Quectel EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide V1.0
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EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide LTE Module Series Rev. EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide_V1.0 Date: 2017-05-17 www.quectel.com LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide Our aim is to provide customers with timely and comprehensive service. For any assistance, please contact our company headquarters: Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. Office 501, Building 13, No.99, Tianzhou Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 5108 6236 Email: info@quectel.com Or our local office. For more information, please visit: l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C http://www.quectel.com/support/salesupport.aspx For technical support, or to report documentation errors, please visit: http://www.quectel.com/support/techsupport.aspx Or Email to: Support@quectel.com GENERAL NOTES QUECTEL OFFERS THE INFORMATION AS A SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS BASED UPON CUSTOMERS’ REQUIREMENTS. QUECTEL MAKES EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE THE QUALITY OF THE INFORMATION IT MAKES AVAILABLE. QUECTEL DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, AND DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED BY USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THE INFORMATION. ALL INFORMATION SUPPLIED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. COPYRIGHT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE IS PROPRIETARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION OF QUECTEL CO., LTD. TRANSMITTING, REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION AND EDITING OF THIS DOCUMENT AS WELL AS UTILIZATION OF THE CONTENT ARE FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PERMISSION. OFFENDERS WILL BE HELD LIABLE FOR PAYMENT OF DAMAGES. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED IN THE EVENT OF A PATENT GRANT OR REGISTRATION OF A UTILITY MODEL OR DESIGN. Copyright © Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. 2017. All rights reserved. EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 1 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide About the Document History Revision 1.0 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Date Author Description 2017-05-17 Hunter LV Initial EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 2 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide Contents About the Document ................................................................................................................................... 2 Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure Index ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5 2 Introduction on Port ............................................................................................................................ 6 3 Operating Parameters of QFlash........................................................................................................ 7 4 Upgrade Firmware through QFlash ................................................................................................... 8 4.1. Upgrade Firmware by Normal Method ...................................................................................... 8 4.2. Upgrade Firmware by Fastboot ................................................................................................ 9 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 3 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide Figure Index FIGURE 1: UPGRADING PROCESS BY NORMAL METHOD ........................................................................... 8 FIGURE 2: FIRMWARE IS UPGRADED SUCCESSFULLY BY NORMAL METHOD ........................................ 9 FIGURE 3: UPGRADING PROCESS BY FASTBOOT ....................................................................................... 9 FIGURE 4: FIRMWARE IS UPGRADED SUCCESSFULLY BY FASTBOOT ................................................... 10 l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 4 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide 1 Introduction This document mainly introduces how to use QFlash tool to upgrade firmware on Linux and Android systems for Quectel EC25, EC21 and EC20 R2.0 modules. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 5 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide 2 Introduction on Port Before using QFlash tool, please ensure that USB driver of the module has been installed successfully in host system. After the module has been connected to the host via USB cable, the corresponding USB virtual ports will be displayed. The UART ports and the descriptors of corresponding USB virtual ports on the host system are listed as below. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C ttyUSB0------DM Port ttyUSB1------NEMA Port ttyUSB2------AT Port ttyUSB3------Modem Port ttyUSB4------Wireless Ethernet Adapter Port NOTE The descriptors of USB virtual ports listed above are under the assumption that the host is not connected with other USB virtual devices. It is suggested that the host is only connected with Quectel modules when upgrading. EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 6 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide 3 Operating Parameters of QFlash QFlash program can specify the operating parameters in command line. The detailed parameters are illustrated as below. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Table 1: Description of Operating Parameters Item Parameter 1 -f2 3 package -p -b file Optional/ Non-optional Description Non-optional The name of the firmware package file which needs to be upgraded Optional The port on which the firmware is upgraded (ttyUSBx), default value is ttyUSB0. Optional Baud rate, default value is 115200bps. Only valid for UART port. The currently supported baud rates include: 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, 115200bps, 230400bps, 460800bps and 921600bps. 4 -m Optional Upgrading method: 0 Fastboot 1 Normal method 2 Backup only 3 Restore only 4 Backup, upgrade and restore Default value is 1. 5 -s < transport block size> Optional The size of the transport block, unit is KB, default value is 128. EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 7 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide 4 Upgrade Firmware through QFlash This chapter mainly introduces how to use the QFlash to upgrade firmware on Linux and Android systems. The firmware can be upgraded via DM port, AT port or modem port which is virtualized by USB driver, or via UART port directly. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Put the QFlash tool and the firmware package file into one directory of the host system. For example, the current directory is workplace and firmware package file is EC25EFAR02A04V03M4G, please switch to the workplace directory first, and then run the QFlash tool by following command. ./QFlash –f EC25EFAR02A04V03M4G –p ttyUSB0 There are two methods to upgrade the firmware. One is normal method, and the other is fastboot. NOTE Due to the complex operating environment on Linux and Android systems, sometimes customers have to compile source codes under their own development environment to generate the QFlash tool. In this case, customers need to contact Quectel Technical Support to apply for the source codes to run the QFlash. 4.1. Upgrade Firmware by Normal Method Run QFlash by following command: ./QFlash –f –p ttyUSB0 –m 1 The upgrading process is shown as below: Figure 1: Upgrading Process by Normal Method EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 8 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide If the prompt in the following red box shows up, then the firmware is upgraded successfully. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 2: Firmware is Upgraded Successfully by Normal Method 4.2. Upgrade Firmware by Fastboot Run QFlash by following command: ./QFlash –f –p ttyUSB0 –m 0 The upgrading process is shown as below: Figure 3: Upgrading Process by Fastboot EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 9 / 10 LTE Module Series EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0 QFlash Linux&Android User Guide If the prompt in the following red box shows up, then the firmware is upgraded successfully. l e t l c a e i t u n Q ide f n o C Figure 4: Firmware is Upgraded Successfully by Fastboot EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0_QFlash_Linux&Android_User_Guide Confidential / Released 10 / 10
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