One Page Supercheckout  Prestashop User Manual V4.0.2

User Manual:

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Prestashop One Page Super Checkout version 4.0.2
Installation & User Manual v4.0.2
Prepared by
Knowband Plugins
1. Installation Guide ........................................................................................................................ 3
2. User Manual ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 General Settings ................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Login Tab ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Mail Chimp Tab ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 How to configure Mail Chimp? ............................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Mail Chimp Settings: ............................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Addresses Tab .................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Payment Method Tab ........................................................................................................ 9
2.6 Delivery Method Tab .......................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Custom Fields Tab ........................................................................................................... 10
2.7.1 How to add a custom field? ................................................................................................ 11
2.7.2 How to edit a custom field? ................................................................................................ 11
2.7.3 How to delete a custom field? ............................................................................................ 12
2.8 Cart Tab ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.8.1 Cart ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.8.2 Order Total .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.8.3 Confirm ............................................................................................................................... 14
2.9 Design Tab ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.10 Language Translator Tab ................................................................................................ 15
2.11 FAQs Tab .......................................................................................................................... 16
2.12 Other Plug-ins Tab ........................................................................................................... 17
3. Annexure A ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.1 How to Set up Face book Login? ................................................................................... 18
3.2 How to Set up Google Login? ........................................................................................ 23
3.3 Order Details Page ........................................................................................................... 28
3.4 SuperCheckout Checkout Page ..................................................................................... 28
1. Installation Guide
2.1 Copy “SuperCheckout” module folder under your “root_directory/modules/”of your store via FTP or
use Prestashop interface to upload the plug-in.
2.2 After copy, module will be listed on module listing page in admin panel as shown given below screen.
2.3 If module is not displaying on your module listing page, search it by filtering module with following
Keyword: SuperCheckout
Author: Knowband
Category: Checkout
Filter by: Installed & Not Installed/Enabled & Disabled
1. When you will click on install button, a pop up box will appear which will display warning messages.
You can ignore these messages and move ahead. There will be no negative impact of this warning
message on your store.
2. After installing module, a “configure” button will be in front of this plugin on module listing page as
shown in screen below:
2. User Manual
1. To access this module, Click on “configure” button of SuperCheckout module. On clicking, module
interface will be open and following screen will be display as given below:
2.1 General Settings
1. Enable/Disable: To enable the plug-in, switch the enable button from OFF to ON. Default value will
be “OFF”.
2. Enable Guest Checkout: By enabling this option, store will allow customer to checkout as a guest.
Default value will be “OFF”
3. Register Guest: By enabling this option, store will register guest automatically and send registration
email to corresponding customer. Default value will be “OFF”.
4. Default Checkout Option: There are 3 options which will be displayed at front end. With these
options, admin can set which option will be displayed to customers on SuperCheckout page. These
options are:
a. Login: If this option is selected, customer will see the login form in login section.
b. Guest: If this option is selected, customer will see only the email field in login section.
c. Register: If this option is selected, customer will see the registration form in login section.
On front, customer can also change the checkout option. By default, “login“ option will be
5. Testing Mode: If you want to test the plug-in before making it live on your store then you can
enable this option. While this option is enabled your customers are redirected to the normal checkout
page but you can open the SuperCheckout page directly through URL. The URL for the same appears
below this option once you enable it.
6. Custom CSS: This option allows you to change the CSS of any element on front end (i.e.
SuperCheckout Page). To change the CSS of any element you need to write the CSS code for the
same and add that code in the text area for this option
2.2 Login Tab
1. This tab basically contains setting to enable /disable Facebook and Google registration & login as
shown below.
2. Enable Face book Login: To enable Face book Registration & Login switch the button from OFF to
ON. But before you do that do get face book APP ID and APP SECRET from without these keys, this functionality will not work. By default, this
functionality will be disabled.
3. Enable Google Login: To enable Google Registration & Login switch the button from OFF to ON.
But before you do that do get Google APP ID, CLIENT ID and APP SECRET from without these keys, this functionality will not work. By default,
this will be disabled.
4. Please read the Annexure A to setup Google and Face book login.
2.3 Mail Chimp Tab
Mail Chimp is an email marketing service by which you can send bulk newsletter/offer emails to your
customers. Mail Chimp also provides many attractive Templates and many more features. Our module
allows you to add customer email directly to mail chimp list as soon as they register using our module.
For using Mail Chimp You need to have an API Key.
2.3.1 How to configure Mail Chimp?
1. Login to your Mail Chimp Account.
2. Click on the right corner tab > Choose Profile > Extras > API Keys.
3. Here Admin Can Create an API key by click on “Create a Key” Button.
4. Copy the API key.
5. Admin can also make Different list for Each Social login customer by click on “List” in the Top Menu
6. Now Paste the API Key in the Provided Mail chimp API Key section and click on “Get List” Button.
7. Select the list from Dropdown menu.
2.3.2 Mail Chimp Settings:
1. Enable/Disable: To enable the Mail chimp, switch the enable button from OFF to ON. Default value
will be OFF.
2. Subscribe Customer Checkbox: Check this option if you want to subscribe customers to mail chimp
as soon as he comes out from email field. Please note that this function will not subscribe them to
Prestashop list. Our mail chimp integration is responsible to subscribe only to mail chimp list.
3. Mail Chimp API Key: Enter Your Mail Chimp API Key and Click on “Get List” button.
4. Mail Chimp List: Select your desired list and save settings.
2.4 Addresses Tab
1. This tab contains setting for the fields which is to be shown in customer registration, delivery address
and invoice address section on front. As shown in screen below:
2. It consists of two sections. The one in the left if for Guest Customers and the right one for registered
3. To make a field show/hide in the checkout page check the checkbox just to the left of Show label.
4. To make a field as mandatory (required field) check the checkbox just to the left of Require Label.
5. The fields can also be rearranged according to the requirement. To rearrange just hold icon ( ) and
drag & drop the field vertically, wherever it is required.
6. On saving, the fields will be rearranged as per the changes.
2.5 Payment Method Tab
1. This tab contains settings for payment methods shown in checkout page like enabling/disabling or
selecting a default method
2. Display Method: To Enable/Disable the payment methods on the checkout page switch the button
from ON to OFF or vice-versa. This will disable the payment method block from checkout page. By
default, this will be enabled.
3. Display Style: There are 3 options to display how your payment methods will be display on checkout
page. By default, payment methods will be display with its name. If you select style with image, then
please upload image of size (95 X 20) for corresponding payment method under appropriate payment
module directory.
4. Selected Default Method: This will be a drop down list of all installed payment module. Here you can
select payment method, which will be displayed as selected at the time, when customer comes on
checkout page.
2.6 Delivery Method Tab
1. This tab contains settings for delivery methods shown in checkout page like enabling/disabling or
selecting a default method
2. Display Method: To Enable/Disable the delivery methods on the checkout page switch the button
from ON to OFF or vice-versa. This will disable the delivery method block from checkout page. By
default, this will be enabled.
3. Display Style: There are 3 options to display how your delivery methods will be display on checkout
page. By default, delivery methods will be display with its name. If you select style with image, then
please upload image of size (95 X 20) for corresponding delivery method.
4. Selected Default Method: This will be a drop down list of all active delivery methods. Here you can
select delivery method, which will be displayed as selected at the time, when customer comes on
checkout page. The selection will be different according to customer location. If your selected
method maps with customer location, then the method will shown as selected at the time of checkout
page loading.
2.7 Custom Fields Tab
This tab is used to add custom fields on front. This tab contains a table and options to Add, Edit or Delete
the fields.
2.7.1 How to add a custom field?
To add a custom field into the system, click on the ‘Add New’ button. It will open a form shown below.
Admin will have to fill all the required fields and if all the values are valid, on clicking of ‘Save’ button
values will be stored into the database.
2.7.2 How to edit a custom field?
To edit a custom field, click on the ‘Edit’ icon shown in front of any row. It will open a form shown below.
Values of the form will be filled already.
Admin will have to click on the ‘Save’ button in order to save the edited details.
2.7.3 How to delete a custom field?
To delete a custom field admin will have to click on the delete icon shown next to every table row. It asks
for confirmation to delete a row.
2.8 Cart Tab
1. This tab contains setting for the cart, order total and confirming the order as shown below:
2. It is divided in to three sections
a. Cart
b. Order Total
c. Confirm
2.8.1 Cart
1. Display Cart: By default cart display will be enabled.
2. To Show/Hide cart summary options from the checkout page check uncheck the checkbox present in
front of “Cart Summary Option” label.
3. Product Image Size: This will show the size of product image which will be displayed on checkout
page. By default this field will be shown with their default values.
2.8.2 Order Total
To Show/Hide cart summary options from the checkout page check uncheck the checkbox present in
front of “Cart Summary Option” label.
2.8.3 Confirm
To Show/Hide cart summary options from the checkout page check uncheck the checkbox present in
front of “Cart Summary Option” label.
2.9 Design Tab
1. This tab contains the settings for the design of checkout page in the catalog as shown below:
2. To change the width of any column adjust the slider present at the top as shown below
3. Block of different steps can also be rearranged from one column to the other or in the same column
as shown below:
4. On saving, the block will be rearranged in the checkout page as per the changes
2.10 Language Translator Tab
Using language tab, you can generate multiple languages for SuperCheckout module. Following is the
screen given below:
1. Choose the language in which you need to translate & choose the website.
2. By default it will display the translation of store default language.
3. After adding translation of text, you can perform following action using the buttons below.
a. Save: On clicking this button, a language file will be generate as well as save into database.
b. Download: On clicking this button, a language file will be create and download at your end.
Plug-in will not save these changes into system.
c. Save & Download: Plug-in will save translation as point and download at your end.
2.11 FAQs Tab
This tab contains several questions (with answers to them) that are asked by our customers. We
recommend you to go through the questions before raising any ticket for this plug-in.
2.12 Other Plug-ins Tab
This tab redirects to our developer page having list of other plug-ins developed by us. If you like this plug-
in then you can try our other plug-ins also.
3. Annexure A
3.1 How to Set up Face book Login?
1. Visit http://
2. Then follow below steps
Enter your desired app name. e.g.: Store name social login
App Domains: is correct is incorrect is incorrect
Under status and review tab, enable its live feature.
3.2 How to Set up Google Login?
1. Visit
2. Then follow below steps.
Use redirect URL
3.3 Order Details Page
The data entered by the customer in custom fields at the time of placing order is displayed in order details
Similarly the data is shown in order history page also.
3.4 SuperCheckout Checkout Page
The fields added into the backend are displayed in SuperCheckout Place Order page.

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