PX71900 9_Centr Exch Newsl#9_Jun56 9 Centr Newsl#9 Jun56
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1103 CENTRAL EXCH;~:';GE NEWSLETTEH NUMBEH 9 June 1936 PX 71900-9 DIVISION OF SPERRY RAND CORPORATION 1902° WEST MINNEHAHA AVE. ST. PAUL W4, MINNES9TA Newsletter Number 9 June 1956 EDITOR'S PAGE Coding and checkout of Trans-Use is progressing quite satisfactorily. Trans-Use is a routine which will translate programs written in USE language into Il03A machine language in a format ready for execution or assembly. The USE-Compiler will be a much more powerful instrument .capable of doing a variety of functions. For most problems, especially fixed pOint programs, Trans-Use will be a useful instrument even when the Compiler is available. Trans-Use is being prepared by Holloman Air Development Center. A minimum Service Routine Library for the Il03A is about 75% complete here at St. Paul. This minimum library will include paper tape inputoutput routines and .several diagnostic routines for program debugging purposes. On page I of the SNAP Sampler (RW-140) write-up, the last sentence of ~aragraph b should be replaced by: "Restoring the library from magnetic tape loads an all zero word into cell 71777bo If this word is not changed a complete trace of all SNAP commands is automatically performedo~· Future contributions and communications to the Central Exchange should be addressed to Leo Kennedy, Systems Analysis Department, who has assumed the duties of Central Exchange editor. Leo Kennedy Systems Analysis Department i NEWSLETTER NUMBER 9 JUNE 1956 REPORTS CONVAIR An 1103 program for computing Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Real, Symetric Matrices has been completed. This program is designed to detennine all vectors Yo and all scalars A which together with a given real, symetric mAtriX A of order N ~164 satisfy the relationship AY i =A iY.. The mathematical technique employed is based on the Hestenes - iarush gradient methods. The program is made to take advantage of a matrix with large numbers of zero elements by representing it in dehydrated form, i.e., with blocks of zero elements replaced by flags indicating the number of zeros removed. 0 RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE A table of contents for the Ramo-Wooldridge Utility Library fOT the 1103 is enclosed in this Newsletter. In connection with this, the following communication was recieved from RamoWooldridge: "We nm" have our library available on a self loading deck of binary cards. We would be glad to supply a copy of this deck to anyone. together with complete instructions for loading the deck in the 1103 and a list of locations occupied by each routine. With this information the various output routines which are part of the library could be used to obtain octal or binary cards or bioctal paper tape for any or all rOlft ines." -. - 0"" ..... I 0"I o o 0"...... r>< 0.. LOCKHEFll As a first step in the direction of exchanging information about the organization of individual computing centers, W. W. Leutert, Head of Mathematical and Computer Service Department (Dept. 66-10> Lockheed Missile Systems Division has submitted an organizational description of his department for Central Exchange distribution. It is hoped that this first step will stimulate the flow of such worthwhile information among the various com?uter installations. WRIGHT FIELD A decimal output routine for the ERA Line Printer has been completed. Decimal digits must be presented to the routine in coded form and the speed of the output is limited only by the Line printer itself (150 lines per minute, 92 characters. per line). ii NEWSLETTER NUMBER 9 JUNE 1956 REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC Enclosed in this Newsletter is a report on itA Linear Programming Routine for the .1103 Computer" which is being developed at St. Paul. A preliminary report on "A Multiple Correlation and Regression Program for the 1103" is enclosed. This program has been used successfully at St. Paul on several customer production problems. Also included is a description of the Utility Routine Library for the Serial 9 1103 at St. Paul. This library (RR-126) consists of three main parts: (1) Service Routine Library; (2) Regional Coding Routine; (3) Library Routine. A few inquiries have been directed to us concerning the action of the LEFT TRANSMIT instruction (LTjkv) of the 1103A (1) when 7~~, and (2) when k"'111. The quantity "j" in this instruction at present consists effectively of the one bit, u , in12 stead of the usual three bits, ul4, u13' u? Hence for j = 2, 4, or 6. effectively j = 0; and for j = 3. 5,lor 1 effectively j = 10 No anomalies arise when k~171 as is the case for the Split Instructions and Left Shift Instructions in A and Q. We would like to take this opportunity to review some of the actions of the Il03A "interrupt" signal during a repeated operation. Since the Repeat Sequence by-passes Main Pulse 6 and 7, the "interrupt" will not take .effect until the Repeat Sequence is terminated. For Normal Termination, the "interrupt" will take effect on MP6 of the execution of the jump instruction stored at F. When a jump condition is met during a repeated Threshold ol Equality Jump, the "interrupt" will take effect on MP6 of the Jump Termination Sequence. Hence, for both the Normal and Jump termination of the Repeat Sequence, the "interrupt" does not become effective until PAK contains the address of the next instruction in the otherwise un-interrupted program. -- ..... ..... ..... '-' I 0"I o o 0"- ..... t- >< , 0... iii ;\El~SLEl'TEn ~J{JN£ ..- .....> 00-124 Normal eerivate Routine RW-12S Linear Matrix Equation Solver RR-126 Utility Routine Library. i(egional Coding Routine, library RU-127 Multiple Hegression and Correlation Houtine OR-128 Magnetic Drum to Magnetic Tape Dump CV-129 Card Head and/or Punch Routine CV-I30 Card Punch Routine CV-131 Two Cycle Read Only Card Routine CV-132 Solution of CV-133 Square Root • Floating Point CV-l34 Cube Root - Floating Point RW-135 Fixed Point Card Output Subroutine RW-l36 Stated Point Cdrd Output RW-137 Octal Card Dump \\,F-138 DIIP - a Floating Point Interpretive Subroutine IYF-139 Polynomial Expansion, Rl'l-140 S~AP IfW-141 SNIP - Interpretive Floating Point Package - Complex RW-142 Eigenvector, Eigenvalue Routine for Real Symmetric RW-143 Floating 110int Gill Method R\~-144 Floating Point Sine - Cosine RW-145 Standard Atmosphere Calculation RW-146 Manual Inspection and Insertion '-' I 0"- 0 NUMBER q 1qr)6 Si~ultaneous Linear Equations by the ~=o ~~thod 0 ..... Sampler Trace r- >< c.. of Crout anx'l I 0"- I~outine iv ~ilatrices RW-147 Central Exchange Sine - Cosine Routine RW-148 Sine - Cosine Houtine (Polynomial Multiply) RW-149 Small Angle Sine - Cosine Routine RW-l50 Square Root RW-151 Normally Dis tributed Pseudo Handom Numbers RW-152 Column Heading Routine CV-153 A Card Handling Subroutine CV-154 Unpacked Floating Point Card Read CV-I55 ArcSin and ArcCos, Fixed Point CY-156 Least Squares Polynomial Approximation CV-157 Fixed Point Charactron Output Rputine CV-158 FLICK, A Demonstration Routine HO-159 A Useful Instruction for Inverted Binary Numbers HW-160 Arctan (Revised Edition of RR-26) RW-161 Gill lv".etbod Subrol4tine (Revised Edition of aW-91) RR-162 Pseudo-Random l\umber GenerBtor Subroutine WF-163 Line Printer Decimal Output CV-164 Program for Computing Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Real, Symmetric Matrices CY-165 Determinent Evaluation Package - Real CV-166 Four Point LaGrange Interpolation for Bivariate Functions or Their Derivatives (Fixed Point) CY-167 Four Point LaGrange Interpolation for Trivariate Functions or Their Derivatives (Fixed Point) 9:23 Lockheed 9:24 Table of Contents: Ramo-Wooldridge Utility Routine LibrHry 9:25 Cumulative Errata: Ramo-Wooldridge Library 9:26 A Linear Programming Routine for the 1103 Computer ~1issiles: Organization of' Department 66-10 v REVISIONS CV-39 Floating Point Card Output vi OR -124 Page 1 ot' 22 March 1956 OPERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE 7100 Connectic~t Avenue Chevy Chase, Maryland Title: Normal Deviate Routine Format: Standard Form Storage: a) b) c) d) Total: Instructions: Constants: Temporary Storage: Alarm Cond! tiona: Al~ when 01000 01000 01017 01025 - 01030, 01016, 01024, 01030, 31 octal 17 octal 6 4' (01030) ~ 0 0 This location must be supplied a randomly selected positive number before th~ routine is lentered the first time. TLming: 12 milliseconds per deviate Exit Condition: (A) - deviate scaled 232 Range: deviate will be in range 1 6 Coded and Machine Checked By: FoR. Urbanu8 OR-124 Page 2 ot" Description: '!be routine provides a means for drawing "at random" from an approximately normal distribution having a zero mean and a variance of 1. The routine is based on a consequence olthe Central Limit Theorem of Mathematical Statistics, which states that a distribution of sums of uniformly distributed random variables approaches the nonna! distribution as the nLUDber of variables SUIIIlled is increased. In this routine twelve random variables, each from the same uniform distribution and in the rang~ 0 to 224_1, are suamed aNI then normalized (i.e., reduced by the theoretical mean of the distribution and divided by the square root ot the theoretical variance of the distribution). normalized deviates are thU8 distributed approxL~te~ The resulting normally with mean 0; variance 1. '!be accuracy ot the approximation has been Ileasured by collecting 5 samples of 1000 deviate. each and checking the distributions by statistically testing ~ C\J ..... '-' I 0"- the bJpothesis that the distributions formed by the deviates are not significantly different from the normal distri- bution. For the results of these tests, see' the section titled I o o 0"- ~ >< 0.. "Accuracy of Approximation". " 9-2 OR-124 Page 3 of , where the P's are "pseudo-random" numbers in the range 1 to 2 35 _32, * then the mean of S is and the variance of the sum is ,. ~(sum) - 12 crL(uniform distribution) r 224_1 tS 2- (sum) - 12 12 - 224'3 i-o The normalized sum, or deviate, is then s - , - st 224 Since 0 ~ S ~ 12 (2 24-1) -6 ~ s. ~ 6 Each deviate, then, can be no larger in absolute value than 6. Almost all (99.7%), however, can be expected to fall within the range :t * 3.00 The secondary modulus, 224:1, was chosen arbitrarily to provide a wide range for the sums, and a fine gradation for the deviates. Furthermore, it was desired to have the secondary modulus equal to 2n_l, in order to 1!educe the number of divisions required in the routine. OR-124 Page 4 ot b AeeuraQY' of Approximation: The following frequency distributions were compiled by the n03, Each contains 1000 deviates. The mean, variance, measure of skewness, and measure of kurtosis for each distribution were tested statistically and fOWld not to differ from the measures of the normal distribution (0, 1) by a significant amount. Deviates -3.86 -3.47 -3.09 -2.70 -2.31 -1.93 -1.54 -1.16 -O~ 77 -0.39 0 0.39 0.77 1.16 1.54 1.93 2.31 2.70 3.09 3.47 to -3.47 to -3.09 to -2.70 to -2.31 to -1.93 to -1.54 to -1.16 to -0. 'r1 to to to to to to to to to to to to -0.39 0 0.39 0.'71 1.16 1.54 1.93 2.31 2.70 3.09 3.47 3.86 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 0 1 2 5 18 0 0 1 2 0 13 9 36 67 99 0 44 61 103 130 155 151 137 82 56 0 6 10 25 31 65 104 112 141 147 2 4 13 12 30 61 83 139 135 164 147 90 128 64 2!} 28 11 9 21 6 0 0 6 3 0 0 101 66 38 15 7 1 1 0 144 168 152 115 85 56 36 15 7 0 0 0 0 4 3 15 37 70 101 133 145 148 109 101 74 36 15 5 Total 1 5 16 44 79 178 324 490 658 739 762 636 459 316 167 77 34 4 0 14 0 0 1 -.046 -.031 +.012 -.060 -.008 -.024 1.00 1.10 1.03 0.98 1.02 1.02 0.088 0.090 0.138 0.023 0.052 0.076 j '(.« (skewness) 0 0- 'f~ (kurtosis) 3.07 3.00 3.18 3.08 2.78 2.90 --..... ~ Mean .ra. C'\I -, 00 ..... r- >< c.. 9-4 OR-124 Page 5 ot C, Because it appeared that the mean of the distribution might have some negati va bias, a further test was made in which 200 samples, each representing the mean of 500 deviates, were compiled by the 1103. '!he mean of these means was +.0023, indicating that there is evidently no reason to suspect a biased mean o _ storage Address Order H":H:Ioat't._........... _ r _ , - . . _ . · " " ' _ .- - . - - - Function of Order 01000 37 76000 76002 Alarm exit 01001 45 O(X)()() 30000 Normal exit 01002 11 01Q17 01025 Set up index 01003 13 01020 01026 (-S)~ (01026) 01004 11 01030 20000 Random Number 01005 42 01024 01000 Alarm 01006 71 01030 01021 RN-5 13 .......(A) 01007 73 01022 10000 R.N.5 13 (mod 235_31)~A) 01010 11 20000 01030 store new R.N. 01011 11 01023 10000 Mask 01012 51 01030 01027 R.N.(mod 224-1)-7(01027) 01013 21 01026 01027 (S-S) ~ (01026) 01014 41 01025 01006 'lhro ugh 12 times? 01015 54 01026 ·00010 (S-S>-28.S'~ 232~A) ..... 01016 45 00000 01001 To Normal Exit >< 0... 01017 00 00000 00013 Index "'....." C\l "-' I 0I 0 I --+ (A) (01030) ~O --+ (Q) 0 ~ t- 9-5 OR-124 Page 6 ot C 01020 00 05777 77772 S 01021 01 lO604 71625 01022 37 77777 77741 513 2 35_31 01023 00 00777 77777 224_1 01024 00 00000 00001 1 01025 [00 00000 00000] 01026 [00 00000 00000] store &a 01027 [00 00000 00000] Temporar.r storage 010)0 L00 00000 00000] Current R.N. Store index 9-6 Rl4J-125 I-ITI-O Pg. 1 of 8 THE RANO-~{OO1DRmGE OORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Linear Matrix Equation Solver (AX = B) Specifications Identification Tag: NTI-O Type: Subroutine available on cards for assembly Storage: 217 instructions, 10NOO (OONOO ) IlNOO (OnIOO) 121,:00 (02MOO) 13MOO (03MOO) addresses thru 10M51 thru llli3 7 thru 121163 thru 13M62 «()!VI51) (On·13 7 ) (02N63) (03M62) 12 constants in program, addresses ClNOO (CONOO) thru ClNll (OONll) Tempor~ storage used, but not stored in program (See Text). 229 words total program storage. The constant pool and te~porary storage pool are used by this routine. Program Entrance: Address 10N02 Program Exit: Address 10NOl Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is used by this routine. Hachine Time: For all storage in ES time is approxiInately (in milliseconds): -3 n3 + -9n2m + 1~7n2 + .3~2 + 2.5nm + 1.8n + 1.6m + 2.7 For temporarJ storage (see text) on drum add approximately (in milliseconds): .. 04 [n3 + ~112m + 3n2 + lOmn] + 51 llode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: w. Code Checked by: \tJ" .. L. Frank November 15, 1955 Nachine Che cked by: lrJ .. L. Frank November 17, 1955 Approved by: w. F. Bauer November 30, 1955 L. Frank October 25, 1955 9-7 RW-125 l-ITI-O Pg. 2 of 8 Description This subroutine solves the linear matrix equation AX=B, "Where A is a nonsingular matrix of size nxn and B has the dimensions man. I=A-IB, is a matrix of size nxm. The solution, For the special case, when B is the identi~y matrix (I), one obtains the inverse of the rratrix A. Otherwise, one can solve m sets of n simultaneous linear equations in n unlmowns. Considerable flexibility is afforded the programmer with respect to the storage of the matrices A, B and the answer X. The programmer ~ code two auxiliary- routines -as follows: (a) The first must proVide successive rows of the augmented matrix: [ A, B]. (When BaI, one only need supply rows of A). Each row, consisting of (n+m) elements (or n elements when BaI), must be. set up in the fixed location immediately following the subroutine. This data must be scaled at 2 35 and. be such, that for all elements ~j of [~,BJ 18.tj .235 1~ 234 In the general case,. for B+I, the rows of [A,B] may be scaled independently. However, in the case of inverting a matrix, it is necessary that the entire matrix be scaled by the same factor. (b) The second auxil~ must take the successive columns of X, found in then cells immediately following the routine, and either store them internally or punch them out. Since the .' columns of X are independently calculated, each has an associated Bcale factor (scaled at 20 ). This parameter positions the binary point, (assuming the input l!2.trices are scaled at 2 3.5) and is to be found in the (n+l)st cell following the routine. If one has inverted a matrix, and if the input rows were originally scaled by lOP (or 2P ), then the output col~~ns must be re-scaled by lOP (or 2P ). 9-8 RW-125 NTl-O Pg. 3 of { These auxiliary routines are automatically entered n and m times respectively by RJ instructions. The subroutine sets up these two RJ instructions from information gleaned from the parBll1eters of the entry. This procedure allows storage of A,B and X on ES, MD, magnetic tape or externally on cards or tape. It is also possible to generate the, elements of successive rows when a functional relation exists. In addition to the 229 words of storage needed by the sub- routine , it is necessary to provide 2(n+m) cells temporary ~ (n(n+1L iJnmed1atelY following the subroutine, and a block of run cells, either all on ES or all on ND. ~... Operating Instructions 1. Entrance to the subroutine is made by the following orders (Btl): • p RJ OOM01 OOM02 p+l 00 00100 DOY01 p+2 -- uuuuu vvvvv p+3 -- ----- xxxxx where OOMOO is the location of the first word of· the subroutine 00100 is the location of the first word of the first auxiliary OoYOl is the location of the second word of the second auxiliary - uuuuu • m (number of columns of B) l.J'J C\J ..... -- 0' vvvvv =n o o XXJCCC c:: I (number of rows of A) I 0' ..... is the location of the first cell of the block of n(n+l) + run 2 t- cells all in ES or all in 1m >< c.. 2. to For the case when Hal, the p + I word must be 40 OOXOO DOYOI 9-9 RW-12~j MTI-O Pg. 1+ of 8 3. The auxiliary routines must be available and coded so that they can be entered with RJ OOXOO OOXOI and aoyoa RJ GOYOI respectively_ This implies that the first and second words of both auxiliaries are exit and entrances respectively_ Alarm Conditions Two alarm conditions can re suI t: 1. A test is made to see that all elements, a ij of the input rows are within the limits I a ij ' 2351~ 234 If this is violated ·the alarm routine AIR-I is entered and oil .. alarm -xxxxx is printed where xxxxx-3 is the address of the cell .from which the subroutine was entered. 2. If a singular matrix is detected in the process of inversion, " 1/ the alarm routine AIR-I is entered and ;3ingul-wwwww is printed wher:e ~-3 was entered. is the address of the cell .from which the subroutine The routine can not, however, detect all singularities due to round-off errors (see below). Starting again at xx:xx:x+1 will cause the rest of the main program to be obeyed. YJ(1chine .Time The machine time is as indicated on the first page when all operations are carried on in ES. This tilne is exclusive of the times taken by the auxiliaries. In case the block of n(n+l) + run words are stored on MD, the time must be 2 increased by the terms indicated. TIlese times are approximate and will be a minimum in most cases. 9-10 RW-125 MTI-O Pg. 5 of Sample computation times for matrices of order 27 and 99 were respectively 53 seconds and 30 minutes. l-1athematical Nethod (Gauss elimination method) Elementary row operations are performed on the matrix A reducing it to an upper triangular matrix I. At the same time, these operations are performed on the matrix B giving a new matrix 'B. A partial floating point arithmetic is maintained, in that the rows of the augmented matrix [A,B] are always kept within the limits such that the largest element of the row (in absolute value) lie s in the interval In addition, before eliminating, leading elements of two rows are compared and the element of largest magnitude becomes the pivotal point. Next, successive columns of 13 are taken and the equation Ax=B is solved by the back substitution procedure. Singularities in"A are detected if a zero appears on the diagonal of A. Since round-off errors can prevent this from occurring, one must inspect the size of the scale factor i f A is suspected of being singular. matrices will cause the scale factors to be very small. III conditioned That is, the elements of X will be very large. lO .... Accuracy C\J -I The accuracy in the result is a function of the condition of the matrix: A. 0"I o o Seven to eight decimal place accuracy was obtained for matrices of order 10 t- to 16. .... 0"- >< c.. A matrix of order 39 and 99 yielded 7 and 6 place accuracy respectively. RW-125 MTI-O I Pg. 6 o1'\s D 0 D 0 D D D 0 D 0 ....... L'j C\I r-! I 0"- 0• 0 0"- 1"'"'1 t- >< 0.. 10MOO 10MOl 10M02 10MO 3 10U04 10MO 5 10M06 101.407 101.408 10M09 10Ml0 10Ml1 10M12 10M13 10M14 10U15 10"16 10M17 10M18 10 .. 19 10U20 10M21 10"22 10M23 10M24 10M25 10M26 10M27 10M28 10M29 10 ... 30 10M31 10M32 10U33 10M34 10U35 10U36 10M37 10M38 10U39 10 ... 40 10U41 10 .. 42 10M43 10M44 10M45 10'-446 10'-447 10U48 10M49 10U50 10M51 11MOO l1Mo'l l1M02 11M03 11M04 l1M05 11M06 llM07 l1M08 11M09 l1Ml0 l1Ml1 l1M12 l1M13 11M14 l1M15 11M16 l1M17 10 M'OO l1MOO 12MOO 13MOO OOMOO 01MOO 02MOO 031.400 C1NOO CONOO 37 75701 MJ 00000 54 OOMOl TU AOOOO TU AOOOO A T 00015 TU AOOOO AT 00015 TU AOOOO TU AOOOO TU AOOOO TP 00000 TU AOOOO TV AOOOO A T 00015 55 00016 TU AOOOO LA AOOOO TV AOOOO TV 00000 TN 00016 TP 00000 TV AOOQO TU AOOOO AT 02Ml0 TV AOOOO TV AOOOO TV AOOOO 54 CON08 AT CON06 TV AOOOO A T 02Ml0 TV AOOOO TV AOOOO L. A' AOOOO 1U AOOOO TU AOOOO TU AOOOO TU AOOOO TP CONOl AT CON06 TV AOOOO TP 00021 QS CON08 TP CON10 AT CON06 54 CON07 TU AOOOO RA OOUOl TV 03M02 TU 02"62 TU 02M62 TV 02M50 . T P 00013 TV 00000 54 00000 TU AOOOO TP CON02 RJ 00000 TP CON07 TP 00021 TP 00000 SJ 01Ml1 RS CON11 75 10000 TP 00013 TP CON04 RA 01M14 iP CON04 TM 00000 00100 00152 00190 00254 00100 00152 00190 00254 00317 00317 75702 0 20017 OOMll 01M09 AOOOO 00U21 AOOOO 001.419 01U02 01M03 AOOOO 01M06 03U48 AOOOO 00015 03M48 00042 01 .. 06 02 .. 50 CON10 AOOOO CON06 CON08 AOOOO 01M13 01M14 03M02 20071 AOOOO CON07 AOOOO CONOl 02MOl 00015 02M06 02MSO 02Ml1 02M17 AOOOO AOOOO 03M16 QOOOO 01M12 AOOOO CON09 20017 01M25 CONOS 03M47 01M17 02U07 01MOl 00000 02M50 20017 02MOl CON11 00 00023 QOOOO AOOOO 01M16 00016 01 ... 14 00000 00000 00016 Aoaoo 00024 144 230 276 376 144 230 276 376 475 B BRB ALARM AND NORMAL E X I T ENTRY P-l P-2 P-3 SE T A U X I L SET F SE T SE T N M V BRB SET T M-N Z BRB BRB SET NOl M-N P-4 EXI T SET 0 FOR INTERCHANGE RESET TO F AOORESS SET SF INDEX TO AUX 1 SET INDEx TE S T FOR I NVERS tON BBR AUGMENT ROW OF UNIT MATRIX CHECK I F All ELEMENTS IN ~:Z:i -144 145 146 147 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 250 251 0001° 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 37 45 54 15 15 35 15 35 15 15 15 11 15 16 35 34 15 54 16 16 13 11 16 15 35 16 16 16 54 35 16 35 16 16 54 15 15 15 15 11 35 16 11 53 11 35 54 15 21 16 15 15 16 11 16 54 15 11 37 11 11 11 46 23 75 11 11 21 7 TOl 75702 00000- 00000 0014~ 20017 20000 00157 20000 00241 00017 20000 20000 0017;1. 00017 20000 20000 0016" 20000 00232 20000 002" 00000 '2000Q 20000 0023t) 20000 0045'6 00017 20000 00020 00017 200'00 00456 20000 00052 20000 0023.6 00000 00360 00020 00507 00000 20'000/ 20000 00503 20000 00505 00310 20000', 20000 00245. 20000 00246 20000 00400 00505 20071. 00503 2000 a: 20000 00504 00310 20000 20000 00476 20000 00277 20000 00017 20000 00304 20000 00360 20000 00311 20000 00317 00476 20000 00503 20000 20000 00416 00025 10000 00505 002044 00507 20000 00503 00506 00504 20017 20000 00261' 00145 00502 00400 00455 00374 00251 00374 00305, 00360 00231 00015 00000 00000 00360 00000 20017 20000 00277 00477 00510 00000 00000 00504 00027 00025 10000 00000 20000 00243 00250 00510 00020· 10000 00246 00015 00000 00501 00000 00246 00020 00501 20000 00000 00030 gg 11 12 g~OOO 000 0·00 000 0 0 0, OOO~Q 000 0 OOO~O 00000 00000 g'U:a~ 9-12 RW-125 MTI-O Pg. ........ L"J C\J -~ I 0"I 0 0 0"~ t- ~"! 11M18 l1M19 llM20 l1M21 11M22 l1M23 l1M24 11M25 l1M26 llM27 11M28 11M29 l1M30 llM31 l1M32 11M33 l1M34 11M35 l1M36 l1M37 12MOO 12MOl 12M02 12M03 12M04 12M05 12M06 12M07 12M08 12M09 12Ml0 12Ml1 12M12 12M13 12M14 12M15 12M16 12M17 12M18 12M19 12M20 12M21 12M22 12M23 12M24 12M25 12M26 12M27 12M28 12M29 12M30 12M31 12M32 12M33 12M34 12M35 12M36 12M37 12M38 12M39 12M40 12M41 12M42 12M43 12M44 12M45 12M46 12M47 12M48 12M49 12M50 12M51 12M52 12M53 12M54 12M55 12M56 12M57 12M58 12M59 TJ RA IJ RA TP QS QS MJ RS RS TU TV TU RA TU TU TU TU 55 TV 75 TP TV TV TP TP TM TM TJ ZJ 00 MP DV RA TN MJ 54 OV RA TP TN TP TP 54 MA MJ TP TM TJ TP TP RA RA RA RA ST ZJ EJ TV 55 QJ QJ RA QJ TV 75 LA TP SJ 75 TP TP TP QA LA TV IJ IJ RS RS 00024 OOMOO 01M17 00015 00023 01M16 CON10 00016 CON10 00026 01M25 02MOO 01M25 02M45 00000 01M28 02MOO 00015 02M45 00015 02MOO 02M49 CONOl 02M30 02M06 02M22 02M07 00015 02M07,02M12 02M07 02M16 02M07 02M21 02M07 02M46 02M07' 10025 QOOOO 02M26 30000 02M02 00000 0 03M26 02M21 03M26 02M22 00013 00024 00013 00028 00000 00029 00000 AOOOO 00029 02M16 02Mll 02M13 00000 CON12 00000 eON03 00000 00024 02M21 00016 CON04 00027 00000 02M20 00000 20043 00000 00024 02M22 00016 00013 00027 00024 00024 00000 00000 00030 20043 00031 00024 00000 03M58 BOOOO 000 0 BOOOO AOOOO 00028 02M30 AOOOO 00028 00031 00000 02M21 00015 02M22 00015 02M30 00016 02M26 00016 CONOl AOOOO 02M21 02M37 00028 02M47 00013 02M46 00028 10001 02M44 02M41 02M47 02M42 02M46 00016 02M45 Oo2M 4 2 03M56 02M46 20000 02M47 00000 00027 AOOOO 02M49 02M51 30000 02M51 00000 00021 QOOOO 02UOl AOOOO 02MOO 02MOl AOOOO 00057 AOOOO 02M50 00026 01M26 CON 09 OOM50 CON07 CON06 CON 07 00016 ROW ARE SCALED CORRECTLY ADVANCE AND SET INDEX RESET T ADVANCE X BRB BBR TRANSMIT ITH ROW TO E S SET FOR INVERSION COMPARE LEAO ELEMENTS CONSTANT R INTER 0 W CHANGE B NO ROW INTER CHANGE OK L I N BRB E A R L Y COMBINE R 0 W S R E BRB S C A L E R BBR 0 W BBR REPLACE ROW ON DRUM I F INTERCHANGE TOOK PLACE TIM E S I N - 1 TIMES SET MOl FOR INDEX 252 253 254 255 256 257 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 310 311· 312 313 314 315 316 317 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 370 371 42 21 41 21 11 53 53 45 23 23 15 16 15 21 15 15 15 15 55 16 75 11 16 16 11 11 12 12 42 47 00 71 73 21 13 45 54 73 21 11 13 11 11 54 72 45 1l. 12 42 11 11 21 21 21 21 36 47 43 16 55 44 44 21 44 16 75 54 11 46 75 1l. 11. 11 52 54 16 4l. 41. 23 23 00030 00251 00027 00507 00507 00261 00261 00000 00276 00353 00276 00476 00304 003,05 00305 00305 00305 00305 00305 10000 30000 00000 00430 00430 00015 00015 00000 00000 00035 00311 00000 00000 00000 00323 0050l. 00000 00000 00000 00324 00015 00030 00000 00000 00036 00037 00000 30000 30000 00034 20000 00037 00323 00324 00334 00330 00476 00323 00034 00015 00034 00352 00355 00354 00353 00466 20000 00000 00033 00357 30000 00000 00025 00277 00276 20000 20000 00032 00506 00504 00504 7 of 8 0014..1 00011 0025 ( 0002 ( 000 3~ 0027 E 003 5 ~ 0026..1 0001 'j 0001 'j 00351 00 3 3~ 003241 00011 00 31 ~ 00 31 ~ 0032~ 003541 1002E 0033C 0030C OOOOC 0032:: 003241 00'030 000341 00035 20000 00316 0031) 00511 00500 00030 00020 0003) 0032.2 2004) 00030 00020 00033 00030 00000 00000 20043 00030 00470 00000 20000 00334 00034 00000 00017 00017 00020 00020 20000 00343 00355 00354 10001 00347 00350 00020 00350 00354 00355 00000 20000 00361 00361 00000 10000 20000 00277 00071 00360 00262 00226 00503 00020 q-l~ RW-125 MTI-O Pg. 8 of 8 ...... If:) C\I r-4 I 0' I 0 0 0"- r-4 a- >< Cl.4 12 .. 60 12 .. 61 12M62 12M63 13MOO 13UOl 13U02 13U03 13M04 13U05 13U06 13U07 13M08 13 .. 09 13Ul0 13M11 13M12 '13M13 13M14 13U15 13U16 13M17 13M18 13M19 13M20 13M21 13M22 13M23 13M24 13M25 13M26 13M27 13M28 13M29 13M30 13U31 13M32 13M33 13M34 13M35 13M36 13M37 13M38 13M39 13M40 13 ... 41 13M42 13M43 1.3M44 13M45 13M46 13M47 13M48 13M49 13M50 13M51 13M52 13M53 13 .... 54 13M55 13M56 13M57 13M58 13M59 13M60 13M61 13 ... 62 CINOO C1NOl C1Noa C1N03 C1N04 C 1 NO 5 C1N06 C1N07 C1NOS C1N09 C1NI0 C1Nl1 54 OS TP TV TP TU TP TP QS TP TP RA RA RS TU RS RS RP TP RA TN 54 TU TV TP TP MJ 54 CC MA TP TP TM TJ MJ RS tJ TU TV TU TM TN TN TM TJ MJ 54 CC DV RA IJ TP RJ RA IJ MJ 11 MJ RS RP LA SJ TP SJ TN AT MJ 24 TP 00 37 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CON06 AOOOO CON11 03M16 CON10 02MOl CON04 00021 00013 00013 00013 00028 03U13 03M14 03U14 03M14 03M14 30000 00000 03U16 00000 03M16 AOOOO 03M02 00027 00013 00000 00030 00031 00000 BOOOO AOOOO 00030 CON04 00000 03 .. 25 00032 03M25 03M25 03M25 00000 00030 00031 00030 00024 00000 00030 00031 00000 00027 00026 00029 00000 eON09 eON07 00000 CONOO 00000 00029 20000 CON13 03M52 CON04 03"'60 CON04 00032 00000 14061 BOOOO 00000 77777 00000 00000 0 0 a 0 20017 03 .. 55 00029 03M14 00026 03M14 00000 QOOOO 03U13 00028 00027 00015 00015 CON08 03M16 00016 00028 03U15 0 CON09 00 20017 03M25 03M25 00032 AOOOO 03M25 20043 00013 0 00030 00031 AOOOO 03M31 03M54 00017 03M23 03M36 03M44 03U44 00024 00030 00031 AOOOO 03M42 03M54 20043 00013 00016 03M07 00000 0 00015 02M62 OOMOl 75756 OOMOO 00016 03M57 00071 03M17 000.32 03 ... 61 00032 AOOOO 02M26 33411 000 00 42 77777 000 0 3 BRB SE T INDEX SE T SCALE COUNTERS ZERO ADVANCE COUNT TO TRANSFER ROWS OF UPPER TRIANGULAR MATRIX TO ES BRB SE T INDEX B BRB A C K S U B S T RESCALE I T U T E RESCALE BRB ADVANCE N01 TIM E S TO AUX 2 BRB M-l TIMES EXIT SET ALARM WORD RESCALE B SINGUL C B B B B 0 AND TEMP N S T STORAGE A N T S 372 373 374 375 376 377 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 430 431 432 433 43"4 435 436 437 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 510 54 53 11 16 11 15 11 11 53 11 11 21 21 23 15 23 23 75 11 21 13 54 15 16 11 11 45 54 27 72 11. 11 12 42 45 23 41 15 16 15 12 13 13 12 42 45 54 27 73 21 41 11 37 21 41 45 11 45 23 75 54 46 11 46 13 3S 45 24 11 00 37 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00503 20000 00510 00416 00507 00277 00501 00025 00015 00015 00015 (l0034 00413 00414 00414 00414 00414 30000 00000 00416 00000 00416 20000 00400 00033 00015 00000 00036 00037 00000 30QOO 20000 00036 005'01 00000" 004i 27 00040 00427 004,27" (l04'27. 00000 00036 00037 00036 00030 00000 00O~6 0003t 00000 00033 00032 00035 00000 00506' 0050'4 00000 00475 00000 00035 20000 00512 00462 00501 004'12 00501 00040 00000 14061 30000 00000 77777 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 20017 00465 00035 00414 00032 00414 00000 10000 00413 00034 00033 00017 00017 00505 00416 00020 00034 00415. 00000 00506 00000 20017 00427 00427 00040 20000 00427 20043 00015 00000 00036 00.037 20000 00435 00464 00021 004~5 00442 o 04 ~2 00452 00030' 00036 0003'1 20000 00450 00464 20043 0.0015 00000 '00020 00405 0000 O. ,00000 00017 00374 0014~ 75756 00144 00020 00467 00107 0041'1 00040 00473 00040 20000 00330 33411 00000 00042 77777 00000 00003 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 9-14 RW-12S February 13, 1956 THE RAMO -WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Digital Computing Center STUDY OF MATRIX INVERSION ON THE ERA-l103 EMPLOYING RO'lJfINE M'fI-O by Werner L Frank and Phyllis Van Liew t Investigations have been carried on in the inversion of matrices of large order and/or matrices which are badly conditioned. of this has been twofold: The purpose (1) To measure the sensitivity of the routine MrI-O to ill conditioned matrices; ( 2) '1'0 obtain some experimental experience relating to the effect of round-ott tor large order matrices. (We define the condition number as the ratio of the absolute value of the largest e1genv~ue to the smallest). It ;I., hoped that £lome conclusions will result which will answer the foll.ow1ns questions: (1) What is the relationship between condition number and. result1D1 accuracy in the inverse? (2) J'or moderatel,. well conditioned matrices what order can 'be safely inverted and what accuracy can be expected? The _in problems considered in these investigations were the following matrices: (a) J1nite sepaent of a Hilbert Matrix (Hn) where HiJ • 1+~-1 and its irlverse Tn. (b) Matrix aasociated·with the solution ot y" =- y (en) wbere c11 • 2 13 • C -1 it 11-jl • 1 Cl~ • 0 all others (c) A s1nsular _trix (A) of order 8 studied in e. paper "The Separation ot Close Eigenvalues ot a Real Symmetric Matrix" by Rosser, La.nczos, Beatenes and Karush. RW-125 Page 2 Matrix (a) has the property of being extremely ill-conditioned for n as low as 4. it is a The second matrix (b) enjoys a more moderate condition -- even though function o:t~the square of its order (~4 n 2 ). -r- In addition the inverses of both matrices are well known, the elements being given by closed algebraic forms. )i)re spec1fic&1.ly, a comparison of the condition of H and C can be n n obta1Ded tram the following table (values are approximate): n C n Hn 2 3 16 4 10 10 40 15 1 514 0(1012 ) 39 638 I1na' ].,. the .triz (c) mtit1e4 _trix 10-4A + 10 t i8 s1DSUl&r and its e1pnY8l.uea are known. -nx was 8twlied for • .1 + 10·n lO-n Xl • 1. 2 1 ••• I 10. !!liB Dle _triz • !he accur8C7 vas checked b7 calculat1DS the product of the input _triz 8D4 it. cOJa.PUted inverse and com;paring this quantity to the identity _triz. ~ !able. 1 &D4 2 conta1n data associated with the matrices described above. l() .... ...... N I 0' I o o .... 0' t- >< Co. 9-16 RW--12 Page 3 Matrix T -1 .102 2 T3 -1.103 T4-1 .105 T -1 .106 5 T6 -1. 107 T7 -1 .109 TS-1 .1a10 &2 -1 .10 B3-1.~0 -1 &4 .10 -1 TABLE 1 Summary of Experiences on Hilbert Matrices and _ Cn Places of Accuracy Time (seconds) Time (seconds) With Tape Output No Tape Output (Rounded) 1·90 .15 8 3.65 .20 1 6.20 .45 5 9.25 .70 3 13·10 1.00 3 17.50 1.45 1 22.7 2.1 0 1.90 .15 S 3·70 .20 7 6.20 .40 5 115 .10 -1 &6 .10 9.25 .60 4 13.05 1.00 2 -1 .10 17.45 1.40 1 22.6 1.9 0 &7 lIs-l .1O °3 °15 -. ° 27 1..") 268 53 Condition 16 15,514 16 15,,514 9 4 S 90 7 292 6 639 5 4000 C'\l r-I 'j' 0"- °39 I 8 °99 0"r-I 411 80 minutes ( est1lBted) 30 minutes r>< c.. 9-17 RW-125 Page 4 The Matrix lO-4A + lO-~ = A'n Places of .Accur8C7 in ldentlt7 Matrix (Rounded) lO-4A • • 0 Condition 00 ~O 0 109 ~ 1 108 2 107 • A.r 3 106 • Ie. .. 105 ~ 5 10'" Aa. 6 103 7 102 8 10 9 1 • As ~ • • I A3 I Az • ~ ..an C\I ..... I aI o o a- ..... t- >< 0.. 9-18 RR-126 9 April 1956 UfILITY ROUfINE LIBRARY {MT~) FOR 1103 SERIAL 9 COMPUTER The Utility Routine Library will normally be stored on consists of the following: (I) MT~. The Library Utility Routine Loader-@ (URL-@) This routine loads the Non-diagnostic Machine Test and transfers control to the test An IT START automatically transfers control to URL-~; if (AR) is set 10, the machine test is by-passed and control is transferred to URL-l. The routine occupies blocks 1, 2 on o Mr~. (2) Non-Diagnostic Machine test (Go~No-Go Test) This routine performs nine tests each of machine commands and HSS, and four tests of the drum. A carriage return precedes the start of each part and a 0 is typed after each successful test. A cODDDand test failure is denoted by a printed c, a HSS test failure by a printed e, and a drum test failure by a printed d. After each failure the routine tries the same test over again with the same operands and continues to do so until it obtains a successful test. Upon completion, the routine transfers control to URL-l. The routine occupies blocks 3-32 on Mff1. (3) Utility Routine Loader - 1 (URL-l) This routine loads the Service Library in the drum, 70000-75777 0 it also clears HSS, groups 4, 5, 6 and 76000-77777 on the drum. A MJ-; is left in 00000. Upon completion, the computer is halted on a 15-; instruction'with PAK set to the entry for the Ferranti Loading Routine. URL-l occupies blocks 33, 34 on MT~. (4) Service Routine Library This is a compilation of routines of general use. Library occ~pies blocks 35-174 on IT~. (5) Regional Coding Routine {RECO) This routine occupies blocks 175-225 on routine for deta~led description. (6) The Service MT~. See write up of this MT~. See write up of this Library Routine This routine occupies blocks 226-245 on routine for a detailed description. RR-126 9 April 1956 (7) Dictionary of Subroutine Library A list of indices tor the subroutine stored in the Subroutine Library. This dictionary occupies blocks 246·305 on MT~. (8) Subroutine Library A compilation of subroutines of general program use. The remaining ~locks of MI't' are reserved for this library. See write up of Library Routine for list of Subroutine in the Library. Loaders URL-2, and URL-3 are part of the Service Library and they effect the loading of RECO and the Library Routine respectively into HSS. The Library Routine has a built in loader which effects the transfer of the Dictionary and the Subroutine Library to HSS. MT~ must be positioDed to the dead space preceding the first block on tape before any use of the Utility Library can be made. To discourage inadvertent writing over the Utility Library, the MT~ WRITE switch is disabled; this switch in the DOWN position is the NORMAL condition of the computer. 9-20 RR-126 9 April 1956 GENERAL t5E OF lTfILITY ROurINE LIBRARY I. Normalize Computer Operation This is an automatic operation which is designed to test the computer, transfer the Service· Library to its drum storage, and clear HSS and the remainder of the drum. Operating Instructions~ OO~ IT., positioned. (1) Typewriter (2) MASTER CLEAR: All MJ and MS selects OFF. (3) If the Non-diagnostic Machine Test -fsnot desired, set (AR)~O. IT START. (4) Computer halts on (5) Errors ~ MS~ instruction with PAK set to 70001. {a) Final Stop (57 77777 00000): This indicates that URL-~ has· not been transferred to HSS correctly. MASTER CLEAR, IT START for are-transfer. (b) Printed "T" and MS-~ Stop: This indicates that the NonDiagnostic Machine Test has not been transferred correctly. Push START for re-transfer of the test routine. (c) Final Stop (57 77777 77777): This indicates that URL-I has not been transferred to HSS correctly. MASTER CLEAR, MT START for are-transfer. (d) Printed "S" and MS-~ Stop: This indicates that the Service Library has not been transferred correctly. Push START . for a re-transfer of the Service Library. NarE: .If repeated transfer errors occur and it is suspected that the Utility Library is incorrectly stored on MT~. the machine operator should follow the procedure for loading the Utility Library on MT~. II. Program Asse.oly Use of the assembly routines, RECO and the Library Routine, in the Utility Libr~ry is· accomplished by entries 70010 and 70011 respectively in the Service Library. Entry at these points activates loaders which read the assembly routines into their operating storage locations in HSS. For detailed operating instructions, see descriptions of URL-2 and URL-3 in the Service Library. 9-21 RR-126 9 April 1956 III. Starting the Computer There are three methods of starting the computer depending upon the amount of inform8tion stored on the drum. (I) If the Service Library is stored correctly on the drym. one may use one of the routines in the library to load his program tape, and commence program operation and/or debugging. (2) If the Service Library is Dot stored eorrect.ly on t be drum, give an MT START for the Normalize Computer Operation (see description of same). This procedure is particularly advised when one suspects that the computer is malfunctioning. (3) If the Utility Library is not available on MT~ and tbe Service Library is Dot on the drUJI, a bootstrap procedure must'be performed by the operator (see "Procedure for Loading Utility Library on MT~". ) 9-22 RR-126 9 A}-ril 1956 PROCEDURE FOR LOADING lJfILITY LmRARY ON MT~ If the Utility Library is not available on Mft) follow this procedure. This will work for a 16 interlace only. ( 1) MASTER CLEAR (2) Swi tch to ABNOar.tAL DRUM (3) START (4) After FINAL STOP, switch to NORMAL DRUM (5) Set PAK=OOOOO and load tape I The Ferranti Loading Routine is now on the drum. (6) Set PAK=70001 and load tape II The "Write Magnetic Tape _It routine is MT~, turn MT~ DOW (7) Position (8) MASTER CLEAR; MD START and load tape III. in HSS. WRITE Switch to UP position. The Utility Library is loaded onto MTfS. (9) Set PAK=DOO77 START. Tbis will cause a check sum of the information . written an MT~ to be computed and compared with the sum computed from paper tape. If these two sums do not check a "tttt" is printed and computer stops. Push START for another comparison. If repeated check sum errors occur return to step (6). Skip step (7). (10) After a successful loading of the Utility Library on MT~. turn MT~ WRITE switch to DOWN position. Give an Mf START to perform the IOrmalize computer operation. 9-23 RR-l26 9 April 1956 PROGRAMMING AND OPERATION CONVENTIONS I. Dru. Image of H5S: Drum cells 76000-77777 are reserved for the image of HSS. This image is used by most servfce routines as a temporary store for H~S . • hile the service routine operates from H5S. The programmer is advised not to load into the image as this may result in incorrect loading of HSS. The programmer may use this part of drum storage as a temporary pool or work space during the operation of his program, but in so doing deprives himself of several facilities in the Service Library for program debugging. II. Drum Storage for the Service Library Drum cells 70000-75777 are reserved for the Service Library and are not. in general. available for program use. Loading programs into the range 70000-70037,deprives the programmer of all facilities of the Service Library. wbile loading into the range 70040-75777 may deprive him of .only part of the Service Library. III. Storage Used in Assembly of Subroutines The remarks .ade in I and II concerning the reserved portions of group 7 on the drum apply also when assembling subroutines. The modified subroutines are stored at the specified relocation addresses, and then punched out, if the punch-out option is chosen. IV. . The MT' unit is reserved for the Utility Library only. Any use of in aD operating program must be brought to the machine operator's attention so that he may take necessary steps to preserve the Utility Library tape. MT~ The NORMAL condition of the computer is indicated when the . Switch is disabled (DOWN). MT~ WRITE 9-24 RR-126 9 April 1956 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR COMPUTER OPERATION The following items should be checked before going on the computer: (1) List all memory used to determine if it is compatible with loading routines and Service Library. (2) Do not try to load any tapes other than yellow or black. tapes loaded at your own risk.) (3) Keep tape off the floor. (4) List library subroutines needed to determine if these routines are in the library. (5) Determine which service routines will possibly be needed. (6) Warm up the card equipment before using (at least one hour). (7) Determine what peripheral equipment will be used. (Other When working with customers, the above information should be on hand before they arrive. For customers, determine the amount of assistance needed and/or wanted. Before loading program tapes, it is suggested that the following procedure be followed: (1) Check the ABNORMAL CONDITION panel. If ABNORMAL light is on, check with the .,.i'IRo~ . (2) Check the drum interlace if the drum is used in the program. (3) Check the Fl switch. (4) Check the Field III switch in the card control unit if program uses card equipment. If the program is to use field III. (eols. 73-60), the switch should be in NORMAL Position. (5) If any magnetic tape units are to be used in program, cheek to see if the units desired are switched to RUN and are properly positioned. (6) If the Higb Speed Punch and/or Card equipment are not to be used in the program, turn them OFF. (7) Turn Ferranti Reader OFF when not in use. (8) If card equipment is to be used in the program be sure to clear both channels (read and punch) before giving 8 program START. 9-25 RR-126 9 April 1956 Upon leaving the computer, the following procedure is suggested: (1) Check .to see that all program tapes and output tapes are rewound and not left in baskets or on the tables. (2) Clear the card equipment read, punch and receiving hoppers of all program input and output. (3) If any information is stored on any of the magnetic tapes for future use, it is the programmers responsibility to see that these tapes are saved; otherwise it will be assumed that these tapes are usable for other programmers. (4) Restore the Service Library to the drum. CAUTION: It is advised as general practice never to Master Clear while any of the magnetic tape units are in motion. Such clearing drops all IT lockouts, and subsequent computer references to any moving tape will cause trouble. 9-26 RR-126 9 April 1956 SERVICE ROUTINE LIBRARY Service Routine Entries 70000 Final Stop 70001 Ferranti Loading Routine (FRI-O) 70002 Flex Code Loading Routine (FLEXIE) 70003 Read 70004 Write 70005 Flex Dump 70006 Bioctal Dump 70007 70010 Reco Loader (URL-2) 70011 Library Routine Loader (URL-3) 70012 70013 Changed Word Post Mortem 70014 70015 70016 Single Breakpoint Stop 70017 Automatic Sampler 70020 Restore HSS from Image 70021 Punch Check Sum -- 70036 Common Exit --- 76000- 77777 HSS Image-loading in this range results in incorrect loading of HSS. 70v()Q -75777 Service Routine Library-loading in this range deprives one of the service routines. ..,0 C\I ..... I 0"I 0 0 0"- ..... r- ~ c... 9-27 RR-126 9 Afr11 1956 PROGRAM ENrR IES TO SERV ICE ROur INES The block of cells 70000-70037 is reserved for entries to the service routines. Cell 70036 is reserved as the common exit from those service routines which by their nature admit program entry and exit. For example, the use of FRI-O as a subroutine would be effected by the instruction 37 70036 70001. All required parameter words must place in the appropriate registers before entry is made to the particular service routine,by a Return Jump instruction. For example, the use of the Bioctal Dump would be effected by the following sequence: n: n+I: 11 (x) 10000 37 70036 70006 n+2~ where, say, (x) = 00 00001 01777 CAUTION: Since the service routines each have only ~ entry, any inadvertent (or not) loading in the lange 7000070037 deprives one of all the service routines. 9-28 RR-126 9 AlJr11 1956 COMMENfS ON lEE OF SERVICE LIBRARY I. Paper Tape Preparation a) Bio~tal tapes should have double 7th level at the very end of the tape. b) Flex code (absolute) program tapes should have at least one 7th level punch at the very end. c) Flex code (RECO) program tapes should have an END. (car. ret.) or END (car. ret.) at the end of the tape. II. d) Assembled RECO program tapes are suitable for direct input via FLEXIE. Such tapes may be converted to bioctal if so desired. e) Flex dump tapes are suitable for reloading via Flexie. a 7th level punch is present at the end of the tape. f) Care must be taken in handling paper tapes to insure that they are kept clean. Foreign substances on tapes uycause improper loading into the computer. Be sure that Alarm Print Many of the Subroutines contain references to the Convair The location of this is at 75700-75777. The entries are: 37 37 75700 75700 75701 75702 Ala~ Print. main routine aubroutine The alarm print in the service library is a modified version of the Convair routine. Program, constants and working. space are in the raDge 75700-75777. III. -.0 N r-! '-' J 0"J Flex Constant Pool A group of com.only used Flexowriter codes are stored in the Service Library. in the raDge 75757-75777. This pool is used by several Service routines; however, .it is available for general program use. The pool consists of the following: o o 0"- r-! r- >< ~ 75757 75760 75761 75762 75763 75764 00000 00037 00000 00052 00000 00074 00000 00070 3 00 00000 00064 00 00000 00062 4 5 00 00 00 00 0 1 2 9-29 RR-126 9 A}..r11 1956 75765 75766 75767 75770 75771 75772 75773 75774 75775 75776 75777 IV. 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00 00000 00066 00072 00000 00033 00045 00004 00057 00047 00051 00042 00056 Responsibility of Restoring 6 7 8 9 Carriage Return Space Shift down Shift up Tab Period Minus. Ser~ice Library It is the responsibility of any operator who damages the Service Library to restore the same to the drum before leaving the computer. v. Loading Routines "Transfer Control" Option The loading routines, FRI~O and FLEX IE , now have a "transfer control" option. The following procedure will effect the transfer for either load routine. (1) set program tape in reader (2) MASTER CLFAR (3) Set the cOliputer on MAIN PULSE f). (4) Manually insert the following into 37 7003'6 (5) Set PAK= program start (6) START. peR 70001(2) 9-30 9 April 1956-- RR-126 PROCEDURE FOR LOADING SERVICE ROUTINE LIBRARY I. Normal Operation The Service Routine Library is normally stored on the drwm, 1000011177. Entry to the routines is achieved by setting PAK to one of the low-numbered drum address, 700XX. II. MT Start If the Service Library is damaged on the drum, select an MT Start. This will effect the following: (1) Non-diagnostic machine test (2) Transfer of Service Library to the drum (3) Clearing of HSS and drum storage. If (1) is not desired, set III. (AR)~ before the MT Start. Bootstrap If the Service Library is not available on magnetic tape, follow this bootstrap procedure. This will work for a 16 interlace only. (1) MASTER CLEAR (2) Swi tch to ABNORMAL DRUM (3) START (4) After FINAL STOP t switcb to Nrmalize Computer Q>eration. --...... -- (b) Machine prints "c" and halts. A check address has failed. STARring ignores this, error and routine proceeds as though error bad not occurred. A cheek address failure should not be ignored as it is very likely that the ~aper tape 1, in error. (c) Machine prints "m" and halts. Check sum has failed to agree with computed sum of data read in. START to ignore t.his error and to have routine continue read in. -.0 C\I I 0"I 0 0 0"- ...... r>< 0.. 9-32 9 AJ-ri1 1956 [FLEXIE - A Flex Code Loading Rout i ne RR-126 1 This routine is designed to load Flex Code tape prepared on a Flexowriter in the conventional fashion for translating to bioctal. Flexie operates in the same fashion as the bioctal Ferranti Loading Routine. A sum check is made whenever the input tape contains an insert to 75202, 75203. Operating Instru~tions~ (I) Set PAl( = 70002; SfAHr (2) Computer halts on 56 00000 70002 after completing read in. load another tape. (3) At least one seven-level punch should be present in the trailer to stop the routine. If this punch is not present the following procedure may be used. (4) STARr to (a) FORCE STOP after the paper tape has passed through the reader. (b) MASTER CLEARi set PAl( = 00022 SfARr Errors ~ (a) Machine prints "t" and halts. Flexie is not in HSS correctly and must be restored. START transfers Flexie to HSS again. A second failure indicates that Flexie is not stored in the Service Library correctly. In this case revert to the Normalize Computer Operation. (b) Machine prints "c" and halts. A check address has failed. A ignores this error and routine proceeds as if no error had occurred. ~iART (c) Machine prints "m and halts. A check sum has failed to agree with computed sum of data read in. SfARr to ignore the error. ft This routine provides for the display of the contents of consecutive ory locations in Q, after an initial address is stated. ~ Operation Instructions: (1) Enter initial address, a, in Av. (2) Set PAK = 70003 (3) START. (a) are displayed in Q. The address is· automat ica 11y advanced for reading successive cells by repeated STARTs. 9-33 9 A~ril 1956 RR-126 [write] This routine provides for the writing in consecutive memory locations after an initial address is stated. Operating Instructions: Enter the contents for that address in Q. (1) Enter the address in Av. (2) Set PAl( = 70004 (3) The address is automatically advanced for writing in successive cells by repeated STARTs. [Flex Dump Sf ARI' • (FLElD>J This routine dumps the contents of consecutive storage cells on punched paper tape only. Automatic page editing is provided and every eighth address is given. The punched tape is suitable for re-Ioading via Flexie. A check sum is punched out at the end of the dump. (AL>, (Aft), are not restored or punched out. HSS is restored. This routine replaces RI-73 (Flex Dump). Operating Instructions: (1) Enter in Qu the address of the first cell to be dumped. Enter in Qv the address of the last cell to be dumped. If a seven-level punch stop code is desired at the end of the dump set Q35=1. ---d6 (2) Turn ON the Higb Speed Punch. (3) Set PAK = 70005 SfAflf. (4) The machine baIts on 56 00000 70005 providing a re-entry for another dump. (5) Errors: (a) Machine prints "t" and halts. Flexo is not in HSS correctly. STARr transfers Flexo to HSS again. A second failure indicates that Flexo is not stored in the Service Library correctly. In this case revert to the ROrmalize Computer Operation. (b) Machine prints "pH and halts. An illegal parameter word has been set up in Q and is displayed there. Clear Q manually and insert correct parameter; Sl'ART. ~ ..-I ~ 9-34 9 Afril 1956 (6) RR-126 Flexo dumps only one type of storage at a time, either H55 or drum. This routine does not use the 76000-77777 image, but uses an image 70400-70715 as a temporary store for part ofHSS. [Bioctal Dump] This routine will dump onto paper tape in bioctal form the contents of any specified number of consecutive storage cells in HSS or the drum except 76~ 77717. A check sum is automatically punched at the end of the dump. A double seven-level punch at the end of the tape is optional. Operating Instructions: (1) Enter in Qu the address of the first cell to be dumped. Enter in Qv the address of the last cell to be dumped. If a double seven-level stop code is to be punched following this dump. set ~Qp;tO. (2) Turn High Speed Punch (3) Set I'AK = 70006 SfAllf. (4) The stop at the end of the dump, 56 00000 70006, provides a re-ent ry for another dump. The contents of ~,A) and t.Q; are not retained. HSS is restored.at the end of the routine. [ROCO II LOADER (URL-2) ON. 1 This routine effects the transfer of REeO II from MI~ to HSS and transfers control to RECO after a successful sum check and rewind of Mr~. Operating Instructions: (I) Turn High Speed Punch and Flexowri ter ON. (2) Set program tape to be assembled in reader. (3) Set PAl( = 70010 SfARr. RECO is transferred from the Utility Library, a routine sum check performed and MI~ rewound. Control is then transferred to REeO and assembly begins. If no subroutines are assembled, the computer halt~ on 56 0000t 00360 providing a re-entry to the assembly routine which is still in H55 in its correct fon.. If subroutines are assembled, REeO transfers control to URL-3 (Library Routine Loader) and the Computer finally halts on 56 00000 70011, providing a re-entry to URL-3. (See writ.uP of REeO II for more detailed description of tape preparation and handling. ) 9-35 9 April 1956 (4) RR-126 Errors: Machine prints "al" , rewinds MT~ and halts. This means that REeO has been transferred incorrectly from the Utility Library on MI;. 5'TAIlf effects anotber transfer. Repeated errors indicate that RECO is not stored on MI~ correctly. In this case revert to tbe bootstrap procedure described in "Procedure for Loading Utility Library on 1iT0". [Library Q)utine Loader (URL-3) J This routine effects the transfer of the Library Routine from MI~ to HSS and transfers control to the Library Routine upon completion of a successful sum cbeck. Operating Instructions: (1) Turn High Speed Punch and Flexowriter ON. subroutines is desired set MJl select ON. If no punch-out of assembled (2) Set Flex code tape of subroutine assembly information in reader. (~: When assembling REeO tapes, the END psuedo code transfers control to URL-3; in this case the Flex tape of subroutine information must be spliced on the end of RECO tape. ) (3) Set PAl( = 70011 srAHI The Library Koutine i5 transferred fromlll'fj to HSS and a routine SIlBI check performed. Control is then transferred to. the Library Routi8e and assembly begins. Upon completion of assembly computer halts on 56 00000 70011 providing re-entry to the Library Routine Loader. (See write-up of Library Routine for more detailed description of tape preparation and handling. ) (4) -..... . .0 N Errors: Machine prints "a2", rewinds MI~ and halts. This means that the Library Routine has been transferred incorrectly from MI~o srARr effects another transfer. Repeated errors indicate that the Library Routine is not stored on MI~ correctly. In this case revert to the bootstrap procedure described in "Procedure for Loading Utility Library on Mr~". For a list of errors encountered in assembly and the appropriate operating instructions for same. see wri te-up of Library Routine. CAUIION: Do not assemble subroutines in tbe raRge 70000-77711 • '-" I 0"J ~ [Changed Word Post Mortem] ..... t- This routine is designed to compare the contents of each word of HSS with its image at 76000-77777. The image contsins (unless disturbed) the original contents of H55 as read into the computer. Those words in HSS which have been changed by the execution of the program are the only ones reported out. 9-36 9 April 1956 RR-126 Operating Instructions: (I) Turn High Speed Punch ON. (2) Set PAK = 70013 STARr. (3) Computer halts on 56 00000 70013. The following will be punched in Flex Code.I, the parameter word is ignored. The u-portion of each parameter word contains the octal address, I, of a cell whose CODtents are to be sampled. If M = 20001, (AL) is sampled. If M is not a machine address the parameter word is ignored. The v-portion of each parameter word contains the binary scale factor, s, of the contellts of II. 0$ s Co 70. If. ~70, "2 small" is printed. (5) End words - The last two words of each sublist are of the form 70 00000 00000 with the exception of the second end word of the last sub1ist (Lf), which is 70 00000 • SAM-O jumps to 11\ after setting up cbeck points Oft a 70017 start. C> Output Shown below 1s an example of sampler output where the check point address was 00303. 00303 00075 00076 00100 00101 00102 00103 20001 10000 D) 12 34567 12340 77 03124 65432 1.23456789017 -321.098632812 993059913.000 0.43210987653 14 00000 00000 37 37373 73737 Restrictions The word initially stored at a check point must be an instruction; it must not be a repeat command or a repeated instruction and it may Dot be written into or out of at any time during the course of the program. [ Restore HSS from IlIaoe] This routine provides for an automatic transfer of the image, to R5S. 76~77771, 9-39 9 April 1956 RR-126 Operating Instructions: (1) Set PAK = 70020 STARr. (2) Computer halts on 56 00000 70020. [punch Check Sum ] This routine is to be used immediately after loading a program tape by meaas of the Ferranti Loading Routine (FRI-O). It punches a trailer containing the sum of the loaded program with proper insert and cbeck addresses. This trailer can then be merged with the program tape to provide a check sum upen subsequent loadings. Operating Instructions: (1) Load tbe program tape. There must be no double seven-level punches in the program tape. Thus after loading with FBI-O.the computer will hang up on an External Read- FORCE sroP the computer. (2) lASTER CLEAR; set PAl( = 70021 (3) STARr. IA The following punched tape will be produced: 75202 CIECK SlDI 75204 Double seven-level puncbes. CA The program will be properly loaded at the conclusion of this routine. 9-40 REl1INGTON RAND UNIVAC REGIONAL CODING ROUTINE II (RECO II) Introduction RECO is a one-pass assembly routine designed to tran.late an 1103 program coded in symbolici regional address fOI"ll to 1103 machine language. Paper tape punched in Flexowriter code is the input-output .edi .. for HEGO. Input is the tape of 4ECO-eoded program, to be assembled Except for the input of decimal numbers, all nlBberiag in this progra., is r.eeorded in the octal system. Output is the tape of the ass,embled. progra. in octal notation. The output is translatable to bioctal fora via the FllA converter, or lIay be loaded directly into the comp1lter usiag the ERA "Flexie" load routine. A listing of tbe asseaabl~ prograll lIay be readily obtained on a Flexowriter. 0 RECO offers considerable flexibility in recording 1103 words.. The 1103 symbolic and numeric operation codes, as well as those of the Interpre- tive Systell are available for use. Addresses may be recorded fn either absolute or relative form. Relative addresses use a t"o~letter regional address code; in addition, the one letter regional address code. A and Q refer auto.atic~lly to the accumulator and Q-register., A IPxi_. of., 100 distinct reg100al address codes is available in 8 REeO coded prograa. aDd tbe pseudoinstructions assigning absolute addresses to each of t,hese codes precede the ma in progr8JJI on tbe iDput tape. Provision is m.de for in de~imal notation. A deei.aI to its signed 36-bit equivaleat floating point fora offers la.II tbe direct input of progru nu.ber, Nt is 88t_8tie811y i. fixed pOint, or floating range convers.ioD. tbe range CODstants written CODverted' by IlECO point, fol'll. Tile being J'o~gb11, All decimal numbers are identified as sucb,by • RECO pseudo-operation -'" code~ The punching of insert and check addfesses Oft the output tape is obtained by using pseudo-instructioal. A cbeck , .. of assembled 1103 word. i. aut_atic811y puncbed out with each check address ia.tructiOD. ,A pseudoinstruction is available wbereby the progra..er caD iDsert 8 MJOv instruction in add~esses,OOOOO and 40000; tbis.pseudo-instructioD per-ita hi. to begin _peratiOJl of his progr_ witb 811 lID start. C\J ....... -I C1' I o o C1' ....... r>< c.. Two types of termiIJating instructions are .vailable. Tbe first of these puncbes oat trailer aDd baits the cOIIputer.. The secoad puncta•• out trailer and transfers control to the ERA Library Routine. ,Thus, if tbe progra..er desires the assembly of certaill subroutilles for hi. program be •• It record the proper termiD8tingcomaaDd followed by a list of subroutine iDdices at the end of his input .tape. Tbis option pel'llits contilluous ass&llbl,. of the co.plete program. The total output in this case would cODsist of two parts 011 one continuous tape: (1) Assembled main progra.; (2) Assembled subroatineso Several types of progr.. errors are detected by RECO., The type of 9-41 RR-l26 aegional ·Coding Routine II (RECO II) 1 April 1956 error and its location on tbe input tape are printed out on the Flexowriter. All RECO output ceases as the first program error is detected. and the RECO input tape is processed from that point on for errors only. This error detection is lillited in the seDse that oaly the first error of a program word is recorded. A detail description of RECO programming is given below. Part I discusses the writing of regular 1103 wo~dsin symbolic for.. Part II lists the seven RF.CO pseudo-instructions. Part III describes input-output fomat. Part IV describes RECO error detection. Part V lists REtO operating instructioDs. Figure 1 of Part III is an-example of a RECO progralll. Figure 2 displays a listing of the assembled progra. given in Figure 1. I. 1103 Words A. Address Portion Addresses .y be recorded in eitber absolute or relative fona. KECO requires that at least one digit be recorded for any absolute address. Relative addresses appear 81 a I a 2 B, where (a 1 a 2) is a two-letter code denoting any ODe of a .xiii. of 100 (deci.. l) addressable regioDs, and wbere (8) designates tbe sequeace Damber of tbe address within the region (a 1 a 2). The oBly restriction .. the choice of letters in the regional address code il tbat a 1 ~ A or Q. (8) .ay be zero, in which case only (a 1 a 2) need be recorded. The regional portion, (a I a 2), of 8' relative address is assigned its absolute address Yalue, 8. by MaDS of tbe KEtO p.eudo-iastfllction RE a 1 a 2 i. All such 8s5igo.ents should be recorded at the beginning of the prograa tape. RECO requires that 8n entry be .ade for each address portio. of every 1103 instruction and octal CODstaDt. For' aD inst1"1Iction in wlaichan address portion is a "j", "jn", or .tjk" DEer (e.g. RPjnv). all five octal digits must be recorded; if j = 0, one Beed only record O. n, or k. B. OperatioD Portion , . Operation oodes are either the two digits or the two letters of the 1103 instructioD repertoire. The n..erica1 operation codes extend from 00 to 77. In addition, tbe alpbabetica1,l1W1eric, or alpha-owaerie operatioD codes used io the 1103 Interpretive Syste. afe recognized by RECO 811eg81 operations. However, the operati.D code for tbe Interpretive Replace Multiply: ilrestricted in form to either IP70 or 1470. Thoae 1103 words which for. octal CODstaDts with absolute or"relative address pertioDs, ••at have at least one aDd no .ore tban two digits recorded in the operation porti08 of the word. ~ C. ents. Decimal Numbers All decimal numbers are converted by REeO to signed 36-bit equivalDecimal numbers must be identified as such by the pseudo-operation code 9-42 RR-126 Regional Coding Routine II (REeO II) 1 Apri 1 1956 DE; these are the only program words for which RECO accepts numbering in the decimal system. There are two forms of decimal number words: where S, 1$ i $ 9, 0$1092 0 ~ fj $ 9, -99 ~ P $ 99, such that It i.fl f 2 ••• f9 f lO x loP I + S< 35. tiS" is the binary scale factor applied to I! i.f1f 2 ••• f9 flO x loP (2) Floating Point where 1$ is 9, I. "p" is the power of ten. DE t i.flf2 ••• f9fl0 O~ fj ~ 9, -39 < p < 39. P F, "F" is the code letter denoting floating point conversion to packed (28-8) form with biased characteristic.' The range on number. L. 8 floating point decimal number, N, is roagbly 10-38 SiN I~ 1038• The plus sign (+) is optional ou all signed quantities in the decimal The decimal point aDd some value for P and S must always be recorded. Sttbroatine Assembly RECO does Dot assemble library subroutines directly: rather, it provides the option of transferring control at the end of a REeO 8ssembly to another progra. whieh assembles subroutines. The use of this option terminates all REtO assembly aDd punehes out those subroutines listed on the input tape. This list of subroutines must be prefaced by the RECO instruction END and .uat comply with the input foraat of the ERA Library Routine. The output tape resulting fra. use of this subroutine option il ODe continuous flex code tape consisting of two parts: (1) AsseJlbled main program; (2). assembled subroutiDes. It is imperative that all, if any, subroQtine asseably be the final step in a complete progra. assembly. The reason for this is that the use of the subroutine option in effect destroys all previous HE a 1 a 2 8 instructions, and of course the information contained in these instructions is necessary for proper RECO assembly. 3 q-4~ RR-126 1 April 1956 Regional Coding Routine II (KECO II) II. RECO Instructions or Words A. RE B. DE c. IA D. CA E. START "Assign the region a 1 a 2 the value 8 tt Tbis instruction is described in I-A above. f9fl0 P S(F> "Decimal Number Fixed (Floating )'t This instruct ion is described. ill I-C above. "Insert address at a I a 2Btt causes a followed a1 a aI a~ This instruct ion six-inch leader to be puncbed out by the translated insert address. 28 • "Cbeck address at a 1 a B" This instruction causes the trans lated cieck address. a 1 a 28 , to be puncbed out, followed by a punch out of a check sum of all 1103 words since last LA instruction. This check· sum i l inserted at .achine addresses 75202 and 15203 on tbe output tape. "Start progra at a 1 a 28" This instruction c.u.es 8 translated MJO (a 1 a_ 28) instraction to be inserted at addresses 00000 and 40000 OD the asseabled progra. tape. The correct addresses aDd check are aata.atically punched oat. This iDstruction is optioDal. 8... F. 00. G. "End REtO progr_ 8ssellbly. begin subroutine As seJlbly" This instruction causes a 10 inch trailer to be punched out, aDd transfers control to the subroutine alseably program 8S described. in I-E above. ...0 C\J :! "End RECO progr.. assembly" Tbis instruction causes 8 10 incb trailer, followed by two periodl aDd a seventh level to be punched out. before holting the coaputer. III. Input-Qutput reraat I 0- Figures 1 and 2 are illustrations of the horizontal and vertical input-output 1'01'll8t5. The fonat exbibited in Figure I il strongly recOll&ended ..... for RECO progra.. ing. Fvery 1103 aDd RECO word must be ter.inated by at least tone vertical space (i.e. carriage return), and tbe distinct portions of any >< c.. word .gat be separated by at least one horizontal space (i.e. space or tab). aECO fgnorel all leader, shift uP. shift down, and delete flex codes. In particular, flex characters for "1" and 1 (one). and 0 and O(zero) are not interchangeable. t o o 0- 4 9-44 RR-126 Figure 1 RE aCID HE HE HE ZA40 TQl00_ IlS50000 STAIlT BC IA Be TP TQIO A42 12 TQ6 .Q SP EF TQ14 17· 0 TQ13 77 10000 20000 LA TQ5 A17 DV TQ6 TQ14 IPMP ZA ZAS RP 30005 BC 12 TP PR BS ZA 0 Be IS 30000 BC14 as 111TQ12 1473 TQI0 1014 RJ IIJ RSS as 0 ZA CA BC20 IA DE DE DE DE DE DE TQ5 +2.147483648 9 F -7.3786976294 19 -36 2.9103830456 -11 35 3.14159 5 F 1.0 10 0 3.162278 -38 F 070 000 DE 1.7014118 38 F CA TQ16 END. 9-4:1 figure 2 .000000.040000. 45 00000 00010. 00000004. 0001. 000000.075202. 00 00000 00000. ·45 00000 00010. 00000007.5204 • • 000000.000000 • 45 00000 00010. 00000000.0001. 000000.075202. 00 00000 00000. 45 00000 00010. 00000007.5204. be .000000.000010. 11 00110 20042. 12 00106 10000. 31 00114 00017. 17 00000 00113. 77 54 73 14 ..-..0 ..... C\J -, I 0"- 0 0 10000 00105 00106 71004 20000. 20017. 00114. 00045. 75 30005 00022. 11 50000 00040. 61 00000 00010 • 56 30000 00024. 23 00111 00112. 14 73011 00114. 0"- 37 50005- 50000. t- 45 00000 00040. ..... >< 0.. 00000000.0030. 000000.075202. 00 00000 00007. 70 74706 41000. 00000007.5204. 6 9-46 BR-126 Figure 2 (continued) tq+ • 000000. 000105. 20 16 00 23 00000 77711 00000 13136 00240. 77177. 00001. 00223. 11 24021 62000. 25 41273 44004. 00 00001 ooOOOe 00 00000 00000. 31 71m 76771. 00000000.0116. 000000.075202. 00 00000 00002. 41 00470 25466. 00ooqoo1.5204. 7 RR-126 1 Apri 1 1956 Regional Coding Routine II (RECO II) Foraat of output listing is exbibited in Figure 2. Tbis listing of an assembled program should prove to be useful in program debugging. The output tape is translatable to bioctal for. or may be loaded directly into tbe computer via the ERA "Flexie tt load routine. s~ IV. Flex Code stops are automatically punched by RECO after eaeh cheek check address to facilitate bioctal translation or listing. Error Detection RECO detects a liaited number of progra. errors. and their respective tags are 8S follows: ~ These error types oc I llega 1 operat i HC CA Illegal regional address code (i.e. Aa 2 or Qa 2 ) Check address failure RA Unassigned relative address region AO Relet i ve address exceeds the vi.llle 77771 OD Illegal octal digit flex code FE Decimal point missing in decimal number FO N\llber of fractional digits UN Deei.al auaber underflow (i.e. lOIS of significant digits) DO Illegal deci.al digit flex code OV Decimal number overflow (i.e. loss of Significant digits) OIl code10 in decimal nwaber RECO detects only the first error in a programaed 1103 or KECO word. Tbis detection does Dot apply to any errors occurring in tbe lilting of subroutine indices at the end of tbe input tape; errors in this pottioa of the input tape are detected by the subroutine progra.. C\J ...... , ~ 8 ~ ~ >< 0.. As RECO encounters a· progra. error, it prints out the error tag followed by two decimal numbers t a group count sud 8 word count, wbicb locate the error on the input tape. Group 0 includes all RECO words prior to tile first progranaed insert address instruction. wbicb i8 word 1 of group 1. Eacb succeeding insert address begins a new group. All output ceases as RECO detects the first program error. Bnd input Tbis teNinetion of outtape is processed for errors only frca that point on. put does not include that output reSUlting fra. subroutine assembly. If the number of REeO instructions RE a I a 28 exceeds 100 (decimal) the ca.puter will halt with an sec fault. RECO will not assemble such a program correctly. 8 9-48 RR-126 !legional Coding Routine II (RECO II) 1 Apr!l 1956 Improper horizontal and vertical spacing is also indirectly detected by REeO as one of the error types listed above. v. Operating InstructioQs I.. Flexowrit~r and high speed punch on. 2. Load input tape in F~rranti reader and position the tape several blank frames ahead of first character. 3. Set all MJ and MS selects off; malter clear. set PAK to 10010; START. REDO is brought into HSS fra. magnetic tape and assembly begins. a. If the instruction END. is recorded at the end of the input tape. the computer will halt on a 56 00000 00360 instruction. If END. is oaitted. the computer must be force stopped aiter input tape ba. pa.sed through the reader. b. If the subroutine option, END, is on the input tape and a period is recorded after the last sllbroutine index, the computer will halt on a 56 00000 70011 instruction. If the period is a.itted, the computer ••• t be force .topped after input tape bas passed througb the reader. 4. To asseJlble 8 second program, and case (3)-a applies to the preceding progra. assembly, position second tape in reader. let PAK to 00360, aDd START. 5. To assemble 8 second input tape making direct use of ilE a 1 a 2 8 instructions fraa the preceding tape and case (3)-a applies. position the secoad tape in reader, set PAK to 00364 and START. 9 o AO RICO RR-126 010'-1 00001 00 OQOOO 000Q2 00 00000 0IQ1I 0000' GO 00000 0lIl5 ~ 00 00000 0IIaI6 ~ 00 00000 0IIL1 na code. tor CCI1Wf\Iter i.Datr\lct1on OOOQO OO1lO nputo1n. OOOOT 00 00000 ~ •• 1•••••• 00006 00 00010 00 OOOQO 00000 OOQU 1 00001 tbru. 00100 00 OOOOO~ 000lI 00 00000 0:5007 000l..5 00 00000 O~ t)()()lA 00 00000 OlIo? ~ 00 00000 .,,.. 00_,--. 0001.6 .00 aoaoo· ,aoooo 00Q1,1 OOGIO 00. _ . aoooo. 00011 OOOGGlO ..... 00012 00 OOOOQ ~ au» ~ 00 00000 ~ 00 00000 Q1.lJO oooe 00 00000 0"'" ooca6 00 00000 O"!50 ~ ..-. -.0 00 OQOOO 0»01 000:50 00 00000 00000 N ...... ....,., l 0' I 0 0 0' 00031 00 000,. ~ auJI 00 00000 C8~" ...... t- ><: 0.. q-51 aoooe ~ ~ 00 oooe 00 OQOOO 00l0fi 00066 00 OQQOO 00l.a1 0006T 00 OQQOO ~ OOOTO 00 , RR-li!6 OQQOO 00000 0007l 00 00000 00000 00011 00 00000 00000 ooar, ooar- .co 00 OQQOO 00000 00 OQQOO 00000 C)()O'O 00 00000 00000 ooar6 00 00000 00000 oocm 00 00000 00000 00100 00 00000 00000 0QlQ1 00 00000 011?2 001GI 00 00000 nex .... t . OGIIIfUMr .....10 .,...uau. 1tIb..... 0Q101 tbn 00I0O 01M6 00l.C8 00 00000 07Iff8 ~ 00 OQQOO Q1I6Il. 00l.f0 00 00000 01110 00106 00 00000 0111' 00l.a1 00 00000 C1lI:JI OQUO ,..-.. -.0 00 OQQOO f11I'1 00Ul 00 00000 06671 001lI 00 00000 ~ 001U 00 00000 ~ C'\I .-4 '-" , OOU- 00 00000 o66a 0"J 0 0 0"- ~ 00 00000 06670 l"- 00116 00 00000 0611- OOU1 00 00000 ~ ()() 00000 066n 00lIl 00 00000 06171 ~ i>< 0.. 00110 9-52 IICO 0Q1I2 00 00000 ~ RR-126 06166 toll, 00 00000 0fi8le 00lI- 00 ~ 00 00000 OIitI:Io 00lI6 00 00000 0611~ 00121 00 00000 o6eI ooooo04ila 00lJ0 00 00000 06137 00l3l 00 00000 oQ72 00lJI 00 00000 ~ 001', 00 00000 Q6Ia.6i ~ 00 00000 oQ64 ocn» 00 00000 ~70 0QlJ6 00 OOOQO oa7~ 001Y1 00 00000 0QJ.II0 oa,. 00 00000 ~'7 00l1e.l 00 00000 07011 ocnJMI 00 00000 07066 001~' 00 00000 f1(061 001" 00 00000 OToQ. 00l1t5 00 00000 <17070 001~ . 00 00000 ....0 01"" 00l~1 00 00000 ·07cee ~ 00 00000 070" C\.I ..... -I 0"I 0 0 0"- ..... t- ><: ~ 9-53 RICO 00151 00 00000 (f'f-1R ~ 00 00000 07~ ~, 00 00000 07Wti ocn,a. 00 00000 07~ , RR-126 00l.55 '00 00000 (11"70 ~ 00 00000 07"'711- 00l5l 00 00000 014,. 001.60 00 00000 014,., 00161. 00 00000 oo.l68 00 ~ OOOQO ~ 00l6, 00 00000 ~ ()()l.Q 00 00000 ~ ~ GO 00000 ~o ~ 00 ooooo.~.. 00167 00 00000 ~ 0Q170· 00 00000 ~ 00111 00 00000 0"". 00111 00 00000 0"" 001." 00 00000 0 " . ona 0011- 00 00000 001" 00 00000 0,.,,0 00176 00 00000 0:5714 .- 00l.7T 00 00000 o,-"e ...0 C\J r-t '-' 00I0O 00 00000 0'''''' I 0"J 0 0 0"- t"'"'" >< 0... 9-54 00I0l 00 00000 , 0lII0 RR-126 0CJIcr. 00 OC*O. aalla· 0010' 00 14Ol5..0lIQl. ocaoa. 00 00000 GaI20 ~ 00 00000 ov.;,o 00806 00 00000· 016", 00107 "all. __.ru. AMa-..... 0GIQ1 tau 00,,-, ooocw.1·~ 00Il0 00 QOI6.~ ocml 00 OQOOO. 00000 00IlI 00 ooaoo· ooan 0GIJ3 00· 00000 -~7 00IlA 00 00000 ~ at •• «....... o.JJ.~ . . . 01Jt61 ocxm 00 00000 ~ 0CJI16 00 OOOOO.~, 0CJI11 00 GOOQO·oocel 00lIO 00 00000._' 00IIl 00 00000 00060 0C8I 00 00000 OOOTI OGle 00 00000 00066 ~ 00 00000 00061 OGle 00 00000 ~ 00II6 00 00000 00010 OOIIT 00 00000 0001- . ...-... ~ C\J -- ooeo 00 00000 ~ ~ I 0' 00I3l 00 00000 000)1 I 0 0 0' 0001 00 00000 000)0 t- OOl" 00 00000 000" ~ ><: c.. OQ$ 00 OOOQI 006Ia 9-55 RICO OGI.» 00 001" oam 10000 00 00000 0J,400 ooe7 00 0QiJM) 7 RR-126 oooao cmn 00 00000 0C8IIl 00 OOQOO 00Ql.7 00000 0QIJI.1 oooao ooa.T' 00 oooao 000lJ 00 oooao I000O 00 oooao lOOOO 00 ooaoo 0QQQ1 00 oooao Q1.6,a. OQD) til -..,600 00000 00151 00 oooao.. OO'la6 ooet 00 oOoao oa6Bl ~, 00 00000 OOOOT QC8III. 00 OQIJI., OOI~ 001_' ooM6 ~ " 00000 ooeJ - .000,-, ~ oae7 00 00000 GO ooooo.~ 00 ooaoo 0001~ ooaoo 00010 GO oooao ~ oaMo 00 OQIQ ..- '" C'\J -P""4 I C1' I 0 0 C1' ~ t- >< a.. 00If8 00 ooaoo· 00061 0016, 00 oooao 00Q66 ~ 00 ooaoo ooara ooae 00 00000. Q1I41 ~ 61 ~ 00 00000 000Ita 00000 oara,,1 9-56 8 RR-126 00Q10 00 00000 ~ 00I7l 00 00000 0000' 00I7I 00 00000 -"eaI 00Q1' 00 00000 ~ 00Q1- 00 00000 cotto, ~ 00 00000 001118- oc.T6 00 00000 oco,.· octm .." 00000 00000 OO!JOO 00 00000 oar6, 00301 00 00000 .JtOOOC) oo~ 00 00000 ltooOl. 0050' 00 00000 ooan ~ 00 00000 OOOGI. 00;,0, 00 20000 00000 ~ 00 00001 00000 00 .00000 1TI11 00310 00 00000 earn oo~ 00311 00 00000 0lIT' 00512 00 00001 00000 00313 00 00000 01"'10 00)1" 00 00000 ~ oo~ ..-.. -..0 00 00000 0lI50 oo}16 11 MolT &1000 C'\J --..... I 0"I 0 0 0"- ..... t- ><: 0.. 9-57 1"" IICO 9 RR-126 ~ 00)11 00 OO~ 00 ~.", fioItOO oo~ 00 ooa.il 1:5100 00" 00,., 00_ 00,., 00_ 00,," 00 000" .\UOO 00 0000, oJlIKl 00 00000 a,a.ao. 00 00000 Ql~ 00 00000 oow.. 00 00000 00Q12 # oo,~ 00 00000 QOOQ1. OO'JL 71 01~ ·00,;,0 00,,. 00 00000 0lAJI., 00'" 00 00000 014" 00'' ' 00'" 00'" 00 00000 00016 00 00000 ~ 00 OOQOO ~ 00337 00 OOOOO~, 003110 00 00000 OQW) OO~ Tl 7T1Tt Tn'" 00;,111 10 00000 00000 00", rrm TTl" 00,aa4 00 00000 ~ 77 ,-., 00'-', 00 00000 00I0O "" OO~ 00 00000 00'17 C\J .-4 '-' I 0I 0 0 0- r-4 t- >< 0.. 00"7 00 00000 Oooo.l 00,»0 00 00000 ~ 00»l 00 00000 0lI5' 9-58 IICO 00»1 ~'OOOOO ~ 00", ., 00000 00II6, 00"" ~ OOOQO 00665 00", .., 00000 0072' 00", 4, 00000 00761 00", 00 00000 000l.0 00360 11 oo}6l 16 OO~ 00)13 ooQ6 OO}(ie 16 ooaJi.7 00", 11 0lJI.,., oo65l- oarn 00000 OO}6li. 17 00000 (0)l2 00'" 76 00000 20000 00," 16 00176 ~~- ~ 00666 1600el ~ 00}67 16 00}70 oonJ, 1.6 OO~ 00161 00'72 16 ~ 01M6 00'." 16 oo~ ~ 00,.,_ U 00146 00"'1 oo}15 11 ---. -.0 C'\I ....-I '-" I 0I 0 0 oal"- Ol~' 00}76 11 00141 01~ OO,n 11 ~l 01_'" ooa.oo 11 OOQ41 014" 00II0l 11 ~ 01436 ooa.o, ....-I 00IMlI ., 00000 >< 0.. ooa.o, '7 ~ 00600 ~ 11 20000 0l4}O 0- r- ooa.o, ,., oo6l5 00605 JlllJlBAllIIIIr aD ,-.,.. oo~_ 00IMlI 10 RR-126 00406 U ~50 ac:o I000O u RR-126 ooJto7 -" 10100 OOII.U ~10 ..., 000Q1. 00\,. <»'11 ." aQ100 QQIIU oot.lI "" '*31 0Ql.Ql. 0QII.l.) ." IOOlO ~ QOII.1a. a.., 001II ~,. ooJt.15 "" ooJt.16 11., 0Q2Ql MD a.ra& JUJ'fu.. ~-- ooa.o, . . ~ 00656 OQIQR ~ ooa.l1 ""~~ ooa.ao ..., ocaco·OO66O 00IIa1 11., 0QI06 - ~ 001II2 "" 00103 oa'ItiO 00Iae. It.,~~ ~ 11 ~ lOOOO ooaaa, 51 IOQOO .I0000 ocM6 .., 00ICJl ooWIf 00IIaT a.., 00I1D ~ ooa.~ 11 011ia 0GM6 00II--'1 ~ 00000 0lI66 ooa..,. 11 01ItQ. 00IIt6 ooa." Jl lOOOO 00036 ~,a. 1l. I000O .Q1."" ...0 N ,., 00471 ~ I ~ I000O 00Q1.1 -- 00II." -- oot.!56 .....t at 0 0 a- ...-I t- >< 0.. 9-60 .LA ~" U I000O cw..,. RR-126 00ItJt0 37 «*71 ~ Ql.~ ~ 16 I000O ~ 11 01431 10000 0044, '7 ~ 005~ 00ItJM. . , 00000 00lI0, 0044, 11 0JA6I. oca.6 ~ 11. 0CXi)7 10000 00447 51 01430 I000O ()()It.~ ." IGlOO ~ ~'1 4' ooa.,. ", 10100 00II.31 ooa." 4' 0010l 00454 ~ 0QIl2 ()()It." ,.~OOO~ <*56 11I0000 0000l ~~ 00.,. I000O ~,. ~" ,., oot.71 00Ii65 ~ ". aoooo ()()Ol.4 00Ia6l " 01"'31 01431 00IMJe ,., cm71 ooa.6, ..-. -.0 C\I -....-f I 0"I 0 0 0"- ....-f t~ 0... ~ ~ " 0lJI.,. 10000 4' OOOOO~, ooa.65 ,.,. 0060II. 00600 ~ ,., 006" 00630 ooa.67 11 ~ cn431 ooa.70 YI 00617 oo6l.6 ~71 11 01431 I000O 9-61 ~TI Ito, ooa.l' ~'0001 ~ 0QII.7- ., CQO' otOI6 00000 00000 aco 13 RR-126 1J AID , AJIIIEI mcoJ»DIG ooa.." ,at. I000O 00006 00II.76 u aoooo 014" ooa.n ,., 005T1 00711 00500 " 0lJI." ~1 Qlla.n ~ ~ ~ -" aoooo 0lI11 ~, Ito, 0lA70 ~ ~ II ~ 16 I000O 01Jt." ~ ~ Il. 10000 ~ tBIIJ ocee7 ~ 00011 oc.w oceoT ., 01~" 10000 ocmo 11 ou." 001"7 ~ 16 01." ~ ~ U 0GI4l. QlA.~ ~ 31 00fiIT 0061.6 ~ U01.5101."~ ....0 C\I ~ 11 Ol.Ji.)1 016,. 00516 U 00,," aoooo 0($1 ItI 01Jt.~ 01278 ~ Ito, 00000 ()OIa.l1 ~ 11 ooeIM 01."" ~ 11. 00RJI.1. 0l."31 ~, ,., oo6IT 0061.6 ~ '-" I 0"I 0 0 0"- ..-4 t- ><: 0.. ~~ 11 QlA.31 01_" 4' 00000 00516 9-62 IICO ~6 11 001-., 014" 00517 Jt., 00000 ~ 005;,0 21 01.4,-. ~~ 1- RR-126 waUl (JaC:II) allUtDi ~:5l ~ 00000 ~3I ~~ }l 005" 3Q 0l.4" 005~ 32 lOOOO 00000 005" 11 20000 ~" ~10000~ o:JA.» ~ 005'7 11 I000O ~ ll. AID8I_005~ !IUIJ 00510 00000 0lJI.:56 0lJI." oc.4, 0l4" ~ 11 ~ 0l43Q ~ 1110000 ~ ~ 11. Q1A.3I 10000 ~ ~ ~ 00545 11. lOOOO Ol.~~ Q05IM) "00000 ~ ()()511.1 ~ ooooo~, ~ 11 lOOOO 0lJi.3I ~ "01~ 0000, ~ ~ 2OQOO OOR5' 0054' 00», "OO$~ .--.. ...0 C'\l ~ 6, 005» "'1 01"-" ....-I '-" I 0"- 00556 6, 00000 00000 00000 ()()511., 0<267 I 0 0 0"- 00551 " 00000 00116 ....-I t- ><: Cl.; Q , " -(). oce6O .... ~~ ~ . , QOOQO ~ ~, ~ ~~~ " 00000 0QI16 IIAD, ~ ..xB8, 00565 . , 00000 QOOQO 'IImOIWIAI, ~ " 00000 0QIl6 JDlfDD. ~7 11~' 01W6 00710 ~'OOOOO ~, oem. RR-126 ~ u 00111 ~ 1, AlDtIJ_ - 00711 tJIJIJ 006" 17 00000 00311 00511 76 00000 I000O 00!m ...., 00Il1. 007fl OO71~ ~,oom.a ~11 ~ ...., OQIU ~1' ...., oayn oem. ocm4 oem. .., 00000 00000 00600 YI oayn oom. 00601 ...., 00600 ~ 00601 ...., 00116 00600 0060, ...., oem7 00600 Q06OII. . , 00000 00000 ~ .-.. -..0 C\J ,., 00'JT1 007fl 00606 ....,~~ ...-! '-' I 0"J 0 0 0"- 00601 ...., 00116 ~ 00610 ...., oail1 0061.:S ...-! r- ><: a.. 006U " Ql4.50 ·00006 oo6l.2 ,. 10000 00000 006lJ 11 aoooo 014:50 9-64 00614- .., 00000 ~ - ~ l' RR-126 .., QOOOO 00000 006l.6 ~ 00511 ~1l oo6l.1 .., ~ 00617 oo«i8O .., 0CI16. 00fiI7 00fiIl ..., 0QIl.7 ooEiI7 oofiII Yl 006" 006,. 00613 " 0JA.31 oo6R4 0000, , . 0l.4)l -00000 oo6Ie u aooao QlJa.31· . . . . DmII. . . 00616 .., 00000 00616 OP _ I. .' ·A.Ja' I • 00fI7 .., 00000 00000 ocaa 006" ~,. •"1'1 • 00631 • ,.00000 006" A_a.. 006~ 16 OO~ 006" 006" ." IOQlO 00000 006" 006" 006,., C\J ,....j 4' ooaa. 006» !D. ~ I000O ..., 00000 00000 Y1 oo6OIt. 00600 ooQo Ji., 0QR)2 0l26T Ji.,~, 0lI67 ~1 ,.-.., 16 006,. 006,-. -.0 0061II ooQ., '-" ,... aooao 00006 U aooao· QlJI.)1 I 0' I 0 0 0' ,....j r- :><: 0.. AID ."DR"AIII IPI ' 006It4 J1 0C1JTl 0C01l ooQ., 51 0lJi.31 00000 00631 - 00657 17 IICO RR-126 ooQ6 11 I000O G1A10 or . .leal oo6It1 11 001II.1 ~51 ,-, 00fIrI ooQ6 A.F.B ....... ~ 00$ 11 0JA.31 016~ A'I OC$) 006"a 1100Q6-~· "*, 11 ~ ~ MOD. . . ~10 _ 0l6", AID 016,-. . . Q17T1 006'01. 0C8It6 ~ Il~OO_ oqooo 0QIt0, . 006)J6 11 aLItQ 0C8It6 00671 .,. 00000 006" - ~ II. ou.6,.~ 0066l. 11 ooM6 ~. Qlwa. 11 0CJM.1 ~1 oo66J 11 . ~- CDJ.!JC) --. ,.,~ OGle 11 I000O oD.", ~ . , 00000 006Ir ." ooarJt. 0061l oosro " 'flAllLAII AID . . . . 1.111', A"•• 1UJi'lIi. A• • IS.,·· 00660 . . 07tl ~ oo6Br 00000 0CJIII.l. 00671 11 01Jt41 I000O 006'12 "1 0067' 00701 ..-.. ...0 C\I r-! '-' I 0I 0 0 0r-! t- >< ~ 100" 0067' " 0lJM.7 0067" " 00000 10000 00615 " 10000 00006 00676 " 00000 10000 oo6Tr ll. 0lA:JC) I000O 00100 "1 00101 00701 00701 " 00000 OO,~ 9-66 IICO 007~ " 0010' 11 0GIT0 ~ 18 RR-126 00000 0QI16 OO1ot. 11 00", 01'-" 007~ U ooMl 00706 11 ~ 001(11 014.". 11 ~0lM0 00110 " 007ll Ql4" 00000 00867 ." 0C)()0i 00713 00111 " 00000 ~ 00113 6, 00000 Cd61 00714 "00000 ~ 00TJ.5 11 OGITO 0lJI." 00"116 " 0lM0 00111 " ooore ~. 100l.l BAISLAII AID JIUICII a.z ADla18, AD,. a.z _ JUItlII. 00720 ,.,~~ A_I" 001Il Ji., 00000 ooa.o, 001II- 007n 007II ,., 00411 .' ~ 0012' 4'.~,a. ~ 00'lM Ito, ~ Ito, 00000 0lI10 00000 00116 00116 ." 00007 00130 oam 6, -- oar~ 11 I000O 01-"0 -- oar}]. "01~ ooo~ -..0 C\J r-! J 0"J 0 0 0"- r-! t- ><: c.... 00000 ~ 007,. 51 oge, I000O 007" " ooea. orrr,.. 007'" " 00000 00000 9-67 IlOO CX1I" " 00000 00I6.T 007" oar,., l' RR-126 11 00I7l ~" " oaeo lOOla 007Jto YI~~ OOTid. -., 00000 007111 007Jee ll~~ oar~, ,., 00lIJ.. 0C1I~ u .ou." 1OOQO ocrra., )1 0CJIJe ~ 001116 u~" 1OQOO ocrru ~1 "~-~. ocmo U.·a.o I000O ocm1 ,., ~ ,.", ~ oam 001~ 00116 16 ~ 001Il 16~ oar-.l " 00000. 00,,., 10 00000 00It0, ,.",. 11 CXI.Ita ~ rwm " 00000 ~ 11 Q'I)tQ. 0G1II 00IJt6 00161 "~11 ocMe -.. -.0 C'\l I"""i "-' I 0I 0 0 0- ...... t- >< 0... oor" 001f1 .., 00000 001" U~G1~l 007a "an ...... oar" 11 00501 m.s.... 00160 . . 0100, ou.,.. oar" ,., 00111 006II ""1 11 Q1JMI 10000 oano ", 005e oco;,o 00Trl u oo~ .... ,....... ...... ".'S.AID I000O 9-68 at\ ocma '7 cam 00716 oem, oem. U 00IJt.l cn.a.,a. ,., 00TI1 ~ cam 11 0lJIAII 10000 oem' ,., oam 11 ooe\6 I000O 01000 '1 ~ 00530 cam 00716 0l00l 16 0«t7' 007Il Ol.(d . 16 0«t7~ ocrm 0100, It., 00000 ooa.o, ~ 11 0l.WJI. 00146 ~ ,., ~ 00600 0l.006 ,., QU.66 ~ 01007 llCWMo·~' 01010 ,., 01a06 0l20' 0l0ll 11I0000 Q1~ 51 OOJTI 0l0lJ ~, ~ .., 00000 01276 0l.0l5 ." lDQl2 0l0l7 11 01"', 0l.0l.1 16 ......0 C'\l I oc.67 0l.0l5 CQl~. 00,,. ,., ocm7 00571- OlCQl .., 0lQI2 cn.arrr -., 00Il.7 cn.arrr 0101} ,., 0lI06 ~ 0' I 0 0 0' ...-i t- :><: 0... QlQP QlC20 .....-i ~ oom. 0l.QlI 01016 HR 0110, ...... IIICDIAL J8VI cca_ICII JdltDi ~-~ ~:':6 8CO 0101.., . 11I0000 ~ 11 RR-126 11 QJ..CaIa,. ·OOIW Q1QI6 ., 00000 Q1aO 01., 11 01~ 51~'~ ~ lOOOO 01031 11 00'" I000O 010,. 01.0)' 010" 010" JtI aw.o ·01117 ,.,~.~ ,., - GU6T. 11.GWIo·~ ,,"",,·aoooo Q1O'1 ." oo.r 0lW0 ~ 11 Gl.OIto 11. .I0000 01IIQ ~ » GLOIII . ., 003"" Q1OIt., ", CIlIQI·ausr . ~ ~. 01&)0 .. «I,.. ·11 ~.aoooo ~ ~1 Q1Q1t6· . . .1 ~ 13 Q1JJIO .QJJJ.~ 0l.tA1 U ~ Q1.I);,G 11. ocM1 ..aoooo 0l0l ll. I000O ...0 C'l .....t 1 0' I 0 0 0' .....t 1- ~ ~,.. "G1.U' ~ 01~' 11 ~ ,., 01~ G1.WI ~JO lOOOO ~ 00!5~ ..., 00000 ooa.o, >< 0. 9-70 IICO n HH-126 Ol.~. 31 < 0... 9-71 aco I, RR-126 01106 Jt5 00000 QUlO 0l.la1 11 I000O ooaJa6 QUlO 71tt I000O 0l.Jt.~ 01W. 11. I000O 0JA.:50 01l.l2 11 01JI~" GWIq Ol.ll} ,,~~ QUla. "cw.~~. ~ 11 I000O OlJI.JI I0000. 01J.l6 it.1 ~ QUl.1 11 Q1JI~" OlJIfi QUl.7 QUIO 11.1 0ll.Il 01,. QUI1 1t6. QUIa.. ou- 01lII "'OO~.O13OO 0llI' o:u.aa. " 00,-.0 QlWI. 16 0J.Wt.- Gll.e GJJ.e !SIlo ~~ 00000 Q11I6 IJ6 0l.1JI1'. QUJO Q1lI7 "0c86.~ QUJO 11 QlJM.JIOOOO. Q1.U1 "'7 CJl.UI. Ql.U' 0lUl 13 au.!JO ~50· C)l;U' .-.. ...0 C\I I c::t- 00,,., ~ 11 0lAJ ~-. . f""4 '-" .., 00000 00000 ~ ,,00,.., Ol~ I 0 0 0"f""4 r- >< CI...! 9-72 IIGO .RR-126 ~ 11 01450 00'" ~, 0llA0 Il~·~ OllIQ ». 00,-., 000', I0000. onlla U I000O Q1A~ QVM., 00000 0llJt., ~ 011......· ....,~,~ 011"', lJ~~~ ou1i6 11. / 0l.1JIa. 01U7 011-7 OlJI-".aooo It6 01300 o:u:5O ou.:5O ... 005116 cw.:5' Q1.l51 ..., -oo,a.6 cw.:5' ~ Jt., 00000 01.;,01 ~, U OO)Wi lOOOO 0JJ:tII. " caw. .QJJI.~ . 01155 ~ 01l.71 ,., 00000 0l.l3' . , 00'" GUS. . ., ·00,,, 0WiI 0ll.60 11 ~Q1JMo 01l61. ..., 00000· 0ll66. -...0 C\l ~ '-' I CJ' I 0 0 CJ' ~ 0ll6I 11 OC*6,.Q1.~ 0116, OOOOO~. ., GUS. 11 ooN. 0lAIt0 0ll.65 37 ~ Gam. 01166 .., 00000 00000 t- :>< Cl.I 9-73 0U6T ,.,~~ - ., RR-126 O11tO ,., QII06 . ., GUn u 1OiIOO,~ QU.1I ,., .",." oceT1 au." Jt,J-.,.Q1IGI au.,... .',0cm6.", 011-" ~J OOI.'LT'" OU7' JT QlI06 GlaO, 01111 71 00"", Q14)O aoaoo ,--,~, Ql800 11 - .., ,000000l118 0J.I05 ." ,1OQla" 0lJQl., ~ Je., GallO 0J.aCe 0J.aCe. '" ~.amoo, QlIQl " 00000 OOOGO G1806 . , OODOO OOOGO. 0lI0T ll. ,.,... .G1AIt6 QUW) l1~'~T Q1Ill Jt.1. ,Q1.WO QIJlU OJala to ,00000.· 01Ia CDa15 11 -- ..,0 N .....r ......, t a-J 0 0 0"- ...... r- >< c.. ~ 0lAI~', 00)16. ~ IQOOI -G1JJDO. G1Il5 1t6 . . ,QW.1. 0lIl6 11· aoooo 008W 01117 n. aoaoo QlJM6 QlIIO 81 Q1AIq~ 01111 .., QQOOO 0111 1 0lIII U 00'31 I000O 9'-74 H RR-126 0l2I' " Q1.IIII. 11 01AII6 oo'lO ~ 7"aoooo ~ .Qla.Q Q1.8JI. 0lII6 116· Q1IIT 0lII1 11 0lI~ aoooo GaM, ·aoooo 0lJI_' 01151- 11 .01.lI41 GlJOo 011:50 U 01231 11 ~ I000O 011" -'1 Ql2~ Jl, .cxra6 0Q10 ~ ." .01AII6 ~" CWD6 )1.-I0000 000Q1. 011" Ita G1JtIt6. C8Ml 01IJt0 11""~ 0l24l U ~ Q1IltJe.. ''''''I0000 - . (• . 111.) • AIIII.IZ~ .- 01IlII. ,,~~ JlCSiDL ~, 11· 01M6. G1.WI6 AIIIII cnaa.a. -., ·00000 00000 ~,-oue . ~ Il., mAla OCRJa6 01146 ..-... -.0 C'\J I '" '"....... r- OQQQO Ql&JJq ~1 ", OJ.IQ . . " cweo "00000 oo~ ~ 11 0lJIa ooM6 ~ ooooo~, ....... -- " .., I 0 0 :><: 0... 9-75 lleO 27 RR-126 0l25' '1 o~ o~ 01$ ~, 00I0O 70011 o~ ." 0007~ O~ " 00008 001'1 01257 " 00000 ooa67 "'~IOII ol26O " 00000 00155 CilfIUl (ftPIDI1'.D) 01151 el.261 " 00000 0025' oltiQ " 00000 002'7 olfi' " 10000 00"7 o~ ." 001~ )0000 012" " 00000 002~1 o~ OOOGO 0132' ~, --acIJIIII. .~ t1an Ol~27 Ol.l67 .., 00000 0l3:5l ol27O ~'OOIOO ~, 01a7l .., 00000 013" 0l27I .., OOOGO 0l3'7 uan .., 00000 01'" 01l7~ 0, 16121 61'30 ~ 11 ,o300"~ 0127' .., 00000 013'7 --...0 C'\J ...... 01177 .., 00000 01~1 01300 ~, 00000 01"'. I ,., oooeo O~, ...... 01302 ~, 00000 01'" >< Ol~' 10 lOlOO 00000 o~ a' 10260 , . Ol~ 12 12031 70000 0"I 0 0 0"t- 0.. 01:50]. 9-76 ~ 01306 '7 005TI 00,11 OU07 ~, 0011' Ol'U 01310 ~, 00000 01,06 01'11 21 OlkY. ooa~ 01'12 ~l oG~7 Ol'l~ 0l3l.3 ., OOOIO~' 013J.~ l ' OO'l~ 005~ 01)1' l' l' 0011" 00666 0l.3J.' l ' OOIT" 00715 11)17 Ol32O l ' OOIT~ 00761 oo,~ 01I~ 0l32l l'OO~O~ 01322 . , 00000 00It.0, 01323 " 0117" lC)OO6 ~ 51 00I1I 01~1 01,., " 100e0 00006 oU16 51 00IlI Ol~ oU27 '1 01~' 01"1 01330 ~, 013)1 " --- 01',. 00000 01'- 0117" 10012 .,0000001_ -..0 C\J ~ OU" I 0' I 0 0 0' ~ r::< p.,. 01'~ " 01_ 0lI15 10006 ., ooeoo 013" "O~lGO" 013" .., OOOGO 0l.324 013'1 " 01~ 10006 01~ ..,0000001_ 28 RR-126 IICOa, O~ ,,~ 10012 01:;" ~, 000II 0l3M ~, ,,~ 10C)()6 O~ .., 00000 013M O~, RR-126 " 0117" 100" Ol,a.6 '1 00IlI 01"1 O~7 " 10000 ()GOO6 01550 '1 0lI1l 01"0135l 51 Ollte, 01"1 01352 .., oeooo GUll 01»' ,,~ 100" ~ ~'OOOOO ~ 01»5 " 0l.505 10012 ~ .., 0I0IO ~ ,,~ 10018 OU57 OU'O 51 0lI1l ~l 01)Q " 11000 00006 0U6I 51 00IlI· 0WtI 0136, '1 0l1J85 01"1 ,-.. ...0 IN ~ 0lJA U 0ta71 lO0IO ~ 75 20015 GUO' ~ ~, 00,,. Ol,u 01361 61 00000 00116 01310 61 00000 00213 01'71 '1 ooeoo ~l 01'12 il 00000 01~1 ......" I 0"J 0 0 0' ~ t- >< c.. 9-78 Ilea ooeoo 0021' Q 000lO 0011~ 01373 il 81'1' )0 RR-126 01315 11 Ol~' I000O ,. 0131' '7 ~ OlAot. 0l}77 '1 00000 00215 Ol~ U o~ '7 01'- 0l1tOlJ Ol~ 61 oeooo 8OIl6 Ol~' ~, 00000 0I0IO Ol~ .",.. oua I000O 01~ 0lJM)5 ." .,., 0lM6 ~ 15 '00351 tlUO 011tCr1 uoo_~~ ,ow.o u 0l.JtW I000O 01-11 ~1 Ol~ Ol~ 01~11 Q OOOM 0QI15 Ol~ a.'~~ '1~1Jt. ~ 01~~ oiuo 01415 U 0C86 I0000, 01",' ",",I01U7 I1U7 '61 00000 00000 ~, 00801 00000 .-.. 0llIa0 '" Olltll 15 oDlO 0l1a2, C'\J ......t -.I 0"I 0 0 0"- ......t r:>< 0.. ...., ~ U. - - " 20000 " 0»1161 01~ 01... '61 00000· 00000 ..., 1101_~ 0MI6 ~l oD'" 0DI2 Ol~ 00000 " Ol~l' 9-79 RR-126 23 Ju.ly, 1956 iBtrqduct10n The ERA L1bral7 Routine tor the 110.3 Serial 9 Ccaputer extracts subroutines tro. a library file on magnet1c tape and assemble. th. on the drum or in high 8~eed storage tor later U8e. At the option ot the operator, a flex tape ot all subroutine. assembled 1s punched out on the high speed This routine JIJa7 be used in conj unot1on wi tb RECO II (ERA Re&1onal Codiag Routine II) to give a continuous nu: tape cona18t1Dg ot °a ma1n routine followed b,. alleubroutlnea needed in tbe execution- ot the main routine. A deacr1ptioll ot this overall &saabl¥ procedure DCO. i8 giV8D 111 the vrl te.-up It 18 alao pos.ible to uae the Ubra17 Routine eeparate17. caee input iDtomat10n auat be provided br the opera tor in the !h1e tape list. the subrouUnes to be flex tape. a.~ebled, or III e1 the t011l of a together with ,~ infoJ.1Dat1on regardiD£ assembly mod1f'1cut1oD and storage. Routine. IDa)" be stored at a location d1fterent trom that with r,8spect to which the, are 88881bly _OO1fied. A detaUed description of the lnJ. ut tape is g1ven in the section -Input Tape Format". -- HaiR ~ ...... Features ot the Ltbmrz Reut1ne '-" I 0- 6 o 1) Ed t Restoration 0"- ...... r>< c.. !he Ubra17 Routine replace. the first two verds of subroutines in -standard for.mft with the instruct1on. 37 75700 75702 45 000C() QoOOOJ 9-80 RR-126 -2- The first inatruction rerers to· the Convair Alara Routine which has had its insert address changed fro. 76000t0 75100 in order to avoid interfering with the image. This -exit restoration" feature 18 included to facill1ta.te relocating the !lara Print routine. In tact, with a1nor aod1t1oationa, a difrerent atandard preface can be .appended to subroutines in the tape 11braJ7, should thi. ever be desired. 2) Asaembl1' Modification AD7 routine coded addres8 subjeot a) My be modified relatlve to &DT BSS or druIl to the following re8trictions. lbe routine!. coded relative to 01000. b) All: lnatruotioD8 aDd relative operaDCla are located couecut1velT at ·thebeginnJ ng .or the routine. 0) All absolute constants are stored oODHoutively '-.d1atel7 after the modi.f'1able· worda. A '118't1rlf of :routine.wh1ch·may be JaOd1t1ed b7 the 11br&l7 routine The programmer JlU8t choose for each JDOd1tlable 1. g1yen 1n the appendix. routine, the starting address with respeot tovh1oh address JaOdit1oatlOll, ta to occur, as explaiDed in detail 1n the section on -Input Tape :3) Storage or rorll&t-. Subroutine. 1be progrumer may ohoose to store' a subroutine bepnning at 8.D7 HSS or drum a4dresa exc.pt in the 1JIage (76OfI)..77l71). Storage in the 1JIage. vUl reault in a1JaultaDeou8 .torage ot the subroutine 1Jl the oorre8pC)Dd1ng high speed 8torage 100&tion. It 1s the prosra-er'8 reeponaibU1ty to b. sure that .teNd rout1nes do not overlap. It it 1. de.ired to atore two or lIOn routine. in the same locations, then the Illtra17 routine auat be applied two or .ore t.1JHa o 9-81 RR-126 -3- The programmer .uat choose a storage location tor each routine .etller 1 t 18 &aseab17 aod1t1able or not. 1be aetbod. ot providing 1ntormation on desired storage loca tiona 18 given 1n the section -Input Tape Forma~". 6" 4) 'l)ped List ot Subroutines During the operation ot the routine, a l1st ot subroutine. "to- gether vi th other 1ntoraation i8 typed out. Th1e list lIJB.Y be used by the programaer to verity that the subroutine. have 1n fact been assembled "as he iDteDded. S) ror detaU. see the section -'l)ped List ot SubroutlDU -. Flex Tape Ou.tput of Assembled Routines The operator JI81' prooure aex tapes ot the ass-.bled subroutines i t he desU.-ea (M. Operating lnatruct1ona). In general eithera!l ot the aubroutlbe8 are pmched out, or DOne ot th_ are. The following nex _pe 18 punch&4 QU.'~ eaob aubrOutine (with apJ:,ropr1ate leader or traUer). -.0 ~ , 6) a) Inaert Address (First Storage Addres.). b) SUbrouU_ (aod1t1ed or not e) Check Address. d) lDaert addreaa 75202• •) Check aua. t) Oheck Address 75204. a8 the case -7 be). F1Dal. State after Ue1ng Routine '-" c r A t t e r the rout1oa baa been ueed and all' subroutines have been o o ~ asaeabled (and p••81b17 punched out), BSS 1. restored' to its original tora, t- ~ except tor tho.. 100&tiona 1n which subroutines have been stored. aubrout1nea are in their desired locations ready tor US8. All the Magnetic Tape Unit 0 haa baen backed up to its starting point. 9-82 RR-126 -4- The Subroutine Library A list of subroutines currently stored on MT Unit 0 is given in the appendix. Preceding the first uord of each subroutine on magnetic tape are tour "tag words". Following the laf?t yord of each subrout~ are enough "all zero" words to fill out the block of :tape on whioh the last word a.ppears. For example, a subroutine containing tape; i.e., 4 tag worde, "468 46s words oocupies two blocks on the subroutine words, and 2t8 blanks. The four "tag "Words" preceding a subroutine g1ve the following information a 1) • First word abc ddddd eeeee =0 if routine 1s assembly modifiable. b =1 it routine 1s not assembly modifiable. c =Oir exits are not to be restored. c =1 1t exits are to be restored. b ddddd. number of words if routine 1s assembly modifiable; first fixed operating location if it is not • ..... a number ot modifiable words 1f' routine is assembly modifiable J last operating location if 1 t is not. 2) • -Second Word a Check Sum (Left Part). j). " Third Word a" Check Sum (Right Part). 4) • Fourth Word I This word 1 s the routinJe library index, or more simply, Routine Index, and consists of a nex code of five letters, 'Which are determined by the nature of the routine and two octal zeros to make up a 36 bit word. a) • lxamplesl Central Exchange Index I RR-68 (eX - Fl08 ting Point). Routine Index I ex - fOl . Routine Identification Code. 20 27 26 37 -5= 00 q-83 RR-126 -5b). Central Exchange Index. Routine Index I CV 37 (Card Paokage) cg -. 100 Routine Indentification Code. l6 13 52 J"i 37 00 (Note that the "dash" in the index does not 8.fpear in the identification code.) The Library Routine is also stored on MT Unit O. It 1s transferred to BSS from tape by the Library Routine loader in the Service Library. th. DictiMFY Immed.1ately following the L1 brary Routine on MT Unit 0 1s a 40 block "dictionary". The first halt consist5 ot a 2 word check sum plu6 up toS10 (decimal) identIfication codes of the type described in the preeed1Dg Mction. All words not filled with identification codes are filled with zero•• The second half ot the dictionary consists ot a 2 word check sum and up to 510 "control worden. Far each identification code in the first halt ot the dictionary, there i8 a control word in the 8Ilm8 relative p08ition in the aecond halt; i ••• , it the identification code correspond- ing to a given subroutine is the nth word in the first halt ot the dictionary, ~~512, then the "control word" for this subroutine 15 also in position n, but 1n the second half or the dictionary. The control word consists of 12 octal digits op ppp qq 00000 ,where pppp is the number ot blocks of tape in MT Un!t 0 measured from its start which must be traversed to get to the start of the subroutine, 03648~PP~20478 J qq is the number of blocks in the subroutine, Ol~q~08. It a subroutine is more than 208 blocks in length it is regarded as two or more separate routines, eaoh with its own "tag worde" and "index". 9-84 RR-126 As an example, the control yord 01 2460.3 00000 calle tor a routine whioh starts Arter l246 blocks of tape have been counted and which is 3 blocks long. The subroutine therefore occupies blooks l2.47, 1250, and 1251. (octal) Ipput The input tape Tape Format ll~ts the subroutines vb1ch a-e to be used in a main routine together with information regarding assembly modification and desired storage locations. ot information tor e~ch The programmer must provide thEM pieces 8Ubroutine to pe assembled. The exact format ot this information depends on whether the routine is aeeembly modifiable. 1.) For an5Mmbly modifiable routine, a) Routine Index b) An a8Hmbly modification a ddr.S8J 1.e. the first oper- ating location ot the subroutine • • c) A 8torag' address; i.e. the address vhere the t1rst word of the subroutine is to be stored. 2.) For a 8ubroutine which 1s not assembly modifiable, (1 ••• th8 subroutine i8 written with a fixed operatiDg location or is written relative to B.S.S. location 01000 but 1s not in -standard form"). a) Routine Index b) Fixed operating addres8 (1 ••• the tirst address of the routine.) c) A ·storage address A max1mum of 16 subroutines can be aeaembl.d with one application of the Library Routine. Care must be taken not to store two routines in the same location, since all subroutines are assembled and stor.d before 9-85 -7- any ot them are punched. RR-126 If the operator desires to :tore more than one subroutine a. t the same location, he must use the.11brary routll2e more than once and must have. a -separate n routine list for each appllca. tion ot this routine. (The tape need not be separated llterally, but must have the proper -terminating signal- betveen each routIne list.) At the aonc1ueion or each routine list is a period. This tells the machine that all input Information· has been lIteelved and' transters operation to the next part of -the routin~. If more than 16 subroutines are called for without a period, the input tape is automatioally stopped . . atter r ea.ding in 16 indices, and the computer halts after assembling the 16 subroutines. Push start button to assemble the remaining sub- routine •• The exact format ot the tape i6 best illustrated by an.,mple. Six subroutines are to be assembled. The subroutine library representation and Central kchaDge lumber.ot these subroutines are. 1) rt-tOl (RR 59) 2) opo-lOO (ev 1) 3) do-xOl(BR 47) 4) al-prl (CV ) S) ip..p01 eRR 10) 6) rt-:xOl 1BR-21) In the above list, routines 1, 3, and 6 are written 18lat1ve to B.S.S. address 0l000. Routine 5 1s eo written on tape as to be 8ssemhl1 modifiable. Routines 2 and 4 operate from fixed locations. These routines are to be operated on as followsa 1) rl-fol modified relative to 1300 and stored beginning at 51000. 2) ope-lOO bas fixed operating location 00040 but 1s to be stored at 42100. 9-86 RR-126 3) do-xOl i8 not to be modified but 1s to be stored at 66300. 4) al-pr1 has fixed operating location 75700 and is to be stored there. 5) ip-pOl 1s not to be JIOdit1ed but i . stored at 41000. 6) rt-xOl is to be modified relative· to OlZ72 but is to be stored at 00300. \ The information needed on the input tape consists ot the tolloviDg in flex oode I rt-fOl 01300 51000 cpo-100 00040 42100 do-xOl 01000 66300 al-prl 75700 75700 1~1 01000 41000 rt-xOl 01272 00)00 The rollowing general rules are noted I 1) Three piece. of intormation are needed tor each subroutine. 2) If a "standard" assembly modifiable routine ia not to be modified, the address 01000 is the first address listedJ otherwise the starting address is given. 3) The first address tor a routine which has a tixed operatiDg location is the tixed operating location. 4) The first address for a routine written relative to 01000 but which ie not in • standard torm" (and hence i. not modifiable) i8 01000. 5} The second address is always the first address at which the subroutine 18 to be stored. 6) . An assembly moditiable routine may be ~tied relative to any ·B.S.S. or drum address. -9- 8) RR-126 A routine may be stored anywhere in H.S.S. or on the drum. Care BlUet be taken nct to store more thall one subroutine 111 the S8llle location. In preparing the in!=,ut flex tape, the following rules should be 1) There must be at least one apace between the tvo letters aDd the three (or more) d1g! ts of the library index. 2) There must be at Ieaat one sPace between the library index and the f1rst address and between the flrst ~ld second addreases o 3) There must be a carriage return atter the secorid addr •••• 4) Jollowbg the carriage return at the end of the laat eubrout1ne iDtormatlon there auat be a period. S) !be l1brar.y routine ignores extra apece., cod. de let.. and leader on the input tape. TYpE UPta of SUbrout1py A8 the library' routine 18 operating on aubrout1nea taken ott magnetic tape, it type. od iDtoraat1on tor later reterence. 1) It the eubrout1ne 18 mOdifiable and haa been modified. the following i . . a) b) typ", 11.03 L1braJ7 IDdex Jl1aber ot Vorda lbaber ot Modifiable Vorde e) MOD aaaaa 4) where. bbbbb cccce aaaaa is th. atf;rt1ng addres8 bbbbb 18 the first etorage addre •• occco 18 the last storage addres8 9-88 RR-126 -10- 2) If the subroutine is modifiable but has not been modified, the S8Jne information is typed as in 1 (except that c) 1s "BOT MODIFIED" • :3) If the subroutine has a fixed operating location the following 1s typed: a) llO3 Library Index b) ddddd e. . . 0) bbbbb cecco where I ddddd ie the first operat11'lg location e.... is the last operating location bbbbband cccce are as in 1 In the example previously discussed the following would be tJ1ped (although not necessarily in this ord.r). rt-tol 00056 00050 mod 01300 51000 5105S. op-1oo 0004;1 00071 42lOO 42137 do-x01 00202 00160 not modified 66300 66501 al prl 75700 7564.3 75700 756J;J ')"' RR-126 -11- 00421 not modified 01421 01000 rt-xOl 00041 00040 mod 01272 00300 00350 The progr~r may quickly scan this list to see it the proper enb- routines were aseembled and it th.re Is any overlap in storage. Error Detection - AlArm! The library routine detects certain errors during the course of its operation. encountering The8e errors are indicated by typewritten symbols. ODe oftha errore described below, the machine stops. After In TUGet ca ••• , several options are available to the operator, as outlined belove r 1. "82 ft - oheek sum f'ailure on transfer ot the libr8r)' routine to BSS. NT Un!t 0 is backed to the beginning of the L1 brary Rout1De Prese 2. "e1" - check - 8UJIl failure on transfer ot the first halt ot the dictionary to B.S.S. . .0 C'\I I"'"of beginning I a-t or The magnetic tape is backed to the the dictioDnr7. a) To retranster first halt of dictlollB.rY I 0 0 aI"'"of b) To ignore check sum failure I set t- ~ i:JiK1 to ratranster routine. Press ~ PAl to 00600 3. "Ra - a non-exi8tent index has been read into Prele STABT. and ~ the machine. The non-existent index i. ignored, and the program continues. 4. tlC2" - check sum failure on trarister of second halt ot dict1ork"lt7 9-90 RR-126 -12- into H.S.S. The magnetic tape is backed to the beginning of the second halt of the dictionary. 5. a) To retranster ascend half of dictionar.ya b) To igncre oheck sum failure: "e,3" - Set check sum failure on transfer to H.S.S. PAl to or Pr••• ~ OOl?O2 and ~ subroutine from library The magnetic tape is backed to the start of the subroutine. a) To retransfer subroutinel Press START b) To 1ranster next subroutine (or to proceed with program 1t failure was on last Bubrclltine) I Set PAX to 0) 6. To ignore aheck 8UJA 00604. failure. and ~ Set III to 00W6 and ~ 804" _ The address portion of the input flex tape is incorrect (e.g. le8s than five ectal digit., a character 18 used other than 0, • • ., 7). Press mRI to bring in next index (or continue program). It an error 18 indicated (other than "Cl-), dces not get assembled. A look at the ty~ed ODe or the sl1brcutinea list ot subroutines determines which subrcu tine is missing. . Operatips Tn'tl'l19 tiOI! -..[) C'\J r-I 1) Prepare a flex tape which calle tor the 8ubroutines wanted and '-' I aa$b17 modification and storage o 0' which provides information 0 0 0' This tape may be spliced onto the end of inl-'ut tape used tor I r-I OD t~ Cl.i RECO II when both routines are to be used in sucoes8ion discussion of this in the RECO II write-up). (S. . It this routine is to be used alone, only the subroutine flex tap. is needed. (For infcnht:.tion on this input flex tape 8ee the section "Input Tape Formu t n ) • SUBROUTINE LIBRARY APP!BDII Subroutines Cllrrently OD Magnet!c Tape 0 Central CV-l cp-1OO b. Alarm Print CV-3 al-prl o. Card Package C'f-37 cg-lOO d. Interpret!ve System, unpacked RR-1O 1p-pO~ •• Interpret!Te SyEitem, packed RR-1O ip-pOl t. ,Decimal Output BR-2O do-fOl g. .Deo1mal Output Fixed. Point RR-47 do-atOl Square Root noat1Dg Po1nt RB-59 rt-tol RR-2l rt-xOl BoDe ex-xCl BR-68 ex-fOl 1. Jrca1n/ooa x, Float1Da Point 1&-'75 tg-t20 a. Arctan x, noatiDg Point BB-74 tg-t40 n. S1nt2, 008~ x, P1xed Point 8B.-24 tg-xl~ o. Sin x, loDe tg-xll 1&-26 ts-x4O . Bll-62 tg-tlO 1. Square J. ~t ....0 .... -.- Float1Da Point l1xed Point ex, rhed Point k. .x. ftoating C\I I4hrarx Coda a. Constant Pool )l." ...-. I g M , " Indg C08 Point x, l1xed Point p • Arctan x, F1:ud Point q. Sin-t2, ~O.~ x, Float1Da PoiDt I 0"I o o .... 0"- A. more eubrout1nea are put ill the l1brarJ, supplements to this list will r- ~ be 1. . .4 f'rom time to tiM. hpj 9-92 -13RR-126 2) Turn ON PUNCH and TYPEWRITER J) BE' SURE MT UNIT 0 is ON 4) Set Jump Switch 11 ita flex tape of the aubrout1ne. i. - NOT desired o S) If REeO II is not used, set PAX to 70011 and STAIqo It RECO II 1s uaed, this routine will start automatieal.ly after OClllpletion of 6) RFl;O II. It an alarIl "Cl", "C2", machine stopa. IIC)", "04" , or -R" 18 typed, the For a choice of procedures, ••• the diacus8ion ot "ERROR DEmCTION - ALARMS". In aDT case J.!r88Sing the START will caua. the Library Routine to continue; however, a 8ubroutlD8.; may be oai tted o 7) The routine halt. at 56 8} To rep~t the 11brar,. routine, pres8 START after the 56 atopo ~I 00000 70011 It a per10d 18 iDadvertentl7 cm.tted at the conclu8ion at of a Routine List, Force Stop Caa}.:uter atter Input Tape has oOJrlJ.:letely pa8sed through reader set PAX tglOO52 and STAMo RR-127 REMI~GTON RAND UNIVAC Information Science Division A Multiple Regression and Correlation Program for the Univac Scientific' (1103) 1 July 1956 WRITTEN AND MACHI~E CHECKED BY: D. C. McGowan - California Research Corp. Jack Rose - Remington Rand Univac Leo Kennedy - Remington Rand Lnivae 9-94 RR-127 THE 1103 MULTIPLE REGBESSION AND CORRELATION PROGRAM General Description There is now available to Univac Scientific (ERA 1103) users and service bureau customers a library progra.m for multiple correlation (regression) analysis. The progra.m will handle up to m=30 variables (including the dependent) and to n=400 observations of each. up The output, on punched cards, is: 1. The identification number of each variable used. 2. The mean of each variable used. 3. The standard deviation of each variable used. (Based on n-1 degrees of freedom.) 4. The normalized regression coefficients (regression coefficients for each variable reduced to standard units). 5. The ordinary regression coefficients. 6. The simple correlation coefficients. 7. The partial correlation coefficients involving the dependent variable. (The remaining partial correlation coefficients may be obtained if desired. ) 8. The inverse of the correlation matrix (optional). 9. The square of the multiple correlation coefficient, the standard error of estimate '.:.{based on n-m degrees of freedom), and the .'.\ c'ons~ant term in the regression equation. -1- 9-95 RR-127 10. . (Opt.ional) The back solution, in which the regression equation just computed is used to predict a value of the dependent variable for each 'observation. card The output for'each'ob~erv~tion a. consist~ of a containing: The number of the observation and the identification number of the dependent variable. b. The predicted value of the dependent variable. c. The observed value of the dependent variable. d. The difference (b-c). Optional items 'may be obtained by making manual Jump selections on the computer console. There is also available a program for the back solution (10 above) in the event that the regression equation is already known and no correlation analysis is desired •. In this program, the output is as follows, with the numrors having the same significance as above: 1. Identification of variables used. 5. As before. (Reprint of input to avoid error or amblgui ty. ) 9. 10. As before (same). As before. The programs are deSigned to make good use of the great facility of the 1103 for this type of computation. Also, -29-96 RR-127 they offer a number of special features, in addition to those listed above, that make them very flexible and economical. For these reasons they are extremely fast and. will give more information at less cost than any other library program up to the maximum size of problem they ~:lll handle. The Nature of the Problem It frequently happens' that a dependent variable, y or X1, can be considered to be a linea.r function of a number of independent variables, X2, X3, e • e. X m• Then: (1 ) where y* = X1* 1s an estim~te of y (or X1). This implies that the effect of each x;/on y is linear and independent of the levels of the other variables. Ho.wever, when .this is not the case, it is often possible to make a more realistic mathematical model of the situation and with little or no distortion to apply a transformation that will linearize it to the above form. When this is done, the XiS will not generally be the directly measured experimental quantities but functlons of them, or functions of groups of them, thus accounting for nonlinearity and interaction effects. The multiple correlation problem proper begins when the functions for the x's have been chosen so that an equation in the form of (1) ha~ been arrived at and when there are available n observations, n>m, in each of which values of all variables have been measured. The problem is then to choose a set of values for the coefficients, lI a ," that will best fit all the data points. -39-97 RR-127 Thls pro.blem 1s solved \,/1 th the most computational ease by classical least-squares f1 tting, wh1c,h defines aO as m L aO =.Xl ~ ajXj . J=2 . (2) and values for the regression coefficients det~rm1nes • • . am. a21 a3, Certain other statistics are also computed which indicate how well 1n general the model has succeeded in representing the effects of the variables and predicting the values of and to what extent the effect of each variable Xl, 1s numerically important, statistically Significant, and successfully represented by the model chosen, Equation (1). Notation Let y = Xl be the dependent variable. Let • • • xm be the independent variables. X2, Xs, Let the index i or J designate the number of the variable: i j = = 1 (1) • • . m 2 (1) . m where m 1s the total number of variables, including the dependent variable. In general, the term "the Xj'S" will refer to the variables to x m' but not to Xl or y. Let the index h refer to the run, or observation, X2 number: h = 1 (1) • • • n where n 1s the total number of observations of each variable • .(For the case of micsing observations, see the section "Special Features.") Thus xhi is the value of the ilth variable observed in run number h. -4- 9-98 RR-127 Other conventions of notation will be defined as they ar~ used. The Method of Computation In the 1103 program, the mean of each variable, xi' is first computed: n The standard deviation, based on n-1 degrees of free- dom, is then computed for each variable by: (4) 81 = Jr.. hX~1 - Xi ~l:Ixhi Vn-l where Loh designates summation over all runs with the square roots being taken separately by the computer, and the other arithmetic operations performed as indicated here. The simple correlation coefficients between all pairs of variables are then computed by: The above computations are all computed in fixed binary with precision to full single-word capacity being retained. The simple correlation coefficients are stored on . the drum foar printing out and then converted to normalized floating binary, mantissa 27 bits plus sign bit. The matrix of simple correlation coefficients, R = (rij) is then inverted, in floating binary. In the array -59-99 RR-127 of this matrix, the correlation coefficients involving tne dependent var1able j Row 1 and Column Ip "1.1 that Is .. the rlj coefficients, are in The inversion is accomplished ~y a direct elimination w1 thout any perm'utatlon of rows and columns. R 1s symmetrical, and the inverse is forced to be symmetrical, regardless of round-off error, by computing only· the diagonal and one triangle and assuming that the other triangle will be The inverse so computed is Ql. the mirror image. Qk =R-l, where R-l is identically equal to the inverse of Rand Qk is the k-th approximation of R-l. Ql, the first approximation, is then reconverted to fixed binary. Uhles~ R 1s badly conditioned, round-off error will be small, but the inverse is in any event improved by the formula . (6) somewhat modified. Here 2 1s the diagonal 2 matrix. The modi- fication of the above formula consists of-the fact that Qk+l 1s also forced to be symmetrical as was Ql. Although Qk and Rare both symmetrical, RQk J and consequently (2 - RQk)' are not necessarily symmetrical; and, indeed, the full square matrix is c9mputed. When this square matrix is multiplied by Qkl however, only one triangle of the product matriX, Qk+l, is computed. In this improvement scheme, the square matrix (2-RQk), which will be approximately the unit matriX, is computed in the ~ first half of each iteration cycle. valt.~s The sum of the absolute of 1 minus each diagonal element of this matrix is then c -u- 9-100 RR-12i . compared with the corresponding sum obtained for the matrix (2-RQk-l). (On the first cycle, it is compared to .a very large arbitrary number.) If this value is larger than for the pre- vious iteration, the improvement method is assumed not to be converging on the true inverse. If it is smaller, the second half of the iteration cycle is performed by multiplying the square matrix (2-RQk) by the matrix Qk to form the (arbitrariiy) symmetrical matrix Qk+l.. The same vafue, is then compared with a "tolerance" number to see if Qk was a sufficiently close approximation to R-l. This tolerance number is established by multiplying an arbitrary small number by the number of diagonal elements in RQ; when the sum of absolute values by the above formula 1s smaller than this· product, (qk)ij will, on the average, equal rij to five or six correct decimal digits to the right of the decimal pOint. At this time, however, Qk+l' a still better approximation of R-1, has already been co~puted and will be used as the final approximation. If, on the other hand, the above test shows that the sum of absolute values of 1 minus each diagonal element of .- (2-RQk) increases from one cycle to the next, the original t- C\I ---t inverse, Ql, is then taken as the best approximation of R-l; I 0"I o o 0"- o and the problem can b~ finished using this, the typewriter t- indicating that this has occurred. >< 0.. for a section of code (to be written if experience proves it ~ Space is left in the program desirable) that will apply a more powerful improvement scheme -79-101 RR-127 on failure of the above scheme to converge. scheme would be Qk+l. The alternate = Qk(RQk)-l., which is slower but which will always converge,. unless R or Ql. is singular. The improved inverse ·(or the unimproved inverse, if the improvement scheme has failed ·to converge) is then used to compute the square of the multiple correlation coefficient, the standard error of estimate,- the normalized regression coefficients, the regular regression coefficients, and the partial correlation coefficients. The square of the multiple correlation coefficient is computed by: (rl.2,sI ••• m)2 = 1 - l/ql.l (7 ) (qlj is the best approximation of ri J) The standard error of estimate, se' based on n-m degrees of freedom, is then computed by: r:n;L (8) V n-m since Sl was based on n-1 degrees of freedom. The normalized regression coefficients (regression coefficients expressed in standard units) are computed by: --..... (9) r- bj = ~qlj/ql1 The regular regression coefficients (the aj's of C'\l ~ I a-I 0 0 0"- ..... r- ~ ~ . Equation 1) are computed (10) aj by: = b j (S·l/S j ) The partial correlation coeft:lclents, Pij' are computed by: -89-102 RR-127 (11) , Finally', the constant term in the regression equation" the ao of Equat10n 1, '1s computed ,by applying Equation 2. This completes the regression analysis proper, but if a back solution 1s desired,' Equation 1 1s then applied to each of the n obser\!ations to compute an estimated value of, y for each run. - l "N -.-4 I 0'I o o 0'- .-4 I"- >< 0.. -99-103 RR-127 Special Features The 1103 multiple correlation routine has. a number of special features designed to make 'the ,program use- un~sually ful , .flexible, and econornicalof machine time. '.Some, such as listing the normalized regression 'c'oefflcie:nts ,and the use of a matrix inversion routine tailored specificallY'for,this problem, are fixed parts of the code,' but others' are·optional and under the control of the operator. The latter are listed here • . 1. Independ'ent Variables on Magnetic Tape - In some types of problems, a single set of independent variables may ba used with a number of different dependent variables. In this case, the uS'e of each new dependent variable constitutes an entire new problem, but important amounts of read-in time can be saved by writing the independent variables, the x J •s, on magnetic tape on the first proble,m and reading them from this tape in subsequent problems. The program is so designed that selecting MJ No.1 will write the Xj'S on Tape Unit 2 as they are read in from cards. Also, it is possible in any run to read the Xj's either from cards or from Tape Unit 2. The y's are always read in from cards and are never written on tape. When the Xj'S are written on tape, they are summed, and ......... r- ~ -.I the sum is written as the last block of data on the tape. When ~ they are read from 0' ...... compa~ed >< c.. the on-line typewriter types out "Tape sum no good," or a suita- o o ta~e, they are summed again, and the sum is with that written on the tape; if there 1s a discrepancy, t- ble abbreviation thereof. Unless otherwise indicated -10- by the 9-104 RR-127 typewriter, the Xj'S can be assumed to be correctly read 1n from MT 2.2. Elimination of Undesired Variables The results of the correlation analysis may show that the effects of certain independent variables on the dependent variable are statistically inSignificant or numerically unimportant. It may then be desired to rerun the correlation excluding these variables. This is easily done 1n the program whether the Xj'S are read in from cards or from tape. When all-data are to be read 1n from cards, a control card is used bearing the numbers m and n. Omission of an undesired variable can be accomplished Simply by omitt1ng the corresponding deck of data cards and using a new control card with the altered value of m. When the Xj's are to be read in from tape and only Xl from cards, the control deck consists of a card bearing the number of variables to be omitted, followed by as many cards as there are variables to be omitted, each bearing the code number of one Xj to omit. When no variables are to be omitted, the control deck consists of one blank card. -- ~ ...... In reading from tape, the machine reads all the observations of one x j , sums them, and then scans the list of variables to be omitted to see '-' I ~ whether"to reject this Xj. In any case, the sum is retained, o ~ ...... so that the sum check on the tape reading is preserved • r- ~ .- 3. Treatment of Missing Observations No missing observations among the independent varia- bles are permitted. If a run does not contain a full set of -119-105 RR-127 observations, it should either be rejected or reasonable values for the miss1ng observations should be estimated. when a single set or However, independent variables 1s used with a number of different dependent variables, it often happens that the sets of observations of some of the dependent variables are not complete. In this case, th~ runs with missing observations' .are rejected, but it is convenient to let the machine do this r~Jecting so that it can always be fed the same set of data for the independent variables. This 1s done by representing each missing observation on the deck of y'8 by -0. The machine will scan the observations of y (but not of the Xj's) looking for -0. (Plus 0 1s a legitimate observation whose value happens to be zero and will be treated normally.) When it finds a -0 for a Yh it changes it to normal zero, it sets all the corresponding observations Xhj equal to zero, and it subtracts one from the value ot n. The effect 1n the main part of the problem is as if that run had never been included in the data. When the back solution is run with the data still in the machine, y~, the predicted value of the dependent variable ~ tor a miSSing observation, 1s a O' since y* 1s computed by Equation 1 and all the XhJ'S have been set to zero. The ('\) ~ observed value' is listed out as +0. I 0"- I When the bac~ solution 1s run later, as a separate o o 0"..... r- problem, the tally program that rejects missing observations >< 0.. does not operate. In this case, Y~ assumes the value dictated , by Equation 1 for the set of values xhJ and for the previously -129-106 RR-127 computed aj'Se The observed value of Yh 1s listed as it was punched, -0. 4. Typing of the Square of the Multiple Correlation Coefficient ------------------ It is sometimes convenient to'test different func~, tional representations of the dependent variable (y=v,. y=log:v, "'" y=e v , etc., where v is the quaritity directly measured} against the same set of independent variables. In this case, the choice of functions for best fit can often be made solely on :the value of the multiple correlation coefficient. The square of the multiple correlation coefficient is therefore typed out as sobn as it is computed so that the machine can be stopped and the! problem abandoned at this pOint if desired. This number is also listed on cards with the normal output of the program. 5. SuppresSion of Most of the Partial Correlation Coefficients In many problems, the only partial correlation' coefficients of interest are those between the dependent variable and the independent variables, that is, Pl.j. The partial correlation coefficients of the independent variables with each other (Pij, i l l ) are usually of interest only when a new~ mathematical model for the regression relationship is being tested. Therefore, to save time, the program normally computes only the partials P1j. However, if the remaining partials 'are deSired, they will be. computed and listed out if manual jump selection No. 2 is made. The time required will be about one second for each ten additional partials. -139-107 RR-127 6. Suppression of Listing the Inverse Matrix In many routine problems, the inverse of ,the correlation matrix is not ,of particular interest, and considerable time "is saved by not listing it out. Therefore, the program will 'compute but not normally list out the"inverse. However, when it is desired to see the i"verse, it will be listed out by selec'ting the manual selective jump No.3. 1. Optional Back Solution After completion of the correlation problem the machine wl11 f;itoP on a' 56 00000 00430 command. prop~r, It it is known at this time that a back solution Is wanted, one wll1 be obtained simply by pushing the start button. If this option is not exercised, and it is decided at some later tlme that a back solution is wanted, another program wl11 permit computation of the back solution without repeating unnecessary par,ts ot the correlation problem. , input is read 1n (with the A new code 1s read in; the same xjls either on cards or magnetic tape and the Jis on cards) with 'the same oontrol decks; and part of the card output of the correlation problem (the deck bearing the a's and the card bearing ao) 1s also read in following the -149-108 RR-127 Machine Times 'r To date, two runs have been made in. ti~ing w~ich accurate was recorded •. Both were made on Univac SCientific Serial No. 9at st. P~ul, a magnetic core machine. The approxi- mate formulas for computing machine time were derived from these two runs. The first run consisted of a set of 16 problems run consecutively with the same set of independent variabies. short cuts were employed: All thex's were read-"in from magnetic tape, only the partials involving the dependent variable were computed, the inverse was not punched out, and no back solutions were obtained. The size of each problem was 17 variables, 91 observations. The averag.e time per pr,ob1em was one minute and 46 seconds, exclusive of code read-in time. Code read-in takes 50 seconds and," of course, need be done only once for any set of problems to be run at one time. The second problem timed was one of 30 variables, the maximum number, and 95 observations. problem, time~ From the timing of this for the maximum case, 30 variables and 400 observations,' can be cl08.ely estimated. The times quoted below . for Sections 1, 2, and 6 are so estimated; those for Sections . 3, .4, and 5 will be unchanged from those actually measured. All times are exclusive of code read-in time. -159-109 RR-127 Maximum Case Min Sec 1. Read all data from cards 8 50 2. Means, standard deviation, rts 2 15 3. Invert matrix 4 5 4. Improve inverse o 35 per cycle 5. Punch Decks 1 through 9 (full) 2 10 6. Back solution - calc and punched Total - No Shortcuts 21 25 one imp. cycle When the short cuts are used, the times will be about as follows for the maximum case: Maximum Case la 5a Min Sec Read x's from tape, y I S from cards 1 5 Punch Decks 1-9 omitting Deck 8 and most of partials 0 50 0 0 6a ,., Omit back solution Total - All Shortcuts 8 50 one imp. cycle Times for running problems of various sizes may be estimated from the following approximate formulas: 1. Reading all data·from cards. 5 + (0.5)(m)(u+l) seconds ~ ..... where u is the number of cards required for n observations, at ~ I 0' 12 to the card. This ·includes a fixed time of about 3.5 seconds I 8 for computing constants and typing the code and input sums and ..... 0' t- ><: ~ of 1.5 seconds for advancing the read cards and reading the control card. -169-110 RR-127 la. Read~ng X'S ~a~lB, ffom - 5 + (0.5) (u+c) + (0.1) y'8 from tape. lim . . 1 ) (Y) + 2J seconds where u 1.s as above, c is the number of cards in the control deck, and v 1.s the number of 32 word blocks required for n observations. This inc] udes start·-stop and computing time during the tnpe read-in. 2. Means, stAndard deviations, simple correlation coefficientH. (O.012)(m)(n) This is quite rough~ (lPconds aa there 10 a time involved that depends only on m and also one that depends on m2 n. 3. Invert matrix. (O.0091)(m3) 4. Improve inverse. (0.0013)(m~) 5. ueconds seconds per cycle Compute and punch out Decks 1-9, full. (O.0044)(m2 ) seconds for computlng (0.25)(m) + (O.13)(m2 ) + 3 seconds for punching. A more accurate estimate of card punching time can be made by computing ·the number of cardu to be punched, from the informa""" t- C\I ...... --,, 0' o o 0' ...... t- >< 0.. tion in "Card Output," and allowtng 0.5 second per card. Sa • Optionally omittlnp: partials not involving dependent variable and/or punch-out of inverse matrix. (0.030)(m2 ) secondu (laved by omitting extra pnrtlals (O.058)(m2) seconds saved by omitting inverse -I" - 9-111 RR-127 Again a more accurate estimate can be made by computing the exact number of 'cards saved. 6. Back solution. (O.0013)(m-l)(n) seconds for computing (O.5)(n) + 1 seconds for punching It 1s expected that these times will compare favorably with those of any existing multiple regression and correlation program. -189-112 RR-127 Input - output Scaling All input data should be scaled 60 that the five most significant digits are to the left of the decimal point, as the input is in the form of integers ot five digits or less. It is desirable, but not absolutely necessary, that the observations < of a given variable be scaled so that the largest (in absolute magnitude) has its leading significant digit appearing in the fifth place to the left of the decimal. However, if conveni- ence dictates, all the observations of a variable considered as five digit integers may contain zeros in the leading (or possibly even the leading two) digits. There is danger, how- ever, that if the.dependent and independent variables are scaled to give numbers ot very dissimilar magnitudes, considered as integers, some of· the regression coefficients may be so small as to lose some significant figures or so large that they overflow, in which case the problem must be rescaled to be run. It is therefore recommended that each variable be scaied so that the largest observation encountered (or likely to be encountered in subsequent problems) have i~s leading significant digit 1n ~ ~ ~ the fifth place to the left of the decimal. The variables so scaled are now the input variables for the problem, as far as the machine is concerned, and the output will come out scaled accordingly and correctly pointed off with actual printed decimal pOints. -199-113 RR-127 Paper Tape Input The instruction code for the correlation program, with optional back solution, 1s contained on a single roll of paper tape, requiring about 50 seconds to read. The code for the back solution alone (correlation done previously) shorter single roll. Both codes'~~e" is on a completely self-contained and need n0 other routines or Bubroutines except to load them. Both are in bioetal code, and both may be read with either an ERA or a Ferranti reader. The Ferranti Load "Routine RW 63, operating from 75170 to 75337, haa been used. The code occupies drum addresses 40000 through 43000 and 77074 through 77777; a load routine must be used that permits loading t~ these addresses. Card Input The input data e.re :read into the machine on cards~ As stated before, if one set of independent variables is to 'be used for a number of problems, it may be written On magnetic tape as it is read in from cards initially, and 1n subsequent problems only the dependent variables need be read in from cards. In either case, a control deck 1s first read in, followed immediately by a deck of cards for each variable'. ~ rh' _ latter decks have the following format. There are 13 C\l ~ fields on each card, starting in Column 3, each of five columns 0" I o o followed by a sign col~mn. The first field containa the code 0" 1"""1 t- number ~hich identifies the variable. This code number may be any integer of five digits or less, except that code numbers for dependent variables should be positive. -20- The following 12 9-114 RR-127 fields of the first card in the deck contain the first 12 observations of that varIable, the correspond~ng 12 fields of the seoond card 1,he next 12 observations of that varIable, etc. The observationa are exprehsed as five dIgit numbers (see "Scaling") followed by a hlank column if the number is positive or a column oontaining only an x (11) punch if the number is negative. It is not necf1ssary to punch all columns of the card, but any blank column exc~pt the sign columns wil: be inter- preted by the 1103 as a zero; thus any zero in (,ny data word may be either punched or left blank. Unless the number of observations is an even multiple of 12, the last card in each deck will not be filled, In thlscase the remaining fields may be left blank or used tor any other purpose, as it will make no different at all what Is In them. that all the cards In" each deck Since it is imperative re~ain 1n the proper order, the first two columns nn the card, which are not read by the "1103, should contain the number of the card in the deck for sorting purposes in caee of mixup. There must be a full set of observations for all independent variables, as any blank space will be interpreted an observation of value zero. However, when a number. of dependent variables are run with one set of independent varla.bles, there may be missing observations in the dependent variable. These should be designatad by a minus zero (a field of blank or zero columns followed by an x punch in the sign colu~~) in the proper place on the card. A plus zero or -219-115 RR-127 completely blank field will be interpreted as a legitimate observation of value zero. The machine will distinguish between minus zero and zero only in the dependent variables; a minus zero in an independent variable will be interpreted as an ordinary zero. When a dependent variable with certain observa- tions missing is used 1n a glvenproblem with a full set of independent variables, "n," the number of observations for the control card (see below) is taken as the full number of observations of the independent variables. The machine will scan the list of observations of the dependent variables for minus zeros, strike out the corresponding observations of the independent variables, and subtract 1 from "n" for every missing observation. When all data are to be read from cards, the control deck consists of a Single card with "m" the number of variables punched in Columns 10 and 11, and "n" the number of observations punched in Columns 14, 15,. and 16. It will make no difference what else, if anything, is on the card from Column 18 on. This control card is immediately followed by the decks for the independent variables, which are again immediately followed by ~ C'\J the deck for the dependent variable. It is necessary that the r-! ~ 0- o• o 0r-! t- >< 0... dependent variable be read in last (even though it will be treated as the first variable in the matrix· and will assume the leading position once in the drum memory), as that is the only identification of it as being dependent. The independent variables, however, may be read in in any order, so long as the cards within each deck remain in order. The first output from -229-116 RR-127 tl'le. probJ1em. will consist of the identlfication numbers of all tifle variables, starting with the dependent variable' and followed by the independent variables in the order whieh they were entered; subsequent output will follow the same order, so that the order in which the independent variables are entered will be recorded and preserved 1n the output. When the independent variables are to be read from magnetic tlpe, the first card 1n the control deck will contain, in Columns 1 and 2, the number of variables to be omitted, in case it 1s not desired to use all the variables in the correlatlon. (If none are to be omitted, a single blank card will serve as the·control deck.) This card will be followed by as many cards as there are variables to be omitted, each card bearing the code number of a variable to be omitted (in any order) in Columns 3 through 7, with Column 8 as a sign column. For example, if the code number of a variable to be omitted i~ 13, this number will be punched in Columns 6 and 7; if it is minus 98745, 98745- will be punched in Columns 3 through 8. The machine will not read anything on these cards from Column 9 on. This control deck will be immediately followed by the deck ~ of observations of the dependent variable; -- because when a set of independent variables is already on tape, C\I This system is used -t I 0' I o o 0' ....-4 ~ >< Q.. there is a1so on tape m 8.nd· n for the general case: variables used, all observations present. all The control deck will cause m to be adjusted for the particular problem, and minus zeros in the dependent var1able observations will cause n to be adjusted. -239-117 RR-127 In any problem 1n which cards are used as input, it is necessary that at least three blank cards follow the last card to be read. If several problems are to be run at once, two blank cards must folIo", each problem and at least three must follow th~ last problem. In some cases it is desirable to run a number of probl("ns at a time, each with a different dependent variable but aLl with the same set of independent variables. In this evert, all data are read frcm cards for the first problem, with exactly two blank cards following the deck for the dependent variable. Then follows the control deck (which may be one blank card) for the second problem, immediately followed by the dependent variables, followed by two blank cards, etc. In thlsway, all the problems can be loaded at once with no card handling on the input side after the machine has started. The independent variables, of course, are written on tape during the first problem and are read from tape in subsequent problema. When the correlations have already been done and only a back solution is reqUired, the independent variables may be read in from either tape or cards as 1n the correlation problem. ,-., ~ The control decks and the card input for the varia- bles are exactly as before. The deck for the dependent varia- ,....j '-" ~ ble is followed in this case by a deck bearing the regression I o ~ coeffiCients, a j ' (det.!k, 5 of the output) and then by a card r- ~ bearing (among other things) the constant term in Equation (1), 0.. a o ' (deck 9 of the output). Again, this card 1s followed by at least three blanks, or exactly two blanks if another problem -24- 9-118 RR-127 is to follow immediately. These decks 5 and 9 will ordinarily be the identical cards produced by the machine:when the correlation phase of the problem was performed; their format will be described under "Card Output." Typewriter Output Although the bulk of the output is on cards,the typewriter is used to some extent as a monitor as the problem runs. The first act of the machine in starting the problem is to sum the code on the drum and write the sum on the typewriter. It would not be advisable until experience has demonstrated conclusively that no more changes in the code are desirable to quote this sum here or to build in an automatic check. In the meantime, the fact that the code is properly in the machine can be verified by the appearance of a familiar number as the first line of typewriter output. The second possible item of typewriter output will appear only if the independent variables are read in from tape and if their sum as read in fails to agree with their sum written on the tape. - In that event, there will appear on the next line "tape sum n'o good" or a suitable abbreviation thereof. r- (All variables on the tape are summed as read, whether or not -- the control deck indicates they are to be ·used in this problem, C\I ~ I 0I 0 0 0- so the sum should alw~ys be the same. ) If this appears, the ~ r>< c.. machine will stop on a 56 00000 40576 command Pushing the start button will cause it to attempt to read the tape again; -259-119 RR-127 a failure repeated geveral times will indicate mechanical difficulty in the tape or in the reading circuits. The next item of typewriter output, on the following line, will be the sum of all input data, including the dependent variables. This will normally vary from problem to problem and aside from inspection of the general magnitude will serve as a useful check only when difficulty is suspected and l.t 1s desired to repeat the problem and test for trouble. However if only the back solution 1s to be run, this input sum should check that written out in the correlation phase of the problem. The next item of typewriter output, on the following line, will be the letter i written one or more times. Each 1 signifies the completion of the first half of a cycle in the improvement scheme for the inverse matrix. If the improvement scheme converges, the carriage will return and the typewriter will print the next output. If it diverges, it will write l on the same line, "diverges. set mj 2,3. go," after which the machine will stop on a 56 00000 00132. Pushing the start button will bring back the original inverse as it was before lN -r-4 I ~ o o ~ the start Of the improvement scheme, and the machine will continue the problem using that. However, in case of divergence it is likely that the user will want full information to indi- I- ~ cate why this occurred. The "set mj 2,3" is a reminder to set these manually selected jumps, if they are not already set, before pushing the start button if it is desired to see the -269-120 RR-127 print ou"t of all the partial correlation coefficients (2) and the inverse" of the correlation matrix (3). (As indicated before, the code has room for another and more powerful improvement scheme that can be applied if this fails to converge. If this section is shown to be desirable and is wr1tten, failure of the first method to converge will not acti v'ate the typewriter, but. failure of both methods will cause it to write "matrix sing.try The final item of typewriter output will be the square of the multiple correlation coefficient. This is written as soon as computed because sometimes problems may differ only 1n that alternate functions of the variables are being tried (linear, logarithmic, higher order algebraic functions of the basic data), and when this is the case for the dependent variable, the choice of the function giving better fit can be made solely on the basis of the multiple correlation coefficient. If it turns out that the problem now in the machine gives a coefficient lower than that for an alternate form previously run, the problem may, if desired; be abandoned immediately by forcing a stop at a saving of machine time. Card Output The card output is designed to be listed on a Type 407 tabulator using a straight spacing being done on the cards 8~o board, all necessary themselves~ All numbers will be properly pointed off with decimal pOints (8-3-12 punches on the cards) and will be followed by minus si3ns when negative (x or 11 punch). It is also possible to list the output on a -279-121 RR-127 402 tabulator without total loss of legibility, but this is awkward because the fields are not locat-ed in the same places in all cards. In using a 402, a straight 80-80 board is also used, except that there must be provision for recognition of minus signs, and it is better to use zero suppression on the right-hand side of the page. Minus signs are possible in Columns 16, 20, 24, 32, 35, 40, 47, 48, 50, 52, 56, 62, 64, 65, 72, 77, and 80. In the 402 listing, decimal pOints will appear as 8's {or as 9's in columns where a minus sign can occur}, and minus signs will appear as a 9 or some other symbol, but the output is so organized on the page that it will not be difficult to distinguish these symbols from the legitimate numbers 8 and 9 in data words. The output is in nine decks, exclusive of the back solution. , In the first column of each card is punched the number of the deck, and in the next two is the number of the card in the deck. Each deck will be briefly described below, with the fields located with respect to the decimal pOint. The number of columns mentioned to the right of the decimal pOint is exclusive of the sign --- ~ column~ which is always the right-hand column of the field • ....-j Deck OneThe code numbers of the variables'. Dependent variable first, independent variables in the order in which they were read in. Five numbers to a card. No decimal pOints printed, as all numbers are integers, but locations of hypothetical decimal pOints are in Columns 17, 32, 47, 62, and 77. -28- 9-122 RR-127 Decks Two through Five The means, standard deviations, normalized regression coefficients (the bj'S of Equation 9), and tbe regular regression coefficients, respectively. Five numbers to a card. All variables in the same order as the code numbers, and all lined up directly below their respective code numbers on the page. Decimal points in Columns 14, 29, 44, 59, and 74. Five digits to each side of decimal. Decks Six ~hd Seven The Simple and partial correlation coefficients, respectively. Nine numbers on a card. Decimal points in Columns 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, 58, 66, 74." No places to the left of the decimal, five to the right. coeffi~~s As the matrix of is symmetrical with diagonal elements unity, only the upper right triangle without the diagonal is reproduced. The first row of the triangle starts with the coefficient of correlation between the dependent variable and the first independent; succeeding elements are the coefficients between the dependent variable and the second, third, etc., independent variables, in the order in which they were read in. -t The second now of the triangle starts with the coefficient between the first and second independent variables, and continues with the coefficients between the first and" third, fourth, etc. Each row is one shorter than the one before. elements of the first, row are punched on cards nine at a The time; when there are no longer nine to punch, the remaining ·spaces on the card are filled with zeros. This process 1s repeated with -299-123 RR-127 . the next row of the triangle. of the triangle is signified Thus the completion of each row by one or more words of .00000 appearing to the t'lght of a line ona page, except for those rows containing a number of elements that is an exact multiple of nine. In this way, the row of the triangle is easily identified in the printed output. The punching out of more than the first row of the matrix of partial correlation coefficients is optional. Deck Eight (Optional) The inverse of the correlation matrix. to a card. Five numbers Decimal pOints in Columns 13, 28, 43, 58, 73. Four places to the left of the decimal, six to the right. As the inverse matrix is symmetrical, the same scheme i,8 used here as with Decks 6 and 7, except that the diagonal is included, so that each row i8 ohf\ longer than the corresponding row 'of the matrix of correlation coefficients. Again, the completion of the row of the triangular matrix will be signified, except for those rows containing a number of elements, that is a multiple of five, by one or more words of 0.000000 appearing to the right of a line on the page. --- Deck Nine .r--C'\I Deck nine consists of one card bearing the' square of' r-4 I 0"- 6: ' t'he",multiple correlation coefficient, the standard error of o , ~ , estimate ,and aO of Equation (1). ~ The decimal point 'for the first 1s in Column 15; no places to the left, five to the right. The decimal point for the second is in Column 43; five places to each side. The decimal point for 80 is in Column 77; eight places to the left, two to the right. --30- 9-124 RR-127 The Back Solution (Optional) The cards 1n the back solution each bear four numbers. The first number on the card is a nine-digit integer starting in Column 1. The first five digits of this word are the code number of the dependent variable, the. next digit is zero, and the last three digits are the number of the observation of the dependent variable dealt with on this card. punched for each observation. One card is The next number in the card (decimal point in Column 21, eight places to the left, two to the right) is the value of y* computed by Equation (1). h The next number (no decimal point punched, would be in Column 35, five places to the left) is the observed value of y for observation number h, Yh' The last number (decimal point in Column 49, eight places to the left, two to the right) is the -31- 9-125 RR-127 Operat~ll)p; Instruct1011~''; - Full Correlation Problem The operatlng instructions will be given a sequence designated by Roman numerals. This sequence is based on the assumption that no abnormal situations or mishaps will occur at any stage in the problem. However, there are certain check pOints in the program at which any errors or abnormal situations can be detected, and specific operating procedures have been devised in case of an abnormal situation at any check pOint. These check points will be designated by asterisks between the lines of the normal sequence, and the procedures devised for each point will be given following the normal sequence. I. Initial Preparation A. Set Card Unit Field III switch to Normal. B. Clear the read channel and place cards, prepared as in "Card Input," in hopper. c. Turn on MT 1 and MT 2 and position the tapes. D. Turn the typewriter on. E. Use a 4-interlace for maximum efficiency. II. Load the Program III. Master Clear ....... A. Clear and MD start. B. Put computer on High Speed, Test Mode, l"- Drum Clock Source • N ....... '-' I 0"I 0 0 0"- ....... I"- >< c... IV. Make Manual Jump Selections A. No. 1 if B. No. 2 if all partial correlation coefficients XIS are to be written on tape • desired. C. No. 3 if inverse of correlation matrix is to be punched out. 9-126 -32- RR-127 V. START the computer. The typewri ter ltJill print out the code sum and the computer will halt on a 56 00000 40100 instruction. A. 'l'hen: If the independent variables are to be read from cards, START the computer. B. If the independent variables are to be read from tape, set PAK=OOOOO and START the computer. will be used. 1. MT 2 In either case, the computer will: Advance the cards two stations and read control deck. 2. Read XiS from cards or tape. * 3. Read 4. Write input sum on typewriter. 5. compute means, standard deviations, cross yt~ from cards. products (brief, characteristic scope display for each). 6. Invert the correlation matrix (spectacular scope display). rC\J ...... ** 7. Start improving matrix, using MT 1 if there '--' J are more than 19 variables (scope display 0"J o o 0"- char\acteristic of first half of improvement ...... r:x: cycle) . 0... 8. Type. out "1" after first half of each improvement cycle. *** -33- 9-127 RR-127 9. lr.\.ni.bh improving matrIx (scope display characteristic of second half of improvement cycle) by repeating steps 7, 8, and 9 as often as necessary. Frequently, once is enough. 10. Type out the square of the multiple correlation coefficient. 11. Compute standard error of estimate, normalized and regular regression coefficients, and partial correlation coefficients (very brief scope dis play) • 12. Advance punch cards two stations and punch out decks 1 through 9. **** 13. VI. STOP on a 56 00000 00430 instruction. Back Solution after Correlation (Optional) A. If back solution is not desired, problem is finished. If another problem is ready in the card rP...ad hopper (see "Card Input" for directions for loading several problems at one time), master clear, MD start, and go to IV. B. If back solution ~ deSired, START the computer. It will: 1. Compute back solution (very brief characteristic scope display). 2. Advance punch cards two stations and punch out out back solution. ***** -34- 9-128 RR-127 3. G. FIN1\L STOP on a 57 00000 00000 command~ If back :Jolutlon was run and another problem-is ready in the hopper, to to III. * Trouble Symptom - Typewriter writes "tape sum no good,"\--. or a suitable abbreviation thereof, and computer halts on a 56 00000 40576 command. Action - START computer. Computer will attempt to t'.) read tape again. If it succeeds, it will proceed without comment. If it fails, the above symptom will be repeated. Explanation - In reading the x's from tape, the computer will sum the data as read in and compare this sum "!,. / with one written on the tape. If the sums agree, the computer will rewind the tape while proceeding with the problem. If they do not, the computer will rewind the tape while typing out the message and then halt. If the fault is caused- by a dropped bit, a second reading may be successful, but this may indicate the tape needs replacement or regenerat.1on. ..-.. t- C\J I""""l '--' I 0I 0 0 0I""""l tX 0.... ** Trouble Symptom - The computer halts, right after the highly characteristic scope display indica'ting the matrix inversion, on a 56 00000 00010 command. Action - Master clear, MD start; set PAK = 42524, and START. The computer will advance the punch cards two stations, punch out decks 1, 2, 3, and 6, and STOP on a 57 00000 00421 command. -35- 9-129 RR-127 Explanat10n - If the matrix is to be inverted is singular, or nearly singular, the computer may be unable to invert it because of overflow in the floating pOint arithmetic or, as is more likely, because of overflow in converting the elements of the inverse matrix back fixed point numbers. ~o Such an overflow will cause the above halt. Taking the above action will cause the computer to print out all the results obtained up to this pOint in the p~oblem, after which it will come to a final stop, as nothing more can be done with this problem. The cause for the singularity of the matrix can generally be found in the magnitude of the simple correlation coefficients; if the explanation is not there, it may be due to n .", ~ m, or to a nearly perfect fit of the regression plane. *** Trouble Symptom - In the matrix improvement, the scope display characteristic of the first half of the cycle reappears after the typewriter types "1." The type- writer then types "diverges. set mj 2,3. go," and the computer then halts on a 56 00000 00132 command. Action - set manual selective jumps 2 and 3 if all the partials and a listing of the inverse matrix are desired. Then START. The computer will finish the problem in the normal manner. -369-130 RR-127 Eiplanation - The matrix improvement scheme has failed to converge, probably indicating a poorly conditioned matrix. The computer halts to give the operator the opportunity to set these manually selective jumps in case full information on the inverse is desired because of this condition, but it is not imperative to set them. Starting the computer will restore the inverse as obtained directly, before the initiation of the improvement scheme, and the problem will be continued with this. Divergence is usually caused by the original inverse being not quite good enough to meet the tolerance limit imposed but still so good that the small improvement that can be effected in one cycle becomes smaller than accumulated error in the improvement scheme. **** Trouble Symptom - 10 fault, other fault, or other evidence of diff~culty Action - Clear fault. card unit, cards. from the punch with card unit. Force stop. Check condition or Remove frayed or warped cards hopper~ remove punched cards. Clear the punch channel and See that there Is' an adequate supply of well conditioned cards, not stuck together, in the feed hopper. Then master clear, MD start, see t~at the machine is on High Speed, Drum Clock Source, and Test Mode. START. Set PAK = 41310 and Machine will recommence punching out results starting with deck 1. -379-131 RR-127 .I.~~~_planation - During, the :punching out of the answers, trouble can arise in the card unit because of poorly conditioned cards l because too many punched cards have accumulated in the output hopper, or for snme other reason. Since the answers are preserved on the drum, it is possible to start over in the punch-out routine once the cause of the difficulty has been corrected. ***** Trouble Symptom - Same as for **** above, except that it occurs in the punching out of the back solution. Action - Same as above, except that PAK is set equal to 421,14 .. EX21anation - Same as above. -389-132 OR-128 OPERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE 7100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, Maryland Complab Coded by S. Rigby and J. Chappell Checked by s. Rigby and J. Chappell Computer checked by Page I of 15 Date 3 May 1956 S. Rigby and J. Chappell Title: Magnetic Drum to Magnetic Tape Dump Us-e: This routine is used to dump specified portions of the magnetic drum onto the magnetic-tape units. Returning of the information to the drum is under control of a routine which is written on the tape at the time of the dumping .. Rangst- Anyone of the tape units may be us-ed and any number of words from 1 to the entire dr\Ull may be dumped" Upon restoration of the information to the drum, only the exact words dumped are restored; the remainder of the drum is undistubed. Storage: Initial storage of the routine is: 00100b - 00161b 00200b - 00540b The entire magnetic core memory Is used for temporary storage. Format: This routine is not coded in standard form, cannot be modified,and is not self-resetting. Parameter Words: Parameter words for the control of this routine are placed in A ro- i Q. See Instructions for Use, page ~. Manual Entry f 00100b Automatic Entry: For use with Ferranti Read-in routines recognizing a transfer to program code, an automatic start at 00105b is available. 9-133 OR-128 Page 2 of 15 Description of Service This routine is used to dump' information from the magnetic drum onto the magnetic tapes. The information is moved from the drum into the magnetic core before being written onto the tape. The entire corp is used for this operation. After a start the routine first wrih~s 4 blocks of tape which contain the routine for rCRtoring tlle information to the drum. The desired information is then written onto the tape, containing as the first word of the first block of information, a control word which contains the insert address for the information and the number of locations. By resetU--g the parameter word in Q, additional groups of information can be' dmnped, each with its own control word. By a restart with Q ::.: 0, the signal that the last group has been written, one additional block is written which contains a 'tnump end" control word an~ a check sum of all dumped information. The magnetic tape is then rewound to the original startingposition and the computer stops. All control words contain a parity bit which will be a 0 or a 1 such as to make the number of 1 's in every control word even. Provision is made for the inclusion of an address to which control of the computer will be returned after the dumped information has been restored to the drum from the tape. H such address is used, the computer will also come to a zero stop with P AK set at this address after the dwnping bas been completed and the tape rew~nmde At this time, the total number of blocks that have been written will appear in Q. To restore the information on the tape to the drum, an MT Start is used with the appropriate J in VAK and the tape unit positioned. The undump routine is first read into core and a check sum taken on the undump routine itself. Next the block contaIning the control word is read in and the control word itself is subjected to a parity check. The information is then read into core and transferred to the appropriate location in drum, where a check sum on the information is computed. The magnetic tape is then rewound and control returned to the address designated when the information was dumped. If no such address was design.ated, a FS results. 9-134 OR-128 Page 3 of 15 Instructions for Use of Routine Dumping from Drum to Tape 1. Manually dump Me. to MD, if desired. 2. Position the magnetic tape which is being used to the position where dumping is desired. 3. Enter parameter word in Q: OJ VVVVV NNNNN J = desired tape unit V = First Drum address of information being dumped N = number of words to be dumped If V + N exceeds 100000b, N is replaced by 100000b-V (1. eo, last word dumped is 77777) 4. Enter in AR the following: 00 00000 BBBBB B = MD address to which control of machine should be returned after information on tape has been restored to ~um, if any. This may be omitted if a Final stop is desired after information is read from tape onto drum. 5. Set PAK to 00100 and Start. 6. If MTO has been put in the Q parameter word or if no tap~ unit has been specified, (1. eo, J=O) , the typewriter will type out ''DltO'' and stop. If unit zero is desired, simply restart. If one of the other tape units is desired, insert the correct J in Q and restart. If no parameter word was inserted in. Q before starting, the typewriter will type out "set q". 7. After dumping the information designated by the first par~eter word, the machine will halt with Q clear. At this time additional ~ co N r-! '--' I 0"I 0 0 0"r-! t- :><: 0... 9-135 OR-128 Pagl~ 1 of 15 groups of information may be dumped by keying into Q additional parameter words and restarting. The parameter word in AR should not be used after the first dump. As many groups of words may be dumped as desired. 8. After the last desired group of words has been dumped, the machine should be restarted with Q = O. This will signal the routine that the dumping is finished; the final control word and the check sum will be written and the tape rewound. At thi.s point the machine will come to a 0 St0P with PAK equal to the B address inserted in A in the original dUlnp; if such was used. If no parameter word waP. placed in AR' a Final Stop results at this pOint. 9. At this time, the total number of blocks of tape that have been written will appear in Q for logging purposes. Restoring Information. to Drum With the tape unit positioned to the same place where the dumping began, and the appropriate tape unit keyed into UAK, an MT Start should be made. The information dumped will be stored on the drum, check sum compared, tape rewound, and, jf no B address was used in A during the initial dump, come to a final stop. ]f a B address was used in AR Huring the initial dump, control is sent to B via an KSI. Alarms and Abnormal Conditions 1. If no tape number is keyed into the parameter word, the Flexowriter types a warning to the effect, but a restart will permit us ing Tape unit zero. 2. If any address other than a drum address is set for any V, the routine will not dump the information but will repeatedly return to a zero stop. 3. If an address other than a drum address is used as B for the start of the p~ogram, "a Final Stop will result at the end of both the dump and t.he tmdump. 4. If V + N exceedA lOOOOOb, N is replaced by lOOOOOb-V. 9-136 OR-128 Page 5 of 15 5. "Vhen restoring the information from tape to drum, the undump routine first performs a cheek sum on itself. If this fails, the typewriter types out "Undump Check Sum NG". A restart reads in the routine again and recomputes the check sum. H The first word of each section restored to drum is a control word containing the insert address and number of words in that section and a parity bit such as to make an even number of L'8 the word. Each control word is checked by the routine fnr this feature. Should this fail, the Flexowriter types out; "Parity check failure". A restart will repeat the read-in and parity check. 7. After all information has been read back into the drum, a low order check sum of all data is made and an error cacses the typewriter to type out ''Data check sum fault". A restart reads the data in again. 9-137 OR-128 Page 6 of 15 SETUP ROUTINE Storage Location Working Location 00100 00100 45 00000 00101 Manual Entry 00101 00101 11 20000 01001 Store B, if used 00102 00102 11 10000 01000 Store J, V, and N 00103 00103 11 10000 20000 } Test to see if parameter 00104 00104 47 00113 00106 word was placed 00105 00105 23 10000 10000 Auto start; clear Q 00106 00106 31 00153 00052 00107 00107 61 00000 20000 00110 00110 34 20000 00006 00111 00111 47 00107 00112 00112 00112 56 00000 100101] 00113 00113 31 01001 00071 00114 00114 46 00115 )0117 00115 00115 11 00112 00521 00116 00116 45 00000 00120 00117 00117 11 00521 00201 00120 00120 16 01001 00521 00121 00121 16 01001 00201 00122 00122 11 01000 10000 Parameter word - Q 00123 00123 51 00155 20000 J-A ~ 00124 ...... 00124 47 00127 00125 J=O? "-' 00125 00125 31 00154 00052 0 0 0' 00126 00126 37 00112 00107 t- 00127 00127 55 10000 00041 Shift tape unit number 00130 00130 51 00355 00356 J - 00356b 00131 00131 11 00355 10000 Jmask-Q ..-.. I 0' I ...... >< ~ ~ Q Print "set, qtl } Test to see if B lB lID address Set up exits } Print "IntO" 9-138 OR-128 Page 7 of 15 00132 00132 11 00100 20000 00133 00133 42 00156 00135 00134 00134 42 00157 00140 00135 00135 21 00132 00372 00136. 00136 42 00160 00132 Routine to mask tape 00137 00137 45 00000 00144 unit number into all 00140 00140 31 00132 00071 tape orders 00141 00141 16 20000 00142 00142 00142 53 00356 00000 00143 00143 45 00000 00135 00144 00144 75 10174 00146 00145 00145 21 00375 00201 00146 00146 13 00375 00375 00147 00147 65 00004 00200 Write undump routine on tape unit J 00150 00150 11 01000 10000 Parameter word - Q 00151 00151 75 30137 00001 00152 00152 11 00401 00001 00153 00153 45 24200 10435 00154 00154 07 01025 73702 00155 00155 03 00000 00000 00156 00156 63 00000 00000 00157 00157 67 70000 00000 00160 00160 11 00600 00000 } } Compute check sum of undump routine Move dump routine to 00001 - 0014Qb Constants ,-.. co C'\J ...... -I 0I 0 0 0- ...... t- >< c.. 9-139 OR-128 Page 8 of 15 UNDUMP R.OUTINE 00200 00000 45 OOllOO 00002 00201 00001 56 10000 1000001 Exit to math program 00202 00002 64 00003 00040 Read in remainder of undump routine 00203 00003 75 10174 00005 00204 00004 21 00175 00001 } Test check sum of undump routine 00205 00005 47 00007 00014 00206 00006 00 07777 00000 Constant - block mask 00207 00007 67 00004 00000 Rewind tape for new read-in if check sum fails 00210 00010 15 00013 00132 }print out "undump 00211 00011 37 00137 00130 check sum NO" 00212 00012 64 00004 00000 00213 00013 45 00140 00003 00214 00014 15 00063 00053 Repair 00053b 00215 00015 64 00001 00177 Read in block containing control word 00216 00016 23 00237 00237 00217 00017 11 00173 00171 00220 00020 55 00177 00001 00221 00021 11 00237 20000 Parity check cD C'\J 00222 00022 52 00172 00237 on I 0' 00223 00023 41 00171 00020 control word 0 0 00224 00024: 31 00237 00070 00225 00025 46 00026 00033 00226 00026 67 00001 00000 00227 00027 41 00174 00015 00230 00030 15 00032 00132 }print out "Paritv 00231 00031 37 00137 00130 check failure" -~ } Read in undump routine again when check sum fails I 0' ~ t- >< ~ 9-140 OR-128 Page 9 of 15 --co C'J ...-4 Return to read in control word again 00232 00032 45 00144 00015 00233 00033 11 00177 20000 00234 00034 46 00044 00035 00235 00035 15 00177 00036 00236 00035 67 (00000 000001 00237 00037 11 00200 20000 00240 00040 43 00176 00001 00241 00041 15 00043 00132 00242 00042 37 00137 00130 00243 00043 45 00150 00012 00244 00044 15 00177 00170 N -00170b 00245 00045 16 00177 00053 Setup v of 00053b 00246 00046 11 00170 20000 N-A 00247 00047 42 00166 00110 N> 00250 00050 42 00167 00104 N> 1577 ? 00251 00051 64 00033 00237 Read in 1540 words 00252 00052 75 31577 00054 00253 00053 11 00200 ( OOOO~ 00254 00054 37 00126 00120 Compute check sum 00255 00055 21 00053 00165 v .. 1577-v 00256 00056 23 00170 00164 N - 1577-N 00257 00057 42 00163 00070 N> 1600 ? 00260 00060 64 00034 00200 Read in 1600 words 00261 00061 16 00053 00063 Pick up current v 00262 00062 75 31600 00064 00263 00063 11 00200 100000] } Check for final control word } Rewind tape } Test check sum, exit to main routine if ok } Print "Data check sum fault" } ~7 ? Transfer 1577 words to MD I 0I 0 0 0...-4 t~ } Transfer 1600 words to MD c.. 9-141 OR-128 Page 1.0 of 15 00264 00064 37 00126 00120 Compute check sum 00265 00065 21 00053 00162 V "·1600 - 00266 00066 23 00170 00161 N - 1600 - N 00267 00067 45 00000 00057 00270 00070 21 20000 00160 N "'37-A 00271 00071 73 00157 20000 00272 00072 21 20000 00156 N"" 37 40 -A 00273 00073 15 20000 00074 00274 ()O074 64 00000 00200 00275 00075 15 00155 00100 00276 00076 21 00100 00170 00277 00077 16 00053 00101 00300 00100 75 (000001 00102 00301 00101 11 00200 ,000001 00302 00102 37 00126 00120 Check sum 00303 00103 45 00000 00014 Read in next section of dumped information 00304 00104 73 00157 20000 } J, V N:37 _ 0OO74b Rearl in N" 37 blocks 40 N - 00100b Transfer N words to MD N 40 -A 00305 00105 35 00156 20000 00306 00106 15 20000 00107 00307 00107 64 (000001 00237 00310 00110 11 00170 20000 N 00311 00111 35 00155 20000 0- 00312 00112 15 20000 00114 0 0 0"- 00313 00113 16 00053 00115 t- 00314 00114 75 (00000] 00116 00315 00115 11 00200 f 000001 00316 00116 37 00126 00120 Compute check sum 00317 00117 45 00000 00014 Read in next section of dumped information .- co .... , - J; N 40 - 00107b Read in N blocks 40 }J. N-001l4b f ...... >< 0.. Pick up V }Transfer N words to MD 9-142 OR-128 Page 11 of 15 00320 00120 11 00126 20000 00321 00121 34 00166 00017 00322 00122 15 20000 00124 00323 00123 11 00006 10000 00324 00124 '53 100000] 00126 00325 00125 16 00053 00127 00326 00126 75 110000](00000] 00327 00127 21 00176 100000] 00330 00130 16 00166 00171 00331 00131 16 00003 00174 00332 00132 55 00000 00006 00333 00133 61 00000 10000 00334 00134- 41 00174 00132 00335 00135 21 00132 00172 00336 00136 41 00171 00131 00337 00137 56 00000 1)0000] 00340 00140 45 47345 70622 00341 00141 34 07150 41605 00342 00142 20 16360 42434 00343 00143 07 04470 61345 00344 00144 45 47155 73012 00345 00145 14 01250 41605 00346 00146 20 16360 42630 00347 00147 14 11341 22045 00350 00150 45 47225 73001 I 00351 00151 30 04160 52016 0 0 0"- 00352 00152 36 04243 40704 00353 00153 26 30341 10145 "'0:>""' C\J ...... -- Check sum routine Print subroutine -Flex code constants I 0"- ...... r- >< 0.. 9-143 OR-128 page 12 of 15 00354 00154 00 00000 00003 00355 00155 00 30000 00000 00356 00156 00 00000 00000 00357 00157 00 00000 00040 00360 00160 00 00037 00000 00361 00161 00 01600 00000 00362 00162 00 00000 01600 00363 00163 00 01600 00001 00364 00164 00 01577 00000 00365 00165 00 00000 01577 00366 00166 00 00037 00003 00367 00167 00 01577 00001 00370 00170 00 [00000] 00000 00371 00171 00 00000 r000001 00372 00172 00 00001 00000 00373 00173 00 00000 00043 00374 00174 00 00000 [00001] 00375 00175 00 00000 00000 00376 00176 00 00000 00000 00377 00177 00 00000 00000 Const.ants and Counters DUMP ROllTINE 00400 ooor" 45 00000 00001 00401 00001 31 10000 00052 Parameter word - A 00402 00002 47 00014 00003 Parameter word zero ? 0 0 0- 00403 00(lrt3 23 00137 00137 Make. control word positive? r- ..... 00404 00004 15 00012 00137 J; N ~ control word >< 0... 00405 00005 37 00040 00027 Parity bit correction 00406 00006 11 00136 00140 Move check 00407 00007 65 00001 00137 Write control word and check sum on tape ---co ..... C\I , '-' 0t SUIn 9-144 OR-128 Page 13 of 15 -- co 00410 00010 11 00127 10000 00·111 00011 51 00012 10000 00412 00012 67 r00005] 00043 OO:t13 0001:~ 45 00000 00J20 00414 00014 ·46 00015 00104 00415 00015 15 10000 00051 00416 00016 31 10000 00071 00417 00017 16 20000 00137 00420 00020 31 10000 00017 00421 00021 15 20000 00130 00422 00022 31 00135 00065 100000b - A 00423 00023 16 00137 00133 Isolate N 00424 00024 34 00133 00017 100000 - N to Au 00425 00025 42 00130 00021 V -+ N > 100000b ? 00426 00026 15 00130 00137 N - control word OQ427 00027 16 00012 00133 00043b - counter 00430 00030 23 00237 00237 o- 00431 00031 27 00137 00135 Complement parity bit 00432 00032 11 00137 10000 Control word - Q 00433 00033 55 10000 00001 Shift Q left 1 place 00434 00034 11 00237 20000 00435 00035 52 00132 00237 }Add I bit of control word to parity sum 00436 00036 41 00133 00033 All bits added ? 00437 00037 31 00237 00070 Parity sum - A 00440 00040 46 00027 00041 Least significant bit of parity sum zero? 00441 00041 11 00130 ·20000 N-A 00442 uuu42 15 00125 00124 1637b - 00124b 00443 00043 15 00065 00050 Setup transfer of 1637b ·words Number of blocks - Q Rewind tape 1." V an MD address? }store V } Store N parity sum C'J ...-4 '-' I '"0 0 '" I ...-4 t- ><: 0.. OR-128 Page 14 of 15 00444 00044 16 00004 00053 Setup to write control word 00445 00045 11 00125 00131 Setup index to 1637b 00446 00046 15 00064 00134 Setup block count threshold to 40 00447 00047 42 00124 00067 N less than 1637b or 1640b ? 00450 00050 75 100000] 00052 Transfer 1637b or 1640b words 00451 00051 11 130000] 00140 00452 00052 37 00116 00105 Compute check sum 00463 00053 65 P0035] 130000] Write words on tape 00464 00054 21 00012 00123 35 plus block count to block count 0041)5 00055 21 00051 00131 V + 1637b or 1640b - V 00456 00056 23 00130 00131 N - 1637b or 00467 00057 15 00126 00124 Set threshold to 1640b 00460 00060 15 00122 00050 Set -transfer order to 1640b words 00461 00061 16 00051 00053 Set "V" of tape write order·to 14Gb 00462 00062 11 00126 00131 Set index to 1640b 00463 00063 15 00104 00134 Set block threshold to 37 00464 00064 45 00040 00047 00465 00065 00 31637 00000 00466 00066 00 00000 00000 00467 00067 32 00134 00103 00470 00070 11 00127 10000 N +37 -A 40 Nmask-Q 00471 00071 53 20000 00102 Number of blocks - write mtJ order 00472 00072 53 00130 00074 N -OO074b 00473 00073 15 00051 00075 V-00075b I 00474 00074 75 (30000] 00076 0"- ...... 00475 00075 11 130000] 00140 >< c.. ooooe \ .J 9-147 CV-129 ANALV... ..RKPAR£D BV CHItCKED BV REVISED BV CONVAIR Bauer and ~1n PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL SAN DIEGO DATE IC 007-1 ZK 491 All 3-6-56 CARD READ Al'D/Cil PUl'CH ROOTID . 'fhi. routine coabill•• the teatur•• of the card read 10 005 and the oe.rcl p\llloh IC 006 routla.. ill orde.. tba t the operatlOl.'le of puDchiJ1g and readins _y be perfo....d .iaultalleoue17. fbi. routine require. u,Ol ootal word. of IS in which to operate. con.taIlta and temporary .tonge. includecl. operatag baat., which .ore efttciently WI.' the card oy(~l:. ,-'two ~ycl. tl_. aD. po•• ibl. the r.ading of &8 any al thirty tielela trom • oard and the pUDchiq ot III ..aT a. thirty tield. in a card .laultan.oua1,. .....ll..bl. betwMn reterenC)ee to the routine. al __ or for puachia~ uc hay. 14 - coaput1q ti_ If the routille 1. ueed tor read1D.c .. loa•• _ _ oarda _y contain ... many •• torv nelda. Duriag the tlr.t tin poata ot the 18 poat oard oycle. iatorati_ to 'be puaohed i. coll'nr_cl to deol_1 and stored 111 oard code in a car4 ilia,. J tinal oonveraion and .oaling ot the information r.ad frca the preyloua oard s.a pertol"• • &lid .tored 1D specified 18 ..aoJ7 loo.tiona. !'he r_inder of 'bile oardcyo1. i8 used for punching and reading_ row by row With the tollOldJag , .tepa· oocurriJlg at ...ch row ot the card. cycle (beginning at row 9 and eont1nulng through rOW' 12). 1. Puach laforatioD --.... oard _chine • ..-.. g; 3. Read intoratlon oonverted --J. .-4 to B. C. D. aad .tored tor tinal oOllVer.1on during next card cycle. I o ~ A1 though two card eye 1.. are l1ec•••art to camp lete the opera ti0ll8 , t h • .-4 r- >< c.. •• t ettect 1. the COIlTerting ot one read card and the punohing ot OIle card during eaoh card eye 1•• .......... -~ 9-148 CV-129 CONVAIR ANALYSIS ... 0· ....... '.· ... n_ Hauser and Gerld.ll PREPARED BY ....... 1:1., 1) ............ 1" Ie 007-2 PAGE ;: 0 • • 0 .... ,.'0 .. MODEL III 491 All DATE 3-6-56 REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO eMEeKED BY REVISED BY !he oard routine require. the following infor_tion, 1) Binary .ealilll. 2) Deoimal scaling. 3) Looation ot field. 0J1 the oard•• 4) Zero .uppre•• iOR (if punching) ~ !hi. information i • •upplied the routine in a 8tandard fona called a parameter word. One parameter word is required tor each card field whether reading or punohing. If both reading and pUDch1n~ are to be accomplished • .. paramter word Is required tor each. A field oem.i.ta or a nUJab4lr ot consecutive card colU1111U1. The lut oolumn ot a field i. reserved for the sien of the d.cl~AI number stored in the field. An 11-punoh signifie. a negative number, no punch (blank colUJlll) signifies a positive number. A combination 12, 3 and 8 nuneh in one eoluma signifies a decimal point. Fields need not be adjacent--there maV be unused colQ~8 punched or un-punched between 1hem--nor need theY' be alike in sile. The oonveraion operations ~re automatic. Enty into the oard read &nd punch routine from line y is effected as fo1lon. ,. ) 37 Omnmaa 0Jnraa y+ 1) AD OPPPP ODDDI\ Read oontro1 word + 2) 00 OPPPP2 ODDDD PunCh control word 2 ,. +3) XI uuuuu 'VTV'VY y I 1'0 read and punch routine Wext instruction Ommmm repre~.nt. the ber,inning IS op~rating address of the read and pUIlch routine. ro....... -a Y-fLlY CV-129 ANALYSIS PREPARitD BY CONVAIR HaUBer and Gerkin MODEL CHECKED BY Ie 007-3 PAGE REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO ZV 491 All DATE REVISED BY The 37 command records in Ommma the address of the omtrol word. 3-6-56 The routine i8 then entered at Ommmm and after finishing the operations the card routine exit. to y~ 3, the line following the second control word. COITROL If ............ ( . ( 0 A .011 ... t I 0 PAGE flo REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO CHECKED BY REVISED BY MODEL DATE Ie 007-6 ZV"491 All 3-6-56 !he rout ine may bs programmed in the following manner I UlD ONLY. 37 01000 01000 10 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 37 01000 01000 11 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 37 01000 01000 11 OPPPP1 ODDDD1 00 00000 00000 37 01000 01000 20 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 37 01000 01000 20 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 I 37 01000 01000 ~ 22 00000 00000 00 OPPPP ODDDD 2 2 pick a read card. piok a read card and read a oard. piok a read oard. read a oard and cCJ1Tert. 1IUICB OWLY I ....... 0' C\l piok a punch oard. piek a punch card • ~ '-' I 0' 0 0 0' r- ~ a.. "0." '.'a-" pick .. punch card, and pundt a card. 9-153 ANA LYSI. fIIREPAR£D BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CV-129 CONVAIR .. 0''''.'('''' Hauser and Gerkin 0" G.""' .... ~ o ........ .."c., (Q • • " ... PAGE T'Ofll REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO MODEL DATE Ie 007-7 1M 491 All 3-6-56 READ and PUllCHI 37 01000 01000 30 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 37 01000 01000 31 00000 00000 pick tram both hoppers and read .. 00 00000 00000 card. 37 01000 01000 pick from both hoppe... convert. punoh 33 OPPPP 1 ODDDD 1 and read. 00 OPPPP2 ODJIDD 2 pick from both hoppers .umbers are rouaded to the desired number of decimal digits before punching take. plaoe. A divide check error stop result8 if an inlufticient number of card column8 is allowed tor the integer portion ot a field. In ca.e of a card .ohine failure or an accidental stop in the middle ot a card cycle. the ourrent oard may be reread or punched again, the card8 .et 6'> A I) =00000, reposition and START. fhis routine ia ooded in standard torm. All oonstanta are contained by the routine. lumber of word•• U.ed by the routine. (;22)8:' (210)10 U.ed by temporaries immediately following routiB., (57)8 z (47)10 For " •••mbly modificatioll' U.ed tor oonstanta I (271)8 s ( 185)10 (31 )8:: (25)10 Thirty fields . .y~. read atid thirty fields may be punched simultaneoualy. '~7 fielda may be read or forty field. may be punched. 14 - GOilputing .........-" ti_ 1. . .tWIt". be"en reterenoel to the card routia•• 9-154 !fOAM NO. E T. I J~ CV-129 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. ,. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA Ie 007-8 PAGE MODEL ZM: 491-.2All DATE 3-20-56 REPORT CA~D REA'" ft.NI"l PUNCH RT. JCOO7 1~(~) 1002 11 01276 00000 15 20000 01034 16 20000 01072 1003 16 01124 00000 1004 55 20000 00003 SET EMF.~GENCY R~~UN SHIFT FIRST f)tt:iyr ~Q) 1005 31 01273 00003 BULL CODe: • 2-2.--.-(A) 1006 1007 5' 32 20000 00001 5Lz. (A~ ) 1010 44 01011 01011 SL 1 (AL. ) 1011 1012 1013 44 1014 ~7 1015 41 01107 OllS? 1016 ~6 1017 37 01160 010'-4 NO: SET '7C~ ALL ROWS PUNCH~D EX!T SET lj 1020 76 00000 01'376 READ 1021 1022 1023 76 10000 01346 45 00000 31023 A-SWITCH 1024 32 01276 00000 ADD READ CODE 102~ ~1 SET 41 1026 41 01127 01076 C\J ...... 1027 J 1030 16 01101 Oll~7 37 01023 ·01076 1000 1001 ---. 0- -- 0J 01~17 0113~ ~O()(}O 01012 16 01261 01120 44 01011 01014 01160 011'-1 00000 01016 01023 011'-1 1031 ...... 1032 15 01263 01253 37 01122 01016 >< c.. 1033 31 01075 01034 1034 1036 55 30000 '00000 44 01036 010:37 16 01122 01075 1037 55 10000 00013 t- 1035 5TORE P1 STORE D1 E'XT~AC" PUNCH ~ NO: SET PICK C~!")F~ 0(3 READ? f ONE ~OW 76 10000 01'362 0 0 0- CONTROL HORD !')IGtT-l --t-I')YGTT. NF.'r--: ! SrG~ s~NTrNr:-L --+-OTr,TT SET A~ PRESTORE MATRIX TRANSFE~ SET B2SET CONvERSrON REPEAT PARAMETER WOR() 1~(t) LAST ·FIELD ~ YES: SET CONVERSION EXIT SLl l (0) 9-155 CV-129 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. 5"N DIEGO C"LIFORNIA Ie 007-9 PAGE MODEL ZM 491-2.All DATE 3-20-56 REPORT CARn RE~,f) A~!!"'I OU~!CH 1040 51 01313·200('10 ~ --.".... (~ 1041 1042 16 20000 01063 SET SHJFT 55 10000 00006 STORE 104' 1044 51 01~1~ ~,?~~ 55 10000 00006 1045 51 01~13 1046 1047 5~ 10000 00006 ) R 5iORE l 01?'-7 STORE 1050 51 01313 01107 32 20000 00016 1051 35 01264 01052 R • 2 14(A) SET NEXT INSTRUCTION - 105! 00 77777 00000 5TO~E 1053 37 01053 01054 SWITCH 1054 41 01233 01247 1055 37 01260 01056 1056 41 01227 01250 1057 1060 37 01254 01061 1061 41 0110 7 SHIFT ~ DtGITS CONVERT L Tt::RMS SKIP DECIMAL POINT CONVERT R':MAINTNCTtOMS 1062 54 01052 10107 1063 31 012;3 30000 1064 32 10000 00000 1065 73 01052 01226 ..... 1066 ~1 '-' 1067 51 01271 0 0 1070 ..... 1071 >< c.. 1072 47 01071 OlO""? 1~ 01226 01??6 11 01226 30000 VFs:-IN/. '-S STORE RESULi 1073 21 01034 01314 ADVANCE P 1074 ADVANCE D 1076 21 01072 01276 45 00000 3107S 11 01263 01107 1077 55 ;-., 0' N , , 0' 0' r- 1075 37 01260 01061 01'~O 01254 1')1250 01~46 ~oooo 00000 R 10~-1 1/2 10 R -L..-ROUNOING TERMS '"d · lOR.. t . ,S ADD ROUNDING STORE I N I • SHIFT SYGN s reiN r '5 S~Ni ~(A) T~~M 2S TN~l ~~) N NF:G.! T rv~ ? ~N • ,9 PRESET MATRIX STORE ~O\'J HORD 1-...('1) 9-156 FORM NO E T • ... CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. ~ CV-129 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA PAGE Ie 007-10 MODEL ZM 491-2, All DATE 3-20-56 REPORT, CARD READ ANn PUNrH 1100 11 01312 01346 1101 1102 31 110~ 44 01104 01105 llC4 32 01127 00000 1105 46 01106 01102 1106 31 20000 60000 1107 00 00000 OOCOO 1110 21 01107 1111 41 01346 01101 31 01112 0111~ 1112 1113 0127~ 00011 32 20000 00003 01~15 SET INDEX 3 ~FNT iNrl-..,....(~L) SL 4 (AR.) • SL 3 (AL) BIT THtS COL. ? YES:ADD DIG!T SENT INEL REACHED? YES: CLEAR (A,-) ADO TO MATRIX STEP MATRIX STo~r ROW WOR~ USED UP , rN~TRUCTtC~~ ... 6 5wITe,", v10~O 55 0136? 00000 ROW 1114 37 01112 01100 STORE BCD 1115 C;S 01376 000;4 37 01.112 (')!101 RCf") INF='(). 1116 =. 2 -,..(n ) INFO.----~1ATRIX -f-MAT~ rx 1117 1120 16 01124 00000 SET 45 00000 31120 0( 1121 17 00000 20000 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 37 01122 01123 35 01276 01"127 5T·ART BULL READ CONVERSION SWITCH CLEAR PUNCH INDEX ~ET TO PJCKtJ" NEXT CONTROL wn~D ~5 51:T FXtT 00 00000 00000 CON TROL WORn --,....(A) 1130 11 01300 01127 10~IGIT 11~1 15 1132 1133 01117 11 01107 01322 -'2 01273 00000 CLE'AP MATI!)!X AN') CARD IMAGE' AD!) PUNCH COOE: 1134 ~7 SET 1135 15 20000 01143 STORE 1136 32 20000 00016 5L 15 1131 15 200.00 01177 STORE D2. 36 20000 01107 27 20000 01000 01275 01016 1005~ 01120 010'~ EMER~~NCY REP-UN -SWITCH , 0( z. p~ (A) 9-157 CV-129 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO PAGE CALlFOFtN'A CA~D MODEL DATE ;~20"'56 11 01272 01371 1141 11 01265 01400 PRESTORE COLUMN SELECTO~ PRESTOPE ~ow SrLEr.Tn~ 1142 37 01155 01143 S.ET SWITCH 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 55 ~oooo 00000 44 01145 01161 37 01155 01161 PARAM~TFP \lIORI') ~(0) 75 30003 01151 1150 16 01020 01155 1151 1152 1153 37 01120 01154 SET 75 20003 O~154 23 01155 01276 STEP 11~4 l~ 01124 00000 1155 77 00000 30000 71 10000 30000 77 10000 "30000 45 00000 31160 SET EME~G~NCY PUNCH ONE ROW 1157 1160 1167 1110 ~7 1171 41 01233 012'34 1112 31 01227 :35 01270 00 00000 31 0131. 13 01052 12 '30000 1162 I 0I 0 0 0- ..... t- >< c.. 16 01161 01107 55 10000 0OOl~ 51 Ol:!13 20000 3'3 20000 00000 35 01267 01200 31 0105:3 01042 44 01220 01161 16 01231 01246 1161 0N PUNCH 1140 1156 -..... - READ A,ND 1163 1164 116' 1166 1173 11". 1175 11'6 1117 01241 01171 00017 01174 Ie 001-1J ZJl 491- Z All REPORT LAST FIELD ? SET SWITCH SET PUNCH JNOEX SET UP PUNCH ORDE~S ~1 PUNCH ORDERS RF~U~l l' -5Wl TCH SLu (Q) S~(A) -5 ---...(A) SET SHIFT STORE BtLtR. 10 ~-l ZERO SUPPRESS ? SE'T FOR NO ZERO SUPPRf!ss SHIFT B COLUMNS L • ,15~(A) 00000 SET NEXT INSTRUCTION STORE 10 .... 00023 2 34 __._(A) 10000 1/2.2 35 /10"-L.-ROUNDIN(; TERM 012~3 STOR~ I NI ~ 28 9-158 FORM NO E T 1 ). CV-129 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. F SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA PAGE 007.1~ MODEL DATE 3-20-56 23~(A) N • 1200 00 00000 00000 1201 32 10000 00000 ADO ROUNDING 1202 73 01174 20000 IN' • l~O~ ~5 TER~ ,3s/ 10 '-.....,...(A) s TO ~ E" I N I . '- 36 11 ~ L L. TIMES THRU CONVERSION OECIMAL POINT 1205 20000 01174 37 01241 01205 41 01227 01242 12-06 16 01262 01241 1207 1210 41 01107 0122~ 41 01107 01242 AND REMA I~ INC; 1211 1212 15 01177 01216 21 01143 01314 SET TO CHECK st('N 1213 1214 1215 1216 \ 121'1 21 01177 01314 16 01155 01241 STEP 0 SET ExtT 1204 Ie Z¥. h91-Z All REPORT f ~220 -.... 0' C'l I 0' I o o .... 0' t- >< c.. --..,...tMAGE STEP P -l-.,...(A) 33 01314 00000 55 ~oooo 00000 44 012~'- 01234 37 01246 01170 1221 1222 i223 43 01227 01231 Tf='qM~· N • 2'-.....(Q) NEGATIVr ? SET FOR ZERO SUPPRESS NO ZERO SUPPRESS IF L ~ 0 45 00000 01?~4 01~21 00000 , 1224 3S 01400 01~26 1225 35 01274 01227 1226 00 00000 00000 1~21 00 00000 33 01320 SET FOR ~ PUNCH SET FOR e PUNCH STORf ! PUN'CH STORr ~ PUNCH SET FOR 12 PUNCH SET NO ZERO SUp~q~S~ SET NEXT INSTRUCTION STORE DIGIT IN IMAGE SRI COLUMN SELECTOq AOVANC~ TO NEXT CARD FIELD ! YES: STEP ROW SELECTOR 12 ROWS THIRD FIELD? 1230 1231 31 oonoo onooo 31 01246 01232 12!2 35 01400 012)3 1233 00 00000 00000 12'4 1235 1236 55 01377 1237 0004~ 44 01236 01241 21 01400 01311 42 01266 01241 --.."..(A) CV-129 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNJ" "" 4N ---.-( A) 34 20000 00063 INTEGER PART ~(R) t)tGtT :: 0 1241 47 01231 1.6 0105j 41 01127 21 0125~ 16 01240 01254 ~1246 3-20-56 ? 37 01254 01255 MATRIX INDEX RESET IND~X TRANSFE~ MATRIX WORO SHIFT TO NF:XT DECIMAL OtGIT SWITCH 31 01233 (')0002 4N ---."...(A) 32 01233 00001 iON -+-(~ ) 52 01316 01233 10N PLUS DIGIT--+-N ~5 10000 01253 01314 01127 OOO~4 01~'2 PR~Sf!T 1264 11 01276 01052 27 0- 1265 1266 0 0 ~ DATE 491- 2- STORE FPACTrONAl PAPT 00 00000 01160 00 00000 01210 C\l All lON ---....( A) 1261 1262 1263 '-' I MODEL 45 00000 31241 45 00000 31260 - ZM YES: USE LAST 8 COLUMNS 31 01174 00002 32 01114 00001 11 20000 01114 5,5 01377 00010 1260 0- Ie 007-13 REPORT CARD READ AND PUNCH 1240 1241 1242 124'3 1244 1245 1246 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 PAGE ~5 01~22 0133~ 01377 PRESET PRESET 21 01363 01~71 PRESET 1267 ~1 0OO4~ PRF.SET 1270 1271 1272 1273 1214 1275 1276 1217 , 1 01277 Ol174 ""£S~T 00 00000 00014 12 40 00000 00000 PRESET FOR 00 000.00 00002 00 00005 00000 2 5 • ,25 51f 00000 00000 MODIFY COMMAND 00 00000 00001 00 00000 00001 1 I 0~ t- ><: c.. 012!~ ~Ct.UMN SF-LECTOR TABLE 9-160 FORM NO E T I .1' SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 00 00000 00144 1302 00 00000 01750 1303 00 00000 23420 1304 00 00003 1'305 00 00036 41100 1306 00 00461 13200 1307 CO 05753 60400 IlIO 00 73465 45000 1'11 1312 1313 11 24027 62000 00 00000 00077 EXTRACTOR ~314 00 00001 00000 tJ AOVANCF. 1315 00 00001 00001 1316 O() 00000 0001' U AND V ADVANCE 4 BtT EXTRACTOR 1311 1320 00 00014 00000 U 00 00002 <'onoo ~ 15 1!21 1322 00 oooo~ 00000 00. 00000 00000 MATRIX WORD 1 13~' 1324 00 00000 oooon 00 00000 '00000 , 112~ ~o C"\I 11~6 00 00000 00000 • I 1'27 00 00000 00000 1330 1331 1'92 00 C1' ...... '" I 0 0 C1' ...... t- o< c.. Ie 007-t-+ ZM 491 -z MODEL All DATE 3-20-56 + 1300 1301 ..- REPORT PAGE CARD READ AND PUNCH "1 CV-129 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. F 00 00000 00012 00 00000 00000 POWERS OF O~240 oooo~ TEN ~ ADV.NC~ '.2'5 2 OOO()~ 5 6 7 ooono oonoo 1533 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 00000 QOOOO 1134 00 00000 00000 11 1335 00 00000 00000 0 1336 00 00000 00000 t 1337 00 00000 00000 '- 8 9 IMAGE FIELD I ROW 12 9-161 CV-129 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OII!:GO CALlFO.-NI ... MODEL Ie 007 ..15 ZM 491 - 2ALL DATE 3-20-56 PAGE REPORT eARn ~f"A" ANO ~UN(H 1!40 1341 1!42 00 O()oo.o 00000 00 00000 oo~oo 4 00 00-000 00000 5 1'43 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00000 6 00000 00000 00000 00000 8 1)44 t'34~ 1!46 1341 '11,0 S ., 00000 00000 00000 00000 9 IMAGE FIELD tl 00 OOO(Jo 00000 oo-oon ~ow 12 11 1'51 00 00000 0 1352 00 00000 00000 135:3 1354 00 00000 00 00000 ooaoo 1 2 J 1'" 1'56 00 00000 00000 4 ()cnoo ~ 1357 00 00000 00000 1!60 00 00000 00000 6 7 1~61 no 0000(') 00000 8 1362 00 ooooe ooonn CJ 1'63 00 00000 0(')000 1364 00 OOOO!" oooon IMAGE FIELD ttt ROW 12 11 1365 1366 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 0 1 0" 1~67 00 00000 00000 2 0 0 0" 1370 00 00000 00000 t- 1371 00 00000 00000 :4 4 1312 00 0000" Ol'n('\,., ~ 1373 00 00000 00000 6 1374 00 00000 OC'ooo 7 1375 1376 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 P q 1177 00 00000 ooeon 1400 00 conoo 0(')('\1")0 --0" C'\l ~ I I ~ >c: \J..f 00 oooo~ oocoo COL tJ~N ROW ~ E lEC Tr')P 5F.LECTO~ 9-162 ANALYSIS PREPAR£O BY CV-130 CONVAIR .... " ,.,.~ .. , ....••.. Hauser and Gerkin ~'\N a •• Icoo6-1 PAGE .,. ZJI 491 REPORT NO. DlfGO CHECKED BY MODEL REVISED BY All DATE 3-8-56 CARD PUlleR ROUTID IOOO6 fhi. routine converts apecified binary numbers into decimal and cause. them to be punched into oarda. It requlreeJ 245 oetal words of IS in which to operate, constant. and temporary storage included. It is possible to convert and punch as many as forty fields in a card and have 17 me computing time available between references to the punch routine. The following information is required: 1) Binary scaling 2) Decimal sealing 3) Locations ot fields o~ the card 4) Zero suppression This information is 8uppiied to the card routine in a standard form called a parameter word. One parameter word ia required tor each field. A field consists ot a number of conaeeutive oard columnae The laat column of the field is reserved f < c.. y + 2) Wext instruotion I o o 0' ~ am..m ODDOO represents the beginning addres8 (IS operating address) ot the card routine. 9-163 CONVA ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY '''N Bauser and Gerkin R D!EGO CV-130 PAGE IOOO6-2 REPORT NO. ZJ( 491 MODEL All REVISED BY ;-8-56 DATE The 37 command records in Omumn the addre6s of the control .. ord. routine is then entered at 0Jaamm. 'the After finishing its operation. the card routine exit. to y+ 2, the line following the control word. ~otrrROL-'ORD !he control oGmpoaltlon.i. a8 ~d controll the operation of the eard routi.. follOWBI J.B 1. Ita OPPPP ODDDD The fir8t octal digit, cOl'ltrol. posi tloniag of carda in the read and punch ohannel. of the Bull Reproducer. B. A= 1 Piok a eard from the read hopper. A= 2 Piok a oard from the puach hopper. The second octal dig1 t, controls the operation to be pertonud. B=2 puaaa a card. opppp 18 the addreBs ot the first parameter word. ODoon i. the addres. of the first cia ta word. opppp aad ODDDD muat both be IS addr••• es. J. parameter word eonslst. ot twelve octal dig! ta divided into aix group. ot two each r FF 88 Pr. BB LL Rl II Flag for filial parameter word. "'=77 octal for final word. FF =00 otherwi ••• SS I .i Bina"'" Iltaotor. ·v aA.l~-g u 4U {Nuaber ot bits to the right of the binary point., BB. lumber ot b~ or UDueed columns between previous field, or edge of card, and present field. 9-164 CON ANALYSIS PREPAR£D BY H!l'\Js~r V A CV-130 R PAGE a.nd Gerkin CHECKED BY REVISED BY ICOOG-3 MODEL Zy. L91 All DATE 3-f-56 REPORT NO. LLI Number of digit positions to the left of the decimal point. RRa Number of remaining columns in the field exclusive of sign. RR =00 no decimal point and no decimal fraction. zz, Flag for zero suppression. ZZ=77 oot8.l for Z8ro suppression. %!::OO for no zero 8uppression. part are suppressed. Only zeros in the integer A zero immediately preoedingthe decimal pOint is not suppressed. Total size of a field LL+ RR.l Ra.n~ of Para.metersl DECIMAL 00 ....( OCTAL sa {. 35 00 ~ BB , 00 ~ 58 ~ 63 00 t.. 43 ... BB '77 00 ~ LL , 10 00 ~ LL ~ 12 00 ~ ~ 11 00 ~RR ~ 1; RR 01 ~LL +- RR ~ 11 01 ~LL -i-Rlt ~ 13 The parameter words, one for each field, ~st be stored consecutively starting at some ES memory looation OPPPP. There must be an equal number ot consecutive words starting with some ES memory location ODDDD. filled with data for the punch routine. Punching takes place at the third card station in the punoh ohannel. therefore. two punch cards must be advanced before pUftching can take place. This can be done manually. or the rtmch routine can be used to pOSition the cards as follows t 9-165 CV-130 CONVAIR ANALYSI. PREPARtD BY Be. us er and Crerkin CHECKED BY ICOO6-4, PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL ZM h91 All DATI: 3-8-56 REVISED BY 37 Ommmm Ommmm (to card routine) 20 00000 00000 (pick pUIlch card) 37 0mmRra 0maInm (to card routine) 20 00000 00000 (piok punch card) It should be noted that onoe a card bas entered either the read or punch channe l i t ccntln~. to adTance cae card station each time the Bull Reproducer is cycled. lumbers are rounded to the specified number of decimal digiti after the decimal point before punchin~ takel place. A divide check error 8top results if an in8uffielent number ot card columns is allowed for the integer portion of a field. Ia the 8Vftl1t of a card _chi. . failure or an acreidental stop in the lIiddl. of a oard eye 1e. the current oard _y be puached agauu 8et (p A I) = 00000 _ and STAR!. The routine 18 coded in standard tor., all constants are cootalaea by the routine. !lumber of oel18 used by the routine I = (201) (129) 8 10 lu.ber of temporariea immediately following routtaol Ok) - (36) 8 lumber of worde tor aassmbly modifications (153) 8 .umber of CODe tete t = (26) 8 (ho) = 10 (107) 10 (22) 10 fielda may be punched in a card. 10 17 ,.0. . . , . ' .... " me computing time available between references to punch routine. 9-166 CV-130 C;:"NVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. Ie 006-5 L01- 2- PAGE REPORT Z~J MODEL A'J..i... DATE r.A.p~ 0 C"j 0"I 0 0 0"- ~ t- >< c.. t(""'~6 1000 71 01160 30000 1001 1002 15 20000 01027 55 2000() OO('()3 1003 32 20000 1004 15 20000 01057 lone; ~1 1006 52 01174 21'1000 CONTROL ',}O PO --."..( 1\) SET PA~Aj\1F. TE'R PICKUP ?3~(f\) t CONTROL "'ORD CONTROL v,'ORD • 2 / 5 --+-(A) ~ET DATA PICKUP qA«:'T( n!JLl f'~~E --J-( A) EXTRACT PTCK COf)F~ 1007 32 20000 ('lOCO! .sL 2 1010 44 01011 01011 1011 44 01016 01012 SL 1 ( 0J PUNCH ( 1012 17 000(')0 2of)cn ~TART 101~ ~1 (1100<' 00,,00 1014 ~15 Oll!'7 0'.('1 e; 1015 56 00000 01015 1016 j~ 1017 17 00000 20000 1020 ?1. 01201 20000 1021 7~ 0115~ Ollse; 00~13 (')onC'~ oonon . ~Ull ~f='T t!"xtT EX.IT ""'~ pu,.,r'-' ~TART ro",e 8ULL CL~A~ 1004~ 1022 102~ 16 0115' 00000 <)F'T 1024 11 01154 01015 PRF"STOQF COlUM"'.! IMAGE ~Me"R~FNrv '1 ()~,! QFQU~·' ~FLF:CTOP 1027 11 01141 01110 37 0111? "1027 55 300('0 .onooo 1030 44 01103 01.031 PARAMF,:"!"F.q WOr'D -..(1) lt5T FIELD '? 1031 55 100eo 00(113 ~Lll 1032 ~1 S 1033 33 20000 00000 -~~A 1034 35 01146 01060 SET UP SHIF"T OPI")E'q 1035 55 10000 000(16 e.TC'RE" 1036 51 01175 01120 B 1037 55 10000 00006 ~TORt: 1025 1026 (fj) ( ft. ) 0'0'3 11 20000 01202 ~ '-' I PUN('4 ROUT Tf!J:" O117~ '0000 pqESTO~E ~~L~("-:Ol? 5FT 5\-1 TTCH (0) ~A n. .. , ... CV-130 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 1040 51 01175 01111 1041 32 '-ooo~ 1042 3~ 01147 01043 ~ ET 1043 00 oooo~ ,C':.TOPf 1nt.. 1044 55 10000 000.06 STORE 1045 . 51 01·175 01043 R 1046 32 20000 00016 R • 2 1047 35 01150 01050 OC01~ O~0rn r NSi Neo X T ~-=O-56 ~(AJ SET NEXT !N~TqUCTln~ ,.",R-l SI!PPP!:.s ~ I (V·l ? 0105? 7 E~O 1052 16 011?~ 01140 ~ET 1053 37 0113~ 010~4 ~H!F.:r 1054 41 01120 01126 lO~5 31 01116 000?1 ?34 --..,..... (/l) 1056 73 01050. 100QO II? 1057 1060 " 3000n 011'0 00 0000~ ~nnr.~ ~,TO!'E i061 32 10000 00000 ADD ROUNDING 1062 73 01121 ?OOOO 1063 35 ?OOOO 01050 -..... -- 1064 37 M !06-:; 41 01111 0""4 I 1066 16 01151 011 ?>", T""I\' LI"1f"'n ~ T n P F ~ r- r p.' ~ L p r: ! ~. T o o 0"..... 1067 41 01043 OllIS REMAINING t- 1070 41 01043 01134 TE~t·1~ ~ 1071 15 01057 01076 <;F: iO 1072 21 01027 01116 STEP PAR:~..JlETE~ lC73 21 01057 011-76 5Tr-P ~ 1074 16 OJII? 0113" 1075 33 01176 00000 1076 55 30000 nr00h 1077 44 011?4 I i\11 1S ~1100 0"- MODEL DATE que T t ()~! ~4 01.()6~ Z:! '...:.]1-,it. L. •. ? 15 ---,.. (.~ ) 1051 0113~ Ie :;0(·6 REPORT L ~"0P~ o PAGE ~.lf) (0LIJMN~ n l~-(R.l). ?3~......... qnU~~f"'lI~,lr, Tr.r"M I'" \"'1, • N ~UDPI?r.:~C:T""q 7C'P0 I • ,36 ,3; --..,.. (~ ) T~RM ,3; 11(11. ~(") • ~T()RE 'N I· ,36 lIn'" L TI"'r:"s TJ..lRt' cn"'v~"'~ CJ-1~r:1( ~ r ~~! 0' ~.! nl1?~ 9-168 CV-130 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. S"N 01£.(,0 CAR!') 1100 17 01140 PUNCH O~()t}3 CAt 'F"ORN'" PAGE Ie REPORT ;:~~ l.~f.?l ~i!. MODEL ~~:l ~()UTrNF." S~T ~!O ~O~ 7~R(j s'JDo~e'~'Tf'''! ~UppqF: ss r !"'f'~. IF" l '1101 43 61111 01123 1102 45 00000 01126 1103 31 01112 01031 5E,T 5\4,.' r TCH 1104 75 30,)(.,3 01.101 .~t:'T 1105 11 01143 01110 1106 43 01144 01013 1107 16 011~/ OO()(jO ALL 1:> RO~!S PUt·l CI,-I~f) ? SFr f:M&:'R~i-Nrv P!="f'!."l' 1110 00 0000('1 OO~(\O PUNCH 1111 00 00000 otJona 1112 00 00000 00000 1113 15 20003 01106 111h 2~ 111'5 31 01177 00000· ~ 1116 35 01110 01120 SET 1117 35 01156 01121 SET rop ~ 1120 00 00000.00000 ~TO~E DUNCf-i 1121 00 00000 00000 II?? 33 1123 37 01]40 011/4 1124 35 01110 ZERO ONE ~ow STEP "U~!CH OD"~~S --t-( 1-.) FOR :3 PUNCH ~ PUNCH 1125 ('10 0000" OOf'()0 Ctj ..... ......, 1126 55 01015 00043 I 1127 44 01130 01133 ADVA.NeE . TO· N ~x T -. 0 0' I 0 0 0' ..... r>< 0.. Oll?~ II CA.~f\ l' F"rr.lr') ? 1130 21 01110 Ollt;, sTr-p 1131 42 01142 01133 THr~f) , '. ?? c;~ 1133 45 00000 1134 31 OlO5f) (lOOO'? 1135 'l? "')'- 1136 11 20000 G1050 STORE 1137 ~4 TPTE'GFQ DAR T ---t-( r.. ) 0101t; 00rl10 0 UP STORE 8 PUNCH Sr-"r FOR l' PUN("H Sf:'T ~JO Z f:"RO suopq~~C; 1 0".1 SET NEXT INST~UCTr0tJ ~ r(H~~ DIGIT PU~'CH 5 Q1 co LtJrv,N SELEcTnq 00000 - PUNCH ORDERS 01110 01160 Ol~OC' COc-~ tJ~~ PO~'I C::FLF'crop CAPI') L.AST Q FTf-'l"'? qOWs C(\lUMr..'~ ~1133 01050 ()()OOI 20000 00063 4N ~~A) lOt-.! ~(A) FRACTIONAL P }\.R T 9-169 C\l-130 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. PAGE CARD MODEL DATE 3-20-56 0 C") r-! '-' I 0"I 0 0 0"- r-! r- >< 0... PUNCH ROUT!NE . 1140 47 01123 "31.140 ",YGTT =0 ? 1141 27 01203 01015 PRESET 114i' 77 01~"31 0101~ f'~F:SET 1143 77 00000 01244 PRESET 1144 77 10000 01214 PRESET 1145 77 10000 01230 PRESET 1146 31 01120 0004'3 PRt"5ET 1147 ORESE'T 11~O 11 01161 01",. 11 01160 01at;0 1151 ('10 onoco, (') 1 rt7() 1152 00 00000 01000 11~; 00 00014 1154 40 00000 (H100() ". '"'v ~Nce PRESE: FO~ 1155 co 00000 00002 ~ 1155 <"0 00005 00'1(\0 ~ 1157 54 00000 00000 54 1160 00 1161 00 00000 nOOOl 1162 00 0000" OOOl2 1163 tJ.64 00 00000 00144 00 00000 01750 1165 00 00000 23420 1166 00 00003 03240 1161 00 00036 41100 1170 00 00461 1;200 1171 00 05753 60400 1172 00 1'3465 45000 1173 11 2"4027 62000 1174 00 00000 0('1C'r3 1175 00 1176 00 00001 00000 1177 00 00003 oooeo Ie 006.-·8 ZM 491-L All REPORT ,..,~n~r; 00001 ooaor"! oon77 noooo o~F'SET tJ II 2 . (OlU\~~·~ SFLrCTOo 15 2 30 1 TAelE POWER5 o~ T~N "! rXTRAC"'OR 1 • '- 15 15 2 3 . 9-170 CV-130 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA MODEL 10 006-9 Z1f 491 -~ All DATE 3-20-56 PAGE REPORT CARD PUNCH ROUTINE no 1201 1202 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 FIEl.D tROW 12 11 1203 1204 1205 00 00000 00000 0 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 1 2 1206 00 00000 00000 ~ 1207 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 00 00000 00000 4 00 00000 00000 5 6 1'216 1217 1220 1221 ,..... 0 C":) r-I I 0' I 0 0 0"- r-I r- ><:" 0.. 15 1200 00002 oonoo 2 CARD 00 00000 00000 ., 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00"00 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 8 9 CARD Ft~lO It ROW 12 11 0 , 1 00 00000 00000 ocnoo 122~ 00 00000 122' 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 '6 00 00000 00000 '1 e 1230 00 00000 oonoo 00 00000 00000 1!31 00 00000 00000 1232 00 00000 00000 11 12~! 00 00000 00000 0 12~4 00 00000 00000 1 1235 1236 1237 00 00000 00000 2 00 00000 0000(1 3 00 00000 00000 4 1224 1225 1126 1227 ~ 4 !5 9 CARD FJELO ttt ROW t~ 9-171 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA (flQr, PUN("'H CV-130 PAGE Ie 006-10 REPORT ZII 491- 2.- MODEL A.l1 DATE 3-20-56 ~0UT PH~' 1240 00 0000('1 00(100 ~ 1241 1242 00 00000 OOCOO 6 00 00000 00000 1 124~ 00 0000(1 00000 e 1244 00 00000 00000 () 9-172 CV-131 CONVAIR ANALYSIS PREPAR£D BY PAGE Hauser and (".erkin REPORT NO. CHECKED BY MODEL REVISED BY DATE 1'WO CYCLW DAD OILY CARD ROOTIII IC 005-1 ?JI h91 All 3-9-56 lC005 !'his new carel routine operates on a two eycle buis, laking B>re un of the card cycle time than the preY'1oue rout1ne. Aa a man)" as forty flel4a -'ybe react from each card v1thout causing any t1a1ng difticultle.. In ..s41tlon, thi8 new routine requires 1... IS· apace than the tor.r rea4 routine. ef~ic1ent J;"eault, U '1'vo baalc operatIoD8 are perfomad 1>7 this routine during the 18poiJ1t card cycl.e. The n.ret tlve pointe (about 1-.0 are used to deeo4e the control word and to perform the tiDal· conversion of lDtor.t1on read during the prev10W1 reM cycle. 'fhe rea1DC1.w ot the eed cycle i . UH4 to read ~orMtlOD f'raD the preeent card aD! convert thia intonation into b1Dar7 cocled 4ecbal tora. '!'he biDary coded 4ecu.l 1n1'oration is then eormtrte4 to b1Dar7 and .eal.ed during the f'irat part ot the next eard qcle ~ ThU8, although lt takes two card cycl•• to eoapl.ete the operation ot rea41ng &DB. converting, the net effect is cODYeralon of ODe eard each card cycle. _> A t1ae ot U alch . . 11t. _ ay be uae4 tor c~tat10n between rererenc•• to the read routine without eauaing the bull to 8klp a cycle. The read routIne·.ay' be ueed to perf01"ll any cOJlbination of the i"ollav1Dgopentlona aecor41Dg to the cODtent. of a control word. 1. Pick (PriM) a read 2. 3. card Pick (Prs..) a punch card Pick a read card and read The conversion operation i. auto..tic aDd 18 always pe~0r.4 during the ear4 eycle occurring With the DGt use of the read routine. Th1. card routine require. the following iDronatIon: 1. BiDary aeal1ug 2. Dec1Jal acal J ng 3. toeationa of fielda on the card. tom '!'bl. lntoration 1. eupp11ed to the card routIne in a 8tan4ard called • ~ word. One ~ter word 1. required for eaeh card :t1.e14. A f1eld conal.ta of a mDiber ot consecutIve card COllBlS. !'he last CollSl or a field 1. reeerved for the slgn of the 4eet.l maber stored 111 that nel.d. An 11-pun9h signifie. a negative DUIIlber, no punch (blank colu.) 81gn1t1e. a pos1tlve nuaber. A combination 12, , aDd 8 punCh in one col\DID -.y be UHd to repre..nt a dee1JBl point. nelda need not be adJaeent--there may be urmaed columna, punched or unpunehed, betwen tbem--nor need they be alike in 81se. 9-173 CON ANALYSIS PREPAR£D BY Hauser and Gerkin V A CV-131 R PAGE REPORT NO. 'a.N '''fe·,l CHECKED BY MODEL REVISED BY DATE Ie OO~-2 Z)!' L91 All 3-9-56 &s Entry to tollon. (1') a- ('1'0 read routine) (y+1) AB OPPP.P camD (Control word) (y ... 2) BI uuuuu vvvvv (next instruction) 0aIBm repreaents the beg1nning addre8S (BS operating a4dreaa) or the card routine. '!'he control word 18 described below. '!'he '" coaand recorda in 0DDaD. the address or the control lIOrcl. !he routine 18 then entered at 0uIIIam. Arter :fin18hing 1ts operation, the card rout1ne ex1 te to y ... 2, the 11ae follOW1ng the control word. Control Word Coalpo.1t10D s Pint octal dig1t, control. picking ot carda in either channel ot the bull reproducer. As AaO Do not pick A4 Pick read. card A.e Pick puneh card A-, Piek both rea4 and punch Second octal 41g1t, controls the re&41ng operatIon. 81 BSI() Do not read. B-1 Read a eard opppp BS Addre.. ot the first paraMter word. CIlDDD 18 Addre•• where the n\Dllber from the first card field i. td • iWiid. OPPPP and ODDDD are required only it conversion 1s being performed. during the card. cycle. One parameter word i8 required for each card :r1e14. Parameter words 1IU8t be stored consecutively beginning at &4dreas OPPPP. lfumbers read from the card are .tored consecutIvely begInntngat addreal ODDDD. . Parameter WOrd ComposItIon: FF FPs sa BB Il, RR zz FlAg tor fInal parameter word "-71 (octal) for final parameter word W=OO otherwise sa. Binary 8ca11~ factor (nuDlber ot bits to the right of the bInary poInt) of converted number. 138 lumber of' blank or \lJ1\lM4 card colu.l. to the lett of the field. PO .... , . , . - " 9-174 CV-131 CONVAIR ANALYSIS PREPAR£O BY PAGE REPORT NO. Hauser and Gerkin CHECKED BY MODEL DATE 3-Q-56 REVISED BY LL t Ie 005-3 ZV LL91 All lumber ot colu.na (d1gIt poattI0D8) to the len; of the 4ec1lB1. point. RR: IuJiber of reaa1n1ng C01UB28 in the field, exclusIve of algn (D\1IIber of 4ee1a1 digits to the rIght of the dect.a1 point plus ODe for the 4ec1lBl point). RRaOO 1Dd1catea no aee1aa1 fraCtion aDd no .a.e-1a1 po1nt. ZZs lot ued. Range of ~ra: Octal Dec1a1 as as (. ~3 ~ '5 00 ~ 00 ~ BB ~ 63 OO~BB~17 00 ~ IL ~ 10 OO~U.~12 OO$RR~11 00 ~ RR ~ 13 O1~LL+RR'l1 01 00 , ~ 11, .. RR ,13 ReadtDg takes place at the eee0n4 card atatton in the rea! channel-N84 card. a18t be a4vanee4 bef'ore rea41Dg take. place. '1'h1a laY be done JBDUal.l.7, or -.y be clone .. f'ollowa: ODe 37 c.- 0- (to card routine) 10 00000 00000 (pIck read card) The cud ~uet a4vuc~_ Y1ll. not teed turther UDle•• another order to pick a out. 1. glftD-both pick 1IP4 rM4 ordara auat be given to read this card. It ahoul4 be noted that once a card enters eIther the read or punch cbaDDel it CODt1mlee to advance OM card station each tt.. the Bul1 Reproclueer 1. cycled. ~ ~cmBtlon r..a. rro. the eard i . atond vith1D the card routine 1D coa.t 4ec1lBl tom. ~, 1f' the aubrout1De Ie 4e8tro7e4 betwen earct C7C1.., thi. i~onatlOD w11l not be convertecl on the following carel c1'Cle. U.. of the read routine cauae. the aiI.1 Reproducer to -go through one card cycle J If • •eri.. of carda 1. tOM real, there awJt be a reference to the read. routine for -.ch card. 9-115 CV-131 CONVAIR ANALYSIS PREPARtD BY HaUler and Gerlda PAGE CHECKED BY REVISED BY Ex_ple of coding uaed to read a .tack ot ,., 10 ,., ,., 11 ,., 11 11 a.- a 00000 00000 Pick carel a.a. a... 00000 00000 D 10 005~ fwtODEL Dr 491 All DATE ~-9-56 REPORT NO. SAN DlfGO carda. 11 Pick card 2, .read card 1 a... a... OPPPP ODDDJ) Pick eard " read card 2, CODV. card 1 a... a.OPPPP ODDDD Pick card It., red card " CODY. card 2 • • • ,., • 0.- U a- OPPPP ODDDD Pick card Dt1, read. card Y1 a... a..a 00 OPPPP • ODDDD CoIlftrt card. 11, con.... card n-1 Il In C_ 0'1 a· card machi_ tailure or aD accidelltal atop ill the or • caret cycle, the current card My be reread. I repoa1 tlOD the 0 . . . ., _t (PAI:)-OOOOO, ad start 110,. aiMle !hi, rout1ae 1e coded ill ataD4ard 'lora. All coutaata are CODtaiDe4 by the rout1De. Jlaber 0'1 vorU • Uaed by the rout1ae I usea by tapor&r1ea I Por . . . . .lya341tication - Ueed tor ..... - CODetaDta • Forty t1el48 I 1-. 0' I o o routlM. 0' ..... I My 1 • ( 116 • (12) 0 (1Jt.1~•• (97)10 ( 2 ' ) . (19) 10 • M ..... (1OJ. , (1Ja. ) 10 be read trca • card • ccaput1D1 tiM afttlable between reterenee. to the .card t- ~ ,"0." I.'.-~ 9-176 CV-131 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. 30~CO C()~'TqOL 71 01142 1001 15 ?OOOO 01061 STC~F DA~Au~T~q 1082 16 70000 ~~116 ~,T(,r.,: nAT:" 1003 55 20000 oonn3 C0 ~.J T P() L 1004 31 01163 00001 BULL COD~ • ?-z ~ (f\J 100~ 5/ 01156 20~OO 1006 ~2 '-OO~0 00~Ol (A ) 1007 55 1~00~ 00~~~ (f) ) 1010 46 0,0l~ 0'~'~ r.-rA'" ? 1011 ~7 on00~ '00~r. ~TAP" 1012 37 01012 0]013 CO~~Vr:P$ IO~,~ 1013 37 01013 01014 P E' .A f') 1014 31 0100n nnr.o~ :n 141 01016 1016 00 00000 000n~ 1017 32 01142 00000' ADD REf\f) CODr: 1020 37 01013 01011 SET TO RE,l\,1) 1021 36 20000 01176 ~TCRF. 1022 75 10011 010/4 CL':"AI;! 1023 11 20000 01164 1024 16 01140 00000 SET qERUN 1025 1026 16 Q~DrGrT 76 00000 01016 1027 76 100C~ 10~0n 1030 76 10000 n~177 1031 37 01031 01032 LA,S i lO~2 11 01136 01042 PR~SFT 1033 11 01156 b117~ SFT 1034 31 0114J 00011 T"!nr:X ~ ~ F NT JNF.: l ---+ (A L 10~5 32 20000 00003 ~ L4J (A R) 1036 44 01031 01040 BIT TN THIS 1037 32 01176 00000 YES: ADD-DIGIT ·35 ~1034 01176 Ie 005-5 Z!.I 491 MUDEL All DAlE 3-20-56 -.L 'd('oD ~l~, 1000 1015 PAGE REPORT W0~~ I·:n.,,., ~..' 0 I? D --.,- (" ') ('vrLF CA~;, 5WTT(J..I q-.r I T (' H ~xrT ~o~,.' :3 \"O~D 0 ~ATRIX REft,D ONF POW RO\~ S\o! I TCH< ~ATRTX ~T0~~ = ) • S L 3 (A a.J COLU~1N ? 9-177 CV-131 CONYAIR - DIYISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Ie oo~ Z11491-z All 3-20-56 CARO REA!) ROUT I ~!~ 1040 46 01041 01035 REACHE~ 1041 31 20000 R~MOVf: 1042 1043 00 000('0 oo~oo 21 01042 01161 41 01175 01034 104 6 ~ & 0 ~ t- ~ ~,A. Tq STEP ROW ',"O~D I X STORE EXHAU'STED ORD~~ ? 1053 41 01176 01026 DIGIT-l..r"'J!GIT. R(PFAT 1054 31 01052 01025 STORE _9'$ FOR-S IGNS 1055 37 01031 01026 R~AD 1056 37 01012 01014 SET 10'57 PRF5TOP.E 1060 15 01136 01126 37 01121 010~1 1061 55 3000n 00000 PAR.AJ·4ETE? 'NORD l--.-(a) 1'062 44 01063 01('64 LA~T 106~ 16 01012 01121 SET 1064 1065 55 10000 00013 SLn 51 01157 20000 SET 1051 rl I AOD TO MAT~tX WORt') 1052 1050 "- I ~Jr:L 5':'1 TCH 1047 rl ~~NT 31 01045 01046 55 01177 00000 '37 01045 01033 55 01016 00034 37 010'45 01034 37 01052 01053 1045 1046 ........ 0(')(')(\(" ? ~FNT!N~L 1066 1067 1070 1(\71 1072 101! 1014 1015 1076 1077 POW '."()~D BCD Y·NF'O. -f-MATPTX RO\·! t'/ORD 3 -..(0) ~Cfj JN~O -+M~.tRTX S\.< 0.. A·.t . . l('l~-l~ ~('IUND r ~!G .~.!)D ~ ~~-l .,S • . 51 01163 20000 <;IG~~ rIG! T 1114 IJ. 7 o",~ ~Tr,N ~H-r;hT!V~ 1115 13 01077 01077 11 01077 30000 YES: -N ~.~VI\N(~ 1120 21 0106' 0116() 21 01116 01142 1121 45 00000 111:>1 11~2 16 011j7 O'1~O 1123 41 01176 011?7 11 01163 011·76 YES: 21 01126 01160 ~TEP TRf\NSFFR r-.! F\\' 1121 11 3000() 01164 55 01164 0000 4 ll~O ~7 "'11?'" n11-<.\1 31 01175 oooo~ ~\." 1131 1132 32 0]175 00001 0"'" ~(") 3 1113 STO~E • TE~~·' T~R~/ ROUNDING 37 01130 011?3 0' I 3-20-56 PFMA!N!NG rrpM5 Ill? 1125 1126 All DATE I ~~~ L POP'T STORE "! 2 . , SH!FT 5IGN 1124 -- "('1('\1"'11'1 I")~r 73 01077 01077 1117 MODEL T':P~S L 1111 O"lt:. ZY.-1 r'T('fT5 ~ 41 0Il77 nl1''3 37 01130 Ol105 t"'l~17C. IC 005-1 491- z REPORT P. t:" ,1\ r"l q('\UT T~.' f- 111"1", 1116 ...... M ...... PAGE ~('j) ? -f-N RE~ULT " A.DVANCE D M6T~JX J:"~~~ ..a.U~Tt"f" \>/"qr, R~ Sf.T ? Plr;rx TPAN~FJ:P MATQTX WQ'?I") SHIFT TO NFXT O[c. DIGfT 4~.· YT(""H -+(A) 1 ("IN --..(A) , O~I °LU~ "y(;yT --t-N 113~ 5? O116? 1154 45 000"0 31114 CONVEP~ 1135 1136 1.1 0114? 01077 PR~SET 35 01164 rp 1 tt~ P~F:SET 1137 (')0 00(')00 01100 I("\\! ~xrT 9-179 cv- CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SA"'4 DIEGO CALIFORr-..IA 131 PAGE REPORT 'MODEL DATE CAPr') R~AfI ~OUT nl('"1(,\n !,,'1 1141 54 00000 00000 MODIFv 1142 1143 00 00000 00001 1 00 00000 00001 TABLE 1144 no 1145 CO 00000 00144 1146 00 00000 01750 1147 00 000(,)1" ~~42n 11'50 00 00003 0~~4() 1151 C)('l 1152 00 00461 115'3 00 05753 611400 1154 00 7346') 1155 11 24027 62000 1156 no oooon !"'l('l(H"3 j l1r;7 00 OOOf)0 t)0~77 ~XTRACTOt? 1160 ("0 ooonl ('l(jl'\f"('1 I.' 1161 00 00001 0()O n~. 1162 CO....,M.ANO (1000f' n('ln12 000'36 140 PO'.·JER~ o~ TFN 1 1. 00 l~?nf) Io! Ciooo /\I")V"~J(F. .JI ANn v- al)VANCF 00 OOOCO 00('17 lJ. PIT r:XTPA(Tf')Q 1163 00 00000 ,)()OlO 8 1161~ 00 OOO(lO Oa00n ~ATPTx 1165 (')0 00001"1 0('11'1(':0 , 1166 1"'0 o~nOil onon,., '3 I 1167 ()O rotio'" 00rnil) 4 0' 111('\ "0 (')nf'lnn ('1,,('\,.,,'1 ~ t- 1171 00 00000 O(iOC'O 6 1172 00 00000 00';1)('1 7 1173 ("0 00000 O(,)~00 A 1174 00 0OO0() o('loor q 1175 ()(l 00()n0 O()(,(,() INDEx 1176 00 0OO0() O('l(iOO DIGIT 1177 00 1"""1 (;ij -1"""1 I 0' 0 0 ' 1,,'O?n 1 1"""1 >< 0.. oo()()n 00" I') f'I ROI:! I,•• '(')~"" OO~~ 3-2C-56 I ~,~ 1140 OAI')('\~ Ie ZM LS1-z All '9-180 CONVAIR ANAl.VSIS PREPAR£D BV PAGE REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO MODEL CHI!CKED BV DATE REVISEoIIv ~ OP SDIIL'1'AIIOO8 tlWAR BClJmOE Dr !II .iiUI 0., CDP1' PARr I • III!II>IJUt'i'IO. '!b18 PJ'08l- 1e appl10able to fOnl 8)'8t.e ot • ..-t10118 111 +4,~ Xa. T • +tJ.~2.. X" f • • • all X, tlal 1) • Xa. D lIIlkDoaa of the • + L2,1'11 X,.,:d, "", # + a2..~X'" .. = 4a fI • n"fi • • !b1. rods.. -.1078 the tloattDg po1Dt tw~ JaIIber repreHDtatloa ... the COI',"poacISIil Ar1~lc PM"'- CAOO1. PARr II - AlALYSIS III .a41tlOD to the 81'" ( • ..,-,ted) _trtx all t:l., ~ a 3.1 a.1. J. 2) • anI the ..tbo4 3) ~ • -.. • • • 4n; ~ • • • the tot_tloa of _ all a,~ • · • 430.1 4, a. z. • • . .. [M] 4.., n+1 • t:tz. • If, fl 4"" ~"'I aa111u7 .tr1x 41 ~~ 1-1 aJ.. . nI-l ani.. /l,.,... • • ll"" n. 1-1 1dd.ell 18 . . . 1a I lD1 ..t1lll tbe eollltiou X, -' X~ • • • X)V 4) 5) ~ a'lie xk - Jc'all-I -'-, Xl . -- tt· l n~1 J i = I~ :l.j • • .~ '1L 'J . . . . . . 1Ibteb 1tJa4 to ~) ..t are a•• srlbe4 1Ja a.tail 1D HCtloa 011 ..u..4 of ~ 1a tbe oba)Ur _ at.ltaMoaa lfDMr ..-tloa 18 rr1ea1 lIT 1II.lM. !• 0Ilnl.. )IrO'*"'". !be 1Ol1It1GM aN LIpto.... 117 • NOlINi" Sappoee the ao1atlau tin, oMalMl b7 •• of 5) ... 4eaote4 b7·Xi. !beD ~ftecI q8'Ma 9-:-181 CV-132 CONVAIR ANALYSIS .. REPAR£D BV PAGE REPORT NO . SAN DIEGO MODEL CHECKED BV REVISED BV DATE all • + a , ,,, X. ;;,. t2, 1111 - /;,a'It"XI( • • + d a.n. x.. :w4A 111-1- t.fZ~1( o~ • • • • • • ~ t-d.lz..Xz. I- • 4.., X, +AI-a. . .. t • • 18 eo1ft1 to obta1a • x~ nnt · 8ft et eon ..'lOM 'X, • ...... ..a.n.t.,... d ('" .f.'Xk:) a" X, -+ tt.,& Xa. + • .. • +t:t,,., x'" =d, ,,#, -EoJ IJc I( II.~ 1.,. ~ da:... Xa. f- •. • ..,. 4~& x,... =da. ",., I - ~~... (Ox. tc .. ' KIC) II. • • • • •• •••• 4.&J.L_.t-.4.n..& .b +. _.!_ .. ..~ .. -.~.tt1,,~.-x,.~L "'#1 -- &, 4~_~:~ x.) ... eel'N4 to oMa1a . . . . . . . . of 8OI1MU_ oX(. . . . the rl&1r' ? . (~) ottlle..a.n.t.,.... . . . ~ oloMto lIII'0, t:be ftM1 aol1It1~ . . . obtatMCl 'b7 eMs . . tile ooneotloaa to ex,. 1Id.. JI'OtP- ~ ror ftft . . . . . . . .u . . . t tittw..,. b.7' .nt1Jal • - .' . . . . OJl'IMe cU.ttc ILII l ....ttaa 1DIa ~. par IU - P.maIIIIDlt 1. a. ........... PI 1oeI8 the ~, . . . . . All ~ AD.att care re.t, ...u. 18 are n.4 oato tile ar.. or __ ,. !be carda ". PIIXIIAII 8!IPS rr. tlMt ,. !be ala Nllt1lle «IUd n.I oato tH..... atoN4 a. tbe drta. ou4 l...t ~ 1. . ._tel at (p.) ...a arl~e 6. '!be -.-tatlO1l o~ ~) Car& =,,.,. paokap aN JIM4 1Dto IS. -.ru. 7. PNlal.a..sa aa4 1. . . lIP to bec1a tIIte ..l1at1_ of aaother Qnea of . . . .IOM. . ..._...a: I.vr It 18 to cat:a1a ~ • (tbe IIUIIINr o~ row of tbe Cl~.nrta) I'u aMI 1a 0QlJ aat 6 With .......la1Dg oo~ blak• • ( ..t11f.N4 __ I~) 18 ........ 7' Data out& Gl.... ..vtx 18 ........ __ . . . With a ..., car4 to 1IIeCID Il80h ( . . . . . . . ., 1dd.oh are . . . to t1U . . . . . . 1a beplJtI wlth tbe aboft "FI lTD, an 6tlnII after .....-1a.) RIfR to I~ .... waw !be t1Da1 eolatl. . AlII 'bU ..... - - ts. ,.0. . . . . . . - " CI adel. ueoaatel IIIdW.r to I~. Itt:fla ani I I are puaehec1 1a 9-182 CV-132 CONVAIR ANALYSIS ..REPAR£D BY ~11IAIJ8BR C~ECKED BY VAaL ~AN PAGE REPORT NO. DIEGO MODEL REVISED BY DATE ,. ..tart 1. Plaoe 1DJu' ORU 1D t...a 2. Pr 1a.I JII'OSI-' ... n..1 nop • • 1 • 2 • , hower, S 00,.' 211 ~ ALL ,j.!o~ blak ..... 1a pmoh bofie. (1tGOOo) • lIbr.....,... jWjJO'.' Jbr....., ,.,iD ••• 'lo.top ~ after -.oil .tr!x 11 • q atel. row or ~ em=f 1 'R7 0.. •• ; 1. AD - " f'0tIII , ••• - " 9-183 CV-132 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CAL.IFORNIA CROUT PAGE eN 75 31777 71222 STORE CAR.D INPUT qT. 11221 11 00001 71222 75 31777 71224 71223 11 71230 00001 71224 11 71225 45 00000 00300 TRANSFER CARn INPUT RT .. TO ES S~T FOR NF-XT Mft,TRtX RFft~ JUMP TO ~EAD ~ft,TprX 71226 45 00000 71222 PRESET 712~O 40000 STO~A(ir: 77250 00100 09 00000 ~(iOOO .L 77251 00101 00 00000 (lO00() n 77252 77253 0010:? 00 000110 0000n 00103 00 00000 00000 (30000 ( 3D 0 00 n +- 2) • 2 t 5 + ~ n ) • 2 JS "*" .2 00 00000 00000 7725!> 00105 00 00000 (\0000 ( 2. n ( t' - 1 ) 77256 no on 0 (")0 ncno~ BLAH t( 77257 "0106 00107 00 00000 nooco k' 772f:.O 00110 no onODO ,H.,O Ii I" K 77261 00111 ('\0 00000 00000 17262 liOl12 00 Ol')ono f'lf'lQon Ll L2. 7726~ 00113 00 00000 ('H"Ionn n 77264 00114 00 00000 00000 2.n 7726'3 00115 00 00000 00000 2. 77266 00116 on 77267 00117 00 00000 00000 I 77210 00120 00 0' 77271 001?1 00 OOtJoh O('Of'lO 17272 00122 00 00000 O~(lO(i 77273 00123 00 00000 () (Hi () () 2:11-+:<"- 77274 0Ol?4 00 OO()~O 000('l(,! BLAH K 77275 00125 00 00000 O(\O()() ('h-~) 77276 00126 00 00000 00000 ( n -1 ) I 0' 0 0 ...-4 t- >< c.. 3-20-56 START-) . 00104 - All DA TE 45 00000 712?O 77254 C"') ...-4 MODEL 005 j C'\I z. 491 40000 71220 71?~6 CI 00,... REPORT 00000 rH')or;n onore noroo +2 i- 1J • .2 '5 "I:N 0 E:.)( tS n • 2 (2j-l)6Z'5 15 (Zh+l) #2- l rys1 5 n (f n/rl ~ I 2N/n • 2'5 ) ::: N INDEX 9-184 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN r).EGO CV-132 PAGE C,""IFORNIA REPORT MODEL DATE Cll 005.$ ZK 491 All 3-20-56 (I?nUT C"J ~ ~ 77277 00127 00 OCO(')O ()OOOr) 77100 00130 ('0 O()()()~ 0(')f1n~ 77301 00131 00 oa<"'('o rOooo 773'12 00132 0(') Of'l()()O 00000 17~0'3 00133 (10 77304 00134 00 00000 00000 77305 00135 00 00000 00000 77306 00136 no 77307 00137 11 01577 77310 00140 n() (\(H')('\? f'\t"O('t" 77311 00141 ("10 ~OOOO ('l00(H', 77312 00142 11 40000 01600 77313 00143 il 77314 00144 7731f5 0014'5 77316 00146 11 0JS'17 0011\ 11 OlC,"17 OOO'~ 11 013'17 000/7 77317 n0147 on 77320 bOl130 11 00111 01577 77321 00151 11 01.577 OOC27 7732? 00 1~· 2 11 0160() 77323 00153 11 56')77 01600 773?4 001'34 11 00111 Ol~77 77325 nOl5? 00 ()"ono "12(jf) 7732A 00156 11 01377 0OO2C) 77327 (lOIS7 1 J 01 '<'7 ('t()0?7 77330 00160 75 30~30 77",32 77331 00161 11 77?c..(J OOlon 17332 00162 7C-, 3()('l~0 00164 17~33 ('j016~ 77334 00164 11 77(')40 oo~"n 75 30J05 00166 77335 00165 11 77175 nICOO 77336 00166 11 00140 70000 '-" I '" '"t-...... I 0 0 ><= 0.. OoC'()O ~('00~ OO()OO ('10000 P~~S~T'S OOO,~ 56077 01400 (H'H') 00 1"'!f"!j44 C,f:,()77 r R'") ~.J'!" ~~ E ----fJ- F ~ r:"ERGENCY ARITHMF:TIC PUN('~-0UT DACKA.GI=" --+- f!' ~ ~[S SET 9-185 CV-132 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA.':) a. 005-' Ell 491 All 3-20-56 CROUT 71~~7 00167 7' 00140 00101 77340 00170 ~5 O()141 200<'0 77341 00],,71 15 20000 00214 77342 00172 15 20000 00216 77'43 0017:3 71 00101 00224 77344 00174 11 20000 00010 77~45 0011') 11 0('1'11 77346 00176 7~ 77'347 00171 001.24 '0000 35 00074 ?OOOO 17~50 00200 71 77~51 00201 77352 00202 71353 00203 11 ?OOOO 0Ol~1 31 00121 00020 73 00101 0012? 77'354 00204 71 00041 00101 77355 00205 35 00041 00123 77356 00206 11 00101 20000 77357 00207 36 00041 00125 INDEX 77360 00210 11 00122 20000 PRESETS 77361 00211 35 00215 0021'5 77362 00212 11 00123 20000 . TO DELFTF EXTRA 77363 00213 35 00?17 00217 7E~O~ ROW TRANSFERS ,oonn COMPUTF. N 2nooo 00"1" NUM8ER OF (EllS PEQ ROW INCLUDING r:XT~A NUMBEq OF CEllS PER ROW FO~ ~ATRIX TRANSFER RO\-J OF 77364 00214 15 00000 00216 N ~ 77365 00215 11 40001 01600 '-" I 17366 00216 75 00000 00220 77367 00217 11 01600 40001 ..... 77370 00220 2J 00215 n()12~ >< c.. 77371 00221 21 OO?!7 0012~ 77372 00222 41 00125 OO?14 All 7737'3 00223 56 10000 00227 YES! T/IX E 227 77374 00224 00 ooore oooar; 77'375 00225 no O()I"lI"l() n~r('\~ ~L A~ll( 77376 00226 00 00(')00 00000 BLANK .-.. ..... 0' I 0 0 0' t- Z:=-q~S l¥'] TR A~ISFr:Q [r.~] T0 FS TRANSFER ROW OF [r·1 ] TO DRUf-.1 EXTRA ZEROS [)~LF.T~n STF.:P u A"ORE~~ 5T~P V ADDRFS~ ~O"!5 T R A ~~ 5 F J:' n q ~t"\? ~,l(j: hlrrUPN 5 q-l86 CONVAIR - CV-132 DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNI." P AGE ZM 491 All DATE 3-20-56 CRnUT 77377 71400 00227 77401 00231 ("10232 17402 77403 77404 71405 77406 ..-t ---aI I 0 0 a..-t t- >< 0.. 00233 00234 00235 75 10200 00231 11 00040 76500 CLEAR AN5't,'!:R 5TORAGE 16 00623 0051-3 SET 71 OOlOl 00041 11 20000 00114 31 00114 00017 CLEAR 11 20000 00115 ~WJTCH 11 00115 20000 774"7 0023 7 ~~ 77410 00240 75 17777 00242 77411 77412 00241 00242 11 00040 ~6100 11 00074 00100 SET ROW 71413 00243 11 on117 20000 SET 77414 00244 35 on073 20000 71415 77416 77417 0024'; ~5 00246 00247 11 00115 20000 35 00141 00103 77420 007.50 00251 OO?';, 15 0('10' 1"(,)?6t; 1t; ('If\1ti' '"'0276 1 ~. r.0'()~ 004" 77423 77424 77425 0025~ 15 0010'- (\(')46 ? 16 00147 00316 11 00C74 00104 77426 77427 00256 00254 00255 0" () "13 ~Oll7 fl.1.d TR IX S"(jQAG~ INDEX TO 00141 0010i' TRAN.C;F~R RO\4 ANn C'OlUMN TO e~ SET SWITCH SET COLU~1N 00257 ""1 00.100 00140 36 00140 20000 PRESET 00260 71 ?OOOO 00101 DRUM 00261 36 00073 20000 77432 77433 00262 0026:3 12 00140 00100 11 20000 00105 77434 00264 !5 00142 00266 77435 77436 00265 75 00000 00267 00266 00 00000 00000 77430 77431 III [M ) 00236 77421 774/,2 C\I CIJ 00230 ON 005..' MODEL REPORT ta, INDEX ADD~~5~ OF ROW ROW OF (M] TO ES TRAN5FE~ 9-181 SAN OIEGO CALII'ORNIA REPORT el 005-8 ZM 491 MODEL All DATE 3-20-56 PAGE c~nUT 77437 00267 56 10000 00270 77440 ""0270 11 00104 20000 77441 00271 36 00074 20000 PRt:SET 71442 00272 71 20000 00101 DRUM 77443 00273 71 20000 00140 77444 00214 ~5 0OO7~ '0000 77445 00275 ~5 0014~ 00')77 77446 00216 75 00000 00'300 TRAN<;F'E~ 77447 00277 00 00000 00000 OF [M) 77450 00300 56 20000 77451 00301 11 00100 20000 77452 00302 4? on1.04 (\0306 77453 00303 11 00104 2000n 77454 003: 04 36 00074 00107 77455 OO~05 77456 00306 45 00000 00307 36 00074 00107 77457 0~3(,)7 ADDRESS OF' COLUMN COLUMN TO ES (')(l3(l1 ELEMENT TO RIGHT OF D I AGONAL. { YES: TAKE ~O6 NO: SET KI YES: SET KI = 77460 00310 11 O(,)("l74 ('\011" 71 00104 00140 77461 00311 !6 001173 77462 00:312 35 C'!(')144 00'31. 7746? ()O~l~ 75 77464 00314 00 00000 00000 77465 00315 11 00107 ?noon 71466 00316 42 on110 ~C()OO 77467 00317 71 00110 00140 77470 00320 36 00073 20.00('1 77411 00321 35 00145 00321, 5,... 77472 00322 75 30002 003?.4 -t 77413 00323 00 ooono ('Inroo a. i K. -....- 77474 00324 71 00110 00140 TRANSFER 77475 00325 36 77476 00326 35 00146 OO~'O ""\J I'j -4 ~O(H'? ,.... I ->< lo4 orH'~ 7 1 K TRANSFER 20()O0,. F'L F'~t:~·1 T (1J:' [v] C'031~ ..,; I ~r" (~ INTO (111, 112~ K : K' PRESET > TAK!: ?44 ~ it.,K~ 317 ADDQESS OF aLk (2.5.2..6) '3 20000 Q.,t< j 9<-18B CV-132 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. S .... N DIEGO. CALIFORNIA REPORT ell 005-S 2M 1~91 MODEL All DATE 3-20-56 PAGE cqnUT 77477 00327 75 3000:> 003~1 77500 00330 00 onooo 0('000 77501 00331 37 01001 01003 77502 00332 13 000'),1 0002 7 77503 00333 11 00012 00030 77504 77505 00334 11 00111 00335 17506 77507 00336 00337 77510 00340 771511 77512 00341 00342 11 OOll:? 00026 31 01001 C1OO? 11 00031 00111 11 000'32 n0112 21 OOllO 110074 45 00000 00315 77513 77514 77515 00343 00 00000 00344 J : L 00345 11 00100 20000 42 00104 00354 77516 00346 71 00104 OOD41 PR~5ET 77517 00347 36 00074 20000 77520 77521 00350 35 00150 00352 00351 75 30002 77522 00352 00 00000 00000 7752~ 00:353 45 00000 00367 77524 00354 71 00100 00140 77525 00355 36 00073 20000 77526 00356 35 001S1 00360 -- 77527 00357 75 30002 00361 0"- 77530 OO~60 00 00000 0 0 0"- 77531 00361 11 00111 00025 t- 775~2 00362 11 00112 00026 >< c.. 7753~ 00363 37 01001 01004 ''''~~4 OO~64 1.1 77535 00365 17536 00366 11 00032 0011' 45 00000 00346 N C"j ~ I I ~ o(')o~, OO(i"'~ noono t NrO (27. 30) PRODUCT OF ELEMENTS (Lii --..... ( 25 • 2...6) a.LJ.. - lii K. 2t k i. = L ~ - - . . (JI1J 1:1.2..) STEP K RETURN SLAN$( . > TAKE 354 ~ STORE RESULT E5 A!')f)RES<; FOR [~] 5TO~AGE ~O:!t;3 OO()O~ oot'1 STORE RE~ULT DIVIDE BY DJ AGON.AL ELEMENT OF [M] STORF Rf!~ULT REiURN 9-189 CV-132 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIIII PAGE ex REPORT ZM MODEL All DATE 3-20-56 005~10 491 c~nUT 11537 77540 -i3 -C\J OO~67t; 11 00101 200(')(" 77541 35 00074 20000 00371" 43 00104 00374 77542 00372 21 00104 00074 NO: 77543 00373 45 00000 00267 RETU~N 77544 00374 STORE 71545 0037t; 77546 00376 11 00101 OOll~ 71 00100 00041 36 00074 20000 77547 00377 ~S 001S' 00401 77550 (,)()40('l 15 ~OOO2 t)04n2 77551 00401 00 00000 ~oooo 77552 00402 21 00401 00114 77553 00403 21 00401 00140 77554 00404 41 00113 00400. ROW STORED? NO: TAKE 400 77555 00405 11 00101 ?OOOO YES: (A) 77556 00406 43 00100 00411 71557 00407 21 00100 00074 77560 00410 17561 00411 56 30000 00255 56 30000 00412 77562 00412 11 00101 00100 77563 00413 11 00101 20000 77564 00414 35 00074 00104 LAST ROW? YES:TAK~ 411 NO: sTEP ROW SELECTION RETURN TO CO~PUTE NEXT f? ,.,,,, YES: COMPUTE FINAL MATR I,X SET UP TO COMPUTE FYNAl MATQIX 77565 00415 11 00101 00107 77566 00416 71 00101 00101 00370 77567 00417 54 20000 00020 J 77570 00420 35 00073 20000 ...... 77571 004?1 ~') >< c.. 77572 00422 75 00000 00424- 77573 00423 00 OCtooO onooo 77574 00424 11 00101 0011~ 77575 00425 71 00100 0014C 77576 00426 36 00073 20000 I 0"- 0 0 0"- t- ROt· r 0014~ USED Up! YES: TAKE' SET '14 NEXT COL. ~L~MENT5 [M] OF ON DRUM STEP STORAGE AD[)~ES5ES n~ TRANSFfR n + 1 Sf 004" ~FT COL. INTO ES TFR TNOEX TP.AN~~ER LTH COL. 9-190 CV-132 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA REPORT ON 005-1) ZM 491 MODEL All DATE 3-20-56 PAGE CROUT C'\I C"j ....-I '-' J 0"- 00421 35 00153 00431 rNTO 776':'0 00430 75 ?0(10? (H)4~' ~y 77601 00 00000 COOOO 77602 00431 00432 21 00431 00115 STEP U ADDRESS 77603 0043~ 21 00431 00041 5TC::P V ADDRESS 71604 00434 41 00113 00430 ROt~1 COMPLE TE? NO~TAKE 77605 00435- 11 00100 20000 YES: 776-06 00436 35 00074 00110 77607 00437 37 77610 00440 71 00100 00041 77611 ()0441 36 00074 20000 77612 00442 ~c:; ..1..-1 77613 00443 75 30002 00445 77614 00 00000 00000 77615 00444 004 /+5 77616 00446 47 00424 00447 LAST Xi. COMPUTED ~ NO~TAKE 424 77617 00447 45 ('0000 YE~~ JAKE t;~4 77620 004'50 37 "'0440 70441 7762J 004-51 00 76c.OO 776'22 (i04~? 11 00074 ()O100 77623 00453 11 00074 00104 77624 00454 71 00100 (10140 77625 004'55 ~6 77626 00456 71 20000 00101 77627 00457 72 00140 00100 17630 110460 :'6 0007'3 ?OOOO OO~16 00310 00154 00444 SET ....-I RO¥!5 4~O tb ~TO~E Xi AT E~ ADDRESS 23 00100 00074 005~4 Pt'NCH AN<;W~~~ ,noon TRANc:t='FR ROl\f 00140 20000 OF J 0 0 0"- ES 77577 [M J 0046~ t- 77631 ()O4061 '::\~ >< c... 77632 00462 75 00000 00464 INTO 77633 00463 00 00000 (looon ES 77634 00464 11 00040 00111 77635 00465 11 00040 00112 77636 00466 71 00140 00104 00142 ClEI.\R STORAGE TRANSFER 9-191 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-132 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA CJf 005-j2" PAGE MODEL Zlf 491 111 DATE 3-20-56 REPORT C~OUT 17637 ('H'l467 '6 77640 00470 35 00624 00472 77641 00471 75 30002 00473 77642 00472 77643 00473 00 00000 oceon 11 00116 20000 71644 00414 35 00157 00476 TRANSFER ELFMENT OF 77645 004:75 75 30002 00477 (~1] 77646 004-76 1"10 of'rnn ("I!"OOO 77647 00471 37 01001 0100~ 77650 00500 11 n0111 nOO25 CO~PUTE 77651 00501 11 00112 00026 NEW 77652 00502 11 00031 00027 VALUE 77653 00503 11 00032 0OO3f) FOR 77654 00504 77655 00505 77656 OOt>06 17657 00507 01001 OIOO? 11 00031 (')0111 11 OOO'? OOll' 11 on101 ?oroo 77660 00510 43 00104 77661 00511 21 00104 00074 77662 00512 45 00000 71663 00513 11 00117 20000 77664 00514 35 00137 00516 77665 00515 75 30002 00517 77666 00516 00 00000 00000 71667 00517 13 00111 00027 0I 77670 00520 11 00112 0OO3p' 0 0 0- 77671 no!)::? 1 '37 01001 olCO::? t- 7761'2 00S?2 75 30002 005~ >< ~ 71673 0052~ 11 OOO~l 30()OO OIFFF'RE"NCr:s !.IT 77674 00524 11 00101 20000 17675 00525 43 00100 00,531 71616 00;26 ?1 00100 (\0074 ALL ROWS FTNI~HFD? NO: c:,TEP ,-. C'I (tj ..... -I ..... 0OO7~ 0('116 XI. INTO CELLS ('-~). (')O4~6 IN TO ('7), (~f') ~1UL T tPLY THIS ~7 0051~ ('6) RO~! STORE: L ROW FINISHED? VES:TAKt" 513 NO~ SET FOR NEXT ELEMENT JUMP TO CO~·I T I ~lU~ ROW YES: TRAN~~Eq R'1 SIDE INTO (25) J (26) COMPUTE THE nTFrF'R~~("~C; STORE 120("1 V~S:TAK~ 5~1 9-192 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA CV-132 PAGE em 005-18 REPORT Zy 491 MODEL Ali \ DATE 3-20-56 C~OUT STORAGE ADDRFS~E5 JUMP TO TRANSFER ROW YES: PUNCH DIFFERENCES JUMP TO III OR TO FINAL STOP PRESET TO STORE CORRE~TIONS PRES~T TO PUNCH ANSWr:~S PRE:5ET TO PUNCH nlrFE'~r:-NC~S DUMMV 77617 00527 21 0052~ 00041 77700 00530 45 00000 0045~ 17701 00531 37 70440 70441 77702 00532 17703 00533 00 01200 30000 45 00000 00000 77704 00534 16 00155 77705 00535 16 00101 00451 11706 00536 16 00101 77107 005:37 45 00000 00540 77710 60540 11 77711 00541 36 00014 00126 77712 77713 00542 15 00617 00546 PRESET ADDRESS OF ANSWERS 00543 15 00621' 00550 71714 00544 16 00622 00553 77715 00545 75 30002 00547 PRESET AOORES~ OF=" COR~tCTtON~ PRESET TO STORE ANSWERS COMPUTE 17716 00546 11 76500 OOO:? 5 77117 00547 75 30002 00551 77720 00550 11 01400 00027 77721 00551 ~7 77722 00552 15 ;OOO? 77723 00553 11 00031 16t:;OO 5 TORE AN $\-JER 77724 00554 77725 00555 21 00546 00140 21 00550 00140 77726 00556 21 OOS53 00041 ("'j 77727 00557 41 001?6 0054'5 I 71730 00560 45 00000 00450 77731 OO~61 57 ()f1('to(' STEP ADDRf:SSES TO COMPUTE NEXT ANSWER ALL ANSWERS COWDUTED1 NO:TA~~ 545 YES: JU~1P TO PUr'CH ANSWER5 F!nAL ~1'(1P a...... 7773? 00562 ()01~1 TR,~,N<;F='ER >< c.. 77733 00563 "1 "filal '31) ?0000 77734 00564 35 0("074 20000 77735 00565 35 00620 ("10567 77736 00566 75 30200 00570 ,....., C\l ...... -a-I 0 0 t- ()~101 0052~ 005~~ 20000 01001 (')1002 oro()o ~ET INDEX CORRECTED ANSWER OI)S~4 2("1('00 I")rFFFRf='NC~S TO D~UM 9-193 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. ClAJ~2 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA REPORT 01 005-~ ZI( 491 MODEL All DA TE 3-20-56 C~~UT 777~7 00567 77740 00570 11 01'00 ~6071 41 00614 00572 77741 00571 16 77742 00572 77743 77744 00573 .00514 75 30200 00514 11 01200 014·00 77745 O~613 OO,'~ INOEX FOR FINAL STOP PRESET FtNAl STOP TRANSFER COLUMN OF DIFFERENCES INTO (1400) SFT l' =1 00575 11 00074 00100 16 00147 OO!16 PRESET Ia 77746 00576 16 00617 00410 PRESET Il:b 77747 00'577 11 nnl01 17750 00600 35 00074 00104 77751 00601 11 00101 77752 00602 71 00100 00140 77153' 00603 36 00073 20000 77754 00604 35 00616 00606 77755 00605 75 77756 00606 11 56017 01600 77757 00607 21 00606 00041 77160 77761 00610 21 on606 00611 41 00113 00605 77762 00612 45 00000 00267 77763 0061~ 77764 00614 4'5 00000 00561 00 00000 00003 77765 00615 00 ooooq.,OOOOO ITERATIONS INDEX BLANK 77766 00616 11 '16077 01600 PRI:5ETS C\I 17767 00617 on -- 71770 00620 11 01200 56077 I 17171 00621 0"- 77172 00622 00 01400 00613 00 OOegO 76500 t- 77773 0062~ 00 00000 00562 77774 00624 11 7(4"7 OOO?t; 77775 00625 75 00002 00016 77776 00626 17 00000 77565 ('j -t I a0 0 1'""4 >< 0.. ~OOO2 ?nOnn 0011~ ~F'T TRANSFER tND~)( TRANSFER TRANSP05F: OF 00607 DJFFF'RF.NC~S tNTO (16nn • OCll~ . .) FINISHED TRANSF~~? NO:TAK~ 605 YES: BEGIN NEXT TTFRATTON PR~~F:T F'l !'-,I AL 5TOP 76500 00601 9-194 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA CV-132 PAGE ex 005-15 MODEL ZII 491 All DATE 3-20-56. REPORT C'pnUT 17777 (}O627 45 00000 00175 EMEP-GENCY PUNCH-nUT 77040 00630 37 70440 70441 11041 00631 00 01600 00244 77042 00632 C;6 77043 00633 37 70440 70441 11044 006~4 00 01400 00244 77045 00635 56 00000 71046 00636 77047 ()O6~7 71 00101 00101 ~5 00101 ?OOOO 77050 00640 45 00000 00641 77051 00641 16 20000 77052 00642 37 70440 70441 71053 0064~ 00 4()OOl oooon 77054 00644 56 00000 0064~ 77055 00645 71 00101 00101 77056 ~0646 ~r; 77057 00647 45 009 00 00650 00000 ROW STORAGE ti06~~ COLUMN 5TO~A(,;E 006~6 [M 1 C064~ DO'''l ?OOOO [M1 .~ ?COOO 77060 OO~50 1~ 77061 00651 37 70440 70441 17062 00652 00 56100 !"'nooa 1706~ 00653 56 006~' ooooe ocooe C'\l C"J ~ '-' I a-I 77067 11 00102 20000 0 0 17070 73 r- ~ 77071 ~r:; ::< 77072 00074 20000 71 20000 00102 77073 71 20000 77"374- 77074 11 00102 77251 77015 11 20000 00102 77076 11 20000 00107 77077 45 a- 0.. 77~74 5t:'T' 20000 UP TO READ CARDS ("leono 003'-? 9-195 CV-133 CON ANALYSIS PREPAR£D BY CHECKED BY C. H. Richard. D. B. Parker V ~AN A R PAGE REPORT NO. LdGCJ MODEL REVISED BY DATE CV014-1 Z)( 491 All 4-23-56 SQUARE Roar-FLOATItfO pom (Single Preoiaion) Given a sincle-precision floating point number, x: B.2P c..-pute (8ee CA 001). -rx =fit · 2 ~:::' .-. 2P•• Initial States (00031) = • (00032):: P Final State. (00031):: •• (00032)= p" •• and P' are defined as follOWB. It P i. eTen. I'~., It P is octd. W': 'or.ua usedl '/2) P':: P t 1 Bewtone' Iteration )' 1 :a x 1 ..,- + 1/2 (. t !Xl- r' - Firat approximation = 235-1 Convercence i. a8.u.ed when A x Spec1al t.atsl P'.: p ~ X1 - i - ) (9-) O. It I : 0, set .": 0 • Bet 1ft ~ 9• U It:: 9, Alaral It • is nepti...e. Dna Addre... 77531 - 7156~ (25) 10:: (31)8 lIla1ber or ooaanda for a.sem'1y modification (21)10: (25)8 10 con8tanta or tempora1ie. usee. Standard fora. ,.0 ... , . , . - " 9-196 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-l33 5""" DIEGO CALIFORNIA PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE 77537 (HOOD 37 760r'!r) 760('1, .A.LA p~~ 77540 77541 01001 45 f:XIT 01002 11 000'31 7754? 77543 f)100~ 4(.. ()0(H1(" '"'101"r) B10011 ?OOO~ ? f.! ~·~F~ 47 01005 01001. N;O '-'1005 01006 17 0(,)()32 lO()"O 55 lO0na (\0043 p EVEN 77546 ,01007 44 01n10 01nl? p 21 00012 01n25 p 17550 01010 01011 nDn + 1 54 00031 ('0107 N/z 77551 (,lOl2 ~5 oon41 D/? 77547 ()0.()'32 77552 01013 43 01026 01001 77r;5~ 01014 11 (:1(')'6 01015 F 01016 7'3 n10I7 77557, . 01020 54 77554 77555 77556 23 01021 1 Ol('l'~ 00031 OelO4'? 01027'01030 OlO?7 00107 10000 01027 01027 010~O , , ~/()/:2 ~ 3? (D') -+ 3] (~.l') ~ (D") ~ 1" = .,. c,;r F ~ N : 9 -@ q ~ v. "', -I Y,N'~) 2.. ~ ''!Is) ~ ~ --- -7 Z. t' Xi. _/ X;,.-, ~ _~(N;;'_I 10:'0 J -Xi. o 77562 01023 11 2nnoo 00011 Xi 71563 01024 45 00000 nlool JUMP TO rXIT 77564 01025 77565 77566 01026 00 OCOOO 00001 37 77777 ''77777 a 01027 &0 Xt -, t 77567 01030 ~O ooono ~('\O(1QJ :: A X@ -y 0 ~x: :: Q ,) X(Xt -~ t-J'ihL-I) < Q '-7/~;)7 21 01022 '.44 01015 00000 ooooQl t., ~ ~AJd"'~; 7756n 77561 Ol02~ 4-23-56 /Yo '" £. 'Il,', 't ",. . r-) fr-: ~ :: 01004 77544 77545 ZII 491 All fXIT F.:t-'TRANCF. rQn!"\4 CF014-2 ,:l~. .::. y.(~~ 10). 7 -7 /CI S" >.;-, N" ~ ~1 @) 1 .@ 1/2X i _1 ~% <. Y.,:_, t x· Co ..-. ('Ij ('Ij f'""t I 0"I 0 0 0"- f'""t t- >< c.. 9-197 CV-134 ANALYSIS PAGE PREPARED BY CHECKED BV c. ~ioharU H. D. B. ~AN REPORT NO. DIEGO arJcer MODEL REVISED BY DATE CF013-1 ZJ( 491 All 4-23-56 CUBI ROOf-FLOATING POll! (StnCle Precision) Given a 8incle,""Preeis-ion floating point number; cOBipute ~1 tial X= ~b. , X State I .:" / p:L . .. •• -2;/.!:: I" .2~ (.ee CJ. 001) J (00031) :: • (00032) 'iDa1 St&te s '-2P ~ p ( 00031) =r ( 00032.):: pi' X' &lui p' are defined as 1'0110.. I Divide p by P.-.ula Wle.. 3. If re..inur· = 0 J .' • ., Pt $ P It re-.inder :: 1 • •t,:: '1'+ ' • p'sp-t2 If remainder: 2. W': 1/2', p'.:: pt 1 ...-ton 'a IteratlO1l 1/3 (~~, -XI.-, ) Firat approxUatioa 2 35 -1 (9), xi C xlatf" 1-235 (-9), ConTerpnce 18 a••uaed who . ' A x ~ Speoial testa. .t>, 0 .'< 0 o. It B:: 0, aet P.: 0 1 It llt:: 2 35- , aet ." :235- -.. ~ 1 It It :: 1-235• set .".: 1-235 DrUID addre8S. IUmber ot commands for assembly modificatiODs 10 oonatanta or temporaries used. Standard fora. Y-198 RW-135 cpo-o THE Pg. 1 of 8 RAM) -WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Fixed Point Card Output Subroutine Specifications Identification Tag: CPO-O Type: Subroutine Subroutine Designation: SUB 51641 21516 (uses 254 consecutive cells when assembled) Storage: 185 instructions, addresses 88800 thru 88899 88900 thru 88984 30 constants in program, addresses 88985 thru 88999 89000 thru 89014 215 words total program storage Temporary storage used but not stored in program. 254 consecutive cells must be provided to assemble this subroutine. The constant pool and temporary storage pool are used by this routine. - Program Entrance: 88802 Program Exit: 88801 Machine Time: Card punch speed (see text) MOde of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: R. Summers January, Code Checked by: R. Beach February, 1956 Machine Checked by: R. Beach February, 1956 Approved by: W. F. Bauer March 26, 1956 I t:l CIj -.-t I C1' I g C1' 1956 .-t t- >< 0.. 9-200 RW-135 CPO-O Pg. 2 of 8 Description This routine will output up to four fixed point numbers per card punched. These numbers are specified by parameter words contained in a list, the location of which is given in the word following the RJ to this subroutine .. This word specifies the first and last address of the parameter list. For each output word a parameter word is required which has the form: xx uuuuu vvvvv where xx specifies the binary exponent uuuuu gives the location of the output word vvvvv gives the address to be punched on the card and associated with the output word. This information suffices to convert the number to "floating decimal form It, i. e. a. s.igned ten digit, normali zed rounded fraction with a signed two digit dec imBJ. exponent. In addition, a two digi t binary exponent. and a five digit .decimal address are punched. This yields a card output which meets the specifica.tions of the card form for the SNAP RD command, CRI-2 and CPO-l.. There is no restriction on the length of the parameter list. In case there are not enough words to complete a card, blanks will be left in the number fields not used. Though the subroutine must be executed in ES, the control word, parameter list and output words may be in ES or MD. However, to ob;ain full card punch speed, the parameter words and output words must be in ES. In addition, successive entries to the routine at intervals of 8ms or less will not interrupt the card cycle. Hence, it is possible to employ four word parameter lists which are successively modified by the program between re-entries to this punch routine. Since 6 bits are allowed to specify the binary exponent XX, the range __ of scale f'actors (8) must be such that 0 ~ 8 ~ 63. l!J C'I') ...-t '1 PrOgramming' Instructions 0"- 6 o 1. Enter subroutine with 0"- ...-t r- >< c.. RJ OOMOl OOM02 yy FOOOO LOOOO where OOMOO is the location of the first word of this subroutine FOOOO is the location of' the first word of the parameter list 10000 is the location of the last word of the yy may have any value. parame~er list 9-201 RW···135 CPO-O Ps. 3 of 8 2. Furnish parameter list. This list is composed otparameter words of the form xx uuuuu vvvvv where xx is the binary scale factor associated with the output word uuuuu is the location of the output word vvvvv is the address or identification associated with the output number and which is placed on the card. 3. Control is returned to the word following the control word after punching. 4. Routine assumes cards are positioned on the punch side of the Bull before entry_ Accuracy All numbers with binary exponents less than or equal to 35 are represented as ten digit decimal nUl'llbers (rounded). All digits of the binary number are used in the conversion so that the result is as accurate as possible. Numbers vith binary exponents greater than 35 may have an inaccuracy in the least significant decimal digit since an intermediate binary number (which may be in error in its least significant bit) is used in the conversion. 10 integers in the range from 0 to 10 are converted exactly. All 9-202 RW-135 CPO-O Pg. 4 of 8 88800 516'41 88900 51741 89000 51841 08·800 01024 08900 01124 09000 01224 66511 02310 00 000.000000.0 00 000'('0 '0:0'00:0 88800 00 00000 00000 66511 00 000'00 0'0'000 88801 88802 MJ 00000 00000 TV 08801 08803 MP 00016 00000 TU AOOOO 08814 665·72 66513 66574 66515 66576 66517 0 D 0 D 0 0 88803 88804 88805 88806 88807 88'808 88809 88810 88811 88812 88813 88'814 88815 88816 88817 S8818 88819 88820 88821 88822 88823 88824 88825 TP AOOOO 00031 LQ 0003'1 10021 TV QOOOO 00031 66600 66601 66602 08815 08816 0901; 0002? 20036 OQ018 09000 0881~ 09001 ~ 88835 08817 08824 00016 09000 TP 08981 TU 08987 TU 08994 t- 88838 RS 08850 RS 08843 TV 08999 ~ 88839 88840 08850 08843 09016 09015 08941 08985 08983 00015 00015 08985 08983 08843 08985 08983 QOOOO 88828 88829 88830 88831 ;;; 88832 ~ 88833 .88834 8 88836 e; 88837 88841 88842 88843 67101 02000 02144 ST 00031 00031 08998 09017 08816 08815 0881S 00023 08816 00000 08821 00016 08998 06824 00015 00016 08815 08846 08827 AOOOO 00032 888'26 88827 66735 TV TP TV TU RP TP 08994 09000 08993 08820 30004 00000 TU 00000 TP IJ RA TV 00000 00031 08801 AOOOO MJ 00023 RA RA IJ EF RP CC TP RA TU TU TP TP TV IJ TV TV TP 08999 09017 08831 088'31 00000 66603 66604 66605 66606 66601 66610 66611 66612 66613 66614 66615 66616 06617 . 66·620 66621 66622 66623 66624 66625 66626 66627 66630 66631 66632 66633 66634 66635 66636 66637 66640 66641 66642 00 00 00 00 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00·000 00000 45 0000'0 00000 16 02001 02003 11 00020 00000 15 20000 02016 11 20000 00037 55 00037 10'025 16 36 16 11 10000 00037 02302 02310 16 02.301 15 02024 00037 00037 02306 02331 02020 02017 75 30004 02017 11 00000 00.021 15 11 41 21 16 45 21 21 41 1; 75 27 11 21 15 15 11 11 11 15 15 23 00000 02020 00000 00000 00037 02001 20000 00021 02017 02020 023'31 00033 20044 02332 02310 02017 02021 0202'5 00020 02306 02030 OO()17 00020 02017 02056 02033 20000 00040 02311 02062 02053 02330 02:327 02215 02211 02261 02030 00020 02310 02273 02273 02302 02062 000}7 23 02053 00017 66643 16 16 41 16 16 66644 11 00000 10.000 02301 02307 02'331 02037 020~1 02211 02267 02053 02271 02267 9-203 RW-135 CPO-O Pi. 5 of 8 88844 88845 88846 88841 QT 09002 00026 QOOOO 00005 TPBOO()() QOO74 SP 88848 rp QOOOO 08895 TP 00016 08916 88849 RJ 08982 08975 88850 Tf> 00000 AOOOO 88851 88852 88853 88854 88855 88856 88857 88858 TP 140000 OOO~O ZJ 08855 08853 88859 88860 88861 88862 88863 88864 88865 888'6,6 8886:7 88868 88869 RP\ 10010 08923 ru 00013 09043 TP 08995 08903 SP 09004 00000 TJ 0889~ 08815 S5 0889500000 TV AOOOO 08862 TV 08988 08870 TM 00030 AOaOO LA AOOOO 00000 TP AOOOO 08895 TP 00013 089'36 TP BOOOO AOOOO ZJ 08861 08961 TP 08996 0890:3 DV 09003 00000 SP AOOOO 00015 888·70 TU AOOOO 00000 88871 RS 08870 00016 RA 089'36 00016 88872 88873 8·8875 88876 SP QOOOO 00000 ZJ 08868 08961 TP OOOl~ 08919 SF 00030 08919 88871 88878 ZJ 08880 08,879 88874 TN 08919 AOOOO 88879 TN 00018 AOOOO 88880 ...... 88881 SA 09005 00000 SA 08895 00000 ~88882 Q.. 8888; 888885 MP AOOOO 09006 TP 80000 AOOOO TJ 09003 08886 TP 09003 AOnOO '" 88886 ~ 88887 ~ 88888 ru ~a888' a.. 88889 88890 88891 88892 88893 TN AOOOO 08936 SP AOOOO 00015 AOOOO 08892 66645 66646 66647 66650 66651 66652 66653 66654 66655 66656 66657 66660 66661 66662 66663 66664 66665 66666 66667 66670 66611 66612 66673 66674 66675 66676 66617 66700 66701 66702 66703 6670466705 66106 66707 66710 66711 66712 66713 66714 66115 66716 6671" 66120 66721 TN 08895 AOOOO 66722 AT 09007 08895 5P 00016 00000 RP 00000 08894 MP AOOOO 09003 66723 66724 66725 66726 51 02312 00032 31 10000 00005 11 300,0.0 lOll? 11 10000 02137 1'1 00·02(, 02210 31 O?~66 0225-7 11 00000 20000 11 20000 00036 47 02067 02065 75 10012 02173 15 00013 02363 11 02303 02141 31 02314 00000 42 02137 1)211'3 34 02137 00000 16 20000 02076 16 02214 02106 12 00036 20000 54 20000 00000 11 20000 02137 11 00015 02210 11 30000 20000 47 02103 02241 11 ·02'304 02147 "73 02313 10000 31 200-00 00017 15 20000 00000 23 02106 0002n ?1 02210 00020 31 10000 00000 47 02104 02241 11 00015 02~6'3 74 00036 02'263 !'3 0226'3 20000 47 0212.0 02117 13 00022 20000 31. 02~15 00000 32 021~7 00000 71 20000 O~316 11 30000 20000 42 n23~'3 021~6 11 02323 20000 13 20000 02210 -, ;>J. 20000 00017 15 20000 02134 13 02131 20000 35 02317 02137 31 00020 00000 75 00000 02136 71 20000 0231'? 9-204 RW-135 CPO-O Pg. 6 of 8 . 88894 888q5 88896 88897 88898 88899 88900 88901 88902 88903 88904 88905 88906 88901 88908 88909 00 00000 00000 66740 RS 089'36 00016 MJ 00000 08898 66741 6'6742 't5 TP 08996 08903 00 0·0000 00000 RA 08901 00016 66743 66144 66745 66146 AOOOO 09008 QOOOO QOOOO TP AOOOO QOOOO 88911 88912 88913 ZJ 08912 08922 TP 00021 00000 ·TU 08969 08916 00015 88914 R5 08916 88915 88916 88917 8SQ18 88919 814920 88921 88922 TJ 08989 08920 88<'126 88921 88928 8SQ29 88Q30 8SQ31 ..... 66.13& 66737 1000'0 SP 80000 00015 02320 10000 10000 .2'0.000 3'0000 00 00000 23 02210 1M QT SP SA 88910 8892? ~ 71 2 0000' 00036 00 00000 00000 QOOOO QOOOO 00002 00001 66727 66730 66731 66732 667'33 66·734 66135 00 00·000 00000 TP 08986 08907 TJ 08988 08898 QT 09009 AOOO.O 88923 88924 C") MP AOOOO 00030 88 cr32 8 a 9··:~3. --I 8893~ 0' 8SQ35 I o 88936 ~ 8893-' ~ ..... 88938 >< 88939 a.. 88940 88941 88942 RA 00000 00015 aT AOOOO AOOOO EJ 09014 08914 MJ 00000 08922 TU RA lP TM SJ 00015 08936 08916 AOOOO 08925 09043 00016 AOOOO QOOOO '08926 RJ 08984 08QS3 ':"p 00016 08936 RJ 08982 08915 TP 00030 AOOOO SJ 08930 08931 RJ 08984 08983 TP 00021 QOOOO TU 0899~ oaC}34 TP 08972 08979 QT 00000 ACOOO AT OeQ·85 08936 00 00000 00000 RS 08934 00015 ~A 09016 00001 IJ 09015 08948 TU 08956 09053 00 00000 OOOO() RS 08941 0'9011 66747 66150 &6751 66752 66153 66154 667S5 667·56 66757 66760 66761 66762 66763 66764 66765 66766 66767 66710 66711 66772 66773 66714 66175 66776 66777 67000 67001 61002 67003 67004 67005 67006 67007 1 11 12 51 31 32 11 31 02212 02153 20000 10000 10000 00002 00001 0:001 7 00000 00020 00000 02142 11 02'304 02147 00 00000 00000 21 02153 00020 42 02274 02142 51 02321 20000 47 02160 02112 11 00015 10000 15 02251 02164 23 '02164 00017 42 02275 02110 ·21 00000 00017 51 20000 20000 4~ '0'23:26 ,0216? 45 000.00 02112 15 00017 02363 21 02210 00020 11 02210 20000 12 20000 10000 46 02175 02176 37 02270 02267 11 00020 02210 37 02266 0225 7 11 00036 200·00 46 02202 02203 37 02270 02267 11 00025 10000 15 02301 02206 11 02254 51 00000 35 0.2271 00 00000 23 02206 Sit 02330 41 02327 15 02234 00 00000 02263 20000 02210 00000 00017 00001 02224 02375 000(';0 23 (1-2215 02323 9-205 RW-135 CPO-O Pg. 7 of 88943 TJ 06990 9~9l}4 ~s 3~q,4~ 3E\94~ 8 A9/f 7 r,8948 0~()1? OqOl~ IJ OB97Q o8Q3L. C89~6 1'0 5P 00026 OOOflQ RJ 08982 08976 OqOl~ BRq52 IJ OP,Q53 R;:> ~OOO3 08Q.,·5 O()O~2 088~6 6701:0 4'2 02276 022215· 61011. ')-:2 C2271 O. ~ '3 ~).? 61012 23 0.2267 o?'32? 6.101' 11 00020 0233C 61014 1'1 02'3'24 02327 610.15 . it1 02263 02206 61016 11 02'325 02210 1- _", f\"7.017 6,7020' ~707.1 6702;?~ R ~t':~/.t. TV 08990 08956 61023· Ae955 "p OQOO3 08979 EW 00000 OOOO() 610_24 61025 !:'r 10fH"\a 67.026 88959 :w ~~:C EW 10000 00000 RP 2000;~ 08997 6-7027 610:30 (;, "'O~l 88963 RS 08956 00'016 S~ C8870 0(.1015 TU AOOOO 08964 RP 30011 08965 88964 TU 00000 Oq04~ TP QOOOC 610'3~ SP 08936 00000 610'37 88960 A8961 88962 88965 889()6 '88967 BSQ68 OAA9~ E'J OqOO! 06910 TJ 09003 08q7~ 09053 .~{.if,OO 88969 TP 88970 TJ 08Q91 08922 MJ 00000 OaQ12 61032 67033 67034 61035 610'.'0 67061 61042 88972 88913 00 00000 O(,100Q 67·043 '61044 61,045 AT 089146 OS') {)'? 67046 8A97'+ Bf'975 M!J 00000 088 Q R SP QOOOO 00000 OV 09003 QO~OO St:) AOOOO 00015 88971 AS976 8f)q77 aSQ78 8897q ~ 88980 'I 88981 8 Tp 88950 Bii95.1 MB9S7 '3 R95B. <: 0.. F. Bauer 9-208 RW-136 CPO-2 Page 2 of 6 4-16-56 Description This subroutine punches six stated-point, rounded decimalnumbers per card. Each card also contains an integer to identify the deck, and a one digit card number. Programming Instructions The subroutine must be stored in high speed storage. located at address SUBOO. To enter the subroutine use': Assume that it is RJ SUBOO SUBOO followed by a control word of the form . NN L M The operation part of the control word" NN.r is two octal digits which specify the number of numbers to be punched. The 'ii-address part of the control word,. L, is the address of the first cell of a list of parameter words, the make-u!> of which is describe,d below. This list of parameter words starting at cell L must be in high speed storage. The v-address part of the control word t M, is the address of an identification integer, which must be in high speed storage. The identification integer located in cell M must be scaled 2 0 and must be less than 10 7 . If (M) ~ 10 7 a divide check will occur. __ ~ C'j P""'I -I The list of parameter words occupies NN consecutive cells in high speed storage starting with cell L. Each parameter word, one for each number to be punched,. contains four pieces of information in the form ss P OlIFF 0"I o o 0"- P""'I r><: 0.. The operation part of the parameter word, SS., gives the binary scaling of the number to be punched. This scaling information must be expressed in two octal digits. If SS is greater than 43b (35 decimal) then n must be specified as 00. The u-addre s s part of the parameter word,. P, is the addres s of the number to be punched, which must be in high speed storage. Of the five octal digits which make up the v-address part of the parameter 'Yord the first must be zero; the ne'xt two, n" specify the number of decimal digits to be punched in the integer part of 9-200 RW-136 CPO-2 Page 3 of 6 4-16-56 the number. be 00. If SS is greater than 43b (35 decimal) then II must The last two octal digits, FF, specify the number of decimal digits to be punched in the fractional part of the number. The total number of decimal digits to be punched must not exceed ten (decimal). (i. e., II + FF'::::; 12b). If the number to be punched is too large to be expressed in the number of digits specified a divide fault and an 10 fault will occur. Note: The se parameter words are similar to those used by HTO-O. OUTPUT CARD FORM Each card punched by this subroutine has 8 fields as follows: Field I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Columns I 13 25 - - 37 49 61 73 - - 80 12 24 36 48 60 72 79 Contents 1st number If 2nd II 3rd tr 4th 11 5th 'r 6th Identifying Integer card number In each of the six number fields the 12th or right most column contains the sign of the number. The 11 th column contain's the least significant digit to be punched. The remaining digits and the decimal point occupy succeeding columns to the left as far as required. Zeros to the left of the most significant digit or decimal point are suppressed . ..-.. ~ ~ Field 7 contains the 7 digits of the identifying integer with no decimal point. I '"oo '"...... I t- :>< Field 8 contains a sIngle decimal digit card- number, (modulo 10). The first card produced by each entry into the routine contains ai, the second a 2, and so on up to 9, 0, and 1 again. 0... TIMING As noted above all cells referred to by this routine (namely the control word, the identification integer, the parameter list, and all numbers to be punched) should be in high speed storage. Successive entries at intervals of 9 rns or less may then be made without interrupting the card cycle. 9-210 RW-136 CPO-2 Pg. 4 of 6 4/16/56 SOPOO SIPOO S2POO S3POO D D D D D D S4POO oepOQ OOPOO OlPOO D D D 0 D 0 0 D 0 TU A 0000 OlP03 TV AGOnO 04P23 SOP07 SOP08 SOP09 SOPIO SOPtl 50P12 SOP13 SOP14 SOP15 SOP16 SOP17 SOP18 SOP19 SOP20 SlPOI --'" SIPOO -- SIP02 C'Ij 1""'4 80"- 1""'4 t- :>< ~ D8POC 09POO SOPOl SOP06 I 07POO MP OCP03 SOP04 SOPOS 0"- 04POO OOTOO SOPOO SOP02 SOP03 I 02POO 03POO 50953 SlP03 SlP04 SET FINAL EXIT CARD NU'¥1B£R REDUCE N u FOR FST WD OCP03 OOP09 sECOND 3 U1ENT BRR OlP02 SN PUNCH BUMP lDE~r St:T 1 EXIT PROC PARA ADV PAR Loe QOOOO 00042 oepol 00104 TU QOOOO OlP2:6 LQ QOOOO 00030 QT OCPO! 00T03 ZJ OlPl,2 OlP18 SS OCP03 00015 TU AOOQ,O oip16 QT 65311 71 65312 15 20000 02030 16 20000 02165 31 20000 000'05 11 3060·-0 ·()OO 27 16 02000 02101 21 02101 00020 65313 65314 65315 65316 65317 65320 65321 65322 653.26 65327 FIRST 3 00000 BRB LQ OOT02 00026 11 00000 10112 B AT OlP45 OlP28 00 00006 60:(JoO 65325 00000 B RA OlP03 OCP02 02216 653'23 65324 OlPOQ 04POO SlP06 SlP07 SlP08 SIP09 SIPlO SIPll SlP13 ENTRY Loe PARAM LOC IDENl NO WORDS TP aoooe ooroo TV. ()OPOO OlP44 RA OlP44 OCP03 TP OCP03 OOTOl IJ 00100 OOP09 TP OOP20 oor02 EF 00000 OlP2'S RP 20036 OOP13 CC 07POO AOQOO TU OOP19 02P12 RJ OlPOl OlP02 ru OlPOl 02P12 RJ OlPOl RJ 04P11 RA 00101 45 07P02 40 00000 QJ OlPOl 45 08P02 65447 00015 02000 02025 02111 02126 02136 00027 02166 02202 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 0;0. 000£)0' 00000 no 0:0000 00000 00 000;00 00000 00 00000 00000 no 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 oaoao 00000 00 0000'0 0.0000 00 00000 00000 00 COO'OO 00000 00 Dono 0 00000 00 00000 00000 65422 65437 SP A 000'0 00005 SIPOS SlP12 65311 65336 50914 5102.6 51039 51047 00013 0102 tf 01045 01097 01110 01118 00023 01142 01154 0116-6 00000 SHIFT INST FD Loe ID 65330 65331 65332 65333 65334 65335 65336 65337 653.t.O 65341 6534'2 65343 65344 65345 65346 65347 65350 65351 65352 65353 ()OO2{) OGO() 0 11 OOO~() 00:030 41 00021· 02011 11 02024 00031 17 OOOO{) 02056. 75 2()O44 02015 27 02166 200:00 15 02023 02125 37 02026 02027 IS 02026 02'125 37 02026 02025 37 02157 21 00030 45 02170 40 00000 44 02026 45 02204 55 00031 11 00000 21 02030 33 10000 35 02102 51 0@016 15 10000 55 10000 51 00016 47 02041 34 00020 15 2000'0 02136 00020 02011 60000 02027 0-0006 00032 10112 ()()()I7 00052 0206i 0003:3 02051 00036 QClO32 02047 ·00017 02045 9-211 RW-136 CPO-2 Pg. 5 of 6 4/16/5 6 SlP14 SlP15 SlP16 51P17 SIP18 slPi9 SlP20 SlP21 SlP22 S1P23 SlP24 SlP25 SlP26 SlP27 SlP28 SlP29 SlP30 SlP31 SlP32 SlP33 SlP34 SlP35 6'5354 00000 OlP19 1D LESS 1 65355 65356 A 00-00 'OlP46 aoooo ONE HALF OlP47 11 30000 10112 B TP 00000 OOT05 1M 00T05 Aoooo 54 20000 00153 B AT QOOOO OlP28 SIPS1 S2POO S2POl S2P02 ..... t- S2P03 :>< S2POtf S2P05 S2P06 S2P07 .:)2PC8 ~;?n';9 SHIFT 02P08 01P28 lQ OlP28 00001 TV 00103 OlP34 RA OlP34 00104 LQ OOt02 00000 HA 07P02 OrJT02 LO OOTO? ,~)eo 35 65366 65367 65370 65371 65373 65314 65375 ID FD PaS I T IOt,'l 1 SET ZERO SUP INTEGRL DIG DEC f> OJ TV RJ RJ TP RJ TJ ZJ 02P06 oooco SN OCP02 00000 TV 03P06 ()2P04 AT 02P12 U2P08 65364 65365 65372 35 [IV 54 20000 00153 B 00 00000 00012 B 01 00000 00000 -01 DV 02P08 OlP28 f.tj 00008 OlP31 RJ 02Pll O~P09 M~ 00000 OlP42 SP OlP28 00002 SA 01P28 00001 TP AOOOO 01P2s 5S AOOOO 00051 __ SlP49 ~ SlPSO CI"l PROCURE DATA ROUNDED SlP45 SlP47 SlP48 70 FD 45 09P02 00000 SlP46 653,60 65361 65362 65363 DIV I SOR FD 00104 00015 1U AOOOO OlP2-=j SP OOP20 00034 RP 00000 OlP25 MP 65357 io ZERO OlP49 OlP30 AOOGC 02P08 SlP44 SlP41 Q.. If) NON ZERO SlP42 SlP43 SlP31 SlP38 SlP39 SlP40 0" I 0 0 0" OlP48 OlP30 OlPt..6 AOOOO OlP50 02P04 02Pll 02Pll) 02Pll 03POO 00104 00103 02Pll 02P1O OOT05 OlP50 R.J 02PII 02P05 IJ 00100 OlPOO RJ o4Pil 04POO SlP36 :!, TP TP RP MP lp TP SP FD F::~A(T {DENT DIG PUNCH eRB TEN 35 ONt TENTH 65376 653.71 65400 65401 65402 6~403 65404 65405 65406 65407 65410 65411 65412 65413 65414 65415 65416 65,tt-11 65'+20 65421 65422 65423 65424 65425 65'.26 65'lf;21 6~"430 65431 65432 ~;. :i" t~ 3 :3 11 02105 02063 11 021'03 20000 75 00000 02050 11 2000{) 02103 11 021,06 02063 11 2000'0 02121 3"'"J. 00033 00017 15 2 QOO"O 0205h 31 02024 00042 75 00000 02056 71 3000'0 021()4 11 3000:0 10112 11 0006"0 000'34 12 00034 20000 S4 200.00 00153 35 10000 02061 '1"3- (j212:1 02061 55 02061 00001 16 00032 02061 21 0206: 1 0003:3 55 OOO~l 00000 ],6 02107 02115 37 02124 02123 31 02124 02126 11 00033 0OO3? 37 02124 02123 42 00034 02101 37 0212:4 02116 41 00027 02025 37 02151 (}2136 45 02220 00'000 54 20000 00153 00 OOOi:lO OOOi2 03 14631 4&3'15. 73 b2121 b2061 l £.;, 00010 02064 ~ -' 37 02124 02122 45 00000 02077 31 02061 00002 32 02061 OOtlOl 11 20000 02061 34 20000 00063 47 02117 00000 33, 00011 00000 16' oii3'4 021'15 3S 62125 62t21 21 02170 OO()3i :;.~ 00031 OO(l4~~ 9-212 RW-136 CPO-2 Pg. 6 of 6 4/16/56 S2PIO IJ 0-0103 02POO 65~f3i} S2Pll S2~) 12 00000 00000 R~. 07P01 00T02 SN 00015 00001 AT 021'12 03P03 AT 03P07 03P04 65435 S3POO S3POl S3P02 S3P,03 RA RA S3P05 S3P06 SP 00015 00003 S4POI S4P02 S4P03 S4P04 S4P05 S4P06 S4P07 54POB S4P09 SlJ.PIO S4Pl1 S4P12 S4P13 S4P14 00 00005 00000 TP OCP03 00T02 LQ 04P23 10(,15 TP TU RJ TP OlP4/~, CIP37 OlP44 02P12 OlP37 OlP05 04P19 OlP37 SP OOTOI 00015 RJ 02Pl1 02P07 TP 04P18 QOOOO RP 30003 04Pl1 TP 04P20 04Pl1 EW 00000 09PIO EW 1000'0 07~10 EW 10000 08P1O S4P}-8 RP 20'003 04P16 RS 04Pll Oepo:; 1..) 000:00 04Pll MJ OOO()O 00000 00 00000 00011 St~P 19 RJ 02Pll 03PCO S4P15 S4P16 S4P17 S4P20 stfP21 s4P22 S4P23 f_n,! GOODO Q9Pl1 EW 100(;:0 O}Pl1. tW 101000 olap 1 00 70:000 OO(,{:' l h 65-4·,t.O 65441 654·42 21 00000 00000 65 1+A3 65444 65445 65446 21 00000 00000 31 00017 00003 45 00000 02111 00 00005 000\)0 11 00',020 00031 55 0-2165 lOO17( 11 02'101 02072 15 62101 0212':' 37 0207"2 02b32 11 02161 02072 31 0OO3() 00017 37 02124 02120 654'37 M..J 00000 02P06 SET fv1A SK 654-47 PAR ltiD T,""I c:.;::T .......... 1 fXIT I ~~E. T <~ Q I r~AGE GEN IMAGE RESET GEN I M/~GE CARD NO 65450 65451 65452 65453 65454 6-5455 65456 65'+57 S::T TO 9 ROW WR 11 E WRITE 65460 65461 65462 654~63 LO'Of> ld. 0:0.032 02111 45 ono,oo 00'000 21 02'167 60031 33 00017 00001 3$ 021'25 62131.: 35 02135 (j2132 65436 00.000 00000 00000 00000 S~P04 S3P07 S4POO -..... ~J\,) 1] 021fJO ·10·00·0 75 300,0 3 02151 11 02162 02151 77 ooo·oe 0223Q 7~1 100:00 02'200 654'64 654,65 17 10000 02214 7.5 200.03 02156 65466 65467 23 02151 0·0020 02151 45 00000 00000 00 :;:'0000 C0oi~ 37 0212/. (i2126 71 60000 02231 65470 65471 6S472 65473 65474 65475 65A76 41 ioooo 77 1000<0 02201 77 100·,0:0 02215 00 "1000-0 00000 ....0 C'Ij "- I 0"I 0 0 0"- ..... r- >< ~ 9-213 RW-137 MDP-4 Pg. 1 of 5/1/56 THE RAMO -WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los ~les 45, California OCTAL CARD DUMP Specifications Identification Tag: MDP-4 Type: Service 'routine (with subroutine entrance) Special Storage: The constant and temporary storage pools are not used by this routine. Service Entrance: Address 4oo15b Program Entrance: Address 40015b Program Exit: Address 4oo20b Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is not used by this routine. Machine Time: 2. 1 seconds pI us 0.5 seconds per card maximum machine time ~~ < \ 6 words per card ..1- (;>j .-I , "-' . 0"I 0 0 0"- .-I t>c! 0... Coded by: C. Koos April, 1956 Machine Checked by: C. Koos April, 1956 Approved by: w. April, 1956 F. Bauer 9-214 RW-137 MDP-4 Pg. 2 of Description 5/1/56 This routine will dump the contents of a group of consecutive ES or MD'storage cells onto cards. Each card will contain six consecutive octal words and the address of the cell containing the first word on the card. The following card columns are used: Columns Columns Columns Columns Columns Columns Columns first ward second word third word fourth word fifth word sixth word address of first word 1 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37 - 48 49 - 60 61 - 12 16 - 80 card for which all six words consist of 36 binary zeros is omitted and the next card produced carries a punch in the 12 row of column 14. The first and last cards of every dump will be produced even if they contain all zeros .. Zeros will not be punched at any time in columns 31 - 12. If the last card rea.ches the end of ES or of MD before it is filled, the remaining columns will be completed by using MD words, beginning with address 40000. Any Each card carries an identifying punch in the 12 row of column 13. This routine bootstraps itself into ES to oper.ate and then positions cards •. At its conclusion it restores the machine to its original state, and clears the bull. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS a service routine). 1. (to be followed when the routine is used as Put the co .uter in test mode s ed (this s~~p is unnecessary for a dump;.ofaJ:.l·: ES:' 9nl.y • 2. Set PAK to 40015b and start. 3. Computation will halt with an a.ll zeros. 40 Manually insert the parameter word into Q. mo instruction and Q will contain a. a parameter word of all zeros will dump·ES. b. in all other cases, place the address of the first wora to "be dumped in Qu and the a.ddress of the last word to be dumped in ~ Notes: If the starting address is an ES address and the last a.ddress is either illegal or a drum address, the routine will dump up to the end of ES and then exit. An immediate exit will occur and no cards will be punched 9-215 RW-137 MDP-4 Pg. 3 of 5/1/56 if the starting address is illegal or exceeds the last address. 5. The machine will halt with an MBO instruction when the dump is completed and the machine has been restored to its original state. 6. If another dump is required, it is necessary only to press the start button again to return to step 3 above. 1. If the operator wishes to stop a dump at any time after step 3 above, he needs only to make a forced stop, master clear, and MD start with PAK set to 4oo40b. The machine will~then be restored to its original state and computation will halt with the same MBO instruction mentioned in step 5. PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS (to be followed when the routine is used as a subroutine ) • 1. Enter the routine with the instruction 37 40020 40015b. The word in your program immediately folloving the RJ instruction must contain the parameter vord (as described in step 4 of "Operating Instructions" above). If the RJ instruction is given at address n the parameter word will be at address n + 1 and at the conclusion of th~ dump control will be returned to. the instruction address n + 2. --r- (I'J ...... I 0J o o 0- ...... r>< c... 9-216 WF-138 CHI P An Interpret1ve Subroutine tor Packed Floating Point Operands For the ERA 1103 Computer - Programmed b,.: L. Fall P. Malo.e 9- 217 WF-138 Programmers at Wright Field have telt the need tor a compact floating point interpret!ve coding system. This interpret!ye system should include basic floating point arithmetic, elapentar.r transcendental tunctions and floating decimal Flex-coded print or punch output. A more convenient packed floating number datini tion is desirable. Consequently, the packed floating number definition ot the llOJAF was chosen. A floating point "Chip" number R must satis1)' one ot the following conditions I 1) N. 0 2) 2 -l29 ~ 11/<2 127 The floating point word structure has the following toruu 1 8 Zl s c H I I where S - u35 - sign C - u34, --- U27 - characteristic M - u26, - Uo - manti.... Sand M denote the lis complement representation ot x.227, while C 1s the representation ot ronn ot L7 .J..128J scaled 27 or when S =1, Ii 4-- 128J scaled For N : 0, S =C • C is the l's complement 27. M• all O's, or all 1'8. For 2-129 :; R < z127 I N 1s represented in the form x.-r, where and -128 ~ '7 ~ 127. Then, S • 0, M =" x (scaled 27), and C = £7 i ~ x <1 1" 128J (scaled 27). For -2127 < H ~ _2- 129 , N is represented by' the one's complement ot 11f'. 9-218 WF-138 I J.: __ll_I_~ Q 31 u' t v' ~ u' ---+ R, A, Q 32 u' - Vi --+ v' , R. A. R. A, Q 33 u' • v' ---+ ft, A, Q .34 u' + v,~ Q 35 a 06 u' + R·u' ---+ R, A, Q 36 u' + R-v' ~v', R, A. ~ u t) • R -) R, A, Q 37 (u' + vt) ·a-+v', R, A. 02 R 03 R - OS R 07 (R J.i- _n..I_:! - - *008 R, A. H, A. --+ T', _Tt ----+ R, A. Q 42 Vi' u' · v' ----+ R, A, Q 43 e u' 14 u' .... T' ---+ Ii, A, Q 44 In u' -+ R, A, Q v'~ Vi, R, A. v' , R, A. 12 u' • Vi v' , v', --+ 41 *8in u t R +u' v' , R, A. ut R, A, Q R, A. ~ v' , R, A. ---+ v' ~ v', , R, A. Ii, A. 45 *t.aD ..1 \it ~ Y', ;.R, A•. - v' -t R, A, Q 46 Print u' (car ret it 17 Cu' ... ·v,) • R~a, A, Q 47 Punch'u' (car ret if v' 20 Repeat 16 -u' ... R ul-tv', It 22 u' -tv', R, A. u'~v', R, A. R - 24 R + U'-+yl, 2S R + RI1'~v' , a, =0) +u l > • *Rad1 ... A. A. R, 1. 26 u' ... R.u I -+ v', 27 (R Vi ;: 0) .t;- _D_I_ ~ -- 2l R t 23 R • >< c.. 40 t u' • --4 lS I ----+ R, A, 11 u t + v' 13 0 0 ~ ... aeu' 10 Repeat '" '"t-...... R, A, ~ • u l ----., 04 R + u' I .11- _D_I __V__ Repeat &.peat 01 R + u' co ~ ...... __ .30 00 R, A. R.."v', R, A. 2 9-219 WF-138 The CHIP instructions are in t.he following torm. !4_I_~I __ ~t_ / __Y!_ in which OP is a two-octal-digit paeudo-code and u' and yl address reference8. 14 occupies u35, • • • u3Q; areto~ctal-dig1t OP occupies. u29, • • • u24J u' occupies U2), • • • ul2; and yl occupies uU, • • • Uo. Because ot the tour-octal-digi t l1m1 t on address references, operands JIIlSt be located in HSS (High-speed storage). HSS addre.a 00005 is designated as R. Atter nerr interpret!Te instruction '. the normaliMd, rounded, packed result 1s lett. in R and the double extension of is lett in A. R The repeat order ,00, functions in a manner analogous to regular 1103 It is coded in the forms operation. U23- U22' U21. If , j occupying W denotes the addres8 tram which the next in8truc.tion will be taken after the termination of the repeat. Bspeat orders, 10, 20, 30, operate in ex.actl1' the aaae wal" as above. It should be noted that addresses 00003 thrQ 00016 are used as te.porary storage. Using 00005 as a u l or V' addresa v.Ul 71eld the correct reeult except in the tollowing cases. 14 06 0005 - - - - 14 16 0005 'Y'T 14 26 '0005 v' 14 )6 :OOS v' gives 2~ • • • 2Rv' The alarm exit of 'Chip" is at 00002. 2a2 2fty' The following ''Chip'' alarm entry has been added to the alarm print routinl (CV-J) which places the packed operands 3 9-220 WF-138 of \he current 1natructlon in Ai and A-z I 75750 37 00224 00224 1 31 00015 00044 2 2!7 2DOOO 00016 3 16 00000 75700 45 00000 75701 ,. For tho •• operations involving only' one· operand, the contents ot u' will be placed in Ar when an alarm occurs. It an alarm occurs during a repeated instruction at addre8s 7, the address printed out will be (W-l) which mayor may not be ,.. An alarm will occur if the result ot an interpretive operation exceeds the llJa:I.ta of the "Chip" nuaber definition. This Ileana that a result too small in absolute _grdtude will also give an alarm. By changing address 00213 from the 46 00002 00216 to 46 00214 00216 all results such that o< 'Resultl < Z-129 will be replaeed b7 zero without an alarm. FurthelW>re, an alarm occurs when a dirlsion by zero or b7 an unnormalised number ia attempted, when the square root or a negative number is attempted) , U the absolute value ot the argument in the sine-cos1ne routine exeeed.a 2 it the argument in .u' i8 l •• s than ~8 or greater than In ;il27J 18. , or it in the logarithm routine, the argument i. equal to or less than zero. 4. 9-221 PX 71900,.~9.=.hlaRr FU~TION coos 40~ 41 * Cosine, LIMITS Sine 'u').c:. ~ 42 Square !bot 43 Rxponent.ial 44 BaturalLog 0 4C. u' < Arc Tangent. 45 * 0 :i u' < a1ZI TIKI INTERVAL fESTKD 7.a. O(.os) 7.5. 0(100) 12,500 ~8 <. u' ~ 14.9ma iJ27 . 7.J..a J11 t I < 2!ZI a.om. Addit.1on X 2 Subtraction X3 Multiplication 3.1 .... X4 Division 3.6 lIS. 5.1 JU. ...0 46 Print. 47 Punch lfewton -T7~1) 17 .02 .02) 5.0 Band Po~ - Sheet 56 -20(01) , E aaxi<"l0-7 Rand Po17 - Sheet 13 5.1 ma. 288C /word .zfec/word 1 N N N ,;-27 . Power Seriea 5.1 ms. X7 I :!rIo(. Rand Po17 - Sheet 16 3) Where Emax is mu1.,.. error Er is max4 m • rel.ative error Xl Multiple Orders aa.x~ 4]fJ-7 METHOD I hi -<.. 2-21 'Erl <. Z-27 JE jaa:xf<: lIPI Average Times for other Orders X6 IE 3) -2.5 (.02)2.5 .". Radius X5 ERROR s WF-138 Pr1Jl"d or Puacbed Output - U.. of the prla. (46) or pUGh (47) order • oaues the paob4 tl~"lDS point pWlche4 1D floatl. . 4801.-1 m.mber tora. The a' acl4r. . . " • to be pr1ated or tonat tor auoh a Jll&Dlber GODta1M tour••a obaraotera ill "he torat ap.l.XXXXXXXapYYSP 2.3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Charaoter .. 1 thru 10 pr1a' out "he dect.l .... 1.aa aJ14 oharacter. 11 thru 13 pr1at CMlt .lIe power ot Ma b)r which the .ail• • 1. to be Bl1t1pl1e4. 1Ye17 aueh _Mr 1. to1lond b7 a apace. '!'beJ'e ill the y . whi_ • • 1. a1ao tbe option anllabl. to tl» prosra-r tor a carriage . . portio. ot the prl.' or puaoh order. M, 1t 1. po_albl. to prlat or puaeh ..yenl . . . .r. ill 00.- B 8+1 &ta Usu.s tbe.. or4er.~ 14 :3 OOS 0 100 Jtt2 0000 eoat1m&aue of prosraa 00 14 47 • prop-....r has at his d1spoa1 a wid. wr1e'V of poaaible toraa'. tor o~t.puto It ahould be acted tbat -Chip" 1. earl••• Ueed wi th a repeat order ~7 .wrap. OOIUJ"" E1 a .taJldard aubrout1u. 'l'be pool, • •1e arltm.t10, aM tuaciloa rout!... occupy 1A tha" order tbe tir., 700a !BS a4dr...... Whil. the choice ot peeudo-ood•• a_iIab1e in tbe :1aterpret1Te , . , oou1derable proan-jag tlex1bl11t7 le _chi.Ted whil. CIOJIPlctu. . , 9-223 WF-138 00000 45 OOOOO( 30000 ) Normal EDt 00001 ~5 Ent17 00002 45 00000 15750 Alarm Exit 00003 00 00000 00000 Mantiss. ot U Operand 00004. 00 00000 00000 TE)(PORARY srORAGE Characteristic ot U Operand .00005 00 00000 00000 Chip Accumulstor -R.· also Mantissa ot V Operand 00006 00 00000 00000 Characteristic ot V Operand 00001 00 00000 00000 U1 Address Stored in U-Portion 00010 00 00000 00000 Vl Address ~or.d in U & V-Portion. 00011 00 00000 00000 Repeat, Counter 00012 00 00000 00000 J Counter 00013 00 00000 00000 Tempohl'1 storage tor R 00014 00 00000 00000 Current Instruction , 00015 00 00000 00000 Packed U-Operand 00016 00 00000 00000 Packed 00011 00 04.000 00000 .5 00020 20 l~OOO 00000 Chip 1 00021 020000000000 1 Scaled 31 00022 13 05620 57731 ln 2 Scaled 34 00023 ~ 00005 24110 Scaling Constant 00024 00 00000 00030 2410 00025 14 44116 65211 11' 00026 06 22011 3250lt. 1T/2 00027 00 00000 00100 64 10 00000 00100 f' V~Op.raDd Scaled 27 CEIl' CONsrANTS --co C"J r-4 I 0' I 0 0 0' Scaled 32 r-4 r- :>< Scaled 32 0... 7 9-224 WF-138 00030 00 00000(30000) Scale Factor Storage 00031 00 00000 00200 128 10 00032 00 00000 00223 14710 00033 40 07717 77777 Mantissa Mask 00034 37 10000 00000 Characteristic Mask 0003' 00 00000 00036 00 00000 00206 13410 00031 00 00000 00045 3710 QO()40 00 00000 00000 Zero 00041 00 00000 00002 2 and ·Color Shitt- O00lt.2 61 00000 00045 Prin, and • Car. Return- 00043 00 00000 00003 3 00044 00 00000 00004 4 00045 00 00000 00037 Flex Code 0 C>OOl4.6 00 00000 00052 Flex Code 1 00047 00 00000 00074 Flex Code 2 00<>50 00 00000 00070 Flex Code .3 000,1 00 00000 00064 nex Code 4 00052 00 00000 00062 Flex Code 5 00053 00 00000 00066 Flex Code 6 0"- 00054 00 00000 00072 Flex Code 7 r><: 0005' OO 00000 00060 Flex Code 8 00056 00 00000 00033 Flex Code 9 00057 00 00000 00013 1110 00711 Three-Octal-Digit Extractor ~ co C"'J CONS!'ANT POOL ....-4 '-' I 0"I 0 0 ....-4 ~ 9-225 8 WF-138 00060 00 00000 00012 00061 00 00000 00056 • • 00062 31 10375 ,2421 11'/4 00063 31 46314 63146 0.110 Scaled 38 00064 00 00000 00017 Six-Bit Extractor 00065 21 6164, 24171 Degrees to Radians Scaled 40 00066 20 00000 00000 •.5 Scaled 35 00067 00 00000 00007 Octal Digit Extreo'or 00070 37 77717 77717 235 _1 00071 00 77717 00000 U Extractor 00072 00 00000 7TI71 V Extractor 00073 00 00001 00000 U Advance 00071t. 00 00000 00001 V .ld't'aD.ce 00075 00 0000l 00001 U aDd V Ad'Y8DCe ·00076 00 07177 07777 1°10 Scaled 35. "'/2 Scaled 34 Four-Octal Digit U and V Extractors 00011 00 00000 00110 72 10 00100 11 00040 00011 Set Repeat Ctr. to Zero 00101 31 00000 00000 -- 00102 34 00074 00017 -- 00103 15 20000 001011- 00104 (ll (30000 10000) Transmit Current Instruction to Q 00105 11 10000 00014 Store Current Instruction in 00014 00106 51 00076 00010 Extract V1 00101 31 20000 00011 EXPANSION ro ct:I ..... I 0' I 0 0 0' ..... r- >< c..c 9-226 9 WF-138 yl • 215 + yl stored in 00010 00110 15 20000 00010 OOlll 55 10000 00003 00112 51 00016 00007 u1 • 21S Stored in U-Portion ot 00007 00113 '5 00014 10006 Shift Current Instruction Six Places in Q 00l.l4 16 00010 00225 Set up: Store Result at yl 00115 1, 00117 00147 Set up, R as U Operand ooll6 15 00007 00157 Set up: u1 00111 11 00005 00013 Store PreTiouB Result 1n 00013 00120 44 00135 00121 Test PC 00121 "' 00123 00122 00122 16 00104 00225 Test PC4 Set ups Store Result at Q 00123 "' 00124 00126 00124 1, 00007 00147 Test PC 3 DECODD«l Set upa u l as U Operand 0012, 15 00010 00157 Set UP' 00126 44 00132 00121 00127 44 00131 00130 Test PC2 Test PCl 00130 44 00261 00231 n XO 00131 44 OOU,7 002!5€> X3 X2 00132 44 00134 001" Test PCl 00133 44 00307 00246 X5 14 r- 00134 44 00311 00313 AT >< c.. 00135 31 00167 00157 Unpack tor Functions 00136 II 00016 20000 Contents ot u1 into A 00131 55 00014 10007 Shirt Current Instruotion Seven Places in Q --co C"j ~ '-' I 0"I 0 0 0"- ~ 8S V Operand PC = Pseudo-Code S yl 8S V Operand Entries tor X = 0, 1, 2. 3. Entries tor X = O. 1, 2, 3. xl> 9-227 10 WF-138 00140 44 00002 00141 Alarm tor Undefined Pseudo-Codes 00141 44 00002 00142 Alar.mtor Undefined Pseudo-Cpdes 00142 44 0014, 00143 Tes' PC2 00143 44 00144 00;43 Sine-Cosine Entry 00144 44 00422 00323 En'r.J tor Exponential or Square Root 00145 4J4. 00557 00146 Print/Punch Entr.y oolJt.6 ~ Entr,r tor Arc Tan or Logeritm 00141 II (30000) 00015 00150 II 00015 10000 00151 5l. 00033 00003 Store U Manti.sa 00152 51 00034 ()(){)()4. store U Characteristio 00153 44 00154 00156 00154- 27 00003 00031J, 00155 27 00004. 00034 00156 55 00004 00011 00151 1l(30000) 00016 00160 II 00016 10000 00161 51 0003, 00005 store V Manti ... 00162 51 00034 00006 store V Characteristio 00163 " 00164 21 00005 00034 r- ..... 00165 27 00006 00034- >< c.. 00166 '5 00161 37 OO161{OO110) 00505 00453 store U Operand UNPAGIC ..- Store 'f Operand 0::> CV) ..... '-' I 0-. I 0 0 0-. 00164 00166 00006 OOOll 9-228 11 WF-138 00170 21 00006 00004 00171 36 00172 71 00003 00005 00113 41 00174 00220 00174 II 00031 00005 00175 46 00176 00177 00176 13 00031 00005 00177 74 20000 00030 00200 II 20000 10000 00201 21 10000 00005 00202 43 10000 00205 00203 21 00006 00074 00204- 55 00005 10033 00205 54 00206, 11 0.00,0 20000 00207 42 00031 002ll 00210 36 00211 35 00006 20000 00212 54 00213 46 ()()()(}2·00216 00214 11 00040 20000 ..... 00215 45 00000 00220 >< c.. 00216 42 00070-00221 00217 45 00000 00002 a::> C'I') ..... MULTIPUCATION 00032 00006 NOIMALIZE, ROUND. 10000 00100 00077 20000 20000 00033 NOTE: I I 0 0 0' (00002) i8 Alarm ~~~t o ( IResultt <2-. tor (002J.4) Replaces Result By Zero With No Alarm. '-" 0' ug r- I Al8~. 12 Characteristic Too Large 9-229 WF-138 00220 11 20000 10000 00221 52 00033 00005 00222 " 00223 27 00005 00034 00224 37 00224 00225) 00225 1120000~) 00226 41 00011 00231 Repea~ 00227 11 00005 20000 Result to A 00230 45 00000 00000 Jump '0 Exit 00231 55 00012 10001 J to Q 00232 "' 002" 00233 21 00007 00075 002:;" 44 0023' 00236 00235 21 00010 00015 00236 11."00000 0011, 002'7 11 10000 00012 Store J 00240 16 00010 00000 v to V-PortiOD ot Fl 00241 21 OOlOlt. 00073 00242 55 00014 10030 00243 51 00035 00011 00244- 41 rd 00245 45 00000 00227 Exit it n=-O >< 0.. 00246 37 00167 00147 Unpack 00247 12 00005 20000 .-. . a::> 00223 002216- ·store Result TEFMINATION Instruction? REPEAT MODln~lTIQtf 002~ AdYance ul AdTBnoe yl SET. UP REPEAT ~ -...... J 0"- 0 0 J coon 00104 Store D in 00011 Store n - 1 1n 00011. Jump to Next Instruction 0' 13 DIVIDE 9-230 WF-138 Alarm it Di Yisor Unnormalized or Zero 00250 42 00017 00002 00251 23 00004 00006 00252 35 00036 00006 00253 54 00254 13 00005 20000 0025' 45 00000 00173 1ump to Pack 00256 31 00167 00147 Unpack 00251 13 00005 00260 45. 00000 00262 .Jump to Add 00261 37 00167 00147 Unpa~k 00262 11 00004 20000 00263 36 00006 20000 0026J4. 46 00275 00265 00265 42 00037 00271 00266 11 00004 00006 00261 ~ 00270 45 00000 00271 16 20000 00272 00272 54 00003 (30000) 00213 35 00005 20000 00274 45 00000 00305 r-t 00'Z75 13 20000 20000 ~ 00276 42 00037 0030l QO'ZT7 54 ,-... 00003 2003' 0000' SUB'mAc:r Negate V Operand ~ 00003 20010 00306 co CtJ -r-t I 0"I 0 0 0"- r- , 00005 20010 9-231 WF-138 .- co oo}oo 45 00000 oo,a6 00301 16 20000 00302 00,02 54 00005 (30000) 0030, 3' 00003 20000 oo~ 11 ~ 00:50' ~ 20000 20010 00306 45 00000 00173 J-.p to Pack 00301 '1 00224 00147 u-v 00310 1, 00312 OO~7 Set upa Prerioua Result 88 U 00311 1, 00164 00157 Set Upl B a8 V oo3l2 It., 00013 0026l Jump to Add 00,13 1, 003].2 OOlA7 Set ups oo3a '7 00224 00147 U·V 0031' 1, 00007 00147 Set Upl 00316 ~, J'ump to (u + B) 00317 '7 00224 00261 U+V 00320 15 00164 OOlJt.7 Set up: R a8 U 00321 1, 00,12 00157 Set ups Pre.,.lou8 Be8ul t 88 V 00322 4, 00000 00141 Jump to Mu1 tip17 00323 46 00002 00324 AlarID it Argument Negative 00324 41 00325 00113 It Zero. Jump to Exit 0032' ,1 00006 00107 00326' 46 00327 00330 00321 '5 0000, 00001 00006 00000 00,11 Prerlous Reault as U ,,1 88 --, I 0- 0 0 1 1 u • R • u or 1 u + R • yl U ~ .-. R + u 1 - .,1 or R + B _ u1 (u 1 + .,1) • R (R + u 1 ) - R v;;.r 0- .-. r>< c.. 9-232 WF-138 00330 35 00027 00006 00331 11 00066 ~OOOO 00332 11 10000 00003 00333 31 00005 00051 00334 73 0033' ,2 00003 00107 00336 112000010000 00331 23 20000 00003 00340 47 00332 003lt-l 00341 31 10000 00001 00342 4, 00000 00113 Jump 'to Pack 00343 11 <>00II.0 00003 store 00," 44 0034' 11 00026 00003 oow> 23' 00006 00032 00341 46 00350 00Q()2 00350 35 ~5 20000 00351 46 00352 00353 00352 11 00040 0000' 003" 36 '-" 003~ 35 00023 00"5 '" 00"5 (00 00000 00000) '" 00356 "' 00351 00360 >< e.. 00"7 11 20000 20000 --,..., co CIj , I 0 0 r-I t- ()()()03 20000 oo~ 0034' zero 1n 00003 tor Sine SINE-COSINE Tesi PC o Store 'T'f/2- Alarm in 00003",for Cosine itl ull~ 218 = 262,144. Replace u 1 By Zero 00024 10000 u 1 Into A Scaled 32 Zero Into AL it 16 ul Scaled -Down- 9-233 WF-138 00360 35 00003 20000 00361 13 00062 10000 o 00362 11 00066 00003 8'ore Sign in 00003 00,63 "'2 00026 00361 00364 36 00025 20000 00365 " 00366 4; 00420 00363 00367 ,... 20000 0004.2 00370 l' 00026 00005 00371 11 10000 10000 00'72 54 20000 000II-6 00373 11 20000 00006 x 2 Into 00006 Scaled 34 00'74 II 00421 ~ Into Pi 00375 15 00366 004.01 Set u Address ot 00461 00376 11 0004:5 00013 Set Index 00377 11 00006 0000II- i2 · 004.00 54 00..01 " ~l' 00402 23 00401 00073 0- 00403 41 00013 00377 0 0 0- 00401t. 11 0000, 004.05 ,.... 20000 00046 oQle.06 11 20000 00005 00407 11 00003 10000 ...-co ('/j r-! -I 00003 00001 ()()()()4 AR < 211 Scaled 32 ~ Slltt Sip X Into 00005 Scaled 34 Pi 20000 <>0046 ()()()()4 Pi + 1 I ()()()()4 r-! t- >< c. x • P Store result in OOOOs 17 9-234 WF-138 ~ll 00412 00410 " 00411 13 20000 0000' 00412 11 00031 00006 004.13 54 00005 20001 00414 45 00000 00173 lump to Pack 0041; 31 10375 52202 C1 Rand Coefficients Scaled 34 004.16 65 52~ 76452 00417 01 2'731 C3 Rand Coefficients Scaled 34 CS Rand Coefficients Scaled 34 00lJ.20 77 131" ~346 C1 Rand Coefficients Scaled 34 00II.21 00 00117 '27'7 C Rand Coefficients Scaled 34 00II.22 23 00006 00032 0011.23 46 O0t..2.. 00002 00424 '5 00425 46 00If.26 00427 ooJt.26 11 00040 00005 ~27 36 , 004,1 00430 " 0002, 004,1 00431 (00 00000 00000) 00432 4J. 004" 00434 0' 00433 11 20000 20000 0 0 0' ..... 00434 73 00022 00006 >< 0.. 00II.'5 11 20000 00005 x Into 5 o~36 II 00Ja.52 00003 1110 Into 00003 Scaled 31 O~31 11 00021 000014- 1 Into 00004 Scaled 31 ~ Examine Sign 9 EXPormlrI!L ..-.. 0;:) C'Ij ..... -I I Alarm ~5 20000 Zero to 00005 10000 u l Into A Scaled 34 1 Zero to AL it u Scaled -Down- t- 18 9-235 WF-138 00440 11 001..41 73 00003 20000 00442 32 00066 00105 OQq.43 11 20000 00004. 004-44 23 00003 00021 00445 47 00440 00446 00446 21 00006 00031 Characteristic Into 00006 00447 31 00004 00004 eX Into A Soaled .35 00450 45 00000 00173 Go to Pack 00451 00 00000 00026 2210 00452 26 00000 00000 11 10 Scaled 31 00453 23 00006 00473 P - 1 004511- 54 2t Into A Scaled .34 0045' 36 00066 00005 2q-l Into 00005 00456 46 00002 QOls.51 Alara 00457 II 00067 00003 Set Index Equal SaYen 0014.60 1, 004 72 oo~64 Set u Address ~61 11 oo,a4 00004 8S Into Pi 00462 111 00005 ()()()()4. 0"I 00463 54 20000 000ll.6 0 0 0"- .-4 00If.64 35 :50414 OO~ 00465 (23 Q04.64 00073) 00466 41 00003 00467 71 00006 00022 00005 00004 0000, 20010 ..- co CI'l -.-4 I x • Pi Pi • 1 Into 00004 Scaled ,1 LCGe ot 00464 x • Pi Pi + 1 t- >< c.. 004~ (p - 1) • 111 2 19 9-236 WF-138 In u1 Into A Scaled 34 00410 35 00004 20000 00411 11 00473 00006 00472 45 00503 00113 001..13 00 00000 00201 O~74 00 00000 00000 ~75 17 00II.76 10 :)0101 71550 ~ Scaled 34 00477 05 23606 17663 ~ Scaled 34 00500 74 11312 11627 84 80aled 34 00501 02 53533 01102 85 SOaled 34 00502 76 36303 74363 86 Scaled 34 00503 00 44750 60721 87 Scaled 34 00504 77 71310 36m 8S Soaled 34 00505 11 OOO~o 00003 Zero Into 00003 00506 23 00006 00031 Q}ar. 00507 42 00074 00516 00,10 33 00066 00024 00511 73 0000, 00005 00512 13 00006 00006 00513 II 00052 00003 00514 44 00516 0051' 0 0 0"- 00515 1, 00062 00003 t- 00516 21 00006 00031 00517 46 00520 00521 '"'"' a;:) C") 7TT16 10003 Go 'So Pack a O Scaled 34 81 Scaled 34 1 ot u - ARCTAN 2008 NegatiYe Reciprocal Scaled 34 Into 00003 1l'/2 ~ "I 0"I -iT/2 Scaled 34 Into 00003 ~ >< ~ 20 9-237 WF-138 11 00040 00005 00521 35 00546 00522 00522 (00 00000 00000) u l or -1/u1 Scal.d 34 Into A OQ52} ll. 20000 00005 x Into 00005 Scaled 34 OO~4 71 00005 10000 OO~ ~ 00526 II 20000 00006 x2 ~ 11 ~5 00013 Be. Index Equal Six 00,,0 11 00547 ()()()()It. C15 ID'to Pi 1, 00,a..4 00'311- Set U Addre8s " 0053J. 00532 --...... I 20000 (){)()46 f1l 00006 00004. 00", 54 00'34 (" 30556 oO<>Oll) 005" 21 ~34 00073 00536 1t.l 00013 005~ 00537 11 0000, 00540 54 20000 00046 O~l " 00542 ,.. 0000, 20001 oo~, 11 00031 00006 00," 1t.5 005,0 00173 00545 00 00000 00006 OO~6 54 0000, 24052 0054-7 77 73662 40,05 ID C? Replaoe u 1 by Zero 00520 x 2 lato 00006 Soaled34 ot 00534 • Pi 20000 oo~6 00003 ()()()04 Pi + 1 x • Pi 00005 tan~ u1 Into A Scaled 35 Go to Pack 0I 0 0 0- ...... r- >< c... C15 Scaled 21 34 9-238 WF-138 """' 0::> CI"j -.-4 00550 00 26305 45073 Cl ,3 Scaled 34 00551 17 06511 07416 ell Scaled 34 00552 01 42561 61640 C Scaled 34 00553 7' 61441 16451 c., Scaled 34 00551c- 03 14201 22666 Os Scaled 34 00555 72 52547 44072 C.3 Scaled 34 00556 17 77777 51473 C1 Scaled 34 00551 11 oooJ4-2 00676 Set Up Print 00560 44 00561 00562 Print or Punch? 00561 21 00616 00021 Set up Punch 00562 11 00676 00565 Set up Print or Punch at 00565 0056, 16 00564 00565 Set up Print or Punch Q 0051'A II 00670 10000 -Shirt Down- Into 0056, (CO 00000 00566 '1 00566 (00567) 00567 II 00010 20000 yl Into .l 00570 41 00574 00512 It A Zero. Print/Punch Carriage Return 00571 00 00000 00000 Not Used 00572 U 00042 10000 -Carriage Return- Into Q 00573 '7 00566 0056' Print/Punch Car. Ret. 0057'" II 00016 20000 u 1 Into .A 00575 11 00044 10000 - Space- Into Q 00576 46 00577 00600 00577 ll. 00061 10000 PRINT /PQNCH 00004 I aI 0 0 a- .-4 t- ~ 9 Q Print/Punch Q ._- Into Q 22 9-239 WF-138 Prlnt/Punch -Speoe- or ._. 00600 31 00566 00565 00601 37 00601 ~02) 00602 47 00605 00603 0060; 16 00667 0064:5 00604 45 00000 00626 00605 12 00016 00005 Magnitude ot u l Into 00005 0~06 15 00164 00147 Set up 00005 as U 00601 15 0061; 00157 Set up 00671 as V 00610 11 00040 00617 Zero Into 00677 o0611 III 00005 20000 u 1 Equal Zero; Set up Spaoes R(Packed) Into A 00612 42 00020 00617 It 1> N, Go to 00617 00613 42 00611 00622 It N ( 10, Go to 00622 00614 37 0061; 21 00617 00074 00616 45 00000 ooG~ 00617 37 00224 00141 Nul t it»ly bJ' Tell 00620 23 00617 00074 AdJuat Deotmal Exponent 00621 45 00000 00611 ...-.. co 00622 '51 00167 00147 -- 00623 2, 00004 00612 00624 16 20000 00625 00625 54 00626 11 00040 00005 00627 45 00000 006;2 ('Ij r-I I 00221~ 00246 D1 'Ylde by Ten AdJuet Decimal Exponent UnpaoJc Normal1 zed N 0"I 0 0 0"- r-I r- >< c.. 00003 (30000) N Into A Soaled 36 Set Index to Zero 23 9-240 ./ WF-138 00630 11 00673 00005 Set Index to Six 00631 71 00003 00674 ., • 1010 Into A 00632 11 20000 00003 f!-paction Into 00003 Scaled 36 00633 " OOOO'OO~3 lraction Into 00003 Scaled 35 006:;' 3Jt. 20000 00044 006" " 00636 (00 00000 00000) 00637 41 00005 00631 00640 37 -00640 (O~ 00676 00636 • '; Print/Punch Decimal Digit '1""'? 00641 11 00675 10000 ••• Into Q 00642 }7 00566 -00565 Prlnt/Punch ()()64.3 '1 00643 (0064lt) Optional Exit tor • • 0 ~ '1 00640 00630 Translate. Print/Punoh SeYen More Digits 0064, II 00677"- 20000 "Decu.lExponent Into A 00646 37"00601 00515 Pr1l1t/Punch 00647 12 00677 20000 Magnl'tude ot Exponent Into A 00650 ...7 006,1 00663 006,1 13 -00060 10000 ..-.. 00652 II 20000 00003 -- 0065' 11 10000 20000 _ oo6~ '7 OO6It.o 00635 00655 11 0000, 20000 00656 37 00640 \)06'5 Prlilt/Punch La8~ :D1gi t ot Exponent 00657 11 00044. 10000 ¥f - Spac.- Into Q co C"') ,...f w •• W Spece- or w_w Translate Exponent I 0I 0 0 0- ,...f r- >< 0.. I Prlnt/Punch Pirst 'Digl t ot Exponent 24 9-241 WF-138 00660 37 00566 00565 00661 41 0000, 00660 00662 45 00000 00226 Go to 00663 11 OO~l 00005 Set Up Print/PUnch Three Spaces ~ 4., 00000 006", 0066, 11 00060 oo~ 00666 .., 00000 00617 (X)667 00 00000 00665 00670 00 00000 00057 Shin Do_ 00671 20 11.5000 00000 Chip 10. 00072 00 00000 00167 0067' 00 00000 00006 006~ 00 00000 ()O()2Jt. 006~ 00·00000 ~ •• • 00676 (00 00000 ()()()()(j Print or Punoh T.aporary storep 00677 po 00000 00000) Print/Punch Space T.~D8'ion Set Up Prlnt/Punch Kleven Spaces Decimal Exponent TempON17 storage 25 9-242 WF-139 110) LIBRARY SUBROUTINE IfJfTRlES IF MORE THAN ONE OR NCYr STANDARD i (------. -_.__ .. STANDARDs " n;s X ~ COOING CHECKl )lACHINE CHECK 2 31'.J.,F:-RESETTING: 1. oX or or Sbgument 3 tho functions ADmESSES: ---------------------------------------------, A ----------------------------------------------- (8) I~truct,ion8 :_ _ _ _ _O_l_O_O_O _ _ _ _ _throu~ (b) Con8tanta and temporary etorage: (e) Con~ant.poolu8ed:~~~_O_O_O_73_·~B_O_O_O_7_4~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (d) Temporary storage pool ~sed ____0_0....0_0_,4_-_0_:0_0_0_6_ __ 01026 01025 throu~:-.._ _ _ __ ----------------------------------------~-,~-- -~. INITIAL SETTING x< ~$t .1 <1 (a) Range on x: (b) Scaling or x and r(xJs _ _:x._<'>_2_2_8_ _ _ _~f...... CX_·... ) ~.....41t-'·2_8__ (e) Briet de8criptio~ of numer:i Tf> f. AOOU~YJ _.--------- OF.X~ p] 4. NO ....;.1:.,,_ _ _~_ _ _ _ __ Location 30 MAT BY X YES_ . PD BY Initlallooation of argument: _ _ _ _ _____ Q__ 2eemisoellanz f'lna! locat ion 2. NO ~al = e'; -- meth:xl: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - "'x + ;"'n-l 1a Px 1 T =:n -2 ___________________________________________________________ 5. ALAmi- CONDITIONS FOR OOT-oF-RANGE TES'rI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ___K_l_ar_Dl_"_f.....;;;;:£::;;;;;....,1&.....i... ' li:_l_0_2_2_a+-I... >_2_3_5_-_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~____._,_ __ 1 9-243 WF-139 6. SPEED! ----------------------- 7 • YISCELLANY: Address of ~ in ~u , addr~~s ofx 1n Qy • Q~5 must be 0 or 1 according as desoending or ascending order of location of a1. Indox n (highest power of x) in AR• Note: Scale factor may be change·d by corresponding change in shift instruction (01011). -- 0"- M .-I '-" I C1' I 0 0 0"- -~ .-I t- >< c... 9-244 WF-139 01000 37 75700 75702 A1Hnn 01001 45 00000 (3 0000) Exit 01002 16 10000 01024 01003 15 10000 01010 01004 16 10000 01010 01005 36 00074 00004 01006 qq 01007 01010 01007 21 01013 01026 0110110 71 01011 54 20000 00054 01012 1] 20000 00006 01013 21 01010 00073 01014 15 OlO10 01016 01015 11 00006 20000 01016 35 (3 00 00) 00005 01017 43 20000 01021 01020 45 00000 01000 Overflow elann 01021 41- 000014- 01024 Index 01022 11 00005 20000 010 23 45 00000 01001 0' 01024 71 00005 (3°000) 0 0 0"- 01025 45 00000 01011 010?6 02 00000 OCOOO Entrance Set 01010 0' C"j ,....; '-' I (30000) (3 0000) Fonn (n-l) BOX 8 nX -+ 8 n -1 I ,....; t- -:x: COll.tant 0... 9-245 RW-140 FPP-O Cover Sheet 5/25/55 THE RAMO -WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Interpretive Floating Point Package FPP-O Identification Tag: This package consists of the following which are written up separately: 1. SNAP 10/10/55 2. SNAP SAMPLER TRACE 3. SNlP (SNAP Complex) 3/27/56 5/1/56 9-246 nW-140 SNAP Sampler Page 1 of 4 March 27, 1956 SNAP S~ler Trace Description This routine monitors the course of a SNAP program by punching out the results of those SNAP commands which are specified in a list prepared by the programmer. A parameter word will indicate the location of this list. This list has the following specifications: a. The list is made up of sublists of four words each. These sublists have the form: 00 FA LA 00 Np Hs 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 FA is the address where the trace is to start and LA the address at which it is to stop. Np is the number of times FA is to be passed before starting the trace, while Hs is the number of times the section FA to LA is to be traced. The last two words are used by the trace to store the blocked instructions. b. This list must not be placed in cells 15b thru lO7b, but may be put on the drum. 00 Lo In any case, a parameter word Lf will specify its location. Lo is the address of the first word of the list and Lf is the address of the last word. cell 71777b. This parameter word must be loaded into In the event this word is all zero a complete trace of the program is automatically performed. c. Any number of sublists may be used. A particular address must appear only once in the list since blocking a blocked instruction is not possible. d~ The storage addresses FA and LA. must be the addresses iT. which the instructions to be blocked are actually stored at the time the blocking routine is activated. 9-247 RW-140 SNAP Sampler Page 2 of 4 The operation of the trace is as follows: a. When a. blocked FA is reached in the program, Np and i If N = 0, N 0 then tracing is p B initiated and a start indicator placed in the word N S are examined. oontaining N and N. On the other hand, if N == 0 p s p and N 0 does not occur J then no action is taken. s At each SNAP execution, after a trace start, the F i b. register is transferred to the next available position in the trace output hopper (last seven cells in ES). When this hopper contains the results of six SNAP commands (three IF instructions) then the SNAP output routine is used to punch a. card containing the information in the trace hopper. The identification field of the output card. contains the address of the instruction which produced the numbers in fields one and two. This address is in octal and will be 1725 if the instruction was an FA. The SNAP output command operation is in no way altered during tracing. c. To empty the tra.ce hopper at SX1Y time J start at 12125b. One card will be punched and the machine will stop on JIJ 0 with PAl: = 17717b. 8HAP must be in ES to exereise this option. d. In the event the trace hopper is emptied when it contains no information, a card will be punched containing the address 1711 in the identification field, while the rest of the card will be bla.nk. e. When a blocked LA is rea.ched in the program and if a start indicator was set up in the word containing the associated N and N then tracing is stopped and the trace p s hopper emptied. Otherwise, no action is taken. f. The execution of the instruction at FA will be traced, but that at LA will not. 9-248 RW-140 SNAP Sampler Page 3 of 4 g. The seven cells of ES 1 l171b - 1111'0 J cannot be used by the programmer if the trace is to be e~loyed. Normal SNAP operation will not destroy the contents of these cells. Programming Instructions 1. Load cell 71 717'0 with the parameter word 00 Lo Lf where Lo and Lf are the locations of the first and last words of the list. 2. Load the list in form described above. 3. Start. -a.t 72000b. The routine will block the proper instructions ·as per the list supplied J modify SNAP in order to perform the trace, and then stop with PAl( set at 40012b. 4. • In the event no parameter word is loaded (and no list is supplied) a start at 12000b will initiate the blocking routine to modify SNAP on MD so that all SNAP commands will be traced. A stop will follow with PAX set at 40012b. Warnings and Restrictions 1. The list can not occupy bells 15b - 107b. 2. Cells 171lb - 1771'0 must be reserved for the trace hopper and cannot be used by the programmer. 3· SNAP must be in ES at the time each FA and LA is reached in the program. 4. The instructions in FA and LA must not be read into or o~t of by the program. 5. Only SNAP commands are traced. 6. 0 ~ -~ I 0I trace can only be used with SNAP and not with the complex version. The 7. Activating the trace modifies the copy of SNAP on Mf and destroys 0 0 0r-f the complex arithmetic portion of SNAP. t- USing SNAP or its complex version, it is necessary to restore the >< 0... library from magnetic tape. To start another program 9-249 RW-140 SNAP Sampler Page 4 of 4 8. An abnormality exists for the following type ot a list: 00 FAl IAl 00 Npl Hsl 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 00 FA2 LA2 00 Np2 Ns2 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 Assume that Npl ' Nsl' Np2' Ns2 are such that tracing in both 8ublists is concurrent. Further, suppose that FAl , FA2' IA2' LAl are executed in the order given. Bence, the traoe will be initiated at FAl and once again at FA • When LA2 is reached, the trace will stop since it 2 was started at FAa. The instruotions from LA2 to ~ will not be traced and the trace will be stopped once again when ~ is reacbed. At this time the hopper will be punched. Other unusual combinations can be analyzed in a similar fashion. 9-250 RW-141 SNIP Pg. 1 of 4 May 1, 1956 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Interpretive Floating Point Package - Complex Identification: SNIP Type: Service Routine (with entrance from program available) Storage: Cells 634 70000b thru thru 1023 7166Gb This includes SNAP The constant pool is used by this routine. ..-.. 4001~b Service Entrance: Address Program Entrance: See description Coded by: C. Koos '~ """"' '""""' '-" M. Perry January, 1956 I '" '"r- Code Checked by: C. Koos January, 1956 Machine Checked by: C. January, 1956 :><: Approved by: I 0 0 '""""' 0... KOO8 - W. F. Bauer April, 1956 9-251 RW-141 SNIP Pg. 2 of 4 5/1/56 Description SNIP is the complex arithmetic version of SNAP, a floating point interpretive package. An understanding of the use of SNAP is presupposed. The activation of this routine changes SNAP into SNIP on the magnetic drum. The original version of SNAP can be obtained again only by a transfer of the Service Routine Library from magnetic tape. SNIP performs its operations ~n either real or complex arithmetic depending on a mode which is selected by the pre-grammer, and may be changed at any time. In the complex mode 1. The complex numbers to be operated on must be in rectangular form, with the real and imaginary parts of the number stored in consecutive cells (For example, the complex number x + iy would be stored in the machine with x in cello<.and y in cello<.. + 1). 2. The floating Complex Accumulator reqUires two cells: Cell 00002, F, is used for the real part; Cell 00003, C, is used for the iIll88inary part, that is, the two cells 00002 and 00003 constitute the Complex Floating Accumulator, Fc • 3. The Polynomial. Multiply command of SNAP is changed so that its execution will result in computing the absolute value of the number stored in Fc • 4. The Fix, Float, Read, Punch and No Operation connnands operate exactly as in SNAP, while the remaining commands are changed only in the sense that they now use both cells 00002 and 00003 for the floating accumulator and cells 0<.. and 0<. + 1 for the argument as explained above. 5. The machine acoumulator A contains the rea.l part of the result after the exeoution of any one of these operations. 6. The Replaoe and B ..bolC options may be used 1n all cases that are permitted by SNAP, with two consecutive cells being operated on as desoribed. Keep in mind that the B-box must be indexed by two when used in referencing a list of complex numbers. 7. It 18 ~ permi.sible to load Fe with TP instructions; a Load command muat be executed tor this purpoee. In the real mode 1. All SNAP oommands except Polynomial Multiply operate as in SNAP itself. 2. The execution of the Polynomial Multiply command will give the absolute value of (Fe) Just as it does in the complex mode. 9-252 RW-141 SNIP Pg. 3 of h 5/1/56 SNIP commands The Complex Accumulator, F c ' is defined as two specific electrostatic cells which contain the complex number x + iy: cell 00002, F, contains x and cell 00003, C, contains y. Both x and yare stored as SNAP numbers; that is, each has its own binary exponent. The notation O~c represents the address of a complex number x + iy, where x is stored at 0: and y at C( + 1 J that is J (0() = x, (0( + I) = y. The following definitions apply when in the complex mode: Code Result AD 04 (F e ) + F ; c (F) ~A SU 10 (F ) - (€X ) ~ F ; c c c (F ) x (oc ) ~F ; c c e (F) ~A (F) ~A ¢X ) -7F ; e c F . ~ e' F . ~ e' (F) ~A (F) ~A (F) ~A MP 14 (~ e ) ~ DV 20 (F ) c PM 24 (Fc)1 30 (0( ) ST 34 (F ) e -> O A RT 50 i(i] e ---? F . e' (F) -7 A LD c The NO (no operation), FI (fix), FL (float), RD (read data) and The PM (polynomial multiply) instruction of SNAP is replaced by the absolute value instruction whether operating in the real or complex arithmetic mode if SNIP has been activated. PO (punch data) instructions of SNAP are unaltered. Manual Activation of SNIP 1. Insure that both this routine and SNAP are intact on the magnetic drum. (This can be accomplished by a transfer of the Service Routine Library from magnetic tape). 2. Load the problem program - The program should include the RamoWooldridge oonstant pool, and a jump to start in 4000Ob, as supplied by RAWOOP. Set PAX to 40013 and start--this changes SNAP into SNIP and causes it to be read into its electrostatic locations, sets the B-box, F, C, and output hopper to zero, supplies an appropriate jump in cells zero and one, positions cards on both sides of the reproducer) and gives control to cell 40000b which normally initiates execution of the problem. program. At this time the routine is in the real arithmetic mode. RW-141 SNIP Pg. 4 of 5/1/55 Programmed Activation of SNIP Depending on the card positioning desired anyone of three different return jump instructions may be used to activate SNIP from the program. Each assumes that there isa manual jump instruction in cell 40000b (such as that supplied by RAWOOP), and in each case control is returned to the instruction immediately following the return jump. a. Execution of 37 40000 the reproducer. 400l3b positions cards on both sides of b. Execution of 37 40000 of the reproducer. 71644b feeds one card on the punch side c. Execution of 37 40000 71646b omits all card positioning. otherwise the effect of programmed activation is the same as that described in step 3 under manual activation. Switching Modes Activation of SNIP by any one of the methods described above leaves it in the real arithmetic mode. At any time after SNIP has been activated the mode may be switcbed as follows: •.. . C l qe switch from the real mode to the complex mode execute the return jump I 37 01541 . ~.J 01713b ..Jllo-switch fro.m the complex mode to. the rea.l mode execute the return jump 37 01541 017l5b In- either case tbe desired mode change is acco.mplished, cell 00003, C, is set to. zero, and control is returned to. the cell immediately following -the· return jump. The real mode should crdinarily be used wherever possible because it is ccnsiderably faster than the complex mode. Alarms The SNAP alarm routine is used, with the possibility of the same type or ,alarm occurrins (!W, RT, DV, FI, RD). It is nct advisable to continue the problem after an alarm, since either the real or imaginary part ot & number may have caused the alarm. 9-254 RW-142 EGN-O Page 1 of 19 May 1 ~ 1956 Eigenvector, Eigenvalue Routine for Real Symmetric Matrices Identification Tag: EGN-O Type: Complete package on paper tape and/ or binary cards. Storage: See storage allocation chart. Program. Entrance: MD Start Program Exit: MS 0 at PAK=VAK=50270b Alarm Exit: See section on alarrns a.nd stops. Machine Time: See section on sarne. Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: July. 1955, and M. Stein F, Meek March~ Machine checked by: M, Stein F. Meek August, 1955, and March$ 1956 Approved by; w. April, 1956 Bauer 1956 9-255 RW-142 EGN-O Page 2 of 19 May 1, 1956 De Be ription This package consists of an input routine, a main routine, and an output routine. The input routine reads in the parameters and the elements a .. , i ~ j, (the elements on and below the main diagonal) of a 1J real symInetrie matrix A. The main routine computes the eigenvalues of A by reducing it to diagonal form with a sequence of orthogonal row and column operations which leave the characteristic equation invariant. The corresponding eigenvectors are computed (also by the main routine) by performing the same sequence of column operations on an identity matrix. The output routine converts and punches on cards the eigen- values and eigenvectors in fixed point form. rnatrices of order 2 ~n The package will handle L38. A special D1.ode of operation which requires a minimum number of drum accesses is provided for use with matrices of order n L 23. The special mode is selected by setting manually selective jump switch 1 to the ON position. Throughout this write-up, T will be defined as the rnatrix the coluIllI'l;s of which are the eigenvectors. In the special mode of operation, the number of rows 6f T to be obtained can be varied from zero to n and must be specified in advance. Decreasing t.he nUlTlber of rows of T to be obtained will allow an inc rease in the order of the eigenvalue problem. which can be solved. Should it be de- sired to obtain eigenvalues only, the special lTlode will be able to solve problerns of order n ~40. With a high speed storage capacity of 4096 words, the ordinary m.ode of operation will. be able to accornrnodate probleITls of order 2 ~n L 75, a.nd the special m.ode, problems of order n ,,/' 50. eigenvalues are to be found~ If only the range of n can be extended to n s 85. The main routine has been written and the drum storage allocated so as to lnake the rotitine easily ad~ptable to the 1103Ao The rnain routine does not use the liB register ' !, the "modified multiply add" instruction~ or the IIpolynomial Inultiply'l instruction found only on the Rarno-"Wooldridge 1103. 9-256 RW-142 EGN-O Page 3 of 19 May 1, 1956 Parameters 1. n is the order of the matrix A. 2. In the special mode of operation, q is equal to n plus the number of rows of T to be obtained. In the ordinary mode of operation, q is autom.atically set equal to n by the main routine. In the special mode of operation nand q must satisfy the inequality 2 + (q-n) 2 ~ 824. n +n 2 r.: N is a positive integer less than 10:> associated with each matrix A 3 to be run and may be used to identify the output for a given matrix. s is the binary scale factor used to store the matrix elements a .. , 1J s should be chosen such that 4. 2 33 -' ~" n' max i,j See the appendix for more details in regard to scaling. Preparation of Input Data The input routine uses CRI~2 to read in the parameters n, q, s 10 Nands, scaled i~j, scaled 2 . 1J The first parameter card must contain n with address 00000 and a 12 a 2 ,andthematrixelementsa,., 2 punch in column 80; for the special mode of operation, it must contain q with address 00001. ~ ..... -I The second card :must contain 102N with address 00000, s with address 00001, and a 12 punch in coluITln 80. The third card must contain 0' I a 11 with addre s s 00000 0' ..... aZl willi address 00001 ~ a o o t- a 22 31 with addre s s 00002 with address 00003. 9-257 RW-142 EGN-O Page 4 of 19 May 1, 1956 The fourth card: a a a 32 33 41 with address 00004 with address 00005 with address 00006 a with address 00007 42 and so on, The last card will contain a with address n{n+l)-2 nn and a 12 punch in column 80, On all cards the unused fielcrs should be left blank, See the CRI··2 write-up (revised 12-9-55) for the details of the card format. If one wishes to generate the data within the 1103, or if, for any reason, one wishes not to use the input routine, see the appendix. Switching Manually selective jum.p switch number one is used to select either the ordinary mode or the special mode of operation as follows: MSJ-1 OFF ~ ordinary mode. MSJ-l ON ~ special m.ode. Manually selective jump switch number two is used to control a monitoring typeout provided at the end of each sweep (1) as follows: MSJ-2 OFF ---)0 MSJ-2 ON ~ typeout occurs. typeout suppressed. Manually selective jump switch number three is used to control the output of the ro'ws of T as follows; MSJ-3 OFF --+ the rows of T are punched. MSJ-3 ON ~ the rows of T are not punched, The manually selective stop switches are used t.o provide stops at the end of each of the three segments (2) of the main routine as ( 1) A sweep is defined unde r Mathematical Method. (,2) The main routine is divided into segments I, II, and Ill., These are described in detail under The Main Routine. 9-258 RW-142 EGN-O Page 5 of 19 May l, 1956 follows; ON ~ MSS-l stop at conclusion of segment 1. A STAR T sets up segment II and jumps to entrance of that segment. ON -----.-~ MSS-2 stop at conclusion of segment II. A STAR T sets up segment I and jumps to entrance of that segment. The setting of MSJ -2 may be changed at this point. MSS-3 ON - - } stop at conclusion of segment III. A STAR T sets up segment I and jumps to entrance of that segment Operation Instructions 1. The package is available on binary cards and/or on paper tape. A. If cards are used, place the pa.ckage deck, two blank cards, the input cards for the first rnatrix, two blank cards, the input cards for the second matrix, two blank cards 1 and so on~ ending wiLh two or more blank cards, in the read side of the Bull. Manually "pick a card II and read in the package using CRI-l (as a service routine). B. If paper tape is used, read in the package tape using FRI-O (as a service routine). Then place the input cards (as in A. above) in the read side of the Bull. 2. Set the MSJ and MSS switches as required. Manually "pick a card l :, Be sure that there are plenty of blank cards in the punch side of the Bull. - 3. Start at 40000b, It will read in the input cards for the first (next) matrix, compute and type out twelve octal digits (with MSJ2 off) after each sweep C\J (see the section on Alarms 1 Stops for an explanation of the type- ~ -~ out) and finally stop on an MSS-O at PAK:::V AK:.::50000bo I 0' (One ITlay I 0 0 0"~ t- avoid this st9P by inserting 45 00000 50000b into 50552b. ) 4, Start. It will punch the eigenvalue s and, with MSJ - 3 off, the rows of T, and stop on an MSS-O a.t PAK=V AK=50270b ready to read in ~ the input cards for the next ITlatrix. Set the MSJ and MSS switches for the next rnatrix and start. 5, Repeat 3 and 4 for the next rna trix, and so ono 9-259 RW-142 EGN-O Page 6 of 19 May L 1956 6. The output cards should be sorted) first on column 80, and then on column 77, and then listed with the SNAP output-fixed point 407 panel. Alarms, Stops Since all transformations applied to the rnatrix A are orthogona.l. it can be shown that S(i+l), the S\lm of the squares of the elements of the lowexz triangle (including the main diagonal) of data a.t the end of a sweep (;.::!.! orthogonal transforrnations), is equal to 5(1» the sum at the beginning of that sweep, plus W,the sum of the squares of all offdiagonal elements deliberately set to zero during the sweep. The double precision quantity S(1+1) ... S(i) .. W is formed in the accun'l.ulator and then scale factored. The scale factor h is tested to see if the number of ' . . 'f'lcants In . S(i+l) - S(i) - W·U~ 1arge enoug. h If t h'IS 18 . not 1ea d lng lnslgru. the case the supervisory typewriter will type out an e (for error) followed by the standard typeout which gives the sweep count, the scale factor of S(i+l) _ S(i), and the scale factor of S(i+I) - S(i) - W. puter will then halt with PAK=00210b. depressing the start key_ The com- The sweep may be repeated by To ignore the alarm set PAK = 00171b and depress the start key. The scale factor h must satisfy either h L- (50222b) or h? 37. It can be proved that the sequence of S(i) is a rnonotonely increasing sequence which approaches a limit which is less than or equa.l tc the square of the norm (3) of A., It is believed that this lirnit is equal to -------,---'---_._--- _._--(3) The norITI of 1\ is defined in the a.ppendix uncle r .~~:::~_!.~~ 9-260 RW-142 EGN-O Page 7 of 19 May 1, 1956 the square of the norm of A, but the equality has never been proved for this process. At the conclusion of each sweep the monotonicity of the sequence is checked by observing the sign of S(i) - S(i+l) the process will continue. H S(i) _ S(i+l) '- 0, Should this not be the case, i. e., if S(i)_ S(i+l) ~O, the process will be assumed to have converged and the computer will stop on an MSS-O at PAK=VAK=50000b, :r:eady to enter the output routine. Arguments unacceptable to the square root subroutine used in the main routine will cause the computer to halt at address 00230b. point PAK is set to 00230b. At this Hence depressing the start key will not cause a resumption of computation. Since the input routine uses CRI-2, the paragraph under Alarm Conditions of the CRI-2 (revised 12-9-55) write-up applies to the input routine. H s has been chosen too large (or much too small) a MA overflow See may occur or an MSS-O error stop at PAK=VAK=00062b may occur. the appendix for more details on this. Card Output The output routine Uses CPO-2 to convert and punch 1. by rows, the elements d ... , i~j, of the diagonalized m.atrix D IJ (the d .. are the eigenvalues of A and the d .. , i f j are the off11 1) diagonal elements which have been reduced, essentially; to zero); 2. by rows, the elements of the matrix T. Each card contains up to six consecutive elements of a row, an identification number, I, and a one-digit card number, C. 2 The cards contairiing row i of D will have I = 10 N + i; the cards containing row i of T will have I = l02N + n + i. All of the cards Con- taining row i of D or Twill have the same I and C will run from 1 to k where k is the num.ber of cards required to punch row i, 6 elernents per card. The result of all this is that, assum.ing several m.atrices have been 9-261 RW-142 EGN-O Page 8 of 19 May 1, 1956 run, if the output cards are sorted and listed as in 6, under Operating Instructions, a listing will be obtained of the several matrices in the order of the least significant digit of N. For each matrix, the order of the listing will be: the first six columns of D, the first six columns of T, the second six columns of D, the second six columns of T, and so on. Thus an eigenvector will be listed as a column directly below its corresponding eigenvalue.' The 407 panel is so wired that the setting of an alteration switch will cause the paper to eject to start a new sheet at the end of each column. To bypas s the output routine, see the appendix. Cards, Tapes, Listings, Flow Diagrams The complete package is available On binary cards (to be read in using CRI-l) and On bi-octal paper tape (to be read in using FRI-O 0& the ERA paper tape reader). Also, a flexowriter dump (MDP-O) listing of the entire package is available. RA WOOP-assembled listings are available for the input and output routines only. Detailed flow dia- grams for the entire package are on file at the Computing Center. Mathem.atical Method The method used by the main routine is the same method as that described in the write-up of Illinois Code 141-MO in Illiac Library Codes, M-Z. That write-up stat2!3 "T,,13 operati0i.1S performed in the routine essentially are those descrijjcd in an unpublished paper by H. H. Goldstine, although the re are some modifications ". The method consists of forming the sequence of ma trice s - A, where R. 1 is an orthogonal matrix chosen so as to reduce to zero a 1+ pair of off-diagonal elements of D.. 1 If the sequence of matrices D. 1 9-262 R\~-142 EGN-O Page 9 of 19 May 1, 1956 c onve rge to a diagonal matrix D, i. e., if lim D. = D, i-t~ 1 + is i 1 obtained from D. by a similarity transformation and the characteristic then the elements of D are the eigenvalues of A, because D 1 equation remains unchanged. Sirnilarly, if the sequence of rnatrices T., 1 where converges to a rnatrix T, i. e. , lim T. i-+~ 1 = T, it can easily be shown that the columns of T are the eigenv-ectors of A, norrnalized to unit length. The first colurnn of T is the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue in the upper left corner of D, and so on. + are always chosen to reduce the largest (in i 1 absolute value) pair of .off-diagonal elernents of D.1 to zero, the method . If the rnatrices R is called the Jacobi(4) rnethod, and it can be proved that the rnatrices D. 1 converge, and it can also be proved that if no two eigenvalues of A are equal, then the rnatrices T. converge. 1 The rnethod used by the rnain routine (and by the llliac routine) is not to reduce the largest pair of off-diagonal elernents to zero at each step, but to reduce the off-diagonal elernents to zero in a definite order, narnely, working frorn upper left to lower right below the main diagonal. (One such sequence of reductions is called a sweep.) No proof is known that such a "rnodified Jacobi rnethod 'l converges, but it is believed that such a rnethod will converge for all real syrnrnetric rnatrices. (4)C. G. J. Jacobi, "Ein leichtes Verfahren, die in der Theorie der Sakularstorungen Vorkommenden G1eichungen llurne risch aufzu1osen", In. reine angew. Math., V. 30, 1846, p. 51-95. 9-263 RW-142 ~GN-O Page 10 of 19 May 1, 1956 To teduc e the pair of elements a = a jk kj (k < j) to ze ro the orthogonal transformation R is chosen to be kth col. jth col. 1 1 1 kth row cose - sin ., All elements not 811.own are 1 zero, jth row sin 6' 1 cos 6 1 Accuracy Several matrices have been run with the package. Rosser (5) constructed a matrix of order 8 with some of its eigenvalues nearly equal, in order to compare two or three diffe rent methods of obtaining eigenvalues and eigenvectors. This matrix was run with the package and the largest 5 eigenvalue error was about 1'10- , which represents a relative error of 8 I' 10- . Because of the nearly equal eigenvalues, some of the eigenvectors were less accurate than others. The worst errors were in the components of the vectors corresponding to the three closely-spaced eigenvalues. -4 The largest absolute error was about 3' 10 . (~)Ros8er, Hestenes t Lanczos, and Karush, NBS Journal of Research, v. 47, 195 1, pp. 291- 296. 9-264 RW-142 EGN-O Page 11 of .l9 May 1, 1956 Hilbert matrices (6) of orders 8 and 29 were run with the package. The results for the one of order 8 were cOlllpared with results obtained on the Illiac (which has 4 more bits than the 1103) and the results for the one of order 29 were compared with results obtained by the Univac at N. Y. U., using Givens' method. For both matrices, all of the eigenvalues agreed through the eighth decimal place (each matrix has for its largest eigenvalue a' number slightly less than 2). Also, several lllatrices with all elements equal to one were run. Such matrices have n-I eigenvalues equal to zero and one eigenvalue, AI' equal to n~ the order of the matrix. digits were obtained for AI. For n=40, 8 correct significant For n=38, the same accuracy was obtained for Al and all of the eigenvector components were correct through the 8th de~imal place. Machine Time The machine times ~iven below are in seconds. They include card input of the data (2 +fn 8 +~ cards)(7) and card output of the results (2 +n + (n-6) + (n-12) + . . . +.(n-6k) + (q-n) [~JcardS):(8) (6)Matrices H with h •• = ..,......,....l----=--1J i +j-l (7) [~ means a if a is an integer, btl if b is the integral part of a and a is not an integer. (8)The last term in the series, n-6k, is the last such terlll which is positive. 9-265 RW-142 EGN-O Page 12 of 19 May 1, 1956 type nutnber of sweeps tnode tnachine titne (in seconds) n q 22 44 all ones special Z 125 31 38 62 a.ll ones ordinary 2 296 76 all ones ordinary 471 40 40 all ones special 2 2 8 16 Rosser special 6 228 39 32 64 Rosser ordinary 5 467 40 40 Rosser special 6 311 8 16 Hilbert special 4 29 29 58 Hilbert ordinary 4 310 The Main Routine Reading in the package from binary cards or paper tape places the input routine, the three segments of the main routine, and the output routine on the drum. (9) Starting at 40000b (or at 50270b) initiates the execution of the input routine. The input routine places the parameters, 2 n. q, 10 N. and .s, and the elements or t.ile lower triangle 01:" th~ matrix A on the drum(10) and then initiates the execution of segment III, which runs only once per matrix A. The function of segment III is to set up segments I and II for a specific value of n, make optimizing storage allotments depending on n, and finally to form a suitable matrix of unit vectors from which the eigenvectors can be generated. For the ordinary case (MSJ -1 OFF) the unit vector matrix will be stored in consecutive locations with the first element at address 52000b. In the special case the first element of the unit matrix will be placed immediately following the last element of the lower triangle of A. Segment III concludes itself by block- transferring segment I and data into high speed storage and jumping to the initial line of segment I. (9)See Storage Allocation for drum storage addresses. (lO)See Storage Allocation for drum storage addresses. 9-266 R\v-l42 EGN-O Page 13 of 19 May 1, 1956 Segment I proceeds through the lower triangle of the matrix being diagonalized taking the elements and the rows in sequence. For + is generi l ated which, when applied along with R'+ to D., produces D. l' in which 1 l 1 1+ the selected pair of elements are zero. In the special mode enough high each pair of off-diagonal elements an ~rthogonal matrix R speed storage (HSS) is available to store both D. and the matrix T. of 1 1 the sequence being transformed into the matrix of eigenvectors. R. 1 may be applied directly to T. at this point and discarded. 1+ In the 1 ordinary case HSS capacity is insufficient for the storage of T.. . Hence 1 Hence, enough information must be preserved to reconstruct the sequence of I R. and apply them to T. at a later time. 1 1 This is accomplished by storing pairs cos 6, sinG sequentially on the drum beginning at address 65000b in a manner corresponding to the orde r in which the lower triangle was In order to minimize the number of random drum accesses nZ+n nZ+n a HSS region of length b = 01467b - -Z- or b = Ol470b (which- swept through. -z ever is even) is set aside for temporary storage of the cos <9 sint9 pairs. At the end of one sweep of (n Z - n)/Z transformations R. during which J 1 each pair of off-diagonal elements has been set to zero once, segment I block-transfers segment II into HSS and jumps control to the entrance line of segment II. In segment II an arithmetic check is made on whether the R. 1 transformation matrices have been properly generated and applied. this is the case the latest D. is dumped on the drum. 1 detected the sweep can be repeated. If If a discrepancy is In the ordinary mode of operation I segment II will regenerate the R. and bring the matrices T. up to date. 1 1 Convergence is then checked and if the process has been found to converge, the MSS-O stop at PAK=VAK=50000b occurs. Otherwise, segment I is set up and the next sweep is initiated. The Constant Pool The main routine does not use the R- W constant pool. both the input and output routines do use it. However, It is stored at 50615b and transferred to OOOI5b just prior to the execution of the input and output 9-267 RW-142 EGN-O Page 14 of 19 May 1, 1956 routines. Storage Allocation (all addresses are octal) R- W constant pool du.:f'ing execution 00015 - - 00026 of the input and outP'~i, routines. R- W temporary pool used during 00027 - - 00040 execution of the input routine. Execution addres ses and temporary 00250 - - 00704 storage for the input routine. 00027 - - 00455 + ~ 00620 - - 00617 + Execution addresses and temporary 0 storage for the output routine. Execution addresses for segment I and 00000 - - 00307 segment 00310 - - 00310 2 + n +n - 'z- 1 n. Storage for lowe r triangle of rna trix being diagonalized (eigenvalue data) during segment I. Storage for matrix being converted to eigenvectors (eigenvector data) during ordinary mode operation of segment II. Z 00310 + n +n 2 - - 01777 Storage for cos ~ • sin c9 pairs during ordinary mode of operation of both segments I and II. Storage for eigen- vector data during special mode of operation. 00401 • - 00551 40000 Execll.tion addres ae s for segment III. Storage for a jump to 50270, the entrance of the input routine. 40001 - - 40100 Not used. 40101 Storage for parameter n. 40102 Storage for parameter q. 40103 - - 40407 Storage for segment I. 9-268 RW-142 EGN-O Page 15 of 19 May 1, 1956 40410 - - 47777 Dump region for eigenvalue data in ordinary mode. Dump region for both eigenvalue and eigenvector data in special mode. If n ~ 40, cells 42100 thru 47777 are not used. 50000 Storage for a jump to 50262, the 50001 entrance of the output routine. 2 Storage for parameter 10 N. 50002 Storage for parameter s. 50003 .. - 50257 Storage for segment II. ~0260 Not used. and 50261 50262 and .50~63 Storage for the instructions which transfer the output routine into HS:S. 50264 Storage for the MSS-O stop after the output routine, and a jump to 50270, the entrance to the input routine. 50265 - .. 50267 Not used. 50270 - - 50273 Storage for the instructions which transfer the input routine and the R- W constant pool into HSS. 50274 - - 50372 Not used. 50373 - .. 50551 Storage for segment III. 50552 Storage for the MSS-O stop after convergence and a jump to 50000. ---C\I ~ ...-t -I 50553 .... 50614 Not used. 50615 .. - 50626 Storage for Roo W constant pool. 50627 .. - 51014 Storage for CPO-2. 51015 .... 51071 Not used. 51072 .... 51240 Storag e for output routine . 51241 .. .. 5 1247 Not used. 51250 .... 51256 Storage for input routine. 51257 - .. 51262 Not used. 51263 - - 51654 Storage for CRI-2. 0"I 0 0 0"- ...-t t- >< 0.. 9-269 RW-142 EGN-O Page 16 of 19 May 1, 1956 51655 - - 51657 Not used. 51660 - - 51750 Storage for the scaling routine, an addition to segment ill (see appendix). 51 751 - - 51777 Not used. 52000 - - 64777 Not used in special mode. In ordinary mode..J storage for eigenvector data. "" *:... If ..... , cells 54644 thru 64777 are not used. 65000 - - 77777 Not used in special mode. In ordinary mode, storage for cos IJ, sind' pair. for one sweep. If n ~ 38. cells 67576 thru 77777 are not uled. 9-270 RW-142 EGN-O Page 17 of 19 May 1, 1956 APPENDIX Scaling Under l-~arameters it was stated that s should be chosen such that Z33 ~ n max 1\ .. 1,J la1J.. /. Z8 < 0... Theory. itA Process for the Step-by-Step Integration of Differential Equations in an Automatic Digital Computing Machine Tt by S. Gill, published in Cambridge Philosophical Society Proceedings, Vol. 47, Part I, January 1951, should be consulted for a detailed analysis of the process on which the subroutine is based. Suppose we know the point (X, Y , Y2' . . 0, Y ) on the curve defined by the l n system of equations 9-276 RW-143 NUI-4 Pg. 4 of 9 5/10/56 The Gill Method is a process by which we can find the next pOint on the curve: i •e. the value of yl' Y2' • • ., y n for x = X + h. The process can be better understood if the case where n = 1 is first considered. We have the pOint (X-,y) on the curve ~ X + hj i.e. we want k = by such that = f(x,y), ~ ~X and we want to find y at = f(X + h, Y + k). + h, Y + k We derive k by making four approximations and averaging them in a particular way. First approximate the curve by a straight line through (X,Y) with the slope ~X'Y = f(X,Y), and find a first approximation to k: k o = h·f(X,Y) Then we tra.vel a fraction m of the way along this line to the point (X+mh, Y+mk ) and find f (X + mh, Y + mk ). 0 o This gives us a new stra.ight line through (X + mh, Y + f(X + mh, Y + mk ), and we find o kl =h mk ) with slope 0 . f(X + mh, Y + mk6) We now use ko and kl to find a third point at which f is calculated: Y + [n-r] (X + nh, ko + rkl )· k2 = h f(X + nh, Y + [n-r] ko + rk 1 ) Similarly, ~ The weighted average of ko' kl , k , and k3 is the desir~d k 2 =1, ~.y: bY =.y(X + h)-j{X) = coko + clkl + c 2k2 + c?k~ .J -' 9-277 RW-143 NUI-4 Pg. 5 of 9 5/10/56 tor a system of equations, the same four steps given above are made for each equation and i = cok io +c l k il + c 2k i2 + c 3ki3 where Co + c l + c 2 + c 3 = 1. TPe above process is, for certain values of m, n, p, s, t, co' c1 ' c 2 ' and c , 3 the Runge-Kutta process. The Gilll..·process was derived, with application to .,chine use iIi mind, by minimizing the . nUmber of ·.storage cells required. For the Gill Method the above constants are bY m = 1/2, r =1 -/1/2, c s = -11/2, c'l t = 1 + /1/2, c n = 1/2, p =1 , 0 = 1/6 =(1/3) (1 -/1/2) 2 =(1/3) (1.+ 11/2) c = 1/6 3 The Gill process further systematizes the calculation so as to increase the accuracy and simplifY the coding. The Subroutine. As used in the Gill Method Subroutine, the process is as follows: It is assumed that the fi(X, YlO ' Y20 , .• " • • , Yn6) and the y. are available. l 1st pass: Advance x by (1/2)h kio = h-fi (x, YIO ' Y20 , • • ., Yno ) r i1 =(1/2)k iO - qio qil = qio + 3r il -(1/2)k iO Yil = YiO + r il Calculate fi (x'Yl1'Y21' ., Y ) in programmer's own coding. nl 2nd pass: k i1 = h f i (x, Y11' Y21' • • -, Ynl ) r i2 = (1 - {1/2) (k i1 - qi1) qi2 = ~l + 3r i2 - (1 - 11/2)ki Yi2 = Yi1 + r i2 Calculate fi (x, Y12' Y22 , • • ., Yn2) in programmer's own coding. 9-278 RW-143 NUI-4 Pg. 6 of 9 5/10/56 3rd pass: Advance x by (1/2)h ki2 = h·f i (x'Y12'Y22' . · ., Yn2 ) ri3 = (1 qi3 = + /1/2) (k i2 - qi2) qi2 + 3r i3 - (1 + i172) Yi3 = Yi2 + ri3 Calculate fi (x,y ,y , 13 23 ki2 Y ) n3 4th pass: ki3 = h.f i (x'Y13'Y23' • • oYn3) ri4 = (1/6)(k i3 qi4 = Yi 4 = Yi3 - 2qi3) qi3 - 3r i 4 - (1/2)k i3 + ri4 Calculate fi (x'Y1 4'Y 24' · • ., Yn4) in programmer's own coding. Errors. The paper by S. Gill mentioned previously includes a detailed analysis ot errors, both truncation error and round-off error. The expression for the truncation error in by. is too complicated to give here, but its dominating term, the author states, is h5 -=iN ~rf ~l j ~fm. df i ] dYl oYm x=X where Yo = x, f 0 = 1, j,k,l,m and the truncation error in bY will be approximately this when the second i partial derivatives are all close to zero. It is probably more useful to say merely that the truncation error is of the order of h5 . § The standard deviation in Y -(1/3)qi over one step from all rounding off i ~ errors is -(where f is the quantity mentioned in the section on notation) 0"I o o 0"I"'"'i t- 1/6 r L-2f 7/3 L l +(1/16)h 2 u, u = the value of one unit in the last digit of y. 9-279 RW-143 NUI-4 Pg. 7 of 9 5/10/56 Machine Checking The following system of two equations was solved using this routine: dY1 dx dyz dx = cos x = -sin x The initial conditions, at" x = 0, were y 1 = 0 and y 2 = 1 The interval, ~x, used was 2~/360 radians. were accurate to 8 decimal digits. At x = 360· the results 9-280 RW-143 NUI-4 Pg. 8 of 9 5/10/56 D D GIM01 GILOO GIMOO MS 00-000 M~ 00000 GIM02 GIM03 GIM04 GIMOS M.I 00000 GtL49 MJ 00000 SILOS RA GIL11 00016 EJ GIL69 GIL13 GIM01 GIMll M.J 00000 GILl8 TP 00016 GILll tu GtL72 GtL20 TP 00000 GILBS TP 00000 O()024 67232 672:33 61234 GIM12 TP GIL.S8 00002 61:2,35 GtM13 ADHO 00024 00000 GIM14 TP 00002 GIl81 G1M1S TP G1L1S 00031 GIM16 ADMP 00024 00031 . '61'236 612'31 '6t240 GIMOO GtM06 GIMOS GIM09 GIMIO 01024 51921 Gt L.OO 00000 EJ GIL'S GILOl 02000 61221 6'1'221 00 0'00·00 00000 00 000'00 00000 56 0'000:0 ;020();O '-6'1222 61223 67224 ,.5 45 45 21 43 43 45 11 15 11 11 11 67225 67226 67227 67230 67231 612,4i alM17 TP 00002 00000 tv 61'242 GIM18 00000' GIl70 67243 GIM19 RP 30~03 Gtb21 GJM20 TP 00000 OQ02t 61244 6124$ 61M21 RA GIL20 GtL61 tu GIL66 GIL25 tv Gil66 GIL.44 RP 30003 GiL.26 67246 61247 lP 00000 00026 GIM26 TP 00024 00002 G1M2? MPNO 00028 00000 612S~ GIM22 GtM23 GtM24 GtM25 GIM28 GIM29 GIM30 TP 00002 00029 TP Gtb,88 00002 MPNO 00026 00000 61M31 TP 00002 00030 -- GIM32 MPSU 00023 00029 ~ GtM~3 fP O()OO2 00029 ~ GtM34 AONO 00027 00000 d- GIM35 TP 00002 00021 6 GtM36 TN 00025 00002 8...... GiM31 kPAO 00030 00028 t- GIM38 TP 00002 00030 >< GIM39 TP GtLaS 00031 Q.. GtM40 TP 00029 00002 GtM41 DVAD 00031 00030 GIM42 TP 0000200028 61250 67251 6i253 6'25,4 6125;5 67-256 67251 67260 67261 67262 67263 67264 67265 67266 '0000000000 0000002061 00000 02010 0210700020 021050'2111 02104 02001 00000 02022 00020 02107 02110 02024 0OO00021ao 0'0000 021.30 14 040-30 11 0'0002 00030 00002 00000 02121 11 02113 00037 14 04030 14031 11 ooooa 00000 16 0000002106 i5 36003 02025 11 00000 ooo~1 2l 0 20240'2io ~ 15 02102 02031 16 02102 02054 1536663 11 Cloaoa 62~32 OOO~2 11 90030 00002 14 14034 60006 11 00002 OQOa5 11 14 11 14 11 02130 14032 00002 14021 00002 14040;33 00002 0&000 0003,' 1()03S 00035 00006- 110,0002 006~~ 13 00031 00002 14 14036 04034 61261 67270 67271 11 00002 00036 67272 672-1:3 14 '20037 0403. 1.1 02125 00031 11 00035 00002 11 00002 OOOM 9-281 RW-l43 N"JI ...4 Pgo 9 of 9 5/10/56 GIM43 RP 30003 GIL45 GIM44 TP 00026 00000 RA GiL.25 GtL67 RA 611..44 GIL69 RS GlllO 00016 ZJ Gtl24 00000 iP Gt~Ol AOOOO LA AOOOO 00015 TU AOOOO GIL,52 TP 00000 AOOOO GIM45 GIM46 GIM47 GIM48 GIM49 GIMSO GIMSl GIMS2 GIM53 GIM54 AT 00015 AOQOO GIM56 GiM57 AOOOO GIL10 AT 00015 AOaOo GIMS8 TU AOOOO GILl 1 TU AOOOO GIL66 GIM60 LA AOOOO 00057 TV AOOOO GtL17 GIM61 GIM62 GIM63 GtM64 ~IM6~ CtM66 GfM61 GtM68 GtM;9 ~tM 0 GtM7i GtM72 GIM13 GIM14 GIM7S GJM16 61M77 GIM78 G1M79 67275 61216 67277 61300 61301 61302 61303 67304 67305 67306 AOOOO GIl48 AOOOQ GILlS GIM55 GIM59 ~ ~ "j' tv iU 61274- 67301 ,u 61310 67311 67312 61'313 67314 67315 670316 TV A0'000 GIL66 RA GIL66 (lOO17 RA. GtLOl Q,Y016 MJ boooo G lot 00 00000 OOOO() 00 OOoo~ 6732.1 61322 ~ 61323 60000 B 00 00000 00005 00 00000 67311 61320 oooo~ 00 00000 67324 e ~ e 00000 00 00000 00000 ~ 00 GIllS 00000 BAa TP GILa7 00002 MJ 00000 GIll7 05 00000 00000 -01 01 00000 00000 00 05 00000 00000 =01 02 92893 21881 -01 02 92893 21881 -01 6132S 61326 61321 '73~O F F 67335 F 67336 61337 F F ";' GiMSO 02 8 GIM81 ..... GtM82 t- GIM83 01 70710 61812 00 F 01 70110 67812 00 F 01 70710 67812 00 F 01 66666 66667 -01 F 03 33333 33333 -01 F 05 00000 00000 -01 F 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 0"- >< 0.. GIM84 GIM85 GIM86 GIM87 GtM&s sTARr 92893 21881 -Ol tr e e 61331 61332 67333 67334 67340 61341 67342 67343 67344 67345 67346 67341 67350 61'351 75 30003 02055 11 00032 00000 21 02631 o2iO~ 21 02054 02105 23 02106 ,00020 41 02030 00000 11 02001 20006 54 20000 00017 15 11 16 15 35 15 35 15 15 20000 00000 20000 20000 00017 20000 00017 20000 20000 20000 20000 02064 20000 02060 02022 '20000 02012 20000 02013 02102 54 00071 16: 0,2021 16 ,200'00' 021 0 ~ 21 02102 O0()21 21 02001 OOO~6 4s 60000 02001 O()OO9~O*OOO 6bo()()O~ 00000 00 00000,00005 00 00000 00003 00 0000000000 00 00 00,000 00000 00 0211300000 02127 00000 04000 14000 04000 11 14537 11 4S 20 20 20 00002 02021 00000 0'0000 00000 30314 1114531~ 30314 11 74537 30314 20 16650 11714 20 16650 11714 20 1665() 11114 17 65252 52525 17 75252 52525 20 04000 00000 00 ,00000 00000 00 00000 00000 45 00000 00000 9-282 RW-144 SIN-4 Pg. 1 of 5 5/15/56 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California FLOATING POINT SINE-COSINE Specifications Identification Tag: SIN-4 Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec: SUB Storage: 65 words total program storage 4 51856 06510 words temporary storage pool used, addresses 27 b through 32 b. The constant pool is used by this routine. Entrance and Exit: RJ SUBOl SUB02 for the sine SUB 0 3 for the cosine RJ SUB 01 Machine Time: 3.9 InS Coded by: M. Perry May, 1956 Approved by: w. May 15, 1956 average, 4.8 Bauer InS maxim..um 9-283 RW-144 SIN-4 Pg. 2 of 5 5/15/56 Description When supplied with an argument X in SNAP form, this routine will evaluate sin X or cos X (depending on which of the two entrances is used) using a Rand Polynomial Approximation, producing the answer in SNAP form. Instructions Pro~amming This routine can be inserted into a program by CMP-O by the use of a "SUB tt card in the input deck. 1. 'Place the double length extension of X in the accumulator. X must be in radians and must be in SNAP form. 2. 3. Return jump to the subroutine. Assuming that the subroutine -was assigned to region SUBOO for assembly, use either the 'instruction RJ SUBOl SUB02 for the sine, or the instruction RJ SUBOl SUB03 for the cosine. At the time of exit from the subroutine, the double length extension of . sin' X (or cos X) in SNAP form w;'ll be in the accumulator. Error Analysis Sin X or cos X is oomputed to 26 bits of accuracy or to as many correct bits as there are in the Fractional portion of !, whichever is less. For X ~ 2 27 , this routine substitute$ zero for the argument. The alarm exit is not U$ed. Mathematical Method 1. Let Y == (2j,,)X, then sin X == sin(:rc/2)(Y) cos X = sin(:rc/2)(Y + 1) 2. Divide y (or y + 1) into an integral part R, and a fractional part S. 3· R defines the quadrant into which X fall.s. 4. RI is a number one lees than the number of the quadrant into which X falls. 5. t- S defines the displacement (in a position direction) within the quadrant indicated by Rt • ~ 6. Therefore, if RI "qI ----- ~ Let R I be the two low order positions of R, since in binary notation, any other positions merely define a number of complete revolutions. ....-! "-' J. 80' I ...-4 = 00 = H' = 01 HI 10 RI = 11 Let z = S first quadrant Let Z = (1-8) second quadrant third quadrant Let Z = (-8) Let Z = (1-8) fourth quadrant 9-284 RW-144 SIN-4 Pg. 3 of 5 5/15/56 7. Sin (or cos) X = sin(n/2)Z. 8. (1/z)sin(n/2)z is approximated by the Rand Polynomial Approximation Number 16, using argument z. 9. If x~1/2,; (2/n)x, which is in floating form, is substituted for z before dOing step 10. 10. Multiply the approximation from step 8 by z giving the result, sin x (.' (or cos x). Range of Variable No alarm condition is recognized by this routine. However, as X approaches + 227 the number of significant digits in Sine X (or Cosine X) approaches zero and X merely defines a number of revolutions and does not significantly designate an angle. 9-285 RW-144 SIN-4 Pg. 4 of 5 5/15/56 0 0 D 0 D DOSOO OOSOl OOS02 00S03 00504 00S05 00506 00507 00S08 00509 00S10 00511 00512 D0513 00514 0"I 0 0 0"- ..... t- 01S00 01079 DOSOO 51856 D1S00 51911 RJ 00000 00000 02067 fitJ 00000 00000 RP 20002 00504 TP 00013 02504 ALARM NORMAL EXIT SIN ENTRY COS ENTRY TU 00502 00551 seT LA AOOOO TM BOOOO 02S00 EXP PLUS ooooa LA AOOOO 00001 LQ AOGOO 00035 MP QOOOO 01S05 TP TP RS SJ BOOOO QOOOO QOOOO 02500 00514 SA 01507 02S01 01508 67120 61207 61120 61121 67122 69 67123 61"124 61125 67126 671:27 671'30 61131 i4 611:32 FOR .POS 200 67133 EXP 00521 00000 67134 671'35 67136 SJ OOS18 00S16 67137 AT 00S53 00S17 LA aoooo 00007 61140 00524 '-' I 02000 00516 DOS11 ~ ~ 00027 OOSIS 00S18 00S19 D0520 D0521 00522 00523 -..... 02500 00023 00500 01024 00525 00526 00527 00S28 00529 D0530 00531 D0532 00533 D0534 00535 TP BOOOO Qoooo TP 02504 Aoaoo TJ 01S07 00523 AOOOO AOOOO 00524 QOOOO 00000 02504 00528 QOOOQ AOOOO 01S06 QOOOO 01S06 02S01 02500 Aoooo OO;S.31 00532 00S51 00015 00533 00S35 TV LA IJ TN AT QT CC QJ RS QJ TP 01S06 Aoooo Sf 02S01 02S01 TP 02S01 QOOOO stN 15 54 200'00 00010 12 :30000 000;21 '5'4, 2'0000. 0&001 5S' 20000 0004j '71 1'0000 02074 lil 30000 10000 11 10000 00030 23 00021 02077 46 02016 0202S 32 02076 00000 671~2 11 30000 10000, 61146 cos 37 45 75 11 000"00 0,0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 20002 02004 'OOOl'S 0003'3 02002 02063 67141 6114S cc QOOOO 00 00000 00000 00000 00000 46 02022 02020 3:5 02065 0202l 54 10000 COCO? 61143 671"'4 ZJ 00S36 00526 00 00 00 00 671:47 611S0 67151 671'52 671:53 61154 6115$ 61'1!~. 67151 61160 61161 61162 61163. .1l 00033 200'0.0 47 0'2044 02032 42 02016 02021 21 10000 .20000 16 '2:0000 02030 54 100;00 00000 41 :00033 020~·4 :13 '10000 200'00 35 02075 10000 51 02075 ooo~O 27 00027 20000 ,44 020;37 02040 23 02063 00011 44- 02041 02()43 11 02015 200·0 36 Ot)O~o 0001<1 11 OO~30 10G0O >< 0... 9-286 RW-144 SIN-4 Pg. 5 of 5 5/15/56 00536 00537 00538 00539 00540 00541 00$42 00543 00S44 00545 MP QOOOO QOOOO SA TP PM' RP PM 01506 800,010 OlSOl: 20003 01502 00001 102502 67167 24 02070 02067 00542 02502 61170 67171 61112 67113 67174 67175 61176 61177 67200 61201 67202 67203 75 24 71 11 RA 02S00 00S54 SA 01509 00021 OOSSO DOSS1 CC AOOOO QOOOO RP 00000 OOSOl TN AOOOO AOOOO 01500 01S01 01502 01503 01S04 01505 FINAL MANT33 TP BOOOIO AOOOO ZJ 00545 00S01 00547 00554 69 68 MP BOOOO 02S01 00548 00549 00552 00553 LA aoooo 00007 00 0000000000 01 51484 19000 -04 -4 67376 55700 -03 07 96896 79280 -02 -6 45963 71106 -01 01 57079 63185 06 36619 77225 -01 01506 17 77777 77777 B 01S07 00 00000 00034 00 00000 00200 B 00 00000 00072. 8 01S08 D1S09 STA~r 34 71 10000 10000 32 02075 00001 11 300'0'00'0031 OTSOO SF AOOO'O 00554 LA A000000021 TP 80000 aOOOo DOS46 SQ'UARED 67164 67'165 67'166 a 67204 6?:20~ 61206 38 (:9 36 C7 35 <:5 34 C3 33 34 67201 67210 61211 67212 20003 02071 30000 30000 02'052 00031 00030 20()OO 47.0205'5' 0200 r 74 20000 02066 54 200·00 00033 1130000 10000, 21 00027 02066 32 02100 00033 27 20000 10000 15 00000 02001 13 20000 20000 54 10000 00001 00 COGOOf 00006 0002366 ,51351 77 5466631.63'3 02 43150 53663. 65 52420 76451 14 44176 65102 12 13714 06667 Cl 2 oVER PI 67213 MASK 28 12B 6·7216 00 00000 OO()34 67217 00 00000 00200 61214 67215 17 77777 77177 672,20 . 00 0.00.00 00072 .s 00000 00000 9-287 RW-145 ATM-l Page 1 of 7 May 1, 19S6 THE RAMO- WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION LOS ANGELES 45, CALIFORNIA Standard Atmosphere Calculation Spe cifi cations Identification Tag: ATM-I Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec: SUB 50776 Storage: 79 instructions, addresses lKLOO thru lKLll lKROO thru lKR.33 lKPOO thru lKP3Z 13Z53 53 constants in program. addres ses IKEOO thru lKE36 IBtFOO thru 1!ar15 13Z words total pr~gram storage. 7 words-tempor- ary storage pool used, addresses OKTOO taru OKT06 The constant pool is used by this routi~e. Program Entrance: (See-write-up. ) Program Exit: Address OKLOl Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is used by this routine. OKLO 0 Drum Assignment: Address 65030b thru 65Z33b Machine Time 1. 34 ms FOa TEMPERATURE 2. SZ ms FOR SPEED OF SOUND 4. 40 ma FOR DENSITY 5.48 ms FOR PRESSURE 6.76 mB FOR ALL 4 QUANTITIES ....... ...,. ltj --.... I 0' I 8 .... Mode of Operation: 0' I"- Coded by: ~ Code Checked by: Machine Checked by: Approved by: Fixed Poin~ M. Elmore Augu8t~ L. Kimble L. Kimble 1955 April, 1956 April, 1956 W. F. Bauer April, 1956 9-288 RW-14S ATM-I Page 2 of 7 5-1-56 Description Given the geometric altitude Y in feet (O~ Y < c.. l 9 3 l."'l 6 -4.806382 -4 53l5949x10 . l2033I6xI0 ZERO ZERO ZERO 390.2 -2 . 16Z7 33xlO 256.039 ZERO 508.79 -2 -. 1881 69xlO ZERO .-----='----------''--------.---~------...;....-------=--------. Alarm Condition s < H the subroutine is entered with a negative argument (Y 0) it will enter the alarm routine _ALR-l: "ATM-l" and the octal address of the RJ order with which A TM-l was entered will print out on the flexowriter. 9-290 RW-l45 ATM-l Page 4 of -7 5-1-56 Machine Che eking A driver routine was written to obtain values of pressure, density, speed of sound and temperature at 0, 1, 2, ... 91 km. in (geopotential) altitude and these were checked against values based on the ICAO Interim Standard Atmosphere Table. The greatest relative error in pressure for the lower altitudes is. 002. While the relative error for altitudes in regions 4, 5, and 6 increases sharply, the absolute error decreases and is less than. 00008. The greatest absolute error in density i~ very small for the entire range and is of the order of magnitude of . 0000 0004. The greatest relative error in the speed of sound for the entire range is . 0002. The greatest relative error in temperature is . 0001. 9-291 RW-145 ATM-1 Page 5 of 7 5-1-56 OKLOO 01024 lKLOO 50776 D D D D D D 0 D 0 D D lKlOO lKL03. lKL02 lKL03 lKlO4 lKL05 lKlO6 lKlO7 lKlO8 lKlO9 lKllO· lKlll lKROO lKROl lKR02 lKR03 lKR04 lKR05 lKR06 lKR07 lKR08 lKR09 OKROO 01036 lKROO OKPOO lKPOO lKEOO lKFOO 50788 01070 50822 50855 50892 OKEOO 01103 OKFOO 01140 OKTOO 00023 37 75701 15702 6 MJ MJ OKP23 MJ OKPOO MJ OKR23 MJ 00000 OKR17 RJ OKP32 OKP24 TP A OKT01 TP OKT04 A RJ OKR33 OKR26 rp A. OK,T03 MJ OKL01 TP A OKT05 TJ OOO130KR09 RP 20006 OKR12 TJ OKEOI OKR04 QT 000}4 OKRoa MP OKFOI OKR08 AT OKRll RP 30005 TP OKE07 OKTOO 11 OKFOb 75156 BRB MJ OKlOO TP OKE07 OKTOO tv OKR07 OKR15 TP OKE10 OKT03 TP OKEll OKT04 0 .-I lKR16 >< c.. lKR17 lKR18 RJ OKR07 OKROO lKR19 SP lKR20 MM OKT05 OKT04 lKR21 TP 80000 AD 000 MJ TV OKlll OKR33 -I 0"I 0 0"- r- 1 :(~22 lKR23 RP 10003 TP 00013 OKTOO TV OKLII OKR22 OKro:! 02117 02164 00027 ALARM EXIT EXIT PRESSURE· DENSITY SPEED SOUND TEMPERATURE All 65030 65031 65032 65033 65034 65035 65036 65037 65040 65041 65042 65·043 6st>44 65045 65046 65047, 65050 65051 OKRoe lKRlO lKRll lKR12 lKR13 IkR14 lKR15 ..-.. l(j -.::r .-I 02000 65030 02014 65044 02056 65106 6514·7 65214 ALARM ALTITUDE OVER 83KM PUT IN CONSTANT VALUES TMPRTR ENTRY 00034 00 00 37 45 45 45 45 45 37 11 11 37 00000 00000 00000 OCOOO .00000 Ot'OO:;l 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 75701 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 02116 20000 00033 02055 11 20000 45 ·0·0000 11 20000 42 00015 75 20006 42 02120 51 00016 71 02165 ooooe 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 75702 00000 02)05 02056 02043 02035 02106 00030 20000 02046 00032 '02001 00034 02025 02030 02020 02024 02024 65052 35 02027 0202·4 65053 65054 75 30005 00000 11 02126 00027 11 02164 75756 45 00000 02000 65055 65056 65051 65060 65061 65062 65063 65064 65065 65066 65067 65070 SOUND ENTRY 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65071 65072 65073 11 16 11 11 75 02126 00027 02023 02033 02131 00032 o2i32 00033 10003 00000 11 00015 00027 16 02013 020'+2 37 02023 0201431 00032 00042 2500034 11 30000 45 00000 16· 02013 00033 2000:'; OCOO() 02055 9-292 RW-14S ATM-l Page 6 of 7 5-1-56 lKR24 lKR26 lKR27 SN !KR28 ~KR29 lKR30 lKR31 lKR32 lKR33 lKPOO lKPOl lKP02 lKP03 lKP04 IKP05 lKP06 lKP07 lKP.o8 lKP09 lKPlO lKPll lKP12 lKP13 lKP14 lKP15 lKP16 lKP17 lKP18 t ...-4 t- >< 0.. 65105 65106 65107 65110 65111 TV OKLll OKP21 RJ OKR07 aKROQ SP OKF06 PM OKF07 TP BOOOO SP OKT05 00035 OKT05 QOOOO 00033 DV QOOOO OKT06 H SCALED 15 SP OKT02 0OO3f: PM JKTOI OKT06 PM OKTOO OKT06 TN 80000 QOODO A2 QT aT 65112 65113 65114 65115 65116 65111 OKF09 OKT06 MANT ISSA 65120 65121 OKF08 00000 CHARACTERSTC 65122 00047 OKP19 LQ OKT06 00010 SP OK~10 00036 RP 20004 OKP19 65123 65124 SN QOOOO AT OKP22 EXPONENTIAL POLYNOMIAL 65125 65126 65127 65130 ENTRY 65131 65132 65133 65134 65135 4 15 08 24472 60000 4 15 01 55380 10000 01 75261 90000 02 52624 00000 5 15 65152 5 15 5 15 65153 65154 IKP25 0 0 0"- 65103 65104 03 60891 67000 lKP24 t 65101 65102 IKEOO lKEOl lKP:::!3 0"- OKF04 00027 DV OKT03 AODOO Ai OKF02 ACOOO LA AOOOO 00034 MM OKT03 OKF03 TP 60000 AOQOO MJ lKP28 lKP29 lKP30 lKP31 lKP32 lKP20 lKP21 lKP?2 ...-4 .....,; 650 74 6507S 65076 65077 65100 PM OKF=ll OKT06 LA 1.,0000 00000 TP AOOOO AOQOC MJ LA AOOOO 00051 TV OKLl1 OKP32 RJ OKP21 OKPOI TP AOOOO OKT02 RJ OKR22 QKR19 TP AOOOO OKT04 MP OKT04 OKT02 PM 00013 OKF15 LA AOOOO 00011 TP BOOOO AOOOO MJ IKP19 l.!j ~ RJ OKR22 OKRla -p AOOOO OKT04 A: OKF05 OKT03 lKR25 lKP26 lKP27 lKE02 lKE03 lKE04 lKE05 PRES DENS 65136 65137 TEMP 65140 65141 65142 65143 65144 65145 65146 65147 65150 65151 37 02042 020''',:-; I I 20000 00033 35 02171 00032 33 02170 00033 73 .00032 20000 35 02166 20000 54 20000 00042 25 0003.2 02167 11 30000 2QOOO 45 00000 00000 16 02013 02103 37 02023 02014. 31 02172 OOO!..3 24 02173 0003 /, 11 30000 1000(; 31 00034 0001.:.} 73 10000 OOO'3S 31 00031 0004:i 24 00030 OOO~~') 24 00027 0003:' 13 30000 1000(; 51 02175 0OO3~; 51 02174 10000 33 10000 00057 35 02:04 021C1 55 000'35 ooo~. ? 31 02176 00044 75 20004 02101 24 02177 00035 54 20000 onooo 11 20000 2000(; 45 00000 ooooe 54 20000 00063 16 02013 02116 37 02103 02057 11 20000 00031 37 02042 0203 7 11 20000 00033 71 00033 00031 24 00015 02203 54 20000 00013 11 30000 20COc) 45 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 01 06311 12540 02 41017 20510 04 57364 06315 05 26235 71463 07 55320 00000 9-293 RW~145 ATM-l Page 7 of 7 5-1-56 lKE06 02 75000 00000 lKE07 -4 81')6'8 11< EO'S lKE09 --7 5062'81 6000!) - lKElO lKEll 03 lKE12 lKE13 lKE14 lKE15 lKE16 IKEl7 lKE18 lKE19 lKE20 lKE21 lkE22 11(£23 lKE24 lKE25 lKE26 lkE27 lKE28 5 IS 24 5 44 2 21 860 861 20000 I1(E33 lk.E34 . -2 6269'1 - j: S19~2 00000 10000 1 80000 - 6 -1 26063 10000 -10 08 :38663 00000 2 -1 88169 00000 .... 3 24 44 64. If) ~ -, ..... t cr0 0 0"- ..... I- ~ lKF12 lKF13 lKF14 lKF15 75 6521' 41451 01 50652 33514 aSl 65167 74 11211 12171 A4 P 65170 77 17 00 00 A42 ZERO 2 21 840 841 ZERO 65174 02 56039 00000 2 01 62731 00000 - 3 ~ -1 9653! 90000 -6 93417 20000 - 5 24 64 A32 65175 65116 65177 21 830 65200 41 24 44 A2 44 03 90200 00000 2 -8 71834 10000 -4 15298 90000 - 5 21 23184 04 18200 04 78490 01 00000 71 76000 04 BlI 65201 6'202 A21 02 04214 52625 00 4000237575 03 25230 21102 71 70021 57612 76 67224 34510 00 00000 00000 820 821 65205 ZERO 65206 00 60614 63146 00 00000 00000 At 65207 77 67226 65210 11 24347 63660 65211 14 55137 13041 810 6521.2 65213 65214 01 00651 46315 70 55271 53367 30 0107-; 652C4 Bll ALARM 53 TAG RE RECIP 1 24 E4 24 E3 24 E2 24 E1 1 29 R 3 2 1 12633 76 35220 47027 65203 32 00000 B 00 0171'7 77777 B 05 95618 00000 -5 15546 70000 02 38628 42000 -6 93001,28000 01 00000 00000 01 19200 00000 77 11202 436~6 00000 65204 00000 2 00000 - 8 7702C 15651 00000 ZERO 00000 5 65623 1020400000 77462 00 00000 A22 21 SOUND 35 CON 15 S'tA 21 NTS 75900 71 ?SI1' 515"1 All Al2 30 01075 65204 B 00 00005 00000 e 01 01181 28000 :3 05 95687 00000 - 1 A3 A31 OQ 24 41 lKFlO lkFI1 65164 65165 65166 A52 8'50 05 08190 00000 -3 56007 10000 - 3 lKF09 65163 A51 65171 65172 65173 lKE36 lkFOe A5 65162 A41 -6 14576 40000 -9 41444 00000 - 5 01 20331 60000 ... 10 00 00000 00000 5!S'1 4b315 00 00000 00000 77 606SS. O(~ 111 ZERO 44 21 lKF06 lKF07 ZERO 5 2 lKF05 17 73143 10362 76 60545 3 1A 152 -5 31594 90000 05 18650 0,0000 IKF04 65157 65160 65161 1 -I 91052 20000 -10 lKF03 .-. 65156 A61 -1 02109 67000 lKE35 lKFOl lKF02 A60 21 41 24 44 64 lKFOO 10 3,1070 OGeor.: A62 6~400 lK£29 lKE30 lKE31 IKE32 65155 EXPONEN TIAl POLYNOM IAL 24 EO CONSTANTS 6$215 65216 65211 65220 65221 65222 6522' 65224 65225 65226 00 oooo~ 1531~ 00000 01 76364 01165 23 03151 0561:' 14 72420 60441 00 64214 63146 00 31540 ~O405 04 00000 OQOOO 77 16000 00000 00 01777 77777 652~30 00 00003 03130 77 77745 46517 00 00172 13301 65231 17 77235 13422 65227 652:32· 0001000 00000 65233 05 75341 21121 9-294 RW-146 MII-O Pg. 1 of 2 revised 5/1/56 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California MANUAL INSPECTION AND INSERTION Designation: MII-O Type: Service Routine Special Storage: The constant and temporary storage pools are not used by this program. Entrances: Address 40002b for inspection, address 40003b for insertion. Exit: Manual stop . Coded by: Walter F. Bauer March 28, 1955 Machine Checked by: Merritt Elmore April 1, 1955 Approved by: Wesley ..-, -.0 ~ .-. '-' I 0' I 0 0 0' .-. t- c. Dixon April 8, 1955 >< ~ 9-295 RW-146 MII-O Pg. 2 of 2 revised 5/1/56 DESCRIPTION The routine is designed to facilitate manual data read .. in and read-out by the machine operator at the control console. With the routine, for example, only four steps are necessary to insert a word rather than approximately eleven without it. -The routine also facilitates the inspection (or insertion) of a succession of words. The info~tion is entered into or read out of the machine by means of the Q~register. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The following steps should be followed to inspect program data, assuming the computer halted at end of main pulse 6: 1. 20 30 Set PAX to·4oa02. Set address n of word to b.e inspected into right 15 bits at accumulator. Start computer" The computer will halt with the word displayed in the Q-register. Upon restarting, the word in address n + 1 will be displayed in the Q-regiater, thus successive starts·will c~use words in successive storage locations to be displayed To perform step 2, the computer m.ust be in the "teat" mode. 0 The following steps are taken to enter a word into the the computer halted at the end of ~in pulse 6: 1. 2. 3. 4. me~ry, assuming Set PAK "\;0 40003. Set address n of word to b~ inserted into right l5 b1ts of accumulator. Enter word to be inserted into quotient register. Start computer. The computer will halt after inserting the word into addretHI n, Another word, entered into the Q-register, will be inserted into address n + 1 upon starting the comp~ter. T~t is, upon repeating steps 3 and 4, words are enterpo ;nto .$uccessive Ine¥llory locations, To perform steps 2 and 3, the computer ~ust be in the "test" mode. SPECIAL WARNING This routine does not retain the information which was in the a.ccumulator or quotient register upon its intt1~tion. 9-296 RW-147 SIN-O Pg. 1 of' 4 Revised May 1, 1956 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles ,45, California CENTRAL EXCHANGE SINE -COSINE ROurINE Specifications Identification Tag: SIN-O Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Specification: SUB 49368 04008 Storage: 30 instructions 10 constants in program No words of temporary storage used in program 40 words of total program storage 2 words temporary storage pool used, addresses 00027b thru 00030b Drum Assignment: 62230b thru 62217b Entrance and Exit: RJ SUBOI SUB03 for the Sine RJ SUBOI SUB02 for the Cosine Alarm: !he alarm exit is not used Average Machine Time: 3.63 milliseconds for Sine, 3.61 milliseconds for Cosine Maximum Machine Time: 4.38 milliseconds for Sine, 4.42 milliseconds for Cosine Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: A. E. Roberts, Jr. December, 1954 Code Checked by: Merritt Elmore April 10, 1955 Machine Checked by: Merritt Elmore April 14, 1955 Approved by: Wesley C. Dixon May 5, 1955 RW-147 SIN-O Pg. 2 of 4 Revised May 1, 1956 Description When supplied with an argument X (_2 38 <. X < 2 38 ) scaled by 2 33 (ie. X·2 33 ) it will compute either 2 33 • sin (.x) or 2 33 . cos (d) dependiIig on which of the 2 two possible entrances is used. 2 The Tchebycheff polynomial expansion is used. The absolute value of the error is less than 2~32. Programming Instructions Assume that the subroutine is stored at S~OO and that X is the angle (in quadrants) whose sine or cosine is d.esi;red. 1. Place X·2 33 in the accumulator 2. Execute RJ BUBOl SUB03 for the sine, or RJ BUBOl SUB02 for the cosine. Control will be returned to the cell immediately following the return jump with either 233. sin.X or 2 33 • cos.X lett in the accumulator. 2 2 Mathematical Method Method used, sin (.X). 2 Summary. X is transformed into· two parts: A two bit integer q designating the quadrant in which the angle lies; and a 33 bit fractional part y which is used in the polynomial approximation for sin ¥. sin (f) using the half angle formula. Finally, sin (.X) Cos -¥ 2 is obtained from = :t. cos 1m according 2 to the quadrant. 9-298 RW-147 SIN-O Pg.. 3 of 4 revised 5,/1/56 In Detail. 1. Make the argument positive by adding ~8 (sincelXI ~~8). X+~8 = O~u U, 2. The new argument u has an integral part and a fractional part. Throw away all the bits of the integral part except the two immediately to the left of the binary point (since the rest only add integral multiplies of 2". to the angle). 3. Let q = two bit integral part of u. Thus, q is one less than the number of the quadrant in which the angle lies. 4. 5. NOTE, If Xl is the fractional part of u, then = xf for a) y b) y = sin Or'y) zr- = = 01 q ~ -1 for (: ~ LJ or 11, and q = 00 or 10, because sin (1( X) a ,2i~1 y 2it1) = cos 2 , rr~ (X-i)] • IYI <:'1 from above. i=1 This is derived from the Tshebycheff expression oc:I sin 6. cos ("TrY) = 1-2 sin ~ = cos~, sin ~ = -cos~, --r- One) = 2 zr- r:J (-1) k J k=1 2k-1 (11'/4) [T, 2k-1 (X~ • J sin2 (lfY) zr= 00 q q or 01 = 10 or 11 Method used, cos ('7J"X). --r- x4-1 replaces X and sin (1rX) is formed as above. --r- Machine Checking A driver routine was used to take the sine and cosine of 68 values of ~) --r- and the results were checked against values obtained from the National Bureau of Standards Table of Sines and Cosines. 9-299 RW-14-' S[N-O Pg. 40f 4 revised 0 0 82500 82501 82502 82S03 82504 82505 825Q6 82507 82508 82509 82510 82$11 82S12 82S13 82514 82$15 82$16 82517 82518 82519 82520 82521 82522 82523 62524 82525 82526 82527 82528 82529 82530 '8-2531 82532 82533 82534 82535 82536 82537 82500 81500 FS 000,00 MJ 00000 AT 81539 lA AOOaC AT OOa16 QJ 81506 TP 81529 MJ 00000 TP 61526 QT 81532 QJ 81512 55 81533 MP AoooO 49368 62230 01024 00000 00000 AOOOO 00001 02000 62230 8iSOS 81528 81S09 81528 AOQOO 81511 00036 00023 00038 81S01 I HALF 6.2254 62255 32 02041 (>0044 35 00000 21 02023 iOOCo 000i1 42 02036 02021 62256 71 10000 10000 62257 62260 71 20000 OOC21 ~2 02041 00044 34 02047 QO()46 13 20{)OO 20000 36 02041 200Co 00 000>00 00000 45 00000 02001 35 02041 10000 PO! OR NEG JUMP TO l:XIT 62264 62265 LOOP 62267 57 02043 00'066 6227() 37 77771 77774 40 00000 00000 62266 U AODRS MASK· ~OUND ~3 62253 62261 62262 62263 00000 01 00000 00000 I cos OF PI v 00000 82S39 - NEG ONE AOQOO AOQOO 0 0 0"- ..... TEST END 71 32 02035 0203·~ 00000 02011 02032 0.2034 02040 20000 02014 02013 02041 00000 2boof) 10000 02041 60044 20000 00027 02037 0202'3 13 .62252 CALCULATE 44 34 OOQ2{} 10~OO Q20.06 02oio 15 11 02'0_42 10000 71 10000 00021 0 UP iNOEX ;}~ 44 11 45 11 51 62246 62250 PPLV NOMlAL 00 00000 00000 00 oaooo 00000 57 000-00 000·00 45 00000 00000 35 02.041 20000 5t.~ 20000 00001 62247 62251 P QOOOO QOOOO 82S38 ~ LOOP &2'240 L CALC 0 00015 TJ 81530 81517 SA 81533 MP AOOOO 55 81539 TN AOOOO ST 81539 00 00000 MJ 00000 AT 81539 ~s 81535 SCALE A4-TO Q ~A 81519 MP 62241 62242 62243 62244 62245 st:r SA 81533 00036 Q AT 62236 X STAR IN A IS QUAD £. 4 l'tO sua ONE ~OUND STO~E TU 81531 81519 TP 81534 QOOOO MP QOOOO 06023 62233 62234 62235 62231 y SQUARE: QOOOO SA SlS33 00036 TN AOODO 00023 62t!'31 62232 VALUE FUNC YES POS FUNC ~ 00000 0"- t- StNE ENTRV QAD NUM iN Q IS QUAD 1 2 NO SET NEG QOOOO 00000 37 77777 77774 B 40 00000 00000 e 6 02 71415 00000 1 08 04213 96000 9 01 36910 17440 01 10975 78641 10 02 69860 75408 10 ......... NO ALARM XIT NORMAL EXiT COSINE ENTRY 5/1/56 OFF ~6 62211 A4 A~ 62212 Ai 622~5 A2 &2273· 62274 A 62216 oNE 62271 00 00i22 650}~6 00 64626 2i024 Ol. 21465 66440 12 r~ 25357 1&2.21 103'15 52420 000;00 00'000 ..... t- >< Q.. 9-300 RW-148 SIN-l Page 1 of4 Revised May 1, 1956 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Specifications Identification Tag: SIN-l Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Specification: SUB 49420 04210 Storage: 32 instructions, 10 constants in program, 42 total program storage. 2 words of temporary storage pool used, addre s se s 27b and 30b Entrance and Exit: RJ OOKOI OOK03 for the sine, or RJ OOKOI OOK02 for the cosine. Alarm: The alarm exit is not used-but a divide faul t may occur. Drum Assignment: 62314b thru 62365b Average Machine Time: 2.6 milliseconds Maximum Machine Time: 4.0 milliseconds (estimated) Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: M. Elmore March 21, 1955 Code Checked by: R. Beach March 23, 1955 Machine Checked by: M. Elmore April 26, 1955 Approved by: w. May 11, 1955 co 'o:::J" .....-I '-' I 0' I 0 0 0' .....-I t~ Dixon 9-301 RW-148 SIlf-1. Pg. 2 of 4 revised 5/1/56 Description When supplied with an argument x{ ... 21t'.~2~x~21f.~2) scaled by ~ (i.e. x·ts2) this routine will compute either t'2· s1n x or ~2·co8' x, depending on which of two entrances is used. Computation is by means o-r the Rand approximation' using the repeat polynomial Dlll1tiply instruction. (Hence, SIN-1 should not be used on 1103 computers not equipped with the polynomial multiply). The absolute error is less than ~27. Programming and Operating Instructions x·ZS2 1. Place 2. RJ to the subroutine in A. If the subroutine has been assigned same arbitrary region, say then the address of the sine entrance is OOK03, the address of sine entrance 1s OOK02, and the address of the exit is OOK01. ,should, therefore, use one of two RJ instructions to enter the RJ RJ 3. OOK01 OOK01 OOK03 OOK02 OOKOO, the coOne routine. to obtain the sine, or to obtain the cosine. At the time of exit from the routine either ~·sin x or t'2·COS x will be lett in A. 4. A divide fault occurs if x exceeds the range (see note in Mathematical Analysis section). Mathematical Analysis Method used, sin x. Summary. ..co First x 1s reduced to a posi tive angle less than 21fJ second it is transformed into an angle with an absolute value less than or equal to rrk, and the sign is assigned according to the quadrant in which the angle lies. Calculation then proceeds usi~ the Rand approxtmation • ~ ...-f , '-' In Detail 0"I 0 0 1. (a) If x is positive and greater than 21{, 21'1s subtracted f"rom x until x is negative, when 27f is added back iii. (b) If x is negative, 2lfis added to x until 0- ...-f r- >< c.. NOTE I X is positive. The number of times that x and i 21f' are added is tallied with If positive x does not become negative or negative x does not become positive after six subtractions or additions respectively, x is divided by 21f' and the remainder becomes x. a Q-jump. Because of this division, if Ixl>21f(2s2+6), a divide fault will resulto 9-302 RW-14B S1N-l Page 3 of 4 Revised May 1, 1956 2. If x is greater than or equal to u/2, • is subtracted until x is less than _/2. If this takes only one subtraction, then the negative of the newly obtained x is used for x. If it takes two subtractions, no further change of sign is made. 5 3· " s].n x ~ = L- 1=1 a 2 "_1 x ]. 2i-l , ! 2 "x £. ! Jfrom above. 2 This polynomial is related to the Rand Sheet No. 16 polynomial by the following relation: Method used, cos x. x is replaced by x + ./2 if x is negative or by x-3-/2 if x is positive, and sin x is found as above. Machine Checking TIle sin x and cos x of 34 values of x were found and the results checked against values for the same angles found using the SIN -0 routine. greatest error was The 45-2- 33 (approximately .71.2-27 ). 9-303 RW-148 SIN-1 Pg. 4 of 4 revised 5/1/56 82S01 82500 81S00 FS 00000 MJ 0,0000 82S02 SJ 0 0 82S00 82504 TP TJ 82505 82506 QJ DV 82S07 82508 82509 82S10 SJ 82503 82511 82512 82513 82S14 82515 82516 82S17 82518 82S19 82520 8'2521 8-2522 82523 82524 82525 82$26 82S21 82528 8252'9 82S30 82$31 82$32 .-.82533 ~92S34 et 82S35 ~82S36 ~82S37 ... 82538 1'-82539 ~82S40 82541 COSINE ENiRY 623,1'6 SINE ENtRV IS )( SML NUt: 6:23l1 00 0,000'0' c),()'OOO 00 99000 00000 $,7 00000 0·0000 45 0:0000 00000 46 02011 02010 11 020>1 .10000 62320 42 tLL\, 62:321 44 02006 02013 73 0'2040 10000 46'0201b 02022 36 02040 2000.0 35 0204i 20000 45 00000 02()O3 36 02040 2eooo 4:9420 01024 00000 62'3i4 O~OO{) 6231-4 623:](5 00000 81509 81S08 81S41 QOOOO 81532 81515 81506 81S11 81532 QOOOO 81514 81S18 sua 2Pt DIV BY 2PI 6·2322 62323 ST 81532 AOOOO SUB AT 81S3:3 AOOOO M...j 000·00 81503 51 81532 AQOOO SJ 81514 81505 QJ 81S06 81S14 ADD 2Pl HALF PI SUB 2Pl TIL X GOES NEG TLLV ADO 2Pl AT 81532 AOOGO ADD· 2Pl TtL X GOES pos CHNGE SIGN X SJ 81S13 81S18 TN A A MJ 81$22 TJ 81S33 81522 5T JMP 10 POLV~ ts ~ 1ST QUO NO SUB PI IS X SML NUF NO sue PI sA 81540 41 A SP 8153$ 24 SAVE )( X SQUARE ROUND SCALE 5T 81S3'4 A TJ 81533 81516 81,534 A TP A 23 MP 23 Q TP RP' 2 PM PM TP 13 B (9 TO I 35 stN 24 : SCALt ANSWER A MJ 81501 06 28,318 53072 ,~ ~2 01 57619 63268 03 14159 26§36 02 60188 69075 -1 98014 14309 08 33302 51737 -1 66666 56696 09 99999 99470 01 00 70000 00000 X P'OL YHOM tAL. 23 --B e 6 4 :3 1 1 62332 62333 62334- 6233$ 62"~36 6,23,7 62340 62341 62,'42 62343 623;44 62'34s 62,3S0 62'351 623S2 ,JUMP TO extt oNE HALF p·t ·62355 . 62"56 62'351 62360 62361 2P! 32 Pi ',.,. &232'1 62330 62331 62'46 62'41 t(lMJ'UtE 4 81529 81$36 so STOR~ )( 62324 62:'3:25 62:32'6 49 C9 SCALED 43 40 <:'7 sCALED 38 C5 SCALED 38 36 C3 SCALED 36 34 Cl SCALEO 34 ROUND OFF 02040 02611 46 02016 92005 44 02006 02($16 3S 02040 20000 46 02015 02022 -13 20009 20000 45 00000 02026 42 02041 02026 36 020-42 200,00 42 02041 02026 36 02042 20000 11 20000 00027 11" 00021 100.00 32 02050 00051 li ·~oooo OO()~O 31 02043 06043 75 20004 020:;5 24 02044 00036 24 60015 ,00021 11 ~9()eO 20000' 62~64 45 000,0-0 02001 31 i0315 52421; 06 . 22071 32504 14 44116 65211 00 01272 340,41 77 63011 57010 02 10416 36646 65 25252 10030 11 77177 17645 01 00000 ooooc 6236.5 00 '70000 00000 6235,3 b23'~4 6,2362 6,2363 9-304 RW-149 SIN-2 Pg. 1 of 3 revised 5/1/56 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Small Angle Sine-Cosine Routine Specifications Identification Tag: SIN-2 Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec: SUB Storage: 21 instructions 9 constants in program 49770 03009 30 words total program storage 2 words temporary storage pool used, addresses 00027b and 0OO30b Drum Assignment: Addresses 63052b thru 63107b Entrance and Exit: RJ OOKOI 00K03 for the sine RJ OOKOI 00K02 for the cosine Alarm: The alarm exit is used to print tfSIN-2" if the argument is too large Machine Time: 2.20 Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: M. Elmore April 22, 1955 Machine Checked by: M. Elmore April 29, 1955 Approved by: w. July 20, 1955 InS average, 3.14 ms maximum. pixon 9-305 RW-149 8m-2 2 o'f , Page ~'2-": ii:;2d '\1' :; st Revised 5/1/56 Description When supplied with an argument x (- j!){ ~ x < n) scaled by ~2 (that is, X·~2) this routine will compute either 232 'sin x or ' ~2·cOS x, depending on which of two entrances is used. Computation is by means of the Rand approximations using the repeated polynomial multiply instruction (hence, SIN-2 should not be used on 1103 computers not equipped with the polynomial multiply instruction). The absolute error is less than 2- 27 . Programming Instructions 2. If the subroutine has been assigned some arbItrary regIon, say OOKOO, then the address of the sine entrance is OOK03, the address of the cosine entrance is OOK02, and the address of the exit is OOKOi. One should therefore use one of two RJ instructions to enter the routine: RJ to the subroutine. RJ OOKQ1 OOK03 to obtain the sine, or RJ OOK01 OOK02 to obtain the cosine. 3. At the time of exit from the routine, either 232 ·sin x or ~2·COS x will be left in A. 4. An alarm occurs if x exceeds the range Mathematical Analysis Method used for sin x: L 5 sin x = 'qI -r-I I x:2 1_ 1 i=1 ,...... 0'- B2:-1 This polynomial is related to' the Rand Sheet No. 16 polynomial by the following relation: 0'I o o 0'- r-I r- Method used for cos x I ~ c... x is replaced by (~) - 'xl and sin x is found as above. Machine Checking The sin x and cos x of 15 values of x were found and the results were checked against results of SIN-1 for the same angles. The answers were identical, which is to be expected since the same polynomial was used in both routines. 9-306 J - RW-149 SIN-2 Pg. 3 of 3 revised 5/1/56 D D 82500 82501 82502 82503 82504 82505 82506 82501 82508 82509 82510 82511 82512 82513 82514 82515 82516 82517 82518 82519 82520 82521 82522 .82523 82524 82525 82526 82521 82528 82529 37 MJ TJ TJ 11 82500 81S00 75701 00000 81521 81521 81523 00000 81522 49770 63052 02000 63052 01024 15102 B 00000 81506 81S10 COSINE ENTRY SINE ENTRY ALARM lAG TO ALR 75756 BRB 81500 MJ 81504 TJ iM AOOOO 00023 TP 81521 AOOOO 5T 00023 AOODO TJ 81S22 81504 TP Aooao 00023 MP 00023 QOOOO 63053 63054 63055 630'56 63057 63060 HALF PI MINUS X FOR COS X 63061 63062 63063 6'3064 STORE X SA 81524 00041 TP ADOOO 00024 SP 81525 00035 RP 20004 81S18 PM 81526 00024 PM 00013 00023 TP BOOOO AOOOO MJ 00000 81S01 01 57079 63268 -1 57079 63268 24 14065 67404 .6 01 00000 00000 B 02 60188 69075 6 -1 98074 14309 4 08 33302 51737 3 -1 66666 56696 1 09 99999 99470 - 1 -- X SQUARE ROUND SCALE STORE X SQ C9 TO 6 REG COMPUTE SIN X POLYNOMIAL SCALE ANSWER JUMP TO EXIT 32 ONE HALF PI 32 ALARM iAG ROUND 43 40 38 36 (9 (7 C5 C3 34 (1 OFF 63065 63066 63067 63070 63071 63072 63073 63074 63075 6307·6 63077 63100 63101 63102 63103 63104 63105 63106 63107 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 37 15701. 75702 45 00000 OOlOOO 42 02025 02006 42 02025 02012 '11 02027 75756 45· 00000 02000 42 02026 02004 12 20000 00027 11 02025 20000 36 00027 20000 42 02026 02004 11 20000 00027 11 0002'7 10000 32 02030 00051 11 20000 00030 31 02031 000 /+3 75 20004 02022 24 02032 00030 24 00015 00027 11 30000 20000 45 00000 02001· 06 22071 32504 71 55700 45273 24 14065 67404 01 00000 00000 00 01272 34047 77 63011 57010 02 10416 3€,646 65 25252 70030 17 ·77777 77645 9-307 SQR-O Page 1 of 3 Revised May 1, 1956 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Lo s Angele s 45, California SQUARE ROOT Specifications Identification Tag: SQR-O Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec: SUB 49312 04409 Storage: 34 instructions 10 constants in program 44 words of total program storage 4 words of tempora.rystorage pool used, .a.ddress.es 00027b:-ihru 0003Zb Entrance: Address SUBOZ Exit: Address SUBOI Alarm Exit: The alarm exit is used. Machine Time: 2.38 ms. maximum machine tim.e Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: A. Roberts, Jr. (ERA) " December 1 J 1954 March 15, 1955 Code Checked by: T. Tack Machine Checked by: M. Elm.ore March 19, 1955 W. Dixon April 29, 1955 _Approved by: o If) ~ ---0"I I o o 0"- .-t t- >< Q..; 9-308 RW-150 SQR-O Page 2 of 3 Revised May 1, 1956 Description This routine uses a rational function approximation followed by one step of the Newton-Raphson procedure to compute the square root. written by A It was Roberts of E. R. A. and adopted for use at Ramo-Wooldridge. ·'Programming Instructions 'Assume the routine is stored at SUBOO. square root is desired~- place H x is the number whose x. 2,33 in the accumulator. Since the entire 7Z bits of the accumulator are used in taking the square root the pe rmis sible range on x is O'x <52539 ARG NEG ARG ZERO 0153'7 01i03 SN 01538 ooOiS T~ S2525 01S01 37 75701 75702 45 00000 00000 62141 AT 'TV 52524 01503 00 00000, O(lOOO, 00 OO()PO 00,000 0,0 0.0.0,00 00000 00 00,000 00000 EXIT SA 0·15,35 00054 TP AOO'OO 01T02 MP 01536 01T02 52520 S-2S23 15702 B 00000 SF A 0;000 01100 TP A 00'00 AOOOO TP A,aOaO OtTOI 52521 52522 62140 02000 000·27 00015 62140 26 50117 14640 62211 62212 20 00000 00000 24 35125 63704 62213 37 77777 77777 9-310 RW-1S1 RD-O Pg. 1 ot 16 5/20/56 THE IWI)-WOOLDRIBGE CORPORATION Los Angeles ·45, Calitornia Bo~ Distributed..Pseudo.Rando. IIU1lbers Specit1.cations Identitication Tag: Subroutine .AsaeJib17 Routine Spec: SUB 50010 02007 Storage: 20 yords tOtal . progr_ storase 2 vorda te.,or&r7 pool used, addresses 30b 1'he :btraace ..... Exit: am. 3lb cOllStant pool is used. RJ SUBOO BUBO! DOr.al entrance RJ SUBOO SOOl reset entrance 472 + 690 o~ n llicroaeeonds (tor definition n, see ...the_ticalJlethod). I't n - 6 (the nor.al case) this g1ves 4612 ... -..... - ~ o.eratioa: ~crosecond8. F1xe4 point 1955 C04e4 07: R. Bigelow Jul7, CCMle Clleclted. ])7: •• PerI'7 July, 1955 Ilach1De Cheeked by: R. Bigelow lugwst, 1955 Report Written b7: 1'. Week April, 1956 Appro'YeCl b7: w. 111.7, 1956 t(') ~ I 0"I g 0"- ..... to- Bauer ~ 9-311 RW-151 IWf... Q Pg. 2 of 16 5/20/5 6 Description Repeated use of this subroutine produces a sequence of pseudo random numbers from an approximately normal. distribution having mean equal to zero, and standard deviatj,on equal to one. Programming Instructions Each entry to this subroutine produces in the accumulator a quantity x.2 30 where x is a pseudo random number selected from the sequence described above. ~ obtain each x in the sequence use BJ SUBOO SUB02. destroyed between successive entries if the sequence of The subroutine must not be XIS is to have the desired randomness. To restart the sequence, i.e., to obtain the first x again after the sub- routine has been entered one or more times, use RJ SUBOO BUBOl. The subroutine 11JfJ.y be modified to cause the sequence of XiS to more closely approximate a normaJ. distribution. that 5~ n ~32 and make (SUBla) :: To make this modificat1on choose a nUmber n such (n - 1) _2° and make (SUB19) :: {y 3/;;.') e2 35. Increasing n improves the approximat1on to a normal distribution and. increases the machine time (see page 1). The UXlDlOdifiedroutine uses n :: 6. MatbemB.tical Method Let l'i == 52q+lYi-l· ( mod 2 s) , where q is a non-negative integer, and YO is any ,odd positive integer less than 2 .- ~ pos~ tive integers. s (~ appendix), define a sequence { Yi} of Such sequences satisfy ma.ny- of the properties associated with ...... - 1 0'I . .$ sequences of random integers uniformly distributed between zero and 2. 8 many (J'- In fact, such sequences have been computed and tested for Urandomness" and for "goodness .-4 t;>< of fit" to a uniform distribution and have been found satisfactory for most purposes 0- (see Testing). 9-312 RW-ISI RAN-O Pg. 3 of 16 5/20/56 If one assumes that the sequence {Yi} defined above is a sequence of truly random integers uniformly distributed betveen zero and 2 sequence {x j 6 one can obtain a , ~ of random numbers from a distribution which approximates the standard (zero mean and unit standard deviation) nonnal distribution by appealing to a wellknown theorem concerning the distribution of means. On page 69 of [5] there appears the following "Theorem: If y has a distribution with mean m and standard deviation a for -which the moment-generating function exists, then the variable 1) x = (y-m) rn/o has a distribution which approaches the standard normal distribution as n becomes infinite". In 1), Ydenotes the average value of n sample values of y. is applicable to the integers Y from the sequence lY ) i i exists a moment-generating function * This theorem because there certainly for a unifonn distribution. The mean m of the is clearly Y i °2 s _ 2 5 - 1 m -_ !. 2 • 2) The standard deviation 0- is easily found to be 6' = 1 YT (See the appendix for a derivation of 3).)- Let n-1 Lk=O 4) denote the average of n consecutive values of Y1 from the sequence [Y 'J beginning 1 with y ., j=O, 1,2, ... , and write 1) as nJ * For the definition of a moment-generating funqtlon, see page 26 of [5J 0 9-313 RW-ISI RAJ'-O Page 4 ot 16 5/20/56 According to the theorem, x j is the j th number in a sequence [ x numbers from a d1stribut~on n becomes infinite. 6) Xj which approaches the standa~ j) of random normal distribution as On using 2) and 3), 5) becomes (- I-s = ,r.;::. v3n y j .2 -1). In regard to the sequence sequence has period 2 s-2 • [y'13 defined above, it can be shown that such a To obtain the longest period possible, s was chosen to be 35 for this subroutine. Other computing installations have chosen q as large as possible, sUbject only to the restriction that 2q 5 +l must be contained in one storage register. Since multiplication time on the 1103 is a direct function of the number of btnar,y ones in 2q l one of the multiplicands, 5 + was somewhat arbitrarily chosen to be 55. See [IJ. In order not to introduce a bias at the beginning of the sequence, the subroutine uses for YO the 17th integer in the sequence obtained using YO ;;; 1, namely, 13 41437 54765b. See [lJ It -was stated under Programm1 ng Instructions that the unmodified subroutine uses n --;:::; "normal -- = 6. n ..-t I 0" I o o 0" ..-t It is believed that this value of n will yield numbers sufficiently for most purposes. See Testing • The subroutine does not use formulas 4) and 6) to compute x • the following equivalent process is used: j Instead. FonD. r- and then, 9-314 RW-151 RAN-O Pg. 5 of 16 5/20/56 8) Using n ;::: 6, and s ;::: 35, it is easy to verify that 7) and 8) are equivalent to 4) and 6). Testing In the first paragraph under Mathematical Method it was stated that many sequences [Yi) have been computed and tested for "randomness" and for "goodness of tit" to a uniform. distribution. BEAC [2] One such testing program was carried out on the using 2q+l ;::: 17 and s = 42 •. Another testing program was carried out on the ORDVAC [3J using 2q+l ;::: 13 and s = 39. A similar process tor generating pseudo- random integers on a decimal computer, i.e., the UNIVAC, vas devised and tested In all of' these testlngprograms, the integers generated were judged to be tory" • U [4J . sat1sfac- But in all these testing programs q (or its analog on the UNIVAC) vas chosen as large as possible, subject only to the particular machine register capacity. Therefore, the small value of q used by this subroutine on the 1103 (in order to save multiplication time) 1s somewhat questionable. In fact, Juncosa [3Jstates that k k if' 5 is used, k should be an o~d integer such that 5 iS "preferably- slightly less than 2 ..-.. II • I'""f - ~The would in some sense test Therefore, it was decided th~ psewio normally distributed random numbers x j • results obtained with the testing routine can be termed sati$factory. 8 details, ~ The choice of n ;::: 6 1s likewise questionable. to write a routine, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the testing routine, ~wh1ch I s For more see the appendix. t- ~ The subroutine , with q ;::: 2 and n satisfactory results. = 6, has alread..jr been used with apparently It was used to evaluate a :function in the form of a Fourier series with normal.1.y distributed random. coefficients. It was also used to simulate 9-315 RW-1Sl RAN·O Pg. 6 of 16 5/20/56 random and correlated radar noise. In this connectio~, the theoretical distribution of Xj was computed and plotted'* (assuming the y i to be from a truly uniform distribution) with n·= 6. This plot is shown, along with the standard normal. distribution, as figure 4- in the appendix. The difference between the two curves would be con- sidered negligible for :roost applications • However, there is a difference which does not show on the figure, and which might be considered important for some applications. From 4) and 6) under Mathematical Method, one can show that { Xj I for n = 6. < pn <: 4.25 Hence the probabllity of obtaining an ( x j 12! 4.25 is zero. the standard normal distribution, the probability of obtaining an But, for Ixl ~ 4.25' is about one in fifty thousand •. '* The writer is indebted to R. Schvarz for suggesting the computation and carrying it out. References 1. Pseudo-Random Humber Generator Subroutine, CV-28, Bovember, 1954, 1103 Central Exchange Nevaletter Number 3, January, 1955. 2. Generation of' Pseudo-random lfumbers, IBS Bepo.rt 3370, Olga Taussky and John Todd, ...... June 22, 1954. ::I 3· Random lUmber Generation on the lmL HiSh-Speed Computing Machines, In BRL Report 0' I 855, M. L. Juncosa, ¥ay, 1953. o o No. ~4. The Generation of Pseudo-Random Numbers on a Decimal. Calculator, ACM Journal, 0' vol:-. 1, 110 •. 2,pp. 88-91, Jack )bshman, April, 1954. 5· Paul G. lIoel, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1941. 9- 316 RW-151 BAi·O-' ~ Pg. T of 16 5/20/56 Derivation of 0 If the uniform distribution function t(y) is Cbosen so that the area , under the curve is unity, the variance6' 2 1s equal to the second moment about the mean m, i.e., (J' 2 = f2m (y-m) 2 f(y) f(y)" dy J ~ Y. 0 = 28 J m = 1 •2 S = 2s - 1 I I ~I- - - , ~ I o where 2m ~ • ely I m am y ,, To make the area equal to unity, f{y) must be 2 1/2m. 0 2 Thus = 112m J2m . or 2 (,.2_ 2my + m ) dy, 0 0 2 2 =!L-' and 0" 3 == m -v:sr which is 3) under Mathematical Method. The Testing Routine The testing routine uses RAN-O (with q = 2 and n = 6) sequence any number M of sets of N x j , s, likewise in sequence. data used in f~s to generate in For example, the 1, 2, and 3, was produced using M == 512 and B == 100, so that MN == 51,200 xj's were generated" in sequence and divided into 512 sets of 100 each. For each set of 11 x. I s the foliowing three quantities are computed and punched on J cards using CPO-2: - l' Ii 1. x =- 11 ~x. j=1 J 9-317 RW-151 RAJi1"{). Pg. 8 of 16 5720/56 . x is the sample mean and 2 is the sample variance. 6 where-B- is the actual number of Xj's for which a ~ Xj < a + , and e is the number t i i l i of Xj fS for which it is expected that ai~ Xj 2, q~ 0, s and 2q + 1_ S " such that 5 ,2. 11 of the sequence I. = ...k 8 - 2 8-2 {r then the sequence Y1ll repeat 1tee1t • the 2 S + 1< 2 , e.g., YO = 1, the first 2 integers s 11 will be the 2 -2 distinct inte~rs of the form q.k + 11 and If' YO S1m1larly, if' YO =- 4k + 3< as, e.g. , YO = 3, distinct 1ntegers generated w1ll be of the form 4k + 3. 9-321 PX 71900-9-(151) .10 .09 .08 .07 ,, I \ /' f .06 I \ \ I \ I .05 I .04 .03 I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ I \ \ .02 .01 \ \ \ \ , "',::1 ... o ~ l ...... ~._~_ ~--~~~~----~----------------------~------------------------------------------~~~----- .3-2 -.28 -:.24 -.20 -.16 -,12 -.OS -.04 .04 .16 .28 .32 .08 .20 .24 .12 o X FIG. PX 71900-9-151 I .028 ,-, , r---'\ I \ \ I \ I \ I \ I '\ I I 024· -. I \ \ \, I \ I \ \ \ I I \ \ .020 \ I I I r I J' f I J .016 I I J t I I .012 I I I I' \ I \ I I .008 \ I \ I I \ \ I I ,I \ \ \ I .004 '\ \ \ --..". 0 .50 .58 / / " / .66 .74 .82 .90 1.06 .98 S2 J="I~ ? 1.14 1.22 "- 1.30 .~~~~ . . . . ~ :e: ro- 1', I' o ............... 0 ..... ......... \JlW 0\ ........ 1......... --~ 1.38 I.~S 0 HJ 1.54 ..... 0\ UI ..... PX 71900-9-(151) II .1' .10 , I i I I I 9 " I I 11 ~ \ \ I .os \ I I I f \ I I , .0" \ '\ \ "\ f' I , .0, I I \ \ \ I ,I .0& \ \ I w \ ,i\, , .04 ,I .03 " I I ,I ,, I .0 I I I I I I " I 1 L~-:_/ o 2 ,, ~, I -02. \ 4 6 8 10 t+ 12. )..2 FIG. 3 , ' ... , .... . . . 1 . . . --._ 22 1----.-----. 24 2' - PX 71 900-9-(151) I .40~. ! o NORMAL DISTRIBUTION <2> fb (X) f{X) - -0 2.0 4.0 FIG. 4 x-'''''' II-lSI RAR-O Pg. 16 of 16 5720/56 (lOROC OJ (,2,4(: 3. G 3 7 ·n o 0200.u 00 i:lOOOt) 00000 U?C.lS OG OV(.H")O DvO(JO i) 6:;;,'·:~2 o t,34 i", ~f iJO GO{;{j~) \..l(){j~H) :)0 l,{'(L,j'C OCUt,){,,f 00 Jcr)on G~';)e0 (;0 \)0:.)00 (\0 JOO ROUT !r-!E reM'P ::'.T{)R i~OT(;'O ,.," D ..11 .... u ...• .r,.:.", ;J~'IO l'~ (>C!~(}() CO~) ~:'3 onG i.~; lROO Mj OQOOO COC00 EXIT lROl lP~)-\}T03 {)OT04 EnlRAi~Cf TP 00}05 00302 TP <.}] ({',O C~S~·: ;~~. 00104 U01'{) t: TPO{l'fO 1 QOO(:C Cl l\OCGO ~;O T04 [NTRAN.Cf~ lRO·2 IRO:; lRC4 l-~{j 5 IRv€> r 6"34·37 45 O(i{lOG 00000 1 634~.3 II 020:0 02c21 2 63434 11 620t~ 2 C0011 11 otio 1 ~ i)OO 30 71 t)2{)21 G':() t 1 11 62') 16 1 ()o.()·o '.t:.t 20000 'O~»21 31.j· ,0:2 (.: 15 00 l 0 ~ , ~', O.O{; :3 {: o·o() 30 t.l 0003.l OZ004 ti3:'t-35 63.ft36 634·37 6·~~4/~ D 6.3 1.:41 (ALC ··At~t STOkE .y n $S Of; Ot'j (l·Ot"": [; A'i (H}~O 1 OCSC 1 I,) ODS02' ·oor~C4 Ii.DD lR10 lR1J lR12 1·l0t) MP OOSOl OOTOb' NORMALIZE ?O 9 \}t. Z: f)uti r.·\lCC f~ ~E-AH €. TP 00300 AOQOO' ffiJ' OOOt'O OOR 00 'F17 j"{ Y 7.0 6'.. l~·lt :A. 63tfo·4·3 63444 63445 !~ 34i.. 6 c :)~J(;';; j -s 5~7~~ R R7.5ET '-(0 S4'7()S 8 00 f.i~') ~8 3] :,'~·5(. S 1 . ·~o rHE 5 v N ~! j\jV::.: 1 3 /+ NORMt,L CC.'N~ 6:! t.:' i f; ')·~5 2 634!-'3 f>.345/l 63.ffS~ 11 OGQ3() 02023 1.1 30000 20000 I.t t., O"O{}.OO (0 ~! O~) C ?c: eon·V\) (}Ci~)(H) ';-.7 ,'r( I i -: "ll7-; (4) OOiJ(H: o(~rJh 5 ].~ 4- 1 ,~:. '7 5.{! '( 6 S 1~\ 1.1437 =41b'S ~t) aoooo 00005 26 ~)O 1.:6 76:120 9-326 . RW-152 RPH-O Pg.1 of 3 5/23/5 6 THE RAMO-WOOLDRIOOE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California Column Heading Routine Specifications Identification Tag: RPH-O Type: Service routine with program entrance Entrance and Ex1t : 37 40020 40022 b to read a card i 31 40020 40023 b to punch a card Coded by: R. Beach May, 1956 Approved by: w. May, 1956 Bauer RW-lS2 RPH-O pg. 2 of 3 Description ~is routine viII read in one card "or punCh out one card each time it is entered. It allOYS the programmer to include column headings in listed output when using either SlIAP output or cpo-a. The routine stores cells 1660 b - 1171 b in the MD image.1 then bootstraps itself into ES f'or operation. Arter completion of the read or punch function, ES is restored and control returned to the program. A and Q are not altered by the routine. B:xecutiDg a read. entry causes one card to be read and a com.plete alphanumeric card image to be stored. Executing a punch entry- results in punching a card 'identical to the one' read in with the exception of' . the twelve row of field three which is replaced with punches to control the 407 (See ~rat1on). Only numeric information can be ptUlched in f'ield three and the information in this field will be printed by the' 407 at the extreme left· of the pase, followed by 6 spaces. A parameter word is used to specify' the first of the 36 wo:nis in which the card image is to be loca~d upon, reading, or the first of the 36 words trom. which the card image to be punched. !he routine assumes that cards have been poSitioned in the Bull, but it does not alter card. pos1tionirla ,when used. A blank card. will be fed on tbepunch sla. ,,1len the :teati ,ent17 is executed. Programming Instructions 1. To read a card. Enter the routine with 37 40020 40022 b followed by a parameter word of the form 00 00000 xxxxx where lCOCCX i8 the a.d.dNas ot the f'irst cell in memory in which the card image i& to be placed. Control 1s :returned to the instruction following the par8meter word. 2. To punch f'ollowed xxxxx is image to ........ a card. Enter the routine with by a parameter word of' the f'orm 00 OOOIY XXDX where the address of' the first cell in memory at which the be punched is located, and IY is: 00 thru. 19 for single spacing 20 thru 29 for double spacing 30 thru 49 for triple spacing 50 thru 89 tor page ejection C'\I tr,) ...... 37 40020 40023 b '-' I 0'I 8 0'- ...... t-- ~ The spacing takes place bef'ore printing the card. These page controls are identical to those used f'or SliAP with the exception that in this routine the combinations 00 thru 09 have the same effect as the combinations 10 thru 19- 9-328 RW-152 RPH-O Pg. 3 of 3 The twelve row of field three of the card image will be replaced by a row containing the page controls and a SlAP identification punch (12 punch in column 75). It is advisable, therefore) to use only columns 1 thru 72 of the card for heading purposes. Only numeric i.nformation can be printed from field three. Since the card contains a SlfAP identification punch, the word spacins in the first 72 columns will be the same as for SNAP; that is, four spaces are inserted after columns 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60. The numeric information in field 3 is printed at the extreme left of the page. Restrictions The card image may be located anywhere in memory except cells 1660 b 1777 b (and also with the exception of cells reserved for the R-W library) . It is recommended that card images be placed on the drum since the time involved in reading and punching using drum locations is very nearly the same as that involved when the card image 1s in ES. Suggested Use It is suggested that the input heading cards be placed at the front of the input deck, and that they be read in by the program before other computation is begun. Output heading cards can then be puncbed by the program at any time. 9-329 CV-153 PAGE IC 010-1 REPORT NO. ZM 491 CONVAIR ANALYSIS ptREPAR£D BY C. J. Swilt L.... Barton CHECKED BY SAN DIEGO MODEL REVISED BY All DATE 5-2e-56 COBTROLLER A CARD HANDLING SUBROUTllE I. Ie 010 DlSCRIPTIOI fbi. .ubroutine simplifies the reading and punching of cards espeoially in ease. where bloeka of cards with the same format are handled. It will be available shortly with the service routines on This aubroutine 'operates trom the drum and handles all necessary block transters. Up to 63 cards in each channel oan be handled by one .ubroutbw reterenoe, re.diD., and punching proceeding cCIlcurrently it d•• ired. 'l'here are thre. entrance. to this subroutine .a deaoribed below. II. CARD FORIIATS Bach card format ls described by a aeriea of paraaeter lIOrda ..a de.oribed in Ie 005. Ie 006 and Ie 001. For us. with this subroutine, theae worda are preceded by one word, mol the number ot fielda on the car.. TheBe for_ta _at be stored ill MD. (0' "" :( 3' ), I II. DTlWICBS 1. Prime. .ext instruction !hl1 lubroutine 1. a1_)'8 one read oard ahead ot the ma1n progr.... It reta1na the information trom thia card within itself. For this reason, when a new deck of card. 1s pl~ced in the read hopper, the subroutine must be primed a8 . . 11 a8 the reproducer. Both are primed by thil entrance to the 8ubroutine. ......... -~ 9-330 CON ANALYSIS PREPARED eV CHECKED t;:JV A V CV-153 R C. J. Swift L. W. BartoD. IC 0104 PAGE R£PORT NO. MODEL REVISED BY .QI 491 A.ll DATE 2. 5-28.56 READ 37 00000 70402 nn j j j j j vvvvv lext instruction This entrance cause nn cards of format j j j j j (first address for format) to be converted and stored in cells .tartin~ with vvvvv. (which may be in ES or liD). 3. PUXCH 37 00000 70401 nn j j j j j VTVYY Next instruction This entrance punch•• nn carda of format j j j j j using data atartl nc in cell vvvvv. (which may be in ES or ID). IV. OPm.ATING NOTES 1. If the -next instruction- after a punch card entrance is • read card entrance. the operation. of reading and punching will begin simultaneously_ 2. Whenever reading occurs without 8imultaneous punching. a blank card will appear in the output. 3. After approximately 270 words are read or punched. the reproducer will dr0p out of operation mo~ntarily while block transfers are effected. h. In case of trouble with the repJ;oducer. 5. 10 007 1. contained 1n this routine. and is modified to operate v. from loeation 8 tart at 00000. It is located in eell 70656 00670. SPECIFICATIOlfS LOCATIONs 70400 to 71257 TEllPORAR IEB c 74001 to 75777 This subroutine is not standard and i8 not to be modified. SUlJl Its j is Calstant. 9-331 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO C.<\I..,FOR""'A CV-153 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE All . CONTROLLER 6/4/56 70400 45 00000 70402 70401 45 00000 70402 70402 41 00000 00000 PICKUP ADDRESS 70403 75 31777 70405 SAVE 70404 E'S 70405 11 00001 74001 11 20000 00002 70406 31 20000 00017 70407 70410 15 20000 70411 75 30004 70412 70411 11 30004 00422 70412 75 30660 00426 70413 11 70414 00426 IN ES STORE ADDRESS PICK UP CALLING SEQUENCE PLACE CONTROLLER 70414 00426 15 70410 10411 RESET DRUM SUM 70415 00427 16 00002 00635 SET EXIT 70416 00430 55 00422 10042 TEST 70417 00431 44 00433 00432 70420 00432 44 00436 00621 70421 00433 11 00423 00425 70422 00434 11 70423 00435 45 00000 00441 70424 00436 31 00424 00000 ;; 70425 00437 4~ 00440 11 00640 00425 CLEAR NV2. 00641 TO J2 00441 23 00635 00643 ADJUST EXI.T ...... 70430 00442 15 0042:a 00466 SET FORrv1AT 70431 00443 15 00425 00464 70432 00444 70433 00445 16 00423 00510 21 00530 00644 70434 00446 42 00645 00450 70435 00447 23 00530 00644 70436 00450 31 20000 00017 70437 00451 15 20000 00550 tn ...... 70426 ~ 70427 'j' 0 0'- t- >< Co. O()640'(\C'42~ Fr~ST ENTRANCE NJVl TO NJV 2 CLEAR NVI. nn641 TO Jl TEST SIMULTANEOUS 00642 0044' IC 010-3 491-I1 Z)( READ PICKUPS TEST AND SET PUNCH PICKUP TO PIN 9-332 5-28-56 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-153 PAGE Ie 010..q REPORT ZJ' '"11 ... 11 MODEL All DATE 5-25-56 COr-!Tr:;OLLEO 61ft/56 70440 00452 16 70441 00453 21 00530 00644 70442 00454 47 00645 ...,.., 0042~ 0:1530 TEST t . :'!~ 084~,6 qEA~' r:',~T 70443 00455 70444 00456 70445 ti045 7 31 004?? 00.')52 rn TO 70446 00460 11 20000 ()O4?6 t·'6 70447 00461 31 00475 00052 70450 00467 1 1 200ClO 00423 N6 7~451 00463 75 30037 ()O465 PICKUP 70452 00464 11 0.0000 til 740 READ 70453 00465 75 30037 00461 PICKUP 70454 00466 11 00000 00430 punCH 70455 00467 55 01740 20000 Nl LESS 70456 00470 36 00430 20000 70457 00471 46 00472 00413 LARGEP 70460 00472 11 00430 10000 TO 70461 00473 31 00646 00000 70462 00474 73 1,0000 004'" 70463 00475 11 10000 00425 .l'.,rlO 70464 ___ 7046-5 00476 11 00423 20000 COf'.1PUTE 00477 73 00422 004:?3 . . .J:~ noson 47 00S03 r'!"''5i'1 Tt"ST 00501 23 00423 0064) ADJUST 70470 00502 11 00422 r- 70471 00503 11 20000 00424 STORE N4 >< 0.. 70472 70473 00504 TEST 00505 11 00423 2000('j 47 00507 00506 70474 00506 11 70415 00507 11 00426 20rO() 70476 0051-0 73 0042t) 00426 r·13 70477 00511 47 00514 00512 TEST C't) ~ 70466 -- 70467 I 0' . L.:) 00530 00644 STORE 16 20000 00576 . rq0~1 N~ r:'Pl TO F0R~1AT FO~MAT r-,q Q 272 DIVI9ED py Q "0 N' ~~ ~~ 2 4 FOU.".L rFr.'1J I 0 0 0' ....-4 004~4 20~00 004~2 N3 ~J f~ND ~·l 4 3 tJ4 TO f':? COMPUTE ~.14 f'JIJ/l..l lr:~O 9-333 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA CV-153 Ie 010-5 PAGE REPORT MODEL All DATE 5-28-56 ZU491-I1 CONTROlLER 6/4/56 10500 00512 70501 70502 70503 70504 70505 70506 7a501 70510 00513 23 00426 00641 11 00425 20000 ADJUsT ~:3 AND ~14 00514 00515 11 20000 f')0427 71 01740 00422 STORE M4 00516 00511 00520 00521 11 20000 10000 23 00576 10000 11 00423 00467 11 00426 00470 21 00467 00641 00522 LOWER READ STORE BY Nl TIMES N2 N3 TO R M3 TO S N3-1 TO R M3-1 TO ~. 1 TO P 1 TO Q SHIFT READ FORMAT 70511 70512 0052'3 00524 70513 00525 11 00641 00471 11 00641 00472 70514 70515 00526 75 30037 00532 00521 70'516 70517 00';'30 00531 70520 70521 70522 00532 00533 00534 11 01740 0047:3 CO 00000 00 00000 00 * 45 ooono 00533 23 00412 00641 47 00560 00535 7052'3 00535 23 00410 00641 5-1 TO S -~ 70524 ~ 70525 00536 47 00537 00544 TEST 00537 46 00540 00545 TEST 70526 00540 00541 23 00611 00647 16 00650 00604 SUPPRESS PUNCHING SET SWITCH £ 16 00651 00532 45 00000 00544 SE·T SW ITCH A ~ 10531 00542 00543 70532 00544 M4 TO M2 70533 70534 10535 0054:: 11 00427 00425 11 00425 00472 00546 16 00652 00612 00547 7G536 70537 00550 00551 75 30420 00560 11 (H" ('no 00002 16 "00664 01012 -~ ~ 70527 .... r- 70530 21 00410 00641 $\-11 TCH A 00557 0-1 TO Q TEST $\1 ITCH B 00626 M2 TO Q PUNCH BIN PICKUP TO PUNCH ~tN PATCH RESET 9-334 CV-153 CONY'" - OtVIStON OFGNlAl DYNAMICS CORP. aA.N OI'GO CA~I"~"'" IC ZII MODEL All D~ T E 5-28.56 CON:ROLl!R 6/4/56 00552 45 ooono "07'C 7 005t:3 16 00662 01~12 00554 4~ 70C\4., OO~SS ')0 00000 00662 7(')544 1'\0556 77 43\.''10 1('100 70545 011557 16 00652 ~O612 Rr=~ET 7':)546 OO~60 45 onroo 00561 ~I': 7:>540 70541 70542 IN Ie 007 CARD SUBROUTINE f"\f)()OO Of: 1('14 P~R.oMETEP ~JN PUN-:~ ITCH e P-l tC TFST p <'0605 70547 00561 23 00471 0(1641 70550 ~O~62 43 0('641 70551 00563 TEST 10552 00564 41 01')610 00571 11 0:1467 20000 7055'3 0056~ i.7 00610 00566 ~ 705~4 00;66 11 00653 10')0" 70555 70556 Ot)~67 '53 00653 r0611 00570 45 O')OOf) {"~61(' 70557 00571 37 n~~71 00577 70560 00572 SET TO 70561 0"573 70562 00574 71 ('0473 00422 .,.., 006'54 OOC17 15 2(\1'\0') ("IOS1t) 70563 00575 75 70000 0('1577 5TO~E 70564 00576 11 -70565 C") 00577 ~ 70566 00600 ?3 on467 CO~41 47 on601 Q06r5 J. 70567 00601 l~ ~ 10570 00602 23 00611 01656 70571 ('10603 16 ~ 70572 00604 37 00560 ("1(\605 SWITCH E on626t 70573 00605 11 00424 00422 Nit TO N'- 70574 00606 16 O()655 n0611 Rf5ET Rcftr.' 7057'5 00607 11 00422 00471 N2 TO P 70516 00610 37 006 7 0 00670 ENTER Ie 007 70517 00611 33 00474 01360 '-' I ,...., t-- j CO~'>4 ( 01'?~'" 3C"OO 6 00602 00606 ,~t')650 ('r.34~ TE~T PICK SET TO PIJNCY (,~Rf) ON LAST S\'.'TTCH " ~rAD 00571 ' STORE 'nl N2 WORDS FRn:<1' READ BIN R-l TO R TEST TEST SUPPRESS '~ET ~,I,.! ~EADPJG tT(H ~ ~~T swrTC~ 010~ REPORT PAGE c Bt,.~ CARD 9-335 491 ... 11 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GeNEltAl DYNAMICS CORP. !'i ...... OI~GO (IlUf CV-l53 MODEL IC010-7 ZM 1J9l-1I All DATE :-2~-56 PAGE , ........ REPORT C~~!TROLl EP 6/4/56 5UaQOUTINE RAISE BIN 70600 00612 00 0.0431 oaOO2 70601 00613 21 00611 00473 70602 00614 21 00612 00430 70603 0061'5 21 00576 00473 70604 00616 31 00430 00017 7f)605 00617 35 00550 00550 70606 00620 45 00000 00532 70607 00621 23 00635 00657 70610 00622 17 00000 00660 70611 C06?3 37 00670 00670 70612 00624 70613 00625 31 00556 00002 00 00000 0& * 7'1614 00626 23 ?('IOOO 20000 ~UM 70615 00627 75 20011 00631 70616 00630 3'? 01212 00000 70611 00631 13 20000 01223 70620 00632 75 30012 00634 70621 00633 11 01212 71201') 70622 ('0634 2.1 00635 00661 BCD BIN ADJUST oRU!->1 BCD AIN TO DRUM ADJUST EXIT 70623 006'35 75 31717 0000] RE~TORE 10624 00636 11 74001 00001 ~ 7~625 (;0637 on :: 70626 , 00640 00 00641 00000 9' 70627 110641 ('\0 ~ ...., 70630 00642 37 00000 70402 70631 00643 00 00644 00 00000 74000 70633 00645 00 00000 76000 70634 00646 no 70635 (')0647 '-2 oonoo ~oooo 70636 (':'065(" r'O (,0~OO ~f')626 70631 00651 no noon!') <'0557 lQ 0 ..... ~ 70632 0('000 ("11'\(')(10 orooo * ()I"! 01 00 02 C'C'OOIJ 00420 ADD~ESSES RAISE STOqAGE ADDqE'~~E~ ADJUST EXIT PICK CARDS PICK CA~DS AND READ TO BCD B tr·! SU~1 ES AND EXIT C 0 N S T A N T ~ 9-336 CONVAIR - OIVtSION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-153 MODEL IC 010-8 Lf) 1-11 All DATE ~-28-56 PAGE REPORTIII CONTROLLER 6/4/56 70640 00652 00 00000 2 70641 006£33 20 0000C' "1("\;)0(') 70642 00654 00 O(,00() 31')00() 7064~ 0061)5 1")0 f')(\()OO nl~6" 70644 00656 11 00000 10645 00657 00 ("0000 ("0 03 70646 00660 ('0 00000 ('"10114 70641 00661 Of') 70650 00662 75 1<"011 01013 CLEAP 70651 00663 11 00667 01212 BC~ 706'52 00664 70653 00665 00 1")"'0r)O ('H"7~3 00 00000 0* *' 70654 00666 00 00000 ('10 70655 00667 00 COOOO 00 0 10656 00670 71 01166 70657 00671 15 20000 0()724 70660 ('0672 70661 OOe73 "616 70662 00614 55 20()OO ('\I)OOi 70663 00675 '31 01163 0OO0j 70664 00676 c:,., 70655 00677 32 20000 OOO()l -. 70666 00700 44 00701 0(1701 70667 00101 44 010:::3 0070? 0"- 70670 00702 16 011':1 (')101" 0 0 0"- 70671 00703 44 00551 0055'3 ..... 70672 >< c.. 70673 ·00704 37 010t::tj 01011 00705 Ij. 1°674 00706 4!5 70675 00707 37 01050 00714 70676 (10710 7~ ('1"'('('('1 "1?66 70677 00711 76 1000t' 01?"~ ('I'j If:) 1"'-/ ........ I I 1"'-/ ./ / (')t'I"It'V) ~OO("lC' ("II) (')4 [5 I ~.: '* ~O611 '-00(')('1 ('\n76? START OF Ie 007 CARD ~URq()1 fiI NF 01014 ('10000 01202 70000 1 0077-r Ol!~~ JUMP TO PATCH !'1 CHANSE 1"'~')4;? (,""'I f; , ..,. 9-337 CONVAIR..;.. DIVISION OF GEN~RAL DYNAMICS CORP. SA ... DIEGO CALIFORNI" CV-153 PAGE IC 010-9 REPORT Zll h91-I1 MODEL All DATE 5-28-56 CONTROLLER 6/4/56 70100 00712 76 10000 01252 70101 00713 45 00000 00721 7J107. 00714 ~'- 01166 70103 00715 57 00713 01011 70704 00716 41 01017 00766 70705 00717 16 00771 ("11011 707"6 O()7LO n07?.1 007?2 37 00713 (H"76~ 15 0114'" ?:7 01012 n0706 70711 70712 00723 37 00765 00724 00724 10713 00725 55 00511 00000 44 00726 00127 70714 00726 16 00555 ·00765 7071'3 00727 70716 00730 70717 00131 55 10000 00013 51 01203 20000 16 2.0000 ~0753 70720 00732 55 70721 00133 51 01203 01123 10122 00734 55 10000 00006 70123 00135 51 01203 Oll17 70124 00736 55 10000 00006 70725 00737 51 01203 00777 70726 00740 32 20000 00016 00741 35 01154 00142 70730 00742 00 00000 00 01 70707 7~710 "'" It'') ..... 70727 CV':I '-' I 0- 0115~ InOOo oooon D CHANGE C\OOO6 I 0 0 0- 70731 00743 37 00743 00144 ..... t- 70732 00744 41 5:: 70733 t')074~ 37 011'10 00746 707'?J4 00746 41 01117 01140 7073') 00747 37 01144 007'51 70736 007';0 37 011~0 00751 70737 C07'il 41 007~7 01140 0112~ 01137 9-338 CONVAtR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CO!'~T~OlLEC( 70740 00752 54 007·'+::' 10107 70741 00753 31 01123 00000 707 q 2", 00754 32 10000 707l~?: 1"'0755 7" . -' 70744 ?:7 01144 01140 707 1r5 00756 007')7 51 01161 20000 7r'!746 ""07~(': !~ 7 ('H")761 ("076') 70747 00761 1::3 rl11E- 01116 0071+ ("I()7f>4 ':'] 7'-::75'" 00765 I!,- :, f<' (lrerr: 70754 007t6 11 nIls:,; 00777 70755 00767 ~ ~, r! '") 70756 00770 1.1 01':'0'" !)l?3f 70757 00771 :':1 7")760 ()O772 37 ;::'"'·"("8 :)i"O-:: 70,761 0')773 I~ 70762 00774 ";") 707f.3 70764 n0775 00776 h6 01"1-'-'r-, (',,,77') 31 ?('I('I),) r:;/)00 "0765 00777 'l.~ 01'))~ 1)1??3 ..-. 70766 rlGOr ?l r;11777 t"l?nr:. ~lL.?7 21 0172h 01? r') '+ {; ('()"7 ~r.; 0.1 11S5 ()')7"'4 0116~ ('~""1~ (i ('If')!) (j (\'''lC)11 00"'7~ (11017 ('('Iroo l.Ij ...-I 707c: 01001 4l .~ 1 :' ?f; 1"\1)77' " . l I 7077':'- 11007 37 i~ll"l:'"'·? r;10"'1 70771 ~ 1 CO?· 5c (,1::-;~ "'11"\,..../)('1 ...-I 7r".77'!. "lO04 37 'l~"'!")? "'077,., >< c.. 7'-"77'7: :"'l('r;r ~ ", t" 1')('\ 7f'.77lJ. 01(;06 ~7 r. '1 :"''' '"l ('\:)771 7'!77~' 01('~'7 16 01r..l lL "":"'110rj 7";7,7(: 010,10 t.t I 0 0 0"- t- 7"'.77"7 '::1"':1 1. 5-.28-56 '? 01.116 707':)';' -- All DATE (\00()(I 11 0111(; 0"- Ie 010-10 ZK L91-I1 PAGE REPORT MODEL 6/4/56 70750 '- 0076? 70751 00763 M CV-153 r --. t. £., ~.I-4. 5 0(!1"'')t'1 '" 1 "'~!? 17 0 rr,.,....1"\ -: ,. ,-- ;- " 9-339 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SA,... D!EGO ( "L IF ,',RN I 4 CV -153 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE Ie 01C-11 ZM 1.)1-I1 All :-20-56 CONTRGLLER 6/4/56 71000 01012 45 00000 0(\723 71001 01013 36 20000 ('10777 71002 01014 27 20000 00670 7100::· 01015 35 01166 01017 71004 01016 35 01165 00706 11005 01017 00 00000 OOOl1 1100(: 01020 11 011 7 0 01017 710n7 01021 75 10044 01007 71010 01022 11 00667 01223 71011 01023 32 01163 noooo 71012 01024 37 n1010 0070~ 71013 01025 15 20000 010~3 71014 01026 32 20000 00016 71015 01027 15 71016 11 01162 01267 71017 01030 ()1031 11 01155 01270 71020 01032 37 01045 01033 71021 71022 01033 55 00446 00000 01034 44 01035 01051 71023 01035 37 01045 01051 71024 01036 16 01051 00777 ;; 71025 01037 75 01040 16 00710 01045 01041 37 01010 01044 71030 0104' 7t1 20003 rtl044 '""" 71031 r- 01043 23 01045 01"166 Ei:: 71032 71033 01044 16 01014 00000 01045 71034 01046 77 00000 01253 77 lr,OOO ~1'~3 71035 01047 77 10000 01237 71036 01050 45 71037 01t151 55 10000 1')0013 an !: 71026 I ~ o0 0'- 71027 - ~oooo ~OOO3 onooo 0 CHANGE CLEAR I ~~I\Gr:: ONLY L! CHANGE 01067 (')1041 ()O710 9-340 CONVA'. - DIY'StaN OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CONTROlLEP CV-153 IC 010-12 PAGE REPORT MODEL ZM 491-1I All 0.6. TE 5-28-56 6/4/56 11040 01052 51 ') ~ 2 ,"' 3 11041 010C"3 ~, 71042 010 r 4 ;--:l('~~ ?t)()C"" 0:"1('0"" 0111)7 r-:~O"'I') ":: O~!3'" 71('43 rl0C:S -,.., _ i 7104'. 010'56 1.4 "\ 1 1 If' 01""')7 71C'4c:. OlO57 1 C. '"11 l i 1 01 :?! ~ - ,J O"~ ' ~ ~ ;1('46 "J"I60 37 ,"11. ,_, 71047 t11Cd~ 1 4~ rl1")3 ()Jl?£ 71:)5'; rq "'62 "] "1 71051 ~1063 -:: £:, O',lfn ~ 7105? 01064 :,7 777~7 77'530 71053 01065 31 0120 /• ('002? 71054 01066 7'>., ""0742 ~OO!"O 11055 01061 1" o,.,1.?r 01123 710,56 01010 '1 011;'~ ~a('l~ ", 71057 01071 32 100('0 ~0()CO 1l0'iO nlC7? 1" f'\lf54 ?f'I""", 11061 01073 35 20C':}O C'.064 71062 01014 37 71c)63 01015 41 0111,7 nl1"2 71064 1)1076 16 01~r.;~ 011~1 .- 71r.55 01077 41 f)0177 f)11~3 71066 0110C' 41 00717 o~1:2 d- 71067 g 71070 ('11101 15 OlOA7 "" 1 o~ 01102 21 01033 01204 21 01067 01:''")4 ~l'" 011~1 "'l1"1t-' "'0017 106 /.. f)1f)7~ (I? ~ '-' I 0'- ;:: 71071 01103 ~ 71072 01104 71073 01105 It 01"45 0 1 1'31 ;3 Ol?f)4 (\"('1('1, 11('74 01106 ~t; 71CJ75 01107 1:076 01110 44 011:->2 ell/,4 27 ('111£ ')1""60 710~7 01111 43 0'1117 01121 ~""'l17 C'0~on . 9-341 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS cott" CV-153 P4G£ ~EP(·J.. M )Dt ::lATE CONTROllE~ 1')1112 45 01"000 01124 01113 :1 'J 1 :? 11 00000 71102 01114 ~5 71103 01115 35 01164 01111 71104 01116 27 01244 71105 01117 ~o OC0'1() Of) 0 71106 01120 3~ 01~11) 71107 01121 01122 37 r1136 01122 35 01270 011?~ 01123 ';17 01~t)5 01267 71112 "1124 ':,5 012f.7 "O('4~ 71113 71114 0112~ 44 01126 01111 01126 71115 01127 71116 01130 21 nl?70 ·01 '('\7 I. "2 rn 1 C;6 ('), , 11 55 01267 00010 71117 01131 45 00000 01"'6 11120 01132 ~1 01064 0('1002 71121 01133 12 010j).4 711~2 ('1134 11 '0000 71123 011~~ 111~1t 01136 7112' ;) 71126 I.C') 01137 011"'0 2nOOO nf)06~ 47 01121 0112' 16 00743 01144 41 01017 C1143 ~t 71127 01141 21 ~ 71130 01142 ~ ...... 71131 0114'3 16 ('1110 C'1017 55 01'12 00004 71132 01144 37 01144- 01145 ~,. 11134 0'145 01146 32 01123 00001 71135 01147 ')2 71136 01150 45 0"000 1" 0 14 6 11137 01151 00 01')0('0 "'105(' t- l><: c..7113~ Ie 010-13 491-11 All :·-26-56 ZI( 6/4/56 711"0 71101 71110 71111 T 01270 01116 01~67 ("01)00 00001 ~ 11")6 /, 34 0114~ "11"~ 01i.'04 ""00' 01206 01123 9-342 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SA ... DIEGO CO,~!TROLLER 01152 00 ooocO 71141 01153 ~r:: OJ212 01/1? 71142 01154 71143 01155 11 01161, O()74~ 27 01225 01267 71144 01156 77 012'33 71145 01157 Zl 01123 000 4 3 71146 01160 11 01167 01064 71147 01161 no 71150 01162 40' 00000 00000 71151 01163 00 OOO()I') 71152 01164 00 00003 00000 71153 01165 r;. 4 '"1i"'000 71154 01166 00 00000 00-::-01 11155 01167 00 00000 00*01 71156 01170 00 00000 00*12 71157 01171 00 00000 00144 71160 01172 00 00000 ()1751') 71161 01113 00 00000 23420 71162 01174 00 00003 03240 71163 01175 71164 01176 00 00036 41100 00 00461 13200 71165 01177 00 05752 60400 71166 01200 00. 73465 71167 01201 11 24027 62000 5:; 71170 01202 "0 00000 1'")"*03 71171 01203 00 00000 00077 71172 01204 no 71113 01205 00 00001 ('1,)001 71174 01206 00 71175 01207 00 00014 00000 71116 01210 no 0"002 ('000(' 71177 01211 0(') 0("1003 ('(\no('\ I"'"of '-' I 0' J 0 0 0' I"'"of r-- CV-153 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE IC 010-14 Z1! 491-I1 All 1-28-56 6/4/56 71140 f2 CALlFOR"',A OlleO 01~67 r-n00r,· r'I("\014 00001 ("'(){t.02 "('::()~ 4~OOO noooo (lonoa 0"()17 9-343 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-153 PAGE REPORT Ie 010-15 Zll L91-I1 MODEL DATE All 5-28-56 conTROLLER 6/4/56 71200 01212 (')0 OOOOD 0* 712Ql 01213 00 noooo 71?02 ('0 I')"I")()" 71203 01:214 01215 71204 01216 00 000f"\0 0f) * on 00/')('\0 ('('I f) 71205 01217 00 ('\(l00() 71?~6 ('I1?20 ~0 ('\1"1"1)1") 712('17 01221 00 OOOOr) r; * 71210 01222 O() 0('000 00 * 71?11 ('11223 1111 O"'r'!f"\O * BINARY 00 0 "" "* 0(', fi 0 * CODED Df:C <':' ! J ~1 P1~,L !lIn ,\DJ"C:;T[R ........ ~ ..... I 0I o o 0..... r>< 0.. 9-344 CV-154 CONVAIR ANALYSIS PREPARtD a:v L. •• 8artOll PAGE REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO CHECKED BY MODEL REVISED BY DATE UlPACDD n.OA:rIIG POm CAll) Ie 011 Jp 1 n 491 All 5-15-56 RIlD !hi. routine read.8 up to tiYe deoial neati nc point nwnbera from carda and .to.... thea COilS f'cuti vely ill By option the _y b. ipcn-ed and b DpODeftt. 724~6 Dna acldr••• lm})aot.d fora in .1 ther 18 or liD. - .anti..... trMted and stored 72751 ino. ~OO - 72435 1DO. Dr1nr I'uaber of i!'1lJtructlema hllber of coutant. 260 34 ootal 46 octa 1 lumber of temporari.. oc.1 01000 - 01361 inc. B8 addr••• COIOIdD mODe•• The subroutine ie ooded t.o .tart in 0111 01000 and Is entered by the read 37 01001 01002 .lB tJOWO' " ' " in oa •• of failure P A I 01000 will ju.p to last 37 read command tor repeat. It 1. also wi th driver to lUI. the .equeaoe lIhi.h will .tore IS 1n 74001 - 75171 iae.. ad re.tcr e atter ue. W1 th th1. driver sequence in oaa. of tailure P 56 .top - relea.e ,r ~30 Will re.tore IS and oome to a will then r.,..t the la.t read cc ad. 10 prt.e command. are lao1ud".17 00000 72433 will prt.a one read card. A 4. 5. or 1. do not prints any other number. print B ,.01111 '.'a-" 4. 5. or 7. lUll 8U11 treat .antl.... as eon.ecutive integer. 9-345 C ANALY• • PREPAR£D BY CHECKED8Y REVISED BY 0 N'V A L. 11'. B'ar-hOa I CV-154 R PAO. REPORT NO. MODEL $AN DIEGO DATE Ie 0114ZJI 491 .All 5-15-56 any Dther nuaber. nor.al~tlD' point. mnnm Addr••• tor atorag:. of the flrat da.ta word. VVVVV Number ot floating point number. to be read or with option number of mantissa. 'tored a. integer•• CARD FORK COLUMBS. 1 punchln 12 row flag for exit 1-5 otherw1 •• not 6, 21, 36, 51, 66 decimal point. punched in 7-1v, 22-31, 37~6, U8~d by routine. card not uaed by routine. 52-61, 67-76 ten decimal digit manti.sa 17.32,47,62,17 lie-of mantiesa A pu~oh in any row except 0 or 12 w111 read Exponent (power ot ten) range -<:FJ to 20 , 35. 50 • 65, a8 ner,ative. 99 80 .1p of exponent A pbch in any row except .ore or 12 will read aa negative. Rounding at all operatlona occura but ~nly nine decimal di~it accuracy .ay be aesumed. It the Ilantl•• a 1a .ero the exponent will be atored unc-hanged in octal - torm. "1:3' In - A synthetic ..... I ~ o sum may be printed for each series of carda oharacteristio for t at aeri••• ~ A 12 punch in efll,. 1 wi 11 oTerride the noral count ansi caua. exit with t- ~ the end of that oard, In that ca •• eell 01342 will be negative (with driver U restoration will read OYer &13L2) The subroutine must Ie oper.ted in IS but will .tore numbers addre.sed to 18 or MD a8 read in. ..... ,.,.-" 9-346 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA> CV-154 Ie 011-3 PAGE MODEL ZM 491 All DATE 5-1~$6 REPORT UNPACKED FLOAfING pOINT CARD READ ~ li,) ...... -I aI 0 0 a...... r- >< ~ 1 400 00742 56 00000 30000 EXIT 1 401 00743 75 31177 72403 STORE 1 402 00144 11 00001 74001 r:S 72403 00745 75 10352 00747 72404 00746 11 72400 12405 00747 11 00742 20000 ROUTINE TO ES SET 72406 00750 36 01264 72432 REPEAT 72407 00751 35 01305 20000 72410 00752 16 .20000 OC770 72411 007';3 55 SEi EXIT TEST FO~ 72412 00754 42 00715 00756 72413 001;5 45 COOOO 007S7 72414 00756 32 00776 00000 72415 00757 72416 00760 72417 00761 55 20000 00017 37 00760 00761 16 20000 00763 72420 00762 11 00777 01024 72421 00763 11 01264 10000 72422 00764 55 20000 00006 72423 00765 ~7 X 72424 00766 00760 00754 55 20000 00017 72425 00767 TP S 18RP I TOr·1E 72426 00770 37 01001 ,,1004 15 11177 30000 RESTOR!: 72427 00771 72430 00772 11 14001 00001 15 31771 12432 RESTORE! t! S 72431 00773 11 74001 00001 724~2 00114 30 00000 72433 00775 02 00000 00104 7~4~4 001 7 6 74 0(01)0 f')0!'101') 72435 00777 11 00000 OOO~(j 72436 0100l) 30 00000 00,')00 72437 01001 45 00000 30000 O~74'2 0074~ 2002~ ~OOOC ES ADDRESSES ADDR[SS MODIFrCtTION SEt ACQUISITION ERASE INSTRUCTION ACQUIRE CONTROL WO~D t AND EXIT S AND REPEAT REPEAT EXI,. 9-347 CV-154 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA PAGE. 12440 01002 16 01001 01003 72441 01003 71 01264- 30000 72442 01004 13 20000 01352 7244~ 01005 11 01263 01314 \ ACQUIRE CONTROL. PRINT SUM FLAG CLEAR 72444 OiOO-6 72445 01007 11 012t;3 01315 16 20000 01314 NUMBER OF HORDS 72446 01010 72447 01011 55 20000 00003 13 20000 01351 READ ft,S 72450 01012 ~1 72451 72452 oloi3 35 01277 01227 01014 7245~ OIDIa; 724 5t~ 01016 12455 01011 11 01~O5 Ol~56 11 01265 013£)7 44 01017 01022 23 01227 01313 MootFtCATINNS 72456 01020 11 01264 01356 FOR INTEGER 72457 01021 2~ 72460 010.2 2 55 100"0 00021 72461 01023 724-62 01024 72463 01025 72464 01026 :; 72465 I 01027 01255 00000 01357 01261 INTEGER SET FINAL FL!\C; TRANSr-:ER SET TP.AN~FER STEP5 STORAGE SeT ',DATA 0- 72467 01031 61 00000 01303 CARR I AGE RETUR'N 72470 01032 72411 72 /.72 01033 17 OelOOO 01300 11 01260 Ol~50 READ AND PICK CARe LINE DIGIT 9 SET TEMPORARY STO~A,GE 0 0 t-! I"- ><: ~ STORAGE ExtT 01264 SET 01000 01264 SET REPE:AT N-l 010:30 EX IT. IF N 010~2 SUM.TEST 72473 01034 01035 75 10011 OlO~7 CLEAI~ 72474 0103.6 11 0126~ 01316 MATRIX 72475 01037 76 00000 C1361 72476 01040 76 10000 10000 72'+ 77 010.41 76 l':10()O (11360 16 01256 01224 5-1-56 '" 010~O 0- DATE ,; 72466 ~ All CI:LLs I ....... ZY. L~91 MODEL \10RD 16 10000 21 01001 36 01305 23 01314 46 01001 41 01252 01230 ie 011-4 REPORT 0 9-348 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERA..~ DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CAL-IFORNIA 72500 01042 37 01042 0104.3 72501 01043 54 01361 000'34 72502 01044 11 01257 01054 72503 010'1-5 72504 01046 11 01304 01327 ~1 01306 00024 72505 72506 01047 01050 32 01263 00004 44 01051 01052 72507 01051 32 01350 12510 01052 46 01053 01047 72511 01053 72512 01054 12513 01055 12514 01056 31 20000 onooo 30 OOOCO OOOO{') 21 01054 01101 41 01327 01046 72515 01051 31 01057 01060 72516 0106('1 11 ('Il~6C' 1 ('tljOO 72517 01061 31 01057 0104~ 72520 01062 11 01361 10000 72521 0106~ ~.., 72522 01064 37 01064 01065 72523· 01065 23 01:350 01264 46 01067 Oloa7 TEST -FOR 11 RO\·, 11 ROW - -' I 010~1 ~OCOO CV-154 PAGE Ie 011-5 REPORT ZM 491 MODEL All DATE 5-1-56 SET 15T STORAGE SEi IND~X ~ 2 EXP 35 SHIFT 4 TEST BtT 0 ADD LIN!: D!G!T TEST DIGITS ~ CI.,EAR A LE F'T STORE MATRYX WOPD STEP STORAGE 4'TIMES 01046 Re:OVCE LINE OIGrT :; 72524 01066 ~I 72525 01067 C{' 72526 01070 11 01264 013~O 37 01064 010,7 72527 ~1071 37 01042 010:37 72530 01072 72531 01073 44 01073 01075 11 01102 01314 72532 01074 11 01255 O13~O 12 'ROW. DUMMY TEST EXIT F"lAG OVfRRIDE INDEX SET FLAG 72533 01075 00000 N-l REMA.INDER 725~4 01076 01100 72535 01077 72536 01100 72537 01101 31 01314 42 01261 17 00000 11 01302 15 01257 TEST lAST CARD READ AND PICK CA~D SET INDEX FOR WORD CI-fArJG~ SET FOR 1ST EXTRACTION lJj 0 0 CI' po-f r-- >< 0.. 01300 01'32 01123 9-349 CV-L'j4 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENIRAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OUtGO. CAL.II"ORNIA MODEL Ie 011- 6 ZM '491 all DATE 5-1-56 PAGE AEPORT 72540 72S41 12542 ,O110~ Qllo3 55 01316 00024 11 01302 01341 SHr'FT FOR I DENT NUMBER 72543 01104 01'105 42 01314 0111' 72544 01106 11 01314 013,..., SET FOR S DATA WORDS TEST FOR 1,..ESS THAN ~ WOROS 72545 01107 31 N-l 72546 01110 ,S 01306 10000 12541 01111 ~l 01~tJl 72550 01112 72~51 01113 OPTION SE l' SMALLER 72552 01114 55 10000 OOOQl 31 01255 00000 ~s 10000 01221 1255~ 01115 37 01124 ,01120 12554 72555 12556 01116 01117 01120 72557 01l2'1 11 01260 013'1 11 01261 0132' 41 01312 ~11'-~ 21 0112' Ol~O6 SPACE FOR PERIOD SET TALLY 9 72560 01122 12561 Ol12~ 11 01262 013:32 55 30000 00004 72~6? 01124 ~, 01124 ~1115 :; 72563 01125 31 01~27 00002 01126 32 01327 00001 72565 01117 '52 ~ 72566 01130 41 01331 01120 TE~T 72567 01131 11 01327 7257C 01132 37 01124 011.20 SET EXPONENT ACQUIRE 72571 01133 51 01301 20000 S~oPN 72572 01134 F"LAO 72573 01135 11 01265 01:330 47 01136 01140 72574 01136 l~ 72575 01137 72576 01140 72577 01141 13 01265 013:10 37 01140 01141 11 01327 01354 It':I :::: 12,564 I cr 0 r-f t- >< 0... 31 01304 00000 01~\4 01~Ol Ol~27 00011 0111' 01327 ~1:334 01334 TEST FOR tNT~G~R .STORAGf: CLE'AR TEST TO CHANGe: MATRIX WORD PSSITJON DtGIT N X 10 ADD D!~tT N CO~J~PLETF. N :3 TEST ~IGN SET EXPOnENT FOR N -FLA0 n ~1ANT I SSf.\ X FO~ lCl r:.xp 1~ 9-350 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OIiEGO CALIFORNIA ~1ANT 1260~ 01142 11 01330 01355 12601 01143 11 01264 72602 01144 37 01140 01117 72603 01145 41. Ol~51 01217 SET TALLY EXPONENT tNFORtvlt"TION TEST I NTEGEH_ OPTION 726()4 01146 11 01:>6~ al~~~ CLEAR Cl~31 REPORT IO 011-7 ZJI L91 MODEL All DATE 5-1-56 I SSA FLAG TEST N 72605 .01147 31 01354 OOOCO 72606 01150 41 01151 01223 12607 01151 23 01327 Cl~~O EXPONE~lT 72610 01152 12 20000 20000 72611 01153 73 01265 72612 01154 31 20000 00017 ADJUSTMENT TENS DIGYT UNITS DIGIT 7261~ 011~; U~~TT5 72614 72615 01156 01151 01'-?4 01'1~ 11 20000 01251 23 01234 01265 72616 01160 12617 01161 11 01216 Ol~27 11 Ol~10 01334 72620 01162 46 01214 01250 72621 72622 01163 01164 10 EXP 10 ADJUST AXPONENT SIGN OF EXPONENT ADJUST EXPONENT 7262~ 01165 ...... 12624 01166 01~53 CV-154 PAGE FOR 0 4 ~~ 0"- 72625 01167 0 0 0"- 72626 01170 r- 726?7 01171 23 01JI. 01311 31 01~54 00000 7~ 01321 01331 31 2~OOO 00043 73 OIal7 10000 55 lOCOO 00001 32 01263 00001 El: 72630 01112 42 01327 01174 72631 01173 27 10000 01264 726:32 01174 31 10000 00044- 726!3 01175 32· 01331 00044 72634 01176 72635 01177 72636 01200 12637 01201 11 01261 011l\ 14 20000 01331 11 20000 01~54 46 01202 0120' ~ l!J -I I ...... ""O\·:F'~ OF 10 ADJU5T EXPONENT N N ADJUSTME~l T FOR NEGATIVE EXPONENT DETERMINE LAST BIT OF N AS5E~·1P.lE f.-t CLEA~ SCALE FACTOR N STORE N TEST FOR ROU~DrNG 9-351 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OIEGO CALfl'"ORNIA CV-154 16 011-8 ZM 1,91 MOOEL All PAGE REPORT DATE 12640 01202 72641 01203 72642 01204 21 01354 01264 43 2QOOO 01207 32 01263 0Oln7 7264'3 01205 11 20000 01354 72644 01206 72645 01207 72646 01210 71.647 01211 72650 01212 21 01334 01264 31 (')1331 ('10000 42 01)03 01212 2'3 OlS34 01112 21 01334 01331 7265l O121~ '37 ()1'1~ 01?14 72652 01214 41 b1353 01163 72653 01215 30 00000 00000 72654 01216 31 01213 01161 7265t; 01211 11 72656 01220 41 01355 01222 72651 01221 1~ 72660 21 01315 01333 72661 01222 01223 75 10002 0122~ STORE 72662 01224 11 0123:3 ~OOOO 72663 01225 - 72664 01226 0122. 013~6 01347 01115 l.(j 72665 01227 00000 00000 FINAL "-' I 72666 01230 0 72667 ...... 12670 r>< 72671 0.. 72672 72673 72674 01,231 0' 01232 21 41 30 11 21 23 46 TEMPORARY STEP STORAGE T£ST END OF CARD 01235 41 01352 01001 31 01263 00000 01236 75 72615 72616 01'37 01240 ~'- O'~l'5 00014 12671 01241 ~ ...... 0' I 0 .. 012S! 01234 01~t)4 Ol~~:3 l'13~~ o13'3S ROUND ADJUST FOR OVe:R FlO~f IF NECESSARY ADJUST SCALE F='A('TOR TEST TENS DIGI'PO~'jER FOR UNITS DIGIT ADJUST FOR UNtT~ DI('IT N SIGN OF N N~f'jATrVE SUM 0133~ 3000n 5TORAGF.: 012~O 01357 StEP T£5T FOR 01314 01261 O12~4 01033 00006 01240 5-1-56 END tEST PRINT SUM t:LEAR SUM 31 20000 00030 32 01264 (')0004 9-352 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of OINEItA! DYNAMICS CORP. 72700 0121+-2 61 00000- 200nc 72701 0124) 34 2nOOO 00000 72702 72703 01244 01245 47 01241 01001 71 01354 01327 72704 01246 37 01213 01176 OF N 72705 01247 37 01247 01250 AND 72706 01250 41 01353 (')1245 72707 01251 30 00000 00000 72710 01252" 37 01247 01245 72711 01253 45 72712 01254 11 01264 01321 72713 01255 75 jOOOO 012~1 72714 01256 no 00000 ()1~5~ 7271'5 01?~7· ~~ 01~16 O.1?1.6 72716 01260 00 00000 00*11 72717 01261 00 00000. 00005 72720 01262 0(1 72721 72722 01263 00 00000 00*0 012&4 00 00000 00001 72723 01265 00 00000 00012 7~724 01266 00 00000 00144 12725 00 00000 01750 ..... 72730 01267 01270 01271 01272 72731 01273 00 00461 13200 72732 01274 72733 01275 72734 01276 00 0;753 60400 00 73465 45000 11 24021 62000 72735 01277 00 00012 00000 72736 01300 00 00000 0010e; 72737 01301 00 00000 -, -.;;:j1 I.l'J ..... 72726 -I 0"I 0 0 0"- t- >< c.. 72727 00 COOOO 01217 00000 CV-154 PAGE Ie 011-9 REPORTZ» 491 MODEL All DATE 5-1-56 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA PRINTING ADJUSTMENT EXPONENT FOR POSITIVE SCALr:" !=" :\CTOR CONSTANTS OO~10 noooe 23420 CO 00003 ~3240 00 00036 41100 ~OO17 9-353 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CAL,,..O,.NIA 72740 72741 01102 Q130~ 00 00000 00004 00 00000 0OO4~ 12142 01~O4 00 7274' 013015 00 00000 00002 72744 01106 00 00001 00000 72745 01J07 72746 01~10 727'47 01!-11 00 O()OOl ·00001 -00 00000 ~OO43 00 00000 00044- 72750 01~12 72151 01 ~li; CV-154 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE Ie 011-10 ZII 491 All 5-1-56 00000 00003 00 00000 00110 00 00005 00000 9-354 CV-155 CON ANALYSIS P,REPAR£O BY CHECKED BY ... l)' ~ f..... (.,. . IS t R. Brieger L. Barton .. r " .. , V ,A I~ ~ till ...... , ( R '5- , "., I" .co .. r • PAGE REPORT NO. 0 ... SAN DIEGO MODEL REVISED BY DATE ARC SIN AND ARC COS. FIXED POIV!' Initial State I Alarm ex! t 01001, Exit 010021 Entry = R. 234 where S18-& ed COl 4> & F1u.1 STate. '"' 5-14-56 CP015 01000 t (A) CF 015-1 ZII 491 All I • ~1 -&.233 ---+ (1) cp. 133- - . (Q) l.r1•••xpaulOl\ about ~ -e-:a 1!:.,.. N * + t Voft\ Y. __ , ~.. +, U. == 24"'-, N·~ U ~ ---I N- = #(N-Vt-H") ,a j4 O....... genoe ia .'.UMd lIhelt U"" < .-. Ifaxi. . ti_.• 70.5 mill1aecODdl .Drua addrea •• 734~ through 73551 ....... of 00 (~) 10 (66) 8 Dda·.for "'••ab1)" )Iodlt1eation. 1J~ •• 60 0.11._ 1Ilclud~I1' o ... taaw u .. (50)10 (c.)a t!..,..ar1 •• 01066 • 01013 1ae1u1". .... ta1. tea.. It _ -= 0 +1& ..... 0 ,6 it ..t • ". It .........-" ,-, > 1 .lt. I extt .W Alaraa !'ria Out , 9-355 CONVAI~ -DIVISION of GENERAL CV-155 DYNAMICS CORP. f!AN DIEGO. CAL!FORNIA ""'4 ..to an ..... '-' I a-I 0 0 PAGE 01000 31 16000 16002 .aLARM tS46S 01001· 45 00000 JOOf}O EXtT '7'1466 01002 11 ·n461 0100~ 47 01004 Q100l N- 13410 01004 16 01042 0.10'5 SET FOR, POSITtVE RESULT "'471 "1005 46 01{,)O6 nl007 H N£GATJV~? 13472 01006 16 01024 OIPS5 SET FOR NEGATIVE RESULT 1!47! 01001 12 20000 .010.61 STORE T"J474 01010 31 01064' 00&41 . 1 2~4 ~ 73475 01011 42 01067" 01·000 1&476 01012 33 01064 0'0103 1~4T7 01013 72 nlO67 \0000 "500 01014 47 73501 01015 13 20000 0106"6 .735'02 01016 34 20000 00044 7350! 01017 13 2nOOO 0101~ '3504 01020 "31 01043 .,3S05 01021 11 20000 01070 STOR! 13506 01022 31 01073 0"044 N·:t'''~(A) 7,sn? "102!J !? nln66 11510 01024 1~ ~106~ nlot~ lo-0~O (t'n~n (to 000 4 MODEL All DATE 5-14-56 ~ 35 - - . ~ISI) oT ., ,~ IN' :> I~' (A) ~ AL.ARM .01".2" ~ (A) (~'I+ N'j,.)·2.""--", (A) (A)- o? STORE (1- Hi&-)· ".''1= a..... T3511 r>< c.. 7351"2 0102~ 32 01010 't"010' 01026 11 '0000 20.,01) 11511 ,01021 42 01010 O'ltJ2.1 '!~t4 01030 34 7,'1! 01031 71 20000 01062 '3'516 (')1032 54' '0000'0004' 00000 N· 2"( _ X. - - . '(A) X,;. Ii /Xo --. fA) t (ttlx. + X.)- XI X > X. ? 4 ("r -N-- - N ). l31f. Vo/". (N - V,-Nt.), 1'" =N*. 2.$' ~ N*. 015-2 I. 491 tt~.;nn 01010 20ftOn ~1061 If/~ cr REPORT 2 ,t (R) 9-356 CV-155 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA PAGE N*"J.· 2."" 73'17 OlO3!' 71 20000 10000 73520 01034 S4 20000 00046 73521 01035 11 20000 01066 73522 01036 1'3 73S2.~ 01037 11 1000" '0000 N*.2s"~tA) 7352~ 01040 11 20000 ~lO7~ STORE N*.2 11525 01041 11 01012 73526 01042 35 01072 01072 73527 01043 21 01067 01064 73530 01044 ·35 01065 01070 + 2 ---+ 0 = .l...w\-' o + 1~ P=2'W'1 73531 01045 35 01065 1')1071 Pi" 1 1'35~2 01046 71 01066 0107~ N*1. , U_-I • lot,I' 73533 ~lP47 54 20000 f'~C46 N*2.· U. 73534 01050 71 7!535 01051 73 01070 735~6 01052 11 20000 01073 STORE 7"35'37 OlO5~ 1~ t),.;1/fJ..hn+ 1~540 01054 47 01()42 01055 ..-.. 73541 01055 1~ Ol()72 0107~ SWITCH ~ 73S42 r-1056 '5l.. nlt"J72 ~Ol()7 --6- "~543 (')1057 35 10000 TT/l-~ ...... 73~44 01060 13 01,012 20000 >< 0.. 73545 01061 45 00000 01"01 73546 01062 64 73547 0106·3 14 44116 65210 1~550 01064 (H'I 7~'51 ~1065 "" , 0106~ 0106~ 01067 2000C 01061 01071 ?OO~O ,~OOO >(A))N*.;( STORE N*2.. Do - cr 015-3 REPOR-':- ill' 491 MODEL All DATE 5-14-56 s.,. ,(~) 'J...'3't ... 1 IT/'1- 3 " · l~'f D ---It Q c2~+' --.N*2.. >(A) ' l. 39- (2~-') U ""'-. 3 ' :2 • 2~-1/~~ N*~. U--I =U 4tI\ V~, U../~+I ~ 0 ~E"F.AT LOOP tn , 0", '-' 0 0 0"- t- ~1C)63 ~37~n ~1462 noooo 000.' on,noo ~OOOl ~CA) ..e. ,",UMP TO ~(~) ~tA) e:xtT -V2/a. .23 ... ir/",. · 2 s 'lo 9-357 CV-lS6 CONVAIR ANAL.YSIS fitREPAR£D BY PAGE REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO CHECKED BY MODEL. REVISED BY DATE eN 006-1 Z fV\ ~ 91 A I.L 3/29/S~ LU.SE SQUARES POLllfOKUL APPROXIJIATla. Itr1'ROreCTIOI PART I. This routine 18 intended to enable the programmer to approximate a function c:I 1 ot '\,...... independent variabl.. "XI) 'X. 2 ,: v• I P:..... . ot decree d if Y i. known for n+l sets ot the independent variables. ~:4 ~nd is written for d =2. '.' ~). I, ilL ",,'). :(. XL'" The code By treating powers of variable. a. independent variablel and making a few modifications in the code it i8 posaible to handle approximations for yariOu8 combinations of " =1 d and A and d (includi~g tor example, = 14). PARr II. ANALYSIS ( A = 4. ,;u.,. and d :: 2, and n .. 1 • 4- 5 ) • Let the known ..,.lues of J b. denoted by thoee of the independent variables by ai determine the j Ie. .L.- 80 a8 n, L [~-. tJ· 4ihc.1. '''''':0 ( 1) A--::..C ~x. 'J . . .X .1" ~:J},.". rl'.~ It 18 deaired to to minimize (x:' x~ x;- x~)_] z. :: , t". Differentiating (1) 1ri th rel,eot to the unknown. and settinc the resul ta to zero yie Ida (2) J!, Z. cl... [- ( x. I" t:' .- 2.~ d.... • " (- ( X' .. • L d..- [-( X. ",MIl x.~ x; X~ X; ).,-J = 0 X;J..- J = 0 • XI- X, ~~l =0 J which. it simplified becomes 9-358 CON ANALYSIS PREPAR£D BY ~AN V CV-156 A R PAGE REPORT NO. OI£GO CH!:CKED BY MODEL REVISED BY elY 006-~ 2M 491 ALL 3/29/.s-~ DATE or (in matriX-reotor form) 1- (4) (X~ y; ~ y;,t. ~ ( ~~ ~ ~~1:J~ - z. (~~ r: ~;~. . . {(;t~ .r:~~X;J.,.... • • • • • ~9.(/,D~ht1'l.l • I , (~/1~"1; ()~ • • • , Z~'1.(I/~:~~) The determinant of the system (4) is non-singular tuld cymmetric •. Thus. the problem i8 completed by solving the non-homopneous linear system (4) by Cramer's lIethod. For the general oa8e the number -,t of equations in (4) i8 • For the present ease r= 15. The Crout routine is used to 89lve (4). For convenience denote'the so-called given matrix in (4) by V. and V without summation signs by m. PART II. COnIIO The code i8 developed by combining a least squares code (oalled 2,)( 4) wi th existing ,ub-routines. 2X 4 include. of (1) for calaulated ). a "residual" oalculation (evaluation The following list ~ivee th~ parts of the tape in the order in which they appear on the tape: Ie 003 FLOATING pom CARD INPUT lID CLEAR 2 X 4 40000-47m (followed by extra seventh leTel hole). (followed by extra seventh level hole). JPl'r. CI . 005 CR rot CJ. 001 TWO REG lSTER FLOATING POIlfT AR I THMET IC IC 004 F~ATING POINT CARD OUTPUT The rer.ister of the CROUT routine. 18 set to (17)8 71251. indicatln~ = (15)10 and the exIt is modified to the number of equation. jump to the resid"al oheck 9-359 CV-156 C ANAl_YSIS 0 N V A R PREPARE!) BY CHECKEO SY MODEL REVISED BY DATE 4 of the 2 X There is 811 Ti'wJre is ~n MS~l at MS:2 at 466 .. t !J...4 ()~'-3 Z~ 491 ALL 3/.2. 9/.s-" upon ~omrletlon of the feneration which point .. has been genera ted and stored the routine is ready to enter the CROUT PART I I I elY The n index register, 50775. (\f' the 2 xL routi!'le is set to FIT. (5L)a::;' (1+4)10· a. PAGE REPOffT NO or and·~ routi~8. IIPU T - OUTPUT Input and output is by cards in fl08.tin~, decimal format (five nu.mhers to t he car d) • and 80 T~e input cards contain I x.,~I -'2-)I '/...J~ ~F II,., ,'1 on, with e h~8.der oard punched to start the loading at 51003. cards contain five sets of answers The output in the order 0000, 1000, 0100, 0010, 0001, 2000, 1100, 1010, 1001, 0200, 0110, ••• ,0002, each set followed by their differences (see description of CROUT routine) followed by a card containing the residual for the last set of answera o PART IV. OPERATIOB 1. Load servioe routines. 2. Load input carda into read hopper. 3· PT load 2 X 4. (PAl) 5. P! 4 to first extra 7th level hoI.. . =300, start 1103. load 2 X 4 to se~ond extra 7th level hole. 6. )(00 to <-lear 40000-47777. 7. PT load remaining portion of 2 X 8. (Pu) =50376, 4. start 110;. The total time for the case 1\.= b, d :: 2, n minutes. =44. 1s approximately twelve 9-360 CV-156 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. eN PAGE SA ... DIEGO C"LlFORNI" REPORT ALL 3-29-56 MODEL DATE L~AST D('LY A"PPX .: 0lJ,f.,PF ~ 51001 ?O 00000 00000 51002 00 00000 00001 1 INTO STC>PAG~ 50376 00376 75 304()O ()O400 50377 00377 11 50400 OI')4(jO TRANSFFR POUTINE TO r:t::. 50400 00400 75 3()O()2 ('l()40? 1 TO F<; 50401 00401 11 51001 ('llOOl ;(")402 00402 75 30010 ('l0404 Xi. TO F:S C;04r~ (\0401 50404 00404 ()O405 75 300!)2 00406 75 30002 0041<" 5()4f"17 00406 (')0407 11 01()()3 (,)on25 50410 00410 37 00201 00203 5()411 00411 75 30()O2 ()O413 50412 ()O41? 11 00031 5041~ 00413 ?l 00407 00770 ADVANCE 50414 00414 ?1 ('H) ('14 1 ~,DVA~ICr: 50415 00415 41 007(-,3 1")0406 50416 00416 21 00405 00770 ADVA~~CE sn417 00417 15 004(')5 00407 (407¥) 5n4~() (;0420 ?3 00415 00073 DI~r~!r,c,H C;r:4?J r:'04?1 L~ 50422 00422 75 30ClO2 00424 J t;n4?~ n04?3 11 t:1013 010j7 '" 50424 n0424 75 30040 00426 5~4?5 00425 11 01001 'i2?71 e;(~4/6 00476 1 ~. 50427 004?7 75 '?O002 00431 'i0430 00430 11 0J0()1 5040S 50406 ....0 li.) ~ '-' J 0- 0 0 ~ t- >< c.. 006 - if. z.N1491-~ ,, ~1 o('r~ I"Il(')()~ X·L TO (27-30) 11 01003 000'-7 O()l~ 12 0101~ 1 007"'71 ()()404 007~t; 00764 ('d'l0? -, Xi TO (2 ~-26) MULTIPLY FL Er,1[NT OF ffll T0 ~S (4 0 7tA. ) (41 ?\' ) TIMES ? 4-l (4() 5u) = (4 ~5u.) (41,)",) r-y , 4 TI~ES ? Y TO ES El E~'~EN TS 01=" CHF:CK l~T ~r'v s TOR,~ r:r= .~ Tn r"F5 riJU.~L q r /I. SFT LOOP ! ~1~~ x EL Er.AEN T nF ~~UL ~()Vf l AS iIDlIF'" 9-361 CV-156 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE CALIFORNIA eN (')otP-5 ZM 4-g I -Z AL.L. =- -;? C; - ~-6 LEAST SQUARES POLY APPqX 50431 00431 7'!: 3()()O2 50432 004~2 11 OlO()1 00025 5043~ 004~3 '37 O()201 OO/O~ MUlTtPlY 50434 00434 75 30002 00436 ELEMENTS 50435 50436 00435 11 00031 01041 00436 21 00432 00770 2-15 TO E5 ADVANCE ( 43?\,) 50431 00437 '3~440 ('0440 21 00435 00041 4l 00764 "'(l4~1 50441 004~1 21 ~n4'30 ('10770 ADVANCE (43('&.\.) 50442 00442 1~ 00766 004~? (4~i.t"l) 50443 00443 41 00767 (10426 14 ROHS OF 50444 00444 56 10000 00445 TO 50445 00445 75 30002 -00447 ACCUMUL"T~ 50446 00446 11 01001 00025 50447 00447 50450 00450 75 '0002 004e;1 11 40001 nOO27 50451 00451 ~7 50452 00452 75 30002 00454 50453 00453 11 OC031 01001 ,)~454 00454 50455 00455 50456 (')0456 50457 00457 ?1 00446 21 00450 21 00453 41 00773 - 50460 00460 75 30740 00462 II) 501+61 00461 11 01001 40001 I 50462 00462 ADVANCE (50403a.t) 50463 00463 21 50403 00772 ?1 ~O4?3 0077' ...... 50464 00464 21 50425 00774 >< Il.. 50465 00465 41 00175 ~O376 50466 00466 56 20nOO 773~(l ADVANCE (5D42~v J ALL !'OTNTS USE" ? TO CROUT 5('760 00760 50761 00761 00 O()OOO 00000 00 noono noo') 1 ...0 ...... -- 0"I 0 0 0"- ~O4~~ 01'l201 (')('I?O? ELE~1Er!TC; OF PO\'J 1 /I, e, MUL 1IPLICAr..JOS OF ROWS ADVANCE (43 5v ) ()~E' ROV! f"'lF .- CI)MOLF="Tcl"l ~ = lOOl I)"r\. CO~ADLrTr='f') ? ACCUMULATION ELEMENTS OF ))'\. IN AN Ec) ARF"A PREPAPATOP,V TO TRANSFER TO GIVEN 00770 MAT~JX 00770 A~EA OF CI:?OUT ROUTINE 00041 00445 to- ? r~1J TO DRUM Ar'VANCf! (r;n4'~a.c.) , X 9-362 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. LEAST ...0 -'" 1.0 -t I I 0 0 SQUARES 00 00000 00002 00 00000 00003 00 ().,on~ nCOt1 00 00000 00017 50762 50763 00762 00763 ~tj764 50765 (')0764 00165 50766 00766 50761 00767 00 010"1 oooon 00 00000 00015 50170 00770 00 00002 00000 50771 00771 50772 00772 00 00000 00003 00 00012 00000 50773 00713 00 0(')000 n03!51 50774 00774 00 (Joooe nO()40 5077~ 00775 00 00000 DATE 3 '7"2. 9 T. C 0 N S T A N T S CLEAR RESIDUAL 75 10004 56000 55771 11 00040 00664 STOR.AGE 56000 75 30060 00610 TRANSFE~ 56001 11 56002 0060'- ROUTYNF ~E5tDUAL 56002 00602 5600~ 00603 00 00000 00054 00 (10040 o(,H)O() 56004 00604 00 56005 00605 56006 00606 00 00000 00016 00 00000 00016 '36007 00607 11 0("1605 00606 56010 00610 75 56011 00611 56012 00612 11 52211 COO27 15 30002 00614 56013 0061~ 11 76500 00025 (25-26 ) 56014 00614 31 01001 01003 MULTIPLY 56015 00615 75 30002 00617 TE~MS ~6016 00616 76~OO ~OOO2 ",nooo 00612 OO()~l noO~7 ~OOO2 "0621 56n17 60617 00620 11 00664 00025 56021 006?1 n1nOl 0100/ t- A L'- R. 55776 >< c..' 56020 -t Z.NJ 491 MODEL 4 OOO~4 ,7 eN 006- REPORT POLY .A.PPRX 11 75 '", CV-156 PAGE SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA REGt~TEPS RE S I DUA.L Cyr::CK TO E'S CHt'CK CALC!' - lATION CONSTANTS SET INOF'X POWERS TO (27-30 ) COEFFtCIENTs TO TO (~7-~O) PARTIAL ~UM OF POLY. TO (25-26) ACCUMlJLATF. 9-363 -;,;t -$'~ CONVA'R - DiviSiON OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA LEAST SQUA~ES STORE PARTIAL 56022 00622 75 30002 00624 t;60?3 006'~ 11 00664 OF POL Y""OMt AL 56024 00624 21 00611 00661 56025 00625 56026 00626 56027 00627 21 00613 00661 41 00606 00610 13 n0664 ()OO27 56030 00630 56031 ADVANCE (611 ..... ) ADVANCE (613«.) POLY. EVALUATED DIFFERENCE 8ETwEEN APPROX I ~~AT I ON ANn FUNCTION CALCULATION OOO~l ooo~n 00631 56032 00632 11 52~21 OOO'~ 56033 00633 37 01001 01002 56034 00634 75 30002 00636 t;60~5 f'063t; 56036 00636 11 00031 non,? 75 30002 00640 56037 ~6040 00631 00640 56041 00641 56042 00642 56043 00643 56044 00644 56045 00645 11 06666 n0025 37 01001 01002 5604~ 00646 75 5"6047 00647 56050 00650 ADVANCE (632 u.) 56051 00651 11 00031 00666 21 00632 00603 15 00604 00613 56052 ~O652 21 00611 00661 ADVANCP.: (611 u.) It') 5605~ 0065~ 75 10002 00655 I 56054 00654 11 00040 00664 5605~ 006!5IJ 41 00602 00607 ..... 56056 00656· 37 70440 70441 56057 >< ~ 00657 00 00666 00001 56060 (")066(" Cj7 nf'lono rVHH'O 56061 ('10661 no O~O()2 ...0 0I 0 0 0- r- eN 00l:,-1 REPORT Z;t1491-~ MODEL ALL DATE 3-.2..9-.$"' POLY APPRX 11 00665 75 30002 -..... CV-156 PAGE 006'~ 11 00031 00025 37 01001 01003 75 30002 O~643 11 00031 00027 15 30002 00645 ~n(')n2 ~065n nnoon su~ OF THE SQUARE OF ONF.' DIFFERENCE PARTIAL SUM OF THt:" Rl!S!DUAL. (613..-.) =76500 CLEAR PARTIAL SUM ALL POINT5 us~n ? PUNCH RES t'OtJA.L FtNAL ~TOP STO~. qf:G. INC~E~r:N"T 9-364 CV-157 1.... C. ANALYSI. "REPARtD BY J. CHECKED BY REVISED BY CON " r·... t'. BartOll .~ t V .. t .... L A" I "" ~ ..... ¥ ,(". ' U III R '!" 0 " " 1 MODEL IF 001 ZII 491 All DATE 6-5-56 PAGE '0'" SAN DIEGO REPORT NO. Sw1~ rInD pom CHARACTROlf OU!PUT ROUTIO !hi8 routine prints number~ on the eharaotron in decimal form, riven the binary seals factor. Drum addre81 Drinr 73032 - 7;;22 ine. 72770 - 73031 inc. WUllllHtr of instruetiona I 213 octal 56 Constant•• octal !uponri." 7 octal II ..ddr•••• 01000 - 01277 CtJBD IIQUDCB '!'he lubroutine i. coded to start in cell 01000 and 18 entered by the .equellce. 37 01000 01000 D UUt1UU ' " " It the.trtt. 18 to be WI.d, It 1. .Zlt.r.d by the ••queno. t !he drlTel' will Itore D ill 74001 - 7'Yf77 1110. aad r •• tore It atter ue. In ea •• of failve with clri.,.er •• queace, .tartinc wi th P.lI equal to 73022 will .top priat, adftao. the fila, .... te. II, ud oome to .. 56 ltop. Re.tartinl will thea repeat the internptecl printlJlC instruction. D i. the axlBa DUliber ot r0W8 from the top _1eh will b. printed. It it 11 lero or GTeI' 32 it will b • • et equal to 3& !be nu.ber of colUBDI 1, 4 utJOUtJ 11 the addrell o~ the 1"lr.t data word " " ' 11 the addre.1 of the tir.t para.&ter wori -365 C ANALYSIS L. PREPAR£D BY c. CHECKED BY w. 0 N Barte V ~AN CV-lS1 A R IF 001-2 ZK491 PAGE REPORT NO. [j,h,Ci J. Swi.ttJ MODEL All DATE REVISED BY 6+56 PAlLWETER WOODS The parameter words consist of' pairs of oetal digits from left to right corresponding to oonaecutiTe data 1fOr~. If the value of the 4; it i8 used as a biDary scale factor tor the correspoading data -.rd. It the value 1s ootal octal digit pair is not greater than octal 77 it serves as a nag to end the parameteJ" words and exit. v eater than octal 43 and net equal to oota1 If it is ;-n. B will preoede that data word whioh will have ita binary Boale tactor set equal to zero. Parameter words are not disturbed in uae. A. title and page number are plaoed on each page. number of syBole up to 48. as defined by this table. !he ti t1_ i. -7 two octal dig! te repre.ent each aYJlbol AnY.other pair wi 11 cause a blank .pace. Second Octal mgit t- an ...... -- Digit I 0- (I) (3) (4) (5) . (0) (1) (0) 0 1 2 , (1) 6 7 8 9 (2) c D I p (3) • J I (4) - p (5) u V J g 4 , • B G B L II Q R • S ! • X T Z Ce1l.1J 01251 - 012(i1 (or with driver 73303 - 73312) ineluaive p.re 0- ...... us~d t- >< c.. I by to store the title. The page number ie stored in cell 01214 (and the driv~r also in cell 7?~J'6.) ~ &< ~ 9-368 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-157 S"N DIEGO, CALIFORNI" PAGE Ie 001-5 REPORT III 491-II MODEL All DATE 5-1-56 CHARACTRON FIXED POINT WRITE 72770 007~6 67 00001 :30000 7 171 00737 75 31771 72713 7 772 00740 00741 11 00001 74001 7 773 • 75 302~3 00743 007~6 ENTRANCE MD DRIVER STORE ES ROUTtNE TO E5 SET EXIT 7 774 00142 11 72770 7 715 00743 16 00736 00766 72776 00744 21 00766 01216 12777 55 20025 ~ OO~ 00150 TEST 73000 00145 00746 73001 00747 45 00000 ~O751 ES 73002 00150 32 00776 00000 73003 00751 55 ,20000 oe011 13004 00752 ~7 73005 0075~ 16 20000 00757 7~OO6 00754 11 00736 73026 73007 00755 11 00777 01017 SET ACQUISITION SET REPEAT ERASE INST 13010 007~6 16 SFT 73011 00757 011..,' 71 01216 30000 73012 00760 55 20000 00006 73013 00161 37 00152 00746 73014 00762 37 00752 00746 73015 00763 4S 00000 01001 ttn 73016 00164 11 01213 13245 '-' J 73017 00765 11 01214 73246 CONTROL WO~D ADJUST ES ADDRESSES SO ROUTINE RESTORE GRfD NUMRER, RETURN RESTORE PAGt NUMrF:q , 73020 00766 75 RESTORE 13021 00767 11 74001 00001 73022 00710 17 00000 7327:3 AOVANCE 73023 00171 15 '1777 7'3025 RESTORE 73024 00772 11 74001 00001 13025 00773 2~ 73026 730~1 73026 00774 30 00000 ooaoo 73027 0071'5 02 00000 00764 --. f"""f '" '" tI 0 0 f"""f >< Co. 007~6 00752 ADDRESS ADJUSTMENT 0075~ 0017~ ~1777 FOR 30000 ~XJT E.5. FILM ES REPEAT 9-369 CV-157 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. 5"'''' OiEGO CALIFORNIA IF 001-6 PAGE REPORT ZM L91-I1 MODEL All DATE 5-1-56 CHARACTRON FIXED POINT WRITE 13030 00776 73031 00777 7S032 01000 730~3 01001 74 00000 11 oooot 71 C1216 15 20000 13034 01002 55 20000 00006 73035 01003 51 01231 20000 NUt·1BER OF ROWS 7~O:36 01004 13037 13040 ADD~ESS 73041 "1005 01006 01007 55 10000 00011 15 10000 01020 47 01001 01010 73042 73043 00000 0000, 30000 ACQUIRI: 01055 AODRESS WOqn OF 1ST DATA WORD CONT~OL 42 01270 01011 OF 1ST (~ TEST NUMBER ~OW5 TEST NUM8ER ROW~ 01010 31 01216 00005 SET 71 20000 73046 01011 01012 01013 01014 13047 01015 73050 01016 73051 01017 31 01214 00000 47 01016 01015 17 00000 01241 21 01000 (}1216 16 20000 01172 7'3052 01020 11 73053 01021 73054 01022 7~O55 01023 73044 73045 n12~4 35 01216 01273 :30000 01275 15 JI020 01102 11 0124·0 01214 EXIT ",,, 1ST TRANSFER tD£NTITV SET FOR PW CHANGE FREE RUN P~tNT TEST FOR NEW PAGE 5ET PICKUP FOR TITLF. PICKUP SfT TALLY STORr: 01025 47 01046 01026 6 73060 01026 15 01211 01027 ~ 73061 r->< 73062 c.. 01027 11 01030 11 01246 01211 13063 01031 73064 01032 51 01261 20000 55 10000 00006 73065 01033 32 73066 01034 77 10000 20000 SHIFT CHARACTERS ADD po~tTION PRINT 73067 01035 21 SHIFT RIGHT 0 ~OOOO 0121~ ol'-l~ 1000(t oonoo 017.33 ~2 SET 'I 73057 a-- GR!:ATf.~ CHANGE TO DISTANCE PAGE NUMBERS TEST a ADVANCE FILM 01024 ...-t 0 :32 17 00000 012'31 31 01213 00000 r---lJ"j 73056 .w. EXTRACT FRO~~ Q 9-370 CONVArR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CAL'FOl'tNIA CV-157 IF 001- PAGE REPORT Z. 491-7 II MODEL All DATE 5-1-56 CHARACTROi FIXED POINT RRITE 73070 13071 01037 73072 01040 73073 73075 01041 01042 01043 73076 01044 73077 01045 01046 73074 13100 11 012~4 ~121~ 55 01275 00006 1:)1 O12~1 73102 43 01231 01171 73103 01051 42 01242 01055 73104 01052 73105 01053 31 0124:3 00000 11 01215 01217 7~lO6 01054 01055 73107 73110 73111 73112 ,..... 73113 t; 73114 pooof 01056 01057 01060 01061 01062 37 01205 01 L1'7 ~1201 11 300QO 01271 21 0105~ 01244 31 01201 00000 36 01271 01103 11 01211 20000 46 01063 01067 01063 01064 01065 01066 13 01271 01211 31 0121'2 COOOO 01067 21 01213 01233 73122 01070 71 01277 01267 73123 01071 32 73124 Ol()72 11 20000 01276 73125 01073 ·73126 73127 01074 31 20000 00017 35 01212 01076 31 01262 00000 '173115 0' 6 73116 ~ 73117 t- 41 01271 OlO~l 21 01027 01244 42 01210 01027 21 01214 01216 11 20000 01272 11 01245 01271 37 01134 01110 01047 01050 731(')1 0 01036 >< 73120 73121 0... 01075 32 01245 00000 77 10000 20000 01236 00052 TEST TALLY ADVANCE PICKUP TEST END ADVANCE PAGE NUMBER TO rNTEGE~ STORAGE o TO FRACTIONAL 5TC~AGE PRINT PAGE NUMBER SET G~rD POStT!ON STORE SCALE FACTOR TEST FO~ EXfT FLAG TEST FOR OVERSIZE E FOR SCALE FACTOR ERRO~ SET SCALt FACTOR 0 PRINT E ACQUIRE' NUMBER STe:P SET BINARY POINT SHIFT TEST FOR SIGN N'EGATTVE GRID NEGATIVE SIGN PRINT MOVE SIGHT .2~~7 X BSF .99 NUMBER FRACTIONAL SHIFT TO U ['IIGIT~ ROU~lDING FACTOR 9-371 CY":151 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENaAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CAL.'I'"ORN'A PA.GE IF 001~ REPORT Z)( L.91.i.II MODEL All· DA.TE 5-1-56 CHARACTROR FIXED P0I'flT WRITE 7'134 01076 01077 01100 01101 01102 731!S 01103 731'36 01104 01105 01106 7~130 73131 73132 73133 731g1 73140 73141 73142 73141 7!t44 7'145 1'3146 73147 13150 73151 '3152 13153 01101 01110 01111 01112 0111l 01114 ~n Ito ooono 1 01274 01103 11 01246 01274 21 01102' 01244 11 'ooot') 01275 ~o 00000 00000 32 10000 0000(') 11 20000 01211 ~4 20000 00044 11 20000 01272 15 2001J 01112 42 01216 01114 11 01247 01272 11 01215 10000 51 01231 01277 01·121 01122 55 01217 10011 31 01206 00000 36 10000 01124 ~1 01217 00000 16 012f1 01277 31 01272 00044 13155 0112~ ~2 73156 01124 73157 01125 01126 01121 ;: 13154 = 01115 01116 01117 01120 It) I 0·1 0 0 0~ t- >< c.. TO 0 on~nft TEST FOR PW CHANGE RESET TALLY ADVANC! Pw NEXT P~I CENTER BINARV POINT ROUND STORE FRACTION STORE tNTEG!R JUMP IF OVERSIZE JUMP IF SIZE OK SET FOR MAX. INTEGER l1-R SET DtvlsION 1(') R-l NUMet!R REPLAce lNT£GE~ 73162 7316! 73164 01130 01211 00006 30 00000 00000 11 10000 01211 73 10000 10000 55 10000 00001 22 0121$ 00001 01131 42 01212 Oll~2 27 10000 01216 ROUND 73165 0113,3 73166 011~4 73167 01135 31 01205 01204 37 01134 011~5 :31 ~1250 0000(') PRINT tNTEGtR OPTIONAL EXIT PERIOD 73160 73161 0113~ DtGITS NUMBER. DIVISOR IN Q ANSWER X 2 EXP '.5 ANSWER )( 2 EXP " REMAINDER X 2 TEST wtTH DtVISOR 9-312 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CV-157 PAGE CALIFORNIA IC 001-9 491- 11 REPORT Z)( MODEL .&.11 DATE 5-1-56 CHARACTRON FIXED POINT WRTTE 011~6 :32 73171 01137 73172 01140 73173 01141 77 10000 20000 21 0121~ Q12~1 11 01276 01211 73174 01142 37 01205 (')1204 73175 0114:3 73176 01144 73177 01145 11 01213 10000 51 01264 20000 35 01234 O121~ 73200 01146 11 01263 10000 V MASK 73201 01147 73202 01150 7'203 71204 01151 73205 01153 7~206 01154 13207 01155 13210 01156 73211 01157 73212 01160 51 01211 20000 42 01273 01046 16 01234 0121) 21 0121~ 01266 15 01213 01211 31 01271 00000 42 01265 01046 17 00000 01240 11 0121~ 01213 17 00000 n1~41 VERTICAL ADJUSTMENT JUMP IF OK VERTICAL TO START ADVANCE HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL TO U OF A JUMP IF OK STOP PRINT SET FOR NEW PAG~ ADVANCE FtLM 7321~ 01161 15 01046 0116~ TEST 73214 01162 ~l 01274 00000 FOR 7321r; 01163 73216 01164 -. 73217 01165 41 011'-'6 011&4 15 01102 01166 21 01166 01244 ~ 73220 01166 13 30000 10000 0" 73221 01167 0 0 0"- 73222 01170 t- 73223 01171 >< 73'-'-4 73225 0117? 01173 51 01261 20000 t.~ 7 01023 01172 17 00000 01240 45 00000 ~()0f)O 31 10000 00002 73226 01114 32 10000 00001 STOP PRINTING EXIT Q X 10 TO A 73227 01175 11 20000 10000 REMA t NDER. TO A t- '-' I I f'"'"4 0.. 01152 Cl21~ GRID 73170 00000 PRINT PERIOD MOVE RIGHT CHANGE TO FRACTION TALlV PRINT f'!RACTION GRID MASKED ADVANCE VERTICAL END OF PAGE EXIT 9-373 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. ~A'" DI~G(\ CV-157 CAL'FOAN' .... !"AGE IF 001-10 REPORT ZIIt 491-11 01116 34 20000 00102 73231 01117 42 012~5 01201 73232 01200 35 01232 20000 73233 01201 32 01213 00000 73234 01202 73235 01203 73236 01204 73237 01205 77 10000 20000 21 01'-13 0123~ 41 01277 01113 45 COOOO 30000 73240 01206 55 01230 10001 73241 01207 31 01271 00044 73242 01210 11 01261 00000 73243 01211 00 01251 00000 73244 01212 73 01:216 10000 73245 0121~ 73246 01214 73247 01215 73250 01216 00 00000 00*0 00 00000 00*0 00 000(')0 n('l * 00 00000 00001 73251 01217 00 00000 00012 73252 01220 00 00000 <"0144 7325~ 01221 01222 00 00000 01750 00 00000 2~420 01223 00 00003 03240 ~ 73256 01224 >< 73257 0.. 01225 41100 O{) 00461 .13200 73260 O12~6 73261 01227 13262 01230 00 0515~ 6C400 00 7~46S 45000 11 24027 62000 73263 01231 00 00000 00071 73264 01232 02 00000 00000 73265 01233 73266 01234 00 00022 00000 00 00000 00036 HORIZONTAL SPACE VERTICAL SP,t,CE ""''''''9 I;JC.O( 01735 06 00000 00000 TEST I 73254 0' 8 73255 "0 All DATE 5-1-56 OVERFLOW TO POSITION TEST FOR ADJUSTMENT GRID PRtNT DIGIT MOVE TO RIGHT END OF WORD 13230 t; ..... MODEL EXIT SUB FOR NUMRER ADJUSTMtNT FOR BINARY POINT SHIFT FOR PAGt TITLE TEST FOR ROUNDING FACTOR GRID LOCATION PAGE NUMBER lFRO POWERS OF OOO~6 10 MA$K 9-374 COtjVAl1 - DIVISI()N OF Gi~ERA~ OYNAMICS 'cOR'. CV ... 157 . " ... OlitGO. CALIFO"NIA ....... 73270 73271 73272 73273 01236 01237 01241 73214 01242 00 00000 04400 00 00000 06000 00 00000 00044 73275 01243 22 73276 01244 00 00001 (')0000 73277 01245 40 00000 00000 7'3300 733(')1 73302 01246 C1247 01250 00 00000 00005 11 ~4027 61777 ~o 13303 01251 44 70077 00770 73304 01252 73305 01253 73306 73307 01254 73310 01256 73311 01257 73312 01260 73313 01261 73314 01262 01 70071 00770 07 70017 00170 35 00521 72522 14 43774 $2501 44 10011 00710 07 70011 00770 07 70017 00770 71 00000 OOOO~ ~7 77111 771'77 00 00000 71777 00 01400 77777 00 02000 00000 00 00400 ~OOO() 00 22221 64247 00 00000 aOO41 01240 01255 73315 01263 :;I 73316 01264 ~ 73311 ~ 73320 0126$ tr; t- 73321 01266 01261 0.. 73322 01270 ~ >< 00 77270 24366 00 COOOO 05000 O~O~O 00000 00000 00010 REPORT MODEL IF 001-11 ZM 491-11 All DATE 5/1/56 PAGE .99 X 2 EXP :30 PRIN1 FREE RUN STOP PRINT ADVANCE FILM 36 E PRINT NEGATIVE SIGN lC EXP 10 -1 PRINT PERIOD CHARACTt:RS FOR PAGE iITLE MASK MASK MASK .2a~7 X 2 cXP 30 9-375 RR-158 REMINGTON RAND UNIVAC St. Paul, MiDD880ta 15 April, 1956 aIg. A DE!I!N~~TION BOUTINE Descriptiop This ro~tine enables one to display a message in Times-Square fashion across the monitor SCQpe on tbe 1103 cODsole, or on paper tape from the bigb speed puncb. The routine is provided with progra. eDiries' and ex! ts for use as a subroutlneo (asS> are preserYed ID the region 76000-77777 while FLICK operates and are restored upon co.pletion of the display. " Input The routine will read a message from paper tape whicb bas been punched in flex code directly from a Flexowriter; the routine will also display 8 message which has been previousl, stored on the drum starting at address 50000. In either case, the upper limit on tbe number of obaracters per llessage is 2~1l0. A flex code-stop (octal 43) .uat te1'llinate a Ilessage. 'Dae flex-coded claaracters recogalaed by' f1..ICI are A tllru Z, .- tllm 9, .inus (-). equality (a), plus (+), period (.), and space. Space codes are auta.atlcall, substituted for carriage return and tab codes. FLICI ignores all otber flex codes, aDd paper tape leader. In additlon~ a lIw.ber of otber characterl are Byailable for display. !hel. oharacters canBot be punched on tape directly from 8 Flexu.riter, .Dd, be.c. u.e of tbe. requires that t~e, be read iato the COMputer iadepeadentl, of FLICK. !be additlon.l charaoters and tbeir octal codes are as followl: . ...L.. · ? •• J % -"If 121 122 123 • ( 124 ) 125 126 r.: 127 J r 130 I (Ilre ) m----------------____ ~~ r) f(:Rh 1 .. 2 3 4 5 6 ..... ... ~ It ~ " 7 ______ ______________ ____________ ~ ~ J ltj ~ A bioctal tape of cbaracter codes for a desired Message • ., be rJ.- loaded Into tbe COliputer, one character to 8 cell sterting at address 6 50000. !hIs for. of mes88ge iaput must of course be effected iDdependeDt11 8...... of FLICK routine • :>< Optput t0... Eacb character of tbe message is displayed in 8 5x7 matrix OD tbe scope, or on tbe paper tape. One character moyes across the scope In approximately 3 seconds, aDd'cbaraeters are puncbed out at the rate of 10 per second. 9-376 RR-158 Storage The FLICK routine is located in cells 47161 tbru 47777. The coded message Is stored in cells 50000 thru 50000+n, where II Is the number of cbaracters in the message. Cells 54000 tbra 54000+n are used as temporary storage. D ~04710 (37778). The FLICK routine is available in symbolic coding (RECO) so that rearrangement of storage can be readily performed. Any.essage remains undisturbed on tbe drum once it is read io; tbis enables one to redisplay a message as many times 8S Is desired until a new message is read in. Operatlpg Instructions TYPE OF PAl: DISPLAY SEnING· Flex-coded paper tape scope 47324 37 47312 47316 DI'11II (50000 thru scope 47321 37 47312 47313 Flex-coded paper tape punch 47173 37 47161 47165 On. (50000 tllru 50000+a) puncb 47170 37 47161 -47162 READ MESSAGE nOi PROGRAM ENTRY 50000(0) ~: It only one display is desired, lSI select s~ould be turned ON at this point; ~therwlse tbe current display will repeat indefinitely. PrograJI entry to FLICK gl yes only.!!!. complete message display. AiaDs 10 If 80 illegal character code is encountered, the computer baits on a 56 000i7 00163 commando STARTiog .i11 terminate the current message and begin display of tbose characters wbich up to the stop point :; bave been found to be legal ones. ~ ~ I 0' 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2. If a flex code-stop (octal 43) is o.itted from the end of the ••ssage. FLICK rill continue to read from tape or drum until an illegal code Is found (see alarm 10 ) . When tbe code-stop is omitted from punched paper tape, tbe computer !!1 bang up on an Eternal Read command: in" tbis case Force Stop, set PAl m 00136 and START. The message is tben 8ut0.8tlc811J ter.inated and display beginso , listing or the oode in .,..bolio-relatlw (tor assably by RICO) and octal and/or a bioctal paper tape suitable tor reading into the 1103 _,. be obtained upon request addressed to: lAo B. Kennedy UrdftO Scientitic Applioations Group HO-159 CC - A Useful Instruction for Inverted Binary Numbers Binary counters and converters will sometimes supply a quanti ty -In the inverted binary or gray code. When converting tram ordinary binary notation to gray code or vice versa, the CC - command may be used conveniently. Conversion fram ordinary to gray code can be done with these 2 instructions; LA x A .. 71 a + 1 CC x A a Shift ordinary numbers 1 right and leave in A Add to each bit the following bit modulo 2 This takes care of nmnbers up to 36 bits long. Execution time is 228 /,P sec. The reverse process is not quite so elegant, it uses repeated LT and CC. SP x 36-n a + 1 L'l'L o x a ... 2 RPV n a ... 4 a + 3 LTL 1 a 4 RPV n a + x T a 6 a +-5 co Scale up inverted numbers Clear cell x 6 Make a string of n shifted } Words } Add to each bit all preceding bits modulo 2. The size of the n\UDber to be converted i3 n. time 1s (270. + 56n) fl see. The execution Both procedures can be easily adapted to put results in other cells. Robert G. Tantzen, Holloman Air Development Center 9-378 RW-160 TNI-O Pg. 1 of 4 Revi8ed May 1, 1956 THE RAMO WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los Angeles 45, California ARCTAN Specifications Identification Tag: TNI-O Type: Subroutine Assembly Routine Spec: SUB Storage: 58 instructions 50277 07214 14 constants in prog,am 72 words of total program storage used or temporary storage pool used, addresses 00027b through 00032b 4 words Entrance and Exit: RJ SUBOO SUBOl The alarm exit is not used. Drum Assignment: 64045b through 64l54b Machine Time: J .. 7 ms average Mode of Operation: Fixed point Coded by: P. Johnson December 3, 1954 8 0- Code Checked by: T. Tack March 15, 1955 ..... >< ~ Machine Cheeked by: M. Elmore March 19, 1955 Approved by: w. April 29, 1955 maeh1~ time - 0 -.0 ...... '-' J 0J ...... Dixon 9-379 RW-160 TNI-0 Pg. 2 of 4. Revised 5/1/56 Description This routine computes F(X), an approximation to t;he arctangent of X, by using a. polynomial approximation. It was programmed by Research Associates and was adopted for use at .~ngineering Ramo~ooldridge. Programming Instructions Assume the routine is stored at SUBOO, and that X is the number whose arctangent is desired. 1. Place X· 2 33 in the accumulator 2.. Execute RJ SUBOO SUBOl Control will be returned to the cell immediately following the return jump .a.nd F(X)· 23~ will be left in the accumulat0:t;. "\" 17' 16 F(X) ~ 2" 1f ,. Mathematical Method and Error Analysis The Rand Approximation 7 Arctangent X is used. 2i 1 C2i -1 X i=O = F(X) =~ (See Rand Sheet 13.) The accuracy as stated by ERA is I IArctangent X - F(X) ~2-25 Machine Checking Sixteen values of the argument were tested in the range o ~ -1225 ~ X ~ 12~5 .... '-' I 0"I o o 0"- ...... r- >< t:l.t 9-380 RW-161 NUI-3 Pg. 1 of 9 revised 5/1/56 THE RJ\MO~ WOOLDRIDGE CORPORATION Los .Angeles 1~5, California Gill Method Subroutine Specifications 'Identification Tag: NUI-3 Type': Subroutine Assembly storage SpeC! SUB c~orage: 49880 07414 59 instructions, addresses OGMOO thru ooM40 lGMOO thru 1GM17 15 constants in program, addresses OGCOO thru OGC14 74 words total program storage, addresses OOMOO thru OGM40 IGMOO thru 1GMl7 OOCOOt~ ooc14 10 words temporary storage pool used, 8.ddresses 0OO27b (OGTOO) thru ooo4Ob (00T09) 63230b 6334Ib Drum Assignment: Addresses Program Entrances: Addresses OOM02, OGM03, and Program Exit: Address OGMOl 1vBchine Time: (lO.3n + 1.9) thru InS OGMo4 per point average, where n equals the number of equations in the system -- Mode of Operation: Fixed point 1""""1 -.0 ~ Coded by: I C1' I J. Carlson R. DoUthitt 14. Elmore o o R. Summers C1' ....... t- M. Elmore June 8, 1955 Machine Checked by: M- Elmore July 7, 1955 Approved by: lie Eauer July 22, >< Code Checked by: 0... 1955 9-383 RW-161 NUI-3 Pg. 2 of9 revised 5/1/56 Description The Gil]. Method Subroutine integrates a system of first order, differential equations using a ~tep-by-step process. Using the values of the variables at a point and the coding for computing the derivative of each of the dependent variables at that point, the Gill Method Subroutine produces the coordinates for the next point of 'the solution each time it is entered. ' A special entrance sets up the subroutine for a particular system of equations, thus allovTing the subroutine to solve concurrently several different systems in the same program. The independent variable is incremented within the subroutine itself. Notation The system. of equations to be solved is ~' are intermediate values of the calculation ,( zero initially) II x is the increment of the independent variable x h is the bi'nary 8(!aling' power of x (i. e. x· 2h is in the computer) h-l is the binary scaling power of .6x m i is the binary scaling power of Yi f is the common difference between the scaling power of Y and the scaling i dy pOlqer -. 1"""1 Ofaxi for each i. m - f is, the binary scaling power of i d.yi a:x- -..0 -1"""1 I L = 13 + f - h 0"I 8 ~ PrOgramming and >< c.. Assign the Gill Method Subroutine to some arbitrary region, say OOMOO. r- Qperat~Instrtictions In order to solve a given system, the following array of variables, derivatives, intermediate values, and parameters should be assigned a region, say OGNOO. 9-384 CONOO L OGN01 00 OGN05 OGN06 RW-161 OGN02 OON03 OON04 NUI-.3 Pg • .3 n-l 6X ',,' __ 01., dy1 scaled 2h-l scaled IIJ. - OGN06 Y1 · scaled ~ OGN07 ql initia,JJ.y zero dy2 9 h scaled 2 d£ oorro5 o£ revised 5/1/56 f OGNOB ax scaled m - f 2 OON,9 Y2 scaled OGNlO ~ initially zero ~ . elyi In addition, the coding for computing ,dx for all i, (i = 1, 2, • . . , n) should be assigned a region, say ODEOO. This coding 'Will use the values in regio.n OONOO dyi to compute all dx as specified by the equations in the system and Should place the results in the appropriate places in region OGNOO. It should then exit to the Gill Method Subroutine With an MJ 00000 OGM04 (see below). Assuming the Gill Method Subroutine is in region OGMOO, the three entrances are 0GM02, 0GM03, and ooM04. The exit is OOIDl. ::;- The first entrance, 0GM02, is used for setting up the Gill Method. Subroutine only for -the particular system to be solved. It is entered by an RJ command followed ~ by a parameter word which specifies the location of the variables, and the location ~ of the coding for calculating the derivatives: o o 0' RJ OGMOl 0GM02 00 OONOO ODEOO ~ The second entrance, OOMJ3, is the entrance for producing a point of the solution. It is entered by an RJ command: RJ OGMOl -oor.103. Entering using this connnand results in four passes through both the Gill Method Subroutine and. the coding for computing the derivatives, and leaves in region OONOO the new values of the variables, the derivatives at those values, and x advanced. by ~ x, ready for the next step. The third entrance, ooM04 J is the entrance from the coding for calculating the derivatives and is used. on each of the four passes necessary for comPuting one point. As noted. above, it is entered by an MJ command in the ODEOO region: MeT 00000 OGMo4 9-385 RW-161 NUI-3 Pg. 4 of 9 revised 5/1/56 Mathematical ~sis Theory. "A Process for the St~p-by-Step-:rntegration of Differential. Equations in an Automatic Digital Computing Machine" by S. Gill, published in Cambridge Philosophical Society Proceedings, Vol. 47, Part I, January 1951, should be consulted for a detailed analysis of the process on which the subroutine 1s based. Suppose we know the point (X, 'Y , Y2' • • • , Y ) on the curve defined by the l n system of equations dyl d.x = f 1 (x, Y , Y2' l d:y 2 dX . = f'2 (x,. Yl , Y2' . . . , Yn) . . . , Yn ) The Gill Method is a process by which -we can find the next point on the curve: i.e. the value of Yl"Y2' • • • , Yn for x = X + h. The process can be better understood if the case "Where n==lis first considered. We have the point (X, Y) on the curve X + h; i.e. lIe.wan:t k = Sy ~ = l' such that ~] (x,y), and we want to find y at = f (X + h, Y + k) •. X + h, Y + k We derive k by making four' approximations and averaging them in a particular way. First approx:illlate the curve by a straight line through (X,Y) with the slope = f' ........ ~] (X, Y), and find a first· approximation to k: X, Y ko = hef (X,Y) ~ Then we travel .a fraction m of' the way along this line to the point (X + mh, Y + mlto ) I and f'ind f (X + mh, Y + m'k ). ~ 0 o o This gives us a new straight line through (X + mh, Y + mk ) with slope f 0"...... 0 r- Y + mko ), and we find >< c.. (X + mh, kl :::: h f (X + mh, Y + mk o ) He now use ko and kl to find a third point at which f is calculated: y + [n-r ] ko + rk1 )· k2 =h (x + nh, 9-386 f (X + nh, Y + [ n-r] 1-:0 + rk1 ) RW-161 NUI-3 Pg. 5 of 9 revised 5/1/56 Similarly, = The weighted a.verage of ko' k , kG' and k3 1s the desired k l 6y: Sy = Y (X + h) -y (X) = coko + clkl + c 2k2 + c3k3 ,.mere Co + c l ;- c 2 + c3 = 1. For a system of equations, the same four steps given above are made for each equation and oYi = cokio + cllti1 + c 2k i2 + C ki3 vmere Co + c l + c 2 + c = 1. 3 3 The above process is, for certain values of nt, n, p, s, t,' co' c ' c ' and c , the l 2 3 Runge-Kutta process. The Gill process was derived, With application to machine use in mind, by minimizing the number of storage cells required. For the Gill Method the above conste.nts are m = 1/2 , r = 1- 'Yi72 , c n = 1/2 , s = , c p =1 if12 , c , - t = 1 + .(jJ2 c 0 I =1/6 =(1/3) (1 - (1 + 2 =(1/3) 3 = 1.I72) Yi72) l/e The Gill process further systematizes the calcuJ.ation so as to increase the accuracy and ~implify the coding. The Subroutine As used in the Gill Method Subroutine, the process is as follows : 1st pass: Advance k io x by (1/2)h = h-f i (x, Y10 ' Y20' • • • , Yno) r il =(1/2)kio - ---- ~1 = ~o ~ -0 ~ ~o + 3r i l -(1/2)kio '-" I Yi l 0"I o o + r 1l Calculate fi (x'Yll 'Y21' · • • , 0"~ t- :>< c.. = Yio yrJ.' in programmer's own coding. 2nd pass: r 12 = (I %2 = ~ - "'1/2) (ki l - ~l) + 3r '12 - (1 - Yi]2) kil RW-161 3rd pass: NUI-.3 . . . ,. Yn2) r.? = h"f1 (x'Y12'Y2'~' = (1 + YT72) (k i2 ~3 = ~2 + 3r i3" - (1 + 'Y'I72) Iti2 Yi3 == Y:i..? +ri3 ki2 1J Pg. 6 of 9 revised 5/1/56 - Qi.2) CalcuJ.ate fi (X'Y13 'Y23' • • • , Yn3 ) in programmer's own coding. l~th pass: ki3 = h-fi (X,Y13 ,Y23 , · · • Yn3) r i 4 =(1/6) (k i3 - 2%3) ~L~ == Yi4 = Yi3 °-'13 - 31'"14 - {1/2)ki3 + ri4 Calculate fi (x'Yl!~'Y24' · • • , Yn4) in programmer's own coding. The ~aper by S. Gill mentioned previously. includes a detailed' analfsis of errors, both truncation error and round-off error. ~~rors The expression for "the truncation error in' Sy1 1s too complicated to give here, but its d.ominating term, the author states, is rl f'i aYm Jx=X where Y == x. ~0 = 1, 0" j,k,l,m -. and the truncation error in Sy. 11il1 be approx1ma.tely this ,men the second partial ~ ). ,lerivatives are all close to zero. It is probably more useful to say merely that ~ the tru..."1cation error 1s of the order of 115• o o 0"- ~le standard deviation in y. -(1/3}a. over one step from all rounding off errors r-! r-! '-" t- ~ ). 0 "'l. is ('tfhere f is the quantity mentioned in the section on notat1on) 1/6 [. -rI3{2-2f + (l l 16)h 2 Lj~ (:~ij)x~"}ll/2 u, ~n::~t~U:h~f last digit of y. Machine Chec]~ing A driver routine solved t'tvO systems of equations both separately e.nd conctlrrently, using the Gill Method Subroutine. The t,.,o systems Dolved are given belo", to indiccrt;e f.~ccu.racy 2nd to serve as eX8..nrples. 9-388 RW-161 NUI-3 Pg. 7 of 9 revised 5/1/56 1. E9.uations dYl = Y d..."'{ 2 equivalent to the second order dY2 dx -Yl = d 2 --1l.. + dx l\x = .0812664626 := 1(/36 2 e~lationJ y = o. , = 50 Initial Conditions Solution Y 1 = sin x Accuracy In a spot check of" the results, the greatest a.bsolute error observed was . -6 1.5 x 10 ~ (For x .000000084 ) . = 3.1415925696, Y1 = .0000015425. However, sin x = Eauat ions _0 __"_- 2. Equivalent to the third order equa.tion 'j' ax =.1 0"I o o 0"- Conditions L~itia1 ....-t r- :><: At x = .1, 0.. Y 1 = .000025, Y2 = .001, Y 3 = .03 Solution Y 1 = x l~ "3 -x 3 b5 + x 6000 1 120,000 Accuracy In a spot checlc of the results, the greatest relative error observed was (For x - .1999999975, Y = .000421t-99858. However, the solution l is actually .00042500002). 6 3.4 x 10-. RW"'161 NUI-3 Pg. 8 of 9 revised 5/1/56 c ?~JtlG r~·f'. }C:6~l ~i?O'51 5",", .((.98 (.:i(! l~ 99;':::1 CO 00000 DOOOO 632.30 633() ~_ ]. .: D 11't.:::C f) '26i< D ,. ('U D OGe lfJBj \~.')f'.-'''..! v ~.·....1 f _I lGC 49939 63323 00027 63230 63231 6::32'32 0 D 2GMOO 2GMOl 2GM02 2GM03 2GM04 2GM05 2GMO.b 2GM01 2GM08 2GM09 2GM10 2GMll ~ 1: 'lr t 061 23 00000 00 00600 MJ MJ MJ IGMOO OGM36 TP OGMO'O QOOOO Q.j OG~'106 OGI'-1'-·O OJ OG:'" 38 OGr~10 7 TP QOO60 OGMO·O RA OGH1O 06(01 RP 30003 OGMll TP lU OGM15 2GM'l2 TV OG~31 2Gr-'13 TP RP 2GM14 2GM15 2GM16 2GM17 2GM18 2GM19 2GM20 2G~;'21 2 Gt-122 2GM23 2GM2-4 - 2GM25 :0 2GM26 OGTO!; OGroe. 301JO~ fP MP LA .A TP A f4p OGT05 MA OGT06 LA A TP 11 AT A AT OGTC4 ~ 0.. 0 2GM33 2GM34 2Gt-135 pAss STORE C1R UP pASs STORE ADDRESSES 63244 RESET ~ ' I I';' &3:247 SHlFT 63250 63.251 63252 l AK Ak eo 63:253 &3'2S4 :.18 OGT'Oi+ s:roRt R A- 2i;: 63255 63·Z;S6 63257 _.... ":'0, 63'260 63261 632·62 3 lt OGM1S OG<::ol RA OGM31 06(02 IJ OG108 OGM14 M-J 63245 Q,32A6 STORE K. LA ,'\ 63:240 6':l'241 63:2'42 6324·3 OGT03 OGT03 OGT02 A ,63236 6'3237 PASS CONS RESEr CALC K ~A 0'- 2G~13 63233 63234 63235 \4HAT OGTOO >< 2GM32 82GM29 ENTER RE ENTER oGTOe ~ 2GM31 d-. UP TO SET OGM16 MA CGr07 OGTC3 38 LA A AT OGT02 OGTC2 RA OGiOl 0GT(i4 RP 30002 GG~·1J2 iP OGTOl ~ 2GM27 2Gt~28 aDono ooo:;u on ooooe 00000 :~ /. (j~1 D 3R CK OLD V~ ... · 00 00 00 00 00 45 00000 O()OOO 00000 00000 000·00 O(}OOO 000:00 00000 OO()OO 00000 00000 00006 45 000.00 '02051 45 11 1.. 4 44 0000:0 02044 020eo 10000 02006 O~OSO 020"46 02PC'? lOO{lO 02000 11 21 02012 02074 75 30003 0201:3 11 00000 00034 15 OOO{tO 02017 16 OOO{)O 02031 11 o.oO(JO 00031 .15 300tr~ 0202G 11 00·0-00 00021 11 0·0000 00027 54 2~tlC!)" 00000 11 2Q(JOO ·OOO~2 ().OO34 60{),32 72 00035 OOO~l 54 200'\)Q 00046 71 11 20000 06033 3S 2000() 20000 '3:~ O'OOi3 zoooo 'J 5:4 20·00{) 72 o~ao36 00042 00032 63263 63-2b l ! 54 2001)0 0'0046 Y 632.65 Y AND Q 6:3267 21 0(10:;0 00033 75 30002 02640 1'1 000:30 21 020L'l 62 "lIt 21 02·037 02015 41 t;;}OO31 02016 ADD EQUALS N~W Q (~ stORE ADVANcE A[)f)~ESStS CYClt: N b~3266 63'2.70 63a11 6~212 63'213 'l'" ..... ,:? OCC3~ nO'o3t oogoo 45 00&60 00000 2GM36 TU OGCOO CGM10 6,3274- 2GM37 TP OGM21 '..:.I 2GM3~ RA 63275 IS 02073 02012 11 0202< c:w 37 77717 11741 01 10604 71625 00 00000 00001 235 - 31 513 R. --..... C\J -.0 ---CJ" I I A (513·~I: mod p A mod p A HI 1 9-392 1103 LIBHAHY SUBHOUTINE WF-163 CENTRAL EXCHANGE INDEX: TITLE : Line Printer Decima~ Output ENTRIES IF MORE THAN ONE OR NOT STANDARJ): x NO CODING CHECK: x BY MACHINE CHECK: x BY C. S. Fluke STA~DAHD: YES YES SELF-RESETTING: 1. Initial location of argument: Qu=lst address of input: =(1-92) 2. .- 3. Final location of argument: 00011 Location of the function: paper x C. S. Fluke NO Qv=(no. of digits)a 10 ADDRESSES: (a) Instructions: (b) Constants and temporary storage: (c) Constant pool used: (d) Temporary storage pool used: through 01000 01066 01065 through 01134 00040. 00057. 00073, 00074 00010 - 00017 INITIAL SETTING OF X: C"j ...0 -r-I (a) Range on x: (b) Scaling of x and f(x): (c) Brief description of numerical method: I 0' I 0 0 0' r-I r- >< 0.. 4. ACCURACY: 5. ALARM-CONDITIOi\S FOR OtT-OF-RANGE TEST: Full 100% ARu= illegal code; For illegal code: AHv = place in word of input = (1-11)8 9-393 WF-163 AL u = address 6. SPEED: 7. MISCELLANY: of code word. Line printer limited Program will take parameters defining input, make card image, and print one line starting at left most digit. Paper is advanced by format switches for col. #1. Input must have information for the number of digits to be printed, including codes' for spaces,·, 0, as well as the decimal digits. These codes are stored in the input as hexadecimal digits, i.e •• 4 bits per digit, and are packed 9 digits per machine word, going from left to right in adjoining registers. The codes can be derived as the immediate result of a preceding conversion routine. They are: Digit to be printed 8421 binary code space 1111 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 0 0 0- 5 0101 ...... 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 - C'j -.0 r-f '-' f 0f r-f >:: c... • (odd cois.) (even cols.) ") J 1010 9-394 CV-I64 CONVAIR ANALYSIS Do_ Parker ;-'. Char le. Sw1..f't Matt Vuletioh PREPARaD 8V CHECKED .V R~.D BY A 81. . .0. 0' ••• II:••U DnlAilICI COlPOtlATlO. SA.N DIEGO PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL pATE \ eN 007-1 ZII 491 111 6/20/56 BV PROOIWI Clf 007 Table of Content. 1. Introduction 2 11. Equationa 3 lll.Program Constant. 4 1V. Program Characteristics 5-7 V. Input - Output 8-9 Vl. Operating IDitruetions 9-12 Appendix 13.14 Storage !asignmenta 15,16 'low Charts. EV Starter 17 EV Part 1 11 IV Partp 19 IV Part 111 20 EV·Orthogonal1zation 21 III lloutine. 22 Sample Problems Sample SOT Output 23 29 x 29 24-28 2q Matrix A x 29 Matrix A Dehydrated 29-31 lArP at 27 Eigell"f'alu.8 32 Eigenvector. of last 11 Eigenvalues obtain•• 32-34 34-36 Code 37-70 9-395 CV-164 CONVAIR ANALYSIS a ...... fW . . . . . . . OBA.ac. COIIHeA'ft•• ptREPARED flY DeIm Parker CHECKED BV REVISED BY Charl•• Jwitt llatt Vul.tioh MN Otaoo .'.'. PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL DATE BY PROGRAM C1I C. 007-2 ZK 491 All 6/20/56 007 I 1103 PR''ORAl! FOR COMPUTING EIGENVALUES AND ETOEllVECTCRS OF REAL. SY1OIE1'RIC MATRICES 1. INTR"DUCTIOlh fbi. program ia designed to determine all Tectors Y1 and all .oalars JL 1 whioh together with a given real, aymmetric matrix A ot order. ~ aati.ty the relationahlpAYi baaed 0 = AiYi. 64 The matheatioal technique nployed ia 1 n the Hesten•• 1:aru.h gradient methode • The program performs the H••tenea- laruah near-optimum gradient method2. ArI.y nuaber .ero ei~envalu•• ma~nitud. ot the eigenvectors and their associated posi tive. non- aay be obtained in decreasing .equenee with respect to &l~braic ot eigenvalue.. Extremely close eigenvalue. and eigenvalues close to zero with reapect to the total range of eigenvalues slow. cOnYergence and in extreme oases pre-w-ent. conTerp;ence. the program i. made to take adn.ntage of a atrix with large Dumber. of lero elemente by repre.enting it in dehydrated form Ie. with blocks of 'ero element. replaced by nag. indicating the number of aeros removed. For larger ..tric •• (L.O.c::.~t4), thi •• program becomes more efficient with respect,... time 0 f solution and accuracy. Ten deoimal digits, unpaoked floating pOint number representation i8 u.ed (See CA 001 report ,.011111 '8,a,,. ZJ( 491). 9-396 GV-164 CONVA ANAL-YS'S PREPARED BY Donn Parker CHECKED BY REVISED BY 11. PAGE A 01""011 0' CJI.I••\L DTII" ••CS COIIPOIATlOIl REPORT NO. . MODEL SAN DlaGO Charles Swift • R lfatt Vuletich : DATE eS' 007-3 ZM 491 All 6/2fJ/56 EQUATIOI'SI The balic formul~ Xi • define %1+1 by. Give!: an approximation may be summarized as follows. xl+1: xi+~l~i where ~1 : AXi-~(Xi)Xl and }J (xl): xf .lxi/xix i Ih8a x has conYerged tn the eigenvector Y,)J(X) haa (The Rayliegh ~uoti.nt) conver~ed ?L • The eonverr,ence tn the eigenvalue proceeds twice to the eigenTector. a8 fast as conv~rgenee The program uses (3 :.8. but this can be trom iteration to iteration. to th~ eir,envalue vari~d Each eigenveotor ia obtained by easil:! forcin~ the iterate xl to remain in the orthogonal compliment of the subsp&oe spanned by the eigenve~tor8 already obtained (a 'ymmetric, real matrix has mutually orthogonal eigenvectors). correcti:: Thi. i . a.coompli.hed by applying the followine; orthogonalization :o::u~a~8!e;;,:~;::;::t::::~ xi ie the 1~ iterate converging to the eigenvector yp and Y (j:O,l ••••• p~ 1) are the p mutually orthogonal eigenvectors j thus rar obtained. An arbi brary method of determi.ning convergence is used as follow-s. The i terata xi and the assooiated Rayliegh quotient j1{X ) are assumed to have ~',oon i verged to the eigenvector y and the eigenvalue ;t respectively with d bi ts of accuracy i lIhenmi'ic exponent Bui)J - exponent [c 11 )~:>d'k: 1,2, .... ,N where (Zi)k 18 the k th eleme!lt of the vector Zi. FORt.. lalZ-A 9-397 CV-164 CONVAIR A rJ A LYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY' REVISED BY 111. Donn Parker . .. Charles Swift Matt Vuletioh A ....... or OUDAL DBA.a Cll 007-4 Z1l 491 MODEL All PAGE co.oun •• R.PORT NO. flAN DlaGO DATE 6ft.o/56 PROGR.Uf CONSTAITS AND TERMINOLOOYI DKSCRIPTIOB Order ot matrix lUmber or PERIWIBNT L'1C ATI ON TElIPORARY • 4000, 00005 B 4~ oo~ 40003 00003 SYHB ~L eigenvector. in the orthogonal compliment of converging iterate Bita of s.ccurac~f" ett.lned 00012 d 405~-L.0576 Desired bi ta of a ccuraoy 0163.,.-01636 lumber of ?ector. de. ired in output • 00010 lUmber of cell. in IS working storage I~ ooh06 ,irat vector in IS V1 00420 to 00417 + 2. Secaod vector in KS V 2 00420+ 2X Vector in lID Operanda tor floating arithmetic to O~17+ III VVD 41252 to 41451 AJID 4l..452 to ,3377 00025-000 30 OPl. 0P2 Result S.e .eetion VI.H. ~ index 4~7 Counts interationa IteratiaD index Counts iterations per accuracy teat Test Uadez: Count. accuracy teata per tyPe out Typing index Counts iterations per ortho~onalllatlor Orthogonali.atl~ index 1'0"'" .ata·4 aofi!41 ~7 40734 01774 40561 01621 41035 00305 9-398 CV-164 CONVA ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY IV. Donn Parker Char lea Swi f't Matt Vuletich R PAGE A OI"'alO. 0,. •••••AL DY.AM.a CO.H.AnOM REPORT NO; eAN DIEGO (> eN 001-5 ZM 1~)1 MODEL All \ DATE 6/20/56 PR0GRAl! CHARACTERISTICS The program will handle all matrices of order I etora~ < {;4. but there is epace in MD tor only storing an undehydrated matrix ot order W< 50 le. (11726)8 oe1la capable of storing (4753)8 two register floating elements (See CA 001 report ZM 491). However, the storage region may be expanded (See appendix b.). The program as presented ia set up to test the accuracy of convergence every other iteration, to type the value of d every other accuracy test ie. every fourth iteration, to orthogonalize every .ixth iteration, to compute a new every other ite~ation, and to cycle t~rough three values of~(al1 ~ let equal to Standard subroutines used and included on IV paper tapes. CA 001 Two Register Single Prieilion Floating Point Arithmetic Package. Ie 003 Decimal to Two Ref,iater Floating Binary Card Inpu.t. This has been modified to read dehydrated matrices. Ie oct.. Floating Point Card Output. Thie has been assembled and stored at 76Wo o II 002 Alarm, Octal, and Flexprint Package. BV SUBROUTINES 1ft' Dump and Res tore Inner Product Dehydrated latrix-Teetor MUltiplication Ray1iegh Quotient Orthogonall.ation POIIM ,.,a·A CV-164 COHVA AN.L~ PR.PA.ED IIY DoIm hrker CHaCQD a'; *" RtMUD IIY R PAGE R&PORT NO. MODaL DATa ....... or .UUM. "1I11III COIIIOHW•• MN DlIOO lwift ",1.1ob '. Char1e1 C'I 007-6 1M 491 All 6/20/56 flaHWf PAl!!. 8un.r. Cheok lum taken and typed. Progr8lll ia .et up for .. given order matrix. initial eigenvector iterates are Itored. the complete contents of the drum. and IS i • • tored on JIl'. and the eigenvalUe and eigenvector region is .tored on If tollowing the complete )(I). IS dwnp. The .tarter is destroyed when computation .tart•• Part I. or. d 1a computed. typed. and compared with MD a~d Pa.rt I is Itored on 1. tranlterred to ES only when needed. Part II. Iteration routine. It remains in ES except whep Part II i8 restored to EB trom )II) orthogo~allI1ng. for each ei("enveetor. 'Part III. Computed eigenvector and eigenvalue are stored on MD. prograza ia .et up for the next eigenvector iteration. tinal output is cantrolled. Part III ia stored on 1m and is transterred to E8 only when needed • . , COITROL. tigen'Y8ctors. eigenvalues Illd inner products ot eigenvectors are stored an lIT. Program, eigenvector•• eir.envalllel, and inner products are re- .tored tJ"om II! to lID and ES. 'fbi. acts .. a .erviee routine and 1. under control ot the machine operator. V1' Photo n,.pa I duapa After the pr..,gram MD and ES onto MT n.1ue. region onto IItI letup tor il 10 til liven matriX, the starter and the initial eigenvectors and eigen- 0 and .J1lt# From tiM to time (about 2. eTery half hour), at the operator. discretion. the eig.nv~ctor. and eigenvalue. _y be dumped on· JtJ.tf 0 and In# 2. Then in case ot a lailure the whole pror,ram Illd eigenvectors and eigenvalues from the 1u" dump may be reetored to continued from the point of the la8t 01" )If ES and the problem photo dl.lDp. By selecting l1li2 the eigenvectors and eigenvalueF 'are either Mr.f 2 or MT# 0 respectively_ Having the not .electing .tared trom un and re- 9-400 CV-164 CONVA ANALYSiS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY DoDD Parker • Char lea Swi f't Matt Vuleti oh R PAGE " ...... 0. 0' .IIIIE."L QY••• ICS C9."OUTIOII REPORT NO. SAN DIEGO MODEL DATE eigenvectors &lld eigenvalues stored on two JlJ.' ell 007-7 IV 491 All 6/20/56 units reduces the possibility of lo.iug the information. The m dumpinp-; routine takes throe minutes forty seconds to dump MD and ES and one minu.te ttn seconds to resto;!"e MD o.nd ES. requires (1017)8 blocks'to store 1ID and ES It e.nd~7([2lfE+406)"'lJ r [1737 J 1>a blocks to store the eigenvector and eigenvalue region where [ indicates "the integer part or". ] Included in the eigenvector and eigenvalue region are stored the inner produ~ts (dot products) or each eigenvector with it8elf (These are uaed in the orthogonaliaation process). IXTERJJAL COJTR~L8f There a1"e two basic cOiltrols that are Wled during tllS computa- tional part of thp, program. MSf 2 at 01535 causes a atop before setting up for the next eigenvector solution. A. E + 1 appears in Q and! appears in By ohanging (Q) or (A) at this point the eigenvector to be converged upon &ftd the number of eigenvectors desired may be changed. Msf 1 at 01704 in Part I of the program after one or several iter~tion8 (depending on the value of the Test Index) oausel a stop with T in Q ar,d d in A. (Q) the desired a~cur.cy T may be altered. By changing I f ' ia changed. the new value is typed on the supervilory control typewriter when the computer ia reatarted. At an uBI 3 atop (there are several of them) at OO~l the mantis8a or /.3 (.xp~neDt : 0) appears in Q and may be altered for the next iteration only. All other external controls may be found in the operatinl instructions. PORM '8,a-A 9-401 CV-l64 ANAL"'" PItEPARIED BY CHEQKIED BY RIMSIED BY V. CONVAIR 1.. PAGIE A . . . . . . or uaMAI. .,..... COUOU!I" Dona Parker • Cla r 8tr1 tt . t t Vulet10h REPORT NO. SAN DlKao MODEL DATI: 01 007-8 II( 491 All 6/ao/56 I'NPUT - otTTPlJ'l' llPUT 11 performed using the Card Input paper tape which contains with a change to accomodate reading ill th~ dehydrated matrix. Ie 003 llIput consists or the dehydrated matrix punched on cards by rowa, one row immediately 'follow- ing the preoeding raw. The card format and header card are described in ~c 003. 'lh. EV program may be performed without thil Input operation al long IS the _trix ia Itored in single prec~8ion floating point form (see CA 001) by row. at the addrea. 41452. DEHYIR1TED IfATRIII One lero element i. represented as true lero. 8everal Zero element. in aequ_noe (row end interYening or not) are represented as a ~. aero repre••nting the fir.t .ero except that the exponent 18 the nUJDber of sero ele_uta following the first zero element. See the 8ftll1ple problem for an example. Alter Weigeuwector. the ojdaput routine where have been obtained the program automatically exits to all I'l dump ie performed, and all eigenvalues are punched in floating def1mal form on card. ( ••• Ie ~). When the computer stOPI, a, the number of eigenvectors wanted .tarting with the last one obtained, i. in.erted, and when the computer ia started the~' are punohed in floating decimal - ~ ...... torm on carda in the order in which they were obtained. The oomputer then exits to an MIle atop. '-' I S'OPERVIS'JRY C"lfTR0L tMidtI'l'ER OUn'UT: 0J o o ""...... the SeT type. the Talue of E and T. ~ count and d are typed. t- ..0.... ,.,a.A Jot the her-inning of an i teraticn pr:?cess Every tot.dl iteration the iteration • When T i. "Gal1y ohanged, the new va lue of T is 9-402 CV-164 CONVA ANALYSIS CHECKED BY Donn Parker ~ Charl•• Bwitt REVISED BY Matt Vuletich PREPARED BY A DIVI• • • OF e••IIlAL DYUIIICS PAGE REPORT NO. SAN DIIEGO MODEL DATE eN 007-9 Zlt 491 All 6/ID /56 When the proeeB8 haa converged (d ~T). one more iteration is per- typed. formed, iteration count and d are or the R co..ouno. t)~ed, and the first three octal digits mantiaea and last three octal digit. ot the exp~nent of the eigen- yalue are typed. Whenever a Y.T du~p of eigenvectors and eigenv~lue. is performed. -Jrr1' i8 typed. VI. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, A. Paper tape start for initial starting of a problem. 1. It il advisable to clear In to 'all leros and put a~y convenient lerTiee routines in the 70000 - 77777 part of MD. 2. Itf #'J, lIT f2 should be set to the desired locations. 3. Jlatrix Input. (Optional. Se. aection V of this report.) Load paper tape. • Card Read IC 003 reviled-. Load matrix deok ot cards '(with header oard) in read hopper. lID atart 00300. Rea.de oard., types oheck sum and "done". 4. Load main paper tape, -IV"'. 5. JID start at 40000. 6. At)lS 10 atop, 01017 put I x 20 ..... (Q). y x 20...... (A). 7 • Start. ., dump requires about three minutes forty aecond.. Stpp at liS 8. Start. B. Output. 10 1161. Iteration start•• When I .... eomputer .top. at 01572. 1. lumber of vectors wanted II • x 2 0 --+- (Q). 2. c. Intermediate 1ft' Dump. 1. FORM'.'.·. Start •. Stop at 01613 atter output, and Kr dump. At _ f2 atop 01535 Set 7~30 --+ (PAl) 9-403 ANALYSI. .tt pREPARED BY Domt Parker CHECKED II'Y _.. ~. REVI• •D BY CV-164 elf 007-10 RI:PORT NO• • 491 CONVAIR PAGI: A " - " Of' . . .mtAL DYIIA.u:8 COIIPOltAftOII SAN DlIEGO Swift Vul.-tloh 2. Start (lIS 3. Start. Ie J&S:fe 10 Stopa MS on). atop 01535. MODEL DATE All 6/20/56 at 01532. low ready to continue problem or leave oomputer toetart problem from this point at a.nother time. D. Continuation from 11'1' .tart. #C. vr 1/2 .a 1. Set JI.r 2. ,. Load paper tape wI! Dump and Restor.-. Jon,restore from I! 2 lIS Ie on. VJ :felott, r.atore from lIT I 0 4. JID start at· 76370. 5. Start. in atep A-2. * Stopa at JIB Stopa at f II) " 0, 01532. 2. 01535 with I :x 2° : (~) ... x 2° : (A) ready to c . )n:tinue problem. B. Intermediate- atart trom MD. 1. Ie IE on. 2. MD .ta~t at 40000. MS Ie stop 01535.1'0. ready to continue problem from last eigennotor obtained. P. frouble. trouble can ariae from one of two ure or operator'. error. no.) ca•• 1. either computer tai1- Trouble .howa up as a computer fault (seC. 1ICT. or as a failure to cOl'l.....rge ot trouble Oa\1888. al shown on the typewriter output. In do the following. Perform. .tap I. If the laat eigenveot'Jr obtained cannot be con- verged upon again, ___ perform the next ',tep. 2. It II! f 0 bas not been aet baok to ita or .:.,1t~;, back tape (1017)8 blOOD and do step D. elldtting 8ub.tep 1. otherwis. just do atep D. 3. It .tep D fail. (ie.ft dump haa be. deetroyed). it may be possible to atart from paper tape (etep A) end inatead of dumping the eigenyeatera and eigenvaluee on M!. re.'ore them. P'ORIiII.,a·A Do Itep A with M8 " 2 9-404 CV-164 CONVA ANALYSIS PREPAREDBY CHECKED BY ~REVISED BY 8.1ld IIJ R PAGE A • ."..0. 0' "lIlaAL DTIIA ..ca co.poRAno. Donn Parker ~-". Charles Swift Matt Vuletlch REPORT NO. BAN DIEGO MODEL DATE '* 2 on a.nd with (J-f1262 ) = 75 eN 007-11 Z)( 491 All 6/cn/;6 :;0210 76370 and (7&63) : 37 76463 7t4t1J,. To re8tore just the eigenvectors and eigenvalues Jtr I -# 0 or 2, perform step D with the following changes. Arter substep .1e Replace subetep If JlT ALARMS I fro~ ~!T f Afvanoe).{T 11= 0 (1017)8 blocks. 4 with ~D start at 76374 with 2 2° in A-. 0 dump is gODlf, repeat the above steps u8ing fiT , 2. Alarm print (se. II 002) at 01565 lndicatM I> i. and at USC atop Ol~O, to 1:'1 test. ~ x J' • (A) e Start computer Correot'l:!ind lJtart •. Computer jumps Alal"!ll print any plaoe .1 •• indioates .ttempted di"!ision by lero. o. Con.ergenoe control. Bits of aoouraoy wl1l usually be negati .. tor a number ot iterationa and when positive, they will flllCtuate, sometime. quite violently. The teohnique i8 to stop the iteration process after as few iterationa as pos.ible w1th the most aceuracy. pllshed using the IS the ca... # This i8 accam- 1 stop and changing the desired accuracy to fit 8ee the sample typewriter output. B! ts ot aoouracy required have been prestored in tle program (405&~ to 40576), six val ues equale 801M or T per word in order !'rom right to lett. When I value, say If. and it is desired to go ba.ok to improve aome previously obtained eigenvector ie.when E was equal to E' - S, than to return to the oas. E : I', all eigenvectors from E' - .. to E' muat be iterated upon to pre.eTYe orthogonalilation. H. Optional operationa. 1. When starting from paper tape, MJ #2 on eliminate8 atori~~ all onea in the ei£eawector region as the initial iterates. 2. ..ORM ,e,a-A IIJ =I 3 on avoids .dumping the program on to. m. but does not 9 405 CV-164 CONVAIR ANALY. . . .-REPARED.Y CHECKED BY RP'SI:D BY . . . . . . . . , ....... DY•••ICI COIPOU"•• JloDD. Parker Charl•• Swift ...tt Vuletlch .AN1)IUO PAGIi elf IIEPORT NO. 1lI MODE.. DATa 00'7-12 49i All 6/2C/5.G eliminate dumping the eiginvector8 and eigenvalues reGion on Y.T and 3. vr I At lIS .,. altering 2. 3 stop 00241 the mantissEl . , (J is ia Q and Cf'.n be chfl.nged by (Q). 1. He.tenea, M.R. anrl laru8h, w. A Method of Gr~dients tor Calculation ot Characteriati.e Roots and Vectors of' A Real Syr.rr.et:-ic Matri x, J. NBS 2. I 0 41, 5. (1951) RP Research 2227. Stein, M.L. Gradient Methods in the Solution or SY8t.. of Linear EquationAl ~ J. Research ISS 48. 6, (1951) RP 2330. , 9-406 CV-164 C ·0 N V A ANALYSIS PREPARE£:) BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY DOnn Parker .. Charles Swift VattVuletich APPDDIX AI R PAGE A DIVISION 0' .INIRAL DJNAIlIc.t C:O...ORAnOM eN 001-13 L!9l All REPORT NO. ZM SAN DIEGO MODEL DATE 6/20/56 History and Operating Experience. The eigenvector~igenvalue problem for large, real, e~~etrio matri.es with many~zero elements 1s necessary for computing the mode shapes and frequencies of vibrations of mu1tispar wings. The EV program for this purpose was first coded in January, 1955 by Dr. llarvin fltein and Donn Parker, and report, CI 001 of Repon Z II 491. Wal witten in February. program hal been used to solve problema involTing e. 1955. preliminary Thia tirat 37 x ;7. 35 x 35, 33 x 33, 5q x 59, 62 x 62, and 29 x 29 matrices. The program was recoded in December, 1955 by Donn Parker and is pre8ented.in thia report. The matric•• we have had experience with have a zero eigenvalue and a large n.gative eigenvalue which made it .impo.8i~le to use the conjugate method to minimize and obtain the ".mallest eilenvalue fir.t. ~radi.nt We are interested in only the smallest ten eigenvalues (not including the zero and nerative valu•• ) and their associated eigenvectors, but in order to 80lve for all the larger values. .r".. a Investi~ation8 obte.i~ them we must first are being carried on now to better, more direct method. Prov1t!on has been made to Ikip the storage of the initial iterates all of whoae elements equal one. If better approximations to the eigenvectors are known, they may be placed in the eigenvector region at the same time as the matrix input. If the convergence i8 Tery slow tor a particular eir,envalue. increasing the frequency of orthogonalilation otten help.. This maybe dC'ne b~{ Ina..1'lually changing the orthogonalilation index or can be more easily done by lowering T .0 that the convergence 18 completed with very low accuracy. then "art conTergenoe on the same eigenvector thu. starting with the iterate last obtained. This otten -8hakes l008e- the itf'rate from a stagnating convergmce, and it 1s FOR'" lela· ... 9-407 CV~164 CONVA ANALYSt. CH~9X"'1IY Dorul Parker ,chari... Switb REVISED BY lfatt Vuletich PREPARED IIY • 1IMtM• . , .,.aM. n.ura CM,ou"oaR SAN Dlaoo "AClIE REPORT NO. MOO.L. ~TI: CI 007-14 ZJI 491 All 6/2C/56 the relult of orthogona11zing twioe without any intermediate iterationa. Another cause of slaw convergence i. laek ot accuracy of eigenvectors pr. .ioaly obtained. tor AP~X Convergence can be improved otten by improving the accuracy obtained previou.l~~ B, found eigenvectors. Li.ted here are all reterences in the program to the matrix, eig~- 'Yl1111". e1 genTeOtora. and inner product. storage areal on the MD. The Itorage .'Iigamenta for thel. areal may be changed by alterlne these referenoea. Matrix A y.y 7t423, 7tia5, 7~71 Bigenvalues 41266 EigeD"f'ectore -'".... ~ -I 0I o o .... 0t- >< c.. ...ottM 'e,a.,. R.t. 40015. 40016 CV-164 CONVAIR ANAL-YSIS PREPARED BY CHECK. . 8Y· REVISED BY Donn Parker ~ Charles Switt Jlatt Vuleti ch .AN DIEGO MODEL DATE MD Storage 0 0 0 0 . PAGE REfIORT NO. A DlVUIO. 0' ••• 1aM. DYllAlllca COltl'OUTlO. EV I req.or"\ 100 18 t~ ~ IS I~ °1 1° \0 c 10 ~ I" j-:r- I 6/20/56 Assignrvlents to Pro~ra('\ C1f 007-15 ZK 491 All ("I) l:r 10 t:) I~1-- I~:r I I 10 18 ,~ I o EI(~erivectors o I o :t- In I ._-,_...-_. . --.. . - - - _ I -------.-........... --.--.;-------- ·---~·--·+-I--I I 18 I I , I ,~ I I :--.._. ·---·---------r------···--.'.-._.-...---'--.- ... -- .. -.... 10 ~ ....0 ...... -I 0"I o o o I~ I ,~ ,-.;...---.-----.r------- f . I 10 I >< c... tt-..l I o :t- " '-0" .. ISla-A E S lrage. I· t I I j ... -...-........... - .. ___._.__ ._. ___.[_. ___ .=.n_. __ . __._. __ ." ._. 8 I , I I I \ ----l!~ _____. . __ .___ ...... r I I 18 r- I J--- --'--- ...... 0"- I . . ·-···-1-···· .--.. - - - - · f t!! "CQ1d 0 ~ ~ .... .... ~ ,.. ... -.----. -.. --.-.----..--...---.. -~..--.... -----.-----_4__L- --.. _.-.- -__-' __._ Ov~p4Jt I I' ~ ,...~ _._._.-l __ ..... ~ .--.. -.-..--___.__. ANALV. . PR."ARIID.v CHEcaD BY REVIUD.v .... CV-164 CI 007-16 ZJ( h.91 CONVAIR ........ Of''''''' O~CODO""'H UN DlaoQ Parker Chari•• SWift PAOli REPORT NO. All MODEL . t t Vuletioh 6/20/56 DATI: ES_ StoYBge A~:s,l.~nme.,ts ,---- o o o o o o f Aylt,~melLc.o !Itt 0' I~ . . --. --t---·· __·_·- .- --- '-"-' t··-_··- --"-.-"--'-~ ~-- ~ . - - .. - --t-- I . I o ·,,--_·':",,···r---:..:.- ......-_._-;--- ----- I Pa.yt I 1 - 0 _........- - _ . . _ - . .>... - .... . - - - - - __ .. I --1 .-+-------+--.-"..-------+------. .--.-.. . +-.. . . .-----.---t! I . \'., ~, A?ejio" I to .777 I~ ,= +-- --- .-~ . t j- I ..4----... ---- -- . j,' -......-- -.-.. I --I -- I I -+------ I I I: I t --1 I I 1£ O~1ho1·M.._ ~!ld.l-t.!.1'- i1••a~e l I: I t -t ...... _.- . --.- - t .... - . - ...... -t . ·.... ·. ·. . ·_--t-...-. I cst.n·te.... I 0 ; n: . . -t. _·--.. . .·-·. . -· . I I , Ig I t----·t--- ---.. -. - --,--~-"" --i--" " ·-·---f---··-·--·------l-.. -.. . . -- ......,-.-..---+----.-.-.. -I ._0- '0t~ I ~- I I I Io~ I I0 I 1 ~ i r------t--..---.---,-_. . .-. - . -_. . ·t-- ---'-"'--'--' --1-"'- -----+--.. . -.. ----j---.---t.------... l .. 1- I . ----~- -- - t; t ----t I :to ~ Pa.-vt m - I t -1- ------·---+-----.. -..-·-r--~·---·t- . ---· . ·-.--.. . - ' I I Pa;yt I I I I 1 I 10 If t ~ ' I I I I 9-410 CONVAIR ANALYSIS PREPAR£D BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY .. Donn Parker Charles Swift lfatt Vuletlch L> . . . . ·~· ... f· . . . . . . 11:, .... '.''''''0.''''0'' ( ................ SAN DIEGO CV-164 PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL DATE --------------------------------------------------------------------EV Stal'ter eN 007-17· Z!l }.t91 All 6/20/56 ---- '*5' c.omrna..ncl --....(t):J~ Check $Urtl 'tOO()O "1 <.,.;~o 4U05' - ""'2.11 "1-, '''1 S l~"Ylt.y --. E S .. Pa.'Yt~ I J ~S m..... Toy e c.hc,k $\lrrJ 0'0'" Otol7 Bas\(. e V, 5 tOYe. Pa.~t]I --+'5 N" "r' S_"tvp 13 .~i(, E V a.nd Pa,yt 1I Ba~it EV I Pa:vlE ----P 01055' MO o-Y'thOl'S. R..... E ~ 5 f.tvp O»ho~. OY1.ho ' s.f(..... MO O S e.t vp P~:rll)ll P(l.yts Lm ..... MO 011'+5 cr.a~~4l ('+0000) c;.o" C:nttl'..,~d. '5Ta,.y Oll'tb "'"' -.::JI --'"..... 011*' I 0"- 0 0 I 01'51 0"- ..... t- OlllPO >< c.. 011"1 9-411 ANALYSIS PREPARED IIY CHECKED 8Y REVISED BY CONVAIR tJonn Parker Gharllla Iw1 rt att Tulet1ch SAN DIEGO CV-164 PAGE CI 007-18 REPORT NO. . . 491 MODEL All DATE 6/20/56 EV Payt I Compvte d OI"I;;.:3~ _ _......_ _--. T,pe i.ttva.li.ott numb_v.J d O''''lra-_ _~_~~..., Stt 'a'it i."t~T..t.tO" 'Sw~ YMO-r V. Set t&5t &,.J•• :II: 0 t '1pt ~"dc)( - 0 OTtk • ~~~)C a 0 01'7)1 .- .•.•-" 9-412 CONVAIR ANALVSIS ~REPAR£D BV CHECKED BV REVISED BV Donn Pa.rke~ '.. Charles Swirt: Matt Vuletich SAN DIEGO CV-164 PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL DATE 00101 001.10 ._ _ _--L_ _ _-, X--+ VMD R.yIL'J" q. s. R. Ax'" Va. J )J(X} !:: Ax-),J X...., V, i ttT41i.on ~n".x + , 001.t7 Yes 0011.3 Yes R~set ot lnde.x R&1'it.1" (t. ~·A.·)J(f) Plc.k a.~ clUwtp",te 00150 002.', ~ 13 =JI-',.....)-.p-Ot.-I ex Z. 491 007-19 All 6/20/56 ANALYSI. ..RS..ARI:D BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY . CV-164 CONVAIR lloml Parker Charl•• Swift Mitt Vule.loh ~AN "AGE REPORT NO. MODEL DATE OliOO EV Part ' ON 007-20 Z1f 491 All 6/20/56 m eV, Pa'Yts I, U.I at. ---. £S (3a5':t MS #2. Sto,o stOY - 0'53" ze. 01'5,+2. ot.570 Stl Test {ndex;: I I tt.,~1lon Type ()(. 3' OY, h0 Ol5,*,1 :, =0 =0 =0 Type C.A.,LR.JJT X ---... v. 0 157'1 c....,el o"t~"t • '3"IV"'"~ Ournp £~ Y~q~on on MT Ca.l"~ o",t,;(. E i9""~"1o..,~ E .... CQ.) ! .... CA} sto 01"'1. roall •••• -" 9-414 GV-164 CONVAIR ANALYSIS • t-RE"ARtD BY Donn Parker CHECKED BY Char 1e" Swi.f't Matt Vuletloh REVISED BY D· ... • ... · t', ... ,;. fo . . . . . . . . L 0 ....... ""'. (50 • U ..... 0 ...... , , 0 " PAGE REPORT NO, SAN DIEGO .. MODEL DATE Oil 007-21 %11 491 All 6/20/56 EV Ortho 9onal i z.a.t ion 001.12. o 0 3 H~l.:_ _--L._ _ --:--;--, c;tO'Te innu· d. t -end .o~ p "od",l$ is a.nd Chanle rna''''' out" .--~ ; ~i-tk,y~ t+ ..... ~ (' \) O'll,f I i I J OOl~O ____.___ 1.. ___ )(- v, --.. x OO'l.~~ P(Lyt 11 --.. ES ® '-----------------_._------------'.'.-0\ ,.0... DOl-i7 9-415 . CV-164 CONVAIR ANAL.Ya18 a-RK ..AR.p .,. Dean eMI:CaD IIY filMeD) IIY ..., ' Vuletloh Parker • Charl.. ........ or elHlAL . . . . . . . . .M1'IOII IAN DtIOO Swi~ PAG. 01 007-22 IIIEP011T NO. ZM 491 MODaL. DATI: All 6/20/;6 .\1 MT Ovrnp TypE! 'p.,5p., M T T,),.f\$~.Y lone'" pYQdvZL~ .~ ~ t:?~a~.,.vectOY' to ~~.,oo-S1~77 c.oMftJt~ fJ ': IN i ..... OO/t1~'1 ( " .... I) It 31 " 2. af' E 5 --- £ C; itn38'f! MT on M 0 ~.R. --+ £5 Du,..p t ~ nd~~ Tape ba.ckinJ MT OIJMP on MT-O So:. J 53",00 .. to S')'tO')+lNi' .1+00 MT DvtMp S.A ....... ~ Set infleIC. J "'ta.p e b.(.k~"'q MT O""'p ~r\ M T#l R't~tQr~ ES Re~toyc. j stop ~ .... o", Pvoblertl MT "7t.11() 0--... (QJ 1'010 {-"rom Resto,"c, MT-O no b''''\~'''a no . , At\loyc ro S~t up Yt.~OY( t1a4t1Vt,(.'10Y.S. y a,'~fS -'"..... 1(,'+01 ~ I 0"I o o 0"..... r>< ~ T')'a"s~~y P')-o~.,tl'5 AI.l. tl. "7~"'" .0«... 8.8·A irHH .... to tt'~~l Ac~l.,\"e IS, Stop 9-416 CV-164 CONVAIR ANALYS.. PRE..ARED BY CHECKED BV REVlSIED BV Donn Parker ~:'. Charles Swift lfatt Vuletieh eN 007-23 PAGIE REPORT NO. MODIEL & MV. .OII 01' . . .UAL DYIIA.a CORPOuno. SAN DlKGO ZII 491 All DATE 6/20/56 8~ Ie! COWW tflr the tollowtac .up1. probl. . 'ttT1=_ ... I~""""" . II!..., -.0, M2 000 0lIl "til ooa. 7" 010111 G1' 000 010 n oUek . . ot "_trtx I f . . . . . . . of propa_ taDa lUntl., 110 aocnJNe7 ooa. _006 *012 $~ oa.o 017 CM~, *.0,' $ Old. ~ 0ItI tm 0lIl 170 087 ~ 001 OlIO lei, lteftUoa, 4.IIa oau...I. ~ ~ ~7'7 0107Bi ~"77' 010 . , oe~ 011 ~OQO O~_ OlIO . , CM 016 *030 ~O~ ~ ...0 -- 060~ ...-t I -~ OTt·"", aI 0 0 0' 07~ .,~ ...-t ., ...... to36 100 03' ~ lot. 0" t- >< a.. 110~ U~ 05' 110 0It0 121 OlIO f'OItN .8.a-A 12, GI7 • . , .... afte two YH\on line . ., ..... 9-417 CV·-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE SAN OI[GO. CALIFORNIA 01 007-24 ZIt ~91 All 6/20/56 Sa,mple Pyoblem -29 101 ,3139500615 :It 29 ......is 4 .5048596477- It .6118035335 4 .6385646a84- 4 .1515033341 4 "3 .0000000000 .966120555'- 1 .0000000000 0 .oo"oaon~oo 0 106 ,4309664059- 3 .1144258462 111 .0000000000 116 .0000000000 121 ,0000000000 o ,0000000000 .OO~OCO~OOO .OOOOOOOOOt' (l ,000':1000000 .OOOCOOOOtJO .0000000000 0 ,OOOOOO~OCO 0 0 ,0000000000 .0000000000 .0000000000 0 .Ooooooonoo 0 126 ,0000000000 0 ,0000000000 .OOOOOO~CO" 0 ,5048596417- 4 202 ,1135023727 5 .0..,00000000 5 .34729lt-Q305 5 .82~9782252- 4 ,234388851e' 4 '* .525442100~ 2 .0000000000 0 .oonOCOOOOO 0 .ont't(}()nnOOO .OOOOOnOOO() 0 •"''''"OOn~OOo 0 .onoOOO~()OO .OOOOOOOOI)~ 0 .~OOOOOOOOO "" .61780:35~35 4 .24355C;634~- 5 .24~555634e- 207 .6223256157- 3 ,0000000000 212 .0000000000 o ,0000000000 .OOOocoooon 217 ,0000000000 222 .. 0000000000 227 ,0000000000 0 .0000000000 .01)00000000 0 .0"00000000 .00000(10000 0 .OOOOOO()·()On 303 ,1420318524 6 .3699632856- 6 .1475097199 308 .0000000000 0 .9406537104- 3 .5240619171- 5 313 .0000000000 0 .0000000000 318 .0000000000 0 .00(\(\00(\000 323 .0000000000 0 .OO(')OOOO~OO 6 ,4196061725- 5 .1114095Q18 0 5 ! .3'301825Q11 4 .1~31A08165 5 .0000000000 0 .1062027047- 4 0 ,7200680527- 4 .193004115'0 .2103429817- 3 .000000000("1 .o~onOn()OO('l 4 • ()t}f}~f)onot\o 0 0 .no('oo"nooo 0 328 ,9019303291- 1 .0000000000 - .e * .2399646300 0 ,6385646884- 4 .3472949305 404 .2012897506 7 .9157463285- 6 .6139115888 409 .1376238604 5 414 .OQOOOOOOOO 0 .0000000000 41<) ,0000000000 0 .800161116'· 5 .0000000000 424 .0000000000 0 .0000000000 .0000000000 429 .0000000000 0 .1515033341 .54308371~0 4 6 .16299960~O- 6 .oooooooo~a n n .o.,~oo{'}oon~ 0 0 .0000000000 ." ~nOtH')"OO(\ 0 ,0000000000 0 .000000"0000 0 .oonoooooon 0 .14750971R9 6 •., 7 57463? 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SAN DIEGO CALlFO"NIA CV-164 PAGE CI 007-36 REPORT ZJ( 491 MODEL All DATE 1 .27'3180299 2-.2706145~67 2·.125~914088 2.... 7146596908 6/20/56 3 .. ,3QI081q12~ 3- 2 ,4352668766- 3-.6409106548- 3-.2651748946- 4-.5328077823- 3-,2559524146 33 • 2622641623 3-.2096276730 3-,2464428544- 3-,1937970519- 3-.2101590524 ! .... 4 .2021472901 3-.294402'2417 3-,96 l t-7011757- 4-.27~8e33427 4-.1083612442 !5 .2973526716 4-.5951523781 4-.1850426197- 3-.1238435501- 3-.2QS0429916- ,- 6 .9459257126 4-.272095.2034 4-.1901388168- 4-.146:3eQOO75 1 ,1127496843- 4 ,2277200880 3 .763897107<1 3 .4184852155 2 ,7289659832- 0 .2429425149- 3 ,3589217010- 2 .53374606123 .1315410038- 1 .~490~802323 .1661858749 :3 .2480653283 4 ,1793139050 3 .2506719238 3 ,2654883854· 1 ,45807821395 .1865230494- 3 .3312833250.- 1 ,5410145628. 2 .5716629106 6 ,5304217386- 2 .4660101890- 2 ,4259395062- 1 .61~6540591· 3-.0000000000 0 '3 .4775577502 , '3 .lA71Q51176 2 ,8775775775 2 .1471273158 ~ 2 ) 2 .4514717266- 1 2 .OO(}OOOOCOn '0 4".2190023660- 3-.1531'9?''3~6 ... )... 4-.1236610114 4-.1299381256- 4-,1a8581645'- !2 ,9280181257- 4-.1234561205 3 .'013719851- 4-.8308142423- 4-.1623353455 4-.1191534102 4-,5436092615 441J1t.38061290Qe- 3... 4 .6134063005- 4",8834898472 4-.6061152089· 4-.1616589725 5 .177122652?- 3-,8745200466- 4.. ,1138821244- 4-.9864196181 4-.2568820491- 4· 6', ,6124749779- 4-,6714835763 5-.1042240765- 3-.12188771~3" 3-.0000000000 0 1 ,1210570335- 3-.1935139298 3-.7665157318 ,.. 9-430 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN Dti.G\."' \"~A.lIF(l~NtA PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE eN 007-37 ZM 491 All 6/20/56 Code TO STARTER 40000 OOOC~ 45 00000 41076 40001 00001 00 40002 00002 00 00000 00000 4oon'! OOGf), 00 00tirO ('IOO~O E 40004 00004 00 OOO()O 00000 E 400C5 00005 00 00000 00000 N 40006 00006 00 00000 00000 2NX2'S 40007 00007 00 00007 77777 .0010 COO10 00 00000 00000 LAST ITERATION SWITCH INDEX 40011 00011 40012 00012 00 00000 00000 00 OQOOO 00000 40013 00013 0('1 00000 00000 40014 00014 40015 00015- 00 00000 00000 00 41452 00000 40016 00016 00 41452 41452 L 40017 40020 40021 00011 00 f)OOOO conoo 0{ 00020 00021 00 00000 00000 00 00420 00420 ooooe ooooe JUr.1P 2N N-l AX RQ TEMPORARY CELLS L (MATR J x.· AMO) (AM 0) L (V,) (v)) X2's + X2'5 L (AMD) 1 ,.. + L (V, ) X 2 15' + L (v.) X2 40022 00022 ~o 40023 00023 00 00420 00420 L. (A ) X 2'5" ... L (A ) 40024 00024 00 00000 00000 40025 0OO2!5 00 00000 00000 TYPING INDEX OP 1 40026 00026 00 00(100 ('Ionco 40027 00027 00 00000 00000 400'0 00030 00 00000 00000 ...0 40031 00031 00 00000 00000 RES ---0"- 40032 00032 40033 00033 40034 00034 INNER PRODUCT 40035 0003' 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00.,00 00 00000 00000 ob 00000 00000 40036 00036 00 OrlQno ()OOOO 40037 ~OO31· 00 00002 00000 ~ 1"""1 I I 0 0 0"- 1"""1 r- >< c.. 00420 00420 L OP 2 S OF Vl. + SV, 9-431 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DY~AMICS CORP. CV-164 PAGE REPORT MO[,EL DATE -.... ~ ...0 -I 0' I 0 0 0' 40040 00040 00 00000' 00000 40041 00041 40042 00042 40043 00043 40044 00044 00 00 00 00 40045 00045 00 00000 40046 00046 40041 00047 00 00000 00000 00 00000 00000 40050 00050 40051 40052 00051 00052 4005.3 00053 40054 00054 31 76000 76002 45 0(") 000 30000 i;·5 00000 00016 45 00000 00142 11 00027 20000 40055 00055 47 00056 00050 40056 00056 40057 00051 11 00025 20000 47 000&3 00060 40060 00060 11 00040 00031 40061 00061 40062 00062 11 00040 00032 45 00000 00051 40063 40064 0006' 00064 54 20000 00042 73 00027 10000 40065 00065 40066 00066 40067 40070 00067 00070 11 74 11 23 40071 00071 11 00025 20000 40072 00072 47 00074 00073 40073 00073 00074 21 00026 00042 45 00000 n0051 40076 .0007' 00076 40071 00077 ..... 40074 t- >< ~ 40075 CI 007-38 ZJ4 491 All 6/20/56 ZERO 00000 00002 00000 00()Ol 00000 00000 OOCOo 00000 oonoo TEST INDEX INDEX INDEX ITERATION COUNT ARITHMETIC PACKAGE CA 001 00040 00025 10000 00025 20000 00031 00026 00030 11 00026 00032 11 00025 20'000 47 00100 00120 9-432 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 REPORT CI 007-39 ZK 491 MODEL All DATE 6/20/56 PAGE "qI -.0 40100 00100 11 00027 20000 4CIOl C~lOl 47 00105 00102 40102 00102 11 00025 00031 40103 00103 11 00026 00032 40104 00104 45 0000'. nOOS1 40105 00105 11 00026 20000 40106 00106 36 00030 00032 40107 00107 46 00116 00110 40110 00110 11 00025 20000 40111 00111 11 00021 00025 40112 00112 11 20000 00021 40113 00113 11 00026 20000 40114 11 00030 00026 40115 0011400115 40116 00116 12 00032 20000 40117 42 00141 0012' 40120 00117 00120 40121 00121 11 00030 00032 40122 00122 45 00000 00051 40123 00123 40124 00124 16 20000 Ii0124 54 0'0027 00000 40125 00125 35 00025 20000 40126 00126 11 00040 00032 40127 00127 74 20000 00032 40130 00130 40131 00131 11 20000 10031 47 00133 00132 40132 00132 13 00032 00026 40133 00133 11 00032 20000 40134 00134 42 00140 00136 40135 00135 23 00026 00207 (00.2.6) - " 0 40136 00136 21 00032 00026 40131 00137 45 00000 00051 11 20000 00030 11 00027 00031 r-f '-' I <:J'I 0 0 0"- r-f t- :>< c... 9-433 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. PAGE eN 007-l~o REPORT Z)( h91 MODEL DATE 401~O 00140 00 00000 00046 40141 00141 40142 40143 00142 00143 00 00000 00043 71 00025 00027 11 00040 00025 40144 00144 74 20000 00025 ·40145 40146 00145 00146 11 20000 (lon31 47 00151 00147 40147 00147 40150 00150 11 00040 00032 45 00000 00051 40151 00151 23 00025 00141 40152 00152 21 00026 00030 40153 00153 35 00025 00032 40154 00154 45 00000 00051 40155 00155 15 00022 00165 40156 00156 15 00021 00163 40157 00157 11 00002 00010 INNER PRODUCT SET SET L (VI) SET INDEX N-l 40160 00160 23 00033 20000 STORE 40161 OQ161 23 00034 20000 0 40162 75 30002 00164 V, 40163 f00162 00163 11 30000 00025 ~ 40164 00164 7' VJ. 40165 00165 11 30000 00027 ~ 40166 00166 37 00051 00053 MULTIPLY 40167 00167 75 30004 00171 RES 40170 40171 00170 11 00031 00025 INNER PRODUCT --7 OP 2 00171 37 00051 00052 ADD 0"- 40172 00172 11 00031 00033 0 0 40173 00173 11 00032 00034 r- 40174 00174 >< 40175 c.. 00175 21 00163 00037 21 00165 00037 40176 00176 41 00010 0OI~ 40177 00177 45 00000 30000 STORE INNER PRODUCT SET FOR NEXT ELEMENT INNER PRODUCT COMPLET[ EXIT ~ -.() ..-f 30002 00166 All '6/20/50 L (v2 ) = OP 1 OP 2 -10P 1 '-' I I 0"f"'"! 9-434 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. S"N DIEGO CALlFOFlNI" 01 ZV 491 MODEL All DATE ~ ...0 -~ I 0' I 0 0 0' ~ r- >< c.. 007--41 PAGE REPORT 40200 00200 00 00000 00000 40201 100201 41 00200 00210 ORTHOGONALIZATION INDEX EV PART II. ORTHOGONALIZE? 40202 00202 56 30000 00203 YES: 40203 00203 11.00004 20000 E 40204 00204 47 00205 00210 E 40205 00205 75 30210 00211 NO: 40206 00206 11 40740 00210 40207 00207 00 00000 00110 JUMP TO ORTHOGONALIZE ARITHMETIC CONSTANT 40210 00210 75 30000 00212 X 40211 00211 40212 00212 11 30000 30000 37 00324 00306 40213 00213 13"00033 00035 40214 00214 11 00034 00036 40215 00215 31 00305 00260 40216 00216 21 00047 00042 S.R. AX-;JX ITERATION COUNT. 1 40211 00217 41 00044 00222 READY TO TEST? 40220 00220 75 30160 01640 YES: 40221 00221 11 40560 01620 40222 00222 56 30000 00223 JUMP TO TEST NO: DUMMY 40223 00223 41 00045 00250 NEW 40224 00224 11 00247 0004S 40225 00229 37 Ob324 00306 YES: RESET ~ INDEX R. Q. S.R. 40226 00226 75 30004 00230 p(f) --7 40227 00221 11 00033 00025 .,.u(X) ~ OP 2 40230 002:30 37 00051 00052 ADD 40231 002~1 . 11 00031 00027 40232 00232 11 00032 00030 40233 00233 11 30000 10000 M (tJ,) ---1 40234 00234 21 00233 00257 SET FOR Pl. 40235 00235 41 00046 00240 USED ALL {J)5? 40236 002~6 15 00304 00233 YES: RESET TO.p. 40231 00237 11 00041 00046 RESET 6/20/56 DUMMY ~(A) - O? S.R.~ES ORTHOG ---+ R.Q. STORE VMD S.R. -p(X) =5 Vl. + SV, PART I ~ = S ~ V, ES o(? ,v(S» ,. p( OP 1 X) --; OP 2 {3 (Q) INDEX 9-435 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 SIIoN DIEGO CIIoLIFO,.NIIIo 6/20/56 f1. NO : MS ",3 STOP TO CHANGE 40241 00241 {J 40242 00242 11 10000 .00025 .23 00026 20000 40243 002~3 31 00051 00054 DIVIDE 40244 00244 11 00031 00017 STORE 40245 00245 11 00032 00020 40~46 00246 56 30000 00250 40247 OO~l 00 00000 nOO01 40250 00250 15 30000 00252 40251 00251 11 00000 00000 40252 40253 00252 00253 12 00017 00035 11 C)() 020 00036 40254 00254 37 0030S 00260 Vl. ~25' 00255 . , 00000 00256 DUM~Y 40256 ·00256 RETURN TO ORTHOG TEST 40257 00257 " 30000 002.£!j 00 00001 00000 40260 00260 11 00002 00010 40261 00261 IS 40262 00262 00261 15 00022 00274 S.R. SET INDEX V.a. + SV, STORE L ( VI ) STORE L ( V~) 00021 00265 16 00021 00277 ---+ ~ tNDEX X ---. Vl. loci ---+ S +. 00265 40266 00266 11 00035. 00027 40267 00261 11 00036 00030 40270 00210 37 00051 00053 MULT. 40211 00211 11 00031 00025 SV +~ f= X, ---7 V, = N-l S 11 00032 00026 0I 40213 00273 80- 40274 00274 7' 11 30000 00021 t- 40215 00275 37 00051 00052 ADD 40276. 00276 40277 . 00277 75 30002 00300 V:al ~oooo X -40P 1 OO?72 11·00031 SV. ~ V, STORE L ( VI) V,. 40265 30002 00275 ~(r)-p()(B DUMMY 75 30002 00266 11 30000 00025 I OP 1 ~=,G 40272 0.. 111 DATE 56 30000 00241 -->": MODEL 00240 40264 100264 ..... ON 007.)4 ZM 491 40240 40263 1 ..... REPORT PAGE n Vol. ~OP 2 ~OP 1 --+ + OP 2 SVu ---+ VII 9-436 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OIEGO C"'LI"'O~NI'" PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE 00300 40301 00301 21 00265 00037 21 00214 00037 40302 00302 21 00277 00041 FOR L SET FOR L 40303 00303 41 00010 002~ DONE? 40304 00304 45 00410 00305 DUMMY t 40'05 00305 56 30000 30000 EXIT 40306 00306 37 00326 00330 R.a. S.R. AX ~ V1 40307 00107 40310 00310 SET FOR XX INNER PRODUCT S.R. 40311 ori3l1 15 00021 00165 37 00177 00156 11 00033 00013 40312 00312 11 00034 00014 40313 00313 37 00171 00155 40314 00314 11 00033 00025 XX INNER PRODUCT XAX 40315 00315 11 00034 00026 40316 00316 11 00013 00027 40'11 00317 11 OOOl; 40320 00320 31 00051 00054 DIVIDE 40!21 00321 11 00031 0003:3 STORE 40322 00322 11 00032 00034 40323 00323 45 00000 00324- DUMMY 40324 00324 EXIT 40325 00325 56 30000 30000 00 00000 00000 40326 00326 40327 00327 45 00000 30000 45 00000 00407 AX S.R. EXIT JUMP TO SETUP 40~30 00330 ~ 4 03~'. OO~31 15 00015 ':)0364 16 00022 00401 SET L ( AMD ) SET L (AX) -- 40332 00332 15 00405 00350 SET 40333 00333 11 00002 00010 SET 40334 00334 11 00040 00012 40335 00335 40336 00336 11 00040 00014 40337 00337 21 00012 00002 -.0 1"'"'4 I 0"I 0 0 0"- 1"'"'4 t- >< c.. f1i SET L ( Vl. l ) ( V. l (M(P») ) X2,5 STORE ~OP 1 XX oooso 00040 00013 6/20/56 S!T FOR L ( V,1 ) 40300 . CI 007-43 ZII 491 All --) OP 2 j/(X) = XAX/XX TEMP 0( INDEX L ( A) INDEX=N·l INITIAL ZERO SETS SET INDEX = N-l 9-437 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP, S .. N DIEGO CV -164 CALIFORNIA ZII 491 All 40340 00340 43 00002 00342 40341 00341 45 00('\00 00343 WAS INDEX ORIGINAllY ZERO? NO; JUMP 40342 00342 15 00021 00346 YES: SET L(X,) 40343 (00343 11 00405 20000 40344- 00344 43 00350 00361 CONST ~(A) WORKING STORAGE EXHAUSTED? 40345 00345 75 30002 00347 NO : 40346 00346 11 '30000 00025 40347 00347 75 30002 00351 403~O 00:350 40351 00:351 11 30000 00021 11 00027 20000 40352 00352 47 00365 00:353 f.1 (Au) =0;> 40353 00353 31 00030 00020 YES: 2 (FLAG) X 40354 00354 35 00346 00346 SKIP Xi·S 40355 00355 23 00012 00030 CORRECT INO!X 40~56 00356 INDEX 40357 00357 46 00357 0037!5 23 00346 00006 40'60 00360 45 00000 00375 40361 40362 00'61 00362 15 00023 00350 21 0036~ 00406 40363 75 30000 00345 40364 00'63 00364 40365 00365 37 00051 00053 40366 00366 11 00031 00025 40367 00367 11 00032 rlOO26 40370 40371 00310 00371 11 00013 00027 40312 00372 37 00051 00052 ADD --~ 40374 00313 11 00031 00013 STORE 00374 SUM ~ 40375 ..-I 00375 11 00032 00014 21 00346 00037 : 40376 00376 21 00350 00037 :w 40377 00377 41 00012 003~ ~ ..-I I 4037' 007 MODEL DATE ..0 CI PAGE REPORT 1.1. 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YES: JUMP TO EXIT CONST. 40406 00406 00 00000 00000 KX2'" 40407 00407 11 00040 00406 o --7 TEST INDEX 40410 00410 15 00023 00406 STO'RE 40411 00411 11 00420 20000 40412 00412 36 00406 00406 4041·~ 0041~ 11 40414- 00414 53 00406 00363 SET REPEAT 40415 00415 L 40416 00416 23 00015 00406 16 00023 00364 40417 00411 45 00000 00326 40420 00420 40421 00421 00 02000 00000 00 07177 00000 40422 0042~ 00 00000 00000 40423" 00423 00 000-00 00000 40424 00424 00 00000 00000 40425 00425 00 00000 00000 t)() 421 003?~J 10000 40426 54 01637 10000 40427 53 20000 40564 ...0 40430 16 40434 40421 I 40431 40432 11 40435 40426 45 00000 01116 '+0433 00 00000 00077 40434 >< 0.. 00 00000 40564 40435 54 01637 10000 40436 00 .-.. ~ ...... -- '" '"...... rI 0 0 YES: 40400 oeooo STORE (AX), = NUt4BER OF ES W.S. K MASK ~ (Q) (AMD)X 2''$ -KX2's SET L (A ) JUMP TO EXIT CONST. CONST. VI PART I PATCH TX2G.R ~(A) STonE NEW T RESTORE • (Q) RESTORE RETURN TO TEST MASK 00000 9-439 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DltGO CV-164 CALIFORNIA PAGE Olf 007-46 REPORT ZM MODEL DATE 40437 00 00000 00000 40440 75 30274 01561 40441 40442 11 40444 01504 75 30114 01504 40443 11 40444 01504 t-+ ES. JUMP TO INTERMEDIATE START PART I 11-+ ES. JUMP TO PART I I I PART 01504 11 00033 10000 M (p) ~(Q) 40445 01505 37 01743 01734 TYPE M (J.I) 40446 01506 55 00034 10033 40447 01507 37 01743 01734 40450 01510 56 30000 01511 40451 01511 55 00004 10001 40452 01512 21 01515 10000 404S3 01513 21 01527 10000 40454 01514- 75 30002 01516 40455 01515 11 00033 30000 40456 01516 71 00001 00004 40457 01517 35 01523 01523 40460 01520 75 30000 01522 40461 01521 11 30000 30000 40462 01522 75 30000 01524 40463 01523 11 30000 30000 40464 01524 15 00021 00165 40465 01'25 37 00177 00156 40466 01526 STORE 40467 01527 75 30002 015:30 11 00033 41052 40470 01530 21 00004 00042 E 40471 01531 13 00007 00007 RESET LAST ITERATION SWITCH 40472 01532 E 4047~ 01533 11 OOOOlt 10000 11 ()OOO3 20000 ..... 40474 r40475 >< c.. 01534 56 20000 01535 MS 112 STOP 01335 11 20000 00003 E ~(OO3) ~ -.0 ..... -I 0I 8 0- 6/20/56 II 40444 - 491 All TYPE EXP (,v) DUMMY 2E ~ (Q) SET FOR E VALUE SET FOR INNER PRODUCT STORE E VALUE 2NE --. (A) SET y EV REGION ---? Vi Y --. EV REGION SET FOR INNER PRODUCT INNER PRODUCT YV FOR ORTHOG + 1 ~(Q) E ~ (A) TO CHANGE E 9-440 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA REPORT eN 007-47 ZM 491 MODEL All DATE 6/20/56 PAGE E ~(OO4) 40416 01536 11 lOOOO 00004 40417 01537 42 00004 01565 E 40500 01540 43 00004 01570 40501 O15Al 56 30000 01542 NOE E : ALARM 40526 01566 11 00003 20000 E 40527 01567 56 00000 01540 -. 40530 01510 23 10000 20000 RETURN TO Tf:ST E= E YES E =- E OUTPUT STOP TO ;:e 40531 01571 56 00000 01572 SET M 0- 40532 01572 11 10000 00010 STORE M 8 40533 01573 16 00003 01575 SET L .. ( E VALUES) 40534 01574 31 76600 76601 OUTPUT ~ 40535 01575 00 30000 30000 ~ '-' I I 0- -c "- 100~3 O15~2 > f? =E? E TEST INOEX =1 ITERATION INDEX == =0 INDEX INDEX ~ 0 1 =0 !X2 l3 ~(Q) 2'" ~ (A ) FOR XI ---+ V, JUMP TO TYPE T ---+ f! (A) VALUES 9-441 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV -164 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE 40536 01576 40537 01577 40540 01600 13 00010 10000 21 10000 00003 71 10000 00006 40541 0160} 3S 01610 01610 40542 01602 55 oeOlO 1 O'J 17 40543 01603 15 10000 01611 40544 01604 11 00000 76463 40545 01605 31 76463 16430 40546 01606 11 01612 76463 40547 C1607 37 16600 76603 40550 01610 00 30000 00000 40551 01611 00 30000 30000 40552 01612 56 00000 01532 '+ 0553 01613 37 01116 01706 40554 01614 55 01637 10033 40555 01615 37 01743 01134 40556 01616 45 1)0000 01557 40557 01617 00 00000 00000 40560 01620 40561 01621 00 00000 00"00 00 00000 00001 40562 01622 00 00000 00000 40563 01623 00 00000 00006 40564- 01624 31 37313 74042 40565 01625 35 35353 63636 40566 01626 35 35353 53535 40567 01627 34 34343 43434 40570 01630 33 33~33 33~3:3 4 as?1 01631 32 32323 2~232 40572 01632 31 31313 13131 ..... 40573 40574 >< 0.. 40575 01633 30 30303 03030 01634 '-5 01635 20 20202 02020 """ ..... ...0 '-' I 0"I 8 0" r- eN 007~ Zll 491 All ~/2'J/56 E - M ~ Ca) (E-M) 2NX2 1S ~(A) SET LeIST VECTOR FOR OUTPUT) MX21~ STORE M IN OUTPUT PARAMETER SET MT s.R. MT DUMP EV~ RESTORE MT SIR. OUTPUT E VECTORS STOP. READY TO JUMP TO MS 112 LOCATE T (IN PART r) TX2 33 ---'(Q) TYPE T RETURN PART I TYPING INDEX T STORAGE -2'>2'32 52';?'5 9-442 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. MODEL All DATE 6/20/56 40576 01636 14 14141 4141'+ 40577 01637 40600 01640 00 00000 OOCOO 11 01774 00044 T RESET TEST INDEX. 40601 JOi641 11 30000 20000 ~(!.) ~ CA) 40602 01642 41 01643 01650 3.=O? 40603 01643 23 -30000 30000 NO: EXP (AX),- EXP(!)-+(EXP V1) 40604 01644 21 01641 SET FOR M (!l.) 40605 01645 40606 01646 21 01643 01775 41 01176 016411 SET FOR EXP(AX\-EXP(!1) ALL EXPONENTS STORED 40607 01647 56 30000 01655 SKtP 40610 01650 55 01643 10025 YES j,=O : 40611 01651 ()1652 16 10000 01652 11 01765 30000 01653 45 00000 01644 01654 00 00000 00000 21 01661 00037 40612 40613 40614 OOO~7 eN 007-1:9 h91 PAGE REPORTZM SA ... DIEGO CALI~O""'IA t=O 8_ V,. AX - TEST SET L (tXP V~) 64. ~ (EXP V~) RETURN TO STORE EXPONENTS FIND SMALLEST EXPONENT SET FOR e:XP (V2 1.) 40615 fOi655 4·0616 01656 41 01777 01660 40617 01657 45 00000 01664 TESTtD ALL NUMBERS? YES: JUMP 40620 01660 11 30000 20000 NO: EXP (V).,) --;(A) 40621 01661 42 30000 01655 40622 01662 15 01661 01660 EXP (Vl ,) < c.. 40634 01674 55 00012 10033 D X2 3) ~(Q) 40635 01675 37 01743 01134 TYPE WITH SPACE ...0 '-" C1' C1' V2 < V~l. 0 DUMMY READY TO TYPE? YES~RESET TY~ING INDEX C.R. 9-443 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAC DYNAM'CS CORP. 5"'" 0'[(;0 CALlFO"""A MODEL CW 007-50 ZM 491 All DATE 6/20/56 PAGE REPORT (EXIT) 40636 01676 S6 30000 01677 DUMMY) 40§37 01677 11 00001 ~OOOO 40640 01700 46 40442 01701 lAST ITERATION $vJt TCH --?(A) l.AST ITERATION?JUMP TO PART Itl 40641 40642 01701 01102 40643 01703 23 10()OO 10000 11 00012 20000 56 10000 01104 40644 01704 11 10000 20000 40645 01705 47 01744 01706 T CHANGED? 40646 01706 11 00004 20000 NO 40641 01107 73 01623 00011 STORt E-R/6) 40650 71 20000 35 01714 01714 SET SHfFr 40652 01710 01711 01712 55 00011 00017 E-R/6X2's --+(Q) 40653 01713 21 01714 10000 SET ADORESS OF T 40654 01714 55 01624 10044 ff:X2°~{Q) 40655 01715 STORE T 40656 01716 51 01772 01637 56 30000 01717 DUMMY 40657 01717 11 00012 20000 o ~(A) 4P660 01720 42 01637 00222 0 40661 01721 11 01621 20000 40662 01722 43 00024 01724 40663 01723 37 01676 01671 NO : Jur-4p TO TYPE 40664 01724 13 00007 00007 YES:SET l.AST ITERATION SWITCH 40665 01725 15 30000 01727 X 40666 01726 11 30000 30000 40667 01727 23 00046 20000 TEST INDEX 40670 017~O 23 00024 20000 TYPE INDEX= 0 40671 01731 23 00044 20000 ::I 40672 01732 56 30000 00201 ORTHOG rNDEX~O RETURN TO ITERATE ~ 40673 01733 77 71777 77771 -6 0 0- 40674 01734 61 00000 01771 4067' 01735 11 00041 00010 SPACE SET INDEX 40651 "'""- :g tt >< o NO~ --7(Q) 0 ~(A) STOP TO CHANGE T I," 017~3 Q E --+(A) ~ ~ --7{A) -6R ---+{A) < T? NO:TYPING RETURN TO tTtRATE INDEX~{A) (A)::. TEMP INDEX? ~VI =0 Q., 9-444 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 REPORT C5 007-51 Z1I 491 MODEL All PAGE 5"N DIEGO C"'.. 'FORN'" DATE 40676 r<'i 736 55 10000 00003 40677 01737 51 01773 20000 40700 01740 35 01760 01741 40101 01741 30 00('100 00(')00 40702 01742 40703 01743 4·1 00010 O11~ 45 00000 30(!OO 40704 01744 11 10000 01637 40705 01745 55 10000 00033 40106 01746 37 01743 01734 40107 01747 11 00004 20000 E 40710 01750 73 01623 00013 STORE E·R/6. 40711 01751 71 200-00 01623 40712 01752 35 Q1755 0175$ 40713 01753 16 01755 40426 SET SHIFT SET 40714 01754 21 40427 00013 L 40715 01755 55 40433 20000 40716 01756 - 45 00000 40426 40717 01757 00 00000 00045 40720 01760 61 00000 01761 40721 01161 0 40722 01762 00 00000 00037 00 00000 00052 40723 01763 00 00000 00074 2 40724 01764 00 OCOOO 00070 3 40725 01765 00 00000 00064 4 40726 01166 00 00000 00062 5 40727 01767 00 00000 00066 6 ~ 407~O 01770 00 0000a 00072 1 '" 80"- 40731 01711 00 00000 00004 40732 01772 t- 40733 01173 00 00000 00077 00 ooooe 00007 40734 01774 00 OO()00 00001 40735 01775 00 00002 ; ...0 I I r-! >< Q.. 6/29/56 TYPE EXIT YES T CHANGED: STORE NEW T TYPE T=ACCURACY ~ (A) R ~A 6R ( T) 71X2~R --1 Q C.R. TYPE 0 1 SPACE' TEST INDEX """'''''02 9-445 CONV AIR - DIVISION Of GENEflAl DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 CI 007-52 REPORT ZU 491 PAGE 40736 01776 00 00000 00000 40737 01777 00 00000 00000 N-l N-l 40740 00210 CO 00000 r;ocoo ORTHOGONAL I ZI\ T lOr! 40741 00211 11 00317 20000 40742 00212 42 00004 00310 E ) 4('743 00213 11 00305 00200 NO : 40744 00214 40745 00215 11 00004 00312 23 00312 00042 STORE E STORE E-1 40746 00216 75 20000 00220 0 40747 00217 23 75 11 11 15 15 40750 (00220 40151 00221 40752 00222 40753 00223 40754 00224- "'I::r >0 ....... 0J 1 L EIGf!NVECTORS ~O()OO MD -7 ES 00306 ct>313 S!T INDEX::. L-l 00023 00244 STORE L 00023 00165 ( y) [00225 40756 00226 56 30001 00226 40757 00227 11 00033 00025 40760 00230 {I 00034 00026 40761 00231 75 :30002 00233 yl 40762 00232 11 00322 00027 40763 00233 37 00051 00054 2 OIV. Xy'/V'yl::='K 40764 00234 11 00031 00S10 STORE 40765 00235 40766 00236 11 00032 00311 15 00022 00251 40767 00237 16 00022 00254 40770 j0240 11 00002 00314 13 00310· 00025 '-" I END OF ES RESET ORTHOG INDEX ~v 30000 00222 40771 f00241 8~40772 37 00177 00156 00242 11 00311 00026 ;:,40773 C'0243 75 30002 00245 :::< 40774 ..... ()O244 11 30000 CC'J27 0- 6/20/56 37? PUT YV AT SET INNER PRODUCT S.R. DUMMY INNER PRODUCT x.v I FIRST ELEMENT OP 1 40755 All S.R. 30000 20000 :30000 MODEL DATE yl --+ 01' K, STORE L (V~) SET INDEX -K, = N-l ~ OP 1 ~ OP 2 yl l 9-446 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 SA .. D'EGO C"l'I'O"'''''' eN 007-53 PAGE MODEL ZJ.f h91 All DA TE 6/20/56 REPORT MULT. 40775 00245 31 00051 00053 40776 00246 11 00031 00025 40777 00247 11 00032 00026 41000 00250 75 30002 00252 41001 11 30000 00027 41002 00251 00252 41001 00253 75 30002 00255 41004 00254 11 00031 30000 41005 00255 21 00244 00037 41006 0025p 21 41007 00257 21 00254 00041 41010 00260 41 00314 002411 41011 00261 21 41012 00262 41 00312 00301 DONE E VECTORS? 41013 f00263 75 30002 00265 YEs: 41014 00264 11 30000 41015 00265 15 30002 00267 41016 00266 11 30000 00027 41017 00267 37 00051 00052 41020 00270 75 30002 00272 41021 41022 00271 00272 11 00031 30000 21 00264 00037 41023 00273 21 00266 00037 41024 00274 21 00271 00041 41025 00275 41 00315 41026 """' ~ ..a ...... 41027 00276 56 30001 00277 DUMMY 00277 75 30210 00210 41030 00300 11 40210 00210 PART II ~ ES JUMP TO PART It 41 00313 002251 L VECTORS DOME? t- 41031 41032 00301 ...... 00302 YES;SET FOR NEX l VECTORS >< 41033 0030:; 21 00221 00307 56 30001 00304 41034 00304 45 00000 002161 RETURN -- , Ct, 0 0 Ct- 0.. - 37 00051 00052 OO~51 002~2 00037 00037 0OO2S 002~ -K, Yt I --1 0P 1 V2 ~OP 2 ADD \/2 -K. VI' STORE IN V1 SET FOR NEXT ELEMENT Vl. - K, Y• SET FOR L(Y). yl) X, ~x ---+ :::: V'-. OP 1 fj X, --7 OP 2 ADD X,+ II x I --) V, SET FOR Xl. X FORMED DUMMY 9-447 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. 5"'" DIEG" CALIFOR",'01\ REPORT CI-007-~ ZM 491 MODEL All PAGE DATE 41035 00305 00 00000 COOOS ORTHOG INDEX 41036 41037 00306 00 00000 00000 L-l 00307 00 00000 00000 2LNX2 1S .41040 00310 23 00306 00042 K 41041 00311 23 00307 00006 41042 00312 IS 41043 00313 75 30000 003Z0 41044 00'14 41045 00315 11 41052 02000 00 00000 COCOO 41046 00316 00 02000 00000 41047 00317 00 00000 00037 E 41050 00)20 23 00220 00006 REDUCE REPEAT 41051 00321 45 00000 00213 41052 00322 00 00000 00000 41053 00323 00 00000 OCOOO 41054 00324 00 00000 00000 41055 00325 00 00000 00000 41056 00326 00 01)000 00000 41051 OC'27 00 00000 ()OOOO 41060 OO'3~ 0 00 1)0·0(\0 00000 41061 00331 00 00000 00000 41062 00312 00 00000 00000 41063 00333 00 00000 00000 41064 00334 00 00000 00000 41065 00335 41066 00336 00 00000 "(1)('0 00 00000 00000 -.0 41067 00337 00 00000 00000 I 41070 OO!40 00 00000 00000 41071 41072 00341 00 00000 00000 00342 00 00000 00000 00343 31 46314 6a146 OO~44 ~l ........ oqt -....-4 C1' I 0 0 C1' ....-4 r41073 >< c... 41074 OO~16 00232 46;14 63146 STORAGE 6/20/56 L-2 2LN-2N = INDEX E-1 INDEX =L-l = INDEX STORE L ( V,I VI) ALL VV ..--, E5 N-l N-l ~ {V,' yl)ES > CONSTANT COMMAND INNER PRODUCTS OF EIGENVECTORS STORAGE M (;8)'-5 =.8 9-448 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. .AN DIEGO CALlFOltNIA CV-164 CV ZK 491 All MODEL DATE 4107~ 00345 31 46314 63146 41076 11 40000 00000 41077 '1 16370 00000 STARTER. STO~E Ft SUM MT AND CARD ROUTINES 75 20576 41102 41100 SUM 41101 32 76371 00000 41102 75 21300 41104 41103 32 40000 00000 41104 11 20000 10000 MAIN PROGRAM STORE CHECK SUM 41105 7S 30170 01103 STARTER 41106 11 41110 01010 JUMP TO ES 41101 00 OOCOO 00000 41110 (Oi010 41111 OlOll 41112 01012 5S 10000 0000' 51 01773 20000 41113 0101S 00 30000 30000 41114 01014 41 01116 010101 41115 4-1116 01015 01016 23 10000 20000 56 00000 01017 41117 01017 75 30421 01021 41120 01020 11 40001 00001 41121 01021 11 10000 00005 STORE N 41122 01022 11 20000 00003 STORE 41123 01023 55 10000 00001 STORE 01024 11 10000 00001 2N 0102!S 55 10000 00017 STORE 2NX2,$ 41124 --. ~ 41125 f"""'4 ~ 35 01760 01013 ~ES TYPE CHECt!! SUM CLEAR Qt A STOP TO SET N~(Q), -E CONSTANTS. PART II -E 41126 01026 11 10000 00006 60 41127 01027 11 00005 00002 ~ 41130 r>< 41131 01030 23 00002' 00042 N-l ~OO2) 01031 STORE 41132 01032 21 00022 00001 21 00022 00')06 0.. ~(A) -..-, ES 'j' 0' 007-55 PAGE REPORT L.(v} 9-449 6/20/56 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 PAGE 41133 41134 41135 01032 41136 41-137 01036 21 00023 21 00023 21 00023 21 00023 01037 37 00326 00327 SET UP AX 41140 01040 75 30003 01042 M(.0) lS ~ 1141 01041 41142 01042 STORE l (V,) 41143 41144 01043 11 41073 00410 15 00021 OO~11 16 01164 00211 01044 15 00304 00233 L(MA) 41145 01045 15 01164 00251 L (VMD) 41146 01046 16 00022 00251 41147 01047 11 00421 10000 L (v2 ) MASK ~ (Q) 41150 01050 53 00006 00210 SET 411'1 01051 53 00006 00250 41152 01052 56 30000 0105' 41153 01053 75 30421 01055 41154 01054 11 00001 40001 41155 75 41156 41157 01055 01056 01057 54 41160 01060 13 00001 C0306 STORE L 41161 41162 41163 01061 71 00306 00006 STORE 01062 11 20000 00307 0106:3 23 00316 00006 SET L(Y' y) ES 41164 01064 STORE L-l 4116S 01065 23 00306 00042 11 00421 10000 MASK ---+(Q) 41166 01066 53 00006 00216 SET a- 41167 01067 53 00307 00220 t- 41170 01070 53 00006 00313 41171 01071 41172 01012 15 00022 00217 lS 01165 00221 ~ ...0 ~ '-" 01034 01035 ~O113 oe001 00006 eN 007-56 MODEL ZM 491 A] 1 DATE 6/20/56 REPORT S'rORE 00001 01051 11 40740 00210 00406 20071 (A IN ES) L 00006 S.R. PART t I END l (VMD) REPEAT COMMANDS STORE CONSTANTS, PART II MO ORTHOG S.R. ----+ ES K ~(A) 2NLX 2'S' I aI 0 0 1""'4 >< c... REPEAT COMMANDS STORE L (v,) L(EVMD) 9-450 CV-164 COfiVAIR - DiVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SA.N DIEGO CA.UP"O.-NIA. PAGE 41113 01073 16 00023 00221 L(W.S.) 41114 41175 41176 41111 01'014 01075 01076 15 0,0021 00264 15 00022 00266 l (VI) 01077 11 00002 00315 41200 01100 . 41201 01101 41202 01102 23 00314 00001 75 30113 01105 11 00210 40740 41203 01103 41204 DATE 6/20/56 L -(v~) L (v,) 16 00021 00271 N-l STORE L (v·. yl)AT END OF STORE ORTHOG ES ~MD PARTS I.Itl 01104 41205 01105 11 00421 10000 MASK ---+( Q) 41206 01106 53 00006 01520 SET 41207 01101 41210 01110 53 00006 01522 S3 00006 01555 41211 01111 41212 41213 01112 01113 53 '()OOO6 01725 56 ~oooo 01113 16 01166 01515 41214 01114 15 01164 01521 41215 ol1l5 ' 16 00021 01521 l (v,) 41216 01116 15 00021 01523 l (VI) 41211 01117 16 01165 01523 41220 01120 15 01165 01556 L(E VECTOR RE~ION) L(E VECTOR REGION) 41221 01121 16 00021 01556 L (v.) 41222 01122 15 01166 01575 L (E VALUES) 41223 01123 15 01165 01610 L (E VECTORS) 41224 01124 16 00005 01611 N 41225 01125 15 00021 01641 L 0- 41226 01126 15 00022 01643 L (~1AX) 0 0 0- 41227 01127 L (M t- 41230 01130 16 00021 01643 21 01643 01167 >< 41231 01131 15 00022 01660 L (EXP L (Vl.) 41232 01132 15 00022 01661 L (Vl.) ~ ...... -I I ...... ~ 007~ MODEL 15 30300 01010 11 40440 01500 ..0 eN ZK ll91 All REPORT ---io ES REPEAT COMMANOS STORE L(E VALUES) L (VMO) ( M ~.) r,) AX) X2'$'+ L (Expf) 9-451 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 Cl'·; PAGE REPORT ,!~' "=:2' -.0 ....-I '+' '" '"tI 0 0 ....-I >< c.. J07-58 1.jo1)1 MODEL All DATE 6/2;':/56 41233 01133 ?1 01660 01170 L (vl.) + 1 41234 01134 21 01661 01170 L (V2)+ 1 41235 01135 15 01164 01726 L (VMO) 41236 01136 16 00021 01726 L(V, ) 41237 01137 11 00002 01776 STORE N-1 41240 01140 11 00002 01777 STORE /'f-I 41241 01141 56 30000 01142 41242 01142 11 76537 76536 41243 01143 75 30300 01145 DUMMY SET MT DUMP TO OMIT BACKING PARTS I. III 41244 01144 11 01500 40440 41245 01145 16 01175 40000 41246 01146 45 20000 01156 41247 01147 75 17777 01151 41250 01150 11 01171 54000 41251 01151 75 17465 01151 41252 01152 41253 101153 41254 01154 11 01171 63177 21 01153 00041 41255 011SS 41 Oi173 011~ 41256 01156 11 01114 10000 41257 01157 45 30000 01161 MJ 3 ON TO AVOID DUMP 41260 01160 37 76510 76500 41261 01161 11 01171 76536 41262 01162 75 30210 76430 41263 01163 11 40210 00210 MT DUMP RESET ~T DUMP S.R. BACKING JUMP TO DUMP EVS ON MT PART I 1---1 es 41264 01164 00 41252 41252 L. (VMD) X 2'" t L (VMD) 41265 01165 00 54000 54000 L(E VECTOR REG t ON ON MD) X2 41266 01166 00 53600 53600 L(E VAl.UES MD)X 2'''+ L( 41267 01161 00 00001 00001 ,.1270 01170 00 00001 00000 41271 01171 20 00000 00000 41212 01172 00 00000 00001 --) MO SET MD START TO INTERMEDIATE START M.1 '2 TO SKIP f')s ~E V REGION ALL 11s 11 01172 54001 ~ EV REGtON 1 S' .. L( ) 1 9-452 ) CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. 5"N DIi.GO C .... LI"ORNIA. i)S~EV 01173 00 00000 07631 41274 01114 00 00000 41275 01175 00 00000 40440 41276 01176 00 00000 00013 41217 01177 67 01017 00000 L (INTERMEDIATE START) CHECK SUM INDEX MT S.R. BACKING 76365 11 76464 76463 EV MT RESTORE 76366 11 76567 76536 16367 45 00000 76420 76370 23 10000 20000 o 76371 15 30030 76373 MT S.R. 76372 11 16550 00001 76313 37 00017 00001 ES RESTORE MD FROM MT 76374 11 40001 40003 2NE 76375 35 76474 20000 2NE 76376 73 76415 76467 P 76377 76400 21 10000 7646~ 71 10000 76473 76401 11 20000 76470 76402 75 30030 76404 76403 76404 11 76550 00001 16 76471 00014 76405 15 76410 00020 SET MT BACKING 76406 11 76467 00030 P ...a 16407 45 20000 76415 MJ #2 I 16410 76411 37 00021 00001 56 30000 76424 16412 75 31777 76365 >< 76413 11 74001 00001 MT 110 DUMMY RESTORE' ES 76414 S6 00000 01532 STOP) JUMP ~ -~ 0J 0 0 0- ~ t- c... PAGE eN REPORT Z!'I1 MODEL All DATE 6/20/56 007-~9 491 INDEX 41273 ooooe CV-164 t ~ (Q) --4 + 400s~(A) =2NE. +lfOO 11737s P + 1 ~(Q) (p + 1) x 31g x 2 15" ~(A) STORE MT S.R. ---7 ES STORE L (EV'S) ~ MT INDEX TO READ FROM I-1T 112 READ EVs)BACK TO MS #2 STOP 9-453 CV-164 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. Cl~ 007.«J Z;.; h91 All PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE 76415 11 76466 10000 76416 37 00021 00022 76417 56 30000 76412 7S 30210 76414 76420 16421 11 40210 00210 16424 76425 75 30200 76412 76426 16 76477 41262 76427 45 00000 40000 76430 31 76472 00052 176431 76433 61 00000 20000 34 20000 00006 47 16431 764EJ 16434 11 40001 40003 764'35 ~5 76436 73 76475 76467 76431 21 10000 76465 76440 71 10000 76473 76441 11 20000 76470 (p .,. 1) X 378 X 21"~( A) STORE 76442 75 32000 76444 ES 76443 11 00000 74000 76444 75 30037 76446 --+ ES IMAGE MT S.R. 76445 11 16511 00001 76446 15 76471 00003 16447 ..I!'J 76450 I 0' 76451 37 O(t027 00001 0 0 76492 ...... 7645! 75 30037 76454 11 16511 00001 15 76471 00003 ...... -I 0' r>< 0.. 76454 STOP JUMP TO STOP STORE YYS FOR MT DUMP RESTORE vv'! 11 41052 53400 76474 20000 &. PART I I~ES 76423 11 76467 00036 15 76470 00026 ~ MTH2 READ EV~)BACK RETURN TO RESTORE ES 75 30200 76434 76432 6/2':./56 J ---)(Q) 76422 11 53400 41052 - TYPE MT 2NE 2NE p: ---t ( A ) +_4008~A) 2NE + 4001 1137ca P + 1 ~(Q) - t ES SET l (EVS) STORE P SET TAPE BACKING MT DUMP ON flO MT S.R. --+ ES 9-454 CV -164' CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. ~ -.0 -1""""1 I 0 0 C}J C07 -~',l REPORT ,ill !;·-n MODEL .'All DATE ;6/2(,/:'6 76455 11 76461 00036 76456 15 76470 00026 16451 76460 11 76466 10000 37 00027 00030 MT DUMP ON 16461 75 31717 76463 RESTORE 16462 76463 11 74001 00001 37 76463 01541 76464 56 00000 01532 76465 00 00000 00001 76466 00 20000 00000 76467 00 00000 00000 L 76470 00 00000 00000 76471 00 53400 53400 16472 04 04470 70157 l(BACKING PARAMETER) L (EV REGION)X 2 1s + L (EV REGION) FLEX WORD 16473 00 00037 00000 76474 00 00000 00400 76475 00 00000 01731 76476 67 01017 00000 76477 56 00000 16370 76500 75 32000 76502 16501 11 00000 74000 76502 7S 30037 00001 16503 76504 11 16511 00001 7S 30030 00001 16505 11 76550 00001 76506 75 31777 16510 76507 11 74001 00001 76510 56 00000 56510 STOP MJ 111 TO SET MD BLOCK I '" '"t- PAGE 2 ~J(Q) 112 e:S STOP. JUMP TO MS'2 STOP ( P) MT DUMP & RESTORE S.R. STORE ES IMAGE MT OUMP ROUTINE --7 ES. JUMP TO ROUTINE MT RESTORE ROUTINE ~ES. JUMP TO ROUTINE RESTORE E5 1""""1 >< 0.. 76511 00001 45 10000 00030 76512 Waoo 2 75 31737 00004 ~1T UNiT 9-455 \.VNVAIIC - . elf :-164 UIVI)IUN Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP: ..... N DII:GO C ... LIf'ORNI .... 'PAGE ZV 491 MODEL All DATE . 01 007-41i REPORT 6/20/56 ~ES 76513 00('03 11 40000 00041 76514 00004 31 00041 COOO() 76515 00005 75 76516 16517 00006 00007 '2 00042 00000 11 20000 00040 76520 00010 65 00037 00040 76521 04P11 67 00037 00000 76522 00012 64 00037 00040 CHECK SUM MD BLOCK STORE CHECK SUM MO BLOCK ~ MT BACK JAPE 36 BLOCKS MT ~ ES MD BLOCK 76523 00013 31 00041 00000 CH~CK 76524 00014 75 21736 00016 SUM 76525 76526 00015 00016 32 00042 00000 11 20000 20000 MO BLOCK STORE CHiCK SUM ~(A) ~6527 00017 43 00040 00023 CHECK SUMS :: ? 765'0 76531 76532 76533 00020 61 00000 Oe025 NO: TYPe- F 00021 00022 00023 67 00037 00000 BACK TAPE MS 63 RETURN TO TRY AGAIN SET FOR NEXT MD BLOCK 76534 00024 76535 00025 76536 76537 00026 00027 76540 00030 76541 76542 00031 00032 67 01017 00000 56 30000 76506 53 00034 00021 53 OOO~4 00026 7S 10003 00002 76543 0003~ 53 00034 00010 :; 76544 00034 00 70000 00000 :: '6545 I 0;- 16546 00035 00 00036 00 00000 00020 ~ r- .,6541 00031 00 00000 00000 76550 00001 45 10000 00022 MJ Hi TO SET MT UNIT OTHER THAN 0 76551 fOoOC2 64 00037 00040 READ MD 56 21 41 56 217~6 00001 30000 00002 00063 00035 00036 00002J 30000 00026 TRANSFER COMPLETE = (21), T IME5 MS'3 JUMP TO RETURN TAPE BACK TAPE TO ORIGIN MS#3 JUMP TO RESTORE E$ SET MT COMMANDS ..0 o 017~7 "0000 ~ >< c.. BLOCK~ ES 9-456 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. CV-164 MODEL eN 007 .... ZM ~91 • All DATE 6/20/56 PAGE REPORT ~ ---0 76552 00003 31 00041 00000 CHECK 16553 00004 75 21736 00006 SU~4 75554 00005 32 00042 00000 76555 00006 11 20000 20000 76556 00007 43 00040 00013 CHECK SUMS =..? 76557 OOCIO 61 OOOpO 00007 NO:TYPE G 76560 00011 67 00037 00000 BACK TAPE 76561 00012 56 30000 00002 MS 76562 00013 75 311'37 00015 16561 00014 76564 00015 11 00041 40000 21 00014 00027 76565 00016 76566 C0011 76567 00020 41 00030 000211 56 30000 00020 67 01017 00000 16570 76571 00021 56 30000 76506 SET FOR NEXTMD BLOCK TRANSFER COMPLETE MS 03 JUMP TO RETURN TAPt BACK TAPE TO ORIGINE MS 113 JUMP TO RESTORE ES 00022 53 00026 00002 SET 16572 00023 53 7657~ 00024 53 00026 00020 76574 00025 45 00000 00002 7657' 00026 00 70000 00000 76516 00027 00 00000 76577 00030 00 00000 00020 00011 45 00000 00000 76601 16 76614 76610 76601 45 00000 76606 1660:3 16 76615 76610 76604 45 00000 76606 76605 16 76616 16610 I 76606 75 31777 76610 C' 76607 11 00001 74001 76610 15 30530 00000 I 0' c c r-t t- ;;.< c... BLOCK RETURN TO TRY AGAIN Y~S;MD BLOCK ~3 ~MD TAPE COMMANDS 017~1 76600 r-t ~ OOO~6 MD CARD OUTPUT Ie OC4 9-457 \'Uf'ilYAIK - UIYI~'UN ur v&:NIIICAL UT NAMI\..) \..utCt'. 54N OI£GO C4I.IFO"""'4 CV -164 MODEL CI o07-I:A %. 491 III DATE 6/20/56 PAGE REPORT 76611 11 76620 00526 76612 75 31777 (')0000 7_6613 11 74001 000(")1 76614 00 00000 00744 76615 00 00000 007'1 00 00000 00733 76616 76617 76620 76621 56 00000 76605 00 00000 00037 37 77177 17717 76626 00 74000 23 00001 21 00001 21 01262 21 01207 76627 45 00000 01203 16610 00 000("0 00144 16631 00 00000 76632 76693 71 00720 30000 15 20000 00566 76634 55 20000 00011 76635 15 10000 00620 75 20044 00546 76622 76623 76624 16625 16636 00000 01262 01201 00536 00536 IJO~10 7664:5 23 00731 20000 16 00716 00000 31 00723 00001 55 10000 00030 52 OC721 20000 1664_ 54 20000 00002 C1' 76645 44 00554 00554 0 0 0- 76646 44 00561 76647 17 00000 20000 21 00540 00720 16637 76640 76641 76642 ..~ ...a 1'"""1 '-' I I 1'"""1 r>< Cl.i 76650 0055~ 9-458 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. 5 ....... D'EGO C ... l'FOR .... ' ... CV-164 PAGE 16651 '6&~2 16 20000 00560 itS 00000 30000 16653 32 00677 00000 766S4 17 00000 20000 16655 11 00730 00650 166$6 76660 11 00714 00651 ~7 00560 00566 S5 30000 00000 16661 44 00641 00570 1666Z 16663 16.64 " '666S 55 51 13 35 10000 0001' 00725 20000 7&$66 ~5 10000 00006 "6&61 51 00725 0'0672 1&610 SS 10000 oooo~ Sl 00125 00665 16651 '6611 '6612 "fi13 16614 1&6'5 ,16616' " 16611 ""00 ,,701 i16102' ....., JIO!/f J 0- ~ 0'.-, .... ~ "'03 1&104 '6tO! eN 007--~ MODEL tM 491 All DATE 6/20/56 REPORT 20000 20000 00715 00621 55 10000 00006 !l 00125 00713 44 00655 0060' 16 00661 00703 5' 00616 00605 41 00672 0067' ~1 00665 00011 " 00106 00704 11 20000 006S2 ~1 00113 00017 31 00706 00104 16 00116. 00000 "'06 16'0' !1 00726 00023 13 10000 10000 16110 ' Sl 00652 00107 9-4~,' CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. .... N DIEGO C"'\..'f'O"NIA CV-164 elf ZM MODEL All DATE 76711 76712 76713 76114 1671' 16716 16717 76720 l6724 76726 15 00620 00633 S5 30000 00000 21 00566 00726 76127 21 00620 00726 16730 16 00560 00676 76731 13 00720 20000 44 00670 0061' '7 00560 00570 16735 15 2Q014 00644 55 00761 00010 76736 75 10003 00646 16737 11 00710 00650 16 00716 00000 43 00711 00.556 00 30000 30000 76734 16740 16741 76742 -I a--I 0 0 a-..... t- ><: c.. 20QOO 73 00652 20000 i5 20000 00652 '37 00676 00626 41 00665 00677 41 00113 00677 76733 ..... 30000 16723 76732 ~ ~ 00672 76722 76725 6/2C/,6 10000 16 00717 00676 41 00713 00660 16721 .-.. 35 10100 12 :30000 00 30000 35 10000 007-6& 491 PAGE REPORT 7674' 76744 00 30000 30000. 16745 75 20003 00646 76746 76747 23 00650 00720 37 00703 00604 76750 43 00665 00661 00 ~OOOO 30000 9-460 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN O'~GO CAL'I'"ORN'A CV-164 PAGE eN 001-6.7 REPORT!ll 16751 76752 45 00000 b0673 76753 00664 76755 76756 00 30000 30000 16757 00 30000 30000 16760 76764 00120 37 00103 35 00651 !5 00650 00 30000 76765 55 00650 00043 76766 44 00675 00616 76767 76773 21 45 31 32 11 76774 34 20000 00044 76775- 77001 47 00667 30000 15 20000 00706 S4 00720 10000 75 30000 3"0000 71 20000 00724 77002 77 00000 00774 77003 77 10000 00744 77004 17 10000 00760 77005 00 30000 30000 77006 53 10000 00733 77007 31 00672 00043 -77010 00 00000 00540 16754 76761 76762 76763 76770 76171 76772 76776 76177 77000 """' ~ -.0 ..... '-' I 0I 0 0 0"- ..... t- >< Co. 00721 00651 00722 00650 31 15 35 55 ~3 491 MODEL .111 DATE 6/20/56 00000 00665 00000 00001 00670 00672 00000 30000 00651 00127 00000 30000 00652 00002 00652 00001 20000 00652 9-461 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. S .... N DIEGO C .... LIFORNI .. CV-164 PAGE MODEL DATE 77011 00 00000 00631 77012 00 00000 00001 77013 77015 00 00000 00003 00 00000 00005 00 00000 00010 77016 00 00000 77017 00 00000 00077 77020 17022 00 00001 00000 00 00000 00014 40 00000 00000 71023 71 01206 30000 77024 15 20000 0104' 77025 11 10000 01000 11 20000 00715 17014 77021 11026 170:30 71011 11 76600 00017 , 71'032 35 00741 00741 71033 11 74000 01000 77034 21 76600 01213 1103' 45 00000 00000 77036 16 00774 76612 77037 31 00743 45 00000 16 01252 45 oooeo 77040 ' 77041 __ 77042 ~ ~ J I 8 ~ 01075 01001 77045 31 76606 00017 77047 77050 35 6/20/56 00747 77044 ~ 77046 All 00737 16 00714 16612 37 00743 00737 77043 491 ~OO12 16 00173 76612 41 00756 00746 71027 OC11-6t CI' REPORT ZJ( 00755 00755 11 74000 20000 11 20000 10000 9-462 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALI'-ORNIA 77051 77052 77053 770~4 1705S em ZM MODEL All DATE 6/20/56 51 00112 00776 55 10000 00025 51 00772 00777 16 01253 01011 17060 77061 16 01255 01021 11062 16 01252 01075 77063 45 00000 01001 17064 00 00000 77177 77065 00 00000 76611 77066 00 00000 76600 17067 00 71010 00 00000 00000 77071 00 00000 00000 77012 00 00000 00000 77073 15 01000 01007 71074 11 01010 20000 77075 42 01001 01005 7707? 17071 21 01000 oo,~o 15 10500 01011 771oJO 11 01212 01300 ;- 77101 00 00000 00000 17057 PAGE REPORT 21 76600 01213 16 01254 0117,7 51 01245 20000 47 00771 00767 71056 CV-164 oeooo 00000 -.0 ,:; , 77102 00 02000 00000 0I 77103 45 00000 01216 0- 17104 71 00716 00777 77105 11 20000 01256 77106 34 01213 00020 77107 11 20000 01257 77110 11 00776 01261 0 0 '""""f r--. >< .:l., 9-463 007-6.P 491 CONVAIIt - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS COITP. SAN OIEGO C"L'I'"OIltN'" CY-164 PAGE 77111 17112 77113 17114 7711' 17116 17117 ZM 491 .&11 DATE 6/20/,6 ,;..... ., 11 00777 01262 00000 01023 11 00776 01262 11 01262 0126:4 11 01162 00516 l1 01046 0·0001 17121 1'1122 17123 77124 1'3 01247 20000 36 Cl21! 01'260 11 OltMt 20000 77125 77126 .,7121 " 01,47 10000 11 20800 01266 56 01213 0126' 17110 SJ 01242 11131 T 1132 171'3 13 0124-Z ,1"210 11 01266 OINt) 11134 11 71135 771'6 71131 '1 01166 80001 36 IIZ1! t"!l'2 .5 00000 Ql()~7 7"160 00 00000 001'40 17l-41 31 00'.0 OOM' 20 OOOCO 0'00"" 31 00'40 0054e 20 00000 00000 15 01000 01071 15 01000 01107 11 00711 01264 77142 --cr 11143 ., 1144 I , !55 Ot261 00020 11 OJr!' 28000 '5 01246 JOOOO 17110 8a..... 77145 ~ 77146 ~ "147 CI 007-.7' MODEL REPORT ZOa.O 23 012700111·' zeooo OLIn 9-464 ¢V-d65 CON ANALY. . . ..RIIPAR£O BY CHECKED BY J. I. 1111s D. B. Parker VA ~AN I R PAGE REPORT Off GO NO. CI-- . CV-165 CONVAIR 'ANALYSI. ptREPARt=D BY CHECKED BY J. H. Ell1... D. B. Parker PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL SAN DIEGO REVISED BY DATE ts-. 0114 'M :491 ~ The t;t-al ari th.metio, or the real ar.ithmotic and interpretive routine may l be used. independent of the determinant routine by chooalng the proper entrances. For instructions on the use of real arithmetio sfte CA 001. The interpretive routine performs the real arithmetic operations referring to a parameter word fo~ the locations of the mantis888 of the oper~nd8 and result. REAL AR ITHDT IC ·ElfTRANCI Co 37 01001 01002 Add Ent Co 37 01001 01003 )lul t Ent Ce 37 01001 Ol~ 01'Y Ent . IlfrIRPRETIVI ROU1'ID ElTRAICB Co 31 01001 PPPPP C1 .u.AA BBBB ccce . Whereoperationa performed area Add (A)f(B)~(C) P-Il06 Bubt (A)-(B)~(C) P=lllO Vult (A)A'(B)--+(C) P-1112 DiT (A)+(B)~C) P$lllU Where AAAA-location of mantissa of lat operand BBBB-location o,f an ...... -.0 - mantl.~;&; of 2nd qperand ~CCC-iocatiOft of.manti8sa of result I 0I DET1mJ(IJAJrr SET-{Jp o o ~CB 0- ...... Co 37 01001 01153 r- >< ~ C DDDD RlRR no 1 Where DODD-location ot Det. in E8 RRRI-loeation of re8ult in 18 BBII order of the determinant (octal) .... ,.,.-~ 9-466 ANALYSIS ""'ARto .Y CHaCKED .v ItIEVlSI:O aY J... 1111. D. B. Parker CONVAIR SAN DIEGO CV-165 0-011-., REPORT NO. III 491 ..AGE MODEL DATE 12~~ ~--------------------------------------------------------------DITIRJIIWAIT IVALUATIOI EHTlWlCI Co 37 01001 0115' Permanent canet. used 40, 74, 77, 43. 66, 44. Teap. storage 00003-0D932, (Al, (Q) COJ3IIIUlda for assembly lDOdlfication 4078 (263)10 Drum Addre •• -70723-7134o '""' an -.D ~ '-' I 0"I o 0- 0"- ~ t- >< ~ ............ .. ',," , \1-407 CV-165 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OI£GO CAL.II'O .. N'A Byt J. B. 1111. Cheoked by. no.n PAGE B. Parker REPORT OI-Ol1~ ZM 491 MODEL DATE ALAq"~ 2-27-56 EXIT 70723 01000 37 76000 76002 70724 01001 45 00000 7 725 7 n 726 01002 45 00000 01027 ~1003 45 7)72 7 01004 11 00027 20000 7"730 OlOOS 47 010~6 rqo(')(' DTVrDING RV n? 7~7~' OlOO~ 11 O(')(\?~ ,"ono NO: N~ H-4!:q ATOR ~-?'< A) 70732 0100 7 47 01014 Ot~'l(,,) NUME'R ATO~ 70733 01010 11 00040 00031 70734 01011 11 00040 70735 01012 31 01012 0101'3 70736 01013 45 00000 01001 EXIT JUMP TO EXIT 70737 01014 54 20000 00042 NO: 70740 01015 73 00027 10000 QUOTIENT X 2:3"~ 7('1741 1~ n 70742 "1016 01017 74 10000 00025 70743 01020 11 20000 OOO~l 70744 01021 2~ OOO~O 70745 "lO?2 11 0002'5 ,0000 H~A 70746 47 01025 01024 H 7(')747 01023 01024 21 00026 00074 H = 70750 01025 11 00026 00032 H 70751 01026 45 00000 01012 70752 1"\1027 70753 010:30 70754 01031 '-' 70755 01032 11 47 11 41 JUMP TO EXIT ADD I T ION M (OPt~,6Nf") 1) ~ (,,) 0- 70756 01033 11 00025 00031 YES: M ,OPERAND 1) ~ ""(Al\lSW~~) 70757 01034 11 00026 00032 F (Op ~qAND 1) ~ 70760 01035 45 00000 01012 JUMP TO EXIT 70761 0103e 11 OOOiA NO". A ..-... li.I ...0 ~ ~OOOO (\('\t"I4(\ 00026 ~~OOC ~1073 I o 0- ,...., ,.... >< .0.. ADD ENTRANCE MULTIDLV DIVIDE E~ITRAnCF YES: "n~'~ ~~T~ANCE r.A (0 0 = O? ANSWER S.~. ~ (NU~~ERATOP) X 29#~ (A) (Q) ~,.t; NORMALIZE IF(Q0025}=-O OR 71 NORMALIZED MANTISSA STOPEn DIFF OF EXp.~(n0026) 01 - 0 = 11 COR~ECTF.D EXP~ OOn32 000'25 '-0000 01031 nl051 M (OPFRAND 1) - 0J 00027 20000 NO: M (OPERAND 2) 7(A) 01036 01033 M ~')t')OO 2)~fJ.) 0 ~ 000~2 I o .EXIT (op E~ AN" ') = o? r: (A~.!!;'f/E") .. E (OPEP.A~Ir> 1)7(A) c 9-468 CV-165 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of: GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. 5"''''' 01£00 CALIfFOttNIA P AGEt5-OJ.1oo5 By. J. I. 1111. REPORT Cheeked 'by, D. B. Parker 2-27-56 DATE tn -.0 ...-4 '-" I C1"I 0 0 C1"- ...-4 r- >< £l.4 70762 70763 010:37 01040 70764 70765 70766 01041 70767 01044 10770 01045 70711 01046 70172 01042 01043 36 00030 00032 E(op 1) 46 01047 01041 K 11 00025 20000 11 00027 00025 11 20000 00027 11 00026 ?OOOO 11 00030 C0260 YES: AND 10773 70774 01050 42 01012 01.054 IKI 01051 11 00027 00031 70"'15 10176 0105' 11 01053 ~1~12 70'177 01054 45 00000 i6 20000 110CO 01055 54 00.027 10(\nn 71001 010S6 3S 00025 20000 71C~2 01057 71003 01060 71004 01061 71005 01062 11 00040 ~OO32 74 2000~ noot2 11 20000 OOO!l 47 01064 01061 71006 01063 13 0003·2 00026 710C7 7101("1 01064 11 000'2 2COOO 42 01071 nlQ67 71011 71012 01066 01067 71013 01070 71014 01011 11015 71016 01012 71017 01074 01013 EXCHANGE. ONE NO; TWO IKI ~(A) < ~$ ! IKI ;> 35 OR t·1( OP} 1 (op ooo~o ooo~~ 23 00026 00077 21 00032 00026 45 00000 01012 00 00000 00*46 00 00000 00*43 71 00025 00027 11 00040 OC()25 K ~ (OOO~2) OPERAND 01047 0105~ MINUS E(OP2) = or "> 11 20000 00o,o 12 00032 20000 0106~ ZJl 491 MODEL - 0 2)~AN~Wr:R TO EXIT JU~P <.. ,~ '5? SEt ~HtFT OF 5. "ITS M(riP'.) x ~) ~ (A} M{OP2\ X 2A- + M (0 0 1) ~tA) o. ~(O.O12) NORMAL t l£ M (AN s) =- '"i--?( t)OC! 2) M (ANS) ~\OOO31) o? M(ANS) = YES: -H~\OOO26) H~\A) NO: H < 3S? NO', E (OP1)-~2 ~ l~OO26) YES: E loP II PLUS H \OR H-72) JUMP TO EXIT DEC ~8 oe:c 35 MUL T M (OP1)X ~ (op 2)~tA) o~ loo.2~1 9-469 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. S"'" 011:00. CAL.IFO"NI" C V-165 taJ-Oll-' PAGE B1" J. I. 111i. Checked b7" D•. B. P&rker Z1l 491 REPORT MODEL 2-27-56 DATE ......, If') ...0 ..... -I 0I 0 0 0' .... t- >< ~ 71020 01075 74 20000 00025 NORMALIZE ~.i(ANS)=34 (~~ 71021 01076 11 20000 00031 M(!'NSj--+(OOO3V 71022 01077 47 01102 01100 M (ANS) 710?3 01100 YE5~" 11024 01101 11 00040 r()O~? 45 00000 01012 11025 01102 ?~ 71026 01103 21 00026 000"'0 71027 01104 35 00025 00032 710~O 01105 45 11031 01106 16 01147 71032 01107 45 00000 01115 71033 01110 16 01151 11034 01111 45 00000 01115 71035 01112 16 Oll?() 710.36 Olll:! 45 00000 71037 01114 71040 0111.5 . 11041 71042 ("1116 ,6 0002'i 0107' oqooo = = F'(ANS) JUMP TO EXIT NO: H-~5 ~ (O~()2~) 011~~ AD.!) ENTRANCE SUBTRACT ~NT~ANCE MULTIPLV ENT~ANCE 0111~ 01146 011!4 = n o~ -1 E COP 1) PI.U~ E ~O~ 2) ~\AH.0OO26) E (ANS) ~O.OO32) JUM,P TO l!XrT 01U~ o IV.rf)F SET 01117 31 01001 00017 15 20000 01117 11 00000 011'2 71043 01120 55 ~11"4 looo, SET 71044 01121 5~ 011a;~ 01116 L 11045 01122 55 01152 ooo~~ 5-£T · 71045 Ol12~ 55 0114~ 1000~ l 71047 01124 71050 01125 11051 01126 71052 01121 11053 01130 01152 C11~t 54 01152 00014 53 011~'- Cl1~' 21 01001 00074 75 30002 011'2 71054 01131 71055 Oll~2 F:NTR.ANC~ PAQAM,!TEP LOCATION ( Z) ( X) 5~ 11 00006 00025 75 3no02 01134 H 07 01012 0113~ ,35~ ~f!T L(V) UP EXIT LOCI X~ (op 1\ Y~ 9-470 CV-165 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DI£CiO CALII"ORNIA PAGE BTl J ••• 1111. REPORT Cheotecl byl D. B. Parker MODEL DATE 01134 11 noooo 0002"1 31 01012 00000 01135 75 30002 01111 'l REAL ARITH. JUMP ANSWER 11061 01136 11 00031 00000 ~ (Z) 71062 Oll~1 37 71063 01140 45 00000 01001 JUMP TO ExtT 71064 71065 71066 01141 01142 01143 13 00027 ~O027 :37 01012 01002 (nO~21)~, (0<'0'7) JU~~P TO SU9 Jur·1P TO STORE (ANS);' EX!T 71067 ('1144 01145 01146 7r056 11057 11060 01133 011~1 ~1150 71074 01151 710"~ 0115' on 71076 01153 45 00000 71077 71100 71101 01154 01156 15 01405 01115 15 01'2:3 ot'114 15 01323 01177 71102 01157 111(')-' 01160 71104 01161 71105 71106 0116? 01163 11 01~''- 012'-~ 11 01106 01?4' 11 01307 01244 11 01~21 01 '-5.,." 11 on066 00003 71107 01164 11 00074 00004 71110 01165 11 01~O2 0- 7111.1 01166 ti 01~14 r>< Q.. 11112 01167 75 30006 01171 7111" 01170 11 71071 71072 an ...0 r-4 I 0I 0 0 r-4 01147 01155 s.~. 45 00000 011"3' 7107~ 71070 00000 on777 M.• ~K 00777 10000 00000 01('\04 MASK OOCOO III 491 2-27-56 (op 01140 10 00 00 00 00 00 ca-ou-r J:XtT ~10()2 00000 nl00"3 00000 01141 O()('OO 01~O/ SET UP ~. ~. ENTPY Ot30~ 01'31 013'6 ct~'~ 5£1 PA~AM~'EP. L~r SET L \All) X 2'..~ (~1114) ,5£T L (All1}'21~( 01177) SE'T ~f!T L(Al' L(Al' SfT L(.. " . SF'T L{Ta. "1') All A'l T2 All T?) A22) A''-) 1~ (T1 ) 2X'l~~ 4 STORJ: 2 (N-l) , 2a.~ STORE COPYS 2N x. ,Ir 5TORf: 9-471 CV-165 CONVAIR - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. PAGE _~ B,.t J. li. Elli... REPORT ZK 491 Checked bYI D. B. Parker MODEL DATE 71114 "'1171 '1 f'l~'~ 71115 11 Ol~O5 .Ol~11 INDEX :: N-2 N-l INDEX (All}"'" A 71120 oli75 111~J 01176 11 11 41 15 01121 01334 71117 01112 01173 01114 '11,22 01177 71t2~ 01200 01201 11116 711~4 = or - 01217 01166 !OOOO a1200 VES', nooon --+ 012()~ STORF 11 00000 15 01111 A 21 01205 01326 ROW 1 tT!MP ROW) L {ROW 2) S"O~E O120~ ~, n11" '002f1i Ol!O3 16 10~OO 012(,)~ 012.04 'll~O ~1205 15 30000 01206 tl ~t'ooo ~(\~on Til!! 01206 11l~2 01207 55 0120' 16 10000 1111' 111" 711" 7113.' .71137 01210 7~ 30000 01212 Ol211 1t o~ooo Ol~12 13 00001 00001 2 ~T1J~ (Ttl 01'-11 :'>1 01126 0190' 2NX"~ ..,. 01214 41 013'. 011'4 15 1000~ 01'-" TEST NEW All 1114~ 71144- 012'-0 01221 ..... 11145 01~22 ...0 ......" I 0I 0 0 0...... 00000 .20000 ~' .. 1 7tt25 11126 11121 11140 "0121 ~ 11141 01216 11142 01217 l,(') n'~'l 11146 Ot22' 71147 01224 r-. 11150 01225 >< 0.. 711. 51 Ol~26 t!OO2~ (ROWt) l ROW 2 -? ROW 1 STCR£ L (RO\., ~) 01211 oooon 2-27-56 ROW t ~ COL (TEMP ROW) ~ow t ~N)( fO = '0 o --, 'DE~ 11 00040 COOO3 11 01301 01~2'6 COll = 0 '-~ 01327· 0001".. -tN"~;(--:" 1 '-1 011" 01301 21 011"4 0131~ SET FOR 11 01310 Ol~~4 37 01111 01114 00 ooono ?1 Ol'~' 0130," SP."T tNDt!X JUMP TO £xtT ~!STCR! CONSTANT NEXT ROW Al~/A11 ~ N-l ( A) SET FOR Al' 9-472 CV-165 CONVAI. - DIVISION Of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DI£GO CALIFO .. NIA By. J. I. Ellie Checked by. D. B. Parker PAGE ~~ REPORT Z)( 491 MODEL DATE 01227 7115! 11154 01'-~O 012!1 71155 C12~' 71156 71157 01233 01234 11160 012~5 71161 01236 71162 01237 7l16~ 01240 71164 71165 01241 01242 00 noooo 00 71166 01'4~ ~7 011~7 {')tl1n 71167 01244 01245 01246 00 OOOO(} 00 *~ 21 012~2 01301 21 01244 01302 11172 71173 01747 41 01250 71174 01251 01252 01253 01'42 01~~6 21 01'-44 01~~7 21 01242 01310 41 011'. 012!1 012~4 ~1 011" 01255 00 00000 () OO()D 2~ 01310 00074 71110 71171 71175 11116 -,, 11177 71200 11201 01256 7120~ 01257 01260 71204 t')1261 71205 xc.. 71206 It) .J:) ..... 0"- 80"- ..... 41 O13~4 01'-24 11 Clt~'O 01~!4 11 01330 O13~S 31 01'-47 ~C'OO~· 11 01~'-4 10000 53 20000 O12!5 711~2 . 112C2 4' 01~'~ * 01241 RIAl! SF.T SET tND~X=~t -2 tNOEX=N-2 SET ( A'-1 ) L (A'-l~(A ) (A21):: O~ YES;SET FOR NEXT ROW JUMP TO SKIP ROW NO', X A12 )( A~l~ T A ~'--(A~2 A2~---+ A22 SET F'OR Al' SET FOR A2' o -it 1 COL 2~ ?~ 0111~ t)1~~6 01~(')t 1ST COL 1. 0.0 X (t ) (Al1~ T INDEX -1 4(N+t)xt·~ ;. X ~Ja.. ~130~ 4 · 2"" ol~tl SET FOR A22 01262 21 01337 21 01 '-.~5 21 OlS!1 01~15 SET 01263 11 01~~1 01242 01264 21 r.13~2 nl~'-n l- 71207 11 00000 'OOO~ 01241 012~1 21 01244 01311 45 00000 01252 37 01131 01112 2-27-56 4 · 2'·"", 4 PAPAM~TF.R~ 9-473 CONVAIR - CV-165 DIVIStaN 'OF GENERAL 'DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OIEGO C.<\lIFOltNI.<\ lc-..oll-iG PAGE Bye J. I. ILLIS REPORT Checked by. D. B • Parker MODEL DATE 71210 01265 11 01312 ,01244 11211 01?~f., 71212 0126'7 71213 01270 71214 (H271 11215 01272 '1 Ol~''3 ot~o' 21 0'12'25 01325 41 01131 01173 11 O125! !'127~ 31 01137 01112 7.1216 0127'3 00 7121·7 01'274 15 01406 01115 71220 01275 15 0140'6 71221 01276 75 30002 01001 71222 01277 71223 ~1300 11 00003 00000 00 0000.., 20000 71224 Ol~Ol ('10 O~OOO O~OO~ 7122! C 130'2 ' on ()20(')O nO(\o" 71226 01303 31 01001 00017 11227 01304 71230 01305 71231 01'306 01001 00014 71232 ,01 ~O7 01410 1. ()OOO ~A5K~ ('-') 71233 Ol.,le 01416 Oll&;'3 STr:JR~ ~J 712~4 01311 11235 01312 15 1.1 21 11 51 Q.l 23 5 ~ seT UP ENT SET (L:l PA~Af>AF'T~" PARAMETE R7(rl EXIT PllJ~ 1 71236 0131~ ~6 71237 01314 71 01:300 01153 ...0 71240 0131~ I 71241 01316 11 /0000 013'''' 55 01!10 1000~ 71242 01317 11 '100.00 01303 STORE 2M' - 2 IT" 71243 01~20 ~5 STORt. 2(N+l) . 2/'<" 71244 01321 54 20000 7124'5 Ol~?/' 11 '0000 01?-1' ,..., lO ~ 0I 0 0 0- ~ r- >< c.. ' 2-27-56 r DE T REDUCED . YES: X T -7' ~·OOOO 'Zv491 IOE'T1 RESET INT.$J~~ 011'? 20000 01'305 00000 01416 STORE lo~TI J- EX JT Oll~~ Ol~O4 STOR~ ~1~O4 00074 OO~74 01305 .N-l 5TORf N-? STORE 01200 "1!11 ()OOO~ 'N ' ,•. ~ ~TO~~ 2 (N + .1) . , I .:r 9-474 CV-165 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. S~N DIEGO CALI"OIllNI~ PAGE BYI J it If. 11li. Checked bYI D. B. Parker REPORT MODEL DATE 71246 01323 II Ol153 01313 STORE 71247 01~24 ?1 01'13 00014 N 712~O Cl~2t; 71 01'301 011S~ $TO~~ O11?6 11 '0000 Ol~14 '-NX ~:a.¥ Ol~?7 ,~ 0140~ 011,7 SE'T 71253 01~30 35 01301 Oljl~ STOR£ 2 71254 01331 STORE 71255 01332 11 01311 01116 '-1 01;16 01!~' 71256 71257 11260 01333 '-1 01~11 STO~~ 01334 71 00041 011S3 STORE 01~35 35 01314 01317 2NX 2~4- 2N 71261 71262 01336 ~5 01302 013,n 01337 2~ 01314 01301 712'6~ Ol~40 71264 01341 01342 11 nl.l'- tOnon 11 ()1414 01306 11 01414 01301 71266 71267 01~43 ~~ 01344 01416 01306 53 01416 01101 71270 01345 55,(l1416 71271 01~46 11 01411 10000 71~7~ 01347 5~ 01416 71273 01350 11 0141~ 01~21 71274 01351 53 01416 01321 t.. (Tt}·!'~ L (Tt) STO~E ~(Al1)·2f.a.. 71275 Oi~52 11 01410 lOOOC MASK-~(O ) """' 71276 ...... 71277 01~53 Cj~ 01354 55 01416 000'0 11 01410· 10000 11 01~"~ 01416 Ol~'2 71251 71252 1126.5 l{j -.0 '-' I ~ 01~15 (')1~O6 01416 01211 71300 0 0 0- 71301 a1355 0135A r- 71302 01357 ;~ 71303 01360 53 01416 n13r7 ...... ~ c.. 2-27-56 + 1 ~ ~ (N+l) . ~ ~ 2X~:l4 ~ (N r 1) ~'1f 2(Nt/ Z· STt")RF.: 2 (N+tJ STORE 2( N.. t) "1A~f(~(n ~~~+- 2 '* ~ IN + 1) . 2'J... i'+ '- (N .,. U . 21~ ) L (T2) S'TORt L (T21 ST~P.~ STO~t All OO()~O 0I 0.-011-11 zY 491 "'A5K~ <1 STO~~ l (Atl) X'1 1.a... STO~£ STOR~ L (InF.TI I MASK~(OJ 01~" STORF. L (A1l' 9-475 CV-165 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA BYI J. N. Ellis Checked by: D. B. Parker PAGE Cli-oll-12 REPORT ZM DATE u"'J ...0 ....... 1"1361 e;~ 11305 01362 11 01407 10000 71~!"f (H ~6'3 ~1 01416 71307 01364 01365 01:322 01302 01306 01310 STORE l 71310 71311 71312 01366 01306 01301 01367 21 21 21 21 01307 01320 STORr: L (A12 A21 T~ J STORE L (A22 T2 A22J 71~1~ 01110 1.1 O14'~ 71314 71315 01~71 5~ 0130:3 01176 01372 53 01301 01204. 71316 01~73 'S~ 71317 01374 Ol'-ln 15 01321 01211 71320 0137'5 71 01303 01153 71321 01376 7132'- (11;77 35 01'11 01211 t;5 01'11 200'~ 71323 "1400 16 10000 01177 11324 01401 11 01404 11325 01407 71~26 0140~ 11 01407 01324 45 00000 01001 713/.7 01404 4'5 71330 01405 00 01137 00000 71331 '11406 110 OIn01 (1(\000 71332 "1407 00 07777 00000 71333 1'11410 00 Or,OOO 01717 11334 no 00717 "0000 ~1.~(~ '. noon Ol~O~ nortoo 0115~ I 71335 0 0 0- 113:315; '11413 00 00717 00000 71337 (11414 00 (H'00n 'C007 11340 ;;1415 no ....... t- >< 0... f\1ASK ~ ~T('\~F (Q J L {A ll) ~A~t(-7 "r' fA 12 All A12) (0) 5ET REPEAT COMMANDS STORE' L ~A 11) 2N;L--7 A STORE L (T SET ENT JUMP STORF: RO'" ) '2"S-- MA~K JUMP TO EXIT nl1~4 (')1411 01412 I 2-27-56 ()1416 001"'11 71~n4 0- '-' h91 MODEL 17 71000 00000 O~I')OO "()OO~ 9-476 CV-166 ANALY" PREPARED BY CHECKED BY CONVAIR C. J. SWIFT, M. COVHERa .........." ••.lL DnAIIIeS cowouno. D. SHU MWAY ON 012-1 PAGE 491 REJIORT NO. ZM SAN DIEGO MODEL July 10, DATI: REVISED BY 1956 FOUR PODI'l' LAGRANGE IITERPOLATION POR BIVARIATE fUNCTIONS OR THEIR ImtIV ATIVES (FIlED POIIT) I. IESCRIPTIOH I If trom one to five quanti tie. r D are each functions ot ;two variables x and y and are given in the tora of tabled values (not necessarily at equal distance point.) J then this aubroutine evaluates the.. tunctiona or one ot the first partial '!be nearest tabled nluee uses tallie. r • 0 and fto deri~ti~s ot of the .. tunctions by interpolation. x and 1 are first round. The subroutine s1gnity displace_nt in the x and 7 table •• 0 signifies the first tour x .alue. (Xo, Xl, X2, X). signifies the first four 1 values (Yol '1' f • 0 A sixteen point grid ot 12' ''). tunction value. corresponds to the selected wJ.ues ot x'a and 7' •• '!be Lac,range _thod for interpolation is used to evaluate the tunction. at the gi'ftD point (x, 7) tor each F D. ot The aubrout1ne is also set up to cOllplte the }:arti&! derivati..s the tunction. b.r the use ot control words which are, specified as tollows, ., 04 44400 00000 compute 00 00044 44em cOlllplte 00 00000 00000 cOJIpUte ~\ J-F. d-X - ., J. F . Il ~~ In order to eliminate scaling probl_., the aubroutiDe computes the partial derivatiw8 t~. factor as the function). an -1ncre_nt- A I (stored at the .... seale '1'be coder lIIlat di'Y1de this b7 6 ~ stored in cell 00001 vi th the au. scaling a8 (which 18 the in4ependent variable in'Yol'Md). The subroutine uses a normalization process to achieve tull accuracy wi thout overfiov. Unless the point x, 1 lies outside the region, DO owr- n.ov 'can occur. ..... ,.,a·. '1-477 CV-166 ANALftIa PlltEPARED IIY .v CHECKED BY RtVIS&D "C 0 N V It. I R PAGII REPORT NO. MODIIL C. J. SWIP"T, Me COV HER ...wa..........AL 1mI. . . . cCHIPOUno. IlAN DIEGO D. SnrTMW''''Y flU A DATI: eN 112-2 ZM 491 July 10, 1956 It the point x, l' liea wi thin the same rectangle of the X7 grid as the previously used point, Jalcb a saving ot over halt in II. ot the cODlpltation Is not repeated with t_. SPECD'ICATIORSI Loca ti-ona and Storage A-- 1. !be aubroutiDe 18 storediD cella 01000 - 0l24'6 ~(2-41). or (1 6 7)10 celle 2. I S TeDlpOrar1ea need are cella 0000l to rxxrn phia (2 0 )8 owl!. tor each dependent twlctloza. 3. Cells to be modifiedl {24,?)e 4. Constanta not 5. noDe DKXi1t1edt Intcm-.t1on atoNd on d:nua tor each . . t ottabl... .....,....,. aad a:JtU ..... , Ch) Para.tera a 1 c.U. (e) 'l'ellpOrarieal (24)10 o.lla (4) Tables B ot ~ iDdepeDdet Y&rlablH Code, PullDtera Imd ..t ot j tro. 1 -to S fUDctlona x &D< Cl.t ALARM EXIT EXIT SET UP EXIT COMPARE SIGMA ~JI TH ZERO TEST FOR X AT CENTER OF GRID . TEST FOR UPPER LIMIT OF X TABLE TEST FOR Y AT CENTER OF GRID TEST FOR UPPER LIMIT OF Y TABLE TEST FOR ZERO SIGMA TEST FOR ZERO RHO SIGMA MINUS TltJO SIGMA PLUS ONE JUMP TO NEW VALUES RHO MINUS TWO RHO PLUS ONE SET S1:!ITCH AND JUMP SET UP FOR DENOM I Nft. TOR JUMP TO PQ SUBR O_AR1 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFQRNIA CV-166 PAGE ON 012-6 REPORT ZM 491-11 MODEL DATE BIVARIATE INTERPOtATIO~' 01040 16 01227 01175 01041 16 '01237 01044 01042 01043 16 01240 01646 15 01237 01044 PARTIAL SWITCH TO NUM ZERO SET TO J AND I RIJ SET TO ROO PI SET TO PO 01044 71 30015 30011 QJ 01045 54 20000 01046 11 20000 30054 01047 21 01046 01235 OlO5e 43 01241 01055 01051 21 01()44 01234 01052 42 01242 01044 01053 21 01044 01235 01054 45 00007 01043 01055 37 01055 30000 01056 15 01054 0117'4 01057 45 00000 01060 01060 37 01.167 01155 IJ PLUS ONE' JUMP TO NUM AFTER LAST IJ J PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST J I PLUS ONE INTO LOOP AGAIN 'NUM DEN SW t TCH SET uP FOR NUM JUMP TO PQ SUBR SET PI TO PO ~10el 16 01237 nl066 SET 01062 75 10005 01064 PICK UP 01063 11 01236 00002 01064 15 01240 01067 01065 15 01237 01066 01066 71 30015 30011 01067 73 30054 00007 ZERO TO SUMS 00 TO rJ SET J OJ TIMES PI DIVIDED BY RIJ 01070 11 01246 01076 01071 11 01232 00010 SEi UP N INDEX 01012 15 01067 01074 SET 01013 21 01074 01232 c... 01074 71 30074 00007 01075 54 20000 00047 "1076 35 30002 30002 01077 21 01076 01231 F'N-tJ TIMES FN-IJ PLUS FN SUM IJK PLUS ONE ...0 ...0 ..... I 0"I 0 0 0" ...... t- >< July 10, 1956 OO.O~7 TIMES PI r 9-482 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA CV-166 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE BIVI'~qIA.TE N PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST N RIJ PLUS ONE arJ PLUS ONE 5 COMPARED TO J PI PLUS ONE 5 COMPARED TO I OUT OF INTERPOLATION SET COORDS\1ITCH SET FIRST X ADDRESS SET FIRST Y ADDRESS COMPUTE ADDRESS OF FIRST RO\'! 21 00010 01232 01101 42 00034 01073 01102 21 01067 01234 01103 21 01066 01234 01104 42 01242 01066 01105 21 01066 01235 01106 42 01243 01065 01107 45 00037 01001 01110 16 01244 01111 15 00035 01133 01112 21 01113 15 00036 01135 01114 21 01135 00033 01115 54 00031 10071 01116 16 01240 01140 111117 15 01107 01121 01120 11 01232 00003 1"1121 15 30('00 1"1140 01122 21 01140 01154 01123 72 10000 00032 01124 35 00033 01140 01125 45 00000 01126 01126 - 011.27 35 00031 01142 35 00031 01144 ...0 ...0 01130 35 00031 01146 '-' 01131 01132 45 00000 30000 75 30004 01134 ..... 01133 11 30000 00044 X S >< 01134 75 30004 01136 PICK UP Y$ 5\1 ITCH PICK UP I 0' I 8a- r- 0.. July 10, 1956 I ~!TERP0LAT ION 01100 ..... eN 012-7 ZM 491-11 0113~ 011~1 00032 r"l1135 11 300('0 00050 01136 37 01131 01137 C'1137 75 30004 ~1141 AND FIRST FUNcTION SET TRANSFERS FOR F PICK UPS COORD SWITCH PICK UP FN S 9-483 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OtEGO. CA",IFORNIA CV-166 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE eN 012-8 ZM 491-11 July 10, 1956 BIVARIATE INTERPOLATION FN FUNCTION 01140 11 30000 00054 01141 01142 75 30004 01143 01143 75 01144 11 30000 00104 01145 75 30004 01147 01146 11 30000 00110 D "'1147 01150 45 0('0"0 (11150 21 01121 01234 ADDRESS 01151 21 00003 01232 01152 42 00034 01121 01153 45 00000 01003 01154 00 00000 00020 01155 11 00024 00007 01156 75 30004 01160 01157 11 00044 00002 01160 37 01225 01170 01161 75 30004 01163 01162 11 00015 00011 01163 11 00025 00007 01164 75 30004 01166 01165 11 00050 00002 01166 37 01225 01170 01167 45 0000(' 30000 01170 11 00005 20000 ::;; 01171 36 00002 00010 ~ 01172 16 01243 01217 0"- 01173 75 10003 01175 ..... 01174 11 30000 00021 01175 75 30003 01212 01176 23 00021 00003 01177 55 00026 00003 -..0 I I 0 0 0"- ...... >< c.. 11 30000 00100 ~OOO4 01145 G R I F PLUS ~NE REPEAT LOOP JUMP TO BEGINNING CONSTANT W SET TO x \tIN SET TO XI DO INNER LOOP P S IN PLACE ~! SET TO Y \~N SET iO VJ JUMP TO INNER LOOP EXIT SUBR W3 MINUS \t/O EQUALS DELTA PRESET COMPUTE \AJ MINUS WN OR WO MINUS WN GIVING FACTORS CONTROL WORD TO Q 9-484 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA B I VAR I ATE -..0 -..0 ~ I~!T ~ p 01201 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE eN 012-9 ZM 491-11 July 10, 1956 DOL AT I () M "'1~12 TEST FOR PARTIAL STORE DELTA FOR P,l\RT TAL COr-1PUTE SU~J1 OF PRODUCTS FOR PARTIAL f!/\CTOR AND NORf-1AL I ZE JUMP TO STORE COMPUTE T-R !PLE PRODUCT AND NORMALIZE STORE OJ ROTAT E °1200 If l~ 01201 11 00010 00001 01202 54 00021 00041 01203 73 00010 00,021 01204 54 0'0022 20041 01205 73 00010 1(,,000 01206 71 100('0 00023 01207 7~ 01210 72 10000 00023 01211 45 00000 01217 01212 54 00021.. 00041 01213 73 00010 20000 012-14 71 20000 00022 01215 73 00010· 20000 01216 71 20000 00023 01217 73 00010 30015 01220 11 00002 00006 01221 75 30004 01223 01222 11 01223 ?1 01217 01235 01224 42 01245 01173 01225 45 00000 3()OOO \1N J PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST J EXIT INNER LOOP 01226 0122.7 00 00000 01212 00 00000 01177 C 0 01230 00 00004 4000C N 01231 00 nOOOl 00001 00 00020 00000 S 00021 00022 ()OOO~ CV-166 00002 TH~ ~ I 0' I (l) 0 0' ~ t- 01232 ><: ('11233 0.. 1"1(' """'02 ("t~OCHJ 01234 00 00001 0000(' :"1235 00 00000 00001 01236 ao 00000 00*- "1237 1"1('1 T A N T S (,(')"15 00011 9-485 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. S"N OIEGO. C"I.-IFORNI" CV-166 PAGE REPORT eN 012-10 ZM 491-1I MODEL DATE 8IVA~tATE July 10, 1956 TNTEpPOL/\T!I"'\'" 01240 00 1)0054 00054 01241 11 20000 00074 01242 71 00021"00000 0124~ 71 00021 (lOO15 ~1244 ,'"'0 ('\f:\(\on 01132 01245 73 00010 00021 0124t1 35 00002 00002 \...OtJST,!J.NT~. -- 9-486 CV-167 CONVAIR A .....~ PRaPARaD 8V D. SlIlJllAI C. J. SWIFT CHECKED BY RIEVISD) r f & . . - . . . ' _ . . . . . .IL CN 813-1 PAGK .,.wacs ' ......11. . ZM 491 RIEIIO..,. NO. MODIEL aAN DIEGO JUDe 28, 195 DATE POOR POD! UGIWI1I. DI'1'1WOl..l!lm J(Il 1IlVARUB !DCt'IOI$ OR mu: z:aam'Tl'fII~ 2(rtDl) :pom) z'o SPECIFICATIONS. SlORAGla ". sub-routine i8 stored in cells 01000 - 01)05 and . , be BS verking storage 00002 - 00363 is u8ed. relocated. Tables ot an,- aize are DOrall;y on MD. ntS. Approx. 0.3 sec. Ilinilml + 0.15 sec. tor each change in 64 poiDt grid. IItJI)J). Tbird order interpolation i. ettected b;y the use ot the 4 pOint interpolation torzmla tor 3 'Yarables. through a the II. ~ange This passes a tunotion 64 pt. cubio array or &a4 ot pointe chosen from the XJS apace ot table. IBSCRIPTIOR I It two quantit1es, '1 and '2, are tunctions ot three variable., x, 1, s and their 'Y&lues are given in tabular tora (not necessarily at equal intervals), d.~i~tift8 tid. subroutine can evaluate '1 ana '2 or one or their partial as specified by a control word. The 64 pt. grid i. first selected so that the interpolated poini (x, y, .) is as close to the center ot the grid .a possible. 'fbi. grid is then used tor interpolating '1 and '2 (or apecified partial derivative or same) in parallel. All tacton in the Lagrangian coetticients are norualised to 'Values to obviate o'ftrfiov difriculti.s. ~1 It extrapolation is attempted too tar outside ot the outermost grid, a divide fault vU1 occur. III. LOCATION AND STORAGE, The _in sub-routine i8 coded to operate in cells 01000 - 01265. oe118 01266 - 01305 tor constant. and eella 00002 - 00363 in IS tor teaaporar1ee. It usee CV-167 CON ANALYSIS PREPAR£D BY CI-!ECKEDBY V A R PAGE D. SHUMWAY C. J. SWIFT REPORT NO, CN 013-2 ZM 491 MODEL REVISED BY DATE June 28. 1956 A starter programtollowed by cmrrent grid intor_tioD tor escheat of two functions lsstored 'in (.333)8 callaot MD. nov referred to as cells d thru d + 332. !hiB optional MD location is Initial set up of d thru d + 16 is as followss 75 30326 (30000) 1 11 00036 d + d + 2 75 30327 01002 d + 3 11 d + 4 45 d + 5 00 00000 • II • d + 6 00 00000 n n • no. of values in y tabl_ d+7 00 2J d + 10 77 77776 d d + d 4 + 5 00035 d 00004 J, no. ot value. in x table no. of values in Z table a index ot current loea tioD in x table • "r'f7'n U". iDttlal1y • 1 --------.-----0 d' + 11 0 d + 12 0 --------0 fJ. index ot current location in '1 tabl•• initially • 0 "f'. index or current location in • table initial1,. =0 + 13 00 00000 Ax- d + 14 00 00000 'Y- location ot 1st y d+ 15 00 00000 d + 16 11 00164 d AsAt- location ot 1st x table value table value location of 1st z table value looation or 1st Fl table value Infonationin d + 17 - d + 332 1s generated by the sub-routine. In order to II1nW.. acces8 tbe, the tables should be stOred in the following sequence J 1. All l[ 2. All 1 values ). All. values in ascending order 4. All'l and '2 values alternate, Fl (X1, '1(X1. "J' 'Yalue"s :lit a8cending order in ascending order z k.l), F2(xi. yJ, xk+l), etc. 13' at), F2(Xi, 1j, Zt), - with i the major, J the 9-488 GV-167 CON ANALYSIS PREPARtD BY CHECKED BY D. SHUMWAY C. J. S'-1FT ~"'N V'A R DllvO PAGE ON REPORT NO. ZM 013~3 491 MODEL REVISED BY DATE June 28, 19~ intermediate and k the minor ordering subscript. Coordinates of the point to be interpolated ANl> a control word are entered: (000)1) • X (OOO32) :II (000)3) • Y z (00034)- Control ,word. For eomputing '1 and '2' the control word • 00 OOOOOOOOOO , dF' dF For computing A· ~ and d' ~ the control ward - 0""0---0 a())yF, and A '. ~ For computing ~. )~, and A. For C01'lmt1 ting -r- ~. d~ Entl7 d Fa, Y the control word- ()()()()()444.4 ~ the control word • dZ to the subroutine isprogr..-ds 37 d+2 4OOOOOOOO444 d. RESULTS. (00002) -'" ~ (in case or partial differentiation) (00003) '1 or (00004) '2 or A. ;If, ~,)( A . ~~~ d)( .) F, or ~.~ or 6.. ~ or A . or D.. • )F" SF; y ~l WHERE (00002) bas the scaling of the independent variable (00003) has the sealing of the '1 t- .... (00004) bas the scaling of the '2 I 0- o• '!be main subroutine is coded in standard torm fro. 01000 and can be o .... t- 0- assembly modified. ~ Subroutine length (including constanta) ()06)8 • (198 }10 ES Temporaries required ()62)8 • (242)10 Total IS working space (670)8· (440)10 No. ru .. •a •• -" ot words tor assembly mod. (J01)a- (193)10 9-489 CONVAIR -"DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA CV-167 P AGE REPORT eN 013-4 ZM 491-11 MODEL DATE Ju~e 28, 1956 3 VARIABLE INTERPOLATION 01000 37 16000 76002 0100l 01002 45 00000 30000 01003 11 00041 20000 01004 01005 46 Ol041 01005 11 00031 20000 01006 42 00051 01032 01001 42 00052 01014 01010 33 00036 00017 01011 35 00041 20000 01012 35 01266 20000 01013 01014 46 01041 01014 11 00032 20000 01015 42 00055 01034 01016 01011 42 00056 0102' 3~ 00037 00017 01020 35 00042 20000 01021 35 01266 20000 01022 01023 46 -01044 0102' 11 00033 200CO 01024 42 00061 01036 01025 42 00062 01077 01026 01027 11 0004~ 20000 32 01266 00001 ...0 - 01030 36 00040 20000 I 01031 46 01047 01017 0 0 01032 11 00041 20000 01033 47 01040 01014 01034 >< c.. 01035 11 00042 20000 47 01043 01023 01036 01037 11 00043 20000 47 01046 01077 t- ..... a-I a..... t-- 16 00035 01001 ALARM EXIT EXIT SET UP EXIT COMPARE SIGMA WITH ZERO TEST FOR X AT CENTER OF· GRID TEST FOR UPPER LIMIT OF X TABLE TEST FOR Y AT CENTER OF GRIO TEST FOR UPPER LIMIT OF Y TABLE TEST FOR l AT CENTER OF GRID TEST FOR UPPER LIMIT OF Z TA6lE TEST FOR ZERO SIGMA TEST FOR ZERO RHO TEST FOR ZERO TAU 9-490 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA CV-167 PAGE REPORT eN 013-5 2M 491-11 MODEL DATE June 28, 1956 3 VARIABLE INTERPOLATION 01040 01041 01042 01043 01044 01045 01046 01047 01050 01051 01052 01053 01054 01055 01056 01057 01060 01061 01062 01063 01064 01065 01066 01067 t- ...0 P""'I 01070 '-' 01071 0 01072 0 aP""'I t- 01073 >< 01074 0.. 01075 I aI 01076 01077 23 21 45 23 21 45 23 21 37 16 15 37 16 16 16 15 71 54 11 16 71 54 11 21 43 21 42 21 42 21 45 37 00041 00041 00000 00042 00042 00000 00043 00043 01077 01267 01231 01~03 01304 01050 01303 01304 01050 01303 01304 01137 01235 01234 01227 01210 01275 01270 01271 01270 30000 20000 20000 01272 10000 20000 20000 01066 01235 01060 01066 01060 30000 00047 10000 01064 30000 00047 30000 01305 01273 01077 01064 01305 01274 01064 01060 01304 01275 01060 01060 01305 00000 01057 01077 30000 SIGMA MINUS TWO SIGMA PLUS ONE JUMP TO NEW VALUES RHO MINUS TWO RHO PLUS ONE JUMP TO NEW VALUES TAU MINUS TWO TAU PLUS ONE SET SWITCH AND JUMP SET UP FOR DENOMINATOR JUMP TO PQS SUBR PARTIAL SWITCH TO NUM PI SET TO PO RIJK SET TO ROOO QJ SET TO QO QJ TIMES PI SK SET TO SO QJPI TIMES SK EQUALS RIJK IJK PLUS ONE JUMP TO NUM AFTER I.AST I JK K PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST K J PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST J I PLUS ONE INTO lOOP AGAIN HUM-DEN SWITCH 9-491 CONVAiR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMiCS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA CV-167 PAGE eN 013-6 REPORT MODEL.. ZM 491-11 DATE June 28, 1956 3 VARIABLE INtERPOLATION 01100 01101 01102 01103 01104 01105 01106 01107 01110 01111 01112 01113 ()1114 01115 01116 01117 01120 01121 01122 01123 0:124 .t...0 ..... I 0"I 80- ..... t- >< a.. 01125 01126 01121 01130 01131 01132 01133 01134 01135 01136 01137 15 37 16 23 11 16 15 15 71 01272 01234 012'27 01207 01270 01110 00003 20000 20000 00004 01273 01116 01271 01115 01270 01110 30000 30000 54 20000 0004"6 11 20000 00005 16 01272 01114 71 00005 30000 l ' JOO()O 10000 71 10000 30000 54 20000 00050 35 00003 00003 21 Oll16 01305 11 20000. 01123 30 30000 30000 . 54 20000 00050 35 00004 00004 21 01116 01305 43 01276 01001 21 01115 01304 21 01114 01305 42 01217 01114 21 01110 01304 42 01275 01110 21 01110 01305 45 00000 01107 16 01300 01162 SET UP FOR HUM JUMP TO PQS SUBR SET PI TO PO ZERO TO SUM CELLS' SET FI-IJK TO FI-oOO SET RIJK TO RooO SET QJ TO QO QJ TIMES PI SET SK TO SO QJPI TIMES SK DIVIDE BY Rt'JK TIMES F1-t JK PLUS Fl SUM l-IJK PLUS ONE TO GIVE 2-tJK TIMES F2-IJK PLUS F2 SUM NEXT Fl EXIT AFTER LAST F I JK PLUS ONE K PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST K J PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST J I PLUS ONE INTO LOOP AGAIN SET COORD SWITCH 9-492 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OIEGO, CAl.IFORNIA CV-167 PAGE REPORT MODEL DATE eN 013-7 ZM 491-11 June 28, 3 VARIABLE INTERPOLATION 01140 15 00044 01164 01141 01142 01143 21 15 21 15 01144 01145 01146 01147 01150 01151 01152 01153 01154 01155 01156 01157 01160 ...0 f"""'! -.;... , , 0- 8 0- f"""'! r- :><: 0.. 0004'1 01166 00042 01170 01170 00043' 01266 00006 00047 01173 00040 20Q70 20000 00042 21 11 11 54 7135 00043 71 10000 71 20000 32 00010 35 01173 35 00040 35 00040 00010 00037 00041 00001 0117~ 01175 01177 X ADDRESS SET FIRST y ADDRESS SET FIRST Z ADDRESS SET LAVER INDEX COMPUTE ADDRESS OF ' FIRST FUNCTION ON FIRST YZ LAYER FOR FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH ROW COORD SWITCH 01163 01164 01165 35 00040 01201 45 00000 30000 75 30004 01165 11 30000 00050 75 30004 01167 PICK UP X COORD PICK UP 01166 01167 11 30000 00054 75 30004 01171 V COORD PICK UP 01170 01111 01172 01173 01174 11 30000 00060 37 01162 01172 75 30010 01174 30 30000 30000 75 30010 01176 30 30000 30000 75 30010 01200 30 30000 30000 Z COORD SET COORD SWITCH PICK UP 01161 01162 r- 01164 00045, 01166 00046 SET FIRST 01175 01176 01177 FIRST ROW PICK UP SECOND RO\oJ PICK UP THIRD ROW 9--493 1956 CV-167 CONVAIR - D!V!SION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS COlP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA ' PAGE eN 013-8 REPORT ZM 491-II MODEL DATE June 28, 1956 3 VARIABLE INTERPOLATION 01200 01201 012,02 75 ~OO10 01202 30 30000 30000 23 00006 01304 01203 42 01304 01003 012Q4 31 10000 00013 01205 01206 32 01305 00005 45 00000 01156 01207 11 00031 00010 0121P 75 30004 01212 01'211 11 01212 37 01265 01230 75 30004 01215 01213 ooo~o ("\0003 PICK UP ,FOU,R TH ROW TEST FOR ' LAST LAVER SPACING TO NEXT LAYER INTO LOOP· AGAIN W SET,TO X WN SeT TO XI JUMP TO INN£R, "LOOP PI IN PLACE W $ET 10 y WN- SET 01215 11 00022 00012 11 00032 00010 01216 75 30004 01220 01217 01220 11 00054 00003 37 01265 01230 JUMP TO 01221 75 30004 01223 QJ 01222 11 00022 00016 0122~ W SET TO Z WN SET 01225 11 00033 00010 75 30004 01226 11 00060 00003 01226 01227 37 01265 01230 45 00000 30000 01230 01232 01233 11 00006 20000 36 00003 00011 16 01272 01257 75 10003 01235 ~ 01234 11 30000 00026 01235 75 30003 30000 01236 01237 23 00026 00004 55 00034 00003 JUMP TO INNER LOOP EXIT PQS SUB W3 MINUS WO EQUALS f>ELTA SET SK TO S~ COMPUTE W MINUS WN OR WO MINUS WN GIVING ~ACTORS CONTROL WORD TO Q 01214 01224 ........ t- -'" r-4 I 0"I 0 0 0"- r-4 t- 01231 TO y~ INNER LOOP IN PLACE TO ZK 9-494 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA CV-167 P AGE REPORT eN 013-9 ZM 491-1I MODEL DATE June 28, 1956 3 VARIABLE INTERPOLATION t- TEST WHETHER PARTIAL STORE DELTA FOR PARTIAL COMPUTE SUM OF PRODUCTS FOR PARTIAL FACTOR AND NORMALIZE JUMP TO STORE COMPUTE TRIPLE PRODUCT AND NORMALIZE STORE SK ROTAT E THE 01240 44 01241 01252 01241 11 00011 00002 01242 01243 01244 54 00026 00041 73 00011 00026 54 00027 20041 01245 73 00011 10000 01246 71 10000 00030 01247 72 00026 00027 01250 72 10000 00030 01251 45 00000 01257 01252 54 00026 00041 01253 73 00011 10000 01254 01255 71 10000 00027 73 00011 10000 01256 71 10000 00030 01257 01260 73 00011 30000 11 00003 00007 01261 75 30004 01263 01262 11 00004 00003 01263 21 01257 01305 01264 42 01302 01233 01265 45 00000 30000 K PLUS ONE TEST FOR LAST K EXIT INNER LOOP 01266 00 00004 40000 C 01267 00 00000 01252 01270 00 00016 00012 01271 00 00064 00064 01272 00 00010 00022 01273 11 20000 00164 01274 71 10000 00026 01275 71 00021 01237 01276 71 10000 00364 01277 71 00005 90026 vJN 0 -.0 .-I '-' I CJ' I 0 0 CJ' N S T .-I t- >< 0... A N T S 9-495 CONVAIR - DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA CV-167 PAGE CK 013-10 REPORT MODEL ZI~I DATE June 78, 1956 491-I1 3 VARIABLE INTERPOLATION 01300 01301 01302 00 00000 01163 11 00164 00164 73 00011 00026 01303 00 00002 00000 01304 00 00001 00000 01305 00 00000 00 *1 t- -.0 --ar-! I· t oo ar-! t- >< 0.. 9-496 9:23 ORGAN12..ATIOI~ OF Dlr-PARDm:If.l' 66r_...],0 .. __ ~ .. """"'~J':I;~~Il""""'~"I""'I!':.'W'';~''rUP3rTJ.~.. I. ~ GENERAL OBJECTIVES A. The ultimate a..'tm is to estabJ.1.sh ])apQrt-ment (56.,..10 o.s Ol\() of the lea(JJng computing and da.ta. reduotion centers in th:ts coUntry 0 An a CO~lB9qucnc:e, the Missile Syntems Division "rill beNe at its d:Lopooal an important and prot!to.ble asset in mectiT18 :i.ts oblisatiOllG, in, L'1creasing its reputetioo and. in attrac.tl.tl8 bl.ls1.ltess. Furthormore I the rnaltheed Ai.rcx-a.f·t, Corrorat1on will be in an even bet'~or po::d.tlon t, :meet ita eo.mm:ttments, to increase its prod,,,at:f.y1:ty, to enhance its roputat1on and to better ita c(YJIlletltive positiooo B. 1. Department of it.s 66.. ,10 ohaJ~ perr·)l~m all Mtt.;j) volek faLling ~1.tb1Jl the E;Copft I t l.,:,LU utlflertake the troiru..ng of 1m pr.!7.'3cIlnel in tJ,e appliC3'.t:t.OD of e.nQ1y t.:tca1. und numericaJ. lr.ethoda to the:lr individueJ. probJ~erruJ. 20 n.c;:t:tvit.i~s~ Depa."t't;mOtt.t 66,,·1() 'tv:i~\ coai~i',~ue to absorb the tP..lCCeGB (J:£ OOZ.!?11ti:nC end data. redu.a..?;lo~> loads g~.1(31~9,tc~d by oth.'Sr l...,ockheed divloiona. Ito Appllod. ~!athentt6ti(;fJ S'i;at':4? 'W'.1.1l b~ avtdlable .~ li.elp solve dif'fi(n.u.t cOltpt.\tational pl"O\'lemn ~ -;;:0· ~l(-+vt'''flop ne".( simu.lo.t10P- l'ile"l'thods, to e!';~ltta.t(~ eomp1.\'i;ing i?l"O{".e(lUl~CS 'Used. i!l :ll'!UOunt:ttlg Qn.d to j. dvp.at:tgn,i.e 'l~be' faaG1 ... bi11t.y ,of :r:u~ther nroc:ooydzQ.t:;.on of I..ocltbeed lluH.il1eas prol')l~av The A:ppl:l~..d ri.~theni.e3~ieG Sta.f~:r or DepartU}~nt 66-..10 ,dJ~ be a. nOUXl!C (Jf aatb€:mntiCf.'tl c~nsuJ..tant f;!,(l"!Ji(,~e j.'"ead:tly ave,ilo,ble to the (:'ntixe (!orpora."'" t1oo. 3v The E"~xtra. c·a!w:.eity of Dc:&artri£lli::: 66-10 requi:t'ed tel" pealt loods ,,1.11 be appl:J.ed to outs!.de bUS:f.lV~OG.. '£hia pol'.<:y ~,!1J. avoi d l~G'~-:Y r: ~'Innoicn and nu.nimi:;&e ovcrt;me follotdng the a1·ro.rd or lm"ge CC'll'l1;I'tlC:(j~ outs1do bua1b.eSt3 Si.~rv€·s to GlUootb. Oll1:; j;'"l.uct"UE~t1ons in :urtemal d(~:T'~ DepaJ;..tment 66 u lO, to (1.ivQ:;7·sify If£D fle;·tiviiliea trott tc ua.1n~ p" ,!~.'l1; for the eomp~.n;.y 0 ;; c. C\J - ~he reput,at1ctl or DepalJtmen:li 66....)"O,{,ylll be based on '-to l>ertOl'ill:'1lJCe and not on its alz·e; Ol~ jurisQ.!et:i.on. 'lb bavo satisfied. clwtonta"u iz (l1.n of tile moat ~rtallt goals tOl-- De.pti.l..tli'!en~ G6....10.~ I ~ D. o o 0"- r-f t- >< 0.. For 1ts 6~rivol,l, Depal'tmant 66 ....10 rau">t be able 'i;o recrui to the sl)le:rt $ best prepared and most decU~J.tE:d young men aud 'WOIOOn into 1tb Bel:-vice ~ To attrat."t and hold 81.\ch pEllll.ll.e, the pr'1Diae of e career or 11vellhcod or of eeono.m:I.c 3uncess 13 not (.lnougho The DeptIr·tment must 0.100 give t.hem. esprit. de COl"ps. 9-497 9:23 Page i\:o II. (JDrnIAL ft'IIr!IPL'lS ANI) OPwnm PROCKDtlft'!,q A. l~od;T ~ld bMre ouJ~ ODe supervisor (e.xeept tecba1¢sJ. eupervtn1 <: 0... .. 9-500 PX IV. 71900-9-(9:~3) Pa.ge Five OltG.\..lIJ!ZJ:m:Ol'J Clm1t1' ----_.>, I I I ~t101lS 'I I Section Ane.lys1s & Applied Jf&th S'bff ProgrGmriling j ,._--- Data. 0 'Section Seotion t " I { I Sys~'-',I ;~t ~ , Trajectories I ---- I Linear I ..0 I CJ1 o ..... Problems ' Na.ch1ne Data Operation Dandling Pa.lo Alto /1 . ,. -- --.~--- "I, ::!:on. ---, t ! • Van Buys Desk Computers ,....------Automatic t Reports and Ana.lysis Data !leduct1on Data I Conversion , I Data Systems Development .. [\,j ~ 9:23 rage Sis v. A. 'Ihe bM4 of the ~t aercd.aes scmaNl ...,nt ltrat1'ft!1 8D4 techrd.oa1 ~. , B. 1. 'lbt AD&'Ip18 aa4 P".tOQt8IDilDa BecttOll 18 NQ0D8lble tor 'the JiIrOII"'W"OC aDd eoa1nS ot·all. probl.e. solved em. the Cblj;art.at'. general. plI'lM)B8 41&1ta1 8114 aualOS COJI,paters. Ia eW:t1aD., l ' 18 ft8JCD81ble ~ the 8Ol.ut1ca of aU COl!I~utat1crUU. problea _eDt to ~t 66-10 with the ezaept1cG ,of date. Nduot1on prob1ema. a. &0 t'b.e B1&tems Developa!ct G~ 1s respcmalb1e tor eettiDs up IID4 1mproviDg cod11Je; procedures aud tor 1m.Proving the OJ.ler8t1on or .... ADalye 1.8 and h-cgamadns Sect1oa. It does DOt tak.e part 18 tbI solution or oui;s1de pl'Oblems sent to De,partment 66-10. b. Through the Syat.ems Developaent Group, the .Aaal.;ys18 aDd P.roglaadtns Sectloa 1s also responsible tor keep1Dg up to 0 0"r.-f r- ~ a.. e. CoOgerate 1B tlv~ acquisition,. operat11)D.' 8rl4 -.1nten3DCO ot tm¥ 8Daloa-to-d1g1"UYo and 'd:lg1:tal-to-analog conversion equ1pment when such equ1pnent ta intended tor use With the aDalog OOJIWuter. 9~502 9:23 Pag(! c. Seven ,. Promising members at the prog:rsQrnj ng groups should have an opporturdty to contribute both to the m>rk of' the Bystema Developnent Group aDd to the DIl:theDatical and numerical. ana.\yai8 ot problems which voul4 usually be C&tTled out by m.e!ljl)~9 of the AppUed tethematlcs Stan'. Each group leader should mo.1nta1n close lUdson with the Applied M!\theDi.tles Sta:rt and the Sys-t<:IDa Devel.opnent Group and, wenever possible, contribute to either one ot theso two aci~lv1tles. ~ Data Section 1a respon81ble tor the tol.l.ow1Dg functions: 1. '!he processing ot data as requested. 2. Participation in instrumentation checkout operatl00s and of tre t1Dal laborato.l7 caUbrat1cms. eve~U&tlon 3. Production of a ~17 z,r,;;port deacrlbiDg.the resuts of systerra c.beckaut nma eoDthlct.ed prlar to shipuent of a veh1cl.e to the test 4. fite publication of fA, alte. poet fllp.l1t conference ft quick look" night elata CD 'rexJOrt and condu.ct:l.ng the post..rught conference, os well as ed.tt1Dg minutes of the post-flight 6'01.d"erence I 1Dclud1ng S1JIID1\l'Y and ccucluslou drawn. 5. ~ 6. ~s publie.atlon or the f1ritll night test datA report (when require/, covering a.ll date. reducedc at telemeter performmee to keep iDstrurJJeD.tation personnel informed of the per.romsn~e ot their equipment I incl\Xd.1ng a.cc.'\J.l"8C1' determinations 0 f(.~ tuture da.ta aequisition requirements to ,all cnstaners re EFINITE INTEGRAL EVALUATION CPo-1 CPo-2 CRI-1 CRl-2 CVF-o OEM-O D£M-l 01E-0 01E-1 01E-2 11-25-55 11-25-5'5 EGN-O 05-01-56 ___ EXP-2 ~ EXP-3 .. 0" -55 -55 07-26-55 FPP-O 11-15 ..... 55 08-10-55 EIGENVECTORS. VALUES OF REAL S-YMMETRIC MATRICES FIXED POINT EXPONENTIAL. ROUttNE FLOATING POINt EXPONENTIAL ROUTINE FLOATING POINT PACKAGE SNAP. SNIP AND TRACE THE FERRANTI INPUT ROUTINE 05-25-56 12-09-55 10-03-5.5 SIMPLIFIED FERRANTI INPUT FOR BOOTstRAP r- HTo-O :>< 01-25-55 DECIMAL OUTPUT ROUTINE FOR FLEXOWRITER AND PUNCH INT-l 10-10-55 INTERPOLAtION WITH UNEQUAL INCREMENTS IN ARGUMENT LOG-1 LOG-2 11-22-55 08-10-55 FIXED POINt NATURAL LOGARITHM FLOATING POINT NATURAL LOGARITHM ROUTINE 'j' Cf FRI-O 8 FRI-l 0' ,.....j a.. 9-506 9:24 PAGE 2 OF 2 REVISED 06-01-56 MDP-O MDP-l MDP-2 MDP-3 MOP-4 MII-O MTI-O 12-09-55 12-09-55 12-09-55 12-09-55 05-01-56 05-01-56 11-30-55 THE FLEXOWRITER MEMORY DUMP, REVISED THE BIOCTAL MEMORY DUMP, REVISED THE OCTAL CARD DUMP CHANGED WORD POST MORTEM OCTAL CARD DUMP MANUAL INSPECTION AND INSERTION LINEAR MATRIX EQUATION SOLVER NRT-O NUI-3 NUI-4 12-01-55 05-01-56 05-10-56 NTH ROOT ROUTINE NUMERICAL INTEGRATION BY THE GILL METHOD FLOATING POINT GILL METHOD RAN-O RPH-O 05-20-56 05-23-56 NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED PSEUDO RANDOM COLUMN HEADING ROUTINE SAM-O SIN-O SIN-l SIN-2 SIN-3 SIN-4 SNI-l SNI-2 SQR-O 5TT-0 08-09-55 05-01-56 05-01-56 05-01-56 08-10-55 05-15-56 09-12-55 09-12-55 05-01-56 12-09-55 AUTOMATIC SAMPLER CENTRAL EXCHANGE SINE-COSINE RoutINE POLY NOM tAL MUL TI PL Y SINE-COS I NE ROUleI NE SMALL ANGLE SINE-COSINE ROUTINE FLOATING POINT SINE-COSINE ROUTINE FLOATING POINT SINE-COSINE ARCSINE-ARCOSINE ROUTINE FLOATING POINT ARCSINE-ARCOSINE ROUTINE SQUARE ROOT ROUTINE STORAGE TO MAGNETIC TAPE TRANSFER TNI-O 05-01-56 08-10-55 12-09-55' ARCTANGENT ROUTtNE FLOATING POINT ARCTANGENt ROUTINE MAGNETiC TAPE TO STORAGE TRANSFER 10-03-55 08-23-55 UTILITY ROUTINE TRANSFER - MAGNETIC TAPE TO DRUM UTILITY ROUTINE TRANSFER - DRUM TO MAGNETIC TAPE TNI-l T5T-0 URT-l URT-3 NUMB~RS 9-507 9:25 Pg. 1 of 3 06/01/56 CUMULATIVE ERRATA Programming and Operating Conven-ciolls Paragraphs 6, 8, and 9 should be deleted. CMP-O 10/ /55 Pages 8A and 10 dated '4/18/56 should be included. Page 8 - delete from "Subroutines" to end of page. Page 9 - delete first three lines. Page 9, paragraph two i and page 10, paragraph numbered 4 - should read "prints 'CMP-O,1t and not fTprints 'check sum fails CVF-O I II. 11/14/55 Page 5, line 12 from the bottom should read lin (50000b ) n and not "n + 1 = (50000b)". DIE -07/26/55 Page 4, last line should read: EGN-O b = (~).n'2-4 and not b = (~).n'24 5/1/56 Page 8, line 14 should start "~ the ERA paper tape reader) ...•.. 11 Page 16 line 7 should start "if n ~38 , .•••. EXP-3 8/10/55 Page 1, drum assignment should read 1163766 b through 64044 b." l() C"J ~ YPF-O I 5/25/56 0' I o o Should include SNAP page 6 dated 5/10/56. 0' ...... t- >< 0.. SNAP, page 5,/last sentence should read: "If it is desired to read in less than four numbers per card, then the associated address field of the decimal number to be ignored must be left blank". SNAP, page 6, first line below table "should start "If the exponent or the mantissa ..•.. " 9-508 9:25 Pg. 2 of 3 06/01/56 SNAP Smapler trace, page 1, the last sentence of paragraph b should be replaced by: "Restoring the library from magnetic tape loads an all zero word into cell 71777b. If this word is not changed, a complete trace of all SNAP commands is automatically performed. 1I FRI-O 12/9/55 Page 4, following paragraph numbered 5, add "Note: s~th level punch in the second of two consecutive frames having seventh level punches the stop is bypassed. continues. The check sum is cleared and the reading This will still be an illegal combination which will halt an ERA photo -electric reader HTO-O If there is a II • 7/25/55 Page 1, drum assignment should read "62504 b through 63037 b MDP-2 ll • 12/9/55 Page .. 1, opposite TYPE add Itobsolete. available on symbolic cards" Page 2, first sentence below the list of card column assignments should read: tlADy card is omitted if each of the four words to be punched consists of 36 zeros or 36 ones, and in this event the next card produced carries a punch in the l2 row of column 9". Page 2, line 12, reference to MDP-2 should read MDP-4. Page 2, line 14, should start !leach card contains s.ix cards!!. 9/12/55 Page 2, under programming instructions add: tiThe ranges of the reaults are the principal values, defined as follows: - 1(/2 ~arcsine &£ '1(/2 o'=arcosine &b rc " 9-509 9:25 Pg. 3 of 3 06/01/56 $1 ..2 9/12/55 Page 2, under programming instructions add: "The ranges of the results are the principal values, defined as follows: - 1(/2 ~arcsine g.Ln /2 O~arcosine g.~lt " TNI-l 8/10/55 Page 2, under programming instructiQns add: tiThe range of the result is the principal value, defined as follows: _ 3(/2~rctangent x.L'1(/2 UBT-l 11 10/3/55 Page 2 following paragraph six add liES is cleared". I.() C"Il -0' I 0' o• o 0"- ..... r- >< c.. 9-510 9:25 PSEUDO-RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR SUBROUTINE by - Harold Dahlbeck The basic method used- in this subroutine was described by D. H~- Lehmer in The Annals of the Computation Laboratory of Harvard University, Volume XXVI, Proceedings of a Second Symposium of Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machinery Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Yassachusetts, 1951. The method itself requires the following simple form to be used as the iteration formula: Xi + 1 = eXi (mod p) i = 1, 2, 3, - - - Although this method is considered to be quite optimal in guaranteeing both randomness and greatest periodicity of the Xi, there are considerable problems involved in the obtaining of c and p subject to the following conditions: maximum 1. 2. P should be the largest prime number which can be contained in a register. c must be of the form Rl when R is required to be a primi ti ve root of p and l has to be relatively prime to p-1. In addition c should be as large as possible. The following twdnumbers satisfy the above conditions: p = 235 - 31 = 34, 359, 738, 337 c = 513 = 1, 220, 703, 125 A subroutine for generating the Xi is given below. The periodicity of the Xi will be p - 1 = 232 - 32 34, 359, 738, 336. Any positive number may be used as a starting-point for this series. = - I..(') (\J 1l0J Subroutine for Pseudo-Random Numbers 0"'-' ~01000 601001 ~ 01002 .... 01777 01775 20000 01776 10000 01777 A mod p 37 01 00 77777 10604 00000 77741 71625 00001 35 - 31 213 5 Ri t- ><: ~ 01775 01776 01777 513 Rl 71 73 11 1 A ) Rl (51~.R1) mod p---) A 9-511 9:26 A Linear Pro,ramming Routine for the 1103 Computer General Remarks, A working draft ot a linear progr8.DJDJ1ng routine for the llO) is now in operation. The routine finds a basic set of values of the variables in a linear form, which will max1 mj ze or minimize the value of that llne~ form, (hereafter called "profit function"), subject to a set of linear reetrainte. bee restraints fDa:y be equations or inequalities, and are acceptable with or without slack variables. Rovner, it slack varlablee are included, they ehould be clearly labelled aesuchJ if they are omitted, the sense ot the inequali ties must be indicated. The method followed is the Alternate Algorithm of' the Revised Simplex Method ot Imltzig, as deecribed ,in Rand Corporation manual RM-1268, with certain modifications. Since zero suppression is ueed throughout, the size of the problem which can be handled by this program will depend upon the number ot zeros in the original matrix of coefficients and in the columns etored tor the inverse matrix in product form. In an:y case, the number of restraint. cannot exceed 106, the number of variables, including slack variables, must be le68 than 258, and the product of the two dimensions should not exceed about 15,000. The time required tor solving a partiCular system depends upon the size ot the matrix, the number of non-zero elements, and the number of iterativa cycle. performed in reaching a solution. In general, the time will range from a rew minutes tor a emall aystem to about 2t hours for the largest system ao1yable by thia program. High speed has been achieved by confining the CYClic program and vector storage to the rapid-access memory and the magnetic drum (helloe the limitation on size ot the systea). Magnetio tape units supply progra.me tor input, computation, and output, and receive intermittent dumps ot the entire oontents of rapid-aoce6s storage and drum as protection against l1Jlt.....n interruption, and to prO'Yide tor output ot re8Ults ot previous cycles. The program mal ot course be moditied to handle larger systeme by using magnetic tape ...torage during cyclic computationaJ however, th18 will considerably increase production time on the 110.3. Some actual computation times are as tollows. lumber ot Variables Including Slack Bumber ot Computation lteratlone Time 24 49 21 33 27 37 59 88 lumber of "'''-1nt. 26 63 31 59 2 minutes .3.3 " 4 1l.7 ft • Total Time, Incl. Input and Output 4.5 Minutes n 6.2 6.5 15.6 " " The present program calls tor input data on punched paper tape in Flexowr1ter oode. The matrix is read in by rowe just ae they appear on the matrix sheet, with the profit function as the tirst row. A detailed description of input format 18 attached. While the paper tape is being read into the computer, the input program convert. the decimal numbers to binary, as~1gns a slack variable ot appropriate sign to eaoh inequat10n and ecales the elements of each row according to the numerically largest coefficient in that row. The ll'I8trix is then transposed, and each column is 9-512 9:26 -2a88igned a scaling based on the numerically largest element in that column. The program then packs each oolumn vector by retaining only its non-zero elements, in sequence, preceded b,y three code-words displaying the pattern ot zero and 'non-zero element. in the column. Packed oolumna are then stored in sequence on the drum, and a directory is prepared which records the starting addres8 and ecal1ng or each column vector. Artificial variables are assumed where needed, but their oolumns are not storea, and should not be included in the matrix. The input program prepares the redundant equation which serves to eliminate the artificial variables during the first phase ot computation. Cgmwktigpa Ploating vector arithmetic is used for addition and soalar multiplication ot two vectors and for multiplying a vector b.Y a constant. This greatly reduces computation time as oompared with tloating point arithmetic, yet avoids the overflow problems and 10S8 of significance which arise in fixed point arithmetic. Significance retained in final answers will depend, of course, upon the amount of computation necessary to reach the anevere ; results to date have been exoellent, with all answers correct to at least ri~ significant digits. The computation proceeds through two phases I Phase I eliminates artificial variables b7 maxi m:i zing the artificial variable in the redundant equation. When feasible solutions exist, ccmputation then proceeds into phase II, which maximizes (or minimizes) the profit !unction itself. Detaileof the method may be found in the Rand Corporation literature. OutPUts The type or output will vary with the nature ot the conolusions reached. In most oases, an optimum feasible solution will result; the values and identifying indicee ot the basic variables will be printed, as will the shadow prices, the baok solution, and the quantities labelled delta-sub-J in the',notation otRM-1268. .,0 C\l ~ '-' d- The inverse matrix i tselt is stored in the convenient product form. Thus, at the end of the computational program, the inverse matrix as it lNould appear at the end ot AD.'t apecitied cycle is still available. Except for the inverse matrix, re5Ults ot previoua cycles are not retained. If these are desired, the program provides for output after specified cycles. It is recommended that output be kept to a reasonable minimum, to r;ave computer time. I o o ~ ~ t- In caee an infinite solution is indicated, the output program will identify at least one varia.ble which is unbounded. ><: It the original Bystem contains inoompatible restraints, computation will halt 0... when this is recognized through an unfeasible maximum or minimum. At lesGt one restraint will be identified b.1 the presence or a non-zero artificial variable as being inconsistent with others in the system. In case of linear dependence among restraints, the program will proceed exactly , a8 in the case of an optimum feasible solution, except that one or more artificial variables will be listed in the final basic solution, with assigned va1uP!l of zero. Theee serve to identity redundant restraints which may then be deleted by the anal~E,t, 9-513 9:26 -3though they do no harm other than to increase computation time. ProgrQPP&" Comment•• The linear program described above i . presented as a working draft, rather than as a compl.ted product. It will be expanded and adapted to the needs of customere ae we become more f'smiliar with these needs. As the result of' experience gained in cheoking out and using the program, certain possibilities for improvement have become evident and will be incorporated in the program as soon as possible. One .pecific. change contemplated in the present 1103 version is the add! tion of th.·tacil1ty tor finding alternate solutions b~ imposing increments upon specified quantities and continuing the computational cyole. This is recognized 85 highly desirable and will be added as .oon a. possible. Suggestione a8 to other service' which milht be inoorporated in the linear program rill be 8J.:preciated. ·We will of course be happy to ansver any questions· which .aight sri se concerning the program. PM or the Program on the llOlA I The 110) program ia available in a slightly altered form for use on the llO)A. The only changes are in the addressing ot the accumulator and quotient regi:::ter, and in the referencea to magnetic tap.; only lO24 vords of core memory are ueed. Thus, running time on the nOlA with this program will be approximately the same as on the nO). Thi8 time is governed to a large extent b.y the number of' references to the I~et1e drum. At present, the entire c~cl1c program, the floating vector subroutines, and the directory which Uete vector 8torage locations, are kept on the drum beec;.u~e of llmi'ted epace in the 1024 word rapid-access storage ot the 1103. Portions of the program are then transterred from the drum to the core storage as needed. A complete rewriting ot the Linear Programming Routine tor the 1103A has been initiated. Since the 4096-vord core memory provides space for everything except the vectors themselves, at least halt ot the drum references will be eliminated, which in turn will reduce computation time. by an estimated 40 or 45 percent. 9-514 CV-39 CONVAIR - DIVI310N OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. SAN OiEGO. CALIi'"ORINiA REPORT Ie 004-7 ZM 491 MODEL All PAGE 2/22/55 Revised: 6/22/56 DATE 1(004 EXPLANATION 01033 73 01247 10000 R= 70766 01034 11 20000 01266 STORE R 70767 01035 36 01212 01267 STORE R-1 70770 01036 35 01242 20000 R+4-+(A) 70771 01037 73 01242 01270 STORE R+4 DIVIDED BY 5 70772 01040, 23 01270 01213 STORE 70773 01041 STORE 70774 01042 31 01266 00020 11 20000 01271 70775 01043 31 01266 00001 STORE 70776 01044 36 01213 70777 01045 45 00000 01047 71000 01046 00 00000 00140 71001 01047 37 00540 00540 71002 01050 20 00000 0000 71003 01051 37 00540 00540 71004 01052 20 00000 0000 71005 01053 15 010'00 01077 71006 01054 15 01000 01107 71007 01055 11 00777 01264 SET COLUMN INDEX 71010 01056 11 01250 10000 MASK ----+- (Q ) 71011 71012 01057 01060 53 01251 01076 11 00537 01207 SET BLOCK TRANSFER STORE 310 OCTAL 0"- 71013 01061 11 01260 20000 '-' I 71014 01062 47 01072 0'1063 INDEX 71015 01063 11 01271 20000 YES: 71016 01064 47 01065 01072 >< 71017 01065 11 01250 10000 R= NO: 71020 01066 53 01271 01076 71021 01067 11 01270 01254 SET BLOCK TRANSFER SET CARD INDEX 71022 01070 75 10002 01075 SET 71023 71 0 24 01071 01 0 72 11 01267 01252 RE~/1A 6 0 ~ t- c.. 0127~ 11 01246 01252 ) R+ 4 DIVIDED BY 5 t"1INUS 1 2R X 2's 2R-l POSITION CARD TO PUNCH SET INITIAL DATA ADDRESS CIj 0"- I NDER (A) 70765 =M = o? O? MASK~ (Q) NUMBER INDICES NO: SET BLOCK BY COL. TRANSFE~ INDEX 9-515
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