44080 I Parkman Paragraphs200701

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Parkman Paragraphs
Parkman ParagraphsParkman Paragraphs
Parkman Paragraphs
Winter 2007.
.Can you guess the date of this town center picture?
Give your best guess at our Parkman Pancake Breakfast
held each Sunday in March (9am-2pm).
Newsletter e-mail - ParkmanOhio@hotmail.com
Community website - www.ParkmanOhio.com
Parkman Township
Po Box 688
Parkman, Ohio 44080-0688
(440) 548-2904
Prsrt Std
US Postage Paid
Parkman Ohio
Permit Number 2
Parkman Resident
Parkman OH 44080
A Parkman Township Community Newsletter
created to bring our residents local news and events.
Issues of the Parkman Paragraphs will be published quarterly in
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
Parkman Paragraphs Editor is Cory Anderson
PO Box 580 Parkman Ohio 44080
This Winter 2007 Newsletter is sponsored by the Parkman Trustees.
For all Township business, call 548-2904.
Parkman Board of Trustees
Meetings are 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7:30 pm
in the rear of the Community House
Parkman Chamber of Commerce
Chamber meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30pm in the
Parkman Community House. We are always looking for new members.
Membership dues are $5 annually.
Mail to: PO Box 525, Parkman OH 44080
Sandie Parnaby—President Faith Kumher—Vice President
David Fuhry—Secretary Donald Villers—Treasurer
Upcoming Events
Parkman Pancake Breakfast
Since 1969, Parkman hosted this traditional community fundraiser at the Commu-
nity House. Come help celebrate the Maple Syrup Season and join us for break-
fast. This all you can eat meal includes home made style Pancakes, Sausage,
and Drink. The Pancake Breakfasts are each of the 4 Sundays in March
Sunday March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th - serving 9am-2pm.
Adults (12 and up) = $6 / Children (6-11) = $3 / Children (0-5) = Free
If anyone is interested in helping work the breakfast - please contact Lucinda
Gates at 440-221-0577. Remember that there is a schedule of times that helpers
are needed. This work schedule is designed to keep operations running
smoothly and without clustering of people just socializing. Please keep to your
scheduled times and socialize out of the work area. We traditionally have a very
large attendance to serve and need the working area obstruction free.
Thank you for your help to make this another successful year!
Parkman Easter Egg Hunt
The Parkman Easter Egg Hunt is April 7, 2007 at 11AM at
Overlook Park. This event is not advertised in the "Good News"
and since we are not able to send notes home from the school,
please mark this on your calendar and share this information
with anyone you know who has small children. Anyone inter-
ested in helping please call Sandie @ 440-477-0782.
Parkman Kite Festival
The "Come Fly With Us" Kite Festival is May 5, 10-5.
Anyone interested in helping please call Sandie.
Membership is open to anyone in the Community, you do
not have to be a business owner. We have a large agenda
for such a small group and we could use help.
Remember to stay current with all of the Parkman Community Events at:
www.ParkmanOhio.com or attending a Parkman Chamber of Commerce meeting
Hope to see you at our next meeting—Monday February 19, 2007.
Township Trustees
(meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 7:30pm)
Kevin O’Reilly
Lucinda Sharp-Gates
Alan Wilson
Fiscal Officer
Nancy Wheelock
Parkman Community House &
Overlook Park Parnaby Pavilion
Wendy Anderson
Cemetery Sexton
Dale Komandt
Fire & Rescue
Wayne Komandt
Fire/Medical Emergencies:
CALL 911
Zoning Commission
(meets 4th Tuesday)
John Augustine
Zoning Appeals Board
(meets 2nd Tuesday 7pm)
Cindy Gazley
Zoning Inspector
(Wednesdays 7-8:30)
John Hasman
(Zoning’s new e-mail)
E-mails must have residents
name and contact info to
be officially answered .
Roads Department
Tom Evers
Parkman Community Website introduces our
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Team
Use the Parkman website menu to look for the link that brings you to our
Parkman Fire and Rescue volunteers and meet these brave souls.
Past issues of Parkman Paragraphs, most up to date community event info
links to local businesses, specialty groups info, Parkman history, and much more!
If you see something that should be added to our website
contact Cory at ParkmanOhio@hotmail.com.
Parkman Trustees Updates
From: Kevin O’Reily – Parkman Township Trustee
Road Levy Results -
With the failure of the road levy in November, the trustee’s
have begun implementing cost cutting measures. The amount of limestone and slag
purchased has been reduced by 500 tons for this winter and likely will be reduced further
for the spring road graveling. This in part is due to a 10-15% increase in the cost of the
stone. Limited dollars have also resulted in a number of hours our part time road mainte-
nance employees have been working. We are fortunate that the winter has been mild and
very little snow removal has been needed. Also, those residents living on gravel roads
should expect little dust control this coming summer with our current budget constraints.
Route 422 Construction -
The 422 rebuilding project is scheduled to begin this
spring and should last for 2 years. Be prepared for major changes in traffic patterns in the
southeastern portion of the township.
Parkman Sewer Project -
The county sewer project is progressing well. The
majority of the lines are installed and progress is being made on the treatment plant
located on route 422 just west of town. Those residents in the sewer service area should
expect to be tying in with the next year.
As always, the trustees value the opinions of you the residents. Please come to
the community house on the first or third Tuesday of each month for our
meetings and share your input on how to make Parkman better.
This newsletter is yours, do you have anything that you would like to share
with the community? If so, send an e-mail at
ParkmanOhio@hotmail.com or letter to PO Box 580 Parkman Ohio 44080
Don’t forget to check out www.ParkmanOhio.com!
Thank you all for your support of this project!
Cory Anderson
Cardinal School SAFE After-Prom
The Cardinal High School S.A.F.E. After-Prom will be having several fund-
raisers in the next several weeks. Cardinal HS S.A.F.E. (Safe Affordable
Fun Evening) will be hosting:
“Nite at the Races”
“Nite at the Races”
on Saturday, January 27th, 2007 at the Middlefield Fire Hall.
Doors open at 6:00 PM, with races starting at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $8.00 presale, $10 at
the door. Price of admission includes entrance to the races, food and beverages (soda,
coffee, beer), a chance at winning door prizes, and lots of fun!
Also available will be a 50/50 raffle and side boards. Name your horse for $10; winners
take home $50. Race tickets and horse naming rights can be purchased by calling Angela
at 440/223-1055. (Twenty-one and over, please.)
Donkey Basketball game
On Thursday, February 22nd, 2007 be prepared to have more fun at the annual
Basketball game.
Tickets can be purchased at the Cardinal Board of Education
Office, Middlefield Bow, and Great Lakes Outdoor Supply.
Also to be held during the Donkey Basketball game is “Donkey Dung”. A $5.00 ticket
gets you a square of “real estate” on the basketball court. The first “owner” to acquire
“donkey dung” on their square wins money! Winnings are based on a percentage of the
donkey dung ticket proceeds. For more information or to purchase your tickets, call
Angie at 440/223-1055 or Simone Lee at 440/632-5986.
Ride the Red - North East Ohio
All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Club
This is an off road club for ATV and Dirt Bike Owners, founded
by Honda owners, and welcoming all brands.
Based in Geauga County Ohio, RTRNEO is a non-profit organization dedicated to fun
family riding and responsible trail use. We are an active member organization of the Ohio
Multi-use Trails Association.
For info, contact a member, visit our website www.RideTheRed.net
or E-mail us at RTRNEO@RideTheRed.net
Matthew T. Mesarchik, President: 440-313-1069
Adam Zeleznikar, Vice President: 440-821-3476
Upcoming events:
January 26-28
Cycle show at IX Center, RTRNEO will be helping man the NOHVCC booth.
February 16-18
Second annual Snow Stuck expidition. Come get buried in the deep white stuff in
Michigan. Last year 12 miles took all day, but it was a blast! Will be staying at a motel
in Rose City with direct trail access.
March 30-April 1
Spring OMTA ride. We will be camping at OMTA headquarters and riding the beutiful
Wayne National Forest trails on Saturday, and then 400 acres of private trails on Sunday.
May 24-28
Spend Memorial Day Weekend enjoying hundresd of miles of trails in Michigan's forests.
Campground/RV park with direct trail access and cabin rentals. Enjoy beautiful spring
scenery on the trail, and on saturday a canoe trip. Club members get campsite and canoe
rental paid by club.
Sept 7-9
Fall OMTA ride and quad raffle, same as the spring event, plus you could win a 2007
Suzuki King Quad!
If you love to ride, camp, and hang out around the campfire with fellow riders
Come ride with us!
Rev. John Burkley, Pastor
Rev. Harry Winca, Pastor Emeritus - - Rev. Mr. Greg Frania, Deacon
Karen Thrasher, Secretary
OFFICE: (440)548-3812 FAX: (440)548-2221 E-Mail: Kt@simcon.net
St. Edward Church
P.O. Box 709
P.O. Box 709 P.O. Box 709
P.O. Box 709 Parkman, Ohio 44080
Parkman, Ohio 44080 Parkman, Ohio 44080
Parkman, Ohio 44080
16150 Center St.
16150 Center St. 16150 Center St.
16150 Center St.
St. Lucy Mission
P.O. Box 98
P.O. Box 98 P.O. Box 98
P.O. Box 98 Middlefield, Ohio
Middlefield, Ohio Middlefield, Ohio
Middlefield, Ohio
44062 44062
44062 16280 Kinsman Rd.
16280 Kinsman Rd. 16280 Kinsman Rd.
16280 Kinsman Rd.
Annual Stewardship Dinner
The St Edward and St Lucy Parish operates with many volunteers that form groups called
Stewardships. These groups support every part of the parish activity. To honor these vol-
unteers, an annual dinner is hosted to celebrate thanks. The 2007 annual dinner will be at
St Edwards Winca Hall February 18 at 4pm. If you like to get involved, call the church
office at 548-3812. Thank you for your support.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross begin s on Friday February 23rd and will continue every Friday until
March 30. Station times for St Edwards will be at 8:15am and for St Lucy will be at 7pm.
Please feel welcomed to join us.
Bible Study
Bible Study is held every Wednesday at 7pm at St. Edwards. Anyone is welcomed to join.
Collecting Canned and Boxed goods for St Vincent De Paul
The St Edward and St Lucy Parish collects Canned and Boxed Food for the St Vincent
De Paul Food Drive on the third weekend of every month. All donations are used to make
food baskets for local families that need extra help. Donations and can be dropped off at
either church location. Volunteers are needed on March 31st at 9am to help make the food
basket deliveries. Thank you all for your generous support.
Parkman Bingo
Bingo is always held on Monday evenings at St Edwards.
Doors open at 5pm and Bingo games begin at 6:30pm.
Operating under the strict guidelines of Charitable Organizations of the State of Ohio, this
program offers entertainment for members of the community with paper games, computers,
and a variety of instant games. This event is run solely by volunteers.
Parkman Baseball and Softball
By: Pat Joyce
Believe it or not Southeast Geauga Baseball meetings have
started and spring will be here before you know it. Mike and
I hope to continue to make improvements and to provide the
children in our community with the best recreational baseball
and softball league possible. Last year local businesses
responded generously to our new sponsorship program. We also received donations from
Walleye Sports Inc., Steve Marcu and Parkman Chamber of Commerce. We will again
be looking for local business sponsorship and donations. This year we are seriously
looking at providing concessions for the games at Overlook Park.
Sign-ups for baseball and softball have been tentatively scheduled for the last week in
February and the first week of March at the Parkman Community House. Specific times
and dates to be announced.
T-ball will be available for boys and girls ages 5 - 6; Pee-wee for boys and girls
ages 7 - 8; Minors for boys ages 9 - 10; Softball for girls ages 9 - 10; Majors for boys
ages 11 -12; Softball for girls ages 11 - 12; Pony League for boys ages 13 - 14.
Team availability will be subject to the number of sign-ups. If anyone is interested in
sponsoring a team, making a donation or helping with concessions;
Please contact Mike Peters @ 440-548-5565 or Pat Joyce @ 440-548-5576.
Cardinal Soccer Team Fundraiser
Wendy Anderson
Join the Cardinal Soccer Team with a day filled with
scrap booking and card making.
This team fundraiser supports the cost of the Pay as you Play sports
program in the Cardinal District. Vendors will be present at this event.
Saturday, February 3rd from 8am - 9pm,
Parkman Community House.
Tickets are $40
Tickets include: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.
For more information, or for tickets,
contact Lily at 440-632-1330 or Char at 440-548-5857
Amish Thoughts
- Sometimes our winters here in north-
eastern Ohio are cold, dreary and snowless. But, when we are
graced with a beautiful blanket of white, fluffy snow, the change
in attitude rekindles the spirit like the fresh smell of smoke rising upward from our wood
burning fireplaces. The senses refresh us as we feel the peace and love found at the
home. Anonymous
Parkman Congregational Church
We will hold our annual meeting on Sunday, January 28, 2007, imme-
diately following our Sunday morning Worship Service.
It may be true there is no “free lunch” but at Parkman Congregational
Church, we’re happy to provide you with a free dinner on the last
Wednesday of each month! Everyone is welcome to join us, we’re
located at 18265 Madison Road (Route 528), just north of Route 422
in Parkman. The menu for the next few months:
January 31st Homemade Stew
February 28th Lasagna
March 28th BBQ Pork Chops
April 25th Meatloaf and Veggies
We’ll be serving dinner from 5-7 PM. Please plan on joining us! And spread the word!
On the second Saturday of each month, we hold an old-fashioned hymn sing, starting at
6:30 PM. We welcome the community to stop in and join us.
On Sunday, March 4th, we welcome Doug Carmel of the Rock of Israel as a special
speaker. The Rock of Israel Ministry is dedicated to reaching Jewish people with the
good news that their Messiah has come, and will one day return. Come join us to learn
more about this interesting ministry.
If you are new to Parkman, or just have been away from church for a while and have been
thinking of finding a church, we invite you to join us anytime!
Our Sunday worship service is held at 10:15 AM, and we offer Sunday School classes
and Bible studies for all ages.
Cardinal Music Boosters
By: Connie Hasman
The Cardinal High School Music Boosters are
sponsoring a “Rock-Off” for Cardinal School
music students who wish to earn money to help
cover their pay-to-participate fees for the 2007-
2008 marching band and show choir season. The students are accepting pledges, and will
rock (in a rocking chair) continuously for 28 hours, beginning on Friday, February 2nd,
at 6 PM through Saturday, February 3rd at 10 PM. They will have short breaks allowed
each hour to get up and stretch, grab a bite of food or something to drink, but other than
that, they must continually rock in their rocking chair. If you would like make a pledge
towards this fundraising event, please contact Connie Hasman at (440) 364-2214, or see
your favorite member of the Cardinal High School Marching Band or Cardinaire. All
money raised will be applied directly to offset the cost of students’ fees.
Speaking of the fees, did you know that it currently costs students about $400 a year to be
a member of the Cardinal High School Marching Band or Flagline, and about $350 to be
a member of the Cardinaires show choir? With the failure of the Cardinal School levies,
the school has implemented “Pay to Participate” fees for even these important school
activities. Those fees are in addition to what the students already pay for camp fees and
uniform expenses, as well as fees for participating in sports at Cardinal. We are finding
that some students just cannot afford to participate any longer, and we’re asking for your
help. The students are given various fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost of
these fees. Some include the Rock-Off mentioned above, selling cookie dough, pies and
candles, car washes, etc. In addition, we have established a fund to help students pay for
these fees. If you would like to make a donation, please make your check payable to
Cardinal Music Boosters, and note “P2P fund” in the memo section. You can mail your
check to Cardinal Music Boosters, PO Box 7, Middlefield, OH 44062. We thank you for
your consideration, and your investment in the youth of our community.
Boy Scout Troop #76
From: Scott Villers - Boyscout Committee member
We continue to meet at the Boy Scout Lodge in Middlefield
(Sperry Lane next to the baseball fields) every Monday night from
7:30 to 9:00 p.m. All boys from 11 to 18 years old are welcome.
If you would like more info about Boy Scouts, call Scott Villers at
(440) 548-3622. or look at the most current information on
Cub Scout Pack # 76.
From Wendy Anderson:
Boys in the 1-5th grades are welcomed to join us. We meet on
Tuesdays at Parkman Congregational Church form 7-8PM. Contact
Wendy Anderson for more info. 548-2388 or look at the most current
information on www.ParkmanOhio.com.
North East Community
is a new church in your area with a
vision to show people how much God loves them. We want you to
become a part of the experience.
Sunday Gatherings
11:00 AM @ Parkman Community House
The Community house is located just east of the
intersection of 528 and 422 on 422 in Parkman.
Casual atmosphere, Fun learning for children, Authentic pursuit of God
Home groups are an important part of connecting members and friends and learning to-
gether about God. Call our contact number for information on current groups and times.
Bible study classes are beginning again meeting Sunday mornings before worship. The
New Testament will be our next survey. All are welcome to come and grow together.
NEC Church is currently praying and looking for a permanent facility in the area
because we plan to stay and be a part of the work Jesus is doing in people's lives in
Parkman and the surrounding area.
Check Us Out. Get Connected. Get To Know God.
For more information go to www.necommunity.org or call 440-313-1092.
Parkman EMS Report
From: Joan Dillon - Medical Officer
Where’s the snow? Am I the only one that loves the winter
cool temperatures and snowfall? So far it’s been an unusual
year for weather in case you haven’t noticed. We haven’t
had one case of frostbite or hypothermia. We’ve noticed a
lot of stomach flu and upper respiratory infections. Don’t
despair, the weatherman promises more seasonable weather
around the corner.
There have been some changes in the works.
First, we’re looking at a 12 lead heart monitor (to replace our current 3 lead monitor)
with hospital transmission capability for the squad. This will give the hospital more
expanded information on a patient’s heart condition. It will give the ER staff a “head’s
up” on care needed when the squad arrives at their door.
Second, Ed Wilson reports the paramedic class is interesting, he’s learning a great deal,
doing lots of hospital time and is looking forward to May and class finals.
Third, EMT Luanne Baker passed her fire fighter class course and is looking forward to
wearing bunkers and crawling around on the roof for chimney fires. We welcome Jim
Baril who also passed his fire fighter class. We’re going to try to talk him into taking an
EMT course so he can be a well-rounded volunteer.
Fourth, The Geauga County Mental Health Association donated 10 teddy bears for
adoption to any passenger who needs a soft animal to hug. There are times when it
makes the needles more bearable. Other times that’s the best medicine we can offer.
Fifth, Liz Sanders has passed her Basic EMT class and National Registry. Way to go
girl!! When she gets that card, we’ll be seeing her on calls in the future.
Once again, if anyone is interested in joining us, come around and meet the Volunteers
on any Wednesday at the fire station in Parkman at 7:30pm.
Any questions? Call Chuck or Joanie Dillon at 440-548-7541.
Parkman Fire Department Street Address Signs
The Parkman Fire Department continues to make the highly visible green and
reflective white letter Street Address Signs. These signs allow much quicker
emergency response times for our volunteers. To help enhance your rescue time,
please order yours today! Call Dale at 548-5636 for details.
Parkman Fire Report
Chief Wayne Komandt
This issue article is about lessening the activity of the Fire Department. If we could do
something to improve the health of the residents, we might have less EMS responses.
University Hospitals have made this possible.
UHHS has started a program called Dare to Care. This program does screening for
carotid artery, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and peripheral artery disease. This is to catch
these conditions in the early treatable stages and provide a proactive approach to the
health of our community. The series of tests takes only about 35 to 40 minutes.
This program is a FREE health screening for all residents of Geauga County. The
results will be discussed with you and sent to your doctor FREE of charge.
Contact Barbara Demagall at UHHS . She is in charge of the "Dare to Care" cardiovas-
cular screening program. You can set up an appointment for this by calling Barbers at
440-735-3619. I strongly encourage everyone contact her and take advantage of this
FREE service. Maybe we wont have to visit you with our ambulance if you do!
Santa visits Parkman Gazebo - Holiday Cheer Resonates!
Holiday Songs and
Spirited Smiles
welcomed Santa
back to Parkman as
the community got
together to enjoy
another annual
Hot Dogs and Hot
Chocolate refreshed
the carolers. There
was even enough
snow to make a
Snowman. Thanks
to Santa and our
Parkman Elf for the
continued support.
Parkman Annual Holiday Dinner and Gift Exchange
The annual Parkman Holiday dinner is a tradition that salutes those who volunteered at
the Parkman Pancake Breakfast. This community event included a steak meal with all of
the fixings and a gift exchange after. Faith Kumher led a sing along as Parkman
Residents try to stay in tune. A very special thank you to those who prepared out meals.
Faith led the
sing a long
to promote
Members of the
Parkman Cong.
Church prepared
the meal for the
From The Zoning Inspector
Most construction projects, whether a simple addition to an existing residence or
accessory building, or the construction of a completely new structure require the issuance
of a zoning certificate.
There are some structures that are considered exempt from the local zoning resolution
and do not require an actual zoning certificate be issued. These structures would have to
be used for agricultural purposes to qualify for exempt status.
Generally, a structure used to house livestock, or the feed (hay and grain for example)
for livestock would be considered an agricultural use and therefore exempt from local
zoning. Most other structures do not qualify for the agricultural exemption and therefore
require a zoning certificate be issued. There are other uses that will qualify for the
agricultural exemption, please contact the zoning office for clarification.
Before starting on the construction of a structure to be used for agricultural purposes, a
zoning exemption certificate should be issued. This exemption certificate is for protection
of the property owner as well as a record here in the zoning office the property owner has
contacted this office.
Often times, we will receive a call from the Geauga County Building Department inquir-
ing if an “under construction” structure has the necessary zoning certificate. If the appro-
priate zoning certificate or exemption certificate has been issued, the matter is cleared up
immediately. If this office is unaware of an “under construction” project, further
investigation will be necessary.
There is no fee for an exemption certificate, just a simple sight plan is necessary. Please
contact the zoning office at 440-548-2904 or by email at parkmanzone@jmz.net.
Or, stop by the zoning office at the rear of the Parkman Community House on
Wednesday evenings between 7 and 8:30 PM.
Parkman Historical Society
Contact Nikki Shrock 548-2208 for information on any upcoming events.
Our next meeting is
Thursday March15th at 7:30pm
in the
Community House.
Hope to see you there.
Our November 2006 topic was
The Soltis Family History and the evolution of Farming
Our guest speaker, Linda Soltis Jacobs and her cousin Cindy Baptie Derifield
presented the Soltis family immigration to America. Cindy researched their
entrance into Ellis Island around 1906 and on to Ohio. Linda picked up and
brought us to the present generation of Soltis’ and the changes of farming and
doing business as a farmer. She introduced all the various family members in
attendance and they had many pictures to share from the turn of the century and
pictures of the farm’s expansion.
Township History and Fact Finding - Parkman Lineage
Hello Parkman Paragraphs,
I wondered from where is the Parkman surname from? Scotland, England, Ireland,
Holland? I would appreciate any help. Juan Sanchez
Hi Juan,
After some "uneducated" web research - I seem to see the name following a Scottish path.
Robert Parkman - Founder of Parkman Township
Samuel Parkman - Roberts Uncle (wealthy merchant from Boston)
Ebenezer Parkman - Samuels Father (Priest in Boston - lived 1703-1789)
A story that I found of Ebenezer Parkman stated that he was educated in Scotland at Edin-
burgh University. This is as much as I could find. I hope this might help you some. As
one who is not experienced in tracing a family name - I am just doing guesswork. Don’t
take it as anything official. Keep me in the loop with anything you might learn and I will
ask our community if anyone might have further knowledge. I wish you luck with your
Cory Anderson
Parkman Roads Department
Tom Evers - Road Superintendent
Its time again for the annually road cost report. This report tracks the cost of maintaining
the townships gravel roads, which includes dust control.
Road Total cost ($) Cost/Mile ($)
Newcomb 53,476.10 18,963.16
Sw Creek 11,765.65 17,302.42
Nash East 17,272.35 17,272.35
Reeves 22,569.26 12,823.46
Rutland 4,932.116 9,864.32
Nash West 9,476.28 9,476.28
Owen 11,944.03 8,847.43
Hosmer 22,745.42 8,748.24
Hobart 13,284.52 8,251.25
D Shedd 6,576.76 7,647.40
Payne 3,425.87 6,607.44
Patch 4,406.84 3,934.68
Soltis 4,048.07 3,783.25
Short Hosmer 2,592.15 2,592.15
Agler 3,293.38 2,514.03
Bradford 2,247.48 2,247.48
Doty 88.70 354.80
The township also spent $10,306.66 on mowing roadsides.
REMINDER; It is the home owners responsibility to keep ditches and culvert pipes free
of leaves and debris. With recent budget cuts, roadside grass cutting will be reduced.
Geauga Bicentennial Flags
are available at first come first serve status. Contact
Tom Evers if you like to have one. Only a few remain. Collect this historic treasure.
Winter 2007 Feature Volunteer Profile
Luanne Baker - Hello Parkman, I am Luanne Baker, your
new firefighter and fairly new EMT. Thanks to assistance from the
Board of Trustees & the fire dept, I earned my National EMS
certificate in July and just earned my firefighter’s certificate as well.
A little background about me…I was raised in Boardman and gradu-
ated with honors from YSU with a Bachelors of Science. I’ve been
working with kids & adults with disabilities going on 15 years now.
On a volunteer basis, I’ve visited elderly in a nursing home & helped
people with disabilities take vacations. I’ve also done foster care,
fostering 8 children. Every Dec, I go to the North Pole to help Santa.
The last 2 years I came back with him, wearing Santa issued elf gear,
to Parkman Gazebo to visit the kids at his annual visit. I am single
with 2 furry kids, Sunshine & Chestnut.
In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, canoe-
ing, & camping. Due to Sunshine’s background, I’ve learned that OH’s animal abuse laws
are way behind the majority of other states. As a result, I’ve been working on a state wide
campaign to help OH catch-up & to protect our animal friends. If anyone wants to help,
feel free to contact me. I also enjoy traveling. There are so many places to see! I person-
ally love Parkman due to its beautiful farms & quiet country side. I also appreciate how
the people are so kind & hold strong values.
I loved the area and decided I wanted to do something to give back to the community to
feel more a part of this great town. In Oct ‘05, I read in the Paragraphs that the fire dept
was looking for volunteers. I was excited about the idea, but concerned about my useful-
ness due not only to being a woman, but being a petite woman as well. I then went to the
community Halloween party to meet some residents & ended up meeting some of the
volunteers. Sandie Parnaby and Michael Komandt were very reassuring that they could
use my help. I then sat in on the fire meetings and found everyone very welcoming. EMS
classes started first & Joan Dillon gave me nothing but praise all the way. In fire class, I
learned there are many things that even a small woman can do & that no one goes in a fire
alone. I can’t say that I didn’t end up with any bruises, but bruises heal & the experience
& knowledge will last forever.
There’s a lot of things in the world that cause a great deal of pain. If I could change the
world, I would. Since I can’t, I figure I’ll at least try to better little pieces along my way.
It’s comforting in its own right. I encourage anyone who has an interest in giving to the
community, fire fighting, or just wanting to help others to come to our meetings and
consider joining. If a small woman like me can be helpful, you can too. It’s very
rewarding to feel you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.
I’d like to thank the board of trustees & the fire dept for making this possible. I’d also like
to thank everyone in Parkman, especially the fire dept for being so welcoming & making
me feel right at home. I’m very happy to be a part of and to give back to this community.
Stay tuned as more Volunteer and Feature Profiles
will come in future editions of the Parkman Paragraphs.
Meet the Volunteers of the
Parkman Fire and EMS Team
This issue of the Parkman Paragraphs begins a series of introductions to our Parkman Fire
and EMS Volunteers. Since its beginnings in the 1940’s, Parkman relies on its residents
to serve on this Team. Starting with our leaders and the newest members, all of the
volunteers deserve our salute. Thank you to Fire Chief Wayne Komandt, Assistant Chief
Chuck Dillon, and Medical Officer Joan Dillon for their continued service to Parkman
Community. Congratulations to Luanne Baker, Jim Baril and Elizabeth Sanders for
successfully completing their certifications and becoming a very
welcome part of the Parkman Volunteer Fire and Rescue Team.
Elizabeth Sanders
Elisabeth Sanders joined the Parkman Volunteer team in 2006.
She has recently passed her Basic EMT class and National Registry.
Her youngest child started school, so now she has the opportunity
to give to the community. With her husband Courtney already
involved on the team, it was natural to join in in experience.
Jim Baril
Jim Baril recently became a Parkman Volunteer Fire Fighter.
He has lived in Parkman since 2003 with his wife and six
kids. With previous fire fighting experience in the U.S.
Military, Jim felt comfortable to continue the adventure by
volunteering on this team.
Fire Chief Wayne Komandt
Chief Wayne joined the Parkman Volunteers
in 1971 and has faithfully served the township
community since. In 1988 he became the Fire
Chief and faithfully continues leading the
Team through many moments of crisis.
Assistant Chief Chuck Dillon
Chuck joined the Parkman Volunteers in 1965
and works as assistant Chief today. He is
enjoying retirement from Civil Consultants.
Medical Officer Joan Dillon
Joan Dillon joined the Parkman Team in 1987,
and is celebrating 20 year s volunteering. She is
also an EMS and CPR instructor. Her day job is
a medical assistant for a medical clinic. She also
drove a School Bus for Disabled in the past too.

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