced at the printer by 18 percent.
Besides the higher quality of type from TurboRes technology, the
LX controllers are also extremely fast. The only time I've seen my
unit slow down is when it's attempting to deal with pages containing TIF graphics or large numbers of fonts.
The LX controllers vary in price from around $1,500 to $5,000,
depending on whether you opt for the 400 by 400 model with 35
fonts or the 800 by 800 model with 135 fonts. The LM-IOOO costs

Chapter 4: Printers


about $7,500 (including the printer itself, software, and fonts),
and the LM-1200 (see below) weighs in at $16,000 (including
printer, software, and fonts - plus $2,500 a year for a service
contract, a standard requirement on all large format, high-res
printers). Compared to the costs of other high-resolution printers
and imagesetters, such as Linotronics starting at around $25,000
and other high-resolution lasers priced at over $10,000, these are
a great value .

• Tabloid News
The latest thing from LM is the new 11- by 17-inch printer, 1200
dpi "TurboRes" printer, which can crank out twenty-five 8- by
11-inch pages or fourteen tabloid-size pages per minute. It comes
standard with 16 megabytes of me mOlY (expandable to 32) and
can handle up to 25,000 pages a month.
The speed and high duty-rating make this a great "on-demand"
printer for churning out impressively high-quality originals. This
printer is great not only for printing tabloid size pages, but its
extra size makes it easy to print camera ready 8- x 11-inch pages
with bleeds, something you can't do on an 8- x II-inch printer.
And the high-resolution means you can print impressive photos at
up to 133 lines per inch.
Compared head to head with other high-end lasers in terms of
resolution, speed, and cost, the LM-1200 is in a class by itself.

• Fonts-a-plenty
All these systems come with 135 typefaces. That's right, not 35,
but 135. The faces include the standard 35 that are resident in
most PostScript printers, plus 100 others for your dining and dancing pleasure. As a font critic myself, I have to say that these faces
are currently not as good as Bitstream or Adobe's offerings, although LaserMaster's new font division, "Digital Type Corporation," is working to improve them. The faces are acceptable, and


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

type is a subjective matter, but if you're a type connoisseur you
may prefer Bitstream or Adobe renditions of classic faces.
That poses no problem, however, as all LaserMaster systems can
use fonts in both the Adobe PostScript Type 1 format and the
Bitstream Fontware format complete with hints, so there are
literally thousands of typefaces to choose from. You simply run
your Bitstream or Adobe fonts through LaserMaster's font conversion utility and store them on your hard disk in LaserMaster's own
scalable LXO format. Plus, if you work with a LaserMaster DPS-l
for your display, the same printer font files do double duty as
onscreen scalable fonts.
By the way, the core 35 fonts that come with all the LaserMaster
controllers are PostScript width compatible, and because of this
you can proof pages on the LaserMaster and then send them to a
Linotronic for final printing while still retaining perfect character
and line spacing .

• Special Font Effects
Besides speed and smooth, crisp type, LaserMaster has a few
more neat little tricks up its board. A drop-down menu in Ventura
allows you to access a score of special effects. You can rotate
fonts in 1 degree increments, rather than the standard 90 degrees
available in Ventura. You can create outline type, or fill type with
gray. You can also break Ventura's 256 point font-size limit. And
one especially useful and wonderful effect allows you to create
"either/or" type. If the background is white, the type prints black,
if the background is black, the type prints white. Most interestingly, even if the background changes right in the middle of a character, the type is always the opposite of the background .

• Printing Complex Pages
Printing' complex pages can be a problem for other printers.
LaserJets are limited in the number of typefaces that can reside in

Chapter 4: Printers


the printer at once. PostScript printers without hard disks can run
out of memory when you try to use too many faces on a page.
But in all the time I've used a LaserMaster, I've never had a page
refuse to print for any reason. In my latest book I created a complex table that helps you see which typefaces work well together.
The table displays the typeface names in their actual typefaces, so
there are 61 different typefaces on a single page, with type in
three orientations at once. If that weren't enough, the page also
contained ruling lines and gray backgrounds. Printing this page
(in a single pass) would be out and out impossible on most other
printers, but the LM-1000 printed it in a mere 30 seconds .

• What About PostScript Graphics?
The only drawback to the LX controllers is that they're not PostScript compatible. This limitation means that these boards are
much faster, but it also means that Encapsulated PostScript files
won't print.
The EPS matter is a problem only if your EPS files contain fountain fills, dotted lines or other special PostScript effects. If they
don't, you can easily export the graphics in your drawing program to GEM or CGM and have them output as smoothly as they
would from EPS. Unfortunately, neither CGM or GEM support
fountain fills (or dotted lines from Corel), so if you need them,
you need EPS. Since TrueImage is PostScript compatible, EPS files
(and TrueType) will be supported when TrueImage is implemented.
Another downside is that the LaserMaster printers don't work with
all software. Ventura, WordPerfect, Word, and anything that runs
under Microsoft Windows will print. Nothing else will. You can
still use your LaserJet like a LaserJet, without having to switch
cables or change anything, but it will just be a LaserJet with other
programs, and the speed and quality of the LaserMaster will soon
spoil you for anything else.

As ecumenical with monitors as it is with laser printers, Ventura
gives you options ranging from the 80- by 35-dpi resolution of the
IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) standard up to the 150- by
150-dpi resolution of the most expensive full-page monitors.
Prices also vary widely, from a mere $200 or so for a Herculesclone graphics board and an accompanying amber monitor, to
$2,000 or more for some 21-inch dual-page models. At the low
end, some standards exist that make it simple to mix and match
equipment. At the high end, shopping and installation is complicated due to the absence of standards and the fact that such
monitors tend to push personal computers to the limits of their
In addition to the general information here on monitors, you can
find information on specific monitors in Appendix A, "Resources."


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Monitor Lingo and Standards
Every monitor comes in two parts: the monitor itself and the
adapter (also called the controller), a board in the computer that
is connected via cable to the monitor. Monitors are generally classified according to their resolution, which is measured in horizontal pixels by vertical pixels.
Virtually every kind of monitor used with the IBM PC can be used
with Ventura, except the Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA) ,
the text-only "green screen" commonly used for word processing.
The lowest resolution is provided by the Color Graphics Adapter
(CGA). Its resolution is 640 by 240 pixels, or about 80 by 35 pixels
per square inch.
Surprisingly, the resolution of Ventura on a CGA, though somewhat coarse, is still adequate for some types of work. I used
Ventura on a CGA for several months and found the resolution
acceptable even for creating complex layouts such as forms and
brochures. The big drawback of using Ventura in CGA mode is
that you can't read most text in Normal view, which is possible in
EGA and HGC (Hercules Graphics Card). Another annoying problem with the CGA is that when you attempt to select and move a
small frame or a small box text graphic, you may inadvertently
change its size. Otherwise, the CGA works well: when you need
to read text, you merely switch into Expanded view.
One step above the CGA on the scale of resolution are the Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) and the Hercules Graphics Card
(HGC). The EGA provides 640 by 350 pixels, or about 80 by 51
pixels per square inch. The resolution of the Hercules Graphics
Card is slightly better: 720 by 348 pixels, or about 90 by 51 pixels
per square inch.
Using Ventura with an EGA or a HGC board is much more comfortable than using it with a CGA board. With the EGA or the
HGC, most text is readable in Normal view, ruling lines and frame
boundaries are crisper, and it's much easier to move or stretch
frames and boxes.


Chapter 5: Monitors

The advantage of the Hercules card over the EGA is that it can be
used with a standard IBM Monochrome Monitor or an inexpensive monochrome monitor such as a Samsung, priced at around
$100. In addition, many makers of IBM XT or AT clones provide a
Hercules clone board as standard equipment on their machines.
With a Video Graphics Adapter (VGA) , resolution is somewhat
better than either the EGA or the Hercules at 640 by 480 pixels, or
about 80 by 70 pixels per inch. Another advantage of the VGA is
that each pixel can display various intensities of gray, allowing an
amazing realism in gray-scaled images.

Tip 5 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hercules Clones
The most economical monitor/adapter combination is a Hercules
adapter with any monochrome monitor. Hercules clones are
much cheaper than the real thing and usually just as good.


Soft Kicker
(the $99 Full-Page Monitor)
Attention EGA or VGA graphics owners: if you don't use the Soft
Kicker from Aristocad, you should have your head examined. I
don't say things like that very often, but for only $99 ($139 for the
Windows version) you could have all the advantages of a fullpage monitor and make the time you spend with Ventura much
more productive. If you've never heard of the Soft Kicker before,
you're excused, but if you read this profile and still don't want
one, well ...
What the Soft Kicker does is make Ventura think you're using a
full-page 1024- by 1024-pixel monitor. Ventura creates a full-page
work area (or virtual page) and stores it in the memory of your


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

EGA or VGA card. Your screen then becomes a window on this
full page.
But unlike normal Ventura, where you have to use the scroll bars
and wait while the screen redraws, the Soft Kicker pans around
this big screen any time the mouse nears the edge of the screen.
The entire page scrolls, allowing you access to any part of the
page without having to use the scroll bars. You're working at
full-size, but you still can move smoothly, easily, and instantly to
any part of the page, without even having to wait for Ventura to
redraw .

• ZAP Mode
On a VGA monitor, Soft Kicker also allows you to see the entire
page on-screen at once, using something akin to a super-enhanced "reduced" mode. On an EGA, this same capability gives
you three-quarters of the page. Press the second mouse button
and you are instantly in "ZAP" mode. In this mode not only is the
text more readable than in the normal reduced mode, but Soft
Kicker adds a small magnification window to the sidebar on the
left side of the screen. As you move the mouse around the reduced screen, this window simultaneously shows a full-size picture of where you are on the screen. This means you can do detail
work, even in reduced mode, while seeing the entire page onscreen. Going from normal view to ZAP reduced view (with the
magnification window) is virtually instant - Ventura doesn't have
to redraw the screen between normal and ZAP mode.
This may not sound like much at first, but think about these
common scenarios:
. You're trying to mark some text. You start the mouse at the
top of the screen and then - oh no - all the text doesn't fit
in one screen. You could go into reduced view, but then the
text is either greeked or impossibly tiny. With the Kicker,
the screen automatically scrolls when the mouse nears the
edge, so this is no problem. at all.

Chapter 5: Monitors


• Suppose you have many graphics on a page and Ventura is
taking a while to redraw the screen. Sure, you could turn
some of the pictures off, but you really need to see how
they all look together, and you're getting bored with waiting
for Ventura to redraw the screen each time you move or go
into reduced view. With the Soft Kicker this is no problem
because Ventura only draws the screen once. You move
around without redraw, and even go into full-page ZAP
view without redrawing. Seeing the Soft Kicker in action is
worth the price of admission. The bottom line is: you save a
lot of time.

• Software Compatibility
Because the Soft Kicker is software, it doesn't affect how your
EGA or VGA works with the rest of your software. You can still do
everything you could before, only now it's like you have a fu11screen monitor as well. The same Kicker screen drivers you use
with Ventura also work perfectly with all GEM applications, such
as Artline. Installation is fast and easy and mimics Ventura's own
installation, so it seems familiar right off the bat. It's even considerate enough not to change or overwrite the original VP.BAT or
VPPROF.BAT files you've used to start the program. After installation you type SK or SKPROF to start Ventura using the Soft Kicker.
Of course, once you've used Ventura with the Kicker I don't see
any reason why you'd want to use Ventura without it.
The optional Soft Kicker Plus package allows you to have kicker
power with any programs that run under Microsoft Windows,
such as Corel Draw or Micrografx Designer. Soft Kicker Plus does
everything for Windows that it does for Ventura, with the exception of the Zap mode.
The Soft Kicker isn't a luxury - it's an absolute essential for
anyone with EGA or VGA; if I were shopping for Ventura utilities,
it would be at the top of my list.



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Large-Screen Monitors
The big drawback of using standard monitors with Ventura is that
you have only a fraction of your page on the screen at once. As a
result, when you're working on a page, you suffer the annoyance
of making lots of mouse trips over to the scroll bar to move the
page up and down. Ironically, as explained below, large-screen
monitors won't necessarily free you entirely of those trips to the
scroll bar. But the ability to work with larger portions of the page
at once and to read very small type is definitely a boon to productivity.
Large-screen monitors divide into two strata. The lower tier, which
includes the Wyse and the Genius, are priced as low as $700.
These monitors are smaller and do not let you see the full page in
Normal view, so you still do quite a bit of scrolling. The higher
tier monitors cost in excess of $2000. Many of these monitors use
the 161/2 inches wide by 121f2 inches wide, easily large enough to
let you see (and read) two full pages in Facing Pages view.

Tip 5 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Measuring Large-Screen Monitors
Monitors are typically referred to by the diagonal measurement of
the screen. Thus, monitors measuring 15 inches by 12 inches are
often referred to as ((19-inch" monitors and monitors measuring
161/2 inches wide by 121/2 inches wide are referred to as ((21inch" monitors.
My bottom-line opinion on large-screen monitors is that despite
the high prices, they are a tremendous value because of how
much faster you can work and how much less tired you are at the
end of a work session. At the same time, because of the various
issues described below (especially speed and quality of screen
fonts), you should never buy one of these products until you have
a chance to really try it out under realistic conditions (Le. with a

Chapter 5: Monitors


document that you typically work with). For specific product information on large-screen monitors, refer to Appendix A, "Resources." The following are some general factors that you should consider as you check out systems.

• Screen Fonts
It's essential that your monitor have screen fonts in the standard
sizes you use for type, such as 10 and 12 points. Without screen
fonts, Ventura has to draw each character individually. Not only
does this result in type that is difficult to read, but more seriously
it drags down the speed of the display dramatically. Don't get
involved with any monitor that doesn't have a full set of screen

• Aspect Ratio of Pixels
Some monitors have square pixels, others rectangular ones. For
desktop publishing, square pixels are definitely preferable, since
laser printers and typesetting machines universally use square
pixels. If your monitor doesn't have square pixels, your image of
the final page will be distorted - either stretched vertically or

Tip 5 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Wyse WY-700, perhaps the most popular high-resolution
monitor in use, has pixels that are taller than they are wide. As a
result, pages appear to be narrower on the screen than when

• Size of Display
The reason large-screen monitors are known as "full-page displays" is that all of them can display an entire page of text - 66
lines - when used with a word processing program. The benefit


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

here is obvious: if you can work with an entire page at a time, you
don't have to scroll up and down the page. Most of the "full-page"
monitors don't actually let you see an entire page when used in
Ventura's Normal view. For example, the Xerox monitor cuts off
about an inch on the side of the page; the Wyse cuts off about an
inch at the bottom of the page.

• Flicker
Large-screen monitors have to display an immense number of
pixels; to do so, some use a technique called "interlacing," which
means that every other scan line is refreshed during each cycle.
Interlacing is apt to produce annoying flicker, though noninterlaced displays may also produce flicker if they don't refresh the
screen often enough.

• Heat and Power
Large-screen monitors and the boards that drive them draw lots of
power and tend to produce lots of heat. If your computer is already running a bit on the hot side, you may need to install a
larger power supply to handle the new monitor.

• Software Compatibility
Some monitors have been around long enough so that drivers
now exist for many popular programs. With monitors that have
been introduced more recently, you may find it difficult to use
your favorite graphics program. Note that it's not enough to verify
that your software will work with the monitor. You'll also need to
find out whether the quality of the display is adequate. For example, when some monitors are emulating the eGA or EGA
standards, they squeeze the display area into the upper left portion of the screen, making text excessively small. Make sure that
you're buying something you can use with your software.

Chapter 5: Monitors


Tip 5 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There's Still Hope
Ventura Publisher 2.0 and 3.0 both allow drivers to be installed
for peripheral devices that were not supported in the program.
Even if a particular large-screen monitor does not appear on the
list of supported devices, you'll still be able to use it with Ventura
if the manufacturer provides you with a driver.

• Primary versus Secondary Display
Some full-page monitors are designed to be used as the only
monitor with your system. These are called "primary displays."
Other monitors, called "secondary displays," can only be used if a
standard graphics board (usually an EGA board) is installed in
your computer as well. Make sure you know what kind of
monitor you are getting.

• Ease of Installation
Some monitors require a substantial level of technical expertise to
install and operate effectively. For example, if you have EMS
memory and are installing the Viking 2, you may have to adjust
the hexadecimal codes of the EMS memory addresses to avoid a
conflict between that memory and the Viking 2 controller. While
the installation manuals for some monitors are quite good, most
are poorly written and excessively technical.

• Contrast
Some monitors allow contrast to be adjusted, a desirable feature
in dealing with various lighting conditions.

• Cabling
Surprisingly, some large-screen monitors come with relatively
short cords, a real drawback if you want to use the monitor for


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

teaching purposes or move it aside so that you can run another

• Computer Compatibllity
If you are using an IBM compatible or clone, you can generally
expect to run into some compatibility difficulties when you attempt to install a full-page monitor. Make sure the vendor has
tested the monitor with the type of computer you intend to use it

• Edge Effects
Some monitors, such as the Genius, run the image right up to the
edge of the screen, which can cause some distortion at corners
and edges and make it difficult to work on those parts of a page.
Other monitors, such as the Viking 2, leave a roomy margin surrounding the active area of the screen and hence avoid such

• Orientation
For creating documents, it makes sense to have a monitor that is
taller than it is wide (since that's the shape of the page itself).
Some monitors, including the Xerox and the Genius, are of the tall
variety but may be slightly too thin, since they cut off some of the
right edge of the page in Normal view.

Tip 5-5--------------------------------------

Portrait and Landscape
((Portrait" refers to monitors that are taller than they are wide.
((Landscape" refers to monitors that are wider than they are tall.
The terms derive from the characteristic shapes of portrait and
landscape paintings.

Chapter 5: Monitors


• Graphics Coprocessors
Although a large-screen monitor is supposed to make you more
productive, some put such a large computational burden on the
computer's CPU that they slow down Ventura's operations to an
unacceptable degree. The answer is a new generation of graphics
coprocessor chips, introduced by Intel, Texas Instruments, Hitachi, and others. Whatever you do, don't burden a normal XT with
a large-screen monitor that lacks a coprocessor.

• Use with a Mouse
Some monitors provide drivers for a variety of mice; others support only one mouse, a factor that can be a major nuisance if you
don't happen to have that mouse.

• Health Effects
Yes, Virginia, computers do produce electromagnetic radiation,
and the sort of radiation they produce has been tied to biological
effects in animals such as chickens and miniature swine. The
main culprit appears to be ELF (extremely low frequency) radiation, which is produced by the flyback transformer at the rear of
the monitor. Over the past few years, a growing number of researchers have concluded that low-intensity ELF radiation may
pose a health risk. Why? One theory proposes that since the body
itself uses ELF fields to govern inter-cellular processes, external
ELF fields have the potential to interrupt those processes, affecting the body's hormonal and immune systems.
Of course, it isn't just computer monitors that produce electromagnetic radiation. So do high voltage electrical transmission
lines, electrical substations, and even local transformers - those
cylindrical objects attached to power poles in streets and alleys.
Household appliances also produce electromagnetic radiation.
The difference is that you don't sit within a foot or two of an
operating Cuisinart for hours at a time, the way you sit in front of


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

your monitor. Note: besides monitors, the other household appliance that has caused concern is the common electric blanket.
Naturally, large corporate organizations such as the Electric Power
Research Institute (EPRI) have tended to pooh-pooh such concerns. In at least one instance they have even suppressed discoveries by their own researchers of biological effects caused in
animals by ELF radiation. (See Paul Brodeur's account in Currents
of Death of the suppression of the results of animal studies conducted by EPRI.) So don't hold your breath waiting for the computer industry or the government to do anything about the problem.
Here are some practical things you can do now:

. Stay in front! This is the most important piece of advice,
especially for people who work in a room with several
monitors. Measurements show that the ELF fields are much
stronger on either side and possibly in back of a monitor
than in front of the monitor.
· Keep your distance! ELF radiation decreases rapidly as
you move away from the source. An easy rule to remember
is the "Hitler salute." If you're a full arms-length away from
your monitor, you're probably OK.
· Consider black-and-white over color! Color monitors
emit far more radiation than monochrome monitors.
· Spread the word! There have been a number of excellent
articles recently. See PC Magazine, "Lab Notes," December
12, 1989; Macworld, "Commentary," July 1990; and Currents
of Death (1990) by Paul Brodeur, published by Simon and
Schuster. Brodeur's book is derived from a ground-breaking
three-part series of articles he wrote for The New Yorker in
the spring of 1989.
· Agitate! It's not hard to design and build monitors that produce less radiation. The standards in European countries are
stricter than in the U.S., and computer companies readily
comply over there. If even one percent of the people who
use PCs raised a stink and demanded stricter radiation stan-


Chapter 5: Monitors

dards for monitors, I think the standards would be put into

ProfUe-----------------------------------------Wyse WY-700
This monitor has extensive software support, due to the fact that
they have been on the market longer than most other large-screen
displays. With its combination of low price and high resolution,
these are probably the best values on the market.
Unlike the other monitors described here, the WY-700 is not a
true "full-page" monitor. The screen is slightly larger than a standard display: 10 inches wide by 75 inches tall. Resolution is 126
pixels per inch horizontally by 105 pixels per inch vertically, a
density somewhat higher than that of most high-resolution monitors, and more than four and a half times that of the EGA. In
Ventura's Normal view you can see about 60 percent of the length
of the page and 95 percent of its width.
Unfortunately, the WY-700 does not have square pixels. The aspect ratio of pixels is 1.2, which means they are slightly taller than
they are wide. Hence, the proportions of a document on the
screen are different than on the printed page.
Besides working with Ventura, the WY-700 works with GEM,
Windows, PC Paintbrush, HALO, Auto CAD , Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, and most other graphics and CAD packages. If software
doesn't specifically support the WY-700's high-res mode, the
monitor is compatible with eGA. While eGA still has low resolution, it looks better on the WY-700 than on regular eGA monitors.
Any text-based program (including word processing programs)
will work fine, with the characters being exceptionally large and
sharp. Text programs display as white characters on a black background, not black characters on a white background.
The WY-700 is able to clearly display 8-point type in Ventura, but
it is not a full-page screen. It will display considerably more of a


Ventura Tips and


3rd Edition

page than a Hercules monitor, but less than the Genius or LaserView. In Pacing Pages view, it shows two full pages side by side
at about two-thirds of actual size. While the clarity of this monitor
makes even reduced pages readable, it may not suit you if you
need to see an entire page, actual size. Although it's comfortable
to work with, mine occasionally develops an annoying flicker,
and some shades of gray in Ventura appear as striped, instead of
as solid, even grays.
If you work with Ventura day in and day out, you'll probably find
that the WY-700 is a bit too small for comfortable use. I used this
monitor to layout the second edition of this book, and I must say
that the strain of trying to read text on the screen eventually
caused me to switch back to using a regular VGA monitor with

Profue-----------------------------------------Radius TPD
Radius made its name developing large-screen monitors for the
Macintosh. Its monitors for the PC, the 19-inch Radius TPD/19 and
the 21-inch Radius TPD/21, feature the same elegant hardware
engineering as its Mac monitors. The TPD mounts on a swivel
stand that is easy to adjust, and both the power and the contrast/brightness controls are right up front for easy access.
A notable feature of the TPD is its ability to display shades of gray.
However, the monitor does have several drawbacks. With the
model I tested, the menus for Ventura, both in the Windows and
the DOS/GEM version, were too high on the screen and in fact
were partially hidden. With the driver for the DOS/GEM version,
the monitor occasionally showed annoying interference patterns
in the form of stray pixels shadowing text. Of course, such adjustment problems can affect any monitor as large as the Radius TPD,
so when you buy such a monitor, make sure that a service technician is easily accessible.

Chapter 5: Monitors



LaserMaster GlassPage 1280 and
DPS-l Graphics Card
While WYSIWYG has long been the buzzword of desktop publishing, sometimes the reality has been more like WYSIPMWYG
(What-you-see-is-pretty-much-what-you-get). That's all changed,
thanks to LaserMaster, a company known for its fast printer controller boards.
While LaserMaster's previous boards scaled fonts "on-the-fly" for
the printer, the company's newest creations, the DPS-1 and the
GlassPage do the same thing on your monitor. Since the screen
fonts are scaled from the same Bitstream outlines as the printer
fonts, what you see is really and truly what you get. No matter
what size font you request, from 3 point to 250, the on-screen font
is as sharp as the monitor can produce. No more "closeenough" -everything is letter perfect.
The GlassPage 1280 includes a controller board and a largescreen monitor. The DPS-1 is a controller board that takes a standard multiscan monitor, boosts resolution to 800 by 555 (800 by
600 tends to flicker on multiscan monitors), and gives it a "virtual
area" of 1024 by 1024 (the size of a big-screen monitor). When
the mouse touches the edges of the on-screen area, everything
scrolls automatically (a feature which should have been included
with Ventura), allowing you access to the rest of the page. You
have complete access to the entire page, even when highlighting
long blocks of text, or tagging paragraphs. While it doesn't have
all the advantages of a big-screen monitor, it's very fast and works
with a relatively inexpensive multi-scanning monitor.

The purpose of a scanner is to convert two-dimensional or threedimensional images into a digital form that can be processed by
computer software and printed. Scanners can be classified into
two varieties, optical and video, depending on the method they
use to convert a continuous image into a digital form.

• Optical Scanners
In the optical method, a bright light is scanned back and forth
across a page, recording the intensity of the image at each point
in a fine grid. The advantage of these scanners is that they are
faster and more precise than video scanners. Optical scanners are
the most widely used type. They come in a variety of forms:
• flat-bed scanners, which resemble small copy machines
• sheet-fed scanners


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

• hand-held scanners that you move across the image
• print-head scanners that attach to the head of a dot-matrix
printer and scan an image line-by-line as it moves through
the printer

• Video Scanners
Video scanners are less common than optical scanners. As the
name implies, they work in conjunction with a video camera,
processing the video signal into a digital one. The advantage of
video scanners is that they can be used to process three-dimensional images .


Scanning Software
Most scanners are sold along with a software program that is used
to set the parameters for the scanning process and also provide
some editing capabilities. In addition, some graphics programs
such as PC Paintbrush IV Plus, Publisher's Paintbrush, and Halo
DPE can be used to control the scanner. For example, to scan an
image from PC Paintbrush Plus, you select the Scan option from
the Page menu. This brings up a dialog box that lets you specify
brightness, contrast, scanning mode, type of dithering, and resolution. Once you have selected the options you wish to use, you
select OK. The scanner then scans the picture and loads it automatically into PC Paintbrush IV Plus. With either of these
programs there is an option on the menu that allows you to select
the area of the page you want scanned. This pre-cropping is extremely useful, since it allows you to save storage space on your
hard disk by scanning less than the full 8.5- by I1-inch area. You
also can specify whether you are scanning line art or images, and
select a dithering pattern.
After you have used Paintbrush to scan the image, you can use
Paintbrush's graphics tools to clean up stray pixels or otherwise
alter the image. Then you can save it as a pex file, a format

Chapter 6: Scanners


recognized by Ventura. Other formats that can be used to store
scanned images are GEM IMG, EPS, and TIFF .


Black-and-White versus Grayscale Scanners
Lately, the scanner world has begun dividing up into two camps.
In one camp are scanners that save an image as an array of O's
and l's, with O's representing white and l's representing black.
Technically, this is known as saving an image in a single "bit
plane," since each pixel in the image is recorded with a single
digital bit, either 0 or 1.
The alternative is to record each pixel in the image as a number
between 0 and 256, where 0 stands for white, 256 for black, and
the numbers in between for shades of gray (some scanners set the
range from 0 to 16, others from 0 to 64, but the principle remains
the same). The most commonly used file formats for storing images, PCX (PC Paintbrush) and IMG (GEM Paint), can't handle this
sort of grayscale information. But a new format has been developed for grayscale images, called TIFF (Tagged Image File
Format), and Ventura 2.0 can handle images in that format.

• Displaying TIFF
One of the delights of TIFF images, provided you have a grayscale monitor such as a VGA (not an EGA or Hercules), is that
they are displayed with almost photographic realism. The irony,
which is explained later in this chapter, is that the image won't
look anywhere near as good when printed on a regular 300-dpi
laser printer. To get decent output of a TIFF image, you need to
move up to the resolution of a phototypesetter, preferably a 2540dpi Linotronic 300 rather than a 1690-dpi Linotronic 200.
An alternative output option is a board from Intel Corporation

called the Visual Edge. This board works with the HP LaserJet II
and requires that you have at least 2MB of EMS memory in your
computer. With the Visual Edge, you can print grayscaled images
of approximately newspaper quality: 80 dots per inch and 64


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

levels of gray. A Ventura driver and a PC Paintbrush driver are
provided with the board .

• Memory Demands
The lack of any cheap output devices is one factor that currently
limits the popularity of grayscaled images. Another is the enormous memory and storage demands that such images make on
the computer. For example, a 4-inch by 4-inch photograph
sampled by the scanner at 300 dpi with 256 levels of gray takes up
1.5MB of memory or storage. Fortunately, data compression techniques are available that can reduce the amount of storage by as
much as 85 percent. Still, if you're serious about scanning, you'll
need a big hard disk and a good method of archiving your pictures.

Tip 6-1---------------------------------------

What to Look for in a Scanning
Here are some features that you should look for when buying
scanning software:
• What formats can it save in? In a grayscale scanner, l1FF is
mandatory; in a black-and-white scanner, you'll definitely
want PCX.
· Does it offer data compression?

· 1/ it's a grayscale scanner, can it save

256 levels of gray?
That's how many you'll need to print the full range of grays
available on a PostScript typesetter.

· 1/ it's a grayscale scanner, does it let you manipulate the
gray scales? Specifically, can you change the gray-value
curve to improve the appearance of a particular picture?
• Does it let you print a quick-and-dirty proof of the scanned
image? This is a critical time-saving feature.

Chapter 6: Scanners


Does it let you easily draw a box on your screen around the part
of the image you want to save? Manually typing in margins is the
awkward alternative.

What's the Best Grayscale
Editing Program?
The consensus faVOrite for grayscale editing programs is Xerox's
Gray/FX. Not only is it powerful, but it's easy to use. For access
information and a brief profile, see the "Graphics Software" section of Appendix A, "Resources."


The Problem with Laser Printers
Because laser printers do such a nice job of imitating typeset text,
you'd expect that they could also print photographs that look at
least as good as, say, a newspaper. After all, as anyone who has
looked at them closely knows, a photograph in a newspaper (and
in any other sort of publication as well) is actually just a matrix of
dots, right? The problem is that those dots in the newspaper
photo are of varying sizes. Television uses this same effect, varying the intensity of each pixel to create various shades of gray. So
does a grayscale monitor such as a VGA.
Unfortunately, there isn't yet a laser printer on the market that can
vary the size of its pixels (though that may change soon, with
reports appearing about new circuit boards that can tweak the
electronics of the laser printer and cause it to print pixels of different sizes).
To get around this limitation, laser printers resort to two techniques, "synthetic halftones" and "dithering." In a synthetic halftone, pixels are clumped together to create the appearance of
dots of varying size. In dithering, dots are printed in semi-random


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

patterns that are denser in darker areas of the picture, less dense
in lighter areas.
Neither technique produces very good results. In a synthetic halftone, the printer has to clump anywhere from 1 to about 36 pixels
together to form each dot, and therefore can't print 300 dots per
inch any more. With dithering, the random patterns give the picture a computer-made appearance.
The inevitable conclusion is that you should avoid scanning photographs and printing them on a laser printer, unless you're willing to settle for mediocre-quality images in your publication. Instead, it's best to simply create a block marking where the image
is to be placed, take the photograph to a graphic arts shop, and
have a halftone made.
However, if you're printing your publications on a PostScript imagesetter (preferably a Linotronic 300), you'll get great results. The
resolution of these machines is high enough that you can create a
160 dot-per-inch halftone with 256 levels of gray. While a resolution of 160 dpi may seem low, it's actually quite satisfactory for
almost any sort of publication, since halftones produced using
traditional methods range from around 75 to 150 dpi.


Scanning Line Art
Although laser printers can't handle shades of gray, they do a fine
job with black-and-white images. In the graphic arts, such pictures are called "line art." (Unfortunately, this term is used in a
different sense in Ventura. In the Load Text/Picture menu, "line
art" refers to object-oriented graphics formats such as CGM and
HPGL.) Scanners are great tools for digitizing any sort of line art
such as a logo or a piece of clip art. Simply save it in PCX or IMG
format, touch it up with PC Paintbrush IV Plus or some other
program, and load it into Ventura as an "image" file. (For more on
this, see Chapter 15, "Using Graphics.")

Chapter 6: Scanners



Scanning Hardcopy Clip Art
Although this won't be news to graphic artists, others may be
surprised to learn that you can buy collections of professionallydrawn images, called clip art, in graphic arts stores and reproduce them to your heart's content in your publications. U7hy
doesn't this violate copyright laws? Because the clip art companies
obtain art from old books whose copyrights have expired, or else
they create it themselves and grant purchasers the right to reproduce it.


Hewlett-Packard ScanJet Plus
The Hewlett-Packard's ScanJet Plus uses the same sheet-fed
Canon engine as several other scanners, including Canon's own
model. But the ScanJet Plus has several distinguishing features.
First, the ScanJet is easy to install- no need to change any dip
switches. Second, the ScanJet can save 16 levels of gray, as opposed to just black and white for many other scanners. Third, the
ScanJet can actually scan up to 600 dots per inch. Fourth, the
software program provided for driving the ScanJet, called Scanning Gallery, is well implemented and packed with convenient
features. You can print either the whole image or a portion to
determine where to crop, then you can save in PCX or IMG format. IMG format can be imported directly into Ventura. Pictures in
PCX format can also be imported by Ventura, but in doing so
Ventura must first generate a matching IMG file, which eats up
space on your hard disk. For grayscaled images, Scanning Gallery
can save in TIFF format, which can also be imported into Ventura.



Using Ventura

Managing Files
If you're like most people, your first exposure to personal computing was through word processing. When you use a word processing program, keeping track of files is simple, since each document you create is stored in exactly one file. When you need to
send a document in the mail or over a modem, you merely transfer that file onto a floppy disk using the DOS COpy command.
With Ventura, file management is no longer so simple. Any document you create will comprise at least several files, and in many
cases a dozen or more. Some of these are the text and graphics
files you created with other programs and now are merging together with Ventura. Others are files generated by Ventura itself.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Text Files

Bitmapped Graphics Files

MultiMate or MS Word (OOC)
WordStar (WS)
ASCII or XyWrite(TXT)
Xerox Writer (XWP)
WordPerfect (WP)
OisplayWrite and Samna (OCA)

PC Paintbrush (PCX)
GEM Paint and Halo OPE (GEM)
MacPaint (PNT)
Tagged Image File Format (TIF)

Chapter File (CHP)

Contains pOinters to text, graphics,
and internally generated files.

Object Graphics Files

Files Generated By Ventura

Lotus and VideoShow (PIC)
MacOraw (PCT)
AutoCAO Slide (SLO)
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
Hewlett-Packard Graphics
Language (HPG)
GEM Draw (GEM)
Mentor Graphics (P _)
Windows (WMF)

Style Sheets (STY)
Captions and Box Text (CAP)
Program Status (INF)
Publications (PUB)
Backups ($_)
Indexes and Tables of Contents
Print to Disk Files (COO)
Internal Graphics (VGR)

Figure 7-1: This schematic shows how the chapter file knits together other types offiles,
including text files, graphics files, and files generated by Ventura itself

Chapter 7: Managing Files



Why Pay Attention to Files?
It's easy....,- too easy, perhaps - to generate one document after
another and never pay any particular attention to the various
seemingly obscure files that Ventura generates as you go about
your work. Eventually, however, you will have to learn what
those files are and deal with them directly. Here are two examples
of when that might be necessary:
• If storage becomes tight on your hard disk, you'll need to
start removing some of the documents stored there, which
means removing the family of files associated with that document. One of the notable oversights in Ventura's design is
that the program provides no easy way to delete a chapter
and all its files. You'll have to do it using DOS commands.
• If you begin working with long documents or documents
that include multiple graphics, you'll probably run into difficulty at some point getting a chapter to load. In that situation, a potential solution (described in detail in the tips at
the end of this chapter) is to rename or move certain files
associated with the chapter .


Underlying Concepts
The key concept underlying Ventura's design is that a desktop
publishing program should act as a hub for other programs, rather
than being an all-powerful megaprogram. Hence Ventura does
not replace existing tools such as word processors and graphic
programs; instead, it provides avenues for you to import existing
text files and pictures into the program. This "don't reinvent the
wheel" philosophy is key to understanding the function of Ventura's chapter and style sheet files .

• Every Document is a Family of Files
Like Ventura, other desktop publishing programs merge graphics
and text, but typically they merge the various files into one im-


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

mense document file. Ventura's approach (and one of the keys to
its remarkable speed) is to keep all the files separate, but to manage them as a coordinated group. Thus every document is a
family of files. At the head of the family is the chapter file (CHP),
which contains pointers to the location and contents of the other
files. The categories and extensions of the other files shepherded
by the chapter file is shown in Figure 7-1.


The Chapter Flle
The job of the chapter file is to act as master of ceremonies for the
document. It contains pointers that keep track of the following:
• The text and graphics files that make up the contents of a
• The style sheet file, in which Ventura stores the names of all
the tags and the formatting information associated with each
• The files generated by Ventura itself to store the contents of
captions and headers, internally generated graphics, and
other internal information.
Because Ventura's chapter file merely contains pointers to other
files, rather than absorbing them into one enormous master program, you can continue to edit and change those files even after
you have merged them to create a Ventura document. No matter
how much you scale or distort a graphic within the Ventura document, the graphics file itself remains completely unaltered. Text
files are altered somewhat, in that Ventura inserts the names of
tags as well as codes for character attributes such as boldface.
Generally speaking, the changes Ventura makes in original text
files do not get in the way of reusing the same files when you
have to revise the document - a real boon if you are creating
manuals that need to be periodically updated.
Another real benefit of Ventura's use of the chapter file as the hub
is that the text, graphics, and style sheet files used for a document
need not all be located in a single directory on the hard disk. The

Chapter 7: Managing Files


chapter file keeps track of the other files not only by name but by
location. Thus, you might use one picture for several different
documents, or apply the same style sheet to two different chapters .


The Style Sheet File
Style sheet files, identifiable by their STY extension, are devoted
mainly to storing the attributes of tags. In addition to storing tag
specifications, the style sheet file contains the page size and
orientation, widow and orphan settings, autonumbering settings,
footnote settings, and margin and column settings for the underlying page.
Each chapter uses one style sheet - you can't have more than
one style sheet attached to a single chapter at a time, even if the
chapter comprises several text files. On the other hand, you can
switch style sheets after you have formatted a chapter.


INF Files
While the chapter and style sheet files are the two main files
created by Ventura when you layout a document, a third set of
files should also be noted. These files include VP.lNF or VPWIN.lNF (depending on whether you are using the DOS/GEM or
Windows version), EGAFSTR.lNF or VGAFSTR.INF (depending
on whether you are using EGA or VGA screen fonts), and
EGAFHDR.INF or VGAFHDR.INF (also depending on the type of
screen fonts). All INF files are stored in the \ VENTURA directory.
Have you noticed that Ventura always remembers what preferences you have for whether a ruler is shown on the screen, what
directory you last looked into to find a graphics file, or whether
pictures are shown or hidden? Even if you quit the program, load
it again, and choose a different chapter to work on, those settings
will remain in force. Keeping track of the myriad of user-selectable options is the job of the INF files.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

While the VP.INF or VPWIN.INF file contains most of the information on user-selectable defaults, EGAFSTRINF and VGAFHDRINF
contain information about screen fonts.
The main reason to know about the INF files is that deleting
VP.INF, VPWIN.INF, or EGAFSTRINF can "cure" certain maladies
that occasionally can strike your chapters. These problems and
their cures are described in Chapter 30, "Voodoo Tricks."

Tip ~1--------------------------------------

Loading Troublesome Chapters
by Deleting the VP.INF or
Sometimes the data in a chapter will become contaminated,
causing it to repeatedly crash or fail to load. When this happens,
try deleting the VP.lNF, VPPROFINF, or VPWlN.lNF file from your
Ventura directory. Although this will have the effect of deleting
your preferences for onscreen ruler, current printer, etc., it will
probably solve the problem you are having with your chapter.
(For more details on dealing with chapters that crash or fail to
load, see Chapter 30, ((Voodoo Tricks.")

Tip ~2--------------------------------------

Recovering Large Screen Fonts by
On occasion Ventura appears to lose your large screen fonts.
When this happens, the type in large titles will be displayed by
smaller fonts. The reason for the problem is that Ventura did not
have enough memory available for its screen font buffer, perhaps
because too much memory was being taken up by a very large
chapter or by a memory-resident utility. The problem is most
likely to occur if you are using VGA screen fonts, since these take
up more memory than EGA screen fonts. The solution is to delete

Chapter 7: Managing Files


the EGAFSTR.lNF or VGAFSTR.lNF file from your Ventura directory. After you have done that, your large screen fonts will work
again. (For more details on recovered large screen fonts, see
Chapter 30, "Voodoo Tricks. ''J

Tip ~3-------------------------------------

Saving Multiple Default
(DOS/GEM version)
Let's say that two people are sharing Ventura on one computer,
and each has a different set of defaults that he or she wants to
use. Or suppose that sometimes you want one set of fonts, and
sometimes you want another.
In the DOS/GEM version, the way to maintain two or more default configurations is to use your word processor to add the
following switch at the end of the VPBAT file: /I=DIRECTORY,
where DIRECTORY stands for any subdirectory you care to name.
You then give this edited batch file a new name, like VPl.BAT or
JANE.BAT and use the command VP 1 or JANE to start Ventura
whenever you want to use the alternate configuration. For example, jane's batch file, JANE.BAT might look like this:

For more details on editing the VPBAT file, see AppendiX A of the
Ventura manual.

Tip ~4--------------------------------------

Saving Multiple Default
(Windows version)
Let's say that two people are sharing Ventura on one computer,
and each has a different set of defaults that he or she wants to


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

use. Or suppose that sometimes you want one set of fonts, and
sometimes you want another.
In the Windows version, you'll need to use the Windows Program
Manager to modify the Ventura startup command. Within Windows, switch to the Program Manager (by pressing Alt-Esc) and
open up the group that contains the Ventura icon. Usually it is
the Applications group. Click once on the Ventura icon, then
select Properties from the File menu. Next to Description, it should

Next to Command Line, it should read

Change this line so that it reads
C: \ VENTURA \ VPWIN. EXE II=directory

where directory stands for the subdirectory where you want to
save the VPWlN.lNF file .


The PUB File
Most documents consist of a single chapter. At times, however,
you may want to group chapters together to take advantage of
Ventura's multichapter capabilities (sequential numbering, indexing, automatic table of contents). In that case, you'll work with the
Multichapter selection of the Options menu to create a publication (PUB) file. Note that you don't have to create a publication
file every time you generate a document with more than one
chapter. You can simply print one chapter at a time. As long as
you're not interested in automatic number, indexing, and table of
contents generation, you'll have no need to create a publication
file .


Other Files
Here are some of the other files that Ventura automatically
generates as it formats a document:

Chapter 7: Managing Files


• Caption files (CAP extension). These store not only text entered into captions, but also headers, footers, empty frames,
and text boxes.
• Backup files ($** extension). These files are automatically
created by Ventura as you work on a chapter. They are useful for reconstructing your document if the system locks up
or crashes.
• Generated files (GEN extension). These are text files created
by Ventura when you use the program's capability to generate an index or a caption .
• Print files (COO extension). This type of file is created on
your hard disk when you direct Ventura to print to a file
rather than sending information directly to the printer. It allows you to create documents on a computer that lacks an
attached printer. Later, you can print the file by typing
COpy filename.COO LPT1:

• Ventura Graphics files (VGR extension). These store graphics that you create using Ventura's graphics tools.

Tip ~5---------------------------------------

Renaming Backup Files
Using a backup file is easy. Just rename it so that the $ is replaced
by the appropriate letter. For example, $AP files become CAP files,
$IF files become CIF files, and $GRfiles become VGRfiles.

Tip ~6--------------------------------------

Controlling the Size of Print Files
If coo files

include downloaded fonts, they may well exceed the
size of even a 1.2MB floppy disk. To keep them at a manageable
size, avoid including downloaded fonts. Using Add/Remove Fonts
from the Options menu, make sure that all the fonts in your
document are deSignated as Resident. When you go to the typesetting service bureau with your print file, inform them that they


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

will have to download these fonts .


Pros and Cons
At this point it may already seem to you that Ventura's way of
splitting documents up into numerous files is needlessly complicated. The obvious question is: Why not simply have all the parts
of a document combined into one single document file?
As noted above, that is the method used by PageMaker and many
other desktop publishing programs. From the standpoint of easily
keeping track of things the method clearly has its merits. Ventura's
scheme, however, has these advantages:
• It is one of the major factors accounting for the program's

unrivaled speed.
• It allows files to be modified after they have been merged

together in a document. Since text and graphics files remain
separate and remain in their original formats, you can make
a small change in a drawing or a chart at the eleventh hour,
or continually update a manual even after you've laid it out.
But while Ventura's family-style way of dealing with files has its
distinct benefits, it also places a burden on you to organize your
hard disk in such a way that all those files don't lead to utter
chaos. We'll now turn, therefore, to a review of the tools at your
disposal for handling files, and to some suggestions regarding an
architecture for organizing those files on your hard disk.


Refresher on DOS
If you've avoided until now the chore of learning how directories,
paths, extensions, and filters work, you'll need to acquaint yourself with these terms as well as several DOS commands.
The DOS operating system provides a simple method for organizing computer files. At the highest level of organization are the
floppy and hard disk drives used by your system, which are as-

Chapter 7: Managing Files


signed letters, followed by a colon. Normally drives A and Bare
floppy disk drives. Drive C is normally a hard disk drive. Since
DOS cannot handle drives larger than 32MB, a 40MB hard disk is
typically partitioned into drive C and drive D. In addition, a block
of RAM can be set up to appear to the system as a very fast drive;
this is normally drive E.
Each drive, such as C or D, may contain files and directories. Each
directory may in turn contain additional subdirectories or files.
Any file can be described in terms of the directory and subdirectories in which it is located, and this is known as the path to the
file. Files are further identified by their names (up to eight characters) and an extension of three characters, which typically describes the type of program that created the file.

• Creating Directories
To create a new directory on drive C, let's say NEWDOCS, you
type the following from the DOS prompt:

You can also do this within Ventura (DOS/GEM version) via the
DOS File Ops option in the Files menu. To create the NEWDOCS
file from Ventura, execute the following steps:
• From the File menu, select the DOS File Ops option.
• Backspace across the existing File Spec and type

In the Windows version, you have two options for creating new
directories. One is to switch to the Main Menu of the Program
Manager by pressing Alt-Esc, and then clicking twice on the DOS
icon or the File Manager icon. If you decide to go the File Manager route, you can create directories from the File menu.
In both versions of Ventura, removing directories is similar to
creating directories. Remember, though, that before you can delete a directory you must first delete all the files in the directory.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Once you have created a directory, you can create a subdirectory
within that directory. To create the subdirectory C:\NEWDOCS
\MARCH from the DOS prompt, you type
Alternatively, you can use Ventura's DOS File Ops or the Windows File Manager. Remember that you can't create the subdirectory C: \NEWDOCS\MARCH until you have created the directory

• Paths, Filters, and Wildcards
No matter which version of Ventura you use, it's useful to understand the concepts of paths, filters, and wildcards. In DOS, a path
is simply a sequence of directory names, separated by a backslash
C\). It's purpose is to indicate the location of a file. For example,
consider the following:
In this expression, C:\NEWDOCS\MARCH is the path. The expression means that on the C drive there is a directory called
\NEWDOCS, within which there is a directory called \ MARCH,
within which there is a file called LETTERl.DOC.
If you wanted to know the names of all the DOC files in the
MARCH directory, you could use the asterisk wildcard as follows:
If you wanted to know the names of all the DOC files in the
MARCH directory that ended with the extension DOC or TOe,
you could type
Notice the use of the question mark as a wildcard. Whereas the
asterisk can stand for any number of characters, the question
mark substitutes for a single character. Thus, it provide a more
precise way of locating files.

Chapter 7: Managing Files

Figure 7-2: In
Windows version's
dialog boxes, directories are listed on
the right and files
in the current path
are listed on the
left. Thefilter is
shown on top and
the path is shown
on the right.



File Name:



Any expression that uses wildcards to limit the number of files
being show is called a filter. For example, when you select Open
Chapter from Ventura's File menu, Ventura automatically uses the
filter *.CHP, so that only chapter files will be listed. In the Windows Ventura dialog box shown in Figure 7-2, the path (c:\document) is shown above the list on right. That list tells you all the
directories that are contained within c: \ document as well as containing [.. ], [a], and [c]. If you select [.. ], Ventura will take you one
level higher on the path, in other words, to the root directory of
the C drive. Alternatively, you can click directly on [a] or [c] to go
directly to the root directories of those drives.
Unlike the Windows version, the DOS/GEM version doesn't provide separate lists of directories and files within the current path.
Instead, it shows both directories and files in one list. You can tell
the two apart because Ventura puts a diamond (.) in front of
directory names (see Figure 7-3). In addition, file names usually,
though not always, have an extension, while directory names
usually do not.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition



Directory: D:\TYPESET\*,CJIl

Directory: D:\*,ClfJ


8BRO-P3 ,DIl
8IftIJ-P1 ,CIfI
DAi-P3 ,Ctfl
&HEWS -P2 ,DIl

Selection: ~,_


! Cancel!

+11 __ ,_
• CCPIH_,_
• FIffAl_,_
• ttOOlETR, + rtWSlTR_,_
• PClPAK_,_

+ REPlIU2_,_



Directory: D:\*,CHP

Directory: A:\*,CfII


• c:
• D:

! Cancel!

! Cancel!

Selection: ~,_




! Cancel I

Directory: A:\*,CIfl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Selection: HARDtlARE,CtIlj

Figure 7-3: This sequence shows the use



of the Backup Button (.) to change
directories and select a file. Once the
correct file is shown on the Selection line,
you can select it by clicking on OK or
pressing Enter.

Chapter 7: Managing Files



The Backup Button (DOS/GEM Version)
Many DOS operations, especially searches for files using filters,
can actually be conducted from within Ventura. Whenever you
load a text file, a chapter, a style sheet, or an illustration, you can
save a great deal of time if you learn to use Ventura's easy "stepladder" method of climbing up and down directory hierarchies.
The method, which can be used in any dialog box that contains a
Directory line on top and a Selection line on the right, is shown in
Figure 7-3.
Let's say you're looking for a chapter file (one with the CHP
extension) but aren't sure where it is located on the hard disk. Do
the following steps:
• From the File menu, select Open Chapter. Notice that Ventura automatically displays the *.CHP filter on the Directory
• Place the cursor on the small black square, known as the
Backup Button, in the corner of the scrolling list. As shown
in Figure 7-3, each time you click on the Backup Button,
you move one rung up the ladder; i.e., one level upward in
the hierarchy of directories. After you click on it once or
twice, the scrolling box will list the drives on your system A, B, C, etc.
The diamond in front of the A, B, and C indicates that these are
directories, not files. Now you can climb back down the directory
hierarchy and see the contents of a particular drive.



Select the drive on which you installed Ventura. In most
cases that will be drive C.
The scrolling box will now list all the directories in the C
drive, as well as all the files in the root directory of the C
drive that have the CHP extension.
Select the TYPESET directory. The scroll bar now displays
the list of chapter files in that directory.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

• You can now select a chapter from that list. The name will
appear in the Selection line at the right. You can now
choose that file by pressing Enter or selecting OK.


Hands Off \ TYPESET
When you install Ventura, two directories are automatically
created on your hard disk: \ VENTURA and \ TYPESET. The former
contains all the program files and fonts, the latter the sample
chapter files and style sheets.
You'll find yourself frequently using the style sheets provided with
the program, since it's generally easier to modify an existing style
sheet than to create one from scratch for the specific sorts of
documents you are formatting. Be careful, however, to always
save a modified style sheet under a new name. Also, it's highly
recommended that you save the modified style sheet in a directory other than \ TYPESET, as described below.
By renaming style sheets before you save them, you'll preserve
the original style sheets for future use. If, however, you have
already modified one of those style sheets and wish to restore the
original version to the \ TYPESET directory, you can copy it from
the Examples disk.


Two Organization Strategies
As I mentioned above, it's not a wise idea over the long run to
save the chapters and style sheets you create in the TYPESET
directory. Doing so will very quickly cause the number of files in
that directory to grow to an unmanageable size and cause real
problems later when you have to move files off your hard disk.
Therefore, you need to develop an effective structure for files on
your hard disk so that you can easily locate the family of files that
makes up each chapter. Of course, no single method of organizing a hard disk is appropriate for every type of work. I'll suggest

Chapter 7: Managing Files


two here; you may find others that work better for your needs.
The point is to have a deliberate system .


Plan I: A File Strategy for Short Documents
Perhaps the simplest way of avoiding confusion on your hard disk
is by means of the following method:
• Create a directory on your hard disk to contain all your Ventura documents;
• Within that directory, create a unique subdirectory to hold
all the files associated with a particular chapter.
This method is good for fairly short documents - i.e., those consisting of a single chapter. This applies to forms, business reports,
short technical manuals, and newsletters. Later in this chapter,
we'll cover a different method that is suitable for longer documents, such as books and technical manuals.
Figure 7-4 illustrates the first method. On the hard disk, the directory that holds all the Ventura documents is \ VPDOCS. Within
that directory, a subdirectory is created to hold each new chapter.
These subdirectories are given names that identify the type of
document within. For example: \FORMl, \ FORM2, \BKl, \BK2,
\ BK3, \ BK8, etc. If necessary, you might set up even more levels.
Within each subdirectory are all the files associated with a given
chapter: document files, a chapter file, caption files, a style sheet
file, image files, etc.
One big benefit of isolating all the files associated with a document is that it automatically provides protection for the style used
with that document. Otherwise, if you alter a tag within one publication, perhaps to make the text fit the needs of that document's
pagination, you will also affect any other publications you have
saved that share the same style sheet.
Another benefit of the one-chapter-per-subdirectOlY principle is
that it allows you to easily move documents from one system to


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

another or to take documents off the hard disk for floppy disk
archiving when more room needs to be created on the hard disk.
Here are the specific steps to implement the system I've described
• From the DOS prompt, create a directory for all your Ventura documents. Type

• Before beginning work on a document with Ventura, create
a new directory to hold the document. For example, if the
document is a report, type

Copy all text and graphics files into the document directory.
• After you enter Ventura, load the master style you want to
use from the \ TYPESET directory by selecting Load Diff.



Directory for


(each contains
one chapter)


Contents of



Figure 7-4: A suggested directory structure for Single-chapter documents such as
newsletter:,~ form:,~

and directories.

Chapter 7: Managing Files


Style from the File menu. Place the cursor on the Directory
line, press Escape to remove the entry that is already there,
and type
to see the list of styles. Select the style you want to use as
the master template for this document. With that style showing on the Selection line, select OK or press Enter.
• Select Save As New Style from the File menu. Place the cursor on the Directory line, press Escape to clear the line, and

Then on the Selection line type

and select OK.
• From the File menu, select Save As. Enter

on the Directory line. On the Selection line type

and select OK.
If you follow the above steps, each chapter you create will have
its own unique directory, containing all the text and graphics files
associated with that chapter, along with all the files generated by
Ventura itself.


Plan IT: A File Strategy for Long Documents
Now let's consider a different procedure that is more appropriate
for long documents containing many chapters. It is illustrated in
Figure 7-5. In this method you still create a new directory for each
document, but not for each chapter of that document. Instead,
within the document directory you create a subdirectory for all
text files, a subdirectory for all graphics files, and a subdirectory
for all style sheets and chapter files. Other files generated by
Ventura will automatically be stored with the chapter files.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition



subdirectories for
chapter (and
Interna/), style,
picture, and text

style sheet,
and Ventura

Figure 7-5: A suggested directory structure for mulitple-chapter documents such as books

and technical manuals .


Archiving and Transferring Documents
Often it is necessary to transfer all the files associated with a
document from one computer system to another. This might be
necessary, for example, if the computer used to create the document is not hooked up to a laser printer. Another task that is
frequently necessary is to archive all the files associated with a
document onto a floppy disk to clear some room on the hard
If you have stored all the files associated with a document in a
single directory unique to that document, it is a relatively simple
matter to use the DOS Copy command to transfer all the files from
that directory onto a formatted blank disk. But watch out: when
you later recopy these files onto another computer or back onto

Chapter 7: Managing Files


the same computer, they must be placed back into a directory
with the identical name. For example, if they were originally in
C:\VPDOCS\BOOK5 on computer A, they will have to be copied
into directory C:\ VPDOCS\BOOK5 on computer B.
Why is it necessary to replace them in an identical directory when
you use the DOS Copy command to move them? The reason is
that Ventura's master file, the .CHP file, keeps track of all the files
that make up a document both by name and by directory. If one
of the text files that makes up a document is moved to another
directory, the program will not be able to find it.
There's another way to transfer documents, which has the advantage of not requiring you to have the same subdirectories on
both the source and the destination computer. It is to use MultiChapter option (DOS/GEM version) or the Manage Publication
option (Windows version) .


Using Multi-Chapter or Manage Publication
for Backups
In general, moving the files for a chapter onto a floppy and then
back onto a hard disk is best done with the Multi-Chapter selection in the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Manage
Publication selection in the File menu (Windows version).
Despite its name, Multi-Chapter or Manage Publication can and
should be used even for backing up a single chapter. Its usefulness is that it automatically finds all the files associated with a
given chapter, transfers them to the new location, and alters the
pointers in the CHP file to reflect that new location.
You should use the Multi-Chapter or Manage Publication selection
no matter which direction you're going: both when you copy a
document from a hard disk onto a floppy disk, and when you
copy a document from a floppy disk onto a hard disk. Also, you
can use it to copy a document into a new directory if you reOfganize YOUf hard disk and find this necessary.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition






Set Preferences ••.
Set Ruler •.•
Set Printer Info .. .
Add/RelllolJe Fonts .. .
.. W
(olullln 6uides
All Pictures
Tabs & Returns . . T
Loose Lines

Turn (oluliln Snap Off
Turn line Snap On
Multi-Chapter ...

Save" ,
Save ~s .. ,


ReMve 'hap, , ,

Itlke TOC",
Itlke Index, ..


RenullUler" ,
CCrlY ~.1l" ,



Figure 7·6: In the DOS/GEM version, use the Multi-Chapter option for backups.


.Q.pen Chapter...


Save As ...

.load Text/Picture ...
Loa!!. Diff. Style .. .
Sa~e Style As .. .
Manage Width Table ...
Printer Setyp ...
Erint. ..

Mode: Publication
Publication Rle Operations:

mifliji,lM l~i"ij$.illlii,\(mii.ilJ liiilIKlllflfii'-ii.lM
Processing Operations:




Figure 7- 7: In the Windows version, use the Manage Publication option for backups.

Here are the steps to follow to copy all the files associated with a
chapter onto a floppy:
• DOS/GEM: From the Options menu, select Multi-Chapter
(Figure 7-6). Windows: From the File menu, select Manage
Publication (Figure 7-7) .
• Select Add Chapter in the dialog box (Figure 7-6 or 7-7).
Note: From here on out, we'll just be showing the dialog
box for the DOS/GEM version. If you're using the Windows


Chapter 7: Managing Files

version, don't worry - it looks different, but everything
works exactly the same.
• Select the appropriate Chapter file and press OK (Figure 7-8).
• The screen will now show the name of the Chapter file you
have selected, as shown in Figure 7-9. In the DOS/GEM version, you now have to click on the Chapter name. If you do
not confirm your selection by clicking on the Chapter name,
you will not be able to access the Copy All feature.
• Select Copy All (Figure 7-10).
• The screen should list as Source the letter of your hard disk,
the directory that your chapter file is in, and the name of

Director!}: (:\UB\2C·3\*.CHP_________

Figure 7-8

• m::::::::~::::::::: *. CHP







..... _.... _....._............ '_..........

Figure 7-9

Selection: FI LES




I Cancel I


::::::::::::::::::;::::::E=' 0:


c: WB\2C· 3\FILES. C Q





Save •••
Save As •••
Add Chapter .••
Relllove Chap



Make tilde>?",
Remll~ber , , ,


All ...



Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Figure 7-10





Save •••
Save As •••
Add Chapter •••
Refllove Chap
Print •..
Make TOC",
Ma~;e lnce>:",
Reml1~ber, , ,

Figure 7-11


SOURCE (frofll this file)

C:\UB\2C·3\FILES.CHP _ _ _ _ _ __

STYs & WIDs:
TeKt Files:
Graphic Files:
hage Files:

A:~'I-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

DESTINATION (to these directories)
A:\'------------A:\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A:\._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(olllllland: I Hake All Dlrectorles the Sallie As the hrst I

your chapter file, as shown in Figure 7-11. Change the first
destination point to A: \ . You can save time by selecting the
option to Make All Directories the Same. Select OK. Then sit
back and relax while Ventura copies your files .


Restoring a Chapter from a Floppy to a
Hard Disk
Restoring a chapter back onto a hard disk is similar to the above
operation, but it is a little more complicated. The steps are as


Chapter 7: Managing Files


DOS/GEM: From the Options menu, select Multi-Chapter.

Windows: From the File menu, select Manage Publication.




Select Add Chapter. The dialog box will display the drive
letter of the hard disk together with a directory name. Select
drive A.
Ventura will now display a list of the chapter files on the
floppy. Select the one you wish to copy and select OK. Now
that chapter will appear in the list. In the DOS/GEM version,
you now have to click on the chapter name to make Copy
All light up.
Select Copy All.
A dialog box will appear indicating a source and a destination. The source should be the name of your chapter file in
drive A. Type the desired location in the first line and then
select Make All Directories the Same As the First. Select OK.

Tip ~7------------------------------------

File Search Utilities (DOS/GEM)


Because the various files that make up document can be stored
in different subdirectories, you may at times find it difficult to
locate a particular file. Two handy utilities for such circumstances are WHEREIS. COM and WHIZ.EXE. Both are available
from most public domain software collections, and they're both
quite easy to use. WHIZ is reportedly much faster than WHEREIS.

The File Search Utility (Windows)
The Windows File Manager includes a handy utility for locating
any file on your hard disk. Select Search from the File menu in
File Manager. Then type the name of the file you're looking for,
using the asterisk and question mark wildcards if necessary.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Tip ~9--------------------------------------

When to Use DOS Copy Rather
Than the Multi-Chapter or
Manage Publication Option
You can save time by using the DOS Copy command to move a
chapter from one computer to another under the following conditions:

. If all the files used for the chapter are located in a single

. If that directory is the same on computers A and B.
If both conditions are met, you can simply use the command
COpy *. * to copy the contents of the directory onto a floppy disk,
and then use COpy *. * again to copy them from the floppy onto
the second computer.

Tip ~10--------------------------------------

Directory Limits
Having too many files stored in a single directory can slow your
system down dramatically. The number varies according to how
many buffers you have specified in your CONFIG.syS file and
also depends on whether you are using a disk caching program
(the latter will tend to mitigate the problem). As a rule of thumb,
however, you should avoid having more than 200 files in any
The place where you will run up against this limit most quickly is
in the directory that stores your chapter files. For example, let's
say you have created a manual that contains 35 chapters. To
store each chapter, Ventura creates a CHP file, a CIF file, and a
CAP file. It may also store one or more CEN and VCR files. On
average, you can count on there being about 5 files for each
chapter, which means that your 35 chapters actually amount to
175 files in the chapter directory. And remember: that's not

Chapter 7: Managing Files


counting text files, graphics files, and style sheet files, just files
generated by Ventura and automatically saved to the same directory as the CHP file.
The best way to avoid ending up with a directory that is too
clogged is simply to keep an eye on the number offiles, and set up
a new directory when the number gets past 150 or so .


File Management Utilities
If you use Ventura often, you'll soon find that its way of handling
files can lead to confusion. And for those working in a publication
group, with text files and even entire chapters circulating from
one computer to another, the confusion is compounded many
times over. Fortunately, three utilities, VP Manager, VP Mover, and
VPToolbox, can ride herd over your files.
VP Manager is aimed at workgroups. It is a memory-resident program that pops up from within Ventura and provides various ways
of categorizing and tracking a document as it moves through
successive stages of editing and formatting. The program is described in detail in Chapter 27, "Utilities."
VP Mover makes it easier to transfer your chapters, along with all
associated files, from one directory to another. For details, see
Chapter 27, "Utilities."
VPToolbox, keeps track of which files are associated with which
other files, deleting files that are no longer needed, and identifying files by date, time, and contents. The program is discussed at
length in Chapter 9, "Working with Style Sheets." The following
are some of the most important file management capabilities of
• Lists all the files associated with a chapter, tells where they
are located, tells how big they are, and tells how many
words are in text files;
• Lets you delete, move, or copy a chapter, including all the
text and graphics files associated with that chapter;


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

• Allows you to add comments to chapters, making it easier to
identify them at a later date without going into Ventura;
• Prints out a list of the files associated with a particular chapter.

Loading) and
Editing Text
While graphics are certainly a big part of Ventura, text is the meat
and potatoes of publishing. This chapter covers the basics of preparing text with a word processor, importing it into Ventura, and
editing it within Ventura .


Creating Text
To create text, you can use any of the most popular word processing programs. In addition, you can use Ventura's native text
editor to type text directly into a document. As of Version 3.0, the
list of word processor file formats that can be imported includes
WordPerfect 4.2, WordPerfect 5.0 and 5.1, WordStar, WordS tar UK,
Microsoft Word, MultiMate, Xerox Writer III, and XyWrite. In addi-


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Text Preparation Guidelines

Line Endings

Text Attributes

Text Attributes That Carryover
info Ventura


boldface, superscript, subscript, strikethrough, underline,
discretionary hyphen, and
nonbreaking space.


Separate paragraphs with two
carriage returns.


Import into Ventura as an
ASCII file.

Attributes That Ventura Ignores
Word Processed Text

justification, margins, centering, headers, and fonts.


Separate paragraphs with one
carriage return;
Separate paragraphs with two
carriage returns and include
@PARAFILTR ON = as the first
line of the file before importing.


Import into Ventura under the
appropriate word processor


Tab characters are carried
over, but positions set for tabs
in the word processor are not.

Table 8-1: The main rules of thumb for preparing text prior to importing it into Ventura.

Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text


tion, files in DCA (Document Content Architecture) version 2.0
can also be imported. Word processors that can produce text in
DCA format include Displaywrite III and IV, Volkswriter 3, Office
Writer, WordStar 2000, Samna Word, and Lotus Manuscript.
Unfortunately, the Windows version cannot import text directly
from Word for Windows. You have to save your Word for Windows files in ASCII or DOS Word format before importing them.

Text Limitations

Size of


2MB without EMS. If the size of the file exceeds available memory, it will be spilled
out to the hard disk (or to a RAM disk).
When this happens, you'll notice a definite reduction in performance even if the
file is smaller than 2MB.

1,000 per 16K

This is an approximate figure that depends on how much memory is taken for
other uses such as graphics.


Number of
Per Chapter

of memory



of Tags Per


The number of tags that can be included
in a style sheet is 128. This includes tags
you have created and tags generated by
Ventura. In addition if the text you are
importing includes tags that are not included In the current style sheet they too
will be counted. If the total is more than
128, the file will not be loaded.

Table 8-2: Limitations for imported files, paragraphs per chapter, and tags per chapter.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

In addition to regular word processed files, Ventura also has the
capability to load spreadsheet print files (PRN extension) directly
into tables. This feature is discussed in Chapter 11, "Tables."
Finally, Ventura can load plain ASCII text, which means that you
can format Sidekick note files, Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets, dBASE
files, and files created by other spreadsheet and database programs. Generally, converting the output of such programs into
ASCII fC?rmat is done by creating a print file,. that is, by specifying
a file on your hard disk rather than the printer itself as the printing
destination. For example, in Lotus 1-2-3, the command sequence
to create a print file is /Print File. When you create a print file,
make sure you first set your margins to zero.

Tip 8 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Importing Troublesome ASCII
Ventura refuses to import some ASCII files and instead responds
with the error message "You're trying to load a file containing a
paragraph that is larger than 8000 characters. This has corrupted memory, so quit as soon as possible." The reason for this
error message is that Ventura expects to see a single hard return
at the end of each line of an ASCII file and a double hard return
separating paragraph. But some ASCII files don't have a hard
return at the end of each line and only have a single hard return
at the end of each paragraph, leading Ventura to think that the
whole file is a Single enormous paragraph. The solution is to tell
Ventura that the file is a WordStar file.
In the case of dBASE III Plus, the way to create text for import is
to use the TO FILE option with either the REPORT command or
the LABEL command.

Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text



Attributes: Converted and Ignored
In preparing text that will later be imported into Ventura, the
following attributes in the word processed file will be automatically carried over when that file is loaded into Ventura: boldface,
superscript, subscript, strikethrough, underline, discretionary hyphen, and nonbreaking space. Discretionary hyphens are hyphens that will only be printed if they occur at a line break.
Nonbreaking spaces are spaces that will not be broken by automatic word wrap; they are used if you want to keep a particular
combination of words all on the same line.
Other formatting done using your word processing program will
not cany over once you have loaded a text file into Ventura. And
when you save the chapter containing that file, the formatting will
be lost in the original file. This implies that when you prepare text
for Ventura you shouldn't waste time setting margins, centering
headlines, and the like.
On the other hand, it is possible to embed a variety of special
formatting codes in text files, a procedure known as "preformatting." Preformatting may be appropriate in work environments
where writers and editors need to specify celtain formatting information to the production staff. By embedding the appropriate
codes in your text files, you can specify words to be printed in
boldface, for example, or lines to be bulleted. The topic of embedded codes is covered below. First, however, we need to mention a couple of peculiarities in how Ventura handles line endings
and tabs.

Tip 8 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Avoid Double Spaces
Ifyou ever took a typing course, you were probably taught to type
two spaces after every sentence. When preparing text for Ventura,
you should avoid doing so or else do a search and replace to get
rid of double spaces. The reason is that Ventura converts the first


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

space into a normal space but converts the second space into a
non-breaking space .


Line Endings
In standard ASCII format, line endings are indicated with a carriage return, the same character used by Ventura to denote the
end of a paragraph. Obviously, it wouldn't make sense for Ventura to make each line of the ASCII text file a separate paragraph,
so Ventura simply ignores any isolated carriage returns it encounters. When the program encounters two carriage returns in a
row, however, it substitutes a paragraph break. Thus, when creating an ASCII file, press Enter twice to separate your paragraphs.
With spreadsheets, you do want every line of information to constitute a separate paragraph once the file is imported into Ventura;
otherwise, separate lines would run together and wrap around
continuously rather than breaking. The solution here, after creating a print file from Lotus, is to load the file into Ventura as a
WordStar file.
Unlike ASCII, most word processor formats do not use a carriage
return to indicate a new line. Like Ventura itself, they reserve the
carriage return command to indicate new paragraphs. Thus, Ventura doesn't have to filter out solitary carriage returns from such
files. With ASCII files, it was recommended above that you press
Enter twice between each paragraph. With files in word processor
formats, that's not necessary; in fact, if your files do have two
carriage returns between every paragraph those carriage returns
will result in an extraneous blank paragraph once the file has
been imported.
Many people, of course, are in the habit of pressing Enter twice
between paragraphs in order to make the text more readable. You
can continue to do that if you embed the following command on
the first line of your text file:


with spaces both before and after the equal sign. When it en-

Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text


counters this command, Ventura will automatically replace double
carriage returns with paragraph breaks .


Beware of Tabs
Ventura does allow you to include tabs in your word processed
document. However, as discussed in Chapter 10, "Formatting
Text," tabs are handled differently by Ventura than by word
processing programs. For example, a tab placed in justified text
will be ignored. And a tab placed in unjustified text will prevent
that text from wrapping onto a second line. So, unless you need
to use them for a table or for some other special purpose, avoid
including tabs in the files you import. In particular, do not use a
tab to indent the first line of a paragraph. Instead, use the In/Outdent setting from the Alignment dialog box (in the Paragraph
menu) to set your indents.

Tip 8 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Embedding Tabs in Text Files
with <9>
If the regular tabs that you're placing in your text files don't seem
to be importing properly into Ventura, try embedding Ventura's
tab code <9> in the text files instead. if your word processor uses
five spaces for tabs, do a search and replace for each occurrence
of five spaces and replace the spaces with <9>. If the tabs still
don't work, make sure that the paragraph you're trying to place
a tab in is not justified and make sure each of the tabs is turned
on in the Tab Setting menu .


Dashes and Quotation Marks
Remember high school typing class, when they taught you to type
an Em dash as two hyphens? The reason was that the standard
typewriter keyboard did not include a true Em dash mark (-).


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

That deficiency has carried over to the standard computer keyboard, which also lacks an Em dash. Similarly, the keyboard lacks
true open-and-closed quotation marks.
Within Ventura's text editor, you can enter an Em dash by holding
down the Alt key while typing 197 on the numeric keypad. Alternatively, if you include the number 197 in angle brackets (like
this: <197» when you originally create the document, Ventura
will automatically replace the <197> with a dash. An even simpler
way to include an Em dash in a document is simply to type two
hyphens in the original document. Then load the document. If
you have selected "Auto-Adjustments: " and - -" (or Both) under
Set Preferences in the Options (DOS/GEM version) or Edit (Windows version) menu, all double hyphens will be converted to Em
dashes, and all paired quotation marks will be converted to true
quotation marks. Ventura uses a special algorithm to determine
whether to convert quotation marks. Obviously, it doesn't make
any sense to convert every instance of " to true quotation marks,
since this piece of punctuation by itself is used to indicate seconds
and double primes.
According to some typographers, there should be no space on
either side of an em dash-like this. Other typographers prefer
that there be a thin space on either side -like this. If you prefer
the latter, you can use search-and-replace to embed the code for
a thin space in your document. The code is < I >, or you can insert
the thin spaces in Ventura with Ctrl-Shift-T.

Tip 8 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Makeshift Quotation Marks
Some fonts, including those that use the unextended ASCII character set and those that use Hewlett-Packard's Roman-B character set, lack true open-and-closed quotation marks. In many
cases, the following is an easy solution. For left quotation marks,
type the grave accent, located in the upper left corner of your
keyboard under the tilde (-), twice; for right quotation marks,


Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text


Figure 8-1:

Codes embedded
in text files can
contain a variety
of information. In
this example from
Microsoft Word,
code A causes
Ventura to ignore
any double
carriage returns it
finds in the
document; B is
an embedded tag
name; and C is
the code for an
open quotation
mark. Note at D
that no embedded
tag is necessary
for Body Text.




process i ng programs.

I edttudlYfI}
In addition, yot can use Ventura' ~ !169>natte text
tuype text(197)mire L 9 inLo

As of
Version 2.8, the ist of word processor file formats that
can be imported in udes WordPerfect 4.2, WordPerfect 5,8,
WordStar, WordStar U Microsoft Word, MultiMate, Xerox
Writer III, and XyWrite II and IV. In addition, files in
DCA (Document Content Arc 'tecture) version 2.8 can also be
imported. Word processors t t can produce text in DCA
format include Displaywrite I
and IV, VoIkswriter 3,
Office Writer, WordStar 2888, Sa a Word, and Lotus
-===============::::!-.===========TEXT. DOC
Microsoft Word
Pd Co38


type the apostrophe twice. Whether this works or not depends on
the typeface. In some typefaces the grave accent does not match
the apostrophe, while in others it does .


Embedding Formatting Information
Embedded formatting is a topic that you don't need to concern
yourself with while you are learning Ventura. At first, you can
simply create your text with your word processing program and
do all the formatting within Ventura. However, after you become
proficient at formatting within Ventura, you may decide to explore the possibilities for embedding special formatting codes in
your original text files. There are two possible reasons for using
embedded formats:
• In organizations where one work group prepares text and a
different work group lays it out with Ventura, embedded


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Embedded Codes
Breaks and Spaces
Line Break ......................................................................................... 
Discretionary Hyphen ...................................................................... <->
Non-Breaking Space ...................................................................... 
Thin Space ....................................................................................... < I >
Figure Space ................................................................................... <+>
En Space .......................................................................................... <->
Em Space ......................................................................................... <_>
Tab .................................................................................................... <9>

Character Attributes
Boldface ........................................................................................... 
Italics .................................................................................................. 
Medium Weight ............................................................................. 
Light Weight ......................................................................................
Small ................................................................................................. 
Underline .......................................................................................... 
Double Underline ............................................................................ <=>
Overscore ....................................................................................... <0>
Superscript ....................................................................................... < A >
Subscript ........................................................................................... 
Color Index (where 0 is white, 1 black, 2 red,
3 green, 4 blue, 5 cyan, 6 yellow, 7 magenta) ....................... 
Reset to Original Color ............................................................ 
Turn Off Special Attributes ............................................................. 
Typeface (where n is the typeface ID number) ....................... 
Reset to Original Typeface .......................................................
Baseline Jump ............................................................................... 
Kerning/Tracking ........................................................................ 
End Kerning .................................................................................
Point Size ........................................................................................ 
Return to Original Point Size .................................................... 

Table B-3: These codes can be used to format text with a word proce!!.'Sor prior to importing.

Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text


Special Codes
Footnote ................................................................... <$Ftext of footnote>
Picture Anchor (same page) .................................. <$&anchor name>
Picture Anchor (below) ....................................... <$&anchor name[v»
Picture Anchor (above) ...................................... <$&anchor name[J\»
Picture Anchor (automatic) ................................. <$&anchor name[-»
Hidden Text ................................................................................ <$!text>
Hollow Box .................................................................................... <$BO>
Filled Box ....................................................................................... <$Bl>
Current Chapter Number ..................................................... <$R[C#»
Current Page Number ........................................................... <$R[P#»
Fraction ......................................................... <$Enumerator/denominator>
Fraction ................................................ <$Enumerator over denominator>
Index ............. <$Primary[Primary sort);Secondary[Secondary sort»

Table B-3 (continued)

formatting may provide a way of giving the first work group
a larger role in formatting text.
• Embedding codes, especially with the aid of a keyboard
macro program, is frequently faster than doing the formatting within Ventura .

• Tags
To apply a tag to a paragraph, type the @ sign, then the name of
the tag, then a space, then the = sign, then another space. Note:
the @ sign must be in the first line and column of the paragraph.
Figure 8-1 shows an example of a text file with embedded tags .

• Breaks and Spaces
To force a line break, insert  at the point where you want the
line break to occur. To insert a discretionary hyphen, insert <->.
For other codes, see Table 8-3.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

• Character Attributes
Character attributes include bold, italic, medium, small, superscript, subscript, underline, double underline, strikethrough, and
overscore. The codes for such attributes are shown in Table 8-3.
Note that any time you want to return to the default character
attributes, you embed the code . For example, if you have
formatted a word in bold with , you end the bold passage
with the code , not with a second .

• Special Codes
You can embed formatting information for footnotes, anchors,
hidden text, boxes, and other special features. See Table 8-3.

• Nonkeyboard Characters
Only those characters in the ASCII range below 127 are displayed
on the keyboard, yet Ventura's International character set, which
is the character set used by the fonts provided with Ventura as
well as by many other fonts, includes characters numbered from
128 to 255. These include symbols needed by European alphabets, graphics symbols, typographic symbols, and special symbols. To embed a nonkeyboard character in text, insert its ASCII
code within angle brackets. For example, to insert the © sign,
insert <189> at the appropriate place in your text. A list of codes
is provided in Table 8-4.
If you want to use symbols from the Symbol font or ITC Zapf
Dingbats, you'll also have to embed a code that causes Ventura to
switch to that font «F128> for the Symbol font,  for ITC
Zapf Dingbats), then embed the code for the character you want
(see Tables 8-5 and 8-6), then the code to return Ventura to the
default font «F255».
For example, the code to embed the character efe, which is character number 135 in the Symbol font, is <135>.


Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text

Ventura International Character Set



































Table 8-4: The code assignments for the nonkeyboard characters of Ventura's International
character set. To embed these characters in a file prior to importing the file into Ventura,
type the code number in angle brackets. For example, to insert :f: in text, type <186>. Once
the file is loaded into Ventura, you can embed a nonkeyboard character into text by
holding down the Alt key while typing the code on the numeric keypad. For example, to
insert :f: from within Ventura, type Alt-186.


Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition

Symbol Font Character Set






























<= ft => ~ 0 ( ® © I ( I \ r I l r ~ L I • ) J r I J \ I } 1 I 135 136 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition ITC Zapf Dingbats Font Character Set 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ~ (@ ~ ~ 'U' (() @ »- .. ~ ~ ~ Jl:JJ ~ Ii§> @? ~ ~ .t t/ X X X )( + + + 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 -:t 'if t ffi ¢ + + + + • ~ * *0 * "* * * "* * * * ** * * 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 * * • • * * * * 0 'i> 0 0 * * * * * ,!E Z~ * •* *~ 0 • 0 0 0 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 0 ... ~ •.:. •I I I • ! " ~ !T t ! • • 'i ~ + • • ~ CD Table 8-6: The fTC Zapj Dingbats Character Set. To use this character set, you need a PostScript printer or a LaserMaster enhancement board jor the HP Laserjet. Note that there are no symbols a::,-sociated with ASCII 127, 128, and 208. Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 @ @ @ @ ® ® ® ® @ 0 @ @) e ~ - • • c) ¢ 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 ~ ~ t::> t:> 0 0 ~ :a» .,. :D+ ¢ ~ :a» ~ 137 138 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip~5------------------------------------ An Easy Way to Figure out Embedded Codes If you want to embed formatting codes in your text with your word processor, but aren't sure how to set up the codes, format some text in Ventura and save it, then load the file back into your word processor. Make a note of the codes or save them as word processor macros. Tip~6-------------------------------------- Rules about Embedded Codes Here are four rules to gUide you in using embedded codes: 1. Two codes can be combined. For example) can be compressed to . 2. Any new text attribute series cancels out all previous attributes. 3. The code returns the text to the default attributes. 4. All attributes return to the defaults at the end of a paragraph, even without . •:. Loading Text Once you have created a text file using your word processor (or by generating a report file or print file with your database program or spreadsheet), you can load the file into Ventura. The procedure for loading text files into Ventura is as follows: • Select frame mode. • Create a frame on a Ventura page, or select the base page. • Select Load Text/Picture from the File menu. • Select the appropriate file type in the Load Text/Picture dialog box. Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 139 • Select List of Files as the destination. • Using the Item Selector, select the text file. For a detailed explanation of the Item Selector, see Chapter 7, "Managing Files." • The text file will now be listed in the list of files. To load it into the base page or into a frame, click on the page or the frame, then select the name of the file from the Assignment List. If the file is not immediately loaded onto the page, select frame mode, select the frame you wish to load it into and again select the name of the file . •:. Text Destinations You can specify three different locations into which to load text. Normally, you'll select List of Files, which places the text file in the Assignment List, ready for loading onto the page . • Text Clipboard If you select Text Clipboard, the file will be loaded into the same location in memory that Ventura uses to store text after you use the Copy Text and Cut Text options in the Edit menu, or after you press the Del key. Once it is inthe Text Clipboard, the text can be inserted at the text cursor position by pressing Ins or by selecting Paste Text from the Edit menu . • Text Cursor The third destination, Text Cursor, lets you immediately merge the text from one file into the text from another. When you select this option, you won't see the name of the file in the Assignment List, and when you load your original file into your word processor, you'll find that the two have been merged. This option has numerous uses, one of which is explained in the following tip. 140 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 8-7--------------------------------------- Chaining Text Files Together By loading a text file into the cursor position at the very end of a chapter, you can chain two text files together within a single chapter. If you also create a tag that contains a Page Break Before and use it to mark the first paragraph of the second file, you can in effect create a multichapter document within a single chapter. For many medium-length documents, this may be more convenient that creating separate chapters and then joining them into a publication. Tip 8 - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Loading Text from WordPerfect A trio of utility programs, called WP2VP, VP2WP, and TAGTeam, are available for assisting the work of formatting text in WordPerfect and then loading it into Ventura. WP2VP gets rid of double spaces at the end of sentences, converts WordPerfect's own footnote commands to Ventura format, and performs other related tasks; VP2WP does just the opposite: it strips Ventura codes from your file, replacing them with the equivalent WordPerfect formatting codes for such things as centering and bold text. TA GTeam automatically converts WordPerfect formats into their Ventura equivalents. For details on these programs, see Chapter 27, ((Utilities. " .:. Loading Worksheet Data There are a variety of tools and methods for loading worksheet data into Ventura documents and formatting it. With most of these methods, you start by setting the margins of the worksheet to 0 and then printing your worksheet to a file (the exception is XVP ITabs, which lets you load WKS files without first creating a print file). The reason you have to print to a file is that Lotus WKS files Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 141 can't be loaded directly into Ventura. Having created the print file, you have several options . • Ventura (older versions) If you are using an older version of Ventura that lacks the PRN-toTable feature (2.0 base version or earlier), you can select XyWrite format and load the print file into a blank chapter or into an empty frame in a formatted chapter. Since the columns in the print file are separated by spaces rather than tabs, they won't align properly if formatted with a proportional font. Note: Helvetica and Swiss are proportional fonts - Courier is not. You'll have to manually delete all the spaces and insert tabs to separate the columns, a time-consuming process . • Using a Worksheet-Conversion Utility Manually replacing all the spaces between worksheet columns with tabs is only practical for a very small worksheet. What you need is a tool to make the process automatic. Fortunately, several such tools are available: CONVERTD: This is a program on the Microsoft Word utilities disk. To prepare a file for CONVERTD, first print your worksheet to disk. To use CONVERTD, you must enter the name of an input file, an output file, a list of the column widths of the spreadsheet, and a delimiter character (Tab). CONVERTD also lets you indicate a list of the rows you wish to convert, and this can be any combination of rows and columns, for example: rows 5, 8, and 16-22. When the program prompts you for the type of file, select the second option (delimited text file).' Tabin and XVP/Tabs: These are two commercial utilities specifically designed to prepare worksheets for importing into Ventura. Besides converting the spaces between columns to tabs, they provide a number of additional features such as adjusting the placement of dollar signs and parentheses around numbers according 142 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition to accounting conventions. For details on these programs, see Chapter 27, "Utilities." • PRN-to-Table If you select PRN-to-Table as the text import format, Ventura will automatically create a table to hold your worksheet data. You can then easily adjust the formatting of the table using standard tableediting techniques. If you want to load the worksheet into a separate frame, select "List of Files" for your destination. If you want to place the worksheet directly into your text, select "Text Cursor." Obviously, the PRN-to-Table feature doesn't give you all the formatting extras that a utility such as Tabin or XVP ITabs has to offer. If you frequently import worksheet data, you may well find that such a program is well worth the investment. .:. Ventura's Text Editor Having loaded a text file into Ventura, you can alter it using Ventura's internal text editor, which is activated when you select the text mode. Note that any changes made using Ventura's text editor will be reflected in your original text file, so if you want to preserve the original version of that file, be sure to make a copy before editing it with Ventura. The operation of Ventura's text editor is simple and intuitive. To insert text, you place the cursor in the desired spot, click once to insert the text editing cursor, and begin typing. You can move the text editing cursor by using the keyboard cursor keys. FOlward deletion is done with the Del key, backward deletion with the Backspace key. To highlight a block of text you hold down the mouse button while dragging it across the desired text. Alternatively, you place the text cursor at one end of the block, then move the mouse cursor to the other end and hold down the Shift key while clicking. Blocks can be cut or copied to the Text Clipboard by pressing Del or Shift-Del respectively, and text in the Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 143 Ventura's Text Editing Operations DEL - Deletes one character to the right of the cursor. Or, if you have selected a passage by dragging a cursor across it, the Del key places the selected passage in the scrap (i.e., saves it for later insertion). You can use this for moving blocks of text. INS - Inserts material from the scrap at the cursor point. BACKSPACE - Deletes one character to the left. CURSOR KEYS - Once you have clicked the mouse while the cursor is within a passage of text, a separate text cursor appears on the screen (a thin vertical line). You can move this with the cursor keys. HOME AND END - Move you to the first or last page of the document. PGUP AND PGDN - Move you to the previous page or the next page. ENTER - Starts a new paragraph. CTRL-ENTER - Inserts a line break (i.e., starts a new line without starting a new paragraph). Table B-7: Ventura's Text Editing Operations. CTRL-HYPHEN - Inserts a discretionary hyphen. CTRL-SPACEBAR - Inserts a nonbreaking space. CTRL-SHIFT-F - Inserts a figure space (the width of a numeral in the current font). CTRL-SHIFT-N - Inserts an En space (11.2 the width of an Em space). CTRL-SHIFT-M - Inserts an Em space (measured as the same size as the current font; for example, in 12-point text an Em space measures 12 pOints in width, or 1/6 inch). CTRL-SHIFT-[ or CTRL-SHIFT-] Inserts a left or right quotation mark. CTRL-[ - Inserts an En dash CTRL-] - Inserts an Em dash. CTRL-SHIFT-T - Inserts a thin space. CTRL-SHIFT-C - Inserts ©. CTRL-SHIFT-R - Inserts ®. CTRL-SHIFT-2 - Inserts TM. 144 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Clipboard can be inserted into a different location by pressing Ins. Table 8-7 summarizes these and other text operations. Tip 8-9-------------------------------------- The Ellipsis Character... There's a special character in most fonts for typing the ellipsis marks. Use this character (by holding down the Alt key while typing 193 on the numeric keypad) instead of typing three periods. • Inserting Boxes Many fonts lack the hollow box ( D) and filled box ( . ) characters, so Ventura makes them universally available from the Insert Special Item option of the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Text menu (Windows version). When you insert them, the boxes take on the font attributes of the tag for that paragraph. To change their size, you can highlight them and use Set Font. To delete a box, place the cursor to the left of it so that the words Box Character are displayed in the Current Selection Box. Then press Del. • Inserting Fractions To create a fraction, select Insert Special Item from the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Text menu (Windows version) and select Equation (or Fraction, for the non-EMS version). The equation editing screen will appear. Type the fraction in the form 15 / 16 for a diagonal fraction such as 15/16, or as 15 over 16 for an over-under fraction such as (!~). Then press Ctrl-D to return to the page. The fraction will appear in your text. Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 145 Tip 8 - 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adjusting Interline Spacing for Fractions If you use over-under factions (like ~), make sure you turn on Grow Inter-Line To Fit in the Paragraph Typography menu . • Inserting Page and Chapter Numbers You can set up Ventura to automatically place the current page number anywhere on the page. The procedure differs depending on which version of the program you're using: • In the non-EMS version, place the cursor in the desired position in your text, select Ins Special Item from the Edit menu, then select Insert Reference. Select either Page # or Chapter #, and Ventura will automatically make the insertion. • In the Professional Extension, place the cursor in the desired position in the text, select Ins Special Item from the Edit menu, then select Cross Ref. A dialog box will appear. Don't type anything on the line that says At the Name. Select p# for page number or C# for chapter number. The other options (F#, T#, S*, C*, and V*) do not apply for this purpose. • In the Windows version, place the cursor in the desired position in the text, select Ins Special Item from the Text menu, then select Cross Ref. A dialog box will appear. Don't type anything on the line that says At the Name. Select P# for page number or C# for chapter number. The other options (F#, T#, S*, C*, and V*) do not apply for this purpose . •:. Formatting Words within Paragraphs Most formatting in Ventura is done by means of style sheets, which are discussed in the following chapter. A style sheet is simply a collection of tags, each of which contains the formatting 146 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition parameters for a particular type of paragraph, such as a subhead or a caption. Tags, however, are of no use for formatting a single character, word, or set of words within a paragraph. To do that, you can use the Assignment List and the Set Font button (DOS/GEM version), or the Text menu and the Set Font Attributes option (Windows version) . • Assignment List When you are in text editing mode in the DOS/GEM version, the Assignment List has the entries shown on the right. These correspond to the attribute options Nor ..... a.l in the Text menu for the Windows version. To apply any of these attributes to a passage of text, you drag the mouse across the passage and then select the Superscript appropriate attribute. Note that you can apply more than one atUnd~t".l:1.n(! tribute, such as combining bold and italic to make bold italic. Doub.l~ Undt"Ln "Small" switches the font to a Stt""u smaller size (actually, you can Ove:rscore use the "Small" switch to create ~ large text as well - see below). "Upper Case" capitalizes all the characters in the selection; "Capitalize" capitalizes only the first character of each word . 1'1 •• 1 • Set Font (DOS/GEM version) Although tags apply only to entire paragraphs, you can use the Set Font option to make formatting changes within a paragraph. The procedure is as follows: • Select text mode. 147 Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text Figure 8-2: The Set Font dialog box. FOOT SETTING FOR SELECTED TEXT Face : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : IrC Franklin Gothic Book/Del1Ji IrC~Franklin Gothic Heavy : : : : : IrC Friz Quadrata .::::, IrC Galliard :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::: t II I o 1.: lta,1.ic N· Italic B· Italic e Green Blut? Cyan Yellow Ma entia CustO(ll Size: B12. sl points Overscore: Strike· Thru: Underline: Double Underline: Off I Off I Off I Off I Shift: Up Kern: looser B. BOO B.BB inches El11s • Select a passage of text by dragging the mouse cursor across it. • Select the Set Font option. • Enter the desired font settings in the dialog box shown in Figure 8-2. • Set Font Attributes (Windows version) You can use the Set Font Attributes option to make formatting changes within a paragraph. The procedure is as follows: • Select the text icon. • Select a passage of text by dragging the mouse cursor across it. • Select the Set Font Attributes option from the Text menu. • Enter the desired font settings in the dialog box. 148 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Figure 8-3: The Attribute Overrides dialog box. "Body TeHt" ~TTRIBUTE rn OUERRIDES By: BLBB picas B8,B4 Overscore Height: Strike-Thru Height: &points Underline 1 Height: 00)01 Shift ~ By: OOJB1 00,B2 Underline 2 Height: 00,01 Superscript Size: 01B Subscript Size: 010 Shift t By: OO,B6 Shift ~ By: 08,B1 SMall Cap Size: 024 points OK I Cancel I • Using Attribute Overrides A feature called Attribute Overrides lets you adjust the thickness and relative position of strikethrough lines, overscore lines, and underscore lines; the size and position of superscripts and subscripts; and the size and position of small caps. It is best described with an example. Let's say that you want all superscripts to be 10 points in size and to be 7 points above the baseline. First, in text mode you highlight the letter or letters you wish to have superscripted, then select Superscript from the Assignment List. Next, switch to tagging mode, click on the paragraph, and select Attribute Overrides from the Paragraph menu (see Figure 8-3). For line width, select Text-Wide, then enter 10 points for size of the superscript and 7 points for the amount to be shifted up. These Attribute Overrides now become a permanent part of the tag that applies to the current paragraph and any other paragraph so tagged. Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 149 Tip 8 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Column-Wide Underlining If you want text automatically to be underlined, o versco red, etc., across an entire column Oike this line) select Column-Wide in the Attribute Overrides dialog box. Tip 8 - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Using "Small Caps" for Big Letters Using Attribute Overrides, you can specify a point size for Small Caps, and Ventura will always apply that size when you select "Small" from the Assignment List (DOS/GEM) or from Set Font Attributes (Windows). For example, in this paragraph the small cap size was set at 24 points and the first letter of the paragraph was assigned the "Small" text attribute. Note that you can spec~fy a different size for small text for each tag in your style sheet . • Editing Attributes Any attributes that you apply to text are stored as hidden codes in the text. To locate the attribute codes, place the cursor in the text and watch the Current Selection Box (right above the page number box) as you move the cursor. When the cursor is located at an attribute code, the name of the attribute will appear in the Current Selection Box. To eliminate the attribute, press Del. Another way to eliminate the attribute is to highlight a portion of text and apply the Normal text attribute . •:. Creating Text within Ventura Although it is generally recommended that you create text outside Ventura with a word processing program and then import the text file into Ventura, with short documents you can simply create your text directly with Ventura's text editor. 150 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Here's how to proceed. If you've just loaded up the program, you'll be looking at a blank screen. If you're in a different chapter, select New from the File menu to get a blank screen. Now click on the text icon, click on the blank page, and start typing. When you're ready to save your document, select Save As from the File menu and give a name to the new chapter you've just created. Ventura will automatically give the text file the same name and save it in the same directory as the chapter file . •:. Caption Files Two kinds of text files are generated by Ventura itself. For every chapter that you create, Ventura creates a file with the same name as the chapter file and the extension CAP. It is somewhat misleading to refer to this as the "caption" file, since it contains not only text you enter for captions but also text you type into box text boxes and blank frames. Tip 8 - 1 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Making Global Changes in Captions, Box Text, and Frame Text This tip should only be attempted after you have backed up your CAP file. Since the CAP file is a text file, you can load it into any word processor and use such word processor features as spell checking and search and replace. This can come in especially handy ifyou want to change a single word that occurs repeatedly in a number of captions, but only minor changes should be attempted, because it is easy to alter the CAP file in such a way that all the captions, box text, andframe text will disappear from your chapter. REPEAT· BEFORE YOU EDIT A CAP FILE IN ANY WAY, MAKE A BACKUP COPY. Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text .:. 151 Generated Files This type of file is generated by Ventura when you create an index or a table of contents, or when you select Print Style Sheet in the Update Tag List option (under the Paragraph menu). In each case, Ventura creates a file with the extension GEN. You can load this file back into Ventura and format it, just like any other file. Simply select Generated as your text file type in the Load Text/Picture dialog box. To format the generated file for a style sheet, use the STYLOG style sheet in the \ TYPESET directory. Tip 8-14--------------------------------------- Saving Formatting Information If your word processing file contains formatting information that Ventura does not recognize when it loads the file, that information will be stripped away and lost during the loading process. If you want to preserve the formats ofyour original document, save a new copy under a different name before you load it into Ventura. Tip 8 - 1 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Converting Text Files among Word Processor Formats A common problem in offices is converting documents from one word processing format to another-for instance, from MultiMate to WordPerfect. You can use Ventura for this routine task. Load the text file into a chapter, then select File Type/Rename from the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Frame menu (Windows version). You'll be given the option to choose a new subdirectory, name, and word proceSSing format for the file. 152 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 8 - 1 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Suppressing Hyphenation You can keep Ventura from hyphenating a word by placing a discretionary hyphen directly in front of the word when you prepare text with your word processor. «-» Tip 8 - 1 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moving Text Files from One Directory to Another {f you have a text file in one directory and want to move it to another directory, select frame mode, then select File Type/Rename from the Edit menu (DOS/GEM) or from the Frame menu (Windows). {f the file is currently on the screen, its path and name will be listed on the top line. Othe1Wise, type in the path and name. Then type in the new path and name and the new format, if you want Ventura to convert it. Tip 8 - 1 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Entering Text in a Frame There are two ways to enter text into a frame. One is to type directly into a frame. The other is to load a text file into the frame. Generally, it's better to load a file into the frame, because then the text in the frame will be saved on your hard disk as a separate text file that can easily be edited with your word processor. {f you type text directly into the frame without first loading in a text file, Ventura stores the text in a file with the same name as the chapter file but with the extension CAP. This file also contains the contents of all figure captions and also the contents of any other frames into which you've typed text directly. While using the CAP file to hold your frame text is convenient, a problem arises if you ever want to use the spell checking or search-andreplace features ofyour word processor, since it's not advisable to Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 153 do any editing of the CAP file. Also, if the data in your chapter somehow becomes corrupted, it's easier to reconstruct the chapter if each frame has its own separate text file. Of course, this is not a hard andfast rule. For frames with a small amount of text, you may as well enter your text directly into the frame. But for long text passages, it's a good idea to create a separate text file and then load that file. Once the text file is loaded, you can add or delete text from it using Ventura s editing tools . •:. Questions and Answers Q: I drew a frame, selected the File menu, selected the Load Text/Picture option, and selected a text file to load. However, the text did not load into the frame and the frame remained blank. How do I get the text to load into the frame? A: After you select the text file to load using the Load Text/Picture option, its name should appear in the Selection List on the left side of the screen (DOS/GEM version) or in the Files window (Windows version). Select the frame you want to pour the text into. When you point at its name in that menu and click with the mouse, it will appear in that frame. Q: I'm laying out a newsletter that has articles in several different files. I loaded them into Ventura by selecting the Load Text/Picture option from the File menu. In the Load Text/Picture dialog box I selected # of Files: Several. Then I selected three files. However, 154 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition only one of them appeared in the document. How do I put multiple text files in a chapter? A: To create a chapter with multiple text files, such as a newsletter, you have several options. One technique, which is appropriate for newsletters, is to draw a separate frame for each text file. Another technique is to select Load Text/Picture from the File menu and select Text Cursor as the Destination. A third technique is to draw a frame for each column of your newsletter and then load text files into these frames. A fourth technique is to use the Insert Page option from the Chapter menu. Q: When I load text into Ventura, some lines are highlighted in black. Why? A: Lines shown in black are known as "loose lines," meaning that Ventura has been forced to exceed the Maximum Space Width value in order to justify the line. Several solutions are available to correct a loose line. One is to hyphenate words in adjacent lines. Another is to select the Typographic Controls option from the Paragraph menu, set letter spacing on, and enter an amount to use for adjustment. This causes Ventura to adjust the spacing between characters within words, as described in the Chapter 10, "Formatting Text." Note, however, that after you turn letter spacing on, the loose lines may still be highlighted. If you don't want loose lines to be highlighted, you can select Hide Loose Lines in the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or the View menu (Windows version). Chapter 8: Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text 155 Q: Why does text take longer to load with one hyphenation routine than with another? A: When Ventura loads a text file, it inserts all possible hyphenation points. The more complete a hyphenation routine, the longer it takes to check all the hyphenation points. Q: I tagged some text before loading it into Ventura by typing an @ followed by the name of the tag and an equal sign. However, the effect was that the name of the tag printed rather than causing the text to be formatted. Why? A: The most likely reason is that the @ sign was not the first letter of the line (perhaps you preceded it with a space or a tab). To be recognized by Ventura, the @ sign must be the first character in the first line of a paragraph and may not be indented. Working with Style Sheets As described in Chapter 2, "How Ventura Works," Ventura stores information about a document in multiple locations: the chapter file (CHP), the chapter information file (ClF), the caption file (CAP), the Ventura information file (INF) , the style sheet file (STY), and the various text and graphics files that comprise the contents of the document. Among these files, the style sheet file is especially important, since it contains formatting information for the document as a whole, such as the margins and columns settings, as well as the formatting instructions contained in each paragraph tag. The following are the elements that are stored in each style sheet: • Page size and layout; • Chapter typography, except widow and orphan settings; • Auto-numbering settings; • Footnote settings; 158 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Margin and column settings for the base page; • Printer width table name; • Formatting information for each tag (font, alignment, spacing, breaks, tabs, special effects, attribute overrides, paragraph typography, and ruling lines) . •:. Ventura's Sample Style Sheets During the installation procedure for Ventura, you are asked whether you want to have example documents installed on your hard disk. If you answer Yes, the style sheets shown in Table 9-1 are installed in the \ TYPESET directory. Most begin with an ampersand (&). The characters immediately preceding the extension (PI, P2, Ll, or L2) indicate whether the document is landscape (printed sideways across the page) or portrait (printed up-right on the page), and whether it has one or two columns. To see one of these styles applied to an actual document, you can load one of the chapter files with the same name contained in the \ TYPESET directory. • Miscellaneous Sample Style Sheets In addition to the style sheets that begin with an ampersand, six other style sheets are automatically installed in the \ TYPESET directory. These are as follows: • CAPABILI.STY. This style sheet goes with CAPABILI.CHP, a special page that shows the capabilities and limitations of your printer. • CHARSET.STY. This style sheet goes with CHARSET.CHP, a chart showing the symbols in the Ventura International character set. • DEFAULT. STY. This is simply a blank style sheet containing no tags, which proves to be quite handy to use as a starting point when you want to build your own style sheet from scratch. Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 159 Ventura's Sample Style Sheets &BOOK-Pl.STY &BOOK-P2.STY &BRO-L2.STY &BRO-P3.STY &INV-Pl.STY &LSTG-P2.STY <R-Pl.STY &MAG-P3.STY &NEWS-P2.STY &NEWS-P3.STY &PHON-P2.STY &PREL-Pl.STY &PRPT-Pl.STY &PRPT-P2.STY &TBL-Pl.STY &TBL2-L 1.STY &TCHD-Pl.STY &TDOC-Pl.STY &VWGF-L 1.STY &VWGF-Pl.STY CAPABILI.STY CHARSET.STY DEFAULT.STY SAMPLE1.STY SCOOP.STY STYLOG.STY A single-column layout for books and reports A two-column layout for books and reports A two-column layout in landscape orientation for brochures A three-column layout in portrait orientation for brochures A single-column invoice form A two-column product listing A single-column business letter, including letterhead A three-column magazine or newsletter A two-column magazine or newsletter A three-column magazine or newsletter A two-column directory or phone book A single-column press release or announcement A single-column proposal or report A two-column proposal or report A single-column financial table A four-column table in landscape orientation A single-column technical manual A single-column technical manual A presentation viewgraph in landscape orientation A presentation viewgraph in portrait orientation A page that shows the capabilities and limitations of your printer A table showing the characters in the Ventura International and the Symbol character sets A blank style sheet A style sheet with several levels of heads and subheads, used to learn tagging The style sheet that goes with a sample newsletter called Ventura Scoop Formats the generated file that contains the contents of a style sheet Table 9-1: The sample style sheets that are proVided with Ventura. During the installation process, they are automatically loaded into the \ TYPESET directory. 160 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Ventura Publisher Style Sheets At last-affordable Style Sheets for Venturaall set up and ready to go-just add your text ill-Harris Designer Disks help you utilize proven design techniques to quickly create W attractive, effective documents. In no time you can tailor any element of the page layout to specifically suit your application, and get the results of a high-priced professional designer without the high price. Style Sheets (associated chapters and artwork) come with the formatting information and tags set up, ready to use. LaserJet, PostScript and linotronic compatible, Will-Harris Designer Disks will print on any printer Ventura supports. Excellent for beginners, Disk #3 makes Ventura's complex features understandable and easy to use. Tips & Tricks Tutorial (Disk #3, $39) Style Sheets for a tabloid-size newspaper, a newsl6tter, magazine, price-list catalog, threefold two-sided flyer, and HPLJ-compatible envelope and labels. Designer Duet (2-Disk Set, $49) Style Sheets for four different newsletters, two books, two pamphlets, two program guides, a catalog, manual, price list, magazine, brochure, annual report, leaflet, program guide, presentation, storyboard, postcard, menu, cookbook, and recipes. Also contains a Style Sheet for Forms with complete instructions about how to use databases to mail merge within Ventura. We also have Style Sheets for WordPerfect 5! Disk #5, 30 Style sheets, $38.95. Make check or money order payable to: Designer Disks Box 480265, Dept. T Los Angeles, CA 90048 CA residents add 6.5% sales tax (Sorry, no credit card or phone orders, but shipping is free & fast.) Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 161 Third-Party Style Sheets Document Gallery Style Sheets MicroPublishing 21150 Hawthorne Blvd. #104 Torrance, CA 90503 213/371-5787 This collection includes 50 style sheets. Topics Include newsletters, technical documentation, marketing literature, books, directories, and forms. Style Sheets for Business Documents, Style Sheets for Newsletters, Style Sheets for Technical Documentation New Riders Publishing P.O. Box 4846 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 818/991-5392 Price: $39.95 each Each set in the New Riders col/ection includes approximately 20 style sheets. These come bound into a book that explains how to use the style sheets, shows sample printouts, and provides extensive production tips. Included with the style sheets are sample chapters. Ventura Designer Stylesheets BCA/Desktop Designs P.O. Box 2191 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 800/727-8953,415/946-1716 Price: $149.95 each There are four "application packs" in this collection. They include the Business (22 style sheets, including financial statements, forms, proposals, letterhead, business Table 9-2: Third-party style sheets. cards), News (11 newsletter style sheets), Corporate (10 brochures, 2 seminars, 1 annual report), and Techdoc (10 technical documentation styles). Each application pack Includes chapter files illustrating the style sheets. Separate versions of the packs are provided for LaserJet and PostScript printers. VPDesigner Style Sheets HyperFormance, Inc. 4906 Fitzhugh Ave. # 107 Richmond, VA 23230 804/355-0083 Price: $129.95 HyperFormance has created a set of over 40 style sheets, each of which is illustrated in an accompanying manual. The sample documents include newsletters, resumes, menus, manuals, books, proposals, forms, annual reports, technical sheets, directories, and catalogs. Will-Harris Designer Disks P.O. Box 480265 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Price: $49 for Disks # 1 & #2; $39 for Disk #3 Daniel Will-Harris (a contributor to this book), derived the style sheets in this collection from his book Desktop Publishing With Style. For a complete description, see the ad on the facing page. 162 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • SAMPLE 1. STY. This is a style sheet that you'll use if you follow the tutorial in the training booklet provided with Ventura. • SCOOP .STY. This is the style sheet that goes with a sample newsletter called Scoop. It's an example of a complex page that includes text and graphics in multiple frames. To see the newsletter, load the chapter SCOOP.CHP • STYLOG.STY. If you want to print the contents of a style sheet, you'll find this style sheet useful for formatting the printout. The procedure to follow is described later in this chapter. Tip 9 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ventura's Default Style Sheet Often it's easier to start from a scratch style sheet (i.e., one containing no tags) than to adapt one of the style sheets provided with Ventura. When you need to start with a blank style sheet, select DEFAULTSTY from the \ 1YPESET directory. This style sheet only contains one tag, the one for Body Text . •:. Third-Party Style Sheets A number of companies have gone into the business of selling "prefab" style sheets. You can either put these to use as is, or else customize them for your own particular needs. Table 9-2 lists several sources of these style sheets . •:. Loading a Style Sheet When you load Ventura, the most recently used style sheet is automatically loaded as well, and its name is listed in parentheses on the Title Bar. To load a new style, select Load Diff. Style from the File menu, then use the Item Selector to pick the style you Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 163 want. (For an explanation of how to use the Item Selector, see Chapter 7, "Managing Files.") Generally, you'll start by loading one of the style sheets in the TYPESET directory, or else by loading a third-party style sheet. The first thing you should do is use the Save As New Style option under the File menu to save your style sheet with a new name. This ensures that the original style sheets will be preserved intact. Tip 9 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Keeping Your Original Style Sheets Intact If you accidental~y modify one of the sample style sheets in the \ TYPESET directory and wish to restore the original version) delete the modified s~yle sheet and copy the original from the installation disk labeled ''Examples.'' .:. Tagging Once you have loaded the style sheet, you're ready to apply tags to paragraphs. There are three ways to do this: with the mouse, with the function keys, and in your word processor prior to loading a text file into Ventura . • Mouse Tagging In the GEM/DOS version, the way to apply a tag to a paragraph is to select the tag icon, then position the cursor anywhere within the paragraph and click, and then click on the name of a tag in the Assignment List. In the Windows version, tagging is a bit more flexible. You can be in either tagging or text editing mode. Position the cursor anywhere within a paragraph and click, then click on the name of a tag in the Tag List window. 164 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Note that tags can only be applied to entire paragraphs. (To format a portion of a paragraph, such as changing a single word to a different font, you'll need to select the passage in text mode by dragging the cursor across it with the mouse button held down, then selecting one of the attributes listed in the Assignment List on the left side of the screen (DOS/GEM version), by clicking the Set Font button (DOS/GEM), or by selecting Apply Text Attributes from the Text menu (Windows version). For more information on this topic, see Chapter 8, "Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text.") Tip 9 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPeed Up Tagging by Moving the Tag Window (Windows version) Remember that the Tag Window can be dragged to a new location. So if you want to speed up the tagging process, simply click in the top bar or· the window, hold down the mouse button, and drag the window to a position right on top of the page you are working with. To see more tags at once, use the window corners to expand the size of the Tag Window. Tip 9 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tagging Multiple Paragraphs To tag multiple paragraphs at once, hold down the Shift key while selecting the various paragraphs. They need not be contiguous, but they do need to all be on one page . • Tagging with the Function Keys You can apply up to ten different tags directly by using the function keys. This works in either tagging or text editing mode. In many cases, this works faster than regular tagging. The procedure is simple: place the text cursor anywhere in the paragraph you wish to tag and press the appropriate function key. 165 Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets Figure 9-1: Function key assignments for tags are controlled through the Update Tag List option in the Paragraph menu. Note that in the Windows version, these menus and dialog boxes look slightly different, but work just the same. • I ral1t ... Ali!m~ent ... Spaeit!g, Blue.aksl I II I hb Settluss. I I Special Effectslll Attl"ibut~ Ol)~rl"ides 1~HH3gr-a~h~L I P-ar-agraph Ruling Line ~bave Ruling Litle Belal;L Rulltl9 [km Alutllmd I I I I I I I • I I I I Define Colors ... Update Tag list... ,,"K Figure 9-2: The Update Tag List dialog box, which is used to assign tags to function key::,~ remove tags from the style sheet, rename tag::,~ and save a style sheet as a text file with the GEN extension. UPDATE TAli LIST ((:\UB\2S\BODY1.STY) (oIllRand: I PrInt Stylesheet... I I RelllDve Selected f a9 I I Save As Nelli Stulesheet. •. I Assign Func Figure 9-3: The Assign Function Keys dialog box. It is accessed via the Paragraph menu or by pressing etrl-K. Ke!ls ... I I Rename Tag ••• rn ASSIGN FUNCTION KEYS F1: Minor headin~ Tip ~ _ __ F3: F5: F7 : Q B~ul::-::'l-et--- F9: Answer I I Te~t __ F2: F4: F6: FB: F1B: OK Major heading Tip Title_ Question Te~t ~--:-----=:----- Body Text_ I Cancel I 166 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition To assign tags to function keys, press Ctrl-K. This puts you into the Update Tag List dialog box. To assign a tag to a function key - or merely to find out which tags are assigned to which function keys - select Assign Func Keys. Of course, no more than 10 tags can be assigned to function keys, so you'll have to make sure that the tags you assign are the ones most frequently needed. Note that in the Windows version, Fl and FlO are reserved for other purposes. np9~---------------------------------- A Shortcut to the Function Key Assignment List from Text Mode (DOS/GEM version) If you're in text mode and want to remind yourself of the function key assignments, there's a slight problem: when you select the Paragraph menu, you'll see Update Tag List shown in light gray, meaning that you can't select it unless you switch to Paragraph Tagging mode. Here's a trick to find out the function key assignments without leaving text mode. Press Ctrl-K, which is the keyboard shortcut for getting into the Update Tag List dialog box. Surprisingly enough, Ctrl-K works no matter what mode you're in . • Tagging with a Word Processor As described in the previous chapter, you can attach tags to the elements of a document before importing it into Ventura from any word processor. Simply type the @ symbol, the name of the style in capital letters, a space, the = sign, and another space. Thus, all tags take the form @tagname = . Better yet, use a keyboard macro program such as SuperKey, or use the macro capabilities of your word processor. For example, you can use the macro program to store the phrase "@SUBHEAD = " as Alt-S. To format all subheads, you merely type Alt-S at the beginning of each. Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 167 Tip 9 - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Identifying Tags in the Word Processor When you insert tags with your word processor, the @ sign must be the first character in the line. Otherwise it will not be recognized as a tag. .:. Tagging with WordPerfect Although you can enter plain text into Ventura and then do your formatting, one way to save time is to embed Ventura formatting codes in your text files using WordPerfect. An annoying side effect of this technique is that it clutters your text files with Ventura formatting codes. Fortunately, there's a way to avoid the clutter, and that is to use two WordPerfect style sheets. While you're working on your document, you use a style sheet that doesn't put lots of Ventura codes in your document. Just before you load the document into Ventura, you switch to a different style sheet, which produces fully formatted, Ventura-ready files with all the necessary codes embedded. Creating both style sheets is simple . • VPDRAFT.STY The draft WordPerfect style sheet, called VPDRAFT.STY, allows headlines, subheads, and readouts (or pull-quotes) to stand out from regular text by using extra hard returns, underlines, bold, centers, or indents. Here's how to set it up: BYLINE (paired): [Tab] [F6] [CursorRight] HEADLINE (paired): [Enter] [Enter] 168 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition [Shift-F6] [F6] [FS] [CursorRight] [Enter] [Enter] READOUT (paired): [F4] [F4][F6] (Note: You can use Shift-F4, which gives you a left/right indent, in place of F4, which gives you a left indent.) SUBHEAD (paired): [Enter] [Fa] TOPPER (paired): [Shift-F8] L M 1.25" [Enter] 1.25" [Enter] S1.5 [Enter] UND/ITAL (paired): [Fa] • VPFINAL.STY The final WordPerfect style sheet, called VPFINAL.STY, removes all extra returns and replaces them with Ventura tag names. Even underlines become real Ventura italics codes. BYLINE (paired): @BYLINE = HEADLINE (paired): @HEADLINE = READOUT (paired): @READOUT = SUBHEAD (paired): Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 169 How to Remove Tag Names from Text Files Like cats, most documents go through many lives. Typically, not long after a technical manual is written and printed, a writer begins work on the next revision. With Ventura, any changes made up and saved in the chapter file are reflected back in the original document file. That provides a great deal of convenience in keeping the document up to date. The one drawback of Ventura's way of working is that the numerous tags embedded in a document become distracting. Let's say you've completed printing out a document and now wish to remove all the tags from the original text file so that you can continue editing it without the distraction of the embedded @ signs, tag names, and = signs. Obviously, you could go through the file with your word processing program and manually delete all the tags. But there are several alternatives that may be quicker: When you set up your style sheet, make sure that all the tags you create are the same length. Since 13 characters is the maximum, you might make that your standard length. If you don't need 13 characters for a tag name, just fill up the remainder with the underline symbol. Having made all tags the same length, you can delete them using a single search and replace by searching for "@????????????? = " A second method is to retag the chapter, making every paragraph Body Text. Since Body Text is the default tag, there is no embedded tag name in the original document. When you save the chapter (it's a good idea to save it under a new name), the text file will be saved without any embedded tag names. A third method is to use the macro capabilities of your word processor to . automatically delete all tags. In Microsoft Word, the following macro finds a tag string of any length and deletes it. To record the macro, press , then enter the following string: =S Then press F3 again and provide a name for the macro at the prompt. To execute the macro, press I, then type the name of the macro. A shortcut is to type the name of the macro and then press -. 170 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition @SUBHEAD = TOPPER (open): Shift-FS L M 1" [Enter] 1" [Enter] UND/ITAL (paired): [CursorRight] (Note: stands for Medium Italics, and stands for Default, because it returns text to its normal attribute.) • TAGTeam There's a utility called TAGTeam that automates the work of pretagging a WordPerfect document even more than the WordPerfect style sheets described above. TAGTeam lets you associate certain WordPerfect attributes with Ventura styles and then places those tags in your document. For more on TAGTeam, see Chapter 27, "Utilities." .:. Tagging with Microsoft Word When using Microsoft Word to prepare pre-tagged text for Ventura Publisher, the F3 key can be used for rapid tagging of paragraphs. Save each tag name, preceded with an @ and followed by a space, an equal sign, and another space (for example @HEADLINE = ) in a glossary and assign each glossary entry a one- or two-letter name. To do that, type the passage you wish to assign to a glossary, highlight the passage, and press Esc for the Word command line and then C for the Copy command. When Word prompts you with Copy to:, type a one- or two-letter name. To apply this tag to the passage, place the cursor at the beginning of the first line of the paragraph, press the key combination assigned to that tag, and immediately press F3. Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 171 Profik------------------------------------------ Pub*Star If you like to enter Ventura tagging information in your word processing file, but have a mind like a sieve (and don't we all at one time or another), Pub*Star just might be the ticket. Pub*Star is a memory-resident program designed solely to help you place Ventura tagging and code information in your word processing file. Pub*Star provides instant "Macros" which allow you to place tags in a file; it shows you a little bit of information about each tag while you're in your word processing program; it frees you from having to look up the codes for various symbols such as em-dashes, copyright symbols, index entries, and anchor entries; and it allows you to quickly enter repetitive phrases. Pub*Star reads a Ventura style sheet and extracts the names of the tags. From then on, rather than having to type the full tag name, you press the star on the keypad, press ENTER on "Tag a paragraph," and move the cursor to the tag name you want. Pub*Star will then insert the current tag name, complete with @ and spaces Figure 9-4: This screen shows you the embedded codes to use for various types of formatting. When you want to place one of these codes in your text file, you simply move to the desired code and pre:-,"s Enter. Ventura & Pub*Star Ventura &Pub*Star Ventura &Pub*Star Ventura &Pub*Star Ven Pub*Star Ventura & Pub*Star Ventura & Pub*Star Ventura Ii Pub*Star Ventura Ii Pub Ventura & Pub*Srr==================tJ & Pub*Star Ven Pub*Star Ventur r Ventura & Pub Ventura & Pub*S Horizontal Tab <9} & Pub*Star Ven Pub*Star Ventur Line Break Ii Pub*Star Ven Pub*Star Ventur Registered tlark (R) <198} r Ventura Ii Pub Pub*Star Ventur IHDEX - Entry <$1 ;} r Ventura Ii Pub Ventura & Pub*S "See" Reference <$S ;} Ii Pub*Star Ven Pub*Star Ventur "See Also" Reference <$A ;} r Ventura Ii Pub Ventura & Pub*S AHCHOR - Sa~e Page <$Ilnaflle} 11 Pub*Star Ven Pub*Star Ventur Below <$&na~e[v]} r Ventura Ii Pub Ventura & Pub*S Above <$&na~e[A]} Ii Pub*Star Ven Pub*Star Ventur Footnote <$Ftext} r Ventura 11 Pub Ventura & Pub*S Hidden Text <$ttext} Ii Pub*Star Ven 1'==================::::!In 1" Pos 1" 172 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition before and after the equal sign. Pub*Star is also smart enough to keep the cursor on the last tag name you used, so you don't have to keep moving the cursor through the list of tag names. Another nice touch permits you to press the first letter of the tag-name and have the cursor jump to the first tag which begins with that letter. While you can do much the same thing with a macro in your word processing program, Pub*Star works in a more convenient fashion because it reads the latest version of your style sheet and therefore makes all tags automatically available - no need to add them manually. Pub*Star will also show you information about each tag including the typeface, size, attributes (such as italic or bold), alignment, "In From Left" and special effects such as bullets and big first characters. This is a handy reference when you can't remember which tag to use. For those times when you need to temporarily change typefaces, sizes, attributes or color, additional menus contain all these codes and will place them in your file just by moving to them on the Figure 9-5: When you need a reminder about which tag to use, Pub*Star can show you the contents of the tag. 4 bod!;! text 4 Bullet 4 Bullet 1 4 heading 4 keystroke 4 subhead Bod!;! no widow Bod!;! Text Bullet Bullet 1 Capt ion lert z 1-2-3 plain z 1-2-3 table z18on18 z 18 on 11 z18on12 z18on13 z 18 on 14 z24rr=====================, Chap Paragrap z 88 z bo Goud!;! Z ce Point Size: 14 Z HA Attr i butes: Norllla I Chapter NUlllbr Z Ju AI ignlllent : Just if ied Chapter Sub z Ie In Frolll Lert: 8.88 Inches Chapter Title z Ie Big First Char! Gill Tabs ZRa~====================~ Helvetica z readout Keystrokes Z reuerse Readout Z Right Readout centr z Ilnkearned Serif z-boxed Serif 2 Z_cap center Sub head Z_CAPTION Subhead sMall Z_HEADER Text slIIaIl Z_LABEL CAP 1J!MiifP&JU Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 173 menu and pressing Enter. The same goes for symbols. Tabs, line breaks, dashes, spaces, symbols, index marks, anchors, footnotes and hidden text are all included in the "Inserts and Symbols menu." Until using this program I didn't know that <9> meant "tab" in Ventura. While the program is clever and easy to use, if you are a true novice, pre-tagging may be more trouble than it's worth. If you want to pre-tag, Pub*Star can help, but you don't have to, and many people prefer to tag, insert special codes, or change typefaces and sizes using Ventura's own WYSIWYG fashion, rather than by inserting codes. Despite this complaint, Pub*Star is simple to understand and use. It allows even the less technically inclined to tag in Ventura with ease, and you never have to figure out how to "program" a macro in your word processing program to use it. For access information on Pub*Star, see the Utilities section of Appendix A, "Resources." .:. Creating a New Tag No matter how comprehensive the style sheet you're using may be, there comes a time when you'll need to create a new tag. To do so, select tagging mode, select a paragraph to which you want to apply the new tag, and tag it with the tag that is the closest to the new tag you wish to create. Now select the Add New Tag button (DOS/GEM version) or press Ctrl-2 (Windows version). Type the name of the new tag on the top line, and make sure that the tag listed next to "Tag Name to Copy From" is the old tag you wish to alter to create your new tag. Select OK. Now you'll be back in your document and you can proceed to define your new tag. At the outset, its attributes will be identical to the tag from which it was copied. To change the attributes, select any of the choices in the Paragraph menu, such as Font, Alignment, Spacing, Breaks, and so forth. 174 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 9 - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copying a Tag to a Different Style Sheet (Windows version) A feature unique to the Windows version is the ability to copy a tag from one style sheet into another. In tagging mode, click on a tag in the List of Tags window. Then select Copy from the Edit menu, open up a different style sheet, and use Paste to copy the tag in the new chapter's style sheet. •:. Naming Tags Because Ventura lets you have up to 128 tags in your style sheet, but the Assignment List only can show you 12 at a time, you're going to spend a lot of time scrolling up and down looking for tags unless you pay careful attention to how you name your tags. The following tips will help you keep your style sheet well organized and make tagging go much faster. Tip 9 - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Organize Your Tags into Groups In the list of tags, the tag names are shown in alphabetical order, so it's easy to organize your tags into groups. For example, any time you generate a new tag that is specific to a certain document or chapter, give it a unique prefix, such as C5 for chapter five. That way, when you get near the 128-tag limit and want to prune some tags from your style sheet, you'll know which ones to take out and which ones to keep in. Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 175 Tip 9 - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Place the Most Frequently Used Tags on Top As noted above, Ventura keeps the list of tags in "ASCII-alphabetical" order, i.e., the order in which symbols are listed in the ASCII character set: I, '~ #, $, %, &, " (, ), ~ +, " -, ., /, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, :, j, <, =, >, ?, @, A, B, C, etc. You should think carefully about the tags you want to appear at the top ofyour list, so that you don't have to scroll to get to them. Then name them (or rename them) so that their first character is a number or a punctuation mark like # or +. Tip 9 - 1 0 · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Don't Use All Caps in Tag Names If Ventura loads a chapter that contains an embedded tag name that doesn't happen to be in the current style sheet, it displays this name in the Assignment List in all caps. Some people refer to such tags as 'foreign tags." As described in the Tip 9-10, such tags can overload your style sheet and may have to be removed from the text file. The reason you should avoid naming your tags with all caps is that otherwise you won't be able to distinguish them from other tags when you see them in the Assignment List. •:. Deleting a Tag The maximum number of tags in a style sheet is 128. If you get close to that number, you'll need to start deleting tags. The procedure is to select Update Tag List from the Paragraph menu (or press Ctrl-K), select Remove Selected Tag, and make sure that the top line of the dialog box names the tag you want to get rid of and that the bottom line names the new tag you want assigned to all paragraphs that had been tagged with the old tag. 176 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition D:\TYPESET\&800K-P1.STY Base Page Settings • Page Size & Layout • Margins & Columns • Sizing & Scaliug Orientation: Paper Type & Dimension: Sides: Start On: *of Columns: Settings For Left Page Portrait Letter, 8.5 x II in. Double Right Side • Ruling Box Around I Top: Bottom: Left: Right: Widths/Gutters-I: Settings For Right Page Top: BOllom: Left: Right: Widths/Gutters-I: 01.50 inches 01.17 inches 01.25 inches 01.25 inches 06.00 inches Flow Text Around: Upper Left X: Upper Left Y: Frame Width: Frame Height: On 00.00 inches 00.00 inches 08.50 inches 11.00 inches • Vertical Rules 01.50 inches 01.17 inches 01.25 inches 01.25 inches 06.00 inches • Frame Background Color: Pattem: Dashes: Space Above Rule I: Height of Rule I: Space Below Rule I: Height of Rule 2: Space Below Rule 2: Height of Rule 3: Space Below Rule 3: Settings For Left Page Inter-Col. Rules: Rule I Position: Rule I Width: Rule 2 Position: Rule 2 Width: Settings For RighI Page Inter-Col. Rules: Rule I Position: Rule I Width: Rule 2 Position: Rule 2 Width: Black Solid Off 0.750 inches 0.010 inches 0.000 inches 0.000 inches 0.000 inches 0.000 inches 0.000 inches Off 00.00 inches 0.000 inches 00.00 inches 0.000 inches Off 00.00 inches 0.000 inches 00.00 inches 0.000 inches Color: White Pattem: Hollow Color Settings Screen Display: Color Number 0 (White): Color Number I (Black): Color Number 2 (Red): Color Number 3 (Green): Color Number 4 (Blue): Color Number 5 (Cyan): Color Number 6 (Yellow): Color Number 7 (Magenta): Shades of Gray (000.0, 000.0,000.0, 000.0) (100.0, 100.0, 100.0,000.0) (000.0, 100.0,100.0,000.0) (100.0,000.0, 100.0,000.0) (100.0, 100.0,000.0,000.0) (100.0,000.0,000.0,000.0) (000.0,000.0,100.0,000.0) (000.0, 100.0,000.0,000.0) Tag Settings BodyTe~-------------------------------------------------------------------• Fonl • Alignment Face: Size: Style: Color: Overscore: Strike-Thru: Underline: Double Underliue: Times 12 points Nonnal Black Off Off Off Off HolZ. Alignment: Iustifled Vert. Alignment: Top Text Rotation: None Hyphenation: Successive Hyphens: Overall Width: First Line: Relative Indent: In/Outdent Width: In/Outdent Height: In From Right to Decimal: • Spacing Figure 9-6: A sample of a style sheet printout. USENGLSH 2 Column-Wide Indent Off 00.08 inches I 00.00 inches Above: 0.000 inches Below: 0.000 inches Inter-Line: 13.98 fractional pis Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 177 Tip 9-11-------------------------------------- Exceeding the Tag Limit Sometimes, when trying to load a text file into a chapter, you may get the error message, "You've used 128 tags, files, or chapters" even if there are less than 128 tags in your current style sheet. The reason for this seemingly erroneous error message is that when Ventura counts tags, it includes the tags you created in your style sheet; the tags automatically created by Ventura itself for captions, box text, and other attributes; and any 'foreign tag names" it encounters (see Tip 9-9 about foreign tag names). To correct the problem, use your word processor to remove foreign tag names from the text file . •:. Printing a Style Sheet Here's a very useful feature - the ability to print out the contents of a style sheet. The procedure is as follows. When you're done, you'll have a printout that looks like Figure 9-6. • From the File menu, select Load Diff Style and select the name of the style sheet you want to print. • Press Ctrl-K, then select Print Style Sheet. Or select tagging mode, pull down the Paragraph menu, select Update Tag List, then select Print Style Sheet. • Type a name for the text file that Ventura will generate to contain the contents of the style sheet. Note: the name can be anything - it doesn't need to be the same as the name of the style sheet itself - but it should end with the extension GEN, indicating that it is a text file generated by Ventura. Select OK. • Select Cancel to quit the Update Tag List menu. • From the File menu, select New to clear your screen. When prompted, save your current chapter. • From the File menu again, select Load Text/Picture. For Type of File, select Generated. 178 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • From the Item Selector, select the name of the generated file that holds the contents of the style sheet. Select OK. • Select the base page frame, then select the name of the file from the selection list on the left. The contents of the style sheet will now appear on the screen. • From the File menu, select Load Diff Style. From the \ TYPESET directory, select STYLOG .STY. • Your style sheet will now automatically format itself according to the specifications of the tags in STYLOG.STY. To have a paper record of the style sheet, print the chapter. •:. Generated Tags When you create text within Ventura using the box text, caption, header, and footer operations, Ventura automatically creates tags called generated tags. These tags all begin with the letter Z and are not listed in the sidebar unless you select Set Preferences from the Options menu and specify Generated Tags: Shown. Tip 9 - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Changing Generated Tags You can alter generated tags in the same manner used to alter other tags. You can also assign new tags to boxed text and captions; headers and footers, however, can only be tagged with the generated Z tags. This allows text in two different boxes, or text for two different captions, to be formatted with different fonts and typographiC attributes. Thus, text in one box can look one way and text in another box can look another way. That is not the case with headers and footers, however. Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 179 Profik------------------------------------------VPToolbox How many times have you wondered just exactly what all the tags in a Ventura style sheet did? How many times have you wanted to copy all your files to another directory and then delete the old files in one swell foop? How many times have you wanted to change all your Times Roman tags to Garamond, or have a sample of what each tag really looks like? How many times have you wondered why you didn't study the piano, or programming, or something useful like that? Well, you may never be able to play the piano, but you won't need to know how to program to get out of Ventura vertigo. VPToolbox is an endlessly useful program that integrates the most needed Ventura utilities into one program. Most of its features are oriented toward managing style sheets, allowing you to manipulate tags and style sheets in ways unavailable within Ventura.The capabilities include the following: . Keeping Track of Tabs. VPToolbox can give you a summary of all the tags in a style sheet (Figure 9-8), and also Figure 9- 7: The main menu for VPToolbox. Here, you decide whether you wanta detailed listing of text, graphic:,~ style sheet, or chapter files. VPToolbox I Advanced Edition v. 3.88 Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 SMA Inc. All rights reserved. Select or de-select Pllblication Pllb I icat ion: Chapter: 180 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Figure 9-8: This is VPToolbox's list of the tags in a selected style sheet. For each tag, information is provided on font, style, ruling lines, and alignment. In addition, the top of the screen shows number of tags, page parameter~~ and type ofprinter. Uieul ng St~le Sheet: C: \UB\2S\TEST3. STY lB/18/88 Output Device: Tag Count: 111 XUP version: 2 POSTSCRIPT Page diMensions: B8.S8 in. x 11.88 in" 2-sided Portrait, 1 colUMn Tag NaMe Size Face .. 3 COLUI1N 6-BOX TITLE A ACCESSBOX ADDRESS ADDLIHITE AFTER BOX AFTER I1IHOR ANSLIER ANSLIER TEXT BIG BIG BOX BIG HEADER BODV TEXT BOX AROUHD BOXY 12 12 11 12 14 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 24 12 13 11 GaraMond Suiss Palatino GaraMond Palatino Gara",ond Gara",ond GaraMond GaraMond GaraMond Dutch GaraMond Dutch GaraMond Dutch Helv-Harrou [fa St~le Functions Figure 9-9: The Zoom feature of VPToolbox gives you a detailed description of a tag, including font, alignment, spacing, break,~ tabs, special effects, attribute overrides, paragraph typography, and ruling lines. Style Rules Al ignMent Special NorMal Bold BdItal Nor",al BdItal NorMal Nor",al HorMal NorMal HorMal HorMal Above NorMal Bold Belou HorMal HorMal Box Around Italic Left Centered Centered Left Left Left Left Lert Left Left Lert Lert Centered Justified Justified Lert Tag Functions Output Uieuing Style Sheet: C: WB\2S\TEST3. STY 18/18/88 Output Device: POSTSCRIPT Tag Count: 111 XUP version: 2 Page diMensions: 88.58 in. x 11.88 in., 2-sided Portrait, 1 colUMn 3 COLUI1H FOHT Face: GaraMond Size: 12 Style: Norltal Overscore: Off Strike-Thru: Off Underline: Off Double Underline: Off Color: Black ALIGHI1EHT Horiz. AlignMent: Lert H~phens: 1st Diet (UnliM successive) Uert. AlignMent: Top Text Rotation: Hone In frOM Right to DeciMal: 88.88 in. Overall Uidth: ColUMn First Line: Indent , 88.88 in. Indent/Outdent height: 1 Relative Indent: Hone SPACIHG Above: [DIll 8, 11 Belou: 8, 8 181 Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets lets you zoom in on a tag to find out its specific contents (Figure 9-9). All reports are created as pre-formatted VP chapters, ready to print. Like Ventura, the program lets you print out a list of the tags in a style sheet and a description of the settings for each tag, but VPToolbox goes further in that it can also show you an example of the style sheet applied to a sample chapter. . Printing a Sample of Every Tag. Anyone who's used Ventura on a regular basis has longed for a report which would print a sample of each tag. VPToolbox has this report, and it's invaluable for fast and easy style sheet reference, especially when more than one person must use the same style sheet. This sample report is much more useful than a mere printout of attributes because it's visual and instantly understandable. • Copying a Tag from One Style Sheet to Another. This is perhaps the most useful feature of VPToolbox. The procedure is easy. Just select a tag, select copy, and then select the name of the destination. Figure 9-10: The Usage feature tells you which tags are actually used in the current chapter, a good thing to know when you need to delete some tags to make room for more. Uieuing Style Sheet: C: \UB\2S\TEST3. STY 19/18/88 Output Device: POSTSCRIPT Tag Count: 111 XUP version: 2 Page diMensions: 98.59 in. x 11.9B in., 2-sided Portrait, 1 colUMn Tag HaMe I- BIG BOX BIG HEADER BODll TEXT BOX AROUHD BOXY BULLET Cl C2 C3 CAPTION BOT CAPTION RGHT CEtlTER 18 CH3-S'z'STEHS CHAPTER U CHAPTER TITLE CITIZENS [fa Size Face 12 24 12 13 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 18 12 150 30 12 GaraMond Dutch GaraMond Dutch Helv-Harrou GaraMond GaraMond GaraMond GaraMond Avant Garde Dutch Sulss Avant Garde GaraMond GaraMond GaraMond Style Rules tlorMal 'Bold NorMal HorMal Italic NorMal tlorMal tlorMal tlorMal Ital ic Italic tlorMal MorMal NorMal Italic tlorMal AlignMent Special Left Centered Justified Box Around Justified Left Justified Left Left Left Justified Right Centered Above/Belou Left Centered Above Left Left Belou Style Functions Tag Functions Output 182 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition · Comparing Style Sheets. You can find out which tags are identical between two style sheets, even if they have different names. · Finding Out Which Tags Can Be Deleted. It's easy for a style sheet to swell to the 128-tag limit, but when that limit is reached, it's often difficult to know which tags can safely be deleted. Here's where VPToolbox can play a helpful role by reporting on which tags in a style sheet are actually used by a particular chapter (see Figure 9-10). The tags that aren't used can then be safely deleted. You never know just how useful this is until you've opened an old chapter with 128 tags and can't remember which of them you actually need. In addition to its style sheet management functions, VPToolbox provides several important chapter management capabilities · Copying and Moving Chapters. You can either copy or move a chapter (and all its associated files) from one subdirectory to another. · Deleting Entire Chapters. With Ventura itself, there's no way to remove a chapter and all its associated files from your hard disk. VPToolbox lets you do it. · Cataloging Your Files. Another new feature is a "catalog" of all your Ventura files, no matter where they reside on the hard disk. This document management feature allows you to enter a descriptive title, name of author, and notes. Times and dates are automatically inserted. VPToolbox offers an "Advanced Edition." This version of the program includes two important additions. First, it lets you convert the information contained in the document management catalog into dBase III or Comma Delimited ASCII format for use with any database program. The program also offers "Global Style Sheet Editing." This feature lets you make one change for something such as typeface or leading, and have it affect all tags at once. Suppose you want to change all tags which use the Times Roman typeface and turn Chapter 9: Working with Style Sheets 183 them into Garamond. With the Advanced Edition, you can make this change in one keystroke, no matter how many tags are involved. Or you could increase the leading in all tags by 10%. These types of changes can be time-consuming to make in Ventura when you have to make them individually for many tags. VPToolbox does it in a flash and this feature is great for major changes. For access information on VPToolbox, see the Utilities section of Appendix A, "Resources." .:. Questions and Answers Q: Several tag names in the tag list are in uppercase, for example, FIRSTPAR, BULLET, NAME. These tags are occupying precious space in my chapter, because I cannot add new tags beyond 128. When I select Remove Selected Tag from the Update Tag List dialog box, I get this message: "No tag by the name you've typed exists. Therefore, it can't be renamed, removed, or converted to. " A: If you load a text file into Ventura that contains tag names not in your current style sheet, Ventura will list these in uppercase letters. To remove them, you need to go into your original document with a text editor and delete the tag names. 184 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Q: After I tagged some text in a frame, the text disappeared. What happened? A: The problem is one of the following: (1) You switched to a font that was too large for the frame. Ventura won't display or print any characters that it can not fit entirely within a frame. (2) You specified additional space above the text, which pushed the text out of the frame. To fix the problem you need to change the specifications associated with the tag. This might seem impossible, however, since the text is no longer visible. If you haven't selected any other paragraphs, the paragraph you were working with should still be selected even though it is not visible. If the paragraph is no longer tagged, you can still fix the problem by tagging another paragraph with the same tag and changing the font or the spacing for that paragraph. The change will automatically apply to the disappeared text and it will appear again. Formatting Text You're finally ready. You've got a computer, a monitor, a printer, and a mouse. You've learned about how to load a text file into Ventura and how to select a style sheet. Now for the moment of truth, the raison d'etre of desktop publishing: formatting text. In this chapter, we'll start with some tips on formatting for those becoming acquainted with Ventura. Then we'll analyze how the options for formatting text can be broken into categories, and examine these categories one at a time . •:. Advice for Beginners One of the most difficult aspects of Ventura for beginners is its richness. There are so many menu options, each with so many sub-options, that it's hard to know where to start. In fact, you don't really need to learn all that much to use Ventura effectively. 186 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition At least 90 percent of all the formatting work you'll ever need to do with Ventura involves only four menu options: one in the Frame menu (Margins & Columns) and three in the Paragraph menu (Font, Alignment, and Spacing). Once you've mastered this core subset of Ventura's features,you can start experimenting with other features, which are useful for unusual situations or typographic fine-tuning. The illustrations on the following pages show the four key dialog boxes, with notes on each. The dialog boxes shown here are for the DOS/GEM version. Although the dialog boxes for the Windows version are superficially different, their structure and contents are virtually identical. Tip 1 0 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Work with the Menus from Left to Right As you format text with Ventura, a logical way of working is to move from the left side of the menu bar to the right side. Start in the File menu to load a chapter or a text file. Next, use the Chapter menu to change the page orientation, if necessary. Then pull down the Frame menu and select Margins· & Columns to determine the overall appearance ofyour page. Then tag a paragraph and begin moving through the options in the Paragraph menu, starting with Font, then Alignment, and working your way down. Of course, as you continue to work on formatting a document you jump around from menu to menu, but the pattern of starting from the left side of the bar is a sound, logical way to get things going. Tip 1 0 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Changing Measurement Units in Dialog Boxes You can change measurement units in any dialog box merely by pointing the cursor at the measurement units (e.g., inches, picas 187 Chapter 10: Formatting Text The Margins & Columns Dialog Box If you point at the word "inches" and click, the measurement units will change to centimeters. Click again and they change to picas & pOints, then to fractional pOints. All the measurements in this dialog box will be translated automatIcally, but no other dialog boxes will be affected. In starting a new chapter, the first thing you should do Is specify the number of columns. While Ventura can format as many as eight columns of text on a page, it's rare that any layout would have more than four columns. MARGINS &COLUMNS It of ColuJIlns: D m rn m m m rn rn Settings For: I Left Page I l.mrtJi'@i Gutters aftee efLeO efUm aft eo aa,eo ee,ee ee,ee Top: BottoJll: Left: Right: Margins 91.JJ inches 91.B9 91. BB B1.25 Calculated Width = BS.S9 Actual FraJile Width = BS.S9 I Make Equal Widths I ~::..I:.L"";"=''''':''':;;='''''--'' .............. Typically, a gutter (the space between two columns) is one to two picas in width. If you set your gutter widths first, then select Make Equal Widths, Ventura will do the work of calculating the widths of the columns so that they fill up the available space. This pair of entries tells you whether the numbers you have entered for column and gutter widths match the actual width of the frame. Figure 10-1 Most layouts are symmetrical. In that case, you enter the settings for either the left page or the right page (it doesn't matter which you start with), then select Copy To Facing Page. Ventura will create a mirror image of your page layout on the facing page by inverting the left and right margin settings. 188 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition The Font Selection Dialog Box a PostScript printer width table, the Size bar will say "Custom," as is the case here. You then type in the desired size in halfpoint increments up to 255 paints. If your width table is for a LaserJet, the available sizes are listed in the Size bar. If you have installed This list shows the fonts in your printer width table. To print with these fonts, you must also have the necessary printer font files, or else the fonts must be resident in your printer. For example, the PostScript width table lists 42 typeface families, although most PostScript printers only come with 11 resident typeface famiilles. ::::::::: Sue :::::: ....'1"""1~' r-~ I Red Green Blue C!lan Yellow Magenta I ..... 6l!lpha 6oud!l Old St!lle + Helvetica Li ht ::: Color :: + Custon Size: 012.51 points Overscore: Strike- Thru: Underline: Double Underline: Off Off Off Off t t t t Text attributes that apply to the whole paragraph are specified here. Text attributes that apply only to a letter, word, phrase, or line are controlled with the Set Font menu and the Assignment List in text mode. If you select Spot Color Overlays: On in the Print menu, Ventura will print a separate sheet for each color. Colors are shown in black, but the name of the color is printed at the top of the page so that the printer can produce spot color overlays. The available styles and weights for the current font are listed in the Style bar in black. Those styles and/or weights that are not available are shown in gray. Figure 10-2 189 Chapter 10: Formatting Text The Paragraph Alignment Dialog Box The options for horizontal alignment are left-justified (also called "rag right," because the right side of the text block is not aligned), centered, justified (aligned with both left and right margins), right-justified, and decimal (aligned with the last period on the line, as In a financial table). With LaserJet printers, you can print vertical and horizontal text, but not together on the same page. III "box labels" ALIGNMENT Hurz. Alignl11ent: Decil11al lIert. Alignl'lent: Top Text Rotation: 9B HIJphenation: USEN6LSH Successive HIJphens: 3 Overall Width: ColUMn-Wide First Line: Indent dative Indent: Off· t t t t t t tt J In/Outdent Width: DBJBB picas &po'nts In/Outdent Height: DB1 lines Good typography calls for not having words broken on more than about three successive lines. n FroM Right to DeciMal: D4JBEi MaxiMUM Rotated Height: 10 BB J I The options here are column-wide (for most text) and frame-wide (when you want a headline to go across multiple columns). When text is rotated, the starting point of the text block remains stationary. The Maximum Rotated Height defines the maximum lenth of a line of text in the rotated blcck. Figure 10-3 OK Don't confuse First Line: Indent with the In From Left and In From Right settings in the Paragraph Spacing menu. Indents usually apply only to the first line, unless you specify more than one line under In/Outdent Height. The Indent or Outdent Width is always measured relative to the left edge of the paragraph, not relative to the edge of the column. 190 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition The Paragraph Spacing Dialog Box Above adds space above a paragraph; Below adds space below a paragraph. The rule for combining the two is explained in Table 10-2 on page 236. InterParagraph spacing only takes effect between paragraphs with the same InterParagraph setting. Hint: generally, InterParagraph spacing should be set to O. "Bod~ If you point at the words "picas & points" and click, the measurement units will change to fractional paints .. Click again and they change to inches, then to centimeters. All the measurements in this dialog box will be translated automatically, but no other dialog boxes will be affected. Text" SPACING Above: Below: Inter-Line: Inter-Paragraph: ~-+-- BBJ111 picas &points BBJBa' B1JB4 picas &points BB,BB Add in Above: I Always I When Not at (olu~n Top Settings For: I Left Page I I;mlljil@i In Fro~ Left: B9 JBB picas &points In Fro~ Right: BBJBB Inserts: I (OPM To Facing Page I OK The Settings for Left and Right Pages is one of the most overlooked features of ventura. It lets you create tags that have different offsets (though not different line and paragraph spacing) depending on whether they are on a leftor right-facing page. Figure 10-4 I I Cancel I For most tags you should use When Not at Column Top. Otherwise, there will be a gap above a paragraph that starts at the top of a page. ThiS copies the right page settings to the left page, and vice versa. Chapter 10: Formatting Text 191 & points) and clicking. Ventura will automatically make the con- version for all the measurements in the dialog box, but other dialog boxes will not be affected. Tip 1 0 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Making Mistakes with Picas and Points When you're entering measurements for picas and points in dialog boxes, it's easy to neglect both decimal places reserved for points. For example, you might make the mistake of typing 1,6 instead of 1,06. Ventura will interpret the 1) 6 as 1 pica and 60 points . •:. An Inventory of Ventura's Typographic Controls Formatting text involves specifying the size, style, and position of each symbol, word, and block of text on the page. In the world of typed and word-processed business documents, the task was relative1y simple. The selection of type was generally limited to a single font, and positioning text on the page required setting only a handful of parameters: the margins of the page; the alignment of text (usually flush left, but sometimes centered or justified); the indenting of paragraphs; and the amount of space (in increments of whole and half lines) between lines and between paragraphs. In Ventura, things become more complex right away, beginning with the selection of type. Hundreds of different fonts are available, each in a wide range of sizes. The options for positioning characters, words, and text blocks are correspondingly rich, providing a full range of typographic controls. The following is an inventory. . Page Margins. For the underlying page, as well as for any new frame you draw on the page, Ventura lets you set the top, bottom, left, and right margins. 192 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition · Margins Around Frames. Ventura lets you specify an amount of padding around each frame. · Columns. Each page can have up to eight columns of varying widths; the width of the gutters (space between columns) is also adjustable. · Horizontal Alignment and Tabs. Text can be left aligned, right aligned, or centered. Text can also be justified (filling up a defined space) or unjustified (also known as ragged text). You can also align text on a decimal point. You can set up to 16 tabs, aligned either left, right, center, or on a decimal point. A major limitation that Still remains is that tabs cannot be placed in justified text. · Vertical Alignment. Text can be top aligned, bottom aligned, or centered. Text can also be vertically justified, so that it fills a page or frame. · Offsets and Indents. Paragraphs of text can be offset from the left, right, bottom, or top margins by a specified distance. One or more lines can also be indented relative to the rest of a paragraph. Text can also be indented by a distance relative to the length of the last line of the previous paragraph. · Spacing Between Paragraphs. The distance between paragraphs can be specified and can vary depending on whether the two paragraphs are of the same type (such as two paragraphs of plain text) or of different types (such as a header followed by a paragraph of text). · Spacing Between Lines. Interline spacing, or leading, can be specified. That distance can also be automatically adjusted to accommodate large characters, fractions, or equations. · Spacing Between Words. Termed spaceband control or space width control, this lets you specify a minimum and maximum amount of space between each word. In addition, Ventura lets you insert a variety of fixed spaces between words. Chapter 10: Formatting Text 193 . Spacing Between Letters. This includes adjusting the spaces between pairs of letters to create a better pairwise fit (kerning), globally tightening up the spacing between letters (tracking), and adjusting the spacing between letters on a line-by-line basis to assist the justification process (letter spacing). · Ruling Lines. A close adjunct to text formatting, ruling lines can be placed above, below, or around blocks of text. The thickness of the lines can be specified, and the width can be set either absolutely or relative to the width of the paragraph, the column, or the frame. . Special Features. Ventura provides a number of special formatting features, including bullets, large first character, table formatting, and equation formatting. While most text formatting is done on a tag-by-tag basis using the options in the Paragraph menu, margins and columns are controlled from the Frame menu. After specifying the number of columns, you enter widths for each of the columns and for the "gutters," or space between each column. Next, you enter values for top, bottom, left, and right margins. Tip 1 0 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Measuring Tabs, Indents, and Offsets To see the dimensions ofyour margins, columns, and gutters) use the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or the View menu (Windows version) to show the column guides. You)ll see them represented by dotted lines. Note that all paragraph tag settings) including tabs, indents, and offsets) are measured Jrom the edge oj the column) not Jrom the edge oj the paper. 194 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 10-5--------------------------------------- Changing the Number of Columns for Just One Page If you want to have a single page with a di.fferent number of columns than the rest of your document, select Insert/Remove Page from the Chapter menu, then select Margins & Columns from the Frame menu and designate the desired number of columns. Finally, click on the name of the text file in the Assignment List. The number of columns will change for the inserted page, then resume as normal. Tip 1 0 - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Unprintable Zone The position of text is always measured relative to the edge of the paper, even if a particular printer is not capable of printing all the way to the edge of the paper, as is normally the case with laser printers. Ventura does not stop you from specifying margins for Figure 10-5: When setting text on a skew, draw a diagonal line Jor a guide, then draw small frames in a stairway pattern. Chapter 10: Formatting Text 195 frames that go into the unprintable edges of the paper; if you do so, that portion of your page will simply be cut off. Tip 1 0 - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Setting Text on a Skew To set text on a skew, as shown in Figure 10-1, select graphics mode and select the line drawing tool, then draw a diagonal line to mark the skew. Turn Line Snap on using the Options or View menu. Using the line you have drawn as a guide, you can create a stairway offrames, each one line in height, from the left margin to the skew line. Text will reformat to flow around the stairway and thus will align with the skew line . •:. Padding around Frames Putting margins around frames, or frame padding, corrects the problem of text running right up against frames inserted in text blocks containing pictures or tables. To specify padding, select frame mode, select the frame you want to place padding around, select Sizing & Scaling from the Frame menu, and type settings for Frame X Padding and Frame Y Padding. Frame X Padding sets up a "no entry" zone on either side of the frame; Frame Y Padding sets up a "no entry" zone above and below the frame . •:. Offsets and Indents Having specified margins for your columns, you can further control the horizontal positioning of paragraphs using offsets and indents. There are several things about these controls that tend to confuse people: • The first source of confusion is the difference between an offset and an indent. An offset applies to the entire paragraph, while an indent usually applies only to the first line. Usually, but not always: if you want to have more than one 196 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition How to Calculate the Position of a Line Relative to the Edge of the Page In some instances, it is necessary to figure out the location of a particular line relative to the edge of the page. To do this, you can use the following formula: Distance of a line from left edge of page = A + B + C + D Where: A = Upper Left X position of the frame within which the text is located. This is set by selecting frame mode, selecting the frame itself, selecting the Sizing & Scaling option of the Frame menu, and specifying a value for Upper Left X. B = The Left margin of the frame within which the text is located. This is set by selecting frame mode, selecting the frame itself, selecting the Margins & Columns option Qf the Frame menu, and specifying a value for Left Margin. C = The In From Left space specified for the tag of the paragraph of that text. This is set by selecting tagging mode, selecting the paragraph, selecting the Spacing option of the Paragraph menu, and entering a value for In From Upper left X position Left. This indent is referred to as an "ofof the frame fset" or a "temporary indent," since it can change from one paragraph to Left margin of the the next. frame D = the Indent Width. This only applies to the first line (or several lines) of a paragraph. To set it, you start by seIn From Left setting lecting tagging mode, selecting the for the tag paragraph, selecting the Alignment option of the Paragraph menu, and First line(s) indent setentering values for In/ Outdent Width ting for the tag and In/Outdent Height. In addition, you can specify a Relative Indent, which causes the line to be indented so that it Distance from left starts at the point at which the previous edge of the paper line ended. + + + Chapter 10: Formatting Text 197 line indented (or outdented) relative to the rest of the paragraph, you can do so by entering the number of lines next to the In \ Outdent Height entry of the Alignment menu. • The second source of confusion arises from the fact that offsets and indents are controlled in different dialog boxes. Controls for offsets are located in the Spacing dialog box under In From Left and In From Right; controls for indents are located in the Alignment dialog box. • A third source of confusion has to do with the reference point from which offsets and indents are measured. The In From Left and In From Right offsets for a paragraph are measured from the margins of the column. Indents, on the other hand, are measured relative to the rest of the paragraph . •:. Tabs The way Ventura handles tabs is quite logical, but since it is different from the methods used by most other programs it tends to cause confusion. Here are some things to keep in mind about Ventura tabs: • Tabs are measured from the edge of the current column (not the edge of the text in that column). To find out where the edge of the column is located, select Show Column Guides from the Options menu. • Tabs cannot be set in justified text. For ideas on how to get around this limitation, see the section below on hanging indents. • Once a tab is set, Ventura no longer performs word wrap for that paragraph. That means you cannot use tabs for first line indents. • Ventura will preserve tabs set in most word processors but not the settings for the tabs. Instead, it will substitute its own settings. 198 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip10-B--------------------------------------- Using the Commafor a Decimal Tab With decimal tabs, the tab aligns with the decimal, a useful feature for columns of money amounts. In European currencies, a comma rather than a period is used for the decimal point. Since Ventura looks for a period, you need to select Set Preferences from the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or Edit menu (Windows version) and specify a new Decimal Tab Character. The comma is decimal 44. TiP1~9------------------------------------ Using Fixed Spaces Instead of Tabs Occasionally, you want to tab a line a certain distance that does not correspond to one of the tabs that have been set for that tag. Rather than setting up a new tab (which will affect other paragraphs with the same tag), try using Em spaces (Ctrl-Shift-M)to achieve a tabbing effect. After inserting the Em spaces, use the Set Font button (DOS/GEM version) or the Text menu (Windows version) to convert them to 12-point type. That way their widths will be 12 points, or 1/6 inch. Em spaces are also handy to substitute for tabs in justified text, since Ventura does not allow tabs in justified text. To insert an indent into a single paragraph without affecting other paragraphs, use Em spaces. For a one-inch indent, insert six Em spaces by pressing the Ctrl-Shfit-M combination six times. Tip 10-10-------------------------------------- Decimal Tab Characters Normally, when you specify a decimal tab (from the Tab selection of the Paragraph menu), it is for the purpose of aligning columns of dollar figures at the decimal point. Another use of the decimal 199 Chapter 10: Formatting Text The Tab Settings Dialog Box You can think of each tab stop as an Invisible marker. If the tab type is Left, the text will start at the marker; If the tab type Is Right, text will end at the marker; If the tab type Is Centered, the text will center on the marker. If the tab type is decimal, the decimal point will fall on the marker. Tabs placed in justified text will be ignored by Ventura. Note that tabbed text will not wrap to the next line. Note also that you can designate any character as the decimal character, using Set Preferences In the Options menu. The space to the tab can be filled with space, with ellipsis marks, with underlining, or with any other character. For example, ASCII 197 will fill the space with Em dashes. I" 1 1 1·1 Tab T!,Ipe: Left I Tab Shown As: Open_$pace I Tab Location: 12,8~ picas &points Leader Char: Spaces 832 (ASCII) Leader Spacing: Auto- Leader: 01( Leader spacing increments range from 0 to 8: selecting 0 means that Ventura will place no spaces between characters, selecting 8 means that it will place 8 spaces between characters. This spacing applies to all tabs. I Cancel I Tab stops are always measured from the edge of the current column. To locate the column edge, turn on column guides in the Options menu. Measurement units can be changed by pointing at them and clicking. Doing so will not affect the measurement units used in other dialog boxes. If you turn Auto-Leader on, Ventura will automatically fill any empty space remaining at the end of a paragraph with the leader character. This feature Is generally used in tables. Figure 10-6 200 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition tab character is to create an invisible marker to arbitrarily align lines of text. The best character to use for that purpose is I (ASCII 124). You can ((hide" this character in a line of text by using Set Font to change its color from black to white (since it takes up barely any horizontal space). By using the decimal tab option in conjunction with this hidden character, you can position horizontal lines freely without using fixed characters or generating mUltiple tags. Remember that text containing tags must be left justified. •:. Breaks Ventura's commands for page, column, and line breaks give you some powerful tools for controlling the placement of text on a page. The most commonly used type of break is the line break, which is used as described below to simulate tabs in justified text. Line breaks are also useful for certain types of tables, as illustrated in Chapter 11, "Tables." Selecting "Page Break: After" or "Column Break: After" bumps the next paragraph to the following page or column respectively. Selecting "Before & After" makes the current paragraph appear by itself on a page. You can use such a double break in conjunction with Vertical Alignment: Middle to create a section division title that appears by itself in the center of a page. Setting Next Y Position to Beside Last Line of Prevo Para should be done in conjunction with two other settings: • Eliminating any line break with the previous paragraph. • Setting Relative Indent: On in the Alignment dialog box. The Result The result is a run-in header (such as the one in this paragraph). To create such a header, set the line break for the 24-point run-in to Before and the line break for the text paragraph to After, with Next Y Position for the second paragraph set at Beside Last Line of Prevo Para and Relative Indent for the 201 Chapter 10: Formatting Text The Breaks Dialog Box A little-known feature of the Page Break option is that it also works as a frame break. If you have a newsletter-style layout and are jumping text from one frame to the next, tagging the last paragraph with Page Break: After causes the next paragraph to jump to the next frame. The Before/Until Left option forces the current paragraph to jump to the next left-facing page, inserting a blank right-facing page if necessary. If you select Normal and don't have any line breaks between two paragraphs, the new paragraph will start on the same line as the first line of the previous paragraph. To keep them from overlapping, use the Spacing menu to increase the In From Right spacing for the first paragraph and the In From Left spacing for the second paragraph. "Bod!,! Tel(t" BREAKS I After I I Before & After I I Before/Until Left I I BeforL'/Until Right I (olullIn Break: 1m! I Before I I After I I Before & After I 0iJ '~mll";i I After I I Before & After I '(I.I4y6l1 I Beside Last Line of Prev. Para I Page Break: ~ Allow Within: ~ ~ [fu] 011 OK Selecting Allow Within: Yes means that Ventura is allowed to break a paragraph between two pages. Selecting No forces the entire paragraph to the next page. Selecting Keep With Next: Yes forces the current paragraph to always be on the same page as the next paragraph. This is generally used only for headers and subheads, not for regular text. Figure 10-7 I Cancel I Selecting Line Break: No, Next Y Position: Beside Last Line of Prevo Para, and Relative Indent: On (in the Alignment dialog) lets you create a run-in subhead. 202 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition second paragraph turned on (Alignment dialog box). If you only have to create one run-in header, it's easier to simply use Set Font, but if you have a number of run-in headers it's quicker to use a special tag. Tip 1 0 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frame Breaks Ventura has no Frame Break option to let you push subsequent text to the next Frame. To create a frame break effect, create a new tag and call it Frame Break. To create the tag, select text mode, press Enter to create a blank paragraph. You may see a 9f mark, Ventura's way of marking paragraphs. If not, press Ctrl-T Select tagging mode, select the paragraph mark (9f), select Add New Tag (Ctrl-2), type Frame Break, select Breaks from the Paragraph menu, and select Page Break: After. Use this tag when you are loading text into multiple frames on the same pages and wish to break text to the next frame on the same page . •:. Simulating Tabs in Justified Text Ventura doesn't allow you to place normal tabs in justified text. If you do, the program will simply ignore them. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to format text with a hanging indent, such as the following: Section I. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. With many word processors, you would format this paragraph by specifying a negative indent for the first line of the paragraph, then creating a tab that is the same as the indent for the rest of the paragraph. With Ventura you need to separate the paragraph into two separate paragraphs, typing them as follows: Chapter 10: Formatting Text 203 section I. The right of citizens of the United states to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Select tagging mode, select the first paragraph, and select Breaks from the Paragraph menu. If the dialog box shows Line Break: No or Line Break: Before, you don't have to make any changes. Cancel out of the dialog box. If the dialog box shows Line Break: After or Line Break: Before and After, Cancel out of the dialog box and then press Ctrl-2 to add a new tag. Type the previous paragraph's tag next to Tag Name to Copy From, and type a new tag name next to Tag Name to Add. Select the Breaks option of the Paragraph menu and change the setting to "Line Break: Before." Press Enter. Now select the second paragraph, and press Ctrl-2 (Add New Tag). Type the previous paragraph's tag next to Tag Name to Copy From, and type a new tag name next to Tag Name to Add. Select Spacing from the Paragraph menu and enter the amount of the indent next to In From Left. Select Breaks and specify Line Break: After. •:. Ruling Lines Ventura allows the creation of a variety of ruling lines: horizontal, vertical, surrounding frames, dashed, and shaded. You can add ruling lines to either a frame or a paragraph tag. The choices are 204 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition either Ruling Line Below, Ruling Line Above, or Ruling Box Around. The first thing you need to do is specify the length of the ruling line. The choices are Text (the width ~f the line of text), Margin (the width of the column, minus the In-From-Left and In-FromRight settings for the current tag), Column, Frame, and Custom. With the Custom option, you determine the starting point and the length of the line. The Windows version provides 16 different predefined ruling line thicknesses and combinations of ruling lines. The options are as follows: hairline, 1-point, 11/2-point, 2-point, 3-point, 4-point, 6point, 8-point, 10-point, 12-point, 18-point, double half-point, thick-thin, thin-thick, triple, and triple half-point. If none of these suits you, the User Defined option lets you specify the line thicknesses yourself. In each of these cases, you must specify the line height within the dialog box. You can indicate up to three ruling lines by indicating Height of Rule 1, Height of Rule 2, and Height of Rule 3. If you just want one line, simply specify a Height of Rule 1 and leave the other heights blank. When you specify the Height of Rule, a line or lines with the specified line height(s) will appear smack inside the dialog box. If you do not see a line inside the dialog box, you will not see a line in your document either. If you have specified Height of Rule for more than one line, you will have to indicate a Space Below Rule dimension also. If you don't, the lines will merge into one thick line. The ruling lines options give you a good deal of feedback right inside the dialog box. You can immediately see the effect of your line height, spacing, and color pattern without even going to the page. However, note that the width of the line shown in the dialog is not the actual width it will appear on the screen. Instead, it is relative to the total amount of vertical space available to the three ruling lines. Chapter 10: Formatting Text 205 Note: In the Ruling Line menus, you must also be sure to specify a line width. If you set the width default to None, your ruling lines will not appear on the page even though you can see them inside the dialog box! Tip 1 0 - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reversed Type with Ruling Line Above To create white type on a black background, use the Ruling Line Above option and set Height of Rule 1 to a value slightly larger than the point size of the current font. Enter the same value for Space Below Rule 3 and select the minus sign (-). Then change the color of the font to white. Tips 1 0 - 1 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reversed Type with Box Text Another way to create reversed type is to use the box text tool in graphiCS mode. Draw a box using the box text tool. Set Fill Attributes to solid black, and use Set Font to change the color of the text in the box to white. Tip 1 0 - 1 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Disappearing Rules If your ruling line doesn't show, you probably forgot to specify height of ruling line. Ventura will show you a ruling line right inside the dialog box once you specify the line height. Tip: 10-15----------------------------------- Vertical Dashed Lines Ventura has no command for vertical dashed lines, such as you would use to indicate cutting out a page. Make a frame of zero 206 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition width and surround it with dashes .:. Vertical Alignment and Justification The vertical alignment feature lets you align text with the top or bottom of the current column, or center the text within the column. You have the additional option of vertically justifying text, i.e., of having Ventura automatically add space so that the column fills up the vertical space allotted to it. Because of the many different kinds of elements that may inhabit a page, the internal logic used by Ventura to vertically justify a column of text is fairly complicated. The goal of the procedure, however, is very simple: to add small amounts of space in the least conspicuous way until the page is filled. Space is first added around frames, up to a specified maximum. Next, it is added between paragraphs, again until a certain limit is reached. Finally, if adding space around frames and between paragraphs is not sufficient, space is added between lines of text. Tip 1 0 - 1 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Where to Enter SeUings for Vertical Justification Since vertical justification settings can be entered in the Chapter, Frame, and Paragraph menus, which should you use? The answer is the Chapter menu for all settings except Between Lines of Para, which is specified under Paragraph Typography. The others should only be used if it is necessary to override the chapter menu settings for a particular frame, paragraph, or table. Tip 1 0 - 1 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carding versus Feathering Under Vert Just Within Frame, you have the option of carding or feathering. Carding adds space in increments equal to the inter- Chapter 10: Fonnatting Text 207 line spacing; feathering adds the exact amount of space that is needed. The only time you should select carding is if the design of your document requires lines of text to line up in adjacent columns and you have set the spacing for all tags in multiples of the interline spacing. Otherwise, use feathering. Tip 10-18------------------------------------- Fixed Frame versus Movable Frame Under Vert. just. Around Frame, you should generally select Movable Frame rather than Fixed Frame. This allows Ventura to shift frames on the page down as it adds space to justify the page. If you select Fixed Frame, Ventura will only insert space within the portion of the column that is located underneath the frame. Tip 1 0 - 1 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No Halfway Justification Ventura never goes halfway in vertically justifying a page. If it can't add enough space to accomplish the task without exceeding the specified limits for adding space around frames, between paragraphs, and between lines of text, it does nothing. Tip 1 0 - 2 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vertical Justification without the Professional Extension or the Windows version Even if you don't have the Professional Extension or the Windows version, both of which can automatically perform vertical justification, there are still some techniques that you can use if you need to fill up a certain vertical space. Here are three: • To slightly lengthen a column, you can create a tag that adds a small amount of leading between each line. In traditional typesetting, this technique is known as feathering. 208 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition The easiest way to feather a paragraph is to create a tag called One Point. Move the cursor between the paragraphs, press Enter, and select tagging mode. Select the paragraph sign between the two paragraphs, select Add New Tag, name the tag One Point, select the Spacing option in the Paragraph menu, and set interline spacing to one point. The effect will be to add a point of leading between the two paragraphs. • Make the tracking looser under Paragraph Typography. • Increase the minimum and normal letter spacing under Paragraph Typography . •:. Spacing between Lines and Paragraphs Spacing between lines and paragraphs, termed leading in typography, is controlled by the Spacing option of the Paragraph menu. For each tag, you can specify the spacing above the paragraph, below the paragraph, between lines of the same paragraph, and between two paragraphs with the same tag. In practice, the interaction of these various kinds of spacing becomes rather complex. But by knowing the rules Ventura uses to combine different kinds of spacing, you can learn to control precisely the desired distance between lines and paragraphs. Spacing is always measured from baseline to baseline. Thus, the space between two lines is measured from the baseline of the first to the baseline of the second. Similarly, the space between two paragraphs is measured from the baseline of the last line in the first paragraph to the baseline of the first line in the second paragraph. • Interline Spacing To set the interline spacing for a paragraph, switch to tagging mode and select a paragraph. Select the Spacing option from the Paragraph menu. The Spacing dialog box will appear. Enter the Chapter 10: Formatting Text 209 desired figure for Interline spacing. The figure you enter will determine the distance from the baseline of one line to the baseline of the next line. Since type is measured in points, it is generally best to use points as your measurement units. To change measurement units, point at the units themselves with the mouse and click. For example, to change from inches to picas & points, point at the word inches and click. This Grow Inter-Line to Fit feature is located in the Paragraph Typography dialog box. This should be set to On if you want the program to stretch the leading when a paragraph contains a large element, such as a fraction or a floating frame . • Spacing between Paragraphs Any two paragraphs will automatically be separated by at least the amount of line spacing specified for the previous paragraph. Additional paragraph spacing can be specified via three controls in the Spacing dialog box. To set these controls, first select tagging mode and then select a paragraph. Select the Spacing option from the Paragraph menu. The Spacing dialog box will appear. The three controls are (1) Above, (2) Below, and (3) Inter-Paragraph. To master Below, Above, and Inter-Paragraph spacing, you need to know the rules for combining the two. These rules are summarized in Table 10-2. In working with text, the rule of thumb is that you should set Above and Below Spaces as the amount of additional space (besides normal interline spacing) that you want to have between paragraphs. Set Interparagraph Spacing to O. Tip 1 0 - 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Using Ctrl-Enter for New Lines Ifyou want to start a new line without starting a new paragraph, use Ctr/-Enter rather than Enter. That way, Ventura will not start 210 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition How to Calculate Spacing between Paragraphs Case 1: When paragraph A and paragraph B have the same tag Case 2: When paragraph A and paragraph B have different tags Interline space Interline space for paragraph A + + + Interparagraph space + Below space for A or Above space for B (whichever is greater) Width of ruling lines, including space above or below ruling lines Total space between paragraphs + + Interparagraph space (only if identical for A and B) Below space for A or Above space for B (whichever is greater) Width of ruling lines, including space above or below ruling lines Total space between paragraphs Table 10-2: The amount of space that Ventura places between two paragraphs is determined by four factors: interline spacing, interparagraph spacing, above/below ~pacing, width of ruling lines, and ~pacing above or below ruling lines. Chapter 10: Fonnatting Text 211 a new paragraph and spacing will remain the standard interline distance. No Space Above or Space Below distance will be added between the lines . •:. Spacing between Words When you specify that a paragraph is to be justified (i.e., all lines the same length), Ventura squeezes the amount of space between words or adds space between words. You can keep words from being squeezed too closely together by changing the setting indicated under Paragraph Typography for Minimum Space Width. While Ventura adheres religiously to the Minimum Space Width, never squeezing words more closely than allowed by the minimum figure, the same is not the case with Maximum Space Width. That setting is merely a guideline: when it must do so to justify a line, Ventura will violate the Maximum Space Width. The result is a "loose line." All loose lines are highlighted when you select Show Loose Lines from the Options menu. To get rid of them, you need to either edit the lines, change the hyphenation points, or turn letter spacing on (see below) . •:. Fixed Spaces If you want to create spaces that are of a fixed width and will not be squeezed or expanded by Ventura, you can do so using several fixed space options. Ventura provides the following types of fixed spaces: figure spaces, Em spaces, En spaces, and thin spaces. • Figure Space The width of a figure space is the same as the width of a numeral (traditionally in typesetting, all digits from 0 to 9 are given the same width). Such spaces can be used for aligning tables of numbers. To insert a figure space into a passage using Ventura's text 212 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition editor, hold down the etrl and Shift keys while pressing the F key. To insert a figure space into a passage using your own word processor, type a plus sign surrounded by angle brackets «+». • Em Space The width of an Em space is the same as the point size of the' font in use. Thus, an Em space in a passage of 12-point Times Roman is 12 points wide, or 1/6 inch. To insert an Em space into a passage using Ventura's text editor, hold down the Shift and etrl keys while pressing the M. To insert an Em space into a passage using your own word processor, type an underline surrounded by angle brackets. «_». • En Space The width of an En space is half the width of an Em space. Thus, an En space in a passage of 12-point Times Roman is 6 points wide, or 1/12 inch. To insert an En space into a passage using Ventura's text editor, hold down the Shift and etrl keys while pressing N. To insert an En space into a passage using your own word processor, type a tilde surrounded by angle brackets ( <~>). • Thin Space The width of a thin space is half the width of an En space. Thus, a thin space in a passage of 12-point Times Roman is 3 points wide, or 1/24 of an inch. To insert a thin space into a passage using Ventura's text editor, hold down the Shift and etrl keys while pressing the T. To insert a thin space into a passage using your own word processor, type a vertical bar surrounded by angle brackets « I ». Chapter 10: Formatting Text 213 Tip 1 0 - 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Customized Fixed SPaces Although Ventura provides four types of fixed spaces, you can create more simply by typing a character and setting its color to white. To do so, select text mode. Then type the character from the keyboard and highlight it with the mouse by dragging the mouse across it while holding down the mouse button. Select the Set Font button. From the font setting dialog box, select White as the color. On the screen the character will not be seen, but its place will be kept in the text. •:. Spaces between Letters The spacing between characters is controlled primarily by a width table that is part of a font. Unless you are using a font editor to create entirely new characters, there's no need to worry about this width table. Because of the width table, Ventura automatically performs proportional spacing, assigning more space to a W, for example, than to an i. For altering the spacing between letters, Ventura provides four types of controls: (1) manual kerning, (2) automatic kerning, (3) tracking, and (4) letter spacing . • Manual Kerning The procedure for manually kerning a pair of letters is simple and intuitive. To perform manual kerning you select text mode, then hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor across the letter immediately to the left of the letter space that you wish to close up. While holding down the Shift key, press the left arrow key to make the space narrower, or press the right arrow key to make the space wider. 214 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Methods for Controlling Spacing within Words and between Words Adjustments to the space between individual letter pairs. • Kerning • Letter Spacing Uniform addition of extra space between all the charac- ters in a line if the line is "loose," i. e., if the space between the words of that line exceeds the Maximum Space Width. • Tracking Uniform tightening or loosening of the space between letters. For most text, tracking should be neither tight nor loose. For headlines and titles, it should usually be tightened up. • The closest allowable distance between two Minimum Space Width words in a line. Though Ventura will exceed the Maximum Space Width if necessary to justify a line of text, it will never set words closer together than the Minimum Space Width. A recommended number is 0.6 times the Normal Space Width. • Normal Space Width ing The optimum space that Ventura aims at in justify- a line. Generally, it should be set to 1.0 unless you need to a paragraph to fit a particular space. expand • Maximum Space Width words in The maximum a justified line. desirable distance between If Ventura is forced to exceed this figure, the line is considered "loose." To keep the space between words within the Maximum Space Width limit, Ventura will add spaces between letters, provided Letter Spacing is on. Table 10-3: Methods for controlling the ~pacing within words and between words. Chapter 10: Fonnatting Text 215 Tip 1 0 - 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kerning Increments Each time you press the left arrow key, you close the space by .02 Em. Each time you press the right arrow key, you widen the space by .02 Em. In other words, you would have to hit the space bar 50 times to widen the space between two letters the width of a capital letter M. Tip 1 0 - 2 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Don't Highlight the Last Letter When you use the Shift-Arrow combination to widen or tighten kerning, Ventura adds space on the right side of all the letters you have highlighted. So if you're trying to uniformly tighten or loosen the spaCing in a word or phrase, don't highlight the last letter. Also, if you're kerning just one letter combination, just highlight the first letter, not both letters. To find out how much the space has been reduced, select Set Font and check the setting for Kern. The amount of reduction or enlargement in the space between the two letters is measured in Ems, where one Em equals the point size of the font. So if the paragraph is set in 12-point type, an Em is 12 points, or 1/6 inch, wide. In general, it is easier to adjust the kerning of letters by using the shift and arrow key combination; however, an alternative method is to type the desired amount of tightening or loosening directly in the Set Font dialog box. If you want to return to the original spacing, simply highlight the character and select Normal from the Selection List. 216 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Automatic Kerning The manual kerning procedure described above lets you interactively adjust the spacing between any pair of characters. Automatic kerning means that Ventura will use the kerning information contained in your printer width table to automatically adjust all instances of particular letter combinations, such as AV and To. This assumes, of course, that your printer width table contains a table listing the spacing adjustments for particular character combinations. You can turn automatic kerning on or off either for the chapter as a whole (Chapter menu: Chapter Typography), for the current frame (Frame menu: Frame Typography), or for a single tag (Paragraph menu: Paragraph Typography). The question, of course, is: which menu overrides which? If you tell Ventura at the chapter level to turn kerning off, at the frame level to turn it on, and at the tag level to turn it off, what will happen? The answer is best summarized in Table 10-5. Tip 1 0 - 2 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Font Support for Automatic Kerning Automatic kerning only works if the width table for the fonts you are using includes kerning information. Ventura ~ PostScript width table does include such information. The width table for the Laserjet fonts provided with Ventura does also. Many thirdparty fonts also include kerning information, including Laserjet fonts from Conographic, The Font Factory, Mephistopheles, SoftCraft, VS Software, and Weaver Graphics. When you buy a font, check with the vendor to see that it includes a width table with a built-in table of kerning pairs. 217 Chapter 10: Formatting Text Kerning Options Menu/Option Applies To Notes Chapter Menu: Chapter Typography Automatic Kerning for All Tags Pair Kerning: On enables automatic kerning if the font width table for your printer includes kerning pair information. It does not affect manual kerning. Frame Menu: Frame Typography Automatic Kerning for All Tags in the Selected Frame. Pair Kerning: On overrides the Chapter menu for the selected frame. Paragraph Menu: Paragraph Typography Automatic Kerning at the Tag Level Automatic Pair Kerning: On overrides the Chapter and Frame Typography menus for the selected tag. Set Font Manual Kerning This option is used in Text mode. It moves the selected characters closer together or farther apart. Shift-Arrow Keys Interactive Manual Kerning The selected characters are moved closer together (left arrow) or farther apart (right arrow). Table 10-4: Ventura'S five methods of kerning. 218 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Relation between Chapter, Frame, and Paragraph Controls for Automatic Pair Kerning Chapter Menu pqir Kerning Frame pair Kerning Automatic pqir Kerning Letters Kerned On On On YES On Off On No Off Off On No On On Off No Off On Off No On Off Off No Off Off Off No On Default On YES Off Default On No On Default Off No Off Default Off No Table 10-5: Relation between chapter, frame, and paragraph controls for automatic kerning. Chapter 10: Formatting Text 219 • Tracking The difference between kerning and tracking is that kerning means tightening up particular pairs of characters whose shapes allow them to fit more closely together, while tracking refers to uniform tightening or loosening of an entire block of text. While kerning is generally used to avoid unattractive gaps between particular characters, tracking is most often used to improve the appearance of passages of text that are set in large type, such as headlines and titles. Generally, while normal spacing looks good in regular text sizes, large type needs to be tightened up to look right. To change the tracking settings for a single tag, select a paragraph. From the Paragraph menu select the Paragraph Typography option. Select the Looser or Tighter options, and enter an amount (always measured in Ems). As noted above, the size of an Em is relative to the size of the font in the selected paragraph. If you're using 12-point type, setting the tracking to 0.050 Ems tighter would reduce the amount of space between each character by .6 points, or 1/120 inch. To change tracking settings interactively for a passage of text, you can switch to text editing mode and select a passage of text by dragging the mouse across it, so that it appears in reverse video on the screen. Now, if you hold down the Shift key and press the left arrow, the space between each pair of letters will be closed up by .02 Em, or about 1/4 point for each letter (assuming 12point type). In effect, what you're doing is applying the interactive kerning procedure to a group of letters all at once. Remember not to highlight the final letter of the passage you're tracking. When should you use interactive tracking with the Shift-Arrow combination, versus tag-based tracking with the Paragraph Typography option? Generally, interactive tracking adjustment is better when you need to reduce or enlarge the amount of space taken up by a passage of text. Tag-based tracking is better for uniformly tightening up the passages of text set in large fonts, such as headlines and titles. 220 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 1 0 - 2 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When to Use Tracking With normal body type set in wide columns, tracking is usually not necessary. Tracking, which uniformly increases or reduces the spaces between characters, is used in the following situations: • To improve the appearance of body copy set in certain fonts. For example, 8.5-point Palatino looks slightly better when the tracking is loosened by .05 Ems. • In headlines and other text that uses large fonts (such as the chapter titles in this book). Normally, large type sizes are too loose without tracking. • To squeeze copy within a given area. This is most often necessary to get rid of a word appearing by itself on the last line of a paragraph. Once you have tightened up the tracking of the text above the solitary word, the word will jump up to join the previous line. • With italic fonts, which sometimes appear too loose without tracking. • Letter Spacing The method that Ventura uses to create justified text is to uniformly increase or decrease the amount of space between the words in a particular line. Of course, adding too much space between words may give text an undesirable appearance. Lines in which the amount of space between words exceeds a certain desirable maximum are referred to as "loose lines." To deal with a loose line, a typographic system can resort to increasing the amount of space between letters within words. This is known as "letter spacing." Here's how Ventura goes about setting lines. First, it tries to justify lines by adding space between words. If the amount of space between words exceeds a specified limit, you have a "loose line." The specified limit is the Maximum Space Width setting shown in Chapter 10: Fonnatting Text 221 the Typographic Controls dialog box, selected from the Paragraph menu. As long as you have chosen not to activate letter spacing, Ventura will go ahead and print loose lines, that is, lines in which spaces between words exceed this maximum. However, if you turn the letter spacing option on, Ventura will attempt to fix the loose line by adding spaces between letters. To turn letter spacing on, start by selecting a paragraph. From the Paragraph menu select the Paragraph Typography option. Select Letter Spacing: On and enter a figure next to "Up to:" This controls the maximum amount of space that Ventura will add to the already existing spaces between characters to try to fill out the line. To see which lines in a document are in need of letter spacing, select the Show Loose Lines option of the Options menu. Tip 1 0 - 2 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Loose Lines After you 'fix" a loose line by adjusting the letter spacing, the line will still be marked as loose. Table 10-3 compares the various options for controlling spacing within words and between words. Tip 1 0 - 2 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Marker Characters Ventura uses a variety of markers to indicate the hidden characters used for tabs, paragraph endings, discretionary hyphens, etc. These marks will be shown on the page if you press Ctrl-T or select Show Tabs & Returns from the Options menu. Tip 1 0 - 2 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line Snap To activate line snap, change Line Snap to ((On" in the Options menu. Line snap sets up an invisible grid on the page. The width 222 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition of this grid is the interline spacing used by the Body Text tag. The reference point is the baseline of Body Text set on the base page. You can use line snap for the following: • Creating a thin frame that is exactly the same height as a single line. Such a frame can be used to adjust vertical spacing in a column of text. • Making text in adjacent columns line up. • Allowing two frames to adjoin each other exactly . •:. Special Effects Over the years, designers and typographers have developed a repertory of special techniques for enhancing the appearance of text. When used effectively, these effects play not only an aesthetic role, but also serve to accent the underlying organization of a document and make it more effective. In general, you should avoid using special effects such as large first letters merely for decorative purposes. The most commonly used special effects, both of which are easily done in Ventura, are bullets and large first characters. For an explanation of the big first character function, see Chapter 20, "Using Fonts." • Bullets To create a tag that automatically places a bullet in front of a paragraph, select Special Effects from the Paragraph menu. Note that a bullet can be any character, not just the • mark. Look up the chart of characters (shown on the inside cover of this book) and type the appropriate ASCII character in the Special Effects dialog box. Ventura lets you also use solid or hollow box characters for bullets, even though these characters are not part of either the Ventura International symbol set or the Symbol font. If you have a PostScript printer, you can use character 110 of Zapf Dingbats for a solid box (.) and characters 111 (0), 112 CO), 113 (0), and 114 CO) for hollow boxes. Use the Set Font Properties option to change the size and font for the bullet. Chapter 10: Formatting Text 223 Tip 1 0 - 3 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Changing the Size of the Bullet Ifyou don't like the size of the bullet, you can create a larger one. Tag the paragraph and select Special Effects from the Paragraph menu. Select Bullet and select Set Font Properties. By indicating a larger point size, you'll get a larger bullet even though the size of your text will remain the same. If you select a large point size for your bullet, you'll also have to use the Shift option to nudge it down slightly. • Small • Medium _ • Large Humongous Brobdingnagian Tip 1 0 - 3 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Using a Picturefor a Bullet You can use a graphic image such as a piece of clip art or a company logo for a bullet. The technique involves loading the graphic into a "floating frame." It is described in Chapter 13, ((Pagination. " 224 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Small Caps are capital letters set one or two points smaller than the size of current text. Among other purposes, they are useful for making acronyms less conspicuous (e.g., UNICEF instead of UMCEF). In Ventura, creating small caps is easy. Type the text as normal, then highlight it (still working in text mode rather than tagging mode) and select Upper Case and Small from the Assignment List. For an enhanced effect, keep the initial letters of words that would otherwise be capitalized in regular caps, as shown above . SMALL CAPS •:. Questions Q: How can I make a headline that goes across several columns ? A: Select tagging mode. Tag the headline. Select the Paragraph menu. Select the Alignment option. Select Overall Width: FrameWide. Q: I turned kerning on in the Page Layout dialog box of the Page menu, but doing so did not cause the text to be kerned. Why not? A: In order for automatic kerning to function, the font you're using must include spacing information for each kerning pair (each pair of characters that is to be automatically kerned). Such information is part of PostScript fonts and the LaserJet soft fonts provided with Ventura. Chapter 10: Formatting Text 225 Q: What is the difference between tracking and space width? A: Tracking is a way of globally tightening up the distance between characters. Space width settings provide a mlnImUm, an optimum, and a maximum allowable amount of space between words. Q: Kerning looked fine on the screen but did not print correctly. A: This is an unavoidable side effect of the fact that the resolution of graphic displays is so much lower than of output devices. At the level of character spacing, true WYSIWYG is still in the future. Q: What does Letter Spacing: On/Off mean in the Typographic Controls dialog box of the Paragraph menu? A: As long as letter spacing is turned off, Ventura will only adjust the spaces between words as it justifies lines of text. If the program does not succeed in keeping these interword spaces within the limits you have specified for maximum spaceband values, it will highlight the line as a "loose line." By turning on letter spacing, you can then allow the program to adjust the spacing between letters within words, so that the spaces between words can be narrowed. Note that even after you turn letter spacing on, the lines will still be highlighted as loose. 226 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Q: Some of the measurements in the menus are shown as --.-- rather than as numbers. What is the meaning of these marks? A: They denote that the measurement is out of range. Generally, this occurs when you are using fractional points as your measurement units. Any number larger than 99.99 points (about 1.4 inches) will be shown as --.-- fractional points. The solution is to change measurement units, which is done by pointing directly at the words "fractional points" and clicking with the mouse. Tables The easiest way to format tables and forms is to use Ventura's powerful and flexible table generator, which is available in the Windows version and in the Professional Extension with the DOS/GEM version. Most of this chapter is devoted to explaining the table generator, but we will also look at four other ways of setting up tabular material: using tabs, using breaks, using ruling lines, and using box text. Tabs should be used to separate columns when the material in each column can fit on one line and does not need to wrap to the next line within that column. For the tabs to work, the paragraph must be formatted as left or right aligned - not justified. Note: Tabs are always measured from the edge of the current column. 228 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition The distance to this column is determined by tab #1, which is a left tab set at 1.25/1 and measured from the left edge of the column. The distance to the first column is determined by the In From Left measurement (in this case set at .41 inches), not by a tab. The distance to this column is determined by tab #3, which is a centered tab set at 3.70/1 and measured from the left edge of the column. The distance to this column is determined by tab #4, which is a decimal tab set at 4.90/1 and measured from the left edge of the column. Note how a parenthesis mark is ignored by the tab, even if no decimal is present. The distance to this column is determined by tab #2, which is a right tab set at 2.85/1 and measured from the left edge of the column. / $100 $100 ($100) ($100) $100.00 $100.00 ($100.00) ($100.00) $100 ($100) $100.00 ($100.00) $100 $100 ($100) ($100) $100.00 $100.00 ($100.00) ($100.00) Figure 11-1: Examples of left, right, centered, and decimal tabs. Chapter 11: Tables 229 In Figure 11-1, the edge of the column is shown by the vertical line. The first column is set not with a tab but with the In From Left setting for the paragraph. The other four columns show the placement of various number formats for left, right, centered, and decimal tabs. Breaks rather than tabs should be used when the material in each column needs to wrap. This method is also referred to as "vertical tabs." To set up such material you proceed one step at a time. The first step is to type the three paragraphs, tagging them with the Body Text tag. The second step is to create a new tag for each column and adjust the settings for In From Left and In From Right so that they won't overlap after you line them up next to each other. The final step is to adjust the settings for Line Breaks so that the three columns line up next to each other. These three steps are illustrated in Figure 11-2. Complex tables are most easily handled by using the Box Text tool in graphics mode, typing text into the boxes, and then setting Line Attributes at None to eliminate the boundaries of the boxes. The drawback of this method is that surrounding text does not flow around boxes, so you'll have to create empty space or draw a frame to contain the boxes. If you want to make the table move with text, create it within a frame and then make the frame a floating frame . •:. Ruling Line Below Here's a quick way to create a simple table. Draw a box using either the Box Text tool or the Add New Frame button. Place the 230 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition This is the first column. It will be positioned on the left side of the page.' This is the second column. It will be positioned in the middle of the page.' This Is the third column. It will be positioned on the right side of the pageO Step 1: Type each column as a separate paragraph, using the standard Body Text tag. This is the first column. It will be positioned on the left side of the page,' This Is the second column. It will be positioned in the middle of the page.' This is the third column. It will be positioned on the right side of the pageD Step 2: Create three new tag:,~ one of each of the paragraphs. Use the In From Left and In From Right settings of the Paragraph Spacing menu to position the paragraphs hOrizontally. This is the first column. It will be positioned on the left side of the page .• This i& the second column. It will be positioned in the middle of the page .• This is the third column. It will be positioned on the right side of the pageD Step 3: Use the Paragraph Breaks menu to position the paragraphs side by side. Set the Line Breaks for the first paragraph to Before, for the second paragraph to None, and for the third paragraph to After. Figure 11-2: The three-step method for using line breaks to place text in adjacent columns. Chapter 11: Tables 231 cursor inside the box or the blank frame and press Enter several times. Now switch to tagging mode and create a tag with Ruling Line Below width set to "Frame." Your box or frame will instantly fill up with evenly spaced lines. You can then type text on any of the lines and create additional tags to change the spacing for a particular line or to align it left, right, or center. If you use a frame, you can even make it a floating frame so that the table always remains in the same position relative to the surrounding text, just as though you were using the table generator in the Professional Extension. You can also use Margins & Columns to create multiple columns within the frame, and use Vertical Rules to set up vertical ruling lines between the columns. To align your block of ruled lines relative to other such blocks, set up the underlying page so that it has a large number of columns, then set Column Snap and Line Snap on. If you're using box text to create your lined blocks, also set Grid Snap on . •:. The Table Generator In the Windows and DOS/GEM versions (Professional Extension only), the table generator is accessed by first clicking in front of a paragraph, then selecting the Table icon. The generator lets you do the following: • Quickly set up a table with a specified number of rows and columns. • Add or delete rows and columns. • Use thin, thick, or double lines to set off parts of the table. • Hide some or all of the ruling lines. • Create complex tables by merging cells. • Type text directly into cells or else load it from a spreadsheet. • Use shading to highlight selected cells. 232 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Insert/Edit Table Dialog Box Ventura will create the number of rows and columns you specify here. If you change your mind later and want to add more rows and columns, use Ins Rowand Ins Column in the Assignment List. If you select Overall Width: Column, Ventura will make the table fit the width of the column. The other option is Custom, which lets you type In a figure for width. The table can be aligned with the left or right margin, or Indented a specified amount. If you allow the table to break across pages, you can cause a specified number of the header rows to be repeated on the second page. TABLE ~ of RowsJ(oluAns: Overall Width: (olunn Korz. AlignAent: Left Break Across Pages: Allowed ~ of Header Rows: BBllll BOH Around: On Horz. Grid: On Vert. Grid: On I :f.. I I Z DOUBLE I Z-SIN6lE-I Z=SINGLE Space Above: Space Between Rows: Space Between (oluAns: Space Below: Vert. Just at Top: Vert. Just at BottOA: Box Around controls the outer perimeter of the table; Harz. and Vert. Grid control the internal lines. You can override these settings by selecting a vertical or horizontal line and applying attributes from the Assignment List. Figure 11-3 B6,37 inches BBtSS The figures for Vert. Just at Top and Bottom control how much space Ventura can add above and below the table to vertically justify a page. I Cancel I Space Above and Space Below control the distance to adjacent paragraphs. Space Between Rows is measured from the baseline of one row to the baseline of the next. Chapter 11: Tables 233 • Apply any tag to text in cells, and thus easily control such parameters as font, alignment, and spacing within cells. • Change the width of a cell by holding down the Alt key while dragging the edge with the mouse. • Use absolute measurements to specify the width of a cell, or set its width relative to other cells. To show these capabilities in action, let's try creating a table from scratch. The first thing to do is to select table mode by clicking on the table icon. Next, position the mouse at the top of a page (if the page is blank) or just above a paragraph (if the page contains text) and click. You'll see a horizontal gray line on the screen. Now click on the Ins New Table button (DOS/GEM version) or the Insert New Table option of the Table menu (Windows version). The dialog box shown on the following page will appear for the DOS/GEM version. For the Windows version, the dialog box looks superficially different but provides the same functions. At this point, you don't have to worry about what settings to enter. Just accept the defaults and select OK. An empty grid will appear on your screen, like this: • Adjusting the Size of the Cells Let's start by learning how to adjust the size of the cells. In editing tables, there are two ways to do this. One is to set the size of each column in proportion to other columns. To select a column, first select table mode, then click anywhere in the column. Now select Set Column Width from the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Table menu (Windows version). If you don't see that as an option in the DOS/GEM version, make sure you're in table mode. The Table icon should be highlighted. 234 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition TABLE COLUMN WIDTHS (oluPln NUPlber: I + I 1 I .. I Width Setting: Variable fi >?r.d ~'Hdth ~ I ss,slS centiJlleters proportions Variable Width: 8881 I I Cancel I OK Having selected Set Column Width, you'll see the dialog box shown above. If you select variable width in the dialog box, the columns will be related to each other in size according to each column's setting for variable width. Let's set the proportions to 2 for the first column and 1 for the other two columns. The result looks like this: err I err I err delta {) omega (J) upsilon 1) PI II epsilon £ omicron 0 xi ~ PSI 'II eta 11 phi cp zeta ~ SIGMA L gamma y pi :n: DELTA tJ. THETA e psi 1!J EPSILON E UPSILON Y rho p GAMMA r XI .... iota kappa K • Method 3: Symbol Combinations A third way to enter symbols is to type symbol combinations, such as ==, which Ventura converts into == . Table 12-3 provides a complete list of the available combinations . • Special Symbol Commands The integral d\ sum C.~), product CD), sqrt CV), and union CU) symbols require special treatment, since they are used in conjunction with other symbols. For example, integrals, sums, and products involve limits placed above and below the symbol. The square root sign must extend so that the horizontal bar covers the entire argument to which the function is to be applied. EQN provides a special set of commands for handling these symbols, as listed in Table 12-3. Chapter 12: Equations .:. 247 Font Changes You can't use any of Ventura's text formatting options within an equation. To select a typeface, point size, or weight, use the following commands: · bold or fat (either command changes the following text to boldface); · font number (changes the font for the following text, with number standing for the ID number of the font, as listed in Appendix K of the Ventura manual); · italic (changes the following text to italic); · roman (changes the following text to normal type); · size number (changes the following text to the point size given by number); · symbol (changes the following text to the symbol font, equivalent to font 128). Tip 1 2 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Getting Help with Ctrl-C When you are in the equation-editing screen, pressing Ctrl-C shows you a list of common commands associated with the ten function keys. If you select one of these function keys, Ventura will automatically enter an example of the use of that command. Table 12-4 lists the function keys, the command associated with each, the complete EQN string that Ventura inserts when you select one of these function keys, and the formatted result . •:. Italicized Variables and Romanized Functions In mathematical typesetting, the default convention is to format variables in italics and function names in roman (i.e., unitalicized type). As a rule, EQN sets any individual letter or word in italics unless you preface the letter or word with the roman command. 248 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition However, EQN does have an exception dictionary of common function names, and it will automatically set these in roman. If you are setting a function that is not on this list, you'll have to use the roman command. The functions that are automatically romanized are as follows: 1m, Re, and, arc, cos, cosh, cot, coth, det, exp, for, if, lim, In, log, max, min, sin, sinh, tan, tanh. Table 12-3: EQN Symbol Commands Command approx cdot ceiling Effect Creates an approximation symbol (...). Creates a centered dot (.). Creates a ceiling symbol ( D. del Creates a delta sign (iJ). floor Creates a floor sign ( l). grad Creates a gradient sign (V). inf Creates an infinity sign (00). int Creates an integral sign if). Use sub and sup to set the limits for the integral. inter Creates an intersection symbol (n). Use the from and to commands to place text above and below. left partial Used in conj~nction with a parenthesis, bracket, brace, bar, floor, or ceiling character. It causes the character to grow to fit the expression. Creates a partial derivative sign (iJ). 249 Chapter 12: Equations Command Effect prime Creates a prime mark (' ). prod Creates a product symbol (TI ). Use the from and to commands to place text above and below. right Used in conjunction with a parenthesis, bracket, brace, bar, floor, or ceiling character. It causes the character to grow to fit the expression. sqrt Creates a square root symbol (-..I) that encompasses the following expression. sum Creates a summation sign (~). Use the from and to commands to place text above and below. times Creates a multiplication sign (x). union Creates a union symbol (U). Use the from and to commands to place text above and below. Creates comma-bracketed ellipsis marks (, ... ,). != Creates a not equal sign (¢). Creates ellipsis marks ( ... ). +- Creates a plus-or-minus sign (±). -> Creates a right arrow (-+). <- Creates a left arrow » Creates a greater-than sign (». <= Creates a less-than-or-equal sign (s). >= Creates a greater-than-or-equal sign (~). Creates a logical equal sign (=). (~). 250 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Table 12-4: Results of the Choose Equation Text Menu Function Key Command EQN String Result F1 fraction 1/2 1/2 F2 over lover 2 1 2 F3 sub/sup x sub {il\+l\l} sup {nl\+l\l} XP/l 1 F4 square root sqrt x rx F5 summation sum from 0 to inf i 00 }:i 0 F6 integral int sub 0 sup 1 {x I\dx} F7 matrix matrix{ccol{a above b}-ccol{c above d}} 1 f oXdX ac bd F8 center column ccol{a above b} a b F9 center pile cpile{a above b above c} a b c FlO left/right left ( {x} right) (x) Chapter 12: Equations .:. 251 Quotation Marks If you want a string of text to appear exactly as is, place quotation marks around it. This prevents EQ N from interpreting the string as a command . •:. Diacritical Marks In contrast to other commands, which always precede the expression they modify, the commands that produce diacritical marks come after the expression. Eight diacritical commands are recognized by EQN: bar, dot, dotdot, dyad, hat, tilde, under, and vec. The following is an example of the use of these commands and the results. .:. Command Result x bar x dot x x x dotdot x x dyad x x hat x x tilde x x under ?5. x vee x ++ - How to Build an Equation While the EQN language looks difficult at first glance, it's easily mastered if you build your equations one step at a time. The following is an example of the construction process. As the example in Table 12-5 illustrates, a good way to work is to start in the middle and build outward. 252 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Table 12-5: How to Build an Equation EQN String Result 10 sup -x 10-x sum from {x-=-l} to 4 10 sup -x ~10-x Notes The - Inserts a normal space. 4 x=l left { {A - sum from {x -= - 1 } to 4 --10 sup -x}} right} {±lO-XJ} left {{A - sum from {x-=- l} to 4--10 sup -x} right }_+_3AcoS A x t~l 1O-}3COSX {left {{A-sum from {x-=-l} to 4-- 10 sup -x} right }- +- 3AcoS A x} over sum y--=--{ left { {A-sum from {x-=-l} to 4--10 sup -x} right }-+-3AcoS A x} over sum from {x-=-O} to 3 {-x sup 3} The command "left" or "right" indicates that the brace that follows is to actually appear in the equation. x=l 4 ~ 10-x + 3 cosx )(-", The entire denominator is placed In braces. ~ 4 ~ y = 10-x + 3 cosx x=l 3 ~x3 x=Q The equation is now almost complete. The only remaining problem is that the braces overlap the fraction bar. 253 Chapter 12: Equations y--=--{ left { {A-sum from {x-=-l} to 4--10 sup -x} right} sub nothing -+3AcoS A x} over sum from {x-=-O} to 3 {-x sup 3} {± 1O-}3COSX x-l Y = 3 ~x3 x-a To create some space between the braces and the fractlon line, we use the command "sub nothing" after the right brace. Tip 12-4-------------------------------------- Keeping Track of Braces When you want to apply a command to an expression, you need to demarcate that expression by surrounding it with braces. A good procedure to follow, whenever you type a left brace, is immediately to go to the end of the expression you are setting up and type a right brace. 1/you always work with braces in pairs, you won't have the problem of "hanging braces." Tip 12-5-------------------------------------- LaserJet Users When EQN creates subscripts, superscripts, and fractions, it automatically selects a point size that is appropriate relative to other symbols in the equation. This means that your printer must be capable of printing a range of sizes for each font you use in equations. With PostScript printers, that's not a problem, since the printer can automatically scale its master outlines to whatever size you need. In the case of the Laserjet Plus or Series II, the only sizes provided for Dutch and Swiss are 6, 8, 10, and 12; for Dutch bold and Swiss bold 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24; for Dutch italic and Swiss italic 10 and 12; for SymbolS, 10, 12, and 24; and for Courier 10 and 12. However you can generate the missing sizes (most importantly 7-, 9-, and ll-point Dutch and Swiss; 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, and l1-point Dutch and Swiss italic; and 6-, 7-, 9-, 254 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition and 11-point Symbol), using the Bitstream Fontware package, which is bundled with Ventura. Tip 12-6-------------------------------------- Elevating the Numerator Occasionally, a portion of the numerator will overlap the fraction bar. To fix this, you can't use the Up command, because that moves the fraction bar along with the numerator. Instead, add a "null subscript" (using the command ((sub nothing"). This adds the extra room you need between the numerator and the fraction bar. For an example of this technique, look at the last step in Table 12-5. Tip 12-7-------------------------------------- Making Head Room Under a Square Root Sign Sometimes, the argument of the square root function will be too crowded underneath the square root sign. To make some head room under the square root sign, add a null superscript, using the command sup nothing. Tip 12-8----------------------------------- Null Superscripts and Subscripts The previous tips are examples of a technique that can be generalized and used in a variety of contexts. The technique is to create space above and below expressions with null superscripts. Add the command "sup nothing" when you want to create space above an expression (such as some head room between a variable and the square root sign) and ''sub nothing" when you want to create space below an expression. Pagination In the jargon of word processing, pagination refers to the capability of a program automatically to print a page number on each page. In publishing parlance, however, the word· refers more broadly to the process of assembling the parts of a page and then assembling pages together into chapters and entire documents. While many other desktop publishing programs leave you to handle the pagination task more or less manually, Ventura automates the work to a large degree. The elements that make up the process are as follows: • headers and footers • footnotes • automatic numbering • frame anchoring • automatic text insertion 256 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • indexing • automatic generation of a table of contents • cross referencing (Professional Extension only) .:. Headers and Footers You can create a header or a footer at any point after loading a document. Both headers and footers are limited to two lines of text. To create a header, select Headers & Footers from the Chapter menu. Select whether the header/footer is for a right or left page, select Usage: On, and type the material you want contained in the header/footer. The three lines - left, center, and rightare for material that will be aligned left, centered, or aligned right in the header. If you select Chapter # or Page #, Ventura will insert the chapter or page number within the header/footer. The 1st Match and Last Match commands allow you to select material from your page to include in the header. This is especially useful in references such as product catalogs where you want Figure 13-1: Headers & Footers dialog box HEADERS &FOOTERS Define: Left I Left Usage: I Right Page Header I Footer I I Right Page Footer I Pagel~~eader Page III [][] Left: kBP1B>[P~] Uentura Tips -an-;d--;T--n c"'ks--;2;-n-;-d-;:Ed-;-;i~tl'1r·o-n- - - - - - Center: '1r· J Right: Inserts: I Chapter ~ I I Page ~ I I 1st Match I I Last I Text Attr. I I COP!! To Facing Page I Match I on I Cancel I Chapter 13: Pagination 257 the name of the first product listed on the page to be shown in the header for that page. If you select 1st Match or Last Match, Ventura inserts a marker that contains the words "tag name." You must backspace across these words and type the name of the tag that you wish to have as the 1st Match or Last Match. When you select Text Attr, Ventura inserts a D surrounded by angle brackets «D». You can replace the D with any of the text attribute codes listed in Appendix D of the Ventura manual or Chapter 8 of this book. These codes allow you to change the font or type attributes of a single word within a header. For example, to make a single word appear in bold weight, include a on the left side of the word and an (to return to medium) on the right side of the word. When you select Copy To Facing Page, Ventura translates your header to the opposite page, switching the left and right entries of the header/footer to make facing pages symmetrical. .:. Tagging Headers and Footers Once you have created a header or footer, Ventura automatically creates a tag, either Z_Header or Z_Footer. The Z marks it as a "generated tag." Such tags can be altered by means of the same procedure used for altering any other tag. If you do not see any generated tags in the Assignment List when in tagging mode, select Set Preferences from the Options menu and then select Generated Tags: Shown. Just as with any other tag, you can alter the font, alignment, spacing, and other features of the header or footer tag. The only limitation is that a header or a footer can have no more than two lines of text. 258 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Header and Footer Spacing The relation between header or footer spacing and the margins set for the rest of the page can be confusing. Generally, you should think of the two as being completely separate. No matter what you specify as the spacing above and below a header, the margin for the rest of the page will continue to be constant. In other words, once you set the margins for the rest of the page, they will not be affected no matter what settings you choose for the header or footer. Tip 1 3 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page Margins and Header/Footer Margins #1 There is one exception to the independence between headers or footers and the rest of the page. It is that if the above and below space set for the header exceeds that of the margin, the margin will be expanded. Tip 1 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page Margins and Header/Footer Margins #2 One source of confusion for those setting headerIJooter margins is that the Z_Header and Z_Footer tags alone do not completely determine the distance between the tags and the top of the page. For every header and footer, Ventura also generates a new frame and automatically sets up top, bottom, left, and right margins for that frame. So the margin above the header is the top margin of the header frame (set by selecting the Frame function, selecting the header frame, and selecting Margins & Columns from the Frame menu) plus the Space Above setting in the Z_Header tag (set by selecting the Tag function, selecting the header, and selecting Spacing from the Paragraph menu). Chapter 13: Pagination .:. 259 Footnotes Ventura's footnote feature is easy to use, though it does have some limitations: • The size of a block of footnotes is limited to half a page; • Only text on the underlying page can have footnotes; text in box text or frames cannot; • A footnote cannot extend from one page to the next (there's a trick to overcome this limitation - see below). To insert a footnote in your text, switch to text mode and place the cursor at the desired location in your document, pull down the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or Text menu (Windows version), select Ins Special Item, and select Footnote. A footnote mark (either a symbol or a number) appears at the designated point, and Ventura creates a frame at the bottom of the page containing the footnote mark or number and the words "Text of Footnote." To enter the text of your footnote, place the cursor at the end of the words "Text of Footnote," backspace across them, and type the text of your footnote. Like captions and box text, that text will be stored in a file that has the same name as your chapter but uses the GEN extension. To format your footnote, select Footnote Settings from the Chapter menu. Under Usage & Format, you have a choice of footnotes that are numbered sequentially starting at the beginning of a chapter, footnotes that are numbered sequentially starting at the beginning of a page, and footnotes that are designated with asterisks, plus signs, or whatever character or symbol you wish to use. You can also specify whether the footnote is to be superscripted, subscripted, or neither. (Note: this applies to the footnote mark in the text, not at the bottom of the page. To superscript or subscript the number at the bottom, refer to Tip 13-3.) Using the Number Template, you can specify two characters that will automatically accompany your footnote number or mark. 260 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Usually, these are used to place a period after the footnote number or to place parentheses around the footnote number. Tip 1 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Superscripting a Footnote Number l To superscript the footnote number at the bottom of the page (as shown below), you have to change the parameters for both the Z_FNOT # tag and for the Z_FNOT ENTRY tag. To change Z_FNOT #, create a footnote, tag the number, and change the parameters to the following: • Line Breaks: None. • Ruling Line Above: Set Space Below Rule 3 to 4 points and select the minus sign, but set the height of all rules to 0 and set Line Width to to none. • Font size: to 8 or 9 points. • Above Spacing: 1 pica. Now tag the text of the footnote and change the parameters to the following: • Line Breaks: Before and After • In From Left spacing: 0 • Relative Indent: On (Alignment menu) • Interline Spacing: 4 points Tip 1 3 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deleting a Footnote To get rid of a footnote from the bottom of the page, you need to delete the footnote reference mark in your text. When you're in IText of Footnote 261 Chapter 13: Pagination The Footnote Settings Dialog Box In order for the footnote text to appear, you have to select one of these optIons. Numbering can be sequential throughout your chapter or can start anew on each page. A third option is to define your own footnote characters below under "Character-Defined Strings. " Usage &ForAat: ~ 1,* The Number Template lets you specify characters that will always accompany the footnote; for example, #. FroA Start of Page (1,2,3) I 1'* FroJTI Start of Page ~ (U~er· Defined) I FrOM Start of Chapter (1,2,3) Start With '*: BBB11 NUAber TeJTIplate: '*__ Position of NUJTlber: No Shift 'I: 5: Separator Line Width Space Above Line Height of Line The number position option lets you shift the footnote number up or down. This only applies to the footnote number inserted in the text, not to the number at the bottom of the page. To shift the number at the bottom at the page, see Tip 13-3. Figure 13-2 t Z: ................ 3: ................ 6: ................ 7: 4: S: BB.BB inches BB.BB BB.BB These are the settings for the line that separates the footnote from the rest of the page. Lines always start at the left margin. These strings are used in place of footnote numbers it you select UserDefined above. You can use Ventura's defaults or create your own strings. 262 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition the right location, the word ''Footnote'' will be displayed in the Current Selection Box (underneath the Assignment List on the left side of the screen). Tip 13-5------------------------------------- Moving a Footnote to a New Page When you delete a footnote, the footnote number and text remain in the clipboard. To move them to a new position or page, simply insert the cursor at the new position and press Ins. Tip 13-6---------------------------------- Extending a Footnote to a Second Page If you have to extend a footnote to a second page, there's a way to do it- quite awkward, but occasionally necessary. Change the color for the Z_FNOT # tag to white so that it becomes invisible. Change the Indent for the Z_FNOT ENTRY tag to 0, so that it is flush left. The result is that the text of the footnote covers up the number or footnote mark, so you'll have to insert the footnote number or mark manually. Type a portion of the footnote on the first page, breaking it off at the end of a line. Go to the next page and insert a footnote mark into text at the end of a line, then use Set Font (DOS/GEM version) or the Text menu (Windows version) to change the footnote mark to white so that it is invisible. Type the remainder of the footnote from the previous page in the footnote box at the bottom of the page . •:. Widows and Orphans Another function of the pagination process is making sure that isolated lines do not appear at the top or the bottom of the page. Such lines are referred to as widows when occurring at the top of the page, or as orphans when occurring at the bottom. The Chapter Typography dialog box allows you to specify the minimum 263 Chapter 13: Pagination number of lines that may be isolated at the top or the bottom of the page. Normally, this should be set to 2 for both orphans and widows, since this will prevent single isolated lines . •:. Automatic Numbering With Ventura, you have the ability to automatically number chapters, pages, subheads, and captions. These options are controlled with the Update Counter, Auto-Numbering, and Renumber Chapter options, which are located under the Chapter menu in the DOS/GEM version and under the Paragraph or Edit menus in the Windows version. Of these, the most important dialog box is Auto-Numbering. Although it is straightforward, the autonumbering process requires a good deal of attention to detail. The procedure is as follows: • Select Auto-Numbering from the Chapter menu (DOS/GEM version) or Paragraph menu (Windows version). Figure 13-3: The Auto-Numbering dialog box AUTO· NUMBERING Usage: _ []ffJ Leuel 1: [*Major Headip9J11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Leuel2: [*tag nall)eJ1]I-~---------­ Leuel 3: Leud 4: Level 5: Leuel 6: Leuel 7: LelJd B: Leuel 9: Level 10: Inserts: I Chapter ~ I [IJJ [gJ [i;I] [L]IJ [!JIJ I Suppress Previous Level I I Text Attr. I r--niiI ~---::-t a..l!LJ I Cancel I 264 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Select Usage: On. • Select 1,2; A,B; a,b; I,ll; or i,ii to indicate the type of numbering you want. • Replace the words "tag name" with the name of the tag you wish to have numbered in your document. • If you wish to start numbering at a number other than 1, type a comma and the number (as an Arabic numeral, e.g., 3) just inside the right bracket. • If you wish to have any text or punctuation accompanying the number, type it to the right or left of the bracketed portion. • If you want to have part of the automatically generated material appear in a different font, select Text Attf. Ventura will insert a D surrounded by angle brackets «D». You can replace the D with one of the formatting codes shown in Chapter 8 of this book or in Appendix D of the Ventura manual. Figure 13-4: The autonumbering dialog box, as used to automatically number the tips in this book. rn AUTO· NUMBERING Usage: • []ill Level 1: Tip [C#]·[*Tip Title J 111-1_ _ _ _ __ Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Level 1: Level 0: Level 9: Level 10: Inserts: I Chapter # I []JJ [gJ UIJ ITJIJ I i, ii I I Suppress Previous level I I Text Attr, I i"'7iiiI ~---:::-'I L....2.!LJ I Cancel I Chapter 13: Pagination 265 • If you don't want the number for a higher level combined with the number for a lower level, move the cursor to the beginning of the line and select Suppress Previous Level. • Once you have completed filling out the lines of the AutoNumbering dialog box, select OK or press Enter. Figure 13-4 shows how the autonumbering dialog box was set up to automatically number the tips in this book. • If you wish to change the font or spacing of the number, select tagging mode and select the number. It will have a tag such as Z_Secl. Using the options in the Paragraph menu, you can change the font, the spacing, the alignment, and other features of the number. • If you want the number to appear on the same line as the following text, select tagging mode, select the number, select Breaks from the Paragraph menu, and set Line Break to Before. Then select the following paragraph and set Line Break to After. Adjust the indentation of the first line of the paragraph to avoid overlap. Next, change the tags of other paragraphs to Line Break: After, to avoid overlaps with those paragraphs. • Automatic numbers are not automatically adjusted if text is edited. If you do perform any text editing, such as deleting a few paragraphs, select Renumber Chapter from the Chapter menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Edit menu (Windows version). Better yet, use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl-B. Tip 1 3 - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renumbering with Ctrl-B Any time you add or delete an item that is automatically numbered, press Ctrl-B. This not only removes the numberJor the item you just removed, but also adjusts the numbers of every subsequent item. 266 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Frame Anchoring Frame anchoring lets you keep illustrations with the text that they relate to. You can force a picture to always appear on the same page as the text reference, to always appear immediately above or below the line containing the anchor, and even to always appear in the same line as the text reference. The latter makes it possible to have a symbol or a logo in a small frame that always "floats" within the text, no matter how many times you reformat your document. The procedure for anchoring a frame to a passage of text is as follows: • Select the frame you want to anchor, and select Anchors & Captions from the Frame menu. Type the Anchor name. (Note: Ignore the remainder of this dialog box; the above, below, left, right selections apply to captions rather than anchors.) • Select text mode. Place the cursor in the paragraph to which you want to anchor the frame and click. • Select Ins Special Item from the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or Text menu (Windows version). Figure 13-5: The Insert/Edit Anchor dialog box INSERT/EDIT ANCHOR FraMe s Anchor NaMe: Figure 311---J FraMeJs New Location: Fixed) On Same Page As Anchor Relative! Below Anchor Line I Relative! Above Anchor Line Relative] Autonaticall9 At Anchor I OK I ~ Cancel I Chapter 13: Pagination 267 • Select Frame Anchor. You'll now see the dialog box shown in Figure 13-5. • The Anchor name you typed above will appear. Select one of the four location options, described below . • Four Kinds of Anchors There are four ways to anchor graphics. The first, Fixed On Same Page As Anchor, should be used when you want to keep a picture at the same place on the page (usually on the top of the page or on the bottom of the page). The picture will move to a new page if the anchor point moves to a new page, but it will always retain the same location on the page. In other words, the frame will never shift up, down, left, or right. Note that if the anchor point moves to a new page, the picture will not move spontaneously; to make the picture move, you have to select Re-Anchor Frames from the Chapter menu (DOS/GEM version) or Edit menu (Windows version). The second and third kinds of anchors - Relative, Below Anchor Line and Relative, Above Anchor Line - should be used if you want Ventura to position a picture just below or above a line of text. Note that if the anchor point moves, the picture does not move until you select Re-Anchor Frames from the Chapter menu. The fourth option - Relative, Automatically At Anchor - makes the frame "float" with the anchor point, immediately repositioning itself whenever the anchor point moves. If you use this option, you should turn on Grow Inter-Line to Fit in the Paragraph menu. This type of frame anchoring is particularly useful if you have a small illustration that you want to include within a paragraph. Tip 13-8-----------~------- Frames in Margins Frequently, frame anchoring causes frames to be placed in the margins of the page. When that occurs, you have to adjust them manually. 268 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition TiP13-9----------------------------------~- Attaching Graphics to Text / Let's say ou want to use Ventura's drawing tools to drat( an ellipse like this), a rectangle (like this), an arrow (like this) directly on your text so that it remains in the same relative position as the paragraph moves. Create a small frame and insert it at the end of the paragraph, and attach it as a relative anchor. Then draw your graphics. I lor Tip 1 3 - 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Using Floating Frames for Bullets Besides making Ventura's internal graphics float, you can make any imported graphics float with a frame. The applications of this feature are endless. A few ideas: • Number your lists with fancy clip-art numbers or decorative bullets • Highlight important text with symbols (such as the wheelchair access symbol shown here) • Mark official policy with the company logo . •:. Automatic Text Insertion You can use the autonumbering feature of Ventura to place a standardized passage of text in front of every paragraph with a designated tag. By deleting the number within the brackets, no numbering will occur; however, any text you print on that line will be printed at the beginning of every paragraph with that tag. Up to 35 characters of specified text can be automatically inserted using this technique. 269 Chapter 13: Pagination The Insert/Edit Index Entry Menu INSERTIEDIT INDEX ENTRY TlIpe of Entrll: See Prilllar!ol Entr!ol: Paper jallls_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Prilllarll Sort Ke!ol: Secondar!l Entrll: Secondarl/ Sort Kel/: Troubleshootin~I--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ / / INSERT/EDIT INDEX ENTRY T!oIpe of Entry: Paper jams, See Troubleshooting Parallel interface, 4, 261-265 advantage over serial interface, 262 switching to serial interface, 263 455 INS ERTIEDIT INDEX ENTRY The Pascal Reader, 455 hpe of Entrll: Secondar!l Entrll: advantage over serial interfaceI-I_ _ __ Secondary Sort Kell: Index Prilllar!ol Entrll: The Pascal R~ader_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PriJllarll Sort Kell: Pascal Reade'll-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Figure 13-6 rn Index INSERTIEDIT INDEX ENTRY Secondary Entry: Secondarll Sort Kell: \ Prilllarll Entrll: Parallel interface_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Prilllary Sort Kell: \ Tllpe of Entrll: t Secondarll Entry: Secondarll Sort Kell: Paper sizes, 405 Pascal, 417-419, Index PriPlafll Entr!l: Paper size~I---_ _ __ Prilllar", Sort Key: 270 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Indexing When they hear that Ventura has an "automatic indexing capability," most people get the impression that they can simply browse through their document, marking key words as they go, and then sit back while Ventura searches for each instance of each key word throughout the document, compiles a database of the page number on which it occurs, merges all these together, and generates a formatted index. In fact, the indexing procedure is a good deal more tedious than that. It's a three-step procedure that works as follows: • Step One: Inserting Index Marks . You work in text mode, starting at the beginning of 'your document. When you see a word or a concept that you want to include in your index, place the cursor in the word or near it, select Ins Special Item from the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or Text menu (Windows version), and select Index Entry. (The shortcut for this in the DOS/GEM version is Ctrl-C F3. In the Windows version the shortcut is Alt-TCI, though you can make the shortcut even shorter in the Windows version by creating a two-key macro with the Windows Macro Recorder. In the process of creating an index for a long document such as this book, pressing the insert index shortcut hundreds of times, I assure you that this particular key combination will wear a deep crease in your brain.) . You'll now see the Insert/Edit Index Entry screen, shown in Figure 13-6. The figure illustrates the main types of entries in any index. Every entry must contain a Primary Entry. In addition, you can also add a Secondary Entry, which will be indented below the Primary Entry. If the phrase you are indexing starts with and or the, you need to tell Ventura how to alphabetize it. As shown in Figure 13-6, if the ently is called The Pascal Reader, you type The Pascal Reader 271 Chapter 13: Pagination The Generate Index Dialog Box Ventura automatically creates a name for the text file It generates. To load the file, select Text/Generated under the Load Text/Picture option of the File menu. If you want to, you can change this name to something else. The arrow Indicates that Ventura will place a tab between each Index entry and the list of page numbers. You may want to delete this and replace It with a comma followed by a space. If you set Letter Headings: On Ventura will place a solitary letter to mark This is the title for your index. You can change it to something else. III 6ENERATE INDEX Index File: Title String: Letter Headings: On Before h: For Each i: Between #s: J,/-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ After "See #5: .. , / 7 : " - - - - - - - - - - - - - "See Al In this example, Ventura will automatically list both the chapter and the page number for each index entry. For most indexes, you should delete the C # so that the line reads [P#]. Figure 13-7 Use these Inserts to place the tab character, [C#], and [P#] into the dialog box. When you select Text Attr., Ventura inserts a "return to default" mark, . You can replace the D with any text formatting codes (see Chapter 8). 272 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition next to Primary Entry and Pascal Reader next to Primary Sort Key. • If you want the index entry to refer to a different index entry, select See or See Also rather than Index. • Select OK or press Enter to return to your document. By checking for a small bubble, you can see where your index mark is embedded in the text. If you can't see the bubble, press Ctrl-T or turn on Show Tabs and Returns in the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or the View menu (Windows version) . • Step Two: Generating the Index • When you've finished inserting index entries for all the chapters in your publication (including the Secondary, See, and See Also index variations discussed above), select MultiChapter from the Options menu and select New (DOS/GEM version), or select File/Manage Publication/MultiChapteri New (Windows version). · Select Add Chapter and then select a chapter name. Repeat this step until all the chapters for your publication are listed. Use Save As to name the publication. • Select Make Index. You'll now be presented with the intimidating dialog box shown in Figure 13-6. Don't worryusually it's only necessary to make a few changes in the default settings. Usually you'll want to replace the tab (the right arrow) for Before #s: with a comma followed by a space (don't forget the space!). You may also want to delete the [C#] references next to For Each #: and simply have each index entry listed by page number. • Place and around "See" and "See" also to put these terms into italics. • Step Three: Formatting the Index • Once you have made the changes you wish to make in the Generate Index dialog box and selected OK, Ventura sets to Chapter 13: Pagination 273 work creating an ASCII text file with the extension GEN. The end result is a text file with the same first five letters as the name of your publication, then the letters IDX, and finally the extension GEN. For example, if the publication is called MANUALO1. GEN, the index text file will be called MANUAIDX.GEN. • Select New from the File menu. • Select Load Text/Picture from the File menu. • Select Text, Generated as the type of file. Select the index file. • When the text loads onto the screen, you'll see that each index entry is ended with a line break, and each separate alphabet group is ended with a paragraph break. You'll also notice that Ventura has automatically tagged each index entry with a generated tag. To finish formatting your index, keep these tags, adjusting their settings as necessary. Tip 1 3 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Formatting Secondary Entries When Ventura generates the index, it automatically inserts a tab in front of all secondary index entries, i.e., entries that fall under another index entry. That works fine if the entry is only one line long, but if the line wraps around it will align to the left margin and the entire secondary entry will no longer be offset from the left margin, as standard practice requires. The solution is to delete the tab mark, and replace the line break at the end of such secondary entries with a paragraph break. Then create a new tag for such secondary entries (i.e., ones that wrap) and set the In From Left setting for this tag equal to the width of the tab for regular entries. 274 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 1 3 - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Beware of Placing Index Marks within Text with Special Attributes Don't place index marks in text that is marked with text attributes such as italic or bold, or which has been changed using Set Font. If you do, the next time you load your chapter, you'll find that all text following the inserted index pOint has reverted to regular formatting. Tip 1 3 - 1 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moving and Deleting Index Marks Index marks look like little bubbles inserted in your text. If you can't see them, go into the Options or View menu and select Show Tabs & Returns. To move an index mark, first place the cursor directly infront of the mark. You'll know you're in the right place when the word "Index Entry" appears in the Selection Box (on the lower left side of the screen). Press Del to delete the index mark, then move to the new location and press Ins. Figure 13-8: The Table of Contents generating menu. GENERATE TABLE OF CONTENTS TOe File: Title String: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: Level B: Level 9: Level 1B: Inserts: C: \UB\2D\&EKAMTOC. GEN"--_ _ _ _ __ Table of Contents Chapter [0]: [*C..-ha-p---;Nc:-a-lIIe- = ] - - - - - [*Major Heading]"[P#]~1_ _ _ __ I Tag Text I D:.![] I Chapter # I I Page I Text Attr. I OK ~ I I I (ancel I Chapter 13: Pagination 275 Tip 1 3 - 1 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Always Spell Check Before Indexing, Not After If you use the spell checking feature of your word processor, you probably like to wait to do spell checking until after you've imported the text file into Ventura, so that you're able to check any last-minute editing you did in Ventura. Make sure, however, that you spell check your document before you insert the index marks. Ifyou spell check after indexing, your spell checker will query you about every index mark and about every word that has been divided by an index mark. Spell checking will take three times as long as it otherwise would. Tip 1 3 - 1 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Keep Track of Your Indexing Terms As you index a document, keep a sheet of paper or a box full of index cards handy to record frequently used reference. Otherwise, you may enter the same reference in slightly different ways throughout your document, causing there to be multiple index entries, each slightly different, for a particular concept. Tip 1 3 - 1 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - One More Indexing Tip When a group of index references crops up on several pages, draw a small box text on one page and fill it with some spaces, then put the index marks between the spaces. Then copy the box onto all the other pages . • No Pain, No Gain While Ventura's index generator may seem difficult and unwieldy the first time around, it's worth the effort. Once you've set up the 276 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition index format and saved it, you don't have to repeat the process when you revise your document. All the index marks are still in the text, so even though the page numbering may have changed completely, it's simple to generate a new index . •:. Generating a Table of Contents To generate a table of contents, you follow a procedure that is similar to that used in creating an index. In this case, there are two steps . • Step One: Generating the Toe Text File • Before you go into the Multi-Chapter menu, make a note of the names of the tags for your chapter titles as well as the tag names of any other text elements (such as subheads) that you want to include in the table of contents. • Next, make sure your publication file is complete. In the Multi-Chapter dialog box, use the Add Chapter command to add any missing chapters to your publication, then use Save As to name the publication. • Figure 13-8 shows names for the text of contents. Note facing arrow. Use Figure 13-9: The Insert/Edit Marker Name dialog box. the dialog box where you enteJ the tag elements you want included in the table that tabs are represented by the rightthe Text Attr. insert to format any text, III INSERT/EDIT MARKER NAME Marker Nallle: Table 11--1_ __ OK I Cancel I 277 Chapter 13: Pagination such as putting chapter numbers in bold or page numbers in italic. Refer to Chapter 8, "Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text," for more information on embedded formats . • Step Two: Formatting the File • Once you've let Ventura generate the table of contents file, you can load it into a blank chapter as a generated text file . • You'll see that every element has been given a tag by Ventura. To format the table of contents, simply adapt these tags to match your particular design. Tip 1 3 - 1 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Save the Publication After you amend the defaults in the table-ol-contents generating menu, make sure to save your publication one more time. That makes the defaults permanent for this publication . •:. Cross Referencing • Inserting Page and Chapter Numbers Ventura's cross referencing capability lets you automatically insert the current page or chapter number anywhere on the page. (Pre- Figure 13-10: The Insert/Edit Reference dialog box INSERT/EDIT REFERENCE At The Nanl?: Refer To: For~at: Chapter 121--1_ _ p~ t Default t I OK I Cancel ~ 278 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition viously, you could only reference the page number in headers and footers.) The procedure to insert the page or chapter number in your text is as follows: • Select text mode and click on the desired location in your text. • From the Edit or Text menu, select Ins Special Item and then select Cross Reference. • Select Page # or Chapter #. Keep the line that reads At The Name blank. (In the non-EMS version, that line is not present in the dialog box.) • Cross Referencing with Markers In addition to making it possible to insert the current page number in your text, Ventura lets you insert a marker in one part of a document and refer to the location (page number, chapter number, and section number) of that marker in another part of the same document. The procedure is as follows: • Place the text cursor in the location to be referenced. • From the Edit or View menu, select Ins Special Item. INSERT/EDIT UARIABLE DEFINITION Variable NaMe: COPlpan~ _ __ Substitute Text: WhiPlple Pfister and Schuddl-I_ _ _ _ _ __ J J OK Figure 13-11: The Insert/Edit Variable Definition dialog box. I Cancel I Chapter 13: Pagination 279 • Select Marker Name. You'll now see the dialog box shown in Figure 13-9. • Type the name of your marker. • Go to the page where you want the page, chapter, or section number inserted. • From the Edit or View menu, select Ins Special Item. • Select Cross Reference. The dialog box shown in Figure 1310 will appear. • In the Refer To line, select p# (Page number), C# (Chapter number), or S· (Section Number) • Type the name of the marker. • DOS/GEM version: Select Options/Multi-Chapter, and select Renumber. Windows version: Select File/Manage Publication/Multi-Chapter, and select Renumber . • Cross Referencing with Frame Anchors Although Ventura's manual is usually very complete, it fails to mention that you can use frame anchors as markers. In fact, referencing frame anchors is the only way to cross-reference figure numbers, table numbers, and caption text. To use a frame anchor for a cross reference, do the following steps: • If the frame which you are referencing does not have an anchor name, use Anchors & Captions from the Frame menu to give it one. • Use Ins Special Item, Cross Reference to place a reference mark in your text. • In the Insert/Edit Reference dialog box, type the name of the anchor on the At The Name line. • Depending on what you select in the Refer To line, you can reference either p# (the page number of the frame), C# (the chapter number of the frame), F# (the figure number of the frame), S· (the section number that precedes the frame), or 280 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition C* (the caption text for the referenced frame, which is the text that is typed into the Anchors & Captions dialog box on the Label line). • DOS/GEM version: Select Options/Multi-Chapter, and select Renumber. Windows version: Select File/Manage Publication/Multi-Chapter, and select Renumber . • Variable Text One of the most versatile aspects of cross referencing is the ability to reference a variable. The best procedure is to insert the text· of the variable at the beginning of the chapter, since that's the easiest place to find it later. • Place the cursor in the location in which you want to substitute text. • From the Edit menu, select Ins Special Item, and select Cross Ref. • Place the cursor at the beginning of the chapter and select Ins Special Item from the Edit menu. • Select Variable Def. • Type the name of your marker in the Variable Name line, and type the text you want to replace it with in the Substitute Text Line (see Figure 13-11). • DOS/GEM version: Select Options/Multi-Chapter, and select Renumber. Windows version: Select File/Manage Publication/Multi-Chapter, and select Renumber. Document Layout Strategies You can use Ventura to produce virtually any type of document: forms, business reports, books, technical manuals, business letters, brochures, catalogs, newsletters - the list is endless. Fortunately, you don't have to master a completely different set of techniques for each document. There are three basic layout strategies that apply to almost all documents. Each strategy is appropriate for certain types of materials but not for other types. A large part of mastering Ventura is knowing how to classify a job and then bringing the right set of techniques to the task. This chapter starts by describing three layout strategies. It then reviews the procedure to follow in laying out several types of documents,. and finally includes some layout tips. 282 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Base-Page Strategy Although one might devise other terms, we'll refer to the three layout strategies as base page, newspaper style, and freefarm. The most common type of documents are those in which you use a word processor to create text, then load the text directly onto the base page. Ventura then automatically creates as many pages as are needed to hold the entire text file. Any settings you specify for number of columns, margins, headings, and so forth are automatically reflected throughout the document. The base page layout method is appropriate for books, technical manuals, catalogs, magazines, and other lengthy documents that can be divided into chapters and in which each chapter contains a single long text file. It also works surprisingly well for many short documents, such as newsletters and single-page ads and flyers. The longer you use Ventura, the more you'll find yourself doing everything with this approach. For example of the basepage strategy, see Chapter 28, "Label Sheets." .:. Newspaper-Style Strategy Some documents differ from base page documents in that they require text from several different files to be joined up on the same page, and frequently to leapfrog each other; for example starting on page 1 and jumping to page 7. This need for stories to temporarily pause on one page with a "continued on ... " and then resume on a different page calls for a special strategy. The method used to format newspaper-style documents is to draw frames, using the column boundaries on the base page as guidelines. You then load text into these frames rather than directly onto the base page. When asked to load text into a frame, Ventura loads as much of the text file as will fit and then stops. To continue the file into a new frame you select that frame and then select the name of the Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies 283 file from the list. Ventura starts where it left off and continues loading text into the second frame until it again runs out of space. The newspaper-style layout strategy is appropriate for newspapers, newsletters, and magazines, and sometimes for books and brochures . •:. Free-Form Strategy While the newspaper-style strategy provides more layout flexibility than the base-page method, some documents require even more flexibility. For example, in flyers, small blocks of text and even individual words are arranged freely on the page. Sometimes the text is surrounded by boxes, as in tax forms; other times it accompanies graphics, as in the typical flyer. For such documents it would be impractical to create each piece of text as a separate file and import each into its own frame. Instead, the free-form strategy calls for the use of Ventura's Box Text tool, which allows text to be entered in boxes and then moved freely around the page. Of course, you could do roughly the same thing by drawing small frames on the page and entering text in these, but entering text in boxes has a couple of advantages over entering it in frames. First, with the Select All option of the Graphic menu, you can select groups of boxes and move them together, a process that is more difficult in the case of multiple frames. Second, with the Box Text feature you can change the default line and fill attributes of a box and use the new defaults to make numerous matching boxes . •:. Designing Documents The three strategies outlined above all beg the more fundamental question of document design. Although a full-blown discussion of that topic is obviously outside the scope of this book, before 284 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition proceeding we'll now take a summary look at it and list some reference materials on the subject. In traditional publishing, the job of designing a document is kept rigidly separated from the jobs of typesetting and pasteup. The organization of labor is this: First the designer creates a set of specifications for all the elements of the document, based on his or her own sketches and dummies. Next, the typesetter creates galleys according to the specifications, and the pasteup artistalso following the directions of the designer - cuts and pastes these onto boards along with illustrations. Books about Graphic Design Desktop Publishing By Design Ronnie Shushin and Don Wright Microsoft Press 1113 Heil Quaker Blvd. LaVergne, TN 37086-7005 800/677-7377 List price: $24.95 Editing by Design Jan V. White (1986) R.R. Bowker 245 W. 17th St. New York, NY 10011 800/521-8110, 212/916-1600 List price: $29.95 Layout Allen Hurlburt (1977) Watson-Guptill Publications 1 Astor Plaza, 1515 Broadway New York, NY 10036 800/526-3641,212/764-7518 List price: $22.95 The Graphic Designer's Handbook Alastair Campbell (ed.) (1983) Running Press 125 S. 22nd Sf. Philadelphia, PA 19103 800/428-1111, 215/567-5080 List price: $14.95 Do-It- Yourself Graphic Design John Laing (1985) Macmillan Publishing Front and Brown Streets Riverside, NJ 08370 800/257-5755, 212/702-2000 List price: $9.95 Looking Good in Print, 2nd Edition Roger Parker (1990) Ventana Press P.O. Box 2468 Chapel Hill, NC 27515 919/490-0062 List price: $23.95 Table 14-1 Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies 285 Those new to publishing often tend to minimize the importance of having a formal design for a document. Frequently, the attitude is: "I'll feel my way through, designing as I go along." A compromise between ad lib designing and the formal design approach is to use Ventura itself to design your document, creating dummies of each different kind of page that the document will contain. As the designer, there are two kinds of consistency that you must enforce: first, consistency within pages; second, consistency from one type of page to the next. For example, even though index pages are quite different from chapter title pages, the margins and the placement of headers and page numbers must be exactly the same in both. If you've never designed documents before, the best way to learn the basics is simply to ~opy the designs of existing documents. In addition, there are a number of books on the subject, some of which are listed in Table 14-1. .:. Universal Procedure Assuming you have at least a preliminary design for your document and have determined which of the three layout strategies to use, the next step is to get to the work of setting up the appropriate file structure, style sheets, frames, etc. - in short, laying out the document. The procedure is basically the same no matter what type of document you are creating . • Prepare text and graphics, as described in Chapter 8, "Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text," and Chapter 15, "Using Graphics." • Prepare a directory structure to hold Ventura's own files and the text and graphics files. This is covered in Chapter 7, "Managing Files." • Design the document. Some documents are laid out according to precise specifications created by a designer. For 286 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition others, no formal design is ever done. With most documents, some sort of design is done in advance and then adjusted and fine-tuned as the document is tagged and draft copies are printed. • Load Ventura. • Establish a new style sheet. Load one of the style sheets provided with Ventura (located in the Typeset subdirectory and designated with & as the first character), and save it under a new name in a different subdirectory. Always work with the style under its new name, so that you don't alter the original style sheet. • Select the desired defaults under the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or View and Edit menus (Windows version). • Select a paper size, using the Page Layout option of the Chapter menu. Note: this is the size of the paper you are using in your laser printer, not the final size of the pages of your document. For now, ignore the other selections from the Chapter menu. • Select Reduced View or Facing Pages View so that you can view the entire page as you prepare the grid. • Remove any ruling lines or boxes from the base page. This is done from the Frame menu. • If necessary, use the Sizing & Scaling option of the Frame menu to change the size of the base page frame to match the trim size of your final document. Use the Set Ruler selection of the Options or View menu to change the 0,0 point of the ruler so that it begins at the corner of the base page frame. • Establish a grid, i.e., the margins, columns, alleys between columns, and gutters for the page (see "Notes on the Grid" below). • If working with a newspaper-style layout, draw a frame for each column. Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies 287 • Load text onto the base page (in a base page layout) or into each separate frame (in a newspaper-style layout). • Tag text and use Add New Tag (Ctrl-2) as needed to create new tags. Use the options from the Chapter and Paragraph menus to change the formats stored in each tag. • Add headers and footers (Chapter menu). • Draw frames to hold pictures or special text such as tables. • Add captions to frames (Frame menu). • Use Ventura's internal graphics tools to add arrows, labels, and other enhancements to imported graphics. Make sure that the correct frame is selected when you create these added graphics, so that if you have to move the frame the arrows and labels will maintain their positions relative to the graphics. • Print a draft of the chapter. • If this is the first of a multi-chapter document, save it as CHAPTERl.CHP, then convert it into a template for other chapters. To do that, remove the text and graphics files from the chapter using the Remove Text/File option of the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or Frame menu (Windows version), and save the chapter as TEMPLATE.CHP. • Load the text for the next chapter into the template chapter. Save it as CHAPTER2.CHP. Tip 14-1-------------------------------------- Ventura's Default Style Sheet Often it's easier to start from a scratch style sheet (i.e., one containing no tags) than to adapt one of the style sheets provided with Ventura. Use the DEFAULTSTY style sheet, located in the \ 1YPSESET directory. If you alter DEFAULTSTY, don't forget to use Save As to rename it so that the original is preserved. 288 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 1 4 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Headers and Footers Headers and footers are not automatically stored with the style sheet. So when you are doing a book and create the master page and the style sheet, you still have to create the headers and footers independently for each chapter. On the other hand, when you create headers and footers, Ventura automatically creates the tags Z_Header and Z_Footer. These tags, as well as any adjustments you make to them, are stored with the style sheet. •:. Components of the Page • The Grid The grid is the invisible set of lines that gUides the layout process, allowing different types of pages to fall within standard boundaries. In setting up your grid, you'll find it easier to work in picas than in other measurement units, since you can usually do everything in single picas and avoid the need for working with fractions. For example, an 81i2- by II-inch page comes to 51 by 66 picas. TRIM SIZE: The trim size is the final size of the pages after they are printed, bound, and then trimmed. With technical manuals, the base page is frequently the standard 81J2- by II-inch sheet. CROP MARKS: When you take the camera-ready pages to a printer, they must each have four crop marks indicating the corners of the trimmed page. At the printer, a film negative will be made of each page, and the crop marks will provide reference points for the stripper. There are two ways to place crop marks on your printed pages. One is to have Ventura automatically generate the crop marks by selecting the Print option from the File menu and then selecting Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies 289 the Crop Marks: On option in the dialog box. When you select this option you won't actually see the crop marks on the screen, but they will appear on the printed page. Tip 14-3--------------------------------------- Crop Marks and the Base Page Automatic crop marks are placed outside the base page frame, so they won't appear when your base page frame is the same size as your paper. In particular, when you are printing on 81/2- by ll-inch paper and not altering the size of the base page frame, you won't be able to use the automatic crop mark feature. In that case, you '1/ need to draw crop marks manually. For more information on crop marks, see Chapter 25, "Printing Tips." Incidentally, here's how to change the size of the base page frame. Select frame mode and then select the base page. Select the Sizing & Scaling option of the Frame menu. Enter values larger than 0 for the Upper Left X and Upper Left Y settings and values smaller than 81/2 inches for Frame Width and smaller than 11 inches for Frame Height. The other way to create crop marks is to draw them using Ventura's graphics tools. Select graphics mode, then select Grid Settings from the Graphic menu. Set Grid Snap On and set horizontal and vertical spacing to approximately .250 inches. Draw a horizontal line at one of the corners. Select Line Attributes from the Graphic menu and choose settings for the line. Then select Defaults: Save To to make these settings apply to the remainder of the crop marks you draw. Draw a vertical line to define a corner, then repeat the process for the other three corners. Fortunately, you only have to draw the crop marks once - on the first page. If you select the crop marks and then select Show On 290 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition All Pages in the Graphics menu, Ventura automatically copies any graphics placed on the base page onto all subsequent pages. • Inside Margin versus Outside Margin To compensate for the portion of the page hidden by the binding, the inside margin should be given a little extra width, say V4 inch or so. According to publishing convention, documents start on a right page and all right pages have an odd number. From the Frame menu select Margins & Columns. Set the Right Margin equal to the outside margin and the Left Margin equal to the inside margin. Select Copy To Facing Page and press Enter. Now the dotted lines that indicate the column or margin also indicate the active area. • Margins and Vertical Justification In traditional book design, margins are sized so that the bottom margin is the largest, the outside margin the next largest, the top margin the next largest, and the inside margin the smallest. (These days, of course, those guidelines are routinely ignored by designers.) The top margin normally marks the top of text, and the header is placed within this margin. Likewise, the bottom margin marks the bottom of text, and the footer is placed within this margin. No matter what type of publication you are working with, the top margin should be fixed, with text columns hanging from it like curtains. The bottom margin is much more open to adjustment. While Ventura's vertical justification feature gives you the capability to maintain a constant bottom margin on every page, doing so is actually not necessary for most designs. For example, many magazines and newsletters run "ragged bottom." • Active Area The active area is the area within the margins. The active area is the portion of the page on which text and graphics are normally placed (on occasion something may be placed outside this active area, but normally the active area is not exceeded). Headers, Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies 291 footers, and page numbers, however, do fall outside the active area . • Gutters The gutter, also called alley, is the small gap separating adjacent columns. It is set using the Margins & Columns option of the Frame menu. One pica is normally sufficient for the alley . • Columns The width of the columns is set under Margins & Columns. The maximum and minimum desirable width for text columns depends on the size and typeface of the font. For multicolumn documents, designers recommend a minimum line length of 20 characters, an optimum of 40 or 50 characters, and a maximum length of around 60 characters. Lines longer than 60 characters are occasionally used in book designs; however, text set in long lines can be difficult to read because of the tendency of the eyes to lose their place when they complete one line and scan back to the left for the next. If you do need to set wide lines, use a wide font that has a small Table 14-2: Average character counts per pica for Helvetica and Times Roman Helvetica (Swiss) Point Size Characters/Pica 10 point ........................................ 2.68 11 point ....................................... 2.46 12 point ....................................... 2.24 Times Roman (Dutch) Point Size Characters/Pica 10 point ........................................ 2.86 11 point ........................................ 2.62 12 point ....................................... 2.38 292 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition number of characters per pica. Typefaces whose designs make them suitable for wide columns include Schoolbook, Goudy, and Korinna. Faces with more narrow characters include Times and Galliard. Table 14-2 shows the average character counts per pica (including uppercase and lowercase letters) for the two typefaces provided with Ventura. Books and Manuals .:. Overview The procedure for laying out books and manuals is the same, except that with manuals there is more use of Ventura's automatic numbering feature. As described above under "Universal Procedure," the basic strategy is to work on the first chapter until you are satisfied with the appearance, then remove the text and graphics from the chapter and save it as a template for the rest of the manual or book. Once you have created the initial style sheet and template chapter, laying out additional chapters is merely a matter of loading them into the template, tagging text from the style sheet, and adding graphics. At first you may wonder why it is necessary to create a template chapter in addition to a new style sheet. After all, doesn't the style sheet contain all the formatting information necessary to make every chapter look the same? Not quite. What's lacking from the style sheet are the margins and contents for headers and footers (although the tags for the headers and footers are saved in the style sheet). Also, if your document contains a number of illustrations all the same size, the template file is a useful place to store properly sized and captioned master frames. Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies .:. 293 Preliminaries As described above under "Universal Procedure," the first thing you need to do after creating the text and graphics for your document is to organize your directories. You should create a new subdirectory to contain your book or manual. We'll call it BOOK. Within this directory you should create three subdirectories, BOOK\DOCS (for text files), BOOK\ILLUS (for graphics files), and BOOK\ VEN (for chapter files, style sheet files, and other files generated by Ventura). By copying all your text and graphics files from their original locations into the appropriate directories, you'll have duplicate copies. of each, including copies of your text files that don't include any tags . •:. Starting a New Style Sheet Load Ventura and start a new chapter. From the File menu, load either Ventura's one-column or two-column style sheet (&BOOKPl.STY or &BOOK-P2.STY). Save the style sheet under a new name, let's say MYBOOK. You can now change the size of the base page frame, if desired, using the Sizing & Scaling option of the Frame menu and entering new values for Upper Left X and Upper Left Y and for the page height and width. Another option is to produce the master pages of your book at an enlarged size. This method was used in producing the book you are reading in order to sharpen the appearance of the lasergenerated type . •:. Establishing the Grid Assuming you don't alter the size of the base-page frame, the next series of steps is to place crop marks on the base-page frame, and select margins for your columns and alleys between the columns. Note that the top and bottom margins are measured from the 294 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition edge of the page to the top and bottom of your text. Headers and footers have separate margins from the base page and are positioned within the base-page margins. Left and right margins will normally be different to allow extra room on the spine side of the page. By selecting Copy To Facing Page from the Margins & Columns menu, you can have your settings for right pages mirrored in left pages, and vice versa . •:. Headers and Footers Once you have set up your margins and columns, use the Headers & Footers option of the Chapter menu to select the content of your headers and footers. Ventura will create frames to hold these elements. To specify margins for those frames you need to select the frames themselves and then use the Margins & Columns option of the Frame menu . •:. Using the Template Having created the headers and footers, the next step is to load the text for your first chapter and tag the text, experimenting with the various options for indents, fonts, ruling lines, leading, etc. When text is formatted to your satisfaction, draw and size frames to hold the graphics, using the Line Snap and Column Snap options to align these frames with the text columns. Graphics should be added quite late in the process, after the text is tagged to your satisfaction. Often in technical manuals, there is a standard-size graphic that is used over and over again. Rather than draw and size the frame to hold this standard size over and over again, you can create it once and then cut and paste it as needed. When the chapter is completely formatted and proofed, save it, then use the Remove Text/File option of the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Frame menu (WIndows version) to remove all the graphic and text files. The headers and footers will Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies 295 remain, as will the frames that contained graphics. You can now save this skeleton chapter as a template. For the next chapter, load the text file into the template, then copy the frames for graphics wherever needed (or delete them if not needed). Save this chapter under a new name and start the third chapter, again, from the template . •:. Ancillary Sections Although most of the work that goes into laying out a book or a manual is in creating the chapters, such a document is actually a set of designs: cover, copyright and permissions page, acknowledgments, preface, table of contents, section division pages, index pages, appendix pages, and other front and back matter. Each separate ancillary section requires its own design and style sheet. For the table of contents, you can use Ventura's automatic Toe generator to create the text, then load the file created by Ventura (using the Generated File option in the Load Text/Picture dialog box) and format it with a style sheet. Newsletters Unlike books, most newsletters use standard letter-size paper, making it unnecessary to change the size of the base-page frame from 81f2 by 11, and also making it unnecessary to draw crop marks. What makes newsletter layouts different from books and manuals is that various text files must be merged within a single chapter. The basic procedure for setting up a newsletter is as follows: • Follow the universal procedure described at the beginning of this chapter to set up a file structure, establish a style 296 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition sheet, remove any ruling borders or vertical lines from the page, and select a page size. o o o o o o o o o o Select the base-page frame and indicate the number of columns that the newsletter will contain. Enter the desired widths for these columns, the gutters between them, and the top, bottom, left, and right margins for the page. Make sure that the calculated width - the sum of the widths and gutters - equals the actual frame width. Select Show Column Guides, Turn Column Snap On, and Turn Line Snap On in the Options or View menu. Select Add New Frame and draw a horizontal frame to hold the newsletter headline. Then draw two vertical frames to hold articles. Select Insert/Remove Page from the Chapter menu to create the second page of the newsletter (still blank). Create more pages, if desired. You may have to remove vertical lines again. Draw frames on these columns. Press PgUp to return to the first page. Select the first frame and load a text file into it. Ventura will load as much of the file as it can into that frame. Press PgDn to go to the jump page. Select a frame and select the text file name from the Assignment List to continue the article. Ventura will continue placing text, starting where it left off. You can keep on going in this manner for as many frames as you want. Add a headline by using a large font (with scalable font printers) or a scanned graphic of a typeset headline (if your printer lacks large type). Add a thin horizontal frame to contain the date, issue number, etc. Type this directly into the frame. Add headers and footers. Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies 297 Tip 14-4--------------------------------------- Reusing a Layout If you use the same format over and over, such as printing a monthly newsletter, you can save time by reusing your layout. Most newsletters are best formatted by setting up a two- or threecolumn master page, and then drawing a frame for each column. After printing an issue, use the Remove Text/File option of the Edit or Frame menu to save the layout as a template for the next issue. Next time you format the newsletter, you merely insert new text files into frames and adjust the lengths of the frames . •:. Continued On ... , Continued From... When a newsletter story jumps to a new page, you have to insert the phrase "continued on" at the bottom of one frame and "continued from" at the top of another. It's possible, but rather nerveracking, to attempt to embed the phrase directly in the text at the end of the column. The problem is that if you adjust the text in any way you'll find that the phrase will have moved and you have to repeat the process. A better way is to create a caption for the frame and type Continued On ... as the caption. Select Below for the caption's position. Then tag the caption and create a new tag to substitute for the automatically generated caption tag. Call your substitute tag "Continued On." Follow the same procedure for the Continued From ... but position the caption above the frame this time and create a new tag called "Continued From." For1lls The quickest way to create most forms is with the table generator. If you're using DOS/GEM Ventura without the Professional Extension, the best way to create most forms is with the free-form method. Set up the base page frame with no ruling boxes or lines, 298 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition one column, and column guides not showing. If the form consists of a single clump of continuous boxes, you can use the Box and Box Text tools from the graphics palette to draw the boxes you need directly onto the base page. In most forms, however, there are groups of boxes clumped here and there on the page. In that case, the best way to work is to create a frame for each group of boxes and then draw your boxes within that frame. The advantage of this way of setting up the page is that if you have to reposition a group of boxes you can do so easily by dragging the frame they belong to. The drawback is that you have to make sure that you keep the correct frame selected while you draw its contents. Every time you print the document or switch from graphics mode to one of the other modes, the selection switches back to the base page and you have to once again select the frame you're working with. The basic procedure is as follows: . Create a frame for each group of boxes . . Create the boxes with the Box Text tool. • Add text to the boxes. • Specify shading and borders for the boxes. • Create tags for the text in the boxes and tag the text. Using this method, you can create extremely complex forms, moving into enlarged mode when necessary for detail work. Ventura generates a tag called Z_BOXTEXT, and initially all boxes are assigned this tag. However, you can tag the text within a box with any other tag. The best way to work is to create a special Box Text style sheet, complete with an array of tags for different sorts of alignments and fonts . •:. Box Text Style Sheet None of the style sheets provided with Ventura really lends itself to the special requirements of tagging forms created with the box 299 Chapter 14: Document Layout Strategies and box text commands. You'll need to create your own Box Text style sheet. To do so, load the DEFAULT. STY style sheet from the TYPESET subdirectory. Save it under the new name: BOXTEXT.STY. In a typical form, you'll have some text right aligned within boxes, some left aligned, and some centered. Various fonts may be used, but sans serif faces such as Swiss (Helvetica) and Avant Garde are the most common. What you need in your style sheet is a tag for each kind of alignment and typeface, as shown in Figure 14-1. Add Hew Tag t I Body Text Sw:l$$ 10 .... c'SrHH} 401 Chapter 20: Using Fonts computer's hard disk. Some fonts, designated as resident, are permanently stored in printer ROM and hence are always available for use. In most PostScript printers, for example, the following typeface families are resident in the printer: Times Roman, Helvetica, Helvetica Narrow, ITC Bookman, ITC Zapf Chancery, Courier, Palatino, Avant Garde Gothic, New Century Schoolbook, and Symbol. Table 20-1 shows a complete list. The HP LaserJet Plus and Series II store Courier 12-point medium and bold, and 8-point Line Printer. A closely related method of font storage is plug-in ROM cartridges. In the past, these were used more commonly with word processing programs than with desktop publishing programs due to the limited number of typefaces and point sizes on each cartridge, but new cartridges with more typefaces and scalable sizes may change that. A third method of storing fonts is on floppy or hard disks in the computet. These are called soft fonts. A set for HP-compatible printers is provided with Ventura. Additional soft fonts can be purchased or generated. The amount of storage space you'll need on your hard disk for font files varies considerably, depending on whether the fonts are in outline or bitmapped format. In the case of the HP LaserJet Figure 20-2: The Font Setting dialog box for the PostScript width table. U(hapter Title" FONT :!~illlm:lE:El:E!!:!:mm!:!m::::m~::: IT( """" ITC :::::::::: ITC ......... ITC 1" ~ ~ lE (olor m fa c I!' :r:::r:mr::E!::!::!E!::E:::!Em::!:::!:::!: Franklin Gothic Book/Dellli Franklin Gothic Heav!I Friz Quadrata Galliard l• ~ly~ha . Goudy Old Style Helvetica Light ~ Custon Size: B3B.~ points Ouerscore Strike· Thru Underline Double Underline Off Off Off Off t t t t Red Green Blue (!Ian Yellow Magenta 402 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Series II, the amount of storage necessary is about 2.4 megabytes, but for the lIP and III the amount of storage is about half that, because these printers don't require separate files for portrait and landscape fonts . •:. Selecting Fonts in Ventura There are two ways to specify type characteristics within Ventura - we'll call them the Paragraph Method and the Text Method. The Paragraph Method uses a tag and sets the font for the entire paragraph; the Text Method sets the font for a portion of the paragraph, such as a single letter, a word, or a group of words. You can also use your word processor to embed the codes used by Ventura for specifying type . • Paragraph Method When you select a paragraph in tagging mode and then select a tag, the font characteristics stored in that tag are automatically applied to the entire paragraph. To change the font information stored in a tag, select a paragraph, select the Font option from the Paragraph menu, and choose the Face, Size, Style, and Color from the dialog box. You can also select overscore, strike-through, underline, and double underline. Under Face, the menu displays the typefaces available for the width table you are currendy using. Note that the width table need not be the same as the printer you are using. We'll discuss the implications of that later in this chapter. With printers that use bitmapped fonts, the menu shows the available options. With PostScript or the LaserMaster card, you can select any custom size (Figure 2). Under the Styles heading, those styles that are available in a particular size are shown in black; others are shown in gray. For other printers, the size options are listed in the scroll bar. Chapter 20: Using Fonts 403 You can also use this dialog box to indicate the color of type. Selecting white causes Ventura to save the amount of space that would be taken up if the text were printed, or prints the characters in white if the background is gray or black. This is an extremely useful capability with many possible applications, such as preparing color separations or printing white on black. • Text Method Use this method when you want to change a single letter, word, or group of words within a paragraph to a different font. Select text mode, then hold down the mouse button while you drag the mouse across the characters you wish to select. Alternatively, click the mouse button once at your starting point, then hold down the Shift key while you move the cursor to your ending point and click again. The passage, which must be contiguous text, will be highlighted in black. Now select Set Font (DOS/GEM version) or the Text menu (Windows version). The dialog box that appears is similar to the dialog box used by the Tag method, except that now it also includes the shifting and kerning controls. Shifting means simply that the selected characters are moved up or down the specified distance. Kerning means that characters are moved to the left to tighten up spaces within the word. The most frequent use of kerning is in situations where large type is used, such as titles. When using the shift or kerning controls, you should normally work in fractional points. If the measurement units are different, change them to fractional points by pointing the cursor directly at the word "inches," "centimeters," or "picas & points" and clicking. With kerning, the number you type determines the distance that Ventura will move the two characters closer together. Manual kerning should not be confused with automatic kerning, which is also possible in Ventura provided that the font vendor has included the relevant kerning information in the font width 404 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Figure 20-3: The ~e~Mfont(l EXAMPLE1.SFP)U fontspec(HELUTINY,2,2,B,B)U fontspec(HLUN3BB6,2,6,B,B)U fontspec(HLUN3BB8,2,8,B,B)U fontspec(HLUB38B8,2,8,1,B)U fontspec(HLUN381B,2,lB,B,B)U fontspec(HLUB3B1B,2,lB,l,B)U fontspec(HLUI3B1B,2,lB,4,B)U fontspec(HLUN3B12,2,12,B,B)U fontspec(HLUB3812,2,12,1,B)U fontspec(HLUI3B12,2,12,4,B)U fontspec(HLUB3814,2,14,1,B)U fontspec(HLUB3818,2,18,1,8)U fontspec(HLUB3B24,2,24,1,B)U fontspec(TMSRTINY,14,2,B,B)U fontspec(TMSN3BB6,14,6,B,B)U fontspec(TMSN3BB8,14,8,B,B)U fontspec(TMSB3BB8,14,8,1,B)U fontspec(TMSN3B1B,14,lB,B,B)U unmodified HPLjPLUS.CNF file, which is automatically installed in the \ VENTURA directory when you install the program for the HP Laserjet Plus printer. You should save this as HPLjPLUS.OW. .. Figure 20-4: The same file after being modified for automatic downloading of 10-point Swiss and 24-point Swiss bold, which are located in the VETFONTS directory of the D: drive. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .~ .... .. ~ .... ~ ..... ,.. dounpath(D: 'Jetfonts')W~ perMfont(l HLUN3B1B. SFP)1Jl perMfont(2 HLUB3B24.SFP)1Jl fontspec(HELUTINY,2,2,B,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUN3BB6,2,6,B,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUN3BB8,2,8,B,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUB3BB8,2,8,1,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUN3BlB,2,lB,B,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUB3B1B,2,lB,l,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUI3B1B,2,lB,4,B)U fontspec(HLUN3B12,2,12,B,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUB3B12,2,12,1,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUI3B12,2,12,4,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUB3B14,2, 14, 1,B)1Jl fontspec(HLUB3818,2,18,1,B)U fontspec(HLUB3B24,2,24,1,B)1Jl fontspec(TMSRTINY,14,2,B,B)1Jl fontspec(TMSN3BB6,14,6,B,8)1Jl fontspec(TMSN3BB8,14,8,B,B)1Jl This line tells Ventura where the fonts are 10eated (In this case, In the \JETFONTS dlreetory). These two lines tell Ventura the names of the fonts that are to be automatically downloaded. They are assigned font ID numbers 1 and 2 respectlvely. Chapter 20: Using Fonts 405 table. Note that there's also a keyboard shortcut, Shift Left-Arrow or Shift Right-Arrow, that is usually an easier way to kern a pair of letters or a group of words than tb enter kerning values in the dialog box. The dialog box, however, can give you precise quantitative feedback on how much you have tightened or loosened the kerning of the letters in your selection using the keyboard shortcut . • Using Embedded Font Codes An additional way to specify type is to embed codes directly in text files using a word processor. This option is described in Chapter 8, "Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text." .:. Downloading Fonts Since soft fonts are not resident in the printer or stored on cartridges, they must be downloaded from your hard disk into the printer each time the printer is turned on. Ventura handles this task automatically: each time you print a chapter the program will download the fonts used in that chapter. While the automatic downloading feature is certainly convenient, you may want to turn it off. For example, typically it is necessary to print a document several times before you finally get it just right. Particularly if your printer uses a serial port, you'll find that waiting for the fonts to be downloaded each time is too time-consuming. A way to speed things up, which is explained below, is to download all the fonts you need at the beginning of your work session and then turn off automatic downloading . • Downloading LaserJet Fonts (DOS/GEM Version) If you have a LaserJet compatible, downloading fonts into the printer once at the beginning of a work session, rather than letting Ventura automatically download fonts each time a chapter is 406 Figure 20-5: Change the word Download (at the bottom of the style list) to Resident for those fonts that are listed in the HPIJPLUS.CNF file. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition ADD/REMOUE FONTS (D:\UENTURA\HPLJPLUS,WID . HP (oPlPland: I Herge 'hdth Tables .. , LJ+) I I RePlove Selected Font I I Save As New Width Table .. , I printed, can save a good deal of time. Ventura comes with a utility called HPDOWN.EXE, located on the Utility disk. Copy this utility into your \ VENTURA directory. Load your word processing program, and load the file HPLJPLUS.CNF- from the \ VENTURA directory. The file will look like Figure 20-3. Before you modify this file, save a backup of it under the name HPlJPLUS.OLD. Now you can modify the file. If the fonts you want automatically downloaded are in a directory other than \ VENTURA, add the following line at the top of the file: downpath(drive\directory) Next, add the following line for each font you want downloaded: permfont (ID# fontname) Make sure that the only space is between the ID# and filename of the font. Give the first font you want downloaded ID# 1, the second font ID# 2, and so forth. Finally, delete sample line that reads permfont(l EXAMPLEl.SFP). Save file in ASCII format under the name HPLJPLUS.CNF. the the the the 407 Chapter 20: Using Fonts Figure 20-4 shows an example of a modified HPLJPLUS.CNF file, which names two fonts for automatic downloading, lO-point and 24-point Swiss. Both are located in the \JETFONTS directory. Now that you've modified the HPLJPLUS.CNF file, you can download the fonts listed in the file by typing \VEN'lURA\BPDOWN Alternatively, you can include that command as a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, VP.BAT file, or VPPROEBAT file. You'll know the fonts are being downloaded if the green light on the LaserJet control panel starts blinking. The final step in using your pre-downloaded fonts is done from within Ventura. From the Options menu, select Add/Remove Fonts. Select each of the fonts that you included in the HPLJPLUS.CNF file for automatic downloading, and click on the word Download (at the bottom of the Style menu) so that it is changed to Resident. When a font is marked as Resident, Ventura doesn't bother to download it to the printer each time a document is printed. As a result, documents are printed a good deal faster than before. Figure 20-6: The JetScript font downloading program. The fonts already loaded or resident in the printer are listed on the right. On the left are the downloadable fonts contained in the font directory. Q"S JetScript Font Dounloader » IrC GarMond Bold » » ITC Gara"ond Bold Italic ITC GarMond Light lIe (,df'''MOfl(i I ICJhl Irc IrC ITC ITC Souvenir Souvenir Souvenir Souvenir De"i De"i Italic Light Light ItaUc I, Courier Courier Bold Courier Bold Oblique Courier ObliqulJ Helvetica Helvetica Bold Helvetica Bold Obllque Helvetica "arrau Helvetica "arrau Bold Helvetica Harrou Bold Oblique Helvetica "arrou Obllque Helvetica Oblique ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Oblique ITC Avant Garde Gothic D_i ITC Avant Garde Gothic De"1 Oblique ITC Book"an De"i ITC Book"an De"i Italic ~-------~--~-- Help(FD Hove Selection Bar -e 0102 and press • You'll now see OC. Type OD and press 428 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition following the OC. What you're doing is substituting hex 13 for hex 12 in the third byte of the file. Now type -wand press -q and press to save your work and quit. Follow the same procedure to create 9- and 11-point type from 10-point, 15-point type from 14-point type, etc. Don't create unnecessary screen fonts, however, because each screen font in the system reduces the amount of memory available for holding text and graphics. Tip 2 1 - 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - One Extension at a Time You can only use screen fonts with one type of extension at a time. For example, if most of your screen fonts use the EGA extension and you then add PostScript screen fonts with the PSF extension, you can use one or the other, but not both at the same time. It's possible, however, to combine two types of fonts, as described in the next tip. Tip 2 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Changing Screen Font Extensions This tip may not work under all circumstances, but it's worth trying if you have screen fonts from two different sources that you'd like to use in the same document. Rename the screen font files so that they share the same extension. For example, give them the common extension 001, then change the screen font extension in the Set Printer Info dialog box to 001. Chapter 21: Adding New Fonts .:. 429 Step Seven: Copy Printer Flles to the Correct Directory Normally, PostScript fonts are stored in the \PSFONTS directory, and non-PostScript fonts in the \ VENTURA directory. However, if you add a new line to the CNF file for your printer, you can use a different directory. Note that the installation program provided by Adobe handles this step automatically. For LaserJet compatibles, use your word processor or ASCII text editor to add the following line to the top of the HPLJPLUS.CNF file, which is located in the \ VENTURA directory: downpath(C:\JETFONTS\) For more details on adding that line to HPLJPLUS.CNF, see Figures 20-3 and 20-4 in Chapter 20, "Using Fonts." For PostScript printers, if you want to store your fonts in a directory other than \PSFONTS, add the following line to the top of the POSTSCPT.CNF file, which is located in the \ VENTURA directory: downpath(C:\JETFONTS\) For more details on editing CNF files, see Figures 20-3 and 20-4 in Chapter 20, "Using Fonts." .:. Step Eight: Copy Screen Fonts to the \ VENTURA Directory You can also copy screen fonts to the \ VENTURA \ VPFONTS directory. Note that although you can have screen fonts with different extensions (e.g., VGA, EGA, PSF) stored in the same directory, Ventura can only recognize fonts with one extension at a time. The type of screen fonts currently being used is determined under Set Printer Info in the Options menu. As explained in the tip above, you can change the screen font extension to organize your screen fonts into sets. 430 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Step Nine: Copy the WID File(s) for Your New Fonts to the \ VENTURA Directory and Merge Them with Your Current Width Table With many PostScript fonts, this step is not necessary because they are already part of Ventura's POSTSCPT.WID file. To find out which fonts are already in that file, switch to tagging mode, select a paragraph, select Font from the Paragraph menu, and scroll through the list of fonts. Use the Add/Remove Fonts selection from the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Manage Width Table option from the File menu (Windows version) to merge the width table for the new fonts with your current width table. For each font that you add, the final step is to make sure that Ventura marks it with "Download" under Add/Remove Fonts (unless you want to download each font manually, using the procedure described in Chapter 20, "Using Fonts") . •:. Example One: Generating and Installing a Fontware Font Now let's look at an actual example of generating and installing a new font, going through all the steps from installing the Fontware utility to merging width tables. Generally, in using Fontware, you'll generate a number of fonts in a batch, possibly leaving the computer over your lunch break or even overnight to perform the time-consuming process of creating size-specific bitmaps from its master font outlines. The first time you use Fontware, however, it's a good idea to just generate a single font and test out all the steps of the installation procedure. That way, if you make a mistake and have to backtrack, you'll waste a lot less time. • Installing Fontware • Place Fontware Installation Kit Disk 1 in the A: drive of your computer. 431 Chapter 21,' Adding New Fonts • Type A: Fontware • Select a directory for the Fontware program. Normally, this will be C:\FONTWARE. • Select the directory that contains Ventura. This will normally be C: \ VENTURA. • Select the type of display you are using. • Select a character set for your display fonts (i.e., screen fonts). Normally, you should choose VP International. For more information about character sets, see "Character Sets" below. • Select the type of printer you are using. • Select the character set for your printer fonts. Normally, you should choose VP International. • At this point, the screen will look like Figure 21-3. Press FlO to accept the settings for monitor, printer, and symbol sets . • Making the Fonts • You should now be in the Fontware Typefaces menu. If you aren't, press Esc to go to the Main Menu and select Add/Delete Fontware Typefaces. Soft Craft Fontware Installation PrograM VERSION 1.3 Cop~right(C)1987 SoftCraft, Inc. Portions(C)BitstreaM Figure 21-3: The Fontware Control Panel shows you what directories contain Fontware and Ventura, what display and printer you are using, and what character sets you want to use for your screen fonts and printer fonts. Press ENTER to choose the highl ighted SYMbol set. p(ln", ~nMP nyt (:.,...,.:t kplJ~ on t hp lH~"n~~ .. n rhnnc::p Use the t. J, PgUp, ~nnt hpyt ,,==uMhn 1 <:'pt 432 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Press F3 to add a new typeface. • Place the typeface disk for Dutch in drive A and press Enter. • Select Dutch roman only. Don't select italic, bold, or bolditalic. • Select FlO to copy the Dutch roman master outline to your hard disk. • Select FlO to go to the Make Fonts menu. • Press Enter to verify Dutch roman as your selection, then type 11 and press Enter. The screen should look like Figure 21-4. • Press FlO to make the font. Fontware will tell you how much time the procedure will take . • Installing the Fonts into Ventura • Whenever it generates a font or set of fonts, Fontware automatically creates a Ventura width table to match what it has generated. At the end of the generation process, Fontware will display the name of the new width table. Copy the name onto a piece of paper. In this case, it's HP _LJOOO.WID. • Now quit Fontware and type DIR C: \ VENTURA \ Fontuare Make Fonts Figure 21-4: The Make Fonts menu shows what fonts you want Fontwareto generate. * . SF? ............ Dutch Point Size Selection ROMan Uentura Style : Hor"al Reco""ended Size: 6 and up Reco""ended Use : Text to accept sizes Pi 'UM hpln Enter each size you uant, folloued by a a space. Enter only uhole nu"bers. Exa"ple: 9 18 24 Esc to go back Ctrl-O to quit pq n~~tp Chapter 21: Adding New Fonts 433 DOS will list all the LaserJet fonts that are in your Ventura directory. Portrait fonts have the extension SFP, and landscape fonts have the extension SFL. Among the fonts in the directory should be llOIHP.SFP and llOIHP.SFL, the portrait and landscape versions of the ll-point Dutch roman font, which you just generated. • Before you load Ventura, you need to copy the new width table into the Ventura directory. Type COpy C: \FONTWARE\HP_LJOOO • WID C: \ VENTURA • Now load Ventura. • From the Options menu, select Set Printer Info. • Make sure that the current width table is HPLJPLUS.WlD. If not, select Load Different Width Table and select HPLJPLUS.WID from the list. When you've done that, select OK to leave the Set Printer Info menu. • From the Options menu, select Add/Remove Fonts. • Select Merge Width Tables. • From the list of width tables, select HP_LJOOO.WlD. • Select OK. Now the new font should be installed along with the rest of your LaserJet fonts. To check whether the installation worked, tag a paragraph, select Font from the Paragraph menu, and see if Dutch ll-point Normal is on the list. • Adding Screen Fonts In the example above, we didn't generate and install a screen font to match the ll-point Dutch roman printer font. If you want to create screen fonts to match your printer fonts, you can do so either at the same time that you generate your printer fonts or at a later time. To go back and forth from the printer font menu to the screen font menu, press F2. Once you have generated screen fonts, there is no need to install them. Ventura will automatically use them as long as the exten- 434 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Character Sets In deciding which fonts to purchase and add to your system, the most Important factors are obviously the design of the typeface and the point sizes available in that typeface. But don't overlook the matter of what character set is included In the font. Unless the font includes characters such as the cent sign (¢) or true quotation marks (" and "), there is no way that you'll be able to print those characters In the desired typeface. ASCII (or US ASCII) The most basic character set is the ASCII set (American .Standard Code for Information Interchange). Numbers 0 to 31 of the ASCII set are reserved for unprintable control characters. Number 32 is the space character. Numbers 33 through 127 include the standard upper- and lowercase letters of the English alphabet as well as the punctuation marks and symbols found on a standard computer keyboard-92 characters in all. Most other character sets (except those made up entirely of special characters, like Ventura's Symbol font) are supersets of the ASCII set. They fill out the ASCII set with characters in the range above 127. Because numbers up to 127 can be represented by 7 binary bits, the ASCII set is referred to as a 7-bit character set. To represent numbers above 127 you need 8 binary bits; hence, such sets are referred to as 8-bit sets and the characters numbered above 127 are called "high-bit" or "extended ASCII" characters. Many fonts, especially in large point sizes, include only the ASCII character set. This applies to many third-party fonts for the HP LaserJet as well as to Hewlett-Packard's own soft fonts numbered 33412AC (TmsRmn/Helv), 33412AE (TmsRmn/Helv), 33412RA (ITC Garamond), 33412SA (Century Schoolbook), 33412TA (Zapf Humanist 601), and 33412UA (Headline Typefaces). Conspicuously absent from the ASCII set are any typographic symbols not found on the keyboard. These include true left and right quotation marks (" and "), the em dash (-), copyright and trademark symbols (©, ®, and TM), European characters (such as a, a, and a), commercial symbols (such as ¢, £, and ¥), and typographic symbols (such as :t: and ~). The Ventura International Set The character set used by the printer and screen fonts provided with the Ventura package is referred to in the Ventura manual as the International set and by others as either the International or the Ventura character set. It is an 8-bit character set that Includes a full complement of typographic symbols missing from the standard computer keyboard, as well as charac- Chapter 21: Adding New Fonts 435 ters needed by some European languages: Spanish, French, Italian, and German. The full set Is shown In Appendix E of the Ventura manual. The Roman-8 Set The Roman-8 set is an 8-bit character set used by Hewlett-Packard for many of Its cartridge and soft fonts. Since Roman-8 is the character set provided on the F cartridge, It Is the only character set available to you if you use Ventura with a plain HP LaserJet. It Is also the character set used on Hewlett-Packard's soft fonts numbered 33412AD (TmsRmn/Helv), 33412AF (TmsRmn/Helv), 33412DA (Letter Gothic), and 33412EA (Prestige Elite). The high-bit characters of the Roman-8 set are mainly European and currency symbols. Missing are a number of important typographic and commercial symbols, Including ", ", §, :1:, t, ~, ©, ®, and TM. Finally, the set lacks a satisfactory bullet character. The Symbol Font Character Set The Symbol font is also an 8-bit font. It Includes a number of scientific and mathematical symbols, the Greek alphabet (uppercase and lowercase), and a variety of miscellaneous symbols. The set matches Adobe's Symbol character set through character 207, at which point it diverges Slightly. The VP US Character Set This symbol set has fewer characters than the VP International character set, so fonts that use it take up significantly less room on the hard disk. However, unlike ASCII or Roman-8, the VP US character set includes a number of useful typographic symbols, including true ", ", §, :1:, t, ~, -, ©, ®, ¢, %0, and TM. The VP US character set is an option with Bitstream's Fontware and also with Hewlett-Packard's Type Director. 436 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition sian of the fonts matches the Ventura's default screen font extension. If you want to find out what extension Ventura is using, select Set Printer Info from the Options menu. The extension eGA, VGA, or EGA will be listed next to Screen Fonts . •:. Example Two: Installing a Laser}et Font Now that we have seen how to generate and install fonts with Bitstream's Fontware, let's look at a different example. This time, we'll describe a worst case situation: where you bought a font that does not have a matching WID file. The first order of business is to copy the font conversion utilities from Ventura's Utility Disk to the \ VENTURA directory. • Place the Utility Disk in drive A. • Type COpy A:\HPLJPLUS\HPLTOVFM.EXE C:\VENTURA • Type COpy A: \HPLJPLUS\VFMTOWID.EXE C: \VENTURA Next, copy the font (for our example we'll use 30-point Garamond Bold, which is contained in a file called GA300BPN.USP) into the same directory and rename it to meet Ventura's specifications. • Put the disk containing the font in drive A. • From DOS, type COPYA:GA300BPN.USP C:\VENTURA • Type RENAME GA300BPN.USP HPLJG30B.SFP This is not documented in the manual, but it is necessary. The HPL] must be the first four characters of the font, the G stands for Garamond (the initials for other characters are in Appendix K of the manual), 30 is for the point size and b for bold. For more instructions on renaming fonts, type HPLTOVFM Chapter 21: Adding New Fonts 437 without naming a font. Ventura will produce a screen describing the correct naming conventions. Now you can run the conversion utilities to create a VFM file. • Type BPLTOVFM This produces a screenful of instructions explaining what switches to use with HPLTOVFM.EXE. • Type BPLTOVFMBPLJG30B.SFP/F=GARAMOND/N=22/T The N=22 is the typeface identification number for Garamond, derived from the table in Appendix K of the Ventura manual. The T means that since there is no screen font for Garamond, Ventura is to use Times (Le., Dutch) to represent it on screen. The result of this conversion is a file called HPLJG30B.VFM Next, convert the VFM file to a WID file (a width table). • Type COPY CON BPLJG30B.LST • Type BPLJG30B.VFM • Type Ctrl-Z • Type VFMTOWID BPLJG30B.LST Now you can load Ventura, try out the new HPLJG30B width table, then merge it with the existing LaserJet Plus width table. • Load Ventura, and from the Options menu select Set Printer Info. Next, select Load Different Width Table and select HPL]G30B.WID. • Type a word or two and print it out to check that the width table is working. • Select Load Different Width Table and select HPL]PLUS.WID. • From the Options menu select Add/Remove Fonts. 438 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Select Merge Width Tables. • Select HPIJG30B.WID. • Save As New Width Table. You now will find that 30-point Garamond Bold is one of the regular selections for fonts with your Laser]et Plus driver. Font Tools The purpose of this chapter is to give you an overview of the variety of font tools on the market. The programs we'll look at fall into several categories: · On-the-Fly Windows Font Generators. These programs, which include Adobe Type Manager for Windows, Bitstream's FaceLift, MoreFonts, PowerPak, and SuperPrint, provide a variety of capabilities for the Windows version of Ventura, including on-the-fly generation of screen fonts and faster printing. · Other Font Generators. These programs offer less convenience than the on-the-fly font generators, but they are still quite useful, since they create fonts for LaserJet and other non-PostScript printers from master outlines. They include Fontware, MoreFonts, Type Director, and Publisher's PowerPak. 440 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition · Font Editing Software. These programs allow you to modify the appearance of your fonts. They include Publisher's Type Foundry, SoftCraft Font Editor, Font Effects, and fontART. Over the past few years, the state of the art in font editing software has advanced greatly. Unfortunately, many obsolete programs are still on the market, waiting to snag the unsuspecting buyer. The crudest programs are those that must be used in conjunction with an ASCII text editor or word processing program. With the editor, you create each character as a pattern of dots or asterisks. You then save this pattern as a text file and merge it into an existing font using the font-editing program. Obviously, using this sort of fontediting system is tedious and slow. An example is SoftCraft's Efont program. In contrast, the newest font-editing programs work much like painting programs. Using a mouse (or, alternatively, the keyboard), you draw your character on the screen using pens or brushes of adjustable thickness, linedrawing tools, and even tools to automatically create circles, ovals, and polygons. · Other Font Tools. The final utilities discussed in this chapter are a screen font generator called WYSIfonts! and a font compression program called FontSpace. On-the-Fly Windows Font Generators What goes from 2 to 254 in 45 seconds? What's able to create tall type in a single bound? Is it bird? Is it a 747? No, it's the high-flying world of fonts-on-the-fly for Windows. It wasn't so long ago that if you wanted the ease and flexibility of scalable fonts you had to buy a PostScript printer. Now any old LaserJet Plus or Series II (or DeskJet or dot-matrix printer for that matter) can print any size font, any time. This mean there's no Chapter 22: Font Tools 441 need to generate bitmapped fonts in advance or fill your hard disk with megabytes of the pesky things. You're free - as a bird. That is, a bird with a 386 computer and two megabytes of memory (theoretically you can use a 286, but only if you have the patience of an ostrich waiting to fly), a copy of Windows 3.0 and one of the following: Adobe Type Manager (ATM); Bitstream FaceLift; MicroLogic Software's MoreFonts; Atech's Publisher's PowerPak; or Zenographics' SuperPrint. All these programs can give you screen and printer fonts on the fly from scalable outline fonts. The whole trend started with ATM on the Mac. ATM eliminated inaccurate, jagged screen fonts and replaced them with smooth, WYSIWYG fonts that made the screen look more like the printed page. The same technology that displays fonts on-screen also sends them to non-PostScript printers - not as normal downloadable fonts, but as graphics. The surprise here is that not only does it work, but it works great - sometimes faster than traditional downloadable fonts. But it's not so much the similarities of these programs but the differences that are important. And, as with birds, they all fly, but they all do it differently and have their own special advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at them one by one (in alphabeticalorder). Profik----------------------------------------- ATM (Adobe Type Manager) Adobe's offering is the simplest, yet surprisingly, it also tied for second fastest of the bunch (and actually the fastest for any program using true bold and italic foundry fonts). You heard right. PostScript has never been known for its speed, but Adobe has optimized its Type 1 font format rasterizing to the point where it's a standout for speed - both on-screen and on-paper. Even with the normal 96K font cache (the area in memory reserved for storing fonts), ATM was faster than FaceLift with a 256K cache. 442 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Screen scrolling is very fast. You hardly have to wait as the fonts are created for the screen. Scrolling is smooth, and doesn't have the slight delays you can experience with some of the other programs. The printed quality isn't just indistinguishable from what would come out of a PostScript printer..;..... it can be sharper than what came out of many PostScript printers. In the past you could always spot pages output on a PostScript laser printer because they tended to be a little darker and more jagged than LaserJet bitmaps. But with ATM, the fonts print light and clean - really top quality. ATM comes with Times Roman, Helvetica, Courier, and Symbol, and uses any Type 1 font, from any font foundry (including, of course, Adobe). If you want the rest of the standard 35 fonts that are resident in most PostScript printers, Adobe sells its Plus Pack for $198. To help you build your type library, Adobe offers extra value through three reasonably priced TypeSets. The two display sets each contain seven display faces, and cost only $99. Set 1 includes: Bodoni Poster, Cottonwood, Freestyle Script, Hobo, Linotext, Trajan, and VAG rounded. Set 2 contains Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic 31AB, Franklin Gothic No.2 Roman, Juniper, Lithos Bold, Peignot Demi, and Present Script. Set 3 contains eleven text faces and costs $198: Adobe Garamond (Regular, Italic, Semi-bold, Semibold-italic), Helvetica Light (Light Oblique, Black, Black Oblique), Helvetica Compressed, Tekton, and Tekton Oblique. If you have a PostScript printer, ATM is the only program to consider. If you have a LaserJet it's still a good bet. Adobe has the largest font library available for the PC, many new original typefaces, and the only caveat is that they also have the highest font prices (4-weight packages cost $185). Despite rumors to the contrary, ATM does work with Ventura for Windows. It works best when you use the ENVIRONMENT.WID width table (generated automatically by Ventura) rather than older Ventura width tables. Chapter 22: Font Tools 443 One important point to remember - ATM's magic only applies to fonts, not graphics. Even though ATM can print PostScript fonts on non-PostScript printers, it won't let you print PostScript graphics on a LaserJet. To do that, you'll have to upgrade your printer to full PostScript capability by adding a PostScript cartridge or software interpreter such as GoScript. Profik------------------------------------------------- Bitstream FaceLift FaceLift, Bitstream's entry into the Windows screen font fray is based on its fast new "Speedo" font format. Despite the name, "Speedo" is not necessarily faster than older technology. For example, a page that took 60 seconds to print using pre-made font bitmaps took 90 seconds to print the first time with FaceLift and 80 seconds the second time. While ATM puts a high priority on simplicity, FaceLift goes for control. It allows you to create disk-based bitmapped fonts to improve performance, control the number and size of fonts that will be cached, specify whether or not you want to save the cache to disk so the fonts don't have to be rebuilt each session, and control print quality on inkjet and dot-matrix printers. While FaceLift doesn't beat ATM, the speed is still acceptable. Screen fonts appear quickly and cleanly, and they scroll smoothly. The Speedo format fonts share the same font metrics (widths) as Bitstream's Fontware typefaces, so your documents should not require reformatting. FaceLift comes with a larger assortment of fonts than ATM, including Swiss (Helvetica), Dutch (Times Roman), Park Avenue, Bitstream Cooper Black, Formal Script (Ondine/Mermaid), Brush Script, and Monospace (Helvetica Monospace). Bitstream has lowered the prices of its font packages from $195 to $129, and its "Collections" (a bundle of type packages) from $299 to $199. This makes Bitstream fonts an even better value. 444 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890&$£0/0.,:;-!?" abcdeJghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLN.1NOPQRST~Z 1234567890&$£%.,:; -!?" abcdefghijldmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890&$£0/0.,: ;-!?" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST~Z 1234567890&$£%.,: ;-!?" Figure 22-1: The Bitstream Charter family, a new set of typefaces designed by Bitstream's Matthew Carter for optimal appearance on a laser printer. Bitstream is also offering three special Companion Packs for FaceLift: The Companion Value Pack is a terrific value because it contains 24 typefaces (the equivalent of six regular packages) and costs only $199. It includes: Bitstream Amerigo (Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold-Italic); Bitstream Charter (Roman, Italic, Black, BlackItalic); Century Schoolbook (Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic); Futura Light (Light Italic, Condensed, Extra Black); Swiss Compressed and Extra Compressed; Exotic Bold and Demi-bold; Coronet Bold; ITC Zapf Chancery; Clarendon and Clarendon Bold. Bitstream also offers a Companion Pack for PostScript (the standard 35) for $179, and a Companion Pack for the LaserJet III for $99. Chapter 22: Font Tools 445 As always, Bitstream's font quality is first rate, and the Bitstream library for the PC has long been known for its variety and excellence. An important note: FaceLift only works with the latest Fontware outlines (the ones with the silver diamond on the label). However, Bitstream does let you upgrade any of your Fontware fonts to the new Speedo format. The price is $30 for the first package you upgrade and $15 for ea~h additional package. Profue-----------------------------------------MicroLogic MoreFonts While. the other packages in this article assume that your entire life will revolve around Windows and solid black fonts, MoreFonts takes a different approach. The standard package also includes scalable font solutions for WordPerfect, LetterPerfect, and Microsoft Word - as well as terrific special effects. The install program doesn't run under Windows, so it's a little trickier to install than the others. But this same install program can create truly dazzling special effects - outlines, shadows, gray fills, and pattern fills, including some that look like they were airbrushed. It displays the special effects on-screen and then creates bitmapped fonts (special effects aren't available in scalable format). On a 386 in enhanced mode, this install program can run inside a window. Like ATM and FaceLift, MoreFonts creates screen fonts on the fly, but unlike them it requires its own screen drivers. Still, the program can take any existing Windows driver and automatically convert it for its own use. MoreFonts also uses its own special printer drivers. These drivers worked fine with everything tested, but they printed graphics just a bit slower than the standard drivers. MoreFonts is fast, taking about a third less time than FaceLift to print the same page. Screen fonts are created very quickly and 446 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition scrolling is smooth. The program comes with the standard Times and Helvetica clones (called Geneva and Tiempo), and a very useful selection of display fonts: Pageant (Coronet - much nicer than Park Avenue); Opera (University Roman); Showtime (Broadway); Burlesque (Cooper Black); along with a monospaced font called Financial. Type quality is surprisingly good, considering the fonts are not from a "major" foundry. MoreFonts will only use additional faces from MicroLogic Software, but they are high-quality and lowpriced. At $70 each, "Display" packages contain five different faces and "Classic" packages contain four weights of one typeface. You can purchase packages in groups of three for $100, or all six display packages together for $150; all 20 "Classic" packages cos~ $250, and the entire library of 26 packages can be had for $300 (about the price of two packages from a big font foundry). MoreFonts is also the only program in this group that can create LaserJet III format downloadable fonts so that the printer can do the font scaling for added performance. Because of its great performance, special effects, and low add-on font prices, MoreFonts means more value. Profik---------------------------------------- Atech's Publisher's PowerPak Fast and cheap are the words that describe Publisher's PowerPak. In our tests, it was over twice as fast at printing as FaceLift. But there are strings attached, mainly that the page did not include real italic or bold fonts, but was printed with electronically slanted and bolded fonts. These may be acceptable for casual use, but not if you need professional quality. Except for the lack of true italic and bold, PowerPak's type quality is very good. Like MoreFonts, PowerPak uses its own screen driver to create screen fonts, but PowerPak can't convert existing drivers and will only work with systems that use CGA, EGA, VGA, 447 Chapter 22: Font Tools CGA, EGA, EGAmono, VGA, VGAmono, MCGA, Hercules, Plasma, and 8514. Screen fonts are created quickly and scrolling is smooth. PowerPak is the least expensive of the bunch ($79) but comes with fewest fonts: Dixon (Helvetica), Marin (Times), and Cobb (Courier). While the number is small, these faces can be electronically condensed or expanded into countless variations including thin, condensed, wide, expanded, and hollow (outline) versions. PowerPak's add-on faces are also inexpensive, costing a mere $30 for each set of standard faces (each package includes one weight of two typefaces; PowerPak will slant and bold them), and $79 for faces licensed from the respected Monotype foundry (four weights of a single typeface or four display faces). PowerPak also offers foreign language faces, including Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, IPA Roman, Transliterator, Korean Gwang Ju, Korean Inchon, Korean Pusan, Korean Seoul, Thai Bangkok, Thai Chiang Mai, Thai Sara Buri, and Thai Sukanya. The program uses its own printer drivers and includes support for over 300 models of laser, inkjet, and 8- or 24-pin dot-matrix printers. PowerPak's LaserJet driver printed graphics just a bit slower than the standard drivers. Profik----------------------------------------- SuperPrint Alphabetically last, but certainly not least, is Zenographics' SuperPrint. True to its name, it's Super. Printing an example page took 60 seconds, but because of SuperQue (a print caching program included in the package) we were able to get back to work in only 10 seconds. While SuperQue printed in the background, we were able to continue working in Ventura with no loss of performance. So while the program isn't the "fastest," it is the most productive because you don't have to wait around while your pages print. This is especially important for multiple-page docu- 448 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition ments. While your 30-page report prints in the background, you can go back to work on your computer instead of waiting. SuperPrint offers two more unique and important features: First, it supports all major font formats - simultaneously. It works with Adobe's Type 1, Bitstream's Speedo and Fontware (so you don't have to upgrade your Fontware fonts), Compugraphic's Intellifonts, Digital Typeface Corp's Nimbus-Q, and LaserJet format bitmapped fonts (for those special faces that may not have been duplicated in outline format). At last you can choose the faces (and versions) you like best, regardless of the format. And your previous investment in fonts is preserved. Second, while the other programs only deal with text and print graphics like the standard Windows drivers (or slower), SuperPrint actually improves the quality of graphics, giving them a more PostScript-like look, especially in fountains and fills (it doesn't however, print PostScript graphics). It also prints graphics significantly faster than other printer drivers. Since one of the reasons you're using Windows may be that you want to include graphics in your documents, SuperPrint's approach makes perfect sense. While the other programs use RAM to create and cache screen fonts, SuperPrint uses less memory by creating disk-based screen fonts. Of course, this means you'll need to reserve more disk space (at least 512K or 2MB for best performance). Screen fonts take a few seconds longer to create than with the other programs, but once created, they display and scroll quickly. At the end of each session SuperPrint will delete the fonts unless you ask to save them (so they don't have to be created again next time). This all works fine, except that there's a bug in Windows 3 (not in SuperPrint): in enhanced mode (the preferred mode for 386s), Windows will not display screen fonts larger than 64K, so if you're working with a lot of large type you'll have to do it in standard mode until this bug is fixed. Microsoft acknowledges the bug and has promised to fix it as soon as possible. Chapter 22: Font Tools 449 SuperPrint supports the LaserJet, DeskJet, and PaintJet printers. PaintJet and DeskJet support are exceptional, printing much faster than standard drivers, and, in the case of the PaintJet, producing better colors. Versions are also available for many color laser printers. The program includes the follow fonts: Nimbus Sans (Helvetica); Nimbus Roman (Times), Nimbus Mono (Courier), URW Symbols, Nimbus Century Schoolbook, Compugraphic Futura, and a single weight of Bitstream Charter. Zenographics offers a "SuperFonts" package that rounds out the standard 35 from the DTC/Nimbus library. The Nimbus font quality is adequate, but not exceptional, so if you buy SuperPrint, purchase your fonts from Bitstream or Adobe. Unless you have a PostScript or LaserMaster printer, SuperPrint is the best way to print from Windows. So there you have it. Whichever of these programs you decide on, they'll help make what you see what you get - and help your imagination take flight. Other Font Generators Not quite as convenient to use as the on-the-fly font generators, the programs described below require you to think ahead, anticipating what sizes of fonts you'll need prior to working in Ventura. You'll also need to reserve 5MB, 10MB, or even more space on your hard disk to hold the fonts you're generating. Finally, you'll need to be somewhat judicious in generating screen fonts, since having too many screen fonts in use with Ventura at the same time can slow the program down considerably. Because of the new generation of on-the-fly screen and printer font generators for Windows, you'll generally be using the 450 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition programs discussed here ·if you're working with the DOS/GEM version. Profik----------------------------------------Fontware Give 'em the razors, then sell 'em the razor blades. That's the tried and true strategy being used to promote Fontware. Because it has been bundled with the DOS/GEM version of Ventura since release 2.0, Bitstream's Fontware is the most familiar font generator for most people. Along with the free installation package, you're provided with two or three sample font outlines. Additional outlines can be purchased from Bitstream. • Background The development work behind Fontware actually predates desktop publishing. Bitstream, the company that created Fontware, was organized in 1981 as the world's first digital type foundry. Initially, the company concentrated on supplying type for expensive typesetting equipment, but with the arrival of laser printers it began supplying type to the manufacturers of those systems. For example, most of the cartridge and downloadable fonts sold by Hewlett-Packard were developed by Bitstream. The technology embodied in Fontware actually amounts to a set of artificial intelligence algorithms that check the results of the outline-to-bitmap conversions and make minor revisions, just like a typographic expert. Other font-generating programs now incorporate similar algorithms, but the technology developed by Bitstream is still unsurpassed. Outlines are available for scores of typeface families, and within most of these families there are four variations: roman, italic, bold, and bold italic. Most of these typefaces are already popular in commercial typography. In addition, Bitstream's Matthew Carter has developed the Charter family, which is designed to be especially crisp and legible when rendered by a laser printer (see Figure 22-1). 451 Chapter 22: Font Tools • Storage Requirements To generate Fontware fonts, you need to specify the sizes you want. Because of the amount of memory each font requires once you have generated it, you'll need to be judicious and not clog your hard disk with too many sizes. Note that the largest Fontware font you can use with a LaserJet Plus is about 36 points; with a LaserJet II it is about 72 points. • Character Set or Symbol Set The character sets generated by Fontware all include the English alphabet, but they differ in the remaining characters they provide, such as punctuation marks, special symbols, and foreign accented characters. With the version of Fontware bundled with Ventura, you can generate the VP US character set (116 characters), the VP International character set (190 characters) or the PostScript Outline character set (186 characters). The VP International set is the character set used by the fonts that come with Ventura; however, for large fonts used in headlines, you're probably better off choosing VP US. Here's why: • As Table 22-1 shows, fonts with the VP US character set require about 47 percent less storage space on your hard disk than fonts that use the VP International character set. At 116 characters, it requires only slightly more storage space than US ASCII, which has 95 characters. • Unlike other reduced character sets (such as US ASCII), the VP US character set includes the most frequently required typographic symbols (II, ", §, t, 1, ©, @, TM, ... , %0, ., -, - , ., and ,,). What's lacking are some of the less frequently used typographical symbols ( 0, " " -, ., and () and accented characters (A, a, A, A, etc.). *, 452 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Fontware for the LaserJet ill While not included in the standard Fontware package, a new module is available that allows you to transform Fontware outlines into Laser]et III outlines which the printer will scale (as a PostScript printer does). This module won't create a Ventura width table; instead it creates "Autofont" files. This is a new system designed by HP so that any program with AutoFont support can automatically install Laser]et III fonts. Hewlett Packard is distributing this conversion program for free, and they can be contacted at 303-353-7650. Ventura does not come standard with a driver for the LaserJet III, however. If you want to buy one, the best available comes from VPUG (the Ventura Publisher Users Group, 408/227-5030). This VPUG driver supports AutoFont and will be able to install the fonts created by the Fontware LaserJet III module. Profik------------------------------------------ SoftCraft's Fontware The Fontware kit provided with Ventura is fine for most people, but those with special requirements may want to buy a slightly different version from SoftCraft. This version of Fontware uses the same technology as the version of Fontware that is bundled with Ventura but has several extra features. Unlike the bundled version of Fontware, SoftCraft's version can generate obliqued versions of fonts, i.e., fonts uniformly slanted at a specified angle. Another advantage of tq.e ~oftCraft version is that it provides a wider selection of character sets, including USASCII, ECMA, UK, French, German, Italian, Spaqish, Swedish/Finnish, Danish/Norwegian, Legal, SoftCraft, IBM PC, HP Roman-8, HP Roman Extension, Windows/ANSI, Ventura International, HP IBM PC, and HP IBM PC Extension. Last but not least, the SoftCraft Fontware Program can create larger fonts than the bundled version of the program - up to 240 points. 453 Chapter 22: Font Tools In selecting which character set to generate, you can refer to complete tables of characters in the back of the FontWare documentation. For example, if you want true typographic quotation marks, you should avoid the Roman-8 or IBM PC sets. SoftCraft's Fontware does not install the fonts it generates into Ventura. For that, you'll need SoftCraft's WYSIfonts program (described below), which also takes care of Microsoft Windows installation . • Storage Requirements The amount of storage required for various fonts is shown in Table 22-1 on the next page. Notice how storage increases much faster than the point size. For example, the amount of storage needed for a 12-point font is about two times as much as for a 6-point font, for a 24-point font it is eight times as much, for a 48-point font it is 29 times as much, and for a 72-point font it is 64 times as much. Fortunately, FontSpace, the font compresssion program profiled later in this chapter, is able to compress large fonts to a greater degree than small fonts - as much as 97 or 98 percent. Figure 22-2: SoftCraft's version ofPontware provides a larger number of character sets than the version bundled with Ventura, including character sets for a number of European languages. Soft Craft Fontware Installation PrograM UERSION 1.3 Copyright(C)1987 SoftCraft.Inc. Portions(C)BitstreaM FONT FORMAT: HP 2PORT SCREEN FONTS(h.v): NONE RESOLUTION(h. v): 3BB.3BB OBLIQUE ANGLE: B. BO .i'U':mMijM.;W KERN FILES: NO Press ENTER to choose the highlighted SYMbol set. Use the t, J., PgUp. PgDn, HOMe. or End keys on the keypad to choose another SYMbol set. 454 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip 2 2 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Limiting Character Sets for Headline Fonts Generally, large fonts are used for titles and headlines and hence do not require special characters. So, to save the amount of storage needed, you should choose W US or USASCII, the character sets with the smallest number of elements. Ifyou frequently use large fonts, look into SoftCraft's Fontware and HP's Type Director. Both allow you to create character sets containing just the characters you need and thereby drastically reduce the amount of storage space needed for the font. Font Storage Requirements (Kilobytes) VP International Character Set VP US Character Set 6-pt Dutch 12 7 12-pt Dutch 29 16 24-pt Dutch 94 49 48-pt Dutch 344 184 72-pt Dutch 764 405 Font Table 22-1 455 Chapter 22: Font Tools • Installation Once you've generated a font, you'll still need to download it to the printer and install it for Ventura. For a step-by-step explanation of this process, see Chapter 21, "Adding New Fonts." Profik----------------------------------------- Type Director Type Director is Hewlett-Packard's answer to Bitstream's Fontware. While the program had a lot of early promise and included several features not found in Fontware, it was hobbled by the fact that the Compugraphic fonts it generates simply don't look as good as Bitstream's. Now Fontware has improved but the inferior fonts generated by Type Director have not. Verdict: stick with Fontware. Besides, it's free! Profik----------------------------------------- MoreFonts MoreFonts is a very versatile program. You read earlier in this Figure 22-3: As shown here, with Type Director you can either select a standard symbol set such as Ventura International or Ventura US, or else define your own custom symbol set. Custom sets are especially useful for generating large headline fonts. HAKE FOHTS Highllght a sYMbol set, then press EHTER to save your selection. HAKE FOHT SETUP [TDFOU==========~1II1 fPC: PC-8 Active Appllcatlon: Xerox Uentura Publisher PD: PC-8 DH Typeface Point Sizes PI1: PC-8SB CG Ti"e5 12 LG: Legal UI: Uentura International UU: Uentura US UI1: Uentura Hath DT: DeskTop UN: Uindo"s TS: PS Text 118: l1ath-8 I1S: PS Hath PI: Pi Font Z: Reduced sIJMbo 1 set I ESTIttATED SPACE REQUIRED 1SK 456 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition chapter about how it can generate printer and screen fonts on the fly for Ventura under Windows, but it can also generate bitmapped screen and printer fonts and install them into Ventura for GEM. MoreFonts has two big advantages: First, it creates dazzling special effects fonts; and second, the fonts themselves are very good and reasonably priced - you can purchase their entire line of 26 packages for about $300. MoreFonts is also a good value because it supports on-the-fly fonts under Windows, WordPerfect, and Microsoft Word, as well as the bitmapped fonts and special effects for Ventura. Projik----------------------------------------- z-Soft SoftType Another interesting alternative is SoftType from Z-Soft, the PC Paintbrush people. Although this is a Windows program, I include it in this section because it does not generate fonts on-the-fly like ATM, FaceLift, or SuperPrint. SoftType does, however, offer a great deal of convenience. Remarkably, it manages to run in the background under Windows, even on a slow 286 with Windows 2.1, so you can be generating downloadable printer or screen fonts without having to stop everything and go to lunch. SoftType comes with 29 different typefaces (62 when you count each weight) from URW. While these typefaces aren't as good as those from Bitstream or Adobe, the entire package costs the same thing as one of the Adobe's type packages (or one of Bitstream's Collections). It's even a good deal if you only use the eleven display faces. SoftType can also generate fonts from Z-Soft's Publisher's Type Foundry outline format. Not content with merely generating fonts, SoftType also enables you to create custom special effects, and displays them (using the generic Sans typeface) in real time so you can see how effective the effect is going to be. Chapter 22: Font Tools 457 SoftType can generate fonts for the LaserJet including compressed (not scalable) bitmaps for the LaserJet III, PostScript Type 3 (nonencrypted), Publisher's Type Foundry scalable outlines, and PC Paintbrush bitmapped fonts. It can automatically generate Windows screen fonts and Ventura screen fonts at the same time. SoftType also installs the fonts for both Windows and Ventura. One thing to remember: SoftType does not create fonts on the fly ala ATM or SuperPrint. Font Editors Type is the Achilles' heel of any laser printer. You might spend hundreds of dollars assembling a collection of fonts and then find that it is useless because it lacks a character you need, such as the trademark symbol, the ballot box symbol, or true typographic quotation marks (ones that open and close). Basically, a font is nothing more than a collection of one or two hundred pictures, each assigned a numerical code. A font editor is a software tool that lets you blow up individual characters on your computer display and change or replace them. In the past, font -editing software tended to be so difficult to use that few people took advantage of it. Now the programs are getting easier and more powerful, though they still require some dedication to master. Here are some of the things one might do with a font -editing program: • Add your corporate logo to an existing font. For example, you could replace a little-used keyboard character such as or A with the logo. Using the revised font, you could insert the logo into a document simply by typing that character. • Add typographic characters such as true quotation marks or the registered trademark symbol to a font (such as any of 458 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition the Hewlett-Packard fonts that use the ASCII character set) that lacks these elements. • Add dingbats - special symbols such as the pointing hand frequently used in advertisements - to an existing font. • Create an entirely new font for a non-European language. • Design a new typeface. As you can see, the tasks that might be attempted with a font-editing program range from simple tasks, like adding a single new character for an existing font, to complex projects, like creating an entirely new font from scratch. Profik------------------------------------------ Publisher's Type Foundry This extremely powerful program has two modules. One lets you work with outline fonts, which can then be used on PostScript printers. The other works with bitmapped fonts, which can then be used on PCL LaserJets. The remarkable thing is that it lets you move things back and forth between the two. Figure 22-4: Publishers Type Foundry has two modules, one for bitmaps, the other for outlines. You can operate the Bitmap Editor and the Outline Editor in tandem by having them open in adjacent windows and moving characters back and forth from one to the other. Chapter 22: Font Tools 459 In order to be usable with all types of laser printers, a font editor must be a switch-hitter. Printers that incorporate the PostScript page description language work with characters stored in outline format, i.e., as scalable mathematic descriptions. Other printers, including the LaserJet, work with characters stored as bitmaps, i.e., as stored patterns of dots that cannot be scaled . • Switch-hitting While previous font editors have been available on the PC, all have worked exclusively with bitmapped fonts. Type Foundry is new in that it lets you work with either outlines or bitmaps. Surprisingly, the Bitmap Editor and the Outline Editor actually are best used in tandem, whether your final product happens to be a bitmap font or an outline font. This pooling of talents is the most interesting feature of Type Foundry. For example, you might start in the Outline Editor drawing outlines of the characters you wish to add to a font, then switch to the Bitmap Editor for final cleanup. Alternatively, you might start by scanning in characters from paper, load them into the Bitmap Editor, automatically generate outlines, resize these outlines, then transfer them back to the Bitmap Editor for cleanup . • Windows Interface Whether you start with the Bitmap or the Outline Editor, the basic interface is similar. On the upper left are your drawing tools, on the lower left a scroll bar from which you select your font. On top are the menus. Most of the screen is devoted to a drawing area. If this area is not enough for your character, you can use scroll bars on the right and on the bottom. Because this is a Windows application, you can have more than one application open at a time, and the design of the program makes it feasible to have both the Outline Editor and the Bitmap Editor on the screen side-by-side. In the simple case of altering a single character in an existing font, you begin by loading that font into the program. Most laser print- 460 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition er font formats are acceptable, including those sold by Bitstream and by the numerous third-party vendors that specialize in LaserJet fonts. The major exception is the PostScript fonts from Adobe Systems, which use a proprietary format. As with all other procedures in Type Foundry, loading a new font is done from a menu. Once a font is loaded, the characters it comprises can be seen in a scroll bar on the left side of the screen. Clicking on one of these with the mouse causes the character to appear, enlarged, in the work area, where it can be altered using various drawing tools . • Editing Tools With the Bitmap Editor, those tools include a straight-line drawing tool, a freehand drawing tool, a tool for drawing blocks, a fill tool that pours pixels into any enclosed area, a tool for drawing polygons, a cut and paste tool, a tape measure, and a zoom feature. With the Outline Editor, the tools are a line-drawing tool, a tool for drawing Bezier curves, a tool for changing the shape of other tools, a tool for selecting sections of the font, a tool for dividing one curve into two separate curves, a tool for moving parts of the font, a tape measure, and a zoom view. Like many crafts, that of creating laser printer fonts combines some art and some attention to technical nuts and bolts. Using the graphics tools is the fun part of Type Foundry. The knuckle-skinning part comes in determining technical parameters, such as font spacing and position, that make a font internally consistent and that allow it to be identified and used in the laser printer. • Technicalities For dealing with the technical side of things, Type Foundry provides several dialog boxes. In the Font Description dialog box, you classify your font according to family, weight, character set, point size, and the resolution of your laser printer. In the Font Parameters dialog box, you specify the standard character pixel height, the numerical encoding of the font, the vertical space to be stored with the font, the maximum pixel width of the font, etc. Chapter 22: Font Tools 461 Finally, a Global Changes dialog box allows you to apply scaling, slanting, and rotating uniformly to all characters in a font. Collectively, the various obscure font manipulations possible with these dialog boxes amount to a large degree of power. It's a mixed blessing, because with this many options, you'll probably find that mastering Type Foundry is an even greater challenge than mastering Ventura. Fortunately, Type Foundry provides not only sheer font manipulation power but also some clever touches. One such innovation is the tape measure, with which you can quickly measure not only horizontal and vertical distances in your work area but also any diagonal distance. Another is the "Gadget Box," a set of tools for flipping, rotating, stretching, and scaling a character. A third is the "Gravity" feature of the Constraints Menu, which allows you to precisely connect line and curve segments. As a well-conceived Windows application, Type Foundry should slide smoothly into your font toolbox . •:. Special Effects Where would George Lucas be without special effects? Probably still eating at Taco Bell (not Rancho Nicasio). That's not to say there's anything wrong with Taco Bell, but special effects can make the difference between something being ordinary and extraordinary' much like the difference between fast food and nouvelle cuisine. Man does not live by Times Roman alone (or even Helvetica). While special typographic effects can easily be overused, they can also give a publication a special identity, or draw attention to important information. If you look at the printed material all around you, you'll rarely see effects other than outline, shadow fonts, or gray type. These are the simplest, most popular, and perhaps the most effective effects, but certainly not the only ones. Others include stripes, checkerboard squares, air-brush, pattern fills, slanting, and rotation. You can also shrink, stretch, reverse, or slant a font. 462 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Draw Programs If all you want is a single fancy headline or running head, the fastest, easiest, most accurate way to produc~t is by using a draw program, such as Ardine, Corel Draw, Designer, or Arts & Letters. These programs allow you to interactively create special effects, then export the results to a CGM or GEM file which will print as sharp as any font. • Black Turning Gray Over You If you have a PostScript or LaserMaster printer (or LaserJet III printer with the VPUG driver), then you can easily create gray type from inside Ventura. All you do is tag the text and select a color from the Font dialog box in the Paragraph menu. Then go into the Define Colors dialog box and change the setting for Screen Display from Color to Shades of Gray. If you have a color display you may see a difference, if you have a monochrome display you may not. But when you go to print you should see the results. If the shade of gray is too dark or too light, you can adjust it in the Define Colors menu. Profik----------------------------------------fontART Quark can do it. PageMaker can do it. Ventura can't do it. What is it? Compress and expand typefaces. But you can do it with fontART. fontART allows PostScript users to manipulate their fonts visually, using a simple program with pull-down menus. The program can use any Type 1 fonts, and even retrieve fonts from your PostScript printer. You see the actual font change as you apply the special effects. Chapter 22: Font Tools 463 Once you have the effect you were after, fontART will create a new WID table for DOS/GEM or Windows Ventura. fontART can perform the following effects: Baseline rotation of fonts up to 180 degrees, character rotation, slanting forward or backward up to 89 degrees, outlining, filling fonts with any shade of gray, filling fonts with fountain fills starting and ending at any percentage of gray, up to five levels of drop shadows with different effects for each shadow, and strokes around characters. Finally, the program gives you the ability to shrink, expand, or scale drop shadows in any combination. In addition to fontART, Creative Software also has a whole slew of utility programs in the works. Among these is 321, a font converter that changes PostScript Type 3 and Type 2 fonts into Type 1 fonts. The program was still in beta testing as this was being written, but is was scheduled for release early in 1991. Call Creative Software for details. (For access information, see Appendix A, "Resources. ''J Profik---------------------------------------Font Effects Font Effects is a tool for under $100 that permits a LaserJet to print the sort of fonts you'd usually expect to see only from a PostScript printer. It can take any LaserJet-compatible font and add shadows, create outlines, stripe them, and fill them with gray or checkered patterns. With Font Effects, you can create unlimited special effects on fonts, and they all appear razor sharp. Let's say you need a font with narrow characters - a "condensed" font. You don't have to buy another font. You simply use Font Effects to make the old font half as wide. Font Effects can enlarge or reduce fonts proportionally, so where you once only had a 30-point font, you can have a 60-point font. The jagged edges often associated with resizing bitmapped fonts are not a 464 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition problem because of a remarkable "Fillet" function that fills in rough edges. But we're not through yet. Font Effects gives you inverted or reverse fonts which print white on black. Although white type on a black background is harder to read than black on white, it can also attract attention and add visual interest to a page. Font Effects will reverse most type up to 24 points in size. Want outline fonts? You got 'em. While outline fonts aren't best for general use, they can make good headlines, and are useful for creating "standing heads" - the ones above a regular column or editorial feature. These fonts can enhance the graphic appearance of a page, but I would not suggest having too many outline fonts on a page, because they can be hard to read. Font Effects does another trick I like: it creates "gray" letters, with the gray ranging from a smooth medium tone to a very coarse checkerboard light gray. You can even combine any of these special effects, creating narrow, outline, shadow, slanted, 22-point fonts if you want. There's no limit to the number of times you can change a font. The process itself takes anywhere from about one minute, for smaller fonts, to as much as 10 minutes, for resizing and filleting large fonts. The fonts created by Font Effects work Figure 22-5: With Font Effects, you can create your own special effects by specifying parameters for shading, obliquing, etc., or you can choose from this list of ((precooked" effects. Chapter 22: Font Tools 465 with any software that uses normal LaserJet Plus downloadable fonts. Ventura Publisher used almost all the new fonts flawlessly, although some fonts, notably the extremely slanted ones (90 degrees), didn't quite work right. Once again, Ventura doesn't have a specific font selection for outline or gray fonts, so you need to assign another name to them. I called the inverse fonts "bold-italic," or gave them entirely new names when creating the VFM files. Font Effects provides fifteen different ways to modify type, all of which can be combined in endless variations. The effects include outlining, filling with patterns (stripes and checkerboard squares), contouring (also called "inline," where a white line is formed just inside the outside edge of characters), shades of gray, shadows, drop shadows, reverses, widening, narrowing, emboldening, slanting, and filleting. While the sheer number of variables can be intimidating, fourteen standard effects are included, and even if you never create a custom effect, the standard ones are quite dazzling and more than adequate for most applications. I'd like to see more standard variations, but even with the few it has, Font Effects is admirable. LaserJet users will also appreciate the ability to create reverse fonts (white type on a black background), something LaserJet printers cannot do on their own. If you do want to design your own effects, they can be saved and reused over and over again on different fonts. A preview feature allows you to see on-screen what your effects will look like. Currently the feature works with CGA, EGA, or Hercules graphics only. Font Effects is a great way to enhance the type you already own and create distinctive fonts for logos, banners, advertisements, stationery, report covers - anything where big, flashy type is appropriate. Like all SoftCraft manuals, this one is clear, well written, and created with SoftCraft's own products. A tutorial has step-by-step 466 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition jfane!, -=un &Lylish Clean Strong ~~~~» .': :f i~:. .\ . ~: :": : : ~:~" ...:. . : : : : :. . I':~:'<" ': .• • ''1b ":~:;I '~~~'" :;.:f.f.:~ .:!-~::( '~$~*:.: ~:~::~':" ":~~::::~. $.:::.~:~. .~:.:.:.~::~:~. \:':~'S" ~::::$~' .~;~:: :::~$' •.::.,... \~~~ll~.:. '.:.:.:.'. \·~~l~~:::::::::·:· .: :. ':' ....:.:.;:. . . ):~...... ..:~:.~~~~:... '..'. '~'~~~" Light Bold Figure 22-6: A sample of the special effects possible with the LaserMaster. Chapter 22: Font Tools 467 examples, and the fourteen standard variations can also be used as starting points for new effects. The menu-driven program is logically designed and clear, making it easier to fathom the program's depths. To ease installation with Ventura, and to provide screen fonts complete with special effects, see WYSlfonts! (below). Profik----------------------------------------LaserMaster SPecial Effects LaserMaster printers and controllers offer high-speed, high-resolution output (this book was printed on a LaserMaster LMIOOO Plain-Paper Typesetter). But above and beyond their speed and resolution, they also offer special effects. With the LaserMaster's driver for Ventura Publisher, each of the seven colors listed in the font menu can invoke a different LaserMaster type effect. You can specify the effects you want for each color. Effects include outline; fill with a gray tone or pattern; print type at any angle including upside-down or backwards; or multiple effects combined. The Ventura driver also makes it possible to print text in unlimited point sizes, going above and beyond the normal 256-point ceiling. You can also apply special fill patterns to frames, including any of the standard GEM patterns, or you can design a custom pattern. For more about the LaserMaster, see Chapter 4, "Printers." Other Font Tools The following programs provide a couple of additional functions to make your font life easier: installing fonts and compressing them on your hard disk. 468 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Projik----------------------------------------- WYS/fontsl Installing fonts can be one of the most mystifying tasks a desktop publisher can face. Many people think you need only copy the fonts to the hard disk and Ventura will magically know they're there. In a perfect world, that's how it would be, but then again, in a perfect world we'd all be supplied free 386's with our nationalized health care cards. One utility that can help smooth the process is WYSlfonts!, which works with any HP-compatible downloadable font. All too often what you get is not really what you see. What's a LaserJet owner to do? Fight back, with WYSIfonts! Not only does this program create width tables, it can also create on-screen fonts for any - yes, any - HP-compatible downloadable font. Screen fonts have long been the missing link in PC desktop publishing. Bitstream has solved that problem for Fontware users. But what if you have fonts from another manufacturer and want to see them on-screen? WYSIfonts! is the only way. The program also proves useful if you have purchased LaserJet soft fonts that don't have associated width tables. In that case, WYSIfonts! can generate the width tables and install the fonts for Ventura (as well as for Windows and PageMaker). Figure 22-7: The main WYSJfonts! menu. Here you specify the location and names of the printerfonts for which you want to generate screen fonts. Alternatively, you can use the program to install fonts without generating screen fonts. Wl'SIfonts! VIP verSIon 1. 0 Font Installatlon for Ventura Publlsher Copyright (C) 1987 So£tCrcd t.. Inc. Act! on: Install Orientation: Font Directory: C:'MU Portrait Screen Fonts: ON Extension: • EGA Auto Bold: ON Screen Font Size: Min 19pt. Max 3&pt. Resolution' Horiz 91/399 Vert 72/399 Kern Tables: Auto Uidth Table: NEUFONTS.UID II OK II CANCEL II CONFIG II II II .r CH119IPN. USP CH119RPN.SFP CH119RPN. USP CH149XPN. USP KR119IPN. USP KR119RPN. USP M'iftAi'iW.jj TAG ALL Ventura Directory: D: ,VENTURA UnTAG ALL Printer: HP Series II Dutch NorMal 12 point Font.s tc\99pd wIth 'J' wi 11 b[J i nst all ed. Us£> t he Mouse or cursor keys to h 1 ~lhll'lh l a fon l. CllcK left Mou",e but ton Or pre,",,, ~ to tUrn • J' OFF or ON. Chapter 22: Font Tools 469 Figure 22-8: It's not necessary to have a screen font to match every printer font you install in your system, but having screen fonts for unusual printer fonts such as this one make it easier to format text and peiform kerning. The program is all menu-driven. You can even use a mouse if you're that keyboard-phobic. The program first creates screen fonts (which can take as long as 20 minutes for large sizes) and then creates width tables for Ventura. Once you're in Ventura, the fonts appear on-screen and you will be instantly spoiled. Fonts over 14 points look excellent on-screen, but smaller sizes can get mushy. The only trick to installing fonts with WYSIfonts! is making sure they are named correctly. Some programs ask you lots of questions about each font to make sure they're installed correctly, but WYSIfonts! relies solely on the name of the font. The first two letters tell the name of the font, and let WYSlfonts! know the correct font number to use. Palatino, for example, is "PA." Next comes the font size. (Anything under 100 points must have \~,O on the end of it. For instance, 18 points is listed as 180). Then c~fl:1es the weight of the font: R for regular (a throwback to HP's own strange way of naming fonts), B for bold, I for italics, and X or T\ for bold italics. Once the fonts are named correctly, WYSlfonts! \ can make a width table for 12 fonts in about two minutes. Even 470 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition though the font naming can be tedious, it's easier than programs that require you to look up font names and numbers in the Ventura manual. WYSIfonts! worked with every HP-compatible soft font I tried, even PI fonts. One warning about Ventura screen fonts: as explained in Chapter 21, "Adding New Fonts," Ventura can handle a lot, but only so many before it starts to complain. Make screen fonts only for the fonts you most need to see on-screen. Ventura will not use screen fonts smaller than 10 points or larger than 35K (about 72 points), and will scale existing fonts to fit these sizes. For the utmost speed and the best on-screen appearance, Ventura prefers to scale screen fonts in even increments. For example, an 1S-point font can be quickly doubled to 36 points. When you go to Enlarged view, a 36-point screen font is used for 18-point type. In Reduced View, 36-point type is represented with 1S-point screen fonts. If the exact sizes are not available, Ventura will scale screen fonts. If you've installed a 30-point screen font for a headline, and your 10-point body text is the same typestyle, Ventura will try to scale the body text, too. Ventura will reduce the 30-point screen font to 10-point for the body text, which takes a long time and doesn't look good. So if you're going to use a screen font for a typeface, make it in all the sizes you will use regularly, not just one. Profik---------------------------------------FontSpace LaserJet fonts take tons of disk space. It's not unusual to have 4 to 12 megabytes of fonts on your hard disk. But now there's an easy, efficient way to save 50 to 75 percent of the space you use for hard disks. It's called FontSpace, and in about 10 minutes your fonts will take less than half the space they did before. FontSpace is a memory-resident program that automatically decompresses fonts as they are downloaded to the printer. It does this with such speed that you don't notice any performance loss, and it works with all programs - Ventura, WordPerfect, Win- Chapter 22: Font Tools 471 dows. They (and you) don't even know it's there. Be assured that there is absolutely no loss of font quality. For very large fonts the reduction may be as much as 98 percent; for fonts in the 8- to 12- point range, the reduction is about 55 percent. In one test, 12 megabytes of fonts became 4 megabytes. That means the program instantly freed 8 megabytes of hard disk space. The program is completely automatic. During the installation process, it searches your hard disk for fonts, and compresses them. If you use Fontware or other font generation programs, FontSpace will automatically compress these fonts as they are being generated. FontSpace even compresses automatically as you copy bitmapped fonts from a floppy to your hard disk. If you have EMS, FontSpace takes a mere 3K of DOS memory, and 18K of EMS. If you don't, it takes 22K of DOS memory. The program is the personification of transparent and only takes 65K of disk space. If you use a LaserJet and have lots of fonts, buy this program. You'll wish you had it years ago. SECTION SIX Special Topics Speed Tips Although Ventura is a fast program to begin with, you may want to make it even faster. This chapter is intended as a miscellany of tips for getting better speed performance out of the program . •:. Disk Caching Try this experiment. Load Ventura with a blank chapter. Switch to tagging mode. You'll notice that the hard disk light flashes. Switch to a different mode and the light blinks again. What's happening is that all the program information Ventura needs cannot fit in RAM and still leave room for documents, so the program stores some of that information on the hard disk and accesses it frequently. Disk reads are many times slower than accessing information from RAM. For this reason, a disk-caching utility is a perfect complement to Ventura. If you're using Windows Ventura, 476 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition then you automatically are using a disk-caching program, Microsoft's SmartDrive. If you're using the DOS/GEM version, Table 23-1 lists a number of the leading disk-caching programs. Here's how disk caching works. The disk-caching program intercepts blocks of data that are frequently read from the hard disk or written to the hard disk and stores them in a RAM buffer. At the beginning of your computer session, there is no speedup since the first blocks of data must be accessed, as usual, from the hard disk. However, after your computer session has gone on for a while the improvement caused by the disk-caching program will become quite noticeable. The advantage of a disk-caching program over a RAM disk is that with the caching program you don't have to decide which files to store in RAM - the program does this automatically. Table 23-1: Disk-Caching Utilities Flash Super PC-Kwlk Software Masters 6352 N. Guilford Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 317/253-8088 Multisoft Corporation 15100 S.W. Koll Parkway, Suite L Beaverton, OR 97006 503/644-5644 Lightning Personal Computer Support Group 4540 Beltway Dr. Dallas, TX 75244 800/544-4699, 214/351-0564 Vcache Golden Bow Systems 2870 5th Ave. #201 San Diego, CA 92103 800/284-3269, 619/298-9349 PC Tools Deluxe Central Point Software 15220 N.W. Greenbrier Pkwy. Suite 200 Beaverton, OR 97006 503/690-8090 Chapter 23: Speed Tips 477 Since DOS/GEM Ventura needs nearly all 640K of a system's conventional memory to function effectively, you should configure the cache program to place the cache in extended or expanded memory, rather than in conventional memory. Extended memory refers to memory installed on your computer above and beyond the 640K recognized by DOS. Expanded memory, also called EMS (in reference to the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Standard) memory, must be installed on a memory add-in board that meets a particular standard formulated by Lotus, Intel, Microsoft, and others. Alternatively, on a 386 computer, utilities available from QuarterDeck and others can convert extended memory into EMS memory. Even when a disk-caching program sets up its cache in extended or EMS memory, it still consumes some of the 640K of conventional memory. Obviously, it makes sense to use a disk-caching program that requires as little conventional memory overhead as possible. Table 26-1 in Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions," shows how much conventional memory is used by various disk-caching programs. Once you've set up a disk cache and loaded Ventura, you'll notice the difference almost immediately. The time needed for scrolling, moving between reduced and expanded mode, paging through a document, and other functions is cut by 50 percent or more. Loading Ventura (not the first time, but each subsequent time) is also speeded up. As you might guess, an additional benefit of using a disk-caching utility is that it spares your hard disk from constant read/write operations and therefore probably increases the life of your hard disk. Tip 2 3 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adjusting Buffers for Screen Fonts This is a repeat from Chapter 21, but it's a useful one that is pertinent here as well. If you're using screen fonts, make sure 478 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition that the buffers statement in your CONFIG.syS file is set to 30. For optimum performance, you can even experiment with setting the buffers as high as 50. 1/you're using a disk-caching utility, however, you should always set the buffers to 3 or 4. Tip 2 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - What's the Best DiskCaching Utility? In talking with other Ventura users, the disk cache most often mentioned as "the best" is Super PC-Kwik. That word-of-mouth recommendation was recently supported by tests in PC Magazine, which showed that Super PC-Kwik was the fastest disk cache in the group it surveyed, as well as the one offering the most features and the one capable of taking up the smallest amount of conventional memory overhead. Vcache rated a close second; Flash and PolyBoostII also earned high grades. Lowest on PC Magazine's report card were IBMCache, Mace Utilities, and SmartDrive. Tip 2 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Before You Run out and Buy a Disk-Caching Program... You may already own a disk-caching program and not know it. For example, if you have Microsoft Windows, you've already got SmartDrive. IBM supplies IBM-Cache with all its Micro Channel PS/2 computers, and Compaq supplies Compaq Disk-Caching Utility with all its hard-disk computers. PC Tools also includes a disk cache, as does the Mace Utilities package, though the latter is reported to be fairly slow. Chapter 23: Speed Tips 479 Tip 2 3 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Optimizing Your Disk Cache and Your Spooler If you have both extended and expanded memory, use the expanded memory for disk caching and the extended memory for print spooling (not the other way around). The reason is that disk-caching programs run about 20 to 30 percent faster in expanded memory, while print spoolers run about the same speed either way. •:. PrintCache Although PostScript printers make fantastic looking pages, they can waste an incredible amount of time by tying up your printer for 15 or 20 minutes while a chapter prints out. Fortunately, you don't have to put up with that kind of performance. The first way to speed up printing is to download your fonts at the beginning of each work session (see below). The second is to use PrintCache (previously called LaserTORQ). PrintCache is a print spooler, i.e., a program that intercepts data on the way to the printer and then stores it in a memory reservoir, alloWing you to immediately get back to work with Ventura while it feeds the print data to the printer. Documents don't get printed any faster with PrintCache, but at least the computer isn't tied up while the printer takes its time. Since PostScript printers are the slowest, they're the ones to benefit most from PrintCache, but in fact the program can be used with any laser printer. For more details on PrintCache, see Chapter 25, "Printing Tips." Tip 2 3 - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Optimizing PrintCache To get the best performance from PrintCache with a PostScript printer, it's important that you always download your fonts to the printer at the beginning of your work session. (Procedures for 480 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition downloading fonts are explained in Chapter 20, UUsing Fonts. ''J For some reason, this speeds up PrintCache considerably. See for yourself! .:. Downloading Fonts If you're like most Ventura users, you probably print out part or all of a document several times during a work session. Unfortunately, every time the print command is issued, Ventura laboriously copies (or downloads) the same fonts to the laser printer's memory. You can shortcut this redundancy by downloading all the fonts you need for the day and then turning off Ventura's automatic downloading. For details, see Chapter 20, "Using Fonts." .:. Consolidating Your Hard Disk DOS is something of a digital squirreL If it can't store that latest program or document in one neat continuous block, it breaks the file up and stuffs pieces into any free space on the disk. Unfortunately, when you need the file - be it a Ventura overlay or a frequently used chapter - the hard disk's read/write heads can't suck it up in one sweep, but must poke around the disk. Disk optimizers, which reunite scattered file fragments, can cut the delays and minimize hard disk wear and tear. One indication that disk optimizing is needed is if the hard disk light flashes rapidly when you load a program; every blink means that another portion of the disk is being searched. Diagnostic routines typically found in disk optimizers can provide more detailed information, in the form of disk maps and statistical reports showing the degree of fragmentation. As with disk-caching utilities, there's a universe of disk optimizers to choose from. Programs such as DS Optimize, Disk Optimizer from Softlogic Solutions, Disk OrGanizer (DOG) in the public domain, Speed Disk from the Norton Utilities Advanced Edition, and Condense from the Mace Utilities can consolidate disk files in 481 Chapter 23: Speed Tips a matter of minutes without disturbing copy-protected or hidden system files. Running a disk optimizer like Speed Disk is simplicity itself. At the DOS prompt, type SD n:, where n: is the drive you want tidied up. Speed Disk takes about 20 minutes to rearrange the files on a nearly full 20MB disk, graphically illustrating its progress along the way. To wrest the most from this speed tip, look for disk optimizers like DS Optimize that allow you to specify the order in which coalesced files should appear on the disk. For maximum performance, install DOS first, then Ventura . •:. Avoiding Spill Files When you are working with pictures or text files that exceed the RAM available to Ventura for holding such files, the program creates a "spill file" on the hard disk (also referred to as "swapping out"). When this happens, Ventura's performance slows Table 23-2: Disk-Optimizing Utilities os Optimize Mace Utilities Design Software 1275 W. Roosevelt Rd. West Chicago, IL 60185 301/231-4540 Paul Mace Software, Inc. 400 Williamson Way Ashland, OR 97520 800/523-0258, 503/488-2322 The Norton Utilities Disk Optimizer Peter Norton Computing, Inc. 2210 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403 213/453-2361 SoftLogic Solutions 520 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH 03101 800/272-9900 482 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition down considerably, since the program must continually access the disk for information. The simplest way to avoid spill files is to free up RAM. The first step is to eliminate any memory-resident utilities. Other steps are suggested in Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions." If you've freed up all the RAM you can, and still find yourself plagued by spill files, the next step is to install a RAM disk and direct Ventura to use it to catch the spill files that would otherwise be written to the hard disk. You can use any RAM disk program to set up the RAM disk. The best bargain is a utility called VDISK that is included on your DOS disk. To set up a 300K RAM disk in extended memory, simply place the statement DEVICE a VDISK. SYS in the system's CONFIG.syS file. You'll also need to add lOaD: at the end of your VP.BAT file (assuming your RAM drive has been set up as drive D). For example, DRVRMRGR VP %1 ISaSD_BERCS.EGA/Ma ll/0a D: .:. Parallel Printer Interface With many printers, including the HP LaserJet and most PostScript printers, you have the option of using a serial or a parallel interface. If you currently are making the connection with a serial interface, you'll find that performance improves greatly once you switch to a parallel interface. The difference in speed is especially noticeable for pages that include multiple fonts or graphics . •:. Faster Screen Fonts One of the biggest factors affecting Ventura's speed is the time it takes for the program to redraw the screen. If you're currently using VGA fonts, you can speed up redraw speed by switching to EGA fonts. The result is less readable text, but many people find that faster performance is worth it. To find out if you're currently Chapter 23: Speed Tips 483 using VGA fonts, select Set Printer Info from the Options menu. Check the extension listed next to the words Screen Fonts. If it says VGA, the next step is to quit Ventura and check your \ VENTURA directory to see if EGA screen fonts are present. (If a large number of files with the EGA extension are present, those are the screen font files.) If EGA screen fonts are not in the \ VENTURA directory, you'll need to do the following: • Save your VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT file under a new name (by renaming it to VP.BAK or VPPROF.BAK). • Reinstall Ventura for an EGA monitor. • Erase the new VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT file created by the installation procedure. • Restore your original batch file (by renaming VP.BAK or VPPROF.BAK back to VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT). • Load Ventura, select Set Printer Info from the Options menu, and change the letters VGA to EGA . •:. Speeding up the Display with the IF Switch Unless you specify otherwise, Ventura sets up a buffer of 68K for holding the screen fonts used on the current page. If you have enough extra memory to do so, you can increase the speed of screen redraws by increasing the size of the screen font buffer. This is especially helpful if you are working with a display that has several fonts, such as the Ventura Scoop document located in the \ TYPESET directory. To check whether you have enough extra memory to enlarge your screen font buffer, open the diagnostics box in the desk menu (see Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions," for a description of how to do that). Next to "External Memory in Use" you'll see two numbers. The number on the left shows how much is currently in use; the number on the right shows how much is available. The amount available (i.e., the number on the right) is the number to pay attention to. If it's slightly over lOOK, you shouldn't change the screen font buffer, since Ventura will not 484 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition load unless at least lOOK of external memory is available. By increasing the screen font buffer, you'll be reducing the amount of available external memory. Assuming at least 115K of external memory is available, you can use the IF switch to increase the size of the screen font buffer. Using a text editor or your word processor in unformatted mode, add IF=k at the end of your VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT file, where k is the amount of memory you wish to allot to the screen buffer, expressed in kilobytes. Start with a fairly conservative setting, such as 88. This increases the screen font buffer from 68K to 88K. If you have enough extra memory, try experimenting with larger settings for the IF switch. Depending on your system, you may be able to go as high as 160K or so. How much does a larger screen font buffer speed up Ventura? It depends on whether you are already using a disk cache, on the type of document your are creating, and on what view you are in. On a normal document with a disk cache being used, a higher IF setting does not make a discernable difference. On a system with no disk cache, a 128K setting reduced the redraw time of the Ventura Scoop page by 42 percent in Reduced View and by 15 percent in Normal View . •:. Greeking Text Greeking refers to the technique of representing areas of text on the screen with horizontal lines, a method that reduces the time it takes for the program to draw the screen. In Ventura, it applies only to Reduced and Facing Pages views. Under the Set Preferences selection of the Options menu, the settings for greeked text range from None to All. Note that the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 don't refer to the point sizes of the text that is to be greeked, but rather the pixel height of characters as shown on the screen. For example, if you select 10, then all characters 10 pixels in height or small~r are greeked. Usually, when you are working in Reduced or Facing Pages views, you're looking at the layout of the page Chapter 23: Speed Tips 485 and not at the text itself, so greeking your text makes a lot of sense . •:. Selecting a Fast Double-Click Speed Interestingly enough, increasing the double click speed not only makes mouse operations faster but also speeds up operations when you use keyboard alternatives to the mouse, such as pressing the Enter key instead of pressing OK. The reason is that even if you don't use the mouse itself, Ventura still waits the duration of the two clicks before it executes a command . •:. Tagging in Text Editing Mode (Windows Version) A surprising feature of the Windows version is that you can access all your tags without switching from text editing to tagging mode. Simply place the text cursor anywhere in a block of text, then click on the tag name in the list of tags. Naturally, it works even better if you drag the little window containing this list right on top of the document you are working on. •:. Multiple-Paragraph Tagging In tagging mode: Hold down the Shift key while clicking on all the paragraphs (they need not be adjacent). Then select the tag. In text editing mode: Drag the mouse across all the paragraphs and pressing the desired function key . •:. Move the Toolbox (Windows Version) The toolbox is the window that shows the various mode icons and graphics tools. Since you often have to switch from one mode 486 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition to another just before you pull down a menu option, the best place to locate this window is right under the middle of the menu line . •:. Use the Alt Key Shortcuts (Windows Version) The Windows version of Ventura is actual less dependent on the mouse than the DOS/GEM version. Every option of every menu can be accessed in a couple of keystrokes. Notice that one letter of every menu title is underlined. To open that menu, hold down the Alt key while you press that letter. Then press one of the letters underlined within that menu to open a dialog box. Even within dialog boxes, every option can be selected with a letter. •:. Use the Macro Recorder (Windows Version) To really make the keyboard options of the Windows version pay off, learn how to use the Windows 3 Macro Recorder. It looks like a movie camera and is located in the Accessories group. You may find the Macro Recorder hard to get used to at first, but keep trying - it's definitely worth the effort. One tip is to go into the Options menu of the Macro Recorder, select Preferences, and select the Ignore Mouse option. The point is that you're going to use the Macro Recorder to combine long strings of keystrokes into a smaller keystroke combination, so mouse movements are unnecessary and only get in the way. An example of a useful macro is Alt-Shift-J, which changes a tag to justified alignment. Before creating the macro, switch to tagging mode and select a paragraph. Next, press Alt-Tab until you're back in the Program Manager. Open the Accessories group and click twice on the Macro Recorder icon. From the Options menu, select Preferences and turn on the Ignore Mouse option. Select OK. Now open the Macro menu and select Record. Fill in the 487 Chapter 23: Speed Tips description of the macro and set up the key combination, in this case Alt-Shift-J. Then select Start, which will put you back into Ventura. You're now ready to record the keystrokes of the macro. The last key combination, Ctrl-Break, ends the macro: Alt P A Alt-A L CuI-Break Likewise, you can set up related macros: • Alt-Shift-C (changes a tag to centered) • Alt-Shift-J (changes a tag to justified) .:. Avoiding On-Screen Kerning The effect of on-screen kerning is to give you some feedback on the appearance of lines of text when automatic kerning is in effect; however, performing the kerning slows Ventura down slightly. Even with a high-resolution monitor, on-screen kerning is not sufficiently precise to be worth much for regular text; it only makes sense for titles and headlines. Therefore, you're best off selecting only the largest point sizes for on-screen kerning, or simply specifying no on-screen kerning in the Set· Preferences dialog box. Note that turning off automatic on-screen kerning does not affect your ability to use Ventura's manual kerning or to see the results of manual kerning onscreen . •:. Keyboard Shortcuts A table of keyboard shortcuts is provided in Chapter 8, "Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text." Some of the most useful of these are: • Pressing Enter instead of selecting OK with the mouse. • Saving with Ctrl-S. • Pressing Esc to redraw the screen. • Using Ins, Del, and Shift-Insert to insert, delete, and copy. 488 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • Using Ctrl-F and Ctrl-L for fill and line attributes. • Using Ctrl-Shift-[ for left quotation marks and Ctrl-Shift-] for right quotation marks. • Using Ctrl-Shift-M for Em spaces and Ctrl-Shift-N for En spaces . •:. Ctrl-X Everyone should paint the Ctrl key and the X key with Day-Glo paint so they can practice this maneuver during a power outage. Pressing Ctrl-X brings up the most recently accessed menu, a great shortcut when you're experimenting with different values for line spacing or In From Left. In the DOS/GEM version, Ctrl-X also acts as a keyboard shortcut for clicking on the Cancel button to get out of a dialog box. In the Windows version, pressing Esc jumps you out of the current dialog box. Tip 2 3 - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quicker Exits with Cancel If you are in a dialog box and decide not to make any changes, you can either press OK or Cancel to get back to your page. Cancel is faster, because when you select OK the screen redraws itself completely, but when you press Cancel the screen does not redraw. Note: In the DOS/GEM version the shortcut for clicking on Cancel is Ctrl-X. In the Windows version the shortcut for clicking on Cancel is Esc. In both versions the shortcut for clicking OK is Enter. •:. The Backup Box (DOS/GEM Version) To change the filter on the Directory line, it's quicker and more accurate to use the Backup Box than to the erase the line and Chapter 23: Speed Tips 489 then type a new one. The use of the Backup Box is explained in Chapter 7, "Managing Files." .:. Mouse Tips When you select file names from lists, it's much quicker to double-click on a name than to click once to highlight the name and then select OK. For even faster mouse operations, get hold of Mickey, a utility that lets you use the right button of your mouse to select OK. It's profiled in Chapter 27, "Utilities." .:. Pretagging Text It's faster to tag your text files with a keyboard macro program such as SuperKey than to use Ventura's Tagging mode. The pretagging method is described in Chapter 8, "Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text." .:. Using the Esc Key to Clear Lines (DOS/GEM Version) In dialog boxes, rather than backspacing across a line you wish to erase, you can place the cursor anywhere on the line and press Esc. Unfortunately, this doesn't work in the Windows version . •:. Hiding Pictures Redrawing pictures when the page is scrolled or frames are moved is one of the biggest slowdowns in Ventura. To avoid this bottleneck, select Hide Pictures from the Options menu (DOS/ GEM version) or the Edit menu (Windows version). You have the option of either hiding a single picture or hiding all the pictures in your chapter. You can also tell Ventura to hide pictures when you print drafts of a document. That can save significant amounts of time, especially when you are printing large bitmapped graphics 490 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition such as scanned images. Unfortunately, hidden pictures print as solid black boxes, a waste of toner. •:. Using the Shift Key When using a graphic tool several times, hold down the Shift key to avoid having to reselect the tool each time you use it. Holding down the Shift key while selecting paragraphs in Tagging mode also allows you to select multiple paragraphs to tag at once . •:. Storing Graphic Defaults Generally it is the case that when you are using the graphic tools you will be creating more than one object with the same characteristics. Rather th~n going through the process of selecting Line and Fill Attributes each time you create a graphic, use the Save To option to create default settings that you can use over and over. •:. Faster Hyphenation If you've been using the faster of the two hyphenation algorithms and then switch to the slower but more accurate one, you'll notice immediately how much longer it takes to load a chapter. For example, the following is a comparison of the time required to load a typical chapter: No hyphenation: 18 seconds USENGLSH algorithm: 22 seconds USENGLS2 algorithm: 96 seconds As you can see, USENGLS2 is over four times slower than USENGLSH, though also significantly better in finding hyphenation points and avoiding incorrect breaks. Chapter 23: Speed Tips 491 I recommend that you keep both the USENGLSH and the USENGLS2 algorithm in your \ VENTURA directory. To keep track of which is which, rename them both so that USENGLSH is called FAST and USENGLS2 is called SLOW. One of them should be given the extension HYI and the other the extension BAK. This will cause Ventura to use the one with HYI and ignore the other. Unless you're producing multilingual documents and really must have two hyphenation algorithms installed at the same time, it's never a good idea to keep two hyphenation algorithms active as HYI and HY2, since Ventura will load them both into RAM and you will have less memory available for holding text and pictures. Probably the best way to work is to have the FAST algorithm active as FAST.HYI while you're first setting up a document, then rename it to FAST.BAK and rename SLOW.BAK to SLOW.HYI when you get into the late stages with a document. Changing file names like this is better than trying to turn off hyphenation on a tag-by-tag basis . •:. Math Coprocessor? Since Ventura does not use floating-point arithmetic, it has no need for the 8087 or the 80287 math coprocessor. Having that chip installed in your computer will not enhance the program's performance . •:. Loading a Chapter with the Program With the DOS/GEM version, you can speed up the getting-started process by typing the path and name of the chapter you are working on at the command line, like this: VP C:\BOOKDOCS\CHAPTER1.CHP If you frequently work on the same document, you can even make the change in the batch file that you use to load Ventura. 492 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition With the Windows version, you can do same thing. With the Ventura icon highlighted, select Properties from the File menu. Then add the path and name of your file at the end of the existing startup information in the Command Line box. (Don't worry that the box won't fit everything you need to type. Once you start typing, the existing text in the Command Line box will automatically move over to make room for more text . •:. Pre-loading the PostScript Prologu DOS/GEM version: Each time it prints a file on a PostScript printer, DOS/GEM Ventura transmits a prologue, PS2.PRE, containing various PostScript definitions. Windows does the same thing, though it calls it the PostScript header. With the DOS/GEM version, you can save time by downloading the file PERMVP.PS each time you turn on the printer and deleting or renaming PS2.PRE from the \ VENTURA directory. To download the file, use the DOS Copy command, naming your printer port as the destination. For example, if your printer is on LPTl, type COpy PERMVP. PS LPT 1 : The location of PERMVP.PS is on the \ POSTSCPT directory of the Utility disk. Eliminating the need for Ventura to transmit the PS2.PRE prologue shaves about 10 seconds off the time required to print a chapter. Remember to restore PS2.PRE to the \ VENTURA directory before you create print files for use on other printers or typesetters. Windows version: With the Windows version, select Printer Setup from the File menu, then click on Options. Click on the Header box and select OK for Send Header to Printer. Having transmitted the header, you can now go back into the Options dialog box and click on Header Already Downloaded option. Safety Tips .:. Backing Up Pull down the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Edit menu (Windows version), select Preferences, and activate the Back Up Copy option. This way, if you accidentally save a file with changes you don't want, the previously saved version of that file original will still be intact, renamed with a "$" in the file name. This gives you one more chance to save a style sheet you might have changed by accident, and it can save the day should you encounter a computer error. You have to set this feature only one time, and Ventura will remember it. 494 + Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition RenanllngS~leSheem The fastest way to get started using Ventura is to revise either the style sheets supplied with the program or those you buy from designers, rather than creating new ones from scratch. Unfortunately, the quickest way to wreck havoc is to alter the tags in a style sheet that is also used in a different chapter. You can avoid "Style Sheet Shock" by making the folloWing procedure a habit. Before revising an existing style sheet for use with a different chapter, rename the style sheet. This will keep you from changing a style sheet used in another chapter. Make it a practice to rename your style sheet as soon as you open the new chapter, using the Save as New Style option in the File menu. If you don't save your style sheet under a new name right away when you start working on a chapter, it's easy to forget and to save the chapter with the altered style sheet, which can radically change other chapters that go along with it. .:. Renanllng Text Files This also applies to text files you might use in more than one Ventura chapter. Unless you specifically want the same ·file used in many chapters, use the File Type/Rename command under the Edit menu (DOS/GEM version) or the Frame menu (Windows version) to rename text files you use in more than one chapter. This will prevent accidental changes to your original files. In addition to renaming the text file, you can also use this command to change a text file from one word processor format to another and to move it into a new subdirectory . •:. Saving Save often. Ctrl-S is all you need to remember. My rule of thumb is to think about how much I could stand to lose should the power go off. My threshold for having to redo lost computer work Chapter 24: Safety Tips 495 is about ten minutes, so I save every ten minutes. It's saved me countless times. Tip 2 4 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Save Before Printing One especially important time to save is right before printing a document. Printing is the stage in creating a document where the prag.ram is most likely to freeze since it is easy to accidentally select the wrong printer or the wrong printer port, or to forget to turn on the printer. Theoretically, Ventura ought to be able to cope with any of these errors without freezing, but in practice this is where trouble most often occurs. •:. Using Abandon If you don't like what you've done, you can always use the Abandon option under the File menu to bail out. Ventura lacks an undo feature, but if you save often enough, you can use _Abandon like undo. Abandoning a file doesn't mean you erase it from the disk - it means you ignore all the changes you've made since the last time you saved, restoring the file to its previous state. You can simply abandon any embarrassing, horrifying, or simply unwanted changes and get the original file back. The more often you save, the less you lose when you make a wrong move and then choose to abandon the file . •:. Creating Separate Directories If you are working with a long or complex publication, create a subdirectory just for that publication. This way you will have all the files important to that project in one place, making it more difficult to aCcidently delete, rename, move, or change them. With the DOS/GEM version, you can create a subdirectory from inside Ventura by using the DOS File Ops choice from the File menu. If 496 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition you're using the Windows version, press Alt-Tab or Ctrl-Esc to cycle back to the Windows Program Manager, then use the File Manager to create a new subdirectory for your publication . •:. Backing up to Floppies or Tape Back up often onto floppies or onto a streaming tape drive. Use the Multi-Chapter feature, VPToolbox, Corel Vpcopy, or a good backup program to archive the Ventura files onto floppies or tape. Don't wait and learn the hard way, one day finding that the hard disk no longer works and all your valuable files are gone. Use Ventura's handy feature to copy all the files related to the chapter to a safe place. Follow the same guidelines you use for saving the chapters. If you can stand to redo a week's worth of work, backup once a week. .:. Limiting Chapter Size Even though its feasible to have longer chapters, you should usually keep your chapters under 40 pages. Ventura can easily handle files larger than that, but when the chapters get too big, the program may begin swapping out to the hard disk, which slows things down considerably and makes Ventura more prone to crash. Because of Ventura's publication options, you can easily create tables of contents and indexes from many chapters, so it isn't necessary to cram everything into one file. Remember: shorter chapters are faster and safer. •:. Saving Old Width Tables When you buy new fonts, don't immediately merge your new width table in with your old. First save your current width table under a new name. Then merge your new width table with your newly renamed file. I've had some width tables from font manufacturers that didn't merge correctly, and they ended up ruining my main width table. Now I always save first under a new name. Chapter 24: Safety Tips 497 Once I've tested the width table by printing out a page with some old fonts and some new fonts, I can save this new width table using my original width file name . •:. Organizing Font Fnes If you use many different fonts, be careful about how you keep track of them. This is easier said than done, as fonts (especially those from FontWare) tend to have cryptic names. If you're constantly adding and removing fonts from your ever-bulging hard disk, losing track of what files you currently have on the disk means wasted time printing out pages only to find Courier substituted for the font you wanted. Here's one way to keep track. First, print an inventory of your .SFP and .SFL files by pressing Ctrl-P at the DOS prompt and then typing DIR *. SFP. Next, press Ctrl-P again to turn off printing. Now type: DIR *. SFP SFP. DOC This creates a list of all your SFP files and puts it in a file called SFP.DOC. If you have a hard disk management program such as XTREE or Window DOS, you can read your font files. Near the beginning of the file (surrounded by what will appear to be garbage) will often be the name of the font. Make a note of the fonts you aren't sure of. Use your word processing program to type the font name next to the file name in SFP.DOC. Print out this list, and update it whenever you add or remove fonts from your disk. .:. Responding to the "Internal System Error!" Message One of the most dreaded messages is "Internal System Error! (number) 1. Note what you just did & Error #.2. Save your work. 3. Call & Report to Tech. Support." The reason this message appears is that RAM memory may have been corrupted. Your job is to get out of the situation as smoothly as possible without 498 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition losing any of your current or previous work - in other words, you want to quit Ventura, but you also want to avoid damaging the chapter you've been working on. To have the best shot at accomplishing all these goals, here's the procedure to follow: • From the Options menu, select Set Preferences and make sure that Keep Backup Files is set at Yes. • From the File menu, select Save As and save your chapter under a new name. • Quit Ventura. • Reboot your computer. • Load Ventura again. • Load the version of the chapter you saved under a new name with Save As. If it's not damaged, you're OK and can continue working on it. • If the chapter is damaged, quit Ventura again and locate the backup version of the chapter. It will have the original name and will use the extension $HP. Use the DOS Rename command to change the extension to CHP. Then load Ventura and open the chapter. Printing Tips One of the strengths of today's laser printers is that they are capable of serving three distinct purposes: • For proofing a document before sending it for final output on a high-resolution PostScript imagesetter. • For creating camera-ready masters, suitable for reproduction on a copying machine or with an offset printer. • For creating final copies directly. Whichever way you use your printer, the techrtiqes described in this chapter can speed up printing and improve the quality of your output. Some of these are also described in greater detail in other portions of this book, especially Chapter 4, "Laser Printers," and Chapter 23, "Speed Tips." 500 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Imagesetter Prootlng Since Ventura drives PostScript imagesetters, it is possible to use a laser printer for proofing a document before having it typeset. First, install Ventura for both your laser printer and for PostScript. For example, if you're using a Laser]et II, install for LaserJet II and PostScript. If you've already installed for the LaserJet but not for PostScript, simply insert Disk #1, type VPPREP, and when Ventura asks you if this is your first time installing the program, say No. When it asks you what printer you wish to use, say PostScript. When it asks if you want to use any other printers, say No. (Since you've already installed the program for the Laser]et II, the fonts and width table are already in place.) Having installed Ventura for both LaserJet and PostScript, you proof documents for the Linotronic by printing to the LaserJet but selecting the PostScript width table. In the Options menu, select Set Printer Info. Click on the Laser]et Plus option, then click on Load Different Font Width and select PostScript. Ventura will now print on the LaserJet with regular LaserJet fonts, but the letter spacing will be governed by the PostScript width table. Word and letter spacing within each line won't look very good, because of differences between LaserJet and PostScript fonts, but line endings and word breaks will be the same as when you ultimately print on the Linotronic . •:. Printer Intensity Control It never fails. Improve something new and there are always those who say they liked the unimproved version better. That's the way it is with the Canon engines. While I find the newer SX engines better in every way, there are those who claim that text printed lighter and sharper on the old CX engines. I have a feeling that these people don't know the secret of the little green knob. Sounds like a Nancy Drew story, doesn't it? But it's not the least bit mysterious, once you know it's there. Chapter 25: Printing Tips 501 The old Canon engines had a light/dark control on the outside of the printer. The new SX engines have the light/dark control inside the printer, a place where many fear to tread. But it's easy - so easy in fact that even an adult can do it. Press the big button on the top of the printer and the top will pop up. If you look straight down into the printer, the Light/Dark control (usually a green wheel) is located in the left front corner. This wheel will probably be set at 5, which is medium; 9 is very light, and 1 is very dark. While 5 may be too dark for detailed fonts, it's fine for many applications. Most typesetting fonts look best at 8 or 9, because the lightness makes them look sharper. At 9, type will be as light and sharp as it ever was with a CX engine. But sometimes when the type is sharper, jagged edges are more obvious. Setting the printer on 3 or 1 causes extra toner to be used. This toner melts around the edges, filling in the jagged edges, but it also makes the type look heavier. Generally, if you are going to use laser-printed pages as originals, you want to set your printer to medium. Setting the printer to light also has an additional plus, as it saves toner and makes your printer cartridge last longer. The only negative is that blacks will not be as dark and solid, and while this is fine for reproduction, it may not look the best on originals. If you are going to use your pages "camera ready" for photocopying or offset printing, you want them to be light, probably 8 or 9. The fact that blacks aren't quite solid at this intensity doesn't matter, because the photocopying or offset printing process will render them as solid, dark black. .:. The Collating Trap One of the options in the Ventura print menu is "Collating Copies." If you're printing multiple copies of a document, it seems obvious that you'd want to turn this option on and avoid having 502 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition to collate your document by hand. Note, however, that printing is significantly slower with collating turned on than with collating turned off. You may be better off simply printing the document with automatic collating turned off, and then collating the document yourself by hand . •:. Crop Marks Crop marks are the source of some confusion. When you print on a laser printer, which uses 81/2- by II-inch paper, you won't get any crop marks unless you change the size of the base page frame (using the Sizing & Scaling menu) to something smaller than 81/2 by 11 inches. However, if you print on a Linotronic, you will get crop marks even if you've left your base page at 81/2 by 11. The reason you get crop marks on the Linotronic is that its paper is wider than 81/2 inches. If you don't want to change the size of the base page but still want to have crop marks, you can draw them on the first page of your chapter using Ventura's drawing tools, then make them repeating graphics . •:. Registration Marks Since Ventura won't automatically put crop marks on regular letter-sized paper unless you reduce the size of the base page, how do you provide the print shop with the registration marks it needs? As it turns out, if you're producing letter-sized documents, most printers don't need crop marks at all four corners. What they do need is a "registration mark," a mark that is located in the same position on every page of the document. This provides the person operating the camera at the print shop with a constant reference point. Chapter 25: Printing Tips 503 Here's a simple way to make such a mark. Go into graphics mode and set the grid to Ij2 inch both vertically and horizontally. Now move your cursor to the upper left comer of the page, and draw a I-inch square box. Make it a repeating box so that it appears on every page of your chapter in exactly the same position. When you print out the document, most of the box will not appear, due to the unprintable zone of the laser printer. The only part of your box that will appear is the lower right corner, providing the camera operator with a registration mark. When the print shop strips your negatives (i.e., tapes them together onto multiple-page flats), they will hide the registration marks so that they won't actually print on the final document. .:. Decreasing the Size of Print Files If you've ever printed a document to disk (by selecting File as the destination in the Printer Preferences dialog box), you may have noticed that the resulting file is sometimes immense. For example, I've seen a two-page document result in a 1MB print file. Gigantic print files are undesirable for two reasons. First, they take a long time to run out on a Linotronic. Second, they may make the print file too large for even a 1.2MB floppy disk. The reason the print file is so large is that it includes all the fonts needed for the document. The solution is to keep the fonts out of the print file. Using the Add/Remove Fonts option, designate the fonts as Resident. That tells Ventura that they're already in the printer and keeps Ventura from downloading them. Then, when you go to get the document typeset, tell the folks at the PostScript service bureau which fonts are needed for your document. They'll take care of downloading the fonts. 504 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition A Penny Saved If you use a PostScript printer, you can avoid wasting paper and toner on the startup test page that gets printed every time you turn on the machine. Simply pull out the paper tray before you start up the printer. The printer will warm up as usual, skipping the startup page. Then just push the paper tray back into the printer. •:. Can You Trust Those Cheap Toner Refllls? You've no doubt seen the ads in the computer magazines for cheap toner refills. If you do a lot of printing, you can save a good deal of money using these services. The question is, are you jeopardizing the well-being of your expensive laser printer by using a refilled cartridge? The answer is: probably not. For the past several years I've been asking people if they know of a printer that's been damaged by a toner refill. I've only heard of two instances. In one case, the refilled toner cartridge cracked open and spilled toner inside the printer. In another case, the toner itself was of poor quality and ended up getting into the moving parts of the printer and fusing. The "wrong way" to refill a toner cartridge is to drill a hole, pour in more toner, and plug the hole. Don't use a refilled cartridge that has a plug. Reputable toner refill companies disassemble and clean the cartridge, add toner, and seal it up again. One thing you may notice with a refilled cartridge is that the print is slightly darker. The reason is that as the photosensitive drum inside the cartridge ages, it becomes more sensitive and tends to print a larger "spot." Chapter 25: Printing Tips 505 ProJfue------------------------------------------PrintCache If you've got a few extra bucks burning a hole in your pocket, the best print spooler I've seen for desktop publishing is PrintCache (formerly LaserTORQ). Not only is it fast, it doesn't take a lot of computer time and slow you down. Other spoolers (even the one in Windows) take so much computer time that even though you're back to work, everything's moving at a snail's pace, which kind of negates the whole purpose of a spooler. PrintCache is specifically designed for PostScript or LaserJet (and compatible) printers. Because it can receive data as much as 20 times faster than the laser printer, your program can send the file to PrintCache as fast as it can, and PrintCache will dole it out to the printer in the background while you go back to work in Ventura. While the subtitle of PrintCache is "The Printer Accelerator," it's important to remember that print spoolers don't make the printer print faster, they just let you get back to work faster. The actual print time will be about the same as it was without PrintCache. Even that is an accomplishment, however, as other printer spoolers can take twice as long to print a file. PrintCache takes only 19.4K of memory, an important consideration for most people using memory-hungry Ventura. • Torqing PostScript The largest speed improvement comes with PostScript printers. This is because PostScript printers can be slow in taking data they're busy figuring things out and making the computer wait. PrintCache takes the data at top speed, and feeds it to the printer when it's ready. And you don't have to wait. Here's an example. I used Ventura to print a one-page file with a 60K bitmapped graphic to a PostScript printer using a parallel interface. Ventura by itself took two and half minutes. Ventura 506 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition with PrintCache took only one minute, which meant that I went back to work one and a half minutes sooner. That may not sound like much, but it's a 150 percent improvement. Multiply that number by the number of times you print each day, and you'll see how the time can add up. Print just ten times a day and you've gained 15 minutes. These speed improvements are even more dramatic if you use a serial interface, because laser printers using a serial port can be so agonizingly slow. Using a serial connection, the same Ventura file tied up the computer for nine minutes without PrintCache, and only one minute with it. The same file printed to a LaserJet tied up Ventura for four minutes without PrintCache. With PrintCache, I was back at work in two minutes, a 50 percent improvement. PrintCache can create the buffer it needs in conventional memory (not recommended, since Ventura needs all the memory it can get), on a hard disk, in extended memory, or in expanded (EMS) memory. I have only one complaint about the product. When you press ALT-T, a window pops up on the screen. It tells how large the buffer is, how much data is currently in the buffer, what percentage of the buffer is filled, as well as the status of the printer (Printing, Out-of-Paper, etc.) and, if you are printing to a LaserJet, controls for optimization. This useful feature works only in text mode, and won't pop up over graphics (except Hercules), which makes it less than useful when you are working in Ventura. (For access information on PrintCache, see the Utilities section of Appendix A, "Resources." .:. How to Print Full-Page Graphics on a 5I2K LaserJet At 300-dpi, it takes about one megabyte of printer memory to print a full-page bitmapped graphic. That means on a standard Chapter 25: Printing Tips 507 LaserJet Plus or LaserJet II with no additional memory, you're limited to less than a half-page graphic image. Here's where PrintCache comes in handy again, with a feature called "Optimization," which can compress graphics so they take up to 60 percent less space in the printer's memory. In my test, a graphics file that overflowed the LaserJet's memory, printing on two pages instead of one, printed perfectly when optimized. Full optimization takes its toll in buffering speed, however, and even with spooling, the file tied up the computer for three and a half minutes, the same amount of time as unbuffered. Of course, it all printed out on one page though, so it was worth the wait. Also, optimization works only on graphics, not downloadable fonts, so you will see less difference on desktop-published pages, unless lots of graphics are involved. PostScript printers do not require (and cannot use) optimization . •:. Speeding up Printing By Hiding Graphics Graphics print a good deal more slowly than text, so Ventura provides a new feature that lets you print quick drafts of a chapter minus all or some of the illustrations. To hide the pictures, select Hide Pictures from the Options menu (DOS/GEM version) or from the View menu (Windows version) . •:. What Kind of Paper to Use You've no doubt seen the ads for the special laser printer papers, which supposedly provide superior quality when you are printing master copies for reproduction. Actually, as explained in a recent Publish magazine article, you'll do just as well if you simply use regular 20-1b xerox paper with a smooth (not a slick) finish. 508 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Speeding up Printing By Downloading the Postscript Prologue Before it prints any PostScript file, DOS/GEM Ventura downloads a PostScript prologue file. Windows calls this a header filesame thing. You can speed up printing by downloading a permanent version of this file at the beginning of your work session. The procedure is explained in Chapter 23, "Speed Tips." .:. Printing on Unsupported Printers Publisher's Powerpak is a utility that lets you use printers with Ventura that aren't directly supported by the program. It combines a font generator and an array of drivers for over 200 dot-matrix, inkjet, bubblejet, and laser printers, most of which are not otherwise supported by Ventura. Its three typeface families match Helvetica, Times Roman, and Courier, and fonts can be any size from 6 to 250 points. (For access information on Publisher's Powerpak, see Appendix A, "Resources.") .:. Saving Before Printing Occasionally, when you tell Ventura to print your document, the program will freeze up. This can happen if you forget to turn on the printer or if you choose the wrong port. The solution is to get in the habit of saving your document just before issuing the print command. That way, even if Ventura crashes you won't lose any work. .:. Wait for the Prompt After you issue the print command, it's tempting to walk off and fill up your coffee cup while Ventura sends the chapter to the printer. However, if any of the pictures in your document are hidden, Ventura will first ask you whether or not you want the Chapter 25: Printing Tips 509 hidden pictures to print before it goes any further. If you wait too long to respond one way or another, the printer may "time out" and nothing will be printed. So make sure you wait for the "Print hidden pictures?" query before you take a break. Tip 2 4 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Press Enter An Extra Time It's easy to tell Ventura to print and then to walk off for lunch, forgetting to wait for the "Print hidden pictures?" query. Here's a good trick to avoid this mistake. When you tell Ventura to print, make it a habit to press Enter an extra time before walking away. Ventura will remember the extra Enter, and if the "Print hidden pictures?" query comes up, Ventura will interpret the Enter as an OK. •:. Printing Oversized Pages on a Standard Laser Printer Many people are surprised to learn that Ventura can print pages larger than 81f2 by 11. To do this, the program employs a technique called tiling, which means printing a page in overlapping sections. To use tiling, all you have to do is select the 11- by 17-inch page size in the Page Size and Layout dialog box, accessed from the Chapter menu. If you've selected that size for your paper, a dialog box will appear at print time giving you three options: shrink, overlap, and nothing. The shrink option only works with PostScript printers. It reduces the size of your document to fit on 81f2- by II-inch paper, and is useful for previewing pages and creating mockups. The overlap option divides the page into overlapping "tiles." You then paste or tape these together. 510 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Printing Mirror-Image (Wrong-Reading) Pages Even though Ventura doesn't have an option for printing mirrorimage (wrong-reading) pages, you can do it with a PostScript printer. The trick is in modifying Ventura's PostScript header, or prologue, by adding a couple of lines of code. If you just have one file to print wrong-reading, you can print the PostScript to disk (choose PostScript and filename from the Set Printer Info dialog box, print, and give Ventura a filename when it prompts you), then edit the resulting PostScript file with a text editor or word processor (as long as it will save straight text, sans formatting gibberish). Find the section near the top of the file that looks like this: /GEMMATINI{/landscape ed /p3 ed /p2 ed /pI ed gr 72 300 div exch div dup scale clippath pathbox exch / prx ed exch dup /ply ed sub 1 add p3 sub 2 div ply add /ty ed dup prx exch sub 1 add p2 sub 2 div add landscape {pI add} if ty translate landscape {90 rotate} if gs } bd Add these two lines at the end, just before the "gs": 25500 translate -1 1 scale If you're printing landscape pages, use 3300 instead of 2550. When you're done it should look like this (the line breaks don't really matter): /GEMMATINI{/landscape ed /p3 ed /p2 ed /pI ed gr 72 300 div exch div dup scale clippath pathbox exch / prx ed exch dup /ply ed sub 1 add p3 sub 2 div ply add /ty ed dup prx exch sub 1 add p2 sub 2 div add landscape {pI add} if ty translate landscape {90 rotate} if 2550 0 translate 511 Chapter 25: Printing Tips -1 1 scale gs} bd You can set up an alternate PostScript header if you are planning on printing mirrored pages on a regular basis. Make a copy of PS2PRE (in the Ventura directory), name it something like PS2MIRR.PS, and modify it as described above. You might set up another copy for wrong-reading landscape printing. Make sure your copies do not have the filename extension .PRE. Whenever you want wrong-reading printouts, type the following from the DOS prompt: cd \ventura rename PS2.PRE PS2.BAK rename PS2MIRR.PS PS2.PRE cd \ Or something to that effect. You get the idea you want to use should be named PS2.PRE. the header file Start Ventura and print as you normally would. When you want to go back to normal printing, rename the files to the way they were. If you get tired of all the DOS commands, write a little batch file that will do all the renaming with a single command . •:. Printing Crop Marks on Standard-Sized Pages As noted earlier in this chapter, Ventura doesn't normally print crop marks on 81/2- by II-inch pages, but there's a way to trick the program into doing so. First, select 11- by 17-inch paper as your page size, from the Page Size and Layout dialog box under the Chapter menu. Next, select the base page frame (by switching to frame mode and clicking on the underlying page) and change its dimensions to 8 1/2 by 11, using the Sizing & Scaling menu under the Frame menu. Finally, select the overlap option when 512 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition you print. The page will be printed in four sections, complete with crop marks. Memory Limitations and Solutions Because of the dynamic memory allocation capabilities of Windows 3.0, the Windows version of Ventura is much less prone to being afflicted by a shortage of memory than the DOS/GEM version. In the DOS/GEM version, memory is a scarce resource in Ventura, especially for those without an EMS (expanded memory) board. With the support of EMS in the Professional Extension, the memory shortage is much less severe. In fact, if you're using the Professional Extension with EMS, you can usually stop worrying about memory altogether. The purpose of this chapter is to explain how Ventura allocates memory and set forth some options to give yourself a bit more working room and make the program run faster. 514 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Overview The 640K of RAM that can be directly addressed by DOS is often referred to as "conventional memory." Ventura operates within this block of memory. In certain circumstances, the program can also make direct or indirect use of "expanded memory" and "extended memory." We'll discuss these in a little while, but let's start by looking at the 640K of conventional memory. • Overhead Even before you load Ventura, some of that 640K is spoken for: • Some conventional memory is used by DOS's COMMAND.COM file. With DOS 3.3, this amounts to about 25K. • Some conventional memory is used by device drivers (for the monitor, mouse, hard disk, etc.), which are automatically loaded into memory each time your computer starts up. To find out which device drivers are used by your system, type TYPE \CONFIG.SYS Drivers can be distinguished from other files because they end in the extension SYS. In some cases your mouse driver will be installed by your AUTOEXEC.BAT file rather than your CONFIG.SYS file. If that is the case, there will be a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file with the name MOUSE.COM (or something similar). • Some memory may be taken up by memory-resident programs (also called TSRs, for "terminate and stay resident"). Such programs may include SideKick or similar accessory programs, screen-capture utilities like Hotshot, disk-caching utilities, and print spoolers. As a general rule, it's recommended that you minimize your use of memory-resident programs in order to leave an adequate amount of memory free for Ventura. Of course, under some circumstances you'll need to break that rule. • Some memory may be taken up by your network-control software, if your computer is on a network. Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions 515 Let's assume you've just booted up your computer and have loaded in all the memory-resident programs you normally use. To find out how much memory is now left over for Ventura, type CHKDSK from the DOS command line. DOS will respond with something like this: 19623936 100 81920 17653760 1888256 bytes bytes bytes bytes bytes total disk space in two hidden files in 34 directories in 624 user files available on disk 655360 bytes total memory 589152 bytes free The first five lines describe how storage is allocated on your hard disk; the last two lines report on memory. The final line, which in this example shows that 589K are free, is the most important one, since it shows how much room is actually available to run Ventura. np2~1---------------------------------- Using 16-Color VGA Monitors Contrary to the warning that appears during the installation procedure for Ventura (base version), you can use a 16-color VGA monitor with the program. However, to do so, you'll have to remove all other drivers and memory-resident programs from your computer. Note that the drivers for VGA two-color monitors and EGA two-color monitors use apprOXimately 10K less memory than the drivers for 16-color monitors, so memory isn't as tight with the two-color monitors. 516 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Figure 26-1: To access the diagnostics box, select Publisher Info from the Desk menu and click on the word Ventura as shown here. Xerox Desktop Publishing Series: Uentura Publisher Edition Professional EHtension EMS-(SYS=1012 kb APP=976 kb) Non-Network J J Uersion 2.9 - (00/23/08) Serial UUU-OOBOOa Don Heiskell Lee Jay Lorenzen John 6rant John tteger Uentur.a SoftwareJ'\lnc. © Copyright Uentura Software Inc' 1986-1988 J J OK Figure 26-2: The diagnostics box. Where there are two numbers, the number on the right tells the maximum available, and the number on the left shows the amount currently in use. "HIMEM.SYS" shows that the FARCODE module has been loaded into high memory. VENTURA PUBLISHER DIAGNOSTICS Internal Me~ory External Me~ory EMS Me~ory TeKt MeAor9 Paragraphs Line Ele~ents in in in in in in Use: Use: Use: Use: Use: Use: EKt. MeA. Swapped Out: Text MeA. Swapped Out: Width Table Graphics Buffer Screen Fonts Hyphenation Pern. Strings FARCODE Overla9 4531 1 72120 1 49152 1 01 41 01 25BBB bytes 193976 999424 4996 1924 paras 1922 elenents o o Size: 9126 b9tes Size: 48BOO Size: 68BOB Size: 10257 Size: 1BBB7 Size: HIMEM.SYS OK Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions 517 • How Ventura Uses Memory When Ventura is running, it uses memory for the following purposes: • Storing the main Ventura program module, VP.APP (for the base version) or VPPROF.APP (for the Professional Extension). These modules require 451K and 499K respectively. • About 64K is reserved in a buffer for screen fonts. • About 48K is reserved in a buffer for graphics. In addition to the parts of Ventura that are always loaded into memory, parts of tl].e program - called overlays - are kept on the hard disk and loaded from the hard disk into memory as needed. Ventura also uses the hard disk for storing other data that is too large to be kept in RAM. Since retrieving or storing information on a hard disk is many times slower than retrieving information from RAM, the basic strategy for managing memory is to minimize the program's need to access the hard disk. .:. The Diagnostics Box An important tool for managing memory is Ventura's diagnostics box, which is not documented in the program manual. To see the diagnostics box, select Publisher Info in the Desk menu and then click directly on the word Ventura in the box. (See Figures 26-1 and 26-2.) • "Internal Memory in Use" The number on the right side of the slash is the amount of RAM reserved for internal program functions; the number on the left is the amount actually in use. You can't change these numbers. • "External Memory in Use" The number on the right side of the slash represents the amount of memory that is not in use for other purposes. For the base 518 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition version of DOS/GEM Ventura, it defines the maximum size of a document that Ventura can work with in RAM. Exceeding this amount will not prevent you from loading or working with a document, but it will slow operations down considerably because Ventura will resort to swapping to the hard disk. In the Professional Extension, the amount of external memory available does not limit the size of documents, since documents are loaded into EMS. • "EMS Memory in Use" The number on the right side of the slash shows the amount of EMS memory available for Ventura to hold a document. The number on the left shows the amount currently being used. With the base version, both numbers will always be 0, despite the fact that the base version does load about 90K of system software into EMS if EMS memory is available. • "Text Memory in Use" The number on the right shows how much Ventura has allocated for holding the text portion of the current document; the number on the left shows how much of that allocation is currently being used. • "Paragraphs in Use" The number on the right shows the maximum number of paragraphs allowed in a document. The number on the left shows the current number. Note: a paragraph is any block of text that ends with an Enter. • "Line Elements in Use" The number to the right (normally 725) is the maximum number of line elements that are allowed in the current frame. The number on the left is the number currently in the frame. Every line of text counts as two line elements, and additional line elements are Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions 519 used up by changes in type, tabs, and especially leader tabs (a line containing a leader tab counts as six line elements). Note, however, that the number of paragraph breaks does not affect the number of line elements. If you have too many line elements in a frame, you'll get the error message "This frame is too complex to completely format." Steps that you can take to simplify a frame are described below. • "Ext Memory Swapped Out" This is the amount of document information that exceeds the available RAM and therefore has been written to the hard disk or to a RAM disk. Swapping out significantly reduces Ventura's performance. If you are using the Professional Extension with EMS memory, you rarely have to worry about swapping out, since the entire document is automatically placed in EMS. • "Text Memory Swapped Out" This is the portion of the current document that is swapped out. • "Width Table Size" This is the amount of RAM taken up by the portion of the font width table used by the screen display. It can be as little as lK and as much as 35K, depending on how many fonts are installed. • "Graphics Buffer Size" This is the size of the picture file that Ventura can handle without swapping out to the hard disk. The limitation applies most frequently to images, i.e., bitmapped graphics such as files with the IMG extension. Cropping and moving bitmapped pictures will go much faster if you keep the size of files smaller than the graphics buffer. You can adjust the size of this buffer using the /A switch. For more information, see the discussion below. 520 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • "Screen Fonts Size" This is the amount of RAM reserved for storing the bitmaps used by Ventura to display fonts on screen. If a screen font file exceeds the size of this buffer, it can't be displayed on the screen. You can adjust the size of this buffer using the IF or IA switch. For more details, see the discussion below. • "Hyphenation Size" This is the amount of conventional memory that must be reserved for applying hyphenation, generally about 10K. The actual hyphenation dictionaries are much larger, but don't reside in RAM at all times. • "Perm. Strings Size" This is amount of RAM that must remain allocated at all times to hold certain essential information such as error messages. • "FARCODE Overlay Size" The C compiler used in the development of Ventura allows program segments of up to 64K. FARCODE is program information outside that limit, to which Ventura needs speedy access and therefore keeps in RAM. This shows the size of the programs stored as FARCODE. If you are using a memory manager such as HIMEM.SYS or 386MAX , the FARCODE modules will be loaded in high memory, as discussed below. In that case, the diagnostics box will list HIMEM.syS here instead of the amount of memory used by the FARCODE module . •:. Memory Management Options There are at least eight specific measures that you can take to enhance Ventura's use of memory. They are as follows: • Install expanded memory. Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions 521 • Use a RAM disk for spill files. • Use disk caching, and select a disk cache that requires a minimal amount of overhead in conventional memory. • Adjust the BUFFERS= lines in your CONFIG.SYS file. • Adjust the size of the screen fonts buffer. In many cases, allocating more memory for screen fonts produces a noticeable improvement in performance. • Adjust the size of the graphics buffer. Generally, this means reducing the size of the buffer in order to provide more memory for other purposes. • Install HIMEM.SYS, a driver that is included with Microsoft Windows. This frees up conventional memory for other purposes; however, it does not apply to computers with the 8086 chip. • Install 386MAX , a utility program that makes more memory available to Ventura by moving drivers and memory-resident programs outside conventional memory . • Extended and Expanded Memory Memory in a computer beyond the 640K recognized by DOS is of two types, extended and expanded. Expanded memory refers to memory above 640K that is configured in accordance with the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification, or LIM EMS. You can use any version of EMS numbered 3.0 or above. EMS boards are made by a variety of vendors. You should look for one that is expandable, so that you can increase its capacity by adding more RAM chips when the current memory shortage slacks off and prices come down. If you have a 386 computer, you won't need to buy an EMS board, since most 386 computers provide a utility that can convert any memory installed on the system above 640K into EMS. If for some reason you have a 386 computer that lacks such a utility, get hold of 386MAX . 522 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition If you don't install the Professional Extension, EMS benefits you in two ways: • If EMS is present, Ventura moves up to 108K of system software into EMS, freeing up an equivalent amount of conventional memory. • EMS can be used to for disk caches and print buffers. If you do install the Professional Extension, EMS becomes even more useful: • First, Ventura moves up to 108K of system software into EMS, freeing up an equivalent amount of conventional memory. • Second, Ventura uses EMS to handle documents too large or complex to fit in conventional memory. • Third, you can speed up Ventura by setting up a disk cache and/or a print buffer in EMS. • Fourth, Ventura uses EMS memory to hold the EDCO hyphenation dictionary that is provided with the program. The dictionary takes up 1.2MB of EMS. How much EMS do you need? If you are using the Professional Extension, Xerox recommends that you have a minimum of 256K of EMS in your system. If you don't plan on using the EDCO hyphenation dictionary, a 1MB or 2MB cache should suffice. If you plan on using the EDCO hyphenation dictionary, I recommend that you have at least 2.5MB of EMS memory in your computer. That breaks down to 1.2MB for the dictionary, 90K for system software, 512K for a disk cache, and 512K for your document. Extended memory can't serve as many purposes as EMS. It cannot be used directly by either the base version or the Professional Extension. However, it can be used for disk caches, RAM disks, and print buffers. Most 386 computers come with software utilities that let you configure extended memory as EMS memory. In addition, there are utilities such as 386MAX that can convert extended memory to EMS memory. Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions 523 If you have both EMS and extended memory in your computer, use both. For example, you might use the extended memory for a print buffer and use the EMS for Ventura, for a disk cache, and for the ED CO hyphenation dictionary . • Using a RAM Disk If you have memory beyond 640K, you have the option of using it for a RAM disk or for disk caching. Generally, it's preferable to use disk caching, since this speeds up Ventura operations virtually across the board. In contrast, a RAM disk only makes a difference if you have documents that are too large to fit in memory. When a document is too large to fit completely in memory, Ventura creates an overflow file on the hard disk. By directing this overflow file to the RAM disk, you can speed up operations considerably. The procedure for using a RAM disk for spill files is described in Chapter 23, "Speed Tips." Note that if you are using the Professional Extension and have EMS memory on your computer, you don't have to worry about overflow files, since Ventura automatically uses the EMS memory to hold the document. • Disk Caching As explained in Chapter 23, "Speed Tips," using a disk cache is probably the most important step you can take to make Ventura run faster. Disk caches work by storing information in RAM that otherwise would be accessed from the hard disk. Since RAM access is many times faster than hard disk access, the disk cache speeds up the program. Disk caches can help almost any program, but they're especially useful with Ventura because the program is too large to fit into RAM all at once and therefore loads pieces of itself - called "overlays" - as needed from the hard disk. Most disk caching utilities allow you to set up the cache in either extended memory or EMS memory, and to specify the size of the 524 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition cache. If you have extended memory or EMS memory to spare, it's desirable to set up a fairly large cache, say 512K to 1MB. To manage the cache, the caching program does take up some conventional memory. Interestingly enough, caching programs vary significantly in the amount of conventional memory overhead they require, as shown in Table 26-1. Conventional Memory Overhead for Disk Caching Utilities (Kb) CACHE PROGRAM EXTENDED MEMORY EXPANDED MEMORY 512K Cache 1,024K Cache 512K Cache 1,024K Cache 49 61 49 61 N/A N/A 37 54 Super PC-Kwik 2.19 45 65 17 17 Vcache 3.1 21 29 20 28 Flash 5.33 Lightning 4.80 Table 26-1: The numbers in this table were derived by comparing the amount of memory reported by CHKDSK before and after loading a disk caching program. It should be noted that the numbers above are based on the default configuration for the cache. For some caches, it is possible to decrease the amount of conventional memory overhead by changing the parameters, though this will generally lead to reduced effectiveness of the cache in speeding up Ventura. In PC Magazine's roundup of disk-caching programs (February 14, 1989), the minimum conventional memory overheads for a 512K cache in extended memory were reported as follows: Flash 25K, Super PC-Kwik 16K, Vcache 20K, PC Tools Deluxe 20K, Mace Utilities 10K, SMAR1Drive 14K, IBM-Cache 19K, and Compaq Disk Caching Utility 16K. For a 512K cache in expanded memory, PC Magazine reported the following minimum conventional memory overheads: Flash 25K, Super PC-Kwik 7K, Vcache 19K, PC Tools Deluxe 16K, Mace Utilities 9K, SMAR1Drive 14K, and Compaq Disk Caching Utility 8K. Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions 525 • Adjusting Buffers in CONFIG.SYS If you are using a disk-caching utility, you can reduce the amount of RAM allocated for buffers in your CONFIG.SYS file. In the absence of a disk-caching utility, Xerox recommends that you set buffers equal to 20. However, when you are using a disk cache, most of those buffers are redundant and the buffers line in CONFIG.SYS can be reduced to 3 or 4. Since each DOS buffer takes up 512 bytes of RAM, you'll save about SK. • Disabling FASTOPEN FASTOPEN is a program provided with DOS 3.3 and later versions. It speeds up file access by creating a small cache where it stores the location of each file that you open. If you use a disk cache, FASTOPEN won't speed anything up but will use up some memory, so you're better off removing the FASTOPEN line from your CONFIG.SYS file. • Adjusting the Screen Fonts Buffer By default, Ventura sets up a 6SK buffer for screen fonts. Usually, this should be sufficient, but there are certain situations in which you should increase the buffer: • If you are using a large number of different fonts on a page. • If you are using VGA rather than EGA screen fonts. In general, VGA screen fonts take up about twice as much memory as EGA fonts. • If you are using large fonts, for which the screen font files are larger than 6SK. If a screen font is too large for the buffer, Ventura will not be able to display it. As described in Chapter 23, "Speed Tips," increasing the size of the screen fonts buffer can reduce the time needed to refresh the screen by 40 percent or more. Although it's more likely that you'll need to increase the size of the screen font buffer, there are some situations where you might 526 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition want to reduce it. For example, if Ventura refused to load because not enough memory was free, setting the IF switch to 32 might help. To change the screen font buffer, use a text editor or a word processor in plain ASCII mode to add IF=k at the end of VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT, where k is the number of bytes you wish to allocate for the screen font buffer. For example, if you wanted to change the size of the screen font buffer to 90K, and your VP.BAT file is CD C: \ VENTURA DRVRMRGRVP%1/S=SD_WY705.EGA/M=11 then you should add IF=90 to change it to CD C: \ VENTURA DRVRMRGR VP%1/S=SD_WY70S.EGA/M=11/F=90 Of course, when you increase the size of the screen font buffer, you have to give up memory somewhere else. If you set the IF switch above 6SK, Ventura reduces the amount of memory available for the document. That means you won't be able to work with as large a document as otherwise. If you have the Professional Extension, increasing the screen font buffer should have no ill effects as long as the amount of external memory available is well above lOOK. To find out the amount of available external memory, check the right-hand figure next to External Memory in Use in the diagnostics box. Even changing the buffer slightly, such as from 6SK to SOK, can make a difference in speed. According to Ventura Software, the maximum is in the range of 12SK to 192K. (Note: don't use the IF switch if you are also using the I A switch.) • Adjusting the Graphics Buffer The default for the graphics buffer is 4SK. That sets the upper limit for the size of a graphic that can be included on a page without the need to spill some of the data for that graphic onto the hard disk. Whenever Ventura has to use a spill file, performance is seriously diminished because the program has to do 527 Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions time-consuming reads from the hard disk every time it refreshes the screen (such as when you move from one page to the next, or when you press the Esc button). If memory is tight on your computer - for example, if you're having trouble getting Ventura to load - you can decrease the graphics buffer to free up memory for other purposes. Note: you can only reduce the graphics buffer, not increase it. To reduce the size of the graphics buffer, add the following at the end of the VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT file: /A=k where k is an integer between 0 and 32 that specifies how much memory to take away from the graphics and screen font buffers (half is taken away from the graphics buffer and half from the screen fonts buffer). Unfortunately, you can't reduce the size of the graphics buffer without decreasing the size of the screen fonts buffer by the same amount. If you use 0 as the value for k, the screen fonts buffer will be reduced by 16K but the graphics buffer won't be affected. Generally, however, if you want to adjust the size of the screen fonts buffer, you should use the IF switch. Here are a few final caveats about the I A switch: • Don't use the IA switch if you're using the IF switch. • Some printers and graphics converters (such as JLaser) may not work properly if you reduce the graphics buffer. • Memory Magic with HIMEM.SYS (286 and 386 Computers Only) Most AT and 386 computers come with at least 1MB of memory; however, 360K of that is worthless because only 640K can be addressed by DOS. Here's a nifty piece of software that, as if by magic, adds as much as 64K to the 640K of conventional memory available to your system. It was created by Microsoft, which unfortunately doesn't sell it separately. 528 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition To get HIMEM.SYS, you have to purchase Windows. Why Microsoft doesn't sell HIMEM.SYS as a stand-alone product is somewhat of a mystery. If they did, they could call it Magic, charge $25, and sell thousands of copies. During the installation procedure for Windows, HIMEM.syS is automatically copied onto your hard disk and the following line is added to your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE = HIMEM.syS. If you don't plan to install Windows, you can install HIMEM.SYS yourself simply by copying the file into your root directory, adding the DEVICE = HIMEM.SYS line to your CONFIG.SYS file, and rebooting your computer. Now load Ventura and check the diagnostics box. Next to FARCODE Overlay Size, you'll see the word HIMEM.SYS. This means that the 47K (base version) or 60K (Professional Extension) normally taken up by FARCODE (a program module used by Ventura) is now taken care of by HIMEM.syS and no longer takes up any conventional memory. You can verify that by comparing the amount of external memory available with and without HIMEM.syS. The difference is 2K less than the size of FARCODE (the reason for the 2K discrepancy is that HIMEM.SYS itself requires about 2K of conventional memory). Here's how HIMEM.SYS works (in layman's terms). DOS locates blocks of data by specifying an address within the 640K of conventional memory plus an offset. For example, if the address is 512 and the offset is 30, DOS will look for the data at position 542. In theory, an address of 620 with an offset of 40 should wrap around to the bottom of conventional memory and result in position 20. However, due to a bug in the 80286 chip, it is possible to fool DOS into not wrapping the address around to the bottom of conventional memory, and as a result up to 64K of additional "conventional" memory is opened up above 640K. HIMEM.SYS works by loading whatever program modules it can find into that 64K area. Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions 529 Note: you can use HIMEM.SYS with any 80286-based or 80386based computer. You can't use it with a PC or XT (8088 or 8086 chip). Tip2~2-------------------------------------- Conflicts between HIMEM.SYS and Other Programs That Use Extended Memory Since HIMEM.SYS was created by programmers at Microsoft, you'd expect it to conform to all the relevant rules, regulations, and specifications pertaining to extended memory. Apparently, it does not. Don't use HIMEM.SYS in conjunction with other programs that make use of extended memory, such as disk caches and print spoolers. My own tests have shown that neither the leading caching program (Super PC-KwikJ nor the leading print spooler (LaserTORQ) coexist satisfactorily with HIMEM.SYS when they're using extended memory. Unless a vendor specifically tells you that it has adjusted its program to coexist with HIMEM.SYS in extended memory, you can assume that the two won't get along . MAX • More Memory Magic: 386 MAX As the name suggests, 386 (or "386 to the Max") is a memory management program specifically for 80386-based computers. Like HIMEM.SYS, the main purpose of 386MAX is to increase the amount of memory available to DOS by allowing DOS to use extended memory between 640K and 1MB (we'll refer to this memory as "high memory" and refer to conventional memory as "low memory"). With Ventura, you can use 386MAX to do two things: • Move your drivers and memory-resident utilities into high memory, thus freeing up conventional memory. • Install portions of Ventura's system software into high memory, again freeing up conventional memory. 530 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition To use 386MAX, copy the files 386MAX.SYS and 386MAX.COM into your root directory and add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE = \path \386MAX. SYS If you have extended memory in your computer, 386MAX can configure it as expanded memory. If you already have an expanded memory board, you can either reconfigure the board as extended memory or else add the command EMS=O. If you have a high-resolution monitor, you may also have to add a command that prevents 386MAX from attempting to use the address space in high memory used by the monitor. For example, if you are using a Wyse 700 monitor, you need to add the command VIDMEM = AOOO-B3FF. If you are using 386MAX in conjunction with an EMS board and a Wyse 700 monitor, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file will look like this: DEVICE = \path \386MAX. SYS EMS=O VIDMEM=AOOO-B3FF Having placed the device line in your CONFIG.SYS file, you must indicate to 386MAX which of your drivers and memory-resident utilities are to be moved into high memory. This is done using the commands "386MAX LOADHIGH" and "386MAX LOADLOW." For example, a modified AUTOEXEC. BAT file might look like this: prompt $p$g PATH=C:\QMSJS 386MAX LOADHIGH JETS TART \MOUSE1\mouse path=c:\bat;c:\dos;c:\mw;C:\QMSJS utility\kwik\superpck /a+/s:1024 386MAX LOADLOW The final step is to modify VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT so that as many system files as possible are loaded into high memory. To do this, use the OPENHIGH and CLOSEHIGH commands. For example: C:386MAXOPENHIGB C: CD \ VENTURA Chapter 26: Memory Limitations and Solutions DRVRMRGR VPPROF %1 C:386MAX CLOSEHIGH .:. 531 /S=SD_WY700.VGA/M=32/F=128 What Are the Limits? Since the initial release of Ventura in 1986, the size of allowable text files, style sheets, chapters, and publications have all increased steadily. The following are the limits currently imposed by Ventura: · Size of text ["ties: Without expanded memory, the maximum amount of text per chapter is 2MB, less 16K for every 1,000 paragraphs. Of course, that's the absolute limit, which can only be approached if Ventura resorts to a good deal of swapping out to the hard disk, a slow, error-prone process. With the Professional Extension and expanded memory, the maximum amount of text per chapter is 4MB or the total amount of EMS in your computer, less 16K per 1,000 paragraphs. The main advantage of the Professional Extension is that its use of EMS means that there is never any need to create overflow files on the hard disk. • Maximum number of tags in a style sheet: 128 (including tags generated by Ventura itself). • Number of chapters per publication: 128. • Number of paragraphs per chapter: 1,000 per 16K of memory up to 64,000. • Number of line elements per frame: 725 in the base version of Ventura; up to 16,000 in the Professional Extension if EMS is available. This means that in the Professional Extension, the "Frame Too Complex" error message need no longer cramp your style - you're unlikely to ever encounter it, no matter what sort of page you create. • Maximum size of a paragraph: 7,990 bytes. 532 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Tip2~3------------------------------------- Overcoming Line Element Limits The limit of 725 line elements per frame is most likely to cause problems if you are creating a multi-column document in a small point size such as a phone directory. Let's assume you are creating a three-column directory. To place more than 725 line elements on a page, draw two frames over the second and third columns. Load the document into the base page as usual, then select the first frame and click on the name of the text file in the sidebar. Text will now flow into the second column. Repeat the procedure to flow text into the second frame. Now mark the two frames as repeating frames. Ventura will automatically repeat the format for as many pages as necessary to contain the whole document. Tip 26-4------------------------------------ Minimizing the Size of Database Output Every paragraph, no matter how long, consumes at least 64 bytes of RAM. So a one-word paragraph will take up 64 bytes, the same as a paragraph with nine words. You can reduce the amount of RAM consumed by a document by setting up your database program to generate two consecutive line breaks rather than paragraph breaks to start each new line. (You need two consecutive line breaks because Ventura will ignore single-line breaks.) To generate a line break, set up your database program to emit an R surrounded by angle brackets «R». Of course, you still have to insert a paragraph mark occasionally, to avoid violating the 7,990-byte limit for individual paragraphs. Utilities Recent medical studies have shown that it's the little things in life which can kill you. So it's not surprising that it's also the little things in life which can save you. Utility programs help you overcome limitations and can make the difference between your computer-life being frustrating or fruitful. In addition to the utilities discussed in this chapter, a number of other utilities are covered elsewhere in this book: • Chapter 5, "Monitors": Soft Kicker • Chapter 9, "Working with Style Sheets": Pub*Star, VPToolbox • Chapter 19, "Screen Snapshots": Frieze, Hotshot Graphics • Chapter 22, "Font Tools": FaceLift, ATM for Windows, Bitstream Fontware, SuperPrint, Publisher's PowerPak, MoreFonts, SoftCraft's Fontware, Type Director, Font Effects, 534 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Publisher's Type Foundry, SoftType, fontART, Font Effects, and WYSIfonts! • Chapter 23, "Speed Tips": Various disk caching and disk optimizing programs • Chapter 25, "Printing Tips": PrintCache • Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions": HIMEM.SYS, 386MAX Profue----------------------------------------XVP/Tabs One of the high points of the Professional Extension is the table generator. While this feature is exceptional, its ability to read 1-2-3 print files is somewhat limited, especially with financial information. If you often rely on information from worksheets, XVP/Tabs automates many worksheet-related features that are still manual in the Professional Extension. While the Professional Extension requires that you print your 1-23 worksheet to a file before loading it into Ventura, XVP/Tabs can import Lotus worksheet (WKS) files directly. This means two things: first, you don't have to format your spreadsheet carefully (with at least two spaces between each column), as you do with the Professional Extension, and you don't have to print the worksheet to an ASCII file. More importantly, XVP/Tabs automatically calculates all tab stops and sets them in the Ventura style sheet. It then tags the worksheet so that it works with the style sheet. It also sets up single and double ruling lines for the rows in the worksheet which used dashes or equal signs as separator rows. XVP /Tabs automates the following features which are necessities for properly formatting financial data: aligns dollar signs in columns, works with mixed number formats, allows you to use bold for any range, moves dollar signs outside parenthesis of negative numbers, maintains indenting of row labels, understands 535 Chapter 27: Utilities XVP/TABS Z.8 Figure 27-1: In the Main Menu for XVPITabs, you define the portions ofyour spreadsheet that you want to import into Ventura. Copyright (c) 1988 hI} The Laser Edge, Inc., Oakland, CA in~ool==--=-----==========--====================~ Ip iIIIIJ Files Ranges Styling Options Go Quit isplay the other half or the paralileter window. Par~ten:------------------------------------------~ Input Worksheet .. : Ventura Text File: Tag Intorution .. : Style Sheet File.: Coluns .......... : A:\XVPTST.WX1 A:\xvPTST. TXT A: \xvPTST .VTI A:\GOOGOO.STY A-E Title Rows ....... : 1-5 Data Rows ........ : 1-4,12-14 Footnote Rows ..•• : (default> Boldface Ranges .. : 1 Superscript Cols.: (default> FraNe Width ...... : 5.88 Inches r tatus Figure 27-2: More formatting information is supplied in the Style Menu, including currency units, width and length of frame, font, and type size. XVPITabs then creates your Ventura tags. XVP/TABS VI Copl}right (c) 1988 hI} The Laser Edge, Inc., Oakland, CA tyle lfenul=-========-=-======-====~ Width elect units or or Frue Length of Frilflle Font Size Quit IlleaSUreAent for fraNe. ParaJlleters:-------------------------------------, Footnote Rows .... : (default> Boldface Ranges .. : 1 Superscript Cols.: (default) Frue Width ...... : 5.88 Inches Itax Frue Length.: 8.88 Inches Font Hue ........ : Helvetica (Swiss) (Font ID =2) Type Size ........ : 8 points Currency Syahol .. : prefixeS) Currency Forut .. : <1,234.56) Equal Signs ...... : (thick ruling line) HyphenslEquals ... : (translated to ruling lines) 536 Ventura Tip$ and Tricks, 3rd Edition and preserves titles centered over two columns, and keeps footnote references formatted properly. The program understands foreign currency punctuation as well. Profik------------------------------------------ DataTAG Ventura is a natural for typesetting all types of databases and directories. It even has features designed especially for this, such as automatic headers and footers - but it's not all that easy. Because directories often have columns just like spreadsheets, you might be tempted to use a tab conversion program with a database file, and while this would work, it's not the most practical way to go. DataTAG is the best idea for printing files from any database program with Ventura. It's one of those simple programs that does its job, sometimes without much grace, but always with speed, accuracy, and efficiency. DataTAG works especially well with Ventura, where you can automatically add ruling lines, gray screens, and keep groups of lines together. DataTAG uses standard comma-delimited files, which almost every database in creation can generate. Even many spreadsheets use this format, and DataTAG could be used with spreadsheets as well, though a program such as Tabin would be more suitable. DataTAG looks at a file and sees how many fields are in each record. It then asks you what you want to tag each of the fields. DataTAG then creates a separate line for each field, preceded with whatever tag name you specify. The documentation that comes with the program consists of a few pieces of paper, but it's enough. All is not perfect, however. My biggest complaint is that if you want to publish the same database over and over, you still must manually type the tag names for each field, and this is both tedious and an obvious place for good old human error to creep in. If you enter a tag name even slightly different from what's in your Ventura style sheet, you won't get the results you expected. 537 Chapter 27: Utilities The program's author has said this will be corrected in a future version. Still, DataTAG is the easiest way to import database files and reports into Ventura. It's one of those programs that is so simple, someone should have invented it sooner, and it's something you quickly come to depend on. Profik----------------------------------------- XVP/Base XVP/Base, from the makers of XVP/Tabs, is specifically designed to import dBase files into Ventura. Unlike DataTAG, which works with any program that creates comma-delimited files, XVP /Base works with dBase only. If you use dBase, you know how difficult it can be to program a special report. But now, 10 and behold, XVP /Base can do the programming for you. You start by creating a sample page in Ventura, with sample data formatted the way you will want the final data to look. VP/Base enables you to insert Ventura formatting codes into your sample page, so you can format different fields in different ways: some bold, some italic, and some in different fonts entirely. VP/Base then checks the Ventura file, and creates a dBase program. When you run the dBase program, your data is specifically formatted for Ventura. It's a slick system, and because you can run the dBase program VP /Base creates over and over, you can update your dBase repeatedly as it changes. Projile----------------------------------------WP2VP WP2VP is designed to fine-tune formatted WordPerfect documents prior to importing into Ventura. One pass through WP2VP converts a standard WordPerfect file to one that follows strict typesetting conventions. It converts underlines to italics, corrects the kerning around em dashes and between the period marks in an ellipsis, and replaces double spaces after periods with typo- 538 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition graphically correct single spaces. It also converts WordPerfect's own footnote commands to Ventura format. WP2VP is fast and safe, as it creates a new file and leaves your old one unchanged. It's also easy to configure. A file in regular WordPerfect format has a list of conversion features; you simply choose the ones you want. The companion program to WP2VP is VP2WP, which does just the opposite: it strips Ventura codes from your file, leaving straight WordPerfect text. Once again, you can configure the program to leave in tag names, or any other Ventura codes, so your file is exactly the way you want it. You can even configure VP2WP to insert specific WordPerfect functions such as centering, bold, indent, shift indent (left and right margins), and tabs, to replace specific Ventura tags. The config file lets you specify what WordPerfect functions to substitute for Ventura tags. Just being able to automatically convert underlines to italics is worth the price of WP2VP. Just being able to remove some of Ventura's more verbose codes without endless, confusing search and replace is worth the price of VP2WP. Figure 27-3: This is the configuration file for WP2VP, showing the typographical adjustments that will automatically be made. ONFIGURATION FILE FOR wp2vp c . Switches IIloved to the left IIlargin in this file wi 11 be OFF (they IIluStc illllllediately follow a [HRt]). Switches can be toggled Ott or OFF frolll their c configuration file settings by including thefll on the cOIllMnd line. c c :m c -f c -h c -i c -k = when Ott. converts footnotes to Ventura fornat.c = when Ott. converts 2 hyphens to a Ventura dash. c = when Ott. converts under line to ita lics . c = when Ott. kerns certa i n tr ip lets. c c -p c -q = when Ott. substitutes 1 space for 2 spaces. c = when Ott. converts double-quotes (") to Venturac left- and right-hand quotes «169) and (178)>'c « l on conventional screens. Press PgDn for 3 lIIore switches below lc A:\W 2VP .CFG Doc 1 Pg 1 Ln 1" Pos 8.25" 539 Chapter 27: Utilities Profile ------------------------------------------ TAGteam TAGteam takes WordPerfect file conversion one step farther than mere conversion - it actually does the tagging for you. For example, instead of entering "@HEADLINE" in your WordPerfect file, you can instruct TAGteam to give this tag to any line that was centered and bold. This feature is especially useful when you are creating paragraphs for which Ventura requires more than one tag. The most frequent case in which this is necessary is when a paragraph is justified, but needs a tab, such as when you have a paragraph number, a tab, then the rest of the paragraph. Ventura can't use regular tabs in justified paragraphs, but you can achieve the same effect using the Breaks feature, so that the second paragraph will start where the first leaves off. When TAGteam sees a paragraph with a tab in the middle, it breaks the paragraph into several separate paragraphs, each with its own tag. Then all you have to do to achieve the right formatting is adjust the Breaks. TAGteam does not automatically turn underlines into italics, but it does allow you to insert less conspicuous codes, which it will translate into Ventura's. ALT 174 and ALT 175 take a lot less space than and and are ignored by style and grammar checking programs (one warning: many European countries use these symbols instead of quotation marks). TAGteam will also translate other ALT commands in the file into full Ventura tag names. If you often work with symbols, TAGteam will automatically translate the symbols of the IBM-PC symbol set into the Ventura symbol set. Because Ventura's symbols aren't in the same order as the PC's, this is no small task, since it means changing fonts and selecting different characters in Ventura's font set. TAGteam also works the other way around, taking fully-tagged Ventura files and stripping the codes or converting them to its own less obtrusive format. One drawback is that unlike WP2VP, you can't control what codes are not converted - it's all or nothing. TAGteam has an easy-to-use menu-driven interface and COffi- 540 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition prehensive documeritation. It does more than WP2VP, but allows you less control over what features you want to use or avoid . •:. Additional PostScript Support Profik----------------------------------------- VP/Saddle Remember those leather wallet kits you got as a kid? I bet you didn't know that Ventura could sew through leather, did you? Well, it can't. And if you fell for that one, you don't know what a saddle stitch is. If you take apart a booklet or magazine, you'll notice that page 2 and 3 are on two different pieces of paper. In a sixteen page booklet, page 2 and page 15 are on the same piece of paper, page 3 and page 14 on another, and so on. When you duplicate these pages back to back, and staple them in the middle, you get a finished publication. But Ventura normally doesn't work this way. It normally puts one page on one piece of paper, or at most, two smaller pages on a single sheet. Since Ventura won't flow text backwards, there's no way to put page 2 where page 16 should be, then flow the text back to page 3 at the front. So until VP/Saddle, you had to print the pages, paste them together in the proper order, and take them some place to be produced in mass quantities. Now Ventura can work this minor miracle, if you have a PostScript printer and VP /Saddle. VP /Saddle is a fiendishly clever piece of work. You create your file as usual, using half size pages (5V2 by 8V2 inches) in the page layout menu. You print the file to disk, then run VP /Saddle. The disk file is actually a PostScript program that Ventura has written. VP /Saddle goes through and rearranges this file, so that pages print out in the correct saddle-stitched order. VP /Saddle takes only a few seconds and requires no special formatting. 541 Chapter 27: Utilities • Two-Up That would be enough for one program, but VP /Saddle does more. The Two-Up option allows you to make two copies of half size pages on the same piece of paper. When you do go to the dreaded photocopy machine, your money goes twice as fareach single copy making two copies of your page . • Enlarged Format VP/Saddle's Enlarged Format is a way to improve the apparent print quality from a laser printer. If you are working with half size, or trade paperback-size pages (6 by 9 inches), this feature will enlarge your page to fill an entire 81/2- by II-inch piece of paper. When you go to have your publication mass-produced, the printer can set his camera to shrinking the pages to the size you wanted originally, thus improving the visible resolution of your type. You could do this without VP /Saddle, but you would have to calculate everything manually, and select type sizes larger than you really wanted. VP /Saddle allows you to create pages the size you are going to actually use, which saves a lot of confusion. Overall, VP /Saddle is a clever, inexpensive, and useful program for owners of PostScript printers. You may not appreciate how useful these features are until you actually try them, but believe me, they can make a big difference . •:. File/Style Management Profue-----------------------------------------VPManager You've heard the annoying old adage: "Too many cooks spoil the broth," and there are times when this is all too true. If you've got a big group working with one Ventura chapter or publication, you can run into questions like these: What's this chapter about? What do all the tags in this style sheet do? What files are in this chapter? 542 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Who's working on this chapter? who worked on it last? How far along is it? What draft is it? Where's that chapter we did that touted mayonnaise as the cure-all for the next century? VP Manager is designed specifically for work groups using Ventura. Work Group Computing is the latest buzzword in the techno biZ, and you work groups out there (you know who you are) will be pleased to know you don't have to wait for software aimed straight between your eyes. The best part is that VP Manager runs right inside of Ventura. This means that the interface is consistent with Ventura: there aren't new commands to learn, and you don't have to leave Ventura and run a separate program or try to scratch out illegible notes which look like a chicken wrote them. VP Manager starts with a Mac-like desktop that can display all your files, or just Ventura chapters and style sheets. The desktop provides file management, and besides letting you copy, rename, or move chapters, it makes Ventura's Multi-Chaptering functions as easy as dragging a little chapter icon from one window to another. • Chapter Description and History VP Manager allows you to keep track of who did what, and when. You can enter a 144-character description of each chapter and give each chapter a category as well as assign keywords that you can search for later. The program displays the name, location, and date of all associated files, text, graphics, styles, and width tables. You can print a quick rundown on all your tags and their basic features, such as typeface, size, weight, tabs, and special effects. The report generator gives you printed reports on any chapter or publication. You can search for chapters using the keywords or categories you entered . • Do you need it? The trick with any program like this is that you do have to go out of your way and enter all the information, otherwise the program 543 Chapter 27: Utilities Figure 27-4: The Chapter Info menu of VP Manager lets you attach a 144-character description of a chapter, along with keywords and other descriptive information. Rev: 1,01 CHAPTER INFO ~ Publication: Chapter: C:\WPS\WPMAG\TRENDS,CHP Description: Trends In T~pe: WhatJs Hot J WhatJs Not and who[ cares one wa~ or another, Libelous if ~ou ask [l'Je but nobod~ asked [l'Je, ________ J DocuJllent T!Jpe: I Manual I I Book I I Newsletter! ! Brochure! I Presentation! I Proposal! I.Aii4M HYPE_ Ke!Jwords: TYPEFACES___ FONTS_________ PROPAGANDA_ Size: 9,5" X11,0" Orientation: Portrait LP.!iy.l!iiL~] []~~I] Files I I History I Pages: 01 OK II Cancel I Figure 27-5: With thejob Tracking menu of VP Manager, you can identify the status of a document as it moves through the various stages of editing and production. Rev: 1,01 JOB TRACKI Nti ~ Publication: Chapter: C:\WPS\WPMAG\TRENDS,CHP Stage: I Outline I Schedule: 1101/891 'gllttA I 2nd Draft I 1/18189 1/01/90 Final 1/01/80 Status: li[;III~1 I On Hold I I At Review I I In Queue I Writer: DWH_ _ __ Illustrator: Ha! _ _ __ Editor: TWH,____ Manager: GOD is [I'J!J JIIangr I OK I I Cancel I 544 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition is useless. If you're not willing (or won't remember) to enter the information necessary to properly catalog your chapters, then most of VP Manager's features won't do you much good. But if you are diligent about such details, VP Manager will help you keep track of your Ventura files. And if you have a number of people doing work on the same files, VP Manager can take the mystery and confusion out of the who's, what's, and when's of our Ventura publications. Profik----------------------------------------VPMover Problem: you want to archive complete Ventura Publisher chapters onto floppies, but either they don't fit or they take so much space that you end up with stacks and stacks of floppies. Solution: VPMover. VPMover is an inexpensive and thoughtfully designed utility that allows you to "multi-chapter" Ventura chapters and save tons of disk space by putting them into ARC (or ZIP or LZH) files-simultaneously. First, let me explain "multi-chaptering" and "ZIP" programs. Because a single Ventura chapter can contain files spread over countless directories or even hard disks, you can't just copy the file individually. If you did, Ventura would no longer know where to look for the files. Ventura's own multi-chaptering function copies all the files associated with the chapter, and then edits the new chapter file so it knows the location of all the newly copied files. "ARC" is a program which does two basic things: the program uses sophisticated algorithms to compresses files so they end up being only 30 to 80 percent of their original size (the average is about 50 percent), and a single ARC file can contain many other files. The only way to use or view these files once they've been "arced" is to "unarc" them, using an unarcing program. Currently there are three standards, the ARC format, the newer ZIP format, and the LZH format out of Japan. All three save about the same Chapter 27: Utilities 545 amount of space and take about the same amount of time. These programs can take from a few seconds to a few minutes to archive files, depending on their size. VPMover can use any ARC, ZIP, or LZH program, and it comes with a copy of LZH because that program is in the public domain. I know, you're thinking, "Why can't I just use any old ARC program and do it myself?" but it's not that simple. It would be difficult to use just an arcing program because first you'd have to locate all the necessary files. Even then, it wouldn't be true "multichaptering," because it wouldn't update the chapter file so that Ventura would know where all the files are now located. But VPMover does it all in one easy step. VPMover looks at your Ventura chapters, finds all the files no matter where they are, and adds them to a single ARC file. Besides arcing your original chapter file, VPMover creates a new one that contains the arced location of your files. If you need to use them again, you can either unarc them in the same directory where you arced them, or use the "replace" batch file VPMover creates to copy them all back to their original locations. If you wish, VPMover will also do a standard multi-chapter copy, without compressing the files. VPMover is the kind of software that has been so refined there are no rough edges. It's a simple utility and what it does it does well. It even permits you to choose whether or not you want to move or arc your Ventura width table. This is an important feature because PostScript and LaserMaster width tables can take from 150K to 400K, depending on how many fonts they contain. Ventura always copies the width table, and this can be frustrating when the width table nearly fills a standard disk, or won't even fit on one. This feature alone makes VPMover's multi-chaptering more convenient than Ventura's own. In most cases, after you've Arced a chapter, you want to delete the original files, and once again VPMover automates the process. You can set it to delete the files automatically or to ask you before it deletes each file. To make sure you don't delete a file which might be used in another Ventura chapter, VPMover comes with 546 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition an additional utility that searches throughout your hard disk (or disks), reads all your Ventura chapters, and searches to see if any files are shared by more than one chapter. If it finds any shared files, it creates a list of those files - an invaluable feature. VPMover's interface is menu/mouse driven. The manual is concise but clear, and the publisher provides good technical support. Most importantly, the program is completely reliable. The more you use Ventura, the more you need this gem of a utility. Projile------------------------------------------ Mouse Ware This program, formerly "Mickey," allows you to control the speed of your mouse when you're inside Ventura (or any other mousedriven program). There's not much to it: press ALT-F, the computer beeps, the mouse moves faster. Press ALT-F again, the beep gets higher, the mouse moves faster. ALT-S makes it goes slower, and ALT-R resets the mouse to its standard speed. It works . • The Other Button MouseWare's other big feature is that it allows you to use the second mouse button, the one on the right. Ventura can only use one button, the left one, but MouseWare turns the right button into the Enter key. The real advantage is that instead of having to move the mouse to press OK in menus, you just press the right button. It's a handy little feature. MouseWare is clever and useful, but it does have a few drawbacks. First is that it takes about 22K of memory. Ventura needs every byte of memory it can get, so 22K is mucho memory for these few, albeit useful, features. If you have EMS this isn't a problem, but if you don't, Ventura will probably run slower and have to write to disk more often. Second, MouseWare works best with the Microsoft Bus or InPort mouse. If you use it with a serial mouse (such as the PC Mouse or 547 Chapter 27: Utilities Logitech) you have to load the mouse driver as well, and that takes another 10K of memory. MouseWare worked fine with EGA, VGA, Hercules, and the full-page Genius monitor. It may not perform perfectly on all full page monitors, so try to check it out first. Profik---------------------------------------VPto the Max If you're disappointed that Ventura 3 doesn't have any new features, you're not alone. Luckily, VP to the Max has come to the rescue. It's a new "desk accessory" for Ventura which gives both Ventura 2 and 3 (under GEM) important new features-without taking any memory away from Ventura. VP to the Max adds four new items to the Ventura Desk menu: Spell Checker, Thesaurus, Style Sheet View, and Search & Replace. Spell Check is the most important. It's all too easy to make text errors while working on page layout, and it's always a good idea to spell check one last time before your final printout. Because of the way Ventura can integrate so many different files, it used to be a pain to manually spell check all your files. Now you just pull down the menu and VP to the Max automatically spell checks all the files associated with a Ventura chapter, including the captions. The program uses the 116,OOO-word MerriamWebster dictionary. You may spend hours (or days) making everything look perfect in Ventura, but the better a page looks the more typos and spelling erros [sid jump right off the page. VP to the Max helps you look your best. And if you're the kind of person who likes to use Ventura as a word processing program, then this is what you've been waiting for. The search and replace feature is a real boon. It means you don't have to go back into your word processing program to make repetitive changes. You can even search and replace style sheet tags or "set font" changes, a real time saver. 548 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition The Style Sheet Viewer displays an overview of all your tags, including the name, font size, typeface, weight, alignment, number of tabs, and special effects. There are two small drawbacks. First, VP to the Max can only spell check ASCII files. This means that once you load your normal word processor files into a Ventura chapter, you must click on "File type/rename," and change the text file to ASCII. Because you can change back to your own word processing format at any time, this is only a minor inconvenience. The second drawback has to do with the way the thesaurus works. It doesn't automatically search on the word under the cursor-you have to type the word manually. But it's hard to complain about a program which does so much so well. Considering the features VP to the Max adds, it's the best way to upgrade Ventura. In fact, if you're planning on staying with Ventura under GEM (and you don't need all the bug fixes of 3.0), you might think about adding VP to the Max rather than shelling out for the not-all-that-different Ventura 3. VP to the Max is one of the most useful utility programs you can add to Ventura. Label Sheets In this chapter, I'll explain a simple, straightforward way to print your label sheets with Ventura. Let's assume you're using the standard 1- by 23/4-inch (or 1- by 25/s-inch) labels sold by Avery and others, and that you're using a laser printer. One option is to print a set of masters on plain paper, then xerox these onto actual label sheets whenever you do a mailing. Another option is to feed the label sheets themselves through the printer. If you do the latter, you'll need to pay attention to a few cautions. First, don't use any label sheet with spaces between labels or with missing labels, since that may cause labels to come loose and get stuck inside the printer. Second, open the rear output tray so that the labels can be ejected flat without having to negotiate the hairpin turn into the paper tray. In buying labels, it's a good idea to hunt down one of the new types that Avery or James River Corporation make specifically for 550 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition laser printers. For the 1- by 25/s-inch size, the Avery labels are part numbers 5260 and 5160, and the James River Corporation labels can be located under the "Pro-Tech Laser Specialties" name. It's possible to print labels directly from your database program or by using the mail-merge capabilities of your word processing program, but the job is far easier with Ventura. Although most database programs do have a label-printing module, these don't necessarily work well with laser printers. Likewise, the word processor mail-merge approach has problems of its own. For one thing, since not every address has the same number of lines, you have to do a lot of if/then programming to avoid skipped lines in addresses. In addition, it can be confusing to correctly align text in three columns even with the best word processing software. With Ventura, labels are easy. In a nutshell, the strategy is to set up your database as a text file and then load it into Ventura. In the text file, each address is a single paragraph, within which the lines that make up the address are separated by line breaks. Between each pair of addresses is a blank paragraph that acts as a space filler exactly one inch tall. The space filler measures its height from the top line of one address to the top line of the next address, making it possible to have two, three, four, or five-line addresses without disrupting the placement of addresses in a regular grid on the page. The space-filler paragraph is the secret ingredient that makes labels easy to print with Ventura. With this approach, your style sheet will need only two tags, one containing the formatting information for the address itself, the other containing the formatting information for the space-filler paragraph. Chapter 28: Label Sheets .:. 551 Preparing the Text File Now let's get more specific. Before doing anything with Ventura, you need to convert your database into a text file. Let's say you're using dBASE and your database has this structure: Name Address 1 Address2 City In my case, it happens to be a dBASE file called ILLUSTRATORS.DBF. To convert the database to a text file, I type these commands: Use ILLUSTRATORS Copy fields Name,Addressl,Address2,City to LABELS sdf delimited with II In response to these commands, dBASE creates a file called LABELS. TXT. Next, I quit dBASE and from the DOS command line type the following: Type LABELS. TXT My data appears in the format shown in Figure 28-1. Let's give this format the name Format A. As you can see, some labels in my database need three lines and some need four, but as we noted above, dealing with this won't be any problem. Before you import your own database into Ventura, you'll need to load the text into your word processor and use search-andreplace operations to change it into a new format, which we'll call Format B. It is shown in Figure 28-2. There are several differences between Format A and Format B. In Format A, each field is separated by a quotation mark followed by a comma followed by a quotation mark. In Format B, each field is separated by the expression , which is Ventura's way of 552 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition IIComputer Support Corporation"," 15926 Midway Rd. ", "Dallas, TX 75244"1\' IIArtware Systems, Inc.", "3741 Benson Dr.", "Raleigh, NC 27609"1\' liT/Maker Co.Maker Co."," 1973 Landings Dr.", "Mountain View, CA 94043" 1\' IIMicrografx, Inc.","1303 Arapaho" ,"Richardson, TX 75081" IIDynamic Graphics", "6000 N. Forest Park Dr.", "peoria, IL 61616"1\' IIImage Club", "#206 - 2915 - 19th st. NE", "Calgary, Alberta" , "Canada T2E 7 A2 "1\' IIDesktop Graphics", "400 Country Dr.", "Suite H", "Dover, DE 19901 "1\' IIHewlett-Packard Personal Software Division"," 3410 Central Expressway", "Santa Clara, CA 95051 "1\' IINetwork Technology Corp.", "6825 Lamp Post Lane", "Alexandria, VA 22306"1\' IISoftware Complement", "8 Pennsylvania Ave.", "Matamoras, PA 18336"1\' II ImageWorld" ,"P.O. Box 10415", "Eugene, OR 97440"1\' IICompuCraft", "P.O. Box 3155", "Englewood, CO 80155"1\' "GoldMind Publishing"," 12155 Magnolia Ave. II, "Sui te 3B", "Riverside, CA 92503"1\' "Metro ImageBase, Inc.", "18623 Ventura Blvd. ","Suite 210", "Tarzana, CA 91356"1\' IIpC QUIK, Inc.", "394 S. Milledge Ave. II, "suite 200" ,"Athens, GA 30606"1\' Figure 28-1: This is how your data appears when first converted by dBASE into a text file (Format A). 553 Chapter 28: Label Sheets computer Support Corporation15926 Midway Rd.Dallas, TX @FILLER = 75244~ ~ Artware Systems, Inc.3741 Benson Dr.Raleigh, NC 27609~ @FILLER = ~ T/Maker CO.Maker Co.1973 Landings Dr.Mountain 94043~ View, CA @FILLER = ~ Micrografx, @FILLER = Inc.1303 ArapahoRichardson, TX 75081~ ~ Dynamic Graphics6000 N. Forest Park Dr.Peoria, IL 61616~ @FILLER = ~ Image Club#206 - 2915 - AlbertaCanada T2E @FILLER = 19th st. NECalgary, 7A2~ ~ Desktop Graphics400 Country Dr.Suite HDover, DE 19901~ @FILLER = ~ Hewlett-Packard Personal Software Division3410 Central ExpresswaySanta Clara, CA @FILLER = 95051~ ~ Network Technology Corp.6825 Lamp Post LaneAlexandria, VA @FILLER 22306~ = Figure 28-2: After being converted into this form (Format B), the data is ready for importing into Ventura. 554 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition denoting a line break (i.e., a command to start a new line without starting a new paragraph). Another difference between the two formats is that in Format A, the records are separated by a quotation mark followed by a paragraph break followed by another quotation mark. In Format B, the records are separated by two paragraph breaks followed by the expression "@FILLER = " followed by two paragraph breaks. Note that the = sign must be preceded and followed by a space. -:--~:-;--'--:-""""""""""""""""'1;;""""."'~~~~- ImageWorld.. ................................ . P.O. Box 10415. Eugene, OR 974401 Artware systems, Inc.• 3741 Benson Dr.• Raleigh, NC 27609V Compucralt .. P.O. Box 3155.. Englewood, CO 801551 We80ler Graphics. Fox Pal/Hion, Box 1132. Jenkirtcwn, PA 1904611 T/Maker Co. Maker Co.• 1 973 LCII1dngs Dr.• Mountain V'eN, CA 94043V GoIdMind Publishing .. 12155 Magnolia Ave... Sute 38. Riverside, CA 92503l1 CES .. 509 Cathedral Parkway • Sute lOA.. New York, NY 1 00251 Micrografx, Inc.• 1303 Arapaho. Richardson. 1)( 7508111 Metro ImageBase, Inc.• 18623 VentLra Blvd. • Sute 210. Tarzana, CA 9135611 VS Software.. P.O. Box 6158. ~F~~~~Dr.• PC QUIK, Inc.• 394 S. MiQedge Ave. • Sule 200" Athens, GA 3060611 Adobe Systems Inc.• P.O. Box 7900.. Mountain V'eN, CA 940391 Image Club. Lexisoft, Inc." #206 • 2915 • 19th St. NE. Calgary, Alberta. canada T2E 7A21I P.O. Box 1950. Davis, CA 9561 7V Casady 8. Greene, Inc.• 26080 Carmel Rancho Blvd. • Suts 202.. Carmel, CA 9392311 DeSktop Graphics. 400 COUrtry Dr.• Marketing Graphics Incorporated. 4401 Dominion Blvd. • Sute 210.. Glen Alen, VA 23060·337911 Peoria, IL 6161611 Sule H. Dover, DE 1990111 Little Rock, AR 7221611 MacTograpt?f. 702 TwinbrOOk Parkway" Rockvile, MD 2085111 Figure 28-3: As shown here, the filler tag keeps all the labels aligned in a regular grid, no matter whether they have two-line or three-line addresses, The Ruling Line Above (text-wide) feature has been used to add the short horizontal line above each address. Chapter 28: Label Sheets 555 This expression tells Ventura that the blank paragraph between two records is to be formatted with a tag called FILLER. When you're finished converting the file to Format B, save it as an unformatted or ASCII file and give it the extension 1Xf. In converting from Format A to Format B, you'll need to find out how your word processor searches and replaces paragraph breaks. In Microsoft Word, you can search for paragraph breaks by using the expression I\p (caret p) in the search-and-replace dialog box. In WordPerfect, you can just press the Enter key when you need to indicate a paragraph break. .:. Formatting in Ventura Once you have your database in Format B, you can load Ventura. From the File menu, select Load Different Style and load the DEFAULT. STY style sheet from the \TYPESET subdirectory. Then from the File menu, select Save As New Style and name the new style LABEL. STY. Now you can load the database. Switch to frame mode and from the File menu select Load Text/Picture. Select the ASCII format and indicate the correct subdirectory and filename. Your unformatted database should appear on the screen. If it does not, select the frame icon, click on the page, then click on the file name in the Assignment List on the left side of the screen. Note that the expression "@FILLER = " is no longer visible. Ventura has converted it into a tag for the blank paragraph that separates each pair of records. To set the margins for your page, select Margins & Columns from the Frame Menu. Select 3 for number of columns, enter 1" for the top and bottom margins, and enter 0 for the left and right margins. If you have laser printer label paper, the kind with half of a label at the top and bottom, you can use 1/2" for the top and bottom margins. 556 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Now it's time to specify the settings for the tags. Switch to tagging mode and click on one of the records in your database. The word Body Text should appear in the Selection Box at the lower left of the screen. This is the default tag that Ventura assigns to any untagged text. From the Paragraph menu, select Font. You can choose any font available for your printer as long as the size is 10 to 12 points. Again from the Paragraph menu, select Spacing. Enter 0 for Above and Below and 2 picas for In From Left. Now click on one of the paragraph marks that separates your records. If you can't see a paragraph mark, press Ctrl-T. Once you have selected one of these in-between paragraph marks, you'll see the word FILLER in the Selection box at the lower left of the screen. This is the name of the tag that controls the formatting of the space between each pair of records. From the Paragraph menu, select Spacing. Make all settings 0 except Below. Set Below to one inch. Highlight one of the records again. From the Paragraph menu, select Breaks. Set Line Break to None. This forces Ventura to consider only the amount of vertical space taken up by the paragraphs marked FILLER (one inch) and to ignore the vertical space taken up by the addresses themselves. After you press OK, you'll see all the records align themselves so that the top line of each address is exactly one inch from the top line of the next address. You may be wondering why it was necessary to use two different styles for the label sheet. Wouldn't it have been sufficient merely to have set the Space Below for Body Text such that each pair of records would have been separated by a specified distance? That would work, but only if every address in your database had the same number of lines. Usually, however, that's not the case. Some addresses need only three lines, others need four or five. By using a separate tag for the space between records, you can vary the number of lines in your addresses without affecting the placement of addresses on subsequent labels. Chapter 28: Label Sheets 557 Now you can save your document and print it on any laser printer. You can experiment with fonts and add ruling lines and other enhancements. Next time you have to format a set of label sheets, you'll be able to use the same style sheet and have the same formatting automatically applied. Printing Envelopes Despite the fact that desktop publishing programs like Ventura have greatly simplified the production of long, complex documents, it still can be surprisingly frustrating to accomplish a simple task like printing out an envelope on your laser printer. The purpose of this chapter is to layout a simple, yet powerful, strategy for printing envelopes. Whether you address your envelopes one at a time or print batches of envelopes using addresses generated from a database, this procedure will make things easier. Let's assume that you're using Commercial #10 envelopes, also known as legal envelopes. The dimensions of this type of envelope are 41/8 by 91/2 inches. Here is the general strategy: • For the destination address, you'll reduce the size of the base page frame so that it forms a "window" in which you 560 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition The return address Is a repeatIng frame, wIth Upper Left X at 2.00 Inches, Upper Left Y at 2.50 Inches, Frame WIdth 3.50 Inches, and Frame HeIght 1.50 Inches. (To show the boundarIes of the frame, I've surrounded It wIth a box. Normally, there won't be any box.) The base page Is used to hold the destInatIon address. UsIng the SIzIng & Scaling menu, It Is shrunk down so that Its Upper Left X Is at 5.25 Inches and Upper Left Y Is at 4.00 Inches. The Frame WIdth Is 5.50 Inches and the Frame HeIght Is 2.00 Inches. (To show the boundarIes of the base page frame, I've surrounded It wIth a box. Normally, there won't be any box.) Figure 29-1: The two frames used for the envelope are shown here. A repeating frame is used for the return address and the base page (reduced in size) is used for the destination address. Chapter 29: Printing Envelopes 561 can either type addresses directly or load addresses from a file. • For the return address, which is optional, you'll use a separate frame, type the text once in the frame, and make it a repeating frame so that it automatically is placed on every envelope when you create a batch of envelopes. • Your style sheet will have two tags, one for the return address and one for the destination address. The destination address tag will use a "Page Break: After" setting so that at the end of each address, Ventura will jump to the next page. To avoid having each line of your address end up on a different page, you'll end each line with a line break (CtrlEnter) and only use a paragraph break (Enter) at the end of the whole address. Now let's look at the procedure in detail. .:. Procedure Load Ventura and load the DEFAULT style sheet from the \ TYPESET directory. From the Chapter menu, select Page Size & Layout. Layout the page for landscape orientation, letter-sized paper, and single sides . • The Destination Address Window Change the dimensions of the base page frame to match the size of your "address window," the area where you will be placing the destination address. To change the size of the base page, select frame mode and click on the base page. From the Frame menu, select Sizing & Scaling. For Upper Left X enter 5.25 inches, for Upper Left Y enter 4.00 inches, for Frame Width Enter 5.50 inches, and for Frame Height enter 2.00 inches. 562 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • The Return Address Window If you want to have Ventura print a return address on each envelope, draw another frame above and to the left of the destination frame. To position the frame correctly, click on the frame and select Sizing & Scaling again. For Upper Left X enter 2.00 inches, for Upper Left Y enter 2.50 inches, for Frame Width enter 3.50 inches, and for Frame Height enter 1.50 inches . • Testing Positions To test the position of the destination and return address frames on the envelopes, switch to frame mode and click on the destination frame. From the Frame menu, select Ruling Box Around. For Width, enter Frame; for Height of Rule 1, enter .003 inches. Repeat this procedure to set up a ruling box around the return address frame. Now you can print out a sample envelope. First, open the rear output tray of your laser printer. This will eliminate most paper jams and keep the envelopes from curling too much. To feed envelopes into the printer, it is not necessary to buy a special envelope feeder. On the printers that use the Canon SX engine, such as the LaserJet II, LaserJet lID, Apple LaserWriter IINT, and QMS PS 810, all you have to do is adjust the guides on the manual feed guide (the plastic hood that fits over the paper tray) so that they fit your envelope. Insert an envelope in the guide, face up and stamp end first. When you direct Ventura to print your page, the LaserJet will feed the envelope instead of a sheet of paper. Having printed an envelope, check on the position of the destination and return address frames and if necessary adjust the settings under Sizing & Scaling in the Frame menu. Next, select Margins & Columns in the Frame menu and make sure all margins for both the destination and return address frames are set to O. When you have finished adjusting the sizes of the two frames, get rid of the ruling boxes and try entering an actual address in each frame. Start with the return address. End each line by pressing Chapter 29: Printing Envelopes 563 Ctrl-Enter, which has the effect of starting a new line without starting a new paragraph. When you're done entering the return address, create a new tag and name it "Return." For Alignment, select Left. For Spacing, enter 0 for Space Above and 0 for In From Left. • Making the Return Address Repeat To make the return address repeat on every envelope, select frame mode, select the return address frame, and select Repeating Frame from the Frame menu. • Formatting the Destination Address Now enter a sample destination address. Again, end each line by pressing Ctrl-Enter, and this time create a new tag called "Destination." Give this tag the same Alignment and Spacing as the Return tag. If you are printing multiple envelopes, you want each destination address to print on a new page. Don't try to do this using repeating frames. Instead, select Breaks from the Paragraph menu and select Page Break: After. By using Ventura's page break feature, you'll be able to create an envelope with a blank destination address simply by pressing Enter. • Saving the Style Sheet and the Chapter Now you're done formatting the frames and tags that you'll need to print envelopes either one at a time or in batches. Save the style sheet and chapter you've created using the Save As New Style and the Save As options from the File'menu. For simplicity's sake, call them ENVELOPE.STY and ENVELOPE.CHP. Let's say you just want to print a single envelope. The procedure is simple: load ENVELOPE.CHP and place the cursor in the destination frame at the beginning of whatever address happens to be in that frame. Either delete the current address or else, as described in the following tip, press Enter to send that address to 564 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition the next frame. Now enter the address you want, ending each line with Ctrl-Enter rather than Enter so that all the lines of the address remain on the same page. When you're done, select Print from the File menu, and for Which Pages select Current. Tip·29-1------------------- Building a Personal Mailing List If you're like most people, you have a certain number of addresses to which you frequently send letters. If so, here's a way to build up a collection of preaddressed envelopes. Use Save As to create a new version of your Envelope chapter as ENVLIST. CHP. Whenever you address an envelope, place the cursor at the beginning and press Enter to "bump" the last address to the next page. Now enter the new destination address and print the current page. Ifyou make a habit of always bumping the last address you entered before addressing a new envelope, after awhile all the addresses you repeatedly need will be in your "stack," and to print an envelope you'll merely have to page through the stack (using PgDn) until you get to the envelope you want to print. •:. Printing Multiple Envelopes So far, we've assumed that you're entering one address at a time directly in Ventura; however, the method described in this chapter works just as well for a list of addresses created with a word processor or database program. If you create addresses with your word processor, make sure to separate each line of the address with a line break or with rather than with a paragraph break. To enter a line break in Microsoft Word, press Shift-Enter. To enter a line break in WordPerfect, type . With dBASE, you can use the label generator and print to file, or else use a program such as the one shown in Figure 29-2. This program prints the addresses in California, from the file Chapter 29: Printing Envelopes 565 * DSKPRT.PRG Print California Addresses USE NYW INDEX NYWNAME SET TALK OFF SET ALTERNATE TO Envelope SET ALTERNATE ON CLEAR TEST = 0 DO WHILE .NOT. EOF() IF STATE = 'CA' IF CNANE " TEST = 1 ENDIF IF TEST = 0 ? TRIM(FNAME),TRIM(MNAME),TRIM(LNAME)+ CHR(60)+'R'+CHR(62) ? TRIM(ADDRESS)+CHR(60)+'R'+CHR(62) ? TRIM(CITY)+', '+TRIM(STATE),TRIM(ZIP)+CHR(13)+ CHR(lO) ELSE ? TRIM(FNAME),TRIM(MNAME),TRIM(LNAME)+CHR(60)+'R'+ CHR(62) ? TRIM(CNAME)+CHR(60)+'R'+CHR(62) ? TRIM(ADDRESS)+CHR(60)+'R'+CBR(62) ? TRIM(CITY)+', '+TRIM(STATE) ,TRIM(ZIP)+CBR(13)+ CHR(lO) ENDIF ENDIF SKIP TEST = 0 ENDDO SET ALTERNATE OFF CLOSE ALTERNATE RETURN Figure 29-2: A dBASE program to prepare addresses for loading into the envelope destination frame. 566 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition NYW.DBF, indexed on NYWNAME to an ASCII disk file. Naturally you will substitute your own DBF and NDX files. You must also substitute your own filename choice for "Envelope." When the file is printed to disk it will have the name ENVELOPE.1XT. Your selection criteria should be substituted for IF STATE = 'CA'. Notice that this program, in a simple manner, takes care of addresses that have a company name or any type of optional address line, such as c/o (in care of). The CHR(60)+'R'+CHR(62) places a new line character string «R» at the end of all lines except the last line. After the ZIP field, an extra carriage return and line feed are printed to give Ventura a paragraph break. Tip 2 9 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - About Envelopes Avoid feeding the following kinds of envelopes into a laser printer: • damaged envelopes or those already run through the printer • those with unusual construction or texture, or bulky side seams • those with metal clasps, strings, transparent windows • those with peel-off or pressure-sensitive adhesives • those with ink or dyes that can't stand 200 degrees C • those made of synthetic materials Make sure your envelopes have a sharp, thin crease on the leading edge. Diagonal or center-seam envelopes work the best. Voodoo Tricks Like any other big, powerful computer application, Ventura has some rough edges, some mysteries. This chapter is devoted to explaining how to fix some of the things that inexplicably go wrong from time to time (or all the time, depending on your particular karma) . •:. Crashing There are two ways to crash. One is for Ventura to simply dump you unceremoniously back at the DOS prompt. I call this "being deported." The other way is for the system to simply freeze up. I call this "being jailed." Call them what you like, these dismissals from the good graces of the program are no fun. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to avoid crashing. 568 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Probably the most frequent cause of crashes is a document that is too large to hold in conventional memory. When a document is too large, Ventura "swaps out" the excess portion of the document to a "spill file" on your hard disk. Spill files aren't supposed to cause crashes, but sometimes they do. Perhaps the simplest solution, at least with the base version (with the Professional Extension and EMS, it doesn't really matter), is to limit the size of your chapters to about 20 pages. Another solution is to free up conventional memory so that there's more available for your document. A variety of measures such as adding EMS to your system (yes, it does help to have EMS even when you're using the base version) are outlined in Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions." If a chapter you are trying to work on is frequently crashing, the first thing you should try is to delete the VP.INF (or VPPROF.INF, in the case of the Professional Extension) from your \ VENTURA directory. This file becomes corrupted when Ventura crashes, and once it is corrupted, it can lead to more crashes. After you delete VP.INF, you'll notice that all your defaults (like whether column guides are hidden or shown, whether the ruler is hidden or shown, etc.) have been lost. But it's easy enough to reset them. In Figure 30-1: If you click repeatedly on the Quit button, you have a good chance of being returned to your document unscathed. lold Ital1c ~ SPlQU STOP $upe~ SubsC~1pt Undtl"J:lne ouble Undr' Internal S9ste~ (8815) Error! 1. Note what 90U just did &Error ~. 2. Use Save As ••. to save 90ur work. 3. Call &Renort to Tech. Support. St~1ke ."h~.I~:::=;r========================================~· ..• Overscore Upper' case Chapter 30: Voodoo Tricks 569 any case, the next time you save your chapter, you'll notice that Ventura has created a new VP.INF. .:. Some Appeals are Granted Sometimes when Ventura decides to crash, the screen simply freezes. Other times it shows you a dialog box such as the one shown in Figure 30-1. This dialog box may seem like a sort of rude joke, since when you click on the Quit button you generally get no response. But surprisingly enough, if you obsessively click on the Quit button (20 or 30 clicks), you sometimes are mysteriously granted clemency: the dialog box disappears, and you're free to resume working on your document. Don't assume that everything's OK! Those error messages meant that your computer's memory got corrupted somehow, so what you need to do is make a clean getaway and return when the coast is clear. First, go into the Set Preference dialog box in the Options menu and turn the "Keep Backup Files" option on. Save under a new name. Exit Ventura, reboot, load Ventura again, and open the chapter you just saved with Save As. It should be OK, but if it's not you can rename the backup chapter file by changing the $HP extension of the file to CHP using the DOS Rename command, and load the chapter. •:. Watch Out for the Pause Button Pressing the Pause button on some keyboards can cause the screen to freeze up. If this happens, pressing either Delete key will release you from bondage . •:. Post-Crash Hard Disk Cleanup When Ventura freezes up, you usually have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del or even turn off the computer to resume work. Either way, you often end up with lost clusters on your hard disk, which are the remnants of temporary files created by the program. To get rid of 570 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition these lost clusters type CHKDSK IF. This will convert the lost clusters into files, which you can then delete . •:. Those Disappearing Screen Fonts (DOS/GEM Version) One of the nice new features of Ventura is that it can display large screen fonts (72 points or more) at their actual size. Sometimes, however, the program suddenly loses the ability to display these large screen fonts (usually due to a lack of sufficient memory for the screen buffer to hold the fonts). When this happens, the first thing to do is to delete the VGAFSTR.INF or EGAFSTR.INF file from your \ VENTURA directory. Usually that will solve the problem. To make sure it doesn't happen again, you might experiment with increasing the size of your screen font buffer using the IF switch in the VP.BAT file, as explained in Chapter 23, "Speed Tips." .:. Backup Files If you've had the Back Up Copy option on (did you read the "Safety Tips" chapter?), then you have an extra level of insurance in case a chapter refuses to load or continually crashes. Find the file with the same name as your chapter (eHP) file but with the extension $HP. This is the previous version of your chapter file. Delete the CHP file and rename the $HP file so that it has the extension CHP. Now reload . •:. Redrawing the Screen with Esc Sometimes "junk" such as stray characters or ruling lines accumulates on the screen. Or when you highlight a passage of text and then attempt to highlight a different passage, the first passage stays highlighted. In any such case where the screen display becomes degraded, pressing Esc will cause it to redraw. There are Chapter 30: Voodoo Tricks 571 other ways to redraw the screen, such as pressing PgDn and then PgUp, or clicking on the scroll bar, but press Esc is the quickest . •:. A Totally Scrambled Screen If you've installed Hotshot's screen capture utility (GRAB) with a Wyse WY-700, you're in for a rude surprise the first time you press the hot key (Alt-H). The screen suddenly turns into complete chaos. To eliminate the chaos, press F2 and proceed as usual. .:. Delete Key Won't Work On some keyboards, one of the delete keys won't work. If this happens to you, try using the delete key on the numeric keypad. Sometimes the text cursor refuses to respond when you press the arrow keys, making it hard to edit your document. The reason this is happening is that you accidentally pressed the Shift-Ctrl combination, putting Ventura into its "no mouse" mode where the arrow keys substitute for the movement of the mouse. To get back into Ventura's regular mode, press Shift-Ctrl again, using the Shift and the Ctrl keys on the right side of the keyboard . •:. Disappearing Formats Sometimes when you load Ventura, you'll find that words or phrases that were formatted to be italic or bold have mysteriously lost their formatting. The most common reason is that you have placed an index mark or an anchor mark within the word, causing everything after the mark to lose its formatting. The only solution is to avoid placing such marks within formatted text. 572 .:. Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Fixing an Isolated Paragraph Mark After you load text into Ventura, you'll sometimes notice a blank line with nothing on it but the paragraph sign (1). This happens if there is a space after the period in the last sentence of a paragraph. To get rid of the unwanted blank line, select text mode, place the cursor in front of the paragraph mark, and press Backspace . •:. Things that Go Beep in the Night When you're loading text, you may hear a beep. This occurs if there are more than 128 text files in the directory from which you are loading text. The purpose of the beep is to notify you that only the first 128 files in the directory are being listed . •:. Problems Changing Text Attributes Sometimes when you try to apply text attributes to a word or phrase, using the list of attributes in the text mode sidebar, you'll find that the attributes won't take effect. The first thing to do is to press Esc, which will cause the screen to redraw. The next thing you should do is highlight the passage, select Normal from the list of attributes, and then 'select your attributes again. If this does not work, the problem is that hidden attribute settings are preempting the attributes you wish to apply to the text. For example, when you highlight a passage and select Bold, the text will remain in italics. In that case, position the cursor just in front of the material you are attempting to reformat and press Del. You'll know you're in the right location when you see the words "Attr. Setting" in the lower left corner of the screen. Chapter 30: Voodoo Tricks .:. 573 Create a Null Paragraph Before Inserting Text Sometimes when you try to paste a block of text from the clipboard into a new location, the text inexplicably takes on the attributes of the paragraph immediately above it or - equally annoying - applies its attributes to the preceding paragraph. The solution is to create a null paragraph at the insertion spot (by pressing Enter once) and format this paragraph as Body Text (usually pressing FlO in text mode will work), then press Ins to paste the text from the clipboard . •:. Moving Large Blocks of Text Within a Chapter If you want to move a small passage of text from one place to another, you simply highlight the text by holding down the mouse button while you drag the cursor across the passage, press Del, move the cursor to the new insertion point, and press Ins. If the passage spans more than one page, however, you have a problem, since it's not possible to highlight more than one page of text at a time. The solution is to temporarily change the Body Text tag to a very small point size, such as two or three points. You can then highlight the entire passage, press Del, move to the insertion point, press Ins, then change the tag back to the normal font size . •:. Amaze Your Friends by Customizing Ventura's Menus! (DOS/GEM Version) Did you buy the English-language version of Ventura because there's no version for your language? Do you want to have a special version of Ventura that contains obscene, insulting error messages? Do you feel like changing the Desk menu so that Walter J. Fudd is listed as one of the members of the Ventura programming team? It's all up to you, since the text strings used for the titles and contents of Ventura's menus are all located in two easily edited text files called VP.RSC and VP.RSl (or 574 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Figure 30-2: As shown here ("Whims" substituted for "Options" on the menu line) you can change the titles of Ventura's menus by editing the vp.Rse and VP.RSJ files. Will this make you more productive? Definitely not. Will playing with your vp.Rse and VP.RSJ files cause Ventura to crash? Quite possibly. Is it something you should waste your time doing just so your friends and associates will call you a nerd? Of course. VPPROF.RSC and VPPROF.RSI for the Professional Extension). Be forewarned, however: messing around with these files can easily cause Ventura to crash the next time you load it! Still, if you back up any altered files you change before proceeding, you should be able to recover in case you make a mistake. To change one of the files (after backing it up), load the file into your text processor and substitute any characters for the text strings in the file, but keep the length of any character strings you change exactly the same. For example, as shown in Figure 30-2, I've changed the name of my Options menu to "Whims," byediting VPPROF.RSl. Since the word Whims has only five letters, while Options has seven, I added two blank spaces after Whims so that the new text string kept the same number of characters as the old text string. When you're done making your replacements, save the file (unformatted, of course), then reload Ventura. Using Ventura Without a Mouse The premise of this chapter - that anyone would even consider using Ventura without a mouse - may strike you as silly. Frequently, however, people want to start using the program before they have had time to purchase a mouse, or they're having some difficulty configuring Ventura for use with a particular mouse and want to get started anyway. This chapter is intended for those who find themselves sans mouse, for whatever reason . •:. Windows Version In the Windows version, there's no way to cursor around the screen without having a mouse installed. The only thing you can do is press Alt F X, which takes you into the File menu and then selects the Exit command. Because you can't move around the screen in the Windows version, it really isn't practical to use this 576 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Table 31- 1: Keyboard Equivalents for Mouse Operations (DOS/GEM version) Assign function keys (from any mode) . . . . . . . . . .Ctrl-K Call up most recent menu .Ctrl-X Cancel a menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ctrl-X Click the mouse button . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home Copy text, graphics, or frames to the clipboard . Shift-Del Cut text, graphics, or frames to the clipboard · . Del Edit special Item Ctrl-D Fill Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · Ctrl-F Goto page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-G Hide sidebar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · .. Ctrl-W Hide tabs and returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ... Ctrl-T Insert text, graphics, or frames from the clipboard · . . . . Ins Insert special item . . . . . . . . . . · .. Ctrl-C Line attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ... Ctrl-L Move the cursor in finer Increments . . Shift-Cursor Press and hold the mouse button .. . · ... End Release the mouse button · .. Home Renumber chapter ... . .Ctrl-B Save chapter . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-S Select" Add New Frame" . .Ctrl-2 Select" Add New Tag" .Ctrl-2 Select Enlarged view . .Ctrl-E Select frame mode .. Ctrl-U Select graphics mode .Ctrl-P Select tagging mode . · Ctrl-l Select text editing mode . Ctrl-O Select Reduced view . . .Ctrl-R Select Normal view . Ctrl-N Select OK In a menu . · Enter Select "Set Font" .Ctrl-2 Select "Ins New Table" .Ctrl-2 Send graphic to back .Ctrl-Z Send graphic to front . . . . . . . Ctrl-A Select all graphics In the frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-Q Chapter 31: Using Ventura Without a Mouse 577 version without a mouse. It's a different story in the DOS/GEM version, however. •:. General Operations (DOS/GEM version) • To get around the screen without a mouse, use the up and down cursor keys. The cursor will move in discrete jumps. To get more precise positioning, hold down the Shift key while you move the cursor keys. The cursor will move much more slowly and in smaller increments. • In situations where you'd need to click the button on the mouse, press the Home key. • In situations where you'd need to hold down the button on the mouse, such as dragging a frame or a graphic, press End. Then to "release" the button on the mouse, press Home. • Use the keyboard shortcuts shown in Table 31-1 to avoid continually traveling to the menu line . •:. Special Techniques (DOS/GEM version) • When you first boot up the program, you should be able to move the cursor around the screen using the cursor keys instead of the mouse. If not, hold down the Shift key on the right side of the keyboard while pressing Ctrl. • To create a new tag, press Ctrl-I to select tagging mode. Place the cursor within a paragraph and press Home to select the paragraph. Then press Ctrl-2 to select Add New Tag. • To get rid of a menu you have pulled down, move the cursor outside the menu and press Home. • To draw a frame, select frame mode with Ctrl-U, press Ctrl-2 to select Add New Frame, move the cursor to the upper left corner of the new frame, press End, cursor to the lower right corner, and press Home. 578 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition • To move a frame, place the cursor inside it and press End, then move the cursor to the new location and press Home. • To stretch a frame, place the cursor over one of the small black squares that function as grabber marks. Press Endthe cursor should change to a pointing finger, allowing you to stretch the edge of the frame by moving the cursor keys. If the cursor does not change to a pointing hand, hold down the Shift key while you move the cursor more carefully on top of the grabber mark. Incidentally, it is easier to select the comer grabber marks than the side marks. When you've finished stretching the frame, press Home. • In text editing mode, you need to use the cursor keys to move the special text editing cursor, which is different from the normal cursor. The text editing cursor holds your place in the text while the other cursor selects operations from menus. To change the cursor keys so that they move the text editing cursor rather than the regular cursor, hold down Shift on the right side of the keyboard while pressing Ctr!' • To activate Set Font in text editing mode, press Ctrl-2 . •:. Editing VP.BAT (DOS/GEM version) If your mouse doesn't work, it may be that you selected the wrong kind of mouse during Ventura's installation procedure. Rather than go through the whole procedure again, you can install a different mouse by editing the VP.BAT or the VPPROF.BAT. Load VP.BAT or VPPROF.BAT into your word processor and look at the part that says "M=XX," where XX is a two-digit number such as 01,21, etc. The first digit stands for the port used by the mouse: o for COM1, 1 for COM2, and 2 or 3 for ports other than the COM ports. The second digit stands for the type of mouse: 1 for a Mouse Systems or PC Mouse, 2 for any other type of mouse that uses MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS, 3 for the Microsoft Serial mouse, and a colon (:) instead of a number for an IBM PS/2 mouse. Change the two-digit number, save the file (unformatted), and type VP or VPPROF to load Ventura again. SECTION SEVEN Appendices Appendix A Resources Ventura wasn't designed to serve as a stand-alone, all-in-one solution. To really get the most out of the program, you'll need other software and hardware tools. Fortunately, Ventura's popularity has made it the focal point of a mini-industry of printers, highresolution monitors, scanners, graphics programs, fonts, font-editing tools, clip art libraries, special-purpose utilities, user groups, magazines, video training tapes, and much more. This appendix is intended to serve as a sort of traveler's guide to that industry. In some cases our notes are extensive; in other cases we provide no more than an address. Be aware that the information was assembled during Summer and Fall, 1990, and that most products in the computer industry are updated every year or two. As Stewart Brand, publisher of the Whole Earth Software Catalog, so aptly put it, trying to keep up with the computer industry is like "trying to count the fragments of an exploding hand grenade." So, happy shopping, and don't forget to keep your flak jacket on! 582 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition ArtRight Images clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts Clip Art font tools graphIcs software monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dPO PostScrIpt prInters and typesetters (above 300 dPO other prInters prInter controllers scanners Adonis Corporation 12310 NE 8th St. Bellevue, WA 98005 206/747-8186 The company runs a service that provides you with a Windows program for quickly browsing through over 20,000 images of clip art. You can then receive individual images via modem for $4 to $20 each. The catalog includes libraries from numerous companies. In addition to the downloading fee, there is a $35 annual membership fee. ArtRight Software Corporation 1130 Morrison Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2H 9N6 613/820-1000 613/820-2651 fax These collections are available in Corel Draw (CDR) and EPS formats. Atech Clip-Art Atech Software 5962 La Place Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 800/748-5657 619/438-6883 There are three PCX collections of 50 images each: Business Fun, People, and Holidays. utilitIes user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazInes style sheets traInIng PostScrIpt servIce bureaus other resources ArtDisks 1-7 AtlasPC DVFranks 3721 Sue Ellen Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 919/872-5379 919/878-6123 fax The topics of ArtDisks 1-7 are buildings, landscapes, and decor; people, animals, and birds; humor and wit; aquatic life; works of art; and Christian images. They appear to be scanned from old books, and all are in MacPaint format except Works of Art (PICT II format) and Christian Images (EPS format). Available on IBM disks. MicroMaps P.O. Box 757 Lambertville, NJ 08530 609/397-1611 800/334-4291 There aren't a lot of maps in these collections, but the quality is excellent. You'll find maps of u.s. states showing county boundaries and major cities, and maps of each continent showing country borders. The formats are EPS and PCX, and all the collections are available on IBM disks. 583 Appendix A: Resources Canned Art: Clip Art for the Macintosh Peachpit Press 1085 Keith Ave. Berkeley, CA 94708 staplers, phones, computers, etc.) is superb. The other collections are so-so. All are available on IBM disks. For samples, see Chapter 17, "Clip Art." The Church Art Works 875 High Street NE Salem, OR 97301 503/370-9377 503/362-5231 fax Five volumes of images in TIFF format are available on IBM disks: Youth Art, Church Life, Sports, Holidays & Seasons, and Books of the Bible. ClickArt Collections T/MakerCo. 1390 Villa Street Mountain View, CA 94041 415/962-0195 415/962-0201 fax Some of these clip art collections are in EPS format, others in MacPaint format. The quality of the EPS Business Art collection (pictures of objects like scissors, PostScript fonts font tools 415/527-8555 800/283-9444 415/524-9775 fax This is not a collection of clip art. Rather, it's a 900-page book (published by yours truly) that shows the contents of approximately 800 clip art collections from over 35 clip art vendors-approximately 15,000 images in all. The size and format of each disk are listed, as well as whether the disk is available in Mac and/or IBM format. The book includes a large topic index, to help you locate the particular piece of clip art you need. clip art LaserJet fonts Cliptures Dream Maker Software 7217 Foothill Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042 Two volumes of business-related images in EPS format on IBM disks. Designer ClipArt Micrografx, Inc. 1303 Arapaho Richardson, 1X 75081 2141234-1769 This collection includes 30 clip art packages from business images and borders to holidays, maps, and religious icons for use with Micrografx Draw, Graph, or Designer. graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpf) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpf) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines DeskTop Art/EPS style sheets Dynamic Graphics 6000 N. Forest Park Dr. Peoria, IL 61614 309/688-8800 800/255-8800 309/688-3075 fax This is themed clip art in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format on IBM disks. For samples, see Chapter 17, "Clip Art." Dynamic GraphicS also puts out a bitmapped collection. training PostScript service bureaus other resources 584 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners Digit-Art LaserGraphics in most other collections, but the Image Club Graphics #5, 1902 - 11th Street SE Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 3G2 403/262-8008 800/661-9410 403/261-7013!ax Currently, Volumes 1-15 of the Digit-Art collection of clip art are available in EPS format on IBM disks. In contrast to some clip art collections, which seem dated the Image Club illustrations ar~ innovative and contemporary. Since the volumes are not rigidly organized by category, you'll need to write for the Image Club catalog before selecting. For samples, see Chapter 17, "Clip Art." borders are very useful. For a sample, see Chapter 17, "Clip Art." Graphics Gallery 2.0 Hewlett-Packard Personal Software Division 3410 Central Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95051 408/749-9500 This program comes with 300 images, which range from simple shapes to an elegant, classical set of "initial caps" (fancy capital letters). Thousands of additional clip art images are available for $95 per set. These work only with HP Graphics Gallery software. utlfltles user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources Dimensions, Natural Images Artbeats P.O. Box 20083 San Bernardino, CA 92406 7141881-1200 The Dimension package contains high-tech images and Natural Images represent wood grain stars flowers, and water drops. 'Thes~ are all-over designs, intended for use as backgrounds. Each EPS design comes in a high and a low contrast version for IBM or Mac. GEM Draw Business Library Digital Research, Inc. 60 Garden Court, Box DR! Monterey, CA 93942 800/443-4200 Drawn with GEM Draw, these images are not as good as those High Resolution Image Libraries Network Technology Corp. 6825 Lamp Post Lane Alexandria, VA 22306 703/765-4506 Images with Impact! 3G Graphics 11410 N.E. 124th Street Suite 6155 Kirkland, WA 98034 206/367-9321 800/456-0234 Over 500 high-resolution, EPS images (on IBM disks) are grouped into Graphics & Symbols, Business, and Accents & Borders series. The quality is acceptable, but not great. 585 Appendix A: Resources Mac-Art Library Kentary, Inc. P.O. Box 3155 Englewood, CO 80155 303/791-2077 This is a 12-disk library of MacPaint clip art on Macintosh disks. Topics include animals, farm life, geography, kitchen, sports, tools, buildings, flowers, trees, plants, greeting cards, people, transportation, signs, symbols, and borders. Check with the manufacturer to see whether it is available on IBM disks. Mac the Knife Miles Computing 5115 Douglas Fir Road Suite I Calabash, CA 91302 818/340-6300 Although Miles Computing offers a variety of disks, the only one available on IBM disks is Mac the Knife 6: Taking Care of Business. The images appear to be scanned from old books and are in MacPaint format. Metro ImageBase Electronic Art Metro ImageBase, Inc. 18623 Ventura Blvd. #210 Tarzana, CA 91356 818/881-1997 800/525-1552 This is a superb and very large collection of clip art in TIFF, IMG, and PCX formats, all available on IBM disks. It is derived from the collection of Metro Creative Graphics, a long-time clip art supplier that boasts a library of over a million images. Packages include seasons and holidays, exercise and fitness, weekend sports, team sports, business graphics, computers and technology, art deco, borders and boxes, food, people, and travel. A utility for conversion between formats comes with each package. For examples, see Chapter 17, "Clip clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphIcs software monItors Art." LaserJet-compatlble prInters Migraph, Inc. PostScript printers (300 dpl) 200 South 333rd St. #200 Federal Way, WA 98003 206/838-4677 206/838-4702 fax This company has two collections. ScanArt is in IMG format, and DrawArt Professional is in GEM format. Of the two, the DrawArt images are of somewhat higher quality. PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers prInter controllers scanners utilitIes user groups Moonlight ArtWorks bulletin boards Hired Hand Design 3608 Faust Ave. Long Beach, CA 90808 213/429-2936 This company offers three excellent collections of simple logos and symbols, all in EPS format on IBM disks. newsletters and magazines ProArt Professional Art Library Multi-Ad Services 1720 W. Detweiller Drive Peoria, 1161615 309/692-1530 800/447-1950 309/692-8378 fax These collections, all in EPS format on IBM disks, cover business, holidays, sports, bor- style sheets traInIng PostScrIpt servIce bureaus other resources 586 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools ders/headings, food, and people. In general, they're among the most professionally rendered clip art available. If you need a a consistently "commercial" look, this is a great collection. graphIcs software monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript prInters and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScrIpt service bureaus other resources PS Portfolio Ltek, Inc. 4546 BI0 El Camino Real Los Altos, CA 94022 415/361-0652 Publisher's PicturePak Marketing Graphics Incorporated 4401 Dominion Blvd. #210 Glen Allen, VA 23060-3379 8041747-6991 The clip art in this collection is in PCX and CGM format. Five editions are available: Executive and Management, Finance and Administration, Sales and Marketing, and Federal and State Government. Each contains approximately 200 pictures. For examples, see Chapter 17, "Clip Art." Spectrum Clip Art The Dover Clip An Collection 6520 Edenvale Blvd., Suite 118 Glen Lake, MN 55346 800/727-9724 6500 images in PCX, EPS, and AI format on CDROM. Stephen & Associates Clip Art Collection Stephen & Associates 5205 Kearny Villa Way Suite 104 San Diego, CA 92123 619/571-5624 Thirty collections of clip art in PCX format: semiconductor images, architectural and hydraulicpneumatic symbols, music, wild animals, sports, religion, etc. Available on IBM disks. Studio Advertising Art 4305 East Sahara Avenue #1 Las Vegas, NV 89104 702/641-7041 800/453-1860 ext. R-641 These images are all in EPS format on IBM disks. The quality is good and the themes are varied. Of particular note is the Road & Warning Signs collection. Note that Studio also has a quarterly subscription service, with 50 images in each release for $40. The Underground Grammarian p.o. Box 203 Glassboro, NJ 08028 609/589-6477 The ten volumes of Typographers' Ornaments sold by this company (all in EPS format) are without a doubt the finest computer clip art available. The remaining collections, all in TIFF format, are not particularly exciting except the Will Bradley disk. All the collections offered by this company are available on IBM disks. 587 Appendix A: Resources clip art Visatex 1745 Dell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 408/866-6562 800/722-3729 Visatex has two collections, one of u.s. presidents and the other of Hollywood greats. They're both in MacPaint format on IBM disks. Vivid Impressions Casady & Greene, Inc. p. O. Box 223779 Carmel, CA 93923 408/624-8716 800/359-4920 408/624-7865 fax The Vivid Impressions Volume 1 is a collection of 130 EPS clip art images on IBM disks. The theme of the collection is holidays and festive events. Works of Art Springboard Software 7808 Creekridge Circle Minneapolis, MN 55435 6121944-3915 800/445-4780 Although the quality of these MacPaint images (all available on IBM disks) is not that great, the price ($40-$50 per disk) and the diversity and sheer quantity of images make up for it. Includes everything from skaters to skeletons, with lots in between. Some terrific scary monsters on the Holiday disk. Laser]et Fonts LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software Acorn Plus Inc. monitors 4219 West Olive #2011 Burbank, CA 91505 LaserJet-compatible printers 213/879-5237 This company sells a number of bitmapped fonts, the most notable of which is its Computer Keys, Reversed font. PostScript printers (300 dpQ PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpQ other printers Adobe Type Library Adobe Systems Inc. 1585 Charleston Rd. P.O. Box 7900 Mountain View, CA 94039-7900 800/833-6687 The newest version of the Adobe Type Library includes a utility called Font Foundry that will convert any of 153 different Adobe PostScript typeface packages into LaserJet format. It will also install the fonts into Ventura and create matching screen fonts. Agfa Compugrapbic 90·Industrial Way Wilmington, MA 01887 800/873-3668 Compugraphic's fonts are in outline format compatible with the Type Director font generator or with the HP LaserJet III printer. Generally not as good as Bitstream's fonts. printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 588 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LoserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners Bitstream, Inc. 215 First St. Cambridge, .MA 02142 617/497-7514 800/522-3668 617/868-4732 fax This is the company that created the Swiss and Dutch faces provided with Ventura, along with the Fontware font generation kit (see "font tools" below). Bitstream dominates the LaserJet font market, for good reason: the quality is unsurpassed, the selection currently includes 207 faces and continues to grow, and prices are falling! For full-page samples of the 50 leading Bitstream fonts, check out Peachpit's book TypeStyle. utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources Digi-Fonts, Inc. 3000 Youngfield St. #285 Lakewood, co 80215 800/242-5665 This company offers a font generation kit and 272 font outlines for the LaserJet II and scalable font outlines for the LaserJet III. The installation program for Ventura costs an additional $40. The quality is very good, though not as good as Bitstream or Font Factory fonts. Prices are very low. is provided with the fonts. Over 16 typeface families available. Font Factory Fonts The Font Factory P.O. Box 5429 Kingwood, TX 77339 713/358-6954 This company's fonts come with width tables and an installation utility for Ventura. They work in conjunction with the FontMaker font generating program, which produces bitmapped fonts for screen and printer, and scalable fonts for the LaserJet III. The Plus series is especially useful because it matches the standard typefaces found in PostScript printers. Hewlett-Packard Fonts Boise Division P.O. Box 15 Boise, ID 83707 208/323-6000 800/538-8787 Hewlett-Packard's Intellifont outline fonts work with the Type Director font generator, described in "Font Tools" below. Several dozen typefaces are available, and type director lets you make fonts for the Ventura International and other character sets. FontCenter Fonts Jim Boemler 509 Marin St. #227 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 805/373-1919 The quality of these inexpensive fonts is superb, though you'll have to generate your own width tables. A font downloading utility The LaserJet Font Book Peachpit Press 1085 Keith Ave. Berkeley, CA 94708 415/527-8555 800/283-9444 415/524-9775 fax 589 Appendix A: Resources This is the only full-fledged type specimen book for LaserJet fonts. It shows samples of hundreds of LaserJet fonts, provides advice on selecting and using fonts, and rates the comparative quality of the various font vendors. LJ Fonts Weaver Graphics 5165 South Highway AlA Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 407/728-4000 407/728-5978 fax Weaver's high-quality bitmapped fonts include sizes from 6 to 72 points. They come with Ventura width tables (WID files), matching screen fonts, kerning information, and a portrait-to-Iandscape conversion program. Mephistopheles Systems Design 3629 Lankershim Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90068 818/762-8150 Unlike most LaserJet fonts, these fonts are actually licensed from the original developer, Linotype. (So they can really call them by their tme names, such as Times Roman and Helvetica, instead of using substitute names such as Dutch and Swiss.) The quality is good, and each set comes with an installation utility that automatically installs the fonts in Ventura, Windows, WordPerfect, and other programs. Metro Software 2509 N. Campbell #214 Tucson, AZ 85719 602/299-7313 800/621-1137 Metro Software's fonts work with its FontPack font generating program. Each disk comes with one master font, which you can scale, slant, shadow, and otherwise manipulate. MicroLogic Software, Inc. 6400 Hollis Street, Suite 9 Emeryville, CA 94608 800/888-9078 415/652-70 79 fax These fonts work with the MoreFonts font generator, described in "Font Tools" below. They can be used with either the LaserJet II or the LaserJet III. SWFTE PO. Box 5773 Wilmington, DE 19808 302/658-1123 800/237-9383 SWFTE's fonts can be generated with its Glyphix font generator but the company has not yet released an expected on-the-fly font generator for the DOS/GEM version of Ventura. Look for a an on-the-fly font generator for Windows. The quality has improved significantly since earlier versions of the program, though it is still not as good as Bitstream and Font Factory fonts. clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphIcs software monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dpQ PostScrIpt prInters and typesetters (above 300 dpQ other printers prInter controllers scanners utilitIes user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazInes style sheets traInIng PostScrIpt servIce bureaus other resources 590 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LoserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpD PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpD other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources Typefoundry Series Standard Series Leonard Storch Series SoftCraft, Inc. 16 North Carroll Street Suite 500 Madison, WI 53 703 800/257-2300 SoftCraft sells scalable fonts in Bitstream's Fontware format and also has a large library of bitmapped fonts in LaserJet format. Among the scalable fonts are the most commonly used serif and sans serif faces as well as some decorative ones. The bitmapped fonts include a number of unusual typefaces: Olde English, Formal, Script, Computer, Calligrapher, Chess, Twist, Shadow, Accents and Ligatures, Copyright and Symbols, Math Symbols, Cyrillic, French Classic, Spanish Classic, International Phonetic German, Greek, Indic, Nouveau: Hebrew, Proto-IndoEuropean, Classic Shadow, Modern, Vertical Borders, LCD, Outline, Caribbean, Code/OCR, Orbit, Elegant Script, Optical, Hershey Oriental, Japanese, Manual Alphabet, and Music. In the less common typefaces, point sizes are quite limited. A new series of high-quality bitmap fonts from Storch Enterprises in addition to Times Roman and Helvetica has Futura Old Anglo, Dunhigh, and decora~ tive and special effects like outline, 3-D, patterned, and reverse type. Point sizes are limited, however. VN Labs 4320 Campus Dr. #114 Newport Beach, CA 92660 7141474-6968 This company offers a Ventura Package for $225 per langauge that includes screen drivers and characters as well as fonts in 1012-, and 18-point sizes for a par~ ticular. Languages include Arabic, Cyrillic, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese. VS Library of Fonts Compugraphic/ITC Library vs Software p.o. Box 165920 Little Rock, AR 72216 501/376-2083 501/372-7075 fax These fonts are considered among the easiest to install of any LaserJet fonts. The quality of the Compugraphic/ITC Library is first-rate; the VS Library is not as good. The company provides, to anyone who requests it, the most complete and useful font catalog of any developer. Fonts are packaged in Libraries, Families and FontPaks including Designer Collection, Executive Type Classics, Times/Triumvirate Combo, Executive Headlines, and Ventura Supplemental FontPak. The Ventura Supplemental FontPak is especially useful because it provides the missing medium, italic, bold, and bold italic fonts in Dutch and Swiss for 6- 8- 1012-, 14-, 18-, 20,- 24-, ~nd 30~ point sizes. All VS fonts include 591 Appendix A: Resources width tables (WID files) and screen fonts for Ventura. The Laser Word Processor Tool Kit installs the fonts and allows drivers to be generated for popular word processors. PostScript Fonts Adobe Type Library Adobe Systems Inc. P. O. Box 7900 Mountain View, CA 94039 415/962-2000 The Adobe Type Library comprises a large selection of fonts (currently over 600 typefaces), most of which are classic designs licensed from the Allied and ITC collections. It includes ITC American Typewriter, ITC Avant Garde, ITC Benguiat, ITC Bookman, Courier, ITC Fritz Quadrata, ITC Galliard, ITC Garamond, Glypha, Goudy Old Style, Helvetica, Helvetica Black, Helvetica Condensed, Helvetica Light, Helvetica Narrow, ITC Korinna, ITC Lubalin Graph, ITC Machine, Melior, ITC New Baskerville, New Century Schoolbook, Optima, Palatino, Sonata, ITC Souvenir, Symbol, Times, Tmmp Medieval, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats. A complete catalog is free from Adobe. Bitstream, Inc. clip art 215 First St. Cambridge, .MA 02142 LaserJet fonts 617/497-7514 PostScript fonts 800/522-3668 617/868-4732 fax While Adobe is definitely the dominant player in the PostScript font world, Bitstream could be described as the company that tries harder. Bitstream's collection of PostScript fonts is equally vast and equally superb. The only problem is that service bureaus tend to stock Adobe fonts only, so getting your documents typeset on a Lino can be a real problem if you don't bring your own fonts to the typesetter. font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpQ PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpQ other printers printer controllers scanners Fluent Laser Fonts Casady & Greene, Inc. 26080 Carmel Rancho Blvd. #202 Carmel, CA 93923 800/359-4920 (orders only) 408/624-8716 (information) The Casady & Greene collection includes original decorative faces such as Gazelle, Kells, Abilene, and Collegiate. More than 140 PostScript typefaces are available in all, including six packages such as Headlines, Classic, Modern, and new Glasnost (Cyrillic) fonts. Hewlett-Packard PostScript Fonts Hewlett-Packard 19310 Prnneridge Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 800/5752-0900 HP now offers true PostScript fonts for its LaserJet lID, lIP, III, utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 592 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatible printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities and IUD printers. These are cartridge-based and include 35 typefaces in Avant Garde, ITC Bookman, Helvetica, New Century Schoolbook, Palatino, Symbol, Times Roman, Zapf Chancery, and Zapf Dingbats, among others. Hot Type Image Club Graphics Inc. #5, 1902 - 11th Street SE Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 3G2 403/262-8008 800/661-9410 403/261-7013fax Image Club sells four sets of PostScript fonts on PC disks. Most are decorative typefaces such as Brass, Surfstyle, Compacto, Sofa, Scoreboard, and Rubber Stamp. user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources MacTography PostScript Type Sampler MacTography 702 Twinbrook Parkway Rockville, MD 20851 301/424-1357 This is a catalog showing of type specimens for over 17 different PostScript font vendors. It includes over 800 fonts, which can be purchased either from the vendor of the fonts or through MacTography. The catalog indicates which fonts are available in IBM format. Font Tools Adobe Type Manager for Windows Adobe Systems Inc. P.O. Box 7900 Mountain View, CA 94039 415/962-2000 This program works with Windows programs, creating scalable fonts onscreen from PostScript printer fonts. BackLoader LaserTools Corporation 1250 45th St. #100 Emeryville, CA 94608 415/420-8777 415/420-1150 fax Formerly sold by Roxxolid, this utility downloads LaserJet and DeskJet fonts in the background while you continue working. Bitstream Fontware Installation Kit Bitstream, Inc. 215 First St. Cambridge, MA 02142 800/522-3668 617/497-6222 Bitstream's Fontware Installation Kit, which can generate either LaserJet or PostScript fonts, as well as corresponding screen fonts, is provided free with Ventura Publisher. The program creates fonts that are optimized for professional quality at all sizes and resolutions, so that what is seen on the screen 593 Appendix A: Resources matches printed output. Once created, the fonts are stored on hard disk and are accessible from the Xerox Ventura Publisher screen menu. The Fontware Library features over 200 professional quality typefaces in a variety of weights and styles. Each Fontware typeface package contains four individual typefaces: some have four weights of one typeface family (roman, italic, bold, and bold italic), others have a combination of two or more faces in one or more weights. For more information on Fontware, see Chapter 22, "Font Tools." FaceUft for Windows Bitstream, Inc. 215 First St. Cambridge, .MA 02142 800/522-3668 617/497-6222 This program creates scalable screen fonts on the fly for printer fonts in Bitstream's Speedo format. It also replaces the functions of Fontware by creating fonts from master outlines and downloading them to the printer. FontGen V clip art VS Software PO. Box 165920 Little Rock, AR 72216 501/376-2083 This is a font editing program that can be used to create, merge, and scale fonts in LaserJet format from any bitmap font. It provides a window in which editing is done one character at a time. Alternatively, the entire font can be viewed and edited at once, using various editing tools to generate and manipulate character bit rna ps-down to the level of a single pixel. A handbook on typefaces, fonts, and "how-to" for creating and changing fonts comes with the package. FG V also accepts graphics in PCX, IMG, and TIFF formats. LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compotlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpf) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups Font Library Manager VS Software PO. Box 165920 Little Rock, AR 72216 501/376-2083 This utility compresses fonts and stores them in a special file. You can then download them as needed to the printer by making selections from a menu. fontART FontMaker Creative Software & Systems 7127 Laurel Canyon Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-3414 800-937-2387 The special effects font program is described in Chapter 22, "Font Tools." The Font Factory 13601 Preston Road Suite 500 West Dallas, TX 75240 800/272-4663 FontMaker is a font generator, similar to Bitstream's Fontware. It is based on the GEM interface, so typefaces and font generating options are selected from a set of bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 594 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpQ PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpQ other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources menus that look much like Ventura's own dialog boxes. You can generate both screen and printer fonts in sizes from 6 to 128 points in roman, bold, italic, and bold italic styles. The master typeface outlines used by the program are licensed from ITC and Compugraphic. Currently, approximately 20 typefaces are available. In addition to the HP LaserJet family, the program supports the NEC Pinwriter and Toshiba 24wire dot matrix printers. According the The Font Factory, FontMaker is "an order of magnitude" faster than Bitstream's Fontware. Font Solution Pack SojtCrajt, Inc. 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 500 Madison, U7I 53 703 800/351-0500 608/257-3300 For $495 you can get all the features of over a dozen other SoftCraft font utilities. These include Font Special Effects, Laser Fonts, Spinfont, and WYSIfonts!, enabling you to generate, install, edit, pattern, and customize fonts for any HP compatible printer. All options are menu-driven. disk space needed to store a font by at least 50 percent and for large fonts as much as 97 percent. Font Special Effects Pack SojtCrajt, Inc. 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 500 Madison, U7I 53 703 800/351-0500 608/257-3300 Font Special Effects lets you take any Bitstream font and apply special effects to it such as shadows outlining, and patterns. It als~ lets you scale fonts and install and manage fonts for WordPerfect, Word, and OfficeWrite. The results can be previewed on the screen. The program is profiled in Chapter 22, "Font Tools." Glyphix SWFTE International P.O. Box 219 Rockland, DE 19732 800/237-9383, 302/658-1123 This font -generating program, is similar to Bitstream's Fontware. HPw/ESP Esper Systems FontSpace Isogon Corp. 330 Seventh Ave. New York, NY 10001 212/967-2424 212/967-3198 fax This utility automatically compresses and decompresses LaserJet bitmapped soft fonts. Working in a completely transparent fashion, it reduces the amount of P.O. Box 18470 Knoxville, TN 37928-2470 615/687-8016 This program saves room on your hard disk by rotating LaserJet portrait fonts to landscape orientation on the fly. It also lets you print fonts larger than 36 points. 595 Appendix A: Resources Laser Fonts SoftCraft, Inc. 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 500 Madison, UI1 53703 608/257-3300 800/351-0500 Laser Fonts lets you use the Bitstream fonts provided with Ventura with WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or OfficeWriter. It creates the necessary drivers for the fonts, takes care of downloading them to the printer, and can even create outline and shadow fonts. MoreFonts Micrologic Software 6400 Hollis St. #9 Emeryville, CA 94608 800/888-9078 415/652-5464 415/652-7079!ax This is a LaserJet font generating program that not only generates standard fonts of various sizes but also allows you to create spe~ cial effects such as wood grain, stripes, and shadows. Supports both the LaserJet II and the LaserJet III. Publisher's PowerPak Atech Software 5964 la Place Court, #125 Carlsbad, CA 92008 619/438-6883 800/748-5657 This utility combines a font generator and an array of drivers for over 300 dot-matrix, inkjet, and laser printers, most of which are not otherwise supported by Ventura. Its three typeface families match Helvetica, Times Roman and Courier, and fonts can b~ created on-the-fly in any size from 6 to 250 points. Over 800 fonts are available. Also scales fonts on-the-fly for the screen. For more details, see Chapter 22, "Font Tools" clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software Publisher's Type Foundry ZSoft Corporation 450 Franklin Rd. #100 Marietta, GA 30067 4041428-0008 This font-editing program is profiled in Chapter 22, "Font Tools." SoftCrafi Font Editor SoftCraft, Inc. 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 500 Madison, UI1 53 703 608/257~3300 800/351-0500 This program can be used to edit any fonts in HP LaserJet format. It provides two windows, one showing the font at actual size and the other zoomed in for editing individual pixels. The program can draw lines curves circles, and rectangles,' and ca~ also automatically slant, enlarge, reduce, rotate, and embolden a character. SoftCraft Fontware Program SoftCraft, Inc. 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 500 Madison, UI1 53703 608/257-3300 800/351-0500 SoftCraft's version of Bitstream Fontware has certain differences from the version being distributed free with Ventura Pub- monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 596 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer control/ers scanners utilities lisher. First, it can generate larger fonts-up to 240 points. Second, it can create condensed, expanded, or oblique fonts. Third, it provides greater flexibility in deciding what characters you want to include in your font. The program is profiled in Chapter 22, "Font Tools." Spinfont SoftCraft, Inc. 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 500 Madison, WI 53 703 608/257-3300 800/351-0500 Spinfont lets you create circular, slanted, rotated, and white-onblack text images from Bitstream typeface outlines. The results can be saved in PCX or TIFF formats for loading into Ventura as a graphic. user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources SuperPrint Zenographics 4 Executive Circle Irvine, CA 92714 714/851-6352 This is a printer and screen driver that replaces the regular Windows print driver and offers scalable type and fast printing speed. For details, see Chapter 22, "Font Tools." Type Director Hewlett-Packard Company 3000 Hanover St. Palo Alto, CA 94303-0890 415/857-1501 This font generator is profiled in Chapter 22, "Font Tools." Type Studio Adisys 25 Alexander Street #200 Vancouver, B.C. V6A 1B2 Canada 604/685-8168 With this package you can expand, condense, outline, shade, fill rotate, tilt, and skew, as well as generate screen fonts and new typefaces. For use on PostScript printers. WYSIfonts! SoftCraft, Inc. 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 500 Madison, WI 53 703 608/257-3300 800/351-0500 WYSIfonts! installs any LaserJet soft font for Ventura or Microsoft Windows and also generates matching screen fonts. It is profiled in Chapter 22, "Font Tools." Graphics Software 1-2-3, Freelance, Symphony, Graphwriter Lotus Development Corporation 55 Cambridge Parkway Cambridge, MA 02142 617/577-8500 There are various ways to import graphics generated by these programs into Ventura. From 1-2-3, 597 Appendix A: Resources you can save graphics with the PIC extension and then load them into Ventura as line art (Le., object graphics). Freelance and Graphwriter also produce files in VideoShow format, and Freelance also can produce files in CGM format. Both VideoShow and CGM are line art formats that can be imported into Ventura. Arts & Letters Computer Support Corporation 15926 Midway Rd. Dallas, TX 75244 2141661-8960 This drawing program runs under Windows. It is profiled in Chapter 16, "Graphics Tools." It comes with over 2,200 professionally drawn pieces of clip art. It allows you to manipulate the images by sizing, slanting, flipping, rotating, etc. Images can be converted into EPS (with a bitmap for the screen) or CGM, either of which can be loaded into Ventura. A more sophisticated and powerful version of the program that allows you to create clip art is called the "Arts & Letters Graphic Editor." AutoCAD, AutoSketch Autodesk, Inc. 2320 Marinship Way Sausalito, CA 94965 415/332-2344 There are several ways to import AutoCAD files into Ventura. One is to create them in SLD (slide) format using the ADE-2 Package and the AutoCAD MSLIDE command. In this form they can be imported directly into Ventura. A second method is to save them in AutoCAD in DXF format and then use Ventura's DXFTOGEM utility, located on the Utilities disk, to convert them to GEM format. They can then be imported into Ventura, but will not include a number of attributes including shape entity, text mirroring, curve fitting, 3D rendering, and tapering widths in polylines. A third avenue is via HPGL format. If you have created a picture in AutoCAD in landscape mode, make sure that you rotate it before importing it into Ventura. clip art Corel Draw other printers Corel Systems Corporation Corel Bldg., 1600 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 8R7 613/728-8200 613/728-9790 fax This object-oriented graphics program, which runs under Microsoft Windows, is one of the handful of graphics programs on the PC-others include Illustrator, Micrografx Designer and Artline-that let you draw curves. Other features include the ability to distort letter shapes, draw with calligraphic pen shapes, and fit text to a curve. Corel Trace, a tracing utility bundled with Corel Draw, can trace any sort of artwork from logos and letterforms to architectural drawings. It accepts TIFF and PCX formats and exports EPS files for import into Corel Draw. Fonts can be imported from Altsys Fontographer and ZSoft Type Foundry, and exported to Type Foundry for modification. GEM, AutoCAD DXF, and HPGL LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 598 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition Clip art LaserJet fonts files are supported. A detailed description is provided in Chapter 16, "Graphics Tools." PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet· compatible printers PostScript printers (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources Designer Micrografx, Inc. 1303 Arapaho Richardson, 1X 75081 2141234-1769 800/272-3729 2141234-2410 fax Designer is not the slug that many Windows programs are. Like Illustrator and Corel Draw, the program lets you trace over scanned bitmapped images, creating high-resolution object graphics. You can rotate PostScript fonts to any angle, but you have slightly less control over type than you have with Ardine and Corel Draw. Designer uses many of the same commands as its less talented sibling, Windows Draw, but it adds curves, the ability to mix object-oriented and bitmapped graphics (though you can't edit the bitmapped graphics), rotations, and color mixing. Scanned images are imported to the program through the Windows Clipboard. Objects can be snapped together for a perfect fit. You can connect irregularly-shaped objects and fill them with any of the standard patterns or a pattern of your own design. You can give each object a name, creating an inventory of stock parts that you can call up at will. Curve drawing in Designer is more intuitive than in Illustrator. You can select a single curve or all the curves in an object, add new edit points, or delete them. Other features include: spline and parabolic curves, freehand lines, squares, circles, and rectangles. You can't enter text directly into the page, but have to do so through a small text-editing window. With PostScript, you have access to 43 built-in fonts. The program includes a clip-art library of over 400 symbols. For more details on this clip art collection, see Chapter 17, "Clip Art." Draw Plus Micrografx, Inc. 1820 N. Greenville Ave. Richardson, 1X 75081 212/234-1769 800/272-3729 2141234-2410 fax Windows Draw (now Draw Plus) was the precursor to Micrografx Designer. While Draw is a good general-purpose program, it pales in comparison with Designer. GEM Draw Plus Digital Research Inc. 75 Garden Court, Box DR! Monterey, CA 93940 408/649-3896 800/443-4200 This first-generation drawing program has been surpassed by the likes of Corel Draw and Micrografx Designer. One plus for graphics generated with GEM Draw Plus is that they have the GEM extension and can be imported into Ventura as line art (i.e., object graphics). For that reason they do not degrade when you scale or stretch them. The program provides tools for creat- 599 Appendix A: Resources ing geometric shapes such as rectangles and circles; it also includes an extensive library of images that can be cropped and adapted. A panning feature lets you define a portion of the screen to work with at various levels of magnification. Among the features of the program are several fonts for incorporating text into graphics. GEM Paint Digital Research Inc. 70 Garden Court, Box DR! Monterey, CA 93942 408/649-3896 800/443-4200 Not as powerful as PC Paintbmsh Plus, GEM Paint offers a similar set of drawing tools and saves its files with the IMG extension in image (i.e., bit-mapped) format. It allows pixel editing, but at the resolution of the screen rather than at the 300-dpi resolution allowed by Paintbmsh. GEM Artline Digital Research Inc. 75 Garden Court, Box DR! Monterey, CA 93940 408/649-3896 800/443-4200 Developed in Germany, GEM Ardine is specifically designed to work hand-in-hand with Ventura and other desktop publishing applications. The program is similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and Micrografx Designer in that it allows you to create draw art, which does not degrade when scaled or when printed at different resolutions. One of the strong points of the program is that its sophisticated drawing tools can be used not only for freehand drawing, but to manipulate text characters. Thus, you can create logos by applying special effects such as rotations and obliquing to text. Tools include scaling, coloring, rotating, mirroring, and merging one image element with another. GEM Ardine also has a clip art library, provides eight typestyles and includes the Bitstream Installation Kit for additional typefaces. All the special effects can be printed on LaserJet as well as PostScript printers. For more details on Ardine, see Chapter 16, "Graphics Tools." clIp art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphics soffware monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dPO PostScrIpt prInters and typesetters (above 300 dPO other prInters prInter controllers scanners Generic CADD Generic Software, Inc. 11911 North Creek Pkwy. South Bothell, WA 98011 206/487-2233 Using the DeskConvert utility from Generic Software, you can convert Generic CADD drawings into Encapsulated PostScript, PCX, or TIFF format, suitable for loading into Ventura. GrayF!X Xerox Imaging Systems, Inc. 535 Oakmead Pkwy. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408/245-7900 This is a grayscale editing program that lets you enhance and manipulate images digitized by a grayscale scanner. To use the program you need a VGA board or a more expensive graphics board. You also need lots of hard utilitIes user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 600 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphics software monItors LaserJetcompatible printers PostScript printers (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources disk space, since grayscale image files are typically at least several hundred kilobytes in size. Once you have manipulated an image, you can store in in TIFF, compressed TIFF, PCX, IMG, EPS, or Halo CUT format. TIFF files should work fine with Ventura, but you may have trouble importing and printing EPS, IMG, and PCX files. Halo DPE Media Cybernetics, Inc. 8484 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 301/495-3305 301/495-5964 fax This scanner-oriented program is useful for creating line art logos or letterhead files in IMG, TIFF, and CUT formats, which can be imported into Ventura as images (i.e., bitmapped graphics). You can operate many scanners directly from within Halo DPE. In addition to normal painting features such as circles and shading, the program works with extended memory, provides image rotation, and has a zoom feature for pixel editing. HALO's built-in GRAB program can capture screens as HALO, GEM, or Windows files for editing. ffiustrator for Windows Adobe Systems Inc. 1585 Charleston Rd. Mountain View, CA 94039 415/961-4400 800/344-8335 Originally introduced for the Macintosh, Illustrator has now been adapted for the IBM PC. Re- nowned for its sluggishness under Windows, Illustrator probably will continue to fare poorly against Corel and Designer until it receives a major upgrade. Like Artline, Corel Draw, and Micrografx Designer, Illustrator lets you draw true curves. It saves its images as object graphics; once transferred to a PC, they can be imported into Ventura as Encapsulated PostScript files. PC Paintbrush family ZSoJt Corporation 450 Franklin Road #100 Marietta, GA 30067 404/428-0008 PC Paintbrush IV Plus and Publisher's Paintbrush are close relatives of PC Paintbrush, the alltime most popular graphics program for the PC (over a million copies sold to date). All three programs create files with the PCX or PCC extension, which can be imported into Ventura as images (i.e., bitmapped graphics). For drawing, PC Paintbrush IV Plus provides tools such as a paintbrush, a paint roller, boxes, circles, pattern fills, cutting and pasting, and an eraser. It provide controls for operating a variety of scanners from within the program, allowing you to store scanned images in PCX format. Among the scanners supported are Dest PC Scan Plus, the ShapeScan, the Datacopy 730, the Canon IX-12, and the HP ScanJet. Once you've saved a scanned image in PCX format, you can edit it or clean it up using PC Paintbrush IV Plus's editing tools. The PC Paintbrush IV Plus pack- 601 Appendix A: Resources age also includes the Frieze screen-capture utility. Scanning and editing of grayscale images are among the new features of both products. Publisher's Paintbmsh starts with the features of PC Paintbmsh N Plus and adds a few more. Tools can be used in any of four zoom-out modes. Another addition is a set of text features that allow characters to be slanted and the baseline to be placed at an angle. The program supports both extended and expanded (EMS) memory, making it possible to create large bitmapped images. Like PC Paintbmsh N Plus, Publisher's Paintbmsh includes the Frieze screen capture utility and also provides controls for a variety of scanners. Perspective Junior Three D Software Inc. 860 Via de la Paz Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 2131459-8525 As its name implies, this increasingly popular program is used for creating three-dimensional charts. It lets you import WKS files from 1-2-3, convert them into threedimensional format, and apply functions such as tilting, rotating, stretching, and compressing along any of the axes. You can import them into Ventura as image (Le., bit-mapped) files in IMG format. SLEd vs Software p.o. Box 165920 Little Rock, AR 72216 501/376-2083 SLEd provides a variety of graphics functions, including Bezier curves, airbmsh shading, scaling, rotation, mirroring, and variable pen width. Fonts can be loaded into the program and combined with graphics to create logos. Images can be saved in IMG or PCX format, suitable for loading into Ventura. Touch-Up Migraph 200 South 333rd Street Suite 220 Federal Way, WA 98003 206/838-4677 800/223-3729 This GEM-based design tool lets you edit and enhance scanned, imported, or original images and export them to Ventura. clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJetcompatible printers PostScript printers (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO other printers printer controllers scanners ut/lltles user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus Monitors DPSI Controller LaserMaster Corp. 7156 Shady Oak Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612/944-6069 The DPS1 Controller works in conjunction with EGA and Multisync monitors. It provides true on-the-fly scaling of screen fonts other resources 602 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJetcompatible printers PostScript printers (300 dpQ PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpQ other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources and comes with 35 Bitstream fonts which are Width-compatible with PostScript fonts. The controller raises the resolution of the display to 1,024 by 1,024 pixels, automatically moves the viewing window without scroll bars when you move the cursor near the edge of the page, and proVides a number of special effects such as squeezing and rotating screen fonts. DualPage Monitor, SinglePage XL Monitor Cornerstone Technology, Inc. 1990 ConcourSe Drive San jose, CA 95131 408/435-8900 800/562-2552 The DualPage is a 19-inch monochrome monitor with up to 16 levels of gray and a resolution of 1,600 by 1,280 pixels, or 109 by 121 pixels per inch. For Ventura Publisher, Cornerstone proVides Bitstream fonts that are enhanced with gray-scale pixels around the edges. The SinglePage XL is a 15inch monochrome monitor with vertical orientation, four levels of gray, and 768 by 1008 resolution. Cornerstone also manufactures a IS-inch SinglePage XL Controller and Monitor for PC and PS/2 compatible systems. Genius Series Micro Display Systems, Inc. 1310 Vermillion Street P.O. Box 455 Hastings, MN 55033 612/437-2233 800/328-9524 There are a variety of monitors in this series, ranging in price from $995 to $8,650. The most notable feature of the Genius Plus Full Page Display System, the one we have used, is that as well as being an excellent graphics monitor, it lets you use WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, WordS tar and many other popular text-based programs in full screen mode. That means you can see 66 lines of text (over a full page) onscreen. This portrait monitor is taller than it is wide, with a screen size of 8 by 105 inches. Resolution is 736 by 1,008 pixels (l00 pixels per inch). Pixels are square, which makes the aspect ratio of the image the same as that of the printed page. This monitor is profiled in Chapter 5, "Monitors. " GlassPage 1280 Monitor, GS 1280 Outline Font Monitor LaserMaster Corp. 7156 Shady Oak Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612/944-6069 The GlassPage monitor is profiled in Chapter 5, "Monitors." Its board piggybacks onto a LaserMaster 1000 or rx6 controller board. The GlassPage has two notable features. The first is that it uses the same outline fonts as the LaserMaster controller, so you get a tme WYSIWYG display in which the typefaces and sizes on the screen really match those on your printed page. The second is a two page "hot view" that automatically scrolls you horizontally Appendix A: Resources when your mouse approaches the edge of the screen. The GS 1280 Outline Font monitor is similar to the GlassPage except that it has the ability to show 16 levels of gray. It also uses a technique called anti-aliasing, which sharpens the appearance of type on the screen. L-View, PageView, SllverView Sigma Designs 46501 Landing Parkway Fremont, CA 94538 415/770-0100 The L-View (previously LaserView), the largest and most expensive member of this trio, has gone through considerable changes. It can now be used as the primary display, since it provides a Hercules emulation. Resolution has been increased to 120 dpi. In addition to Ventura, drivers are available for Windows, GEM, GEM/3, AutoCAD, 1-2-3, Symphony, Dr. Halo, and PC Paintbrush Plus. The PageView display uses a 15-inch monochrome monitor with vertical orientation and a resolution of 96 dpi. The SilverView uses a 21inch monochrome monitor with horizontal orientation and a resolution of 72 dpi. It can emulate VGA. NEe Monograph System NEC Home Electronics 1414 Massachusetts Ave. Boxborough, MA 01719 508/264-8000 The Monograph System is square in shape and measures 14 inches diagonally. Resolution is 1024 by 1024 with square pixels. clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts Page Manager 100 Vermont Microsystems 11 Tigan Street Winooski, VT 05404 800/354-0055 800/655-2860 This is a full-page display that features a 16-inch square screen and 100-dpi resolution. It includes an Intel 82786 graphics coprocessor chip and 384K of font memory for faster screen redraw. Since the only graphics board emulation is the lowresolution CGA mode, you may find this monitor uncomfortable to use with your word processing program. font tools graphIcs software monitors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dPO PostScrIpt prInters and typesetters (above 300 dPO other prInters prInter controllers scanners utilitIes user groups Radius Two-Page Display RadiUS, Inc. 171 0 Fortune Dr. San jose, CA 95131 408/434-1010 This display comes in two sizes, 21-inch and 24-inch. The price is quite a bit lower than prices of other comparable large-screen monitors, such as the L-View Display System and the Viking 2. The Radius Two-Page Display is profiled in Chapter 5, "Monitors." bulletIn boards newsletters and magazInes style sheets traInIng PostScrIpt service bureaus other resources 604 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJetcompatible printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources Viking 2/72, Viking 2/91, Viking 2/115, Viking 21, Viking 21/91, Viking Trinitron, Viking 2 G/S, VikingPonrah,Viking 2400 Moniterm Corporation 5740 Green Circle Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343-9990 612/935-4151 The Viking 2/72 is a 19-inch monochrome monitor with a horizontal orientation and 72-dpi resolution. The Viking 2/91 is the same, except that the resolution is 91 dpi. The Viking 2/115 is the same except that resolution is 115 dpi. The Viking 21 is a 21inch color monitor with 72-dpi resolution and a horizontal orientation. The Viking 21/91 is a 21inch color monitor with 91-dpi resolution and a horizontal orientation. The Viking Trinitron is a 19-inch color monitor with 75-dpi resolution and a horizontal orientation. The Viking 2 GIS is a 19inch grayscale monitor with a horizontal orientation. The Viking Portrait is a 19-inch monochrome monitor with 91-dpi resolution and a vertical orientation. The Viking 2400 is a 24-inch portrait monitor with a horizontal orientation. The Viking monitors use a Hitachi graphics coprocessor chip, which enhances the speed of the display considerably. WY-700 Wyse Technology 3471 North First St. Sanjose, CA 95134 800/433-1000 The WY-700, which is identical to the Amdek 1280, is extremely popular due to its affordability (under $1,000) and its extensive software support. It is profiled in Chapter 5, "Monitors." LaserJetCompatible Printers LaserJet, LaserJet Plus Hewlett-Packard Co. 19310 Pruneridge Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 800/752-0900 The Original Laser] et and the LaserJet Plus are no longer on the market, but hundreds of thousands are still in use. The LaserJet can only use font cartridges, not downloadable fonts on floppy disks. The LaserJet Plus has 512K of memory, of which approximately 290K can be used for downloaded fonts. Both use the Canon LBP-CX engine, which has excellent print quality. Although more than a score of font cartridges are available, with Ventura you can only use the F cartridge, which provides one display font (14.4-point Helv) , three text fonts (lO-point TMS RMN in regular, italic, and bold) and one footnote font (8-point TMS RMN). Though limited, this 605 Appendix A: Resources range of sizes is suitable for letters, memoranda, simple business reports, and some technical documentation. With the Laser]et, you cannot print text in landscape mode, and graphics are severely limited by the S9K of printer memory available for storing graphics. If you select other fonts and try to print them on the Laser]et, Ventura will render them at a crude 7S-dpi resolution. Despite its drawbacks, you can use the Laser]et as a draft printer in conjunction with a PostScript phototypesetter. This is done by selecting the Laser]et as the printer and then specifying a PostScript width table. A number of upgrade options are available for the Laser]et and the Laser]et Plus (see "Printer Controllers" below). LaserJet Series ll, lID, UP, andm Hewlett-Packard Co. 19310 Pruneridge Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 800/752-0900 These printers differ from the original Laser]et in that they use newer engines and include more memory (S12K, upgradeable to 405MB). The Laser]et III has additional graphics capabilities, scalable fonts, and features Resolution Enhancement Technology, which improves the appearance of type at small sizes. All Laser]et printers can be upgraded easily to PostScript with an add-on cartridge (see "Printer Controllers" below). These printers are profiled in Chapter 4, "Laser Printers." MicroLaser clip art Texas Instruments PO. Box 202230 Austin, 1X 78720 800/527-3500 This printer has several nice features, the most important of which is that you can buy a basic Laser]et-compatible model and then upgrade later to PostScript simply by inserting a new circuit board. The drawback is that the engine in this printer isn't as nicely engineered as the Canon engine used in the Laser]et family. The hardware is a bit clunky and the print quality isn't up to Laser]etlevel. LaserJet fonts Personal Page Printer II Model 31 IBM Corp. 101 Paragon Dr. Montvale, NJ 07645 800/426-7257 This six-page-per-minute printer emulates a Laser]et II. Though slow, it has good print quality. PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJetcompatible printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners utilitIes user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets Qume CrystalPrint Series n Qume Corporation 500 Yosemite Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 408/942-4000 800/223-2479 This printer is one of the most inexpensive alternatives to the HP Laser]et II. The CrystalPrint Series II emulates the Laser]et II, but is more compact at 35 pounds, compared with about 50 pounds for the Laser]et II. Drawbacks are a less heavy-duty engine, a paper tray that only holds 100 sheets, training PostScript service bureaus other resources 606 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts and a maximum speed of six pages per minute. PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatible printers PostScript printers (300 dpi) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources PostScript Printers (300 dpi) Business LaserPrinter, Business LaserPrinter n, Business LaserPrinter ns GCC Technologies, Inc. 580 Winter St. Waltham, MA 02154 617/890-0880 Although these printers are being sold primarily to the Macintosh market, their Centronics interface makes them well-suited for use with a PC. Less expensive than most other PostScript printers, they use a compact Ricoh engine and come with a full complement of 35 resident Adobe fonts. A notable feature of the BLP II is that it is perhaps the only PostScript printer that can print all the way to any edge of a page. ColorScrlpt 100, Models 10, 20, and 30 QMS, Inc. Product Inquiries P.O. Box 81250 Mobile, AL 36689-1250 800/631-2692, ext. 424 The ColorScript was the the first color PostScript printer to hit the market, and the price has now dropped below $10,000. All models use a thermal transfer process to apply color. Model 10 can print up to legal-size paper; Models 20 and 30 can handle pages of up to 11 by 17 inches. LaserWrlter lINT and llNTX Apple Computer Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave. Cuperlino, CA 95014 408/996-1010 The Apple LaserWriter was the first PostScript printer, and the Apple family continues to be the most popular. These latest models both use the Canon LBPSX engine (same as HP's and QMS's printers), which is reliable and has excellent type quality as well as solid blacks. Both models come with the standard set of PostScript fonts: Courier, Helvetica, Times Roman, Palatino, Bookman, Avant Garde, New Century Schoolbook, Symbol, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats. The NT uses a Motorola 68000 microprocessor and has 2MB of RAM (nonexpandable). The NTX uses a faster 68020 microprocessor and has 2 megabytes of RAM, expandable to 12 megabytes. Unfortunately, both printers provide a serial port rather than a faster parallel port. Until Apple adds a parallel port, you're better off with a PS 810. 607 Appendix A: Resources LZR 1260 Dataproducts Corp. 6200 Canoga Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367-2499 818/887-8000 This is a first-rate printer - the top of the line among PostScript printers under $10,000. It prints twelve pages per minute and has excellent print quality. The printer is 85 pounds (a LaserJet II weighs 50) and the list price is correspondingly hefty. OmniLaser 2000 Series Texas Instruments P.O. Box 202230 Austin, 'IX 78720 800/527-3500 There are three laser printers in this series. The 2106, 2108, and 2115 include the PostScript page description language. HP LaserJet emulation is also available. The OmniLaser 2108 and 2115 use the massive Ricoh 4080 engine, while the OmniLaser 2106 uses the compact Ricoh 1060 engine. Neither of the Ricoh engines is as good as the Canon engines used in the LaserJet series. QMS PS-410, QMS-PS 810, QMS-PS 810 Turbo, QMS-PS 820, QMS-PS 820 Turbo, QMS-PS 1500 QMS, Inc. Product Inquiries P.O. Box 81250 Mobile, AL 36689-1250 800/631-2692, ext. 424 The QMS-PS 810 is one of the most popular PostScript printers available. It uses the excellent Canon LBP-SX engine, which gives it good paper handling, crisp print quality, solid blacks, and long-lasting toner cartridges. The 810 Turbo is faster because it uses a 20-MHz 68020 chip rather than a 16-MHz 68000 chip. The 820 printers are the same, except that they provide dual bins. The 1500 is also a dual-bin printer, but it is built with a heavier-duty engine. The 410 is the newest: a 4-page-per-minute printer with a fast 68020 processor. It won a Personal Publishing magazine 1990 Product of the Year award, mainly because of its ability to sense whether an application wants to print in LaserJet emulation mode or in PostScript mode and to automatically adjust accordingly. clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpi) other prInters printer controllers QMS-PS 2210 and 2200 QMS, Inc. Product Inquiries P.O. Box 81250 Mobile, AL 36689-1250 800/631-2692, ext. 424 The QMS-PS 2210 and 2200 are 22-page-per-minute PostScript printers that can print on 11- by 17-inch paper. They include the standard set of 35 Adobe fonts and have Centronics, RS232, RS422, and AppleTalk interfaces. scanners utilitIes user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazines style sheets traInIng PostScrIpt servIce bureaus other resources QuadLaser PS Qleor One Quad Way Norcross, GA 30093 404/923-6666 800/548-3420 The QuadLaser PS has 3MB of memory and comes with the standard set of 35 Adobe type- 608 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts faces. It has AppleTalk, RS232, and Centronics interfaces, and includes LaserJet Plus emulation. PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpQ PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpi) ScripTEN Qume Corporation 500 Yosemite Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 408/942-4000 This is a ten-page-per-minute PostScript printer that uses the Hitachi "write-white" engine. Although bulky at 90 pounds, the printer produces good print quality, with crisp type and solid blacks. It comes with 3MB of RAM and includes both serial and parallel ports. other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources PostScript Printers & Typesetters (Above 300 dpi) CG 400-PS Compugraphic Corp. 200 Ballardvale St. Wilmington, .MA 01887 800/822-5524 617/658-5600 This is a 400-dpi Postscript printer capable of printing up to 18 original pages per minute. The additional 100 dots per horizontal and vertical inch actually increase the quality of output considerably (160,000 dots per square inch, in contrast to the 90,000 dots per square inch produced by most laser printers). The printer uses Adobe's Atlas controller, which is based on the Motorola 68020 chip and is faster than the controllers used in most standard PostScript printers. One reason for the increased speed of the Atlas controller is that while one page is being printed, the next page is being prepared. The printer includes a 20MB hard disk and 6MB of internal RAM for storing fonts, font cache, and bitmap memory. The CG 400-PS comes with 73 built-in typefaces. The combination of 400-dpi resolution, IS-ppm speed, and 100,000page-per-month duty cycle, makes the CG 400-PS an ideal choice for high-quality, highvolume demand printing. Lasersmith PS-415, PS-415 GT, PS-830+, PS-830 GT Lasersmith 430 Martin Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050 408/727-7700 The PS-415 is a PostScript-compatible printer that uses a Canon CX engine (the one used by the original LaserJet) but prints at 415-by-415 dots per inch. It includes 3MB of RAM and 35 resident fonts. The PS-415 GT uses a RISC processor. According to Lasersmith it is 11 times as fast as an Apple LaserWriter lINT. The Appendix A: Resources PS-830+ doubles the resolution of the 415 in the horizontal direction. The PS-830 GT also doubles the resolution and also features a fast RIse processor. All these printers are astonishingly low priced. For example, the PS-415 is only $2,495 and the PS-830 GT is only $4,695. Linotronic Series Linotype Co. 425 Oser Ave. Hauppauge, NY 11788 800/645-5278 516/434-2000 The resolution of the Linotronic 200 is 1,690 dpi, that of the Linotronic 300 is 2,540 dpi. Both print on paper or film up to 12 inches wide. With bitmapped and object graphics, the 300 is one and one-half times faster than the 200; with halftones the two are roughly comparable in speed. Both can be used with the full library of PostScript fonts. Typically, service bureaus provide access to Linotronic printers on a per-hour and per-page fee basis. Because of its higher resolution and faster speed, the 300 is preferable for printing halftones. Printware 720 IQ Printware 1385 Mendota Heights Rd. St. Paul, MN 55120 6121456-1400 The Printware 720 IQ is a 1,200dpi (horizontal) by 600-dpi (vertical) laser printer that uses Printstyle, a PostScript-compatible page description lan- guage. The printer is rated at a maximum of eight pages per minute and accepts plain paper stock up to 8.5 by 14 inches. The 720 IQ allows on-line selection of black and one other color, such as red, brown, or blue. Clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphics software monItors VT600P Varityper 11 Mount Pleasant Ave. East Hanover, Nj07936 201/887-8000 800/631-8134 This is a 600-dpi PostScript printer, rated at a maximum of ten pages per minute. Like the Agfa P400PS, it uses the fast Atlas controller. Built into the printer is a 20MB hard disk for storing typefaces. The VT600p uses plain paper (up to 8.5 by 14 inches) and provides serial and parallel ports. Resident fonts include the Adobe 35 LaserWriter-Plus set; more fonts can be loaded onto the printer's 20MB hard disk. Varityper also offers a version of the VT600p which prints on 11by-17-inch paper. LaserJet-compatIble prInters PostScript prInters (300 dpD PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpi) other prInters printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazInes style sheets trainIng PostScrIpt service bureaus other resources 610 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LoserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools Other Printers dpi in the horizontal direction. In the vertical direction, resolution is also enhanced through a proprietary technology that smooths out the rough spots on fonts. The printer is profiled in Chapter 4, "Laser Printers." DeskJet, DeskJet Plus, DeskJet 500 Xerox 4020 Color Inkjet graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazInes style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources Hewlett-Packard Customer Information Center Inquiry Fulfillment Dept. 19310 Pruneridge Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 800/752-0900 408/738-4133 With prices continually dropping, the DeskJet printers provide remarkable 300-dpi near-laser output. They're even quieter than a laser printer, though nowhere near as fast. Although Ventura doesn't have a DeskJet driver, you can print on any DeskJet model by installing Ventura for a PostScript printer and then using a software-based PostScript interpreter such as Freedom of the Press (see below under "Utilities"). Output will be quite slow, but you'll be getting PostScript pages at a bargain. Another way to print on the DeskJet is with the Publisher's PowerPak driver (see "Utilities"). LaserMaster 1000 Plain-Paper Typesetter 7156 Shady Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612/944-9330 phone 6121944-0522 fax The LaserMaster 1000 is based on a 400-dpi Canon engine, but the resolution is increased to 1000 Xerox Corporation P.O. Box 24 Rochester, NY 14692 800/832-6979 Although this printer cannot rival laser printers in speed, its color capabilities are excellent. With Ventura, you can assign color attributes to type, frame backgrounds, ruling lines, and graphic fills. Imported graphics, such as Lotus charts, are also automatically assigned colors. With the 4020, both text and pictures print at 240 by 120 dots per inch, and eight colors are available. Swiss (Helvetica) and Dutch (Times Roman) are available in sizes from 8 to 36 points; there is no Symbol font. Xerox 4045 Laser CP Xerox Corporation P.O. Box 24 Rochester, NY 14692 800/832-6979 This is a ten-page-per-minute printer with 300-dpi output. It also includes an optional copier. It is rated for print volumes of 2,000 to 10,000 pages per month. Basic memory is 128K, but can be expanded to 512K to allow more typefaces per page and larger graphics. Ventura provides two drivers for the 4045, one for 611 Appendix A: Resources 300-dpi graphics and the other for 150-dpi graphics. The latter can be used to print a page that exceeds the memory of the 4045 if printed at 300 dpi. The 4045 cannot print white text on a black background. It is compatible with the Diablo 630 and the Xerox 2700 II laser printer. Fonts can be converted from LaserJet format using Ventura's font conversion utilities; however, since the 4045 uses write-white technology rather than the write-black technology used by the LaserJet, converted fonts may suffer in quality. Printer Controllers Adobe Systems PostScript Cartridge Adobe Systems, Inc. 1585 Charleston Rd. p. O. Box 7900 Mountain View, CA 94039 415/961-4400 This is the fastest PostScript cartridge for the LaserJet II printer. Gradco's TurboPrint General Peripherals, Inc. 7 Morgan Irvine, CA 92718 800/447-2326 Developed by Conographic Corporation and formerly named the ConoDesk 6000, this is a PostScript-compatible upgrade card for the LaserJet II or any other printer with a Canon engine. It comes with 35 scalable fonts. Its main advantage is high speed, which it accomplishes by means of specialized coprocessor chips. HP Laser]et PostScript Cartridge Clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphIcs software monitors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScript printers (300 dpl) Hewlett-Packard Co. 19310 Pruneridge Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 800/752-0900 This PostScript cartridge plugs into a LaserJet lIP, lID, or III. It will not work with a LaserJet II. It is the fastest PostScript cartridge for the LaserJet family, using the latest version of PostScript with improved font rendering. When you use this cartridge with the LaserJet III, you also get the benefit of that printer's resolution enhancement technology. printer controllers ImageScript style sheets PCPI 10865 Rancho Bernardo Rd. San Diego, CA 92127 619/485-8411 800/225-4098 This PostScript-emulation cartridge for LaserJet Series II, lID, lIP, and III has forty-seven resident fonts. Previously the output quality was not as good as Adobe's and HP's cartridges. Recently, however, the ImageScript cartridge has been upgraded and the price has been slashed. With a suggested list price of $299, this cartridge is a real bargain. PostScript prInters and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers scanners utilitIes user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazines traIning PostScrIpt servIce bureaus other resources 612 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition cJlp art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO other printers printer controllers scanners utJlltles user groups buJletln boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources JetScript The Laser Connection, Inc. 7852 Schillinger Park West Mobile, AL 36608 800/523-2696 205/633-7223 This is a PostScript add-on board that converts an HP LaserJet II into a PostScript printer. Less convenient that a PostScript cartridge, it also has another drawback-you can's share the JetScript between two computers. }Laser controllers Tall Tree Systems 2585 E. Bayshore Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 415/964-1980 There are a number of versions of the JLaser controller. The newest one, the JLaser 5, is capable of printing up to 256 shades of gray with Ventura. The JLaser board installed in the computer and connected via a special high-speed cable to the printer. Most models currently require a Canon CX or SX engine. With these boards, you can continue to operate your printer as usual through its normal cable. But with Ventura and other software programs that have JLaser drivers, the JLaser controller will automatically take control of the printer. LaserMaster Series m Controllers LaserMaster Corp. 7156 Shady Oak Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612/944-6069 LaserMaster originally made a name for itself proViding fast output for AutoCAD users, and now provides a set of extremely fast controller boards for laser printers. Like the JLaser board, the LaserMaster Series III controllers are installed in the computer and connected to most types of laser printers. They are profiled in Chapter 4, "Laser Printers." PacificPage Pacific Data Products 9125 Rehco Road San Diego, CA 92121 619/552-0880 This plug-in PostScript-clone cartridge comes in various versions for the LaserJet II, IIP, or III printer. It includes the standard 35 scalable fonts that are resident in most PostScript printers. PS Jet and PS Jet Plus The Laser Connection, Inc. 7852 Schillinger Park West Mobile, AL 36608 800/523-2696 205/633-7223 PS Jet and PS Jet Plus are kits that convert an HP LaserJet or other printer using the Canon LBP-CX engine into a PostScript printer. The kits also provide an HP LaserJet emulation, allowing you to continue using software packages that lack PostScript drivers. 613 Appendix A: Resources clip art PC Publisher Kit QMS/Laser Connection One Magnum Pass Mobile, AL 36618 800/523-2696 205/633-7223 The PC Publisher Kit is an add-on board that adds DDL and PostScript compatibility to a LaserJet II printer. TIGer-CUB Advanced Vision Research 2201 Qume Drive San Jose, CA 95131-9801 408/434-1115 408/434-0968 fax An add-in card that speeds up printing of complex pages at 300 dpi. It works with the HP LaserJet II and most Canon-engine printers. TurboPrint Gradco Printer Systems 7 Morgan Irvine, CA 92718 7141454-0108 800/628-1538 This controller comes with 35 scalable, rotatable fonts and supports the Bitstream type library. Add-on memory board is for HP LaserJet Series II and III. The system uses Conographic technology, which is fully compatible with the PostScript language. Scanners LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools Abaton Scan 300 Abaton, A Division of Everex 48431 Milmont Dr. Fremont, CA 94538 415/683-2226 800/444-5321 This scanner is the same as the MicroTek. Dest PC Scan 2000 and 3000 Series Dest Corporation 1015 East Brokaw Road SanJose, CA 95131 408/436-2700 408/436-2750 fax These are flatbed grayscale that come with Publish Pac and PC Paintbrush software. graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpD PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpD other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines Handy Scanner 3000 plus DFI, Inc. 2544 Port Street West Sacramento, CA 95691 916/373-1234 916/373-0221 fax The Handy Scanner is the highest resolution hand-held scanner available. It will scan an image four inches wide and 20 inches long at up to 400 dpi. The $359 scanner comes with the excellent Halo DPE graphics software and has the ability to recognize up to 32 levels of gray. It saves to PCX, TIFF, MSP, CUT (HALO DPE) , or IMG formats. An optional OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software is available for an un- style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 614 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dPO PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources believably low $99 (or $249 for the advanced. "trainable" version of the software). Once you've mastered the hand-eye coordination necessary, the image quality is surprisingly good for such an inexpensive scanner. DFI also offers a system which turns any home video camera into a video scanner. Logitech ScanMan Plus the rollers of the Epson printer and is then digitized by the scanner device, which replaces the printhead of the Epson. The scanner can record eight levels of gray. Images are saved in TIFF or PCX format. Logitech 6505 Kaiser Drive Fremont, CA 94555 415/795-8500 415/792-8901 fax The ScanMan is one of the new breed of hand-held image scanners. It will scan an image up to four inches wide by fourteen inches long at up to 400 dpi in 32 shades of gray. It saves files in TIFF, PCX, or MSP format. Utilities ScanJet Plus Qualitas, Inc. 8314 Thoreau Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817-3164 This utility allows you to free up conventional memory by loading drivers and other programs into extended memory on an 80386based computer. It is discussed in Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions." 2-UP Publisher Laser Age Software Company 3231 Ocean Park Blvd. #104 Santa Monica, CA 90405 213/470-1397 Creates 2-up and saddle-stiched layout on HP LaserJet printers. 386-to-the-Max Hewlett-Packard 1820 Embarcadero Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303 800/367-4772 This scanner is profiled in Chapter 6,"Scanners." SX-IOOO Scanning System Desktop Technology 986 Mangrove, Suite B Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408/738-4001 800/759-4001 This innovative device converts any Epson model FX, MX, RX, and LQ printers into an inexpensive ($250) scanner. The material to be scanned is placed between AdVentura The Golem Press Box 1342 Boulder, CO 80306 303/590-1367 This utility converts text from Ventura to Editwriter format. 615 Appendix A: Resources Arabic Adaption of Ventura Publisher is its ability to convert colors to shades of gray. Glyph Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 134 Andover, .MA 01810 508/470-1317 ColorSep/PC BackLoader See "Font Tools" Code to Code Alphabytes, Inc. 111 Eighth St. SE Washington, DC 20003 202/546-4119 This shareware utility removes Ventura formatting codes from a document so that you can edit it more easily. When you're finished, it replaces the codes again. Collage Plus Inner Media, Inc. 60 Plain Rd. HoI/is, NH 03049 603/465-3216 Collage Plus is a set of screencapture utilities: SNAP captures an image and lets you view it; SAVE is the same as SNAP except that it doesn't allow viewing; VIEW makes it easy to look at images. Using the SHOW utility, you can quickly display, rename, or delete any graphic images. SHOW may also be used from a batch file to produce a custom video slide show. Collage works only on PCX and TIFF graphics. It supports VGA, EGA, HGC, CGA, and MDA monitors. One of the strong points of this program clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts Ozette Technologies P.O. Box 208 MOrrisville, PA 19067-0208 215/493-2720 The program creates color separations from Ventura print files. DataPub HB Type and Graphics 1615 Alabama St. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714/536-3939 This menu-driven utility processes and tags your database files prior to importing into Ventura. font tools graphIcs software monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dpl) PostScrIpt prInters and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other prInters prInter controllers scanners utilities DataTAG user groups Publishing Solutions 205 E. 78th St. #17T New York, NY 10021 212/288-2470 A utility for loading database files into Ventura, DataTAG is profiled in Chapter 27, "Utilities." bulletIn boards dbPublisherforVenhtta Digital Composition Systems 1715 W. Northern Ave. #201 Phoenix, AZ 85021 602/870-7667 800/527-2506 This program reads dBASE DBF files directly and lets you sort and tag the fields you want to import into Ventura. It also works with other database programs, including R:BASE and Paradox. You work within dbPublisher to create a tagged text file. The pro- newsletters and magazInes style sheets traInIng PostScrIpt servIce bureaus other resources 616 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphIcs software gram then automatically runs Ventura and loads your chapter. The program comes with predefined style sheets for catalogs, newsletters, form letters, labels, directories, and price lists. monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt printers (300 dpl) PostScrIpt printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other prInters printer controllers scanners The DeskTop Logical Solutions 11524 SW 56th Place Portland, OR 97219 503/452-1029 This utility, which works only with the GEM version, provides a variety of document management functions. It lets you move, copy, and delete files; keep track of chapters by revision number; and view the contents of a style sheet. utilities user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazines style sheets traIning PostScrIpt servIce bureaus DESQview Quarterdeck Office Systems 150 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 213/392-9851 213/399-3802 fax This multitasking windows program for the PC is compatible with most popular software, and it works with a mouse. other resources Editor's Desk Set Metroplex Digital Corp. P.O. Box 815729 Dallas, TX 75381-5729 214/231-8944 This is a combination package that includes CodeCard, MouseWare, PubStar, TagCommand, and VPMover. Flash Software Masters 6352 N. GUilford Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 317/253-8088 This is a disk caching utility. For details, see Chapter 23, "Speed Tips," and Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions." Font Library Manager See ''Font Tools" Font Maker See ''Font Tools" FontSpace See ''Font Tools" Freedom of Press Computer Applications Inc. 5 Middlesex Technology Center 900 Middlesex Turnpike Billerica, .MA 01821 800/873-4367 Like GoScript, Freedom of Press lets you print PostScript files on a non-PostScript printer. The program comes with drivers for a number of printers, as well as 35 PostScript fonts. It's especially good in combination with the HP DeskJet. The main drawbacks of the program is its slow speed. GoScrlpt LaserGo, Inc. 9369 Carroll Park Drive, Suite A San Diego, CA 92121 619/450-4600 619/450-9334 fax This utility translates PostScript commands into bitmapped im- 617 Appendix A: Resources ages, allowing you to proof PostScript output on your IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2, or compatible screen and print on dot-matrix, ink-jet, and laser printers. You can also save your print files in TIFF or PCX format. GoScript includes 13 scalable fonts; GoScript Plus includes 35 scalable fonts. The Graphics Link Plus TerraVision, Inc. 2351 College Station Road #563 Athens, GA 30605 404/769-5641 404/769-8013 fax This is a graphics conversion utility that converts graphics files among a variety of formats, including PCC, PCX, IMG, TIF, WPG, CompuServe GIF, Windows Paint MSP, Dr. Halo CUT, and Show Partner/FX GXl. It also converts up to 256 color values into grayscale equivalents. HiJaak clip art Inset Systems, Inc. 71 Commerce Drive Brookfield, CT 06804 203/740-2400 800/828-8088 This is a utility" for capturing files or screens and converting pictures from one graphics format to another. For details, see Chapter 19, "Screen Snapshots." LaserJet fonts HotShot Grab, HotShot Graphics Symsoft 924 Incline Way, Box 5 Incline Village, NV 89450 800/344-0160 HotShot Grab is a simple screen snapshot utility. HotShot Graphics adds a painting program for enhancing captured screens. The two are profiled in Chapter 19, "Screen Snapshots." See "Font Tools" Graf'Plus Hebrew Adaptation of Ventura Publisher Glyph Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 134 Andover, MA 01810 508/470-1317 font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) HPw/ESP Jewell Technologies, Inc. 4740 44th Ave. SW #203 Seattle, WA 98116 206/937-1081 This is a screen snapshot utility. PostScript fonts PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training Index! Trinity Software P.O. Box 3610 9380 C-1 Forestwood Lane Manassas, VA 22110 703/369-2429 800/247-9079 703/369-4386 fax This utility speeds up the process of inserting index references into a Ventura chapter. Instead of entering a separate index code for each occurrence of a term, you enter the term and the code just once in Index!'s database. PostScript service bureaus other resources 618 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphIcs software monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dpQ PostScrIpt prInters and typesetters (above 300 dpQ other prInters prInter controllers Intelligent lIP Driver for Ventura &per P.O. Box 18470 Knoxville, 7N 3 7928 615/687-8016 JetPropulsion Digital Products, Inc. 108 Water Street Watertown, A1A 02172 617/924-1680 Speed up your LaserJet III or liP by 200 percent to 500 percent by compressing graphics data! Also compatible with DeskJet and DeskJet Plus if they use the PCLS control language. scanners utilities user groups bulletIn boards newsletters and magazInes style sheets other resources EDCO Services, Inc. 12410N. DaleMabryHwy. Tampa, FL 33618 800/523-8973 813/962-7800 This is a program that lets you modify kerning tables for higherquality typography. link Computer Solutions for Publishing 21171 Banff Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 714/536-7008 This is a utility for printing Ventura files on a Compugraphic typesetter. KeyCap Information Conversion Services 1625 South Fairview Park Ridge, IL 60068 312/266-8378 The utility translates documents from Xerox Memorywriter format into Ventura. traInIng PostScrIpt servIce bureaus I.etrTuck+ LaserJet m Ventura driver VPUG, Inc. 7502 Aaron Place San jose, CA 95139 408/227-5030 Ventura Professional! magazine and Softare Systems Consulting developed this driver to connect Ventura to the new LaserJet III. You can also add any LJ III-compatible soft font to the width table included in the package. MouseWare Metroplex Digital Corporation P.O. Box 815729 Dallas, TX 75381-5729 214/231-8944 This memory-resident utility lets you use the righ button of your mouse to select OK within dialog boxes or to change viewing modes. It also lets you speed up or slow down your mouse. PC Tools Deluxe Central Point Software 15220 N. W. Greenbrier Pkwy. Suite 200 Beaverton, OR 97006 503/690-8090 503/690-8083 fax The file management tools of PC Tools are useful for finding Ventura files and backing up chapters. Also, PC Tools includes an excellent disk caching program. 619 Appendix A: Resources Pizazz Plus Application Techniques, Inc. 10 Lomar Park Dr. Pepperell, .MA 01463 508/433-5201 A screen snapshot utility. PrintCache LaserTools Corporation 1250 - 45th Street #100 Emeryville, CA 94608 415/420-8777 415/420-1150 fax An intelligent spooler, PrintCache can use extended memory, expanded (EMS) memory, or the hard disk to buffer data on the way to the printer. The program makes it possible to full-page, 300-dpi graphics to be printed on a 512K LaserJet Plus or LaserJet II. It works with Windows 3.0. marks, trademark symbols, hidden text, etc. For more details, see Chapter 9, "Working with Style Sheets." clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools SoftKicker 2.0, SoftKicker Plus Aristocad, Inc. 1650 Centre Pointe Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 408/946-2747 800/338-2629 800/426-8288 (CA) SoftKicker, a utility that works with EGA and VGA monitors, allows you to move around your page without using the scroll bars. It is profiled in Chapter 5, "Monitors." SoftKicker Plus is similar to SoftKicker, but works within Windows. graphIcs software monItors LaserJet-compatlble prInters PostScrIpt prInters (300 dpD PostScrIpt prInters and typesetters (above 300 dpD other prInters prInter controllers scanners utilities user groups Sundial PRN2TBL Advanced Systems Ltd. 803 w: Main St. #112 League City, TX 77573 7131333-9717 This utility converts Lotus 1-2-3 files into Ventura tables. Metroplex Digital Corp. PO. Box 815729 Dallas, TX 75381-5729 2141231-8944 This program functions as an address manager and label maker. Super PC-Kwik Publisher's Powerpak See ''Font Tools" Pub*Star Metroplex Digital Corporation P.O. Box 815729 Dallas, TX 75381-5729 2141231-8944 This utility pops up within your word processor (WordPerfect, WordStar, WordStar 2000, or Microsoft Word) and lets you insert Ventura codes for index Multisoft Corp. 15100 SW Koll Parkway Suite L Beaverton, OR 97007 503/644-5644 503/646-8267 fax This is one of the most highlyrated disk caching utilities on the market. For details, see Chapter 23, "Speed Tips," and Chapter 26, "Memory Limitations and Solutions." bulletIn boards newsletters and magazInes style sheets traInIng PostScript servIce bureaus other resources 620 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScrIpt fonts font tools graphIcs software monItors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript prInters and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other prInters printer controllers scanners Table Manners Tagteam Desktop PUblishing Group 978 Douglas Ave. #104 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407/862-7755 800/257-8087 This utility processes Lotus 1-2-3 files for loading into Ventura. Sage Productions 5677 Oberlin Dr. San Diego, CA 92121 619/455-7513 This is a utility that smooths the connection between WordPerfect and Ventura. When you're going from WordPerfect, it speeds up tagging by automatically converting WordPerfect formats into Ventura tags. When you're using WordPerfect to re-edit a text file that has already been tagged in Ventura, it strips away those bothersome "@TAGNAME =" codes and converts other embedded codes into a less conspicuous form. Tag! Trinity Software P.O. Box 3610 9380 C1 Forestwood Lane Manassas, VA 22110 703/369-2429 This utility lets you see your text in one window and your tags in another, assisting the process of assigning tags before you load your text file into Ventura. TagWrlte utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources TagCommand Metroplex Digital Corporation P.O. Box 815729 Dallas, TX 75381-5729 214/231-8944 This utility provides several style sheet and tag management features. It lets you view the attributes of a tag, change every tag in a style sheet to a single type style, and find tags that aren't being used in a chapter. Zandar Corp. P.O. Box 480 Newfane, VT 05345 800/662-9667 802/254-3399 fax This is an automatic tagging utility that works with WordPerfect (4.2 through 5.1), Microsoft Word (4.0 through 5.0), OfficeWriter 6.1, Word for Windows/RTF, and ASCII text files. Tiffany Plus TagMaster Committed To Results, Inc. P.O. Box 468024 Cincinnati, OH 45246 513/860-4402 This utility assists in pre-tagging database and spreadsheet files. Anderson Consulting & Software P.O. Box 40 North Bonneville, WA 98639 800/733-9633 This is a heavy-duty screen capture utility for Windows 3.0. It offers numerous options for saving your screen shots, including three kinds of TIFF formats and two kinds of PCX files. You can capture either the entire screen, 621 Appendix A: Resources the currently active window, or the current menu or dialog box. Typesetter's Connection The Computer Group 14 Ellis Potter Court Madison, WI 53 711 608/273-1803 A utility for printing Ventura files on a Compugraphic typesetter. Type Studio Publisher's Shareware PO. Box 72 Rockwall, TX 75087 This is a shareware utility for creating special effects with PostScript fonts. Effects include rotating, condensing, expanding, drop shadows, tilting, and outlining, alone or in combination. To get a disk, send $9 to the above address. If you continue to use the program, Publisher's Shareware requests a $39 licensing fee. VenEdit clip art QPlus Inc. 2020 Beechwood Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15217 412/521-9525 This is a text editor designed specifically for use with Ventura. It lets you do spell checking on text files that have been indexed a problem with regular word processors. LaserJet fonts Golden Bow System PO. Box 3039 San Diego, CA 92103 800/284-3269 619/483-0901 619/483-1924 fax Vcache is an excellent set of disk caching programs. The package includes versions for regular, extended, or expanded memory, as well as speed-up for diskettes, screens, and keyboards. Vopt is a "disk-optimizing" program which keeps the files on your hard disk contiguous. font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) Ventura Publisher Fax Card Driver Software Systems Consulting 735 Tarento Dr. San Diego, CA 92106 619/226-4112 PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer controllers scanners VP2WP See 'WP2W utilities user groups VP/Base See XVP/Base vpEMCEE Vcache & Vopt PostScript fonts Four Seasons Publishing Co. 246 East 46th St. New York, NY 10017 212/599-2141 This utility keeps track of graphics and text file locations associated with Ventura chapters. It can also compress files and copy them to a different location. VP·Fax Software Systems Consulting 735 Tarento Dr. San Diego, CA 92106 619/226-4112 This utility works from within Ventura, letting you print Ventura bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 622 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts documents to a PCX file which you can then transmit using a PC fax board. VP/Tabs See XVP/Base PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers VP to the Max VP Manager 1.02 Aristocad, Inc. 1650 Centre Pointe Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 408/946-2747 800/338-2629 800/426-8288 (CA) This utility, which is profiled in Chapter 27, "Utilities," provides Ventura with additional file management and document management capabilities, as well as automatic timed backup. printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines VPMover Metroplex Digital Corporation P.O. Box 815729 Dallas, TX 75381-5729 2141231-8944 This utility will move all the files associated with a chapter into a single compressed archive file. style sheets training _ PostScript service bureaus other resources VP/Saddle See XVP/Base VPToolbox, VPToolbox Advanced Edition SNA, Inc. P. O. Box 3662 Princeton, Nj 08543 609/799-9605 609/799-9639 fax An extremely useful file and style sheet management utility. It is profiled in Chapter 9, "Working with Style Sheets." Aristocad, Inc. 1650 Centre Poine Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 408/946-2747 800/338-2629 800/426-8288 (CA) This utility provides you with search and replace, spell checking, a thesaurus, and ability to see style sheet attributes-all without leaving Ventura. The one big drawback is that the spell checker only works with text that was generated in ASCII, not in word processor format. VTune Eti Software 2930 Prospect Avenue 2nd Floor Cleveland, OH 44115 216/241-1140 800/336-2014 216/241-2319 fax This utility pops up from within Ventura when you load a text file. It gives you a variety of options for "conditioning" the text file by converting multiple spaces to tabs, removing extraneous carriage returns, creating automatic fractions, etc. VP Utility Pak I Digital Presentation Services 220 West 24th St. New York, NY 10011 212/924-7661 This set of utilities contains three programs. The first processes 623 Appendix A: Resources spreadsheets that have been printed to disk, replacing spaces between columns with tabs. The second removes extra carriage returns and spaces in a document, and globally adds Ventura character attributes such as bold and italic to words and phrases throughout a document. The third utility automatically places the correct Ventura indexing codes to mark every occurrence of the same word in a document. WithStyle Pecan Software Systems, Inc. 1410 39th St. Brooklyn, NY 11218 718/851-3100 A style sheet management and editing utility. It lets you examine, print, and edit tag attributes, and transplant tags from one style sheet to another. WP2VP, VP2WP R. Abrams 816 Rome Los Angeles, CA 90065 (no phone number available) These utilities take care of a number of housekeeping details necessary for importing WordPerfect files into Ventura and converting text files from other formats to WordPerfect 5.0 format. The price is $35 for either utility or $65 for both. For more details, see Chapter 27, "Utilities." WVBrldge cl/p art Eti Software 2930 Prospect Avenue 2nd Floor Cleveland, OH 44115 216/241-1140 800/336-2014 216/241-2319 fax This utility translates Wang and other word processing files into Ventura format. LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) XIP Xitron, Inc. 1428 East Ellsworth Ann Arbor, MI48108 313/971-8530 A utility that translates Ventura files for outputting on a Linotronic 202 typesetter. PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers printer control/ers scanners utilities XPort Micrografx, Inc. 1303 Arapaho Richardson, TX 75081 2141234-1769 800/272-3729 2141234-2410 fax This utility coverts graphics files among CGM, MacDraw PICT, AutoCAD DXF, Micrografx DRW, and GEM formats. XVP/Base, XVP/Tabs, VP/Saddle The Laser Edge 4432 Pampas Ave. Oakland, CA 94619 800/777-1581 These utilities are profiled in Chapter 27, "Utilities." XVP/Base imports dBASE data into Ventura Publisher. XVP/Tabs imports spreadsheet data into Ventura, user groups bul/etln boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 624 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software converting the spaces between columns into tabs. VPISaddle lets you print two-up and saddlestitch documents, as well as facing pages and enlarged pages, on PostScript printers. low) as well as the Ventura Professional Forum, an electronic bulletin board (see "Bulletin Boards" below). For those living in the San Francisco Bay Area, the group holds a meeting every first Monday at 6:00 p.m. monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpQ PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpQ Arizona User Groups other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources National Association of Desktop Publishers (NADTP) 1260 Boylston Street Boston, .MA 02215 617/426-2885 800/874-4113 NADTP is an independent, nonprofit trade association devoted to desktop publishing in general (Mac and PC), not just Ventura. Membership benefits include a bimonthly 64-page journal apd substantial discounts on hardware, software, training, and books. VPUG Central Bob Moody and Lynn Walterick 7502 Aaron Place Sanjose, CA 95131 408/227-5030 408/224-9086 fax This is the headquarters of the Ventura Publishers Users Group. It is an incorporated entity that publishes the monthly magazine Ventura Professional! (see "Newsletters and Magazines" be- Arizona VPUG john Mosier Laserworks 2101 North 24th St. Phoenix, AZ 85008 602/230-1752 This group is still listed in Ventura Professional's list of user groups, which says that it meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. However, when we attempted to contact Arizona VPUG at this address, our letter was returned. California Arcadia SGV-VPUG Mel Minami or Tatjana Standish The Computer Lab Arcadia, CA 818/445-1626 Meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. East Bay Ventura Users Evonne Hopkins or Shirley Schlueter 415/460-8462 625 Appendix A: Resources Fresno VPUG Dennis Patrick Brandon and Tibbs 5085 East McKinley Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 209/453-0336 IrvineVPUG Marcia Couey or Laura Kilby Techwriter's Ink Marcia: 714/552-7272 Laura: 714/966-1180 Meets on the second Wednesday of the month. PC Publishers of Northern California Eric Leong San Francisco, CA 94110 415/635-0159 Meets on the third Thursday of the month. San Bernardino VPUG Ramona Hagar The Earth Technology Corp. San Bernardino, CA 714/381-3356 ext. 352 714/883-5573 San Diego VPUG Teny Gilman or Jim Mack 619/2725-9292 Meets on the third Tuesday of the month. San Mateo VPUG Eleanor L. Church United States Postal Service 280 Medio Ave. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 415/726-3181 This group meets on the second Monday of every month and pub- lishes an informative monthly newsletter. clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts Santa Barbara VPUG Dana Trout p. O. Box 2450 Goleta, CA 93118 805/685-7937 Meetings are at 7 p.m. on the first Friday of every month at the Goleta Main Library. The group also publishes a newsletter, "The Goleta Publisher," and lends books, training videos, and periodicals. font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatible printers PostScript printers (300 dpl) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpl) other printers SouthernCaHfornia VPUG (SC-VPUG) Randy Tobin 1309 Riverside Drive Burbank, CA 91506 818/955-5830 This group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month and produces a newsletter. printer controllers scanners utllltfes user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines Upland VPUG Anthony Beyenhos, Jr. 7141981-0814 Meets the third Tuesday of the month. style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources Ventura County VPUG Bob Tracy 1873 Dewayne Ave. Camarillo, CA 93010 805/482-7092 Meets on the third Tuesday of the month (none in December). 626 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors Colorado Denver Ventura Publishers Marsha Casey or Gene McCray 303/889-4421 or 303/288-1077 Meets on the first Wednesday of the month. LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpf) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpf) Front Range VPUG (FRVPUG) Pat Hake or jeannine Parker Northglenn, CO Pat: 303/457-0123 jeannine: 303/694-2993 Georgia Ventura Users of Atlanta Carol Lovelady Lovelady Consulting 1100 Marlin Ridge Road Roswell, GA 30076 404/992-1545 (Voice) 404/423-4469 (BBS) This group publishes the monthly newsletter InPrint. Other activities have· included a design contest, a bulletin board, and a services directory. Meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month. other printers printer controllers scanners utilities user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus Florida Florida VP john Glenn 813/538-2832 This group publishes a newsletter but does not have meetings. NFVPUG William R. Ploss 904/376-2843 Meets third Thursday of the month. other resources VPUG of Tampa Mike Meccia 3812 Hollister Place Brandon, PL 33511 813/978-4604 Meets on the third Tuesday of the month. Illinois Chicago VPUG Paul Hanover Alternative Type & Graphics Chicago,IL 7081981-1973 One group meets on the last Thursday of the month in Des Plaines, the other in downtown Chicago on the first Thursday. Chicago Electronic VPUG George Weinerl, Sysop 312/342-7652 (BBS) Indiana Central Indiana VPUG jerilyn Sander 317/257-1121 Meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 11 :45 a.m. 627 Appendix A: Resources Kentucky Michigan Louisville VPUG Detroit VPUG Ginny Smith or David Brooks Louisville, KY Ginny: 502/581-7117 David: 502/560-2562 This group meets at 11:30 a.m., one Thursday a month. Eileen Brundage Governor Information Products Detroit, MI 3131554-2200 Maryland Baltimore VPUG Rick Vaughn or Jackie Watts 301/327-0069 This grou p meets the fourth Thursday of the month. Rockville VPUG Donald Price 301/251-0971 Meets on the second Tuesday of the month. Massachusetts Boston VPUG Kathleen McGrath 617/329-4500, ext. 479 or 617/641-2864 Woods Hole VPUG Dick Campbell 508/540-1309 or Dave Shephard 508/548-9600 This group meets the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m. Mid-Michigan VPUG Cheryl Gierman Michigan State University 162 Student Services Bldg. East Lansing, MI 48824-1113 517/353-6650 Meets third Tuesday of the month. clip art LaserJet fonts PostScript fonts font tools graphics software monitors LaserJet-compatlble printers PostScript printers (300 dpf) PostScript printers and typesetters (above 300 dpf) other printers printer controllers Minnesota scanners utilities Twin Cities VPUG Cheryl Edwards Laser Images Publishing and Graphics 5900 Baker Rd. Minnetonka, MN 55345 612/829-7483 Though I haven't seen any issues lately, in the past this group published an amusing and informative newsletter called Hitchhiker's Guide to Ventura, which rose above the dull plains of desktop publishing with inspired passages like this one from the 12/88 issue: "There is nothing quite so exasperating as placing an original on the glass and letting your scanner rip, only to have something resembling a sixties op-art poster slide out of your laser printer." Meets fourth Tuesday of the month. user groups bulletin boards newsletters and magazines style sheets training PostScript service bureaus other resources 628 Ventura Tips and Tricks, 3rd Edition ollp art New Jersey LaserJet fonts PostSorlpt fonts font tools graphics software monitors New Jersey VPUG Barry Heil 201/351-6860 Meets the third Wednesday of the month. LaserJet-compatlble printers New Mexico PostSorlpt printers (300 dPO PostSorlpt printers and typesetters (above 300 dPO other printers printer oontrollers soanners Tara Kenny 505/842-9532 or Harold Washington 505/848-1771 Meets the second Wednesday of the month. New York bulletin boards training PostSorlpt servloe bureaus other resouroes Elecia Almekinder 716/454-2770 North Carolina Ms. Perry Primm 7041846-6016 Ohio Adventuras user groups style sheets Rochester Area VPUG Charlotte VPUG Ventura Publishers of Albuquerque utilities newsletters and magazines Meets on the second Monday of the month. Greater Buffalo VPUG Paul Haumesser PCI Terri Halpin 513/860-4402 This group mee