Py SCF 1.4 Manual

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PySCF Documentation
Release 1.4.0
Qiming Sun <>
Oct 12, 2017
1 Contents 3
1.1 An overview of PySCF .......................................... 3
1.2 Tutorial .................................................. 5
1.3 Advanced topics ............................................. 18
1.4 Installation ................................................ 27
1.5 gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis ................................ 29
1.6 lib ..................................................... 74
1.7 scf .................................................... 80
1.8 ao2mo .................................................. 128
1.9 mcscf ................................................... 137
1.10 fci ..................................................... 150
1.11 symm ................................................... 156
1.12 df — density fitting ............................................ 158
1.13 dft ..................................................... 159
1.14 tools ................................................... 173
1.15 Benchmark ................................................ 176
1.16 General .................................................. 176
1.17 Version history .............................................. 178
Python Module Index 179
Index 181
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
PySCF is a collection of electronic structure programs powered by Python. The package aims to provide a simple,
light-weight, and efficient platform for quantum chemistry calculations and code development. The program is devel-
oped with the following principles:
Easy to install, to use, to extend and to be embedded;
Minimal requirements on libraries (no Boost or MPI) and computing resources (perhaps sacrificing efficiency
to reduce I/O);
90/10 Python/C (only computational hot spots are written in C);
90/10 functional/OOP (unless performance critical, functions are pure).
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.1 An overview of PySCF
Python-based simulations of chemistry framework (PYSCF) is a general-purpose electronic structure platform de-
signed from the ground up to emphasize code simplicity, so as to facilitate new method development and enable
flexible computational workflows. The package provides a wide range of tools to support simulations of finite-size
systems, extended systems with periodic boundary conditions, low-dimensional periodic systems, and custom Hamil-
tonians, using mean-field and post-mean-field methods with standard Gaussian basis functions. To ensure ease of
extensibility, PYSCF uses the Python language to implement almost all of its features, while computationally critical
paths are implemented with heavily optimized C routines. Using this combined Python/C implementation, the package
is as efficient as the best existing C or Fortran- based quantum chemistry programs.
1.1.1 Features
Hartree-Fock (up to ~5000 basis)
Non-relativistic restricted open-shell, unrestricted HF
Scalar relativistic HF
2-component relativistic HF
4-component relativistic Dirac-Hartree-Fock
Density fitting HF
Second order SCF
General JK contraction function
DIIS, EDIIS, ADIIS and second order solver
SCF wavefunction stability analysis
Generalized Hartree-Fock (GHF)
DFT (up to ~5000 basis)
Non-relativistic restricted, restricted open-shell, unrestricted Kohn-Sham
Scalar relativistic DFT
Density fitting DFT
General XC functional evaluator (for Libxc or XcFun)
General AO evaluator
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
TDHF (and density-fitting TDHF)
TDDFT (and density-fitting TDDFT)
TDHF gradients
TDDFT gradients
General CASCI/CASSCF solver (up to ~3000 basis)
State-average CASCI/CASSCF
State-specific CASCI/CASSCF for excited states
Multiple roots CASCI
Support DMRG as plugin CI solver to do DMRG-CASSCF
Support FCIQMC as plugin CI solver to do FCIQMC-CASSCF
Density-fitting CASSCF
DMET-CAS and AVAS active space constructor
MP2 (up to ~200 occupied, ~2000 virtual orbitals)
Canonical MP2
Density-fitting MP2
CCSD (up to ~100 occupied, ~1500 virtual orbitals)
canonical RCCSD, UCCSD
canonical RCCSD, UCCSD lambda solver
RCCSD and UCCSD 1-particle and 2-particle density matrices
CCSD gradients
Density-fitting CCSD
Canonical RCCSD(T) and UCCSD(T)
Canonical RCCSD(T) 1- and 2-particle density matrices
Canonical RCCSD(T) gradients
• CI
RCISD and UCISD 1, 2-particle density matrices
Selected-CI 1, 2-particle density matrices
Full CI
Direct-CI solver for spin degenerated Hamiltonian
4 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Direct-CI solver for spin non-degenerated Hamiltonian
1, and 2-particle transition density matrices
1, 2, 3, and 4-particle density matrices
CI wavefunction overlap
• Gradients
Non-relativistic RHF gradients
4-component DHF gradients
Non-relativistic DFT gradients
Non-relativistic CCSD gradients
Non-relativistic TDHF and TDDFT gradients
• Hessian
Non-relativistic RHF hessian
Non-relativistic RKS hessian
• Properties
Non-relativistic RHF, UHF, RKS, UKS NMR shielding
4-component DHF NMR shielding
Non-relativistic RHF, UHF spin-spin coupling
4-component DHF spin-spin coupling
Non-relativistic UHF, UKS hyperfine coupling
4-component DHF hyperfine coupling
Non-relativistic UHF, UKS g-tensor
4-component DHF g-tensor
Non-relativistic UHF zero-field splitting
Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP)
Strongly contracted NEVPT2
Extended systems with periodic boundary condition
gamma point RHF, UHF, RKS, UKS
gamma point TDDFT, MP2, CCSD
PBC RHF, UHF, RKS, UKS with k-point sampling
PBC RCCSD and UCCSD with k-point sampling
PBC AO integrals
PBC MO integral transformation
1.1. An overview of PySCF 5
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
PBC density fitting
Smearing for mean-field calculation
Low-dimensional (0D, 1D, 2D) PBC systems
TDHF and TDDFT with k-point sampling
AO integrals
Interface to call Libcint library
1-electron real-GTO and spinor-GTO integrals
2-electron real-GTO and spinor-GTO integrals
3-center 1-electron real-GTO and spinor-GTO integrals
3-center 2-electron real-GTO and spinor-GTO integrals
General basis value evaluator (for numeric integration)
PBC 1-electron integrals
PBC 2-electron integrals
F12 integrals
MO integrals
2-electron integral transformation for any integrals provided by Libcint library
Support for 4-index integral transformation with 4 different orbitals
PBC 2-electron MO integrals
• Localizer
Natural atomic orbital (NAO)
Intrinsic atomic orbital (IAO)
Geometry optimization
RHF, RKS, RCCSD with pyberny geometry optimizer
D2h symmetry and linear molecule symmetry
Molecule symmetry detection
Symmetry adapted basis
Label orbital symmetry on the fly
Hot update symmetry information
Function to symmetrize given orbital space
• Tools
6 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Molpro XML reader
Interface to integral package Libcint
Interface to DMRG CheMPS2
Interface to DMRG Block
Interface to FCIQMC NECI
Interface to XC functional library XCFun
Interface to XC functional library Libxc
PySCF Python-based simulations of chemistry framework
How to use
There are two ways to access the documentation: the docstrings come with the code, and an online program reference,
available from
We recommend the enhanced Python interpreter IPython and the web-based Python IDE Ipython notebook to try out
the package:
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.2', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.apply(scf.RHF).run()
converged SCF energy = -1.06111199785749
Pure function and Class
Class are designed to hold only the final results and the control parameters such as maximum number of iterations,
convergence threshold, etc. The intermediate status are not saved in the class. If the .kernel() function is finished
without any errors, the solution will be saved in the class (see documentation).
Most useful functions are implemented at module level, and can be accessed in both class and module, e.g.
scf.hf.get_jk(mol,dm) and SCF(mol).get_jk(mol,dm) have the same functionality. As a result, most
functions and class are pure, i.e. no status are saved, and the argument are not changed inplace. Exceptions (destruc-
tive functions and methods) are suffixed with underscore in the function name, eg mcscf.state_average_(mc)
changes the attribute of its argument mc
Stream functions
For most methods, there are three stream functions to pipe computing stream:
1.set function to update object attributes, eg mf = scf.RHF(mol).set(conv_tol=1e-5) is identical to
proceed in two steps mf = scf.RHF(mol); mf.conv_tol=1e-5 function to execute the kernel function (the function arguments are passed to kernel function). If keyword
arguments is given, it will first call .set function to update object attributes then execute the kernel function. Eg mf
= scf.RHF(mol).run(dm_init,conv_tol=1e-5) is identical to three steps mf = scf.RHF(mol);
mf.conv_tol=1e-5; mf.kernel(dm_init)
1.1. An overview of PySCF 7
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
3.apply function to apply the given function/class to the current object (func-
tion arguments and keyword arguments are passed to the given function). Eg
mol.apply(scf.RHF).run().apply(mcscf.CASSCF,6,4,frozen=4) is identical to mf =
scf.RHF(mol); mf.kernel(); mcscf.CASSCF(mf,6,4,frozen=4)
1.2 Tutorial
1.2.1 Quick setup
The prerequisites of PySCF include cmake,numpy,scipy, and h5py. On the Ubuntu host, you can quickly install
$ sudo apt-get install python-h5py python-scipy cmake
Then download the latest version of pyscf and build C extensions in pyscf/lib:
$ git clone
$ cd pyscf/lib
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
Finally, update the Python runtime path PYTHONPATH (assuming pyscf is put in /home/abc, replace it with your own
$ echo 'export PYTHONPATH=/home/abc:$PYTHONPATH' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
To ensure the installation is successed, start a Python shell, and type:
>>> import pyscf
If you got errors like:
ImportError: No module named pyscf
It’s very possible that you put /home/abc/pyscf in PYTHONPATH. You need to remove the /pyscf in that string
and try import pyscf in the python shell again.
Note: The quick setup does not provide the best performance. Please see Installation for the installation with
optimized libraries.
1.2.2 A simple example
Here is an example to run HF calculation for hydrogen molecule:
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.2', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
8 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
converged SCF energy = -1.06111199785749
1.2.3 Initializing a molecule
There are three ways to define and initialize a molecule. The first is to use the keyword arguments of
to initialize a molecule:
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
... atom ='''O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1''',
... basis ='sto-3g')
The second way is to assign the geometry, basis etc. to Mole object, then call build() function to initialize the
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom ='''O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1'''
>>> mol.basis ='sto-3g'
The third way is to use the shortcut function Mole.M(). This function pass all arguments to
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> mol =gto.M(
... atom ='''O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1''',
... basis ='sto-3g')
Either way, you may have noticed two keywords atom and basis. They are used to hold the molecular geometry
and basis sets.
Molecular geometry can be input in Cartesian format:
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom ='''O 0, 0, 0
... H 0 1 0; H 0, 0, 1'''
The atoms in the molecule are represented by an element symbol plus three numbers for coordinates. Different atoms
should be separated by ;or line break. In the same atom, ,can be used to separate different items. Z-matrix input
format is also supported by the input parser:
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom ='''O
... H, 1, 1.2; H 1 1.2 2 105'''
Similarly, different atoms need to be separated by ;or line break. If you need to label an atom to distinguish it from the
rest, you can prefix or suffix number or special characters 1234567890~!@#$%^&*()_+.?:<>[]{}| (except ,
and ;) to an atomic symbol. With this decoration, you can specify different basis sets, or masses, or nuclear models
for different atoms:
1.2. Tutorial 9
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom ='''8 0 0 0; h:1 0 1 0; H@2 0 0'''
>>> mol.basis ={'O':'sto-3g','H':'cc-pvdz','H@2':'6-31G'}
>>> print(mol._atom)
[['O', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], ['H:1', [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], ['H@2', [0.0, 0.0]]]
Basis set
The simplest way is to assign a string of basis name to mol.basis:
mol.basis ='sto3g'
This input will apply the specified basis set to all atoms. The basis name in the string is case insensitive. White space,
dash and underscore in the basis name are all ignored. If different basis sets are required for different elements, a
python dict can be assigned to the basis attribute:
mol.basis ={'O':'sto3g','H':'6-31g'}
You can find more examples in section input_basis and in the file examples/gto/
Other parameters
You can assign more informations to the molecular object:
mol.symmetry =1
mol.charge =1
mol.spin =1
mol.nucmod ={'O1':1}
mol.mass ={'O1':18,'H':2}
Note: Mole.spin is 2S, the alpha and beta electron number difference.
Mole also defines some global parameters. You can control the print level globally with verbose:
mol.verbose =4
The print level can be 0 (quite, no output) to 9 (very noise). Mostly, the useful messages are printed at level 4 (info),
and 5 (debug). You can also specify the place where to write the output messages:
mol.output ='path/to/my_log.txt'
Without assigning this variable, messages will be dumped to sys.stdout. You can control the maximum memory
usage globally:
mol.max_memory =1000 # MB
The default size can be defined with shell environment variable PYSCF_MAX_MEMORY
output and max_memory can be assigned from command line:
$ python -o /path/to/my_log.txt -m 1000
10 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.2.4 Initializing a crystal
Initialization a crystal unit cell is very similar to the initialization molecular object. Here, pyscf.pbc.gto.Cell
class should be used instead of the pyscf.gto.Mole class:
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto
>>> cell =gto.Cell()
>>> cell.atom ='''H 0 0 0; H 1 1 1'''
>>> cell.basis ='gth-dzvp'
>>> cell.pseudo ='gth-pade'
>>> cell.a=numpy.eye(3)*2
The crystal initialization requires an extra parameter cell.a which represents the lattice vectors. In the above
example, we specified cell.pseudo for the pseudo-potential of the system which is an optional parameter. The
input format of basis set is the same to that of Mole object. The other attributes of Mole object such as verbose,
max_memory,spin can also be used in the crystal systems. More details of the crystal Cell object and the relevant
input parameters are documented in pbc.gto — Crystal cell structure.
1D and 2D systems
PySCF PBC module supports the low-dimensional PBC systems. You can initialize the attribute cell.dimension
to specify the dimension of the system:
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto
>>> cell =gto.Cell()
>>> cell.atom ='''H 0 0 0; H 1 1 0'''
>>> cell.basis ='sto3g'
>>> cell.dimension =2
>>> cell.a=numpy.eye(3)*2
When cell.dimension is specified, a vacuum of infinite size will be applied on certain dimension(s). More
specifically, when cell.dimension is 2, the z-direction will be treated as infinite large and the xy-plane constitutes
the periodic surface. When cell.dimension is 1, y and z axes are treated as vacuum thus wire is placed on the
x axis. When cell.dimension is 0, all three directions are vacuum. The PBC system is actually the same to the
molecular system.
1.2.5 HF, MP2, MCSCF
Now we are ready to study electronic structure theory with pyscf. Let’s take oxygen molecule as the first example:
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.verbose =5
>>> mol.output ='o2.log'
>>> mol.atom ='O000;O001.2'
>>> mol.basis ='ccpvdz'
Apply non-relativistic Hartree-Fock:
1.2. Tutorial 11
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import scf
>>> m=scf.RHF(mol)
>>> print('E(HF) = %g'%m.kernel())
E(HF) = -149.544214749
The ground state of oxygen molecule should be triplet. So we change the spin to 2(2 more alpha electrons than beta
>>> o2_tri =mol.copy()
>>> o2_tri.spin =2
>>>,0)# two "0"s to prevent dumping input and parsing command line
>>> rhf3 =scf.RHF(o2_tri)
>>> print(rhf3.kernel())
Run UHF:
>>> uhf3 =scf.UHF(o2_tri)
>>> print(uhf3.scf())
>>> print('S^2 = %f, 2S+1 = %f'%uhf3.spin_square())
S^2 = 2.032647, 2S+1 = 3.021686
where we called mf.scf(), which is an alias name of mf.kernel. You can impose symmetry:
>>> o2_sym =mol.copy()
>>> o2_sym.spin =2
>>> o2_sym.symmetry =1
>>> rhf3_sym =scf.RHF(o2_sym)
>>> print(rhf3_sym.kernel())
Here we rebuild the molecule because we need to initialize the point group symmetry information, symmetry adapted
orbitals. We can check the occupancy for each irreducible representations:
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import symm
>>> def myocc(mf):
... mol =mf.mol
... irrep_id =mol.irrep_id
... so =mol.symm_orb
... orbsym =symm.label_orb_symm(mol, irrep_id, so, mf.mo_coeff)
... doccsym =numpy.array(orbsym)[mf.mo_occ==2]
... soccsym =numpy.array(orbsym)[mf.mo_occ==1]
... for ir,irname in enumerate(mol.irrep_name):
... print('%s, double-occ = %d, single-occ = %d'%
... (irname, sum(doccsym==ir), sum(soccsym==ir)))
>>> myocc(rhf3_sym)
Ag, double-occ = 3, single-occ = 0
B1g, double-occ = 0, single-occ = 0
B2g, double-occ = 0, single-occ = 1
B3g, double-occ = 0, single-occ = 1
Au, double-occ = 0, single-occ = 0
B1u, double-occ = 2, single-occ = 0
B2u, double-occ = 1, single-occ = 0
B3u, double-occ = 1, single-occ = 0
12 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
To label the irreducible representation of given orbitals, symm.label_orb_symm() needs the information of
the point group symmetry which are initialized in mol object, including the id of irreducible representations
Mole.irrep_id and the symmetry adapted basis Mole.symm_orb. For each irrep_id,Mole.irrep_name
gives the associated irrep symbol (A1, B1 ...). In the SCF calculation, you can control the symmetry of the wave func-
tion by assigning the number of alpha electrons and beta electrons (alpha,beta) for some irreps:
>>> rhf3_sym.irrep_nelec ={'B2g': (1,1), 'B3g': (1,1), 'B2u': (1,0), 'B3u': (1,0)}
>>> rhf3_sym.kernel()
>>> print(rhf3_sym.kernel())
>>> rhf3_sym.get_irrep_nelec()
{'Ag' : (3, 3), 'B1g': (0, 0), 'B2g': (1, 1), 'B3g': (1, 1), 'Au' : (0, 0), 'B1u':
˓(1, 0), 'B2u': (0, 1), 'B3u': (1, 0)}
More informations of the calculation can be found in the output file o2.log.
MP2 and MO integral transformation
Next, we compute the correlation energy with mp.mp2:
>>> from pyscf import mp
>>> mp2 =mp.MP2(m)
>>> print('E(MP2) = %.9g'%mp2.kernel()[0])
E(MP2) = -0.379359288
This is the correlation energy of singlet ground state. For the triplet state, we can write a function to compute the
correlation energy
𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟 =1
def myump2(mf):
import numpy
from pyscf import ao2mo
# As UHF objects, mo_energy, mo_occ, mo_coeff are two-item lists
# (the first item for alpha spin, the second for beta spin).
mo_energy =mf.mo_energy
mo_occ =mf.mo_occ
mo_coeff =mf.mo_coeff
o=numpy.hstack((mo_coeff[0][:,mo_occ[0]>0] ,mo_coeff[1][:,mo_occ[1]>0]))
eo =numpy.hstack((mo_energy[0][mo_occ[0]>0] ,mo_energy[1][mo_occ[1]>0]))
ev =numpy.hstack((mo_energy[0][mo_occ[0]==0],mo_energy[1][mo_occ[1]==0]))
no =o.shape[1]
nv =v.shape[1]
noa =sum(mo_occ[0]>0)
nva =sum(mo_occ[0]==0)
eri =ao2mo.general(mf.mol, (o,v,o,v)).reshape(no,nv,no,nv)
eri[:noa,nva:] =eri[noa:,:nva] =eri[:,:,:noa,nva:] =eri[:,:,noa:,:nva] =0
g=eri -eri.transpose(0,3,2,1)
eov =eo.reshape(-1,1)-ev.reshape(-1)
de =1/(eov.reshape(-1,1)+eov.reshape(-1)).reshape(g.shape)
emp2 = .25 *numpy.einsum('iajb,iajb,iajb->', g, g, de)
return emp2
1.2. Tutorial 13
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> print('E(UMP2) = %.9g'%myump2(uhf3))
In this example, we concatenate 𝛼and 𝛽orbitals to mimic the spin-orbitals. After integral transformation, we zeroed
out the integrals of different spin. Here, the ao2mo module provides the general 2-electron MO integral transforma-
tion. Using this module, you are able to do arbitrary integral transformation for arbitrary integrals. For example, the
following code gives the (ov|vv) type integrals:
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> import h5py
>>> mocc =m.mo_coeff[:,m.mo_occ>0]
>>> mvir =m.mo_coeff[:,m.mo_occ==0]
>>> ao2mo.general(mol, (mocc,mvir,mvir,mvir), 'tmp.h5', compact=False)
>>> feri =h5py.File('tmp.h5')
>>> ovvv =numpy.array(feri['eri_mo'])
>>> print(ovvv.shape)
(160, 400)
We pass compact=False to ao2mo.general() to prevent the function using the permutation symmetry between
the virtual-virtual pair of |vv). So the shape of ovvv corresponds to 8 occupied orbitals by 20 virtual orbitals for
electron 1 (ov| and 20 by 20 for electron 2 |vv). In the following example, we transformed the analytical gradients
of 2-electron integrals
𝜕𝑅 𝜙𝑖)𝜙𝑘|𝜙𝑗𝜙𝑙=𝜕𝜙𝑖(𝑟1)
𝜕𝑅 𝜙𝑗(𝑟1)𝜙𝑘(𝑟2)𝜙𝑙(𝑟2)
>>> nocc =mol.nelectron // 2
>>> co =mf.mo_coeff[:,:nocc]
>>> cv =mf.mo_coeff[:,nocc:]
>>> nvir =cv.shape[1]
>>> eri =ao2mo.general(mol, (co,cv,co,cv), intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3)
>>> eri =eri.reshape(3, nocc, nvir, nocc, nvir)
>>> print(eri.shape)
(3, 8, 20, 8, 20)
The two classes mcscf.CASCI and mcscf.CASSCF provided by mcscf have the same initialization interface:
>>> from pyscf import mcscf
>>> mc =mcscf.CASCI(m, 4,6)
>>> print('E(CASCI) = %.9g'%mc.casci()[0])
E(CASCI) = -149.601051
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(m, 4,6)
>>> print('E(CASSCF) = %.9g'%mc.kernel()[0])
E(CASSCF) = -149.613191
In this example, the CAS space is (6e, 4o): the third argument for CASCI/CASSCF is the size of CAS space; the
fourth argument is the number of electrons. By default, the CAS solver determines the alpha-electron number and
beta-electron number based on the attribute Mole.spin. In the above example, the number of alpha electrons is
equal to the number of beta electrons, since the mol object is initialized with spin=0. The spin multiplicity of the
CASSCF/CASCI solver can be changed by the fourth argument:
14 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(m, 4, (4,2))
>>> print('E(CASSCF) = %.9g'%mc.kernel()[0])
E(CASSCF) = -149.609461
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%mcscf.spin_square(mc))
S^2 = 2.0000000, 2S+1 = 3.0000000
The two integers in the tuple represent the number of alpha and beta electrons. Although it is a triplet state, the solution
might not be correct since the CASSCF is based on the incorrect singlet HF ground state. Starting from the ROHF
ground state, we have:
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(rhf3, 4,6)
>>> print('E(CASSCF) = %.9g'%mc.kernel()[0])
E(CASSCF) = -149.646746
The energy is lower than the RHF initial guess. .. We can also use the UHF ground .. state to start a CASSCF
calculation:: .. .. >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(uhf3, 4, 6) .. >>> print(‘E(CASSCF) = %.9g’ % mc.kernel()[0]) ..
E(CASSCF) = -149.661324 .. >>> print(‘S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f’ % mcscf.spin_square(mc)) .. S^2 = 3.9713105,
2S+1 = 4.1091656 .. .. Woo, the total energy is even lower. But the spin is contaminated.
1.2.6 Restore an old calculation
There is no restart mechanism available in PySCF package. Calculations can be “restarted” by the proper initial guess.
For SCF, the initial guess can be prepared in many ways. One is to read the chkpoint file which is generated in the
previous or other calculations:
>>> from pyscf import scf
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.chkfile ='/path/to/chkfile'
>>> mf.init_guess ='chkfile'
>>> mf.kernel()
/path/to/chkfile can be found in the output in the calculation (if mol.verbose >= 4, the filename of the
chkfile will be dumped in the output). By setting chkfile and init_guess, the SCF module can read the
molecular orbitals from the given chkfile and rotate them to representation of the required basis. The example
examples/scf/ records other methods to generate SCF initial guess.
Initial guess can be fed to the calculation directly. For example, we can read the initial guess form a chkfile and achieve
the same effects as the on in the previous example:
>>> from pyscf import scf
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> dm =scf.hf.from_chk(mol, '/path/to/chkfile')
>>> mf.kernel(dm)
scf.hf.from_chk() reads the chkpoint file and generates the corresponding density matrix represented in the
required basis.
Initial guess chkfile is not limited to the calculation based on the same molecular and same basis set. One can
first do a cheap SCF (with small basis sets) or a model SCF (dropping a few atoms, or charged system), then use
scf.hf.from_chk() to project the results to the target basis sets.
To restart a CASSCF calculation, you need prepare either CASSCF orbitals or CI coefficients (not that useful unless
doing a DMRG-CASSCF calculation) or both. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
1.2. Tutorial 15
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
import tempfile
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
from pyscf import lib
Restart CASSCF from previous calculation.
There is no "restart" keyword for CASSCF solver. The CASSCF solver is
completely controlled by initial guess. So we can mimic the restart feature
by providing proper initial guess from previous calculation.
We need assign the .chkfile a string to indicate the file where to save the
CASSCF intermediate results. Then we can "restart" the calculation from the
intermediate results.
tmpchk =tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
mol =gto.Mole()
mol.atom ='C000;C001.2'
mol.basis ='ccpvdz'
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
mc.max_cycle_macro =1
# Assuming the CASSCF was interrupted. Intermediate data were saved in
# tmpchk file. Here we read the chkfile to restart the previous calculation.
mol =gto.Mole()
mol.atom ='C000;C001.2'
mol.basis ='ccpvdz'
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(scf.RHF(mol), 6,6)
mo =lib.chkfile.load(, 'mcscf/mo_coeff')
1.2.7 Access AO integrals
molecular integrals
PySCF uses Libcint library as the AO integral engine. It provides simple interface function getints_by_shell()
to evaluate integrals. The following example evaluates 3-center 2-electron integrals with this function:
16 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, df
mol =gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; h 0 -0.757 0.587; h 0 0.757 0.587', basis='cc-pvdz')
auxmol =gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; h 0 -0.757 0.587; h 0 0.757 0.587', basis='weigend')
pmol =mol +auxmol
nao =mol.nao_nr()
naux =auxmol.nao_nr()
eri3c =numpy.empty((nao,nao,naux))
pi =0
for iin range(mol.nbas):
pj =0
for jin range(mol.nbas):
pk =0
for kin range(mol.nbas, mol.nbas+auxmol.nbas):
shls =(i, j, k)
buf =pmol.intor_by_shell('int3c2e_sph', shls)
di, dj, dk =buf.shape
eri3c[pi:pi+di,pj:pj+dj,pk:pk+dk] =buf
pk += dk
pj += dj
pi += di
Here we load the Weigend density fitting basis to auxmol and append the basis to normal orbital basis which was ini-
tialized in mol. In the result pmol object, the first mol.nbas shells are the orbital basis and the next auxmol.nbas
are auxiliary basis. The three nested loops run over all integrals for the three index integral (ij|K). Similarly, we can
compute the two center Coulomb integrals:
eri2c =numpy.empty((naux,naux))
pk =0
for kin range(mol.nbas, mol.nbas+auxmol.nbas):
pl =0
for lin range(mol.nbas, mol.nbas+auxmol.nbas):
shls =(k, l)
buf =pmol.intor_by_shell('int2c2e_sph', shls)
dk, dl =buf.shape
eri2c[pk:pk+dk,pl:pl+dl] =buf
pl += dl
pk += dk
Now we can use the two-center integrals and three-center integrals to implement the density fitting Hartree-Fock code.
def get_vhf(mol, dm, *args, **kwargs):
naux =eri2c.shape[0]
nao =mol.nao_nr()
rho =numpy.einsum('ijp,ij->p', eri3c, dm)
rho =numpy.linalg.solve(eri2c, rho)
jmat =numpy.einsum('p,ijp->ij', rho, eri3c)
kpj =numpy.einsum('ijp,jk->ikp', eri3c, dm)
pik =numpy.linalg.solve(eri2c, kpj.reshape(-1,naux).T)
kmat =numpy.einsum('pik,kjp->ij', pik.reshape(naux,nao,nao), eri3c)
return jmat -kmat *.5
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mf.verbose =0
mf.get_veff =get_vhf
print('E(DF-HF) = %.12f, ref = %.12f'%(mf.kernel(), scf.density_fit(mf).kernel()))
Your screen should output
1.2. Tutorial 17
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
E(DF-HF) = -76.025936299702, ref = -76.025936299702
Evaluating the integrals with nested loops and mol.intor_by_shell() method is inefficient. It is preferred to
load integrals in bulk and this can be done with mol.intor() method:
eri2c =auxmol.intor('int2c2e_sph')
eri3c =pmol.intor('int3c2e_sph', shls_slice=(0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas,mol.nbas,mol.
eri3c =eri3c.reshape(mol.nao_nr(), mol.nao_nr(), -1)
mol.intor() method can be used to evaluate one-electron integrals, two-electron integrals:
hcore =mol.intor('int1e_nuc_sph')+mol.intor('int1e_kin_sph')
overlap =mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')
eri =mol.intor('int2e_sph')
There is a long list of supported AO integrals. See moleintor.
PBC AO integrals
mol.intor() can only be used to evaluate the integrals with open boundary conditions. When the periodic bound-
ary conditions of crystal systems are studied, you need to use pbc.Cell.pbc_intor() function to evaluate the
integrals of short-range operators, such as the overlap, kinetic matrix:
from pyscf.pbc import gto
cell =gto.Cell()
cell.atom ='H000;H111'
overlap =cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')
By default, pbc.Cell.pbc_intor() function returns the Γ-point integrals. If k-points are specified, function
pbc.Cell.pbc_intor() can also evaluate the k-point integrals:
kpts =cell.make_kpts([2,2,2]) # 8 k-points
overlap =cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp_sph', kpts=kpts)
Note: pbc.Cell.pbc_intor() can only be used to evaluate the short-range integrals. PBC density fitting
method has to be used to compute the long-range operator such as nuclear attraction integrals, Coulomb integrals.
The two-electron Coulomb integrals can be evaluated with PBC density fitting methods:
from pyscf.pbc import df
eri =df.DF(cell).get_eri()
See also pbc.df — PBC denisty fitting for more details of the PBC density fitting module.
1.2.8 Other features
Density fitting
18 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import scf
Density fitting method by decorating the scf object with scf.density_fit function.
There is no flag to control the program to do density fitting for 2-electron
integration. The way to call density fitting is to decorate the existed scf
object with scf.density_fit function.
NOTE scf.density_fit function generates a new object, which works exactly the
same way as the regular scf method. The density fitting scf object is an
independent object to the regular scf object which is to be decorated. By
doing so, density fitting can be applied anytime, anywhere in your script
without affecting the exsited scf object.
See also:
mol =gto.Mole()
verbose =0,
atom ='''8 0 0. 0
1 0 -0.757 0.587
1 0 0.757 0.587''',
basis ='ccpvdz',
mf =scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol))
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026744737355' %energy)
# Stream style: calling .density_fit method to return a DF-SCF object.
mf =scf.RHF(mol).density_fit()
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026744737355' %energy)
# By default optimal auxiliary basis (if possible) or even-tempered gaussian
# functions are used fitting basis. You can assign with_df.auxbasis to change
# the change the fitting basis.
mol.spin =1
mol.charge =1,0)
mf =scf.UKS(mol).density_fit()
mf.with_df.auxbasis ='cc-pvdz-jkfit'
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -75.390366559552' %energy)
1.2. Tutorial 19
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Customizing Hamiltonian
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo
Customizing Hamiltonian for SCF module.
Three steps to define Hamiltonian for SCF:
1. Specify the number of electrons. (Note mole object must be "built" before doing
˓this step)
2. Overwrite three attributes of scf object
3. Specify initial guess (to overwrite the default atomic density initial guess)
Note you will see warning message on the screen:
overwrite keys get_ovlp get_hcore of <class 'pyscf.scf.hf.RHF'>
mol =gto.M()
mol.nelectron =n
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
h1 =numpy.zeros((n,n))
for iin range(n-1):
h1[i,i+1]=h1[i+1,i] = -1.0
h1[n-1,0]=h1[0,n-1]= -1.0 # PBC
eri =numpy.zeros((n,n,n,n))
for iin range(n):
eri[i,i,i,i] =4.0
mf.get_hcore =lambda *args: h1
mf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(n)
# ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n) to get 8-fold permutation symmetry of the integrals
# ._eri only supports the two-electron integrals in 4-fold or 8-fold symmetry.
mf._eri =ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n)
Symmetry in CASSCF
#!/usr/bin/env python
20 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
Symmetry is not immutable
In PySCF, symmetry is not built-in data structure. Orbitals are stored in C1
symmetry. The irreps and symmetry information are generated on the fly.
We can switch on symmetry for CASSCF solver even the Hartree-Fock is not
optimized with symmetry.
mol =gto.Mole()
atom =[['O' , (0. ,0. ,0.)],
[1, (0. ,-0.757 ,0.587)],
[1, (0. ,0.757 ,0.587)]],
basis ='cc-pvdz',
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mf.kernel(),0, symmetry ='C2v')
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,8)
1.3 Installation
We provide three ways to install PySCF package.
1.3.1 Installation with conda
If you have Anaconda environment, PySCF package can be installed with:
$ conda install -c pyscf pyscf
1.3.2 Installation with pip
You have to first install the dependent libraries (due to the missing of build-time dependency in pip PEP 518):
$ pip install numpy scipy h5py
Then install PySCF:
$ pip install pyscf
Note: libxc library is not available in the PyPI repository. pyscf.dft module is not working unless the libxc library
was installed in the system. You can download libxc library from You
1.3. Installation 21
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
need to add –enable-shared when compiling the libxc library. Before calling pip, the path where the libxc library is
installed needs to be added to the environment variable PYSCF_INC_DIR
1.3.3 Manual installation from github repo
You can manually install PySCF from the PySCF github repo. Manual installation requires cmake,numpy,scipy and
h5py libraries. You can download the latest PySCF version (or the development branch) from github:
$ git clone
$ cd pyscf
$ git checkout dev # optional if you'd like to try out the development branch
Build the C extensions in pyscf/lib:
$ cd pyscf/lib
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
This will automatically download the analytical GTO integral library libcint and the DFT exchange correlation func-
tional libraries libxc and xcfun. Finally, to make Python able to find the pyscf package, add the top-level pyscf
directory (not the pyscf/pyscf subdirectory) to PYTHONPATH. For example, if pyscf is installed in /opt,
PYTHONPATH should be like:
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/pyscf:$PYTHONPATH
To ensure the installation is successful, start a Python shell, and type:
>>> import pyscf
For Mac OS X/macOS, you may get an import error if your OS X/macOS version is 10.11 or later:
OSError: dlopen(xxx/pyscf/pyscf/lib/libcgto.dylib, 6): Library not loaded: libcint.3.
Referenced from: xxx/pyscf/pyscf/lib/libcgto.dylib
Reason: unsafe use of relative rpath libcint.3.0.dylib in xxx/pyscf/pyscf/lib/libcgto.
˓dylib with restricted binary
This is caused by the RPATH. It can be fixed by running the script
pyscf/lib/ in pyscf/lib directory:
cd pyscf/lib
Note: RPATH has been built in the dynamic library. This may cause library loading error on some systems.
You can run pyscf/lib/ to remove the rpath code from the library head.
Another workaround is to set -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=1 and -DCMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH=0 in cmake com-
mand line. When the RPATH was removed, you need to add pyscf/lib and pyscf/lib/deps/lib in
A useful last step is to set the scratch directory. The default scratch directory of PySCF is controlled by environment
variable PYSCF_TMPDIR. If it’s not specified, the system wide temporary directory TMPDIR will be used as the
scratch directory.
22 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.3.4 Installation without network
If you have problems downloading the external libraries on your computer, you can manually build the libraries, as
shown in the following instructions. First, you need to install libcint, libxc or xcfun libraries. libcint cint3 branch and
xcfun stable-1.x branch are required by PySCF. They can be downloaded from github:
$ git clone
$ cd libcint
$ git checkout origin/cint3
$ cd .. && tar czf libcint.tar.gz libcint
$ git clone
$ cd xcfun
$ git checkout origin/stable-1.x
$ cd .. && tar czf xcfun.tar.gz xcfun
libxc-3.* can be found in or here. Assuming /opt is the place where these
libraries will be installed, these packages should be compiled with the flags:
$ tar xvzf libcint.tar.gz
$ cd libcint
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make && make install
$ tar xvzf libxc-3.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd libxc-0.0.0
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=/opt --libdir=/opt/lib --enable-shared --disable-fortran
$ make && make install
$ tar xvzf xcfun.tar.gz
$ cd xcfun
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make && make install
Next compile PySCF:
$ cd pyscf/pyscf/lib
$ mkdir build && cd build
˓PATH=/opt ..
$ make
Finally update the PYTHONPATH environment for Python interpreter.
1.3.5 Using optimized BLAS
The default installation does not require the user to identify external linear algebra libraries, but instead tries to find
them automatically. This automated setup script may only find and link to slow BLAS/LAPACK libraries. To improve
performance, users can install the package with other BLAS vendors, such as the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL),
which can provide 10x speedup in many modules:
1.3. Installation 23
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
$ cd pyscf/lib/build
$ cmake -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp_seq ..
$ make
If you are using Anaconda as your Python-side platform, you can link PySCF to the MKL library coming with Ana-
conda package:
$ export MKLROOT=/path/to/anaconda2
$ cd pyscf/lib/build
$ cmake -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp_seq ..
$ make
You can link to other BLAS libraries by setting BLA_VENDOR, eg BLA_VENDOR=ATLAS,
BLA_VENDOR=IBMESSL. Please refer to cmake mannual for more details of the use of FindBLAS macro.
If the cmake BLA_VENDOR cannot find the right BLAS library as you expected, you can assign the libraries to the
variable BLAS_LIBRARIES in lib/CMakeLists.txt:
set(BLAS_LIBRARIES "${BLAS_LIBRARIES};/path/to/mkl/lib/intel64/")
set(BLAS_LIBRARIES "${BLAS_LIBRARIES};/path/to/mkl/lib/intel64/")
set(BLAS_LIBRARIES "${BLAS_LIBRARIES};/path/to/mkl/lib/intel64/")
set(BLAS_LIBRARIES "${BLAS_LIBRARIES};/path/to/mkl/lib/intel64/")
1.3.6 Using optimized integral library
The default integral library used by PySCF is libcint ( To ensure the compatibility
on various high performance computer systems, PySCF does not use the fast integral library by default. For X86-64
platforms, libcint library has an efficient implementation Qcint which is heavily
optimized against SSE3 instructions. To replace the default libcint library with qcint library, edit the URL of the
integral library in lib/CMakeLists.txt file:
1.3.7 Plugins
pyscf/nao module includes the basic functions of numerical atomic orbitals (NAO) and the (nao based) TDDFT
methods. This module was contributed by Marc Barbry and Peter Koval. You can enable this module with a cmake
$ cmake -DENABLE_NAO=1 ..
More information of the compilcation can be found in pyscf/lib/nao/
DMRG solver
Density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) implementations Block (
block-code-for-dmrg) and CheMPS2 ( are efficient DMRG solvers
24 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
for ab initio quantum chemistry problem. Installing Block requires C++11 compiler. If C++11 is not supported
by your compiler, you can register and download the precompiled Block binary from http://chemists.princeton.
edu/chan/software/block-code-for-dmrg. Before using the Block or CheMPS2, you need create a config file fu-
ture/dmrgscf/ (as shown by to store the path where the DMRG solver was installed.
NECI ( is FCIQMC code developed by George Booth and Ali Alavi.
PySCF has an interface to call FCIQMC solver NECI. To use NECI, you need create a config file fu-
ture/fciqmc/ to store the path where NECI was installed.
By default, building PySCF will automatically download and install Libxc 2.2.2.pyscf.dft.libxc module pro-
vided a general interface to access Libxc functionals.
By default, building PySCF will automatically download and install latest xcfun code from
xcfun.pyscf.dft.xcfun module provided a general interface to access Libxc functionals.
XianCI is a spin-adapted MRCI program. “Bingbing Suo” <> is the main developer of XianCI
1.4 gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis
This module provides the functions to parse the command line options, the molecular geometry and format the basic
functions for libcint integral library. In mole, a basic class Mole is defined to hold the global parameters, which will
be used throughout the package.
1.4.1 Input
There are multiple ways to input molecular geometry. The internal format of Mole.atom is a python list:
atom =[[atom1, (x, y, z)],
[atom2, (x, y, z)],
[atomN, (x, y, z)]]
You can input the geometry in this format. You can use Python script to construct the geometry:
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom =[['O',(0,0,0)], ['H',(0,1,0)], ['H',(0,0,1)]]
>>> mol.atom.extend([['H', (i, i, i)] for iin range(1,5)])
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 25
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Besides Python list, tuple and numpy.ndarray are all supported by the internal format:
>>> mol.atom =(('O',numpy.zeros(3)), ['H',0,1,0], ['H',[0,0,1]])
Also, atom can be a string of Cartesian format or Z-matrix format:
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom ='''
>>> O000
>>> H010
>>> H001;
>>> '''
There are a few requirements for the string format. The string input takes ;or \n to partition atoms. White space and
,are used to divide items for each atom. Blank lines or lines started with #will be ignored:
>>> mol =gto.M(
... mol.atom ='''
... #O000
... H010
... H001;
... ''')
>>> mol.natm
The geometry string is case-insensitive. It also supports to input the nuclear charges of elements:
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom =[[8,(0,0,0)], ['h',(0,1,0)], ['H',(0,0,1)]]
If you need to label an atom to distinguish it from the rest, you can prefix or suffix number or special characters
1234567890~!@#$%^&*()_+.?:<>[]{}| (except ,and ;) to an atomic symbol. With this decoration, you
can specify different basis sets, or masses, or nuclear models for different atoms:
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.atom ='''8 0 0 0; h:1 0 1 0; H@2 0 0'''
>>> mol.basis ={'O':'sto-3g','H':'cc-pvdz','H@2':'6-31G'}
>>> print(mol.atom)
[['O', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], ['H:1', [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], ['H@2', [0.0, 0.0]]]
No matter which format or symbols were used in the input, will convert Mole.atom to the internal
>>> mol.atom ='''
O 0, 0, 0 ; 1 0.0 1 0
H@2,0 0 1
>>> print(mol.atom)
[['O', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], ['H', [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], ['H@2', [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]]
Input Basis
There are various ways to input basis sets. Besides the input of universal basis string and basis dict:
26 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
mol.basis ='sto3g'
mol.basis ={'O':'sto3g','H':'6-31g'}
basis can be input with helper functions. Function basis.parse() can parse a basis string of NWChem format
mol.basis ={'O': gto.basis.parse('''
71.6168370 0.15432897
13.0450960 0.53532814
3.5305122 0.44463454
2.9412494 -0.09996723 0.15591627
0.6834831 0.39951283 0.60768372
0.2222899 0.70011547 0.39195739
Functions basis.load() can be load arbitrary basis from the database, even the basis which does not match the
mol.basis = {‘H’: gto.basis.load(‘sto3g’, ‘C’)}
Both basis.parse() and basis.load() return the basis set in the internal format (See the ba-
Basis parser supports “Ghost” atom:
mol.basis ={'GHOST': gto.basis.load('cc-pvdz','O'), 'H':'sto3g'}
More examples of inputing ghost atoms can be found in examples/gto/
Like the requirements of geometry input, you can use atomic symbol (case-insensitive) or the atomic nuclear charge,
as the keyword of the basis dict. Prefix and suffix of numbers and special characters are allowed. If the decorated
atomic symbol is appeared in atom but not basis, the basis parser will remove all decorations then seek the pure
atomic symbol in basis dict. In the following example, 6-31G basis will be assigned to the second H atom, but
STO-3G will be used for the third atom:
mol.atom ='8000;h1010;H2001'
mol.basis ={'O':'sto-3g','H':'sto3g','H1':'6-31G'}
Command line
Some of the input variables can be passed from command line:
$ python -o /path/to/my_log.txt -m 1000
This command line specifies the output file and the maximum of memory for the calculation. By default, command
line has the highest priority, which means our settings in the script will be overwritten by the command line arguments.
To make the input parser ignore the command line arguments, you can call the with:,0)
The first 0 prevent build() dumping the input file. The second 0 prevent build() parsing command line.
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 27
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.4.2 Program reference
Mole class handles three layers: input, internal format, libcint arguments. The relationship of the three layers are:
.atom (input)<=> ._atom (for python) <=> ._atm (for libcint)
.basis (input)<=> ._basis (for python) <=> ._bas (for libcint)
input layer does not talk to libcint directly. Data are held in python internal fomrat layer. Most of methods de-
fined in this class only operates on the internal format. Exceptions are make_env, make_atm_env, make_bas_env,
set_common_orig_(),set_rinv_orig_() which are used to manipulate the libcint arguments.
This is a shortcut to build up Mole object.
Args: Same to
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001', basis='6-31g')
class pyscf.gto.mole.Mole(**kwargs)
Basic class to hold molecular structure and global options
verbose [int] Print level
output [str or None] Output file, default is None which dumps msg to sys.stdout
max_memory [int, float] Allowed memory in MB
charge [int] Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers
spin [int] 2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons
symmetry [bool or str] Whether to use symmetry. When this variable is set to True, the molecule will be
rotated and the highest rotation axis will be placed z-axis. If a string is given as the name of point
group, the given point group symmetry will be used. Note that the input molecular coordinates will
not be changed in this case.
symmetry_subgroup [str] subgroup
atom [list or str] To define molecluar structure. The internal format is
atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)],
[atom2, (x, y, z)],
[atomN, (x, y, z)]]
unit [str] Angstrom or Bohr
basis [dict or str] To define basis set.
nucmod [dict or str] Nuclear model. Set it to 0, None or False for point nuclear model. Any other values
will enable Gaussian nuclear model. Default is point nuclear model.
28 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
cart [boolean] Using Cartesian GTO basis and integrals (6d,10f,15g)
** Following attributes are generated by **
stdout [file object] Default is sys.stdout if Mole.output is not set
groupname [str] One of D2h, C2h, C2v, D2, Cs, Ci, C2, C1
nelectron [int] sum of nuclear charges - Mole.charge
symm_orb [a list of numpy.ndarray] Symmetry adapted basis. Each element is a set of symm-adapted
orbitals for one irreducible representation. The list index does not correspond to the id of irreducible
irrep_id [a list of int] Each element is one irreducible representation id associated with the basis stored in
symm_orb. One irrep id stands for one irreducible representation symbol. The irrep symbol and the
relevant id are defined in symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE
irrep_name [a list of str] Each element is one irreducible representation symbol associated with the basis
stored in symm_orb. The irrep symbols are defined in symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE
_built [bool] To label whether has been called. It ensures some functions being initial-
ized once.
_basis [dict] like Mole.basis, the internal format which is returned from the parser
_keys [a set of str] Store the keys appeared in the module. It is used to check misinput attributes
** Following attributes are arguments used by libcint library **
_atm : [[charge,ptr-of-coord,nuc-model,ptr-zeta,0,0],[...]] each element
reperesents one atom
natm : number of atoms
_bas : [[atom-id,angular-momentum,num-primitive-GTO,num-contracted-GTO,0,ptr-of-exps,ptr-of-contract-coeff,0],[...]]
each element reperesents one shell
nbas : number of shells
_env : list of floats to store the coordinates, GTO exponents, contract-coefficients
>>> mol =Mole(atom='H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto3g').build()
>>> print(mol.atom_symbol(0))
>>> print(mol.atom_pure_symbol(0))
>>> print(mol.nao_nr())
>>> print(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))
[[ 0.99999999 0.43958641]
[ 0.43958641 0.99999999]]
>>> mol.charge =1
<class 'pyscf.gto.mole.Mole'> has no attributes Charge
Labels for AO basis functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 29
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-AO-notation)] or formatted strings based on the ar-
gument “fmt”
Offset of every shell in the spinor basis function spectrum
Returns: list, each entry is the corresponding start id of spinor function
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.ao_loc_2c(mol)
[0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30, 36]
Offset of every shell in the spherical basis function spectrum
Returns: list, each entry is the corresponding start basis function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.ao_loc_nr(mol)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18]
2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id,
start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
Nuclear effective charge of the given atom id Note “atom_charge /= _charge(atom_symbol)” when ECP is
enabled. Number of electrons screened by ECP can be obtained by _charge(atom_symbol)-atom_charge
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_charge(1)
np.asarray([mol.atom_charge(i) for i in range(mol.natm)])
Coordinates (ndarray) of the given atom id
atm_id [int] 0-based
30 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_coord(1)
[ 0. 0. 2.07869874]
np.asarray([mol.atom_coords(i) for i in range(mol.natm)])
Number of core electrons for pseudo potential.
Number of basis/shells of the given atom
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_nshells(1)
For the given atom id, return the standard symbol (striping special characters)
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_symbol(0)
A list of the shell-ids of the given atom
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.atom_shell_ids(1)
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
For the given atom id, return the input symbol (without striping special characters)
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_symbol(0)
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 31
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The angular momentum associated with the given basis
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(7)
The atom (0-based id) that the given basis sits on
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(7)
Coordinates (ndarray) associated with the given basis id
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.bas_coord(1)
[ 0. 0. 2.07869874]
Contract coefficients (ndarray) of the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>> mol.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_ctr_coeff(0)
[[ 10.03400444]
[ 4.1188704 ]
[ 1.53971186]]
exponents (ndarray) of the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
32 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_kappa(0)
[ 13.01 1.962 0.4446]
Kappa (if l < j, -l-1, else l) of the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_kappa(3)
The number of Cartesian function associated with given basis
The number of spinor associated with given basis If kappa is 0, return 4l+2
The number of contracted GTOs for the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(3)
The number of primitive GTOs for the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(3)
Setup moleclue and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of the attributes
of Mole, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Mole.
dump_input [bool] whether to dump the contents of input file in the output file
parse_arg [bool] whether to read the sys.argv and overwrite the relevant parameters
verbose [int] Print level. If given, overwrite Mole.verbose
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 33
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
output [str or None] Output file. If given, overwrite Mole.output
max_memory [int, float] Allowd memory in MB. If given, overwrite Mole.max_memory
atom [list or str] To define molecluar structure.
basis [dict or str] To define basis set.
nucmod [dict or str] Nuclear model. If given, overwrite Mole.nucmod
charge [int] Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers If given, overwrite Mole.charge
spin [int] 2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons If given, overwrite Mole.spin
symmetry [bool or str] Whether to use symmetry. If given a string of point group name, the given
point group symmetry will be used.
Transformation matrix to transform the Cartesian GTOs to spherical GTOs
normalized [string or boolean] How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. Except s and p functions,
Cartesian GTOs do not have the universal normalization coefficients for the different components
of the same shell. The value of this argument can be one of ‘sp’, ‘all’, None. ‘sp’ means the
Cartesian s and p basis are normalized. ‘all’ means all Cartesian functions are normalized. None
means none of the Cartesian functions are normalized.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001', basis='ccpvtz')
>>> c=mol.cart2sph_coeff()
>>> s0 =mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')
>>> s1'int1e_ovlp_cart')).dot(c)
>>> print(abs(s1-s0).sum())
>>> 4.58676826646e-15
Labels for Cartesian GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-xyz-notation)] or formatted strings based on the ar-
gument “fmt”
condense_to_shell(mol,mat,compressor=<function amax>)
The given matrix is first partitioned to blocks, based on AO shell as delimiter. Then call compressor
function to abstract each block.
Serialize Mole object to a JSON formatted str.
Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy
Returns float
Generate even tempered basis. See also expand_etb()
Args: etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),...]
Returns: Formated basis
34 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0,2,1.5,2.), (1,2,1,2.)])
[[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
Evaluate AO function value on the given grids,
Args: eval_name : str
Function Expression
“GTOval_sph” |AO>
“GTOval_ip_sph” nabla |AO>
“GTOval_ig_sph” (#C(0 1) g) |AO>
“GTOval_ipig_sph” (#C(0 1) nabla g) |AO>
“GTOval_cart” |AO>
“GTOval_ip_cart” nabla |AO>
“GTOval_ig_cart” (#C(0 1) g)|AO>
atm [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
bas [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
env [float64 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
coords [2D array, shape (N,3)] The coordinates of the grids.
shls_slice [2-element list] (shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id <
shl_end) are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
non0tab [2D bool array] mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can
be obtained by calling make_mask()
out [ndarray] If provided, results are written into this array.
Returns: 2D array of shape (N,nao) Or 3D array of shape (*,N,nao) for AO values
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> coords =numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points
>>> ao_value =mol.eval_gto("GTOval_sph", coords)
>>> print(ao_value.shape)
(100, 24)
>>> ao_value =mol.eval_gto("GTOval_ig_sph", coords, comp=3)
>>> print(ao_value.shape)
(3, 100, 24)
Generate the exponents of even tempered basis for Mole.basis. .. math:
e=e^{-\alpha *\beta^{i-1}} for i=1.. n
l[int] Angular momentum
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 35
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n[int] Number of GTOs
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etb(1,3,1.5,2)
[[1, [6.0, 1]], [1, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1.5, 1]]]
Generate even tempered basis. See also expand_etb()
Args: etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),...]
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0,2,1.5,2.), (1,2,1,2.)])
[[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
Convert the input Mole.atom to the internal data format. Including, changing the nuclear charge to atom
symbol, converting the coordinates to AU, rotate and shift the molecule. If the atom is a string, it takes ”;”
and “n” for the mark to separate atoms; ”,” and arbitrary length of blank space to spearate the individual
terms for an atom. Blank line will be ignored.
atoms [list or str] the same to Mole.atom
origin [ndarray] new axis origin.
axes [ndarray] (new_x, new_y, new_z), each entry is a length-3 array
unit [str or number] If unit is one of strings (B, b, Bohr, bohr, AU, au), the coordinates of the input
atoms are the atomic unit; If unit is one of strings (A, a, Angstrom, angstrom, Ang, ang), the
coordinates are in the unit of angstrom; If a number is given, the number are considered as the
Bohr value (in angstrom), which should be around 0.53
Returns: “atoms” in the internal format as _atom
>>> gto.format_atom('9,0,0,0; h@1 0 0 1', origin=(1,1,1))
[['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H@1', [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0]]]
>>> gto.format_atom(['9,0,0,0', (1, (0,0,1))], origin=(1,1,1))
[['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H', [-1, -1, 0]]]
Convert the input Mole.basis to the internal data format.
‘‘{ atom: [(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
(-exp, c_1, c_2, ..))),
(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..), (-exp, c_1, c_2, ..)))], ... }‘‘
basis_tab [dict] Similar to Mole.basis, it cannot be a str
36 Chapter 1. Contents
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Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.format_basis({'H':'sto-3g','H^2':'3-21g'})
{'H': [[0,
[3.4252509099999999, 0.15432897000000001],
[0.62391373000000006, 0.53532813999999995],
[0.16885539999999999, 0.44463454000000002]]],
'H^2': [[0,
[5.4471780000000001, 0.15628500000000001],
[0.82454700000000003, 0.90469100000000002]],
[0, [0.18319199999999999, 1.0]]]}
Convert the input ecp (dict) to the internal data format:
{ atom: (nelec, # core electrons
((l, # l=-1 for UL, l>=0 for Ul to indicate |l><l|
(((exp_1, c_1), # for r^0
(exp_2, c_2), ...),
((exp_1, c_1), # for r^1 (exp_2, c_2), ...),
((exp_1, c_1), # for r^2 ...))))),
Normalized factor for GTO radial part 𝑔=𝑟𝑙𝑒𝛼𝑟2
=22𝑙+3(𝑙+ 1)!(2𝑎)𝑙+1.5
(2𝑙+ 2)!𝜋
Ref: H. B. Schlegel and M. J. Frisch, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 54(1995), 83-87.
l (int): angular momentum
expnt : exponent 𝛼
Returns: normalization factor
>>> print gto_norm(0,1)
Whether pesudo potential is used in the system.
Integral generator.
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 37
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
intor [str] Name of the 1e or 2e AO integrals. Ref to getints() for the complete list of available
1-electron integral names
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
hermi [int] Symmetry of the integrals
0 : no symmetry assumed (default)
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.intor('int1e_ipnuc_sph', comp=3)# <nabla i | V_nuc | j>
[[[ 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0.10289944 0.48176097]
[-0.48176097 -0.10289944]]]
>>> mol.intor('int1e_nuc_spinor')
[[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j]
[-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be anti-hermitian
intor [str] Name of the 1-electron integral. Ref to getints() for the complete list of available
1-electron integral names
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.intor_asymmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor')
[[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.67146312+0.j]
[-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
For given 2, 3 or 4 shells, interface for libcint to get 1e, 2e, 2-center-2e or 3-center-2e integrals
intor_name [str] See also getints() for the supported intor_name
38 Chapter 1. Contents
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shls [list of int] The AO shell-ids of the integrals
atm [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
bas [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
env [float64 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
Returns: ndarray of 2-dim to 5-dim, depending on the integral type (1e, 2e, 3c-2e, 2c2e) and the value
of comp
Examples: The gradients of the spherical 2e integrals
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.getints_by_shell('int2e_ip1_sph', (0,1,0,1), mol._atm, mol._bas, mol.
˓_env, comp=3)
[[[[[-0. ]]]]
[[[[-0. ]]]]
One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be hermitian
intor [str] Name of the 1-electron integral. Ref to getints() for the complete list of available
1-electron integral names
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor')
[[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j]
[-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
Setup moleclue and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of the attributes
of Mole, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Mole.
dump_input [bool] whether to dump the contents of input file in the output file
parse_arg [bool] whether to read the sys.argv and overwrite the relevant parameters
verbose [int] Print level. If given, overwrite Mole.verbose
output [str or None] Output file. If given, overwrite Mole.output
max_memory [int, float] Allowd memory in MB. If given, overwrite Mole.max_memory
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 39
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atom [list or str] To define molecluar structure.
basis [dict or str] To define basis set.
nucmod [dict or str] Nuclear model. If given, overwrite Mole.nucmod
charge [int] Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers If given, overwrite Mole.charge
spin [int] 2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons If given, overwrite Mole.spin
symmetry [bool or str] Whether to use symmetry. If given a string of point group name, the given
point group symmetry will be used.
Deserialize a str containing a JSON document to a Mole object.
Total number of contracted spinor GTOs for the given Mole object
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spinor basis functions associated with the given shell range
mol : Mole object
bas_id0 [int] start shell id, 0-based
bas_id1 [int] stop shell id, 0-based
Returns: tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.nao_2c_range(mol, 2,4)
(4, 12)
Total number of contracted cartesian GTOs for the given Mole object
Total number of contracted spherical GTOs for the given Mole object
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spherical basis functions associated with the given shell range
mol : Mole object
bas_id0 [int] start shell id
bas_id1 [int] stop shell id
Returns: tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.nao_nr_range(mol, 2,4)
(2, 6)
Total number of primitive spherical GTOs for the given Mole object
40 Chapter 1. Contents
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2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id,
start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
Pack the input args of Mole to a dict.
Note this function only pack the input arguments (not the entire Mole class). Modifications to mol._atm,
mol._bas, mol._env are not tracked. Use dumps() to serialize the entire Mole object.
Find the index of the AO basis function based on the given ao_label
ao_label [string or a list of strings] The regular expression pattern to match the orbital labels re-
turned by mol.ao_labels()
Returns: A list of index for the AOs that matches the given ao_label RE pattern
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='ccpvtz')
>>> mol.parse_aolabel('Cl.*p')
[19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30]
>>> mol.parse_aolabel('Cl 2p')
[19 20 21]
>>> mol.parse_aolabel(['Cl.*d','Cl 4p'])
[25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40]
Search the first basis function id (not the shell id) which matches the given atom-id, angular momentum
magnetic angular momentum, principal shell.
atm_id [int] atom id, 0-based
l[int] angular momentum
m[int] magnetic angular momentum
atmshell [int] principal quantum number
Returns: basis function id, 0-based. If not found, return None
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.search_ao_nr(1,1,-1,3)# Cl 3px
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 41
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Set zeta for YP exp(-zeta r12)/r12 or STG exp(-zeta r12) type integrals
Replace geometry
Change the nuclear charge distribution of the given atom ID. The charge distribution is defined as: rho(r) =
nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). This function can only be called after .build() method is executed.
>>> for ia in range(mol.natm):
... zeta =gto.filatov_nuc_mod(mol.atom_charge(ia))
... mol.set_nuc_mod(ia, zeta)
Change the nuclear charge distribution of the given atom ID. The charge distribution is defined as: rho(r) =
nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). This function can only be called after .build() method is executed.
>>> for ia in range(mol.natm):
... zeta =gto.filatov_nuc_mod(mol.atom_charge(ia))
... mol.set_nuc_mod(ia, zeta)
Apply the long range part of range-separated Coulomb operator for all 2e integrals erf(omega r12) / r12
set omega to 0 to siwtch off the range-separated Coulomb
Apply the long range part of range-separated Coulomb operator for all 2e integrals erf(omega r12) / r12
set omega to 0 to siwtch off the range-separated Coulomb
42 Chapter 1. Contents
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Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Assume the charge distribution on the “rinv_orig”. zeta is the parameter to control the charge distribu-
tion: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). Be careful when call this function. It affects the behavior of
int1e_rinv_* functions. Make sure to set it back to 0 after using it!
Assume the charge distribution on the “rinv_orig”. zeta is the parameter to control the charge distribu-
tion: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). Be careful when call this function. It affects the behavior of
int1e_rinv_* functions. Make sure to set it back to 0 after using it!
Labels for spherical GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based
on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.spherical_labels(mol)
[(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s
˓', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'),
˓(1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
Labels for spherical GTO functions
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 43
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based
on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.spherical_labels(mol)
[(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s
˓', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'),
˓(1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
The index to map the spinor functions and its time reversal counterpart. The returned indices have postive
or negative values. For the i-th basis function, if the returned j = idx[i] < 0, it means 𝑇|𝑖=−|𝑗,
otherwise 𝑇|𝑖=|𝑗
Total number of electrons for the given molecule
Returns: electron number in integer
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H010;C001', charge=1)
>>> mol.tot_electrons()
Unpack a dict which is packed by pack(), to generate the input arguments for Mole object.
Labels for AO basis functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is
“%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-AO-notation)] or formatted strings based on the argument
Offset of every shell in the spinor basis function spectrum
Returns: list, each entry is the corresponding start id of spinor function
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.ao_loc_2c(mol)
[0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30, 36]
Offset of every shell in the spherical basis function spectrum
Returns: list, each entry is the corresponding start basis function id
44 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.ao_loc_nr(mol)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18]
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
symmetry inequivalent atoms
Cartesian to spinor, indexed by kappa
normalized : How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. ‘sp’ means the s and p functions are normalized.
Cartesian to spinor, indexed by l
Cartesian to real spherical transformation matrix
>>> c=numpy.array((
(0.000000000000, 1.889726124565, 0.000000000000),
(0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, -1.889726124565),
(1.889726124565, -1.889726124565, 0.000000000000),
(1.889726124565, 0.000000000000, 1.133835674739)))
>>> print cart2zmat(c)
1 2.67247631453057
1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077
1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583
Labels for Cartesian GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is
“%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-xyz-notation)] or formatted strings based on the argument
Detect whether the given molelcule is chiral molecule or two molecules are chiral isomers.
Concatenate two Mole’s integral parameters. This function can be used to construct the environment for cross
integrals like
𝜇|𝜈, 𝜇 𝑚𝑜𝑙1, 𝜈 𝑚𝑜𝑙2
Returns: Concatenated atm, bas, env
Examples: Compute the overlap between H2 molecule and O atom
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 45
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mol1 =gto.M(atom='H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> mol2 =gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0', basis='sto3g')
>>> atm3, bas3, env3 =gto.conc_env(mol1._atm, mol1._bas, mol1._env,
... mol2._atm, mol2._bas, mol2._env)
>>> gto.moleintor.getints('int1e_ovlp_sph', atm3, bas3, env3, range(2),
[[ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0.37820346 0. ]
[ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0. 0.37820346]]
Concatenate two Mole objects.
pyscf.gto.mole.condense_to_shell(mol,mat,compressor=<function amax>)
The given matrix is first partitioned to blocks, based on AO shell as delimiter. Then call compressor function to
abstract each block.
Deepcopy of the given Mole object
Serialize Mole object to a JSON formatted str.
Generate the nuclear charge distribution parameter zeta rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2)
Ref. L. Visscher and K. Dyall, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 67, 207 (1997)
Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy
Returns float
Generate even tempered basis. See also expand_etb()
Args: etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),...]
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0,2,1.5,2.), (1,2,1,2.)])
[[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
Generate the exponents of even tempered basis for Mole.basis. .. math:
e=e^{-\alpha *\beta^{i-1}} for i=1.. n
l[int] Angular momentum
n[int] Number of GTOs
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etb(1,3,1.5,2)
[[1, [6.0, 1]], [1, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1.5, 1]]]
46 Chapter 1. Contents
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Generate even tempered basis. See also expand_etb()
Args: etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),...]
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0,2,1.5,2.), (1,2,1,2.)])
[[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
Generate the nuclear charge distribution parameter zeta rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2)
Ref. M. Filatov and D. Cremer, Theor. Chem. Acc. 108, 168 (2002)
13. Filatov and D. Cremer, Chem. Phys. Lett. 351, 259 (2002)
Convert the input Mole.atom to the internal data format. Including, changing the nuclear charge to atom
symbol, converting the coordinates to AU, rotate and shift the molecule. If the atom is a string, it takes ”;” and
“n” for the mark to separate atoms; ”,” and arbitrary length of blank space to spearate the individual terms for
an atom. Blank line will be ignored.
atoms [list or str] the same to Mole.atom
origin [ndarray] new axis origin.
axes [ndarray] (new_x, new_y, new_z), each entry is a length-3 array
unit [str or number] If unit is one of strings (B, b, Bohr, bohr, AU, au), the coordinates of the input atoms
are the atomic unit; If unit is one of strings (A, a, Angstrom, angstrom, Ang, ang), the coordinates
are in the unit of angstrom; If a number is given, the number are considered as the Bohr value (in
angstrom), which should be around 0.53
Returns: “atoms” in the internal format as _atom
>>> gto.format_atom('9,0,0,0; h@1 0 0 1', origin=(1,1,1))
[['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H@1', [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0]]]
>>> gto.format_atom(['9,0,0,0', (1, (0,0,1))], origin=(1,1,1))
[['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H', [-1, -1, 0]]]
Convert the input Mole.basis to the internal data format.
‘‘{ atom: [(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
(-exp, c_1, c_2, ..))),
(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..), (-exp, c_1, c_2, ..)))], ... }‘‘
basis_tab [dict] Similar to Mole.basis, it cannot be a str
Returns: Formated basis
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 47
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>>> gto.format_basis({'H':'sto-3g','H^2':'3-21g'})
{'H': [[0,
[3.4252509099999999, 0.15432897000000001],
[0.62391373000000006, 0.53532813999999995],
[0.16885539999999999, 0.44463454000000002]]],
'H^2': [[0,
[5.4471780000000001, 0.15628500000000001],
[0.82454700000000003, 0.90469100000000002]],
[0, [0.18319199999999999, 1.0]]]}
Convert the input ecp (dict) to the internal data format:
{ atom: (nelec, # core electrons
((l, # l=-1 for UL, l>=0 for Ul to indicate |l><l|
(((exp_1, c_1), # for r^0
(exp_2, c_2), ...),
((exp_1, c_1), # for r^1 (exp_2, c_2), ...),
((exp_1, c_1), # for r^2 ...))))),
>>> a="""H
H 1 2.67247631453057
H 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077
H 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583"""
>>> for xin zmat2cart(a): print x
['H', array([ 0., 0., 0.])]
['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 0. ])]
['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 3.27310166])]
['H', array([ 0.53449526, 0.30859098, 2.83668811])]
Normalized factor for GTO radial part 𝑔=𝑟𝑙𝑒𝛼𝑟2
=22𝑙+3(𝑙+ 1)!(2𝑎)𝑙+1.5
(2𝑙+ 2)!𝜋
Ref: H. B. Schlegel and M. J. Frisch, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 54(1995), 83-87.
l (int): angular momentum
expnt : exponent 𝛼
Returns: normalization factor
48 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> print gto_norm(0,1)
1-electron integrals from two molecules like
𝜇|𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟|𝜈, 𝜇 𝑚𝑜𝑙1, 𝜈 𝑚𝑜𝑙2
intor [str] Name of the 1-electron integral, such as int1e_ovlp_sph (spherical overlap), int1e_nuc_cart
(cartesian nuclear attraction), int1e_ipovlp_spinor (spinor overlap gradients), etc. Ref to
getints() for the full list of available 1-electron integral names
mol1, mol2: Mole objects
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
Examples: Compute the overlap between H2 molecule and O atom
>>> mol1 =gto.M(atom='H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> mol2 =gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0', basis='sto3g')
>>> gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mol1, mol2)
[[ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0.37820346 0. ]
[ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0. 0.37820346]]
Compare the two molecules whether they have the same structure.
tol [float] In Bohr
cmp_basis [bool] Whether to compare basis functions for the two molecules
The number of Cartesian function associated with given angular momentum.
The number of spinor associated with given angular momentum and kappa. If kappa is 0, return 4l+2
Deserialize a str containing a JSON document to a Mole object.
Convert the internal format Mole._atom to the format required by libcint integrals
Convert Mole.basis to the argument bas for libcint integrals
Generate the input arguments for libcint library based on internal format Mole._atom and
Total number of contracted spinor GTOs for the given Mole object
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spinor basis functions associated with the given shell range
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 49
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mol : Mole object
bas_id0 [int] start shell id, 0-based
bas_id1 [int] stop shell id, 0-based
Returns: tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.nao_2c_range(mol, 2,4)
(4, 12)
Total number of contracted cartesian GTOs for the given Mole object
Total number of contracted spherical GTOs for the given Mole object
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spherical basis functions associated with the given shell range
mol : Mole object
bas_id0 [int] start shell id
bas_id1 [int] stop shell id
Returns: tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.nao_nr_range(mol, 2,4)
(2, 6)
Total number of primitive spherical GTOs for the given Mole object
2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id,
start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
Pack the input args of Mole to a dict.
Note this function only pack the input arguments (not the entire Mole class). Modifications to mol._atm,
mol._bas, mol._env are not tracked. Use dumps() to serialize the entire Mole object.
Compare the two molecules whether they have the same structure.
tol [float] In Bohr
50 Chapter 1. Contents
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cmp_basis [bool] Whether to compare basis functions for the two molecules
Find the index of the AO basis function based on the given ao_label
ao_label [string or a list of strings] The regular expression pattern to match the orbital labels returned by
Returns: A list of index for the AOs that matches the given ao_label RE pattern
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='ccpvtz')
>>> mol.parse_aolabel('Cl.*p')
[19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30]
>>> mol.parse_aolabel('Cl 2p')
[19 20 21]
>>> mol.parse_aolabel(['Cl.*d','Cl 4p'])
[25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40]
Search the first basis function id (not the shell id) which matches the given atom-id, angular momentum mag-
netic angular momentum, principal shell.
atm_id [int] atom id, 0-based
l[int] angular momentum
m[int] magnetic angular momentum
atmshell [int] principal quantum number
Returns: basis function id, 0-based. If not found, return None
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.search_ao_nr(1,1,-1,3)# Cl 3px
Search the first basis/shell id (not the basis function id) which matches the given atom-id and angular momentum
atm_id [int] atom id, 0-based
l[int] angular momentum
Returns: basis id, 0-based. If not found, return None
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.search_shell_id(1,1)# Cl p shell
>>> mol.search_shell_id(1,2)# Cl d shell
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 51
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Labels for spherical GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is
“%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based on the
argument “fmt”
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.spherical_labels(mol)
[(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', '
˓'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl',
˓'3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
Labels for spherical GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is
“%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based on the
argument “fmt”
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.spherical_labels(mol)
[(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', '
˓'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl',
˓'3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
The index to map the spinor functions and its time reversal counterpart. The returned indices have postive or
negative values. For the i-th basis function, if the returned j = idx[i] < 0, it means 𝑇|𝑖=−|𝑗, otherwise
Total number of electrons for the given molecule
Returns: electron number in integer
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H010;C001', charge=1)
>>> mol.tot_electrons()
Uncontract internal format _basis
>>> gto.uncontract_basis(gto.load('sto3g','He'))
[[0, [6.3624213899999997, 1]], [0, [1.1589229999999999, 1]], [0, [0.
˓31364978999999998, 1]]]
Uncontract internal format _basis
52 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> gto.uncontract_basis(gto.load('sto3g','He'))
[[0, [6.3624213899999997, 1]], [0, [1.1589229999999999, 1]], [0, [0.
˓31364978999999998, 1]]]
Unpack a dict which is packed by pack(), to generate the input arguments for Mole object.
>>> a="""H
H 1 2.67247631453057
H 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077
H 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583"""
>>> for xin zmat2cart(a): print x
['H', array([ 0., 0., 0.])]
['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 0. ])]
['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 3.27310166])]
['H', array([ 0.53449526, 0.30859098, 2.83668811])]
>>> a="""H
H 1 2.67247631453057
H 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077
H 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583"""
>>> for xin zmat2cart(a): print x
['H', array([ 0., 0., 0.])]
['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 0. ])]
['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 3.27310166])]
['H', array([ 0.53449526, 0.30859098, 2.83668811])]
class pyscf.gto.mole.Mole(**kwargs)
Basic class to hold molecular structure and global options
verbose [int] Print level
output [str or None] Output file, default is None which dumps msg to sys.stdout
max_memory [int, float] Allowed memory in MB
charge [int] Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers
spin [int] 2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons
symmetry [bool or str] Whether to use symmetry. When this variable is set to True, the molecule will be
rotated and the highest rotation axis will be placed z-axis. If a string is given as the name of point
group, the given point group symmetry will be used. Note that the input molecular coordinates will
not be changed in this case.
symmetry_subgroup [str] subgroup
atom [list or str] To define molecluar structure. The internal format is
atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)],
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 53
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[atom2, (x, y, z)],
[atomN, (x, y, z)]]
unit [str] Angstrom or Bohr
basis [dict or str] To define basis set.
nucmod [dict or str] Nuclear model. Set it to 0, None or False for point nuclear model. Any other values
will enable Gaussian nuclear model. Default is point nuclear model.
cart [boolean] Using Cartesian GTO basis and integrals (6d,10f,15g)
** Following attributes are generated by **
stdout [file object] Default is sys.stdout if Mole.output is not set
groupname [str] One of D2h, C2h, C2v, D2, Cs, Ci, C2, C1
nelectron [int] sum of nuclear charges - Mole.charge
symm_orb [a list of numpy.ndarray] Symmetry adapted basis. Each element is a set of symm-adapted
orbitals for one irreducible representation. The list index does not correspond to the id of irreducible
irrep_id [a list of int] Each element is one irreducible representation id associated with the basis stored
in symm_orb. One irrep id stands for one irreducible representation symbol. The irrep symbol and
the relevant id are defined in symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE
irrep_name [a list of str] Each element is one irreducible representation symbol associated with the basis
stored in symm_orb. The irrep symbols are defined in symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE
_built [bool] To label whether has been called. It ensures some functions being ini-
tialized once.
_basis [dict] like Mole.basis, the internal format which is returned from the parser
_keys [a set of str] Store the keys appeared in the module. It is used to check misinput attributes
** Following attributes are arguments used by libcint library **
_atm : [[charge,ptr-of-coord,nuc-model,ptr-zeta,0,0],[...]] each element
reperesents one atom
natm : number of atoms
_bas : [[atom-id,angular-momentum,num-primitive-GTO,num-contracted-GTO,0,ptr-of-exps,ptr-of-contract-coeff,0],[...]]
each element reperesents one shell
nbas : number of shells
_env : list of floats to store the coordinates, GTO exponents, contract-coefficients
>>> mol =Mole(atom='H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto3g').build()
>>> print(mol.atom_symbol(0))
>>> print(mol.atom_pure_symbol(0))
>>> print(mol.nao_nr())
54 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> print(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))
[[ 0.99999999 0.43958641]
[ 0.43958641 0.99999999]]
>>> mol.charge =1
<class 'pyscf.gto.mole.Mole'> has no attributes Charge
Labels for AO basis functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-AO-notation)] or formatted strings based on the
argument “fmt”
Offset of every shell in the spinor basis function spectrum
Returns: list, each entry is the corresponding start id of spinor function
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.ao_loc_2c(mol)
[0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30, 36]
Offset of every shell in the spherical basis function spectrum
Returns: list, each entry is the corresponding start basis function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.ao_loc_nr(mol)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18]
2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id,
start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
Nuclear effective charge of the given atom id Note “atom_charge /= _charge(atom_symbol)” when ECP is
enabled. Number of electrons screened by ECP can be obtained by _charge(atom_symbol)-atom_charge
atm_id [int] 0-based
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 55
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>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_charge(1)
np.asarray([mol.atom_charge(i) for i in range(mol.natm)])
Coordinates (ndarray) of the given atom id
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_coord(1)
[ 0. 0. 2.07869874]
np.asarray([mol.atom_coords(i) for i in range(mol.natm)])
Number of core electrons for pseudo potential.
Number of basis/shells of the given atom
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_nshells(1)
For the given atom id, return the standard symbol (striping special characters)
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_symbol(0)
A list of the shell-ids of the given atom
atm_id [int] 0-based
56 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.atom_shell_ids(1)
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
For the given atom id, return the input symbol (without striping special characters)
atm_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.atom_symbol(0)
The angular momentum associated with the given basis
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(7)
The atom (0-based id) that the given basis sits on
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(7)
Coordinates (ndarray) associated with the given basis id
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
>>> mol.bas_coord(1)
[ 0. 0. 2.07869874]
Contract coefficients (ndarray) of the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 57
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>>> mol.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_ctr_coeff(0)
[[ 10.03400444]
[ 4.1188704 ]
[ 1.53971186]]
exponents (ndarray) of the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_kappa(0)
[ 13.01 1.962 0.4446]
Kappa (if l < j, -l-1, else l) of the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_kappa(3)
The number of Cartesian function associated with given basis
The number of spinor associated with given basis If kappa is 0, return 4l+2
The number of contracted GTOs for the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(3)
The number of primitive GTOs for the given shell
bas_id [int] 0-based
58 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mol.bas_atom(3)
Setup moleclue and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of the attributes
of Mole, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Mole.
dump_input [bool] whether to dump the contents of input file in the output file
parse_arg [bool] whether to read the sys.argv and overwrite the relevant parameters
verbose [int] Print level. If given, overwrite Mole.verbose
output [str or None] Output file. If given, overwrite Mole.output
max_memory [int, float] Allowd memory in MB. If given, overwrite Mole.max_memory
atom [list or str] To define molecluar structure.
basis [dict or str] To define basis set.
nucmod [dict or str] Nuclear model. If given, overwrite Mole.nucmod
charge [int] Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers If given, overwrite Mole.charge
spin [int] 2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons If given, overwrite Mole.spin
symmetry [bool or str] Whether to use symmetry. If given a string of point group name, the given
point group symmetry will be used.
Transformation matrix to transform the Cartesian GTOs to spherical GTOs
normalized [string or boolean] How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. Except s and p functions,
Cartesian GTOs do not have the universal normalization coefficients for the different compo-
nents of the same shell. The value of this argument can be one of ‘sp’, ‘all’, None. ‘sp’ means
the Cartesian s and p basis are normalized. ‘all’ means all Cartesian functions are normalized.
None means none of the Cartesian functions are normalized.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001', basis='ccpvtz')
>>> c=mol.cart2sph_coeff()
>>> s0 =mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')
>>> s1'int1e_ovlp_cart')).dot(c)
>>> print(abs(s1-s0).sum())
>>> 4.58676826646e-15
Labels for Cartesian GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-xyz-notation)] or formatted strings based on the
argument “fmt”
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 59
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
condense_to_shell(mol,mat,compressor=<function amax>)
The given matrix is first partitioned to blocks, based on AO shell as delimiter. Then call compressor
function to abstract each block.
Serialize Mole object to a JSON formatted str.
Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy
Returns float
Generate even tempered basis. See also expand_etb()
Args: etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),...]
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0,2,1.5,2.), (1,2,1,2.)])
[[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
Evaluate AO function value on the given grids,
Args: eval_name : str
Function Expression
“GTOval_sph” |AO>
“GTOval_ip_sph” nabla |AO>
“GTOval_ig_sph” (#C(0 1) g) |AO>
“GTOval_ipig_sph” (#C(0 1) nabla g) |AO>
“GTOval_cart” |AO>
“GTOval_ip_cart” nabla |AO>
“GTOval_ig_cart” (#C(0 1) g)|AO>
atm [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
bas [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
env [float64 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
coords [2D array, shape (N,3)] The coordinates of the grids.
shls_slice [2-element list] (shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id <
shl_end) are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
non0tab [2D bool array] mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array
can be obtained by calling make_mask()
out [ndarray] If provided, results are written into this array.
Returns: 2D array of shape (N,nao) Or 3D array of shape (*,N,nao) for AO values
60 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> coords =numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points
>>> ao_value =mol.eval_gto("GTOval_sph", coords)
>>> print(ao_value.shape)
(100, 24)
>>> ao_value =mol.eval_gto("GTOval_ig_sph", coords, comp=3)
>>> print(ao_value.shape)
(3, 100, 24)
Generate the exponents of even tempered basis for Mole.basis. .. math:
e=e^{-\alpha *\beta^{i-1}} for i=1.. n
l[int] Angular momentum
n[int] Number of GTOs
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etb(1,3,1.5,2)
[[1, [6.0, 1]], [1, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1.5, 1]]]
Generate even tempered basis. See also expand_etb()
Args: etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),...]
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0,2,1.5,2.), (1,2,1,2.)])
[[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
Convert the input Mole.atom to the internal data format. Including, changing the nuclear charge to
atom symbol, converting the coordinates to AU, rotate and shift the molecule. If the atom is a string, it
takes ”;” and “n” for the mark to separate atoms; ”,” and arbitrary length of blank space to spearate the
individual terms for an atom. Blank line will be ignored.
atoms [list or str] the same to Mole.atom
origin [ndarray] new axis origin.
axes [ndarray] (new_x, new_y, new_z), each entry is a length-3 array
unit [str or number] If unit is one of strings (B, b, Bohr, bohr, AU, au), the coordinates of the input
atoms are the atomic unit; If unit is one of strings (A, a, Angstrom, angstrom, Ang, ang), the
coordinates are in the unit of angstrom; If a number is given, the number are considered as the
Bohr value (in angstrom), which should be around 0.53
Returns: “atoms” in the internal format as _atom
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 61
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> gto.format_atom('9,0,0,0; h@1 0 0 1', origin=(1,1,1))
[['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H@1', [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0]]]
>>> gto.format_atom(['9,0,0,0', (1, (0,0,1))], origin=(1,1,1))
[['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H', [-1, -1, 0]]]
Convert the input Mole.basis to the internal data format.
‘‘{ atom: [(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
(-exp, c_1, c_2, ..))),
(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..), (-exp, c_1, c_2, ..)))], ... }‘‘
basis_tab [dict] Similar to Mole.basis, it cannot be a str
Returns: Formated basis
>>> gto.format_basis({'H':'sto-3g','H^2':'3-21g'})
{'H': [[0,
[3.4252509099999999, 0.15432897000000001],
[0.62391373000000006, 0.53532813999999995],
[0.16885539999999999, 0.44463454000000002]]],
'H^2': [[0,
[5.4471780000000001, 0.15628500000000001],
[0.82454700000000003, 0.90469100000000002]],
[0, [0.18319199999999999, 1.0]]]}
Convert the input ecp (dict) to the internal data format:
{ atom: (nelec, # core electrons
((l, # l=-1 for UL, l>=0 for Ul to indicate |l><l|
(((exp_1, c_1), # for r^0
(exp_2, c_2), ...),
((exp_1, c_1), # for r^1 (exp_2, c_2), ...),
((exp_1, c_1), # for r^2 ...))))),
Normalized factor for GTO radial part 𝑔=𝑟𝑙𝑒𝛼𝑟2
=22𝑙+3(𝑙+ 1)!(2𝑎)𝑙+1.5
(2𝑙+ 2)!𝜋
Ref: H. B. Schlegel and M. J. Frisch, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 54(1995), 83-87.
62 Chapter 1. Contents
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l (int): angular momentum
expnt : exponent 𝛼
Returns: normalization factor
>>> print gto_norm(0,1)
Whether pesudo potential is used in the system.
Integral generator.
intor [str] Name of the 1e or 2e AO integrals. Ref to getints() for the complete list of available
1-electron integral names
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
hermi [int] Symmetry of the integrals
0 : no symmetry assumed (default)
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.intor('int1e_ipnuc_sph', comp=3)# <nabla i | V_nuc | j>
[[[ 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0.10289944 0.48176097]
[-0.48176097 -0.10289944]]]
>>> mol.intor('int1e_nuc_spinor')
[[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j]
[-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be anti-hermitian
intor [str] Name of the 1-electron integral. Ref to getints() for the complete list of available
1-electron integral names
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 63
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comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.intor_asymmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor')
[[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.67146312+0.j]
[-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
For given 2, 3 or 4 shells, interface for libcint to get 1e, 2e, 2-center-2e or 3-center-2e integrals
intor_name [str] See also getints() for the supported intor_name
shls [list of int] The AO shell-ids of the integrals
atm [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
bas [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
env [float64 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
Returns: ndarray of 2-dim to 5-dim, depending on the integral type (1e, 2e, 3c-2e, 2c2e) and the value
of comp
Examples: The gradients of the spherical 2e integrals
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.getints_by_shell('int2e_ip1_sph', (0,1,0,1), mol._atm, mol._bas, mol.
˓_env, comp=3)
[[[[[-0. ]]]]
[[[[-0. ]]]]
One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be hermitian
intor [str] Name of the 1-electron integral. Ref to getints() for the complete list of available
1-electron integral names
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor')
[[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
64 Chapter 1. Contents
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[ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j]
[-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]
[ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
Setup moleclue and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of the attributes
of Mole, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Mole.
dump_input [bool] whether to dump the contents of input file in the output file
parse_arg [bool] whether to read the sys.argv and overwrite the relevant parameters
verbose [int] Print level. If given, overwrite Mole.verbose
output [str or None] Output file. If given, overwrite Mole.output
max_memory [int, float] Allowd memory in MB. If given, overwrite Mole.max_memory
atom [list or str] To define molecluar structure.
basis [dict or str] To define basis set.
nucmod [dict or str] Nuclear model. If given, overwrite Mole.nucmod
charge [int] Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers If given, overwrite Mole.charge
spin [int] 2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons If given, overwrite Mole.spin
symmetry [bool or str] Whether to use symmetry. If given a string of point group name, the given
point group symmetry will be used.
Deserialize a str containing a JSON document to a Mole object.
Total number of contracted spinor GTOs for the given Mole object
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spinor basis functions associated with the given shell range
mol : Mole object
bas_id0 [int] start shell id, 0-based
bas_id1 [int] stop shell id, 0-based
Returns: tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.nao_2c_range(mol, 2,4)
(4, 12)
Total number of contracted cartesian GTOs for the given Mole object
Total number of contracted spherical GTOs for the given Mole object
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 65
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Lower and upper boundary of contracted spherical basis functions associated with the given shell range
mol : Mole object
bas_id0 [int] start shell id
bas_id1 [int] stop shell id
Returns: tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;C001', basis='6-31g')
>>> gto.nao_nr_range(mol, 2,4)
(2, 6)
Total number of primitive spherical GTOs for the given Mole object
2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id,
start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id,
Pack the input args of Mole to a dict.
Note this function only pack the input arguments (not the entire Mole class). Modifications to mol._atm,
mol._bas, mol._env are not tracked. Use dumps() to serialize the entire Mole object.
Find the index of the AO basis function based on the given ao_label
ao_label [string or a list of strings] The regular expression pattern to match the orbital labels re-
turned by mol.ao_labels()
Returns: A list of index for the AOs that matches the given ao_label RE pattern
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='ccpvtz')
>>> mol.parse_aolabel('Cl.*p')
[19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30]
>>> mol.parse_aolabel('Cl 2p')
[19 20 21]
>>> mol.parse_aolabel(['Cl.*d','Cl 4p'])
[25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40]
Search the first basis function id (not the shell id) which matches the given atom-id, angular momentum
magnetic angular momentum, principal shell.
66 Chapter 1. Contents
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atm_id [int] atom id, 0-based
l[int] angular momentum
m[int] magnetic angular momentum
atmshell [int] principal quantum number
Returns: basis function id, 0-based. If not found, return None
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mol.search_ao_nr(1,1,-1,3)# Cl 3px
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Update common origin which held in :class‘Mole‘._env. Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_common_orig((1,0,0))
Set zeta for YP exp(-zeta r12)/r12 or STG exp(-zeta r12) type integrals
Replace geometry
Change the nuclear charge distribution of the given atom ID. The charge distribution is defined as: rho(r) =
nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). This function can only be called after .build() method is executed.
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 67
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> for ia in range(mol.natm):
... zeta =gto.filatov_nuc_mod(mol.atom_charge(ia))
... mol.set_nuc_mod(ia, zeta)
Change the nuclear charge distribution of the given atom ID. The charge distribution is defined as: rho(r) =
nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). This function can only be called after .build() method is executed.
>>> for ia in range(mol.natm):
... zeta =gto.filatov_nuc_mod(mol.atom_charge(ia))
... mol.set_nuc_mod(ia, zeta)
Apply the long range part of range-separated Coulomb operator for all 2e integrals erf(omega r12) / r12
set omega to 0 to siwtch off the range-separated Coulomb
Apply the long range part of range-separated Coulomb operator for all 2e integrals erf(omega r12) / r12
set omega to 0 to siwtch off the range-separated Coulomb
Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Update origin for operator 1
|𝑟𝑅𝑂|.Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig(0)
>>> mol.set_rinv_orig((0,1,0))
Assume the charge distribution on the “rinv_orig”. zeta is the parameter to control the charge distribu-
tion: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). Be careful when call this function. It affects the behavior of
int1e_rinv_* functions. Make sure to set it back to 0 after using it!
68 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Assume the charge distribution on the “rinv_orig”. zeta is the parameter to control the charge distribu-
tion: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). Be careful when call this function. It affects the behavior of
int1e_rinv_* functions. Make sure to set it back to 0 after using it!
Labels for spherical GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based
on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.spherical_labels(mol)
[(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s
˓', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'),
˓(1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
Labels for spherical GTO functions
Kwargs: fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format
is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
Returns: List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based
on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;Cl001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.spherical_labels(mol)
[(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s
˓', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'),
˓(1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
The index to map the spinor functions and its time reversal counterpart. The returned indices have postive
or negative values. For the i-th basis function, if the returned j = idx[i] < 0, it means 𝑇|𝑖=−|𝑗,
otherwise 𝑇|𝑖=|𝑗
Total number of electrons for the given molecule
Returns: electron number in integer
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H010;C001', charge=1)
>>> mol.tot_electrons()
Unpack a dict which is packed by pack(), to generate the input arguments for Mole object.
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 69
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
convert cint2 function name to cint3 function name
1e and 2e integral generator.
Args: intor_name : str
Function Expression
“int1e_ovlp_sph” ( | )
“int1e_nuc_sph” ( | nuc | )
“int1e_kin_sph” (.5 | p dot p)
“int1e_ia01p_sph” (#C(0 1) | nabla-rinv | cross p)
“int1e_giao_irjxp_sph” (#C(0 1) | r cross p)
“int1e_cg_irxp_sph” (#C(0 1) | rc cross p)
“int1e_giao_a11part_sph” (-.5 | nabla-rinv | r)
“int1e_cg_a11part_sph” (-.5 | nabla-rinv | rc)
“int1e_a01gp_sph” (g | nabla-rinv cross p |)
“int1e_igkin_sph” (#C(0 .5) g | p dot p)
“int1e_igovlp_sph” (#C(0 1) g |)
“int1e_ignuc_sph” (#C(0 1) g | nuc |)
“int1e_z_sph” ( | zc | )
“int1e_zz_sph” ( | zc zc | )
“int1e_r_sph” ( | rc | )
“int1e_r2_sph” ( | rc dot rc | )
“int1e_rr_sph” ( | rc rc | )
“int1e_pnucp_sph” (p* | nuc dot p | )
“int1e_prinvxp_sph” (p* | rinv cross p | )
“int1e_ovlp_spinor” ( | )
“int1e_nuc_spinor” ( | nuc |)
“int1e_srsr_spinor” (sigma dot r | sigma dot r)
“int1e_sr_spinor” (sigma dot r |)
“int1e_srsp_spinor” (sigma dot r | sigma dot p)
“int1e_spsp_spinor” (sigma dot p | sigma dot p)
“int1e_sp_spinor” (sigma dot p |)
“int1e_spnucsp_spinor” (sigma dot p | nuc | sigma dot p)
“int1e_srnucsr_spinor” (sigma dot r | nuc | sigma dot r)
“int1e_govlp_spinor” (g |)
“int1e_gnuc_spinor” (g | nuc |)
“int1e_cg_sa10sa01_spinor” (.5 sigma cross rc | sigma cross nabla-rinv |)
“int1e_cg_sa10sp_spinor” (.5 rc cross sigma | sigma dot p)
“int1e_cg_sa10nucsp_spinor” (.5 rc cross sigma | nuc | sigma dot p)
“int1e_giao_sa10sa01_spinor” (.5 sigma cross r | sigma cross nabla-rinv |)
“int1e_giao_sa10sp_spinor” (.5 r cross sigma | sigma dot p)
“int1e_giao_sa10nucsp_spinor” (.5 r cross sigma | nuc | sigma dot p)
“int1e_sa01sp_spinor” (| nabla-rinv cross sigma | sigma dot p)
“int1e_spgsp_spinor” (g sigma dot p | sigma dot p)
“int1e_spgnucsp_spinor” (g sigma dot p | nuc | sigma dot p)
“int1e_spgsa01_spinor” (g sigma dot p | nabla-rinv cross sigma |)
“int1e_spspsp_spinor” (sigma dot p | sigma dot p sigma dot p)
Continued on next page
70 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Table 1.1 – continued from previous page
Function Expression
“int1e_spnuc_spinor” (sigma dot p | nuc |)
“int1e_ovlp_cart” ( | )
“int1e_nuc_cart” ( | nuc | )
“int1e_kin_cart” (.5 | p dot p)
“int1e_ia01p_cart” (#C(0 1) | nabla-rinv | cross p)
“int1e_giao_irjxp_cart” (#C(0 1) | r cross p)
“int1e_cg_irxp_cart” (#C(0 1) | rc cross p)
“int1e_giao_a11part_cart” (-.5 | nabla-rinv | r)
“int1e_cg_a11part_cart” (-.5 | nabla-rinv | rc)
“int1e_a01gp_cart” (g | nabla-rinv cross p |)
“int1e_igkin_cart” (#C(0 .5) g | p dot p)
“int1e_igovlp_cart” (#C(0 1) g |)
“int1e_ignuc_cart” (#C(0 1) g | nuc |)
“int1e_ipovlp_sph” (nabla |)
“int1e_ipkin_sph” (.5 nabla | p dot p)
“int1e_ipnuc_sph” (nabla | nuc |)
“int1e_iprinv_sph” (nabla | rinv |)
“int1e_rinv_sph” (| rinv |)
“int1e_ipovlp_spinor” (nabla |)
“int1e_ipkin_spinor” (.5 nabla | p dot p)
“int1e_ipnuc_spinor” (nabla | nuc |)
“int1e_iprinv_spinor” (nabla | rinv |)
“int1e_ipspnucsp_spinor” (nabla sigma dot p | nuc | sigma dot p)
“int1e_ipsprinvsp_spinor” (nabla sigma dot p | rinv | sigma dot p)
“int1e_ipovlp_cart” (nabla |)
“int1e_ipkin_cart” (.5 nabla | p dot p)
“int1e_ipnuc_cart” (nabla | nuc |)
“int1e_iprinv_cart” (nabla | rinv |)
“int1e_rinv_cart” (| rinv |)
“int2e_p1vxp1_sph” ( p* , cross p | , ) ; SSO
“int2e_sph” ( , | , )
“int2e_ig1_sph” (#C(0 1) g , | , )
“int2e_spinor” (, | , )
“int2e_spsp1_spinor” (sigma dot p , sigma dot p | , )
“int2e_spsp1spsp2_spinor” (sigma dot p , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p )
“int2e_srsr1_spinor” (sigma dot r , sigma dot r | ,)
“int2e_srsr1srsr2_spinor” (sigma dot r , sigma dot r | sigma dot r , sigma dot r)
“int2e_cg_sa10sp1_spinor” (.5 rc cross sigma , sigma dot p | ,)
“int2e_cg_sa10sp1spsp2_spinor” (.5 rc cross sigma , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p )
“int2e_giao_sa10sp1_spinor” (.5 r cross sigma , sigma dot p | ,)
“int2e_giao_sa10sp1spsp2_spinor” (.5 r cross sigma , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p )
“int2e_g1_spinor” (g , | ,)
“int2e_spgsp1_spinor” (g sigma dot p , sigma dot p | ,)
“int2e_g1spsp2_spinor” (g , | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
“int2e_spgsp1spsp2_spinor” (g sigma dot p , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
“int2e_spv1_spinor” (sigma dot p , | ,)
“int2e_vsp1_spinor” (, sigma dot p | ,)
“int2e_spsp2_spinor” (, | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
“int2e_spv1spv2_spinor” (sigma dot p , | sigma dot p ,)
Continued on next page
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 71
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Table 1.1 – continued from previous page
Function Expression
“int2e_vsp1spv2_spinor” (, sigma dot p | sigma dot p ,)
“int2e_spv1vsp2_spinor” (sigma dot p , | , sigma dot p)
“int2e_vsp1vsp2_spinor” (, sigma dot p | , sigma dot p)
“int2e_spv1spsp2_spinor” (sigma dot p , | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
“int2e_vsp1spsp2_spinor” (, sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
“int2e_ig1_cart” (#C(0 1) g , | , )
“int2e_ip1_sph” (nabla , | ,)
“int2e_ip1_spinor” (nabla , | ,)
“int2e_ipspsp1_spinor” (nabla sigma dot p , sigma dot p | ,)
“int2e_ip1spsp2_spinor” (nabla , | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
“int2e_ipspsp1spsp2_spinor” (nabla sigma dot p , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
“int2e_ipsrsr1_spinor” (nabla sigma dot r , sigma dot r | ,)
“int2e_ip1srsr2_spinor” (nabla , | sigma dot r , sigma dot r)
“int2e_ipsrsr1srsr2_spinor” (nabla sigma dot r , sigma dot r | sigma dot r , sigma dot r)
“int2e_ip1_cart” (nabla , | ,)
“int2e_ssp1ssp2_spinor” ( , sigma dot p | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
“int2e_cg_ssa10ssp2_spinor” (rc cross sigma , | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
“int2e_giao_ssa10ssp2_spinor” (r cross sigma , | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
“int2e_gssp1ssp2_spinor” (g , sigma dot p | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
“int2e_ipip1_sph” ( nabla nabla , | , )
“int2e_ipvip1_sph” ( nabla , nabla | , )
“int2e_ip1ip2_sph” ( nabla , | nabla , )
“int3c2e_ip1_sph” (nabla , | )
“int3c2e_ip2_sph” ( , | nabla)
“int2c2e_ip1_sph” (nabla | r12 | )
“int3c2e_spinor” (nabla , | )
“int3c2e_spsp1_spinor” (nabla , | )
“int3c2e_ip1_spinor” (nabla , | )
“int3c2e_ip2_spinor” ( , | nabla)
“int3c2e_ipspsp1_spinor” (nabla sigma dot p , sigma dot p | )
“int3c2e_spsp1ip2_spinor” (sigma dot p , sigma dot p | nabla )
atm [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
bas [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
env [float64 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
shls_slice [8-element list] (ish_start, ish_end, jsh_start, jsh_end, ksh_start, ksh_end, lsh_start, lsh_end)
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
hermi [int (1e integral only)] Symmetry of the 1e integrals
0 : no symmetry assumed (default)
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
72 Chapter 1. Contents
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aosym [str (2e integral only)] Symmetry of the 2e integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)
‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry
out [ndarray (2e integral only)] array to store the 2e AO integrals
Returns: ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.getints('int1e_ipnuc_sph', mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, comp=3)# <nabla
˓i | V_nuc | j>
[[[ 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0.10289944 0.48176097]
[-0.48176097 -0.10289944]]]
For given 2, 3 or 4 shells, interface for libcint to get 1e, 2e, 2-center-2e or 3-center-2e integrals
intor_name [str] See also getints() for the supported intor_name
shls [list of int] The AO shell-ids of the integrals
atm [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
bas [int32 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
env [float64 ndarray] libcint integral function argument
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
Returns: ndarray of 2-dim to 5-dim, depending on the integral type (1e, 2e, 3c-2e, 2c2e) and the value of comp
Examples: The gradients of the spherical 2e integrals
>>>'H000;H001.1', basis='sto-3g')
>>> gto.getints_by_shell('int2e_ip1_sph', (0,1,0,1), mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._
˓env, comp=3)
[[[[[-0. ]]]]
[[[[-0. ]]]]
1.4. gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis 73
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Internal format
This module loads basis set and ECP data from basis database and parse the basis (mostly in NWChem format) and
finally convert to internal format. The internal format of basis set is:
basis ={atom_type1:[[angular_momentum
(GTO-exp1, contract-coeff11, contract-coeff12),
(GTO-exp2, contract-coeff21, contract-coeff22),
(GTO-exp3, contract-coeff31, contract-coeff32),
(GTO-exp1, contract-coeff11, contract-coeff12),
atom_type2:[[angular_momentum, (...),],
For example:
mol.basis ={'H': [[0,
Some basis sets, e.g. pyscf/gto/basis/, are saved in the internal format.
Convert the basis of the given symbol to internal format
filename_or_basisname [str] Case insensitive basis set name. Special characters will be removed. or a
string of “path/to/file” which stores the basis functions
symb [str] Atomic symbol, Special characters will be removed.
Examples: Load STO 3G basis of carbon to oxygen atom
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.basis ={'O': load('sto-3g','C')}
Convert the basis of the given symbol to internal format
Parse the NWChem format basis or ECP text, return an internal basis (ECP) format which can be assigned to
Mole.basis or Mole.ecp
Args: string : Blank linke and the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored
74 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mol =gto.Mole()
>>> mol.basis ={'O': gto.basis.parse("""
... #BASIS SET: (6s,3p) -> [2s,1p]
... C S
... 71.6168370 0.15432897
... 13.0450960 0.53532814
... 3.5305122 0.44463454
... C SP
... 2.9412494 -0.09996723 0.15591627
... 0.6834831 0.39951283 0.60768372
... 0.2222899 0.70011547 0.39195739
... """)}
1.5 lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions
C code and some fundamental functions
1.5.1 parameters
Some PySCF environment parameters are defined in this module.
Scratch directory
The PySCF scratch directory is specified by TMPDIR. Its default value is the same to the system environment variable
TMPDIR. It can be overwritten by the system environment variable PYSCF_TMPDIR.
Maximum memory
The variable MAX_MEMORY defines the maximum memory that PySCF can be used in the calculation. Its unit is MB.
The default value is 4000 MB. It can be overwritten by the system environment variable PYSCF_MAX_MEMORY.
Note: Some calculations may exceed the max_memory limit, especially when the incore_anyway of Mole object
was set.
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 75
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.5.2 logger
Logging system
Log level
Level number
Big verbose value means more noise in the output file.
Note: At log level 1 (ERROR) and 2 (WARN), the messages are also output to stderr.
Each Logger object has its own output destination and verbose level. So multiple Logger objects can be created
to manage the message system without affecting each other. The methods provided by Logger class has the direct
connection to the log level. E.g. info() print messages if the verbose level >= 4 (INFO):
>>> import sys
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> log =lib.logger.Logger(sys.stdout, 4)
>>>'info level')
info level
>>> log.verbose =3
>>>'info level')
>>> log.note('note level')
note level
Logger object provides timer method for timing. Set TIMER_LEVEL to control which level to output the timing. It is
5 (DEBUG) by default.
>>> import sys,time
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> log =lib.logger.Logger(sys.stdout, 4)
>>> t0 =time.clock()
>>> log.timer('test', t0)
>>> lib.logger.TIMER_LEVEL =4
>>> log.timer('test', t0)
CPU time for test 0.00 sec
76 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.5.3 numpy helper
Convert a list of N-dim arrays to a (N+1) dim array. It is equivalent to numpy.asarray function but more efficient.
Generate a cartesian product of input arrays.
arrays [list of array-like] 1-D arrays to form the cartesian product of.
out [ndarray] Array to place the cartesian product in.
out [ndarray] 2-D array of shape (M, len(arrays)) containing cartesian products formed of input arrays.
>>> cartesian_prod(([1,2,3], [4,5], [6,7]))
array([[1, 4, 6],
[1, 4, 7],
[1, 5, 6],
[1, 5, 7],
[2, 4, 6],
[2, 4, 7],
[2, 5, 6],
[2, 5, 7],
[3, 4, 6],
[3, 4, 7],
[3, 5, 6],
[3, 5, 7]])
Compute the condition number
nd =loc[-1]
out =numpy.empty((nd,nd))
for i,i0 in enumerate(loc):
i1 =loc[i+1]
for j,j0 in enumerate(loc):
j1 =loc[j+1]
out[i,j] =op(a[i0:i1,j0:j1])
return out
Matrix-matrix multiplication for double precision arrays
Apply the summation over many operands with the einsum fashion.
>>> a=numpy.random((6,5))
>>> b=numpy.random((4,3,2))
>>> direct_sum('ij,klm->ijklm', a, b).shape
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 77
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
(6, 5, 4, 3, 2)
>>> direct_sum('ij,klm', a, b).shape
(6, 5, 4, 3, 2)
>>> direct_sum('i,j,klm->mjlik', a[0], a[:,0], b).shape
(2, 6, 3, 5, 4)
>>> direct_sum('ij-klm->ijklm', a, b).shape
(6, 5, 4, 3, 2)
>>> direct_sum('ij+klm', a, b).shape
(6, 5, 4, 3, 2)
>>> direct_sum('-i-j+klm->mjlik', a[0], a[:,0], b).shape
(2, 6, 3, 5, 4)
>>> c=numpy.random((3,5))
>>> z=direct_sum('ik+jk->kij', a, c).shape # This is slow
>>> abs(a.T.reshape(5,6,1)+c.reshape(5,1,3)-z).sum()
Perform a more efficient einsum via reshaping to a matrix multiply.
Current differences compared to numpy.einsum: This assumes that each repeated index is actually summed (i.e.
no ‘i,i->i’) and appears only twice (i.e. no ‘ij,ik,il->jkl’). The output indices must be explicitly specified (i.e.
‘ij,j->i’ and not ‘ij,j’).
a + a.T for better memory efficiency
>>> transpose_sum(numpy.arange(4.).reshape(2,2))
[[ 0. 3.]
[ 3. 6.]]
Use the elements of the lower triangular part to fill the upper triangular part.
Kwargs: filltriu : int
1 (default) return a hermitian matrix
2 return an anti-hermitian matrix
>>> unpack_row(numpy.arange(9.).reshape(3,3), 1)
[[ 0. 3. 6.]
[ 3. 4. 7.]
[ 6. 7. 8.]]
>>> unpack_row(numpy.arange(9.).reshape(3,3), 2)
[[ 0. -3. -6.]
[ 3. 4. -7.]
[ 6. 7. 8.]]
numpy.linalg.norm for numpy 1.6.*
flatten the lower triangular part of a matrix. Given mat, it returns mat[...,numpy.tril_indices(mat.shape[0])]
78 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> pack_tril(numpy.arange(9).reshape(3,3))
>>> out =numpy.arange(9.).reshape(3,3)
>>> take_2d(a, [0,2], [0,2])
[[ 0. 2.]
[ 6. 8.]]
Reverse operation of take_2d. out(idx,idy) += a
>>> out =numpy.zeros((3,3))
>>> takebak_2d(out, numpy.ones((2,2)), [0,2], [0,2])
[[ 1. 0. 1.]
[ 0. 0. 0.]
[ 1. 0. 1.]]
Transpose array for better memory efficiency
>>> transpose(numpy.ones((3,2)))
[[ 1. 1. 1.]
[ 1. 1. 1.]]
a + a.T for better memory efficiency
>>> transpose_sum(numpy.arange(4.).reshape(2,2))
[[ 0. 3.]
[ 3. 6.]]
Extract one row of the lower triangular part of a matrix. It is equivalent to unpack_tril(a)[row_id]
>>> unpack_row(numpy.arange(6.), 0)
[ 0. 1. 3.]
>>> unpack_tril(numpy.arange(6.))[0]
[ 0. 1. 3.]
Reverse operation of pack_tril.
Kwargs: filltriu : int
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 79
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
0 Do not fill the upper triangular part, random number may appear in the upper triangular part
1 (default) Transpose the lower triangular part to fill the upper triangular part
2 Similar to filltriu=1, negative of the lower triangular part is assign to the upper triangular
part to make the matrix anti-hermitian
>>> unpack_tril(numpy.arange(6.))
[[ 0. 1. 3.]
[ 1. 2. 4.]
[ 3. 4. 5.]]
>>> unpack_tril(numpy.arange(6.), 0)
[[ 0. 0. 0.]
[ 1. 2. 0.]
[ 3. 4. 5.]]
>>> unpack_tril(numpy.arange(6.), 2)
[[ 0. -1. -3.]
[ 1. 2. -4.]
[ 3. 4. 5.]]
Matrix-matrix multiplication for double complex arrays using Gauss’s complex multiplication algorithm
Extension to scipy.linalg module
Solve ax = b, where a is hermitian matrix
lindep=1e-14,max_memory=2000,dot=<built-in function
Davidson diagonalization method to solve a c = e c. Ref [1] E.R. Davidson, J. Comput. Phys. 17 (1), 87-94
(1975). [2]
aop [function(x) => array_like_x] aop(x) to mimic the matrix vector multiplication 𝑗𝑎𝑖𝑗 *𝑥𝑗. The
argument is a 1D array. The returned value is a 1D array.
x0 [1D array or a list of 1D array] Initial guess. The initial guess vector(s) are just used as the initial
subspace bases. If the subspace is smaller than “nroots”, eg 10 roots and one initial guess, all eigen-
vectors are chosen as the eigenvectors during the iterations. The first iteration has one eigenvector,
the next iteration has two, the third iterastion has 4, ..., until the subspace size > nroots.
precond [function(dx, e, x0) => array_like_dx] Preconditioner to generate new trial vector. The argument
dx is a residual vector a*x0-e*x0; e is the current eigenvalue; x0 is the current eigenvector.
tol [float] Convergence tolerance.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations.
max_space [int] space size to hold trial vectors.
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. The function is terminated when the smallest eigenvalue of
the metric of the trial vectors is lower than this threshold.
max_memory [int or float] Allowed memory in MB.
dot [function(x, y) => scalar] Inner product
80 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
nroots [int] Number of eigenvalues to be computed. When nroots > 1, it affects the shape of the return
lessio [bool] How to compute a*x0 for current eigenvector x0. There are two ways to compute a*x0. One
is to assemble the existed a*x. The other is to call aop(x0). The default is the first method which
needs more IO and less computational cost. When IO is slow, the second method can be considered.
follow_state [bool] If the solution dramatically changes in two iterations, clean the subspace and restart
the iteration with the old solution. It can help to improve numerical stability. Default is False.
e[float or list of floats] Eigenvalue. By default it’s one float number. If nroots > 1, it is a list of floats
for the lowest nroots eigenvalues.
c[1D array or list of 1D arrays] Eigenvector. By default it’s a 1D array. If nroots > 1, it is a list of
arrays for the lowest nroots eigenvectors.
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> a=numpy.random.random((10,10))
>>> a=a+a.T
>>> aop =lambda x:,x)
>>> precond =lambda dx, e, x0: dx/(a.diagonal()-e)
>>> x0 =a[0]
>>> e,c=lib.davidson(aop, x0, precond)
dot=<built-in function dot>,callback=None,nroots=1,
Davidson diagonalization method to solve a c = e c. Ref [1] E.R. Davidson, J. Comput. Phys. 17 (1), 87-94
(1975). [2]
aop [function([x]) => [array_like_x]] Matrix vector multiplication 𝑦𝑘𝑖 =𝑗𝑎𝑖𝑗 *𝑥𝑗𝑘.
x0 [1D array or a list of 1D array] Initial guess. The initial guess vector(s) are just used as the initial
subspace bases. If the subspace is smaller than “nroots”, eg 10 roots and one initial guess, all eigen-
vectors are chosen as the eigenvectors during the iterations. The first iteration has one eigenvector,
the next iteration has two, the third iterastion has 4, ..., until the subspace size > nroots.
precond [function(dx, e, x0) => array_like_dx] Preconditioner to generate new trial vector. The argument
dx is a residual vector a*x0-e*x0; e is the current eigenvalue; x0 is the current eigenvector.
tol [float] Convergence tolerance.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations.
max_space [int] space size to hold trial vectors.
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. The function is terminated when the smallest eigenvalue of
the metric of the trial vectors is lower than this threshold.
max_memory [int or float] Allowed memory in MB.
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 81
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
dot [function(x, y) => scalar] Inner product
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
nroots [int] Number of eigenvalues to be computed. When nroots > 1, it affects the shape of the return
lessio [bool] How to compute a*x0 for current eigenvector x0. There are two ways to compute a*x0. One
is to assemble the existed a*x. The other is to call aop(x0). The default is the first method which
needs more IO and less computational cost. When IO is slow, the second method can be considered.
follow_state [bool] If the solution dramatically changes in two iterations, clean the subspace and restart
the iteration with the old solution. It can help to improve numerical stability. Default is False.
conv [bool] Converged or not
e[list of floats] The lowest nroots eigenvalues.
c[list of 1D arrays] The lowest nroots eigenvectors.
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> a=numpy.random.random((10,10))
>>> a=a+a.T
>>> aop =lambda xs: [,x) for xin xs]
>>> precond =lambda dx, e, x0: dx/(a.diagonal()-e)
>>> x0 =a[0]
>>> e,c=lib.davidson(aop, x0, precond, nroots=2)
>>> len(e)
dot=<built-in function dot>,callback=None,
Davidson diagonalization to solve the non-symmetric eigenvalue problem
aop [function([x]) => [array_like_x]] Matrix vector multiplication 𝑦𝑘𝑖 =𝑗𝑎𝑖𝑗 *𝑥𝑗𝑘.
x0 [1D array or a list of 1D array] Initial guess. The initial guess vector(s) are just used as the initial
subspace bases. If the subspace is smaller than “nroots”, eg 10 roots and one initial guess, all eigen-
vectors are chosen as the eigenvectors during the iterations. The first iteration has one eigenvector,
the next iteration has two, the third iterastion has 4, ..., until the subspace size > nroots.
precond [function(dx, e, x0) => array_like_dx] Preconditioner to generate new trial vector. The argument
dx is a residual vector a*x0-e*x0; e is the current eigenvalue; x0 is the current eigenvector.
tol [float] Convergence tolerance.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations.
max_space [int] space size to hold trial vectors.
82 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. The function is terminated when the smallest eigenvalue of
the metric of the trial vectors is lower than this threshold.
max_memory [int or float] Allowed memory in MB.
dot [function(x, y) => scalar] Inner product
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
nroots [int] Number of eigenvalues to be computed. When nroots > 1, it affects the shape of the return
lessio [bool] How to compute a*x0 for current eigenvector x0. There are two ways to compute a*x0. One
is to assemble the existed a*x. The other is to call aop(x0). The default is the first method which
needs more IO and less computational cost. When IO is slow, the second method can be considered.
left [bool] Whether to calculate and return left eigenvectors. Default is False.
pick [function(w,v,nroots) => (e[idx], w[:,idx], idx)] Function to filter eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
follow_state [bool] If the solution dramatically changes in two iterations, clean the subspace and restart
the iteration with the old solution. It can help to improve numerical stability. Default is False.
conv [bool] Converged or not
e[list of eigenvalues] The eigenvalues can be sorted real or complex, depending on the return value of
pick function.
vl [list of 1D arrays] Left eigenvectors. Only returned if left=True.
c[list of 1D arrays] Right eigenvectors.
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> a=numpy.random.random((10,10))
>>> a=a
>>> aop =lambda xs: [,x) for xin xs]
>>> precond =lambda dx, e, x0: dx/(a.diagonal()-e)
>>> x0 =a[0]
>>> e, vl, vr =lib.davidson(aop, x0, precond, nroots=2, left=True)
>>> len(e)
in function dot>,callback=None,nroots=1,lessio=False,
Davidson diagonalization method to solve A c = e B c.
abop [function(x) => (array_like_x, array_like_x)] abop applies two matrix vector multiplications and
returns tuple (Ax, Bx)
x0 [1D array] Initial guess
precond [function(dx, e, x0) => array_like_dx] Preconditioner to generate new trial vector. The argument
dx is a residual vector a*x0-e*x0; e is the current eigenvalue; x0 is the current eigenvector.
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 83
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
tol [float] Convergence tolerance.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations.
max_space [int] space size to hold trial vectors.
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. The function is terminated when the smallest eigenvalue of
the metric of the trial vectors is lower than this threshold.
max_memory [int or float] Allowed memory in MB.
dot [function(x, y) => scalar] Inner product
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
nroots [int] Number of eigenvalues to be computed. When nroots > 1, it affects the shape of the return
lessio [bool] How to compute a*x0 for current eigenvector x0. There are two ways to compute a*x0. One
is to assemble the existed a*x. The other is to call aop(x0). The default is the first method which
needs more IO and less computational cost. When IO is slow, the second method can be considered.
e[list of floats] The lowest nroots eigenvalues.
c[list of 1D arrays] The lowest nroots eigenvectors.
in function dot>,callback=None,nroots=1,lessio=False,
Davidson diagonalization method to solve A c = e B c.
abop [function([x]) => ([array_like_x], [array_like_x])] abop applies two matrix vector multiplications
and returns tuple (Ax, Bx)
x0 [1D array] Initial guess
precond [function(dx, e, x0) => array_like_dx] Preconditioner to generate new trial vector. The argument
dx is a residual vector a*x0-e*x0; e is the current eigenvalue; x0 is the current eigenvector.
tol [float] Convergence tolerance.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations.
max_space [int] space size to hold trial vectors.
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. The function is terminated when the smallest eigenvalue of
the metric of the trial vectors is lower than this threshold.
max_memory [int or float] Allowed memory in MB.
dot [function(x, y) => scalar] Inner product
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
nroots [int] Number of eigenvalues to be computed. When nroots > 1, it affects the shape of the return
84 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
lessio [bool] How to compute a*x0 for current eigenvector x0. There are two ways to compute a*x0. One
is to assemble the existed a*x. The other is to call aop(x0). The default is the first method which
needs more IO and less computational cost. When IO is slow, the second method can be considered.
conv [bool] Converged or not
e[list of floats] The lowest nroots eigenvalues.
c[list of 1D arrays] The lowest nroots eigenvectors.
pyscf.lib.linalg_helper.dsolve(aop,b,precond,tol=1e-12,max_cycle=30,dot=<built-in func-
tion dot>,lindep=1e-16,verbose=0)
Davidson iteration to solve linear equation. It works bad.
lindep=1e-14,max_memory=2000,dot=<built-in function dot>,
Davidson diagonalization to solve the non-symmetric eigenvalue problem
aop [function([x]) => [array_like_x]] Matrix vector multiplication 𝑦𝑘𝑖 =𝑗𝑎𝑖𝑗 *𝑥𝑗𝑘.
x0 [1D array or a list of 1D array] Initial guess. The initial guess vector(s) are just used as the initial
subspace bases. If the subspace is smaller than “nroots”, eg 10 roots and one initial guess, all eigen-
vectors are chosen as the eigenvectors during the iterations. The first iteration has one eigenvector,
the next iteration has two, the third iterastion has 4, ..., until the subspace size > nroots.
precond [function(dx, e, x0) => array_like_dx] Preconditioner to generate new trial vector. The argument
dx is a residual vector a*x0-e*x0; e is the current eigenvalue; x0 is the current eigenvector.
tol [float] Convergence tolerance.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations.
max_space [int] space size to hold trial vectors.
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. The function is terminated when the smallest eigenvalue of
the metric of the trial vectors is lower than this threshold.
max_memory [int or float] Allowed memory in MB.
dot [function(x, y) => scalar] Inner product
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
nroots [int] Number of eigenvalues to be computed. When nroots > 1, it affects the shape of the return
lessio [bool] How to compute a*x0 for current eigenvector x0. There are two ways to compute a*x0. One
is to assemble the existed a*x. The other is to call aop(x0). The default is the first method which
needs more IO and less computational cost. When IO is slow, the second method can be considered.
left [bool] Whether to calculate and return left eigenvectors. Default is False.
pick [function(w,v,nroots) => (e[idx], w[:,idx], idx)] Function to filter eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
follow_state [bool] If the solution dramatically changes in two iterations, clean the subspace and restart
the iteration with the old solution. It can help to improve numerical stability. Default is False.
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 85
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
conv [bool] Converged or not
e[list of eigenvalues] The eigenvalues can be sorted real or complex, depending on the return value of
pick function.
vl [list of 1D arrays] Left eigenvectors. Only returned if left=True.
c[list of 1D arrays] Right eigenvectors.
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> a=numpy.random.random((10,10))
>>> a=a
>>> aop =lambda xs: [,x) for xin xs]
>>> precond =lambda dx, e, x0: dx/(a.diagonal()-e)
>>> x0 =a[0]
>>> e, vl, vr =lib.davidson(aop, x0, precond, nroots=2, left=True)
>>> len(e)
Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem for diagonal blocks. The diagonal blocks are extracted
based on the given basis “labels”. The rows and columns which have the same labels are put in the same
block. One common scenario one needs the block-wise diagonalization is to diagonalize the matrix in symmetry
adapted basis, in which “labels” is the irreps of each basis.
h, s [2D array] Complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix.
Kwargs: labels : list
Returns: w, v. w is the eigenvalue vector; v is the eigenfunction array; seig is the eigenvalue vector of the
metric s.
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> a=numpy.ones((4,4))
>>> a[0::3,0::3]=0
>>> a[1::3,1::3]=2
>>> a[2::3,2::3]=4
>>> labels =['a','b','c','a']
>>> lib.eigh_by_blocks(a, labels)
(array([ 0., 0., 2., 4.]),
array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 1., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0., 1.],
[ 0., 1., 0., 0.]]))
>>> numpy.linalg.eigh(a)
(array([ -8.82020545e-01, -1.81556477e-16, 1.77653793e+00, 5.10548262e+00]),
array([[ 6.40734630e-01, -7.07106781e-01, 1.68598330e-01, -2.47050070e-01],
[ -3.80616542e-01, 9.40505244e-17, 8.19944479e-01, -4.27577008e-01],
[ -1.84524565e-01, 9.40505244e-17, -5.20423152e-01, -8.33732828e-01],
[ 6.40734630e-01, 7.07106781e-01, 1.68598330e-01, -2.47050070e-
86 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto, lib, symm
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True)
>>> c=numpy.hstack(mol.symm_orb)
>>> vnuc_so =reduce(, (c.T, mol.intor('int1e_nuc_sph'), c))
>>> orbsym =symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_name, mol.symm_orb, c)
>>> lib.eigh_by_blocks(vnuc_so, labels=orbsym)
(array([-4.50766885, -1.80666351, -1.7808565 , -1.7808565 , -1.74189134,
-0.98998583, -0.98998583, -0.40322226, -0.30242374, -0.07608981]),
pyscf.lib.linalg_helper.krylov(aop,b,x0=None,tol=1e-10,max_cycle=30,dot=<built-in func-
tion dot>,lindep=1e-15,callback=None,hermi=False,ver-
Krylov subspace method to solve (1+a) x = b. Ref: J. A. Pople et al, Int. J. Quantum. Chem. Symp. 13, 225
aop [function(x) => array_like_x] aop(x) to mimic the matrix vector multiplication 𝑗𝑎𝑖𝑗 𝑥𝑗. The argu-
ment is a 1D array. The returned value is a 1D array.
x0 [1D array] Initial guess
tol [float] Tolerance to terminate the operation aop(x).
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations.
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. The function is terminated when the smallest eigenvalue of
the metric of the trial vectors is lower than this threshold.
dot [function(x, y) => scalar] Inner product
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
Returns: x : 1D array like b
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> a=numpy.random.random((10,10)) *1e-2
>>> b=numpy.random.random(10)
>>> aop =lambda x:,x)
>>> x=lib.krylov(aop, b)
>>> numpy.allclose(,x)+x, b)
Solve generalized eigenvalue problem h v = w s v.
Note: The number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors might be less than the matrix dimension if linear dependency
is found in metric s.
h, s [2D array] Complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix.
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 87
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
lindep [float] Linear dependency threshold. By diagonalizing the metric s, we consider the eigenvectors
are linearly dependent subsets if their eigenvalues are smaller than this threshold.
Returns: w, v, seig. w is the eigenvalue vector; v is the eigenfunction array; seig is the eigenvalue vector of the
metric s.
1.5.4 chkfile
Save array(s) in chkfile
chkfile [str] Name of chkfile.
key : str
value [array, vector ... or dict] If value is a python dict, the key/value of the dict will be saved recursively
as the HDF5 group/dataset
Returns: No return value
>>> import h5py
>>> from pyscf import lib
>>> ci ={'Ci' : {'op': ('E','i'), 'irrep': ('Ag','Au')}}
>>>'symm.chk','symm', ci)
>>> f=h5py.File('symm.chk')
>>> f.keys()
>>> f['symm'].keys()
>>> f['symm/Ci'].keys()
['op', 'irrep']
>>> f['symm/Ci/op']
<HDF5 dataset "op": shape (2,), type "|S1">
Save Mole object in chkfile
Args: mol : an instance of Mole.
chkfile [str] Name of chkfile.
Returns: No return value
Load array(s) from chkfile
chkfile [str] Name of chkfile. The chkfile needs to be saved in HDF5 format.
key [str] HDF5.dataset name or group name. If key is the HDF5 group name, the group will be loaded
into an Python dict, recursively
Returns: whatever read from chkfile
88 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, lib
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='He 0 0 0')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.chkfile ='He.chk'
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mo_coeff =lib.chkfile.load('He.chk','scf/mo_coeff')
>>> mo_coeff.shape
(1, 1)
>>> scfdat =lib.chkfile.load('He.chk','scf')
>>> scfdat.keys()
['e_tot', 'mo_occ', 'mo_energy', 'mo_coeff']
Load Mole object from chkfile. The save_mol/load_mol operation can be used a serialization method for Mole
chkfile [str] Name of chkfile.
Returns: A (initialized/built) Mole object
>>> from pyscf import gto, lib
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='He 0 0 0')
>>> lib.chkfile.save_mol(mol, 'He.chk')
>>> lib.chkfile.load_mol('He.chk')
<pyscf.gto.mole.Mole object at 0x7fdcd94d7f50>
Save Mole object in chkfile
Args: mol : an instance of Mole.
chkfile [str] Name of chkfile.
Returns: No return value
Fast load
The results of SCF and MCSCF methods are saved as a Python dictionary in the chkfile. One can fast load the results
and update the SCF and MCSCF objects using the python built in methods .__dict__.update, eg:
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf, lib
mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N111', basis='ccpvdz')
mf =mol.apply(scf.RHF).set(chkfile='n2.chk).run()
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6).set(chkfile='n2.chk').run()
# load SCF results
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
# load MCSCF results
mc =mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6,6)
1.5. lib — Helper functions, parameters, and C extensions 89
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.6 scf — Mean-field methods
1.6.1 Stability analysis
1.6.2 Addons
Special treatments may be required to the SCF methods in some situations. These special treatments cannot be uni-
versally applied for all SCF models. They were defined in the scf.addons module. For example, in an UHF
calculation, we may want the 𝑆𝑧value to be changed (the numbers of alpha and beta electrons not conserved) during
SCF iteration while conserving the total number of electrons. scf.addons.dynamic_sz_() can provide this
from pyscf import gto, scf
mol =gto.M(atom='O000;O001')
mf =scf.UHF(mol)
mf =scf.addons.dynamic_sz_(mf)
print('S^2 = %s, 2S+1 = %s'%mf.spin_square())
This function automatically converges the ground sate of oxygen molecule to triplet state although we didn’t specify
spin state in the mol object.
Note: Function scf.addons.dynamic_sz_() has side effects. It changes the underlying mean-field object.
The addons mechanism increases the flexibility of PySCf program. You can define various addons to customize the
default behaviour of pyscf program. For example, if you’d like to track the changes of the density (the diagonal term
of density matrix) of certain basis during the SCF iteration, you can write the following addon to output the required
def output_density(mf, basis_label):
ao_labels =mf.mol.ao_labels()
old_make_rdm1 =mf.make_rdm1
def make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ):
dm =old_make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
print('AO alpha beta')
for i,s in enumerate(ao_labels):
if basis_label in s:
print(s, dm[0][i,i], dm[1][i,i])
return dm
mf.make_rdm1 =make_rdm1
return mf
from pyscf import gto, scf
mol =gto.M(atom='O000;O001')
mf =scf.UHF(mol)
mf =scf.addons.dynamic_sz_(mf)
mf =output_density(mf, 'O 2p')
90 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.6.3 Caching two-electron integrals
When memory is enough (specified by the max_memory of SCF object), the SCF object generates all
two-electron integrals in memory and cache them in _eri array. The default max_memory (defined in
lib.parameters.MAX_MEMORY, see Maximum memory) is 4 GB. It roughly corresponds to two-electron real
integrals for 250 orbitals. For small systems, the cached integrals usually provide the best performance. If you have
enough main memory in your computer, you can increase the max_memory of SCF object to cache the integrals in
The cached integrals _eri are treated as a dense tensor. When system becomes larger and the two-electron integral
tensor becomes sparse, caching integrals may lose performance advantage. This is mainly due to the fact that the
implementation of J/K build for the cached integrals did not utilize the sparsity of the integral tensor. Also, the data
locality was not considered in the implementation which sometimes leads to bad OpenMP multi-threading speed up.
For large system, the AO-driven direct SCF method is more favorable.
1.6.4 Customizing Hamiltonian
This integral object _eri is not merely used by the mean-field calculation. Along with the get_hcore() method,
this two-electron integral object will be treated as the Hamiltonian in the post-SCF code whenever possible. This
mechanism provides a way to model arbitrary fermion system in PySCF. You can customize a system by changing the
1-electron Hamiltonian and the mean-field _eri attribute. For example, the following code solves a model system:
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, ccsd
mol =gto.M()
mol.nelectron =10
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
for iin range(n-1):
t[i,i+1]=t[i+1,i] = -1.0
t[n-1,0]=t[0,n-1]=1.0 # anti-PBC
eri =numpy.zeros((n,n,n,n))
for iin range(n):
eri[i,i,i,i] =4.0
mf.get_hcore =lambda *args: t
mf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(n)
# ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n) to get 8-fold symmetry of the integrals
# ._eri only supports the 2-electron integrals in 4-fold or 8-fold symmetry.
mf._eri =ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n)
mycc =ccsd.RCCSD(mf).run()
e,v =mycc.ipccsd(nroots=3)
print('IP = ', e)
e,v =mycc.eaccsd(nroots=3)
print('EA = ', e)
Some post-SCF methods require the 4-index MO integrals. Depending the available memory (affected by the value
of max_memory in each class), these methods may not use the “AO integrals” cached in _eri. To ensure the post
mean-field methods to use the _eri integrals no matter whether the actual memory usage is over the max_memory
limite, you can set the flag incore_anyway in Mole class to True before calling the kernel() function of the
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 91
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
post-SCF methods. In the following example, without setting incore_anyway=True, the CCSD calculations will
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, ccsd
mol =gto.M()
mol.nelectron =n
mol.max_memory =0
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
for iin range(n-1):
t[i,i+1]=t[i+1,i] =1.0
t[n-1,0]=t[0,n-1]= -1.0
eri =numpy.zeros((n,n,n,n))
for iin range(n):
eri[i,i,i,i] =4.0
mf.get_hcore =lambda *args: t
mf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(n)
mf._eri =ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n)
mol.incore_anyway =True
mycc =ccsd.RCCSD(mf).run()
e,v =mycc.ipccsd(nroots=3)
print('IP = ', e)
e,v =mycc.eaccsd(nroots=3)
print('EA = ', e)
Holding the entire two-particle interactions matrix elements in memory often leads to high memory usage. In the
SCF calculation, the memory usage can be optimized if _eri is sparse. The SCF iterations requires only the Fock
matrix which in turn calls the J/K build function SCF.get_jk() to compute the Coulomb and HF-exchange matrix.
Overwriting the SCF.get_jk() function can reduce the memory footprint of the SCF part in the above example:
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, ccsd
mol =gto.M()
mol.nelectron =n
mol.max_memory =0
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
for iin range(n-1):
t[i,i+1]=t[i+1,i] =1.0
t[n-1,0]=t[0,n-1]= -1.0
mf.get_hcore =lambda *args: t
mf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(n)
def get_jk(mol, dm, *args):
j=numpy.diag(dm.diagonal()) *4.
k=numpy.diag(dm.diagonal()) *4.
return j, k
mf.get_jk =get_jk
92 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Another way to handle the two-particle interactions of large model system is to use the density fitting/Cholesky de-
composed integrals. See also Saving/Loading DF integral tensor.
1.6.5 Program reference
Non-relativistic and relativistic Hartree-Fock
Simple usage:
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
scf.RHF() returns an instance of SCF class. There are some parameters to control the SCF method.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
DIIS [class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS.
diis [bool] whether to do DIIS. Default is True.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
level_shift_factor [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin
function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
nelec [(int,int), for UHF/ROHF class] freeze the number of (alpha,beta) electrons.
irrep_nelec [dict, for symmetry- RHF/ROHF/UHF class only] to indicate the number of electrons for
each irreps. In RHF, give {‘ir_name’:int, ...} ; In ROHF/UHF, give {‘ir_name’:(int,int), ...} . It is
effective when Mole.symmetry is set True.
auxbasis [str, for density fitting SCF only] Auxiliary basis for density fitting.
>>> mf =scf.density_fit(scf.UHF(mol))
>>> mf.scf()
Density fitting can be applied to all non-relativistic HF class.
with_ssss [bool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only] If False, ignore small component integrals (SS|SS). De-
fault is True.
with_gaunt [bool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only] If False, ignore Gaunt interaction. Default is False.
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PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy [] Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
Non-relativistic Hartree-Fock
class pyscf.scf.hf.SCF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
94 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken
population analysis; Diople moment.
as_scanner(mf )
Generating a scanner/solver for HF PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total
HF energy.
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation.
All parameters assigned in the SCF object (DIIS, conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically applied
in the solver.
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> hf_scanner =scf.RHF(gto.Mole().set(verbose=0)).as_scanner()
>>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1'))
>>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.5'))
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (with-
out change occupancy).
Dipole moment calculation
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑥|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑦|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑧|𝜇) +
where 𝜇𝑥, 𝜇𝑦, 𝜇𝑧are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
Args: mol: an instance of Mole dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices
Return: A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 95
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Electronic part of Hartree-Fock energy, for given core hamiltonian and HF potential
... math:
E=\sum_{ij}h_{ij} \gamma_{ji}
+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{ijkl} \gamma_{ji}\gamma_{lk} \langle ik||jl\rangle
Args: mf : an instance of SCF class
dm [2D ndarray] one-partical density matrix
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
vhf [2D ndarray] HF potential
Returns: Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> dm =mf.make_rdm1()
>>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm)
(-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
Total Hartree-Fock energy, electronic part plus nuclear repulstion See scf.hf.energy_elec() for
the electron part
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by mol
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
F = h^{core} + V^{HF}
Special treatment (damping, DIIS, or level shift) will be applied to the Fock matrix if diis and cycle is
specified (The two parameters are passed to get_fock function during the SCF iteration)
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
s1e [2D ndarray] Overlap matrix, for DIIS
vhf [2D ndarray] HF potential matrix
dm [2D ndarray] Density matrix, for DIIS
cycle [int] Then present SCF iteration step, for DIIS
diis [an object of SCF.DIIS class] DIIS object to hold intermediate Fock and error vectors
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
level_shift_factor [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
96 Chapter 1. Contents
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RHF Gradients
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Obital coefficients
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Orbital occupancy
fock_ao [2D ndarray] Fock matrix in AO representation
Returns: Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
Compute J matrix for the given density matrix.
Compute J, K matrices for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices
and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dms =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> j,k=scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
Compute K matrix for the given density matrix.
Label the occupancies for each orbital
mo_energy [1D ndarray] Obital energies
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Obital coefficients
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 97
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> energy =numpy.array([-10.,-1.,1,-2.,0,-3])
>>> mf.get_occ(energy)
array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function
computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference HF potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: matrix Vhf = 2*J - K. Vhf can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dm0 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> vhf0 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm0, hermi=0)
>>> dm1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> vhf1 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, hermi=0)
>>> vhf2 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0, hermi=0)
>>> numpy.allclose(vhf1, vhf2)
Generate initial guess density matrix from core hamiltonian
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is
occupancy averaged RHF
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by mol
98 Chapter 1. Contents
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Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set
defined by mol
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol)
array([[ 0.94758917, 0.09227308],
[ 0.09227308, 0.94758917]])
main routine for SCF
dm0 [ndarray] If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> dm_guess =numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())
>>> mf.kernel(dm_guess)
converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Occupancy
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in
three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carreid out within each subsets.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or 2-item list of ndarray] Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
Kwargs: verbose : int or instance of lib.logger.Logger
pre_orth_method [str] Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the
occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis
‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis
‘scf’ : Fraction-averaged RHF
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 99
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Mulliken population analysis
𝑀𝑖𝑗 =𝐷𝑖𝑗 𝑆𝑗𝑖
Mulliken charges
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in
three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carreid out within each subsets.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or 2-item list of ndarray] Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
Kwargs: verbose : int or instance of lib.logger.Logger
pre_orth_method [str] Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the
occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis
‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis
‘scf’ : Fraction-averaged RHF
main routine for SCF
dm0 [ndarray] If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> dm_guess =numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())
>>> mf.kernel(dm_guess)
converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821
Read attributes from the chkfile then replace the attributes of current object. See also mf.update_from_chk
class pyscf.scf.hf.RHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
100 Chapter 1. Contents
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chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
convert_from_(mf )
Convert given mean-field object to RHF/ROHF
Compute J, K matrices for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 101
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0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices
and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dms =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> j,k=scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
class pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
102 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken
population analysis
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (with-
out change occupancy).
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
Build fock matrix based on Roothaan’s effective fock. See also get_roothaan_fock()
ROHF gradients is the off-diagonal block [co + cv + ov], where [ cc co cv ] [ oc oo ov ] [ vc vo vv ]
Label the occupancies for each orbital. NOTE the occupancies are not assigned based on the orbital
energy ordering. The first N orbitals are assigned to be occupied orbitals.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;O001.1', spin=1)
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> energy =numpy.array([-10.,-1.,1,-2.,0,-3])
>>> mf.get_occ(energy)
array([2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0])
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock potential matrix of alpha and beta spins, for the given density matrix
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [a list of ndarrays] A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,...,beta,beta,...)
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 103
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dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. When it is not 0, this
function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference HF potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: 𝑉ℎ𝑓 = (𝑉𝛼, 𝑉 𝛽).𝑉𝛼(and 𝑉𝛽) can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dmsa =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dmsb =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dms =numpy.vstack((dmsa,dmsb))
>>> dms.shape
(6, 2, 2)
>>> vhfa, vhfb =scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> vhfa.shape
(3, 2, 2)
>>> vhfb.shape
(3, 2, 2)
One-particle densit matrix. mo_occ is a 1D array, with occupancy 1 or 2.
class pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
104 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Attributes for UHF:
nelec [(int, int)] If given, freeze the number of (alpha,beta) electrons to the given value.
level_shift [number or two-element list] level shift (in Eh) for alpha and beta Fock if two-element list is
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1,
˓spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%mf.spin_square())
S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix within occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (with-
out change occupancy).
Calculate the overlap between two different determinants. It is the product of single values of molecular
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 105
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
orbital overlap matrix.
𝑆12 =Ψ𝐴|Ψ𝐵= (detU)(detV)
where U,V, 𝜆 are unitary matrices and single values generated by single value decomposition(SVD) of
the overlap matrix Owhich is the overlap matrix of two sets of molecular orbitals:
mo1, mo2 [2D ndarrays] Molecualr orbital coefficients
occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays occupation numbers
A list: the product of single values: float x_a, x_b: 1D ndarrays 1VThey are used to cal-
culate asymmetric density matrix
Dipole moment calculation
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑥|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑦|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑧|𝜇) +
where 𝜇𝑥, 𝜇𝑦, 𝜇𝑧are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
Args: mol: an instance of Mole
dm [a list of 2D ndarrays] a list of density matrices
Return: A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
Electronic energy of Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
Returns: Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution
Coulomb (J) and exchange (K)
dm [a list of 2D arrays or a list of 3D arrays] (alpha_dm, beta_dm) or (alpha_dms, beta_dms)
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock potential matrix of alpha and beta spins, for the given density matrix
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [a list of ndarrays] A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,...,beta,beta,...)
106 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. When it is not 0, this
function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference HF potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: 𝑉ℎ𝑓 = (𝑉𝛼, 𝑉 𝛽).𝑉𝛼(and 𝑉𝛽) can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dmsa =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dmsb =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dms =numpy.vstack((dmsa,dmsb))
>>> dms.shape
(6, 2, 2)
>>> vhfa, vhfb =scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> vhfa.shape
(3, 2, 2)
>>> vhfb.shape
(3, 2, 2)
Initial guess in terms of the overlap to minimal basis.
One-particle asymmetric density matrix
mo1, mo2 [2D ndarrays] Molecualr orbital coefficients
occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays Occupation numbers
x: 2D ndarrays 1V. See also det_ovlp()
Return: A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spin
>>> mf1 =scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.3', basis='ccpvdz')).run()
>>> mf2 =scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.4', basis='ccpvdz')).run()
>>> s=gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mf1.mol, mf2.mol)
>>> det, x =det_ovlp(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, s)
>>> adm =make_asym_dm(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, x)
>>> adm.shape
(2, 19, 19)
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 107
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
One-particle density matrix
Returns: A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spins
Spin of the given UHF orbitals
2(𝑆+𝑆+𝑆𝑆+) + 𝑆2
where 𝑆+=𝑖𝑆𝑖+is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; 𝑆=𝑖𝑆𝑖is effective for all alpha
occupied orbitals.
1.There are two possibilities for 𝑆+𝑆
(a) same electron 𝑆+𝑆=𝑖𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖,
𝑖𝑈𝐻𝐹 |𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖|𝑈𝐻𝐹 =
𝑝𝑞 𝑝|𝑠+𝑠|𝑞𝛾𝑞𝑝 =𝑛𝛼
2) different electrons 𝑆+𝑆=𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑗,(𝑖̸=𝑗). There are in total 𝑛(𝑛1) terms. As a
two-particle operator,
2.Similarly, for 𝑆𝑆+
(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
2.For 𝑆2
(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
In total
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛼|𝑗𝛽⟩⟨𝑗𝛽|𝑖𝛼+𝑛𝛽
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛽|𝑗𝛼⟩⟨𝑗𝛼|𝑖𝛽) + 1
108 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
mo [a list of 2 ndarrays] Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
s[ndarray] AO overlap
Returns: A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1,
˓spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mo =(mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0])
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_
S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
class pyscf.scf.hf.RHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
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PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
convert_from_(mf )
Convert given mean-field object to RHF/ROHF
Compute J, K matrices for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices
and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dms =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> j,k=scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
class pyscf.scf.hf.SCF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
110 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken
population analysis; Diople moment.
as_scanner(mf )
Generating a scanner/solver for HF PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total
HF energy.
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation.
All parameters assigned in the SCF object (DIIS, conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically applied
in the solver.
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 111
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> hf_scanner =scf.RHF(gto.Mole().set(verbose=0)).as_scanner()
>>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1'))
>>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.5'))
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (with-
out change occupancy).
Dipole moment calculation
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑥|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑦|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑧|𝜇) +
where 𝜇𝑥, 𝜇𝑦, 𝜇𝑧are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
Args: mol: an instance of Mole dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices
Return: A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
Electronic part of Hartree-Fock energy, for given core hamiltonian and HF potential
... math:
E=\sum_{ij}h_{ij} \gamma_{ji}
+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{ijkl} \gamma_{ji}\gamma_{lk} \langle ik||jl\rangle
Args: mf : an instance of SCF class
dm [2D ndarray] one-partical density matrix
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
vhf [2D ndarray] HF potential
Returns: Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
112 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> dm =mf.make_rdm1()
>>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm)
(-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
Total Hartree-Fock energy, electronic part plus nuclear repulstion See scf.hf.energy_elec() for
the electron part
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by mol
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
F = h^{core} + V^{HF}
Special treatment (damping, DIIS, or level shift) will be applied to the Fock matrix if diis and cycle is
specified (The two parameters are passed to get_fock function during the SCF iteration)
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
s1e [2D ndarray] Overlap matrix, for DIIS
vhf [2D ndarray] HF potential matrix
dm [2D ndarray] Density matrix, for DIIS
cycle [int] Then present SCF iteration step, for DIIS
diis [an object of SCF.DIIS class] DIIS object to hold intermediate Fock and error vectors
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
level_shift_factor [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
RHF Gradients
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Obital coefficients
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Orbital occupancy
fock_ao [2D ndarray] Fock matrix in AO representation
Returns: Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
Compute J matrix for the given density matrix.
Compute J, K matrices for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 113
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices
and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dms =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> j,k=scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
Compute K matrix for the given density matrix.
Label the occupancies for each orbital
mo_energy [1D ndarray] Obital energies
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Obital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> energy =numpy.array([-10.,-1.,1,-2.,0,-3])
>>> mf.get_occ(energy)
array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function
computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference HF potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
114 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: matrix Vhf = 2*J - K. Vhf can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dm0 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> vhf0 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm0, hermi=0)
>>> dm1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> vhf1 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, hermi=0)
>>> vhf2 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0, hermi=0)
>>> numpy.allclose(vhf1, vhf2)
Generate initial guess density matrix from core hamiltonian
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is
occupancy averaged RHF
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by mol
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set
defined by mol
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol)
array([[ 0.94758917, 0.09227308],
[ 0.09227308, 0.94758917]])
main routine for SCF
dm0 [ndarray] If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 115
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> dm_guess =numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())
>>> mf.kernel(dm_guess)
converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Occupancy
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in
three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carreid out within each subsets.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or 2-item list of ndarray] Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
Kwargs: verbose : int or instance of lib.logger.Logger
pre_orth_method [str] Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the
occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis
‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis
‘scf’ : Fraction-averaged RHF
Mulliken population analysis
𝑀𝑖𝑗 =𝐷𝑖𝑗 𝑆𝑗𝑖
Mulliken charges
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in
three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carreid out within each subsets.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or 2-item list of ndarray] Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
Kwargs: verbose : int or instance of lib.logger.Logger
pre_orth_method [str] Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the
occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
116 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis
‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis
‘scf’ : Fraction-averaged RHF
main routine for SCF
dm0 [ndarray] If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> dm_guess =numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())
>>> mf.kernel(dm_guess)
converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821
Read attributes from the chkfile then replace the attributes of current object. See also mf.update_from_chk
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population
analysis; Diople moment.
pyscf.scf.hf.as_scanner(mf )
Generating a scanner/solver for HF PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total HF
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation. All
parameters assigned in the SCF object (DIIS, conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically applied in the
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> hf_scanner =scf.RHF(gto.Mole().set(verbose=0)).as_scanner()
>>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1'))
>>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.5'))
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without
change occupancy).
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 117
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Dipole moment calculation
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑥|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑦|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑧|𝜇) +
where 𝜇𝑥, 𝜇𝑦, 𝜇𝑧are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
Args: mol: an instance of Mole dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices
Return: A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
Compute J, K matrices in terms of the given 2-electron integrals and density matrix:
J ~ numpy.einsum(‘pqrs,qp->rs’, eri, dm) K ~ numpy.einsum(‘pqrs,qr->ps’, eri, dm)
eri [ndarray] 8-fold or 4-fold ERIs
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
Returns: Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a
list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> eri =_vhf.int2e_sph(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env)
>>> dms =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> j,k=scf.hf.dot_eri_dm(eri, dms, hermi=0)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
Electronic part of Hartree-Fock energy, for given core hamiltonian and HF potential
... math:
118 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
E=\sum_{ij}h_{ij} \gamma_{ji}
+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{ijkl} \gamma_{ji}\gamma_{lk} \langle ik||jl\rangle
Args: mf : an instance of SCF class
dm [2D ndarray] one-partical density matrix
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
vhf [2D ndarray] HF potential
Returns: Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> dm =mf.make_rdm1()
>>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm)
(-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
Total Hartree-Fock energy, electronic part plus nuclear repulstion See scf.hf.energy_elec() for the
electron part
F = h^{core} + V^{HF}
Special treatment (damping, DIIS, or level shift) will be applied to the Fock matrix if diis and cycle is specified
(The two parameters are passed to get_fock function during the SCF iteration)
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
s1e [2D ndarray] Overlap matrix, for DIIS
vhf [2D ndarray] HF potential matrix
dm [2D ndarray] Density matrix, for DIIS
cycle [int] Then present SCF iteration step, for DIIS
diis [an object of SCF.DIIS class] DIIS object to hold intermediate Fock and error vectors
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
level_shift_factor [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
RHF Gradients
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Obital coefficients
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Orbital occupancy
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PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
fock_ao [2D ndarray] Fock matrix in AO representation
Returns: Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
Core Hamiltonian
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> scf.hf.get_hcore(mol)
array([[-0.93767904, -0.59316327],
[-0.59316327, -0.93767904]])
Pick a init_guess method
key [str] One of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’.
Compute J, K matrices for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a
list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dms =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> j,k=scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
Label the occupancies for each orbital
mo_energy [1D ndarray] Obital energies
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Obital coefficients
120 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> energy =numpy.array([-10.,-1.,1,-2.,0,-3])
>>> mf.get_occ(energy)
array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
Overlap matrix
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function computes
the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference HF potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: matrix Vhf = 2*J - K. Vhf can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dm0 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> vhf0 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm0, hermi=0)
>>> dm1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> vhf1 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, hermi=0)
>>> vhf2 =scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0, hermi=0)
>>> numpy.allclose(vhf1, vhf2)
Generate initial guess density matrix from core hamiltonian
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is occu-
pancy averaged RHF
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 121
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Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by mol
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set defined
by mol
Returns: Density matrix, 2D ndarray
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol)
array([[ 0.94758917, 0.09227308],
[ 0.09227308, 0.94758917]])
kernel: the SCF driver.
mf [an instance of SCF class] To hold the flags to control SCF. Besides the control parameters, one can
modify its function members to change the behavior of SCF. The member functions which are called
in kernel are
conv_tol [float] converge threshold.
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold.
dump_chk [bool] Whether to save SCF intermediate results in the checkpoint file
dm0 [ndarray] Initial guess density matrix. If not given (the default), the kernel takes the density matrix
generated by mf.get_init_guess.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
Returns: A list : scf_conv, e_tot, mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ
122 Chapter 1. Contents
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scf_conv [bool] True means SCF converged
e_tot [float] Hartree-Fock energy of last iteration
mo_energy [1D float array] Orbital energies. Depending the eig function provided by mf object, the
orbital energies may NOT be sorted.
mo_coeff [2D array] Orbital coefficients.
mo_occ [1D array] Orbital occupancies. The occupancies may NOT be sorted from large to small.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> conv, e, mo_e, mo, mo_occ =scf.hf.kernel(scf.hf.SCF(mol), dm0=numpy.eye(mol.
>>> print('conv = %s, E(HF) = %.12f'%(conv, e))
conv = True, E(HF) = -1.081170784378
Apply level shift to virtual orbitals
𝐹 𝐶 =𝑆𝐶𝐸 (1.1)
Λ𝑖𝑗 =𝛿𝑖𝑗 𝑖virtual
0otherwise (1.3)
Returns: New Fock matrix, 2D ndarray
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Occupancy
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three
sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carreid out within each subsets.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or 2-item list of ndarray] Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
Kwargs: verbose : int or instance of lib.logger.Logger
pre_orth_method [str] Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occu-
pied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis
‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis
‘scf’ : Fraction-averaged RHF
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Mulliken population analysis
𝑀𝑖𝑗 =𝐷𝑖𝑗 𝑆𝑗𝑖
Mulliken charges
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three
sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carreid out within each subsets.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [ndarray or 2-item list of ndarray] Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
Kwargs: verbose : int or instance of lib.logger.Logger
pre_orth_method [str] Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occu-
pied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis
‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis
‘scf’ : Fraction-averaged RHF
class pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
124 Chapter 1. Contents
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direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Attributes for UHF:
nelec [(int, int)] If given, freeze the number of (alpha,beta) electrons to the given value.
level_shift [number or two-element list] level shift (in Eh) for alpha and beta Fock if two-element list is
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1,
˓spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%mf.spin_square())
S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix within occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (with-
out change occupancy).
Calculate the overlap between two different determinants. It is the product of single values of molecular
orbital overlap matrix.
𝑆12 =Ψ𝐴|Ψ𝐵= (detU)(detV)
where U,V, 𝜆 are unitary matrices and single values generated by single value decomposition(SVD) of
the overlap matrix Owhich is the overlap matrix of two sets of molecular orbitals:
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mo1, mo2 [2D ndarrays] Molecualr orbital coefficients
occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays occupation numbers
A list: the product of single values: float x_a, x_b: 1D ndarrays 1VThey are used to cal-
culate asymmetric density matrix
Dipole moment calculation
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑥|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑦|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑧|𝜇) +
where 𝜇𝑥, 𝜇𝑦, 𝜇𝑧are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
Args: mol: an instance of Mole
dm [a list of 2D ndarrays] a list of density matrices
Return: A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
Electronic energy of Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
Returns: Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution
Coulomb (J) and exchange (K)
dm [a list of 2D arrays or a list of 3D arrays] (alpha_dm, beta_dm) or (alpha_dms, beta_dms)
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock potential matrix of alpha and beta spins, for the given density matrix
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [a list of ndarrays] A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,...,beta,beta,...)
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. When it is not 0, this
function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference HF potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
126 Chapter 1. Contents
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1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: 𝑉ℎ𝑓 = (𝑉𝛼, 𝑉 𝛽).𝑉𝛼(and 𝑉𝛽) can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dmsa =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dmsb =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dms =numpy.vstack((dmsa,dmsb))
>>> dms.shape
(6, 2, 2)
>>> vhfa, vhfb =scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> vhfa.shape
(3, 2, 2)
>>> vhfb.shape
(3, 2, 2)
Initial guess in terms of the overlap to minimal basis.
One-particle asymmetric density matrix
mo1, mo2 [2D ndarrays] Molecualr orbital coefficients
occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays Occupation numbers
x: 2D ndarrays 1V. See also det_ovlp()
Return: A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spin
>>> mf1 =scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.3', basis='ccpvdz')).run()
>>> mf2 =scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.4', basis='ccpvdz')).run()
>>> s=gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mf1.mol, mf2.mol)
>>> det, x =det_ovlp(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, s)
>>> adm =make_asym_dm(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, x)
>>> adm.shape
(2, 19, 19)
One-particle density matrix
Returns: A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spins
Spin of the given UHF orbitals
2(𝑆+𝑆+𝑆𝑆+) + 𝑆2
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where 𝑆+=𝑖𝑆𝑖+is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; 𝑆=𝑖𝑆𝑖is effective for all alpha
occupied orbitals.
1.There are two possibilities for 𝑆+𝑆
(a) same electron 𝑆+𝑆=𝑖𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖,
𝑖𝑈𝐻𝐹 |𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖|𝑈𝐻𝐹 =
𝑝𝑞 𝑝|𝑠+𝑠|𝑞𝛾𝑞𝑝 =𝑛𝛼
2) different electrons 𝑆+𝑆=𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑗,(𝑖̸=𝑗). There are in total 𝑛(𝑛1) terms. As a
two-particle operator,
2.Similarly, for 𝑆𝑆+
(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
2.For 𝑆2
(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
In total
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛼|𝑗𝛽⟩⟨𝑗𝛽|𝑖𝛼+𝑛𝛽
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛽|𝑗𝛼⟩⟨𝑗𝛼|𝑖𝛽) + 1
mo [a list of 2 ndarrays] Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
s[ndarray] AO overlap
Returns: A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding
128 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1,
˓spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mo =(mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0])
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_
S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population
analysis; Dipole moment
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix within occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (without
change occupancy).
Calculate the overlap between two different determinants. It is the product of single values of molecular orbital
overlap matrix.
𝑆12 =Ψ𝐴|Ψ𝐵= (detU)(detV)
where U,V, 𝜆 are unitary matrices and single values generated by single value decomposition(SVD) of the
overlap matrix Owhich is the overlap matrix of two sets of molecular orbitals:
mo1, mo2 [2D ndarrays] Molecualr orbital coefficients
occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays occupation numbers
A list: the product of single values: float x_a, x_b: 1D ndarrays 1VThey are used to calculate
asymmetric density matrix
Dipole moment calculation
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑥|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑦|𝜇) +
𝑃𝜇𝜈 (𝜈|𝑧|𝜇) +
where 𝜇𝑥, 𝜇𝑦, 𝜇𝑧are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
Args: mol: an instance of Mole
dm [a list of 2D ndarrays] a list of density matrices
Return: A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 129
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Electronic energy of Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
Returns: Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution
UHF Gradients
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock potential matrix of alpha and beta spins, for the given density matrix
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
𝑖𝑗 =
𝑙𝑘 +𝛾𝛽
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
dm [a list of ndarrays] A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,...,beta,beta,...)
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. When it is not 0, this function
computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference HF potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
Returns: 𝑉ℎ𝑓 = (𝑉𝛼, 𝑉 𝛽).𝑉𝛼(and 𝑉𝛽) can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> dmsa =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dmsb =numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dms =numpy.vstack((dmsa,dmsb))
>>> dms.shape
(6, 2, 2)
>>> vhfa, vhfb =scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dms, hermi=0)
>>> vhfa.shape
(3, 2, 2)
>>> vhfb.shape
(3, 2, 2)
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set defined
by mol
Returns: Density matrices, a list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spins
130 Chapter 1. Contents
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One-particle asymmetric density matrix
mo1, mo2 [2D ndarrays] Molecualr orbital coefficients
occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays Occupation numbers
x: 2D ndarrays 1V. See also det_ovlp()
Return: A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spin
>>> mf1 =scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.3', basis='ccpvdz')).run()
>>> mf2 =scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.4', basis='ccpvdz')).run()
>>> s=gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mf1.mol, mf2.mol)
>>> det, x =det_ovlp(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, s)
>>> adm =make_asym_dm(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, x)
>>> adm.shape
(2, 19, 19)
One-particle density matrix
Returns: A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spins
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
Mulliken population analysis
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
pyscf.scf.uhf.rhf_to_uhf(mf )
Create UHF object based on the RHF object
Spin of the given UHF orbitals
2(𝑆+𝑆+𝑆𝑆+) + 𝑆2
where 𝑆+=𝑖𝑆𝑖+is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; 𝑆=𝑖𝑆𝑖is effective for all alpha occupied
1.There are two possibilities for 𝑆+𝑆
(a) same electron 𝑆+𝑆=𝑖𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖,
𝑖𝑈𝐻𝐹 |𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖|𝑈𝐻𝐹 =
𝑝𝑞 𝑝|𝑠+𝑠|𝑞𝛾𝑞𝑝 =𝑛𝛼
2) different electrons 𝑆+𝑆=𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑗,(𝑖̸=𝑗). There are in total 𝑛(𝑛1) terms. As a two-
particle operator,
2.Similarly, for 𝑆𝑆+
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(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
2.For 𝑆2
(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
In total
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛼|𝑗𝛽⟩⟨𝑗𝛽|𝑖𝛼+𝑛𝛽
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛽|𝑗𝛼⟩⟨𝑗𝛼|𝑖𝛽) + 1
mo [a list of 2 ndarrays] Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
s[ndarray] AO overlap
Returns: A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding 2S+1
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1,
˓spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mo =(mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0])
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph
S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
Non-relativistic restricted Hartree-Fock with point group symmetry.
The symmetry are not handled in a separate data structure. Note that during the SCF iteration, the orbitals are
grouped in terms of symmetry irreps. But the orbitals in the result are sorted based on the orbital energies. Func-
tion symm.label_orb_symm can be used to detect the symmetry of the molecular orbitals.
132 Chapter 1. Contents
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class pyscf.scf.hf_symm.RHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Attributes for symmetry allowed RHF:
irrep_nelec [dict] Specify the number of electrons for particular irrep {‘ir_name’:int,...}. For the irreps
not listed in this dict, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital energies.
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>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True,
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mf.get_irrep_nelec()
{'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2}
>>> mf.irrep_nelec ={'A2':2}
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mf.get_irrep_nelec()
{'A1': 6, 'A2': 2, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 0}
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix in occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without
change occupancy).
Solve generalized eigenvalue problem, for each irrep. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not sorted to
ascending order. Instead, they are grouped based on irreps.
Electron numbers for each irreducible representation.
mol [an instance of Mole] To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps
irrep_nelec [dict] The number of electrons for each irrep {‘ir_name’:int,...}.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz',
˓symmetry=True, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> scf.hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ)
{'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2}
We assumed mo_energy are grouped by symmetry irreps, (see function self.eig). The orbitals are sorted
after SCF.
class pyscf.scf.hf_symm.ROHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
134 Chapter 1. Contents
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conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Attributes for symmetry allowed ROHF:
irrep_nelec [dict] Specify the number of alpha/beta electrons for particular irrep {‘ir_name’:(int,int), ...}.
For the irreps not listed in these dicts, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True,
˓charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mf.get_irrep_nelec()
{'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 1), 'B2': (1, 0)}
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 135
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mf.irrep_nelec ={'B1': (1,0)}
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mf.get_irrep_nelec()
{'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 0), 'B2': (1, 1)}
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix in occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without
change occupancy).
Solve generalized eigenvalue problem, for each irrep. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not sorted to
ascending order. Instead, they are grouped based on irreps.
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Occupancy for each
irreps; Mulliken population analysis
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix in occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change
Solve generalized eigenvalue problem, for each irrep. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not sorted to as-
cending order. Instead, they are grouped based on irreps.
Electron numbers for each irreducible representation.
mol [an instance of Mole] To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis
mo_coeff [2D ndarray] Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps
mo_occ [1D ndarray] Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps
irrep_nelec [dict] The number of electrons for each irrep {‘ir_name’:int,...}.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True,
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> scf.hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ)
{'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2}
pyscf.scf.hf_symm.so2ao_mo_coeff(so,irrep_mo_coeff )
Transfer the basis of MO coefficients, from spin-adapted basis to AO basis
Non-relativistic unrestricted Hartree-Fock with point group symmetry.
class pyscf.scf.uhf_symm.UHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
136 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Attributes for UHF:
nelec [(int, int)] If given, freeze the number of (alpha,beta) electrons to the given value.
level_shift [number or two-element list] level shift (in Eh) for alpha and beta Fock if two-element list is
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 137
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1,
˓spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%mf.spin_square())
S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
Attributes for symmetry allowed UHF:
irrep_nelec [dict] Specify the number of alpha/beta electrons for particular irrep {‘ir_name’:(int,int), ...}.
For the irreps not listed in these dicts, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True,
˓charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mf.get_irrep_nelec()
{'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 1), 'B2': (1, 0)}
>>> mf.irrep_nelec ={'B1': (1,0)}
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mf.get_irrep_nelec()
{'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 0), 'B2': (1, 1)}
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix in occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (without
change occupancy).
Alpha/beta electron numbers for each irreducible representation.
mol [an instance of Mole] To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis
mo_occ [a list of 1D ndarray] Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps
mo_coeff [a list of 2D ndarray] Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps
irrep_nelec [dict] The number of alpha/beta electrons for each irrep {‘ir_name’:(int,int), ...}.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz',
˓symmetry=True, charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> scf.uhf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ)
{'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 1), 'B2': (1, 0)}
138 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
We assumed mo_energy are grouped by symmetry irreps, (see function self.eig). The orbitals are sorted
after SCF.
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix in occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change
Alpha/beta electron numbers for each irreducible representation.
mol [an instance of Mole] To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis
mo_occ [a list of 1D ndarray] Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps
mo_coeff [a list of 2D ndarray] Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps
irrep_nelec [dict] The number of alpha/beta electrons for each irrep {‘ir_name’:(int,int), ...}.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True,
˓charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> scf.uhf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ)
{'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 1), 'B2': (1, 0)}
Relativistic Hartree-Fock
Dirac Hartree-Fock
alias of UHF
class pyscf.scf.dhf.RHF(mol)
D/2 = psi_i^dagpsi_i = psi_{Ti}^dagpsi_{Ti} D(UHF) = psi_i^dagpsi_i + psi_{Ti}^dagpsi_{Ti} RHF
average the density of spin up and spin down: D(RHF) = (D(UHF) + T[D(UHF)])/2
class pyscf.scf.dhf.UHF(mol)
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to Mole.max_memory
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 139
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set it to None
to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is gener-
ated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local variables
in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
Attributes for Dirac-Hartree-Fock
with_ssss [bool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only] If False, ignore small component integrals (SS|SS). De-
fault is True.
with_gaunt [bool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only] Default is False.
with_breit [bool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only] Gaunt + gauge term. Default is False.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> e0 =mf.scf()
>>> mf =scf.DHF(mol)
>>> e1 =mf.scf()
>>> print('Relativistic effects = %.12f'%(e1-e0))
Relativistic effects = -0.000008854205
140 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Initial guess in terms of the overlap to minimal basis.
DHF Gradients
Initial guess from one electron system.
Initial guess from atom calculation.
Initial guess in terms of the overlap to minimal basis.
the modified SCF kernel for Dirac-Hartree-Fock. In this kernel, the SCF is carried out in three steps. First the 2-
electron part is approximated by large component integrals (LL|LL); Next, (SS|LL) the interaction between large
and small components are added; Finally, converge the SCF with the small component contributions (SS|SS)
T(A_ij) = A[T(i),T(j)]^*
Convert the given mean-field object to the corresponding restricted HF/KS object
Args: mf : SCF object
convert_df [bool] Whether to convert the DF-SCF object to the normal SCF object. This conversion is
not applied by default.
Returns: An unrestricted SCF object
Convert the given mean-field object to the corresponding unrestricted HF/KS object
Args: mf : SCF object
convert_df [bool] Whether to convert the DF-SCF object to the normal SCF object. This conversion is
not applied by default.
Returns: An unrestricted SCF object
Dynamically change the level shift in each SCF cycle. The level shift value is set to (HF energy change * factor)
Dynamically change the level shift in each SCF cycle. The level shift value is set to (HF energy change * factor)
pyscf.scf.addons.dynamic_sz_(mf )
For UHF, allowing the Sz value being changed during SCF iteration. Determine occupation of alpha and beta
electrons based on energy spectrum
1.6. scf — Mean-field methods 141
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
pyscf.scf.addons.float_occ(mf )
For UHF, allowing the Sz value being changed during SCF iteration. Determine occupation of alpha and beta
electrons based on energy spectrum
pyscf.scf.addons.float_occ_(mf )
For UHF, allowing the Sz value being changed during SCF iteration. Determine occupation of alpha and beta
electrons based on energy spectrum
Use maximum overlap method to determine occupation number for each orbital in every iteration. It can be
applied to unrestricted HF/KS and restricted open-shell HF/KS.
Use maximum overlap method to determine occupation number for each orbital in every iteration. It can be
applied to unrestricted HF/KS and restricted open-shell HF/KS.
Project orbital coefficients
|𝜓1>=|𝐴𝑂1> 𝐶1
|𝜓2>=𝑃|𝜓1>=|𝐴𝑂2> 𝑆1< 𝐴𝑂2|𝐴𝑂1> 𝐶1 = |𝐴𝑂2> 𝐶2
𝐶2 = 𝑆1< 𝐴𝑂2|𝐴𝑂1> 𝐶1
search the unoccupied orbitals, choose the lowest sets which do not break symmetry as the occupied orbitals
search the unoccupied orbitals, choose the lowest sets which do not break symmetry as the occupied orbitals
save temporary results
class pyscf.scf.diis.ADIIS(dev=None,filename=None)
Ref: JCP, 132, 054109
class pyscf.scf.diis.EDIIS(dev=None,filename=None)
SCF-EDIIS Ref: JCP 116, 8255
1.7 ao2mo — Integral transformations
1.7.1 General Integral transformation module
Simple usage:
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>> mo_ints =ao2mo.kernel(mol, mf.mo_coeff)
142 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.7.2 incore
MO integral transformation for the given orbital.
eri_ao [ndarray] AO integrals, can be either 8-fold or 4-fold symmetry.
mo_coeff [ndarray] Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
verbose [int] Print level
compact [bool] When compact is True, the returned MO integrals have 4-fold symmetry. Otherwise,
return the “plain” MO integrals.
Returns: 2D array of transformed MO integrals. The MO integrals may or may not have the permutation
symmetry (controlled by the kwargs compact)
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> eri =mol.intor('int2e_sph', aosym='s8')
>>> mo1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.full(eri, mo1)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(55, 55)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.full(eri, mo1, compact=False)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(100, 100)
For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer the 8-fold or 4-fold 2e AO integrals to MO integrals.
eri_ao [ndarray] AO integrals, can be either 8-fold or 4-fold symmetry.
mo_coeffs [4-item list of ndarray] Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four indices of
verbose [int] Print level
compact [bool] When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the returned MO integrals
has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry. If it’s False, the function will abandon any permutation
symmetry, and return the “plain” MO integrals
Returns: 2D array of transformed MO integrals. The MO integrals may or may not have the permutation
symmetry, depending on the given orbitals, and the kwargs compact. If the four sets of orbitals are
identical, the MO integrals will at most have 4-fold symmetry.
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
1.7. ao2mo — Integral transformations 143
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> eri =mol.intor('int2e_sph', aosym='s8')
>>> mo1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
>>> mo2 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
>>> mo3 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
>>> mo4 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.general(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 24)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.general(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 21)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.general(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), compact=False)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 36)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.general(eri, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(55, 36)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.general(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo1,mo2))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 80)
Given two set of orbitals, half transform the (ij| pair of 8-fold or 4-fold AO integrals (ij|kl)
eri_ao [ndarray] AO integrals, can be either 8-fold or 4-fold symmetry.
mo_coeffs [list of ndarray] Two sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the i, j indices of (ij|kl)
compact [bool] When compact is True, the returned MO integrals uses the highest possible permutation
symmetry. If it’s False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry, and return the “plain”
MO integrals
Returns: ndarray of transformed MO integrals. The MO integrals may or may not have the permutation sym-
metry, depending on the given orbitals, and the kwargs compact.
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> eri =mol.intor('int2e_sph', aosym='s8')
>>> mo1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
>>> mo2 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo2))
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo2))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 28)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo2), compact=False)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 28)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo1))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(55, 28)
144 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.7.3 outcore
Transfer arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals for given orbitals
mol [Mole object] AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
mo_coeff [ndarray] Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
erifile [str or h5py File or h5py Group object] To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.
dataname [str] The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format http://www.hdfgroup.
org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html). By assigning different dataname, the existed integral file
can be reused. If the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will overwrite the old one.
tmpdir [str] The directory where to temporarily store the intermediate data (the half-transformed inte-
grals). By default, it’s controlled by shell environment variable TMPDIR. The disk space require-
ment is about comp*mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]*mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]*nao**2
intor [str] Name of the 2-electron integral. Ref to getints_by_shell() for the complete list of
available 2-electron integral names
aosym [int or str] Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)
‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry
‘a4ij’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a4kl’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2ij’ : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2kl’ : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
max_memory [float or int] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may not improve
ioblk_size [float or int] The block size for IO, large block size may not improve performance
verbose [int] Print level
compact [bool] When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the returned MO integrals
has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry. If it’s False, the function will abandon any permutation
symmetry, and return the “plain” MO integrals
Returns: None
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> import h5py
1.7. ao2mo — Integral transformations 145
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
... f5 =h5py.File(h5file)
... print('dataset %s, shape %s'%(str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
... f5.close()
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> mo1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
>>> ao2mo.outcore.full(mol, mo1, 'full.h5')
>>> view('full.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 55)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.full(mol, mo1, 'full.h5', dataname='new', compact=False)
>>> view('full.h5','new')
dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (100, 100)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.full(mol, mo1, 'full.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1',
>>> view('full.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.full(mol, mo1, 'full.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl',
>>> view('full.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
Transfer arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals for given orbitals This function is a wrap for
ao2mo.outcore.general(). It’s not really IO free. The returned MO integrals are held in memory.
For backward compatibility, it is used to replace the non-existed function direct.full_iofree.
mol [Mole object] AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
mo_coeff [ndarray] Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
erifile [str] To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.
dataname [str] The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format http://www.hdfgroup.
org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html). By assigning different dataname, the existed integral file
can be reused. If the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will overwrite the old one.
tmpdir [str] The directory where to temporarily store the intermediate data (the half-transformed inte-
grals). By default, it’s controlled by shell environment variable TMPDIR. The disk space require-
ment is about comp*mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]*mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]*nao**2
intor [str] Name of the 2-electron integral. Ref to getints_by_shell() for the complete list of
available 2-electron integral names
aosym [int or str] Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)
‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry
‘a4ij’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a4kl’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2ij’ : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
146 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
‘a2kl’ : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
verbose [int] Print level
max_memory [float or int] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may not improve
ioblk_size [float or int] The block size for IO, large block size may not improve performance
verbose [int] Print level
compact [bool] When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the returned MO integrals
has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry. If it’s False, the function will abandon any permutation
symmetry, and return the “plain” MO integrals
Returns: 2D/3D MO-integral array. They may or may not have the permutation symmetry, depending on the
given orbitals, and the kwargs compact. If the four sets of orbitals are identical, the MO integrals will at
most have 4-fold symmetry.
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> mo1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.full_iofree(mol, mo1)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(55, 55)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.full_iofree(mol, mo1, compact=False)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(100, 100)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.full_iofree(mol, mo1, intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1',
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(3, 100, 100)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.full_iofree(mol, mo1, intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl
˓', comp=3)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(3, 100, 55)
For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals on the fly.
mol [Mole object] AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
mo_coeffs [4-item list of ndarray] Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four indices of
erifile [str or h5py File or h5py Group object] To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.
dataname [str] The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format http://www.hdfgroup.
org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html). By assigning different dataname, the existed integral file
can be reused. If the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will overwrite the old one.
1.7. ao2mo — Integral transformations 147
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
tmpdir [str] The directory where to temporarily store the intermediate data (the half-transformed inte-
grals). By default, it’s controlled by shell environment variable TMPDIR. The disk space require-
ment is about comp*mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]*mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]*nao**2
intor [str] Name of the 2-electron integral. Ref to getints_by_shell() for the complete list of
available 2-electron integral names
aosym [int or str] Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)
‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry
‘a4ij’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a4kl’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2ij’ : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2kl’ : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
max_memory [float or int] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may not improve
ioblk_size [float or int] The block size for IO, large block size may not improve performance
verbose [int] Print level
compact [bool] When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the returned MO integrals
has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry. If it’s False, the function will abandon any permutation
symmetry, and return the “plain” MO integrals
Returns: None
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> import h5py
>>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
... f5 =h5py.File(h5file)
... print('dataset %s, shape %s'%(str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
... f5.close()
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> mo1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
>>> mo2 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
>>> mo3 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
>>> mo4 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
>>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4), 'oh2.h5')
>>> view('oh2.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 24)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5')
>>> view('oh2.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 21)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5', compact=False)
>>> view('oh2.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 36)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2), 'oh2.h5')
148 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> view('oh2.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 36)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', dataname='new')
>>> view('oh2.h5','new')
dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (55, 55)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph
˓', aosym='s1', comp=3)
>>> view('oh2.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
>>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph
˓', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
>>> view('oh2.h5')
dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals on the fly. This
function is a wrap for ao2mo.outcore.general(). It’s not really IO free. The returned MO integrals are
held in memory. For backward compatibility, it is used to replace the non-existed function direct.general_iofree.
mol [Mole object] AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
mo_coeffs [4-item list of ndarray] Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four indices of
intor [str] Name of the 2-electron integral. Ref to getints_by_shell() for the complete list of
available 2-electron integral names
aosym [int or str] Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)
‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry
‘a4ij’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a4kl’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2ij’ : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2kl’ : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
verbose [int] Print level
compact [bool] When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the returned MO integrals
has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry. If it’s False, the function will abandon any permutation
symmetry, and return the “plain” MO integrals
Returns: 2D/3D MO-integral array. They may or may not have the permutation symmetry, depending on the
given orbitals, and the kwargs compact. If the four sets of orbitals are identical, the MO integrals will at
most have 4-fold symmetry.
1.7. ao2mo — Integral transformations 149
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> import h5py
>>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
... f5 =h5py.File(h5file)
... print('dataset %s, shape %s'%(str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
... f5.close()
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> mo1 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
>>> mo2 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
>>> mo3 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
>>> mo4 =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.general_iofree(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 24)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.general_iofree(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3))
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 21)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.general_iofree(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), compact=False)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(80, 36)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.general_iofree(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), intor='int2e_ip1_
˓sph', aosym='s1', comp=3)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(3, 100, 100)
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.outcore.general_iofree(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), intor='int2e_ip1_
˓sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(3, 100, 55)
Half transform arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals for the given two sets of orbitals
mol [Mole object] AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
mo_coeff [ndarray] Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
swapfile [str or h5py File or h5py Group object] To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format. The
transformed integrals are saved in blocks.
intor [str] Name of the 2-electron integral. Ref to getints_by_shell() for the complete list of
available 2-electron integral names
aosym [int or str] Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)
‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry
‘a4ij’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
150 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
‘a4kl’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2ij’ : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘a2kl’ : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
comp [int] Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
verbose [int] Print level
max_memory [float or int] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may not improve
ioblk_size [float or int] The block size for IO, large block size may not improve performance
verbose [int] Print level
compact [bool] When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the returned MO integrals
has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry. If it’s False, the function will abandon any permutation
symmetry, and return the “plain” MO integrals
ao2mopt [AO2MOpt object] Precomputed data to improve perfomance
Returns: None
1.7.4 addons
class pyscf.ao2mo.addons.load(eri,dataname=’eri_mo’)
load 2e integrals from hdf5 file
with load(erifile) as eri: print eri.shape
Convert the 2e integrals between different level of permutation symmetry (8-fold, 4-fold, or no symmetry)
symmetry [int or str] code to present the target symmetry of 2e integrals
‘s8’ or ‘8’ or 8 : 8-fold symmetry
‘s4’ or ‘4’ or 4 : 4-fold symmetry
‘s1’ or ‘1’ or 1 : no symmetry
‘s2ij’ or ‘2ij’ : symmetric ij pair for (ij|kl) (TODO)
‘s2ij’ or ‘2kl’ : symmetric kl pair for (ij|kl) (TODO)
eri [ndarray] The symmetry of eri is determined by the size of eri and norb
norb [int] The symmetry of eri is determined by the size of eri and norb
Returns: ndarray. The shape depends on the target symmetry.
8 : (norb*(norb+1)/2)*(norb*(norb+1)/2+1)/2
4 : (norb*(norb+1)/2, norb*(norb+1)/2)
1 : (norb, norb, norb, norb)
1.7. ao2mo — Integral transformations 151
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf
>>> from pyscf import ao2mo
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H010;H001', basis='sto3g')
>>> eri =mol.intor('int2e')
>>> eri1 =ao2mo.restore(1, eri, mol.nao_nr())
>>> eri4 =ao2mo.restore(4, eri, mol.nao_nr())
>>> eri8 =ao2mo.restore(8, eri, mol.nao_nr())
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(7, 7, 7, 7)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
(28, 28)
>>> print(eri1.shape)
1.8 mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field
Simple usage:
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.kernel()[0]
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.kernel()[0]
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> cas_list =[5,6,8,9]# pick orbitals for CAS space, 1-based indices
>>> mo =mcscf.sort_mo(mc, mf.mo_coeff, cas_list)
>>> mc.kernel(mo)[0]
mcscf.CASSCF() or mcscf.CASCI() returns a proper instance of CASSCF/CASCI class. There are some pa-
rameters to control the CASSCF/CASCI method.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose.
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to Mole.max_memory.
ncas [int] Active space size.
nelecas [tuple of int] Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
ncore [int or tuple of int] Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different
core eletron numbers.
natorb [bool] Whether to restore the natural orbital during CASSCF optimization. Default is not.
canonicalization [bool] Whether to canonicalize orbitals. Default is True.
fcisolver [an instance of FCISolver] The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different
scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a
proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
152 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
fci.solver() function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver
to this attribute, e.g.
>>> from pyscf import fci
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.solver(mol, singlet=True)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle =30
>>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol =1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See fci.
By replacing this fcisolver, you can easily use the CASCI/CASSCF solver with other FCI replace-
ments, such as DMRG, QMC. See dmrgscf and fciqmcscf.
The Following attributes are used for CASSCF
conv_tol [float] Converge threshold. Default is 1e-7
conv_tol_grad [float] Converge threshold for CI gradients and orbital rotation gradients. Default is 1e-4
max_stepsize [float] The step size for orbital rotation. Small step size is prefered. Default is 0.03.
(NOTE although the default step size is small enough for many systems, it happens that the orbital
optimizor crosses the barriar of local minimum and converge to the neighbour solution, e.g. the
CAS(4,4) for C2H4 in the test files. In these cases, one need to fine the optimization by reducing
max_stepsize, max_ci_stepsize and max_cycle_micro, max_cycle_micro_inner and ah_start_tol.)
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.max_stepsize = .01
>>> mc.max_cycle_micro =1
>>> mc.max_cycle_macro =100
>>> mc.max_cycle_micro_inner =1
>>> mc.ah_start_tol =1e-6
max_ci_stepsize [float] The max size for approximate CI updates. The approximate updates are used in
1-step algorithm, to estimate the change of CI wavefunction wrt the orbital rotation. Small step size
is prefered. Default is 0.01.
max_cycle_macro [int] Max number of macro iterations. Default is 50.
max_cycle_micro [int] Max number of micro iterations in each macro iteration. Depending on systems,
increasing this value might reduce the total macro iterations. Generally, 2 - 3 steps should be
enough. Default is 2.
max_cycle_micro_inner [int] Max number of steps for the orbital rotations allowed for the augmented
hessian solver. It can affect the actual size of orbital rotation. Even with a small max_stepsize, a
few max_cycle_micro_inner can accumulate the rotation and leads to a significant change of the
CAS space. Depending on systems, increasing this value migh reduce the total number of macro
iterations. The value between 2 - 8 is preferred. Default is 4.
frozen [int or list] If integer is given, the inner-most orbitals are excluded from optimization. Given the
orbital indices (0-based) in a list, any doubly occupied core orbitals, active orbitals and external
orbitals can be frozen.
ah_level_shift [float, for AH solver.] Level shift for the Davidson diagonalization in AH solver. Default
is 0.
1.8. mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field 153
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
ah_conv_tol [float, for AH solver.] converge threshold for Davidson diagonalization in AH solver. De-
fault is 1e-8.
ah_max_cycle [float, for AH solver.] Max number of iterations allowd in AH solver. Default is 20.
ah_lindep [float, for AH solver.] Linear dependence threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-16.
ah_start_tol [flat, for AH solver.] In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving
the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 1e-4.
ah_start_cycle [int, for AH solver.] In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely
solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 3.
ah_conv_tol,ah_max_cycle,ah_lindep,ah_start_tol and ah_start_cycle
can affect the accuracy and performance of CASSCF solver. Lower ah_conv_tol and
ah_lindep can improve the accuracy of CASSCF optimization, but slow down the performance.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.conv_tol =1e-10
>>> mc.ah_conv_tol =1e-5
>>> mc.kernel()
>>> mc.ah_conv_tol =1e-10
>>> mc.kernel()
chkfile [str] Checkpoint file to save the intermediate orbitals during the CASSCF optimization. Default
is the checkpoint file of mean field object.
Saved results
e_tot [float] Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
ci [ndarray] CAS space FCI coefficients
converged [bool, for CASSCF only] It indicates CASSCF optimization converged or not.
mo_energy: ndarray, Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix
mo_coeff [ndarray, for CASSCF only] Optimized CASSCF orbitals coefficients Note the orbitals are
NOT natural orbitals by default. There are two inbuilt methods to convert the mo_coeff to natural
orbitals. 1. Set .natorb attribute. It can be used before calculation. 2. call .cas_natorb_ method after
the calculation to in-place convert the orbitals
154 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.8.1 CASSCF active space solver
DMRG solver
FCIQMC solver
State-average FCI solver
State-average with mixed solver
1.8.2 Symmetry broken
1.8.3 Initial guess
1.8.4 Program reference
class pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI(mf,ncas,nelecas,ncore=None)
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose.
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to Mole.max_memory.
ncas [int] Active space size.
nelecas [tuple of int] Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
ncore [int or tuple of int] Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different
core eletron numbers.
natorb [bool] Whether to restore the natural orbital in CAS space. Default is not. Be very careful to
set this parameter when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver because this parameter
changes the orbital ordering which DMRG relies on.
canonicalization [bool] Whether to canonicalize orbitals. Default is True.
fcisolver [an instance of FCISolver] The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different
scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a
proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
fci.solver() function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver
to this attribute, e.g.
>>> from pyscf import fci
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.solver(mol, singlet=True)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle =30
>>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol =1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See fci.
Saved results
1.8. mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field 155
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
e_tot [float] Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
ci [ndarray] CAS space FCI coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.kernel()[0]
Canonicalize CASCI/CASSCF orbitals
Args: mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
Returns: A tuple, (natural orbitals, CI coefficients, orbital energies) The orbital energies are the diagonal
terms of general Fock matrix.
Canonicalize CASCI/CASSCF orbitals
Args: mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
Returns: A tuple, (natural orbitals, CI coefficients, orbital energies) The orbital energies are the diagonal
terms of general Fock matrix.
Transform active orbitals to natrual orbitals, and update the CI wfn
Args: mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
sort [bool] Sort natural orbitals wrt the occupancy. Be careful with this option since the resultant
natural orbitals might have the different symmetry to the irreps indicated by CASSCF.orbsym
Returns: A tuple, the first item is natural orbitals, the second is updated CI coefficients, the third is the
natural occupancy associated to the natural orbitals.
Transform active orbitals to natrual orbitals, and update the CI wfn
Args: mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
sort [bool] Sort natural orbitals wrt the occupancy. Be careful with this option since the resultant
natural orbitals might have the different symmetry to the irreps indicated by CASSCF.orbsym
Returns: A tuple, the first item is natural orbitals, the second is updated CI coefficients, the third is the
natural occupancy associated to the natural orbitals.
Use level shift to control FCI solver spin.
(𝐻+𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑡 *𝑆2)|Ψ=𝐸|Ψ
156 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
shift [float] Level shift for states which have different spin
ss [number] S^2 expection value == s*(s+1)
CAS sapce one-electron hamiltonian
Args: casci : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
Returns: A tuple, the first is the effective one-electron hamiltonian defined in CAS space, the second is
the electronic energy from core.
CAS sapce one-electron hamiltonian
Args: casci : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
Returns: A tuple, the first is the effective one-electron hamiltonian defined in CAS space, the second is
the electronic energy from core.
CAS sapce one-electron hamiltonian
Args: casci : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
Returns: A tuple, the first is the effective one-electron hamiltonian defined in CAS space, the second is
the electronic energy from core.
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
One-particle density matrices for alpha and beta spin
Select active space. See also pyscf.mcscf.addons.sort_mo()
State average over the energy. The energy funcitonal is E = w1<psi1|H|psi1> + w2<psi2|H|psi2> + ...
Note we may need change the FCI solver to
mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, False)
before calling state_average_(mc), to mix the singlet and triplet states
For excited state
Kwargs: state : int 0 for ground state; 1 for first excited state.
Canonicalize CASCI/CASSCF orbitals
Args: mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
Returns: A tuple, (natural orbitals, CI coefficients, orbital energies) The orbital energies are the diagonal terms
of general Fock matrix.
Transform active orbitals to natrual orbitals, and update the CI wfn
Args: mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
1.8. mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field 157
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
sort [bool] Sort natural orbitals wrt the occupancy. Be careful with this option since the resultant natural
orbitals might have the different symmetry to the irreps indicated by CASSCF.orbsym
Returns: A tuple, the first item is natural orbitals, the second is updated CI coefficients, the third is the natural
occupancy associated to the natural orbitals.
Generalized Fock matrix in AO representation
CAS sapce one-electron hamiltonian
Args: casci : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
Returns: A tuple, the first is the effective one-electron hamiltonian defined in CAS space, the second is the
electronic energy from core.
CASCI solver
CAS sapce one-electron hamiltonian for UHF-CASCI or UHF-CASSCF
Args: casci : a U-CASSCF/U-CASCI object or UHF object
UHF-CASCI solver
class pyscf.mcscf.mc1step.CASSCF(mf,ncas,nelecas,ncore=None,frozen=None)
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose.
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to Mole.max_memory.
ncas [int] Active space size.
nelecas [tuple of int] Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
ncore [int or tuple of int] Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different
core eletron numbers.
natorb [bool] Whether to restore the natural orbital in CAS space. Default is not. Be very careful to
set this parameter when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver because this parameter
changes the orbital ordering which DMRG relies on.
canonicalization [bool] Whether to canonicalize orbitals. Default is True.
fcisolver [an instance of FCISolver] The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different
scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a
proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
fci.solver() function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver
to this attribute, e.g.
>>> from pyscf import fci
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.solver(mol, singlet=True)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
158 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle =30
>>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol =1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See fci.
Saved results
e_tot [float] Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
ci [ndarray] CAS space FCI coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.kernel()[0]
Extra attributes for CASSCF:
conv_tol [float] Converge threshold. Default is 1e-7
conv_tol_grad [float] Converge threshold for CI gradients and orbital rotation gradients. Default
is 1e-4
max_stepsize [float] The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is prefered. (see
notes in max_cycle_micro_inner attribute) Default is 0.03.
max_cycle_macro [int] Max number of macro iterations. Default is 50.
max_cycle_micro [int] Max number of micro iterations in each macro iteration. Depending on
systems, increasing this value might reduce the total macro iterations. Generally, 2 - 5 steps
should be enough. Default is 3.
ah_level_shift [float, for AH solver.] Level shift for the Davidson diagonalization in AH solver.
Default is 1e-8.
ah_conv_tol [float, for AH solver.] converge threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-12.
ah_max_cycle [float, for AH solver.] Max number of iterations allowd in AH solver. Default is
ah_lindep [float, for AH solver.] Linear dependence threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-14.
ah_start_tol [flat, for AH solver.] In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely
solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 0.2.
ah_start_cycle [int, for AH solver.] In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely
solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 2.
ah_conv_tol,ah_max_cycle,ah_lindep,ah_start_tol and
ah_start_cycle can affect the accuracy and performance of CASSCF solver. Lower
ah_conv_tol and ah_lindep might improve the accuracy of CASSCF optimization, but
decrease the performance.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
1.8. mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field 159
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.conv_tol =1e-10
>>> mc.ah_conv_tol =1e-5
>>> mc.kernel()
>>> mc.ah_conv_tol =1e-10
>>> mc.kernel()
chkfile [str] Checkpoint file to save the intermediate orbitals during the CASSCF optimization.
Default is the checkpoint file of mean field object.
ci_response_space [int] subspace size to solve the CI vector response. Default is 3.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is
generated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local
variables in the current envrionment.
Saved results
e_tot [float] Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
ci [ndarray] CAS space FCI coefficients
converged [bool] It indicates CASSCF optimization converged or not.
mo_coeff [ndarray] Optimized CASSCF orbitals coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.kernel()[0]
Rotate orbitals with the given unitary matrix
Solve CI eigenvalue/response problem approximately
CASSCF solver
class pyscf.mcscf.mc1step_symm.CASSCF(mf,ncas,nelecas,ncore=None,frozen=None)
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose.
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to Mole.max_memory.
ncas [int] Active space size.
nelecas [tuple of int] Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
ncore [int or tuple of int] Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different
core eletron numbers.
160 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
natorb [bool] Whether to restore the natural orbital in CAS space. Default is not. Be very careful to
set this parameter when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver because this parameter
changes the orbital ordering which DMRG relies on.
canonicalization [bool] Whether to canonicalize orbitals. Default is True.
fcisolver [an instance of FCISolver] The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different
scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a
proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
fci.solver() function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver
to this attribute, e.g.
>>> from pyscf import fci
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.solver(mol, singlet=True)
>>> mc.fcisolver =fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle =30
>>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol =1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See fci.
Saved results
e_tot [float] Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
ci [ndarray] CAS space FCI coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.kernel()[0]
Extra attributes for CASSCF:
conv_tol [float] Converge threshold. Default is 1e-7
conv_tol_grad [float] Converge threshold for CI gradients and orbital rotation gradients. Default
is 1e-4
max_stepsize [float] The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is prefered. (see
notes in max_cycle_micro_inner attribute) Default is 0.03.
max_cycle_macro [int] Max number of macro iterations. Default is 50.
max_cycle_micro [int] Max number of micro iterations in each macro iteration. Depending on
systems, increasing this value might reduce the total macro iterations. Generally, 2 - 5 steps
should be enough. Default is 3.
ah_level_shift [float, for AH solver.] Level shift for the Davidson diagonalization in AH solver.
Default is 1e-8.
ah_conv_tol [float, for AH solver.] converge threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-12.
1.8. mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field 161
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
ah_max_cycle [float, for AH solver.] Max number of iterations allowd in AH solver. Default is
ah_lindep [float, for AH solver.] Linear dependence threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-14.
ah_start_tol [flat, for AH solver.] In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely
solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 0.2.
ah_start_cycle [int, for AH solver.] In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely
solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 2.
ah_conv_tol,ah_max_cycle,ah_lindep,ah_start_tol and
ah_start_cycle can affect the accuracy and performance of CASSCF solver. Lower
ah_conv_tol and ah_lindep might improve the accuracy of CASSCF optimization, but
decrease the performance.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.conv_tol =1e-10
>>> mc.ah_conv_tol =1e-5
>>> mc.kernel()
>>> mc.ah_conv_tol =1e-10
>>> mc.kernel()
chkfile [str] Checkpoint file to save the intermediate orbitals during the CASSCF optimization.
Default is the checkpoint file of mean field object.
ci_response_space [int] subspace size to solve the CI vector response. Default is 3.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument which is
generated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can access all local
variables in the current envrionment.
Saved results
e_tot [float] Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
ci [ndarray] CAS space FCI coefficients
converged [bool] It indicates CASSCF optimization converged or not.
mo_coeff [ndarray] Optimized CASSCF orbitals coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> mc.kernel()[0]
162 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Natrual orbitals in CAS space
Given number of active orbitals for each irrep, return the orbital indices of active space
Args: casscf : an CASSCF or CASCI object
cas_irrep_nocc [list or dict] Number of active orbitals for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg {‘A1’: 2, ‘B2’:
4} to indicate the active space size based on irrep names, or {0: 2, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [2, 0,
0, 4] (identical to {0: 2, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as the irrep Id.
cas_irrep_ncore [list or dict] Number of closed shells for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg {‘A1’: 6, ‘B2’:
4} to indicate the closed shells based on irrep names, or {0: 6, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [6, 0, 0, 4]
(identical to {0: 6, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as the irrep Id. If cas_irrep_ncore is not
given, the program will generate a guess based on the lowest CASCI.ncore orbitals.
s[ndarray] overlap matrix
base [int] 0-based (C-like) or 1-based (Fortran-like) caslst
Returns: A list of orbital indices
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvtz', symmetry=True, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 12,4)
>>> mcscf.caslst_by_irrep(mc, mf.mo_coeff, {'E1gx':4,'E1gy':4,'E1ux':2,'E1uy':
[5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 20, 25, 26, 31, 32]
Generalized Fock matrix in AO representation
Allow you to tune CASSCF parameters on the runtime
One-particle densit matrix in AO representation
Args: casscf : an CASSCF or CASCI object
ci [ndarray] CAS space FCI coefficients. If not given, take
mo_coeff [ndarray] Orbital coefficients. If not given, take casscf.mo_coeff.
>>> import scipy.linalg
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='sto-3g', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> res =mf.scf()
1.8. mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field 163
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
>>> res =mc.kernel()
>>> natocc =numpy.linalg.eigh(mcscf.make_rdm1(mc), mf.get_ovlp(), type=2)[0]
>>> print(natocc)
[ 0.0121563 0.0494735 0.0494735 1.95040395 1.95040395 1.98808879
2. 2. 2. 2. ]
Alpha and beta one-particle densit matrices in AO representation
The overlap between the CASSCF optimized orbitals and the canonical HF orbitals.
Project the given initial guess to the current CASSCF problem. The projected initial guess has two parts. The
core orbitals are directly taken from the Hartree-Fock orbitals, and the active orbitals are projected from the
given initial guess.
Args: casscf : an CASSCF or CASCI object
init_mo [ndarray or list of ndarray] Initial guess orbitals which are not orth-normal for the current
molecule. When the casscf is UHF-CASSCF, the init_mo needs to be a list of two ndarrays, for
alpha and beta orbitals
prev_mol [an instance of Mole] If given, the inital guess orbitals are associated to the geometry and
basis of prev_mol. Otherwise, the orbitals are based of the geometry and basis of casscf.mol
Returns: New orthogonal initial guess orbitals with the core taken from Hartree-Fock orbitals and projected
active space from original initial guess orbitals
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
mol =gto.Mole()'H000;F000.8', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
mo =mcscf.sort_mo(mc, mf.mo_coeff, [3,4,5,6,8,9])
print('E(0.8) = %.12f'%mc.kernel(mo)[0])
init_mo =mc.mo_coeff
for bin numpy.arange(1.0,3.,.2):
mol.atom =[['H', (0,0,0)], ['F', (0,0, b)]],0)
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6,6)
mo =mcscf.project_init_guess(mc, init_mo)
print('E(%2.1f) = %.12f'%(b, mc.kernel(mo)[0]))
init_mo =mc.mo_coeff
Pick orbitals for CAS space
Args: casscf : an CASSCF or CASCI object
mo_coeff [ndarray or a list of ndarray] Orbitals for CASSCF initial guess. In the UHF-CASSCF, it’s a
list of two orbitals, for alpha and beta spin.
164 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
caslst [list of int or nested list of int] A list of orbital indices to represent the CAS space. In the UHF-
CASSCF, it’s consist of two lists, for alpha and beta spin.
base [int] 0-based (C-style) or 1-based (Fortran-style) caslst
Returns: An reoreded mo_coeff, which put the orbitals given by caslst in the CAS space
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> cas_list =[5,6,8,9]# pi orbitals
>>> mo =mc.sort_mo(cas_list)
>>> mc.kernel(mo)[0]
Given number of active orbitals for each irrep, construct the mo initial guess for CASSCF
Args: casscf : an CASSCF or CASCI object
cas_irrep_nocc [list or dict] Number of active orbitals for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg {‘A1’: 2, ‘B2’:
4} to indicate the active space size based on irrep names, or {0: 2, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [2, 0,
0, 4] (identical to {0: 2, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as the irrep Id.
cas_irrep_ncore [list or dict] Number of closed shells for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg {‘A1’: 6, ‘B2’:
4} to indicate the closed shells based on irrep names, or {0: 6, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [6, 0, 0, 4]
(identical to {0: 6, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as the irrep Id. If cas_irrep_ncore is not
given, the program will generate a guess based on the lowest CASCI.ncore orbitals.
s[ndarray] overlap matrix
Returns: sorted orbitals, ordered as [c,..,c,a,..,a,v,..,v]
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvtz', symmetry=True, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 12,4)
>>> mo =mc.sort_mo_by_irrep({'E1gx':4,'E1gy':4,'E1ux':2,'E1uy':2})
>>> # Same to mo = sort_mo_by_irrep(mc, mf.mo_coeff, {2: 4, 3: 4, 6: 2, 7: 2})
>>> # Same to mo = sort_mo_by_irrep(mc, mf.mo_coeff, [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 2, 2])
>>> mc.kernel(mo)[0]
Spin square of the UHF-CASSCF wavefunction
Returns: A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding 2S+1
1.8. mcscf — Multi-configurational self-consistent field 165
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;O001', basis='sto-3g', spin=2, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> res =mf.scf()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,6)
>>> res =mc.kernel()
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%mcscf.spin_square(mc))
S^2 = 3.9831589, 2S+1 = 4.1149284
State average over the energy. The energy funcitonal is E = w1<psi1|H|psi1> + w2<psi2|H|psi2> + ...
Note we may need change the FCI solver to
mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, False)
before calling state_average_(mc), to mix the singlet and triplet states
State average over the energy. The energy funcitonal is E = w1<psi1|H|psi1> + w2<psi2|H|psi2> + ...
Note we may need change the FCI solver to
mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, False)
before calling state_average_(mc), to mix the singlet and triplet states
State-average CASSCF over multiple FCI solvers.
State-average CASSCF over multiple FCI solvers.
For excited state
Kwargs: state : int 0 for ground state; 1 for first excited state.
For excited state
Kwargs: state : int 0 for ground state; 1 for first excited state.
1.9 fci — Full configuration interaction
Different FCI solvers are implemented to support different type of symmetry. Symmetry
File Point group Spin singlet Real hermitian* Alpha/beta degeneracy direct_spin0_symm Yes Yes Yes Yes di-
rect_spin1_symm Yes No Yes Yes direct_spin0 No Yes Yes Yes direct_spin1 No No Yes Yes direct_uhf No No Yes
No direct_nosym No No No** Yes
Real hermitian Hamiltonian implies (ij|kl) = (ji|kl) = (ij|lk) = (ji|lk)
** Hamiltonian is real but not hermitian, (ij|kl) != (ji|kl) ...
1.9.1 direct CI
Full CI solver for spin-free Hamiltonian. This solver can be used to compute doublet, triplet,...
166 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
The CI wfn are stored as a 2D array [alpha,beta], where each row corresponds to an alpha string. For each row (alpha
string), there are total-num-beta-strings of columns. Each column corresponds to a beta string.
Different FCI solvers are implemented to support different type of symmetry. Symmetry
File Point group Spin singlet Real hermitian* Alpha/beta degeneracy direct_spin0_symm Yes Yes Yes Yes di-
rect_spin1_symm Yes No Yes Yes direct_spin0 No Yes Yes Yes direct_spin1 No No Yes Yes direct_uhf No No Yes
No direct_nosym No No No** Yes
Real hermitian Hamiltonian implies (ij|kl) = (ji|kl) = (ij|lk) = (ji|lk)
** Hamiltonian is real but not hermitian, (ij|kl) != (ji|kl) ...
alias of FCISolver
class pyscf.fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol=None)
Full CI solver
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose.
max_cycle [int] Total number of iterations. Default is 100
max_space [tuple of int] Davidson iteration space size. Default is 14.
conv_tol [float] Energy convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-10.
level_shift [float] Level shift applied in the preconditioner to avoid singularity. Default is 1e-3
davidson_only [bool] By default, the entire Hamiltonian matrix will be constructed and diagonalized
if the system is small (see attribute pspace_size). Setting this parameter to True will enforce the
eigenvalue problems being solved by Davidson subspace algorithm. This flag should be enabled
when initial guess is given or particular spin symmetry or point-group symmetry is required because
the initial guess or symmetry are completely ignored in the direct diagonlization.
pspace_size [int] The dimension of Hamiltonian matrix over which Davidson iteration algorithm will be
used for the eigenvalue problem. Default is 400. This is roughly corresponding to a (6e,6o) system.
nroots [int] Number of states to be solved. Default is 1, the ground state.
spin [int or None] Spin (2S = nalpha-nbeta) of the system. If this attribute is None, spin will be deter-
mined by the argument nelec (number of electrons) of the kernel function.
wfnsym [str or int] Symmetry of wavefunction. It is used only in direct_spin1_symm and di-
rect_spin0_symm solver.
Saved results
converged [bool] Whether davidson iteration is converged
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, fci
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='Li000;Li001', basis='sto-3g')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>> h1
>>> eri =ao2mo.kernel(mol, mf.mo_coeff)
>>> cisolver =fci.direct_spin1.FCI(mol)
>>> e, ci =cisolver.kernel(h1, eri, h1.shape[1], mol.nelec, ecore=mol.energy_
>>> print(e)
1.9. fci — Full configuration interaction 167
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Modify 2e Hamiltonian to include 1e Hamiltonian contribution.
Contract the 1-electron Hamiltonian with a FCI vector to get a new FCI vector.
Contract the 2-electron Hamiltonian with a FCI vector to get a new FCI vector.
Note the input arg eri is NOT the 2e hamiltonian matrix, the 2e hamiltonian is
= (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)𝑝+𝑟+𝑠𝑞 (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)𝛿𝑞𝑟𝑝+𝑠
So eri is defined as
𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑞,𝑟𝑠 = (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)(1/𝑁 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐)
to restore the symmetry between pq and rs,
𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑞,𝑟𝑠 = (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)(.5/𝑁 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐)[
(𝑝𝑞|𝑞𝑠) +
See also direct_spin1.absorb_h1e()
Compute the FCI electronic energy for given Hamiltonian and FCI vector.
Initial guess is the single Slater determinant
Diagonal Hamiltonian for Davidson preconditioner
spin-traced 1-particle density matrix
Spin traced 1- and 2-particle density matrices,
NOTE the 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑟but is stored as [p,r,q,s]
Spin searated 1- and 2-particle density matrices, (alpha,beta) for 1-particle density matrices. (al-
pha,alpha,alpha,alpha), (alpha,alpha,beta,beta), (beta,beta,beta,beta) for 2-particle density matrices.
NOTE the 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑟but is stored as [p,r,q,s]
Spin searated 1-particle density matrices, (alpha,beta)
Spin traced 2-particle density matrice
NOTE the 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑟but stored as [p,r,q,s]
pspace Hamiltonian to improve Davidson preconditioner. See, CPL, 169, 463
Spin square for RHF-FCI CI wfn only (obtained from spin-degenerated Hamiltonian)
168 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Spin traced transition 1-particle density matrices
Spin traced transition 1- and 2-particle density matrices.
Spin separated transition 1- and 2-particle density matrices.
Spin separated transition 1-particle density matrices
Modify 2e Hamiltonian to include 1e Hamiltonian contribution.
Contract the 1-electron Hamiltonian with a FCI vector to get a new FCI vector.
Contract the 2-electron Hamiltonian with a FCI vector to get a new FCI vector.
Note the input arg eri is NOT the 2e hamiltonian matrix, the 2e hamiltonian is
= (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)𝑝+𝑟+𝑠𝑞 (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)𝛿𝑞𝑟𝑝+𝑠
So eri is defined as
𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑞,𝑟𝑠 = (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)(1/𝑁 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐)
to restore the symmetry between pq and rs,
𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑞,𝑟𝑠 = (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)(.5/𝑁 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐)[
(𝑝𝑞|𝑞𝑠) +
See also direct_spin1.absorb_h1e(),eri,fcivec,norb,nelec,link_index=None)
Compute the FCI electronic energy for given Hamiltonian and FCI vector.
Initial guess is the single Slater determinant
Diagonal Hamiltonian for Davidson preconditioner
spin-traced 1-particle density matrix
Spin traced 1- and 2-particle density matrices,
NOTE the 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑟but is stored as [p,r,q,s]
Spin searated 1- and 2-particle density matrices, (alpha,beta) for 1-particle density matrices. (al-
pha,alpha,alpha,alpha), (alpha,alpha,beta,beta), (beta,beta,beta,beta) for 2-particle density matrices.
NOTE the 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑟but is stored as [p,r,q,s]
Spin searated 1-particle density matrices, (alpha,beta)
1.9. fci — Full configuration interaction 169
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
pspace Hamiltonian to improve Davidson preconditioner. See, CPL, 169, 463
Spin traced transition 1-particle density matrices
Spin traced transition 1- and 2-particle density matrices.
Spin separated transition 1- and 2-particle density matrices.
Spin separated transition 1-particle density matrices
Different FCI solvers are implemented to support different type of symmetry. Symmetry
File Point group Spin singlet Real hermitian* Alpha/beta degeneracy direct_spin0_symm Yes Yes Yes Yes di-
rect_spin1_symm Yes No Yes Yes direct_spin0 No Yes Yes Yes direct_spin1 No No Yes Yes direct_uhf No No Yes
No direct_nosym No No No** Yes
Real hermitian Hamiltonian implies (ij|kl) = (ji|kl) = (ij|lk) = (ji|lk)
** Hamiltonian is real but not hermitian, (ij|kl) != (ji|kl) ... FCI solver for Singlet state
Different FCI solvers are implemented to support different type of symmetry. Symmetry
File Point group Spin singlet Real hermitian* Alpha/beta degeneracy direct_spin0_symm Yes Yes Yes Yes di-
rect_spin1_symm Yes No Yes Yes direct_spin0 No Yes Yes Yes direct_spin1 No No Yes Yes direct_uhf No No Yes
No direct_nosym No No No** Yes
Real hermitian Hamiltonian implies (ij|kl) = (ji|kl) = (ij|lk) = (ji|lk)
** Hamiltonian is real but not hermitian, (ij|kl) != (ji|kl) ...
Contract the 1-electron Hamiltonian with a FCI vector to get a new FCI vector.
Contract the 2-electron Hamiltonian with a FCI vector to get a new FCI vector.
Note the input arg eri is NOT the 2e hamiltonian matrix, the 2e hamiltonian is
= (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)𝑝+𝑟+𝑠𝑞 (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)𝛿𝑞𝑟𝑝+𝑠
So eri is defined as
𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑞,𝑟𝑠 = (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)(1/𝑁 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐)
to restore the symmetry between pq and rs,
𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑞,𝑟𝑠 = (𝑝𝑞|𝑟𝑠)(.5/𝑁 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐)[
(𝑝𝑞|𝑞𝑠) +
See also direct_spin1.absorb_h1e()
Diagonal Hamiltonian for Davidson preconditioner
spin-traced 1-particle density matrix
170 Chapter 1. Contents
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Spin traced 1- and 2-particle density matrices,
NOTE the 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑟but is stored as [p,r,q,s]
Spin searated 1-particle density matrices, (alpha,beta)
Spin traced transition 1-particle density matrices
Spin traced transition 1- and 2-particle density matrices.
Spin separated transition 1-particle density matrices
Different FCI solvers are implemented to support different type of symmetry. Symmetry
File Point group Spin singlet Real hermitian* Alpha/beta degeneracy direct_spin0_symm Yes Yes Yes Yes di-
rect_spin1_symm Yes No Yes Yes direct_spin0 No Yes Yes Yes direct_spin1 No No Yes Yes direct_uhf No No Yes
No direct_nosym No No No** Yes
Real hermitian Hamiltonian implies (ij|kl) = (ji|kl) = (ij|lk) = (ji|lk)
** Hamiltonian is real but not hermitian, (ij|kl) != (ji|kl) ...
Different FCI solvers are implemented to support different type of symmetry. Symmetry
File Point group Spin singlet Real hermitian* Alpha/beta degeneracy direct_spin0_symm Yes Yes Yes Yes di-
rect_spin1_symm Yes No Yes Yes direct_spin0 No Yes Yes Yes direct_spin1 No No Yes Yes direct_uhf No No Yes
No direct_nosym No No No** Yes
Real hermitian Hamiltonian implies (ij|kl) = (ji|kl) = (ij|lk) = (ji|lk)
** Hamiltonian is real but not hermitian, (ij|kl) != (ji|kl) ...
1.9.2 cistring
Convert CI determinant address to string
Convert a list of CI determinant address to string
linkstr_index to map between N electron string to N+1 electron string. It maps the given string to the address of
the string which is generated by the creation operator.
For given string str0, index[str0] is nvir x 4 array. Each entry [i(cre),–,str1,sign] means starting from str0,
creating i, to get str1.
linkstr_index to map between N electron string to N-1 electron string. It maps the given string to the address of
the string which is generated by the annihilation operator.
For given string str0, index[str0] is nvir x 4 array. Each entry [–,i(des),str1,sign] means starting from str0,
annihilating i, to get str1.
Look up table, for the strings relationship in terms of a creation-annihilating operator pair.
1.9. fci — Full configuration interaction 171
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
For given string str0, index[str0] is (nocc+nocc*nvir) x 4 array. The first nocc rows [i(:occ),i(:occ),str0,sign]
are occupied-occupied excitations, which do not change the string. The next nocc*nvir rows
[a(:vir),i(:occ),str1,sign] are occupied-virtual exciations, starting from str0, annihilating i, creating a, to get
Generate linkstr_index with the assumption that 𝑝+𝑞|0where 𝑝>𝑞. So the re-
sultant link_index has the structure [pq,*,str1,sign]. It is identical to a call to
Generate string from the given orbital list.
Returns: list of int64. One int64 element represents one string in binary format. The binary format takes the
convention that the one bit stands for one orbital, bit-1 means occupied and bit-0 means unoccupied. The
lowest (right-most) bit corresponds to the lowest orbital in the orb_list.
>>> [bin(x) for xin gen_strings4orblist((0,1,2,3),2)]
[0b11, 0b101, 0b110, 0b1001, 0b1010, 0b1100]
>>> [bin(x) for xin gen_strings4orblist((3,1,0,2),2)]
[0b1010, 0b1001, 0b11, 0b1100, 0b110, 0b101]
Compress the (a, i) pair index in linkstr_index to a lower triangular index, to match the 4-fold symmetry of
Convert string to CI determinant address
Convert a list of string to CI determinant address
Generate strings for Tn amplitudes. Eg n=1 (T1) has nvir*nocc strings, n=2 (T2) has nvir*(nvir-1)/2 *
nocc*(nocc-1)/2 strings.
1.9.3 spin operator
Contract spin square operator with FCI wavefunction 𝑆2|𝐶𝐼 >
Local spin expectation value, which is defined as
For a complete list of AOs, I = sum |ao><ao|, it becomes <CI|S^2|CI>
General spin square operator.
... math:
<CI|S_+*S_-|CI>&=n_\alpha +\delta_{ik}\delta_{jl}Gamma_{i\alpha k\beta ,j\beta
˓l\alpha } \\
<CI|S_-*S_+|CI>&=n_\beta +\delta_{ik}\delta_{jl}Gamma_{i\beta k\alpha ,j\alpha
˓l\beta } \\
<CI|S_z*S_z|CI>&=\delta_{ik}\delta_{jl}(Gamma_{i\alpha k\alpha ,j\alpha l\alpha
172 Chapter 1. Contents
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-Gamma_{i\alpha k\alpha ,j\beta l\beta }
-Gamma_{i\beta k\beta ,j\alpha l\alpha}
+Gamma_{i\beta k\beta ,j\beta l\beta})
Given the overlap betwen non-degenerate alpha and beta orbitals, this function can compute the expectation
value spin square operator for UHF-FCI wavefunction
Spin square for RHF-FCI CI wfn only (obtained from spin-degenerated Hamiltonian)
1.9.4 rdm
FCI 1, 2, 3, 4-particle density matrices.
Spin traced 1, 2 and 3-particle density matrices.
Note: In this function, 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠; 3pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑢. After calling reorder_dm123, the 2pdm and
3pdm are transformed to standard definition: 2pdm = 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠but is stored as [p,s,q,r]; 3pdm = 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑢,
stored as [p,u,q,t,r,s].
Spin traced 1, 2, 3 and 4-particle density matrices.
Note: In this function, 2pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠; 3pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑢; 4pdm is 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑣𝑤. After calling
reorder_dm1234, the 2pdm and 3pdm and 4pdm are transformed to standard definition: 2pdm = 𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑟but
is stored as [p,r,q,s]; 3pdm = 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑢𝑡𝑠, stored as [p,s,q,t,r,u]; 4pdm = 𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑑𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑣𝑢𝑡, stored as
1.9.5 addons
Construct (N+1)-electron wavefunction by adding an alpha electron in the N-electron wavefunction.
... math:
|N+1\rangle =\hat{a}^+_p |N\rangle
ci0 [2D array] CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings.
norb [int] Number of orbitals.
(neleca,nelecb) [(int,int)] Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function
ap_id [int] Orbital index (0-based), for the creation operator
Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of rows to
the input CI coefficients.
1.9. fci — Full configuration interaction 173
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Construct (N+1)-electron wavefunction by adding a beta electron in the N-electron wavefunction.
ci0 [2D array] CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings.
norb [int] Number of orbitals.
(neleca,nelecb) [(int,int)] Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function
ap_id [int] Orbital index (0-based), for the creation operator
Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of columns
to the input CI coefficients.
Construct (N-1)-electron wavefunction by removing an alpha electron from the N-electron wavefunction.
... math:
|N-1\rangle =\hat{a}_p |N\rangle
ci0 [2D array] CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings.
norb [int] Number of orbitals.
(neleca,nelecb) [(int,int)] Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function
ap_id [int] Orbital index (0-based), for the annihilation operator
Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of rows to
the input CI coefficients
Construct (N-1)-electron wavefunction by removing a beta electron from N-electron wavefunction.
ci0 [2D array] CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings.
norb [int] Number of orbitals.
(neleca,nelecb) [(int,int)] Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function
ap_id [int] Orbital index (0-based), for the annihilation operator
Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of columns
to the input CI coefficients.
Determinants overlap on non-orthogonal one-particle basis,eri,fcivec,norb,nelec,link_index=None)
Compute the FCI electronic energy for given Hamiltonian and FCI vector.
If FCI solver cannot stick on spin eigenfunction, modify the solver by adding a shift on spin square operator
(𝐻+𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑡 *𝑆2)|Ψ=𝐸|Ψ
Args: fciobj : An instance of FCISolver
174 Chapter 1. Contents
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shift [float] Level shift for states which have different spin
ss [number] S^2 expection value == s*(s+1)
Returns A modified FCI object based on fciobj.
Guess the wavefunction symmetry based on the non-zero elements in the given CI coefficients.
ci [2D array] CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings.
norb [int] Number of orbitals.
nelec [int or 2-item list] Number of electrons, or 2-item list for (alpha, beta) electrons
orbsym [list of int] The irrep ID for each orbital.
Returns: Irrep ID
Generate a triplet initial guess for FCI solver
Search for the largest CI coefficients
Overlap between two CI wavefunctions
s[2D array or a list of 2D array] The overlap matrix of non-orthogonal one-particle basis
Reorder the CI coefficients, to adapt the reordered orbitals (The relation of the reordered orbitals and original
orbitals is new = old[idx]). Eg.
The orbital ordering indices orbidx = [2,0,1] indicates the map old orbital a b c -> new orbital c a b. The
strings are reordered as old-strings 0b011, 0b101, 0b110 == (1,2), (1,3), (2,3) <= apply orbidx to get orb-strings
orb-strings (3,1), (3,2), (1,2) == 0B101, 0B110, 0B011 <= by gen_strings4orblist then argsort to translate the
string representation to the address [2(=0B011), 0(=0B101), 1(=0B110)]
Generate CI wavefunction initial guess which has the given symmetry.
norb [int] Number of orbitals.
nelec [int or 2-item list] Number of electrons, or 2-item list for (alpha, beta) electrons
orbsym [list of int] The irrep ID for each orbital.
wfnsym [int] The irrep ID of target symmetry
irrep_nelec [dict] Freeze occupancy for certain irreps
Returns: CI coefficients 2D array which has the target symmetry.
Symmetrize the CI wavefunction by zeroing out the determinants which do not have the right symmetry.
1.9. fci — Full configuration interaction 175
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
ci [2D array] CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings.
norb [int] Number of orbitals.
nelec [int or 2-item list] Number of electrons, or 2-item list for (alpha, beta) electrons
orbsym [list of int] The irrep ID for each orbital.
wfnsym [int] The irrep ID of target symmetry
Returns: 2D array which is the symmetrized CI coefficients
Transform CI coefficients to the representation in new one-particle basis. Solving CI problem for Hamiltonian
h1, h2 defined in old basis, CI_old = fci.kernel(h1, h2, ...) Given orbital rotation u, the CI problem can be either
solved by transforming the Hamiltonian, or transforming the coefficients. CI_new = fci.kernel(u^T*h1*u, ...) =
transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(CI_old, u)
u[2D array or a list of 2D array] the orbital rotation to transform the old one-particle basis to new one-
particle basis
1.10 symm – Point group symmetry and spin symmetry
This module offers the functions to detect point group symmetry, basis symmetriziation, Clebsch-Gordon coefficients.
This module works as a plugin of PySCF package. Symmetry is not hard coded in each method.
PySCF supports D2h symmetry and linear molecule symmetry (Dooh and Coov). For D2h, the direct production of
representations are
D2h A1g B1g B2g B3g A1u B1u B2u B3u
A1g A1g
B1g B1g A1g
B2g B2g B3g A1g
B3g B3g B2g B1g A1g
A1u A1u B1u B2u B3u A1g
B1u B1u A1u B3u B2u B1g A1g
B2u B2u B3u A1u B1u B2g B3g A1g
B3u B3u B2u B1u A1u B3g B2g B1g A1g
The multiplication table for XOR operator is
XOR 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
000 000
001 001 000
010 010 011 000
011 011 010 001 000
100 100 101 110 111 000
101 101 100 111 110 001 000
110 110 111 100 101 010 011 000
111 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000
Comparing the two table, we notice that the two tables can be changed to each other with the mapping
176 Chapter 1. Contents
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A1g 000 0
B1g 001 1
B2g 010 2
B3g 011 3
A1u 100 4
B1u 101 5
B2u 110 6
B3u 111 7
The XOR operator and the D2h subgroups have the similar relationships. We therefore use the XOR operator ID to
assign the irreps (see pyscf/symm/
Ag 00 0 A1 00 0 A1 00 0
Bg 01 1 A2 01 1 B1 01 1
Au 10 2 B1 10 2 B2 10 2
Bu 11 3 B2 11 3 B3 11 3
A 0 0 Ag 0 0 A 0 0
B” 1 1 Au 1 1 B 1 1
To easily get the relationship between the linear molecule symmetry and D2h/C2v, the ID for irreducible representa-
tions of linear molecule symmetry are chosen as (see pyscf/symm/
A1g 0 Ag 0
A2g 1 B1g 1
A1u 5 B1u 5
A2u 4 Au 4
E1gx 2 B2g 2
E1gy 3 B3g 3
E1uy 6 B2u 6
E1ux 7 B3u 7
E2gx 10 Ag 0
E2gy 11 B1g 1
E2ux 15 B1u 5
E2uy 14 Au 4
E3gx 12 B2g 2
E3gy 13 B3g 3
E3uy 16 B2u 6
E3ux 17 B3u 7
E4gx 20 Ag 0
E4gy 21 B1g 1
E4ux 25 B1u 5
E4uy 24 Au 4
E5gx 22 B2g 2
E5gy 23 B3g 3
E5uy 26 B2u 6
E5ux 27 B3u 7
1.10. symm – Point group symmetry and spin symmetry 177
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
A1 0 A1 0
A2 1 A2 1
E1x 2 B1 2
E1y 3 B2 3
E2x 10 A1 0
E2y 11 A2 1
E3x 12 B1 2
E3y 13 B2 3
E4x 20 A1 0
E4y 21 A2 1
E5x 22 B1 2
E5y 23 B2 3
So that, the subduction from linear molecule symmetry to D2h/C2v can be achieved by the modular operation %10.
In many output messages, the irreducible representations are labeld with the IDs instead of the irreps’ symbols. We
can use symm.addons.irrep_id2name() to convert the ID to irreps’ symbol, e.g.:
>>> from pyscf import symm
>>> [symm.irrep_id2name('Dooh', x) for xin [7,6,0,10,11,0,5,3,2,5,15,14]]
['E1ux', 'E1uy', 'A1g', 'E2gx', 'E2gy', 'A1g', 'A1u', 'E1gy', 'E1gx', 'A1u', 'E2ux',
1.10.1 Enabling symmetry in other module
To control the HF determinant symmetry, one can assign occupancy for particular irreps, e.g.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import scf
Specify irrep_nelec to control the wave function symmetry
mol =gto.Mole()
verbose =0,
atom ='''
C 0. 0. 0.625
C 0. 0. -0.625 ''',
basis ='cc-pVDZ',
spin =0,
symmetry =True,
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
# Frozen occupancy
178 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
# 'A1g': 4 electrons
# 'E1gx': 2 electrons
# 'E1gy': 2 electrons
# Rest 4 electrons are put in irreps A1u, E1ux, E1uy ... based on Aufbau principle
mf.irrep_nelec ={'A1g':4,'E1gx':2,'E1gy':2}
print('E = %.15g ref = -74.1112374269129' %e)
mol.symmetry ='D2h'
mol.charge =1
mol.spin =1, parse_arg=False)
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
# Frozen occupancy
# 'Ag': 2 alpha, 1 beta electrons
# 'B1u': 4 electrons
# 'B2u': 2 electrons
# 'B3u': 2 electrons
mf.irrep_nelec ={'Ag': (2,1), 'B1u':4,'B2u':2,'B3u':2,}
print('E = %.15g ref = -74.4026583773135' %e)
# Frozen occupancy
# 'Ag': 4 electrons
# 'B1u': 2 alpha, 1 beta electrons
# 'B2u': 2 electrons
# 'B3u': 2 electrons
mf.irrep_nelec ={'Ag':4,'B1u': (2,1), 'B2u':2,'B3u':2,}
print('E = %.15g ref = -74.8971476600812' %e)
FCI wavefunction symmetry can be controlled by initial guess. Function
fci.addons.symm_initguess() can generate the FCI initial guess with the right symmetry.
The symmetry of active space in the CASCI/CASSCF calculations can controlled
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
Active space can be adjusted by specifing the number of orbitals for each irrep.
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
mol =gto.Mole()
atom ='N000;N002',
basis ='ccpvtz',
symmetry =True,
1.10. symm – Point group symmetry and spin symmetry 179
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
myhf =scf.RHF(mol)
mymc =mcscf.CASSCF(myhf, 8,4)
mo =mcscf.sort_mo_by_irrep(mymc, myhf.mo_coeff,
MP2 and CCSD
Point group symmetry are not supported in CCSD, MP2.
Program reference
1.10.2 geom
pyscf.symm.geom.alias_axes(axes,ref )
Rename axes, make it as close as possible to the ref axes
Detect the point group symmetry for given molecule.
Return group name, charge center, and nex_axis (three rows for x,y,z)
rotate angle theta along vec new(x,y,z) = R * old(x,y,z)
1.10.3 basis
Generate symmetry adapted basis
Map irreps to D2h or C2v
1.10.4 addons
Solve eigenvalue problem based on the symmetry information for basis. See also pyscf/lib/
>>> from pyscf import gto, symm
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True)
>>> c=numpy.hstack(mol.symm_orb)
>>> vnuc_so =reduce(, (c.T, mol.intor('int1e_nuc_sph'), c))
>>> orbsym =symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_name, mol.symm_orb, c)
>>> symm.eigh(vnuc_so, orbsym)
(array([-4.50766885, -1.80666351, -1.7808565 , -1.7808565 , -1.74189134,
-0.98998583, -0.98998583, -0.40322226, -0.30242374, -0.07608981]),
180 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Convert the internal irrep ID to irrep symbol
gpname [str] The point group symbol
irrep_id [int] See IRREP_ID_TABLE in pyscf/symm/
Returns: Irrep sybmol, str
Convert the irrep symbol to internal irrep ID
gpname [str] The point group symbol
symb [str] Irrep symbol
Returns: Irrep ID, int
Label the symmetry of given orbitals
irrep_name can be either the symbol or the ID of the irreducible representation. If the ID is provided, it returns
the numeric code associated with XOR operator, see symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE()
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
irrep_name [list of str or int] A list of irrep ID or name, it can be either mol.irrep_id or mol.irrep_name.
It can affect the return “label”.
symm_orb [list of 2d array] the symmetry adapted basis
mo [2d array] the orbitals to label
Returns: list of symbols or integers to represent the irreps for the given orbitals
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, symm
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001', basis='ccpvdz',verbose=0, symmetry=1)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_name, mol.symm_orb, mf.mo_coeff)
['Ag', 'B1u', 'Ag', 'B1u', 'B2u', 'B3u', 'Ag', 'B2g', 'B3g', 'B1u']
>>> symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_id, mol.symm_orb, mf.mo_coeff)
[0, 5, 0, 5, 6, 7, 0, 2, 3, 5]
Pick orbitals to form a determinant which has the right symmetry. If solution is not found, return []
std_symb(‘d2h’) returns D2h; std_symb(‘D2H’) returns D2h
Symmetrize the given orbitals.
This function is different to the symmetrize_space(): In this function, each orbital is symmetrized by
removing non-symmetric components. symmetrize_space() symmetrizes the entire space by mixing dif-
ferent orbitals.
Note this function might return non-orthorgonal orbitals. Call symmetrize_space() to find the sym-
metrized orbitals that are close to the given orbitals.
1.10. symm – Point group symmetry and spin symmetry 181
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
mo [2D float array] The orbital space to symmetrize
orbsym [integer list] Irrep id for each orbital. If not given, the irreps are guessed by calling
s[2D float array] Overlap matrix. If given, use this overlap than the the overlap of the input mol.
Returns: 2D orbital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, symm, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom ='C 0 0 0; H 1 1 1; H -1 -1 1; H 1 -1 -1; H -1 1 -1
... basis ='sto3g')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>>,0, symmetry='D2')
>>> mo =symm.symmetrize_orb(mol, mf.mo_coeff)
>>> print(symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_name, mol.symm_orb, mo))
['A', 'A', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'A', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3']
Symmetrize the given orbital space.
This function is different to the symmetrize_orb(): In this function, the given orbitals are mixed to reveal
the symmtery; symmetrize_orb() projects out non-symmetric components for each orbital.
mo [2D float array] The orbital space to symmetrize
s[2D float array] Overlap matrix. If not given, overlap is computed with the input mol.
Returns: 2D orbital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, symm, scf
>>> mol =gto.M(atom ='C 0 0 0; H 1 1 1; H -1 -1 1; H 1 -1 -1; H -1 1 -1
... basis ='sto3g')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>>,0, symmetry='D2')
>>> mo =symm.symmetrize_space(mol, mf.mo_coeff)
>>> print(symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_name, mol.symm_orb, mo))
['A', 'A', 'A', 'B1', 'B1', 'B2', 'B2', 'B3', 'B3']
182 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.10.5 Clebsch Gordon coefficients
1.11 df — Density fitting
1.11.1 Introduction
The df module provides the fundamental functions to handle the 3-index tensors required by the density fitting (DF)
method or the resolution of identity (RI) approximation. Specifically, it includes the functions to compute the 3-center
2-electron AO integrals, the DF/RI 3-index tensor in the form of Cholesky decomposed integral tensor ((𝑖𝑗|𝑘𝑙) =
𝑉𝑖𝑗,𝑥𝑉𝑘𝑙,𝑥), the AO to MO integral transformation of the 3-index tensor, as well as the functions to generate the
density fitting basis.
The density_fit() method can utilize the DF method at SCF and MCSCF level:
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001.2', basis='def2-tzvp')
mf =scf.RHF(mol).density_fit().run()
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 8,10).density_fit().run()
Once the DF method is enabled at the SCF level, all the post-SCF methods will automatically enable the DF method,
for example:
from pyscf import gto, dft, tddft
mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001.2', basis='def2-tzvp')
mf =dft.RKS(mol).density_fit().run()
td =tddft.TDA(mf).run()
In PySCF, DF is implemented at different level of implementations for different methods. They are summarized in the
following table
Methods Fake-ERI Native DF Properties with DF
HF/DFT Yes Yes
Generlized HF/DFT Yes No
Relativistic HF Yes Yes
RMP2 Yes No
UMP2 Yes No
PBC Gamma-point CCSD Yes Yes
PBC k-points CCSD Yes No
Fake-ERI means to mimic the 4-center 2-electron repulsion integrals (ERI) by precontracting the DF 3-index tensor.
This is the simplest way to enable DF integrals, although the fake-ERI mechanism may require huge amount of
memory also may be slow in performance. It provides the most convenient way to embed the DF integrals in the
existing code, thus it is supported by almost every method in PySCF. It is particularly important in the periodic code.
Using the fake-ERIs allows us to call all quantum chemistry methods developed at molecular level in the Γ-point
calculations without modifying any existing molecular code. See also the pbc.df — PBC denisty fitting module.
Some methods have native DF implementation. This means the performance of the DF technique has been considered
1.11. df — Density fitting 183
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in the code. In these methods, DF approximation generally runs faster than the regular scheme without integral
approximation and also consumes less memory or disk space.
When density fitting is enabled in a method, a with_df object will be generated and attached to the method object.
with_df is the object to hold all DF relevant quantiles, such as the DF basis, the file to save the 3-index tensor, the
amount of memory to use etc. You can modify the attributes of with_df to get more control over the DF methods. In
the SCF and MCSCF methods, setting with_df to None will switch off the DF approximation. In the periodic code,
all two-electron integrals are evaluated by DF approximations. There are four different types of DF schemes (FFTDF,
AFTDF,GDF,MDF see pbc.df — PBC denisty fitting), available in the periodic code. By assigning different DF object
to with_df, different DF schemes can be applied in the PBC calculations.
DF auxiliary basis
The default auxiliary basis set are generated by function pyscf.df.addons.make_basis() based on the orbital
basis specified in the calculation according to the rules defined in pyscf.df.addons.DEFAULT_AUXBASIS.
Specifically, the jkfit basis in the first column is used for Hartree-Fock or DFT methods, and the ri basis in the second
column is used for correlation calculations. These optimized auxiliary basis sets are obtained from http://www.psicode.
org/psi4manual/master/basissets_byfamily.html If optimized auxiliary basis set was not found for the orbital basis set,
even-tempered Gaussian functions are generated automatically.
Specifying auxiliary basis is a common requirement in the real applications. For example, the default auxiliary basis
set for the pure DFT calculations may be over complete since it is designed to represent both the Coulomb and HF
exchange matrix. Coulomb fitting basis such as Weigend-cfit basis or Ahlrichs-cfit basis are often enough to obtain
chemical accuracy. To control the fitting basis in DF method, You can change the value of with_df.auxbasis
attribute. The input format of auxiliary fitting basis is exactly the same to the input format of orbital basis set. For
from pyscf import gto, dft
mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001.2', basis='def2-tzvp')
mf =dft.RKS(mol)
mf.xc ='pbe,pbe' # -109.432313679876
mf =mf.density_fit() # -109.432329411505
mf.with_df.auxbasis ='weigend' # -109.432334646584
More examples for inputing auxiliary basis in the DF calculation can be found in
Even-tempered auxiliary Gaussian basis
The even-tempered auxiliary Gaussian basis is generated by function aug_etb():
from pyscf import gto, df
mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001.2', basis='ccpvdz')
print(mol.nao_nr()) # 28
auxbasis =df.aug_etb(mol)
print(df.make_auxmol(mol, auxbasis).nao_nr()) # 200
auxbasis =df.aug_etb(mol, beta=1.6)
print(df.make_auxmol(mol, auxbasis).nao_nr()) # 338
Here the make_auxmol() function converts the auxbasis to a Mole object which can be used to evaluate the
analytical integrals the same way as the regular Mole object. The formula to generate the exponents 𝜁of the even-
184 Chapter 1. Contents
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tempered auxiliary basis are
𝜙=𝑟𝑙exp(𝜁𝑖𝑙𝑟2), 𝑖 = 0..𝑛
𝜁𝑖𝑙 =𝛼×𝛽𝑖:𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙 :𝑒𝑡𝑏
The default value of 𝛽is 2.3. 𝛼and the number of auxiliary basis 𝑛is determined based on the orbital basis. Given
the orbital basis
the orbital pair on the same center produces a new one-center basis
𝑙)𝑟2) = 𝑟𝐿exp(𝛼𝐿𝑟2)
The minimal 𝛼𝐿in all orbital pairs is assigned to 𝛼in (??). Then 𝑛is estimated to make the largest auxiliary exponent
𝜁as close as possible to the maximum 𝛼𝐿. The size of generated even-tempered Gaussian basis is typically 5 - 10
times of the size of the orbital basis, or 2 - 3 times more than the optimized auxiliary basis. (Note the accuracy of
this even-tempered auxiliary basis is not fully benchmarked. The error is close to the optimized auxiliary basis in our
Saving/Loading DF integral tensor
Although it is not expensive to compute DF integral tensor in the molecular calculation, saving/loading the 3-index
tensor is still useful since it provides an alternative way, different to the attribute _eri of mean-field object (see
Customizing Hamiltonian), to customize the Hamiltonian.
In the DF-SCF method, the 3-index tensor is held in the with_df object. The with_df object (see
pyscf.df.df.DF class) provides two attributes _cderi_to_save and _cderi to access the DF 3-index inte-
If a DF integral tensor is assigned to _cderi, the integrals will be used in the DF calculation. The DF integral tensor
can be either a numpy array or an HDF5 file on disk. When the DF integrals are provided in the HDF5 file, the integral
needs to be stored under the dataset 'j3c':
import numpy
import h5py
from pyscf import gto, scf, df
mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H101;H011;H110', basis='sto3g')
nao =mol.nao_nr()
with h5py.File('df_ints.h5','w')as f:
mf =scf.RHF(mol).density_fit()
mf.with_df._cderi ='df_ints.h5'
As shown in the above example, the integral tensor 𝑉𝑥,𝑖𝑗 provided in _cderi should be a 2D array in C (row-major)
convention. Its first index corresponds to the auxiliary basis and the second combined index ij is the orbital pair index.
When load DF integrals, we assumed hermitian symmetry between the two orbital index, ie only the elements 𝑖𝑗
are left in the DF integral tensor. Thus the DF integral tensor should be a 2D array, with shape (M,N*(N+1)/2),
where Mis the number of auxiliary functions, N is the number of orbitals.
If _cderi is not specified, the DF integral tensor will be generated during the calculation and stored to the file that
the attribute _cderi_to_save points to. By default, it is a random file and the random file will be deleted if
the calculation finishes successfully. You can find the filename in the output log (when with.verbose > 3, for
1.11. df — Density fitting 185
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******** <class 'pyscf.df.df.DF'> flags ********
auxbasis = None
max_memory = 20000
_cderi_to_save = /scratch/tmp6rGrSD
If the calculation is terminated problematically with error or any other reasons, you can reuse the DF integrals in the
next calculation by assigning the integral file to _cderi. Overwriting _cderi_to_save with a filename will make
the program save the DF integrals in the given filename regardless whether the calculation is succeed or failed. See
also the example pyscf/examples/df/
Precomputing the DF integral tensor
The DF integral tensor can be computed without initialization the with_df object. Functions cholesky_eri()
defined in df.incore and df.outcore can generate DF integral tensor in memory or in a HDF5 file:
from pyscf import gto, df
mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N111', basis='ccpvdz')
cderi =df.incore.cholesky_eri(mol, auxbasis='ccpvdz-jkfit')
df.outcore.cholesky_eri(mol, 'df_ints.h5', auxbasis='ccpvdz-jkfit')
These cderi integrals has the same data structure as the one generated in with_df object. They can be directly
used in the DF type calculations:
from pyscf import scf
mf =scf.RHF(mol).density_fit()
mf.with_df._cderi =cderi
mf.with_df._cderi ='df_ints.h5'
Approximating orbital hessian in SCF and MCSCF
Orbital hessian is required by the second order SCF solver or MCSCF solver. In many systems, approximating the
orbital hessian has negligible effects to the convergence and the solutions of the SCF or MCSCF orbital optimization
procedure. Using DF method to approximate the orbital hessian can improve the overall performance. For example,
the following code enables the DF approximation to the orbital hessian in SCF calculation:
from pyscf import gto, scf
mol =gto.M(atom='N000;O001.5', spin=1, basis='ccpvdz')
mf =scf.RHF(mol).newton().density_fit().run(verbose=4)# converged SCF energy = -
mf =scf.RHF(mol).run(verbose=4)# converged SCF energy = -
The approximation to orbital hessian does not change the SCF result. In the above example, it produces the same
solution to the regular SCF result. Similarly, when the DF approximation is used with CASSCF orbital hessian, the
CASSCF result should not change. Continuing the above example, we can use the mcscf.approx_hessian()
function to change the orbital hessian of the given CASSCF object:
from pyscf import mcscf
mc =mcscf.approx_hessian(mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 8,11)).run() # -129.283077136
mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 8,11).run() # -129.283077136
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Note: In the second order SCF solver, the order to apply the density_fit and newton methods affects the character of
the resultant SCF object. For example, the statement mf = scf.RHF(mol).density_fit().newton() first
produces a DFHF object then enable the second order Newton solver for the DFHF object. The resultant SCF object
is a DFHF object. See more examples in examples/scf/
1.11.2 Program reference
DF class
class pyscf.df.df.DF(mol)
Object to hold 3-index tensor
auxbasis [str or dict] Same input format as Mole.basis
auxmol [Mole object] Read only Mole object to hold the auxiliary basis. auxmol is generated automat-
ically in the initialization step based on the given auxbasis. It is used in the rest part of the code to
determine the problem size, the integral batches etc. This object should NOT be modified.
_cderi_to_save [str] If _cderi_to_save is specified, the DF integral tensor will be saved in this file.
_cderi [str or numpy array] If _cderi is specified, the DF integral tensor will be read from this HDF5 file
(or numpy array). When the DF integral tensor is provided from the HDF5 file, it has to be stored
under the dataset ‘j3c’. The DF integral tensor 𝑉𝑥,𝑖𝑗 should be a 2D array in C (row-major) conven-
tion, where x corresponds to index of auxiliary basis, and the combined index ij is the orbital pair
index. The hermitian symmetry is assumed for the combined ij index, ie the elements of 𝑉𝑥,𝑖,𝑗 with
𝑖𝑗are existed in the DF integral tensor. Thus the shape of DF integral tensor is (M,N*(N+1)/2),
where M is the number of auxbasis functions and N is the number of basis functions of the orbital
blockdim [int] When reading DF integrals from disk the chunk size to load. It is used to improve the IO
3-center 2-electron AO integrals (L|ij), where L is the auxiliary basis.
3-center AO integrals (ij|L), where L is the auxiliary basis.
fauxe2=<function aux_e2>)
Returns: 2D array of (naux,nao*(nao+1)/2) in C-contiguous
2-center 2-electron AO integrals for auxiliary basis (auxmol)
See also pyscf.df.addons.make_auxmol.
This funciton is defined for backward compatibility.
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3-center 2-electron AO integrals
3-center 2-electron AO integrals
Transform ij of (ij|L) to MOs.
To generate the even-tempered auxiliary Gaussian basis
augment weigend basis with even-tempered gaussian basis exps = alpha*beta^i for i = 1..N
class pyscf.df.addons.load(eri,dataname=’j3c’)
load 3c2e integrals from hdf5 file. It can be used in the context manager:
with load(cderifile) as eri: print eri.shape
Depending on the orbital basis, generating even-tempered Gaussians or the optimized auxiliary basis defined in
Generate a fake Mole object which uses the density fitting auxbasis as the basis sets. If auxbasis is not
specified, the optimized auxiliary fitting basis set will be generated according to the rules recorded in
pyscf.df.addons.DEFAULT_AUXBASIS. If the optimized auxiliary basis is not available (either not specified in
DEFAULT_AUXBASIS or the basis set of the required elements not defined in the optimized auxiliary basis),
even-tempered Gaussian basis set will be generated.
See also the paper JCTC, 13, 554 about the generation of auxiliary fitting basis.
1.12 dft — Density functional theory
1.12.1 Customizing XC functional
XC functional of DFT methods can be customized. The simplest way to customize XC functional is to assigned a
string expression to mf.xc:
from pyscf import gto, dft
mol =gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0.9 0 0', basis='6-31g')
mf =dft.RKS(mol)
mf.xc ='HF*0.2 + .08*LDA + .72*B88, .81*LYP + .19*VWN'
188 Chapter 1. Contents
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mf.xc ='HF*0.5 + .08*LDA + .42*B88, .81*LYP + .19*VWN'
mf.xc ='HF*0.8 + .08*LDA + .12*B88, .81*LYP + .19*VWN'
mf.xc ='HF'
The XC functional string is parsed against the following rules.
The given functional description must be a one-line string.
The functional description is case-insensitive.
The functional description string has two parts, separated by ,. The first part describes the exchange functional,
the second is the correlation functional. - If ,was not appeared in string, the entire string is considered as
X functional.
To neglect X functional (just apply C functional), leave blank in the first part, eg mf.xc=',vwn' for
pure VWN functional
The functional name can be placed in arbitrary order. Two names needs to be separated by operators +or -.
Blank spaces are ignored. NOTE the parser only reads operators + -*./is not supported.
A functional name is associated with one factor. If the factor is not given, it is assumed equaling 1.
String 'HF' stands for exact exchange (HF K matrix). It is allowed to put 'HF' in C (correlation) functional
Be careful with the libxc convention on GGA functional, in which the LDA contribution is included.
Another way to customize XC functional is to redefine the eval_xc() method of numerical integral class:
mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F0.900', basis ='6-31g')
mf =dft.RKS(mol)
def eval_xc(xc_code, rho, spin=0, relativity=0, deriv=1, verbose=None):
# A fictitious XC functional to demonstrate the usage
rho0, dx, dy, dz =rho
gamma =(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2)
exc = .01 *rho0**2+ .02 *(gamma+.001)**.5
vrho = .01 *2*rho0
vgamma = .02 *.5*(gamma+.001)**(-.5)
vlapl =None
vtau =None
vxc =(vrho, vgamma, vlapl, vtau)
fxc =None # 2nd order functional derivative
kxc =None # 3rd order functional derivative
return exc, vxc, fxc, kxc
dft.libxc.define_xc_(mf._numint, eval_xc, xctype='GGA')
By calling dft.libxc.define_xc_() function, the customized eval_xc() function is patched to the numer-
ical integration class mf._numint dynamically.
More examples of customizing DFT XC functional can be found in examples/dft/
and examples/dft/
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1.12.2 Program reference
Non-relativistic restricted Kohn-Sham
class pyscf.dft.rks.RKS(mol)
Restricted Kohn-Sham SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
chkfile [str] checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-10
conv_tol_grad [float] gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50
init_guess [str] initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘1e’, ‘chkfile’. Default
is ‘minao’
diis [boolean or object of DIIS class listed in scf.diis] Default is diis.SCF_DIIS. Set
it to None to turn off DIIS.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
diis_file: ‘str’ File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
level_shift [float or int] Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
direct_scf [bool] Direct SCF is used by default.
direct_scf_tol [float] Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
callback [function(envs_dict) => None] callback function takes one dict as the argument
which is generated by the builtin function locals(), so that the callback function can
access all local variables in the current envrionment.
conv_check [bool] An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
Saved results
converged [bool] SCF converged or not
e_tot [float] Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
mo_energy : Orbital energies
mo_occ Orbital occupancy
mo_coeff Orbital coefficients
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
>>> mf =scf.hf.SCF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.level_shift = .4
>>> mf.scf()
190 Chapter 1. Contents
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Attributes for RKS:
xc [str] ‘X_name,C_name’ for the XC functional. Default is ‘lda,vwn’
grids [Grids object] grids.level (0 - 9) big number for large mesh grids. Default is 3
radi.treutler_atomic_radii_adjust (default)
None : to switch off atomic radii adjustment
radi.BRAGG_RADII (default)
None : to switch off atomic radii adjustment
grids.radi_method scheme for radial grids
radi.treutler (default)
grids.becke_scheme weight partition function
gen_grid.original_becke (default)
grids.prune scheme to reduce number of grids
gen_grid.nwchem_prune (default)
None : to switch off grids pruning
grids.symmetry True/False to symmetrize mesh grids (TODO)
grids.atom_grid Set (radial, angular) grids for particular atoms. Eg, grids.atom_grid =
{‘H’: (20,110)} will generate 20 radial grids and 110 angular grids for H atom.
small_rho_cutoff [float] Drop grids if their contribution to total electrons smaller than this
cutoff value. Default is 1e-7.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz',
>>> mf =dft.RKS(mol)
>>> mf.xc ='b3lyp'
>>> mf.kernel()
Electronic part of RKS energy.
Args: ks : an instance of DFT class
dm [2D ndarray] one-partical density matrix
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
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Returns: RKS electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution
Coulomb + XC functional
Note: This function will change the ks object.
ks [an instance of RKS] XC functional are controlled by ks.xc attribute. Attribute ks.grids might be
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function
computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference Vxc potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
Returns: matrix Veff = J + Vxc. Veff can be a list matrices, if the input dm is a list of density matrices.
Electronic part of RKS energy.
Args: ks : an instance of DFT class
dm [2D ndarray] one-partical density matrix
h1e [2D ndarray] Core hamiltonian
Returns: RKS electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution
Coulomb + XC functional
Note: This function will change the ks object.
ks [an instance of RKS] XC functional are controlled by ks.xc attribute. Attribute ks.grids might be
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
dm_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function computes
the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
192 Chapter 1. Contents
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vhf_last [ndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0] The reference Vxc potential matrix.
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
Returns: matrix Veff = J + Vxc. Veff can be a list matrices, if the input dm is a list of density matrices.
Non-relativistic Unrestricted Kohn-Sham
class pyscf.dft.uks.UKS(mol)
Unrestricted Kohn-Sham See pyscf/dft/ RKS class for the usage of the attributes
Coulomb + XC functional for UKS. See pyscf/dft/ get_veff() fore more details.
Coulomb + XC functional for UKS. See pyscf/dft/ get_veff() fore more details.
Generate DFT grids and weights, based on the code provided by Gerald Knizia <>
Reference for Lebedev-Laikov grid: V. I. Lebedev, and D. N. Laikov “A quadrature formula for the sphere of the
131st algebraic order of accuracy”, Doklady Mathematics, 59, 477-481 (1999)
class pyscf.dft.gen_grid.Grids(mol)
DFT mesh grids
Attributes for Grids:
level [int (0 - 9)] big number for large mesh grids, default is 3
atomic_radii [1D array]
radi.BRAGG_RADII (default)
None : to switch off atomic radii adjustment
radii_adjust [function(mol, atomic_radii) => (function(atom_id, atom_id, g) => array_like_g)]
Function to adjust atomic radii, can be one of | radi.treutler_atomic_radii_adjust |
radi.becke_atomic_radii_adjust | None : to switch off atomic radii adjustment
radi_method [function(n) => (rad_grids, rad_weights)] scheme for radial grids, can be one of |
radi.treutler (default) | radi.delley | radi.mura_knowles | radi.gauss_chebyshev
becke_scheme [function(v) => array_like_v] weight partition function, can be one of |
gen_grid.original_becke (default) | gen_grid.stratmann
prune [function(nuc, rad_grids, n_ang) => list_n_ang_for_each_rad_grid] scheme to reduce num-
ber of grids, can be one of | gen_grid.nwchem_prune (default) | gen_grid.sg1_prune |
gen_grid.treutler_prune | None : to switch off grid pruning
symmetry [bool] whether to symmetrize mesh grids (TODO)
atom_grid [dict] Set (radial, angular) grids for particular atoms. Eg, grids.atom_grid = {‘H’: (20,110)}
will generate 20 radial grids and 110 angular grids for H atom.
level [int] To control the number of radial and angular grids. The default level 3 corresponds to (50,302)
for H, He; (75,302) for second row; (80~105,434) for rest.
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>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> grids =dft.gen_grid.Grids(mol)
>>> grids.level =4
Generate number of radial grids and angular grids for the given molecule.
Returns: A dict, with the atom symbol for the dict key. For each atom type, the dict value has two items:
one is the meshgrid coordinates wrt the atom center; the second is the volume of that grid.
gen_partition(mol,atom_grids_tab,radii_adjust=None,atomic_radii=array([ 0.,0.66140414,
3.30702072,3.30702072,3.30702072]),becke_scheme=<function origi-
Generate the mesh grid coordinates and weights for DFT numerical integration. We can change
radii_adjust, becke_scheme functions to generate different meshgrid.
Returns: grid_coord and grid_weight arrays. grid_coord array has shape (N,3); weight 1D array has N
Mask to indicate whether a shell is zero on grid
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
coords [2D array, shape (N,3)] The coordinates of grids.
relativity [bool] No effects.
shls_slice [2-element list] (shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id <
shl_end) are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
verbose [int or object of Logger] No effects.
Returns: 2D mask array of shape (N,nbas), where N is the number of grids, nbas is the number of shells.
194 Chapter 1. Contents
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Generate number of radial grids and angular grids for the given molecule.
Returns: A dict, with the atom symbol for the dict key. For each atom type, the dict value has two items: one
is the meshgrid coordinates wrt the atom center; the second is the volume of that grid.
atomic_radii=array([ 0.,0.66140414,2.64561657,
becke_scheme=<function original_becke>)
Generate the mesh grid coordinates and weights for DFT numerical integration. We can change radii_adjust,
becke_scheme functions to generate different meshgrid.
Returns: grid_coord and grid_weight arrays. grid_coord array has shape (N,3); weight 1D array has N ele-
Mask to indicate whether a shell is zero on grid
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
coords [2D array, shape (N,3)] The coordinates of grids.
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PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
relativity [bool] No effects.
shls_slice [2-element list] (shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id < shl_end)
are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
verbose [int or object of Logger] No effects.
Returns: 2D mask array of shape (N,nbas), where N is the number of grids, nbas is the number of shells.
pyscf.dft.gen_grid.nwchem_prune(nuc,rads,n_ang,radii=array([ 0.,0.66140414,2.64561657,
nuc [int] Nuclear charge.
rads [1D array] Grid coordinates on radical axis.
n_ang [int] Max number of grids over angular part.
radii [1D array] radii (in Bohr) for atoms in periodic table
Returns: A list has the same length as rads. The list element is the number of grids over angular part for each
radial grid.
196 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Becke, JCP, 88, 2547 (1988)
pyscf.dft.gen_grid.sg1_prune(nuc,rads,n_ang,radii=array([ 0.,1.,0.5882,3.0769,2.0513,
SG1, CPL, 209, 506
nuc [int] Nuclear charge.
rads [1D array] Grid coordinates on radical axis.
n_ang [int] Max number of grids over angular part.
radii [1D array] radii (in Bohr) for atoms in periodic table
Returns: A list has the same length as rads. The list element is the number of grids over angular part for each
radial grid.
Stratmann, Scuseria, Frisch. CPL, 257, 213 (1996)
nuc [int] Nuclear charge.
rads [1D array] Grid coordinates on radical axis.
n_ang [int] Max number of grids over angular part.
Returns: A list has the same length as rads. The list element is the number of grids over angular part for each
radial grid.
Compute the 0th order density, Vxc and fxc. They can be used in TDDFT, DFT hessian module etc.
Evaluate AO function value on the given grids.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
coords [2D array, shape (N,3)] The coordinates of the grids.
deriv [int] AO derivative order. It affects the shape of the return array. If deriv=0, the returned AO values
are stored in a (N,nao) array. Otherwise the AO values are stored in an array of shape (M,N,nao).
Here N is the number of grids, nao is the number of AO functions, M is the size associated to the
derivative deriv.
relativity [bool] No effects.
shls_slice [2-element list] (shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id < shl_end)
are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
non0tab [2D bool array] mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can be
obtained by calling make_mask()
1.12. dft — Density functional theory 197
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
out [ndarray] If provided, results are written into this array.
verbose [int or object of Logger] No effects.
Returns: 2D array of shape (N,nao) for AO values if deriv = 0. Or 3D array of shape (:,N,nao) for AO values
and AO derivatives if deriv > 0. In the 3D array, the first (N,nao) elements are the AO values, followed
by (3,N,nao) for x,y,z compoents; Then 2nd derivatives (6,N,nao) for xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz; Then 3rd
derivatives (10,N,nao) for xxx, xxy, xxz, xyy, xyz, xzz, yyy, yyz, yzz, zzz; ...
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> coords =numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points
>>> ao_value =eval_ao(mol, coords)
>>> print(ao_value.shape)
(100, 24)
>>> ao_value =eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=1, shls_slice=(1,4))
>>> print(ao_value.shape)
(4, 100, 7)
>>> ao_value =eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=2, shls_slice=(1,4))
>>> print(ao_value.shape)
(10, 100, 7)
Calculate XC potential matrix.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
ao [([4/10,] ngrids, nao) ndarray] 2D array of shape (N,nao) for LDA, 3D array of shape (4,N,nao) for
GGA or (10,N,nao) for meta-GGA. N is the number of grids, nao is the number of AO functions. If
xctype is GGA, ao[0] is AO value and ao[1:3] are the real space gradients. If xctype is meta-GGA,
ao[4:10] are second derivatives of ao values.
weight [1D array] Integral weights on grids.
rho [([4/6,] ngrids) ndarray] Shape of ((,N)) for electron density (and derivatives) if spin = 0; Shape
of ((,N),(,N)) for alpha/beta electron density (and derivatives) if spin > 0; where N is num-
ber of grids. rho (,N) are ordered as (den,grad_x,grad_y,grad_z,laplacian,tau) where grad_x
= d/dx den, laplacian = nabla^2 den, tau = 1/2(nabla f)^2 In spin unrestricted case, rho is
vxc [([4,] ngrids) ndarray] XC potential value on each grid = (vrho, vsigma, vlapl, vtau) vsigma is GGA
potential value on each grid. If the kwarg spin is not 0, a list [vsigma_uu,vsigma_ud] is required.
xctype [str] LDA/GGA/mGGA. It affects the shape of ao and rho
non0tab [2D bool array] mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can be
obtained by calling make_mask()
spin [int] If not 0, the matrix is contracted with the spin non-degenerated UKS formula
Returns: XC potential matrix in 2D array of shape (nao,nao) where nao is the number of AO functions.
Calculate the electron density for LDA functional, and the density derivatives for GGA functional.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
198 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
ao [2D array of shape (N,nao) for LDA, 3D array of shape (4,N,nao) for GGA] or (5,N,nao) for meta-
GGA. N is the number of grids, nao is the number of AO functions. If xctype is GGA, ao[0] is AO
value and ao[1:3] are the AO gradients. If xctype is meta-GGA, ao[4:10] are second derivatives of
ao values.
dm [2D array] Density matrix
non0tab [2D bool array] mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can be
obtained by calling make_mask()
xctype [str] LDA/GGA/mGGA. It affects the shape of the return density.
hermi [bool] dm is hermitian or not
verbose [int or object of Logger] No effects.
Returns: 1D array of size N to store electron density if xctype = LDA; 2D array of (4,N) to store density and
“density derivatives” for x,y,z components if xctype = GGA; (6,N) array for meta-GGA, where last two
rows are nabla^2 rho and tau = 1/2(nabla f)^2
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> coords =numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points
>>> ao_value =eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=0)
>>> dm =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> dm =dm +dm.T
>>> rho, dx_rho, dy_rho, dz_rho =eval_rho(mol, ao, dm, xctype='LDA')
Calculate the electron density for LDA functional, and the density derivatives for GGA functional. This function
has the same functionality as eval_rho() except that the density are evaluated based on orbital coefficients
and orbital occupancy. It is more efficient than eval_rho() in most scenario.
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
ao [2D array of shape (N,nao) for LDA, 3D array of shape (4,N,nao) for GGA] or (5,N,nao) for meta-
GGA. N is the number of grids, nao is the number of AO functions. If xctype is GGA, ao[0] is AO
value and ao[1:3] are the AO gradients. If xctype is meta-GGA, ao[4:10] are second derivatives of
ao values.
dm [2D array] Density matrix
non0tab [2D bool array] mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can be
obtained by calling make_mask()
xctype [str] LDA/GGA/mGGA. It affects the shape of the return density.
verbose [int or object of Logger] No effects.
Returns: 1D array of size N to store electron density if xctype = LDA; 2D array of (4,N) to store density and
“density derivatives” for x,y,z components if xctype = GGA; (6,N) array for meta-GGA, where last two
rows are nabla^2 rho and tau = 1/2(nabla f)^2
Indices of density which are larger than given cutoff
1.12. dft — Density functional theory 199
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Contract XC kernel matrix with given density matrices
... math:
a_{pq} =f_{pq,rs} *x_{rs}
Calculate RKS XC functional and potential matrix on given meshgrids for a set of density matrices
Args: ni : an instance of _NumInt
mol : an instance of Mole
grids [an instance of Grids] grids.coords and grids.weights are needed for coordinates and weights of
xc_code [str] XC functional description. See parse_xc() of pyscf/dft/ for more details.
dms [2D array a list of 2D arrays] Density matrix or multiple density matrices
hermi [int] Input density matrices symmetric or not
max_memory [int or float] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB).
Returns: nelec, excsum, vmat. nelec is the number of electrons generated by numerical integration. excsum is
the XC functional value. vmat is the XC potential matrix in 2D array of shape (nao,nao) where nao is the
number of AO functions.
>>> from pyscf import gto, dft
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> grids =dft.gen_grid.Grids(mol)
>>> grids.coords =numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points
>>> grids.weights =numpy.random.random(100)
>>> dm =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> nelec, exc, vxc =dft.numint.nr_vxc(mol, grids, 'lda,vwn', dm)
Contract RKS XC (singlet hessian) kernel matrix with given density matrices
Args: ni : an instance of _NumInt
mol : an instance of Mole
grids [an instance of Grids] grids.coords and grids.weights are needed for coordinates and weights of
xc_code [str] XC functional description. See parse_xc() of pyscf/dft/ for more details.
dms [2D array a list of 2D arrays] Density matrix or multiple density matrices
hermi [int] Input density matrices symmetric or not
max_memory [int or float] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB).
200 Chapter 1. Contents
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rho0 [float array] Zero-order density (and density derivative for GGA). Giving kwargs rho0, vxc and fxc
to improve better performance.
vxc [float array] First order XC derivatives
fxc [float array] Second order XC derivatives
Returns: nelec, excsum, vmat. nelec is the number of electrons generated by numerical integration. excsum is
the XC functional value. vmat is the XC potential matrix in 2D array of shape (nao,nao) where nao is the
number of AO functions.
Associated to singlet or triplet Hessian Note the difference to nr_rks_fxc, dms_alpha is the response density
matrices of alpha spin, alpha+/-beta DM is applied due to singlet/triplet coupling
Ref. CPL, 256, 454
Calculate RKS XC functional and potential matrix on given meshgrids for a set of density matrices
Args: ni : an instance of _NumInt
mol : an instance of Mole
grids [an instance of Grids] grids.coords and grids.weights are needed for coordinates and weights of
xc_code [str] XC functional description. See parse_xc() of pyscf/dft/ for more details.
dms [2D array a list of 2D arrays] Density matrix or multiple density matrices
hermi [int] Input density matrices symmetric or not
max_memory [int or float] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB).
Returns: nelec, excsum, vmat. nelec is the number of electrons generated by numerical integration. excsum is
the XC functional value. vmat is the XC potential matrix in 2D array of shape (nao,nao) where nao is the
number of AO functions.
>>> from pyscf import gto, dft
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001.1')
>>> grids =dft.gen_grid.Grids(mol)
>>> grids.coords =numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points
>>> grids.weights =numpy.random.random(100)
>>> dm =numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr()))
>>> nelec, exc, vxc =dft.numint.nr_vxc(mol, grids, 'lda,vwn', dm)
Calculate UKS XC functional and potential matrix on given meshgrids for a set of density matrices
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
grids [an instance of Grids] grids.coords and grids.weights are needed for coordinates and weights of
1.12. dft — Density functional theory 201
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
xc_code [str] XC functional description. See parse_xc() of pyscf/dft/ for more details.
dms [a list of 2D arrays] A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,...,beta,beta,...)
hermi [int] Input density matrices symmetric or not
max_memory [int or float] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB).
Returns: nelec, excsum, vmat. nelec is the number of (alpha,beta) electrons generated by numerical integration.
excsum is the XC functional value. vmat is the XC potential matrix for (alpha,beta) spin.
Contract UKS XC kernel matrix with given density matrices
Args: ni : an instance of _NumInt
mol : an instance of Mole
grids [an instance of Grids] grids.coords and grids.weights are needed for coordinates and weights of
xc_code [str] XC functional description. See parse_xc() of pyscf/dft/ for more details.
dms [2D array a list of 2D arrays] Density matrix or multiple density matrices
hermi [int] Input density matrices symmetric or not
max_memory [int or float] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB).
rho0 [float array] Zero-order density (and density derivative for GGA). Giving kwargs rho0, vxc and fxc
to improve better performance.
vxc [float array] First order XC derivatives
fxc [float array] Second order XC derivatives
Returns: nelec, excsum, vmat. nelec is the number of electrons generated by numerical integration. excsum is
the XC functional value. vmat is the XC potential matrix in 2D array of shape (nao,nao) where nao is the
number of AO functions.
Calculate UKS XC functional and potential matrix on given meshgrids for a set of density matrices
Args: mol : an instance of Mole
grids [an instance of Grids] grids.coords and grids.weights are needed for coordinates and weights of
xc_code [str] XC functional description. See parse_xc() of pyscf/dft/ for more details.
dms [a list of 2D arrays] A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,...,beta,beta,...)
hermi [int] Input density matrices symmetric or not
max_memory [int or float] The maximum size of cache to use (in MB).
202 Chapter 1. Contents
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Returns: nelec, excsum, vmat. nelec is the number of (alpha,beta) electrons generated by numerical integration.
excsum is the XC functional value. vmat is the XC potential matrix for (alpha,beta) spin.
XC functional, the interface to libxc (
Define XC functional. See also eval_xc() for the rules of input description.
Args: ni : an instance of _NumInt
description [str] A string to describe the linear combination of different XC functionals. The X and
C functional are separated by comma like ‘.8*LDA+.2*B86,VWN’. If “HF” was appeared in the
string, it stands for the exact exchange.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> mf =dft.RKS(mol)
>>> define_xc_(mf._numint, '.2*HF + .08*LDA + .72*B88, .81*LYP + .19*VWN')
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> define_xc_(mf._numint, 'LDA*.08 + .72*B88 + .2*HF, .81*LYP + .19*VWN')
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> def eval_xc(xc_code, rho, *args, **kwargs):
... exc =0.01 *rho**2
... vrho =0.01 *2*rho
... vxc =(vrho, None,None,None)
... fxc =None # 2nd order functional derivative
... kxc =None # 3rd order functional derivative
... return exc, vxc, fxc, kxc
>>> define_xc_(mf._numint, eval_xc, xctype='LDA')
>>> mf.kernel()
Define XC functional. See also eval_xc() for the rules of input description.
Args: ni : an instance of _NumInt
description [str] A string to describe the linear combination of different XC functionals. The X and
C functional are separated by comma like ‘.8*LDA+.2*B86,VWN’. If “HF” was appeared in the
string, it stands for the exact exchange.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> mf =dft.RKS(mol)
>>> define_xc_(mf._numint, '.2*HF + .08*LDA + .72*B88, .81*LYP + .19*VWN')
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> define_xc_(mf._numint, 'LDA*.08 + .72*B88 + .2*HF, .81*LYP + .19*VWN')
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> def eval_xc(xc_code, rho, *args, **kwargs):
... exc =0.01 *rho**2
... vrho =0.01 *2*rho
... vxc =(vrho, None,None,None)
... fxc =None # 2nd order functional derivative
... kxc =None # 3rd order functional derivative
... return exc, vxc, fxc, kxc
1.12. dft — Density functional theory 203
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> define_xc_(mf._numint, eval_xc, xctype='LDA')
>>> mf.kernel()
Interface to call libxc library to evaluate XC functional, potential and functional derivatives.
•The given functional xc_code must be a one-line string.
•The functional xc_code is case-insensitive.
•The functional xc_code string has two parts, separated by ”,”. The first part describes the exchange
functional, the second is the correlation functional.
If ”,” not appeared in string, the entire string is considered as X functional.
To neglect X functional (just apply C functional), leave blank in the first part, eg description=’,vwn’
for pure VWN functional
•The functional name can be placed in arbitrary order. Two name needs to be separated by operators “+”
or “-”. Blank spaces are ignored. NOTE the parser only reads operators “+” “-” “*”. / is not in support.
•A functional name is associated with one factor. If the factor is not given, it is assumed equaling 1.
•String “HF” stands for exact exchange (HF K matrix). It is allowed to put in C functional part.
•Be careful with the libxc convention on GGA functional, in which the LDA contribution is included.
xc_code [str] A string to describe the linear combination of different XC functionals. The X and C
functional are separated by comma like ‘.8*LDA+.2*B86,VWN’. If “HF” was appeared in the string,
it stands for the exact exchange.
rho [ndarray] Shape of ((,N)) for electron density (and derivatives) if spin = 0; Shape of
((,N),(,N)) for alpha/beta electron density (and derivatives) if spin > 0; where N is num-
ber of grids. rho (,N) are ordered as (den,grad_x,grad_y,grad_z,laplacian,tau) where grad_x
= d/dx den, laplacian = nabla^2 den, tau = 1/2(nabla f)^2 In spin unrestricted case, rho is
spin [int] spin polarized if spin > 0
relativity [int] No effects.
verbose [int or object of Logger] No effects.
Returns: ex, vxc, fxc, kxc
vxc = (vrho, vsigma, vlapl, vtau) for restricted case
vxc for unrestricted case | vrho[:,2] = (u, d) | vsigma[:,3] = (uu, ud, dd) | vlapl[:,2] = (u, d) | vtau[:,2]
= (u, d)
fxc for restricted case: (v2rho2, v2rhosigma, v2sigma2, v2lapl2, vtau2, v2rholapl, v2rhotau,
v2lapltau, v2sigmalapl, v2sigmatau)
fxc for unrestricted case: | v2rho2[:,3] = (u_u, u_d, d_d) | v2rhosigma[:,6] = (u_uu, u_ud, u_dd,
d_uu, d_ud, d_dd) | v2sigma2[:,6] = (uu_uu, uu_ud, uu_dd, ud_ud, ud_dd, dd_dd) | v2lapl2[:,3] |
vtau2[:,3] | v2rholapl[:,4] | v2rhotau[:,4] | v2lapltau[:,4] | v2sigmalapl[:,6] | v2sigmatau[:,6]
204 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
kxc for restricted case: (v3rho3, v3rho2sigma, v3rhosigma2, v3sigma3)
kxc for unrestricted case: | v3rho3[:,4] = (u_u_u, u_u_d, u_d_d, d_d_d) | v3rho2sigma[:,9] =
(u_u_uu, u_u_ud, u_u_dd, u_d_uu, u_d_ud, u_d_dd, d_d_uu, d_d_ud, d_d_dd) | v3rhosigma2[:,12]
= (u_uu_uu, u_uu_ud, u_uu_dd, u_ud_ud, u_ud_dd, u_dd_dd, d_uu_uu, d_uu_ud, d_uu_dd,
d_ud_ud, d_ud_dd, d_dd_dd) | v3sigma3[:,10] = (uu_uu_uu, uu_uu_ud, uu_uu_dd, uu_ud_ud,
uu_ud_dd, uu_dd_dd, ud_ud_ud, ud_ud_dd, ud_dd_dd, dd_dd_dd)
see also libxc_itrf.c
Support recursively defining hybrid functional
Rules to input functional description:
•The given functional description must be a one-line string.
•The functional description is case-insensitive.
•The functional description string has two parts, separated by ”,”. The first part describes the exchange
functional, the second is the correlation functional.
If ”,” was not appeared in string, the entire string is considered as X functional.
To neglect X functional (just apply C functional), leave blank in the first part, eg description=’,vwn’
for pure VWN functional
•The functional name can be placed in arbitrary order. Two names need to be separated by operators “+”
or “-”. Blank spaces are ignored. NOTE the parser only reads operators “+” “-” “*”. “/” is not supported.
•A functional name is associated with one factor. If the factor is not given, it is assumed to equal 1.
•String “HF” stands for exact exchange (HF K matrix). It is allowed to in the C functional part.
•Be careful with the libxc convention on GGA functional, in which the LDA contribution is included.
Convert the XC functional name to libxc library internal ID.
1.13 tddft — Time dependent density functional theory
1.13.1 TDHF
wfnsym [int] Point group symmetry for excited CIS wavefunction.
1.13.2 TDDFT
class pyscf.tddft.rks.TDDFTNoHybrid(mf )
Solve (A-B)(A+B)(X+Y) = (X+Y)w^2
TDDFT diagonalization solver
1.13. tddft — Time dependent density functional theory 205
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.14 cc — Coupled cluster
The cc module implements the coupled cluster (CC) model to compute energies, analytical nuclear gradients, density
matrices, excited states, and relevant properties.
To compute the CC energy, one first needs to perform a mean-field calculation using the mean-field module scf. The
mean-field object defines the Hamiltonian and the problem size, which are used to initialize the CC object:
from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001', basis='ccpvdz')
mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf)
Unrelaxed density matrices are evaluated in the MO basis:
dm1 =mycc.make_rdm1()
dm2 =mycc.make_rdm2()
The CCSD(T) energy can be obtained by:
from import ccsd_t
print(ccsd_t.kernel(mycc, mycc.ao2mo())[0])
Gradients are available:
from import ccsd_grad
from pyscf import grad
grad_e =ccsd_grad.kernel(mycc)
grad_n =grad.grad_nuc(mol)
grad =grad_e +grad_nuc
Excited states can be calculated with ionization potential (IP), electron affinity (EA), and electronic excitation (EE)
equation-of-motion (EOM) CCSD:
mycc =cc.RCCSD(mf)
e_ip, c_ip =mycc.ipccsd(nroots=1)
e_ea, c_ea =mycc.eaccsd(nroots=1)
e_ee, c_ee =mycc.eeccsd(nroots=1)
mycc =cc.UCCSD(mf)
e_ip, c_ip =mycc.ipccsd(nroots=1)
e_ea, c_ea =mycc.eaccsd(nroots=1)
e_ee, c_ee =mycc.eeccsd(nroots=1)
All CC methods have two implementations. One is simple and highly readable (suffixed by _slow in the filename)
and the other is extensively optimized for computational efficiency. All code in the _slow versions is structured as
close as possible to the formulas documented in the literature. Pure Python/numpy data structures and functions are
used so that explicit memory management is avoided. It is easy to make modifications or develop new methods based
on the slow implementations.
The computationally efficient (outcore) version is the default implementation for the CC module. In this implemen-
tation, the CPU usage, memory footprint, memory efficiency, and IO overhead are carefully considered. To keep a
small memory footprint, most integral tensors are stored on disk. IO is one of the main bottlenecks in this implemen-
tation. Two techniques are used to reduce the IO overhead. One is the asynchronized IO to overlap the computation
206 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
and reading/writing of the 4-index tensors. The other is AO-driven for the contraction of T2 and (vv|vv) integrals
in CCSD and CCSD-lambda functions. These techniques allow the CC module to efficiently handle medium-sized
systems. In a test system with 25 occupied orbitals and 1500 virtual orbitals, each CCSD iteration takes about 2.5
hours. The program does not automatically switch to AO-driven CCSD for large systems. The user must manually set
the direct attribute to enable an AO-driven CCSD calculation:
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf) =True
Some of the CC methods have an efficient incore implementation, where all tensors are held in memory. The incore
implementation reduces the IO overhead and optimizes certain formulas to gain the best FLOPS. It is about 30% faster
than the outcore implementation. Depending on the available memory, the incore code can be used for systems with
up to approximately 250 orbitals.
Point group symmetry is not considered in the CCSD programs, but it is used in the CCSD(T) code to gain the best
Arbitrary frozen orbitals (not limited to frozen core) are supported by the CCSD, CCSD(T), density matrices, and
EOM-CCSD modules, but not in the analytical CCSD gradient module.
1.14.1 Examples
This section documents some examples about how to effectively use the CCSD module, and how to incorporate the
CCSD solver with other PySCF functions to perform advanced simulations. For a complete list of CC examples, see
A general solver for customized Hamiltonian
The CC module is not limited to molecular systems. The program is implemented as a general solver for arbitrary
Hamiltonians. It allows users to overwrite the default molecular Hamiltonian with their own effective Hamiltonians.
In this example, we create a Hubbard model and feed its Hamiltonian to the CCSD module.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Six-site 1D U/t=2 Hubbard-like model system with PBC at half filling.
The model is gapped at the mean-field level
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, cc
mol =gto.M(verbose=4)
mol.nelectron =n
# Setting incore_anyway=True to ensure the customized Hamiltonian (the _eri
# attribute) being used in post-HF calculations. Without this parameter, some
# post-HF method may ignore the customized Hamiltonian if memory is not
# enough.
mol.incore_anyway =True
h1 =numpy.zeros((n,n))
for iin range(n-1):
h1[i,i+1]=h1[i+1,i] = -1.0
h1[n-1,0]=h1[0,n-1]= -1.0
1.14. cc — Coupled cluster 207
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
eri =numpy.zeros((n,n,n,n))
for iin range(n):
eri[i,i,i,i] =2.0
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mf.get_hcore =lambda *args: h1
mf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(n)
mf._eri =ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n)
# In PySCF, the customized Hamiltonian needs to be created once in mf object.
# The Hamiltonian will be used everywhere whenever possible. Here, the model
# Hamiltonian is passed to CCSD object via the mf object.
mycc =cc.RCCSD(mf)
e,v =mycc.ipccsd(nroots=3)
Using CCSD as CASCI active space solver
CCSD program can be wrapped as a Full CI solver, which can be combined with the CASCI solver to approximate the
multi-configuration calculation.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Using the CCSD method as the active space solver to compute an approximate
CASCI energy.
A wrapper is required to adapt the CCSD solver to CASCI fcisolver interface.
Inside the wrapper function, the CCSD code is the same as the example
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, cc, ao2mo, mcscf
class AsFCISolver(object):
def __init__(self):
self.mycc =None
def kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, ecore=0,**kwargs):
fakemol =gto.M(verbose=0)
nelec =numpy.sum(nelec)
fakemol.nelectron =nelec
fake_hf =scf.RHF(fakemol)
fake_hf._eri =ao2mo.restore(8, h2, norb)
fake_hf.get_hcore =lambda *args: h1
fake_hf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(norb)
self.mycc =cc.CCSD(fake_hf)
self.eris =self.mycc.ao2mo()
e_corr, t1, t2 =self.mycc.kernel(eris=self.eris)
l1, l2 =self.mycc.solve_lambda(t1, t2, eris=self.eris)
208 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
e=fake_hf.e_tot +e_corr
return e+ecore, [t1,t2,l1,l2]
def make_rdm1(self, fake_ci, norb, nelec):
mo =self.mycc.mo_coeff
t1, t2, l1, l2 =fake_ci
dm1 =reduce(, (mo, self.mycc.make_rdm1(t1, t2, l1, l2), mo.T))
return dm1
def make_rdm12(self, fake_ci, norb, nelec):
mo =self.mycc.mo_coeff
nmo =mo.shape[1]
t1, t2, l1, l2 =fake_ci
dm2 =self.mycc.make_rdm2(t1, t2, l1, l2)
dm2, dm2.reshape(nmo,-1))
dm2,nmo), mo.T)
dm2 =dm2.reshape([nmo]*4).transpose(2,3,0,1)
dm2, dm2.reshape(nmo,-1))
dm2,nmo), mo.T)
dm2 =dm2.reshape([nmo]*4)
return self.make_rdm1(fake_ci, norb, nelec), dm2
def spin_square(self, fake_ci, norb, nelec):
return 0,1
mol =gto.M(atom ='H000;F001.2',
basis ='ccpvdz',
verbose =4)
mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
norb =mf.mo_coeff.shape[1]
nelec =mol.nelectron
mc =mcscf.CASCI(mf, norb, nelec)
mc.fcisolver =AsFCISolver()
Gamma point CCSD with Periodic boundary condition
Integrals in Gamma point of periodic Hartree-Fock calculation are all real. You can feed the integrals into any pyscf
molecular module using the same operations as the above example. However, the interface between PBC code and
molecular code are more compatible. You can treat the crystal object and the molecule object in the same manner. In
this example, you can pass the PBC mean field method to CC module to have the gamma point CCSD correlation.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Gamma point post-HF calculation needs only real integrals.
Methods implemented in finite-size system can be directly used here without
any modification.
import numpy
from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf
cell =gto.M(
1.14. cc — Coupled cluster 209
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
atom ='''C 0. 0. 0.
C 0.8917 0.8917 0.8917
C 1.7834 1.7834 0.
C 2.6751 2.6751 0.8917
C 1.7834 0. 1.7834
C 2.6751 0.8917 2.6751
C 0. 1.7834 1.7834
C 0.8917 2.6751 2.6751''',
basis ='6-31g',
verbose =4,
mf =scf.RHF(cell).density_fit() =[5]*3
# Import CC, TDDFT moduel from the molecular implementations
from pyscf import cc, tddft
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf)
mytd =tddft.TDHF(mf)
mytd.nstates =5
CCSD with truncated MOs to avoid linear dependency
It is common to have linear dependence when one wants to systematically enlarge the AO basis set to approach
complete basis set limit. The numerical instability usually has noticeable effects on the CCSD convergence. An
effective way to remove this negative effects is to truncate the AO sets and allow the MO orbitals being less than AO
#!/usr/bin/env python
:func:`scf.addons.remove_linear_dep_` discards the small eigenvalues of overlap
matrix. This reduces the number of MOs from 50 to 49. The problem size of
the following CCSD method is 49.
from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
mol =gto.Mole()
mol.atom =[('H',0,0,.5*i) for iin range(20)]
mol.basis ='ccpvdz'
mol.verbose =4
mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf).run()
mf =scf.addons.remove_linear_dep_(mf).run()
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf).run()
210 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Response and un-relaxed CCSD density matrix
CCSD has two kinds of one-particle density matrices. The (second order) un-relaxed density matrix and the (relaxed)
response density matrix. The CCSD.make_rdm1() function computes the un-relaxed density matrix which is asso-
ciated to the regular CCSD energy formula. The response density is mainly used to compute the first order response
quantities eg the analytical nuclear gradients. It is not recommended to use the response density matrix for population
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
CCSD density matrix
from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
mol =gto.M(
atom ='H000;F001.1',
basis ='ccpvdz')
mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf).run()
# CCSD density matrix in MO basis
dm1 =mycc.make_rdm1()
dm2 =mycc.make_rdm2()
# Relaxed CCSD density matrix in MO basis
from import ccsd_grad
dm1 += ccsd_grad.response_dm1(mycc, mycc.t1, mycc.t2, mycc.l1, mycc.l2)
Reusing integrals in CCSD and relevant calculations
By default the CCSD solver and the relevant CCSD lambda solver, CCSD(T), CCSD gradients program generate MO
integrals in their own runtime. But in most scenario, the same MO integrals can be generated once and reused in
the four modules. To remove the overhead of recomputing MO integrals, the three module support user to feed MO
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
To avoid recomputing AO to MO integral transformation, integrals for CCSD,
CCSD(T), CCSD lambda equation etc can be reused.
from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
1.14. cc — Coupled cluster 211
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
mol =gto.M(verbose =4,
atom ='H000;F001.1',
basis ='ccpvdz')
mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf)
# CCSD module allows you feed MO integrals
eris =mycc.ao2mo()
# The same MO integrals can be used in CCSD lambda equation
# CCSD(T) module requires the same integrals used by CCSD module
from import ccsd_t
ccsd_t.kernel(mycc, eris=eris)
# CCSD gradients need regular MO integrals to solve the relaxed 1-particle
# density matrix
from import ccsd_grad
grad_e =ccsd_grad.kernel(mycc, eris=eris) # The electronic part only
Interfering CCSD-DIIS
Restart CCSD
1.14.2 Program reference
cc.ccsd module and CCSD class
The class is the object to hold the restricted CCSD environment attributes and results. The
environment attributes are the parameters to control the runtime behavior of the CCSD module, e.g. the convergence
criteria, DIIS parameters, and so on. After the ground state CCSD calculation, correlation energy, T1 and T2 ampli-
tudes are stored in the CCSD object. This class supports the calculation of CCSD 1- and 2-particle density matrices.
restricted CCSD
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to Mole.max_memory
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-7.
212 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
conv_tol_normt [float] converge threshold for norm(t1,t2). Default is 1e-5.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. Default is 6.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
direct [bool] AO-direct CCSD. Default is False.
frozen [int or list] If integer is given, the inner-most orbitals are frozen from CC amplitudes. Given the
orbital indices (0-based) in a list, both occupied and virtual orbitals can be frozen in CC calculation.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom ='H000;F001.1', basis ='ccpvdz')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>> # freeze 2 core orbitals
>>> mycc =cc.CCSD(mf).set(frozen =2).run()
>>> # freeze 2 core orbitals and 3 high lying unoccupied orbitals
>>> mycc.set(frozen =[0,1,16,17,18]).run()
Saved results
converged [bool] CCSD converged or not
e_corr [float] CCSD correlation correction
e_tot [float] Total CCSD energy (HF + correlation)
t1, t2 [] T amplitudes t1[i,a], t2[i,j,a,b] (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
l1, l2 [] Lambda amplitudes l1[i,a], l2[i,j,a,b] (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
alias of CCSD
restricted CCSD
verbose [int] Print level. Default value equals to Mole.verbose
max_memory [float or int] Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to Mole.max_memory
conv_tol [float] converge threshold. Default is 1e-7.
conv_tol_normt [float] converge threshold for norm(t1,t2). Default is 1e-5.
max_cycle [int] max number of iterations. Default is 50.
diis_space [int] DIIS space size. Default is 6.
diis_start_cycle [int] The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
direct [bool] AO-direct CCSD. Default is False.
frozen [int or list] If integer is given, the inner-most orbitals are frozen from CC amplitudes. Given the
orbital indices (0-based) in a list, both occupied and virtual orbitals can be frozen in CC calculation.
>>> mol =gto.M(atom ='H000;F001.1', basis ='ccpvdz')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>> # freeze 2 core orbitals
>>> mycc =cc.CCSD(mf).set(frozen =2).run()
>>> # freeze 2 core orbitals and 3 high lying unoccupied orbitals
>>> mycc.set(frozen =[0,1,16,17,18]).run()
1.14. cc — Coupled cluster 213
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Saved results
converged [bool] CCSD converged or not
e_corr [float] CCSD correlation correction
e_tot [float] Total CCSD energy (HF + correlation)
t1, t2 [] T amplitudes t1[i,a], t2[i,j,a,b] (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
l1, l2 [] Lambda amplitudes l1[i,a], l2[i,j,a,b] (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
Generating a scanner/solver for CCSD PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total
CCSD energy.
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation.
All parameters assigned in the CCSD and the underlying SCF objects (conv_tol, max_memory etc) are
automatically applied in the solver.
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001')
>>> cc_scanner =cc.CCSD(scf.RHF(mol)).as_scanner()
>>> e_tot, grad =cc_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1'))
>>> e_tot, grad =cc_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.5'))
CCSD correlation energy
Un-relaxed 1-particle density matrix in MO space
2-particle density matrix in MO space. The density matrix is stored as
dm2[p,r,q,s] = <p^+ q^+ s r>
Generating a scanner/solver for CCSD PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total CCSD
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation. All pa-
rameters assigned in the CCSD and the underlying SCF objects (conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically
applied in the solver.
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001')
>>> cc_scanner =cc.CCSD(scf.RHF(mol)).as_scanner()
>>> e_tot, grad =cc_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1'))
>>> e_tot, grad =cc_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.5'))
214 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0,t1,t2,eris)
CCSD correlation energy
cc.rccsd and RCCSD class is also a class for restricted CCSD calculations, but different to the class. It uses different formula to compute the ground state CCSD solution. Although
slower than the implmentation in the class, it supports the system with complex integrals.
Another difference is that this class supports EOM-CCSD methods, including EOM-IP-CCSD, EOM-EA-CCSD,
restricted CCSD with IP-EOM, EA-EOM, EE-EOM, and SF-EOM capabilities
Ground-state CCSD is performed in optimized ccsd.CCSD and EOM is performed here.
restricted CCSD with IP-EOM, EA-EOM, EE-EOM, and SF-EOM capabilities
Ground-state CCSD is performed in optimized ccsd.CCSD and EOM is performed here.
Ground-state CCSD.
mbpt2 [bool] Use one-shot MBPT2 approximation to CCSD.
Calculate (N+1)-electron charged excitations via EA-EOM-CCSD.
Kwargs: See ipccd()
Calculate N-electron neutral excitations via EE-EOM-CCSD.
nroots [int] Number of roots (eigenvalues) requested
koopmans [bool] Calculate Koopmans’-like (1p1h) excitations only, targeting via overlap.
guess [list of ndarray] List of guess vectors to use for targeting via overlap.
Spin flip EOM-CCSD
Calculate (N-1)-electron charged excitations via IP-EOM-CCSD.
nroots [int] Number of roots (eigenvalues) requested
partition [bool or str] Use a matrix-partitioning for the doubles-doubles block. Can be None, ‘mp’
(Moller-Plesset, i.e. orbital energies on the diagonal), or ‘full’ (full diagonal elements).
koopmans [bool] Calculate Koopmans’-like (quasiparticle) excitations only, targeting via overlap.
guess [list of ndarray] List of guess vectors to use for targeting via overlap.,eris,t1=None,t2=None,max_cycle=50,tol=1e-08,tolnormt=1e-06,ver-
Exactly the same as, which calls a local energy() function.
1.14. cc — Coupled cluster 215
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
cc.uccsd and UCCSD class class supports the CCSD calculation based on UHF wavefunction as well as the ROHF
wavefunction. Besides the ground state UCCSD calculation, UCCSD lambda equation, 1-particle and 2-particle den-
sity matrices, EOM-IP-CCSD, EOM-EA-CCSD, EOM-EE-CCSD are all available in this class. Note this class does
not support complex integrals.
UCCSD with spatial integrals
Get MO boolean indices for unrestricted reference, accounting for frozen orbs.,eris,t1=None,t2=None,max_cycle=50,tol=1e-08,tolnormt=1e-06,ver-
Exactly the same as, which calls a local energy() function.,moidx,mo_coeff )
Convert the results of an unrestricted mean-field calculation to spin-orbital form.
Spin-orbital ordering is determined by orbital energy without regard for spin.
fock [(nso,nso) ndarray] The Fock matrix in the basis of spin-orbitals
so_coeff [(nao, nso) ndarray] The matrix of spin-orbital coefficients in the AO basis
spin [(nso,) ndarary] The spin (0 or 1) of each spin-orbital
Helper functions for CCSD, RCCSD and UCCSD modules are implemented in cc.addons,orbspin=None)
Convert T1/T2 of spatial orbital representation to T1/T2 of spin-orbital representation
call orbspin_of_sorted_mo_energy to get orbspin,orbspin=None)
Convert T1/T2 of spatial orbital representation to T1/T2 of spin-orbital representation
call orbspin_of_sorted_mo_energy to get orbspin,orbspin)
call orbspin_of_sorted_mo_energy to get orbspin
CCSD gradients
Generating a scanner/solver for CCSD PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total CCSD
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation. All pa-
rameters assigned in the CCSD and the underlying SCF objects (conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically
applied in the solver.
216 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001')
>>> cc_scanner =cc.CCSD(scf.RHF(mol)).as_scanner()
>>> e_tot, grad =cc_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.1'))
>>> e_tot, grad =cc_scanner(gto.M(atom='H000;F001.5'))
1.15 ci — Configuration interaction
The cc module implements the truncated CI model to compute energy.
1.16 dmrgscf
DMRG program interface.
There are two DMRG program interfaces available:
Block interface provided the features including the DMRG-CASCI, the 1-step and 2-step DMRG-CASSCF,
second order pertubation for dynamic correlation. 1-, 2- and 3-particle density matrices.
CheMPS2 interface provided the DMRG-CASCI and 2-step DMRG-CASSCF.
Simple usage:
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf, dmrgscf, mrpt
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='C000;C001', basis='631g')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>> mc =dmrgscf.DMRGSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> mc.kernel()
>>> mrpt.NEVPT(mc).compress_approx().kernel()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
>>> mc.fcisolver =dmrgscf.CheMPS2(mol)
>>> mc.kernel()
Note a few configurations in /path/to/dmrgscf/ needs to be made before using the DMRG
interface code.
1.16.1 Block
DMRGCI is the main object to hold Block input parameters and results. DMRGSCF() is a shortcut function quickly
setup DMRG-CASSCF calculation. compress_approx() initializes the compressed MPS perturber for NEVPT2
In DMRGCI object, you can set the following attributes to control Block program:
outputlevel [int] Noise level for Block program output.
1.15. ci — Configuration interaction 217
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
maxIter [int] Max DMRG sweeps
approx_maxIter [int] To control the DMRG-CASSCF approximate DMRG solver accuracy.
twodot_to_onedot [int] When to switch from two-dot algroithm to one-dot algroithm.
nroots [int] Number of states in the same irreducible representation to compute.
weights [list of floats] Use this attribute with “nroots” attribute to set state-average calculation.
restart [bool] To control whether to restart a DMRG calculation.
tol [float] DMRG convergence tolerence
maxM [int] Bond dimension
scheduleSweeps, scheduleMaxMs, scheduleTols, scheduleNoises [list] DMRG sweep scheduler. See
also Block documentation
wfnsym [str or int] Wave function irrep label or irrep ID
orbsym [list of int] irrep IDs of each orbital
groupname [str] groupname, orbsym together can control whether to employ symmetry in the calcula-
tion. “groupname = None and orbsym = []” requires the Block program using C1 symmetry.
1.16.2 CheMPS2
In CheMPS2, DMRG calculation can be controlled by:
See for more detail usages of these keywords.
1.17 fciqmcscf
1.18 tools
1.18.1 FCIDUMP,chkfile,tol=1e-15,float_format=’ %.16g’)
Read SCF results from PySCF chkfile and transform 1-electron, 2-electron integrals using the SCF orbitals. The
transformed integrals is written to FCIDUMP,h1e,h2e,nmo,nelec,nuc=0,ms=0,orbsym=[],
tol=1e-15,float_format=’ %.16g’)
Convert the given 1-electron and 2-electron integrals to FCIDUMP format
Parse FCIDUMP. Return a dictionary to hold the integrals and parameters with keys: H1, H2, ECORE, NORB,
218 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.18.2 Molden
Extract mol and orbitals from molden file,mo_coeff=None)
Remove high angular momentum (l >= 5) functions before dumping molden file. If molden function raised error
message RuntimeError l=5 is not supported, you can use this function to format orbitals.
Note the formated orbitals may have normalization problem. Some visualization tool will complain about the
orbital normalization error.
>>> mol1, orb1 =remove_high_l(mol, mf.mo_coeff)
>>> molden.from_mo(mol1, outputfile, orb1)
GAMESS WFN File format
1.18.4 Cubegen,outfile,dm,nx=80,ny=80,nz=80)
Calculates electron density.
Args: mol (Mole): Molecule to calculate the electron density for. outfile (str): Name of Cube file to be written.
dm (str): Density matrix of molecule. nx (int): Number of grid point divisions in x direction.
Note this is function of the molecule’s size; a larger molecule will have a coarser representation
than a smaller one for the same value.
ny (int): Number of grid point divisions in y direction. nz (int): Number of grid point divisions in z
Calculates the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP).
Args: mol (Mole): Molecule to calculate the MEP for. outfile (str): Name of Cube file to be written. dm (str):
Density matrix of molecule. nx (int): Number of grid point divisions in x direction.
Note this is function of the molecule’s size; a larger molecule will have a coarser representation
than a smaller one for the same value.
ny (int): Number of grid point divisions in y direction. nz (int): Number of grid point divisions in z
1.18.5 Print Matrix,c,label=None,ncol=5,digits=5,start=1)
Format print for orbitals
stdout [file object] eg sys.stdout, or stdout = open(‘/path/to/file’) or mol.stdout if mol is an object initial-
ized from gto.Mole
c[numpy.ndarray] Orbitals, each column is an orbital
1.18. tools 219
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
label [list of strings] Row labels (default is AO labels)
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0')
>>> mo =numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())
>>> dump_mo(mol, mo)
#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
0 C 1s 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2s 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 3s 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2px 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2py 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2pz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 3px 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 3py 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0 C 3pz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00,c,label=None,label2=None,ncol=5,digits=5,start=0)
Print an array in rectangular format
stdout [file object] eg sys.stdout, or stdout = open(‘/path/to/file’) or mol.stdout if mol is an object initial-
ized from gto.Mole
c[numpy.ndarray] coefficients
label [list of strings] Row labels (default is 1,2,3,4,...)
label2 [list of strings] Col labels (default is 1,2,3,4,...)
ncol [int] Number of columns in the format output (default 5)
digits [int] Number of digits of precision for floating point output (default 5)
start [int] The number to start to count the index (default 0)
>>> import sys,numpy
>>> dm =numpy.eye(3)
>>> dump_rec(sys.stdout, dm)
#0 #1 #2
0 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
1 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
2 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0')
>>> dm =numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())
>>> dump_rec(sys.stdout, dm, label=mol.ao_labels(), ncol=9, digits=2)
#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
0 C 1s 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2s 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 3s 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2px 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2py 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 2pz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
220 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
0 C 3px 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
0 C 3py 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0 C 3pz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00,c,label=None,ncol=5,digits=5,start=0)
Format print for the lower triangular part of an array
stdout [file object] eg sys.stdout, or stdout = open(‘/path/to/file’) or mol.stdout if mol is an object initial-
ized from gto.Mole
c[numpy.ndarray] coefficients
label [list of strings] Row labels (default is 1,2,3,4,...)
ncol [int] Number of columns in the format output (default 5)
digits [int] Number of digits of precision for floating point output (default 5)
start [int] The number to start to count the index (default 0)
>>> import sys,numpy
>>> dm =numpy.eye(3)
>>> dump_tri(sys.stdout, dm)
#0 #1 #2
0 1.00000
1 0.00000 1.00000
2 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0')
>>> dm =numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())
>>> dump_tri(sys.stdout, dm, label=mol.ao_labels(), ncol=9, digits=2)
#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
0 C 1s 1.00
0 C 2s 0.00 1.00
0 C 3s 0.00 0.00 1.00
0 C 2px 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
0 C 2py 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
0 C 2pz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
0 C 3px 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
0 C 3py 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
0 C 3pz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
1.19 grad — Analytical nuclear gradients
1.19.1 Analytical nuclear gradients
Simple usage:
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, grad
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='N000;N001', basis='ccpvdz')
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
>>> grad.RHF(mf).kernel()
1.19. grad — Analytical nuclear gradients 221
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.20 hessian — Analytical nuclear Hessian
1.21 pbc — Periodic boundary conditions
The pbc module provides electronic structure implementations with periodic boundary conditions based on periodic
Gaussian basis functions. The PBC implementation supports both all-electron and pseudopotential descriptions.
In PySCF, the PBC implementation has a tight relation to the molecular implementation. The module names, function
names, and layouts of the PBC code are the same as (or as close as possible to) those of the molecular code. The PBC
code supports the use (and mixing) of basis sets, pseudopotentials, and effective core potentials developed accross
the materials science and quantum chemistry communites, offering great flexibility. Moreover, many post-mean-field
methods defined in the molecular code can be seamlessly mixed with PBC calculations performed at the gamma
point. For example, one can perform a gamma-point Hartree-Fock calculation in a supercell, followed by a CCSD(T)
calculation, which is implemented in the molecular code.
In the PBC k-point calculations, we make small changes to the gamma-point data structures and export KHF and
KDFT methods. On top of these KSCF methods, we have implemented k-point CCSD and k-point EOM-CCSD
methods. Other post-mean-field methods can be analogously written to explicitly enforce translational symmetry
through k-point sampling.
The list of modules described in this chapter is:
1.21.1 pbc.gto — Crystal cell structure
This module provides functions to setup the basic information of a PBC calculation. The pyscf.pbc.gto module is
analogous to the basic molecular pyscf.gto module. The Cell class for crystal structure unit cells is defined in this
module and is analogous to the basic molecular Mole class. Among other details, the basis set and pseudopotentials
are parsed in this module.
Cell class
The Cell class is defined as an extension of the molecular pyscf.gto.mole.Mole class. The Cell object offers
much of the same functionality as the Mole object. For example, one can use the Cell object to access the atomic
structure, basis functions, pseudopotentials, and certain analytical periodic integrals.
Similar to the input in a molecular calculation, one first creates a Cell object. After assigning the crystal parameters,
one calls build() to fully initialize the Cell object. A shortcut function M() is available at the module level to
simplify the input.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy
import pyscf.lib
from pyscf.pbc import gto
# Simliar to the initialization of "Mole" object, here we need create a "Cell"
# object for periodic boundary systems.
cell =gto.Cell()
cell.atom ='''C 0. 0. 0.
C 0.8917 0.8917 0.8917
C 1.7834 1.7834 0.
C 2.6751 2.6751 0.8917
222 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
C 1.7834 0. 1.7834
C 2.6751 0.8917 2.6751
C 0. 1.7834 1.7834
C 0.8917 2.6751 2.6751'''
cell.basis ='gth-szv'
cell.pseudo ='gth-pade'
# Note the extra attribute ".a" in the "cell" initialization.
# .a is a matrix for lattice vectors. Each row of .a is a primitive vector.
# pbc.gto module provided a shortcut initialization function "gto.M", like the
# one of finite size problem
cell =gto.M(
atom ='''C 0. 0. 0.
C 0.8917 0.8917 0.8917
C 1.7834 1.7834 0.
C 2.6751 2.6751 0.8917
C 1.7834 0. 1.7834
C 2.6751 0.8917 2.6751
C 0. 1.7834 1.7834
C 0.8917 2.6751 2.6751''',
basis ='gth-szv',
pseudo ='gth-pade',
Beyond the basic parameters atom and basis, one needs to set the unit cell lattice vectors a(a 3x3 array, where
each row is a real-space primitive vector) and the numbers of grid points in the FFT-mesh in each positive direction
gs (a length-3 list or 1x3 array); the total number of grid points is 2 gs +1.
In certain cases, it is convenient to choose the FFT-mesh density based on the kinetic energy cutoff. The Cell class
offers an alternative attribute ke_cutoff that can be used to set the FFT-mesh. If ke_cutoff is set and gs is
None, the Cell initialization function will convert the ke_cutoff to the equivalent FFT-mesh according to the
relation g=2𝐸cut
2𝜋a𝑇and will overwrite the gs attribute.
Many PBC calculations are best performed using pseudopotentials, which are set via the pseudo attribute. Pseu-
dopotentials alleviate the need for impractically dense FFT-meshes, although they represent a potentially uncontrolled
source of error. See Pseudo potential for further details and a list of available pseudopotentials.
The input parameters .a and .pseudo are immutable in the Cell object. We emphasize that the input format might
be different from the internal format used by PySCF. Similar to the convention in Mole, an internal Python data layer
is created to hold the formatted .a and .pseudo parameters used as input.
_pseudo The internal format to hold PBC pseudo potential parameters. It is represented with nested Python lists only.
Nuclear-nuclear interaction energies are evaluated by means of Ewald summation, which depends on three parameters:
the truncation radius for real-space lattice sums rcut, the Gaussian model charge ew_eta, and the energy cutoff
ew_cut. Although they can be set manually, these parameters are by default chosen automatically according to the
attribute precision, which likewise can be set manually or left to its default value.
Besides the methods and parameters provided by Mole class (see Chapter gto — Molecular structure and GTO basis),
there are some parameters frequently used in the code to access the information of the crystal.
kpts The scaled or absolute k-points (nkpts x 3 array). This variable is not held as an attribute in Cell object;
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 223
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instead, the Cell object provides functions to generate the k-points and convert the k-points between the scaled
(fractional) value and absolute value:
# Generate k-points
n_kpts_each_direction =[2,2,2]
abs_kpts =cell.make_kpts(n_kpts_each_direction)
# Convert k-points between two convention, the scaled and the absoulte values
scaled_kpts =cell.get_scaled_kpts(abs_kpts)
abs_kpts =cell.get_abs_kpts(scaled_kpts)
Gv The (N x 3) array of plane waves associated to defines the number of FFT grids in each di-
rection. Cell.Gv() or get_Gv() convert the FFT-mesh to the plane waves. Gv are the the plane
wave bases of 3D-FFT transformation. Given gs = [nx,ny,nz], the number of vectors in Gv is
vol Cell.vol gives the volume of the unit cell (in atomic unit).
reciprocal_vectors A 3x3 array. Each row is a reciprocal space primitive vector.
energy_nuc Similar to the energy_nuc() provided by Mole class, this function also return the energy associated
to the nuclear repulsion. The nuclear repulsion energy is computed with Ewald summation technique. The
background contribution is removed from the nuclear repulsion energy otherwise this term is divergent.
pbc_intor PBC analytic integral driver. It allows user to compute the PBC integral array in bulk, for given integral
descriptor intor (see also Mole.intor() function moleintor). In the Cell object, we didn’t overload the
intor() method. So one can access both the periodic integrals and free-boundary integrals within the Cell
object. It allows you to input the cell object into the molecule program to run the free-boundary calculation (see
Connection to Mole class).
Note: pbc_intor() does not support Coulomb type integrals. Calling pbc_intor with Coulomb type integral
descriptor such as cint1e_nuc_sph leads to divergent integrals. The Coulomb type PBC integrals should be
evaluated with density fitting technique (see Chapter pbc.df — PBC denisty fitting).
Attributes and methods
class pyscf.pbc.gto.Cell(**kwargs)
A Cell object holds the basic information of a crystal.
a[(3,3) ndarray] Lattice primitive vectors. Each row represents a lattice vector Reciprocal lattice vectors
are given by b1,b2,b3 = 2 pi inv(a).T
gs [(3,) list of ints] The number of positive G-vectors along each direction. The default value is estimated
based on precision
pseudo [dict or str] To define pseudopotential.
precision [float] To control Ewald sums and lattice sums accuracy
rcut [float] Cutoff radius (unit Bohr) in lattice summation. The default value is estimated based on the
required precision.
ke_cutoff [float] If set, defines a spherical cutoff of planewaves, with .5 * G**2 < ke_cutoff The default
value is estimated based on precision
dimension [int] Default is 3
224 Chapter 1. Contents
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** Following attributes (for experts) are automatically generated. **
ew_eta, ew_cut [float] The Ewald ‘eta’ and ‘cut’ parameters. See get_ewald_params()
(See other attributes in Mole)
>>> mol =Mole(atom='H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto3g')
>>> cl =Cell()
>>>'300;030;003', gs=[8,8,8], atom='C 1 1 1', basis='sto3g')
>>> print(cl.atom_symbol(0))
Estimate the largest distance between the function and its image to reach the precision in overlap
precision ~ int g(r-0) g(r-R)
Setup Mole molecule and Cell and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of
the attributes of Cell, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Cell.
a[(3,3) ndarray] The real-space unit cell lattice vectors. Each row represents a lattice vector.
gs [(3,) ndarray of ints] The number of positive G-vectors along each direction.
pseudo [dict or str] To define pseudopotential. If given, overwrite Cell.pseudo
Serialize Cell object to a JSON formatted str.
Perform real (R) and reciprocal (G) space Ewald sum for the energy.
Formulation of Martin, App. F2.
float The Ewald energy consisting of overlap, self, and G-space sum.
See Also: pyscf.pbc.gto.get_ewald_params
Perform real (R) and reciprocal (G) space Ewald sum for the energy.
Formulation of Martin, App. F2.
float The Ewald energy consisting of overlap, self, and G-space sum.
See Also: pyscf.pbc.gto.get_ewald_params
Convert the input Cell.basis to the internal data format:
{ atom: (l, kappa, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..), nprim, nctr, ptr-exps, ptr-
˓contraction-coeff)), ... }
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 225
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basis_tab [dict] Similar to Cell.basis, it cannot be a str
Returns: Formated basis
>>> pbc.format_basis({'H':'gth-szv'})
{'H': [[0,
(8.3744350009, -0.0283380461),
(1.8058681460, -0.1333810052),
(0.4852528328, -0.3995676063),
(0.1658236932, -0.5531027541)]]}
Convert the input Cell.pseudo (dict) to the internal data format:
{ atom: ( (nelec_s, nele_p, nelec_d, ...),
rloc, nexp, (cexp_1, cexp_2, ..., cexp_nexp),
(r1, nproj1, ( (hproj1[1,1], hproj1[1,2], ..., hproj1[1,nproj1]),
(hproj1[2,1], hproj1[2,2], ..., hproj1[2,nproj1]),
(hproj1[nproj1,1], hproj1[nproj1,2], ... ) )),
(r2, nproj2, ( (hproj2[1,1], hproj2[1,2], ..., hproj2[1,nproj1]),
... ) )
... }
pseudo_tab [dict] Similar to Cell.pseudo (a dict), it cannot be a str
Returns: Formatted pseudo
>>> pbc.format_pseudo({'H':'gth-blyp','He':'gth-pade'})
{'H': [[1],
0.2, 2, [-4.19596147, 0.73049821], 0],
'He': [[2],
0.2, 2, [-9.1120234, 1.69836797], 0]}
Update cell based on given ase atom object
>>> from ase.lattice import bulk
>>> cell.from_ase(bulk('C','diamond', a=LATTICE_CONST))
Generate a uniform real-space grid consistent w/ samp thm; see MH (3.19).
Args: cell : instance of Cell
coords [(ngx*ngy*ngz, 3) ndarray] The real-space grid point coordinates.
226 Chapter 1. Contents
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Calculate three-dimensional G-vectors for the cell; see MH (3.8).
Indices along each direction go as [,] to follow FFT convention. Note that, for each
direction, ngs = 2*
Args: cell : instance of Cell
Gv [(ngs, 3) ndarray of floats] The array of G-vectors.
Calculate G-vectors and weights.
Gv [(ngs, 3) ndarray of floats] The array of G-vectors.
Calculate the structure factor for all atoms; see MH (3.34).
Args: cell : instance of Cell
Gv [(N,3) array] G vectors
SI [(natm, ngs) ndarray, dtype=np.complex128] The structure factor for each atom at each G-vector.
Get absolute k-points (in 1/Bohr), given “scaled” k-points in fractions of lattice vectors.
Args: scaled_kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray of floats
Returns: abs_kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray of floats
Finds all the lattice points within a sphere of radius rcut.
Defines a parallelipiped given by -N_x <= n_x <= N_x, with x in [1,3] See Martin p. 85
rcut [number] real space cut-off for interaction
Returns: cut : ndarray of 3 ints defining N_x
Choose a reasonable value of Ewald ‘eta’ and ‘cut’ parameters.
Choice is based on largest G vector and desired relative precision.
The relative error in the G-space sum is given by
precision ~ 4pi Gmax^2 e^{(-Gmax^2)/(4 eta^2)}
which determines eta. Then, real-space cutoff is determined by (exp. factors only)
precision ~ erfc(eta*rcut) / rcut ~ e^{(-eta**2 rcut*2)}
ew_eta, ew_cut [float] The Ewald ‘eta’ and ‘cut’ parameters.
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 227
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Get the (Cartesian, unitful) lattice translation vectors for nearby images. The translation vectors can be
used for the lattice summation.
Choose number of basis function images in lattice sums to include for given precision in overlap, using
precision ~ int r^l e^{-alpha r^2} (r-rcut)^l e^{-alpha (r-rcut)^2} ~ (rcut^2/(2alpha))^l e^{alpha/2 rcut^2}
where alpha is the smallest exponent in the basis. Note that assumes an isolated exponent in the middle
of the box, so it adds one additional lattice vector to be safe.
Get scaled k-points, given absolute k-points in 1/Bohr.
Args: abs_kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray of floats
Returns: scaled_kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray of floats
Whether pesudo potential is used in the system.
Setup Mole molecule and Cell and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of
the attributes of Cell, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Cell.
a[(3,3) ndarray] The real-space unit cell lattice vectors. Each row represents a lattice vector.
gs [(3,) ndarray of ints] The number of positive G-vectors along each direction.
pseudo [dict or str] To define pseudopotential. If given, overwrite Cell.pseudo
Convert the primitive lattice vectors.
Return 3x3 array in which each row represents one direction of the lattice vectors (unit in Bohr)
Deserialize a str containing a JSON document to a Cell object.
Given number of kpoints along x,y,z , generate kpoints
Args: nks : (3,) ndarray
wrap_around [bool] To ensure all kpts are in first Brillouin zone.
with_gamma_point [bool] Whether to shift Monkhorst-pack grid to include gamma-point.
Returns: kpts in absolute value (unit 1/Bohr). Gamma point is placed at the first place in the k-points list
>>> cell.make_kpts((4,4,4))
Pack the input args of Cell to a dict, which can be serialized with pickle
One-electron integrals with PBC. See also Mole.intor
228 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
b1= 2𝜋a2×a3
b2= 2𝜋a3×a1
b3= 2𝜋a1×a2
Return a Mole object using the same atoms and basis functions as the Cell object.
Convert the packed dict to a Cell object, to generate the input arguments for Cell object.
Connection to Mole class
Cell class is compatible with the molecule pyscf.gto.mole.Mole class. They shared most data structure and
methods. It gives the freedom to mix the finite size calculation and the PBC calculation. If you feed the cell object to
molecule module/functions, the molecule program will not check whether the given Mole object is the true Mole or
not. It simply treats the Cell object as the Mole object and run the finite size calculations. Because the same module
names were used in PBC program and molecule program, you should be careful with the imported modules since no
error message will be raised if you by mistake input the Cell object into the molecule program.
Although we reserve the flexibility to mix the Cell and Mole objects in the same code, it should be noted that the
serialization methods of the two objects are not completely compatible. When you dumps/loads the cell object in the
molecule program, informations of the Cell object or the faked Mole object may be lost.
Cell class has two set of functions to serialize Cell object in different formats.
JSON format is the default serialization format used by pyscf.lib.chkfile module. It can be serialized
by Cell.dumps() function and deserialized by Cell.loads() function.
In the old version, Mole.pack() and Mole.unpack() functions are used to convert the Mole object to
and from Python dict. The Python dict is then serialized by pickle module. This serialization method is not used
anymore in the new PySCF code. To keep the backward compatibility, the two methods are defined in Cell
Basis set
The pbc module supports all-electron calculation. The all-electron basis sets developed by quantum chemistry com-
munity can be directly used in the pbc calculation. The Cell class supports to mix the QC all-electron basis and PBC
basis in the same calculation.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Basis can be input the same way as the finite-size system.
# Note pbc.gto.parse does not support NWChem format. To parse NWChem format
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 229
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
# basis string, you need the molecule gto.parse function.
import numpy
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.pbc import gto as pgto
cell =pgto.M(
atom ='''C 0. 0. 0.
C 0.8917 0.8917 0.8917
C 1.7834 1.7834 0.
C 2.6751 2.6751 0.8917
C 1.7834 0. 1.7834
C 2.6751 0.8917 2.6751
C 0. 1.7834 1.7834
C 0.8917 2.6751 2.6751''',
basis ={'C': gto.parse('''
# Parse NWChem format basis string (see
# Comment lines are ignored
#BASIS SET: (6s,3p) -> [2s,1p]
130.7093200 0.15432897
23.8088610 0.53532814
6.4436083 0.44463454
5.0331513 -0.09996723 0.15591627
1.1695961 0.39951283 0.60768372
0.3803890 0.70011547 0.39195739
pseudo ='gth-pade',
Note: The default PBC Coulomb type integrals are computed using FFT transformation. If the all-electron basis are
used, you might need very high energy cutoff to converge the integrals. It is recommended to use mixed density fitting
technique (pbc.df — PBC denisty fitting) to handle the all-electron calculations.
Pseudo potential
Quantum chemistry community developed a wide range of pseudo potentials (which are called ECP, effective core
potential) for heavy elements. ECP works quite successful in finite system. It has high flexibility to choose different
core size and relevant basis sets to satisfy different requirements on accuracy, efficiency in different simulation sce-
nario. Extending ECP to PBC code enriches the pseudo potential database. PySCF PBC program supports both the
PBC conventional pseudo potential and ECP and the mix of the two kinds of potentials in the same calculation.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Input pseudo potential using functions pbc.gto.pseudo.parse and pbc.gto.pseudo.load
It is allowed to mix the Quantum chemistry effective core potentail (ECP) with
crystal pseudo potential (PP). Input ECP with .ecp attribute and PP with
.pseudo attribute.
See also
pyscf/pbc/gto/pseudo/GTH_POTENTIALS for the GTH-potential format
230 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
pyscf/examples/gto/ for quantum chemistry ECP format
import numpy
from pyscf.pbc import gto
cell =gto.M(atom='''
Si1 0 0 0
Si2 1 1 1''',
a='''3 0 0
0 0 3''',
basis ={'Si1':'gth-szv',# Goedecker, Teter and Hutter single zeta
pseudo ={'Si1': gto.pseudo.parse('''
2 2
0.44000000 1 -6.25958674
0.44465247 2 8.31460936 -2.33277947
0.50279207 1 2.33241791
ecp ={'Si2':'lanl2dz'}, # ECP for second Si atom
# Some elements have multiple PP definitions in GTH database. Add suffix in
# the basis name to load the specific PP.
cell =gto.M(
gs =[4]*3,
atom ='Mg1 0 0 0; Mg2 0 0 1',
pseudo ={'Mg1':'gth-lda-q2','Mg2':'gth-lda-q10'})
# Allow mixing quantum chemistry ECP (or BFD PP) and crystal PP in the same
cell =gto.M(
a='''4 0 0
0 0 4''',
atom ='Cl001;Na010',
basis ={'na':'gth-szv','Cl':'bfd-vdz'},
ecp ={'Cl':'bfd-pp'},
pseudo ={'Na':'gthbp'})
# ECP can be input in the attribute .pseudo
cell =gto.M(
a='''4 0 0
0 0 4''',
atom ='Cl001;Na010',
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 231
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
basis ={'na':'gth-szv','Cl':'bfd-vdz'},
pseudo ={'Na':'gthbp','Cl':'bfd-pp'})
1.21.2 pbc.scf — Mean-field with periodic boundary condition
This module is an analogy to molecular pyscf.scf module to handle mean-filed calculation with periodic boundary
Gamma point and single k-point calculation
The usage of gamma point Hartree-Fock program is very close to that of the molecular program. In the PBC gamma
point calculation, one needs intialize Cell object and the corresponding pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.RHF class:
from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf
cell =gto.M(
atom ='''H 0. 0. 0.
H 0.8917 0.8917 0.8917''',
basis ='sto3g',
0 1.7834 1.7834
1.7834 0 1.7834
1.7834 1.7834 0 ''',
gs =[10]*3,
verbose =4,
mf =scf.RHF(cell).run()
Comparing to the pyscf.scf.hf.RHF object for molecular calculation, the PBC-HF calculation with
pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.RHF or pyscf.pbc.scf.uhf.UHF has three differences
psycf.pbc.scf.hf.RHF is the single k-point PBC HF class. By default, it creates the gamma point calcu-
lation. You can change to other k-point by setting the kpt attribute:
mf =scf.RHF(cell)
mf.kpt =cell.get_abs_kpts([.25,.25,.25]) # convert from scaled kpts
The exchange integrals of the PBC Hartree-Fock method has slow convergence with respect to the number
of k-points. Proper treatments for the divergent part of exchange integrals can effectively improve the con-
vergence. Attribute exxdive is used to control the method to handle exchange divergent term. The default
exxdiv='ewald' is favored in most scenario. However, if the molecular post-HF methods was mixed with
the gamma point HF method (see Mixing with molecular program for post-HF methods, you might need set
exxdiv=None to get consistent total energy (see Exchange divergence treatment).
In the finite-size system, one can obtain right answer without considering the model to evaluate 2-electron
integrals. But the integral scheme might need to be updated in the PBC calculations. The default integral
scheme is accurate for pseudo-potential. In the all-electron calculation, you may need change the with_df
attribute to mixed density fitting (MDF) method for better accuracy (see with_df for density fitting). Here is an
example to update with_df
#!/usr/bin/env python
Gamma point Hartree-Fock/DFT for all-electron calculation
232 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
The default FFT-based 2-electron integrals may not be accurate enough for
all-electron calculation. It's recommended to use MDF (mixed density fitting)
technique to improve the accuracy.
See also
import numpy
from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf, dft
cell =gto.M(
atom ='''C 0. 0. 0.
C 0.8917 0.8917 0.8917
C 1.7834 1.7834 0.
C 2.6751 2.6751 0.8917
C 1.7834 0. 1.7834
C 2.6751 0.8917 2.6751
C 0. 1.7834 1.7834
C 0.8917 2.6751 2.6751''',
basis ='6-31g',
verbose =4,
mf =scf.RHF(cell).density_fit()
# Mixed density fitting is another option for all-electron calculations
mf =scf.RHF(cell).mix_density_fit() =[5]*3# Tune #PWs in MDF for performance/accuracy balance
# Or use even-tempered Gaussian basis as auxiliary fitting functions.
# The following auxbasis is generated based on the expression
# alpha = a *1.7^i i = 0..N
# where a and N are determined by the smallest and largest exponents of AO basis.
import pyscf.df
auxbasis =pyscf.df.aug_etb(cell, beta=1.7)
mf =scf.RHF(cell).density_fit(auxbasis=auxbasis)
# Second order SCF solver can be used in the PBC SCF code the same way in the
# molecular calculation
mf =dft.RKS(cell).density_fit(auxbasis='weigend')
mf.xc ='bp86'
mf =scf.newton(mf)
# The computational costs to initialize PBC DF object is high. The density
# fitting integral tensor created in the initialization can be cached for
# future use. See also examples/df/
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mf =dft.RKS(cell).density_fit(auxbasis='weigend')
mf.with_df._cderi_to_save ='df_ints.h5'
# The DF integral tensor can be preloaded in an independent calculation.
mf =dft.RKS(cell).density_fit()
mf.with_df._cderi ='df_ints.h5'
Mixing with molecular program for post-HF methods
The gamma point HF code adopts the same code structure, the function and method names and the arguments’ con-
vention as the molecule SCF code. This desgin allows one mixing PBC HF object with the existed molecular post-HF
code for PBC electron correlation problems. A typical molecular post-HF calculation starts from the finite-size HF
method with the Mole object:
from pyscf import gto, scf
mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001', basis='ccpvdz')
mf =scf.RHF(mol).run()
from pyscf import cc
The PBC gamma point post-HF calculation requires the Cell object and PBC HF object:
from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf
cell =gto.M(atom='H000;H001', basis='ccpvdz',
h=numpy.eye(3)*2, gs=[10,10,10])
mf =scf.RHF(cell).run()
from pyscf import cc
The differences are the the mol or cell object to create and the scf module to import. With the system-specific
mean-field object, one can carray out various post-HF methods (MP2, Coupled cluster, CISD, TDHF, TDDFT, ...)
using the same code for finite-size and extended systems. See Mixing PBC and molecular modules for more details of
the interface between PBC and molecular modules.
k-point sampling
Newton solver
Exchange divergence treatment
The PBC Hartree-Fock has slow convergence of exchange integral with respect to the number of k-points. In the single
k-point calculation, Generally, exxdiv leads to a shift in the total energy and the spectrum of orbital energy. It should
not affect the following correlation energy in the post-HF calculation. In practice, when the gamma-point calculation
is mixed with molecular program eg the FCI solver, the exxdiv attribute may leads to inconsistency in the total energy.
234 Chapter 1. Contents
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with_df for density fitting
Placing the with_df attribute in SCF object to get the compatibility to molecule DF-SCF methods.
Stability analysis
Program reference
Hartree-Fock for periodic systems at a single k-point
See Also: : Hartree-Fock for periodic systems with k-point sampling
alias of SCF
class pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.SCF(cell,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]),exxdiv=’ewald’)
SCF class adapted for PBCs.
kpt [(3,) ndarray] The AO k-point in Cartesian coordinates, in units of 1/Bohr.
exxdiv [str] Exchange divergence treatment, can be one of
None : ignore G=0 contribution in exchange integral
‘ewald’ : Ewald summation for G=0 in exchange integral
with_df [density fitting object] Default is the FFT based DF model. For all-electron calculation, MDF
model is favored for better accuracy. See also pyscf.pbc.df.
direct_scf [bool] When this flag is set to true, the J/K matrices will be computed directly through the
underlying with_df methods. Otherwise, depending the available memory, the 4-index integrals
may be cached and J/K matrices are computed based on the 4-index integrals.
Get energy bands at the given (arbitrary) ‘band’ k-points.
mo_energy [(nmo,) ndarray or a list of (nmo,) ndarray] Bands energies E_n(k)
mo_coeff [(nao, nmo) ndarray or a list of (nao,nmo) ndarray] Band orbitals psi_n(k)
Compute J matrix for the given density matrix.
Get Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) following scf.hf.RHF.get_jk_().
Note the incore version, which initializes an _eri array in memory.
Get Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) following scf.hf.RHF.get_jk_().
Incore version of Coulomb and exchange build only. Currently RHF always uses PBC AO integrals
(unlike RKS), since exchange is currently computed by building PBC AO integrals.
Compute K matrix for the given density matrix.
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Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix. See scf.hf.get_veff() and
Compute J, K matrices in terms of the given 2-electron integrals and density matrix. eri or dm can be complex.
eri [ndarray] complex integral array with N^4 elements (N is the number of orbitals)
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric
1 : hermitian
2 : anti-hermitian
Returns: Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a
list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
Get energy bands at the given (arbitrary) ‘band’ k-points.
mo_energy [(nmo,) ndarray or a list of (nmo,) ndarray] Bands energies E_n(k)
mo_coeff [(nao, nmo) ndarray or a list of (nao,nmo) ndarray] Band orbitals psi_n(k)
pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.get_hcore(cell,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]))
Get the core Hamiltonian AO matrix.
pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.get_j(cell,dm,hermi=1,vhfopt=None,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]),kpts_band=None)
Get the Coulomb (J) AO matrix for the given density matrix.
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian | 0 : no hermitian or symmetric | 1 : hermitian | 2 : anti-
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
kpt [(3,) ndarray] The “inner” dummy k-point at which the DM was evaluated (or sampled).
kpts_band [(3,) ndarray or (*,3) ndarray] An arbitrary “band” k-point at which J is evaluated.
Returns: The function returns one J matrix, corresponding to the input density matrix (both order and shape).
pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.get_jk(mf,cell,dm,hermi=1,vhfopt=None,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]),
Get the Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) AO matrices for the given density matrix.
dm [ndarray or list of ndarrays] A density matrix or a list of density matrices
236 Chapter 1. Contents
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hermi [int] Whether J, K matrix is hermitian | 0 : no hermitian or symmetric | 1 : hermitian | 2 : anti-
vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
kpt [(3,) ndarray] The “inner” dummy k-point at which the DM was evaluated (or sampled).
kpts_band [(3,) ndarray or (*,3) ndarray] An arbitrary “band” k-point at which J and K are evaluated.
Returns: The function returns one J and one K matrix, corresponding to the input density matrix (both order
and shape).
pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.get_nuc(cell,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]))
Get the bare periodic nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
See Martin (12.16)-(12.21).
pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.get_ovlp(cell,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]))
Get the overlap AO matrix.
pyscf.pbc.scf.hf.get_t(cell,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]))
Get the kinetic energy AO matrix.
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by cell
Returns: Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock for periodic systems at a single k-point
See Also: : Hartree-Fock for periodic systems with k-point sampling
class pyscf.pbc.scf.uhf.UHF(cell,kpt=array([ 0.,0.,0.]),exxdiv=’ewald’)
UHF class for PBCs.
Total Hartree-Fock energy, electronic part plus nuclear repulstion See scf.hf.energy_elec() for
the electron part
Get energy bands at the given (arbitrary) ‘band’ k-points.
mo_energy [(nmo,) ndarray or a list of (nmo,) ndarray] Bands energies E_n(k)
mo_coeff [(nao, nmo) ndarray or a list of (nao,nmo) ndarray] Band orbitals psi_n(k)
Compute J matrix for the given density matrix.
Get Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) following scf.hf.RHF.get_jk_().
Note the incore version, which initializes an _eri array in memory.
Get Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) following scf.hf.RHF.get_jk_().
Incore version of Coulomb and exchange build only. Currently RHF always uses PBC AO integrals
(unlike RKS), since exchange is currently computed by building PBC AO integrals.
Compute K matrix for the given density matrix.
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Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by cell
Returns: Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray
Hartree-Fock for periodic systems with k-point sampling
See Also: : Hartree-Fock for periodic systems at a single k-point
alias of KSCF
class pyscf.pbc.scf.khf.KSCF(cell,kpts=array([[ 0.,0.,0.]]),exxdiv=’ewald’)
SCF class with k-point sampling.
Compared to molecular SCF, some members such as mo_coeff, mo_occ now have an additional first dimension
for the k-points, e.g. mo_coeff is (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
kpts [(nks,3) ndarray] The sampling k-points in Cartesian coordinates, in units of 1/Bohr.
Following pyscf.scf.hf.energy_elec()
Get energy bands at the given (arbitrary) ‘band’ k-points.
mo_energy [(nmo,) ndarray or a list of (nmo,) ndarray] Bands energies E_n(k)
mo_coeff [(nao, nmo) ndarray or a list of (nao,nmo) ndarray] Band orbitals psi_n(k)
Fermi level
returns 1D array of gradients, like non K-pt version note that occ and virt indices of different k pts now
occur in sequential patches of the 1D array
Label the occupancies for each orbital for sampled k-points.
This is a k-point version of scf.hf.SCF.get_occ
Get the overlap AO matrices at sampled k-points.
Args: kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray
Returns: ovlp_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix. See scf.hf.get_veff() and
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population
analysis; Dipole moment
Following pyscf.scf.hf.energy_elec()
238 Chapter 1. Contents
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Fermi level
returns 1D array of gradients, like non K-pt version note that occ and virt indices of different k pts now occur in
sequential patches of the 1D array
Get the core Hamiltonian AO matrices at sampled k-points.
Args: kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray
Returns: hcore : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
Get the Coulomb (J) AO matrix at sampled k-points.
dm_kpts [(nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray or a list of (nkpts,nao,nao) ndarray] Density matrix at each k-point. If
a list of k-point DMs, eg, UHF alpha and beta DM, the alpha and beta DMs are contracted separately.
kpts_band [(k,3) ndarray] A list of arbitrary “band” k-points at which to evalute the matrix.
Returns: vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray or list of vj if the input dm_kpts is a list of DMs
Get the Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) AO matrices at sampled k-points.
dm_kpts [(nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray] Density matrix at each k-point
kpts_band [(3,) ndarray] A list of arbitrary “band” k-point at which to evalute the matrix.
Returns: vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray vk : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray or list of vj and vk if the input dm_kpts
is a list of DMs
Label the occupancies for each orbital for sampled k-points.
This is a k-point version of scf.hf.SCF.get_occ
Get the overlap AO matrices at sampled k-points.
Args: kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray
Returns: ovlp_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
Read the KHF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by cell
Returns: Density matrix, 3D ndarray
One particle density matrices for all k-points.
Returns: dm_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
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Note this function only computes the Mulliken population for the gamma point density matrix.
Hartree-Fock for periodic systems with k-point sampling
See Also: : Hartree-Fock for periodic systems at a single k-point
class pyscf.pbc.scf.kuhf.KUHF(cell,kpts=array([[ 0.,0.,0.]]),exxdiv=’ewald’)
UHF class with k-point sampling.
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix within occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (with-
out change occupancy).
Following pyscf.scf.hf.energy_elec()
Get energy bands at the given (arbitrary) ‘band’ k-points.
mo_energy [(nmo,) ndarray or a list of (nmo,) ndarray] Bands energies E_n(k)
mo_coeff [(nao, nmo) ndarray or a list of (nao,nmo) ndarray] Band orbitals psi_n(k)
Label the occupancies for each orbital for sampled k-points.
This is a k-point version of scf.hf.SCF.get_occ
Get the overlap AO matrices at sampled k-points.
Args: kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray
Returns: ovlp_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
Spin of the given UHF orbitals
2(𝑆+𝑆+𝑆𝑆+) + 𝑆2
where 𝑆+=𝑖𝑆𝑖+is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; 𝑆=𝑖𝑆𝑖is effective for all alpha
occupied orbitals.
1.There are two possibilities for 𝑆+𝑆
(a) same electron 𝑆+𝑆=𝑖𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖,
𝑖𝑈𝐻𝐹 |𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑖|𝑈𝐻𝐹 =
𝑝𝑞 𝑝|𝑠+𝑠|𝑞𝛾𝑞𝑝 =𝑛𝛼
2) different electrons 𝑆+𝑆=𝑠𝑖+𝑠𝑗,(𝑖̸=𝑗). There are in total 𝑛(𝑛1) terms. As a
two-particle operator,
2.Similarly, for 𝑆𝑆+
(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
240 Chapter 1. Contents
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2.For 𝑆2
(a) same electron
(a) different electrons
In total
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛼|𝑗𝛽⟩⟨𝑗𝛽|𝑖𝛼+𝑛𝛽
𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝛽|𝑗𝛼⟩⟨𝑗𝛼|𝑖𝛽) + 1
mo [a list of 2 ndarrays] Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
s[ndarray] AO overlap
Returns: A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='O000;H001;H010', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1,
˓spin=1, verbose=0)
>>> mf =scf.UHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mo =(mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0])
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f'%spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_
S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix within occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (without
change occupancy).
Following pyscf.scf.hf.energy_elec()
Label the occupancies for each orbital for sampled k-points.
This is a k-point version of scf.hf.SCF.get_occ
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Read the KHF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by cell
Returns: Density matrix, 3D ndarray
Alpha and beta spin one particle density matrices for all k-points.
Returns: dm_kpts : (2, nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
Note this function only computes the Mulliken population for the gamma point density matrix.
1.21.3 pbc.dft
1.21.4 pbc.df — PBC denisty fitting
The pbc.df module provides the fundamental functions to handle the density fitting (DF) integral tensors required by
the gamma-point and k-point PBC calculations. There are four types of DF methods available for PBC systems. They
are FFTDF (plane-wave density fitting with fast Fourier transformation), AFTDF (plane-wave density fitting with
analytical Fourier transformation), GDF (Gaussian density fitting) and MDF (mixed density fitting). The Coulomb
integrals and nuclear attraction integrals in the PBC calculations are all computed with DF technique. The default
scheme is FFTDF.
The characters of these PBC DF methods are summarized in the following table
Initialization No No Slow Slow
HF Coulomb matrix (J) Fast Slow Fast Moderate
HF exchange matrix (K) Slow Slow Fast Moderate
Building ERIs Slow Slow Fast Moderate
All-electron calculation Huge error Large error Accurate Most accurate
Low-dimension system N/A 0D,1D,2D 0D,1D,2D 0D,1D,2D
FFTDF — FFT-based density fitting
FFTDF represents the method to compute electron repulsion integrals in reciprocal space with the Fourier transformed
Coulomb kernel
(𝑖𝑗|𝑘𝑙) =
𝜌𝑖𝑗 (G)4𝜋
Gis the plane wave vector. 𝜌𝑖𝑗 (G)is the Fourier transformed orbital pair
𝜌𝑖𝑗 (G) =
Here are some examples to initialize FFTDF object:
242 Chapter 1. Contents
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>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
>>> cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
>>> fftdf =df.FFTDF(cell)
>>> print(fftdf)
<pyscf.pbc.df.fft.FFTDF object at 0x7f599dbd6450>
>>> mf =scf.RHF(cell)
>>> print(mf.with_df)
<pyscf.pbc.df.fft.FFTDF object at 0x7f59a1a10c50>
As the default integral scheme of PBC calculations, FFTDF is created when initializing the PBC mean-field object and
held in the attribute with_df.
Nuclear type integrals
PBC nuclear-electron interaction and pseudo-potential (PP) integrals can be computed with the FFTDF methods
FFTDF.get_nuc() and FFTDF.get_pp().FFTDF.get_nuc() function only evaluates the integral of the
point charge. If PP was specified in the cell object, FFTDF.get_nuc() produces the integrals of the point nuclei
with the effective charges. If PP was not defined in the cell object, FFTDF.get_pp() and FFTDF.get_nuc()
produce the same integrals. Depending on the input k-point(s), the two functions can produce the nuclear-type inte-
grals for a single k-point or a list of nuclear-type integrals for the k-points. By default, they compute the nuclear-type
integrals of Gamma point:
>>> vnuc =fftdf.get_pp()
>>> print(vnuc.shape)
(2, 2)
>>> kpts =cell.make_kpts([2,2,2])
>>> vnuc =fftdf.get_pp(kpts)
>>> print(vnuc.shape)
(8, 2, 2)
>>> vnuc =fftdf.get_pp(kpts)
>>> print(vnuc.shape)
(2, 2)
Hartree-Fock Coulomb and exchange
FFTDF class provides a method FFTDF.get_jk() to compute Hartree-Fock Coulomb matrix (J) and exchange
matrix (K). This method can take one density matrix or a list of density matrices as input and return the J and K
matrices for each density matrix:
>>> dm =numpy.random.random((2,2))
>>> j,k=fftdf.get_jk(dm)
>>> print(j.shape)
(2, 2)
>>> dm =numpy.random.random((3,2,2))
>>> j,k=fftdf.get_jk(dm)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
When k-points are specified, the input density matrices should have the correct shape that matches the number of
>>> kpts =cell.make_kpts([1,1,3])
>>> dm =numpy.random.random((3,2,2))
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>>> j,k=fftdf.get_jk(dm, kpts=kpts)
>>> print(j.shape)
(3, 2, 2)
>>> dm =numpy.random.random((5,3,2,2))
>>> j,k=fftdf.get_jk(dm, kpts=kpts)
>>> print(j.shape)
(5, 3, 2, 2)
4-index ERI tensor and integral transformation
4-index electron repulsion integrals can be computed with FFTDF.get_eri() and FFTDF.ao2mo() methods.
Given 4 k-points(s) (corresponding to the 4 AO indices), FFTDF.get_eri() method produce the regular 4-index
ERIs (𝑖𝑗|𝑘𝑙)in AO basis. The 4 k-points should follow the law of momentum conservation
(k𝑗k𝑖+k𝑙k𝑘)·𝑎= 2𝑛𝜋.
By default, four Γ-points are assigned to the four AO indices. As the format of molecular ERI tensor, the PBC ERI
tensor is reshaped to a 2D array:
>>> eri =fftdf.get_eri()
>>> print(eri.shape)
(4, 4)
>>> eri =fftdf.get_eri([kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1]])
>>> print(eri.shape)
(4, 4)
FFTDF.ao2mo() function applies integral transformation for the given four sets of orbital coefficients, four input
k-points. The four k-points need to follow the momentum conservation law. Similar to FFTDF.get_eri(), the
returned integral tensor is shaped to a 2D array:
>>> orbs =numpy.random.random((4,2,2))
>>> eri_mo =fftdf.get_eri(orbs, [kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1]])
>>> print(eri_mo.shape)
(4, 4)
Kinetic energy cutoff
The accuracy of FFTDF integrals are affected by the kinetic energy cutoff. The default kinetic energy cutoff is a
conservative estimation based on the basis set and the lattice parameter. You can adjust the attribute (the
numbers of grid points in each positive direction) to change the kinetic energy cutoff. If any values in is
too small to reach the required accuracy cell.precision,FFTDF may output a warning message, eg:
WARN: ke_cutoff/gs (12.437 /[3,4,4]) is not enough for FFTDF to get integral
˓accuracy 1e-08.
Coulomb integral error is ~2.6 Eh.
Recomended ke_cutoff/gs are 538.542 /[20 20 20].
In this warning message, Coulomb integral error is a rough estimation for the largest error of the matrix
elements of the two-electron Coulomb integrals. The overall computational error may be varied by 1 - 2 orders of
244 Chapter 1. Contents
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AFTDF — AFT-based density fitting
AFTDF mans that the Fourier transform of the orbital pair is computed analytically
𝜌𝑖𝑗 (G) = 𝑒G·r𝜑𝑖(r)𝜑𝑗(r)𝑑3r
To enable AFTDF in the calculation, AFTDF object can be initialized and assigned to with_df object of mean-field
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
>>> cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
>>> aft =df.AFTDF(cell)
>>> print(aft)
<pyscf.pbc.df.aft.AFTDF object at 0x7ff8b1893d90>
>>> mf =scf.RHF(cell)
>>> mf.with_df =aft
Generally, AFTDF is slower than FFTDF method.
AFTDF class offers the same methods as the FFTDF class. Nuclear and PP integrals, Hartree-Fock J and K matri-
ces, electron repulsion integrals and integral transformation can be computed with functions AFTDF.get_nuc(),
AFTDF.get_pp(),AFTDF.get_jk(),AFTDF.get_eri() and AFTDF.ao2mo() using the same calling
APIs as the analogy functions in FFTDF — FFT-based density fitting.
Kinetic energy cutoff
AFTDF also makes estimation on the kinetic energy cutoff. When the any values of are too small for
required accuracy cell.precision, this class also outputs the Coulomb integral error warning message
as the FFTDF class.
GDF — Gaussian density fitting
GDF is an analogy of the conventional density fitting method with periodic boundary condition. The auxiliary fitting
basis in PBC GDF is periodic Gaussian function (To ensure the long range Coulomb integrals converging in the real
space lattice summation, the multipoles are removed from the auxiliary basis). GDF object can be initialized and
enabled in the SCF calculation in two ways:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
>>> cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
>>> gdf =df.GDF(cell)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(cell)
>>> mf.with_df =gdf
>>> # Using SCF.density_fit method
>>> mf =scf.RHF(cell).density_fit().run()
>>> print(mf.with_df)
<pyscf.pbc.df.df.GDF object at 0x7fec7722aa10>
Similar to the molecular code, SCF.density_fit() method returns a mean-field object with GDF as the integral
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 245
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In the GDF method, the DF-integral tensor is precomputed and stored on disk. GDF method supports both the Γ-point
ERIs and the ERIs of different k-points. GDF.kpts should be specified before initializing GDF object. GDF class
provides the same APIs as the FFTDF class to compute nuclear integrals and electron Coulomb repulsion integrals:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
>>> cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
>>> gdf =df.GDF(cell)
>>> gdf.kpts =cell.make_kpts([2,2,2])
>>> gdf.get_eri([kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1]])
In the mean-field calculation, assigning kpts attribute to mean-field object updates the kpts attribute of the under-
lying DF method:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
>>> cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
>>> mf =scf.KRHF(cell).density_fit()
>>> kpts =cell.make_kpts([2,2,2])
>>> mf.kpts =kpts
>>> mf.with_df.get_eri([kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1]])
Once the GDF integral tensor was initialized, the GDF can be only used with certain k-points calculations. An incorrect
kpts argument can lead to a runtime error:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
>>> cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
>>> gdf =df.GDF(cell, kpts=cell.make_kpts([2,2,2]))
>>> kpt =np.random.random(3)
>>> gdf.get_eri([kpt,kpt,kpt,kpt])
RuntimeError: j3c for kpts [[ 0.53135523 0.06389596 0.19441766]
[ 0.53135523 0.06389596 0.19441766]] is not initialized.
You need to update the attribute .kpts then call .build() to initialize j3c.
The GDF initialization is very expensive. To reduce the initialization cost in a series of calculations, it would be useful
to cache the GDF integral tensor in a file then load them into the calculation when needed. The GDF integral tensor can
be saved and loaded the same way as we did for the molecular DF method (see Saving/Loading DF integral tensor):
import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
gdf =df.GDF(cell, kpts=cell.make_kpts([2,2,2]))
gdf._cderi_to_save ='df_ints.h5' # To save the GDF integrals
mf =scf.KRHF(cell, kpts=cell.make_kpts([2,2,2])).density_fit()
mf.with_df._cderi ='df_ints.h5' # To load the GDF integrals
Auxiliary Gaussian basis
GDF method requires a set of Gaussian functions as the density fitting auxiliary basis. See also DF auxiliary basis
and Even-tempered auxiliary Gaussian basis for the choices of DF auxiliary basis in PySCF GDF code. There are not
many optimized auxiliary basis sets available for PBC AO basis. You can use the even-tempered Gaussian functions
as the auxiliary basis in the PBC GDF method:
246 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
gdf =df.GDF(cell, kpts=cell.make_kpts([2,2,2]))
gdf.auxbasis =df.aug_etb(cell, beta=2.0)
Kinetic energy cutoff
GDF method does not require the specification of kinetic energy cutoff. cell.ke_cutoff and are
ignored in the GDF class. Internally, a small set of planewaves is used in the GDF method to accelerate the convergence
of GDF integrals in the real space lattice summation. The estimated energy cutoff is generated in the GDF class and
stored in the attribute It is not recommended to change this parameter.
MDF — mixed density fitting
MDF method combines the AFTDF and GDF in the same framework. The MDF auxiliary basis is Gaussian and
plane-wave mixed basis. MDF object can be created in two ways:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
>>> cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g', ke_cutoff=10)
>>> mdf =df.MDF(cell)
>>> print(mdf)
<pyscf.pbc.df.mdf.MDF object at 0x7f4025120a10>
>>> mf =scf.RHF(cell).mix_density_fit().run()
>>> print(mf.with_df)
<pyscf.pbc.df.mdf.MDF object at 0x7f7963390a10>
The kinetic energy cutoff is specified in this example to constrain the number of planewaves. The number of
planewaves can also be controlled by through attribute
In principle, the accuracy of MDF method can be increased by adding more plane waves in the auxiliary basis. In
practice, the linear dependency between plane waves and Gaussians may lead to numerical stability issue. The optimal
accuracy (with reasonable computational cost) requires a reasonable size of plan wave basis with a reasonable linear
dependency threshold. A threshold too large would remove many auxiliary functions while a threshold too small
would cause numerical instability. .. In our preliminary test, ke_cutoff=10 is able to produce 0.1 mEh accuracy in
.. total energy. The default linear dependency threshold is 1e-10. The threshold can be adjusted through the attribute
Like the GDF method, it is also very demanding to initialize the 3-center Gaussian integrals in the MDF method. The
3-center Gaussian integral tensor can be cached in a file and loaded to MDF object at the runtime:
import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g')
mdf =df.MDF(cell, kpts=cell.make_kpts([2,2,2]))
mdf._cderi_to_save ='df_ints.h5' # To save the GDF integrals
mf =scf.KRHF(cell, kpts=cell.make_kpts([2,2,2])).mix_density_fit()
mf.with_df._cderi ='df_ints.h5' # To load the GDF integrals
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 247
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
All-electron calculation
All-electron calculations with FFTDF or AFTDF methods requires high energy cutoff for most elements. It is recom-
mended to use GDF or MDF methods in the all-electron calculations. In fact, GDF and MDF can also be used in PP
calculations to reduce the number of planewave basis if steep functions are existed in the AO basis.
Low-dimension system
AFTDF supports the systems with 0D (molecule), 1D and 2D periodic boundary conditions. When computing
the integrals of low-dimension systems, an infinite vacuum is placed on the free boundary. You can set the
cell.dimension, to enable the integral algorithms for low-dimension systems in AFTDF class:
import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g', dimension=1)
aft =df.AFTDF(cell)
GDF and MDF all support the integrals of low-dimension system. Similar to the usage of AFTDF method, you need to
set cell.dimension for the low-dimension systems:
import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g', dimension=1)
gdf =df.GDF(cell)
See more examples in examples/pbc/
Interface to molecular DF-post-HF methods
PBC DF object is compatible to the molecular DF object. The Γ-point PBC SCF object can be directly passed to
molecular DF post-HF methods for an electron correlation calculations in PBC:
import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto, df, scf
from pyscf import cc as mol_cc
cell =gto.M(atom='He 1 1 1', a=np.eye(3)*2, basis='3-21g', dimension=1)
mf =scf.RHF(cell).density_fit()
DF relevant examples can be found in the PySCF examples directory:
248 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Program reference
FFTDF class
class pyscf.pbc.df.fft.FFTDF(cell,kpts=array([[ 0.,0.,0.]]))
Density expansion on plane waves
FFTDF helper functions
JK with discrete Fourier transformation Integral transformation with FFT
(ij|kl) = int dr1 dr2 i*(r1) j(r1) v(r12) k*(r2) l(r2) = (ij|G) v(G) (G|kl)
i*(r) j(r) = 1/N sum_G e^{iGr} (G|ij) = 1/N sum_G e^{-iGr} (ij|G)
“forward” FFT: (G|ij) = sum_r e^{-iGr} i*(r) j(r) = fft[ i*(r) j(r) ]
“inverse” FFT:
(ij|G) = sum_r e^{iGr} i*(r) j(r) = N * ifft[ i*(r) j(r) ] = conj[ sum_r e^{-iGr} j*(r) i(r) ]
AFTDF class
class pyscf.pbc.df.aft.AFTDF(cell,kpts=array([[ 0.,0.,0.]]))
Density expansion on plane waves
AFTDF helper functions
JK with analytic Fourier transformation Integral transformation with analytic Fourier transformation
GDF class
class pyscf.pbc.df.df.GDF(cell,kpts=array([[ 0.,0.,0.]]))
Gaussian density fitting
GDF helper functions
Density fitting with Gaussian basis Ref:
MDF class
class pyscf.pbc.df.mdf.MDF(cell,kpts=array([[ 0.,0.,0.]]))
Gaussian and planewaves mixed density fitting
MDF helper functions
Exact density fitting with Gaussian and planewaves Ref:
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 249
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.21.5 — PBC coupled cluster
1.21.6 — PBC tools
Interface to ASE
The ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment) tool set offers useful database and functions to setup crystal structure and
analyze the results of crystal calculation.
Here are some examples to use the PySCF-ASE interface wrapper
Take ASE Diamond structure, input into PySCF and run
import numpy as np
import pyscf.pbc.gto as pbcgto
import pyscf.pbc.dft as pbcdft
from import pyscf_ase
import ase
import ase.lattice
from ase.lattice.cubic import Diamond
ase_atom=Diamond(symbol='C', latticeconstant=3.5668)
cell =pbcgto.Cell()
cell.verbose =5
cell.basis ='gth-szv'
cell.pseudo ='gth-pade'
print(mf.scf()) # [10,10,10]: -44.8811199336
Take ASE structure, PySCF object,
and run through ASE calculator interface.
This allows other ASE methods to be used with PySCF;
here we try to compute an equation of state.
import numpy as np
from import pyscf_ase
import pyscf.pbc.gto as pbcgto
import pyscf.pbc.dft as pbcdft
import ase
import ase.lattice
250 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
from ase.lattice.cubic import Diamond
from ase.units import kJ
from ase.utils.eos import EquationOfState
ase_atom=Diamond(symbol='C', latticeconstant=3.5668)
# Set up a cell; everything except atom; the ASE calculator will
# set the atom variable
cell =pbcgto.Cell()
cell.basis ='gth-szv'
cell.pseudo ='gth-pade'
cell.verbose =0
# Set up the kind of calculation to be done
# Additional variables for mf_class are passed through mf_dict
mf_dict ={'xc' :'lda,vwn' }
# Once this is setup, ASE is used for everything from this point on
ase_atom.set_calculator(pyscf_ase.PySCF(molcell=cell, mf_class=mf_class, mf_dict=mf_
print("ASE energy", ase_atom.get_potential_energy())
print("ASE energy (should avoid re-evaluation)", ase_atom.get_potential_energy())
# Compute equation of state
volumes =[]
energies =[]
for xin np.linspace(0.95,1.2,5):
ase_atom.set_cell(ase_cell *x, scale_atoms =True)
print "[x: %f, E: %f]" %(x, ase_atom.get_potential_energy())
eos =EquationOfState(volumes, energies)
v0, e0, B
print(B /kJ *1.0e24,'GPa')
1.21.7 Mixing PBC and molecular modules
The post-HF methods, as a standalone numerical solver, do not require the knowledge of the boundary condition. The
calculations of finite-size systems and extend systems are distinguished by the boundary condition of integrals (and
basis). The same post-HF solver can be used for both the finite-size problem and the periodic boundary problem if
they have the similar Hamiltonian structure.
In PySCF, many molecular post-HF solvers has two implementations: incore and outcore versions. They are differed
by the treatments on the 2-electron integrals. The incore solver takes the _eri (or with_df, see df — Density fitting)
from the underlying mean-field object as the two-electron interaction part of the Hamiltonian while the outcore solver
generates the 2-electron integrals (with free boundary condition) on the fly. To use the molecular post-HF solvers in
PBC code, we need ensure the incore version solver being called.
Generating _eri in mean-filed object is the straightforward way to trigger the incore post-HF solver. If the allowed
memory is big enough to hold the entire 2-electron integral array, the gamma point HF solver always generates and
1.21. pbc — Periodic boundary conditions 251
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
holds this array. A second choice is to set incore_anyway in cell which forces the program generating and
holding _eri in mean-field object.
Note: If the problem is big, incore_anyway may overflow the available physical memory.
Holding the full integral array _eri in memory limits the problem size one can treat. Using the density fitting object
with_df to hold the integrals can overcome this problem. This architecture has been bound to PBC and molecular
mean-field modules. But the relevant post-HF density fitting solvers are still in development thus this feature is not
available in PySCF 1.2 or older.
Aside from the 2-electron integrals, there are some attributes and methods required by the post-HF solver. They are
get_hcore(), and get_ovlp() for 1-electron integrals, _numint,grids for the numerical integration of DFT
exchange-correlation functionals. They are all overloaded in PBC mean-field object to produce the PBC integrals.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Gamma point post-HF calculation needs only real integrals.
Methods implemented in finite-size system can be directly used here without
any modification.
import numpy
from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf
cell =gto.M(
atom ='''C 0. 0. 0.
C 0.8917 0.8917 0.8917
C 1.7834 1.7834 0.
C 2.6751 2.6751 0.8917
C 1.7834 0. 1.7834
C 2.6751 0.8917 2.6751
C 0. 1.7834 1.7834
C 0.8917 2.6751 2.6751''',
basis ='6-31g',
verbose =4,
mf =scf.RHF(cell).density_fit() =[5]*3
# Import CC, TDDFT moduel from the molecular implementations
from pyscf import cc, tddft
mycc =cc.CCSD(mf)
mytd =tddft.TDHF(mf)
mytd.nstates =5
252 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.22 lo — Orbital localization
1.22.1 Foster-Boys, Edmiston-Ruedenberg, Pipek-Mezey localization
kwarg method can be one of mulliken, lowdin, meta_lowdin
1.22.2 Meta-Lowdin
1.22.3 Natural atomic orbitals
Natural atomic orbitals Ref:
6. Weinhold et al., J. Chem. Phys. 83(1985), 735-746
Change the default atomic core and valence configuration to the one given by “description”. See
lo.nao.AOSHELL for the default configuration.
element [str or int] Element symbol or nuclear charge
description [str or a list of str]
“double p” : double p shell
“double d” : double d shell
“double f” : double f shell
“polarize” : add one polarized shell
“1s1d” : keep core unchanged and set 1 s 1 d shells for valence
(“3s2p”,”1d”) : 3 s, 2 p shells for core and 1 d shells for valence
1.22.4 Intrinsic Atomic Orbitals
Intrinsic Atomic Orbitals ref. JCTC, 9, 4834
Intrinsic Atomic Orbitals. [Ref. JCTC, 9, 4834
orbocc [2D float array] occupied orbitals
Returns: non-orthogal IAO orbitals. Orthogonalize them as C (C^T S C)^{-1/2}, eg using orth.lowdin()
>>> orbocc =mf.mo_coeff[:,mf.mo_occ>0]
>>> c=iao(mol, orcc)
>>>, orth.lowdin(reduce(, (c.T,s,c))))
1.22. lo — Orbital localization 253
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.23 Miscellaneous
1.23.1 Decoration pipe
There are three decoration function for Hartree-Fock class density_fit(),sfx2c(),newton() to apply den-
sity fitting, scalar relativistic correction and second order SCF. The different ordering of the three decoration operations
have different effects. For example
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
import numpy
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import scf
Mixing decoration, for density fitting, scalar relativistic effects, and
second order (Newton-Raphson) SCF.
Density fitting and scalar relativistic effects can be applied together,
regardless to the order you apply the decoration.
NOTE the second order SCF (New in version 1.1) decorating operation are not
commutable with scf.density_fit operation
[scf.density_fit, scf.sfx2c ] == 0
[scf.newton , scf.sfx2c ] == 0
[scf.newton , scf.density_fit] != 0
*scf.density_fit(scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol))) is the SOSCF for regular 2e
integrals, but with density fitting integrals for the Hessian. It's an
approximate SOSCF optimization method;
*scf.newton(scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol))) is the exact second order
optimization for the given scf object which is a density-fitted-scf method.
The SOSCF is not an approximate scheme.
*scf.density_fit(scf.newton(scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol))), auxbasis='ahlrichs')
is an approximate SOSCF scheme for the given density-fitted-scf method.
Here we use small density fitting basis (ahlrichs cfit basis) to approximate
the Hessian for the large-basis-density-fitted-scf scheme.
mol =gto.Mole()
verbose =0,
atom ='''8 0 0. 0
1 0 -0.757 0.587
1 0 0.757 0.587''',
basis ='ccpvdz',
# 1. spin-free X2C-HF with density fitting approximation on 2E integrals
mf =scf.density_fit(scf.sfx2c(scf.RHF(mol)))
mf =scf.RHF(mol).x2c().density_fit() # Stream style
254 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.075408156180' %energy)
# 2. spin-free X2C correction for density-fitting HF. Since X2C correction is
# commutable with density fitting operation, it is fully equivalent to case 1.
mf =scf.sfx2c(scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol)))
mf =scf.RHF(mol).density_fit().x2c() # Stream style
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.075408156180' %energy)
# 3. Newton method for non-relativistic HF
mf =scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol))
mf =scf.RHF(mol).newton() # Stream style
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026765673120' %energy)
# 4. Newton method for non-relativistic HF with density fitting for orbital
# hessian of newton solver. Note the answer is equal to case 3, but the
# solver "mf" is different.
mf =scf.density_fit(scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol)))
mf =scf.RHF(mol).newton().density_fit()
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026765673120' %energy)
# 5. Newton method to solve the density-fitting approximated HF object. There
# is no approximation for newton method (orbital hessian). Note the density
# fitting is applied on HF object only. It does not affect the Newton solver.
mf =scf.newton(scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol)))
mf =scf.RHF(mol).density_fit().newton()
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026744737357' %energy)
# 6. Newton method for density-fitting HF, and the hessian of Newton solver is
# also approximated with density fitting. Note the anwser is equivalent to
# case 5, but the solver "mf" is different. Here the fitting basis for HF and
# Newton solver are different. HF is approximated with the default density
# fitting basis (Weigend cfit basis). Newton solver is approximated with
# Ahlrichs cfit basis.
mf =scf.density_fit(scf.newton(scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol))), 'ahlrichs')
mf =scf.RHF(mol).density_fit().newton().density_fit(auxbasis='ahlrichs')
energy =mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026744737357' %energy)
1.23. Miscellaneous 255
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Direct FCI solver cannot guarantee the CI wave function to be the spin eigenfunction. Decoration function
fci.addons.fix_spin_() can fix this issue.
mcscf.density_fit(), and scf.sfx2c() can be used to decorate CASSCF/CASCI class. Like the ordering
problem in SCF decoration operation, the density fitting for CASSCF solver only affect the CASSCF optimization
procedure. It does not change the 2e integrals for CASSCF Hamiltonian. For example
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
Density fitting for orbital optimzation.
Note mcscf.density_fit function follows the same convention of decoration
ordering which is applied in the SCF decoration. See pyscf/mcscf/ for
more details and pyscf/example/scf/ as an exmple.
mol =gto.Mole()
atom =[
["C", (-0.65830719,0.61123287,-0.00800148)],
["C", (-0.65808819,3.02741487,-0.00967948)],
["C", (-1.35568919,1.81920887,-0.00868348)],
["H", (-1.20806619,-0.34108413,-0.00755148)],
["H", (-1.20821019,3.97969587,-0.01063248)],
["H", (-2.45529319,1.81939187,-0.00886348)],],
basis ='ccpvtz'
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mf.conv_tol =1e-8
# DFCASSCF uses density-fitting 2e integrals overall, regardless the
# underlying mean-filed object
mc =mcscf.DFCASSCF(mf, 6,6)
mo =mc.sort_mo([17,20,21,22,23,30])
print('E(CAS) = %.12f, ref = -230.845892901370' %mc.e_tot)
256 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
# Assign DF basis
mc =mcscf.DFCASSCF(mf, 6,6, auxbasis='ccpvtzfit')
mo =mc.sort_mo([17,20,21,22,23,30])
print('E(CAS) = %.12f, ref = -230.845892901370' %mc.e_tot)
1.23.2 Customizing Hamiltonian
PySCF supports user-defined Hamiltonian for many modules. To customize Hamiltonian for Hartree-Fock, CASSCF,
MP2, CCSD, etc, one need to replace the methods get_hcore(),get_ovlp() and attribute _eri of SCF class
for new Hamiltonian. E.g. the user-defined Hamiltonian for Hartree-Fock
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo
Customizing Hamiltonian for SCF module.
Three steps to define Hamiltonian for SCF:
1. Specify the number of electrons. (Note mole object must be "built" before doing
˓this step)
2. Overwrite three attributes of scf object
3. Specify initial guess (to overwrite the default atomic density initial guess)
Note you will see warning message on the screen:
overwrite keys get_ovlp get_hcore of <class 'pyscf.scf.hf.RHF'>
mol =gto.M()
mol.nelectron =n
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
h1 =numpy.zeros((n,n))
for iin range(n-1):
h1[i,i+1]=h1[i+1,i] = -1.0
h1[n-1,0]=h1[0,n-1]= -1.0 # PBC
eri =numpy.zeros((n,n,n,n))
for iin range(n):
eri[i,i,i,i] =4.0
mf.get_hcore =lambda *args: h1
mf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(n)
# ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n) to get 8-fold permutation symmetry of the integrals
1.23. Miscellaneous 257
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
# ._eri only supports the two-electron integrals in 4-fold or 8-fold symmetry.
mf._eri =ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n)
and the user-defined Hamiltonian for CASSCF
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Qiming Sun <>
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, mcscf
User-defined Hamiltonian for CASSCF module.
Defining Hamiltonian once for SCF object, the derivate post-HF method get the
Hamiltonian automatically.
mol =gto.M()
mol.nelectron =6
# 1D anti-PBC Hubbard model at half filling
h1 =numpy.zeros((n,n))
for iin range(n-1):
h1[i,i+1]=h1[i+1,i] = -1.0
h1[n-1,0]=h1[0,n-1]= -1.0
eri =numpy.zeros((n,n,n,n))
for iin range(n):
eri[i,i,i,i] =2.0
mf =scf.RHF(mol)
mf.get_hcore =lambda *args: h1
mf.get_ovlp =lambda *args: numpy.eye(n)
mf._eri =ao2mo.restore(8, eri, n)
mf.init_guess ='1e'
mycas =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4)
1.24 qmmm — QM/MM interface
QM part interface
Modify the QM method using the (non-relativistic) potential generated by MM charges.
Args: scf_method : a HF or DFT object
258 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
coords [2D array, shape (N,3)] MM particle coordinates
charges [1D array] MM particle charges
unit [str] Bohr, AU, Ang (case insensitive). Default is the same to mol.unit
Returns: Same method object as the input scf_method with modified 1e Hamiltonian
Note: 1. if MM charge and X2C correction are used together, function mm_charge needs to be applied af-
ter X2C decoration (scf.sfx2c function), eg mf = mm_charge(scf.sfx2c(scf.RHF(mol)), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)],
[-0.5]). 2. Once mm_charge function is applied on the SCF object, it affects all the post-HF calculations
eg MP2, CCSD, MCSCF etc
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =mm_charge(dft.RKS(mol), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)], [-0.3])
>>> mf.kernel()
Apply the MM charges in the QM gradients’ method. It affects both the electronic and nuclear parts of the QM
scf_grad [a HF or DFT gradient object (grad.HF or grad.RKS etc)] Once mm_charge_grad function is
applied on the SCF object, it affects all post-HF calculations eg MP2, CCSD, MCSCF etc
coords [2D array, shape (N,3)] MM particle coordinates
charges [1D array] MM particle charges
unit [str] Bohr, AU, Ang (case insensitive). Default is the same to mol.unit
Returns: Same gradeints method object as the input scf_grad method
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, grad
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;F001', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf =mm_charge(scf.RHF(mol), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)], [-0.3])
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> hfg =mm_charge_grad(grad.hf.RHF(mf), coords, charges)
>>> hfg.kernel()
[[-0.25912357 -0.29235976 -0.38245077]
[-1.70497052 -1.89423883 1.2794798 ]]
1.25 mrpt — Multi-reference perturbation theory
1.25.1 N-electron valance perturbation theory (NEVPT2)
class pyscf.mrpt.nevpt2.NEVPT(mc,root=0)
Strongly contracted NEVPT2
1.25. mrpt — Multi-reference perturbation theory 259
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
root [int] To control which state to compute if multiple roots or state-average wfn were calculated in
compressed_mps [bool] compressed MPS perturber method for DMRG-SC-NEVPT2
>>> mf =gto.M('N000;N001.4', basis='6-31g').apply(scf.RHF).run()
>>> mc =mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4,4).run()
>>> NEVPT(mc).kernel()
SC-NEVPT2 with compressed perturber
Kwargs :
maxM [int] DMRG bond dimension
>>> mf =gto.M('N000;N001.4', basis='6-31g').apply(scf.RHF).run()
>>> mc =dmrgscf.DMRGSCF(mf, 4,4).run()
>>> NEVPT(mc, root=0).compress_approx(maxM=100).kernel()
Hack me to load CI wfn from disk
1.26 Benchmark
CPU 4 Intel E5-2670 @ 2.6 GB
Memory 64 GB DDR3
OS Custom Redhat 6.6
Compiler Intel 13.0
Benzene, on 16 CPU cores
Basis 6-31G** cc-pVTZ ANO-Roos-TZ
HF 0.55 s 5.76 s 389.1 s
density fit HF 3.56 s 7.61 s 13.8 s
B3LYP 3.84 s 11.44 s 360.2 s
MP2 0.21 s 4.66 s 115.9 s
CASSCF(6,6) 2.88 s 34.73 s 639.7 s
CCSD 18.24 s 477.0 s 6721 s
C60, on 16 CPU cores
Basis 6-31G** cc-pVTZ
HF 1291 s 189 m
SOSCF (newton) 77 m
density fit HF 316.7 s 43.3 m
Fe(II)-porphyrin (FeC20H12N4), on 16 CPU cores
260 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
Basis cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVQZ
SOSCF (newton) 193.4 s 20.1 m 127.1 m
CASSCF(10,10) 1808 s 241 m
CASSCF(11,8) 763.8 s 150.3 m 1280 m
1.27 Code standard
Code at least should work under python-2.7, gcc-4.8.
90/10 functional/OOP, unless performance critical, functions are pure.
90/10 Python/C, only computational hot spots were written in C.
To extend python function with C/Fortran:
Following C89 (gnu89) standard for C code. (complex? variable length array?)
Following Fortran 95 standard for Fortran code.
Do not use other program languages (to keep the package light-weight).
Conservative on advanced language feature.
Minimal dependence principle
Minimal requirements on 3rd party program or libraries.
Loose-coupling between modules so that the failure of one module can have minimal effects on the other
Not enforced but recommended - Compatibile with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4; - Following C89 (gnu89)
standard for C code; - Using ctypes to bridge C/python functions
1.27.1 Name convention
The prefix or suffix underscore in the function names have special meanings
functions with prefix-underscore like _fn are private functions. They are typically not documented, and
not recommended to use.
functions with suffix-underscore like fn_ means that they have side effects. The side effects include the
change of the input argument, the runtime modification of the class definitions (attributes or members), or
module definitions (global variables or functions) etc.
regular (pure) functions do not have underscore as the prefix or suffix.
1.27.2 API convention
gto.Mole holds all global parameters, like the log level, the max memory usage etc. They are used as the
default value for all other classes.
Method class.
Most QC method classes (like HF, CASSCF, FCI, ...) directly take three attributes verbose,stdout
and max_memory from gto.Mole. Overwriting them only affects the behavior of the local instance
for that method class. In the following example, mf.verbose screens out the noises produced by RHF
method, and the output of MP2 is written in the log file example.log:
1.27. Code standard 261
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mp
>>> mol =gto.M(atom='H000;H001', verbose=5)
>>> mf =scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.verbose =0
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mp2 =mp.MP2(mf)
>>> mp2.stdout =open('example.log','w')
>>> mp2.kernel()
Method class are only to hold the options or enviroments (like convergence threshold, max iterations,
...) to control the behavior/convergence of the method. The intermediate status are not supposed to be
saved in the method class (during the computation). However, the final results or solutions are kept in
the method object for convenience. Once the results are stored in the particular method class, they are
assumed to be read only, since many class member functions take them as the default arguments if the
caller didn’t provide enough parameters.
In __init__ function, initialize/define the problem size. The problem size parameters (like num orbitals
etc) can be considered as enviroments. They are not supposed to be changed by other functions.
Kernel functions Although the method classes have various entrance/main funtion, many of them provide
an entrance function called kernel. You can simply call the kernel function and it will guide the
program flow to the right main function.
Default value of the class member functions’ arguments. Many member functions can take the results of
their class as the default arguments.
Function arguments
First argument is handler. The handler is one of gto.Mole object, a mean-field object, or a post-Hartree-
Fock object.
262 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
1.28 Version history
1.4 2017-10-05
1.4 beta 2017-08-22 (feature freeze)
1.4 alpha 2017-06-24
1.3.5_ 2017-08-12
1.3.4 2017-08-09
1.3.3 2017-07-05
1.3.2 2017-06-05
1.3.1 2017-05-14
1.3 2017-04-25
1.3 beta 2017-02-15 (feature freeze)
1.3 alpha 2 2017-01-04
1.3 alpha 1 2016-12-04
1.2.3 2017-04-24
1.2.2 2017-02-15
1.2.1 2017-01-26
1.2 2016-11-07
1.2 beta 2016-09-13 (feature freeze)
1.2 alpha 2016-08-05
1.1 2016-06-04
1.1 beta 2016-04-11 (feature freeze)
1.1 alpha 2 2016-03-08
1.1 alpha 1 2016-02-08
1.0 2015-10-07
1.0 rc1 2015-09-07
1.0 beta 1 2015-08-02 (feature freeze)
1.0 alpha 2 2015-07-03
1.0 alpha 1 2015-04-07
You can also download the PDF version of this manual.
1.28. Version history 263
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
264 Chapter 1. Contents
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
266 Python Module Index
absorb_h1e() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
addr2str() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring), 152
alias_axes() (in module pyscf.symm.geom), 156
analyze() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 105
analyze() (in module pyscf.scf.hf_symm), 122
analyze() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 115
analyze() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 82,99
analyze() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 91
ao_loc_2c() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
ao_loc_2c() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 31,53
ao_loc_nr() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
ao_loc_nr() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 31,54
atom_charge() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 31,54
atom_coord() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 31,54
atom_nelec_core() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 32,54
atom_nshells() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 32,54
atom_pure_symbol() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 32,
atom_shell_ids() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 32,55
atom_symbol() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 32,55
atom_types() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
aux_e1() (in module pyscf.df.incore), 158
aux_e2() (in module pyscf.df.incore), 158
bas_angular() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 32,55
bas_atom() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 33,55
bas_coord() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 33,55
bas_ctr_coeff() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 33,56
bas_exp() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 33,56
bas_kappa() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 33,56
bas_len_cart() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 34,56
bas_len_spinor() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 34,56
bas_nctr() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 34,56
bas_nprim() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 34,56
build() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 34,57
build_() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 35,57
cache_xc_kernel_() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 165
canonicalize() (in module pyscf.mcscf.casci), 141
canonicalize() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 105
canonicalize() (in module pyscf.scf.hf_symm), 122
canonicalize() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 115
canonicalize() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf_symm), 125
canonicalize() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 140
canonicalize() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 82,99
canonicalize() (pyscf.scf.hf_symm.RHF method), 120
canonicalize() (pyscf.scf.hf_symm.ROHF method), 122
canonicalize() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 91
canonicalize() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 93,112
canonicalize() (pyscf.scf.uhf_symm.UHF method), 124
canonicalize_() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 140
cart2j_kappa() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
cart2j_l() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
cart2sph() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
cart2zmat() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
cart_labels() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 45
cart_labels() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 35,58
cartesian_prod() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 75
cas_natorb() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 146
cas_natorb() (in module pyscf.mcscf.casci), 141
CASCI (class in pyscf.mcscf.casci), 139
caslst_by_irrep() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 146
CASSCF (class in pyscf.mcscf.mc1step), 142
CASSCF (class in pyscf.mcscf.mc1step_symm), 144
chiral_mol() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
cho_solve() (in module pyscf.lib.linalg_helper), 77
cholesky_eri() (in module pyscf.df.incore), 158
conc_env() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
conc_mol() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
cond() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 75
contract_1e() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
contract_1e() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
contract_2e() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
contract_2e() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
contract_ss() (in module pyscf.fci.spin_op), 153
copy() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
cre_a() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 153
cre_b() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 154
davidson() (in module pyscf.lib.linalg_helper), 77
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
davidson1() (in module pyscf.lib.linalg_helper), 78
define_xc() (in module pyscf.dft.libxc), 171
define_xc_() (in module pyscf.dft.libxc), 171
density_fit() (in module pyscf.scf.dfhf), 125
des_a() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 154
des_b() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 154
det_ovlp() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 116
det_ovlp() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 93,112
detect_symm() (in module pyscf.symm.geom), 156
direct_sum() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 75
dot() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 75
dot_eri_dm() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 105
dsolve() (in module pyscf.lib.linalg_helper), 79
dump_mo() (in module, 173
dump_rec() (in module, 174
dump_scf() (in module pyscf.scf.chkfile), 128
dump_tri() (in module, 175
dumps() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
dumps() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 35,58
dyall_nuc_mod() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
eig() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 106
eig() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 82,99
eig() (pyscf.scf.hf_symm.RHF method), 120
energy() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 154
energy() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
energy_elec() (in module pyscf.dft.rks), 161
energy_elec() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 106
energy_elec() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 116
energy_elec() (pyscf.dft.rks.RKS method), 160
energy_elec() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 82,99
energy_elec() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 94,113
energy_nuc() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
energy_tot() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 106
energy_tot() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 83,100
eval_ao() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 165
eval_gto() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 35,58
eval_mat() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 166
eval_rho() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 167
eval_rho2() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 167
eval_xc() (in module pyscf.dft.libxc), 171
expand_etb() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
expand_etb() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 36,59
expand_etbs() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 46
expand_etbs() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 36,59
filatov_nuc_mod() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 47
fill_2c2e() (in module pyscf.df.incore), 158
fix_spin_() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 154
float_occ() (in module pyscf.scf.addons), 127
format_atom() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 47
format_atom() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 36,59
format_aux_basis() (in module pyscf.df.incore), 158
format_basis() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 47
format_basis() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 37,59
from_chk() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 83,100
from_zmatrix() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 48
full() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.incore), 128
full() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.outcore), 130
full_iofree() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.outcore), 131
gen_atomic_grids() (in module pyscf.dft.gen_grid), 163
gen_atomic_grids() (pyscf.dft.gen_grid.Grids method),
gen_cre_str_index() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring), 152
gen_des_str_index() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring), 152
gen_linkstr_index() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring), 152
gen_linkstr_index_trilidx() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring),
gen_strings4orblist() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring), 152
general() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.incore), 128
general() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.outcore), 132
general_iofree() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.outcore), 134
get_fock() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 147
get_fock() (in module pyscf.mcscf.casci), 141
get_fock() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 83,100
get_fock() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 91
get_fock_() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 106
get_fock_() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 83,100
get_fock_() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 91
get_grad() (in module pyscf.scf.dhf), 127
get_grad() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 107
get_grad() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 116
get_grad() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 84,101
get_grad() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 91
get_h1cas() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 140
get_h1eff() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 140
get_hcore() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 107
get_init_guess() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
get_init_guess() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 107
get_irrep_nelec() (in module pyscf.scf.hf_symm), 122
get_irrep_nelec() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf_symm), 125
get_irrep_nelec() (pyscf.scf.hf_symm.RHF method), 120
get_irrep_nelec() (pyscf.scf.uhf_symm.UHF method),
get_j() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 84,101
get_jk() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 107
get_jk() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 84,101
get_jk_() (pyscf.scf.hf.RHF method), 89,97
get_jk_() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 84,102
get_k() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 85,102
get_occ() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 108
get_occ() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 85,102
get_occ() (pyscf.scf.hf_symm.RHF method), 121
get_occ() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 91
268 Index
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
get_occ() (pyscf.scf.uhf_symm.UHF method), 124
get_ovlp() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 108
get_veff() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 108
get_veff() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 116
get_veff() (pyscf.dft.rks.RKS method), 160
get_veff() (pyscf.dft.uks.UKS method), 162
get_veff() (pyscf.scf.dhf.UHF method), 127
get_veff() (pyscf.scf.hf.RHF method), 89,98
get_veff() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 85,102
get_veff() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 91
get_veff() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 94,113
get_veff_() (in module pyscf.dft.rks), 161
get_veff_() (in module pyscf.dft.uks), 162
getints() (in module pyscf.gto.moleintor), 67
getints_by_shell() (in module pyscf.gto.moleintor), 70
Grids (class in pyscf.dft.gen_grid), 162
gto_norm() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 48
gto_norm() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 37,60
guess_wfnsym() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 155
h1e_for_cas() (in module pyscf.mcscf.casci), 141
h1e_for_cas() (in module pyscf.mcscf.casci_uhf), 141
h1e_for_cas() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 141
half_e1() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.incore), 129
half_e1() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.outcore), 135
hermi_triu_() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 75
hot_tuning_() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 147
hybrid_coeff() (in module pyscf.dft.libxc), 172
init_guess_by_1e() (in module pyscf.scf.dhf), 127
init_guess_by_1e() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 109
init_guess_by_1e() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 86,103
init_guess_by_atom() (in module pyscf.scf.dhf), 127
init_guess_by_atom() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 109
init_guess_by_atom() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 86,103
init_guess_by_chkfile() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 109
init_guess_by_chkfile() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 86,
init_guess_by_minao() (in module pyscf.scf.dhf), 127
init_guess_by_minao() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 109
init_guess_by_minao() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 117
init_guess_by_minao() (pyscf.scf.dhf.UHF method), 127
init_guess_by_minao() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 86,
init_guess_by_minao() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 95,
initguess_triplet() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 155
intor() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 38,60
intor_asymmetric() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 38,61
intor_by_shell() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 39,61
intor_cross() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 48
intor_symmetric() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 41,64
irrep_id2name() (in module pyscf.symm.addons), 156
irrep_name2id() (in module pyscf.symm.addons), 156
is_same_mol() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
kernel() (in module pyscf.mcscf.casci), 141
kernel() (in module pyscf.mcscf.casci_uhf), 142
kernel() (in module pyscf.mcscf.mc1step), 144
kernel() (in module pyscf.scf.dhf), 127
kernel() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 109
kernel() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 42,64
kernel() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 86,103
krylov() (in module pyscf.lib.linalg_helper), 79
label_orb_symm() (in module pyscf.symm.addons), 157
large_ci() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 155
large_rho_indices() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 167
len_cart() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
len_spinor() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
level_shift() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 110
librdm (in module pyscf.fci.rdm), 153
linearmole_symm_descent() (in module
pyscf.symm.basis), 156
load (class in pyscf.ao2mo.addons), 136
load() (in module pyscf.gto.basis), 73
load() (in module, 173
load_ecp() (in module pyscf.gto.basis), 73
loads() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
loads() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 42,65
M() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 29
make_asym_dm() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 117
make_asym_dm() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 95,114
make_atm_env() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
make_bas_env() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
make_dm123() (in module pyscf.fci.rdm), 153
make_dm1234() (in module pyscf.fci.rdm), 153
make_env() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
make_hdiag() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
make_hdiag() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
make_mask() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 168
make_rdm1() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
make_rdm1() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
make_rdm1() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 147
make_rdm1() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 110
make_rdm1() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 117
make_rdm1() (pyscf.scf.dhf.RHF method), 126
make_rdm1() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 87,104
make_rdm1() (pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF method), 92
make_rdm1() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 95,114
make_rdm12() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
make_rdm12() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
Index 269
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
make_rdm12s() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 150
make_rdm1s() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
make_rdm1s() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 151
make_rdm1s() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 147
map2hf() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 147
map_rhf_to_uhf() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 117
Mole (class in pyscf.gto.mole), 29,52
mom_occ() (in module pyscf.scf.addons), 127
mulliken_meta() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 110
mulliken_meta() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 117
mulliken_meta() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 87,104
mulliken_pop() (in module pyscf.scf.hf), 111
mulliken_pop() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 117
mulliken_pop() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 87,104
mulliken_pop_meta_lowdin_ao() (in module
pyscf.scf.hf), 111
mulliken_pop_meta_lowdin_ao() (in module
pyscf.scf.uhf), 117
nao_2c() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
nao_2c() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 42,65
nao_2c_range() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
nao_2c_range() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 42,65
nao_cart() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
nao_cart() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 43,65
nao_nr() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
nao_nr() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 43,65
nao_nr_range() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 49
nao_nr_range() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 43,65
npgto_nr() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 50
npgto_nr() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 43,66
nr_fxc() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 168
nr_rks() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 168
nr_rks_fxc() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 168
nr_rks_vxc() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 169
nr_uks() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 170
nr_uks_fxc() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 170
nr_uks_vxc() (in module pyscf.dft.numint), 170
offset_nr_by_atom() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 50
offset_nr_by_atom() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 43,
original_becke() (in module pyscf.dft.gen_grid), 165
overlap() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 155
pack() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 50
pack() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 43,66
pack_tril() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 76
parse() (in module pyscf.gto.basis), 73
parse_xc() (in module pyscf.dft.libxc), 173
parse_xc_name() (in module pyscf.dft.libxc), 173
pop() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 87,104
project_init_guess() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 147
project_mo_nr2nr() (in module pyscf.scf.addons), 127
pspace() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
pspace() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 151
pyscf (module), 3
pyscf.ao2mo (module), 128
pyscf.ao2mo.addons (module), 136
pyscf.ao2mo.incore (module), 128
pyscf.ao2mo.outcore (module), 130
pyscf.df (module), 158
pyscf.df.incore (module), 158
pyscf.dft.gen_grid (module), 162
pyscf.dft.libxc (module), 171
pyscf.dft.numint (module), 165
pyscf.dft.rks (module), 159
pyscf.dft.uks (module), 162
pyscf.fci (module), 150
pyscf.fci.addons (module), 153
pyscf.fci.cistring (module), 152
pyscf.fci.direct_spin0 (module), 151
pyscf.fci.direct_spin0_symm (module), 152
pyscf.fci.direct_spin1 (module), 150
pyscf.fci.direct_spin1_symm (module), 151
pyscf.fci.direct_uhf (module), 152
pyscf.fci.rdm (module), 153
pyscf.fci.spin_op (module), 153
pyscf.gto (module), 29
pyscf.gto.basis (module), 73
pyscf.gto.mole (module), 29
pyscf.gto.moleintor (module), 67
pyscf.lib (module), 74
pyscf.lib.linalg_helper (module), 77
pyscf.lib.logger (module), 74
pyscf.lib.numpy_helper (module), 75
pyscf.lib.parameters (module), 74
pyscf.mcscf (module), 137
pyscf.mcscf.addons (module), 146
pyscf.mcscf.casci (module), 139
pyscf.mcscf.casci_symm (module), 141
pyscf.mcscf.casci_uhf (module), 141
pyscf.mcscf.mc1step (module), 142
pyscf.mcscf.mc1step_symm (module), 144
pyscf.mcscf.mc1step_uhf (module), 146
pyscf.mcscf.mc_ao2mo (module), 146
pyscf.mcscf.mc_ao2mo_uhf (module), 146
pyscf.scf (module), 80
pyscf.scf.addons (module), 127
pyscf.scf.chkfile (module), 128
pyscf.scf.dfhf (module), 125
pyscf.scf.dhf (module), 126
pyscf.scf.diis (module), 128
pyscf.scf.hf (module), 96
pyscf.scf.hf_symm (module), 119
270 Index
PySCF Documentation, Release 1.4.0
pyscf.scf.uhf (module), 111
pyscf.scf.uhf_symm (module), 123
pyscf.symm (module), 156
pyscf.symm.addons (module), 156
pyscf.symm.basis (module), 156 (module), 156
pyscf.symm.geom (module), 156 (module), 173 (module), 173 (module), 173 (module), 173
r_get_jk_() (in module pyscf.scf.dfhf), 125
reform_linkstr_index() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring), 152
remove_high_l() (in module, 173
reorder() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 155
restore() (in module pyscf.ao2mo.addons), 136
RHF (class in pyscf.scf.dhf), 126
RHF (class in pyscf.scf.hf), 88,96
RHF (class in pyscf.scf.hf_symm), 119
RKS (class in pyscf.dft.rks), 159
ROHF (class in pyscf.scf.hf_symm), 121
ROHF (class in pyscf.scf.rohf), 90
rotation_mat() (in module pyscf.symm.geom), 156
route() (in module pyscf.symm.addons), 157
safe_eigh() (in module pyscf.lib.linalg_helper), 80
same_mol() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 50
SCF (class in pyscf.scf.hf), 81,98
scf() (pyscf.scf.hf.SCF method), 88,105
search_ao_nr() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 50
search_ao_nr() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 43,66
search_shell_id() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 50
set_common_origin_() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method),
set_nuc_mod_() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 44,66
set_range_coulomb_() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method),
set_rinv_origin_() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 44,66
set_rinv_zeta_() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 44,67
so2ao_mo_coeff() (in module pyscf.scf.hf_symm), 123
solve_approx_ci() (pyscf.mcscf.mc1step.CASSCF
method), 144
solve_lineq_by_SVD() (in module
pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 76
sort_mo() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 148
sort_mo() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 141
sort_mo_by_irrep() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 149
spheric_labels() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 51
spheric_labels() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 44,67
spin_square() (in module pyscf.fci.spin_op), 153
spin_square() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 149
spin_square() (in module pyscf.scf.uhf), 118
spin_square() (pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF method), 95,114
spin_square0() (in module pyscf.fci.spin_op), 153
state_average() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 149
state_average_() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 141
state_specific() (in module pyscf.mcscf.addons), 149
state_specific_() (pyscf.mcscf.casci.CASCI method), 141
std_symb() (in module pyscf.symm.addons), 157
str2addr() (in module pyscf.fci.cistring), 152
stratmann() (in module pyscf.dft.gen_grid), 165
symm_allow_occ() (in module pyscf.scf.addons), 128
symm_identical_atoms() (in module pyscf.symm.geom),
symm_initguess() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 155
symmetrize_orb() (in module pyscf.symm.addons), 157
symmetrize_space() (in module pyscf.symm.addons), 158
symmetrize_wfn() (in module pyscf.fci.addons), 155
take_2d() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 76
takebak_2d_() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 76
time_reversal_map() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 51
time_reversal_map() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 44,
time_reversal_matrix() (in module pyscf.scf.dhf), 127
tot_electrons() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 51
tot_electrons() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 44,67
trans_rdm1() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
trans_rdm1() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 151
trans_rdm12() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 151
trans_rdm12() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 151
trans_rdm12s() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 151
trans_rdm1s() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin0), 152
trans_rdm1s() (in module pyscf.fci.direct_spin1), 151
transpose() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 76
transpose_sum() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 76
treutler_prune() (in module pyscf.dft.gen_grid), 165
UHF (class in pyscf.scf.dhf), 126
UHF (class in pyscf.scf.uhf), 92,111
UHF (class in pyscf.scf.uhf_symm), 123
UKS (class in pyscf.dft.uks), 162
uncontract() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 51
uncontract_basis() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 51
unpack() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 51
unpack() (pyscf.gto.mole.Mole method), 45,67
unpack_row() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 77
unpack_tril() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 77
zdot() (in module pyscf.lib.numpy_helper), 77
zmat() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 51
zmat2cart() (in module pyscf.gto.mole), 52
Index 271

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