Open L Tablets Developer Guide
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Developers Guide OpenL Tablets BRMS Release 5.20 Document number: TP_OpenL_DG_3.2_LSh Revised: 11-22-2018 OpenL Tablets Documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. Table of Contents 1 Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Audience ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Related Information ...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Typographic Conventions .............................................................................................................................. 4 2 Introducing OpenL Tablets ...................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 What Is OpenL Tablets? ................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Basic Concepts ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Rules .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Tables .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Projects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Wrapper .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Execution Mode for OpenL Project ..................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 System Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Quick Start with OpenL Tablets ..................................................................................................................... 8 3 OpenL Tablets Rules Projects ................................................................................................................ 10 3.1 OpenL Rules Project ....................................................................................................................................10 3.2 Rules Project Descriptor ..............................................................................................................................10 Quick Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Descriptor Elements .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Project Resolving .........................................................................................................................................13 3.4 How to Start with OpenL Rules Project .......................................................................................................13 Creating a Project Using the Maven Archetype ................................................................................................................ 13 Creating a Project in OpenL Tablets WebStudio ............................................................................................................... 14 Creating a Project Manually .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Editing Rules ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Using OpenL Tablets Rules from Java Code ...................................................................................................................... 16 Handling Data and Data Types in OpenL Tablets .............................................................................................................. 22 3.5 Customizing Table Properties ......................................................................................................................24 Dispatching Table Properties ............................................................................................................................................ 24 Tables Priority Rules .......................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.6 Tables Validation .........................................................................................................................................25 Table Properties Validators ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Existing Validators ............................................................................................................................................................. 26 3.7 Module Dependencies: Classloaders...........................................................................................................26 3.8 Peculiarities of OpenL Tablets Implementation ..........................................................................................27 Lookup Tables Implementation Details............................................................................................................................. 27 Range Types Instantiation ................................................................................................................................................. 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide Preface 1 Preface This preface is an introduction to the OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide. The following topics are included in this preface: Audience Related Information Typographic Conventions 1.1 Audience This guide is mainly intended for developers who create applications employing the table based decision making mechanisms offered by the OpenL Tablets technology. However, business analysts and other users can also benefit from this guide by learning the basic OpenL Tablets concepts described herein. Basic knowledge of Java, Ant, and Microsoft Excel is required to use this guide effectively. 1.2 Related Information The following table lists sources of information related to contents of this guide: Related information Title Description [OpenL Tablets WebStudio User Guide] Document describing OpenL Tablets WebStudio, a web application for managing OpenL Tablets projects through a web browser. OpenL Tablets open source project website. 1.3 Typographic Conventions The following styles and conventions are used in this guide: Typographic styles and conventions Convention Description Bold Courier Represents user interface items such as check boxes, command buttons, dialog boxes, drop-down list values, field names, menu commands, menus, option buttons, perspectives, tabs, tooltip labels, tree elements, views, and windows. Represents keys, such as F9 or CTRL+A. Represents a term the first time it is defined. Represents file and directory names, code, system messages, and command-line commands. Courier Bold Represents emphasized text in code. Select File > Save As Represents a command to perform, such as opening the File menu and selecting Save As. Italic Represents any information to be entered in a field. Represents documentation titles. Represents placeholder values to be substituted with user specific values. < > © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 4 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide Preface Typographic styles and conventions Convention Description Hyperlink Represents a hyperlink. Clicking a hyperlink displays the information topic or external source. [name of guide] Reference to another guide that contains additional information on a specific feature. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 5 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide Introducing OpenL Tablets 2 Introducing OpenL Tablets This chapter introduces OpenL Tablets and describes its main concepts. The following topics are included in this chapter: What Is OpenL Tablets? Basic Concepts System Overview Quick Start with OpenL Tablets 2.1 What Is OpenL Tablets? OpenL Tablets is a business rules management system and business rules engine based on tables presented in Excel documents. Using unique concepts, OpenL Tablets facilitates treating business documents containing business logic specifications as executable source code. Since the format of tables used by OpenL Tablets is familiar to business users, OpenL Tablets bridges a gap between business users and developers, thus reducing costly enterprise software development errors and dramatically shortening the software development cycle. In a very simplified overview, OpenL Tablets can be considered as a table processor that extracts tables from Excel documents and makes them accessible from the application. The major advantages of using OpenL Tablets are as follows: OpenL Tablets removes the gap between software implementation and business documents, rules, and policies. Business rules become transparent to developers. For example, decision tables are transformed into Java methods or directly into web service methods. The transformation is performed automatically. OpenL Tablets verifies syntax and type errors in all project document data, providing convenient and detailed error reporting. OpenL Tablets is able to directly point to a problem in an Excel document. OpenL Tablets provides calculation explanation capabilities, enabling expansion of any calculation result by pointing to source arguments in the original documents. OpenL Tablets enables users to create and maintain tests to insure reliable work of all rules. OpenL Tablets provides cross-indexing and search capabilities within all project documents. OpenL Tablets provides full rules lifecycle support through its business rules management applications. OpenL Tablets supports the .xls and .xlsx file formats. 2.2 Basic Concepts This section describes the basic concepts of OpenL Tablets and includes the following topics: Rules Tables Projects Wrapper Execution Mode for OpenL Project © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 6 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide Introducing OpenL Tablets Rules In OpenL Tablets, a rule is a logical statement consisting of conditions and actions. If a rule is called and all its conditions are true, then the corresponding actions are executed. Basically, a rule is an IF-THEN statement. The following is an example of a rule expressed in human language: If a service request costs less than 1,000 dollars and takes less than 8 hours to execute, then the service request must be approved automatically. Instead of executing actions, rules can also return data values to the calling program. Tables Basic information OpenL Tablets deals with, such as rules and data, is presented in tables. Different types of tables serve different purposes. For more information on table types, see [OpenL Tablets Reference Guide], the Table Types section. Projects An OpenL Tablets project is a container of all resources required for processing rule related information. Usually, a project contains Excel files and Java code. For more information on projects, see [OpenL Tablets Reference Guide], chapter working with Projects. There can be situations where OpenL Tablets projects are used in the development environment but not in production, depending on the technical aspects of a solution. Wrapper A wrapper is a Java object that exposes rule tables via Java methods and data tables as Java objects and allows developers to access table information from code. Wrappers are essential for solutions where compiled OpenL Tablets project code is embedded in solution applications. If tables are accessed through web services, client applications are not aware of wrappers but they are still used on the server. For more information on wrappers, see Using OpenL Tablets rules from Java Code. Execution Mode for OpenL Project Execution mode for OpenL project is a light weight compilation mode that enables only evaluating of rules; but editing, tracing and search are not available. Since the Engine will not load test tables and keep debug information in memory in this mode, memory consumption is up to 5 times less than for debug mode. By default, the execution mode (exectionMode=true) is used in OpenL Tablets Web Services. The debug mode (exectionMode=false) is used by default in OpenL Tablets WebStudio. Flag indicating required mode is introduced in runtime API and in wrappers. To compile an OpenL Tablets project in execution mode, proceed as follows: If the OpenL Tablets high level API (instantiation strategies) is used, define an execution mode in a constructor of the particular instantiation strategy. If the low level API (Engine factories) is used, set an execution mode flag using the setExecutionMode(boolean) method. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 7 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide Introducing OpenL Tablets 2.3 System Overview The following diagram displays how OpenL Tablets is used by different types of users: Business user Administrator OpenL WebStudio Define and maintain, test and fix rules Solution developer Client application Manage projects, measure performance Developer OpenL Tablets project PPP PPP PP P Execute rules through web services Execute rules through wrappers IDE Excel tables Work on OpenL Tablets project with Maven Figure 1: OpenL Tablets overview A typical lifecycle of an OpenL Tablets project is as follows: 1. A business analyst creates a new OpenL Tablets project in OpenL Tablets WebStudio. Optionally, development team may provide the analyst with a project in case of complex configuration. The business analyst also creates correctly structured tables in Excel files based on requirements and includes them in the project. Typically, this task is performed through Excel or OpenL Tablets WebStudio in a web browser. 2. The business analyst performs unit and integration tests by creating test tables and performance tests on rules through OpenL Tablets WebStudio. As a result, fully working rules are created and ready to be used. 3. A developer adds configuration to the project according to application needs. Alternatively, they can create a new OpenL Tablets project in their IDE via OpenL Maven Archetype and adjust it to use business user input. 4. A developer employs business rules directly through the OpenL Tablets engine or remotely through web services. 5. Whenever required, the business user updates or adds new rules to project tables. OpenL Tablets business rules management applications, such as OpenL Tablets WebStudio, Rules Repository, and Rule Service, can be set up to provide self-service environment for business user changes. 2.4 Quick Start with OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets provide a few ways to create a project. We recommend using Simple Project Maven Archetype approach for creating a project for the first time or create it via OpenL Tablets WebStudio. For more information on approaches for creating a project with detailed descriptions, see How to Start With OpenL Rules Project. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 8 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide Introducing OpenL Tablets After a project is created, a zip or Excel file for importing the project to OpenL Tablets WebStudio can be used. For more information on importing an existing project into OpenL Tablets WebStudio, see [OpenL Tablets WebStudio User Guide]. OpenL Tablets WebStudio provides convenient UI to work with rules. However, its usage can be avoided by working with rules from IDE only using the OpenL Tablets Maven plugin. The plugin provides compilation and testing of rules and wrapper generation support. Also, OpenL Tablets has OpenL Tablet Demo Package available at OpenL Tablets website. A demo is a zip file that contains a Tomcat with configured OpenL Tablets WebStudio and OpenL Tablets Web Services projects. It can be used to effectively start using OpenL Tablets products. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 9 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules Projects 3 OpenL Tablets Rules Projects This chapter describes how to create and use OpenL Tablets Rules projects. The following topics are included in this chapter: OpenL Rules Project Rules Project Descriptor Project Resolving How to start with OpenL Rules Project Customizing Table Properties Tables Validation Module Dependencies: Classloaders Peculiarities of OpenL Tablets Implementation 3.1 OpenL Rules Project OpenL Rules project is a project that contains Excel files with OpenL Tablets rules and may contain a rules project descriptor. The rules project descriptor is a XML file that defines project configuration and allows setting project dependencies. OpenL Rules Project can easily use rules from other projects via dependency functionality. 3.2 Rules Project Descriptor A rules project descriptor is a XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by OpenL to load and compile the rules project. The predefined name that is used for a rules project descriptor is rules.xml. This section includes the following topics: Quick Overview Descriptor Elements Quick Overview The following code fragment is an example of the rules project descriptor:Descriptor Elements The descriptor file contains several sections that describe project configuration: Project Configurations Module Configurations Dependency Configurations Classpath Configurations Project Configurations The project configurations are as follows: Project section Tag Required Description name yes Project name. It is a string value which defines a user-friendly project name. comment no Comment for project. dependency no Dependencies to projects. modules yes Project modules. A project can have one or several modules. classpath no Project relative classpath. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 11 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules Projects Project section Tag Required Description properties-filename-pattern no File name pattern to be used by the file name processor. The file name processor adds extracted module properties from a module file name. properties-filename-processor no Custom implementation of org.openl.rules.project.PropertiesFileNameProcessor used instead of default implementation. Module Configurations The module configurations are as follows: Module section Tag Required Description name yes/no Module name. It is a string value which defines a user-friendly module name. Note: It is used by OpenL Tablets WebStudio application as a module display name. It is not required for modules defined via wildcard. type yes Module instantiation type. Possible values are case-insensitive and can be dynamic, api, or static (deprecated). It defines the way of OpenL project instantiation. classname yes/no Name of rules interface. It is used together with type. It is not required for the api type. method-filer no Filter that defines tables to be used for interface generation. Java regular expression can be used to define a filter for multiple methods. rules-root yes/no Path to the main file of a rules module. It is used together with type. Ant pattern can be used to define multiple modules via wildcard. For more information on Ant patterns, see Ant patterns. Dependency Configurations The dependency configurations are as follows: Dependency section Tag Required Description name yes Dependency project name. autoIncluded yes Identifier, which, if set to true, that all modules from the dependency project will be used in this project module. If it is set to false, modules from the dependency project can be used in this project as dependencies, and each module will define its own list of used dependency modules. Classpath Configurations The classpath configurations are as follows: Classpath section Tag Required Description entry no Path for the classpath entry, that is, classes or jar file. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 12 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules Projects 3.3 Project Resolving The RulesProjectResolver Java class resolves all OpenL Tablets projects inside the workspace. The Resolver lists all folders in the workspace and tries to detect the OpenL Tablets project by the predefined strategy. The easiest way to initialize RulesProjectResolver is to use the loadProjectResolverFromClassPath() static method that uses project-resolver-beans.xml from classpath, that is, Spring beans configuration that defines all resolving strategies and their order. Make sure that the resolving strategies are in the correct order, as some projects may be matched by several resolving strategies. By default, the resolving strategies are in the following order: Resolving strategies Number Strategy Description 1. Project descriptor resolving strategy The strictest resolving strategy. It is based on the descriptor file as described previously in this section. 2. Excel file resolving strategy A resolving strategy for the simplest OpenL project which contains only Excel files in root folder without wrappers and descriptor. Each Excel file represents a module. 3.4 How to Start with OpenL Rules Project Firstly, an OpenL Rules project must be created. It can be done in the following ways: using Maven archetype using OpenL Tablets WebStudio manually See the following sections for detailed information: Creating a Project Using the Maven Archetype Creating a Project in OpenL Tablets WebStudio Creating a Project Manually Editing Rules Using OpenL Tablets Rules from Java Code Handling Data and Data Types in OpenL Tablets Creating a Project Using the Maven Archetype OpenL Tablets provides the Maven archetype which can be used to create a simple OpenL Rules project. To create a project using the Maven archetype, proceed as follows: 1. Execute the following command in command line: mvn archetype:generate Maven runs the archetype console wizard. 2. Select the openl-simple-project-archetype menu item. As an alternative way is using the following command: mvn archetype:generate –DarchetypeGroupId=org.openl.rules –DarchetypeArtifactId=openl-simple-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=5.X.X 3. Follow with the Maven creation wizard. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 13 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules Projects After all steps are completed, a new Maven based project appears in the file system. It is an OpenL Rules project which has one module with simple rules in it. 4. Execute the following command in the command line from the root of the project folder to compile the project: mvn install After executing this command, the following files can be found in the target folder: 1. zip file with "-deployable" suffix for importing the project to OpenL Tablets WebStudio. For more information, see [OpenL Tablets WebStudio User Guide]. 2. zip file (with "-runnable" suffix) that can be executed after extracting it. It demonstrates how OpenL Tablets rules can be invoked from Java code. 3. jar file that contains only compiled Java classes. This jar can be put in classpath of the project and used as a depended library. Creating a Project in OpenL Tablets WebStudio OpenL Tablets WebStudio allows users to create new rule projects in the Repository in one of the following ways: create a rule project from template create a rule project from Excel files create a rule project from zip archive import a rule project from workspace The following diagram explains how projects are stored in OpenL Tablets WebStudio and then deployed and used by OpenL Tablets Web Services: © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 14 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules Projects Figure 2: OpenL Tablets WebStudio and OpenL Tablets Web Services Integration When a user starts editing a project, it is extracted from Design Repository and placed in the file system, in a user workspace. The project becomes locked in Design Repository for editing by other users. After editing is finished, the user saves the project. An updated version of the project is saved to Design Repository and becomes available for editing by other users. OpenL Tablets Web Services use separate repository instance, Production Repository. OpenL Tablets WebStudio can be configured to deploy complete and tested rules projects to that repository. For more information, see [OpenL Tablets WebStudio User Guide]. Creating a Project Manually OpenL does not oblige a user to use predefined ways of project creation and enables using the user’s own project structure. The Project Resolving mechanism can be used as a base for the project structure definition. Depending on the resolving strategy, more or less files and folders are to be created, but several project elements definition is mandatory. For more information on manually creating a project, see OpenL Rules Project. © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 15 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules Projects Editing Rules When a project is created, business rules have to be defined. It can be done using OpenL Tablets WebStudio or manually using MS Excel. If the simple rules project is used, there are several simple predefined rules that can be used as an example. Using OpenL Tablets Rules from Java Code For access to rules and data in Excel tables, OpenL Tablets API is used. OpenL Tablets provides a wrapper to facilitate easier usage. This section illustrates the creation of a wrapper for a Simple project in IDE. There is only one rule hello1 in the Simple project by default. Figure 3: The hello1 rule table Proceed as follows: 1. In the project src folder, create an interface as follows: public interface Simple { void hello1(int i); } 2. Create a wrapper object as follows: import static java.lang.System.out; import org.openl.rules.runtime.RulesEngineFactory; public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { //define the interface RulesEngineFactory Project name comment MyModule1 API © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 10 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules ProjectsMyModule2 API * projectName false {lob} default.DefaultPropertiesFileNameProcessor rulesFactory = new RulesEngineFactory ("TemplateRules.xls", Simple.class); Simple rules = (Simple) rulesFactory.newInstance(); rules.hello1(12); } } When the class is run, it executes and displays Good Afternoon, World! The interface can be generated by OpenL Tablets in runtime if the developer does not define it when initializing the rule engine factory. In this case, rules can be executed via reflection. The following example illustrates using a wrapper with a generated interface in runtime: public static void callRulesWithGeneratedInterface(){ © 2004-2018 OpenL Tablets OpenL Tablets 5.20 Page 16 of 28 OpenL Tablets Developer's Guide OpenL Tablets Rules Projects // Creates new instance of OpenL Rules Factory RulesEngineFactory> rulesFactory = new RulesEngineFactory
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