PGDML+&+AI Student+Assessment+And+Learning+Experience+Manual

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PGDML & AI- Assessment and Learning Experience Manual
IIIT-B and UpGrad Post-Graduate Diploma Program in Machine Learning & AI

IIIT-B Assessment Policy
As a general IIIT-B assessment policy, assessments are divided into formative and summative without
too much emphasis on a single assessment. Hence, a variety of assessment formats are planned
mirroring the workplace today and the global university standards.


Group case studies will assess participants on their ability to submit quality deliverables on
large analytics projects as a team. These skills are found to be invaluable by analytics
In-module Quizzes, individual assignments and exams will assess participants on conceptual
Class participation via Discussion Forum allows one to learn faster by clearing peer doubts as
well as accelerates learning for the overall cohort.

The academic committee regularly deliberates on the academic structure and the grading elements of
the program and it holds the right to change any components of it. Any changes to the grading
elements or the academic structure of the program will be communicated to the learners in advance.
It is recommended that participants focus on learning as opposed to solely focusing on assessment
scores. Given that it is a Post-Graduate program, participants are expected to do research on their
own during the learning process and deal with ambiguous assessment scenarios.


Assessment Structure
Assessment Components and Respective Weights
The Post-Graduate Diploma program comprises of 5 different assessment components. Their
distribution and weightage:
Type of


No. per course



Graded MCQs (At the end of the

Varies by course



Individual assignments

1 or 2 per course


Group Case

Group submissions of case studies

1 per course



Three proctored online exams
One 45-min exam
First: 90-min exam, with 45 min. each
per course
for courses 1 and 2
Second: 90 min exam, with 45 min each
for courses 3 and 4
Third: 90 min exam, with 45 min. each
for courses 5 and 6
Two exam slots offered per exam



Discussion forum
Points only for faculty / TA verifications
and peer up-votes
Penalty for inappropriate posts


Course 1-6



Let us take an example to understand this. Let’s say that in course 1, your marks are as given below.
Each component has been mentioned with its respective weightage in brackets.
1. Assignment (30%) - 2000/3000
2. Group Case Study (15%) - 1200/1500
3. Quizzes (20%) - 325/600
4. Exam (25%) - 21/30
5. Class Participation (10%) - 80/100
Your final percentage score will be calculated as –
{[0.3*(2000/3000)] + [0.15*(1200/1500)] + [0.20*(325/600)] + [0.25*(21/30)] + [0.1*(80/100)]} *100
= 68.33 %
Final Percentage score of all the learners is calculated in this manner and then grades are assigned to
the learners by the course faculty based on relative scores of the cohort.

Grading Policy
Grade Point Average (GPA) Computation for a Course
The marks provided for each assessment, scaled by the weight given to that assessment, add up to
the overall score for the course. Grade point average (GPA) is awarded on a 4-point scale based on
the normalized course-level scores of the entire batch. The faculty has autonomy to decide on the
grading scale based on the relative scores of the batch.
There are 10 letter grades: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, F and I. The correspondence between grades and
points (on a 4-point scale) is given below:
Letter Grade


A- B+







Grade Points


3.7 3.4


2.7 2.4




The grade ‘I’ does not carry any grade points and is interpreted as ‘Incomplete’
If a learner does not complete all the requirements for a course for a genuine reason and is found
eligible for a Grade Improvement Opportunity (GIO), the academic committee may award the grade
‘I’ (Incomplete). An ‘I’ grade must be converted to a regular letter grade by appearing for Grade
Improvement Opportunity, failing which, it is automatically converted to an ‘F’ grade.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Computation for the Program
Each of the six courses count for 6 credits each, adding up to a total of 36 credits for the program. The
GPA scores one receives for each course weighted by its respective proportion of credits, add up to the
CGPA for the entire program. The GPA is truncated (and not rounded off) at two decimal places.
For instance, if the grade points awarded to a participant are G1, G2 etc. in courses with corresponding
credits U1, U2, etc., the CGPA = (U1*G1 + U2*G2 + ....) / (U1 + U2 +…), wherein U1, U2 refer to all
courses taken up to the time of computation of CGPA.

A learner must pass each course by getting at least a D grade (1 grade point on a 4-point scale) in every
course. However, to get the PG Diploma, the Cumulative Grade Point Average or the CGPA should be
greater than 2.4. Learners are strongly recommended to put in all the effort to make sure that they are
meeting these criteria. In addition to that, a learner needs to score at least 20% in each of the
assessment elements (Quizzes, Assignments, Group Case Study, Final exams) to pass that course. If
you get a grade below D in any course or fail to score at least 20% in any of the assessment elements,
then you will fail the course and will not be eligible for the Diploma. You will however have access to
content just like your peers and will be given feedback on your submissions. You will also be eligible for
a letter of completion upon completing the program.
Grade Improvement Opportunity (GIO)
We understand that in a rare scenario, due to unforeseen circumstances one may not be able to meet
the above criteria for passing a course. We do not want such instances to make a learner ineligible for
receiving diploma. In such cases a Grade Improvement Opportunity (GIO) is given to the learner to help
them get through the program and be eligible for getting the diploma certificate.
A maximum of one GIO can be availed by a learner for exactly one course in the entire
program )
If one fails in GIO or does not appear, then they fail the course and become ineligible for
GIO will be decided by the academic committee and could be in form of a viva, online
proctored exam or any other mode of assessment as deemed fit by the Academic committee.
If one fails in more than one course then they will not be eligible for the diploma as GIO can
be given for only one course.

Code of Conduct
As stated in the Code of Conduct, plagiarism in any form for any graded individual or group
assessment is not acceptable.
Participants are not allowed to request for final solution or share solution for any graded question on
any platform. Any violation on this count will result in a zero score for that question, assignment, group
case study or exam, as the case may be. If a participant violates on this count a second time, the IIIT-B
Academic Committee will decide upon the necessary disciplinary action.
Further, any form of plagiarism and impersonation, including participants presenting others work as
their own, sharing solutions with each other, copying codes from public repositories etc. will not be
accepted. The submissions by the learners will be subjected to random plagiarism checks to ensure
compliance. Learners will also be subjected to random vivas by the concerned faculty to ensure that
the submissions have in fact been independently created by the learner or group of learners (in case of
group case studies). The IIIT-B Academic Committee has the final authority to decide upon the required
disciplinary action in case of plagiarism and impersonation.
Similarly, participant misbehaviour on any online or offline forums will not be accepted, and
participants will face appropriate disciplinary action.


Assessment and Grading Timelines
Assessment Submission Timelines
The program is structured so that the entire cohort can experience a course together. All the modules
will be made available to the learners at the beginning of each course. The participants will be given
ample time to go through the modules, assignments and the group case studies.
A calendar with all module, assignment, group case study and exam deadlines for the upcoming course
would be shared with the participant via email and would be visible on the platform calendar before
the beginning of that course. These deadlines for the respective assessments are non-negotiable
except in dire circumstances. If assignments and group case studies are submitted after these stated
deadlines, but within one week after the deadline, then they will be graded on 70% of the total marks
of the assessment (Including Quizzes, Assignments, Group Case Studies). This second deadline is also
termed as Hard deadline. Beyond Hard deadline, the obtained submissions will be graded and given
feedback but will attract a penalty of 100%. Feedback is given so as not to hamper learning but the
marks would be considered as zero for all official purposes.
Please note the all the deadlines are in IST (UTC +5.5), hence, if you are in a different time zone then
your deadline may vary according to local time. For e.g. - If you are in London and following BST (British
Summer Time) which is UTC +1 then deadline for you in local time would be 7:29:00 PM BST if the
deadline in India is 11:59:00 PM IST.
Deadline extension policy
As mentioned earlier, these deadlines are non-negotiable except under dire circumstances such as a
major health issue, work related issue etc. In such cases you may be given an extension of up to 1
week. This means that you can submit your assignment up to one week after the deadline without the
30% penalty. However, no extension will be given beyond the hard deadline (one week after the
deadline) as solutions are released the very next day. Here are the guidelines for the same
A learner can avail maximum of 2 extensions during the entire program period.
Extensions are allowed only on individual assignments. No extensions will be given for group
case study or quizzes deadlines.
No extensions will be given beyond hard deadline (one week after the deadline) as solutions
are usually released a day after the hard deadline.
To avail an extension, you must contact your respective student mentor, with a formal
request letter addressed to “Academic committee, PGDML & AI”, clearly stating the reason
for requiring extension, along with proof for the same.
The final decision to grant extension lies with the academic committee. You will be notified
by the student mentor if your request has been accepted.


Grading and Feedback Timelines
Timelines for release of solution, feedback and grades for various components is as given below:
Assessment component
Group Case Studies
Class Participation

Immediately after attempting
Within 1 week of Hard deadline*
Within 1 week of Hard deadline
Solution is not released
Not applicable
Not applicable

Within 2 week of Hard deadline
Within 2 week of Hard deadline
Within 2 week of Hard deadline
Within 3 weeks of the last Exam
Within 3 weeks of the last Exam
Within 3 weeks of the last Exam

*Hard deadline- refers to the deadline one week after the actual deadline during which 70% penalty is
levied on submissions.
Once these scores are available, each participant can access them on their Individual Performance
Profile on the platform.
The GPA and cumulative GPA will be available only after the first 2 courses, as the exam is held jointly
for the first 2 courses.
Participants will receive immediate feedback for Quizzes. Ideal solutions for assignments and group
case studies will be available for download within one week of the final submission deadline of an
assessment. Qualitative feedback will be provided along with the scores only for group case studies
and assignments.

Guidelines for re-evaluation
1. The re-evaluation request (if any) should be submitted within 3 days of declaration of the
results. For e.g.: if results were declared on 13/06/2018, then the requests for re-evaluation
made till 16/06/2018 (end of day) will be considered.
2. Learner will be able to request for the re-evaluation on the learning platform itself.
3. A learner may request for re-evaluation of his assignment claiming discrepancy of marks (when
compared with the ideal solution). In such cases, the learner should clearly point out the
specific portion (Q. No.) of the assignment that is required to be re-evaluated plus remarks
regarding the claimed discrepancy. Requests that do not have all this information or are very
generic / vague in nature will be flagged as invalid and not be considered. Note: If the claim for
discrepancy of marks holds invalid, the learner will be awarded a penalty of 15% points (of
the total points)
4. A re-evaluation request claiming discrepancy of marks (when compared with other learner’s
graded assignment) is highly discouraged and will NOT be considered for re-evaluation. Note: If
any such requests are made, the learner will be awarded a penalty of 15% points (of the total
5. A re-evaluation request of an assignment which has been uploaded after the hard deadline will
not be considered and is highly discouraged.
6. All re-evaluation requests will be responded anytime up to 3 weeks after the re-evaluation


Class Participation- Discussion Forum Process
The discussion forum is designed for participants to help create a strong learning community.
Participants are encouraged to respond to peer questions as it will also help reinforce their learning.
Participants are requested to post only academic questions on the discussion forum. Faculty and
teaching associates (TAs) will act only in response to questions directly related to the program
content and assessments. They will either verify participant answers or respond to posted questions
within 72 hours of the questions being posted.
Faculty and TAs will not take any action on general posts that are meant to facilitate discussion
among peers. Inappropriate posts that are of no learning value will be deleted and penalized.
Points are awarded only based on the quality of posts, which is measured by peer upvotes and
faculty / TA verifications, not on the quantity of posts. No points are awarded for simply posting
questions or answers. Note that faculty and TAs can verify multiple answers to the same question.
Also, one must note that points on the discussion forum do not equal to the direct marks awarded in
peer-peer participation. Faculty will assign marks to participants based on the overall performance
of the batch. Please go through the community guidelines which have been shared with you already.
Any attempts to misuse the scoring mechanism will be penalised.

Faculty and Industry Live Lectures
As part of the program, all participants can expect access to two to three live sessions per course
which will be delivered by a mix of industry professionals and academicians. However, the mix can
vary by course. The details about these live sessions will be updated on the participant calendar on
the platform or informed via email. These live sessions are an integral part of the overall learning
experience and it is highly encouraged for participants to attend and actively participate in all
As an incentive to perform well in the program, additional delight elements will be provided to topperformers of select assessment components (group case studies, assignments etc.) or to
participants who complete modules and submit assignments by recommended deadlines. These
additional incentives will be announced with the release of grades. The top performers in the
discussion forum can also expect similar incentives.

Deferral Policy
If a learner is facing severe issues in dedicating time to the course, we provide the opportunity for
the learner to defer to another batch. Learner can request for deferral ONLY ONCE and to either of
the next 2 scheduled cohorts of the same program. Learner will be required to pay a deferral fees of
10% of the program fees. The deferral request will be approved once the deferral fee is paid. Till this
is completed, the learner will be assumed to be continuing in the same cohort. Learner will start
learning on the new cohort from the point of leaving the deferred cohort. If, however, the deferral
request is raised before the issue of login - 10% deferral fees will not be charged and learner will be
deferred to the next scheduled cohort. A learner will not be allowed to defer if they are failing or
bound to fail in a course. Since, all grades till the time of deferral are carried to the batch they are
deferring to, deferring will not facilitate one in passing the Program.



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