Portico Developer Guide PDF


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Portico Developer Guide
Table of Contents
1. Overview 4
1.1. Payment Application Data Security Standards 4-5
1.2. Connectivity 5
1.3. Protocol 5
1.4. Authentication 5
2. Data Security 6
2.1. Encryption 6-7
2.2. Multi-use Tokenization 7-8
2.2.1. Requesting a Token 8
2.2.2. Using a Token 8
2.2.3. Managing Tokens 8-9
3. Getting Started 10
3.1. Add a Reference 10
3.2. Use the Interface 10
3.3. SoapUI Examples 10-11
3.4. Transaction Basics 11-12
3.5. TestCredentials 12
4. Transactions 13-18
4.1. Credit Card Transactions 18-19
4.2. Debit Card Transactions 19
4.3. Cash Transactions 19
4.4. Check/ACH Transactions 19
4.5. EBT Transactions 19-20
4.6. Gift Card Transactions 20
4.7. PrePaid Card Transactions 20
4.8. Utility Transactions 20-21
4.9. Batch Transactions 21
4.10. Report Transactions 21
4.11. Alternate Payments 21-22
4.11.1. Alternate Service NameValuePair Request Fields 22-24
4.11.2. Alternate Service Request Field Usage Detail 24-25
4.11.3. Alternate Service NameValuePair Response Fields 25-26
4.11.4. Alternate Service Response Field Usage Detail 26-27
4.12. Internal Use Only Transactions 27
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© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
5. Special Processing Rules 28
5.1. Address Verification Service (AVS) 28-29
5.2. Adjustments 29
5.3. Authorization Platform 29
5.4. Auto-substantiation 29-30
5.5. Batch Processing 30
5.5.1. Settlement 30 Auto-close 30 Manual Entry 30
5.6. Card Not Present Transactions 30-31
5.7. Card Present Transactions 31
5.8. Card Verification Value (CVV2) 31-32
5.9. CAVV Results Codes 32-33
5.10. Corporate Cards 33
5.11. Duplicate Checking 33
5.11.1. Additional Criteria 33-34
5.11.2. Override Duplicate Checking 34
5.11.3. Portico Services Supporting Duplicate Checking 34
5.12. Dynamic Transaction Descriptor 34-35
5.13. EMV 35
5.13.1. Service Tag Validation 35
5.13.2. EMV Conversation Flow 35-36
5.13.3. Services That Support EMV Tags 36-38
5.13.4. EMV Tags 38 EMV Request Tags 38-44 EMV Response Tags 44
5.13.5. EMV Parameter Data Download 44 ParameterDownload Service 45 PDL Request Definition 45-46 PDL Response Definition 46 PDL Response Table 10—Table Versions and Flags 46-47 PDL Response Tables 30-60 47-48 PDL Response Table 30—Terminal Data 48-50 PDL Response Table 40—Contact Card Data 50-53 PDL Response Table 50—Contactless Card Data 53-56 PDL Response Table 60—Public Key Data 56-57
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© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. PDL Response - Confirmation 57
5.14. Gratuity 57
5.14.1. MasterCard Gratuity Rules 57-58
5.15. Industries 58
5.15.1. Retail 58
5.15.2. Restaurant 58
5.15.3. Lodging 58-59
5.15.4. Healthcare 59
5.15.5. MOTO/eCommerce 59-61
5.16. Interac Processing 61
5.16.1. Interac Device Keys 61
5.17. Partial Authorization 61-62
5.18. Personal Identification Number (PIN) Block 63-64
5.19. Swiped or Proximity Entry 64
5.20. Transaction Amounts 64
5.21. Voice Authorization 64
6. Appendices 65
6.1. Register the Client Library 65
6.2. Gateway Response Codes 65-67
6.3. Tokenization-Specific Response Codes 67-68
6.4. Issuer Response Codes 68-70
6.5. EMV PDL Status Codes 70-72
6.6. Gift Card Response Codes 72-73
6.7. Status Indicators 73-74
6.8. HMS Gift Card Certification 74
6.8.1. Certification Host Response Matrix 74 Amount Response Matrix 74
6.8.2. Certification Host Stored Value Accounts 74-75
6.9. Revision History 75-77
7. Glossary 78-97
8. Index 98-100
Portico Developer Guide 3
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
The Heartland Portico™ Gateway (referred to as Portico in this document) provides an application programming
interface (API) to aid integrators and merchants with processing payment transactions. Portico's API includes services
for a variety or payment methods (credit, debit, check, EBT, gift, loyalty, prepaid, etc.) and various industries (retail,
restaurant, mail order/telephone order, lodging, eCommerce, and healthcare). Portico also provides integrators and
merchants with several options for securing transaction data.
This document details the services available via the API and provides guidelines on best practices for integrators.
Following these guidelines can reduce integration and certification time, reduce fraud potential, and ensure proper
interchange rates.
This document is based on Portico API version 2.29. The content is split into two distinct sites:
Portico Developer Guide site (this site): This site contains the front matter of the documentation and all
static content. It is the default site when initially linking to the Portico Developer Guide. The title "Portico
Developer Guide" appears above the topic title on each of its pages. Searches performed in this site will
provide results for only this site. A PDF of this content is available here:
Portico Developer Guide only pdf
Portico Schema site: This site contains the content generated from the XML Schema. When you click a link to
the Generated Content site, the page is opened in a new browser tab. For example, if you click a
Request/Response link from the Transactions > Credit Card Transactions page, the page is opened in a new
tab. The titles "Portico Schema" or "posgatewayservice Web Service" appear above the topic title on each of its
pages. Searches performed in this site will provide results for only this site. The nature of this content does not
lend itself to be displayed in a PDF, so no PDF is provided. To get back to the Overview/Front Matter, click on
the other browser tab.
See Revision History (Section 6.9) for descriptions of the changes made to the documentation for this release.
1.1 Payment Application Data Security Standards
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC) has released the Payment Application Data Security
Standards (PA-DSS) for payment applications running at merchant locations. The PA-DSS assists software vendors to
ensure their payment applications support compliance with the mandates set by the Bank Card Companies (VISA,
MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and JCB).
In order to comply with the mandates set by the Bank Card Companies, Heartland Payment Systems:
Requires that the account number cannot be stored in the clear in order to meet PCI and PA-DSS regulations. It
must be encrypted while stored using strong cryptography with associated key management processes and
NOTE: Refer to PCI DSS Requirements 3.4–3.6* for detailed requirements regarding account number storage.
The retention period for the Account Number in the shadow file and open batch should be defined. At the end
of that period or when the batch is closed and successfully transmitted, the account number and all other
information must be securely deleted. This is a required process regardless of the method of transmission for
the POS.
Requires that, with the exception of the Account Number as described above and the Expiration Date, no other
Track Data is to be stored on the POS if the Card Type is a: VISA, including VISA Fleet; MasterCard, including
MasterCard Fleet; Discover, including JCB, CUP, Carte Blanche, Diner's Club, and PayPal; American Express;
Debit or EBT. This requirement does not apply to Wright Express (WEX), FleetCor, Fleet One, Voyager, or
Aviation cards; Stored Value cards; Proprietary or Private Label cards.
Recommends that software vendors have their applications validated by an approved third party for PA-DSS
Requires all software vendors to sign a Developer’s Agreement (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
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Requires all software vendors to provide evidence of the application version listed on the PCI Council’s website
as a PA-DSS validated Payment Application or a written certification to HPS Testing of the Developer's
compliance with PA-DSS.
Requires that all methods of cryptography provided or used by the payment application meet PCI SSC's current
definition of "strong cryptography".
*Refer to www.pcisecuritystandards.org for the PCI DSS Requirements document and further details about PA-DSS.
1.2 Connectivity
Connectivity to Portico is through the Internet. A secure socket connection (SSL v3.0 or TLS v1.0/1.1/1.2) is required for
all transactions to ensure the confidentiality of information passed between the merchant and Portico. While this
provides protection for the message in transit, additional protection is still highly recommended for certain data
elements (see Data Security (Section 2) for additional information).
Heartland provides an SSL dial back-up (DBU) using the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). This DBU can be defined as a
“dial internet connection”. The POS makes a connection identical to an ISP dial provider. From this point, the POS can
keep using the same URL as if they were on a high speed connection. The maximum possible connection speed for
DBU is 56K baud and the format is 8N1.
Note: SSL v3.0 and TLS 1.0 will be phased out 06/30/16. TLS 1.1 is the new minimum requirement for certification.
1.3 Protocol
This guide covers the Portico Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) API. The base elements and data types used in
the Portico schema come from the "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" namespace. Additional Portico schema
elements are defined in the "http://Hps.Exchange.PosGateway" namespace.
The full Portico schema (PosGateway.xsd) is provided in the Portico SDK.
1.4 Authentication
The values in the header are used for authentication and validation. Portico responds with an "authentication error"
response when these values are not set correctly. See Gateway Response Codes (Section 6.2) for additional
Portico Credentials
To identify a unique device and determine the permissions of the user on that device, Portico requires a valid
LicenseID, SiteID, DeviceID, UserName, and Password. The license ID is used to chain multiple sites together for
reporting and administration. The site ID is the location and is tied to a specific Merchant Identification Number (MID).
The device ID indicates a unique device at a specific site. The username and password should be protected by the
merchant. The password should never be made public. A temporary password is provided at the time of boarding.
This temporary password should be changed by the merchant before processing any transactions. The password
should then be changed periodically for security.
Credential Token
The credential token is used to indicate a user session. Currently, this option is only available to internal Heartland
applications and should not be used by integrators.
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2Data Security
Portico supports multiple methods of securing transmitted and stored data. The following sections cover the details
around the supported encryption and tokenization options. The primary options are Heartland End-to-End Encryption
(E3) and Heartland’s Enterprise Tokenization Service (ETS). These options can be used together or independently.
E3 encrypts card data at the point of entry in a hardware solution such that the POS never handles data in the
Tokenization allows merchants to store a value that represents a card number for future processing. These
tokens are referred to as multi-use tokens, since they can be used over and over as a reference to the original
card data.
Note: Portico also supports single-use tokens. These are obtained via Heartland’s SecureSubmit product. They are
helpful when the merchant has a client application (browser, mobile application, etc.) obtaining card data and sending
it to a merchant server. If the client first exchanges the payment data for a single-use token and sends this to the
server, the server never handles card data. This requires additional boarding, integration, and certification steps. This
option can be used independently or along with the other data security methods.
2.1 Encryption
Portico supports two methods of encryption for securing PAN and track information: Heartland E3 and AES
using DUKPT.
Heartland E3 is an implementation of the Voltage Identity-Based Encryption methodology offered by Heartland to
allow card data to be encrypted from the moment it is obtained at the POS and throughout Heartland processing.
Since software is vulnerable to intrusions, this technology is hardware based. Using E3 hardware, the merchant's POS
software never sees card data. It also allows the card data to remain encrypted throughout all of Heartland's systems.
This not only removes intrusion threats, it also greatly reduces the scope of PCI audits on the associated merchant
POS software.
AES using DUKPT key management is provided for Heartland mobile by the IdTECH card reader. This technology
offers near end-to-end encryption.
For transactions using either encryption type, additional data must be provided. The EncryptionData element must be
provided including the encryption version being used as well as any additional data items required. The supported
encryption versions and required data items are defined below.
Version Encryption
Type When Encrypting PAN When Encrypting Track Data
01 E3
Not Supported The EncryptionData element must be provided
with the Version set to "01". No additional
elements need to be provided inside the
EncryptionData element. The TrackData
provided must include the full E3/Voltage
device output stream.
Encryption Version 01 is supported only for
the Heartland E3-M1 magnetic stripe reader
wedge device, functioning in keyboard
emulation mode.
02 E3
The EncryptionData element must be
The EncryptionData element must be provided
with the Version set to "02". In addition,
the EncryptedTrackNumber element must be
Portico Developer Guide 6
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provided with the Version set to "02". In
addition, the POS must parse the E3 MSR
output and provide the Key Transmission
Block in the KTB element. The CardNbr
provided must only include the encrypted
PAN parsed by the POS from the E3/Voltage
device output stream.
set to "1" for Track 1 data or "2" for Track 2
data, and the POS must parse the E3/Voltage
device output and provide the KTB in the KTB
element. The TrackData provided must only
include the encrypted Track 1 or Track 2 data
parsed by the POS from the E3/Voltage device
output stream.
03 AES Not Supported The EncryptionData element must be provided
with the Version set to "03". In addition,
the EncryptedTrackNumber element must be
set to "1" for Track 1 data or "2" for Track 2
data, and the POS must parse the card reader
output stream and provide the KSN in the KSN
element. Both the KSN and the track data
content must be Base-64 encoded strings.
04 E3
The EncryptionData element must be
provided with the Version set to "04". In
addition, the POS must parse the E3 MSR
output and provide the Key Transmission
Block in the KTB element. In addition to the
CardNbr, version “04” expects the CVV2 to be
encrypted. The CardNbr and CVV2 provided
must only include the encrypted PAN and
encrypted CVV2 parsed by the POS from the
E3/Voltage device output stream.
The EncryptionData element must be provided
with the Version set to "04". In addition, the
EncryptedTrackNumber element must be set
to "1" for Track 1 data or "2" for Track 2 data,
and the POS must parse the E3/Voltage device
output and provide the KTB in the KTB
element. The TrackData provided must only
include the encrypted Track 1 or Track 2 data
parsed by the POS from the E3/Voltage device
output stream.
Version Encryption
Type When Encrypting PAN When Encrypting Track Data
2.2 Multi-use Tokenization
Portico supports tokenization of account numbers to provide clients with another layer of security. The tokenization
process consists of the following two basic steps:
1. Request that an account number (from a PAN or track data) be tokenized and the token be returned to the
client POS.
2. The client POS uses the token rather than the PAN or track data in subsequent transactions.
Tokenization provides a means to replace sensitive PAN values with surrogate, non-sensitive values that can be stored
and referenced without the complexities of storing and securing PANs, as required by the PCI-DSS. Tokens thus stored
can then be passed on supported Portico transactions in lieu of the card number. Heartland's tokenization service
manages the association between the token and the PAN.
Multi-use tokenization can be used for Card Present or Card Not Present transactions. Supported services for
tokenization are as follows:
Application Service Request a Token Use a Token
CreditAccountVerify Yes Yes
CreditAuth Yes Yes
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CreditOfflineAuth No Yes
CreditOfflineSale No Yes
CreditReturn No Yes
CreditReversal Yes Yes
CreditSale Yes Yes
PrePaidAddValue Yes Yes
PrePaidBalanceInquiry Yes Yes
RecurringBilling Yes Yes
See the message definitions for more information on the token specific fields.
Additional fees apply for the multi-use tokenization service. Please contact your Heartland representative for further
Note: Service may not be available to all merchants; refer to Authorization Platform (Section 5.3).
Application Service Request a Token Use a Token
2.2.1 Requesting a Token
When a merchant requests that a token be returned, the associated transaction (auth, sale, reversal, etc.) is processed
before requesting a token. The transaction response is always returned to the merchant POS.
If the associated transaction response is a non-approval, the token request is not processed. This is indicated in the
TokenRspCode returned in the response to the client POS.
If the transaction is approved by the card issuer with a response of APPROVAL, PARTIAL APPROVAL, or CARD OK, a
token is requested from the tokenization service and a TokenData response block is returned to the merchant POS.
The TokenData response block may include the generated token in the TokenValue field depending on the success or
failure of the tokenization request.
When data is tokenized, it includes both the PAN and expiration date.
2.2.2 Using a Token
After a token is successfully returned, the merchant presents this token rather than the account number or track data
in one of the allowed transactions in the TokenData. Portico attempts to request the account number and expiration
date associated with the provided token from the tokenization service. If the TokenData included the expiration date,
this overrides what is retrieved from the tokenization service. The included expiration date is only used for the current
transaction and is not stored for future use. If TokenData includes a CardPresent indicator, then that will be used for
this transaction. If one is not sent, then Card Not Present will be used. The Card Present indicator is not saved for
future use.
If the PAN and expiration date are obtained successfully, the transaction proceeds.
If the PAN and expiration date cannot be obtained, the transaction is aborted and an error is returned to the
merchant. The error code/text is returned in the GatewayRspCode and GatewayRspMsg fields.
2.2.3 Managing Tokens
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Once a token has been created for a particular Merchant/PAN combination, it can be managed through
the ManageTokens service. ManageTokens provides the following actions.
The ManageTokens.Set action adds or updates multiple token attribute name-value pairs. The currently allowed
attribute names are as follows:
Attribute Name Allowed Values
ExpMonth Positive integer in the following range: 1-12
ExpYear Positive integer greater than 1999
DeleteAttribute, DeleteToken
The ManageTokens.Delete action removes multiple attributes or the token itself from the tokenization service
database. If no attributes are provided for a token, the token is deleted.
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© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
3 Getting Started
This section is intended to provide an integrator with a starting point. This includes information that is needed to get
started and process the most basic transactions with Portico.
3.1 Add a Reference
Portico provides several ways to begin integration:
Portico Client DLL
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
The Portico Client DLL provides an object-oriented interface for integration. This option hides the complexities of the
lower-level protocols and handles serialization and deserialization of the various elements. For managed applications,
integrators can utilize the library by adding a reference to the DLL. For unmanaged applications, the Portico Client DLL
also provides a COM wrapper. To use the COM wrapper, the library must first be registered for use. For additional
information on registering the library, refer to the appendix Register the Client Library (Section 6.1).
The WSDL allows integrators to generate a service reference rather than using the supplied Portico Client DLL. The
WSDL can be accessed by adding "?wsdl" to the end of the URL provided for certification. For example:
The W3C XML Schema Definition (XSD) is also available as another alternative for allowing an integrator to generate a
service reference rather than using the supplied Portico Client DLL. The XSD types are defined at
3.2 Use the Interface
There are three key classes exposed in the interface:
PosGatewayInterface—Handles the interface and communication details with the Portico server
PosRequest—Object representation of the XML Heartland Portico Gateway request document
PosResponse—Object representation of the XML Heartland Portico Gateway response document
The key steps involved when issuing a transaction to Portico are as follows:
Build a PosRequest message object.
Instantiate a PosGatewayInterface object.
Invoke the DoTransaction() method of the PosGatewayInterface object.
Interrogate the PosResponse message object.
The PosRequest and PosResponse classes are based on the PosGateway schema. Referring to this schema helps you
to understand the layout of the PosRequest and PosResponse classes. All transactions described in this document
conform to the schema.
3.3 SoapUI Examples
A sample SoapUI project is included in the SDK to provide working SOAP/XML examples of Portico transactions. The
examples show the raw SOAP/XML and can be run against the certification environment, but SoapUI cannot be used
for final certification.
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To install and set up the SoapUI application with Portico samples, do the following:
1. Go to www.soapui.org.
2. Download and install the free, open-source functional testing application, SoapUI.
3. Save the Soap UI project file from Portico SDK to your hard drive.
4. Open the Soap UI project file with SoapUI application.
Portico Soap UI project is organized into TestSuites that match specific chapters in this document. Each TestSuite
contains a collection of TestCases that represent Portico functionality or transactions. Each TestCase contains
individual TestSteps that provide XML samples of detailed scenarios.
To view and use SOAP/XML samples for specific scenarios matching the functionality described in this document, you
drill down in the SoapUI project following the same structure. For example, execute TestSuite – Credit Card
Transaction > TestCase – Credit Sale > Test Steps > CreditSale Request 2 – Swipe – Visa to process a sample request
and response for a credit card sale described in CreditSale.
Note: The SoapUI examples contain properties (e.g., ${#Project#LicenseID-Retail}) that must be replaced with valid
values in your SOAP messages.
3.4 Transaction Basics
Validating Response Codes
All request messages to Portico include a Header and a Transaction block. Responses always include a Header block,
but only include the Transaction block when Portico was able to successfully process the request (i.e.
GatewayRspCode is 0). See Gateway Response Codes (Section 6.2) for additional information.
When present, the Transaction block always includes the Transaction type (i.e. CreditSale).
The GatewayRspCode in the response header can be inspected to determine if the request was fully processed by
Portico. A GatewayRspCode of 0 means that Portico was able to process the request and that the Transaction block is
present. The GatewayRspCode does not indicate approval or decline of the transaction.
To get the final result of the transaction, the Transaction block must be further inspected to see if there is an Issuer
RspCode. See Issuer Response Codes (Section 6.4) for additional information.
For transactions, clients should allow 15 seconds for Portico to respond. Transactions are typically on Heartland
systems for less than 500ms, but Portico waits up to 10 seconds for other back-end systems to reply.
For searching and reports, clients should allow 60 seconds or more for Portico to respond. Actual response times
depend on the amount of data and the type of report or search being done. To improve response times, adjust the
criteria being used to obtain a smaller result set.
Specified Flags for Optional Elements
Optional elements are notated in the XML schema by a minOccurs="0" attribute. In order to provide a value in an
element that is optional, it may be required to also set a "specified" flag. This is required for optional elements that
are of a type that is not nullable. The specified flag is generated in code from the service reference as
The problem is that fields in .NET that cannot be null will always have a valid value (i.e. "0"). On the other hand, the
XML schema defines it as optional:
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ID" type="xs:int"/>
Given this, there is no way for the .NET client to know whether the value of "0" means there is no value defined or if
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the true intent is to send the value "0" to the server.
The Specified flag takes care of this situation:
If the field value is "0" and <field>Specified="false", no value was defined and the element will not be included
in the message that results from serialization.
If the field value is "0" and <field>Specified="true", the element will be included in the message that results
from serialization with the value "0".
Unfortunately, this is not only in the "0" value case. For data types such as xs:int, xs:long, xs:decimal, xs:dateTime, and
xs:string elements with specific enumeration values (i.e. booleanType, currencyType), the specified flag must be set to
true in addition to setting the desired value.
For example, the optional field GatewayTxnId (type xs:int) needs to have an associated flag of GatewayTxnIdSpecified.
To send a transaction id of 1234, the client must set GatewayTxnId="1234" and set GatewayTxnIdSpecified="true".
3.5 TestCredentials
A TestCredentials transaction validates the credentials passed in the transaction, but does not perform an action.
TestCredentials should only be used at the beginning of the certification period to validate credentials and
connectivity to the certification environment.
Note: This should not be used as a "heartbeat" check and it is not required for running transactions.
The TestCredentials transaction includes the transaction request and response headers with only the transaction type
in the Transaction block of the request and response. This represents the least of the possible Portico request and
response messages.
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© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
The following list contains all the available Portico transactions with links to their detailed documentation and code
Transaction Schema
Documentation Description
AddAttachment Request / Response AddAttachment can be used to store and associate data (e.g.
images, documents, signature capture, etc.) to a prior transaction.
AltPaymentAuth Request / Response AltPaymentAuth takes a unique Session Id and performs an
Authorization transaction.
AltPaymentCapture Request / Response AltPaymentCapture takes an existing Order or Auth and captures
some portion of the original transaction and adds that portion to
the open batch.
AltPaymentCreateAuth Request / Response AltPaymentCreateAuth takes a previously approved Alternate
Payment transaction and creates an Authorization from it.
AltPaymentCreateSession Request / Response AltPaymentCreateSession creates a unique Session for Electronic
Commerce Alternate Payment Processing. This service must be
called first to perform Alternate payment processing.
AltPaymentOrder Request / Response AltPaymentOrder takes a unique Session Id and performs an
Order transaction.
AltPaymentReturn Request / Response AltPaymentReturn takes a previously Add To Batch transaction
and performs a return against it.
AltPaymentSale Request / Response AltPaymentSale takes a unique Session Id and performs a Sale
AltPaymentSessionInfo Request / Response AltPaymentSessionInfo takes a unique Session Id and returns
information about the session.
AltPaymentVoid Request / Response AltPaymentVoid takes a GatewayTxnId and performs a void
against that transaction.
Authenticate Request / Response Authenticate is used to authenticate a specific user. For this call
the header must include username and password.
BatchClose Request / Response BatchClose is used to settle and close the current open batch.
CancelImpersonation Request / Response CancelImpersonation is used to terminate a previously started
impersonation session.
CashReturn Request / Response CashReturn creates a log of a transaction that is returning cash to
a customer. This is processed offline.
CashSale Request / Response CashSale creates a log of a transaction, in which cash is collected
from a customer. This is processed offline.
CheckSale Request / Response CheckSale transactions use bank account information as the
payment method. There are sub-actions that can be taken as part
of the CheckSale as indicated by the CheckAction field.
CheckVoid Request / Response CheckVoid is used to cancel a previously successful CheckSale
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ChipCardDecline Request / Response ChipCardDecline is used to record an offline decline by an EMV
chip card.
CreditAccountVerify Request / Response CreditAccountVerify is used to verify that the associated account is
in good standing with the Issuer.
CreditAdditionalAuth Request / Response CreditAdditionalAuth is typically used in a bar or restaurant
situation where the merchant obtains the payment information for
an original CreditAuth but does not want to hold the card or ask
for it on each additional authorization.
CreditAddToBatch Request / Response CreditAddToBatch is primarily used to add a previously approved
open authorization (CreditAuth, CreditOfflineAuth, or
OverrideFraudDecline) to the current open batch. If a batch is not
open this transaction will create one. It also provides the
opportunity to alter data associated with the transaction (i.e. add a
tip amount).
CreditAuth Request / Response CreditAuth authorizes a credit card transaction. These
authorization only transactions are not added to the batch to be
settled. They can be added to a batch at a later time using
CreditAddToBatch. Approved authorizations that have not yet
been added to a batch are called open auths.
CreditCPCEdit Request / Response CreditCPCEdit attaches Corporate Purchase Card (CPC) data to a
prior transaction. This information will be passed to the issuer at
settlement when the associated card was a corporate card or an
AMEX card.
CreditIncrementalAuth Request / Response CreditIncrementalAuth adds to the authorized amount for a prior
transaction. Incremental authorizations are only allowed for
lodging merchants.
CreditOfflineAuth Request / Response CreditOfflineAuth records an authorization obtained outside of
the gateway (e.g., voice authorization, chip card offline approval).
These authorization only transactions are not added to the batch
to be settled. They can be added to a batch at a later time using
CreditAddToBatch. Approved authorizations that have not yet
been added to a batch are called open auths.
CreditOfflineSale Request / Response CreditOfflineSale records an authorization obtained outside of the
gateway (e.g., voice authorization, chip card offline approval).
CreditReturn Request / Response CreditReturn allows the merchant to return funds back to the
cardholder. Returns can be for the entire amount associated with
the original sale or a partial amount. Returns made using
the GatewayTxnId can be performed for up to one year from the
original authorization date.
CreditReversal Request / Response CreditReversal cancels a prior authorization in the current open
batch. This can be used in timeout situations or when a complete
response is not received. In either case, the client is unsure of the
Transaction Schema
Documentation Description
Portico Developer Guide 14
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
outcome of the prior transaction. This now works for
CreditOfflineSale and CreditOfflineAuth transactions.
CreditSale Request / Response CreditSale authorizes a credit card transaction. These
authorizations are automatically added to the batch to be settled.
If a batch is not already open this transaction will create one.
CreditTxnEdit Request / Response CreditTxnEdit allows the merchant to alter the data on a previously
approved CreditSale, CreditAuth, CreditOfflineSale, or
CreditOfflineAuth (i.e. add a tip amount).
CreditVoid Request / Response CreditVoid is used to cancel an open auth or remove a transaction
from the current open batch. The original transaction must be a
CreditAuth, CreditSale, CreditReturn, CreditOfflineAuth,
CreditOfflineSale, RecurringBilling, Recurring Billing Auth, or
DebitAddValue Request / Response DebitAddValue increases the amount on a stored value card. This
transaction is obsolete and should no longer be used.
DebitReturn Request / Response DebitReturn allows the merchant to return funds from a prior
debit sale back to the cardholder. Returns can be for the entire
amount associated with the original sale or a partial amount.
Returns made using the GatewayTxnId can be performed for up to
one year from the original authorization date. Support for EMV
PIN Debit has been added.
DebitReversal Request / Response DebitReversal cancels a previous DebitSale transaction. This
should be used in timeout situations or when a complete response
is not received. In either case, the client is unsure of the outcome
of the prior transaction. Support for EMV PIN Debit has been
DebitSale Request / Response DebitSale authorizes a debit card transaction. Support for EMV
PIN Debit has been added.
EBTBalanceInquiry Request / Response EBTBalanceInquiry returns the available balance for an EBT
EBTCashBackPurchase Request / Response EBTCashBackPurchase is used to purchase goods with EBT Cash
EBTCashBenefitWithdrawal Request / Response EBTCashBenefitWithdrawal is used to disburse cash from an EBT
Cash Benefits account.
EBTFSPurchase Request / Response EBTFSPurchase is used to purchase goods with SNAP.
EBTFSReturn Request / Response EBTFSReturn is used to credit previously debited funds to a SNAP
account for merchandise returned.
EBTFSReversal Request / Response EBTFSReversal cancels a previous
EBTFSPurchase, EBTCashBackPurchase, EBTFSReturn, and
EBTCashBenefitWithdrawal transactions. This should be used in
timeout situations or when a complete response is not received. In
either case, the client is unsure of the outcome of the prior
Transaction Schema
Documentation Description
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© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
EBTVoucherPurchase Request / Response EBTVoucherPurchase is obsolete and should no longer be used.
EndToEndTest Request / Response EndToEndTest for internal use only.
FindTransactions Request / Response FindTransactions is used to search all current gateway transactions
based on provided filter criteria.
GetAttachments Request / Response GetAttachments is used to retrieve attachments (i.e. documents,
images, etc.) associated with a particular transaction.
GetUserDeviceSettings Request / Response GetUserDeviceSettings is for internal use only.
GetUserSettings Request / Response GetUserSettings is for internal use only.
GiftCardActivate Request / Response GiftCardActivate is used to activate a new stored value account
and load it with an initial balance.
GiftCardAddValue Request / Response GiftCardAddValue loads an amount onto a stored value account.
GiftCardAlias Request / Response GiftCardAlias allows the client to manage stored account aliases.
An alias is an alternate identifier used to reference a stored value
GiftCardBalance Request / Response GiftCardBalance is used to retrieve the balance(s) for each
currency supported by a stored value account.
GiftCardCurrentDayTotals Request / Response GiftCardCurrentDayTotals is used to retrieve stored value
transaction totals for the current day. This transaction is obsolete
and should no longer be used. FindTransactions can be used as an
GiftCardDeactivate Request / Response GiftCardDeactivate is used to deactivate an active stored value
account that otherwise has not been used.
GiftCardPreviousDayTotals Request / Response GiftCardPreviousDayTotals is used to retrieve stored value
transaction totals for the previous day.
GiftCardReplace Request / Response GiftCardReplace transfers balances from one stored value account
to another. This is typically to replace a lost or stolen account with
a new one or to consolidate two or more accounts into a single
GiftCardReversal Request / Response GiftCardReversal is used to cancel a prior stored value transaction.
This should be used in timeout situations or when a complete
response is not received. In either case, the client is unsure of the
outcome of the prior transaction.
GiftCardReward Request / Response GiftCardReward is used when an account holder makes a payment
using a payment form other than a stored value account (e.g. cash
or credit card). The account holder may present their stored value
account to earn points or other loyalty rewards, which would be
added to their account.
GiftCardSale Request / Response GiftCardSale is used to redeem value from a stored value account.
GiftCardVoid Request / Response GiftCardVoid is used to cancel a prior successful transaction. When
Transaction Schema
Documentation Description
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© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
voiding a transaction, all changes to the account are reversed,
including any additional value added by rewards programs or
automated promotions.
Impersonate Request / Response Impersonate is for internal use only.
InteracDeviceKeys Request / Response InteracDeviceKeys allows a merchants to re-synchronize the keys
for Canadian Debit transactions.
InvalidateAuthentication Request / Response InvalidateAuthentication is for internal use only.
ManageSettings Request / Response ManageSettings is for internal use only.
ManageTokens Request / Header
response only
ManageTokens allows merchants to update information
referenced by a specific multi-use token.
ManageUsers Request / Response ManageUsers is for internal use only.
OverrideFraudDecline Request / Header
response only
OverrideFraudDecline is for internal use only. It is used to process
a CreditSale, CreditReturn or CreditAuth that was previously
declined due to fraud. An override causes the fraud concerns to
be ignored. The use of this function on a client should require
management approval. This can only be done once, and for the
original auth amount.
ParameterDownload Request / Response ParameterDownload is used to initiate an EMV parameter
download by clients interfacing to an EMV device.
PrePaidAddValue Request / Response PrePaidAddValue is used to increase the balance associated with a
prepaid card. This is reserved for future use.
PrePaidBalanceInquiry Request / Response PrePaidBalanceInquiry returns the available balance for a prepaid
RecurringBilling Request / Response RecurringBilling authorizes a one-time or scheduled recurring
RecurringBillingAuth Request / Response Like the RecurringBilling service, this also authorizes a one-time or
scheduled recurring transaction. However, these authorization
only transactions are not added to the batch to be settled. They
can be added to a batch at a later time using CreditAddToBatch.
Approved authorizations that have not yet been added to a batch
are called open auths.
ReportActivity Request / Response ReportActivity returns all activity between the client devices and
gateway for a period of time. This can be filtered to a single device
if needed. This report is obsolete and should not be
used. FindTransactions can be used as an alternative.
ReportBatchDetail Request / Response ReportBatchDetail returns information on each transaction
currently associated to the specified batch. This report is for the
site and device referenced in the header.
ReportBatchHistory Request / Response ReportBatchHistory returns information about previous batches
over a period of time. This report is for the site referenced in the
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ReportBatchSummary Request / Response ReportBatchSummary returns a batch's status information and
totals broken down by payment type. This report is for the site
and device referenced in the header.
ReportOpenAuths Request / Response ReportOpenAuths returns all authorizations that have not been
added to a batch for settlement. This report is for the site
referenced in the header.
ReportSearch Request / Response ReportSearch returns transaction information for a specified time
period. This report is obsolete and should not be
used. FindTransactions can be used as an alternative.
ReportTxnDetail Request / Response ReportTxnDetail returns detailed information about a single
transaction. This report is for the site and device referenced in the
SendReceipt Request / Response SendReceipt is for internal use only. It allows a client to send a
receipt from a prior transaction out to specific destinations. The
prior transaction must belong to the site and device referenced in
the header.
TestCredentials Request / Response TestCredentials validates the credentials passed in the header, but
does not perform an action.
Transaction Schema
Documentation Description
4.1 Credit Card Transactions
The following table provides links to the credit card transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
ChipCardDecline Request Response
CreditAccountVerify Request Response
CreditAdditionalAuth Request Response
CreditAddToBatch Request Response
CreditAuth Request Response
CreditCPCEdit Request Response
CreditIncrementalAuth Request Response
CreditOfflineAuth Request Response
CreditOfflineSale Request Response
CreditReturn Request Response
CreditReversal Request Response
CreditSale Request Response
CreditTxnEdit Request Response
CreditVoid Request Response
Portico Developer Guide 18
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OverrideFraudDecline Request Header
RecurringBilling (one-time payment) Request Response
RecurringBillingAuth Request Response
4.2 Debit Card Transactions
The following table provides links to the debit card transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
DebitAddValue Request Response
DebitReturn Request Response
DebitReversal Request Response
DebitSale Request Response
4.3 Cash Transactions
The following table provides links to the cash transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
CashReturn Request Response
CashSale Request Response
4.4 Check/ACH Transactions
The following table provides links to the check/ACH transaction type pages.
Transaction Name Request Response
CheckSale Request Response
CheckVoid Request Response
RecurringBilling (one-time payment) Request Response
4.5 EBT Transactions
The following table provides links to the EBT transactions. EBT transactions are supported on all four card brands.
Portico does not impose any industry-specific limitations on EBT transactions, but downstream systems may. Typical
industries for EBT would be Restaurant and Retail.
Transaction Name Request Response
EBTBalanceInquiry Request Response
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EBTCashBackPurchase Request Response
EBTCashBenefitWithdrawal Request Response
EBTFSPurchase Request Response
EBTFSReturn Request Response
EBTFSReversal Request Response
EBTVoucherPurchase Request Response
4.6 Gift Card Transactions
The following table provides links to the gift card transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
GiftCardActivate Request Response
GiftCardAddValue Request Response
GiftCardAlias Request Response
GiftCardBalance Request Response
GiftCardDeactivate Request Response
GiftCardReplace Request Response
GiftCardReversal Request Response
GiftCardReward Request Response
GiftCardSale Request Response
GiftCardVoid Request Response
4.7 PrePaid Card Transactions
The following table provides links to the prepaid card transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
PrePaidBalanceInquiry Request Response
4.8 Utility Transactions
The following table provides links to some utility function transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
AddAttachment Request Response
GetAttachments Request Response
InteracDeviceKeys Request Response
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ManageTokens Request Header
ParameterDownload Request Response
TestCredentials Request Response
4.9 Batch Transactions
The following table provides links to the batch transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
BatchClose Request Response
4.10 Report Transactions
The following table provides links to the report transactions.
Transaction Name Request Response
FindTransactions Request Response
ReportBatchDetail Request Response
ReportBatchHistory Request Response
ReportBatchSummary Request Response
ReportOpenAuths Request Response
ReportTxnDetail Request Response
4.11 Alternate Payments
A US merchant has the option to accept alternate forms of payment. At present, PayPal is the only form of alternate
payment, but more will be supported in time. Once other alternate payment types are available, this process will be
modified to reflect all options.
Note: Service may not be available to all merchants; refer to Authorization Platform (Section 5.3).
The ability to accept PayPal payment through Portico is available with a plug in.
The process flow for Portico to process alternate payments is:
AltPaymentCreateSession—Portico API call that is required to initially start sending transactions to PayPal. Portico’s
service has implemented the SetEC API call from PayPal. The Payment Type (Sale, Order or Authorization) within the
CreateSession data drives the subsequent API call.
NOTE: After AltPaymentCreateSession, the returned RedirectUrl must be used to log into Paypal’s sandbox site and
confirm the payment. This requires a buyer account to be created on the sandbox. The ID (numbers/letters) created
from the ID is used in the SoapUI tests after the Session is created.
AltPaymentSale—Minimal call to complete an Ecommerce transaction with PayPal. Portico has implemented the DoEC
API call from PayPal and sends the Payment Action field (in the paypal request) as Sale.
AltPaymentAuth—Call to send an authorization transaction to PayPal. PayPal authorizes and adjusts the buyer’s open
Portico Developer Guide 21
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to buy. Portico has implemented the DoEC API call from PayPal and sends the Payment Action field (in the paypal
request) as Authorization. This transaction requires the AltPaymentCapture to be completed against it.
AltPaymentOrder—Call to send an order transaction to PayPal. PayPal does not authorize or adjust the Buyer’s open
to buy. Portico has implemented the DoEC API call from PayPal and sends the Payment Action field (in the paypal
request) as Order. This transaction requires the AltPaymentCapture to be completed against it.
AltPaymentCapture—Call to send a capture transaction to PayPal. Portico has implemented the DoCapture API call
from PayPal. This transaction is run against an existing Order or Auth and captures some portion of the original
transaction and adds that portion to the open batch. This transaction moves money.
AltPaymentReturn—Call to send a Return transaction to PayPal. Portico has implemented the RefundTransaction API
call from PayPal. This transaction is run against an existing Sale or an existing Capture against an Order or Auth.
Portico adds the return to the open batch. This transaction moves money.
AltPaymentVoid—Call to send a Void transaction to PayPal. Portico has implemented the DoVoid API call from PayPal.
This transaction is run against an existing Order or Auth. This transaction cancels future captures against an Auth or
Order. Existing captures are unaffected.
AltPaymentSessionInfo—Call to send a Session inquiry transaction to PayPal. Portico has implemented the GetEC API
call from PayPal. This transaction is run against an existing SessionId. This transaction is inquiry only and does not
affect any transactions.
AltPaymentCreateAuth—Call to create a stand-alone authorization from an existing Order. Portico has implemented
the DoAuthorization API call from PayPal. This transaction is run against an existing Order transaction. This transaction
requires the AltPaymentCapture to be completed against it.
AltPaymentReversal—Call to reverse a Sale, Capture, Auth or Order, that has not been successfully recorded on
Portico. If Portico has only ever recorded a timeout for a Sale or Capture, send a Return to PayPal. If Portico has only
ever recorded a timeout for an Auth or Order, send a Void transaction to PayPal.
Alternate Service NameValuePair Request Fields (Section 4.11.1)
Alternate Service Request Field Usage Detail (Section 4.11.2)
Alternate Service NameValuePair Response Fields (Section 4.11.3)
Alternate Service Response Field Usage Detail (Section 4.11.4)
4.11.1 Alternate Service NameValuePair Request Fields
Group NameValuePair name Required Edit Length Used by
Buyer CancelUrl Yes Start with Http: or Https:
Https preferred
2048 AltPaymentCreateSession
ReturnUrl Yes Start with Http: or Https:
Https preferred
2048 AltPaymentCreateSession
BuyerId Yes Valid ascii 100 AltPaymentSale, Auth and
EmailAddress Valid ascii 20 AltPaymentCreateSession
FundingSource Credit. Default is non-credit. N/A AltPaymentCreateSession
MerchantLogoUrl Start with Http: or Https:
Https preferred
2000 AltPaymentCreateSession
Payment ItemAmount Decimal, 12,2 with decimal
point. Total of LineItem
N/A AltPaymentSale, Auth,
Order and CreateAuth
ShippingAmount Decimal, 12,2 with decimal N/A AltPaymentSale, Auth,
Portico Developer Guide 22
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point. Order and CreateAuth
ShippingAmountDiscount Decimal, 12,2 with decimal
point. Requires negative
N/A AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale and Order
TaxAmount Decimal, 12,2 with decimal
N/A AltPaymentSale, Auth,
Order and CreateAuth
NOTE* ItemAmount, Shipping
Amount, Tax Amount must
equal Amt of the transaction.
Auth, Sale, Order and
PaymentType Order, Authorization or
Sale. Default is Sale.
N/A AltPaymentCreateSession
FullyCapuredFlag True or False N/A AltPaymentCapture
InvoiceNbr Valid ascii. Must be unique
per Session.
256 AltPaymentSale, Auth,
Order and CreateAuth
InstantPaymentOnly True or False N/A AltPaymentCreateSession
Shipping ShipName Valid ascii 128 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipAddress Valid ascii 100 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipAddress2 Valid ascii 100 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipCity Valid ascii 40 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipState Valid ascii. Valid state. 40 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipZip Valid ascii. Validated against
state and city and only US
20 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipCountryCode Valid ascii. Valid two
character country.
2 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipPhoneNbr Valid ascii 20 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
ShipAllowAddressOverride True or False. Default is True. N/A AltPaymentCreateSession
LineItem Name Valid ascii 127
Group NameValuePair name Required Edit Length Used by
Portico Developer Guide 23
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Description Valid ascii 127 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
Amount Decimal, 12,2 with decimal
point. Allows Negative sign.
N/A AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
Quantity Up to 10 digits numeric N/A AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
NOTE* Quantity times Amount rolls
up to Payment/ItemAmount.
Number Valid ascii 127 AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
TaxAmount Decimal, 12,2 with decimal
point. Allows negative sign.
N/A AltPaymentCreateSession,
Auth, Sale, Order and
NOTE* Quantity times TaxAmount
rolls up to
Return ReturnType Full or Partial N/A AltPaymentReturn
InvoiceNbr Valid ascii. Must be unique
per Session.
127 AltPaymentReturn
Group NameValuePair name Required Edit Length Used by
4.11.2 Alternate Service Request Field Usage Detail
Field Name Usage
PaymentType Indicates payment type. PayPal is the only valid value.
Amt Amount of request.
SessionId Session Id that is returned from a Create Session response.
GatewayTxnId Unique Portico Transaction Id. Returned in Common header.
CancelUrl Redirect provided by Merchant. Used if Buyer cancels order from PayPal UI.
ReturnUrl Redirect provided by Merchant. Used if Buyer accepts order from PayPal UI.
BuyerId Buyer payer id. Indicates who the PayPal buyer is.
EmailAddress Buyer Email Address.
FundingSource Indicates funding source.
MerchantLogoUrl Logo URL to be displayed when Buyer confirms payment.
ItemAmount Total Item Amount.
ShippingAmount Total Shipping Amount.
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TaxAmount Total Tax Amount.
PaymentType Indicates what type of Payment needs to be created during Create Session. Set this
value to the intended follow-up service call.
FullyCapuredFlag Indicates during Capture if this is the final capture.
InvoiceNbr Invoice Number. Must be unique per session id.
ShipName Shipping name
ShipAddress Shipping Address
ShipAddress2 Shipping Address2
ShipCity Shipping City
ShipState Shipping State
ShipZip Shipping Zip
ShipCountryCode Shipping Country Code
ShipPhoneNbr Shipping Phone Number
ShipAllowAddressOverride Indicates if Buyer can alter shipping information on Pay Pal Site. Use during Create
Name Item Name
Description Item Description
Amount Item Amount
Quantity Item Quantity
Number Item SKU
TaxAmount Item Tax Amount
ReturnType Indicates full or partial return.
InstantPaymentOnly Indicates the merchant expects Instant payment only responses for this transaction.
ShippingAmountDiscount Indicates a Payment level shipping discount.
Field Name Usage
4.11.3 Alternate Service NameValuePair Response Fields
Group NameValuePair Name Used By
Session SessionId AltPaymentCreateSession
RedirectUrl AltPaymentCreateSession
Buyer InvoiceNbr AltPaymentSessionInfo
EmailAddress AltPaymentSessionInfo
BuyerId AltPaymentSessionInfo
Status AltPaymentSessionInfo
CountryCode AltPaymentSessionInfo
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BusinessName AltPaymentSessionInfo
FirstName AltPaymentSessionInfo
LastName AltPaymentSessionInfo
PhoneNumber AltPaymentSessionInfo
Shipping ShipName AltPaymentSessionInfo
ShipAddress AltPaymentSessionInfo
ShipAddress2 AltPaymentSessionInfo
ShipCity AltPaymentSessionInfo
ShipState AltPaymentSessionInfo
ShipZip AltPaymentSessionInfo
ShipCountryCode AltPaymentSessionInfo
Payment Amt AltPaymentSessionInfo
ItemAmount AltPaymentSessionInfo
ShippingAmount AltPaymentSessionInfo
TaxAmount AltPaymentSessionInfo
LineItem Name AltPaymentSessionInfo
Description AltPaymentSessionInfo
Amount AltPaymentSessionInfo
Number AltPaymentSessionInfo
Quantity AltPaymentSessionInfo
TaxAmount AltPaymentSessionInfo
Processor Code All Services
Message All Services
Type All Services
Group NameValuePair Name Used By
4.11.4 Alternate Service Response Field Usage Detail
Name Usage
RspCode Response code to validate the Alternate Payers processing. 0 equals Success. 1 equals failure.
RspMessage Alternate Payers processing message.
Status Alternate Payers status of request.
StatusMessage Alternate Payers status message of request.
SessionId PayPal’s session id. Returned from Create Session.
RedirectUrl Redirect URL with Session Id. Use by Merchant to redirect Buyer.
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Code PayPal Code for additional Response information.
Message PayPal Message for additional Response information.
Type PayPal Type for additional Response information.
ReturnAmt Return Amount for transction.
TotalReturnAmt Total Return amount of original. Multiple return scenarios.
Name Usage
4.12 Internal Use Only Transactions
The following table provides links to transactions that are only available internal to Heartland.
Transaction Name Request Response
Authenticate Request Response
CancelImpersonation Request Response
EndToEndTest Request Response
GetUserDeviceSettings Request Response
GetUserSettings Request Response
Impersonate Request Response
InvalidateAuthentication Request Response
ManageSettings Request Response
ManageUsers Request Response
SendReceipt Request Response
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5 Special Processing Rules
While the schema includes some requirements and restrictions, it also provides many options for the integrator to
choose from. This section is intended to provide additional details around specific processing scenarios that should be
considered during integration. These details include special payment methods and industries, assistance in getting
improved interchange rates, settlement processing, Portico storage rules, card brand and issuer requirements that are
not enforced by the schema, and more.
5.1 Address Verification Service (AVS)
The Address Verification Service is a system that verifies the personal address and billing information provided by a
customer at the time of the transaction against the information the credit card Issuer has on file. AVS enhances fraud
protection and must be present on keyed transactions to receive the best Interchange rates.
Some Issuers decline the sale if the AVS data does not match; however, most Issuers approve the sale and it is up to
the merchant to make a decision to go forward with the sale based upon the AVS response code. It is strongly
recommended that the merchant ask the cardholder for another form of payment if the AVS data does not match ("N"
AVS response).
A POS system may develop logic to reject a transaction when the AVS data does not match. For example, if a
mismatch response is received, the application may generate a CreditReversal for the original CreditSale or CreditAuth
and prompt for another form of payment. Generating a CreditReversal is recommended since the original
authorization was approved even though the AVS data did not match.
AVS data submitted as part of a transaction requesting a token, e.g. CreditAccountVerify, is completely independent
from any other transaction using that token. Subsequent transactions using the token may or may not need AVS data
depending on the transaction characteristics.
Portico only supports AVS for US and Canadian addresses.
The following table outlines the AVS Response Codes that may be returned by Portico.
Application Service VISA Discover/JCB MasterCard American
Address matches, zip code does not A A A A
Neither address or zip code match N N N N
Retry - system unable to respond R R R R
AVS not supported U U S S
No data from Issuer/auth system U U U U
9 digit zip code match, address does not match Z Z W W
9 digit zip and address match Y Y X X
5 digit zip and address match Y Y Y Y
5 digit zip code match, address does not match Z Z Z Z
Address information not verified for International transaction G G (N/A) (N/A)
Address matches, postal code does or request does not include postal
code (international address)
A A (N/A) (N/A)
Address match, postal code not verified due to incompatible formats
(international address)
B B (N/A) (N/A)
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Address and postal code not verified due to incompatible formats
(international address)
C C (N/A) (N/A)
Street address and postal code match (international address) D D (N/A) (N/A)
Address information not verified for International transaction I I (N/A) (N/A)
Street address and postal code matches M M (N/A) (N/A)
Postal code match
Street address not verified due to incompatible formats (international
P P (N/A) (N/A)
Application Service VISA Discover/JCB MasterCard American
5.2 Adjustments
The original transaction can be adjusted using CreditAddToBatch and CreditTxnEdit. If the edit service is used, the
client will still need to add the transaction to the batch in order for it to settle. Adjustments can be made for
additional charges, gratuity, additional detail, fees, EMV data, etc.
For adjustments regarding corporate card transactions, see Corporate Cards (Section 5.10).
5.3 Authorization Platform
Portico routes transactions to different authorization platforms. Some services are handled differently for each
platform. Authorization platforms are GSAP or Exchange. If you are unsure which Authorization Platform you process
on, contact your representative.
For merchants processing on GSAP, please note the following:
Alternate Payments, Check and Gift transactions are not available at this time.
Dynamic Descriptor is handled by the Authorization Platform and not by Portico.
EMV Parameter Download may not be handled by Portico; please contact your representative for further
Multi-use tokenization may be available; please contact your representative for information.
5.4 Auto-substantiation
An Auto-Substantiation transaction is applied to either a CreditAuth or to a CreditSale transaction. The first additional
amount must be the "Total_Healthcare_Amt" followed by up to three additional optional data amount elements, which
include the amount type and the amount. Valid amount types are as follows:
Total_Healthcare_Amt—Indicates the total of all healthcare amounts
Subtotal_Prescription_Amt—Indicates the subtotal amount of prescriptions
Subtotal_Vision_Optical_Amt—Indicates the subtotal amount of vision/optical
Subtotal_Clinic_Or_Other_Amt—Indicates the subtotal amount of clinic and other qualified medical
Subtotal_Dental_Amt—Indicates the subtotal amount of dental
Note: The value supplied in the Total_Healthcare_Amt is the combined total of the four subtotal amounts. The
Total_Healthcare_Amt can include over-the-counter (OTC) amounts only or, if there are other healthcare expenses, the
total of all categories: OTC, prescriptions, vision, clinic, and dental.
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© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
Note: The total amount of the associated transaction must be at least equal to (not less than) the
Total_Healthcare_Amt. It can be greater than the Total_Healthcare_Amt if non-healthcare items are also being
purchased as part of the transaction.
The Auto-Substantiation data also includes a field containing the Merchant Verification Value. It is not necessary to
submit this field. It is populated from the merchant profile by Heartland.
See the AutoSubstantiation Complex Type in the Portico Schema. Applicable to US merchants only.
5.5 Batch Processing
Portico is a host capture system. This means that Portico is the system of record for transactions, batches, and
settlement details. The POS can use the Portico API to manipulate transactions and batches. It can also request Portico
to close a batch. However, the POS does not provide any additional details or updates in the close request itself.
Batches are maintained at the device level. If a site (merchant) has multiple devices, each is closed individually. If a
device does not have an open batch, the next transaction will create a new open batch.
Batch information will be removed from Portico after 90 days.
5.5.1 Settlement
Portico supports auto and manual batch close options. The POS can use either or both of these options. Auto-close
Each device can be configured with a specific auto-close time at boarding. Portico uses this setting to determine when
to automatically close the device's batch each day. This can be disabled if only the manual close option is desired.
When the auto-close time is reached each day, Portico queues up the associated batch to be closed. There can be a
delay between the chosen auto-close time and the actual processing of the batch. This can vary based on the number
of devices closing at the same time, system issues, or other factors. Portico does provide an option to ensure that no
new transactions are added to a batch after the auto-close time. This can be important to some merchants in the case
that there is a delay in the batch processing after the auto-close time. The default on Portico is to continue to add the
transactions to the same batch until it is processed. This ensures that the maximum number of transactions are
processed at the time of settlement. Manual Entry
Information must be manually keyed into the application when the following is true:
a card is not present
a card or chip reader is unavailable
the magnetic stripe or chip is unreadable
For card present transactions, manual entry is discouraged because it usually results in higher transaction fees for the
merchant and increases the likelihood of keying errors, which result in delays and/or chargebacks.
For card not present transactions, manual entry is the only method for entering the card number. The use of a Mod 10
check routine (also known as the Luhn algorithm) reduces the number of keying errors. The routine is a checksum
formula used to validate the card number that is keyed into your application.
5.6 Card Not Present Transactions
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Full AVS (street address and zip code) is required on all Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) and eCommerce
5.7 Card Present Transactions
AVS is optional on retail and restaurant card present keyed transactions.
5.8 Card Verification Value (CVV2)
The CVV2 number enhances fraud protection for transactions in order to qualify for the proper interchange rates. It
helps to validate the following two things:
The customer has the credit card in their possession.
The credit card number is legitimate.
The following table describes how each credit card association implements CVV2 protection.
Card Brand CVV2 Name CVV2 Location
VISA Card Verification
Three-digit number printed in the signature space on the back of the
MasterCard Card Validation Code Three-digit number printed in the signature space on the back of the
Card Verification
Four-digit number on front of card
It is printed, not embossed like the card number.
Discover Card Member ID Three-digit number printed in the signature space on the back of the
CVV2 protection takes place when a transaction is being processed and the card is not present. For example, when a
cardholder makes a purchase over the telephone or on the Internet. The merchant asks the cardholder to read the
CVV2 code from the card. The merchant adds this code to the transaction being sent to Portico. Entering CVV2
information along with Address Verification Service (AVS) should result in fewer chargebacks and lower Interchange
CVV2/CID is highly encouraged, but not required for card not present transactions. Discover Card charges $0.50 per
keyed transaction if CID is not present at the time of authorization.
Some Issuers may decline the sale if the CVV code does not match what is on file for the cardholder. Others may
approve the transaction. If the transaction is approved, the merchant needs to make a decision to go forward with the
sale based upon the CVV response. It is strongly recommended that the merchant ask the cardholder for another form
of payment if the CVV code does not match ("N" response).
CVV protects the merchant against chargebacks if the response code is returned as a match and later the transaction
is found to be fraudulent.
The following are the possible CVV2/CID response codes returned by Portico:
Value Description
MCVV Match
N CVV No Match
P Not Processed
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S Should Have Been Present
U Issuer is not certified and/or Issuer has not provided Visa with the CVV2 encryption keys
Value Description
5.9 CAVV Results Codes
For secure eCommerce, the Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) validates information provided by a
customer at the time of the transaction.
The CAVV Results Code contains the Visa or Discover Cardholder Authentication Verification Value Results Code or
the American Express Verification Value (AEVV) Validation Results.
The following table outlines the CAVV Result Codes that may be returned by Portico.
Code Visa AMEX Discover
Blank or
CAVV not present
0 CAVV could not be verified or CAVV
data was not provided when
Reserved for future use Unable to perform
1 CAVV failed validation—
AEVV Failed - Authentication, Issuer CAVV
2 CAVV passed validation—
KeyAEVV Passed - Authentication, Issuer Key CAVV
3 CAVV passed validation—attempt AEVV Passed - Attempt, Issuer Key
4 CAVV failed validation—attempt AEVV Failed - Attempt, Issuer Key
5Not used (reserved for future use) Reserved for future use
6 CAVV not validated, issuer not
participating in CAVV validation
Reserved for future use
7 CAVV failed validation—attempt AEVV Failed - Attempt, Issuer not
participating, Network Key
8 CAVV passed validation—attempt AEVV Passed - Attempt, Issuer not
participating, Network Key
9 CAVV failed validation—attempt AEVV Failed - Attempt, Participating, Access
Control Server (ACS) not available, Network
A CAVV passed validation—attempt AEVV Passed - Attempt, Participating, Access
Control Server (ACS) not available, Network
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B CAVV passed validation—
information only, no liability shift.
Reserved for future use
C CAVV was not validated—attempt Reserved for future use
D CAVV was not validated—
Reserved for future use
UAEVV Unchecked
Code Visa AMEX Discover
5.10 Corporate Cards
A merchant has the option to participate in Corporate Purchase Card (CPC) transactions. These are also known as
"Level II" transactions and are for B2B purchases. In order to achieve the proper interchange rates for these
transaction types, additional data elements are required to be passed to the card issuer. This is done by populating
the CPCReq field in a CreditSale, CreditAuth, CreditOfflineSale, CreditOfflineAuth, RecurringBillingAuth,
or RecurringBilling transaction. CPCData can also be included directly in the transaction request. For online
transactions, if the Issuer identifies the associated card as a Corporate Purchase Card, the response message will
contain a value in the CPCInd field indicating the specific card type of business, corporate, or purchasing card. If the
CPC data was not sent in the original transaction, the client inspects the CPCInd for one of the valid values. If it
contains any of the valid values, the client should then prompt for the purchase order number and tax. This new
information must then be passed to Portico using CreditCPCEdit.
CreditAccountVerify is also supported, but when it is used a CreditCPCEdit cannot be used as it does not apply.
If CPCData is included directly in the original transaction, the subsequent call to CreditCPCEdit is not required.
5.11 Duplicate Checking
Duplicate Checking logic checks for duplicate transactions submitted by a device. This provides a safeguard from
submitting the same transaction multiple times within a given time frame. The default time frame used for duplicate
checks is thirty seconds and is configurable per device. The base matching criteria used in the duplicate check consists
of the following criteria:
Portico service used
Cardholder Primary Account Number
Transaction amount
If a transaction is submitted that matches a previously "Approved" transaction based on the above criteria and is
within the configured time frame (e.g. 30 seconds), then a response code/message of "02 -Transaction was rejected
because it is a duplicate." is returned to the caller.
5.11.1 Additional Criteria
The Portico Service, Cardholder Primary Account Number, and Transaction Amount make up the base matching
criteria used when Duplicate Checking is enabled on the customer account. Optionally, Client Transaction ID and
Invoice Number can be added to this matching criterion. This would allow transactions being submitted to the same
service with the same primary account number and transaction amount to succeed given the Client Transaction ID and
Invoice Number are also different.
Client Transaction ID duplicate checking adds the following attributes to the matching criteria when present in the
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request transaction.
Invoice Number duplicate checking adds the following attributes to the criteria when present in the request
Note: In the case where Client Transaction ID or Invoice Number matching is enabled and no ClientTxnId,
DirectMktInvoiceNbr, or InvoiceNbr is specified on the request, then only past transactions without a ClientTxnId,
DirectMktInvoiceNbr, or InvoiceNbr are considered a duplicate transaction given the base criteria matches.
5.11.2 Override Duplicate Checking
Duplicate checking can be bypassed on a per transaction basis by sending "Y" in the "AllowDup" attribute of the
5.11.3 Portico Services Supporting Duplicate Checking
The following Services provide Duplicate Checking support:
5.12 Dynamic Transaction Descriptor
Dynamic Transaction Descriptors allow merchants to define the information that appears on a customer's credit card
statement on a per-transaction basis. Without dynamic descriptors, the merchant DBA name on file with Heartland will
be populated on the cardholder statement. With dynamic descriptors, merchants can add transaction-specific details
to a shortened version of the merchant DBA name. This is intended to help customers recognize transactions on their
statement and reduce the number of cardholder disputes and chargebacks, and is most frequently used by "Payment
Facilitators" (otherwise known as aggregators) who have multiple sub-merchants that need to be distinguished.
For merchants processing through Portico to the Exchange host, Portico generates a merchant name by
concatenating a configurable, ShortDBAName with the TxnDescriptor field provided on CreditSale or CreditAuth
Portico Developer Guide 34
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request transactions. The generated Merchant Name is passed to the card issuers to display on cardholder statements.
Portico returns the generated Merchant Name including TxnDescriptor in the CreditSale or CreditAuth response.
Merchants can display this generated Merchant Name on printed or online receipts, so customers are notified how
the transaction appears on their statement. Service is handled differently for different host processors; please refer
to Authorization Platform (Section 5.3) for details.
The Maximum characters of the generated Merchant Name is 22 characters. The ShortDBAName may be three, seven,
or 12 characters in length. The ShortDBAName is separated from the TxnDescriptor by a "*" in a fixed position based
on the ShortDBAName length. The Maximum characters of the TxnDescriptor is based on the length of the
ShortDBAName plus the separator.
For example:
If the ShortDBAName = 3, the separator "*" is fixed in position 4 and the TxnDescriptor Maximum characters is
18 characters.
If the ShortDBAName = 7, the separator "*" is fixed in position 8 and the TxnDescriptor Maximum characters is
14 characters.
If the ShortDBAName = 12, the separator "*" is fixed in position 13 and the TxnDescriptor Maximum characters
is 9 characters.
Note: The Dynamic Transaction Descriptor feature is not currently available for American Express. Updates to your
Portico device settings are required to use this feature. Contact your Heartland representative for more information.
5.13 EMV
The Portico API supports clients that interact with EMV capable terminals through the EMV data elements defined on
Credit based services of the Portico API. If an EMV capable client/terminal is interfacing with a chip card then the EMV
tag data must be present in the transaction (e.g. CreditSale, CreditAuth, CreditReturn, DebitSale, DebitReturn, and
DebitReversal. For a normal EMV transaction, the transaction should contain the EMV tag data obtained from the
terminal/chip card. However, if the terminal has an issue reading the chip card, then the chip card can be processed as
a normal swipe transaction with the EMV chip condition indicating whether the previous read of a chip card failed or
For additional information, see the HPS Integrator's Guide.
5.13.1 Service Tag Validation
EMV tags sent on transactions are passed on to Heartland authorization and issuer systems as received. They are
validated at the syntax-level, but in order to allow for future flexibility, the EMV tags are not checked to determine if
all required or optional tags are present. Required or optional tags will be verified during the certification process of
the client.
There is an exception to the validation rule. In the case of offline services
(e.g. CreditOfflineAuth, CreditOfflineSale, ChipCardDecline) where the chip card approves or declines a transaction
offline, the corresponding service does validate tag 8A to ensure the appropriate service is being called.
Service Tag Condition
CreditOfflineAuth 8A equals Y1 (8A025931) or Y3 (08A025933)
CreditOfflineSale 8A equals Y1 (8A025931) or Y3 (08A025933)
ChipCardDecline 8A equals Z1 (8A025A31) or Z3 (08A025A33)
5.13.2 EMV Conversation Flow
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EMV tags are persisted by Portico and can be edited prior to the transaction being settled. This allows for the
conversational nature of interfacing with a chip card using an EMV capable terminal. For example, the following is a
general flow of an EMV conversation to complete a CreditSale transaction. For other flows, see the EMV section of the
sample SoapUI project that is included in the SDK.
1. Client interfaces with the EMV terminal and initiates a conversation with the chip card. The result of this
conversation includes obtaining credit authorization EMV tags for the request. Portico is not involved in this
conversation between the client and the terminal.
2. Client initiates a Portico CreditSale request w/ Track2 and EMV tag data. Note: An error will be generated if
EMV tag data is not accompanied by Track data.
3. Portico initiates a request with the Heartland authorization system which includes the Tag Length Value (TLV)
fields passed in by the client.
a. Portico receives the response from the Heartland authorization system.
b. Portico persists the terminal EMV tag data and issuer response tags to the database.
c. Portico returns the response to the client which includes the tags returned by the issuer.
4. Client passes the issuer response tags to the EMV chip card/ terminal and receives the result from the chip
5. If the EMV chip card/terminal accepts the transaction:
a. Optionally, Client initiates a CreditTxnEdit using the Gateway Transaction ID returned in the Portico
response, sending the EMV terminal result tags in the CreditTxnEdit request.
i. Portico looks up the original transaction and applies the EMV chip card/terminal result tags to
the original EMV tag data.
6. If the EMV chip card/terminal declines:
a. After receiving online issuer approval, the client initiates a CreditReversal using the Gateway Transaction
ID returned in the Portico response, sending the EMV terminal result tags in the CreditReversal request.
i. Portico initiates a reversal with the Heartland authorization system. The tags in the reversal that
Portico sends are the tags sent by the client in the CreditReversal as well as any tags from the
original transaction that weren’t included in the CreditReversal.
b. Before requesting online authorization, the client initiates a ChipCardDecline, sending the EMV terminal
result tags in the ChipCardDecline request.
5.13.3 Services That Support EMV Tags
Services that support passing of EMV tags are below:
Note: EMV tags should be passed in the TagData field.
For EMV, CreditAuth/CreditSale transactions, either the EMV chip condition or tag data is required. This data is
required when the Portico client is interfacing with an EMV chip card/terminal. The tag data will be included in the
request to the issuer and any issuer response tags will be returned to the client.
CreditTxnEdit allows for updating EMV tag data already persisted on the database from the original CreditAuth or
CreditSale. The EMV tag data on the request consists of the TLV field list associated with security data and/or script
results obtained from the chip card/terminal upon applying the issuer response from the CreditAuth or CreditSale.
Like the CreditTxnEdit, CreditAddToBatch allows for updating EMV tag data already persisted on the database from
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the original CreditAuth. CreditAddToBatch allows for an alternate flow for editing EMV tag data on a CreditAuth which
is not automatically added to the open batch like CreditSale. Thus for CreditAuth, two flows are allowed when editing
EMV tag data.
CreditAuth -> CreditTxnEdit with tags -> CreditAddToBatch
CreditAuth -> CreditAddToBatch with tags
There may be many reasons for reversing an EMV transaction (communication errors, etc.). For normal reversals no
additional requirements or passing of EMV tag data are required when reversing EMV transactions. However, if the
reversal is due to a chip card declining a transaction upon applying issuer response tags obtained online then the
resulting EMV tag data obtained from the terminal/chip card when applying the issuer response tags should be sent
on the CreditReversal request.
The CreditOfflineAuth and CreditOfflineSale services allow for "offline" chip card approvals. If the chip card approves
the transaction offline (e.g. does not require the authorization to go online for approval), then the offline authorization
services must be called with the resulting EMV tag data obtained from the terminal. The tags recorded by these
services are utilized in the settlement process.
The ChipCardDecline service allows for the recording of an "offline" chip card decline. This occurs when the chip card
declines the transaction without requesting that the transaction go online. The ChipCardDecline is an inactive
transaction and is for recording purposes which may be required by some issuers.
The CreditReturn service allows for EMV Credit Return transactions to be initiated using an EMV chip card. EMV
CreditReturn transactions are stand-alone transactions, meaning they do not depend on the card data or tags
obtained from a previous transaction via a Gateway Transaction Id. For an EMV CreditReturn to take place, both card
data and EMV tag data must be present in the request. If the CreditReturn is based solely on a reference transaction
via a Gateway Transaction Id and the referenced transaction is an EMV transaction then the CreditReturn will be based
solely on the card information of the referenced transaction.
For EMV, DebitSale transactions, either the EMV chip condition or tag data is required. This data is required when the
Portico client is interfacing with an EMV chip card/terminal. The tag data will be included in the request to the issuer
and any issuer response tags will be returned to the client.
The DebitReturn service allows for EMV Debit Return transactions to be initiated using an EMV chip card. EMV
DebitReturn transactions are stand-alone transactions, meaning they do not depend on the card data or tags
obtained from a previous transaction via a Gateway Transaction Id. For an EMV DebitReturn to take place, both card
data and EMV tag data must be present in the request. If the DebitReturn is based solely on a reference transaction
via a Gateway Transaction Id and the referenced transaction is an EMV transaction then the DebitReturn will be based
solely on the card information of the referenced transaction.
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There may be many reasons for reversing an EMV transaction (communication errors, etc.). For normal reversals no
additional requirements or passing of EMV tag data are required when reversing EMV transactions. However, if the
reversal is due to a chip card declining a transaction upon applying issuer response tags obtained online then the
resulting EMV tag data obtained from the terminal/chip card when applying the issuer response tags should be sent
on the DebitReversal request. In addition, for Canadian Debit transactions, when the reversal is due to Customer
Cancellation, the card must be present and card data and tags must be included in the reversal request.
Report Services
The Portico reporting services indicate whether the transaction has EMV tag data associated with the transaction. In
addition, EMV tag data will be returned when requesting detailed information about a transaction through
the ReportTxnDetail service. The following is a list of those reporting services that include EMV Tag information.
5.13.4 EMV Tags
The EMV tag data consists of a list of Tag Length Value (TLV) Tags in BER-TLV format. It is highly recommended to
limit the tags sent in the EMV tag data field to those defined in the EMV Request Tags section.
There are three parts to a TLV tag.
[Tag][Value Length][Value] (ex. "9F4005F000F0A001")
Tag Name = 9F40
Value Length (in bytes) = 05 Value (Hex representation of bytes. Example, "F0" – one-byte) = F000F0A001
Heartland only supports up to two-byte tags, thus TLV-BER rules for subsequent byte tag number continuation (bit-8
indicates continuation of tag name) do not apply. For example, FFC6 is a valid Heartland tag even though C6 results in
bit-8 being set.
The length subfield may be one or more bytes. If bit 8 of the most significant byte is set to 0, the length subfield
consists of one byte. Bits 7 to 1 code the number of bytes of the value subfield. If bit 8 of the most significant byte is
set to 1, bits 7 to 1 code the number of subsequent bytes in the length subfield. The subsequent bytes in the length
subfield code an integer representing the number of bytes in the value subfield. EMV Request Tags
The following table contains a sample list of EMV tags associated with authorization or return requests. A full list of
these tags can be found in the HPS Integrator's Guide along with field descriptions, usage conditions, and examples.
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Field Name Tag Usage Description
9F40 C The 10-character Additional Terminal Capabilities field contains the POS terminal
input and output capabilities.
Example (5 bytes binary) => FF-80-F0-F0-01
TLV => 9F4005FF80F0F001
9F02 M The 12-character numeric Amount, Authorised (Numeric) contains the authorized
amount of the transaction. In the authorization request message this is the amount
used by the chip card when calculating the Application Cryptogram. It must
contain numeric right-justified data with leading zeros. If the transaction includes a
cashback amount, the Amount, Authorised (Numeric) includes the purchase
amount plus the cashback amount.
Example (decimal value) => 12345
TLV => 9F0206000000012345
9F03 M The 12-character numeric Amount, Other (Numeric) contains the cashback amount
used by the chip card when calculating the Application Cryptogram. It must
contain numeric right-justified data with leading zeros. If the transaction does not
include a cashback amount, the Amount, Other (Numeric) field must be all zeros.
Example (decimal value) => 4000
TLV => 9F0306000000004000
9F26 M The 16-character Application Cryptogram contains the cryptogram returned by the
chip card in response to the Generate AC command.
Example (8 bytes binary) => 8E-19-ED-4B-CA-5C-67-0A
TLV => 9F26088E19ED4BCA5C670A
82 M The four-character Application Interchange Profile indicates the capabilities of the
chip card to support specific functions in the application.
Example (2 bytes binary) => 5C-00
TLV => 82025C00
50 C The mnemonic associated with the AID according to the ISO/IEC 7816-5.
Example (1 to 16 bytes alphanumeric special characters) => Credit
9F12 C The mnemonic associated with the AID.
Example (1 to 16 bytes alphanumeric special characters) => Credit
5F34 C The two-character numeric Application Primary Account Number Sequence
Number contains a counter maintained and supplied by the chip card. This field
identifies the card when multiple chip cards are associated with a single account
number. If the chip card does not contain an Application PAN Sequence Number,
then the Application PAN Sequence Number value subfield must be set to 00.
Example (decimal value) => 2
TLV => 5F340102
9F36 M The four-character numeric (binary) Application Transaction Counter contains the
counter value maintained by the chip card. The chip card increments this value for
each transaction (including failed transactions).
Example (decimal value) => 10
TLV => 9F3602000A
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9F07 C The four-character Application Usage Control indicates the Issuer’s specified
restrictions on the geographic usage and services allowed for the chip card
Example (2 bytes binary) => FF-00
TLV => 9F0702FF00
9F08 C The four-character Application Version Number (ICC) is the version number of the
chip card application.
Example (2 bytes binary) => 08-C1
TLV => 9F080208C1
9F09 C The four-character Application Version Number (Terminal) is the version number
of the POS terminal payment application.
Example (2 bytes binary) => 10-01
TLV => 9F09021001
8A CThe four-character Authorisation Response Code is generated by the issuer and
returned in the authorization response message. The most commonly used
authorisation response codes are online approval (00), online decline (05), and
referral (01). The POS terminal must not alter the Authorisation Response Code
value. The POS terminal generates an authorisation response code in the following
Y1 - Offline approved
Z1 - Offline declined
Y3 - Unable to go online (offline approved)
Z3 - Unable to go online (offline declined)
Example (2 bytes alphanumeric) => Y1
TLV => 8A025931
9F34 C The six-character Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results indicate the
results of the last CVM performed.
Example (3 bytes binary) => A4-00-02
TLV => 9F3403A40002
9F27 C The two-character Cryptogram Information Data indicates the type of cryptogram
generated (TC, ARQC, or AAC), why the cryptogram was generated, and actions
that the chip card instructed the POS terminal to perform.
Example ( 1 byte binary) => 80
TLV => 9F270180
9F1E C The 16-character Interface Device (IFD) Serial Number contains a unique and
permanent identification number assigned to the IFD by the manufacturer.
Example ( 8 bytes alphanumeric) => SERIAL12
TLV => 9F1E0853455249414C3132
9F0D C A 10-character Issuer Action Code – Default specifies the issuer’s conditions that
cause a transaction to be rejected when the POS terminal is unable to process the
transaction online (even when the transaction has already been approved online).
Example (5 bytes binary) => F0-40-00-88-00
Field Name Tag Usage Description
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TLV => 9F0D05F040008800
9F0E C A 10-character Issuer Action Code – Denial specifies the issuer’s conditions that
cause the denial of a transaction without an attempt to go online.
Example (5 bytes binary) => FC-F8-FC-F8-F0
9F0F C A 10-character Issuer Action Code – Online specifies the issuer’s conditions that
cause a transaction to be transmitted online.
Example (5 bytes binary) => FC-F8-FC-F8-F0
5F28 C The four-character numeric Issuer Country Code indicates the country of the issuer
according to ISO 3166.
Example (decimal value) => 840
TLV => 5F28020840
9F39 C A two-character POS Entry Mode field indicates the method by which the PAN was
entered, according to the first two digits of the ISO 8583:1987 POS Entry Mode.
Example (decimal value) => 0
TLV => 9F390100
FFC6 C A 10-character Terminal Action Code – Default specifies the acquirer’s conditions
that cause a transaction to be rejected when the POS terminal is unable to process
the transaction online (even when the transaction has already been approved
Example (5 bytes binary) => FC-F8-FC-F8-F0
FFC7 C A 10-character Terminal Action Code – Denial specifies the acquirer’s conditions
that cause the denial of a transaction without an attempt to go online.
Example (5 bytes binary) => FC-F8-FC-F8-F0
FFC8 C A 10-character Terminal Action Code – Online specifies the acquirer’s conditions
that cause a transaction to be transmitted online.
Example (5 bytes binary) => FC-F8-FC-F8-F0
9F33 C The six-character Terminal Capabilities indicates the card data input, the
cardholder verification method (CVM), and the security capabilities supported by
the POS terminal.
Example (3 bytes binary) => 01-01-01
TLV => 9F3303010101
9F1A M The four-character numeric Terminal Country Code indicates the country of the
terminal, represented according to ISO 3166.
Example (decimal value) => 840
TLV => 9F1A020840
TERMINAL TYPE 9F35 C The two-character numeric Terminal Type indicates the environment of the POS
Field Name Tag Usage Description
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terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control.
Example (decimal value) => 22
TLV => 9F350122
95 M The 10-character Terminal Verification Results (TVR) contains a series of indicators
set by the POS terminal recording both offline and online processing results.
Example (5 binary bytes) => 00-00-04-80-00
TLV => 95050000048000
5F2A M The four-character numeric Transaction Currency Code contains the currency code
of the transaction according to ISO 4217.
Example (decimal value) => 840
TLV => 5F2A020840
9A M The six-character numeric Transaction Date contains the local date used to
generate the cryptogram. The Transaction Date is in the format YYMMDD.
Example (decimal value - YYMMDD) => 140131
TLV => 9A03140131
9B C The four-character Transaction Status Information contains the functions
performed in the transaction.
Example (2 binary bytes) => 48-00
TLV => 9B024800
9F21 C The six-character numeric Transaction Time subfield contains the local time that
the transaction was authorized.
Example (decimal value - HHMMSS) => 123456
TLV => 9F2103123456
9C M The two-character numeric Transaction Type indicates the type of financial
transaction as represented by the first two digits of the ISO 8583:1987 Processing
Example (decimal value) => 00
TLV => 9C0100
9F37 M The eight-character numeric (binary) Unpredictable Number is randomly
generated by the POS Terminal and is used to provide variability and uniqueness
to the cryptogram.
Example (decimal value) => 12345678
TLV => 9F370400BC614E
4F M A 10- to 32-character Application Dedicated File (ADF) Name is used to address an
application in the chip card. An ADF Name consists of a registered application
provider identifier (RID) of five bytes, which is issued by the ISO/IEC 7816-5
registration authority. This is followed by a proprietary application identifier
extension (PIX), which enables the application provider to differentiate between
the different applications offered. The ADF Name is obtained during the
application selection process. Previous versions of the EMVCo specifications refer
to this tag as Application Identifier (AID) – ICC.
Example (7 bytes binary) => A0-00-00-00-03-10-10
Field Name Tag Usage Description
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TLV => 4F07A0000000031010
(AID) -
9F06 C The 10- to 32-character Application Identifier (AID) – Terminal is used to address
an application in the chip card. An AID consists of a registered application provider
identifier (RID) of five bytes, which is issued by the ISO/IEC 7816-5 registration
authority. This is followed by a proprietary application identifier extension (PIX)
which enables the application provider to differentiate between the different
applications offered. The AID is obtained during the application selection process.
Example (7 bytes binary) => A0-00-00-00-03-10-10
TLV => 9F0607A0000000031010
9F7C C The up to 64-character variable length Customer Exclusive Data contains issuer
proprietary data for transmission to the issuer.
Example (4 bytes binary) => 12-34-56-78
TLV => 9F7C0412345678
84 C The 10- to 32-character Dedicated File Name identifies the name of the Dedicated
File as described in ISO/IEC 7816-4.
Example (7 bytes binary) => A0-00-00-00-03-10-10
TLV => 8407A0000000031010
The eight-character Form Factor Indicator indicates the form factor of the
consumer payment device and the type of contactless interface over which the
transaction was conducted. The Form Factor Indicator is both an implementation
and issuer option.
Example (5 bytes binary) => 12-34-56-78-9A
TLV => 9F6E05123456789A
A 10- to 64-character PayPass Third-Party Data subfield contains proprietary data
from a third party. The PayPass Third-Party Data value subfield is formatted in
ASCII-coded binary format.
Example (4 bytes binary) => 01-02-03-04
TLV => 9F6E0401020304
9F4C C The four- to 16-character ICC Dynamic Number is a time-variant numerical value
generated by the chip card.
Example (4 bytes binary) => 01-02-03-04
TLV => 9F6E0401020304
9F10 M The up to 64-character Issuer Application Data contains proprietary application
data for transmission to the issuer.
Example (6 bytes binary) => 01-0A-03-60-00-00
TLV => 9F1006010A03600000
9F5B C The up to 40-character Issuer Script Results contains the results of the card issuer
script update to the chip card. The Issuer Script Results value subfield is formatted
in ASCII coded binary format. Conversion from ASCII to coded binary is dependent
on the kernel API.
Example (5 bytes binary) => 20-00-00-00-00
Field Name Tag Usage Description
Portico Developer Guide 43
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TLV => 9F5B052000000000
9F41 C The four- to eight-character numeric (binary) Transaction Sequence Counter
uniquely identifies each transaction on a POS terminal.
Example (decimal value) => 435
TLV => 9F4104000001B3
Sensitive cardholder data must not be sent to the Host in authorization or settlement messages even if received from
the card and terminal. If Portico receives this data it will not be sent to the Host. The following will not be sent:
56 - Track 1 Equivalent Data
57 – Track 2 Equivalent Data
5A – Application PAN
5F20 – Cardholder Name
5F24 – Application Expiration Date
99 – Transaction PIN Data
9F0B – Cardholder Name Extended
9F1F – Track 1 Discretionary Data
9F20 – Track 2 Discretionary Data
Field Name Tag Usage Description EMV Response Tags
Field Name Tag Usage Description
91 O The 16-to 32-character Issuer Authentication Data field contains data delivered to
the chip card including the ARPC cryptogram for online issuer authentication. The
data is in the format required by the card. The Issuer Application Data value
subfield is formatted in ASCII coded binary format. Conversion from ASCII to
coded binary is dependent on the kernel API.
Example (10 bytes binary) => 22-63-BC-C1-C2-D9-C4-42-00-13
TLV => 91102263BCC1C2D9C4420013
71 OThe two- to 254-character Issuer Script Template 1 contains proprietary issuer data
for transmission to the chip card before the second GENERATE AC command.
Conversion from ASCII to coded binary is dependent on the kernel API.
Example (10 bytes binary) => 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-0A
TLV => 710A0102030405060708090A
72 OThe two- to 254-character Issuer Script Template 2 contains proprietary issuer data
for transmission to the chip card after the second GENERATE AC command.
Conversion from ASCII to coded binary is dependent on the kernel API.
Example (10 bytes binary) => 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-0A
TLV => 7210A0102030405060708090A
5.13.5 EMV Parameter Data Download
Some clients that interface with EMV capable terminals are required to accept Parameter Data Downloads when
notified (refer to Authorization Platform (Section 5.3) for more information). Notification of a Parameter Data
Download (PDL) being available for the terminal is returned in the Response Header for the following transactions.
The Notification is specifically applicable to the terminal issuing one of the above transactions and will be returned
once per day until the download is confirmed using the ParameterDownload service or the flag is reset in the
Parameter Data Download system.
Portico allows access to the Parameter Data Download system via the ParameterDownload service. Two options exist
in terms of accessing the Parameter Data Download system via the ParameterDownload service.
Parameter Data Download system interface pass-thru—Portico is totally out of the formatting/processing of the
PDL request. Portico receives the ParameterDownload service request and passes the PDL request data (PDLBlockReq)
through to the Parameter Data Download system unmodified. The ParameterDownload response message sent to the
client contains the requested PDL data (PDLBlockResp).
Parameter Data Download system interface partially abstracted—This option allows for a portion of the PDL
request to be abstracted (e.g. defined by XML). Portico receives the Parameter Data Download service request and
derives the block to be sent to the Parameter Data Download system based on the request data (PDLRequest)
received. This allows the use of XML data elements for defining the query and determining the contents of the
response. The ParameterDownload response message sent to the client contains the requested PDL data
Regardless of the method utilized to obtain PDL responses, the data returned will be in the form of table blocks (see
Table Definitions below).
Portico Developer Guide 44
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. ParameterDownload Service
To request an initial or subsequent PDL, the terminal sends a PARAMETER TYPE of 06 to request an EMV PDL from the
host and the TABLE-ID should be 10 to reflect the first Table.
The host will send back a response message containing the Table Versions and Flags:
A Flag value of "Y" will direct the POS to request the data for that table in a subsequent PDL request.
A Flag value of "N" indicates that the table is utilized by the location, but there is no new data to download at
this time. Note: If the POS needs to download all applicable tables upon new installation or software upgrade,
it should process the table as if the Flag value was "Y".
A Table Version value of "###" and Flag value of "@" will inform the POS that the table is not utilized by the
location. If using the "Parameter Data Download system interface partially abstracted" interface, the
Flag/Version for the given table will not exist on the response.
A field that is filled with spaces indicates that it is not applicable to the corresponding Application Identifier
The POS sends a request for each Table-ID with a Flag value of "Y" using the indicated Table Version and Card Type
values. Some of the tables must be downloaded in multiple blocks, and the POS must keep track of the Block
Sequence Number it needs and increment it appropriately until all blocks are successfully received. When the POS
receives an END-OF-TABLE FLAG of "Y", it sends a PARAMETER TYPE of 07 to confirm receipt of that table.
Note: Numeric (N) fields will be right-justified, zero-filled. Alphanumeric (A/N) and hexadecimal (HEX) fields will be
left-justified, space-filled. PDL Request Definition
The following table defines the PDLBlockReq which is applicable when using the "Parameter Data Download system
interface pass-thru" method for interfacing with the Parameter Data Download system. If using the "Parameter Data
Download system interface partially abstracted" method, then see the PDLRequest schema definition.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
PARAMETER TYPE 2 N TERM Indicates the action the terminal is requesting or terminal confirmation
that the PDL data has been received.
06 = Request EMV PDL
07 = Confirm EMV PDL Table Data. This value should be sent
for each Table when POS receives "Y" in END-OF-TABLE FLAG
field in EMV PDL Response.
TABLE-ID 2 N TERM Indicates the type of EMV PDL data the POS is requesting.
10 = Table Versions & Flags
30 = Terminal Data
40 = Contact Card Data
50 = Contactless Card Data
60 = Public Key Data
CARD TYPE 2 N TERM Indicates the card type as returned in Table-ID 10 Table Versions &
Flags. This field is required for Table-IDs 40-60. For Table-IDs 10-30,
this field is space-filled.
Portico Developer Guide 45
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
01 = Visa
02 = MasterCard
03 = American Express
04 = Discover
3A/N TERM Parameter Version is used in a request for Table-ID 10 only—space
filled for most current version, otherwise valid version number (e.g.
001, 002).
Table Version is used in requests for Table-IDs 30-60. The POS should
echo back the version needed for the appropriate Table that was sent
back from the Host in the initial PDL response.
2 N TERM Block sequence number.
00 = Value to be used when requesting Table-ID 10 or sending
a confirmation.
01-99 = Values to be used when requesting Table-IDs 30-60.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description PDL Response Definition
The following tables define the PDLBlockRsp, which is applicable when using the "Parameter Data Download system
interface pass-thru" method for interfacing with the Parameter Data Download system. If using the "Parameter Data
Download system interface partially abstracted" method, then see the PDLResponse schema definition. PDL Response Table 10—Table Versions and
EMV PDL Response – Table-ID 10 Table Versions & Flags
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
PARAMETER VERSION 3 A/N HOST Echoed from PDL request if sent or most current version sent
from host.
2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
TABLE-ID 2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
CARD TYPE 2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
END-OF-TABLE FLAG 1A/N HOST Y = No more blocks available for this Table-ID.
Start of Table Versions & Flags
Portico Developer Guide 46
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
Name Length Format Source Value/Description
1A/N HOST Y = EMV should be enabled on this terminal. Table versions and flags will
N = EMV should be disabled on this terminal. Table versions and flags will not
follow. This may be used to at least temporarily disable EMV on a terminal
exhibiting compliance issues, e.g. excessive fallback transactions.
1A/N HOST Y = Data available
N = No new data available
NO. of
2 N HOST Number of CARD TYPES supported by the customer.
The following fields will be repeated, dependent upon the number of card types.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
CARD TYPE 2 N HOST Indicates the card type.
01 = Visa
02 = MasterCard
03 = American Express
04 = Discover
TABLE-ID 40 FLAG 1A/N HOST Y = Data available
N = No new data available
TABLE-ID 50 FLAG 1A/N HOST Y = Data available
N = No new data available
TABLE-ID 60 FLAG 1A/N HOST Y = Data available
N = No new data available PDL Response Tables 30-60
Note: This is a generic response for tables 30-60. The first section of data is returned for all tables. The contents of the
table data block returned are specific to the individual table and are specified in subsequent sections.
EMV PDL Response – Table-ID 30-60 Data
Portico Developer Guide 47
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
TABLE VERSION 3A/N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
TABLE-ID 2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
CARD TYPE 2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
END-OF-TABLE FLAG 1A/N HOST Y = No more blocks available for this Table-ID.
Start of Table Data
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
3 N HOST Length of Table Data to follow. Valid values are 000-875.
up to
A/N HOST The block of data contained in the requested Table-ID and Block
Sequence Number.
Table Definitions 30-60
The table definitions in the subsequent sections define the table data blocks received when requesting Table 30-60.
These definitions are applicable to both methods of interfacing with the Parameter Data Download system. When
using the "Parameter Data Download system interface partially abstracted" method, these table data blocks will be
returned in the "TableBlock" data element of the response. PDL Response Table 30—Terminal Data
Portico Developer Guide 48
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
TERMINAL TYPE 2 N HOST EMV Tag 9F35 – Indicates the environment of the terminal, its
communications capability, and its operational control.
Financial Institution Controlled
11 – Attended, Online only
12 – Attended, Online with offline capability
13 – Attended, Offline only
14 – Unattended, Online only
15 – Unattended, Online with offline capability
16 – Unattended, Offline only
Merchant Controlled
21 – Attended, Online only
22 – Attended, Online with offline capability
23 – Attended, Offline only
24 – Unattended, Online only
25 – Unattended, Online with offline capability
26 – Unattended, Offline only
Cardholder Controlled
34 – Unattended, Online only
35 – Unattended, Online with offline capability
36 – Unattended, Offline only
10 HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F40 – Indicates the data input and output capabilities of
the terminal.
Byte 1 – Transaction Type Capability
Indicates all the types of transactions supported by the
Bit 8 – Cash
Bit 7 – Goods
Bit 6 – Services
Bit 5 – Cashback
Bit 4 – Inquiry
Bit 3 – Transfer
Bit 2 – Payment
Bit 1 – Administrative
Byte 2 – Transaction Type Capability
Bit 8 – Cash Deposit
Bits 7-1 – RFU
Byte 3 – Terminal Data Input Capability
Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal for
entering transaction-related data into the terminal.
Bit 8 – Numeric keys
Bit 7 – Alphabetic and special character keys
Bit 6 – Command keys
Bit 5 – Function keys
Bits 4-1 – RFU
Byte 4 – Terminal Data Output Capability
Indicates the ability of the terminal to print or display
messages and the character set code table(s) referencing the
Portico Developer Guide 49
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part(s) of ISO/IEC 8859 supported by the terminal.
Bit 8 – Print, attendant
Bit 7 – Print, cardholder
Bit 6 – Display, attendant
Bit 5 – Display, cardholder
Bits 4-3 – RFU
Bit 2 – Code table 10
Bit 1 – Code table 9
Byte 5 – Terminal Data Output Capability
Indicates the ability of the terminal to print or display
messages and the character set code table(s) referencing the
part(s) of ISO/IEC 8859 supported by the terminal.
Bit 8 – Code table 8
Bit 7 – Code table 7
Bit 6 – Code table 6
Bit 5 – Code table 5
Bit 4 – Code table 4
Bit 3 – Code table 3
Bit 2 – Code table 2
Bit 1 – Code table 1
3 N HOST EMV Tag 9F1A – Indicates the country of the terminal, represented
according to ISO 3166.
3 N HOST EMV Tag 5F2A – Indicates the currency code of the transaction
according to ISO 4217.
1 N HOST EMV Tag 5F36 – Indicates the implied position of the decimal point
from the right of the transaction amount represented according to
ISO 4217.
3 N HOST EMV Tag 9F3C – Code defining the common currency used by the
terminal in case the Transaction Currency Code is different from the
Application Currency Code.
1 N HOST EMV Tag 9F3D – Indicates the implied position of the decimal point
from the right of the transaction amount, with the Transaction
Reference Currency Code represented according to ISO 4217.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description PDL Response Table 40—Contact Card Data
Table-ID 40—Contact Card Data
Name Length Format Source Value/Description
2 N HOST Number of contact chip card Application Identifiers (AIDs) supported for the
specified CARD TYPE.
The following fields will be repeated, dependent upon the AID COUNT.
Portico Developer Guide 50
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
32 HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F06 – Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC
7816-5. Consists of the Registered Application Provider Identifier
(RID) + a Proprietary Application Identifier Extension (PIX), e.g.
A0000000031010 for Visa Debit/Credit.
1 N HOST For an application in the ICC to be supported by an application in the
terminal, the Application Selection Indicator indicates whether the
associated AID in the terminal must match the AID in the card exactly,
including the length of the AID, or only up to the length of the AID in
the terminal. There is only one Application Selection Indicator per AID
supported by the terminal.
0 = Exact match required.
1 = Partial match allowed.
4HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F09 – Version number assigned by the payment system for
the application. Current version supported by the terminal, e.g. 1.5.0
for Visa VIS would be HEX "0096".
3 N HOST This is a Heartland proprietary field, not an EMVCo specified field.
Indicates the country code associated with the AID. If this field is zero-
filled, the AID is internationally accepted and its use is unrestricted. If
this field is non-zero, the AID can only be used domestically within the
country indicated, and may be automatically selected for applicable
transaction types when present on the card.
4HEX HOST Indicates the transaction types associated with the AID. May need this
information in order to customize the AID list on the terminal to
restrict application selection to only the appropriate AIDs based on
whether the merchant/cardholder selects credit, debit, or other
transaction type.
Byte 1
Bit 8 – Credit
Bit 7 – Debit
Bit 6 – EBT
Bit 5 – Gift
Bit 4 – Loyalty
Bit 3 – Stored Value
Bits 2-1 – RFU
Byte 2
Bits 8-1 – RFU
6HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F33 – Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security
capabilities of the terminal for the AID.
Byte 1 – Card Data Input Capability
Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal for
entering the information from the card into the terminal.
Bit 8 – Manual key entry
Bit 7 – Magnetic stripe
Bit 6 – IC with contacts
Portico Developer Guide 51
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
Bits 5-1 – RFU
Byte 2 – CVM Capability
Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal for
verifying the identity of the cardholder at the terminal.
Bit 8 – Plaintext PIN for ICC verification
Bit 7 – Enciphered PIN for online verification
Bit 6 – Signature (paper)
Bit 5 – Enciphered PIN for offline verification
Bit 4 – No CVM Required
Bits 3-1 – RFU
Byte 3 – Security Capability
Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal for
authenticating the card at the terminal and whether or not the
terminal has the ability to capture a card.
Bit 8 – SDA
Bit 7 – DDA
Bit 6 – Card capture
Bit 5 – RFU
Bit 4 – CDA
Bits 3-1 – RFU
12 N HOST EMV Tag 9F1B – Indicates the floor limit in the terminal in conjunction
with the AID. Indicates the amount above which an online
authorization is required for contact transactions.
12 N HOST Transactions with amounts less than this value will be subject to
selection at random without further regard for the value of the
transaction. Transactions with amounts equal to or greater than this
value but less than the floor limit will be subject to selection with bias
toward sending higher value transaction online more frequently
(biased random selection).
2 N HOST For transactions with amounts less than the Threshold Value for
Biased Random Selection, the terminal shall generate a random
number from 1 to 99, and if this number is less than or equal to this
value, the transaction shall be selected to go online.
2 N HOST This is the desired percentage of transactions "just below" the floor
limit that will be selected to go online.
10 HEX HOST Specifies the acquirer’s conditions that cause the denial of a
transaction without attempt to go online. For each bit set to 1, if the
corresponding bit in the Terminal Verification Results (TVR) is set to 1,
the transaction will be offline declined, e.g. 0010000000 causes a
decline for the "Service Not Allowed" condition.
TERMINAL 10 HEX HOST Specifies the acquirer’s conditions that cause a transaction to be
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
Portico Developer Guide 52
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
transmitted online. For each bit set to 1, if the corresponding bit in
the TVR is set to 1, the transaction will be sent online.
10 HEX HOST Specifies the acquirer’s conditions that cause a transaction to be
rejected if it might have been approved online, but the terminal is
unable to process the transaction online. For each bit set to 1, if the
corresponding bit in the TVR is set to 1, the transaction will be offline
declined if the terminal is unable to go online.
16 HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F1D – Application-specific value used by the card for risk
management purposes.
32 HEX HOST TDOL to be used for generating the TC Hash Value if the TDOL in the
card is not present.
32 HEX HOST DDOL to be used for constructing the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE
command if the DDOL in the card is not present.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description PDL Response Table 50—Contactless Card
Table-ID 50—Contactless Card Data
Name Length Format Source Value/Description
2 N HOST Number of contact chip card Application Identifiers (AIDs) supported for the
specified CARD TYPE.
The following fields will be repeated, dependent upon the AID COUNT.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
32 HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F06 – Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-
5. Consists of the Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) + a
Proprietary Application Identifier Extension (PIX), e.g. A0000000031010
for Visa Debit/Credit.
1 N HOST For an application in the ICC to be supported by an application in the
terminal, the Application Selection Indicator indicates whether the
associated AID in the terminal must match the AID in the card exactly,
including the length of the AID, or only up to the length of the AID in the
terminal. There is only one Application Selection Indicator per AID
supported by the terminal.
Portico Developer Guide 53
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
0 = Exact match required.
1 = Partial match allowed.
4HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F09 – Version number assigned by the payment system for the
application. Current version supported by the terminal, e.g. 1.5.0 for Visa
VIS would be HEX "0096".
4HEX HOST Version number assigned by the payment system for the contactless
magstripe application. Current version supported by the reader, e.g.
"0001" for MasterCard PayPass Mag Stripe.
3 N HOST Indicates the country code associated with the AID. If this field is space-
filled, the AID is internationally accepted and its use is unrestricted. If this
field is populated, the AID can only be used domestically within the
country indicated, and should be automatically selected for applicable
transaction types when present on the card.
4HEX HOST Indicates the transaction types associated with the AID. May need this
information in order to customize the AID list on the terminal to restrict
application selection to only the appropriate AIDs based on whether the
merchant/cardholder selects credit, debit, or other transaction type.
Byte 1
Bit 8 – Credit
Bit 7 – Debit
Bit 6 – EBT
Bit 5 – Gift
Bit 4 – Loyalty
Bit 3 – Stored Value
Bits 2-1 – RFU
Byte 2
Bits 8-1 – RFU
6HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F33 – Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security
capabilities of the terminal for the AID.
Byte 1 – Card Data Input Capability
Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal for entering
the information from the card into the terminal.
Bit 8 – Manual key entry
Bit 7 – Magnetic stripe
Bit 6 – IC with contacts
Bits 5-1 – RFU
Byte 2 – CVM Capability
Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal for verifying
the identity of the cardholder at the terminal.
Bit 8 – Plaintext PIN for ICC verification
Bit 7 – Enciphered PIN for online verification
Bit 6 – Signature (paper)
Bit 5 – Enciphered PIN for offline verification
Bit 4 – No CVM Required
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
Portico Developer Guide 54
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
Bits 3-1 – RFU
Byte 3 – Security Capability
Indicates all the methods supported by the terminal for
authenticating the card at the terminal and whether or not the
terminal has the ability to capture a card.
Bit 8 – SDA
Bit 7 – DDA
Bit 6 – Card capture
Bit 5 – RFU
Bit 4 – CDA
Bits 3-1 – RFU
12 N HOST EMV Tag 9F1B – Indicates the floor limit in the terminal in conjunction
with the AID. Indicates the amount above which an online authorization
is required for contactless transactions.
12 N HOST Indicates the amount above which a CVM is required for contactless
12 N HOST Indicates the amount above which a contactless transaction is not
allowed and the cardholder should be directed to use the contact chip
10 HEX HOST Specifies the acquirer’s conditions that cause the denial of a transaction
without attempt to go online. For each bit set to 1, if the corresponding
bit in the Terminal Verification Results (TVR) is set to 1, the transaction
will be offline declined, e.g. 0010000000 causes a decline for the "Service
Not Allowed" condition.
(TAC) –
10 HEX HOST Specifies the acquirer’s conditions that cause a transaction to be
transmitted online. For each bit set to 1, if the corresponding bit in the
TVR is set to 1, the transaction will be sent online.
(TAC) –
10 HEX HOST Specifies the acquirer’s conditions that cause a transaction to be rejected
if it might have been approved online, but the terminal is unable to
process the transaction online. For each bit set to 1, if the corresponding
bit in the TVR is set to 1, the transaction will be offline declined if the
terminal is unable to go online.
8HEX HOST Indicates the requirements for online and CVM processing as a result of
Entry Point processing. The scope of this tag is limited to Entry Point.
Kernels may use this tag for different purposes.
Note: This field is referred to as Terminal Transaction Capabilities in the
American Express Expresspay specification.
16 HEX HOST EMV Tag 9F1D – Application-specific value used by the card for risk
management purposes.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
Portico Developer Guide 55
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
32 HEX HOST TDOL to be used for generating the TC Hash Value if the TDOL in the
card is not present.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description PDL Response Table 60—Public Key Data
Table-ID 60—Public Key Data
Name Length Format Source Value/Description
2 N HOST Number of Certificate Authority Public Keys defined for the specified EMV PDL
CARD TYPE. Each card brand may have up to 6 keys.
The following fields will be repeated, dependent upon the KEY COUNT.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
10 HEX HOST Unique identifier assigned to an application provider (card
brand) according to ISO/IEC 7816-4, e.g. A000000003 for
2HEX HOST Identifies the certification authority’s public key in
conjunction with the RID.
KEY STATUS 1A/N HOST Indicates the status of the Certification Authority Public
A = Active
E = Expired
R = Revoked
If the status is (E)xpired or (R)evoked, the key must be
removed from the POS.
The following fields will only be present if the KEY STATUS is (A)ctive.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
4 N HOST Number of hexadecimal characters in the field that follows that
contains the modulus part of the Certification Authority Public Key.
HEX HOST Value of the modulus part of the Certification Authority Public Key.
2HEX HOST Value of the exponent part of the Certification Authority Public Key.
Portico Developer Guide 56
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
40 HEX HOST A check value calculated on the concatenation of all parts of the
Certification Authority Public Key (RID, Certification Authority Public
Key Index, Certification Authority Public Key Modulus, Certification
Authority Public Key Exponent) using SHA-1.
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description PDL Response - Confirmation
This response is sent to the client upon confirming receipt of the table data.
EMV PDL Response – Confirmation
Field Name Length Format Source Value/Description
TABLE VERSION 3A/N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
TABLE-ID 2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
CARD TYPE 2 N HOST Echoed from PDL request.
CONFIRMATION FLAG 1 A/N HOST C = Host received EMV PDL table download confirmation from
5.14 Gratuity
Tips can be processed on the initial purchase ("tip on purchase") or can be added later as an adjustment. For tip on
purchase, there is a gratuity field that can be included to indicate the portion of the sale that is specific to tip.
After the purchase, CreditAddToBatch or CreditTxnEdit can be used to add a tip and adjust the original transaction
amount to include the tip amount. CreditAddToBatch or CreditTxnEdit can also be used to alter tip information in the
case that the transaction amount had been adjusted with the tip amount, but the gratuity field had not been included
with the correct amount. If the edit service is used, the client will still need to add the transaction to the batch in order
for it to settle.
5.14.1 MasterCard Gratuity Rules
For merchants in the US, MasterCard credit transactions are subject to additional rules for gratuity:
If the card data source is Chip/PIN, Contactless, or Card-not-present, any gratuity must be included in the
authorization request. A gratuity must not be added to the authorized amount.
Exception: Restaurants (MCC 5812, 5814) have a 20% gratuity tolerance for MasterCard transactions; if the
gratuity exceeds 20 percent of the authorized amount, these merchants may request an additional
authorization for the amount in excess of the authorized amount.
If the card data source is signature-based magnetic stripe or Chip (without PIN), a gratuity may be added after
Portico Developer Guide 57
© 2017 Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
authorization is obtained; a 20% tolerance applies to the gratuity. If the gratuity exceeds 20 percent of the
authorized amount, then the Merchant may request an additional or incremental authorization for the amount
in excess of the authorized amount.
For any request, if the authorization response indicates a Partial Approval (RspCode = 10), gratuity may not be added.
5.15 Industries
Portico supports all the major payment processing industries. The following sections provide information on how to
use the different Portico services based on the target industry.
5.15.1 Retail
The majority of retail transactions are processed using the CreditSale transaction type.
5.15.2 Restaurant
A typical restaurant transaction is processed using the CreditAuth transaction type to process the initial purchase
amount. This transaction can be followed by a CreditAddToBatch transaction that adjusts the transaction for the tip, if
necessary, and adds the transaction to the current batch. An alternative to using CreditAuth and CreditAddToBatch for
tip handling is CreditSale followed by CreditTxnEdit. CreditAuth+CreditAddToBatch has the advantage of ensuring
that no unadjusted transactions are inadvertently settled if the merchant is wanting to use auto-settlement.
Portico supports a specific transaction for the handling of bar tabs: CreditAdditionalAuth.
5.15.3 Lodging
The Lodging data is supplied as an extension on existing transactions listed in this document and the schema
documentation. Support for Lodging is provided by the LodgingDataType elements and its sub-elements.
The following are some typical use cases for Lodging:
Check In
A Check-In transaction authorizes a sale purchased with a credit card. The Check-In transaction utilizes the CreditAuth
transaction if the amount is not meant to be settled. However, if the amount should be settled (e.g., if there is an
advance deposit or fee to be charged) this can be done with a CreditSale. Also, if all that is needed at check in is to
validate the card, a CreditAccountVerify can be used.
Check Out
A Check-Out transaction closes out a Check-In transaction and adds the transaction to the current batch. A Check-Out
transaction utilizes the CreditAddToBatch transaction if the Check-In transaction was a CreditAuth and has not yet
been added to a batch. Otherwise, a new CreditSale can be run or the Check-In amount can be edited with
a CreditTxnEdit transaction. The transaction request includes the GatewayTxnID from the Check-In transaction, and
optionally the amount of the
Incremental Authorization
Use the CreditIncrementalAuth transaction to add to the authorized amount on a credit card. Incremental
authorization in the lodging industry is typically used for additional duration and extra charges added to a customer's
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Single Stay—To charge for a Single Stay use the CreditSale transaction. This will authorize the associated
amount and add it to the current batch. If a batch does not exist, this transaction creates one.
Note: The duration for a Single Stay defaults to one day.
Advance Deposit—To run an Advance Deposit, use the CreditSale transaction. The merchant must ensure that
the transaction amount does not exceed the total price of the reserved services or activity. The cardholder must
be informed of the total price of the services or activity, the advance deposit amount, the advance deposit
confirmation code, and the cancellation terms.
Additional Charge—To include an additional charge, use the CreditTxnEdit transaction to alter the original
No Show—To charge penalties for a No Show, use a CreditSale transaction.
Note: The check in date is the initial authorization date and the stay duration is one day.
5.15.4 Healthcare
Auto-substantiation (Section 5.4) is used in the healthcare industry as a result of IRS Notice 2006-69 for consumers
to use flexible spending account (FSA/HRA) debit cards where the transaction is automatically substantiated at the
POS. For merchants who support auto-substantiation at the POS, consumers no longer need to file a separate claim
for benefits
To take advantage of auto-substantiation, the merchant must use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS).
The IIAS identifies the qualified healthcare products being purchased by the cardholder at the POS. The IIAS must
identify the FSA and HRA cards, automatically differentiate between qualified and non-qualified products at the POS,
flag the items on the customer receipt, subtotal the qualified healthcare products amount including tax and discounts,
and accommodate split-tender capability for non-qualified products.
Note: Requests should never contain Protected Healthcare Information (PHI), nor should PHI be passed on to
Heartland in any form of communication.
See the AutoSubstantiation Complex Type in the Portico Schema.
5.15.5 MOTO/eCommerce
Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) and eCommerce transactions are handled as "card not present" transactions.
These are typically credit transactions.
In Application Payments
At a high level, cardholders have registered their payment information with a 3rd party such as a mobile phone
vendor, e.g. Apple, with a token being returned that is stored on their device. The cardholder then uses this stored
token to purchase goods/services within a merchant’s application that is on their device. The merchant’s application
sends the authorization message to Portico using the standard CreditAuth or CreditSale transactions. However, the
SecureECommerce field is sent within those messages containing the necessary eCommerce InApp data that is
required by the brands and issuers to settle correctly. The ECommerceIndicator field within the SecureECommerce
block is ignored. The ECommerceIndicator will be sent to the Exchange Host with a value of 4.
This functionality is currently only supported for ApplePay with all four card brands.
3-D Secure Authentication
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An eCommerce consumer authentication strategy that verifies the owner of the card account. After consumer
authentication of the account through the Issuer and Brands, the merchant sends the CreditAuth or CreditSale
authorization message to Portico. The SecureECommerce field is sent within those messages containing the necessary
eCommerce 3-D Secure data that is required by the brands and issuers to settle correctly. The ECommerceIndicator
field within the SecureECommerce block should contain the ECI received from the 3-DS Payment Authenticator. Both
manual entry and token data are acceptable payment method forms for this functionality.
Portico Exchange Host
Brand ECI XID PaymentData ECI
Visa 5 X 5
Visa 5 X X 5
Visa 6 6
Visa 6 X 6
Visa ? X X ?
Visa X X 7
Amex 5 X 5
Amex 5 X X 5
Amex 6 6
Amex 6 X 6
Amex 7 U
Amex ? X X ?
Amex U
Discover 5 X 5
Discover 5 X X 5
Discover 6 6
Discover 6 X 6
Discover ? X X ?
Discover X 7
MasterCard 0 X 6
MasterCard 0 6
MasterCard 1 X 5
MasterCard 1 6
MasterCard 2 X 5
MasterCard 2 6
MasterCard ? X 7
MasterCard ECI/UCI Required
ECI 5: Secure Electronic Commerce Transaction—card holder authenticated via 3-D Secure
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ECI 6: Non-Authenticated Secure Electronic Commerce Transaction—3-D Secure capable merchant that attempted to
ECI 7: Channel-encrypted Electronic Commere Transaction (Internet)
ECI U: Used for AMEX 3-D Secure transactions where the Payment Authenticator result is U; equivalent to ECI 7
ECI 0: MasterCard 3-D Secure authentication not performed
ECI 1: MasterCard 3-D Secure authentication attempted by 3-D Secure capable merchant
ECI 2: MasterCard 3-D Secure authentication achieved
ECI ?: An ECI value other than those explicitly specified
MasterCard txns require the ECI/UCI to be passed.
MasterCard ECI to Exchange Host is based on passed in ECI and existence of PaymentData.
MasterCard incoming ECI other than 0, 1, or 2 gets translated to 7 for the Exchange Host.
Note: An updated HPS policy now requires that merchants process eCommerce transactions on a separate
Merchant Identification Number (MID) regardless of their eCommerce sales volume or the percentage of
transactions that are processed online. Contact your Heartland representative for more information on setting up
your eCommerce MID. When an eCommerce MID is created, you receive a SiteId and DeviceId to process eCommerce
transactions on Portico.
5.16 Interac Processing
The Portico API supports Canadian clients processing Interac debit defined on Debit based services of the Portico API.
These transactions require debit EMV certification, although swipe is supported for temporary cards. A normal Interac
EMV transaction should contain the EMV tag data obtained from the terminal/chip card. All Interac transactions must
send the POSReqDT in the request header and a POS Sequence Number. The POS Sequence Number should reset
with each new batch. Message Authentication Code (MAC) data is not required for contactless-only Interac
transactions; it is required for all contact transactions.
All Interac customer cancellations require the customer to be present (card must be inserted or swiped; track data
must be sent.)
For additional information, contact your representative.
5.16.1 Interac Device Keys
For Canadian merchants, this message can be used to synchronize the keys used for encrypting data in debit card
messages for the Canadian debit card network, also referred to as Interac.
5.17 Partial Authorization
A partial authorization is supported for a credit or PIN debit authorization request. The merchant must submit
a CreditAuth, CreditSale, or DebitSale transaction that includes the AllowPartialAuth value set to "Y". If approved, the
merchant receives a "10" response code indicating the merchant must collect other funds to complete the sale. The
Issuer also responds with the amount that is authorized. For example, if an authorization request of $12.00 is sent
along with the AllowPartialAuth value set to "Y" and the Issuer approves $7.00, the response is returned with an
approval for $7.00. The merchant’s software applies the approved $7.00 to the sale and the cardholder pays the
remaining $5.00 using another form of payment (different credit card, check, cash, etc.).
Partial authorization can be used in any industry, provided the POS system has the ability to partially authorize a sale.
It is recommended that the merchant be presented with a prompt to Void or Accept the transaction if a partial
authorization is received. The following Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) must support partial authorization for
American Express, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover:
4812 Telecommunication Equipment including Telephone Sales
4814 Telecommunication Services
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5111 Stationery, Office Supplies
5200 Home Supply Warehouse Stores
5300 Wholesale Clubs
5310 Discount Stores
5311 Department Stores
5331 Variety Stores
5399 Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores
5411 Grocery Stores, Supermarkets
5499 Miscellaneous Food Stores—Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores and Vending
5541 Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services)
5542 Fuel Dispenser, Automated
5732 Electronic Sales
5734 Computer Software Stores
5735 Record Shops
5812 Eating Places, Restaurants
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
5912 Drug Stores, Pharmacies
5921 Package Stores, Beer, Wine, and Liquor
5941 Sporting Goods Stores
5942 Book Stores
5943 Office, School Supply and Stationery Stores
5999 Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
7829 Motion Picture—Video Tape Production–Distribution
7832 Motion Picture Theaters
7841 Video Entertainment Rental Stores
8011 Doctors—not elsewhere classified
8021 Dentists, Orthodontists
8041 Chiropractors
8042 Optometrists, Ophthalmologists
8043 Opticians, Optical Goods, and Eyeglasses
8062 Hospitals
8099 Health Practitioners, Medical Services—not elsewhere classified
8999 Professional Services—not elsewhere classified
4111 Transportation—Suburban and Local Commuter Passenger, including Ferries
4816 Computer Network/Information Services
4899 Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services
7996 Amusement Parks, Carnivals, Circuses, Fortune Tellers
7997 Clubs—Country Membership
7999 Recreation Services—not elsewhere classified
9399 Government Services—not elsewhere classified
Partial authorization support is required by the card brands for many face-to-face industries in order to maximize
support for debit and prepaid open-loop gift cards (those branded by one of the major card brands).
For Gift Card transactions, partial approvals are supported by default. If the Gift Card account balance is non-zero, but
insufficient to cover the full redemption amount, the remaining balance is drained and the amount still owed is
returned in the response for additional payment. If approved, the merchant receives a "13" response code with a
message stating that partial approval has been given. The merchant may accept any additional tender to cover the
amount still owed. If the account holder is unable to provide additional payment and the purchase is cancelled, this
transaction should be voided to return the balance back to the account. See the "split tender card amount" and "split
tender balance due amount" fields in the response.
Note: Tip adjustments are not allowed on partial authorizations. If adjustments are made through the CreditTxnEdit
or CreditAddToBatch on a CreditSale or CreditAuth that received a partial authorization, an error is returned.
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5.18 Personal Identification Number (PIN) Block
Debit and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) transactions that require a cardholder-entered PIN must be submitted to
Portico with a PIN block. The programmer guide for your PIN pad device contains details on how to obtain the PIN
block including information on the request and response messages.
The response message to a PIN block request includes data containing a serial number and PIN. This data is used to
generate the PIN block in the format required by Portico.
Note: Portico requires the order of the data to be PIN then serial number.
The format of the PIN Block response is as follows:
<STX>71[fkey flag][Key Serial#][PIN]<ETX>[LRC]
The following table provides the encrypted PIN Block response field values.
Field Length Value and Description
<STX> hexadecimal <0x02>
Message ID 2 This value is always "71".
[fkey flag] 1 This value is always "0".
NOTE: This field is kept to retain old model
[Key Serial#] 10..20 The key serial number used in encrypting a PIN
It is included only when the PIN is entered.
Format: hexadecimal string
[PIN] 16 Encrypted PIN block format: hexadecimal string
<ETX> hexadecimal <0x03>
[LRC] 1 Checksum
The following is an example of an encrypted PIN block response from an E3 PIN entry request. It is in a Derived
Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) format.
The example uses the following values:
[fkey flag] = 0
[Key Serial#] = 1111111111111111
[PIN] = 2222222222222222
The response should be as follows:
The format for mapping the encrypted PIN block response data to Portico debit sale PIN block is as follows:
<PinBlock>[PIN][Key Serial#]</PinBlock>
Map the encrypted PIN block response data to Portico debit sale PIN block as follows:
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5.19 Swiped or Proximity Entry
A swiped entry transaction occurs when a card is swiped (or passed) through a magnetic card reader or chip reader to
capture the card information stored on the magnetic stripe or chip. A proximity entry transaction occurs when a
card/mobile wallet is read by a proximity reader to capture the card/token information stored on the magnetic stripe,
chip, or mobile device.
A swipe read or proximity payment read are the preferred methods of gathering the cardholder information because
it typically results in lower interchange fees and provides for better security for the merchant. Swiped or proximity
entry transactions require that you have a card reader attached to your application. The card reader reads the card
information into your application for transmission to Portico.
For more information, see the TrackData method attribute.
5.20 Transaction Amounts
There are many amounts that are received, sent, stored, and maintained by Portico. The purpose of this section is to
define some of the key amounts that appear in the messages, reports, and settlement.
Amt—This may also be referred to as original amount or request amount. This is the amount that the POS
originally sent to Portico for a particular transaction. This amount is kept by Portico for the life of the
transaction and is not altered.
AuthAmt—This may also be referred to as authorized amount. This is the amount that was originally
authorized/approved by the issuer. In the case of a full approval, this matches the Amt. In the case of a partial
approval, this is equal to or less than Amt. This amount is kept by Portico for the life of the transaction and is
not altered.
SettlementAmt—This is the amount that is used if the transaction is settled. When a transaction is first
approved, this matches the AuthAmt. This amount is maintained by Portico over the life of the transaction. This
is altered by reversals, transaction edits, incremental transactions, etc.
5.21 Voice Authorization
A voice authorization takes place when the response message requests the merchant to call the processing center or
if the Internet or merchant application is unable to process credit card transactions. The processing center provides a
voice authorization code if the transaction is approved. Once the voice authorization code is obtained, the merchant
must submit either a CreditOfflineAuth or CreditOfflineSale transaction that includes the authorization code.
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The following sections contain general information about codes, indicators, and other helpful information.
6.1 Register the Client Library
The following steps register the client library:
Download and Install the .NET Runtime
1. Go to http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/.
2. Search for "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack" and click the link for the download.
3. Click Download.
Unregister the Old Version
If this is the first time you have installed the client library, skip the following steps.
1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the old client library directory.
2. Unregister the old assembly using the following command:
> regasm /unregister Hps.Exchange.PosGateway.Client.dll /tlb
The assembly registration tool is invoked by the regasm command. The tool is provided with the Microsoft .NET
runtime. If this directory is not in your path, you need to fully qualify the command.
Register the Client Library
1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the client library directory.
2. Register the assembly using the following command:
> regasm /codebase Hps.Exchange.PosGateway.Client.dll /tlb
6.2 Gateway Response Codes
Note: When checking response codes, be sure to check both the Gateway Response Codes and Issuer Response
Codes (Section 6.4). See Validating Response Codes (Section 3.4) for more information.
System Response Codes
Code Description
-21 Unauthorized
-2 Authentication error—Verify and correct credentials.
-1 Portico error—Developers are notified.
+1 Gateway system error
+2 Duplicate transactions
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+3 Invalid original transaction
+4 Transaction already associated with batch
+5 No current batch
+6 Invalid return amount—This can occur if a credit return request is against a specific original transaction
and the return amount is greater than the original transaction’s settle amount, or the return amount is
+7 Invalid report parameters
+8 Bad track data
+9 No transaction associated with batch
+10 Empty report
+11 Original transaction not CPC
+12 Invalid CPC data
+13 Invalid edit data
+14 Invalid card number
+15 Batch close in progress
+16 Invalid Ship Date—Transaction rejected because the ship date and month are invalid. Try again in a few
seconds and resubmit.
+17 Invalid encryption version
+18 E3 MSR failure—The message returned with this code is the parsed error message from the MSR data
+19 Invalid Reversal Amount—This can occur if a reversal request includes a new settlement amount that is
not less than the current total authorization amount. The total authorization amount is the original
authorization plus any incremental authorization minus any previous reversal amounts.
+20 Database operation time out—This may occur when Portico is trying to communicate to the database for
large amounts of data. If this is due to a search, it can be corrected by adding more specific criteria.
+21 Archive database is currently unavailable—Try the transaction again later.
+22 Archive database is currently unavailable but an attempt was made to retrieve the data from the real-
time database—If there was data available from the real-time database that met the request criteria then
it was returned, however, it is not guaranteed to be complete. The request may need to be tried again
+23 An error was returned from the tokenization service when looking up a supplied token. This typically
means that the provided token is bad, but it can also be returned when the data on the tokenization
service has expired, been removed, or is no longer valid.
+24 This typically means that a token was supplied in the request but tokenization is not yet supported for
the requested service type (see the section on tokenization for a list of supported services). This can also
occur when tokenization is disabled for the entire system.
+25 This error is returned if the merchant provides a token (TokenData.TokenValue) and requests a token
(TokenRequest) in CardData. In this case, the transaction is rejected because a token cannot be
Code Description
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presented and requested in the same request.
+26 This error is returned if there is an error setting the token attribute. When possible the tokenization
service error/return code is returned in the message text.
+27 This error is returned if the requested token was not found. This error can occur during TokenToPan
(Lookup) or ManageTokens-&gt;Set (Update) requests.
+30 This can occur when Portico does not receive a response from the back end systems and Portico is not
sure if the transaction was successful or not. In this case, the POS is responsible for deciding whether or
not to issue a reversal for this transaction. This is used in cases where the transaction is an authorizing
transaction, e.g. CreditAuth, CreditSale. If the transaction is non-authorizing, e.g. CreditAccountVerify,
CreditReversal, and Portico receives no response then Portico sends back a System Error (+1) to the POS.
+31 This occurs when Portico attempts a reversal for the POS, but the reversal fails. In this case, the POS is
responsible for issuing the reversal.
+32 Missing KTB error—This can occur when a POS is attempting to send encrypted data, but the expected
KTB value was corrupted or not received.
+33 Missing KSN error—This can occur when a POS is attempting to send encrypted data, but the expected
KSN value was corrupted or not received.
+34 Invalid data received—This error is returned from a CreditAuth or CreditSale if both GatewayTxnId and a
CardData subfield are received.
+35 Device setting error—This error is returned from SendReceipt if the "AllowEmail" setting is not set to true
for the device being used.
+36 Invalid Original Txn for Repeat—This error is returned from a CreditAuth or CreditSale if the original
transaction referenced by GatewayTxnId cannot be found. This is typically because the original does not
meet the criteria for the sale or authorization by GatewayTxnID. This error can also be returned if the
original transaction is found, but the card number has been written over with nulls after 30 days.
+37 Missing element—This error is returned if a required (or conditional) element is missing from the
+38 Invalid auth amount—This error is returned from a CreditAuth or CreditSale by GatewayTxnId when the
requested amount is over the threshold set for the transaction type, which is some percentage of the
original amount (default = 100%).
+39 Transaction rejected because EMV TLV data was invalid.
+40 Transaction rejected because the referenced transaction has invalid EMV TLV data.
+41 Transaction declined because possible fraud was detected.
+50 Processor System error
+51 Processor Configuration error
Code Description
6.3 Tokenization-Specific Response Codes
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Code Description
0 Tokenization was successful.
Note: The GatewayRspCode can still be used to determine if the transaction was processed successfully or
not regardless of the outcome of the tokenization process. If the transaction is successfully processed but
tokenization fails, the transaction response is still provided but no token is returned.
1 An error was returned from the tokenization service when generating a new token. This typically means that
the service is down or there are internal connectivity issues.
2 This typically means that a token was requested but tokenization is not yet supported for the requested
service type. See Tokenization for a list of supported services. This can also occur when tokenization is
disabled for the entire system.
3 An error occurred while trying to encrypt the data prior to tokenization.
4 Tokenization requires that the associated data be encrypted internally. This response indicates that the
internal encryption processing is disabled, so tokenization is not available.
6.4 Issuer Response Codes
Note: When checking response codes, be sure to check both the Gateway Response Codes (Section 6.2) and Issuer
Response Codes. See Validating Response Codes (Section 3.4) for more information.
Code Description
02 CALL—no original no match. Often returned when the cardholder has exceeded daily credit limits/# of
uses. Usually the Issuer wants to make sure the cardholder is still in possession of the card.
03 TERM ID ERROR—terminal ID error.
04 HOLD-CALL—retain card. Usually returned when the Issuer would like the merchant to take possession of
the card due to potential fraud. Can also be returned if the transaction declines due to an AVS/CVV
setting. The response text in this case is “DO NOT HONOR DUE TO AVS/CVV SETTINGS”.
05 DECLINE—do not honor. Normally occurs when cardholder has exceeded their allowable credit line.
06 ERROR—merchant closed, no match.
13 AMOUNT ERROR. Occurs when the POS submits an amount field equal to $0.00. Re-enter transaction.
14 CARD NO. ERROR—Card number error. Issuer cannot find the account. Re-enter transaction.
15 NO SUCH ISSUER. Returned when the first six digits of the card number are not recognized by the Issuer.
Reenter transaction.
19 RE ENTER—reenter transaction.
41 HOLD-CALL—lost card.
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43 HOLD-CALL—stolen card.
44 HOLD-CALL—pick up card.
51 DECLINE—insufficient funds.
52 NO CHECK ACCOUNT. Occurs when the debit/check card being attempted is not linked to a Checking
53 NO SAVE ACCOUNT. Occurs when the debit/check card being used is not tied to a Savings Account.
54 EXPIRED CARD—card is expired. This response can also be returned in a Card Not Present environment if
the cardholder tries to provide a valid expiration date, but the Issuer knows it is expired (indicates
potential fraud).
55 WRONG PIN. Occurs in PIN-based Debit when the consumer enters the wrong 4-digit PIN.
57 SERV NOT ALLOWED—service not allowed. Can be an incorrect MID or terminal number, or attempt to
process an unsupported card.
58 SERV NOT ALLOWED—service not allowed. Occurs when the POS attempts a transaction type that they
are not set up for based on their MCC. (i.e., a merchant set up with a Direct Marketing MCC trying to
perform a Debit transaction).
61 DECLINE. Occurs in PIN-based debit when the cardholder has exceeded their withdrawal limit when
performing cash back.
62 DECLINE. Occurs on swiped transactions when the Service Code encoded on the mag stripe does not
equal the one stored at the Issuer (potential fraudulent card).
65 DECLINE—activity Limit. Occurs when the cardholder has exceeded the number of times the card can be
used in a specific time period. (i.e., 10x in a 48 hr span).
75 PIN EXCEEDED. Occurs when the number of attempts to enter the PIN has been exceeded.
76 NO ACTION TAKEN. Occurs when the reversal data in the POS transaction does not match the Issuer
77 NO ACTION TAKEN—duplicate reversal or duplicate transaction.
78 NO ACCOUNT—account suspended, cancelled, or inactive.
91 NO REPLY—time out.
EC CID FORMAT ERROR—format error.
Code Description
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FR FRAUD—Transaction declined because possible fraud was detected by Heartland.
N7 CVV2 MISMATCH—incorrect number of CVV2/CID digits sent.
PD PARAMETER DOWNLOAD—EMV PDL system response. Response text indicates EMV PDL status code
(Section 6.5).
Code Description
6.5 EMV PDL Status Codes
Message Note
00 SUCCESS A response has been sent out
Request–Header error
Message Length is invalid. If Message Length is not binary code.
Header ID [ID] is invalid.
Example: Header ID NF is
If the Header ID is not HH or NT.
Header Version [VERSION] is
If the Header Version is not 01.
Invalid Correlation ID. If the Correlation ID is not binary codes.
Response Code [CODE] is
If the Response Code is not numeric.
06 INVALID HOST Host [HOST] is invalid. If the Host is not E, N, or V.
Merchant/Company ID [ID] is
Based on the host selected, display this error if the ID is
not in correct length and data type.
Location/Unit ID [ID] is invalid. Based on the host selected, display this error if the ID is
not in correct length and data type.
Terminal/Device ID [ID] is
Based on the host selected, display this error if the ID is
not in correct length and data type.
The length of terminal
identifier field
If the length of Terminal Identifier field is not 30 bytes.
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is invalid.
Request – Body error
The request has no message
If receives a request that contains only the header
(unless this is a keep-alive request).
Terminal identifiers are not
The terminal record cannot be
Note: For Exchange terminals, Location/Unit ID is not
needed. But if it is provided, the system will still going to
log it, but won’t use it to when searching for the terminal
Parameter Type is not
If the Parameter Type is space-filled.
Parameter Type [PARM TYPE]
is invalid.
Example: Parameter Type 10 is
If the provided Parameter Type is not 06 or 07.
Table-ID is not provided. If the Table-ID is space-filled.
Table-ID [TABLE ID] is invalid.
Example: Table-ID 90 is
If the provided Table-ID is not in 10, 30, 40, 50, 60.
Card Type is not provided. If the Card Type is space-filled.
Card Type [CARD TYPE]
cannot be found
Example: Card Type 99 cannot
be found.
If the Card Type is not numeric or
cannot be found.
Note: Card Type is host specific.
The Table/Parameter received
is invalid. Check the data type
and length.
This error shows up when Parameter/Table version is less
than the required length.
Table Version is not provided. If the Table Version is space-filled. IMPORTANT: Space-
filled value is a valid value for Parameter Version, which
means the POS is requesting the
latest version of parameter version. Because of the same
reason, attention needs to be paid on report logging
when receiving an empty Parameter Version; the system
should log the
latest parameter version number in database.
cannot be found.
If the received Table Version cannot be found in the
Message Note
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Note: In phase I, the system is not matching Parameter
Version. In other words, even if the
received Parameter Version can’t be found in database, it
will still be processed successfully.
Block Sequence is not
If the Block Sequence is space-filled.
Block Sequence [SEQUENCE]
does not exist.
If the requested Sequence ID does not exist or if it is not
The Block Sequence must be
00 for Table-ID 10 and
Because 00 is supposed to be used by Table-ID 10 or
confirmation only, use this error code if:
• received 00 when is requested for Table-ID 30-60, or
• received other than ‘00’ when is requested for Table-ID
10 or confirmation.
Before sending response –Table error
50 NO TAC CODE AID [AID] of card type [CARD
TYPE] does not have matching
TAC codes for the requested
Example: AID
A0000000031010 of
card type 02 does not have
matching TAC codes for the
requested terminal.
Occurs when a table has no matching TAC codes for a
terminal. This happens when requesting Table-ID 40 and
Other error
Lost the connection with the
client. Detail: [ERROR]
Example: If disconnected with payment gateway socket
Cannot connect to database.
Detail: [ERROR]
If cannot connect to the database. (This error won’t be
logged in database, though.)
A system error has occurred.
Detail: [ERROR]
Any error that don’t fall into the above categories.
Message Note
6.6 Gift Card Response Codes
Code Description
0 OK—transaction successful.
1 System error—transaction unsuccessful because of an internal system error. Retry transaction. If the
error persists, contact Heartland support.
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2 System unavailable—gift card system is temporarily unavailable. Retry transaction.
3 Invalid card—transaction unsuccessful because the card is not a valid gift card.
4 Deactivated card—transaction unsuccessful because the gift card is deactivated.
5 Insufficient funds—GiftCardSale transaction unsuccessful because the gift card did not have a sufficient
balance to complete the sale.
NOTE: This error code is not returned if split-tender processing is enabled.
6 Card already active—GiftCardActivate transaction unsuccessful because the gift card is already active.
7 Duplicate transaction—transaction unsuccessful because a transaction with identical parameters was
completed less than 3 minutes ago.
8 Inactive card—transaction unsuccessful because the gift card is not active.
9 Invalid amount—transaction unsuccessful because an invalid amount was specified.
10 Cannot void
11 Unknown error
12 Do not honor
13 Partial approval
Code Description
6.7 Status Indicators
Transaction status indicators
Indicator Status Description
AActive The transactions can be modified by additional processing (i.e., edit amount, edit tip, add to
batch, void, reverse, settlement, etc.).
IInactive The transaction cannot be acted on by any processing actions and will not be settled.
C Cleared The transaction was part of a batch that is now closed.
VVoided The transaction was voided.
XAutovoided The transaction was voided by Portico’s automated process.
NOTE: Credit transactions are auto-voided after 30 days when not associated with a batch.
R Reversed The associated transaction has been reversed and will not be settled.
TTimed-Out The transaction failed due to a time-out with a back-end processor.
Batch status indicators
Indicator Status Description
OOpen The current batch for a device. There is only one open batch per device.
PPending The batch is currently in the process of being closed.
VVoided The batch has been voided.
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EError The batch received an error during the close attempt.
Indicator Status Description
6.8 HMS Gift Card Certification
The following sections include details about HMS certification.
6.8.1 Certification Host Response Matrix
The Heartland Portico Gateway provides a way to force responses based on user input, typically an amount or SVA.
This allows a client developer to test various transaction scenarios by simply using well-chosen input values. Amount Response Matrix
Responses to activate, load, redeem, and reward requests can be controlled by the amount parameter.
All whole dollar amounts (e.g. 100, 200, 1000, etc) return a status code of 200 and status name of Okay. All non-whole
dollar amounts (any amount that does not end in "00") return the 400 error Response:
[[status.code=400], [status.description=Certification test error], [status.name=ApiError]]
The request amounts enumerated in the table below cause the corresponding error response to be returned.
Note: These request amounts will return the corresponding response for all currencies, including Points.
Amount Status Code Status Name
101 503 ServiceUnavailable
201 403 ProfileError
301 400 InsufficientFunds
304 400 SystemError
305 400 InvalidPin
306 400 EditError
307 400 DuplicateTxn
308 400 InvalidCard
500 200 CannotVoid
6.8.2 Certification Host Stored Value Accounts
All account numbers in the following ranges:
Start of Range End of Range
5022440000000000001 5022440000000000099
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All aliases (phone numbers) in the following ranges:
Start of Range End of Range
XXX5550100 XXX5550199
You may use whatever area code (NPA) you would like, but the exchange (NXX) must be 555 and the line must be in
the range 0100-0199 or the host will reject the alias with an error.
6.9 Revision History
Section / Topic Change Description
(Section 1)
Removed GSB from the list of payment methods.
(Section 2.2)
Added note that the service might not be available to all merchants.
(Section 4)
Removed mention of GSAP support. Added RecurringBillingAuth to the list of supported
transactions for DebitReturn. Added that DebitAddValue is now obsolete and should no longer be
used. Added that support for EMV PIN Debit has been added. Added
that GiftCardCurrentDayTotals, ReportActivity and ReportSearch are now obsolete and that
FindTransactions should be used in its place. Added InteracDeviceKeys. Added that
PrePaidAddValue is for future use.
Gift Card
(Section 4.6)
Removed the GiftCardCurrentDayTotals and GiftCardPreviousDayTotals.
PrePaid Card
(Section 4.7)
Removed PrePaidAddValue.
(Section 4.8)
Added InteracDeviceKeys.
(Section 4.10)
Removed ReportActivity and ReportSearch.
(Section 4.11)
Added "US" to clarify availability. Added note that the service might not be available to all
CAVV Results
(Section 5.9)
Added this new section.
Authorization Added this new section.
Portico Developer Guide 75
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(Section 5.3)
(Section 5.4)
Added note to state that this type is only applicable to US merchants only.
Cards (Section
Added RecurringBillingAuth to list of applicable transactions. Made some content updates for
(Section 5.12)
Made content updates including mention of the Exchange host and that the service is handled
differently on the different processors, with a reference to the new Authorization Platform section.
EMV (Section
Removed sentence that said only credit transactions support EMV. Added DebitSale, DebitReturn,
and DebitReversal (Canada only).
Services That
Support EMV
Tags (Section
Added DebitSale, DebitReturn, and DebitReversal.
Modified content for clarity. Added reference to the new Authorization Platform section.
Gratuity Rules
Added new section about the restriction on gratuity percentage for Card Not Present restaurant
transactions for MasterCard in the US.
(Section 5.16)
Added this new section.
Interac Device
Keys (Section
Added this new section.
Swiped or
Entry (Section
Modified content to mention mobile wallet, token, and mobile device as integral to this type of
Glossary Added terms Reversal Reason Code, Message Authentication Code, POS Sequence Number, and
Trace Number.
Schema The schema was updated to include support for Canadian Interac processing.
Updated the EBTFSReversal description to denote that it also applies to EBTCashBenefitWithdrawal
and EBTCashBackPurchase txns.
Updated the CreditAdditionalAuth description as Timeout Reversals are not supported with this
Portico Developer Guide 76
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Removed references to "for future use" for GSAP functionality.
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3-D Secure™
Three-Domain Secure™ (merchant, acquirer, issuer). A VISA-approved Authentication Method that is the
global authentication standard for Electronic Commerce Transactions.
ABA Transit Number
American Bankers Association Transit Number. The ABA Transit Number, known as the routing transit
number (RTN), is a nine-digit bank code used in the United States. It appears on the bottom of
negotiable instruments, such as checks identifying the financial institution on which it was drawn.
Automated Clearing House. An electronic payment network most commonly associated with payroll
direct deposit and recurring payments. The ACH can also be used to clear electronic checks and other
demand deposit account (DDA) transactions.
Authorization Characteristics Indicator. A value determined by VISA based on the data included with the
authorization request. It is returned with the electronic authorization response.
A company that enters into contractual relationships with merchants, therefore allowing the merchant to
accept credit/debit cards. Heartland Payment Systems is an acquirer.
Acquiring Financial Institution
An acquiring financial institution contracts with a bank and merchants to enable credit card transaction
processing. Also known as an Acquirer.
Acquiring Host
The processing system that communicates with the card acceptor or a communications network
processor and is responsible for receiving the data relating to a transaction and obtaining an approval
or denial for the transaction. The system maintains reconciliation totals for all financial transactions.
Changing the state of a fixed denomination account from "inactive" to "active", enabling a stored
value/prepaid card for use.
Activation and Initial Load
Changing the state of a stored value/prepaid account from "inactive" to "active", enabling the card for
use, and requesting the loading of a variable amount to the account.
Advanced Encryption Standard. It is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by
the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Automated Fuel Dispenser. A pump at a service station or truck stop that is operated by the cardholder
to obtain credit for pumping fuel. The pump contains a card reader. Also called an ICR, CRIND, or CAT.
Age Verification
A security process used to verify a consumer’s age. Age verification is typically used by liquor and
tobacco outlets, bars and casinos.
Those who sell bankcard services to merchants on behalf of ISOs, acquirers and processors. Also known
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as merchant level salespeople (MLSs) and independent sales agents (ISAs), most agents are
independent contractors. Others are paid employees of ISOs, acquirers and processors.
American National Standards Institute. Governing institute that establishes guidelines for business
Annual Percentage Rate. The percentage rate charged for a credit card (or other loan) for a whole year.
It is the finance charge, expressed as an annual rate.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII is a character-encoding scheme based on
the ordering of the English alphabet. ASCII codes represent text for computers, communications
equipment, and other devices that use text.
Active Server Page. Part of Microsoft’s .NET platform. ASPX is a text file format used to create Webform
Approved Scanning Vendor. The PCI Security Standards Council maintains a structured process for
security solution providers to become Approved Scanning Vendors (ASVs), as well as to be re-approved
each year.
The five founding members of the Council recognize the ASVs certified by the PCI Security Standards
Council as being qualified to validate adherence to the PCI DSS by performing vulnerability scans of
Internet facing environments of merchants and service providers.
The major requirement of the process is a rigorous remote test conducted by each vendor on the PCI
Security Standards Council's test infrastructure, which simulates the network of a typical security scan
customer. The Council has set up the test infrastructure in such a way as to deliberately introduce
vulnerabilities and misconfigurations for the vendor to identify and report as part of the compliance
testing process.
A process where a merchant issues a request to an authorization center to obtain an approval for a
cardholder transaction for a specific amount. This process verifies that a credit or debit card has
sufficient funds available to cover the amount of the transaction. This process also reserves the specified
amount and ensures the card is authentic and not reported lost or stolen. This authorization request is
usually submitted through a point-of-sale device. The merchant may also obtain authorizations by
telephoning the authorization center.
Authorization Code
A code that a credit card issuing bank returns to the POS indicating an approval of the request
Authorization Request
A request sent to a financial institution to determine if a credit or debit card has sufficient funds to cover
the amount of the transaction.
Authorization Response
A response to an authorization request indicating a financial institution’s approval or disapproval of a
This transaction is applied to either a Credit Authorization or Credit Sale Transaction. Amount types
included in this transaction are healthcare, prescription, vision/optical, clinic or other qualified medical,
and dental amounts.
Auto-Voiding Transactions
Portico Gateway automatically voids all active credit transactions that have not been added to a batch
after the Issuer time limits.
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Address Verification Service. A system that verifies the personal address and billing information
provided by a customer at the time of the transaction against the information the credit card Issuer has
on file. This system enhances fraud protection.
Business-to-Business. A marketing term that refers to the commerce between business as opposed to
business-to-consumer or business-to-government.
Back-End Vendor/Processor
A company that receives data, captures it from the front-end processor, and submits the data for
clearing and settlement. The back-end vendor generates the merchant’s monthly statement, causes the
merchant to be paid for their transactions, causes the merchant to be charged their processing fees and
causes the cardholder to be charged. Examples of back-end vendors are: Passport and Vital.
Balance Inquiry
Requesting the balance of an existing stored value/prepaid account to provide to the customer at the
Bank Card
In general, a bank card refers to a plastic card issued by a bank and used to access funds from an
Bank Routing Number
Every bank is assigned a unique nine-digit number for identification purposes. This routing number
appears as the first 9 digits across the bottom of a check. (See also Transit Routing Number)
Based on pre-determined criteria, the terminal will submit the details of all transactions that have taken
place since the last successful batch.
Batch Close
The process of sending transactions to the processor for clearing and settlement (the cardholders are
charged and the merchant is paid).
Bank Identification Number. The primary account number found on credit cards and bank cards. It is a
six-digit number, maintained by the American Bankers Association that identifies the bank and type of
card. The first number identifies the card type (i.e., American Express = 3, VISA = 4, MasterCard = 5,
Discover = 6). Also referred to as IIN (Issuer Identification Number).
Buy Rate
The acquiring bank's fee. It is equal to interchange (which is paid to the issuing bank) plus the acquiring
bank's markup. The wholesale price of a transaction to which processing and other fees are added to
come up with the cost to a merchant. Buy rates have not been widely used since the multitude of
interchange rates came into being. Many ISOs and acquirers now use pricing models that involve splits
of net revenue.
CAB Program Code
Card Acceptor Business Program Code (formerly MCC – Merchant Category Code) is a numerical
representation of the type of business in which the card acceptor (merchant) engages. MasterCard
assigns these codes.
Card Acceptance Processing Network. A set of requirements mandated by American Express to ensure
Portico Developer Guide 80
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processing of AMEX transactions according to their security standards. CAPN enhances POS security,
supports expanded amounts, and adds a transaction lifecycle identifier for all AMEX transactions.
Card Acceptor
The facility at which a purchase is made and a payment transaction is initiated. Also known as a
Card Issuing Bank
A financial institution that issues payment cards such as credit/debit cards.
Card Laundering
When a merchant processes sales through its merchant account on behalf of another merchant.
Laundering violates the terms of merchant agreements. Also called draft laundering and factoring.
Card Not Present
Card transactions (Internet or MO/TO purchases, for example) for which the customer’s card is not
physically handled by the merchant. Interchange is set higher on these transactions because there is a
greater likelihood of fraud.
A consumer doing business with a merchant using one or more of the following payments cards:
Credit or bank card
Debit card
Private label card
Existing prepaid or stored value card with a corresponding stored value/prepaid account.
Card Acceptor Terminal. Unattended terminals that accept bank cards for payment. These terminals are
frequently installed at rail ticketing stations, gas stations, toll roads, parking garages, and other
merchant locations.
Cardholder Authentication Verification Value. A unique value transmitted by an issuer (or VISA on behalf
of an issuer) in response to an authorization request message.
Cellular CDMA
Code Division Multiple Access. Digital cellular technology that converts audio signals into a stream of
digital information (made up of 1s and 0s).
Cellular GPRS
General Packet Radio Service Packet-based wireless communication service.
A procedure where a cardholder or card issuer is disputing all or part of the amount of a credit or debit
card transaction. A chargeback is therefore the act of taking back funds from a merchant for a disputed
or improper transaction.
Check Reader or Check Scanner
A counter-top device used to scan images of checks, according to legal specifications, for electronic
clearing and settlement. Also known as check scanner.
Card Identifier. A 3 or 4-digit code appearing on the front or back of Discover or American Express
credit cards (Discover is 3 digits, American Express is 4 digits). CID is used for fraud prevention. For all
other bankcards, see CVN.
Cardholder Information Security Program. A program established by VISA to ensure the security of
cardholder information. CISP has been superseded by the PCI Data Security Standard.
A company that has contracted to use the services provided by Heartland Payment Services.
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Client Libraries
See Heartland POS Gateway Client Libraries.
Close Batch
The end-of-day or end-of-shift process where the merchant balances and submits their credit and debit
card transactions for clearing and settlement. (See also Settlement)
CMDA - Verizon
Code Division Multiple Access. A communication channel access principle that employs spread-
spectrum technology and a special coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a code).
Card Not Present. See Card Not Present.
Commercial Cards
Credit cards issued to businesses for travel, entertainment and other business expenses.
Conditional fields are required in the message under certain conditions. These conditions are indicated
in the description or in an associated note.
See Cardholder.
Corporate Cards
See Commercial Cards.
Counter-top POS
A category of POS devices that typically only fit on a counter for use.
Custom Payment Services. VISA’S regulations for the information that must be submitted with each
transaction. Transactions must meet CPS criteria in order to qualify for lowest transaction processing
fees available. This is similar to MasterCard’s Merit system.
Credit Cards
Standard-size plastic token, with a magnetic stripe that holds a machine readable code. Credit cards are
a convenient substitute for cash or check, and an essential component of electronic commerce and
internet commerce. Credit card holders (who may pay annual service charges) draw on a credit limit
approved by the card-issuer such as a bank, store, or service provider (an airline, for example).
Cardholders normally must pay for credit card purchases within 30 days of purchase to avoid interest
and/or penalties. Cards can be issued by banks and non-banks and are associated with such brand
names as AMEX, Discover Financial Services, MasterCard, JCB International Co. Ltd. and VISA.
Card Security Code. The security code on a credit card is the brief number that is printed on the card
that helps verify its legitimacy. Depending on the card, the security code can be a three-digit or four-
digit number, printed on either on the back of the card or the front, and goes by several names. The
most common is CVV, which stands for "card verification value" code. Other card issuers call their
security codes CVV2 (Visa), CVC2 (MasterCard) or CID (American Express).
China UnionPay.The only domestic bank card organization in the People's Republic of China.
See Cardholder.
Coordinated Universal Time. The time scale used as the basis of a coordinated dissemination of
standard frequencies and time signals. Formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
See CVV2.
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Card Verification Number. This is a three- or four-digit number that appears on either the front or back
of a credit card. It is not included in the magnetic stripe data. It is provided as a fraud deterrent to
ensure the card is physically present when a POS transaction is initiated. These codes are only required
at authorization time. The following terms are used by various card issuers:
CVV2 and CVC2 (three digits) used by VISA and MasterCard account numbers.
CID (three digits) used by Discover account numbers.
CID (four digits) used by American Express account numbers.
Card Verification Value. An authentication procedure established by credit card companies to reduce
fraud for internet transactions. It consists of requiring a card holder to enter the CVV number in at
transaction time to verify that the card is on hand. The CVV code is a security feature for "card not
present" transactions (e.g., Internet transactions), and now appears on most (but not all) major credit
and debit cards. This new feature is a three- or four-digit code which provides a cryptographic check of
the information embossed on the card. The CVV code is not part of the card number itself.
Card Verification Value. A three-digit code appearing on the front or back of VISA or MasterCards. CVV2
is used for fraud prevention. For all other bankcards see CVN.
Doing Business As
Demand Deposit Account. A merchant’s checking account that is credited or debited with their deposits,
fees and adjustments (also referred to as Direct Deposit Account).
Debit Card
Issued by financial institutions and tied to cardholders' DDAs. Debit card funds are withdrawn directly
from a cardholder’s checking account. Debit cards come in online/offline and offline-only versions.
Online in this context means able to interface with the card brand networks for authorization at the POS.
Debit cards can be co-branded with Discover, MasterCard or VISA. Online debit requires customers to
enter PINs; offline debit card payments are authorized with cardholder signatures.
Data Encrypted Standard. A standard method for encrypting and decrypting data which was developed
by the U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology.
A temporary communication connection through a telephone line.
A fee charged to a merchant for card processing services. This fee is usually represented as a percentage
of the merchant's daily or monthly credit/debit sales. (Also known as "discount fee" or "discount rate.")
Discount Fee
A fee charged to a merchant for card processing services. This fee is usually represented as a percentage
of the merchant's daily or monthly credit/debit sales. (Also known as "discount" or "discount rate.")
Discount Rate
The percentage of card sales acquirers collect from merchants for transaction authorization and
A transaction is downgraded because it does not qualify for the best interchange rate possible,
therefore the transaction costs more to process. Examples of why a transaction downgrades are: a)
credit card is not swiped; b) merchant does not close their batch within 24 hours; c) the credit card used
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is a business, corporate or foreign credit card; d) the credit card was voice authorized.
The passing of programming information and parameters from a processor to a point-of-sale device
such as a terminal. This passing or transfer of information is typically accomplished by the point-of-sale
device "dialing out" and connecting to the processor’s remote computer.
Draft Laundering
See Card Laundering.
Digital Subscriber Line. DSL is a family of technologies that provides digital data transmission over the
wires of a local telephone network.
Data Security Operations Policy. A standard developed by American Express to protect cardholder
information. PCI is now used as a standard.
Data Security Standard. See PCI-DSS.
Dial tone multi-frequency. Used for telephone signaling over the line in the voice-frequency band to the
call switching center.
Derived Unique Key Per Transaction. Reference standard X9.24, Retail Key Management for this
definition. It is a key management technique in which for every transaction a unique key is used, which
is derived from a fixed key. If a derived key is compromised, future and past transaction data are still
protected since the next or prior keys cannot be easily determined.
Heartland End-to-End Encryption. New technology offered by Heartland to allow encryption of card
data from initial swipe or input at the POS through arrival at the Issuer. This system not only removes
intrusion threats but it also greatly reduces the scope for PCI audits on the associated merchant POS
Electronic Benefits Transfer. EBT is an electronic system in the United States that allows state
governments to provide financial and material benefits to authorized recipients through a plastic debit
card. Common benefits provided are typically in two different categories: Food Stamp and Cash
Electronic Check Acceptance. Electronic process of depositing a check into a merchant account. A check
is processed through an electronic system that captures bank account information and the amount of
the check. The ‘paper’ check is handed back to the customer, voided or marked so that it cannot be
used again. The merchant electronically sends information from the check (but not the check itself) to a
bank or other financial institution, and the funds are transferred into the merchant’s account.
Electronic Data Capture. The process of electronically authorizing, capturing and settling a credit card
Electronic Data Interchange. The structured transmission of data between organizations electronically. It
is used to transfer electronic documents or business data from one computer system to another
computer system.
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Electronically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. EEPROM is a special type of PROM that can
be erased by exposing it to an electrical charge. Like other types of PROM, EEPROM retains its contents
even when the power is turned off. EEPROM is similar to flash memory. The principal difference is that
EEPROM requires data to be written or erased one byte at a time whereas flash memory allows data to
be written or erased in blocks.
Electronic Funds Transfer. A way of performing financial transactions electronically. The Pulse and Star
networks are examples of EFT systems.
Electronic Interchange Reimbursement Fee. The fee that a merchant's bank or acquiring bank pays the
customer's bank or the issuing bank after a merchant accepts the use of a card for a particular
transaction. The issuing bank, in a payment transaction, deducts the interchange fee in which it pays the
acquiring bank that handles the transaction in behalf of the merchant or business owner. In turn, the
merchant is paid by the acquiring bank the amount for the purchase minus the interchange fee. Some
smaller fees may also apply, which are commonly referred to as the discount rate, the passthru or the
add-on rate.
Electronic Bill and Invoice Presentment and Payment. This is a business-to-business system for billing,
invoice presentment, and payment.
Europay, MasterCard and Visa. EMV is a global standard for inter-operation of integrated circuit cards
(IC cards or "chip cards") and IC card capable point of sale (POS) terminals and automated teller
machines (ATMs), for authenticating credit and debit card transactions.
Europay International, MasterCard International and VISA International. EMVCo manages, maintains and
enhances the EMV® Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for chip-based payment cards and
acceptance devices, including POS terminals and ATMs. EMVCo establishes and administers testing and
approval processes to evaluate compliance with the EMV Specifications. EMVCo is currently owned by
American Express, JCB, MasterCard and VISA.
A method of protecting data by "scrambling" data. Encryption transforms readable information using an
algorithm (called a cipher) and makes it unintelligible to anyone except those who possess a key that
converts the information back into readable form.
End-to-End Encryption
See E3 definition.
Encrypting PIN pads. Encrypting PIN Pads (EPPs) form a component of unattended PIN Entry Devices
(PEDs). Typically, EPPs are used to enter a cardholder’s PIN in a secure manner. EPPs are used in
conjunction with ATMs, automated fuel dispensers, kiosks, and vending machines.
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of memory chip that retains its data when its power
supply is switched off.
Electronic Receipt Capture. A paperless system that securely stores and retrieves electronic card receipts
on demand. This reduces bank chargeback losses and the costs associated with merchants' storage and
manual retrieval of paper receipts.
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See Electronic Funds Transfer.
File Extension
Part of a filename that indicates the file type.
Financial Transaction
A message that either notifies the host of the completion of a previously authorized payment
transaction or that requests the approval and completion of the payment transaction by the host
causing the reconciliation totals to be increased.
Floor Limit
The payment amount above which credit and debit card transactions must be authorized. This amount
is specified in each merchant's processing agreement.
Force/Offline Transaction (Prior Authorization)
The after-the-fact entry of a sale transaction. The merchant obtains an approval code for the transaction
by telephoning the authorization center. The transaction must now be entered into the terminal by
"forcing it" or "offline entry." When pressing the "force" or "offline" key on the terminal, the terminal
does NOT dial out to the authorization center, as the merchant has already obtained an authorization by
telephone. The merchant simply swipes the credit card or manually enters the credit card number and
expiration date, amount of the sale and the authorization code. The terminal simply "captures and
stores" the transaction in the merchant's batch, due to already having obtained a valid authorization
Fraud Monitoring
An operational process, usually done in the risk management area that involves setting alert parameters
for review at the time each transaction is presented to the system. Examples of these parameters are:
excessive chargebacks, excessive credits/refunds, duplicate transaction amounts, excessive sales, higher
than expected average sale amounts.
Front-End Vendor/Processor
A company that provides communication and data processing to authorize card transactions and
transfer the data between the merchant’s point-of-sale equipment to the back-end clearing/back-end
settlement processor. Examples of front-end vendors are: Heartland Exchange, VISANet, MAPP, BuyPass,
NDC, MDI, Paymentech, Envoy, FDR.
Flexible Spending Accounts. A tax-advantaged financial account that can be set up through an employer
in the United States. An FSA allows an employee to set aside a portion of his or her earnings to pay for
qualified expenses as established in the cafeteria plan, most commonly for medical expenses or
Federal Taxpayer Identification Number An identification number assigned to taxpayers by the IRS.
File Transfer Protocol. Standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a
TCP-based network such as the Internet.
Gift Card
A card that can be used for purchases as well as for storing value on the card.
GPRS - Cingular
General Packet Radio Service. Charges by the data and not connection time.
This is an adjustment to a transaction for a tip.
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General Services Administration. VISA Purchasing Card that is issued to federal government agencies by
an Issuer contracted with the General Services Administration.
Give Something Back (GSB) NetworkSM OneCard. A prepaid card that works like cash. Designed to make
charitable giving easy and automatic.
Global System for Mobile communications. Standard for mobile phones.
Help Desk Center
Organization or department that is tasked with supporting the clerks in the various client locations when
a problem is encountered with the POS system or its operation. The type of support available depends
on the operating environment and service agreements.
Heartland Information Marquee. Found on the merchant serving page (merchant viewer).
Heartland Marketing Solutions. An HPS Specialty Team that services HMS merchants. Paperwork or
questions regarding HMS should be directed to 1-866-402-8056 or to HeartlandmarketingSolutions@e-
Hold Back
The money set aside from a merchant's credit card receipts to cover potential chargebacks or other
disputes. Typically, the amount is returned after a specified period.
Any networked computer that provides services to other computers, systems or users.
Host Batch Close
A system where the merchant's transactions are stored at the "host" and not in the actual terminal or
point-of sale device. The host computer captures and retains all the transactions. The host automatically
closes all batches at a predetermined time if the merchant does not initiate a "close batch" function.
Health Reimbursement Arrangement. HRAs are Internal Revenue Service sanctioned programs that
allow an employer to set aside funds to reimburse medical expenses paid by participating employees.
Using an HRA yields tax advantages to offset health care costs for both employees as well as an
Island Card Reader. An ICR is an unattended device that accepts payment cards, typically used with fuel
pumps at gasoline stations. Also known as AFD, CRINDS, DCR, and pay-at-the-pump.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The IEEE is a non-profit professional association
dedicated to advancing technological innovation related to electricity.
Inventory Information Approval System (healthcare). This system identifies the qualified healthcare
products being purchased by the cardholder at the point of sale. This system must be used for
merchants utilizing auto-substantiation.
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Issuer Identification Number. See BIN.
Incremental Authorization
Unique authorization for the Lodging Industry. Occurs when an authorization is adjusted above a
threshold amount.
Integrated POS
A category of POS devices that typically combine several Point of Service locations in such industries as
Retail, Parking, and Petroleum.
The process by which all parties involved in a credit card transaction (processors, acquirers, and issuers)
manages the processing, clearing and settlement of credit card transactions.
Interchange Fees
Fees paid by the acquirer (Heartland) to the card issuing bank to compensate for transaction-related
IP Address
Internet Protocol Address. A unique number assigned to any computer or printer that uses internet
Independent Sales Agent. See Agent.
Information Security and Compliance. Program used by Discover to implement and maintain efficient
data security requirements and procedures. PCI is now used as a standard.
Integrated Services Digital Network. A set of standards for digital transmission over ordinary telephone
copper wire as well as over other media. ISDN requires adapters at both ends of the transmission so an
access provider also needs an ISDN adapter.
International Organization for Standardization. Founded in 1946, ISO is an international organization
composed of national standards bodies from over 75 countries. ANSI is a member of ISO. ISO has
defined a number of important computer standards.
Also an organization registered with VISA and sponsored by an acquiring bank to sell VISA card
acceptance services. Can refer to an organization that works with and does business under the name of
such a registered ISO. ISOs may also service merchant accounts once they are registered, dependent
upon the contract with the acquirer. MasterCard uses the term "member service provider" to describe
ISOs. However, it is common within the payments industry to use the term "ISO" when referring to
independent sales organizations registered with either or both card brands.
A company that enters into contractual relationships with consumers and/or businesses through the
issuance of plastic credit/debit cards. An issuer is also known as a "card issuing center." Examples of
issuers are Bank of America and Citi-Bank.
Issuing Bank
A federally insured financial institution that issues credit and debit cards. This is the cardholder's
financial institution.
Issuing Host
The processing system that acts under the authority of the card issuer to receive a transaction and to
approve funds to be given to the card acceptor or to guarantee checks.
International Telecommunication Union. An international organization within which governments and
the private sector coordinate global telecom networks and services.
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Japan Credit Bureau. An independent card company originally established in Japan. JCB International
Credit Card Company, Ltd. was established in Los Angeles in 1988 to issue credit cards as well.
Key Data
Data related to a security key. Reference standard X9.24, Retail Key Management.
Key Serial Number. Used in PIN encryption/decryption.
Key Transmission Block. Also known as the Encryption Transmission Block.
L is for length (LLL = 3 bytes). The field is parsed as 3 bytes of length and remaining of bytes as text
Load Amount
The amount of value that is added to the account. See Activation and Reload.
Load Value
To deposit funds into a cash account.
Longitudinal Redundancy Character. The LRC is used as an error checking method by both host and
terminal to validate that the data was received without error.
LUHN Formula
The LUHN formula, also known as the MOD-10 Checksum, is used to generate and/or validate and verify
the accuracy of account numbers.
Maestro is a multi-national debit card service owned by MasterCard.
Magnetic Stripe
A strip of magnetic material on the back of credit cards which contains data identifying the cardholder,
such as account number and cardholder name.
Manual Entry (Key Entered)
Card information is entered manually, or key-entered into a terminal, usually because the magnetic
stripe could not be read or the card is not present at the time of sale (i.e., a mail/phone order merchant).
Merchant Category Code. Usually a 4-digit number that identifies the type of business in which a
merchant is engaged by the type of goods or services it provides. VISA and MasterCard have specific
numbers for each type of merchant business.
Member Service Provider
See ISO.
Business that is a Heartland customer that processes transactions.
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Merchant Bank
A banking or financial institution that provides merchant services.
Merchant Discount Fee
A fee charged to a merchant for card processing services. This fee is usually represented in a percent
format (example 2.25%). This merchant discount fee is used to determine part of a merchant’s monthly
processing charge.
Merchant Service Fee
A fee assessed to a merchant for Heartland's value-add services such as the Merchant Center, 24/7
customer support and local servicing by Heartland Payment Systems Relationship Managers.
A set of data elements used to exchange information between a POS system and the Heartland
Payment Systems.
Message Authentication Code
A block of encrypted data to be sent from the POS on every contact Interac sale and return request.
Required for Canadian merchants processing debit reversals.
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. Character-recognition technology that uses a countertop reader
device used to scan magnetic ink character recognition lines. A MICR line is a sequence of digits at the
bottom of a check that provides details about the bank and account on which the check is drawn, and
supports authorization and clearing routines.
Merchant Identification Number. A number assigned by an acquirer to identify each merchant for the
purpose of reporting, processing and billing. All Heartland Payment Systems merchant numbers begin
with a 65. All Heartland Payment Systems merchant numbers are 15 digits in length.
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. An Internet standard that extends the format of email to support:
Text in character sets other than ASCII, non-text attachments, Message bodies with multiple parts, and
Header information in non-ASCII character sets.
MOD-10 Checksum
Modulus 10 Checksum. The "modulus 10" or "mod 10" algorithm, also known as the Luhn formula, is a
simple checksum formula used to validate a variety of identification numbers, such as credit card
Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO). Typically, credit transactions handled as "card not present." These
transactions generally involve purchases made through mail order or telesales companies. In this type of
transaction, the merchant typically has a card terminal and manually keys in required card information
for transmission to the appropriate authorization network. Interchange rates for these transactions are
among the highest.
Multiprotocol Label Switching. A mechanism in high-performance telecommunications networks which
directs and carries data from one network node to the next. It can encapsulate packets of various
network protocols. MPLS is a highly scalable, protocol agnostic, data-carrying mechanism. Packet-
forwarding decisions are made solely on the contents of the MPLS label, without the need to examine
the packet itself. This allows creation of end-to-end circuits across any type of transport medium, using
any protocol.
Merchant Services Provider (Heartland). Handles the setup with the Front-End and Back-End Processors.
Magnetic Strip Reader. The device that a payment card is swiped through as the Track Data is read.
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National Automated Clearing House Association. It manages the development, administration, and
governance of the ACH Network, the backbone for the electronic movement of money and data in the
United States.
National Association of Convenience Stores. The association for convenience and fuel retailing.
NonDisclosure Agreement. A confidentiality agreement signed by a customer and delivered to
Heartland Payment Systems. Completion of NDA is required before receiving Heartland SDK,
documentation and specifications.
Optional fields are never required. Optional fields in the response are only present when they were
present in or generated due to the associated request.
Open to Buy. The amount of credit left on an account. For example, before a purchase, a customer has
$600.00 OTB. The customer purchases $100.00 worth of products. After the purchase, the amount of
OTB for that account is $500.00.
Over-the-Counter. Used in healthcare industry transaction descriptions.
PIN Acceptance Devices. Numeric key pad a consumer uses to enter a Personal Identification Number
(PIN) when paying with a debit card.
Payment Application Data Security Standard. Standards established by Payment Card Industry Security
Standards Council to ensure compliance with mandates set by Bank Card Companies.
Primary Account Number. Also known as the card number. Number code embossed on a bank or credit
card and encoded in the card's magnetic strip. PAN identifies the issuer of the card and the account,
and includes a check digit as an authentication device.
Payment Application Best Practices. PCI SSC took over management of PABP and renamed to PA-DSS.
Partial Authorization
A process to complete a transaction if the full amount requested is not approved but a partial portion of
the requested amount is approved. A merchant must be set up for this capability. If a merchant is set up
for this capability, the Portico Gateway Issuer response will contain the full amount requested or a lesser
or partial amount authorized.
The Portico PayPlan application allows a merchant to set up and manage recurring payments. It also
provides other important and useful functionality, including: customer information management, secure
payment information storage, one-time payment from cards or ACH on file, automated email
notifications to merchants and customers, predefined and customizable reports, and the ability to load
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existing customer and payment information into the Portico PayPlan database.
Payment Card Industry. The payment card industry (PCI) denotes the debit, credit, prepaid, and the POS
cards and associated businesses. The term is sometimes more specifically used to refer to the Payment
Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), an independent council originally formed with the
goal of managing the ongoing evolution of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-
VISA PCI Compliance Acceleration Program. Under the CAP plan, acquirers are required to validate Level
1 and 2 merchant compliance with PIN security. This means that Level 1 and Level 2 merchants must not
use payment devices such as PIN pads, and encourages the use of unique encryption keys for every
For Level 3 and 4 merchants, acquirers must establish a thorough compliance program for those
merchants. According to VISA, as of November 1, 2007, acquirers whose transactions qualify for lower
interchange rates available in the VISA and Interlink tiers must ensure that the merchants generating the
transactions are PCI compliant in order to receive this benefit.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. The framework for developing a robust payment card
data security process including prevention, detection, and appropriate reaction to security incidents.
PIN Entry Devices. PCI PED requirements were established to protect against fraud by ensuring the
security of devices that process financial data. Approval is granted for devices that have been evaluated
by an approved laboratory and determined to be compliant with PCI Security Requirements.
Any device that attaches to a computer and is controlled by its processor.
Personal Identification Number. A PIN is used to help ensure that the cardholder is really the cardholder.
It is typically a 4-digit number that is not found anywhere on the card or in the track data.
PIN Debit
A debit card transaction authorized by the cardholder using a personal identification number.
Plural Interface Processing. The process that routes (through an American Express terminal or software)
VISA, MasterCard and Discover card transactions to a financial services provider and American Express
transactions directly to American Express for both authorization and settlement.
Private Label. Private Label products or services are typically those manufactured or provided by one
company for offer under another company’s brand. Private Label Payment Cards tend to be exclusive to
one merchant or company and can include special features, such as a rewards program.
Point of Sale or Point of Service. The hardware and software used to collect and transmit non-cash
payments for goods and/or services. The device where retail sales occur and payment transactions are
POS Sequence Number
POS sequence number for Canadian Debit transactions.
POS System
Point of Sale System or Point of Service System. The system that processes the transaction messages at
a point of service. The system may handle other non-transaction functions also.
Post-Authorization (Post-Auth)
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An offline transaction, also called a force, in which a transaction is created and placed in the merchant's
batch using an existing authorization (normally received from a voice authorization center). (See also
Offline/Force Transaction).
Plain Old Telephone Service. A basic wireline telecommunication connection.
Prepaid Card
A card representing a proxy for a stored value/prepaid account where value resides that the consumer
can use for the purchase of specific goods or services provided by a prepaid product’s service provider.
Private Label Cards
Credit, debit or stored value cards that are used only at a specific merchant’s store. Proprietary cards.
An acquirer (such as Heartland Payment Systems) or an acquirer's agent that provides authorization,
clearing or settlement services for merchants.
Programmable Read-Only Memory. A form of digital memory where the setting of each bit is locked.
Such PROMs are used to store programs permanently. The key difference from a strict ROM is that the
programming is applied after the device is constructed.
Proprietary Cards
See Private Label Cards.
Proximity Entry
This transaction occurs when a card is read by a proximity reader to capture the card information stored
on the magnetic strip or chip.
PTS Program
POS Terminal Security Program. This is a security evaluation program for Internet Protocol-enabled POS
devices to ensure the necessary level of protection for transaction and cardholder data at Merchants
that use equipment that support the TCP/IP protocol suite. The security evaluation verifies that POS
devices meet the relevant MasterCard requirements in terms of confidentiality, integrity and
communicating parties' authentication. By addressing the interface of POS terminals to open networks
using open protocols, this new security program complements existing security programs at MasterCard
that already address merchants or POS, such as PCI POS PED (security of PIN provided by PIN Entry
Devices) and SDP (based on the PCI Data Security Standard).
This term represents a sale transaction of services or goods.
Quick-Reference Guide. A document or chart, used as a guide, to give a merchant quick reference to
terminal operation procedures, such as batch settlement, offline/force entries, refunds, etc.
Qualified Security Assessor. A individual who meets specific information security education
requirements, has taken the appropriate training from the PCI Security Standards Council, and who
performs PCI compliance assessments as they relate to the protection of credit card data.
Quick Service Restaurant. A specific type of restaurant characterized by fast-food cuisine and by mini-
meal table service.
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Remote Deposit Capture. A check deposit process whereby paper checks are converted into digital
images for electronic clearing and settlement, through either electronic check or ACH systems.
See Replenish.
The process of confirming the accuracy of partial or final totals by comparing totals from different
To load an amount of funds into a stored value/prepaid account.
To deposit funds into either the cash or credit account.
Various transaction reporting functionality available from Heartland Portico Gateway. Transactions
supported are:
ReportActivity, ReportBatchDetail, ReportBatchHistory, ReportOpenAuths, ReportTxnDetail, and
A message directing or instructing the receiver to perform a specified action and respond with the
results of the action.
Required fields are always required to be sent in the message.
See Hold Back.
A message that provides the results of an action requested by the sender.
Response Codes
Codes returned from Portico Gateway or the Issuer down to the POS. Codes verify that a particular
transaction was accepted or reflect why it was declined.
A request for a legible copy of a sales slip and/or other documentation relating to a credit or debit card
transaction. This is the process or stage before a disputed transaction becomes a chargeback.
A message that cancels the specified financial transaction that was previously reported as complete,
causing the reconciliation totals to be decreased.
Reversal Reason Code
Defines the reason for reversing a previously approved transaction. Required for Canadian merchants
processing debit reversals. See enumerations for specific values supported.
Radio Frequency Identification or Radio Frequency Input Device. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is
the use of an RFID tag applied to or incorporated into a product for the purpose of identification using
radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the
Routing Transit Number. A routing transit number is a nine-digit bank code, used in the United States,
which appears on the bottom of negotiable instruments, such as checks, identifying the financial
institution on which it was drawn.
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Software Development Kit. Compilation of software and documents for communicating to Heartland
Portico Gateway. NDA must be completed by processing customer and on file with HPS before receipt
of the SDK. Kit includes:
Heartland Developers Guide, XML Schema, HTTP XLM Schema Documentation, Source Code Examples,
and the Heartland POS Gateway Client Library.
Site Data Protection. Mastercard's program to maintain data security requirements and compliance
validation requirements to protect stored and transmitted payment account data. PCI is now used.
Service Fee
A fee assessed to a merchant for Heartland’s value-add services such as the Merchant Center, 24/7
customer support and local servicing by Heartland Payment Systems Relationship Managers.
The process of transferring funds for sales and credits between acquirers and issuers, including the final
debiting of a cardholder's account and the crediting of a merchant's account. (See also Close Batch).
Standard Industry Code (MIC). Usually a 4-digit number that identifies the type of business in which a
merchant is engaged (also called Merchant Category Code (MCC)). VISA and MasterCard share specific
numbers for each type of merchant business.
Signature Debit
A VISA Debit or Debit MasterCard transaction authorized by a cardholder's signature.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible,
low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP
is the largest program in the U.S. domestic hunger safety net.
Simple Object Access Protocol. A communication protocol for use between applications using XML
messages through the Internet. It is platform and language independent, simple, extensible, and allows
for communication around firewalls.
Sponsor Bank
See Acquirer.
Secure Sockets Layer. A protocol for transmitting data over the internet. SSL uses a cryptographic
system to provide safety and privacy of data.
Super ISO
A large, independent sales organization that supports multiple downstream ISOs and MLSs. Some super
ISOs are also processors.
Stored Value Account. Stored Value Accounts are card-based payment systems that assign a specific
value to the card. Such cards are often referred to as gift cards or pre-paid cards. The card's value is
stored on the card itself (on the magnetic stripe or in a computer chip) or in a network database. As the
card is used for purchases, the total of each transaction amount is subtracted from the card's balance.
As the balance approaches zero, some cards can be "reloaded" through various methods and others are
designed to be discarded.
Swiped Entry
A transaction where a card is swiped (or passed) through a magnetic card reader or chip reader to
capture card information stored on the magnetic strip or chip.
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A processing system that provides transaction services to the card acceptor. The term includes acquiring
host, authorizing host, and issuing host.
A single hardware unit (device) or a group of units (system) that present messages to a host processing
Triple Data Encryption System. In cryptography, Triple DES is the common name for the Triple Data
Encryption Algorithm. It is so named because it applies the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher
algorithm three times to each data block. Triple DES provides a relatively simple method of increasing
the key size of DES to protect against brute force attacks, without requiring a completely new block
cipher algorithm.
See POS system.
Terminal Batch Close
A system where the merchant's transactions are stored within the terminal's memory. The terminal
stores the transactions until the merchant closes the batch.
Terminal Identification Number. A number assigned to the physical terminal device to identify its
attributes to the processor. Each terminal within a merchant location has a separate TID.
Taxpayer Identification Number. An identification number assigned to taxpayers by the IRS. The TIN for
individuals is their social security number. The TIN for businesses is the employer identification number.
Transport Layer Security. A cryptographic protocol designed to provide communication security over
the Internet.
Type-length-value. Optional information that may be encoded in a data communication protocol.
Third Party Processors. An independent processor that is contracted with by a Bank or Processor to
conduct a part of transaction processing.
Trace Number
Number identifying original transaction.
Track Data
Track Data is the information encoded within the magnetic strip on the back of a credit card which is
read by the electronic reader within the terminal or point-of-sale (POS) system.
A set of messages to complete a processing action.
Transaction Fee
A fee charged to a merchant each time a transaction is processed, which dials into the authorization
system, such as a sale or authorization only.
Transaction Header
A header is to be built for each transaction. This is used for authentication and validation.
Transit Routing Number
Every bank is assigned a unique nine-digit number for identification purposes. This routing number
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appears as the first 9 digits across the bottom of a check. (See also Bank Routing Number).
Tamper Resistant Security Module. Key encryption.
Total System Services. Vital. Back-end processor.
User Acceptance Test. Testing for business users to attempt to make a system fail, taking into account
the type of organization it will function in. It is checking and verifying the system in the context of the
business environment it will operate in.
Coordinated Universal Time. Also known as Greenwich Mean Time.
Value Added Reseller. A company that adds features or services to an existing product and resells it
(usually to end-users) as an integrated product or complete turn-key solution.
May refer to a document version or software version. Each time a new document or software revision is
released, a revision version number is incremented.
VISANet Integrated Payment System. VISA's main transaction processing system.
VISANet Processors. An entity that is directly connected to VISA through a VISANet Extended Access
Server (VEAS).
Voice Authorization
The process of obtaining an authorization by telephone, typically as a back-up procedure. When an
authorization cannot be obtained through an electronic credit card terminal or POS device.
An attendant initiated transaction request to cancel a recently completed transaction.
Very Small Aperture Terminal. The hardware and software located at a merchant’s location that allows
POS communications by satellite.
Terminal Option Page. Boarding merchants through web options.
Wired Equivalent Privacy. Standard for data security. Up to four keys are available using 64-bit or 128-bit
Wireless Fidelity. Another name for the 802.11b wireless networking standard developed by the IEEE.
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8 Index
Add a Reference, 10
Additional Criteria, 33-34
Address Verification Service (AVS), 28-29
Adjustments, 29
Alternate Payments, 21-22
Alternate Service NameValuePair Request Fields, 22-24
Alternate Service NameValuePair Response Fields, 25-26
Alternate Service Request Field Usage Detail, 24-25
Alternate Service Response Field Usage Detail, 26-27
Amount Response Matrix, 74
Appendices, 65
attachment, 13-18
attachments, 13-18
Authentication, 5
Authorization Platform, 29
Auto-close, 30
Auto-substantiation, 29-30
Batch Processing, 30
Batch Transactions, 21
Card Not Present Transactions, 30-31
Card Present Transactions, 31
Card Verification Value (CVV2), 31-32
Cash Transactions, 19
CAVV Results Codes, 32-33
Certification Host Response Matrix, 74
Certification Host Stored Value Accounts, 74-75
Check/ACH Transactions, 19
Connectivity, 5
Corporate Cards, 33
credential, 5
Credit Card Transactions, 18-19
Data Security, 6
Debit Card Transactions, 19
device ID, 5
Duplicate Checking, 33
Dynamic Transaction Descriptor, 34-35
EBT Transactions, 19-20
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EMV, 35
EMV Conversation Flow, 35-36
EMV Parameter Data Download, 44
EMV PDL Status Codes, 70-72
EMV Request Tags, 38-44
EMV Response Tags, 44
EMV Tags, 38
Encryption, 6-7
Gateway Response Codes, 65-67
GatewayTxnId, 13-18
Getting Started, 10
Gift Card Response Codes, 72-73
Gift Card Transactions, 20
Glossary, 78-97
Gratuity, 57
Healthcare, 59
HMS Gift Card Certification, 74
image, 13-18
images, 13-18
Industries, 58
Interac Device Keys, 61
Interac Processing, 61
Internal Use Only Transactions, 27
Issuer Response Codes, 68-70
license ID, 5
Lodging, 58-59
Managing Tokens, 8-9
Manual Entry, 30
MasterCard Gratuity Rules, 57-58
MOTO/eCommerce, 59-61
Multi-use Tokenization, 7-8
Override Duplicate Checking, 34
Overview, 4
ParameterDownload Service, 45
Partial Authorization, 61-62
Payment Application Data Security Standards, 4-5
PDL Request Definition, 45-46
PDL Response - Confirmation, 57
PDL Response Definition, 46
Portico Developer Guide 99
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PDL Response Table 10—Table Versions and Flags, 46-47
PDL Response Table 30—Terminal Data, 48-50
PDL Response Table 40—Contact Card Data, 50-53
PDL Response Table 50—Contactless Card Data, 53-56
PDL Response Table 60—Public Key Data, 56-57
PDL Response Tables 30-60, 47-48
Personal Identification Number (PIN) Block, 63-64
Portico Developer Guide, 0
Portico Services Supporting Duplicate Checking, 34
PrePaid Card Transactions, 20
Protocol, 5
Register the Client Library, 65
Report Transactions, 21
Requesting a Token, 8
Restaurant, 58
Retail, 58
Revision History, 75-77
Service Tag Validation, 35
Services That Support EMV Tags, 36-38
Session Id, 13-18
Settlement, 30
signature capture, 13-18
site ID, 5
SoapUI Examples, 10-11
Special Processing Rules, 28
Status Indicators, 73-74
Swiped or Proximity Entry, 64
TestCredentials, 12
Tokenization-Specific Response Codes, 67-68
Transaction Amounts, 64
Transaction Basics, 11-12
Transactions, 13-18
Use the Interface, 10
user ID, 5
Using a Token, 8
Utility Transactions, 20-21
validation, 5
Voice Authorization, 64
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