PR03 Instructions

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February 9, 2019


Module 3 - Programming Assignment

There are general instructions on Blackboard and in the Syllabus for Programming Assignments.
These are specific instructions for this assignment. Please read it carefully and make sure you
understand what is being asked of you. Please ask questions on the discussion boards or email
me at if you do not understand something.
You must follow the directions exactly or you will get a 0 on the assignment.
You must submit your assignment as .py.
The starter code is already set up in I have kept the directions as they were for
the Notebook version so that you can see what is supposed to happen.
If there is a difference between this Notebook and, go with what is in
In [3]: %matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
For this assignment only
If you want to use NetworkX with your assignment, you can do:
conda install networkx
pip install networkx


CSP: Map Coloring

In this programming assignment, you will be using your new understanding of Constraint Satisfaction Problems to color maps. As we know from the Four Color Theorem any division of a
plane into contiguous regions can be colored such that no two adjacent regions are the same color
by using only four colors.
From the book, we know that we can translate this problem into a CSP where the map is
represented as a planar graph and the goal is to color all the nodes such that no adjacent nodes are
colored the same color.

As with most AI problems, this requires us to figure out how best to represent the problem–
and the solution–given the high and low level data structures and types at our disposal. For this
problem, we’ll settle on a Dict which contains at least two keys: “nodes” which is an ordered List
of Strings that represents each node or vertex in the planar graph and “edges” which contains a
List of Tuples that represent edges between nodes. The Tuples are of ints that represent the index
of the node in the “nodes” list.
Using this system, and adding a “coordinates” key with abstract drawing coordinates of each
node for NetworkX, we can represent the counties of Connecticut like so:

In [4]: connecticut = { "nodes": ["Fairfield", "Litchfield", "New Haven", "Hartford", "Middlese
"edges": [(0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4), (3,5), (3,6)
"coordinates": [( 46, 52), ( 65,142), (104, 77), (123,142), (147, 85),

{'nodes': ['Fairfield', 'Litchfield', 'New Haven', 'Hartford', 'Middlesex', 'Tolland', 'New Lon
The coordinates permit us to use NetworkX to draw the graph. We’ll add a helper function
for this, draw_map, which takes our planar_map, a figure size in abstract units, and a List of color
assignments in the same order as the nodes in the planar_map. The underlying drawings are
made by matplotlib using NetworkX on top of it. Incidentally, the positions just make the map
“work out” on NetworkX/matplotlib.
The size parameter is actually inches wide by inches tall (8, 10) is an 8x10 sheet of paper. Why
doesn’t a chart cover up the whole screen then? It’s adjusted by dpi. On high resolution monitors,
300 dpi with 8x10 inches might only take up a fraction of that space. Use whatever you want to
make the output look good. It doesn’t matter for anything else but that.
A default value for color_assignments is provided, None, that simply colors all the nodes red.
Otherwise, color_assignments must be a List of Tuples where each Tuple is a node name and
assigned color. The order of color_assignments must be the same as the order of "nodes" in the
If you are using NetworkX in your assignment, you can copy this function into
In [5]: def draw_map(name, planar_map, size, color_assignments=None):
def as_dictionary(a_list):
dct = {}
for i, e in enumerate(a_list):
dct[i] = e
return dct
G = nx.Graph()
labels = as_dictionary(planar_map[ "nodes"])
pos = as_dictionary(planar_map["coordinates"])
# create a List of Nodes as indices to match the "edges" entry.
nodes = [n for n in range(0, len(planar_map[ "nodes"]))]
if color_assignments:
colors = [c for n, c in color_assignments]

colors = ['red' for c in range(0,len(planar_map[ "nodes"]))]
G.add_nodes_from( nodes)
G.add_edges_from( planar_map[ "edges"])
plt.figure( figsize=size, dpi=600)
nx.draw( G, node_color = colors, with_labels = True, labels = labels, pos = pos)
plt.savefig(name + ".png")
Using this function, we can draw connecticut:

In [6]: draw_map("connecticut", connecticut, (5,4), [("Fairfield", "red"), ("Litchfield", "blue
("Middlesex", "red"), ("Tolland", "blue"), ("New London"

if cb.is_numlike(alpha):

This coloring obviously has some problems! You’re going to write a program to fix it.

So what we (and by “we”, I mean “you”) would like to do is write a program that can figure
out how to color a planar map. . . ie, connecticut and europe, you will do it by implementing a
function that uses the algorithms that were discussed in this module.


Which CSP Algorithms?

You will need to implement backtracking and forward checking. You will also need to implement
Minimum Remaining Values or Degree Heuristic (tell me which one) and Least Constraining
Value. Break ties in ascending order (least to most).
I suggest you implement backtracking then forward checking then either minimum remaining
values or degree heuristic then least constraining value. Try to submit a working program (if you
don’t make it to some requirement, comment out that code).
Please change the “?” below into “yes” or “no” indicating which elements you were able to
backtracking: ?
forward checking:
minimum remaining
degree heuristic:
least contraining

values: ?
value: ?

Change the print calls in instead
Your function should take the following form:
def color_map( planar_map, colors, trace=False)
where planar_map has the format described above, colors is a List of Strings denoting the
colors to use and trace operates as described in the next paragraph. It should return a List of
Tuples where each Tuple is of the form ( Node Name, Color) in the same order as the node entry
in the planar_map. For example, if we had ["A", "B"] as nodes and ["Yellow", "Green"] as
colors, your function might return [("A", "Yellow"), ("B", "Green")]. You can then use a
List comprehension to extract the colors in order to feed them to draw_map. If a coloring cannot be
found, return None.
Your function also will take an optional argument, trace, with a default value of False.
If trace is set to True your program will print out traces (or debugging) statements that show
what it is currently doing (in terms of the algorithms you are supposed to implement). For example, if your program starts to backtrack, the trace should say that it has to backtrack and why.
As usual, you should implement your function using helper functions, using one Markdown
cell for documentation and one Codecell for implementation (one function and assertions).
In, you can call your code like so:
python debug
and True will be passed to trace throughout the program.

In [ ]: def color_map( planar_map, colors, trace=False):
return [(n, "red") for n in planar_map["nodes"]]
Currently, it just colors everything red. When you are done, if it cannot find a coloring, it
should return None.


Problem 1. Color Connecticut Using Your Solution

This is already set up in for you

In [ ]: connecticut_colors = color_map( connecticut, ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow"], trace=
Using the “edges” list from the connecticut map, we can test to see if each pair of adjacent
nodes is indeed colored differently:
In [ ]: edges = connecticut["edges"]
nodes = connecticut[ "nodes"]
colors = connecticut_colors

for start, end in edges:
assert colors[ start][COLOR] != colors[ end][COLOR]
except AssertionError:
print "%s and %s are adjacent but have the same color." % (nodes[ start], nodes
In [ ]: draw_map( connecticut, (5,4), connecticut_colors)
In [ ]: connecticut_colors = color_map( connecticut, ["red", "blue", "green"], trace=True)
if connecticut_colors:
draw_map( connecticut, (5,4), connecticut_colors)


Problem 2. Color Europe Using Your solution

This is already set up in for you Run:
python debug
to get a sense of what will happen (or what you’re going to keep from happening).
In [5]: europe = {

["Iceland", "Ireland", "United Kingdom", "Portugal", "Spain",
"France", "Belgium", "Netherlands", "Luxembourg", "Germany",
"Denmark", "Norway", "Sweden", "Finland", "Estonia",
"Latvia", "Lithuania", "Poland", "Czech Republic", "Austria",
"Liechtenstein", "Switzerland", "Italy", "Malta", "Greece",
"Albania", "Macedonia", "Kosovo", "Montenegro", "Bosnia Herzegovina",
"Serbia", "Croatia", "Slovenia", "Hungary", "Slovakia",
"Belarus", "Ukraine", "Moldova", "Romania", "Bulgaria",
"Cyprus", "Turkey", "Georgia", "Armenia", "Azerbaijan",
"Russia" ],
"edges": [(0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,5), (2,6), (2,7), (2,11), (3,4),
(4,5), (4,22), (5,6), (5,8), (5,9), (5,21), (5,22),(6,7),
(6,8), (6,9), (7,9), (8,9), (9,10), (9,12), (9,17), (9,18),
(9,19), (9,21), (10,11), (10,12), (10,17), (11,12), (11,13), (11,45),
(12,13), (12,14), (12,15), (12,17), (13,14), (13,45), (14,15),

(14,45), (15,16), (15,35), (15,45), (16,17), (16,35), (17,18),
(17,34), (17,35), (17,36), (18,19), (18,34), (19,20), (19,21),
(19,22), (19,32), (19,33), (19,34), (20,21), (21,22), (22,23),
(22,24), (22,25), (22,28), (22,29), (22,31), (22,32), (24,25),
(24,26), (24,39), (24,40), (24,41), (25,26), (25,27), (25,28),
(26,27), (26,30), (26,39), (27,28), (27,30), (28,29), (28,30),
(29,30), (29,31), (30,31), (30,33), (30,38), (30,39), (31,32),
(31,33), (32,33), (33,34), (33,36), (33,38), (34,36), (35,36),
(35,45), (36,37), (36,38), (36,45), (37,38), (38,39), (39,41),
(40,41), (41,42), (41,43), (41,44), (42,43), (42,44), (42,45),
(43,44), (44,45)],
"coordinates": [( 18,147), ( 48, 83), ( 64, 90), ( 47, 28), ( 63, 34),
( 78, 55), ( 82, 74), ( 84, 80), ( 82, 69), (100, 78),
( 94, 97), (110,162), (116,144), (143,149), (140,111),
(137,102), (136, 95), (122, 78), (110, 67), (112, 60),
( 98, 59), ( 93, 55), (102, 35), (108, 14), (130, 22),
(125, 32), (128, 37), (127, 40), (122, 42), (118, 47),
(127, 48), (116, 53), (111, 54), (122, 57), (124, 65),
(146, 87), (158, 65), (148, 57), (138, 54), (137, 41),
(160, 13), (168, 29), (189, 39), (194, 32), (202, 33),
print europe

{'nodes': ['Iceland', 'Ireland', 'United Kingdom', 'Portugal', 'Spain', 'France', 'Belgium', 'N

In [6]: draw_map( europe, (10, 8))


In [ ]: europe_colors = color_map( europe, ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow"], trace=True)
Here we’re testing to see if the adjacent nodes are colored differently:
In [ ]: edges = europe["edges"]
nodes = europe[ "nodes"]
colors = europe_colors

for start, end in edges:
assert colors[ start][COLOR] != colors[ end][COLOR]
except AssertionError:
print "%s and %s are adjacent but have the same color." % (nodes[ start], nodes
In [ ]: draw_map( europe, (10,8), europe_colors)
In [ ]: europe_colors = color_map( europe, ["red", "blue", "green"], trace=True)
if europe_colors:
draw_map( europe, (10,8), europe_colors)



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