Par Ad Installation Guide 1.2.3
User Manual:
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ParAd Installation Guide
Tested April 12, 2019 on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, x86-64 (Dell Inspiron 15, 5000 series).
Most of prerequisite software is installed from source code.
1. Download recent version of ParAd (source code) from
For instance: ParAd-1.2.3.tar.gz
2. Extract the archive (to you home directory)
>tar -zxvf ParAd-1.2.3.tar.gz
3. Enter ParAd directory and read file
>cd ParAd-1.2.3
>cat | more
4. Install prerequisite software from the specified locations
Return to you home directory
>cd $HOME
4.1. Install compilers etc
>sudo apt install gcc
>sudo apt install gfortran
>sudo apt install g++
>sudo apt install make
>sudo apt install cmake
>sudo apt install m4
4.2. MPICH
4.2.1. Download MPICH source code from
For instance: mpich-3.3.tar.gz
4.2.2. Extract the archive (to you home directory)
>tar -zxvf mpich-3.3.tar.gz
4.2.3. Enter MPICH directory
>cd mpich-3.3
4.2.4. Configure MPICH
4.2.5. Build MPICH
4.2.6. Install MPICH
>sudo make install
Installed by default to /usr/local
4.2.7. Return to your home directory
>cd $HOME
4.3. GraphBLAS – for sparse integer matrix multiplication
4.3.1. Download SuiteSparse from
For instance: SuiteSparse-5.4.0.tar.gz
4.3.2. Extract the archive (to you home directory)
>tar -zxvf SuiteSparse-5.4.0.tar.gz
4.3.3. Enter GraphBLAS directory
>cd SuiteSparse
>cd GraphBLAS/build
4.3.4. Configure GraphBLAS
> cmake ..
4.3.5. Build GraphBLAS
4.3.6. Install GraphBLAS
>sudo make install
Installed by default to /usr/local
4.3.7. Return to your home directory
>cd $HOME
4.4. 4ti2 – for solving linear Diophantine system
4.4.1. Download 4ti2 from and
For instance: 4ti2-1.6.9.tar.gz
4.4.2. Extract the archive (to you home directory)
>tar -zxvf 4ti2-1.6.9.tar.gz
4.4.3. Enter 4ti2 directory
>cd 4ti2-1.6.9
4.4.4. Configure 4ti2
4.4.5. Build 4ti2
>make check
4.4.6. Install 4ti2
>sudo make install-exec
Installed by default to /usr/local
4.4.7. Return to your home directory
>cd $HOME
4.5. METIS – for graph partitioning
4.5.1. Download METIS from
For instance: metis-5.1.0.tar.gz
4.5.2. Extract the archive (to you home directory)
>tar -zxvf metis-5.1.0.tar.gz
4.5.3. Enter METIS directory
>cd metis-5.1.0
4.5.4. Configure METIS
>make config
4.5.5. Build METIS
4.5.6. Install METIS
>sudo make install
Installed by default to /usr/local
4.5.7. Return to your home directory
>cd $HOME
5. Buld ParAd
5.1. Enter ParAd directory
>cd ParAd-1.2.3
5.2. Build ParAd
6. Test ParAd
6.1. Enter test directory
>cd test
If required add rights to execute tests
>chmod +x test_*
6.2. Run tests
>mkdir output
In case of success you will finally get
All the tests completed successfully!
To estimate speed-up the clan aggregation brings
Note: copy ParAd to /usr/local/bin to install it for all users
>sudo cp ParAd /usr/local/bin
Dmitry Zaitsev,