Cloud Control Advanced Installation And Configuration Guide OEM 04 PDF 132
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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide 13c Release 2 E74570-05 June 2017 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide, 13c Release 2 E74570-05 Copyright © 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Oracle Corporation Contributors: Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Development Teams, Quality Assurance Teams, Customer Support Teams, and Product Management Teams. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agencyspecific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xv Intended Audience ..................................................................................................................................... xv Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... xv Related Documents..................................................................................................................................... xv Conventions................................................................................................................................................ xvi Part I Getting Started 1 Procuring the Software 1.1 Releases Available for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control ....................................................... 1-1 1.2 Procuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software...................................................... 1-2 1.2.1 How Do You Access the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software from a DVD? ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.2 How Do You Procure the Software from Oracle Technology Network?...................... 1-3 1.3 Procuring the Oracle Management Agent Software.................................................................... 1-5 2 Understanding the Basics 2.1 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation........................ 2.1.1 What are the Different Installation Modes Offered by Enterprise Manager Cloud 2-1 Control? ........................................................................................................................................ 2-2 2.1.2 What Is an Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard? ........................... 2.1.3 What Installation Types Are Offered by the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 2-2 Installation Wizard? ................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.1.4 What Is Oracle Configuration Manager? ........................................................................... 2-4 2.1.5 What Are the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Updates? ......................... 2.1.6 What is a Deployment Size for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in an Advanced 2-5 Configuration? ............................................................................................................................ 2-9 2.1.7 What Is an Agent Gold Image? ......................................................................................... 2-10 2.1.8 What Is an Agent Gold Image Console? .......................................................................... 2-11 2.1.9 What Is an Add Host Target Wizard? .............................................................................. 2-11 2.1.10 What Is a Plug-in? ............................................................................................................. 2-13 2.1.11 What Is an Add Management Service Deployment Procedure?................................ 2-13 iii 2.1.12 What Ports Are Used for Installation? ........................................................................... 2-14 2.1.13 What Data Files Are Created While Configuring Oracle Management Repository? ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-19 2.1.14 How Do You Delete the Data Files Created While Configuring Oracle Management Repository?........................................................................................................ 2-20 2.1.15 Globalization Support for Enterprise Manager ............................................................ 2-21 2.2 Understanding the Oracle WebLogic Server Requirement for an Enterprise Manager Installation.......................................................................................................................................... 2-21 2.2.1 When and Why Do You Need the Oracle WebLogic Server Credentials? ................. 2-22 2.2.2 When and Why Do You Need the Node Manager Credentials? ................................. 2-22 2.2.3 How Do You Find Admin Server Port After Installing Enterprise Manager? ........... 2-22 2.2.4 How Do You Verify Whether Admin Server Is Running?............................................ 2-23 2.2.5 How Do You Start the Admin Server? ............................................................................. 2-23 2.3 Understanding the Installation Directories................................................................................. 2-23 2.3.1 What Is an Oracle Inventory Directory? .......................................................................... 2-23 2.3.2 What Is an Oracle Middleware Home or Oracle home?................................................ 2-24 2.3.3 What Is an Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location? ............................... 2-25 2.3.4 What Is an Agent Base Directory? .................................................................................... 2-26 2.3.5 What Is an Agent Home? ................................................................................................... 2-26 2.3.6 What Is an Agent Instance Directory?.............................................................................. 2-26 2.3.7 What Is a Plug-in Home? ................................................................................................... 2-26 2.3.8 What Is a /TMP or C:\Temp Directory Used For? ........................................................ 2-27 2.4 Understanding the Configuration Assistants............................................................................. 2-27 2.4.1 What Are Configuration Assistants?................................................................................ 2-28 2.4.2 What Configuration Assistants Are Run by the Installation Wizard? ........................ 2-28 2.4.3 What Do You Do When Configuration Assistants Fail?................................................ 2-30 2.5 Understanding the Prerequisite Checks before Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control ................................................................................................................................................ 2-30 2.5.1 What Prerequisite Checks Are Run by Default?............................................................. 2-30 2.5.2 How Do You Run the Prerequisite Checks in a Standalone Mode? ............................ 2-31 2.6 Understanding the Limitations of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control ................................. 2-32 2.6.1 Can You Access Unlicensed Components? ..................................................................... 2-32 2.6.2 What Are the Limitations with DHCP-Enabled Machines? ......................................... 2-32 2.7 Understanding the Startup Scripts............................................................................................... 2-32 2.7.1 Where is the Startup Script Stored? .................................................................................. 2-32 2.7.2 What does the Startup Script Invoke? .............................................................................. 2-33 2.7.3 How Do I Stop the Startup Script from Starting the OMS or the Management Agent?......................................................................................................................................... 2-33 2.7.4 Can the Startup Script Start an OMS or a Management Agent on a Remote Host?.. 2-33 2.7.5 How Do I Change the Management Agent Service Priority Level that the Startup Script Follows While Starting Up or Shutting Down the Management Agent?.............. 2-33 2.8 Understanding Other Miscellaneous Concepts.......................................................................... 2-34 2.8.1 What Is a Host List File?..................................................................................................... 2-34 iv 2.8.2 What Scripts Are Run During the Installation Process?................................................ 2-35 Part II Installing Enterprise Manager System 3 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3.1 Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode.................................................. 3-1 3.2 Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode .............................................. 3-2 3.3 Prerequisites for Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode................................................ 3-2 3.4 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode.............................................................................. 3-2 3.4.1 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode .................................................................. 3-2 3.4.2 Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode................................................................................................................ 3-5 3.4.3 Limitations with the Advanced Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode............................................................................................... 3-6 3.4.4 Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing an Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode .................................................................................................................................. 3-6 3.5 Performing Postinstallation Tasks After Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 3-18 4 Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4.1 Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method................. 4-1 4.2 Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method............. 4-4 4.3 Prerequisites for Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method .............. 4-4 4.4 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method...................................... 4.4.1 Installing an Enterprise Manager System Using Software Only Install Along With 4-4 Plugins and Configuring Later ................................................................................................. 4-4 4.4.2 Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode ..................................................................................................................................................... 4-25 4.4.3 Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode .... 4-43 Part III Installing Additional Oracle Management Service 5 Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode 5.1 About Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode ............................. 5-1 5.2 Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode ......................................... 5-1 Part IV Installing Oracle Management Agent 6 Installing Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode 6.1 Overview of Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode ................................................... 6-1 6.2 Before You Begin Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode........................................... 6-3 6.3 Prerequisites for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode ............................................ 6-4 6.4 Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode........................................................................... 6-8 v 6.4.1 Installing a Management Agent Using the AgentPull Script.......................................... 6.4.2 Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image, Using the AgentPull 6-9 Script ........................................................................................................................................... 6-11 6.4.3 Installing a Management Agent Using the agentDeploy Script................................... 6-13 6.4.4 Installing a Management Agent Using the RPM File..................................................... 6-20 6.4.5 Installing a Management Agent on a Virtual Host ........................................................ 6-23 6.4.6 Response File Parameters for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode Using the AgentPull Script ................................................................................................................. 6-23 6.4.7 Response File Parameters for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode Using the agentDeploy Script............................................................................................................. 6-25 6.4.8 Response File Parameters for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode Using an RPM File................................................................................................................................ 6-27 6.4.9 Options Supported by the AgentPull Script.................................................................... 6-28 6.4.10 Options Supported by the agentDeploy Script............................................................. 6-29 6.4.11 Contents of the Downloaded Management Agent Software...................................... 6-30 6.4.12 Contents of the Management Agent RPM File ............................................................. 6-31 6.5 After Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode .............................................................. 6-31 7 Cloning Oracle Management Agents 7.1 Overview of Cloning Management Agents .................................................................................. 7-1 7.2 Before You Begin Cloning a Management Agent ........................................................................ 7-2 7.3 Prerequisites for Cloning a Management Agent.......................................................................... 7-6 7.4 Cloning a Management Agent...................................................................................................... 7-15 7.4.1 Cloning a Management Agent in Graphical Mode ........................................................ 7-15 7.4.2 Cloning a Management Agent in Silent Mode................................................................ 7-22 7.5 After Cloning a Management Agent............................................................................................ 7-24 8 Installing Shared Agents 8.1 Overview of Installing Shared Agents........................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 Before You Begin Installing Shared Agents .................................................................................. 8-2 8.3 Prerequisites for Installing Shared Agents.................................................................................... 8-5 8.4 Installing Shared Agents................................................................................................................ 8-12 8.4.1 Installing Shared Agents Using Add Host Targets Wizard.......................................... 8-13 8.4.2 Additional Parameters Supported for Installing Shared Agents Using Add Host Targets Wizard .......................................................................................................................... 8-17 8.4.3 Installing Shared Agents in Silent Mode ......................................................................... 8-17 8.4.4 Response File Parameters for Installing Shared Agents in Silent Mode ..................... 8-19 8.5 After Installing Shared Agents ..................................................................................................... 8-20 9 Converting Shared Agents to Standalone Agents 9.1 Converting NFS or Shared Agents to Standalone Agents .......................................................... vi 9-1 10 Installing the Oracle Management Agent Software Now and Configuring It Later 10.1 Overview of Installing a Management Agent and Configuring It Later.............................. 10-1 10.2 Before You Begin Installing a Management Agent.................................................................. 10-2 10.3 Prerequisites for Installing a Management Agent ................................................................... 10-2 10.4 Installing Only the Management Agent Software Binaries .................................................... 10-2 10.5 Configuring the Management Agent Software Binaries......................................................... 10-2 10.6 After Installing a Management Agent ....................................................................................... 10-3 Part V Advanced Installation and Configuration 11 Managing the Lifecycle of Agent Gold Images 11.1 Agent Gold Image Terminology................................................................................................. 11-2 11.2 Operations You Can Perform Using an Agent Gold Image ................................................... 11-2 11.3 Understanding the Agent Gold Image Console....................................................................... 11-3 11.4 Understanding the Management Agent Base Directory Structure ....................................... 11-5 11.4.1 Agent Base Directory Structure After a Management Agent Is Provisioned Using a Gold Image ............................................................................................................................. 11-5 11.4.2 Agent Base Directory Structure After Upgrade or Update from 12c to 13c Using a Gold Image ................................................................................................................................ 11-6 11.5 Managing the Lifecycle of an Agent Gold Image ................................................................... 11-6 11.5.1 Creating an Agent Gold Image ....................................................................................... 11-7 11.5.2 Editing an Agent Gold Image.......................................................................................... 11-8 11.5.3 Deleting an Agent Gold Image........................................................................................ 11-8 11.5.4 Creating an Agent Gold Image Version......................................................................... 11-8 11.5.5 Deleting an Agent Gold Image Version ....................................................................... 11-12 11.5.6 Staging an Agent Gold Image Version......................................................................... 11-13 11.5.7 Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version................. 11-14 11.5.8 Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Restricted Version............. 11-16 11.5.9 Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image...................................... 11-17 11.5.10 Unsubscribing Management Agents from an Agent Gold Image ......................... 11-19 11.5.11 Provisioning Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image........................... 11-21 11.5.12 Updating Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version.................. 11-21 11.6 Viewing Agent Gold Image Activity Details.......................................................................... 11-32 11.6.1 Viewing Agent Gold Image Activity Details Using Gold Agent Image Home Page ................................................................................................................................................... 11-32 11.6.2 Viewing Agent Gold Image Activity Details Using EM CLI .................................... 11-33 11.7 Checking the Agent Gold Image Compliance Level ............................................................. 11-35 11.8 Viewing Details about the Agent Gold Images...................................................................... 11-35 11.8.1 Viewing Details about the Agent Gold Images and Gold Image Versions Using the Gold Agent Images Home Page..................................................................................... 11-35 11.8.2 Viewing Details about the Agent Gold Images Using EM CLI ................................ 11-36 11.9 Viewing Notifications Related to Agent Gold Images .......................................................... 11-40 vii 11.10 Viewing Agent Gold Images with Pending Updates .......................................................... 11-40 11.11 Viewing the Last Agent Gold Image That Was Changed................................................... 11-40 11.12 Viewing the Log Files Related to Agent Gold Image .......................................................... 11-40 11.13 Viewing the Status of Unsubscribed Operations Using EM CLI....................................... 11-40 11.14 Viewing a List of Management Agents Subscribed to a Given Agent Gold Image Using EM CLI.............................................................................................................................................. 11-42 11.15 Creating an Agent Gold Image Update Policy and Defining the Default Values To Be Set for Management Agent Upgrade ........................................................................................... 11-43 11.15.1 Creating an Agent Gold Image Update Policy and Defining the Default Values to be Set for Management Agent Update Using the Gold Agent Images Home Page ..... 11-43 11.15.2 Creating an Agent Gold Image Update Policy and Defining the Default Values To Be Set for Management Agent Upgrade Using EM CLI.............................................. 11-43 12 Configuring Enterprise Manager for Firewalls 12.1 Planning to Configure a Firewall for the Enterprise Manager System................................. 12-2 12.2 Typical Firewall Configurations for the Enterprise Manager System .................................. 12-2 12.3 Configuring a Firewall Between the Web Browser and the Enterprise Manager System . 12-4 12.4 Configuring an OMS on a Host Protected by a Firewall ........................................................ 12-4 12.4.1 Configuring the OMS to Use a Proxy Server to Communicate with Management Agents......................................................................................................................................... 12-5 12.5 Configuring a Management Agent on a Host Protected by a Firewall ................................ 12-6 12.5.1 Configuring a Management Agent to Use a Proxy Server.......................................... 12-7 12.6 Configuring Firewalls Between the OMS and the Management Repository....................... 12-8 12.7 Configuring Firewalls Between the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console and a Managed Database Target ............................................................................................................... 12-8 12.8 Configuring Firewalls for Multiple OMS Instances ................................................................ 12-8 12.9 Enabling the OMS to Access My Oracle Support .................................................................... 12-9 12.10 Configuring the dontProxyfor Property.................................................................................. 12-9 12.11 Configuring Firewalls to Allow ICMP and UDP Traffic for Oracle Beacons .................. 12-10 12.12 Enabling ICMP Echo Requests on Firewalls......................................................................... 12-10 13 Sizing Your Enterprise Manager Deployment 13.1 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Sizing................................................................................ 13-1 13.1.1 Overview of Sizing Guidelines........................................................................................ 13-2 13.1.2 Software Configurations .................................................................................................. 13-4 13.1.3 Additional Configurations............................................................................................... 13-7 13.2 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Performance Methodology ......................................... 13-15 13.2.1 Step 1: Choosing a Starting Platform Cloud Control Deployment .......................... 13-15 13.2.2 Step 2: Periodically Evaluating the Vital Signs of Your Site ..................................... 13-15 13.2.3 Step 3: Using DBA and Enterprise Manager Tasks To Eliminate Bottlenecks ....... 13-18 13.2.4 Step 4: Eliminating Bottlenecks Through Tuning....................................................... 13-18 13.2.5 Step 5: Extrapolating Linearly Into the Future for Sizing Requirements................ 13-26 13.2.6 Using Returning Query Safeguards to Improve Performance ................................. 13-27 viii 13.3 Overview of Sizing Requirements for Fusion Middleware Monitoring ............................ 13-27 14 Configuring Proxies for OMS and Management Agent Communication 14.1 About Using Proxies for OMS and Management Agent Communication........................... 14-2 14.2 Configuring Proxies for OMS-to-Management Agent Communication .............................. 14-3 14.3 Configuring Proxies for Management Agent-to-OMS Communication After the Management Agent Is Deployed .................................................................................................... 14-5 14.4 Configuring Proxies for Management Agent-to-OMS Communication While Deploying the Management Agent .................................................................................................................... 14-6 14.5 Configuring Proxies for OMS-to-My Oracle Support Communication................................ 14-7 14.6 Updating Proxies Configured for OMS-to-Management Agent Communication.............. 14-8 14.7 Associating Additional Management Agents to an Existing Proxy to Communicate with the OMS .............................................................................................................................................. 14-9 14.8 Excluding Management Agents from Using Proxies to Communicate with the OMS .... 14-10 14.9 Viewing a List of Proxies by Proxy Names or Management Agents .................................. 14-10 14.10 Monitoring Proxies Configured for OMS-to-Management Agent Communication ...... 14-11 14.11 Removing Proxies Configured for OMS-to-Management Agent Communication ........ 14-11 14.12 EM CLI Verbs for Configuring Proxies for OMS and Management Agent Communication ............................................................................................................................... 14-12 15 Installing JVMD Agents with Advanced Install Options 15.1 Overview of JVMD Architecture ................................................................................................ 15-1 15.2 Before you Begin Installing JVMD Agent ................................................................................. 15-3 15.3 Prerequisites for Installing JVMD Agent................................................................................... 15-3 15.4 Deploying JVMD Agents Using Advanced Installation Options .......................................... 15-3 15.4.1 Deploying JVMD Agents Manually by Downloading and Deploying jamagent.war ............................................................................................................................. 15-3 15.4.2 Deploying JVMD Agents Manually Using ............................. 15-8 15.4.3 Deploying JVMD Agents for High Availability ........................................................... 15-9 15.5 After Installing JVMD Agents................................................................................................... 15-10 16 Configuring BI Publisher with Enterprise Manager 16.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................ 16-2 16.1.1 BI Publisher Features ........................................................................................................ 16-2 16.1.2 Limitations.......................................................................................................................... 16-3 16.2 BI Publisher Configuration and Integration with Enterprise Manager 13c ......................... 16-3 16.3 Using Enterprise Manager with BI Publisher .......................................................................... 16-4 16.4 Paths to Access BI Publisher ....................................................................................................... 16-4 16.5 Allowing Access to BI Publisher for Enterprise Manager Administrators ......................... 16-7 16.5.1 Enterprise Manager Authentication Security Model ................................................... 16-7 16.5.2 BI Publisher Security Model ............................................................................................ 16-7 16.5.3 BI Publisher Permissions.................................................................................................. 16-8 16.5.4 BI Publisher OPSS Application Roles ............................................................................ 16-8 ix 16.5.5 Authenticating and limiting access BI Publisher features .......................................... 16-9 16.6 Limiting access to BI Publisher features.................................................................................. 16-10 16.6.1 Granting BI Publisher OPSS Application Roles to Enterprise Manager Administrators in Repository-Based Authentication Mode Using wlst......................... 16-10 16.6.2 Propagation Time for Changes to OPSS ...................................................................... 16-11 16.7 Allowing Access to BI Publisher for Enterprise Manager Administrators in an Underlying LDAP Authentication Security Environment........................................................ 16-11 16.7.1 Mapping LDAP Groups to BI Publisher OPSS Application Roles........................... 16-14 16.8 Securing BI Publisher with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate ................................... 16-14 16.9 BI Publisher Administration ..................................................................................................... 16-14 16.10 Post-Configuration Steps to take after Configuring BI Publisher ..................................... 16-15 16.11 EMBIP* Roles: Granting Access to Folders and Catalog Objects....................................... 16-15 16.12 Access to Enterprise Manager Repository ............................................................................ 16-16 16.13 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 16-16 16.13.1 Rerunning configureBIP............................................................................................... 16-16 16.13.2 BI Publisher Log File Locations................................................................................... 16-16 16.13.3 Additional Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 16-17 16.13.4 Redeploying All Enterprise Manager-Supplied BI Publisher Reports.................. 16-17 16.13.5 Enabling BI Publisher Debugging............................................................................... 16-17 16.14 Managing Enterprise Manager - BI Publisher Connection Credentials ........................... 16-20 16.15 Resetting the BISystemUser credentials ................................................................................ 16-21 16.16 Managing the BI Publisher Server and other Enterprise Manager Components............ 16-22 16.17 Using BI Publisher .................................................................................................................... 16-24 16.18 De-installing BI Publisher that was Not Installed Along with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 16-24 17 Running the OMS in Console-Only Mode 17.1 About Running the OMS in Console-Only Mode.................................................................... 17-1 17.2 Running the OMS in Console-Only Mode ................................................................................ 17-2 Part VI Configuring Enterprise Manager for High Availability 18 High Availability Solutions 18.1 Latest High Availability Information ........................................................................................ 18-2 18.2 Defining High Availability.......................................................................................................... 18-2 18.2.1 Levels of High Availability .............................................................................................. 18-2 18.3 Comparing Availability Levels................................................................................................... 18-3 18.4 Implementing High Availability Levels.................................................................................... 18-4 19 Enterprise Manager High Availability 19.1 Agent High Availability .............................................................................................................. 19-1 19.1.1 Configuring the Management Agent to Automatically Start on Boot and Restart on Failure ................................................................................................................................... 19-1 x 19.1.2 Configuring Restart for the Management Agent.......................................................... 19-1 19.1.3 Installing the Management Agent Software on Redundant Storage ......................... 19-2 19.2 Repository High Availability ...................................................................................................... 19-2 19.2.1 General Best Practice for Repository High Availability .............................................. 19-2 19.2.2 Configuring RAC for the Management Repository ..................................................... 19-2 19.3 Oracle Management Service High Availability........................................................................ 19-3 19.3.1 Best Practices for Configuring the Cloud Control OMS to be Compatible with Disaster Recovery using Alias Host Names and Storage Replication .............................. 19-4 19.3.2 Configuring the Cloud Control OMS in an Active/Passive Environment for HA Failover Using Virtual Host Names....................................................................................... 19-7 19.3.3 Installing Additional Management Services ............................................................... 19-10 19.3.4 Configuring Multiple Management Services Behind a Server Load Balancer (SLB) ................................................................................................................................................... 19-10 20 Enterprise Manager Disaster Recovery 20.1 Disaster Recovery Overview and Topology ............................................................................. 20-1 20.2 Design Considerations ................................................................................................................. 20-3 20.2.1 Network Considerations .................................................................................................. 20-3 20.2.2 Storage Considerations..................................................................................................... 20-6 20.2.3 Database Considerations.................................................................................................. 20-8 20.2.4 Starting Points.................................................................................................................... 20-9 20.3 Setting Up Management Repository Disaster Recovery....................................................... 20-11 20.3.1 Configuring a Standby Database for the Management Repository ......................... 20-11 20.4 Setting Up the OMS, Bi Publisher Shared Storage and Software Library Disaster Recovery ........................................................................................................................................... 20-12 20.4.1 Management Service Disaster Recovery...................................................................... 20-13 20.4.2 Monitoring Standby OMS Hosts................................................................................... 20-15 20.4.3 Software Library Disaster Recovery ............................................................................. 20-16 20.4.4 BI Publisher Shared Storage Disaster Recovery......................................................... 20-16 20.4.5 Migrating an Existing Site to Shared Storage.............................................................. 20-17 20.5 Performing Switchover and Failover Operations .................................................................. 20-17 20.5.1 Switchover Procedure..................................................................................................... 20-18 20.5.2 Failover Procedure .......................................................................................................... 20-20 20.6 Keeping the Standby Site in Sync with the Primary.............................................................. 20-22 21 Backing Up and Recovering Enterprise Manager 21.1 Backing Up Your Deployment.................................................................................................... 21-1 21.2 Software Library Backup ............................................................................................................. 21-1 21.3 Management Repository Backup ............................................................................................... 21-2 21.4 Oracle Management Service Backup ......................................................................................... 21-2 21.5 Management Agent Backup........................................................................................................ 21-4 21.6 Recovery of Failed Enterprise Manager Components ............................................................ 21-4 21.6.1 Repository Recovery ......................................................................................................... 21-4 xi 21.6.2 Recovery Scenarios............................................................................................................ 21-5 21.6.3 Recovering the OMS ......................................................................................................... 21-8 21.6.4 OMS Recovery Scenarios.................................................................................................. 21-9 21.6.5 Recovering the Software Library .................................................................................. 21-18 21.6.6 Recovering Management Agents .................................................................................. 21-18 21.6.7 Management Agent Recovery Scenarios ..................................................................... 21-19 21.7 Recovering from a Simultaneous OMS-Management Repository Failure ......................... 21-20 21.7.1 Collapsed Configuration: Incomplete Management Repository Recovery, Primary OMS on the Same Host .......................................................................................................... 21-21 21.7.2 Distributed Configuration: Incomplete Management Repository Recovery, Primary OMS and additional OMS on Different Hosts, SLB Configured...................... 21-21 22 BI Publisher High Availability 22.1 Introduction to BI Publisher High Availability........................................................................ 22-2 22.2 Manually Configuring BI Publisher to Use a Shared Storage Device................................... 22-5 22.3 Adding Secondary BI Publisher Server(s)................................................................................. 22-6 22.3.1 Automatic Configuration of Secondary BI Publisher Server using the Add OMS Provisioning Job........................................................................................................................ 22-7 22.4 Confirming Correct Operation of an Additional OMS System ............................................. 22-7 22.5 Confirming Details of the Secondary BI Publisher Server...................................................... 22-7 Part VII Deinstallation 23 Deinstalling Enterprise Manager (Single and Multi-OMS Environments) 23.1 Deinstallation Scope ..................................................................................................................... 23-1 23.2 Deinstalling the Enterprise Manager System ........................................................................... 23-2 23.3 Deinstalling or Undeploying Only Plug-ins from the OMS................................................... 23-4 23.4 Deleting OMS Entries from the Management Repository...................................................... 23-4 24 Deinstalling Oracle Management Agents 24.1 Deinstalling Oracle Management Agents ................................................................................. 24-1 24.1.1 Deinstalling Standalone Oracle Management Agents ................................................. 24-1 24.1.2 After Deinstalling Standalone Management Agents ................................................... 24-3 24.2 Deinstalling or Undeploying Only Plug-ins from the Oracle Management Agent ............ 24-4 25 Deinstalling JVMD Agents 25.1 Deinstalling JVMD Agents .......................................................................................................... 25-1 25.1.1 Removing JVMD Agents Using Engines And Agents Page ....................................... 25-1 25.1.2 Removing JVMD Agents Manually................................................................................ 25-2 26 Removing Standby Oracle Management Services 26.1 Removing Additional Standby OMS Instances........................................................................ 26-1 26.2 Removing the First Standby OMS.............................................................................................. 26-4 xii Part VIII Appendixes A Overview of the Installation and Configuration Log Files A.1 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Logs ........................................................................ A-1 A.1.1 Installation Logs............................................................................................................................ A-1 A.1.2 Configuration Logs....................................................................................................................... A-1 A.2 Add Host Log Files .................................................................................................................................. A-5 A.2.1 Initialization Logs ......................................................................................................................... A-5 A.2.2 Application Prerequisite Logs .................................................................................................... A-6 A.2.3 System Prerequisite Logs............................................................................................................. A-6 A.2.4 Agent Installation Logs................................................................................................................ A-7 A.2.5 Other Add Host Logs................................................................................................................... A-7 A.3 Manual Management Agent Installation Logs .................................................................................... A-8 A.4 Agent Gold Image Log Files................................................................................................................... A-8 A.5 Additional OMS Installation Logs......................................................................................................... A-9 B Redirecting Oracle Management Agent to Another Oracle Management Service B.1 Prerequisites for Redirecting a Management Agent to Another OMS ............................................. B-1 B.2 Redirecting a Management Agent to Another OMS ........................................................................... B-2 C Applying Patches to Oracle Management Agents While Deploying or Upgrading Them C.1 Saving Management Agent Patches to an OMS Host......................................................................... C-1 C.2 Verifying Patch Application After Management Agent Deployment or Upgrade ........................ C-3 D Using the RepManager Utility D.1 Overview of the RepManager Utility.................................................................................................... D-1 D.2 Actions and Commands Supported by the RepManager Utility...................................................... D-1 E Collecting OCM Data Using Oracle Harvester E.1 Oracle Harvester ....................................................................................................................................... E-2 E.1.1 Highlights of Oracle Harvester ................................................................................................... E-2 E.1.2 Oracle Harvester and OCM ......................................................................................................... E-2 E.1.3 Support For Enterprise Manager ................................................................................................ E-3 E.1.4 Viewing CSIs in Enterprise Manager ......................................................................................... E-4 E.1.5 Harvester Target Lifecycle Properties from Enterprise Manager .......................................... E-4 E.1.6 Harvester Job Status Metric ......................................................................................................... E-5 E.1.7 Supported Targets in Oracle Harvester ..................................................................................... E-5 E.1.8 Configuration Data Not Available in My Oracle Support ...................................................... E-7 E.1.9 Leveraging the Enterprise Manager Infrastructure.................................................................. E-7 E.2 Oracle Configuration Manager............................................................................................................... E-8 E.3 Additional Information About MOS and OCM................................................................................... E-8 xiii E.4 Troubleshooting Configuration Data Collection Tools....................................................................... E-8 E.4.1 Oracle Harvester Collection Fails If the state/upload/external Directory Is Missing ....... E-9 E.4.2 Oracle Configuration Manager Is Not Running ....................................................................... E-9 E.4.3 Configuration Data Not Available in My Oracle Support .................................................... E-10 E.4.4 Only a Subset of the Targets Is Collected by the Oracle Harvester ..................................... E-10 F Enabling the Enterprise Manager Accessibility Features F.1 Enabling Enterprise Manager Accessibility Mode............................................................................... F-1 F.2 Setting uix-config.xml Flag...................................................................................................................... F-2 F.3 Configuring web.xml File ........................................................................................................................ F-2 F.4 Verifying That Screen Reader Support Is Enabled .............................................................................. F-3 G Configuring Targets for Failover in Active/Passive Environments G.1 Target Relocation in Active/Passive Environments.......................................................................... G-1 G.2 Installation and Configuration.............................................................................................................. G-2 G.2.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. G-2 G.2.2 Configuration Steps..................................................................................................................... G-2 G.3 Failover Procedure .................................................................................................................................. G-3 G.4 Failback Procedure.................................................................................................................................. G-4 G.5 EM CLI relocate_targets Parameters .................................................................................................... G-4 G.6 Relocation Script...................................................................................................................................... G-5 G.6.1 Relocation Script Example.......................................................................................................... G-5 H Updating Demonstration Keystores to Reflect Alias Hostnames I Postinstalltion Task to Configure TLS for Oracle Management Repository Database Index xiv Preface Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide is an extension to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. While the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide covers basic installation procedures that help you get started with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide covers advanced installation procedures that help you install and configure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control components in more complex environments. This preface contains the following topics: • Intended Audience • Documentation Accessibility • Related Documents • Conventions Intended Audience Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide is meant for system administrators who want to install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control components in complex environments. Documentation Accessibility For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at ctx=acc&id=docacc. Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired. Related Documents For the latest releases of these and other Oracle documentation, check the Oracle Help Center at the following URL: xv Conventions The following text conventions are used in this document: xvi Convention Meaning boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary. italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter. Part I Getting Started This part describes how you can procure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software and the Oracle Management Agent software, and explains some key concepts you must know before you start using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. In particular, this part contains the following chapters: • Procuring the Software • Understanding the Basics 1 Procuring the Software This chapter describes how you can procure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software and the Oracle Management Agent software. In particular, this chapter covers the following: • Releases Available for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control • Procuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software • Procuring the Oracle Management Agent Software 1.1 Releases Available for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Table 1-1 describes the releases Enterprise Manager Cloud Control has had so far. Table 1-1 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Releases Release Numbers Release Type Release Date Implementation Method Description Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2 Major Release June 2016 • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 1 Base Release • Decembe r 2015 • • New installation of 13c Release 2 Upgrade from 13c Release 1, 12c Release 5 (, 12)c Release 4 ( The second 13c release. New installation of 13c Release 1 Upgrade from 12c Release 5 (, 12c Release 4 (, 12c Release 3 ( First ever 13c release. Note: For more information on these releases and the platforms they support, access the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Certification Matrix. For instructions to access this matrix, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. Procuring the Software 1-1 Procuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software 1.2 Procuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software You can procure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from either the product DVD or the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site. This section describes these sources and covers the following: • How Do You Access the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software from a DVD? • How Do You Procure the Software from Oracle Technology Network? 1.2.1 How Do You Access the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software from a DVD? You can obtain the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from the product DVD that is available through Oracle Service Delivery Managers or Oracle Sales Representatives. The software may be available either on a single DVD or on multiple DVDs depending on the operating system. This section covers the following: • Accessing the Software from a DVD • Setting Mount Points for a DVD Accessing the Software from a DVD If the software is available on a single DVD, then insert the DVD into the DVD drive, and run the .bin file. If the software is available on multiple DVDs, then copy the archived software from each of the DVDs to a location on your local disk. Then, run the .bin file. No need to extract the archived (ZIP) files. Retain them as .bin and .zip files. Setting Mount Points for a DVD If you want to access the DVD from a shared DVD drive, then set a mount point for the DVD drive. On most Linux operating systems, the disk mounts automatically when you insert the DVD into the DVD drive. However, for some Linux operating systems, you might have to manually mount the disk. To verify whether the disk mounts automatically and to manually mount the disk if it does not mount itself automatically, follow these steps: 1. Insert the DVD into the disk drive. 2. To verify if the disk is automatically mounted, run the following command: • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux: # ls /mnt/cdrom • On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: # ls /media/cdrom 3. If the command in Step (2) fails to display the contents of the disk, then run the following command: • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux: 1-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Procuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software # mount -t nfs:/mnt/ • On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: # mount -t nfs :/media/ On most AIX operating systems, the disk mounts automatically when you insert the DVD into the DVD drive. However, for some AIX operating systems, you might have to manually mount the disk. To manually mount the disk if it does not mount itself automatically, follow these steps: 1. Switch the user to root user by running the following command: $ su -root 2. Insert the disk into the drive. Note: If required, enter the following command to eject the currently mounted disk and to remove it from the drive: # /usr/sbin/umount / 3. Enter the following command: # /usr/sbin/mount -rv cdrfs /dev/cd0 /SD_DVD In this example command, /SD_DVD is the disk mount point directory and /dev/cd0 is the device name for the disk device. 4. If you are prompted to specify the disk location, then specify the disk mount point directory path. For example, /SD_DVD 1.2.2 How Do You Procure the Software from Oracle Technology Network? You can procure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from OTN. The software available on OTN is archived using Info-ZIP's highly portable ZIP utility. The software is available in ZIP files. After downloading the software, you will need the UNZIP utility to extract the files. This section covers the following: • Downloading the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software • Verifying the File Size of Enterprise Manager Zip Files Downloading the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software To download the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from OTN, follow these steps: 1. As the install user who will be installing the product, create a directory where you can download and store the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software files. 2. Access the following OTN URL: downloads/index.html Procuring the Software 1-3 Procuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software 3. Download the following files: • • For UNIX platforms: – em13200_ .bin – em13200_ – em13200_ – em13200_ – em13200_ For Microsoft Windows platforms: – setup_em13200_win64.exe – – – – WARNING: Do not extract the contents of the downloaded archived (ZIP) files like you did for the previous releases of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Retain them as .bin and .zip files. 4. As the install user who will be installing the product, set the execute permission for the .bin or the .exe file. For example, on UNIX platforms, set the execute permission for the em13200_linux64.bin file. chmod +x em13200_linux64.bin 5. Verify that the execute permission has been correctly set for the .bin or the .exe file. For example, on UNIX platforms, run the following command: ls -ltr You should see a similar output that lists the file permissions: -r-xr-xr-x -r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r-- 1 1 1 1 1 user1 user1 user1 user1 user1 group1 group1 group1 group1 group1 2032373759 Jul 14 03:57 em13200_linux64.bin 2022925751 Jul 14 03:57 2046336073 Jul 14 03:57 653990632 Jul 14 03:57 653990632 Jul 14 03:57 Verifying the File Size of Enterprise Manager Zip Files After downloading the ZIP files, run the cksum command against the ZIP files and check if the file checksum of the downloaded software is the same as the file checksum displayed on OTN. 1-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Procuring the Oracle Management Agent Software The following is the format of the ZIP files released for 13c Release 2 for UNIX platforms. Here, refers to the operating system and N refers to the ZIP file number. For example,,,, and em13200_ ( bytes) (cksum - ) Similarly, the following is the format of the ZIP files released for 13c Release 2 for Microsoft Windows platforms. Here, N refers to the ZIP file number. For example,,,, and ( bytes) (cksum - ) The value (cksum - ) is the file checksum that you need to check. To check the file checksum of the first ZIP file, run the following command: $ cksum em13200_ For example, $ cksum 1.3 Procuring the Oracle Management Agent Software Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) is one of the core components of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, and therefore, its software is part of the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software. When you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, the installation wizard automatically installs a Management Agent. You can install additional Management Agents using the Add Host Targets Wizard built into the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console (Cloud Control console). The wizard uses the Management Agent software that is already present in the OMS home. However, note that the Management Agent software present in the OMS home is always for the version and platform on which that OMS is running. For example, if the OMS is Oracle Management Service 13c Release 2 and it is running on Linux platform, then the Management Agent software available there is also for that release and for that platform. If you want to install a Management Agent for a platform that is different from the one on which the OMS is running, then ensure that you download that software using the Self Update Console, which is built into the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. For information on Self Update, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide. For instructions to download the software, see the chapter on updating Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. Procuring the Software 1-5 Procuring the Oracle Management Agent Software 1-6 Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide 2 Understanding the Basics This chapter introduces you to some key concepts of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, and describes some important aspects of installation that you must know before you proceed any further. In particular, this chapter covers the following: • Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation • Understanding the Oracle WebLogic Server Requirement for an Enterprise Manager Installation • Understanding the Installation Directories • Understanding the Configuration Assistants • Understanding the Prerequisite Checks before Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control • Understanding the Limitations of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control • Understanding the Startup Scripts • Understanding Other Miscellaneous Concepts 2.1 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation This section describes the fundamental aspects of the installation process. In particular, this section covers the following: • What are the Different Installation Modes Offered by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control? • What Is an Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard? • What Installation Types Are Offered by the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard? • What Is Oracle Configuration Manager? • What Are the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Updates? • What is a Deployment Size for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in an Advanced Configuration? • What Is an Agent Gold Image? • What Is an Agent Gold Image Console? Understanding the Basics 2-1 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation • What Is an Add Host Target Wizard? • What Is a Plug-in? • What Is an Add Management Service Deployment Procedure? • What Ports Are Used for Installation? • What Data Files Are Created While Configuring Oracle Management Repository? • How Do You Delete the Data Files Created While Configuring Oracle Management Repository? • Globalization Support for Enterprise Manager 2.1.1 What are the Different Installation Modes Offered by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control? You can install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or any of its core components either in an interactive, graphical mode or in a silent mode. Installation Modes Description Graphical Mode Graphical mode is the Graphical User Interface (GUI) method that involves usage of a Java-based installation wizard or a browser-based application that is built into and accessed from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console. This method is best suited for first-time installations because you are guided through the entire installation process and your installation details are captured using the interview screens. Silent Mode Silent method involves usage of Oracle-supplied response files or scripts that capture all the information required for installation. This method is simpler and faster, but requires you to have some knowledge on the installation process so that you can provide your installation details in the response files without having to see the interview screens of the installation wizard. In both these modes, you can perform a software-only installation. A Software-Only installation is an approach that enables you to install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or a Management Agent, that is, without any configuration to the installation. This is best suited when you want to install the software at one point and configure it later. 2.1.2 What Is an Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard? Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard is a Java-based wizard that helps you install or upgrade to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in graphical mode. If you are installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or any of its core components for the first time, then Oracle strongly recommends you to use this installation wizard. Note: To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run em13200_ .bin. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup_em13200_win64.exe. 2-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Figure 2-1 describes the key elements of the installation wizard. Figure 2-1 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard 2.1.3 What Installation Types Are Offered by the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard? The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard offers the following installation types: • Create a New Enterprise Manager System • Upgrade an Existing Enterprise Manager System • Install Only the Software • Install Only the Software Along With Plugins Create a New Enterprise Manager System This installation type enables you to install a new Enterprise Manager Cloud Control system with either simple or advanced configuration settings. For information about simple and advanced installation types, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. For information about what is installed for both simple and advanced installation types, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. Understanding the Basics 2-3 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Note: If you want to install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control for evaluation or demo purposes, then use the Simple installation type. Upgrade an Existing Enterprise Manager System This installation type enables you to upgrade the following to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2: • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 1 • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 5 (] • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4 (] For upgrade, you must select only the One System Upgrade approach. The One System Upgrade approach enables you to upgrade on the same host where your earlier release of Enterprise Manager is running. This approach also upgrades the Management Repository in the existing database. Since the upgrade happens on the same host, there is a reasonable downtime involved. Install Only the Software This installation type enables you to install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control at one point, and configure it at a later point. This approach helps you divide the installation process into two phases, mainly the installation phase and the configuration phase. Understandably, the installation phase takes less time compared to the configuration phase because the installation phase involves only copying of binaries. For information about what is installed during the installation phase and what is configured during the configuration phase, refer to Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method. Install Only the Software Along With Plugins This installation type enables you to install the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control along with Plugins at one point, and configure it at a later point. This approach helps you divide the installation process into two phases, mainly the installation phase and the configuration phase. Understandably, the installation phase takes less time compared to the configuration phase because the installation phase involves only copying of binaries. For information about what is installed during the installation phase and what is configured during the configuration phase, refer to Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method. 2.1.4 What Is Oracle Configuration Manager? While installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you can choose to enable Oracle Configuration Manager. Oracle Configuration Manager automatically collects configuration information from your environment at regular intervals and uploads it to Oracle repository. This helps Oracle maintain up-to-date information about your environment, identify security 2-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation vulnerabilities, quickly diagnose support issues, and offer better solutions consistently. In addition, Oracle Configuration Manager enables the Harvester feature, which automatically collects configuration information about the targets monitored by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and uploads it to Oracle repository at regular Intervals. This eliminates the need to install and configure Oracle Configuration Manager collector in each and every Oracle home of the targets that are managed by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. For more information about Oracle Configuration Manager and the Harvester feature, see the Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.. However, no business or personal information is collected and uploaded, except for local contact name in the event of transmission problems. Oracle guarantees that all the information collected will be kept strictly confidential and under no circumstances will this information be shared with any other party. Oracle recommends that the host from where you are running the installation wizard have a connection to the Internet so that the configuration information can be automatically collected and uploaded to My Oracle Support. If the host from where you are running the installation wizard has an Internet connection, then on the My Oracle Support Details screen of the installation wizard, enter the My Oracle Support user name (or e-mail address) and password. If the host from where you are running the installation wizard does not have an Internet connection, then enter only the e-mail address and leave the other fields blank. After you complete the installation, at a later point when you are ready to configure Oracle Configuration Manager, run the following command from the Oracle home of the OMS host: On UNIX Platforms: $ /oracle_common/ccr/bin/configCCR On Microsoft Windows Platforms: $ \oracle_common\ccr\bin\configCCR.exe 2.1.5 What Are the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Updates? This section describes the following: • What Is a Software Update? • How Does the Software Update Feature Work? • What Types of Software Updates Are Downloaded and Applied? • Are the Software Updates Applied Automatically Even for Databases That Have Oracle Management Repository Preconfigured? • How Can You Download the Software Updates? • Can I Download and Apply These Patches After Installation or Upgrade? • How Can You Identify What Patches Have Been Applied? What Is a Software Update? Software Update is a feature built in to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard. The feature appears as the Software Updates screen in the Understanding the Basics 2-5 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation installer, and enables you to automatically download and deploy the latest recommended patches while installing or upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. This way, you do not have to keep a manual check on the patches released by Oracle. All patches required by the installer for successful installation and upgrade are automatically detected and downloaded from My Oracle Support, and applied during the installation or upgrade, thus reducing the known issues and potential failures. Note: The patches available via the Software Updates screen must be downloaded only via the Software Updates screen, and not from My Oracle Support. How Does the Software Update Feature Work? The Software Update feature connects to My Oracle Support and first downloads a patch, that consists of a file called patch.xml. The installer parses the patch.xml file, and creates a directory titled updates to download all the required updates. The updates directory has the following subdirectories: • updates/agent Contains patches related only to the central agent (Management Agent installed with the OMS). • updates/oms Contains patches related to the OMS. • updates/metadata Contains a subdirectory, inside which you will find the patch.xml that determines what all updates must be downloaded and on which Oracle home they must be applied. Note: All software updates must be downloaded and applied only via the Software Updates screen in the Installer, and not from My Oracle Support. What Types of Software Updates Are Downloaded and Applied? The following are the different types of updates that can be applied using this feature: • OUI/Opatch Updates Includes the latest OUI/Opatch versions or their updates. If a new version of the installer is downloaded, then OUI is restarted and launched from the location where the latest version is downloaded. • Prerequisite Updates Includes new prerequisite check-related updates released in response to issues reported after a release of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. This enables OUI to always run the latest set of prerequisite checks, thus resulting in a smoother installation or upgrade experience. 2-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation • EM installer Updates Includes updates that fix OUI issues—essentially, Java code changes that most likely results in automatic restart of OUI after their application. • Interim Patch Updates Includes patches such as DST patches, performance-related patches, and so on. They are automatically detected, downloaded, and applied. • Patch Set Updates Includes multiple patch updates that fix bugs, enhance existing features, and also sometimes introduce new features. Are the Software Updates Applied Automatically Even for Databases That Have Oracle Management Repository Preconfigured? During installation, you are prompted for the details of a database where Oracle Management Repository can be configured. If you plan to provide the details of a database that already has an Oracle Management Repository preconfigured using the database templates offered by Oracle, then the selected software updates are not automatically applied. In such a case, you must manually download and apply the software updates on the database after the installation. How Can You Download the Software Updates? You can download the software updates in one of the following ways: • Download by User (Offline Mode): Use this option when you do not have Internet connectivity on the host where you are installing Enterprise Manager, to connect to My Oracle Support. To download the software updates, follow these steps: Caution: Make sure you download and apply the software updates only using the installer. DO NOT directly download them from My Oracle Support. 1. On a host that has Internet connectivity, invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard with the DOWNLOAD_UPDATES=true argument in the following way. This argument ensures that the installation wizard is invoked only for downloading the software updates. Make sure you run this command only from the downloaded Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2 software location, and NOT from the existing OMS home or database home. ./em13200_ .bin DOWNLOAD_UPDATES=true Understanding the Basics 2-7 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Note: 2. – On Microsoft Windows, run setup_em13200_win64.exe DOWNLOAD_UPDATES=true – Make sure you download these updates on another host (with Internet connectivity) that runs on the same operating system as the host on which you want to invoke the installer and install the product. For example, if you want to install on Linux, them make sure the host with Internet connectivity on which you are downloading these updates also runs on Linux. Similarly, if you want to install on Microsoft Windows, make sure you download the patches on another host that runs on Microsoft Windows. On the Software Updates screen, enter the My Oracle Support account user name and password, and click Search for Updates. The installation wizard displays the Downloading Updates dialog, and downloads the software updates to /OraInstall /updates. Click Next. After the download is complete, close the Software Updates screen. 3. Copy the entire updates directory to the host where you want to install the OMS. Note: Make sure the host from where you are copying the directory and the host on which you are copying the directory run on the same operating system. For example, if you downloaded the updates to the directory on Linux host, then make sure you copy it to another Linux host where want to install the product. Copying the directory across operating systems is not recommended for the installation. 4. On the host where you want to install the OMS, invoke the installation wizard. – In Graphical Mode: On the Software Updates screen of the installation wizard, select Search for Updates, and then, select Local Directory. Enter the location where you copied the updates, and click Search for Updates. To search the computer and select the location, click Browse. For example, if you copied the entire updates directory to /u01/home/ em/, then select or enter /u01/home/em/updates. Once the search results appear with patch numbers and their details, click the patch number to view the ReadMe associated with that patch. Otherwise, click Next. The installer automatically applies all the patches while installing or upgrading the Enterprise Manager system. – In Silent Mode: Invoke the installer passing the response file with the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter set to "staged", and the STAGE_LOCATION parameter set to the absolute path of the location where the updates are available. 2-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Note: If you have a proxy server set up, then invoke the installation wizard passing the SHOW_PROXY=true argument. For example, if you are invoking in graphical mode, then invoke in the following way: /em13200_ .bin SHOW_PROXY=true • Automatic Download by Installation Wizard (Online Mode): Use this option when you have Internet connectivity to connect to My Oracle Support automatically using the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard. On a host that has Internet connectivity, invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard. – In Graphical Mode: On the Software Updates screen of the installation wizard, select Search for Updates, then select My Oracle Support. Enter the My Oracle Support account user name and password, and click Search for Updates. Once the search results appear with patch numbers and their details, click the patch number to view the ReadMe associated with that patch. Otherwise, click Next. The installer automatically applies all the patches while installing or upgrading the Enterprise Manager system. – In Silent Mode: Invoke the installer passing the response file with the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter set to "download", and the MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME_FOR_SOFTWAREUPDATES and the MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD_FOR_SOFTWAREUPDATES parameters set to your My Oracle Support credentials. Can I Download and Apply These Patches After Installation or Upgrade? Ideally, you must download and apply the software updates only at the time of installing or upgrading the Enterprise Manager system. The software updates fix issues with the installation or upgrade process, and therefore, they are necessary at the time of installing or upgrading the Enterprise Manager system. The only exception is when you provide the details of a database that already has an Oracle Management Repository preconfiguring using the database templates offered by Oracle. In such a case, you must manually download and apply the updates on the database after the installation. How Can You Identify What Patches Have Been Applied? To identify what patches have been applied, run the following command from the OMS home or the Management Agent home. The output of this command lists all the applied patches. /OPatch/opatch lsinventory 2.1.6 What is a Deployment Size for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in an Advanced Configuration? When you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control with advanced configuration settings (Advanced installation type), you have an option of selecting the deployment size of your choice. This option is available in both graphical mode (Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard) and silent mode (response file). Understanding the Basics 2-9 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation The deployment size essentially indicates the number of targets you plan to monitor, the number of Management Agents you plan to have, and the number of concurrent user sessions you plan to have. Table 2-1 describes each deployment size. Table 2-1 Deployment Size Deployment Size Targets Count Management Agents Concurrent User Count Session Count Small Up to 999 Up to 99 Up to 10 Medium Between 1000 and 9999 Between 100 and 999 Between 10 and 24 Large 10,000 or more 1000 or more Between 25 and 50 Note: If the database you are connecting to is a database instance created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure the deployment size you select on this screen matches with the deployment size for which you ran the SQL script as described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. Otherwise, you will see errors. If you want to select a deployment size different from the deployment size for which you ran the SQL script earlier, then do one of the following: • Minimize the installer, run the SQL script intended for the deployment size you want to select, then return to this screen and select the desired deployment size. To understand the SQL script to be run for each deployment size, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. • Select the deployment size of your choice on this screen, and click Next. When you see errors, manually fix the parameters in the database, then return to this screen to continue with the installation. The prerequisite checks are run regardless of the selection you make, but the values to be set for the various parameters checked depend on the selection you make. For more information about these deployment sizes, and the database parameters set for each of them, refer to Sizing Your Enterprise Manager Deployment . After installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control with a particular deployment size, you can choose to increase or decrease the count of targets, Management Agents, or concurrent user sessions. However, if you do increase the count to a level that is not appropriate for the selected deployment size, then the performance might suffer. Under such circumstances, Oracle recommends you to modify the database parameters according to the desired deployment size, as described in Sizing Your Enterprise Manager Deployment . 2.1.7 What Is an Agent Gold Image? In the past, Enterprise Manager Cloud Control has offered several approaches for installing Management Agents, including the Add Host Targets Wizard, EM CLI, and 2-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation response files to silently perform the installation. Starting with 13c Release 1, Enterprise Manager Cloud Control offers Agent Gold Images that can be used for massdeployment and upgrade of Management Agents in your environment. An Agent Gold Image represents the ideal state of a Management Agent in a data center managed by Enterprise Manager, having a customized configuration of the desired versions of the Management Agent software, the desired versions of the monitoring plug-ins, and the desired patches. An Agent Gold Image version is created by an Enterprise Manager user, using a live reference Management Agent that is thoroughly tested and tuned. An Agent Gold Image version can be used to provision new Management Agents or update existing Management Agents on a large number of hosts. For more information on Agent Gold Images, see Managing the Lifecycle of Agent Gold Images . 2.1.8 What Is an Agent Gold Image Console? The Agent Gold Image Console is a GUI-rich application accessible from within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console, and used for managing the lifecycle of Agent Gold Images. For information about Agent Gold Image, see What Is an Agent Gold Image?. Using the Agent Gold Image Console, you can create or delete a gold image; you can create, delete, or stage a gold image version; you can set a gold image version as current or restricted version; you can subscribe or unsubscribe Management Agents to a gold image; and most importantly, you can provision new Management Agents or upgrade existing ones. For more information on the Agent Gold Image Console, see Understanding the Agent Gold Image Console. 2.1.9 What Is an Add Host Target Wizard? The Add Host Targets Wizard (Figure 2-2) is a GUI-rich application accessible from within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console, and used for installing Management Agents on unmanaged hosts and converting them to managed hosts in the Enterprise Manager system. Figure 2-2 Add Host Target Wizard Understanding the Basics 2-11 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation To access the Add Host Targets Wizard, do one of the following: • From the Setup menu, select Add Target, then select Add Targets Manually. On the Add Targets Manually page, click Install Agent on Host. • From the Setup menu, select Add Target, then select Auto Discovery Results. On the Auto Discovery Results page, under the Servers, Storage and Network tab, select a host that you want to monitor from the displayed list, then click Promote. The wizard enables you to do the following on multiple hosts across platforms with options to run preinstall and postinstall scripts: • Deploy a fresh Management Agent • Clone an existing well-tested and patched Management Agent • Install a Management Agent (called Shared Agent) using an existing, centrally shared Management Agent (called Master Agent) 2-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Although the Add Host Targets Wizard can be used for remotely installing one Management Agent, the wizard is best suited for mass-deployment of Management Agents, particularly while mass-deploying Management Agents of different releases on hosts of different platforms. The wizard gives you the flexibility to select hosts on which you want to install a Management Agent. This helps you when you want to install the Management Agent on several hosts, in one attempt. 2.1.10 What Is a Plug-in? Plug-ins are modules that can be plugged into an existing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control deployment to extend target management or other vertical functionality in Enterprise Manager. At a high level, plug-ins contain archives for monitoring and discovering OMS instances and Management Agents. The archives contain Java and SQL codes, and metadata. For more information, see Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator’s Guide. 2.1.11 What Is an Add Management Service Deployment Procedure? A deployment procedure is a procedure that contains a hierarchal sequence of provisioning or patching steps, where each step may contain a sequence of other steps. In other words, the workflow of all tasks that need to be performed for a particular life cycle management activity is encapsulated in a deployment procedure. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control offers deployment procedures, and all of these can be accessed from within the Cloud Control console. One of the deployment procedures that falls within the context of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control installation is the Add Management Service deployment procedure. The Add Management Service deployment procedure (Figure 2-3) helps you meet high-availability requirements by enabling you to install an additional OMS using an existing OMS that is running on an Admin Server host. Understanding the Basics 2-13 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Figure 2-3 Add Management Service Deployment Procedure In simple words, the Add Management Service deployment procedure enables you to install additional OMS instances in your environment. The deployment procedure clones an existing OMS and replicates its configuration to the destination host. The earlier releases of Enterprise Manager offered this installation type from the Enterprise Manager Installation Wizard. However, for the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control release, this installation type is offered as a deployment procedure. For more information about the deployment procedure, see the chapter on adding additional management service in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 2.1.12 What Ports Are Used for Installation? This section describes the default ports that are honored while installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. In particular, this section covers the following: • What Default Ports Are Used for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation? • How Can You Check Whether a Port Is Free? • How Can You Customize the Ports During and After Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control? • What Precautions You Must Take While Customizing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Ports? 2-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation What Default Ports Are Used for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation? The following are the default ports used for installation: • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Table 2-2 Default Port for Enterprise Manager Grid Control - Upload Port Console Port HTTP Port The first available free port from the range 4889 to 4898 is selected. The first available free port from the range 7788 - 7798 is selected. HTTPS Port 1159 The first available free port from the range 7799 - 7809 is selected. If 1159 is not available, then the first available free port from the range 4899 to 4908 is selected. • Oracle Management Agent The default upload port for Management Agent is 3872. The same port is used for both HTTP and HTTPS. If 3872 is not available, then the first available free port from the range 1830 to 1849 is selected. • Administration Server The default HTTPS port for Admin Server is 7101. If 7101 is not available, then the first available free port from the range 7101 to 7200 is selected. • Node Manager The default HTTPS port is the first available free port from the range 7401 to 7500 is selected. • Managed Server The default HTTP port is the first available free port from the range 7201 to 7300 is selected. The default HTTPS port is the first available free port from the range 7301 to 7400 is selected. • JVM Diagnostics Managed Server If SLB is not configured, then the aforementioned HTTP and HTTPS upload ports of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control are used. If SLB is configured, then the ports configured for JVM Diagnostics on the SLB are used. Alternatively, in addition to the SLB configuration, if the HTTP upload port is enabled for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then the HTTP upload port also can be used by the JVM Diagnostics Agents for communicating with the JVM Diagnostics Engine. • Oracle BI Publisher The default HTTP port for Oracle BI Publisher is 9701. If 9701 is not available, then the first available free port from the range 9701 to 9750 is selected. The default HTTPS port for Oracle BI Publisher is 9801. If 9801 is not available, then the first available free port from the range 9801 to 9850 is selected. Understanding the Basics 2-15 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation • Oracle HTTP Server The default HTTP port for Oracle HTTP Server is 9788. If 9788 is not available, then the first available free port from the range 9751 to 9800 is selected. The default HTTPS port for Oracle HTTP Server is 9899. If 9899 is not available, then the first available free port from the range 9851 to 9900 is selected. • Java Object Cache (JOC) The default JOC port is 23456. If 23456 is not available, no alternate port is used, so ensure that port 23456 is free. How Can You Check Whether a Port Is Free? To check whether a port is free, run the following command: • On Unix: netstat -an | grep • On Microsoft Windows: netstat -an|findstr How Can You Customize the Ports During and After Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control? Enterprise Manager Cloud Control offers you the flexibility to use custom ports instead of default ports. Customizing the Ports While Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control For information on how to start a Oracle HTTP server instances, see Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIX Only) in the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle HTTP Server. • If you are installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (advanced installation) in graphical mode, that is, using the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard, then you can use the Port Configuration Details screen to enter custom ports. You can also import a staticports.ini file that already captures the custom ports. • If you are installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in silent mode, that is, using the installation procedures described in Installing Enterprise Manager System, then update the staticports.ini file with suitable custom ports. The staticports.ini file is available at the following location of the software kit (DVD, downloaded software, and so on): /response/staticports.ini Customizing the HTTP/HTTPS Console and the Upload Ports After Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control For information on how to start a Oracle HTTP server instances, see Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIX Only) in the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle HTTP Server. If you want to change the HTTP/HTTPS console ports and upload ports after installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then follow these steps: 2-16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation 1. Stop the OMS. To do so, run the following command from the Oracle home of the OMS host. $ /bin/emctl stop oms -all 2. Update the emoms properties with HTTP and HTTPS ports as described in Table 2-3. Specify the values for parameters , , , and ): Table 2-3 3. Updating EMOMS Properties with HTTP and HTTPS Ports Port/Property Type Command to Run HTTP Upload Port /bin/emctl set property -name oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerPort value HTTPS Upload Port /bin/emctl set property -name oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerHTTPSP ort -value HTTP Console Port /bin/emctl set property -name oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMConsoleServerPort -value HTTPS Console Port /bin/emctl set property -name oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMConsoleServerHTTP SPort -value Back up the following file that is present in the OMS instance base directory (typically, gc_inst). $ / After backing up the file, open the original file, and specify the new port numbers for the following parameters: EM_UPLOAD_HTTP_PORT= EM_UPLOAD_HTTPS_PORT= EM_CONSOLE_HTTP_PORT= EM_CONSOLE_HTTPS_PORT= 4. Back up the files httpd.conf, ssl.conf, and httpd_em.conf from the following location: $ /config/OHS/ohs#/ After backing up the files, open the original files, and specify the new port numbers: • In httpd.conf file, in the Listen directive section, replace with . • In ssl.conf file, in the Listen and Virtual Host directive sections, replace with . • In httpd_em.conf file, in the Listen and VirtualHost directive section, replace with , and with , respectively. Understanding the Basics 2-17 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation 5. Start the OMS, and verify its status. To do so, run the following command from the Oracle home of the OMS host. $ /bin/emctl start oms $ /bin/emctl status oms -details 6. If the OMS is configured with any Server Load Balance (SLB), then update the ports in the SLB pools, monitors, and so on. 7. If the OMS is configured for SSO or OAM, then re-run the SSO or OAM configuration. 8. Back up the following file that is present in the agent instance home (typically, agent_inst). $ /sysman/config/ Note: Back up the file from all Management Agents that are communicating with the OMS. After backing up the file, open the original file, and verify the URL mentioned in REPOSITORY_URL. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, then change the port number to . If the URL is an HTTP URL, then change the port number to . 9. If there are any EM CLI instances set up on the ports you have changed, then set up those instances again. To do so, from each EM CLI instance, run the command emcli setup or emcli status, and note the EM URL that appears. If you have changed that port number, run the following command: emcli setup -url=http(s):// : /em dir= .... 10. After changing the console port, you must update the URL for the EM Console Service with the new port number. However, you can skip this step if the URL is that of an SLB and not of an OMS. a. From the Targets menu, select All Targets. b. In the Search Target Name text box, enter EM Console Service, and click the search icon. c. In the search results table, click EM Console Service. d. On the EM Console Service page, from the EM Service menu, select Administration, then select Service Tests and Beacons. e. On the Service Tests and Beacons page, in the Service Tests table, select EM Console Service Test, and click Edit. f. On the Edit Service Test: EM Console Service Test page, in the Transaction section, in the Steps table, select Access Login Page. g. On the Edit Step: Access Login page, in the Request section, in the URL text box, change the port in the URL. 2-18 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation h. Click Continue. i. Click OK. j. On the Security Configuration page, click Yes. What Precautions You Must Take While Customizing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Ports? While updating the staticports.ini file, you must be extremely careful because an error in the file can cause the installation wizard to use default ports without displaying any warning. Therefore, before updating the staticports.ini file, check for these points: • Do NOT set any port to a value lower than or equal to 1024. Ports up to 1024 are typically reserved for root users (super users). Therefore, make sure the port you customize is always set to a value greater than 1024. • If a port is already being used by a component or any other application, do not enter that port (used port) in the staticports.ini file. If you do, then the related configuration assistant also fails. • If you have entered the same port for more than one component, then the installation displays an error after the prerequisite checks phase. You must rectify this error before proceeding with the installation. • If you have syntax errors in the staticports.ini file (for example, if you omitted the equal (=) character for a line), then the installation wizard ignores the line. For the components specified on such lines, the installation wizard assigns the default ports. The installation wizard does not display a warning for lines with syntax errors. • If you misspell a component name, then the installation wizard assigns the default port for the component. Names of components in the file are case-sensitive. The installation wizard does not display a warning for lines with unrecognized names. • If you enter a nonnumeric value for the port number, then the installation wizard ignores the line and assigns the default port number for the component. It does this without displaying any warning. • If you misspell the parameter on the command line, then the installation wizard does not display a warning. It continues and assigns default ports to all components. • If you enter a relative path to the staticports.ini file (for example, ./ staticports.ini) in the command line, then the installation wizard does not find the file. It continues without displaying a warning and it assigns default ports to all components. You must enter a full path to the staticports.ini file. 2.1.13 What Data Files Are Created While Configuring Oracle Management Repository? The following are the data files created while configuring Oracle Management Repository: Understanding the Basics 2-19 Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Table 2-4 Data Files Created While Configuring Oracle Management Repository Data Files Description mgmt.dbf Stores information about the monitored targets, their metrics, and so on. mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf Stores configuration information collected from the monitored targets. mgmt_deepdive.dbf Stores monitoring data related to JVM Diagnostics and Application Dependency Performance (ADP). 2.1.14 How Do You Delete the Data Files Created While Configuring Oracle Management Repository? To delete the data files, you must drop the SYSMAN/MDS schema. To do so, run the following command from the Oracle home of the OMS host. $ /sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager -action drop -dbUser -dbPassword -dbRole -mwHome mwOraHome -oracleHome Note: For Microsoft Windows, invoke RepManager.bat. After dropping the schema, manually delete the database files mgmt.dbf and mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf. You can find these files by running the following command as SYS: SELECT FILE_NAME FROM DBA_DATA_FILES WHERE UPPER (TABLESPACE_NAME) LIKE 'MGMT%'; Table 2-5 describes the -action options that are supported by the different versions of RepManager. Table 2-5 RepManager Support for -action dropall and -action drop Commands RepManager Version Command Supported 13c Release 1, 13c Release 2 -action drop The command drops SYSMAN, SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_OPSS, SYSMAN_RO, and SYSMAN_BIPLATFORM. 12c Release 5 (, 12c Release 4 ( -action drop The command drops SYSMAN, SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, SYSMAN_OPSS, SYSMAN_RO, and SYSMAN_BIPLATFORM. 2-20 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Oracle WebLogic Server Requirement for an Enterprise Manager Installation Table 2-5 (Cont.) RepManager Support for -action dropall and -action drop Commands RepManager Version Command Supported 12c Release 1 (, 12c Release 2 (, and 12c Release 3 ( • -action dropall • -action drop The commands drop SYSMAN, SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, SYSMAN_OPSS, and SYSMAN_RO. 11g Release 1 ( • -action dropall • The command drops only SYSMAN and SYSMAN_MDS. -action drop The command drops only SYSMAN. 10g Release 5 ( -action drop The command drops only SYSMAN. 2.1.15 Globalization Support for Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is translated to the following languages: • Brazilian Portuguese • Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) • French • German • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Spanish The preferred language set in your Web browser is the language that is used in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. The language or the locale set on the operating system is the language used in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard. 2.2 Understanding the Oracle WebLogic Server Requirement for an Enterprise Manager Installation Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c requires Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 1 ( and Java Development Kit 1.7.0_80. The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control installation wizard automatically installs them for you while installing a new Enterprise Manager system. Understanding the Basics 2-21 Understanding the Oracle WebLogic Server Requirement for an Enterprise Manager Installation Note: Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c does not support preinstalled Oracle WebLogic Server and Java Development Kit. Therefore, allow the installation wizard to install them for you. This section describes some important aspects related to Oracle WebLogic Server that you must know before you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. In particular, this section covers the following: • When and Why Do You Need the Oracle WebLogic Server Credentials? • When and Why Do You Need the Node Manager Credentials? • How Do You Find Admin Server Port After Installing Enterprise Manager? • How Do You Verify Whether Admin Server Is Running? • How Do You Start the Admin Server? 2.2.1 When and Why Do You Need the Oracle WebLogic Server Credentials? While installing or upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you are prompted to enter the Oracle WebLogic Server credentials (user name and password). The credentials are used for creating the WebLogic domain and other associated components such as the Admin Server, the managed server, and the node manager. The WebLogic user name is the default user name that will be used as the administrative user for the WebLogic Domain. By default, the user name is weblogic. And the WebLogic password is the password for this default administrative user account. 2.2.2 When and Why Do You Need the Node Manager Credentials? While installing or upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you are prompted to enter the Node Manager password for the default Node Manager user account, which is nodemanager. The password is used for configuring the Node Manager. A Node Manager enables you to start, shut down, or restart an Oracle WebLogic Server instance remotely, and is recommended for applications with high availability requirements. Note: On Microsoft Windows, a Node Manager service is NOT created. This is an expected behavior. 2.2.3 How Do You Find Admin Server Port After Installing Enterprise Manager? To find the Admin Server port, view the value set for the AS_HTTPS_PORT parameter in the file. This file is available in the Oracle Management Service Instance Base location. For example, /u01/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/ 2-22 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Installation Directories 2.2.4 How Do You Verify Whether Admin Server Is Running? To install an additional OMS, the Admin Server that is used by the first OMS must be up and running. To verify whether the Admin Server is running, access the Admin Server console using the following URL: https://host:port/console Here, host and port are values specified in the EM_INSTANCE_HOST and AS_HTTPS_PORT parameters, respectively, in the file. This properties file is available in the Oracle Management Service Instance Base location of the first OMS. For example, /u01/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/ 2.2.5 How Do You Start the Admin Server? You can start the Admin Server by running the following command. Although the command is used essentially to start the OMS, the command in turn starts the Admin Server on which that OMS is running. So run this command even if you know that the OMS is already running. emctl start oms -admin_only 2.3 Understanding the Installation Directories This section describes the installation directories that need to be entered while installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or any of its core components. In particular, this section covers the following: • What Is an Oracle Inventory Directory? • What Is an Oracle Middleware Home or Oracle home? • What Is an Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location? • What Is an Agent Home? • What Is an Agent Base Directory? • What Is an Agent Instance Directory? • What Is a /TMP or C:\Temp Directory Used For? 2.3.1 What Is an Oracle Inventory Directory? If Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is the first Oracle product that you are installing, then the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard prompts you to enter an inventory directory (also called the oraInventory directory). This inventory directory is used by the installation wizard to place all the installer files and directories on the host. The installation wizard automatically sets up subdirectories for each Oracle product to contain the inventory data. You can enter the oraInventory directory in two ways: • While installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control using the installation wizard, you can enter the oraInventory directory in the Oracle Inventory screen. When you Understanding the Basics 2-23 Understanding the Installation Directories enter it in this screen, you must also select the appropriate operating system group name that will own the oraInventory directories. The group you select must have write permission on the oraInventory directories. • While installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in silent mode, that is, without using the installation wizard, you can enter the oraInventory directory using the invPtrLoc parameter. This parameter considers the path to a location where the inventory pointer file (oraInst.loc) is available. However, this parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. For example ./em13200_ .bin -invPtrLoc /scratch/OracleHomes/ oraInst.loc Note: • For a typical non-HA environment, the Central Inventory (oraInventory) can be in a shared or non-shared location. If you use a shared location, then ensure that only one shared location is maintained per host, and no two hosts update the same shared location. One inventory file is meant only for one host, so it must not be shared and edited by other hosts. When you use the /etc/oraInst.loc file, ensure that the inventory location specified there is not pointing to such a location. If you have configured a shared location that is common for two or more hosts, then switch over to a non-shared location. • For a typical HA environment with primary and standby disaster recovery sites using storage replication and virtual host names, the Central Inventory (oraInventory) for software installed on the shared storage using the virtual host name should be located in a shared location that is common between the OMS host in the primary site and the OMS host in the standby site. This shared location should be located on the replicated storage so that the oraInventory can be accessed from the active site for software maintenance activities. If you already have an Oracle product installed on the host, then the installation wizard uses the existing oraInventory directory that was created while installing that Oracle product. Ensure that you have write permission on that directory. To do so, run the installer as the same operating system user as the one who installed the other Oracle product. Note: The oraInventory directory is different from Installation Directory. For information about Installation Directory, see What Is an Oracle Middleware Home or Oracle home?. 2.3.2 What Is an Oracle Middleware Home or Oracle home? While installing or upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you are required to enter the Oracle Middleware home. 2-24 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Installation Directories Oracle Middleware home or Oracle home (Middleware home or Oracle home) is the parent directory that has the Oracle WebLogic Server home, the Java Development Kit, the OMS, the Web tier instance files, and other relevant directories and files. This is where the OMS and the plug-ins are deployed. For example, /u01/software/em13c/oraclehome Caution: In 12c Release 5 ( or earlier, there were two distinct directories, mainly the Middleware home and the OMS home. While the Middleware home was the parent directory that contained the Oracle WebLogic Server home, the Java Development Kit, the Web tier instance files, and other relevant directories and files, the OMS home was a subdirectory within the Middleware home where the OMS was installed and from where several commands were run. However, in 13c Release 1 or later, the Middleware home and the OMS home are not viewed as separate homes; instead they are referred to as one, single home called the Oracle home. The directory contents of the OMS home have been moved to the Middleware home. Therefore, in 13c Release 1 or later, Oracle home (or OMS home) refers to the Middleware home. All commands that had to be run from the OMS home earlier should now be run from the Middleware home directly. By default, the installation wizard installs Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7.0_80 and Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 1 ( in the Middleware home you specify. Therefore, enter the absolute path to a new middleware home directory where you want to have them installed. Ensure that the path you enter does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. Also ensure that the directory you enter has write permission, and does not contain any files or subdirectories. Even in the case of two system upgrade, enter a new middleware home location, and not the old middleware home directory that you used for the earlier release of the Enterprise Manager system. For example, the middleware home path C:\sw\em13c\oraclehome containing only 22 characters is acceptable. However, C:\OracleSoftware \OracleMiddleware\OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS\newrelease\oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms. 2.3.3 What Is an Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location? While installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you are required to enter the Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location. Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location is a directory outside the Middleware home where the configuration files of the OMS are stored. By default, gc_inst is the Oracle Management Service Base Location. However, you can choose to use a custom name if you want. The installation wizard uses its built-in algorithm to identify this location, and displays it for you to validate. If the Middleware home is /u01/software/em13c/ oraclehome, then by default, the following is the Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location: Understanding the Basics 2-25 Understanding the Installation Directories /u01/software/em13c/gc_inst You can either accept the default location or specify another location that has write permission. Note: For information about Oracle Middleware home, see What Is an Oracle Middleware Home or Oracle home?. 2.3.4 What Is an Agent Base Directory? While installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and a standalone Management Agent, you are required to enter an installation base directory, which is essentially the agent base directory. Agent Base Directory is a directory outside the Oracle Middleware home (or Oracle home), where the Management Agent home is created. For example, /u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir Ensure that the number of characters in the agent base directory path does not exceed 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, the agent base directory path C:\sw\em13c\agntbsedir containing only 22 characters is acceptable. However, C:\Oracle\ManagementAgent\12c\new containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable. 2.3.5 What Is an Agent Home? Agent Home is the subdirectory within the Agent Base Directory where the Management Agent installed. For example, if the agent base directory is /u01/software/em13c/ agentbasedir, then by default, the following is the agent home: /u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir/agent_13. 2.3.6 What Is an Agent Instance Directory? Agent Instance Directory is a subdirectory (agent_inst) within the Agent Base Directory that is created for storing all Management Agent-related configuration files. For example, if the agent base directory is /u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir, then by default, the following is the agent instance directory: /u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir/agent_inst 2.3.7 What Is a Plug-in Home? Plug-in home is a subdirectory either within the Middleware home or within the Agent Base Directory where the plug-ins related to the OMS and the Management Agent are deployed, respectively. Table 2-6 lists the default Plug-ins homes are created. 2-26 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Configuration Assistants Table 2-6 Plug-in Homes Component Default Oracle Home Sample Location Plug-In (OMS-specific plug-ins) $ /plugins/ /u01/software/em13c/ oraclehome/plugins/ oracle.sysman.db.agent. plugin_13. Plug-In (agent-specific plug-ins) $ / plugins /u01/software/em13c/ agentbasedir/plugins 2.3.8 What Is a /TMP or C:\Temp Directory Used For? When you invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard, it automatically copies some executable files and link files to a temporary directory on the host. For example, the default /tmp directory on UNIX hosts, and C:\Temp on Microsoft Windows hosts. If the host is set to run cron jobs along with many other processes that may be running periodically, then these jobs attempt to clean up the default temporary directory, thereby deleting some files and causing the installation wizard to fail. If there are any cron jobs or processes that are automatically run on the hosts to clean up the temporary directories, then ensure that you set the TMP or TEMP environment variable to a location that is different from the default location. Ensure that the nondefault location you set is secure on the hard drive, that is, the non-default location is a location where cleanup jobs are not run. Also ensure that you have write permissions on this alternative directory. This must be done before you run the installer to invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard. (For UNIX operating systems, you invoke em13200_ .bin, and for Microsoft Windows, you invoke setup_em13200_win64.exe). Note: Specifying an alternative temporary directory location is not mandatory, and is required only if any cron jobs are set on the computers to clean up the /tmp directory. 2.4 Understanding the Configuration Assistants This section describes the postinstallation activities that are performed by the installation wizard. In particular, this section covers the following: • What Are Configuration Assistants? • What Configuration Assistants Are Run by the Installation Wizard? • What Do You Do When Configuration Assistants Fail? Understanding the Basics 2-27 Understanding the Configuration Assistants 2.4.1 What Are Configuration Assistants? While installing or upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in either GUI mode (using the installation wizard) or silent mode (using a response file), a set of configuration assistants are run at the end of the installation process to configure the installed or upgraded components. Your installation or upgrade process is complete only after all the components are configured using these configuration assistants. Note: Even when you perform a software-only installation of Enterprise Manager, when you run the script to configure the installation, the configuration assistants are internally run. (On Microsoft Windows, run the ConfigureGC.bat script.) 2.4.2 What Configuration Assistants Are Run by the Installation Wizard? This section lists the configuration assistants run by the installation wizard for the different installation types. • Configuration Assistants Run While Installing a New Enterprise Manager • Configuration Assistants Run While Upgrading an Existing Enterprise Manager • Configuration Assistants Run While Upgrading an Additional Oracle Management Service Configuration Assistants Run While Installing a New Enterprise Manager The following are the configuration assistants that are run while installing a new OMS: • Plugins Prerequisites Check • Repository Configuration Note: If you use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then Repository Out-of-Box Configuration is run instead of Repository Configuration. • MDS Schema Configuration Note: If you use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then MDS Schema Configuration is not run. • BI Publisher Schema Configuration • OMS Configuration 2-28 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Configuration Assistants • Plugins Deployment and Configuration • BI Publisher Configuration • Start Oracle Management Service • Agent Configuration Assistant Configuration Assistants Run While Upgrading an Existing Enterprise Manager The following are the configuration assistants that are run while upgrading an OMS: • Stopping APM Engines • Upgrade Prerequisite • Plugins Prerequisites • Repository Upgrade • MDS Schema Configuration • BI Publisher Schema Configuration • OMS Configuration • Plugins Deployment and Configuration • BI Publisher Configuration • Start Oracle Management Service Note: Agent Configuration Assistant is not run because the Management Agent is upgraded using the Agent Upgrade Console. Configuration Assistants Run While Upgrading an Additional Oracle Management Service The following are the configuration assistants that are run while upgrading an additional OMS. • Stopping APM Engines • Upgrade Prerequisite • Plugins Prerequisites • OMS Configuration • Plugins Deployment and Configuration • BI Publisher Configuration • Start Oracle Management Service Understanding the Basics 2-29 Understanding the Prerequisite Checks before Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Note: The Agent Configuration Assistant is not run because the Management Agent is upgraded using the Agent Upgrade Console. 2.4.3 What Do You Do When Configuration Assistants Fail? If an optional configuration assistant fails, then the installation wizard ignores the failure and runs to the next configuration assistant automatically. However, if a mandatory configuration assistant fails, then the installation wizard stops the installation process. In this case, you are expected to resolve the issue and rerun the configuration assistant. 2.5 Understanding the Prerequisite Checks before Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Every time you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control using the installation wizard, a set of prerequisite checks are run to verify if the environment meets the minimum requirements for a successful installation. The installation wizard checks for a variety of things including required operating system patches, operating system packages, kernel parameters, and so on. The following sections describe these prerequisite checks. In particular, this section covers the following: • What Prerequisite Checks Are Run by Default? • How Do You Run the Prerequisite Checks in a Standalone Mode? 2.5.1 What Prerequisite Checks Are Run by Default? The following are the default prerequisite checks that are run for different installation types—Creating a New Enterprise Manager System and Upgrading an Existing Enterprise Manager System: • Prerequisite check for verifying whether the /bin/bash file exists with write permission. • Prerequisite check for verifying that the environment variable EMCLI_STATE_DIR is not set. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether the installation is being done on a certified operating system. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether all the certified packages and libraries have been installed. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether the glibc package has been installed. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether there is sufficient disk space in the temp directory. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether there is sufficient disk space in the inventory directory. 2-30 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Prerequisite Checks before Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control • Prerequisite check for verifying whether there is write permission in the inventory directory. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether the software is compatible with the current operating system. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether there is sufficient physical memory. • Prerequisite check for verifying the required ulimit value. • Prerequisite check for verifying the host name. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable is set. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether proper timezone is set. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether there is 4 GB of swap space. • Prerequisite check for verifying whether the http_proxy environment variable is set. Ideally, it must not be set. 2.5.2 How Do You Run the Prerequisite Checks in a Standalone Mode? You can run the prerequisite checks in standalone mode before invoking the installation wizard. This helps you identify and resolve issues that might otherwise cause the installation to fail. WARNING: When you run the prerequisite checks in standalone mode on a host where there are no Oracle products installed, the prerequisite check that checks for the central inventory hard disk space fails. This failure is expected because there are no Oracle products installed on the host. You can safely ignore this failure, and proceed with the actual installation. Table 2-7 shows the commands you need to run to run the prerequisite checks in standalone mode: Table 2-7 Running Prerequisite Checks in Standalone Mode Installation Type Command • / em13200_ .bin -prereqchecker -entryPoint "" prereqLogLoc silent -waitForCompletion • • Create a New Enterprise Manager System Upgrade an Existing Enterprise Manager System Install Software Only Understanding the Basics 2-31 Understanding the Limitations of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Note: On Microsoft Windows, run setup_em13200_win64.exe. Also, mentioned in the commands in Table 2-7 refer to the location where the Enterprise Manager software is available. For example, DVD. If you have downloaded the software from Oracle Technology Network (OTN), then enter the absolute path to that downloaded location. 2.6 Understanding the Limitations of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control This section describes the limitations you might face while using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. In particular, this section covers the following: • Can You Access Unlicensed Components? • What Are the Limitations with DHCP-Enabled Machines? 2.6.1 Can You Access Unlicensed Components? Although the installation media in your media pack contain many Oracle components, you are permitted to use only those components for which you have purchased licenses. Oracle Support Service does not provide support for components for which licenses have not been purchased. For more information, access the Enterprise Manager documentation library at the following URL and view the Oracle Enterprise Manager Licensing Information Guide: index.html 2.6.2 What Are the Limitations with DHCP-Enabled Machines? Do NOT run the OMS on a computer that is DHCP enabled. Oracle strongly suggests that you use a static host name or IP address assigned on the network for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control components to function properly. For more information, refer to My Oracle Support Note 428665.1 at: 2.7 Understanding the Startup Scripts By default, Enterprise Manager Cloud Control offers a startup script called gcstartup with every installation of OMS and Management Agent. The startup script ensures that the OMS and the Management Agent are started automatically every time their hosts are rebooted, thereby relieving you of the manual effort. 2.7.1 Where is the Startup Script Stored? The startup script is present in the following location of the OMS host and the Management Agent host: /etc/init.d/gcstartup 2-32 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding the Startup Scripts 2.7.2 What does the Startup Script Invoke? On the OMS host, the startup script invokes the following file to start up the OMS when its host is rebooted: $ /install/unix/scripts/omsstup Similarly, on the Management Agent host, the startup script invokes the following file to start up the Management Agent when its host is rebooted: $ /install/unix/scripts/agentstup 2.7.3 How Do I Stop the Startup Script from Starting the OMS or the Management Agent? If you do not want the startup script to start the OMS and the Management Agent when their hosts are rebooted, then remove the omsstup file and the agentstup file from the respective hosts. Alternatively, you can rename the file /etc/oragchomelist to /etc/ oragchomelist_bak. 2.7.4 Can the Startup Script Start an OMS or a Management Agent on a Remote Host? The startup script is specific to the host on which an OMS or a Management Agent is installed. Therefore, the startup script cannot start an OMS or a Management Agent on a remote host. 2.7.5 How Do I Change the Management Agent Service Priority Level that the Startup Script Follows While Starting Up or Shutting Down the Management Agent? You can change the Management Agent service priority level either while installing the Management Agent, or after installing the Management Agent. To change the Management Agent service priority level while installing Management Agents using the Add Host Targets Wizard, use the START_PRIORITY_LEVEL and SHUT_PRIORITY_LEVEL additional parameters that are described in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. To change the Management Agent service priority level while installing a Management Agent using the agentDeploy script, use the START_PRIORITY_LEVEL and SHUT_PRIORITY_LEVEL response file parameters that are described in Table 6-4. To change the Management Agent service priority level after installing the Management Agent, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the /etc/rc.d directory. If the rc.d directory is not present within / etc, navigate to /sbin/rc.d. 2. Delete all the gcstartup files present in the /etc/rc.d or /sbin/rc.d directory. To search for these files, run the following command: find . -name "*gcstartup" 3. Edit the START_PRIORITY_LEVEL and SHUT_PRIORITY_LEVEL parameters in the $ /install/unix/scripts/ file. For more information about these parameters, see Table 6-4. Understanding the Basics 2-33 Understanding Other Miscellaneous Concepts 4. Run the script from the Management Agent home: $ / For example, the output of the find . -name "*gcstartup" command that you run after navigating to /etc/rc.d may be the following: ./rc5.d/K19gcstartup ./rc5.d/S98gcstartup ./rc5.d/S98lockgcstartup ./rc5.d/K19unlockgcstartup ./rc3.d/K19gcstartup ./rc3.d/S98gcstartup ./rc3.d/S98lockgcstartup ./rc3.d/K19unlockgcstartup ./rc2.d/K19gcstartup ./rc2.d/S98gcstartup ./rc2.d/S98lockgcstartup ./rc2.d/K19unlockgcstartup ./init.d/unlockgcstartup ./init.d/gcstartup ./init.d/lockgcstartup If this is the output, delete all the gcstartup files present in the ./rc5.d, ./ rc3.d, ./rc2.d and ./init.d directories, edit the START_PRIORITY_LEVEL and SHUT_PRIORITY_LEVEL parameters in the /install/unix/ scripts/ file, and then run 2.8 Understanding Other Miscellaneous Concepts This section covers miscellaneous concepts related to the installation of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. In particular, this section covers the following: • What Is a Host List File? • What Scripts Are Run During the Installation Process? 2.8.1 What Is a Host List File? While using the Add Host Targets Wizard, you can enter the hosts on which you want to install Oracle Management Agent, in two ways — you can either enter the host name or the IP address, or select an external file that contains a list of hosts mentioned. If you choose to select an external file, then ensure that the file contains only the host name or the host name followed by the platform name. The following is an example of the external file with only the host names. The following is an example of the external file with the host names and the platform names. linux aix 2-34 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Understanding Other Miscellaneous Concepts 2.8.2 What Scripts Are Run During the Installation Process? At least once during or after the installation of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or Management Agent, you are prompted to log in as a root user and run,, or You must log in as a root user because the scripts edit files in the /etc directory and create files in the local bin directory (/usr/local/bin, by default). After every installation, a check is performed to identify the Central Inventory (oraInventory) directory. The Central Inventory directory is a directory that is automatically created by the installation wizard when an Oracle product is installed on a host for the very first time. Note: • • For a typical non-HA environment, the Central Inventory (oraInventory) can be in a shared or non-shared location. If you use a shared location, then ensure that only one shared location is maintained per host, and no two hosts update the same shared location. One inventory file is meant only for one host, so it must not be shared and edited by other hosts. When you use the /etc/oraInst.loc file, ensure that the inventory location specified there is not pointing to such a location. If you have configured a shared location that is common for two or more hosts, then switch over to a non-shared location. • For a typical HA environment with primary and standby disaster recovery sites using storage replication and virtual host names, the Central Inventory (oraInventory) for software installed on the shared storage using the virtual host name should be located in a shared location that is common between the OMS host in the primary site and the OMS host in the standby site. This shared location should be located on the replicated storage so that the oraInventory can be accessed from the active site for software maintenance activities. If you have NOT installed an Oracle product before on the host, then run the script from the Central Inventory: $Home/oraInventory/ The script is run to create the oraInst.loc file. The oraInst.loc file contains the Central Inventory location. • However, if you already have an Oracle product on the host, then run script from the Oracle home of the OMS host: / Understanding the Basics 2-35 Understanding Other Miscellaneous Concepts 2-36 Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Part II Installing Enterprise Manager System This part describes the different ways of installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. In particular, this part contains the following chapters: • Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode • Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 3 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode This chapter describes how you can install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control while utilizing an existing, certified Oracle Database, in silent mode. In particular, this section covers the following: • Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode • Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode • Prerequisites for Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode • Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode • Performing Postinstallation Tasks After Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Note: All general purpose file systems, including OCFS2 and ACFS, are acceptable for storing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c software binaries and OMS instance home files (configuration files in gc_inst). However, OCFS is not considered a general purpose file system, and therefore is not considered acceptable for this use. WARNING: Do not install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c on servers of SPARC series: T1000, T2000, T5xx0, and T3-*. For more information, see My Oracle Support note 1590556.1. 3.1 Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode If you are familiar with the way Enterprise Manager is installed, and if you want to install it without facing any interview screens of the installation wizard, then the best option is to install it in silent mode. In silent mode, you use a response file that captures all the information you need to successfully complete an installation. This saves time and effort in one way because the installation details are captured just once, and in a single file that can be circulated and reused for installation on other hosts. However, whether you install Enterprise Manager in graphical mode or silent mode, the installation process, the installed components, and the configuration process Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-1 Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode remain the same. Therefore, silent mode of installing Enterprise Manager is only an option offered to you. To understand what components are installed, what configuration assistants are run, and how the directory structure will look after installation, see the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. 3.2 Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Before you begin installing an Enterprise Manager system in silent mode, familiarize yourself with the key aspects of installation described in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. 3.3 Prerequisites for Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Meet the prerequisites described in the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system that is available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. 3.4 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode This section covers the following: • Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode • Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode • Limitations with the Advanced Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode • Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing an Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3.4.1 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode To install a complete Enterprise Manager system in silent mode, follow these steps: 3-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Note: Oracle recommends you to run the EM Prerequisite Kit before invoking the installer to ensure that you meet all the repository requirements beforehand. Even if you do not run it manually, the installer anyway runs it in the background while installing the product. However, running it manually beforehand sets up your Management Repository even before you can start the installation or upgrade process. For information on the kit, to understand how to run it, and to know about the prerequisite checks it runs, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. However, if you plan to use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure you pass the following parameter while invoking the EM Prerequisite Kit. -componentVariables repository:EXECUTE_CHECKS_NOSEED_DB_FOUND:false 1. Invoke the installer and generate the response file you need to use for performing a silent installation. ./em13200_ .bin -getResponseFileTemplates -outputLoc Note: The command generates three response files. You must use only the new_install.rsp file for this silent installation. 2. Edit the new_install.rsp file and enter appropriate values for the parameters described in Table 3-2. 3. Invoke the installer in silent mode and pass the updated response file. (On Unix, make sure you invoke the installer as a user who belongs to the oinstall group you created. For information about creating operating system groups and users, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.) • If this is the first Oracle product you are installing on the host, then run the following command: ./em13200_ .bin -silent -responseFile /new_install.rsp [-invPtrLoc ] • Otherwise, run the following command: ./em13200_ .bin -silent -responseFile /new_install.rsp Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-3 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Note: • To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run em13200_ .bin. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup_em13200_win64.exe. • The installer requires about 10 GB of hard disk space in the temporary directory. If your temporary directory does not have this space, then pass the parameter and provide an alternative directory where there is 10 GB of space. The directory specified by this parameter will also be used as the location for the Provisioning Advisor Framework (PAF) staging directory, which is used for copying the Software Library entities related to the deployment procedures. The PAF staging directory is used only for provisioning activities — entities are copied for a deployment procedure, and then, deleted once the deployment procedure ends. For example, ./em13200_linux64.bin software/em13c/stage/ • Ensure that there are no white spaces in the name of the directory where you download and run the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from. For example, do not download and run the software from a directory titled EM Software because there is a white space between the two words of the directory name. • If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then you will be prompted that the database parameters need to be modified to suit the deployment size you selected. This is because the templates are essentially designed for simple installation, and the database parameters are set as required for simple installation. Since it is used for advanced installation, the parameters must be set to different values. You can confirm the message to proceed further. The installation wizard will automatically set the parameters to the required values. • For information about the additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the installer, refer to Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode. 3-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Note: If a Server Load Balancer (SLB) is configured in your environment, and the upload port is locked, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. If an SLB is configured in your environment, but the upload port is unlocked, then decide whether you want to route the JVMD traffic through the SLB. If you do, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. To secure the OMS, run the following command from the Oracle home of the OMS host: /bin/emctl secure oms -host slb_jvmd_http_port slb_jvmd_https_port -sysman_pwd -reg_pwd 3.4.2 Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode The following are some additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the installer: • By default, a Provisioning Advisor Framework (PAF) staging directory is created for copying the Software Library entities related to the deployment procedures. By default, this location is the scratch path location (/tmp). The location is used only for provisioning activities—entities are copied for a deployment procedure, and then, deleted once the deployment procedure ends. If you want to override this location with a custom location, then invoke the installer with the option, and enter a unique custom location. For example, ./em13200_linux64.bin STAGE/ -silent -responseFile /u01/software/em/response/ new_install.rsp • After the installation ends successfully, the OMS and the Management Agent start automatically. If you do not want them to start automatically, then invoke the installer with START_OMS and START_AGENT options, and set them to true or false depending on what you want to control. For example, if you do not want the Management Agent to start automatically, then run the following command: ./em13200_ .bin START_OMS=true START_AGENT=false silent -responseFile /new_install.rsp To understand the limitations involved with this advanced option, see Limitations with the Advanced Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode. Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-5 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3.4.3 Limitations with the Advanced Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode When you use START_OMS and START_AGENT as advanced options to control the way the OMS and the Management Agent start up automatically, sometimes the Management Agent and the host on which it was installed do not appear as targets in the Cloud Control console. Table 3-1 lists the different combinations of these advanced options, and describes the workaround to be followed for each combination: Table 3-1 Advanced Options and Workarounds Advanced Option Workaround START_OMS=false START_AGENT=false 1. Start the OMS: $ /bin/emctl start oms 2. Secure the Management Agent: $ /bin/emctl secure agent 3. Start the Management Agent: $ /bin/emctl start agent 4. Add the targets: $ /bin/emctl config agent addinternaltargets 5. Upload the targets: $ /bin/emctl upload agent START_OMS=true Start the Management Agent: START_AGENT=false $ /bin/emctl start agent START_OMS=false START_AGENT=true 1. Start the OMS: $ /bin/emctl start oms 2. Secure the Management Agent: $ /bin/emctl secure agent 3. Add the targets: $ /bin/emctl config agent addinternaltargets 4. Upload the targets: $ /bin/emctl upload agent 3.4.4 Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing an Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 describes what variables you must edit and how you must edit them in the new_install.rsp response file for installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in silent mode. 3-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description UNIX_GRO UP_NAME String Yes (Required only when central inventory does not exist) Enter the name of the UNIX group you belong to. For example, "dba" Note: This parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. INVENTOR Y_LOCATIO N String Yes (Required only when central inventory does not exist) Enter the absolute path to the Central Inventory. Ensure that you have read, write, and execute permissions on the default inventory directory. For example, "/scratch/oracle/oraInventory". Note: This parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. SECURITY_ UPDATES_V IA_MYORA CLESUPPOR T Boolean No • MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME • DECLINE_S ECURITY_U PDATES Boolean No • • INSTALL_U PDATES_SE LECTION Enter TRUE if you want to download and install security updates. Then, enter the credentials for the following variables in double quotes: String Yes MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD Enter FALSE if you do not want to download and install security updates: Enter TRUE if you want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered False for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT. Enter FALSE if you do not want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered TRUE for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT. By default, this variable is set to "skip" indicating that the software updates will not be installed during installation. • If you want to install the software updates from My Oracle Support, then set this variable to "download". Then, enter the credentials for the following parameters in double quotes: MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME_FOR_SOFTWAREUPDATES • PROXY_USE R String Yes MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD_FOR_SOFTWAREUPDATES If you want to install the software updates from a staged location, then set this variable to "staged". Then, for the STAGE_LOCATION parameter, enter the absolute path, which leads to the Updates directory where the software updates are available, in double quotes. Enter the user name that can be used to access the proxy server. Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION variable to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy. Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-7 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description PROXY_PW D String Yes Enter the password that can be used to access the proxy server. PROXY_HO ST String PROXY_POR T String ORACLE_MI DDLEWARE _HOME_LO CATION String Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy. Yes Enter the name of the proxy host. Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy. Yes Enter the port used by the proxy server. Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy. Yes Enter the location where you want the installer to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 1 ( and Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7.0_80. Ensure that the middleware location has write permission. Note that the middleware location is essentially the one and only Oracle home in 13c release. For example, "/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome" Note: Ensure that the number of characters in the middleware home path does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, the middleware home path C:\sw\em13c \oraclehome containing only 22 characters is acceptable. However, C:\OracleSoftware\OracleMiddleware \OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS\newrelease\oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms. 3-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description ORACLE_H OSTNAME String Yes Enter a fully qualified domain name that is registered in the DNS and is accessible from other network hosts, or enter an alias host name that is defined in the /etc/hosts file on all the OMS instances at this site. The host name must resolve to the local host because the host name is used for the local Oracle WebLogic Server as well as the Oracle Management Service. Do not provide a remote host or a load balancer virtual host in this field. Do not enter an IP address. Do not use underscores in the name. Short names are allowed, but you will see a warning, so Oracle recommends that you enter a fully qualified domain name instead. If you do not mention the host name, the installation wizard will proceed further, honoring the host name it automatically detects for that host. AGENT_BA SE_DIR String Yes Enter the absolute path to the agent base directory, a location outside the Oracle Middleware home where the Management Agent can be installed. For example, "/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir". Ensure that this location is empty and has write permission. Also ensure that it is always maintained outside the Oracle Middleware home. Note: (Only for Microsoft Windows) Ensure that the number of characters in the agent base directory path does not exceed 25 characters. For example, the agent base directory path C:\sw\em13c \agntbsedir containing only 22 characters is acceptable. However, C:\Oracle\ManagementAgent\12c\new containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable. Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-9 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description PLUGIN_SE LECTION String List Yes By default, mandatory plug-ins such as Oracle Database Plug-in, Oracle Fusion Middleware Plug-in, and Oracle Exadata Plug-in, Oracle Cloud Framework Plug-in, and Oracle System Infrastructure Plug-in are automatically installed with the Enterprise Manager system. (A commaseparated list of plug-in names, where the plug-in names must be in double quotes) In addition to the default ones, if you want to deploy any addition plug-in, then list those plug-in names in a comma-separated list. Ensure that the plug-in names are in double quotes. If you want to deploy a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 2 but not in any of the future releases, then evaluate your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the deployment of such plug-ins. For example, PLUGIN_SELECTION={"oracle.sysman.empa","oracle.sysm an.vt"} If you want to install some plug-ins that are not in the software kit (DVD, downloaded software), then do the following: 1. Manually download the required plug-ins from the following location: enterprise-manager/downloads/oemplugins-3237574.html In addition, if you want to download any partner or customer plug-ins, then download from the following location: 2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where the additional plug-ins have been downloaded: ./em13200_ .bin PLUGIN_LOCATION= WLS_ADMI N_SERVER_ USERNAME String Yes By default, weblogic is the name assigned to the default user account that is created for the Oracle WebLogic Domain. If you want to accept the default name, then skip this variable. However, if you want to have a custom name, then enter the name of your choice. WLS_ADMI N_SERVER_ PASSWORD String Yes Enter a password for the WebLogic user account. WLS_ADMI N_SERVER_ CONFIRM_P ASSWORD String Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. Yes Confirm the password for the WebLogic user account. 3-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description NODE_MA NAGER_PA SSWORD String Yes By default, nodemanager is the name assigned to the default user account that is created for the node manager. Enter a password for this node manager user account. Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. NODE_MA NAGER_CO NFIRM_PAS SWORD String Yes Confirm the password for the node manager user account. ORACLE_IN STANCE_H OME_LOCA TION String Yes By default, gc_inst is considered as the OMS Instance Base directory for storing all OMS-related configuration files. Enter the absolute path to a location outside the middleware home leading up to the directory name. For more information about this location, see What Is an Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location?. Note: If you are installing on an NFS-mounted drive and creating the OMS instance base directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then after you install, move the lock files from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location. For instructions, refer to Performing Postinstallation Tasks After Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode. Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-11 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description DATABASE_ HOSTNAME String Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the host where the existing database resides. Ensure that the host name does not have underscores. For example, "". If you have already created a database instance with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then provide details about that database instance. If you are connecting to an Oracle RAC Database, and if the nodes have virtual host names, then enter the virtual host name of one of its nodes. The connection to the database is established with a connect string that is formed using only this virtual host name, and the installation ends successfully. However, if you want to update the connect string with other nodes of the cluster, then after the installation, run the following command: $ /bin/emctl config oms store_repos_details -repos_conndesc "(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST=(FAILOVER=ON) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) ( (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (PORT=1521))) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=EMREP)))" -repos_user sysman If your Oracle RAC database is configured with Single Client Access Name (SCAN) listener, then you can enter a connection string using the SCAN listener. If you use ACFS, then ensure that you have the following parameters in the cluster where you mount the ACFS disk and start the install /etc/fstab file: nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp, noacl,vers=3,timeo=300,actimeo=120 For example, /scratch/u01/oms nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp, noacl,vers=3,timeo=300,actimeo=120 Note: If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter for the SYSMAN_PASSWORD parameter. LISTENER_P ORT String Yes Enter the listener port to connect to the existing database. For example, "1521". 3-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description SERVICENA ME_OR_SID String Yes Enter the service name or the system ID (SID) of the existing database. For example, "orcl". If you are providing the details of a pluggable database (PDB), then use the full service name instead of the alias. For example, If you are providing the details of a lone-pluggable database (Lone-PDB), then use the full service name. For example, If you are providing the details of a non-container database (Non-CDB), then use the SID. SYS_PASSW ORD String Yes Enter the SYS user account's password. Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-13 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description DEPLOYME NT_SIZE String Yes Set one of the following values to indicate the number of targets you plan to monitor, the number of Management Agents you plan to have, and the number of concurrent user sessions you plan to have. • SMALL, to monitor up to 999 targets, with up to 99 Management Agents and up to 10 concurrent user sessions • MEDIUM, to monitor about 1000 to 9999 targets, with about 100 to 999 Management Agents and about 10 to 24 concurrent user sessions • LARGE, to monitor 10,000 or more targets, with 1000 or more Management Agents, and with about 25 to 50 concurrent user sessions For example, "MEDIUM". The prerequisite checks are run regardless of the selection you make, but the values to be set for the various parameters checked depend on the selection you make. You can also modify the deployment size after the installation. For more information on deployment sizes, the prerequisite checks that are run, the database parameters that are set, and how you can modify the deployment size after installation, refer to What is a Deployment Size for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in an Advanced Configuration?. Note: If the database you are connecting to is a database instance created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure the deployment size you set here matches with the deployment size you selected on the Step 2 of 12: Database Templates screen of Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) while creating the database instance. If you want to select a deployment size different from the deployment size you had selected while creating the database instance using DBCA, then do one of the following: • • Create another database instance with a template for the desired deployment size, then return to this response file and set the same deployment size to this parameter. For instructions to create a database instance with an Oracle-supplied template, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. In the database instance you have created, fix the parameters to support the deployment size you want to set here in the response file. To automatically fix the database parameters using Oraclesupplied SQL scripts, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. 3-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description SYSMAN_P ASSWORD String Yes Enter a password for creating a SYSMAN user account. This password is used to create the SYSMAN user, which is the primary owner of the Management Repository schema. The SYSMAN account password must begin with a letter, and can only contain uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers and the following characters: $, # , _ Examples of valid passwords: Welcome1, oracle_User Examples of invalid passwords: Welcome!, 123oracle, #Oracle If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter for this parameter. SYSMAN_C ONFIRM_P ASSWORD String Yes Confirm the SYSMAN user account's password. AGENT_RE GISTRATIO N_PASSWO RD String Yes Enter a password to secure the communication between the OMS and the Management Agents. Note that you have to provide the same registration password for securing your Management Agents. AGENT_RE GISTRATIO N_CONFIR M_PASSWO RD String Yes Confirm the agent registration password. MANAGEM ENT_TABLE SPACE_LOC ATION String Yes Enter the absolute path to the location where the data file (mgmt.dbf) for management tablespace can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example: • If the database is on a file system, then the path must look like "/u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf". • If the database is on Automatic Storage Management (ASM), then the path must look like "+DATA/oemrsp01d/datafile/ mgmt.dbf", where disk_group1 is a diskgroup created on ASM and prod is the Service ID (SID). • If the database is on a raw device, then the path must look like "/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf", where /dev/ raw1 is the raw device and prod is the SID. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store information about the monitored targets, their metrics, and so on. Essentially, everything else other than configuration data, software library data, and audit data. Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-15 Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description CONFIGUR ATION_DA TA_TABLES PACE_LOC ATION String Yes Enter the absolute path to the location where the data file (mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf) for configuration data tablespace can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. JVM_DIAGN OSTICS_TAB LESPACE_L OCATION String For example, "/home/john/oradata/mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf". Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store configuration information collected from the monitored targets. Yes Enter the absolute path to a location where the data file (mgmt_deepdive.dbf) for JVM Diagnostics data tablespace can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example, "/home/john/oradata/mgmt_deepdive.dbf". Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store monitoring data related to JVM Diagnostics and Application Dependency Performance (ADP). CONFIGUR E_ORACLE_ SOFTWARE _LIBRARY Boolean SOFTWARE _LIBRARY_L OCATION String No If you want to configure the Software Library at the time of installation, set this parameter to TRUE. Otherwise, set it to FALSE. Even if you do not configure it at the time of installation, your installation will succeed, and you can always configure it later from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. However, Oracle recommends that you configure it at the time of installation so that it is automatically configured by the installer, thus saving your time and effort. Yes If you have set CONFIGURE_ORACLE_SOFTWARE_LIBRARY to TRUE, then enter the absolute path leading up to a unique directory name on the OMS host where the Software Library can be configured. Ensure that the location you enter is a mounted location on the OMS host, and is placed outside the Middleware Home. Also ensure that the OMS process owner has read/write access to that location. Configuring on a mounted location helps when you install additional OMS instances as they will require read/write access to the same OMS Shared File System storage location. 3-16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode Table 3-2 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description CONFIGUR E_SHARED_ LOCATION_ BIP Boolean No Configure a shared location for Oracle BI Publisher that will be installed and configured by default. To do so, set the parameter to TRUE. The shared storage location will act as a common location for storing the report catalog and associated management information for the first OMS you are installing now and also for the additional OMS you plan to install in the future. Identify a shared location that you can use for Oracle BI Publisher. If you do not have an existing shared location, create a new one and ensure that it is visible on the host where you are installing the first OMS and also on other hosts where you plan to install additional OMS instances. At install time, for the installation to be successful, you can reserve approximately 400 MB of hard disk space for the shared directory. However, Oracle recommends that you scale it to at least 10 GB eventually, and ensure that it can be extended further in the future because the space utilization increases over a period of time as you install additional plug-ins and create more reports. CLUSTER_L OCATION String Yes Set this only if the CONFIGURE_SHARED_LOCATION_BIP parameter is set to TRUE. Specify the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/ shrd/BIP/cluster. CONFIG_LO CATION String Yes Set this only if the CONFIGURE_SHARED_LOCATION_BIP parameter is set to TRUE. Specify the path leading up to the /config directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration files can be stored. For example, /u01/software/ examplehost/shrd/BIP/config. ENABLE_BI_ PUBLISHER Boolean No Enable or disable the installed and configured Oracle BI Publisher. Enabling Oracle BI Publisher starts the software and keeps it ready for use within the Enterprise Manager system. Disabling Oracle BI Publisher leaves the software as it is without starting it. To enable Oracle BI Publisher, set this parameter to TRUE. To disable, set this parameter to FALSE. STATIC_PO RTS_FILE String Yes By default, ports described in What Ports Are Used for Installation? are honored. If you want to accept the default ports, then leave this field blank. If you want to use custom ports, then enter the absolute path to the staticports.ini file that lists the custom ports to be used for the installation. Installing Enterprise Manager in Silent Mode 3-17 Performing Postinstallation Tasks After Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode 3.5 Performing Postinstallation Tasks After Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode Perform the post-install steps as described in the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system that is available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. 3-18 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide 4 Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method This chapter explains how you can install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control at one point, and configure the installation at a later point. In particular, this chapter covers the following: • Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method • Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method • Prerequisites for Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method • Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: All general purpose file systems, including OCFS2 and ACFS, are acceptable for storing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c software binaries and OMS instance home files (configuration files in gc_inst). However, OCFS is not considered a general purpose file system, and therefore is not considered acceptable for this use. WARNING: Do not install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c on servers of SPARC series: T1000, T2000, T5xx0, and T3-*. For more information, see My Oracle Support note 1590556.1. 4.1 Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method You can choose to install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control at one point and configure it at a later point in time to work with an existing, certified Oracle Database. This approach enables you to divide the installation process into two phases, mainly the installation phase and the configuration phase. Understandably, the installation phase takes less time compared to the configuration phase because the installation phase involves only copying of binaries. This approach helps you plan your installation according to the time and priorities you have. During the installation phase, you invoke the installer to create Oracle homes and install the following: • Installs Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 1 ( Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-1 Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method • Installs Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7.0_80. • Installs Oracle Management Service 13c Release 2. • Installs Oracle Management Agent 13c Release 2 in the agent base directory you specify (outside the middleware home). • Installs Oracle JRF 12c Release 1 (, which includes the oracle_common directory. • Installs Oracle Web Tier 12c Release 1 ( • Installs Oracle BI Publisher 12c Release 1 (, which includes the bi directory. During the configuration phase, you invoke a configuration script to do the following: • Create an Oracle WebLogic domain called GCDomain. For this WebLogic Domain, a default user account, weblogic, is used as the administrative user. You can choose to change this, if you want, in the installer. • Create a Node Manager user account called nodemanager. A Node Manager enables you to start, shut down, or restart an Oracle WebLogic Server instance remotely, and is recommended for applications with high availability requirements. Note: On Microsoft Windows, a Node Manager service is NOT created. This is an expected behavior. • Configure an Oracle Management Service Instance Base location (gc_inst) outside the Middleware home, for storing all configuration details related to Oracle Management Service 13c. For example, if the Middleware home is /u01/software/em13c/ oraclehome, then the instance base location is /u01/software/em13c/ gc_inst. • Configures Oracle Management Repository in the existing, certified Oracle Database. If the database instance is created using the database template offered by Oracle, then this step is skipped. • Creates a plug-in directory and installs the following default plug-ins. – Oracle Database Plug-in – Oracle Fusion Middleware Plug-in 4-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Introduction to Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: Starting with 13c Release 1, as part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Plug-in deployment, one Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics (JVMD) Engine is installed by default on the OMS. For every additional OMS you deploy, you receive one JVMD Engine by default with that OMS. JVMD enables administrators to diagnose performance problems in Java applications in the production environment. By eliminating the need to reproduce problems, it reduces the time required to resolve these problems, thus improving application availability and performance. While JVMD Engine is installed by default on the OMS host, you will still need JVMD Agents to be manually deployed on the targeted JVMs. For instructions to deploy the JVMD Agent, see Installing JVMD Agents with Advanced Install Options for installing with advanced install options. • – Oracle Exadata Plug-in – Oracle Cloud Framework Plug-in – Oracle System Infrastructure Plug-in – Any other additional plug-ins you choose to deploy Runs the following configuration assistants to configure the installed components for simple as well as advanced installation: – Plugins Prerequisites Check – Repository Configuration Note: If you use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then Repository Out-of-Box Configuration is run instead of Repository Configuration. – MDS Schema Configuration Note: If you use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then MDS Schema Configuration is not run. – BI Publisher Schema Configuration – OMS Configuration – Plugins Deployment and Configuration – BI Publisher Configuration – Start Oracle Management Service Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-3 Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method – Agent Configuration Assistant 4.2 Before You Begin Installing Enterprise Manager Using the SoftwareOnly Method Before you begin installing an Enterprise Manager system in silent mode, familiarize yourself with the key aspects of installation described in the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 4.3 Prerequisites for Installing Enterprise Manager Using the SoftwareOnly Method Meet the prerequisites described in the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system that is available in the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 4.4 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method This section describes the following: • Installing an Enterprise Manager System Using Software Only Install Along With Plugins and Configuring Later • Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode • Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode 4.4.1 Installing an Enterprise Manager System Using Software Only Install Along With Plugins and Configuring Later This section explains how you can install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control along with Plugins at one point in graphical mode, and configure the installation at a later point. To install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in a production environment, use the Advanced installation type. This installation type offers custom or advanced configuration options that enable you to customize your installation to suit your needs. Note: This installation type is not supported in silent mode. This installation type provides the following benefits: • Deploys the mandatory plug-ins such as Oracle Database plug-in, Oracle Fusion Middleware plug-in, Oracle Exadata plug-in, Oracle Cloud Framework plug-in, and Oracle System Infrastructure plug-in. In addition, enables you to select and deploy other optional plug-ins of your choice. This installation type allows you to install software only OMS bits, along with selected plugins. 4-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: You may choose to manually download the required plug-ins from the following location: downloads/oem-plugins-3237574.html In addition, if you want to download any partner or customer plug-ins, then download from the following location: • You may choose to apply bundle patches available post-release, once you have completed installing the Enterprise Manager System Using Software Only Install Along With Plugins and Configuring Later option. • Offers an option to select the deployment size (small, medium, or large) of your choice, and depending on the deployment size you select, configures with the required memory. The deployment size essentially indicates the number of targets you plan to monitor, the number of Management Agents you plan to have, and the number of concurrent user sessions you plan to have. • Allows you to use a database where the Management Repository is preconfigured using the database templates offered by Oracle. • Allows you to change the name of the default user account weblogic for the WebLogic domain GCDomain. • Prompts for separate, distinct passwords for WebLogic Server administration, Node Manager, SYSMAN user account, and Management Agent registration. • Allows you to change the name of the default OMS instance base directory (gc_inst) to a name of your choice, and creates that directory outside the Middleware home. • Allows you to change the locations of the tablespaces for management, configuration data, and JVM diagnostics data. • Allows you to customize the ports according to your environment. To install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control for a production site, follow these steps: Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-5 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: Oracle recommends you to run the EM Prerequisite Kit before invoking the installer to ensure that you meet all the repository requirements beforehand. Even if you do not run it manually, the installer anyway runs it in the background while installing the product. However, running it manually beforehand sets up your Management Repository even before you can start the installation or upgrade process. For information on the kit, to understand how to run it, and to know about the prerequisite checks it runs, see Overview of the EM Prerequisite Kit in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. However, if you plan to use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure you pass the following parameter while invoking the EM Prerequisite Kit. -componentVariables repository:EXECUTE_CHECKS_NOSEED_DB_FOUND:false 1. Invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard. Invoke the installation wizard as a user who belongs to the oinstall group you created following the instructions in Creating Operating System Groups and Users for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. ./em13200_ .bin INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true[invPtrLoc ] For example, for Linux platform, run /u1/software/em/ em13200_linux64.bin INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true[invPtrLoc ] Note: If you have downloaded the 13.2 PG software binaries from OTN page, then invoke the installer using the following: For Linux platforms: /em13200p1_ .bin For example, run /u01/software/em/em13200p1_linux64.bin. 4-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run em13200_ .bin. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup_em13200_win64.exe. • The installer requires about 10 GB of hard disk space in the temporary directory. If your temporary directory does not have this space, then pass the parameter and provide an alternative directory where there is 10 GB of space. The directory specified by this parameter will also be used as the location for the Provisioning Advisor Framework (PAF) staging directory, which is used for copying the Software Library entities related to the deployment procedures. The PAF staging directory is used only for provisioning activities — entities are copied for a deployment procedure, and then, deleted once the deployment procedure ends. For example, ./em13200_linux64.bin software/em13c/stage/ • 2. Ensure that there are no white spaces in the name of the directory where you download and run the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from. For example, do not download and run the software from a directory titled EM Software because there is a white space between the two words of the directory name. (Optional) Enter My Oracle Support Details. (Optional) On the My Oracle Support Details screen, enter your My Oracle Support credentials to enable Oracle Configuration Manager. If you do not want to enable Oracle Configuration Manager now, go to Step (3). If the host from where you are running the installation wizard does not have a connection to the Internet, then enter only the e-mail address and leave the other fields blank. After you complete the installation, manually collect the configuration information and upload it to My Oracle Support. For instructions, see Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide 3. Click Next. 4. (Recommended) Install Software Updates. On the Software Updates screen, select Search for Updates, and then select one of the following options to apply the latest software updates: • Local Directory, if you do not have Internet connectivity on your host, and want to download the updates in offline mode and apply them while performing the installation. • My Oracle Support, if you have Internet connectivity on your host, and want to connect to My Oracle Support directly via the installer to download the updates in online mode and apply them while performing the installation. For more information on these options, and for instructions to download and apply the software updates using these options, see the Enterprise Manager Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-7 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: The Software Updates screen uses the built-in feature Auto Update to automatically download and deploy the latest recommended patches while installing or upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. This way, you do not have to keep a manual check on the patches released by Oracle. All patches required by the installer for successful installation and upgrade are automatically detected and downloaded from My Oracle Support, and applied during the installation or upgrade, thus reducing the known issues and potential failures. Oracle strongly recommends using this feature, and applying the software updates while the installation is in progress. Note: During installation, you will be prompted for the details of a database where Oracle Management Repository can be configured. If you plan to provide the details of a database that already has an Oracle Management Repository preconfigured using the database templates offered by Oracle, then the software updates selected on this screen cannot be automatically applied. In such a case, you must manually download and apply these software updates after the installation. Note: Despite providing the My Oracle Support credentials, if you are unable to download the software updates, then exit the installer, and invoke the installer again passing the -showProxy parameter in the following way: /em13200_ .bin SHOW_PROXY=true 5. Click Next. If Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is the first Oracle product you are installing on the host that is running on UNIX operating system, then the Oracle Inventory screen appears. For details, see step (6). Otherwise, the Check Prerequisites screen appears. For details, see step (8). If Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is the first Oracle product you are installing on the host that is running on Microsoft Windows operating system, then the Oracle Inventory screen does not appear. On Microsoft Windows, the following is the default inventory directory: \Program Files\Oracle\Inventory 6. Enter Oracle Inventory Details. On the Oracle Inventory screen, do the following. You will see this screen only if this turns out to be your first ever installation of an Oracle product on the host. a. Enter the full path to a directory where the inventory files and directories can be placed. 4-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • If this is the first Oracle product on the host, then the default central inventory location is /oraInventory. However, if you already have some Oracle products on the host, then the central inventory location can be found in the oraInst.loc file. The oraInst.loc file is located in the /etc directory for Linux and AIX, and in the /var/opt/oracle directory for Solaris, HP-UX, and Tru64. • Ensure that you have read, write, and execute permissions on the default inventory directory. If you do not have the required permissions, then exit the installer, invoke the installer again with the INVENTORY_LOCATION parameter, and pass the absolute path to the alternative inventory location. For example, /em13200_ .bin INVENTORY_LOCATION= Alternatively, invoke the installer with the -invPtrLoc parameter, and pass the absolute path to the oraInst.loc file that contains the alternative inventory location. For example, /em13200_ .bin -invPtrLoc However, note that these parameters are supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. b. Select the appropriate operating system group name that will own the Oracle inventory directories. The group that you select must have write permissions on the Oracle Inventory directories. 7. Click Next. 8. Check Prerequisites. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, check the status of the prerequisite checks run by the installation wizard, and verify whether your environment meets all the minimum requirements for a successful installation. The installation wizard runs the prerequisite checks automatically when you come to this screen. It checks for the required operating system patches, operating system packages, and so on. The status of the prerequisite check can be either Warning, Failed, Succeeded, Not Executed, In Progress, or Pending. If some checks result in Warning or Failed status, then investigate and correct the problems before you proceed with the installation. The screen provides details on why the prerequisites failed and how you can resolve them. After you correct the problems, return to this screen and click Rerun to check the prerequisites again. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-9 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: You can choose to ignore the checks with Warning status by clicking Ignore. However, all package requirements must be met or fixed before proceeding any further. 9. Click Next. Note: If a prerequisite check fails reporting a missing package, then make sure you install the required package, and click Rerun. The installation wizard validates the package name as well as the version, so make sure you install the packages of the minimum versions, see Package Requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Controlin the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. To understand the logic the installation wizard uses to verify these packages, see About the Logic Used by the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard to Verify the Packages in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. 10. Select Installation Type. On the Installation Types screen, select Create a new Enterprise Manager system, then select Advanced. 11. Click Next. 12. Enter Installation Details. On the Installation Details screen, do the following: 4-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method a. Enter the Middleware home where you want to install the OMS and other core components. This is essentially the Oracle home. Note: • The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard installs Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 1 ( and JDK 1.7.0_80 by default in this middleware home directory you enter here. A preinstalled JDK or Oracle WebLogic Server is not supported from 13c Release 1 onwards. • Ensure that the number of characters in the middleware home path does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, the middleware home path C:\Oracle\MW\EM containing only 15 characters is acceptable. However, C:\OracleSoftware \OracleMiddleware\OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS \newrelease\oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms. b. Enter the absolute path to the agent base directory, a location outside the middleware home where the Management Agent can be installed. For example, if the middleware home is /u01/software/em13c/ oraclehome, then you can specify the agent base directory as /u01/ software/em13c/agentbasedir. Ensure that this location is empty and has write permission. Also ensure that it is always maintained outside the Oracle Middleware home. Note: Ensure that the number of characters in the middleware home path does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, the middleware home path C:\Oracle\MW\EM containing only 15 characters is acceptable. However, C:\OracleSoftware \OracleMiddleware\OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS\newrelease \oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms. c. Validate the name of the host where you want to configure the OMS. The host name appears as a fully qualified name, or as a virtual host name if your host is configured with virtual machine. If the installation wizard was invoked with a value for ORACLE_HOSTNAME, then this field is prepopulated with that name. Accept the default host name, or enter a fully qualified domain name that is registered in the DNS and is accessible from other network hosts, or enter an alias host name that is defined in the /etc/hosts file on all the OMS instances at this site. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-11 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: The host name must resolve to the local host or virtual host because the host name is used for the local Oracle WebLogic Server as well as the Oracle Management Service. Do not provide a remote host or a load balancer virtual host in this field. Do not enter an IP address. Do not use underscores in the name. Short names are allowed, but you will see a warning, so Oracle recommends that you enter a fully qualified domain name instead. 13. Click Next. 14. Deploy Plug-Ins. On the Plug-In Deployment screen, select the optional plug-ins you want to install from the software kit (DVD, downloaded software) while installing the Enterprise Manager system. Plug-Ins are pluggable entities that offer special management capabilities customized to suit specific target types or solution areas. The pre-selected rows are mandatory plug-ins that will be installed by default. Select the optional ones you want to install. Note: If you select a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 2 but not in any of the future releases, then you are prompted to evaluate your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the deployment of such plug-ins. Note: During installation, if you want to install a plug-in that is not available in the software kit, then refer to the point about installing additional plug-ins in Section 15. Click Next. 16. Enter WebLogic Server Configuration Details. On the WebLogic Server Configuration Details screen, enter the credentials for the WebLogic Server user account and the Node Manager user account, and validate the path to the Oracle Management Service instance base location. Ensure that the Oracle Management Service instance base location is outside the middleware home. By default, the WebLogic user name is weblogic. If you want, you can modify it. Note: Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. 4-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • Ensure that the Oracle Management Service instance base location is outside the middleware home. • If you are installing on an NFS-mounted drive and creating the OMS instance base directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then after you install, move the lock files from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location. Modify the lock file location in the httpd.conf file to map to a location on a local file system. For instructions, see Performing Postinstallation Tasks After Installing an Enterprise Manager System in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. By default, the WebLogic Domain name is GCDomain, and the Node Manager name is nodemanager. These are non-editable fields. The installer uses this information for creating Oracle WebLogic Domain and other associated components such as the admin server, the managed server, and the node manager. A Node Manager enables you to start, shut down, or restart an Oracle WebLogic Server instance remotely, and is recommended for applications with high availability requirements. Note: On Microsoft Windows, a Node Manager service is NOT created. This is an expected behavior. 17. Click Next. 18. Enter Database Connection Details. On the Database Connection Details screen, do the following: a. Provide details of the existing, certified database where the Management Repository needs to be created. If you have already created a database instance with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then provide details about that database instance. The installer uses this information to connect to the existing database for creating the SYSMAN schema and plug-in schemas. If you provide details of a database that already has a preconfigured Management Repository, then the installer only creates plug-in schemas. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-13 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: b. • If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter on the Enterprise Manager Configuration Details screen (as described in Step (20)). • If you are providing the details of a pluggable database (PDB), then use the full service name instead of the alias. For example, If you are providing the details of a lone-pluggable database (Lone-PDB), then use the full service name. For example, If you are providing the details of a non-container database (Non-CDB), then use the SID. • For more information on creating a database instance with Preconfigured Repository using database templates for CDB and PDB, see Creating a Database Instance with Preconfigured Repository Using Database Templates for CDB and PDB in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. • If you are providing the details of an Oracle RAC database that is configured with Single Client Access Name (SCAN), then enter the SCAN name as the host name. Select the deployment size from the Deployment Size list to indicate the number of targets you plan to monitor, the number of Management Agents you plan to have, and the number of concurrent user sessions you plan to have. Table 4-1 describes each deployment size. Table 4-1 Deployment Size Deployment Size Targets Count Management Agents Count Concurrent User Session Count Small Up to 999 Up to 99 Up to 10 Medium Between 1000 and 9999 Between 100 and 999 Between 10 and 24 Large 10,000 or more 1000 or more Between 25 and 50 4-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: If the database you are connecting to is a database instance created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle (as described in Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide), then make sure the deployment size you select on this screen matches with the deployment size you selected in the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) while creating the database instance. If you want to select a deployment size different from the deployment size you had selected while creating the database instance using DBCA, then do one of the following: • Select the deployment size of your choice on this screen, and click Next. When you see errors, fix the parameters in the database, then return to this screen to continue with the installation. To automatically fix the parameters using Oracle-supplied SQL scripts, see Creating a Database Instance with Preconfigured Repository Using Database Templates in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. • Minimize the installer, create another database instance with a template for the desired deployment size, then return to this screen and select the matching deployment size. For instructions, see Creating a Database Instance with Preconfigured Repository Using Database Templates in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. Note: For more information on deployment sizes, the prerequisite checks that are run, the database parameters that are set, and how you can modify the deployment size after installation, refer to Enterprise Manager Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide. 19. Click Next. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-15 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • If you are connecting to an Oracle RAC database, and if you have specified the virtual IP address of one of its nodes, then the installation wizard prompts you with a Connection String dialog and requests you to update the connection string with information about the other nodes that are part of the cluster. Update the connection string and click OK. If you want to test the connection, click Test Connection. • If your Oracle RAC database 11.2 or higher is configured with Single Client Access Name (SCAN) listener, then you can enter a connection string using the SCAN listener. • If you are connecting to an Oracle Database that is configured with CDB or PDB, then make sure you open the PDB before you provide the PDB details on this screen. • If you use ACFS, then ensure that you have the following parameters in the cluster where you mount the ACFS disk and start the install /etc/ fstab file: nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,noa cl,vers=3,timeo=300,actimeo=120 For example, /scratch/u01/oms nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,noa cl,vers=3,timeo=300,actimeo=120 • If you see an error stating that the connection to the database failed with ORA-01017 invalid user name/password, then follow these steps to resolve the issue: (1) Verify that SYS password provided is valid. (2) Verify that the database initialization parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE is set to Shared or Exclusive. (3) Verify that password file with the file name orapw exists in the /dbs directory of the database home. If it does not, create a password file using the ORAPWD command. • For information on all the database initialization parameters that are set, and all the prerequisite checks that are run, and for instructions to run the prerequisite checks manually if they fail, see Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. 20. Enter Enterprise Manager Configuration Details. On the Enterprise Manager Configuration Details screen, do the following: a. For SYSMAN Password, enter a password for creating the SYSMAN user account. The SYSMAN user account is used for creating the SYSMAN schema, which holds most of the relational data used in managing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. SYSMAN is also the super administrator for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. 4-16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • The SYSMAN account password must begin with a letter, and can only contain uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers and the following characters: $, # , _ Examples of valid passwords: Welcome1, oracle_User Examples of invalid passwords: Welcome!, 123oracle, #Oracle • b. If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter on this screen. For Registration Password, enter a password for registering the new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system. Note: Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. c. For Management Tablespace, enter the full path to the location where the data file for management tablespace (mgmt.dbf) can be stored. The installer uses this information for storing data about the monitored targets, their metrics, and so on. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example, /u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf If the database is on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) or ACFS, then the path must look like: + / / / .dbf. For example, +DATA/oemrsp01d/datafile/mgmt.dbf d. For Configuration Data Tablespace, enter the full path to the location where the data file for configuration data tablespace (mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf) can be stored. This is required for storing configuration information collected from the monitored targets. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example, /u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf If the database is on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), then the path must look like: + / / / .dbf For example, +DATA/oemrsp01d/datafile/mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf e. For JVM Diagnostics Data Tablespace, enter the full path to a location where the data file for JVM Diagnostics data tablespace (mgmt_deepdive.dbf) can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store monitoring data related to JVM Diagnostics and Application Dependency Performance (ADP). Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-17 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method For example, /u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt_deepdive.dbf. If the database is on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), then the path must look like: + / / / .dbf For example, +DATA/oemrsp01d/datafile/mgmt_deepdive.dbf. 21. Click Next. 22. Configure Shared Locations. Note: When you invoke the installer on Microsoft Windows, the Enterprise Manager Shared Location Details screen does not show the Config Volume and Cluster Volume options. This is an expected behavior. On the Enterprise Manager Shared Location Details screen, do the following: a. Configure Oracle Software Library. Oracle Software Library (Software Library) is a feature within Enterprise Manager Cloud Control that acts as a repository to store software entities such as software patches, virtual appliance images, reference gold images, application software, and their associated directive scripts. You require the Software Library for operations such as provisioning, patching, and so on. by selecting Configure Oracle Software Library. Enter the absolute path leading up to a unique directory name. By default, the storage location that is configured is the OMS Shared File System location, so Oracle strongly recommends that the location you enter is a mounted location on the OMS host. This helps when you install additional OMS instances that can use the same mounted Software Library location. Note: Software Library supports two types of storage locations, mainly OMS Shared File System location and OMS Agent File System location. To understand these storage locations, see Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator’s Guide. For some reason, if you are unable to configure an OMS Shared File System location, then configure an OMS Agent Storage location. For instructions, see the section on configuring an OMS Agent file system location in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator’s Guide 4-18 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: b. • Configuring the Software Library at the time of installation is optional. Even if you do not select this option and configure it now, your installation will succeed. You always have the option of configuring the Software Library later using the Initial Setup Console or the Software Library Administration Console (available within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console). However, Oracle strongly recommends that you select this option and configure it at the time of installation so that the installer can automatically configure it for you. This saves time and effort, and enables you to install an additional OMS, immediately after the first OMS, and configure it to use the same Software Library location. • Once the Software Library is configured, you can view the location details in the Software Library Administration Console. To access this console, from the Setup menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library. Configure a shared location for Oracle BI Publisher that is installed and configured by default. The shared storage location will act as a common location for storing the report catalog and associated management information for the first OMS you are installing now and also for the additional OMS you plan to install in the future. (i) Identify a shared location that you can use for Oracle BI Publisher. If you do not have an existing shared location, create a new one and ensure that it is visible on the host where you are installing the first OMS and also on other hosts where you plan to install additional OMS instances. At install time, for the installation to be successful, you can reserve approximately 400 MB of hard disk space for the shared directory. However, Oracle recommends that you scale it to at least 10 GB eventually, and ensure that it can be extended further in the future because the space utilization increases over a period of time as you install additional plug-ins and create more reports. Caution: If you already have a shared location that you were using for the Software Library or for staging gold images in the previous release of Enterprise Manager, then you can choose to use the same location. However, ensure that the directories within the shared location are unique for Oracle BI Publisher, Software Library, and staged gold images. For example, if you already are using the shared location /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/ where the Software Library is configured in /u01/software/examplehost/ shrd/SW, then you can use the same location, but make sure the directory within this shared location for Oracle BI Publisher is /u01/software/ examplehost/shrd/BIP. (ii) On this screen, select Configure a Shared Location for Oracle BI Publisher. Enter the following directory paths. Ensure that the user account that you are using to install the first OMS has read and write permission on these paths. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-19 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: When you invoke the installer on Microsoft Windows, the Enterprise Manager Shared Location Details screen does not show the Config Volume and Cluster Volume options. This is an expected behavior. For Config Volume, enter the path leading up to the /config directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration files can be stored. For example, /ntwkshrd/bip/config. For Cluster Volume, enter the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment. For example, /ntwkshrd/bip/cluster. WARNING: Do not delete these directories after the installation. The directories are required for proper functioning of Oracle BI Publisher, and therefore are required during the installation and also after the installation. c. Enable or disable the installed and configured Oracle BI Publisher. Enabling Oracle BI Publisher starts the software and keeps it ready for use within the Enterprise Manager system. Disabling Oracle BI Publisher leaves the software as it is without starting it. To enable Oracle BI Publisher, select Enable Oracle BI Publisher. Note: If you choose to disable Oracle BI Publisher during the installation, then you can enable it after the installation by running the following EM CTL command from the bin directory of the Oracle home. $ /bin/emctl config oms -enable_bip The command only enables Oracle BI Publisher, but does not start it. To start it, run the following command from the bin directory of the Oracle home. $ /bin/emctl start oms -bip_only 23. Click Next. 24. Customize Ports. On the Port Configuration Details screen, customize the ports to be used for various components. 4-20 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: If all the ports on this screen appear as -1, then it indicates that the installer is unable to bind the ports on the host. To resolve this issue, exit the installer, verify the host name and the IP configuration of this host (ensure that the IP address of the host is not being used by another host), restart the installer, and try again. You can enter a free custom port that is either within or outside the port range recommended by Oracle. To verify if a port is free, run the following command: • On Unix: netstat -an | grep • On Microsoft Windows: netstat -an|findstr However, the custom port must be greater than 1024 and lesser than 65535. Alternatively, if you already have the ports predefined in a staticports.ini file and if you want to use those ports, then click Import staticports.ini file and select the file. Note: If the staticports.ini file is passed during installation, then by default, the ports defined in the staticports.ini file are displayed. Otherwise, the first available port from the recommended range is displayed. The staticports.ini file is available in the following location: /response 25. Click Next. 26. Review and Install. On the Review screen, review the details you provided for the selected installation type. • If you want to change the details, click Back repeatedly until you reach the screen where you want to make the changes. • After you verify the details, if you are satisfied, click Install to begin the installation process. 27. Track the Progress. On the Install Progress screen, view the overall progress (in percentage) of the installation. 28. End the Installation. On the Finish screen, you should see information pertaining to the installation of Enterprise Manager. Review the information and click Close to exit the installation wizard. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-21 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 29. Run Scripts. Once the software binaries are copied, you are prompted to run the script, and the script if this is the first Oracle product installation on the host. Open another window, log in as root, and manually run the scripts. If you are installing on Microsoft Windows operating system, then you will NOT be prompted to run this script. 30. Configuration. To configure the Enterprise Manager, run the script, using the following command: $ /oui/bin/ ORACLE_HOME= MODE=perform ACTION=configure COMPONENT_XML={encap_oms.1_0_0_0_0.xml} Note: • If a configuration assistant fails, the installer stops and none of the subsequent configuration assistants are run. Resolve the issue and retry the configuration assistant. • If you accidently exit the installer before clicking Retry, then do NOT restart the installer to reach the same screen; instead, invoke the script from the Oracle home to rerun the Configuration Assistant in silent mode. For Microsoft Windows platforms, invoke runConfig.bat script. $ /oui/bin/ ORACLE_HOME= MODE=perform ACTION=configure COMPONENT_XML={encap_oms.1_0_0_0_0.xml} If the script fails, then clean up your environment and redo the installation. Note: For Microsoft Windows platforms, invoke ConfigureGC.bat script. 4-22 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: If a Server Load Balancer (SLB) is configured in your environment, and the upload port is locked, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. If an SLB is configured in your environment, but the upload port is unlocked, then decide whether you want to route the JVMD traffic through the SLB. If you do, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. If you do not wish to configure the SLB for JVMD, post upgrade then you may choose to skip it. To secure the OMS, run the following command: /bin/emctl secure oms -host slb_jvmd_http_port slb_jvmd_https_port -sysman_pwd -reg_pwd If you want to apply a Bundle Patch that is available on top of 13.2 release on an Oracle Home, perform the following steps: Note: Since omspatcher is located in ‘ /OMSPatcher’, ensure that the directory is included in the path before running the commands. 1. Execute omspatcher in bitonly mode for the Bundle Patch. For example, $omspatcher apply/scratch/omspatching/accumulativePatching/131/1111104/pat/ 1111104 -bitonly *******************************Trace for reference $omspatcher apply /scratch/omspatching/accumulativePatching/131/1111104/pat/ 1111104 -bitonly OMSPatcher Automation Tool Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. OMSPatcher version : 0OUI version : Running from : /scratch/xxxxx Log file location : /scratch/xxxxx/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/ opatch2016-08-01_03-34-15AM_1.log OMSPatcher log file: /scratch/xxxxx/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/1111104/ omspatcher_2016-08-01_03-34-21AM_deploy.log WARNING: OMSPatcher has been invoked with 'bitonly' option but the System patch provided has deployment metadata. Invocation in 'bitonly' mode will prevent OMSPatcher from deploying artifacts. Do you want to proceed? [y|n] y User Responded with: Y Applying sub-patch(es) "1111191,1111197" Please monitor log file: /scratch/xxxxx/cfgtoollogs/opatch/ Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-23 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method opatch2016-08-01_03-34-21AM_1.log Complete Summary ================ All log file names referenced below can be accessed from the directory "/scratch/ xxxxx/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/2016-08-01_03-34-15AM_SystemPatch_1111104_1" Patching summary: ----------------Binaries of the following sub-patch(es) have been applied successfully: Featureset Sub- patches Log file 1111191,1111197 1111191,1111197_opatch2016-08-01_03-34-21AM_1.log ******************************************** 2. Run omspatcher lspatches command to list all the sub-patches applied in Step 1. Syntax: omspatcher lspatches | grep "bp_id" For example, omspatcher lspatches | grep "1111104" *************************omspatcher Trace for reference $omspatcher lspatches | grep "1111104" oracle.sysman.emas.oms.plugin/ Plugin 1111104 1111191 oracle.sysman.db.oms.plugin/ Plugin 1111104 1111197 [userid@adc00wve xxxxx]$ ************************** Note: The last column lists all the sub-patches applied with the Bundle Patch. 3. Run omspatcher commit command with any one applied sub-patch-id. Note: The output of Step 2 lists all the applied sub-patches. You can pick any sub-patch id and run omspatcher commit command. Syntax: omspatcher commit -id For example, ************omspatcher Trace for reference $ omspatcher commit -id 1111197 OMSPatcher Automation Tool Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. OMSPatcher version : OUI version : Running from : /scratch/xxxxx Log file location : /scratch/xxxxx/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/ opatch2016-08-01_03-40-28AM_1.log OMSPatcher will now mark the patch "1111191,1111197" as auto-executed. Log file location: /scratch/xxxxx/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/ 4-24 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method opatch2016-08-01_03-40-28AM_1.log OMSPatcher succeeded. 4.4.2 Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode This section explains how you can install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control at one point in graphical mode, and configure the installation at a later point. In particular, this section covers the following: • Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode • Running the Root Script • Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode • Performing Postconfiguration Tasks After Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode To install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in graphical mode, follow these steps: Note: Oracle recommends you to run the EM Prerequisite Kit before invoking the installer to ensure that you meet all the repository requirements beforehand. Even if you do not run it manually, the installer anyway runs it in the background while installing the product. However, running it manually beforehand sets up your Management Repository even before you can start the installation or upgrade process. For information on the kit, to understand how to run it, and to know about the prerequisite checks it runs, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. However, if you plan to use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure you pass the following parameter while invoking the EM Prerequisite Kit. -componentVariables repository:EXECUTE_CHECKS_NOSEED_DB_FOUND:false 1. Invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard Invoke the installer. (On Unix, make sure you invoke the installer as a user who belongs to the oinstall group you created. For information about creating operating system groups and users, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide.) /em13200_ .bin [-invPtrLoc ] Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-25 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run em13200_ .bin. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup_em13200_win64.exe. • The installer requires about 10 GB of hard disk space in the temporary directory. If your temporary directory does not have this space, then pass the parameter and provide an alternative directory where there is 10 GB of space. The directory specified by this parameter will also be used as the location for the Provisioning Advisor Framework (PAF) staging directory, which is used for copying the Software Library entities related to the deployment procedures. The PAF staging directory is used only for provisioning activities — entities are copied for a deployment procedure, and then, deleted once the deployment procedure ends. For example, ./em13200_linux64.bin software/em13c/stage/ 2. • The -invPtrLoc parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. • For information about the additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the installer, refer to Using Advanced Installer Options While Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the SoftwareOnly Method in Graphical Mode. (Optional) Enter My Oracle Support Details On the My Oracle Support Details screen, enter your My Oracle Support credentials to enable Oracle Configuration Manager. If you do not want to enable Oracle Configuration Manager now, go to Step (3). If the host from where you are running the installation wizard does not have a connection to the Internet, then enter only the e-mail address and leave the other fields blank. After you complete the installation, manually collect the configuration information and upload it to My Oracle Support. 3. Click Next. 4. (Recommended) Install Software Updates On the Software Updates screen, select Search for Updates, and then select one of the following options to apply the latest software updates: • Local Directory, if you do not have Internet connectivity on your host, and want to download the updates in offline mode and apply them while performing the installation. • My Oracle Support, if you have Internet connectivity on your host, and want to connect to My Oracle Support directly via the installer to download the updates in online mode and apply them while performing the installation. 4-26 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method For more information on these options, and for instructions to download and apply the software updates using these options, see How Can You Download the Software Updates?. Note: The Software Updates screen uses the built-in feature Software Update to automatically download and deploy the latest recommended patches while installing or upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. This way, you do not have to keep a manual check on the patches released by Oracle. All patches required by the installer for successful installation and upgrade are automatically detected and downloaded from My Oracle Support, and applied during the installation or upgrade, thus reducing the known issues and potential failures. Oracle strongly recommends using this feature, and applying the software updates while the installation is in progress. For more information, see What Is a Software Update?. 5. Click Next. If Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is the first Oracle product you are installing on the host that is running on UNIX operating system, then the Oracle Inventory screen appears. For details, see step (6). Otherwise, the Check Prerequisites screen appears. For details, see step (8). If Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is the first Oracle product you are installing on the host that is running on Microsoft Windows operating system, then the Oracle Inventory screen does not appear. On Microsoft Windows, the following is the default inventory directory: \Program Files\Oracle\Inventory 6. Enter Oracle Inventory Details On the Oracle Inventory screen, do the following. You will see this screen only if this turns out to be your first ever installation of an Oracle product on the host. a. Enter the full path to a directory where the inventory files and directories can be placed. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-27 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • If this is the first Oracle product on the host, then the default central inventory location is /oraInventory. However, if you already have some Oracle products on the host, then the central inventory location can be found in the oraInst.loc file. The oraInst.loc file is located in the /etc directory for Linux and AIX, and in the /var/opt/oracle directory for Solaris, HP-UX, and Tru64. • Ensure that you have read, write, and execute permissions on the default inventory directory. If you do not have the required permissions, then exit the installer, invoke the installer again with the INVENTORY_LOCATION parameter, and pass the absolute path to the alternative inventory location. For example, /em13200_ .bin INVENTORY_LOCATION= Alternatively, invoke the installer with the -invPtrLoc parameter, and pass the absolute path to the oraInst.loc file that contains the alternative inventory location. For example, /em13200_ .bin -invPtrLoc However, note that these parameters are supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. b. Select the appropriate operating system group name that will own the Oracle inventory directories. The group that you select must have write permissions on the Oracle Inventory directories. 7. Click Next. 8. Check Prerequisites On the Prerequisite Checks screen, check the status of the prerequisite checks run by the installation wizard, and verify whether your environment meets all the minimum requirements for a successful installation. The installation wizard runs the prerequisite checks automatically when you come to this screen. It checks for the required operating system patches, operating system packages, and so on. The status of the prerequisite check can be either Warning, Failed, Succeeded, Not Executed, In Progress, or Pending. • If some checks result in Warning or Failed status, then investigate and correct the problems before you proceed with the installation. The screen provides details on why the prerequisites failed and how you can resolve them. After you correct the problems, return to this screen and click Rerun to check the prerequisites again. 4-28 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method • 9. However, all package requirements must be met or fixed before proceeding any further. Otherwise, the installation might fail. Click Next. Note: If a prerequisite check fails reporting a missing package, then make sure you install the required package, and click Rerun. The installation wizard validates the package name as well as the version, so make sure you install the packages of the minimum versions mentioned in the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. To understand the logic the installation wizard uses to verify these packages, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 10. Select Installation Type On the Installation Types screen, select Install software only. 11. Click Next. 12. Enter Installation Details On the Installation Details screen, do the following: a. Enter the Middleware home where you want to install the OMS and other core components. For example, /u01/software/em13c/oraclehome Note: • The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard installs Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 1 ( and JDK 1.7.0_80 by default in this middleware home directory you enter here. A preinstalled JDK or Oracle WebLogic Server is not supported from 13c Release 1 onwards. • Ensure that the number of characters in the middleware home path does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, the middleware home path C:\sw\em13c\oraclehome containing only 22 characters is acceptable. However, C: \OracleSoftware\OracleMiddleware \OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS\newrelease\oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms. b. Enter the absolute path to the agent base directory, a location outside the Oracle Middleware home where the Management Agent can be installed. For example, if the middleware home is /u01/software/em13c/ oraclehome, then you can specify the agent base directory as /u01/ software/em13c/agentbasedir. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-29 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Ensure that this location is empty and has write permission. Also ensure that it is always maintained outside the middleware home. Note: Ensure that the number of characters in the middleware home path does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, the middleware home path C:\Oracle\MW\EM containing only 15 characters is acceptable. However, C:\OracleSoftware \OracleMiddleware\OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS\newrelease \oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms. c. Validate the name of the host where you want to configure the OMS. The host name appears as a fully qualified name, or as a virtual host name if your host is configured with virtual machine. If the installation wizard was invoked with a value for ORACLE_HOSTNAME, then this field is prepopulated with that name. Accept the default host name, or enter a fully qualified domain name that is registered in the DNS and is accessible from other network hosts, or enter an alias host name that is defined in the /etc/hosts file on all the OMS instances at this site. Note: The host name must resolve to the local host because the host name is used for the local Oracle WebLogic Server as well as the Oracle Management Service. Do not provide a remote host or a load balancer virtual host in this field. Do not enter an IP address. Do not use underscores in the name. Short names are allowed, but you will see a warning, so Oracle recommends that you enter a fully qualified domain name instead. 13. Click Next. 14. Review and Install On the Review screen, review the details you provided for the selected installation type. • If you want to change the details, click Back repeatedly until you reach the screen where you want to make the changes. • After you verify the details, if you are satisfied, click Install to begin the installation process. 15. Track the Progress On the Install Progress screen, view the overall progress (in percentage) of the installation. 16. End the Installation 4-30 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method On the Finish screen, you should see information pertaining to the installation of Enterprise Manager. Review the information and click Close to exit the installation wizard. Using Advanced Installer Options While Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode The following are some additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the installer: • For Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c and later, GCDomain is the only supported domain name for creating the WebLogic domain. Customized WebLogic domain names are not supported. • If you want to set the Central Inventory, then pass the -invPtrLoc parameter. This parameter considers the path to a location where the inventory pointer file (oraInst.loc) is available. However, this parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, ./em13200_ .bin -invPtrLoc /scratch/OracleHomes/ oraInst.loc -silent -responseFile • After you install the software binaries, you will configure the binaries. And after the configuration ends successfully, by default, the OMS and the Management Agent start automatically. If you do not want them to start automatically, then invoke the installation wizard with START_OMS and START_AGENT options, and set them to true or false depending on what you want to control. Note: Ensure that the START_OMS and START_AGENT options are used even when the is invoked to configure the software binaries as described in Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode. Running the Root Script (For UNIX Only) After you install the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, log in as a root user in a new terminal and run the following scripts: • If this is the first Oracle product you just installed on the host, then run the script from the inventory location specified in the oraInst.loc file that is available in the Management Agent home. For example, if the inventory location specified in the oraInst.loc file is $HOME/oraInventory, then run the following command: $HOME/oraInventory/ Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-31 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: If you are not a root user, then use SUDO to change to a root user. For example, run the following command: /usr/local/bin/sudo $HOME/oraInventory/ • Run the script from the Oracle home of the OMS host: $ / Note: If you are not a root user, then use SUDO to change to a root user. For example, run the following command: /usr/local/bin/sudo $ / Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode To configure Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, follow these steps: 1. Invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard Invoke the installation wizard. (On Unix, make sure you invoke the installation wizard as a user who belongs to the oinstall group you created. For information about creating operating system groups and users see, Creating Operating System Groups and Users for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. $ /sysman/install/ [-invPtrLoc ] 4-32 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: 2. • While installing the software binaries as described in Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode, if you had passed the argument -invPtrLoc, then pass the same argument here as well. • The -invPtrLoc parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. • For information about the additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the script, refer to Using Advanced Script Options While Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode. • The only way to configure a software-only installation is to run the (or ConfigureGC.bat on Microsoft Windows) script. DO NOT run the individual configuration assistants to configure a software-only installation. If you want to run the individual configuration assistants to configure the installation for some reason, then contact Oracle Support. • If you have already configured a software-only installation (the Oracle home) using the script (or ConfigureGC.bat on Microsoft Windows, then DO NOT try to reconfigure it—either using the script or using the individual configuration assistants. Select Installation Type In the installation wizard, on the Installation Types screen, select Create a new Enterprise Manager system. 3. Click Next. 4. Deploy Plug-Ins On the Plug-In Deployment screen, select the optional plug-ins you want to install from the software kit (DVD, downloaded software) while installing the Enterprise Manager system. The pre-selected rows are mandatory plug-ins that will be installed by default. Select the optional ones you want to install. Note: If you select a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 2 but not in any of the future releases, then you are prompted to evaluate your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the deployment of such plug-ins. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-33 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: During installation, if you want to install a plug-in that is not available in the software kit, then refer to the point about installing additional plug-ins in Using Advanced Installer Options While Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode. 5. Click Next. 6. Enter WebLogic Server Configuration Details On the WebLogic Server Configuration Details screen, enter the credentials for the WebLogic Server user account and the Node Manager user account, and validate the path to the Oracle Management Service instance base location. Ensure that the Oracle Management Service instance base location is outside the middleware home Note: Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. Note: Ensure that the Oracle Management Service instance base location is outside the middleware home. By default, the WebLogic Domain name is GCDomain, and the Node Manager name is nodemanager. These are non-editable fields. The installer uses this information for creating Oracle WebLogic Domain and other associated components such as the admin server, the managed server, and the node manager. A Node Manager enables you to start, shut down, or restart an Oracle WebLogic Server instance remotely, and is recommended for applications with high availability requirements. Note: On Microsoft Windows, a Node Manager service is NOT created. This is an expected behavior. By default, the Oracle Management Service instance base location is gc_inst, which is created outside the Middleware home for storing all configuration details related to the OMS. 7. Click Next. 8. Enter Database Connection Details On the Database Connection Details screen, do the following: 4-34 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method a. Provide details of the existing, certified database where the Management Repository needs to be created. If you have already created a database instance with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then provide details about that database instance. The installer uses this information to connect to the existing database for creating the SYSMAN schema and plug-in schemas. If you provide details of a database that already has a preconfigured Management Repository, then the installer only creates plug-in schemas. Note: b. • For information about creating a database instance with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, refer to Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. • If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter on the Repository Configuration Details screen (as described in Step (10)). • The PDB name will always be empdbrepos irrespective of the CDB name if the PDB is created with the above listed templates. However, if the CDB is created with then the PDB will be empdbrepos. . For more information see, Creating a Database Instance with Preconfigured Repository Using Database Templates in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. • If you are providing the details of a pluggable database (PDB), then use the full service name instead of the alias. For example, If you are providing the details of a lone-pluggable database (Lone-PDB), then use the full service name. For example, If you are providing the details of a non-container database (Non-CDB), then use the SID. • To identify whether your database is a certified database listed in the certification matrix, access the certification matrix as described in Accessing the Enterprise Manager Certification Matrix in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. • For information on all the database initialization parameters that are set, and all the prerequisite checks that are run, and for instructions to run the prerequisite checks manually if they fail, see Overview of the EM Prerequisite Kit in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. Select the deployment size from the Deployment Size list to indicate the number of targets you plan to monitor, the number of Management Agents you plan to have, and the number of concurrent user sessions you plan to have. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-35 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method The prerequisite checks are run regardless of the selection you make, but the values to be set for the various parameters checked depend on the selection you make. For more information on deployment sizes, the prerequisite checks that are run, the database parameters that are set, and how you can modify the deployment size after installation, refer to What is a Deployment Size for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in an Advanced Configuration?. Table 4-2 describes each deployment size. Table 4-2 Deployment Size Deployment Size Targets Count Management Agents Count Concurrent User Session Count Small Up to 999 Up to 99 Up to 10 Medium Between 1000 and 9999 Between 100 and 999 Between 10 and 24 Large 10,000 or more 1000 or more Between 25 and 50 9. Click Next. Note: If the database you are connecting to is a database instance created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure the deployment size you select on this screen matches with the deployment size you selected in the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) while creating the database instance. If you want to select a deployment size different from the deployment size you had selected while creating the database instance using DBCA, then do one of the following: • Select the deployment size of your choice on this screen, and click Next. When you see errors, fix the parameters in the database, then return to this screen to continue with the installation. To automatically fix the parameters using Oracle-supplied SQL scripts, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. • Minimize the installer, create another database instance with a template for the desired deployment size, then return to this screen and select the matching deployment size. For instructions, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 10. Enter Enterprise Manager Configuration Details On the Repository Configuration Details screen, do the following: a. For SYSMAN Password, enter a password for creating the SYSMAN user account. The SYSMAN user account is used for creating the SYSMAN schema, which holds most of the relational data used in managing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. SYSMAN is also the super administrator for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. 4-36 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: b. • Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. • If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter on this screen. For Registration Password, enter a password for registering the new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system. Note: Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. c. For Management Tablespace, enter the absolute path to the location where the data file for management tablespace (mgmt.dbf) can be stored. The installer uses this information for storing data about the monitored targets, their metrics, and so on. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example, /u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf If the database is on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), then the path must look like: + / / / .dbf For example, +DATA/oemrsp01d/datafile/mgmt.dbf d. For Configuration Data Tablespace, enter the absolute path to the location where the data file for configuration data tablespace (mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf) can be stored. This is required for storing configuration information collected from the monitored targets. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example, /u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf If the database is on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), then the path must look like: + / / / .dbf For example, +DATA/oemrsp01d/datafile/mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf e. For JVM Diagnostics Data Tablespace, enter the absolute path to a location where the data file for JVM Diagnostics data tablespace (mgmt_deepdive.dbf) can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store monitoring data related to JVM Diagnostics and Application Dependency Performance (ADP). For example, /u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt_deepdive.dbf Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-37 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method If the database is on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), then the path must look like: + / / / .dbf For example, +DATA/oemrsp01d/datafile/mgmt_deepdive.dbf 11. Click Next. 12. Configure Shared Locations. On the Enterprise Manager Shared Location Details screen, do the following: a. Configure Oracle Software Library. Oracle Software Library (Software Library) is a feature within Enterprise Manager Cloud Control that acts as a repository to store software entities such as software patches, virtual appliance images, reference gold images, application software, and their associated directive scripts. You require the Software Library for operations such as provisioning, patching, and so on. by selecting Configure Oracle Software Library. Enter the absolute path leading up to a unique directory name. By default, the storage location that is configured is the OMS Shared File System location, so Oracle strongly recommends that the location you enter is a mounted location on the OMS host. This helps when you install additional OMS instances that can use the same mounted Software Library location. Note: Software Library supports two types of storage locations, mainly OMS Shared File System location and OMS Agent File System location. To understand these storage locations, see Upload File Locations in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.. For some reason, if you are unable to configure an OMS Shared File System location, then configure an OMS Agent Storage location. For instructions, see Configuring an OMS Agent File system Location in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide. Note: • Configuring the Software Library at the time of installation is optional. Even if you do not select this option and configure it now, your installation will succeed. You always have the option of configuring the Software Library later using the Initial Setup Console or the Software Library Administration Console (available within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console). However, Oracle strongly recommends that you select this option and configure it at the time of installation so that the installer can automatically configure it for you. This saves time and effort, and enables you to install an additional OMS, immediately after the first OMS, and configure it to use the same Software Library location. • Once the Software Library is configured, you can view the location details in the Software Library Administration Console. To access this console, from the Setup menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library. 4-38 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method b. Configure a shared location for Oracle BI Publisher that is installed and configured by default. The shared storage location will act as a common location for storing the report catalog and associated management information for the first OMS you are installing now and also for the additional OMS you plan to install in the future. (i) Identify a shared location that you can use for Oracle BI Publisher. If you do not have an existing shared location, create a new one and ensure that it is visible on the host where you are installing the first OMS and also on other hosts where you plan to install additional OMS instances. At install time, for the installation to be successful, you can reserve approximately 400 MB of hard disk space for the shared directory. However, Oracle recommends that you scale it to at least 10 GB eventually, and ensure that it can be extended further in the future because the space utilization increases over a period of time as you install additional plug-ins and create more reports. Caution: If you already have a shared location that you were using for the Software Library or for staging gold images in the previous release of Enterprise Manager, then you can choose to use the same location. However, ensure that the directories within the shared location are unique for Oracle BI Publisher, Software Library, and staged gold images. For example, if you already are using the shared location /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/ where the Software Library is configured in /u01/software/examplehost/ shrd/SW, then you can use the same location, but make sure the directory within this shared location for Oracle BI Publisher is /u01/software/ examplehost/shrd/BIP. (ii) On this screen, select Configure a Shared Location for Oracle BI Publisher. Enter the following directory paths. Ensure that the user account that you are using to install the first OMS has read and write permission on these paths. Note: When you invoke the installer on Microsoft Windows, the Enterprise Manager Shared Location Details screen does not show the Config Volume and Cluster Volume options. This is an expected behavior. For Config Volume, enter the path leading up to the /config directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration files can be stored. For example, /u01/software/ examplehost/shrd/BIP/config For Cluster Volume, enter the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/ cluster Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-39 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method WARNING: Do not delete these directories after the installation. The directories are required for proper functioning of Oracle BI Publisher, and therefore are required during the installation and also after the installation. c. Enable or disable the installed and configured Oracle BI Publisher. Enabling Oracle BI Publisher starts the software and keeps it ready for use within the Enterprise Manager system. Disabling Oracle BI Publisher leaves the software as it is without starting it. To enable Oracle BI Publisher, select Enable Oracle BI Publisher. Note: If you choose to disable Oracle BI Publisher during the installation, then you can enable it after the installation by running the following EM CTL command from the bin directory of the Oracle home of the first OMS host. $ /bin/emctl config oms -enable_bip The command only enables Oracle BI Publisher, but does not start it. To start it, run the following command from the bin directory of the Oracle home of the first OMS host. $ /bin/emctl start oms -bip_only 13. Customize Ports On the Port Configuration Details screen, customize the ports to be used for various components. You can enter a free custom port that is either within or outside the port range recommended by Oracle. To verify if a port is free, run the following command: • On Unix: netstat -anp | grep • On Microsoft Windows: netstat -an|findstr However, the custom port must be greater than 1024 and lesser than 65535. Alternatively, if you already have the ports predefined in a staticports.ini file and if you want to use those ports, then click Import staticports.ini file and select the file. Note: If the staticports.ini file is passed during installation, then by default, the ports defined in the staticports.ini file are displayed. Otherwise, the first available port from the recommended range is displayed. The staticports.ini file is available in the following location: /response 4-40 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 14. Click Next. 15. Review and Configure On the Review screen, review the details you provided for the selected installation type. • If you want to change the details, click Back repeatedly until you reach the screen where you want to make the changes. • After you verify the details, if you are satisfied, click Configure to begin the installation process. 16. Track the Progress On the Install Progress screen, view the overall progress (in percentage) of the installation. Note: • If a configuration assistant fails, the installer stops and none of the subsequent configuration assistants are run. Resolve the issue and retry the configuration assistant. • If you accidently exit the installer before clicking Retry, then do NOT restart the installer to reach the same screen; instead, invoke the script from the Oracle home of the OMS host to rerun the configuration assistant in silent mode. For Microsoft Windows platforms, invoke the runConfig.bat script. $ /oui/bin/ ORACLE_HOME= MODE=perform ACTION=configure COMPONENT_XML={encap_oms. 1_0_0_0_0.xml} If the script fails, then clean up your environment and redo the installation. 17. End the Installation On the Finish screen, you should see information pertaining to the installation of Enterprise Manager. Review the information and click Close to exit the installation wizard. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-41 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: If a Server Load Balancer (SLB) is configured in your environment, and the upload port is locked, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. If an SLB is configured in your environment, but the upload port is unlocked, then decide whether you want to route the JVMD traffic through the SLB. If you do, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. To secure the OMS, run the following command from the bin directory of the Oracle home of the OMS host: /bin/emctl secure oms -host slb_jvmd_http_port slb_jvmd_https_port -sysman_pwd -reg_pwd Using Advanced Script Options While Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode The following are some additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the script (or configureGC.bat on Microsoft Windows): • For Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c and later, GCDomain is the only supported domain name for creating the WebLogic domain. Customized WebLogic domain names are not supported. • If you want to install some plug-ins that are not in the software kit (DVD, downloaded software), then do the following: 1. Manually download the required plug-ins from the following location: index.html In addition, if you want to download any partner or customer plug-ins, then download from the following location: 2. Invoke the script (or ConfigureGC.bat on Microsoft Windows) with the following parameter, and pass the location where the additional plug-ins have been downloaded: On UNIX platforms: ./ PLUGIN_LOCATION= On Microsoft Windows platforms: ./ConfigureGC.bat PLUGIN_LOCATION= This displays a list of plug-ins available in the software kit (DVD, downloaded software) as well as the plug-ins available in this custom location. You can choose the ones you want to install. 4-42 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method • After the configuration ends successfully, the OMS and the Management Agent start automatically. If you do not want them to start automatically, then invoke the script with START_OMS and START_AGENT options, and set them to true or false depending on what you want to control. Note: Ensure that the START_OMS and START_AGENT options are used even when the installation wizard was invoked to install the software binaries as described in Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode. For example, if you do not want the Management Agent to start automatically, then run the following command: $ /sysman/install/ START_OMS=true START_AGENT=false To understand the limitations involved with this advanced option, see Limitations with the Advanced Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode. Performing Postconfiguration Tasks After Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Graphical Mode Perform the post-install steps as described in the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system that is available in the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 4.4.3 Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode This section explains how you can install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control at one point in silent mode, and configure the installation at a later point. In particular, this section covers the following: • Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode • Running the Root Script • Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode • Performing Postconfiguration Tasks After Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode To install only the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in silent mode, follow these steps: Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-43 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: Oracle recommends you to run the EM Prerequisite Kit before invoking the installer to ensure that you meet all the repository requirements beforehand. Even if you do not run it manually, the installer anyway runs it in the background while installing the product. However, running it manually beforehand sets up your Management Repository even before you can start the installation or upgrade process. For information on the kit, to understand how to run it, and to know about the prerequisite checks it runs, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. However, if you plan to use a database instance that was created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure you pass the following parameter while invoking the EM Prerequisite Kit. -componentVariables repository:EXECUTE_CHECKS_NOSEED_DB_FOUND:false 1. Invoke the installer and generate the response file you need to use for performing a silent software-only installation. ./em13200_ .bin -getResponseFileTemplates -outputLoc Note: The command generates three response files. You must use only the software_only.rsp file for this silent software-only installation. 2. Edit the software_only.rsp file and enter appropriate values for the variables described in Table 4-3. 3. Invoke the installer in silent mode and pass the updated response file. (On Unix, make sure you invoke the installer as a user who belongs to the oinstall group you created. For information about creating operating system groups and users, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide.) • If this is the first Oracle product you are installing on the host, then run the following command: ./em13200_ .bin -silent -responseFile /software_only.rsp [invPtrLoc ] • Otherwise, run the following command: ./em13200_ .bin -silent -responseFile /software_only.rsp 4-44 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run em13200_ .bin. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup_em13200_win64.exe. • The installer requires about 10 GB of hard disk space in the temporary directory. If your temporary directory does not have this space, then pass the parameter and provide an alternative directory where there is 10 GB of space. The directory specified by this parameter will also be used as the location for the Provisioning Advisor Framework (PAF) staging directory, which is used for copying the Software Library entities related to the deployment procedures. The PAF staging directory is used only for provisioning activities — entities are copied for a deployment procedure, and then, deleted once the deployment procedure ends. For example, ./em13200_linux64.bin software/em13c/stage/ • For information about the additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the installer, refer to Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode. Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Table 4-3 describes what variables you must edit and how you must edit them in the software_only.rsp response file for installing the software binaries. Table 4-3 Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Description Quote Required for Values? UNIX_GROU P_NAME String Yes (Required only when central inventory does not exist) Enter the name of the UNIX group you belong to. For example, "dba". Note: This parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-45 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-3 (Cont.) Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Description Quote Required for Values? INVENTORY _LOCATION String Yes (Required only when central inventory does not exist) Enter the absolute path to the Central Inventory. Ensure that you have read, write, and execute permissions on the default inventory directory. For example, "/scratch/oracle/ oraInventory". Note: This parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. SECURITY_U PDATES_VIA _MYORACLE SUPPORT Boolean No • Enter TRUE if you want to download and install security updates. Then, enter the credentials for the following variables in double quotes: MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME • DECLINE_SE CURITY_UPD ATES Boolean No • • INSTALL_UP DATES_SELE CTION String Yes MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD Enter FALSE if you do not want to download and install security updates: Enter TRUE if you want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered False for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESU PPORT. Enter FALSE if you do not want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered TRUE for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESU PPORT. By default, this variable is set to "skip" indicating that the software updates will not be installed during installation. • If you want to install the software updates from My Oracle Support, then set this variable to "download". Then, enter the credentials for the following parameters in double quotes. MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME_FOR_SO FTWAREUPDATES • MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD_FOR_SO FTWAREUPDATES If you want to install the software updates from a staged location, then set this variable to "staged". Then, for the STAGE_LOCATION parameter, enter the absolute path, which leads to the Updates directory where the software updates are available, in double quotes. 4-46 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-3 (Cont.) Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Description Quote Required for Values? ORACLE_MI DDLEWARE_ HOME_LOC ATION String Yes Enter the location where you want the installer to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 1 ( and Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7.0_80. Ensure that the middleware location has write permission. For example, "/u01/software/em13c/ oraclehome". Note: Ensure that the number of characters in the middleware home path does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms. For example, the middleware home path C: \sw\em13c\oraclehome containing only 22 characters is acceptable. However, C: \OracleSoftware\OracleMiddleware \OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS \newrelease\oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms. AGENT_BAS E_DIR String Yes Enter the absolute path to the agent base directory, a location outside the Oracle Middleware home where the Management Agent can be installed. For example, "/u01/software/em13c/ agentbasedir". Ensure that this location is empty and has write permission. Also ensure that it is always maintained outside the Oracle Middleware home. Note: (Only for Microsoft Windows) Ensure that the number of characters in the agent base directory path does not exceed 25 characters. For example, the agent base directory path C: \sw\em13c\agntbsedir containing only 22 characters is acceptable. However, C:\Oracle \ManagementAgent\12c\new containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-47 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-3 (Cont.) Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Installing the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Description Quote Required for Values? ORACLE_HO STNAME String Yes Enter a fully qualified domain name that is registered in the DNS and is accessible from other network hosts, or enter an alias host name that is defined in the /etc/hosts file on all the OMS instances at this site. The host name must resolve to the local host because the host name is used for the local Oracle WebLogic Server as well as the Oracle Management Service. Do not provide a remote host or a load balancer virtual host in this field. Do not enter an IP address. Do not use underscores in the name. Short names are allowed, but you will see a warning, so Oracle recommends that you enter a fully qualified domain name instead. If you do not mention the host name, the installation wizard will proceed further, honoring the host name it automatically detects for that host. Running the Root Script (For UNIX Only) After you install the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, log in as a root user in a new terminal and run the following scripts: • If this is the first Oracle product you just installed on the host, then run the script from the inventory location specified in the oraInst.loc file that is available in the Management Agent home. For example, if the inventory location specified in the oraInst.loc file is $HOME/oraInventory, then run the following command: $HOME/oraInventory/ Note: If you are not a root user, then use SUDO to change to a root user. For example, run the following command: /usr/local/bin/sudo $HOME/oraInventory/ • Run the script from the OMS home: $ / 4-48 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: If you are not a root user, then use SUDO to change to a root user. For example, run the following command: /usr/local/bin/sudo $ / Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode To configure the software binaries of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, follow these steps: 1. Access the new_install.rsp file that you generated in Step (1) of Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode. Edit that file and enter appropriate values for the variables described in Table 4-4. 2. Configure the software binaries by invoking the script (or ConfigureGC.bat on Microsoft Windows) passing the response you edited in the previous step: $ /sysman/install/ -silent responseFile /new_install.rsp [-invPtrLoc ] Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-49 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • While installing the software binaries as described in Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode, if you had passed the argument -invPtrLoc, then pass the same argument here as well. • The -invPtrLoc parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms. • For information about the additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the script, refer to Using Advanced Script Options While Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode. • The only way to configure a software-only installation is to run the script (or ConfigureGC.bat on Microsoft Windows). DO NOT run the individual configuration assistants to configure a software-only installation. If you want to run the individual configuration assistants to configure the installation for some reason, then contact Oracle Support. • If you have already configured a software-only installation (the Oracle home) using the script (or ConfigureGC.bat on Microsoft Windows), then DO NOT try to reconfigure it—either using the script or using the individual configuration assistants. • If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then you will be prompted that the database parameters need to be modified to suit the deployment size you selected. This is because the templates are essentially designed for simple installation, and the database parameters are set as required for simple installation. Since it is used for advanced installation, the parameters must be set to different values. You can confirm the message to proceed further. The installation wizard will automatically set the parameters to the required values. Note: If a Server Load Balancer (SLB) is configured in your environment, and the upload port is locked, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. If an SLB is configured in your environment, but the upload port is unlocked, then decide whether you want to route the JVMD traffic through the SLB. If you do, then configure the SLB for JVMD Engines, and then secure the OMS. To secure the OMS, run the following command from the bin directory of the Oracle home of the OMS host: /bin/emctl secure oms -host slb_jvmd_http_port slb_jvmd_https_port -sysman_pwd -reg_pwd 4-50 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Note: • If a prerequisite check fails reporting a missing package, then make sure you install the required package, and retry the installation. The installer validates the package name as well as the version, so make sure you install the packages of the minimum versions mentioned in the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. To understand the logic the installer uses to verify these packages, see the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. • If any repository-related prerequisite check fails, then run the check manually. For instructions, see the appendix on EM Prerequisite Kit in the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. • If a configuration assistant fails, the installer stops and none of the subsequent configuration assistants are run. Resolve the issue and rerun the configuration assistant. Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Table 4-4 describes what variables you must edit and how you must edit them in the new_install.rsp file for configuring the software binaries. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-51 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? PLUGIN_SELE CTION Description By default, mandatory plug-ins such as Oracle Database Plugin, Oracle Fusion Middleware Plug-in, and Oracle Exadata Plug-in, Oracle Cloud Framework Plug-in, and Oracle System Infrastructure Plug-in are automatically installed with the Enterprise Manager system. In addition to the default ones, if you want to deploy any addition plug-in, then list those plug-in names in a commaseparated list. Ensure that the plug-in names are in double quotes. If you want to deploy a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 2 but not in any of the future releases, then evaluate your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the deployment of such plug-ins. For example, PLUGIN_SELECTION={"oracle.sysman.empa","oracl e.sysman.vt"} If you want to install some plug-ins that are not in the software kit (DVD, downloaded software), then do the following: 1. Manually download the required plug-ins from the following location: enterprise-manager/downloads/oemplugins-3237574.html In addition, if you want to download any partner or customer plug-ins, then download from the following location: p=53891:1 2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where the additional plug-ins have been downloaded: ./em13200_ .bin PLUGIN_LOCATION= WLS_ADMIN_ SERVER_USE RNAME String Yes By default, weblogic is the name assigned to the default user account that is created for the Oracle WebLogic Domain. If you want to accept the default name, then leave the field blank. However, if you want to have a custom name, then enter the name of your choice. 4-52 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description WLS_ADMIN_ SERVER_PASS WORD String Enter a password for the WebLogic user account. WLS_ADMIN_ SERVER_CON FIRM_PASSW ORD String Yes Confirm the password for the WebLogic user account. NODE_MANA GER_PASSWO RD String Yes By default, nodemanager is the name assigned to the default user account that is created for the node manager. Enter a password for this node manager user account. Yes Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. NODE_MANA GER_CONFIR M_PASSWOR D String Yes Confirm the password for the node manager user account. ORACLE_INS TANCE_HOM E_LOCATION String Yes By default, gc_inst is considered as the OMS Instance Base directory for storing all OMS-related configuration files. Enter the absolute path to a location outside the middleware home leading up to the directory name. For more information about this location, see What Is an Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location?. Note: If you are installing on an NFS-mounted drive and creating the OMS instance base directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then after you install, move the lock files from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location. For instructions, refer to Performing Postconfiguration Tasks After Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-53 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description DATABASE_H OSTNAME String Enter the fully qualified name of the host where the existing database resides. Ensure that the host name does not have underscores. Yes For example, "". If you have already created a database instance with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then provide details about that database instance. If you are connecting to an Oracle RAC Database, and if the nodes have virtual host names, then enter the virtual host name of one of its nodes. The connection to the database is established with a connect string that is formed using only this virtual host name, and the installation ends successfully. However, if you want to update the connect string with other nodes of the cluster, then after the installation, run the following command: $ /bin/emctl config oms store_repos_details -repos_conndesc "(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST=(FAILOVER=ON) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=EMREP)))" repos_user sysman If your Oracle RAC database 11.2 or higher is configured with Single Client Access Name (SCAN) listener, then you can enter a connection string using the SCAN listener. If you use ACFS, then ensure that you have the following parameters in the cluster where you mount the ACFS disk and start the install /etc/fstab file: nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=3276 8,tcp,noacl,vers=3,timeo=300,actimeo=120 For example, / scratch/u01/oms nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=3276 8,tcp,noacl,vers=3,timeo=300,actimeo=120 Note: If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are 4-54 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter for the SYSMAN_PASSWORD parameter. LISTENER_PO RT String SERVICENAM E_OR_SID String Yes Enter the listener port to connect to the existing database. For example, "1521". Yes Enter the service name or the system ID (SID) of the existing database. For example, "orcl". If you are providing the details of a pluggable database (PDB), then use the full service name instead of the alias. For example, If you are providing the details of a lone-pluggable database (Lone-PDB), then use the full service name. For example, If you are providing the details of a non-container database (Non-CDB), then use the SID. SYS_PASSWO RD String Yes Enter the SYS user account's password. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-55 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description DEPLOYMEN T_SIZE String Set one of the following values to indicate the number of targets you plan to monitor, the number of Management Agents you plan to have, and the number of concurrent user sessions you plan to have. Yes • SMALL, to monitor up to 999 targets, with up to 99 Management Agents and up to 10 concurrent user sessions • MEDIUM, to monitor about 1000 to 9999 targets, with about 100 to 999 Management Agents and about 10 to 24 concurrent user sessions • LARGE, to monitor 10,000 or more targets, with 1000 or more Management Agents, and with about 25 to 50 concurrent user sessions. For example, "MEDIUM". If the database you are connecting to is a database instance created with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then make sure the deployment size you set here matches with the deployment size you selected on the Step 2 of 12: Database Templates screen of Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) while creating the database instance. If you want to select a deployment size different from the deployment size you had selected while creating the database instance using DBCA, then do one of the following: • • Create another database instance with a template for the desired deployment size, then return to this response file and set the same deployment size to this parameter. For instructions to create a database instance with an Oraclesupplied template, see Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. In the database instance you have created, fix the parameters to support the deployment size you want to set here in the response file. To automatically fix the database parameters using Oracle-supplied SQL scripts, see Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 4-56 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description SYSMAN_PAS SWORD String Enter a password for creating a SYSMAN user account. This password is used to create the SYSMAN user, which is the primary owner of the Management Repository schema. Yes Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value. Note: If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter for this parameter. SYSMAN_CO NFIRM_PASS WORD String Yes Confirm the SYSMAN user account's password. AGENT_REGI STRATION_P ASSWORD String Yes Enter a password to secure the communication between the OMS and the Management Agents. Note that you have to provide the same registration password for securing your Management Agents. AGENT_REGI STRATION_C ONFIRM_PAS SWORD String Yes Confirm the agent registration password. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-57 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description MANAGEME NT_TABLESP ACE_LOCATI ON String Enter the absolute path to the location where the data file for management tablespace (mgmt.dbf) can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. Yes For example: • If the database is on a file system, then the path must look like "/u01/oracle/prod/oradata/ mgmt.dbf". • If the database is on Automatic Storage Management (ASM), then the path must look like "+ /prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf", where disk_group1 is a diskgroup created on ASM and prod is the Service ID (SID). • If the database is on a raw device, then the path must look like "/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf", where /dev/raw1 is the raw device and prod is the SID. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store information about the monitored targets, their metrics, and so on. Essentially, everything else other than configuration data, software library data, and audit data. CONFIGURAT ION_DATA_T ABLESPACE_ LOCATION String Yes Enter the absolute path to the location where the data file for configuration data tablespace (mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf) can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example, "/home/john/oradata/ mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf". Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store configuration information collected from the monitored targets. JVM_DIAGNO STICS_TABLE SPACE_LOCA TION String Yes Enter the absolute path to a location where the data file for JVM Diagnostics data tablespace (mgmt_deepdive.dbf) can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name. For example, "/home/john/oradata/ mgmt_deepdive.dbf". Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store monitoring data related to JVM Diagnostics and Application Dependency Performance (ADP). 4-58 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description CONFIGURE_ ORACLE_SOF TWARE_LIBR ARY Boolean If you want to configure the Software Library at the time of installation, set this parameter to TRUE. Otherwise, set it to FALSE. SOFTWARE_L IBRARY_LOC ATION String Yes If you have set CONFIGURE_ORACLE_SOFTWARE_LIBRARY to TRUE, then enter the absolute path leading up to a unique directory name on the OMS host where the Software Library can be configured. Ensure that the location you enter is a mounted location on the OMS host, and is placed outside the Middleware Home. Also ensure that the OMS process owner has read/write access to that location. Configuring on a mounted location helps when you install additional OMS instances as they will require read/write access to the same OMS Shared File System storage location. CONFIGURE_ SHARED_LOC ATION_BIP Boolean No Configure a shared location for Oracle BI Publisher that will be installed and configured by default. To do so, set the parameter to TRUE. No Even if you do not configure it at the time of installation, your installation will succeed, and you can always configure it later from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. However, Oracle recommends that you configure it at the time of installation so that it is automatically configured by the installer, thus saving your time and effort. The shared storage location will act as a common location for storing the report catalog and associated management information for the first OMS you are installing now and also for the additional OMS you plan to install in the future. Identify a shared location that you can use for Oracle BI Publisher. If you do not have an existing shared location, create a new one and ensure that it is visible on the host where you are installing the first OMS and also on other hosts where you plan to install additional OMS instances. At install time, for the installation to be successful, you can reserve approximately 400 MB of hard disk space for the shared directory. However, Oracle recommends that you scale it to at least 10 GB eventually, and ensure that it can be extended further in the future because the space utilization increases over a period of time as you install additional plugins and create more reports. Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method 4-59 Installing the Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method Table 4-4 (Cont.) Editing the new_install.rsp Response File for Configuring the Enterprise Manager Software Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode Parameter Data Type Double Quotes Required for Value? Description CLUSTER_LO CATION String Set this only if the CONFIGURE_SHARED_LOCATION_BIP parameter is set to TRUE. Yes Specify the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment. For example, /u01/ software/examplehost/BIP/cluster. CONFIG_LOC ATION String Yes Set this only if the CONFIGURE_SHARED_LOCATION_BIP parameter is set to TRUE. Specify the path leading up to the /config directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration files can be stored. For example, /u01/ software/examplehost/BIP/config. ENABLE_BI_P UBLISHER Boolean No Enable or disable the installed and configured Oracle BI Publisher. Enabling Oracle BI Publisher starts the software and keeps it ready for use within the Enterprise Manager system. Disabling Oracle BI Publisher leaves the software as it is without starting it. To enable Oracle BI Publisher, set this parameter to TRUE. To disable, set this parameter to FALSE. STATIC_PORT S_FILE String Yes By default, ports described in What Ports Are Used for Installation? are honored. If you want to accept the default ports, then leave this field blank. If you want to use custom ports, then enter the absolute path to the staticports.ini file that lists the custom ports to be used for the installation. Performing Postconfiguration Tasks After Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software Binaries in Silent Mode Perform the post-install steps as described in the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system that is available in the Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide. 4-60 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Part III Installing Additional Oracle Management Service This part contains the following chapters: • Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode 5 Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode Oracle recommends that you install additional Oracle Management Services (OMS) in your environment to ensure high availability of your Enterprise Manager system. This chapter describes how you can install an additional OMS in silent mode. In particular, this chapter covers the following: • About Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode • Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode 5.1 About Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode Oracle recommends that you install additional OMS instances in your environment to ensure high availability of your Enterprise Manager system. To install an additional OMS, you can use the Add Management Service deployment procedure. The Add Management Service deployment procedure offers a GUI-rich, interactive way of installing an additional OMS. For instructions, see Adding Additional Oracle Management Services in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. However, if you have any security restrictions or audit demands in your environment, or if you are not permitted to use Oracle credentials to log in over the network for installation, then you can install in silent, non-interactive mode. Before you start the silent installation, meet all the prerequisites listed in Adding Additional Oracle Management Services in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. WARNING: Do not install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c on servers of SPARC series: T1000, T2000, T5xx0, and T3-*. For more information, see My Oracle Support note 1590556.1. 5.2 Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode To install an additional OMS in silent mode, follow these steps: 1. If Oracle Software Library (Software Library) is configured on the main OMS, which comes with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then do the following: • On Unix Platforms: Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode 5-1 Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode – Ensure that the Software Library is read-write accessible from the remote host where you plan to install the additional OMS. – Ensure the BI Publisher shared storage volumes, both the config volume and cluster volume, are mounted onto the remote host where you plan to install the additional OMS. Ensure that all the files system permissions allow reading and writing to these volumes. Although it is acceptable to have a single volume with separate config and cluster subdirectories, having two separate and dedicated volumes provides extra reliability in the case of failure scenarios. • On Microsoft Windows Platforms: If you do not have an option to share or mount the Software Library, then copy the Software library from the main, source OMS host to the destination host where you plan to install the additional OMS. In this procedure, for easy understanding, the OMS that comes with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is referred to as the first OMS, and the additional OMS you install is referred to as the additional OMS. 2. On the remote host, perform a software-only installation of the additional OMS as described in Installing Enterprise Manager Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode. Note: 3. • Ensure that you install the software binaries as the same user as the one used for installing the first OMS. You must be able to access the Software Library files. • Ensure that you install the software binaries in the same middleware location as that of the first OMS. • At the end of the software-only installation, do NOT run the (for Unix platforms) or ConfigureGC.bat script (for Microsoft Windows) as prompted by the installer. That file must be run only when you are performing a fresh installation. Deploy the plug-ins: • In GUI Mode (using the installer screen) Invoke the script from the following location: $ /sysman/install/ On the Plug-In Deployment screen, select the optional plug-ins you want to install. The screen displays only those plug-ins that were available in the software kit (DVD, downloaded software) you used in the previous step for installing the software binaries. The pre-selected rows on this screen are mandatory plug-ins that will be installed by default. Select the optional ones you want to install. • In Silent Mode (command line): 5-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode Invoke the script from the following location: $ /sysman/install/ -silent PLUGIN_SELECTION="{PLUGIN_ID1,PLUGIN_ID2}" For example, /u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/sysman/install/ -silent PLUGIN_SELECTION="{oracle.sysman.emfa,oracle.sysman.vt}" Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode 5-3 Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode Note: • On Microsoft Windows, run PluginInstall.bat. • Ensure that you select the same set of plug-ins as the ones on the source OMS (or first OMS). To identify the plug-ins installed on the source OMS (or first OMS), follow these steps: a. Connect to the Management Repository and run the following SQL query to retrieve a list of plug-ins installed: SELECT epv.plugin_id, epv.version, epv.rev_version FROM em_plugin_version epv, em_current_deployed_plugin ecp WHERE epv.plugin_type NOT IN ('BUILT_IN_TARGET_TYPE', 'INSTALL_HOME') AND ecp.dest_type='2' AND epv.plugin_version_id = ecp.plugin_version_id b. • Make a note of the additional plug-ins you installed. To install the additional plug-ins that are installed on the source OMS (or first OMS), or to install any additional plug-ins that are not in the software kit you used for installing the binaries, follow these steps: a. Manually download the required plug-ins from the following location: index.html In addition, if you want to download any partner or customer plugins, then download from the following location: b. Invoke the script with the following parameter, and pass the location where the additional plug-ins have been downloaded: In GUI Mode (using the installer screen): $ /sysman/install/ PLUGIN_LOCATION= The Plug-In Deployment screen displays a list of plug-ins that were available in the software kit as well as the downloaded plug-ins available in this custom location. You can choose the ones you want to install. In Silent Mode (command line): $ /sysman/install/ silent PLUGIN_SELECTION="{PLUGIN_ID1,PLUGIN_ID2}" PLUGIN_LOCATION= 4. On the additional OMS, apply all the patches you applied on the first OMS so that both OMS instances are identical and are in sync. Patches include patches that 5-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide Installing Additional Oracle Management Services in Silent Mode modified the Enterprise Manager system, the Software Library, the OMS files, the Management Repository, and so on. To identify the patches you applied on the first OMS, run the following commands from the platform home: $ /OPatch/opatchauto lspatches This command displays the installed patches and Oracle home relationships. Map the installed patches to the patch .zip files on My Oracle Support site ( Download the files and unzip the archives on the additional OMSs. If patches are already available in the file system or a shared area, reuse those patches to apply it on other OMSs. Note: For more details on installed patches in the platform, and Plug-in homes, run the command $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -details -oh . To apply the patches, run the following commands: • For each system patch: /OPatch/opatchauto apply -bitonly -oh -invPtrLoc