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BP_50_NEW2 12/14/09 11:53 AM Page 12 Page 12 1101 shop online at www.broadcasteronline.com Announcements - 1101 Events CHURCH OF Christ, 102 Prospect, Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.; Bible Study 9:00 a.m.; Bible Study 12 noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7:00 p.m. Concordia Lutheran Church (LC-MS) 7 South University Street, Vermillion. Divine Service – Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School – Sunday, 9:20 a.m. Pastor Samuel Needham. CORNERSTONE CHURCH: East Highway 50 and Crawford Road. Pastor Devon Davoux, Sunday service 10 a.m., morning worship, 9 a.m. Sunday School. DALESBURG BAPTIST Church 30503 466th Ave., Beresford, Pastor Dennis Johnson. 9:45am, Sunday School; 11:00am, Morning Worship; 6:30pm, Evening Services; Mid-week Services Wednesdays, 6:30pm. (605)253-2622. DALESBURG LUTHERAN Church: Kwen Sanderson, pastor. 12 miles North of Vermillion on University Road. Worship Services 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Website: www.dalesburglutheran.org Do you have a desire to stop drinking? Join us at the Vermillion Unity AA Meetings held at Trinity Lutheran Church in the Sletwold Room (north entrance). Soaring Spirits group is Tuesdays at 7:30p.m., Happy Hour Group is Saturday at 7:30p.m., and a Steps & Traditions Study group is Sunday at 7:30p.m. All meetings are non-smoking and handicapped accessible. GAYVILLE LUTHERAN Church: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m. Pastor Ralph Egbert. Announcements - 1101 Events Driver Licensing Schedules: Vermillion 7a.m.-5p.m. Thursday & Friday; Yankton 7a.m.-5:30p.m. Tuesday, Thurdsay & Friday; Elk Point 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday; North Sioux City 8:45a.m.-4:30p.m. 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday. Call 1-800952-3696 or visit www.state.sd.us/dps/dl for more information. EMPOWERING YOU to take back your life. The Women Rising Support Group meeting weekly. Childcare is available upon request. Call 624-5311 for details. FAITH FELLOWSHIP of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 and Highway 19: Sunday Celebration 10:30 a.m. Pastor Tony Armbrust, 624-2921, www.vermillionfaithfellowship.o rg FIRST BAPTIST Church Elmer “Sandy” Aakre, Pastor 6246391 home, 624-4658 church. Time: 9:15 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship. Sunday Choir Practice, 11:50 a.m. FREE! WRITE TO SANTA on the Internet! From now until Christmas Eve this paper and their regional association, MFCP, are offering free letters to and from Santa. Go to www.mfcp.org and click on the “Letters to Santa” box, and then follow the instructions. We hope you have fun and thank you for reading our paper. (MCN) GOSPEL CHAPEL Church, 708 Jessie St./Highway 12, Newcastle, NE. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.; AWANA Wednesday at 7 p.m., 402355-2305. Pastor Chuck Myers, 402-355-1335. Announcements - 1101 Events GRACE BAPTIST Church, SBC, Pastor Steve Ford, 1102 E. Main. Phone 624-4949. Adult’s and Children’s Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday Night 7 p.m. HILLSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH (C&MA) 1800 Constance Dr. West on Cherry just before you go down the hill. Worship Sept.-May 10:30a.m., May-August 10a.m., AWANA Sunday School small groups. 605-624-4862, www.hillsidecc.com IMMANUAL & BRULE Creek Lutheran Churches, Elk Point, SD: Immanuel Worship Service 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Brule Creek Worship Service 10:40 a.m., Sunday School 9:15 a.m. KOMSTAD COVENANT Church, Rural Beresford and Centerville, SD: Robert Freye, Pastor. 18 miles north on University Road. Phone 5632402. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. Now Open: The “New” Eastgate Laundry. Super efficient “Energy Star” washers. Entertainment area for the kids. VISUALLY IMPAIRED meeting, 1:00 every second Monday of the month. For information 605-624-4063 or 605-653-1000. December 15, 2009 Announcements - 1101 Events OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Meetings: Is food a problem for you? Does weight affect the way you live? Vermillion meeting, 7:00 p.m. Thursdays at the Newman Center (320 E. Cherry St.). PLEASANT VALLEY Lutheran Church, Rural Vermillion: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion First Sunday of every month. All welcome. PROVIDENCE REFORMED Church, 830 Madison: Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. “We Welcome You To Historic Protestant Worship And Fellowship.” REACH 2 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Do you have a product, service, or business that would be helped by reaching over 2.7 million households throughout Iowa and the surrounding states? The Midwest Classified Network will allow you to reach these potential customers quickly and inexpensively. For more information concerning a creative classified ad call this publication or Midwest Free Community Papers at 800-2484061 or get information online at www.mcn-ads.com (MCN) Read & Recycle! Infrared Zone-Heating Systems Your Local Dealer Here in Yankton SM SUNHEAT SALES $ Model 1500 *Oak 399 905 Karen Dr., Yankton • 605.359.4321(Scot) “I service the products I sell!” Awnings Windows KEITH JOY Sales Representative TRI STATE INSULATION Insulation Cellulose Fibre Wool 1003 Valley View Drive Vermillion, SD Phone: 624-6405 MILLER OFFICE: 1-800-658-3531 www.tri-stateinsulation.com Permanent Siding Vinyl • Steel Aluminum A15545 247 acres of Choice Clay County Farmland Service Any Time Any Day AT AUCTION Wednesday, December 23rd • 10:00 a.m. Auction Location: Wakonda Legion Hall, Wakonda, SD No Trip Charge to Vermillion. Farm is located 2 miles East, 1/2 mile South of Wakonda, SD – 30266 457th Avenue HEATING & COOLING 920 Broadway • 665-9461 • 1-800-491-9461 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUCTION Saturday,, Decemberr 19 9 • 10am Location: 1700 Riverside Blvd., Sioux City, IA SHOP EQUIPMENT: Shop press, 50T; Band saws, Table saws, Air compressors; Hilti & Contractors compressors; Miller welders, stick & wire; High pressure cleaner; Torch & welding equipment; Air nailers; Bench grinder; Radial arm saws; Belt sanders; Sand blaster; Banding machine; Parts cleaner; Battery charger; Milwaukee magnetic drill; Hand grinders; Angle grinders; Impacts; Hilti bits & nails; Chop saws; Planer; Sawzall; Drills; (2) Portable generators; Optical transit plums; Levels; Tripods; Shot rods; Digital transit w/optical plum; Transfer pump; Fire Extinguishers; Fireproof cabinets; Shop fans; 24’-28’ Fiberglass ladders; 6’-14’ Fiberglass step ladders; Pallet jacks, one electric w/charger; LP & propane space heaters; (2) Power floor scrubbers; Heavy duty power cords; Aluminum pickup tool boxes; 8’ Fiberglass topper; Bobcat & Case skid loader wheels & tires; Side-by-side fridge; Upright freezer; CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: Jack hammers & bits; Block saw; Concrete saw; Power trowels; 4’ Trowel; Floor grinders; Vibra screeder; A-frame air screeder; Edge power trowel; Walk behind soft cut saw; Door & sheetrock carts; Door planer; Jig set; Jahn forming system & corner clamps; Simons ties; Hilti anchors; Wall ties; Rolls of reinforce poly; Concrete inserts; Lg. assortment of new anchors & bolts; Texas scaffold frames; Scaffold picks; 24’ Plams; Bar joists; 2” Lumber; Lg. amount of 8’-16’ 4”x4” lumber; Super studs; 16’ Laminated beams; Sidewalk forms; Chainlink fencing; Assortment of iron & rack; (7) Concrete barriers; New wood deck steps; Concrete blankets, 6’x25’; New concrete blocks; Quartzite facing stone, 4’x6’; Brick saws; TRAILERS & PICKUP: 12’x71’ Mobile home, used for offices; (2) 53’ Reefer trailers, used for job & office; 1997 Ford F350 7.3 diesel crew cab, 5th wheel hookup; New small trailer frame, complete. There are many other items too numerous to mention. Lots of new parts & supplies TERMS: Cash or good check. ID required. Nothing removed until settled for. McHan Construction, Inc., Owner Roger Gaswint Auction Service 712-251-9709 Tract I: Improved 165.73 taxable acres. Clay County FSA Office shows 132.8 acres of cropland with balance into building site and pasture. FSA shows corn base of 63.9 acres and a bean base of 64 acres. Predominant soil types include: Egan-Clarno-Trent, EganEthan-Trent. Building site includes a large 2 story 3 bedroom, one bath, partially remodeled home with heat pump and hooked to rural water. There is a Lester 50’x90’ machine shed, 4 steel bins and other older out buildings on the property. To view the home, please contact Girard Auction & Land Brokers Inc at 605-267-2421. LEGAL: The S 1/ 2 of the SW 1/4 and the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4, Sec 36-95-53, Clay County, SD. Taxes are $3651.70. Tract II: Legal: The S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 Sec 36-95-53, Clay County, SD. 81.39 taxable acres. Taxes are $1597.32. This farm lies adjacent to Tract I on the North side. FSA Office shows 80 acres with 78.6 acres of cropland. Corn base is 36.5 and bean base is 37.9. Predominant soil types include: Egan-Chancellor-Davison. NOTE: Both of these tracts of land lay very nice and are of high quality. Farms will be offered individually and will not be combined at auction. See website for photos and maps. TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment due day of auction with balance due on or before 12-31-09. Possession on farmland is March 1, 2010. Possession on building site at closing. Title insurance and closing costs will be split 50/50 between buyer & seller. Clay County Abstract & Title Co is the closing agent. Taxes to be paid by the seller through 12-31-09. Auctioneers are acting as agents for the seller. Buyer will be responsible for paying fall tillage at closing. Warren & Sue Jensen, Owners Girard Auction & Land Brokers, Inc. (605) 267-2421 Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186 www.GirardAuction.com Marv Girard, BA #12399; Ken Girard, CAI, AARE Broker #10183; Mike Girard BA #13549 Announcements - 1101 Events SEARCH THOUSANDS OF CLASSIFIED ADS FROM AROUND THE MIDWEST! Give it a try! Go to http://www.mw-ads.com. Ads from Free Papers offer you great bargains. (MCN) The Vermillion First United Methodist Church, a welcome place reaching out to all God’s people. Located at 16 N. Dakota St., Sunday School 9:15am, Worship 10:20am. Call 624-2179 for more info. Pastor Brook R. McBride. Announcements Events ST. AGNES Church, 416 Walker St., Fr. John Fischer: St. Agnes Church and Parish Office, tele. 624-4478. St. Agnes Rectory, 505 Catalina, tele. 624-1995. Mass schedule: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday, Weekday Masses – consult weekly bulletin; Sacrament of Penance, Saturday 4-4:45p.m. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL, 226 E. Main St., Pastor Steve Miller. 10:30a.m. Worship Service. No Longer Strangers www.uccvermillion.org Gift Certificates the right gift for anyone! Belts • Wallets • Socks Slippers • Boots • Shoes for Men & Women Boston Shoes to Boots 312 W. 3rd • Yankton • 665-9092 WANTED: Dirty carpets in need of cleaning! Call Gentle Touch Carpet Care at 605-624-9218. Commercial and residential cleaning. Locally owned and operated by Teri and Dave Nygaard. John Deere Dealership Moving Disperal Auction Friday, Dec. 18th • 10 a.m. Located: Old James River Equipment Facilities, Madison, SD. 1-mile South of Prostrollo’s Auto Mall. James River Equip. has built a beautiful new facility on the edge of Madison. As a result, they will be offering the following items at public auction without reserve. 9500 Combine — 4400 Tractor — Sprayers — Equipment: ’91 JD 9500 Combine, DAM, DAS, F&A, Mauer Tank Ext, 6318/4453 Hours, Vittetoe Chaff Spreader-shedded; JD 216 16’ Flexhead; Head Trailer; ’79 JD 4440, 16spd Quad, 18.4x38 duals, 3 SCV’s, frt fenders, frt weights, 8,800hrs on engine—very nice local trade; Wilmar 765HT SP Articulated 600gal Sprayer, 3,538 Hours, Air ride, 12.4x42 tires; foam marker, Deere engine; Ultimate 1,000gal Trailer Sprayer, 80’ booms, 200gal Rinse tank, 18.4x38, foam markers, Raven monitor, 3-position nozzle bodies; JD 960 32’ Field Cult, 3-bar harrow, walking tandems; ’96 JD 1600A Mower-Conditioner, 16’ wide roll, 1,000PTO, dual auger, rubber/urethane conditioner rolls; ’99 NH 688 rd baler w/ 540 PTO & Monitor; MDS Bale Spear; ’09 14’x 6.5’ Flatbed Utility Trailer, bumper hitch, ramp tailgate; Shop Equip.: Bulk Oil Rack; Heavy Duty Power Washer; Approx 150’ of steel pallet racking; Freon Reclaimer/Recycler; welding table; work benches; lots of older shop tools; Parts bins; metal bins; Peg board shelving; JD Shop & Tech Manuals; bolt bin w/ stock; Parts & Accessories: (2) New High Flotation Steer Tires 600.65R28 for STS combine; (2) New 32x15.5 16.5” Highway tread tires; 18.4x38 Duals on 9000/10-series rims—complete set of 4 frt & rear w/ spacers; 18.4x26 Combine Tires; 35.5x32 RT Rice Tires on JD STS rims; 24.5x32 GY Combine tires; 18.4x38 Duals; 18.4x46 Duals; Many Tractor Weights— front & wheel; weight brackets; hubs; sets of MFD frt fenders; new paint; planter parts; lots of misc JD parts—many NOS—top links, PTO shafts, hitches, hubcaps, & more; Lawn & Garden: new Utility cart; New Fertilizer spreader; New PT Thatcher; New Snow thrower Cab; several new baggers; new frt L&G bumpers; Home Maintenance Kits NIB; Lots of New Misc Tools & accessories. Large amount of Brand New Toys & Clothing. Office Equipment & Fixtures: assort of office & computer chairs; several steel desks; several wood shelves & bookcases; (2) Copiers; many JD Literature & Parts displays; slat wall shelving; wire racks; misc JD Signs, Posters, & advertising items; Note: James River has asked that all calls on auction items be forwarded to Girard Auction. Please see website for dozens of photos. Pre-view of auction items on Thursday Dec 17 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. only. This will be a much larger auction than listed. 2-rings may be used, please come prepared. All items MUST BE REMOVED by Sunday Dec 20th, 4:00 p.m.— come prepared to buy! A large portion of this auction will be held indoors. Terms: Cash, Good Check, Visa, MasterCard. SD sales tax applies. JD Credit Financing available onsite. Lunch on site. Not responsible for accidents. Auction Order: 10:00 a.m.—Flatbeds & Pallets of Toys, Office Equip, Parts, & Misc. 12-noon Large Equipment followed by remainder of items. James River Equipment - Owners Girard Auction & Land Brokers, Inc. Toll Free 1-866-531-6186 • www.GirardAuction.com Auctioneers: Ken Girard, Broker #10183; Marv Girard, BA #12399; Mike Girard, BA #13549
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