Product Instructions

User Manual:

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Product Instructions
Team 19
bulletin’ is a simple platform designed to help students spread public campus related
information. On the web, students post and view flyers to advertise different events. For
students looking for clubs and events to participate in, it is unlikely that they will look at all flyers
on a physical bulletin board and be informed of all current extracurriculars. Even further, it's
difficult for clubs and events to be able to spread their flyers to all physical bulletin boards
across the whole campus.
To solve this problem, we will create a web application that contains all events within the
university, their information, dates, and image of the poster. Users can see the events on a daily,
weekly, and monthly time scale, able to click on any one to learn further information, and are
able to “collect” flyers to refer to later.
Designed as a web application, bulletin’ only requires a modern webbrowser, a nodeJS enabled
backend server, and a nodeJS enable frontend server. Both servers can run on the same
Program Structure
The standard process to reach all functionality of our platform is simple due to the fact that
there are only a few pages that the user will be using.
Welcome Page:
Upon first arrival, the user is given the Welcome Page. This screen simply redirects the user to
either the login or signup pages.
Login Page:
A very standard login screen that gives you ability to login with a valid account, recover a
forgotten password, or redirect to the signup page.
Signup Page:
The signup page is used to create an account for future login. The signup page demands all
inputs be filled in, requires in the email, and a password of at least 8 characters in
length. Upon failure, the user is notified of any shortcomings. Upon success, the user is
redirected to the Homepage.
Forgot/Reset Page:
In this page, a user is able to receive a new, temporary password in case they forget their own. It
requires 2 steps.
First a user must type their username correctly.
After, give the correct answer to the security question chosen by the user upon Sign Up.
After successful attempts, the user will then receive a new 8 character long password that they
can use to login to their accounts and change.
This page is the bulk of the application. From here, you can:
View flyers (default view)
This will be the default view when first logging in or when selecting the “All” filter
Limit flyers displayed based on how far into the future they occur.
The drop down box contains 4 options: All, Day, Week, Month. This specifies how
far in the future the user wants to see flyers. For example: selecting the “Week”
filter, only shows events happening in the next 7 days.
Save a flyer to a user’s account, to be retrieved later with ease.
The green button marks the flyer for the user. This allows the user to save a flyer
and be able to find it easily later.
Flag a flyer by clicking the ‘flag’ icon. Currently, flagging a flyer 5 times will trigger
automatic removal. The only exception is when the author of a flyer flags their own,
which results in immediate removal.
In deployment, the counter would increase to a more reasonable number. For
testing’s sake, 5 flags removes a flyer from the database. This allows the
community to police itself and remove garbage.
Create a flyer with the ‘create’ button
Clicking on the create button opens a modal that asks the user for the necessary
inputs to create a valid flyer. It enforces all inputs are filled and makes sure the
dates make logical sense.
Viewing a user’s collected flyers
The user can choose to only view flyers it collected in the past, while still
following the selected time frame.
The example below shows the same “Week” time frame but only the collected
The user can log out of their account
When the user clicks on the red button, they are logged out and returned to the
Login Screen.
In this page, a user is able to change their password.
User simply types in new password they would like to have.
Re-type the same password in the next text box, and an alert will appear to tell you if your
password change was successful or not.
 
Test Setup
Due to the nature of the project, manually creating all necessary data (users, flyers) can be
easily done, but our team has pre-filled our database with enough information to be able to start
running. This includes Users to log in as, flyers to view, and variable environment variables.
What you need…
Node package manager (npm) + nodejs
Once you have npm installed you will need to start up both the frontend + the backend server
using npm.
To initialize the backend server:
1. Go into the backend directory.
2. Run npm install
3. Run node app.js to start the server.
To initialize the frontend server:
1. Go to the frontend directory. 
2. Run npm install
3. Run npm start
Once both are running, the website should be accessible via http://localhost:8080/
If you would like to test the website using your own mongo database then you can replace the
MONGO_URL value located in /backend/.env with a custom mongo url.
For using any of the logins that our team have provided, the following login information should
User: , password:
User: , password: password
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