Reference Manual Belpic V1.7 Public Applet V1 7 Ref A01

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Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Reference Manual
Belpic V1.7 eID card
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Table of content
Reference Manual................................................................................................................................1
Belpic V1.7 eID card............................................................................................................................1
Table of content...........................................................................................................................................2
Table of figures............................................................................................................................................4
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Purpose...................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Who should read this book....................................................................................................................5
1.3 References...............................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Terminology............................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................................................6
1.6 Conventions............................................................................................................................................7
1.6.1 General..................................................................................................................................................................7
1.6.2 Symbols.................................................................................................................................................................7
1.7 Remarks on standards used...................................................................................................................7
1.8 Product version.......................................................................................................................................7
2 Belpic eID card main features...........................................................................................................9
2.1 Applet AID..............................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Security conditions.................................................................................................................................9
3 PIN code...........................................................................................................................................11
3.1 Description............................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Format...................................................................................................................................................11
4 Keys Description...............................................................................................................................12
4.1 RSA Private Keys.................................................................................................................................12
5 Authentication processes.................................................................................................................13
5.1 PIN Verification...................................................................................................................................13
“PIN once” mode........................................................................................................................................................15
“PIN just before” mode...............................................................................................................................................15
“PIN Mixed” mode.....................................................................................................................................................16
5.2 User Authentication.............................................................................................................................17
6 Command interface..........................................................................................................................18
6.1 Get Response........................................................................................................................................18
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................18
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................19
6.2 Coding of algorithm.............................................................................................................................20
6.3 SELECT FILE Command (ISO 7816-4)............................................................................................21
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................21
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................21
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................22
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.4 READ BINARY Command (ISO 7816-4)...........................................................................................23
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................23
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................23
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................24
6.5 MVP:VERIFY Command (ISO 7816-4).............................................................................................25
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................25
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................25
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................26
6.6 MVP:CHANGE REFERENCE DATA Command (ISO 7816-8).....................................................27
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................27
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................27
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................28
6.7 MSE:SET Command (ISO 7816-4).....................................................................................................29
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................29
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................29
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................29
6.8 PSO:COMPUTE DIGITAL SIGNATURE command (ISO 7816-8)................................................31
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................32
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................32
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................33
6.9 GET CARD DATA Command............................................................................................................34
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................34
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................34
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................35
6.10 LOG OFF Command.........................................................................................................................36
Conditions of Use.......................................................................................................................................................36
Command structure.....................................................................................................................................................36
Status bytes.................................................................................................................................................................36
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Table of figures
Figure 1 - PIN verification process....................................................................................................13
Figure 2 - User Authentication process.............................................................................................17
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document is the public reference manual of Belpic electronic identity card, deployed to Belgian citizens.
This card can be used in Belgium’s electronic Government (eGov) applications and Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI) system.
This reference manual provides a detailed description of some useful security objects, security protocols and
applicative commands managed by the card in its operational life.
1.2 Who should read this book
This reference manual is designed for developers building software applications based on this eID card.
Typical applications may feature check of identity and / or personal information, PIN management (verification
or change), user authentication, and digital signature creation.
To fully benefit from this document’s contents, knowledge of the following is helpful:
Smart card technology
Java cards
PKI systems
1.3 References
The following table gives the references of the documents which content is applied in this document:
Ref Document Title Description
[ER1] ISO CEI 7816-3 Integrated circuits cards with contacts – Electronic signals and
transmission protocols – 1997
[ER2] ISO CEI 7816-4 Integrated circuits cards with contacts – Inter-industry
commands for interchange – 1995 + amendment 1- 1997
[ER3] ISO CEI 7816-5 Integrated circuits cards with contacts – Inter-industry
commands for interchange – 1996
[ER4] ISO CEI 7816-8 Integrated circuits cards with contacts – Security related inter-
industry commands – 1999
[ER5] ISO CEI 7816-9 Integrated circuits cards with contacts – Additional inter-industry
commands and security attributes – 2000
[ER6] Java Card 2.2.1 Sun Java Card 2.2.1 Application Programming Interface -
October 2003
[ER7] Global Platform Card Specification – version 2.1.1 - March 2003
[ER8] PKCS#15 1.1
Cryptographic Token Information Standard, version 1.1, RSA
laboratories, June 2000
[ER9] ISO CEI 9564-1 Banking – Personal Identification Number (PIN) management
and security – 2002
[ER10] PKCS#1 2.1
RSA Cryptography Standard, version 2.1, RSA laboratories,
June 2002
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
1.4 Terminology
Nibble Half part of a byte (4 bits)
Digit Nibble taking values between 0 and 9
Temporary mute state Mute until next reset
1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply:
AID Application IDentifier
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
CA Certification Authority
Cert Certificate
CHL Challenge
CHV Card Holder Verification
CLA APDU Class byte
DF Dedicated File
DO Data Object
DST Digital Signature Template
DTBS Data To Be Signed
EID, eID Electronic Identity Device
EF Elementary File
FCI File Control Information
GP Global Platform (see [ER7])
IFD Interface device (e.g. smart card reader)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MF Master File
MSB Most Significant Byte
MSE Manage Security Environment
OS Operating System (of smart card)
PIN Personal Identification Number
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PSO Perform Security Operation
PSO:CDS PSO:Compute Digital Signature
PuK RSA public key
PrK RSA private key
RES Result
RFU Reserved for Future Use
RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (creators of crypto- algorithm)
SE Security Environment
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SW Status Word
TLV Tag Length Value
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
1.6 Conventions
1.6.1 General
All the values between quotes are in hexadecimal notation, unless otherwise specified.
The values are presented with MSB first.
The symbol || represents a concatenation.
1.6.2 Symbols
Information field
Important note
feature supported
feature not supported
1.7 Remarks on standards used
PKCS#1 version used is 2.1 (see [ER10] for algorithms description).
Following signature schemes are available:
RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 using SHA1 or MD5 or SHA256
RSASSA-PSS using SHA1 or SHA256 defined in PKCS#1-v2.1
The salt lengths, used in encoding method EMSA-PSS, are 20 bytes for SHA1 and 32 bytes for
SHA256 (see [ER10] §9.1 EMSA-PSS, Notes n°4, p34 : «Typical salt lengths in octets are hLen (the length of
the output of the hash function Hash) …»
MD5 hashing is provided for backward compatibility only, it should not be used anymore.
Encryption scheme is:
RSAES-PKCS1-v1.5 using SHA1
1.8 Product version
This document describes the version 1.7 of the eID card product.
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Product version is given by the applet version byte returned by the command Get Card Data (see §6.9)
set to ‘17’.
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
2 Belpic eID card main features
The Belpic eID card mainly features two applications:
Electronic signature
Electronic identification
Both these applications are powered by PKI mechanisms.
Digital signatures are used to ensure the integrity and authenticity of a message and / or authenticate the card
holder. These signatures are made using RSA private keys securely stored within the card. The card also
securely stores digital certificates, issued by a trusted body known as a certification authority (CA)
and typically used in PKI authentication schemes.
The file system of Belpic eID card, containing files and data objects (such as PINs and keys), is described in a
separate document. Some card features are mentioned hereafter:
The MF is the selected DF after a reset
It is not possible to extend the existing file system
It is not possible to delete a file within the existing file system
The card does not process the PKCS#15 information contained in the Belpic file system; this information
is only managed and used by the external application (middleware)
Only the transparent elementary files are supported
RSA keys supported have 2,048 bits length
In all signature algorithms, the hash computation is done off card
2.1 Applet AID
Applet Instance AID A0 00 00 00 30 29 05 70 00 AD 13 10 01 01 FFh
This AID can be used to select the Belpic applet.
After card reset, Belpic applet is implicitly selected because the applet is installed with the default-selected
Belpic applet is only selectable on logical channel 0
2.2 Security conditions
Access to Belpic data and features is submitted to control & verification of some security conditions. The
following table lists the different security conditions managed by the eID card:
Security Condition Meaning
NEV The operation is never allowed
ALW The operation is always allowed
CHV The operation is only allowed during the operational phase after a
successful PIN verification (refer to §5.1)
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Only one security condition can be fulfilled at a time.
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
3 PIN code
3.1 Description
The applet manages a user PIN:
of attempts
PINcardholder ‘01’ 3 Change PINcardholder
Non-repudiation signature with non-repudiation key
Signature with authentication key
Table 1 - Belpic user PIN
1) One PIN (PINcardholder) for both signature keys (authentication key and non-repudiation key).
2) The PINcardholder behaviour is different for authentication key (“PIN once”) and non-repudiation key (“PIN
just before”, see §5.1).
3.2 Format
The PIN is 8-bytes string with the following format (by nibble) as defined in [ER7] and [ER9]:
C L P P P P P/’F’ P/’F’ P/’F’ P/’F’ P/’F’ P/’F’ P/’F’ P/’F’ ‘F’ ‘F’
Nibble Signification
C Control parameter, contains always ‘2’
L Length of the PIN (in nibbles) ; from ‘4’ to ‘C’
P Four mandatory digits
P/’F’ The rest of the PIN digits depending on the length, ‘F’ else
‘F’ Padding always contains ‘F’
Table 2 - PIN format
PIN Minimum number of digits
PINcardholder 4
Table 3 - PIN length (in digits)
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
4 Keys Description
4.1 RSA Private Keys
All private RSA keys are 2048 bit-long (in former product version V1.1, they were 1024 bit-long).
The 2 following RSA private keys are present in Belpic card:
RSA Key Key Reference
Authentication key ‘82’
Non-Repudiation key ‘83’
Table 4 – RSA private keys
Authentication key
This key is a private RSA key with reference ‘82’.
This Citizen key is a signature key used in PSO:CDS command.
The key access conditions are the following (See access condition coding in chapter §2.2):
PINcardholder «once»
(see §5.1)
Table 5 – Authentication key access conditions
Non-Repudiation key
This key is a private RSA key with reference ‘83’.
This Citizen key is a signature key used in PSO:CDS command.
The key access conditions are the following (See access condition coding in chapter §2.2):
PINcardholder «just
before», (see §5.1)
Table 6 – Non-Repudiation key access conditions
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
5 Authentication processes
5.1 PIN Verification
The PIN verification consists in verifying a PIN code from an external application against the reference data
stored into the EID card. If this verification process succeeds then the external application can get access to
the authorized data and functions in the Belpic EID card.
The CHV process uses the MVP: Verify (ISO 7816-4) APDU command:
A p p l i c a t i o n
B e l P I C E I D
M V P : V e r f i y
P I N r e f e r e n c e + P I N v a l u e
- C a n c e l t h e p r e v i o u s a c c e s s c o n d i t i o n
- F i n d t h e P I N r e f e r e n c e
- C o m p a r e t h e P I N v a l u e w i t h t h e o n e s t o r e d
i n t h e E I D c a r d
- G r a n t t h e a c c e s s r i g h t a s s o c i a t e d t o t h e P I N
r e f e r e n c e
Figure 1 - PIN verification process
User PIN behaviour
User PIN can be used in 2 modes:
“PIN once”: the PIN access right must have been granted once, at any time before calling a command
“PIN just before”: the PIN access right must be granted immediately before calling a command – each
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
User PIN and Signature keys
The user PIN shall be verified before signing with non-repudiation and authentication keys.
We use the following conventions in examples described in this chapter:
A yellow Verify(PIN) is a Verify(PIN) for non-repudiation signature sequence.
A non-repudiation signature sequence is a Signature just after a Verify PIN in a non-repudiation Security
Environment (MSE: SET command with non-repudiation key).
Examples of non-repudiation signature sequence:
Reset, …,MSE(Keynon-rep), Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep)
Reset, …,MSE(Keynon-rep),…,1 Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep)
A blue Verify(PIN) is a Verify(PIN) for authentication signature sequence.
An authentication signature sequence is a Signature in an authentication Security Environment (MSE: SET
command with authentication key) with a Verify PIN performed at any time before the signature and outside a
non-repudiation signature sequence.
Examples of Verify(PIN) for authentication sequence:
Reset, …,Verify(PIN), …, MSE(Keyauth), …,Sign(Keyauth)
Reset, …,MSE(Keyauth), …, Verify(PIN), …,Sign(Keyauth)
Reset, …,Verify(PIN), …
Reset, …,Verify(PIN), …, Read, …
In following examples the MSE:SET commands are implicitly performed before the signature.
1 It is assumed that “, …,” means any Belpic commands except MSE, Verify, Sign (and commands resetting
PIN or SE)
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
“PIN once” mode
This mode is used when signing with the authentication key: a successful MVP:Verify(PIN) APDU
command has to be executed at any time before performing the signature. The next times, the
MVP:Verify(PIN) APDU command does not have to be executed anymore.
More generally, this mode is used each time the “CHV” access is required.
Examples of required sequences:
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keyauth), …,1 Sign(Keyauth)
Examples of incorrect sequences:
- No previous Verify(PIN)
Sign(Keyauth) KO
“PIN just before” mode
This mode is used when signing with the non-repudiation key: a successful MVP:Verify(PIN) APDU
command has to be executed just before performing the signature. Every time the signature with this key has
to be performed, the MVP:Verify(PIN) APDU command must be executed again.
Examples of required sequences:
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), …, Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep)
Examples of incorrect sequences:
- No previous Verify(PIN) just before the signature
Verify(PIN), …, Sign(Keynon-rep) KO
Verify(PIN), …, Sign(Keyauth), Sign(Keynon-rep) KO
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), Sign(Keynon-rep) KO
Sign(Keynon-rep) KO
1 it is assumed that “, …,” means any Belpic commands except MSE, Verify, Sign (and commands resetting
PIN or SE)
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
“PIN Mixed” mode
New PIN behavior when using both signature keys during the same card session :
After a successful non-repudiation signature sequence (see definition above), a signature with authentication
key is not allowed, unless a Verify PIN for using the authentication key has been done before.
Examples of required sequences:
In yellow colour Verify(PIN) for non-repudiation key.
In blue colour Verify(PIN) for authentication key.
Verify(PIN), …, Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), …, Sign(Keyauth)
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keyauth), Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), …, Sign(Keyauth)
Verify(PIN), …, Sign(Keyauth), Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), …, Sign(Keyauth), …, Sign(Keyauth),
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep)
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), … Verify(PIN), …, Sign(Keyauth)
Example with a Read Binary command protected by PIN once access conditions
Verify(PIN), …, Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), …, Sign(Keyauth), Read
Examples of incorrect sequences:
- No Verify(PIN) for authentication key during the session
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), …, Sign(Keyauth) KO
Verify(PIN), Wong Sign(Keynon-rep) KO, …, Sign(Keyauth) KO1
Verify(PIN), …, Wrong Verify(PIN) KO, Sign(Keynon-rep) KO, …, Sign(Keyauth) KO2
Example with a Read binary command protected by PIN once access conditions
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), …, Sign(Keyauth) KO, Read KO
Verify(PIN), Sign(Keynon-rep), Read KO
Verify(PIN), Read, Sign(Keynon-rep) KO…, Sign(Keyauth) OK
1 Verify (PIN) only for non-repudiation signature because the signature is just after the Verify.
2 A wrong PIN verification resets PIN access conditions. As it is the same PIN for 2 signature keys, the access
is denied for authentication and non-repudiation signatures.
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
5.2 User Authentication
The user authentication is the process whereby the external application authenticates the cardholder.
The algorithm must use the PKCS#1 / RSASSA-PSS PKCS1-v2_1 format (see [ER10]) to disable any attack
based on a malformed message. SHA-256 is highly recommended but is not mandatory.
Figure 2 - User Authentication process
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6 Command interface
During the operational phase, the EID card offers the following APDU interface:
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Input Data
field Le Output Data
GET RESPONSE ‘00’ ‘C0’ ‘00’ ‘00’ - - Length
Response from
‘02’ or
‘04’ or
‘0C’ Leng
File ID or
Absolute path
or AID
- -
READ BINARY ‘00’ ‘B0’ OFF_H OFF_L - - Length Read data
MVP: VERIFY ‘00’ ‘20’ ‘00’ Data
Data - -
REFERENCE DATA ‘00’ ‘24’ ‘00’ Data
PINcardholder ||
New PINcardholder
- -
MSE: SET ‘00’ ‘22’ ‘41’ ‘B6’ Leng
- -
DIGITAL SIGNATURE ‘00’ ‘2A’ ‘9E’ ‘9A’ Leng
Data to be
signed Length Signature
GET CARD DATA ‘80’ ‘E4’ ‘00’ ‘00’ - - Length Card
LOG OFF ‘80’ ‘E6’ ‘00 ‘00’ - - - -
Table 7 - APDU Commands
6.1 Get Response
The card currently only implements the protocol T=0”, which does not support input and output data in the
same command (cf. ISO 7816-3). Such commands referred as case 4 commands must be called without
the Le parameter and return a Status Word ’61 xxwhere ‘xx’ is the length of the output data to retrieve in an
additional command. This protocol-level only command to use is Get Response.
This command retrieves the data output by a case 4 command.
No security conditions are required to perform this command.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Le Case
GET RESPONSE ‘00’ ‘C0’ ‘00’ ‘00’ Length 2
Command ADPU
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Field Value
CLA ‘00’
INS ‘C0’
P1 ‘00’
P2 ‘00’
Le Length of the data to retrieve
Table 8 – GET RESPONSE Command APDU
Response APDU
Field Value
Data Data to retrieve
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Table 9 – GET RESPONSE Response APDU
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’61 xx‘xx’ remaining bytes to retrieve from the card, through subsequent Get
Response command
’6C xx1Le too long, only xx’ bytes available, retrievable through subsequent
Get Response command
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
‘6E 00’ CLA not supported
’69 85’ There are no data to retrieve
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 10 – GET RESPONSE Status bytes
1 After a Status Word ‘6C XX”, if Get Response Le is different from ‘XX’, the Get Response chaining
mechanism is not aborted
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.2 Coding of algorithm
In the Belpic application, the algorithm and data object references used by the command interface shall be
coded as follow:
0 0 000001RSASSA-PKCS1 (no predefined
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 using SHA1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 using MD5
0 0 0 0 1000RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 using
0 0 0 10000RSASSA-PSS PKCS1-v2.1 using
0 0 100000RSASSA-PSS PKCS1-v2.1 using
X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 (others are RFU)
Table 11 - Algorithm references
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.3 SELECT FILE Command (ISO 7816-4)
This command shall be used to select a file from the file system according to:
1. A file identifier (EF selection)
2. A path from MF (EF selection)
3. An application identifier (DF selection)
Conditions of Use
No security conditions are required to perform this command.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
SELECT FILE ‘00’ ‘A4’ ‘02’ or ‘04’ or ‘08’ ‘0C’ Length - 3
Command ADPU
Field Value
CLA ‘00’
INS ‘A4’
P1 1. ‘02’ (the data field shall contain a File ID)
2. ‘08’ (the data field shall contain an absolute path)
3. ‘04’ (the data field shall contain an AID)
P2 ‘0C’: (No FCI to be returned)
Lc Length of the subsequent data
Data 1. File ID (2 bytes)
2. Absolute path without the identifier of the MF
3. Full AID (between 5 and 16 bytes)
Le Empty
Table 12 – SELECT FILE Command APDU
Response APDU
Field Value
Data Empty
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Table 13 – SELECT FILE Response APDU
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’62 83’ Selected file not activated
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a temporary mute state)
‘6A 82’ File not found
‘6A 86’ Wrong parameter P1-P2
‘6A 87’ Lc inconsistent with P1-P2
’69 99’ / ’69 85’ Attempt to select forbidden logical channel
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
‘6E 00’ CLA not supported
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 14 – SELECT FILE Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.4 READ BINARY Command (ISO 7816-4)
This command shall be used to read the content of a transparent EF.
Conditions of Use
The security conditions to fulfil before performing this command depend on the currently selected file.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
READ BINARY ‘00’ B0’ OFF_H OFF_L - Length 2
Command ADPU
Field Value
CLA ‘00’
P1 OFF_H: Higher byte of the offset (bit 8 =0)
P2 OFF_L: Lower byte of the offset
Lc Empty
Data Empty
Le Length of the data to read
Table 15 – READ BINARY Command APDU
Note: If Le is equal to 0, then it is interpreted as 256 bytes.
Response APDU
Field Value
Data Read data
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Table 16 – READ BINARY Response APDU
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a temporary mute state)
’69 82’ Security status not satisfied
’69 85’ Condition of use not satisfied (File not activated)
’69 86’ Command not allowed (no current EF)
‘6B 00’ Wrong parameter P1-P2 (offset outside the EF)
‘6C’ XX Le incorrect, XX indicates the expected length (hexadecimal value)
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
’6E 00’ / ’68 81’ Wrong coding of class byte
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 17 – READ BINARY Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.5 MVP:VERIFY Command (ISO 7816-4)
This command shall be used to fulfil a PIN access right. The EID card discards the previous access
condition and then verifies data given by the external application against the referenced PIN:
-If the verification is successful the corresponding access right is granted
-If the verification is not successful the corresponding retry counter is decreased
This command is usually defined as a “PIN verification” procedure.
MVP:VERIFY with Lc=0 management:
Presenting an empty PIN will NOT decrease the PIN retry counter.
This feature can be used by middleware to get the PIN verification status:
1. Verify PIN command with Lc=0 returns ’9000‘ if the referenced PIN is verified.
2. Verify PIN command with Lc=0 returns ‘63Cx’ (with x = PIN tries remaining) if the
referenced PIN is not verified.
3. Verify PIN command with Lc=0 returns ‘6983’ if the referenced PIN is blocked.
Compatibility note
In V1.1 of the product, a MVP:VERIFY with an empty PIN buffer counts as a wrong PIN
and so the retry counter is decremented.
Conditions of Use
The PIN to verify must not be blocked.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
MVP:VERIFY ‘00’ ‘20’ ‘00’ ‘01’ ‘00’ or ‘08’ - 3
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Command APDU
Field Value
CLA ‘00’
INS ‘20’
P1 ‘00’
P2 ‘01’ (PINcardholder reference, see §3.1)
Lc Length of verification data
Data Verification data
Le Empty
Table 18 – MVP:VERIFY Command APDU
Response APDU
Field Value
Data Empty
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Table 19 – MVP:VERIFY Response APDU
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’63 Cx Verification failed, ‘x’ retries remaining
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a temporary mute state)
’69 83’ Authentication method blocked (PIN counter null)
‘6A 86’ Wrong parameter P1-P2
‘6A 88’ Referenced PIN not found
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
’6E 00’ / ’68 81’ Wrong coding of class byte
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 20 – MVP:VERIFY Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
This command is used to replace an existing PIN value with a new one.
The new value shall be presented with the same format, as it exists within the card.
When the user changes his PIN value, the previous access condition is discarded, the current PIN is
presented and compared with the one stored in the EID card.
If the comparison fails, the PIN retry counter is decreased and the PIN value is not changed.
If the verification is successful, the PIN value is modified with the new PIN value and the associated
access right granted.
This command is usually defined as a “PIN updating” procedure.
Conditions of Use
The PIN to verify must not be blocked.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
MVP:CHANGE REFERENCE DATA ‘00’ ‘24’ ‘00’ ‘01’ ’10’ - 3
Command APDU
Field Value
CLA ‘00’
INS ‘24’
P1 ‘00’
P2 ‘01’ (PINcardholder reference, see §3.1)
Lc Length of subsequent data field
Data Existing PIN || New PIN
Le Empty
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Response APDU
Field Value
Data Empty
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’63 CX’ Verification failed, ‘X’ retries remaining
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a temporary mute state)
’67 00’ Wrong length
’69 83’ Authentication method blocked (PINcardholder blocked)
‘6A 80’ Incorrect parameter in data field (e.g. wrong PINcardholder format)
‘6A 86’ Wrong parameter P1-P2
‘6A 88’ Referenced data not found (PINcardholder not found)
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
’6E 00’ / ’68 81’ Wrong coding of class byte
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 23 – MVP:CHANGE REFERENCE DATA Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.7 MSE:SET Command (ISO 7816-4)
The MSE: SET command is used to set attributes in the Belpic Security Environment (SE):
-Selecting the algorithm used to perform a signature via the algorithm reference (see Table 11 -
Algorithm references)
-Selecting the RSA Private Key (by using a key reference inside the Digital Signature Template)
that shall be used in the digital signature creation process (see signature key references in §4.1).
See the available signature schemes in Table 27 – Signature Schemes.
Conditions of Use
No security conditions are required to perform this command.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
MSE:SET ‘00’ ‘22’ ‘41’ ‘B6’ ‘05’ - 3
Command ADPU
Field Value
CLA ‘00’
INS ‘22’: Manage Security Environment
P1 ‘41’: Set the signature mode
P2 ‘B6’: Value of the DST in data field
Lc Length of subsequent data field
Data Length of following data =’04’ ||
Tag for Algorithm reference =’80’ ||
Algorithm reference (refer to Table 11) ||
Tag for private key reference =’84’ ||
Private key reference = either ‘82’ or ‘83’, refer to §4.1
Le Empty
Table 24 – MSE:SET command APDU
Response ADPU
Field Value
Data Empty
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Table 25 – MSE:SET Response APDU
Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Value Meaning
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a temporary mute state)
’67 00’ Wrong length
’69 85’ Condition of use not satisfied (Key not activated or algorithm locked
by Lock Algorithm command)
‘6A 80’ Incorrect parameter in the data field (e.g. wrong tag, algorithm
reference not supported, P2 doesn’t refer to a private key).
‘6B 00’ Wrong parameter P1-P2
‘6A 88’ Referenced key not found (e.g. Authentication key, Non-repudiation
key not found)
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
’6E 00’ / ’68 81’ Wrong coding of class byte
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 26 – MSE:SET Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
The PSO:CDS command shall initiate the computation of a digital signature. The private key and the
algorithm to be used shall be previously specified by a MSE: SET command.
Available “Signature keys” are (see §4.1):
Authentication key
Non-Repudiation key
Key length supported:
The command supports only RSA 2048 key length.
Algorithms used:
The following 6 signature schemes are supported:
Signature Schemes (PKCS#1 v2.1)
Scheme RSA key length Hash algorithm
PKCS1_v15 2048
Not specified 1
Table 27 – Signature Schemes
1 For the signature scheme RSASSA-PKCS1-v15 it is possible to leave the hash algorithm unspecified (“Not
specified”) to support any hash algorithm but the applet will not be able to check the length of the hash to be
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Conditions of Use
The Access Condition of the referenced key related to this command must be fulfilled prior using the
command (refer to Table 5 and Table 6 for keys access conditions):
The PINcardholder access right must have been granted at any time before using the
signature authentication key.
Each time the signature non-repudiation key is used, a successful MVP: Verify
(PINcardholder) APDU command has to be executed just before performing this command.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
PSO:CDS ‘00’ ‘2A’ ‘9E’ ‘9A’ Length Length 4
Command APDU
Field Value
CLA ’00’
INS ‘2A’: Perform Security Operation
P1 ‘9E’: PSO:CDS
P2 ‘9A’ (Data field contains data to be signed)
Lc Length of the data to be signed
Data Data to be signed (not padded)
Le Length of the signature :
- ‘00’ (256 bytes) for RSA 2048
Table 28 – PSO:CDS command APDU
Note: When PKCS#1 is used, the card will pad the data to be signed (DTBS) according to PKCS#1
version 2.1.
RSA PKCS#1 algorithm selected (hashing format not specified):
The length of the DTBS must be inferior or equal to 245 bytes (RSA 2048)
RSA MD5 PKCS#1 algorithm selected :
The length of the DTBS must be equal to 16 bytes.
RSA SHA-1 PKCS#1 algorithm selected :
The length of the DTBS must be equal to 20 bytes.
RSA SHA-256 PKCS#1 algorithm selected :
The length of the DTBS must be equal to 32 bytes.
Response ADPU
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Field Value
Data Signature
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Table 29 – PSO:CDS Response APDU
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a mute state)
’67 00’ Wrong length
’69 82’ Security status not satisfied (e.g. PIN access right not granted)
’69 85’ Condition of use not satisfied (e.g. security environment not set or
algorithm locked by Lock Algorithm command)
‘6B 00’ Wrong parameter P1-P2
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
‘61 xy’
Process completed normally (‘xy’ encoded the number of extra data
bytes still available). The card expects a GET RESPONSE command
with Le=’xy’
’6E 00’ / ’68 81’ Wrong coding of class byte
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 30 – PSO:CDS Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.9 GET CARD DATA Command
This command is used to retrieve some useful information about the card.
The content of the response gives information about chip, OS and applet (version for instance).
Conditions of Use
No security conditions are required to perform this command.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
GET CARD DATA ‘80’ ‘E4’ ‘00’ ‘00’ - Length 2
Command ADPU
Field Value
CLA ‘80’
INS ‘E4’
P1 ‘00’
P2 ‘00’
Lc Empty
Data Empty
Le Length of the response = ‘1C’
Table 31 - GET CARD DATA Command APDU
Response APDU
Response fields Length
(byte) Description / Value
Serial Number
16 The serial number is composed of 2 bytes reserved for Gemalto, 2
bytes identifying the chip manufacturer, and 12 bytes identifying
uniquely the chip among all chips from this manufacturer
Component code 1 Chip dependent
OS number 1 ‘xx’ (platform specific)
OS version 1 ‘xx’ (platform specific)
Softmask number 1 ‘xx’ (platform specific)
Softmask version 1 ‘xx’ (platform specific)
Applet version 1 ‘17’ = Applet version 1.7
Global OS Version 2 ‘0003’ = Belpic V1.7
Applet interface version 1 ‘00’
PKCS#1 support 1 ‘21’ = PKCS#1 version 2.1
Key Exchange version 1 ‘01’
Applet Life cycle 1 ‘07’ = SELECTABLE state
Table 32 – GET CARD DATA Detailed Response
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a mute state)
‘6C’ XX Le incorrect, XX indicates the expected length (hexadecimal value)
‘6B 00’ Wrong parameter P1-P2
’6E 00’ / ’68 81’ Wrong coding of class byte
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 33 – GET CARD DATA Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card
6.10 LOG OFF Command
This command shall be used to discard the current fulfilled access condition.
Conditions of Use
No security conditions are required to perform this command.
Command structure
Instruction CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Le Case
LOG OFF ‘80’ ‘E6’ ‘00’ ‘00’ - - 1
Command ADPU
Field Value
CLA ‘80’
INS ‘E6’
P1 ‘00’
P2 ‘00’
Lc Empty
Data Empty
Le Empty
Table 34 - LOG OFF Command APDU
Response APDU
Field Value
Data Empty
SW1-SW2 Status Bytes
Table 35 – LOG OFF Response APDU
Status bytes
Value Meaning
’64 00’ No precise diagnostic
‘65 81’ EEPROM corrupted (followed by a mute state)
’67 00’ Wrong length
‘6B 00’ Wrong parameter P1-P2
‘6D 00’ Command not available within the current life cycle
’6E 00’ / ’68 81’ Wrong coding of class byte
’90 00’ Normal ending of the command
Table 36 – LOG OFF Status bytes
Reference Manual - Belpic V1.7 eID card

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