Provider Manual FIDA 2014
User Manual: Provider-Manual-FIDA-2014
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GuildNet Provider Manual 15 West 65th Street New York, New York 10023 212-769-7855 Table of Contents HOURS OF OPERATION ................................................................................................. 4 GUILDNET CONTACT NUMBERS ................................................................................ 5 STANDARDS FOR GUILDNET PARTICIPATING PROVIDERS ................................ 6 GUILDNET OVERVIEW .................................................................................................. 7 ENROLLMENT ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ..................................................................... 7 SERVICE AREA ................................................................................................................ 9 GUILDNET MLTCP COVERED SERVICES/BENEFITS ............................................ 10 GUILDNET MLTCP NON-COVERED SERVICES ...................................................... 11 GUILDNET GOLD COVERED SERVICES/BENEFITS............................................... 11 GUILDNET GOLD NON-COVERED SERVICES ........................................................ 12 THE ROLE OF GUILDNET CARE MANAGEMENT .................................................. 15 COORDINATION OF CARE/PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES ................................. 16 AUTHORIZATION REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 21 AUTHORIZATION PROCESS ....................................................................................... 26 SERVICE STANDARDS FOR PROVIDERS ................................................................. 29 CLAIMS SUBMISSION AND INQUIRY....................................................................... 30 FRAUD AND ABUSE ..................................................................................................... 31 GUILDNET MEDICARE CLAIM SUBMISSION AND INQUIRY ............................. 34 CLAIM INQUIRY:........................................................................................................... 35 APPEALS OF DENIED CLAIMS ................................................................................... 37 ADVERSE REIMBURSEMENT CHANGE ................................................................... 38 FALSE CLAIMS ACT ..................................................................................................... 39 MEDICAID SPEND-DOWN AND THIRD PARTY INSURANCE .............................. 41 GUIDELINES FOR MARKETING GUILDNET SERVICES ........................................ 42 MEMBER CONFIDENTIALITY .................................................................................... 43 MEMBER RIGHTS .......................................................................................................... 44 MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................... 45 MEMBER GRIEVANCES ............................................................................................... 46 MEMBER APPEALS OF GRIEVANCES ...................................................................... 48 CHOOSING AMONG PROVIDERS .............................................................................. 49 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................................................................ 50 PROVIDER CREDENTIALING ..................................................................................... 51 2 MONITORING OF PROVIDERS ................................................................................... 52 PROVIDER AUDITS ....................................................................................................... 53 PROVIDER TERMINATION .......................................................................................... 54 UPDATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ............................................................... 56 3 HOURS OF OPERATION Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM: Contact Numbers Case Management and Member Services: 1-800-932-4703 212-769-7855 - Alternate Telephone 646-619-6093 - Universal Member information Electronic Fax Number Provider Relations: 917-386-9208 - telephone 212-712-2427 – fax Outside of Normal Business Hours, Weekends & Holidays: 1-800-932-4703 4 GuildNet Contact Numbers Wanda Figueroa-Kilroy, President 212-769-7851 Case Management Department Eileen Hanley, Chief Operating Officer Anne Becker, Assistant Vice President of Case Management Sharese Brundage, Assistant Vice President of Case Management Portia McCormack, Assistant Vice President of Case Management 212-769-7855 212-769-6301 212-769-7803 917-386-9701 917-386-9844 Social Work: Steve R. Marpman, Director of Clinical Support Services Isabel Gill, Supervisor Ellen Gordon, Supervisor 212-769-7823 212-712-9908 917-386-9356 Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement Laura Brannigan, Senior Vice President 212-769-7852 Intake: Ruth O’Neal-Allen, Senior Vice President Matilda Simpson, Senior Medicaid Eligibility Specialist 212-712-9939 212-769-7866 Marketing Joselyn Salazar, Director 212-769-7854 Provider Relations: Tamara Romero, Vice President Business Development Ada Bekker, Director, Provider Relations Nancy Martinez, Contract Manager Lok Wong, Senior Authorization Specialist Kelly Ajayi, Provider Network Support & Compliance Analyst Monica Miller, Authorization Specialist Margarita Morales, Authorization Specialist 917-386-9208 212-769-7857 212-769-7856 212-769-6238 212-712-9952 212-712-9906 212-712-9938 212-712-9998 Medicare Services Sandra Birnbaum, Assistant Vice President 212-712-9918 5 Standards for GuildNet Participating Providers GuildNet is committed to providing the highest quality of health care to its members. This Provider Manual is a reference tool designed for you and your staff regarding GuildNet’s policies and procedures. A copy of this manual is available upon request. Any updates and changes related to provider services will be communicated in writing to participating providers. It is important that you read the information and retain it with this manual, so changes can be incorporated into your practice. The GuildNet website will be periodically updated to include new programs, policies, and directories. If you have any questions about GuildNet, please call our Provider Relations number at 1917-386-9208. To provide the best possible care, it is essential that GuildNet Participating Providers attract and retain the highest quality of staff to perform these services. While mindful that providing services must be accomplished within available funding levels, we believe that morally and ethically, we have an obligation to encourage our business partners to treat their employees fairly. The five items below enumerate the terms and conditions of employment that we consider to be minimum standards for all GuildNet Participating Providers. Providers that meet or exceed these minimum standards will be considered “preferred” in consideration of future business: 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide the highest level of care Provide safe and healthy working conditions Treat employees with dignity and respect Maintain full compliance with the New York State Home Care Worker Wage Parity Law Provide fair and reasonable wages; 5. Provide fringe benefits including, but not limited to, adequate health care, retirement and paid leave. 6 GUILDNET OVERVIEW GuildNet Inc., a subsidiary of Lighthouse Guild Vision and Health, offers a Managed Long Term Care Program (MLTCP) established to coordinate healthcare services for chronically ill adults wishing to remain in their own home and communities as long as possible. Member’s healthcare needs, both covered and non-covered, are coordinated by an assigned Case Manager in collaboration with Member’s primary care physician and GuildNet Participating Providers. Collaboration by a physician means that the physician is willing to write orders for covered services and non-covered services, to refer to GuildNet’s Network Providers, and to work with the GuildNet Care Management Team to coordinate all care. The benefits provided to individuals enrolled in GuildNet MLTCP are considered to be Medicaid benefits. GuildNet, Inc. also offers a Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans (SNPs): GuildNet Gold HMO-POS SNP, a Medicaid Advantage Plus plan and GuildNet Gold Plus, a Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Program. GuildNet Gold is available to individuals who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, and meet most of the Managed Medicaid Long Term Care Program (MLTCP) enrollment criteria. GuildNet Gold has an integrated benefit package that includes both Medicare and Medicaid benefits. GuildNet Gold Plus FIDA Plan is available to individuals entitled to benefits under Part A and enrolled under Part B and receiving full Medicaid Benefits meeting one of the following three criteria: Are Nursing Facility Clinically Eligible and receiving facility-based LTSS, are eligible for the Nursing Home Transition Diversion waiver program or require community based Long Term Supports and Services for more than 120 days. Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements GuildNet, Inc. policies and procedures are designed to promote compliance with the ADA. Providers are required to take actions to remove an existing barrier and/or to accommodate the needs of participants who are qualified individuals with a disability. This action plan includes the following: • Access to an examination room that accommodates a wheelchair • Access to a lavatory that accommodates a wheelchair • Elevator or accessible ramp into facilities • Handicap parking clearly marked unless there is street side parking • Street-level access Accessibility Requirements GuildNet ensures that the hours of operation of all of its network providers and community-based and facility-based LTSS, are convenient to the population served and do not discriminate against FIDA Plan participants (e.g., hours of operation may be no less than those for commercially insured or public fee-for-service insured individuals), and that FIDA Plan services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. GuildNet has resources available to providers working with GuildNet members who require culturally, linguistically or disability-competent care. A free multi-language interpreter service is available to answer any questions providers and their patients may have about our plan. To get an interpreter, call us at 1-800-932-4703. 7 Enrollment Eligibility Criteria To be enrolled in GuildNet members must meet the following eligibility criteria: • Age 18 or older; • Reside within GuildNet’s service area; • Have Medicaid; • Be eligible for nursing home level of care at the time of enrollment as determined by the New York State patient assessment instrument; • Capable, at the time of enrollment, of returning to or remaining at home and community without jeopardy to their health and safety; • Expected to need care management and long-term care services for at least 120 days. In addition to criteria above, GuildNet Gold members must also: • Have Medicaid AND Medicare Part A & B; • Be enrolled in GuildNet’s Medicaid Advantage Plus. GuildNet Gold Plus (FIDA) members must: • Be Age 21 or older • Entitled to benefits under Part A and enrolled under Parts B and D, and receiving full Medicaid benefits • Reside in a FIDA Demonstration county FIDA-eligible members must also meet one of the following three criteria: • Nursing facility clinically eligible (NFCE) and receiving facility-based LTSS • Eligible for the nursing home transition and diversion (NHTD) waiver • Require community-based LTSS for more than 120 days 8 Service Area GuildNet MLTCP is available in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Gold and Health Advantage plans are available in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk Counties. GuildNet Gold Plus (FIDA) Region 1: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and Nassau. Region II: Suffolk and Westchester 9 GUILDNET MLTCP Covered Services/Benefits GuildNet Medicaid Benefits are community based services that would otherwise be covered in whole or part by Medicaid. These services are listed below. Adult Day Health Care Adult Social Day Care Audiology Certified Home Health Care Services Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services Dentistry Durable Medical Equipment Medical and Surgical Supplies Licensed Home Care Meals (Home/Congregate) Non-Emergency Transportation Skilled Nursing Facility Nutritional Counseling Optometry Outpatient and in-home physical, occupational, speech therapy Podiatry Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) Private Duty Nursing Prosthetics/Orthotics Respiratory Therapy Social and Environmental Supports Social Work Services There are no cost-sharing expenses for GuildNet members, including deductibles or copayments. For more information, please call GuildNet Provider Relations at 1-917-3869208 Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. GuildNet is always secondary payer to Medicare and other third party payers. 10 GUILDNET MLTCP Non-Covered Services Services that a GuildNet MLTCP Member may require that are not covered by GuildNet but are billed directly by the Provider to Medicaid, Medicare, or other third party payer may be included in the Member’s GuildNet Service Plan of Care and coordinated by the Case Manager in collaboration with the PCP and Providers involved in the Member’s care. These non covered services include: Physician Services Inpatient Hospital Stay Laboratory Services Radiology and Radioisotope Services EMERGENCY Transportation Chronic Renal Dialysis Hospice Services Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Family Planning Services Prescription & Non Prescription Medications Mental heath services listed below § Methadone maintenance treatment § Intensive psychiatric rehabilitation treatment programs § Day treatment § Continuing day treatment § Case management for seriously and persistently mentally ill § Partial hospitalizations § Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) § Personalized recovery oriented services (PROS) Rehabilitation services provided to residents of OMH Licensed Community Residences and Family Based Treatment Programs Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) Services AIDS Adult Day Health Care GUILDNET GOLD Covered Services/Benefits GuildNet Gold covered benefits include all services otherwise covered by fee for Service Medicaid, Original Medicare under Part A and Part B, and prescription medications covered under Part D, excluding those listed under “GuildNet Gold NonCovered Services”. There are no cost-sharing expenses for GuildNet Gold members, including deductibles or co-payments, except small co-payments for some Part D Prescription medications. For more information, please call GuildNet at 1-917-386-9208 Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 11 GUILDNET GOLD Non-Covered Services Services that a Member may require that are not covered by GuildNet Gold may be included in the Member’s Plan of Care and coordinated by the Case Manager in collaboration with the PCP and Providers involved in the Member’s care. These noncovered services include: Services Covered by Direct Reimbursement from Original Medicare: • Hospice services Services Covered by Medicaid Fee-for-Service: • Family planning, (covered by Medicaid fee for service) • Mental heath services listed below § Methadone maintenance treatment § Intensive psychiatric rehabilitation treatment programs § Day treatment § Continuing day treatment § Case management for seriously and persistently mentally ill § Partial hospitalizations § Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) § Personalized recovery oriented services (PROS) • Rehabilitation services provided to residents of OMH Licensed Community Residences and Family Based Treatment Programs • Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) Services • AIDS Adult Day Health Care 12 GUILDNET Gold Plus –FIDA Covered Services Participant Benefits and Covered Services Services Services Case Management for Seriously and Persistently Mentally Ill Cervical and Vaginal Cancer Screening OMH Licensed CRs Chemotherapy Other Supportive Services the Interdisciplinary Team Determines Necessary Outpatient Drugs Chiropractic Clinical Research Studies Colorectal Screening Outpatient Hospital Services Outpatient Mental Health Outpatient Rehabilitation (OT, PT, Speech) Community Integration Counseling Outpatient Substance Abuse Community Transitional Services Outpatient Surgery Comprehensive Medicaid Case Management Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services Palliative Care Pap Smear and Pelvic Exams Continuing Day Treatment Day Treatment Partial Hospitalization (Medicaid) Partial Hospitalization (Medicare) Defibrillator(implantable automatic) Depression Screening PCP Office Visits Peer-Delivered Services Dental Peer Mentoring Diabetes Monitoring (Self-Management Training) Personal Care Services Diabetes Screening Personal Emergency Response Services (PERS) Diabetes Supplies Diagnostic Testing Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) Podiatry Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Emergency Care Private Duty Nursing Environmental Modifications Prostate Cancer Screening Family-Based Treatment Prosthetics Health/Wellness Education Health Homes Hearing Services Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services Routine Physical Exam 1/year Service Coordination 13 HIV COBRA Case Management Skilled Nursing Facility HIV Screening Home and Community Support Services Home Delivered and Congregate Meals Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Social and Environmental Supports Social Day Care Home Health Home Maintenance Services Social Day Care Transportation Specialist Office Visits Home Visits by Medical Personnel Immunizations Structured Day Program Substance Abuse Program Independent Living Skills and Training Telehealth Inpatient Hospital Care (including Substance Urgent Care Abuse and Rehabilitation Services) Inpatient Services during a non-covered inpatient Vision Care Services stay Inpatient Mental Healthcare Wellness Counseling Inpatient Mental Health over 190-day Lifetime Kidney Disease Services Limit Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment Programs 14 The Role of GuildNet Care Management Care Manager/Interdisciplinary Team Each Member is assigned to a Care Manager/care coordinator/Interdisciplinary Care Team that will include health care professionals (nurses, social workers, psychologists or therapists, as appropriate) who have ongoing responsibility for coordinating, managing and authorizing all aspects of the delivery of care and services to members. As the primary coordinator of care, the Care Manager’s responsibilities include: • • • • Authorization and implementation of covered services outlined in the Member’s service plan, Monitoring of all services for quality and effectiveness, Integration of feedback, observations, and recommendations of other professionals involved in managing the care to the Member, including network Providers, PCP’s, Specialists, and Providers of uncovered services, Coordination of discharge planning from hospital or nursing home stays. Member Service Representative/Member Service Assistant Member service staff serves as liaison between the Member and Care Manager and assist the care management team by providing information about GuildNet policies, available services, and network Providers to Members; making and confirming service arrangements; issuing authorizations as directed by the Care Manager; and answering questions and resolving problems presented by Members and Providers, as appropriate. 15 Coordination of Care/Provider Responsibilities GuildNet’s New York State Managed Long Term Care program is responsible for providing long-term care and health services to its members. Because intensive care coordination and management is critical to the health and well-being of its membership, GuildNet participating providers agree, through the GuildNet Participating Provider Agreement, to fully cooperate with GuildNet care management, even if the episode of care does not result in any payment by GuildNet to the participating provider because the provider's fee is covered entirely by a primary payer, such as Medicare. Specifically, it is not unusual for a GuildNet member to also be Medicare-eligible. In these cases, because Medicaid is always the payer of last resort and Medicare is the primary payer, under the GuildNet coordination of benefits procedure GuildNet may owe no secondary payments to the participating provider. This payment circumstance does not alter the responsibility of participating providers to cooperate with GuildNet care management. Providers are responsible for effectively communicating with the Care Manager/ Interdisciplinary Team, along with the Member Services staff regardless of primary payer, in order to promote optimal scheduling of services, prevent duplication of services, remove barriers to care, access appropriate reimbursement sources for services, increase continuity of care, and progress toward goal achievement. As part of its role in managing a Participant’s care, GuildNet authorizes services and provides the following information: • Member Demographics • Physician Information • Description of Requested Service • Clinical Status as appropriate Podiatry, Optometry, and Audiology screening services provided by network Providers do not require authorization; however, the above information is available upon request. A Member may refuse care that has been specified in the Member’s service plan. GuildNet will not place, or will terminate, services that the Member refuses after the Member, their family, or representative has been fully informed of the health risks and consequences involved in such refusal, and the Member, upon being fully informed, continues to refuse care. Providers must notify GuildNet immediately if an authorized or requested service is refused. 16 All Providers are required to • Comply with all regulatory and professional standards of practice and are responsible to acquire physician orders whenever required by regulation or local, state or federal law as well as for determination of medical necessity and/or 3rd party reimbursement. The Care Manager/Interdisciplinary Team may assist in obtaining orders if the Provider has been unsuccessful. • Notify GuildNet immediately whenever there is identification of a clinical issue of serious concern, change in Member status, refusal of service, inability to access Member’s home, or inability to provide service for any reason. • Communicate verbally and in writing on a timely basis regarding the nature and extent of services provided to the Member and the Member’s progress and status. • Cooperate with GuildNet on any grievance, appeal, or incident investigations as required. Incident reports must be submitted to GuildNet within 10 working days of request. • Communicate to GuildNet any complaint made by or on behalf of the Member. • Cooperate with GuildNet’s quality assurance and improvement programs (QAPI) as needed. • Assure that all Provider’s employees and agents involved in direct contact with Members carry proper Agency identification. • Notify GuildNet of the provision of any unauthorized urgent services within 48 hours. • Prior to the addition of any new Provider owner, director, employee, agent, contractor or referral source, and on a monthly basis thereafter, Provider shall confirm that such individuals and entities are not Excluded by checking the excluded parties lists maintained by the New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General, the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, and the United States General Services Administration; In addition: Home Care Providers are responsible for • Obtaining physician orders; • Developing the aide care plan for requested services; • Ensuring that Family members of GuildNet enrollees who are HHA/PCA are NOT assigned to handle the care of their family member; • Notifying Member in advance of name of assigned staff; • Notifying GuildNet and Members in advance of need for replacements and name of replacement staff; • Submitting evaluation and progress notes following first assessment visit by any/all disciplines and every two weeks thereafter unless specified otherwise; • Cooperating fully with GuildNet case management; communicate verbally or in writing regarding the member’s progress even if the episode of care does not result in any payment by GuildNet to the participating provider; • Confirming aide daily attendance: Effective January 1, 2012 all Licensed Home Care Providers (LHCSAs) must implement an electronic call in/call out attendance program in addition to other manual random verification. Agency protocols on Aide attendance verification must be available to GuildNet Provider Relations upon request. If a member does not allow the aide to call in or call out 17 • • from their telephone, the Care Manager must be informed and the information documented; Submitting Attendance Activity reports as requested. Reports should be indicate: 1. date and time of electronic call in/out; 2. date and time of manual modifications/entries; and 3. name of user modifying/entering time in/out. Maintain full compliance with the New York State Home Care Worker Wage Parity Law (New York State Public Health Law Section 3614-c, as amended, and all New York State Health Department regulations and guidance with respect thereto) (the "Wage Parity Law"); and shall provide GuildNet with all information to verify such compliance Residential Health Care Providers are responsible for: For Short Term Stay (up to 6 months): • Determining the type of health insurance coverage the prospective resident has and whether or not the RHCF is authorized to serve the member (MAP Procedure 03-01); • Submitting progress notes to GuildNet Care Manager Bi-Weekly; • Obtaining authorization for any covered service outside of daily rate; and • Assisting in the Medicaid recertification process. For Long Term Care: • Determining eligibility for Institutional Medicaid and other Third Party Health Insurance and whether or not the RHCF is authorized to serve the member; • Submitting Conversion applications for members placed for long term care; Identifying the admission as a Managed Long Term Care admission; • Submitting Resident Monthly Summaries to the GuildNet Care Manager; • Including GuildNet Care Manager in case conferences; • Obtaining authorization for any covered service outside of daily rate; and • Assisting in the Medicaid recertification process. Note: GuildNet Members must be eligible for Institutional Medicaid to remain in a RHFC for long term care. DME and Medical Supply Providers are responsible for: • Verifying primary payor coverage and eligibility prior to delivery; • Acquiring physician orders whenever required by regulation or local, state or federal law as well as for determination of medical necessity and/or 3rd party reimbursement; • Exhausting all other payment sources prior to billing GuildNet; and • Timely Delivery of requested products. 18 Note: It is the responsibility of the provider to determine whether Medicare covers the item or service being billed. If the service or item is covered or if the provider does not know if the service or item is covered, the provider must first submit a claim to Medicare, as GuildNet is always the payer of last resort. If the item is normally covered by Medicare but the Provider has prior information that Medicare will not reimburse due to duplicate or excessive deliveries, the information should be communicated to the GuildNet Care Manager prior to delivery. 19 Transportation Providers are responsible for: • Arriving within 30 minutes of scheduled pick up time and within 1 hour of will call time; • Providing all requested in and out of borough transportation requests, including special needs transports; • Assuring that all transportation is to Medical Appointments unless specifically noted in the authorization; • Notifying GuildNet when a requested trip is to a non-medical destination not noted in the authorization; • Notifying GuildNet when a Member cancels or does not show for a pick up; • Notifying GuildNet when it is determined, upon arrival, that the driver is unable to transport a member safely; and • Obtaining documentation for each trip provided, including the following: Ø Member’s name and ID number Ø Date of Transport Ø Pick up address and time of pick up Ø Drop off address and time of drop off Ø Vehicle License Plate number Ø The full printed name of Driver GuildNet requires that all Ambulette and Car Service participating providers follow the safety criteria in accordance with the TLC & Safety Emissions of New York when transporting members, including the following securement systems: • Tie Down Straps: 4 Tie Down Straps for each Wheelchair Position. • Seat Belts: A passenger seat belt and shoulder harness shall also be provided for use by mobility aid users for each mobility aid securement device. These belts shall not be used in lieu of a device, which secures the mobility aid itself. ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS: Each vehicle must be equipped (installed) as follows: • Body Fluid/Spill Kit • Reflector Triangle Kit (3 Triangles) • First Aid Kit • Fire Extinguisher 20 AUTHORIZATION REQUIREMENTS MLTCP Authorization Requirements GuildNet MLTCP requires prior written authorization, except for in network Optometry, Podiatry, Dentistry, Nutritional Counseling and Audiology Screening. Those services may be self-selected and self-scheduled by the Member from the Provider Network for routine visits. Limitations of services are in accordance with MMIS guidelines. GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Gold Plus Authorization Requirements GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Gold Plus Members do not require a referral, but some GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Gold Plus services require prior authorization. Please see the table on the following pages for authorization requirements. GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Gold Plus Requires approved authorizations by the Interdisciplinary Team. Participants do not require a referral but all coverage determinations are approved by the Interdisciplinary Team. Out of network providers must accept Medicare assignment and can submit claims for services not requiring authorization to: GuildNet c/o EmblemHealth, PO Box 2830, New York, NY 10116-2830 Out of Network provider forms can be obtained on line at: The table on the following pages outlines the authorization requirements for GuildNet MLTCP, GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Gold Plus. Services not requiring prior approval are allowed according to Medicare/Medicaid quantities and limitations, including appropriate diagnosis. It is best to check prior approval requirements with EmblemHealth/GHI by calling: 1-866-557-7300 or fax to: 1-866-725-6603. 21 For GuildNet MLTCP, authorizations and prior approvals are obtained from the GuildNet Care Manager (1-212-769-7855) For GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Gold Plus, authorizations and prior approvals for covered services are obtained from the GuildNet Care Manager (1-212-769-7855) or EmblemHealth Utilization Management (1-866-557-7300 Fax: 1 866-725-6603) as follows: Authorization/Prior Approval Requirement Covered Service Adult Day Care Ambulance Emergency Ambulance Non-emergent GuildNet MLTCP GuildNet Gold Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager Not Covered None Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager Diabetes Yes Monitoring GuildNet Care Diabetes selfManager monitoring, management training and supplies, including glucose monitors, test strips and lancets. All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team. All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are Sometimes Claim submitted to approved by the EmblemHealth. Interdisciplinary team Authorization from EmblemHealth needed for non-Abbott items. GuildNet Case Manager All Services are approved by the > $500 * EmblemHealth Interdisciplinary team < $500 none Medical and Surgical Supplies Medicaid-covered Yes Yes GuildNet Case Manager GuildNet Case Manager Medical and Surgical Supplies Part B Yes Yes Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Yes GuildNet Gold Plus GuildNet Case Manager Yes* All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are approved by the > $500 * EmblemHealth Interdisciplinary team UM; < $500 none 22 Authorization/Prior Approval Requirement Covered Service Parenteral/ enteral feeds Hearing Exams/ Hearing Aids Home Health Care (CHHA) GuildNet MLTCP GuildNet Gold Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager EmblemHealth UM None None Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Gold Plus All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are approved by the EmblemHealth UM for Interdisciplinary team skilled services; GuildNet Case Manager for long term chronic care. Home Health Care (Licensed) Hospice Care: Fee for service Medicare/Medicaid Meals on Wheels Nutrition Therapy Occupational Therapy Services Yes GuildNet Care Manager Not Covered Yes All Services are approved by the GuildNet Care Manager Interdisciplinary team Not Covered All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Yes Yes All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager No for in-network providers No All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager EmblemHealth UM for Medicare-covered. All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team GuildNet Care Manager for chronic care. No No Optometry - Eye Exams, Eye Glasses, Contact Lenses; Low Vision Services 23 All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Authorization/Prior Approval Requirement Covered Service GuildNet MLTCP Orthotics/Prosthetics Yes Orthopedic GuildNet Care Footwear Manager Yes Ostomy Supplies Oxygen Therapy PERS GuildNet Gold Yes >$500 EmblemHealth UM GuildNet Gold Plus All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team None All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Yes Yes GuildNet Case Manager EmblemHealth UM All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Case Manager All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Yes Physical Therapy/ Occupational GuildNet Care Therapy/ SpeechManager Language Pathology (PT/OT/ST) Yes Podiatry/Foot Care None All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team No* EmblemHealth UM for Medicare-covered. All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team GuildNet Care Manager for chronic care. Routine foot care 4 times per year and for medicallynecessary treatment of injuries or diseases of the foot. *GuildNet Care Manager for routine foot care beyond 4 visits per year. Private Duty Nursing 24 Authorization/Prior Approval Requirement Covered Service Prosthetics and Orthotics GuildNet MLTCP Yes GuildNet Care Manager Yes GuildNet Care Manager Respite Care GuildNet Gold GuildNet Gold Plus Yes All Services are approved by the > $500 * EmblemHealth Interdisciplinary team UM; < $500 none Yes* All Services are EmblemHealth UM approved by the for first 8 Respite days Interdisciplinary team in calendar year (in home or SNF) GuildNet Care Manager for remaining days after the 8th day. Yes Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Care Social and Environmental Modifications Social Day Care Social Work Services Speech-Language Pathology GuildNet Care Manager Yes All Services are approved by the EmblemHealth UM for Interdisciplinary team skilled services GuildNet Care Manager for long term chronic care Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager EmblemHealth UM for Medicare-covered. All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team GuildNet Care Manager for chronic care. Transportation – Non Emergent Yes Yes GuildNet Care Manager GuildNet Care Manager 25 All Services are approved by the Interdisciplinary team Authorization Process For Services Authorized by the GuildNet Care Manager: Authorization for services, revised authorizations, and authorization terminations are faxed to the Provider. Each authorization has the following information: • • • • • • • • • • • • Heading indicating the Plan name (GuildNet MLTCP, GuildNet Gold or GuildNet Gold Plus) Authorization or Request Number Authorization effective and expiration date; Name, Address, and GuildNet Identification Number of Participant; Diagnosis; Physician Name, Address, and Telephone Number; Service code and description of service; Amount, frequency and duration of service; Name and Address of the Provider; The name of the Participant service staff person entering authorization; The name of the member’s Care Manager; Additional information is documented in the “Notes” section of the authorization. This information would include relevant clinical information and reason for referral. In addition, if the request is unusual, time-sensitive, especially complicated or requires a particular customization, additional written or verbal communication with the Provider will take place. This information will be provided consistent with the Confidentiality Policy referenced in the Quality Assurance Plan. The Provider should review the authorization to confirm the vendor name, dates of service, service code, and number of units authorized. If any of these fields do not match the service/item requested, call the GuildNet representative issuing the authorization immediately and request a corrected authorization. Authorization is not required for payment of Medicare or other Primary Payor CoInsurance, with the exception of Skilled Nursing Facilities. See sample authorization on next page. 26 27 Services fully or partially covered by Medicare or other primary insurance: Verifying primary payor coverage and eligibility, acquiring any needed physician orders and exhausting all other payment sources prior to billing GuildNet remains the responsibility of the Provider. In the event that a provider has knowledge that a Medicare covered item has already been obtained through Medicare, or other payor, and the allowable time period for replacement has not expired, the provider must contact the GuildNet Care Manager prior to delivery. Where required by individual regulatory requirements, or third party reimbursement, Providers are responsible for obtaining their own physician orders and medical necessity. The Care Manager/Interdisciplinary Care Team can assist the Provider in obtaining the orders if the Provider’s attempts have been unsuccessful. Providers must advise GuildNet immediately if services cannot be provided. For GuildNet Gold or GuildNet Gold Plus Services requiring Prior Approval from EmblemHealth Utilization Management (UM) please call: EmblemHealth: 1-866-557-7300 Fax: 1-866-725-6603 28 Service Standards for Providers Providers participating in the GuildNet Provider Network shall provide service to Participants in accordance with the standards set by GuildNet except when a longer timeframe is required by the Participant. These standards are outlined below: Service: Standard (relative to requested start date): Adult Day Health Care Audiology Placement must occur within 14 days Standard: within 7 days Emergency: within 48 business hours Standard: within 28 days Emergency: within 24 business hours Delivery must occur within 72 hours, unless custom order or otherwise noted. Initial visit must occur within 24 hours Date and time specified by GuildNet Placement must occur within 7 days or as otherwise noted Service must be provided within 14 days Standard: within 7 days Emergency: within 24 business hours Initial visit must occur on the date and time specified by GuildNet Dentistry DME/Supplies Home Health Care Meals (Home/Congregate) Skilled Nursing Facility Nutritional Counseling Optometry Personal Care Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy (not in home) Initial visit within 7 days Physical, Occupational &Speech Therapy (in home) Initial visit must occur within 72 hours Podiatry Standard: within 7 days Emergency: within 24 business hours Private Duty Nursing Date and time specified by GuildNet Prosthetics/Orthotics Measurement within 14 days Respiratory Therapy Initial visit must occur within 24 hours Social Day Care Placement must occur within 14 days Social and Environmental Supports Delivery within 14 days unless custom ordered Social Work Services Service must be provided within 14 days Transportation Pick up within 30 minutes of scheduled time Clinical notes should be submitted within 48 hours of assessment visit. Progress notes/summaries should be submitted every two weeks thereafter unless otherwise requested or there is a decrease in member health status. 29 Claims Submission and Inquiry Providers must inform GuildNet Provider Relations of any changes in Tax ID, Corporate Name and/or addresses as soon as they are known. Allow 30 days for record updates. CLAIM SUBMISSION Claims for authorized services must be submitted to GuildNet within 120 days of the date of service. GuildNet may pay claims denied for untimely filing where the provider can demonstrate that a claim submitted after 120 days of the date of service resulted from an unusual occurrence and the provider has a pattern of timely claims submissions. Claims submitted beyond 120 days will be paid at a discount up to 25%. Claims for dates of service beyond 365 days will not be considered for payment. All claims should be submitted to: GuildNet c/o Relay Health 1564 Northeast Expressway Mail Stop HQ-2361 Atlanta, GA 30329 1-866-775-8860 Claims for services partially covered by Medicare or another primary payor must be accompanied by a Medicare or other primary payor EOB. Electronic Submission: Participating Providers submitting claims for 10 or more GuildNet members per month must submit electronic claims in HIPAA 5010 format. Information regarding submission of electronic claims can be obtained by sending an email to: All Claims must include: 1. Member name and GuildNet Member ID number 2. Provider Name, Tax ID Number and NPI number 3. Valid ICD-9/Diagnosis Code 4. A Date of Service that falls within the effective and expiration date printed on the authorization 5. The Service Code 6. The number of Units (cannot exceed the total units or units per day on the authorization) 7. Copy of the primary insurer EOB for co insurance claims 30 Prompt Payment: Electronic Claims will be paid within 30 days of receipt. Paper claims will be paid within 45 days of receipt. PAPER CLAIMS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT: • CMS HCFA 1500 : Individual Practitioners DME & Medical Supplies Transportation Providers Rehab Therapy - Pvt. Practice (home or office setting) All fields must be completed including Place of Service and Valid Diagnosis Code • UB-04 Home Care Nursing Home Day Care PERS Rehab Therapy Clinic Setting All fields must be completed including Type of Bill and Valid Diagnosis Code Company invoices and spread sheets will not be accepted. Electronic Claims are submitted in 837I or 837P format. FRAUD AND ABUSE Do not submit claims based on authorizations without proper documentation. Billing for services not rendered or different than the service actually provided is considered to be Fraud and Abuse. All Providers are expected to be familiar with and compliant with GuildNet’s Fraud, Waste and Abuse Policies and Procedures. Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training for Providers is located on GuildNet’s website at 31 All Providers must sign up with PaySpan Health: GuildNet offers Providers PaySpan Health - a solution that delivers Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs), Electronic Remittance Advice (ERAs), and much more. FREE to GuildNet Providers, the solution enables online presentment of remittance/vouchers, and straightforward reconciliation of payments to empower our Providers to reduce costs, speed secondary billings, improve cash flow, and help the environment by reducing paper usage. Convenient Payments: PaySpan Health gives the option to receive payments according to preference: electronically direct to a bank account, or by traditional paper check. Choose* the method in which you receive remittance information: • • Electronic Payments and Remittance Advice - Sign up to receive both payments and remittances electronically, Or Receive Remittance Advice Electronically – Sign up to view, download and/or print your remittances, only a check will be mailed to your office * If you do not sign up with PaySpan Health to receive payments electronically, you will continue to receive paper checks. Electronic remittances files will only be available on the PaySpan Health site. PLEASE NOTE PAPER REMITTANCES ARE NO LONGER MAILED . • • HIPAA 835 electronic remittance files are available for download directly to a HIPAA-compliant Practice Management or Patient Accounting System Mailbox capability will be available to establish a mailbox for automated delivery of 835s and/or PDFs Provider Benefits: As a Provider, you can gain immediate benefits by signing up for PaySpan Health: • Improve cash flow: Electronic payments can mean faster payments, leading to improvements in cash flow. Maintain control over bank account: You keep TOTAL control over the destination of claim payment funds. Multiple practices and accounts are supported. • Match payments to advice/vouchers: You can associate electronic payments quickly and easily to an advice/voucher. • Manage multiple Payers: Reuse enrollment information to connect with multiple Payers. Assign different Payers to different bank accounts, as desired. • 32 Registering your Practice Contact PaySpan Provider Services to obtain your unique Registration Code and PIN: 1-877-331-7154, Option 1 Signing up for PaySpan Health is simple, secure, and will only take 5-10 minutes to complete. To enroll, you must register as a user on the PaySpan Health website. Using your web browser, go to A step-by-step guide for registration is available online. Our Provider Services Team is available Monday through Friday, 8am to 8pm 33 GUILDNET MEDICARE CLAIM SUBMISSION AND INQUIRY GuildNet Gold and Health Advantage Claims for services accessed through EmblemHealth (see GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Health Advantage Covered Services) should be submitted to EmblemHealth. Please see contact numbers and addresses below. GuildNet Gold and Health Advantage are Point of Service plans for most services. If you are not an EmblemHealth/ GHI Medicare Choice Participating Provider, you may obtain a non-participating claim form at: Claims for all other GuildNet services (those authorized by the GuildNet Case Manager) should be submitted to GuildNet in the same manner as claims for the MLTCP. EmblemHealth Contact Numbers for GuildNet Providers of Medicare Services Member Eligibility and Benefits 1-866-557-7300 (toll free) Claims Status Inquiries 1-866-557-7300 (toll free) EmblemHealth/ GuildNet P.O. Box 2830 New York, NY 10116-2830 EmblemHealth/ GuildNet P.O. Box 4296 Kingston, NY 12402-4296 Claims Submission Address Provider Correspondence All facilities and practitioners Pre-Certification Inquiries 1-866-557-7300 (toll free) Electronic Claims Inquiries Payer ID Number 13551 1-212-615-4362 34 CLAIM INQUIRY: All Claim inquiries/appeals must be submitted within 45 days of receipt of claim determination. To inquire about the status of a claim for which no payment or denial has been received within 45 days Or If a line/claim that was submitted in a batch with other claims that were paid on an EOP is missing from that EOP, contact: GuildNet CLAIMS PROCESSING CENTER at 1-866-775-8860. For all other inquiries: Compare the claim to the authorization. Only authorized services are paid. If the service is provided on an emergency basis or requested outside of business hours, an authorization should be requested on the next business day. • If you are denied for a claim and subsequently find that there is an error on the authorization, call Provider Relations at 917-386-9208. • If you provided a service different from the service requested (changed hours or days, completed visit after expiration date, etc) contact the Member’s case manager or staff person who issued the authorization to discuss the situation. (Note: Case Management is not required to change an authorization if a different service was provided). • If your claim is incorrect, resubmit the claim with the corrections clearly noting “CORRECTED CLAIM”. Changes or Retroactive authorizations will only be considered if there is documentation that GuildNet intended to authorize the service provided. Paper Claims: If your claim matches the authorization, compare all fields of the claim line printed on the EOP with your claim. If any of the fields (date of service, code, amount charged, etc) are not the same as what you submitted on your claim, call Claims Processing Center at 866-775-8860. Provide the claim number and the information that was entered incorrectly Denials or partial payments due to authorization issues, member status or fee schedule, contact Provider Relations at: 917-386-9208. 35 COMMON REASONS FOR DENIAL: Denied for “NO AUTH” or “SERVICE NOT AUTHORIZED”: This means that there is no authorization found for date of service or that there is an authorization but not for the service (code) billed. Check your authorization dates and codes. Denied for Duplicate or Paid Authorized Units: This means that a payment for that code and that day of service was previously paid in full. Denied for Diagnosis Code (DX Code): This means that the Diagnosis code on your claim is either missing or inactive. Denied for Incorrect Type of Bill : This means that you may have used the wrong Claim Form or your Bill Type is inconsistence with service. UNA - “Units Not Authorized” means that the number of units charged is in excess to the amount authorized or the date of service falls within the authorization effective date range but no units are authorized for that particular day (i.e. authorized MWF; billed Tues). FNF - “Service Not in Fee Schedule”: The Code billed is not among the list of codes attached to your contract with GuildNet. For paper claims, check to see if the service code on the EOP is the same as the service code on your Claim. PAU - Claim units are in excess of units billed for date of service: The claim paid the authorized number of units for that day or authorization. NOTE: A corrected authorization does not automatically reprocess denied claims. You must submit a corrected claim. GUILDNET GOLD CLAIM INQUIRIES GuildNet Medicare claim inquiries regarding claims submitted to EmblemHealth/GHI must be addressed with EmblemHealth at: 1-866-557-7300. 36 Appeals of Denied Claims All Claim inquiries and Appeals must be submitted within 45 days of receipt of claim determination and include the following information: After comparing your claim to the EOP and the authorization, appeals must include: • Claim Number • Authorization Number • Member Name • GuildNet ID Number • Date of Service (do not include range) • Service Code Billed • Units Billed • Amount Billed • Reason for Inquiry or Appeal Claim Inquiry Contacts: Claims Processing Center: Provider Relations: Member Services: 866-775-8860 917-386-9208 212-769-7855 Written Appeals should be sent to: GuildNet Provider Relations 15 West 65th Street 4th floor New York, NY 10023 37 Adverse Reimbursement Change Notice of adverse reimbursement change will be provided at least 90 days prior to an adverse reimbursement change to the Health Care Professional’s (HCP) contract. If the health care professional objects to the change that is the subject of the notice by the MCO, the health care professional may, within thirty days of the date of the notice, give written notice to the GuildNet to terminate the contract effective upon the implementation of the adverse reimbursement change. An adverse reimbursement change is one that “could reasonably be expected to have an adverse impact on the aggregate level of payment to a health care professional.” A health care professional under this section is one who is licensed, registered or certified under Title 8 of the New York State Education Law. Exceptions: 1) The change is otherwise required by law, regulation or applicable regulatory authority, or is required due to changes in fee schedules, reimbursement methodology or payment policies by the State or Federal government or by the American Medical Association’s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Codes, Reporting Guidelines and Conventions; and 2) The change is provided for in the contract between the MCO and the provider or the IPA and the provider through inclusion of or reference to a specific fee or fee schedule, reimbursement methodology or payment policy indexing mechanism. There is no private right of action for a health care professional relative to this provision. 38 False Claims Act Scope of the False Claims Act The False Claims Act (the “FCA”) is a federal law (31 U.S.C. § 3279) that is intended to prevent fraud in federally funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. The FCA makes it illegal to knowingly present, or cause to be presented, a false or fraudulent claim for payment to the federal government. Under the FCA, the term “knowingly” means acting not only with actual knowledge but also with deliberate ignorance or reckless disregard of the truth. FCA Penalties The federal government may impose harsh penalties under the FCA. These penalties include “treble damages” (damages equal to three times the amount of the false claims) and civil penalties of up to $11,000 per claim. Individuals or organizations violating the FCA may also be excluded from participating in federal programs. Potential FCA Violations Knowingly submitting claims to (GuildNet) for services not actually provided. Examples of the type of conduct that may violate the FCA include the following: • Submitting a claim for DME or Supplies when delivery was refused by the member; • Submitting a claim for 2-man transportation, as authorized, but providing 1 man; and • Submitting a claim for a service not provided. The FCA’s Qui Tam Provisions The FCA contains a qui tam, or whistleblower, provision that permits individuals with knowledge of false claims activity to file a lawsuit on behalf of the federal government. The FCA’s Prohibition on Retaliation The FCA prohibits retaliation against employees for filing a qui tam lawsuit or otherwise assisting in the prosecution of an FCA claim. Under the FCA, employees who are the subject of such retaliation may be awarded reinstatement, back pay and other compensation. GuildNet’s False Claims Act Policy strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against employees for filing or assisting in the prosecution of an FCA case. State Laws Punishing False Claims and Statements There are a number of New York State laws punishing the submission of false claims and 39 the making of false statements: • Article 175 of the Penal Law makes it a misdemeanor to make or cause to make a false entry in a business record, improperly alter a business record, omit making a true entry in a business record when obligated to do so, prevent another person from making a true entry in a business record or cause another person to omit making a true entry in a business record. If the activity involves the commission of another crime it is punishable as a felony. • Article 175 of the Penal Law also makes it a misdemeanor to knowingly file a false instrument with a government agency. If the instrument is filed with the intent to defraud the government, the activity is punishable as a felony. • Article 176 of the Penal Law makes it a misdemeanor to commit a “fraudulent insurance act,” which is defined, among other things, as knowingly and with the intent to defraud, presenting or causing to be presented a false or misleading claim for payment to a public or private health plan. If the amount improperly received exceeds $1,000, the crime is punishable as a felony. • Article 177 of the Penal Law makes it a misdemeanor to engage in “health care fraud,” which is defined as knowingly and willfully providing false information to a public or private health plan for the purpose of requesting payment to which the person is not entitled. If the amount improperly received from a single health plan in any one year period exceeds $3,000, the crime is punishable as a felony. 40 Medicaid Spend-down And Third Party Insurance GuildNet assumes responsibility for billing Medicaid Spend-down amounts for community-based GuildNet Members who have been determined by Medicaid to have monthly surplus amounts and/or excess resources. Providers shall not bill or collect such amounts from the Member. For long term/permanent nursing home placement, the Residential Health Care Facility is responsible to collect the NAMI for Members designated long term. A stay is considered short term for a maximum of six (6) months. Providers are required to bill Medicare or any other third party insurance that is Primary to Medicaid. Medicare and Other Primary Payor Services MLTCP members continue to access their services fully or partially covered by Medicare through Original Medicare or another Medicare plan that the MLTCP member may be enrolled in. Participating Providers may bill GuildNet for any required secondary payments not covered by other insurance as stipulated in the Provider Agreement. GuildNet members are not responsible for any deductibles or co-payments for covered services. GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Health Advantage members access their services fully or partially covered by Medicare through the Emblem Health/ GHI Medicare Choice PPO Network under an arrangement between GuildNet and EmblemHealth. Under this plan, providers do not have to bill separately for Medicare covered services that are traditionally paid for in part by fee for service Medicaid. Providers are paid in full by GuildNet Gold through EmblemHealth. No secondary billing is needed. GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Health Advantage members are not responsible for any deductibles or co-payments for covered medical services. Referrals for services fully or partially covered by Medicare: GuildNet is payor of last resort. It is the provider’s responsibility to determine primary coverage and eligibility. Co-insurance claims do not require authorization, except Skilled Nursing Facilities. A copy of the primary and secondary insurer’s EOP must accompany all co-insurance claims. 41 Guidelines for Marketing GuildNet Services Providers may market GuildNet services under the following parameters: • • • • • Providers may distribute brochures provided by GuildNet. GuildNet may conduct marketing activities at the Provider’s site with the permission of the Provider. “Cold Call” telephoning and door-to-door distribution of material and solicitation is not permitted. There is no offer of monetary incentives to Medicaid Recipients to join the plan. There is no offer of monetary incentives to Providers to market GuildNet services or refer prospective Members to GuildNet. 42 Member Confidentiality Providers shall ensure the confidentiality of all Member related information by maintaining all Member specific information and Member records in accordance with New York State Public Health Law and the New York State Social Services Law and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act). Member information shall be used or disclosed by a Provider only with the Member’s consent unless otherwise required by law and only for purposes directly connected with Provider’s performance and obligations under GuildNet’s Provider Agreement. Provider will inform and train its employees and personnel to comply with the confidentiality and disclosure requirements of New York State statutes and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act). Member authorization is not required for access by: • Medicare or CMS • The New York State Department of Health • Accreditation surveyors • Federal, State and Local government agencies authorized to conduct investigations of Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Programs 43 Member Rights Providers will uphold the Member’s rights and responsibilities as outlined below. As a Part of GuildNet, the Member has the right to: • Receive medically necessary care; • Privacy about the Member’s medical record and treatment; • Timely access to care and services; • Receive information on available treatment options and alternatives presented in a manner and language understood by Member; • Receive information necessary to give informed consent before the start of treatment; • Be treated with respect and dignity; • Receive a copy of their medical records and ask that the records be amended or corrected; • Take part in decisions about their health care, including the right to refuse treatment; • Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation; • Receive care without regard to sex, race, health status, color, age, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status or religion; • Be told where, when and how to receive the services they need from GuildNet, including how they can receive covered benefits from out-of-network Providers if they are not available in the plan network; • Complain to GuildNet, the New York State Department of Health or the New York City Human Resources Administration, the Nassau County Department of Social Services, the Suffolk County Department of Social Services, including the right to use the New York State Fair Hearing System or in some instances request a NYS External Appeal; • Appoint someone to speak for them about their care and treatment; and • Make advance directives and plans about their care. 44 Member Responsibilities As a GuildNet Member, the Member is responsible to: • Use Network Providers who work with GuildNet for Covered Services* • Receive approval from their physician, Case Manager or care management team before receiving a covered service requiring such approval; • Tell GuildNet about their care needs and concerns and work with their Case Manager in addressing them; • Notify GuildNet when they go away or are out of town; • Make all required payments to GuildNet; and • Cooperate with any requests for documentation related to maintaining Medicaid eligibility. *GuildNet Gold and GuildNet Health Advantage are point of service plans; members of these plans may go out of network for services normally covered through Original Medicare. 45 Member Grievances A grievance is any communication by a Member to GuildNet about dissatisfaction with the care and treatment received from GuildNet staff or Providers of covered services, which does not amount to a change in scope, amount, and duration of service or other actionable reason. A Member or a Provider on the Member’s behalf may make a grievance verbally or in writing. Members are advised of their right to file a grievance at the time of enrollment (and are advised of their rights and responsibilities annually). Members are advised as to how to file a grievance, and of their ability to receive assistance from GuildNet staff, if necessary. All grievances will be resolved without disruption to the Member’s plan of care. Members will be free from coercion, discrimination or reprisal in response to a grievance. All grievances (both same day and non-same day resolution) are logged, tracked and reported. GuildNet will designate appropriate personnel who were not involved in the previous level of decision-making to review grievances in supervisory capacity and on grievance appeal. If the grievance relates to clinical matters, the personnel assigned will include duly registered health professionals to process both grievances and grievance appeals. Grievances (Non –same day resolution) are of two types: standard and expedited. Standard grievances, including both those reported verbally or written, are acknowledged in writing within 15 business days of receipt of grievance or less by the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Department (QAPI) or Care Management Department. Grievances are addressed as quickly as required by the Member’s condition. A standard determination is to be made within 45 calendar days of the receipt of all necessary information and no more than 60 calendar days from receipt of grievance. The standard grievance decision will be communicated by telephone and in writing within 3 business days of the decision. The review period for GuildNet’s grievance determination can be increased by an additional 14 calendar days if it is in the Member’s best interest. The Member, the Provider on the Member’s behalf, or GuildNet may request the extension. The reason for the extension must be documented. When the extension is initiated by GuildNet, a notice will be sent to the Member or the Provider advising of the extension, the reason for the extension and specify how it is in the best interest of the Member. If a decision on the grievance is reached before the written acknowledgement was sent, GuildNet will send the written acknowledgement with the grievance determination. A GuildNet decision to initiate an extension is made by senior staff, i.e., supervisors or directors, when it is established that inadequate information is available to make an informed decision. If the standard response time to the grievance would seriously jeopardize the Member’s life or health or ability to attain, maintain or regain maximum function, GuildNet will expedite the grievance. The Member or the Provider may request that a grievance be 46 expedited. If GuildNet agrees to expedite the grievance, the expedited grievance determination will be made within 48 hours of receipt of all necessary information and no more than 7 calendar days from receipt of the grievance. The expedited grievance decision will be communicated by telephone and in writing within 3 business days of the decision. If the expedited grievance decision is made before the written acknowledgement is sent, both the acknowledgement and expedited grievance decision will be combined. If the Member or the Provider on the Member’s behalf, requests that the grievance be expedited and GuildNet does not agree, GuildNet will notify the Member or the Provider verbally within 2 days and in writing within 15 days that the grievance decision was not expedited and the grievance will be handled within the standard grievance decision timeframes. Grievance data and its analysis are to be used to identify opportunities for program improvement. GuildNet senior staff will review the grievance data from several perspectives, including Provider type, specific Providers, and GuildNet staff identified as responsible parties in the grievance. The QAPI Director is responsible for all internal management and external reports such as those to: the Case Management Supervisors and Directors, the Administrative Senior Staff, the QA Advisory Committee, the GuildNet Board of Directors and the New York State Department of Health. 47 Member Appeals of Grievances A grievance appeal is a written communication from the Member that the Member disagrees with the decision of GuildNet in response to the grievance filed. Once a Member files a grievance appeal, GuildNet must look again at the determination to decide if the decision was the correct one. Members are instructed during enrollment of their right to appeal a grievance determination if the Member is dissatisfied with the determination of a grievance. Members are advised how to file a grievance appeal and if needed, told how to obtain assistance from GuildNet staff. GuildNet staff will review the grievance appeal with no disruption in the Member’s care, and Members will be free from coercion, discrimination or reprisal by the program. The Member has the right to present their reasons for the grievance appeal both in person and in writing during the grievance appeal process. The Member has the right to examine all records that are part of the grievance appeal process. The Member has the right to have a designated representative. There are two (2) types of grievance appeal processes. They are: a. Standard grievance appeal decisions, which are made within 30 business days of the date of receipt of necessary information. b. Expedited grievance appeal decisions (if the Member, Provider on behalf of Member or GuildNet feel that the time interval for a standard grievance appeals process could result in serious jeopardy to the Member’s health, life or ability to attain, maintain or regain maximum function), which are made within 2 business days of receipt of all necessary information. For both the standard and expedited process, the Member must submit a written grievance appeal form request within 60 business days from the receipt of the initial grievance decision. The appeal request form is sent with all notices of action, denial of service requests or grievance determinations not made in the Members favor. Members may request an appeal verbally and GuildNet staff will complete the appeal request form on the Member’s behalf and file with QAPI. 48 Choosing Among Providers Providers are selected based on the following criteria: • • • • • Member request for a specific Network Provider Member has a special need (such as language), Geographic Area Provider Performance, including but not limited to: Level of Complaints & Incidents Level of past assistance in providing services Providers that meet or exceed minimum employment standards described in this manual. 49 Dispute Resolution Service Issues: If there are service issues that are not resolved between the Provider and Case Management Team, the Provider can contact: • Case Manager Supervisor, then • Director of Case Management, then • Assistant Vice President of Case Management • An internal appeal of a Plan Action may be initiated when a member or provider, on the member’s behalf disagrees with GuildNet’s decision to deny a request for additional services or payment or to terminate, reduce or suspend a service. The member or provider may make the request for an appeal verbally or in writing within 45 days of receipt of the notice of GuildNet’s action to the Director of Quality Assurance (QAPI). If the request is made after the 45-day requirement the appeal will not be processed. If the member is requesting aid continuing as a result of a GuildNet decision to terminate, reduce or suspend services, the appeal must be filed within 10 days of notice or by the intended date of the action. Provider complaints regarding GuildNet staff should be forwarded to Provider Relations. Claim Issues: Discrepancies between the claim and GuildNet’s approval of services will be processed as follows: • If the Claim Processing Provider denies a claim due to a discrepancy between GuildNet’s approval record and the claim, or any other problem with the claim or authorization, the Provider may submit a corrected claim within 45 days of the denial or follow the claim inquiry procedures outlined in the Provider Manual. • If the designated claim inquiry staff decides against the Provider, the Provider can appeal to the Director of Provider Relations. • The Provider will be notified in writing of the decision. • If the Provider wishes to pursue the discrepancy further, the discrepancy becomes a dispute, and is adjudicated through the dispute resolution process. If a dispute arises out of, or relates to, the Provider’s (Provider’s) contract with GuildNet, and the dispute can not be resolved by the parties within a reasonable time of either parties notice to the other party of the dispute, the dispute shall be resolved by arbitration, unless otherwise stipulated. Arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the contract between GuildNet and the Provider. Arbitration decisions shall be final and binding. 50 Provider Credentialing GuildNet Provider Relations maintains credentialing files for each Provider and ensures timely re-credentialing. Providers must submit information and documentation required by GuildNet to validate Provider’s qualifications to provide contracted services to GuildNet Members. Required documents include: Completed and signed participating Provider application All regulatory licenses and certifications Evidence of Insurances: (GuildNet, Lighthouse Guild and its subsidiaries must be included as certificate holder and additional insured for General Liability) • General Liability • Professional Liability • Worker’s Compensation • Automobile Insurance (as applicable) NPI (National Provider Identification Number) Medicaid and Medicare Provider numbers for all Medicaid/Medicare Providers Provider information is forwarded to a credentialing organization for credential verification and to check for any existing Medicaid or Medicare sanctions. Renewed licenses and insurances must be submitted to GuildNet Provider Relations within 7 business days of receipt. GuildNet will inform Provider of any deficiencies or missing documents. If the Provider cannot correct deficiencies or provide timely submission of documents, termination procedures will be initiated. GuildNet may conduct a site survey of the Provider’s premises when services are to be rendered on-site at the Provider’s facility at the discretion of the Vice President of Business Development. GuildNet will consider the results of the site survey in determining whether to contract with a Provider, and in determining whether to renew a contract with a Provider. Re-credentialing will be conducted every two years. 51 Monitoring of Providers GuildNet monitors provider performance on an ongoing basis as follows: • Quality Assurance (QAPI) reviews Participant satisfaction surveys and Participant complaint logs. • QAPI and Provider Relations meet monthly to review Participant complaints. • Repeated complaints regarding a particular Provider are followed up by Provider Relations. • Provider Relations contacts the Provider to discuss complaints and request a plan of action. • If repeated issues cannot be remedied, Provider Relations will commence contract termination procedures. 52 Provider Audits GuildNet will annually review a sampling of Provider records documenting evidence of service delivery to determine accuracy and any patterns of error. Documents collected and reviewed will include but not be limited to: • Medical Record Notes • Attendance records • Activity Records and/or clinical notes • Time Slips • Sign in logs/attendance sheets • DME delivery tickets • Trip Verification • Monitoring Reports from Network Providers Audits will be based upon a sampling of paid claims for a specific time frame. Provider selection will be rotated based on utilization. No less than 150 claims will be reviewed. Method: 1) Upon 30 days notice to Provider, GuildNet will give the Provider a list of invoice numbers, Member Names and service dates. 2) Provider will make available service rendered documents for GuildNet to review against the paid claims. 3) GuildNet will compile data into a report indicating number of Providers audited, number of claims, and number of errors, if any, found. 4) Providers showing a pattern of errors (excess of 5%) will be notified, and corrective action requested. Re-audits of these Providers will be conducted quarterly. 5) If no corrective action is taken, Provider Relations will be notified and contract termination procedures will be initiated. 53 Provider Termination GuildNet may terminate its contract with a Provider/Provider pursuant to the provisions of the GuildNet Provider Agreement. GuildNet shall not terminate a contract with an individual health care Provider except in compliance with the requirements of Section 4406-d of the New York Public Health Law. Under this policy, the term “health care professional” shall be defined in accordance with Section 4406-d of Public Health Law, as a health care professional licensed, registered or certified pursuant to Title Eight of the New York Education Law. In accordance with the requirements of Section 4406-d, termination by GuildNet of a contract with a health care professional shall comply with the following: a. GuildNet shall not terminate a contract with a health care professional unless GuildNet provides to the health care professional a written explanation of the reasons for the proposed contract termination and an opportunity for a review or hearing as hereinafter provided. This provision shall not apply in cases involving imminent harm to patient care, a determination of fraud, or a final disciplinary action by a state licensing board or other governmental agency that impairs the health care professional’s ability to practice. b. The notice of the proposed contract termination provided by GuildNet to the health care professional shall include: (i) the reasons for the proposed action; (ii) notice that the health care professional has the right to request a hearing or review, at the professional’s discretion, before a panel appointed by GuildNet; (iii) a time limit of not less than thirty (30) days within which a health care professional may request a hearing; and (iv) a time limit for a hearing date which must be held within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a request for a hearing. c. The hearing panel shall be comprised of three persons appointed by GuildNet. At least one person on such panel shall be a clinical peer in the same discipline and the same or similar specialty as the health care professional under review. The hearing panel may consist of more than three person, provided however that the number of clinical peers on the panel shall constitute one-third or more of the total Membership of the panel. d. The hearing panel shall render a decision on the proposed action in a timely manner. Such decision shall include reinstatement of the health care professional by GuildNet, provisional reinstatement subject to conditions set forth by GuildNet, or termination of the health care professional. Such decision shall be provided in writing to the health care professional. 54 e. A decision by the hearing panel to terminate a health care professional shall be effective not less than thirty (30) days after the receipt by the health care professional of the hearing panel’s decision; provided, however, that Section 4403(6)(e) of the New York Public Health Law, concerning Members’ rights to continue an ongoing course of care, shall apply to such termination. f. In no event shall termination be effective earlier than sixty (60) days from the receipt of the notice of termination. 55 UPDATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Updates and changes in policies and procedures related to Provider services will be reviewed and distributed to Providers at least thirty (30) days in advance of implementation. Providers will be required to attend in-service and orientation programs as requested. 56
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Page Count : 56 Title : Provider Manual FIDA 2014 Author : Subject : Producer : Mac OS X 10.10.1 Quartz PDFContext Creator : Word Create Date : 2015:01:16 23:14:19Z Modify Date : 2015:01:16 23:14:19Z Apple Keywords :EXIF Metadata provided by