Neural Networks Guide

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Neural Nets: An Educational Guide
By Matthew Escobar

Table of Contents

Table of

What is Machine Learning?
Flavors of Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Neural Network/MLP
Structure MLPs
Data Representation
The Neuron
Weights & Bias
Activation Functions
Input Layer
Hidden Layer
Output Layer
Operation MLPs
Training Data
Batches & Epochs
Test Data

Application of MLPs
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Data Representation
Pooling Layer
Convolution Layer
Flatten Layer
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Data Representation
Embedding Layer
LSTM Layer

What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) where computers are applied to
execute a task. The key difference between the two
is that AIs is explicitly programmed to execute a
task. ML algorithms are programmed to “learn” how
to execute a task.
But why waste time learning?
ML algorithms aren’t limited by hard-coded
processes. It’s like comparing a car and a train; the
car can take optimal roads to get from point A to
point B while the train is limited to its tracks.

Flavors of Machine Learning: Supervised
Supervised learning algorithms are given input data
with corresponding outputs/labels. They attempt to
predict outputs/labels given the inputs.
Supervised learning is applied to both regression
and classification problems.
Ex. Facial Recognition
You give the algorithm pictures of people and
identify where their faces are. The goal of the
algorithm is to find their faces.

Flavors of Machine Learning: Unsupervised
Unsupervised learning algorithms are given input
data without labels. They classify the data into
different categories that usually adhere to some
hidden structure.

Ex. Photo Sorting
You give an algorithm pictures of four people but
you don’t know which is which. The goal of the
algorithm is to categorize each picture into four
categories without labels.

Flavors of Machine Learning: Reinforcement
Reinforcement learning algorithms make actions
that are assigned a reward or punishment. The
algorithm aims to take actions that maximize its

Ex. ML Chess Agents
You want an algorithm to win a chess game so you
give it the chess move set. Moves that lead to a
victory are rewarded while moves that lead to a
defeat are punished.

Deep Learning
Deep learning algorithms are a subclass of machine
learning algorithms that use multiple layers that
process, extract, and transform data. Each layer
uses the previous layer’s outputs as inputs.
Typically, deep learning is used for classifying and
predicting data by analyzing patterns.
The most well-known form of deep learning
algorithms are deep neural networks or Multi Layer
Perceptrons (MLPs). However, there are variants to
this algorithm that will be covered later like
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). For now, we’ll
focus on MLPs.

Multi Layer Perceptrons:
The Classic

Neural Networks/MLPs
A classic neural network model is called a Multi
Layer Perceptron (MLP). Their name is quite
self-descriptive—MLPs consist of multiple layers of
perceptrons or neurons that are networked together.
Of course, the “neurons” are not biological, but the
concept of neural networks are indeed inspired from
biology. Much like the neurons in the brain, neurons
in a neural network are interconnected and
manipulating those neural connections are crucial
to a MLP’s ability to learn.
Additionally, MLPs bear structures and functions
that carry over to other neural network variants.
Thus, mentioning MLPs first is fitting to understand
the other variants.

Structure of MLPs: Data Representation
Before we talk about the intricacies of MLP
structure, it’s important to understand how data is
All neural networks operate on numerical data. Even
when pictures and texts are involved, they’re broken
down into numbers. However, MLPs are optimal for
operating on numerical data where no overarching
pattern that contributes to the data’s meaning.
For instance, sentences with words out of sequence
have no meaning. Thus, sequential patterns lend to
interpreting information in a sentence. Data that’s
patternized like this are NOT optimal for MLPs. They
prefer lists of unrelated elements.

Structure of MLPs: The Neuron
The neuron, also known as the perceptron, is the
functional unit of an MLP and any neural network.
On its own, the neuron is rather unremarkable. But in
layers, the calculations executed by the neurons can
perform operations that are vital to the MLPs
success. We will talk about those operations later.
For now, we will talk about the structure of the

The Neuron: Inputs
To accommodate for a vast amount of data that
can influence the MLPs performance of a task (like
classification), the neuron can take as many inputs
as required. And, so the neurons can manipulate the
data, the inputs must be numerical.
From a mathematical standpoint, “x” in “y = mx + b”
represents the inputs.

The Neuron: Weights & Biases
Neurons are equipped with weights and biases to
manipulate the inputs.
Weights multiply the inputs; they determine how
much an individual input is valued in accomplishing
the MLP’s task.
Biases add to the inputs; they are the MLP’s
predetermined value of a certain element in
accomplishing the MLP’s task.
Mathematically, weights are “m” and biases are “b”
in “y = mx + b”.

The Neuron: Outputs
Unlike the inputs, neurons only produce one output
which lets the neural network funnel data to make a
simple decision.
For example, let’s say an image classifier must
categorize an image into ten categories of different
animals. That classified will have to take in all of the
image’s pixels as inputs and narrow it down to ten
outputs at the end of the neural network which
correspond to the ten categories.
Mathematically, outputs are the “y” in
“y = mx + b”.

The Neuron: Activation Functions
The neuron’s activation function is responsible for
using all the inputs, weights, and biases to calculate
one output. For the past three slides, I’ve used a
linear activation function to represent the other
elements in a neuron, but there are a lot of more
complex activation functions used for equally
complex tasks.
For example, the sigmoid function is often used for
binary cross entropy while the softmax function is
used for categorical cross entropy. We’ll get into
those later.

Structure of MLPs: Layers
Layers are sets of neurons in parallel. By grouping
neurons together, they can perform operations
individual neurons would be incapable of—like the
image classifying example.
Inside of a layer, neurons typically share some
similarities: they take the same inputs, possess the
same activation functions, and work toward a
similar goal. However, neurons are tuned
individually in a process called
“backpropagation”—another topic we’ll discuss
later. Just keep in mind that layers are permanent
while neurons are dynamic as the program runs.

Layers: Input Layer
The input layer is the only required layer that isn’t
really a “layer” since it’s not made of neurons. The
input layer represents the inputs that are going into
the network and how they are distributed.
When the data is passed to the network, every
neuron in the next layer gets all of the input data
from the input layer. This way of “feeding forward”
data continues between layers: the outputs of each
neuron in the previous layer are the inputs of each
neuron in the next layer. But since the input layer
isn’t made of neurons, no data manipulation
happens when passing the input data from the input
layer into the hidden layers.

Layers: Hidden Layers
Hidden layers are responsible for conducting the
majority of operations on data—passing all of the
inputs through neural activation functions to
produce outputs for the next layer. Common layers
in basics MLPs are the “dense” and “dropout”
Dense layers are normal layer of normal neurons.
Their main function is to manipulate the data with
their activation functions.
Dropout layers take a randomly selected percentage
of neurons in a network and deactivates them. This
helps the network learn more by forcing it to use
other neurons to learn. Dropout layers aren’t made
of neurons.

Layers: Output Layer
The output layer is the final hidden layer that gives
the neural network’s final output(s). They are
typically the smallest layer in the neural network
since all of the data has been condensed to
determine these last output(s). Output layers are
typically “dense” layers with the sigmoid or softmax
activation functions.
Sigmoid dense layers have one neuron that classify
data into two categories. This is called binary cross
Softmax dense layers have numerous neurons
equal to the number of categories to classify data.
This is called categorical cross entropy.

Operation of MLPs
Now that we know how MLPs and basic neural
networks are structure, but how do they learn? The
answer lies in backpropagation; a complex set of
equations that fine-tune a network to its task.
However, before we discuss backpropagation, we’ll
need to understand the processes of training,
testing, and all the elements that go with it.
Additionally, these operations apply to all neural

Operation of MLPs: Training
Training is the only period when backpropagation
happens. The goal of training is to create a model fit
to operate with real-world data by first letting it run
on practice data. It’s exactly like training a person:
athletes need to practice before a game or match
where the stakes are raised.

Training: Training Data
Training data is a proportion of data separated from
the full data set or corpus. Training data, as the
name implies, is data fed into the network during
training. Out of all the types of data, training data is
the largest proportion of data out of the corpus.
Validation data is a smaller proportion of data that
is set aside to conduct miniature tests during the
network’s training process. Sometimes, however,
the term “validation data” is swapped for “testing
data” which will be explained later.
Metaphorically, training data is like homework,
validation data are like quizzes, and testing data are
like tests.

Training: Loss
Once the training data is fed through the entire
network, the outputs of the neural network are
compared to the desired outputs of the neural
network. This is where loss functions come into
play. Loss functions mathematically measures loss
by comparing the network’s experimental values
with the actual values. Loss is then fed into
Like activation functions, there are multiple loss
functions. Binary cross entropy has a different loss
function from categorical cross entropy because
their outputs are different and must be interpreted

Here is a graph of loss given two variables.

Training: Backpropagation
Backpropagation takes the loss value and edits the
neural network’s by changing its weights. The goal
of backpropagation is to reduce the loss value as
much as possible. So when backpropagation occurs
after the next set of data is fed through the network,
the loss value will be less than the previous loss
value. Thus, as the loss decreases, the network’s
experimental output values will become more and
more similar to the actual values; the network
becomes more accurate/proficient at its task. This
involves a fair bit of multivariable calculus that
won’t be discussed here.
The ball rolls down the graph to find a lower loss
value. Backpropagation works like this.

Training: Batches & Epochs
Rather than backpropagate after every training
example, a network can backpropagate after
batches, or groups of training examples, to save
time. When the network runs through a batch, it’s
errors are saved up and loss is calculated all at
once. Once it’s run through the entire batch,
backpropagation happens only once.
Epochs are when the network runs through the
entire training set once. A network will often run
through the training set multiple times, but if it runs
to long, it risks overfitting—a topic that we’ll get to in

The dough is like an epoch, it’s the blend that has all
the cookies. The batch is like the tray, it’s how many
cookies you can make from the blend at a time.

Operation of MLPs: Testing
Testing exists to verify that the neural network is
ready to be applied to real-world data; it’s like a
student’s final exam before graduating to the next
grade. In this period, backpropagation does not
occur and the network relies solely on what it has
learned thus far.

Testing: Testing Data
Testing data, as opposed to training data, is used
during testing, makes up a smaller proportion of the
corpus, and doesn’t happen alongside
backpropagation. Thus, while a network trains,
testing data is reserved until the network is fully fit.
However, it is fed through the network exactly like
training data.
Again, “validation data” and “testing data” may be
mistaken for one another.

Testing: Overfitting
Overfitting is a risk of training a network too long
where the network becomes so familiar with the
training data that it begins to overanalyze the
training data outliers that don’t apply to every data
set. Thus, the network loses generality and is no
longer applicable to other data.
Overfitting is more difficult to verify during training,
especially without validation data. With testing,
identifying an overfitted network is simple because
network’s classifications will be much less accurate
in the test data than in the training data.

Operation of MLPs: Optimization
We’ve determined how a neural network learns, but
there are limits to a neural network’s potential that
deal with variables only the programmer can alter:
hyperparameters. The process of fine-tuning a
network’s hyperparameters to unlock more of its
potential is called hyperparameter optimization.
This process, however, is tedious. There are a vast
number of hyperparameters to edit even in the
simplest networks: layer size, activation functions,
loss functions, learning rate decay, gradient decay,
etc. There are automated ways to do this, but that’s
beyond the scope of this kiosk.

Operation of MLPs: Application
MLPs are good generalists. Like a lot of neural
networks, they’re great at classification problems,
but again, the complexity of the problem depends
on the data that’s being classified (images, texts,
audio). They excel in crunching numerical data but
lack in their ability to solve those more complex
problems with patternized data. At some point, a
specialist network is required which are less
versatile but adept at working specific problems.

This is a section of data from the MNIST
handwritten number data set. These images have a
very low resolution so MLPs can classify these
numbers adequately.

Convolutional Neural Networks:
Pixel Perfect

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
CNNs are networks that specialize in processing
images. Before continuing, it’s important to note
that CNNs, MLPs, and many other types of neural
networks bear many resemblances. They all train;
they all backpropagate; they’re all tested; at least,
from an operational standpoint, all neural networks
are similar because they all rely on the magic of
backpropagation. Specialist networks branch off
from MLPs in their structure and data; in order to
process images, CNNs are equipped with special
tools that MLPs and other networks don’t have.

CNNs: Data Representation
CNN’s operate on images or data with spatial
patterns. But, as stated before, all data must be
numerical. So how are images broken down into
numbers? Well, every digital image is represented
on a monitor and occupies a specific number of
pixels in a two dimensional space. Thus, the pixels
are elements in a two dimensional array or grid.
Each pixel in a colored image also contains a color
that’s represented by RGB (red green blue) values
which are numbers from 0 to 255. Now we have a
third dimension: channels of color. In conclusion, a
colored image is a three dimensional array where
each element is a pixel that contains a number from
0 to 255. In a black and white image, though, there
is only one channel.

CNNs: Pooling Layers
Pooling layers are found in CNNs that are
responsible for condensing data. Like dropout
layers, pooling layers aren’t “layers” because they’re
not made of neurons, but they manipulate the data
passing into the next layer. For images, pooling
uses a kernel, a small two dimensional grid, to scan
the image left right up and down. Everywhere the
kernel stops, a value is generated that condenses
the information of the pixels within the grid to one
value which effectively creates a feature map of an
image that represents an image’s most prominent
Varied pooling layers exist: max pooling passes the
largest value in a kernel; average pooling passes the

CNNs: Convolution Layers
Convolution layers are akin to pooling layers, but
they have neurons. A kernel slides across the image
to scan it, but instead of pooling the image, the
values in the kernel are passed through a neuron
that manipulates the data to produce a single
output. The data can still be arranged in two
dimensions for the kernel, but convolution will make
the image unrecognizable. Outputs still refer to a
two-dimensional grid, but not the original image.
Convolutional layers are much different from dense
layers where every output of the previous layer is
passed into every neuron of the next. In this case,
only a select group of outputs, the outputs in the
kernel, are passed into the neuron of the next layer.

The yellow square is the kernel and it slides along
the image to find features. In this case, it’s looking
for an “x” shape as seen by the multipliers. The sum
of its findings are then placed in the feature map.

CNNs: Flatten Layer
Pooling and convolution happen at the start of a
CNN and almost always operate one after another.
Eventually, the network makes a smaller image than
the original that is simple enough to be interpreted
by dense layers. After all, a CNN must end in a
dense layer if it is classifying the image. Before
then, though, the image must be flattened. A flatten
layer is another purely operational layer that doesn’t
use neurons. It’s responsible for flattening the
image’s channels into one one-dimensional array.
This especially crucial in colored images because
convolution and pooling can occur multiple times
per channel which effectively multiply the number of
outputs the network passes layer to layer.

CNNs: Application
Because CNNs specialize in image classification,
they can be used to create facial recognition
algorithms used by SnapChat or Apple, algorithms
that use images of a patient to diagnose them, or
algorithms that identify objects in videos. Indeed, a
lot of our decisions are made with the help of visual
stimuli, so even though CNNs are specialized for
tackling visual data, they are still a neural network
with plenty of applications.

Recurrent Neural Networks:
Past, Present, & Prediction

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
RNNs operate on data that have sequential
patterns. Like CNNs and MLPs, they share the same
operations regarding backpropagation, training, etc.,
but there’s one key difference. MLPs and CNNs are
feedforward networks because data only moves in
one direction: input to output. RNNs move data
forward, but once inputs become outputs, they’re
fed back into the RNN. This makes the network
more susceptible to directly making decisions
based on its past experiences. Normal MLPs can’t
do this, so like CNNs, RNNs require some special

RNNs: Data Representation
RNNs operate on data with sequential patterns:
sentences, videos, trends, etc. Trends are numbers
in series and videos are a series of images, but how
are sentences broken down into numbers? An RNN
can’t understand words, but it can plot a word’s
contextual meaning on a multidimensional vector.
For instance, the network can slowly learn that
some words are adjectives, nouns, and verbs
because of where they occur in the sentence. The
network, though, will never know a word’s deeper
meaning like connotation, sarcasm, irony, etc.
Above is an example chart of how hardware can be
embedded based off of contextual meaning.

RNNs: LSTM Units
Long-Short Term Memory Units (LSTMs) are
modified neurons that RNNs use as operational
units. Unlike a classic neuron, they have what’s
called a forget gate which determines what past
data the RNN needs to remember and what it needs
to forget.
This solves a dilemma known as the vanishing
gradient which happens when a network without
LSTMs accumulates too much past data to feed
back into itself. Since all the past data are multiplied
by weights that are between 0 and 1 every time the
data is fed back, the outputs of the RNN eventually
approach a limit of zero. By forgetting select
examples, LSTMs can avoid this dilemma.

RNNs: Embedding Layer
The embedding layer is a layer in networks that
analyzes words, so not all RNNs require an
embedding layer. Nonetheless, this layer is
responsible for taking raw words and placing them
in a multidimensional vector based on their
contextual meaning.
Again, not all RNNs require an embedding layer. In
fact, most RNNs process time-based data, but it’s
important to note that RNNs operate on data in
sequence and are not exclusively limited to
time-based data.

RNNs: LSTM Layers
LSTM layers are layers made of LSTMs rather than
normal neurons. They usually make up the majority
of hidden layers in an RNN until the very end when a
classification or prediction must be made. Unlike
the convolutional and pooling layers in a CNN, the
operation of an LSTM layer doesn’t require two
distinct layers. Thus, they can be stacked directly on
top of each other and can placed in more
locations—similar to dense layers in an MLP.

An “unrolled” LSTM layer that shows inputs and
connections into an LSTM layer as time proceeds.

RNNs: Application
RNNs are often applied to predicting trends in the
stock market, identifying actions in videos or
images, detecting insurance fraud, and voice
recognition or natural language processing.
It’s important to note that MLPs, RNNs, and CNNs,
can be mixed together in order to apply neural
networks to more complex problems. For instance,
identifying actions in videos and images require
processes of both a CNN and RNN. Likewise, the
flavors of machine learning can be mixed together.
For instance, Elon Musk’s OpenAI plays Dota II, a
video game, to near perfection. That would require
elements of a CNN, RNN, and reinforcement

And those are the main three neural networks! If you
want to read more about these networks, tamper
with one, or perhaps create on yourself, I
recommend finding resources online. The deep
learning library Keras for the coding language
Python is a fantastic place to start, and you can find
my reference to interpreting Keras for MLPs, CNNs,
and RNNs.


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