PDF Guide Node Andrew Mead V3
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A PDF Reference for The Complete Node.js Dev Course Version 3.0 Section 1: Welcome................................................................................................................... 8 Section 2: Installing and Exploring Node.js .......................................................................... 8 Lesson 1: Section Intro ....................................................................................................................... 8 Lesson 2: Installing Node.js and Visual Studio Code ............................................................... 8 Lesson 3: What is Node.js? .............................................................................................................. 8 Lesson 4: Why Should I Use Node.js?........................................................................................... 9 Lesson 5: Your First Node.js Script ................................................................................................ 9 Section 3: Node.js Module System........................................................................................ 10 Lesson 1: Section Intro ...................................................................................................................... 10 Lesson 2: Importing Node.js Core Modules ............................................................................... 10 Lesson 3: Importing Your Own Files.............................................................................................. 11 Lesson 4: Importing npm Modules ................................................................................................ 12 Lesson 5: Printing in Color .............................................................................................................. 14 Lesson 6: Global npm Modules and nodemon .......................................................................... 14 Section 4: File System and Command Line Args ................................................................ 15 Lesson 1: Section Intro ...................................................................................................................... 15 Lesson 2: Getting Input from Users .............................................................................................. 15 Lesson 3: Argument Parsing with Yargs: Part I .......................................................................... 16 Lesson 4: Argument Parsing with Yargs: Part II ......................................................................... 17 Lesson 5: Storing Data with JSON ................................................................................................ 18 Lesson 6: Adding a Note ................................................................................................................. 19 Lesson 7: Removing a Note ............................................................................................................ 19 Lesson 8: ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions ....................................................................................... 20 Lesson 9: Refactoring to Use Arrow Functions ......................................................................... 21 Lesson 10: Listing Notes ................................................................................................................. 22 Lesson 11: Reading a Note .............................................................................................................. 22 Section 5: Debugging Node.js .............................................................................................. 23 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 23 Lesson 2: Debugging Node.js ....................................................................................................... 23 Lesson 3: Error Messages .............................................................................................................. 24 Section 6: Asynchronous Node.js ........................................................................................ 26 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 26 Lesson 2: Asynchronous Basics ................................................................................................... 26 Lesson 3: Call Stack, Callback Queue, and Event Loop ........................................................ 27 Lesson 4: Making HTTP Requests ............................................................................................... 27 Version 1.0 2 Lesson 5: Customizing HTTP Requests...................................................................................... 28 Lesson 6: An HTTP Request Challenge ..................................................................................... 29 Lesson 7: Handling Errors .............................................................................................................. 29 Lesson 8: The Callback Function ................................................................................................. 30 Lesson 9: Callback Abstraction ..................................................................................................... 31 Lesson 10: Callback Abstraction Challenge .............................................................................. 33 Lesson 11: Callback Chaining ......................................................................................................... 33 Lesson 12: ES6 Aside: Object Property Shorthand and Destructuring .............................. 34 Lesson 13: Destructuring and Property Shorthand Challenge.............................................. 37 Lesson 14: Bonus: HTTP Requests Without a Library ............................................................. 37 Section 7: Web Servers .......................................................................................................... 38 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 38 Lesson 2: Hello Express!................................................................................................................. 38 Lesson 3: Serving up HTML and JSON ...................................................................................... 40 Lesson 4: Serving up Static Assets ............................................................................................... 41 Lesson 5: Serving up CSS, JS, Images, and More ................................................................... 42 Lesson 6: Dynamic Pages with Templating ............................................................................... 43 Lesson 7: Customizing the Views Directory .............................................................................. 44 Lesson 8: Advanced Templating .................................................................................................. 45 Lesson 9: 404 Pages ....................................................................................................................... 46 Lesson 10: Styling the Application: Part I .................................................................................... 47 Lesson 11: Styling the Application: Part II .................................................................................... 47 Section 7: Accessing API from Browser .............................................................................. 47 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 47 Lesson 2: The Query String ........................................................................................................... 47 Lesson 3: Building a JSON HTTP Endpoint ............................................................................... 48 Lesson 4: ES6 Aside: Default Function Parameters ................................................................ 48 Lesson 5: Browser HTTP Requests with Fetch......................................................................... 49 Lesson 6: Creating a Search Form............................................................................................... 50 Lesson 7: Wiring up the User Interface ........................................................................................ 51 Section 7: Application Deployment ...................................................................................... 52 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 52 Lesson 2: Joining Heroku and GitHub ........................................................................................ 52 Lesson 3: Version Control with Git............................................................................................... 53 Lesson 4: Exploring Git ................................................................................................................... 53 Version 1.0 3 Lesson 5: Integrating Git ................................................................................................................. 53 Lesson 6: Setting up SSH Keys..................................................................................................... 55 Lesson 7: Pushing Code to GitHub .............................................................................................. 56 Lesson 8: Deploying Node.js to Heroku..................................................................................... 56 Lesson 9: New Feature Deployment Workflow ........................................................................ 57 Lesson 10: Avoiding Global Modules .......................................................................................... 57 Section 10: MongoDB and Promises .................................................................................... 58 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 58 Lesson 2: MongoDB and NoSQL Databases ............................................................................ 58 Lesson 3: Installing MongoDB on macOS and Linux .............................................................. 58 Lesson 4: Installing MongoDB on Windows .............................................................................. 59 Lesson 5: Installing Database GUI Viewer ................................................................................. 59 Lesson 6: Connecting and Inserting Documents ..................................................................... 60 Lesson 7: Inserting Documents...................................................................................................... 61 Lesson 8: The ObjectID .................................................................................................................. 62 Lesson 9: Querying Documents ................................................................................................... 62 Lesson 10: Promises......................................................................................................................... 63 Lesson 11: Updating Documents ................................................................................................... 63 Lesson 12: Deleting Documents ................................................................................................... 65 Section 11: REST APIs and Mongoose.................................................................................. 66 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 66 Lesson 2: Setting up Mongoose ................................................................................................... 66 Lesson 3: Creating a Mongoose Model ...................................................................................... 67 Lesson 4: Data Validation and Sanitization: Part I.................................................................... 68 Lesson 5: Data Validation and Sanitization: Part II .................................................................. 69 Lesson 6: Structuring a REST API................................................................................................. 69 Lesson 7: Installing Postman ......................................................................................................... 69 Lesson 8: Resource Creation Endpoints: Part I ........................................................................ 70 Lesson 9: Resource Creation Endpoints: Part II ....................................................................... 70 Lesson 10: Resource Reading Endpoints: Part I ........................................................................ 71 Lesson 11: Resource Reading Endpoints: Part II ........................................................................ 71 Lesson 12: Promise Chaining ......................................................................................................... 72 Lesson 13: Promise Chaining Challenge .................................................................................... 73 Lesson 14: Async/Await ................................................................................................................... 73 Lesson 15: Async/Await: Part II ...................................................................................................... 74 Version 1.0 4 Lesson 16: Integrating Async/Await ............................................................................................. 74 Lesson 17: Resource Updating Endpoints: Part I ...................................................................... 75 Lesson 18: Resource Updating Endpoints: Part II..................................................................... 76 Lesson 19: Resource Deleting Endpoints ................................................................................... 76 Lesson 20: Separate Route Files ..................................................................................................77 Section 12: API Authentication and Security ...................................................................... 78 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 78 Lesson 2: Securely Storing Passwords: Part I ........................................................................... 78 Hashing Passwords with Bcrypt ................................................................................................... 78 Lesson 3: Securely Storing Passwords: Part II .......................................................................... 79 Lesson 4: Logging in Users ............................................................................................................ 80 Lesson 5: JSON Web Tokens......................................................................................................... 81 Lesson 6: Generating Authentication Tokens .......................................................................... 82 Lesson 7: Express Middleware...................................................................................................... 83 Lesson 8: Accepting Authentication Tokens............................................................................. 84 Lesson 9: Advanced Postman ....................................................................................................... 85 Lesson 10: Logging Out .................................................................................................................. 85 Lesson 11: Hiding Private Data....................................................................................................... 86 Lesson 12: Authenticating User Endpoints ................................................................................ 86 Lesson 13: The User/Task Relationship ...................................................................................... 86 Lesson 14: Authenticating Task Endpoints ................................................................................ 87 Lesson 15: Cascade Delete Tasks................................................................................................ 88 Section 13: Sorting, Pagination, and Filtering .................................................................... 88 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 88 Lesson 2: Working with Timestamps ........................................................................................... 88 Lesson 3: Filtering Data .................................................................................................................. 89 Lesson 4: Paginating Data .............................................................................................................. 90 Lesson 5: Sorting Data .................................................................................................................... 90 Section 14: File Uploads .......................................................................................................... 91 Lesson 1: Section Intro ...................................................................................................................... 91 Lesson 2: Adding Support for File Uploads............................................................................... 92 Lesson 3: Validating File Uploads ................................................................................................ 92 Lesson 4: Validation Challenge .................................................................................................... 93 Lesson 5: Handling Express Errors .............................................................................................. 93 Lesson 6: Adding Images to the User Profile............................................................................ 94 Version 1.0 5 Lesson 7: Serving up Files.............................................................................................................. 94 Lesson 8: Auto-Cropping and Image Formatting ..................................................................... 95 Section 15: Sending Emails ................................................................................................... 96 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 96 Lesson 2: Exploring SendGrid ....................................................................................................... 96 Lesson 3: Sending Welcome and Cancelation Emails............................................................ 97 Lesson 4: Environment Variables ................................................................................................. 97 Lesson 5: Creating a Production MongoDB Database ........................................................... 98 Lesson 6: Heroku Deployment ..................................................................................................... 98 Section 16: Testing Node.js ................................................................................................... 99 Lesson 1: Section Intro ..................................................................................................................... 99 Lesson 2: Jest Testing Framework .............................................................................................. 99 Lesson 3: Writing Tests and Assertions .................................................................................... 100 Lesson 4: Writing Your Own Tests .............................................................................................. 101 Lesson 5: Testing Asynchronous Code ..................................................................................... 101 Lesson 6: Testing an Express Application: Part I ................................................................... 102 Lesson 7: Testing an Express Application: Part II................................................................... 103 Lesson 8: Jest Setup and Teardown ......................................................................................... 104 Lesson 9: Testing with Authentication ...................................................................................... 105 Lesson 10: Advanced Assertions ................................................................................................ 106 Lesson 11: Mocking Libraries........................................................................................................ 106 Lesson 12: Wrapping up User Tests ...........................................................................................107 Lesson 13: Setup Task Test Suite ................................................................................................107 Lesson 14: Testing with Task Data ..............................................................................................107 Lesson 15: Bonus: Extra Test Ideas ............................................................................................ 108 Section 17: Real-Time Web Applications with Socket.io ................................................. 108 Lesson 1: Section Intro ................................................................................................................... 108 Lesson 2: Creating the Chat App Project ................................................................................. 108 Lesson 3: WebSockets .................................................................................................................. 108 Lesson 4: Getting Started with Socket.io ................................................................................. 109 Lesson 5: Socket.io Events .............................................................................................................111 Lesson 6: Socket.io Events Challenge ....................................................................................... 112 Lesson 7: Broadcasting Events .................................................................................................... 112 Lesson 8: Sharing Your Location..................................................................................................113 Lesson 9: Event Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................114 Version 1.0 6 Lesson 10: Form and Button States ............................................................................................ 115 Lesson 11: Rendering Messages .................................................................................................. 116 Lesson 12: Rendering Location Messages ................................................................................. 117 Lesson 13: Working with Time ....................................................................................................... 117 Lesson 14: Timestamps for Location Messages .......................................................................118 Lesson 15: Styling the Chat App ...................................................................................................118 Lesson 16: Join Page ...................................................................................................................... 119 Lesson 17: Socket.io Rooms .......................................................................................................... 119 Lesson 18: Storing Users: Part I ................................................................................................... 120 Lesson 19: Storing Users: Part II.................................................................................................. 120 Lesson 20: Tracking Users Joining and Leaving .................................................................... 121 Lesson 21: Sending Messages to Rooms ................................................................................. 122 Lesson 22: Rendering User List ...................................................................................................123 Lesson 23: Automatic Scrolling ...................................................................................................124 Lesson 24: Deploying the Chat Application ............................................................................ 125 Version 1.0 7 Section 1: Welcome Welcome to the course! This first section contains a brief overview of the class. There are no lecture notes for this first section as it’s an introduction to the rest of the class. This section is still important though, so make sure to watch the lecture videos to learn how to get the most out of the class. Enjoy! Section 2: Installing and Exploring Node.js Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’re going to set up your machine for the rest of the course. This includes installing Node.js and Visual Studio Code. This section also dives into what Node.js is, how Node.js works, and why Node.js is a tool worth learning. Lesson 2: Installing Node.js and Visual Studio Code In this lesson, you’ll install Node.js and Visual Studio Code. Both are free, open source, and available for all operating system. They’re the only tools needed to get started with Node! Below are links to both tools. Take a moment to install them before continuing on with the class. Links • Node.js • Visual Studio Code Lesson 3: What is Node.js? In this lesson, you’ll explore what Node.js is. This includes a brief tour of the V8 JavaScript engine, non-blocking I/O, and more! Version 1.0 8 This lesson contains a presentation that covers what Node.js is. There are no notes for presentation lectures. Please refer to the video for details. Lesson 4: Why Should I Use Node.js? Why should you use Node.js? In this lesson, you’ll learn what makes Node.js a tool worth using. This lesson contains a presentation that covers the major advantages of Node.js. There are no notes for presentation lectures. Please refer to the video for details. Lesson 5: Your First Node.js Script It’s time. In this lesson, you’ll be creating and running your very first Node.js app. Creating a Script Node.js scripts are created with the js file extension. Remember that Node.js is not a programming language. All the code in this course is JavaScript code, which is why the js extension is used. Below is an example script stored in a file named index.js. console.log('Hello Node.js!') Running a Script You can run a Node.js script using the node command. Open up a new terminal window and navigate to the directory where the script lives. From the terminal, you can use the node command to provide the path to the script that should run. You can see an example of this command in the terminal below. $ node index.js Hello Node.js! When a Node.js script calls console.log, the logged values will show up in the terminal. This is a great way to get output from your Node.js application Version 1.0 9 Section 3: Node.js Module System Lesson 1: Section Intro The best way to get started with Node.js is to explore its module system. The module system lets you load external libraries into your application. That’ll enable you to take advantage of built-in Node.js modules as well as third-party npm modules. This includes libraries for connecting to database, creating web servers, and more! Lesson 2: Importing Node.js Core Modules Node.js comes with dozens of built-in modules. These built-in modules, sometimes referred to as core modules, give you access to tools for working with the file system, making http requests, creating web servers, and more! In this lesson, you’ll learn how to load in those core modules and use them in your code. Importing Node.js Core Modules To get started, let’s work with some built-in Node.js modules. These are modules that come with Node, so there’s no need to install them. The module system is built around the require function. This function is used to load in a module and get access to its contents. require is a global variable provided to all your Node.js scripts, so you can use it anywhere you like! Let’s look at an example. const fs = require('fs') fs.writeFileSync('notes.txt', 'I live in Philadelphia') The script above uses require to load in the fs module. This is a built-in Node.js module that provides functions you can use to manipulate the file system. The script uses writeFileSync to write a message to notes.txt. After you run the script, you’ll notice a new notes.txt file in your directory. Open it up and you’ll see, “I live in Philadelphia!”. Links • Node.js documentation Version 1.0 10 • Node.js fs documentation Lesson 3: Importing Your Own Files Putting all your code in a single file makes it easy to get started with Node.js. As you add more code, you’ll want to stay organized and break your Node.js app into multiple scripts that all work together. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create a Node.js application that’s spread out across multiple files. Importing Your Own Files You know how to use require to load in built-in modules. require can also be used to load in JavaScript files you’ve created. All you need to do is provide require with a relative path to the script you want to load. This path should start with ./ and then link to the file that needs to be loaded in. const checkUtils = require('./src/utils.js') checkUtils() The code above uses require to load in a file called utils.js in the src directory. It stores the module contents in a variable, and then uses the contents in the script. Exporting from Files Node.js runs the scripts that you require. That means the require call above will cause utils.js to run. Node.js provides the required script with a place to store values that should be exported as part of the library. This is on module.exports. You can see utils.js below. A function is defined and then assigned to module.exports. The value stored on module.exports will be the return value for require when the script is imported. That means other scripts could load in the utilities to access the check function. const check = function () { console.log('Doing some work...') } module.exports = check If you run the original script, you’ll see the message that logged from the check function in utils.js. Version 1.0 11 $ node app.js Doing some work... Your Node.js scripts don’t share a global score. This means variables created in one scripts are not accessible in a different script. The only way to share values between scripts is by using require with module.exports. Lesson 4: Importing npm Modules When you install Node.js, you also get npm. npm is a package manager that allows you to install and use third-party npm libraries in your code. This opens up a world of possibilities, as there are npm packages for everything from email sending to file uploading. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to integrate npm into your Node.js app. Initializing npm Your Node.js application needs to initialize npm before npm can be used. You can run npm init from the root of your project to get that done. That command will ask you a series of questions about the project and it’ll use the information to generate a package.json file in the root of your project. Here’s an example. { "name": "notes-app", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "app.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", } Installing an npm Module You’re now ready to install an npm module. This is done using the npm command which was set up when Node.js was installed. You can use npm install to install a new module in your project. Version 1.0 12 npm install validator@10.8.0 The command above installs version 10.8.0 of validator. If you want to install the latest version of a module, you can leave off the version number as shown below. npm install validator This command does three important things: First, it creates a node_modules directory. npm uses this directory to store all the code for the npm modules you have installed. Second, npm adds the module as a dependency by listing it in the dependencies property in package.json. This allows you to track and manage the module you have installed. Third, npm creates a package-lock.json file. This includes detailed information about the modules you’ve installed which helps keep things fast and secure. You should never make changes to node_modules or package-lock.json. Both are managed by npm and will get changed as you run npm commands from the terminal. Importing an npm Module npm modules can be imported into your script using require. To load in an npm module, pass the npm module name to require. const validator = require('validator') console.log(validator.isURL('https/mead.io')) // Print: true The script above uses require to load in validator. The script then uses the isURL function provided by validator to check if a given string contains a valid URL. Links • npm • npm: validator Version 1.0 13 Lesson 5: Printing in Color There are npm modules for pretty much anything you’d want to do with Node.js. In this lesson, it’s up to you to install and use a new one! There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Links • npm: chalk Lesson 6: Global npm Modules and nodemon You can use npm modules from outside of your scripts by installing them globally. Globally installed modules are designed to be used from the terminal and provide you with new commands you can run. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to install and work with global modules. Installing an npm Module Globally npm modules can be installed globally by adding a -g flag to the installation command. Not all modules are designed to be installed globally, so be sure to refer to the module documentation to learn how it’s supposed to be used. The command below installs version 1.18.5 of nodemon as a global module. npm install -g nodemon@1.18.5 A globally installed module is not added as a dependency to your project. That means you won’t see it listed in package.json or package-lock.json. You also won’t find its code in node_modules. Globally installed modules are located in a special directory in your machine which is created and managed by npm. When you install nodemon globally, you get access a new nodemon command from the terminal. This can be used to start and Node.js application and then restart the application any of the app scripts change. This means you won’t need to switch between the terminal and text editor to restart your application every time you make a change. The command below runs app.js through nodemon. Version 1.0 14 nodemon app.js P.S. You can stop nodemon by using ctrl + c from the terminal! Links • npm: nodemon Section 4: File System and Command Line Args Lesson 1: Section Intro It’s time to start building your first Node.js application. In this section, you’ll learn how to use the file system and command line arguments to create a note taking app. Along the way, you’ll learn how to get input from the user, work with JSON, and create a place to store user data. Lesson 2: Getting Input from Users I can’t think of a single useful application that doesn’t get input from the users. Whether it’s their email, location, or age, getting input is essential for creating real-world apps. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up command line arguments that allow users to pass data into your application. Accessing Command Line Arguments Command line arguments are values passed into your application from the terminal. Your Node.js application can access the command line arguments that were provided using process.argv. This array contains at least two items. The first is the path to the Node.js executable. The second is the path to the JavaScript file that was executed. Everything after that is a command line argument. Take a look at the example below. Version 1.0 15 const command = process.argv[2] if (command === 'add') { console.log('Adding note!') } else if (command === 'remove') { console.log('Removing note!') } That script grabs the third item in process.argv. Since the first two are always provided, the third item is the first command line argument that was passed in. The script uses the value of that argument to figure out what it should do. A user could provide add to add a note or remove to remove a note. The command below runs the script and provides add as the command line argument. $ node app.js add Adding note! Links • process.argv Lesson 3: Argument Parsing with Yargs: Part I Node.js provides a bare-bones way to access command line arguments. While it’s a good start, it doesn’t provide any way to parse more complex command line arguments. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use Yargs to easily set up a more complex set of arguments for your application. Setting Up Yargs First, install Yargs in your project. npm install yargs@12.0.2 Now, yargs can be used to make it easier to work with command line arguments. The example below shows how this can be done. First, yargs.version is used to set up a version for the command line tool. Next, yargs.command is used to add support for a new command. Version 1.0 16 const yargs = require('yargs') yargs.version('1.1.0') yargs.command({ command: 'add', describe: 'Add a new note', handler: function () { console.log('Adding a new note!') } }) console.log(yargs.argv) Now, this command can be triggered by providing its name as a command line argument. $ node app.js add Adding a new note! Yargs provides a couple useful commands by default. The first, shown below, lets a user get the version of the command line tool they’re running. $ node app.js --version 1.1.0 The second, shown below, shows the user autogenerated documentation that covers how the tool can be used. This would list out all available commands as well as the available options for each command. $ node app.js --help Links • npm: yargs Lesson 4: Argument Parsing with Yargs: Part II In this lesson, you’ll continue to explore Yargs. The goal is to allow users to pass in the title and body of their notes using command line options. This same technique could be used to allow users to pass in data such as their name, email, or address. Version 1.0 17 Adding Command Options Options are additional pieces of information passed along with the command. You can set up options for a command using the builder property as shown below. Now, the add command can be used with two options. The first is title which is used for the title of the note being added. The second is body which is used for the body of the note being added. Both options are required because demandOption is set to true. Both are also set up to accept string input because type is set to 'string'. yargs.command({ command: 'add', describe: 'Add a new note', builder: { title: { describe: 'Note title', demandOption: true, type: 'string' }, body: { describe: 'Note body', demandOption: true, type: 'string' } }, handler: function (argv) { console.log('Title: ' + argv.title) console.log('Body: ' + argv.body) } }) The add command can now be used with --title and --body. $ node app.js add --title="Buy" --body="Note body here" Title: Buy Body: Note body here Lesson 5: Storing Data with JSON In this lesson, you’ll learn how to work with JSON. JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data format. JSON makes it easy to store or transfer data. You’ll be using it in this application to store users notes in the file system. Version 1.0 18 Working with JSON Since JSON is nothing more than a string, it can be used to store data in a text file or transfer data via an HTTP requests between two machines. JavaScript provides two methods for working with JSON. The first is JSON.stringify and the second is JSON.parse. JSON.stringify converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string, while JSON.parse converts a JSON string into a JavaScript object. const book = { title: 'Ego is the Enemy', author: 'Ryan Holiday' } // Covert JavaScript object into JSON string const bookJSON = JSON.stringify(book) // Covert JSON string into object const bookObject = JSON.parse(bookJSON) console.log(bookObject.title) // Print: Ego is the Enemy JSON looks similar to a JavaScript object, but there are some differences. The most obvious is that all properties are wrapped in double-quotes. Single-quotes can’t be used here, as JSON only supports double-quotes. You can see this in the example JSON below. {"name":"Gunther","planet":"Earth","age":54} Links • JSON format Lesson 6: Adding a Note In this lesson, you’ll be saving new notes to the file system. There are no notes for this video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 7: Removing a Note It’s challenge time. In this lesson, you’ll be adding the ability for users to remove notes they’ve added. Version 1.0 19 There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 8: ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use ES6 arrow functions. Arrow functions come with a few great features, making them a nice alternative to the standard ES5 function. You’ll explore the new syntax and learn when to use them! Arrow Functions Arrow functions offer up an alternative syntax from the standard ES5 function. The snippet below shows an example of a standard function and then an arrow function. While the syntax is obviously different, you still have the two important pieces, an arguments list and a function body. // const square function (x) { // return x * x // } const square = (x) => { return x * x } console.log(square(2)) // Will print: 4 Shorthand Syntax Arrow functions have an optional shorthand syntax. This is useful when you have a function that immediately returns a value. The example below shows how this can be used. const squareAlt = (x) => x * x console.log(squareAlt(2)) // Will print: 4 Notice that two important things are missing from the function definition. First, the curly braces wrapping the function body have been removed as well as the return statement. In place of both is the value to be returned. There’s no need for an explicit return statement, as the value provide is implicitly returned. Version 1.0 20 This Binding Arrow functions don’t bind their own this value. Instead, the this value of the scope in which it was defined is accessible. This makes arrow functions bad candidates for methods, as this won’t be a reference to the object the method is defined on. For methods, ES6 provides a new method definition syntax. You can see this in the definition of the printGuestList method below. That function is a standard function, just with a shorthand syntax which allows for the removal of the colon and the function keyword. Because arrow functions don’t bind this, they work well for everything except methods. As shown below, the arrow function passed to forEach is able to access this.name correctly, as it’s defined as an arrow function and doesn’t have a this binding of its own. That code wouldn’t work if you swapped out the arrow function for a standard function. const event = { name: 'Birthday Party', guestList: ['Andrew', 'Jen', 'Mike'], printGuestList() { console.log('Guest list for ' + this.name) this.guestList.forEach((guest) => { console.log(guest + ' is attending ' + this.name) }) } } event.printGuestList() Links • Arrow function Lesson 9: Refactoring to Use Arrow Functions In this lesson, you’ll use what you’ve learned about arrow functions to integrate them into the Node.js app. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Version 1.0 21 Lesson 10: Listing Notes In this lesson, you’ll create a new app feature that allows users to list out their notes. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 11: Reading a Note In this lesson, you’ll add a new app feature that allows users to read a note. Array Find method The find method allows you to find a single item in an array. It’s similar to filter, though find returns a single element as opposed to an array of elements. find will stop its search through the array after finding the first match. The example below shows how find can be used to locate the user whose name is George Hudson. const users = [{ name: 'Andrew Mead', age: 27 },{ name: 'George Hudson', age: 72 },{ name: 'Clay Klay', age: 45 }] const user = users.find((user) => user.name === 'George Hudson') console.log(user) // Will print the second object in the array Links • Array find method Version 1.0 22 Section 5: Debugging Node.js Lesson 1: Section Intro What’s worse than getting an error when you run your application? Not knowing how to fix it. In this section, you’ll learn how to effectively debug your Node.js apps. You’ll learn how to track down and fix issues so you can get back to the important work. Lesson 2: Debugging Node.js In this lesson, you’ll learn how to debug your Node.js applications. Node comes with a great set of tools for getting to the bottom of any bug or programming issue. Console.log While it’s nice to have advanced debugging tools at the ready, there’s nothing wrong with using console.log to debug your application. It’s not the fanciest technique, but it works, and I use it daily. When in doubt, use a few calls to console.log to figure out what’s going on. It’s great for dumping a variable to the terminal so you can check its value. It also works for figuring out what order your code is running in. Node Debugger Printing values to the console with console.log is a good start, but there are often times where we need a more complete debugging solution. For that, Node.js ships with a built-in debugger. It builds off of the developer tools that Chrome and V8 use when debugging JavaScript code in the browser. Start your application with inspect to use the debugger. node inspect app.js Next, visit chrome://inspect in the Chrome browser. There, you’ll see a list of all the Node.js processes that you’re able to debug. Click “inspect” next to your Node.js process to open up the developer tools. From there, you can click the blue “play” button near the top-right of the “sources” tab to start up the application. Version 1.0 23 When running the app in debug mode, you can add breakpoints into your application to stop it at a specific point in the code. This gives you a chance to explore to the application state and figure out what’s going wrong. console.log('Thing one) debugger // Debug tools will pause here until your click play again console.log('Thing two) Documentation Links • Node.js debugger documentation Lesson 3: Error Messages In this lesson, you’ll learn how to read error messages. Error messages contain useful information about what went wrong, but they can be a pain to read. Learning how to read them will let you fix errors fast. Error Messages Error messages can be daunting to use at first. They contain a lot of useful information, but only if you know what you’re looking at. Let’s start with a complete error. Below is an error I generated by trying to reference a variable that was never defined. Version 1.0 24 /Users/Andrew/Downloads/n3-04-08-arrow-functions/playground/2-arrowfunction.js:21 console.log(guest + ' is attending ' + eventName) ^ ReferenceError: eventName is not defined at guestList.forEach (/Users/Andrew/Downloads/n3-04-08-arrowfunctions/playground/2-arrow-function.js:21:52) at Array.forEach () at Object.printGuestList (/Users/Andrew/Downloads/n3-04-08-arrowfunctions/playground/2-arrow-function.js:20:24) at Object. (/Users/Andrew/Downloads/n3-04-08-arrowfunctions/playground/2-arrow-function.js:26:7) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:707:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:718:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:605:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:544:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:536:3) at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:760:12) The first few lines of the error contain the most useful information. The first line contains a path to the exact script where the error was thrown. It also contains the line number. Using that line, you could tell that the issue is on line 21 of 2arrow-function.js. The second line shows the line of code that caused the error. The third line just below uses the “^” character to point to the specific part of the line that the error came from. The fourth line is blank. The fifth line contains the error message from V8. Everything after the fifth line is part of the stack trace. This shows a list of all the functions that were running to get to the point where the program crashed. The top of the stack trace starts with the function which threw the error. Here, we can see that the error was thrown in a callback function for a forEach method call. If you got down to the next line, you’ll figure out that the forEach call happened inside of printGuestList. It’ll take a few tries to get comfortable with error messages. Each error you fix makes it easier to fix the next one. Version 1.0 25 Section 6: Asynchronous Node.js Lesson 1: Section Intro It’s time to connect your application with the outside world. In this section, you’ll explore the asynchronous nature of Node.js. You’ll learn how to use asynchronous programming to make HTTP API requests to third-party HTTP APIs. This will allow you to pull in data, like real-time weather data, into your app. Lesson 2: Asynchronous Basics In this lesson, you’ll explore the basics of asynchronous development. You’ll get a preview of what asynchronous code looks like and how it’s different from synchronous code. Async 101 When running asynchronous code, your code won’t always execute in the order you might expect. To get started with asynchronous development, let’s use setTimeout. setTimeout is a function that allows you to run some code after a specific amount of time has passed. setTimeout accepts two arguments. The first is a callback function. This function will run after the specified amount of time has passed. The second argument is the amount of time in milliseconds to wait. Here’s an example. console.log('Starting') // Wait 2 seconds before running the function setTimeout(() => { console.log('2 Second Timer') }, 2000) console.log('Stopping') Run the script and you’ll see the logs in the following order. Version 1.0 26 $ node app.js Starting Stopping 2 Second Timer Notice that “Stopping” prints before “2 Second Timer”. That’s because setTimeout is asynchronous and non-blocking. The setTimeout call doesn’t block Node.js from running other code while it’s waiting for the 2 seconds to pass. This asynchronous and non-blocking nature makes Node.js ideal for backend development. Your server can wait for data from a database while also processing an incoming HTTP request. Links • setTimeout Lesson 3: Call Stack, Callback Queue, and Event Loop In this lesson, you’ll visualize how Node.js and V8 manage your asynchronous code. This includes the call stack, callback queue, event loop, and more! This lesson contains a detailed presentation. Please refer to the video for a recap of how asynchronous programming works. You can grab the slides here. Lesson 4: Making HTTP Requests In this lesson, you’ll learn how to make HTTP requests from Node. This will enable your app to communicate with other APIs and servers to do a wide variety of things. Everything from fetching real-time weather data to sending text messages to users. Making HTTP Requests There are several libraries that make it easy to fire off HTTP requests. My favorite is request. You can install it using the command below. npm i request@2.88.0 Before you use the library in your app, you’ll need to figure out which URL you’re trying to fetch. To fetch real-time weather data, you’ll need to sign up for a free Dark Sky API account. You can do that here. Version 1.0 27 Below is an example URL that responds with forecast data for San Francisco. https://api.darksky.net/forecast/9d1465c6f3bb7a6c71944bdd8548d026/37.8267,-122.4233 If you visit that URL in the browser, you’ll see that the response is JSON data. This same data can be fetched by our Node.js app using the request library. The example below fetches the forecast data and prints the current temperature to the console. const request = require('request') const url = 'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/9d1465c6f3bb7a6c71944bdd8548d026/37.8267,122.4233' request({ url: url }, (error, response) => { // Parse the response body from JSON string into JavaScript object const data = JSON.parse(response.body) // Will print the current temperature to the console console.log(data.currently.temperature) }) Links • npm: request Lesson 5: Customizing HTTP Requests In this lesson, you’ll explore an option for the request library that allows it to automatically parse JSON data into a JavaScript object. Request Options The request library comes with plenty of options to make your life easier. One is the json option. Set json to true and request will automatically parse the JSON into a JavaScript object for you. Version 1.0 28 const request = require('request') const url = 'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/9d1465c6f3bb7a6c71944bdd8548d026/37.8267,122.4233' request({ url: url, json: true }, (error, response) => { console.log(response.body.daily.data[0].summary + ' It is currently ' + response.body.currently.temperature + ' degrees out. There is a ' + response.body.currently.precipProbability + '% chance of rain.') }) The above program would print the following. $ node app.js Mostly cloudy overnight. It is currently 51.49 degrees out. There is a 0% chance of rain. There’s a link below where you can explore all available options. Links • npm: request options Lesson 6: An HTTP Request Challenge It’s challenge time. In this video, it’s on you to integrate a geocoding API into the Node.js app. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 7: Handling Errors There are plenty of reasons an HTTP request can fail. Maybe your machine doesn’t have an internet connection, or maybe the URL is incorrect. Regardless of what goes wrong, in this lesson, you’ll learn how to handle errors that occur when making HTTP requests. Handling Errors Handling errors is important. It would be nice if we could always provide the user with a forecast for their location, but that’s not going to happen. When things fail, you should aim to provide users with clear and useful messages in plain English so they know what’s going on. Version 1.0 29 The callback function you pass to request expects an error and response argument to be provided. Either error or response will have a value, never both. If error has a value, that means things went wrong. In this case, response will be undefined, as there is no response. If response has a value, things went well. In this case, error will be undefined, as no error occurred. The code below handles two different errors. The if statement first checks if error exists. If it does, the program prints a message letting the user know it was unable to connect. The second error occurs if there’s no match for the given address. In that case, the program prints a message instructing the user to try a different search. Lastly, the coordinates are printed to the console if neither error occurs. const request = require('request') const geocodeURL = 'https://api.mapbox.com/geocoding/v5/mapbox.places/philadelphia.json?access_t oken=pk.eyJ1IjoiYW5kcmV3bWVhZDEiLCJhIjoiY2pvOG8ybW90MDFhazNxcnJ4OTYydzJlOSJ9. njY7HvaalLEVhEOIghPTlw&limit=1' request({ url: geocodeURL, json: true }, (error, response) => { if (error) { console.log('Unable to connect to location services!') } else if (response.body.features.length === 0) { console.log('Unable to find location. Try another search.') } else { const latitude = response.body.features[0].center[0] const longitude = response.body.features[0].center[1] console.log(latitude, longitude) } }) Lesson 8: The Callback Function A callback function is a function that’s passed as an argument to another function. That’s it. This is something you’ve used before, and in this lesson, you’ll dive a bit deeper into how they work. The Callback Function A callback function is a function that’s passed as an argument to another function. Imagine you have FunctionA which gets passed as an argument to FunctionB. FunctionB will do some work and then call FunctionA at some point in the future. Version 1.0 30 Callback functions are at the core of asynchronous development. When you perform an asynchronous operation, you’ll provide Node with a callback function. Node will then call the callback when the async operation is complete. This is how you get access to the results of the async operation, whether it’s an HTTP request for JSON data or a query to a database for a user’s profile. The example below shows how you can use the callback pattern in your own code. The geocode function is set up to take in two arguments. The first is the address to geocode. The second is the callback function to run when the geocoding process is complete. The example below simulates this request by using setTimeout to make the process asynchronous. const geocode = (address, callback) => { setTimeout(() => { const data = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 } callback(data) }, 2000) } geocode('Philadelphia', (data) => { console.log(data) }) The call to geocode provides both arguments, the address and the callback function. Notice that the callback function is expecting a single parameter which it has called data. This is where the callback function will get access to the results of the asynchronous operation. You can see where callback is called with the data inside the geocode function. Lesson 9: Callback Abstraction Callback functions can be used to abstract complex asynchronous code into a simple reusable function. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use this pattern to create a reusable function for geocoding an address. Version 1.0 31 Callback Abstraction Imagine you want to geocode an address from multiple places in your application. You have two options. Option one, you can duplicate the code responsible for making the request. This includes the call to request along with all the code responsible for handling errors. However, this isn’t ideal. Duplicating code makes your application unnecessarily complex and difficult to maintain. The solution is to create a single reusable function that can be called whenever you need to geocode an address. You can see an example of this below. The function geocode was created to serve as a reusable way to geocode an address. It contains all the logic necessary to make the request and process the response. geocode accepts two arguments. The first is the address to geocode. The second is a callback function which will run once the geocoding operation is complete. const request = require('request') const geocode = (address, callback) => { const url = 'https://api.mapbox.com/geocoding/v5/mapbox.places/' + address + '.json?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiYW5kcmV3bWVhZDEiLCJhIjoiY2pvOG8ybW90MDFhazNxcn J4OTYydzJlOSJ9.njY7HvaalLEVhEOIghPTlw&limit=1' request({ url: url, json: true }, (error, response) => { if (error) { callback('Unable to connect to location services!', undefined) } else if (response.body.features.length === 0) { callback('Unable to find location. Try another search.', undefined) } else { callback(undefined, { latitude: response.body.features[0].center[0], longitude: response.body.features[0].center[1], location: response.body.features[0].place_name }) } }) } module.exports = geocode Now, geocode can be called as many times as needed from anywhere in your application. The snippet below imports geocode and calls the function to get the latitude and longitude for Boston. Version 1.0 32 const geocode = require('./utils/geocode') geocode('Boston', (error, data) => { console.log('Error', error) console.log('Data', data) }) Lesson 10: Callback Abstraction Challenge It’s challenge time. In this lesson, it’s on you to create a reusable function to fetch a weather forecast. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 11: Callback Chaining In this lesson, you’ll learn how to run one asynchronous operation only after another asynchronous operation is complete. That’ll allow you to use the output from geocoding as the input for fetching the weather. Callback Chaining When working with async code, you’ll often find out that you need to use the results from one async operation as the input for another async operation. This is something we need to do in the weather application too. Step one is to geocode the address. Step two is to use the coordinates to fetch the weather forecast. You can’t start step two until step one is complete. You can start one operation after another finishes by using callback chaining. You can see an example of this in the code below. Version 1.0 33 // Other lines hidden for brevity geocode(address, (error, data) => { if (error) { return console.log(error) } forecast(data.latitude, data.longitude, (error, forecastData) => { if (error) { return console.log(error) } console.log(data.location) console.log(forecastData) }) }) First up is the call to geocode. The call to geocode provides an address and a callback function as it did before. It’s the code inside the callback function that looks a bit different. The callback function calls forecast. This means that forecast won’t get called until after geocode is complete. The latitude and longitude from the geocoding operation is also provided as the input for the forecast function call. Lesson 12: ES6 Aside: Object Property Shorthand and Destructuring ES6 has done wonders making JavaScript easier to use. In this lesson, you’ll explore a couple of features that make it easier to work with objects. Property Shorthand The property shorthand makes it easier to define properties when creating a new object. It provides a shortcut for defining a property whose value comes from a variable of the same name. You can see this in the example below where a user object is created. The name property gets its value from a variable also called name. Version 1.0 34 const name = 'Andrew' const userAge = 27 const user = { name: name, age: userAge, location: 'Philadelphia' } The shorthand allows you to remove the colon and the reference to the variable. When JavaScript sees this, it’ll get the property value from the variable with the same name. The example below uses the property shorthand to define name on the user object. const name = 'Andrew' const userAge = 27 const user = { name, age: userAge, location: 'Philadelphia' } console.log(user) Object Destructuring The second ES6 feature is object destructuring. Object destructuring gives you a syntax for pulling properties off of objects and into standalone variables. This is useful when working with the same object properties throughout your code. Instead of writing user.name a dozen times, you could destructure the property into a name variable. You can see an example of this below. Version 1.0 35 const user = { name: 'Andrew', age: 27, location: 'Philadelphia' } // The line below uses destructuring const { age, location:address } = user console.log(age) console.log(address) user is destructured on line 8 above. The age property has been destructured and stored in age. The location property has also been destructured and stored in address. Destructuring Function Arguments Destructuring works with function parameters as well. If an object is passed into a function, it can be destructured inside the function definition. You can see this in the transaction function below. The function accepts an object as its second argument. The label and stock properties have both been destructured into standalone variables that become available in the function. const product = { label: 'Red notebook', price: 3, stock: 201, salePrice: undefined, rating: 4.2 } const transaction = (type, { label, stock }) => { console.log(type, label, stock) } transaction('order', product) Links • Destructuring • Property shorthand Version 1.0 36 Lesson 13: Destructuring and Property Shorthand Challenge In this video, it’s on you to use the property shorthand and object destructuring syntax in your Node.js app. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 14: Bonus: HTTP Requests Without a Library While the request library is great, it’s not necessary if you want to make HTTP requests from Node. In this bonus lesson, you’ll learn how to make an HTTP request without request. The HTTPS Module Node.js provides two core modules for making HTTP requests. The http module can be used to make http requests and the https module can be used to make https requests. One great feature about request is that it provides a single module that can make both http and https requests. The code below uses the https module to fetch the forecast from the Dark Sky API. Notice there’s a lot more required to get things working. Separate callbacks are required for incoming chunks of data, the end of the response, and the error for the request. This means you’ll likely recreate your own function similar to request to make your life easier. It’s best to stick with a tested and popular library like request. Version 1.0 37 const https = require('https') const url = 'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/9d1465c6f3bb7a6c71944bdd8548d026/40,-75' const request = https.request(url, (response) => { let data = '' response.on('data', (chunk) => { data = data + chunk.toString() }) response.on('end', () => { const body = JSON.parse(data) console.log(body) }) }) request.on('error', (error) => { console.log('An error', error) }) request.end() Links • Node.js http documentation • Node.js https documentation Section 7: Web Servers Lesson 1: Section Intro Node.js is commonly used as a web server to serve up websites, JSON, and more. In this section, you’ll be creating your first Node server with Express. This will allow users to interact with your application by visiting a URL in the browser. Lesson 2: Hello Express! Serving up websites and JSON data is easy with Express. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create your first web server with Express. Once the server is up and running, users will be able to interact with your application via the browser. Version 1.0 38 Express 101 To get started, add Express to your project. npm i express@4.16.4 Next, you can require express. You get access to a single function you can call to create a new Express application. const express = require('express') const app = express() Now, app can be used to set up the server. Let’s start by showing a message when someone visits the home page at localhost:3000 and the weather page at localhost:3000/weather. app.get('', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello express!') }) app.get('/weather', (req, res) => { res.send('Your weather') }) The code above uses app.get to set up a handler for an HTTP GET request. The first argument is the path to set up the handler for. The second argument is the function to run when that path is visited. Calling res.send in the route handler allows you to send back a message as the response. This will get shown in the browser. The last thing to do is start the server. This is done by calling app.listen with the port you want to listen on. This can be done using app.listen as shown below. Version 1.0 39 app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server is up on port 3000.') }) If you run the app, you’ll see the message printing letting you know that the server is running. This process will stay running until you shut it down. You can always use ctrl + c to terminate the process. Visit localhost:3000 or localhost:3000/weather to view the messages! $ node app.js Server is up on port 3000. Links • Express Lesson 3: Serving up HTML and JSON With the basics out of the way, it’s time to serve up HTML and JSON with Express. That’ll let you serve up a static website or create an HTTP REST API designed to be consumed by a web or mobile application. Serving up HTML and JSON Using res.send, you can send back more than just text. res.send can be used to send an HTML or JSON response. The root route below sends back some HTML to be rendered in the browser. The weather route below sends back a JSON response. Version 1.0 40 app.get('', (req, res) => { // Provide HTML to render in the browser res.send(' Weather
') }) app.get('/weather', (req, res) => { // Provide an object to send as JSON res.send({ forecast: 'It is snowing', location: 'Philadelphia' }) }) Documentation Links • express - res.send Lesson 4: Serving up Static Assets Express can serve up all the assets needed for your website. This includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and more. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to serve up an entire directory with Express. Serving up a Static Directory A modern website is more than just an HTML file. It’s styles, scripts, images, and fonts. Everything needs to be exposed via the web server so the browser can load it in. With Express, it’s easy to serve up an entire directory without needing to manually serve up each asset. All Express needs is the path to the directory it should serve. The example below uses Nodes’ path module to generate the absolute path. The call to path.join allows you to manipulate a path by providing individual path segments. It starts with __dirname which is the directory path for the current script. From there, the second segment moves out of the src folder and into the public directory. The path is then provided to express.static as shown below. Version 1.0 41 const path = require('path') const express = require('express') const app = express() const publicDirectoryPath = path.join(__dirname, '../public') app.use(express.static(publicDirectoryPath)) app.get('/weather', (req, res) => { res.send({ forecast: 'It is snowing', location: 'Philadelphia' }) }) app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server is up on port 3000.') }) Start the server, and the browser will be able to access all assets in the public directory. Documentation Links • path Lesson 5: Serving up CSS, JS, Images, and More In this lesson, you’ll use the Express server to serve up a webpage with images, styles, and scripts. Serving up CSS, JS, Images, and More All files in public are exposed via the Express server. This is where your site assets need to live. If they’re not in public, then they’re not public and the browser won’t be able to load them correctly. The HTML file below shows how you can use a CSS file, JavaScript file, and image in your website. Version 1.0 42About
Lesson 6: Dynamic Pages with Templating Your web pages don’t have to be static. Express supports templating engines that allow you to render dynamic HTML pages. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up the Handlerbars templating engine with Express. Setting up Handlebars Start by installing Handlebars in your project. npm i hbs@4.0.1 From there, you’ll need to use app.set to set a value for the 'view engine' config option. The value is the name of the template engine module you installed. That’s 'hbs'. app.set('view engine', 'hbs') Rendering Handlebars Templates By default, Express expects your views to live in a views directory inside of your project root. You’ll learn how to customize the location and directory name in the next lesson. Below is an example handlebars view in views/index.hbs. This looks like a normal HTML document with a few new features. Notice {{title}} and {{name}}. This is a Handlerbars syntax which allows you to inject variables inside of the template. This is what allows you to generate dynamic pages. Version 1.0 43{{title}}
Created by {{name}}
Now, you can render the template. This is done by defining a new route and calling res.render with the template name. The “.hbs” file extension can be left off. The second argument is an object that contains all the variables the template should have access to when rendering. This is where values are provided for title and name. app.get('', (req, res) => { res.render('index', { title: 'My title', name: 'Andrew Mead' }) }) Documentation Links • Handlebars documentation • npm: hbs Lesson 7: Customizing the Views Directory In this lesson, you’ll learn how to customize the name and location of the views directory. Customizing the Views Directory You can customize the location of the views directory by providing Express with the new path. Call app.set to set a new value for the 'views' option. The example below configures Express to look for views in templates/views/. Version 1.0 44 const viewsPath = path.join(__dirname, '../templates/views') app.set('views', viewsPath) Lesson 8: Advanced Templating In this lesson, you’ll learn how to work with Handlerbars partials. As the name suggests, partials are just part of a web page. Partials are great for things you need to show on multiple pages like headers, footers, and navigation bars. Setting up Partials You can use partials by telling Handlebars where you’d like to store them. This is done with a call to hbs.registerPartials. It expects to get called with the absolute path to the partials directory. const hbs = require('hbs') // Other lines hidden for brevity const partialsPath = path.join(__dirname, '../templates/partials') hbs.registerPartials(partialsPath) // Other lines hidden for brevity Using Partials Partials are created with the “hbs” file extension. Partials have access to all the same features as your Handlebars templates. The header partial below renders the title followed by a list of navigation links which can be shown at the top of every page. Version 1.0 45 {{!-- header.hbs --}}{{title}}
The partial can then be rendered on a page using {{>header}} where “header” comes from the partial file name. If the partial was footer.hbs, it could be rendered using {{>footer}} {{>header}} Lesson 9: 404 Pages In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up a 404 page. The 404 page will show when a user tries to visit a page that doesn’t exist. Setting up a 404 Page Express has support for * in route paths. This is a special character which matches anything. This can be used to create a route handler that matches all requests. The 404 page should be set up just before the call to app.listen. This ensures that requests for valid pages still get the correct response. Version 1.0 46 app.get('*', (req, res) => { res.render('404', { title: '404', name: 'Andrew Mead', errorMessage: 'Page not found.' }) }) Lesson 10: Styling the Application: Part I In this lesson, you’ll add some styles to the weather application. There are no notes for this styling video, as no new Node.js features are covered. Lesson 11: Styling the Application: Part II In this lesson, you’ll finish styling the weather application. There are no notes for this styling video, as no new Node.js features are covered. Section 7: Accessing API from Browser Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll learn how to set up communication between the client and the server. This will be done via HTTP requests. By the end of the section, users will be able to type an address in the browser to view their forecast. Lesson 2: The Query String In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use query strings to pass data from the client to the server. This will be used to send the address from the browser to Node.js. Node.js will then be able to fetch the weather for the address and send the forecast back to the browser. Working with Query Strings The query string is a portion of the URL that allows you to provide additional information to the server. For the weather application, the query string will be used to pass the address from the browser to the Node.js Express application. Version 1.0 47 The query string comes after ? in the URL. The example URL below uses the query string to set address equal to boston. The key/value pair is separated by =. http://localhost:3000/weather?address=boston Below is one more example where two key/value pairs are set up. The key/value pairs are separated by &. address equals philadelphia and units equals us. http://localhost:3000/weather?address=philadelphia&units=us The Express route handler can access the query string key/value pairs on req.query. The handler below uses req.query.address to get the value provided for address. This address can then be used to fetch the weather information. app.get('/weather', (req, res) => { // All query string key/value pairs are on req.query res.send('You provided "' + req.query.address + '" as the address.) }) Documentation Links • express - req.query Lesson 3: Building a JSON HTTP Endpoint The weather application already has the code in place to fetch the weather for a given address. In this lesson, it’s your job to wire up the route handler to fetch the weather and send it back to the browser. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 4: ES6 Aside: Default Function Parameters ES6 provides a new syntax to set default values for function arguments. In this lesson, you’ll use this new syntax to improve and clean up the application code. Version 1.0 48 Default Function Parameters Function parameters are undefined unless an argument value is provided when the function is called. ES6 now allows function parameters to be configured with a custom default value. You can see this in action for the greeter function below. name will be 'user' if no value is provided. age will be undefined if no value is provided. const greeter = (name = 'user', age) => { console.log('Hello ' + name) } greeter('Andrew') // Will print: Hello Andrew greeter() // Will print: Hello user This syntax can also be used to provide default values when using ES6 destructuring. The transaction function below shows this off by providing a default value for stock. const transaction = (type, { label, stock = 0 } = {}) => { console.log(type, label, stock) } transaction('order') Documentation Links • mdn: default function parameters Lesson 5: Browser HTTP Requests with Fetch In this lesson, you’ll learn how to make HTTP AJAX requests from the browser. This will allow the web application to request the forecast from the Node.js server. The Fetch API Web APIs provide you with a way to make HTTP requests from JavaScript in the browser. This is done using the fetch function. fetch expects to be called with the URL as the first argument. It sends off the HTTP request and gives you back the response. The fetch call below is used to fetch the weather for Boston. An if statement is then used to either print the forecast or the error message. Version 1.0 49 fetch('http://localhost:3000/weather?address=Boston').then((response) => { response.json().then((data) => { if (data.error) { console.log(data.error) } else { console.log(data.location) console.log(data.forecast) } }) }) Documentation Links • Fetch API • Fetch Tutorial Lesson 6: Creating a Search Form In this lesson, you’ll set up the weather search form. This will allow a visitor to type in their address, click a button, and then see their real-time forecast information. The Search Form Below is an example HTML form. It contains a text input and a button which can be used to submit the form. Using client-side JavaScript, you can set up an event listener that will allow you to run some code when the form is submitted. What should that code do? It should grab the address from the text field, send off an HTTP request to the Node server for the data, and then render the weather data to the screen. For the moment, the data is logged to the console. That’ll get fixed in the next lesson. Version 1.0 50 const weatherForm = document.querySelector('form') const search = document.querySelector('input') weatherForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { e.preventDefault() const location = search.value fetch('http://localhost:3000/weather?address=' + location).then((response) => { response.json().then((data) => { if (data.error) { console.log(data.error) } else { console.log(data.location) console.log(data.forecast) } }) }) }) Lesson 7: Wiring up the User Interface In this lesson, you’ll learn how to manipulate the text content of HTML elements from JavaScript. That will allow the weather application to render the forecast data to the browser instead of the console. Rendering Dynamic textContent Set up HTML elements for the messages you want to render. Below is an example paragraph which can be used to render some text from JavaScript. It contains no text by default. It will be updated to show some text as the client-side JavaScript runs. The code below can be used to change the text content of the paragraph. First up, document.querySelector is used to target the element. It’s used with #, which searches for elements by their ID. The text content can be updated by setting a value on the textContent property. Version 1.0 51 const messageOne = document.querySelector('#message-1') messageOne.textContent = 'My new text' Section 7: Application Deployment Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll learn how to deploy your Node.js applications to production. This will allow anyone with an internet connection to view and interact with your Node.js app. Along the way, you’ll learn how to use Git, GitHub, Heroku, and more! Lesson 2: Joining Heroku and GitHub In this lesson, you’ll join GitHub and Heroku. GitHub is a development platform that makes it easy to manage software development projects. Heroku is an application deployment platform which provides everything needed to deploy your Node.js applications. Joining Heroku and GitHub Make sure to sign up for an account with both GitHub and Heroku. From there, install the Heroku CLI. After running the installer, you can confirm the Heroku CLI was installed correctly by running heroku -v to print the installed version. The Heroku CLI gives you commands to deploy and manage your Node.js applications. Before you can do that, you’ll need to log in to your Heroku account. This makes sure that the command you run actually changes your Heroku applications. heroku login Documentation Links • GitHub • Heroku • Heroku CLI download Version 1.0 52 Lesson 3: Version Control with Git In this lesson, you’ll learn about version control. Version control allows you to track changes to your project code over time. This makes it easy to recover lost code and restore your project to a previously working version. Version Control with Git Version control lets you track changes to your application code over time. It’s an important tool, and it should be used for all personal and professional projects. Imagine you have an application with 250 paying users. You just finished work on a great new feature and you deploy it to production so your customers can use it. Hours later, you discover a bug that’s preventing users from using the application. What do you do next? Without version control, you’re in trouble. The only version of your app is the one you have on your machine. The buggy application that’s crashing for your users. You have no way of getting back to the old version of your app that was working. Users are stuck with a broken application until you can fix the bug and get a new version of the app deployed. With version control, you’re in the clear. You can revert back to your application’s previous working state and deploy that. This means that users can continue to use the original version while you can take a breath and get back to working on that new feature until it’s ready. You can grab the Git installer from git-scm.com. After installing Git, run git --version to print the version of Git installed. Documentation Links • Git Lesson 4: Exploring Git Git is not the easiest tool in the world to get started with. In this lesson, you’ll explore how Git works and how it can help you keep track of code changes. This lesson contains a detailed presentation. Please refer to the video for a recap of how Git works. Lesson 5: Integrating Git It’s time to start using Git. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up Git in your project. You’ll also explore the commands needed to get Git tracking your code. Version 1.0 53 Initializing Git Git needs to be initialized in your project before it can be used. You can initialize Git in your project by running git init from the root of the project. All Git commands should be run from the root of the project. Before going any further, Git needs to be configured to ignore this node_modules folder. This is a generated directory which doesn’t need to be under version control. You can always regenerate node_modules by running npm install. Create a .gitignore file with the following line to ignore the folder. node_modules/ Committing Changes Think of a commit as a save point. A commit lets you create a save point that contains your project files exactly as they were when the commit was created. You’ll create new commits to track your changes as you continue to build out your application. Before creating a commit, it’s a good idea to run git status to get a summary of the changes that are about to be committed. This will show untracked files, unstaged changes, and staged files. Using git add, you can add files to the staging area. Changes to files in the staging area will be included in the next commit. The shortcut below adds all untracked files and unstaged changes to the staging area. git add . You can now use the git commit command to create a commit. Each commit requires a commit message. The command below creates a commit and provides “Initial commit” as the commit message. git commit -m "Initial commit" From here, you can continue to add new features to the project and use the git commands to create new commits. Version 1.0 54 Lesson 6: Setting up SSH Keys In this lesson, you’ll be setting up SSH on your machine. SSH is the protocol used to securely transfer code between your machine and GitHub/Heroku. Creating SSH Keys Windows users won’t have access to the necessary SSH commands from the command prompt. Make sure to use Git Bash for the following commands. SSH uses an SSH key pair to secure the connection between your machine and the machine you’re communicating with. You can check if you already have an SSH key pair with the following command. You have a key pair if you see id_rsa and id_rsa.pub in the output. ls -a -l ~/.ssh You can create a new key pair using the following command. Make sure to swap out the email for your email address. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "youremail@domain.com" The SSH key needs to be configured to be used for new SSH connections. First, ensure that the SSH agent is running. You can do that using the command below. eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" Next, add the new SSH private key file to the SSH agent. The following command is for macOS users. ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa The command below is for Linux users and Windows users. Version 1.0 55 ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa Lesson 7: Pushing Code to GitHub In this lesson, you’ll learn how to push your code to GitHub. Configuring SSH with GitHub In the last lesson, you generated the SSH key pair. The files were id_rsa and id_rsa.pub. id_rsa is a private key file which should be kept secret. id_rsa.pub is a public key file which should be shared with the services you plan to communicate with. The command below will allow you to dump the contents of the public key file to the terminal. Copy and paste the contents to the clip board and register the SSH key with GitHub here. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Pushing Your Code to GitHub You need to create a new GitHub repository before you’ll be able to push your code. This is a remote Git repository that’ll live on the GitHub server. A remote repository is nothing more than a version of your project hosted somewhere else. In this case, it’s a version of your project stored on GitHub. Once the repository is created, you’ll need to set up the origin remote. Replace with the repository URL provided by GitHub. git remote add origin You can now push your latest commits to the remote! After pushing your commits, refresh the GitHub repository page in your browser to see your project files and folder appear. git push -u origin master Lesson 8: Deploying Node.js to Heroku In this lesson, you’ll deploy your application to Heroku. Anyone with an internet connection will be able to access and use your application! Version 1.0 56 Preparing Your Application Heroku makes it easy to deploy your application to Node.js, but it does require a few small changes. First, Heroku needs to know what command to run to start your app. Second, Heroku requires your app to listen on a specific port. The start script in package.json is used to tell Heroku which command to run. Set start equal to node src/app.js to ensure that Heroku can start your app up correctly. Heroku uses an environment variable to provide the port value you need to listen on. The code below accesses the Heroku port value and uses it to start up the server. const port = process.env.PORT || 3000 app.listen(port, () => { console.log('Server is up on port ' + port) }) Deploying Your Application Run heroku create from your application root to create a new application. This will create the new application and set up a new heroku Git remote. Push your code to that remote to deploy the application! You can run git pus heroku master to deploy. From there, run heroku open to open your application in the browser. Lesson 9: New Feature Deployment Workflow In this lesson, you’ll go through the process of adding a new feature to the application. This includes committing the changes, pushing them to GitHub, and deploying them to Heroku. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 10: Avoiding Global Modules In this lesson, you’ll refactor your application to remove the use of global modules. This ensures that your application installs all the dependencies you need to run. Replacing Global Modules with Local Modules Sick of typing out that long nodemon command? Me too. Let’s turn it into a script. Version 1.0 57 You can create a dev script with the value nodemon src/app.js -e js,hbs. This will start up the dev server anytime you run npm run dev. The dev script needs nodemon to be installed. The issue is that nodemon isn’t listed as a dependency in package.json. However, this can be fixed by uninstalling nodemon globally. npm uninstall -g nodemon Now, install it as a local dependency. npm install nodemon Now, npm install will be able to install all your application dependencies, including nodemon! Section 10: MongoDB and Promises Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll learn how to connect to a MongoDB database from your Node.js application. This will allow your application to store data in a secure and reliable fashion. The task application will use MongoDB to store user accounts as well as tasks. Lesson 2: MongoDB and NoSQL Databases In this lesson, you’ll explore NoSQL databases and MongoDB. MongoDB and NoSQL database are a bit different than traditional SQL databases such as MySQL, so this lesson will bring you up to speed on some key ideas and terminologies related to NoSQL. This lesson contains a detailed presentation. Please refer to the video for a recap of NoSQL and MongoDB. Lesson 3: Installing MongoDB on macOS and Linux In this lesson, you’ll learn how to install MongoDB on macOS and Linux. Using Windows? That’s covered in the next lesson. Version 1.0 58 You can download the MongoDB Community Server from the MongoDB download page. The download is a zip file. Unzip the contents, change the folder name to “mongodb”, and move it to your users home directory. From there, create a “mongodb-data” directory in your user directory to store the database data. You can start the server using the following command. Make sure to swap out “/Users/Andrew/” with the correct path to your users home directory. /Users/Andrew/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/Users/Andrew/mongodb-data Documentation Links • MongoDB download page Lesson 4: Installing MongoDB on Windows In this lesson, you’ll learn how to install MongoDB on Windows. Using macOS or Linux? They were covered in the previous lesson. You can download the MongoDB Community Server from the MongoDB download page. The download is a zip file. Unzip the contents, change the folder name to “mongodb”, and move it to your users home directory. From there, create a “mongodb-data” directory in your user directory to store the database data. You can start the server using the following command. Make sure to swap out “/Users/Andrew/” with the correct path to your users home directory. /Users/Andrew/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/Users/Andrew/mongodb-data Documentation Links • MongoDB download page Lesson 5: Installing Database GUI Viewer In this lesson, you’ll set up Robo 3T. Robo 3T is a MongoDB admin tool that makes it easy to manage and visualize the data in your database. Robo 3T is a completely free MongoDB admin tool. Grab the installer from here and get it installed on your machine. Version 1.0 59 Documentation Links • Robo 3T download page Lesson 6: Connecting and Inserting Documents In this lesson, you’ll be connecting to your MongoDB database from your Node.js application. You’ll also learn how to insert documents into the database to save them for later. Connecting to MongoDB MongoDB provides a native driver that allows you to connect to your database from Node. You can grab the driver by installing the mongodb npm module as shown below. npm i mongodb@3.1.10 With the driver installed, you can use the following code to connect to the database. You just need to provide two pieces of information. The first is the connection URL and the second is the name of the database. You can pick any database name that you like. const mongodb = require('mongodb') const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient const connectionURL = 'mongodb://' const databaseName = 'task-manager' MongoClient.connect(connectionURL, { useNewUrlParser: true }, (error, client) => { if (error) { return console.log('Unable to connect to database!') } const db = client.db(databaseName) // Start to interact with the database }) Inserting a Document With the connection open, you’re ready to insert documents into the database. Remember that a database is made up of collections, and collections are used to store documents. The code below inserts a new document into the “users” collection. db.collection is Version 1.0 60 used to get a reference to the collection you’re trying to manipulate. insertOne is used to insert a new document into that collection. db.collection('users').insertOne({ name: 'Andrew', age: 27 }) Documentation Links • npm: mongodb • MongDB driver documentation Lesson 7: Inserting Documents In this lesson, you’ll explore another way to insert documents into collections. Inserting Documents You already know that insertOne can be used to insert a single document. You can also use insertMany to insert multiple documents at once. The example below inserts two documents into “tasks” collection. insertMany expects an array of objects, an array of the documents you want to insert. db.collection('tasks').insertMany([ { description: 'Clean the house', completed: true },{ description: 'Renew inspection', completed: false } ], (error, result) => { if (error) { return console.log('Unable to insert tasks!') } console.log(result.ops) }) Documentation Links • insertOne Version 1.0 61 • insertMany Lesson 8: The ObjectID In this lesson, you’ll learn about ObjectIDs. MongoDB uses ObjectIDs to create unique identifiers for all the documents in the database. It’s different than the traditional autoincrementing integer ID, but it comes with its own set of advantages. Working with ObjectIDs MongoDB provides ObjectID which can be used to generate new ObjectIDs. The example below generates a new ID and prints it to the console. const { MongoClient, ObjectID } = require('mongodb') const id = new ObjectID() console.log(id) // Print new id to the console An ObjectID is a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). GUIDs are generated randomly via an algorithm to ensure uniqueness. These IDs can be generated on the server, but as seen in the snippet above, they can be generated on the client as well. That means a client can generate the ID for a document it’s about to insert in to the database. Lesson 9: Querying Documents In this lesson, you’ll learn how to read data from MongoDB. This will allow you to fetch the documents that you had previously inserted. Finding Documents You can search for documents in a given collection using find or findOne. find can be used to fetch multiple documents, while findOne can be used to fetch a single document. The example below uses find to search for documents in the tasks collection. You can provide an object as the first argument to find to filter the documents. The example below sets completed equal to false to fetch only those tasks that haven’t been completed. Version 1.0 62 db.collection('tasks').find({ completed: false }).toArray((error, tasks) => { console.log(tasks) }) The next example uses findOne to find a single document by its ID. In this case, it’s necessary to pass the string version of the ID to the ObjectID constructor function to convert it to an ObjectID. db.collection('tasks').findOne({ _id: new ObjectID("5c0fec243ef6bdfbe1d62e2f") }, (error, task) => { console.log(task) }) Documentation Links • find • findOne Lesson 10: Promises In this lesson, you’ll learn how to work with promises. Promises provide a much needed alternative to the traditional callback pattern. const doWorkPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve([7, 4, 1]) // reject('Things went wrong!') }, 2000) }) doWorkPromise.then((result) => { console.log('Success!', result) }).catch((error) => { console.log('Error!', error) }) Lesson 11: Updating Documents In this lesson, you’ll learn how to update documents stored in MongoDB. Version 1.0 63 Updating Documents You can update documents in a collection using updateOne or updateMany. The first argument for both updateOne and updateMany is similar to the first argument used with find or findOne. It’s an object that allows you to filter down all the documents to just the ones you want to update. The update calls require a second argument as well. This is an object where you define the updates you want to make. For this, you need to use one of the supported update operators. The updateOne call below uses $inc to increment the age field on the targeted document by 1. db.collection('users').updateOne({ _id: new ObjectID("5c0fe6634362c1fb75b9d6b5") }, { $inc: { age: 1 } }).then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }) The updateMany call below uses $set to set the completed field to true for all documents where the completed field is currently false. db.collection('tasks').updateMany({ completed: false }, { $set: { completed: true } }).then((result) => { console.log(result.modifiedCount) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) Documentation Links • updateOne Version 1.0 64 • updateMany • Update operators Lesson 12: Deleting Documents In this lesson, you’ll learn how to delete documents stored in MongoDB. Deleting Documents You can delete documents from MongoDB using deleteOne or deleteMany. Both accept an object as the first argument. This object is used to filter just the documents you want to delete. The example below uses deleteMany to delete all users whose age field is 27. db.collection('users').deleteMany({ age: 27 }).then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }) This next example uses deleteOne to delete a single document, the first one with a description of "Clean the house". db.collection('tasks').deleteOne({ description: "Clean the house" }).then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }) Documentation Links • deleteOne • deleteMany Version 1.0 65 Section 11: REST APIs and Mongoose Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll be creating a REST API using Express. You’ll learn what exactly a REST API is and how it can be used as the back-end for a web or mobile application. This section also covers data validation, application architecture, async/await, and more. Lesson 2: Setting up Mongoose In this lesson, you’ll be setting up Mongoose. Mongoose makes it easy to model and manage your application data. This includes data sanitization, data validation, and more. Mongoose will serve as a replacement for the native driver, providing you with a more object-oriented interface. Setting up Mongoose First up, install Mongoose. npm i mongoose@5.3.16 Like the MongoDB native driver, Mongoose provides a connect function you can use to connect to your MongoDB database. const mongoose = require('mongoose') mongoose.connect('mongodb://', { useNewUrlParser: true, useCreateIndex: true }) Modeling Your Data The core feature of Mongoose is the ability to model your data. A new model can be created for the different types of data your application needs to store. You can create as many models as your application needs. Version 1.0 66 The code below defines a user model. The model definition is where you define what makes up a user. This would include all the pieces of data you want to store in the database. The user model below has just two fields, a name and an age. const User = mongoose.model('User', { name: { type: String }, age: { type: Number } }) With the model defined, it’s time to start creating and saving users. The User variable above stores the Mongoose model. This is a constructor function that can be used to create new users. The snippet below creates a new user with the name 'Andrew' and the age 27. This alone won’t save any data to the database, but it’s a step in the right direction. const me = new User({ name: 'Andrew', age: 27 }) The new model instance can be saved to the database using the save method. me.save().then(() => { console.log(me) }).catch((error) => { console.log('Error!', error) }) Documentation Links • Mongoose Lesson 3: Creating a Mongoose Model In this lesson, it’s on you to define a second Mongoose model for tasks. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Version 1.0 67 Lesson 4: Data Validation and Sanitization: Part I In this lesson, you’ll set up data validation and sanitization for your models. Validation will allow you to restrict what data can be stored in the database, while sanitization will allow you to store user data in a uniform and standardized way. Data Validation and Sanitization First up, install validator. While Mongoose provides basic tools for performing validation, the validator library provides useful methods for validating data such as email addresses, phone numbers, zip codes, and more. npm i validator@10.9.0 Mongoose comes with support for basic validation and sanitization. The user model below shows how this can be configured. required is used to validate that a value is provided for a given field. trim is used to remove extra spaces before or after data. lowercase is used to convert the data to lowercase before saving it to the database. You can find a complete list of options in the schema documentation. You can also define custom validation for your models. This is done using validate as shown in the example below. The method gets called with the value to validate, and it should throw an error if the data is invalid. The example below uses the isEmail method from validator to validate the email address is valid before saving it to the database. Version 1.0 68 const mongoose = require('mongoose') const validator = require('validator') const User = mongoose.model('User', { name: { type: String, required: true, trim: true }, email: { type: String, required: true, trim: true, lowercase: true, validate(value) { if (!validator.isEmail(value)) { throw new Error('Email is invalid') } } } }) Documentation Links • npm: validator Lesson 5: Data Validation and Sanitization: Part II In this lesson, it’s up to you to add validation and sanitization to the task model. You’ll also be defining a new field on the user model with validation and sanitization of its own. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 6: Structuring a REST API In this lesson, you’ll explore REST APIs. You’ll learn how to structure your API and how it can be used as the back-end for a web or mobile application. This lesson contains a detailed presentation. Please refer to the video for a recap of how asynchronous programming works. Lesson 7: Installing Postman In this lesson, you’ll set up Postman. Postman makes it easy to test your REST API by providing you with a set of tools for making HTTP requests. This is not meant to serve as a Version 1.0 69 replacement for a web or mobile application, it’s just a useful way to debug your endpoints as you’re creating them. You can grab Postman here. It’s free and available for all operating systems. Documentation Links • Postman Lesson 8: Resource Creation Endpoints: Part I In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create REST API endpoints for creating resources. This will allow users of the API to create new users and new tasks. Resource Creation Endpoints Resource creation endpoints use the POST HTTP method. The URL structure is /resources. If you wanted to create a user, it would be POST /users. If you wanted to create a task, it would be POST /tasks. The code below uses app.post to set up a POST request handler for /users. The handler function creates a new instance of the user model and saves it to the database. express.json is also setup to parse incoming JSON into a JavaScript object which you can access on req.body. app.use(express.json()) app.post('/users', (req, res) => { const user = new User(req.body) user.save().then(() => { res.send(user) }).catch((e) => { res.status(400).send(e) }) }) Lesson 9: Resource Creation Endpoints: Part II In this lesson, it’s on you to set up a new endpoint for creating tasks. There are no notes for this challenge video as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Version 1.0 70 Lesson 10: Resource Reading Endpoints: Part I In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create REST API endpoints for reading resources. This will allow users of the API to fetch users and tasks from the database. Resource Reading Endpoints Resource reading endpoints use the GET HTTP method. The URL structure is /resources for a list of resources and /resources/:id for fetching an individual resource by its ID. If you wanted to fetch all your tasks, it would be GET /tasks. If you wanted to fetch an individual task with the ID of 198, it would be GET /tasks/198. The code below uses app.get to set up a GET request handler for /users/:id. :id serves as a placeholder for the ID of the user to fetch. If the request is GET /users/321, then the ID will be 321. This is known as a URL parameter, and you can access the value for URL parameters on req.params. app.get('/users/:id', (req, res) => { const _id = req.params.id // Access the id provided User.findById(_id).then((user) => { if (!user) { return res.status(404).send() } res.send(user) }).catch((e) => { res.status(500).send() }) }) Documentation Links • Express route parameters Lesson 11: Resource Reading Endpoints: Part II In this lesson, it’s on you to create REST API endpoints for fetching tasks out of the database. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Version 1.0 71 Lesson 12: Promise Chaining In this lesson, you’ll explore promise chaining. Promise chaining is a syntax that allows you to chain together multiple asynchronous tasks in a specific order. This is great for complex code where one asynchronous task needs to be performed after the completion of a different asynchronous task. Promise Chaining To demonstrate promise chaining, the following function will be used to simulate an asynchronous task. In reality, it’s just adding up a couple of numbers, waiting two seconds, and fulfilling the promise with the sum. const add = (a, b) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { if (a < 0 || b < 0) { return reject('Numbers must be non-negative') } resolve(a + b) }, 2000) }) } With the dummy asynchronous function defined, promise chaining can be used to call add twice. The code below adds up 1 and 2 for a total of 3. It then uses the sum of 3 as the input for another call to add. The second call to add adds up 3 and 4 for a total of 7. Promise chaining occurs when the then callback function returns a promise. This allows you to chain on another then call which will run when the second promise is fulfilled. catch can still be called to handle any errors that might occur along the way. Version 1.0 72 add(1, 2).then((sum) => { console.log(sum) // Will print 3 return add(sum, 4) }).then((sum2) => { console.log(sum2) // Will print 7 }).catch((e) => { console.log(e) }) Lesson 13: Promise Chaining Challenge In this lesson, it’s on you to use promise chaining to complete a programming challenge. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 14: Async/Await In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use async and await. These provide an improved syntax for working with promises. You’ll be able to write complex asynchronous code that looks like normal synchronous code. This makes it much easier to write and maintain asynchronous code. Exploring Async/Await The example below uses the add function that was created two lessons ago. The first step to using async and await is to create an asynchronous function. This is done using the async keyword before the function definition. This can be seen in the definition of doWork below. Any function can be defined as an asynchronous function, not just arrow functions. With an async function in place, you can now use the await operator. The await operator can only be used inside of asynchronous functions. This removes the need for excess callbacks and makes code much easier to read. The await operator is used with promises in asynchronous functions. You can see this used three times in doWork. The await operator allows you to work with promises in a way that looks like synchronous code. If the promise is fulfilled, the fulfilled value can be accessed as the return value from the function. If the promise is rejected, it would be as though the function threw an error. await will pause the function execution until the promise is either fulfilled or rejected. Version 1.0 73 It’s important to note that async and await are syntax enhancements for working with promises. Promises are still at the core of asynchronous code that uses async and await. const doWork = async () => { const sum = await add(1, 99) const sum2 = await add(sum, 50) const sum3 = await add(sum2, 3) return sum3 } doWork().then((result) => { console.log('result', result) }).catch((e) => { console.log('e', e) }) Documentation Links • mdn: async function • mdn: await operator Lesson 15: Async/Await: Part II In this lesson, it’s up to you to use async and await with the Mongoose library. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 16: Integrating Async/Await In this lesson, you’ll be integrating async and await into the Express route handlers. Integrating Async/Await Below is a modified version of GET /users. The handler function was set up as an asynchronous function which allows you to use await in the function. await is used with the promise from User.find to get a list of all the users without needing to call then and catch with handler functions. A try/catch statement is also used to handle any errors that might occur. Version 1.0 74 app.get('/users', async (req, res) => { try { const users = await User.find({}) res.send(users) } catch (e) { res.status(500).send() } }) Lesson 17: Resource Updating Endpoints: Part I In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create REST API endpoints for updating resources. This will allow users of the API to update users and tasks that are already in the database. Resource Updating Endpoints Resource updating endpoints use the PATCH HTTP method. The URL structure is /resources/:id for updating an individual resource by its ID. If you want to update an individual task with the ID of 44, it would be PATCH /tasks/44. app.patch is used to set up the Express route handler. app.patch('/users/:id', async (req, res) => { // Route handler code here }) When working with updates, it’s a good idea to alert the user if they’re trying to update something that they can’t update. The code below checks that the user is only updating fields that can be updated, otherwise it will send back an error response. const updates = Object.keys(req.body) const allowedUpdates = ['name', 'email', 'password', 'age'] const isValidOperation = updates.every((update) => allowedUpdates.includes(update)) if (!isValidOperation) { return res.status(400).send({ error: 'Invalid updates!' }) } If all goes well, the updates will be applied to the user, then a response will be sent back. Version 1.0 75 If the provided updates are valid, findByIdAndUpdate can be used to update the document in the database. Try/catch is used here to send back an error if something goes wrong when updating the user. This would include the new data not passing the validation defined for the model. try { const user = await User.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, req.body, { new: true, runValidators: true }) if (!user) { return res.status(404).send() } res.send(user) } catch (e) { res.status(400).send(e) } Lesson 18: Resource Updating Endpoints: Part II In this lesson, it’s on you to create REST API endpoints for deleting tasks out of the database. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 19: Resource Deleting Endpoints In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up a REST API endpoint for deleting resources. This video covers deleting users as well as a challenge for deleting tasks. Deleting Resources Resource deleting endpoints use the DELETE HTTP method. The URL structure is /resources/:id for deleting an individual resource by its ID. If you want to delete an individual task with the ID of 897, it would be DELETE /tasks/897. app.delete is used to set up the Express route handler. Version 1.0 76 app.delete('/users/:id', async (req, res) => { // Route handler }) The handler itself can delete the resource using findByIdAndDelete. try { const user = await User.findByIdAndDelete(req.params.id) if (!user) { return res.status(404).send() } res.send(user) } catch (e) { res.status(500).send() } Lesson 20: Separate Route Files In this lesson, you’ll learn how to organize your Express application endpoints. Defining all endpoints in a single file is a fine way to get started, but that won’t scale well as you add more routes to the app. Creating Separate Routers Express allows you to create as many routers as you want. These separate routers can then be combined into a single Express application. You can create a new router using express.Router as shown below. The example file below creates the router, adds routes, and exports the router from the file. const router = new express.Router() router.post('/someEndpoint', (req, res) => { // Do something }) module.exports = router The router defined in the file above can be added into the Express application in index.js. This is done by loading the router in with require and then passing the router Version 1.0 77 to app.use. You can set up as many routers as you need for your application, though it’s common to have a router for each distinct resource your REST API has. // Register with existing application app.use(router) Documentation Links • express.Router Section 12: API Authentication and Security Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll set up authentication for the task manager app. This will require users to log in before they’ll be able to manage their tasks. This section also covers password security, Express middleware, and more. Lesson 2: Securely Storing Passwords: Part I In this lesson, you’ll learn how to securely store user passwords by hashing and salting the password before storing it in the database. Hashing Passwords Storing plain text passwords is a bad idea. Most folks reuse password for multiple accounts online. That means if your database gets compromised, the hacker can reuse those credentials on other sites such as credit cards or bank accounts. We don’t want to leave our users open to further attacks. The solution is to hash passwords using a secure one-way hashing algorithm. Users passwords will stay hidden and secure, even if the database is compromised. Hashing Passwords with Bcrypt First up, install the library. Version 1.0 78 npm i bcryptjs@2.4.3 The hash method can be used to hash the plain text password. The example below hashes the password “Red12345!”. const password = 'Red12345!' const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 8) // The hashed password is what would be stored in the database The compare method is used to compare a plain text password against a previously hashed password. This would be useful when logging in. The user logging in provides the plain text password for their account. The application fetches the hashed password from the database for that user. compare is then called to confirm it’s a match. const isMatch = await bcrypt.compare('red12345!', hashedPassword) console.log(isMatch) Documentation Links • npm: bcryptjs Lesson 3: Securely Storing Passwords: Part II In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use Mongoose middleware. Middleware will allow you to automatically hash a user’s password before the user is saved to the database. Mongoose Middleware Middleware allows you to register some code to run before or after a lifecycle event for your model. As an example, you could use middleware to register some code to run just after a user is deleted. You could also use middleware to register some code to run just before the user is saved. This can be used to hash passwords just before saving users to the database. The example below calls pre with the 'save' lifecycle event. This registers a function to run just before users are saved. The function itself checks if the password has been altered. If the password has been altered, the plain text password is overwritten with a hashed version. Version 1.0 79 userSchema.pre('save', async function (next) { const user = this if (user.isModified('password')) { user.password = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, 8) } next() }) Documentation Links • Mongoose middleware Lesson 4: Logging in Users In this lesson, you’ll set up the ability for users to log into their existing accounts. Logging in Users Logging in a user is a two-step process. The user provides their email and password, and the first thing to do is fetch the user by their email. From there, bcrypt is used to verify the password provided matches the hashed password stored in the database. If either step fails, the users won’t be able to log in. If both steps succeed, then you know the user is who they say they are. The code below sets up findByCredentials which finds a user by their email and password. Version 1.0 80 userSchema.statics.findByCredentials = async (email, password) => { const user = await User.findOne({ email }) if (!user) { throw new Error('Unable to login') } const isMatch = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.password) if (!isMatch) { throw new Error('Unable to login') } return user } You can then call findByCredentials from you application when users need to login. The example below shows how this can be done. const user = await User.findByCredentials(req.body.email, req.body.password) Lesson 5: JSON Web Tokens In this lesson, you’ll explore JWTs (JSON Web Tokens). JWTs provide a nice system for issuing and validating authentication tokens. The authentication token will ensure that the client doesn’t need to log in every time they want to perform an operation on the server. JSON Web Tokens First up, install the library. npm i jsonwebtoken@8.4.0 The sign method can be used to generate a new token. sign accepts three arguments: The first is the data to embed in the token: This needs to include a unique identifier for the user. The second is a secret phrase: This is used to issue and validate tokens, ensuring that the token data hasn’t been tampered with. Version 1.0 81 The third is a set of options: The example below uses expiresIn to create a token that’s valid for seven days. const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken') const token = jwt.sign({ _id: 'abc123' }, 'thisismynewcourse', { expiresIn: '7 days' }) Tokens can be issued to users when they sign up or log in to the application. These can then be stored on the data and used to authenticate the user when they perform other options. The server can verify the token using verify. This requires two arguments: The first is the token to validate. The second is the secret phrase that the token was created with. If valid, the embedded data will be returned. This would allow the server to figure out which user is performing the operation. const data = jwt.verify(token, 'thisismynewcourse') // data._id contains the user id of the user that owns this token Lesson 6: Generating Authentication Tokens In this lesson, you’ll integrate JWTs into the application. This will allow the app to issue an authentication token when a user signs up or logs in. Generating and Storing Auth Tokens Authentication tokens for a user can be stored in the database. This provides a way for users to log out. All generated authentication tokens will be stored as part of the user profile. If a user logs out, that token will be removed from the user profile. A token would only be considered valid if it’s a valid JWT and it’s still stored as part of the user profile. A user could be logged out of all session by simply deleting all the tokens stored in their user profile. The snippet below adds a tokens array onto the user model. This will be used to store all valid authentication tokens for a user. Version 1.0 82 // Other properties and options omitted for brevity const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ tokens: [{ token: { type: String, required: true } }] }) The instance method below is responsible for generating new authentication tokens. The token is created, stored in the database, and finally returned from the function. userSchema.methods.generateAuthToken = async function () { const user = this const token = jwt.sign({ _id: user._id.toString() }, 'thisismynewcourse') user.tokens = user.tokens.concat({ token }) await user.save() return token } generateAuthToken can then be called to generate a fresh authentication token when users sign up or log in. const token = await user.generateAuthToken() Lesson 7: Express Middleware In this lesson, you’ll explore Express middleware. When working with middleware, you’ll have more control over how your server processes requests. This will be used to check that a user is authenticated before performing specific operations. Exploring Express Middleware Express middleware is nothing more than a function that runs as Express handles a given request. You can customize the function to do whatever you want it to do, and you can have it run whenever you want it to. Version 1.0 83 The example below uses middleware to print information about incoming requests. Middleware functions should accept three parameters: req, res, and next. The only new parameter is next. next is called to signal to Express that the middleware function is done. const loggerMiddleware = (req, res, next) => { console.log('New request to: ' + req.method + ' ' + req.path) next() } // Register the function as middleware for the application app.use(loggerMiddleware) Documentation Links • Express middleware Lesson 8: Accepting Authentication Tokens In this lesson, you’ll use Express middleware to put specific routes behind authentication. That will require the client to be authenticated before the operation can be performed. Accepting and Validating Tokens The goal of the authentication middleware is to validate the authentication token and then fetch the profile for that user. auth below shows how you can get this done. Notice that the user profile is added onto req.user. This allows route handler functions to access the user profile without needing to fetch it again. Version 1.0 84 const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken') const User = require('../models/user') const auth = async (req, res, next) => { try { const token = req.header('Authorization').replace('Bearer ', '') const decoded = jwt.verify(token, 'thisismynewcourse') const user = await User.findOne({ _id: decoded._id, 'tokens.token': token }) if (!user) { throw new Error() } req.user = user next() } catch (e) { res.status(401).send({ error: 'Please authenticate.' }) } } module.exports = auth The authentication middleware can be added to individual endpoints to lock them down. This is shown with GET /users/me below. auth is added as the second argument to router.get, meaning that it will run before the route handler function runs. This will ensure the user is authenticated. router.get('/users/me', auth, async (req, res) => { res.send(req.user) }) Lesson 9: Advanced Postman In this lesson, you’ll explore Postman environments. Environments make it easy to manage your requests and authentication without having to manually add authentication tokens to the individual requests. There are no notes for this video. Refer to the video to learn how to set up Postman environments. Lesson 10: Logging Out In this lesson, it’s your job to give users a way to log out of the app. Version 1.0 85 There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 11: Hiding Private Data In this lesson, you’ll learn how to limit what data gets sent to the client. This will allow you to hide authentication tokens and hashed passwords from server responses. Hiding Private Data When a Mongoose document is passed to res.send, Mongoose converts the object into JSON. You can customize this by adding toJSON as a method on the object. The method below removes the password and tokens properties before sending the response back. userSchema.methods.toJSON = function () { const user = this const userObject = user.toObject() delete userObject.password delete userObject.tokens return userObject } Lesson 12: Authenticating User Endpoints In this lesson, you’ll be adding authentication to the other user endpoints. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 13: The User/Task Relationship In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create a relationship between a user and tasks. This will make it possible to know which tasks a user created. Mongoose Relationships To set up the relationship, both the user and task model will be changed. First up, a new field needs to be added onto the task. This will store the ID of the user who created it. Version 1.0 86 // Other properties and options omitted for brevity const Task = mongoose.model('Task', { owner: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true, ref: 'User' } }) Next, a virtual property needs to be added onto the user. The code below adds a tasks field onto users that can be used to fetch the tasks for a given user. It’s a virtual property because users in the database won’t have a tasks field. It’s a reference to the task data stored in the separate collection. userSchema.virtual('tasks', { ref: 'Task', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'owner' }) With the relationship configured, tasks can be created with an owner value. The code below shows how you can fetch the owner of a given task. const task = await Task.findById('5c2e505a3253e18a43e612e6') await task.populate('owner').execPopulate() console.log(task.owner) The code below shows how you can fetch the tasks for a given user. const user = await User.findById('5c2e4dcb5eac678a23725b5b') await user.populate('tasks').execPopulate() console.log(user.tasks) Lesson 14: Authenticating Task Endpoints In this lesson, you’ll be setting up authentication for the other task endpoints. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Version 1.0 87 Lesson 15: Cascade Delete Tasks In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use Mongoose middleware to clean up a user’s tasks when they close their account. This will make sure that all their data is securely removed from the database. Deleting a User’s Tasks The middleware function below is registered using pre. It will run just before remove fires for the user. The function itself deletes all tasks created by that user. Now when a user closes their account, their other data will get deleted too. const Task = require('./task') // Existing code omitted for brevity userSchema.pre('remove', async function (next) { const user = this await Task.deleteMany({ owner: user._id }) next() }) Section 13: Sorting, Pagination, and Filtering Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll explore advanced techniques for fetching data. This includes sorting, filtering, and pagination. All three of these will give clients more control over what data they get back. This keeps applications fast, as they don’t need to fetch unnecessary data. Lesson 2: Working with Timestamps In this lesson, you’ll enable timestamps for your Mongoose models. Mongoose will automatically track when documents were created and updated. This is great data to have if you want to allow users to sort by when the document was created or updated. Enabling Mongoose Timestamps Schema options can be used to enable timestamps. Schema options are provided by passing an object in as the second argument to mongoose.Schema. Set timestamps to true Version 1.0 88 to have Mongoose add createdAt and updatedAt fields to the model. You don’t need to write any code to create or manage those fields, as Mongoose does all that for you. const taskSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ //Task fields omitted for brevity }, { timestamps: true }) const Task = mongoose.model('Task', taskSchema) Lesson 3: Filtering Data In this lesson, you’ll use query parameters to allow for data filtering. This will allow clients to fetch all tasks, just the complete tasks, or just the incomplete tasks. Filtering Data GET /tasks below supports a completed query parameter which can be set to true or false. This will prevent clients from fetching unnecessary data that they don’t plan on using. First up, create an object to store the search criteria. const match = {} From there, check if the query parameter was provided. The provided value should be parsed into a boolean and stored on match.completed. if (req.query.completed) { match.completed = req.query.completed === 'true' } Last up, match can be added onto populate to fetch just the users that match the search criteria. Version 1.0 89 await req.user.populate({ path: 'tasks', match }).execPopulate() Lesson 4: Paginating Data In this lesson, you’ll add pagination to the application. This will allow the client to fetch data in pages. The client can start off with the first page of data and then fetch other pages as they’re needed. Data Pagination Pagination is configured using limit and skip. These two values give the client complete control of the data they’re getting back. If a client wanted the first page of 10 tasks, limit would be set to 10 and skip would be set to 0. If the client wanted the third page of 10 tasks, limit would be set to 10 and skip would be set to 20. Both limit and skip can be added onto the options object passed to populate. The code below uses parseInt to convert the string query parameters into numbers first. await req.user.populate({ path: 'tasks', match, options: { limit: parseInt(req.query.limit), skip: parseInt(req.query.skip) } }).execPopulate() Lesson 5: Sorting Data In this lesson, you’ll add sorting to the application. Clients will be able to fetch the data back in any order they like. Sorting Data The options object used for pagination can also be used for sorting. A sort property should be set, which is an object containing key/value pairs. The key is the field to sort. The value is 1 for ascending and -1 for descending sorting. Version 1.0 90 GET /tasks will get support for a sortBy query parameter. The value should include the field to sort and the order in which to sort. createdAt:asc would sort the tasks in ascending order with the oldest first. createdAt:asc would sort the tasks in a descending order with the newest first. Start with an empty object to store the sorting options. const sort = {} If the query parameter is provided, it’ll get parsed and sort will be updated. if (req.query.sortBy) { const parts = req.query.sortBy.split(':') sort[parts[0]] = parts[1] === 'desc' ? -1 : 1 } sort is then added onto options. If sortBy isn’t provided, sort will be an empty object and no sorting will occur. await req.user.populate({ path: 'tasks', match, options: { limit: parseInt(req.query.limit), skip: parseInt(req.query.skip), sort } }).execPopulate() Section 14: File Uploads Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll learn how to configure Node.js to support file uploads. This will allow users to upload documents, profile pictures, and any other file type you might need to support. You’ll also see what it takes to store the uploaded files in MongoDB. Version 1.0 91 Lesson 2: Adding Support for File Uploads In this lesson, you’ll set up multer. Multer is a library in the Express ecosystem that allows your Express application to easily support file uploads. It couldn’t be easier. Configuing Multer First up, install the library. npm i multer@1.4.1 Multer can then be configured to fit your specific needs. The example below shows off a basic configuration where dest is set to avatars. This will store all uploaded files in a directory called avatars. const multer = require('multer') const upload = multer({ dest: 'avatars' }) Multer is then added as middleware for the specific endpoint that should allow for file uploads. The route below is expecting a single avatar field on the submitted form. router.post('/users/me/avatar', upload.single('avatar'), (req, res) => { res.send() }) Documentation Links • npm: multer Lesson 3: Validating File Uploads In this lesson, you’ll learn how to validate file uploads. This will allow you to reject files that are too large or files of the wrong type. Validating Multer Uploads The multer configuration below adds these two types of validation. Version 1.0 92 limits.fileSize is set to limit the file size in bytes. The configuration below uses 1,000,000 bytes which is equivalent to 1 megabyte. fileFilter is set to validate the file type. The method below will reject all documents that don’t have either .doc or .docx file extensions. This same technique could be used to limit uploads to just images, PDFs, or any other file type. const upload = multer({ dest: 'images', limits: { fileSize: 1000000 }, fileFilter(req, file, cb) { if (!file.originalname.match(/\.(doc|docx)$/)) { return cb(new Error('Please upload a Word document')) } cb(undefined, true) } }) Lesson 4: Validation Challenge In this lesson, you’ll add validation to avatar uploads. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 5: Handling Express Errors In this lesson, you’ll customize the errors that multer provides. This will give you complete control of what sort of response the client gets when their upload is rejected. Handling Express Errors You can handle errors from middleware function by providing a function to Express. As shown below, a new function is passed as the final argument to router.post. This function accepts error, req, res, and next. This call signature lets Express know the function is designed to handle errors. The function itself sends back a JSON response with the error message from multer. Version 1.0 93 router.post('/users/me/avatar', upload.single('avatar'), (req, res) => { res.send() }, (error, req, res, next) => { res.status(400).send({ error: error.message }) }) Lesson 6: Adding Images to the User Profile In this lesson, you’ll learn how to associate the uploaded avatar with the users account. Adding Images to the User Profile A new field needs to be added to the user model to store the avatar image data. The snippet below adds avatar on the user with the type of Buffer. The Buffer type should be used when storing binary data, which is exactly the type of data that multer provides. // Existing code omitted for brevity const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ avatar: { type: Buffer } }) The avatar upload route will be able to change the user profile data, so the route should be put behind authentication. The handler function grabs the binary data and stores it on the avatar field. Finally, the changes are saved. router.post('/users/me/avatar', auth, upload.single('avatar'), async (req, res) => { req.user.avatar = req.file.buffer await req.user.save() res.send() }, (error, req, res, next) => { res.status(400).send({ error: error.message }) }) Lesson 7: Serving up Files In this lesson, you’ll learn how to serve up user profile images. These images will be served up as if they were static assets for the application. Version 1.0 94 Serving up Files Serving up the user avatars will require two pieces of data from the server. The first is the image data, and the second is the Content-Type header. The image data is stored on the user profile. The header should be set equal to image/png which lets the client know they’re getting a PNG image back. The route below fetches the image data and sets the Content-Type header for the response. The URL could be visited to view the profile picture. router.get('/users/:id/avatar', async (req, res) => { try { const user = await User.findById(req.params.id) if (!user || !user.avatar) { throw new Error() } res.set('Content-Type', 'image/jpg') res.send(user.avatar) } catch (e) { res.status(404).send() } }) Lesson 8: Auto-Cropping and Image Formatting In this lesson, you’ll learn how to resize and format images. This will let you create uniform sizes and file types for user avatars. Auto-Cropping and Image Formatting First up, install the npm library. npm i sharp@0.21.1 Now, sharp can be used to manipulate uploaded images. Before the image data is added onto the user profile, the data should be passed through sharp. The example below uses resize to resize all uploads to 250 by 250 pixels. The example also uses png to convert all images to portable network graphics. Lastly, toBuffer is used to retrieve the modified image data. The modified data is what should be saved in the database. Version 1.0 95 const sharp = require('sharp') const buffer = await sharp(req.file.buffer).resize({ width: 250, height: 250 }).png().toBuffer() Documentation Links • npm: sharp Section 15: Sending Emails Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll add email sending to your Node.js application! This will allow you to communicate with users as they use the app. This could be useful for welcome emails, notifications, and more! Lesson 2: Exploring SendGrid In this lesson, you’ll integrate SendGrid into your Node app. SendGrid is one of many services that allow you to send emails from your application code. Exploring SendGrid First up, install the module. npm i sendgrid/mail@6.3.1 Next, create a free SendGrid account and get your API key. Check out the lesson video to learn how to get your API key. The code below shows what’s necessary to get the SendGrid module configured. All you need to do is call setApiKey to… well… set your API key. Version 1.0 96 const sgMail = require('@sendgrid/mail') sgMail.setApiKey('SG.EPCyKzFZT6yUHXzuxdU4tQ.d60AWJbSwkMAplANUtf1Vx47t9TFLSLMv QzmN4tYEuM') send can be called to send an email from your application. The configuration object can be used to provide: • to - Who is the email to? • from - Who is the email from? • subject - What’s the subject line of the email? • text - What’s the body of the email. sgMail.send({ to: 'andrew@mead.io', from: 'andrew@mead.io', subject: 'This is my first creation!', text: 'I hope this one actually get to you.' }) In the long term, you’ll want to purchase a custom domain and register it with SendGrid. This will increase your sending reliability. Documentation Links • SendGrid Lesson 3: Sending Welcome and Cancelation Emails In this lesson, you’ll be sending email to users when they sign up or cancel their account. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 4: Environment Variables In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use environment variables to securely store API keys and other credentials. This will reduce the chance your private keys fall into the wrong hands. Environment Variables First up, install the npm module. Version 1.0 97 npm i env-cmd@8.0.2 Next up, create an environment file dev.env in the config directory. This will store your environment variables in the following format. KEY=value ANOTHER_KEY=some other value Next, update the dev script to use env-cmd to load in those environment variables when it starts up. That would be env-cmd ./config/dev.env nodemon src/index.js. Now, you can remove API keys and database credentials from the application itself. For example, you can create MONGODB_URL in the development environment file. The application code shown below can then reference that environment variable to get its value. This can be done with the SendGrid API key and the JWT secret used to generate and verify authentication tokens. mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGODB_URL, { useNewUrlParser: true, useCreateIndex: true, useFindAndModify: false }) Documentation Links • npm: env-cmd Lesson 5: Creating a Production MongoDB Database In this lesson, you’ll set up a production MongoDB database using MongoDB Atlas. Atlas is the official MongoDB hosting platform released by the MongoDB organization. Please refer to the video for the detailed steps required to set up the production database. Lesson 6: Heroku Deployment In this lesson, you’ll deploy the task manager API to Heroku. Version 1.0 98 Heroku Deployment You already know how to deploy Node.js applications to Heroku. The only difference with this application is that your custom environment variables need to be configured on Heroku too. This doesn’t include PORT, as that’s managed by Heroku. The command below is used to set an environment variable. heroku config:set KEY=VALUE A variation of that command can be used to fetch all the environment variables currently configured. heroku config Lastly, you can delete an environment variable as shown here. heroku config:unset KEY Section 16: Testing Node.js Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll learn how to test your Node.js applications. Setting up an automated test suite makes it easy to check that your application is always working as expected. Lesson 2: Jest Testing Framework In this lesson, you’ll set up the Jest testing framework. Jest gives you everything you need to create a test suite for your Node.js applications. Setting up Jest First up, install the module. Version 1.0 99 npm i jest@23.6.0 Next, create a test script in package.json. The script itself is jest. This allows you to use npm test to run the Jest test suite. Now, you’ll need to create a test suite. This is a file in your project that ends with .test.js. The file extension allows Jest to find and run the test suites for your project. Creating a Test Case You can add a test case to a test suite using the test function. Jest provides various functions as global variables in your test suite files. test is one of them. The first argument to test is the name of your test case. The second argument to test is the test function itself. If the test function throws an error, the test cast will fail. If the test function doesn’t throw an error, the test case will pass. The test case below would always pass, as no error is thrown. test('Hello world!', () => { }) The test case below would always fail, as it throws an error. test('This should fail', () => { throw new Error('Failure!') }) Documentation Links • Jest Lesson 3: Writing Tests and Assertions In this lesson, you’ll add assertions to your test cases. Assertions allow you check if a given value is what you’re expecting or not. Version 1.0 100 Testing a Function For this example, let’s test the calculateTip function shown below. All it does is calculate the tip for your restaurant bill. const calculateTip = (total, tipPercent = .25) => total + (total * tipPercent) module.exports = { calculateTip } The test suite below has a single test case for the calculateTip function. The test case itself calculates a 30% tip on a $10 restaurant bill. The assertion checks that the calculated total equals $13. The assertion is made using toBe to check for equality. const { calculateTip } = require('../src/math') test('Should calculate total with tip', () => { const total = calculateTip(10, .3) expect(total).toBe(13) }) Documentation Links • expect Lesson 4: Writing Your Own Tests In this video, it’s on you to write some new test cases using what you’ve learned so far. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 5: Testing Asynchronous Code In this lesson, you’ll learn how to test asynchronous code. This will be necessary to test the Express API endpoints. Testing Asynchronous Code The two test cases below test the asynchronous add function you created earlier in the course. Both test cases add up 2 and 3 and assert that the total is 5. Version 1.0 101 The callback function for the first test case accepts a done parameter. This lets Jest know that the test function contains asynchronous code. Jest won’t determine if the test passed or failed until done is called. In the example below, then is called to run some code after the numbers are added. This is where the assertion is added and it’s where done is called. test('Should add two numbers', (done) => { add(2, 3).then((sum) => { expect(sum).toBe(5) done() }) }) Your test cases can use async/await as well. The test case below is a refactored version of the test case above. The test case function is defined with async. await is used in the function to ensure that Jest waits for those asynchronous tasks to complete. Both test cases are functionally identical. test('Should add two numbers async/await', async () => { const sum = await add(2, 3) expect(sum).toBe(3) }) Lesson 6: Testing an Express Application: Part I In this lesson, you’ll set up the Express API to be easily testable. This involves settings up a test environment as well as configuring Jest to work with Node. Creating a Test Environment Creating the test environment requires test.env to be added to the config directory. The contents will be identical to dev.env, with the exception of the MongoDB connection string. The test environment should use a separate database such as task-manager-apitest. This will prevent the test cases from messing with development data. With the environment in place, update the test script to load the environment file in. That would be env-cmd ./config/test.env jest --watch --runInBand. Configuring Jest By default, Jest is expecting to run in the browser. You can use Jest with Node, but you’ll need to configure Jest to enable support. Jest can be configured by adding a jest Version 1.0 102 property in package.json. The configuration below sets testEnvironment to node to ensure that Jest runs correctly in Node.js. { "jest": { "testEnvironment": "node" } } Documentation Links • Configuring Jest Lesson 7: Testing an Express Application: Part II In this lesson, you’ll add tests for the Express API. Each test case will focus on testing a specific endpoint, making assertions about the response from the server. Testing with Supertest Supertest was created by the Express team to allow you to easily test your Express apps. First up, install the module. npm i supertest@3.4.1 Now, supertest can be used to test an endpoint. The test case below tests that new users can sign up for accounts. All the account data provided is valid, so a new account should be created. Step one is to pass the express app to request. Next, supertest methods can be chained together to fit the needs of your tests. post is used to make an HTTP POST request to /users. send is used to send the correct JSON data to the server. expect is used to assert that the response status code is correct. In this case, a successful signup should result in a 201 status code. Version 1.0 103 const request = require('supertest') const app = require('../src/app') test('Should signup a new user', async () => { await request(app).post('/users').send({ name: 'Andrew', email: 'andrew@example.com', password: 'MyPass777!' }).expect(201) }) Documentation Links • npm: supertest Lesson 8: Jest Setup and Teardown In this lesson, you’ll configure Jest to add test data into the database. This will allow you to test operations that require existing data, such as the login operation. You can’t log in if there isn’t a user account in the database to login to. Seeding Database Jest provides lifecycle functions that you can use to configure your test suite. There are four: 1. beforeEach - Run some code before each test case 2. afterEach - Run some code after each test case 3. before - Run some code once before the tests run 4. after - Run some code once after the tests run beforeEach works great for adding test data to the database. The beforeEach call below removes all users and then adds a single test user into the database. By having this run before each test case, it ensures that the tests run in a consistent environment each time they execute. Version 1.0 104 const User = require('../src/models/user') const userOne = { name: 'Mike', email: 'mike@example.com', password: '56what!!' } beforeEach(async () => { await User.deleteMany() await new User(userOne).save() }) With the test user in place, the test case below is able to test the login operation by logging in as the test user. test('Should login existing user', async () => { await request(app).post('/users/login').send({ email: userOne.email, password: userOne.password }).expect(200) }) Documentation Links • Jest setup and teardown Lesson 9: Testing with Authentication In this lesson, you’ll learn how to test API endpoints that sit behind authentication. Testing with Authentication The goal is to test operations that require authentication. This means an authentication token will need to be passed along with the request. Step one is to create an authentication token for the test user. Version 1.0 105 const userOneId = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId() const userOne = { _id: userOneId, name: 'Mike', email: 'mike@example.com', password: '56what!!', tokens: [{ token: jwt.sign({ _id: userOneId }, process.env.JWT_SECRET) }] } From there, the authentication token can be added as part of the supertest request. Supertest provides a set method for setting request headers. The test case below attempts to fetch the user profile for the logged-in user. test('Should get profile for user', async () => { await request(app) .get('/users/me') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${userOne.tokens[0].token}`) .send() .expect(200) }) Lesson 10: Advanced Assertions In this lesson, it’s up to you to write some test cases on your own. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 11: Mocking Libraries In this lesson, you’ll learn how to mock npm modules. Jest lets you mock npm modules so you can override module functionality in your test environment. Mocking SendGrid You can mock an npm module by creating a __mocks__ directory in the tests folder. A module can be mocked by creating a file in the __mocks__ folder. The file name should match up with the module name, so tests/__mocks__/express.js can be used to mock the Express library. If the npm module uses a scope like @sendgrid/mail, then a @sendgrid folder would be created with a mail.js file inside. Version 1.0 106 The job of the mock file is to provide mocked versions of the library features. The SendGrid mock below defines and exports setApiKey and send. This ensures that our code still works even though emails will no longer be sent for the tests. module.exports = { setApiKey() { }, send() { } } Lesson 12: Wrapping up User Tests In this lesson, it’s your job to finalize the user tests. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 13: Setup Task Test Suite In this lesson, you’ll be refactoring the user test suite. These changes will makes it possible to test the task operations too. Refer to the video for refactoring instructions. The refactoring requires lots of code to be shifted between files, which is a little more than could be covered in this guide. Lesson 14: Testing with Task Data In this lesson, you’ll be writing some test cases for tasks. Testing with Task Data Testing tasks will require that some test tasks exist in the database. Like with users, tasks can be added to the database using beforeEach. The test case below fetches all tasks for the user. It also asserts that the status code is a 200 and the tasks are sent back correctly. Version 1.0 107 test('Should fetch user tasks', async () => { const response = await request(app) .get('/tasks') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${userOne.tokens[0].token}`) .send() .expect(200) expect(response.body.length).toEqual(2) }) Lesson 15: Bonus: Extra Test Ideas In this lesson, we’ll go over some other test cases you could add to the application. You can find the list of optional test cases at https://links.mead.io/extratests. Section 17: Real-Time Web Applications with Socket.io Lesson 1: Section Intro In this section, you’ll learn how to create real-time web applications with Node. The nonblocking nature of Node makes it well-suited for real-time applications such as chat apps, social media apps, and more. Lesson 2: Creating the Chat App Project In this lesson, it’s on you to set up the chat application web server. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 3: WebSockets In this lesson, you’ll learn about the WebSocket protocol. The WebSocket protocol supports real-time bi-direction communication, which makes it a great fit for the chat application. This lesson contains a detailed presentation. Please refer to the video for a recap of WebSockets. Version 1.0 108 Lesson 4: Getting Started with Socket.io In this lesson, you’ll install and configure Socket.io. Socket.io comes with everything needed to set up a WebSocket server using Node. Setting up Socket.io First up, install the module. npm i socket.io@2.20 Socket.io can be used on its own or with Express. Since the chat application will be serving up client-side assets, both Express and Socket.io will get set up. The server file below shows how to get this done. Version 1.0 109 const const const const path = require('path') http = require('http') express = require('express') socketio = require('socket.io') // Create the Express application const app = express() // Create the HTTP server using the Express app const server = http.createServer(app) // Connect socket.io to the HTTP server const io = socketio(server) const port = process.env.PORT || 3000 const publicDirectoryPath = path.join(__dirname, '../public') app.use(express.static(publicDirectoryPath)) // Listen for new connections to Socket.io io.on('connection', () => { console.log('New WebSocket connection') }) server.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Server is up on port ${port}!`) The server above uses io.on which is provided by Socket.io. on allows the server to listen for an event and respond to it. In the example above, the server listens for connection which allows it to run some code when a client connects to the WebSocket server. Socket.io on the Client Socket.io is also used on the client to connect to the server. Socket.io automatically serves up /socket.io/socket.io.js which contains the client-side code. The script tags below load in the client-side library followed by a custom JavaScript file. Your client-side JavaScript can then connect to the Socket.io server by calling io. io is provided by the client-side Socket.io library. Calling this function will set up the connection, and it’ll cause the server’s connection event handler to run. Version 1.0 110 io() Documentation Links • Socket.io Lesson 5: Socket.io Events In this lesson, you’ll learn how to work with events in Socket.io. Events allow you to transfer data from the client to the server or from the server to the client. Working with Events There are two sides to every event, the sender and the receiver. If the server is the sender, then the client is the receiver. If the client is the sender, then the server is the receiver. Events can be sent from the sender using emit. Events can be received by the receiver using on. The example below shows how this pattern can be used to create a simple counter application. The following snippet contains the client-side JavaScript code. const socket = io() // Listen for "countUpdated" socket.on('countUpdated', (count) => { console.log('The count has been updated!', count) }) document.querySelector('#increment').addEventListener('click', () => { // Emit "increment socket.emit('increment') }) The client-side code uses on to listen for the countUpdated event. A message will be logged with the current count when that event is received. The client-side code also uses emit to send the increment event. This occurs when a button on the screen is clicked. The server-side code for this example is below. Version 1.0 111 let count = 0 io.on('connection', (socket) => { console.log('New WebSocket connection') socket.emit('countUpdated', count) socket.on('increment', () => { count++ io.emit('countUpdated', count) }) }) The server above is responsible for emitting countUpdated and listening for increment. New users get the current count right after they connect to the server. If a client sends increment to the server, the count is incremented and all connected clients are notified of the change. On the client, socket.emit emits an event to the server. On the server, both socket.emit and io.emit can be used. socket.emit sends an event to that specific client, while io.emit sends an event to all connected clients. Lesson 6: Socket.io Events Challenge In this lesson, it’s on you to use events to build the chat applications messaging system. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 7: Broadcasting Events In this lesson, you’ll learn how to broadcast events. Broadcasted events are sent to all connected clients, expect for the client that initiated the broadcast. Broadcasting Events Events can be broadcasted from the server using socket.broadcast.emit. This event will get sent to all sockets except the one that broadcasted the event. The code below shows this off. When a new user joins the chat application, socket.broadcast.emit is used to send a message to all other users that someone new has joined. Version 1.0 112 io.on('connection', (socket) => { socket.broadcast.emit('message', 'A new user has joined!') }) Lesson 8: Sharing Your Location In this lesson, you’ll integrate the Geolocation API into the chat app. This will allow users to share their locations in real time. Sharing Your Location The Geolocation API lets you fetch a user’s location using client-side JavaScript. Once the user gives you permission to access their location, this location can be shared with everyone else in the chat room. The code below attempts to share a user’s location with the chat room. document.querySelector('#send-location').addEventListener('click', () => { if (!navigator.geolocation) { return alert('Geolocation is not supported by your browser.') } navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => { socket.emit('sendLocation', { latitude: position.coords.latitude, longitude: position.coords.longitude }) }) }) First up, check if navigator.geolocation exists. This will determine if the browser supports geolocation. From there, navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition can be called to fetch the user’s location. The provided callback function will get called with the user’s position, which includes the latitude and longitude. With the client set up, the server can listen for the sendLocation event. When it’s received, io.emit is used to share that location with everyone in the chat room Version 1.0 113 socket.on('sendLocation', (coords) => { io.emit('message', `https://google.com/maps?q=${coords.latitude},${coords.longitude}`) }) Documentation Links • MDN: Geolocation API Lesson 9: Event Acknowledgements In this lesson, you’ll learn about event acknowledgements. This allows the receiver of an event to send a message back to the sender of the event. This is useful for error handling and data validation. Event Acknowledgements To explore acknowledgements, let’s set up the server to screen messages for profane language. The bad-words module will let you check text for profane language. npm i bad-words@3.0.0 You already know there are two sides to every event, the sender and the receiver. In the example below, the client is the one emitting the sendMessage event. The big change is the addition of the callback function. This function will run if/when the server acknowledges the event. socket.emit('sendMessage', message, (error) => { if (error) { return console.log(error) } console.log('Message delivered!') }) On the server, the event listener for sendMessage also has a small change. Aside from the message parameter, it now has access to the callback parameter. This callback function can be called on the server to trigger the acknowledgement function on the client. The callback can be called with or without data. In this example, the callback is called with an error if profane language was detected. The argument would get passed to the client Version 1.0 114 where the error could be shown. The callback is called without no arguments if no profane language was detected. This lets the client know that the message was successfully processed. socket.on('sendMessage', (message, callback) => { const filter = new Filter() if (filter.isProfane(message)) { return callback('Profanity is not allowed!') } io.emit('message', message) callback() }) Lesson 10: Form and Button States In this lesson, you’ll use a bit of DOM manipulation to provide users with a nicer experience. Form and Button States First up is the form that allows users to send a new message. This form should be disabled while messages are being sent to the server. This will prevent duplicate messages from being sent if the user was to double-click the button. The form can be disabled by setting the disabled attribute on the submit button. const $messageFormButton = $messageForm.querySelector('button') // Disable button $messageFormButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') // Enable buttons $messageFormButton.removeAttribute('disabled') The interaction with the text input can also be improved. The text input should be cleared and focused on when the form is submitted. Version 1.0 115 const $messageFormInput = $messageForm.querySelector('input') // Clear the text from the input $messageFormInput.value = '' // Shift focus back to the input $messageFormInput.focus() Lesson 11: Rendering Messages In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use a client-side templating engine to render messages to the screen. Creating a Template First up, include these in your HTML. Mustache will be used to render the messages. Moment and Qs will be used a bit later in the section. Rendering messages to the screen will require two changes to the HTML. First up, a place needs to be created on the page to store the rendered messages. Second, a template needs to be created for the messages. The template below looks like pretty standard HTML. The only addition is {{message}}. This is the syntax used to inject a value into the template. In this case, the message text will be shown inside the templates paragraph. Version 1.0 116 Rendering a Template The template can be compiled and rendered using client-side JavaScript. The snippet below renders a new instance of the message template to the screen whenever it receives a new message event. // Select the element in which you want to render the template const $messages = document.querySelector('#messages') // Select the template const messageTemplate = document.querySelector('#message-template').innerHTML socket.on('message', (message) => { // Render the template with the message data const html = Mustache.render(messageTemplate, { message }) // Insert the template into the DOM $messages.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html) }) Documentation Links • Mustache.js Lesson 12: Rendering Location Messages In this lesson, it’s on you to render a new template for shared locations. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 13: Working with Time In this lesson, you’ll learn how to work with time in JavaScript. This will allow you to show users when a given message was sent. Version 1.0 117 Working with Time Every message is going to contain a timestamp. This timestamp will represent the time when the server sent the message out to everyone in the chat application. The server will be the one to generate the timestamp, which prevents the client from lying about when a message was sent. A JavaScript timestamp is nothing more than an integer. This integer represents the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. The Unix Epoch was January 1st, 1970 at midnight, so the timestamp for the current point in time is a pretty big number. // The getTime method is used to get the timestamp const timestamp = new Date().getTime() console.log(timestamp) // Will print: 1549481884646 Once the server sends the message and timestamp to the client, the client can format the timestamp before rendering it. The Moment library provides an easy way to format timestamps to fit your needs. For the chat app, showing something like “11:48 am” works well. moment(message.createdAt).format('h:mm a') You can find a complete list of the formatting options in the documentation below. Documentation Links • Moment • Moment formatting Lesson 14: Timestamps for Location Messages In this lesson, it’s on you to add timestamps for location messages. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 15: Styling the Chat App In this lesson, you’ll add styles to the chat application. This will give it a professional and polished feel. Version 1.0 118 This lesson contains detailed instructions to apply the provided styles. Please refer to the video for a recap on working with the styles. Lesson 16: Join Page In this lesson, you’ll add a join page to the chat application. This will allow users to pick a username and join a specific chat room. Adding a Join Page Below is the HTML for the join page. This will be index.html. The HTML for the chat page will move to chat.html. This will make sure that users visit the join page when pulling up the site. Chat App Lesson 17: Socket.io Rooms In this lesson, you’ll learn how to work with rooms in Socket.io. Rooms allow you to separate users into groups, which is a great fit for the chat application. Version 1.0 119 Socket.io Rooms It’s the server’s job to add and remove users from a room. The server can add a user to a room by calling socket.join with the room name. Below, the listener for join accepts the username and the room name from the client. socket.join(room) is then called to add the user to the room they wanted to join. socket.on('join', ({ username, room }) => { // Join the room socket.join(room) // Welcome the user to the room socket.emit('message', generateMessage('Welcome!')) // Broadcast an event to everyone in the room socket.broadcast.to(room).emit('message', generateMessage(`${username} has joined!`)) }) The join listener above also calls to as part of socket.broadcast.to.emit. The to method allows an event to be emitted to a specific room. In this case, when a user joins a room, only users in that room will be notified. The to method can also be used with io to send an event to everyone in a room. // Emit a message to everyone in a specific room io.to('Center City').emit('message', generateMessage(message)) Lesson 18: Storing Users: Part I In this lesson, you’ll create functions that allow the chat application to track which users are in which rooms. There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 19: Storing Users: Part II In this lesson, you’ll continue to create functions that allow the chat application to track which users are in which rooms. Version 1.0 120 There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Lesson 20: Tracking Users Joining and Leaving In this lesson, you’ll use the functions created in the last two lessons to track users. Add and Removing Users When a user attempts to join a room, their username and room name will be passed to addUser. This will allow the application to track the user, and it’ll also allow the data to be validated. If an error occurs, that error message will be sent back to the client and the user won’t join the requests room. socket.on('join', (options, callback) => { // Validate/track user const { error, user } = addUser({ id: socket.id, ...options }) // If error, send message back to client if (error) { return callback(error) } // Else, join the room socket.join(user.room) socket.emit('message', generateMessage('Welcome!')) socket.broadcast.to(user.room).emit('message', generateMessage(`${user.username} has joined!`)) callback() }) When a user disconnects from the application, removeUser is called to remove them from the list of active users. If a user was removed, a message is sent to everyone in the chat room letting them know that someone has left. Version 1.0 121 socket.on('disconnect', () => { const user = removeUser(socket.id) if (user) { io.to(user.room).emit('message', generateMessage(`${user.username} has left!`)) } }) The server uses an acknowledgement to send errors back to the client. The client can set up the callback function and respond to any errors that might occur. If an error does occur, the snippet below shows the error message and then redirects the user back to the join page. socket.emit('join', { username, room }, (error) => { if (error) { alert(error) location.href = '/' } }) Lesson 21: Sending Messages to Rooms In this lesson, you’ll use the tracked user data to send messages to the correct rooms. Sending Messages to Room The sendLocation event listener below uses getUser to get the username and room for the user who sent the message. This allows the server to use to to emit the message to only users in that chat room. Version 1.0 122 socket.on('sendLocation', (coords, callback) => { // Get the username and room for the user const user = getUser(socket.id) // Emit the message to just that room io.to(user.room).emit('locationMessage', generateLocationMessage(user.username, `https://google.com/maps?q=${coords.latitude},${coords.longitude}`)) // Send an acknowledgement to the client callback() }) Lesson 22: Rendering User List In this lesson, you’ll set up the chat application to show a list of all active users in the sidebar. With Socket.io, this list will be updated in real time. Rendering the User List The client can only render data it has access to, so the server needs to send a list of all active users to the client. This data should be sent again whenever a user is added or removed from a chat room. getUsersInRoom is used to get a list of all users in a specific room. The server then emits roomData to all clients in that affected room letting them know to rerender their user list. // After a user joins or leaves io.to(user.room).emit('roomData', { room: user.room, users: getUsersInRoom(user.room) }) On the client-side, the sidebar template will be responsible for rendering the room name and the list of users. Rendering a list with Moustache requires a new syntax. In the template below, everything between {{#users}} and {{/users}} will be repeated for each user. In this case, the username is rendered in a list item that will show up in the sidebar. Version 1.0 123 The client-side is then able to listen for that event and render the user list to the sidebar. const sidebarTemplate = document.querySelector('#sidebar-template').innerHTML socket.on('roomData', ({ room, users }) => { const html = Mustache.render(sidebarTemplate, { room, users }) document.querySelector('#sidebar').innerHTML = html }) Lesson 23: Automatic Scrolling In this lesson, you’ll add automatic scrolling to the chat application. This lesson contains detailed instructions covering automatic scrolling. The function used to enable autoscrolling is below, but please refer to the lesson video for a recap of how it was designed. Version 1.0 124 const autoscroll = () => { // New message element const $newMessage = $messages.lastElementChild // Height of the new message const newMessageStyles = getComputedStyle($newMessage) const newMessageMargin = parseInt(newMessageStyles.marginBottom) const newMessageHeight = $newMessage.offsetHeight + newMessageMargin // Visible height const visibleHeight = $messages.offsetHeight // Height of messages container const containerHeight = $messages.scrollHeight // How far have I scrolled? const scrollOffset = $messages.scrollTop + visibleHeight if (containerHeight - newMessageHeight <= scrollOffset) { $messages.scrollTop = $messages.scrollHeight } } Lesson 24: Deploying the Chat Application In this lesson, it’s on you to deploy the chat application to production! There are no notes for this challenge video, as no new information is covered. The goal is to give you experience using what was covered in previous lessons. Version 1.0 125Join
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : XMP Core 5.4.0 Title : Creator : Andrew Mead Format : application/pdf Metadata Date : 2019:02:27 07:58:36-05:00 Create Date : 2019:02:27 07:57:47-05:00 Modify Date : 2019:02:27 07:58:36-05:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat PDFMaker 17 for Word Instance ID : uuid:0191c00c-49b9-49fb-9cbc-3b4ccd09a8c2 Subject : 5 Document ID : uuid:4bb5f6bf-b819-4d4f-a1a6-dd253fa85f74 Source Modified : D:20190227125732 Producer : Adobe PDF Library 15.0 Page Count : 125 PDF Version : 1.4 Tagged PDF : Yes Author : Andrew MeadEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools