Quickstart Guide


User Manual:

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How to use
Simply add the “Simple Screen Space Ambient Occlusion” to any camera you wish to
use the eect.
Axis pattern: Texture used for the interleaving pattern. Should be a 3x3
texture, you can re-generate the included one using SimpleSSAO->Generate
Axis Pattern Texture, or modify AxisPatternGenerator.cs to create a custom
Quality: influences amount of samples taken by the occlusion shader. Higher
quality settings take more samples, and will look better but perform worse.
Radius: maximum reach of the eect in world space units.
Radius range: Minimum/maximum radius in pixels. Since the radius is scaled by
pixel depth, pixels further away from the camera might get a very small radius.
This parameters clamps the radius so that it doesn´t get too small or too big.
Occlusion Bias: Width of the occlusion cone considered by each pixel. Set it
higher to reduce self-occlusion.
Occlusion Oset: Amount of base occlusion. Increasing its value will cause flat
surfaces to turn grey, occlusion will be subtracted from corners and added to
crevices, resulting in increased contrast.
Occlusion Exponent: Controls the shape of the occlusion curve. A value of 1
means linear occlusion, a value of 2 quadratic occlusion, and so on.
Occlusion Intensity: Modulates the amount of occlusion contributed by each
Luminance modulation: Amount of occlusion removed from high-luminance
areas. This can help reduce AO in areas directly hit by light, which avoids
washed out colors and keeps AO to shadowed areas only.
Bleeding Intensity: Modulates the amount of color bleeding.
Downsampling: amount of dowsampling performed when calculating AO and
color bleeding. A value of 1 means full screen size, 2 means half-screen
resolution, 4 a quater-screen resolution. Higher values will increase
performance and decrease quality.
Blur: on/o blur toggle, useful for visualizing raw unfiltered output.
Blur Depth Threshold: minimum depth dierence between blurred fragments.
Blur Normal Threshold: minimum normal diference between blurred
Visualization: Allows you to visualize the occlusion or bleeding buers only.
Useful when fine-tuning eect parameters.
Support / Contact
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