Penthera Cn C Client Developers Guide I OS

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Penthera Download2Go™
Client Developer Guide (iOS)

This document describes integrating and using the ​Penthera Download2Go iOS SDK​.
The SDK is the client piece of Penthera’s Download2Go (Download2Go) platform, a software system that
manages download, storage, and playback of videos on mobile devices. We assume that you will
integrate the SDK into your own streaming video app that handles all UI/UX, user authentication, DRM,
and video playout.
This document is a how-to guide. It will teach you to:
1. compile and run a sample iOS app using the SDK
2. import the SDK embedded framework into your iOS app
3. perform common functions using the SDK: enqueue, play, expire, configure, etc.
We assume you are an experienced iOS developer who knows your way around XCode and related iOS
development tools.
The SDK communicates with a server, the ​Download2Go Backplane, ​using an internal, proprietary web
services protocol. This communication occurs via regular client-server syncs and via server-to-client APN
messages. Penthera hosts a developer server instance, at ​​ which you may use to
build a proof-of-concept app.
Internally, the SDK is code-named “Virtuoso.” You’ll notice this a lot in the headers.
We’re here to help! Email​ ​​ if you run into any problems.
NOTE:​ This document contains method signatures and reference source code. We try to keep this
document up-to-date, but you’ll find the ​authoritative​ header files and reference source in the iOS
developer package.

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Table of Contents
Other Documentation
Let’s Get Started
Build And Use The Demo App
Add The Frameworks To Your Project
Add The Frameworks Directly To Your Project
Add The Frameworks Using CocoaPods
Other Project Setup
Common Functions
Enqueue an Item
Working With DRM
Setting Up Apple FairPlay
Setting Up Google Widevine
Background Downloading
Pause/Resume Downloading
Cancel Downloads
Clear SDK State
Set Availability Window for an Item
Enable/Disable Downloading
Configure Download Rules
Set up Logging
Play a Downloaded Item
Appendix A: How Downloading Works
Appendix B: Upgrading
Appendix C: FAQ

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Other Documentation
This document is part of a family of documents covering Download2Go:

Let’s Get Started
We’ll provide you access to a private github repository where you can access the iOS developer package.
You’ll discover two pieces in the package:

VirtuosoClientEngine:​ The libraries and supporting files that you’ll include in your own iOS
VirtuosoClientEngineDemo:​ A standalone iOS app that includes the VirtuosoClientEngine.

Build And Use The Demo App
We provide the VirtuosoClientEngineDemo app as a convenience, so you can see how to use the SDK in
a real app. The demo uses public-domain videos (HLS and mp4), hosted by Penthera on Amazon AWS.
To build and run the demo app:
1. Open the project. Make sure the provisioning profiles are set correctly. The SDK currently
supports iOS 8.0 and later, so ensure that your build settings are configured for an appropriate
deployment target.
2. Add the public/private key that Penthera gave you. (If we didn’t, then just ask!) Look for the
placeholder in ​ViewController.m​ where you need to include these keys. If you forget this step,
the app will not compile.
3. Compile and run the app from XCode.
Congratulations! You’ve now got a video-downloading app up and running. You’re ready to
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develop your own apps with the SDK.

Add The Frameworks To Your Project
The SDK is packaged as an iOS framework. This allows XCode to automatically access header and
resource files that it needs.
There are two ways to include the SDK in your project: directly importing and configuring the frameworks,
or via CocoaPods.
Important Note:​ T
​ here are two versions of the SDK. The VirtuosoClientDownloadEngine and
VirtuosoClientSubscriptionManager support MPEG-DASH/Widevine, but due to security restrictions
cannot enable bitcode. The VirtuosoClientDownloadEngine-Bitcode and
VirtuosoClientSubscriptionManager-Bitcode versions disable MPEG-DASH support and enable bitcode.
If you do not need MPEG-DASH support, we recommend that you use the bitcode versions. All
references to the frameworks in the below document use the base names for simplicity.
Add The Frameworks Directly To Your Project
To include the SDK in your project, navigate to the SDK ​VirtuosoClientEngine ​directory and drag both
the ​VirtuosoClientDownloadEngine.framework and
VirtuosoClientSubscriptionManager.framework ​directories into your XCode project.
Note: As of iOS 8/XCode 6, Apple requires that frameworks be signed. Generally, unless there’s a
specific reason to do so, Penthera recommends that you always build with the release version of the SDK
framework, regardless of the type of build you are creating in your own project.
Change your build settings
Under the General section in “Embedded Binaries”, add the
VirtuosoClientDownloadEngine.framework​ and the

Under the Linking section in “Other Linker Flags,” , add the ​–ObjC​ flag​:

In the “Link Binary With Libraries” build phase, ensure that both Virtuoso frameworks are included, and
add the stock library, ​libz.dylib:

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Add The Frameworks Using CocoaPods
You can also setup your project using the popular dependency management system, CocoaPods. To
use CocoaPods, you’ll need to follow these steps:
1. Add Penthera’s pod spec repository to your CocoaPods installation by executing the command:
pod repo add Cache-and-Carry-specs

2. Reference Penthera’s repository as a source in your Podfile:
source ''
source ''

3. Include the Penthera frameworks in your Podfile.
pod 'VirtuosoClientDownloadEngine', '~> 3.14.14'
pod 'VirtuosoClientSubscriptionManager', '~> 3.14.14'

4. Execute ‘pod install’ and you are ready to start coding.
Other Project Setup
Modify your app’s info.plist
In your app’s ​info.plist:

Add “​Application Uses Wifi”​ and set it to YES.
This tells iOS to keep WiFi connections open in the background, rather than automatically timing
out and transferring the connection to cellular. This improves download performance and
minimizes cellular data usage.


In “Required Background Modes”, add the option “​App downloads content in response to
push notifications​”.
Alternatively, do this by going to the “Capabilities” application tab, in the “Background Modes”
section, and enabling the “Remote Notifications” checkbox.

3. Optionally, in “Required Background Modes”, add the option “​App downloads content from
the network​”.
Alternatively, do this by going to the “Capabilities” application tab, in the “Background Modes”
section, and enabling the “Background fetch” checkbox.
Add a run script build phase
In the Build Phases tab of your application project:

Click the “+” button in the upper left corner to add a new build phase. Select “New Run Script

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Phase” and make sure that the new build phase gets added to the end of the list.

Copy the following command into the script text area:
These actions work around a known XCode 7.2 app submission bug that disallows universal (device + simulator)
frameworks to be submitted to the App Store or TestFlight. The script strips out the unused architectures from the SDK
frameworks based on the type of build you are creating and automatically resigns the frameworks appropriately.

You should now be able to compile your project successfully with no build errors.
A note about iOS Application Transport Security
In iOS 9, Apple added “Application Transport Security” (ATS), which causes non-SSL connections to be
rejected in apps built with the iOS 9 SDK or greater. Apple has also announced that all apps will be
required to use ATS by 2017. All Penthera Backplane communications are SSL enabled. In iOS 9, the
ATS system also disallowed non-SSL connections to localhost. If you are supporting iOS 9, for video
playback to function, you need to add an ATS exception for “localhost” into your info.plist
NSAppTransportSecurity key, as follows:




In iOS 10, Apple allows connections to localhost without any ATS exceptions, and the Download2Go SDK
will fully function without any security exceptions.
Include Header
Anywhere you want to access SDK classes or methods, you must import the main header:
We’ll assume this line is included in all the examples below. If you have enabled precompiled headers for
your project, we suggest you include this import in your app’s ​.pch​ prefix file. This will automatically
import the ​.h​ file in all your code by default.
Initialize the Engine
VirtuosoDownloadEngine​ is the main SDK class. It is a singleton. Call the ​instance​ method to initialize
the object and get a pointer to the valid instance:
VirtuosoDownloadEngine* engine = [VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance];
VirtuosoDownloadEngine​ automatically cleans itself up upon receiving critical system events, like app
termination or low memory conditions.
Penthera will provide you the URL of your Backplane instance, along with an app-specific public/private
key pair that allows your SDK instances to authenticate to your Backplane instance.
To prepare the SDK for use, call ​startupWithBackplane​, and provide this URL. Invoke this method as
early on in the startup process as possible.
Sample Startup Code
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Insert the following code inside your ​application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions​ ​AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *) launchOptions {
// Configure logger delegate messages
[VirtuosoLogger addDelegate:self];
// Configure logging
[VirtuosoLogger setLogLevel:kVL_LogWarning];
[VirtuosoLogger enableLogsToFile:NO];
// Initialize engine and fetch a handle to the singleton instance
VirtuosoDownloadEngine* engine = [VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance];
// Global “on switch” for downloading
[engine setEnabled:YES];


[engine startupWithBackplane:@”​https://penthera.provided.url​”

It’s your responsibility to supply a unique user ID to the SDK when you call ​startupWithBackplane​. The
SDK uses this user ID in reporting, and to enforce business rules (such as “max number of
download-enabled devices per user”). If you don’t know the user ID by the time
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions​ executes, you’ll need to delay calls to ​startup​ until you know the
user ID, such as after an opening user login dialog. You’ll also need to delay registering for push notices
in your app until after the engine has been started. For an example, see the SDK Demo app.
For more details on UserID, DeviceID, and related topics, see the FAQ at the end of this document.
Enabling Push Messages
The Download2Go Backplane sends APN (push messages) to the SDK to trigger certain actions, e.g.
download and delete. To send a push message to a device, the Backplane needs a push token from your
app on the device. Within your app, you need to feed this push token to the SDK, so the SDK can upload
it to the Backplane.

Here’s how:
// At this point, tokenString should contain the app-specific push token
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
[VirtuosoSettings instance].devicePushToken = [deviceToken description];
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error {
// oops, something went wrong with the token
[VirtuosoSettings instance].devicePushToken = nil;

Handling SDK-Related Events
Push Notices
From time to time, a server (the Download2Go Backplane or another server associated with your app)
may send your app an APN signal.

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The signal will land in your ​UIApplicationDelegate​ class. From there, you need to dispatch the signal
to whoever it belongs to: either the Download2Go SDK or your own code.

If you drop the following method into your ​UIApplicationDelegate​ class, the APN messages will go
where they’re supposed to:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application ​didReceiveRemoteNotification​:(NSDictionary
*)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
if( [VirtuosoEventHandler processRemotePushNotice:userInfo
withCompletionHandler:completionHandler] ) {
// SDK handled the push signal. No action required.
else {
// SDK did not handle the push signal.
// Handle the signal yourself - call your handler code or insert it here

Background Download Session Notices
The SDK uses an internal background download session. To handle background session events
properly, insert the following into your ​UIApplicationDelegate​ class.
- (void) application:(UIApplication*)application
​handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession​:(NSString *)identifier
completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler
if( [VirtuosoEventHandler processBackgroundSessionWake:identifier
completionHandler:completionHandler] ) {
// SDK handled the wake. No action required.
else {
// SDK did not handle the wake.
// Handle the signal yourself - call your handler code or insert it here

Background Fetch Requests
If you choose to enable the background fetch option for your app, the SDK can also make use of this
background processing time to perform certain maintenance activities, such as syncing with the
backplane and posting log events. To enable this feature, insert the following into your
UIApplicationDelegate​ class.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application ​performFetchWithCompletionHandler​:(void
// Process the fetch in the SDK.
processFetchWithCompletionHandler:^(UIBackgroundFetchResult result) {
// Do any synchronous or asynchronous processing you need to do here.
// Just make sure to merge your own fetch result with the SDK fetch result....
if( completionHandler != NULL )
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Listening for the SDK’s NSNotification messages
The SDK sends out various NSNotification messages to let your app know about changes in SDK status.
Make sure your app registers to receive whichever notifications you care about:



Look for the latest set of these notifications in ​VirtuosoNotifications.h.​ Implementing any of these
notifications will give you the appropriate status update.

Common Functions
Here we list common ways to use the SDK. This is just a sliver of the overall SDK functionality; after
you’re done here, have a look at the API to see what else is available.

Enqueue an Item
In the SDK, every downloadable object is a ​VirtuosoAsset​. You may enqueue a ​VirtuosoAsset​ by
calling one of the below methods:
Enqueue a Single (Flat) File (e.g. mp4)
To enqueue a single file, create an instance of ​VirtuosoAsset​, then add the asset to the SDK’s queue
after the completion block is invoked:
assetWithRemoteURL:@"​http://path/to/file.mp4​" // downloaded file
description:@"Test File"
// not used by the SDK
// available immediately
// don’t ever expire
// for validation
// your own info; not used by SDK
onReadyForDownload:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedAsset)
[[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance] addToQueue:parsedAsset atIndex:NSUIntegerMax];
onParseComplete:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedAsset)

Refer to the SDK header files for a full description of the behavior and syntax of every parameter.
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Enqueue an HLS Video
The SDK treats HLS videos as a special case. The SDK can automatically configure and download all
the required HLS fragments from an ​m3u8​ manifest.
To enqueue an HLS manifest, create an instance of ​VirtuosoAsset​, then add the asset to the SDK’s
queue after the completion block is invoked:
description:@"Test HLS Video"
// i.e. use the highest available profile
onReadyForDownload:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedGroup)
[[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance] addToQueue:parsedAsset atIndex:NSUIntegerMax];
onParseComplete:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedAsset)

Note: ​maximumBitrate​ specifies which HLS profile the SDK should select for download, from among the
HLS profiles available in the manifest. The SDK will download the the highest bitrate not exceeding
maximumBitrate​. If no profile exists lower than the provided maximum, then Virtuoso will select the
lowest bitrate profile. Set ​maximumBitrate​=0 to force the SDK to use the lowest profile, or to INT_MAX to
use the highest profile.
Note: ​You should set ​protectionType​ to be ​kVDE_AssetProtectionTypePassthroughif you are
not using DRM, or if you are using a DRM type that is not built-into Download2Go.​ If
you are using DRM protection, you should most likely set includeEncryptionKeys to NO. Take a look at
the definition of ​kVDE_AssetProtectionType​ in VirtuosoConstants.h for a list of built-in DRM systems.
Enqueue an HSS Video
HSS works similarly to HLS:
description:@"Test HSS Video"
// i.e. use highest available video profile
// i.e. use highest available audio profile
onReadyForDownload:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedAsset) {
[[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance] addToQueue:parsedAsset atIndex:NSUIntegerMax];
onParseComplete:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedAsset) {

Unlike HLS, the HSS format uses a separate audio and video data stream. So instead of specifying
maximumBitrate​, you need to specify both ​maximumVideoBitrate​ and ​maximumAudioBitrate. ​ As
above, the SDK will select and download the profile with the highest bitrate not exceeding the values you

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Working With DRM
Most Penthera customers use Download2Go in conjunction with a commercial DRM system.
Download2Go includes built-in support for Google Widevine (iOS 8+) and Apple FairPlay (iOS 10+).
Penthera’s SDK doesn’t require any integration with most other DRM systems. The DRM system handles
license delivery and secure playout of the video, while Download2Go handles delivering the
(DRM-encrypted) video to the mobile device and serving the downloaded video to the player via a local
web proxy.
If you are using Penthera’s built-in FairPlay or Widevine support, then you will not need to do anything
yourself to fetch or persist DRM licenses. The SDK will automatically request a cachable license when
the download starts and will attempt to renew it when the download finishes. The SDK will also
automatically delete DRM licenses when the asset is deleted. ​If you are integrating with a different DRM
system, you must handle DRM license management youself. We recommend that you fetch the DRM
license before you call a Download2Go “enqueue” method. ​That way, you can be sure the DRM license is
on the device when the video download finishes.
If you wait until the video download finishes before fetching the license, you may run into trouble. If the
download finishes while the app is in the background, your app may not receive a ‘download-finished’
notification from the SDK until the user re-opens the app. At this point, the device may be offline and the
app can’t fetch the license.
Setting Up Apple FairPlay
The Download2Go SDK automatically supports offline playback of FairPlay-protected videos, provided that your
FairPlay license server grants the appropriate permissions for the license. Enabling FairPlay in Download2Go
requires only the following:

Configure your FairPlay License Server and download the client’s FairPlay application certificate during
application startup:


When you start a new download, pass ​kVDE_AssetProtectionTypeFairPlay ​as the protectionType parameter.

If you are using one of Download2Go’s built-in player classes, that’s all you need to do.

Setting Up Google Widevine
The Download2Go SDK automatically supports offline playback of Widevine-protected videos, provided
that your Widevine license server grants appropriate permissions for the license. Enabling Widevine in
Download2Go requires only the following:

Include the Google Widevine framework in your project. Location ​widevine_cdm_sdk_release.framework
in the ThirdParty directory of your Download2Go distribution. Drag and drop the framework into your XCode
project. Under the General section in “Embedded Binaries”, add the
widevine_cdm_sdk_release.framework ​to the list.


Configure your Widevine License Server during application startup:

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When you start a new download, pass ​kVDE_AssetProtectionTypeWidevine ​as the protectionType parameter.

If you are using one of Download2Go’s built-in player classes, that’s all you need to do.

Background Downloading
Apple strictly constrains what an app can do when it’s not in the foreground. The SDK provides as much
functionality as possible given these constraints.
Download Limits:​ The SDK makes use of iOS’s BTS (Background Transfer Service) to download while
the enclosing app is not actively running. The BTS policies around download are intentionally opaque, but
empirically, Penthera has observed that BTS will download up to around 4GB per 24-hour period per app,
then will suspend BTS downloading for that application until the next day. This is unpublished behavior by
Apple and may change with future iOS versions.
Downloading Segmented Video:​ The iOS BTS system is not designed to process hundreds or
thousands of individual files, and bad things happen when you try to enqueue lots of files with BTS.
Download2Go solves this problem using a ​StreamPackager​. The StreamPackager is a proxy server that
sits between your origin server and the SDK, and serializes many ​.ts​ files into a monolithic stream which
it delivers to the device.
To instruct the SDK to use the StreamPackager, set the ​useStreamPackagerForBackgroundDownloads
property to YES (the default). To disable this feature, you must​ ​set the property to NO ​prior​ to calling the
SDK startup method. If set to NO, downloading segmented video will proceed more slowly (or not at all)
when the app enters a suspended state.

Pause/Resume Downloading
Use the ‘​enabled’​ flag to start and pause downloads:
Pause:​ ​ [[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance]setEnabled:NO];
Resume:​ [[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance]setEnabled:YES];

Cancel Downloads
To cancel one download:
[[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance] removeFromQueue:asset];
To cancel ​all​ downloads:
[[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance] flushQueue];

Clear SDK State
If the enclosing app were to de-authenticate a user, the app may at the same time also wish to delete all
downloaded videos:
[VirtuosoAsset deleteAll];

In addition, the administrator may choose to schedule a remote wipe of any device. See the Backplane
documentation for additional details.

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Set Availability Window for an Item
The 'Availability Window' governs when the video is actually available for playout by the user. The SDK
enforces several windowing parameters on each video:
Windowing Parameter


Publish Date

The SDK will download the video as soon as possible, but will not make the
video available through any of its APIs until after this date.

Expiry Date

The SDK will automatically delete the video as soon as possible after this

Expiry After Download

The duration a video is accessible after download has completed. As soon
as possible after this time period has elapsed, the SDK will automatically
delete this video.

Expiry After Play (EAP)

The duration a video is accessible after first play. As soon as possible after
this time period has elapsed, the SDK will delete this video. To enforce this
rule, the SDK has to know when the video is played, so be sure to register a
play-start ​event when the video is played.

The Backplane stores a global default value for EAP and EAD. You may set these values through the
Backplane web API. The Backplane transmits these default values to all SDK instances.
Typically, a Content Management System (CMS) stores the windowing information for an item, and
communicates it through a web API to the enclosing app. The app then feeds this windowing information
to the SDK:

Step 2 in the above diagram occurs when you create the ​VirtuosoAsset​ object. You can also modify
the values later, via the appropriate class properties.
description:@”Test Video”
publishDate:[NSDate date]
// Available now
expiryDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:604800] // Expires in 7d
// Expires 24h after download
// Expires 12h after play
onReadyForDownload:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedAsset)
[[VirtuosoDownloadEngine instance] addToQueue:parsedAsset atIndex:NSUIntegerMax];
onParseComplete:^(VirtuosoAsset* parsedAsset)

Each of the API’s content lookup methods (e.g. ​assetsWithAvailabilityFilter:​) contains an
availabilityFilter​ parameter. Set this parameter to YES to filter for only items still valid given
windowing constraints. Set the parameter to NO to list all items, regardless of windowing.
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The SDK will delete a video as soon as possible after the video expires. Also, when a caller tries to
access an expired item via the API, any downloaded files associated with that item will be auto-deleted
from disk, calls to play the item via the ​VirtuosoClientHTTPServer​ will fail, and any attempts to access
the local file URLs will return nil.

Enable/Disable Downloading
Download2Go provides two switches that control download. They have different purposes. The SDK only
downloads if both toggles are ‘on’.
SDK “Master Switch”:​ A Boolean property on the VirtuosoSDK instance in the SDK that you can set to
toggle downloading. Use this to disable downloads, for example, when your app is streaming video and
you don’t want to share bandwidth between streaming and download. ​Be careful: this value persists
across app restarts​.
@property (nonatomic,assign) Boolean enabled;

Backplane-Enforced Toggle: ​The Backplane enforces a limit on the number of Devices that each User
may have enabled for download. To do so, the Backplane maintains, for each known Device, a flag
indicating whether the Device is permitted to download. If new devices are created in a user account,
and the limit hasn’t yet been reached, then the new devices are automatically enabled on the Backplane.
If the limit has been reached, then newly-added Devices are disabled from downloading via the device
@property (nonatomic,readonly) Boolean downloadEnabled;

You can request a change to this flag by calling the following method. The device needs to be online and
able to connect to the Backplane for this to succeed.
- (void) updateDownloadEnabled:(Boolean)enabled

NOTE: The Backplane also offers a web API to do this; see the server documentation.

Configure Download Rules
Several behavioral properties control the SDK’s behavior:
int ​maxDownloadedAssets ​(default=100): maximum number of assets that may be downloaded at any
given time. Any assets added to the queue beyond this limit will be blocked until existing assets are
long long ​maxStorageAllowed ​(in MB; default=LONG_LONG_MAX): disk space that the SDK will
download and manage on the device. While downloading in the foreground, the SDK will continue to
download until it reaches ​maxStorageAllowed​, even if that means stopping with a partially-completed file.
While downloading in the background, the SDK will not initiate a download unless, after downloading that
item, the total device storage used by the SDK will still be under ​maxStorageAllowed​.
long long ​headroom ​(in MB; default=1024): disk space that the SDK will leave available on the device.
While downloading with the app in the foreground, the SDK will continue to download until ​headroom
space is left on the device, even if that means stopping with a partially downloaded item. When
downloading in the background, the SDK will not initiate a download unless, after downloading that item,
at least ​headroom​ space will still be free on the device.

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Visualizing m
​ axStorageAllowed​ and h
​ eadroom​ parameters. Here the device has 32GB disk space. The SDK will
always preserve 6GB free space on disk. Currently, the SDK is using 7GB, and will never use more than 14GB total.

Boolean ​downloadOverCellular ​(default: false): whether the SDK is permitted to download over a
cellular network. This value is a ​permission​, and does not guarantee that downloads ​will​ continue on a
cellular network. It only indicates the the SDK ​may​ download over cellular, should internal business rules
allow it. If this value is NO, downloads will never happen over a cellular connection.
NSString ​destinationPath​: ​an additional relative path component added to the enclosing app’s
Documents directory. The SDK will store all downloaded files here. By default, the SDK stores all
downloads in the ​Documents​ directory itself, under appropriate sub-directories.

Set up Logging
There’s two separate logging paths in the SDK:
Event Logging
The SDK can capture many different events of potential business value, e.g. when a download starts and
stops, offline playout, etc.
You can configure which of these events the SDK uploads to the Backplane. By default, most events are
enabled; you should choose which events you want to enable or disable. Available events are listed in
the kVL_​LogEvent​ enumeration.
Use the ​setLoggingEnabled:forEvent:​ or ​setLoggingEnabledForAllEvents:​ methods to enable
event logging. We suggest you do this prior to the logger startup call.
Note: ​You can’t disable the “download queued”, “download start”, “download complete”, “download error”,
“max errors reset”, or “reset” events. Attempts to do so will have no effect.
Debug Logging
The SDK generates lots of developer-friendly debug information. You can send this to various locations
(console, log file) or you can implement a logger delegate and handle it manually.
By default, the SDK logging system is very quiet. To configure logging, use these just after the logger
startup call:
a. [VirtuosoLogger addDelegate:id]​: Adds the indicated delegate
to the logger. Delegates must follow the ​VirtuosoLoggerDelegate​ protocol. Methods in the
protocol can be used to receive SDK events and handle them in your own custom logging
b. [VirtuosoLogger setLogLevel:kVL_LogVerbose]​: Configures verbose console logging. See
SDK headers for available log levels.

[VirtuosoLogger enableLogsToFile:YES]​: Enables all log output to be logged to a file in the
app’s ​documents​ directory.

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Play a Downloaded Item
The SDK provides a set of player-related classes to help make playback easier. Use of these classes is
optional, but does provide some convenience. Using the built-in classes automatically handles built-in
DRM licensing and appropriate logging of the “play start” and “play stop” log events.
If you need to use your own closed-source player, or need more control over aspects of playback than the
built-in classes allow, you may also choose to use the SDK’s local HTTP proxy,
VirtuosoClientHTTPServer,​ that sits between a media player and downloaded HLS and HSS items.
There are three built-in classes you can use to make playback easier:
● VirtuosoAVPlayer:​ A drop-in replacement for Apple’s AVPlayer class. You can use
VirtuosoAVPlayer​ anywhere you already have an AVPlayer to enable automatic FairPlay and
Widevine licensing and event logging.

VirtuosoPlayerView: ​A UIView subclass built on top of ​VirtuosoAVPlayer​. It provides a
basic user interface that you can build from, or disable entirely and add your own user interface


VirtuosoPlayerViewController: ​A full view controller built on top of ​VirtuosoPlayerView
and ​VirtuosoAVPlayer​. For rapid prototypes and proof of concept applications, this class
provides the fastest mechanism to play back MP4, HLS, and DASH videos encoded with FairPlay
or Widevine.

There are three ways to play a VirtuosoAsset:
● filePath​:​ If you have downloaded a standalone video file, such as an MP4 or ISMV file, then
you can access the downloaded file directly for playback.

playUsingPlaybackType:fromViewController:onSuccess:onFail​:​ This method
automatically handles windowing, creation and maintenance of the ​VirtuosoClientHTTPServer
instance used for playback, and playback itself. It uses a ​VirtuosoPlayerViewController​ for
playback. Call this method from the view controller you wish to present the video player from.
This method is unsupported for HSS video assets.


p​layUsingPlaybackType:andPlayer:onSuccess:onFail:​ ​If you need to use a custom player,
you can use this method instead. This method automatically handles windowing and creation
and maintenance of the ​VirtuosoClientHTTPServer​ instance used for playback. It is your
responsibility to further configure the player, to start playback if necessary, and to present the
player in the UI hierarchy. If you are using a more complex player, additional integration steps
may be required, such as using a ​VirtuosoClientHTTPServer ​instance directly.

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NOTE: Be sure to set the first playback timestamp, as shown below, when the item starts playback, so
the SDK can later enforce “expiry after playback.”
VirtuosoAsset* asset = [VirtuosoAsset assetWithUUID:
[files objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]
self.player = [VirtuosoPlayerViewController alloc]init];
[asset playUsingPlaybackType:kVDE_AssetPlaybackTypeLocal
// Present the player
[self.navigationController presentViewController:self.player

// We need to set the playback date here.
[asset setFirstPlayDateTime:[NSDate date]];
[asset save];
[self showErrorForAsset:asset atIndexPath:indexPath];

We’ve already described how you can enqueue a single video (flat file or fragmented) for download. In
addition, the SDK can subscribe to a ​feed​ of assets, a.k.a. “episodes.”
The Backplane keeps track of which SDK instance is subscribed to which feeds. The Backplane also
keeps track (by communicating with your CMS) of which episodes belong to which feeds.
As new episodes in a feed become known to the Backplane, the Backplane informs the SDK, through the
normal SDK-Backplane sync and/or through a push notification. In response, the SDK automatically adds
the new episode to its download queue.

VirtuosoSubscriptionManager ​is the main class for handling subscription logic. It interfaces with the
Backplane and maintains information on feeds and episodes in those feeds.
VirtuosoSubscriptionManager​ is a singleton (i.e. one and only one instance ever exists). Calling the
instance​ method will initialize the object (if needed), link to the VirtuosoDownloadEngine configuration,
and return a pointer to the valid instance:
VirtuosoSubscriptionManager* manager = [VirtuosoSubscriptionManager instance];
NOTE: ​You need to start ​VirtuosoDownloadEngine​ before the above.
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Receiving Updates from the Subscription Manager
To get updates from the Manager (and thus keep your views refreshed), your code must register to
receive the various ​NSNotification​ messages sent by the Manager. The Manager provides notices
when status is updated, content is reset (downloaded data deleted), content is deferred (created but not
enqueued), and when items are added (created and enqueued). You register for notifications in your own
code as follows:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
// Get list of new VirtuosoAsset objects
NSArray* newAssets = [note.userInfo
// Handle new assets.

You’ll find the latest set and versions of these notifications in the ​VirtuosoSubscriptionManager
header file. Registering for any of these notices will give you all the required data needed in order to
update your UI.
Register a Data Source
Let’s say the SDK receives a push notification from the Backplane indicating a subscription update
occurred. The SDK will then connect to the Backplane and retrieve a list of subscription updates.
Depending on your Backplane configuration, that information may or may not contain all of the metadata
required to download the new episodes. At this point, the SDK may need to request additional information
about an episode (e.g. the remote URL, which profile to use, expiry rules for the episode). The enclosing
app may need a title, description, an image, and other metadata for the episode. A complete list of the
metadata which will be processed by the SDK is included, with detailed descriptions, in the
VirtuosoSubscriptionDataSource.h​ protocol declaration.
How does the client get this metadata? There’s two options:
Scenario 1:​ All required item metadata is provided to the Backplane

In this scenario, the ​VirtuosoSubscriptionDefaultDataSource​ class receives the metadata from the
Backplane internally, automatically downloads and deletes episodes in the feed according to your defined
settings, and no further configuration is required.
Scenario 2:​ Only the feed item Asset UUID is provided to the Backplane via the web APIs when new
feed content is announced.

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In this case, you must implement a custom data source class, which will provide metadata to the
Subscription Manager. (The data source might fetch this information from anywhere, e.g. a web call to
your CMS).
Penthera recommends that you subclass ​VirtuosoSubscriptionDefaultDataSource​ and implement at
least ​lookupMetadataForAssetID​. Once you have your custom data source, you must register it prior
to calling the VirtuosoSubscriptionManager startup method:
[[VirtuosoSubscriptionManager instance] registerDataSource:[CustomDataSource class]];

When implementing the ​lookupMetadataForAssetID:​ method, you need to obtain all the required
metadata in a synchronous manner and return that metadata via the method’s return value. Review the
VirtuosoSubscriptionDataSource.h​ protocol header for a complete list of required and optional
metadata items. In addition to the protocol metadata items, you may return any custom metadata you
wish as independent key-value pairs in the response dictionary or as serializable data in the user info
dictionary metadata item.
- (NSDictionary*)lookupMetadataForAssetID:(NSString *)assetID
// This example just returns the required metadata for a hard-coded asset.
// Your implementation should lookup all proper metadata for the provided
// asset ID.
return @{SubscriptionContentDataAssetIDKey:assetID,
SubscriptionContentDataCreatedDateKey:[NSDate date],

Subscribe to a Feed
Each feed is identified by an externally defined feed asset ID. To register for updates on that feed:
// Duplicate registrations do nothing
[[VirtuosoSubscriptionManager instance]
onComplete:^(Boolean success, NSError *error) {
// Handle response

Force a Sync
The Subscription Manager will automatically sync with the Backplane when the application is
foregrounded, and at other opportune moments. If you would like to sync at some particular moment,
with greater frequency, or in order to retrieve information not normally fetched during a standard sync, you
can call one of the sync methods. The version of the method that takes no additional parameters will
perform a standard sync immediately. The version that takes additional parameters can be used to
retrieve metadata information about older items or about feeds that the user is not currently subscribed to.
These items will not be downloaded automatically, but will be returned in the data source, and can be
used in your own internal processing.
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// Standard sync
[[VirtuosoSubscriptionManager instance]
syncSubscriptionsWithBackplaneNowOnComplete:^(Boolean success,
NSArray *subscriptions,
NSError *error) {
// Handle response.
// Note - Data from sync results will be sent via NSNotification
// notices and via the data source processing methods.
// Sync retrieving all items and all feeds
[[VirtuosoSubscriptionManager instance]
syncSubscriptionsWithBackplaneNowForDataSince:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:0]
onComplete:^(Boolean success,
NSArray *subscriptions,
NSError *error) {
// Handle response.
// Note - Data from sync results will be sent via NSNotification
// notices and via the data source processing methods.

Configure Subscription Rules
The SDK follows two behavioral settings for subscriptions. These exist as properties on
VirtuosoSubscriptionManager​, and are global defaults. You may also set a feed-unique value when
registering for a new subscription.

int ​maximumSubscriptionItemsPerFeed (default:0)​: The SDK tracks how many episodes
it’s downloaded in each feed. When this max value is reached, the behavior is dictated by the
value of ​autodeleteOldItems​. A value less than or equal to 0 indicates “unlimited.”


Boolean ​autodeleteOldItems (default:YES)​: Determines how the SDK behaves when a
new episode is available and the device is already storing its quota from this feed. If YES, then
the Subscription Manager will call the ​VirtuosoAsset​ ​reset​ method on the old items. The
reset​ method deletes any downloaded files from local storage and resets the objects properties
and status back to a pre-download state. The SDK reports the reset items in the proper
notification. If NO, then the SDK will create a ​VirtuosoAsset​ object for the new episode, but
won’t automatically download it. These deferred items are reported in the proper notification.

NOTE: ​Only items downloaded through a subscription automatically count towards these rules. If you
enqueue an episode of a feed manually, that enqueued item will not be automatically deleted or cause
new downloads to be deferred unless you call the ​VirtuosoSubscriptionManager
includeItem:inTrackingFeed:​ method with the episode.

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Appendix A: How Downloading Works
This section is for the curious developer. You don’t need to understand this in order to use the SDK.
Virtuoso follows a “Rule of Threes” in downloading:
1. Proceed through the download queue in order. Virtuoso will download multiple file segments at a
time (in parallel), but avoids downloading segments belonging to different assets simultaneously.
2. If Virtuoso encounters an error downloading the asset, it will try that asset two more times before
moving on. (This is the “inner” three).
3. When it reaches the end of the download queue, Virtuoso will return to the beginning of the
queue and make another pass, trying to download the errored files.
4. Once it has encountered an asset in three separate passes through the queue, Virtuoso will mark
the asset in error and will no longer try to download the asset, until you reset that asset using the
VirtuosoAsset clearRetryCount ​method. (This is the “outer” three).
In fact, the above is a slight simplification. If Virtuoso encounters a “fatal” error in step 2, it will not retry
the file later. An error is fatal if there’s no point retrying later (e.g. the HTTP server advertises an
unexpected mime type.) Virtuoso may also choose to retry failed assets at opportune moments, such as
when the user returns to the app.
Virtuoso communicates download issues to the enclosing app in two ways.
1. When the Virtuoso encounters an issue that will eventually cause the file to be marked as
blocked, it issues a ​kDownloadEngineDidEncounterErrorNotification​. It will send this notice
even if the file download will be retried.
2. When Virtuoso determines a potential issue exists (such as when the server reported size and
expected size do not match), it issues a
kDownloadEngineDidEncounterWarningNotification​. This notice indicates that something
unexpected happened, but the file download will still finish and be marked as successfully
In the case of both notices, the userInfo dictionary sent with the notice will contain an NSError object in
the​ kDownloadEngineNotificationErrorKey ​that contains detailed information about the error that
was encountered and the VirtuosoAsset that caused the error will be contained in the
The following chart summarizes error conditions and Virtuoso’s behavior. For the most up-to-date list of
errors, see the ​kVDE_DownloadErrorCode​ enumeration in ​VirtuosoConstants.h​.



Invalid mime type

The MIME type advertised by the HTTP server for
the file isn’t included in the MIME types whitelist
you provided earlier.


Final file segment size disagrees
with server-provided segment size

After a segment download completes, the on-disk
file size didn't match the expected size, as
reported by the server.


Network error

Some network issue (HTTP 404,416, etc.) caused
the download to fail.


File System Error

The OS couldn't write the file to disk. In most
cases, the root cause is a full disk.


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Appendix B: Upgrading
Unless the release notes indicate otherwise, SDK versions are back-compatible with older versions. If you
had previously deployed a version of your app using an earlier version of the SDK, then the old data store
will automatically be upgraded to the new data store. There are a few important considerations for
handling of this process:
Asynchronous Update
Depending on how many assets the user has created in the app, the upgrade process may take a fair
amount of time. To ensure that you can startup the engine without worrying about thread considerations,
the SDK upgrades the data store in a background process. This allows your app to appear fully functional
to the user, but it does mean that while the upgrade process is proceeding, previously-downloaded assets
may be unavailable.
The ​VirtuosoDownloadEngine​ will issue two notifications via NSNotificationCenter to indicate when the
upgrade process is starting and when the upgrade process has finished:


You can use these notifications as a trigger in your user interface to indicate to the user that previously
downloaded assets are temporarily unavailable.
Download Continuity
All asset metadata will be fully available as soon as the data upgrade process completes. Any assets that
had already been downloaded will be immediately available for offline playback. Any assets that had not
started downloading yet will remain enqueued and will download normally.

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Appendix C: FAQ
I’m confused about UserID, DeviceID, and External Device ID
A “User” is a person, household, or other entity that owns a device. When you call
VirtuosoDownloadEngine’s ​startupWithBackplane​ method, you must supply a ​UserID​. but Meanwhile,
the SDK uses its own internal logic to assign a unique ​DeviceID​ to the device. The SDK uploads this
(UserID, DeviceID) pair to the Download2Go Backplane, which associates the Device with the User. The
Download2Go Backplane only uses this (User, Device) pair to enforce the “max download-enabled
Devices per User” rule.
The ​External Device ID​ is a field we maintain for your convenience. You can look up a device’s activity
on the Backplane using the external Device ID. You can perform a “remote-delete” or “remote-wipe” from
the Backplane, providing it an External Device ID. The Backplane provides convenience mechanism to
map an External Device ID to Penthera’s internal DeviceID.
How does the SDK guarantee the DeviceID persists across installs?
The SDK stores the DeviceID in the device keychain. This allows the DeviceID to persist across installs,
and prevents it from changing under most conditions. During development, it’s possible for the DeviceID
to change, if you do anything on the device or within your build that would reset the application area in the
device keychain. This could include a factory reset on the device, changing the app bundle ID, or other
infrequent operations. Since Apple removed the iOS SDK “device ID” value and forbid using the
“advertising ID,” there’s no way to 100% guarantee a consistent, perpetual device ID. And, Apple’s
“identifier for vendor” does not persist across installs. The DeviceID value that Penthera uses will persist
across app upgrades/installs, but some limited user actions may reset it. This will be a very infrequent
thing, and the only reason the device ID value should change in production code would be if the user
actively took steps to reset their device keychain. Apple’s stance is that app developers should treat that
as a “new device” anyway.
How does the SDK decide what order to download queued assets?
In general, assets will be downloaded in the order that they were added to the queue. This is not,
however, guaranteed, and various internal rules may allow one asset to be downloaded before another.


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