Peer Editing Guide


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Peer Editing Guide Situation-Problem-Solution
Task 1: As a class create a check list of things to look for when editing. It may be helpful to break
this down into the following categories:
Paragraph Structure
APA Referencing
Language Usage
a. Does the introduction begin with a hook?
b. Is there enough necessary background information included?
c. Is there a clearly stated thesis that mentions the situation, the problem/s and the
a. Is the situation clearly explained? Is evidence included?
a. Is the problem/s clearly identified?
a. Is the solution/s clearly identified?
a. Is the evaluation of the desired solution clearly expressed and argued?
a. Does the conclusion begin with a restatement of the thesis?
b. Are the main points summarised?
c. Is there an attempt to connect the chosen solution to our lives?
Task 2: Use your editing checklist and the questions above to help you annotate another groups
essay draft.

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