OTI 610_611_Multimedia_Audio_and_Communications_Accelerators_Technical_Specification_May97 610 611 Multimedia Audio And Communications Accelerators Technical Specification May97
User Manual: OTI-610_611_Multimedia_Audio_and_Communications_Accelerators_Technical_Specification_May97
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OAK TECHNOLOGY~ , ~ o - o ~ , , , OAK TECHNOLOGY~ 011-610/011-611 Multimedia Audio and Communications Acce Ierators Technical Specification May 1997 Customer Feedback Oak Technology welcomes your suggestions to improve the quality of our documentation. Please send your comments to: Corporate Communications Department Oak Technology 139 Kifer Court Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Fax: (408) 737-3838 e-mail: marcom@oaktech.com Printed in the U.S.A. \0 1997 Oak Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved v.OO3 Oak Technology and the Oak logo are registered trademarks of Oak Technology, Inc. Audia3D and TeiAudia3D are trademarks of Oak Technology, Inc. All other names, brands, products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The information contained in this document is the property of Oak Technology, Inc. The document itself remains the sole property of Oak Technology and is provided for the sole purpose of incorporating Oak Technology products. No part of this document may be duplicated or stored by electronic means without the express written consent of Oak Technology, Inc. This document is distributed only in conjunction with a non-disclosure agreement with Oak Technology, Inc. and must be surrendered along with all copies upon request of Oak Technology, Inc. Any use, other than specified, may result in civil and criminal prosecution. Parties providing information to Oak Technology, Inc. which leads to the conviction of any person for misusing this document are eligible for a $10,000 reward. The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, Oak Technology Inc. (OTI) makesno guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of said information and shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of whatever nature resulting from the use, of or reliance upon it. OTI does not guarantee that the use of any information contained herein will not infringe upon patent, trademark, copyright, or rights of third parties. No patent or license is implied hereby. This document does not in any way extend the warranty on any product beyond that set forth in OTl's standard terms and conditions of sale. OTI reserves the right to make changes in the product or specifications, or both, presented in this publication at any time without notice. Oak Technology Technical Specification CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW .................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Features .................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 .1 OTI-61 0 Features ..... '" .............................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 .2 OTI-611 Features ...................................................................................................... 1-2 Product Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2.1 OTI-610 PCI Audio Accelerator ................................................................................ 1-1 1.2.2 OTI-611 PCI Audio and Communications Accelerator ............................................... 1-2 Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 1-3 Block Diagram Descriptions .................................................................................................... 1-4 1.4.1 Digital Signal Processor ......................................................................... '" ................ 1-4 1 .4.2 External Device Interface .......................................................................................... 1-7 MIDI Port .................................................................................................................. 1-7 1.4.3 1.4.4 Game Port ................................................................................................................ 1-8 1.4.5 PS Input Port ............................................................................................................. 1-8 Programmable Input/Output Port ......................... ~ .................................................... 1-8 104.6 ModemNoice and Audio Codec Interfaces .............................................................. ~ 1-8 104.7 104.8 DAA Interface (OTI-611 Only) .................................................................................. 1-9 The OTI-61 0 System ....................................................................................,........................... 1-9 The OTI-611 System .............................................................................................................. 1-1 0 Technical Specifications ........................................................................................................ 1-11 1.7.1 OTI-610 Technical Specifications ........................................................................... 1-11 1.7.2 OTI-611 Technical Specifications ........................................................................... 1-15 Wavetable Synthesizer Technical Specifications .................................................................... 1-19 1.8.1 HSP Wavetable Synthesizer Technical Specifications .............................................. 1-20 1.8.2 Optional DSP Wavetable Synthesizer Technical Specifications ............................... 1-20 1.8.3 HSP Fax/Data Modem Technical Specifications ...................................................... 1-21 CHAPTER 2: PCI BUS INTERFACE .................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 2.2 PCI Bus PCI Bus 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.204 Interface Description .................................................................................................. 2-1 Function Information .................................................................................................. 2-2 Configuration ReadIWrite Cycle ................................................................................ 2-3 1/0 ReadIWrite Cycle .......................... ~ ..................................................................... 2-4 Game Port Registers .................................................................................................. 2-4 Bus Master Operation and Memory ReadIWrite Burst Cycle ...................................... 2-4 CHAPTER 3: CODEC I NTERFACES ................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 3.2 Oak Technology Codec Selection ...................................................................................................................... 3-1 Codec Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 3-2 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 OTI-61 O/OTI-611 to AC '97 Codec Interface ........................................................................... 3-3 3.3.1 AC '97 Codec Types ................................................................................................. 3-4 3.3.2 AC '97 Codec Clocking ............................................................................................ 3-5 3.3.3 Resetting the AC '97 Codec ...................................................................................... 3-6 3.3.4 AC-LinkAudio Output Frame (SDATA_OUTJ ............................................................ 3-6 3.3.5 AC-Link Audio Input Frame (SDATA_INJ ................................................................... 3-7 Dual Codec (Audio and Modem) Interface (OTI-611 to STLC7549) .......................................... 3-9 Audio Codec Interface (OTI-61 0 to STLC7549AC) ................................................................. 3-10 Dual Codec (Audio and Modem) Interface (OTI-611 to AD1843) ........................................... 3-11 CHAPTER 4: PERIPHERAL INTERFACES ...•.••...•.••....••.•....••.•........••••....•......•........•.......•... 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) Port ...................................................................... 4-1 Game Port ............................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.2.1 Hardware Polling Digital Mode ................................................................................ 4-3 4.2.2 Analog Mode ............................................................................................................ 4-3 4.2.3 Game Port Interface Description ............................................................................... 4-4 Decoded Audio Input Port (l2S Port) ......................................................................................... 4-5 Programmable Input/Output Port ............................................................................................. 4-9 DAA Interface ....................................................................................................................... 4-10 CHAPTER 5: MEMORY INTERFACE ..•..•.•..•...•••.•.••.....•........•.....•..••••.....•••....•........••..•...•.•• 5-1 5.1 5.2 External Wavetable Sample Set ROM Interface ........................................................................ 5-1 SRAM Memory Interface Timing .............................................................................................. 5-2 CHAPTER 6: PIN DESCRIPTIONS ..•..•...••.••.•.••..•.•...•....•....•.•.....•..•.•.•.•.......•.••.........•.•.....•• 6-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 OTI-610 Pinout Diagram ......................................................................................................... 6-1 OTI-611 Pinout Diagram ......................................................................................................... 6-2 Pin Grouping by Function ....................................................................................................... 6-3 6.3.1 Pin Names by Pin Number ........................................................................................ 6-3 Pin Descriptions by Interface ................................................................................................... 6-8 6.4.1 PCI Interface ............................................................................................................. 6-8 6.4.2 MPEG and MIDI Interface ....................................................... :................................. 6-9 6.4.3 External Memory Interface ......................................................................................... 6-9 6.4.4 Audio Codec Interface ............................................................................................. 6-10 6.4.5 Clocks and Miscellaneous Interface ........................................................................ 6-11 6.4.6 DAA Interface ......................................................................................................... 6-11 6.4.7 Modem Codec Interface .......................................................................................... 6-12 PIO and Game Port Interface .................................................................................. 6-12 6.4.8 6.4.9 Power ..................................................................................................................... 6-13 CHAPTER. 7: REGISTER DEFI NITIONS ...•..•••..•...•..•.••.•..•.•.••.•.•...•....•..•.•••...•...•..•..•......•.•... 7-1 7.1 Oak Technology Numerical Listings of Registers ................................................................................................ 7-2 7.1.1 Game Port Function Registers ................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.2 Audio Function Registers .......................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.3 Modem Control Function Registers ........................................................................... 7-4 ii Technical Specification Contents 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Oak Technology Alphabetical Listings of Registers ............................................................................................. 7-5 7.2.1 Audio Registers ......................................................................................................... 7-6 7.2.2 Game Port Registers .................................................................................................. 7-8 7.2.3 Modem Registers ...................................................................................................... 7-8 PCI Configuration Registers ..................................................................................................... 7-9 7.3.1 Audio Configuration Registers ................................................................................... 7-9 7.3.2 Game Port Configuration Registers .......................................................................... 7-12 7.3.3 Fax/Modem Configuration Registers ........................................................................ 7-15 General Control Registers ...................................................................................................... 7-18 704.1 OTI-61 010TI-611 Status Register (Read Only) ......................................................... 7-20 704.2 Miscellaneous Modes Control Register .................................................................... 7-21 7.4.3 Codec Control ........................................................................................................ 7-22 704.4 General Purpose 1/0 Control ................................................................................... 7-23 704.5 Interrupt Status Register ........................................................................................... 7-24 704.6 Interrupt Mask Register ........................................................................................... 7-25 704.7 DSP Interface and Codec Sample Rate Control Register ........................................... 7-26 704.8 PS Control and Status .............................................................................................. 7-27 704.9 DSP General Control 1 ........................................................................................... 7-28 704.10 DSP General Control 2 ........................................................................................... 7-29 704.11 Miscellaneous Channel Control .............................................................................. 7-30 704.12 Power Down Control (Write Only) .......................................................................... 7-31 704.13 PS Input Rate Control and Status ............................................................................. 7-31 704.14 Digital Audio Serial Port (l2S) Format Control (Write Only) ...................................... 7-32 704.15 Host Interface Port (HIP) Interface Registers ............................................................. 7-32 704.1 6 MPU-401 Control Registers ..................................................................................... 7-34 7.4.17 Codec Index Register 2 ........................................................................................... 7-36 7.4.18 Codec Index Register 1 ........................................................................................... 7-37 7.4.1 9 Codec Data Register ............................................................................................... 7-37 704.20 STLC7549 GPIO Data Register ................................................................................ 7-38 Channel Registers .................................................................................................................. 7-39 7.5.1 Playback Base Address 0 and 1 - Channel n (where n = 0-7) ................................... 7-42 7.5.2 Playback Segment Length 0 and 1 - Channel n (where n = 0-7) ............................... 7-43 7.5.3 Playback Channel Command - Channel n (where n = 0-7) ...................................... 7-44 7.504 Playback Segment Position - Channel n (where n = 0-7) ........................................... 7-45 7.5.5 Playback Channel 7 Interrupt Count. ....................................................................... 7-46 7.5.6 Capture Base Address - Channel n (where n = 8 or 9) ............•................................. 7-47 7.5.7 Capture Segment Length - Channel n (where n = 8 or 9) .......................................... 7-48 7.5.8 Capture Channel Command - Channel n (where n = 8 or 9) .................................... 7-49 7.5.9 Capture Segment Control- Channel n (where n = 8 or 9) ........................................ 7-50 7.5.10 Capture Interrupt Count - Channel 9 ....................................................................... 7-51 Game Port Registers .............................................................................................................. 7-51 7.6.1 Standard Game Port ................................................................................................ 7-52 7.6.2 Digital Mode Game Port I & II X Position ................................................................ 7-53 7.6.3 Digital Mode Game Port I & II Y Position ................................................................ 7-53 7.6.4 Game Port Control .................................................................................................. 7-54 OTI-611 Fax/Modem I/O Register Definitions ........................................................................ 7-55 7.7.1 Modem Data Registers ............................................................................................ 7-55 Index Address Register ............................................................................................ 7-56 7.7.2 7.7.3 Codec Index Register .............................................................................................. 7-56 iii Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.7.4 7.7.5 7.7.6 Codec Data Registers .............................................................................................. 7-57 External Outputs Register ........................................................................................ 7-58 Modem I/O Space Register ...................................................................................... 7-58 CHAPTER 8: AC-LINK CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................... 8-1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.1 0 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 Audio Codec '97 Component Specification Overview ............................................................. 8-1 AC '97 AC-Link Digital Serial Interface Protocol ...................................................................... 8-1 OTI-61 0/OTI-611 in the AC '97 System ................................................................................... 8-4 AC '97 System Implementation ................................................................................................ 8-5 OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Connection to the AC '97 Codec ................................................................. 8-6 Resetting the AC '97 Codec ........................................................................................ '" .......... 8-7 8.6.1 Cold AC '97 Reset ..................................................................................................... 8-7 8.6.2 Warm AC '97 Reset .................................................................................................. 8-8 8.6.3 Register Reset of AC '97 Codec ................................................................................. 8-8 AC-Link Low Power Mode ...................................................................................................... 8-8 8.7.1 Waking up AC-Link .................................................................................................. 8-9 Examples of AC-Link Power Down Operations .......................................................... 8-9 8.7.2 Testability ............................................................................................................................. 8-10 AC-Link DC and AC Characteristics ....................................................................................... 8-11 8.9.1 DC Characteristics .................................................................................................. 8-11 8.9.2 AC Timing Characteristics ........................................................................................ 8-12 8.9.3 Reset ...................................................................................................................... 8-12 Clocks ................................................................................................................................... 8-13 Data Setup and Hold ............................................................................................................. 8-14 Signal Rise and Fall Times ..................................................................................................... 8-15 AC-Link Low-Power Mode Timing ......................................................................................... 8-16 ATE In-Circuit Test Mode Timing ........................................................................................... 8-17 CHAPTER 9: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................. 9-1 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Oak Technology Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................................................................... 9-1 DC Specifications .................................................................................................................... 9-2 AC Specifications .................................................................................................................... 9-4 Reset Timing ............................................................................................................. 9-4 9.3.1 PCI Clock Requirement ............................................................................................. 9-5 9.3.2 9.3.3 PCI Bus Timing (I/O Read Operation) ........................................................................ 9-6 9.3.4 PCI Bus Timing (I/O Write Operation) ....................................................................... 9-7 PCI Bus Master Request Timing ................................................................................. 9-8 9.3.5 9.3.6 PCI Bus Master ReadIWrite Timing ............................................................................ 9-8 9.3.7 ROM Memory Interface Timing .............................................................................. 9-10 9.3.8 SRAM Memory Interface Timing ............................................................................. 9-11 AC-Link Timing Characteristics .............................................................................................. 9-12 AC-Link Reset Timing ............................................................................................. 9-13 9.4.1 9.4.2 Clocks .................................................................................................................... 9-14 9.4.3 Data Setup and Hold .............................................................................................. 9-15 Signal Rise and Fall Times ....................................................................................... 9-16 9.4.4 9.4.5 AC-Link Low Power Mode Timing .......................................................................... 9-17 ATE In-Circuit Test Mode ........................................................................................ 9-17 9.4.6 iv Technical Specification Contents 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Audio/Modem Codec Port Timing (STLC7549) ....................................................................... 9-18 Audio Codec Port Timing (STLC7549AC) ............................................................................... 9-21 Modem Codec Port Timing (ST7546) ..................................................................................... 9-24 TDM Audio/Modem Codec Port Timing (AD1843) ................................................................ 9-26 f2S Port Timing ...................................................................................................................... 9-29 CHAPTER 10: THERMAL SPECIFICATIONS ......•.............•..................•...•..........••....•••.•... 10-1 CHAPTER 11: MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................ 11-1 APPENDIX A: OTI-611 HSP FAX/DATA MODEM ............................................................ A-1 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.1 a A.11 HSP Fax/Modem ...... ,............................................................................................................. A-l A.l .1 Software Environment .............................................................................................. A-l A.l.2 Hardware Environment ............................................................................................ A-l Standard Features ................................................................................................................... A-2 Technical Specifications ......................................................................................................... A-2 AT Command Set ................................................................................................................... A-3 AT/Kn Command Set .............................................................................................................. A-7 Results Codes ......................................................................................................................... A-7 5 Registers .......................................................................... '" ................................................. A-9 Fax Class 1 Command Set .................................................................................................... A-13 Call Progress ........................................................................................................................ A-15 AT Voice Command Descriptions ......................................................................................... A-16 cloP - PIT Testing Utilities ..................................................................................................... A-24 APPENDIX B: HOST SIGNAL PROCESSING (HSP) BASED WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER .. B-1 B.l B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 Oak Technology HSP Wavetable Synthesizer Specifications ............................................................................. B-1 HSP Wavetable Synthesizer Description ................................................................................. B-2 General MIDI Description ...................................................................................................... B-2 General MIDI Sound Sample Set Description ......................................................................... B-3 CyberSound Keyboard Description ....................................................................................... B-12 Wavetable Synthesizer Key/Note Range ............................................................................... B-12 v Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 (This page intentionally left blank) Oak Technology vi Technical Specification OVERVIEW CHAPTER 1 1.1 FEATURES 1.2 1.1.1 OTI-610 FEATURES The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 controllers are PCI bus based audio and audio/ communications devices designed to support multiple digital audio stream sample rate conversion, digital mixing, and playback. Both devices provide full duplex audio operation (simultaneous playback and record in stereo), and the OTI-611 has fax/data modem capability. • • • • • • • Provides high-performance multiple channel digital audio to Pentium-class systems PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Multiple digital audio channels with sample rate conversion on each channel 1.2.1 Digital mixing of all channels The OTI-61 0, also known as the Audia3DTM, is a highly integrated audio accelerator that is suitable for motherboard and add-in card applications. Microsoft 2D DirectSound DSPbased hardware acceleration Supports mu Iti~e source DirectSound 3 positional sound (Head Related Transfer Function) using DSP hardware acceleration Sample rate conversion and mixing support of an FS input port for uncomMessed digital audio, such as PEG-1 audio Meets the AC '97 (Audio Codec 1997) specification b~ meeting requirements for AC- ink • Programmable DSP core for easy feature upgrades • s~nthesizer with reverb and General MIDI wavetable music c orus MIDI port (IN and • MPU-401 Oun 32-bit PCI bus master support • with scatter/gather OTI-610 PCIAUDIOACCElERATOR The OTI-61 0 supports major sound standards such as Microsoft Windows Sound System (WSS) software, Microsoft DirectSound, Microsoft Directlnput, and Microsoft's software emulated SoundBlaster Pro standards. The OTI-61 0 DSP supports wavetable music synthesis (when used with external Sample Set ROM) or host signal processing (HSP) wavetable music synthesis. Both synthesizer types support the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) interfaces. Both synthesizer types support the General MIDI (GM) compatible instrument set consisting of 128 instruments or sounds, each instrument or sound having its own instrument or "patch" number. The OTI-61 0 also supports a GM Drum Kit. Two audio effects, chorus and reverb, are also supported. For the DSP synthesizer, up to 24 voices at 22.05 KHz are presented concurrently. Chorus and reverb operations require memory to delay the sample outputs to generate the effects. The OTI-61 0 implements a delay line memory by using system memory and the PCI bus. Chorus requires one delay buffer and reverb requires five. For the HSP synthesizer, up to 32 voices at 22.05 KHz are presented concurrently. Chorus and reverb operations are implemented in system memory. The OTI-61 0 incorporates direct interfaces to an audio co dec, game and MIDI ports, external optional Wavetable Sample Set ROM, an FS digital audio port for MPEG decoded digital audio, and the PCI bus. Oak Technology 1-1 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 1.1.2 OTI-611 FEATURES Provides high-performance • multiple channel digital audio, modem, and fax capabilities to Pentium-class systems digital audio channels • Multiple wjth sample rate conversion on each channel • Digital mixing of all channels 2D DirectSound DSP• Microsoft based hardware acceleration source • Supports DirectSound 3 positional multi~e sound (Head Related Transfer Function) using DSP hardware acceleration rate conversion and • Sample mixing support of an PS input port for uncomMessed digital audio, such as PEG-1 audio HSP fax/data • V.34bis-compliant modem Exceeds the AC '97 (Audio • Codec 1997) specification 'Cmeetin requirements for A Link, p uscferoviding an additional mo em codec interface R Programmable DSP core for • easy feature upgrades music • General MIDIwithwavetable reverb and s~nthesizer 1.2.2 OTI-611 PCI AUDIO AND COMMUNICATIONS ACCELERATOR The OTI-611, also known as the TeiAudia3DTM, is a highly integrated audio and communications accelerator suitable for motherboard and add-in card appl ications. The OTI-611 supports major sound standards, including Microsoft Windows Sound System (WSS) software, Microsoft DirectSound, Microsoft Directlnput, and Microsoft's software-emulated SoundBlaster Pro standards. ' The OTI-611 DSP supports wavetable music syntheSiS (when used with external sample set ROM) or host signal processing (HSP) wavetable music synthesis. Both synthesizer types support the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) interfaces. Both synthesizer types support the General MIDI (GM) compatible instrument set consisting of 128 instruments or sounds, each instrument or sound having its own instrument or "patch" number. The OTI-611 also supports a GM Drum Kit. Two audio effects, chorus and reverb, are supported. For the DSP synthesizer, up to 24 voices at 22.05 KHz are presented concurrently. Chorus and reverb operations require memory to delay the sample outputs to generate the effects. The OTI-611 implements a delay line memory by using system memory and the PCI bus. Chorus requires one delay buffer and reverb requ ires five. For the HSP synthesizer, up to 32 voices at 22.05 KHz are presented concurrently. Chorus and reverb operations are implemented in system memory. The OTI-611 supports an HSP-based, fully compliantV.34 (28.8 Kbps) and V.34+ (33.6 Kbps) data, andV.29, Y.17, andV.27terfax modem operation, inciudingV.42 LAPM & MNP 2-4 error detection and correction and V.42bis & MNP 5 data compression. c orus MIDI port (IN and • MPU-401 OUT) 32-bit PCI bus master support • with scatter/gather Oak Technology The OTI-611 incorporates direct interfaces to an audio codec and/or modem codec, (or combination thereof), game and MIDI ports, external optional Wavetable Sample Set ROM, an FS digital audio port (for MPEG decoded digital audio), and the PCI bus. 1-2 Technical Specification Overview 1.3 ARCHITECTURE The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 share a common PCI bus master interfaced, RAM-based DSP architecture for support of the features listed on pages 1-1 and 1-2. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 provide 10 bus master channels. Channels o through 7 are used for playback of digital audio. Channel 8 is used for recording of digital audio. Channel 9 is reserved for use with the DSP-based wavetable synthesizer. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 also provide support for an HSP-based wavetable synthesizer and General MIDI Sound Sample Set, which utilizes one digital audio channel playback channel. The ROM interface provides an interface to an optional external 2MB ROM, which is used for storing a GM Sound Sample Set if the optional DSP-based GM wavetable synthesizer is used. The audio codec interface within the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 provides direct connections to different types of audio codecs, depending upon external jumper settings, which are read during power up and stored in a status register. The OTI-611 offers additional functionality over the OTI-61 0 by providing hardware support for an HSP-based Y.34 fax/modem in the form of transmit and receive buffers, and modem codec and DAA interfaces. The OTI-611 also provides direct connections to different types of modem codecs, depending upon external jumper settings, which are read during power up and stored in a Status register. Simplified block diagrams for the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 are shown in Figures 1-1 and 1-2. More detailed block diagrams are shown in Figures 1-3 and 1-4. DSPCORE Wavetable Synthesis, Digital Mixing, Direct Sound & 3D. PCI PCI MASTER IIF DSP INTERFACE OS PI MEMORY Interface t BUS Bus Arbiter Figure 1-1: OTI-610 Simplified Block Diagram Oak Technology 1-3 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 DSP CORE Wavetable Synthesis, Digital Mixing, . Direct Sound & 3D. PCI BUS PCI MASTER IIF DSPI MEMORY Interface DSP INTERFACE .----------, 14-~ L_c:~:~n_e~ _0_ J Bus Arbiter Figure 1-2: OTI-611 Simplified Block Diagram 1.4 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTIONS Figure 1-3 gives a more detailed block diagram of the OTI-61 0 audio accelerator, and Figure 1-4 gives a more detailed block diagram of the OTI-611 audio and communications accelerator. 1.4.1 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR The core of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 is a dedicated high-speed, RAM-based digital signal processor (DSP) tailored for audio applications. Its three-bus architecture and logiC design allow program memory, data memory, and coefficient memory all to be accessed on a single cycle. The DSP of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 features all the instructions commonly used in other DSP chips, plus special instructions to speed up certain audio operations, such as wavetable synthesis with effects, sample rate conversion, and digital mixing. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 DSPs have the following features: • A tightly coupled interface between the DSP and PCI bus master • Three sets of internal static random access memory (SRAM): 5Kx24 words, 4Kx16 words, and 2Kx16 words • Single-cycle computation for all functions, including multiplier/accumulator (MAC) • Single-cycle fetch of one opcode and two operands • Single-cycle context switching • Zero overhead looping and branching • Three clock latency values to handle interrupts Oak Technology 1-4 Technical Specification ~ A rot n ---.--------;::::=============::=:::;----.-.-~===.:::::;- OTI-610 I HOSTI ::r DSP CORE Supports: Wavetable Synthesis Digital Mixing DlrectSound & 3D Positional Sound IF ::3 o ~ "< Demory IF ~:~:~~::O] WDMD[1S : 0] WDMCE1# WDMCE2# .---Bus Master Chan nels Channel 0: Playback I Address Logic Data BUffer Control & Status' Channel 1: Playback P M(SKx24) XDM(4Kx16) Channel 2: Playback Y DM(2Kx 16) Channel 3: Playback • DSP RAMs AUDIO CODEC IF • • Channel7:Playback -l AMCLK ASCLK AFS ASDO ASDI ARESET# APWDN# I VI ChannelS: Capture Channel 9: Capture I ~ External Device I F _::~:o_ I ::LL-_"""'.r-. PXTALMI [ PXTALMO --,.,....-,...-r--r--r----r-I -_T .. rot n :r a !: a !: o aa j:;; j:;; o i: ~ s i: ~ e !Xi o r- "" OJ P "" ~ ~ -f )00 :!!:!! 0 0 0 e>< e-< S S ... ... OJ OJ )00 iii OJ S iii N N ::3 ~ '1J ~ :u m 'iJ in ~m ~ (1) n ::3 g o ~ "0 0' 0 ~ (;' 5 Q ,.... ?l Figure 1-3: OTl-61 0 Expanded Block Diagram ~ ~. ~ A ~ n :r ~ o ~ ---_....__.._-----_._._--_. OTI-611 R FRAME# IRDY# BUS REQUEST ARBITER TRDY# II Bus .. H. LJ §E DSP CORE Supports: Wavetable Synthesis Digital Mixing DlrectSound & 3D Positional Sound LJ RST# __._----_ _----- Address Logic Channel1: Playback PCIBUS P M(SKx 24) Slave' Master IF X OM (4Kx 16) Channel 2: Playback AD [31: 0] YDM(2Kx16) Channel 3: Playback PAR AUDIO CON FIG. • REQ# DSP RAMs AUDIO CODEC IF • • Channel7:Playback GNT# INTA# Channel8: Capture INTB# Channel 9: Capture LCLK PXTALMI 11 i 1 I a c aC ~ ~ 0 )( c== ~ 0 :j 1 l-·l--=f=f·----{--·---f----·--·--l--·-f---f=f·-+--f--;-·-j---"l e e >J ::: c ;j 0 .... r- :a 0 r- "" OJ (/) r- ~ )Ii 0 "" g :2 0 I:) ~ (5 e;') ~ -< ... OJ £1 )Ii e;') OJ OJ OJ :j )( OJ N !:c :j N » ~ N N VI -C (1) .... 0' ::::J g :a x g ~ Qs "" I!! I~ g 5l ~ Fi ~ l:a ~ ~ ~ Ie;') I(/) ~ om l o:ao!;2m o r- :a I::: ~ 0o .. N m !!! !!1 (/) m~ ~ n :5 n Q) AMCLK ASCLK AFS ASDO ASDI ARESET# APWDN# MMCLK MSCLK MFS MSDO MSDI MRESET# MPWDN# MODEM CONFIG. ~ ...4 Q ....... g ...4 ...4 Control & Status ~ )Ii I c:T\ c:T\ & AUX BUS rol WDMCE2# Data BUffer DEVSEU n :r ::::J 0' WDMCE1# ChannelO:Playback IDSEL# PXTALMO WDMD[1S :0) g • I '~ WDMA[19 :0] Bus Master Chan nels Request STOP CBE#[3:0] WDMOE# Figure 1-4: OT/-611 Expanded Block Diagram Overview • Extended dynamic range - • External ROM memory space support - • Parallel host interface port (HIP) for faster and more flexible communications with the host system • liming-adjustable external memory interface • 36 Mips speed performance • Special instructions for commonly used audio operations • Zero wait states for external memory access, if special coding rules are followed 1.4.2 includes 40-bit accumulator up to 2MB - through an internal base address register EXTERNAL DEVICE INTERFACE The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 external device interface (ED!) includes the following sub-blocks: • MIDI port • Game port • Digital, serial FS audio interface • Programmable input/output port • Audio codec interface • Modem codec interface (OTI-611 only) only) • DAA interface (OTI~611 1.4.3 MIDI PORT MIDI information is passed by using two pins connected to an internal universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) - one pin for receiving and one for transmitting. The hardware implementation is MPU-401 compatible when used with a standard MIDI adapter and game cable, and is capable of full duplex transmission and reception. The transmission rate is fixed at 31 .25 KHz, per the MIDI Specification. Two 16x8 FIFOs are used for MIDI data buffering - one for receiving and one for transmitting. For more information on the MIDI interface, refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.1. Oak Technology 1-7 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 1.4.4 GAME PORT The game port interface uses an analog timer, which is NE5S8-compatible in operation. The port interfaces with analog joysticks, which are used for computer game programs. A typical application constantly polls the game port, up to 90 times per second, when the analog joystick is selected. To conserve CPU power, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 has hardware to check the game port for data and immediately puts the data into a register for the CPU to read. This speeds up the game port operation. Driver support is required to take advantage of this feature. For more information on the game port interface, refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.2. 1.4.5 12S INPUT PORT The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 provide an interface to the external digital serial audio. The serial audio data, like decoded MPEG audio output, can be input and then mixed with all sound sources from the host. For more information on the FS interface, refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.3. 1.4.6 PROGRAMMABLE INPUT/OUTPUT PORT The OTI-611 provides two software-controlled PIO interface pins, which can be used as general I/O pins to interface with external devices. Alternatively, these pins may be software programmed to implement a simple FC serial bus protocol for communication to a Single FC device. For more information on the programmable I/O interface, refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.4. 1.4.7 MODEMNOICE AND AUDIO CODEC INTERFACES The modem/voice and audio codec interfaces provide the following functions for both the'OTI-61 0 and OTI-611, except where noted: • Transmit/receiving buffers (FIFO) management, including interrupt generation and modem codec interface for fax/modem operation (OTI-611 only). • The OTI-61 0 provides one interface port for an external audio codec. The codec interface will convert the audio codec serial data to parallel data for digital audio data capture and will convert digital audio parallel data to serial data for playback through the audio codec. Chapter 3 provides complete information on codec support for the OTI-61 O. • The OTI-611 provides two interface ports, one for an external audio codec and one for an external modem codec. Alternatively, by setting a Codec Selection register, these ports can be used in different configurations to support multiple types of audio and modem codecs. In either case, the codec interfaces receive data through their serial ports. The codec interface will convert the codec serial data to parallel data for capture/ receiving and parallel data to serial data for playback/transmitting. Chapter 3 provides complete information on codec support for the OTI-611 . • AC-Link interface support (which is required for AC '97 compliant audio codecs, or AC '97 compliant dual audio and modem codecs): The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 provide an AC-Link interface. The OTI-61 0 AC-Link interface will operate correctly only with AC '97 audio codecs. The OTI-611 AC-Link interface will operate correctly with either AC '97 audio codecs (audio data only to the codec) or an AC '97 audio/modem codec (audio and modem data to the codec). For more information on the codec interface, refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.5. Oak Technology 1-8 Technical Specification Overview 1.4.8 DAA INTERFACE (OTI-611 ONLy) The OTI-611 provides multiple signals for direct connection to fax/data modem DAA structures. When used with the HSPY.34/V.34+ fax/data modem software supplied with the OTI-611 and an appropriate modem codec, a complete fax/data modem may be built. In addition, programmable, uncommitted input and output pins are also available for additional flexibility in the modem system design. For more information on the DAA interface, refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.5. 1.5 THE OTI-610 SYSTEM Figure 1-5 presents a simplified block diagram of a PCI audio system based on the OTI-61 o. The audio codec may be an AC '97 type with the AC-Link interface, or it may be the STLC7549AC Audio Codec from SGS Thomson. Reference Design Schematics and a Bill of Materials for an OTI-610 audio system implementation are available. 12 5 Uncompressed Digital Audio Optional Wavetable Sample ROM r - - - - - - Analog Inputs AUDIO CODEC 011-610 SPEAKERS Joystick MIDI port Figure 1-5: OTI-610 Simplified System Block Diagram Oak Technology 1-9 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 1.6 THE OTI-611 SYSTEM Figure 1-6 below is a simplified block diagram of a PCI audio and communications system based on the OTI-611. The audio codec may be an AC '97 type with the AC-Link interface, or it may be the STLC7549AC Audio Codec from SGS Thomson. The modem codec may be the ST7546 from SGS Thomson. Alternatively, the audio and modem codec functions may be fulfilled by the Oak Technology OTI-612 AC '97 compliant dual co dec, or any other AC '97 compliant dual codec. Other alternatives are the STLC7549 Dual Codec from SGS Thomson and the AD1843 Dual Codec from Analog Devices. Refer to Chapter 3 for more information on interfacing to codecs. The OTI-611 provides various interface signals to the DAA. For more details on the DAA interface, refer to Chapter 4. The DAA must be designed to meet the voltage isolation and connection approval regulations for the country or countries in which the resultant fax/data modem solution is to be sold. The DAA design may be a standard transformer and op-amp hybrid configuration, or may be all solid state design. Reference Design Schematics and a Bill of Materials for various OTI-611 based audio and communications system implementations are available. 2 Optional Wavetable Sample 1 5 Uncompressed Digital Audio , - - - - Analog Inputs ROM SPEAKERS AUDIO CODEC II) :J = U 011-611 =- MODEM CODEC Joystick TIP RING MIDI port Figure 1-6: OT/-67 7 Simplified System Block Diagram Oak Technology 1-10 Technical Specification Overview 1.7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.7.1 OTI-610TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Physical Description • 160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) • O.5J.l triple-layer metal CMOS Supported Multimedia Standards • Microsoft DirectSound • Microsoft DirectSound 3D • Microsoft Directlnput • Microsoft Windows Sound System • SoundBlaster Pro software emulation via Windows 95 (for hardware-level compatibility a separate SB register compatible device is required). • MPU-401 (UART mode) • General MIDI synthesizer DSP Specifications • 36 Mips speed performance • lightly coupled interface between the DSP and PCI bus master • Three sets of internal static random access memory (SRAM): 5Kx24 words, 4Kx16 words, and 2Kx16 words • Single instruction/single data computation for all functions, including multiplier/accumulator (MAC) • Single-cycle fetch of one opcode and two operands • Single-cycle context switching • Zero overhead looping and branching • Three clock latency values for interrupts • Extended dynamic range, including 40-bit accumulator • External ROM memory space (up to 2MB) • Parallel host interface port (HIP) for faster and more flexible communications with the host system • liming adjustable, external memory interface Oak Technology 1-11 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 • Special instructions for common audio operations • Zero wait states for external memory access (when special coding ru les are followed) System Bus Interface • 32-bit direct connection to PC! bus (33-MHz PCI 2.1 compliant) • PCI burst and PCI bus mastering supported • Scatter/gather functions supported • Multiple interrupts supported DSP Audio Processing • DirectSound HRTF 3D positional audio • Wavetable synthesis (optional) • Sound buffer playback • Sound buffer capture • Digital audio mixing • Sample rate conversions (8 KHz to 48 KHz) Digital Mixing Capabilities • Up to 8 mono or stereo channels of digital audio playback with sample rate conversion • Two mono or stereo channels for audio capture and loopback MIDI Interface • MPU-401 UART mode • 16-byte FIFOs for MIDI IN and OUT • MIDI IN and OUT Game Port Interface • Directlnputsupport • Digital mode • Analog mode Oak Technology 1-12 Technical Specification Overview Codec Interface Compatibility • Any AC '97 audio codec • STL7549AC audio-only Codec • AD1843 Audio Codec Microsoft DirectX Technology Accelerator The OTI-61 a supports the complete range of Microsoft's DirectSound and DirectSound 3D hardware acceleration functions. The OTI-61 a supports the complete range of Microsoft's Directlnput acceleration functions in hardware. HSP Wavetable Synthesizer Specifications • Available in Pentium class and Pentium MMX class software versions • Up to 32-voice polyphony • Full 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral support • Complete General MIDI (GM) Sound Set • GM Percussion Sound Set • 4MB sample sets available • Supports downloadable samples to system RAM • User-defined maximum RAM cache, CPU utilization, and number of allowable voices • Intelligent scaling and dynamic buffering to minimize CPU utilization Optional DSP Wavetable Synthesizer Specifications • Professional quality DSP-based wavetable synthesizer with 24-voice polyphony • Full 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral support • Complete 128-instrument GM Sound Sample Set, with GM Percussion Sound Set stored in external 2MB Sample ROM • Programmable reverb and chorus effects control without additional SRAM Minimum System Requirements • 133-MHz Pentium CPU • 16MB system memory • 256KB cache Oak Technology 1-13 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 • PCI bus interface • Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Power Management • Hardware and software power down and mute Other Interfaces • Programmable pin for peripheral control (software FC implementation) • J25 port for digital audio streams, • Wavetable sample ROM AC '97 Codec Interface • 5-pin digital serial interface -AC-Link • Bi-directional, fixed data rate, serial PCM digital stream • Supports 16-bit samples and sets the trailing 4 bits to zero (0) within the AC '97 20-bit data slots • The AC-Link architecture divides each audio frame into 12 outgoing and 12 incoming datastreams, each with 20-bit sample resolution, allowing support of 16-bit, 18-bit, and 20-bit samples within each data slot of the datastream Software and Manufacturing Support Oak Technology offers comprehensive software support packages for Oak multimedia devices. The OTI-61 0 software package comes with drivers for popular operating systems such as Windows 95 and NT. In addition, Oak supplies complete manufacturing reference deSigns for the OTI-61 0, which facilitates early market entry. Operating System Drivers Windows 95 Windows NT 4.0 Windows Sound System Windows Sound System DirectSound and DirectSound 3D MPU-401 Directlnput Analog and Digital Joystick Analog and Digital Joystick HSP Wavetable MPU-401 Oak Technology 1-14 Technical Specification Overview 1.7.2 OTI-611 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Physical Description • Integrated AC '97 compliant digital controller for audio and communications • 160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) • O.Sf.! triple-layer metal CMOS Supported Multimedia Standards • Microsoft DirectSound • Microsoft DirectSound 3D • Microsoft Directlnput • Microsoft Windows Sound System • SoundBlaster Pro emulation in software via Windows (for hardware-level compatibility a separate SB registercompatible device is required) • MPU-401 (UART mode) • General MIDI synthesizer DSP Specifications • 36 Mips speed performance • Tightly coupled interface between the DSP and PCI bus master • Three sets of internal static random access memory (SRAM): SKx24 words, 4Kx16 words, and 2Kx16 words • Single instruction/single data computation for all functions, including multiplier/accumulator (MAC) • Single-cycle fetch of one opcode and two operands • Single-cycle context switching • Zero overhead looping and branching • Three clock latency values for interrupts • Extended dynamic range, including 40-bit accumulator • External ROM memory space (up to 2MB) • Parallel host interface port (HIP) for faster and more flexible communications with the host system • Timing adjustable, external memory interface • Special instructions for common audio operations • Zero wait states for external memory access (when special coding rules are followed) Oak Technology 1-15 Technical Specification 011-610/0TI-611 System Bus Interface • 32-bit direct connection to PCI bus (33-MHz PCI 2.1 compliant) • PCI burst and PCI bus mastering supported • Scatter/gather functions supported • Multiple interrupts supported DSP Audio Processing • Multiple digital audio channels • DirectSound HRTF 3 D positional audio • Wavetable synthesis • Sound buffer playback • Sound buffer capture • Digital audio mixing • Sample rate conversions (8 KHz to 48 KHz) Digital Mixing Capabilities • Up to 8 mono or stereo channels of digital audio playback with sample rate conversion • Two mono or stereo channels for audio capture and loopback MIDI Interface • MPU-401 UART mode • 16-byte FIFOs for MIDI IN and OUT • MIDI IN and OUT Game Port Interface • Directlnput support • Digital mode • Analog mode Codec Interface Compatibility • Any AC '97 audio/modem codec • OTI-612 AC '97 audio/modem codec • STLC7549 audio/modem codec Oak Technology 1-16 Technical Specification Ov.erview • AC '97 audio codec plus ST7546 modem codec • AD1843 as audio/modem codec • AD1843 as audio codec plus ST7546 modem codec HSPIDAA Modem Interface To support its host-based modem, the OTI-611 has the following. Data Access Arrangement (DAA) functions and controls: • • • • • • RING_DET - Ring Detect LC_SENSE - Line Current Sense OFF_HOOK - Hook Relay Control CID_RELAY - Caller ID Relay Control HDSET_REL - Handset Relay Control CODEC_MODE - Codec Mode Select Microsoft DirectXTechnology Accelerator The OTI-611 supports the complete range of Microsoft's DirectSound and DirectSound 3D hardware acceleration functions. The OTI-611 supports the complete range of Microsoft's Directlnput acceleration functions in hardware. HSP Wavetable Synthesizer Specifications • Available in Pentium class and Pentium MMX class software versions • Up to 32-voice polyphony • Full 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral support • Complete General MIDI (GM) Sound Set • GM Percussion Sound Set • 4MB sample sets available • Supports downloadable samples to system RAM • User-defined maximum RAM cache, CPU utilization, and number of allowable voices • Intelligent scaling and dynamic buffering to minimize CPU utilization Oak Technology 1-17 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Optional DSP Wavetable Synthesizer Specifications • Professional quality DSP-based wavetable synthesizer with 24-voice polyphony • Full 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral support • Complete 128-instrument GM Sound Sample Set, with GM Percussion Sound Set stored in external 2MB sample ROM • Programmable reverb and chorus effects control without additional SRAM HSP Modem Specifications • Industry-standard Hayes AT Command Set • 28.8K/33.6KV34+ modem (56K upgradeable) • 14.4KV.29, V.17, andV.27ter fax • V.42bis and MNP 5 compression • V.42 LAPM and MNP 2-4 error detectionlcorrection Minimum System Requirements • 133-MHz Pentium CPU (P166 required for simultaneous MIDI/modem operation) • 16MB system memory (32MB recommended) • 256KB cache • PCI bus interface • Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Power Management • Hardware and software power down and mute • Modem wakeup on Ring Detect Other Interfaces • Programmable pin for peripheral control (software FC implementation) • FS port for digital audio streams • Wavetable sample ROM AC '97 Codec Interface • 5-pin digital serial interface - AC-Link. • Bi-directional, fixed data rate, serial PCM digital stream Oak Technology 1-18 Technical Specification Overview • Supports 16-bit samples and sets the trailing 4 bits to zero (0) within the AC '97 20-bit data slots • The AC-Link architecture divides each audio frame into 12 outgoing and 12 incoming data streams, each with 20-bit sample resolution, allowing support of 16-bit, 18-bit, and 20-bit samples within each data slot of the data stream Software and Manufacturing Support Oak Technology offers comprehensive software support packages for Oak multimedia devices. The OTI-611 software package comes with drivers for popular operating systems such as Windows 95 and NT. In addition, Oak supplies complete manufacturing reference designs for the OTI-611, which facilitates early market entry. Operating System Drivers Windows 95 Windows NT 4.0 Windows Sound System Windows Sound System DirectSound and DirectSound 3 D MPU-401 Directlnput Analog and Digital Joystick Analog and Digital Joystick HSP Modem HSP Modem HSP Wavetable MPU-401 1.8 WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 systems optionally support two types of wavetable synthesizers: • Host signal processing (HSP) based • Digital signal processor (DSP) based The HSP type is Pentium class or Pentium MMX class based software only and produces a digital audio data stream that is sentto the OTI-61 0/OTI-611, similar to data contained in a .WAV file. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 mixes this digital audio data along with any other incoming digital audio data streams and sends the resultant digital mix to the audio codec for playback. The DSP type is implemented in firmware running on the internal DSP engine within the OTI-61 0/OTI-611. The DSP wavetable synthesizer engine produces a digital audio data stream that is mixed internally in the DSP along with other incoming digital audio data streams. The resultant digital audio mix is sent to the audio codec for playback. Oak Technology 1-19 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 Appendix B contains the following additional information about each type of wavetable synthesizer supported for OTI-61 0/OTI-611 based systems. • General MIDI Sound Sample Set chart • GM Percussion Sound Set chart • MIDI implementation chart • General information on MIDI 1.8.1 HSP WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS When used with the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 as the audio playback system with MPU-401 MIDI port support, the HSP wavetable synthesizer meets the following technical specifications: • Professional quality software-based synthesizer with 32-voice polyphony • Available in Pentium class and Pentium MMX class software versions • Full 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral support • Complete 128-instrument GM Sound Sample Set, with extended GM Percussion Sound Set • Programmable reverb and chorus effects control using system RAM • Supports downloadable samples to system RAM, extending instrument options beyond General MIDI instrument set • User-selectable maximum RAM cache, CPU utilization, and number of allowable voices • Intelligent scaling and dynamic buffering to minimize CPU utilization • MIDI IN, MIDI OUT hardware MPU-401 interface to external MIDI sequencers, MIDI sound modules, and MIDI keyboards for recording and playback. • Real-time instrument selection when used with CyberSound Keyboard application • Works with standard Windows 95 software sequencers (Media Player, Sound Recorder [play mode], Cakewalk Pro, Voyetra Orchestrator, Netscape Navigator MIDI playback plug-ins, and others) for MIDI file playback and real-time user control of the synthesizer. 1.8.2 OPTIONAL DSPWAVETABLE SYNTHESIZERTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 will support an optional DSP-based wavetable synthesizer, which will meet the following technical specifications: • Professional-quality DSP-based wavetable synthesizer with 24-voice polyphony • Full 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral support • Complete 128-instrl,lment GM Sound Sample Set, with GM Percussion Sound Set stored in external 2MB sample ROM • Programmable reverb and chorus effects control without additional SRAM Oak Technology 1-20 Technical Specification Overview • MIDI IN, MIDI OUT hardware MPU-401 interface to external MIDI sequencers, MIDI sound modules, and MIDI keyboards for recording and playback • Real-time instrument selection when used with CyberSound Keyboard application • Works with standard Windows 95 software sequencers (Media Player, Sound Recorder [play mode], Cakewalk Pro, Voyetra Orchestrator, Netscape Navigator MIDI playback plug-ins, and others) for MIDI file playback and real-time user control of the synthesizer 1.8.3 HSP FAX/DATA MODEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The HSPV.34/Y.34+ fax/data modem software supplied with the OTI-611 will, when combined with appropriate modem codec and approved DAA, result in a fully functional fax/data modem capable of meeting the following specifications Iisted below. Appendix A contains the supported AT Command Set, along with other details. COMMAND SET DATA STANDARDS FACSIMILE STANDARDS ASYNCHRONOUS DATA ERROR CORRECTION DATA COMPRESSION COMMUNICATIONS • Oak Technology Industry Standard Hayes AT Command Set ITU-T V.21 0-300 bps ITU-T V.22 1,200 bps ITU-T Y.22bis 2,400 bps ITU-T Y.23 1,200175 bps ITU-T Y.32 9,600 bps ITU-T V.32bis 14,400 bps ITU-T V.34 28,800 bps 33,600 bps Y.34+ Bell 103 0-300 bps Bell 212A 1,200 bps ITU-T ITU-T ITU-T ITU-T Y.21 Y.17 Y.27ter V.29 300 bps Channell 14,400 bps 4,800 bps 9,600 bps Start Bits Data Bits Pari~ 1 1 7 7 8 8 odd or even mark or space none none Bits Stop Bits 1 or 2 1 or 2 2 1 or 2 ITU-T Y.42 LAPM and MNP 2-4 ITU-T Y.42bis and MNP 5 -43 dBm -10 dBm (± 1 dBm) Adj. if allowed by PIT Receive Sensitivity: Transmit Level: 1-21 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 (This page intentionally left blank) Oak Technology 1-22 Technical Specification PCI BUS INTERFACE CHAPTER 2 2.1 PCI BUS INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 support direct connections to the PCI bus. The PCI interface is compliant with the PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.1. Each logical device within the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 circuits (audio and game port devices for the OTI-61 0 and audio, game port, and modem devices for the OTI-611 ) has its own configuration read and write registers to meet PCI plug and play requirements, as well as I/O base address registers to meet the need for programmable control registers to control the functions of each device. To increase the audio data transfer rate, the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 also perform as bus masters to take memory read/write burst cycles and directly capture or fill system memory as required. Refer to Chapter 6 for pin names and descriptions for the PCI bus interface. Refer to Chapter 7 for register descriptions of the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 . PCI Bus Interface • The 32-bit PCI bus is supported up to 33 MHz. • Bus master memory read/write cycles can be programmed to be either 0 or 1 wait state on the OTI-61 0/ OTI-611 side. The default value is 1 wait state. The typical bus master transfer is done as 4 double words in a burst cycle. • The configuration cycle is run at 1 wait state. • I/O cycles run at 2-5 wait states. Oak Technology 2-1 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 2.2 PCI BUS FUNCTION INFORMATION The following tables show the PCI bus interface command cycles that the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 support. Command Supported Mode Description 1/0 Read Target No burst cycle, no back-back 1/0, medium DEVSEL#, any enable bytes combination. I/O Write Target No burst cycle, no back-back 1/0, medium DEVSEL#, any enable bytes combination. Interrupt Acknowledge Not supported Special Cycle Not supported Configuration Read Target Any enable bytes combination, medium DEVSEL#. Burst cycle not supported. Configuration Write Target Any enable bytes combination, medium DEVSEL#. Burst cycle not supported. Memory Read Master 4 DWORD, burst cycle transfer depends on buffer request Memory Write Master 4 DWORD, burst cycle transfer depends on buffer request. Memory Read Multiple Not supported Dual Address Cycle Not supported Memory Read Line Not supported Memory Write and Invalidate Not supported Unsupported Special Bus Interface Signals: PERR# Not supported 5ERR# Not supported lOCK# Not supported 5BO# Not supported 5DONE# Not supported Oak Technology 2-2 Technical Specification PCI Bus Interface Termination and Special Functions in Master Mode: Fast Back-to-Back Transaction Not supported Target Abort Master mode can handle this Disconnect Master mode can handle this Retry Master mode can handle this Master Abort Wait up to six PC! clocks to detect DEVSEL# in master cycle Latency Timer Not supported Cache Line Size Not supported Address/Data Stepping Does not happen Termination and Special Functions in Siave/Target Mode: Delay Transaction Not supported Fast Back-to-Back Transaction Not supported Target Abort Supported when illegal address detected Disconnect Supported when burst cycle occurs Retry Does not happen Master Abort Does not happen Address/Data Steppi ng Does not happen Note: In Slave mode, the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 do not support burst cycle in order to avoid any errors occurring in transfer cycle. Slave mode should implement disconnect target termination when burst cycle occurs. That is, if both FRAME# and IRDY# are detected and asserted at the same rising elK, the OTI-610 and OTI-611 will assertTRDY#, STOP#, and DEVSEl# until the current data phase transfer completes. 2.2.1 CONFIGURATION READIWRITE CYCLE Configuration read/write commands support (decoding cmd = 1010 or 1011). If IDSEl# is asserted, the configuration commands are latched and AD(1 :0] are 00 (indicating Type 0 configuration header), and then the configuration cycle is started. When FRAME# is asserted (sampled on the rising elK), the AD bus must be latched and decode the offset configuration space (if the configuration cycle is on at the same time). Data read/write occurs after the second elK rising edge (sendsTRDY# out). The second elK means IRDY# has been sampled. When FRAME# is sampled and the second rising elK also samples both FRAME# and IRDY#, the burst cycle occurs. Because the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 does not support a burst cycle, the pel interface should assert STOP# and TRDY# at the same time. Oak Technology Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 2.2.2 I/O READIWRITE CYCLE The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 have an internal 32-bit wide data bus. By using 1/0 mapped registers, the device drivers can directly control internal functions and get information about the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 peripheral devices. At the CLK rising edge, if FRAME# is asserted, the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 will latch the AD bus and CMD bus data. After decoding the content, if the address bus value equals the 1/0 base register address, and the command is I/O read/write (0010 or 0011), then the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Slave mode is entered and DEVSEL# will be sent out until the transaction is completed. At the next rising CLK , the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 will detect the IRDY# assertion. If it is true, the OTI-61 01 OTI-611 wi II receive the data or send out the data that is associated with the registers' decoded address and byte enable at the following rising edge CLK. TRDY# will be sent out when the IRDY# is sampled at rising edge CLK. 2.2.3 GAME PORT REGISTERS PCI Game Port Configuration registers are supported along with Standard Game addresses. Consult Chapter 7, Section 7.6 for complete details. The default state for the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 is disabled. 2.2.4 BUS MASTER OPERATION AND MEMORY READ/WRITE BURST CYCLE Bus Master Mode When operating in the WSS or DirectSound modes, the device drivers enable the bus master cycle and the burst Iine buffer is empty. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 wi II request the bus from the system arbiter. The bus request wi II continue to be asserted when buffer is empty until the disable command is received from OTI-61 010TI-611 device drivers. Buffer Architecture for the Bus Master Two 4-DWORD-sized line buffers are dedicated to each capture and playback function in the bus master mode. This buffer is used for the memory burst command. The physical memory address and counter will increment at each DWORD transfer. When the counter matches the Data Length register, an interrupt will be generated. The address must auto-increment one DWORD until2x the data length offset is met, then the Memory address will reload from the Memory address registers. Command Select and Memory Burst Cycle The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 support bus master operation to issue a memory burst cycle, and the command could be selected by device drivers. The supported commands include Memory Read, Memory Read Line, Memory Write, Memory Write, and Invalidate to complete a burst cycle. The memory burst line buffer size is 4 DWORD. When the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 bus master is active and the request bus has been granted (GNT# asserted), the OTI-610 and OTI-611 will continue to detect both FRAME# and IRDY# de-asserted (IDLE state). If IDLE state has been detected, the bus master starts a bus cycle and sends FRAME#, burst start address, and command out first. On the following CLK, IRDY# is sent out and the circuitry detects DEVSEL#, if it is asserted. If DEVSEL# is asserted, the following rising CLK will transfer data as each TRDY# is sampled. Before the next data transfer (the fourth DWORD), FRAME# is de-asserted and IRDY# continues to be asserted until completion of the last data transfer. When the last data has been transferred, the line buffer should be full. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 will request the bus when the buffer is empty and bus master is still enabled. Oak Technology 2-4 Technical Specification CODEC INTERFACES CHAPTER 3 3.1 CODEC SELECTION The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 require information specifying which type of codec or combinations of codecs will be used. This information is obtained during the Power Up sequence by reading the state of three signals, according to the table below. Internally the pins are pulled up to Vdd. The logic state (1) may be set using pull-down resistors on the appropriate pins. Refer to the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Reference Schematics for component values. After the Codec Selection data is read during Power Up, it is also stored in the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Internal Status register 40h, where it may be read by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 software driver and used to set up the codecs for proper operation. OTl-610/0Tl-611 Signal Name Codec Supported WDMA[7] (MCODEC bit 2) WDMA[6] (MCODEC bit 1) WDMA[5] (MCODEC bit 0) ADl843 as Audio'N1odem Coded 0 0 0 Reserved 0 0 1 ADl843 as Audio Codec plus ST7546 Modem N1odec' 0 1 0 Reserved Audio Codec plus ST7546 Modem Codec' 0 1 1 STLC7549 Audio'lvt>dem Coded 1 0 0 OTJ-612 AC 197 Audio'N1odem Codec' or Any AC 197 Audio'N1odem Codec' 1 0 1 AC 197 Audio Codec plus ST7546 Modem Codec' 1 1 1 Reserved 1 1 0 Note: ' Modem Codec Selection is used by the OTI-611 only. Modem codec functions cannot be accessed by the OTI-61 0, and the bit selections used with the OTI-61 0 will only affect audio codec selection. Oak Technology 3-1 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 3.2 CODEC INTERFACES The OTI-61 0 is designed to support audio functions, while the OTI-611 is designed to support both audio and communications functions. Both devices will support a variety of codecs, as listed in the table below. In the sections that follow, details will be provided on interfacing to each type of codec. Codecs Supported by the OTI-610 and OTI-611: Codec Description Support Notes OTI-612 AC '97 Compliant (AC-Link) Dual Audio and Communications Codec OTI-611 1,2,3 AC '97 Codec (AC-Link) Audio Codec (basic specifications) Dual Audio and Communications Codec (basic specification + modem support) OTI-610 OTI-611 1 1,2,4 Dual Audio and Communications Codec OTI-611 5 OTI-610 (audio only) OTI-611 (audio port) 5 OTI-611 (modem port) 5 OTI-610 (audio only) OTI-611 6 STLC7549 STLC7549AC Audio Codec ST7546 Modem Codec (master mode, software mode, or hardware mode for data transmit AD1843 Dual Audio and Communications Codec (master mode, 16/32 slots per frame) Notes (notes from AC '97 Specification in italics): 1. AC '97 controllerlAC '97 pair interoperability can only be guaranteed for non-optional AC '97 audio features. 2. Modem interoperability is not expected between AC '97 controllerlAC '97 pairs that aren't sourced as a matched set by the same vendor. Given this, each vendor's AC '97 controller implicitly knows what the Modem DAOADC resolution is in the AC '97 version wi modem support by inspecting the vendor ID registers. 3. Oak Technology part number 4. Future products from other manufacturers of AC 197 compliant codecs provided modem 16-bit outgoing and incoming data is in time slot 5. See note on modem interoperability. 5. SGSThomson part number 6. Analog Devices part number Throughout the discussion of interfacing with the various codecs in this chapter, codec signal names will be given along with the equivalent OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 Signal names. Codec signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. Tables containing Signal names will show both the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 and codec signal names in the same way. Example: OTI-610/0TI-611 Signal Name AC-Link Signal Name ARESET# (RESET#) Timing diagrams will be presented with the OTI-61 0 and/or OTI-611 signal name in the illustration. Oak Technology 3-2 Technical Specification Codec Interfaces 3.3 OTI-61 0/OTI-611 TO AC '97 CODEC 1NTERFACE The OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 communicates with the OTI-612 AC '97 compatible dual audio and communications codec (or any other AC '97 compatible audio or dual audio and communications codec) via a digital serial link called /lAC-link." AC-Link is as-pin, bi-directional, fixed data rate, serial PCM digital stream. It handles multiple input and output audio streams, as well as control register accesses to the AC '97 Codec device employing a time division multiplexed (TOM) scheme. The AC-Link architecture divides each audio frame into 12 outgoing and 12 incoming datastreams, each with 20-bit sample resolution. Support is also available for 16-bit and 18-bit data samples within the 20-bit slot. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 support 16-bit sample data within an AC '97 data slot. See Chapter 8 for further information on AC-Link, including DC and AC timing characteristics. All digital audio streams, optional modem line codec streams, and command/status information are communicated over the AC-Link point-to-point serial interconnect interface. A breakout of the signals connecting the two is shown in the table below. The signals listed in the table connect the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 to an AC '97 compatible codec. OTI-610/0TI-611 Signal Name Type OTI-612 or AC 197 Codec Signal NameAC-Link Signal Name Type ARESET# 0 RESET# I Master H/W Reset to AC 197 Codec from OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 AFS 0 SYNC I 48-KHz fixed rate sample sync from OTI-610 or OTI-611 ASClK I BIT_ClK 0 12.288-MHz serial data clock (Fxl2 from AC 197 Codec) to OTI-610 or OTI-611. Fx=24.576 MHz ASDO 0 SDATA_OUT I Serial, time division multiplexed output stream to AC 197 Codec from OTI-610 or OTI-611 ASDI I SDATA_IN 0 Description Serial, time division multiplexed input stream from AC 197 Codec to OTI-610 or OTI-611 Throughout the discussion of interfacing with AC '97 type codecs in this chapter, AC-Link signal names will be given along with the equivalent OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 signal names. AC-Link signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. Tables containing signal names will show both the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 and AC-Link signal names in the same way. Example: 011-610/011-611 Signal Name ARESET# AC-Link Signal Name (RESET#) liming diagrams will be presented with the AC-Link signal name in the illustration. Oak Technology 3-3 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 3.3.1 AC '97 CODEC TYPES The AC '97 Codec is specified at minimal functionality as an audio-only codec. Optional support for modem functions may also be provided, in which case the AC '97 Codec is an audio/communications codec, or a dual codec. The OTI-61 0 is an audio accelerator, and when used in an AC '97 system will support audio-only versions of the AC '97 Codec. The OTI-611 is an audiolcommunications accelerator, and when used in an AC '97 system will support audio/communications versions of the AC '97 Codec, such as the OTI-612. The AC '97 Codec is specified in two package types - 48 pins and 64 pins. The audio-only or the audio/ communications version of the AC '97 Codec could be supplied in either a 48-pin or a 64-pin package. Connections to the various types of AC '97 Codecs and the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 are shown in the figures below. OTI-610 Connections toAC'97 Audio Codecs XTAL 11 ARESET# ~DO~~----~~~----~~ XTAL 10 ~DI ~~----~~~-------~~ ........"'------------~..;:;:.::.:;:.------------~--t AFS J--IoOl.---....:.:.:.~---........~ ~CLK XTAl21 XTAl20 36.864 OTI·61 0 MHz Figure 3-1: OT/-61 oAC-Link Connection toAC '97 Audio Codec, 48-pin Package - XTAl11 XTAl10 ARESET# ~DO ~DI ASClK AFS 25 RESET# lS 20 21 22 19 SDATA OUT SDATA IN BIT ClK SYNC 9 12 10 14 RESET: SDATA.OUT SDATAJN BIT.ClK SYNC AC-Link --L XTAl21 AC'97 AUDIO CODEC 0 L:.. 36 .864 MHz XTAl20 -:::L D ~ Fx 24. 576 M Hz 64-Pin Pkg OTI-610 Figure 3-2: OT/-610AC-Link Connection toAC '97 Audio Codec, 64-pin Package Oak Technology 3-4 Technical Specification Codec Interfaces OTI-611 Connections to AC '97 Audio/Communications Codecs - XTAL 11 ARESET# ASDO ASDI ASClK AFS XTAl10 2S RESET: 11 20 21 22 19 SDATA OUT SDATA IN BIT ClK SYNC S 8 6 10 RESET: SDATA_OUT SDATA_IN BIT_ClK SYNC XTAl21 011-612 36 .864 MHz 24. 576 M Hz or AC'97 CODEC CJ ~ D ~ Fx AC-link --L r::L XTAl20 48·Pin Pkg 011-611 Figure 3-3: OTI-611 AC-Link Connection to AC '97 Audio/Communications Codec, 48-pin Package XTAL 11 ARESETII XTAL 10 ASDO A5DI ASCLK AFS 25 RESET# 20 21 22 19 15 14 RESET: SDATA_OUT SDATA_IN BIT_CLK SYNC Fx 24.576 AC-link XTAL21 MHz AC'97 CO DEC XTAL20 36.864 MHz 64-Pin Pkg 011-611 Figure 3-4: OTJ-611 AC-Link Connection to AC '97 Audio/Communications Codec, 64-pin Package 3.3.2 AC '97 CODEC CLOCKING Synchronization of all AC-Link data transactions is signaled by the OTI-61 O/OTI-611. The OTI-612 or other AC '97 compatible codecs drive the serial bit clock (BIT_CLK) onto AC-Link, which the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 then qualifies with a synchronization signal AFS (SYNC) to construct audio frames. The OTI-612 or other AC '97 compatible codecs derive their clocks from an external 24.576-MHz (Fx) crystal and drive a buffered and divided-by-2 clock (Fxl2) to the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 over AC-link under the AC-link signal name "BIT_CLK." The use of a crystal is recommended, but an external oscillator may also be input to AC '97. Clock jitter at the DACs and ADCs is a fundamental impediment to high-quality output, and the internally generated clock provides a clean clock that is independent of the physical proximity of the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611. The beginning of all audio sample packets, or "audio frames," transferred over AC-link is synchronized to the rising edge of the AFS (SYNC) signal. AFS (SYNC) is driven by the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611. The OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 takes ASCLK (BIT_CLK) as an input and generates AFS (SYNC) by dividing ASCLK (BIT_CLK) by 256 and applying some conditioning to tailor its duty cycle. This yields a 48-KHz AFS (SYNC) signal whose period defines an audio frame. Data is transitioned on AC-link on every rising edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK) and subsequently sampled on the receiving side of AC-link on each immediately following falling edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK). Oak Technology 3-5 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 3.3.3 RESETTINGTHEAC '97 CODEC There are three types of AC '97 Codec resets: 1. a "cold" reset where all AC '97 Codec logic (registers included) is initialized to its default state 2. a "warm" reset where the contents of the AC '97 Codec register set are left unaltered 3. a "register" reset which only initializes the AC '97 Codec registers to their default states After signaling a reset to AC '97, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 will attempt to play or capture audiodata until it has sampled a "Codec Ready" indication from the AC '97 Codec. (Refer to Chapter 8 for detailed explanations and timing diagrams.) . 3.3.4 AC-LlNKAUDIO OUTPUT FRAME (SDATA_OUT) The audio output frame datastreams correspond to the multiplexed bundles of all digital output data targeting the OTI-612 or any AC '97 compliant codec DAC inputs and control registers. Each audio output frame supports up to 12 20-bit outgoing data time slots with either 16-bit, 18-bit, or 20-bit data in each time slot. In the AC '97 mode, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 supports only 16-bit data for slot 0 and 16-bit MSB justified data, with trailing zeroes for 20-bit audio and modem data slots. Slot 0 is a special reserved time slot containing 16 bits used for AC-Link protocol infrastructure. Within slot 0 the first bit is a global bit (ASDO (SDATA_OUT) slot 0, bit 15) which flags the validity for the entire audio frame. If the "Valid Frame" bit is a 1, this indicates that the current audio frame contains at least one slot time of valid data. The next 12 bit positions sampled by the AC '97 Codec indicate which of the corresponding 12 time slots contain valid data. In this way, datastreams of differing sample rates can be transmitted across ACLink at its fixed 48-KHz audio frame rate. Control/Status as well as optional extensions of the baseline AC '97 specification, such as the modem line codec, may take advantage of this feature. AC '97 specified audio functional ity must always sample rate convert to and from a fixed 48 kilo samples/second on the AC '97 controller. This requirement is necessary to ensure that interoperability between AC '97 controller/AC '97 Codec pairs, among other things, can be guaranteed by definition for baseline specified AC '97 features. The following diagram illustrates the time slot based AC-Link protocol. I~ -----Tag Phase .. -----1--------- Data Phase ----------.j 20.8uS (48 KHz) \~----~r-----~'~------~ ASCLK i End 01 previous Audio Frame ("1· Time Slot ·Valid" Bits time slot contains valid PCM data) = Figure 3-5: AC-Link Audio Output Frame A new audio output frame begins with a low to high transition of AFS (SYNC). AFS (SYNC) is synchronous to the rising edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK). On the immediately following falling edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK), the AC '97 Codec samples the assertion of AFS (SYNC). This falling edge marks the time when both sides of AC-Link are aware of the start of a new audio frame. On the next rising of ASCLK (BIT_CLK), the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 transitions ASDO (SDATA_OUT) into the first bit position of slot 0 (Valid Frame bit). Each new bit position is Oak Technology 3-6 Technical Specification Codec Interfaces presented to AC-Link on a rising edge of ASCLK (BIT_eLK) and subsequently sampled by the AC '97 Codec on the following falling edge of ASCLK (BIT_eLK). This sequence ensures that data transitions and subsequent sample points for both incoming and outgoing datastreams are time aligned. AC'97 Codec samples SYNC assertion here ~ AFS C ASCLK AC'97 Codec samples first SDATA_OUT bit of frame here J .J1JlJlJlI ~~~~Slot(1) ~Slot (2)~ ASDO ! End of previous Audio Frame Figure 3-6: Start of an Audio Output Frame The ASDO (SDATA_OUT) composite stream is MSB justified (MSB first) with all non-valid slots' bit positions set with Os by the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611. In the event that there are less than 20 valid bits within an assigned and valid time slot, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 always sets all trailing non-valid bit positions of the 20-bit slot with Os. For example, consider an 8-bit sample stream that is being played out to one of the AC '97 Codec's DACs. The first 8-bit positions are presented to the DAC (MSB justified), followed by the next 12 bit positions, which are set with Os by the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611. This ensures that regardless of the resolution of the implemented DAC (16-, 18-, or 20-bit), no DC biasing will be introduced by the least significant bits. When monophonic audio sample streams are output from the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611, it is necessary that both left and right sample stream time slots be filled with the same data. 3.3.5 AC-LlNK AUDIO INPUT FRAME (SDATA_INJ The audio input frame datastreams correspond to the multiplexed bundles of all digital input data targeting the OTI-61 0/OTI-611. As is the case for audio output frame, each AC-Link audio input frame consists of 12 20-bit time slots. Slot 0 is a special reserved time slot containing 16 bits used for AC-Link protocol infrastructure. Within slot 0 the first bit is a global bit (ASDI (SDATA_IN) slot 0, bit 15) that flags whether the AC '97 Codec is in the "Codec Ready" state or not. If the "Codec Ready" bit is a 0, this indicates that the AC '97 Codec is not ready for normal operation. This condition is normal, for example, following the de-assertion of Power On Reset, while the AC '97 Codec's voltage references settle. When the AC-Link "Codec Ready" indicator bit is a 1, it indicates that the AC-Iink and AC '97 control and status registers are in a fu lIy operational state. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 must further probe the Power Down Control/Status register of the AC '97 Codec to determine exactly which subsections, if any, are ready. Prior to any attempts at putting the AC '97 Codec into operation, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 should poll the first bit in the audio input frame (ASDI (SDATA_IN) slot 0, bit 15) for an indication that the AC '97 Codec has gone "Codec Ready." Once the AC '97 Codec is sampled Codec Ready2, then the next 12 bit positions sampled by the OTI-610/0TI-611 indicate which of the corresponding 12 time slots are assigned to input data streams, and that they contain valid data. There are several subsections within AC '97 Codec that can independently go busy/ready. It is the responsibility of the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 software drivers to probe more deeply into the AC '97 Codec register fi Ie to determ ine which AC '97 Codec subsections are actually ready. Oak Technology 3-7 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 The following diagram illustrates the time slot based AC-Link protocol. 1 4 - - - - - - Tag Phase -------- ----~.II-' . Data Phase 20.8uS ----------0/ ,\------, AFS ASCLK< ASDI~ _ _...IUJ.!!2lI:L..J1\ - - - I I . . . . _J '-J Time Slot 'Valid' Bits ('1' =time slot contains valid PCM data) Siol 1 Figure 3-7: AC-Link Audio Input Frame A new audio input frame begins with a low to high transition of AFS (SYNC). AFS (SYNC) is synchronous to the rising edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK). On the immediately following falling edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK), the AC '97 Codec samples the assertion of AFS (SYNC). This falling edge marks the time when both sides of AC-Link are aware of the start of a new audio frame. On the next rising of ASCLK (BIT_CLK), the AC '97 Codec transitions ASDI (SDATA_IN) into the first bit position of slot 0 ("Codec Ready" bit). Each new bit position is presented to AC-Link on a rising edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK), and subsequently sampled by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 on the following falling edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK). This sequence ensures that data transitions and subsequent sample points for both incoming and outgoing datastreams are time-aligned. AC'97 Codec samples SYNC assertion here AFS ASCLK ASDI E OTI·61010TI-611 samples first ASDI (SDATA_IN) bit of frame here J JlSl1lJlI ~ ! End of previous Audio Frame Figure 3-8: Start of an Audio Input Frame The ASDI (SDATA_IN) composite stream is MSB justified (MSB first) with all non-valid bit positions (for assigned and/or unassigned time slots) set with Os by the AC '97 Codec. ASDI (SDATA_IN) data is sampled on the fall ing edges of ASCLK (8IT_ CLK). For more complete data and information on AC '97, consult the Audio Codec '97 component specification. Oak Technology 3-8 Technical Specification Codec Interfaces 3.4 DUAL CODEC (AUDIO AND MODEM) INTERFACE (011-611 10 STLC7549) The STLC7549 is a 16-bit 1:d-type dual audio and communications codec manufactured by SGS Thomson. For audio functions it supports a variety of analog inputs and various hardware controls, as well as software register controls. The AC timing diagram and parameter table for the OTI-611 interface to the STLC7549 are given in Section 9.5 (Chapter 9). The OTI-611 provides a direct interface to the STLC7549 for both audio and fax/data modem functions. For audio, the data transfer and clocking interface consists of five signals: AMCLK (MCLKA), AFS (FSYNC 1), ASCLK (SCLK1), ASDI (SIN1), and ASDO (SOUT1). AMCLK is an audio master clock derived from the OTI-611 internal clock generation circuitry. It is sent to the STLC7549AC master clock - MCLKA - input. No external crystal on the STLC7549 is required. From the AMCLK (MCLKA) signal, all internal sampling frequencies for the audio functions of the STLC7549 are generated, as well as the audio serial bit clock - ASCLK (SCLK1) - and the audio frame sync signal - AFS (FSYNC1). An audio data frame consists of four time slots in the ASDI (SIN 1) direction and four time slots in the ASDO (SOUT1) direction. For the outgoing audio frame to the STLC7549, two time slots are assigned for audio Left and Right data, and two time slots are assigned for STLC7549 register control data (if any) that may be written to control registers. For the incoming audio frame from the STLC7549, two time slots are assigned for digitized analog audio Left and Right data, and two time slots are assigned for STLC7549 status information and register content data. The fax/data modem register control data and status information is also carried on the audio frame, as described below. By placing data into the appropriate outgoing audio frame time slot, the OTI-611 software driver is able to configure the STLC7549 to the requirements of the audio as well as the fax/data modem subsystem. Conversely, by reading the data in the appropriate incoming audio frame time slot, the OTI-611 software driver is able to determine the audio and fax/data modem configuration status of the STLC7549 and modify either accordingly during the next frame (if necessary). For fax/data modem functions, the data transfer and clocking interface consists of five signals: MMCLK (MCLKM), MFS (FSYNC2), MSCLK (SCLK2), MSDI (SIN2), and MSDO (SOUT2). MMCLK is an modem master clock derived from the OTI-611 internal clock generation circuitry. It is sent to the STLC7549 modem master clock - MCLKM - input. From the MMCLK (MCLKM) signal, all internal sampling frequencies for the modem functions of the STLC7549 are generated, as well as the modem serial bit clock MSCLK (SCLK2) - and the modem frame sync signal - MFS (FSYNC2). A fax/modem data frame consists of four time slots in the MSDI (SIN2) direction and four time slots in the ASDO (SOUT2) direction. For the outgoing fax/data modem frame to the STLC7549, two time slots are assigned for modem data and telephony data, and two time slots are reserved. For the incoming fax/data modem frame from the STLC7549, two time slots are assigned for modem data and telephony data, and two time slots are reserved. For complete specification and implementation details for the STLC7549, please consult the STLC7549 data sheet or contact SGS Thomson. Oak Technology 3-9 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 ..L XTAL 11 CJ --c... XTAL 10 11.2896 M Hz L""" 36 .864 M Hz ASDO ASDI ASCLK AFS AMCLK XTAL21 CJ -c.. APWON# ARESET# XTAL20 MSDO MSDI MSCLK MFS MMCLK ,,q ,,~ 25 64 20 21 22 19 24 61 60 59 58 55 q <;4 11 <;~ ~ 52 7 6 51 50 OTI-611 PDWN# RESET# SIN1 SOUTl SCLK1 FSYNC1 MClKA SIN2 SOUT2 SCLK2 FSYNC2 MCLKM STLC7549 Figure 3-9: Dual Codec (Audio and Modem) Interface (OTJ-611 to STLC7549) 3.5 AUDIO CODEC INTERFACE (011-610 TO STLC7549AC) The STLC7549AC is a 16-bit SD-type audio co dec manufactured by SGS Thomson. It supports a variety of analog inputs and various hardware controls, as well as software register controls. The AC timing diagram and parameter table for the OTI-61 0 interface to the STLC7549AC are given in Chapter 9, Section 9.6. The OTI-61 0 provides a direct interface to the STLC7549AC. The data transfer and clocking interface consists of five signals: AMCLK (MCLKA), AFS (FSYNC1), ASCLK (SCLK1), ASDI (SIN 1), and ASDO (SOUT1). AMCLK is an audio master clock derived from the OTI-61 0 internal clock generation circuitry. It is sent to the STLC7549AC master clock - MCLKA - input. No external crystal on the STLC7549AC is required. From the AMCLK (MCLKA) signal, all internal sampling frequencies for the STLC7549AC are generated, as well as the serial bit clock - ASCLK (SCLK1) - and the frame sync signal - AFS (FSYNC1). An audio data frame consists of four time slots in the ASDI (SIN 1) direction and four time slots in the ASDO (SOUT1) direction. For the outgoing audio frame to the STLC7549AC, two time slots are assigned for audio Left and Right data, and two time slots are assigned for register control data (if any) that may be written to control registers. For the incoming audio frame from the STLC7549AC, two time slots are assigned for digitized analog audio Left and Right data, and two time slots are assigned for status information and register content data. By placing data into the appropriate outgoing audio frame time slot, the OTI-61 0 software driver is able to configure the STLC7549AC to the requirements of the audio subsystem. Conversely, by reading the data in the appropriate incoming audio frame time slot, the OTI-61 0 software driver is able to determine the status of the STLC7549AC and modify it accordingly during the next frame (if necessary). For complete specification and implementation details for the STLC7549AC, please consult the STLC7549AC data sheet or contact SGS Thomson. Oak Technology 3-10 Technical Specification Codec Interfaces --L XTAl11 APWDN# ARESET# CJ ~ XTAL 10 11. 2896 M Hz ....r::- ASDO ASDI ASClK AFS AMClK 28 f.':t 25 64 20 21 22 19 24 61 60 59 58 55 PDWN# RESEll SIN1 SOUT1 SCLK1 FSYNC1 MClKA XTAl21 CJ ~ XTAL20 36 .864 M Hz 011-611 STLC7549AC Figure 3-10: Audio Codec Interface (OTI-61 0 to SG7549AC) 3.6 DUAL CODEC (AUDIO AND MODEM) INTERFACE (OTI-611 TO AD1843) The AD1843 Serial Port 16-bit SoundComm Codec from Analog Devices, Inc. is a SO-type dual audio and modem codec device with a TDM interface similar to AC-Link. It is available in the 80-pin PQFP package or the 1~O-pin TQFP package. For this discussion, it is assumed that the pin numbers used in the illustrations are for the 80-pin PQFP package. AC timing diagrams and the timing parameter table for the OTI-611 connection to the AD1843 are found in Section 9.8 (Chapter 9). The AD1843 can operate in two modes: bus master and bus slave. The mode is controlled by the BM pin. When tied toVdd (+3.3V or +S.OV), theAD1843 is a bus master. When tied toVss (OV), theAD1843 is a bus slave. If used in the bus slave mode, two other pins, TSI [time slot in] and TSO [time slot out], may be required. The BM pin selected mode of the AD1843 also controls the direction of the AD1843 (SCLK) and (SOFS) signals. In the bus master mode, these signals are outputs to the OTI-611. In the bus slave mode, these signals are inputs from the OTI-611 . The 011-611 is designed to work with theAD1843 in the bus master mode only. The TOM data and clocking interface consists primarily of the signals ARESET# (RESET#), ASCLK (SCLK), AFS (SDFS), ASDO (500), and ASDI (501). Both audio and modem data are carried on this interface, with particular time slots assigned to each data type. The AD1843 also provides three conversion clock outputs which may be individually controlled by register programming. When used with the AD1843, the OTI-611 software driver configures conversion clocks 1 and 2 to support the generation of the modem master clock (via the ACONVl input pin on the OTI-611 ) and frame sync (the MFS input pin) requirement of the OTI-611 when performing modem functions. Serial bit clock inputMSCLK - is shared with ASCLK (SCLK). In this fashion, a direct interface between the OTI-61 0 and AD1843 is achieved with the required sample rates for high-quality audio (up to 48 KHz) and for support ofV.34/V.34+ faxl data modem communications, which have lower sample rates. Oak Technology 3-11 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 For complete specification and implementation details for the AD1843, consult the AD1843 data sheet or contact Analog Devices, Inc. XTAL 11 XTAL 10 APWDN# 1 - " . i L - - - - - - u - - t PWROWN# ARESET# I - " " ' - - - - - - - u . - - t RESET: ASOO 1----=~_ _ _~:...-tSDI ASOI SOO ASCLK I----=~---~---i SCLK AFS !---!""---+-----=----i SDFS AMCLK ACONV1 ........"'---t----=:---t CONV1 r----'-'---t CONV2 XTAL21 XTAL20 36.864 MHz MSOO MSOI MSCLK MFS MMCLK Vdd 8M 8 011-611 ADl843 Figure 3-11: Dual-Codec (Audio and Modem) Interface - Oak Technology 3-12 OTl-611 to AD 1843 Technical Specification PERIPHERAL INTERFACES CHAPTER 4 4.1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DIGITAL INTERFACE (MIDI) PORT The fundamental function of the MIDI interface is to convert parallel data bytes from the computer data bus into the serial MIDI datastream (MIDI OUT) and serial MIDI formatted datastream (MIDI IN) into parallel data for use by the computer (a UART function). The de facto standard for a PC-based MIDI interface is the Roland MPU-401 interface. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 MIDI interface meets the MPU-401 standard requirements for UART mode operation. The MIDI IN or MIDI OUT datastream is a unidirectional asynchronous serial bitstream at 31.25 Kbits/sec with 10 bits transmitted per byte (1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit). The MIDI data consists of MIDI messages which control functions of the musical synthesizer such as Note On, Aftertouch, Modulation, and many others. Typical MIDI messages consist of 3 bytes each, although there are variations. The MIDI 1.0 Specification published by the International MIDI Association provides detailed information on the MIDI protocol and a list of MIDI messages, along with the number of bytes for each MIDI message. Additional information may be obtained from the MIDI Manufacturers Association. For both the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611, MIDI data is passed without alteration - that is, without MIDI Filtering. Not all MIDI messages will affect the synthesizer to which they are directed due to the many different types of synthesis used on, and the features provided by, music synthesizers on the market. For that reason, a MIDI . implementation chart is published for each synthesizer detailing its responses to received MIDI messages, and detailing which MIDI messages it can transmit. A MIDI implementation chart is published for the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 supported wavetable synthesizer types. For both the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611, the optional DSP-based wavetable synthesizer or the HSP-based wavetable synthesizer will respond to MIDI messages according to MIDI implementation charts given for each type. See Appendix B for details. The MIDI Specification provides for three different MIDI connections, labeled MIDI IN, MIDI OUT, and the optional MIDI THRU. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 provide support for MIDI OUT and MIDI IN data transfer. The OTI-610 or OTI-611 do not internally provide support for MIDI THRU functions. External interfaces are commercially available that can provide MIDI THRU capability, if required. The OTI-61 0 and OTI~611 MIDI port is implemented with two signals - TXD for MIDI OUT and RXD for MIDI IN. These pins use TTL logic voltage levels. The DC characteristics for these signals are provided in Chapter 9. Oak Technology 4-1 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 IMPORTANT NOTE: The TXD and RXD signals are intended to be connected to the PC game port connector through a noise suppression RC network. For proper operation of the MIDI port it is necessary to use an industry-standard MIDI adapter and game port cable that plugs into the game port connector and converts the TTL level signal into a current loop signal for MIDI OUT data. When receiving MIDI IN data, it converts the current loop signal to a TTL level signa\. The current loop operation is a requirement of the MIDI Specification for physical electrical connections between MIDI capable devices. The game controller then plugs into the MIDI adapter and game port cable assembly. If a game controller is plugged directly into the game port connector, be sure that the game controller does not make any connections to the MIDI IN and OUT pin assignments on the game port connector. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 internal port interface includes a 16-byte FIFO memory buffer for both MIDI IN and MIDI OUT data. Incoming MIDI data may be read in register 60h. Outgoing MIDI data is written in register 60h. The MIDI port may be turned on and off by programming register 61 h. See Chapter 7, Register Definitions, for more details. A noise suppression RC network is recommended on the TXD and RXD signals as shown in Figure 4-1 below. Consult the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Reference Schematics for component values. TXD r---:-14=.8_""-'\1 RXD 1+-14_7_-1--,\/ } ToGarne Port Connector OTI-610 OTI-611 Figure 4-1: OT/-61 O/OT/-611 MIDI Interface Simplified Diagram Oak Technology 4-2 Technical Specification Peripheral Interfaces 4.2 GAME PORT The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 game port interface is designed to work in two modes: 1) hardware polling digital mode and 2) analog mode. The game port control signals include four button signals and four position signals. For both modes, the processing of the button Signals are the same. They are not latched, but the switch states are just passed to the data bus when they are required. The position Signals are handled differently, depending upon the mode being used. 4.2.1 HARDWARE POLLING DIGITAL MODE In the hardware polling digital mode, the joystick position information is represented by a time delay value and a digital counter. In this mode, when the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Polling Enable bit is set (register OCh [7] = 1), a 12-bit internal counter starts counting but will be reset after a fixed time period (9c4h=2500d, 2500ms). This period is the game port sampling frequency. lime delay signals sent from the NE558-compatible timing circuitry of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 are processed and used to latch the counter value, which is the corresponding joystick position information. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 support two game controllers, each with two buttons, and one group of positional data containing X andY 12-bit direction information. The two groups of X,Y positional data are latched into four register addresses: 08h, 09h, OAh, and OBh. When this information is needed, stable and accurate position data can be read out from these registers. Button state information may be read from register OCh (bits [3 :0]). 4.2.2 ANALOG MODE In the analog mode, game control information can be acquired by either reading the PCI-mapped register OOh (or register 01 h, which presents the same information as OOh), or the fixed game port address 200h and 201 h. Button Signals and unprocessed position signals are passed to the data bus. Software will keep polling these registers for information and does the time delay calculation. Software polling in the analog mode is slower than for the hardware polled digital mode. Oak Technology 4-3 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 4.2.3 GAME PORT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION BUTAl J--L=f''--BUTAl ~:L--_ BUTBl J--L=f'''---BUTB2 J--L'Z'''---.-..J\j To Game Port Connector GjXl GjYl GjX2 GjY2 To Game Port Connector 011-610 011-611 Figure 4-2: OTI-610/0T/-611 Game Port Interface Simplified Diagram The GJX and GJY input pins are for analog voltage inputs from the joystick. Interfacing to the joystick requires an RC timing network at each input. Consult the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 Reference Schematics available from Oak Technology for component values. The Joystick Button input pins are internally pulled up to Vdd. A contact de-bounce circuit is recommended on each button signal. Consult the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 Reference Schematics available from Oak Technology for component values. Control of the game port is obtained through the game port registers, as listed below. Further details about these registers and the degree of control are available in Chapter 7. The Standard Game Port register implements the standard analog game port functions. It is accessible from either the Standard Game Port I/O address of 200h/201 h or the PCI Offset address of OOh/01 h. Game Port Registers: Host Offset Size Description OOh B bit Standard Game Port O1h B bit Standard Game Port OBh-09h 16 bit Digital Game Port I & II X Position OAh-OBh 16 bit Digital Game Port I & II Y Position OCh B bit Game Port Control Address Size Description 200h B bit Standard Game Port 201h B bit Standard Game Port Oak Technology 4-4 Technical Specification Peripheral Interfaces Standard Game Port Host Offset: OOh, 01 h, 200h, and 0201 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW PBB2 PBB1 PAB2 PAB1 PBY PBX PAY PAX Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description Comment PBB2 Port B Button 2 1 - button pressed; 0 - button unpressed PBB1 Port B Button 1 1 - button pressed; 0 - button unpressed PAB2 Port A Button 2 1 - button pressed; 0 - button unpressed PAB1 Port A Button 1 1 - button pressed; 0 - button unpressed PBY Port BY-axis 1 - ti mer active; 0 - ti mer inactive PBX Port B X-axis 1 - timer active; 0 - timer inactive PAY Port A Y-axis 1 - timer active; 0 - timer inactive PAX Port A X-axis 1 - timer active; 0 - timer inactive A write to this port will generate a trigger pulse to the internal 558-like timer. A read from this port will get the current Game Port Button and position status. At Power On reset, the game port with no hardware polling enabled is set. To use the hardware polling mode, the driver needs to write a value of 1/1" into register OCh, bit position 7. To use port 200h/201 h, register OCh, bit position 6 needs to be set to a value of 1/1." The two modes cannot be activated at the same time. The Power On default value is "0." 4.3 DECODED AUDIO INPUT PORT (PS PORT) The FS port is intended for use as an input for digital audio serial data in the FS format. An example of digital audio data that may be input to this port is decoded MPEG digital audio serial data. The FS port interface consists of three signals: BCLK - Digital Audio Bit Clock LRCLK - Left/Right Channel (UR) Clock SDATA - Digital Audio Serial Data These signals may be connected directly the Digital Audio Bit Clock, Left/Right Channel Clock, and Digital Audio Serial Data pins of an FS bus. Oak Technology 4-5 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 BCLK ~9 151 J 5~;~~ ::=~115:0===:=====ii 2 1 50"lg"ltal Audio Device I OTI-610 OTI-611 Figure 4-3: OT/-61 O/OT/-611 J2S Interface Simplified Diagram BCLK LRCLK 50ATA 149 iSl MPEG 1<;0 Decoder I OTI-610 OTI-611 Figure 4-4: OTJ-61 O/OT/-611 MPEG Decoder Interface Simplified Diagram The different modes of operation of the FS port are controlled by five bits in the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 Host Offset register 004Fh (see Chapter 7 for more details). The format set in this register must match the input source type for correct operation. Oak Technology 4-6 Technical Specification Peripheral Interfaces Host Offset Register: 004Fh Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW Reserved Reserved Reserved ORDER PACK LRPOL EDGE CYCDLY Initial 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Bit Description Comment ORDER Bit Order 1 - MSB first on the data stream; 0 - LSB first on the data stream PACK Packing Direction LRPOL Left/Right Channel Polarity EDGE Edge Control CYCDLY Clock Cycle Delay 1 - Forward Packing: Collect data from the start point of UR signal; o - Backward Packing: Collect data from the end point of UR signal 1 - HIGH indicates LEFT channel when LRCLK is HIGH; LEFT channel when LRCLK is LOW o - LOW indicates 1- Latch on RISI NG edge on FALLI NG edge o - Latch 1 - One clock delay relative to UR o - No delay relative to UR The example in Figure 4-5 shows the Right Justified mode. Data is valid on the rising edge of the BCLK signal. The MSB of the data is delayed 16 BCLK cycles from an LRCLK transition. Since there are 64 BCLK cycles per LRCLK period, the LSB of the data is right justified to the next LRCLK transition. This mode may be set with a value of 16h in register 4Fh. The default mode set by the OTI-610/011-611 is 16h in register 4Fh. LRCLK -11------------------------------, BCLK rLfA SDATA ~_________R_i9_~_Ch_a_nn_el____________~~~--- i'LIL ~ 15 I 14 I 13 I 12 I " I 10 I 9 I 8 I 7 I 8 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I I I 0 V# X~ 15 I 14 I 13 I 12 I " I 10 I 9 I 8 I 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I I I 0 vI/;-:JJJl Right JustHied Mode Figure 4-5: 125 Right Justified Data Input Format Oak Technology 4-7 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 The example in Figure 4-6 shows the FS Justified mode. Data is valid on the rising edge of BLCK. LRCLK is high for the Left Channel. In this mode, the MSB is left justified to an LRCLK transition, but with a single BCLK period delay. This mode may be set with a value of 1 Bh in register 4Fh . . /1 Left Channel - LRCLK -1I1'--_______________ .I'jJ'I, BCLK lJlr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ''/ 1,- Right Channel ,2S Justified Mode Figure 4-6: fl5 Justified Data Input Format The example in Figure 4-7 shows the Left Justified mode. Data is valid on the rising edge of BCLK. This is similar to the FS Justified mode, but with no BCLK period delay. Also, LRCLK is high for the Left Channel. This mode may be set with a value of 1Dh in register 4Fh. LRCLK 1~ ) -/. BCLK SDATA _____ R_i9h_tC_h_an_ne_I_ _ _ _ _ _ __ lJlr 7L// 115 114 113 112 111 110 I 9 I I I 1 I I 3 I 2 I 1 I 0 VII XI 114 113 112 111 110 I I 1 I I I 13 12 I 1 I 0 VlO X 8 7 6 5 4 IS 9 8 7 6 5 4 Left Justified Mode Figure 4-7: fl5 Left Justified Data Input Format Digital audio serial data in the PS format consists of digital audio samples at either a 32-KHz, 44.1-KHz, or 48KHz rate. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 samples the incoming data in register 4Eh to determine the sample rate, and writes a sample rate selection into bits[l :0] of register 49h as follows: 11 = 44.1 KHz 10 = 48 KHz OX = 32 KHz The OTI-61 O/OTI-611 will perform sample rate conversion on the incoming digital audio serial data stream and add it to the digital mix of other digital audio channels. In the case where the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 is operating in an AC '97 system (see table in Chapter 3, Section 3.1), the output sample rate of the digital mixer would be set at 48 KHz. If the incoming J2S data were 48 KHz, no conversion would be necessary. If the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 were not operating in an AC '97 system, the output sample rate of the digital mixer would be set at 22.05 KHz. Sample rate conversion would be done between the incoming PS sample rate and the outgoing sample rate. Oak Technology 4-8 Technical Specification Peripheral Interfaces 4.4 PROGRAMMABLE INPUT/OUTPUT PORT The OTI-6l O/OTI-6ll provides two general purpose, TTL-compatible programmable input/output pins and PI01. The pin direction is set by programming register 43h in the OTI-6l O/OTI-6ll. PlOD Host Offset: 0043 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW SRESET SSIDWR MCLKSR Reserved DCl PIOl DCO PIOO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 X Bit Description Comment SRESET Software Reset SSIDWR Subsystem I D Subsystem Vendor ID Write Control MCLKSR Main Clock (MCLK) source control PIO[1:0] General Purpose I/O ReadlWrite data to/from external PIO pins DCl Direction Control 1 o - PIOl DCO Direction Control 0 o - PIOO is input 1 - Reset of OTI-61l simi lar to use of PC! Reset Signal RST# TOGGLE from 0 to 1 and back to 0 1 - Enable Write of Subsystem 10 and Subsystem Vendor ID Registers o - Disable Write 1- External MCLK Crystal o - Modem Clock Source (36.864 MHz) 1 - PIOl is output is input 1 - PIOO is output FC is an acronym for Inter-IC bus. The FC bus is an inexpensive, 2-wire communications link developed by Philips Semiconductors as a simple means for connecting a CPU to peripheral chips or as a link between integrated circuits. The user may program these pins to implement a simple software-controlled FC interface to one FC compatible peripheral device. FC has a fairly low bandwidth, so it is usually used as a control bus, not a high-speed data transfer bus. The bus physically consists of two active wires and a ground connection. The active wires, SDA and SCl, are bidirectional. SDA is the serial data line and SCl is the serial clock line. Every component hooked up to the bus has its own unique address. Each of these chips can act as a receiver and/or transmitter depending upon its functional ity. More information on the FC bus can be obtained by contacting Philips Semiconductor. A useful FAQ on the FC bus also exists at http://www.ecn.uoknor.edu/-jspatridfaqs/i2c.fac Either PlOD or PIOl may be software controlled and used to implement either of the SDA and SCl signals of the FC protocol. Oak Technology 4-9 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 PIOO M--'1..... 1 _ _ _ _+ PIOl I+--llI.:%--4_ _ _--+ OTI-610 OTI-611 Figure 4-8: OT/-61 O/OT/-611 PC Interface Simplified Diagram 4.5 DAA INTERFACE The function of the Data Access Arrangement (DAA) is to interface a fax/data modem and its modem codec to the analog public switched telephone system (PSTN). In many countries, the DAA is required to be approved by the government authorities in a process known as "homologation." The approval requirements dictate the components, and possibly the actual design, that may be used to construct an approved DAA. The OTI-611 provides pre-defined pin functions to support the majority of DAA designs that may be approved throughout the world. The pins listed in the following table are intended to support the HSP fax/data modem DAA functions, and as such are available only on the OTI-611. In addition to the pre-defined pin function support, there are three spare output pins and one spare input pin that may be used in support of additional DAA functions or other special system functions. Oak Technology 4-10 Technical Specification Peripheral Interfaces DAA Interface - 10 pins: 3 inputs, 7 outputs: Pin Name Pin # Type Description RING_DET 158 I Ring Detect - OTI-611 only TTL level pulsed DC signal derived from AC Ringing Signal and equal to it in frequency LC_SENSE 160 I Line Current Sense - OTI-611 only TTL level (High) when line current is sensed OFF_HOOK 159 0 Hook Relay Control - OTI-611 only TTL level (High) to operate OFF HOOK relay CID_RELAY 1 0 Caller ID Relay Control - OTI-611 only TTL level (High) to operate CID relay HDSET_REL 2 0 Handset Relay Control - OTI-611 only TTL level (High) to operate HANDSET relay CODEC_MODE 3 0 Codec Mode Select - OTI-611 only Selects data mode for ST7546 Modem Codec Spare Input Pin - TTL level input Modem Wake Up Enable - This pin is internally pulled up (enabled) and may be tied to Ground to disable the modem wake up feature following a Power Down operation. ISPARE 153 I OSPARE 0 155 0 Spare Output Pin - TTL level output OSPARE 1 156 0 Spare Output Pin - TTL level output OSPARE 2 MONIT 157 0 Spare Output Pin - TTL level output DSP Monitor (Diagnostic only) The DAA interface output lines may be programmed via the OTI-611 Modem Index 2 register (External Outputs register 2h) [15:0] bits. The DAA interface input state is available by reading the appropriate bits in OTI-611 Index Register 7h. The bit maps for these registers are given on the following page. Oak Technology 4-11 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 OFF_HOOK CID_RELAY HDSET_REL COD EC..MODE RING_DET LC_SENSE 159 1 2 3 158 160 OSPAREO OSPARE 1 OSPARE2 ISPARE 155 156 157 153 OTI-611 u Figure 4-9: OTJ-611 DAA Interface Simplified Diagram Modem Index 2 Register: (External Outputs Register 2h) [15:0J Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SPOUT2 SPOUTl Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW SPOUTO ST7546 HDSTRLY CODPWR SPKRMT CODRST CID OHRLY Initial 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Bit Description SPOUT[2:0] Spare Output Pins 5T7546 ST7546 Mode Select HDSTRLY Headset (Voice) Relay Control CODPWR Codec Power Down 5PKRMT Speaker Mute Control CODRST Codec Reset CID Caller I D Relay Control Active low OHRLY Off-Hook Relay Control Active low Comment Software-controlled outputs Controls CODEC_PIN on OTI-611. Connects to HCO pin on ST7546 Modem Codec. o = Codec Reset Default value is 0007h. Oak Technology 4-12 Technical Specification Peripheral Interfaces Modem Index Register 7h (Low Byte) Read: (Externailnput Register) [7:0] Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ISPARE LCSNS RGDET Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description ISPARE Spare Input Pin LCSNS Line Current Sense RGDET Ring Detect Comment Reads the state of ISPARE pin of OTI-61010TI-611 DAA design is beyond the scope of this chapter. Consult the OTI-611 Reference Design Schematics for examples of DAA design suitable for use with the OTI-611. The defined DAA pin functions on the OTI-611 support the host signal processing based \l.34/V.34+ fax/data modem software supplied with the OTI-611 , provided appropriate hardware is in the DAA circu it. The DAA and HSP\l.34I\1.34+ software are used together to build a completely functional and approvable V.34I\1.34+ fax/data modem, similar to that in Figure 4-10 below. OFF_HOOK CID_RELAY HDSET_REL CODEC_MODE RING_DET LC_SENSE 159 1 2 3 158 160 OSPAREO OSPARE 1 OSPARE2 ISPARE 155 156 157 153 MPWDN# MRESETI 5 MSDO MSDI MSCLK MFS MMCLK 011-611 DAA ~ 12 38 HCO HC1 PWRDWN# RESEll 9 41 42 3 4 9 DIN DOUT SCLK FS MCLK --J416 11 8 7 6 -;: ........ TIP RING TX+ I-TX· r--RX+ ~ RX- SG7546 TQFP44 PKG Figure 4-10: OTI-611 Fax/Data Modem Hardware Implementation Simplified Example Oak Technology 4-13 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 (This page intentionally left blank) Oak Technology 4-14 Technical Specification MEMORY INTERFACE CHAPTER 5 The OTI-61 a and OTI-611 support an external memory interface to either 2MB of ROM or 2MB of SRAM. Data is transferred to the internal DSP 16 bits at a time (word transfer). This interface is typically used for the optional DSP-based wavetable synthesizer Sound Sample Set ROM. 5.1 EXTERNAL WAVETABLE SAMPLE SET ROM INTERFACE The optional DSP wavetable synthesizer uses a 2MB (1 Mx16) ROM (UM23C161 DaM in the example below) to store samples of the 128 General MIDI (GM) instruments sounds and 47 percussion, or drum kit, sounds. In use, the DSP wavetable synthesizer generates musical sounds by reading the samples contained in the ROM, processing those samples within the DSP-based synthesizer engine, and then sending the processed samples to the digital mixer of the OTI-61 a and OTI-611. From there, the digitally mixed data is sent to the audio codec for playback. WDMCElI ROMCE# ROMOE# V c c - BYTE# L~ WDMA[19:0) ROMA(19:0) ROMD(15:O) WDMD[15:0] ROM 1M x 16 UM23C16100M Of equivalent OTI-610 OTI-611 Figure 5-1: OTl-610/0TI-611 ROM Simplified Interface Diagram Sound Sample Set ROM data to the DSP-based synthesizer is obtained 16 bits at a time. Therefore, the BYTE mode of the ROM has been disabled by connecting BYTE# to Vcc. Otherwise, interfacing to the ROM is direct. Oak Technology provides the Sound Sample Set data patterns required for the ROM as part of the OTI-61 a or OTI-611 software drivers to customers who choose to use the optional DSP-based wavetable synthesizer. . Alternatively, the wavetable Sound Sample Set could be stored in SRAM. See Section 5.2 below. ROM interface timing information is provided in Chapter 1a. The Sound Sample Set data has been specifically developed for use with the OTI-610 and OTI-611 and is not suitable for use with any other wavetable synthesizer. . Oak Technology 5-1 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 5.2 SRAM MEMORY INTERFACE TIMING The SRAM interface capability permits flexibility in the use of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 for a variety of future appl ications that may be offered or developed for the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 . Figure 5.2 below show the basic connections. The implementation is shown for two 512Kx16 SRAM devices. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 provides two Chip Enables (WDMCE1 # and WDMCE2#) and uses the high-order bit WDMA[19] as a Write Enable (SRAM WE#) to the SRAM. Data is transferred 16 bits at a time. SRAM interface timing information is provided in Chapter 10. cs# ,.--- OE# WEI WDMCE2# WDMCE1# WDMOE# WDMA[19) WDMA[18:0) - WDMA[18:0) WDMD[15:0) WDMD[15:0) """- S12x16SRAM - f - f--- cs# '--f--- OE# '-- WEI WDMA[18:0) WDMD[15:0) OTI·610 OTI·611 512""16 SRAM Figure 5-2: OTI-61 O/OTl-611 SRAM Simplified Interface Diagram Oak Technology 5-2 Technical Specification PIN DESCRIPTIONS CHAPTER 6 6.1 OTI-610 PINOUT DIAGRAM o 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NC NC NC VSS NC NC NC NC NC VSS NC NC PIOO PIOl VDD XTAL21 XTAL20 VSS AFS ASDO ASDI ASCLK ACONVl AMCLK ARESET# XTAL 11 XTAL 10 APWDN# PXTALMI PXTALMO MUTEOUT VDD MUTRQ# WDMA6 WDMAS WDMA4 WDMA3 WDMA2 WDMA1 WDMAO VSS WDMCE2# WDMOE# WDMCE1# WDMD15 WDMD14 VDD WDMD13 WDMD12 WDMDll WDMD10 WDMD9 WDMD8 VSS WDMD7 WDMD6 WDMD5 WDMD4 WDMD3 WDMD2 WDMDl WDMDO ADO ADl AD2 AD3 VSS AD4 VDD ADS AD6 011-610 (Top View) RST# INTAt INTB# LCLK VSS GNT# REQ# ~g~~ ~~~~Oa;~~ ~2~~~~~ ~ ~ i~~~~o~ ~~~~= AID 2~~a~ 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 OOOO~OOOOO=~OO~OOOOOO~~~~@wQO~~OOOOO~OOO ««>««>U_«>«««U>~_~O~>U~««<>«< Figure 6-1: OTI-610 Pinout Oak Technology 6-1 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 6.2 OTI-611 PINOUT DIAGRAM ·2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 CID_RELAY HDSET_RELAY CODEC_MODE VSS MPWDN# MMCLK MFS MSCLK MSDO VSS MSDI MRESET# PIOO PIOl VDD XTAL 21 XTAL20 VSS AFS ASDO ASDI ASCLK ACONV1 AMCLK ARESET# XTAL 11 XTAL10 APWDN# PXTALMI PXTALMO MUTEOUT VDD MUTRQ# RST# INTAI INTB# LCLK VSS GNT# REQ# 011-611 (Top View) ~g~~ ~~~~Oa~~~ ~2~~~~~ ,.. ~ I~~~~o~ ~~~~= WDMA6 WDMAS WDMA4 WDMA3 WDMA2 WDMAl WDMAO VSS WDMCEU WDMOE# WDMCE1# WDMD15 WDMD14 VDD WDMD13 WDMD12 WDMDll WDMD10 WDMD9 WDMD8 VSS WDMD7 WDMD6 WDMD5 WDM04 WDMD3 WDMD2 WDMDl WDMDO ADO ADl AD2 AD3 VSS A04 VDD ADS AD6 AD7 g~~O~ 120 1 19 1 18 1 17 1 16 1 15 114 113 1 12 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 OOOO~OOOOO=~OO~OOOOOO=~~~~~OeO~~OOOOO~OOO ««>««>u_«>«««u>~_~ ~>U~««<>«< _NM~~~~=~O_NM~~~~=~O-NM~~~~=~O_NM~~~I~=~o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~= Figure 6-2: OTI-611 Pinout Oak Technology 6-2 Technical Specification Pin Descriptions 6.3 PIN GROUPING BY FUNCTION 6.3.1 PIN NAMES BY PIN NUMBER Signal Name Pin # Type* CID_RELAY 1 0 Caller 10 Relay control - OTI-611 HDSET_REL 2 0 Handset Relay control - OTI-611 CO DEC_MODE 3 0 Mode select for ST7546 Modem Codec - OTI-611 Vss 4 I MPWDN# 5 0 Modem Codec Power Down - OTJ-611 MMCLK 6 0 Modem Codec Main Clock - OTI-611 MFS 7 I Modem Codec Frame Sync - OTI-611 MSCLK 8 I Modem Codec Serial Clock - OTI-611 MSDO 9 0 Vss 10 I Ground input MSDI 11 I Modem Codec Serial Data In - OTI-611 MRESET# 12 0 Modem Codec Reset - OTI-611 PIOO 13 I/O PIOO (1 2C clock - programmed output) PIOl 14 I/O PIOl (l 2C data - programmed output) Vdd 15 I Voltage input XTAL21 16 I Crystal 2 In (36.864 MHz) - ModemlDSP Required - Power on default for DSP clock XTAL20 17 0 Crystal 2 Out (36.864 MHz) - ModemlDSP Required - Power on default for DSP clock Vss 18 I AFS 19 1/0 Audio Codec Frame Sync Output for AC 197 Codecs Input for all other Codecs ASDO 20 0 Audio Codec Serial Data Out ASDI 21 I Audio Codec Serial Data In ASCLK 22 I Audio Codec Serial Clock ACONVl 23 I Audio Codec Conversion Clock 1 Note: Function Ground input Modem Codec Serial Data Out - OTI-611 I Ground input * The pins are classified as Input (I), Output (0), or Input/Output (I/O) # Indicates an active level low Signal pin Oak Technology 6-3 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 PIN NAMES BY PIN NUMBER (Cont~) Signal Name Pin # Type* AMCLK 24 0 Audio Codec Main Clock ARESET# 25 0 Audio Codec Reset XTAL11 26 I XTAL10 27 0 Crystal 1 Out (11.2896 MHz) - Audio CodecClock Not required when using AC 197 Codec APWDN# 28 0 Audio Codec Power Down PXTALMI 29 I Crystal Main In - DSP (optional 33.0 - 40.0 MHz) If used, SW must change default selection (see XTAL2t) PXTALMO 30 0 Crystal Main Out - DSP (optional 33.0 - 40.0 MHz) If used, SW must change default selection (see XTAL20) MUTEOUT 31 0 Mute Output Vdd 32 I Voltage Input MUTRQ# 33 I Mute Request RST# 34 I Reset Input from PC! Bus INTA# 35 0 Audio Interrupt INTB# 36 0 Modem Interrupt - OTI-611 only LCLK 37 I PCI Clock Vss 38 I Ground input GNT# 39 I Bus Grant REQ# 40 0 Bus Request AD31-AD28 41-44 I/O Address/Data bus Vss 45 I AD27-AD24 46-49 I/O Vdd 50 I CBE3# 51 I/O IDSEL# 52 I AD23-AD22 53-54 I/O Vss 55 I Note: Function Crystal 1 In (11.2896 MHz) - Audio Codec clock Not required when using AC 197 Codec Ground input Address/Data bus Voltage input Command/Byte_Enable 3 Initialization Device Select Address/Data bus Ground input * The pins are classified as Input (I), Output (0), or Input/Output (1/0) # Indicates an active level low signal pin Oak Technology 6-4 Technical Specification Pin Descriptions PIN NAMES BY PIN NUMBER (Cont'd) Signal Name Pin # Type* AD21-AD16 56-61 1/0 Address/Data bus CBE2# 62 1/0 Command/Byte_Enable 2 Vss 63 I FRAME# 64 1/0 Frame, start of cycle IRDY# 65 1/0 Initiator Ready TRDY# 66 1/0 Target Ready DEVSEL# 67 1/0 Device Select STOP# 68 1/0 Stop the current cycle Vdd 69 I CBE1# 70 1/0 Command/Byte_Enable 1 PAR 71 0 Parity Even AD15-ADll 72-76 1/0 PCI Address/Data bus Vss 77 I AD10-AD8 78-80 1/0 PC! Address/Data bus CSEO# 81 1/0 Command/Byte_Enable 0 AD7-AD5 82-84 1/0 PC! Address/Data bus Vdd 85 I AD4 86 1/0 Vss 87 I AD3-ADO 88-91 1/0 PCI Address/Data bus WDMDO-WDMD7 VENDIDO-VENDID7 92-99 1/0 I External SRAMIROM Data Power Up: Subsystem Vendor 10[0:7] Vss 100 I WDMD8-WDM013 VENOID8-VENDID13 101-106 1/0 I Vdd 107 I WDMD14-WOMD15 ' 108-109 VENDID14-VENOI015 Note: 1/0 I Function Ground input Voltage input Ground input Voltage input PC! Address/Data bus Ground input Ground input External SRAMIROM Data Power Up: Subsystem Vendor 10[8:13] Voltage input External SRAMIROM Oata Power Up: Subsystem Vendor ID[14:15] * The pins are classified as Input (I), Output (0), or Input/Output (1/0) # Indicates an active level low signal pin Oak Technology 6-5 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 PIN NAMES BY PIN NUMBER (Cont'd) Signal Name Pin # Type* WDMCE1# 110 0 External SRANVROM Chip Enable 1 WDMOE# 111 0 External SRANVROM Output Enable WDMCE2# 112 0 External SRANVROM' Chip Enable 2 Vss 113 I WDMAO BUS_MODE 114 WDMA1 11 S WDMA2-WDMA4 BODID[0:2] 116-118 WDMAS MCODEC (0) 119 WDMA6 MCODEC (1) 120 GjX1, GjY1 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 Function Ground input External SRANVROM Address Power Up: 1 = PCI Bus; 0 = AuxBus External SRANVROM Address Power UP: Game Port Enable/Disable Selection 1 = Game Port Enabled (no internal pullup); o = Game Port, including configuration, Disabled External SRANVROM Address Power Up: Board ID[0:2] External SRANVROM Address Power Up: Codec Selection bit 0 I External SRANVROM Address Power Up: Codec Selection bit 1 121-122 I joystick 1 location: X, Y AVss 123 I Analog Ground input AVdd 124 I Analog Voltage input GjX2, GjY2 12S-126 I joystick 2 location: X, Y WDMA7 MCODEC (2) 127 WDMA8-WDMA11 SSYSI DO-SSYSI D3 128-131 Vss 132 WDMA12-WDMA18 SSYSID4-SSYSID10 133-139 WDMA[19] WEMWE# 140 0 0 Vdd 141 I Voltage input BUTA1 142 I Game Port I Button A Vss 143 I Ground input Note: 0 I 0 External SRANVROM Address Power Up: Codec Selection bit 2 I External SRANVROM Address Power Up: Subsystem ID[0:3] I Ground input 0 I External SRANVROM Address Power Up: Subsystem 10[4:10] External ROM Address External SRAM Write Enable Diagnostic * The pins are classified as Input (I), Output (0), or Input/Output (1/0) # Indicates an active level low signal pin Oak Technology 6-6 Technical Specification Pin Descriptions PIN NAMES BY PIN NUMBER (Cont'd) Signal Name Pin # Type* BUTB1 144 I Game Port I Button B BUTA2 145 I Game Port II Button A BUTB2 146 I Game Port II Button B RxD 147 I MIDI Receive data TxD 148 0 MIDI Transmit data BCLK 149 I 12 S Bit Clock SDATA 150 I 12 S Serial data LRCLK 151 I 12 S Vss 152 I Ground input ISPARE 153 I Spare Input pin Enable Modem Wake-Up - via internal Ring Detect This feature set by external connection to ground Vdd 154 I Voltage input OSPARE [1 :0] 155-156 0 Spare Output pins 0 and 1 MONIT/OSPARE2 157 0 DSP MIPS Monitor (diagnostic only) Spare Output pin 2 RING_DET 158 I OFF_HOOK 159 0 Hook Relay control - OTI-611 only LC_SENSE 160 I Line Current detect - OTI-611 only Note: Function Left/Right Clock Ring Detect - OTI-611 only * The pins are classified as Input (I), Output (0), or Input/Output (I/O) # Indicates an active level low signal pin Oak Technology 6-7 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 6.4 PIN DESCRIPTIONS BY INTERFACE 6.4.1 PCI INTERFACE PCllnterface - 49 pins: 4 inputs, 4 outputs, 41 I/O Pin Name Pin # Type I/O Description LCLK 37 TTL I PCI CLOCK. Used to provide timing for all transactions on PCI. All other PC! signals are sampled on the rising edge of LCLK, and all timing parameters are defined with respect to the rising edge of LCLK. RST# 34 TTL Schmidt I RESET. This signal resets all internal state machines and default registers. Also used to latch-in configuration register values. FRAME# 64 PCI I/O CYCLE FRAME. Used to indicate the beginning and duration of an access. This signal is an input during Slave mode and an output during Master mode. INITIATOR READY. Used to indicate the initiating agent's ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. I ROY # is used in conjunction with TROY#. This signal is an input during Slave mode and an output during Master mode. IROY# 65 PC! I/O TRDY# 66 PC! I/O STOP# 68 PC! I/O IOSEL# 52 TTL I OEVSEL# 67 PCI I/O DEVICE SELECT PAR 71 PCI 0 PARITY. Active high even parity across AC[31 :0] and CBE#[3:0] AO[31:0] Refer to pin table PC! I/O Address/Data Bus CBE#[3:0] Refer to pin table PCI I/O Command/Byte_Enable REQ# 40 PCI 0 REQUEST. Output to the PC! bus arbiter to request for the bus. GNT# 39 TTL Pullup I INTA# 35 PCI 0 Audio Interrupt INTB# 36 PCI 0 Modem Interrupt TARGET READY. Used to indicate the target agent's ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. TROY# is used in conjunction with IROY#. STOP. Active low signal used by the current Slave to request the Oak Technology current Master to stop the current transaction. This signal is an output during Slave mode and an input during Master mode. fNITIALIZATION DEVICE SELECT. Active high chip select in lieu of the upper 24 address lines during configuration Read and Write transactions. GRANT. Input from the bus arbiter to indicate that the bus has been granted. 6-8 Technical Specification Pin Descriptions 6.4.2 MPEG AND MIDI INTERFACE MPEG/MIDllnteriace - 5 pins: 4 inputs, 1 output Pin Name Pin # Type I/O BCLK 149 TTL I 12 5 Digital Audio Bit Clock LRCLK 151 TTL I 125 Left/Right Channel (UR) Clock 5DATA 150 TTL I 125 Digital Audio Serial Data RxD 147 TTL Schmidt I MIDI Receive Serial Data TxD 148 18mA 0 MIDI Transmit Serial Data 6.4.3 Description EXTERNAL MEMORY INTERFACE Memory Interface (for ROM or RAM) - 39 pins: 23 outputs, 16 lias Pin Name Pin # Type I/O WDMCE1# 110 4mA 0 External SRAMIROM Chip Enable 1 WDMCE2# 112 4mA 0 External SRAMIROM Chip Enable 2 WDMOE# 111 4mA 0 External SRAMIROM Output Enable WDMA[19] WEMWE# 140 4mA 0 External ROM Address External SRAM Write Enable WDMD[15:0] VENDID[15:0] Refer to pin table 4mA pullup 1/0 I WDMA[O] BUS_MODE 114 4mA 0 I External SRAMIROM Address 1 = PCI, 0 = AuxBus 4mA 0 I External SRAMIROM Address Power Up: Game Port Enable/Disable Selection 1 Game Port Enabled (Internal pullup) = Game Port, and configuration, Disabled WDMA[1] 11S 0 Description External SRAMIROM Data Power Up: Subsystem Vendor 10[15:0] o = WDMA[4:2] BODID[2:0] Refer to pin table 4mA 0 I External SRAMIROM Address Power Up: Board 10 WDMA[S] MCODEC (0) 119 4mA 0 I External SRAMIROM Address Refer to Codec Support Table WDMA[6] MCODEC (1) 120 4mA 0 I External SRAMIROM Address Refer to Codec Support Table WDMA[7] MCODEC (2) 127 4mA 0 External SRAMIROM Address Refer to Codec Support Table WDMA[18:8] SSYSID[10:0] Refer to pin table 4mA Oak Technology I 0 I External SRAMIROM Address Power Up: Subsystem 10[10:0] 6-9 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 The input data on WDMA[7:5] pins is used at Power Up to inform the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 what codec or codec combination is attached to the codec interface. The data is also placed in the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Status register 42h. This data is then used by the software driver to configure the attached codec(s). The table below presents the codec options supported. 011-610/011-611 Signal Name Codec Supported 6.4.4 WDMA[7] (MCODEC bit 2) WDMA[6] (MCODEC bit 1) (MCODEC bit 0) AD1843 as Audio/Modem Codec 0 0 0 Reserved 0 0 1 AD1843 as Audio Codec plus ST7546 Modem Modec 0 1 0 Reserved Audio Codec plus ST7546 Modem Codec 0 1 1 STLC7549 Audio/Modem Codec 1 0 0 OTI-612 AC 197 Audio/Modem Codecor Any AC 197 Audio/Modem Codec 1 0 1 AC 197 Audio Codec plus ST7546 Modem Codec 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 1 WDMA[S] AUDIO CODEC INTERFACE Audio Codec Interface - 8 pins: 4 inputs, 4 outputs Pin Name Pin # Type I/O AMCLK 24 4mA 0 Audio Codec Main Clock ASCLK 22 TIL I Audio Codec Serial Clock AFS 19 TIL 0 I Audio Codec Frame Sync Output for AC '97 Codecs Input for all other Codecs Description ASDI 21 TIL pullup I Audio Codec Serial Data In ACONV1 23 TIL I Audio Codec Conversion Clock (for AD1843 Codec) ASDO 20 4mA 0 Audio Codec Serial Data Out ARESET# 25 4mA 0 Audio Codec Reset APWDN# 28 4mA 0 Audio Codec Power Down Oak Technology 6-10 Technical Specification Pin Descriptions 6.4.5 CLOCKS AND MISCELLANEOUS INTERFACE Clock and Miscellaneous Interface - 8 pins: 4 inputs, 4 outputs Pin Name Pin # Type I/O PXTALMI 29 TIL I PXTALMO 30 2mA 0 Crystal Main Out (33 - 40 MHz) - DSP Optional XTAL11 26 TIL I Crystallin (11.2896 MHz) - Audio Not required when using AC 197 Codec XTAL10 27 2mA 0 Crystal lOut (11.2896 MHz) - Audio Not required when using AC 197 Codec XTAL21 16 TIL I Crystal 2 In (36.864 MHz) - ModemlDSP Required - Power on default for DSP clock XTAL20 17 2mA 0 Crystal 2 Out (36.864 MHz) - ModemlOSP Required - Power on default for DSP clock MUTRQ# 33 TIL Schmidt I Mute Request MUTEOUT 31 4mA 0 Mute Output 6.4.6 Description Crystal Main In (33 - 40 MHz) - DSP Optional DAA INTERFACE OAA Interface - 8 pins: 3 inputs! 5 outputs Pin Name Pin # Type I/O RING_OET 158 TTL I Ring Detect - OTI-611 LC_SENSE 160 TTL I Line Current Sense - OTI-611 ISPARE 153 TTL I Spare Input Pin Modem Wake Up - via internal Ring Detect Set to ground to enable this feature OFF_HOOK 159 4mA 0 Hook Relay Control - OTI-611 ClD_RELAY 1 4mA 0 Caller 10 Relay Control - OTI-611 HDSET_REL 2 4mA 0 Handset Relay Control - OTI-611 OSPARE[l :0] 156,155 4mA 0 Spare Output Pins MONIT/OSPARE2 157 4mA 0 OSP Monitor (diagnostic only) Spare Output Pin Oak Technology Description 6-11 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 6.4.7 MODEM CODEC INTERFACE Modem Codec Interface - 8 pins: 3 inputs,S outputs Pin Name Pin # Type 1/0 MMCLK 6 4mA 0 MSCLK 8 TIL I Modem Codec Serial Clock - OTI-611 only MFS/ACONV2 7 TIL I I Modem Codec Frame Sync - OTI-611 Modem Codec Conversion Clock II (For AD1843 Codec) MSDI 11 TIL I Modem Codec Serial Data In - OTI-611 MSDO 9 4mA 0 Modem Codec Serial Data Out - OTI-611 MRESET# 12 4mA 0 Modem Codec Reset - OTI-611 MPWDN# 5 4mA 0 Modem Codec Power Down - OTI-611 CODEC_MODE 3 4mA 0 Mode Select for ST7546 Modem Codec 6.4.8 Description Modem Codec Main Clock - OTI-611 PIO AND GAME PORT INTERFACE Pia/Game Interface - 10 pins: 8 inputs, 2 I/Os Pin Name Pin # Type 1/0 PIOO 13 TIL Pullup 4mA 0 PIOl 14 TIL Pullup 4mA 0 BUTA1, BUTBl 142,144 TIL Pullup I Game Port 1 buttons GjX1, GjY1 121-122 Analog I joystick 1 location: X, Y BUTA2, BUTB2 145-146 TIL Pullup I Game Port 2 buttons GjX2, GjY2 125-126 Analog I joystick 2 location: X, Y Oak Technology I I Description PIOO - Input PIOO - (I2C clock) - Programmed Output PIOl - Input PIOl - (I2C clock) - Programmed Output 6-12 Technical Specification Pin Descriptions 6.4.9 POWER Power - 24 pins Type 1/0 Description Pin Name Pin # Avdd 124 I Analog Voltage input Avss 123 I Analog Ground input Vss[13:0] Refer to pin table I Ground input Vdd[7:0] Refer to pin table I Voltage input Note: All input pins, excluding the clock inputs, have pull up resistors Oak Technology 6-13 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 (This page intentionally left blank) Oak Technology 6-14 Technical Specification REGISTER DEFINITIONS CHAPTER 7 The register structure of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 consists of a base address within the PCI configuration register structure to which an offset address is added to obtain the address of the control registers of the OTI-61 0/ OTI-611. There is a default base address upon Power On, but the operating system may change the base address. Each logical device within the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 has its own Base Address register within the PCI configuration space. Thus, each logical device has its own group of offset registers. 'In cases where the Offset Register Number may be duplicated, it actually belongs to a different logical device unless there is a specific notation that the register is shared across one or more logical devices. Not all possible register numbers are used. Only those listed are valid Offset Register Numbers. The remaining possible numbers are either not implemented or reserved. The logical devices referred to are: Game Port Device, Audio Device, and Modem Device. Modem Control Function registers are applicable to the 011-611 only. Oak Technology 7-1 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.1 NUMERICAL LISTINGS OF REGISTERS 7.1.1 GAME PORT FUNCTION REGISTERS Game Port Register Number Register Name Page Number OOh PCI Game Port 7-52 01h PCI Game Port (Same as OOh) 7-52 08h-09h Game Port I & II - X position 7-53 OAh-OBh Game Port I & II - Y position 7-53 OCh Game Port Control 7-54 200h Standard Game Port 7-52 201h Standard Game Port 7-52 Note: Host Offset relative to Game Port Base Address register 7.1.2 AUDIO FUNCTION REGISTERS Audio Register Number Register Name Page Number 30h-33h Channel 9 Base Address 7-47 38h-39h Channel 9 Segment Length 7-48 3Ah-3Bh Channel 9 Interrupt Count 7-51 3Ch-3Dh Channel 9 Command 7-49 3Eh-3Fh Channel 9 Segment Position 7-50 40h 61 0/611 Status Register 7-20 41h Miscellaneous Mode 7-21 42h Codec Control 7-22 43h General Purpose I/O & Crystal Source for Main Clock 7-23 44h-45h Interrupt Status 7-24 46h-47h Interrupt Mask 7-25 48h Codec Sample Rate Control 7-26 49h 12S Control and Status 7-27 4Ah DSP General Control Register 1 7-28 4Bh DSP General Control Register 2 7-29 4Ch Miscellaneous Channel Control 7-30 Oak Technology 7-2 Technical Specification Register Definitions AUDIO FUNCTION REGISTERS (Cont'd) Audio Register Number Register Name Page Number 4Dh Power Down Control 7-31 4Eh 12S Input Rate Control and Status 7-31 4Fh J2S Serial Port Format Control 7-32 SOh-51 h Host Interface Register HDRO 7-32 54h-55h Host Interface Register HDR1 7-33 5Bh-59h Host Interface Register HDR2 7-33 5Ch-5Dh Host Interface Command and Status 7-33 60h MIDI Data Port 7-34 61h MIDI Port Command and Status 7-35 62h MIDI Port Baud Rate Divisor/Loopback 7-35 6Ch Audio Codec Index Register 2 7-36 6Dh Audio Codec Index Register 1 Same as 43h in Modem I/O Space 7-37 6Eh-6Fh Audio Codec Data Same as 44h-45h in Modem 1/0 Space 7-37 70h-7Fh Channel 0 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 BOh-BFh Channel 1 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 90h-9Fh Channel 2 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 AOh-AFh Channel 3 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 BOh-BFh Channel 4 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 COh-CFh Channel 5 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 DOh-DFh Channel 6 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 EOh-EFh Channel 7 Playback Registers 7-42 to 7-45 FOh-F3h Channel B Base Address 7-47 F4h-F5h Channel 7 Interrupt Count for Modem 7-46 FBh-F9h Channel B Segment Length 7-4B FCh-FDh Channel B Command 7-49 FEh-FFh Command B Segment Position 7-50 Note: Host Offset relative to Audio Function Base Address register Oak Technology 7-3 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 7.1.3 MODEM CONTROL FUNCTION REGISTERS The names provided in the following table are provided for reference only. Some registers may have different names and functions depending upon whether or not data is written to or read from the register. These registers are applicable to the OTI-611 only. Modem Control Register Nurmer Register Name Page Number 31h STLC7549 Codec GPIO Data 7-38 40h Data [7: 0) 7-55 41h Data[15:8) 7-55 42h Index[7:0) 7-56 43h Codec Index[7:0) Same as 6Dh in Audio 10 space 7-37 7-56 44h Codec Data[7:0) Same as 6Eh in Audio 10 space 7-37 7-57 45h Codec Data[15:8] Same as 6Fh in Audio 10 space 7-37 7-57 46h ID Same as Index 2 Extout[7:0] register 7-58 47h 10 Space Control 7-58 Note: Host Offset relative to Modem Function Base Address register Oak Technology 7-4 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.2 ALPHABETICAL LISTINGS OF REGISTERS The register names in sections 7.2.1 through 7.2.3 are listed alphabetically and are provided to help the user find the page number on which complete register descriptions are provided. Note: The register number is relative to the Base Address Register value placed in the Base Address Register (1 Oh) of the PCI configuration space for each type of device. Thus, audio register names are relative to the Audio Configuration Base Address Register value, while game port register names are relative to the Game Port Configuration Base Address Register value. Likewise, modem register names are relative to the Modem Configuration Base Address Register value. Logically, the OTI-61 0 is two devices: an audio device and a game port device. Each device has its own configuration space. Logically, the OTI-611 is three devices: an audio device, a game port device, and a modem device. Each device has its own configuration space. Oak Technology 7-5 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.2.1 AUDIO REGISTERS Register Name Register Number Device Type Page Number 610/611 Status Register 40h A 7-20 Audio Codec Index Register 2 6Ch A 7-36 6Dh A 7-37 Same as 43h in Modem I/O space M 7-56 6Eh-6Fh A 7-37 Same as 44h, 45h in Modem I/O space M 7-57 Channel 0 Playback Registers 70h-7Fh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 1 Playback Registers 80h-8Fh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 2 Playback Registers 90h-9Fh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 3 Playback Registers AOh-AFh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 4 Playback Registers BOh-BFh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 5 Playback Registers COh-CFh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 6 Playback Registers DOh-DFh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 7 Playback Registers EOh-EFh A 7-42 to 7-45 Channel 7 Interrupt Count F4h-F5h A 7-46 Channel 8 Base Address FOh-F3h A 7-47 Channel 8 Command FCh-FOh A 7-49 Channel 8 Position FEh-FFh A 7-50 Channel 8 Segment Length F8h-F9h A 7-48 Channel 9 Base Address 30h-33h A 7-47 Channel 9 Command 3Ch-30h A 7-49 Channel 9 Interrupt Count 3Ah-3Bh A 7-51 Channel 9 Segment Length 38h-39h A 7-48 Channel 9 Position 3Eh-3Fh A 7-50 Codec Control 42h A 7-22 DSP Interface Codec Sample Rate Control 48h A 7-26 OSP General Control 1 4Ah A 7-28 Audio Codec Index Register 1 Audio Codec Data Oak Technology 7-6 Technical Specification Register Definitions AUDIO REGISTERS (Cont'd) Register Name Register Number Device Type Page Number DSP General Control 2 4Bh A 7-29 General Purpose 1/0 43h A 7-23 Host Interface Register HDRO 50h-51h A 7-32 Host Interface Register HDR1 54h-55h A 7-33 Host Interface Register HDR2 58h-59h A 7-33 Host Interface Command and Status 5Ch-5Dh A 7-33 12S Control and Status 49h A 7-27 12S I nput Rate Control and Status 4Eh A 7-31 12S Serial Port Format Control 4Fh A 7-32 Interrupt Mask 46h-47h A 7-25 Interrupt Status 44h-45h A 7-24 MIDI Data Port 60h A 7-34 MIDI Port Command and Status 61h A 7-35 MIDI Port Baud Rate Divisor/Loopback 62h A 7-35 Miscellaneous Channel Control 4Ch A 7-36 Miscellaneous Mode 41h A 7-21 Power Down Control 4Dh A 7-31 Note: Host Offset relative to Audio Base Address register A Audio; GP Game Port; M Modem = Oak Technology = = 7-7 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.2.2 GAME PORT REGISTERS Register Name Register Number Device Type Page Number Game Port I & II - X position 08h-09h GP 7-53 Game Port I & II - Y position OAh-OBh GP 7-53 Game Port Control OCh GP 7-54 PCI Game Port OOh GP 7-52 PC! Game Port (Same as OOh) 01h GP 7-52 Standard Game Port 200h GP 7-52 Standard Game Port 201h GP 7-52 Note: Host Offset relative to Game Port Base Address register A =Audio; GP = Game Port; M = Modem 7.2.3 MODEM REGISTERS Register Name Register Number Device Type 44h Page Number 7-57 M CODEC_DATAI7:0] Same as 6Eh in Audio 10 space 7-37 45h 7-57 M CODEC_DATAI15:8] Same as 6Fh in Audio 10 space 7-37 43h 7-56 M CODEC_INOEXI7:0] Same as 60h in Audio 10 space 7-37 Data [7:0] 40h M 7-55 Data[15:8] 41h M 7-55 ID Same as Index 2 10[7:0] register 46h M 7-58 Index[7:0] 42h M 7-56 10 Space Control 47h M 7-58 STLC7549 Codec GPIO Data 31h M 7-38 Note: Host Offset relative to Modem Base Address register A =Audio; GP = Game Port; M = Modem Oak Technology 7-8 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.3 PCI CONFIGURATION REGISTERS 7.3.1 AUDIO CONFIGURATION REGISTERS The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 share a common architecture for the audio and game port functions. The PCI configuration registers for audio and game port functions are identical. TheOTI-610 and OTI-611 are logical multi-function devices. The OTI-61 0 is an audio and a game port device and the OTI-611 is an audio, game port, and modem device. The table below lists the audio configuration registers common to both the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611. Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0 Address 06 11 10 4E OOOOOOOOh Status : 0200 Command : 0000 0OOOOO04h 04h 01h OOh B2h 00000008h OOh 80h Latency Timer OOh OOOOOOOCh 01 00000010h I/O Base Address Registers (Default 000030xx) OOOOOOOOh 00000014h OOOOOOOOh 00OOOO18h OOOOOOOOh 0OOOOO1Ch OOOOOOOOh 0OOOOO20h OOOOOOOOh 00000024h OOOOOOOOh 0OOOO028h Subsystem 10 OOh Note: Subsystem Vendor 10 0OOOOO2Ch OOOOOOOOh 00000030h reserved OOOOOOOOh 00000034h reserved OOOOOOOOh 00000038h OOh 01h Interrupt Li ne 00OOOO3Ch Values in bold are set to zero. The Power On default value of the 1/0 Base Address register (1 Oh-13h) is 00003001 h. Byte 0 is hardwired to 01 h to indicate 1/0 Base. The operating system will overwrite bytes 1,2, and 3. All audio function registers are offset from the final address value written into bytes 1, 2, and 3 (registers 11 h, 12h, 13h) by the operating system. The configuration space address range is from OOh to 3Fh, but not all addresses are used. Oak Technology 7-9 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Descriptions ofAudio Configuration Registers Offset = OOh-()1h Vendor ID RO The Oak Technology Vendor ID is 104Eh. Device ID Offset = o2h-03h RO Device 1D is 0611 h. The OTI-61 0 is derived from the OTI-611 and can be identified by checking bit 4 of register 40h of the Audio Configuration Register Space. Refer to the description of register 40h. = Command Bit 15-10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o 13-0 Status Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10-9 8 7 6 5 4-0 Offset 04h-05h R/W Description Reserved. Hardwired to o. Fast Back-to-Back Enable. Hardwired to o. System Error Enable. Hardwired to o. Address/Data Stepping. Hardwired to o. Parity Error Response. OTI-610/0TI-611 ignores this bit. Hardwired to O. ForVGA compatible. Hardwired to o. Allows OTI-61 0/OTI-611 to use Memory write and invalidate when acting as bus master. Power on value = o. For special cycle device. Hardwired to o. Value of 1 allows OTI-61 0/OTI-611 to behave as a bus master. Power On value O. Value of 0 disables the device response, value of 1 allows device to respond to memory space access. OTI-61 0/OTI-611 has no memory space access. Power On value is O. Value of 0 disables the device response; value of 1 allows device to respond to I/O space access. Power on value is o. Device 10 is 0611 h. The OTI-61 0 is derived from the OTI-611 and can be identified by checking bit 4 of register 40h of the Audio Configuration Register Space. Refer to the description of register 40h. Offset = 06h-07h R/W Description Parity Error Status. No matter command register bit 6. Write a '1' to this location will clear this status. Hardwired to O. System Error Status. Hardwired to o. Receive Master Abort. If Master Abort occurs in OTI-61 0/OTI-611 master mode, the status bit will respond. Writing a 1/1" to this bit location will reset this status. Receive Target Abort. OTI-610/0TI-611 in Master mode shou Id return the status. Writing a 1/1" to this bit location will reset the status. Signaled Target Abort. Hardwired to o. Medium DEVSEL#. Hardwired to 01 . Parity Error. Hardwired to O. Fast Back-to-Back. The OTI-61 0/0TI-611 does not support this function. Hardwired to o. UDF (User-Defined Features). Hardwired to o. 33-MHz PCICLK. Hardwired to o. Reserved. Hardwired to o. Revision 1D OTI-610/0TI-611 revision ID is B2h Oak Technology Offset = OSh 7-10 RO Technical Specification Register Definitions Class and Subclass Code Register Offset = 09h-OBh RO OTI-61 0/OTI-611 is Multimedia Class (Address OBh); Audio Subclass (Address OAh); the interface of audio device (Address 09h) Class Code = 04h, Subclass Code = 01 h, Interface = OOh. =ODh Latency Timer Offset Header1ype Offset =OEh R/W RO Read Only = 80h, multi-function device. 10 Base Registers Offset =10h-13h R/W OTI-61 0/OTI-611 mC!Pped I/O base address registers. OTI-61 OIOTI-611 1/0 decoding logic will compare the content of the I/O base registers (11 h, 12h and 13 h) and bit 0 of command registers. Bit Description OS assigned the I/O base. 31-8 7-1 Hardwired to O. o Hardwired to 1 to indicate this range is for I/O Base assignment. Power On value = 00003 DOl h Subsystem Vendor 10 Offset = 2Ch R/W Required by PC '97. For system manufacturer of OTI-61 0/011-611 system. Th is register wi II read external pull-up/pull-down values ofWDMD[15:0] pins as its initial value during power up. It also can be programmed by BIOS or SW after power up if register 43h, bit 6 (SSIDWR) has been set. Subsystem 10 Offset = 2Eh R/W Required by PC '97. For system manufacturer of OTI-61 0/011-611 system. Th is register wi II read external pull-up/pull-down values ofWDMA[18:8] pins as its initial value during power up. It also can be programmed by BIOS or SW after power up if register 43h, bit 6 (SSIDWR) has been set. Offset = 3Ch Interrupt Line R/W This register is assigned by OS after interrupt rerouting algorithm to tell the device driver which input of the system interrupt controller the device's interrupt pin is connected to. Offset = 3Dh Interrupt Pin R/W Audio function in OTI-61 010TI-611 uses a single interrupt. The interrupt is internal Wired-Or and connected to INTA#. INTA# = 01h. The other registers of configuration space are reserved and hardwired to OOh. Oak Technology 7-11 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 7.3.2 GAME PORT CONFIGURATION REGISTERS The OTI-61 a and OTI-611 are logical mu Iti-function devices. The OTI-61 0 is an audio and a game port device, and the OTI-611 is an audio, game port, and modem device. The table below lists the game port configuration registers common to both the OTI-61 a and OTI-611. Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0 Address 16 11 10 4E OOOOOOOOh Status : 0200 Command : 0000 00000004h 09h 04h 10h B2h 00000008h OOh 80h Latency: DOh OOh OOOOOOOCh 01 0000001Dh I/O Base Address Registers (Default 00003 FOx) OOOOOOOOh 00000014h OOOOOOOOh 00000018h OOOOOOOOh 000000lCh OOOOOOOOh 00000020h OOOOOOOOh DOOOO024h OOOOOOOOh 00000028h Subsystem Vendor ID Subsystem I D DOh Note: 0000002Ch OOOOOOOOh 00000030h reserved OOOOOOOOh 00000034h reserved OOOOOOOOh 00000038h OOh DOh Interrupt: OOh 0000003Ch Values in bold are set to zero. The Power On default value of the 1/0 Base Address register (1 Oh-13h) is 00003FOl h. The high-order Nibble of byte 0 is part of the 1/0 Base Address. The low-order Nibble of byte 0 is hardwired to 1h. The operating system will overwrite the high-order Nibble of byte 0, and all of bytes 1, 2, and 3. All audio function registers are offset from the final address value written into the high-order Nibble of byte 0 and bytes 1,2, and 3 by the operating system. Configuration space address range is from OOh to 3 Fh, but not all addresses are used. Oak Technology 7-12 Technical Specification Register Definitions Descriptions of Game Port Configuration Registers Vendor 10 Offset = OOh-01 h RO =02h-03h RO The Oak Technology Vendor 10 is 104Eh. Device 10 Offset Device 10 is 1611 h. The OTI-61 0 is derived from the OTI-611 and can be identified by checking bit 4 of register 40h of the audio configuration register space. Refer to the description of register 40h. Offset = 04h-05h R/W Description Reserved. Hardwired to o. Fast Back-to-Back Enable. Hardwired to System Error Enable. Hardwired to o. Address/Data Stepping. Hardwired to O. Parity Error Response. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 ignores this bit. Hardwired to o. ForVGA compatibility. Hardwired to O. Allows OTI-610/0TI-611 to use memory write and invalidate when acting as bus master. Hardwired to O. For special cycle device. Hardwired to O. Value of 1 allows OTI-61 0/OTI-611 to behave as a bus master. Hardwired to o. Value of 0 disables the device response; value of 1 allows device to respond to memory space access. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 has no memory space access. Power On value is Command Register Bit 15-10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o o. o. Value of 0 disables the device response; value of 1 allows device to response to I/O space access. Power On value is o. Offset = 06h-07h Status Register Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10-9 8 7 6 5 4-0 RIW Description Parity Error Status. No matter command register bit 6. Writing a 1/1" to this location will clear this status. Hardwired to O. System Error Status. Hardwired to o. Receive Master Abort. Hardwired to O. Receive Target Abort. Hardwired to O. Signaled Target Abort. Hardwired to o. Medium DEVSEL#. Hardwired to 01. Parity error. Hardwire to O. Fast back-to-back. OTI-61 0/OTI-611 does not support this function. Hardwired to O. UDF (user-defined features). Hardwired to O. 33-MHz PCICLK. Hardwired to O. Reserved. Hardwired to O. Offset = 08h Revision 10 RO OTI-61 0/OTI-611 revision 10 is B2h. Class and Subclass Code Offset = 09h-OBh RO 011-610/011-611 is Input device Class (address OBh); Game Port/Joystick Subclass (address OAh); interface programming interface defined (address 09h) Class Code = 09h, Subclass Code = 04h, Interface = 10h. Oak Technology 7-13 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Latency Timer =OOh RO Offset = OEh RO Offset = 10h-13h RIW Offset Read On Iy registers = OOh Header1ype Read Only = 80h, multi-function device. 10 Base Registers OTI-61 010TI-611 mapped 1/0 base address registers .. OTI-61010TI-611 1/0 decoding logic will compare the content of the 10 base registers (h igh-order Nibble of 1Oh, 11 h, 12 h, and 13 h) and bit 0 of command registers. Description Bit 31-4 OS assigned the 1/0 base. 3-1 Hardwired to O. o Hardwired to 1 to indicate this range is for 1/0 Base assignment. Power-on value = 00003F01 h Subsystem Vendor 10 Offset = 2Ch RIW Required by PC '97. For system manufacturer of 011-610/011-611 system. This register will read external pull-up/pull-down values ofWDMD[15:0] pins as its initial value during power up. It also can be programmed by BIOS or SW after power up if register 43h, bit 6 (SSIDWR) has been set (shared with audio configuration). Subsystem 10 Offset = 2E RIW Required by PC '97. For system manufacturer of 011-610/011-611 system. This register will read external pull-up/pull-down values ofWDMA[18:8] pins as its initial value during power up. It also can be programmed by BIOS or SW after power up if register 43h, bit 6 (SSIDWR) has been set (shared with audio configuration). Interrupt Line Offset = 3Ch RO . Offset = 30h RO Read Only registers = OOh Interrupt Pin Read Only registers = OOh The other registers of configuration space are reserved and hardwired to ~Oh. Oak Technology 7-14 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.3.3 FAX/MODEM CONFIGURATION REGISTERS The OTI-611 is a multi-function device - an audio, game port, and modem device. The table below lists the modem configuration registers for the OTI-611. Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0 Address 02 88 10 4E OOOOOOOOh Status: 0200 Command : 0000 00000004h 07h OOh 02h B2h 00000008h OOh 80h OOh OOh OOOOOOOCh 01 00000010h I/O Base Address Registers (Default 00003Exx) OOOOOOOOh 00000014h OOOOOOOOh 00000018h OOOOOOOOh 0000001Ch OOOOOOOOh 00000020h OOOOOOOOh 000OO024h OOOOOOOOh 000OOO28h Subsystem ID OOh Note: Subsystem Vendor ID 0OOOOO2Ch OOOOOOOOh 0OOOO030h reserved OOOOOOOOh 0OOOO034h reserved OOOOOOOOh 00OOOO38h OOh 02h Interrupt Line 0OOOO03Ch Values in bold are set to zero. The power on default value of the liD Base Address Register (1 Oh-13h) is 00003E01 h. Byte 0 is hardwired to 01 h to indicate liD Base. The operating system will overwrite bytes 1,2, and 3. All audio function registers are offset from the final address value written into bytes 1,2, and 3 (registers 11 h, 12h, and 13h) by the operating system. Configuration space address range is from OOh to 3Fh, but not all addresses are used. Oak Technology 7-15 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 Descriptions of Fax/Modem Configuration Registers Vendor ID Offset = OOh-Ol h RO Offset = 02h-03h RO The Oak Technology Vendor 10 is 104Eh. Device 10 Device 10 is 0288h. Offset = 04h-05 R/W Description Reserved. Hardwired to O. Fast Back-to-Back Enable. Hardwired to O. System Error Enable. Hardwired to O. AddresslData Stepping. Hardwired to O. Parity Error Response. OTI-611 ignores this bit. Hardwired to O. ForVGA compatible. Hardwired to O. Allow OTI-611 to use memory write and invalidate when acting as bus master. Power On value is O. For special cycle device. Hardwired to O. Value of 1 allows OTI-611 to behave as a bus master. Power On value is O. Value of 0 disables the device response; value of 1 allows device to respond to memory space access. The OTI-611 has no memory space access. Power On value is O. Value of 0 disable the device response; value of 1 allows device to response to 1/0 space access. Power On value is O. Command Register Bit 15-10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o = Status Register Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10-9 8 7 6 5 4-0 Offset 06h-07h R/W Description Parity Error Status. No matter command register bit 6. Writing a "1" to this location will clear this status. Hardwired to O. System Error Status. Hardwired to O. Receive Master Abort. If master abort occurs in OTI-611 master mode, the status bit will respond. Writing a 1/1" to this bit location will reset this status. Receive Target Abort. OTI-611 in master mode should respond with status. Writing a 1/1" to this bit location will reset the status. Signaled Target Abort. Hardwired to O. Medium DEVSEL#. Hardwired to 01. Parity error. Hardwired to O. Fast Back-to-Back. The OTI-611 does not support this function. Hardwired to O. UDF (user-defined features). Hardwired to O. 33-MHz PCICLK. Hardwired to O. Reserved. Hardwired to O. Revision ID Offset = 08h RO OTI-611 revision 10 is B2h Class and Subclass Code Offset = 09h-OBh RO OTI-611 is Simple Communication device Class (address OBh), 16550-compatible serial controller. Class Code = 07h , Subclass Code = OOh , Interface = 02h. Oak Technology 7-16 Technical Specification Register Definitions Latency Timer Offset = OOh R/W Header1ype Offset = OEh RO Read Only = 80h, multi-function device. = 10 Base Registers Offset 10h-13h R/W OTI-611 mapped I/O base address registers. OTI-611 I/O decoding logic will compare the content of the 10 base registers (11 h, 12h and 13h) and bit 0 of command registers. Bit Description OS assigned the I/O base. 31-8 7-1 Hardwired to o. o Hardwired to 1 to indicate this range is for I/O Base assignment. Power on value = 00003E01 h Subsystem Vendor 10 Offset = 2Ch R/W Required by PC '97. For system manufacturers of 011-611 systems. This register will read external pull-up/pull-down values ofWDMD[15:0] pins as its initial value during power up. It also can be programmed by BIOS or SW after power up if register 43h, bit 6 (SSIDWR) has been set (shared with audio configuration). Subsystem 10 Offset = 2Eh R/W Required by PC '97. For system manufacturers of 011-611 systems. This register will read external pull-up/pull-down values ofWDMA[18:8] pins as its initial value during power up. It also can be programmed by BIOS or SW after power up if register 43h, bit 6 (SSIDWR) has been set (shared with audio configuration). Interrupt Line Offset = 3Ch R/W This register is assigned by OS after interrupt rerouting algorithm to tell device driver which input of the system interrupt controller the device's interrupt pin is connected to. Offset = 30h Interrupt Pin RO The fax/modem function in the OTI-611 uses a single interrupt. The interrupt is internal Wire-Or and connected to INTB#. INTB# = 02h. The other registers of configuration space are reserved and hardwired to OOh. Oak Technology 7-17 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4 GENERAL CONTROL REGISTERS The registers' locations are linear and byte addresses are Audio 1/0 Base Address + host offset. Description of registers are provided by register number and are identified by group in the corresponding section heading. From the Genera! Control Register Group, certain registers pertain to codec operation. The tables below and on the next page provide a Iist of those registers. Oak Technology Host Offset Size 040h 8 bit Status Register 041h 8 bit Miscellaneous Mode 042h 8 bit Codec Control 043h 8 bit General Purpose 1/0 Control 044h-045h 16 bit Interrupt Status Register 046h-047h 16 bit Interrupt Mask Register 048h 8 bit DSP Interface & Codec Sample Rate Control Register 049h 8 bit MPEG Control and Status 04Ah 8 bit DSP General Control 1 and DSP Memory Access 04Bh 8 bit DSP General Control 2 04Ch 8 bit Miscellaneous Channel Control 04Dh 8 bit Power Down Control (write only) 04Eh 8 bit 12S Input Rate Control and Status 04Fh 8 bit Digital Audio Serial Port (J2S) Format Control 50h-51h 16 bit HDRO [15:0] - Dual Port Data Register I 54h-55h 16 bit HDR1 [15:0] - Dual Port Data Register II 58h-59h 16 bit HDR2 [15:0] - Dual Port Data Register III 5Ch-5Dh 16 bit HCSR [15:0] - HIP Command/Status Register 060h 8 bit MPU-401 Data Port 061h 8 bit MPU-401 Command/Status Port 062h 8 bit MPU-401 Baud Rate Divisor/Loopback 06Ch 8 bit Audio Codec Index Register 2 06Dh 8 bit Audio Codec Index Register 1 Same as 43h in Modem 1/0 space 06Eh-06Fh 16 bit Audio Codec Data Register Same as 44h, 45h in Modem 1/0 space Description 7-18 Technical Specification Register Definitions Access to the external codecs used by the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 is via a serial interface. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 translate th is internally to a 16-bit parallel interface. All OTI-61 O/OTI-611 external codecs use the same index register technique for reading and writing internal codec registers. The individual codec reference must be consulted for register offsets and configurations. The following describes typical codec access sequences for reading and writing codec registers. Write Codec register: 1) Poll Codec Busy (CB) bit until NOT busy. If time out, reset codec. 2) Write the Codec Index register with Codec Read (CRD) bit cleared. 3) Write data to Codec Data register. Read Codec register: 1) Poll Codec Busy (CB) bit until NOT busy. If time out, reset codec. 2) Write the Codec Index register with Codec Read (CRD) bit set. 3) Poll Codec Data Valid (CDV) bit until set. If time out, reset codec. 4) Read data from Codec Data Register. Codec Control Register Offsets: Oak Technology Host Offset Size Description 042h 8 bit Codec Control 048h 8 bit Codec I/O Sample Rate Control 06Ch 8 bit Audio Codec Index Register 2 06Dh 8 bit Audio Codec Index Register 1 Same as 43h in Modem I/O space 06Eh-06Fh 16 bit / Audio Codec Data Register Same as 44h, 45h in Modem I/O space 7-19 Technical Specification OTI-610/011-611 7.4.1 OTI-610/0TI-611 STATUS REGISTER (READ ONLy) Host Offset: 0040h Bit , Read Initial 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Cf2 CT1 CTO PCTel HI BI02 BIOl BIOO X 1 01 01 01 0 1 1 0 0 1 Bit Description CT[2:0] Codec Type PCTel PCTel Present 1 = PCTel HM' (OTI-611) 0= No PCTel HM' (OTI-610) HI Host Interface Read from WDMA[O] input pins (BUS_MODE) upon Power Up 1 = PC! Bus; 0= AuxBus. Should always be 11111. BID[2:0] Board ID Note: Comment See table below - State is set by pulldown or pullup values on the following signal pins during Power Up: WDMA[7], WDMA[6], WOMA[5], CT2, CTl, CTO Value is board implementation-specific. State is set by pulldown or pullup values on the following signal pins upon Power Up: WDMA[4], WDMA[3], WDMA[2], BI0[2], BIO[l], BID[O] 1 Initial value for CT[2:0] bits and 810[2:0] bits is determined by hardware jumpers. If the jumper is pulled down, the logic level in the register is 0 for those bit positions. If the jumper is pulled up, the logic level in the register is 1 for those bit positions. The initial value for these bits if no jumper is present is undetermined. Codec Type Selection Table: CT[2:0] Audio Codec Modem Codec 0 0 0 A01843 AOl843 0 0 1 Reserved Reserved 0 1 0 AOl843 ST7546 0 1 1 Reserved ST7546 1 0 0 ST7549 ST7549 1 0 1 OTI-612 or AC 197 Dual OTI-612 or AC 197 Dual 1 1 1 AC 197 Audio ST7546 1 1 0 Reserved Reserved This register describes the hardware configuration of the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 implementation. The HI, PCTel, CT[2:0], and BI0[2:0] bits are latched into the register upon Hardware Reset or initial Power Up. Oak Technology 7-20 Technical Specification Register Definitions The HI bit is an external pull-down, jumper-selectable, function enable reserved for future use with AuxBus functions. The default value is 1, indicating PCI bus functions. AuxBus functions are not documented and should not be chosen. The PCTel bit is set to 0 on the OTI-61 0 and set to 1 on the OTI-611. The CT[2:0] and BI0[2:0] bits are board implementation-specific external pull-down or pull-up jumpers available to the hardware designer to identify a particular board design. 7.4.2 MISCELLANEOUS MODES CONTROL REGISTER Host Offset: 0041 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW AM SRC2 SRCl SRCO OM Reset PSM TM Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description AM Addressing Mode SRC[2:0] Observe Mode Signal Source OM Observe Mode RESET DSP Software Reset Control PSM DSP Memory Power Save Mode TM Internal Test Mode Comment Reserved View Internal signals for Debug purposes 1 - Enter Observe Mode o - Exit Observe Mode 1 - Enter Reset Mode o - Exit Reset Mode 1 - Enter Power Save Mode, turn off DSP SRAM clock o - Exit Power Save Mode 1 - Enter Test Mode; 0 - Exit Test Mode Power On default value is ~Oh. Power Save Mode causes the OTI-611 to stop the DSP SRAM internal clock and disable all internal circuitry except the host interface to reduce the power consumption of the device for power down mode. The TM bit will be reset to "0" when the RESET bit is set to "0" in this register. CAUTION: Except for the Power Save Mode (PSM) bit, this register is used for chip debug and test purposes only. Use carefully to avoid abnormal operation of the OTI-611 . Oak Technology 7-21 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4.3 CODEC CONTROL Host Offset: 0042h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved ATE WRESET APD ARESET AMUTE Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description ATE AC 197 ATE Mode WRESET AC 197 Codec Warm Reset , - Warm Reset APD Audio Codec Power Down , - Audio Codee Power Down ARESET Audio Codec Reset AMUTE Audio Mute Control , Comment ' - Enter AC 197 Codec ATE Mode o - Exit AC 197 Codec ATE Mode Audio Codee Reset: TOGGLE this bit from 10 1 to 1,1 and back to 10' ' - Mute Audio Codec 0- Unmute Audio Codec Power On default value is 01 h. This register is dedicated to codec control. Oak Technology 7-22 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.4.4 GENERAL PURPOSE I/O CONTROL Host Offset: 0043h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW SRESET SSIDWR MCLKSR Reserved DCl GPIOl DCO GPIOO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 X Bit Description SRESET Software Reset SSIDWR Subsystem 10 Subsystem Vendor 10 Write Control MCLKSR Main Clock Crystal Source Control GPI0[1:0] General Purpose 1/0 ReadlWrite data to/from external GPIO pins DCl Direction Control 1 o - GPIOl DCO Direction Control 0 o -GPIOO Comment 1 - Reset of OTI-61l similar to use of PC! Reset Signal RST# TOGGLE from 0 to 1 and back to 0 1 - Enable Write of Subsytem 10 and Subsystem Vendor 10 Registers 0- Disable Write of Subsytem 10 and Subsystem Vendor 10 Registers 1 - Use External Crystal on PXTALM pins - (33 MHz to 40 MHz) 0- Use Modem Clock Source (36.864 MHz) on XTAL1 pins only 1 - GPIOl is output is input 1 - GPIOO is output is input This register is dedicated to certain control functions of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 . Power On default value is OOOOOXOX binary. The General Purpose 1/0 pins (GPIO[l :0], DC[O:l]) can be used to implement an FC interface bus. MCLKSR permits the OTI-61 010TI-611 to run from a Single crystal source. The default condition is for using a single crystal- in this case, the crystal used for modem functions. Internally, the modem functions and internal OSP clocking are derived from this source. For the OTI-611, which contains modem functions, this is the most desirable mode. For the OTI-61 0, which does not contain modem functions, the clocking mechanism for modem functions has been removed, but clocking to the internal OSP has been retained so that the default condition for the OTI-61 0 is the same as for the OTI-611 . MCLKSR may be set to 1 by software. In this case, the internal OSP clocking is separated from the modem function clocking. The internal OSP may then be run separately from a 33-MHz to 40-MHz crystal attached to the XTALl pins. However, for the OTI-611, the modem crystal (36.864 MHz) is still required. It is not required for the OTI-61 o. Oak Technology 7-23 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4.5 INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER Host Offset: 0044h (0044h and 0045h) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW Reserved MUTEI DSPI MPU4011 Cll ClO Reserved Reserved Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW PI7 PI6 PIS PI4 PI3 PI2 PI1 Pia Initial 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description MUTEI HIW Mute Interrupt DSPI DSP Interrupt MPU4011 MPU401 Interrupt 1 - MPU401 device caused an interrupt Cll-CIO Capture Interrupt 1 - Interrupt occurred on corresponding capture channel (CI 1 Channell, CIa Channel 0) P17-P10 Playback Interrupt 1 - Interrupt occurred on corresponding playback channel (PI7 Channel 7 to PIO Channel 0) Comment 1 - HIW Mute state change triggered an interrupt 1 - DSP triggered an interrupt = = = = Power On default value is OOOOh. This is the Interrupt Status register for the host and is written by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 hardware to generate host interrupts for each channel. A "1" read from any bit indicates a pending interrupt request from the correspondingOTI-61 0/OTI-611 hardware. Each bit can be RESET to "0" from the Host by writing "1" to each bit location. Physical host interrupts are enabled and disabled by the Interrupt Mask register. The status bits in this register will be active regardless of the state of the corresponding mask bits in the Interrupt Mask register. Oak Technology 7-24 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.4.6 INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER Host Offset: 0046h (0046h and 0047h) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW Reserved MUTEIM DSPIM MPU4011M CIM1 ClMO Reserved Reserved Initial 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW PIM7 PIM6 PIMS PIM4 PIM3 PIM2 PIMl PIMO Initial 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Comment Bit Description MUTEIM Hardware MUTE Interrupt Mask DSPIM DSP Interrupt Mask MPU4011M MPU401 Port Interrupt Mask ClM1-CIMO Capture Interrupt Mask o - Allow interrupt on corresponding capture channel PIM7-PIMO Playback Interrupt Mask o - Allow interrupt on corresponding playback channel 1 - Mask Mute Interrupt o - Allow Mute Interrupt 1 - Mask DSP triggered interrupt o - Allow DSP triggered interrupt 1 - Mask MPU401 device interrupt device interrupt o - Allow MPU401 1 - Mask interrupt on corresponding capture channel 1 - Mask interrupt on corresponding -playback channel Power On default value is 7FFFh. This register is used to inhibit external interrupts from being generated by an OTI-61 0/OTI-611 interrupt source. Only the physical interrupt is masked. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Interrupt Status register may be polled to determine if an internal interrupt was generated. Oak Technology 7-25 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 7.4.7 DSP INTERFACE AND CODEC SAMPLE RATE CONTROL REGISTER Host Offset: 0048h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW CPFMT CPENA DSPwr Reserved Reserved Reserved SRCl SRCO Initial 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Bit Description CPFMT Capture Input Format CPENA Capture Enable DSPwr DSP Memory Interface Wait State Control 1 - Disable. DSP will wait until current memory access cycle is finished. o - Force DSP H/W to execute the next instruction without waiting for current external memory access to finish. SRC[1:0] Codec Sample Rate Control See table below. SRC[1:0] o Comment 1 - Stereo 0- Mono 1 - Capture data will write to internal capture FIFOs o - Capture data will be discarded Sample Rate Control x 11.025 KHz 1 0 22.05 KHz 1 1 44.1 KHz Power On default value is 82h. This register is used to control capture data, set external memory interface wait state control, and set the codec sample rate control. Oak Technology 7-26 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.4.8 PS CONTROL AND STATUS Host Offset: 0049h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW MPENA MUTEST Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved MR1 MRO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Bit Description MPENA 12S Enable MUTEST HIW Mute Status MR[1:0] FS Sample Rate MR[1:0] 12S Sample Rate ox 32.0 KHz 1 0 48.0 KHz 1 1 44.1 KHz Comment 1 - Mix 12 S audio input with OTI-610/0TI-611 audio output input mixing o - Disable 12S audio 1 - On 0- Off Set by HI\A/ only, TOGGLED by external 'MUTE' button See table below. Set by H/W only by sampling external (l2S) audio clock Power On default value is 02h. This register is used to enable/disable FS input source and detect the FS data sample rate. The OTI-61 O/OTI-611 determines the sample rate of the incoming FS audio data and reports it in this register. Oak Technology 7-27 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4.9 DSP GENERAL CONTROL 1 Host Offset: 004Ah Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IV"" 0/"", DI!NT DO!NT DEBUG PMS XMS VMS WTRAM WTROM Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description DIINT DEBUG_IN Interrupt to DSP Active high DOINT DEBUG_OUT Interrupt to DSP Active high DEBUG Debug Enable PMS Program Memory Select XMS Register Memory Select 1 - Select DSP data memory eXI data memory) for access o - DSP IX I data memory access disabled VMS Data Memory Select 1 - Select DSP data memory ('yl data memory) for access o - DSP Iyl data memory access disabled wrRAM External SRAM Access wrROM Specify Wavetable Memory Type Comment 1 - OTI-610/0TI-611 DSP is in debug mode o - OTI-610/0TI-611 DSP is in normal mode 1 - Select DSP program memory for access o - DSP progra~ memory access disabled. 1 - Select external SRAM for access o - External SRAM access disabled 1 - Select memory type as ROM o - Select memory type as SRAM Power On default value is ~Oh. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 supports direct access to the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 DSP memory space. The DSP memory space includes internal SRAM, as well as external SRAM or ROM. To access this memory from the host computer, set one of the four memory select bits (PMS, XMS, VMS, or WTRAM). The memory select bits are mutually exclusive. Operation is undefined if more than one of these bits are set simultaneously. Setting any of the memory select bits suspends normal operation of the DSP. When all the memory select bits are cleared, the DSP continues where it left off. Care must be taken not to modify data or program memory that the DSP may be utilizing. Failure to do so may result in unstable operation of the OTI-61 0/OTI-611. Oak Technology 7-28 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.4.10 DSP GENERAL CONTROL 2 Host Offset: 004Bh Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved MONIT FIOLE Reserved Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Bit Description MONIT Monitor Select Comment 1 - MONIT/OSPARE3 pin provides OSP monitor ouput o - MONIT/OSPARE3 pin used as OSPARE3 output for the OM interface 1 - Force OSP into idle state FIDLE Force Idle o - Allow DSP to run normally See Programming Note Power On default is 02h. PROGRAMMING NOTE: The FIDLE bit is also set during Power On Reset. Since the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 firmware is RAM-based, the host must clear this bit after downloading the firmware. Oak Technology 7-29 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4.11 MISCELLANEOUS CHANNEL CONTROL Host Offset: 004Ch Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ruw PClWS M!D1 MIDO Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved MM Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comment Bit Description PClWS PCI Interface Wait State Select o - 1 wait state MID[1~O] Memory Interface Delay Setting See table below MM MODEM Mode MID[1:0] Approximate Delay Length 0 0 Sns 0 1 6ns 1 0 7ns 1 1 9ns 1 - 0 wait state 1 - channel 7 and channel 9 are assigned to MODEM. Interrupt will be directed to INTB. channel 7 and channel 9 are assigned as audio channels. Interrupt will be directed to INTA. o- Power On default value is ~Oh. The OTI-611 supports bus master communication with the modem codec. In this mode, channel 7 (playback) and channel 9 (capture) cannot be used as audio channels. When MM is set (modem mode), channel 7 and 9 interrupts are directed to PCI hardware INTB. When MM is cleared (audio mode), channel 7 and 9 interrupts are directed to PCI hardware INTA. Oak Technology 7-30 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.4.12 POWER DOWN CONTROL (WRITE ONLy) Host Offset: 004Dh Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved PDWN Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description Comment PDWN OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Power Down Mode 1 - Turn off internal IMCLKI and channel ILCLK I to reduce steady state current consumption 0- Return to chip state prior to Power Down Power On default value is ~Oh. This register is write only and activates the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 Power Down mode. When active ("1"), the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 goes into a "sleep" mode and will not function normally. It will only respond to PCI configuration cycles and the R/W cycle of this register. 7.4.13 PS INPUT RATE CONTROL AND STATUS Host Offset: 004Eh Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Write CNTOF7 CNTOF6 CNTOFS CNTOF4 CNTOF3 CNTOF2 CNTOFl CNTOFO Read SCNT7 SCNT6 SCNTS SCNT4 SCNT3 SCNT2 SCNTl SCNTO Initial X X X X X X X X Bit Description CNTOF[7:0] Write Only Offset to LRCLK sampled count in 2 1s complement form SCNT[7:0] Read Only Sampled Count. LRCLK sampled by MCLK Comment * 8. Power On default value is XXh (unknown) and depends upon LRCLK state. This register is used to determine the incoming PS sample rate. The sum of Count and Offset are used. Offset value = 2's complement value of ROUND(93.54 - 2.83*MCLK). MCLK in the table and formula is the main crystal frequency (33 MHz or 36.864 MHz) Oak Technology 7-31 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4.14 DIGITAL AUDIO SERIAL PORT (12S) FORMAT CONTROL (WRITE ONLy) Host Offset: 004Fh Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 \\/rite Reserled Reser-Jed Reserved ORDER PACK LRPOL EDGE CYCDLY Initial 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Bit Description ORDER Bit Order PACK Packing Direction LRPOL Left/Right Channel Polarity EDGE Edge Control o - Latch on FALLING edge CYCOLY Clock Cycle Delay o - No delay relative to UR Comment 1 - MSB first on the data stream first on the data stream o - LSB 1 - Forward Packing: Collect data from the start point of UR signal 0- Backward Packing: Collect data from the end point of UR signal 1 - UR HIGH indicates LEFT channel o - UR LOW indicates LEFT channel 1 - Latch on RISING edge 1 - One clock delay relative to UR Power On default value is 16h. This register is used to set the various possible FS formats which may be used by the FS interface of the OTI-61 0/ OTI-611. 7.4.15 HOST INTERFACE PORT (HIP) INTERFACE REGISTERS This section lists hardware HIP interface registers. The HIP registers are used to transfer information to and from the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 DSP. HDRO - Dual Data Port Register I Host Offset: OOSOh-OOS1 h Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RlW D15 D14 D13 D12 Dl1 Dl0 D9 D8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oak Technology 7-32 Technical Specification Register Definitions HDR1- Dual Data Port Register /I Host Offset: OOS4h-OOSSh Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RlW 015 014 013 012 011 010 09 08 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HDR2 - Dual Data Port Register II/ Host Offset: OOS8h-OOS9h Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RlW 015 014 013 012 011 010 09 08 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R1W 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HIP Command/Status Register Host Offset: OOSCh-OOSDh Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW 015 014 013 D12 011 010 09 08 Initial 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW 07 06 05 04 03 02 Dl DO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oak Technology 7-33 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4.16 MPU-401 CONTROL REGISTERS The MPU-401 compatible MIDI port is controlled with three registers, as shown below. Host Offset Size 060h 8 bit MPU-401 Data Port 061h 8 bit MPU-401 Command/Status Port 062h 8 bit MPU-401 Baud Rate Oivisor/Loopback Description MPU-401 Data Port Host Offset: 0060h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R/W 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description 0[7:0] MPU401 Data Comment Read: MIOLIN (MPU-401 port) data Write: MIOLOUT (MPU-401 port) data This register implements the standard MPU-401 data port functions. It is not, however, accessible at the standard MPU-401 port addresses of 3xOh. Oak Technology 7-34 Technical Specification Register Definitions MPU-401 Command/Status Port Host Offset: 0061 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read ORR DTR Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Write 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Initial 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description 0[7:0] MPU401 Command ORR Oata Receive Ready (Read) o - Oata ready OTR Oata Transmit Ready (Read) o - Ready to receive command Comment Write: OFFh - Reset MPU401 UART 03Fh - Enter MPU401 UART mode 1 - No data ready 1 - Transmitter not ready or transmit data This register implements the standard MPU-401 command/status port functions. It is not, however, accessible at the standard MPU-401 port addresses of 3x1 h. MPU-401 Baud Rate Divisor Host Offset: 0062 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW LB 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Initial 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Bit Description LB Loop Back 0[6:0] Clock ~ivider Comment 1 - Connect TXO output to RXO internally for testing purposes 0- Normal Operation, RXO connected to external port pin Hexadecimal number, which when multiplied by 16 and divided into MCLK will produce MPU-401 baud rate = 31250 Hz +/- 1% or less This register sets the internalloopback connections for testing the MPU-401 port. This register also sets the divisor for the MPU-401 transmit/receive baud rate clock. The Power On default value is 42h. This value corresponds to the divisor needed when using a 33-MHz crystal applied to the PXTALM pins. Oak Technology 7-35 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 PROGRAMMING NOTE: This register's default value of 42h must be changed by software to the value 49h, which corresponds to using a 36.864-MHz crystal on the modem crystal inputs, XTAL 1 pins. This is the default crystal setting for the OTI-61 0/OTI-611. If the user intends to use a 33-MHz crystal on the PXTALM pins and sets the selection bit 5 in register 43h, then the default value of 42h does not need to be changed. The baud rate is determined using the following formula applied against the main clock crystal frequency being used by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 : MPU-401 baud rate = MCLK / (16 * divisor) = 31.25 KHz MCLK = OTI-61 0/OTI-611 Main Clock divisor = Hexadecimal number to be programmed in register 62h Register 62h Divisor Value vs. Main Clock Frequency Table: Main Clock Divisor (Decimal) MPU-401 Baud Rate Divisor (Hex) 30.000 MHz 60 31250 3C 33.333 MHz 66 31250 42 36.864 MHz 73 31562 (+.998% error) 49 7.4.17 CODEC INDEX REGISTER 2 Host Offset: 006Ch Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved INX6 INX5 Initial X X X X X X 0 0 Bit Description INX[6:5] Codec Register Index Value Comment MSB[6:5] of Codec Index address. These bits are concatenated with bits INX[4:0] of register 006Dh, Codec Index Register 1 operation. Power On default value is XXXXXXOO binary. This register is used in conjunction with register 006Dh to control CODEC index register addressing. INX[6:5] supports the extended addressing space requirements of the AC '97 Specification. Oak Technology 7-36 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.4.18 CODEC INDEX REGISTER 1 Host Offset: 006Dh Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW CB DV CRD INX4 INX3 INX2 INXl INXO Initial 0 0 0 X X X X X Bit Description CB Command Busy Status DV Data Valid Status CRD Codec Read INX[4:0] Codec Register Index Power On default value is Comment 1 - Current Index access not yet complete. Set by HMI only o - Current Index access complete 1 - Current Index register can be read. Set by HMI only. o - Current Index register cannot be read 1 - Codec Write access Read access o - Codec Codec Register Indexed Address OOOXXXXX binary. This register is used to control co dec operation and codec index address. 7.4.19 CODEC DATA REGISTER Host Offset: 006Eh-006Fh Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW CD15 CD14 C013 C012 COll CD10 CD9 CDB Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW C07 CD6 COS C04 C03 CO2 COl COO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description Comment CD[15:0] Codec Register Data Data from/to register specified in previous Codec Index Register 1 Write: Data for output to Codec Read: Data from Codec Power On default value is ~Oh. Oak Technology 7-37 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.4.20 STLC7549 GPIO DATA REGISTER Host Offset: 6D = 31 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IlJW GPI07 GPI06 GPIOS GPI04 GPI03 GPI02 GPI01 GPIOO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description GPIO[7:0] GPIO Data Comment STLC7S49 Dual Codec GPIO port control This is a special register to support ST7549 GPIO pins. The content of this register will pass to ST7549 through the serial data stream on a dedicated GPIO slot. Oak Technology 7-38 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.5 CHANNEL REGISTERS The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 supports eight individual playback channels and two capture channels. All playback channels operate alike and all capture channels operate alike. The only difference is the host offset. The tables below list the host offset of each register for all capture channels and all playback channels. Playback channels can operate in two addressing modes - sequential and random. Sequential mode is used by host-driven playback and is so named because the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 receives a sequential stream of audio data without any knowledge of its position in the audio stream. The host can initiate random access of the sequential stream by stopping playback and restarting from a different buffer location. Playback channel random mode is used solely by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 to access Chorus and Reverb delay buffers for the DSP-based wavetable synthesizer. Capture Channel Register Offsets Host Offset Mode Size Name OFOh-OF3h Capture 32 bit Channel 8 Base Address OF8h-OF9h 16 bit Channel 8 Segment Length OFCh-OFDh 16 bit Channel 8 Command OFEh-OFFh 16 bit Channel 8 Position 32 bit Channel 9 Base Address 038h-039h 16 bit Channel 9 Segment Length # of samples to fetch 03Ah-03Bh 16 bit Channel 9 Interrupt Count IRQ count: for modem operation as Overrun! Underrun count 03Ch-03Dh 16 bit Channel 9 Command 03Eh-03Fh 16 bit Channel 9 Position 030h-033h Oak Technology Effects! MODEM 7-39 Description Physical system memory address # of samples to fetch Start/stop, reset control, status data format (8/16, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Physical system mem9ry address Start/stop, reset control, status data format (8/16, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Playback Registers Host Offset Mode Size Name 070h-073h Playback 32 bit Channel 0 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address 074h-077h 32 bit Channel 0 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address 078h-079h 16 bit Channel 0 Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch 07Ah-07Bh 16 bit Channel 0 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch 07Ch-07Dh 16 bit Channel 0 Command 07Eh-07Fh 16 bit Channel 0 Position 32 bit Channel 1 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address 084h-087h 32 bit Channel 1 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address 088h-089h 16 bit Channell Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch 08Ah-08Bh 16 bit Channel 1 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch 08Ch-08Dh 16 bit Channel 1 Command 08Eh-08Fh 16 bit Channel 1 Position 32 bit Channel 2 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address 094h-097h 32 bit Channel 2 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address 098h-099h 16 bit Channel 2 Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch 09Ah-09Bh 16 bit Channel 2 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch 09Ch-09Dh 16 bit Channel 2 Command 09Eh-09Fh 16 bit Channel 2 Position 32 bit Channel 3 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address OA4h-OA7h 32 bit Channel 3 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address OA8h-OA9h 16 bit Channel 3 Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch OAAh-OABh 16 bit Channel 3 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch OACh-OADh 16 bit Channel 3 Command OAEh-OAFh 16 bit Channel 3 Position 080h-083h 090h-093h OAOh-OA3h Oak Technology Playback Playback Playback 7-40 Description Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/1 6, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/1 6, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/16, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/16, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Technical Specification Register Definitions Playback Registers (Cont'cl) Host Offset Mode Size Name OBOh-OB3h Pla'yback 32 bit Channel 4 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address OB4h-OB7h 32 bit Channel 4 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address OB8h-OB9h 16 bit Channel 4 Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch OBAh-OBBh 16 bit Channel 4 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch OBCh-OBDh 16 bit Channel 4 Command OBEh-OBFh 16 bit Channel 4 Position 32 bit Channel 5 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address OC4h-OC7h 32 bit Channel 5 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address OC8h-OC9h 16 bit Channel 5 Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch OCAh-OCBh 16 bit Channel 5 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch OCCh-OCDh 16 bit Channel 5 Command OCEh-OCFh 16 bit ChannelS Position 32 bit Channel 6 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address 004h-OD7h 32 bit Channel 6 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address 008h-009h 16 bit Channel 6 Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch ODAh-OOBh . 16 bit Channel 6 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch ODCh-OOOh 16 bit Channel 6 Command ODEh-OOFh 16 bit Channel 6 Position 32 bit Channel 7 Base Address 0 Physical system memory address OE4h-OE7h 32 bit Channel 7 Base Address 1 Physical system memory address OE8h-OE9h 16 bit Channel 7 Segment Length 0 # of samples to fetch OEAh-OEBh 16 bit Channel 7 Segment Length 1 # of samples to fetch OECh-OEDh 16 bit Channel 7 Command OEEh-OEFh 16 bit Channel 7 Position OF4h-OFSh 16 bit Channel 7 Interrupt Count OCOh-OC3h OOOh-003h OEOh-OE3h Oak Technology Playback Playback Playback 7-41 Description Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/16, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/16, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/1 6, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) Start/stop, reset control, status, data format (8/16, mono/stereo) Current length counter (buffer pointer) IRQ count: for modem operation as OverrunlUnderrun count Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 PLAYBACK BASE ADDRESS OAND 1 - CHANNEL N (WHERE N= 0-7) 7.5.1 Host Offset: See table below for corresponding entry for n Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 RlW BA31 BA30 BA29 BA28 D~I nA"'''' OA"l£ D~U U"".J Llr~"'T Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RlW BA23 BA22 BA2l BA20 BA19 BA18 BA17 BA16 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RlW BA1S BA14 BA13 BA12 BAll BA10 BA9 BA8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW BA7 BA6 BAS BA4 BA3 BA2 BAl BAO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description BA[31 :0] Base Address 24 25 OA"l~ DA'lA Comment Host physical memory address of the channel buffer Two 32-bit host physical base address registers. The Base Address 0 register is used in both sequential and random access modes (See Playback Channel Command Registers). )"he Base Address 0 register is used in sequential access mode. PROGRAMMING NOTE: These registers must be programmed with the physical address of a segment of the host buffer. In random mode, this address must be aligned on a 128KB boundary. In sequential mode, this address must be al igned on a DWORD boundary. . Oak Technology 7-42 Technical Specification Register Definitions PLAYBACK SEGMENT LENGTH 0 AND 1 - CHANNEL N (WHERE N = 0-7) 7.5.2 Host Offset: See table below for corresponding entry for n Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW SL1S SL14 SL13 SL12 SL11 SL10 SL9 SL8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW SL7 SL6 SLS SL4 SL3 SL2 SL1 SLO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description SL[lS:0] Segment Length Comment Length in bytes of the associated host buffer segment. Actual transfer is length +1. Two 16-bit host buffer segment length registers. These registers specify the length in bytes of the physical memory segment pointed to by the corresponding Playback Base Address 0 or 1 register. PROGRAMMING NOTES: 1. Note that the actual number of bytes transferred is the programmed length +1. This allows true 64KB transfers with a 16-bit register. 2. Since this register allows a maximum of 64KB per segment, it may be necessary to break large host memory segments into smaller units. 3. In random mode, this register is typically programmed by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 DSP. Oak Technology 7-43 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 PLAYBACK CHANNEL COMMAND - CHANNEL N (WHERE N = 0-7) 7.5.3 Host Offset: See table at beginning of this section for corresponding entry for n Bit 15 14 13 RiW START RFiFO IV'\I'H.JVIVI IVIVI'lV LJV V"'Lr\LJ I Initial 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 RIW Segment Status Reserved Reserved Initial - - - nA. .... r"""\.I"""\. ....... 12 11 10 9 8 ~Dr:A~V 1('1 I('n 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 VDC4 VDC3 VDC2 VDC1 VDCO 0 0 0 0 0 a. ~'"' .. IJ""'\ ~J""'\ L..JI L..JV Bit Description START Enable Channel RFIFO Reset FIFO RANDOM Random Mode Select MONO MONO Enable DS Data Size DREADY Data Ready LS1 Last Segment Flag 1 o - Normal operation LSO Last Segment Flag 0 o - Normal operation VDC[1:0] Valid Data Count Number of valid samples in the FIFO. Range 0-16 (used by OTI610/0TI-611 DSP only). Segment Status Current Segment 0= Segment 0 1 = Segment 1 Comment 1 - Enable bus master operation starting with base register set o - Disable bus master operation o. 1 - Reset Data FIFO R/W pointers, start bit, valid data count o - Norma I operation 1 - Random addressing mode o - Sequential addressing mode 1 - Monophonic format data (1-channel) o - Stereophonic format data (2-channel) 1 - 8-bit samples o - 16-bit samples 1 - FIFO contains valid data (used by OTI-610/0TI-611 DSP only) 1 - Segment specified by base address 1 is the last segment 1 - Segment specified by base address 0 is the last segment Setting the START bit will enable the bus master. If the channel FIFO is empty, the bus master will request the bus and memory transfer will begin. When the START bit is cleared, the bus master will stop after finishing the current bus cycle. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Setting the START bit always resets the hardware to base register o. Pause/Resume and Set Position programming should take this behavior into account. Oak Technology 7-44 Technical Specification Register Definitions The random addressing mode (RANDOM bit set) uses base and length 0 registers only. In addition, the OTI-61 0/ OTI-611 DSP expects the base register address to be modular 128K, and physically contiguous in memory. These restrictions force a maximum length of 64K WORDS in random mode. The sequential addressing mode is designed to allow the host to implement scatter/gather control. The OTI-61 0/ OTI-611 will automatically switch between the base address registers 0 and 1 when it reaches the end of the current register length. It will then send an interrupt to the host, whereupon the host may reload the used segment registers. When the last segment of a page table is encountered, the appropriate LSx bit (LSO or LS1 ) must be set to indicate that the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 shou Id stop fetching data at the end of that segment. PLAYBACK SEGMENT POSITION - CHANNEL N (WHERE N = 0-7) 7.5.4 Host Offset: See table below for corresponding entry for n Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Read SP15 SP14 SP13 SP12 SPll SP10 SP9 SP8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read SP7 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP2 SPl SPO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description SP[15:0] Segment Position Comment Current byte position in active position Specifies the offset in bytes of the next datum to be fetched by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 bus master from the segment pointed to by the corresponding Playback Base Address 0 or 1 register. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Host driver must keep track of active segment, based on the number of segment switch interrupts , received. Remember that every time the START bit is set (Playback Channel Command), the OTI-61 0/ OTI-611 starts from base address register O. Oak Technology 7-45 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 7.5.5 PLAYBACK CHANNEL 7 INTERRUPT COUNT Host Offset: OOF4h-OOFSh Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Read !C15 !C14 !C13 !C12 lel1 IC10 ICg Ica Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read IC7 IC6 IC5 IC4 IC3 IC2 IC1 ICO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description Comment IC[15:0] Interrupt Count Number of interrupts generated by playback channel 7 since the last time this register was read. Counts the number of interrupts generated by the effects/modem playback channel. The register is reset every time it is read. This register is generally used as an overrun detector when the channel is used for modem operation~ Note that this register only exists for playback channel 7. Channels 0 through 6 do not support interrupt counting. Oak Technology 7-46 Technical Specification Register Definitions CAPTURE BASE ADDRESS - CHANNEL N (WHERE N = 8 OR 9) 7.5.6 Host Offset: See table on page 7-39 below for corresponding entry for n Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 RIW BA3l BA30 BA29 BA28 BA27 BA26 BA2S BA24 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RIW BA23 BA22 BA2l BA20 BA19 BA18 BA17 BA16 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RlW BA1S BA14 BA13 BA12 BAll BA10 BA9 BA8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW BA7 BA6 BAS BA4 BA3 BA2 BAl BAO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description BA[3l:0] Base Address Comment Host physical memory address of the channel buffer The host physical base address register. The register is used in both sequential and random access modes (see Capture Channel Command). PROGRAMMING NOTE: These registers must be programmed with the physical address of a segment of the host buffer. In random mode, this address must be aligned on a 128KB boundary. In sequential mode, this address must be aligned on a DWORD boundary. Oak Technology 7-47 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.5.7 CAPTURE SEGMENT LENGTH - CHANNEL N (WHERE N = 8 OR 9) Host Offset: See table on page 7-39 below for corresponding entry for n Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW SL1S SL14 SL13 SL12 SL11 SL10 SL9 SL8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW SL7 SL6 SLS SL4 SL3 SL2 SL1 SLO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description SL[lS:0] Segment Length Comment Length in bytes of the associated host buffer segment. Actual transfer is length +1. This register specifies the length in bytes of the physical memory segment pointed to by the Capture Base Address register. For random address mode (See Capture Channel Command), the range is 0 - 16, in WORD increments. PROGRAMMING NOTES: 1. Note that the actual number of bytes transferred is the programmed length + 1. This allows true 64KB transfers with a 16-bit register. 2. In random mode, this register is typically programmed by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 DSP. Oak Technology 7-48 Technical Specification Register Definitions CAPTURE CHANNEL COMMAND - CHANNEL N (WHERE N 3.5.8 = 8 OR 9) Host Offset: See table on page 7-39 below for corresponding entry for n Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RIW START RFIFO RANDOM MONO DS FREADY LS Reserved Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW Reserved Reserved PAUSE VDC4 VDC3 VDC2 VDCl VDCO Vlnitial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description START Enable Channel RFIFO Reset FIFO RANDOM Random Mode Select MONO MONO Enable DS Data Size FREADY FIFO Ready LS Last Segment Flag PAUSE Pause Flag VD[4:0] Valid Data Count Comment 1 - Enable bus master operation starting with base register set 0 o - Disable bus master operation 1 - Reset Data FIFO RIW pointers, start bit, valid data count o - Normal operation 1 - Random addressing mode 0- Sequential addressing mode 1 - Monophonic format data (l-channel) o - Stereophonic format data (2-channel) 1 - 8-bit samples o - 16-bit samples ready to accept 1 - FIFO has valid data (used by OTI-610/0TI-611 DSP only) 1 - Segment specified by base address is the last segment 0- Normal operation 1 - Pause capture operation o - Normal operation Number of valid samples in the FIFO. Range 0-16 (used by OTI610/0TI-611 DSP only). Setting the START bit will enable the bus master. If the channel FIFO is not empty, the bus master will request the bus and memory transfer will begin. When the START bit is cleared, the bus master will stop after finishing the current bus cycle. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Setting the START bit always resets the hardware to base register O. Pause/Resume and Set Position programming should take this behavior into account. In the random addressing mode (RANDOM bit set), the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 DSP expects the base register address to be modulo 128K, and physically contiguous in memory. These restrictions force a maximum length of 64K WORDS in random mode. Oak Technology 7-49 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Unlike the playback channels, the capture channel sequential addressing mode uses a single base register to implement a ping-pong (double buffer) buffer scheme. The Capture Segment Length register should be set to half the host buffer size. The first time the segment length is reached, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 sends an interrupt to the host, then reloads the length counter only. Host buffer writes continue with the next sequential address. When the segment length is reached for the second time, the host interrupt is sent, and the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 reloads both the length counter and the base address from the corresponding registers. This sequence repeats until the START bit is cleared or the appropriate LSx bit is encountered. 7.5.9 CAPTURE SEGMENT POSITION - CHANNEL N (WHERE N= 8 OR 9) Host Offset: See table on page 7-39 below for corresponding entry for n Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Read SP15 SP14 SP13 SP12 SP11 SP10 SP9 SP8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read SP7 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP2 SPl SPO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description SP[15:0] Segment Position Comment Current byte position in active position Specifies the offset in bytes of the next datum to be written by the OTI-61 0/01"1-611 bus master to the segment pointed to by the Capture Base Address register. Oak Technology 7-50 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.5.10 CAPTURE INTERRUPT COUNT - CHANNEL 9 Host Offset: 003Ah-003Bh Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Read IC15 IC14 IC13 IC12 IC11 IC10 IC9 IC8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read IC7 IC6 IC5 IC4 IC3 10 ICl ICO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description Comment IC[15:0] Interrupt Count Number of interrupts generated by channel 9 (capture channell) since the last time this register was read. Counts the number of interrupts generated by the effects/modem capture channel. The register is reset every time it is read. This register is generally used as an overrun detector when the channel is used for modem operation. Note that this register only exists for capture channell. Capture channel 0 does not support interrupt counting. 7.6 GAME PORT REGISTERS The registers' locations are linear and byte addresses are Game Port Configuration 110 Base Address + host offset. Host Offset Size OOh-Olh 8 bit Standard Game Port 08h-09h 16 bit Digital Mode Game Port I & II X Position OAh-OBh 16 bit Digital Mode Game Port I & II Y Position OCh 8 bit Game Port Control 200h 8 bit Standard Game Port 201h 8 bit Standard Game Port (duplicate) Oak Technology Description 7-51 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.6.1 STANDARD GAME PORT Host Offset: OOOOh, 0001 h, and 0200h, 0201 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW PBB2 PBB1 PAB2 PAB1 PBY PBX PAY PAX Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description Comment PBB2 Port B Button 2 o - Button not pressed PBB1 Port B Button 1 o - Button not pressed PAB2 Port A Button 2 o - Button not pressed PAB1 Port A Button 1 o - Button not pressed PBY Port BY-axis o - Timer inactive PBX Port B X-axis o - Timer inactive PAY Port A Y-axis o - Timer inactive PAX Port A X-axis o - Timer inactive 1 - Button pressed 1 - Button pressed 1 - Button pressed 1 - Button pressed 1 - Timer active 1 - Timer active 1 - Timer active 1 - Timer active This register implements the standard analog game port functions. It is accessible from either the standard game port 1/0 address of 200h/201 h or the PCI offset address of OOh/Ol h. A write to this port will generate a trigger pulse to the internal SS8-like timer. A read from this port will get the current game port button and position status. PROGRAMMING NOTE: The standard game port addresses of 200h and 201 h may be disabled using the SPEN bits in register OCh, Game Port Control. The Power On default condition disables the standard game port addresses. Oak Technology 7-52 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.6.2 DIGITAL MODE GAME PORT I & II X POSITION Host Offset: OBh-09h Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Read Reserved Reserved Reserved XA12 XA11 XA10 XA9 XAB Initial - - - 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read XA7 XA6 XAS XA4 XA3 XA2 XA1 XAO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description Comment XA[12:0] Game Port X-axis Position This register contains the current X-axis position of Digital Mode Game Port selected by the DGPSEL bit of the Game Port Control (OCh) register. Valid only if the POLLEN bit of the Game Port Control register is set. 7.6.3 DIGITAL MODE GAME PORT I & II Y POSITION Host Offset: OAh-OBh Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Read Reserved Reserved Reserved VA12 YA11 VA10 YA9 YAB Initial - - - 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read VA7 VA6 VAS YA4 VA3 VA2 YA1 YAO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description YA[12:0] Game Port V-axis Position Comment This register contains the currentY-axis position of Digital Mode Game Port selected by the DGPSEL bit of the Game Port Control (0068h) register. Valid only if the POLLEN bit of the Game Port Control register is set. Oak Technology 7-53 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 7.6.4 GAME PORT CONTROL Host Offset: OCh Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read POLLEN SPEN Reserved DGPSEL PBB2 PBB1 PBA2 PBA1 Write POLLEN SPEN Reserved DGPSEL Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. Comment Bit Description POLLEN Hardware Poll Enable 1 - Enable hardware polling of analog game port 0- Disable hardware polling of analog game port SPEN Standard Port Enable 1 - Enable standard game port response at 200h/201 h 1 - Access Digital Mode Game Port II using Game Port Position registers 0- Access Digital Mode Game Port I using Game Port Position registers DGPSEL Digital Mode Game Port Select PBB2 Port B Button 2 o - Button PBB1 Port B Button 1 o - Button PAB2 Port A Button 2 o - Button PAB1 Port A Button 1 o - Button 1 Button pressed not pressed 1 Button pressed not pressed 1 Button pressed not pressed 1 Button pressed not pressed This register contains miscellaneous game port control functions for both the analog and digital game port implementations. The POLLEN bit enables the OTI-611 auto-polling of the analog joystick position. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 utilizes hardware counters to measure the trigger time period of each axis of the analog joystick in a manner similar to the method normally used by software joystick routines. This hardware polling relieves the software of the task of waiting for the joystick time-out, thus reducing the CPU load. The DGPSEL bit is used to control which digital game port values are read when the Game Port I & II X Position and Game Port I & II Y Position registers are read. Oak Technology 7-54 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.7 OTI-611 FAX/MODEM I/O REGISTER DEFINITIONS The registers' locations are linear and byte addresses are Modem Configuration liD Base Address + host offset. Host Offset Size 40h-41h 16 bit Modem Data [15:0] Input and Output 42h 8 bit Index Register Address [7:0J 43h 8 bit Codec Index Register Address [7:0J 44h-45h 16 bit Codec Data [15:0] Input and Output 46h 8 bit ID 47h 8 bit Modem 1/0 Space Control 7.7.1 Description MODEM DATA REGISTERS Host Offset: 40h-41 h Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Read IMD15 IMD14 IMD13 IMD12 IMDll IMD10 IMD9 IMD8 Write OMD15 OMD14 OMD13 OMD12 OMDll OMD10 OMD9 OMD8 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read IMD7 IMD6 IMDS IMD4 IMD3 IMD2 IMDl IMDO Write OMD7 OMD6 OMD5 OMD4 OMD3 OMD2 OMDl OMDO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description IMD[lS:0] Incoming Modem Data OMD[1S:0] Outgoing Modem Data Oak Technology Comment 7-55 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 7.7.2 INDEX ADDRESS REGISTER Host Offset: 42h 7 Bit -- .. fllW J 6 ' •• 1''1_'" Initial ..... . _11_- J I 0 0 I ...... _, ..- I 0 I ....... _.... 0 I I ..... ,,-,.0 I I ....... _,0 o 1 2 I ........ _, ... I 0 I ........ _, .. I - 0 Comment Bit Description MINDX[7:0] Modem Index Register Address 7.7.3 3 4 5 CODEC INDEX REGISTER Host Offset: 43 h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R/W CMDBSY DVS CACC CINDX4 CINDX3 C1NDX2 C1NDX1 CINDXO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Description CI NDX [4:0] Codec Index Register Address CACC Codec Access Type DVS Data Valid Status CMDBSY Command Busy Status Comment 1 = Write Access o = Read Access 1 = Current indexed register can be read 1 = Current index address is not yet complete This register is the same as register 6Ch in the audio function registers. This allows codec access from both configuration spaces. Oak Technology 7-56 Technical Specification Register Definitions 7.7.4 CODEC DATA REGISTERS Host Offset: 44h-45h Bit 15 14 Read IC015 Write 13 12 11 10 9 8 IC014 IC013 IC012 ICOll IC010 IC09 IC08 OC015 OC014 OC013 OC012 OCOll OC010 OC09 OC08 Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read IC07 IC06 IC05 IC04 IC03 IC02 ICOl ICOO Write OC07 OC06 OC05 OC04 OC03 OC02 OC01 OCOO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! Bit Description ICO[15:0] Incoming Codec Oata OCO[15:0] Outgoing Codec Data Comment These register is the same as register 6Ch-6Dh in the audio function registers. This allows co dec access from both configuration spaces. Oak Technology 7-57 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 EXTERNAL OUTPUTS REGISTER 7.7.5 Host Offset: 46h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RlW SPOUTO ST7546 HDSTRLY CODPWR SPKRMT CODRST ClD OHRLY Initial 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Bit Description SPOUT[2:0] Spare Output Pins ST7546 ST7546 Mode Select HDSTRLY Headset (Voice) Relay Control CODPWR Codec Power Down SPKRMT Speaker Mute Control CODRST Codec Reset CIO Caller 10 Relay Control Active low OHRLY Off-Hook Relay Control Active low Comment Software-controlled outputs Controls CODEC_PIN on OTI-611. Connects to HCO pin on ST7546 Modem Codec. o = Codec Reset Default value = 0007 Same as Index 2 Extout[7:0] register. 7.7.6 MODEM 1/0 SPACE CONTROL Host Offset: 47h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RIW Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 10Cl lOCO Initial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit IOC[1:0] Oak Technology Description 1/0 Space Control Comment 110011 : Use PCI assigned 1/0 space only 111 0": Decode both PC! VO space and COM3 space (3 E8h-3 EFh) 111111: Decode both PC! 1/0 space and COM4 space (2E8h-2EFh) 7-58 Technical Specification AC-LINK CHARACTERISTICS CHAPTER 8 8.1 AUDIO CODEC '97 COMPONENT SPECIFICATION OVERVIEW The Audio Codec '97 Component Specification was created by Intel Corporation, National Semiconductor Corporation, Creative Laboratories, Inc., Yamaha Corporation, and Analog Devices, Inc., and was first published by Intel Corporation on May 17,1996. Consult the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification for complete details on: • AC-Link operation • Register control and register bit definition of the AC '97 Codec • AC-Link slot definitions Throughout this chapter, the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification may also be referred to as "AC '97 Codec Specification," or simply as "AC '97.f! The codec device discussed in the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification may be referred to as "AC '97 Codec." The term AC-Link referenced in the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification may also be referred to as "AC-Link." The Audio Codec '97 Component Specification defines the codec component of an audio or audio/ communications system, as well as the communications link between it and its companion digital controller. The AC '97 digital controller and the AC '97 Codec together comprise the AC '97 System. 8.2 AC '97 AC-LINK DIGITAL SERIAL INTERFACE PROTOCOL A 5-pin digital serial interface called AC-Link connects the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 to any AC '97 Codec. AC-Link is a bi-directional, fixed rate, serial PCM digital stream. It handles multiple input and output audio streams, as well as control register accesses employing a time division multiplexed (TOM) scheme. The AC-Link architecture divides each audio frame into 12 outgoing and 12 incoming data streams, each with 20bit sample resolution, allowing support of 16-bit, 18-bit, and 20-bit samples within each data slot of the data stream. The 011-610 and 011-611 support 16-bit samples and set the trailing 4 bits set to 0 within the AC '97 20-bit data slots. Oak Technology 8-1 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Note: Throughout the rest of this chapter, AC-link signal names will be given along with the equivalent OTI-610 and OTI-611 signal names. AC-link signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. Tables containing signal names will show both the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 and AC-link signal names in the same way. Example: OTI-610/011-611 Signal Name AC-Link Signal Name (RESET#) ARESET# Timing diagrams will be presented with the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 signal name in the illustration. Synchronization of all AC-link data transactions is signaled by the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611. The AC '97 Codec functions as a slave to the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 . The AC '97 Codec drives a fixed 12.288-MHz serial bit clock, ASCLK (BIT_CLK) [derived from the AC '97 Codec crystal clock frequency source] onto AC-link, which the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 controller then qualifies with a synchronization signal, AFS (SYNC), to construct audio frames. AFS (SYNC), fixed at 48 KHz, is derived by dividing down ASCLK (BIT_CLK). ASCLK (BIT_CL/() provides the necessary clocking granularity to support twelve 20-bit outgoing and incoming time slots. AC-link serial data is transitioned on each rising edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK). The receiver of AC-link data (the AC '97 Codec for outgoing data from the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 or the OTI-61 0/ OTI-611 for incoming data from the AC '97 Codec), samples each serial bit on the falling edges of ASCLK (BIT_CLK). The AC-Link protocol provides for a special 16-bit (13 bits defined, with 3 reserved trailing bit positions) time slot (slot 0) wherein each bit conveys a valid tag for its corresponding time slot within the current audio frame. A "1/1 in a given bit position of slot 0 indicates that the corresponding time slot within the current audio frame has been assigned to a data stream and contains valid data. If a slot is "tagged" invalid, it is the responsibility of the source of the data (the AC '97 Codec for the input stream to the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 or the OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 for the output stream to the AC '97 Codec), to set all bit positions with Os during that slot's active time. AFS (SYNC) remains high for a total duration of 16 ASCLKs (BIT_CLKs) at the beginning of each audio frame. The portion of the audio frame where AFS (SYNC) is high is defined as the "Tag Phase./1 The remainder of the audio frame where AFS (SYNC) is low is defined as the "Data Phase." o Slot It 7 AFS JI~ 10 11 12 _______________----II OUTGOING STREAMS INCOMING STREAMS Tag Phase ~ \. Data Phase .\ Figure 8-1: AC '97 Standard Bi-directional Audio Frame Oak Technology 8-2 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics The table below shows the data streams currently defined by the AC '97 Specification and the support provided by either the OTI-61 or the OTI-611. Slot directions are given relative to the OTI-61 or OTI-611 and should be reversed if referenced to the AC '97 Codec. a a Support AC' 97 Data Stream Slots/Slot # 011-610 OTI-611 Notes Control Control Register Write Port 2 output Slot! 1,2 Yes Yes 1 Status Status Register Read Port 2 input Slot 1,2 Yes Yes 1 PCM Playback Data 2-channel composite PCM output stream (UR) 2 output Slot 3L, 4R Yes Yes 1 PCM Record Data 2-channel composite PCM input stream (UR) 2 input Slot 3L, 4R Yes Yes 1 Optional Modem Line Codec Output Stream Modem line Codec DAC output stream to OTI-612 or AC '97 Codec 1 output Slot 5 Fi lied with Os Yes 2 Optional Modem Line Codec Input Stream Modem line Codec DAC input stream to OTI-612 or AC '97 Codec 1 input Slot 5 Fi lied with Os Yes 2 Optional Dedicated Microphone Input Microphone input stream in support of Acoustic Echo Cancellations and/or other voice applications 1 input Slot 6 Filled with Os No Fi lied with Os 3 RESERVED - Undefined. Fi lied with Os by OTI-61 0/OTI-611 6 output Slot 6-12 Fi lied with Os Fi lied with Os RESERVED - undefined Filled with Os by OTI-612 or AC '97 Codec 5 input Slot 7-12 Filled with Os Fi lied with Os Notes (from the AC '97 Specification): 1. 2. 3. Oak Technology AC '97 controlier/AC '97 Codec pair interoperability can only be guaranteed for non-optional AC '97 audio features. Modem interoperability is not expected between AC '97 controller/AC '97 Codec pairs that aren't sourced as a matched set by the same vendor. Given this, each vendor's AC '97 controller implicitly knows what the modem OACIAOC resolution are in the AC '97 Codec version wi modem support by inspecting the vendor 10 registers. An audio component vendor who develops an AC '97 Codec with optional dedicated microphone channel support should also offer an AC '97 controller to fully support this feature with a matched set solution. 8-3 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Software Driver Support and AC '97 Controller/AC '97 Interoperability The software driver written for the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 is responsible for exposing and managing the AC '97 Codec analog features. Interoperability requires that every AC '97 controller and AC '97 driver support the basic AC '97 Codec features. Mono PCM output always translates in the AC '97 controller to two mono channels (L and R) on the AC-Link. The following optional AC '97 features should also be supported by all AC '97 controller drivers when determined to be present: • Tone control • Loudness • Simulated stereo • 3D stereo enhancement • Headphone out Other features may not make sense to support unless there is also support in the AC '97 controller. In these cases, interoperability may be limited to an AC '97 controller/AC '97 analog pair sourced by the same vendor: • Modem ADC and DAC • Third ADC input channel • Vendor-specific features 8.3 OTI-610/0TI-611 IN THE AC '97 SYSTEM The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 support the AC-Link, which is defined in the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification, as a peer-to-peer communications link between a digital audio controller and an Audio Codec, or as a digital audio/communications controller and a dual audio/modem codec. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 support multiple codec types, including the AC '97 type. The OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 therefore can function as the "AC '97 Digital Controller" referred to in the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification. The OTI-61 0 supports multiple codecs. If the codec type selected isAC '97, then the OTI-61 0 functions as an audio-only AC '97 digital controller, and would be typically used in an AC '97 system with an audio-only AC '97 C~&. . The OTI-611 supports multiple codecs. If the codec type selected is AC '97, then the OTI-611 functions as an audio and communications AC '97 digital controller and would be typically used in an AC '97 system with the OTI-612 dual audio and communications AC '97 compliant Codec, or any dual audio and communications AC '97 Codec supporting modem outgoing and incoming 16-bit data in time slot 5. See Chapter 3 for more detai Is on codecs supported by the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 . Oak Tec~nology 8-4 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics 8_4 AC '97 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION The AC '97 System Diagram in Figure 8-2 and the immediately following text is reproduced directly from the AC '97 Codec Specification. Standard system audio i/o (Audio Codec '97 architecture supports migration of sources toward digital) Bus sources ~ -Wave -DirectX -soft CD or DVD -soft AC-3 Digital (12S or equlv) s::J0urces -cost reduced CD (or DVD) -HW digital synthesizer -HW AC-3 decode 1111 I - - - - - - - - - [LII_ - - - - I II II I I multi-function I =1 =1 =1 accelerator :: :: data pump, ... II II I 1 __ Analog mixer sources -CD: Redbook audio (or DVD) -VIDEO: TV tuner or video cap -AUX: int source or upgrade synth headset III =s_~ PC riser I modem I I I I I--IlWoU.:LW...lI~_ 1 I L _ .modBm ..Ex: _ . AC '97 analog : '- __ mot:lsrn J:Jx: _ L __ _ fIJot:Iem..!x~_ (tolfrom DAA) Description: eFull-duplex, 16-bit stereo, 90 dB SNR, 2-chip motherboard solution eDigital/analog split for scaleable featureslhigher quality eDigital: PCI stand-alone or multi-function combined audioltelephony bus IIF, sample rate conversion, AC-link & control, plus options vendor specific package: supports a scaleable audio family eAnalog: high quality, fixed 48K sample rate DAC's and ADC's industry standard package: standard pinout, mixer, interconnect, & i/o options: tone, 3D, 18 or 20 bits, addt'l channels, modem ADC & DAC ••• 0 eJ headphones or headset wI mic -and/or- ~ I I 2 speakers wI desktop mic -and/or- III I I Pro Logic stereo played thru Consumer Equipment via line out (or decoded by the speakers) Digital audio "outside the box" is an extension to system audio ,--------------- j -.-1-- digital audio USB, I I I _I -I 1394 I 1 1 I - Digital Speakers or Consumer Equipment .:::::::: t:::::::: - l1li II 2 6 speakers attached to L ___________ PC __ or_Consumer ______ Equipment ____ _ Figure 8-2: AC '97 System Diagram Figure 8-2 " .. . shows the essential features of an AC '97 audio design. The AC '97 analog component performs fixed 48K sample rate DAC & ADC conversions, mixing, and analog processing (tone, 3D stereo enhancement, etc.). It always functions as a slave to an AC '97 digital controller which must be implemented in the digital portion of any AC '97 audio system." liThe AC '97 controller, primarily targeted for PCI, can be as simple as a stand-alone design which supports high quality sample rate conversions to/from 48Kss, Sound Blaster* compatibility, FM and/or wavetable synthesis, with optional DirectSound* acceleration, AC-3 decode, etc. The AC '97 controller may also be embedded within a pel multifunction accelerator, offering higher levels of integration by combining audio with telephony or graphics. However, nothing precludes ISA, USB, or 1394 designs based on the AC '97 architecture." "The digital link, ''AC-Iink'', connecting the AC '97 controller to the AC '97 analog component is a bi-directional, 5-wire, serial TDM format interface, designed for dedicated point to point interconnect on a circuit board." "The diagram shows the most common (high attach rate) connections, some digital and some analog. PC audio today requires that a number of analog sources be supported in the analog mixer. Over time, it will become attractive from both cost and functionality perspectives to move these sources toward dedicated digital connections or onto the bus2. The AC '97 architecture facilitates this migration." Oak Technology 8-5 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 liThe AC '97 architecture is designed primarily to support stereo 2-speaker PC audio. However, two multichannel extensions are shown in the system diagram, one utilizing the AC '97 architecture and one independent of it:/I • "Multi-channel encoded stereo (such as Dolby* ProLogic*) can be played out through the 2-channel AC '97 audio subsystem. This type of signal can be played on normal stereo speakers, decoded into 4 channels by the speakers, or sent to consumer equipment via a stereo analog line out connection. II • "True 2/4/6 channel digital audio output (such as 5.1 channel Dolby AC-3*) can bypass the 2-channel AC '97 audio subsystem and be transmitted via a digital link (such as USB or 1394) to digital speakers or digital ready consumer equipment which drives a multi-speaker arrangement such as the home theateiI . N Note: The support for dedicated digital connections requires frequency locking and sample rate conversion capabilities in the AC '97 controller in order to reconcile independent time bases, the digital source, and AC '97's fixed 48Kss. There are many PC audio sources that are not currently bus independent, such as DOS games, HIW accelerated Windows 95 games, CD Redbook audio, and DVD-ROM movies w/HW AC-3 decode. In order to hear ALL PC audio sources through one set of digitally connected speakers, backwards compatibility must be addressed. 8.5 011-610/011-611 CONNECTION TO 1HE AC '97 CODEC The OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 communicates with the OTI-612 AC '97 co'mpatible dual audio and communications codec (or any other AC '97 compatible audio codec, or dual audio and communications codec) via a digital serial link called AC-Link. AC-Link is a 5-pin, bi-directional, fixed data rate, serial PCM digital stream. It handles multiple input and output audio streams, as well as control register accesses to the AC '97 Codec device employing a time division multiplexed (TOM) scheme. The AC-Link architecture divides each audio frame into 12 outgoing and 12 incoming data streams, each with 20-bit sample resolution. All digital audio streams, optional modem line codec streams, and command/status information are communicated over this point-to-point serial interconnect interface. See Chapter 3 for specific details on physical connections between the OTI-6TO and OTI-611 and the various types of AC '97 Codec packages. A breakout of the signals connecting the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 to an AC '97 Codec is shown in the following table and figure. OTI-610/0Tl-611 Signal Name Type OTI-612 or AC 197 Codec Signal NameAC-Link Signal Name Type ARESET# 0 RESET# I Master HIW Reset to AC 197 Codec from OTI-610 or OTI-611 AFS 0 SYNC I 48-KHz fixed rate sample sync from OTI-610 or OTI-611 ASClK I BIT_ClK 0 12.288-MHz serial data clock (Fxl2 from AC 197 Codec) to OTI-610 or OTI-611. Fx=24.576 MHz ASDO 0 SDATA_OUT I Serial, time division multiplexed output stream to AC 197 Codec from OTI-610 or OTI-611 ASDI 1 SDATA_IN 0 Oak Technology Description Serial, time division multiplexed output stream from AC 197 Codec to OTI-610 or OTI-611 8-6 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics ARESET# ASDO ASDI ASClK AFS RESEll RESEll SDATA OUT SDATA IN BIT ClK SYNC SDATA_OUT SDATA_IN BIT_ClK SYNC -:::L D -=r Fx 24. 576 AC-Link MHz OTI-612 OTI-610 or or AC'97 CODEC OTI-611 Figure 8-3: AC-Link Connection to AC '97 Compatible Co dec 8.6 RESETTING THE AC '97 CODEC The AC '97 1. 2. 3. Codec Specification provides for three types of AC '97 Codec reset: a Cold AC '97 Reset where all AC '97 Codec logic (registers included) is initialized to its default state a Warm AC '97 Reset where the contents of the AC '97 Codec register set are left unaltered a Register Reset, which only initializes the AC '97 Codec registers to their default states The current Power Down state would ultimately dictate which form of AC '97 reset is appropriate. Unless a "cold" or "register" reset (a write to the Reset register) is performed, wherein the AC '97 Codec registers are initialized to their default values, the AC '97 Codec registers are required to keep state during all Power Down modes. After signaling a reset to AC '97 Codec, the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 wi II not attempt to play or capture audio data until it has sampled a "Co dec Ready" indication from the AC '97 Codec. 8.6.1 COLD AC 197 RESET A Cold Reset activates AC-Link as well as resets the AC '97 Codec. A Cold Reset of the AC '97 Codec is achieved by the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 driver asserting ARESET# (RESET#) low for the minimum specified time, or by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 asserting ARESET# (RESET#) low for the minimum specified time during its Power On sequence. By driving ARESET# (RESET#) low ASCLK (BIT_eLK), and ASDO (SDATA_OUT) will be activated, or re-activated as the case may be, by the AC '97 Codec. All AC '97 Codec control registers will be initialized to their default Power On reset values. ARESET# (RESET#) is an asynchronous input to the AC '97 Codec. Oak Technology 8-7 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 8.6.2 WARM AC 197 CODEC RESET A warm AC '97 Codec reset will re-activate the AC-Link without altering the currentAC '97 Codec register values. A Warm Reset is signaled by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 driver setting AFS (SYNC) high for a minimum of 1uS in the absence of ASCLK (BIT_ CLK). Within normal audio frames, AFS (SYNC) is a synchronous AC '97 Codec input. However, in the absence of ASCLK (BIT_CLK), AFS (SYNC) is treated as an asynchronous input used in the generation of a warm reset to the AC '97 Codec. The AC '97 Codec will not respond with the activation of ASCLK (BIT_CLK) until AFS (SYNC) has been driven low by the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 and has been sampled low again by the AC '97 Codec. This prevents the false detection of a new audio frame. 8.6.3 REGISTER RESET OF AC 197 CODEC A register reset of the AC '97 Codec is achieved by writing any value to the AC '97 Codec Reset register (Index OOh), which causes all registers to revert to their default values. 8.7 AC-LINK LOW POWER MODE The AC-Link signals can be placed in a low-power mode. When the AC '97 Codec General Purpose register (20h) is programmed to the appropriate value, both AC-Link signals, ASCLK (BIT_CLK) and ASDI (SDATA_IN), will be brought to and held at a logic low-voltage level. -----II AFS \~--- ASCLK ASDO ASDI NOTE: ASCLK not to scale Figure 8-4: AC-Link Power Down Operation ASCLK (BIT_CLK) and ASDI (SDATA_IN) from the AC '97 Codec to the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 are transitioned low immediately (within the maximum specified time) following the decode of the write to the General Purpose register (26h) with PR4. When the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 driver is ready to program the AC-Link into its low-power mode, slots 1 and 2 are assumed to be the only valid stream in the audio output frame. At this point in time it is assumed that all sources of audio input have also been neutralized. The OTI-61 0/OTI-611 driver should also drive the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 AC-Link signals, AFS (SYNC) and ASDO (SDATA_OUT), low after programming AC '97 to this low-power, "halted" mode. Oak Technology 8-8 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics 8.7.1 WAKING UP AC-LlNK Once the AC '97 Codec has been instructed to halt BIT_ClK, a special "wake up" protocol must be used to bring the AC-Link to the active mode since normal audio output and input frames cannot be communicated in the absence of BIT_ClK. There are two methods for bringing the AC-Link out of a low power, halted mode: Cold AC '97 Reset and Warm AC '97 Reset. The current Power Down state would ultimately dictate which form of AC '97 reset is appropriate. Regardless of the method used, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 will perform the wake-up task. Once powered down, re-activation of the AC-Link via re-assertion of the AFS (SYNC) signal (Warm AC '97 Reset method) must not occur for a minimum of four audio frame times following the frame in which the Power Down was triggered. When AC-Link powers up it indicates readiness via the Codec Ready bit (input slot 0, bit 15). 8.7.2 EXAMPLES OF AC-LlNK POWER DOWN OPERATIONS The following illustrations and text are taken directly from the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification. PR1=O PR2=O DAC=1 ANL=1 & & Ready = 1 ~ Figure 8-5: One Example of AC '97 Power Down & Power Up Flow The above figure illustrates one example procedure to do a complete power down ofAC /97. From normal operation, sequential writes to the General Purpose Register are performed to power down AC /97 a piece at a time. After everything has been shut off, a final write (of PR4) can be executed to shut down the AC '97's digital interface (AC-Link). The part will remain in sleep mode with all its registers holding their static values. To wake up, the AC '97 controller will send pulse on the sync line issuing a warm reset. This will restart AC '97's digital interface (resetting PR4 to zero). AC '97 can also be woken up with a cold reset. A cold reset will cause a loss of values of the registers as a cold reset will set them to their default states. When a section is powered back on the Power Down Control/Status register (index 26h) should be read to verify that the section is ready (i.e., stable) before attempting any operation that requires it. Oak Technology 8-9 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 . ""'- PRO=O./ . ""'- P R 1=0 . / & ADC=1 & DAC=1 Figure 8-6: AC '97 Power Down & Power Up Flow with Analog Still Alive The above figure illustrates a state when all the mixers should work with the static volume settings that are contained in their associated registers. This is used when the user could be playing a CD (or external LINE_IN source) through AC '97 to the speakers but have most of the system in low power mode. The procedure for this follows the previous except that the analog mixer is never shut down. 8.8 TESTABILITY The AC '97 Specification lists two test modes. One is for ATE in-circuit tests and the other is optional for vendor,.. specific tests. Regardless of the test mode, the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 must issue a "cold" reset to resume normal operation of theAC '97 Codec. All AC-Link signals are normally low through the trailing edge of ARESET# (RESET#). When the AC '97 Codec is placed in the ATE in-circuit test mode, its digital AC-Link outputs (i.e., BIT_ClK and SDATA_IN) are driven to a high-impedance state. This allows ATE in-circuit testing of the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 digital controller. The AC '97 Codec enters the ATE in-circuit test mode when the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 drives ASDO (SDATA_OUT) high at the trailing edge of ARESET# (RESET#) and the AC '97 Codec samples ASDO (SDATA_OUT) as high at the trailing edge of ARESET# (RESET#). Oak Technology 8-10 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics 8.9 AC-LINK DC AND AC CHARACTERISTICS The AC '97 Specification recommends that the digital AC-Link interface portion of the AC '97 Codec component be capable of operating at either 5V or 3.3Y, depending on which DVdd is supplied to it. The AC '97 Specification lists DVdd for the AC '97 Codec at DVdd = 5V or DVdd = 3.3Y, or alternatively, DVdd=5Vor DVdd=3V (recommended). Consult the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification for complete details on the AC '97 Codec DC characteristics. The AC '97 Specification also states that when designed into an AC '97 system, the AC '97 digital controller and AC '97 Codec should always run off the same DVdd voltage level. The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 digital controllers operate only at Vdd = +5VDC. Therefore, when interfaced to an AC '97 Codec, the AC '97 Codec DVdd must also operate at +5VDC. 8.9.1 DC CHARACTERISTICS The table below represents the DC characteristics of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 for AC-Link signals ARESET# (RESET#), AFS (SYNC), ASCLK (BIT_CLK), ASDI (SDATA_IN), and ASDO (SDATA_OUT). Parameter Symbol Min Type Max Units Input Voltage Range V.10 -0.30 - DVdd + 0.30 V Low Level Input Voltage Vii - - 0.30 x Vdd V High Level Input Voltage V ih 0.40 x Vdd - - V High Level Output Voltage V Oh 0.50 x Vdd - - V Low Level Output Voltage VOl - - 0.20 x Vdd V Input leakage Current (RESET#, SYNC, SDATA_OUT, AClink Inputs) - -10 - 10 uA Input leakage Current (BIT_ClK, SDATA_IN, AC-link Outputs) - -10 - 10 uA Output Buffer Drive Current - - 5 - rnA Note: Tamb'lent = 25°C, AVdd =Vdd = 5VDC; AVss =Vss = OV; 50pF external load) Oak Technology 8-11 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 8.9.2 Tambient 8.9.3 ACTIMING CHARACTERISTICS = 25°C, AVdd =Vdd = 5VDC; AVss =Vss = OV; 50pF external load) RESET Cold Reset TrsClow Trst2clk ARESET# AFS - _ _ _flJLfU1J Figure 8-7: Cold AC '97 Reset Timing Parameter Symbol Min Type Max Units ARESET (RESET#) active low pulse width Trst.low 1.0 - - uS ARESET (RESET#) inactive to ASCLK (BIT_CLK) startup delay Trst2c1k 162.8 - - nS Warm Reset _----J} T_~~h ~_T_syn_c2_Clk--+~I_ _ __ AFS ASCLK ________________________~~ Figure 8-8: WarmAC '97 Reset Timing Parameter Symbol Min Type Max Units AFS (SYNC) active high pulse width Tsync_high - 1.3 - uS AFS (SYNC) inactive to ASCLK (BIT_CLK) startup delay Tsync2c1k 162.8 - - nS Oak Technology 8-12 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics 8.10 CLOCKS (50pF external load) Parameter Symbol ASCLK (BIT_ CLK) frequency ASCLK (BIT_ CLK) period Tclk...period ASCLK (BIT_CLK) output jitter Min Type Max Units - 12.288 - MHz - 81.4 - nS - - 750 pS ASCLK (BIT_CLK) high pulse width (note 1) Tclk_high 32.56 40.7 48.84 nS ASCLK (BIT_ CLK) low pulse width (note 1) Tclk...low 32.56 40.7 48.84 nS - 48.0 - KHz AFS (SYNC) frequency AFS (SYNC) period T sync~n "od - 20.8 - uS AFS (SYNC) high pulse width Tsync_high - 1.3 - uS AFS (SYNC) low pulse width TsyncJow - 19.5 - uS SYNC J Tsync_high Figure 8-9: Clock Timing Oak Technology 8-13 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 8.11 DATA SETUP AND HOLD (50pF external load) Symbol Min Type Max Units Setup to faiiing edge of ASCLK (BiT_eLK) Tsetup 15.0 - - nS Hold from falling edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLIO Tho1d 5.0 - - nS Parameter Tsetup ASCLK 1 r- 11\~_-J7t \---- ASDI, ASDO AFS ~---II",-- Thold Figure 8-10: Data Setup and Hold Timing Oak Technology 8-14 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics 8.12 SIGNAL RISE AND FALL TIMES (50pF external load) Parameter Symbol Min Type Max Units ASCLK (BIT_CLK) rise time Triseclk 2 - - nS ASCLK (BIT_ CLK) fall time Tfallclk 2 - - nS AFS (SYNC) rise time Trisesync 2 - - nS AFS (SYNq fall time Tfallsync 2 - - nS ASDI (SDATA_IN) rise time Trisedin 2 - - nS ASDI (SDATA_QUT) fall time Tfall din 2 - nS ASDO (SDATA_QUT) rise time Trisedout 2 - - nS ASDO (SDATA_ QU7) fall time Tfall dout 2 - - nS ASCLK ~ :I L j I: T rise"" Tfalldk ~j :I ~ Tfall AFS Trisesync ASDI ~ :I L j I: Trise"'n ASDO sync Tfalldin ~ Trisedout :I L j I: Tfalldout Figure 8-11: AC '97 Signals Rise and Fall Times Oak Technology 8-15 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 8.13 AC-LINK LOW-POWER MODE TIMING Parameter End of Slot 2 to ASCLK (BIT_CLK), ASDI (SDATA_IN) low AFS SLOT 1 Symbol Min Type Max Units Ts2..Jldown - - 1.0 uS SLOT 2 ASCLK AS DO DON'T CARE WRITE TO 0x26 ASDI NOTE: ASCLK NOT TO SCALE Figure 8-12: AC-Link Low-Power Mode Timing Oak Technology 8-16 Technical Specification AC-Link Characteristics 8.14 ATE IN-CIRCUIT TEST MODE TIMING Parameter Setup to trailing edge of ARESET# (RESET#) Symbol Min Type Max Units Tsetup2rst 15.0 - - nS Toff - - 25.0 nS Rising edge of ARESET# (RESET#) to Hi-Z delay t RESET# SDATA_OUT d SDATA_IN, BIT_elK Hi-Z TOft Figure 8-13: ATE In-Circuit Test Mode Timing Oak Technology 8-17 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 (This page intentionally left blank) Oak Technology 8-18 Technical Specification ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS CHAPTER 9 9.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS The values listed below are stress ratings only. Functional operation at the maximum ratings is not recommended or guaranteed. The device's reliability is affected if the device is operated for extended periods at maximum ratings. Electrostatic discharge damage may result from high static voltages or electric fields. Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit AVoo Analog Power Supply -0.3 7.0 V DVoo Digital Power Supply -0.3 7.0 V VIA Analog Input Voltage -0.3 7.0 V VIO Digital Input Voltage -0.3 7.0 V Veso ESD Tolerance (Human Body Model per Method 3015.2 of MIL-STD-883B) 2 KV TOPER Operating Temperature 0 +70 °C TSTG Storage Temperature -65 +150 °C 1800 mW POMAX Maximum Power Dissipation at TJ = 125°C Oak Technology 9-1 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 9.2 DC SPECIFICATIONS Unless otherwise noted, electrical characteristics of the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 are specified over the operation range. Typical values for: VDD = AVDD = +5VDC ± 5°1o VSS = AVSS = OVDC The table below lists the DC specifications of the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 , except for five signals specifically used as the AC-Link connection to AC '97 Codecs. DC Specifications (except AC-Link Signals): Symbol Parameter Min. Voh Output High Voltage 2.4 VOl Output Low Voltage Vol Max. Unit Condition Notes V loh = 400 uA 0.4 V 101 = 18 mA TxD pin Output Low Voltage 0.4 V 101 = 4 mA All other output pins except PC! types Vol Output Low Voltage 0.4 V 101 = 2 mA PC! Interface pins V ih Input High Voltage 2.0 DVdd +0.5 V TTL Vii Input Low Voltage -0.5 0.8 V TTL V.IS Schmidt Input Voltage 2.4 DVdd +0.5 V Schmidt V.Ie CMOS Input Voltage 3.8 DVdd +0.5 V CMOS III Input Leakage Current -10 10 uA °u Output Leakage Current -10 10 uA Icc Operating Supply Current 245 270 mA mA Icc-po Operating Supply Current Power Down Mode 33 mA lavdd AVdd Current 500 uA C, Input Capacitance 8 pF Co Output Capacitance 8 pF C,o I/O Capacitance 8 pF Note: DVdd = 5V DVdd = 5.25V AVdd = 5V TA = O°C to 70°C;VDD =AVDD =5V +/1 5°/o;VSS = AVSS = OV For complete details, consult Chapter 6. Oak Technology 9-2 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics AC-Link Signal List: OTI-610/0TI-611 Signal Name Type OTI-612 or AC 197 Codec Signal NameAC-Link Signal Name Type ARESET# 0 RESET# I Master HIW Reset to AC '97 Codec from OTI-610 or OTI-611 AFS 0 SYNC I 48-KHz fixed rate sample sync from OTI-610 or OTI-611 ASClK I BIT_ClK 0 12.288-MHz serial data clock (Fxl2 from AC '97 Codec) to OTI-610 or OTI-611. Fx=24.576 MHz ASDO 0 SDATA_OUT I Serial, time division multiplexed output stream to AC '97 Codec from OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 ASDI I SDATA_IN 0 Serial, time division multiplexed output stream from AC '97 Codec to OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 Description Data from the table below applies to the following OTI-61 010TI-611 Signals when used as an AC-Link connection to the OTI-612 or an AC '97 compatible codec in an AC '97 system design. AC-Link Signals DC Characteristics: Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units VIN Input Voltage Range -0.30 5.3 V Vll low level Input Voltage - 0.8 V VIH High level Input Voltage 2.0 - V VOH High level Output Voltage 2.4 - V VOL low level Output Voltage - 0.55 V - Input leakage Current (AC-Link inputs) -10 10 uA - Output leakage Current (Hi-Z'd AC-Link outputs) -10 10 uA Note: TA = O°C to 70°C;VDD =AVDD Oak Technology = 5V +/1 Condition Notes IOl = 5.0 mA Typ 5%;VSS =AVSS = OV 9-3 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 9.3 AC SPECIFICATIONS Unless otherwise noted, electrical characteristics are specified over the operation range. Typical value forVDD = AVDD = +5VDC ± 5%, VSS = AVSS = OVDC AC specifications for AC-Link signals when used in an AC '97 system are given in Chapter 8 and in Section 9.4. 9.3.1 RESET TIMING Parameter Symbol t RESET# l twoMV twoMvH Min. RST# Low Time Typ Units 32 nS 5 WDM Valid Hold Time Notes LCLK 1 WDM Valid Time from RST# Rising Edge RST# Max nS --------\~----~f-------------------tWDM ~4 tWDMVH : ~14 ~; ~DMD~5~1 ~~~~~(~~V_A_U_D~~ ~DMA~~~ ~~~~~(~~V_A_U_D~~ Figure 9-1: PCI Reset and Jumper Latch Timing Oak Technology 9-4 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 9.3.2 PCI CLOCK REQUIREMENT Min. Parameter Symbol Typ Max. Units \.cKP PC! Bus Clock Period 30 nS tPCKl PCI Bus Clock Low Time 12 nS \.cKH PCI Bus Clock High Time 12 nS Notes LCLK Figure 9-2: PCI Clock Timing Oak Technology 9-5 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 9.3.3 PCI BUS TIMING (1/0 READ OPERATION) Symbol Min. Parameter tSPCI Input Setup Time to LCLK 7 t HPC1 Input Hold Time to LCLK 0 tpPCI Output Propagation Delay Time from LCLK 2 Typ Max. Units Notes nS 20 nS 11 nS nS o pF Load 50 pF Load LCLK FRAME# ~4 tSPc~~4 tHPr : AD[31:0] ~ hADD~ESS~ j :4 . ~ tpPCI _--!~_4--c~\ \ ... : I:.: : tpPCI DATA 1 ) \ _ r:~. ......_ _ ~ _ _ _-:--_ _ _ ~ tSPcI1 tHPCI ~:4 ~: ~B~~~~~~====:=========B=E=#=~=~=]=:==)~--------~ tHPCI i+--+ tSPCI : +--.: IRDY# ~~\~~~--~~--~~~~ ~ tpPCI :+---+: TRDY# . : ~--------~\~ ~ __ ~ tpPCI j+---+.' ~l~~----~--~----~ tpPCI ~ ------------,\'--_-!--__~/ DEVSEL#~; ~ tpPCI VALI~~--~---- PAR Figure 9-3: PCI Bus Timing (I/O Read Operation) Oak Technology 9-6 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 9.3.4 PCI BUS TIMING (I/O WRITE OPERATION) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ Max. tSPCI Input Setup Time to LCLK 7 nS t Input Hold Time to LCLK 0 nS Output Propagation Delay Time from LCLK 2 HPC1 tPPCI 11 Notes Units nS nS o pF Load 50 pF Load LCLK . FRAME# : tSPCI: ~ n\....--!---·---;.,...J/ ~4 tSPc~~4 tHPr'. tsp~ AD[31:0] ~~~~1~~-D-~-A-1~:~)~'~~~~~~~~~. ~ CBE#[3:0] ~. tHPr' . ~ :.. . tSPCI ~ t HPC1 ~:.. ~: ~ . .r---+.:ri C[3'·.:O] X':.: 1 . . - ._ ~--.)}--------------~ BE-#-[3-:0-]--1 _ _ ....;..---1. _ IRDY# TRDY# ~ t pPC1 ~ DEVSEL#;- ---------------;\'----!-----J/ Figure 9-4: PCI Bus Timing (I/O Write Operation) Oak Technology 9-7 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 9.3.5 PCI BUS MASTER REQUESTTIMING Symbol Min. Parameter Typ Max. Units tSPC1 Input Setup Time to LCLK 7 nS t HPC1 Input Hold Time to LCLK 0 nS - .. -~ Output Propagation Delay Time from LCLK tpPCI Notes 2 11 nS nS o pF Load 50 pF Load LCLK :,' t pPC1 :.---.:, , REQ# n,---~ _______ , tSPCI GNT# ' : t PPCI: ' ' ~ ~--+------,:-------: --~-~--,I- i tHPCI i ~ M \'----+-----i-_~----+---'!r-------7---~ Figure 9-5: PCI Bus Master Request 9.3.6 PCI BUS MASTER READIWRITETIMING Symbol Min. Parameter Typ Max. Units tSPCI Input Setup Time to lCLK 7 nS tHPC1 Input Hold Time to LCLK 0 nS ~PCI Output Propagation Delay Time from LCLK 2 Oak Technology 9-8 11 nS nS Notes o pF Load 50 pF Load Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 2 4 3 5 7 6 LCLK 1 t ppc, l 1 t pPC1 i4--+i FRAME# n'----:-----i------+-----+----:-1----'1-~----! 1 tppc,l ~ AD[31 :0] i4---+! 1 t pPC1 i4--+. i I\ i iADD~ESS 'H: : 1 t ppc, l ~ 1 t pPC1 i4--+. :4 t SPC1 1 1 t HPC1 ~: Vi) ~ DATt 1 _ i+-+. (READ!) ADATA;,':' " '2.X. v:,:,: DATA!::' 3 ) .)-. -.--! t SPC1 ~~~~~~~*~~-----B-~-~-~-]·:-------~}~-~ 1 t pPC1 ~ IROY# : t pPC1 ~ !""---~~\'__+--__~--.;.._--~--~l--'l---: t SPC1 ;4 TROY# : t HPC1 ~~4 ~; ~~--~\~~l~\~~ __~/ : t SPC1 : t HPC1 i+--+. !+-+. j , __- - - i ----------i-_\ OEVSEL#""': 1 t pPC1 ~ AD[31:0] ~ HADD~ESS~ tp~I' H ! i4----+. CBE#[3:0] : t pPC1 :: ;. 1 WR'TEDATA~l It pPC1 !4-+. C[~:O] ~ t pPC1 1 t pPC1 BE#[3:0] -1 X DAT~3 }~--i __ 1~ B_E#_[3_:_0]_-_2__o__'XBE#[3:~ }~--! : . 1 t pPC1 i+--+. :) PAR WRITE DATA 2 i \ -3 : t pPC1 ~ i ~_~~'~~ i VALI~ ~~ VALI~ X i VALID! Figure 9-6: PCI Bus Master ReadlWrite Timing Oak Technology 9-9 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 9.3.7 ROM MEMORY INTERFACETIMING WDMCE1# ROMCE: ROMOE# L-- BYTE: Vcc- WDMA(19:0) ROMA(19:0) WDMD[15:0) ROMD[15:0) ~ ~ 1M x 16 UM23C16100M or equivalent OTI-610 OTI-611 Parameter Symbol Min. Typ Chip Enable Pulse Width teEW Max. Units 150 nS Notes ROM Requirements: Symbol Parameter Min. Typ Max. Units tACE Chip Enable Access Time 70 nS tAOE Output Enable Access Time 70 nS tHZ Data Hold Time to Hi-Z 30 nS ~ WDMCE1# : (ROMCE#) WDMCE1# : (ROMOE#) j . tCEW \'---_ _ _ _----1/ ~\ .. '------------'1 X~________V_A_L_ID__A_D_D_R_ES_S___________X~ WDMA[19:0] :4 :+-- WDMD[15:0] Notes : tACE --------------+~: tHZ ______ j ~ !----------~-------------__4( VALID ~TA -------! ).l-: Figure 9-7: External CMOS Mask ROM Interface Timing Requirements Oak Technology 9-10 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 9.3.8 SRAM MEMORY INTERFACE TIMING WDMCE2# WDMCE1# WDMOE# WDMAI19] WDMAIl8:0] WDMDIlS:O) ....:-r-- .. CS# OE# WE# WDMAIl8:0] WDMD[lS:0) ~ S12x16SRAM -~ :.....- CS# OE# -- WE# WDMAIl8:0) WDMD[lS:0) OTI-610 OTI-611 512Kx16 SRAM Parameter Symbol Min. Typ Chip Enable Pulse Width tCEW Max. Units 150 nS Max. Units Notes SRAM Requirements (maximum): Min. Parameter Symbol Typ tACE Chip Enable Access Time 70 nS tAOE Output Enable Access Ti me 70 nS tHZ Data Hold Time to Hi-Z 30 nS Notes tCEW WDMCE1# : \~--------'/ WDMCE2# ~ l \~ _ _ _ ____l/ WDMCE1#~ WDMA[19:0] WDMD[15:0] ~i-! l\~-----JI t- _ _ _ _- - - - ;_ _ ...IX~_____VA_L_ID_A_D_D_R_E_S_S_...;..._----JX'----.....;; ~ ~: _tAOE ~ ~---------------~~------------------------------~(~'-VA-L-ID~d(iA~~---------------~ Figure 9-8: External SRAM Memory Interface Timing Requirements Oak Technology 9-11 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 9.4 AC-LINK TIMING CHARACTERISTICS A breakout of the signals connecting the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 to an AC '97 Codec is shown in the table and figure below. Type OTI-612 or AC 197 CodecSignai NameAC-Link Signal Name Type ARESET# 0 RESET# I Master HIW Reset to AC 197 Codec from OTI-610 or OTI-611 AFS 0 SYNC I 48-KHz fixed rate sample sync from OTI-610 or OTI-611 ASClK I BIT_ClK 0 12.288-MHz serial data clock (Fxl2 from AC 197 Codec) to OTI-610 or OTI-611. Fx=24.S76 MHz ASDO 0 SDATA_OUT I Serial, time division multiplexed output stream to AC 197 Codec from OTI-61 0 or OTI-611 ASDI I SDATA_IN 0 Serial, time division multiplexed output stream from AC 197 Codec to OTI-610 or OTI-611 - .... _.. -.. - .... _.... Signal Name Description Note: Unless otherwise noted, Tambient = 25 0 C, AVdd = DVdd = 5VDC; AVss = DVss = OV; 50pF external load Throughout the rest of this section on AC-Link timing, AC-Link signal names will be given along with the equivalent OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 signal names. AC-Link signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. Tables containing signal names will show both the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 and AC-Link signal names in the same way. Example: 011-610/011-611 Signal Name ARESET# AC-Link Signal Name (RESET#) liming diagrams will be presented with the OTI-61 O/OTI-611 signal name in the illustration. ARESET# ASDO ASDI ASClK AFS RESET: RESET: SDATA OUT SDATA IN BIT ClK SYNC SDATA.OUT SDATA.IN BIT.ClK SYNC r:L D Fx 24. 576 AC-Link M Hz 011-612 or 011-610 or 011-611 AC'97 CODEC Figure 9-9: OT/·61 O/OTI-611 AC-Link Connection to an AC '97 Compatible Codec Oak Technology 9-12 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 9.4.1 AC-L1NK RESETTIMING Cold Reset Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units ARESET (RESETIf) Active Low Pulse Width Trst.low 1.0 - - uS ASCLK (BIT_eLK) Startup Delay from ARESET# (RESETIf) high Trst2c1k 162.8 - - uS ARESET# _ _ _{ AFS T rnU~ J,--T_rS_t2C_lk_.+I____ _ _ _ _rmJlJ1f Figure 9-10: AC-Link Cold Reset Timing Warm Reset Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units AFS (SYNC) active High Pulse Width Tsync_h"Igh - 1.3 - uS AFS (SYNC) Inactive to ASCLK (BIT_CLK) Startup Delay Tsync2c1k 162.8 - - uS ____J ~~ ~\-T_syn_c2_Clk--fo'I T AFS _ _ __ ASCLK _______________________________~ Figure 9-11: AC-Link Warm Reset Timing Oak Technology 9-13 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 9.4.2 CLOCKS (50pF external load) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units - 12.288 - MHz - 81.4 - nS - - 750 pS 'ASClK (BIT_eLK) Frequency ASClK (BIT_eLK) Period TIck_persod 0 ASClK (BIT_eLK) Output jitter ASClK (BIT_CLK) High Pulse Width' Tclk_high 32.56 40.7 48.84 nS ASClK (BIT_ CLK) low Pulse Width' TclkJow 32.56 40.7 48.84 nS - 48.0 - KHz - 20.8 - uS 1.3 - uS 19.5 - uS AFS (SYNC) Frequency AFS (SYNC) Period Tsync.J)erl00d AFS (SYNC) High Pulse Width Tsync_high AFS (SYNC) Low Pulse Width TsyncJow Note: lWorst case duty cycle restricted to 40/60. ASCLK 14----- T clkJ)eriod - - - - . . AFS '-----/1--" 14----- TsyncJ)eriod Figure 9-12: AC-Link Clock Timing Oak Technology 9-14 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 9.4.3 DATA SETUP AND HOLD (50pF external load) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Setup to Falling Edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK) Tsetup 15.0 - - nS Hold from Falling Edge of ASCLK (BIT_CLK) Tho1d 5.0 - - nS Tsetup ASCLK 1 I-- I 1\'--_---'71 \'---- ASDI, ASDO AFS If----I~- Thold Figure 9-13: AC-Link Data Setup and Hold Timing Oak Technology 9-15 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 9.4.4 SIGNAL RISE AND FALL TIMES (SOpF external load) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units ASCLK (BIT_CLK) Rise Time TriseC:;IK.. 2 - - nS ASCLK (BIT_CLK) Fall Time Tfallclk 2 - - nS AFS (SYNC) Rise Time Trisesync 2 - - nS AFS (SYNC) Fall Time Tfallsync 2 - - nS ASDI (SDATA_IN) Rise Time Trisedin 2 - - nS ASDI (SDATA_IN) Fall Time Tfall din 2 - nS ADSO (SDATA_OUT) Rise Time Trisedout 2 - - ADSO (SDATA_OUT) Tall Time Tfall dout 2 - - nS ASCLK nS ~ :I L j 1:. Tfallclk Triseclk ~j AFS Trisesync ASDI I: Tfall sync ~ :I L j I: Tfalld;" Trisedin ASDO :I ~ Trisedout :I L j I: Tfalldout Figure 9-14: AC-Link Signal Rise and Fall Timing Oak Technology 9-16 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 9.4.5 AC-LlNK LOW POWER MODETIMING Parameter End of Slot 2 to ASCLK (BIT_CLK), ASDI (SDATA_IN) Low AFS SLOT 1 Symbol Min Typ Max Units Ts2.,.pdown - - 1.0 uS SLOT 2 ASCLK ASDO WRITE TO 0x26 DON'T CARE TS2.J)down ASDI NOTE: ASCLK NOT TO SCALE Figure 9-15: AC-Link Low Power Mode Trming 9.4.6 ATE IN-CIRCUITTEST MODE Parameter Setup to Trailing Edge of ARESET# (RESET#) Rising Edge of ARESET# (RESETIf) to Hi-Z Delay Symbol Min Typ Max Units Tsetup2rst 15.0 - - nS Toff - - 25.0 nS ARESET# ASDO ASDI, ASCLK Hi -Z Figure 9-16: AC-Link ATE Test Mode Trming Oak Technology 9-17 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 9.5 AUDIO/MODEM CODEC PORT TIMING (STLC7549) Throughout the rest of this section on STLC7549 Audio/Modem Codec timing, STLC7549 signal names will be given along with the equivalent OTI-611 signal names. STLC7549 signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. T:::thlp, n:::tmp, r71l4q ,i(Jn:::t1 -n:::tmp, in thp .-_._- rnnt:::tinin(J -_··--·····-0 ,ion:::tl --0- .-... - ... -- will ... -- ,how --.- ...hnth - ---. thp ---- nTI-h11 - - - - - - :::tnrl ---- STI - . --- -- --0-----.---- --. -.-- ,:::tmp --- .. - w:::tv ··-r Example: 011-611 Signal Name ARESET# S1LC7549 Signal Name (RESET#) liming diagrams will be presented with the OTI-611 signal name in the illustration. APWON# ARESET# ASOO ASOI ASCLK AFS AMCLK MSOO MSOI MSCLK MFS MMCLK 28 25 63 64 20 21 22 19 24 61 60 59 58 55 ~ !'i4 11 8 53 52 51 50 7 6 OTI-611 PDWN# RESET# .. SIN1 SOUT1 SCLK1 FSYNC1 MCLKA SIN2 SOUT2 SCLK2 FSYNC2 MCLKM STLC7549 Figure 9-17: Simplified Connection Diagram- OTI-611 to STLC7549 Oak Technology 9-18 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics ASCLK Tpda2 --.: AFS : Tpda2~ --1/' i+-: :\ i+- . : :. Tsckla ~:. ~ ~: Tsckha ~ Tsa2 ~ Tha2 ~ ==x . :. ASOI ASOO ~:. ~: X,-----,.X'--__ Tpda3~ X X :.- X--- Tckla Tckha AMCLK Tpda1---+i ASCLK !4- ______~!X~i----------. : Figure 9-18: OTI-611 to STLC75491iming Oak Technology 9-19 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 011-611 to S1LC7549Timing Chart: Parameter Symbol MCLKA STLC7549 Master Clock Input Range - Audio Codec AMCLK Master Ciock - Audio Codec MCLKM STLC7549 Master Clock Input Range - Modem Codec MMCLK Master Clock - Modem Co dec Min. Typ Max. Units 6.144 11.2896 12.288 MHz 11.2896 1.8432 2.4576 MHz 3.84 MHz 2.4576 MHz Tpwa Master Clock Period - Audio 1/AMCLK - Tpwm Master Clock Period - Modem 1/MMCLK - Tpda1 ASCLK (SCLK1) Output Delay from AMCLK Rising Edge 10 nS Tpda2 AFS (FSYNC1) Delay Time 10 nS Ts2 ASDI Setup Time to ASCLK (SCLK1) Fa"ing Edge 10 nS Th2 ASDI Hold Time from ASCLK (SCLK1) Fa"ing Edge 5 nS Tpda3 ASDO Delay from ASCLK (SCLK1) Rising Edge Tsckw1 ASCLK (SCLK1) Period Tsckh1 ASCLK (SCLK1) High Time 142 nS Tsckl1 ASCLK (SCLK1) Low Time 142 nS Tsckw1 MSCLK (SCLK2) Period Tsckh1 MSCLK (SCLK2) High Time 851 nS Tsckl1 MSCLK (SCLK2) Low Time 851 nS FSA Audio Sample Frequency FSM Modem Sample Frequency Note: 15 1/[64xFSA] 1I [64xFSM] nS S S AMCLKI[4xNx64] N=l, FSA=44.1 N=2, FSA=22.05 KHz KHz MMCLKI[4x64] Hz AMCLK and MMCLK depend upon software programming Oak Technology 9-20 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 9.6 AUDIO CODEC PORT TIMING (STLC7549AC) Throughout the rest of this section on STLC7549AC Audio Codec timing, STLC7549AC signal names will be given along with the equivalent OTI-61 0 signal names. STLC7549AC signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. Tables containing signal names will show both the OTI-61 0 and STLC7549AC signal names in the same way. Example: OTI-610 Signal Name ARESET# STlC7549AC Signal Name (RESET#) Timing diagrams will be presented with the OTI-61 0 signal name in the illustration. Note: Consult SGS Thomson STlC7549AC data sheet for complete technical specifications and applications information. APWDN# ARESET# ASDO ASDI ASCLK AFS AMCLK ?R 63 25 64 20 21 61 60 59 58 55 22 19 24 r PDWN# RESET# SIN1 soun SCLK1 FSYNC1 MCLKA STLC7549AC TCFP84PKG OTI-610 ~ Figure 9-19: Simplified Connection Diagram- OTl-610 to STLC7549AC Oak Technology 9-21 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 Tsckwa ASCLK Tpda2 AFS : Tpda2--.1 --L/ 1 ~ !4- j 1.- j :.. \ ~:.. ~: Tsckla 1 Tsckha ~ TSa2l Tha2 ~ ;.. ASDI ~;.. ~; J: . ASDO --=!=-x X.i.:'-------*'---Tpda3~ .x *,---14- Tckla Tckha AMCLK ASCLK Tpda1---.1 1+-- !X ----------~: ~:--------------- Figure 9-20: OT/-610 to STLC7549AC Timing Oak Technology 9-22 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics OTI-610 to STLC7549ACTiming Chart: Symbol Parameter Min. Typ Max. Units 6.144 11.2896 12.288 MHz MCLKA STLC7549AC Master Clock Input Range AMCLK Master Clock 11.2896 MHz Tpwa Master Clock Period 1/AMCLK - Tpda1 ASCLK (SCLK1) Output Delay from AMCLK Rising Edge 10 nS Tpda2 AFS (FSYNC1) Delay Time 10 nS Tsa2 ASDI Setup Time to ASCLK (SCLK1) Falling Edge 10 nS Tha2 ASDI Hold Time from ASCLK (SCLK1) Falling Edge 5 nS Tpda3 ASDO Delay from ASCLK (SCLK1) Rising Edge Tsckwa ASCLK (SCLK1) Period Tsckha ASCLK (SCLKl) High Time 142 nS Tsckla ASCLK (SCLK1) Low Time 142 nS FSA Audio Sample Frequency Note: 15 1/[64xAFS] 1/[64x(FSYNC1 )] AMCLKI[4xNx64] N=1, FSA=44.1 N=2, FSA=22.05 nS S KHz KHz AMCLK depends upon software programming Oak Technology 9-23 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 9.7 MODEM CODEC PORT TIMING (ST7546) Throughout the rest of this section on ST7546 Modem Codec timing, ST7546 signal names wiH be given along with the equivalent OTI-611 signal names. ST7546 signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. names in the same wav. Tables containing signal names will show both the OTI-611 and ST7546 sienal '-' """ v I Example: OTI-611 Signal Name ST7546 Signal Name MRESET# (RESET#) Timing diagrams will be presented with the OTI-611 signal name in the illustration. Note: Consult SGS Thomson ST7546 data sheet for complete technical specifications and applications information. MPWDN# I-.>L.----~_.. PWRDWN# MRESET_ RESET# MSDO I-.il-----..:.L.._.. DIN MSDI DOUT MSCLK SCLK MFS FS MMCLK MCLK CODEC_MODE HCO r---=---1 HC1 OTI-611 ST7546 TQFP44PKG Figure 9-21: OTJ-611 to ST7546 Simplified Connection Diagram MSCLK MFS ;t ~~i __7_'________~--2-~~i-~-l--~--4--------------------6~ l+-'~ 8~--.1~~9 MSDI MSDO -+1 ~ 11 HCO, HC1 )~-------------------------------------------------------Figure 9-22: OTJ-611 to ST7546 Serial Interface TIming Diagram Oak Technology 9-24 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics 011-611 to S17546 Timing Chart: Symbol N Parameter Min. Units MSCLK (SCLK) Period 300 nS 2 MSCLK (SCLK) Width Low 150 nS 3 MSClK (SCLK) Width High 150 nS 4 MSClK (SCLK) Rise Time 10 nS 5 MSClK (SCLK) Fall Time 10 nS 6 MFS (FS) Setup Ti me 20 nS 7 MFS (FS) Hold Time 20 nS 8 MDSI (DIN) Setup Time 20 nS 9 MDSI (DIN) Hold Time 0 nS 10 MSDO (DOUT) Valid Time 11 HCO, HC7 Setup Time 15 nS 20 nS 1.54 0.92 *Modem Master Clock, Derived from OTI-611 MClK (Main Clock) For MCLK = 36.864 MHz MMCLK Max. 1 ST7546 Master Clock Input Range MCLK Typ MHz 2.8 *MClKl32 MHz 1.152 MHz 868 nS Tpw Modem Master Clock Cycle Tph Pulse Width High 45 55 % Tpl Pulse Width low 45 55 % ___{ T mUow 1___ TrSt2Clk ---+--j_ MRESET# Figure 9-23: OTI-611 to ST7546 Reset Timing 011-611 to S17546 ResetTiming Chart: Parameter Symbol TrsL10w MRESET# (RESET#) active low pulse width Oak Technology 9-25 Min. Typ Max. Units Notes 100 - - nS - Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 9.8 TDM AUDIO/MODEM CODEC PORT TIMING (AD1843) Throughout the rest of this section on AD1843 Modem Codec timing, AD1843 signal names will be given along with the equivalent OTI-611 signal names. AD1843 signal names appearing in descriptive text will be printed in italics and will be enclosed within parentheses. T;:)hlp~ c:ont;:)inim~' 0 -si~nal -0 --_._._- __ 00 __ ._. names names in the same wav. - . will show both the OTI-611 and AD1843 si2:nal V I Example: OTI-611 Signal Name ARESET# AD1843 Signal Name (RESET#) Timing diagrams will be presented with the OTI-611 signal name in the illustration. Note: Consult Analog Devices AD1843 data sheet for complete technical specifications and applications information. 28 25 APWDN# ARESET# 51 '" 80 20 ASDO 21 ASDI 22 ASCLK 19 AFS AMCLK I ACONV1 23 PWRDWN# RESET# 1 79 2 501 500 SCLK SOFS 67 71 CONV1 CONV2 - MSDO MSDI MSCLK - 8 MFS ~ MMCLK ,...- OTI-611 AD1843 8O-p1l'l PQFPpkg Figure 9-24: OT/-611 to AD1843 Simplified Connection Diagram Oak Technology 9-26 Technical Specification Electrical Characteristics ~ Tsckwa --+~ ASCLK , , , , Tpd1 AFS --+. ~ Tafs--'; :+-: : ~ \'-----!-------{I---~--- Th Ts :4 ~:4 ~: X ASDI==X ( ASDO Bit 15 X Bit 14 --+. i+Bit 15 X Bit 14 \~ Bit 0 X'---_~~ x== -+.:+- Bit 0 Thz )>-:- - - ~: Trpwl ARESET# '---_:::x X Tdv ________#--~i ,4 ~: Trpwl \~--------#--~I Figure 9-25: OTI-611 toAD18431iming Diagram Oak Technology 9-27 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 OTI-611 to AD18431iming Chart: Min. Typ Max Units AD1843 Master Clock Output Master Mode Only 12.288 16.384 MHz ASCLK Master Clock Input - Audio 12.288 16.384 MHz MSCLK Master Clock Input - Modem 12.288 MHz 1/ASCLK - Symbol SCLK Parameter Tpwa Master Clock Period Tpd1 AFS (SOFS) Delay Time from ASCLK Rising Edge Tafs AFS (SOFS) Pulse Width High 15 80 Ts ASDI Setup Time to ASCLK (SCLI<) Falling Edge 5 Th ASDI Hold Time from ASCLK (SCLI<) Falling Edge 5 Tpda3 Tdv Tsckwa Trpwl Thz nS nS (SDO) Delay from ASCLK (SCLI<) Rising Edge 10 nS ASDO Valid Delay from ASCLK (SCLK) Rising Edge 15 nS 1/[64xAFS] 1/[64x(FSYNCl )] ASCLK (SCLK) Period ARESET# (RESET#) and APWDN_ (PWROWN#) Low Pulse Width (500) Hi-Z State Delay from ASCLK (SCLK) Oak Technology S 100 nS 15 9-28 nS Technical Specification Electri cal Characteristics 9.9 J2S PORT TIMING RIGHT LRCLK ; ;; ~ ;~~ RIGHT L_~ ________ ___________ : Tckh :: Tckl :: Twhd :: Twsu BCLK ~h! :~: Tcyc ~Tdsu HTdhd ~ x= ~~~ SDATA_ _----.JX'--_ _--JX,---LS-S---..X MSS Figure 9-26: OTI-611 F5 Port TIming Diagram OTI-611 PS PortTiming Chart: Symbol Min. Parameter Typ Max. Units 18.4 MHz Fbck BCLK Frequency Tcyc BCLK Cycle Time 54 nS Tckh BCLK HIGH Time 15 nS Tckl BCLK LOW Time 15 nS Tdsu SDATA Setup Time 12 nS Tdhd SDATA Hold Time 2 nS Twsu LRCLK Setup Time 12 nS Twhd LRCLK Hold Time 2 nS Oak Technology 9-29 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 (This page intentionally left blank) Oak Technology 9-30 Technical Specification THERMAL SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 10 The OTI-611 device operates properly when the Case Temperature (Tc) is within the specified temperature range of O°C to 70°C. Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit Condition 25 °CJWatt No airflow, with internal heat spreader in the package 0 +70 °C -65 +150 °C TJ Junction Temperature (at ambient temperature = 25°C) 55.6 6004 °C °C DVdd = 5.0V Po = 1220 mW DVdd = 5.25V Po = 1410 mW TJ Junction Temperature (at ambient temperature = 70°C) 107 116 °C °C DVdd DVdd 2200 mW aJA Package Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance TOPER Operating Temperature, Case (Te) TSTG Storage Temperature POMAX Note: Absolute Maximum Power Dissipation TJ =TA + aj/po Oak Technology specification for TJ Oak Technology DVdd = 5.25V maximum = 5.0V = 5.25V TJ = 125°C = 12SoC maximum 10-1 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 (This page intentionally left blank) Oak Technology 10-2 Technical Specification MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 11 The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 are packaged in the 160-pin PQFP plastic package. --r------l___+_ Hd nnr'nnnnnnnnMnII"'lMnnnr.,n~ne'DOOnDnnDOODDnnnnDnn" 'I 0 011-610 011-611 c e Oak Technology b 11-1 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 Inches Millimeter Symbol Min. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max. A1 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.002 0.010 0.020 A2 3.17 3.32 3.47 0.125 0.131 0.137 b 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.008 0.012 0.016 c 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.004 0.006 0.008 D 27.90 28.00 28.10 1.098 1.102 1.106 E 27.90 28.00 28.10 1.098 1.102 1.106 e - 0.65 - - 0.026 - Hd 30.95 31.20 31.45 1.218 1.228 1.238 He 30.95 31.20 31.45 1.218 1.228 1.238 L 0.65 0.80 0.95 0.025 0.031 0.037 L1 - 1.60 - - 0.063 - Y - - 0.08 - - 0.003 e 0 - 10 0 - 10 Oak Technology 11-2 Technical Specification OTI-611 HSP FAX/DATA APPENDIX A A.l MODEM HSP FAX/MODEM The Host Signal Processing (HSP) based fax/modem software is supplied with and only works with the OTI-611 TeiAudia3D audio/communications accelerator. The HSP-based fax/modem software supplied with the OTI-611 is fully compliant to International Telecommunications Union (lTU)V.34 andV.34+ (sometimes known asV.34bis) specifications and well as ITU Group 3 facsimile standards. It also conforms to the industry-standard AT Command Set for fax/data modems. The HSP fax/modem currently supportsV.34N.34+, but can be upgraded to support 56 Kbps at the time the ITU publishes its final 56-Kbps standard specification. A.l.l SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT All modem data pump and controller functions are performed in software, utilizing the power of the computer central processing unit (CPU) and system memory (RAM). The HSPY.34 fax/modem is supplied as executable code, and is part of the OTI-611 installation software. The executable code is designed to work with the hardware support structures within the OTI-611 to interface between the HSP software and external hardware modem codec and Data Acquisition Answer (DAA) structure which connects to the public switched telephone network (PSTN), thus forming a completely functional data and fax modem. The HSP V.34 executable code is intended to operate in a Windows 95 software environment and functions as a legitimate Windows 95 application when used with the OTI-611 in an audio and communications design. A.l.2 HARDWARE ENVIRONMENT The HSPV.34 fax/modem code is available for Pentium class and Pentium MMX class based computer systems. Minimum system recommendations in the OTI-611 environment are: • Operating System - Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 • CPU - 1 66-MHz Pentium class or Pentium MMX class • Total System RAM - 32MB • Free Hard Disk Space - 2MB Oak Technology A-l Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 A.2 STANDARD FEATURES • V.34 (28.8 Kbps)/\l.34+ (33.6 Kbps) data modem, capable for upgrading to 56 Kbps • Group 3 fax modem to 14,400 bps • Industry-standard AT Commands • EIA Class 1 Fax Commands • VA2 LAPM & MNP 2-4 Error Correction • \l.42bis & MNP 5 Data Compression • Tone or pulse dial support A.3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Data Standards: ITU-T \1.21 ITU-T \1.22 ITU-T \l.22bis ITU-T \1.23 ITU-T \1.32 ITU-T \l.32bis ITU-T \1.34 0-300 bps 1,200 bps 2,400 bps 1,200175 bps 9,600 bps 14,400 bps 28,800 bps 33,600 bps 0-300 bps 1,200 bps ITU-T V.34+ Bell 103 Bell 212A Facsimile Standards: ITU-T \1.21 ITU-T \1.17 ITU-T \1.27 ter ITU-T \1.29 300 bps Channel 1 14,400 bps 4,800 bps 9,600 bps Asynchronous Data: Start Bits 1 1 1 1 Data Bit~ 7 7 8 8 Pari~ Bits odd or even mark or space none none Stop Bits 1 or 2 1 or 2 2 1 or 2 Error Correction: ITU-T \1.42 LAPM and MNP 2-4 Data Compression: ITU-T VA2bis and MNP 5 Oak Technology A-2 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem Communications: Receive Sensitivity: Transmit Level: -43 dBm -10 dBm (± 1 dBm) Adj. if allowed by PIT Pulse: Mark 33 or 39 mSec 67 or 61 mSec (decadic) 90 mSec DTMF 90 mSec DTMF Dialing: Tone: A.4 Space Duration Spacing AT COMMAND SET The HSPV.34 fax/modem supplied with the OTI-611 responds to the AT Commands listed in the table below. Parameters in bold type are the default values. Command Function AT Attention - this precedes all commands except N N Execute previous command - does not require aA Causes the modem to go off hook. If a call is coming in, the modem will try to answer it. The procedure for answering a call is a short silence and then an answer tone. Sending a character to the modem during this procedure will abort the answer procedure. The amount of time the modem will wait for a carrier is programmable by modifying the 57 register. BO B1 B2 D Dmn L W , , @ ! 5=(0-9) 1\ EO E1 Select CCITT V.22 (1200 bps) Select Bell 212A (1200 bps) Select CCiTT V23 Originate mode will transmit data at 75 bps and receive data at 1200 bps. Answer mode will transmit data at 1200 bps and receive data at 75 bps. The command NO (Disable Auto Mode) must be selected. D alone will take the modem off-hook and wait for a dial tone (see X command for exceptions). length of time to wait for a dial tone before dialing is programmable in register 56. The ATDmn will dial a phone number where m is a modifer: L, W, " ;, @, !, or S. It will dial the telephone number n. Dial last number. Wait for dial tone. If you have selected XO or Xl (disable dial tone detection), then you can use this modifier to override that setting. Pause during dial. The amount of time to pause is determined in register 58. Return to command mode after dialing. It doesn't wait for carrier or hang up. Wait for 5 seconds of silence. This is used to access systems that do not provide a dial tone. Hook flash. Causes the modem to go on-hook for 0.5 sec,onds. This is used in PBX systems and for voice features like call waiting. Dials a stored number. Up to ten numbers can be stored, and the addresses are from 0 to 9. To store a number into one of these addresses, use the &Z command. Turns on 1300-Hz calling tone. Commands issued to the modem are not echoed to the local terminal. This only matters in the command mode. It does not affect the modem's ability to send response codes. Commands are echoed to the local terminal. Oak Technology A-3 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 AT COMMAND SET (Cont'd) Command Function HO Hl Force modem on-hook (hang-up) Force modem off-hook (to answer or dial) iO 11 12 13 14 Reiurn Return Report Report Report numeric product code hardware variation code internal code software revision number product feature listing LO Speaker volume zero L1 Speaker volume low L2 L3 Speaker volume low Speaker volume low (hardware currently limits volume adjustment to on/off) MO Speaker always off M1 Speaker on until carrier detected M2 M3 Speaker always on Speaker on during answering only NO Disable auto-mode. This forces the modem to connect at the speed specified in register S37. N1 Enable auto-mode. The modem will answer at the highest available line speed and ignore any ATBn command. 00 Return to data mode. If you have entered the command mode using the time-independent escape sequence, this will put you back in data mode without going on-hook. Retrain the modem. If the line condition has changed since the original connection, retraining the modem will cause it to reconnect at the most efficient speed for the current line condition. 01 P QO Ql Sn Sn=m T Pulse dialing allows the modem to work on telephone networks where tone is not supported. Enable response to OTE. Disable response to DTE. The modem does not respond to the terminal. Issuing a command will not produce a response (unless the command is something like ATZ, which will restore this setting to default.) Set default S-register. Any subsequent = or ? commands will modify the default S register. Set register n to value m Tone dialing VO Result codes will be sent in numeric form. (See the result code table) V1 Result codes will be sent in word form. (See the result code table) WO Report DTE speed only. After connection, there will be no message about what Error .Correction or Data Compression protocol is in use. Wl W2 Report DCE speed, Error Correction/Data Compression protocol, and DTE speed. Report DCE speed only. XO Xl X2 X3 Send OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, ERROR, and NO ANSWER. Busy and Dial Tone Detection are disabled. Send XO messages and CONNECT speed. Send Xl message and NO DIAL TONE. Send X2 messages except NO DIAL TONE, BUSY, and RING BACK X4 Send all responses Oak Technology A-4 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem AT COMMAND SET (Cont'd) Command Function YO Yl Disable long space disconnect Enable long space disonnect; with error correction, hang up after sending 1.6-second long space; without error correction, hang up after 4-second long space. ZO Zl Reset modem to profi Ie 0 Reset modem to profile 1 =n Sets the value of the default S register ? Reports the value stored in the default S register &CO &Cl Force DCD on OeD follows remote carrier &00 &01 &02 &03 DTR DTR DTR DTR &F is assumed on drop causes modem back to command mode without disconnecting drop causes modem to hang up drop causes modem to be initialized; &Y determines which profile is loaded. Load factory profile &GO &Gl &G2 Disable guard tone Enable SSO-Hz guard tone Enable 1800-Hz guard tone on answering modem &KO &10 &K4 &KS &K6 Disable flow control Enable RTS/CTS flow control Enable XONIXOFF flow control Enable transparent software flow control Enable both RTS/CTS and XONIXOFF flow control &PO &Pl &P2 &P3 Selects Selects Selects Selects &SO &Sl Force DSR on DSR on at the start of handshaking and off after carrier loss &TO &Tl Terminate test Start ALB test &UO &Ul Enable trellis coding Disable trellis coding &VO &Vl &V2 Display active profile Display stored profiles Display stored telephone numbers &WO &Wl Save active profile to profile 0 Save active profile to profile 1 &YO Use profile 0 on power up Use profile 1 on power up &Yl Oak Technology 39%-61 % make/break ratio at 10 pulses per second 33%-67% makelbreak ratio at 10 pulses per second 39%-61% makelbreak ratio at 20 pulses per second 33%-67% makelbreak ratio at 20 pulses per second A-S Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 AT COMMAND SET (Cont'd) Command &Zn=m Function Save telephone number (up to 36 digits) into memory location n (0-9) %C1 %C2 Percent Commands Disabie data compression Enable MNP5 compression Enable V.42bis compression %C3 Enable both V.42bis and MNPS %EO %E1 Disable auto-retain Enable auto-retain % vioCO %E2 Enable auto-retrain and fallback %E3 Enable autO-retrain and fast hang up %NO %N1 %N2 %N3 %N4 %N5 %N6 Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU loading loading loading loading loading loading loading disabled not to exceed not to exceed not to exceed not to exceed not to exceed not to exceed 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% %N7 Dynamic CPU loading not to exceed 70% %N8 %N9 Dynamic CPU loading not to exceed 80% Dynamic CPU loading not to exceed 90% %Q Report line signal quality \AO Backslash Commands 64-character max. MNP block size \A1 128-character max. MNP block size \A2 \A3 192-character max. MNP block size 256-character max. MNP block size \Bn In non-error correction mode, transmit break in lOOms units (1-9 with default 3) \GO Disable XONIXOFF flow control (modem to modem) \G1 Enable XONIXOFF flow control (modem to modem) \Kn Define break type \ \LO Use stream mode for MNP \L1 Use interactive block mode for MNP \NO \N1 \N2 Normal mode; speed control without error correction Plain mode; no speed control and no error correction Reliable mode \N3 Auto-reliable mode \N4 \N5 LAPM error correction only MNP error correction only *QO Send the IICONNECT xxxxll result codes to the OlE when an invalid TIES escape sequence is detected after the IIOK'I response has already been sent *Q1 Does NOT send the "CONNECT XXXXII result codes to the DTE when an invalid TIES escape sequence is detected after the 1I0K" response has already been sent. Oak Technology A-6 Technical Specification OTI-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem A.5 AT/Kn COMMAND SET \Kn Local OlE send break during normal or reliable mode Local modem sends break during plain mode Remote modem sends break during normal mode \KO Enter command state; no break or remote Break to remote; and enter command state Empty data buffers; and send break to DTE \K1 Empty data buffers; break to remote Same as\KO Same as\KO \K2 Same as\KO Send break to remote Immediately send break to DTE \K3 Immediately send break to remote Same as\KO Same as\K2 \K4 Same as\KO Same as\K2 Send break to DTE with buffered RXD data \KS Send break to remote with TXD data Same as\K2 Same as\K4 A.6 RESULTS CODES Long Form Short Form OK 0 Modem successfully executed an AT command CONNECT 1 A connection established RING 2 Modem detected an incoming call NO CARRIER 3 Modem lost or could not detect a remote carrier signal within the register S7 time ERROR 4 Modem detected an error in an AT command CONNECT 1200 5 Connection at 1200 bps NO DIALTONE 6 Modem did not detect a dial tone within 5 seconds after off-hook BUSY 7 Modem detected a busy tone NO ANSWER 8 Modem did not detect 5 seconds of silence when using the the dial command CONNECT 0600 9 Connection at 600 bps CONNECT 2400 10 Connection at 2400 bps CONNECT 4800 11 Connection at 4800 bps CONNECT 9600 12 Connection at 9600 bps CONNECT 7200 13 Connection at 7200 bps CONNECT 12000 14 Connection at 12000 bps CONNECT 14400 15 Connection at 14400 bps Oak Technology Description A-7 @ dial modifier in Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 RESULTS CODES (Cont'd) long Form Short Form CONNECT 19200 16 Connection to 19200 bps CONNECT 38400 17 Connection to 38400 bps CONNECT 57600 18 Connection to 57600 bps CONNECT 115200 19 Connection to 115200 bps CONNECT 28800 20 Connection to 28800 bps CONNECT 300 21 Connection to 300 bps CONNECT 1200TXI75RX 22 Connection to transmit 1200/receive 75 bps CONNECT 75TXl1200RX 23 Connection to transmit 75/receive 1200 bps CONNECT 110 24 Connection to 110 bps RING BACK 25 Ring Back signal detected +FCERROR +F4 Error occurred in Class 1 fax operation FAX 33 Fax modem connection established DATA 35 Data modem connection established CARRIER 300 40 Carrier rate or 300 bps CARRIER 1200175 44 Carrier rate of transmit 1200/receive 75 bps CARRI ER 75/1200 45 Carrier rate of transmit 75/receive 1200 bps CARRIER 1200 46 Carrier rate of 1200 bps CARRIER 2400 47 Carrier rate of 2400 bps CARRIER 4800 48 Carrier rate of 4800 bps CARRIER 7200 49 Carrier rate of 7200 bps CARRIER 9600 50 Carrier rate of 9600 bps CARRIER 12000 51 Carrier rate of 12000 bps CARRIER 14400 52 Carrier rate of 14400 bps CARRIER 16800 53 Carrier rate of 16800 bps CARRIER 19200 54 Carrier rate of 19200 bps CARRIER 21600 55 Carrier rate of 21 600 bps CARRIER 24000 56 Carrier rate of 24000 bps CARRIER 26400 57 Carrier rate of 26400 bps COMPRESSION: CLASS 5 58 MNP Class 5 data compression connection established Oak Technology Description A-8 Technical Specification OTI-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem RESULTS CODES (Cont'd) Long Form Short Form CONNECT 16800 59 Connection at 16800 bps CONNECT 21600 61 Connection at 21600 bps CONNECT 24000 62 Connection at 24000 bps CONNECT 26400 63 Connection at 26400 bps COMPRESSION: CLASS 5 66 MNP Class 5 data compression connection established COMPRESSION: V.42bis 67 V.42bis data compression connection established COMPRESSION: NONE 69 Connection established without data compression PROTOCOL: NONE 76 Connection established without error correction PROTOCOL: LAPM 77 V.42/LAPM error correction connection established PROTOCOL: ALT 80 MNP 3-4 error correction connection established CARRIER 31200 90 Carrier rate of 31200 bps CARRIER 33600 91 Carrier rate of 33600 bps CONNECT 31200 95 Connection at 31200 bps CONNECT 33600 96 Connection at 33600 bps A.7 S REGISTERS Register 0 Description Function Rings to auto-answer Set the number of rings required before the modem answers. 0 setting disables auto-answer. Range: 0 - 255 rings Default: 0 (auto-answer disabled) 1 Ring counter Count the number of rings before the modem answers. Range 0 -255 rings Default: 0 2 Escape character Define the character used for the three-characer escape code sequence. 0 setting disables the escape code character. Range 0 -127 Default: 43 (+) 3 Carriage return character Define the character for carriage return Range 0 - 127 Default: 13 (carriage return) Oak Technology A-9 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 S REGISTERS (Cont'd) Register 4 Function Line feed character Define the character for line feed. Range 0 -127 Default: 10 (line feed) 5 Backspace character Define the character for backspace. Range 0 -127 Default: 8 (backspace) 6 Wait before dialing Set the length of time to pause after off hook before dial. Range 2 - 255 seconds Default: 2 seconds 7 Wait for carrier after dial Set the length of time that the modem waits for a carrier from the remote modem before hanging up. Range 1- 255 seconds. Default: 50 seconds 8 Pause time for dial delay Set the length of time to pause for the pause dial modifier Range 0 - 255 seconds ",n. Default: 2 seconds 9 Carrier detect response time Define the length of time a signal is detected and qualified as a carrier. Range: 1 - 255 tenths of a second Default: Default 6 (0.6 second) 10 Lost carrier hang up delay Set the length of time the modem waits before hanging up for a carrier loss. Range: 1 - 255 tenths of a second Default: 14 (6 seconds) 11 DTMF speed control Set the length of tone and the time between tones for the tone dialing. Range: 50 - 255 milliseconds Default: 95 milliseconds 12 Escape Prompt Delay (EPD) timer Set the time from detection of the last character of the three character escape sequence until the "0K" is returned to the DTE Range: 0 -255 fiftieths of a second Default: 50 (1 second) 13 Reserved 14 Reserved 15 Reserved 16 Reserved 17 Reserved Oak Technology A-10 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem S REGISTERS (Cont'd) Register 18 Function Test timer Set the length of loopback test. Range: 0 - 255 seconds Default: 0 (disable timer) 19 Reserved 20 Reserved 21 Reserved 22 Reserved 23 Reserved 24 Reserved 25 Delay to DTR Set the length of time the modem ignores DTRbefore hanging up. Range: 0 - 255 hundredths of a second Default: 5 (0.05 second) 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Reserved 30 Disconnect inactivity timer Set the length of time allowed for inactivity before the connection is hung up. Range: 0 - 255 in 10 seconds Default: 0 (disabled) 32 XON character Set the value of XON character. Range: 0 - 255 Default: 17 33 XOFF character Set the value of XOFF character. Range: 0 - 255 Default: 19 34 V.34 data rate (bit-rate) Set the maximum bit rate for V.34 Range: 0 - 8 (2400 baud) 1-10 (3000 baud) 1-11 (3200 baud) 1-13 (3429 baud) bit rate = «534)+1) * 2400 bps Default: 13 (33600 bps) Oak Technology A-l1 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 S REGISTERS (Cont'd) Register 35 Function V.34 symbol rate (haud-rate) Set the maximum baud rate for V.34 Range: 0 - 5 0- 2400 baud 1 - 2743 baud (NtA) 2 - 2800 baud (N/A) 3 - 3000 baud 4 - 3200 baud 5 - 3429 baud (N/A until V.34bis) Default: 0 (2400 baud) 36 37 Reserved Line connection speed o - Attempt to connect at the highest speed 3 - Attempt to connect at 300 bps 4 - Attempt to connect at 1200 bps 6 - Attempt to connect at 2400 bps ' 7 - Attempt to connect at 4800 bps 8 - Attempt to connect at 7200 bps 9 - Attempt to connect at 9600 bps 10 - Attempt to connect at 12000 bps 11 - Attempt to connect at 14400 bps 12 - Attempt to connect at V.34 Default: 0 38 Delay before forced hang up Set the delay to hang up after the disconnecting command is received. Range: 0 - 255 seconds Default: 20 seconds 39 Reserved 40 Reserved 41 Reserved 42 Reserved 43 Reserved 44 Reserved 45 Reserved 46 Reserved 47 Reserved 48 Reserved 82 Reserved Oak Technology A-12 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem S REGISTERS (Cont'd) Register Function 86 Call failure reason code o - Normal disconnect; no error 4 - Loss of carrier 5 - V.42 negotiation failed to detect an error correction modem at remote end 6 - No response to complete negotation 9 - No common protocol 12 - Remote initiated a normal disconnect 13 - Remote modem did not respond after 10 message retransmissions 14 - Protocol violation 15 - Compression failure 20 - Hang up by inactivity time out 91 Transmit level Set the transmit level in -dBm. Range: 0 - 15 (-dBm) Default: 11 (-11 dBm) A.8 FAX CLASS 1 COMMAND SET Fax Class 1 Command Set: Command +FCLASS=O + FCLASS=1 +FAE? Function Select data mode Select facsimile Class 1 mode Report active adaptive answer setting: 0 for disabled; 1 for enabled +FAE=? Report adaptive answer capability +FAE=O +FAE=1 Disable adaptive answer Enable adaptive answer +FCLASS=? Report service classes supported +FTS=n Stop transmission and pause, 0-255 in 10 ms +FRS=n Wait for silence, 0-255 in 10 ms +FTM=? Report Class 1 transmit capabilities +FRM=? Report Class 1 receive capabilities +FTH=n Transmit data with carrier n, n=3, 24, 48, 72, 73, 74, 96, 97, 98, 121, 122, 145, 146 +FRH=n Receive data with carrier n, n=3, 24, 48, 72, 73,74,96,97, 98,121, 122, 145, 146 Oak Technology A-13 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 Oak Class 8 (Voice Mode) AT Commands Summary: Command Function ATA Answering in voice mail ATD Dial command in voice mode ATH Hang up in voice mode ATZ Reset from voice mode AT#BDR Select baud rate (turn off autobaud) AT#C1D Enable Caller ID detection and select reporting format AT#CLS Select data, fax, or voice AT#MDL? Identify model AT#MFR? Identify manufacturer AT#TL Transmit level control AT#REV? Identify revision level AT#RG Record gain control AT#SPK Change the setting of speakerphone AT#VBS Bits per sample (ADPCM) AT#VBT Beep tone timer AT#VLS Voice line select (ADPCM) AT#VRA Ringback goes away timer (originate) AT#VRX Voice Receive Mode (ADPCM) AT#VSD Silence deletion tuner (voice receive, ADPCM) AT#VSP Silence detection period (voice receive, ADPCM) AT#VSS Silence sensitivity tuner (voice receive) AT#VTX Voice Transmit Mode (ADPCM) AT#VBQ? Query buffer size AT#VCI? Identify compression method (ADPCM) AT#VRN Ringback never came timer (originate) AT#VSK Buffer skid setting AT#VSR Sampling rate selection (ADPCM) AT#VTD DTMF/tone reporting capability AT#VTS Play tone string (online voice command) Oak Technology A-14 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem A.9 CALL PROGRESS The table below shows Call Progress codes sent to the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). Code Sent to DTE O to 9, *, #, A to D Meaning DTMF Digits 0 through 9, *, #, or A through D detected by the modem. a Answer Tone (CClm Send to the DTE when the V.25/T.30 2100-Hz Answer Tone (Data or Fax) is detected. If the DTE fails to react to the code, and the modem continues to detect Answer tone, the code is repeated as often as once every 0.5 seconds. b Busy Send to DTE when the busy cadence is detected. The modem sends the busy b code every 4 seconds if busy continues to be detected and the DTE does not react. This allows the DTE the flexibility of ignoring what could be a false busy detection. c Calling Tone Send when the T.30 11 OO-Hz Calling Tone (Fax Modem) is detected. The modem assumes the calling tone is valid and sends this code only after 4 seconds of proper cadence has been detected. If the DTE does not react to this code, the code is repeated as often as once every 4 seconds. d Dial Tone Sent in Voice Receive Mode when dial tone is detected after any remaining data in the voice receive buffer. The modem sends this code every 3 seconds if dial tone continues to be detected and the DTE does not react. This allows the DTE the flexibility of ignoring what could be a false dial tone detection. e European Data Modem Calling Tone Send when the V.25 1300-Hz Calling Tone (Data Modem) is detected. The modem assumes that the calling tone is valid, and sends this code only after 4 seconds or proper cadence has been detected. If the DTE does not react to the code and the modem continues, the code is sent again as often as once every 4 seconds. f Bell Answer Tone Sent when Bell 2225-Hz Answer Tone (Data) is detected. If the OTE fails to react to the code and the modem continues to detect Answer tone, the code is repeated as often as every 0.5 seconds. h Hung Up Handset Sent immediately when the modem detects that the local handset has hung up. q Quiet Sent in Voice Receive Mode after any remaining data in the receive voice buffer when the silence detection timer (#VSP) expires and the voice data has been passed to the DTE. s Silence Sent in Voice Receive Mode after the silence detection timer (#VSP) expires and if valid voice has not been detected (#VSS). t Handset Off-Hook Sent one time when the local handset transition goes off-hook. Oak Technology End of Stream This code is sent to denote the end of a voice data stream. A-15 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 The table below shows Call Progress codes sent to the modem. Code Sent to Modem Meaning Terminate Sent during Voice Transmit Mode to indicate that the DTE has finished transmitting a voice message. The Modem complete transmission of any remaining data in the voice transmit buffer before responding with the VCON message and entering Online Voice Command Mode. Cancel Sent during Voice Transmit Mode to indicate that the DTE has finished transmitting a voice message and wants the modem to discard any remaining data in the voice transmit buffer. The modem immediately purges its buffer, and then responds with the VCON message entering Online Voice Command Mode. Pause p Send during Voice Transmit Mode to force the modem to suspend sending voice data to the selected output device. Any data currently in the voice transmit buffer is saved until either a resume «DLE>r) or cancel «DLE> is received during the paused state, the modem processes it normally, and also automatically resumes transmission of the data left in the buffer (appended with r Sent during Voice Transmit Mode to force the modem to resume sending voice data to the selected output device. Any data currently in the voice transmit buffer is now played. A.10 AT VOICE COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS ATA - Answering in Voice This command works similarly to the way it works in Data and Fax Modes. Result Code: VCON ATD - Dial Command in Voice This command will perform the dial action in Voice Mode. Result Codes: VCON - Issued in Voice Mode when the modem determines that the remote modem or handset has gone off-hook. NO ANSWER - Issues in Voice Mode when the modem determines that the remote has not picked up the line before the S7 timer expires. ATH - Hang Up in Voice This command works the same as in Data and Fax modes by hanging up the phone line. 1 . This command forces the #CLS=O, but does not destroy any of the voice parameter settings such as #VBS, #VSp, etc. 2. The #BDR setting is forced back to O. ATZ - Reset from Voice Mode This command works the same as in Data and Fax modes. In addition, it will also reset all voice related parameters to default states, force the #BDR=O condition, and force the telephone line to be selected with the handset on-hook. Oak Technology A-16 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem #BOR - Select Baud Rate (Turn Off Autobaud) This command selects a specific DTE/modem baud rate. Parameters: n = 0 - 48 (Baud Rate = n * 2400 bps) Default: 0 Result Codes: OK ERROR if n is between Otherwise °and 48 Command options: #BDR? #BDR=? #BDR=O #BDR=n Return the current setting Return a message indicating the speeds that are supported Enable autobaud detection on the DTE interface Select the baud rate #CIO - Enable Caller ID Detection and Select Reporting Format This command enables or disables Caller ID recognition and reporting in any mode. Parameters: n = 0, 1, or 2 Default: 0 Result Codes: OK ERROR n = 0, 1, or 2 Otherwise Command Options: #CID? #CID=? #CID=O #CID=l #CID=2 Return the current setting (0, 1, or 2) Return the message, "0-2" Disables Caller ID Enable formatted Caller ID reporting of SDM (single data message) and MDM (multiple data message) packets. Enable unformatted Caller ID reporting #CLS - Select Data, Fax, or Voice This command selects Data, Fax, orVoice Mode Parameters: n=O, 1, 2, or 8 ° Default: Result Codes: OK ERROR if n = 0, 1, 2, or 8 Otherwise Command options: #CLS? #CLS=? #CLS=O #CLS=l #CLS=2 #CLS=8 Return the current setting (0, 1, 2, or 8) Return the message, "0, 1, 2, 8" Select Data Mode Select Class 1 Fax Mode Select Class 2 Fax Mode Select Voice Mode #MOL - Identify Model This command identifies the model number of the modem. Command option: #MDL? "OAK288DFV" #MFR? - Identify Manufacturer This command identifies the modem manufacturer. Command option: #MFR? Oak Technology "Oak Technology" A-17 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 #REVl - Request Revision Level This command requests the revision number of Oak driver. #REV? "Oak 2.00" #RG - Record Gain Control This command sets the record gain. Parameters: n = 0000 - 7FFF Default: 7FFF Result Codes: OK if n = 0000 - 7FFF ERROR Otherwise Command options: #RG? Return the current setting Return the message, "0000-7FFF" #RG=? #RG=n Set the record gain to n #SPK - Change the setting of Speakerphone This command set the parameters for the speakerphone. Parameters: #SPK= , , microphone mute 1 - microphone on (default) 2 - Room Monitor mode (mic on max. AGC, speaker off) Speaker Output Level Range: to 15 (speaker attenuation in 2 dB steps) Default: 5 (10 dB attenuation) Speaker mute is achieved by a value of 16 0 - a dB 1 - 6 dB gain (default) 2 - 9.5 dB gain 3-12dBgain Command options: It is not necessary to enter all three parameters, #SPK=, , #SPK=,, a- a #Tl- Transmit Level Control This command sets the transmit level. Parameters: n = 0000 - 7FFF Default: 3FFF Resu It Codes: OK if n = 0000 - 7FFF ERROR Otherwise Command options: #TL? Return the current setting Return the message, "0000-7FFF" #TL=? Set the record gain to n #TL=n #VBQl - Query Buffer Size This command queries the modem's voice transmit and voice receive buffers size. Parameters: None Command option: #VBQ? Oak Technology Return the size of buffers. A-18 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem #VBS - Bits Per Sample (Compression Factor) This command selects the degree of ADPCM voice compression to be used. Parameters: n = 4 (Only 4 bits per sample compression ratio is supported) Default: 4 Result Codes: OK ifn = 4 ERROR Otherwise Command options: Return the current setting #VBS? Return "4" #VBS=? Selects 4 bits per samples #VBS=4 #VBT - Beep Tone Timer This command sets the duration for DTMF tone generation. Parameters: n = 0 - 40 (duration = n 110 seconds) Default: 10 Result Codes: OK if n = 0 - 40 ERROR Otherwise Command options: Return the current setting #VBT? Returns the message, "0-40" #VBT=? Disables the tone generation capability #VBT=O Sets tone duration #VBT=n #vcn - Identify Compression Method This command identjfjes the compression method used by the modem. Parameter: None Command option: #VCI? Returns the message, "0ak;ADPCM;32" #VLS - Voice Device Selection This command selects which devices is routed through the modem. Parameter: n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 Default: 0 Result Codes: if n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 OK Otherwise ERROR Command options: Return current setting #VLS? Return the device types supported by the modem #VLS=? Select Device Type #VLS=n o Phone Line with Telephone handset 1 Handset 2 On-Board Speaker 3 Microphone 4 Telephone line with on-board speaker ON and handset 6 SpeakerPhone Oak Technology A-19 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 #VRA - Ringback Goes Away Timer (Originate) When originating a voice call, this command can set the "Ringback Goes Away" timer value, an amount of time measured from when the ringback cadence stops once detected. If ringback is not detected within this period, the modem assumes that the remote has picked up the line and switches to Online Voice Command Mode. Every time a ringback cadence is detected, this timer is reset. Parameters: n = 0 - 255 (0 - 2.55 seconds) Default: 70 Result Codes: OK ERROR if n = 0 - 255 Otherwise Command options: #VRA? #VRA=? #VRA=O #VRA=n Return the current setting Return the message, "0-255" Turn off the timer. The dialing modem sends VCON and enters Online Voice Command Mode after one ringback. Set the timer (timer = n * 0.01 seconds) #VRN - Ringback Never Came Timer (Originate) When originating a voice call, this command sets the "Ringback Never Came" timer value, an amount of time measured from completion of dialing. If a ringback is not detected within this period, the modem assumes the remote has picked up the line and switches to Online Voice Command Mode. Parameters: n = 0 - 255 (0 - 2.55 seconds) " Result Codes: OK ERROR if n = 0 - 255 Otherwise Command option: #VRN? #VRN=? #VRN=O #VRN=n Return the current setting Return the message, "0-255" Turn off the "Ringback Never Came timer." After dial ing, the modem sends VCON and enters Online Voice Command Mode immediately. Set the timer (duration = n * 0.01 second) #VRX - Voice Receive This command sets the modem in Voice Receive Mode. Parameters: None Result Codes: CONNECT ERROR When voice transfer from modem to DTE can begin if #VLS=O and not connected to any input device #VSD - Silence Deletion Tuner (Voice Receive) This command can enable/disable Voice Receive Mode silence detection. Silence Deletion is not supported in Oak HSP Modem. Parameters: n = 0 Default: 0 Result Codes: OK ERROR ifn = 0 Otherwise Command options: #VSD? #VSD=? #VSD=O Oak Technology Return current setting Return the message, "0" Disable Silence Deletion A-20 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem #VSK - Buffer Skid Setting This command queries and sets the number of bytes of spare space, after the XOFF threshold is reached, in the modem's buffer duringVoice Transmit Mode. This equates to the "skid" spare buffer space, or the amount of data the DTE can continue to send after being told to stop sending data by the modem, before the modem voice transmit buffer overflows. Parameters: n = 0 - 255 Default: 255 Result Code: OK if n = 0 - 255 ERROR Otherwise Command options: Return the current setting #VSK? Return the message, "0-255" #VSK=? Set the skid buffer size to n bytes #VSK=n #VSP - Silence Detection Period (Voice Receive) This command sets the Voice Receive Mode silence detection period value. If the modem does not receive any ADPCM data after the timer expired, it wi II cause the modem to send s or q codes. Parameters: n = 0 - 255 (0 - 25.5 seconds) Default: 55 Result Code: OK if n = 0 - 255 Otherwise ERROR Command options: Return current setting #VSP? Return the message, "0-255" #VSP=? Disable the silence period detection timer #VSP=O timer = n * 0.1 second #VSP=n #VSR - Sampling Rate Selection This command sets the audio codec sampling rate. Parameters: n = 8000 (8000 Hz sampling rate) Default: 8000 Result Codes: OK if n = 8000 ERROR Otherwise Command options: Return the current setting #VSR? Return the message, 1/8000" #VSR=? Set the sample rate to 8000 #VSR=8000 Oak Technology A-21 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 #VSS - Silence Sensitivity Tuner (Voice Receive) This command sets the sensitivity in Voice Receive Mode silence detection. Parameters: n = 0 - 3 Default: 2 Result Codes: OK if n = 0 - 3 Otherwise ERROR Command options: Return current setting #VSS? Return the message, "0-3" #VSS=? Disable silence detection by the modem in Voice Receive Mode #VSS=O Least sensitive setting #VSS=l Medium sensitive setting #VSS=2 Most sensitive setting #VSS=3 #VTD - Tone Reporting Capability This command sets which types of tones can be detected and reported to the DTE via shielded codes in Voice Transmit, Voice Receive, and Online Voice Command Modes. Parameters: i, j, k Default: 3F, 3F, 3F Result Codes: OK If settings are supported by the modem ERROR Otherwise Command options: #VTD? Return current setting Returns the tone reporting capabilities of the modem. #VTD=? Where i, j, k corresponds to the desired capabilities (see table below), i for Voice #VTD=i,j,k Transmit, j forVoice Receive, and k for Online Voice Command Modes. Bit Oak Technology Description 0 0/1 = Disable/Enable DTMF tone capability 1 0/1 = Disable/Enable V.2S 1300-Hz Calling tone capability 2 0/1 = Disable/Enable V.30 11 OO-Hz Facsimile Calling tone capability 3 0/1 = Disable/Enable V.2S/f.30 21 OO-Hz Answer tone capability 4 0/1 = Disable/Enable 222S-Hz Answer tone capability 5 0/1 = Disable/Enable call progress tone and cadence tone capability A-22 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem #VTS - Play Tone String (Online Voice Command Mode) This command can play one or more DTMF or other tones. No key abort is allowed. Dual or Single Tones: These are represented by a substring enclosed in square brackets ("[ ]") within the parameter. Each such sub-string consists of three subelements corresponding to two frequencies in Hertz (0, or 2000-3000) and a duration (ASCII decimal in units of lOOms). Varying DTMF Digits: This is represented by a substring enclosed in curly braces ("{ }") within the parameter. Each such sub-string consists of two subelements corresponding to a OTMF digits (0-9, A-O, *, I), and alternate duration in units of lOOms. Parameters: The tone generation consists of elements in a list with each element separated by commas. Result Codes: OK ERROR Command to play tones on currently selected device is accepted. Command was not issued in Online Voice Command Mode or string is grammatically incorrect. #VTX - Voice Transmit This command sets the modem in Voice Transmit Mode. The #VLS command should have been previously issued correctly. Parameters: None Result Codes: CONNECT ERROR Oak Technology When voice transmission by OTE can begin. If #VLS=O and output device is not connected. A-23 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 A.11 %P - PTTTESTING UTILITIES This facility testing of signal levels provides a continuous signal when the modem is in IDLE mode. This allows the user to initiate a series of signal that are necessary for PTT approval. These signals are answer tone, carriers, modulation, and other pertinent signals. A selected test will be terminated when any keyboard character is entered. The following are command descriptions. Note: For DTMF, the transmit level is -1 OdBm for low band and -8dBm for high band; inter-digit delay is fixed at 70ms. All other transmit level is adjustable according to the setting of register 591 (from -10 to 15dBm). Speaker control initiates by command ATLn. %POO - O/oP09 %Pl0 O/oPll O/oP12 O/oP13 O/oP14 O/oP15 %P16 O/oP17 %P18 %P19 O/oP20 %P21 O/oP22 O/oP23 %P24 O/oP25 O/oP26 O/oP27 O/oP28 %P29 O/oP30 O/oP31 %P32 %P33 O/oP34 %P35 O/oP36 O/oP37 O/oP38 O/oP39 O/oP40 O/oP41 %P42 %P43 %P44 O/oP45 O/oP46 O/oP47 O/oP48 O/oP49 O/oP50 Oak Technology DTMF tone digits from 0 to 9. DTMF digit A. DTMF digit B. DTMF digit C. DTMF digit D. DTMF digit *. DTMF digit #. V.21 Channel 1 mark 980 Hz. V.21 Channel 2 mark 1 650 Hz. V.23 Reversed channel mark 390 Hz. V.23 Forward channel mark 1300 Hz. V.22 Originate. V.22bis originate. V.22 Answer. V.22bis Answer. V.21 Channell space 1180 Hz. V.21 Channel 2 space 1850 Hz. V.23 Reversed channel space 450 Hz. V.23 Forward channel space 2100 Hz. V.32 at 9600 bps. V.32bis 14400 bps. Silence, off-hook. V.25 Answer tone 21 00 Hz. Guard tone 1800 Hz. V.25 Calling tone 1300 Hz. Fax calling tone 1100 Hz. V.21 Channel 2 1650 Hz. V.27ter 2400 bps. V.27ter 4800 bps. V.29 7200 bps. V.29 9600 bps. V.17 7200 bps long train. V.17 7200 bps short train. V.l 7 9600 bps long train .. V.17 9600 bps short train. V.17 12000 bps long train. V.17 12000 bps short train. V.17 14400 bps long train. V.17 14400 bps short train. V.34, 2400 bps modulation. V.34, 4800 bps modulation. V.34, 7200 bps modulation. A-24 Technical Specification 011-611 HSP Fax/Data Modem %P51 %P52 %P53 %P54 O/oP55 O/oP56 O/oP57 O/oP58 O/oP59 O/oP60 O/oP61 O/oP62 O/oP63 O/oP64 O/oP65 O/oP66 O/oP67 V.34, 9600 bps modulation. V.34, 12000 bps modulation. V.34, 14400 bps modulation. V.34, 16800 bps modulation. V.34, 19200 bps modulation. V.34, 21600 bps modulation. V.34, 24000 bps modulation. V.34, 26400 bps modulation. V.34, 28800 bps modulation. V.32bis 9600 bps modulation. V.32bis 12000 bps modulation. Bell 212A originate 1200 bps Bell 212A answer 1200 bps Bell 103 originate mark 1270 Hz Bell 103 originate space 1070 Hz Bell 103 answer mark 2225 Hz Bell 103 answer space 2025 Hz %P99,n where 0<= n <=23 f(Hz) = n * (150Hz) n f(Hz) o 0 modem goes off hook and reports power level of incoming signal if present 150 1 2 300 3 450 4 600 5 750 6 900 7 1050 8 1200 9 1350 10 1500 11 1650 12 1800 13 1950 14 2100 15 2250 16 2400 17 2550 18 2700 19 2850 20 3000 21 3150 22 3300 23 3450 Oak Technology A-25 Technical Specification OTI-610/011-611 % I or % B Country Code Selection and Identification This command provides the ability of selection the desired country telephony Central Office. When the selection is correct, a set of the selected country parameters will be loaded for the current operation. Command format: Country USA France Germany Italy Sweden UK Japan Australia Spain Taiwan Singapore Korea Switzerland Norway Netherlands Belgium Canada Ireland Portugal Poland Hungary Finland Denmark ATO/oin n Comment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Factory defau It Result Codes: OK ERROR Command format: Result Codes: If correct selection. Otherwise. AT%H country name CO (Central Office) ERROR Otherwise. Oak Technology A-26 Technical Specification APPENDIX B HOST SIGNAL PROCESSING (HSP) BASED WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 provide the user with two wavetable synthesizer options: 1) DSP-based with external 2MB ROM which contains the General MIDI (GM) sample set, or 2) an HSP-based software wavetable synthesizer wherein the synthesizer engine and GM sample set are contained in system memory. This appendix discusses the HSP-based wavetable synthesizer. B.1 HSP WAVETABlE SYNTHESIZER SPECIFICATIONS • Extensible, professional-quality software synthesizer up to 32-voice polyphony • Full 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral support • Complete GM sample set • Programmable reverb and chorus effects control • Supports downloadable samples to extend instrument options beyond General MIDI • User-selectable maximum RAM c?che, CPU utilization, and number of allowable voices • Intelligent scaling and dynamic buffering to minimize CPU utilization • Real-time instrument selection changes when used with CyberSound Keyboard application • Works with standard Windows 95 software sequencers (Cakewalk, Voyetra, etc.) Minimum System Recommendations OTI-611 Environment OTI-610 Environment Operating System Windows 95 Windows 95 CPU 166-MHz Pentium class 166-MHz Pentium I\t1MX class 133-MHz Pentium class 166-MHz Pentium I\t1MX class Total System RAM 12 Megabytes 12 Megabytes Free Hard Disk Space 5.0 Megabytes 5.0 Megabytes Oak Technology B-1 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 B.2 HSP WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER DESCRIPTION The OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 use an HSP-based wavetable synthesizer and General MIDI sample set known as CyberSound GM. CyberSound GM is a programmable General MIDI synthesizer implemented in software for Windows 95. CyberSound GM for the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 is available in two code versions supporting either Pentium class or Pentium MMX class CPUs. CyberSound GM offers all of the functionality of a stand-alone General MIDI module or wavetable synthesizer on a PC sound card. CyberSound GM provides programmable effects processing and customizable system performance settings and monitoring. Coupled with CyberSound Keyboard, the user has a complete, highquality, MIDI controllable, wavetable synthesizer for music playback at significantly lower cost. CyberSound GM utilizes both traditional and revolutionary music synthesis techniques synthesis, wavetable sounds, and physical model ing. B.3 digital and analog GENERAL MIDI DESCRIPTION The General MIDI Specification, published by the International MIDI Association, defines a set of general capabilities for GM Instruments. The GM Specification includes the definition of a GM sound set (a patch number or program number map), a GM percussion map (mapping of percussion sounds to note numbers), and a set of GM performance capabilities (number of voices, types of MIDI messages recognized, etc.). A MIDI sequence which has been generated for use on a General MIDI instrument should play correctly on any General MIDI synthesizer or sound module. The numbers in the table on page 8-4 refer to the program change number, which is called within a sequence to select a particular instrument or voice. In synthesizers or sound modules designed to conform to the General MIDI Standard, Program Change Number 1 will always be Acoustic Grand Piano, while Program Change Number 47 is always the Orchestral Harp, and so on. Any of these instrument voices can be selected by issuing its appropriate program change number on any of the 16 MIDI channels, except for channell O. For General MIDI compatibility among GM instruments or sound modules, MIDI Channell 0 is always reserved for the program change number, which selects the percussion sounds, or drum kit, of the GM-compliant synthesizer or rack style sound module. The General MIDI sound set is grouped into "sets" of related sounds. For example, program numbers 1-8 are piano sounds, 9-16 are chromatic, or tonal, percussion sounds, 17-24 are organ sounds, 25-32 are guitar sounds, etc. The General MIDI system utilizes MIDI channels 1-9 and 11-16 for chromatic, or tonal, instrument sounds, while channel number lOis utilized for "key-based" non-tonal, percussion sounds. For the instrument sounds on channels 1-9 and 11-16, the note number in a MIDI Note On message is used to select the pitch of the sound to be played. For example, if the vibraphone instrument (program number 12) has been selected on channel 3, then playing note number 60 on channel 3 would play the middle C note (this would be the default note to pitch assignment on most instruments), and note number 59 on channel 3 would play 8 below middle C. Both notes would be played using the vibraphone sound. The General MIDI percussion map used for channell 0 is given in the table on page B-11. For these "key-based" non-tonal percussion sounds, the note number data in a MIDI Note On message is used to trigger the percussion sounds. There are 47 note numbers in the General MIDI percussion map. However, the HSP wavetable synthesizer provided with the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 provides 61 percussion sounds, including the 47 required by the General MIDI Standard. Oak Technology B-2 Technical Specification Host Signal Processing (HSP) Based Wavetable Synthesizer Note numbers on channell 0 are used to select which drum or percussion sound will be played. For example, a Note On message on channell 0 with note number 60 will playa hi bongo drum sound. Note number 59 on channel 10 will play the Ride Cymbal 2 sound. It should be noted that the General MIDI system specifies sounds using program numbers 1 through 128. The MIDI Program Change message used to select these sounds uses an 8-bit byte, which corresponds to decimal numbering from 0 through 127, (or OOH through 7FH hexadecimal) to specify the desired program number. Thus, to select GM sound number 10, the glockenspiel, the Program Change message will have a data byte with the decimal value 9. The GM system specifies which instrument or sound corresponds with each program/patch number, but General MIDI does not specify how these sounds are produced. Thus, program number 1 should select the acoustic grand piano sound on any General MIDI instrument. However, the acoustic grand piano sound on two General MIDI synthesizers that use different synthesis techniques may sound quite different. Thus, the quality of the synthesizer is based on the quality of the synthesis technique for a particular instrument sound. For some instruments, the sounds may be rendered better using an FM synthesis technique, while other instruments may be rendered better using wavetable (recorded instrument samples) playback, or physical modeling synthesis, which not only models the instrument but the method of playing it. There are other requirements of General MIDI, such as the synthesizer or sound module being capable of responding to 16 MIDI channels with voice polyphony (16 pitched sounds and 8 percussion sounds at once), resulting in 24-voice polyphony. 8.4 GENERAL MIDI SOUND SAMPLE SET DESCRIPTION The high-quality GM sample set is derived from profeSSional music sample libraries, and is customized for use with the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611. A complete listing of the GM sample set provided with the OTI-61 0 and OTI-611 is given in the table below. A complete listing of the GM Percussion Map (percussion sounds) provided with the OTI-610 and OTI-611 is given in the table on page 8-11. Since CyberSound GM is capable of downloadable samples, the user is not limited to the GM sample set. Additional sounds, even complete sound libraries, can be used with CyberSound GM. Oak Technology B-3 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 General MIDI Sound Set Sample Set (All Channels Except 10): Prog # Instrument Prog# Instrument Prog # Instrumnet Prog # Instrument 1 Acoustic Grand Piano 33 Acoustic Bass 65 Soprano Sax 97 FX 1 (rain) 2 Bright Acoustic Piano 34 Electric Bass (finger) 66 Alto Sax 98 FX 2 (soundtrack) 3 Electric Grand Piano 35 Electric Bass (pick) 67 Tenor Sax 99 FX 3 (crystal) 4 Honky-tonk Piano 36 Fretless Bass 68 Baritone Sax 100 FX 4 (atmosphere) 5 Electric Piano 1 37 Slap Bass 1 69 Oboe 101 FX 5 (brightness) 6 Electric Piano 2 38 Slap Bass 2 70 English Horn 102 FX 6 (goblins) 7 Harpsichord 39 Synth Bass 1 71 Bassoon 103 FX 7 (echoes) 8 Clavi 40 Synth Bass 2 72 Clarinet 104 FX 8 (sci-fi) 9 Celesta 41 Violin 73 Piccolo 105 Sitar 10 Glockenspiel 42 Viola 74 Flute 106 Banjo 11 Music Box 43 Cello 75 Recorder 107 Shamisen 12 Vibraphone 44 Contrabass 76 Pan Flute 108 Koto 13 Marimba 45 Tremolo Strings 77 Blown Bottle 109 Kalimba 14 Xylophone 46 Pizzicato Strings 78 Shakuhachi 110 Bag pipe 15 Tubular Bells 47 Orchestral Harp 79 Whistle 111 Fiddle 16 Dulcimer 48 Timpani 80 Ocarina 112 Shanai 17 Drawbar Organ 49 String Ensemble 1 81 Lead 1 (square) 113 Tinkle Bell 18 Percussive Organ 50 String Ensemble 2 82 Lead 2 (sawtooth) 114 Agogo 19 Rock Organ 51 SynthStrings 1 83 Lead 3 (calliope) 115 Steel Drums 20 Church Organ 52 SynthStrings 2 84 Lead 4 (chiff) 116 Woodblock 21 Reed Organ 53 Choir Aans 85 Lead 5 (charang) 117 Taiko Drum 22 Accordion 54 Voice Oohs 86 Lead 6 (voice) 118 Melodic Tom 23 Harmonica 55 Synth Voice 87 Lead 7 (fifths) 119 Synth Drum 24 Tango Accordion 56 Orchestra Hit 88 Lead 8 (bass + lead) 120 Reverse Cymbal 25 Acoustic Guitar - nylon 57 Trumpet 89 Pad 1 (new age) 121 Guitar Fret Noise 26 Acoustic Guitar - steel 58 Trombone 90 Pad 2 (warm) 122 Breath Noise 27 Electric Guitar (jazz) 59 Tuba 91 Pad 3 (polysynth) 123 Seashore 28 Electric Guitar (clean) 60 Muted Trumpet 92 Pad 4 (choir) 124 Bird Tweet 29 Electric Guitar (muted) 61 French Horn 93 Pad 5 (bowed) 125 Telephone Ring 30 Overdriven Guitar 62 Brass Section 94 Pad 6 (metallic) 126 Helicopter 31 Distortion Guitar 63 SynthBrass 1 95 Pad 6 (halo) 127 Applause 32 Guitar Harmonics 64 SynthBrass 2 96 Pad 7 (sweep) 128 Gunshot Oak Technology B-4 Technical Specification Host Signal Processing (HSP) Based Wavetable Synthesizer The following charts break down the MIDI sound sample set by type of instrument sound. Piano: Prog # Program Description 0 Acoustic Grand Piano 1 Bright Acoustic Piano 2 Electric Grand Piano 3 Honky-tonk Piano 4 Rhodes Piano S Chorused Piano 6 Harpsichord 7 Clavinet Chromatic Tonal Percussion: Prog # Program Description 8 Celesta 9 Glockenspiel 10 Music Box 11 Vibraphone 12 Marimba 13 Xylophone 14 Tubular Bells 1S Dulcimer Oak Technology 8-S Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Organ: Prog# Program Description 16 Hammond Organ 17 Percussive Organ 18 Rock Organ 19 Church Organ 20 Reed Organ 21 Accordion 22 Harmonica 23 Tango Accordion Guitar: Prog# Program Description 24 Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 25 Acoustic Guitar (steel) 26 Electric Guitar (jazz) 27 Electric Guitar (clean) 28 Electric Guitar (muted) 29 Overdriven Guitar 30 Distortion Guitar 31 Guitar Harmonics Bass: Prog# Program Description 32 Acoustic Bass 33 Electric Bass (finger) 34 Electric Bass (pick) 35 Fretless Bass 36 Slap Bass 1 37 Slap Base 2 38 Synth Bass 1 39 Synth Bass 2 Oak Technology 8-6 Technical Specification Host Signal Processing (HSP) Based Wavetable Synthesizer Strings: Prog # Program Description 40 Violin 41 Viola 42 Cello 43 Contrabass 44 Tremolo Strings 45 Pizzicato Strings 46 Orchestral Harp 47 Timpani Ensemble: Prog # Program Description 48 String Ensemble 1 49 String Ensemble 2 50 SynthStrings 1 51 SynthStrings 2 52 Choir Aahs 53 Voice Oohs 54 Synth Voice 55 Orchestra Hit Brass: Prog # Program Description 56 Trumpet 57 Trombone 58 Tuba 59 Muted Trumpet 60 French Horn 61 Brass Section 62 Synth Brass 1 63 Synth Brass 2 Oak Technology B-7 Technical Specification OTI-610/0TI-611 Reed: Prog # Program Description 64 Soprano Sax 65 Alto Sax 66 Tenor Sax 67 Baritone Sax 68 Oboe 69 English Horn 70 Bassoon 71 Clarinet Pipe: Prog # Program Description 72 Piccolo 73 Flute 74 Recorder 75 Pan Flute 76 Bottle Blow 77 Shakuhachi 78 Whistle 79 Ocarina Synthesizer lead: Prog # Program Description 80 Synth Lead 1 (Square) 81 Synth Lead 2 (Sawtooth) 82 Synth Lead 3 (Caliope Lead) 83 Synth Lead 4 (Chiff Lead) 84 Synth Lead 5 (Charang) 85 Synth Lead 6 (Voice) 86 Synth Lead 7 (Fifths) 87 Synth Lead 8 (Brass + Lead) Oak Technology B-8 Technical Specification Host Signal Processing (HSP) Based Wavetable Synthesizer Synthesizer Pad: Prog # Program Description 88 Pad 1 (new age) 89 Pad 2 (warm) 90 Pad 3 (polysynth) 91 Pad 4 (choir) 92 Pad 5 (bowed) 93 Pad 6 (metallic) 94 Pad 7 (halo) 95 Pad 8 (sweep) Synthesizer Effects: Prog # Program Description 96 FX 1 (rain) 97 FX 2 (soundtrack) 98· FX 3 (crystal) 99 FX 4 (atmosphere) 100 FX 5 (brightness) 101 FX 6 (goblins) 102 FX 7 (echoes) 103 FX 8 (sci-fi) Ethnic: Prog # Program Description 104 Sitar 105 Banjo 106 Shamisen 107 Koto 108 Kalimba 109 Bagpipe 110 Fiddle 111 Shanai Oak Technology B-9 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 Non-tonal Percussive: Prog # Program Description 112 Tinkle Bell 113 Apogo 114 Steel Drums 115' Woodblock' 116 Taiko Drum 117 Melodic Tom 118 Synth Drum 119 Reverse Cymbal Sound Effects: Prog # Program Description 120 Guitar Fret Noise 121 Breath Noise 122 Seashore 123 Bird Tweet 124 Telephone 125 Helicopter 126 Applause 127 Gunshot Oak Technology 8-10 Technical Specification Host Signal Processing (HSP) Based Wavetable Synthesizer The following table gives the General MIDI percussion map: MIDI Note MIDI Note Percussion Sound # Name 27 0#1 28 Percussion Sound # Name High Q 58 A#3 Vibraslap El Slap 59 B3 Ride Cymbal 2 29 Fl Scratch Push 60 C4 High Bongo 30 F#l Scratch Pull 61 C#4 Low Bongo 31 Gl Sticks 62 04 Mute High Conga 32 G#l Click Square 63 0#4 Open High Conga 33 Al Metronome Click 64 E4 Low Conga 34 A#l Metronome Bell 65 F4 High Timbale 35 B1 Acoustic Bass Drum 66 F#4 Low Timbale 36 C2 Bass Drum 1 67 G4 High Agogo 37 C#2 Side Stick 68 G#4 Low Agogo 38 02 Acoustic Snare 69 A4 Cabasa 39 0#2 Hand Clap 70 A#4 Maracas 40 E2 Electric Snare 71 B4 Short Whistle 41 F2 Low Floor Tom 72 C5 High Whistle 42 F#2 Closed High Hat 73 C#5 Short Guiro 43 G2 High Floor Tom 74 05 Long Guiro 44 G#2 Pedal High Hat 75 D#5 Claves 45 A2 Low Tom 76 E5 High Wood Block 46 A#2 Open High Hat 77 F5 Low Wood Block 47 B2 Low-Mid Tom 78 F#5 Mute Cuica 48 C3 High-Mid Tom 79 G5 Open Cuica 49 C#3 Crash Cymbal 1 80 G#5 Mute Triangle 50 03 High Tom 81 AS Open Triangle 51 0#3 Ride Cymbal 1 82 A#5 Shaker 52 E3 Chinese Cymbal 83 B5 Jingle Bell 53 F3 Ride Bell 84 C6 Belltree 54 F#3 Tambourine 85 C#6 Castanets 55 G3 Splash Cymbal 86 06 Mute Surdo 56 G#3 Cowbell 87 0#6 Open Surdo 57 A3 Crash Cymbal 2 Note: All percussion sounds listed in bold type are the required General MIDI percussion sounds. Those listed in ital ics are the extra ones provided with the OTI-61 0/OTI-611 . Oak Technology 8-11 Technical Specification 011-610/011-611 B.5 CYBERSOUND KEYBOARD DESCRIPTION CyberSound Keyboard is an interactive software MIDI keyboard application that works in conjunction with the CyberSound GM wavetable synthesizer. The application permits the user to play musical notes and change instrument settings in real time. Basic specifications are: • PC QWERTY keyboard input with three-octave range • One-finger/mouse-c1ick chord input • Mu Itiple style arpeggiator B.6 WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER KEY/NOTE RANGE In the General MIDI Specification, the MIDI note number range is given as 0 through 127, corresponding to Key Name C-l through G9. Not all synthesizers are able to generate tones over the entire MIDI note range. It is necessary to consult the MIDI implementation chart for the particular synthesizer to determine the note range that is covered. A standard piano keyboard layout consists of 88 keys, from Key Name AD to Key Name C120. Those 88 keys cover 7 octaves (1 through 8) plus 4 keys (AD, A#O, BO at the low end, and C9 at the high end), and correspond to MIDI Note Numbers 21 through 120. An octave consists of 12 notes. For example, the notes within Octave 2 would be: C2,C2#,D2,D2#,E2,F2,F2#,G2,G2#,A2,A2#,B2 in ascending order, where the pitch of C2 is lower than the pitch of B2. Key Name C4 is also known as Middle C in a standard 88-key piano keyboard layout. The table below summarizes the comparison between a standard piano keyboard layout and MIDI note numbers and note key names. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C-1 B-1 CO BO C1 B1 C2 B2 0- B3 C4 B4 C5 B5 C6 B6 C7 B7 C8 B7 C9 B9 Key Name C-1 CO C1 C2 0 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 G9 MIDI Note # 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 127 Standard 88 Piano Keys - AO C1 C2 C3 C4 MidC C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 - MIDI Note # - 21 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 - Octave # -1 Key Name Range 9 The CyberSound GM HSP-based synthesizer provided with the 011-610/011-611 responds to MIDI Note Numbers (Key Name) 12 (CO) through 120 (C9). Oak Technology B-12 Technical Specification Host Signal Processing (HSP) Based Wavetable Synthesizer OTI-610/0TI-611 HSP-Based Wavetable Synthesizer (CyberSound GM) MIDI Implementation Table: Function Transmitted Received MIDI Channels 1-16 Basic Channel 1 Mode Remarks Multi-polyphonic Default Note Number CO - C9 Velocity 0-127 After Touch X X Keys Channel Pitch Bend 0 +/- 1 note +/- 8192 X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 Modulation Volume Pan Expression Sustain Reset All Controls Program Change # X 0-127 System Exclusive X X Control 1,2 7 10 11 64 121 Note: X X 0 = Yes; X = No Oak Technology B-13 Technical SpeCification • • • • • • 1 II \ iii II OAK TECHNOLOGY" CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Oak Technology 139 Kifer Court Sunnyva le, Ca liforn ia 94086 U.s.A. 408-737 -0888 Fax 408-737-3838 J A PAN Oak Technology, K.K. Musashino Nissay Plaza 5F 1-11-4 Nakamachi, Musashino City Tokyo, Japan 180 81-422-56-3761 Fax 81-422-56-3778 TAIWAN Oak Techno logy, Inc. Taiwan Room B, 7F, No.370 Section 1, Fu Hsing South Road Taipei , Taiwan R.O .C. 886-2-784-9123 Fax 886-2-706-7641
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