Administrator's Guide Excel / Meridian Data Computer Drive 1 Open Text Right Fax 10.0 Administrators

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OpenText RightFax 10.0
Administrator’s Guide
OpenText RightFax 10.0. This document was last updated May 24, 2011.
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OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide ii
Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................ 13
About the RightFax System ......................................................... 13
Using This Guide............................................................................ 13
Getting Help Online ...................................................................... 13
Fax Server Training Services ....................................................... 14
Open Text Professional Services................................................ 14
Customer Support ......................................................................... 14
Chapter 2 Understanding the RightFax Servers.............................. 17
RightFax Business Server ............................................................ 17
RightFax Enterprise Server and Enterprise Suite ................... 17
RightFax Server with the Integration Module........................... 17
RightFax Branch Office Server ................................................... 17
How RightFax Works .................................................................... 18
Installing the RightFax Server...................................................... 20
Chapter 3 Configuring the RightFax Server Module ......................21
Configuring the General Settings...............................................21
Configuring the Advanced Settings ...........................................24
Configuring Feature Activation ....................................................25
Configuring Custom Messages...................................................26
Configuring User Messages .......................................................28
Configuring Admin Messages .....................................................29
Configuring Data Sharing.............................................................31
Configuring eTransport..................................................................32
Starting and Stopping the RightFax Server..............................33
Understanding the Fax Server Internal Event Queue .............35
Chapter 4 Configuring the WorkServer Modules ............................37
Selecting a Service Account........................................................42
Adding and Deleting WorkServers............................................ 44
Printing a Time Strip on Faxes.................................................... 44
Configuring Kofax NetScan..........................................................45
Configuring PeopleSoft................................................................ 46
Installing WorkServers on Remote Computers .......................47
Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition Version 10.0 Administrator’s Guide iv
Chapter 5 Configuring the DocTransport Modules......................... 49
Adding transport methods........................................................... 50
Configuring Global DocTransport Settings..............................51
Brooktrout Fax Board Configuration ..........................................52
Configuring Docs-on-Demand.....................................................63
Eicon Fax Board Configuration .................................................. 66
Configuring T.37 Fax over IP....................................................... 68
Configuring Fax over IP Failover................................................. 69
Configuring SMS via the Push-Proxy Gateway.......................70
Configuring Automated Billing Codes.......................................71
Running DocTransport on Remote Computers .......................72
Chapter 6 Configuring Server-Side Application Conversion ....... 75
Understanding Server-Side Application Conversion..............75
About the Captaris Conversion Engine.....................................76
Configuring the Service Account............................................... 80
To Configure Timeout on a Failed Conversion........................ 80
Controlling Server-Side Application Conversion.................... 80
Word-wrap for Text Attachments ................................................81
Troubleshooting the Conversion Engine ...................................81
Chapter 7 Enabling and Using the Captaris Sync Module ........... 83
Description of the Captaris Sync Module.................................83
Defining a Data Source................................................................ 84
Defining a Destination Database................................................ 88
Creating Mappings........................................................................ 89
Deleting a Data Source or Destination..................................... 90
Verifying User Synchronization ....................................................91
Chapter 8 Managing Fax Servers with Enterprise Fax Manager 93
Starting Enterprise Fax Manager.................................................93
Setting Preferences ...................................................................... 94
Viewing RightFax Server Information......................................... 96
Working with Objects....................................................................97
Monitoring the Status of RightFax Servers and Services..... 98
Synchronizing the RightFax Server with External Systems 101
Running Enterprise Fax Manager Web Edition.....................101
Chapter 9 Creating RightFax Users...................................................103
Managing RightFax Users.......................................................... 103
Creating a User Profile............................................................... 105
Using Windows NT Security Authentication......................... 116
Importing Users............................................................................ 117
Chapter 10 Creating Groups of Users.................................................119
Managing Groups........................................................................ 119
Editing Group Properties........................................................... 120
Chapter 11 Creating Signatures ...........................................................127
Managing Signature Files .......................................................... 127
Editing Signature File Properties ............................................. 128
Creating a New Signature File ................................................. 128
Adding a Signature to a Fax...................................................... 128
Chapter 12 Creating Overlay Forms ....................................................131
Managing Overlay Form Files ................................................... 131
Editing Form File Properties...................................................... 132
Creating a New Overlay Form .................................................. 132
Using Two Overlay Forms in One Fax..................................... 133
Adding an Overlay Form to a Fax............................................. 134
Chapter 13 Connecting Printers and Scanners ................................135
Managing Printers........................................................................ 135
Editing Printer Properties........................................................... 136
Importing Printers into RightFax............................................... 137
Configuring RightFax to Automatically Print Faxes.............. 137
Using Scanners with RightFax.................................................. 137
The Standalone Fax Connector................................................ 138
Chapter 14 Creating Billing Codes ......................................................141
Customizing the Names of Billing Code Fields.................... 141
Managing Billing Codes............................................................. 141
Editing Billing Code Properties................................................ 142
Importing Billing Codes.............................................................. 142
Requiring and Validating Billing Codes.................................. 143
Accessing ODBC Billing Codes ............................................. 143
Contents v
Chapter 15 Creating Library Documents............................................ 147
Managing Library Documents................................................... 147
Editing Library Document Properties......................................148
Creating a New Library Document ..........................................149
Faxing a Library Document........................................................149
Chapter 16 Text Messaging Using the Push Proxy Gateway........ 151
Understanding Message Types................................................ 152
Understanding Connectors.......................................................153
Understanding Two-Way SMS Support.................................153
Understanding Log Files............................................................153
Configuring the Push Proxy Gateway .....................................154
Chapter 17 Adding SMS and Pager Services................................... 161
Managing SMS and Pager Services.......................................162
Editing SMS and Pager Service Properties .......................... 162
Logging SMS and Pager Alerts ...............................................165
Chapter 18 Using the Alerting and Monitoring Service................. 167
Installing the Alerting and Monitoring Service ...................... 167
Configuring the RightFax Alerting Service............................. 167
Defining the Statistics to Monitor and
their Alert Thresholds............................................................... 170
Editing Alert Properties .............................................................. 171
Chapter 19 Using SNMP Alerting ........................................................ 175
Configuring the SNMP Service
on the RightFax Server............................................................ 175
Configuring the Network Monitor Application....................... 176
Receiving RightFax Alerts in Your Network Monitor ............ 176
Querying RightFax Status Variables........................................ 177
Controlling RightFax Services From Your Network Monitor ......
Troubleshooting the RightFax Alerts .......................................183
Chapter 20 Creating Dialing Rules and
Least-Cost Routing Plans.................................................187
Managing Dialing Rules ............................................................. 187
Editing Dialing Rules................................................................... 188
Load Balancing ............................................................................196
Managing Destination Tables.................................................... 196
Testing Dialing Rules and Fax Routes.....................................199
Call Blocking................................................................................. 201
Least-Cost Routing Examples .................................................. 202
Chapter 21 Creating Fax Cover Sheets ..............................................205
Creating an HTML Cover Sheet .............................................. 205
Creating a Microsoft Word Cover Sheet ............................... 207
Creating a PCL Cover Sheet.................................................... 209
Selecting a Cover Sheet File ................................................... 211
Chapter 22 Routing Inbound Faxes.....................................................213
Configuring DID/DNIS Routing ............................................... 213
Configuring DTMF Routing ....................................................... 214
Configuring Channel Routing ................................................... 214
Configuring ANI Routing............................................................ 215
Configuring CSID Routing ........................................................ 216
Configuring Delivery Methods for Users ................................ 216
Distributing Faxes to a Group of Users .................................. 218
Assigning Unique ID Numbers to Fax File Names
and Routing to a Network Folder.......................................... 218
Chapter 23 Using Optical Character Recognition............................221
Enabling OCR Processing on the WorkServers.................. 221
Configuring RightFax Users for OCR Conversion............... 222
Using OCR to Route Received Faxes .................................... 223
Creating and Managing OCR Text Files ................................ 225
Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition Version 10.0 Administrator’s Guide vi
Chapter 24 Responding to Inbound Faxes with AutoReply ......... 227
Requirements................................................................................ 227
Installing and Configuring AutoReply .................................... 227
Managing AutoReply from a Remote Computer ..................229
Customizing the Reply Fax ........................................................230
Troubleshooting the AutoReply Service .................................231
Chapter 25 Creating, Sending, and Managing Faxes.....................233
Creating and Sending a Fax...................................................... 233
Using Embedded Codes ...........................................................240
Managing Faxes ...........................................................................241
Chapter 26 Activating and Using the PDF Module ......................... 243
Activating the PDF Module on the RightFax Server............243
Enabling PostScript Processing on a WorkServer ..............243
Additional PDF Processing Options .......................................244
Chapter 27 Creating Phonebooks and Broadcasting Faxes ........ 245
Using the RightFax Phonebook ................................................ 245
Importing Entries Into the RightFax Phonebook ...................246
Using MAPI Phonebooks...........................................................248
Using ODBC Phonebooks........................................................249
LDAP Phonebooks ...................................................................... 251
Fax Broadcasting ......................................................................... 252
Chapter 28 Using RightFax Email Gateways .................................... 257
Installing the Email Gateway Software................................... 257
Adding and Configuring Email Gateways..............................259
Sending a Fax via SMTP/POP3...............................................263
Receiving Faxes via Email..........................................................266
Email Notification of Faxes......................................................... 267
Embedded Codes in Mail Messages...................................... 267
Running the Email Gateway Remotely....................................268
Troubleshooting the Email Gateways......................................269
Chapter 29 Inbound Faxing with Microsoft Exchange 2010 Unified
Messaging ............................................................................271
Overview........................................................................................ 271
Requirements................................................................................ 271
Configuring Exchange 2010 UM for Faxing.......................... 271
Configuring OpenText RightFax for Exchange 2010 UM... 273
Chapter 30 Using TeleConnect to Access Faxes by Phone...........275
Configuring TeleConnect........................................................... 275
Retrieving Faxes Via TeleConnect............................................ 282
Chapter 31 Backing Up and Maintaining
the RightFax Software and Database...........................285
Changing the Connection to the SQL Server ...................... 285
Backing Up and Restoring
the RightFax Server and Database....................................... 287
Purging Deleted Fax Records from the Database ...............289
Purging Fax Records using DBPurge.....................................289
Purging Faxes from Users’ Fax Mailboxes ............................. 290
Removing Orphaned Faxes....................................................... 290
Supported Database Collation.................................................290
Appendix A RightFax Embedded Codes291
Appendix B File Formats that Convert to Fax Format303
Appendix C Error and Status Messages305
Appendix D Alerting and Monitoring Statistics311
Fax Server Statistics ................................................................... 311
Database Statistics..................................................................... 312
Workserver Statistics.................................................................. 314
Gateway Statistics ...................................................................... 315
Local BoardServer Statistics .................................................... 316
All BoardServers Statistics ....................................................... 319
RPC Server Statistics ................................................................ 320
Paging Server Statistics............................................................. 321
Local Document Transport Server Statistics ........................ 322
Contents vii
Chapter 32 Registry Keywords ............................................................. 325
DocTransport Registry Entries..................................................326
FaxServer Registry Entries.........................................................329
Gateway Registry Entries ..........................................................332
RightFax Registry Entries........................................................... 332
WorkServer Registry Entries.....................................................334
Index ................................................................................................................... 337
Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition Version 10.0 Administrator’s Guide viii
Chapter 1
About the RightFax System
The RightFax system is a comprehensive network fax solution for
creating, sending, receiving, and managing faxes directly from a
user’s desktop computer. RightFax features and intuitive design
make faxing as easy as printing to a network printer.
A user can enhance the fax by adding a cover page, overlaying a
form, attaching documents, and inserting graphics.
FaxUtil is the RightFax mailbox where users create, view, print, and
manage faxes. With FaxUtil, users can forward, route, and delete
faxes. They can view other users’ fax mailboxes and delegate views
into their personal fax mailboxes.
The RightFax fax server manages network print queues assigned to
faxing, converts outgoing faxes, schedules outgoing faxes, and
routes incoming faxes. Routing can be optimized with Intelligent
Least-cost Routing rules. The server consists of several services
that run on one server computer or several networked computers
to distribute heavy workloads.
Similarly, RightFax fax board services can be installed on remote
servers to distribute the workload across several computers and to
provide expanded channel capacity and system redundancy.
A RightFax email gateway acts as a communication link between
the RightFax server and an email server. With an email gateway, the
user’s customary email client software can serve as the fax client.
RightFax includes email gateway for SMTP/POP3. Advanced
gateways for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes are available as
separate modules.
Using This Guide
The OpenText RightFax Administrator’s Guide is designed for
RightFax administrators who will be installing and configuring the
RightFax software on both client and server computers. This guide
assumes you have knowledge of the Windows operating systems
as well as knowledge of networking systems and your own
organization’s network.
Getting Help Online
The OpenText web site offers the latest product information.
Updated documentation, a searchable customer support
knowledgebase, software downloads, are available on the
OpenText Knowledge Center at
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 14
Editing Contact Information in FaxUtil
In the FaxUtil Help menu, users can select Contact Information,
and a dialog box opens that lists Open Text Customer Support
contact information.
Figure 1.1 The Contact Information Dialog Box
This contact information appears in English with Open Text contact
information, but you can edit the text to provide customized
information. To do so, edit the text file Contact.txt located in the
\RightFax\Bin folder on the RightFax server. You can enter 24 lines
of text and up to 59 characters per line.
Fax Server Training Services
Fax Server training from Open Text facilitates successful
deployment and saves time installing, configuring and maintaining
Fax Servers. Regularly scheduled courses are delivered virtually,
and in classrooms in Tucson, Arizona and Hooppdorf in the
Netherlands. Onsite and custom training are also available. Please
visit our Web site to get more information and register for Fax
Server training:
ls-learning-services-home/ls-offering-captaris.htm. Or email us at and let us help you develop a
customized training plan for your organization.
Open Text Professional Services
Experienced OpenText implementation engineers can help you
quickly and efficiently deploy the OpenText Fax Server, RightFax
Edition in your production environment.
OpenText Professional Services engineers and consultants are
experts in the implementation, deployment and integration of
OpenText Fax Server solutions. Services include basic installation
and configuration, upgrades and migrations, configuration review,
systems assessment and health check, and other advanced
integration services. Services can be performed remotely, on-site,
or a combination of both.
OpenText Professional Services provides a cost effective
alternative for organizations in need of getting their enterprise fax
infrastructure up and running quickly, particularly with limited
resources or expertise. Please contact for more information.
Customer Support
Open Text Customer Support maximizes the value of your Open
Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition by providing access to a wide
variety of resources and support tools. Through the Open Text
Knowledge Center (, customers
have access to
Open Text’s team of Technical Support Engineers and Product
System upgrades and maintenance
An extensive product knowledgebase
Product documentation
Product discussion groups
Chapter 1 Introduction 15
More information on Open Text’s complete line of Customer
Support offerings can be found at
Contacting Open Text Customer Support:
For complete Open Text Customer Support
contact information, visit
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 16
Chapter 2
Understanding the RightFax Servers
RightFax offers the following versions of its fax server software:
RightFax Business Server
RightFax Enterprise Server and Enterprise Suite
RightFax Enterprise or Business Server with the Integration
RightFax Branch Office Server
RightFax Business Server
The RightFax Business Server supports unlimited user accounts. It
includes one fax channel, but is expandable to up to 30 fax
RightFax Enterprise Server and Enterprise Suite
The RightFax Enterprise Server supports unlimited user accounts.
It includes three WorkServers and one fax channel, expandable to
support unlimited fax channels. This server includes the RightFax
Web Client and the OCR Router, OCR Converter,
Docs-on-Demand, and TeleConnect modules.
The Enterprise server is also available as a product suite that
includes the RightFax Enterprise server, plus the Gateway for
Microsoft® Exchange, the Gateway for Lotus Notes®, the Document
Management Connector, and the SNMP Alerting, and PDF
RightFax Server with the Integration Module
The RightFax server and the RightFax Integration Module enable
applications for information exchange. The Integration Module
integrates RightFax with applications on mainframe, mid-range, and
local area network host systems.
The RightFax Small Business Integration Module can be installed
on the RightFax Business and Enterprise servers.
The RightFax Enterprise Integration Module can be installed on
the Enterprise server.
RightFax Branch Office Server
This RightFax Branch Office server supports up to 100 user
accounts. It includes three WorkServers and two fax channels, and
can be updated for a total of four fax channels.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 18
How RightFax Works
RightFax is comprised of these basic components:
Fax image files
Fax database (SQL)
Fax server services
Fax client programs
Before configuring RightFax for your particular network installation,
you should understand the function of each component.
Fax image files
All sent and received faxes are stored as compressed graphic
image files (CCITT Group III format) in the RightFax\Image folder.
Fax image files are assigned file names by the RightFax server and
these file names are directly referenced by the RightFax SQL
Each individual page of a fax is saved as a separate file. All files
associated with a single fax will have the same file name, but
different file extensions will indicate the page number. File
extensions for RightFax image files are numeric, starting with
number 301, indicating the first page of the fax. The file extension
increments by 1 for each subsequent page of the fax.
Warning If you re-name RightFax image files, they will not be
recognized by the RightFax server.
A typical fax consumes 35 Kb, though some can be as large as
150 Kb or as small as 5 Kb per page. Because fax images can
consume a large amount of disk space, you should dedicate at
least 500 Mb of storage to your RightFax server. More space may
be required depending on the number of faxes sent and received,
and how frequently old faxes are deleted.
Note RightFax monitors the amount of free disk space on the server and
will shut down certain processing elements when available disk space
falls below 50 Mb. When sufficient disk space is restored, fax processing
continues automatically.
Fax database
RightFax uses a SQL database to manage RightFax system
objects (such as users, groups, and printers) and to organize, track,
and route faxes. RightFax provides some database management
and diagnostic utilities. Third-party and custom SQL utilities can
also be applied to the RightFax database. For more information on
the RightFax database and applicable SQL database management
tools, see Chapter 31, “Backing Up and Maintaining the RightFax
Software and Database”.
Fax server services
The RightFax fax server consists of several services: the RightFax
Server module, RightFax WorkServer modules, RightFax RPC
Server module, RightFax Database module, RightFax Queue
Handler, RightFax DocTransport module and, optionally, the email
gateway and integration modules. In most cases, all the services
run on the same machine so that the Server module can
automatically start and stop the programs as necessary. However,
the RightFax WorkServer and BoardServer modules can run on
different computers to redistribute heavy workloads.
The RightFax Server Module
The RightFax Server Module anages the network print queues
assigned to faxing, controls the conversion of outgoing faxes, and
works with the BoardServer module to schedule outgoing faxes
and route incoming faxes.
The RightFax WorkServer Module
The RightFax WorkServer module performs one or more functions
on behalf of the RightFax Server module. It periodically asks the
RightFax database if its services have been requested, executes
requested tasks, and notifies the database when tasks are
complete. You can configure multiple WorkServer modules to
handle processor-intensive tasks such as print-to-fax file
conversions. For example, one WorkServer can convert PCL-5
print files into fax images, while another WorkServer separately
handles automatic printing of incoming faxes.
The RightFax DocTransport Module
The RightFax DocTransport module lets you configure the methods
by which RightFax will be able to transmit documents. This module
lets you configure fax boards for conventional fax transmission, as
well as set up RightFax for SMS messaging, Fax-over-IP, DOCplus,
and Eicon fax boards.
The RightFax BoardServer Module
The RightFax BoardServer module acts as an interpreter between
the fax boards and the Server module. It handles requests to
schedule outgoing faxes for transmission and informs the Server
module when a new fax has been received and needs to be
processed. Multiple BoardServer modules can be installed on
remote servers to distribute the workload across several machines
and provide expanded channel capacity and system redundancy.
The RightFax Database Module
The RightFax Database module accesses the SQL fax database to
provide client programs with the information used in fax
transactions including deleting, forwarding, creating, viewing, and
printing faxes.
The RightFax RPC Module
The RightFax RPC module acts as an interpreter between the
RightFax client programs and the fax database on the server.
The RightFax Queue Handler
The RightFax Queue Handler monitors the HPFAX print queue for
inbound jobs and directs them to RightFax for processing.
RightFax Client Programs
FaxUtil is RightFax’s Windows-based client application. With
FaxUtil, users can view, print, and manage their faxes. Version 9.3
servers support versions 8.7 or higher of the FaxUtil client.
RightFax Web Access
RightFax Web Access is RightFax’s browser-based client
application. It includes all the functionality of FaxUtil, but can be
accessed by users from any compatible Web browser.
Enterprise Fax Manager
Enterprise Fax Manager is the primary RightFax administrator
application. With Enterprise Fax Manager, the RightFax
administrator can manage users, groups, printers, least-cost
routing, and the general functions of the fax system.
Enterprise Fax Manager Web Edition
Enterprise Fax Manager Web Edition is a browser-based RightFax
management tool. It includes all the functionality of Enterprise Fax
manager, but can be accessed from any compatible Web browser.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 20
Installing the RightFax Server
For information and instructions on installing the RightFax server
software, refer to the Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition
Installation Guide.
Chapter 3
Configuring the RightFax Server Module
The RightFax Server module manages the network print queues
assigned to faxing, controls the conversion of outgoing faxes, and
works with the RightFax BoardServer module to schedule outgoing
faxes and route inbound faxes. You can configure the RightFax
Server module to customize global fax settings, inbound fax routing,
and notifications about document processing and server status.
To configure the RightFax Server module
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > Enterprise
Fax Manager. This runs Enterprise Fax Manager, the RightFax
server administration tool. For more information on Enterprise
Fax Manager, see Chapter 8, “Managing Fax Servers with
Enterprise Fax Manager”.
2. Click the name of the RightFax server to configure in the tree in
the left pane of the Enterprise Fax Manager window. A list of
services appears at the lower-right pane of the window.
3. In the Service Name list, double-click RightFax Server
Module. The Server Configuration dialog box opens.
The rest of this chapter explains each of the options in this dialog
Configuring the General Settings
Figure 3.1 The Server Configuration Dialog Box General Tab
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 22
Enable CSID Routing Enables automatic inbound routing
using CSID (caller subscriber identification). CSID data is
information about the calling party sent to the fax board by the
phone company. The CSID is different for each caller, and can be
anything from a phone number to a company name.
For CSID routing to work, you must select this check box AND
create a CSID routing table that lists RightFax routing codes and
the CSIDs to be routed to them. For more information on CSID
routing and creating a CSID routing table see “Configuring CSID
Routing” on page 216.
Enable Quick Headers Allows a second line to be added
below the TTI line (the line listing the date, time, page number, total
pages, and fax ID at the very top of each fax page). After the quick
header is enabled, you can customize the text in the BoardServer
module (see “Quick Header Format” on page 56). If this check box
is selected, quick headers will be applied to all outgoing faxes.
Create New User when Printing to the Fax Queue
Assigns a new RightFax user ID to network users who print to the
fax queue but don’t have a RightFax user ID. RightFax uses the
“Default” user ID as a template when creating new users.
Disable Routing of Faxes with Errors When enabled, this
option will prevent routing of incomplete faxes through an email
gateway or network directory. Faxes are still available through
FaxUtil and will have a status of ‘Incompletely Received’.
Event LogLevel Specify the level of information logged in the
Application Event Log under the service name “RightFax Server
Module.” You can select the following options:
None. No information is saved.
Terse. Records critical errors only.
Normal. Records errors and major events only.
Verbose. Records all significant events and is most useful for
tracking and resolving problems.
Caution If you leave this value set to “Verbose” for long periods of time,
the Event Log can become full which may prevent new events from being
Delay All Faxes Until Specify the time of day after which all
faxes sent by users without RightFax administrative access will be
sent. To send faxes without delay, select “None set.
Forced delays can also be set for groups of RightFax users. For
more information on groups, see Chapter 10, “Creating Groups of
Auto Delete Failed Gateway Faxes When enabled, this
option removes faxes that fail gateway routing.
Enable Shared Services Failover Select this option to
automatically connect a client to a different server in a Shared
Services system when the primary connection is lost. If this option
is not selected, and the primary connection is lost, the client will be
unable to continue processing faxes.
Notification settings
Notification settings can be changed without stopping and
re-starting the RightFax services.
Allow Notification Enables fax notifications to be sent to
RightFax users. When this check box is selected, users receive
notification messages based on the notification options specified in
Admin Once Only Notifies the group administrator and
alternate administrator of their users’ unviewed faxes one time only.
User Notify Time Specify the total length of time in minutes that
the server will attempt to notify a user of an unviewed fax before it
notifies the user’s group administrator.
Admin Notify Time Specify the length of time in minutes that
the server will notify a user’s group administrator of unviewed faxes.
Note By default, the RightFax server sends periodic notifications to
users every five minutes. To re-define this interval, modify the Notify_Freq
keyword in the Windows Registry. See “Notify_Freq” on page 330.
Retry settings
Count Specify the number of times (including the first attempt) an
outgoing fax transmission will be attempted if it encounters a
non-fatal error (for example, a busy signal).
Interval Specify the minimum delay in minutes before a failed fax
transmission is rescheduled to send.
SMS Count Specify the number of times (including the first
attempt) an outgoing notification will be attempted if the system
encounters a non-fatal error (for example, a busy signal).
SMS Interval Specify the minimum delay in minutes before a
failed notification is rescheduled to send.
While a fax is being retried, it will appear with a yellow status icon
in the sender’s FaxUtil mailbox. If the fax has not been successfully
sent after the specified number of attempts, it will be abandoned
and saved in the sender’s FaxUtil mailbox with a red status icon.
The sender can force RightFax to manually retry sending the fax by
selecting the fax and pressing CTRL+K.
Record DNIS Information Specify where to store DNIS
(dialed number identification service) information for each incoming
fax. DNIS is specially encoded data that may be included with your
incoming calls as a service provided by your phone company.
RightFax fax records do not include a field dedicated to storing
DNIS information, so you must use one of three existing fields:
Select “Fax DID number” to save DNIS information where the
originating phone number is saved.
Select “Billing code 1” to save DNIS information in the fax Billing
Code 1 field.
Select “Billing code 2” to save DNIS information in the fax Billing
Code 2 field.
Select “Don’t record” to discard DNIS information.
Note Because it overwrites any data in the location you specify, DNIS
information should be saved to a field that is not used by your RightFax
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 24
Configuring the Advanced Settings
Figure 3.2 The Server Configuration Dialog Box Advanced Tab
Database settings
Event LogLevel Specify the level of information logged in the
Application Event Log under the name “RightFax Database
Module.” You can select the following options:
None. No information is saved.
Terse. Records critical errors only.
Normal. Records errors and major events only.
Verbose. Records all significant events and is most useful for
tracking and resolving problems.
Caution If you leave this value set to “Verbose” for long periods of time,
the Event Log can become full which may prevent new events from being
Maximum Threads Sets the number of database I/O threads
reserved to service client requests.
The RightFax Database module can respond to database requests
from multiple clients and multiple protocols at the same time. The
efficiency of this process depends on the number of database I/O
threads available. Because each thread uses resources (file
handles, CPU time, and memory), you should never increase the
number of threads to more than 10. If a database request occurs
when all the threads are busy, the request will wait in line to be
Maximum File I/O Threads Sets the number of file I/O
threads reserved to service client requests.
The RightFax Database module can respond to file I/O requests
from multiple clients and multiple protocols at the same time. The
efficiency of this process depends on the number of file I/O
threads available. Because each thread uses resources (file
handles, CPU time, and memory), setting this value too high will
deplete the server's resources for other tasks. If a file I/O request
occurs when all the threads are busy, the request will wait in line to
be serviced.
Maintenance Cycle
This field sets the time of day when the server will perform its daily
maintenance (such as automatic file backup, fax aging, and
purging). This should be set to a time when your fax server will be
least busy.
Billing code settings
Billing code settings can be changed without stopping and
restarting the RightFax services.
Validate from Email Gateways Validates all billing codes
added to fax-bound email messages. If a billing code cannot be
validated, the fax will not send and the user will receive notification
that the fax did not send due to an invalid billing code. If this check
box is not selected, billing codes may be added to fax-bound email
messages but will not be validated prior to sending (in other words,
any billing code will be accepted).
Use External Validation Tells RightFax to use an external
program to verify billing codes on outbound faxes. This gives the
user the ability to validate faxes based on several different criteria,
not just billing codes. To work, a program must be written with the
RightFax API to perform the verification of billing codes. For
information on downloading and using the RightFax API, visit the
Open Text Knowledge Center at
Separate Validation Customizes the way in which required
billing codes are validated against the RightFax database.
Selecting “Both Fields” requires both Billing Code 1 and Billing
Code 2 fields contain valid codes. “Field 1 or Field 2” requires
either of the billing code fields to contain a valid code, but not
necessarily both. “Field 1 Only” requires only the Billing Code 1
field contain a valid code. “Field 2 Only” requires only the Billing
Code 2 field contain a valid code.
External document connector
The external document connector settings are used for integrations
between RightFax and third-party systems such as FileNet and
XML Generator. If you are not using these integrations, do not
select this check box.
SQL Connection
These fields display the connection strings that define the RightFax
server’s connection to the SQL database. You can make changes
to either SQL connection by clicking the [...] button on the right.
For more information on changing and editing the connections to
the RightFax database on the SQL server, see “Changing the
Connection to the SQL Server” on page 285.
Character Set Mode
Select this check box to use the ANSI code page for the character
sets used in faxed documents. Deselect it to use the default OEM
code page and character sets.
RightFax installed on non-English language operating systems
such as German or Turkish may not display special characters
(such as umlauts) correctly. Selecting the ANSI code page can
resolve this.
Select Service Account
Click this button to select a service account for the RightFax Server
and RightFax Database services. Specifying an account for these
services is only required if you want to connect to the SQL
database using Windows authentication.
Configuring Feature Activation
The Feature Activation tab allows you to launch the Product
Licensing Utility (or PLU). The PLU is required when changing or
adding to your feature set.
For more information on upgrading your server license, add
additional fax channels, and add new RightFax components, refer
to the RightFax Installation Guide.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 26
Configuring Custom Messages
These options let you customize the text of messages that are sent
for fax status notifications for users (described on page 115).
Figure 3.3 The Server Configuration Dialog Box Custom Messages Tab
Notification messages can contain a combination of text and
variable data. Each message has variable options, described in the
following table.
Table 3a Notification Message Options
message Variable options When used
Bad fax phone
~1 = User ID
~2 = Fax phone number
The fax number contains
invalid characters.
Bad form type ~1 = User ID A bad form was specified.
Fax blocked by
Do Not Dial
~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = Fax error code
~4 = Sender’s user ID
~5 = Billing code 1
~6 = Billing code 2
~7 = Recipient’s company
~8 = An HTML link to the fax
on the WebUtil client (if
A fax was not sent
because the destination
fax number was blocked
by the Do Not Dial feature.
(described on page 198.)
Fax needs
~1 = User ID
~2 = Recipient’s name
~3 = Recipient’s fax number
One of the sender’s
outgoing faxes needs
Fax number
~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = Fax error code
~4 = Number of retries
~5 = Billing code 1
~6 = Billing code 2
~7 = URL link to the fax on
the RightFax server
(this option can only be
used with RightFax
email gateway
The recipient’s fax number
is blocked by the RightFax
BoardServer. Fax
numbers can be blocked
using the following
Dialing rules.
The call blocking
Windows Registry entry
on the BoardServer.
Answered Fax
~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = Fax error code
~4 = Number of retries
~5 = User ID
The fax was canceled (not
accepted) by the recipient
when the recipient
responded to the RightFax
voice prompt.
Table 3a Notification Message Options (Continued)
message Variable options When used
Imaging error ~1 = User ID
~2 = Recipient’s name
~3 = Recipient’s fax number
~4 = Error encountered
The server cannot
generate a fax image.
Incomplete fax ~1 = User ID
~2 = Unique ID of the fax
The sender did not
complete all of the
required fax information
Invalid billing
~1 = User ID
~2 = Billing code 1
~3 = Billing code 2
The sender did not
provide a valid billing
New fax ~1 = Number of pages
~2 = User ID
~3 = Received remote ID
~4 = TeleConnect ID
~5 = Unique ID of fax
~6 = URL link to the fax on
the RightFax server
(this option can only be
used with a RightFax
email gateway)
A new fax was received.
Ready for
~1 = User ID
~2 = Recipient’s name
~3 = Recipient’s fax number
~4 = Billing code 1
~5 = Billing code 2
The fax was held for
preview and is now ready.
Table 3a Notification Message Options (Continued)
message Variable options When used
Sending error ~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = Fax error code
~4 = Number of retries
~5 = User ID
~6 = Billing code 1
~7 = Billing code 2
~8 = Recipient’s company
The fax could not be sent.
Sending fax ~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = User ID
~4 = Recipient’s company
The fax starts to send or is
still sending after a few
Successful send ~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = Recipient’s company
~4 = URL link to the fax on
the RightFax server
(this option can only be
used with a RightFax
email gateway)
The fax transmission was
Table 3a Notification Message Options (Continued)
message Variable options When used
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 28
To return a notification message to the default setting, select the
text, delete it, and then click OK. The next time you open the dialog
box, the default message will be listed.
Configuring User Messages
You can replace the default pager/SMS fax notification messages
for users with customized messages. Users will receive
pager/SMS notifications only if they have been configured to do so
in the Pager Notification tab of their user configuration in
Enterprise Fax Manager (described on page 111). For more
information on configuring SMS and pager notifications, see
Chapter 17, Adding SMS and Pager Services”.
Figure 3.4 The Server Configuration Dialog Box User Messages Tab
Too many retries ~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = Fax error code
~4 = Number of retries
~5 = User ID
~6 = Billing code 1
~7 = Billing code 2
~8 = Recipient’s company
~9 = URL link to the fax on
the RightFax server
(this option can only be
used with RightFax
email gateway)
The fax was abandoned
after the maximum number
of send attempts.
Viewed or printed
~1 = User ID A received fax has not
been viewed or printed.
Table 3a Notification Message Options (Continued)
message Variable options When used
For each message type, enter the custom message text you want.
Each message type has its own set of variables, described in the
following table.
To return a notification message to the default setting, select the
text, delete it, and then click OK. The next time you open the dialog
box, the default message will be listed.
Configuring Admin Messages
These options let you customize the text of SMS or pager
administrative alerts (described on page 112). For more
information on configuring SMS and pager notifications in
RightFax, see Chapter 17, Adding SMS and Pager Services”.
RightFax Enterprise versions 8.7 and higher include a more
comprehensive Alerting and Monitoring service that lets you select
from hundreds of server statistics to monitor and define the event
thresholds, alert types, and alert messages to send. For more
information on the RightFax Alerting and Monitoring service, see
Chapter 18, “Using the Alerting and Monitoring Service”.
Figure 3.5 The Server Configuration Dialog Box Admin Messages Tab
Table 3b User Message variables
Alert Variables When used
New fax
~1 = Page count
~2 = CSID or ANI of sender
~3 = TeleConnect ID
~4 = CSID
~5 = ANI
Sent to a RightFax user
when a new fax is received.
Outgoing fax
~1 = Recipient’s name
~2 = Recipient’s fax number
~3 = Short error description
(last attempt)
~4 = Send attempts
~5 = Owner ID
~6 = Billing code 1
~7 = Billing code 2
~8 = Recipient’s company
~6 = URL link to the fax on
the RightFax server
(requires the Gateway
for Microsoft
Sent to a RightFax user
whose outbound fax has
failed to send for any reason.
Recipient has
been sent a
~1 = From name
~2 = To name
Sent to the fax recipient to
notify that a fax has been
sent from the RightFax
server. The fax recipient
notification address is
entered by the RightFax
client user when creating a
new outbound fax.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 30
For each message type, enter the custom message text you want.
Each message type has its own set of available variables,
described in the following table.
To return a notification message to the default setting, select the
text, delete it, and then click OK. The next time you open the dialog
box, the default message will be listed.
Table 3c Admin Message Settings
Alert Default message Variables
failed, none
All BoardServers are
down. Fax sending and
receiving is not currently
failed, one
The BoardServer on ~1 is
no longer running. Fax
sending and receiving
operations are functioning
on other BoardServers.
~1 = BoardServer
Disk space
critically low
One or more drives on the
fax server are critically low
on disk space (<50MB).
Many fax server functions
have been suspended.
Disk space
getting low
One or more drives on the
fax server are
approaching critically low
disk space (<150MB).
statistics on
fax activity).
Fax server ~1 up for ~2
(d:h:m:s); load:~3; faxes
sent:~4, rcvd:~5.
~1 = Fax server name
~2 = Up time
~3 = Fax server internal
queue usage
~4 = Total faxes sent
since install date
~5 = Total faxes received
since install date
The fax server internal
queue is more than 90%
bad line
Probable bad phone line
Send queue
too deep
The send queue depth on
server ~3 is currently:
~1/~2 (faxes/pgs).
~1 = Queue depth
~2 = Queue depth
~3 = BoardServer
The fax server process
was not properly shut
~1 = Fax server name
Table 3c Admin Message Settings (Continued)
Alert Default message Variables
Configuring Data Sharing
The capacity of RightFax servers can be multiplied by combining
two or more servers that share a common SQL database. This is
accomplished by installing and configuring multiple RightFax
servers to share a RightFax database and corresponding resource
folders. See the RightFax Installation Guide for installation
Figure 3.6 The Server Configuration Dialog Box Data SharingTab
The fields within the Data Sharing tab represent folders that must
be shared among all the RightFax servers shared environment. A
complete list and description of the shared data folders is provided
Table 3d Shared Folder Names
Field Folder Name Description
Images IMAGE Contains sent and
received faxes stored as
compressed graphic
image files.
Signatures SIG Contains graphic images
of user signatures for
placement on faxes.
Forms PAPERS Contains the names of
overlay form files.
Cover Sheets FDS Contains fax cover
Outgoing Files OUTGOING Contains outbound files
from all submission
methods that are held
while being processed
into fax images, such as
temporary fax queue
spool files.
Attachments BFT Contains text files
created by the OCR
CMDDATA Contains transaction
files for each fax sent via
email or via SecureDocs.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 32
Each of these folders can be located in common disk storage, such
as a storage area network (SAN), network share on file server, or
network access to a local drive on one of the RightFax servers. The
folders must be accessible to all the servers in the shared
Share permissions must be given to the account used to run both
the Server module and DocTransport module. This account must
have full control of these folders. To specify this account, click the
Select Service Account button.
The Remote Service Paths button allows you to specify paths to
the \RightFax\Image directory on Remote DocTransport servers.
For Example:
\\<Shared Storage>\RightFax\Image
\\<Shared Storage>\D$\RightFax\Image
\\<ip address>\RightFax\Image
\\<Shared Storage>|RightFax\Image
Configuring eTransport
The eTransport options configure the server to send outbound fax
documents to email addresses in addition to fax numbers.
Figure 3.7 The Server Configuration Dialog Box eTransport Tab
SMTP Hostname Enter the name of the SMTP mail server to
which outbound documents sent to email addresses via the
RightFax client applications will be sent. If no SMTP mail server is
specified here, RightFax users using the FaxUtil client will not have
the option to address fax documents to an email address.
Account and Password If the specified server uses
anonymous access, leave the Account and Password fields blank.
If the specified server uses basic or Windows Integrated Security,
enter the user name (in the format Domain\Username) in the
Account field and the password for that account in the Password
field. Do not use TLS security on the SMTP server.
Note Anonymous authentication requires relay to be enabled on the
SMTP server.
SMTP service extensions (ESMTP) If the SMTP mail server
uses SMTP service extensions, select this check box. SMTP
service extensions start an SMTP session by issuing the EHLO
command instead of the HELO command.
Web Server Enter the Internet host name of the machine running
the IIS server that the RightFax SecureDocs module is installed on.
This field is required if you have installed the RightFax SecureDocs
Module. For more information on this option and configuring
RightFax for certified document delivery, refer to the RightFax
SecureDocs Module Guide.
To verify that eTransport is configured correctly, follow these steps:
1. From EFM, stop the RighFax eTransport service.
2. Right-click the eTransport service, then select debug to display
a command prompt window. Leave this window open.
3. From FaxUtil, submit an email.
4. Check the open debug window for potential error messages.
Starting and Stopping the RightFax Server
The RightFax server is comprised of several services, called
“modules.” These are:
Server module
BoardServer module
Database module
DocTransport module
Queue Handler
RPC Server module
WorkServer module
Integration module (optional)
Email Gateway module (optional)
These services are configured and started during installation. You
should only need to stop and start RightFax services during server
or network maintenance.
Starting or stopping the RightFax server requires starting or
stopping the separate processes. There are two ways to start or
stop the processes.
Starting the Server Using the Services Program
In Windows Control Panel, start the Services program. In the list of
services, you will see several RightFax modules. To start the
RightFax server, click the RightFax BoardServer module and click
Start. Next, click the RightFax Server module and click Start. This
will start the RightFax Database module, RightFax Server module,
and the RightFax WorkServer modules.
Note To view the Fax Server control panel icons on x64 systems, be
sure to select View 32-bit Control Panel Items in Control Panel.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 34
Starting the Server at a Command Prompt
In a command prompt window at any prompt, enter the following
net start serviceshortname
(for example, net start rfserver)
Note You should never start the RightFax Database module,
WorkServer modules, or Email Gateway modules directly. They must be
started by the RightFax Server module.
Stopping the RightFax Server
To stop the RightFax server from Windows Control Panel, click
Stop on the RightFax Server module and the RightFax
BoardServer module services.
To stop the RightFax server from a command prompt, type the
net stop serviceshortname
(for example, net stop rfboard)
Understanding the Services
The following table describes each RightFax service and tells
whether the service is started automatically or manually by
Windows on startup. Note that if the startup is automatic, it can be
stopped and started as needed.
Table 3e RightFax Services
Service name
name Startup Description
RFIsoConv Auto Configurable server that
controls conversion of Office,
HTML, and OCR documents.
Captaris Sync
CapaSync Auto Configurable server that
controls one-way
synchronization from Active
Directory or LDAP data sources
RFBOARD Auto The communication link between
RightFax and the fax hardware.
Database module
RFDB Manual A multi-threaded module that
handles communication
between the database files
(located in the
RightFax\Database folder) and
the fax clients.
Auto Allows configuration of the
methods by which RightFax
will transmit documents.
RightFax Email
Gateway module
RFEMAIL Manual The communication bridge to an
optional email gateway.
Understanding the Fax Server Internal Event
The Fax Server module is responsible for queueing and monitoring
each of the fax server internal processes, which are collectively
called the “Event Queue.” The status of the Event Queue is
measured as a percentage of server resources that are occupied
with Fax Server module functions (such as sending and routing
The Event Queue is represented as the ratio of fax traffic volume to
server resources. The higher the traffic volume, the higher this
number will be. The Event Queue status is displayed in Enterprise
Fax Manager when you open and select a RightFax server.
When the Event Queue of a RightFax server reaches 90 percent,
the server will suspend certain functions. At 90 percent, all new
outbound and inbound faxes will be held (temporarily set aside)
while the server processes the existing workload. After the Event
Queue falls to 75 percent, these held faxes will be scheduled for
processing along with all new fax traffic.
This internal workload regulation is handled by the Fax Server
module and cannot be overridden. If the fax server is consistently
reaching the 90 percent capacity level, you should consider
upgrading the fax server’s system resources and/or fax channels.
RightFax Paging
RFPAGE Auto Monitors RightFax for pager
notification events and handles
communication between
RightFax and the SMS or pager
RFPROD Auto Allows applications on a
mainframe to send custom faxes
through the fax server.
RightFax Queue
RFQUEUE Auto Monitors the RightFax print
queue for jobs to be forwarded
to the server for fax conversion.
RightFax RPC
Server module
RFRPC Auto The communication bridge to fax
clients that use IPX, SPX or
TCP/IP via remote procedure
RFRemote Auto Handles communication with
remote RightFax services and
RightFax Server
RFSERVER Auto The bridge between all other
RightFax services. Also
responsible for stopping and
starting the WorkServer,
Database, and email gateway
RFWORK#Manual One or more modules
responsible for RightFax’s most
processor-intensive functions
such as cover sheet generation,
PCL5-to-fax conversion, and
optical character recognition.
Table 3e RightFax Services (Continued)
Service name
name Startup Description
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 36
Chapter 4
Configuring the WorkServer Modules
Each RightFax WorkServer module performs one or more
processor-intensive functions on behalf of the RightFax Server
module. They regularly query the Database module for jobs to be
performed, execute those jobs, and notify the database when
The default configuration of the RightFax WorkServer modules
allows you to send and receive fax documents. You can customize
the WorkServer modules to meet the needs of your enterprise.
You can also enable product integrations with Kofax and
Peoplesoft through the RightFax WorkServer modules.
To configure the RightFax WorkServer modules
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > Enterprise
Fax Manager. This runs Enterprise Fax Manager, the RightFax
server administration tool. For more information on Enterprise
Fax Manager, see Chapter 8, “Managing Fax Servers with
Enterprise Fax Manager”.
2. Click the name of the RightFax server to configure in the tree in
the left pane of the Enterprise Fax Manager window. A list of
services appears at the lower-right pane of the window.
3. In the Service Name list, double-click RightFax WorkServer1
Module. The WorkServer Configuration dialog box opens.
The rest of this chapter explains each of the options in this dialog
Figure 4.1 The WorkServer Configuration Dialog Box
Each WorkServer is configured separately. To configure a
WorkServer, click the WorkServer number or one of its
configuration options in the left pane.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 38
Remote WorkServer Service Tells RightFax that this
WorkServer will execute on a separate Windows machine on the
network. If this check box is selected, the WorkServer service will
not be started automatically by the RightFax Server service. For
more information on running WorkServers remotely, see “Installing
WorkServers on Remote Computers” on page 47.
Use PCL Converters for Text Files Uses the RightFax Printer
Control Language (PCL) conversion engine when converting PCL
and ASCII text files to fax format. This conversion usually produces
more accurate fax images of PCL and ASCII text files than the
RightFax native document conversion engine. If you notice that
PCL or ASCII text files are not converting to fax format as
accurately as you expect, click to clear this check box to return to
using the RightFax native document conversion engine.
Services Click the services you want to assign to the current
WorkServer, or shift-click to select multiple services. You can
assign a single service to multiple WorkServers or dedicate a
WorkServer to one service only. How you configure your
WorkServers depends on your organization's needs and fax server
workload. The following table lists the available WorkServer
services and their functions.
Event LogLevel Specify the level of information logged in the
Application Event Log under the service name “RightFax
WorkServer Module.” You can select the following options:
None. No information is saved.
Terse. Records critical errors only.
Normal. Records errors and major events only.
Verbose. Records all significant events and is most useful for
tracking and resolving problems.
Caution If you leave this value set to “Verbose” for long periods of
time, the Event Log can become full which may prevent new events
from being logged.
Frequency Specify how often, in seconds, the WorkServer will
query the Database module for new requests. If you only have one
WorkServer module, 5 to 10 seconds is an appropriate setting.
However, if you run multiple WorkServers, a lower frequency (for
example, 15) will prevent requests from overloading the Database
Table 4a WorkServer Services
Service Function
Archive Archive sent faxes.
Cover sheets Create cover sheets.
CVL Handle faxes with multiple LIBDOC or LIBDOC2
and ADDDOC embedded codes.
Delete Image
Delete fax image files.
FileRoute Route received faxes to network folders.
InterConnect Route received faxes to another RightFax server.
This service no longer functions with any of the
supported Windows operating systems.
OCR Optical Character Recognition (requires the
RightFax OCR Converter or OCR Router
Overlay Overlay faxes with forms.
PCL5 PCL5-to-fax conversion.
PostScript PostScript-to-fax conversion (requires the
RightFax PDF or SecureDocs module).
Print Handle requests for both on-demand and
automatic fax printing.
Table 4a WorkServer Services (Continued)
Service Function
Billing Code Import Interval Specify how often, in minutes,
the WorkServer will check for a new billing code delta file
Codechg.csv. This file is used to used to query billing codes from
external billing code source. If the file exists, the WorkServer
imports the additions, changes, and deletions specified in the file.
For more information on using billing codes from an external
source, “Importing Billing Codes”on page 142.
Telephony server routing
Enable Select Enable to integrate the RightFax system with your
enterprise telephony server system. For information on custom
integrations with your fax server, refer to your telephony server
Caution Any WorkServer that has telephony server routing enabled
must be dedicated to telephony routing only. Any other assigned services
will be ignored by this WorkServer.
Server Specify the name of the telephony server on your network
to integrate with the RightFax server.
Protocol Select the network protocol to use for communicating
between the RightFax and telephony servers.
InterConnect retry settings
RightFax InterConnect allows faxes received on one RightFax
Enterprise server to be automatically routed to a fax mailbox of the
same name on a different RightFax Enterprise server on the same
network. With InterConnect, interoffice faxes can be sent via the
network that links the RightFax Enterprise servers, rather than via
the phone lines, saving time and potential long distance phone
charges. For information on enabling and configuring InterConnect,
see “RightFax InterConnect” on page 218).
These settings will only be available if you have selected
“InterConnect” under Services.
Count Specify the number of times the originating fax server will
attempt to forward the fax to the destination fax server when it
encounters a non-fatal error (e.g., server temporarily down).
Interval Specify the time delay, in minutes, between retries.
Optimize faxing
Short Covers Makes fax cover sheets only as long as the cover
sheet text requires (ignoring any blank space at the end of the
cover sheet), potentially reducing transmission times. This may
produce a partial page on some destination fax machines.
If this check box is not selected, cover sheets will be padded to fill
an entire page.
Short Bodies Makes each page in the body of the fax only as
long as the text requires (ignoring any blank space at the end of
pages), potentially reducing transmission times. This may produce
partial pages on some destination fax machines.
If this check box is not selected, each fax page will be padded to fill
an entire page.
Archive settings
RightFax can save a copy of each user’s outbound faxes. This fax
“archive” feature is useful for tracking and storing all of your
organization's outbound faxes or for integrating RightFax with
image tracking software systems.
Archived faxes are saved in a network folder that you specify and
can include an optional fax history file and archive log entry.
Archived faxes are saved using unique file names generated by
RightFax with a file extension corresponding to the file format used
for the archive.
Each fax is archived individually upon completion, whether or not
the fax was successfully sent. A fax will be archived one time for
each recipient, so one fax sent to a group of ten recipients will be
archived as ten separate faxes.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 40
Each RightFax user is individually configured for fax archiving. To
enable fax archiving for a user, select the Archive Sent Faxes
check box in the User Permissions tab of the User Edit dialog box
in Enterprise Fax Manager (see “Archive Sent Faxeson page 107.)
Also, in order to archive sent faxes, at least one of the WorkServers
must have “Archive” selected under Services. For each
WorkServer that will manage archiving, you must also complete the
archive settings here.
Format Specify the file format used when archiving faxes. The file
format you should choose depends on how you plan to use the
archived faxes. By default, files are archived in a multi-page
TIFF-G3 format with Group III data compression.
History Includes each fax's transmission history with the archived
fax image. The fax history is a separate ASCII file saved in the
archive folder using the same file name as the fax but with the
Path Specify the folder, in UNC (universal naming convention)
format, where archived faxes will be stored. The WorkServer will
create the specified path if it doesn’t already exist.
The path can be customized using special variables that are
replaced in the path name each time a fax is archived. Using
variables in the path name lets you archive faxes to separate folders
based on the sender, the date, the fax destination, or any
combination of these. The following table lists each of the archive
path variables and their definitions.
ExampleFor example, this path:
might look like this after variable replacement:
In this example, all of the faxes sent by user ID “JDoe” in the
“Development” group will be stored in a unique archive folder,
organized into separate subfolders each month.
The total path length, after variable replacement, cannot exceed
128 characters. If you do not enter a path, no faxes will be
Caution Because “~1” is interpreted as a macro in the path name, you
cannot use short path names (i.e. \Progra~1\RightFax\Archive) in this
field. You must use enter the full path names.
Table 4b Archive Path Macros
Variable Definition
~1 Date (YYYYMMDD)
~2 Day of the week (SUN-SAT)
~3 Month (JAN-DEC)
~4 Year (YYYY)
~5 Day of the month (DD)
~6 Month as decimal (01–12)
~7 User ID (up to 11 characters in 8.3 FAT format)
~8 Week as decimal (00–51)
~9 Billing Code #1 (up to 11 characters in 8.3 FAT format)
~0 Billing Code #2 (up to 11 characters in 8.3 FAT format)
~A Remote ID (left to right, up to 11 characters in 8.3 FAT
~B Remote ID (right to left, up to 11 characters in 8.3 FAT
~C Group ID (up to 11 characters in 8.3 FAT format)
Table 4b Archive Path Macros (Continued)
Variable Definition
Index file Specify the UNC path and file name of the file where
all archive events will be logged. The index is a comma-delimited
ASCII file. Each index entry appears on a separate line and
includes 24 data fields. The following table lists all of the fields for
each index entry in the order the fields appear.
Because this log file is dynamic, if you plan to use a third-party
application to access the log information you must make sure the
file is opened in shared mode. Also, no third-party application
should be granted write access, and should not be configured so
as to keep the log file open for more than 10 to 20 seconds. The
optimal method for third-party access is to make a copy of the log
file, and then access data from the copy.
If no log file name is specified, RightFax will not log archive events.
Separate file per page output Archives each page of each
fax as a separate TIFF file (i.e., a five-page fax will be archived as
five separate files). This check box will only be available if you have
selected “TIFF-G3” or “TIFF-G4” in the Format box (see
“Format”on page 40.)
Table 4c Index File Fields
Field Type Length Definition
Owner_ID String 21 User ID of the fax “owner”
To_FaxNum String 31 Recipient’s fax number
To_ContactNum String 31 Recipient’s phone number
To_Name String 59 Recipient’s name
To_Company String 59 Recipient’s company name
To_CityState String 59 Recipient’s city and state
From_Name String 59 Sender’s name
From_PhoneNum String 31 Sender’s phone number
Billinfo1 String 15 Billing code 1
Billinfo2 String 15 Billing code 2
FaxDIDNum String 31 DID routing number
OperatorNum String 31 Organization’s general phone number
GeneralFaxNum String 31 Organization’s general fax number
RemoteID String 21 Received remote ID
Send_Time Integer N/A Total time on fax board, in seconds
Fax_Status Integer N/A A number corresponding to the fax’s
last reported status.
Fax_Termstat Integer N/A A number corresponding to the fax’s
last reported transmission status.
NumPages Integer N/A Includes optional cover sheet, if any
FineMode Integer N/A 0=normal, 1=fine
Received Integer N/A 0=sent, 1=received
FaxDate String 10 Date the fax record was last modified
FaxTime String 5Time fax record last modified (hh:mm)
UniqueID String 15 Unique ID for the fax assigned by
RightFax server
Archived_Name String 256 File name used for the image archive
NewLine N/A N/A CR–LF combination record separator
Table 4c Index File Fields (Continued)
Field Type Length Definition
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 42
EquiTrac Archive Logs all successfully sent faxes to a file called
RightFax.txt in the WorkServer folder. The EquiTrac Archive log is a
comma-delimited ASCII file. Each log entry appears on a separate
line and includes nine data fields. The following table lists all of the
fields for each log entry in the order the fields appear.
Always Delete After Archive Removes all archived faxes from
the user’s FaxUtil mailbox.
Selecting a Service Account
All RightFax WorkServers log on to the network as services using a
Windows user account that you specify. This user account must
have access to all the network resources required by the tasks
(services) managed by your WorkServer modules. This account is
initially selected during the RightFax installation. To change the
WorkServer module service account, click Select Service
Account. The Service Account Editor dialog box opens.
Figure 4.2 The Service Account Editor Dialog Box
The account currently defined for each service appears in the
Service Account Editor dialog box. The default is for all services to
use one of the pre-defined accounts. To change a service account,
Table 4d EquiTrac Archive Log Fields
Field Maximum length or format
RightFax user ID 21 characters
Phone number dialed 31 characters
BillInfo1 15 characters
BillInfo2 15 characters
Fax transmission duration hh:mm:ss
Number of pages in fax ###
Fax error code Always 32, indicating success
Fax date mm/dd/yy
Fax time hh:mm
1. From the open Service Account Editor dialog box, click Modify
next to the account you want to change.
Figure 4.3 The Modify Service Account Dialog Box
2. Specify an account in either of the following ways:
Select the Built-in Account check box, then choose one of
the accounts from the drop-down box.
Select the This Account check box, then type a new service
account name.
Warning If you manually type a name that is longer than 15
characters, you may encounter errors in services performed by the
WorkServer. To avoid this, you should select the user by clicking the
Browse button when the desired user account resides on a domain
whose name is longer than 15 characters.
Select the This Account check box, and then click Browse
to scan for and list all user accounts on a specified network.
Choose the Object Type (Built-in, User, or both) for which to
search, and then the root Location from which to begin the
search. Enter a name or partial name in the text box, then
click Check Names to display a list of account names from
which to choose.
Figure 4.4 The Select User Dialog Box
3. Click OK to close the Select User dialog box and display the
selected account in the Modify Service Account box.
4. In the Modify Service Account dialog box, enter the
case-sensitive password for the selected user account in both
the Password and Confirm Password boxes. Click OK to
display the new service account in the Service Account Editor.
5. Click OK to apply the selected service account and close the
Service Account Editor.
Note If you will be storing or accessing files on a NetWare volume, you
must make sure the WorkServers’ service accounts also exist as
accounts within Novell.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 44
Adding and Deleting WorkServers
By default, three WorkServer modules are installed on the RightFax
server. Two WorkServer modules are devoted to the most frequent
tasks, and one is dedicated to deleting image files only. This default
setup is optimal for most RightFax configurations. However,
changing the default configuration may be necessary, depending
on your fax server usage. For example, if the server is used primarily
for broadcast faxing, WorkServer #3 can be configured to perform
the greater than average load of PCL5 conversions, instead of
other lower-priority functions.
Here are some additional reasons for adding more WorkServers:
If running OCR (Optical Character Recognition), either for
routing or conversion purposes, you may want to dedicate a
separate WorkServer to performing this processor intensive task.
If the majority of your conversions are PostScript, you may want
to dedicate a separate WorkServer to this task.
If you do a great deal of fax printing, you may want to dedicate a
separate WorkServer to performing this task as well.
To add a new WorkServer, click Add WorkServer. To delete an
existing WorkServer, click the WorkServer to remove and click
Delete WorkServer. When you delete a WorkServer, the other
WorkServers will arrange themselves so they remain sequential.
For example, if you delete WorkServer #1, WorkServer #2 will
move to the WorkServer #1 position and WorkServer #3 will move
to the WorkServer #2 position.
Printing a Time Strip on Faxes
The WorkServer module can print a time strip at the top of every fax
that is printed to a network printer. The time strip can include the
time of arrival of received faxes, elapsed transmission time, time
printed, and the fax image file name.
Click Printer Configuration under the selected WorkServer.
Figure 4.5 The WorkServer Printer Configuration Dialog Box
Enable Time Strip Enables printing a time strip at the top of
every fax that is printed to a network printer.
Note The time strip is printed as black text by default. To change the
time strip to print in white text on a black background, edit the Windows
registry to change the PrintTimeReverse value to 1. See
“PrintTimeReverse” on page 335.
SeeName Specify what information to print in the Time Strip. The
Time Strip can contain any combination of text and variables. The
following table lists each of the variable options that can be used in
this box.
Table 4e Time Strip Macros
Macro Definition
~1 The word “Sent” or “Received”
~2 Last transmission/receive date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Example The entry Fax ~1: ~2 ~3 might produce this text at the
top of a printed fax: Fax received: 01/05/99 10:42.
Configuring Kofax NetScan
RightFax can be configured to work in conjunction with the Kofax
NetScan network integration tool for scanners. Using the Kofax
NetScan, you can scan documents directly into the FaxUtil mailbox
of any RightFax user on your network. This makes it convenient to
fax printed pages when no electronic version is available.
Scanned images appear in the selected FaxUtil mailbox with the
message “Info not complete.” Images can then be faxed by
double-clicking the image in FaxUtil and completing the required
boxes in the Fax Information dialog box (see “Specifying
Addressing Information” on page 235).
In order to integrate RightFax with the Kofax NetScan, at least one
WorkServer must have the Kofax integration enabled. Each
WorkServer is separately configured for Kofax NetScan integration.
Click Kofax NetScan Configuration under the selected WorkServer.
Figure 4.6 The WorkServer Kofax NetScan Configuration Dialog Box
Enable NetScan Interface Enables RightFax integration with a
Kofax NetScan. Communication and integration with the Kofax
NetScan will only be handled by the WorkServers with this check
box selected.
Automatically Update NetScan Users Updates NetScan
users with the latest list of RightFax users every six hours or every
time the RightFax Server module is restarted. If this check box is
not selected, the NetScan can only be updated by selecting
~3 Last transmission/receive time (HH:MM)
~4 Last connection duration
~5 Last channel used
~6 WorkServer number
~7 Image file name
~8 Date and time printed (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM)
~9 Unique ID
~0 RightFax user ID
~A Remote ID
~B Name of the fax recipient
~C Fax number of the fax recipient
~D Company name of the fax recipient
~E Last transmission/receive date (YYYY/MM/DD)
~F Date and time printed (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM)
Table 4e Time Strip Macros (Continued)
Macro Definition
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 46
Synchronize External Systems from the Utility menu in
Enterprise Fax Manager (see “Synchronizing the RightFax Server
with External Systems” on page 101).
Location of NetScan Directories Specify the UNC path to
the folders that RightFax will monitor for new NetScan images. To
add a directory, type the UNC path in the Location of NetScan
Directories box and click Add Directory. To remove a directory,
click the directory and click Remove Directory.
Location for Scan-to-Disk Images Specify the UNC path to
the folder where images that are scanned to disk from the Kofax
NetScan will be saved.
For more information about configuring the Kofax NetScan for
RightFax integration, refer to your NetScan documentation.
Configuring PeopleSoft
PeopleSoft is an application for enterprise resource planning that
lets companies manage multiple resources from one integrated
platform. To use PeopleSoft with the RightFax server, you must
purchase a separate license. PeopleSoft must be used with the
RightFax Enterprise or Business Integration Module.
RightFax queries PeopleSoft for outgoing faxes, overriding the
PeopleSoft built-in ObjectFax server. This lets you combine the
benefits of RightFax least-cost routing and load balancing features
with your PeopleSoft platform.
To configure RightFax to work with PeopleSoft, at least one
WorkServer must have the PeopleSoft integration enabled. Each
WorkServer is separately configured for PeopleSoft integration.
Click PeopleSoft Configuration under the selected WorkServer.
Figure 4.7 The WorkServer PeopleSoft Configuration Dialog Box
Enable PeopleSoft Interface Enables RightFax integration
with PeopleSoft. Communication and integration with the
PeopleSoft system will be handled by the WorkServers with this
check box selected.
Location of PeopleSoft directory Specify the UNC path to
the folder where PeopleSoft stores its outgoing fax jobs. The
service account for this WorkServer (see “Selecting a Service
Account” on page 42) must have read and write access to this
Installing WorkServers on Remote Computers
The RightFax server lets you install and operate remote
WorkServers (WorkServers running on computers other than the
RightFax server). This lets you transfer selected
processor-intensive functions to other machines, freeing up
resources on your RightFax server. Running remote WorkServers is
helpful in systems with 24 or more fax channels in high volume fax
broadcast situations. Three or four properly configured
WorkServers installed locally on the RightFax server are sufficient
to handle the fax load in most other installations.
Remote WorkServers can also be used to provide Server-Side
Application conversion support for Windows Server 2008 and
Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. See About the Captaris
Conversion Engine” on page 76 for more information.
Warning After you install a remote WorkServer, you cannot delete any
WorkServers from your RightFax configuration. This will disrupt the order
of the services and the remaining WorkServers may fail to function as
Supported Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
RightFax server software is supported on the following server
operating systems.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64
Windows Server 2008 Standard x86 and x64
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x86 and x64
Windows Server 2003 Standard x86 SP2 or later
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x86 SP2 or later
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x86 SP2 or later
Local server requirements
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5*
Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8*
Microsoft Messaging Queuing*
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 runtime components*
A Windows account to run RightFax services. The account
you choose must be a domain user that member of the local
administrators group and must have the right to logon as
service on the local computer.
* installed during setup
RightFax Server Requirements
Before installing remote WorkServers, you must share the
\RightFax folder on the RightFax server. If your Fax Server
installation is not in the default \RightFax folder, share the
installation folder using “RightFax” as the share name.
Grant the WorkServer service account full control of the shared
folder. This account must also have write access to the Windows
registry on the RightFax server.
To install the WorkServer on a Remote Computer
1. and run Setup.exe. The RightFax Product Suite Setup wizard
2. RightFax WorkServers require Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. If
this software is not installed on your system, Setup will prompt
you to install it. To install, click OK. To cancel Setup and install
.NET Framework 3.5 yourself, click Cancel.
3. Review the welcome screen and click Next.
4. Carefully read and accept the license agreement and click Next.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 48
5. Setup can check for RightFax updates and other late-breaking
information. To check for updates, verify you have an active
HTTP connection and click Check for Updates. If updates are
found, follow the instructions in the Result section. To skip the
update check and continue with Setup, check the box next to
Do not check for updates and click Next.
6. Click Custom followed by Next.
7. In the list of setup components, under RightFax Server
Modules, select the Workserver Module check box. Ensure
that it is the only selected check box in the list. Click Next.
8. The Preview Requirements page lists third-party software
required by your chosen features and also lists the status of
setup operations. Software that must be installed will have a
status of Must Install. To continue, click Next.
9. If your server does not already have Microsoft Message
Queuing installed, Setup will prompt you to install it. Select your
option and click Next.
10.To apply your settings and install required third-party software,
click Apply. This will take several minutes. When finished, click
11.Choose your installation folder and click Next.
Caution On x64 systems, the default folder is Program Files (x86).
The Program Files folder is reserved for x64 programs. Do not install the
Fax Server software in the Program Files folder on x64 systems.
12.To begin installing RightFax software, click Apply. This may take
several minutes. When finished, click Next.
13.Enter a Windows account to run RightFax services. This must
account be a domain user that member of the local
administrators group and must have the right to logon as
service on the local computer. In addition, this account must
also have full-control over the \RightFax folder on the RightFax
server and have write access to the Windows registry on the
RightFax server. Click Browse to load and select a user
account. Use the Test Account button verify account
credentials. When finished, click Next.
14.Enter the main RightFax server name and click Check
Access. A report will appear in the Results box that indicates
whether or not the connection to the Fax Server was
15.If the connection was successful, click Next.
16.To apply your settings and complete Setup, click Apply and
then click Close.
Changing the remote WorkServer’s service account
When it is installed, the remote WorkServer uses the same service
account information as the WorkServers on the RightFax server. If
this is a local administrative account on the RightFax server, the
remote WorkServer service may not be able to log on to the
network. If so, you must change the service account used by the
remote WorkServer so that it has administrative permissions to the
computer on which it is installed. To change the WorkServer’s
service account on the remote computer, open Windows Control
Panel and select Administrative Tools > Services. The
WorkServer is listed in the services as RightFax WorkServer
Module. Double-click the service name to open its configuration
dialog. You can specify a new service account name on the Log On
tab. You must repeat this procedure locally at the WorkServer
before the changes will take effect.
Chapter 5
Configuring the DocTransport Modules
The RightFax DocTransport module lets you configure the methods
by which RightFax will be able to transmit documents. This module
lets you configure fax boards for conventional fax transmission, as
well as set up RightFax for SMS messaging, Fax-over-IP and Eicon
fax boards.
The RightFax BoardServer module acts as an interpreter between
some fax board drivers and the RightFax Server module for
conventional fax transmission. It handles requests to schedule
outgoing faxes for transmission and informs the Server module
when a new fax has been received and needs to be processed. The
BoardServer module can only be configured from within the
DocTransport module which oversees its functions. The
DocTransport module is also responsible for starting and stopping
the BoardServer module.
The DocTransport module must be properly configured to allow the
RightFax server to send and receive documents. RightFax supports
a maximum of 120 fax channels per DocTransport service which
includes all channels in the BoardServer module as well.
Caution Manually stopping or starting the BoardServer module will
cease the scheduling of all faxes. To stop the BoardServer module you
must stop the DocTransport module to initiate a proper BoardServer
shutdown. To restart the BoardServer, simply start DocTransport as it is
designed to automatically start the BoardServer module. This also
applies when running the BoardServer in debug mode.
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > Enterprise
Fax Manager.
2. In the Enterprise Fax Manager application, click the name of the
RightFax server to configure in the tree in the left pane. A list of
services appears at the lower-right pane of the window.
3. In the Service Name list, double-click RightFax DocTransport
Module. The DocTransport Configuration dialog box opens.
Figure 5.1 The DocTransport Configuration dialog box
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 50
Adding transport methods
By default, the DocTransport module includes the RightFax
BoardServer module set up as a transport method for legacy
boards. For most current installations, you’ll need to add the
specific transport method for your fax board type.
1. Click the Add Transport button. This opens the Transport
Selection dialog box.
Figure 5.2 The Transport Selection dialog box
2. Expand the tree in the left pane and select the transport method
to add.
3. If you select either Eicon Diva Server or Brooktrout,, you must
select also a specific fax board in the right pane.
4. Click Select to add the new transport method.
5. Repeat these steps for each optional transport method you
want to add.
6. After you have added all of the transport methods you will be
using, each must be properly configured for your system. The
rest of this chapter describes how to configure each of the
transport options in the DocTransport module.
Table 5a Transport methods
Transport method Description
Eicon Diva Server Required if you will be installing any of the
Eicon fax boards.
Brooktrout TR1034
Series, SR140
Required if you will be installing any
Brooktrout TR1034-series fax boards or the
Brooktrout SR140 software platform of Fax
over IP.
T.37 Fax over IP Required if you will be creating
administrative dialing rules that route faxes to
T.37-compatible fax machines.
Note You must configure the gateway if you
plan to send faxes directly to IP addresses
and wish to collect route codes.
Simulation Device Allows simulated fax sending for testing or
demonstration purposes. Outgoing faxes will
appear to send but will not. Simulation mode
can be used with no fax boards installed.
SMS Via Push Proxy
Required if you install and plan to use the
Push Proxy Gateway. The RightFax Push
Proxy Gateway Guide provides
configuration information for this transport
Configuring Global DocTransport Settings
Global board settings in the DocTransport module are global
settings that apply only to the transport methods enabled in
DocTransport. RightFax will use these settings regardless of the
transport method, fax board, or channel in use. To configure Global
DocTransport Settings, select Global DocTransport Settings in
the left pane. The rest of this section describes the options on this
Figure 5.3 The DocTransport Global DocTransport Settings configuration
Event LogLevel Specify the level of information logged in the
Application Event Log under the service name “RightFax
DocTransport Module.” You can select the following options:
None. No information is saved.
Terse. Records critical errors only.
Normal. Records errors and major events only.
Verbose. Records all significant events and is most useful for
tracking and resolving problems.
Caution If you leave this value set to “Verbose” for long periods of time,
the Event Log can become full which may prevent new events from being
Secure RPC Enabled Encrypts the data exchanged between
multiple RightFax DocTransports (e.g., Remote BoardServers) or
between a RightFax DocTransport module and the FaxStat
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 52
program. Any DocTransport service on any other RightFax server
communicating with this server must be started using a valid
account and password rather than a local system account.
If you select this option, you must specify a user account that the
DocTransport service can use for authentication to and from other
DocTransport modules on the network. To specify a user account,
click the [...] button to the right of this option and enter a login
name and password.The quick header line can be customized
using special macros that are replaced in the quick header of each
Brooktrout Fax Board Configuration
After you’ve added a Brooktrout transport method to the
DocTransport service, you must configure it for use with RightFax.
The configuration steps apply to all Brooktrout boards, including
including TR1034-series, Trufax-series, and the SR140 boardless
Fax-Over-IP, though some fields may apply only to some boards.
Each board must be configured separately, and each channel must
be configured separately for each board. There are three major
1. Configure the Brooktrout Global Transport Settings
2. Configure the Advanced settings (optional) for all Brooktrout
3. Configure the following elements for each board:
Configure the default settings for the board
Use the Brooktrout Configuration Tool to license channels
and set additional parameters(see the Brooktrout
Configure each of the RightFax channels
Configuring Brooktrout Global Transport Settings
Brooktrout Global Transport Settings in the DocTransport module
are global settings that apply to all of the Brooktrout fax boards and
channels configured in the DocTransport module. RightFax will use
these settings regardless of the fax board or fax channel in use. To
configure global transport settings, select Global Transport
Settings in the left pane. The rest of this section describes the
options on this screen.
Figure 5.4 The Brooktrout Global Transport Settings configuration
CD Timeout Specify the length of time, in seconds, that the
RightFax server will wait for a fax answer tone (CED tone) from a
remote fax machine when sending a fax.
ANI Pattern Match Specify the pattern of the dialing party
information string that will be received during incoming calls.
RightFax collects information about the dialing party’s phone
number for display in FaxUtil and for CSID routing (if used).
However, some organizations receive additional information (such
as ANI or DNIS) along with the caller’s phone number. This box
specifies the pattern of the extra data so that it can be removed
prior to display or routing.
Enter the pattern of ANI data you receive using the symbols in the
following table.
Example A sample string of 10 ANI digits, such as:
Matches both of the following pattern strings:
Example A sample string that begins with the digits “01” and
contains a combination of ANI digits, asterisks, and
pound characters, such as:
Matches both of the following strings:
Audit Settings
Allow Auditing Tells the DocTransport module to record a log of
all incoming and outgoing faxes.
File Specify the path and file name of the log file to use. If the file
does not exist, RightFax will create it when it logs the first entry. To
output the log file directly to a network printer, enter the printer port
instead of a file name. If you output to a network printer, you must
also select the Close File Between Each Page check box.
Level Specify the level of information to include in the log. There
are five levels of detail. Level 1 prints a single line summary of each
fax event, Level 2 prints a detailed description of each fax event,
Level 3 outputs a comma-delimited file, and Level 4 outputs a
tab-delimited file. Level 5 is primarily for troubleshooting purposes,
and outputs Brooktrout debugging information.
Table 5b ANI Pattern Symbols
Symbol Represents
*An asterisk character.
#A pound character.
XA digit in an ANI number. (This is the only number
sequence that will be used for ANI routing, all other
information is ignored.)
YA digit in the DNIS number.
ZAn extraneous digit. This will be ignored.
Max. Modifier
The maximum number of each of the prior
characters. For example, “x2*y” represents up to 2
ANI digits followed by an asterisk and a single
DNIS digit.
Literal Digits
(0–9 and
Valid phone digits. Separate literal digits from Max.
Modifiers with a space.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 54
If you set Level to “3,” each fax event will be saved to a
comma-delimited file. Each log entry appears on a separate line
and includes 15 data fields. The following table lists all of the fields
for each log entry in the order the fields appear.
If you set Level to “4,” a new file is created each hour containing
that hour’s fax events. Because a separate file is created for each
hour’s fax events, do not specify a file name in the File box. You can
optionally specify a path to a folder where the log files, which are
given default names, will be saved.
Each log entry appears on a separate line and includes 28 data
fields. The following table lists all of the fields for each log entry in
the order the fields appear.
Table 5c Audit Log Level 3 Field Descriptions
name Type/format Length Description
Direction String 1Sent/received flag (“S” or
Date sent MM/DD/YYYY 10 Date that the call was
Time sent HH:MM 5Time that the call was
Channel Numeric 2Channel used by RightFax
Duration Numeric 5Total transmission time in
Alphanumeric 31 Sent faxes: Fax number
Received faxes: Routing
code (DID or DTMF) used
String 49 Remote fax machine ID
Result String 59 Result of the fax
String 79 Number of pages
String 31 Sent faxes only: The
recipient’s voice number
String 59 Sent faxes only: The
recipient’s name.
String 59 Sent faxes only: The
recipient’s company name
User ID String 21 Sent faxes only: RightFax
user ID of the sender
code 1
String 15 Sent faxes only: Billing code
code 2
String 15 Sent faxes only: Billing code
Table 5d Audit Log Level 4 Field Descriptions
Field name Type Length Description
Direction String 1Sent/received flag (“S” or
Date sent YYYYMMDD 8Date that the call was
Time sent HHMM 4Time that the call was
Channel Numeric 5Channel used by RightFax.
Duration Numeric 5Total transmission time (in
Table 5c Audit Log Level 3 Field Descriptions (Continued)
name Type/format Length Description
InitialString This is a text message that will be included in the
audit file at the beginning of every page.
String 127 Fax number dialed.
Remote ID String 47 CSID of recipient fax
Good pages Numeric 5Number of pages
transmitted successfully.
Page count Numeric 5Total number of pages in
the fax.
Board type Numeric 1Type of fax board used to
send the fax
0 = Brooktrout
BT call status Numeric 5Brooktrout call result
status value.
BT call line
Numeric 5Brooktrout call result line
status value.
BT fax status Numeric 5Brooktrout fax result status
BT fax line
Numeric 5Brooktrout fax result line
status value.
CDR flags Numeric 4Hex value of CDR flags
0x0001 = PartialRetry
0x0002 = SchedRemote
0x0004 = SendForRemote
0x0008 = Has_ANI
0x0010 = Had_AOC
0x0020 =
AOC value 1 Numeric 9AOC data value #1 (only
valid if indicated by flags).
Table 5d Audit Log Level 4 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field name Type Length Description
AOC value 2 Numeric 9AOC data value #2 (only
valid if indicated by flags).
AOC value 3 Numeric 9AOC data value #3 (only
valid if indicated by flags).
ISDN cause
String 5ISDN call setup cause
value (only valid if indicated
by flags).
Sender ID String 21 RightFax user ID of the
To name String 59 The recipient’s name.
From name String 59 Name of sender
(descriptive name, not the
String 31 The recipient’s voice
String 59 The recipient’s company
Billing code 1 String 15 Billing code 1.
Billing code 2 String 15 Billing code 2.
Secure CSID String 21 CSID match code for
secure send operation.
Unique ID String 15 Assigned unique ID for fax
String 47 Source server IP address
or name.
Table 5d Audit Log Level 4 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field name Type Length Description
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 56
This line can contain control codes that can be used to convey
page formatting or other information to the application reading the
file. To add control codes to this string, use the following notation.
Close File Between Each Page Closes the log file after each
entry. This allows you to output the log to a network printer.
TTI Line Settings
Note Brooktrout Trufax fax boards do not support the TTI line feature.
Allow TTI Line Select this check box to place a TTI line at the
top of every page of a fax. The transmit terminal information (TTI)
line is a line of text that prints at the top of each received fax page.
The TTI line includes the transmitting fax machine, the date and
time of the transmission, the fax page number, and the total page
count. The date format in your TTI line is a function of the Windows
international or regional settings as installed on the fax server.
If this check box is selected, you must also specify how the TTI line
should be placed on the fax page.
Select Overlay TTI Line to add the TTI line text to add any
existing text or image on the first line of the fax. Note that this can
obscure the TTI information. With Brooktrout fax boards, this
option functions the same as inserting the TTI line.
Select Replace TTI Line to replace any existing text or image on
the first line of the fax with the TTI line. This erases existing fax
data from the first line but ensures that the overall length of the
fax stays the same.
Select Insert TTI Line to add a new line to the top of the fax
page for the TTI information. This retains any fax data on the first
line but increases the length of the fax by one line.
Follow these steps to optionally add your organization’s name to
the TTI line:
1. Open Windows Control Panel and run the RightFax
DocTransport application.
2. Click on each fax channel for each fax board listed in the left
3. Type the desired company name in the Fax ID box.
4. Repeat these steps on all RightFax servers and Remote
BoardServer computers.
Display GMT on the TTI Line Displays the local time relative
to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If this option is not selected, the
TTI line will display the local time at the fax’s place of origin.
Quick Header Format Specify heading text to include under
the TTI line on outbound faxes. Though defined here, quick headers
must be enabled in the General tab of the RightFax Server module
Configuration dialog box (see “Enable Quick Headers” on
page 22).
Table 5e InitialString Control Codes
Notation Example Represents
\x## \x1b Hexadecimal character values
\### \027 Decimal character values
^x ^[ ASCII representation of a control character
The quick header line can be customized using special macros that
are replaced in the quick header of each fax.
Example For example, the setting Please deliver to: ~2 at ~5
might appear in a fax Quick Header as Please deliver to:
Jane Doe at Acme, Inc.
Beeping Tells the computer in which the fax boards are installed
to beep each time a call is placed or received.
Dialing Settings Prefix This field specifies one or more dialing
characters to add at the beginning of every outbound fax number
dialed by the server. The default setting (WW) instructs the fax
boards to automatically detect a dial tone before dialing. For a list
of valid dialing characters, see “Dialing Characters Supported by
Dialing Rules” on page 191.
Dialing Settings Postfix This field specifies one or more
dialing characters to add at the end of every outbound fax number
dialed by the fax server. For a list of valid dialing characters, see
“Dialing Characters Supported by Dialing Rules” on page 191.
Call Grouping Whenever a fax is placed in the fax queue, Call
Grouping checks the queue for another fax going to the same
number. If another fax to the same number is scheduled, it keeps
the line open and transmits the second fax, saving the time and
money of redialing and reconnecting a second time.
Maximum Grouping This field specifies the maximum number
of pages (1-256) that the fax server will send to one phone number
before hanging up and sending another set of fax pages.
Configuring a Brooktrout Board
After you have added a new Brooktrout fax board, it must be
configured to work with RightFax. To configure the board, click the
board name in the Board/Channel list in the left pane. Note that all
Brooktrout board types use the same configuration screen, though
some fields may be unavailable (greyed out) depending on
functionality of each board.
Figure 5.5 Brooktrout Board Configuration
Board module number Select the number in the list that
matches the number on the rotary switch on the fax board.
Table 5f Quick header macros
Macro Definition
~1 To-name field (59 characters maximum)
~2 Shortened to-name (23 characters maximum)
~3 To-contact number field (31 characters maximum)
~4 To-company field (59 characters maximum)
~5 Shortened to-company field (23 characters maximum)
~6 BillInfo1 field (15 characters maximum)
~7 BillInfo2 field (15 characters maximum)
~8 Unique ID (15 characters maximum)
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 58
DID Settings In the list, select the number of digits used for
routing fax calls. This should match the number of digits in Fax
Server user routing codes.
Set Fax ID for All Channels You can specify a fax ID for all
the channels on this fax board. The fax ID is transmitted by each
channel on this fax board to remote fax machines. Usually, this is
set to your company name or general fax number. To specify a
unique fax ID for each channel, see “Configuring Brooktrout
Channels” on page 59.
Set Capability for All Channels Sets the same capability
(dial-only, answer-only, or both) for all the channels on the fax
board. To specify the capability of each channel separately, see
“Configuring Brooktrout Channels” on page 59.
Configure Brooktrout Opens the Brooktrout Configuration
Tool for configuring Brooktrout-related board settings. For more
information about the settings within the Brooktrout Configuration
Tool, see Brooktrout documentation.
Note The Brooktrout Configuration Tool can also be opened from the
Windows Programs list (Start > Programs > Brooktrout Configuration
Number of SR140 Channels (SR140 boards only) After
activating your SR140 channel licenses using the Brooktrout
Configuration Tool, select the number of licensed channels from
the list.
Exchange 2010 UM Fax Routing (SR140 boards only)
Specify the routing method by selecting one of the following:
Route to SMTP Email Only Return the fax as an email to
Exchange 2010 for delivery to the FAX search folder in the
recipient's email inbox. The fax will not be stored on the Fax Server
for tracking, billing, or accounting purposes.
Route to RightFax User Only Place the fax into the recipient's
fax mailbox on the Fax Server. The fax will not appear in the user’s
FAX search folder in Outlook.
Route to Both (this is the default) Return the fax to Exchange for
delivery as an email and place a copy in the recipient's fax
mailbox on the Fax Server. With the Connector for Microsoft
Exchange, duplicate faxes may appear in the user’s mailbox.
Important The Open Text Fax Server Connector for Microsoft
Exchange is an optional module that adds inbound and outbound faxing
through Microsoft Exchange. If the Connector for Microsoft Exchange is
installed and properly configured, and the user is configured for routing
inbound faxes to Exchange, the connector will route a copy of a received
fax to the user’s Outlook inbox in addition to any faxes delivered by UM
based on the routing specified under Exchange SIP Referrals.
For more information about the Connector for Microsoft Exchange, see
the Open Text Fax Server Connector for Microsoft Exchange
Administrator Guide.
Exchange 2010/SIP Authentication (SR140 boards only) Enter
the account information for the SMTP communication with the
Exchange server by entering the following:
Exchange Server Name or IP address of the Exchange 2010
Server that has been configured for Unified Messaging and
inbound faxing.
Domain of the Exchange Server.
User Account that will be used by the Fax Server to
communicate with the Exchange Server. This account will be
used to authenticate all traffic from the Fax Server to the
Exchange server. You can also click the button next to User
Account to select a user from Active Directory.
Password for the User Account entered above.
Configuring Brooktrout Channels
Each fax channel on a Brooktrout fax board can be individually
configured. To configure a channel, click the channel number in the
Board/Channel list.
Figure 5.6 Brooktrout Channel Configuration Dialog Box
Activate Channel Activates this channel for use by RightFax. To
deactivate the channel, click to clear this check box.
Fax ID Specify the fax ID for this channel only. The fax ID is
transmitted to remote fax machines to identify the sender. Usually,
this is set to your company name or general fax number. This box
will not be available if you selected the Set Fax ID for all Channels
check box when configuring the Brooktrout board.
Capability Sets the capability (dial-only, answer-only, or both) for
this channel.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 60
Max. Pages This Channel May Send Sets the maximum
number of pages per fax that can be sent by this channel, from 0 to
999 (up to 1000 pages per fax). This lets you reserve channels for
smaller faxes.
Channel Extension Assigns a routing code to all incoming
faxes on this channel if no routing information is specified. Because
DID, T1 with DNIS, and ISDN telephone lines require routing
codes, this setting only applies to loop-start lines and T1 lines
without DNIS. The Channel Extension is also used when DTMF
routing is enabled on the line but the caller does not enter a routing
Configure Brooktrout Opens the Brooktrout Configuration
Tool for configuring Brooktrout-related board settings. For more
information about the settings within the Brooktrout Configuration
Tool, see Brooktrout documentation.
Timed ability This feature changes the capability (send-only,
answer-only, or both) of the fax channel at defined times. For
example, you can set a channel to answer-only during business
hours, and then switch it to both dial and answer after hours so it
can be used for broadcast faxing in the evening.
You can define up to three time periods. Times are indicated in 24
hour military time (“0000” represents midnight, “1200” represents
noon, and “1730” represents 5:30 p.m.).
Start Specify the beginning of the time period. The first time
period always has its Start time set to “0000” (midnight).
End Specify the end of the time period. You must always
specify the end time of the last time period as “2359”.
Capability Sets the capability (dial-only, answer-only, or
both) for this time period.
Inbound routing
These settings all apply if you will be using DTMF routing. DTMF
routing is a method for routing faxes directly to an individual based
on the routing code entered manually by the caller.
Enable DTMF Routing Enables DTMF inbound routing for this
Initial Tone Prompts callers to enter a routing code for the fax by
playing a tone. When this option is selected, you must also select
the tone to play and the duration of the tone in seconds. For
information on the available tones, refer to your Brooktrout
Initial Speech Prompts callers to enter a routing code for the
fax by playing a voice prompt. This requires a special voice module
license for your Brooktrout board.
When this option is selected, you must also specify the file of the
voice prompt. The default file, Prompt.ipk is located in the
RightFax\DocTransport\Brooktrout folder. This prompt file can be
played or re-recorded via telephone.
To play the voice prompt for review, go to a command prompt on
the server and enter this command:
RightFax\DocTransport\Brooktrout -p -cPhoneNum prompt.ipk
where PhoneNum is the phone number the Brooktrout board will
dial to play back the prompt.
The board will dial the phone number you specified. When you
answer the phone, it will play the message. Hang up when the
playback is complete.
To record a new voice prompt
1. Save a backup copy of the old Prompt.ipk file.
2. From a command prompt on the server, enter this command:
RightFax\DocTransport\Brooktrout -r -cphonenum -u0
where phonenum is the phone number the Brooktrout board
will dial to initiate the recording.
3. The board will dial the phone number you specified. When you
answer the phone, it will begin recording your message. Press
the [#] key (pound key) when you are done.
Failure Specify the file to play when a caller does not enter
enough DTMF digits to route the fax. The default file, Baddigit.ipk is
located in the RightFax\DocTransport\Brooktrout folder. This
prompt file can be played or re-recorded via telephone.
Confirmation Specify the file to play when a caller has correctly
entered DTMF digits for routing. The default file, Gotdigit.ipk is
located in the RightFax\DocTransport\Brooktrout folder. This
prompt file can be played or re-recorded via telephone.
No Terminator Tells RightFax to accept the DTMF code entered
by the caller as soon as the correct number of digits have been
entered. No additional terminator key needs to be pressed.
Terminator Specify the key (on the phone) that the caller must
press when finished entering DTMF digits. This is necessary when
the Max. Digits and Min. Digits are not set to the same value.
Because in this case the routing code can be a variable number of
digits, the caller must provide some indication of when he has
finished entering DTMF digits.
Max. Digits Specify the maximum number of DTMF digits that
can be entered by the caller.
Min. Digits Specify the minimum number of DTMF digits that
can be entered by the caller.
Tone Wait Specify the length of time in seconds to wait after the
prompt is played for the caller to enter a routing code. If you have
specified a terminator key (described previously), the caller must
enter the code and the terminator in this length of time.
Advanced Settings
Use the Advanced Settings options for Brooktrout boards to
enable the Human Answered Fax feature, the TeleConnect module,
and the optional Docs-on-Demand module.
Refer to Chapter 30, “Using TeleConnect to Access Faxes by
Phone” for more information about configuring and using the
TeleConnect module.
Refer to the RightFax Docs-on-Demand Guide for installation and
configuration instructions for that product.
Configuring the Human Answered Fax feature
The Human Answered Fax feature detects when an outbound fax
call is answered by a person, rather than a fax machine, and then
provides an automated voice message informing the recipient that
a fax is being sent. The recipient is then offered one or more
options for receiving the fax.
Because it uses digital voice prompts, the Human Answered Fax
feature requires that you have installed at least one Brooktrout fax
board with licensed voice capability. For information on
voice-compatible Brooktrout fax boards, refer to your fax board
documentation or contact your Brooktrout fax board distributor.
The Human Answered Fax feature uses Dialogic .vox voice files
located on the RightFax server. These files can be played or
modified using any sound editor that supports the .vox file format.
Voice files for TR114 fax boards (ADPCM format, 4 bit, 8 kHz,
uncompressed) are in the RFBoard\Voices folder. Voice files for
TR1034 fax boards and SR140 transports (PCM format, 8 bit, 8
kHz, 64 kbps, µ-law compression) are in the DocTransport\Voices
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 62
To enable and configure the Human Answered Fax feature, expand
Advanced Settings, and then click Human Answered Fax in the
list in the left pane.
Figure 5.7 The Human Answered Fax Configuration dialog box
Enable Human Answered Fax Enables the Human Answered
Fax feature.
Calling Mode Select one of the following options:
Switch to Voice Mode if a Human is detected on a Fax Call.
This option causes the RightFax server to switch from fax
transmission mode to voice mode as soon as a human voice is
detected. If a fax machine is detected, the fax will be sent.
Call back in Voice Mode if a Human is detected on a Fax Call.
This option causes the RightFax server to hang up when a human
voice is detected and immediately call back in voice mode. If a fax
machine is detected on either call, the fax will be sent.
Always start each Fax Call in Voice Mode. This option causes
the RightFax server to initiate all outbound fax calls in voice
mode. If you select this option, you should also select Voice
Prompt Only under Voice Mode. This is because if a fax
machine picks up the call, RightFax will always send the fax after
a short delay, whereas if you select the Voice Menu option,
RightFax will wait indefinitely for a response from the call
recipient, and the fax will never be sent.
Voice Mode Select one of the following options:
Voice Prompt Only. This option plays a voice prompt to the call
recipient and then waits for a fax tone before transmitting. The
voice prompt is a message informing the call recipient that this is
an incoming fax. The voice prompt used by the RightFax server
can be either simple or detailed.
Voice Menu. This option plays a voice prompt followed by a
menu of options for the call recipient. The voice prompt used by
the RightFax server can be either simple or detailed.
If the voice menu is enabled, the call recipient will first hear either
the simple or detailed voice prompt (depending on which you have
enabled). The prompt will be followed by the file
HAF_MainMenu.vox, which says “To receive this fax press 1 or stay
on the line. To cancel this fax press 9.
If the call recipient presses 1, the file HAF_PressStart.vox plays
saying “Please press start on your fax machine to receive your
documents” and the fax server will attempt to send the fax.
If the call recipient presses 9, the file HAF_Cancelled.vox plays
saying “This fax has been cancelled. We apologize for any
inconvenience” and the fax will not be sent.
If the caller does not press 1 or 9 within 10 seconds, the menu
will automatically play the file HAF_PressStart.vox prompting the
call recipient to start the fax machine, then the fax server will
attempt to send the fax.
Detailed Voice Prompts The Human Answered Fax feature
provides two types of voice prompt: a simple voice prompt and a
detailed voice prompt.
The simple voice prompt plays the file HAF_ThisisaFax.vox which
says “This is a fax,” followed by HAF_PressStart.vox which says
“Please press start on your fax machine to receive your
The detailed voice prompt combines several separate voice files to
create a unique message that says “This is a n page fax.
The detailed voice prompt always includes the number of pages in
the fax and uses the appropriate a/an article to match the number
of pages. The detailed voice prompt can include “...from [company
name]” at the end of the prompt if a file called HAF_Source.vox is
located in the \Voices folder. This file is not provided with the
RightFax server software, so you must create this file if you want
your organization name identified as the source of the fax. The
detailed voice prompt then plays HAF_PressStart.vox which says
“Please press start on your fax machine to receive your
Translating the voice files If you will be using the Human
Answered Fax feature with a language other than English, follow
these guidelines when configuring Human Answered Fax
(described on page 62):
Record a new translated version of the file HAF_ThisisaFax.vox
that will inform the call recipient that a fax transmission is being
Select Voice Prompt Only under Voice Mode.
Do not select the option Detailed Voice Prompts.
Note when translating the Human Answered Fax voice files to
languages other than English, use the simple voice prompt without the
menu. Because both the menu and the detailed voice prompt are
generated by playing several separate voice files in sequence, simply
translating the individual files may result in improper syntax. For
descriptions of all of the voice files on the RightFax server, refer to the
TeleConnect User’s Guide.
Cancelling a Human Answered Fax To cancel a fax call that
has been answered by a human:
Set the Human Answered Fax > Voice Mode option to Voice
Edit the Windows Registry to set the HAF_CancelIfNoResponse
value to 1. See “HAF_CancelIfNoResponse” on page 328.
Configuring Docs-on-Demand
The Docs-on-Demand component allows anyone to call into your
fax server to request faxes. These can be marketing or sales
material, informational material, or any kind of fax document your
organization wants to make available via touch-tone phone. For
more details on how to use Docs-on-Demand, see the Open Text
Docs-on-Demand Guide.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 64
To use the Docs-on-Demand module with all defined Brooktrout fax
boards, you must enable the feature in the DocTransport service.
Under the Brooktrout heading, click Advanced Settings in the
component tree in the left pane and then click Docs on Demand.
Figure 5.8 The Docs-on-Demand Configuration Dialog Box
Enable Docs on Demand Enables the two Docs-on-Demand
applications, Fax-on-Demand and Web Fax Tools. If this check box
is not selected, neither feature will function.
System Password This is the password the Fax-on-Demand
administrator will use to access the Fax-on-Demand Sysop
(System Operator) menu. Because you must be able to enter the
password from a touch-tone phone, this password must consist of
numeric digits only.
Routing Code/Channel Ext Specifies the routing code (such
as DTMF extension or DID number) that will be assigned to
Fax-on-Demand. When calls arrive on this extension they will
automatically enter the Fax-on-Demand system, rather than being
received as an incoming fax.
If you have a bank of numbers dedicated to your fax server, you
must assign one of the numbers to Fax-on-Demand by entering the
extension here. If you have channel routing configured on POTS
(plain-old-telephone system) lines, then you must dedicate one of
your fax channels to Fax-on-Demand. To do this, enter a unique
four-digit number in this box, and then click the channel you want to
dedicate under Global Board Settings in the left pane, and enter
the same four-digit value in the Channel Extension box. Users
must be able to dial into this channel directly. The channel should
not be part of a hunt group unless all the channels in that hunt
group are dedicated to Fax-on-Demand. Otherwise, dialing the
number may cause users to hear a fax tone instead of accessing
You can also turn on DTMF routing for a particular analog channel.
When users dial this number they will hear a tone or voice prompt
to enter an extension. Enter a unique four-digit extension in this box.
If you tell your users to enter this number when they hear the
prompt, they will connect to the Fax-on-Demand system. If this
number is not entered after a few seconds (depending on the
DTMF timeout value), the channel will provide a fax tone and
attempt to receive a fax.
User Account This is the RightFax user ID that Fax-on-Demand
will use when sending faxes. All cover sheet information and
attributes of the selected user ID will apply to faxes sent by
Fax-on-Demand. This setting is also used by Web Fax Tools for
assigning a RightFax user ID to outgoing faxes.
Name on Cover Sheet Specifies the name or text that will
appear in the “To:” field on fax cover sheets sent by
Call Type Specifies how Fax-on-Demand will connect to the user
when faxes are requested. “One Call” requires the user to be
calling from a fax machine. Fax-on-Demand uses the same
connection to send faxes back to the caller without initiating a
second call. In this way, the Fax-on-Demand system incurs no
phone charges. “Two Call” causes Fax-on-Demand to request the
recipient’s fax number and then initiates a separate call to send
faxes. “Prompt” asks each user to specify a one- or two-call
Maximum Documents Specifies the maximum number of fax
documents that a Fax-on-Demand user can request per call.
BrookTrout Registry Settings
In addition to setting the configuration options through the
RightFax user interface, you can set some options through the
registry editor.
Adding data to the ISDN string You can add a field of data
to the calling party number field of the ISDN string for each fax sent
from the RightFax server. This data can be captured by some PBX
systems for billing purposes. Before implementing this feature,
verify that the PBX system can accept the data. If it does not, the
PBX will reject the call. For more detail on editing the registry to
indicate which data to include, see “UseISDNCallingParty” on
page 328.
Defining an RTI line The RTI (Receipt Terminal Information)
line is a line of text that can be printed at the bottom of each
received fax page. The RTI line includes information about the fax
that supplements the TTI line such as the total number of pages
received, the name of the fax server that received the fax, and the
sender’s caller ID. You can enable or disable the RTI line, specify
the information you want it to include, specify the font size, and
specify where on the fax page to print the line. For more details on
editing the registry to enable or modify the RTI line, see
“StampReceivedPages”to turn the RTI on or off
“ReceiveStamp Format” to specify which data displays
“ReceiveStamp Location” to specify where the RTI displays
“ReceiveStamp FontSize” to specify how large to print the RTI
Troubleshooting the BoardServer module
To help track errors, all RightFax server modules can be configured
to record a detailed log of program information in the Application
EventLog. When a problem occurs, this should be your first source
of information. Each entry will be attributed to the RightFax Server
module, RightFax Database module, RightFax BoardServer
module, or RightFax WorkServer module.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 66
Error 2140 when starting the BoardServer service with
Brooktrout fax boards
1. Confirm that the base I/O address and the interrupt in the
Board section of the BoardServer configuration program match
the physical settings on the board.
2. If the address and interrupt are configured correctly, confirm
that there are no other system conflicts with those addresses.
Note The RightFax BoardServer module must be stopped for this
test to work.
From a command line on the RightFax server, change to the
RightFax\RFBoard folder and enter this command:
type faxinit.cfg
A line appears for each fax channel listing the channel’s
address. If the addresses do not match the ones you have
entered in the BoardServer configuration program, edit the text
file and fix them. After this is done, enter this command at the
RightFax\RFBoard prompt:
faxinit faxinit.cfg
If the addresses are not successfully found, then they are
probably conflicting with something else on your system.
3. If all of the addresses are found and you are still getting a 2140
error when starting the BoardServer module, there is probably
an interrupt conflict. Confirm that the interrupt on the board
matches the interrupt setting in the BoardServer configuration
program. If it does, try another interrupt setting. To do this, first
change the interrupt in the BoardServer configuration, and then
shut down the Windows server, turn off the computer, and
change the interrupt jumper on the fax board to match the
BoardServer configuration. Restart the system and try to restart
the service. Repeat this procedure trying different settings until
the service starts successfully.
The BoardServer service is set to manual
The BoardServer module is normally configured as an automatic
service. If it encounters problems starting (such as configuration
errors), the BoardServer service sets itself to manual. To reset the
BoardServer service to automatic, fix the cause of the problem, and
then restart the BoardServer module manually. On successful
startup, the BoardServer module will reset itself to automatic.
Eicon Fax Board Configuration
Eicon fax boards must be added in the DocTransport module and
then configured using the board configuration tool provided by
Eicon. Eicon Diva Server version 7.5 or later must be installed on
the RightFax server or remote BoardServer computer where the
Eicon boards are installed.
Each board must be configured separately, and each channel must
be configured separately for each board. There are two major
1. Configure the Eicon Global Transport Settings
2. Configure the following elements for each board:
Configure the default settings for the board
Use the Eicon Configuration Tool to set additional
parameters(see the Eicon documentation).
Configure each of the RightFax channels
Important DTMF routing with Eicon fax boards is not supported.
After you have specified the installed Eicon fax boards in
DocTransport (described in Adding transport methods” on
page 50), expand the Eicon option in the list in the left pane and
select an Eicon board in the list. This displays a set of Eicon
configuration options.
Figure 5.9 The Eicon Diva Server Configuration options
Configuring Eicon Global Transport Settings
Eicon Global Transport Settings are global settings that apply only
to the Eicon transport methods. To configure Eicon Global
Transport settings, select Global Transport Settings in the left
pane. The rest of this section describes the options on this screen.
Allow TTI Line The transmit terminal information (TTI) line is a
line of text that prints at the top of each received fax page. The TTI
line includes the transmitting fax machine, the date and time of the
transmission, the fax page number, and the total page count.
Display GMT on the TTI Line Displays the local time relative
to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If this option is not selected, the
TTI line will display the local time at the fax’s place of origin.
Dialing Settings Prefix This field specifies one or more dialing
characters to add at the beginning of every outbound fax number
dialed by the server. The default setting (WW) instructs the fax
boards to automatically detect a dial tone before dialing. For a list
of valid dialing characters, see “Dialing Characters Supported by
Dialing Rules” on page 191.
Configuring an Eicon Board
After you have added a new Eicon fax board, it must be configured
to work with RightFax. To configure the board, click the board name
in the Board/Channel list in the left pane. Note that all Eicon board
types use the same configuration screen, though some fields may
be unavailable (greyed out) depending on functionality of each
Figure 5.10 The Eicon Board Configuration options
Configure Eicon Click this button to run the Eicon SoftIP
configuration program if necessary. However, this configuration
should have been completed before enabling the SoftIP channels
in RightFax.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 68
DID settings Direct Inward Dial (DID) is a phone line service
that allows inbound fax routing based on the phone number that
was used to dial in to your fax server. The fax board reads a set
number of digits from the phone line and compares these digits to
each RightFax user's routing code. If a match is made, the fax can
be successfully routed.
These settings will only affect DID-capable fax boards.
Number of Digits for Routing Specify the number of
received digits to use for DID routing. This is the number of digits in
each RightFax user’s routing code.
Set Fax ID for all Channels You can specify a fax ID for all the
SoftIP channels you add. The fax ID is transmitted by each channel
to the receiving fax device. Usually, this is set to your company
name or a general fax number.
Configuring an Eicon Channel
Each fax channel on an Eicon fax board can be individually
configured and activated. To configure a channel, click the channel
number in the Board/Channel list.
Figure 5.11 The Eicon Channel Configuration options
Activate Channel Select this check box to activate the channel,
or deselect it to disable the channel.
Configure Eicon Click this button to run the Eicon SoftIP
configuration program if necessary. However, this configuration
should have been completed before enabling the SoftIP channels
in RightFax.
For more information about Eicon fax boards, see Chapter 7 of the
RightFax Fax Board Guide located on the RightFax server in the
\RightFax\Doc folder.
Configuring T.37 Fax over IP
T.37 fax over IP is a fax transmission protocol that allows faxes to
be transmitted to T.37-compatible devices over IP, rather than
dedicated fax channels. The fax is packaged as an email message
with a TIFF attachment and then sent over IP via an SMTP server.
This message is automatically interpreted as a fax by the receiving
device, which then prints it.
To send documents using fax over IP, you must create dialing rules
that route the documents based on the fax numbers or email
addresses entered by your RightFax client for outbound faxes. For
information on how to configure a dialing rule to route to a fax over
IP destination, see page 194.
After you have added the T.37 Fax over IP transport method in
DocTransport (described in Adding transport methods” on
page 50), expand the FoIP option in the list in the left pane and
select T.37 Fax over IP. This displays the fax over IP configuration
Figure 5.12 The T.37 Fax over IP Configuration options
SMTP Server Address By default, fax over IP messages will be
sent via the SMTP server that you specified during the RightFax
server installation. If you did not specify an SMTP server name
during installation, enter the name of the SMTP server on your
network that will transmit fax-over-IP messages.
Email Address in the “From” Section of the T.37 fax
message Enter the email address that will be transmitted to the
receiving T.37-compatible device.
Configuring Fax over IP Failover
Fax over IP environments with a multi-router topology may
configure RightFax (via dialing rules) for real-time FoIP fail-over.
When the primary FoIP router or gateway is unavailable or times
out, faxes are automatically routed to a secondary router or
gateway. FoIP fail-over is compatible with both SR140 and T.37
board-based architecture.
To enable FoIP failover, create two dialing rules that routes faxes
based on the outgoing router number. Set the rule that points to
the primary router with a higher weight than the rule that points to
the secondary router. You must also enable FoIP by editing the
registry keyword value DisableDialingRuleOnTimeout (see
“DisableDialingRuleOnTimeout” on page 327) to have a value of 1.
To enable FoI P fail-over
1. Log on to Enterprise Fax Manager and click the Dialing Rules
2. Right-click Dialing Rules and click New. The Rule Edit window
3. In the Pattern field, enter a number that, when dialed, will be
sent via FoIP.
4. Click the Number Adjustments tab. Type the @ symbol and
the IP address of your network’s primary FoIP router.
For example, @
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 70
5. When finished, click OK.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5, but use the secondary router in the
Number Adjustments tab.
7. Click the Other tab.
8. Find the Extra Rule Weight box and click the up arrow for the
first rule (the router you want to use the most) until the value is
greater than 0. When finished, click OK.
9. Open the Enterprise Fax Manager File menu and click Save
Dialing Plan.
Important When using FoIP you must remove the wait for wink (or
WW) setting in the dialing settings, prefix box located in the
DocTransport, Global Transport Settings.
Configuring SMS via the Push-Proxy Gateway
Short message service (SMS) is a communication protocol that
lets you send and receive short text messages to and from
SMS-compatible devices such as a cell phone. The RightFax
server can be configured to send fax notifications and alerts to
SMS numbers. RightFax clients can also send and receive SMS
messages. Because SMS is a text-only protocol, sent SMS
messages include only the notes added to the fax cover sheet. You
can also create dialing rules that automatically route outbound
faxes to SMS numbers. SMS functionality requires that you have
installed the RightFax Push-Proxy Gateway on the server running
the DocTransport service.
After you have added the SMS transport method in DocTransport
(described in Adding transport methods” on page 50), expand the
SMS option in the list in the left pane and select Mobility
Push-Proxy Gateway. This displays the SMS configuration
Figure 5.13 The SMS Configuration options
Configure PPG Runs the Push-Proxy Gateway configuration
program. For information on completing these configuration
options, refer to the “Text Messaging Using the Push Proxy
Gateway” on page 151.
Number of Digits for Routing When the RightFax server
receives an incoming SMS message, it can route the message to
one or more mailboxes. Each RightFax mailbox (user ID) has a
unique routing code. SMS mailboxes should be configured to use
routing codes based on the phone number that the message was
sent to, typically the last three or four digits of the number. Enter
the number of digits that will be read from the end of the receiving
phone number that will be used for routing SMS messages.
Configuring Automated Billing Codes
This feature automatically applies billing codes to outbound faxes
based on the user ID of the sender. To configure automatic billing
codes, click Auto Billing Code Settings in the left pane.
Figure 5.14 DocTransport Configuration Auto Billing Code Settings.
Enable User Specific Phone Codes Enables the Automatic
Billing Codes feature.
To assign domestic and international phone codes to specific
RightFax users, you must create a list of RightFax users and their
phone codes.
Click Add Entry to add a new entry to the list. This opens a dialog
box asking you to enter a RightFax user ID and that user’s domestic
and international long distance phone codes. When you click OK
to close the dialog box, the new entry is immediately displayed in
the DocTransport Configuration dialog box.
To edit an entry, click the entry in the list and click Edit Entry. To
delete an entry, click the entry and click Delete Entry.
To load a list of RightFax user IDs and phone codes from a file, type
the path and file name in the Phone Codes File Name box and
click Load File. The file name you specify must be a tab-delimited
ASCII file. Each entry in this file must include the RightFax user ID,
domestic phone code, and international phone code. Individual
entries are separated by a carriage return
Example JDoe 1345 0345
JSmith 1678 0678
BJones 1111 0111
After you load the file, any additions, deletions, and editing changes
you make in the DocTransport Configuration dialog box will be
To distinguish international and domestic long distance
After you have created a list of RightFax users and their phone
codes, you must specify dialing rules that tell RightFax when to dial
those codes.
When creating dialing rules, the character “F” added to the dial
string will be replaced with the user’s domestic phone code. The
character “G” added to the dial string will be replaced with the
user’s international phone code.
Example For example, for international calls, you might create a
dialing rule like this:
Pattern Append
011+ wGii
This tells RightFax that if the first three digits of an
outgoing fax number are “011” (the international dialing
prefix) then wait for a dial tone (w), look up the user’s
international billing code and dial it (G), and then wait 10
seconds before dialing the number (ii).
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 72
For more information on creating dialing rules in RightFax, see Adding
dialing rules on page 187.
Running DocTransport on Remote Computers
Note One RightFax Enterprise server can support a total maximum of
16 separate DocTransport modules.
With the RightFax Enterprise server, you can install and run multiple
DocTransport modules simultaneously on the local and one or
more remote computers. This distributes the workload of the
RightFax server across several computers and provides expanded
channel capacity and system redundancy.
Caution While running DocTransport modules over a WAN is a
supported configuration, it is important that sufficient bandwidth is
available across the network to allow the DocTransport and RightFax
server to communicate efficiently. Insufficient bandwidth when running
remote DocTransport modules across a WAN may result in timeout errors
causing both inbound and outbound documents to fail.
When the RightFax server is configured to run one or more
DocTransport modules remotely, the workload of faxing is divided
between multiple computers. The RightFax server computer can
remain dedicated to database management and WorkServer
operations, while the remote DocTransport computers handle all
the work relating to sending and receiving faxes.
Because the fax boards can be distributed between several
computers, your ability to expand your system’s fax channel
capacity is virtually unlimited using remote DocTransport modules.
Also, running remote DocTransport modules allows for system
redundancy. If a hardware or phone line failure occurs, fax traffic
can be automatically routed to other available DocTransport
modules quickly and with no interruption of service. In addition,
remote DocTransport modules let you make the most out of
redundant hardware in clustered server configurations, as in the
following diagram.
Figure 5.15 Remote DocTransport Modules
in a Clustered Environment
The ability to install multiple DocTransport modules is available in
RightFax Enterprise servers only.
Supported Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
RightFax server software is supported on the following server
operating systems.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64
Windows Server 2008 Standard x86 and x64
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x86 and x64
Windows Server 2003 Standard x86 SP2 or later
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x86 SP2 or later
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x86 SP2 or later
Local server requirements
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5*
Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8*
Microsoft Messaging Queuing*
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 runtime components*
A Windows account to run RightFax services. The account
you choose must be a domain user that member of the local
administrators group and must have the right to logon as
service on the local computer.
* installed during setup
RightFax server requirements
Before installing remote WorkServers, you must share the
\RightFax folder on the RightFax server and grant the WorkServer
service account full control. This account must also have write
access to the Windows registry on the RightFax server.
To install the DocTransport on a Remote Computer
Important Because they are not located on your RightFax server
computer, remote DocTransport modules cannot prevent you from
exceeding your RightFax channel licenses. You must manage the number
of activated channels across all the DocTransport modules, and do not
attempt to activate more channels than your organization has licensed.
The RightFax Server module service will shut down if the total number of
channels on all DocTransport modules exceeds your total number of
channel licenses.
Caution If you have changed the default DSN for the SQL connection
on the main RightFax server, you must manually change the DSN on the
remote DocTransport computer to match the DSN on the server.
To ensure that your installation goes smoothly and to avoid
unnecessary delays, it is important to perform each step in the
installation completely and correctly before proceeding to the next
1. If you haven’t already done so, download the Open Text Fax
Server, RightFax Edition Installation from the Open Text
Knowledge Center to a network location. Browse to that
location and then run Setup.exe. The RightFax Product Suite
Setup wizard opens.
2. RightFax DocTransports require Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
or later. If this software is not installed on your system, Setup
will prompt you to install it. To install, click OK. To cancel Setup
and install .NET Framework 3.5 yourself, click Cancel.
3. Review the welcome screen and click Next.
4. Carefully read and accept the license agreement and click Next.
5. Setup can check for RightFax updates and other late-breaking
information. To check for updates, verify you have an active
HTTP connection and click Check for Updates. If updates are
found, follow the instructions in the Result section. To skip the
update check and continue with Setup, check the box next to
Do not check for updates and click Next.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 74
6. Click Custom followed by Next.
7. Select the DocTransport Module Setup component and click
Next. No other Setup components should be chosen.
8. The Preview Requirements step lists third-party software
required by your chosen features and also lists the status of
setup operations. Software that must be installed will have a
status of Must Install. To continue, click Next.
9. To apply your settings and install required third-party software,
click Apply. This may take several minutes. When finished, click
10.If your server does not already have Microsoft Message
Queuing installed, Setup will prompt you to install it. Select your
option and click Next.
11.RightFax requires TCP ports 10520, 10521, 10062, 34987,
and 34988. Setup can reserve these ports for exclusive use by
RightFax. To allow setup to reserve these ports, enable the
Reserve Ports option and click Next. If you do not reserve
these ports, some RightFax services may not start.
12.To apply your settings and install required third-party software,
click Apply. This will take several minutes. When finished, click
13.Choose your installation folder and click Next.
14.To begin installing RightFax software, click Apply. This may take
several minutes. When finished, click Next.
15.Enter a Windows account to run RightFax services. This must
account be a domain user that member of the local
administrators group and must have the right to logon as
service on the local computer. In addition, this account must
also have full-control over the \RightFax folder on the RightFax
server and have write access to the Windows registry on the
RightFax server. Click Browse to load and select a user
account. Use the Test Account button verify account
credentials. When finished, click Next.
16.Enter your RightFax server name. To verify remote access to the
RightFax server, click Check Access. When finished, click Next.
17. To apply your settings and complete Setup, click Apply
followed by Close.
Chapter 6
Configuring Server-Side Application Conversion
By default, the RightFax server uses its built-in conversion engine
to generate fax images from document file attachments. These are
files passed to the RightFax server in their original format (such as
Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) instead of first being converted to
printer output. Document attachments are typically delivered to the
RightFax server from one of the email gateway modules (as mail
message attachments) or from RightFax Web Access.
While the standard RightFax conversion engine has some
advantages (such as being very fast and efficient), there are
occasionally variances between the fax image it generates and the
original document. In most cases these variances are minor and
acceptable. However, if the conversion quality of faxed file
attachments is unacceptably low, your RightFax servers can be
configured so that the applications associated with certain file
formats are launched to allow for direct (and therefore more
accurate) conversion by attachments’ native applications. This is
known as server-side application conversion or SSA.
Note Server-side application conversion is not used for documents that
are printed directly from the native applications to the RightFax
print-to-fax driver. The print-to-fax conversion is handled by the native
application on the client computer before it is sent to the RightFax server.
Understanding Server-Side Application
Where possible, server-side application conversion supports
multiple concurrent document conversions to save processing time
and server resources. Also, blank pages are removed from the fax
image to save on fax costs and channel resources.
Server-side application conversion is available when faxing from:
Files attached using FaxUtil.
Files attached using WebUtil.
Files attached using print-to-fax.
The Send To shortcut menu.
File attachments sent through the Microsoft Exchange, SMTP, or
Lotus Notes email gateways.
Files attached by using the <ADDDOC> embedded code.
The RightFax API and COM API.
Launching an application at the RightFax server each time a file
attachment fax image is generated has some potential drawbacks.
You should weigh these drawbacks against the benefits before
configuring your RightFax server to perform server-side application
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 76
Full applications are much larger and more processor-intensive
than the standard RightFax conversion engine. You may need to
upgrade the RightFax server memory or processing capacity to
support server-side application conversion, especially if your
organization generates a lot of faxes with attached files.
Most applications are not designed to be run completely without
user intervention. Situations may arise in which an application
stops while it waits for user input (such as waiting for a password).
RightFax makes every attempt to prevent or bypass such
occurrences but cannot guarantee it will prevent all such
occurrences. If one or more faxes being processed through
server-side application conversion fail to send, you should check
that the application on the server is not stalled and waiting for
Documents containing objects that the server does not have
access to (such as special fonts, links to files on other computers,
macros, or templates) may generate unpredictable results, such as
incorrect fax image output or conversion failure. To minimize this,
install all of the TrueType fonts, document templates, macros, and
other components used by your organization to the computer or
computers that provides server-side application conversion.
If server-side application conversion does not succeed in creating
a fax image, RightFax will use its built-in conversion engine to
create the fax.
About the Captaris Conversion Engine
The Captaris Conversion Engine is a stand-alone, fault tolerant
service that is used to invoke applications used in server-side
application conversion. It detects when an SSA supported
attachment is passed to the RightFax server and launches the
appropriate application to convert the file.
The Conversion Engine also supports and can be configured to
use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. OCR
related settings are located under the RecoStar tab. For
information about OCR setup and configuration, see “Using
Optical Character Recognition” on page 213.
SSA supported applications used by the Captaris Conversion
Engine are:
Microsoft Word, versions 2000, 2003, 2007, and 2010.
Microsoft Excel, versions 2000, 2003, 2007, and 2010.
Microsoft PowerPoint, versions 2000, 2003, 2007, and 2010.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8.
Note: Microsoft does not support Office 2010 on XP 64x systems.
To enable the RightFax server to perform Server-Side Application
conversion, install the applications on the RightFax server and any
computers running remote WorkServers you want to use for SSA.
The version of Microsoft Office installed on the Fax Server or
WorkServers must be able to open the document versions that are
submitted by client computers.
In order to convert Office 2007 and 2010 documents, you must
install Office 2003 with the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats, available from
Installing Office Applications
On each of your RightFax servers and any other computers where
RightFax WorkServers will be executed, follow these guidelines to
install the Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio
applications (versions 2000 through 2003), for server-side
application conversion.
1. On the RightFax server, run Setup.exe. During the installation,
select the following options.
2. When the installation is complete, restart Windows.
3. After you have installed Microsoft Office 2003, you must
activate the software either through the Internet or by calling
4. Install Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 3 and any additional
5. Set the security for macros in Office to the lowest setting.
6. To enable conversion of Office 2007 and 2010 documents,
install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint File Formats, available from Microsoft.
Important: You must also install any available updates to the
Compatibility Pack.
7. Create a folder called Desktop in the system directory on each
server where SSA conversions will occur
(C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop). For
64-bit versions Windows 2008, you must also create a new
folder called Desktop in the 64-bit system folder
8. Each Office 2003 application that you have installed must be
launched on the server and then closed so that any additional
setup requirements at the user profile level can be completed.
9. Reboot the Fax Server.
Microsoft Office applications may require some configuration to
ensure that server-side application conversion works properly.
Refer to the following section for additional information about
configuration and limitations for Microsoft Word, Excel, and
Configuring Office Applications
Server-side application conversion through Microsoft Office
20002003 converts these file types:
Microsoft Office versions 20002003
Office 2007 and 2010 documents (converted using Office 2003
with the Office Compatibility Pack)
RTF (rich text format)
Table 6a Installing Office
Installation option Select this
Destination folder Default destination
Installation type Custom installation
Components to install Excel
Office Tools
Converters and Filters
Office Tools Microsoft TrueType fonts
Converters and Filters
Text Converters
Select all of the options except
converters for use with Lotus Notes
Graphics Filters Select all
Microsoft Excel Select the Microsoft Excel program files,
spreadsheet converters, and Help
Spreadsheet Converters Select all
Microsoft Word Select the Microsoft Word program files,
text converters, and Help
Text Converters Select all
Microsoft PowerPoint Select the Microsoft PowerPoint
program files, presentation translators,
and Help
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 78
Password-protected files will not be converted with the exception
of Outlook or Lotus Notes file attachments where the Outlook or
Notes client has had the correct password provided in the
Document Conversion options (described in the Open Text Fax
Server Connector for Microsoft Exchange Administrator Guide
and RightFax Lotus Notes Module Guide.)
Note: Running the Exchange Events service on the RightFax server will
cause server-side application conversion through Word to fail. If you
must run Exchange Server on the same computer as your RightFax
server, you must disable the Exchange Events service.
Note: RightFax cover sheets must be Word 97-2003 format (with
extension .doc), not the Word 2010 format (extension .docx). See
“Creating Fax Cover Sheets” on page 205 for more information about
cover sheets.
Note: Excel 2010 can create two types of XML output, both with the
extension .xml. RightFax can convert spreadsheets that have been saved
in XML Spreadsheet 2003 format, but not Excel 2010 XML Data format.
Office 2007 Excel documents using the column feature (a new feature in
Office 2007) have problems converting.
Note: Some of the features new to Excel 2007 (such as conditional
formatting icon sets and data bars) may prevent conversion. To remedy
this, copy the data from the worksheet, then use Paste Special to store
only the values to a new file. These features will convert correctly from
Excel 2010.
To configure these applications,
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > Enterprise
Fax Manager.
2. In the Enterprise Fax Manager application, click the name of the
RightFax server to configure in the tree in the left pane. A list of
services appears at the lower-right pane of the window.
3. In the Service Name list, double-click Captaris Conversion
Engine. The Conversion Engine Configuration dialog box
4. For each application, you can specify memory, time out, and
retry settings by completing the following fields.
Application Monitoring Use the Application Monitoring
setting to allocate memory (in megabytes) as needed. The
default value of 25 MB is usually adequate for all but the largest
documents. Local testing will ultimately determine the optimal
setting for your environment.
Document Monitoring Adjust this setting based on the
size of the largest document (page and word count) sent for
conversion by Excel. The default value of 1 minute is usually
adequate for all but the largest documents.
Maximum number of retries The maximum number of
conversion attempts per document is controlled by the
Maximum number of retries setting. Documents that fail
conversion are marked as Problem Converting Fax Body or
Configuring Internet Explorer
The conversion engine can invoke Internet Explorer 6 or later to
assist in the conversion of HTML documents. The Internet Explorer
tab allows RightFax administrators to control settings associated
with Internet Explorer (HTM and HTML) conversions.
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > Enterprise
Fax Manager.
2. In the Enterprise Fax Manager application, click the name of the
RightFax server to configure in the tree in the left pane. A list of
services appears at the lower-right pane of the window.
3. In the Service Name list, double-click Captaris Conversion
Engine. The Conversion Engine Configuration dialog box
4. Complete the following fields.
Application Monitoring Use the Application Monitoring
setting to allocate memory (in megabytes) as needed. The
default value of 25 MB is usually adequate for all but the
largest documents. Local testing will ultimately determine the
optimal setting for your environment..
Document Monitoring Adjust this setting based on the
size of the largest document (page and word count) sent for
conversion by Internet Explorer. The default value of 1 minute is
usually adequate for all but the largest documents. Local
testing will ultimately determine the optimal setting for your
Maximum number of retries The maximum number of
conversion attempts per document is controlled by the
Maximum number of retries setting. Documents that fail
conversion are marked as Problem Converting Fax Body or
Page Headers and Footers If your conversions require
Internet Explorer header and footer print codes, you must add
them to the Header and Footer fields. For information about
Internet Explorer print code macros, see Microsoft
Page Margins Use the up and down arrows to configure
page margins. All values are in inches.
Configuring Conversion Logging
The Logging tab provides RightFax administrators with control
over the types of messages logged by the Conversion Engine.
Each of these messages can be customized using categories and
logging levels. By default, all output is written to the Windows
Event Logs, except when the service is running in debug mode, in
which case all messages are shown in real-time via the diagnostics
Note The Captaris Conversion Engine configuration program cannot be
opened from a remote computer.
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > Enterprise
Fax Manager.
2. In the Enterprise Fax Manager application, click the name of the
RightFax server to configure in the tree in the left pane. A list of
services appears at the lower-right pane of the window.
3. In the Service Name list, double-click Captaris Conversion
Engine. The Conversion Engine Configuration dialog box
Figure 6.1 The Conversion Engine Configuration Logging tab
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 80
4. Click the name or description of a message category, then
choose the level of logging for that category from the
drop-down menu.
Off. No information is saved.
Error. Records critical errors only.
Warning. Records errors and major events only.
Info. Records errors, major events, and informational
Verbose. Records all significant events and is most useful
for tracking and resolving problems.
Caution If you leave this value set to “Verbose” for long periods of time,
the Event Log can become full which may prevent new events from being
For more information about debug mode, see “Troubleshooting the
Conversion Engine” on page 81.
Configuring the Service Account
The Conversion Engine must be run under an account that
permission to open the conversion applications and permission to
create a printer. The Local System account does not have these
permissions, and cannot be used as the service acount. To set the
service account:
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > Enterprise
Fax Manager.
2. In the Enterprise Fax Manager application, click the name of the
RightFax server to configure in the tree in the left pane. A list of
services appears at the lower-right pane of the window.
3. In the Service Name list, double-click Captaris Conversion
4. On the Conversion Engine Configuration dialog box, click the
Service Account button.
5. Enter the information for an account that has permission to:
open the Microsoft Office programs and Internet Explorer
create a printer
6. Click OK to close the Service Account window.
7. Click OK to close the Conversion Engine Configuration
dialog box.
To Configure Timeout on a Failed Conversion
In case server-side application conversion fails, you can configure
RightFax to automatically time out, stop the conversion, and set the
fax status to “conversion failed.
1. On the RightFax server, stop all WorkServer services.
2. Edit the Windows Registry length of time indicated by the
KillServiceTimeout value on the RightFax server for each
workserver. See “KillServiceTimeout” on page 334.
3. Restart the services.
To have the WorkServers recover after being stopped by this new
feature, open the Windows Control Panel and select
Administrative Tools > Services > RightFax WorkServer and go
to the Recovery tab to select the service's response to the
Controlling Server-Side Application Conversion
To control how and when server-side application conversion is
used for specific document types, edit the Windows registry value
“NativeDocControl” (as described on page 335. The setting for
this value is one or more lines each controlling a specific document
type in the format:
Where DocType is the type of document to control, and Action
specifies how the document type should be handled. DocType can
be Word, Excel, PowerPoint, VSD, RTF, HTML, or PDF. The
following table lists the actions you can specify.
Example NativeDocControl value setting:
Word-wrap for Text Attachments
Text attachments that contain long lines of text can potentially be
truncated. To configure RightFax to word-wrap text attachments,
eidt the WordWrapTextLength value in the .
1. Edit the Windows Registry value for WordWrapTextLength for
each Workserver. See“WordWrapTextLength” on page 336 for
more detail.
2. Open the RightFax WorkServer Module.
3. Configure all RightFax WorkServers to use the option ‘Use PCL
Converter for Text Files’.
4. Click OK to restart the WorkServer Modules.
Troubleshooting the Conversion Engine
Like all RightFax services, the Conversion Engine can be run in
'debug' mode. Debug mode provides RightFax administrators with
robust real-time monitoring, logging, and troubleshooting via a
separate diagnostics window. From this window it is possible to
customize the trace (logging) level, group by processes, and save
the output to an RTF or TXT file. Errors and warnings are also
displayed in different colors, making it easier to isolate problems.
The diagnostics window also allows the service to be started,
stopped, paused and resumed.
To run the Conversion Engine in debug mode
1. Open Enterprise Fax Manager, click your fax server name, and
browse to the services view in the lower-right corner.
2. Right-click the Captaris Conversion Engine and choose Stop.
3. When the service has stopped, right-click the service and select
Debug. The Diagnostics window opens.
Changes made to the Conversion Engine while running in debug
mode are not reflected in the diagnostics window until re-launched.
Also note that when running the Conversion Engine in debug
mode, it is possible to restart the service by clicking OK in the
Conversion Engine configuration. Setting the service that runs the
Table 6b NativeDocControl Actions
Value Action
1Attempt to convert the document using the native
application on the server. If this fails because the
application is not installed, because the application
cannot be started, or because the application returns an
error, then attempt to convert the document using the
built-in RightFax conversion engine.
2Only attempt to convert the document using the native
application on the server. If this fails for any reason, abort
the fax.
3Attempt to convert the document using the built-in
RightFax conversion engine. If this fails for any reason,
abort the fax.
4Do not attempt to convert this type document. Conversion
will fail.
5Attempt to convert the document using the built-in
RightFax conversion engine. If this fails, attempt
conversion with the native application.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 82
Conversion Engine (RfIsoConv.exe) to manual startup will prevent
this problem, however, this is only recommended when performing
complex debug associated troubleshooting.
Chapter 7
Enabling and Using the Captaris Sync Module
RightFax maintains a database of users. This database defines
each user’s RightFax-specific contact information, logon
information, preferences, and permissions. With the Captaris Sync
Module, you can import this information in real-time or at definable
intervals from other data sources, such as Microsoft Active
Directory or any LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
compliant data source.
When you use the Captaris Sync module, only the RightFax
database will be updated. The original data source will not be
Description of the Captaris Sync Module
The Captaris Sync Module is an XML/XSLT based tool that allows
RightFax administrators to create and update users from Active
Directory (domains, groups, and organizational units) and LDAP
compliant data sources.
Synchronization data is not stored in Active Directory.
Support for multiple domain environments.
LDAP support.
Robust real-time logging and diagnostics.
Nested groups are not automatically included when
synchronizing from parent groups.
Synchronization is managed as a standalone service.
Configuration Overview
To configure the Captaris Sync Module, you must:
1. Define one or more data sources. Data sources may be either
Active Directory or LDAP compliant. See “Defining a Data
Source” on page 84.
2. Define one or more RightFax databases you want to update.
See “Defining a Destination Database” on page 88.
3. Define which sources update each RightFax database by using
the Mapping function. With mapping, you can also define how
often the RightFax database will be updated from each source.
See “Creating Mappings”on page 89.
The rest of this chapter describes these steps in more detail.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 84
Defining a Data Source
Open the Windows Control Panel and double-click Captaris Sync
Module. The Captaris Sync Module Configuration opens.
Note The Captaris Sync Module cannot be configured from a remote
Figure 7.1 Captaris Sync Module Configuration Dialog Box
Service Account The Service Account button is used to select
a Windows account from which to run the Captaris Sync module. If
synchronizing with Active Directory, this account must be a
member of the Active Directory Domain Users group.
Important The service account password is only retained until the
control panel closes. It is not cached.
Adding or Editing a Data Source
Each source and destination you define is represented by a tab on
the Configuration dialog box. There is no limit to the number of
sources and destinations you can define. For each source you want
to define, follow these steps:
1. Click Sources & Destinations. The Sync Sources and
Destinations window opens.
Figure 7.2 The Sync Sources and Destinations Dialog Box
2. Click New to configure a new data source, or highlight a
displayed data source and click Edit to make changes.
3. Using the drop-down arrow, select your source type, either
Active Directory (Source) or LDAP (Source).
4. Enter a unique name for the source. The source name will be
displayed on the tab in the Captaris Sync Module Configuration
dialog box, preceded by a code for the type. Active Directory
sources will get the prefix AD- and LDAP sources will get the
prefix LDAP-. )
5. When finished, click OK. The source name displays as a new
You must configure each source to specify information about how
the data will be brought into the RightFax database.
Configuring a Data Source
Once you’ve defined a source, you must configure it. To configure a
source, follow these steps:
1. From the Sync Module Configuration window, click the tab for
the source you want to configure. Active Directory sources will
always have the prefix AD- and LDAP sources will always have
the prefix LDAP-.
2. For LDAP sources only, you can choose an existing
configuration. Click the General tab, and then choose a
configuration from the drop-down list. You can also use the
General tab to create a new LDAP configuration file (see
“Creating a New LDAP Schema” on page 87).
3. For Active Directory sources only, you can choose an existing
Active Directory Sync (AD Sync) profile. Click the Special tab
and click Import. When you import a profile, an new property
collection and a new transform will be created.
4. Click the Filter tab to define which data the Sync module will
import to the RightFax database. Filters are a set of parameters
used by the Captaris Sync Module to determine which users
are synchronized into RightFax. For each set of users you must
choose a domain and at least one Organizational Unit (OU) or
group. You may also choose to exclude users that are in certain
groups. If you do not assign a filter, synchronization will not
Note: If you need to change the filter type for the data source from
OU to group or group to OU, you must first delete the source tab (see
“Deleting a Data Source or Destination” on page 90) and then
recreate it for the new filter type.
Figure 7.3 The Data Source Filter Tab
5. Select New. The Define Filter window opens.
6. In the Define Filter window, browse to your Domain and click
7. If necessary, browse and select OU’s by checking the box next
to each OU. If necessary, add an include group and an exclude
8. When finished, click OK to close the Filter window and return to
the Data Source display. The Filter you’ve defined appears in
the list.
Important When synchronizing with Active Directory, nested
groups and OU's are NOT automatically included. This allows for finer
control of which groups and OU's are and are not included. Also note
that when browsing for a group that resides in a child domain, you
must change the Windows browser to point to the child domain you
are attempting to browse to. By default, the Windows browser will
select the parent domain for directory searches. Use the Locations
button to browse to and select the correct domain.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 86
9. From the Data Source window, click the Output tab to specify
the output data for each new, modified, or deleted user found
during a synchronization event. This data is transformed into a
format suitable for the RightFax database.
Figure 7.4 The Output Tab
10.For New/Modified Users, you can select any number of Active
Directory text-based properties that will be used to update the
RightFax database. Two predefined property collections are
available - Default Windows Properties and Default
Exchange Properties. These contain typical properties for use
with Windows and Exchange users, respectively, and cannot be
edited. To make new Property Collections or to edit existing
ones, click Edit Collections to display the list of Property
To make an editable copy of an existing collection, click Copy
and then enter a unique name in the Name field of the
Property Collection dialog box.
To edit a property collection, highlight a collection in the list
and click Edit to display the Property Collection dialog box.
To create a new property collection, click New, enter a
unique name in the Name field of the Property Collection
dialog box.
Figure 7.5 The Property Collection Dialog Box
From a displayed Property Collection dialog box, you can
remove properties from the displayed collection by clicking
From a displayed Property Collection dialog box, you can add
a property to the displayed collection by clicking Add to
display the Property Picker. Highlight the properties you
want to update each time the Sync program runs, You can
use the Ctrl key to select multiple properties. Click OK to
close the Property Picker.
Click OK to close the Property Collection dialog box. Click OK
to close the list of Property Collections and return to the
11.The Deleted Users section on the Output Tab allows you to
control how RightFax will treat users deleted from Active
Directory. By default, the user is only deleted if it is empty (i.e.,
without documents or phonebook entries). The other options
are Always delete users or Never delete users.
If a user that was created on the Fax Server through an Active
Directory synchnronization does not appear in Active Directory
subsequently, you can treat it as a deleted user by selecting the
OPTIONAL: Treat users that were previously synced but are
no longer included in the sync as if they had been deleted
check box. This option applies only to the current source.
Caution In syncs with multiple sources, users created by a
preceding source will be detected as “no longer included” in the
current source within the same sync. If the check box is selected, the
specified deletion action will be performed. This is also true when
using filters to sync subsets of previously-synced users.
Warning Avoid combining OPTIONAL: Treat users that were
previously synced but are no longer included in the sync as if they had
been deleted with “Always delete user” because this can result in a
large-scale deletion of users and their faxes.
12.When you’ve completed all the configuration for the specified
source, click Apply to save the changes and close the
configuration window.
Creating a New LDAP Schema
1. Under the General tab, click the ellipsis button next to the
pick-list. The LDAP Configuration window opens.
2. In the LDAP Configuration window, choose New. The Select
Default Configuration window opens.
3. Select one of the bundled configuration options (Default LDAP
or Default Notes LDAP) and click OK.
4. Under the General tab, enter a unique name for your LDAP
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 88
5. Click the Connection tab. In the Server section, enter a host
and base DN (i.e., name/organization) followed by a port
number used by your LDAP server. In the security section, enter
the authentication method employed by your LDAP server. Click
Validate to confirm your information. If correct, you will receive
the message Validation Successful. When finished, click OK.
6. Click the Schema tab. Here you may change the default and
standard LDAP values.
7. Use Deleted Objects tab to configure deleted object tracking
(users, groups, and OU’s). Specify a deleted objects storage
container, and if necessary, create search a filter to provide
results associated only with deleted objects. This feature can
only be used in LDAP environments that support object
Defining a Destination Database
Open the Windows Control Panel and double-click Captaris Sync
Module. The Captaris Sync Module Configuration opens.
Note The Captaris Sync Module cannot be configured from a remote
1. Click Sources & Destinations. The Sync Sources and
Destinations window opens.
Figure 7.6 The Sync Sources and Destinations Dialog Box
2. Click New to configure a new destination database, or highlight
a displayed destination database and click Edit if you need to
make changes.
3. Using the drop-down arrow, select Captaris RightFax
4. Enter a unique name for the destination database. The name will
be displayed on the tab in the Captaris Sync Module
Configuration dialog box, preceded by the destination prefix
5. When finished, click OK. The destination database name
displays as a new tab.
You must configure each destination to specify information about
how the data will be brought into the RightFax database.
Configuring a Destination Database
Once you’ve defined a destination database, you must configure it.
Tollow these steps:
1. From the Sync Module Configuration window, click the tab for
the destination you want to configure.
2. Click the Server tab, and then enter the RightFax server name
in the Server Name field.
3. Click the RightFax Account button to select a RightFax
account with Administrative Access. This account is used by
Sync Module to create and delete users on the RightFax server.
This account should be dedicated solely to the Sync module.
Important The RightFax account password is saved as an encrypted
registry item on the RightFax server. To avoid this, use NT authentication.
4. Click the Users Tab to enter a RightFax user account to use as
a template or model for creation of new (i.e., synchronized)
users. New users will inherit all settings associated with the
specified user. You can set up multiple RightFax/Destination
profiles, each with a different model user. This allows for all
manner of customization, such as having different users
synchronized into different RightFax groups, or with different
RightFax permissions.
Figure 7.7 The User Tab Configuration Dialog Box
5. Click Attempt to map onto existing RightFax users if you
want the Sync module to check for potential user matches
before creating new users.
Creating Mappings
After you complete the source and destination configuration, you
must specify which sources will be used to update each
destination database. Mappings define how and when sources and
destinations are synchronized. You can define as many mappings
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 90
as you need and previously defined sources and destinations can
be used in more than one mapping. This allows, for example, a
single Active Directory source to be synchronized into two different
RightFax servers, or two different sources to be synchronized to a
single RightFax server.
To Create a New Mapping
1. Under the General tab, click New. The Sync Mapping window
Figure 7.8 The Sync Mapping Window
2. Using the drop-down arrows, choose your Source and
3. In the Sync Mapping window, browse to the \RightFax\Shared
Files\Sync\Config folder and select the Transform File
relevant to your environment. The Transform File is responsible
for transforming data generated by the source into an XML file
translated by the destination. This file together with the RightFax
User Template can be edited to create a custom
synchronization template.
4. Select a synchronization schedule.
5. When finished, click OK.
Deleting a Data Source or Destination
Each source and destination you define is represented by a tab on
the Configuration dialog box. If you need to remove a source or
destination tab, follow these steps:
1. Click Sources & Destinations. The Sync Sources and
Destinations window opens.
Figure 7.9 The Sync Sources and Destinations Dialog Box
2. Highlight a displayed data source and click Delete.
3. When finished, click OK. The source or destination is removed
from the dialog box.
Verifying User Synchronization
Users created via the Sync Module are denoted in Enterprise Fax
Manager by a green dot next to their user icon. Users who do not
display this marker have not been updated or created via the Sync
Figure 7.10 Users created via the Captaris Sync Module as displayed in
Enterprise Fax Manager
The Captaris Sync Module provides administrators with convenient
and customizable real-time logging and troubleshooting tools.
Logging The Logging tab provides RightFax administrators with
control over the types of messages logged by the Sync Module.
Each of these messages can be customized using categories and
logging levels. By default, all output is written to the Windows
Event Logs, except when the service is running in diagnostics
(debug) mode, in which case all messages are shown in real-time
via the diagnostics window.
Figure 7.11 The Logging Tab Configuration Dialog Box
Like all RightFax services, the sync Module can be run in 'debug'
mode. Debug mode provides RightFax administrators with robust
real-time monitoring, logging, and troubleshooting via a separate
diagnostics window. From this window it is possible to customize
the trace (logging) level, group by processes, and save the output
to an RTF or TXT file. Errors and warnings are also displayed in
different colors, making it easier to isolate problems. The
diagnostics window also allows the service to be started, stopped,
paused and resumed.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 92
To run the Sync Module in debug mode
1. Open Enterprise Fax Manager, click your fax server name, and
browse to the services view in the lower-right corner.
2. Right-click the Captaris Sync Module and choose Stop.
3. When the service has stopped, right-click the service and select
Debug. The Diagnostics window opens.
Figure 7.12 The Debug option, available when right-clicking the Captaris
Sync Module from Enterprise Fax Manager
Changes made to the Sync Module while running in debug mode
are not reflected in the diagnostics window until re-launched. Also
note that when running the Sync Module in debug mode, it is
possible to restart the service by clicking OK in the Sync Module
configuration. Setting the service that runs the Sync Module
(CapaSync.exe) to manual startup will prevent this problem,
however, this is only recommended when performing complex
debug associated troubleshooting.
Chapter 8
Managing Fax Servers with Enterprise Fax Manager
You can use the Enterprise Fax Manager application to administer
multiple RightFax servers. With Enterprise Fax Manager, you can
manage users, groups, signatures, forms, printers, billing codes,
library documents, and more, for all RightFax servers from one
Enterprise Fax Manager (EFM) is a client application that can be
run on any Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, or Windows
7 computer. It is installed as an optional component during the
client installation (described in the RightFax Installation Guide.)
Starting Enterprise Fax Manager
After it has been installed, you can start EFM from the Start >
Programs menu, or click Enterprise Fax Manager in the RightFax
tray icon shortcut menu.
When you start EFM for the first time, it will attempt to log on under
your network user ID. If you did not log on to the network as
Administrator,” the Login dialog box opens. Enter a user ID and
password with RightFax administrative access.
Quitting Enterprise Fax Manager
To quit EFM, on the File menu, click Exit. When you quit the
program, all of your changes and additions are saved.
The Enterprise Fax Manager window
When you start EFM, the Enterprise Fax Manager window opens.
The left pane of the window, called the Fax Server Tree, contains
the open RightFax servers and their administrative components
(users, forms, printers, etc.). The right pane displays details of the
selected component. Items listed on the right, such as individual
users or library documents, are referred to as “objects.” Objects
can be added, deleted, and modified according your needs. If you
don’t have a mouse, press F6 to switch the cursor between the left
and right panes.
Figure 8.1 The Enterprise Fax Manager window
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 94
Opening RightFax servers
To display a fax server in the Fax Server Tree, press CTRL+O, or in
the File menu, click Open Server. The Open Server dialog box
Figure 8.2 The Open Server Dialog Box
In the Server Name box, type the name of the RightFax server to
open. In the Protocol box, enter the network protocol used by that
After one or more RightFax servers have been opened in EFM, the
servers will, by default, open each time you run the program. This
default setting can be changed in Preferences, described later in
this chapter.
To close a RightFax server, click the server name and on the File
menu, click Close Server.
Refreshing data in the window
Users can create new library documents, forms, and signatures in
their FaxUtil mailboxes while EFM is open. These new files will not
appear in EFM until the view is refreshed. To refresh all objects,
including objects added or modified since the last check, press F5
or on the Edit menu, click Refresh.
Setting Preferences
EFM has several customizable preferences. To view your
preferences, on the Edit menu, click Preferences. The
Preferences dialog box opens. The rest of this section describes
the options in this dialog box.
The User Copy Defaults tab
Figure 8.3 User Copy Defaults
You can copy one or more users from one RightFax server to
another by dragging and dropping selected users to another server
in the Fax Server Tree. The options on the User Copy Defaults tab
set the behavior of EFM when copying RightFax users from one
server to another.
Always Prompt Display this list of options each time users are
copied from one server to another. You must select a copy option
before the users will be copied.
Copy for InterConnect (no faxes or phonebooks) Copies
all user information, excluding faxes and phonebook entries, and
then sets the user’s Routing Type to InterConnect, pointing back
to the server that the user was copied from.
Copy without Faxes or Phonebooks Copies all user
information excluding faxes and phonebook entries.
Copy with Faxes and Phonebooks Copies all user
information including faxes and phonebook entries. Duplicate users
will receive all faxes in the source account, even if the same faxes
already exist on the destination server, creating multiple copies of
the same fax.
Copy with Faxes Only Copies all user information including
faxes but not phonebook entries. Duplicate users will receive all
faxes in the source account, even if the same faxes already exist on
the destination server, creating multiple copies of the same fax.
Copy with Phonebooks Only Copies all user information
including phonebook entries but not faxes.
Append Faxes and Phonebooks Copies only information for
duplicate user accounts. All faxes and phonebook entries from the
source user account will be added to the destination user account.
No other user information will be changed. Users on the destination
server will receive all faxes in the source account, even if the same
faxes already exist on the destination server, creating multiple
copies of the same fax.
Append Faxes Only Copies only information for duplicate user
accounts. All faxes from the source user account will be added to
the destination user account. No other user information will be
changed. Users on the destination server will receive all faxes in the
source account, even if the same faxes already exist on the
destination server, creating multiple copies of the same fax.
Append Phonebooks Only Copies only information for
duplicate user accounts. All phonebook entries from the source
user account will be added to the destination user account. No
other user information will be changed.
The Dialing Rule Copy Options tab
Figure 8.4 Dialing Rule Copy Options
You can copy one or more dialing rules from one RightFax server to
another by dragging and dropping rules to another server in the list.
The options on the Dialing Rule Copy Options tab set the behavior
of EFM when copying RightFax dialing rules from one server to
Replace all rules on destination Copies all dialing rules
from the source server to the destination server, deleting any
existing dialing rules.
Copy ‘Receive into Local’ rules Includes all dialing rules with
the “Receive into local server” action when copying. If this check
box is not selected, “Receive into local” rules will be ignored during
the copy.
Copy ‘Send Locally’ rules Includes all dialing rules with the
“Send locally” action when copying. If this check box is not
selected, “Send locally” rules will be ignored during the copy.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 96
The General Preferences tab
Figure 8.5 General Preferences
The options on the General Preferences tab set some general
preferences for views and actions in Enterprise Fax Manager.
Automatically re-open servers upon startup Recalls
which servers were open when the program was last quit and
opens those servers again on startup. If this check box is not
selected, you must reopen each RightFax server upon starting
Confirm object deletions Displays a confirmation dialog box
each time you delete an object, such as a user or library document.
If this check box is not selected, there will not be any confirmation
prior to deleting objects. This is convenient if you are deleting many
objects but makes it more likely that you will accidentally delete an
object that you want to keep.
Confirm object overwrites Displays a confirmation dialog box
each time you overwrite an object, such as by copying an object
with the same name into the system. If this check box is not
selected, there will not be any confirmation prior to overwriting
Automatically adjust status display column width
Adjusts the widths of the columns in the Server Status and
Services pane (see “Monitoring the Status of RightFax Servers and
Services” on page 98)to fit the column’s contents. This option will
not affect the column widths in any other EFM view. When this
check box is selected, you can still manually adjust the column
widths in the Server Status and Services pane, but they will resize
each time the screen image is refreshed.
Use black and white icons Select this option if your monitor
is set to high contrast black and white. This changes the EFM
server status icons to colors that are can be read in this color
Enable duplicate routing code warning Displays a warning
message when a user is created that has a routing code that is the
same as another existing user.
Enable service control warning Displays a warning
message when you make any changes to the state of any of the
RightFax services.
Enable database locked warning Displays a warning
message when you attempt to access the database when it has
been locked by certain database management tools.
Viewing RightFax Server Information
To view the status of all open RightFax servers, click Fax Servers
at the top of the Fax Server Tree. A list of all open servers and the
status of each server appears in the right pane of the window. This
section describes each column in the right pane.
Server name
The Server Name column displays the name of each open RightFax
server and network protocol. An icon to the left of the name
indicates the status of the RightFax service. A green ‘+’ indicates
that all services are running normally. A yellow ‘!’ indicates that one
or more services are not running but that normal fax operations are
available. A red ‘–’ indicates that one or more services are not
running and normal fax operations are not available.
The Version column displays the RightFax server software version.
Serial number
The Serial Number column displays the serial number that was
entered when the RightFax server was installed. You must provide
this number when you contact Open Text Customer Support.
Time running
The Time Running column displays the length of time that has
elapsed since the RightFax Server service was last started. Display
is in the format DDDD:HH:MM:SS.
Queue usage
The Queue Usage column displays the percentage of the fax
server’s internal Event Queue that is currently in use. For more
information on the RightFax Event Queue, see “Understanding the
Fax Server Internal Event Queue” on page 35.
Fax board availability index
The Fax Board Availability Index column displays a number that
indicates the relative availability of the server’s fax boards. The
higher the number, the more available the server for sending faxes.
RightFax uses this value when an outgoing fax number has two
equally weighted dialing rules that send it to two different servers.
In such a case, RightFax sends the fax via the server with the
highest availability index.
Character set mode
This column displays the OEM or ANSI code page being used by
the server. The code page determines the language character sets
that are supported for fax conversion.
Working with Objects
Sorting objects
To sort the objects listed in Enterprise Fax Manager by column,
double-click the column heading. The objects will sort in ascending
order and an indicator will appear in the column heading. You can
also click a column heading to alternately sort in ascending and
descending order. Enterprise Fax Manager recalls how objects are
sorted when you quit and restart the program.
Sorting columns
To move a column left or right, click the column heading and drag it
left or right to its new position.
Selecting objects
To edit, delete, or otherwise work with an existing object, you must
first select it in the list of objects displayed. Selected objects are
To select an object, click it or use the UP ARROW and DOWN
ARROW keys to move to the object and press the SPACEBAR to
highlight it. To un-select an object, click it or press the SPACEBAR
again. To select multiple objects, drag the mouse pointer down the
objects while holding the left mouse button. If the desired objects
are not all in a continuous group, click each object while holding
down CTRL.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 98
Before adding objects
Before you begin adding objects to the RightFax system, it is
important that you plan the structure and anticipate the needs of
your network users. Consider whether you will divide your
organization into groups, whether you would like each group or
department to have its own cover sheet, and who will act as
administrator or alternate administrator for the group. Determine a
block of routing codes sufficient for the entire system and decide
upon any custom notification types desired. You should create new
objects in RightFax only after you have carefully considered these
Monitoring the Status of RightFax Servers and
EFM displays statistics and fax channel information and manages
services on each RightFax server. To view and manage the status
and services of each RightFax server, click the name of the server
in the Fax Server Tree in the left pane.
Figure 8.6 Server Status and Statistics
Note If you are running remote DocTransports, they can be displayed in
Enterprise Fax Manager but will not include fax server data.
If you’re viewing the EFM from the server, the top line of this
window displays the most recent update time for the data display. If
you’ve logged on to EFM as administrator from a client machine,
you’ll need to click Update Now to recompile and update the
server statistics. The Update Now button only active from the
client software.
Understanding the server statistics
Statistics about the server are displayed in the lower-left corner in
the right pane of the window.
Note: The former alert for SQL server free space has been removed
from RightFax. Use the Microsoft SQL tools to monitor the health and
performance of the SQL Server for your RightFax Server. See your SQL
documentation or the Microsoft site at
Fax Server Event Queue Usage The percentage of the fax
server’s internal Event Queue currently in use. For more information
on the RightFax Event Queue see “Understanding the Fax Server
Internal Event Queue” on page 35.
Fax Server Events Processed The total number of events
processed by the fax server since the Server module was started.
BoardServer Availability Index The relative availability of the
fax boards on the server. The higher the number, the more available
the server for sending faxes. RightFax uses this value when an
outgoing fax number has two equally weighted dialing rules that
send it to two different servers. In such a case, RightFax sends the
fax via the server with the highest Availability Index.
Current Faxes Queued for Sending The current number of
outgoing faxes waiting to be sent.
Current Pages Queued for Sending The current number of
outgoing fax pages waiting to be sent.
Available Disk Space for Fax Images The percentage of
disk space on your RightFax server available for storing fax images.
All-Time Send Attempts The total number of faxes sent from
this server since the All-Time Counter Starting Date (described
All-Time Pages Sent The total number of fax pages sent from
this server since the All-Time Counter Starting Date (described
All-Time Faxes Received The total number of faxes received
on this server since the All-Time Counter Starting Date
(described later).
All-Time Pages Received The total number of fax pages
received on this server since the All-Time Counter Starting Date
(described later).
All-Time Counter Starting Date The starting date from which
the “All-Time” statistics (described earlier) are calculated.
Tip All of the All-Time statistics will report an error message if you are
running fax boards in simulation mode.
Monitoring fax channel information
Information about the fax channels on the server is displayed in the
upper-right corner in the right pane of the window
Channel Each fax channel that is available on this RightFax
Operation The current operational status of each channel.
Routing Code The inbound routing code of this fax channel for
incoming faxes.
User ID The destination user ID of this fax channel for incoming
Monitoring services
The lower-right pane of the window lists each RightFax service, its
status (running or stopped), the length of time it has been running,
and its startup method (manual or automatic). To monitor services
on remote servers, you must have network administrative access to
the server as well as RightFax administrative access.
Starting and stopping services
To start or stop a service, right-click the service to open a shortcut
Click Start Service to start the selected service.
Click Start all Services to start all services in the appropriate
Click Stop Service to stop the selected service.
Click Stop all Services to stop all services.
Configuring services
To configure a service, double-click the service. Or, right-click the
service to open a shortcut menu, and then click Configure
For information on configuring a RightFax Server, DocTransport,
or WorkServer, refer to the appropriate chapter in this guide.
For information on configuring the AutoReply service, see
Chapter 24, “Responding to Inbound Faxes with AutoReply”.
For information on configuring the RightFax email gateway, see
Chapter 28, “Using RightFax Email Gateways” or refer to the
RightFax Gateway for Microsoft Exchange Guide or RightFax
Gateway for Lotus Notes Guide.
For information on configuring the RightFax Integration Module,
refer to the RightFax Integration Module Guide.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 100
Monitoring Queues
In addition to monitoring the information in the statistics window,
you can display a list of RightFax Queues that show actions that
are in process at that moment. To display the queues, click on
Queues in the menu tree on the left side of the EFM window.
For each queue, the number of items in the queue is shown in both
numeric (in the Value column) and graphic (in the Scale column)
formats. Displayed queues include:
Pending conversion results Number of results from WorkServer
conversions not yet processed by a Server module.
Total server events Total number of events currently scheduled on
a Server module.
Documents in queue on FaxServ(s) Total number of
document-related events currently scheduled on a Server
Documents in queue on DocTransport(s) (on DocTransport, not
yet sent) Number of documents on DocTransport scheduled to
be sent.
Documents sent by DocTransports(s) (send completed but not
yet discovered by a FaxServ) Number of documents sent by
DocTransport, but not yet processed by a Server module.
Total documents All documents in the system.
Deleted documents All documents flagged in the database as
deleted. Associated value fluctuates based on the days to keep
deleted fax records setting of each user group.
Transmission check events Number of "Scheduled to be sent"
and "Sending" documents that are pending Server module
Conversion events Number of events in the queue that are
preparing an outbound fax to be scheduled for transmission.
System messages in the database Messages from a Database
module to a Server module that have deferred fax processing.
Quick kicks from Database module to Server module Messages
kicked by a Database Module and passed to a Server module.
PCL5 conversion requests Number of requests to convert PCL
Postscript conversion requests Number of requests to convert
Postscript documents.
General purpose conversion requests Number of requests to
convert documents from any format, including compound
requests for multiple types of conversion.
Coversheet creation requests Number of requests to create
Gateway route requests Number of requests from a Server
module to gateways to pick up documents.
Synchronizing the RightFax Server with External
The RightFax WorkServer modules synchronize with external
systems such as the Kofax NetScan user tables, library document
catalogs, and import files for billing codes on a periodic, scheduled
basis. You can force the server to synchronize immediately without
changing the defined schedule.
On the Utility menu, click Synchronize External Systems.
Running Enterprise Fax Manager Web Edition
EFM Web Edition is a Web-based version of Enterprise Fax
Manager that allows remote management of your RightFax servers
from any Web browser. EFM Web Edition is included with all
RightFax servers but must be installed separately on an IIS server
on your network. For information on installing EFM Web Edition,
refer to the RightFax Installation Guide.
To run Enterprise Fax Manager Web Edition
Note EFM Web Edition was developed and tested for use with
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0. Although it will run in other
browsers, RightFax recommends using Internet Explorer version 6.0 or
later for best results.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 102
1. Open a Web browser and point the URL to the /webefm folder
on the IIS server. For example:
2. Unless your IIS server is configured to allow anonymous
access, a dialog box will appear that prompts you to log on to
the IIS server. Enter your logon information and click OK. The
browser will prompt you for information to open a RightFax
Figure 8.7 Opening a RightFax Server in EFM Web Edition
3. Enter the name of the RightFax server to open and a RightFax
user ID and password that has administrative access to the
RightFax server. Click Logon RightFax Server.
4. The RightFax server you specified opens in the frame in the left
side of the page.
Figure 8.8 Server Options in Enterprise Fax Manager Web Edition
Managing RightFax servers in EFM Web Edition is similar to
managing RightFax servers in EFM for Windows.
Throughout this guide, references to EFM will describe the
Windows version of EFM and not the Web edition. However, in
almost all cases, the instructions will apply to both versions.
Selecting a language
EFM Web Edition is available in several different languages.
To change the language, select the language you want in the
Language menu in the upper-right corner of the page.
Chapter 9
Creating RightFax Users
Each fax user must be assigned a user ID on their local RightFax
server. The RightFax server uses the user ID to assign ownership to
sent faxes and route received faxes to their intended recipients. You
can customize each user’s access to and usage of the system in
the user profile.
Managing RightFax Users
Every RightFax user in your organization has a unique user ID and
profile on a RightFax server. To add, edit, or delete RightFax user
profiles, run EFM (see “Starting Enterprise Fax Manager” on
page 93) and click Users under the RightFax server in the Fax
Server Tree. The list of users appears in the right pane of the
Figure 9.1 The RightFax Users List
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 104
Each user ID is preceded by an icon.
If the icon is red, the user has administrative access.
If the icon is yellow, the user does not have administrative
A dot indicates that the user is synchronized with another
application, and editing changes should be made in that
application only.
Understanding the default RightFax user
The “Default” user ID is included in the list of users on each
RightFax server. The Default user ID is used as a template for
creating new users. When you are configuring your RightFax users,
edit the Default user to have the same attributes as the majority of
your fax users. Never delete the Default user.
Note If you are using Active Directory synchronization to create new
users (described in Chapter 7, “Enabling and Using the Captaris Sync
Module”), the Active Directory synchronization profile settings will
override settings in the Default user ID.
Adding a user
To add a new RightFax user, press INSERT or in the Edit menu,
click New. The User Edit dialog box opens. To configure the user
profile, see “Creating a User Profile” on page 105.
Figure 9.2 The User Edit dialog box
The new user will have the same attributes as the Default user ID,
except for the User ID, User Name, Password, and
Distinguished Name boxes. Because each RightFax user must
have a unique user ID, you must enter a value in the User ID box to
create the new user. All other boxes are optional. For information on
completing each of the options in each tab see “Editing user
properties” on page 105.
Deleting a user
To delete a user, select the user to delete and press DELETE or in
the Edit menu, click Delete. By default, you will be prompted for
confirmation that you want to delete the user.
Copying a user from one server to another
Using Enterprise Fax Manager you can copy one or more users
from one RightFax server to another. Select the users you want to
copy, and then drag the selection to another server. The amount of
information copied is configured in the Enterprise Fax Manager
Preferences dialog box (see “Setting Preferences” on page 94).
If you copy users from a new RightFax server version to an earlier
server version, you will lose configuration data that is not supported
by the older server (for example, features on version 8.7 servers will
not be available on version 8.5 servers).
Editing user properties
To edit the properties of an existing user, run Enterprise Fax
Manager, select the user to edit, and press ENTER or in the Edit
menu, click Edit. You can also double-click the user. The User Edit
dialog box opens.
Tip: To make global changes to selected groups of users, you can use
Moduser.exe. See the Administrative Utilities Guide for more information.
Creating a User Profile
The user’s profile is defined in the User Edit dialog box. This
section describes all the options in this dialog box.
The Identification tab
Figure 9.3 The User Edit Identification Tab
User ID The unique identifier used throughout the RightFax
system to identify a user. In most cases, this ID should be the same
as the user’s network login name. The ID can be 21 characters
Use Integrated Windows NT Security Each RightFax user
ID can be linked to a Windows user account to take advantage of
your network’s established Windows NT based security system
(see “Using Windows NT Security Authentication” on page 116).
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 106
Click Select NT Account to enter a domain and account name to
link to the user. You can also select from a list of all user accounts
in each domain.
If you want this fax user to link to a Windows NT based user
account, select the Use Integrated Windows NT Security check
box to allow the user account to be accessed only via Windows NT
authentication. If a user’s current Windows NT account is not
linked to any RightFax user IDs, that user cannot manually enter the
user ID and password for anyone with this check box selected
when accessing client applications.
With this option, RightFax will authenticate the user based solely
on his Windows network account name and password, so the
RightFax Password field will be disabled.
User Name This is a descriptive name to help the administrator
identify users. If you will be adding user names with diacritical or
other characters refer to the RightFax Installation Guide for
information about character sets and code pages on your RightFax
Password The password required by each user to access his
personal FaxUtil mailbox and to gain access to the fax server
settings in Enterprise Fax Manager. If you are creating a new user,
you can enter a password.
To change a user’s password, click Change Password and enter a
new password. If you click Change Password and do not enter a
new password, the password will be erased and the user will not
be required to enter a password when accessing RightFax client
Distinguished Name The Microsoft Exchange distinguished
name, used to confirm accurate RightFax and Exchange user
Group ID The name of the RightFax group to which the user
belongs. All users must belong to a group. For information on
creating new groups, see Adding new groups” on page 120.
Voice Mail Subscriber ID Specify the mailbox number to use
when routing faxes to a telephony server. This box is also used to
assign TeleConnect mailbox numbers to RightFax accounts
(requires the TeleConnect module, purchased separately).
Email address Enter the user’s email address. This is required if
the user will be sending documents to email addresses in addition
to fax addresses via the RightFax client applications.
SMS/Mobile Address Enter the user’s SMS-capable cell
phone number. This is the number to which SMS notifications
about the user’s sent and received faxes will be sent.
Compute Disk Usage Click to calculate the space on the
server that is taken by this user’s faxes.
The Permissions tab
Figure 9.4 The User Edit Permissions Tab
Administrative Access Gives users access to the
administrative functions of RightFax. Without this permission, a
user cannot open Enterprise Fax Manager or switch to another
user’s mailbox without the correct password. All administrators can
run Enterprise Fax Manager and can switch to the mailboxes of
users belonging to their administered groups. Administrators with
this permission can not view any faxes other than their own without
also having the Administrator Can Bypass Privacy Restrictions
option also selected.
Administrator Can Bypass Privacy Restrictions Gives
users that have the Administrative Access option selected the
additional ability to view faxes in other users’ mailboxes. Only an
administrator that has this permission enabled can grant this
permission to other users.
Archive Sent Faxes Archives outbound faxes according to the
Archive options defined in the WorkServer configuration program
(see Archive settings” on page 39).
Assign Default Billing Codes to Received Faxes Assigns
the user’s default billing code settings (see “Default Billing Codes”
on page 111) to all received faxes. This is most useful if you have
set RightFax to require billing codes on received faxes (see
“Requiring billing codes on received faxes” on page 143).
Bypass Billing Code Verification Allows the user to send
faxes without supplying correct billing codes. This attribute will not
exclude the user from having to supply other required fields in order
to send faxes. This attribute is only effective if billing code
verification is required system-wide.
Can Change Cover Sheets Lets the user change cover
sheets. If this check box is not selected, the user will be restricted
to using the cover sheet specified in the Default Outbound
Settings tab (page 110).
Can Edit/Add Forms Lets the user use the Store as Form
feature of FaxUtil to add new overlay forms to the RightFax system.
Can Edit/Add Library Docs Lets the user use the Store in
Library feature of FaxUtil to add new library documents to the
RightFax system.
Can OCR Faxes Allows the user to OCR faxes, either manually
or automatically, as defined in FaxUtil. This attribute does not affect
OCR routing and does not have to be enabled if OCR routing is
being used. You must have licensed the RightFax OCR Conversion
module for any OCR functions to be available.
Can Run Reports Lets the user create reports using the
RightFax Fax Reporter utility. For more information about Fax
Reporter, see the Administrative Utilities Guide.
Can Send SMS Messages Lets the user send documents to
SMS addresses from within the RightFax client applications.
Can Use High Priority Lets the user send faxes using “high”
priority. If disabled, the user is restricted to “normal” and “low”
Disallow Billing Code Lookup Prevents the user from
viewing the list of valid billing codes. This requires the user to know
at least one valid billing code.
Note You must check both Disallow Billing Code Lookup and Disallow
Editing of Billing Codes to ensure that users will not be able to modify
their default billing code settings.
Disallow Editing of Billing Codes Prevents the user from
changing the default billing code settings for outgoing faxes. In
addition, any billing codes specified in phonebook entries are
ignored as are any <BILLINFO> embedded codes.
Disallow Fax Annotations Prevents the user from adding
notes to faxes.
Disallow Fax Deleting Prevents the user from deleting faxes.
This setting can be useful for persons doing manual fax routing. The
restriction applies to the user and not the mailbox, so if the user
switches mailboxes, he still cannot delete faxes.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 108
EDC Process Received Faxes This setting is used with
RightFax connectors that are purchased separately.
EDC Process Sent Faxes This setting is used with RightFax
connectors that are purchased separately.
Excluded from Group Fax Aging Excludes the user from the
automatic fax aging (image deletion) attributes of the group to
which he belongs.
Must Have Faxes Approved Requires every fax sent by the
user to be approved by a full, group, or alternate group
Must Have Password Requires the user to have a password.
This does not restrict the user from changing his password.
Stamp Pages of Received Faxes with Audit Stamp
Enabled printing of the RTI line and adds one line of text to the
bottom of each received fax page listing total pages, date and time
received, fax server used, inbound routing code used, CSID of
sender, and transmission duration.
Unprotected Mailbox Allows all other RightFax users to view,
manipulate and delete documents in this user’s mailbox. This does
not affect the security of phonebook entries belonging to the user.
View First Page Only Restricts the user from viewing or
printing anything but the first page of a received fax. This is useful
when manual routing is employed. The restriction applies to the
mailbox regardless of the permissions of the user viewing the
mailbox. Faxes must be routed out of the restricted mailbox before
subsequent pages can be viewed or printed.
The Inbound Routing tab
Figure 9.5 The User Edit Inbound Routing Tab
Routing Code (DID/DNIS Number) The routing code is a
unique number that RightFax uses to route received faxes to the
correct user. Enter the DTMF extension, DID phone number, or
channel number you have assigned to this user. When a fax is
received by the server, any routing information included is
compared to each user’s Routing Code. If a match is made, the fax
is routed to the user’s mailbox. For more information on routing
faxes, see Chapter 22, “Routing Inbound Faxes”.
Note You must ensure that no routing code is used more than once. If
you do use the same routing code more than once, only one of the
persons to whom it is assigned will receive incoming faxes.
Routing Type Specify where incoming faxes will be routed after
they arrive in the user’s fax mailbox. For more information on each of
the routing types, see Chapter 22, “Routing Inbound Faxes”.
File Format Choose the file format in which faxes will be
delivered when routed.
Routing Info Specify how to route the fax to the correct
destination for the Routing Type specified. If you route faxes to an
email mailbox, you must enter the email address here. For
information on the required Routing Info for each Routing Type
see Chapter 22, “Routing Inbound Faxes”.
Received Fax Routing Form Specify the Outlook form you
want to route incoming faxes to. Click “Default” to use the form set
in the Email Gateway configuration program (described in the
RightFax Gateway for Microsoft Exchange Guide). This list is only
available if you have selected “Exchange Mailbox” as your Routing
Delete After Routing Deletes received faxes from the user’s
FaxUtil mailbox after the fax has been successfully routed to the
application specified in the Routing Type list.
If this check box is selected, notification of received faxes
(page 116) will not work.
Table 9a File Formats for Routed Faxes
Format Description
DCX DCX combines multiple PCX pages into a single file.
It solves the multiple attachment problem of PCX
files but maintains the large file size (average of 135
Kb per page).
GIF GIF is graphics interchange format. This format is
available for routing in Microsoft Exchange.
PCX PCX produces a single page per file with an average
fax page size of 135 Kb. It is useful for routing
received faxes to DOS and Macintosh users
because DOS and Macintosh have built-in
capabilities to view PCX-formatted fax pages.
This format is not recommended for Windows client
applications, because PCX is a large format and
users have to sift through multiple attachments when
viewing multiple page faxes.
PDF PDF is portable document format.
TIFF-G3 is a structured file type that is best for
monochromatic images like fax pages (average of 35
Kb per page). Most email systems have the ability to
read TIFF-G3 files, and you can associate the
RightFax Fax Viewer with TIFF-G3 files to view these
faxes in any application.
TIFF-G4 is a more compressed file format.
OpenText RightFax 10.0 Administrator’s Guide 110
The Default Outbound Settings tab
Figure 9.6 The User Edit Default Outbound Settings Tab
Default Fax Resolution Specify the resolution of the users
outbound faxes. Normal resolution (200×100 DPI) creates draft
quality images and allows shorter transmission times. Fine
resolution (200×200 DPI) is recommended for high quality printed
documents and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This setting
affects the body of a fax, but not the cover sheet.
Default Priority Sets the priority at which all the user’s faxes are
responded to by the fax server unless specified otherwise in the
Fax Information dialog box when the fax is created.
Auto-Delete Setting For most users, select Never. If this
account is used to send large broadcast faxes, you can select Only
If Successfully Sent or All Faxes to prevent large numbers of
faxes from accumulating in the user’s fax box and to save disk
space. Fax image files, not original documents created in other
applications, will be deleted.
Caution Auto-deleting sent faxes prevents users from reviewing or
forwarding their sent faxes, and notifications of sent faxes (page 116) will
not work.
If the user has the Archive Sent Faxes permission selected
(page 107), or if they have enabled autoprinting of sent faxes in the
FaxUtil client application, sent faxes will not be automatically
deleted, even if this option is enabled.
Use Smart-Resume Allows the fax server to intelligently resend
only the portion of a fax which failed to send. For example, if the
connection is broken after 40 pages of a 50 page fax, normally all
50 pages have to be resent. By enabling Smart-Resume, the server
will only resend the last 10 pages.
This option can also be set by fax users on a per-fax basis from the
Fax Information dialog box (see “Specifying Addressing
Information” on page 235).
Send Cover Sheets Allows the user to send cover sheets with
Cover Sheet Model Specify the default fax cover sheet file to
use. The list displays the fax cover sheet files in the RightFax\FCS
folder. Select Default to use the fax cover sheet specified for the
user’s group.
Cover Sheet Resolution Specify the resolution of the user’s
cover sheets. Normal resolution (200×100 DPI) creates draft
quality cover sheets and allows shorter transmission times. Fine
resolution (200×200 DPI) is recommended for high quality cover
sheets and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This setting
affects the cover sheet only.
Sender Information Fields Specify the user’s name, fax
number, and phone number information as it will appear on fax
cover sheets.
The Other tab
Figure 9.7 The User Edit Other Tab
Automatic Fax List Updates Configures the user’s FaxUtil
mailbox to automatically refresh (scan for new faxes).
Update Interval in Seconds Specify the interval at which
automatic fax list updates will occur.
Default Billing Codes Specify the Billing Code #1 and Billing
Code #2 settings that will appear in the Fax Information dialog
box each time the user sends a fax.
The Pager Notifica