Proceedings_of_the_Meeting_of_the_Eastern_Region_of_the_1620_Users_Group_196405 Proceedings Of The Meeting Eastern Region 1620 Users Group 196405
Proceedings_of_the_Meeting_of_the_Eastern_Region_of_the_1620_Users_Group_196405 Proceedings_of_the_Meeting_of_the_Eastern_Region_of_the_1620_Users_Group_196405
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE ~TING OF THE EASTERN REGION OF THE 1620'USERS GROUP Marriott Motor Hotel Arlington, Virginia May 6, 7 aM 8, 1964 Hartin lnebel Regional Secretal7 (', PROCEEDIlfGS OF THE MEB'l'DG OF THI EASTERN REGION OF THE 1620 USERS QROUP MAY 6, 7 AIm 8, 1964, TABLE OF OCtiTENTS Sub Section Section !!&! SECTICJf 1 - GENERAL. " ., • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. o. 0 • • • • 1. 2. • • 1. 1. 1. 3. 1 1 1 • • 1. 4. 1 SECTION 2 - KEYNOTE ADDRESS. • • • • • • • • • • Consolidation Through Systems Integration by Dr. James R. OliTer • • • • • • • • • • • 2. o. 0 2. 1. 1 • • 3. o. 0 • • • • 1. 2. 3. • • 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1 1 1 1 1 • • • • 3. 3. 6. 1 • • • • 7. 8. • • 3. 3. 3. 3. 9. 1 1 ·..•• • 3. 3. 3. 9. 10. 1 li. 1 Progr_ Agenda. • .. • • • • • • • • • • • Synopsis ot Papers • • • • • • • • • • • ot the Program Chairman • • • • • Some Hot•• on "SurYeY List ot Programaing S7st••S n and Panel Discussions • • • • • 45 (~. SECTION 3 - PROGRAMS TEAMS SESSIONS. • • • • Statisti.. and Mathematiea • • • • • • • Plotting • • .. ,. • • • • • • • • • • • •• • Electronic •• • • • • • • • • • • • • Education Institutions • • • • • •• • • •• •• Structural and Cinl • • • • • • • • • • • Abstracts "General Pipe Stress" by' E. J. Orth, Jr. and J. Levis. Electric Utility • • • • • • • • • • • • • Abstracts "A Program tor ETaluating Alternate Generating Plant ExpanSion Pattern." by' R. W. DaTiee. • • CheJllical Engineering • • • • • •• •• •• • •• •• Rate Engineering • • • • • • • • • • .. • Operations Research. • • • • • • • • •• • Abstract: "Opt1aum Replacement ot Capacit7-tdRited Equipaent" by W. W. Pleines. • • • • • • General Data Processing. • • • • • • • 1710 Users Sub-Group • • • • • • • • •• • • $ ill C· ,',.1 • • • • • • • • 4. S. S. 6. 3 7 1 4 1 1 I · · .. 1 T 7["-r. ["8...... n" \- -± TABLE OF OOHTENTS (Continued) Sub Section Section h. 4. 4. 4. o. o 1. o 2. o h. 4. S. o o 4. 6. o 4. 7. o 8. o 9. o • • 4. 4. 4. 10. o • • 4. 11. o o o o SECTIOI 4 - LIST OF PAPKRS • • • • • • • • • • • Computation ot Coettic~t ot Correlation. • • Croasing Point. - Rate Selection and CCllpariaoD • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Electric Water Beatin, • • • • • • • • • • • • MeetiDg AssumptioD8 ot Homogeneit7 of Vari. .ea lIonliaear Data Tranatora. and Bartlett'. Teat• • • • • • • • • • • • • A General Panotion Subproll'_. • • • • • • • • FORTRAN Programs tor CalpUting Elliptic Integrals and FunctiCD8 • • • • • • • • • • • The Us. ot Discrete ConvolutiOil in the 1n~si. A CCIIlpQter Ana~8i8 (~\\ or Diffractions • • • • • • • • • • SpectrtDll the Simultaneous Equations Approach to O. .a B7 Method • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ZIP - .l Multiple Line Keyword in Context Program. • • • • • • • • • • • • Eleotric Load Statistics Syatea for an Ilectric Utility • • • • • • • • • • • -. A Work Pertormance Monitoring &.retem Designed tor an Electric utility Meter ad _Installation Department. • • • • • • A Multiple-Iteration Procedure tor - Engineering Design • • • • • • • • • • • • • An 4. 3. o • • 4. 12. A Distribution reeder and Substation Load roree.sting Procesaillg 0,,]) Surn,. Data on a Small s.r.tea • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4. 13. Computer • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Plot Boutae tor BeE Load-and-Go FORTRAN • • • Automatic Scheduling and Registration ill 4. 4. 14. lS. a Saall Colle ge • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AnT SPS with Simulated THF, DS and h. 16. o MF Instructions. • • • • • • • • • • • ••• h. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. o lei High Speed SPS A8se.bler • • • • • • • • • DOODLE - A Do-It-Your••lt Frobl.. Sol...r • • • PDQ lORTRAR tor Paper Tape 1620. • • • • • • • SI~' PORTRAH tor Paper Tape 1620. • • • • • • • !he Art ot Debugging • • • • • • • • • • • • • (SJMP) Seareh and M8Ilor.r PriIlt • • • • • • • • S7abol Table Punch Prograu tor IS( UTO o !!I! ad PDQ FCETRAN S7steae • • • • • • • • • • • Monitor Superrlaor tor 1620-1311 or 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 23. o o o o o o 4.- --24.-- o o - 4. o Sapermonitor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • U.. of Computers in Design of Eleotronic lCCllCLJlREIlt. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o 26. 2 --------_..__...._._----------------_._...__._-_._---_._-_.-_._-.._.__ ..._-----_. -.... _..... _..__ ....... .......__................. _-... _ ------~~-~~- () TABLE OF OOHTENTS c' (Continued) Sub Section Section SCTIOR k (Continued) J.na17ei8 on the 1620 • • • • • • • • • Ablltract s "All Experimental Personalized Arra-r Tranelator System" by H. Hellerman. • • • • • • • • • • • Abstraots "Debugging in the POR n System" by R. D. Burgess. • • • • • • • •• SECTICII S- APPENDICES • • • • • • • • • • • • • Registration List. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • List ot Programs Teams Chairmen • • • • • • • • Report of Meeting of Progr_s Team8Chairlllen •• Surny of Type 1620 Progr8llDlling S7stema • • • • ( ''''''.."" ~~/ l!I! 4• 27. o 4. 4. 28. o 29. o s. s. s. s. o. o 1. 1 1 ,. 2. 3. 4. 1 1 c SECTION 1 GENERAL Table of Content. Program Agenda. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.1.1 S1Dopsis of Papers. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.2.1 Connents of- the Program Chairman • • • • • • • • ••• • 1.3.1 So.. Rotes on ·Sur.ey List of Programming S78t... n and Panel Discussions • • • • • • • • • • ,1.4.1 1.0.0 ~, I'L,.,;;' c M'II! ' 'flM'!!Rf run'N'N'l'" . ..., "I'Ll'" , EASTERN REGION 1620 USERS GROUP MEETDlG MARRIOTT MOTEL, WASHINGTON, D.C. - MAY 6-8, 1964 PROGRAM AGENDA (D. D. Williams, Program Chairman) Tuesdalz Mal ,th 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. 8:00 Registration Sound-o.rr Session (Hardware, Programming Systems) Wednesdazz Mal 6th , 8roa A.M. Registration Note: WednesdaT was devoted exclusively to Programming Workshops and special papers. There were four (4) concurrent meetings, labeled A, B, C, and 0, during certain time periods, labeled 1 through S. This cross reference is utilized in the Synopsis ot Papers. (U~\ Summary or A 9:00 - 10:30 (1) FORTRAN P/S Summary or SPS pis B D Introd. to Monitor (Section I) 10:30 - 10:45 corree 10:4, - 12:15 (2) DOODLE, A FORTRAN Language High-Speed SPS Assembler 12:1, - 1:4, Luncheon (InfonMal) 1:45 - 3:1.5 (3) Experimental Translator System C Introd. to Monitor (Section II) Advanced Monitor (Section I) Comparison of SPS Systems FORTRAN II Workshop (Section I) PDQ FORTRAN - 0 Paper Tape "Select External" FORTRAN 1.1.1 5 Page 2 - 3 :15 - 3 :30 Advanoed Monitor (Seotion II) (4) (5) D Corree 3:30 - 5:00 8:00 - 10:00 -C B A Aids to De bugging SAMP Monitor Supervision for Open Shop Users FORTRAN II Workshop (Section II) Comparison ot FORTRAN Systems Thursday, May 7th 8:00 A.M. New Users Breakfast Meeting Jim Oliver Registration Note: Thursday morning and Friday afternoon comprise the General Session. Program Teams meet in the interim. The Plotting and Eleotronics Programs Teams were fonned at this meeting. 9:00 - 10:30 General Session ...-"" /'''1' Don Williams Tom Wagner Arnold Spitalny, Marty Goldberg Announoements New Equipment Announcements Systems Design in Eleotronic Industr.y 10:30 - 10.4, Cofr,e 10 Comparilon in Depth of Naw 1I'ORTRlN Srateml .4, - 12 .1; 1211, - 1.4, Don Jardine, Jan Lea Luncheon K~ynote 1:45 - 3 :15 \ Address t Jim Oliver Consolidation through Systems ]ntegration Program Team Workshops Note I 4 - Lilt ot Papers tor papers presented or topics treated.. '1'e. Chairaen are See Seotion l:Llted next to workshop. A. B. C. D. E. Frank Wella N. Goldman Eleotric utilitr Eduoational Institutions Rate Engineering Ohemical Engineering Plotting K. W. Brady r. Schroedel Aoting tor T. H. Korall tl TOM Soott 1.1.2 C. 6 C . ~. " I ll" I HI! 'I! VI" I '!I" I !'U'!!,! wb##HH*¥#rt' ¥ re Page 3 C 3:1$ - 3:30 Coftee 3:30 - ,:00 Continuation of Fir.t Four Workshops E. Electronics Arnold Spit.t11ny ,:)0 - 6:30 Social Hour 7:30 Movie on Type 360 System IB1 8:00 Executive Board Meeting Jim Davidson Program Team Workshops A. Electrie Utility B. 1710 Users C'. Structural and Civil Engineering D. Education Institutions Frank \ve lIt-; J. J. Owen Fr1dazz Mal 8th 9:00 - 10:30 C:\ 10:30 - 10:h5 Coffee 10:u, - 12:1, A. B. C. 12:15 - 1:4, 1:4, - 3:1, Operations Researeh Continuation of 9:00 - 10:)0 Continuation of 9:00 - 10:30 Tom Scott N. Goldman Jim Oliver Luncheon A'. . Electric Utility B. General Data Processing C. Statistics and Mathematics 3:15 - 3:30 Coftee 3:30 General Session Discussion ot Sound-ort Session IBM Reports Frank Wells Robert Soucy Acting for Arnold Canner Frank Dickinson Jim Ol:f_ver Concluding Remarks o 7 SYNOPSIS OF PAPERS The sessions presented are summarized as follows: Cross Reference Number, Title, Author (where applicable), Synopsis, and level of paper or workshop. WednesdayzMal 6th .1-1 Sunma of FORTRAN P Sand SPS P S - D. T. Nort Camera and Instrument Company and E. Sinanian, Fairchild o rpo ration A survey was presented by lIM and User personnel of the major Il){ and user designed statement and symbolic language programming systems together with the additions and modifications available from the librar,y. Level: Intenn.ediate B-1 Introduction to Mon!tor Programming - E. Sinanian and J. Grant I lEM Corporation A general discussion for new users of disk drives. Section I di.scussed the Monitor in general and SPS II-D in particular. Level: Elementar,y .1-2 DOODLE - A Do-It-Yourself Problem Solver - K. V. Farina a General Electric Compagr A FORTRAN programming system for 40K which interprets and executes. Level: Intermediate AFIT SPS with Simulated TNFl'NS and MF - D. Olson, Newark College or Engineerins Level t' Intermediate SPa High Steed Alsembler r,ar 20K - IC. Germann and G. Rumrill, Rewarkljoi age ot Insi neering Level: B-2 Intermediate Introduction to MoDi tor Programming - IEM COrporation Continued from previous s'easlon. in Section II. Emphasis on FORTRAN II-D () Level t Advanoed 1.2.1 8 . p.o.'}",. " Pfl",-j"bitbrlririt···dH Page 2 Wednesdal, Mar 6th - Cont. A-3 (cent.) Q. Level. Boekhott Intermediate - P. G. Boekhott General American A programming system based on PDQ FORTRAN embodying a new I/O approach. . IAavell B-3 Intermediate Advanoed Monitor Programming - J. Grant, IB-t Corporation A detailed discussion ot Monitor I tor the advanced user. Level: C-3 Advanced k Comparison ot SPS Systems - J. A. N. Lee and R. L. Pratt evaluation and comparison in depth of the first generation programming systems. An Level: D-3 Elementary to Advanced FORTRAN II Workshop - R. D. Burgess, Mechanical Technology, Inc. A tutorial session reported to have been highlY successful at MTI. Level:~ B-4 Intermediate Advanced Monitor Programming - IEM Corporation Continued from previous session • Monitor II was emphasized in Section II. Level: c-4 Advanced The Art of Debugging - E. J. Orth, Jr., Southern Services, Inc. Level: Intermediate Search and Memory Print (SAMP) - J. M. Wolte, Brooklyn College Level: Elementary FORTRAN Symbol Table Punch for IBMi UTe and PDQ FORTRAN Systems - 0 ,/: " R. C. Irons, u.s. Raval School orn.tion Medicine Level: Intermediate 9 Wednesday, May 6th - Cont. C-4 ~ont.) 3 Monitor Superrlsor for the 1620-1311 - E. E. Newman, Massachusetts Institute Technology or LeTel: D-4 Page Intermediate FORTRAN II Workshop - R. D. Burgess, Mechanical Technology, Inc. Continued from preTious session. Section II stressed subroutine linkage and debugging. A-S Lee and comparison in depth ot the first generation programming systems, including IBM, AFIT, An eTa1uation UTO and PDQ FORTRAN. Thursday, Mal 7th 9:00 - 10:)0 Welcome introduction and reports. Comments on theme of meeting (systems) - D. D. Williams Use of Computers In DeSign of Electronic Equipnent United lircraft corporation A. SpftilDi; Network Anagsis on the 1620 - M. Goldberg, United Aircraft Corporation Note: The preceding two papers support the ---- topic "Systems Design in Electronic Industryll which is listed in the "Agenda". 10:45 - 12:15 An eTaluation and comparison in depth of the second generation FORTRAN progrll1DUing systems including FORTRAN II and K1ngstran FORTRAN by D. A. Jardine and J. !.N. Lee. Papera clalled al .1ement~ presuPPole no background on the part at the audienoe. Sellionl olassified as inter,mediate pre,uPPOle lome acquaintanoe with the subjeot matter. Sessions classified as advanced are intended tar persoDs with oonsiderable experience in the field) questions ot an elementar.ynature will be discouraged at these sessiODs. This agenda was supplemented between sessions by half-hour programmed demonstrations on a type 1620 Model 2 computer with 40 K pOSitions of memory, two disk units, a plotter and a card read-punch unit. The following planned list ot demonstrations was altered slightly to accommodate available hardware features: Set AI c· Design Automation Orbital TrajectolT Calculation Similation of Analog Computer 1.2.3 10 I" ,inrH¥!!HH" 'FIW ij'9 Page Set BI 4 Monitor I FORTRAN II SPS III Other Programs Available. COGO I Circuit Analysi8 Electric Load Flow Capital Investment. FORTRAN with Format Plotter Subrout1ne, AnT des1r1n1 a speoifio QemOD,tration tram the abow ,eleotion at times other thaD thole indioated, or clelir:t.D1 to run &'lJ.7 ot hi, own prosram, va, asleed to submit his request to tbl IBM representative at thl demonltration oenter. 1I Comments of the Program Chairman The general response to your Program Committee's probe for interesting material for the M'ay, 1964, Conference was quite gratifying. Models of previous Proceedings, the wealth of papers offered and the availability· and generous offers of speakers - expert in their fields of interest, all helped to make the program planning easier. The directive, for the best use ot the contributors' material and talents, was taken from the Group's bylaws, and is repeated here: "The primary object of the 1620 Users Group is to advance the effectiveness of the utilization of the IBM 1620 Data Processing System • • • • • • • • " In order to effectively advance this basic objective, the Committee decided to build a program. blended with a theme which would focus attention to the currently large stockpile of Programmirlg Systems and Applications Programs. Thus, it was hoped to generate some constructive thought toward reduction of redundant programming efforts and finally to atfect some integration of Application Programs into the larger context of Data Processing Systems. Hence, the them$, "Consolidation through Systems Integration" is being highlighted. The agenda vaa arranged 80 as to Mold the Conference into a composite of two parts, each part ha.tng its own identity and flavored by the theme. Part I (Wednesday mornir.Lg to noon of Thursday) is mainly identified with Programming SYltems. Wednesday' a tour sessions were each of n1netr m1Dute duration, being held concurrent17 and being three-deep. One ot these concurrent sessions i8 a panel discussion ot SPS Systems which support the the•• relative to Part I. Further support ot the theme, related to Part I, 1. i1'Yen in two general session panel discussions cOTering the first and second ' gener'atioD of FORTRAN Syate.a.An enning session on Wednesday and one on Thur8~ Morning campri.e the •• two 88ssiQD8. Part II ('l'hUJ'1CIq morning to Friday atternoon) is m.aiDl,. identified with AppUcationl Prograa8. The Programs Teams' activitie., are confined to this period. These meetings scheduled concurrentl1 are four-d.eep on Thursdq afternoon and tl\ree-cteep during three •• ssions on Friday. The ChaiNeD ot the various te_ bad been requested to limit the scope ot their interest in programming to Applications Programs during their teams' aessionl. c 12 !lh1WijIP"UPP"i'iiIQ"IllTf3iri£ " "']i'HWiii'i"V " "n ..'"rril"t" ""J"""QT"WF"W¥'o/ The first aelsion at Thursd., morning - an overlap ot Part I and Part II - il mentioned here aa an example at a tie in with the theme by integrating aeveral A'pplicatioDs Programs into a Program STatem (1.1. 'Spita1D7'1 paper, "System Dlsign in Electronic Industry"). The panel disculsion. previoull1 reterred tQ treat, in lame depth, the lurvey lilt ot FORTRAN and SPS SYlteml whi~h are introduced durinl the first leslion ot the Conference's opening. This lilt with 80me additions is reprinted in Section S of these Proceedingl. Purther canment on the panels' aotirit7 will be tound in the artiole following this one entitled "Some Notes on Sune;y List ot Programming Systems and Panel Discussions". . The Procram Committee'a POlt-conferenoe activity ia confined to the oompiling ot all the material in readinell tor prlntinl. In oonclusion, the Committe. otterl lincere thank. to the m~ p.ople without Whol' alli.tanoe our million might not haTe been completed. Donald D. Williaml Program Chairman John A. Rodgers Program Secretary 1964 Spring Meeting 1620 Users Group Eutem Region 1.3.2 J3 Some Notes on "SUM'e), List ot Programming Systems· and Panel Discussions SurYel List of PrOgramming Systems David T. Northrop devoted the entire opening session ot the Conference to a review of a Sur.ey List of Programming Systems - both IBM and User compiled - with a brief commentary relating to each listed item. This session as planned served to introduce the subject matter to be treated in depth during the panel discussions which were held later. SPS Panel Discussion R. L. Pratt,· aided by Kurt Germann, otficiated at an interesting panel discussion on SPS Systems. The Program Committee is indebted to R. L. Pratt tor his post-editing of the SurY8y List for reprinting in the Proceedings. FORTRAN Panel Discussion Report on Panel User Written Compilers in Depth D. A. Jardine Brief mention was made ot IBM FORTRAN-Without-Format and Format FORTRAN b7 J. A. N. Lee • . R. L.Pratt described some ot the useful features· ot his AFIT FORTRAN, such as compile time diagnostics and batch compiling. AFIT FORTRAN, while an improvement OTer lIM systems, is somewhat slower than other user-written compilers. D. A. Jardine, in the absence of the authors, E. S. Lee and J. A. Field J talked about UTa FORTRAN and the contributions made by this system to improyed language and eaSier operation. UTO FORTRAN has few compile t~e or object time error messages. W. A. Burrows, in the absence of author F. H. Mask1ell, described aca. of the teaturea of P.D.Q. FORTRAN. It 1s based on trl'O FORTRAN with seTeral major improve.ente. It 1s the fastest running program at object tillle tar mr 1620 not using hardware r.p. The 0011piler ia essentially the same as mo, but the object time subroutines have been rewritten almost completelY. c 1 I~ · R. L. Pratt then described' Auto-no at FORTRAN, deriT8d trom AFIT FORTRAN, which oompiles hardware tloat-point add and subtract instructions in-line (not subroutined). It is probabl1 the tastest 20K FORTRAN (at object time) currently available. Only limited FORMAT capabilities are available. C. H. Davidson talked about FORGO, the University ot Wisconsin's load-and-go compiler tor teaching use. Extensive diagnostios at both oompile and object time are available. 401 memoJ'l" is required. Discussion trom the floor centered around details of operation, use and construction or the various compilers. o 1.4.2 --~~~--~- ..,.. ,"---.-,.,...... "." ...... -,"--.. -""",,,,,,,, ,~ i \ '~ SBC!I0I2 DDlO'l'B ADIRISS !'able otConte.te ConsolidatioD !hroqh S7ateu Iatesrat1ca bT Dr. J. R. 011ftr • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.1.0 2.0,.0 1G crnSOLIDATICN niROUGi SYSTEM) INTEGRATIGl Dr. James R. Oliver, Dean Graduate School and Director, Computing Genter University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louis iana I am pleased, as President of the Eastern Region 1620 Users Group, to talk briefly with you concerning the theme of our meeting, "Consolidation Throuah Systems Integration". I trust that I will be able to leave you with a thought or two today that might prove of benefit to you. And perhaps in so doing I will be able to help further the aims of our organization. Few tems have as many definitions as the word "system". And I say this even when talking to a group of people interested in con~uting, a field in which ordinary English words have frequently been given many (~'" new and sometimes surprising meanings I Isn't this a little strange when we think of how precise our languages are for communicating with the computer? Al though "system" -has many meanings, including the people involved in computing at an installation, I think we can profitably devote these few minutes to hardware systems and software systems. Thus I will direct my remarks along these areas of interest and will try to make three major points which I believe to be of importance. Many organizations have wide requirements as pertains to computer usage- -business applications, management applications , scientific applications, to mention a few--including many requirements which may not yet be known. Most of us would enjoy having our own private machines to work with, o but this is a luxury which few can afford. I can speak fran the point .---~-- ..•..-.-~ ..-....---,...-"".•..---.................. -2of view of the not-50-affluent Wliversity in saying that ~ certainly cannot do so! Perhaps you have heard of colleges and universities which have many computers--even many large ones, Unfortunately, these few cases are overly publicized; the vast majority of educational institutions, however,' are grasping and gasping for funds to even keep a computing center going. As an example, which can be repeated over and over, in my own case I teach two courses each semester, serve as Dean of the Graduate School, as Director of all of our National Science Foundation activities on campus and serve as Director of the Computing Center assisted by one full-time unit record man and one half-time lady to help with computing activities. Our main purpose for existence as educators in the computing field is to serve the manufacturers and the users. Relatively few of our students are being educated for our own use. But that is the subject of another talk. Today we are here to discuss a CODlJ1on problem--at least comon to most of us. We are faced with a problem of maximum production for minimum cost. Ih truth we very practically are concerned with a problem in Operations Research - should we suggest a computer solution to ,this problem? Perhaps if we were able to put ourselves in the shoes of management we would be better able to visualize the overall problem. But we have to live with the fact that mOlt of us have to put up with a management which: (1) Cannot, or sometimes will not, comprehend computer concepts; (2) Often is in some way afraid of computer "take over", and (3) MUst be concerned with money justification to several levels-· their superiors. shareholders, other members of organizatioo. J8 C -3- Having acted and acting now on both sides of the proverbial fence, (:.'! I have seen sane of the problems faced by both sides. And I assure you that the problems of the administrator are not trivial. All too often we call upon the administrator to act in a capacity for which he is not equipped. Can we expect a non-computer oriented administrator to make decisions that we ourselves hesitate to make? POINT 1: Are we making a sufficient effort in educating and in keeping.wi4ft. our administrative staff infonned? Nearly all of us sooner or later must discuss computer activities with our colleges--if you haven't, don't despair, you willi these colleagues are non~canputer Some of oriented. Even worse, sane of them are other-computer (particularly' other-concepts) oriented. Here is one point that is certainly a most important consideration. (" If the organization has a total of x dollars to spend on complters, and one of our colleagues convinces management that y dollars should be spent on a business use computer, it is sanewhat obvious that x - y dollars will remain for our installation. Remember, because of the non-scientific orientation of many in management, and because of the strong arguments of persons in bUSiness applications, there will frequently be sympathy for fragmentation. Can't indeed two or more systems be consolidated into one? In many cases, yes. 'We know that the 1620 is a very versatile machine. If we inform our colleagues well of its capabilities, couldn't a Model II 1620, 40K, 2 disk drives and printer do most jobs as well as or better than two systems costing more collectively? o We begin to see this idea more with the t«xiel 360. What are we going to do about it? I can foresee all kinds of decisions to be made 19 -4- with the 360. It is quite possible that we will be forced to resort to c the simulation of our computer installations to better detennine just how they should be organized. I know of such a study made at Oak Ridge. In the meantime, decisions with the 1620 still must be made. Few 360's will be installed by most of us by two years from today. The 1620 is still a good machine and it has much wear left in it. Those who buy or have bought 1620's have even a more serious problem. They will likely keep in touch-with-the 1620 for many years to come. POINT 2: Have we informed and communicated sufficiently well with our colleagues who are, or are likely to be, interested with computer activities? Then we come to sys~ems as it applies to programming systems--mostly referred to as software. Unti 1 'now we have considered -two distinct divisions: IBM and Users. For some time now several people, including Jim Davidson, Charlie Davidson, Don Jardine and others have been working to get better--no, to get a--liaison between ~BM and User-activities in this area of endeavors. I would like to touch on two items: (1) Consultation with Users when IBM decides to produce any kind of progranning package. (2) ConSUlta- tion with IBM when Users decide to produce a significant programming packaae. Csn't IBM-use' our suggestions (1) because we know what we need and (2) to utilize the ''brains'' of those in the Users Group? Also, why all the duplicate effort? How many FORTRMs are needed? How many can we afford? Shouldn't same of the effort, by Users in attempting to produce a FORTRAN which will work as it should be devoted to experimenting with other 20 c -5- languages? Surely those Users who earlier today heard the presentation 4(;, of the characteristics of an outstanding FORTRAN compiler produced by a group of Users wonder why this has not already been available to us, instead of some of the processors we have been forced to usel We must not overlook the need for cooperation both ways. We recognize that this brings up ideas not often used--consultat~ IBM when a User produces a significant proarammina packaae. At least three reason. exist for this: programminl effort, or by IBM, (3) Perhaps IBM knowledge can help the (1) (2) We might avoid duplication of effort by Users IBM could advise Users of impending changes to prevent an effort being completely negated by new hardware or software being developed. We owe our colleagues the production of worthwhile packages if the Users' contributions to the Program Library is to mean anything. POINT 3: Are we presently communicating among ours~lvest or with IBM, sufficiently well to achieve consolidation through the integration of programming systems? will we fragment ourselves by writing an Or infinite number of compilers to the exclusion of better things to do? Same of us are teaching--some are involved in computer applications. A much smaller number is engaged in preparing software. Again I will state that we are all concerned with getting the best production possible fran us and our machines. Aren't we charged with the obligation of doing best job possible? Shouldn It we all-be concerned with the theme of our meeting--consolidation through systems integration? But I should no~begin winding up this talk. o 21 .:!.1.5 -6- A few years from now a uuch better talk than I can give will be produced by a properly programmed computer. c The announcement will read, "CUr program for this week will be, 'Consolidation Through Systems Integration' by MJltivac 70809010 ••• ". The canputer's speech will be really interesting. coherence, and emphasis. It will have Wlity. It will meet all of the requirements of public speaking as listeners like it. The humor and jokes contained in the speech will have a mathematical probability of at least 99\ of not falling flat. Such a speech will not have any te~s in it that are strange to most of the audience, so the audience will not get lost. to all of Parkinson's Laws and MJrphy's Laws. The talk will conform At the same time it will take into account what the audience already knows. guilty of unne~ssary And it will not be repetition of stupid cliches. In fact, instead of a single speech to a whole audience, the canputer will provide multiple simultaneous speeches for various segments of the audience. In froot of each member of the audience will be several small dial switches. (}le will be marked "Speed Control" with positions labeled ''You're going too fast" and ''You're going too slow". Another switch will be marked, "lbderstandina Control,", sayins "Yes, yes, I know all that. pleu. come to the point" and "You're way over my head, please start over and explain". A third Iwitch will be marked "Boredan Control" with positions marked "You are beina mildly interesting--keep it up" and ''You are borin. me to extinction·-please become lively". I look forward to the time when a computer will be makina speeches at meetings. I think of all the poor speeches produced by human beings that I have listened to and realiie that in the future. if I live long 22 -7- enough, I will listen to 1Dliformly good, speeches produced by computers. But 1Dltil that time you will be forced to listen to speakers like me. I am able to recognize, however, that thOle of you who are still awake are reaching for the switch .rked ''You've talked too ICl'lg--please shut up"l So I'm going to pretend that you shut the power off. o 23 J..I.1 _ - - - - - - - - - - ----------_.. ..__ ._-".. ,,_._.._..- - - - - - - SECTION 3 PROGRAM TEAM SESSIONS Table ot.Contents Statistics and Mathematics Programs Te. Attendance List. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.1.1 Report ot Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.1.2 Papers Presented • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • j .·1.2 Plotting ProE" Te8M Attendance List. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 3.2.1 Report ot Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.2.2 Electronics PrOgrams Team Attendance L1st. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.3.1 RePort ot Activities • • • • • • • • • • ••••• 3.3.2 Educ.ation Institutions Programs Team Report ot ActiTities • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• 3.4.1 Papers Presented • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.4.1 Structural' and Civil 'Insine.rins Proltas Te. , , Attendanoe Lilt. • .'. • • • • •.• •• • • • • • • 3.;.1 Rlportot Aot,I't'1tll' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' '. 3.5.2 P.~r. Pr••• ft~cl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3~S.2 .lttlnc!ano. Lilt. • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • 3.6.1 RepC)rt ot Acti"'1t1.~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,.~¥.2 P_petre Pre.~t.d··.'~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~:~,6 ..6 Cheaical BDline.rin, Pr~I~~! t~~ "J ~ " •. ~~~'.'~oration ADJUS TMEN'!' OF SALES & REVENUES FOR WEATHER AND TARIFlt' CHANGES C l', , " .. ...... PURPCBE OF THE PROGRAM ~. In many cOJllpaniefJ the Rate Department is the group which provides management with the theoretical figures that are reasonable answers to the "what would happen if" quest.ions. ~here is constant experinlent with ideas to provide those answers trom the data Which 'are available. A responsibility of our Rate &£ Economic Research Department is the i preparation of forecasts o~ customers, sales units and revenue dollars by months tor seven different classes of 'business b.Y each type of gas (mixed and straight natural). The Rate Department, tor proper eValuation ot the forecasts I adjusts the reported figures for prior years ,to the same standards which are being used tor the forecast periods. The 1964 li'orecast presented. special problems. The heating classes were to be estimated, to the monthly requirements of a so-called "New Nonnal It by the Weather Bureau. &8 provided The revenues were to be e~timated on the basis ot rate schedules that were not yet in effect. All of our prio~ years data for normal requirements were developed to meet the so-called "Old Normal". The reverme data had been produced under t~~ different sets of prior rate schedules. There are various ways and means of determining theoretically What revenues might have been if the weather had been 'normal, and there tlr,~ several different 1r~ys ot calculating What re~enue might be on a proposed rate schedule. Our Rate Department, la.te in 1963, began experimenting with a mathematical method ot developing these required answers monthly. Becaus e of the 'tremendous amount of calculation required to test the formulas and to provide adjusted monthly- data for several prior years for almost thirty different classes (b,y revenue code and o by rate code), and the need to provide t~ese statistics tor the forecast in a very, 3.8.7 Attachment #4 51 - 2 ,~ short period at tiJre J the problem ~as referred to the Data Processing Group. job was completed by them trom start to finish in about a month's time. ~ The The pro- gram provided not only statistics for the 1964 Forecast but also provided data tor the years 1960 to date on a truly comparable basis, that 18, all sales adjusted to the requirements at the reNew Normal" and all revenues adjusted to theoretical on the new rate schedules. This program is now providing the Rate Department with monthly sales and revenue figures for "normalized weather." It is interesting to note here that for the first three months of this year we have had, in total, almost normal heating requirements as related to our billing cycles. With all the gyr:ations ot adjustments - plus and minus - the deviation between the total revenues as reported for thdse three months and the total revenues as developed for normal weather conditions is only 0.07% ot the total. This is certainly encouraging on the adjustnent tor the weather aspect but we are still considering it to be an experiment. In addition, the rate sched.ule part must stand tho tests of time and statistical nethods. 'l'HEORY There are two theories involved in this program. adjustlDent of sales units tor weather. One haa to do with The other :Is concerned with adjustment of revenues based on the revised sales units and/or a change in rate schedule. c At tachme nt l/4 3.8.8 52 OBJECTIVE OF 'lIFE PROORAH The ol:>jective of this program is to accumulate the monthly block analyses of the number of gas bills rendered and the associated consumption (in CCF) to an annual total within each block a.nd to a grand total for all the blocks. A cumulative total is also calculated as each successive block is summed. When the last bloc k i.s processed, the total number of bills and total consumption is computed. F'rom the totals and the accumulated figures the consolidated factor is comf.?uted for each block. (See Appendix for details.) . To facilitate checking, ·the total number of bills and consumptton is computed for each month R.nd compared wi til the monthly block a.nalysis figures already available. T-he monthlY'data for bills and consumption is stored in 12 columns, one for each month. By summing the first figures 1n every column, we obtain an annuAl total of bills or consumption for the first analysis. (See Appendix for' details.) The prese~t monthly gas analysis involves eight tables representing our two service clas:sifications, our space heating customers and the irreguls.r bills rendered. Because part of Consolidated Edison's . service area is subject to a 1% utiiity franchise tax, separate statistics maintained on each table for the system and the area for which the tax is not applicable. For the sixteen required tables, whose number of bloc ks vary from 47 to 57, the total running time on the l620I, exclusive of listing punched output, isapproxim.q.tely one hour. This compares with a manual time of approximately 115 man-hours. In the following appendix, the computer applicat.ion is covered more technically. o Attachment #5 3.8.9 Attendants B.t Sessions of Operations Research Programs Team NW11ber Attending - 71' A. H. Best Jane Bonnette Robert Burgess William F. Bu.rl~igh Harold Chancey S. A. Clark R. B. Davis Dr. Kurt Eisemann Jerry Eisenburg Katherine Finnegan Donald Flagg Vincent Gangi J. W. Garzane 11 Hector Ge ls1 E. H. Gerrish G. S. Haralampu F. R. Henderson Tom Hoke J. C. Hubbard Samir S. Husson Clayton Jensen S. Kellman John Kent Alton Kindred David Knight Ted Krenzer Thomas Latterner Ralph Lee Judith Liebman Joyce C. Little D. A. Lloyd J. Y. Louis Gene R. Lowrimore Patricia Lussow Thomas Morrison Bennett, Nunberg Dr. James R• Oliver - Team Chainnan Brother Edward O'Neill David Pixley Pate Pointer w. W. Pleines C. H. Remilen Theodore Sabine John W. Sawyer Joseph Schnecker !1aynard Shore Luke Sparvero Arnold Spitalny James Stansbury R. L. Storrer Carlis Taylor William Thompson John Tiers B. Wingersky Joseph Wingert George Woodruff Lawrence Wright Charles Yacku1ics K. V. Zajic H. E. Blaicher Reginald Harling Len Karr Denise Knight Greta Larson A. L. Lipson Wayne Meriwether Norman Ogilvie John Owens Joan Silverman Welborn Smith Marilyn Wingers~ r ti5"#ii5¥t*t¢ it 1, rW"t'WM! M' t tt k t ! h t " t 't ".,1" t t t d "' 8 \ t tztH It t \ t t .'ht j"t" f rti t tt t 11 ,I! t ", t" t tt± t" t b ' .. ,' ~port, o~. , Activities of .Oper.tions:. Re~earch Programs Team The Operations Research Programs Team meeting met with Dr. James R. Oliver serVing as Chaiman. There were approximately 75 persons in attendance. Two papers were presented in their entirety: EMAGE - An Economic Matrix Generator for a Distribution Transformer Management Program - by W. W. Pleines, Baltimore Gas and Electric CompanY' (abst.ract attached), and a Multiple-Iteration Procedure for Engineering Design by M. L. Baxter, Jr., Gleason Works (presented b.1 Theodore J. Krenzer of Gleason Works). Because of a time shortage, a third paper b.y Dr. James R. Oliver, University of, Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, was presented in an abbreviated torm. His paper was entitled, tilt Random Number Technique tor the Study of Machine Breakdown and Repair". The technique used a random nu~ber generator to produce a sequence of random numbers used to determine whether or not breakdown would occur. During the study the probability of breakdown was varied over a considerable range. If breakdown occurred, a test was made to determine whether or not machines were waiting to be repaired. If they were not, the machine undergoing breakdown would begin to be serviqed. If other machines were waiting, it was simply added to a line to be serviced as time became available. If no breakdown oocurred, 8. oheck was made to determine whether machines were waiting to be repaired. It so, work continued on them} if not, the repairmen were then idle. In the case of machines waiting to be repaired, a summation was made of the idle machine hours. When no maohines were being repaired, a summation was made of idle man hours. The values re'corded by the program were the number ot time units used in the experiment, number of breakdowns occurring during the time period, number of time units the repair personnel were not engaged, and the numbe.r of time units (accumulated) during which machines were not in operation. Dr. Oliver pointed out an interesting but as yet undetermined r@sult.. When the probability, in per cent, ot brea.kdO'taJ. multiplied by the time units needed for repair equal approximately 100, a sudden discontinuity was observed in the curve representing the idle machine hours versus t.iJne and the idle man hours, versus time. Also, a sudden growth of the residual line occurred under similar conditions. The speaker made it plain that the work reported was of a prelilrlinary nature and that additional investigation was being continued. In.terested persons were encouraged to write for further information concerning this study. 55 d t r ... There being no further papers to present or business to be transacted, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. Dr. 'Jsme sR. Oliver, Chairman Operations Research Programs Team Papers Prese'nted At This Session Which Are Reprinted in Section 4 A Multiple~Iteration Prooedure for Engineering Design - M. L. Baxter, Jr. dleason Works .. 3.9.3 c - ••w _ OPl'IMUM REPLACEMENT OF CAPACITY-LIMITED EQUIPMENT w. W. PLEINES This paper explains the development ot a cost-based model for transformer replacement which can be adapted for the replacement of capacity-limited equipment in general. The model, used as a component of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company's Transformer Load Mana,ement System, is contained in a three-part program for the IBM 1620 computer. Using fixed and demand-dependent costs tor all sizes and types of transformer in plac., it generates opportunity-loss matrices trom which it determines, for each po.saible demand, whether a given unit should be lett in place or changed to a larger or smaller unit of standard size. c At"tendants at Sessions of General Ds.ta Processing Programs Team Number Att.en.ding - w. 24 F. Burleigh S. Arnold T. L. Drisooll D. D. Williams R. H. Davis R. B. Riley N. Ogilvie R. E. Raver G. M. Baber D. H. Me.oLeod K. R. Berger J. P. Houlihan E. M. Hamilton R. A. Cooper L. Schiffman A. R. Kindred Tfl. P. Wynn M. N. Shore /,-"' " l~ ......:1 A. Spita.lny J. Stansbury' P. Lussow E. H. Parker S. W. Cr:tig R. Souoy - Aoting Team Chairmarl 3.10.1 58 ·-PiFMi ...... "q"'{" irllti!t!tlWH'''f-'!'''-'7''!! Cj" Jo - 00- ..'····- '-'-rp'U"'W""jR Report of Activities of General Data PrccesRing Programs Team The Programs. Team Meeting fOl' General to order by temporary Chairman, Robert Soucy • D~ta Processing was called Following the theme of the May Meeting, three special session program papers were delivered at the meeting. They were: a. "Electric Load Sta.tistic System" by E. H. Parker, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. b. II A Work Performance Monitoring System "by D. D. Williams, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. Both of these papers clearly indicate how the integration of data can be a source of valuable management reports and operating information. A sample of the management reports produced by these programs were distributed to those attending the meeting. C'I o. "ZIP - A Multiple Line Keyword in Context Program" by T. J. Scott, Sun Oil Company. Mr. Scott's program is designed to perform a Keyword (or Key-phrase) in context analysis on a multiple line or card abstract, paragraph or maga.zine article. An outline of Mr. Scott's paper and a sample of "Keyword Phrases in Context" output list was distributed to those attending the meeting. R. Soucy, Acting Chairman General Data Processing Programs Team Papers Presented At This Session Which Are Reprinted in Section 4 o ZIP - A Multiple Line Keyword in Context PrOp-lint - T. J. Scott, Sun Oil Company Meter 3.10.2 59 An Eleotr.ic Load Sta.tist-ics S stem ror an Eleot'ric Utilit"\ - E. H. Parker, Baltim'Jre G~.:4 &l~ ~. eotr 0 Company c 3.10.3 60 Attendants at ·Sessions of 1710 Users Sub-Group Number Attending - 17 J. J. Owen - Team Chairman Patricia Lussow G. F. Hamilton A. J. Palmieri A. C. Bailey F.Wang T. E. Morrison s. Jurnack E. B. Svihla Carol Braun W. H. Beck R. L. Storrer J. W. Garzanelli D. Pearce S. Lopes R. P. Paterniti L. Stewart o 3.11.1 61 Report of Activities of 1710 Users Sub-Group Mr. J. J. Owen, Chainnan for the 1710 Users Sub-Group opened the meeting with a welcome to all present, and a call for additional papers at the next meeting. There were approximately 30 people in the meeting at various times although only 14 users and 3 IBM personnel signed the attendance roster. A list of those signing is attached. It is assumed that these are the people who are most interested in the activities of the Group. It was announced that plans for the next meeting included a discussion of 1710 Executive systems by IBM specialists. The program tor this session consisted or two integrated presentations coyering aspects ot system planning. The first paper entitled "Installation Planning tor an IBM 1710 System" by Mr. Lawson E. Stewart ot the IBM Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland, covered System Planning and 1710 Installation Implementation. Mr. Stewart covered the general subject of project organization and planning. He began with a suggested outline of broad goals for the project; 1. Effective translation of Management plans into a working system. 2. Education for future projects. 3. Meeting of project goals and deadlines with least effort and cost. With respect to the first point, Mr. Stewart emphasized -t.b&most of the less than successtul computer control installations throughout the industr,y were the result of improper definition and understanding of project goals. To prev~nt this occ~e, Mr. Stewart recommended direct involvg nt of top management in the project via an initial report covering goals and intended methods of achieving them, plus periodic reports ot progress and plan modifications. Education for future projects, reports Mr. Stewart, stems from a conscious effort to man the project with this view and trom a comprehensive system of documentation which covers not only programming but physical planning and all other aspects of the project. Meeting of goals and deadlines requires careful coordination and control. The most important aspects ot this would be selection or proper personnel tor each job function on the project team, assurance of complete canmunication between team members, and use ot such planning tools as critical path analysis. On this last point, Mr. Stewart dis- c 3.11.2 62 ( '" ~,,, played a portion of a critical path schedule prepared using the IBM LESS program. He emphasized the need to include all portions of the projects in the t~~e estimates and job descriptions. I Following this portion of the discussion, Mr. Stewart presented outlines of the functions to be considered in any computer control application:. For Known Applications 1. Establish specific goals for this system, long range and short range. What is to be accomplished, by when? What would be the ultimate extension of this application? 2. Organize the basic project team to include these functions or abilities Project leadership - a leader and administrator, not just a technical specialist. Process knowledge - practical experience plus sound knowledge of fundamentals. Instrumentation - knowledge of measurement techniques and signal treatment. Programming - math and system knowledge. Installation - field installation experience and checkout techniques. Documentation - probabl)" a fllll time job for one person, to maintain documentation standards and assure the satisfactory preparation of all reportsand final docUmentation. 3. Prepare critical path schedule for total project: Takes about three (" ;L" weeks to complete the first time. 4. ,. Establish a list of reports and calculations to be performed. Generate a sensor list. 6. Analyze accuracy requirements for all measurements, so that high precision instruments are used onl)" where needed. 7~ Follow a formal schedule of project meetings and benchmark progress reports. 8. Check and plan completelY the ph)"sical installation. 9. Prepare program flow-special emphasis here on the use or Decision Tables for both program logic planning tool and as program dooumentation. 10. Program checking by simUlation or use of a 1710 system. 11. Conduct electrical noise tests at the installation site. 12. Design the operator's console. This was considered a vital point from the view that poor design would reduce operator cooperation and system effeotiveness. 13. Operator training in use ot the console and computer program is a must for suocessful operation and application growth. 3.11.3 6 .. ) oj v~. Model Building Tests are required with just about any computer control application. This phase should be under the direction of an expert in this particular work. This man norma1~ has as a backgroIDld, praotical eXperience with the operation of the speoific process, knOW'ledge of statistical techniques and high-precision measurement. 15. Document all phases of project as you go, and prepare progress reports which serve to inform top management as well as continually selling the advantages of the projec·t,. The greatest failing in project teams is the lack of understanding that a project must be contin~ally "sold" to top .management in order to keep interest and support for the project. For New Applications List included only additional requirements above those for a known application. 1. Study the basic process. Accumulate all known information on theory and practical operation. 2. Run manual tests to establish important process parameters. 3. Establish, by data analysis, potential control areas. 4. 5. Analyze measurement and control practicality. Install system for data acquisition and reduction. 6. Develop math model of the proce s s and verify. 7. Proceed as with known application. Mr. Stewart concluded with a plea for more presentations in this area as more 1710 systems go into operation. The second paper of the session entitled "Some EarlY Experiences in the Design of a System for an Electric Utility Power Plant by Mr. William H. Beck of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company introduced specific material used in the documentation and planning of a 1710 System for the Herbert A. Wagner Electrical Generating Plant of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. Mr. Beck presented copies of the documentation and programming standards adopted by his company for the 1710 installation project. In the discussion of the attached standards, Mr. Beck emphasized the fact that a primar,y goal of the 1710 installation was the acquisition of knowledge and education in computer control of power plants. For this reason, additional care is going into the development and following of standards for documentation of programs, project planning, writing of reports and logging of data on effort and time required far each aspect of the entire project. As a specific example of the planning outlined in Mr. Stewart's 3.11.4 h C" # ttdt rt rt ;1 * t 51 t t discussion, Mr. Beck's presentation was considered by" those present to be extremelY valuable and exact~ the kind of specific, practical material needed for other users about to embark upon an installation. The meeting concluded atter a question and answer period which covered the two presentations and additional material on measurements, etc. J. J. Owen J Chaiman 1710 Users Sub-Group -Note: ( Formal copies of the papers by" Mr. Stewart and Mr. Beck are not available for reprinting within these "Proceedings". \ ,~ o 3.11., 65 jl~ I SECTION 4 LIST OF PAPERS 'C Table ot Contents "Computation of Coeffioient ot Correlation" by R. C. Burrowes and J. E. Enterkin New England Power Sernc. COIIlP&n7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "Crossing Points - Rate Selection and Capari8on" by H. L. Fitch - Long Island Lighting Company • "Electric Water Heating" by K. W. Brad7 Long Island Lighting Comp~ • • • • • • • • • 4.1.0 • • • • • • • 4.2.0 • • • • • • • • 4.3.0 "Meeting Assumptions ot Homogeneity of Variance: Nonlinear Data Transtorms and Bartlett's Test" by R. C. Irona .. U.S. Naval School ot Anation Medicine. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "A General Function Subprogramn by M. E. Munroe - UniTersity ot Hew Hampshire • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 4.4.0 • • 4.,.0 "FORTRAN Prograu tor CC*lputing Elliptic Integrals and Functions" b7 H. E. Fettis and J. C. Caalia Applied Mathematics Research LaboratOlT •• ' • • • • • • • • • 4.6.0 "The Use ot Di.orete CODYolution in the Analrsis ot DiffractioDs n by' J. S. Lielxaan and p. M. Johnson .. General Electric Comp~ • • • • • • • • • • • 4.7.0 "A Computer Approach to Gamma Spectrum AnalTSi. By the Simultaneous Equations Method" b7 W. E. Carr - U.S. Department otBealth, Education SUld We]Jr.ure • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • •• • • • • 4.8.0 "ZIP - A Multiple Line Keyword in Context Progr8JI" by T. J. Scott - Sun Oil Coap~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.9.0 "An Electric Load Statistics System tor an Electrio UtilitY'" by E. B. Parker - Baltimore Gas and Electric Comp~. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.10.0 "A Work Performance Monitoring System Designed tar an Electric Utility Meter and Installation Department" by D. D. Willi __ - Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.11.0 4.0.0 c - ··Z·'-·· .. T '5"- n · _ f __ n. )-:._'-_. y." "-e-'··uY"·rr··Y·'u 'm-- - ' .. ·dW· .. ·fij·W ...·i6wrif· d·· Wtfrii·tfR¥ii"Ft·" 6···w·* .J, U!!!'. pl. IW!"" i"!! . , , ' I''tdd*tW·· Table at Content. (Continued) "1 Multiple-Iteration Procedure tor EngineeriDg Design" by H. L. Barter - Gleason WorD • • • • • • • • • • • 4.12.0 "A Distribution Feeder· and Substation Lom Forecasting Sy-st_" by J. C. Hubbard Baltimore Gaa and Electric Coap8D7. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.13.0 "Processing O-D SurYey Data on a Small Computer" by A. D. Stasi and M. B. Lipetz - Edwards and Kelcey, Inc • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "Plot Routine tor NCE Load-and-Go PORTRANft by' H. Sevard - Newark College of Engineering. • • • "Automatic Scheduling and Regi8tration in a Small College" by A. r. Jackson - Agricultural and Technical College ot North Carolina • • • • • • WAF!T SPS with Simulated ~. TIS and MF Instructions" by D. Oleon - Newark College of EDginaeriDg • • • • "NCE High Speed SPS Ass••bler" G. Rumrill - Newark College • • • • • 4.14.0 • • • • • 4.1S.0 • • • • • 4.16.0 • • • • • 4.17.0 b7 IC. GerJll8DD and ot EngiDeering•• • • • • • • • e 4.18.0 "DOODLE - A Do-It-Yourself Proble. Solver" b,r H. V. Farina - General Electric Colllp8.JV' • • • • • • • • • • • 4.19.0 "PDQ FORTRAN tor Paper Tape 1620" by J. W. Trant1Dl and P. G. Boekhott - General hariem Transportation Corporation (MRD Division) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.20.0 "SEX FORTRAN tor Paper Tape 1620" by' P. Q. Boekhott _ General American Transportation Corporation (MRD Division). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.21.0 "'rile Art ot De bugging" by' E. J. Orth, Jr _ _ Southern SerYices, Inc eo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.22.0 " (SAMP) Search and Memorr Print" by J. M. Wolte Brookl1n Colle,e. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • "S7Jllbo1 Table Punch Programs tor 11M UTO and PDQ FORTRAN SY8teJu" b7 R. C. Irons - U. S. NaTal School of Aviation Medicine • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~onltor SuperYisor tor 1620-1311 or Supermonitor" bY' E. E. Newman - Cirtl Engineering Systems Laboratory at M.I.T ••••••••••••••• o 4.24.0 • • • • • • • 4.2;.0 4.0.1 67 r !"\Ht"~ Table of Contents (Contiriued) /(Ir, or Computers in Design of Electronic Equiplent" by A. SpitalJl7 - United Aircraft Corporation ••• • • • • "Use "Network Anal1'sis on the 1620" by' M. Goldberg United Aircraft Corporation • • • • • • • • • • • \0 • • 4.26.0 • • • • • • 4.21.0 "An Experimental Personalized Array Translator System" by H. Hellerman - 11M Corporation Watson Research Center • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.28.0 "Debugging in the FOR II System" by' R. D. Burgess Mechanical Technology Incorporated. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.29.0 4.0.2 68 COMPUTATION OF COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION (SLMPL'E, LINEAR CORRELATION) BY THE SHORT-CUT CRUDE DATA METHOD, STRAIGHT LINE REGRESSION, AND STANDARD ERROR OF ESTIMATE R. C. Burro'Wes and J. E. Enterkin New England Power Service Company 6D o If, i. 0 1620 NEES PROGRAM NUMBER 15 I TITLE a Computation of Coefficient of Correlation (simple, linear correlation) by the short-cut Crude Data Method, Straight Line Regression, and Standard Error of Estimate. II ~~ R.C. Burrowes III SCOPEt In common usage, the term "correlation" is used to mean the c(.\us~l effect or co-relationship which exists between variables. The degree to which variables are co-related or influence one another is represented by a computed measure called the "coefficient of correlation." Values of this coefficient range from zero (no correlation at all) to approaching +1 or -1 (approaching perfect positive or perfect negative correlation~. an~ J.E. Enterkin, New England Power Service Co. Positive correlation results when the movement of two series of variables is closely related in such a way that they move together. An increase in one series accompanies an increase in the other,. or a decrease in one series accompanies a decrease in the other. (For example: the related movement of degree days and heating fuel consumption) •. Negati~e correlation results when one variable increase as the other decreases, such as KWH used and average cents per Ia'-lH. This p~ogram will concern itself only with simple linear correlation; the correlation of two variables (one of which is independent and one dependent) to be described by a straight line regression. Suffice to say that there are more elaborate methods Wlich exist to determine the degree of correlation among more than two variables, and for computing curved regression lines. The method outlined in this program is applicable, subject to core limitations, for any two series (one dependent and one independent) that may logically be assumed to influence one another. IV TEST - DATA: The following data (taken from a sample of New England Utilities~ will be utilized to illustrate· the 1620 Fortran program designed to c~lcula~e the coe.rfi.cient of'cQrrelation, the "Least Squares" s~~a.igh~ line·regression-that best.describes the relationshiPI and 1;,h.~ s:t.~Ildarderror of estimate which indicates the amount of dispersion in t!le dependent variaQle, which we have failed to account for by.the regression line. x • independent variable Ult.Customers per pole mile 12. 19. 21. .36. 43. 49. Y • dependent variable KVA per line transformer 9.3 11.1 10.9 16.4 21.1 20.5 5s 60. 17.8 28.1 70. 44.5 t 65. 23.6 /r---.\ ~' ImtT !·""FX·""iMthiH ·+"**i*r+Hwt"fiitfWFf"'"j""""" 1620 NEES PROGRAM NUMBER 30.1 105. 120. 183. (:' V -2- 15 43.4 50.0 REFERENCES: I.. 'Formulas 1. Coefficient of correlation where: • coeff. of correlation • sum of • sum of the individual deviations from their • sum of the squares of mean of X . • sum of the squares of mean of Y The short-cut method utilizes the lined in appendix D ) to arrive of the deviations of XJ Y and the deviations X times the deviations products of each x and y respective means • the x deviations from the the y deviations from the "centering process" (as outat the sum of the squares sum of the products of the Y. Linear !agression Equation where:: T ~ ~~ X y X. Y • • • • • • • As a further ~y computed trend of Y variable same as defined above same as defined above arithmetic mean of X series an thmetic mean of Y series original values of independent variable original values of dependent variable short-cut~ • • l::XY the two normal equations Na +·b~X a '2x + b ~X2 can be reduced. to o a • b • Y - bY (origin at X • ~ % XI 0) 71 --~---"'"---"'-~-"""-'''''''''''''--"-'''.-- 1620 NEES PROGRAM NUMBER 15 where: a • the computed or trend value of Y when X • 0 b • the amount and direction of slope at the point where X • 0 B. BIBLIOGRAPHY Croxton, F.E., and D.J. Cowden, Applied General Statistics, Prentice-Hall Inc., New York, 1939 Davies, G.R., and" D. Yoder, Business Statistics, John Wiley & Sons~ Inc., New-rork, 1949 Mills, F.C., Statistical Methods, Henr,y Holt & Co.,New York, 1938 VI PROGRAl-l FORMAT: A. Input Data The X and Y series may be of any length up to 366 pairs, but there must be one X value for each Y value. Two F 10.4 formats permit use of X and Y data of six whole numbers and four decimals. However, machine storage capacity and output formats may restrict the use of long series of large digit numbers. The first entry card must be an .tItem" card showing the number of pairs of X and Y variables in the series to follow. This item number must be punched with its units position in Col. 3. (see appendix A). X, Y data cards follow, and are entered in the following sequence: X 1 X 2 Y 1 Y 2 Card 1 Card 2 If 'ttl" X n Y n Card n with the X 1 value punched inools. 1 through 10 (the c01s.1,8,9,10 representing four pl~ces to the right of the dec~ma1 point) and the corresponding Y 1 value punched in cols. 11 through 20 (the co1s.17,18, 19,20 representing four places to the r~ght of the deoimal point). Each card contains an X value and its corresponding Y value. 72 ~.l3 -'%.""" ... - 1620 NEES PROGRAM NUMBER 1, . - .. - - T···Y w ···! *- ·=·-1 .. ·... -4- An attempt has been made to make the 1'ormats as broad as possible J but on occasion we have experienced an overtlow in printing the sum of the squares of the y deviations from the mean of Y (symbolically ~2) coded as SOYSQ and printed in output as SUM DEV Y SQ. When this overtlow occured J the number was printed 10 "floatlog po1nt." Th1a "r-B overflow error" did not 1nval1date the computations, it mere~ lb1tted the mode ot output tor this particular value trom tlxad point to floatine po1nt. B. Symbols Used in the Prosram are, (See Append.1x B) ITEM • the number of pairs of X and Y items to be correlated .' 2:x • total of X aerie a • 2!. Y • total of Y series • ~ X2 • sum ot sqUires of each X value • %y2 • sum of squares of each Y value • ~XY • sum of the product of each X value multiplied by i ts'Cotr.esponding Y value AVOX. X • arithmetic mean of the X series AVOY.. Y • arithmetic mean of the Y series SOXSQ • ~x2 • sum of the squares of the deviations of each X value SUMX SUM! SMSQX SMSQY SMPRO I from the mean of the X series. SOYSQ • ~y2 • sum of the squares of the deViations of each Y value from the mean of the Y series. SOXY • ~xy • sum of the cross products'of the deviations of each X value from the nean of X times the deviation of each Y value from the mean o·f Y. I'll R. the coefficient ot correlation T. the computed trend values of Y ~" A. the Y intercept • Y- B X B. the amount and direction of s lope at the point where X • 0 ; or Zxy -;- ~x2 . D. dev~ations of actual Y values from the computed trend values 01' Y• • SMDSQ. ~D • sum of the squares 01' the deviations of actual Y values from the' (xnuputed trend values of Y. SUMT - sum of the trend values of Y STDEE- J::£ D2 - standard. error ot e stim te COUNT SQRTF - square root READ PUNCH PRINTCOUNT C. o read via punched card punch output on card print output on typewriter ITEM OUTPUT DATA (See Appendix C) During the course of the program execution, the value of the coefficient of correlation R, the trend equation constants A and B, and the count of the number of pairs of X and Y data are printed on the typewriter as soon as they are computed to provide immediate answers. 73 itr'M&bwdii6d' "....,._ ---_._-_._--- .•__.... 1620 NEES PROGRAM NUMBER 15 -5- c Complete statistics are punched on cards for separate listing, and these include the followingt . R • coef. of correlation A • regression constant} Equation, Y • A + EX B • regression constant Count • no~ of pairs of I and Y data List of X, Y, Trend Values, Deviations from Trend Std. Error of Estimate Mean of X series Mean ot Y series Sum of'Dev. ot X, squared Sum ot Dev. of Y, squared Sum of Dev. ot XI Sum of Dev. trom Trend, squared NOTEs' ----The standard error of esttm,te is a measure, in absolute terms, of the variation of the actual values of the dependent variable (Y) tromtheir estimated values. 'It would be expected that 68% ottha actual Y values would fall within. 1 std. error est. of the regression line, 95% within + 2 std. error est: and 99.7% + 3 std. error of est. - - ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE c The std. error of estimate, when squared, represents the amount of variance unexplairiedb1 the regression line. The SllDl DEV Y SQ divided b1 Count or (tt ( N ) represents total variance. ) Total variance minus unexplained variance ,. explained variance. The explained and unexplained variance can be turned into %of total variance for quantitative analysis ot the success of predicting from the regression equation. The square of the coett. of correlation also equals the % of explained variance. Although the analysis ot variance baa not been programmed, the Mcessar)" components are read1lr ava11able and the hand calculation is 10 minor that it wa. thought to b, worth :1nclu.41nI to round' out the, correlat1on analYI:La. JD/mb 3-11-64 c 4.I.d !!Ill" .. APPENDIX A ILLUSTRATION OF INPUT CARDS sooooo / DATA DECK - Y13 LA~T CARD 00000011110000011111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I 1 l • , , , • , I' " U U •• 15 '1 II ••• , 21 ,. n II .. IS • " ]• .It 10 JI Jll3 l4 JllUI lilt ...1 .2tu••, ... , ..., 5UI N ill M " M " 5UI .. II U ., 54 .~ " fl WI ., 11 71 I: I] a I) ;6 1/ " 1, a,: I I 111 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 I 11 1 I I 1 1 I I' I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 .1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222~ 33333133333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 , . 444444444444°444444444444444444444444~4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5,5 5 515 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5·5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 6666666666666666&6666666&66666666&66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666&' 77777777777777777777777777117717111117111111717111111111171111771177777777777777 888aI888'1'8888'8a88'18888a88888'888'8~8888888888888a888888888.88888888888888888 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 I ' Y1 ,. "I I , 1/ I DATA DECK - FIRST CARD 00000011110000000111000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000 t I J 4 S I J • • II II II II I....,,' II It 21 II II II .. 'UU' 2Ilt • il JUU4 lUUJ atlt 40 •• 424144 4S ...7 .. 41101i IUIIUIII Sf .. H ...IIUl54 IS .. II .. H JO II " I) J. " II " '. I. 10 . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111' 1111 t 1111111111111111 t 11111111.111111111 22222122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222~ 22222222i22~22222222222222 333333333333333313333333'333333333,33333333333333333 3 33333333333333333333333333333 .44444444444444444444444,444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 55555555555555555555555555555555155555~5555555555555555555555555555555555555555~ 6666666666666.&661&&&666666&66&6666666~6666666666&66&666666666666666666666666666 7 7 1 7 11111 7 1 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 1 7 1111 7 1 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 1 7·1 7 11.11 7 1 7 1 7 111 7 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 88'888888888888888888888.8888888888888888888888888888.888888888888888888888888888 999999999999999199J99999999999"999999999999999999999899999996999999999~9999999999 4' • 10 " I' 12 .. 1,1' If' II" 'I 22.n .,. , , 2' II 1031 l' U)4 25 21 3J JI 'U'U 41 U44 4~ 41 ., •• 41 "'51 N U ~ "'UI ShU.. II"U4 IS " " U "'0 II " 1.\ " I) )' " I. 1110 ITEM CARD. Showing that there are 13 pairs of X and Y values inth1s input, ~Q tollow. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001,000000 I I J 4 S I , I I 10 II " 13 14 " I' " II IUUI n 'HUll'" lilt 10 21 » l3 JUI» II at • to 41 4UH441 .. 47 .. 4UIII U U M 'UI" II .. co IIIUI .. IS " " IU. 10 ,. " 'J I. I, " 11 II ,. 10 11111 t t 1111·' 111111111 t 111111111111111111·11111111' 11111111111111111111111111111 t 11 . .. , 222212222222~}2222l2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 i31333333333~3333333J3333333313~3~333333333333~3333333 33333333333333333i33333333 4,4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 5$555555'55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555S 6066~666&'&66i&I'I'&&I"""'II'I'&'&I&I&III'I"'&'I"."'16&&6666666666666666 711171777771.177771771117717171777717177777777777 7117 777777777777711777'1711711117 8888888888888.888 ••••••• 88 •••••••••• 8 ••••••••• 8 •••••• 1 ••••••• 1888888888888888888 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 , •• I 9 • S • I • I 9 IIII 9 I t 9 9 t • 9 9 II • 19 9 9'i I 9 119 ••• ,1 t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I 9 I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . I' I 4 I I ' " •• ".' .... 'illltJ ..... 'IIIl.,.,..l121I1.'I.'\'Jta.p'.....I.,.' ........... ,U•• luu....r»I11 ...'uU ....." ..... ttlll'J.""",." • 508' . " a~ """' 1 ·"Mti'_. i'" .---.---~ " APPENDn B Ie COEF. OF CORRELATION, STRAIGHT LINE REGRESSION AND STD.ERROR .,. 0'8300 C R•BURRO~JES AND J. ENTERK IN JANUARY 1964 ... 08300 C DIMENSION X(366), Y(366) 08300 10 SUMX a o. 08300 08324 SUMY - o. 08348 S~1SQX =0. SMSQY CI~O. 08372 . SMPRO' -0 •. 08396 READ 1 , I TE~1 08420 1 FORMAT (13) 08444 08466 . COUNT - ITEM 00100 ' 1=1 ,I TEM 58502 08514 100 READ 2, X(I), Y(I) 08634 .. 2 FORMAT (2Fl0.4) 08662 '. 00101 l.l~JTEM SUMX .. - SUMX + X( I ) 08674 'SUMY - SUMY + Y( I) 08734 SMSQX ... SMSQX + X(1}**2 08794 SMSQY = SMSQY + Y(I)**2 08866 101 SMPRO .. SMPRO + X(I)*Y(I) 08938 .. _.. AVGX = SUMX/COUNT 09070 AVGY .. SUMY/COUNT Q9106 SOXSQ =SMSQX - AVGX * SUMX 09142 SOYSQ =SMSQY - AVGY * SUMY 59202 S~Xy =SMPRO - AVGX * SUMY 09262 R = SOXY/(SQRTF(SOXSQ * SOYSQ» 09322 B • SOXY/SOXSQ . 09382 i)9418 A = AVGY -B * AVGX PR INT145 ,R, ITEM 09478 PUNCHl4S,R ITEM 0'9514 '., 19/) _,F14.4/1X14HCOUNT 145 FORMAT(1.X14HR Q9550 ... PRINT147,A,B 09676 PUNCH1.47,A,B 097.12 147 FORMA:r.(..lX14HEQUATION, Y -,F17.7,3H + ,F17.7,4H * XI) Q9748 .... PUNCH148". .... .. :.... 09852 148 FORMAT. (1 OX1 HX, 16Xl HY , 14X5HTRENO, 13X4HDEV • I) 09876 ... SUMT -0.... .. ...,.. . ,.. .. . .. ... ' .. T0082 SMDSQ .0. T0106 SMSQX·O. TOl30 OlS4 00102 1.1"ITEM T fI4 .. A + Boo X( I ) 01.66 D. Y( 1)- T . 0238 f 0298 "0334 r0382 T0418 ;0562 ;0608 I0656 tg~·~~ -0888 0924 + ;1044 SM·SQX.SMSQX+O SMOSQ • SMOSQ+O**2 SUMT • SUMT + T 102 PUNCH 48, X( I'), vel ),~T),;, .. 48 FORMAT(1X4F17.7) . STOEE ... SQRTF..('SMOSQ./CQU;N2j) PUNCH 48.! SUMX., SUMY, i&UIr1r,.;SM$Q~ I PUNCH471~TDEE AVGX . . 47 FORMAT.(.l111X14HSTD ERR. • ,:Fl1 •..7ltX14HMEANX ., F17 .7) .. PUNCHSO ,AVGY .• SOXSQ .... , ..... 50 FOR~1A T. (1X14HMEAN Y . ,·F17 .7/1,X14HSUM OEV,X <,SQ. •• ,F17. 7) PUNCH52.S0YSQ,SOXY 7:.6 f!..J·7 c Dvwr'u'@twmm ·_j .. Wp·· __ .. W .. ,· .... ·.. ·t" ........ "fo·Hij"· - -- APPENDIX B (contd.) 11080 11200 1'1224 1290 ':1298 0 52 '. 54 .. FORMAT(lX14HSUM DEV Y SQ.-,F17.7/1X14HSUM PUNCH54.,SMOSQ . .... .. . FORMAI(lX14HSUM DEV 0 SQ.~,F17.7) GO TO 10 ... END DEV xv .,F17.7) PROG SWl OFFFOR SYMBOL TABLE, PUSH START 19999 SIN 19989 S.INF 19979 COS T9969 COSF 19959 ATAN ·19949 ATANF T9939 EXP' T9929 EXPF T9919 LOG 19909 LOGF T9899 SQRT T9889 SQRTF. T9879 ASS 19869 ABSF 19859 X T6202 _ T6199 Y 12549 12539 0'010 f2529 SUMX .. ~ 12519 0000000099 .. ,., . T2509 SUMY 12499 SMSQX 12489 SMSQY... 12479 SMPRO 12469 0001 T2459 0001 r2449 ITEM T2439 COUNT 12429 0100 T2419 I .' T2409 ~002 T2399 0002 T2389 01.01 T2379 000 f2369 OOO~ T23S9 AVGX T2349 AVGY T2339 SOXSQ T2329 SOYSQ 12319 S~Xy T2309 R f2299 QOl T2289 B T.227.9 A 12269 ~145 f·2259 ~14S T2249 0147 12239 0147 12229 0.1.48 . '221.9 0.1.48 T2209 SUMT. 12199 SMCSQ T2189 0.1.02 .. 217.9 if" T2169 0 T2.1.S9 0:048 T2.1.49 Qo48 T2.1.39 §.TOE.E T2129 ~047 T2.1.1.9 Q047 T2.109 OOSO r2Q99 0.050 T2089 Q052 T2079 0052 . 12069"0054 .. r20S9 OOS~ SW 1 OFF.tO IGNORE.SUBROUtLNES,PUSH START PROCESSING COMPLETE o , . o 77 I • "t'tth "~ .... ~.---..;-~- -- ..---------------.. -.----..•-.__._ ...................... .••.•..•............. .•.• _-_.. ~-~ ..........,. ...•....-...-_.._-_.- APPENDIX C R ,. COUNT M. .8836 13 y'" EQUATION. 8.8943910 (, 12.0000000 19.0000000 21.0000000 16.0000000· 43.0000000 49.0000000 ~9.0000000 totc..L'\'V '-+ 60.0000000 6t.O.OOOOOO 70,0000000 101.0000000 120.0000000 18·1.0000000 842.000000.0 5TO ERR. ,. 9.3000000 11.1000000 10.9000000 16.4000000 . 21.1000000 20.'000000 17.8000000 28.1000000 .23.6000000 44~'OOOOOO 30.1000000 43.4000000. 50.00000QO 326.8000000 II 6.0621261 64.7.92300 MEAN V , SUM DIY X SQ •• ,.,0,21.1184610 •• 1010000 . MEAN X 1110.9110000 .,'0.1160000 . SUM DIV V SQ,' ' SUM DIY XV , SUM DIV. 0 SQ.. ' • .".10."00 .2~O7991 * TREND Y X C ~ C , 11.903.981 0 . 13.6~9'7S0 14.1611730 17.9231610 19.6787560 21.183"10 23.6915430 23.9423420 21_1963380 . 26.4503340 31.2283050 ,8.99.02930 1'4.7906410 326.79·99700 X DEV. -2.6039810 -2.5595750 -3.2611730 -1.5231610 1.4212440 -.683~~10 -~.8915430 4.1516580 '-1.5963380 18.0496660 -~.1283050 4.4091070 -4.7906410 .0000070 ( if" ..,Jv I Appendix D 1. COMPUTATION 0' COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION C:\ (Short-cut.crude data method) . (1) (2) X INDEPENDENT Y DEPENDENT VARIABLI KiA PIB VARIABLE X2 9.3 11.1 10.9 .16.4 21.1 20.5 11.8 28.1 23.6 . 44.5 . 30.1 43.4 2°. 0 18~ 326.8 CbTALS 842 MEANS r ··64.77 (5) y2 (6) (7) REGRESSIOH ·Ye VAWES ULT.• CUSTOMER ' PER POLE MILl LINE TRANSI. 12 19 21 36 43 49 · 59 60 65 70 105 120 (4) XY (3) OOMPUTED . SQJAlES " PRomOTS 111.6 210.9 228.9 l44 361 441 111296 1,849 2,401 .3,481 3,600 4,225 4,900 11,025 14,400 ~~1489 81,612 590.4 86.49 123.21 118.81 268.96 44.$.21 .. 420.25 316.84 789.61 '556.96 1,980.25 906.01 . 1,883.56 2,,00.00 907.3 1,004.5 1,050.2 1,686.0 1,534.0 . 3,115.0 3,160.5 5,208.0 211 0•0 a7,951.3 10,396.16 z . DEVIATIONS OF ACTUAL Y VALUES FROM REGRESSION OR COMPUTED y. VALUES 11.9 13.7 14.2 17.9 19.7 21.2 23.1 23.9 25.2 26.5 '35.2 39.0 - 2.6 - 2.6 - 3.3 - 1.5 + 1.4 .7 - 5.9 + 4.2 .. 1.6 +18.0 - 5.1 + 4.4 - 4.8 - 2~·8 ~ + deviations-28. 0 . ~- dev1at1ons a 28.1 . 326.9 !- 25.14 54,;36 21,166.8 8,215.75 CORRECTIONS. . ~, 790.5 . 27 ,076 CENTERED * Corrections l:x2'. 1:X7 . 2,180.41 i - I:~ 64.77 x 842;8 54,$36 64.77 x 326.8 - 21,166.~ 25.14 x 326.8 • 8,215.·75 . r- •J ari thm:3 ti c .me~ of X '! • ari t~~tis: r. ~Ul'l .mean """ I ot .' it~.o 6,790.5 59,0)6,781.16 6,79O.S • 6,790.5 . 1,683.S4 • • +0.8838 Coefficient ot Correlation 79 " '" .~---~~-~-~------- ... -... -.... -" ...."- 'Appendix D cont' d. 2. h' .. • . c . .........-.............- rrl (:O:1a'L i'A r j\)tJ Oft' it&.Ut~dSl ON 1,1 ,..-... L;x.v _ ....._.. 6:;! '190. C; E.x2· 27,076 .2S00· a ~ Y-bY • 25.14 - (.2$08)(64.77) • 2S.14 - 16.24. ' .. 8.90 Tl'er£d Lino or Yo .' a+bX • 8.9Q+.2S08 X Oriain at I • 0 . Equation tor straight line Yc· a+bI, where., I !II independent variable . Yo· computed I value or trend value of, . the dependent variable a • the Ic value when X-O b • ,the amount and direction of slope at the point where 1-0 Substituting the' original value. ot I in the above ,eQ.uation Yc· a+bX, the'e.timated 10 value. ot the regre8sion l1n~are computed. For example. Yo • a+bI Yo • a+bI , • 8.9 + (.2$08)(183) • 8.9 + (.2508)(12) • S4.8 ,(S.e Column 6 • U.9 ,G At tn. point where ar1linal X valu•. - 12 the oomputed or regression' val"e ot y. - 11.9, and where orilinal I value • 183 the oomputed regression value ot Y • S4.8. Connectinc the •• two computed I valu•• bya 8traight line sives the rear.ssion line. of Not. t~at t he 8U~ tne r~srel8ion or oOJlllNted Yo values approximates, U.e IWI ot the liven Y value. (See .oolwm 6)..Al.lo, the sum ot the . claviationa ot the clot.•. above the rep•• aion 11_ approx1ute. the ,SUM ot the clan.tion. of the dot. below tile 'regre. 81 on line (See column 7)., Thus, the relr.asion .line calculated br the "method .ot 1... 18 ·termed the line ot best tit. " . t-.cpU'.... o The coefficient ot correlation haa been computed and found to be +.8838. Ualna tba knowledge that +1.00 18 perteat pOlitiv. correlation and -1.00 "epre••nte perteot negative correlation, it IIllht be interpreted that , +.8838 repre.ent,a talrl,. hieh po.itive between ult1ute au.tomers per pel. aile ancllCVA per line t-ranatoraaer. H~er, there reu1ns' atinal computation to telt, the .ilnit1aar.Q8 of the aoetftG\6nt, of oo~.l.tion datermned trOll t,hese two ••ri..and appra1ae :I.t,a yal.ue -- whet.her :I. t be real and 81p1tioant 00lT.1&t1on or Ml'e1, •• to obuaoe. 8n '-I. I. II C Appendix D cont'd. The teat ot, aigniticance 'ia baaed upon the "null hypothesis" which aaawre. tha~ no correlation eXista between the aeriea ana17l8d., Chance values ot "1'' the coetticient ot correlation or related measures (F) are calculated and evaluated in a special table ot r values. From this table (tound in Daviea and Yoder, !3USINESS STATISTICS, pp. $86-7, or Croxton and Cowden, APPLIED GENERAL STATIStics, pp. 678-9 -- 8ee reterence sources) the value ot , computed trom tii8 coettic1ent of oorrelation derived trom any correlation .nal~i. can be compared with r values expected due to "chancen (chance operatinl S ti•• out ot 100) and d,. to ".ilft1ticant co-relation" (chance operatins 1 or lei. tim out ot 100). It 'our cOlI;)uted , value dieprowl the "null hJpotble1I", then we have real correlation. ' The , table liats value. tor .0; or chance level, and .01 or s1g- niticant'lavel. Note that the , values are in 1nwrs. relationship to the probabili ty ot chance or the chance le.,.l. The greater the opportunity ot chance the naller the , value and vice veraa. The table can be interpreted •• tollow•• . 1) '~',' C ,J It the computed r val,. tor a partiCular problem is , lee. than the .0; val,. or " then the correlation can be said to be due to c~ce. 2) It the computed r val,. tor a particular problem is greater than the' .0; value of r but les~ than the .01 \,&1,., than the correlation -7 be tel'D8d 118ign1ti~ant". 3) U the computed r Tal,. tor a particular problem is greater than tha .01 Talue ot r, than. the correlation mq be interpreted as being lth1shq all1liticantll • 'rEST or SmlDICWlCE Computation and Interpretation ot', vallIS tor our problema _01 explanation ',. . Appendix 4. D cont' d. c , Frona " table ~h'.!N columns are em-I) and lines are (N-m), we find the F VAluEts tor Ollr prOblem' in· Column III (2-1) and Line Nll (1)-2) Each lind tlUa,tbor hAS .two values of P, the.OS level and the .01 level (1'1\ DaViAS and fodor, pp" In Croxton and Cowcien (Appendix 0-2) the .COl f S86-sa". level 1••hown in acti1tion to the .OS and .01' r .81\188. ., VALUE . FOR 2 SERIES OF 13 PAIRS OF ITEMS CHAHCI I&VEL .OS (DAVIES AND YODER) (ch:mce oparatilJg S t1_~ out ot 100) or ohanee la ... l or r =4.84 .01 (chonce ,operating 1 t1. out at 1(0) or 81pd.t1oaDt level ot r Since ourcQIlpUt8d value of ., :I 39.2S and 18 a value greater than 9.6S, \he ., "alue ot the .01 or 81gn1ticant level, chance i8 operating less , than 1 t1Jl8 out ot'lOO. Therefore, it JIlUSt be concluded that the coefficient of oonala14on ot +.8838 detendD8d trom 13 pair ot i tams ot Ultimate Custo.r8 per Pole X:Lle andlV! par Line Tranator.r taken trom the 19~7 '1' " D Stu41 is hilhl{ significant. In o1;her worda, the items oorrelated def1n1telT pro.. tiii a reil cause and ettect Nlati~nsh1p exists. The iacreaa. in XVA per ~anstor_r is influenced by the increase in the number of O11'4ut. C.tcmm'8 per Pole M1le. 1he r teat further indicates t.hat. our ••p1e -ot lJ pair ot itt., while pemapi a,lmall '&l1q)1e, val lars. enousb to pnft oonalwd.velT tha~ real correlation enats between t~se two , aerie8e (if"'\ . "., On the other hand, it the oomputed value ot ., had been smaller than the .0S level of " thell it would have indicated that there was no real correlation present, and either the coefficient of correlation would have had to ha... been larger than .88)8 in 'arder, to be significant or that our sample of 13 'pair o,t it.~ vas ,not large enough to prove that Nal correlation existed. The toreloing humen a brier attempt to 'acquaint the reader With ot the ItaU.t1oal tel'l8 &880clated vlth oorrelation analysis, to illustrat, • method of ooaPut:l.DI thl o08tt:1c1ent ot correlation and regression ~o t,••·' ,tM ....rd.tloIftCl ot tb. Nlu1t1, IDe! to point out lome of the 1t.1Il,.t.i 011 in ""111 0111 'I inbI,rpNtat4on ot thl U,NI ot oorrelation 10111, QO" va. 0019'1'-. of "Z'I (\hI oOlt'ti~i•• of o.relat.ion). 80.' a_, I ,,11,. I , c CROSSING POINTS 1A'1'I SILIC'lIctI AND CCllPARISOH R. L. Pitch LaDI I.laDd L1lht1nl Ccapaxv- --- .. ---.--.-.-... -~"-~.'." - ,-.... -,.,' ............. '"-,.. .... ,~-.---- '-- '. CROSSING; lOINTS Rat. SeleetioD _cl·CoaaparisoD ,· C I H. L. Pi¥b • LILCO ',~, .,.II' Rat. dest.p ael simplification 1s oc business. We ..e constatly reviewing our strucCur•••~cht.Da for improved and reasonable rates, not onJy-to reduc. our wort; loael aDd e&pallle, but a180 for clarity aDd underst_dinl by our CODs. . LILCO il DO exceptioD. - r.. 1 would like Co refer to the N. Y. S. Public Service Commission'. memoraodua adopted J . .~ 31, 1955 quote - tI--After tboroup consideration of the v8&'ioua .thode of brlDliq about the desired rata uciformity and tariff 8'-Pl1ficaC'oo, it is tbe judgement of the Commis8ion that, with the two exceptioas of ••nice froa \Ulderaround linea aDd aealonal service, there should be ODe t~iff schedule for the entire territory for each of the major cat.. aori.. of '."ice t resideDtial. seUl'al or coaaerc.ial, and industrial." SiDce that t:lae ou .p.emene baa baa en_avoriol t9 attain this 80a1. Coadd,olaa or cacel1lai ratea, because of the a8ve...8 effect on cu.tomer' 8 billa, be doDe ooly'after • complete review of each account .ffected aDd wttb sc.p. of jU8ti~lcation. mu., 'aced with chia probl. . . . have for five years apent endiesl day. of cl .... lcal computationl .xam1nlna our coof1ictlna ... at. with the ulti.ate loal of el11Dlnatina it froa the acbedule.Gradu.allythl'oupc:..eful rate s81ectloDacd reductioaa, utilizinl fully our 1BK 1620 dilital computer, va are O~ th. doo~ atep ofattainin& complete rate uniformity aDd :tariff .~plificat1oQ. . ,,-, . if"'" thl. ,ropt.wttceD 18 fOlUtAT rCBTRAN for card inp"t into an IBM 1620 dillt.l computer, will •••ble you to compare rates by produciul cros.inl polat. aDd bill ~abl.. , if de.ired, 18 . . .tter of minute•• Bxhibit I (Cwo , ....) 11 a s.lf-explaDatory flow dialr... Ixh1ltltl1 (tH•• , ....) 1a the pl'ol... a writtea. in FORMAT FORTRAN Exhibit 111 18 a .ap1. of the input data card aDd a gloalar:y of teru aDd 'witch.. u ••d. IMblblt IV' of tbe heade... c.rdl. _.lblt V,• • ' 1&.1. oltb. ~UCp"t 'a'a lellal'ded .b)'th. ,&-01&-•• BaibiC VI ,. ID . . .,1. of ,r:LIlt.d output,' data ill .cap.: .of.501W Damud BalbiC VII, i. • lik. ....,1. of pl'lDta. out,uC da'. 1D .tep. of 1 KW ne.lDd labibit VItI 1. • ....1. of • btll tabl. aeDerated by the prol~" if desired. 'rbI, p~oar- "... .. lDput elat., ."ea1e cud ...laoeel by )'ou cOlltaiDiDI •. deuDd ,UDOIa aDd • Clae ,\lOch. Toa.""1' v1tb tbe utllizatioD of awitch.s tbls offe~. UDlt.iteclfl.l1bt~iC, .. t:~ .t.rtlDI polDt aDd output de.ired. I{. 2.1 8 "tJ · . . rww" ""( "("mOO' r ¥#*5£'"" E'if" N" "w± - 2 - Crollins Points (cont'd) Nat.rally the complexity of the rates to be compared will determine the iDput scope. In explainiDI our Crossing Points program to you, allow me to refer to the specific examples exhibited. Pl.s8 f •• l free to ask any questionl. Prolr,! Utili ••tion With raf.r.Dce to exhibit II. tlli. pcolrlll "a. iDittated to compar. S.C. No 2 with S.C. No.4 by calcul.tiDI tha differ.Dc. in the billiol of a.pacific d••aad io atape of hour. ue.. IncorporatiDI .witch 1 for Primary 01' SeCODdary servica. .witch 2 to incremeDt the demamd .fter tha 730 hour cycl& ,and .witch 3 88 aa. option to obtain a b:Lll tabl,e. we _ra abl. to produce Cro.a1.DI points to ,I'aphlcally show the .dYamc.... of our rata 2 VI rata 4. Actually we are compariDI four rataa: aata 2 secondary vs., Rata 4 scoDdary Rate 2 primary VS. Rate 4 primary complete cycle of 730 hours (avg. hours in avg. month), selecting each, time the proper rate formula ( 9 - rate 2, 4 - rate 4), and generating output cards on either Crossing Points or bill table, requires approAimately eight minutes machine time. A review of both Exhibits I (flow diagram) together with Exhibit II (the program) will clearly detail the sequence of ,8 Single cycle. A ' C ,~, The output data, printed examples (VI" VII, VIII) was geoerated from one input card (Exhibit III), maoually operating the switches at will, in approximately 40 minutes. Let us examine this output. - (Blackboard Exhibit) Conclusion: This demonstration, however brief, indicates the advantage of l620digital computer application in rate comparison or rate aelection work. Possibly aome of you are presently confronted with this problem. Although this program was designed to aatfafy our clemand, only slight modification would beneces.ery to solve innumerable comparison problems. The general FORMAT 1. here for 8ene~al use br any member. o "'j 01""l1li1. D'#(~) c #fIIJ/CH , .5I~t:W~II~Y ;I'II"'AI~ -Pull/eN .....--~7 1;#81.1' 1I1"'''IN~ ,.. c; t:1I'cit. II MINIMUM ,.. ,~~ HININU/rtf tlNM~. 411111¥1 ~(//I , .I '-0 ~INr~"l IIIrl """/11111." 'os 4"ll.lar MN'EII, 21 If eli'" ~lIi" c W"UfN'W"'n"r" T --"'if Fa!" E"JP-"-Cr -"F "" r -.j@""""WW"-PJ""]T .It, ON + ~ -]- 7"0 -~~-~ #VaJCH 2, ~,.,,..Jp T,I<4C CD,J'f)H~ • .J .------.!?_,,,,,J6) ; . C C C C ',:,'. C CROSSING POINTS S.C.NO.2 YS S.C.NO.4 EFF 6/1/64 H.L.FITCH 3/64 SWITCH 1 ON FOR PRIMARY, OFF FOR SECONDARY SWITCH 2 ON FOR INCREMENTS OF 50KW, OFF FOR INCREMENTS OF lKW SW'~i~E~SY~N-D~~~f21ABLJ,- OfE__ B_I-!_AS_S_ -- --DIFF\ 1).0.0 OIFF\2)-O.0 IF(SENS~ SWITCH 1)906,907 906 PUNCH 921 :' i _________GQ_ TO 9..Q_~_ __ _ ________.'___ ... _ _ ___ .__ .. __ _ 907 PUNCH 920 904 PUNCH 1 104 PUNCH 4 READ 3,O,T c.o.o - -- --- - GR=O.O --.. - -- _. -.--.. -.- -- -.-- -------.. ---.- - --- - C-D*T IF(SENSE SWITCH 1)5,6 6 IF(Q-l00.)7.7.8 7 IFCC--D*.30. )9,9,10 ·-~··~~~to~~gOD._10 IF(C-D*120.)11,l',12 11 PRzO.8S1*O+O.0233*C 620 IF\PR-l.800*O)9,9,14 PR~O.(j·6~_" .--.. -_. -.. ----.. - . ---.' , GO TO 500 - '-"--'-- i 15 PR=2.027*D+O.of3S*C ! 16 PRu;:2.027*D+(L.008S*C+360.000 GO TO 620 ~--.-.- . .... " GOrO 620 --- ~~~jOg~D) 1_8~~8._~__ . --- ----...-----.. ---"'-"-" ....- .- . - -.. GO 1'0 500 - 19 iF ( C-0" 1 20 ~ ) 20 , 20 , 21 20 PR-O.8o1*O+O.0233*C+5.000 27 IF(PR~1@800*D)18~f8.22 22 PR&;PR -.. ----.. - ..... --... - .-- ----- _._._._- ._-- -.. 21 IFfC-72000.)23,23 24 24 I FfO-200.) 2S ,'2-5. 2bJ ---Gc)-TCf~6(r 23 P~-1.977*D-tO.0135.*C+5.000 GO TO 0 " \"'-.,,; ! - --·T2·-'-t\·~'~noooo J1S-:-l5-~15----' : (£--1 14 PRs:PR 21 ...-. ~~+69 H-*I):~ .!.Q.O~2~C~1.6..h00.9_____ ----.._.. 26 IF(C-360.*O)23 23 2 29 Prt.3. 777*0+0. 0685'C~5. not' , -. ..0 GO TO 27 500 IF(C..gO.)501,501,;02 501 GR-l.500*O+O.039*C-2.588 -------lm-rn-Tomr···------·------------·---··-.. - -.- .... -. 502 IF f C-210.)503 503 504 503 GR~1.500*D+o.031*t-l .868- .. - _ .. GO TO 1000 504 I Fe C-l 500.) 505, srrs-;)06" .-. --_ . _._.- - ... S05GR-l.500*O+O.02S*C-O.608 87 I C"' . GO TO 1000 506 IF(C-12000.)S07,507 l S08 507 GR=1.5CO*O+O.Ol·9*C+ts.392 GO TO 1000 508 IF(C-36000.)S09,509 ;12 509 GR~1.S00*D+O.013*C+~O.392 GO TO 1000 512 IF(D-100.)S13,513,514 513 GR~1.500*D+O.OOR*C+26n.392 GO TO 1000 514 IF'C-360.*O)509 509 515 39 2....... - ..... -. 515 GR-3. GO TO 3no*o+O. , 000 "'-' oo~":c+Ao. _..... _._ ' 5 600 IF~D-100.)6no1600,601 IF·C-O*30.)6nl,6~2,6~3 602 ?R; 1 • 8n~';'~O GO TO 70~ 603 IF'C-o*120.)604 604,605 60~ plr~O.551*D+o.nrl3~t·-- ---- -_.-_.._.- ... 609 IF'PR-l.800*O)6~2,6~2,606 606 PR=PR GO TO 700 605 IF(C-72u00.)6C7,607,608 607 PR~t.727*D+O.0135*C - -'-' . -. -- GO TO- bUg' - . -- -_.- . --- .---- _.- ... - --603 PR=t.727*o+o.on85* GO TO 609 601 IFC-O*O.)61',611,612 611 PR= 1 .800*0 GO TO 700 - - --- -sT1"lF - C~D i~ -zo ';)"6-11, ol.T;-6n;.-- -.. " -.- -. --_.. --613 PR=O.501*D+O.0233*C+3.000 610 IF(PR-l.800*O)61',6Tl,6TS 615 PR=PR GO TO 700 614 IF~C-72000.)616 616 617 ----·-oTi-1FTU~wu:i6Ttr;ota-;6t9 .--- ------.--. - -- -- ---.,. ... -616 PR=1.677*O+O.0135~"C+5.0()O GO TO 610 61~ PR=1.677*D+o.oo85*C+365.000 GO TO 610 619 IF:C-360.*O)616 616 622 .-- - 612-P1r=3 ~477wn+O".Oo-A"5W:C-~"5~otm - -- -._--_. --" -..,GO TO 610 ,no IF·O-100.)701,701,702 701 IF.C-90.)703,703 704 703 GR=f.350*O+O.039 t C+4.912 GO TO 1000 .. - -jOq- rF.....-C~2"TO. )70-5,'703":700---- --'--~-'''- -'705 GR=1.350*O+O.031*t+S.632 GO TO tooa 706 IF(C- 150 0 .)707 t 70 7,708 707 GR=1.3S0*O+0.Oz5*C+6~892 TO 1000 '70B GO lFTc~ 11000 ~ 1709;709' 7 rc; --_._--._.-.. -._--._... 709 GR=1.350*O+O.019*C+fs.892 GO to 1000 710 IF(C-36000.)7111711A714 ~O··· .. - 711 714 GR=1.350*O+O.Olj*C~7.892 GO TO 1000 GR·;-Y·~·JSO*D+o-.oog-~C+"I6T.89-2-··-·--·- - -- GO TO 1000 70211=":C-90.)803,803,804- - 803 GR=1.200*D+O.039*C+19.912 GO TO 1000' - . -.------.-.. --804 IF.C-210.)80S,80s,806 - .88 __ . 805 GR=1.200*O+O.031*C+20.632 GO TO 1000 806 I-F( C-1500.) 807 807 808 807 GR=1.200*O+O.0~5*C+21.892 GO TO 1000 808 IF{C-12000.)809,809,,810 809 GR=1.200*O+O.019*C+JO.892 GO TO 1000 810 IF(C-36000.)811,811 814 811 GR=1.200*O+O.013*C+f02.892 GO TO 1000 814 IF(O-oO.)815,815 816 815 GR=1.200*O+O.OOa l C+282.892 GO TO 1000 816 IF(C-360.*O)811 811,817 817 GR=3.000*o+O.ooA*c+102.892 1000 DIFF'1)=GR-PR IF'SENSE SWITCH 3)2006 1500 1 son - I FTD1FF'· 1» 2000,2000,2601 2000 IF OIFF 2»2005,2005,2006 2006 PUNCH 101 1 D,T"GR CPR,OIFF: 1) IF(SENSE ~w TCH 3J903,2500 2500 CC=O*'T-l.0) TT=T-l.0 ' - P. 3 col' J - PUNCH, ~005,O,TT,CC,DIFt'2) 2005 DIFF(2 =OIFF 1) DIFF(l -0.0 GO TO 903 2001 I Fe 0 IFF· 2» 5000,2005,2005 5000 PUNCH 101 1 0,T,C,GR,PR,OIFF 1) - 'GO TO 250u 903 T=T+l.0 iF,T-730.)104,104105 105 IF\SENSE SWITCH 2'41,42 , 42 0-0+1.0 GO TO 43 4 T 1)=D+50-.0 43 T=1.0 IF(SENSE SWITCH 3)104,1501 1501 DIFF~ 1)-0.0 0IFF(2)-O.O GO TO 104 --'1 101 F-ORHAT(41H KW- HRS KWH S.C.NO.2 S.C.NO.4 ,10HDIFFERENCt) FORMAT(F5.0,FS.O,FS.0,Fl0.2,Fl0.2,FS.2) 3 FORMAT(FS.O,FS.O 920 FORMAT( 18H SECONDARY SERVICE) . 921 FORMAT(16H PRIMARY SERVICE) .. FORMAT(lX) )005 rGItMAT( F5.0 ,FS.D ,Fa.o, 20XF8~ 2' END 8H .L.L "1 T,.;;t.,,·t Wtf t C. RO~5JAJ" C' s.~. AJ~. 2 ~~. .pOI"JT~ 4- GLQ5SARy' '\ " 4. b. I c C. D d. T ,...I, .s. .cec J" TT e. D +~e'e"t! f!.. PIF'F Con~" ",p+-lt:1n - :P. ~ Itr1 d I i rn t. ( J,~H. ~) PR, /i),Jv ~ic,n u"f.. ~"a/ ~e.~C47I4(.... -. P"'.VIQU~ C'fJns,.""",p-l-,t:lf? - 7i ,.,., '- du f'1.n?, ~ IJY en c. /"ok,"- ~wl-'-(!J.lES l ON .pr'lrt:I~y I aFF ~e~ol7ky 2 aN 2, 1)':':- ~ 0,.) 3 o~F I ( .. , .;- ~NPU"" 70. ale I?a;k.~ litd-e:J ~,,~ ""n?~r7h G./'_ 50 KW ~r1C "e"".,-/-:1 o.P I K", ?J,I/ 7a61L '8y - 'ass - J)ATA 1• ~aOOOOCOD~OCOCOQa0030COOGOoonoooo~oaJOOtionooooaOG~aoo.o.aOO~Qoco~nn~oaJuti~UG ',.': - ',~!lf' :,1!4,~""'·'.M~I:Z;';'.~l'i·'~_~~: .;)'IM~J~J'IIJ'j ... '~;4:~4"4i.,C.4~'~)I~'·'!"~"'S-·~!I9ce.I~P"Q."."."nT.I;.~"'I.).IS" l1iII111:!1111111:i t :llilli:lI11Jl"1111111111111111111111111111"11,.' ,,11Il11 , : 1 2? 212 2 2 2! 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'12'1"1"\ TOO ... w··· ..... c SECONDARY SERVICE KW HRS KWH S.C.NO.2 48300. 1233.~9 12)7.~ 48'50. 1242.39 350. 140. 49000. 1246 .94 350. 141. 49350. 1251.49 350. 142. 49700. 1256.04 350. 143. 50050. 50400. 1260.59 350. 144. --35G.l4;.· S01!iO. -- 126s..1~-1269.69 350. 146. 51100. 1274.24 350. 147. 51450 • 1278.79 350. 148. 51300. 1233 .34 350. 149. 52150~ 1237.80 350. 150. 52500. 350. 138. 350. 139. 1 .~e-. 151.· 350. 350. 350. 350. 35('. -- 39h350. .3 50. 350. 35Q. 350. 152. 153. 52850 • 53200. 53550. 53900. 54250. 156. 51.600. -1-5-1. - 5495fi. -154. 155. 153. 55300. 162. 56350. 56700. 350 •. 164. 350. 165. 350. 166. 57400. 57750. 159. 160. 161. 55630 • 56000. . ,3-5&.- -+6-3 •.- 5-/~5G. -e, L.L. 581'1::'. S.C.NO.4 DIFFERENCE 1349.00 1353.72 1358.45 1363. 17 1367.90 1372.62 1377.35 -115.70 1336.80 1391.52 1396.25 1400.97 1-405.70 -117.10 -117.28 -117.45 -117.63 -117.80 1419.37 1424.60 1429 •.32 1434.05 -113.33 -113.50 -11 C.68 -113.85 "ll~.~- -116.05 .. t 16 .23 -116.40 -116.58 -116.75 138.2.07 -~116.93 1292.lf1+. --. 141-U~ ~ 117. 9S . ·1 296.99 1415. 1 5 -110. 15 1301.54 1306.n9 1310.64 1315.19 t- 3- t 9 • 74 1324.29 1323.n4 1333.39 1337.94 13l~2.49 --1433 .. 77 .., 1 1.9-.0 J. 1443.50 -119.20 1448.22 -119.38 14j2.95 -119.55 1457.67 -119.73 1462.40 -119.90 -t 347.04 - -1467 .12-. 1351.59 1356.14 136c.69 1471 85 1476.57 0 ~l2.0..DB -120.2~ -120~43 1481.30 -120.60 .AeL.c .- _. __ "'XfJJ~.tr_ . YIII 9 r" - -d c' "iiwe8tbeirtWSrldwi"i - #*itt ---f-' ( -'--bwd'iJid&,6:d" t· itbbt6WairiM8Wf &n -- Pf _'_gn c- r- [[W . 'f - f*'IiiiHdt*¥Wb#, ., "'.' 1 I f I C" " ELECTRIC WATSR SEATING nCREMENTAL APPLIANCE USAGE K. W. Brady toDi .Ielallci £~p\lft1eO#lPf.1l1' 0"" ~I 4 I I *' 7 ....~. I' t. C,~ rpI""BW"- It\MM!t1lt ·"W'" ELECTRIC WArER HEATING Incremental Appliance Usage K. W. Brady - LILCO This program is written in FORMAT FORTRAN for card input into an IBM 1620 digital computer. Tbe initial phase of this program began with a mail survey of our electric .residential customera. LILCO baa better than 600,000 sucb customers; all were not surveyed. Some 250,000 of the.e accounts were selected; I believe this vas accomplished throulb the use of random numbers. Included in this survey were J!! our electric water heating customers, approximately 29,000. We were going to attempt to determine the usage of an electric water heater a8 a 80le major appliance a8 well as in conjunction with various other major appliances. The program was scheduled to run for one year at which time results would be tabulated to deter~De the necessary as well as the reliability of the data. This final phase has not been completed as yet, ho~ ever, the 1620 section has, and that is what 1 would like to demonstrate to you today. On page one (1) of tbe exhibits there is a copy of the original survey card which was mailed to the customer. Many departments in the co~ pany had their fingers in this survey so that there is some information on the card which is superfluous. This is the reason we designed a "condensed card", also shown on page 1, which contained information pertinent to the water heating study. This card was key punched directly from the original survey card and verified. This deck of condensed cards, one for'each customer who replied to the survey, then became our master control deck. InCidentally, with regard to returns we received approximately a 52% return from the water heating customers. This master deck was th4D broken down by types of major appliances in conjunction with electric water heating to determine the population of each appliance group. Where it was felt that the size of the group was too 8mall to give significant answers, the group was dropped aDd put ioto an overall non-conforming group. Page 2 shows the various appliance groups we retained as well as tthe code~81:van to:.each, group. You will Dote the groups are split between yes and 00. We have some honest customers, who, though receiving the benefit of the water heating reduction in our electric rate, indicated that they no longer had an electric water heater. The next step in the program was to match detail billing cards with this master deck by appliance groups. Page 3 oftha exhibits shows a flov diagram which illustrates the method used for this match. LlLCO has both monthly and bimonthly billing 80 it was necessary to run four passes through a collator to obtain the proper match. These passe8 were: ~a.J 98 - 2 - 1. Y.s group vs. 30 2. Y.s group vs. 60 3. No group vs. 30 4. No group va. 60 day day day day billing. billing. billing. billing. When all the detail bill cards were collated with the master deck, those that matched had their proper appliance code number punched into them;thos8 that did not match had the non-conforming group code punched into them. This gave us a code number for all of the customers who replied to the survey. For those who did not reply. a code, (30), waa given and- they were handled as a separate item in the program. The detail bill cards containing the code number -were then -, sorted by appliance codes into a seriea of predetermined frequency ateps. these steps were actually an assumed rlass interval of 50KWH. We merely counted the number of items for each class interval and produced a summary card for the interval or frequency step. We set up 51 steps; an illustration of this is on pages 12 and 13 in the rear of the exhibits. - Getting back to the flow diagram, once the detail bill cards were summarized into frequency steps, they were retained in account number order as we wanted to obtain a print-out of each customer's account for the teet year. The frequency decks, 14 for the 'yes' group (the flow diagram ahows 13, one was added-at the last munute). 10 for the 'no' group, and 1 each for the non-conforming groups were then processed on the 1620. These decks of carda were white; the two non-conforming groups were merged with their respective yes or no group and an overall summary group produced (for yes and no). These groups were coded 10 for 'yes' and 20 for' no'; the color of the cards, pink. We now had detail by appliance groups as well as su~ mary, both 'yes' :land • no' for all the cu. tamers who rep lied to the survey. '~ A pink deck was also produced for the no-reply customers in the same frequency steps. We had all the detail bill cards for our electric water heating rate, 80 it was decided to include the non-replies as a single group. The three pink decks, summary decks, were then merged into a single overall summary deck (blue). This deck gave us a check on the number of customers billed for each month to make certain we had all of the detail cards. It WOuld also tell us if we hac to many. The next pbase was the 1620 _program. I am not a statistician by aDy mean., 80 tbat 1n produciDS the prosram I worked with the statistician in the d.p.rtment. ae .uppli.d the formul •• n.c ••••ry to obtain the anawara, and b. inc:Ldentally 1. the on. who is,pre.eutly 8na1Ylioi the reaults. My ',o1. fUDctioD wal to produce a machine m.thod which would provide answers, thereby rell.vinl extended clerical calculationa, The statistician .et down the formulae io atatistical form. which I cODverted to my own langu8,e, These are shown on page 4 of the exbtbits; one look at some of the symbols and you wl11 understand why 1 used my oWQ 1aquage • < Page 5 contains a flow diagram of the program. 6 and 7 a i)'t!'1:tit-out and 8 a gloasa:ry of the terms used in the program. I believe they a. aelf-explanatory and suffice it to aay the proaram.utl1izing the fre99 quency distribution data set up in a class interval 0 f SOKWH, an 88aumed mean 6'£ 225, provides the arithmetic mean, Itanclard deviation, standard error of me8l1, and co-efficient of variation for the various appliance groupings. ~3 . .:L c C··,'" ' .. Page a-A illustrates a sample output of the program. Column 1 is the frequency step. (class interval); colu1D11 2, the deviation from the assumed mean (225); column 3, the deviation squaredj column 4, the frequency (number of items by step); columo S, the frequency times the deviation and column 6 the frequency times the deviation squared. Columns 5 and 6 are summarized by the prolram as they are used in the formula calculations. Page 9 is an illustration of the four beader cards used in the A set of these cards is necessary before each code being processed by the computer. program~ Pages 10 and 11 are card layout forms illustrating the fields used in the input data cards and the output. data cards. I am presenting this program to you to demonstrate one of the many ways rate men can make use of the 1620 computer. This program was originally intended to be a one-shot set-up. however, with certain modifications,' I believe it could be written in a way to be of general use to all of us. 1 0 () .. ...-,,.-----,-,,,-------., ,~~-,- ,-,,, I C.:Ae [) PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW BY MAKING A CHECK IN THE BOX MlO FILLING IN NUMBERS ON THE LlNFS YOU CAN HELP US kITCHEN APPLIANCES HOME HEATING-CENT!!AL SYSTEM IERYI YOU BETTER! ..!!M!U.. .nw.. ~. ?; ..rI SlttGL£ - r 1 rwo ~ fIIIIILY ·"L.J .....Y ELECTRIC 00[] l1LCO GAS !lID BOTTLED GAS 410 BOTTLED GAS !l20 !I.G 540 IUFRIGERATOR 4 { ] ELECT"IC LILCO GAS 610 620 OIL 440 ':i~ 4e[] SEiIM"Tl fREEZER !Ie(]" t?lj./"H'~.C /"'n')-lIe.1 f (~nJLtlHtll"};l S1CI71 . r7/nr/ C!/Q.1S ,vUhliH' :t:::L , j:'" 7P I-oI?-1 (!ktss ~ 'e!Ue..,., ,4SSU"., c~l hJ~c. ~/. J)ey,d 1 ~)ot X -(';)01 ,.",J.,.s. .J)ev;C/. - - S? ,~1rj.. /J? ~'>.7 tN' r . c( / .' "Ct,/ ( :/"" J S -lS 5 111 ~ ~ ~:rZ/l1 / It/t·,·~/<(. ~I t/n/t'~(; 1 "-/1 I .~ ,i,'-"! J~{ <, ( -t..--H "re,·, S -I, el '.' 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YES 0 If (YES).indicate authority for scrappinl: 1_ .LL! _ _ _ u~_! DAn POIII'''' fOIl '} I) OITI.MIIIISHOIIT CAIO COLUMN NUM.ElS IT UfEIIING TO GUIDI ... ND COLUMNS S_T CA.D '.INlIO, .now. USAIl( COLUMN lANGE IS ESTA.USNED IT THI C... , ... CITY LOC ... "ON LAYOUTS OIlIACN 5101 O. GUIDI. E. G" ON ... 51-COLUMN CA.D, USUA.U COLUMNS .... E 15-.S. _. • ___ AUTHOIITY ...... __ NO 0 NO D DATE i ___ ................. ~ 6 .A ..... CORIIERS TO IE CUT IIOILE 0 UPPER Q 0 LI "In LOWEI 0 0 i J . .... _______ ._...... II M-t.' ... COMPLETE T H E S E _ , SECTIONS WHEN APPLICABLE _ . . . . . ._ _ _ .._ .... _ • • _____ === ::-..=. . INTERPRETATION R£GUII£.£IITS .!!I.!!!I lilliE 0 0 SeORllII 0 0 45 :";'I~~'I 0 ~~~~CI 0 PIEII.I£lIIIIO 0 c.--.----, ILPU· INDICATE ON THI LAYOUT THI LOCATlOII 60 .IIIIlL 552 D 557 0 (Of IACN fEATU.I S.IClfIED nOVI., ) :~~:· IILL FEED _ _ IIC'O STIli D PAID e••TlILHIS 0 CII.. 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S.• OSITIONS .-22 AWE USAlLE. . ~ '-----" 4 II SCALE: A,.IOX. DOUlLE SIZI. , ACTUAL CAID SlZI: 3 1/4"):( 7 :! /1" 1I 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 6i 64 65 66 67 &8 69 70 71 72 73 7( 15 78 1111 79 • 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4243 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 68 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 II 69 7071 72 73 74 75 7& 1111 79 • e ¢ r? J/.3.;l o IBJ4 n ~ IBM CARD LAYOUT FORM z. ~~:~:I~~ I TL.!.2 • 3 .. 7 8 9 10111213 Jot 15 91011 8 16 17 18 19 12 13 ... "0 !.-- :::r·/:""'~: _. '.#.~ i il5145 ! ~I . - I ; EtV/h7 c/v ~ I ~ I 'c£E~:"E.A./.-/' ~.-:... J ..'='#"'p" ~,:.r-.I . [)EV/H//C-" ~ ; I i .. FRF~~r"/cy ; I I ---. rH ..~: .. _~r C,,:, .....r~· -- _!~.C.::.., I --. ./... c y ,-££~l/.... / o / C · ~.e£";:·:'/£.-I, ..c'yY -e .,,p.~.,~/,. 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JL:-~ • 'DAh AUTHOIITY DATE CORIIERS TO IE CUT 1I0ilE 0 UPPEI Q '~I LOIER 0 0 INTERPRETAtiON 1I0ilE 0 0 45 :";,,~lill 0 ~:~~~r 0 60 ~~~~:aL 552 0 557 0 :~;'~:·:.:·,~::,m.:·::: IILL FEEO _ _ uln TI 11110 ::::'.::C:E.::E:.~~:r~I:I:: ENO PRIIiTlIIG nlt·D sm.O :~~~:~.m:.,fm •. IC-I /I m'c'l:: nnr.'JTEI 2' CUI OUT THE snIP OF COLUMN NUMIUS. 'ASTE IHE STRIP ON THE LAYOUT FORM IN DESIIED LOCATION FOR IHE SHORT CARD. 4' IULE ENDS OF SHOIT CARD 2 112 COLUMNS InOND THE STRIP OF COLUMN NUMIEIS. 3' 16~1~!161.15~1.5~15~1~!15~14~1.4~14~14!1"~139 3~13!1~!13~12~12~12~12!1 66 64 62 60 S8 56 54 S2 50 48 46 44 4240 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 May the existinl printinl plate be scraPlled? YES 0 If (YES),indicate authority for scrlppinl: 11 DETERMINE SHOIT CAID COLUMN NUMIUS IY IEUIIING TO GUIDE AND COLUMNS 'I/NiED Inow. USAlLE COLUMN lANGE IS ESiAIUSHED IV THE CA'ACITY LOCATION ON EACH SIDE OF GUIDE. E. G., ON A 51. COLUMN CAID, USUAlLE COLUMNS ARE~r-65. CUT-OUTS FOR PASTING YES If (YES),indicate present IBII card form no. '. COMPLETE TliESE IDI~''':''I SECTIONS- WHEN APPLICABLE ALL LAYOUTS SHORT CARD COLUMN GUID~ CARD CAPACITY (COLUMNS) ~~":ICI 0 REQUIREIIENTS SCIRIIiS 0 G PREI••• ERIIiS 0 ::::::'~I ·'0 :::::m::t. . (:FD~~~!: :::I~~~ ~~~~I~:E:H!I~;~TiON) STUI IF 0 can PAO 0 C.ITlIUIUS II TI IE '1I1lEI ) lilli, I •• ICI!E ::,~:TI TI•• . . .1 U .!~!!!1~!~Cl!S.:.!!!A!EJ!!!t. ., ~- C:::;·;;4? 0 0 .c::::> 0 . .1 22 24 26 a8 3D 32 34 36 3S 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 604 66 .... . ~ c4::::J c::::> 4 ~ 5' D"UMINE MAU SENSE 'OSITIONS. If ANY, IY ASSOCIATING SlIIP NUMIUS WIIH CAID LAYOUT 'OSITIONS. E. G .• ON A 51· COLUMN CAID. M. S. 'OSITIONS .-22 AlE USAlLE. ~ IZ~12:1 z~I~:13; 1~~13:13~13:14 ;1~~1~:14~14:15~15~15~1 !5~ 15:1,6~1,6~1~:1 ...... I SCALE, " " 0•. SIZE. ACTUAL CARD SI; 31/4" X 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 7 8 9 1011121314151617 181920 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31323334 35 36 37 38 39 4041424344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51525354 55 56 57 58 59 60616263 64 65 66 6768 69 70 71727374757677 78 79 80 , /' ~.E,./J MEETING ASSUMPTIONS OF,HOMOGENEITY OF VARIANCE: NONLINEAR DATA TRANSFORMS AND BARTLETT1S TEST By Richard C. Irons UoS. NAVAL SCHOOL OF AVIATION MEDICINE UoSo NAVAL AVIATION MEDICAL CENTER PENSACOLA, FLORIDA USERS CODE: 1159 . 113 ,,' !f.D C INTRODUCTION When working with various statis~ical routines, an investigator may have reason to suspect that there are substantial differences in variance among the sets of scores or observations 0 Under these conditions he may wish to perform Bartlett's Test for Homogeneity of Variance. This test is usual Iy performed on the original data, and if the variance is found to be heterogeneous, then a nonlinear transformation on the data can be accomplished, and Bartlett's test done a second time. The process is usually repeated unti I a transform is found which will produce variance in the sets of data which does not depart significantly from homogeneity. In programming the above operations on the IBM 1620 computer the slowest operation is in reading the data into the computer. Consequently, in the present work it has been found advantageous to read in the original data, per.form several nonlinear c~' transformations, and to punch out a card containing the original score and the transformed scores. In addition, summary cards which contain the number of cases, the sums of the scores, and the sums of the squared scores are punched out for the original data and for each transformation of each set of scores. The four transforms used are discussed by Edwards (1). They are: 1) X + 05, 2) X+ X + 1, 3) Log of (X), and 4) the reciprocal of (X) where (X) is the original score. The input for the Bartlett test is the summary cards for the sets of scores, and the test is performed for the original data and each transformation. If the variance of sets of scores is found to be homogeneous for the original data, the investigator need not concern himself with the tests for the four transformations. If, however I Bartlett's test 1 1 It JI. '-/. / on the original data shows the variance of. the ,10346 ld0488 AI0644 AI0778 AI093C A10974 AI10S4 A11106 Al1162 Al1208 Al1256 Al1318 Al1358 t.,11422 A,11546 411546 00162 7 12 n ~.~.1 TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM SYMBOL TABLE i~~ ,~Dl)RESSES 19999 19989 19979 19969 199?9 19949 19939 19929 19919 19909 19899 19889 19879 19869 19859 19849 19839 19829 19819 19809 19799 19789 19779 19769 19759 19749 19739 19729 19719 19709 19699 19689 19679 19669 19659 19649 19639 1')629 19619 19609 19599 19589 19579· 19569 19559' 19549 19539 19529 19519 19509 19499 194'89 19479 19469 NA~~E D I ~"iENS I ON STATE LOC FORti: SIN Loe FIX FLOATING A ~ A ... 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(~" .,; .,.. ....r..w un n :· .. _····VT·_JWiWj- ttibiittH&iffbkWwHti6rt;;*t'hfwrlHrWHidWiirifttt"tdd d\H"uH titiHribz"""·".tTj t» bit Hridf··riHr»tftt6···rit "HI tt t···. tttttt 'M "ME ·wHlP. u!I!lHb'¥t1l i !!W,' .,tIfll"¥t'f"w"W? t :"' lIfi·'<'·',ltt·"MW±W*"+t'tur" ,hI, TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM SYMBOL TABLE (Cont'd) (i~, .~ C·" "",," 19'459 19449 19439 19429 19419 19409 19399 19389 19379 19369 19359 19349 19339 19329 19319 19309 19299 19289 19279 19269 19259 19249 19239 19229 19219 XB2 XC X.C2 XD A ~ t::., /I M 0006 C8106 A A A XD2 NUMTR 0013 08690 0007 08390 A A A A A /4, A A. 0009 09976 0002- 0041 10346 OOC3OC42 10488 0004- l:' 0043 10644 A 0805- /->.. 0044 10778 A A A A A A 0015 08890 0014 08794 0026 0027 0028 0029 0031 OC32 0033 0016 0017 19'2~9 19199 19189 19179 19169 19159 19149 19139 19129 19119 19109 19099 A 0004 08034 0005 07954 CASES 11054 11106 11162 11208 11\256 11318 11358 10116 10250 f:., A ,4. A A .A 0019 09102 A A 0018 10302 0045 1093C A A A A 0024 09866 0025 10974 OC092 o 9 1 ?... ?- t ,~.. I TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM INPUT DATA ~ 2 1 6 24. 41 • 37. 40. 37. ·32. 6 2 40. 36. 29. 44. 38. 35 • 3 17 35. 38. 39. 49. 58. 35. 36. 54. 52. 40. 43. 38. 42. 38. 44. 46. 37. 4 227 231 233 204 206 236 209 222 230 237 239 240 205 207 211 212 213 215 216 217 218 220 221 224 225 232 234 238 251 10 30. 34. 44. 36. 43. 48. 25. 42. 44. 32. 4 5 29. 31 • 36. 28. 6 12 31 • 33. 46. 39. 40. 33. 37. 44. 46. 45. 35. 25. 5 7 39. 45. 53. 37. 48. 8 203 208 210 214 219 223 226 228 229 235 9 10 247 256 261 262 246 249 258 253 254 255 259 260 263 265 266 243 242 244 245 291 248 10 11 \ 12 5 47. 35. 24. 50. 42. 5 33. 37. 37. 46. 35. 11 36. 28. 37. 38. 32. 44. 18. 33. 46. 35. 35. 5 41 • 38. 38. 36. 27. 3 41. 48. ·26. 241 252 257 258 264 .~. ~v 270 274 275 288 290 267 269 271 272 278 281 282 284 285 286 289 268 273 276 280 283 A".....·, I ".", 277 279 287 123 c J./-.4/0 , f - TiKU.IIT&HritH u *#'W.· rib riri'# ribt w#ifrittRb±'F H' if 'WW"±rlitritriftntt' * j t tt ttt t t Hd t $ "t,' '2 I MI'U"" ,ti \ : j't 'tt" t'lt tr'j: 'U" W!'WWi:T:!!IWt:Il:W*=Mi:trIe\".• .e" ....'+ei.='·+Mtb"WIh....'''mb\lfi\W,''fdM'ritWt'N¥W'.'"m'+m'f'lJ'i'I.'~1fI}1.,,'$wru '!!i(l'·@,J~~;.., TRANSFORMED SCORES TABLE C;' A=GROUP NUMBER B=SUBJECT NUMBER C=RAW SCORE D=SQRT(X+.5) E=SQRT(X)+SQRT(X+1) F=LOG(X) G=RECIPROCAL OF X A C' '; C\ ".,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 ·4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 B 227 231 233 204 206 236 209. 222 230 237 239 240 205 207 211 212 213 215 216 217 218 220 221 224 225 232 234 238 251 203 208 210 214 . 219 223 ' 226 228 229 235 247 256 261 5 262 6 246 6 249 C 24.00 41.00 37.00 40.00 37.00 32.00 40.00 36.00 29.00· 44.00 38.00 35.00 35.00 38.00 39.00 49.00 50.00 35.00 36.00 54.00 52.00 40.00 43.00 38.00 42.00 38.00 44.00 46.00 37.00 30.00 34.00 44.00 36.00 43.00 48.00 25.00 42.00 44.00 32.00 29.00 31.00 36.00 28.00 31.00 33.00 D 4.9497 6.4420 6.1237 6.3639 6.1237 5.7008 6.3639 6.0415 5.4313 6.6708 6.2048 5.9581 5.9581 6.2048 6.2849 7.0356 7.1063 5.9581 6.0415 7.3'824 7.2456 6.3639 6.5954 6.2048 6.5192 6.2048 6.6708 6.8190 6.1237 5.5226 5.8736 6.6708 6.0415 6.5954 6.9641 5.0497 6.5192 6.6708 5.7008 5.4313 5.6124 6.0415 5.3385 5.6124 5.7879 E F 9.8989 12.8838 12.2471 12.7276 12.2471 11.4014 12.7276 12.0827 10.8623 13.3414 12.4094 11.9160 11.9160 12.4094 12.5695 14.0710 14.2124 11.9160 12.0827 14.7646 14.4912 12.7276 13.1906 12.4094 13.0381 12.4094 13.3414 13.6379 12.2471 11.0449 11.7470 13.3414 12.0827 13.1906 13.9282 10.0990 13.0381 13.3414 11.4014 10.8623 11.2246 12.0827 10.6766 11.2246 11.5755 1.38021 1.61278 1.56820 1.60206 1.56820 1.50515 1.60206 1.55630 1.46239 1.64345 1.57978 1.54406 1.54406 1.57978 1.59106 1.69019 " 11 G 1.69~97 1.54406 1.55630 1.73239 1.71600 1.60206 1.63346 1.57978 1.62324 1.57978 1.64345 1.66275 1.56820 1.47712 1.53147 1.64345 1.55630 1.63346 1.68124 1.39794 1.62324 1.64345 1.50515 1.46239 1.49136 1.55630 1.44715 1.49136 1.51851 t 2 lJ .041666 .024390 .027027 .025000 .027027 .031250 .025000 .027777 .034482 .022727 .026315 .028571 .028571 .026315 .025641 .020408 .020000 .028571 .027777 .018518 .019230 .025000 .023.2 55 .026315 .02380~ .026315 .022727 .021739 .027027 .033333 .029411 .022727 .027777 .023255 .020833 .040000 .023809 .022727 .031250 .034482 .032258 .027777 .035714 .032258 .030303 I./: Jf. / / TRANSFORMED SCORES TABLE (Cont'd) 250 253 254 255 6 259 6, 260 6 263 6 265 6 266 6 243 7 242 7 244 7 245 7 291 7 248 8 241 8 252 8 257 8 258 8 264 9 270 9 274 9 275 9 288 9 290 10 267 10 269 10 271 10 272 10 278 10 281 , 10 282 10 284 10 285 10 286 10 289 268 11 11 273 11 276 280 11 283 11 12 277 12 279 12- 287 6 6 6 6 46.00 39.00 40.00 33.00 37.00 44.00 46.00 45.00 35.00 25.00 39.00 45.00 53.00 37.00 48.00 47.00 35.00 24.00 50.00 42.00 33.00 37.00 37.00 46.00 35.00 36.00 20.00 37.00 38.00 32.00 44.00 18.0U 33.00 46.00 35.00 35.00 41.00 38.00 38.00 36,.00 27.00 41.00 48.00 26.00 6.8190 6.2849 6.3639 5.7879 6.1237 6.6708 6,.8190 6.74'53 5.9581 5.0497 6.2849 6.7453 7.3143 6.1237 6.9641 6.8920 5.9581 4.9497 7.1063 6.5192 5.7879 6.1237 6.1237 6.8190 5.9581 6.0415 4.5276 6.1237 6.2048 5.7008 6.6708 4.3011 5.7879 6.8190 5.9581 5.9581 6.4420 6.2048 6.2048 6.0415 5.2440 6.4420 6.9641 5.1478 13.6379 12.5695 12.7276 11.5755 12.2471 13.3414 13.6379 13.4905 11.9160 10.0990 12.5695 13.4905 14.6285 12.2471 13.9282 13.7838 11.9160 9.8989 14.2124 13.0381 11.5755 12.2471 12.2471 13.6379 11.9160 12.0827 9.0547 12.2471 12.4094 11.4014 13.3414 8.6015 11.5755 13.6379 11.9160 11.9160 12.8838 12.4094 12.4094 12.0827 10.4876 12.8838 13.9282 10.2951 1.66275 1.59106 1.60206 1.51851 1.56820 1.64345 1.66275 1.65321 1.54406 1.39794 1.59106 1.6.5 3 21 1.72427 1.56820 1.68124 1.67209 1.54406 1.38021 1.69897 1.62324 1.51851 1.56820 1.56820 1.66275 1.54406 1.55630 1.3p103 1.56820 1.57978 1.50515 1.64345 1.25527 1.51851 1.66275 1.54406 1.54406 1.61278 1.57978 1.57978 1.55630 1.43136 1.61278 1.68124 1.41497 .021739 .025641 .025000 .030303 .027027 .022727 .021739 .022222 .028571 .040000 .025641 .022222 .018867 .027027 .020833 .021276 .028571 .041666 .020000 .023809 .030303 .027027 .027027 .021739 .028571 .027777 .050000 .027027 .026315 .031250 .022727 .055555 .03,0303 .021739 .0285-71 .028571 .024390 .026315 .026315 .027777 .037037 .024390 .020833 .038461 (10' ~ ,1""-"", ~~#J c 12 J .,....t ~ S%ff,,·,...ffttbHj-· in j· .. ···'jfifijiftiv - r ..!ff["Tffil")" .. ·'"ffft .... r·N ... t "r -ff·" • •• • r· . II" _... r""I!"-··-lflrttH.r ··5izftf··.. ··,'t... irit'¥tlt*t.. tFri·6tW... ··biritfrihtri"frif¥rl4 tH±" ht ttzrittZttf""Yi tHtt"i±H.·.· dt-·,#It. INPUT DATA FOR BARTLETT PROGRAM FROM TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM t t j. IIHUtt ----_._............ ,_... _..... ....... _ ... _._.........._- _ INPUT DATA FOR BARTLETT PROGRAM FROM TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM (Cont1d) 12 N ~, • (j 0 6 .·00 17.00 10.00 4.00 12.00 5.-00 5.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 3.00 SUMX, .17 .16 .41 .27 .13 .32 .11 .13 .13 .34 .14 .08 SUM X sa X=RECIPROCAL OF X .005393 .004611 .010120 .007899 .004276 .009261 .002671 .003972 .003668 .·012297 .00412i .002508 5 5 5 ( ,-" ." 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 f'--". '...._-,./ 1>4 - --ljijMwil"ijj']WIl-r- ·"00""]" "2"C-· f !"-WrY"" -N . - bi#I±i.iti. . . ··•... *rli'#±h*btthHti:#tt.t 'it b.· ttt :H THE BARTLETT TEST FOR HOMOGENEITY OF VARIANCE PROGRAM c This program computes the Bartlett Chi-Square Test for homogeneity of variance, degree of freedom, and the level of significance!) In addition to these measures the program provides a table conta ining many of the computational steps in performing the Bartlett Test and gives tables values of chi square for the appropriate degrees of freedom for the following levels of significonce: 0.10, 0.05, 0~02, 0.01, and 0.001 It FORMAT FOR INPUT CARDS Columns EDIT Example Number of groups 0012 Transform Type 1,2,3,4, or 5 Number of cases 000000013. 1- 4 65 CASE Informati on 1-10 Blank columns may be used in place of leading zeros in the datd fields for the (:" original data, and for each set of transformed data the .jnput consists of an ED IT card and a CASE card for each group. These are followed by the cards containing the values for the sums of (X) and sums of (X) squared. The groups of data can follow One another directly. OPERATING THE PROGRAM 1. Place the program in the card reader 0 2. Place the five decks of data cards produced by the transformation program on top of the program deck. 30 Press the RESET button on the console, the LOAD button on the card reader, and the START button on the card punch. 15 t ",MWMtthil " .... __.._ __ ... .. --- ----- 4. When LOAD DATA is typed, the program will automatically read the data and process the problem. 50 When END OF JOB message and instTuctions for initiating anew run are typed, NON PROCESS RUNOUT for the CARD PUNCH must be pressed to obta in all the output cards 0 6. The output cards may be listed directly with an 80-80 board on a 407 machine. PROCESSING TIME The approximate computer time necessary to accomplish the Bartlett Program is given by the following equation: Execution time = 120 + 6K seconds where K = number of data cards per transform group. 1 2 !J 16 Lf. Lt. I~- (~ "' IU.'. ill I ~06 iOR j 10 II I~ II 11 I, I· FLOW DIAGRAM FOR BARTLETT PROGRAM "I 0: READ CHI-SQUARE TABLES (11 ZEROIZE SUMS AREAS Ob 07 READ NUMBER OF GROUPS AND FORM (lR DETERMINE WHICH TRANSFORM SOLVE FOR CHI SQUARE ! i ~-() i (II READ VALUES FOR N, SUM X AND X SQUARE I I.~ cl III I i I PUNCH CHI SQUARE AND DEGREES OF FREEDOM CONSTRUCT BARTLETT TABLE AND SUM VALUES I' FIND CHI-SQUARE TABLE ENTRY NO If> PUNCH CARDS FOR LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE OF CHI SQUARE AND THE CHI-SQUARE TABLE ENTRY FOR THE DEGREES OF FREEDOM 17 I !~ i PUNCH HEADER CARDS ! 19 2_~ ~ __21 PUNCH BART LEn TABLE I ; C~ J ,.- .'1 j , 23 ,I 7,1 NO i ~~ 17 'BARTLETT PROGRAM LISTING cr DEFINITION OF SYMBGLS FOLLOW. AC7C70 ;",C7070 AQ7D70 A0707.'] AC7070 A0707C A0707G A07070 '- c c c c MATRX= STORAGE LEVELS FOR CHI SQUARE TABLE. S U H uF = S U i/, ; ,1 A T ION U F D • F • SIGN = SUMMATION OF N. SMRCP= SUMMATION CF THE RECIPROCALS OF D.F. SUMS2= SUMMATION OF S·SQUARE. SMSD2= SUMMATION OF THE SU~ OF X SQUARE. SMDFL= SUMMATION OF D.F. TIMES TH~ LOG OF ~ S~UARE. NOGRP= NUMBER OF GROUPS. NU~TR= TRANSFORMED DAfA TYPE. CHIDF= LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE. KCUNT= A COUNTER FUNCTION. LEVEL= LEVEL OF .::iIGNIFICANCE. CASES= NUMBER OF CASES IN GROUP. S U ~"1 X = SUM 0 F X. SUMX2= SUM OF X SQUARE. DF = N-l, WHERE N IS NUMBER OF SU~JECTS. RECDF= RECIPROCAL OF D.F. S2 S SQU,ARE. TLOG = LOG OF S SQUARE. DFLOG= D.F. Tl~ESLOG' OF S SQUARE. ONE = FIRST EQUATION IN SOLVING FOR CHI SQUARE. TWO = SECOND EQUATION IN SOLVING FOR CHI SQUARE. Trl R E E = THI RI) E QUA T ION INS 0 LV I N G FOR CHI SQUA RE • (HI = CHI SQUARE. LAST =COUNTER TO FIND END OF ROUTINE. r '- c c c c C ,...... c ( c c c C C C c c c c .t..0787 tJ AC7070 A07:~ 7C ,£4.07070 AC7C70 A07070 A07070 A07J7C ,6.0707C ;",07070 A.07070 ;",07070 A07078 A07070 A07070 A,07070 A07070 A 0 7:) 7 0 A0 7 0 7 0 A07070 ,A.,0707C r PROGRAM BEGINS. '- c DIMENSION T(5,30) TR X = 1 CHI SQUARE TABLE IS READ IN AT THIS POINT. READ 2,T(1,MATRX),T(2,MATRX),T(3,MATRX),T(4,MATRX),T(5,MATRXl IF(MATRX-30)3,4,4 !\1A TRX=I,1A TRX+ 1 GO TO 1 CN=.43429448 PROGRAM HEADER (IDENTIFICATION) CARDS TO BE PUNCH NOW. PUNCH 5 PUNCH 6 PUNCH 7 ZEROING SUMMATION AREA NEXT TO BE DONE. LAST=l SUMDF=O. BIGN=J. SMRCP=iJ. SU~I1S2 =0. SMSD2=u. Sr"iDF L = U • READ VALUES FOR NUMBER OF GROUPS AND TYPE TRANSFORM USED~ READ 9,NOGRP,NUMTR ROUTINE FOR.IOENTIFICATION OF TRANSFORM TYPE. IF(NUMTR-l)ll,l2,ll ~'1A r ..... 1 3 4 C C 8 C C ~,--", . '\".,"",,/ 18 131 A0707G A0707C A07070 A07070 A07094 A07094 A07406 A07474 A075l0 AC75l8 A0754;:" />,07542 A07554 A07566 A07578 A07578 A07602 A07626 A07650 A07674 A07698 A07722 A07746 A07746 A07762 A07782 c ( BARTLETT PROGRAM LISTING (Cont'd) ",",\' rJ', 12 PUNCH 18 A'J785C /:.,07862 GO Te 13 11 If- (NUf·1rr~-2) 14,1':"lL+ A0787C A'J793B A079r;,C, 15 PUNCH 19 (JC TO 13 14 IF(NUMTR-3)16,17,16 17 PUi'~CH A 0 7'-) ':) 0 21 A08026 GO TO 13 A08(:Jb 16 IFCNUMTR-4)22,23,22 23 PUNCH 24 GO TO 13 22 PUNCH 25 1.3 C ACJd046 ;'.(;8114 ACB126 A.08134 A08146 (HIDF=I\JC(lRP~l 'KOUNT=l LEVEL=CHIDF 26 CASES=U. SU~. 1X =~:. SUi ' A A A A A A 00000000 99- A A A A A A A A A· A A A A A A A A A A 0002- 0003- I j j JI. J/.. ;;. ~ . C X':'&,'"1-' Itt f" - - - fl . ---J "'2"- -! IWjij:d-""- r--r··-Hij""'1¥[""f¥"Y'''- ern - ---r-mmq"f"'"RUf"'TW"EW"f" BARTLETT PROGRAM SYMBOL TABLE (Cont1d) ,I., e;\1 1796 q 0017 08026 ~7959 17949 (~"\i !, C'\ 0022 08134 0023 08114 A A A 0024 13354 0025 13456 A CHIOF KOUNT LEVEL I:.. A A A A, 0026 08254 CASES SUI"1X sur"1X2 A ~. 0027 10856 DF A A 10000000 01 RECDF SUMD2 A f~ A t, A 002 S2 TLOGS A A A A A A A A 001 DFLOG 0028 08934 0029 08910 17709 17699 17689 17679 17669 l7659 l7649 l.7639 l7629 17619 l.76(;9 1,:.7599 1;7589 17579 l7569 17559 17549 17539 17529 17519 17509 17499 17489 17479 17469 17459 17449 17439 17429 A A 0004- 17739 1" -.,-, ." ,', I ';I L ';/ l7Y19 l7909 l7899 l7889 17879 17869 17859 17849 17839 17829 17819 17809 1 (799 17789 17779 17769 17759 17749 17739 17729 17719 A 0021 13230 0031 11146 \ 0032 11302 0033 11476 0034 09154 0035 09110 A A. ONE TWO A ,A. 23026000 01 THREE 30000000 01 005 CHI 0036 11534 0037 11616 A A A A A A A A A A A A, A 0038 09718 0039 09698 0041 09678 0042 11886 0043 10354 0044 11968 0045 09874 0046 09834 0047 09854 A A A A 0048 12042 0049 12116 .A. 0051 10030 0052 10010 0053 09990 A A A 0054 12218 23 A 1 ~'" f» .If~. ~,--3 BARTLETT PROGRAM SYMBOL TABLE (Cont'd) 174\:~;9 17399 17389 17379 17369 17359 1.7349 17339 17329 17319 ' 1 7309 . 1 7299 \ 17289 17279 17269 17259 17249 A. OC55 12320 17419 A A A 0056 10186 0057 10166 0058 10146 0059 12394 0061 12496 A A A 0062 10342 '0063 10322 0064 10302 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 A A A 12570 12672 12746 10902 11048 A A A A 0005- 0071 10746 0072 10790 0073 13546 A A A A 00128 \ 24 CHI-SQUARE TABLE 2 • 706 3 .84 1 5 .41 2 6 .635 10 .83 4.605 5.991 7.824 9.210 13.82 6.251 7.815 9.837 11.341 16.27 7.779 9.488 11.668 13.277 18.46 9.236 11.070 13.388 15.086 20.52 10.645 12.592 15.033 16.812 22.46 12.017 14.067 16.622 18.475 24.32 13.362 15.507 18.168 20.090 26.12 14.684 16.919 19.679 21.666 27.88 15.987 18.307 21.161 23.209 29.59 17.275 19.675 22.618 24.725 31.26 18.549 21.026 24.054 26.217 32.91 19.812 22.362 25.472 27.688'34.53 21.064 23.685 26.873 29.141 36.12 22.307 24.996 28.259 30.578 37.70 23.542 26.296 29.633 32.000 39.25 24.769 27.587 30.995 33.409 40.79 25.989 28.869 32.346 34.805 42.31 27.204 30.144 33.687 36.191 43.82 28.412 31.410 35.020 37.566 45.32 29.615 32.671 36.343 38.932 46.80 30.813 33.924 37.659 40.289 48.27 32.007 35.172 38.968 41.638 49.73 33.196 36.415 40.270 42.980 51.18 34.382 37.652 41.566 44.314 52.62 35.563 38.885 42.856 45.642 54.05 36.741 40.113 44.140 46.963 55.48 37.916 41.337 45.419 48.278 56.89 39.087 42.557 46.693 49.588 58.30 40.256 43.773 47.962 50.892 59.70 o 25 BARTLETT PROGRAM OUTPUT c BARTLETT TEST FOR HOMOGENEITY OF VARIANCE i-<~FERENCE EDVJhF~DS REV. t~D., PROGRAMMED BY R.C. IRONS P.125-129 SCHAVMED PENSACOLA,FLA DATA FROM RAW SCORES USED SUM XII} CASE NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1U 11 12 D.F. N S( I ) SQ SO I/D.F. 6. 6. 17. 10. 4. 12. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 16. 9. 3. 11. 4. .20000 198.83330 ~g.76666 .20000 ~?R.OOOOu .06250 • 1111 1. .33333 2s.6000G .~ -l .;, b 0 -::l.1 501.60000 38.00000 12.66666 .090 :;l.'1 4~5.6670G 4S.060~~ .25 CiU 171.20000 4. 4. .25 (,; ()C 433.20000 11. 732.00000 5. 3. 10. 4. 2. .250UO .100(,0 42.800(0 108.30000 24.80000 73.20000 89. 77. .25(;00 t.) 97 • 7650 G 5~.71l33 99.20000 28.50000 .50 f)OO 114.00000 252.66670 126.33335 2.59785 3762.13200 620.12096 CHI SQUARE;: LOG S( I) (N-l )lOG S( I) SQ SO 1.59951 1.40824 1.57241 1.74611 1.10266 1 .~r)-::l.70 1 • r,'~ } 44 2. • (: '346::' ). ,; 2 r:;, 77 d • l.~ ~, ~~ 1 .5 7 7SC 1• ~h) (l L.·; ! • .s4i)~1 H4 ~.819?-7 2.101c-,1 4.2030~ 1•4 ~ /~ DEGREES OF FREEDOM= 7.958 7.99759 7.04120 25.15856 15.71503 3.30798 ]8.19177 ]26.32178 1] NOT SIGNIFICANT AT .100 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE .100 .050 .020 .010 .001 CHI SQUARE TABLE ENTRY 17.275 19.675 22.618 24.725 31.260 139 26 BARTLETT PROGRAM OUTPUT (Cont1d) C.'·' I" DATA FROM SQRT(X+.5) CASE NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUMS TRANSFORMATION USEb 1/D.F. N 6. 6. 17. 10. 4. 12. 5. 5. 5. 11. 5. 3. 5. 5. 16. 9. 3. 11. 4. 4. 4. 10. 4. 2. .20000 .20000 .06250 .11111 .33333 .09090 . .25000 .25000 , .25000 .10000 .25000 .50000 89. 77. 2'.59785 CHI SQUARE= SUM X ( I ) SQ S(I) LOG S(I) SQ SQ 1.58500 .88518 3.51742 3.54400 .33590 3.41997 .98702 3.05672 .64878 6.08836 .93662 1.79917 .31700 .17703 .21983 .39377 .11196 .31090 .24675 .76418 .16219 .60883 .23415 .8Q958 -.49894 -.75193 -.65789 -.40474 -.95091 -.50737 -.60773 -.11680 -.78996 -.21549 26.80414 4.44623 (N-1)LOG S( I) SQ -~63049 ..... 04595 DEGREES OF FREEDOM= 9.386 -2.49470 -3.75969 -10.52633 -3.64273 -2.85273 -5.58107 -2.43093 -.46721 -3.15985 -2.15499 -2.52198 -.09191 -39.68417 11 NOT SIGNIFICANT AT .100 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE .100 .050 .020 .010 .001 SQUARE TABLE ENTRY 17.275 19.675 22.618 24.725 31.260 C~I o 1~ 0 27 """." .. ""-""-~~~,,-"--- .. ------..."- ... ~--."- .. -- .. "'''' ..•..... ".".".,,",,.,,......... ,,"" .. '" .,.""'."--"""" 8A~TLETTPROGRAM OUTPUT (Cont'd) DATA FROM SQRT(X)+$QRT(X+1) TRANSFORMATION USED CASE NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUMS SUM' X( I ) N I/D.F. SQ S(I) SQ 6. 6. 17. 10. 4. 12. 5. 5. 5. 11. 5. 3. 5. 5. 16. 9. 3. 11. 4. 4. 4. 10. 4. 2. .20000 .20000 .06250 .11111 .33333 .09090 • 25000 .• 25000 .25000 .10000 .25000 .50000 6.29000 3.73518 . 13.69920 13.85960 1.30360 13.58990 3.91808 12.18688 2.55512 24.26350 3.46542 7.16667 1.25800 .74703 .85620 1.53995 .43453 1.23544 .97952 3.0.4672 .63878 2.42635 .86635 3.58333 89. 77. 2.59785 106.03315 17.61223 CHI SQUARE= LOG S(I) SQ (N-1)LOG S·(Il SQ .09968 -.12665 -.06742 .18750 . -.36197 .09182 -.00898 .48383 -.19464 .38495 -.06230 .55428 DEGREES OF FREEDOM= 9.548 NOT SIG~IFICANT AT .100 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE .100 .050 .020 .010 .001 CHI SQUARE TABLE ENTRY 17.275 19.675 22.618 24.725 31.260 \ 28 .49840 -.63329 -1.07879 1.68757 -1.·0;,,8593 1.01005 -.0359 • 1.93533 -.7715' 3.84.~' -.24921 1.10857 6.22769 11 T·tf··W·· .. Nzr· BARTLETT PROGRAM OUTPUT (Cont'd) C' DA.TA FROM LOG(X) TRAN S FOR r·1 AT ION USED N NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUMS S(I ) SO SUM X( I ) CASE D.F. l/D.F. SQ" LOG S ( I ) (N-l)LOG S ( I ) SD .05118 .03593 .07520 .08239 .01937 .07979 .03918 .08638 .01408 .18737 .01648 .05666 .01023 .00718 .00470 .00915 .0064:) .00725 .00979 .02159 -1.98983 -2.14346 -2.32790 -2.03836 -2.18987 -2.13943 -2.00899 -1.66564 .OO35~ -?.4534 rj 2. .20000 .20000 .06250 .11111 .33333 .09090 .25000 .25000 .25000 .10000 .25000 .50000 .01873 .00412 .02833 -1.72729 -2.38?10 -1.54770 77. 2.59785 .74403 .13109 6. 6. 17. 10. 4. 12. 5. 5. 5. 11. 5. 3. 5. 5. 16. 9. 3. 11. 4. 4. 4. 10. 89. 4. CHI SQUARE:;:; DEGREES OF FREE DO~v1:;:; 12.034 SQ -9.94917 -10.71732 -37.24643 -18.34531 -6.56963 -23.53376 -8.03598 -6.66258 -9.81382 ~17.27293 -9.54041 -3.095 /+0 -160.78279 11 . NOT SIGNIFICANT AT .100 C 1 ., .001 .050 .020 .010 .100 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE SQUARE TABLE ENTRY 17.275 19.675 22.61d 24.725 31.260 CHI o 1 42 29 .. _. ·"j"··j"·.,'!,-1 BARTLETT PROGRAM OUTPUT (Cont'd) (f~' 'V' D~TA FROM RECIPROCAL OF X USED Cl\SE NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUMS N D.F. I/O.F. 6. 6. 17. 10. 4. 12. 5. 5. 5. 11. 5. 3. 5. 5. 16. 9. 3. 11. 4. 4. 4. 10. 4. 2. .20000 .20000 .06250 .11111 .33333 .09090 .25000 .25000 .25000 .10000 .25000 .50000 89. 77. 2.59785 CHI SQUARE::: sut". X( I ) SQ S(I ) .00057 .00034 .00023 .00060 .00005 .00072. .00025 .00059 .00028 .00178 .00020 .00037 .00011 .00006 .00001 .00006 .00001 .00006 .00006 .00014 .00007 .00017 .00005 .00018 .00603 .00104 22.221 LOG S ( I ) (N-l)LOG S ( I ) SO SO SCJ -3.93829 -4.16199 -4.83907 -19.69148 -20.80995 -Lt.1696c~ -37-.52662 -14.30865 -45.91406 -16.80954 -15.31895 -16.57067 -37.47654 -17.17825 -7.45476 -4.76955 -4.17946 -4.20238 -3.82973 -4.14266 -3.74765 -4.29456 -3.72738 DEGREES OF F REEDO~'1::: -77.4251~ -326.54467 11 SIGNIFICANT BETWEEN .050 AND .020 .001 .020 .010 .050 .100 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE CHI SQUARE TABLE ENTRY 17.275 19.675 22.618 24.725 31.260 00 t ';ttmtt \ tit",' It; \ kktt\> ,Hwt#t"t, th I' t"5 t t REFERENCE 1 ~ Edwards, A. L., £xperimental ,Qesign .!!! PsycholC?gical Research. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. o J ,,, " 31 -=---- ....=..- ~-~-'--=---.-~-- =~~=~= - ,-', . _-,--------------- ',1' . • A. Gl.:NERAL, FUNCTION SlJBPltOOlWl M. E. Munroe Uhiversity of New Hampshire ~, C " ~ 5. :, ;: ' A General Function Subprogram C:' by M.R. MUnroe, University of New Hampshire This is a Fortran II function subprogram that accepts program and returns F(X). of any desired function. X fran the main This single subprogram can be used to yield values The function to be computed is controlled by data read into the main program. The code for describing a function by numerical data is as follows. A block of four integers will give instructions to combine to functions in a specified way and store the result. The first integer in each block of four specifies the combining operation to be performed. The next two specify the basic functions (or previously stored results) that are to be combined in this way. The fourth integer specifies a label for storage. The specific code chosen is this: Functions Identity Function 1. addition 11. log [!(x) • 2. subtraction 12. sin 3. multiplication 13. cos L. division 14. exp '5. composition 15. sqrt (!(g(x) 16. atan Library Operations D 6. integer exponentia tim Constants ~ 30 Storage 101 - 115 21 17. aba Every time a 30 appears there must be an auxiliary entry to indicate what constant. 0) Thus, the data consists of a vector of 4k fixed point numbers plus another vector of floating point numbers - one for each 30 in the first vector. / J./. &.1 Illustration: Suppose we want the subprogram to compute ,~ j l\l.~7 sinnx + 3x5 • The vector of integers would be as follows, and we indicate at each storage stage what is being stored. sinnx 30 ) 21 12 101 101 3x' 3 )0 103 102 6 21 J sinnx + 3XS Sinnx+3x' 1 104 102 104 105· 5. 3. 5 15 105 1<1> The vector of constants would be 3.1415926 Note that the exponent 5 is read as a floating point number. The subprogram will convert it t·o an integer before exponentiating. A listing of the subprogram follows. bers as branching controls The idea is to use these code num- qy means of IF statements and computed GO TO state- mente. 1 ~7 ¥.5.~ C n C c C 3 C C 1 C 4 C C 2 C 41 (~. C -,) C 42 C 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 GENERAL FUNCTION SUBPROGRAM FUNCTION FCX) o I MENS ION I (200) ,C ( 100) • FF C15) COMMON I.C.NI INITIALIZE CONSTANT COUNTER KON=l DO 1 00 J= 1 • N I ,4 IJ=I (J) PREPARE FPR FIRST PASS (THROUGH SECOND FUNCTION) L=2 S=X M=J+L IM=I(M) BRANCH FOR FUNCTION. CONSTANT, STORED RESULT IF ( I M-30 ) 1 .41 ,2 BRANCH FOR LIBRARY, IDENTITY FUNCTION IF(IM-20)4,4,42 LIBRARY FUNCTION K=IM-lO BRANCH TO SPECIFIC LIBRARY FUNCTION GO TO (43.44.45,46.47.48,49).K STORED RESULT K=lM-IOO R=FFcK) GO TO 65 CONSTANT R=CCKON) RESET CONSTANT COUNTER KON=KON+l GO TO 65 IDENTITY FUNCTION R=S GO TO 65 SPECIFIC LIBRARY FUNCTIONS R=LOGFCS) GO TO 65 R=SINFCS) GO TO 65 R=COSF(S) GO TO 65 R=EXPFCS) GO TO 65 R=SQRTF(S> GO TO 65 R=ATANFCS) GO TO 65 R=ABSFCS) \~ C 65 C 67 C C C 11 C C 66 C 31 32 33 34 35 36 C 70 C C C 100 BRANCH ACCORDING AS THIS IS FIRST OR SECOND PASS GO TO 166.67,.L STORE RESULT OF FIRST PASS ASZ Z=R PREPARE FOR SECOND PASS (THROUGH FIRST FUNCTION) L=1 START SECOND pAss UNLESS OPERATION IS COMPOSITION IF ( I J-5 ) 3. 1 1 • 3 RESET S FOR COMPOSITION S=Z START SECOND PASS GO TO 3 AFTER SECOND PASS BRANCH TO OPERATION CALLED FOR GO TO <>.IJ PERFORM OPERATION AND RECORD RESULT AS F F=R+Z GO TO 70 F=R-Z GO TO 70 F=R*Z GO TO 70 F=R/Z GO TO 70 F=R GO TO 70 lZ=Z F=R**IZ NOTE STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS K=IeJ+3)-100 STORE RESULT AS BOTH FF(K) AND AS F IF DO LOOP CONTINUES IT WILL BE CALLED AS FF(K) IF RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM IT WILL BE CALLED AS F FFCK)=F RETURN END rf-~ \-l7' u. T)snH' "'0!!iX· sewn- .we: .... ~ . MhliMwfijfflf ... ·Mi¥8Mu· .. T f T ·-n ·f'·'"[ '·-z""" w·· .. W···TTT .. T·····hiiiw'ii'HP .. ······· .. ·-timVe·W··"?r··T· nb ft#riiHriitF£W6*dUhtttrtHbrl*!Hidbh'n., c' FORTRAN PROGRAMS FOR COvIPUTING ELLI PTI C INTEGRALS AND FUNCTIONS llenry E. Fettis James C. Caslin May 1964 Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory Aerospace Research Laboratories Office of Aerospace Research Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio o 150 FORTIW'J 1. Scope pnlC PROGI~\1C; FOR CO~n'JTING ELLIPTIC INfEGHALS AND FUNCTIONS .2£..:h:. Programs programs prcsentcJ jn this paper provide subroutines for di rect computation of the three types of elliptic integrals in so-called "Legendre ~orma1 Fom". They are Integrals of the first kind: 11 a. r(~'Ii)il_::$"'''~;' it a:=it <-I J· ~ Inter-ra1s of the second kind: b. E f4 c. -!f)-I: - -t.sil1~ if dIJ j Integrals of the third kind: 2r(~«~ d~ )_(8 ) ,1i l (/-CX:~ih~)VI-~~ih I; t k eX = 1 + seeS) 11 f =J-~X 1,,(t.1I''''5eC;(;)-fll1I5:::;::~ = /_~.1.11Jt"t6l"~$'~c;e)+/~Jtd;rta/5';h~J 1 if271.{ta7? 1)~5' = 2 O('~~ 0 ftC ~ 8) + ici71. 615'~~ e} J 1 5 'J • - CX'~ / ~f"··~ • 3. ~'1athematical Fonnulation TIle prQgram..~ presenteu here are based on a transformation, known as Gauss' transformation or sometimes Lrulden's second transformation. It penni ts each of the three nonnal integrals to be expressed in tenns of elementary fW1ctions and similar ones with a lesser modulus. Since the same transfonnation may be applied to the ne\" set, and the process continued until a mouulus of sufficiently sraall magnitude is obtained, a point is ultimately reached where the integrals reuuce to element functions as outlined in section 2. It is then a simple matter to go backwards and find the desired values of the original integrals. a. The transfonnation goes as [0110\0,15: A new modulus kl is computed from the formula l-kt kl = l-k' where k t = v'i"=k! is known as the complementary modulus. /r'~ "-\;.c.."".i b. A new amplitude Q1 is computed from sinQl c. = (1+k')sin9 1+ (1-k 2sin2 9 A new parameter ((, is computed from 0(. Of:: 0( I where p '= ¥ /t.."jiJ.. (/+1t' ~1-k2 /o(~ TIle original integrals, functions of k,Q, oc.~ may now be expressed in terns of ones \Vi th argt..1Irents k 1 , F(Q,k) 9,,0,a as follows: = (l+k )F(Q ,k ) 1 J. 1 E(Q,k) 3 153 ... W !""""XR' I '''! .• ).. ["'fi:f8Nt8r*itHitI: 'jlr" tT" "I .... .,...\T" .•... rT··RTrfBirririiwu.... _... ·· .. · M"' T tl(9,O(~k) c d. ''' r . -,--'""ffiFef··i±i&H.. ··tiiliiJ#'i ..... ·*trl .. ·· f"tf""rt#t:iiHitbtt#ririri#*h . ±d ·ijfftbr6±btWMrttt6?±tft#f#rit#.d±»±&fit"tH## (tWi#tt .. tt I !ftf. *»i7iH"b =; f2(1+kl)II(8t,a;~kl) Steps a,b ,c are repeated wi th Q.k, - II(Q,«~O) - (1- P)f'CQ,kj • «J. replaced by 91 ,k1' ~~and this proceoure is continued until at the n-th step, the modulus ])4 is essentially zero. F(QN,kN), E(.QN,kN) rolll II(QN,OlN ,kN) are then elementary flIDctions a~ given by fonnulae 2"a, 2b. From the values of F(QN,k ), E(QN,k ), II(QN,9 , ~) just fOW10, N N N equation 3.1 is employed to find F(QN-l,kN_l ), E(QN-l,k _ ), II(9 _ ,k _ ) N1 Nl Nl e. and this process is continued until finally the values of the fLUlctions of the origina 1 arguments are obtained. 4. Recurrence Fonnu1ae A..~ nn nl ternati ve to the above described process, which requires that ~ intcnnediate values of k, c( ,9 be saved, a general recurrence type formula for direct computation may be written. Sn, sequences of numbers ~, Ra , equations: This is accomplished by defining Tn' Xn , Yn , Zn, xo = 0 0=0 '0 =1 Yo so = 1 Zo ko To = 0 =Q Rn+l = (l+kn+l)Rn 5n +1 = (1+~+1) ( = Cl+k' n) T . T n+l n + =1 =0 [~.,,~.in4 Co.s~ Q +1 n according to the fo11m.;ing /+ V';-~."ASihaCh n' 4 511 + k' n Tn J J. -r / 't * 51t I HI * where kn+1 = l -k' n l+k' '.j I J~ and k sin9 o o =k = 5cJl t9 TIlen if N is a value of n such that kN ~ 0, () 5 155 _...... ) MfifiWm ··"!···T···'i#ht¥tf········Wiliifj··WP'iFV·! w [_. ,.. ...[... "!' ..[ ..."!"" . _.. -u...·. ·rT .. 'r~yiji5t'iiir F(B ,k) ·W .. !W·.... Tti.&:· .... Wifi'iiM",· .. · . = R)~N ~ J&' II (9, ~ ,k) 5. r'" = X-,A. .1\Jf.V . + YNC"-l 1 .... ZN Restrictions on the Use of the formulae ----_ ...... - - - - The fonnulae for F and E can be used for all values of k and 9 with the exception of the trivial case k = 1. On the other hand, those for II can not be universally applied lUlless ~ is real for each Il. Eviuental1y, the initial value 'vill be real provided that either K::O or a'~;>~~, and it is easily shown that if these conditions ate satisfied by the original values of k and ~~ it \...i 11 always be satisfied by the subsequent values of these quanti ties. TIl is leaves one remaining case, namely o .c:: tX.~<~;l.. ,-:hcre the transformation wi 11 not \~ork di rectly. FortLDlately, there cxis ts the following relationship: II(Q,tX~~2) + II(QJ~~,k2) = 5.1 .J/+tJ../ /-u where (l-rx~)(lI~~/) t 1, TI(Q,k2/~,k2) can be calculatcd by the previously dt'scribed method, and I I (9, "'~ k 2) 6. SOr1C ~ :~ur.lerous L2!. from the above fonnula. .!!!£. Ntunetica 1 Accuracy sources of inaccuracy may be i.nherent in the previously described fonnulac. a. Improving fOlUlc.l 111ese will be briefly discussed be low. Subtraction of large but nearly equal quantities. This occurs both in the calculation' of E and II. In the fOrnlulac for E, Tn and Sn increase in magnitude but their difference remains finite; 5j mi larly, in the expression for II, the quantity Yn Gn - Zn approaches a finite limit although both Yn (;n and Zn incre'Ls,c. 111e inaccuracy whidl mi ght result due to loss of significant figures may be avoided by refonnulnting the exprcssions eli rectly ill tenn..'i of the differences. b. Inaccuracies.!!!. Computing ~ from SinQN. :,tost computers find inverse trigonometric functions by means of (til inv(;~rse tangl'tlt suhroutine. cllculatcd. \',"j TIlis requires that both sin9 N antI cos9~~ be T[ sin9N is close to zero or one, inaccurate values of cos9~ 11 result if the latter is computeJ from the relation: coSQ N :: '/1-sin 2QN' to avoiJ this I.lifficulty. c.osQn+l should be computed directly [roJ1\~inQn and cosQn' s i.Jlc{'~ the ini tial of those quanti ties may be computed wi th reasonable precision, and the final results "'ill accordingly be r:lore aCCLlratc. A suitable fomula for accomplishing this is the follO\'Jing: 7 157 •.-...,.•,..-..- ... - ... 'filW . p Unreasonably large numbers may also occur if the ini tial value nf small, since this quantity· appears ill the denominator in 13q. 3.1. 1J is For this reason it may be preferable to avoid uSing the direct method when C(t4 is ncar to k 2 , and this may be accomplished' by' employing Eq. 3.1 only when 't'~ 0 oro(",.1f... and using the transfonnation to the parruneter o 8 ~~J. 15S othcl1dse. ;("~, \, 1:,lj:~1 I:JULY i-(SSK,Tll)IS crH,:iPUTED , 1;,JD==2 F(SSK,TH) Ai"jD E(SS!","nl) /\RE~~jjIIPi.JTED ~j ~'J"')01'J"'-I'''IE' ELL 1P (coS" (""11''\, r"''') .;) I, () hi,,) l I i' ~, ;J I'" ..I",..", I i:''JD' ,I:".) C. i \ P 1=1 • S/079632Gj'91~G/ 5 Tl'll =F> l"(TH/90. 0 C" S I, 1/ ('l r"l . · 1 ....0') \,J, ";J, n f: ( ,), 9 I F( TH- 90 .0) 12, 13, 12 1 2 S;,1=$ I i,IF( 'j"H 1)' , f 0,,) A=(1.0~SN)/(1.0-SN) JK~O. !),,\L(3G I:" (/\) £1(=51,1 G!~ TO 30 13 G(1 TrJ (1 J}, 1:~ ) , I i'·J D 1:;~J!(==9 .9999999E+9D 11~ G 6 5 '/ £1-<=1 .0 GCj TrJ 30 PR I iff 100, SSK ;,H(=9.9999999E+93 Gt1 TO 30 IF{'rH-90.)S,b,5 $ I',J:: 1 .0 C;',!=O.O GO TV:) j' S;~ol=S 'I i·lF (TH 1) C;"1=C(1S F ( TH 1 ) S1<:::5 SK H=l .0 T=:l _0 Q=O .0 S=1.0 D::SQRTF( 1.-51<~'\SK~\S~",11"St"J) 3 SI,2=S;('i($K SKP=SQRTF(1.0~SK2) GC1 T(~ (11,10), li'JD 10 Q==Q + ( "1",( Si',ji C~",l~'( S1<2! ( D+1 • 0 ) ) 11 SK=(l.-SKP)/{l.+SKP) ~(:.=( 1 • O·~SKP) 1(1 .0+0) l ( SrJ=X"kS i'l O=SQr bihirtiWttiiiiMi" \ ..... ··..rff .....·..w··jj""·- 1"]""' - . flt"tf'J""X,.··YIl"f""Nj··T'W5·· ... Y .. · - ... _.. ·C"·W'F"" .. '··-.. H'P ... ·g'··· APPENDIX B C F0RTRAN II PR0GRAM THAT CALCULATES ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS 0F THE C THIRD KIND. INPUT: SK=M0DULUS, (7J=AMPLITUDE IN RADIANS PARAMETER (AL)=ALPHA SQUARED. PI_/~ . '" (/19 C AND C - (1-/1( f'inllt')VI- ~;tSl~.;l& 1 3 4 43 44 45 9 10 13 11 14 15 5 2 o 16 ACCEPT 100,SK,0,AL,E Pl=1.570796325794875 ALN=AL SKN=SQRTF(SK) SN=SINF(0) CN=C0SF«(7J) R=1.0 S=1.0 T=O.O Q=O.O TS1=AL-SKN TS2=ALN-1.0 TS3=SN-CN IF(AL)35,40,3 IF(TS1)4,4,35 ALN=SK/AL TS2=ALN-1 .0 T3=1 • -ALN T4=1 • -SKI ALN IF(TS2)43,45,44 U=SQRTF«T3*T4)/(1.-SK*SN*SN» GO T0 45 U=SQRTF«(ALN-1.)*(1.-(SK/ALN»)/(1.-SK*SN*SN» IF(TS2)9,14,15 C=SQRTF(T3) IF(TS3)10,10,11 Tl=ATANF(U*(SN/CN» T2=ATANF(C*(SN/CN» C0RR=(Tl-T2)/SQRTF(T3*T4) G0 T0 5 Tl=Pl-ATANF(CN/(U*SN» T2=Pl-ATANF(CN/(C*SN» G0 T0 13 T1=SQRTF{1.-SK) T2=SQRTF{1.-SK*SN*SN) C0RR={-SK*SN*CN)/«T1*T2)*(Tl+T2» G0 T0 5 Tl=(U*SN+CN)/{SQRTF(ALN-l.0)*SN+CN) T2=(1.-SK*SN*SN)/(1.-(SK/ALN)*(SN*SN» C0RR=(.S*L0GF(Tl*Tl*T2»/(SQRTF«ALN-l.)*(1.-SK/ALN») P2=SQRTF(1.-(SKN*SKN)/ALN) SK2=SKN*SKN P=P2 SKP=SQRTF(1.-SK2) 16U AL1=ALN IF(TS3)16,16,17 SAL2=SN/CN G0 T0 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 SAL2.CN!SN SN-«1.+SKP)*SN)/(1.+SQRTF(1.-SK2*SN*SN» SKN-(l.-SKP)!(l.+SKP) TO-S1 RTF (1.-SKN*SKN*SN*SN) eN-( 1.+SKN*SN*SN)/TO)*CN R-R* 1. +SKN) P2-SQRTF(1.-SKN*«1.-P )/(l.+P ») ALN-ALN*«l.+P )1(1.+SKP»)**2 IF(AL1-l.0)19.22,23 Tl-SQRTF(1.-AL1) IF(TS3)20,20,21 . HN.(2.0!Tl)*{ATANF(Tl*SAL2)-ATANF(SQRTF(1.-ALN)*(SN/CN») GfD T0 24 C-SQRTF(l.-ALN) HN.(2.!Tl)*«Pl-ATANF(SAL2/Tl»-(P1-ATANF(CN/(C*SN»» GfD T0 24 T2.SKN*SKN T3·SQRTF(1.-T2) T4.SQRTF(1.-T2*SN*SN) , HN.(-2.*T2*(1.+SKN)*SN*CN)/«T3*T4)*(T3+T4» G0 T0 24 Tl-(CN+SQRTF(ALN-l.)*SN)**2*(1.-«SKN*SKN)!ALN)*(SN*SN» T2-(Ct~*SQRTF( 1.-SKN*SKN*SN*SN)+P2*SQRTF(ALN-l. )*SN)**2 HN.L~GF(f2/Tl)/SQRTF(AL1-1.) . Tl·1.+SKN T-T+(tiN/P )*5 ~:T~l;~~i~~jp-J*~/P )*s) IF SKN-E)25,2S,2 IF SN-CN)26,26 t 27 0N-ATANF(SN/CNJ G" T0 28 0N.Pl-ATANF(CN/SN) PfBAR-(lN*Q-T IF(AL)31,40,29 IF(TS1)30 30 31 PI-0N*R-p1sAR+C0RR G0 T0 32 PI-PIBAR+(G0/RH') PRINT 101,PI G0 T0 1 RH0.SQRTF(1.-SK/AL) IF(AL-l.0)36,39,42 C.SQRTF( 1.-AL) IF(SN-CN)37,37,38 G0-ATANF(C*(SN/CN»/C G0 T0 5 G0-(Pl-ATANF(CN/(C*SN»)/C G0 T0 5 IF(CN-E)40,40,41 PRINT 103,ALN,0 G0 T0 1 G0-SN/CN G0 T0 5 C-SQRTF(AL-l.} Tl-(CN+C*SN)/(CN-C*SN) ~~:t~~tE~A~(Tl»/C 100 103 101 11::\ ' G0 T0 5 1 G! F~Rt1A T ( E17 • 10) F0RMAT(30HPR0BLEM N0T DEFINED F0R AHPHA=F16.10 10HAND THETA=F16.9) t~~t/1AT (3HP I =- F15. 10) ij.~ , // o tttit# t t T~USE OF DISCRETE CONVOLUTION IN THE ANALYSIS OF DIFFRACTION PATTERNS J. S. LIEBMAN P. M. JOHNSON GENERAL ELECTRIC COMT)!lNY . ADVANCED ELECTRONICS CENTER IT:AA.CA, NEW YORK o 162 Jf. 7. D 1 This paper is about a program for convolution of two complex discrete functions. We will discuss uses of complex convolution, de- scribe the experimental problem which led us to develop the" program, and then will present the technique itself. The convolution process is used in the analysis of several engineering problems. In electrical signal processing,by networks, the circuit output equals the complex convolution of the input time function with the circuit impulse response function. In schlieren optics, light passini through transparent media undergoes phase diffraction instead of amplitude diffraction, and may be analyzed by complex convolution. Our experimental system, a schlieren system, is a special case of a coherent optical processing system, and it uses the phenomenon of ri'~ \~LR phase diffraction for a rather unique purpose. Figure 1 is a diagram of the experimental setup. light is passed through a ~ooved If monochromatic transparent film and is partially blocked in the diffraction plane, it will then project a pattern on the image screen. The image intensity varies (in a manner depending upon the type of operation at the diffraction plane) with the groove depth and slope. The variations of light intensity on the screen present the information that is stored on the film. If no blocking of the light takes place in the diffraction plane, then there will be no variation of light intensity on the image screen. We desire to find out what kind of blocking at the diffraction plane produces the best results. 16 J 'I. ZI J' ·ET." },} ...-.... t 'dt. Ht#si'bw .. "±ti· tid ***#*#1* ."t -. h· riririe¥itiirirl iztM+tdw·w · N*fH_ _ •• J .(".:- ·-f .. ·.. n :lI TT"If"Til!IfW .. l"'!-ij'm·!!t""p·· ... WT .. Wf"JjWIIIT T 2 It happens that Fourier Transform relations exist between the object~ diffraction, and image planes. It also happens that the light amplitude at the object plane can be represented as a multiple product. If we use convolution theorem that the Fourier Transform of-a product is equal to the convolution of the Fourier transforms of the individual functions, and if we know the individual transforms of the factors in the product, we can easily compute the diffraction pattern. Hence, a major part of our computer simulation of the optical display system 'Was the development of an efficient technique for the convolution of two or more complex discrete functions. SOURCE PLANE OBJECT PLANE (THERMOPLASTIC RECORD) 1-----.".- - -- x FIGURE 1 o IMAGE PLANE (SCREEN) Xl X" 3 Because the functions we convolved have real and imaginary parts, the following series of equations develop the model used for our complex convolution. If ;= ~.;=~ I are complex functions of x, the distance from the center of the diffraction plane. ~ (X) = c( (z) E:' -~ '0< (x) ~ 6) -= if (z)e-"(6U) Let Since ,.5't11':;:'<'" C'6-Q (0 • I- ceo oJ. 51il iG I 165 tI.73 C. II' . .·· or'cm'T t t 'j t tth tit . 'hj .. $j 'bi&fH,-' ···[· ..-· ... f·j'·-.,· {rite> fow tirtwrt_** .... j ... · j _. - '"!i'¥iitii'HrW •.•. "] r- .. n n"'f""""'%!PW .. ·i.,.-n. . . . . i¥W··!s",w·· 4 Thus, complex convolution may be expressed in of four real convolutIons. The following operations represent :part of oursimu- lation and, for various ~easons, they were carried out by several At the end of this paper is a Fortran puter programs instead of One. program for the simple convolution (a) c:' in part b. Prepare four tables. (1) X (2) X (3) x ( 4 ))( (b ) COID- vs a CC)sc>( VS Q SIn e><... ~ b-- CCAS V5 tr S' t'n {3 G Convolve (1)*(3) : R (ll) (2) *(4) =- R~ (,x) (1)*(4)-=- ~I (x) (2)*(3) ·=~~(X) (c) Combine into real and :imaginary parts~ li(x) =~, (x),- R~()() cVCx) .= I, 6V+ J;. (x) (d) The amplitude of the roth point of the diffraction pattern is (e) The phase of the roth point of the diffracti~n pattern is eo< ()11) ~ o Ta'l -/ Lri(11) f\ ) ("tl) . 166 Lf.71 5 In addition to possible: uses in y;our own computing group, this technique offers interesting oPPC?rtunities for University physics and electrical engineering labs. More and more universities and colleges are teaching their students how to program and are giving their students machine time. Complicated diffraction patterns could be predicted before being observed in the physics labs, as well as schlieren optics. Computer calculations could replace the electrical engineering students' frequent use of the graphical technique for complex convolution. In closing, we present the Fortran program for the basic Convolution of two discrete functions that is the fundamental unit of our complex convolution. It is offered as an example of a technique to be used when the variable (m in our case) can be restricted to integer values. Then each F(m) can be stored in location m for efficiency of storage. 1 G7' c r·r-t·st ....!i·en····· c CONVOLUTION OF C J.S.LIEBMAN.~ENERAL ELECT~IC.ITHACA.N.V. C: T~O DISCRETE FUNCTIONS DIMENSION Ml(201).M2(201).Al(2Ql).A2t201).AlA2(402) READ 95 PUNCH 95 READ 90.Nl DO 10 l=l.Nl READ 90. M1 ( I ) • A 1 ( I ) j! 1 0 M 1 ( I ) =M 1 ( 1 ) + 100 READ 90.N2 DO 20 1=I.N2 READ 90. M2(I).A2(I) ~ 20 M2 ( I ) =M2 ( I ) + 1 00 DO 30 30 K=1.402 AIA2(K)=0. DO 40 1=1.201 DO 40 J=I.201 K=Ml (I )+M2( 40 ( ""~: J) AIA2(K)=AIA2(K)+Al(I)*A2(J) DO 60 K=1.402 . " IF (AIA2(K» 50 50.60.50 J=K-200 PUNCH 90.J.AIA2(K) 60 CONTINUE PAUSE GO TO 90 FORMAT (14X.I6.14X,F6.4) 95 FORMAT (49H END * THESE STEPS WERE MERELY MANIPULATIONS TO AVOtb NEGATlVE!NDICES~ ~.'i".1 ~. J 68 ·rr···..''fjtl'!]]i'n ---~---" -,------ -----,---,------,-,,-,----,-----------,----,---""-,- --- A COMPUTER APPR.OACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF GAMMA SPECTRA BY THE ~THOD-OF CHARACTERISTIC ENERGY REGIONS by /7//' ... ,;--~" I, u ~ :"1;1.:. _'. :;>-~~ CoO (1274-A)-1B-16 - SLI.PE -1*2- B. BETH. STEEL CO. LOAD & INTERCHANGE DATA I 3109520 :oOE~1 3109423 SON TIES TO STEEL TIME 2400 _~ _J. __ IJ-Y· .' 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UI ~ 0 f'I 5 5 5 5515 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55555 5 5 5 5 5555155555555555555555555 555555555555 55555555555 5 5555555 5 I I 6 6 6 66166 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66666666166666666666666666666666 6 66666666 66666666666 6666666 6 6 ~ n ~ I n 7 7 7 7 717 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 1117 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 11 7 777 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 77 777 7 7 7 7 7 7 777 777 g I I I 8 8 8 8 BI8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 818 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I I . 9 9 9 9 91919 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 919 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99999999 999 999999 999 , I 1 1 Z 3 4 516 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1921 21 22232425 2& 2J 2s129 30 31 323334 3536 31 38 3U( 41424344 4546 41 4 495051 5 5354555657 585IGC &1626364 6""HUt 10 /I 12 13 14 .... 000505 1~ 76 11 787980 92 I I "1* / "" :S '- I .P t::' J \ ?'¥ 4B_G. & E. (M-1679) co. BALTIMORE - COMP. 8 MD. P.R.R. INCL. BFCL - COMP. 9 STEEL PLANT - COMP. 10 BALTIMORE GROUP - COMP. 11 WASHINGTON - COMP. -12 BALTO. WASH. GROUP - COMP. 13 BALTO. PLUS WASH. BALTO; AND STEEL PLANT BALTO. AND STEEL SALES BALTO. AND STEEL SALES AND MD. P.R.R. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10 ~~ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20, 211 22 23 24 fOTAl . 511 484 473 467 476 502 573 757 911 989 1029 1031 1012 1039 1022 1007 995 971 999 1020,1 . ~ 15 21 18 19 19 20 21 30 17 14 11 12 12 12 21 23 24 28 24 24 218 233 239 222 224 238 237 272 239 236 241 241 241 262 265 251 253 245 262 - 1285 1280 1278 1220 1079 - I 236 , 744 738 730 708 719 760 831 1059 1167 1239 1281 1284 . 1265 1313 1308 1281 1272 l2~A - 968 881 749 2246 2101 1828 LS21 1986 2022 1974 1809 1564 131q 1±_5.27_4 3R9S4 928 815 '14 19 261 278 245 ?() /~? Q--'i.8 hl~ 44q SR71 26()LJ. ~ l_q2~~ iq7?~ . 2282 - ~ 1232 1190 1165 1142 1152 1214 1378 1790 2061 2231 2313 2326 2284 2347 2337 2311 2275 2226. 2272 11 7()f) - 488 452 435 434 433 454 547 731 894 992 1032 1042 1019 1034 1029 1030 1003 5182 987 1002 1006 -:t 999 9'36 908 901 909 956 1120 1488 1805 1981 2061 2073 2031 2073 2051 2037 1998 25 CYCLE BALTIMORE BALTIMORE PLUS STEEL SALES BALTIMORE GROUP 14-15 14 15 60 CYCLE r BALTIMORE BALTIMORE PLUS STEEL SALES --o 634 616 609 584 578 621 681 896 1024 1077 1100 1117 1117 1155 1135 1168 1158 1115 1157 1154. 1157 1070 937 649 637 627 603 597 641 702 926 1041 1091 1111 112_9 1129 1167 1156 1191 1182 1143 1181 1178, 1168 1084 956 q~R R71 /t;SQ4 ??hAI 729 717 712 689 700 740 810 1029 1150 1225 1270 1272 1253 1301 1287 1258 1248 1216 1261 1256 1267 1206 1060 0# 1~53 11-13 11 12 13 . 1. . 2- 22, 14 .. 13 .~ 18 18 18 17 19 17 18 21 19 17 21 18 21 18 20 25 25 33 34 27 26 29 27 35 31 23 , 28 37 28 39 23 --31 24 32 24 34 22 33 33, 30 42 43 43 47 47 46 45 57 62 61 66 493 467 456 449 459 484 555 737 886 962 1003 _D5 10~4 63 67 989 1011 bb ~94 62 63 65 59 61 984 971 947 977 998. 59 64 55 905 795 A41 21 23 20 21 33 26 27 52 nas ?~1':\() f;)?:l f,7Q l~f,() 19l~ 985' ,... ~ "~ - ENGINEERING STATISTICS COLUMN HEADINGS COlUMN HEADINGS ~ 1.l.lA (-; c,.,:; SYSTEM LOAD COMPONENTS MWHR - MAIN UNIT BASIS ~~ " ;/ MON APR 20 1964 ~~~ \1 ) 15 -- 616 598 590 563 559 600 660 871 991 1043 1071 1082 1086 1118 1096 1137 1126 1081 1124 1121 1127 10371 911 1 7q4 /?()()? o 5LI Pt.;:- # J B.G. & E. (M-1679) co. SAFE HARBOR NET SEND OUT 230 KV 138 KV 69 KV TOTAL - SEE NOTE 2/3 1/3 1 .- 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 102 102 108 110 109 109 104 94 104 107 110 110 112 109 111 110 107 104 107 20 1071 21 22 23 110 109 106 108 24 TOTAl ~ ~ ~ 2- 4. 3 ~ 5 52 51 51 46 52 51 52 58 59 61 62 64 64 64 64 64 61 65 61 20 18 16 17 14 20 23 36 48 52 57 57 52 55 53 52 54 49 50 174 171 175 173 175 180 179 188 211 220 229 231 66, 50 2~3, 64 58 57 48 43 35 28 221 216 199 105 - -63 - £~8 228 228 226 222 218 218 116 114 117 115 117 120 119 125 141 147 153 154 152 152 152 151 148 145 145 149 147 144 133 129 1410 2569 947 4928 3285 INCL.RAMP ENERGY OF 0 MWHR ~ND P.P.& L STA.SER.OF 2 M~vHR ~ ":':1.1.25 ENGiNEERING STAHSTICS COLUMN HEADINGS COLUMN HEADINGS HR - n ~ ' MANOR-BRUNNER IS. TO BRUNNER IS. 7 NET TO BALTO.-WASH. GROUP FROM OTHERS 9 NET INTERCHANGE TO B.-W. GRP. NET INTERCHANGE TO BALTO. GRP. 11 NET INTER. FROM WASH. TO BALTO. GRP. 12 S.H. 230 KV NET TO BALTO.-WASH. GRP. 8 10 6- .7 ~3 73 74 74 72 66 ~ 150 147 132 103 79 66 1643 8 21 10 -11 -14 -5 35 80 133 179 190 192 179 158 165 159 144 159 153 147 58 57 58 58 58 60 60 63 70 73 76 77 76 76 76 75 74 222 .. 249 233 228 190 166 51 -41 -173 -213 -209 -164 -53 -102 -79 -24 -73 -62 -28 -45, -33 0 98 121 9, 10 106 135 116 113 73 46 -68 -166 -314 -360 -362 -318 -205 -254 -231 -175 -221 -207 -173 -194 -180 -144 -35 200 214 205 191 149 97 -21 -90 -227 -217 -224 -183 -126 -158 -144 -106 -141 -156 -131 .~ -8 -163, -151 -125 -10 64 11 .. 94 79 89 78 76 51 47 76 87 143 138 135 79 . 96 87 69 80 51 42 31 29 19 25 72 12 .- 259 -3026 -1253 2685 1773 -116 TO •• 1558 •••• 589 ••• 1120 ••• 1773 •••• 660 FROM.1299 ••• 3615 ••• 2373 •••••• 0 •••• 776 S.H. ENTITLEMENT &c INTERCHANGE DATA MWHR MON APR 2 1964 13 . ~ 14 .. 81 92 119 124 114 74 24 -39 -75 -83 -82 -69 -46 -56 -48 -34 -52 -49 -40 -43 -37 -23 3 20 15 i I I i .:. ( ) c~! B. G. & E. co. (M-llll) ENGINEERING STATISTICS COLUMN HEADINGS:W-IND. MINUS OOLUMN HEADINGS NET BEN. 138KV FROM WASH. NET BEN. 115KVFROM WASH. 1 2 .° ..... NET 1, 4 ,' I . 2' ,. 31 3 40. 3 3 5 c;] 5 i 1 II 15 . II 13 11 11 M IS· 12 54 3 iN 16 11 1 ~ 5 16 12 14 ;20 16 : 11 Ie , .1 .9 tz3 1 RK PERFORKANCE MONITORING SYSTEM DESI (WED FOR AN ELECTRI C UTILITY METER AND IHSTALLATICI{ DEPARTMENT D. D. W111i_a Bngiaeer1Jlg Computer .lpplieatioDs Group Baltimore Gas and Electric Comp~ Baltimore, MU7land 2120) o t/. 11.0 D ~ D v T~iJ~l:L ::~~',:~~ :;~·ti:'.. v~~o C·3.~ ~~:. ::"ct.;;~~:-':!.o C::.,.~:;~):;;~.::~~r .it ir.i)l"OVO:-;l~;::~~ irt budc:;o·::'i:.:..C to 19 /.f,II./ :r P~''''' 2 c fer -:::-':'0 purposcs of this report, all fo:-cc~, ~~cl ccnt:;,~ctor3 regardless as ccmprisi:ng District 9. of produced I 1Jill not t~bul~tic~s contaL~~d ~":,ter.;.pt in the fo~ the dictricts as to discuss here tile contents of all of tL3 rePCY~. Hc,,;,;eV0l."', from a general data pro- As control d'3vice, the rC90rt ~c:Oi.:~ld bo virtually useless 'Hi thout the In r;l~~to!' end tr~v81 tiffie as L~dicetcd :l r;:~t.::;:·, by Division has been divided b:" ~nG v~~ious ::l1d a job io ~.;.:J are ~C:dition to fuz:ction cards uhich arc i::put, to the system, and VJhich pro7icio or rc:::ovi..i-:2 o Do in:~:> tabulations. By definition, c. unit of 110rk llhich cover.c a isdicr.tcd above, '~h~ ~rork singl~ of the In.stallation approximately a thoUSD.l.""!d functions 'Which clt!sc.if'ied as product.ive or non-productive. 198 /f.ll r2. - page, 3 c re~pect to ouch it~::ls CoS the cedition and system consists of tevt;;re.l and district. pl"O[;;T~,li;;i, sub"~~action the firs·t of l~hich compiles ~1d The sor'c,il1g takes botueen oight tJ:ld tan hom"s to complete The headings ruld interp... 0tively of tabulaticus to prog::"~m."Ced in the report, o;i:cept half to tt-Jo hours to turn out the th~ no:~t t~~o prOgl"'or~ls contai."l the steps for compiling all of the one contained cc:;~:plote -hl sheet typ3 9. (c\, report on a type '1620 Hodel 1 l"'cpo:."'t cO!'lsists of appro:::irr. \!tely 60 pagos, r-ll of uhich arc turneci o,ut It ta!-tes ab-Dut si:: hours to prin"c 0 co:nplete l"oport. iiS experience iD gained in the intel:"pretatiol'l a:.'ld usc of the infOl".:~a.ticn COlYC:iC.i.!Z,lJd i~1 be exte~d~d to C.OVCl· this report, it is e:~cctcd that tho cy3tem 'Ilill the opert!tions of ether divisionS and dop.:ll"t,ments in It is hoped that its flc:::ibility ",;ill rna!~c it easily edaptable to their 11cods. 199 'thWNJ:t=leH!'MMWrt't "l!'1!U i "ttrttiWI't tl' Milt'*' u'u'" ! " ,'tMtftJtetf" t !, 'Mt' 'f wtWt'ltlf I " ' tt' 1-0 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT DIVISION SUMMARY DISTRIBUTION OF WORK TIME BY FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY (1) CATEGORY CURRENT MONTH LAST MONTH SAME MO LAST YR I-MO.' AVG. PRODUCTIVE WORK JOBS RECEIVED TOTAL RATE (NO/MAN-DAY) JOBS COMPLETED TOTAL COMPANY CONTRACTOR RATE (NO/MAN-DAY) TOTAL MEASURED ACTUAL JOB TIME (HRS/MAN-DAY) EXPECTED JOB TIME (HRS/MAN-DAY) JOB PERFORMANCE INDEX TOTAL UNMEASURED ACTUAL JOB TIME (HRS/MAN-DAY) SUPER., INSPECT., CLER.,(HRS/MAN-DAY) 3148 3148 1.2 1.2 4002 3273 729 1.5 4002 3273 729 1.5 3475 2.85 2.13 1.34 527 3475 2.85 2.13 1.34 527 .32 .32 2.49 2.49 .49 .27 1.22 1.09 1.09 .49 .27 1.22 1.09 .48 .48 NON-PRODUCTIVE WORK JOB-RELATED HEADQUARTERS (HRS/MAN-DAY) FIELD (HRS/MAN-DAY) WORK PERFORMANCE INDEX (MEASD FUNC) TRAVEL (HRS/MAN-DAY) (2) TRAVEL PERFORMANCE INDEX OTHER (HRS/MAN-DAY) (3) 1.09 DISTRIBUTION OF WORK TIME BY 'TIME CATEGORY (1) (HRS/MAN-DAY) CATEGORY S TRAI GHT TI ME OVERTIME o NOTES. CURRENT MONTH LAST MONTH SAME MO. LAST YR. 7.88 .12 l-MO. AVG. 7.88 .12 (l~TIMES GIVEN IN TERMS OF EQUIVALENT MAN-DAYS. (2 EXCLUDING TRAVEL FOR SUPERVISION, INSPECTION, CLERICAL. (3 MEETINGS, TRAINING, AND ABSENCES COUNTED AS WORK TIME. 200 tlHE " t~ I - - _... _- .-.... -~-.:.:. -.: --.':-.:. ~:':"':" •.:....... -.•. ~. ..• •....-." _.-....,::._*';; -.:- ::.:.: ..----........:.:...:.~:.:..:... .....:....:.:•..:.---:.:..:..:..-..:.:..::....:: :".. -:..,~,,:... --:.~ ..- .,,- ~'" -" -----~---------- ----- --~.- .•. ---.--------------.---.--------- ... 1-2 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT c ANNAPOLIS SUMMARY DISTRIBUTION OF WORK TIME BY FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY (1) CURRENT MONTH CATEGORY LAST MONTH SAME MO LAST YR I-MO. AVG. PRODUCTIVE WORK JOBS RECEIVED TOTAL RATE (NO/MAN-DAY JOBS COMPLETED TOTAL COMPANY CONTRACTOR RATE (NO/MAN-DAY) TOTAL MEASURED ACTUAL JOB TIME (HRS/MAN-DAY) EXPECTED JOB TIME (HRS/MAN-DAV) JOB PERFORMANCE INDEX TOTAL UNMEASURED ACTUAL JOB TIME (HRS/MAN-DAY) SUPER., INSPECT., CLER.,(HRS/MAN-DAY) 209 209 .8 478 478 478 478 1.8 1.8 410 410 2.98 2.33 1.28 68 2.98 2 .• 33 1.28 68 .25 .25 2.10 2.10 .50 .21 1.07 .50 .21 NON-PRODUCTIVE WORK JOB-RELATED HEADQUARTERS (HRS/MAN-DAY) FIELD (HRS/MAN-DAY) , WORK PERFORMANCE INDEX (MEASDFUNC) TRAVEL (HRS/MAN-DAY) (2) TRAVEL PERFORMANCE INDEX OTHER (HRS/MAN-DAY) (3) , 1.54 1.07 1.54 1.10 1.10 .42 .42 DISTRIBUTION OF WORK TIME BY TIME CATEGORY (1) (HRS/MAN-DAY) CATEGORY STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME NOTES. ~ CURRENT MONTH LAST MONTH SAME MO LAST YR 7.94 .06 I-MO. AVG. 7.94 .06 l~TIMES GIVEN IN TERMS OF EQUIVALENT MAN-DAYS. . 2 EXCLUDING TRAVEL FOR SUPERVISION, INSPECTION, CLERICAL. 3 MEETINGS, TRAINING, AND ABSENCES COUNTED AS WORK TIME. 201 c f"fffll" - " TrrOI" "" -FtMW.B!*h'" fHd Uftri "±tLiriri"b±Mriiftf "rt. 'h ""Erb" " "' .. b&+rif"".. b#ih:rt t" iif. """\ " " t t tt t t i l t c' 2-0 JANUARY 1964' INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT JOB PERFORMANCE INDICES (MEASURED JOBS) CURRENT MONTH (~.1 SAME MO. LAST YR. I-MONTH AVG. DIVISION 1.34 1.34 MONUMENT STREET 1.58 1.58 ANNAPOLIS 1.28 1.28 ESSEX 1.16 1.16 GLEN BURNI E 1.20 1.20 HOWARD 1.12 1.12 COCKEYSVILLE 1.43 1.43 097 .97 WESTMINSTER .. 1008 1.08 CONTRACTORS 1.57 1.57 iY BEL AIR o LAST MONTH 202 W' 3-0 JANUARY 1964 r~ ~I INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT TRAVEL INDICES (MEASURED TRAVEL) . PERSONNEL PERFORMANCE LAST MONTH (1 ) (2) SAME MO. LAST YR. (1) (2) I-MONTH AVG. (1 ) (2 ) 1.09 42.84 DIVISION CURRENT MONTH (2 ) (1 ) 1.09 42.84 MONUMENT STREET 1.04 34.51 1.04 34.51 ANNAPOLIS 1.10 51.86 1.10 51.86 ESSEX 1.63 45.48 1.63 45.48 GLEN BURN! E 1.68 50.64 1.68 50.64 HOWARD 1.05 38.92 1.05 38.92 COCKEYSVILLE .89 44.30 .89 44.30 BEL AIR .78 51.92 .78 51.92 WESTMINSTER ... 1.00 64.61 1.00 64.61 CONTRACTORS 1.03 34.54 1.03 34.54 NOTES. ~1~ ACTUAL TIME/NORMAL TIME. 2 TOTAL TRAVEL MINUTES/COMPLETED PRODUCTIVE JOBS. 203 ((~\ ~ 'ift"''; w'tt' un 'ilL I »M" e'L" e i¥iN''!! "tHY -'"'uI' II kIItMHtMI" 'J I H t 11M H ""it""" #{tt,#" "If c ""tf "whitt t t t 4-0 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT TRAVEL INDICES (MEASURED TRAVEL) DISPATCH PERFORMANCE CURRENT MONTH CI DIVISION (1) 5.6 (2) 10 8 MONUMENT STREET 3.1 5 9 ANNAPOLIS 9.6 ESSEX 4.9 GLEN BURNIE 6.4 HOWARD 5.7 COCKEYSVILLE 6.8 BEL AIR 8.'5 WES TM INS TER. CONTRACTORS 10.1 3.2 LAST MONTH (1) 0 0 17.8 8.6 11.4 12.1 14.2 16.4 21.0 6.2 (2) SAME MO. LAST YR. (1) (2) I-MONTH AVG. (1 ) 5.6 (2) 10.8 3.1 5.9 9.6 17.8 4.9 8.6 6.4 11.4 5.7 12.1 6.8 14.2 8.5 16.4 10.1 2 1 00 3.2 6.2 NOTES. (21 ) VEHICLE-MILES/FIELD JOB o ( ) MAN-MILES/FIELD JOB. o ~//. "~ "j 5-0 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT DIVISION DETAIL DISTRIBUTION OF·WORK TIME BY PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION (EQUIVALENT MAN-DAYS) CURRENT MONTH (1) (2) LAST MONTH (1) (2) SAME MO. LAST YR. (1) (2) I-MONTH AVG. (1) (2) 1609' 652 CLASSIFICATION M.+To 1609 652 32 22 32 22 196 88 196 88 1838 761 1838 761 TRANSFERRED BORROWED CONTRACTOR SUB-TOTAL TOTAL 2599 /r' \,4...J1;I 2599 NOTES. (l)PRODUCTIVE WORK (2)NON-PRODUCTIVE WORK 205 1/./1 I C,.' " "" rn"G"" " If" ",."")"""" "f""Y&:ffiwfl"t!kH±fE"'"jf""6tririrtbHt "w"""Hd"bih 'b 6Hbt c' II t t j ttt t 11"",,,,,,,**,,,»," II 'M '" 5-2 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATrONS REPORT ANNAPOLIS DETAIL DISTRIBUTION OF WORK TIME BY PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION (EQUIVALENT MAN-DAYS) . CURRENT MONTH (1) ,(2) LAST MONTH (1) (2) SAME MO. LAST YR. (I) (2) I-MONTH AVG. (1) (2) CLASSIFICATION M.-!I. C: 170 86 2 1 173 87 170 86 2 1 173 87 TRANSFERRED BORROWED CONTRACTOR SUB-TOTAL TOTAL 260 260 NOTES. {l)PRODUCTIVE WORK (2)NON-PRODUCTIVE WORK '-'J #"'t.!'i 206 u_ /./ .. rr-, l/'" /c 6-0 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT DIVISION SUMMARY DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCTIVE TIME BY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION (HRS/MAN-DAY) CLASSIFICATION SUPERVISION I NSPECTI ON CLERICAL INS TALLATI ON SELF-CONTAINED TRANSFORMER MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL STORM TROUBLE '>'JTAL CURRENT MONTH LAST MONTH SAME MO LAST YR I-MO. AVG o .62 1013 .14 .62 1013 .14 2.51 .18 .48 3.11 2.51 .18 .48 3.11 5 066 5.66 OISTRIBUTION OF JOB-RELATED NON-PRODUCTIVE TIME BY FUNCTIONAL CLASS. (HRS/MAN-DAY) ,,,.("',, CLASSIFICATION HEADQUARTERS PREPARG & COMPLTG DAYS WORK MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL CURRENT MONTH LAST MONTH SAME MO LAST YR I-MO. AVG o .30 .18 .48 .30 .18 .48 .06 .08 .13 .21 '.15 6 .08 .13 .21 .15 FIELD CGI TURN-BACKS & TURN-DOWNS MlSCELLANIOUS TOTAL TOTAL DISTRIBUTION OF OTHER NON-PRODUCTIVE TIME BY FUNCTIONAL CLASS. (HRS/MAN-DAY) CURRENT LAST SAME MO I-MO. MONTH MONTH LAST YR AVG. CLASSIFICATION MEETINGS TRAINING ON-THE-JOB OFF-THE-JOB ABSENCES COUNTED AS WORK TIME TOTAL .05 .05 .10 .30 .03 .48 .10 .30 .03 .48 2 u7 J-f-. I /~ i/ \~ - -- r,m"i:!ft"HS£wirif5iMTtt#'ii'j"diri'Ht#H "#t##rttrihY"" t" -."". tt t H Itlf"P'wq 6-2 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION c MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT ANNAPOLIS SUMMARY 01 S TR I BUTI ON OF PRODUCTI VE TI ME BY FUN' TIONAL CLASS I F I CATION (HRS/MAN-DAY) CURRENT MONTH CLASSIFICATION SUPERVISION I NSPECTI ON CLERICAL INS TALLA TI ON SELF-CONTAINED TRANSFORMER .MI SCELLANEOUS TOTAL STORM TROUBLE TOTAL LAST MONTH SAME MO LAST YR I-MO. AVG. .70 .68 .73 .70 .68 .73 2.41 .21 .60 3.22 2.41 .21 .60 3.22 5.32 5.32 DISTRIBUTION OF JOB-RELATED NON-PRODUCTIVE TIME BY FUNCTIONAL CLASS. (HRS/MAN-DAV) CURRENT r·10~n CLASSIFICATION LAST HMO[\.! rq SAME MO I'-MO. lAST YR AV(j .. HEADQUARTERS PREPARG + COMPLTG DAYS WORK MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL .30 .19 .49 .30 .19 .49 FIELD CGI TURN-BACKS + TURN-DOWNS MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL TOTAL .02 .11 .08 .21 .70 .02 .11 .08 .21 .70 DISTRIBUTION OF OTHER NON-PRODUCTIVE TIME BY FUNCTIONAL CLASS. (HRS/MAN-DAY) CURRENT MONTH CLASSIFICATION MEETINGS TRAINING ON-THE-JOB OFF-THE-JOB ABSENCES COUNTED AS WORK TIME TOTAL LAST MONTH SAME MO LAST YR .03 .03 035 .03 .42 '.35 .03 .42 208 ..w_ .. -t,u"-aW_igU¥~·.·~4~_ ____ ~,"(_~;~@",_£A_,nt_,AM_M;~_._~a __________________ *~a ~ ~ 1-MO e AVG. __________________________________ II /1· i.{: ........ _-. __ ._--- ~-- 7.. 0 JANUARY 19;6.4 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLVOPERATIONS REPORT If~ ~,,# DI5TRI8UT10N OF JOB-RELATED TRAVEL DISTANCE BY WORK UNIT (1) (MILES AND PER CENT) CURRENT MONTH ( 2 ) ( 3) LAST MONTH (2) (3) SAME ·MO. LAST YR. (2) (3) I-MONTH AVG. ( 2 ) ( 3) :W·ORK UNI T DlVISION DIS TRICT MONUMENT ST. ANNAPOLIS ESSEX GLEN BURNIE HOWARD COCKEYS VI LLE BEL AIR WESTMINSTER CONTRACTORS 27317 6039 5512 2499 2342 2119 4036 2348 2422 2837 27317 22.1 6039 5512 2499 2342 2119 4036 2348 .242,2 2837 20.2 9.1 8.6 7.8 14.8 8.6 8.9 10.4 22.1 20.2 9.1 8.6 7.8 14.8 8.6 8.9 10.4 if ''\ \lccY DISTRIBUTION OF JOB-RELATED TRAVEL TIME BY WORK UNI~ (1) . (VEHICLE HOURS AND PER CENT) CURRENT MONTH (2) (3) LAST MONTH (2 ) , (3) SAME MO. LAST YR. (2 ) ( 3 ) I-MONTH AVG. (2) (3) WORK UNIT 'DIVISION OISTRfCT MONUMENT ST. ANNAPOLIS esse'x ':SEi'EN BURNI E HOWARD COCKEYSVILLE 's-tiLAIR W:!STMI NS TER CttNTRACTORS 1396.0 1396.0 478.0 208.2 173.1 118.3 92.0 152.1 73.1 101.4 213.9 34.2 ·14.9 12.4 8.5 6.6 10.9 5.2 7.3 15.3 478.0. ' 2Q8.2 173.1 118.3 92.0 ,152.1 r"l3.1 101.4, 213.9 34.2 14.9 12.4 8.5 6.6 10.'9 '5.2 7.3 15.3 c EXCLUDING TRAVEL FOR SUPERVISION, INSPECTION, + CLERICAL. TOTAL DISiANCEOR TIME. PER' CENT OF DIVt SION TOTAL. 2ftH I 8-0 JANUARY 1964 INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT DISTRIBUTION OFJOB RELATED CREW MEMBER TRAVEL TIME BY WORK UNIT (MAN HOURS AND PER CENT) CURRENT MONTH (1 ) (2 ) LAST MONTH (1) (2) SAME MO. LAST YR. (1 ) WORK UNIT DIVISION 01 STRICT MONUMENT ST. ANNAPOLI S ESSEX GLEN BURNI E HOWARD COCKEYSVILLE BEL AIR WES TMI NS TER CONTRACTORS I-MONTH AVG. (2) (1) (2) 1440.6 1440.6 442.3 192.0 133.9 132.4 102.0 227.4 92.2 118.3 205.8 30.7 13.3 9.3 9.2 7.1 15.8 6.4 8.2 14.3 442.3 192.0 133.9 132.4 102.0 227.4 92.2 118.3 205.8 30.7 13.3 9.3 9.2 7.1 15.8 6.4 8.2 14.3 NOTES. (1) TOTAL MAN-HOURS MINUS TOTAL VEHICLE-HOURS. (2) PER CENT OF DIVISION DIFFERENCE. DISTRIBUTION OF JOB RELATED EXCESS CREW MEMBER TRAVEL TIME BY WORK UNIT (MAN HOURS AND PER CENT) CURRENT MONTH (1) (2) LAST MONTH (1) (2) SAME MO. LAST YR. (1) (2). I-MONTH AVG. (1) (2) WORK UNIT 01 VI SION 01 S TR I CT o MONUMENT ST. ANNAPOLIS ESSEX GLEN BURNI E 'HOWARD COCKEYSVILLE BEL AIR WES TMI NS TER CONTRAC TORS 238.0 97.5 25.1 26.2 12.7 14.5 36.2 8.0 18.1 41.9 238.0 41.0 10.5 11.0 5.3 6.1 15.2 3".4 7.6 17.6 97.5 25.1 26 2 12.7 14.5 36.2 8.0 0 18.1 41.9 41.0 10.5 11.0 5.3 6.1 15 2 3.4 7.6 17.6 0 NOTES. (1) TOTAL TIME DUE TO CREW SIZE LARGER THAN NECESSARY. (2) PER CENT OF DIVISION EXCESS. 21ft 'tIl /,./~I 9-0 JANUARY 1964 ••..•. ___ .u -- -- •.•. me. 0 d.~ 91 ··rUW·T- 00 9-0 , 37 38 C'39 140 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51, 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 - 940 978 843 496 476 483 919 933 946 841 938 475 972 910 942 480 939 945 944 743 909 846 957 811 921 745 773 917 479 489 474 853 488 494 407 821 020 908 922 713 492 907 918 844 935 765 755 983 953 911 865 984 803 863 03() 84.3 78.3 77.9 77.7 76.3 76.0 74.8 70.9 64.2 54.0 53.9 50.8 50.6 50.3 50.1 50.0 49.4 48.4 47.9 45.9 45.9 43.9 43.9 39.2 38.8 36.6 34.9 31.2 31.0 30.0 29.2 23.3 21.9 21.9 19.0 19.0 18.3 17.9 16.3 15.5 14.8 14.3 14.1 13 0 1 13.0 12.6 12.4 11.7 9.5 9.4 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.3 8.2 65 13 7 71 17 38 62 5 34 5 51 8 86 15 46 35 13 14 52 11 11 2 5 11 54 7 9 36 ,17 88 17 2 47 30 .26 .73 .79 .53 1.30 6.02 11.13 1.09 4.49 2.00 1.21 14.18 1.89 10.80 1.06 6.35 .59 3.35 1.09 1.43 3.80 3.46 .92 4.17 4.17 21.95 8.78 3.56 .72 5.23 3.88 .87 1.82 .34 1.72 11.65 .47 .73 18 35 10 1 2 28 7 11 .83 .03 .44 .33 .58 .68 .40 .66 1 7 2 13 9 3 2 15 3 2 10 1.17 .17 .37 .16 .09 .88 1.04 .29 .02 .33 .67 .60 1.40 .43 .01 .58 .29 .42 1.07 .68 .59 .93 2.02 .29 .67 .56 .66 .62 .77 .17 .22 1.37 .34 PAGE 2 1.80 1.80 1.12 1.12 7.13 1.28 1.00 .96 7.13 1.28 1.00 .96 1.61 1.05 1.37 1.61 1.05 1.37 2.31 3.12 1 26 3.50 1.34 1.48 1.53 1.16 2.31 3.12 1.26 3.50 1.34 1.48 1.53 1.16 3.59 1.91 1.58 3.59 1.91 1.58 .75 .75 1.10 1.10 1.06 .52 1.79 16.30 7.75 .53 2.04 1.28 1.14 1.20 .84 1.63 11.65 1.36 .63 .94 1.14 1.20 .84 1.63 11.65 1.36 .63 .94 13.00 1.80 6.20 .90 1.06 3.13 4.60 .61 3.00 4.15 .82 1.30 1.67 2.57 .83 1.06 1.04 1.62 1.82 1.47 1.56 1.36 1.30 1.67 2.57 .83 1.06 1.04 1.62 1.82 1.47 1.56 1.36 0 2]2 ~I: / /, /6 9-0 92 93 - 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104105 106 107 108 '109 110 111 112 113 11. t~, 115 116 ,117 11~ 119 120 121 ,122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 TOTAL 793 498 950 763 943 080 486 200 491 851 963 916 783 435 752 126 725 090 485 733 602 969 715 813 971 601 120 9'/9 434 923 449 723 958 603 110 964 432 861 439 408 422 013 116 418 437 023 117 428 431 562 440 609 442 559 7.1 7.0 6.6 6.5 6.3 6.2 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.6 4.8 4 06 4.5 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.3 2.8 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 104 1.2 1.0 1.0 .8 .8 .8 08 .7 .7 .6 .6 .6 .5 .5 .4 .2 17,957.6 5 9 3 1 5 16 7 16 10 2 1 3 1 10 1 4 2 6 1 2 10 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 7 1 1 3 2 .27 .46 .67 .42 .01 .31 .62 .45 .60 .30 .27 .89 .22 1.05 .21 .67 .SO .41 .73 .42 .26 .14 1 4 1 .24 3 .90 4 1 1 6 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 .33 .33 7,242 .45 .42 .21 .08 .42 .23 .16 .17 1.42 .78 2.20 6.50 1.26 .39 .86 .37 .58 2.80 4.80 1.53 4.50 .43 4.00 .95 1.80 .55 2080 1.25 .24 1.20 2.30 2.30 .58 2.20 1.00 2.00 .48 1.90 .26 1.70 1.70 .53 .75 1.50 .35 1.40 .40 .25 .80 .80 .13 .27 .70 .70 .20 .30 .60 .50 .50 .20 .20 PAGE 3 .92 .92 2.27 8.62 .99 .96 3.03 .82 1.48 .20 036 .99 1.29 1.13 2.29 1.15 2.00 1.37 2.27 8.62 .99 .96 3.03 .82 1.48 .20 .36 .99 1.29 1.13 2.29 1.15 2.00 1.37 2.86 2.86 2.92 2.55 .82 1.50 2.92 2.55 .82 1.50 1.44 1.44 .91 .16 .95 2.22 1.32 .91 .16 .95 2.22 1.32 1.09 .38 1.60 .53 .68 1.09 .38 1.60 .53 .68 .56 1.02 .94 .561.02 .94 .91 076 .91 .76 1.31 .67 1.00 1.31 .67 1.00 .69 •.69 21:] ;i~~ II. /7 C C C 9-2 JANUARY 1964 ('\ INSTALLATION DIVISION ~J MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT ANNAPOLIS SUMMARY DISTRIBUTION OF WORK TIME (*)(EXCLUDING DEFINED TRAVEL TIME) BY FUNCTION PERFORMANCE INDEX CURRENT MONTH LINE NO. FUNC. NO. TOTAL TIME (MHRS C:, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 771 902 900 901 781 477 481 941 915 845 947 493 751 937 741 933 482 407 484 020 791 499 976 801 977 487 944 945 913 946 984 910 030 721 496 921 ~*) 199.8 189~1 181.3 175.8 124.5 90.8 58.6 50.2 40.8 34.9 30.6 29.6 24.3 21.6 20.4 20.2 19.1 19.0 18.8 18.3 17.6 16 0 15.4 12.6 11.5 11.3 10.6 10.5 10.1 9.6 9.1 8.3 8.2 7.8 7.2 6.6 0 NO. JOBS AVERAGE TIME TRAVEL FUNC. (MHRS) (MHRS) PERF. INDEX LAST MO. SAME MO. LAST YR. 12-MO. AVG. 71 4 .95 2.81 47.27 1.36 1.36 34 .90 3.66 1.18 1.18 105 19 . 1. 3 18 ·39 7 8 9 1 107 .92 .91 1.36 .72 .80 .90 1.05 .47 1.40 .85 .55 2.64 3.70 11.63 1.70 .75 3.47 2.70 2.26 20.20 .17 1.56 1.37 .74 .83 1.13 1.23 2.67 1.16 2.09 10.10 .54 1.56 1.37 .74 .83 1.13 1,,23 2.67 1.16 2.09 10.10 .54 1.20 1.57 1.20 1.57 3.49 3.49 1.52 ·1.58 2.03 1.28 1.82 1.45 1.36 3.16 1.52 1.58 2.03 1.28 1.82 1.45 1.36 3.16 3 35 12 27 22 2 6 2 7 5 3 5 15 2 10 4 18 9 .03 .51 .03 1.08 .66 .67 .89 .43 .94 .87 .34 .50 .20 .72 6.26 .52 1.46 .59 .70, 6.30 1.91 5.65 1.51 2.10 3.36 1.92 .60 4.15 .82 1.95 .40 .73 2I !~ /, -.- ..-...... ,,- ... ...... ...... "'.-.-•... ~ ~ ______.... _M. _ _ _ ~ ....................·.. '""···,'·'·" .. ~·,,···,·_~·'· . , .. ,--""-~---,,,,-,-,...:;,.:~..::.':" .. ';- .. :.. ::::.:.:.~;~; ..; .•.:..,-.-.-:::....:...• .. :~;::.:.:;.;.;....::.::;.~ ~:. ".~ . o. ~" •• " ••••• _._~_. __ .~ .... _ _ _ ..... , ...... " ' 9-2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 TOTAL 480 495 917 080 811 200 476 821 975 435 483 490 773 126 474 951 904 090 939 475 731 479 489 602 942 120 434 983 449 711 603 918 110 488 432 938 940 408 422 013 116 418 437 439 023 117 492 428 431 562 440 486 609 761 442 559 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.1 5.9 5.8 5.6 5.0 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.4 3.3 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 104 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.0 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .7 .7 .7 .6 .6 .6 .5 .5 .5 .5 .4 .2 1,679.2 6 6 15 16 2 16 2 4 4 10 2 13 1 4 1 1 2 6 2 2 1 23 10 2 2 4 2 7 1 3 2 2 7 4 4 1 4 1 1 6 3 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 .42 .32 .01 .68 .31 .81 1.18 .27 .13 .78 1.00 .77 .14 .22 .63 1.85 .21 .33 .98 .26 1.65 .14 .80 .76 .24 .11 .33 .33 .45 .26 .48 .42 .21 .08 .42 .23 .16.17 1.06 1.06 .42 .38 3.05 .36 2.90 1.40 1.25 .43 2.10 .32 4.00 .95 3.80 3.80 1.70 .55 1.55 PAGE 2 .64 .96 1.19 .82 1.19 .82 1.55 1.55 1.13 1.13 1.04 1.71 1.15 1.04 1.71 1.15 5.63 2.86 1.37 1.31 5.63 2.86 1.37 1.31 3.48 3.48 1.26 1.44 .91 .85 .95 3.00 1.26 1.44 .91 • 85 (t'-~\ • 95 \", 3.00 .67 1.09 067 1.09 1.60 .31 1.11 1.60 • 31 1.11 .56 1.02 .94 .56 1.02 .94 .64 .91 .76 .90 .64 .91 .76 .90 1.31 .67 1.00 3.00 1.31 .67 1.00 3.00 .50 .75 .20 .20 .69 .75 .69 1.45 2.50 .10 .24 1.05 1.00 .47 .95 .25 1080 .53 .80 .75 .21 .35 .32 1.30 .25 .80 .80 .13 .26 .40 .70 .70 .23 .20 .30 .60 .50 .50 .50 .644(~"" .96~0' 215 848 - _ ... - - ... -..... - .. ~/.//' -- ._. - .. ' 19. C' 10-0 JANUARY 1964 METER AND INSTALLATION DEPARTMENT INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT CONTRACTOR DETAIL DISTR1BUTION OF WORK TIME (INCLUDING DEFINED TRAVEL TIME) BY BUDGET CATEGORY (MAN- HOURS) CATEGORY SPONSORED BY M.&I. OPERATION (~II\' 449.8 27.5 119.0 1139.0 482.2 1621.2 81.9 1757.5 TOTAL DEFINED TRAVEL TIME DEFFERENCE TOTAL 91.5 MISCELLANEOUS SUB-TOTAL SPONSORED BY OTHERS 4.6 445.2 MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION SPONSORED BY E.D.D. 81.9 509.7 2271.8 4.6 2271.8 419.7 1852.1 21 6 11-0 JANUARY 1964 METER AND INSTALLATION DEPARTMENT ",". # INSTALLATION DIVISION MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT SERVICES INSTALLED AND CHANGED IN DWELLING UNITS UNDER· 100 100 AMPERES - OVER AMPERES TOTAL RESIDENCES NEW INSTALLED 26 452 418 OLD INSTALLED CHANGED 26 161 26 311 52 412 NSTALLED 220 229 449 OLD INS TALLED CHANGED 48 52 APARTMENTS NEW 'I ___ TOTAL .. _-- ..... ~-- .. ~".- .. - .-_ . '.__ ¥_'.--'--'."_ .... ,._. - 1144 \'.Y 65 96 - NUMBER PER CENT 533 33.1 1019 66.9 1612 100.0 c , %11 ....... ---~-... --.--- (-r~ I ----.------ - -'- -,- .. - .. .,.. ~ - - _ ... - ----r ----.-.-.~-----.---.--- .. - ..--.--.---- .. - ..... ,~.- .-.--.---~ ----.. ---.--- .. ---- '-'-"-",.- ----- .. - . - - _.- A MULTIPLE-ITERATION PROCEDURE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN Meriwether L. Baxter, Jr. Chief, r'lathematical Research Gleason Works Rochester, N.Y. c:: Prepared for presentation -at the 1620 Users Group Eastern Region Meeting vJashington, D. C. May 6-8, 1964 c'~ 2 1~ A MULTIPLE-ITERATION PROCEDURE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN Introduction The process of design is essentially one of synthesis; but in most real engineering design problems direct synthesis 1s out of the question due to the' c0mplex interrelation of variables. Methods of analysis~ on the other hand~ have vastly improved~ and there is hardly any structure or mechanism that cannot be analyzed (\,lith the aid of computers) to determine quantitatively any property we ·may wish to s'tudy. Fo~tunately~ of iteration~ we can convert analysis into synthesis by means and obtain thereby a powerful design tool. The purpose of this paper is to describe one such procedure that has been found effective at the Gleason Works. Statement of the Problem The elements of the problem are the following: 1) A set of n variable design parameters (a~ b~ c ---)j 2) A ca1:cuation procedure of any complexity based on the parameters; 3) A set of n results·" functionally dependent on the n parameters~ whose desired values are kno't'm. The problem is to establish a procedure for determining the values of the n parameters that will yield the desired n results. 2 1U Obviously, some restrictions are necessary for such a procedure to work, and some discussion of them will come later in this paper. However at this ~tage it is sufficient to require only that 1) a solution to the problem probably exists (a matter of engineering judgment or experience) 2) a set of reasonable starting values for the n parameters can be chosen. Outline of the Method It is not particularly difficult to handle multiple iterat·ion when the relating functions are simple and short enough to make differentiation easy. problems,howeve~ In many engineering this is not the case and we need a method which does not require any analysis of the functions involved" but merely the ability to calculate them r'apidly. Let us say that if VIe are given values of three parameters a, b, c, we can on a, b", c. calculcd;~ three quantities" x" y, z which depend It is not, however, possible to calculate a, b, c from given values of :1.., y, z. Nevertheless we must find what values of a, b, c to choose to make x = y = someho~·,r z = 0, and ,'!e know as a practical fact that such a solution exists. 22ft -2- -----------.. . . . .---zw_. . __________ .. ,!III".!,.!11144.,..""·4,..~_iiI!!!iIi!iIIIlM • .iiiijl'IJIl'Ilj;:z1illillliR4A1ii&_A!Ifii1!ij,.4-~,i\i~,¥.. -,£'JJ.!!!IIi'l.'m,i¥l-,.'iIf#!'!!!!,.i!F"1"!'-h\4"'"l1l.4f,~i~A.Y!!I'I\!.· .. M-.,..MM.i\!m ... ,,,,,,".,,."""'4=.~""""·.:·q_.'"""I.'_ ..I."""-_v,::..' WIl\lir.lIQi,,!'i'.:M:;;m¥\i.UaX"i¢ftml'l"iG~,,*,:·,m,,;il"!lll'(4fT1l,~,,+~hg~,~· ~iI!!I!2.I.t If we make a small change in a and determine its effect on x, y and z, we have obtained approximations of three partial derivatives Similarly by stepping band c small amounts we can com~lete the matrix of· 9 partial derivatives, or rates, and vlith these we can calculate changes in a J b, c linear equations. ~erely solving by t~ree sirr~lta~eous Repeated application of this procedure will produce convergence, if a) there 1s a unique ans't':er b) the starting values of the parameters are reasonable c) high accuracy is maintained in COrT.putc..tic:'1." particularly in the solution of the li~~ar equations. Figure I is a computation flovJ-CD.2rt i'0:.: handling such an iterative procedure; not all ·:';':-.0 : .. ;:~~: o~'" ~ecessary details are included, but only enough to indicate the plan. He begin by initializinz the star'cing valuc::s of . . . " oJ c and specifying the small steps the first pass. ~aJ ~b, ~c to be used to get ratos in We also set switch I for the first pass. The computational block calculates x, y and z, and the test block determines whether the errors are sufficiently If so, we exit from the iteration procram. fail and control will pass to switch 1. -3- s~all. Usually the t8st will Branch (1) of switch 1 resets itself to branch (2)~ proceeds to set s'Vlitch 2~ computation. On subsequent passes a net-I[ set of rates is figured step a, store the last a.."YlSVlerS, and return to following each change in a, b, or c. \fnen three sets of rates have been t:.a, ~b~ determined~ new values of /J.c are calculated '\'lhich are first approximations to a solution. If we had reason to believe the functions \'lere lineal~ it would be desirable to subs';;itute all of these changes at once; however it is generally more practical to apply the changes one at a time as was done wit~ the original steps, obtaining new rates at each stage in preparation for subsequent passes. As a result, we only expect that the test may be passed every third time through the loop. This procedure, for two, three or more variables, has one~ been of tremendous value in our engineering co:r:putz.. tieD; ho:-.rever it must of course be applied intelligently. troublesome condition is unsuspected functional relationships; if SUCrl O1':.e part::'c~larly disconti~~ity in the ciiscont1nuities exis-c they may be located in advance, and the program modified to prevent stepping across this region. Multiple solutions have not been troubleso~e since their existence can usually be predicted; sufficiently good starting values will force the solu~ion we are after. -4- ~hen the iteration does not converge, and the program has been carefully written to avoid round-off errors, we usually find that there is a physical meaning corresponding to the non-convergence. For example, in certain gear. analysis programs, failure to converge indicates either a) line contact instead of point contact (infinite 'number of solutions), or b) contact at or near the cusp of a generated surface (dual solutions very close together). Use as a Suborogram (FORTF.AN) Iteration of the type described has sufficiently varied usefulness in our work to justify preparing standard for various numbers of variables. subprogra~s The subprogram approach is also desirable for us since the iteration seldom constitutes the \-Ihole problem, but is more likely to represer. . c. r.:e:~ely a detail in the main-line computation. It is desirable to leave as many controls as possible in the hands of the progr8.mmerj we therefore set up the :~-v,:.)::!rosra:n -'co include only the necessary mechanics of iteration, leaving to the main-line prograEl such i ~-;ems as a) initializing the variable parameters b) testing the results c) takinG action on failure of iteration. We also permit the progr~~er to specify in his CALL state~ent the values of the initial steps of the parameters. -5- ._._-------. ------ ._..- - - - 223 c $ "ittritteWt±ttd""fif m . dillN'If"Jij It is recommended that the iteration loop be made within the range of a DO statement~ to provide easy initializing of the iteration and an automatic count for stopping iteration after a preset number of tries. Figure"2 INTP3A. ShO'\'lS a program employing the iteration subprogram This program Vias designed as a short test of the subroutine and includes its own data. Naturally a real pr'ogram would be much more complex. Starting values of the parameters A~ B, C are set at +25°, -25°, and +25°, and the f.unctional relations are x= sin A+ sin B = 0 y = sin (A + C) - (.ll.. + B = 0) sin 50° = 0 Z = sin (B + C) + sin 10° ::;:; 0 (A + C :::;::; ~,"",O) ';IV (B + C =-10° ) It will be seen that the c0rrect final values of A, B, C fulfilling Notice that the main calculation and the test lie the range of the DO loop. ~ithin Tne limit of 100 for t::e inc.8X I permits about 33 tries before exiti~g; this is prob~bly ~or2 than will generally be needed. Failure of the test sends contr'ol to th2 1'lhich changes the value of ei ther A:; BJ or C, 2.S t·he dashed line in the Figure; control is then CONTINUE statement so as to restart calculation of the DO loop. indicated r.etu~ned ~~·o a~ the b~r t:le be;ir.~ing Passing of the test transfers out of t:1.8 loop. o -6- ~_",==GMWU===i"'=;; ;:;,,,,,;;;,,;,; h, 4ii'.#M " . . . )i~ II' . I~. I Tt.10 refinements that we generally employ are not shown in this example. One of these is to follow the CONTINUE statement 1'lith a PRINT statement indicating that convergence has failed within the specified count, followed by other appropriate action. Tne second is a sense-sw1tch-controlled PRINT statement, just before the test, causing print-out of A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I each time through the loop for tracing purposes when convergence is in question. Structure of the Subprogram Since the logic of the subprogram is essentially represented by the right-hand part of Figure 1, it is not flow' chart. used. Figure 3 sho:1s the FORTR.!:..N l::'s tine Switch 1 of Figul~e and switch 2 by the index 1 is ~~epr'es8nted to show a neces~ary by 2.S no:'! being "the DO index I, K~ One addition has been xade to cover the sometime during the iteration the c2.1culated poss~bility incl~eme~t that of oY).e of the parameters ,may be zero" rcsultin3 in division by zer'o 1.-::-'2:'--':' new rates are being computed. In reviewing this prozram at this time I 'Delieve · several ways in 't.'!nich it might be improved. use appropriate subscripting (if you have S3G One of these: is to ~ co~pilcr that can handle subscripting efficiently); another possibility is to call a separate subroutine to solve the set of simalta~eous linear equations. 22~ -7- C Extension of this method to handle other numbers of variables should present no difficulty; one can also consider the possibility of 1~riting a general procedure for handling n variables. Co~~ents and Conclusions Since we have established this method without proof of existence or convergence, it is essential that it applied with care and common sense. here that \~ill There is no oe ~agic produce ans'V'ers Hher'e nor-J.e exist. Within these limitations there are ~~~y e~zi~eo~~ng design problems w"here this f:1ultlple iteratio:1 pl'"'ocea.ure is extremely valuable. 226 -8- . r 44.. . 4,\ AAga4 INITIALIZE a, b, c 60, 6b, 6C SW1~1 -. STORE LAST X,Y,l ' 1 COMPUTE ~+~b X(a, b, c) 0+60 Y (0, b, c) C +6C Z(o, b, c) - SW1<-2 . ,. SW2-<-1 SW2~2 S~V2~3 j~ ~ f i TEST I X=y=Z=:O ? NO ,. ~ COMPUTE SVv'1 60, 1 3~2 y ~ l'.... , l'~ 6C 2 ---lYES-ON 6b, 2 COMPUTE RATES '--------- ::.J N ~ ~ ~ '\ / !:., ~. ) , c~\ INTP3A TEST C P. == ADEG/ 57 . 29 58 ~------ - - - - - - - j I" B==-.A. DO 1 1==1 J 1 00, 1 I I ---" -< j, \ i X=SINF(A)+SINF(B) Y=S I !~F( A+C )-0.76604 Z==SINFlB+C)+O.17365 IF(ABSF(X)+ABSF(Y)+ABSF(Z)-.00002)2,2,3 3 CALL INTP3A(A,B,C,X, Y,Z, I, .01, .01, .01.) C, ,j"'" CO~~T 2 I t~U E ADEG=A'i'~57. BDEG=Bi'~57 2958 . 2958 C0 EG = Ci'~ 5"1 • 29 58 PRINT 4,ADEG,BDEG,CDEG, I 4 F 0 Ri'1 A T ( 4 X , 3 ( F 7 . 4 , 2 X) , I 3 ) STOP 11111 END rig.2 228 t -', H- /. . . 1} __ __ii1t1nw:mQ,&l'IfW ,.. ¥,f,?+".",ttt.f\.~" T AT • 't) SUB R0UTI NE I NTP3f.\ ( A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I ,A STEP, 8 STEP, CST EP ) IFl!-1)1,1,2 DA::;;ASTEP DB=BSTEP C::;C~DC DC=CSTEP GO TO 4 3 K= 1 11 t,=A+DA 4 1~(DC}12~13,12 12 DXDC=(X-XO)/DC xo=x DYDC=(Y-YO)/OC YQ=Y DZDC=(Z-ZO)/OC ZQ=Z 13 Dl=DYDS*OZDC-OYDC*OZDB RETURN 02=DXDS*OZOC-DXDC*OZDB 2 GO TO(5,8,11),K D3=OXDB*OYDC-OXDC*OYDB 5 IFCOA)6,7,6 OEN=DXDA*Dl-DYOA*D2+DZDA*D3 '" DXDA=(X-XQ)/DA OA=(Y*02-X*Ol-Z*03)/DEN 0 DYDA=(Y-YO)/OA DS=(OXDA*(Z*OYDC-Y*OZDC)-JYDA*(Z*DXDC-X*OZDC) OZDA=(Z-ZO)/OA +DZDA*(Y*DXDC-X*DYDC))/DE~ 7 K=2 B=B+DB +DZOA*(X*DYJB-Y*OXD8))/~E~ .\. GO TO 4 GO TO 3 8 IF(OB)9,10,9 9 OX08=(X-XO)/OB OYOB=(Y-YO)/DB DZDB=(Z-ZO)/OB Fig.3 )-/ i~. II (,, ', ",,,, ~' "A Distribution Feeder and Substation Load Fore casting System" by J. C. Hubbard Baltimore Gas and Electric C ..... ,., rf''\ '-.,Ii! -4For each item a complete set or input data can be entered on from two to tour cards, according to whether and what type of adjustments are applied. The first card tor each ita. includes a field tor the variable indicating how IUI~ cards are to be used. Input data are assembled by mastersJ within the master, by stations. Items are processed one at a time. 1s each card is read, checks are made on the correctness or its order and on whether it is the rinal data card tor the item. All identification fields on each card are cheeked, to prevent the mixing of data. Each item proceeds by its appropriate path to its forecast peak loads. all distribution substations and CU,.,tomer stations set a program evitch to positive values, and cumulate their peak load components. The switch . is set to zero betore the next itenl's data are read. Individual reeders of a multi-reeder station cumulate their _ peak loads) the switch is lett to have the value "zero". In the case of a multi-teeder station, the forecast is computed first from reference and growth rate. Later the program switch initiates the computation of certain of its forecast peak loads by' means of the summation of its feeder ~aks and its diversity factor. The results are compared. Where the difference is outside of' a preset allowable percentage difference, the fact is so noted in output; the note serves as an indication to the forecaster that further study of the station and its feeders is called tor. For a maeter substation, the forecast is computed by use of its diversity factors and the summation ot the peaks of the stations which it supplies. The program switch is set negative. The initialisation procedure preceding each !roup of input cards 1s determined by the value (positive, lero, negative) ot the program switch. On the ( "" ~v W87, Output for each i tam includes the actual load and the forecast load in mva and components tor all five years. The llYar of capacitors considered to be in service during the period of the forecast appears also. The mvar component of the forecast is that which the reeder or station must carry. This output, by means of an SPS fonnat modification program, becomes the five-;y:ear foreeaet for feeders and substations. Program 4: The revised forecast In practice, the initial forecasts are made strictlJ on the basis ot change wi thin a given reeder or station load area. They are released for study in connection wi th system plaming and developnent. The studies result in a schedule ot load transfers and capacitor instillations prior to each seaeon. The planning schedule is inserted into • modified forecasting program. This hae all of the inputs ot the earlier program; provision is made also tor including the capac itor changes and the IlW and mar components ot load traIlS tere for each ot the first three torecast years. The output ot this program is identical in format with that ot the initial torecaet. The new figures nveal the etfects of the planning schedule, and assist in planning tor the intermediate-term. Full annotation describes how the revised torecasts difter trom the original. C ,·I.". ,I J. C. Hubbard Bal timore Gas and Elec tric Company May S, 1964 J-j. ,'!} ;j LIST OF J'I0UItIS ProF. 1 now Maar.. Input-Output Lists Sample 'ag. of Input Data Saple Ol1tput ProS!'rlpre S 6 7 nov 2 D1.~.. Designation of Variabl•• Saple Qltpl t Prop. 3 11_. 8 9 10 Iuput-Output Lilt. Sample Page of IDput Data nov Maar- 'll'1r. 11 Sample Pa.. of Foree ••t 235 ~ ..I I~ ,'t. . , ;;1. / .:1 FEEDE./ff AND TRANSFORMER CIILCS. CRW + JCH, ENitNEEIf,". STAT. 5-31-"'2.., (MOD. "-/¥-fJ2~DIAI&.REV. LFP7 MJ LiP=O ...-..-...t' Nfl r=O 2 READ) 100 j ...._.. \ --, I \ i NN=I J \ If MM-! MM-O 5'1 CALC >-----4ii--.... YL 11 60 .,0 2. pr:'.1. 2, Y,X PF~ S CALC LFP=LF LTP=LT CALC Xl') (; YL)PF PF::PFZ 0 YL;YLZ - PF-PFI '--------4 YL =Y L 1 o F16. I i&&I&i&WMWIJIIlJ.lMi(t\•. ; ::ct,:; ,,- ... \#,¥I - m . "iiG\¥.iii\i\~'i'.iiMiW'I!""" .k.,n.,Q::;Iifl?!; .f .; . . 1.. ·...... Ji¥Iid+..""'¥h.. ,·,;:'iw;::r., .•'; #,~iii4.L..,.,., •. t.."' •.. __ ._ .. :.. __ ".. .'._~ .....•,:_ : .• ,.. ~_ .. ,.' 'T. H I~ 1:1 'I ~~~~io~~ ~-o~~ n • • em t ~u ~Ti o~ L~ ~lf) vi V ~r ~ V V' V V V I N J...y XA XP ~·t~ ~~ ~ ( o.JjdinwHt ~~ ~ )-Jfffi11 V ,,,-r-~ YC hN/t1Jd ~. vi V A ~)Jff v' ~) V V V ~ V V /YI1JJ'rJJJyJ V ,/ -#WwJJd:v V ,/ :z. X Y PF YL X]) r; J)X ])y cwwftTj; ~ ~~~ ~mtwKkJ I. \',J! V y ~NiJj) V ~~~ V ~~~ Flo,2 V 237 Jf.;g.7 (.; n o ~ '. ~(OE~ AND TQ.~NSI="OQ..t.1E1l DATA $l.IEET· @ =IF~/q . ~e:OCIt ~ TIt,,~ 5 . .. ( Yl~,·SI~ ~ ttWM~ \~ 15 .!t1O ~ 510 I . ~1"l9 I '.3. I '3d '.6 () AW"STMUIT 20 -; l>~cv. T•• ""'" tl\WMIl '\1 25 J ~ .L/-; 7.Q ~ )1 2.0 1 ! (J !1/-5 .~3.1 \ ~ ,10 I .7iAtJ .L.311 !() bl ?J..7.QQ 1. 3. I .7~.~ .'-311 I 11t-.s 1 (J I .~ i () .lJ..1.'1.2 .7.J.t. .2- £..3.1 ! S? .7.~.() .7.'1 c 3.0 ·.7 t!J c l'~ R.j ~ ~ j, .'4-.7.1 I .<1 .L .(,.3. J .f.. 3.1 .Ll-.7.1 1 ~ .tJ..7/.f , i; i QJ .11-: 11 q I ~~L g~., , . ,i7.g .I . : 2l5~ .2L;.1 I i . i J 12:9 . 12l J L~.R i .~ ~"Q I 'J J 17.~ I 25. 1 I i .t./..~1q i I · J.J5.3 210 .2:5~ .352 J; I 5? I r. .L.3. J I G .t..3./ . t, 3.1 2 .t,3./ ' c . I (; I" ' 'J 1(' :7. ~ jCJ3 t;~ J!~ ~ 3.0 . i,.:; 170 FIG,3 25~ - I~ 21,5.~ 1 g~ ! .~.~ i · LJ.l 7 .~ I 25< - .~.Lf ~_'i .7.00 J,Q.4 ~ ; 'I t; j .K 1 ; 2.LJ.!' . i .~ '. 2:5-" l " ' t; I 'is~ .R,!J: JL3 '3.1 .~.3./ .l. 31 I j"lJ 1 .. 7C, 5. I .8.' .i.3 ,1tJ.CJ 'J. ! ~I 5? / .3.9 i ~'.Q 2:5 I· i f70 ~~.a g" -117 . . 5.0 t. .~3g , i ! ):5.3 } .t. 3.1 JI~3 }I~l K.' I I I : I i I ITt] 4 g~ . !J~ I: 1. £:: ~ l ! 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(if' ~J/ o 136 1 632 1.19 1.19 -.15 93. .45 1.19 4.3 100. 100. 6~2 1.44 1.44 -.09 87. .81 1.69 3.0 100. 100. o 1076 1 632 .89 .81 • 37 90. .37 .81 2.5 100. 100 • o 2076 1 632 • 81 -.31 94. .26 .75 -3.8 100. 100 • 1.58 .61 83. 1.06 1.58 8.2 .97 7.4 o 4780 56 1 196 a 632 1.69 • • Q • 0 • • • .~ 4783 196 0 632 1.03 • 97 -.34 87 • .55 4784 196 0 632 .69 .69 .01 83. .46 1.30 14.5 4786 196 0 632 1.46 1.46 -.06 83. .98 1.46 3.2 0 196 4 632 4.40 4.40 -.10 83. 2.95 7.99 6.5 107. 104. 4796 232 0 632 .34 .32 .14 91. .14 .32 14.2 • • 4797 232 0 632 • 86 .59 -.63 90 • .27 .59 1.7 • • o 232 2 632 1.00 • 88 -.49 90 • .41 .88 4.7 103. 100. o 300 1 632 .88 • 85 .26 86 • • 49 .85 3.6 100. 100 • o 302 1 632 1.34 1.06 -.82 84. .68 1.06 -6.1 100. 100. o 1304 1 632 1.35 1.34 .23 89. .68 1.34 13.5 100. 100. o 2304 1 632 4.34 4.30 -.60 94. 1.50 4.30 16.2 100. 100. (4~", I '~p 'l ,) ~ ~.,; • , .,~' l-/ I I} cJ . f>~'tJaJYN *334- 1-pwJ; o/amn,Uffw kd.J .wr,·'Jt ~.vx W i:bit. .=:-.,.~~'!~"!:~~ _~. ~f.!. .'. - - - -.. ------.-.------~' 3 . (READ I \WEEKLY Pk'S. I \" WKS /-/0 I , /0' / >---~.....\ \.. - ! - --- '" ._. .... .. PRINi '\ 107» !--~ - - - - - lor /J --.." "... .(, PUNCJ.I 10'/- I I ... I 15 CALC. iN WStlA!, TS(JM WT$vNl c! \ ' I···· I I II nSUM I WPEAH L__________________ ..J I IXN=- N ) IY-2000 '~.----.....t rY:; F16.5 240 ilefv r/rJ'jJ;n~ /liN =/ T r »n~ ..«"Uj.~ fu ~JW~ #:fJJ,) (I): f1u. Jip)if' w (r); " ~ IY =.IY- 2.000 mtW' h~ r j,~I{ ~ ld"aJ, :;b 1/ / - a-o / - {I= /iIJJ 20)~ ; 2/- ,,"0 d>J3 20 ) IXI'/= XN :: 1Zo·1.A.~'Jnj~, W S ut-r1:: T6(jtrJ '" WTSU"1:: f k~ mw J.u~r!.J ~ "JJmy. ~ ~ WI1 Tvt 11:1 20 < TZSUNJ : ~TI1-rY1 n:/ WF£~K -ff: Y= = ~ ~ haw A +BT J-1--- c~}~ ~~, (=:;t~~, TN~RM -:.:i:fm}J~M1I.n~.~~ YN ¢ R11/ :: A1U-y' ~ at *IN ?RN) flArr¢=~~~;'YN?~0 y/oo =;;rwr~ rJj; T:: 100 Y fNS = WSf)tv! /XN Flfi. ~ J/., ·?./I rl/"", '\o\".;.lIi.i o ~ ~ *3~1 ________________ VARIATION OF PEAK LOAD WI TH WEATHER fRons 'YR. TI~LOAD REGRESSION PAGE TEMPERATURE NO. SEA. __ _l_~~ _ (NOR"'. ,NO. ~ B ___ ~72039E +03 .29598 7E-00 AVG. NORM. AVG. NORM TI Tl 100i A TIo WKS, TI RATIOU@e) 188.2 183 0 8 201.6 1.082 5 .249677E~00 45.8 40. 111.6 110.1 125.1 1.116 8 1389 632 .341257E+03 .136376E-;-01 45.2 40. 402.9 395.8 477.6 1.162 10 2628 632 .191679£-:03 .272586E-00 45.2 40. 204.0 202.5 218.9 1.076 10 632 .383324£-00 45.2 40. 255.3 253.3 276.3 1.065 10 759 _ 632 .287007E+03 .610460E-00 45.2 40. 314.6 31J.4 348.0 1.098 10. 45.2 40. 24.5 24.2 26.8 1.071 10 3874 ~ A INDEX 40. 676 "- EQUATION CONSTANTS 54.6 296 ~- PK.TO LOAD AT ~su~ __ "~ __ ANQ ____ 1 .§~.? 632 .100171E+03 .237973E~03 632 .225404E+02 .433526E-Ol !=' JFi. 7 N _ ....... I'~ 1 :'I,',::1 I ! ----~------.,.-~-----,------ ____y. . 8. . . . _ _ _/1_ _~.ILJ<.J<_J<_ - - - CE ¢A --~X..£...f-A.. + + _ _ - - -..- .....- - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ l",¥""J.&t1 in'ltil~ f:ua~~ · --.-CL..-- aiM,at anva.1fKaFt;- -.--.u- .,., ,"_._~L_~ rbmf', W{Z1L -_.XA--..--.--------------~-.----- . -.--.---------.--_ _ ---Yli------'-'.---~-" . -.----~-.EL '---CI1E ,c,rJf1 Mu!kJIDl~ ~ fe!. -----rdle---- ---JLt.4---'li1n1k-;;r~ --J)N 12 ~-+=: ft. _----A..-lN~· H- ____ ! u - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - --_.- - - - - JiM. N/2 -• .!:I..I:I----.------.. ------------- ---.JiJL tfn. 'callfi.tjl1JJfJidL ------- ----.{;!4.,K:;&S.-~~1fwdi r.Qj~ --------- ~J_. ___ ~w1dl1l114_-- . -------.. . ---..-------f;<4,K~s -2lk.~5k("~ g:1 ----~ ------.Il(1'f--~~~ft:~---¢i4ryf{::L~ $_ ftfuwtL.·~-. ~(Z:~ ~~ --s15) II _---.!!~.!.!.-v_~.- ______ .___.__.______________ .____ . ____ ._._. ___ . . __ TJX(;) 11k dJ;~4pto) 1&Af'. -------_. - - - - - - II VK) K =, Ii 10 CfYWa.tu II II " " 1/ 1/) /I ff,.""-' ~? Fli, ( ./3./3 I o ~ " ,. ~ ". ,1 EDE; ~:il®l'.lrJn« Statlat1ca PEAK LOAD FORECAST DATA 01-1791 )-2B-20 GLJ""POWDE"IZ. (j) ~~ YEAR • 5 10 I~ / .TaE. F 15 .MAlf?lS tl-l. • • IT' ,i.8.'j ~9.1.1 1M t 20 • • • Ilv •. $.'/.~ , T ~ • 2S • • , , " tM1 5 ..ti.'.I.S J 1'1./,01 , , -'---.1 .I. L, , L L' IT .4".1 . ,Id . ,tI. 1.01 .~ ••• , • I • I 1. ----_I F T '-'- --t I........................... ~ ....L......L , V .$ .~:I I , 1 L LI • I IRe WAR I .1 I : ICE , L ~. " -, 2S .. ,. L~.8 IG1 L' , L I I IReWAR ,., IG5 20 I I I , J , .t:..3: I I I. 15 1 J , I Mt J 20 JY • ,(;,..3:/ • I IOM1 1.1.. I : UM4 : IR4 .: U, I :, 'I :, ' DRS • 50 , I....J I J I I ., I fR3 1 1 I .1. , : IA-MVAR I 1_. , ,I., ~R-MVAR I I : " i ICE :~'LL..L I I I i-r TI IOM1 I 2 I : I •. L 1 , RA-MVA ,, 1 : IA-MW ,I I OMS M3 IR3 : ,. I/!/, IDRt J.. I t Il_L.-l I ., 30 " ; M4 ..l. 1 • i I-'-----'---.L_' L ,:2:/.0 I. L-,--. 40 , ICE i.L •• "' • " IA-WA I 45 50 , • l 80 ~ ,. • I • , •• • : , ~ , J I....J • L--'-- I • IAeCAP 2, 11 • • , U I .. , , ,. , 'I ~ • , • • 70 ..1---.1.. ~.D _..L. , , I L2 I I .3 , L...l. 11M , •• • · 10 __....L...~---'_ _~ L~ .10. IH. • IN.'2JI1 1 , , I I II ,2 ••• I I • U .3 , L...L. 70 65 """ IA-CAP :2~Lj • 11M ...L.-'----'---1..L---'----l.. . .. : IR4 !A-MW 1\ M5 : 10 ,. IH 10 UN ..311 ,1 ~1,----,---.1 : "., Il.,O{, ('f'/~,a ,X.l..3 .l.. 60 • IA-MVAR , , i 65 • , lA-CAP ~/,00 .•. .2.1,0 . . . ~71L_l .• !4.2 .. 2 r--........._1. rf. o,tI~.".1"SilJ) IRS L. ,III 1 55 n A--"'T"'"", ; I'.L..JL 1_-'_ ..D.........t.4 75 L!6.0 I' . . 1\ ,1\." .l..4 75 , R5 :, , .. : : I i , I . . 1 ' 1---.L !_...L IIMS "" I 35 .3 ['~O "'J/~O ~ I 65 I , ~AeWAR • :. 'I: , 12 R5 60 LL,. I .. I.. ,II, i . I. L LLi. I . Li 1 ---r IDR5 I ...L.....LLLl....t .. I !6.DU •• , ';:2,2 , 1 1"0:0,0 , , .. ;. DM2 L 55 L_L...1. I ,1.1".-...-.........11--L..-...L so 4S J 10 IH liN :'.DIIOM ~ ,., . .'2II_L 1 ... I In, ]D~51 ~4 " I JII..J.. 1 70 , IA~~P 60 , , :/.11 , , M4 U IL~ : • 11M5 • • • I • I • ., IDR1 1 , IH liN 10 :.3.51.L..L~,5~A1"C{"t~f't+JJi4 I 1. , 55 , "I"l.~ I." I L .. ~'~ 'JAe WAR , UAeMVA " I . IA-MW I I , , ~f.J 1 , :- I LII., .1.,',II.,i, 1. _L_' 40 .L....l_L...1 ./,fI!O,O , , i IR1 : • .• ,2.1 M' 'I TT~M5---"" I I 35 ··:srR~MW--n ~ ~;r~~AR--: G' I ., ••• 65 !Q.4l_L..L ,- _L_!ll.lo lOR 1 Ll!lO 60 , I • II.' i I --L IR5 •• I 45 '- I JA-MW R3 I 1 I : 1\ 1:3.0 ,,:3,00 , tt1.011 • .1.11. 25 S.U,B.S,T.AT,I.oh. I.~Jol L_J-3~q1 , ;-!J.51 .. -:2.s1 L....J 1 : I 11----'--: 55 , I : 80 7S ..L....1._~. IAeCAP 11M! , • ..L.....L....1. ICE: "I' 30 G1T-rIG5 I I .~ IR4 , i' , I I , •• 1/14.0 • I ...L_...L _1 I I Ii I ••• '5 ReMW i~1 , I I ~2.SI I : :. .L_.L I: , , 'IDR5 I I • • , , I , 1 1 1 1 ~._J L I :9t41 , • OMS IM3- I' 50 , I I • IIM4 45 A-MVA Li I ,/~ I :2.51 .. -. I 40 L · 1 'JM3 L,· . i~J , I L' • I. 11. I, 25 , II I I :, ,I • R3 , ..:, L....L...J.... 1 It, !&lO 35 ...l..--' , .-]Ae MVAR I -'---.1..---'---1. 1._.I...-L • ,t,,3ll -- I I T .tl ~ .3.9. :, 30 ,: V J 1 , 40 I. IReMW , to ~- • IOR1 1 1M3 35 1 1 I , ,E.L1.N. OMS , ,(,.3: I I . J.O:OJ) , , /.0:0,f) . . • , :, M2 • IR2 . . I.-. . L. .-&..--L---'ILM_'.L,. . . .--L_J:~ ~LL._L_ I'----'----l. L':'-' I, L.:· 1 30 .L!5.~. ...L.....L.....1 ILl'! I :-rw --: 70 6S 60 55 "III'I.'.".'I'.'I.j A-MVA '...L~O : 50 45 , '.:1 tR2 I 20 1..1. .1,t../.71 . .}u.ol. I. / 5 'W.I.Ji./.E.R.S. , :S[ReMW 15 )..",./.7IT 1 .1.1,01M I ~ .4.-i.l.71--~- I~ 1,01 e . . 10 'I I 25 I , •. 1_...1.....l. 5 F I ~L.L...1.----'--.L.....l. ~ :0.0 j 8M2 I L-,---K 1 Ll ....I.-....L...-&..~---'~.L-~~~.J ,'1./.0 I ...L.....l. 1.-'---1 , IOM1 : ....l 1 .' , ~...3!/L.L' , l'lJL..L' 1 ~51 I..L' 'I TIG5 IOM1 ,~~!I 1, ,J,Dio.o , , ,/..0:0.0 , • -:-IR11M2 r- IR2- 15 M ICE , I I 10 I .4.,,/,/0, 1 I 5 , F • • I ' f' I :rT '1 •• 1: , . , ! I,. ,I., . I.. . I, . ILLI. I I , • • I - : 40 • ,1/,J .. lJIJ . , k,J , , 12o, 20 IV I , IG5 ·lR1 I .L L-,--, 1M 3S I I/W .. , ./:J,o .. • ': .',3:1....L....L! I jT-" I I 510---- .J."/,5 , ,II. /,0 _Li -, I· ., i .JJReMVAR [G 1 ~,~,7./I ,LU311 L3.4,A ''',~/l, --------r Mil .N.r.E.p.5~LE~~£.t~ _ F 30 • ~~1_L..L L~D ---.~ I , , is IReMW 1",3:1 • 1 , , , I . --r--)./1,7.1 . •1,',3 13.'1. .4If.7./1 . ,1.8,31 • SEASON ...L i--'._L .L.-l. 70 .: . 11M 75 ... , .4 80 I ~_L ,~~,~~.JN.3O 1 --_·-_-·-_T_~_II -L I I l--__ ._.1 --_._--- - INITIALIZE: ' MM.LTP, XEI. XE5acj I'NIT/~LIZE: : l -1 II I READ STATION NAME , CAR I, 7 _" ,CARDN,.4) r; L- , l j 1I .,'K) -----r- 3 I ) , 111 •., (LT) ' ' fIJ,X(I) 0 ," i ," r 0 ,±! '-....0 " 70-1 ~K-Z '=.J " ,0 I )+ • ' - ' I i' 0, !!." 0 );0 " iI I tfUNCH - , " - / . --- OJ "'[ "I '7/ ./ _J, /(MM) /.'. Llf"-L..I I 0 " ' MM=I I I - ' S3jLM.P,-;LM,, ! _, ~:: - ,-- 5%' ",-v t --- . ,-->-=- "J/:f" 5 Mv:""SR ,I l r " I;.____ .L_ LF=O PUNeH5 MVAHfI t '00CIf~ STA. NAME' -.--~ CA =0.0 ~~~';;;"-;;;J;~~ "Ul{J.AJy.~r';) 3/13/'3 I .. I' , -,0 _I; ...... ..---" + ----.---L.---.. ----__. L __ _ "- '!!!. CRROR M£S5.\ ~""" ,PVNCH \ $'-0.00 ' ',: ERROR MESS. L PEAK LOAD FORECAST/Nfi ENS.S'AT. 11-~2 ~ /PUNCH @11:f( + -~i-- I i LL=I 0' '" ' I , "'., ",,";R. " Z\ .., 7' "No. Z '.----...<' '-'./_ _ . - ._~rLTP=LT· ,,,,'7 "'t.-.~" ~ l----*---=x 1: 4~~-L~" ~, ~>f,!L..,...J 7 (},READ 3 " ,/1... _ ' 1" ._9'" / ;;X(K) I L---,..-J ,e:, I ,READ , t- ~ , REAl> 3 \CARD'/O.,) I 7) -'~LT~ ' 'KK=O-I 30, \l'~ ~-3)"'~'- t-~ /~'~ 6~C;' ~ o '-.. lO( / -.------ _" KK Yo ,,. _ .,_,"" N-'C? ~/"" ~O "" I xM. vlQ» ,W-~.., ""I" r " 'E:W.'H ,..,. ME"" 'l'o J' 1'1O®7- r (LF) "- 6 0 " , /' 0 !t-M) 102. :C_ ' -_.'. J./t~o .~ -' f.) ' ICf1 ~-l _ Fie. 10 . ,.. "- JC~ N f13 I: .., .. .;;:... ~, :.rr \.. ~ \) 1-'\ \, I ,,-,_/ f .\ \, j ACTUAL AND FORECAST ONE-HOUR PEAK LOADS ADJUSTED FOR PLANNED FEEDER AND CAPACITOR CHANGES 60 CYCLE FEEDERS AND SUBSTATIONS SUMMER, 1963 TO 1968 MVAHR, MWHR & MVARHR S TATI ON, FEEDER NUMBER CAPS MVARHR SION HILL 4939 .48 .48 ACTUAL 1963 TIME LOAD 7/18 22 VAN BIBBER FEEDERS 7053 1.50 2.40 7054 ("', 1964 1965 FORECAST 1966 1968 1967 1.26 1.22 .31 1.06 1.06 -.03 1.17 1.17 .03 1.29 1.29 .12 1.43 1.42 .20 1.59 1.56 .30 3.17 3.17 -.10 4.09 4.05 -.55 4.53 4.52 -.35 5.01 5.01 -.12 5.54 5.54 .12 6.17 6.16 .39 2.91 2.77 -.89 3.15 3.05 -.77 3.42 3.35 -.64 1.20 2.10 VAN BIBBER SUBS TATI ON 7/18 2.70 22 4.50 1.94 1.90 -.40 2.54 . 2.71 2.29 2.52 -1.10 -1.00 4.74 4 .. 70 -.60 6.19 5.93 -1.77 6.75 6.59 -1.48 7.38 7.29 -1.15 8.09 8.05 -.80 8.92 8.91 -.41 WEST ABERDEEN 4738 1.53 1.53 7/18 22 2.22 2.22 -.15 2.45 2.45 -.00 2.72 2.71 .16 3.01 3.00 .33 3.35 3.31 .53 3.73 3.66 .74 7/19 15 40.00 37.20 14.70 42.96 41.66 10.50 46.50 45.10 11.35 50.42 48.42 14.03 54.71 52.02 16.93 59.44 55.94 20.07 " HARFORD MASTER 19.64 0'·" " ARSENAL 4913 - 600 KVAR CAPACITORS ADDED-IN 1964. BELCAMP INCLUDES A LOAD INCREASE IN 1964. CHESAPEAKE CARDENS 4918 - 600 KVAR CAPACITORS ADDED IN 1964. CHURCHVILLE 7051 - 300+J140 FROM SION HILL 4939 IN 1964. CHURCHVILLE 7052 IS A NEW ITEM AND WAS PLACED IN SERVICE AFTER THE SUMMER PEAK OCCURRED.ITS LOAD CONSISTS OF ALL CHURCHVILLE 4KV AND PORTIONS OF FOREST HILL 4912 AND WINTERS RUN 4617.FORECAST INCLUDES NEW LOAD FOR HARFORD JUNIOR COLLEGE IN 1964, 1800 KVAR CAPACITORS ADDED IN 1964. FOREST HILL WAS RELIEVED BY CHURCHVILLE 7052 AFTER THE SUMMER PEAK OCCURRED 300 KVAR CAPACITORS ADDED IN 1965. HAMILTON COURT 4927 - 300 KVAR CAPACITORS ADDED IN 1964 AND 300 KVAR ADDED IN 1965. ~ HAVRE DE GRACE 4619 - INCLUDES LOAD INCREASE FOR HARFORD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IN 1964, 300 KVAR CAPACITORS TRANSFERRED TO 4625 IN 1964 AND 750 KVAR ADDED IN 1965. . HAVRE DE GRACE 4625 - EXCLUDES LOAD INCREASE FOR HARFORD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IN 1964, 300 KVAR CAPACITORS TRANSFERRED FROM 4619 IN 1.964 AND 750 KVAR ADDED IN 1965. SION HILL 4939 - 300 KVAR CAPACITORS ADDED AND 300+J140 TRANSFERRED TO () , ."\ F/i. II ~ ;iAGAiIM;;Ai;i:;;;'n;" ~ ,; ,.,:..' . Ii· i :t »." .,iMfflhi$.i$ 9f4AIP.., # . T,¥.-, 44 - A4 ..¥ t, . _ W# 4. ;tD:;; W!&4i!l .....,iWIi,tp,; .. - PROOESSING Q-D SURVEY DATA ON A SMALL COIIPU1ER A. D. Stasi and M. B. Lipetz idwards and Kelcey, Inc. b·t· "frlitrW·"" irk MM rlit'Hi+iMiH.i'i=b;h!Mt!6W ... ·&WB£rij·,···Y·W· lfr)'"f)· PROCESSING O-D SURVEY DATA ON A SMALL COMPUTER By A. D. Stasi and M. B. Lipetz The title of this paper is not intended tq lead anyone to believe that Edwards and Kelcey has found a viay to process a complex comprehensive transportation study on its bare minimum Model I, paper tape, 20K IBM 1620. Although there are programs available to do this on the 1620, they all require 60K and are limited in the number of traffic zones they can handle. Rather I 'W·ould like to describe to you some ,of the things 'W"e have done in the way of preparing the data for the larger computers such as the 7074 and 7094. Most of us do not have ready nor easy access to these larger computers which are used with the Bureau of Public Road's battery of Traffic Forecasting and Assignment Programs for comprehensive traffic studies. Consequently, when we do get on them, we must use them most efficiently. Being certain that our data is as correct as it can possibly be and in the proper form for processing is, therefore, of prime importance. Editing for correctness and re -formatting of the original data is well within the capabi1ities of the small computer, i. e. ~-:\ 2~)·· S,l.!C IBM 1620. We have used all configurations of 1620's by the way our 'e I J./. /J././ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......IIIOWIo!IJIIH!IIIMlIIiti'Jliii,\hiiliWii",...Iiii'i\iiiiiIi1!iliWGiihtIll&iMIlt:r...L4!&i'li .,::uHiiHI!iG'O:;,\bt..~"lt3lI't.ffi'lifuFw!tE_.tIitIF'fr,WF··'· u ~.~ .. -2'f~, \~iiP" own Model I - 20K with paper tape I/O; a Model I - 20K with a slow card reader I/O and a souped-up Model I 60K with paper tape, card reader and 6 magnetic tape drives. This last configuration was available at Rutgers University until about a month ago -- we w'ere sorry to see it go -- it cost us only $50/hr! ! To get down to specifics, w'e have written editing programs, volume factoring programs, zone conversion programs and re-formatting programs. The remainder of this paper will be devoted to an explanation of the purpose and some of the mechanics of these programs. I. Ed it ing Pr 0 gr am O-D surveys are generally based on a sampling of the travelling public which is later expanded to represent the entire area being studied. It is, therefore, essential that the maximum number of sur vey trip records be maintained in the file. Towards this end, it is absolutely necessary that all trip records be edited for validity. The specific requirements for the editing program are dictated by the particular trip record being edited (Roadside Interview, Home, Truck, Taxi, Tourist, Non-Tourist, etc.). Our program simply checks various items of data, both single characters and fields, on each card read in. Several methods are used J..I./~.1. .. r-- -3 - to accomplish the checking. between the item of data The simplest is a direct comparison and its parameters for each item. However" utilization of this method will sloV\!" the program down considerably. A faster method involves the use of binary decision tables. Here the item of data itself is used to compute a location 'W·ithin a corresponding table. The value of the digit {zero or one} found at this location indicates whether the data is acceptable or not. Another check incorporated into the program is the logic or cross data check. This is done to insure that several interrelated items do not contradict each other and wreak havoc in subsequent programs. (~'.' For example, a trip entering the survey area at its 'W·estern boundary .j." 'W·ith an indicated travel direction of West, contains an obvious inconsistency. A zone of origin that does not lie within the county of origin also indicates an inconsistency. The only option available to the programmer, and hence to the program, is to designate both items of data as errors and leave the decision as to which is right and which is wrong to the traffic engineer. Error indication posed a problem. How could the program clearly indicate which items of data are wrong and yet not destroy the original 250 o 1-/. 11f...1 ------------- -- ....-.----.- ..-.---.-~-~--.. ---.-.--.- ..."---.-- .. -- .. -4- value of the data? The answer was to punch two error cards. first card is simply a duplicate of the input card. is also a duplicate~ data fields. The The second card however" it contains asterisks in all the incorrect Printing the error cards on a 407 produces a.listing from w'hich corrections may easily be made. The two types of error cards are tied together by a sequence number assigned by the program each input card. to This number permits each output record to be uniquely identifiable in all future processing. It also provides us with a relatively simple way to insert corrected data cards back into their original position in the file. To aid in the determination of the necessity for error correction" the program categorizes and summarizes the types of errors. Should the decision be made to correct the errors, these summaries indicate which types of errors may economically be corrected by the program and which can only be done manually. The program also keeps a count of the total number of cards read in and the total in error. Ideally, the program should completely separate the acceptable data from unacceptable data by punching or writing two files. This eliminates the problem of separating the data at some future time by makeshift means, facilitates the application of corrections by a program and maintains the order of the original input file. On computers c -5'!.'I~" ( essentially equipped with only one output device~ the 1620 typewriter being much too slow to be seriously considered for high-volume applications, the production of t\~lO output files becomes a problem. An easy solution is an identifying punch in an available card column and subsequent separation on a sorter. The best solution is to utilize a 1620 with both punched card and magnetic tape input/output. The acceptable data file could then be written on the tape and the error file punched on cards. This has the added advantage of placing the acceptable data on the proper medium for input to the larger computer at relatively little extra cost. A program for editi ng 70, 000 trip records has been satisfactorily run on a 20K 1620 with card reader, and one for editing 500,000 trip records on the souped-up 1620 previously described. As is evident from. this description of our Editing Program, quite a bit w'as packed into it. however, such as There is need for more information, what are the numbers of correct and error records at each interview station. This informatim is valuable and often will aid in pinning down the location of large blocks of errors. .1./. /tIf-..0 -6- A station volume accumulation program was, therefore, written to summarize, by interview station, the output of the editing program. So used, it produces an up-to-the-run tabulation of the number of acceptable trips through each interview station. By using the error cards as input, a tabulation of unacceptable trips can also be produced. These two figures for a particular station provide an indication of how many, if any, unacceptable trip records must be corrected to increase the sample to a s atis factory level. Part one of the c program reads and accumulates the number of trips for each station. The address of the proper accumulator is computed directly from. the station number, thereby eliminating the need to search a table for each record. The sec ond part tes ts each accumulator for zero and, if not zero, punches a card containing the corresponding station number and the number of trips through that station. After all the non-zero volume stations have been punched, the program types the total number of input records and the number of input records which did not have a logical station number • .) .) r' ..." 3 ~ I -7- After both the editing and summary runs are complete, a decision must be made to either discard or attempt to correct the unacceptable trip records. It has been our experience that these records usually comprise a significant portion, between 5 and 10 per cent, of the total number of trip records. The usual decision, therefore, is to correct all the records that are correctable by a program and discard the remainder. in groups. Many errors seem to occur One intervievv"er at a particular station, for example, consistently entered the wrong hour period on his interview forms. All the trips recorded by this man at that station on that day contained the wrong time. This can be corrected by scanning the other records for that station and determining during what part of that day the station was being operated. Errors such as this lend themselves well to correction by a program. These corrections normally increase the acceptable portion of the interview sample to approximately 98 per cent. The correction or FUDGE program, known, is a conglomerate. as it has come to be It contains the appropriate routines from the editing program that originally discovered the particular errors 1\ -8- to be corrected. program. In a sense, the errors are re-discoverE::!d by the This tiIne, however, instead of simply indicating the errors the program applies corrections and pun.ches the· corrected card. A card is punched for each error card read whether corrections are made or not. After the unacceptable trip file has been essentially corrected, it is run back through the editing program. This is necessary to provide a final check and to weed out the relatively small group of records that contain items of data \XI"hich are" therefore, still unacceptable. the final unacceptable trip file. v~rere not corrected and These records now become The acceptable trip records are combined and tabulated by the station volume accumulation progl;am. A tabulation is also made of the unacceptable records. of these records is now complete. Proces sing They are deleted from the survey da ta at thi s point. As previously mentioned, there is presently available from the BPR a package of programs related to O-D surveys. These programs are all written fOl a definite purpose and have d~£inite requirements relative to their use. This is not to say, however, that we cannot fool the computer into thinking it is doing one thing c -9- while we are actually making it do something else. For example, a program written to prepare tables of trips taking place between various zones based on various trip purposes has been used to prepare tables of trips between specific zones based on the intervie'w station rather than the trip purpose. This was accomplished by placing a "dummy code" in a specific field and defining this field to the program. as the purpose field. Not really difficult and· not really fancy, but a simple 1620 program did the job for us and a simple 1620 placed the factor. A not so simple 7094 produced the tables which would have had to be produced manually othervv-ise. Another problem frequently encountered in O-D surveys has to do with the numbering system used to designate the survey zone. These survey zones frequently require in excess of five digits to uniquely identify a trip end. These survey zones are later com.bined and must be reduced to a 5-digit maximum code in order to be acceptable to the BPR programs. Again this is a job for a small 1620 -- we have done this for 70, 000 records on a 20K card 1620. The 500, 000 record job vv-ill be done on a 7074 although we might have tried it on the souped-up 1620 if changing zones were the only changes required and it had not been moved out. c' 256 I -10- These examples show how Vie have made use of our computer for preparing data from an O-D survey. There are many more uses which we 'Iv-ill undoubtedly uncover in the future. We feel our 1620 has a definite place in conjunction with the larger computers and intend to make maximum use of it. C,,~," I' ' \" J I I , • I , .. ' ." ./ G CI THE PLOT ROUTINE AS AN EXAMPl~ OF METHODS OF ADDING SUBROUTINOS TO THE NeE LOAD AND GO FORTRAN Hubbard Seward ""'~''''''_~d'''''''''''''''---'''' ____ ' _ _ _ _ '''.''''_' __ '_'_'_'''' __ ''''_'_' ___ "'_~_ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ ""'_' ___ "._."" I. The Plot Routine as an Example of Nethods of Adding Subroutin~s to the NeE Load and Go Fortran by Hubbard Seward Newark College of Engineering Presented at the May meeting of the IBM 1620 Users' Group in Washington, D.C. NCE Load and Go Fortran was written to provide a 20K Load and Go system with greater arithmetic system. abi~ities than the IBM Gotran In order to conserve space it was necessary to omit or simplify some features of Fortran I. Whenever possible features were provided to replace those which had to be eliminated. These substitutions make it necessary for the programmer to compile in the Fortran source program some things which are handled auton~tic- ally in other aystems, however in many cases additional usefulness was created. The original description of the sYstem states that subroutines cannot be added, however this is not exactly true. Because of space limitations, no facilities for adding subroutines helve been :i.ncluderi, but any user may add such subroutines as will increase the processors utility. Of course he must do so with the realization that, at least for those restricted qy a 20K machine, space is at a premium. '_~~, Recon~ilation will be necessary to add subroutines, but an unlimited nUIllber of functions and up to four new nonari t.hmetic pseudo op codes can be added. Functions can be added by merely including their names and the associated addresses ill the function table symbolic location FTBL. The table format is an eight digit constant representing the alphameric function name followed by a five digit constant for the address of the execution routine. address must have a flag over the low order digit. The Note that functions can be made removalble by locating them after the I/O area and properly relocating the record mark placed by the initialization routine and also changing the address used to initialize several fields. (Chi, output, wk, and associated constants should remain in their present relationship but may be moved to any location. between 10K and 20K. on the listing. See for example the routine at location 15824 For maximum space the EXP and LOg routines can be eliminated but when this is done the instruction at 01380 should be made to branch to an error message, since the ** operation requires these subroutines. To add new features to the system, additional nonarithmetic type pseudo instructions can be added. Because of the way this part of the interpreter is set up there is a limit of four more which can be added. ions is variable. The length of the nonarithmetic pseudo instructThe op code must have two digits and the instruction must be terminated b.1 a record mark. c All operands are two, three, or four digits long and are of four types: 260 - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - " " " ' ,•."."'""',',,',0."....... """"""""ll>A\M,w"/lth%",,,, "",; :,1 3. (1) Variables and constants use the four-digit s,ymbol table pseudo address which must be decoded by SUBER; (2) statement numbers are represented by their three-digit symbol table address; (3) USE and do end pseudo ops which may have to refer to statements which have no statement number use the four low order digits of the location of the pseudo ops for that statement; (4) IF (sense Slrltoh) pseudo ops contain a two-digit indicator as the first operand. Currently the maxinru.m size of pseudo instructions is limited to 26 digits by the size of the area WK. The plot pseudo instruction is complied by recognizing the word PLOT on the source statement. The control is passed to the I/O compiler routine which assembles the operands in groups of five. If more operands are present, a new pseudo op is produced. /«""0'\ '~"~' The execution routine increments the card number and then enters a loop which puts a character in the output area for each variable. \ihen there are no variables left in the list, the card is punched and control returns to the interpreter to execute the next pseudo instruction. If more than five variables are needed on a plot or if axes are desired this routine can be easily modified to provide these features. More variables could be accommodate~ by changing the plot routine to examine the next pseudo op before returning control, and returning control only if it were not another plot. Note that the card numbers in columns 79 and 80 also provide a means of s orting out plot cards from simultaneously punched data output. 261 c h. C' I NON - ARIT~IC FORI' RAN Pseudo Equivalent op code PSEUDO INSTRUCTION TABLE Description Length Operands END +00 Branch to compiler 5 X *FXFLT - 00 Change mode of FAC 3 X *RSGN + 01 FAC 3 X *DO END - 01 7 C STOP + 02 Increment Index; check for Index Limit Branch to. Intr~prete~ Initialization Set Index Equal to Initial Value Halt 3 X 19 A,A,A,A -r4"DO STARr - 02 PAUSE + GO TO O~~ =- FAG - 03 3 X 6 B 3-23 X or From READ ('~' ACCEPI' 1 to 5 TYPE A PFa:NT - 05 PUNCH ) + 06 Tests FAC For -,0,+ 12 B,B,B IF(s~nre - 06 Tests Indicator 11 D,B,B USE stores LOC in Table 6 B Returns to LOG in Table 3 X *IF( RETURN * - 07 These routines are not exact equivalents of FORTRAN Statements. Operand types A Pseudo Address - The three center digits of a symbol table address the first and last being always land 9 respectively pluB a fourth digit to indicate subscript. c J.I../& ..J 5. B sa. as:! without subscript digit. Refers to .ta tement number (, loc.a tion in symbol table. c 4 low order digits of location of DO pseudo D 2 d1g1~s OPt for machine indicator number / / X No operands Note On I/O instructions flagged subscript digit indicates t~edpoint vari$ble. 263 d" t . .to t .r1 h "" ;;rtrtft n,;f'±tf_i11 "# ****** *** *** '".'2 DSA PLOT ROUTINE FOR LOAD AND GO FORTRAN COMPILATION ROUTINE AND CONSTANTS PLACE AFTER CARD NO. 24 INPLOT PLACE AFTER CARD PLT.CHI+6 COPLOT 155 C BE PLACE AFTER CARD 4,PLOT 178 *** *** PLT " - [[318" TtY" .. OAC OS 0006 PLACE AFTER CARD 526 \MK+l,80.9R B COREAO+12 DORG *-3 *** COPLOT TFM *** BNE IF PLOT ARRAY ER 1 1 -120 STATEMENTS ARE DESIRED. REPLACE CARD 392 WITH EXECUTION ROUTINE IF THE PLOT ROUTINE IS DESIRED TO BE REMOVABLE, ( SW 1 OPTION PLACE THIS AFTER CARD 1930, IF NOT PLACE AFTER CARD 1810 NOTE THAT NUMBERS MUST BE FIXED POINT AND IN THE RANGE 0-77 0007 AM LOC-l,4,10 TR 20214 31 14625 14629 12-0031 \AlK.IAIK+4 AM P4-1.2.10 20226 11 20321 000-2 12-0032 MM FAC,2.10 20238 13 00079 000-2 12-0033 BN 20250 47 20382 01300 12-0034 ER66 AM 20262 11 00099 ~4459 12-0035 99.0UT CM 20274 14 00099 ~4613 12-0036 99.0UT+154 BP ER66 20286 46 20382 01100 12-0037 20298 24 20333 0009R 12-0038 P4+11.-99 C TF 20310 26 0009R K0415 12-0039 -99.CHAR.7 20322 46 20346 012-0 12-0040 P4 BE *+24 •• 10 20334 16 0009R OOOKI 12-0041 TFM -99.21.10 20000 11 09139 000-3 12-0009 INPLOT AM LOC-l, 3. 10 20012 16 20321 K0413 12-0010 TFM P4-1.CHAR-2 20024 27 08482 08735 12-0011 SVJEEP.OUTX BT 20036 11 20145 000-1 12-0012 AM CDNO.I.IO 20048 43 20096 20145 12-0013 SO *+48.CDNO 20060 11 20144 000-9 12-0014 AM CDNO-l.9.10 20072 43 20096 20143 12-0015 BD *+24.CDNO-2 20084 16 20143 OP170 12-0016 TFM CDNO-2,7170.8 20096 26 14617 20145 12-0017 TF OUT+158,CDNO PI 8NR P3.\MK+l 0019 ****** EXIT HERE IF FINISHED 20120 39 14459 00400 12-0020 WACO OUT B LOC *** *** *** ****** CDNO P3 4.7070.*+2 *+2 SUBER.WK+4 EM-...,.-SUBI-23 *+20.FAC ER71 B DORG *-3 BNF ER74.FAC-3 DC DORG BT TF BNR 20142 PO 70 20145 20158 20170 20182 20190 20190 20145 04-0022 0_023 26 00099 1135J 12-0025 45 20190 00079 12-0026 49 09060 00000 12-0027 0028 44 20370 00076 12-0029 J-I.I5.l· I I " !)A 6-c 7 I,,,, ~ a P1 ERRORS 74 FLOATING POINT VARIABLE, ERROR,77400.5Rl1 ERROR. 67600.7R OUT+154,4559.8 B PI DORG *-3 LIST OF CHARACTERS FOR PLOTTING ****** CHAR DAC 1 • + DAC 1. * DAC 1.X DAC 1.0 DAC 1 , • ****** aTM ER74 BTM ER66 TFM EXIT 66 OUTSIDE RANGE 20.370 17 027-4 7740R 20382 17 02704 0760Z 20394 16 14613 OM559 20406 49 20108 00000 20414 20414 20416 20418 20420 20422 ,)0 ,)4 07 PO -3 20415 20417 20419 20421 20423 IN ORDER TO MAKE THE PLOT REMOVABLE ADD THIS AFTER CARD 1947 PLT AM CM BNE AM IF MORE THAN FIVE VARIABLES ARE TO BE PLOTTED. REPLACE THE BLOC IN THE ABOVE ROUTINE WITH THE FOLLOWING AND MAKK SUITABLE EXPANSION TO THE LIST OF CHARACTERS. LOC-l. 2. 10 l-LOC.4.10 EXIT LOC-l.l.10 B PI SM LOC-l.2.10 LOC B 0044 12-0045 12-0046 12-0047 12-0048 ()()49 0050 SF *** *** *** *** 20358 49 20108 00000 12-0043 02-0051 OZ-0052 002-0053 02-0054 02-0055 4'-", ,,~, THE CARD NUMBERS IN THIS LISTING REFER TO THE CARDS IN THE LISTING OF THE UNCOMPRESSED DECK AS DISTRIBUTED BV THE PROGRAM LIBRARV. ALL MACHINE LANGUAGE INSTRUCTIONS AND ADDRESSES ON THIS LISTING SHOULD BE IGNORED. if.l&" 7 tirtNeteri:fiittbririi +· Tm!!· ri8Wu!ihii*·· .') A 6- c= 'ii A=O.O PI=3.1415926536/20. DO 8 1=1,41 DIMENSION ISIN(41) ISIN(I>=SIN(A)*35.+3S.S 8 A=A+PI PLOT. ISIN(I ),,1=1.41 (~\ ,- END 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 + + + + + + + + + + + + 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 + + + + + + + (,." 20 + 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 40 -. 41 42 26ti C "I ""'1 1l1l'CMATIC SCHEDULING AND REGISTRATION IN A SYALL COLLEGE Arthur F. Jackson Director ot Guidance and Computer Center Greensboro, North Carolina ~. If"'. I '. AUTOMATIC SCHEDULING AND REGISTRATION IN A SMALL COLLEGE by Arthur F. Jackson Director of Guidance and Computer Center The Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina is a small land grant college located in Greensboro, North Carolinaan enrollment of approximately 3,000 students. graduate schools: Agriculture, Education and Engineering, Nursing, and Technical Institute. with It has five underGeneral Studies, Each student registers in one of sixty-five different major fields. The college has been using unit record equipment in the registration process for several years beginning with a Remington Rand (:" installation of Punch and Sorter and developing into a complete Remington installation. In 1962, the college changed to an IBM Series 50 including the Sorter, Interpreter, 402 Accounting Machine. With this equipment, registration proceeded as follows. The Deans of the various schools requested that a specific number of class cards be prepared for a certain quarter. This informa- tion including class code number, class description, meeting place, time, and credit hours, was punched into a Master Course Card. These cards were then duplicated on the reproducer in the numbers indicated by the Deans and then sent to the Registrar. At pre-registration time, the students completed a course schedule on a four-part form at a pre-registration station. o These forms were completed and sent 26> J,I./G. I -_. __ _.•...,._--, .... -2- to the Registrar's office where clerical help manually matched each course on the schedule form with a pre-punched class card. Each student's class cards were assembled in an envelope and returned to the Data Processing Center where student's name and number were gang punched into his class cards. From these cards, class rosters and individual student schedule forms were printed on the 402 Accounting Machine. In cases where cards or courses had all been distributed before a student had received all his class cards, his schedule was sent back to his advisor for revision. In June, 1963, the college accepted delivery of an IBM 1620 Computer, a card system with 20 K Memory positions and without automatic divide. It was used primarily for teaching purposes ex/,~ cept for occasional use in the computation of statistics and compilation of certain registration data. '",/ During the 1964 Spring Quarter, the 1620 played a prominent part in the registration. This was possible because of the development of three programs: STUDENT, a program devised by IBM, and two post processor programs designed by the author. STUDENT, an abbreviation of "Scheduling Technique Using Defined Increments of Time", was designed for use in scheduling students into a section where the number of sections does not exceed 1000. It 1S designed to store a Master Schedule (not to exceed 1000 sections), accept student requests (not to exceed 8 per student), and to place students in sections. Students are allowed to designate sections desired and also to request free time. s~ecific Students who request 26D c' -3- (~:"\ specific sections are scheduled until requested sections fill; students who do not specify sections are scheduled as long as any section is open. When a student is not scheduled, a report 1S written on the typewriter indicating the reason for failure to schedule. This program is controlled by course code number, section number, and load limit. This means that each student request is checked to deterJrine whether or not the number of spaces provided for that section has been reached. On the basis of these two checks, the student is scheduled or not scheduled. The card format for the student request allows for twenty-eight columns of information about the student while the rest of the request card is allotted to ( H, "'.. the eight courses. In order to test the feasibility of STUDENT for use in our system, the decision was made to use the class cards and Master cards from the 1963 Fall Quarter registration in a trial run. A computer program was, therefore, written to condense the several individual class cards for each student into the single request card format required by the program STUDENT. in the STUDENT format. The Master Cards were also transformed The process was then reversed, the l1asters were loaded into memory, and the students' requests fed into the program. Every possible conflict situation was simulated in the test. The test resulted in the "go ahead" signal for the Spring Quarter. Once this decision was made, there remained two problems. The Dunched output from STUDENT could not be used effectively as the class .) 1'1 ow " fI I I i I -4'~7 card which is used as basis for class rosters, admission to class, and finally as a grade report. The second problem was that of determining the spaces remaining in sections which were still open as soon as the scheduling had been completed. This information would eventually be obtained from temporary class rosters, but administrative officials felt the need to have this information earlier than possible by this method. This information was vital to the opening of new sections or the deletions of courses in which too few persons were registered. Two programs, both storage and search programs, were written to achieve these ends. The program to punch class cards was designed to use as input the condensed output from STUDENT. This 'was a single card with name, ,,,,r~, I.D. number, and as many as eight course code numbers and sections. '"' ':.# The program first stored up to 225 Master Course Cards in memory. It was limited to 225 because of the alphabetic content of our Master cards. The program then attempted to match each course on the student request card with one of the masters in storage. When there was a match, a duplicate of the Master Card was moved to output, the student's name and number were added from the request card, and the card was punched. The search was sequential, from the first master stored to the last. There was, therefore, no need to sort the master course cards before storing in memory. If no match occurred during a search, the computer simply moved to the next course on the cdrd or the next cdrd to begin the search over again. . .) r"1 ..... 1 J-f. I~. 1;' -5The inability to store all of the Master Course Cards necessitated four passes with the request cards. The Masters, how- ever, were loaded by school groups which made possible the printing of class rosters for one school while the computer was punching course cards for another school. This process was not timed with stop watches, but it was possible to prepare all of the class cards within one working day. In addition, the preparation was much more complete than ever before. The card count program was similar in nature to the program for punching class cards. The course code number and section of each Master Card was stored in memory together with a two position counter. Each unit was thirteen storage positions as follows: a four digit course code number, a blank; a two digit section, a blank; a two digit number representing the number of spaces allotted to that section, a blank; and finally, a two digit counter. Storage was searched sequentially, and when a match occurred, the number "one" was added to the count position of the section matched. At the end of the run, the typewriter printed out the contents of memory where the course codes had been stored. This was a report of the number of spaces allotted to each section and the number used at this point. Pre-registration was conducted as previously with the exception that each person listed, in addition to the courses, the course code number and section for each course on a special card. These cards were sent to the Data Processing Center where, as soon as received, they were punched. No sorting was required, but the cards o J../.. I~. . ., - ..---.----..-.- ... ---"~,, --... ..................-- .. ''' .... ~.--~-- ." .............. ".. ".._.......... "" .... ""....-...... ".~---.--------.---~ -6- , ."'-'" were sorted by school for ease of handling of individuals who could not be scheduled. These were then run into the 1620 with the program switches set for no punched output. checking such things as missing the like. This afforded an opportunity for master cards, wrong sections, and Errors in course code numbers were expected since this was the first time the student body had been required to use them. All errors thus discovered were corrected and the request cards were then run again to discover schedule conflicts. Most of these resulted from the choice of favorite hours for classes. Where possible, these were resolved by reproducing the request cards, omitting the section, or by punChing in sections which could not create conflicts. No punched output had been obtained on either run. With conflicts reduced to a minimum, the request cards were once more fed into the 1620, but this time the program switches were set to obtain punched output in condensed form. Those individuals (their request cards) who were not scheduled on this run were sent to the department in which they were enrolled for a resolution of this conflict. Now, the program for punChing class cards was used. Class cards were made for each class section for all of those who had been scheduled successfully and a count made of the number of seats taken in every section. Class rosters were then printed for every class and section on stock paper. Schedules were printed on the 402 Accounting Machine for the individual students who had been scheduled. In the interim between the final run on the computer and J-f. It;,. (,. ..... \' -7- C\ registration, the various administrative officials used the data provided by the program described to open new sections, expand limits in sections, et cetera. This made possible the scheduling of most of those individuals who had not been scheduled prior to this time. At registration time, the student picked up his schedule and other things such as meal books, et cetera. The time required for this was about fifteen minutes as opposed to several hours under the old system. Lines moved very rapidly so no long lines were formed. Problems in registration were reduced to a minimum but the problems in changing courses was not solved. In our system, a student must re-take a course he has failed in the next quarter it is offered. This created most of the requests for changes. The information gained in this effort suggests pre-registration in May for the next Fall Quarter, registration of the entering freshmen with test scores taken into account, and eventually preregistration for an entire year together with automatic scheduling. o , --"-"--"""--'''''''-'''-'''' """,,""---- I Iii I~ I~ !FIT SPS WITH SIJrIDLATED TNF, TNS AND MF INSTRUCTIONS David Olson, Camput1n& Center Newark Colleee or Enaineerine #.17. 0 AFIT SPS with Simulated TNF, TNS and lvlF Instructions David Olson Computing Center Newark College of Engineering Introduction AFIT SPS by Mr. Pratt has just recently become widely available through the Program Library. The system has many advantages and improvements over SPS II. However the system requires a machine with indirect addressing, auto-divide, 40K and the TNF, TNS and MF instructions. Description of Simulation Method We have removed the requirement of the TNF, TNS and MF ins tructions. TNS The TNS instruction is used only twice in the processor, therefore TD instructions were used to simulate this instruction. TNF The TNF instruction is used several times therefore it was felt that a subroutine would be the most efficient method of simulating it. This was done as follows: Replace the 73 with a 41, then follow the TNF with BTM TNF, *-1. The TNF subroutine looks like this: o ~/7./ 2. DS TNF SF TNF-l TF A999,CONl TF 304,1-TNF A A999,CON2 TF 310,RSTOR AM TNF-l,5 TF 1-TNF,A999 BB CONl DC 10,6070707070 CON2 DC 10,00(1)1020304 A999 DS 10 RSTOR DC 12,801234.567891 This subroutine is essentially the one described by Mr. Pratt in the May 1963 issue of the 1620 User Group Newsletter. MF The MF instruction is also used quite frequently, therefore it was also simulated b,y a subroutine. This was accomplished as follows: Repla ce the 71 with a 41 then follow the MF with a BTM MF, 1-* The MF subroutine is as shown below: QADD DS 5 MF TF PADD, QADD AM PADD,5,10 CF -PADD DS .5,* BNF *+36,-QADD CF -QADD SF -PADD PADD <) ,.., "'" .... • I BB .t./.17 <-~ C 3. or course there was some additional rewriting of the processor to allow use or the BTM instruction, since the routines in the processor which used TNF or MF were quite often entered by another BT or BTM instruction. Mr. Pratt is to be congratulated on. his excellent contribution to the growing list of Symbolic Programming Systems. We have round no significant errors in his system. In our opinion, it is the best 40K SPS available. ( ,0 """,. o 276 JI..I7-3 ,0 \""", NCE "HI OH SPEED ",SPS ASSEl4BLER I ,r-', 1;1,,,,,.,1 Kurt Gerrr.ann -and O8orie Rumrill Newark 0011eaeo-t Enaineerini c C: NCE HIGH SPEED SPS ASSID1BIER by Kurt Germann and George Rumrill Newark College of Engineering Presented at the May meeting of the IBM 1620 Users' Group in Washington, D.C. This assembler is an attempt to provide Users' Group members with an assembler that has the language capabilities of AFIT SPS, and a symbol table size of the order of LAMP (File 1.OO.0a,l in a 20K system. Although some compromises had to be made, the resulting system, provides space for 450 labels, and has a language capability simi1iar to IBr-l 1620/1710 SPS. The need for an assembler with a large label capacity in 20K developed when the Computer Center Staff of Newark College of Engineering was writing NeE Load and Go Fortran (File #2.0.029). During compilation of the Load and Go System, the IBM SPS Symbol table overflowed, so another version of SPS was looked for in the 1620 LibrarJe It was found that OSAP (File #1.01.013) best suited the need, but to be useful to us, several modifications and corrections had to be made. These initial modifications were the work of Joseph Petersack, an undergraduate student at NCE. After the 20K Load and Go processor was completed, the authors decided to follow through on these initial modifications, and to rewrite tl7e completely OSAP processor. "J- L/.I1, I 2. The NCE assembler is approximately two to three times as (l('~ ''L.)l'" fast as IBH 1620/1710 SPS, exclusive of input-output. THis means that on a Model I 1620 with a 500/250 cpm reader-punch, the assembler will run at reader speed on Pass 1, and at punch speed while punching an uncompressed object deck on Pass 2. The assembler requires card I/O and indirect addressing. Automatic divide is required only if division is performed in address adjustment in the source statements. The assembler has been written so that the input format can be of ~ version. types. It can be standard SPS, or a slightly modified The modified format is easier to keypunch, and also easier to read on a 80 - 80 printout. Colunms The format is as follows: 1 - 6 Label 7 Blank 8 - 11 12 Op Code Blank 13 - 50 Operands and Remarks 51 - 80 Arbitrary This format does not allow page and line counts; if the.y are desired the standard SPS format can be used by setting a console switch. The output format of an uncondensed object deck is in most cases a single card per statement, and can be printed on a standard 80 - 80 board. The uncondensed format is: 281 3. ¢olumns 1 - 50 52 - 80 Original Source statement Machine Language and Sequence Numbers This format enables using the object deck as a source deck, making the original source obsolete. Besides being more convenient J this format produces object decks which are about one half as large as . those of SPS II. In addition, a compressor is built in, Which produces compressed decks smaller than those of SPS II. Also provided, at the operator's option, is a symbol table punch-out, five s,ymbo1s to a card, in alphabetic order, at the end of pass 1. The number of labels that can be stored by a 20K machine varies. If, upon initialization, the compressor, its loader, and the uncompressed loader are eliminated, approximately digi t J.. be1s can te stored. 450 six- If the compressor and loaders are not eliminated, about 350 labels can be stored. If a larger model 1620 is used the assembler expands automatically, increasing the s.ymbol table accordingly. Depending on the size of the machine, the size of the program, and the number of labels, it is possible to store the source statements of a program in core during pass 1. If the program fits in cofe, it can be run in a single pass, if it does not fit, however, the source program must be reentered for pass 2 as usual. In a 20K machine, again depending on the program, 60 - 100 source statements can be stored and processed. A 60K machine on the other hand can store 1000 - 1300 source statements. Besides reducing card handling, this will also, of course, save machine time. -.) S-.) H.18. :~ In addition to the above, a different error message format, has been incorporated. <~, I,~,~", Each error message consists of a typeout of the actual source statement in error, the type of error, followed by the sequence number of the card in the uncompressed or compressed object deck that contains the error. column 51 To aid in t rouble shooting, of the uncompressed object card in error contains the letter E. As far as the language is concerned, all SPS II op-codes for the 1620 card system a re llalid, both mnemonic and numeric, with the exception of HEAD, TRA, TeD, and SEND. In addition, many of the op-codes used in AFIT SPS have been incorporated, as well as several interesting programming procedures devised by Richard L. Pratt. A variable and fixed length subroutine package similar to that of AFIT SFS is also included. ,.-11-----, \ ....,"iIV' c 5. Blanks in Source statements Blanks are ignored in the operand field of all sourc~ 5tatements, includinc- the nag operand of instructions. In a DAC statement, the right.most character of the constant doe:; not have to be followed immediately by a conmia. If no address Examples: C, A DS , 1001*10-9 B DS J 20002 TF A J TR A: DAC 5, DAC 2, A i~ B, 4 ;; , i6 10001 20002 31 10001 20002 00 00000 000 @ , , tJ. 0* spaces between the second and third conWAS will not cause the Qonstan~ to be loaded ~t zero The , DC TLr; B , 123 , r~·.~~::."~'1;;'. !., >;}:L c~~n 0000* not be greater than 35 because of the restriction on the length of the source statement (columns 1 to 50). DSAC StateJrent The Define Speoial Alphameric Constant is the same as the DAC except no flag is placed over the high order digit. This allows long alphameric constants to be constructed by one DAC followed by DSAC's and this long constant can be moved by a transmit field instruction. 6. DC aod.DSC statements A) . The processor ~an ~ . . I"· supply artY number of lending zeros, p.p to the maxilTlUl'll constant length of 99999 Example: 5600,@ DC X23 This will cause 5599 ~eros followed bya record mark to be loaded into care, the label will refer to the location of the record mark and the high order zero will l::x:l flagged. B) The @ sign which indicates a record rnarkmay appear anywhere in a constant. Example: DSC 6,-@123@@ Will cause C) i 12~' to be stored. Any character of the constant may be flagged· by punching a minus sign over that character in the source statement. Example: DC 7" 1~I4*P8 ..0044i - - -18 t1il1 cause D) to be stored will produce ,*. 1,-@ will :; DC 1,* " DSC 1,-@ n . DC I:; DC ~'1 " " " * :#=::; Constants may be preceeded by a pltis.sign if desired. c 7. DFC statements (.,: "\ Floating point constants, e.s rcr;u.ircd l)~r the subroutines, may be specified as follows: second If Third " mantissa length, Which may be symbolic, (must be less than 50) mAntissa (trailing zeros automatically supplied. ) exponent (may be symbolic) fourth " address (if desired) first operand The label, if present, will refer to the units position of the exponent. Example: DFC 10 ,-2,1 will produce -- 2000000000 01 Operands The previous IB}~ restriction on - 0 is removed and this will now be assembled correctly. Example: TDfJi 15 10001 00000 A , - 0 Division is now allowed in address arithmetic (if the auto divide feature is available). Division can be used in conjunction with subtraction and multiplication to produce truncation. E&le: B/A * 1000, B/A +213 11 02000 00215 Record Marks in the QR position of instructions are frequently required. This usually has required the two instructions: TFM A " 10 However on this system an R in the flag operand will cause a record mark to be placed in the Qll position of the instruction: C , "'J ' 286 8. Example: TFH A TFN A TDH A ,, lOR 16 10001 0000* R II " 16 10001 -0000* llR 11 n 15 10001 oooo~ " " results in ., rf'~ \\. DSA statements The number of operands in a DSA or DSSA is no longer limit.ed to ten, but may be any number of address operands up to column 50. DSSA statements This is the same as DSA, except that no flags are set over the high order digit of the DSSA's, and the label refers to the high order digit of the first DSSA. TABLE DSSA A,B, 10001 20002 00000 DNB statements If·~ \4..,,7 The length in the DNB and DSNB statements must be no greater than 99999. DSNB statements Define Special Numeric Blank acts the same as DNB except that the label, if present, is equated to the high order position of the numeric blanks. INC statement mnput Converwion Subroutine allows input data in the free format style of AFIT Fortran to be oonverted to internal floatine point form: 2S7 c 9. Ci first operand address where exponent of number is to be stored. second operand alphameric record address of data to be converted. Data in the input area may be separated by blanks or commas and although the input area must contain an alphameric record mark, no flags are required. Library No. 1.6.053. OU'l'C statements Output Conversion Subroutine allows internal floating point numbers to be converted to external Fortran style constants under forrrat control. first operand second operand third operand alphameric record address where external form is to be stored address of exponent of floating point number to be converted. five digits specifying the format: In this five digit constant) the first digit represents the type of format desired: o for E 1 for F 2 for G The next two digits are the length of the field, and the last two the number of spaces after the decimal point. E 14.8 01408 7.2 10702 G 16.10 21610 F The E and F conversion work exactly the same as 1620 Fortran. The G w.d conversion gives F type output if as many as d significant figures can fitted in the space provided. E w.d will bE; used. Otherwise, a format of Library File # 1.6.053 1 DOODLE Do-It-Yourself Problem SolTer M. V. Farina General EleQtric Compal11' DOODLE Do-It-Yourself Problem Solver M. V. Fa ri Yl q ~. E. COvY\pd. ny An engineer busily at work in the solution of a mathematical problem reminds me of a trombone player. He can manipulate a slide rule with all the skill of a musician. Unfortunately, slide rules are slow and limited in accuracy. Suggest to him the possibility of programming his problem for solution on a computer, however, and chances are hetll give you a hundred reasons why he can tt. He doesn rt know anything about programming; Fortran has too many rules to remember; his problem is too small for a computer, and he can go on and on with excuses. An accountant industriously engaged at making debits equal credits reminds me of a pianist. He can finger the keyboard of a desk calculator easily as well as Van Clyburn. But the typical accountant, like the engineer, believes that he himself cannot program his problem for a computer. Perhaps it does take some skill to program an engineering or business problem. But have you noticed -- it takes no skill to doodle? We all do it -- while on the telephone, during a meeting, while waiting for the doc tor. If programming could be made as simple as doodling, then maybe engineers and accountants would program. In an effort to simplify pro- gramming we devised a system for those people to use and called it DOODLE. C 'I ,;.,/ 1 29{l J.!. /9. / My discussion of DOODLE is in three parts: First, what DOODLE is; second, how we are inducing engineers and accountants to use it; and third, some ideas of what the second generation of DOODLE might produce. DOODLE is a system which enables the user to write out a problem in a very simple way. There are few rules to know and a knowledge of programming is not required. Wefll show you some examples in a few moments. DOODLE is an interpretive scheme. It works directly with the userfs program as he has devised it. The system interprets each instruction as it encounters the instruction and executes it. This means that no assembly or compilation process need be performed before the problem is given to the computer. Computer time is thus conserved. Very often it takes longer to compile or assemble a program than it does to run it. This is particularly expensive on one-shot jobs. DOODLE by- passes this expense. Mechanically, DOODLE is a Fortran II program written for an IBM 1620 Computer with indirect addressing, auto-divide, floating-point hardware and card 1-0. Our Fortran compiler in Johnson City has been changed to origin at 11K instead of the standard 12K, as specified in the Fortran II Operatorfs Guide, Page 25. (aro J' W'\(A.c~i ~e) 2 29 1 ( ~'. \ {, •.•. \ . ~iO" c I can best continue showing you what DOODLE is by telling you how we are inducing our engineers and others to use DOODLE. The words Utricking them It seem to be applicable here since the write-up of DOODLE does not mention the words "program" or "programming." The write-up pre-supposes no programming knowledge and speaks only in terms of: "you have a problem to solve -- a computer can solve it for you--herers how you do it. " The DOODLER publication exists as a 2-volume work. The first booklet is the ttPrimertt and the second booklet is called ttFor The Advanced Doodler." Pd like to show you a few of the pages from the Primer. (SLIDE 1 - PAGE 1 OF DOODLE WRITE- UP) The key word here is "EASY." On this first page we are hoping to spark the readerrs interest. The second page tells the reader that DOODLE is a method of telling the computer what his problem is; that he writes out the problem on a simple form; that cards are punched from the form and delivered to the computer; and that he gets answers in return. (SLIDE 2 - PAGE 3 OF DOODLE WRITE-UP) This slide shows how the user tells the computer what numbers his problem deals with. Note the illustration. We feel the illustrations, of which there are many, are very effective. A card will later be punched for every line shown on this coding sheet. Notice that item numbers have already been filled in. o _" ..£.", ........ _......... 4.4IY4.?¥4i4#.Lf!L+.\4:F. .. _._ ... 3 2U2 (SLIDE 3 - PAGE 5 OF DOODLE WRITE- UP) We have told the reader how he feeds numbers into the computer. He will now be told how to tell the computer what to do with those numbers. (SLIDE 4 - PAGE 6 OF DOODLE WRITE-UP) This slide shows how the trops· are used. Page 7 of the DOODLE write-up reads as follows: tryou told the computer to divide item 101 by item 102. The result became item 105. Then you told the computer to multiply item 103 by item 104. The result became item 106. Finally you told the computer to add items 105 and 106. The result, item 107, is the answer to your problem. If Finally the reader is instructed to put the op IIEND" at the end of his solution procedure, and he is shown how the computed coding form wi 11 look at that time. (SLIDE 5 - PAGE 8 OF DOODLE WRITE- UP) At item 107, note that a 111 n has been placed under the column headed "P. II This causes the computer to print out the result of the execution of the instruction at item 107. ThiS, of course, is the answer to the example problem. (SLIDE 6 - PAGE 15 OF DOODLE· WRITE- UP) Skipping ahead in the DOODLE write-up, page 15 shows alist of the ops that are available to the DOODLER. 4 2 U3 c C: At the bottom of the slide, notice that the publication "For The Advanced Doodler rt is mentioned for the first time. It is not necessary for a DOODLER to ever read the advanced volume. It Dcludes such exotic features as looping, address modification and use of subroutines. We recognize that these features are such that only professional programmers would be interested in them or DOODLER enthusiasts. The DOODLE write-up continues in this light vein. The reader is let step by step to the point where he learns how to get repetitive solutions from problems, and how to make use of smybolic nomenclature. He is told how to do this in a chapter called UThat Mysterious Column C. If Here is part of that chapter: (SLIDE 7 - PAGE 17 OF DOODLE WRITE- UP) In the last part of the booklet, we give an example of how the quadratic formula could be written up. (SLIDE 8 - PAGE 21 OF DOODLE (MODIFIED) Notice that the values for A, B, and C are given to the computer at item numbers 101, 102, and 103. The constants used by the problem, a zero, a four and a two are given next at items 104, 105, and 106. The actual programming of the problem start at item 107. We need a minus B, so we subtract B from zero and store it in MB, which stands for rtminus B. 0 "1 n 5 ,,' .~.If· j - We need a B square, so we multiply B times B and put the result in B2. The names where results are stored can be made up by the DOODLER as he goes along. In the example, we have used names that remind us of what has been calculated. Notice that when A is multiplied times C, we have chosen as the result name oAC, It and when AC is multiplied times four, we have used the result name "4AC. n There are two answers to this problem, and they are shown at items 116 and 117. These are the positive and negative roots respectively. Notice the ttl U under the column headed np. If This causes the computer to print out the results at items 116 and 117. When the computer comes to item 118, and spots the op KENO, n it goes back to the card reader looking for more cards. If it finds more cards, it wi 11 load what it finds on top of the program being run starting at the beginning of the program and continuing to load until it comes to another end card. In this example, new values of A, B, and C will be loaded on top of the old values of A, B, and C. The program will then be executed with the new values, new answers will be printed out, and the computer will again look for new input in the card reader. It is possible for DOODLE to set up branch conditions, to make tests and to branch about within the program depending upon the value of test conditions. It is even possible to do address modification and branching to subroutines. We donrt recommend that the DOODLE user get involved with these more sophisticated features of DOODLE. It is possible, for example, to get into endless loops. c 6 2U5 C'" 'I Besides, a person who was this sophisticated would probably be better off learning and using Fortran. It is easy to find mistakes when using DOODLE. If sense switch one is turned on before the program is run, the res ult of every instruction is printed out. Before c losing I'll touch upon some ideas which have come to mind about how DOODLE can be used in some novel ways. Suppose an engineer has a problem he wants to solve. Rather than pick up a coding sheet, writing down the instructions and then having them key punched, he can simply reach into his desk, pull out some pre-punched cards, put them together, and take them to the computer direct, thus bypassing the key-punching step. Of course the situation isn tt really as simple as this. ("" The user is required to maintain in his desk several hundred cards made up of about 100 standard instructions. The next slide shows what some these standard instructions look like: (SLIDE 9 - SPECIAL) The secret in using this idea is that every instruction revolves around ARG1 and ARG2. If one wants to add two plus two, for example, the ltdesk programmer tf would have to put a two into ARG 1, then a two into ARG2 and finally cause the addition of ARG1 and ARG2. The result would go to ARG1 and the programmer would then usually have to put ARG1 somewhere in order to use its results later. r~ ~I 7 . ~ ~J 6 Jf.19· 7 This sounds very wasteful and slow. this idea has any practicality at all. It is! We tre not suggesting Or does it? Suppose every standard statement had a unique 2-digit number associated with it. Then, the programmer could call for a standard statement by number rather than reaching for it in his desk drawer. Suppose he punched up all the standard statements he required for a particular problem on cards starting in column 1 and continuing to column 80. He could get forty 2-digit numbers per card, which could represent a fairly elaborate sequence of events. For example, suppose the programmer wants to compute the following: X = SIN (e 2 - 1) He reads in his data so that X is represented by ftstandard A II and e by ttstandard B. If The solution of this equation could then be as follows: (SLIDE 10 - SPECIAL) We have arbitrarily assigned 2-digit numbers to each of the standard instructions shown here. Note that the value for 1 is standard. So would other numerical values selected such that the programmer could build a number as he needed it. For example, the number 100 could be built by multiplying standard 10 by standard 10. We need not stop here. All sorts of possibilities exist. Suppose the function X;: SIN (e 2 - 1) is to be used often in a program. The sequence of operations which compute this function (010214..... 37) could be summarized by another 2-digit number (say 99) which will cause the proper sequence to be set up. In this way the programmer can generate his own pseudo macro instructions. ., '~."\ { 8 297 " c "n ""]""Z'P But now I feel Pm treading in·the area of Fortran programming or of computer design and will close. ltd like to leave you with this thought: If you do see an engineer playing tunes on a slide rule or see an accountant's fingers pecking swiftly at the keys of a desk calculator, please hand him a penci I and ask him to start doodling. o 9 298 1-/. /9 r c ,--- . ,..-. c' 3, /I :';'./9. / i J w A ~ :~ ~ \ :t DO YOU HAVE PROBLEMS ? do you do RE PETITIVE WORK on a desk calculator? do your problems involve NUMBERS and WHA T HAS TO BE DONE with those numbers? why not have a COMPUTER f/.!~ ... solve your problems for you? ~ ... ~ t.;; its EASY $ ......... :() \.,'" "'" .sl'P( 1 - -- - --- -- ---- --_.-........--- first, tell the computer what NUMBERS 191.'25 1654.0 2.0 .3 you are going to use. suppose they are: on the· form shown below, yourll see a column headed OP and a columnhe~ded NUMBERS writeLOD and 191. 25 on the first line under these columns. do thesa:me for the other numbers. h.ere'~$how °' 1.. 0;D· ~-- ~t£.~ ~ 11 ~p~ 1 1 ~r"-'2 ~f"iQ ......I- ~O-A ~ .,., ..:....;, f8-~ ,. 1.. 11t A a IIO~- .' 1.:0 V _ the form wi 11 look after you have done this: I:' l1.l & . ·LQ,D ~ R~ : ,;.,,, , .'. L I • .. ! I j i -1 0' '" ".~. ".' a·' ...• .j I .L i ~ I ~ --L.;~L.. I~ I , j I , I I I i -' . • 3 ~. r'- . --....-l.. t.t.1. .cr J. I .1 Nu~eERS I • ,2., S.... - 1 - -. ~~ ~f t. .6,5 ..'t~ I . ...l. I La ,II'>( . , ry I . ...l. I . .f j I j a ~R. L-J-- t-- --4--'---+_ I - ~ i -~~.- c.. II I -_ .. i t I I 1- I , .~' >t . ' "I -.- ---- NT .s i i. I (.0 N\ N\.~ . .----- .. , _ _. I. I, ~J-!-----.-- -' I , I I' ., .~ ~O -.-... Sl , 01 1.. ~ \ / t{ f \ ~" ) M m ~I ~I o ~ ~ now tell the computerWHA T TO DO to do this, you'll need some OP'so you've already used one. it was LOD. some other Opr's look like this: ADD SUB MPY DIV ~ ~" ~ "- you cal1 guess \vhat these 111ean . ~ ........-. t~ ~ .stl"E .J .. the opt s you'll need are: suppose your problen1 is this: \ +- (1) 191.25 1654 (2) 2 x .3 MPY (3) add the t\VO results together. ADD DIV . here's ho\v you \vould \vrite out the problen1 0' '- 1 l ~t.M 1t- I I. . .01 i L.,O ,:? ~ -u'2 • ! -~ :8-:~ ~o. ,&; .0.-7 ..l O~ __ 1 ...\ 0 .... • J. -', -0 ~~. I 1', .... I L(,')i .-'-- I y',. Ul. I "'1 ~ i 0 3 : !A.D Df ; ; '0.5 "" . ():E1 I . , ' ' --"- , . '- -t> .--.- -- ~-~ I • i I -. --~ I t I ',:n :lJ-, , , I . I NU""DEI'tS 1M ~_~ I l(;~'II '.' ~ - _1-2- 1 E'> I t I I I . . . '--'" ~ .~ ... C. . .~ J.:a • . • . . I.' t . I . . , .-L-J.--.. . • I • I -- • I • -~--- NT 5 £, L I I I <:"OMN\~ •. • ,3. ~~ 1.1- t .. I.q ~ • ','O.L. I ~ . . . J ~~ C. i.. & . I 'J ~ ..,. I", bC.~~: :o:s_ i fL p' _ , i): Y Y I ! I)~ ~ A itt -----.. ---.- .--------. I I • .I "" L"It,·~"... \~ -- ~ SLIDE ,. . . r.._ C.·1 ~ f -.. '. ~, ) (-J o ~J ~ you'll have to tell the computer to print out item 107. place a "1" in the column headed P place END as the last OP here is how the form looks when you have written out your problem completely: JliT~M ~ 1:'.1.. 0' _LJ1. A ~lf·l", & I. c. lill [11 II: ~UM B£~S J: c.oN\~i NT 5-- -r I [F=lifr9~ .• .}.;..s. -" . . ff'~:3' Rt~:~LI : : : I,' I : ~ ~ I I : : : I I m~ -?: q~. ..-...-~+-III f - - - - - "4 I IL~ o.D t ;.1 _~ __ I· I : I I 1 I I I I ~ I>f~- -:-.3. I . I .' 1 J 1LO.t> I T~~n -- rr I .-- .--.--r-I . ~. I -I -+-::........ : I - I I : I I I !J:Q:§: 11£~I'U:~:1: UJ:gtll : : : II iTEtI · : ~ : : : : :u: II .u:.L '~:~:gi I':O:~: II'~O:(): II : : : 1111'b~~ : :_::_::: : :-H-------1~.IOR rO~9. .. t\ ~ ~ ,~~ rn .g." 1 1 _1 __ .1 1 ....L "- ,~ ~.,~ c.',J ~J 5L'''f S' LIST OF opts OP LOD ADD SUB MPY DIV SIN COS EXP QRT ATN ABS LOG END *MUV *RET *BCH *SUM WHAT IT DOES load a nunlber into the SI)e<-ified itenl itenl A ... itenl B itenl A - itenl B itenl A x itenl B itenl A f itenl B sine of item A (radians) cosine of itenl A (radians) itenl A raised to the itenl B l)o\\·er square root of itenl A arctangent of itenl A (radians) absolute value of itenl A natural log of item A last card of problenl solution· or of ne\v set of numbers move item A last OP in a subroutine branch to item A, B, or C sum from item A to item B *For these OP's see chapter called "For the Advanced Doodler." ~ "- .~ " '~:..,:. @ -=.. 5LII>E , "-I, ~ \, ) I' '\ \1 j o n ~ " _3.' It suppose you need the value of" ." " in your problem.' you can tell the computer what the VALUE of " .". "is and at the same time, write down a NAME for the ." item. you will then be able to refer to that item by the ~NAME you have given it, as well as its NUMBER. here's how to tell the computer to calculate the area of a circle whose radius is 8.1623 the equation is A = .". r2 -- - ... _.... - ..-.:_: : I ~sf;l; II nI:;r~:~:J;6~~~ :: II ~ a£i:II~J;6I'r:~:; II~:~: :II ::· II I I~r Y1 • • • • • • • • • ~'( ,~ I '<.' ~ ........... 0') ~'" j l. 10' 7 I I I I I .... !", , I I I I ,, ! • ...'" ! I t I, ! i 'Z It tal I f f I ~ 0 t , . _. . •r . .... ,• .- .- r-- .- \J .- .. .. . .. · . - . . .. .. . · . . .. . . .. · - .. . . . .. - : - .1-, _. J ... - . . · · . .. .: '" .. · .. · ~ III ID • ",..=~ t . .,- .· .. · .. ·r '" -, 1 . W rl.. tJ-Tf ,.;. 1.. . _if-~ :J "2 .1 I I ~ ~ - ... 1... .- -t- ... .. - ~.!S -l_ -.. ..... - ,J~ -- .. - ."';; 10.- .. \J f- r. ~ · .,..- -' . ~. 4 . ,- r- - -.- - 10- -- .-..- .- t-- •.. - 1--" · .. .. · . · .. · · - ... .- · .. < ._- ~ - ..... ~ lc ~ G.\ 10 ~ ~ "2 . . .. ~ ..J I'~ uJ . 0 - . · . ~ I- I• ~ · ~\l -!I ~ '.-i"' ~ ~. i--- -- ~ .. ~ ...- _._ ..... I· I . • • .d~t''S:: . . c...,_ ~ ~, I I'" !£,~ .. I ldC"" C! ±k d~ Ll/9.~f'~ (I -r. 309 ~. .~ ~ OP A LOD LOD LOD MUV MUV MUV A B C B c OP A B c A ADD B C SUB MPY ARGl ARGl ARGl ARG2 ARG2 ARG2 ARGl ARGI ARGI ARGI MUV MUV MUV ARGl ARGl ARGl ARG2 A B MUV ARG2 ARGI ARGI ARGI ~ , ~ }~:~ -"-, \~.~ ,,-c: jL '''' , OPNO. A OP B .C .. 01 02 14 25 25 40 5-2 34 ; 3·7 A LOD LOD LOD MUV MUV MPY' ARCl MUV ON-E SUB SIN. ARGl ARGl B ONE ARGl ARG2 ARGl ARG2 ARGl B B :. ARG2 ARG2 1 0102142540523437 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I· :t".~ ...}.i~'· . . .. -.. ".;' ~ \, ) ..sLa.E 10 .rOi't r ~-.~ \. / .~ '\ ;I ... ......-..-. -......-.......- PDQ FORTRAN For Paper Tape 1620 Edited by J .. W. Trantum P. G. Boekhoff -3193 MRD DIVISION General American Transportation Corporation 7501 North Natchez Avenue Niles, Illinois Phone: 312 NI7-7000 Ext. 233 April 1964 We wish to acknowledge the generously given help of Frank H. Maskiell, and all associated with the development of P.D.Q. Fortran. 3J2 TABLE OF CON'I'ENTS SECTION I II III .ABSTRACT If • • • .. • II .. 0 • • .. • • • Lan.guage Specifieations 0 .. • 0 e o . .. • • It • • • • • 0 •.• • • • • • • 8 .................................... 8 • • 8 • 0 0 4f • • • 1 . 2 List Of Permissible Statements •• 2 Additional Specificationsv •••••• Relocatable Subroutines ••••••••••••••••••• 3 9 Error Messages During Processing •.•••••••• 11 Operating Instructions •.• v•••••.•• Consol 13 Operating and Set Up. Error' Procedure •.•••.••••••••• " ••••••••••• Debug and Protect Feature ................... . Object .. Progra.rn. Errors .. IV Physical Description ........ 0 ••••• 0 00008.888 e e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••• 00 ........ 8 •••••• "' 0 ••• ••••• 13 13 13 14 15 /1r-··~" ",~,/ Modification of the System ••.•••••••••.••• 15 15 16 Object Time Error 17 Tape Layout s .......... v••••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••• Adding Re10catable Subroutines............ V . ••••• ~odification. Error in the System •••••••• o. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i 18 I 1620 USERS GROUP LIBRARY PROGRAM ABSTRACT Title: PDQ Fortran for Paper Tape Author; Organization: Date: Apri.l. 20, 1964 Direct Inquiries to: J. Wo Trantum, P. G. Boekhoff MRD-GATC Users Group Membership Code: 3193 J.,W. Trantum, P. G. Boekhoff MRD/GATC 7501 N. Natchez Avenue, Niles, Ill. Phone: NI 7-7000, Ext. 233 Description/Purpose: PDQ Paper tape is a modification of PDQ card system which generates shorter, faster object programs than any other system available for machines without Floating Point Hardware. Specifications: A. Storage: I. Processor requires 17250 allowing 2. Class A subroutines require 6400 275 symbols B. Equipment Required by System: Paper tape, Auto Divide, 20K. Program will adjust for additional memory. Additional Remarks: Any program written in FO-004 or U.T.O. may be compiled in PDQ. Additional facilities in PDQ include: COMMON statements, batch compilation, continuation of r/Q and FORMAT statements, expanded format (A and D specifications) and multiple specifications (nFw.d), "Free Format" input, improved listing of source program, PROCEDURE statements, TRACE statements., MOVE statements, IF statement with continue feature, additional relocatable subroutines, Fixed Point ADD and SUBTRACT in line - No Fixed Constants i.n the Symbol Table. o 3 13 1 · - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _OOM~~:&lIlIJIIiiIiji_iWIiliiU1'idiii$i!_i••liitiiii&I"J .. 11Lm,.t_:J\Ull~~M"...·_l ...·-"'-I'.[ - ----- II _________ ~ __ ~. _ _ ~~~_ ..... _ ......... ___ ..... _~ 'OM. Language Specifications Any proper statement in the FO-oo4 or UTa languages is allowed. Permissible Statements. A. Arithmetic Statements: A B. List of =B op C etc. Control Statements: 1. GO TO n 2. GO 'ro (n , n , 2 l 3· IF (a) nl , n 2 , n3 4. IF (SENSE SWITCH i) n l , n 2 (any of the n. in 3 and 4 above may be replaced by the letter c) n ), i m l 5. DO n i = m1 , DO n m or 2 = ml , i m2 , m3 6.. BEGIN PROCEDURE 7. RETURN 8. END PROCEDURE 9. EXECUTE PROCEDURE n /il" '", n \,~,.", n 10. CONTINUE 11. CONTROL 12. PAUSE n m 13· . STOP 14. END 15. BEGIN TRACE 16. END TRACE 17. MOVE m n, A, B or MOVE n, A, B, m 3 1 !~ 2 c A procedure is defined as a group of FORTRAN statements which are to be executed as a unit more than once in any larger program. Such a group of statements is preceded by a statement BEGIN PROCEDURE n where n is a procedure number. (Note - This number must not appear anywhere in the program as a statement number, and cannot be used in more than one procedure.) The procedure statements must be followed by the statement END PROCEDURE n where n is the number of the procedure. The procedure n may be executed at any time by the statement EXECUTE PROCEDURE n which transfers control to the statement immediately following the BEGIN PROCEDURE n statement a.nd' obeys the 'statements of procedure n until 3j 3 ~ a) the END PROCEDURE n statement is executed, which transfers control to the statement immediately following the EXECUTE PROCEDURE n statement that entered the procedure. b) a RETURN n statement is executed. This return$ control to the statement immediately following the EXECUTE PROCEDURE n statement that entered the procedure. A RETURN statement is valid only within the procedure from which it returns control. Any statement may be included within a procedure, including EXECUTE PROCEDURE statements referring to other procedures, except: B. a) BEGIN PROCEDURE, RETURN, or END PROCEDURE statements referring to other procedures. b) EXECUTE PROCEDURE referring to the procedure within which it is placed. CONTROL m This statement controls the typewriter carriage C. m = 101 spaces typewriter m = 102 returns typewriter carriage m = 108 tabulates PAUSE The program execution is halted by a 48 op code in the main line program. Depression of the "START" key will cause the co~puter to continue to the next instruction. D. STOP m The program execution is halted after the carriage is returned and STOP m is typed. If m is omitted, STOP 0000 will be typed. Depressing "STARr" will cause the computer to continue to the next program instruction. m, if present, must be an Unsigned constant, a < m < 9999. E. END The program execution is halted after the .carriage is returned and END is typed. Depressing "START" will cause the carriage to return and END to be typed. 316 ~;l(). ;/ C • F. TRACE The results of all arithmetic statements may be t~aced without the generation of any additional in-line instructions. Replacement type statements (A == B, C = D(K), I == J) will not be traced since no arithmetic operation is required and, hence, FAC is not used. If the replacement statement includes a subscripted variable on each side of the equality, the statement may be traced. The tracing of arithmetic statements at object time is by the use of SWITCH 4. BEGIN TRACE will "tiur;n on the trace feature. Thi.s will replace the normal FMFAC instruction (26 ADDR, FAC) with a combination "FMFACTRACE'· instruction (17 FMI'R, ADDR). Each arithmetic statement thereafter will permit tracing. Tracing will be terminated when an END TRACE statement is encountered. Succeeding statements will not be traced until another BEGIN TRACE is read. G. -PRINT PRINT n, list will cause the variables in the list to be printed according to the format specification.n after a carriage return has been executed. This conforms with the PRINT 'statement of l,i'0-o04. No indexing is permissible within the list. ( ""'" H. TYPE / TYPE n, list performs the same function as PRINT n, list with the exception that no carriage return will be executed prior to the output of data. This will permi t the printing of cO.lumns of data utilizing the typewriter tab setti,ngs and the CONTROL 108 statement ... I. INPUT/OUTPUT LISTS Jf the length of the list in an input/output statement requires more characters than are availabl.e before colurrm 78 ,thelistmay be. continued in the next statement. ' Terminate the list preceding a continuation a comma. Continuation statements must have a digit (a continuation number of character) preceding the remainder of the list. J. COMMON 'The COMMON statement 1,s followed by·a'list of variables whose object tlme addresses will in the first symbol location after the function symbols. This will enable the' assignment of. addresses to symbols cOmmon in sever91 programs. Dimensioned variables which are listed in COMMON statements will have the necessary space reserved and must riot be again listed i.n a DIMENSION statement. CAUTION: The COMMON staterp.ent(s) must be the first compiled statement in the program. EXAMPLE: COMMON A,B, C,D(2,4),E 31 7 5 ." .. ,........ ,.. ......... ,...."........:..r...".................,""'-,.....,-"_ . .. ..,......"'-'-_ ~ K. MOVE MOVE n, A, B or n, A, B, m ,1f""'- The purpose of the MOVE statement is to transmit a specified set of fields to specified locations. m (if present) and n must be unsigned constants. A and/or B may be subscripted; the contents or the locations to be transmitted may be fixed, ,floating, or note If m or n are specified ,to be more than 2 digits) they will be treated modulo 100Q \",.$' If m is omitted or specified to bel, n fields will be transmitted from A and (n-l) successively lower locations to' Band (n·-l) successi,vely lower locations. If m is specified .to be >1" n fields. 'will be moved from every mth location beginning with A to every mth location beginning with B, The MOVE statement generates 3 instructions in the object program (36 core positions). Example: MOVE 3, x(l), y(2), 4 (36 positions) is the real way to say 100 IX) 100 I = 1, 9,4 . y(I+l) = x(I) (120 positions in line + 20 in symbol table for I and 100) / ~ °gJ evaluates signum (x) ' 0.0, 1.0, Method - obvious Length - 52 digits Speed - 2.5 msec. x x x Accuracy - Perfect 9. , ( "'"'' , ONE - evaluates the Heaviside unit step function l(x) Method - obvious Length - 76 digits Speed - 2.2 msec. == r10.5, 0.0, x < x == (1.0, x > ~oJ' ~.'~ AccuraC!y - Perfect. Error Messages During Processing PDQ FORTRAN has,a limited ability to detect errors in the grammar and syntax of FORTRAN. This capability is not adequate and is included mainly to ensure that the processor does not destroy itself. The PDQ FORTRAN error messages are: Error No. Condition 1 Incorrectly formed statement 2 Subscripted variable for which no DIMENSION statement has previously appeared in the program, dimensioned variable 'used without subscripts, ,variable in DIMENSION statement has already appeared in the source program. o ~ ,;l{). 11 II Error No. Condition 3 Floating point number not in allowable range of values, or fixed point number contains more than four digits. 4 Symbol table full. 5 Mixed mode expression. 6 Variable name in an expression contains more than five characters. 7 Switch number has been omitted in an IF (SENSE SWITCH n) statement. 8 A comma follows the statement number in a DO statement. 9 A DIMENSION statement ends with a comma, more than two dimensions have been specified in a DIMENSION statement. 10 Unnumbered FORMAT statement. 11 Incorrect representation in a FORMAT statement in one of the following ways: * + . ,) in numerical a. Special character ( = @ field specification. b. Alphabetic character other than D, E, F, I, or A in a numerical field specification. c. Decimal pOint missing in an E or F-type numerical field specification. d. The number of positions to the right of the decimal point has not been given in an E or F-type numerical field specification. e. A record mark appears in a numerical field specifica- tion or an alphanumeric field. f. The first character following the word FORMAT is not a ( g. The last character is not, or ) . 12 The total record width specified in a FORMAT statement is greater than 99 characters. 13 A FORMAT statement number has been omitted in an input/output statement. 12 III Operating Instructions 1. Clear Core 2. Load PDQ Processor 3. Switch Settings 36 00000 003 Parity and I/O t~ Stop, OFLOW to program Program Switch ('''''' Note: On Off 1 List ONLY object time addresses of source statements List source statements and symbol table 2 Do not list names and locations of relocatable subroutines (functions) List complete symbol table 3 Do not compile subroutines on object tape Compile subroutines on object ta~e 4 Source program is on tape Enter source program on typewriter If switch 1 is on at the end of the compilation, the symbol table will NOT be typed, but the highest address below the object-programsymbol-table will be typed. Error Procedure If a source statement error is encountered the processor will type an error message and halt. Pressing START will transfer control to the typewriter so that the statement may be correct'ly typed in. Sense Switch 4 serves its usual role with rega'rd to typing errors and must be turned off before releasestart is pressed. In some circumstances a source program error may result in a MAR CHECK. In this event one may enter a branch to the error routine (4911~B't) and proceed as above. Debug and Protect Feature The symbol-table locations for which entries are not defined at compile time will be initialized to flag-record marks in low address (high-order address) of each symbol location at the time subroutines are loaded. This will protect the subroutines and the remainder of the symbol table from the disastrous effects of referring to undefined symbols (fixed variables excepted). Further, the record mark will generate a MAR CHECK if an undefined symbol is encountered by the subroutines. c 325 Jl02(). )3 13 Object Program Errors Error conditions detected by the subroutines generate the following error messages and results: Condition Message Contents of FAC Operation Overflow in fixed or floating arithmetic OFLO NINES continued Underflow in fixed or floating arithmetic UNFLO ZERO continued Overflow in EXP Underflow in EXP EX OFLO NINES ZERO continued continued EX UF10 Negative argument in SQRT I AIN'T REAL Argument out of range in SIN-COS Function Undefined Beyond Allowable Range (FUBAR) ""argumentt' argument continued terminated (If-" l,eJiI.....,pJ Zero argument in LOG LOG 00 MINUS NINES continued Negative argument in LOG I CAN'T TAKE YOUR LOG log \argumentl continued Input out of range (none) NINES continued Fixed Point Arithmetic The operators +, ~ and * in the fixed point mode give results mod 10000. Hence, the addition of 9998 and 4 gives 2 with no error detection due to the overflow. Should division by 0 be attempted, an error overflow will be indicated. 326 14 C", " IV Physical Description ~. Processor tape consists of the following records 1. Loader and identifier (numeric) 2. Tables and program (numeric) 3. Subroutine; names dump of locations 00100 through 17850. (alpha) Subroutine tape consists of the following records (all numeric) 1. Loader and identifier 2. Tables 3. Relocator (dump or locations 00500 through 02553) 4.a Relocatable subroutines (many card images) 4.b End-of-relocatables record -5. Class A subroutines (dump or locations 00100 through 06367) 6. Loader 7. Symbol-table initializer 8. I/O buffer initializer 9. Type message, halt, and branch to 06400 A duplicator program is provided with the system. both the processor and subroutines. It will duplicate Adding Relocatable Subroutines The name of the subroutine must be added to the last record of the processor. Its order number in that record is the subroutine #+ 1., Subroutines must be written and processed in an SPS which produces card-image output e.g., 1620-1710 SPS. Subroutines must begin with DORG 5000. Flags on the zero and one positions of each instruction will cause the P and Q addresses respectively to be relocated. No other flags may be used in addresses' to be relocated except for positions 6 and 11. Flags in those locations will gener~te proper indirect addresses. 327 C "',I ,',' 15 - -------------------- -,._---.-.. ...- ' - - , To assemble a relocatable subroutine, delete all records from the SPS output except those containing information generated by program instructionsj i.e., delete the loaders and tables. Then add header and trailer records as follows: Header Record XX (Subroutine No.) 62 blanks of: (Subroutine No. must be less than 23) Trailer Records 1. Memory-capacity digit records 64 blanks Xxxxxf: (location of any digit which must be adjusted for memory size. 2. Subroutine length reoord xxxxx (length of subroutine - must be even) 57 blanks aooof: • Modifications of the System The following modifications to the system may be incorporated at the user's discretion. 10 Compilation Errors If the user prefers not to correct source program errors at compile time he may (1) ignore the erroneous statement by changing the digit in location 13241 of the processor to 9, or (2) terminate compilation by changing the contents of locations 13241-6 to 909860. 2. Trace Format To elimi.nate printing of the 4-digit address of the traced variable, change subroutine locations 02694-5, 02736-'7 to 41. To modify the Format for Fixed and Floating variable change the fields at 2327 and 2359 respectively to the desired specifications. 3. Plus Signs in Output Plus signs are normally omi.tted in both tape and typewriter output. To obtain plus signs in output change the digit in location 03196 of the subroutines to 1 for floating output, change 04694 to 1 for fixed output. 32b 16 · tttt rtMH c d bHtiU·xtiH+ritin+·\ *"¥+++witt.l'··ii+,.r· ... ··'··J· u·iljGiiiAlI,Hi.-··T ... ·'trrn · zvu·P"2 .- Object Time Error Modifi.cation Any error condition message may be deleted by changing the carriage return and output instruction op-codes to 41. The system now has a Nap instruction following each of the instructions which write error messageso These may be changed either to Halt instructions (48) or 'to branch to END (·\490262~) to terminate the program. 329 17 V Error in the System There is one known error in PDQ FORTRAN inherited from FORTRAN with FORMAT. The statements A ::; - B ** C or will compile as if they were A = (-B) ** C or A = (-B) ** I To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to write * * C) A - - (B * * I) A = - (B or /("", (",,..lV' c 18 SEX FORTRAN For Paper-Tape 1620 Edited by P. G. Boekhoff - 3193 MRD DIVISION General American Transportation Corporation 7501 North Natchez Avenue Niles, Illinois Phone: 312 NI 7-7000 Ext. 233 (""~" ,.' May 1964 The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of John W. Trantum, Frank H. Maskiell, John W. Holmes, Messrs. Forbisher and Laroche, and all others whose work has made possible the development of this system. o 331 I THE CONCEPT OF SEX SEX FORTRAN is a system based on, and largely identical to, PDQ FORTRAN for Paper Tape. To the best of the author's knowledge, no one presently disputes the claim that PDQ is the most efficient and powerful FORTRAN in existence for a poor man's 1620 (20K, auto divide); this is a sufficient (though not entirely the actual) reason for taking PDQ as a starting point. One reason for the writing of SEX FORTRAN is that any FORTRAN must be less than maximally efficient, and that many progrffiTh~ers are sophisticated enough to recognize and circumvent (e.g., by judicious patching) the inherent inefficiencies. In most systems, this requires the programmer to operate outside the language. SEX is designed to give this type of programmer a head start toward program efficiency by providing several new, frightfully nonstandard statements in the language, and by streamlining the treatment of parts of the standard FORTRAN language. A second reason for SEX is that, in several instances at the author's installation, programs have appeared which have overlapped by several thousand locations - too much to permit a simple tightening of the source program, but small enough to suggest that there should be a reasonable way to squeeze them into core. SEX provides an answer in two ways. First, for the programmer who does not wish to stray from conventional FORTRAN, any program in aIde FORTRAN, . FO-004, UTO, or PDQ may simply be recompiled in SEX from the original source.* This will save from 3500 to perhaps 3000 locations on a large program, depending upon the system against which a comparison may be made. For example, any program requiring 25,000 locations in UTa, or about 23,500 in PDQ, will almost certainly fit a 20K machine in SEX. The SEX object program begins in location 03100, and both the object program and the symbol table are generally shorter (never longer) than those generated by any of the above systems. -<''''\ \~,.,J Second, for the benefit of the programmer who has outgrown the idea that the 1620 is a mysterious black box, the more powerful language of SEX will permit corners to be cut in the source program. The other side of the question of efficiency is time. Exclusive of I/O, running time in SEX is slightly but not significantly faster than PDQ. The I/O'subroutines process faster in SEX; actual time spent on the I/O operations depends in other systems on the format, which is rigidly fixed in SEX. Thus no direct comparison is possible. The author claims, however, that SEX in general does yield a faster as well as a shorter object program than any other system for this simple-minded machine configuration. * A few statements are not accepted by the SEX processor: SAY and OUT 332 ,Jf. ;2/. / /. () II THE TECHNIQUE OF SEX The best way to permit a significantly longer object program is, of course, to remove unnecessary instructions from the Class A subroutines. Since the author did not wish to cripple any of the PDQ arithmetic subroutines, the input-output routines (some 3500 locations) were discarded and replaced by a set of rather austere I/O subroutines requiring only 350 locations. This is the greatest space-saving innovation in SEX, and it is from the two new statements corresponding to these routines (SELECT and EXTERNAL) that the system derives its name. Accompanying the adoption of this new set of I/O routines there are of course restrictions on data format. All numeric data must appear in excess-fifty or in 10-digit fixed-point representation (DIO format), one value per record. Alphameric data, in A5 format, may also be input or output if desired. Since all format (except typewriter control) is strictly defined,there are no FORMAT statements in the system (they will be accepted but ignored by the processor). The arithmetic subroutines for fixed-point addition and subtraction have been eliminated. The add and subtract instructions now appear in line. This results in a saving of 30 locations in the Class A subroutines, at the expense of one instruction (12 locations) in the relocatable LOG subroutine. Further, smaller savings of space were introduced by a slight change in the STOP routine and by the author's willingness to accept a somewhat questionable format for "TRACE output (these are described in Section IV 'below) . The symbol table has been shortened in SEX by the elimination of fixedpoint constants (these now appear in line) and by ignoring FORMAT statement numbers. The adoption of the PDQ "continue" feature for IF statements makes possible the elimination of many statement numbers from the source program (and hence from the symbol table). The object program itself is for the most part the same as that generated by PDQ (i.e., shorter than in any other system), with two exceptions: FORMAT statem~nts are ignored, and fixed-point arithmetic statements of the form I = I - J (where J is any fixed-point expression) are compiled correctly by SEX, which saves one or two in-line instructions depending on the form of J. In many programs, logic is determined by defining variables which function only as binary switches to be tested by the program. To eliminate the obvious waste of reserving 10 digits in the symbol table for each such creature, SEX provides a bank of ten single-digit SENSE LIGHTS, which are described in Section V. For the sophisticated programmer, it is possible ln SEX to save further space in cases which are beyond the limited psychic capabilities of the SEX processor. Provision is made for the programmer to patch his program at compile time. The HANG PATCH statement is discussed in Section V. . III THE LANGUAGE OF SEX The following is a list of permissible SEX statements. For the most part, these are the usual statements found in any 1620 FORTRAN, from FO-oo4 on up. Those which were introduced (or altered in meaning and/or treatment) by PDQ have been marked with a single asterisk. Statements marked with a double asterisk are peculiar to SEX. A. Arithmetic and Data Transmission A =B op C etc. * MOVE n, A, B or * MOVE n, A, B. B, m Input/Output and Format ** SELECT, wxyz ** EXTERNAL, List ACCEPT n, List P:IRINT.n,List PUNCH n, List READ n, List *TYPE n, List FORMAT ( ) CONTROL n C. Program Control and Logic CONTINUE GO TO n GO TO (nl , .•. , n j DO n i = ~, DO n i ), i m2 or ::: ~, m , mg 2 33'1 .If. ~/. 3 C ** LIGHT i ** LIGHTS ON OFF ON OFF IF (Expression) n , n , n3 l 2 IF (SENSE SWITCH i) n , n 2 l IF (SENSE LIGHT i)nl , n 2 PAUSE * * ** STOP or STOP n EXECUTE . PROCEDURE n BEGIN PROCEDURE n RETURN n END PROCEDURE n. END D. Declarative and Miscellaneous ** HANG PATCH DIMENSION * COMMON * BEGIN TRACE * END TRACE All statements are interpreted and compiled as they are in PDQ FORTRAN except as herein noted. 335 IV NEW TREATMENT OF STATEMENTS ~, Most statements are handled by SEX as they are by PDQ. A. The exceptions: ',,,v ACCEPT, PRINT, PUNCH, READ, TYPE - each of these I/O sta.tements is compiled in the "standard" manner, subject to the format restrictions of SEX; i.e., each generates a SELECT instruction (q.v.) defining the format that I have decreed to be the most "natural tf, followed by an EXTERNAL instruction for each list variable. AN I/O statement with no list (SUCh as PRINT 1) will generate (a) a SELECT instruction in the object program, and (b) a compilation error. The error routine allows the operator to leave the SELECT instruction in the object program or to overlay it with the next statement. I/O continuation statements (as in PDQ) are accepted by the system. B. FORMAT - the SEX processor will accept but ignore FORMAT statements and continuations (their statement numbers will not appear in the symbol table). All I/O defined by the statements listed in paragraph A must be numeric, in DIO format. Alphameric I/O (in A5 format) is also allowed but must be specified by a SELECT statement. C. STOP or STOP n - The only innovation here is the abbreviation of the printed message to S NNNN. D. TRACE - The format for trace output has been modified to AA.A.AAVvvvvvvvvv for floating and AA.A.AAOOGGGGVvvv for fixed variables, where A is the address of the variable, V is the value of the variable, and G is whatever garbage may be in. the accumulator. (f--", 'c",.",,/ w. 'M'HI t r h" t \\ bIt ttrte Ifi V ~. TREATMENT OF NEW STATEMENTS The following is a description of the new statements mentioned in Section I. A. SELECT, wxyz This is the statement which defines format and controls all input and output. The arguments are as follows: w = x ('~" y ..."". = = ( ( ( ( 0 for numeric input 1 for alpha input 2 for numeric output ~ 3 for alpha output ( ( ( ( 1 for typewriter 2 for paper-tape punch 3 for paper-type reader ( 0 for no control before first list item 1 for space before first list item 2 for carriage return before first list item 3 for tab before first list item ~ ( ( ( z = same as y; applies to all items in list except the first. The polypotent SELECT statement generates one instruction in line which sets up the I/O subroutines to handle the list variables in succeeding EXTERNAL statements. The arguments corresponding to standard" r/o statements are: TI ACCEPr ... 0123 C PRINT - 2123 PUNCH - 2200 READ - 0300 TYPE - 2133 337 ~------ B. -.-". .. EXTERNAL, List This statement generates, for each list variable, an instruction to input or output the variable as specified by the last SELECT statement encountered. As an example of the use of SELECT and EXTERNAL statements, consider the following two programs: C PROGRAM I (PDQ) READ 1506*, A, B, C PRINT 1506, A, B, C 1506 FORMAT (D10, 5X, D10, 5X, D10) c PROGRAM II (SEX) SELECT, 0300 EXTERNAL, A, B, C SELECT, 2123 EXTERNAL, A, B, C /t:iIIf~, <",./IV' END The operation of these programs is identical (in fact, the SEX object programs generated would be identical). In Program II, the first SELECT statement tells the I/O subroutines that data are to be read numerically (w = 0) from paper tape (x = 3), with no typewriter carriage control (y = z = 0). The first EXTERNAL statement causes the values of 3 variables to be read and stored. The second SELECT tells the subroutines to write numeric (w = 2) on the typewriter (x = 1) with a carriage return preceding the first item on each EXTERNAL list (y = 2) and a tab preceding each succeeding item (z = 3). The final EXTERNAL statement causes the values of the list variables to be read from storage and output as specified. c. LIGHT i ON (or OFF) The function of this statement is obvious except for the definition of the symbol i, which can be either a single digit (0 through 9) or the name * cf. Forbisher-Laroche 338 7 G · . . mn . Jrn""5nHfre . of a vari~ble presumably (though not necessarily) defined elsewhere. If a variable, the light affected will be that corresponding to the low-order digit of the value of the variable at the time this statement is executed. If the variable is fixed-point, this will be the units digit. Use of a floating point variable in this statement is permissible, sometimes useful, and usually dangerous. The sign of the variables will have no effect unless the program is being run with IA turned on, in which case the author disclaims responsibility. Example: The sequence Q = 0.0 LIGHT Q ON DO I IDIOT = 6903, 6907, 2 I LIGHT IDIOT ON LIGHT 9 ON will cause lights 0, 3, 5, 7, and 9 to be turned on, in that order. Loading the subroutines to start the program. will reset all lights OFF. If any light is turned on, it may be turned off again only by means of an OFF statement; interrogating a light does NOT turn it off. D. LIGHTS ON (or OFF) This statement simultaneously sets (or resets) all 10 lights. IF (SENSE LIGHT i) n , n 2 l As in the ON and OFF statements, i may be the name of a variable; as in other IF statements, one (or both) of the statement numbers may be omitted. If the light referenced is on, the program branches to ~; if off, to n 2 • E. If both statement numbers are omitted AND i is the name of a variable, the object program may not run properly. The continuation feature for all IF statements has been modified from PDQ; the letter C for the continuation may be replaced by anything (or nothing) neither beginning with a numeric digit nor including a comma. This should be of great value to those of us who delight in writing fudge recipes and/or bad poetry in our programs. Ci ., ( 3. II ~J F. HANG PATCH This statement allows a machine-language patch to be entered at compilation. When a HANG PATCH statement is encountered, the·SEXprocessor transfers control to the typewriter to accept the patch, the idea being that the map listing being produced will make the necessary addresses available. Two of the more immediately obvious uses of this statement are for alpha output (such as column headings) and for direct branches within the object program to avoid using symbol-table space for statement numbers. A few words of caution are in order: (1) normally, no record mark should appear in the patch. In this case, the last digit entered at the typewriter will be the last digit inserted into the object program; (2) if a record mark with no flag appears in the patch, it will go into the object program as the last digit of the patch, and anything following the record.markwill be ignored; (3) if a flagged record mark appears in. the patch, the preceding digit will be assumed to be the last digit of the patch; (4) the processor will accept unflinchingly a patch with an odd number of digits. Care is.advised. 34 II 9 pH l1{h· "··b {rttHlHWfhri ·db.drtri¥Ri&*WMiHW.....([ TIi ''''!Ii"'t .. VI r" r III ,r FI II I". P DESCRIPrION AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM The processor occupies locations 00100-17480, permitting 252 entries in the symbol table. The Class A subroutines end in location 03099. Relocatable subroutines are stolen directly from PDQ (q.v.). Errors detected at compile time are for the most part the same as those of PDQ, UTO, etc. The routine for handling them is a bit different. When an error is detected by the processor, a message is typed and the machine halts. If Switch 2 is turned on and the START key depressed, the carriage will return and a corrected statement may be entered at the typewriter. If Switch 2 is off when START is depressed, the erroneous statement will be ignored and the next statement will be read in. This error routine and the existence of the HANG PATCH statement make it advisable for the programmer to be available at compile time. Simple patches are provided with the system to permit changing these procedures for closed-shop operation. Except as noted here, operation of SEX is the same as with PDQ. and instructions are provided with the system. 10 Details THE ART OF DEBUGGING ('If">-' "~""jOII" E. J. Orth, Jr. Southern S,M:1ces, Inc. ~'" Ii .. q ({~' ,I-i ------------------------~----~--~--~--------- ~---- The Art of Debugging E, J. Orth, Jr. Southern Services, Inc. 600 North lath Street Birmingham, Alabama. 35202 This talk is based on experiences' in writing and debugging large FORTRAN II programs at the Computer Center at Southern Services, Inc., in Birmingham, Alabama. • As such, it is the sum total of' the experiences ot several' people. Although specific reference will be to FORTRAN II oriented debugging, the techniques may be applied to any system. No claims are made tor new ideas. Bather it is hoped that this representation of old ideas in what is hope tully a new framework will be useful to all concerned. FORTRAN II provides two types of' trace: An equals trace, and a logical trace of sorts. The equals trace prints the result ot each arithm~tic statement; the logical trac'e prints the results of oODlPUtations specified within an IF statement. The normal output mode i~ the typewriter; however, an' object time modification described in The 1620 Users Group Newslet1;er, Vol. 1, No.2, allows conversion to punch mode. The normal FatTRAN trace will be called the micro trace in the rest of' this discussion. (: A long program involving many computations would require reams ot micro trace to reach a bug oceuring late in the program. The tollowing techniques mal" be used to simplify the problem: 1. The subprogram concept 2. The PAUSE N statement 3. A special debugging subprogram. The Subprogram Concept Subprograms can materially-cut the volume of a one tor one trace. Atter a subprogram is checked out, it may be compiled in the no trace mode, thus elimi...,. nating all trace output from that subprogram at mainline debug time. Subprograms need not be restricted to repetitive routines. mainline logic may be checked out and CALLed as a subprogram. Sections of the The PAUSE N Statement Use of this statement at strategic points in the program, each with a unique N, will allow the programmer to step through his program observing N in OR2. When a trouble spot is reached, trace may be initiated. Thus the PAUSE N statement allows an awkward type of macro trace. A Special Debugging Subprogram A more useful type of macro traoe may be provided by a single argument subprogram whose function is to type and punch "STNO In (where I is the' argument) and pause. Type/punchot "STNO I" would indicate that the program is about to execute statement number I. Such a subprogram may be CALLed at the beginning ot each main logical block. The argument would be the statement number or that logical block. Let us call this subprogram STNO. 3l ~ -1 v - - - --~------.. --.-~---~------------, The· utility of' STNO may be expanded by addition of' a dump routine such as No. 1620-01.6.093. This dump routine is in the f'orm ot a library' function, and· is relocated trom the subroutine deck by J = DUMP ( J) • J, the argument, is an . integer ot tour digits, and specif'ies the section of' core to be dumped. For instance i f J is 1214, all core f'rom l2000thru 13999 will be dumped in 5/75 torma.t. With the proper argument, the library function DUMP mal" be used to take· snapshots otselected portion ot core such as the symbol table or the common storage a"a, on up to all ot core. c As a tinal ref'inement, both the STHO subprogram and the· use ot the DUMP routine within that program may be placed under console switch control. Thus, the entire subprogram .1' be bypassed, or only the DUMP routine bypassed. See now chart in appendix B • The STNO debugging tool may now· be used as tollows: 1.A macro traoe of the logic through the punch/type "STNO I" 2. Selected core dumps ·3. Micro traces as desired, selected through CS4 at the proper "STNO I" typeo . If punched micro traoe is used, the punched "STNO I" will allow the programmer to readily find his place. Punched micro trace is most definitely recommended to save computer time. It an on-line printer is available, read print for punch in the above. Theusetulness ot select!ve core dumps cannot be overemphasized._ A prime example concerns matric manipulation. A snapshot ot the 1«)rk area before and after completion of a mat ric operation maybe compared to the micro trace ot a FORTRAN statement. Indeed, a subprogram such as STNO incorporating some sort ot dump routine is absolutely necessary' in .programs involving matrix algebra. S'l'NO and DUMP are to matrix algebra as the FORTRAN micro trace is to arithmetic statements. Another Use of DUMP The following sequence may be placed at the very' beginning or a program during debug time to allow variable length core snapshots at will. 1 FCBMAT (14) JF (SENSE SWITCH 4) 2,.3 2 ACCEPTl,I I=DUMP(I) PAUSE.lllll :3 CONTINUE FloW Charting and Coding Certain simple documentation p:ractises will speed debugging. For instance, each page of the flow chart. should b~ numbered. It is most useful if' each numbered statement concerned with the logiC on a g:i.ven page uS.e the flow chart page number as a hundreds digit. Each logic block on the flow chart should be cross-indexed to the FORTRAN sOttrce program by statement n;umbero That is, the number of the first statement in a block should appear above that block on the now chart. The obvious utility of' comment cards need not .be 3·4 I{ belabored.· here. 2 o itid.f·ti·""'·· ( "" J'" t ·· f ±b±ilii,Hftd+·dHdiH6i8i±r'idri·,ti,tt&&HiW···*wg . -3 •.•.••.•• n i"ff·_·· . r·r·· nrT ·!·· ..- Rim· ....- "·ij'_·!·[W···h- The FCRTRAN statement STOP N is most useful as an error trap. Each N should be unique, and a table of N, statement number, and type of error should be prepared STOP N should be used to trap unexpected, illogical conditions. For instance in testing a variable in an IF statement: If the variable may be positive or zero but never negative, use STOP N on negativeo Programmed switches and the computed GO TO are very convenient When testing a set of switches, STOP N may be used to trap theoretically impossible conditions. The only cost is the statement number, and the STOP statement o The STOP N statements may be removed when the program is debugged and no errors will occur. 0 0 Conclusion Some sort of disciplined debugging procedure must be adopted in order to assure optimm utiliza.tion of programmers, operators, and equipment. If we are . to grow in our profession, we must adopt and submit to this discipline. The days of bit chasing and typewriter core dumps are fast disappearing. We must be ready to program and debug without touching or seeing a computer. A painful thought? Yes But have you heard of System 360? II APPENDIX A When a card punched as below indicated is LOADED after a FORTRAN II object deck is loaded, all micro trace will be in the punched mode o The output may be listed 80-80 on the 407, with a card taped over printwheels N thru SO to block printing of garbage. N=ff+3 or kk+l, whichever is greater. ff is floating precision; kk is fixed precisiono Procedure: Reset, LOAD this card. Typewriter will print "PCH TRACE MODE". Then branch to beginning of object program 0 16 06701 00041 15 06733 00004 15 06753 00004 39 00051 00100 48 57434 80063 59 41434 50054 56 44450 I Replace RCTY with NOP Replace WNTY with WNCD Replace WNTY with WNCD Print "PCH TRACE MODEtt In most cases it is desirable to permanently modify the processor to punch trace. o 345 3 APPENDIX B One pos,siblecontigux-ation of the STNO subprogram is shown. CSl"controls type/pmch of "STNO I" and CS 2 controls DUMP. In th1sversion, ON Pause OFF ON EXAMPIE: * These may be removed after debug time. (i .. pew') ···f····· '-p "H"""P"iI"W' I _. - rqnrn"l . c' SAKP Sea reh and Jlemot"1' Print Jack II. Wolte BrooklYn Colleee Brooklyn, New York (81M P) Jack M. Wolte SIlRCH 1Nl) MDl>RY PRINT Brooklyn College, Brooklyn 10, R.Y. (Ueer 11026) DESCRIPTION This utility program is a .... ilabl. from the 1620 Gen.ral Program Library und.r I 1.6.100. It CLn be used as an aid in debuggiDg machine language programs in which the successive instruction 10eatlo~ are st.epped up uniformly be 12 and in which the iastructions are not interspers.d with record areas. If these condi tioll8 do not prew-il for the entire progr. . , however, this utility program can be applied. separately to each individual portion of the program tor which these conditions are satisfied. The .-.orr print part ot thi8 program will write out on the typ.wri ter &JV' select.ed portion ot the memory in either ins truction format. or da.ta tor..t. In instruction tormat the typeout con'taina the location, the OP code, the P-e.dclres8 and the Qaddress, appropriately spaced tor ease of reading. Plags and record. marks are typed out. Bach instruction is typed on a new line. In cia ta tonat each lino contains the 10eation and the contents of the ten Jl.8JIIOZ7 pos1 tiona starting at that address. Becaus. the error in the program will otten become apparent before the eompl.tion ot the memory print, the typeout, whether in instruction or cia ta. for...t, can be terminated order 11' by program swl tch control at ~ ttm. in the processing. The _.reh part ot this program _1' be particularly usetul when the prog~ being run stops on an invalid operation code due to a branch to a location that 18 actually not the beginning ot an .instruction. BT diaplaY'ing Illl and subtracting 12 from that adelre,., ve know the address of the instruction wi t.h the invalid OP code. The BElRCH can then be used to search the instructions part of the program being debugged tor all branching instructiou whose P-part. i8 the address of the instruction with the inn.lid OP coele. The SEARCH will typo out the locations and the instructions ot all conditional and unconditional branches to that adelr.... It take. indirect addr.ssing into account to one level when aD in4irect addr... appears aa the P-part ot a branchins iM true tion. ,.. a ot the .earch, the· prolram types out all la.dlate instruetioM tound. without a 1'1ag in the tirst tour poll tioD' ot the Q-part of the instruction, except, ot course, tor the OP code 15. The locations of the typed instructions are also typed out. o , t ,,-. (S AMP) contlnued (~- Sometimes lt will be found that the search is complete4 .itboU\ finding aDY branching 1n8truction that could bav. caused the program to branch to the being sought. be clue to the tact tJ.w.t a branch aigbt haft -,' been _de to a 100&tioD. that 1s 12 poaitioM 10." tan the ..delre.s "bere the program. bung up. It the 12 digit. begiDD1ns at that addre•• oonstituted an executable 1ruatructloD, the coaput.. would. Dot have hlmI up until the 1'ollowing instruction was reached. !bus 1t 18 desirable te pertorm a • .-017 print startiDg • .,.eral instructlon legtha betore the aclclress where the prop-a huDg up. Thi. vill reT.l whether a branching might haTe taken place to aD acldr ... prececliDg the addreee 01' the 11'1....11d OP oocle. "1th thi. intoratioD, the SEARCH can be p1a.rmed more ettectl.,ely. Quit. ott., lIor...,.. , the m8l1017 print i taeit will re.,.l the actual error and the SBlRCH will then be _4e onl1 when it 18 apparent that the 'prograa could baTe r_ch.d the iJmll1cl OP cod. only hy branchUIg to It.or to aD iD8truct1on prece41Dg it. Th1e., STORAGE Thi. utilit, program itselt oocupie8 ...or" positioD8 ~400-'9999. The following chang.. 11'1 the source progr. . , which is written in SM, will enable the program to be relocated. tor a 20]( . . .ry. Source Card 01010 ol4Oeo oliOS, ChangeaDORG (or 8.!l¥ other address at which .2600 cona.cutive positions are &ftl1able) Change column -16 fraa , to 1 01,088 04100 04110 04118 041,0 04150 04160 17400 • • • • • • • • Por modltlca tion tor 201, p081tloD8 19995-19999 BlUSt be a_llable. Indirect a44resslag. Without auto.atl0 41ylde. o It autGlat1c 41ricle harcl~e 1• .!re.ent, cSDce the second. operancl 01 eource card 02270 fro. 18 to '2"0. It the present object deok 1. aftilable, oSDce ooluma ,,..~ 1'1'_ .18 to 20 on,card 1,. 349 (8 A K p) continUed OPBRlfIlfG IlSftlJOTIOIS 'or the _st part the operatiDg instructions are cODyeyed by t,ypwzeittcm. ....age.. '!'h. SAMP object d.eck .., b. loaded in1tially .... ';, bruched to "hen n ••ded. It, howeyer, an error' in the proFto be clebugged' clest.roye the utili t7 program in i tou be rel_elect r_dil7J 1 t conta1Da 70 carda. ."17, , , The source program, write-up, and. illustrative output appear ln the .taral a_llable :trom. the 1620 General Program L1brarr a8 1.6.100. 35U .. il ",., " . 3'" ~ SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH PROGRAMS FOR I,. B.M., U. T.OD AND P.O.Q. F,ORTRANSYSTEMS , By , Richard C. Irons u.s. NAVAL SCHOOL OF AVIATIQN MEDICIN~ u.s. NAVAL AVIA-TION MEDICAL CENTeR PENSACOLA, FLORIDA ' USERS CODE: 1159 351 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION. • • • • • 1 I.B.M., U. T.0. SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • •• 2 P.D.Q • SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH DESCRIPTION •• • • • • • • • • • • 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • 3 ADAPTAT10N TO OTHER THAN 20K MACHINES. • • • • • • • • • • •• ,4 GENERAL FLOW DIAGRAM. • • 5 I.B.Mo, U.T.O. SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH PROGRAM LISTING. .6 LISTING FOR SAMPLE PROBLEM "NUMBER 'O'NE'. ~ ~ ~ '0'. • • • • 9 SYMBOL TABLE LISTING FOR SAMPLE NUMBER ONE • • • • • • • • 13 P.D.Q. SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH PROGRAM LISTING • '. • • • • • • •• 15 LISTING FOR SAMPLE PROBLEM NUMBER TWO • • • • • • • • • • • •• 18 SYMBOL TABLE LlSTIN,G FOR' SAMPLE NUMBER TWO '. • .' • ~ • ~~ ~ ~. 21 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • •• 0 0 0 • • • • •• • • • • 0' •••• • • • • 0 • .' • • • • • •• • • • ••• 0 • • • • . .' 352 ii c INTRODUCTION Fortran (FORmula TRANslation) is a popular computer language because it may be used without knowing the internal operations of the computer. A mai or drawbock of the Fortran language, however, is the difficulty in finding program errors when they occur. In processing ,a Fortran language program a table containing the storage addresses for calcu lated or constant values is produced. This table is known as a symbol table. The table can be a good aid in locating errors in a program because the values in question can be looked at and inferences mQdeas to the causes of the difficulties. Since the time required to type out the entire symbol table is relatively long, it is desirable to have the symbol table punched onto cards and then listed, perhaps, on an I.B.M. 407 machine. This makes the thne required to obtain the table negligible, and the operation, therefore, more desi rabl e • Programs for punching the table have been mentioned in the 1620 USERS GROUP NEWSLETTER but these programs do not include all of the possible information that could be punched. In addition to the information punched out by these programs it is possible to provide the program execution phase addresses for any numbered fortran statement, or format type statement. With this additional information, statements can be referenced without necessari Iy referring to a program listing for the information. To accomplish this, two programs have been developed, one of which is compatible with the I. B. M. I U. T • 0', ' , '''I o. Fortran systems, and the other with the P.o. Q'. Fortran system. These programs will provide the symbol table on cards, at the computerls .. card punch speed, in a format that is easy to read,at co~~ains t;he maximum amount of information available. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS I.B.M., U. T.0. SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH The symbol table, described above, is generated during the processing of the . . ~ , ,~ Fortran source program and is not complete unti I the entire source program has been ... processed. This makes it necessary to load the symbol table punch program after the processing of the· source program has been completed. In general it is advisable to use ; . the Fortran Subroutine Deck during the compilation phase rather than during the object deck execution phase. This is mandatory for the U. T .0. version, optional for the I.B.M. versions. The U.T.O. processor will automatically clear the symbol table If"\ storage area if the subroutines are not used during the compi lation of the source program. P.D.Q. SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH This program, like the program for the U. T.O. version, requires that the subroutines be used at the source deck compi lation phase, since the symbol table storage area is also cleared if the subroutines are not used during this phase. The original P. D. Q. system was developed with a symbol table punch r()utine incorporated within the CLT2 processor. The routine that was used will punch the table . ' J . . ina numer ic form I wh i ch I besides be i ng very d iffi cu It to read I destroys the area for . • j,,' • • • ' . . .' the program discussed here. The routi ne used by the P.o. Q. processor is governed by switch two on the 1620 console. If switch two is off then the source program listing and 3 5 I~ 2 \~,¥ the symbol table wi" be punched on cards. C,"'_ }I.' It is desirable to have the program listing on cards because of the time saved, but it is also desirable to eliminate the symbol table punch routine used in the original P 00. Q. system. If the IIbranch control switch two" instruction in the symbol table routine is changed to an "unconditional branch" then it will be possible to retain the program listing on cards and eliminate the symbol table punch routine. The above change would be necessary in the P.D.Q.-CLT2 processor only. In the P.D.Q. documentation from the 1620 USERS GROUP LIBRARY, page 193, line number 7552 is the instruction which reads tlBC2 EXIT." This instruction shou Id be changed to read "B EX~T • II OPERATING THE PROGRAMS 1. Compi Ie source program. 2. Place symbol table punch program in card reader and press LOAD button on the reader. 3. Press START on the card punch. 4. Press START on the 1620 console when machine returns to a manual mode. 5. When punching is completed, remove cards from the card punch and list on an I. B. M. 407 machine with an 80-80 board. PROCESS ING TIME The approximate computer time necessary to accomplish the symbol table punch is given by the following equation: Execution time = (A x B) + 20 seconds where A = number of symbols and B = card punch speed of the computer 355 0,"', . -" 3 ADAPTATION TO OTHER THAN 20 K MACHINES It is necessary to change the instruction labeled uDOIT" in both programs for machines having memory packages larger than 29K. The instruction reads: IIDOIT TFM INFAD, 19999. II For a 40K machine the Q portion must be changed to read "39999 11 , for 60K it would be "59999 11 , et cetera. 35 t» 4 c ." I .. GENERAL FLOW DIAGRAM c' SET ADDRESSES NOW CLEAR CARD AREA HEADER CARD CHECK FOR NEGATIVE TYPE MANTISSA AND CHARACTERISTIC. MOVE VALues TO THE OUTPUT CARD AREA. MOVE THE NEGATIVE SIGN AND VALUE TO OUTPUT CARD SUBTRACT SIX TO MODIFY OBJECT ADDRESS. MOVE NO FORMAT NUMBER AND 0 BJECT TO OUTPUT CARD AREA. MOVE NAME OF VARIABLE TO THE OUTPUT CARD AREA. o I MOVE STATEMENT NUMBER AND OBJECT DECK ADDRESS TO OUTPUT CARD AREA. ~~--<.. CALCULATE THE DIMENSION SIZES AND MOVE THEM TO THE OUTPUT CARD AREA. 5 I.B.M., U.T.O. SYMBOL TABLE PUNCH PROGRAM LISTING 10 00020 00030 00040 50 6 J C;O 6000 6012 6,,)24 6() 36 6048 6060 6072 6J84 6096 S 1 ;..;8 I 612(; 6132 6144 6156 ,.) 168 6180 6192 6200 62UO 6212 6224 16 26 26 15 14 46 11 49 16 44 26 26 26 26 39 ~':< JJ S ,2 96 () 3 \i 8 33 32 c) 6 332 16 73 49 /' -....... ;VL.:>O S26(, () 272 ~ 20 i, i~ :'·!t ~9999 07179 07174, 07184 C7174 87186 06042 06;)96 06042 06036 06:142 "062CO 07217 07251 07281 07317 07187 06843 49 G6036 73 12 44 44 33 16 73 12 4/+ 62/, d 07174 90OOO 67345 01200 00081 aoooo B7186 06043 07081 :':17111 07139 07169 00400 00000 00000 07195 07184 06352 06272 ''07179 0717~ 00000 OGOrO 07321 G7319 07184 G6332 0718 .. 07315 07313 \.:,6636 00061 0718 ... 0717 .. 0717 ... 00091 C718 .. GeOCO OOOrO 0718 .. oU0 c) CJ ') ',~ E., ,, (J ..- , it , - 00060 00070 00080 90 100 00110 00120 00130 00140 150 00160 00170 180 00190 00200 00210 00220 00230 00240 00250 00260 00270 00280 00290 00300 00310 00320 00330 00340 00350 00360 00370 00380 00390 00400 00410 00420 00430 00440 004:'0 ()0460 Ci0470 ()O480 004')0 ') ,.~ ~~ ~~ * * ~--it- 1f- ,'{- SYHbOL TABLE PU~ICH PROGRAi'~ Fcr' THE 1~- ?r I • B. ~·1. AND U.T.O. FORTf~AN PRO C:: S .5 I t~ G-:: ~~ -;(- r, SYSTErv1S. ">< ~*' ;C' ji" ?( -~t..1~ ..if *{{- DEVeLOPED bY R.C. IRONS, u.s. i.,;'::' \/,~ L SCHOOL OF ;',VIATI00i tv1EDICII~[, I'~.,"'.S. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA. "-,, ->*- ?r {~- -)~ -l~ ~~ ** TO CHANGE THIS PROGRAf;; F"OR LAY,GcY, i,- ;\ f,* SIZE fviEtviOR YS IT IS ONLY i'~ECESSAf\Y ?~~~ -,..--,,TO CHANGe THE FIRST DIGIT OF-- F"iL: Q FIELD r INSTRUCTIOi~ LAGLED i)U I T -;.,-,,** * * ~~- ~j~- -l(" ~- /,"" r- \j ,<- ~f-* *1r ** ir DOLT EL 11·1 LOCATICN THE USER. DOI~G f'/;,t., Y DE CriA t'1(; EI) TO 5~IT., 00500 0 31 ooooa 01940 49 00000 0 34000700070136000700070234000560070136000560070249075000 1 08600 200 20000 1 08400 199 00100 Z 37 0250100100 LOG FILE WILL BE PUNCHED OUT.Z 37 02561 (J010e RE'MOVF LOG CARDS, PUSH START Z OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQO 1 05229 001 02718 WHERE TO START NEXT LOG ENTRY 1 05228 001 02900 UPDATED FIELD FOR ABOVE 1 05229 170 03000 LOAD AND UNLOAD LOG FILE 381 7 •• iI' ••• • .' PLOT B&G8nr..n· LOAD SIJB$£T SSGQ,£.D I T"GO ~~!-;I' /~n'l T . OlD OF . JOB SSGO EDIT fitOt1l TOR 1 • . " . 3400032007013600032007024900500010520002900100 SUPERMONITOR COLD START o 0:~~.~ a o···s 0 :" 0 0 0 ~ 'Ii ~i; 0 0 ~ ~2: 0 '2: 0 0 0 '2; '2i 0 3(;' ~ 0 ; 0 0 ~;; 0 0 ~:. 0:': 00 !! 0 BOO 0 0 0 ~ 00000000 UUODD 000.00000 12)'5'7 •• "nnUMR.u ••• ~nn~»anua~~n~~ •• n»u"~uu~U.U~U.~NUMUH~WHN~~U"""v."n~nnu~"n~~. 1 1 1 1 lIt 1 1 1 1.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'1 1 1 1 1 1 1· 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .~ tIl tIl 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J: 1 1 22222 2 ~'12 2 2 2 2 2 2222" 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22222· 2 2 2 ~ 2222222 2 ~ 22222222222222222 '12 2 2 2 2 2 22222'22 :.: 3 3 3 3" 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 3 l 3 3:; 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ~ 3 3 3 J: 3 ;r 3 3 3 ~: 3 3 r 3, 3 3 3 3 3 3-33 4~4444444444444444444444 444444444444444444444444~444~4444444444~:4444444444444 44 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S.: 5 5 5 5 5 " 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 ,: 5 5 $ J: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ~ 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 i &6 I" II i &' 6 6 &6 6 6 &66 &&&6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 i &6 6 6·6 &6 6 s' 6 666 6 6': 6 &6 ~] 6 6 6 i~ 6 6 6 6 i 6 , 6 & &, 6 6 , I &• i. 7 7 7 7 7 7 .,. 7 7: . 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 . 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 '~7 7 7 7 77 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 t. 88aala.118111888888aa8181.18888.ia88888888aS8888888888888888888888181.1 •• 1811111 1 .I' 9 9 9 9 9'99 9 9 9 9 I 9 9'99 9 9 9 9 9·9 -_.__ _"". 99 9 ~ 9 9 9 9'9 9 9 •• 9 9 9 9 9 9 ;; 9 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 :~ 9 9 9 :~ 99 :'; 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 9 -'9 9 ,';9 9 9 S S 9 9 I; 123'5171'~"U~M.M»MM~Dnn~uana~.~u~~ . -- n.H~~UU~U~~.UH~N»M"~~~H.AaPM._v.".n.»M~NnnN" .... .- .;;w-~" ..... I, Fig. 2. SYSTEMS CARDS .~ ·"-'--rD-r·iE~~t1Atf,-EDWARD-t:----·-,--·-S-SYSTE~1S' DE'~E[OPMENT:----~-"-"---" r ~ C c c :~ ~ ~ c: M ,... ,.. ... r"' ~ c :: r ... eooOOOOOODO:OOOCODOCOOODOOODOOOOOO~OO=:::OO:DOOJOOOOOOO~OOOODOOOODOOODOODOOOOODO '234"'I."nnQM"au.~~~nnu»unH~.~U~M~.n.Uq~~u~U.~ •• H~UUMUH~.Q.~ap"u"v""~nnnH~"nnnQ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 Ie 1-1 1 11 Ie 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 2222222Z222222.2222222222i222221222:22:2J222:222222222 2222222222222~2122222222222 3333333a3333333:33JJ33333~33333333333333:33333S33::333 33J333333333333333333333333 [444444C4444:44444[444:~444444444.444444444:44['44444J44~444444444444444444444444' 555551555=:'II::55~555555=55555555S555555S~55~IJ==5115JJ555~555555555555555555555 I , , , 1111'11:: '1111 , I =1111. , • , 11.1 , I , III , liS' I'S I 1.111 JIG &, && && 6 &6 6 6 6 &, 6 &, I , 6. 6 i 6 ':6 , 177}}11J}}}J}1}1}17117}7}7J}7"}}7171}}117117)11}17:7777771777777177717771771777 •••••• " •• , ••••••••••••••• CI"I""""I'=IIIIIII"~:""".""'~'I""""'II' , 99 S 9 S t : , I 9 • ,', I • 9 9 I • It: ~ I t 9 ,'•• S 9 I 9 9 ••• I • • II , • 9 t • t t • t I ,'11,' 9 • t •• IS. 9 • III. S • , S I. t s S I • 'z 3 4'1 II .lonaaQM.1117 ••••• 23 ...... ZI ••• ~M ....... 4141G ............................ ., ••••••••• 1711 • • _IO~I..... Fls- 3_ ·'··OSlm .. m--WD·--·..-----····~--'-·-··. · . .· - -'--_.'-" L ... " C 8 4· * 5· Data Card (when required) End Job Card The FORMAT for the User ID card is as shown in Fig. 3. C The 1620 does not have a clock so a system to keep track of the 'time was devised. To do this a Clock card containing the time and date are read in and entered into' the log in the same manner as the ID card. The Format is identical to that of an ID card except the user's name 1s replaced by PowerOn, Clock, 'or Power-Orr and the time and date replace the use. See Fig. 4. One clock card for each hour of the day is pre-punched and entered into the log, on the hour, while the machine is in use,. This is accomplished by stacking them in the read hopper along with the jobs being processed. When the log is punched and. listed it ~ontains the time power was turned on for the particular day and the names and application of all users to the next hour. Tq.e .same information wi th hourly time is repeated until the power is turned off. As was stated previously,' the logta~le is automatically punche.d . out when full. A Log card provides the capability to punch out the log whenever it is desired. The results of this log were amazing; on two different ,days 344 starts were logged. One such log is shown in Fig. 5. -EDIT Edit 1s a modified version of IBM's FORTRAN with FOR~~T PRECOMPILER. It will detect many of the common .. errors, particularly language, key punching and specifica-' tion mistakes but it is not exhaustive. Its suggested use is 'in conjunction with the SSGO system which does not require Format. But it may be used C'') 1',/ 38J 9 .If'''' "",y' firIf •• If • • • • • oQ 00000000 0 ~ 0 000000000000000 O~' O~· 0 {) O~· 0 0 00' 000000000000000000000000000000'0000000000 ~234$17 •• a"n»M~~Udg~~nn~~auan~~n»~»~v3U"~~U~U"~~UR~M~MHHnMU~~"UM •• VQ"ronn»H»nnnn" 1-11 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1.1 1111 1 11 1 1 11 tIll 1111 1 11 ': 1 . : 11 11 111 t 1_111-1 1111 111 111111111111 1 11"-11 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222-22222222222222222222222222222222222 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 : ' 3 3 : '3 - 3 3 .- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ;: 4 4 4 4 4 4 ;~ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 , ' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 555555555555:555.:555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 6666666666::66.~66666666666666666,:66&66666 :i666666666666666666666666666666666&66 77711771707177777177777777777777771717711777717777777777777771777777177717777177 l' ~ ::: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B8 8 8 8 8 aa8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aaa8 8 8 8 : : 8 . , a8 8 _~ 8 8 ~.: 8 8 8 8 aa8 88 a8 aa8 8 8 aaB8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aaaI 8 •• I 8 8 8 aaI 9lZJ451).,a"nqM.RU ~ 9 9 9 9~ 9 99999 C99 9 •• 99 '9 9999 9-i 9999999999999 9 9~9 f999 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 999999999999999 99I. 999' 999 HanD~nava~~~unu»~»»~~~UU~~U~QURRU~MH~~NUM~U~Mu~~."~nnnH~~nnnq t~~. . . . ~ __.~,,'"-:- ___I!M~~_:. _ _~_...~._.... >'", ."''aj'~~CO': .'~"""""""''''''''''__"",,::'''~~.''- ~...,..~~~.. " \- Fig e' 4 e CLOCK CARDS 384 -- --- -- -- ------_ .... C DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGTNEERING COMPUTER LABORATORY RUN lOG HOURLY ENTRIES FOR THU.MAR.26,1964 TIME PROJ. TOTAL ENTRIES -- .. ('" C ----~- 12.01 AM - 1.00 AM 0 15 1.00 AM - 2.00 AM 0 14 2.00 AM 3.00 AM 0 15 3.00 AM - 4.00 AM 0 17 4.00 AM - 5.30 AM 0 21 8.30 AM - 10.00 AM 2 16 10.00 AM - 1.00 PM 0 12 1.00 PM - 2.00 PM 6 9 8.30 'AM - 10.00 AM 2 18 2.00 PM - 3.00 PM 20 21 3.00 PM - 4.00 PM 33 34 4.00 PM - 5.00 PM 28 32 5.00 PM - 6.00 PM 32 35 6.00 PM - 7.00 PM 12 15 ,1.00 PM - 8.00 PM 30 30 8.00 PM - 9.00 PM 14 16 9.00 PM - 10.00 PM 22 25 10.00 PM - 12.45 AM 4 15 -----~- TOTAL NUMBER OF ENTRIES 203 'Y=\ c::... S --..... -~- ... ... ----..- 385 344 ¥-~~/O . ...... .. ,................ .... .... , ~.~ • • • _" ~ . _ ••••• ~ ••• " •••• " ........... M... " " " " .... ~~~". _ _ ~ ••• "' 1'./i DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENG I NEER I ,,<~ COMPUTER LABORATORY RUN lOG ;11(""-'" POWER-ON SUHRBIER. JOHN GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER,D. GARDNE'R,D. GARDNER,D. GARDNER,D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNFR,D. GARDNER.D. THU.MAR.26,1964 12.01 1 S S S S S S S S S S S S CLOCK GARDNER.D. GARDNER,D. SUHRBtER. JOHN GARDNER.D. GARDNER,D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. SUHRBIER. JOHN JESSIMAN JESSIMAN GARDNER.D. SUHRBIER. JOHN GARDNER.D. SUHRBIER, JOHN S S 1 1 1 1 1 CLOCK 167~F 1673F 1673F 1 9407 G G 9430 9430 1613F 9407 1673F 9407 1673F 1673F 1613F 1673F S 5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S 1 "1"" I \'·j~,.7 9407 THU.MAR.26,1964 1 1.00 AM 1673F 1673F S S 5 S S 5 S S S S "'"---"," A.M 9407 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F THU.MAR.26.1964 CLOCK SUHR8tER, JOHN GARDNER.D. GARDNER,D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER,D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.D. MURRAy.W.E. S S S ( 2.00 AM 9407 1613F 1673F 1613F 1673F 1613F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1613F 1613F 1673F " 386 S THU.MAR.26.1964 C 3.00 AM ~.:(JS: II ..." 10(1..) SUHRBIER, JOHN GARONERtD. GARDNFRtD. GARDNF'RtD. GARDNER,D. GARONERtD. GARONERtD. MURRAY,W.E. GARONER,O. MURRAV.W.E. GARDNER,D. MURRAV,W.E. GARONfR,D. GARDNER,D. GARDNER,D. GARDNER,D. GARDNERtD. (" (~"I. ,"" C' ' "'/ 1 S 9407 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1 S S S S S S S S 1673F 1 S S 1673F 1 S S S S S 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F S CLOCK THU.MAR.26.1964 GARDNER.D. GARDNER,D. GARONER,O. GARDNER.O. GARDNER.D. GARDNER,D. GA.RDNER .0. GARDNER,D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER,O. GARONER,D. GARDNER,D. MURRAV,W.E. GARDNER.D. GARDNER.O. GARDNER.o. GARDNER,O. GARDNER,O. GARDNER,D. GARDNER.D. GARDNER,O. GARONFR,O. S S S S S S S S S S S S 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1 S S S S S S S S S S 4.00 AM 1673F 1673F 1673F . 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F 1673F POWER-OFF THU.MAR.26.1964 5.30 AM POWER-ON THU.MAR.26.1964 8.30 AM KtM,JIN HWAN KIM,JIN HWAN KyM,JtN HWAN NEWMAN. EDWARD E. JOHNSON,WILLIAM F JOHNSON.WILLIAM F JOHNSON,WILLIAM F JOHNSON.WILLIAM F JOHNSON,WILLIAM F JOHNSON,WILLIAM F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G G G S S S S S S 5 DSR 8790 DSR 8790 DSR 8790 DSR NO 9107 DSR DSR OSR DSR OSR NO NO NO NO NO 9107 9107 9107 9107 9107 387 ~.~S:/~ 10(4) CLOCK THU.MAR.26,1964 FAIRBURN, DON MUMFORD,J. TELSON,M. MUMFORD,J. ALAM TELSON,M. BATOR RICHARD KINGSNORTH, R C GOLKA, JOHN J. LEARY D F LEET KENNETH TAYLOR, WILLIAM A. '.: WANEK. GLENN PROKOPY, JOHN C WANEK, GLENN NAINIS LAZAR .. JAY L. MOORER, JAMES A. MOORER, JAMES A. MOORER, JAMES A. MOORER, JAMES A. KINGSNORTH. R C LEARY 0 F BERNHARDT,L.J. BERNHARDT,L.J. GOLKA, JOHN J. BATOR RICHARD MOORER, JAMES A. MOORER, JAMES A. MOORER. JAMES A. MOORER, JAMES A. PROSEK, J. R. SNYDER, M. B. LAZAR, JAY L. '~ 1 1 18 1~O9 1 1 1 1.15 1 I 1~15 G 1~15 1 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 l.15 1.15 3 G ":':::1 C 2 I I 1 PM 1'.15 1 1 1 1 ',; 1" :' '.' ,,1.1-.5 .,' .: " ", .~. ~"' ' ". ':i 1.15 1.15 1.15 4 1 1 2 '. ,', ') ,."1".1'5, 1 1.15 1.1.5 1. .1.5 1. 1.5, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 1.1.5 1.15 1".15' 1,.15 1.:1$ 3 1."15:', 1.15 1 1 1 1 1 1.15' 1.' 15~ 1.'15 1.15, 1."15' 1.15 3 4 2 1 CLOCK THU. MAR .26.1964 KAVALLIEROS ANTONY 1 KAVALLIEROS ANTONY 1 NEWMAN, EDWARD E. FAIRBURN DON 1 TENNISON. THOMAS J. SIKES,P.G. I NAINIS I ERNST, D. 21 DEDRICK D F 16 CHAPMAN, D G MATTES.D.A. HUIE,J.L. KITTREDGE 18 TENNISON. THOMAS':J ."';, "; JOSEPH,GUNTER LEARY 0 F PHILLIPS, C.R. VI WANEK, GLENN I KINGSNORTH, R C G G l- C G '3~OO 4.00 PM ' r-~;2:7; 1'~:2,1,' S 1.2.7 1 .. 15- G 1 1 1 L.15, 1,.1-5' 1',.1,5 3 2 1 1 1 2 ,'-, ,t;:, ,!. G 1 4 1 1 1:.15 L~15: 11..15 : 1,.15 ' } ,~ 1.15 :1 ~.1 ~"" .,', , 1.15 1.15 1'.'15," 1.15 1.15 389 ------.- ... -.-.---.-.-------~----- ."'---"-._-- "' ... ... _ ~~.~--.----~.~-"'-~"'~ ...... ~-~.~~~~ .... ..........., ~ ........... ,,~~ 10(5) KUBO. A. S. SEXAUER,W.L. SEXAUER.W.L. SEXAUER,W.L •. SEXAUER.W.L. SEXAUER,W.L. SEXAUER,W.L. ALAM MABRY R. E. PHILLIPS, C.R. DEDRICK 0 F BERNHARDT,L.J. BERNHARDT,L.J. tA G 1.1~ 1 .1 1 1 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1 1 1 G I G 4 2 VI 16 1 1 CLOCK THU.MAR.26.1964 NEWMAN. EDWARD E. NEWMAN, EDWARD t. COOPERBERG NEWMAN, EDWARD E. SEXAUER,W.L •. MATTES,D.A. JOSEPH,GUNTER· WANEK. GLENN SHWtMER, JOEL GOLDMAN.F.W. SEXAUER,W.L. LEET KENNETH HUIE.J.L. SEXAUER.W.L. SEXAlJER,W.L. BERNHARDT.L.J. JOSEPH,GUNTER SEXAUER,W.L. DEDRICK D F DEDRICK JD F GOlDMAN.F.W. MATTES,D.A. WANEK. GLENN BERNHARDT, L.J.· JOSEPH,GUNTER JOSEPH,GUNTER JOSEPH,GUNTER GOLDMAN.F.W. CHAPMAN', t') G GRAASS J H BERNHARDT,l.J. CHAPMAN, D G BERNHARDT,l.J. CHAPMAN, D G CHAPMAN. 0 G 5 ,~ 5.00 PM S 7 S 1 1 I 1 G 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 G 16 16 I 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 G 14 OPERATOR 1 •. 15 1.15 1.15. 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 .1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.'15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 G G 1.15 1 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 ,1.15 1.15 1.15 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1.~5 CLOCK THU.MAR.26.1964 NEWMAN,E. ROBINSON.J.V. NEWMAN.E. BERNHARDT.L.J. BERNHARDT,l.J. S S S ,1 1 1"" ~i·l;-.J,",.l 6.00 PM CI 9407 1.15 1.15 390 JI..2S:/5' ,otto) C CHAPMAN, 0 G CHAPMAN. 0 G CHAPMAN, 0 G LEARY 0 F LEARY 0 F CHAPMAN, D G CHAPMAN, 0 G. CH~.PMAN, D G CHAPMAN. 0 G ('' 1 -.-J' ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i 1.~5 1~15 l.iS 1.15 , ~ ~ .1~ 1~1~ .. LEARY 0 F 1 1 CLOCK THU.MAR.26,1964 ENGER,TOM ENGER.TOM ENGER,TOM LEARY 0 F LEARY 0 F CHAPMAN, D G CHAPMAN, 0 G CHAPMAN. 0 G LEARY 0 F LEARY 0 F MOORER. JAMES A. MOORER. JAMES A. MOORER, JAMES A. MOORER. JAMES A. LEARY 0 F BERNHARDT,l.J. LEARY 0 F CHAPMAN, o G LEARY D F CHAPMAN, o G GOLKA. J. J. LEARY 0 F WILL I AM S ,IR E WILLtAMS.RE BERNHARDT.L.J. CHAPMAN, 0 G DESMOND,BARBARA A. DESMOND,BARBARA A. HAUSSLING H J MOORER. JAMES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I SKODOH, JOHN G. SKODOH, JOHN G. ENGER.TOM ENGER.TOM ENGER ,TOM DESMOND,BARBARA A. CHAPMAN. D G DESMOND.BARBARA A. BERNHAROT.l.J. GOLKA, J. J. DESMONO.BARBARA A. WIlLIAMS.RE GOLKA. J. J. 1 1 1 1 CLOCK 0 1.15· 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 l.15 1. ~.5 1.15 l.15 1.15 1.,.15 l.15, 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15' 1.15, 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.1.5 THU.MAR.26.1964 I I S 5 1 1 1.15 ~, 1 1.15 1 1 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1 1 1 8.00 PM 5011 5.01,1 1,.15 1.15. 1,.15 1.15 1 7.00 PM 391 ~.~s:/" -----_.._-. __._--_.-.. _._.__...__.__. _ - . _ _._-_. __.._._--_ _-_._- ---_.._._ ...__ .-.,-_... ..• -.--.- .. ... ... - \0(') CHAPMAN, o G BERNHARDT,L.J. HAUSSLtNG H J 1 1 1 1.15 1.15 1.15 CLOCK THU.MAR.26,1964 ENGER.TOM ENGER,TOM SKODON. JOHN G. SKODON. JOHN G. ENGER,TOM ENGER,TOM ENGER,TOM ENGER,TOM ENGER,TOM CHAMPY,J.A. HAUSSLtNG H J GOLKA, J. J. HAUSSLING H J CHAPMAN, D G. GOLKA, J. J. HAUSSLING H J CHAPMAN, D G BATOR RICHARD BATOR RICHARD GOLKA, J. J. HAUSSLING H J BATOR RICHARD GOLKA, J. J. GOLKA. J. J. HAUSSLtNG H J 1 1 I I 5 5 1 1 1 I r 1.15 1 GTA 1 1 1.15 1.09 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1 t 18 :3 I 18 18 1 1 I CLOCK 1 ',./ 9.00 PM 1.15 1.15 5011 5011 1.15 1.15 1.15 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 /f'-"" /f-~ \',.-y THU.MAR.26,1964 10.00 PM ENGER,TOM GARDNER,D •. SKODON, . JOHN G. SKODON, JOHN G. SKODON. JOHN G. SKODOH, JOHN G. HARMAN , JACK HARMAN t JACK HARMAN JACK HARMAN t JACK HARMAN • JACK HARMAN t JACK LEARY 0 F LEARY 0 F LEARY 0 F , 1 I I I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 POWER-OFF 5 5 5 5 S 5 S S S 5 S 1 1 1 1.15 1673F 5011 5011 5011 5011 9407 9407 9407 9407 9407 9407 1.15 1.15 1.15 FRl.MAR.27,1964 12.45 AM NUMBER OF ENTRIES 344 (-"', 392 'I. '<5'-/7 11 to check source programs in FORTRAN II-D. Since SSGO does not require Format statements l ED.IT was moditied to by-pass' this type ot statement. Each statement in which an error is detected is punched out together with a diagnostic report. It is a usetul debugging techniq~e as ~ell as an aid in program development. It is most usetul to novice programmers~' It no errors are deteoted the message "NO ERRORS DETECTED" is t-yped out. Shown in Fig. 6 is' a list ot the error messages. SSGO is a modified version of a LOAD and GO FORTRAN whioh was based upon IBMt s first 16~O CARD FORTRAN WITHOUT FORMAT. This is a one-pass operati~n with 3 options. Any, all or none of the'se options may be exercised by inserting, immediately preceding t~e Data oardl the foll'owing: 1. : 2. 3. * Trace M to N M is the number of the source statement where tracing is to begin and N is the number ot the source statement where tracing 1s to oease. * Map. Causes a storage map of the symbol table together with the unused memory to be punched out. .:10 Cards The original version 'of this FORTRAN was modifiea so that the compiler was located in the ,2ndModu/l e while the compiled object program was stored in the first 20K of core, thus conserving both time and cards. The Cards card was, therefore, used to obtain a punched object deck. This of course finds little use today sinoe it. is more expedient to load on disk any program that might be needed later. ERROR MESSAGES l~ EDIT UN~FFINED STATFMENT NUMAERS UNREFEREN(FD .S TATEMFNT NUMBERS UNACCFPTARLf FORM TO LEFT.OF = SIGN MULTIPLE = SIGNS. SUCCFSIVE OPERATION SYMBOLS OR OPERATORS MISSING OPERATION SYMBOL OR OPERAND RIGHT PARENTHESIS ENCOUNTERED BEFORE LEFT PARENTHESIS' MISSING RIGHT PARENTHESIS MIXED MODF FXPRFSSJON NO VARIABLE TO LEFT OF = STGN EXPONENTIATION OF A FIXED POINT VARIABLE OR CONSTANT VARIABLE USED HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED SURSCRIPTF.D VARIABLE HAS NOT APPEARED IN A DIMENSION STATEMENT fRROR IN SUBSCRIPT NOT ALL OF THE INDICES ARE LEGAL SECOND INDfX IS LFSS THAN FIRST THIRD INDEX' IS ILLEGAL STATEMENT NUMBER NOT ACCEPTABLE OR IS MISSING DO STATEMENT J S 'INCOMPLETE DO LOOPS INCORRECTLY NESTED DC LOOP TERMINATES ON TRANSFER STATEMENT DECIMAL POINT'OMITTED FROM FLOATING POINT CONSTANT DECIMAL EXPONENT FOLLOWING AN E IS INCORRECTLY EXPRESSED' THE EXPONENT FOLLOWING AN E HAS BEEN OMITTED FLOATING POINT NUMBER FOLLOWED BY CHARACTER NOT AN E STATEMENT NUMRER GREATER THAN 9999 STATEMENT NUMBFR PREVIOUSLY DEFINED U~NUMBERED CONTINUE STATF~ENT (ANNOT BE ·REACHED BY PROGRAM ERROR IN STATFMFNT NUMAFR(S) MISSING COMMA AFTER RIGHT PARENTHESIS INDEX IS ILLEGAL OR MISSING NON-NUMERIC CHARACTER FOLLOWS RIGHT PARENTHESIS LEFT PARENTHESIS DOES NOT FOLLOW WORD IF NO EXPRESSION WITHIN PARENTHESIS MISSPELLED OR UNACCEPTABLE NONARITHMETIC STATEMENT STATEMENT CONTAINS UNACCEPTABLE CHARACTER STATEMENT cONTAINS DFCIMAL POINT NOT IN A CONSTANT nIMENSION STATEMENT IS IN INCORRECT FORM UNNUMAERflJ FORMAl' STATEMFNT INCOMPLETE' FORMAT STATEMENT VARIABLE IN DIMENSION STATEMENT PREVIOUSLY DEFINED FORMAT STATEMENT NUMBER MISSING OR INCORRECTLY STATED FIRST OR LAST CHARACTER IN LIST IS NOT ACCEPTABLE' THREE DIMENSIONS HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED. OR IN INCORRECT FORM COMMA MISSING. OR LIST IS MISSING OR INVALID SYMBOL TABLE FULL FIXED POINT CONSTANT GREATER THAN 9999 FLOATING POINT CONSTANT OUT. OF RANGE VARIABLE NAME LONGER THAN 5 ,CHARACTERS 39 f( Fig. 6 n ,(",.,.. ~ y Martin J. Goldberg Computer Applications Engineer Advanced Engineering Section Norden Division ot United Aircraft Corporation Norwalk, Connecticut .Presented at the Eastern Reg1ona1 1620 Users Group meeting in Washington D.C., 'on May 7, 1964. 422 22 June 1964 x36017 C' NETWORK ANALYSIS ON THE 1620 (Presented at the Eastern Regiona.l 1620 Users Group meeting 1n WaShington D.C., on May 7, 1964.) by: 1l1art1n J. Goldberg Computer Applications Engineer Norden Division .United Aircraft Corporation Helen Street Norwalk, Connecticut . ABSTRACT A computer program for analyzing electronic circuits on a 40K 1620 with 1311 disc has been developed under a cooperative agreement between the Norden Division of United Aircraft Corporation and IBM. ( ". •... '.'. The Program is divided into four ·sections: language interpreter, DC analysis, AC analysis, and trans1ent analysis. The analysis sections are limited to linear circuits, although the transient-analysis section can approximate some non-linearities. The language interpreter section 1nterprets input data on the circuit to be analyzed. The data is written in a user-oriented language so tha,t the Program can be used by individuals not with programming, and also so that man-machine communication is more efficient. The primary input is an equivalent circuit schematic. Input data cards, prepared from the schematic, describe the circuit topology and parameter values. From the above data, each analysis section sets up the proper matrix equations describing the network and performs the desired analysis. The DC analysis section obtains the DC steady-state solution for all node voltages and currents. In addition, there are several optional routines such as worst-case analysis of node voltages, computation of standard deviations of node voltages, determination of sensitiv1ties of node voltages to network parameters and the like. The AC analysis section obtains the frequency response of the network i'. e ., magnitude and phase of node voltages and of currents versus frequency. The transient analysis section obtains the time response of node voltages and currents. It is capable of accepting time varying input sources and also has the capability of switching parameter values from one state to another. This allows for simulation of change of state of transistors, diodes, and other Bwitching elements. 423 4,2,'7·1 " -2- The Program h~a had a significant impact on circuit design procedures at Norden. Engineers are relieved of routine calculations and are left with more t:Lme to apply to creative tasks. A high degree of confidence that a circuit will meet specifications 1s obtained before manufacturing. This is especially important in the case of 1ntegr~ted circuits. More reliable circuits are obtained since statistical analy~eB which used to be too time-consum~ng to perform at all now are done on the computer. In addition, overdesign is reduced since the designer can readily see the effect of reduced toleranoes on perfo]wance. rfI-~ ',-_,.,v Norden has already ex.tended the capability of the Program beyond that of the version to ,be released by IBM" and is \'1Torklng on further extensions such as adding a non-linear capab1lity. /1'"-"', I \~).? 424 c -3- 1. INTHODUCTION: This report will discuss the main features of the Network Analysis Program developed JOintly by the Norden Division of the United Aircraft Corporation, and I.B,M. Details of operating prooedures and the mathematical theory will not be dealt wlth at length. The objective here is to describe the usefulness and significance of the program. A specific sample circuit will be discussed from preparation of input data to obtaining the output from the computer. The Network Analysis Program is used as a tool by the designer of electronio circuits. It can also be used to review the design of existing circuits for reliablity or optimization. The Program i6 written in FORTRAN II for a 40K, 1620 with 1311 Disk Storage Drive, 1622 Card Read Punch, Automatic Divide and Indirect Addressing. The Program also requires the Monitor I System. : 2. Advantages of Network Ana1Yeis Program. Figure 1 lists some of the advantae;es of the Program over conventional design techniques of hand calculations, breadboarding and testing. Points land 2 (figure 1) are obvious advantages. Point 3 emphasizes that conventional techniques cannot give accurate statistical information on the effects of component variations on circuit performance. Because the designer 'does not have a high degree of confidence that the circuit will perform satisfactorily under all extremes of component variation and environment, he is forced t6 over-design. The Network AnalYSis Program can perform complicated statistical analyses on the circuit, analyses much too time consuming to perform by hand calculation. With this tool the designer can optimize·the oircuits1noe the program readily shows the effects of tolerances on performance. Alternative c1rcuit configurations (point 4) oan easily be studied on the computer and the beet configuration c.hosen. In fact, designs incorporat1ng new or expensive oomponents can be studied even .1f the actual components are not.available for breadboarding. 0", It is often possible to .insi~h. t i. n.. t.. o the. OP.·· eratlon of a circuit by use of the Program (point 5). Alao, the effects of parameters, such as transistor current gain, can be determined. On a breadboard one cannot vary the gain of a transistor direotly. " 425 1. ROUTINE CALCULATIONS ELIMINATED 2. MORE TIME FOR CREATIVE DESIGN 3. EFFECTS OF COMPONENT VARIATIONS t , .t::- 4. ALTERNATIVE DESIGN STUDIED 5. INSIGHT INTO COMPLEX INTERACTIONS 6. BREADBOARDING & TESTING REDUCED f' (':) -:=r + Figure 1 ~ N <:iJ ~ ~< ~\ ~ j fF~ \t -/ -5The factors mentioned contribute to reduc1ng the need for breadboarding (point 6), and even when breadboarding is still required the amount ot testing is reduced. 3. Br1ef Description of Analysis Proced\1re Before discussing ~he details of the Program, 1t 1s appropriate to obta1n an overall picture of the procedure and flow ot information involved in analyzing a circuit by use of\the Program. Figure 2 1s a flow-ohart describing the procedure. From the specifications and requirements on the circuit, the designer develops a oircu1t schemat1c describing thecontigurat10n he plans to use. An equivalent circuit schematic is then prepared trom the original cirouit schematic. The equivalent oircuit schematio oonta1ns equivalent circuit representations for transistors and diodes. The equivalent circuit of a transistor or diode can be thought of as the model used by the Program to simulate them. The Program will accept any equivalent cirouit chosen by the designer. The input data cards are prepared by referring to the equivalent schematic, using a user-oriented language to describe the circuit. circ~it The Network Analysis Program is divided into tour main sections: language interpreter". DC analysis, AC analysis, and transient analysis. The language interpreter translates the input data cards, setting up lists of 1nform,atlon for the analy.s1,s sections. It then calls on the proper analysis section as specified by the user, a.nd ,the results of the analysis are computed. . The user-oriented language used to prepare the input Data cards is probably one of the most 1mportant features of the program. It allows the Program to be used. by engineers not familial" with the machine or with programming. Also, it allows easy and tastoommunioatlon between the c1rcuit designer and the oomputer. Very l1ttle of the full potential of the Program would be realized wlthoutthe oapab1l1t1es prov1ded by the u·ser-or1ented language. 4. Basic Network Branch Defination The bas1c entity 1n the matrix approach used to set up and solve the matrix equations of the network 1s the network branoh. Figure 3 shows the basic branch with a de1'ln1t1'on of the important variables. As shown" the branch 1s composed of three network elements: a 'passive element (resistor, capacito)',) or inductor); voltage source; and current source. ,The terminat10n 'po~ints of the branch are defined as ,nodes. We may then imagine a network as composed of many branches. 427 ~'.'''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''''~.<''.''''''''''''''''~'''~'"''''"'.'''''''''>''.' .• ·.... ·,.. ~,'ft ...., _ _ _ ,............................. _~ ................ _ _ _ __ o J n ~ '0 ! Y = CONDUCTAN€£ Of PASSIVE ELEMENT E = VOLTAGE SOURCE I ---::l I = CURRENT SOURCE I i = BRANCH CURRENT e = BRANCH VOLTAGE el ~ NODE TO DATUM VOLTAGE BRANCH DATA CARD: Norden U DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION R Figure 3 :F ~ ...:t ...:J. ~ N C7.~ -I -8- Then the variables defined in figure 3 may be thought of aa vectors or column matrices with elemcntp correaponding to each branch of the network. The primary output of each of the analysis sections 1s the node voltage vector, e', and the branch current vector, i. The arrows on the diagram (figure 3) define the positive convention for current flow and the positive convention for the voltage source with polarity as showh. This convention should be kept in mind until later when preparation of input data cards for a specific example 1s described •. Also, shown in rlgure 3 1s a typical branch data card prepared in the ~ser-oriented language. It contains all necessary information on a branch. The Bl indicates the data is for branch number 1. The N = (0,1) indicates that the branch is connected to nodes 0 and 1 and that the assumed direction of current is from node 0 to node 1. Then the values for the three branch elements are given. 5. Nodal Eg,uations of NetvI0rl{* Figure !~ shows the nodal equations which are Bet up automatically by the program. 1'hese same equations would be Bet up by using the oonventional manual technique of Bumming the currents at each node using Kirchhoff's current law. /" -, I '"" .. The only item which has not been defined 1s matrix A. It is Bufficient for our purposes to say that it defines the topology of the network, that is, which nodes each branch is connected to and the assumed current direction for the branch. It is developed from the nodal data supplied for each branch. The e t vector of the node voltages is solved for. This is done by inverting the triple product (At YA) and multiplying it timeB the right hand side of the equations, where the superscript t indicates the transpose of A. Thin gives a nominal solution for the node voltages. New solutions corresponding to a change in value of one or more parameters are obtained by a very fasE update technique. This 1s a method of modifying the inverse of (A YA) rather than starting the solution over from the beginning. An example of the use of this r,eohnique will be shown later. 6. Preparation of Input l~f~~nple Problem. A specific example will help to clarify the preceding discussion and should nil()\'l the relative ease with which a problem can be Bet up for analyn1s by use of the user-oriented language. * Technical Report TR 00.855, March 30, 1962. Machine Analysis of Networks and Its Applications. Franklin H. Branin, Jr. IBM Data Systems Division Poughkeepsie, New York. 42U c,~J -9- 430 -10- Figure 5 is the schematic of a one transistor amplifier. From the circuit schematic the equivalent circuit schematic (figure 6) is prepared. The equivalent circuit of the transist()l't is enclosed within the dotted lines. Numbers enclosed 1n squareesre branch numbers and the circled labels are node deBl~n. atlons,. The arrows indicate assumed current dl:£!ections. The term G(4,3) indioates tha. t .there is a transconductance from branch 4 to branch 3 •. ·The transconductance is used to model the gain of the transistor and Is related to· the ourrent gain. The language interprete~ nas:a dual function of interpreting specific data on the circuit and also interpreting certain control funtions such as whichanalysls ieto be performed, which optional outputs are to be obtained and which 1nput-output·devices are to be used. Thus there are two types otlnput:. control statements and data statements. The input·oard,,·requ1red to perform a DC analysis of theeample circuit are shol'ln1nfigure 6 .•. :The first oard, DCNODE, is an example of a contrql.stateinent and indicates that a DC analysis·ie performed. The next card 1s an example of a data statement. The Bl indicates that the data is foJ;' branch number one of the circuit. The N = (0,1) is nodal data indicating that the branoh is connec.ted between nodes 0 and 1 and since node 0 is mentioned first, the assumed direction of ourrent flow is from node 0 to node 1. The R = 1. (.01) indicates tha·t the nominal value of resistance is 1 ohm and that the tolerance is 1 percent. Thetoleral1ce is specified as a decimal percent tolerance enclosed 1n parenthesls •. ~he E = -30. indicates that there is a 30 volt voltage'source in the branch and it 1s negative according to the basic branch definition of section 4. Data on the other branches is prepared in a s1milarma.nner. Note that the resistance of. branch 3 is expressed as R~5.E + 06 wh16h is equivalent to5. x 106 ohms. ~, ~IY Skipping to the card~abeled Tlwe have another type of d~ta. statement for preserttatlonofdata ontranslstor number one, The B = (4,,) meane that the tran~donductance'lB from branch 4 to branch 3. Next, the valu~ ot that~anBconductance is given. It has a nominal value of .0364. Tqe tolerances are specif1edin an optional. form in which the minimum 18.0361 and the maximum 1s .0367. ,. . .. Figure 7 shows ,addition~lcontrolBtatements and is a continuation of figure 6. The SENSITIVITY statement indicates that an optional output consisting of the sensitivities of each node in the circuit with respect to each parameter is to be computed.' These outputs discussed further in section 7. The POWER control statement asks for the power dissipation in each branch tobecompu·t·ed •.. The STATISTICAL ANALYSIS statement calls on a worst-case analysis 'and.computat1on of the standard deviation of eaoh node voltage. The MODIFY .control stat.ement and the statement immediately following itlnd,lcate·tt)at the resistance 1n branch 7 is to be modified from 35K to.40K.1n'5equal step~. 43] C ! i#brltf.ffri"$ """ dt" t"· " II " "Ft" 8H +BrW± j" • . rirlitldJ" - III. -11- c: ~' C / 432 DCNODE N = (0,1) !, N = (1,2) I N = (2,3) N Tl = (3,4) f ~ ~ r=» E = 30. I R:::: 2000.{.10) R == 5.E R:: 27. + 06 I , R = 1000.(.10) N :: {3,0} I R = 10000.(.10) N = (1,3) I R = 39.E3U 0) I G = .0364(.0361 B :::: (4,3) , I:: -.01 E - 06 I I ....... I\) I E = -.6 N == (1,0) Norden ~ R= 1.(.01) I .0367) U DIVISiON ()pr UNITED .... "CRAFT CORPORATION A Figure 6 ~ ~ ~ c f-~~ '\ .)- r~~ \', ) tiE tn t ttll 1}- () Norden -14- It is implied that the node voltages at each step are tobe computed. These new solutions are obtained at great speed by making use of the updatetechn1que dj.Elcussed in Sect10n 5. The EXECUTE statement causes all previous control statement~ to be executed in the order 1n wh1ch they appeared. The END statement returns oontrol to the monitor system in the 1620. From the above discussion it should be evident that preparation of in~ut is relatively simple using the user-oriented language. In fact the rules tor prepal't1ng the input cards from the equivalent oircuit schematic can eas.11y be taught to an aid or keypunch operator. 7. Discussion Of Output or Sample Problem. Figure 8 shows the output'of the node voltages and the sensitivities for the sample problem. There are four nodes -in the problem, . not countlngthe ground or dat;um node.' The values of each node . voltage are outputed from left to right. The sensltiv1tles sre ,the percent change in each node voltage with respect to a positive one percent change in each parameter of the network. 'rhe first set of sensi t1 vi ties are with respect to the resistance in branch 1. They read from left tc;> right for nodes 1 through 4 respectively. The sensi ti vi ties with respect- to the other parameters such aa transc~ndue'tanceB, voltage and current sources are outputed in a similar fOl'1Jl1.· .'rhe sensi ti vi ties are used to detect critical parameters in the network. For example, scanning the first column of sensitivities one can see that node 1 is most sensitive - td the voltage source, El. The sensitivities are also used in the' worst-case and standard deviation computation. The method used in obtaining the pal~tial derivatives, from which the sensitivities are computed, is a relatively efficient method. They are obtained from explic:lt matrix fo:rmulas obtained by taking the partial derivat1~es-6f_ the nodal equatioris described in Section 5. This is a much faster technique than some others which require obtaining new solutions for the node voltages with the parameters increased by small amounts. . Figure 9 shows the res\llts of a stress analysis which was called for by the POWER control statement. Here the current, voltage and dissipated power for each branch are outputed. Also, shown are the results of the worst-case and standard deviatlon(l-sigma} computations for each node voltage. Thus, the nominal, W01'st-caae maximum and minimum and standard deviati.:>n for each node voltage is listed. These are based on the tolerances of theparametera and the computed sensitivities. FI'om this output is 1s evident that the designer, can readily see the effects ot component tolerances on the circuit_and can optimize the circuit ty selecting the proper tolerances. 435 t# tf1b' "triM""'·;! I t WF't""'UIf'" -15':" NO. B~ANCHES = NO. NODES = 4 1 NOMINAL ~ODE TO DATUM VOLTAGES 2.999E+Ol 2.062E+Ol 5.493E-OO 4.164E-OO SENSITIVITIES PERCENT CHANGE IN NODE VOLTAGES FOR A ONE PERCENT CHANGE IN PARAMETERS R 1 1.170E-04 -l.683E-04 -1.141E-04 -l.961E-04 4.690E-Ol -4.530E-Ol -2.385E-03 ,-2.611E-03 1.112E-O~ 3.493E'-01) -S.962E~OO -6.693E-OO 3.623E-06 1.O!>GE-C; ;~ 2.809E-03 -2.313E-02 1.342E-04 3.891E-Ol 1.040e'-Ol 1.431E-Ol 1.192E-04 -3.564£=01 6.993E-Ol 'l.SS0E-Ol 1.572E-04 4, 3 1.l11E-03 4.076E-()1 -1.991E-Ol '-8.978E-Ol -3.491E-OO 5.958E-OO 6.689E-OO 9.999E-Ol 9~509E-Ol 9.868E-Ol 1.107E .... OO R 2 R 3 R 4 C" R S R 6 R 1 G 't E 1 E 4 If· 1.690E-OS 4. 90GE'~OZ 1.310E-Q2 -1.079E-Ol 2.S02E-09 -7. 4~~6t>.. O6 1.212E-OS 1.428E-05 3 Figure 8 436 -16rr-'" \~'"/- STRESS BRANCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A~'ALVSIS CURRtNT .5312E-02 .4685E-02 .4685E-02 .4764E-02 .4764E-02 .5493E-03 .6282E-03 VOLTAGE -.2999E+02 .9371E+Ol .1513E+02 • 7286E .... OO .4764E+01 .5493E+01 .2450E+02 POWER .1593E-OO .4391E-Ol .• 7089E-01 .3471E-02 .2270E-01 .3017E-02 .1539E-Ol /f"'"". WORST CASE NODE 1· 2 3 4 At~ALYSIS NOMINAL .2999t+02 .2062E+02 .5493E+Ol .4764E+Ol i AND STANDARD DEVIATION MAX .3299E+02 .2649E+02 .7187E+Ol .6426E+Ol Figure 9. MIN .2699E+02 .1475E+02 .3799E+Ol .3102E+Ol "'--" SIGMA .9998E-OO .8795E-OO .2809E-OO .2739E-OO 437 C· : ! w" r"" "t" n" "td,.tfMM II f * f tnt '"ft H" Hri#tttMftd W"hHj*""ftH&frti+±ith*"i6fifiAiti£*:ft9 ""i'frl"t;-#itiPdt£&bdtW;"tbWS¥fdW"" "fflNNtiift"w±Pifw"" p-wJ"!! ["""TfI"'pn-W''''li'!\llwmf,'rTT"'P'!"R"" "'1'"I"U -17- NODE VOLT AG:t:S f'OR MO.D I F tED 1 NPUT DA T A . R 7 = 3. 500E+'04 NODE VOL TAGE.S 2.999E+Ol 1.968£+01 5.985£-00 5.234E-OO 1.993E+ol 5.853£-00 5.105E-OO 2.017E+Ol 5.728E-OO 4.982E-OO 2.040£+01 5.608E-OO 4.864E-OO 2.062E+Ol 5.493E-OO 4.752£-00 2.083£+01 5.382E-OO 4.644E-OO R 7 = 3.600E+04 NODE VOLTAGES. 2.999E+Ol R 7 ~ 3.700E+'04 NODE VOLT AGE.S 2.999E+Ol = R 7 3.800E+04 NODE VOLTAGES 2.999E+Ol R 7 = 3.900E+G4 NODE VOLTAGES 2.999E+Ol R 7 = 4. E+U4 NODE VOLTAGES 2.999E+Ol -18Figure 10 shows t'he output obtained as a result of the MODIFY control statement. Sets of node voltages for each value of R7 are obtained. The five solutions are obtained in about the time it takes to get one nominal solution, since the high speed update technique is used to modify the original nominal solution. ~ ,~ 8. Discussion of AC and Transient Analyses The AC and transient analyses will not be discussed in as much detail ·as the sample DC problem. The outputs obtained from these analyses are shown graphically in figure 11. In the AC analysis the primary output is the frequency response of a network. This consists of the magnitude and phase of each of the node voltages as a function of frequency. The input is prepared', :in a similar'··manner to the DC analysis, except that additional input such as values of capacitors, inductors and mutual inductances must be given."",'Also, the· range of frequencies over which the output is to be obtained is specified in a Dlanner similar to the method used ~n the sample problem for modifying a resistance. The primary output of the transient analysis is the time response ot the node voltages of the network. The transient'analysis is capable of handling time varying sou:rceawhich may be inputs to a circuit. Thus, input waveforems such as square waves, sawtooths, sine waves, etc., can be handled. A certain amount olnon-linear capability exists in that switching of parameters from tone value to another 1s possible. Therefore, change of state of transistors and diodes can be simulated. The switching is accomplished automatically and the times at which switching occurs can be made dependedt on computed ~~ quantities such as a certain node voltage. For example, switching,,,"~ ot ~ertain parameter values from one value to another can be made to occur when a specified node reach~s, say, 10 volts. 9. Pro~ram Extentions Norden has extended the Network Analyeis Program beyond the vv version to 'be released by IBM. Some' of these extensions are shown in figure 12. The Failure Effect Analysis searches for failures of components whioh may be over-stressed when certain other components fail. For example, each resistor in a network 1s alternately shorted and opened and the corresponding stress levels in the other components are checked to see that they do not exceed recommended values beyond which a failure may occur. The Derating Analysis compares the stress levels computed in the stress Analysis (described in the sample problem) with recommended rated values which are stored for each standard part on the 1311 disk file. Percent operating to recommended and percent operating to rated stress are then computed. Aleo, the failure :nate of each component and tor the entire circuit is computed. 439 C -19": c:\ o 44u I - , -20- EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT STORAGE Norden U R DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT C;ORPOIIIIATION 441 Figure 12 c -21The Degradation Analysis accounts for the effects of aging or some other criterion on a circuit. For example, the nominal tolerances on the parameters are adjusted to account for degradation with aging and the worst-case and standard deviations are computed with the adjusted tolerances. One of the disadvantages of the program as it presently exists is the necessity of preparing an equlvalent circuit schematic including the equivalent circuit models of the transistors and diodes. Norden 1s extending the Program to include storage of the equivalent circuit so that the user need only specify the type transistor or diode he is using. The necessary data would then be pulled automatically from storage. This will greatly facilitate the setting up of a problem for the computer. One of the most important limitations of the Program 1s the lack of non~linear capability. This problem makes itself evident in cases where it is necessary to account for the non-linear characteristics of transistors and diodes. At present, the user-must select an operating point for a transistor from which the parameter values for the equivalent circuit model are selected. If after analysis, the operating point does not burn out to be the same as that which was expected, the model will not be accurate. This problem also occurs in the transient case when transistors change state and it may be necessary to account for the non-linear transition, Bay, from the off state through the active to the saturate,i state. Norden is working on extending the program to'account for the above non-linearities. C: . " I I. ~ l .) i- AN EXPERIMENTAL PERSONALIZED ARRAY TRANSLATOR SYSTEM H. Hellerman Watson Research Center 1111 Corporation 4~3 c iHii. .W'W·blJifi,· 9'6.·· ··..-¥···trlifflt&t+··LW· .. ·-1;w,;;. . 8··r '·j·WMtlilWill·· - NffI"!fI"!i"·8DlilI!jIIfill i iP'iI"Ie'Hl"fffiJ'Qf"W:i!hi.·O'"m' CI AN EXPERIMENTAL PERSONALIZED ARRAY TRANSLATOR SYSTEM by H. Hellerman IBM Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, New York ABSTRACT: A system de.igned for intimate man-machine interaction in a general purpose problem- solving environment is experimentally operational. The system utilizes an array-oriented symbolic source language containing powerful statement types. These include Numeric, Boolean, Relational, and Selection operators on operands which can be entire arrays. The system also permits simple specification of test and argument arrays in single statements. The completely symbolic operating system includes display and entry of program and data. Sequence control is aided by an interrupt switch which allows the user to interact with the program during execution. In addition to normal stored program sequencing, the system provides trace options and the ability to enter any statement for immediate execution. Present implementation of the system i8 with an interpretive translator on an IBM 1620 computer. Research Paper RC-1091 December 19. 1963 ( .-- DEBUGGING IN THE FOR II SYSTEM bY' R. D. Burgees Mechanical Technology, he. 445 Debugging in the FOR II System This paper briefly describes the 1620 FOR II programming system. Machine language features pertinent to FOR II, difference between FORTRAN with FORMAT and FOR II, indexing in FOR II, subroutine linkage and construction of the object deck are covered. Stress is placed on debugging techniques such as use of the Symbol Table, Instruction Register No.2, and general debugging aids. Knowledge of FORTRAN with FORMAT is assumed. c 446 .~-- ----_._.,.. '", ..• _..."".,. SECTION, APPENDICES Table of Contents Registration List. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5.1.1 List of Programs Teams Chairmen • • • • • • • • • • • • 5.2.1 Report of Meeting of Programs Teams Chairmen • • • • • 5.3.1 Survey of Type 1620 Programming Systems • • • • • • • • S.h.l 447 5.0.0 G EASTERN REGION 1620 USERS GROUP WASHINGTON, D. C., MAY 6 - 8, 1964 REGISTRATION ALMAN, John E. Boston University 700 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, Mass. BEST, A. H. The Glidden Co. P. O. Box 389 Jacksonville, Fla. ANDERSON, Jay Martin Bryn Mawr & Haverford College Bryn Mawr, Pa. BICKFORD, Paul A. O.U, Medical Research 800 N.E. 13th Street Oklahoma City, Okla. ARENA, Angelo IBM White Plains, N. Y. BLAI CHER , He rh Jersey Central - N.J. P & C Madison Ave. Morris Plains, N. J. ARNOLD" Stewart J.M. Patterson State P.O. Box 6199 Montgomery, Ala BLADES, Co Lo Baltimore Gas and Electric Baltimore 3, Md. AUSTIN, Milton T. Mauch1y Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 475 Ft. Washington, Pa BOCKHOFF, J. W. Gen. Am. Trans. Co. 2501 N. Natchez Avenue Chicago, Ill. BABER, Gaye M. Na ti onal Ed. Assoc eo. 1201 16th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. BOLLACASA, Dario General Electric P. O. Box 1072 Schenectady, N. Y. BAILEY J C. IBM Dept. 808 P. B. #6 Endicott~ N. Y. BONNETTE, Mrs. Robert W. Norwich University Northfield, vt. BAKER, A. DO'yle Kentucky Utilities 120 South Limestone Lexington, Ky. BRADY, Kenneth W. Long Island Lgt. Co. 250 Old Country Road Mineola, Long Island, N. Yo BANTA, E. S. Wesley College Dover, Dela. BRAUN, Carol A. Harrison Radiator Div. GMC 1400 N. Goodman St. Rochester, N. Y. BERGER, Kenneth R. National Ed. Assoc. 1201 16th st., N. W. Washington, D. C. c BRIDGEMAN, Keene General Dynamic/Electronics Rochester, N. Y. BECK, W. H. Baltimore Gas & Electric Baltimore 3, Maryland BRIESEMEISTER, R. E. Consolidated Edison 4 Irving Place New York, New York 5.1.1. BRIGHT, Harold F. George Washington Univ. Washington, D. C. CASLIN, James C. US Air Force 318 Whitmore Ave. Dayton, ,Ohio" BRITTAIN, MAl USN, Paul U. S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland CHANCEY, Harold R. Hercules Powder Company Kenvil, New Jersey BROWN, Charles C. Paper Mfg. Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C" Alb~marle CHAPUT, Robert L,. Comm. of Mass 100 Nashua St. Boston, Mass. BRZOZOWSKI, w. Comp-Tron Co. 1035 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, Md. CHURCH" John O. General Foods Corp. 555 S. Broadway' Tarrytown, N. Y. BURGESS, Robert D. Mechanical Tech. Inc. 968 Albany Shaker Road Latham, New York CIPOLLA, Jo Ann E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Wilmington, Dela. BURLEI.GH, W. F. Tidewater Oil Co. Delaware City, Dela. CLARK, Stanley A. Public Service Co. of N. H. 1087 Elm Street Manchester, New Hampshire BURROWS, W. Ao Dravo Corp. Pittsburgh, Pat COOK, Leroy L. U.,S. Public Health Service 1901 Chapman Ave. Rockville, Maryland BUSCH-PETERSEN, Bent Houdry Process & Chern. Co. 1339 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pat COOPER"Richard A. Riley Stoker Corp. 9 Neponset st. Wor\!ester, Mass. CALLAHAN , E. R. E. I. Dupont Textile Fibers Dept. Chattanooga, Tenn. COX, Ed, Memphis Light Gas & Water P. O. Box 388 Memphis, Tenn. CANNER, Arnold K, Transitron Electronic Corp. 168 Albion Street Wakefield, Mass. CROMWELL, John E. Sun Pipe Line Co. 1608 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pat CARLSON, C. Eo New York State Dept. of ·Public Works Albany 5, New York DABE, Rodney Consoer Townsend 360 E. Grand Ave. Chicago, Ill. CARR, Wendell US Pub. Health Service 1901 Chapman Ave. Rockville, Maryland DAVIDSON, C. H. Univ. of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 5.1.2 ,----.-----""",'-" -------".--.-~~--------- c "/"W""Nf:iHtfrlrliittli'F'riif H* "" 'b"'&ii"" Wf""#bH*WWftlffLWiiWWIi4i!litPWg'W"PPHlI"P"HliI'OC.ti"Uf!W"i!!W DAVIDSON, E. A. IBM 425 Park Ave. New York, New York EVANS, John H. Southwestern Public Service Box 1261 Amarillo, Texas DAVIDSON, James N. Long Island Lighting Co. Hicksville, New York FALES, Henry N. General Electric 100 Plastics Ave. Pittsfield, Mass. DAVIES, R. W. Baltimore Gas & Electric Gas and Electric Building Baltimore 3, Maryland FARINA, Mario General Electric 600 Main St. Johnson City, N. Y. DAVIS, Russell H. State Roads Comma of Md. 300 W. Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland DELHOMMER, Harold Petroleum Industrial Computer Center 132 Demanade Blvd. Lafayette, Louisiana DICKINSON, Frank N. Biometrical Services - USDA Beltsville, Maryland DOUGHERTY, Edward Broome Technical Community College Upper Front Street Binghamton, N. Y. DRISCOLL, Thomas L. US Army Trans. Research Comma Fort Eustis Newport News, Va. FELL, Henry W. Princeton-Penna Accelerator Forrestal Rech. Center Route #1 Princeton, New Jersey FINNEGAN, Katherine Remington Arms Co. 939 Barum Avenue Bridgeport, Conn. FISCHER, Michael Worthington Corp. Harrison, N. J. FITCH, Harold L. Long Island Lighting Co. 250 Old Country Road Mineola, Long Island, New York FLAGG, Donald Budd Company Hunting Park Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. EISEMANN, Dr. Kurt Catholic University Michigan Ave. & 4th St., N. E. Washington, D. C. FLEISCH, Sylvia Boston University 700 Commonwealth Boston, Mass. EISENBERG, Jerry IBM 1120 Conn. Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. FOLSE, Paul Tampa Electric Co. P. O. Box III Tampa, Fla. ELLIS, Robert w. Houdry Process & Chem. Co. 1528 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. FOX, J. Baine Washington & Lee Univ. Lexington, Va. ELROD, J. C. Georgia Experiment Station Experiment, Ga. GANGI, Vincent J. The Armstrong Rubber Co. 475 Elm St. West Haven, Conn. 5.1.3 450 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -...- .•....... GARDNER, Donald General Foods Corp. 555 S. Broadway Tarrytown, New York GREEN, Bill Arkansas Power & Light 6th & Pine Pine Bluff, Arkansas GARZANELL, James W. Solvay Process-Allied Chem. P: O. Box 271 Syracuse, New York GROFT, Garth York Div. Borg-Warner Richland Ave. York, Pa. GELSI, Hector, P. Chemical Construction 320 Park Ave. New York, New York GROVE, Dr. Richard E. Randolph-Macon College Ashland, Va. ----~-.-----.- GUION, Richard L. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 14th & Ind. Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. GERRISH, Everett Orange and Rockland Utilities 125 High Street Boston, Mass. HAMILTON, E. Michael George Washington University 300 North Washington Street Alexandria, Va. GLIMN, Arno IBM 3424 Wilshire Los Angeles, Calif. HAMILTON, G. F. Atlas Steels Co. P. O. Box 20 Tracy, Quebec, Canada GOLDBERG, Martin United Aircraft Corp. Helen Street Norwalk, Conn. HANAN, Sandra GOLDEN, . J. T. IBM 1730 Cambridge St. Cambridge, Mass. Rockland State Hospital Orangeburg, New York HARALAMPA, George S. New England Electric System 441 Stuart St. Boston, Mass. GOLDMAN, Norman Boston University 700 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, Mass. HAPLING, Reginald T. A.F. Institute of Technology Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio GOLDREICH, Estern Young & Rubicam 285 Madison Ave. New York, New York HELLERMAN, Herbert IBII GOTTHEIM, Harold N•y .• S. Dept. of Publ. Works State Campus Albany, New York Yorktown Hts., New York HELTZEL, William Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. Newport News, ,va. GRANT J Jay W. IBM San Jose, Calif. HENDERSON, Frederick R. Rochester Institute of Tech. Rochester, New York 5.1.4 451 ..-.. ............ ~ . ( '" "'\ I • • ' HENDRICKSON, MA3 USN, Lee U. S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland JACKSON, Arthur F. A. and T. College Greensboro, N. Carolina HEWLETT, R. F. Colorado School of Mines Holfrn, Volotsfo JARDINE, D'. A. Dupont of Canada Box 5000 Kingston, Ontario, Canada HISE, William B. George Washington Univ. 300 N. Washington St. Alexandria, Va. JASPEN, Dr. Nathan National League of Nursing 10 Columbus Circle New York, New York HOFFMAN, Edward R. St. Regis Paper Co. Nyack, New York JENSEN, Clayton, E. Virginia Military Institute Lexington Va. HOFFMAN, L. L Princeton Univ. Guggenheim Labs. Princeton, New Jersey JOHNSON, James E. Seton Hall Univ. South Orange Ave. South Orange, N.J. HGFFMAN, Thomas R. Union College Schenectady, New York JURNACK, Steve Speer Carbon Co. St. Marys, Pa. HOKE, Tom Oklahoma Gas & Electric P. o. Box 1498 Oklahoma City, Okla. KANE, J. L. Guggenheim Labs. Princeton University Forrestal Research Center Princeton, N. J. HOULIHAN, Joseph Riley Stoker Corp. 9 Neponset St. Worcester, Mass. KARR, Len Bur.ns and Roe, Inc. 160 West Broadway New York, New York HUBBARD, J. C. Baltimore Gas & Electric Gas & Electric Building Baltlmore'3, Md. KELLMAN, Sidney Naval Air Eng.• Center Phila. Naval Base Philadelphia 12, Pa. HURT, Harry U. S. Navy Pensacola, Fla. KELLER, John F. Loyola University New Orleans, La. HUSSON, S. S. IBM Poughkeepsie, New York KENNECOTT, Robert L. Chas. H. Sells, Inc. 409 Manville Road Pleasantville, N.' Y. IRONS, R. C. Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla. Cl lENT, John D Worthington Corporation P. O. Box 69 Buffalo, New York IVESTER, Robert Southern Engineering Co. 1000 Crescent Ave., N. E. Atlanta, Ga. 5.1.5 452 ... ......._.... ,,".... _ "."" .." .." .... _.... "~" ..• ~~--.-~-- .. ~"--- '! KINDRED, Alton R. Ilanatee Junior College Bradenton, Fla. LIPSON, A. L. Virginia Electr~c & Power 7th & Franklin Sts. Richmond, Va. KLEIN, Donald V~llanova University Villanova, Pa. L'ITTLE, Goucher Dulaney Towson, DUEL, Martin Burns an~ Roe, Inc. 160 west Broadway New York, New York Joyce II. College Valley Road Maryland LLOYD, Diana A. FMC Corporation P. O. Box 8 Princeton, New Jersey KNIGHT, Mr. & Mrs. D. M. st. Regis Paper Co. Rt. 59;"'A W. Nyack, 'New York LOPEZ, Steve IBM 112 E. Post Road White Plains, N. Y. LAPOSATA, Samuel M. Ordance Research Lab. P. O. Box 30 State College, Pa. LOUIS, Jene Long Island Lighting Co. 175 Old Country Road Hicksville, New York LARSON, Greta Vapor Corporation 6420 W. Howard Chicago'; Ill. LOWRIMORE t G. R. Hercules Powder Co. Radford Army Ammunition Plant Radford, Va. LASKA,' Gene Rockland State Hospital Orangeburg, N. Y. LUSSOW, Patricia General Electric Compo Ithaca, New York LATTERNER, Thomas S. Hercules Powder Co., Inc. Rocky Hill, New Jersey MAC LEOD" D. H. stetson University DeLand, Fla. LEE, Ralph E. Missouri 'School of Mines Rolla, Mo. MARTIN, C. IBM 425 Park Avenue New York, New York LEillt, John F. Ni agara . Mohawk 1100 Electric Bldg. Buffalo, N. Y. MARTIN, Samuel F. US Aeronautical Charts 2nd Arsonal st. St. Louis, Mo. LIEBMAN, Judith General Electric Compo I~thaca, .New York IIC GElID, Lt.T. L. Naval LIPPO,Veikko A. West Pe,nn Power Co. Cabin Hill Drive Greensbu'rg, Pa. Air Station Fla. Pen~acolaj £. lAUGHLIN, J. Aray )laterials Res. Agency Watertown, Mass. 5.1 •.6 Baltimore Gas & Electric Electric Building Baltimore, Maryland NUNBERG, Bennett Leesona Moos Labs. Lake Success Park Great Neck, New York MERIWEATHER, P. Wayne NASA - MSFC Huntsville, Ala. OGILVIE, Norman Airbourne Instruments Lab. Melville, New York MEADS, M. E. , MILLER, Adelaide IBM 1120 Conn. Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. OLIVER, James R. Univ. 'of Southwestern La. Box 1333 USL Sta. Lafayette, La. MINKIN, Jean A. Institute for Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. O'Neill, Brother B. E., College Manhattan College Pkwy. New York, New York M~hattan MOORHEAD, Patricia John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. 200 Berkeley Street Boston, Mass. ORTH, Jr., E. J. Southern Services, Inc. P. 0, Box 2641 Birmingham, Ala. MONAHAN, Jeanette Rohn & Haas 5000 Richmond St. Philadelphia, Pa. ORTH, Richard Worthington Corporation Harrison, New Jersey A. and T. College Greensboro, N. C. OWENS, John D. New York Univeristy University Heights New York 53, New York MORRISSON, Thomas E. Speer Carbon Co. 47th and Packard Road Niagara Falls, New York PACINO, Salvatore General Nuclear Eng. Corp. P. O. Box 10 Dunedin, Fla. MUNROE, M. E. Universi'ty of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire PALMIERI, Anthony J. Grumman Aircraft Eng. Corp. South Oyster Bay Road Bethpage, Long Island, N. Y. MOORE, E. T. NEWMAN, Edward MIT 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, Mass. PARSONS, Jr. G. G. Lublin, McGaughy & Assoc~ 220 W. Freemason st. Norfolk, Va. NICHOLS, R. E. Virginia Electric & Power Co. 7th and Franklin sts. Richmond, Va. :'· ~ c· '" PAQUIN, Nancy U. S. Public Health Service 1901 Chapman Ave. Rockville, Md. NORTHROP, David T. Fairchild Dumont Labs. 750 Bloomfield Ave. Clifton, N. J. PARKER, E. H. Baltimore Gas & Electric Gas and Electric Building Baltimore 3, Maryland 5.1.7 PATERNITI, Richard IBM 112 E. Post Road White Plains, N. Y. RAVER, Richard E. W: R. Grace & Co·. Clarksville, Maryland REMILEN, Charles H. Eastman Kodak Lake Ave. Rochester, New York PAYNE, Gregson F.T. Nicholls State College Box 121 Tltibodaux, La. PEARCE, D. J. E. I. DuPont Chattanooga, Tenn. ROSENBARKER. I. E. IBM P. B. #6 Endicott, N. Y. PETERS, Carl B. Union County Tech. Inst. 423 Park Ave. Scotch Plains, N. J. RICHARDSON, F. W. Jones & Lamson Mach. Co. 60 Clinton St. Springfield, Vt. PETERSON, Andrew I. Univ. of Bridgeport Park Ave. Bridgeport, Conn. RICKER, Guy W. Jersey City State CDllege Boulevard Jersey City 5, New Jersey PETERSON, H. C. Air Reduction, Inc. Murray Hill, N. J. RIGGS, Heath K. Univ. of Vermont B~rlington, Vermont PIXLEY, David C. Bausch & Lomb, Inc. st. Paul st. Rochester, N. Y. RILEY, R. B. A.D. Margison & Assoc., Ltd. 1155 Leslie St. Don Mill s I Ont. Canada PLEINES, W. w. Baltimore Gas & Electric Gas and Electric Building Baltimore 3, Maryland RODGER.S, .r. A. Baltimore Gas & Electric Gas and Electric Building Baltimore 3, Maryland POINTER J John P. Tenn. PolytechniC lnst. Box 37 Cookerville, Tenn. RUSSELL, J ame s H. Gilbert Associates, Inc. 525 Lancaster Ave. Re,ading, Pa. POWELL, E. R. Pan American World Airways Patrick AFB, Fla. RUVOLI S, Leo York Junior College Country Club Road York, Pa. PRATT, Richard L Air Force Inst. of Tech. Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio SABINE, Theodore R. Operations Research, Inc. 1400 Spring St. Silver Spring, Md. RANE, Dr., D. S. Pennsylvania Military College 14th and Chestnut Sts. Chester, Pa. SALEK, Franklin Hamden Testing Services,'Inc. 87 Valley Road Montclair, New Jersey 5.1.8 c' 455 SAMSON, Stephen L. US Atomic Energy Comm. 376 Hudson St. New York, New York SHIONO, Ryonosuke Univ. of Pittsburgh Pittsburg~ 13, Pa. SHORE, Maynard N. E. R. Squibb & Sons Georges Road New Brunswick, N. J. SAMSTAG, Jay U. S. Public Health Service 1901 Chapman Ave. Rockville, Md. SILVERMAN, Joan IBM 555 Madison Ave. New York, New York SANDIN, E. M. Baltimore Gas & Electric Gas and Electric Building Baltimore 3, Md. SINAN,IAN, Ed IBM 425 Park Ave. New York, New York SAWYER, Dr., John W. Wake Forest College Box 7401 Winston Salem, N. C. SMITH, Walter J. U. S. Naval Academy AnnapoliS, Md. SCALETTI, Henry M. United Shoe Mach. Corp. Balch St. ' Beverly, Mass. SMITH, Welborn H. Airbourne Instruments Lab. Melville, New York SCHIFFMAN, Leonard Berger Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 1943 Harrisburg, Pa, SOUCY, Robert Transitron Electronic Corp. 168 Albion st. Wakefield, Mass. SCHLAGER, Dr. Gunther The Jackson Laboratory Bar Harbor, Maine SPARVERO, 'Luke J. Corporation Dunham Road Meadville, Pa. FMC SCHNECKER t Joe Bethlehem Steel Co. Bethlehem, Penna. SPITALNY, Arnold United Aircraft Corp. Helen st. Norwalk, Conn. SCHRODEL, C. S Sun Oil Co. 1608 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. SPRINGER, Berl .M. Southwestern Public Service 3rd & Polk Street Amarillo, Texas SCOTT, Thomas J. Sun Oil Co. 1608 Walnut St. Philadelphia 3, Pa. STACD, Wanda AT&T 32 Ave, of Amer. New York, New York SEEWALD, Mil ton Texaco, Inc. P. O. Box 509 Beacon, N. Y. STAIANO, E. F. Bucknell Univ. LeWisburg, Pa. SHEEHAN, Daniel M. Virginia Polytechnic Inst. Blackburg, Va. 5.1.9 456 STANSBURY, James C. Halcon International, Inc. 2 Park Avenue New York, New York THOMPSON, E. E. Arkansas Power & Light 6th and Pine Pine Bluff, Arkansas THOMPSON, William B. Photo & Repro. Div. General Aniline & Film Co. Binghamton, N. Y. STEINHART, R. F. IBM 425 Park Ave. , New York, New York STONE, Eleanor Brandeis University Waltham, Mass. TIERS, John Bethlehem Steel Bethlehem, Pat STORRER, R. L. Norwich Pharmacal Cq. Box 191 Norwich 1, N. Y. Gen. Am. Trans. Co. 7501 N. Natchez Ave. Chicago, Ill. SULLIVAN, Peter J. United Illumination Co. BO Temple street New Haven., Conn. TURNER, Don N. Nat's Aero & Space Adm. 600 Independence Ave. Washington, D, C. SVIHLA, Edward B. Automatic Electric Labs. P. O. Box 17 Northlake, Ill. VOYTOVICK, Sharon M. Syracuse University Resl Corp. P. O. Box 26 Syracuse, New York TAYLOR, Carlis National Naval Med. Center Bethesda, Maryland WAGNER, Thomas F. IBM 425 Park Ave. New York, New York TRANTUM, J. W. TAYLOR, CDR., Dean U. S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland WANG, Francesca Stevens Inst. of Tech. Hoboken, N. J. TAYLOR, 'James S. Data Corporation 7500 Old Xenia Pike Dayton, Ohio WEAVER, John University of Dela, Newar~, Dela. TEEPLES, Thomas C. George Washington Univ. 300N. Washington St. Alexandria, Va. WEINER, Myrna S. Brandeis University Waltham, Mass. WEISS, Charles USAF Aeronautical Chart St.Louis, Mo. THOMAS, Edward Engineering Physics Co •. 5515 Randolph Road Rockville, lid. WELLS, Frank· J . Long Island Lgt; Co. 175 Old Country Road Hicksville, New York TROMAS, Roy W. Southwestern Public Service Box 1261 Amarillo, .,Texas c WHELLER, R. C. Airborne Instruments Lab. Melville, New York 5.1.10 ~57 c WHITACRE, C. G. Operations Research Group Edgewood Arsenal, Md. WYNN, W. Phil George Washington Univ. 300 N. Washington St. Alexandria, Va. WHITE, Robert R. L.A. Dept. Water & Power 207 S. Broadway Lps Angeles, Calif. YACKULICS, Charles W. The Armstrong Rubber Co. 475 Elm Street W. Haven, Conn. WILLIAMS, Charles S. Washington & Lee Univ. Lexington, Va. ZIMMERMAN, Leo F. E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Savannah River Lab. Aiken, s. 9. WILLIAMS, D. D. Baltimore Gas and Electric Gas and Electric Building Bal timore 3, lid. ADDITIONS ,DAVIS, Richard B .. Orange and Rockland utilities 125 High Street Boston, Mass. WILSON, George Black & Veatch 1500 Meadowlake Pkwy. Kansas City, Mo. KRENZER, Theodore J. Gleason Works 1000 University Ave. Rochester, N. Y. WINGERSKY, Boty G. University of N. H. Durham, New Hampshire WINGERSKY, Marilyn S. University of N. H. Durham, New Hampshire QUIGLEY, James J. Orange & Rockland Utilities 10 North Broadway Nyack, New York WINGERT, Joseph T. Trenton Junior College 101 w. State st. Trenton, N. J. . STUDENTS CARLSON, Denni s Wesley College Dover, Dela. WOLFF, Jack M. Brooklyn College Brooklyn 10, New York BEALLY, J. Rodge r Wesley College Dover, Dela. WOODRUFF, George H. N. J. State Highway Dept. 1035 Parkway Ave. Trenton, N. J. CLEMENT, Ronald Wesley College Dover, Dela. WRIGHT, Donald L. George Washington Univ. 37th and 0 Streets, N. W. Washington, D. C. LIBERMAN, Nick Wesley College Dover, Dela. WRIGHT, Lawrence Sprague Electric Marshall St. North Adams, Mass. MORROW, Robert Wesley College Dover, Dela. WILSON, M. A. Wesley Co~lege Dover, Dela. 5.1.11 PROGRAMS TEAMS CHAIRMEN ~-"""" ''\...,'/ 1620 USERS GROUP - EASTERN REGION Frank J. Wells, Chairman Electric Utility Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Long Island Lighting Company 175 Old Countr.y Road Hicksville, Long Island, New York Mr. Area ,16 - Phone: WE 1-6300 Dr. James R. Oliver, Chairman Operations Research Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region USL Computer Center Box 133 - USL Station Lafayette, Louisiana 70,06 Dr. Frank N. Dickinson, Chairman Statistics and Mathematics Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Agricultural Research Center Biometrical Services - U.S.D.A. Beltsville, Maryland Mr. J. J. ," Owen, Chairman 1110 User~ Sub-Group Union Bag-Camp Paper Corporation P.O. Box 570 Savannah, Georgia Area 912 - Phone:. AD 6-,111 Mr. Thomas Scott, Chairman Structural and Oivil Engineering Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Sun Oil Company 1608 Walnut Street Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania Phone: KI 6-1600 Mr. Arnold K. Canner, Chaiman General Data Processing Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Transitron Electronic Corporation 168 Albion Street Wakefield, Massachusetts Area 611 - Phone: 24,-4500 Mr. Willi.~ ,H~lt~e;l., Altez-nate Qb~~ Structur~i~d 91v;i ,Et!g~eerjng ·Te~ 1620 US$rs Qroup - Eas'tern ~egion . Newpor:t NewsSllipbuilding&Pry(j,Q.Cjk C()lIlP~ HewpQrt.¥~s, .Virginia ;S;~2.1 ~'5"9 "..(, ,~,' , '" o Programs Teams Chairmen (Cont.) Mr. N. Goldman, Chairman Education Institutions Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Boston University 700 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts Phone: CO 7-1200 Mr. T. H. Korelitz, Chairman Chemical Engineering Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region The Badger Company 363 Third Street Cambridge, Massachusetts Mr. C. S. Schroedel, Acting Chair!T18n - 5/64 Process and Chemical Engineering Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Sun Oil Cbmpa.ny 1608 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Phone: KI 6-1600 Mr. K. W. Brady, Chairman Rate Engineering Team 1620 Users Group -'Eastern Region. Long Island Lighting Company 250 Old Count~J Road Mineola, New York Area 516 - Phone: PI 7-1000 . E~t. 422 Mr. Arnold Spitalny, Chairman Electronics Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region United Aircraft Corporation Norden Division Norwalk, Connecticut 06852 Area 203 -Phone: 838-4471 Mr. C. Bailey, Chairman Plotting Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region IBM Corporation Endicott, New York Mr. Martin Goldberg, Alternate Chairman and Secretary Electronics Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region . United Aircraft Corporatio!l Norden Division Norwalk,Connecticut 068$2 Area 203 - Phone: 838-4471 Mr. E. E ...Newman, Alternate Chairman Plotting Team 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Department of Civil Engineering - Room 1-179 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts $.2.2 460 .~--.-- .....•.. ,.- ..-....", ......... ". Hay 28, 1964 Report of Meeting of Programs Teams Chairmen 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Arligton, Virginia - May 7I 1964 A.t a meeting or eight of the eleven Programs Teams Chairmen who ran sessions at this meeting of the 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region, the following i tams were discussed as indicated: 1. It was suggested that the attendants at these sessions be asked to introduce themsel ves so that a spint of comradery could .be fostered particularlY among those who wanted to have themselves considered as "permanent" members of the Teams. The question of the continuity of the Teams' efforts between meetings was discussed in this context. 2. It was requested that rosters of the attendants at these sessions be compiled with indications of those who wanted themselves to be oonsidered as "permanent" members of the Teams. 3. It was requested that a meeting secretary be appointed for each Programs Team to take notes on discussion topics and papers whose authors did not want them published in toto. It was pOinted out that the authors of papers presented at these meetings are not requested to have them published in the Proceedings. h. A survey was asked for from each Programs Team Chairman of the inter- ests which the "permanent" members ot his Team have in the ses SiODS other Programs Teams. It was pointed out that this information would be useful to the Program Chairman of the meeting in scheduling the Programs Teams sessions. In this context, it v.s suggested that the Programs Teams, in general, could be organized as far as their interests are concerned along lines suggested by the program groupings in the latest quick index. or ,. The structure of the meeting, namely programming and operating systems during the first day and a half followed by' applicatiOns systems and programs during the remaining day and a halt, vas reviewed with the Programs Teams Chairmen with the suggestion that only those topiCS in programming and operating systems or exolusive interest to a particular Programs Team be included in that Team'ssession agenda. 6. The matter ot continuity in Team. activities and leadership between meetings was discussed. Allot the Programs Teams Chairmen at this meeting agreed to continue their leadership at least until the next meeting or the Users Group. These items were subsequently reviewed with the three Programs Teams Chairmen not present at this meeting. 461 D. D. Wllliams Program Chatman 1964 Spring Meeting 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region DDW:sk 5.3.1 SURVEY OF TYPE 1620 PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS 1620 Users Group - Eastern Region Meeting Washington J D. C. May 6, 7 and 8, 1964 Machine Requirements System Detail Page lIM Corporation Statement Languages 1. FORTRAN with Format (Card) - Fo-004, Ver IT 201 2. FORTRAN with Format (Tape) - Fe-004, Ver II 20K 3. FORTRAN II (Card) - FO-019 401 Indirect Addressing Automatic Divide 4. GOTRAN (Card) - PR-011 201 S. GOTHAM (Tape ) - PR-OI0 20K C:I 1 2 3 Sl!!!bol1c LanS!:aS!8 .,.>/ 1. Symbolic Programming System (Card) SP-009 2. Symbolic Programming System (Tape) - 20K 4 201 S 3. 1620/1710 SPS (Card) - SP-020 20K 6 6 sp-ooB 4. 1620/1710 SPS (Tar) - sP-021 5. 1710 SPS II (Card - SP-007 6. 1710 SPS II (Tape) - SP-006 7. SPS III (Card) - SP-027 B. SPS III (Tape) - SP-028 Statement and 2. Monitor I (Tape) - PR-026 a. SPS II-D b. FORTRAN II-D 0 201 201 20K Indirect Addressing 201 Indirect Addressing S~bol1c Lan~ales 1. Monitor I (Card) - PR-02S a. SPS n-D b. FORTRAN II-D ! 201 20K 1311 Disk Dri" Indirect Addressing A.utomatic Divide 201 1311 Disk Drive Indirect Addressing Automatic Divide S.4.1 462 - Page 2 - Statement Languages 1. AFI'l' ~jrOVed FORTRAJ (Card - 01.1.010 2. Complex FORTRAN (Tape) - 06.0.008 3. FORTRAN 90 COllpUer and Subroutines (Card) - 02.0.014 h. FORTRAN 1/2 (Tape) 01.6.037 S. FORTRAN I tor Magnetic Tape System (Card) - Machine Author Require_nta Pratt Air Force Institute ot 'echno1og' Maskiell McGraw-Edison COIIlP&n7 Borst Bausch &: Lomb Optical Company 20K Syatea -Users Anderson Jllen-Bradle.y Co.p~ Wenrick ACF IndUIJ~ie8, Inc. 02.0.018 6. FORTRAN I tor Magnetic Tape S7Stem with Auto- 20K 20K Automatic Divide Indirect Addressing Move Flag 20lC 201 Automatic Divide Indirect Addressing 2 Tape Drives Move Flag 60K Wenrick lC' Industries, Inc. aatic noating Point (Card) - 02.0.02S Automatic Divide Indirect Addres8ing 2 Tape Drives Hove Flag 7. FORGO (Load &: Go FORTRAN) (Card) - 02.0.008 8. FARGO (Card) - 02.0.027 9. FOR-TO-GO (2 Pass FOROO) (Card) - 02.0.009 10. Load It Go FORTRAN (Card) - 01.1.009 ll. Load & Go FORTRAN (Tape) - 01.1.008 12. NOVATlWf I (Tape) 02.0.012 13. trro FORTIWf (Card) 02.0.024 McClure University ot Wisconsin Heyworth University of JJ..berta McClure UJ11T8rsit7 of Wisconsin MailloU'X ot Al.berta Un1verait,. hOI Indirect Jddressing Au.tomatic Divide 601 Indirect Addressing AutcBa'tio Di'ride 1 MagnetiC Tape Drift Move nag hOI Indirect Addressing Automatic Di'ride hOI Indirect .lddressing Mailloux Un1:nrsity of Alberta hOI lorthrop 201 Fairchild Caaer. &lnstr. Lee 201 Univera!ty of Toronto \(w~~ S.4.2 463 - Page 3 - C\ sntea 14. UTO FORTRAR Processor and Subroutines (Tape) - Author Machine Requirements Field Univerait,y of Toronto 201 Brittain Sunstrand biation Automatic Di'9'icIe Indireot Jddre88iDg J.ut~t1c noatiDg Point Move Flag 02.0.011 IS. .lutCllat1c noatiDI FOR'lRAI PrOC888iD1 S78tea - 01.6.076 Xaak1ell HcGraw-Edison ec.p..., 201 Automatic Dinde 201 16. PDQ rORDAI (Card) - 17. Mult1proc•• ainl rORftAI (tape) - 1.1.00S 18. 601 Load It Go rCll'l'lWf Mailloux (Card) - 1.1.019 Univerait7 of Alberta Indirect Addressing Rumrill &£ rowler Beyuk College of 201( lutOllatic Dinde 2.0.031 19. ICI Load It Go rOR'l'RAI (Tape) - 2.0.032 Carr Indiana Tech. College Engineering 601: Indirect lddressing Model 1 C) .20. Rei Load It Go FORnAl (Ced) - 2.0.029 Ru1Ir11l It loyler 201 Newark Col1ep of lngiDeer1ng Automatic D1'Yid.e Indirect Addressing Modell - Page 4Machine Slstea Author Regu1r8l118nta S_bollc Language. 1. Fast Assembler (Card) 02.0.028 HQWOrth UniTersit7 of A'lberta 601 .lutca.tic Dirlde Indirect Addressing a'Magnetic Tape DriftS MOft Flag 2. OSAP AlJa8JIb1l' S7at. (Card) - 01.1.012 lumerical Caaputation Laboratory 201 Indireot Addressing Ohio State Uniftrsit7 3. SPS I for Magnetic Tape S1St.. (Card) - 02.0.021 4. SPS II for Xagnetic Tape Syst.a (Card) - 01.6.011 S. LAMP (Card) - 1.1.001 6. Relocatab1e uS8mb17 System (Card) - 1.1.020 7. AlI! SPS (Card) - 1.1.023 Wenrick A'Cl Industries, Inc. Wenrick ICF Industrie., IDe. Matth78 191 601 3 Magnetic Tapes Autoaatic noat1ng Point 201 ~rporatiOD Richardson AUstralian !EO Pratt Air Force Institute of Technolog 8. FAST .l'8seabler (Card) 2.0.028 60K, Mailloux & Darla UniT8rait7 of Alberta 60K Indirect Addressing 401 Indirect Addressing Automatic DiT1de Move nag 601 2 Magnetic Tapes Indirect AddreSSing Automatic Divide Move nag DetaU Page 1 PORTRAR with Foraat (Card) C; Machine Author '~~ProF- Ind1reotAddreesiDg 1. Card rORTRAI Coapressor Ol.3.oo1~:! . , IBM Corporation 2. D.Jnamic !race - 01.4.011 Lesson 1111 Corporation Indireot Addressing Pope Utah State tJDiftra1t7 Indirect Addressing 3. POROOM Subroutine - 01.6.0S1 4. FORT.RAN Object Deck Compressor - 01.2.009 S. FORTRlN PONat Checker 01.1.017 6. 0 _ Function SubroutiDe Positi" !rgaenw - e,1 !ruh . Regu1reaenta Gi"t'Mr Pont Dept. ot Public Works ( Rico) Paohon Automatic.Eleotric Labe, Inc. Vanscha1lc: 11M Corporation 8. Plot Subroutine - 01.6.0$6 i87Dolds Sprague Ileatria CoapaDl' 10. Subroutine tor Plotting witb a ClL-COMP Plotter - nag Brookqn College 7. Plot Subroutine - 06.0.U9 9. Randall . .bar Subroutine 07.0.021 Mow 201 Indireot AddreesiDg Automatic Diyide 10 Automatic DiTide P1Dk Iltt Corporation Passino Todd Sh1pJVd Corp. Automatic Divide Special Instructiona 01.6.068 11. LiDk Subroutine - 13.0.002 12. not Sv.broutine - 13 .0.001 13. roRTRAR C0IIlpl'888or - Loader 1.2.007 lb. FORDAH M-0Z7 Dap - IS. rCllTRAI Compressor and 7S ColuD Daap - 1.3.008 1.3.004 Poore 201 Louisiana PI Poore Universi tJ' ot ICentuclq 201: Indirect Addressing Sabath I ••tun Kodak 601: tIaland Dow Chemical Ccap8ll7 Indireot Jddrea8ing Moore Indirect Addres8iDg 1111 Corporation C S.4.~ 466 Detail Page 1 (Cont1nued) ProF16. FORTlUI Coapres8or and Programmer - 1.6.o4S Multi- 17. FORCOM - 1.6.0Sl 18. FORSTAD - 19. Modified CDS FORCOMSub- 1.6.0S4 routine -1.6.096 Machine Author Reguirement. Gardner General rooda 201 Pope Ut.ah State Uninrsit,. Indirect.&ddressinc ArJderson General Electric Webster V1ctor1aElectrtc1t7 Indirect AddreSSing CoD1s8ion 20. FOR!RAH Pre-Ccapiler ro-oo6 IB4: CO!'pOration 21. Plot Subroutine - MP-lbI IEII Corporation AutOilatic Divide OAL-CctIP Plotter 467 Detail Page 2 FOR!RAII with Format (Tape) (-~ ",/ Machine Prop-_ 1. Bessel Punctioo Subroutine 07.0.031 2. CAL-OOMP S6S Plotter Subroutine Pen - 13.0.00$ 3. n,namic Trace - 01.4.012 h. Random Haber Subroutine 07.0.022 S. Random I_bar' Subroutine - 07.0.009 6. FORTRAN Lister - 1.1.007 luthor SUDival1 General luclear Requirements 201 Autanatic Dirlde Eng. Corp. Michel Rational Lab. Indirect Addressing Argonne Laeeon IS( Corporation . Indirect Addres8ing Move Flag F1n1c IBM Corporation Sanders Abbott Laboratories Pratt Air Force Institute of Technology ("'''I ,.,Il/ 7. . FORTRAN Pre-Canpiler FO-OOS Ill{ Corporation C',·'\ "'/ S.4.7 469 ------------- ------.",,,._.. _,,,,. Detail page 3 FORTRAN II (Card) Machine Reguirements Author .- Program 1. Dump Digit-X.'Un1oad MemolT Program - Self Load, II and Format Subroutine - 01.6.092 Orth Southern Services, Inc. ,I" 'I.",,' 60K FORTRAN 2. FOReOM Subroutine - 01.6.074 3. 4. ,. Webster State Electrie1t7 Commission ot Victoria (Australia) n S1mbol Table Punch - 01.6.067 McIlvain Catalytic Construction Co. Move Flag FORTRAN II Diagnostician 01.6.019 Burgeson Indirect Addressing IlJ4: Corporation FORTRAN Format Statement Pres.lector 01.6.086 Morgan WaslrlDgton State Highway Depart.-nt 6. Relocatable Cos J Sin, and Exp. Subroutine., - White Mqo 07.0.0)8 7. Relocatable Plot Subroutine 1).0.004 06.0.111 9. Normal HUllber Generator Subprogram - RandOll 06.0.108 Clinic Coaputer FacUity Brq Bray Move Plag Boeing Scientifio Research Labs. 11. 1620 SOR'1'-LibrUT function 01.6.069 MndersoD Sandia Corporation 011 Cards - 01.3.011 13. Auto...tic Floating Point " Boeing Soientific Research Labs. Fassino Todd Shipyard, Inc. S7llbo1 Table (,c".,\ Cl1rd.c Coaputer 'acUit7 10. Subroutine tor Plotting with CAL-COMP Plotter - 01.6.06S 12. Automatic Ploating Point Wbite MaTo 8. RandClll Exponential IfuIlber Generator Subprogram - 60K QbristeDa8n Move Flag noating Point Hardware 'ltD' IDatructiOD $11vania Ilectric s,st.. - West Iat Corporation Autoaat1c Floating Point Subroutine. - IH-024 S.4.8 t!67 C Detail Page 3 (COntinued) c ProE- th.' blocatable DS and TBF Subroutines - 1.6.063 is. ALTER n Machine luthor Requirements White Move Flag Mayo Clinic Computer Fac1l1t 7 Levin Hazeltine Reaearch Division S.h.9 470 Szmbo11c PrOgra.!DS STate. (Card) Prosr- 'Mach1Jle Author Requir. .nta 1. Additional Instruction. Macro Subroutine - 01.1.002 Petersen Washington State H1ghvq Depart&ent Indirect Addres'smg Input-QQtput Subrout1D.. 01.6.028 D7kstra General Foods Research ,20K 2. Center 3. Multiple Precision Floating Point .Arttbmetic Subroutine - 01.6.041 4. Relocator PrOgrUl - 01.2.00S S. SPS Modifier tor Magoetie Tape Operation - 01.6.039 6. Multi-Purpose SPS Compressor '. 1.1.006 7. noat - 1.6.083 Hotfman 601 Boeing COIIlpatl7 Indirect Addressing ,Automatic Divide "MoTe nag" Instruction Glans Purdue University 201 Indirect Addressing aMove nag- Instruction Hollina -Bell TelephoDe Labs. Bate Wolt Research ..__ .-:;r ,and Developnent :G1nsburg D.S. P.B.S. Indirect Addressing JutClllatic Divide Moft nag S.h.10 4'7 1 Detail Page S Symbolic Programming Slstem (Tape) Machine Program 1. 2. SPS Subroutines - 01.1.00) Ass8mbq Program tar Floating Po1ntlnput/Output Subroutines - 01.6.02) Author Requirements Pratt Air Force Institute ot TecbnoloU' 201 Pratt 201 Air Force Institute of Teohnology S.h.ll 472 1620/1710 SPS (Card) Program 1. Floating Point Conversion Subroutines - 1.6.0$3 Author Machine Re9ui~menta Pratt .lit- rorce Inst1tut. ot Technology 2. Label Reterence Indexer - 1.1.014 3. Label Reterence Indexer Without Indirect Addressing- 1.1.013 4. LlOS Floating to Fixed - S. L106 Floating to Filted - 1.6.048 1.6.049 6. Object Deck Analyser 1.6.060 7. Symbol Table Punch 1.3.010 8. Storage and Label Anal7aer 1.6.093 1. Label Reterence Indexer - 1.1.022 Pratt A,ir Force Institute ot Teohnology Indirect Addressing Pratt Air Force Institute of Technology Engelhardt Ill( Corporation Indirect AddressiDs illpl.lla'rdt 1111 Corporation Indirect AddreSSing Beveh BaacoclC John Bradshaw Indireot .lddressing IncB.rect lddre8,s1ng Christian Brothers Oollege BOWMan . IDdirect AddreSSing IlJ! Corporation Pratt :l\r Porce Ill8titute GtrecbDolGl7 ,S.b.'12 473
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