NetLogo用户手册 Net Logo Manual Chinese
User Manual:
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Page Count: 375 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- 译者说明
- 词汇对照表
- NetLogo简介(What is NetLogo?)
- 版权信息
- Copyright Information
- 更新历史(What’s New?)
- 系统需求(System Requirements)
- 已知问题(Known Issues)
- 联系我们(Contacting Us)
- 模型实例:聚会(Sample Model:Party)
- 教学# 1:模型(Tutorial #1 :Models)
- 教学# 2: 命令(Tutorial #2:Commands)
- 教学 #3: 例程(Tutorial #3:Procedures)
- 界面指南(Interface Guide)
- 编程指南(Programming Guide)
- 主体(Agents)
- 例程(Procedures)
- 变量(Variables)
- 颜色(Colors)
- 请求(Ask)
- 主体集合(Agentsets)
- 种类(Breeds)
- 按钮(Buttons)
- 列表(Lists )
- 数学(Math)
- 随机数(Random Numbers)
- 海龟图形(Turtle shapes )
- 链图形(Link Shapes)
- 时钟计数器(Tick Counter )
- 视图更新(View Updates)
- 绘图(Plotting)
- 字符串(Strings)
- 输出(Output)
- 文件输入输出(File I/O)
- 电影(Movies)
- 视角(Perspective)
- 绘画(Drawing)
- 拓扑(Topology)
- 链(Links)
- 并发请求(Ask-Concurrent)
- 捆绑(Tie)
- 多个源文件(Multiple source files)
- 语法(Syntax)
- 迁移指南(Transition Guide)
- NetLogo词典(NetLogo Dictionary)
- 分类(Categories)
- 内建变量(Built-In Variables)
- 关键词(Keywords)
- 常量(Constants)
- A
- B
- C
- can-move?
- carefully
- ceiling
- clear-all ca
- clear-all-plots
- clear-drawing cd
- clear-links
- clear-output
- clear-patches cp
- clear-plot
- clear-turtles ct
- color
- cos
- count
- create-ordered-turtles cro create-ordered-<breeds>
- create-<breed>-to create-<breeds>-to create-<breed>-from create-<breeds>-from create-<breed>-with create-<breeds>-with create-link-to create-links-to create-link-from create-links-from create-link-with create-links-with
- create-turtles crt create-<breeds>
- create-temporary-plot-pen
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- hatch hatch-<breeds>
- heading
- hidden?
- hide-link
- hide-turtle ht
- histogram
- home
- hsb
- hubnet-broadcast
- hubnet-broadcast-view
- hubnet-enter-message?
- hubnet-exit-message?
- hubnet-fetch-message
- hubnet-message
- hubnet-message-source
- hubnet-message-tag
- hubnet-message-waiting?
- hubnet-reset
- hubnet-send
- hubnet-send-view
- hubnet-set-client-interface
- I
- if
- ifelse
- ifelse-value
- import-drawing
- import-pcolors
- import-pcolors-rgb
- import-world
- in-cone
- in-<breed>-neighbor? in-link-neighbor?
- in-<breed>-neighbors in-link-neighbors
- in-<breed>-from in-link-from
- __includes
- in-radius
- inspect
- int
- is-agent? is-agentset? is-boolean? is-<breed>? is-directed-link? is-link? is-link-set? is-list? is-number? is-patch? is-patch-set? is-string? is-turtle? is-turtle-set? is-undirected-link?
- item
- J
- L
- M
- map
- max
- max-n-of
- max-one-of
- max-pxcor max-pycor
- mean
- median
- member?
- min
- min-n-of
- min-one-of
- min-pxcor min-pycor
- mod
- modes
- mouse-down?
- mouse-inside?
- mouse-patch
- mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
- move-to
- movie-cancel
- movie-close
- movie-grab-view movie-grab-interface
- movie-set-frame-rate
- movie-start
- movie-status
- my-<breeds> my-links
- my-in-<breeds> my-in-links
- my-out-<breeds> my-out-links
- myself
- N
- O
- P
- patch
- patch-ahead
- patch-at
- patch-at-heading-and-distance
- patch-here
- patch-left-and-ahead patch-right-and-ahead
- patch-set
- patches
- patches-own
- pcolor
- pen-down pd pen-erase pe pen-up pu
- pen-mode
- pen-size
- plabel
- plabel-color
- plot
- plot-name
- plot-pen-exists?
- plot-pen-down plot-pen-up
- plot-pen-reset
- plotxy
- plot-x-min plot-x-max plot-y-min plot-y-max
- position
- precision
- pxcor pycor
- R
- random
- random-float
- random-exponential random-gamma random-normal random-poisson
- random-pxcor random-pycor
- random-seed
- random-xcor random-ycor
- read-from-string
- reduce
- remainder
- remove
- remove-duplicates
- remove-item
- repeat
- replace-item
- report
- reset-perspective rp
- reset-ticks
- reset-timer
- reverse
- rgb
- ride
- ride-me
- right rt
- round
- run
- runresult
- S
- scale-color
- self
- ; (semicolon)
- sentence se
- set
- set-current-directory
- set-current-plot
- set-current-plot-pen
- set-default-shape
- set-histogram-num-bars
- __set-line-thickness
- set-plot-pen-color
- set-plot-pen-interval
- set-plot-pen-mode
- set-plot-x-range set-plot-y-range
- setxy
- shade-of?
- shape
- shapes
- show
- show-turtle st
- show-link
- shuffle
- sin
- size
- sort
- sort-by
- sprout sprout-<breeds>
- sqrt
- stamp
- stamp-erase
- standard-deviation
- startup
- stop
- subject
- sublist substring
- subtract-headings
- sum
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- ?
- Java小程序(Applets)
- 图形编辑器指南(Shapes Editor Guide)
- 行为空间指南(BehaviorSpace Guide)
- 系统动力学指南(System Dynamics Guide)
- HubNet指南(HubNet Guide)
- HubNet编程指南(HubNet Authoring Guide)
- 日志(Logging)
- 控制指南(Controlling Guide)
- Mathematica 连接(Mathematica Link)
- 扩展指南(Extensions Guide)
- 数组与表扩展(Array and Table Extensions)
- 声音扩展(Sound Extension)
- GoGo扩展(GoGo Extension)
- 性能剖析扩展(Profiler Extension)
- 常见问题解答(Frequently Asked Questions)
- 问题
- 一般问题
- 它为什么叫 NetLogo?
- 在学术出版物上如何引用NetLogo?
- 在出版物上如何引用模型库中的模型?
- NetLogo是在何时、何地开发的?
- NetLogo是用哪种编程语言写的?
- StarLogo, MacStarLogo, StarLogoT, NetLogo有何区别?
- NetLogo采用哪种许可License? 使用、分发等是否受到任何法律限制?
- 能得到NetLogo 源代码吗?
- 你们提供NetLogo研讨会或训练机会吗?
- 有NetLogo 教科书吗?
- NetLogo有西班牙版,德语版,(你的语言) 版吗?
- NetLogo 是编译的还是解释的?
- 有人建过某某模型吗?
- NetLogo 模型具有科学意义上的可重现性吗?
- NetLogo 和NetLogo 3D还会保持分离吗?
- 还支持NetLogo旧版本吗?
- 下载问题
- Java 小程序(Applet)问题
- 运行问题
- 使用问题
- 编程问题
- NetLogo语言和StarLogo和StarLogoT语言有什么区别?怎么把StarLogo或StarLogoT 模型转换为NetLogo模型?
- NetLogo 语言与其他Logo语言有什么区别?
- 用以前NetLogo建立的模型怎么不能正常工作?
- 为什么代码里有奇怪的字符?
- 怎样取一个数的负值?
- 海龟前进1,但还在原来的瓦片上,为什么?
- 怎样保持海龟在瓦片中心?
- patch-ahead 1 返回海龟当前所在的瓦片,为什么?
- 怎样给海龟视场("vision")?
- 海龟能感知画图层(drawing layer)的东西吗?
- 我得到的是像0.10000000004 和 0.799999999999 这样的数,而不是0.1 和 0.8。为什么?
- 文档说random-float 1 可能返回0 但不可能返回1,如果我想包括1怎么办?
- 怎样防止两个海龟占据同一个瓦片?
- 怎样判断海龟是否死亡?
- NetLogo有数组吗?
- NetLogo有哈希表或关联数组吗?
- 怎样使用不同的瓦片邻域("neighborhoods") (圆形, Von Neumann, Moore, 等)?
- 怎样将一个主体集合转换为主体的列表,或相反?
- 如何停止foreach?
- 行为空间问题
- 扩展问题