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Chaozhi Zheng
Wageningen University and Research
Wageningen, The Netherlands
April 25, 2019
RABBIT 3.1 Page 2
1 Introduction 3
1.1 CitingRABBIT.................................. 3
1.2 Genotypedata................................... 3
1.3 Model....................................... 4
1.4 Populationdesign................................. 5
2 RABBIT for haplotype reconstruction 6
2.1 Commandline................................... 6
2.2 Options ...................................... 6
2.3 Guideonsettingoptions ............................. 6
2.4 Outputles .................................... 7
2.5 Visualization ................................... 7
3 RABBIT for genotype imputation 7
3.1 Commandline................................... 7
3.2 Options ...................................... 7
3.3 Guideonsettingoptions ............................. 8
3.4 Outputles .................................... 8
3.5 Visualization ................................... 9
4 RABBIT for map construction 9
4.1 Commandline................................... 9
4.2 Options ...................................... 10
4.3 Guideonsettingoptions ............................. 12
4.4 Outputles .................................... 12
4.5 Visualization ................................... 12
RABBIT 3.1 Page 3
1 Introduction
RABBIT v3.1 has three main functions: magicReconstruct for haplotype reconstruction, magicIm-
pute for genotype imputation, and magicMap for linkage map construction. The target mapping
population can be bi-or multi-parental with founders being inbred or outbred. They have three
common required arguments: genotype data, model, and population design; magicMap has
an additional required argument to specify the number of linkage groups. Each function has
many options, and each option is given in form of optionname ->optionvalue, where
optionvalue is the default value.
The RABBIT software is freely available at https://github.com/chaozhi/RABBIT.
1.1 Citing RABBIT
If you use RABBIT in your analyses and publish your results, please cite the appropriate article.
The citation for RABBIT’s haplotype reconstruction is
ZHENG, C., M. P. BOER, and F. A. VAN EEUWIJK, 2015 Reconstruction of genome ancestry
blocks in multiparental populations. Genetics 200: 1073-1087.
The citation for RABBIT’s genotype imputation is
ZHENG, C., M. P. BOER, and F. A. VAN EEUWIJK, 2018 Accurate genotype imputation in
multiparental populations from low-coverage sequence. Genetics 210: 71-82.
The citation for RABBIT’s map construction is
ZHENG, C., M. P. BOER, and F. A. VAN EEUWIJK, 2018 Construction of genetic linkage
maps in multiparental populations. Submitted.
1.2 Genotype data
We denote the genotype data of a mapping population by a data structure called magicsnp.
The input argument can be either data matrix or data file in CSV format. A valid magicsnp
file is composed of three main parts: genetic map, founder genotypes, and offspring genotypes.
RABBIT 3.1 Page 4
The magicsnp data matrix will look something like this:
nfounder 4
marker SNP1 SNP2 SNP3 ... SNP998 SNP999 SNP1000
chromosome 1 1 1 ... X X X
pos(cM) 0.12 0.23 1.2 ... 95.1 98.6 99.3
founder1 2 N 1 ... 2 1 2
founder4 1 2 2 ... 2 2 N
offspring1 12 22 11 ... 1N NN 22
offspring2 11 NN 2N ... 2 1 N
offspring100 1N 22 12 ... 11 12 2N
where quotes of strings are not shown. The quotes are not contained in the CSV file, and they
will be automatically added after importing data.
Row 1: The 1st element is somewhat arbitrary descriptive string. The 2nd element denotes
the number of founders.
Rows 2–4: Genetic map. The 1st elements of rows 2–4 are somewhat arbitrary descrip-
tive strings. The 2–end elements of row 2 are the marker IDs that are unique. The 2–end
elements of row 3 are chromosome (linkage group) IDs that are string or integer. The sex
chromosome must be labelled by "X" or "x". The 2–end elements of row 4 are marker
positions in cM, which must be non-decreasing within a linkage group. For map con-
struction by magicMap, set chromosome IDs and marker positions to "NA".
Rows 5–end: Genotypes of founders and offspring. Founders precede offspring, with
boundary being determined by the number of founders in row 1.
All markers are assumed to be bi-allelic. The genotypes in row 5–end can be represented
in two possible formats, but not a mixture of them for a given data file. The first representation
is called genotypes, taking possible values 1, 2, "N", 11, 12, 22, "1N", "2N", and "NN". Here
"N" denotes a missing allele, and the three genotypes (or alleles) 1, 2, and "N" are only for fully
inbred founders or X chromosomes of males (e.g. offspring2). The second representation is
allelic depths, denoted by "c1|c2", where c1 and c2 are the number of reads for alleles 1 and 2,
All input genotypes are assumed to be unphased. However, phased input called genotypes
are allowed, where 21, "N1", and "N2" are equivalent to 12, "1N", and "2N", respectively.
1.3 Model
The second argument model describes the dependence of maternally and paternally derived
chromosomes in an offspring, and it must be "depModel", "indepModel", or "jointModel". In
RABBIT 3.1 Page 5
general, we may set model to "depModel" for a homozygous population, and set to "indep-
Model" for a heterozygous population. The general "jointModel" is preferred but in cost of
some computational time.
1.4 Population design
The population design information is specified by the third argument popdesign, which can
be either mating schemes or a pedigree file in CSV format. Consider four-way recombinant in-
bred lines with two generations of selfing, the popdesign in form of mating schemes is given
by {"Pairing", "Pairing", "Selfing", "Selfing"}. And the valid pedigree
file will look something like this
Pedigree-Information DesignPedigree
Generation MemberID Gender MotherID FatherID
0 1 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 0
0 4 0 0 0
1 5 0 1 2
1 6 0 3 4
2 7 0 5 6
3 8 0 7 7
4 9 0 8 8
Pedigree-Information SampleInfor
OffspringID MemberID Funnelcode
Offspring1 9 3-1-4-2
Offspring2 9 1-2-4-3
Offspring100 9 2-4-1-3
which is composed of two parts: design pedigree and sample information, and they are separable
via the key string "Pedigree-Information".
In the design pedigree, the members are ordered so that parents are always above children.
All members are labelled uniquely by natural number starting from 1. Founders are always in
the beginning, and their parents are set to 0. The generation is non-decreasing starting from 0.
The gender takes values 1 for female, 2 for male, and 0 for hermaphrodite or non-applicable.
The gender is non-applicable if there are no sex chromosomes in magicsnp. The founder 1
corresponds to the first row of the genotype data (i.e. row 5 of magicsnp), and so on.
In the sample information, the offspring IDs must be the same as those in magicsnp.
For non funnel based population design, the funnel code is always in the natural ordering (e.g.
1-2-3-4), and the member IDs for offspring are different from each other.
RABBIT 3.1 Page 6
2 RABBIT for haplotype reconstruction
2.1 Command line
The Mathematica command line used for haplotype reconstruction is given by
magicReconstruct[magicsnp, model, popdesign, options]
where the three required arguments are explained in the Introduction. magicReconstruct
requires a genetic map, which can be constructed using magicMap. The overlapping markers
at the same positions in magicsnp are jittered. If there are too many missing founder geno-
types or founders are outbred and unphased, they can be phased or imputed using magicImpute.
2.2 Options
founderAllelicError -> 0.005 to specify the allelic error probability in founders.
offspringAllelicError -> 0.005 to specify the allelic error probability in offspring.
isFounderInbred -> True to specify whether the founders are completely inbred. If isFounder-
Inbred -> False, the founder genotypes are assumed to be phased.
sequenceDataOption -> optionvalue to specify options for sequence data with allelic depth.
The default optionvalue = {isOffspringAllelicDepth -> Automatic, minPhredQualScore
-> 30}.
isOffspringAllelicDepth -> Automatic to specify whether genetic data are allelic depths
or called genotypes. By default, the form is detected automatically from input
minPhredQualScore -> 30 to specify the minimum of Phred quality scores among all
outputFileID -> "" to specify the stem of output filenames.
isPrintTimeElapsed -> True to specify whether to print information such as running time.
reconstructAlgorithm -> "origPathSampling" to specify the alogrithm for haplotype recon-
struction, and the option value must be "origPathSampling", "origPosteriorDecoding", or
sampleSize -> 1000 to specify the number of posterior sampling when reconstructAlgorithm
-> "origPathSampling", and it has no effects for other option values of reconstructAlgo-
2.3 Guide on setting options
The most commonly used options include outputFileID -> "outputid" and
reconstructAlgorithm -> "origPosteriorDecoding", where "outputid" can be
replaced by any descriptive string; it is generally unnecessary to change the other options.
RABBIT 3.1 Page 7
2.4 Output files
The magicReconstruct returns a single output file, and it is transformed into a user-friendly
summary file by
saveAsSummaryMR[outputfile, summaryfile]
where the summaryfile will be over written if it exists.
The summaryfile contains two key parts: ancestral genotype probabilities and ancestral
haplotype probabilities for all offspring at all markers if reconstructAlgorithm -> "origPoste-
riorDecoding". Otherwise, it contains optimal ancestral origin path if reconstructAlgorithm -
>"origViterbiDecoding", or independent sampled ancestral origin paths if reconstructAlgorithm
-> "origPathSampling".
2.5 Visualization
The functions plotAncestryProbGUI[summaryfile, trueFGLdiplofile,options]
or plotAncestryProbGUI[summaryfile,options] returns an animate for visualiz-
ing posterior probability if reconstructAlgorithm -> "origPosteriorDecoding". The summaryfile
is the outputfile returned by saveAsSummaryMR, and trueFGLdiplofile gives the true ancestral
origins if input data are simulated.
Besides the options for ListAnimate and ListPlot of Mathematica, there are two additional
options: isPlotGenoProb -> Automatic specifices whether to visualize ancestral geno-
type probabilities or ancestral haplotype probabilities, and linkageGroupSet->All speci-
fies the set of linkage groups to be visualized. For example, linkageGroupSet->{1,3,4}
means that only results of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th linkage groups will be plotted.
3 RABBIT for genotype imputation
3.1 Command line
The Mathematica command line used for genotype imputation is given by
magicImpute[magicsnp, model, popdesign, options]
where the three required arguments are explained in the Introduction. magicImpute requires
a genetic map, which can be constructed using magicMap.
3.2 Options
founderAllelicError -> 0.005 to specify the allelic error probability in founders.
offspringAllelicError -> 0.005 to specify the allelic error probability in offspring.
RABBIT 3.1 Page 8
isFounderInbred -> True to specify whether the founders are completely inbred.
sequenceDataOption -> optionvalue to specify options for sequence data with allelic depth.
The default optionvalue = {isFounderAllelicDepth -> Automatic, isOffspringAllelicDepth
-> Automatic, minPhredQualScore -> 30, priorFounderCallThreshold -> 0.99}.
isFounderAllelicDepth -> Automatic to specify whether genetic data of founders are
allelic depths or called genotypes. By default, the form is detected automatically
from input magicsnp.
isOffspringAllelicDepth -> Automatic to specify whether genetic data of offspring are
allelic depths or called genotypes. By default, the form is detected automatically
from input magicsnp.
minPhredQualScore -> 30 to specify the minimum of Phred quality scores among all
priorFounderCallThreshold -> 0.99 to specify the threshold for prior calling of miss-
ing founder genotypes. Before founder genotype imputation, single locus calling of
founder genotypes is performed if the posterior probability of the true genotype is
greater than the threshold.
outputFileID -> "" to specify the stem of output filenames.
isPrintTimeElapsed -> True to specify whether to print information such as running time.
imputingTarget -> "All" to specify the imputing target, and it must be "Founders", "Off-
spring", or "All".
imputingThreshold -> 0.9 to specify an imputing threshold. A missing offspring genotype is
imputed only if its posterior probability is greater than the threshold.
detectingThreshold -> 0.9 to specify a correction threshold. An observed genotype is cor-
rected only if the posterior probability of the true genotype is greater than the threshold
and is greater than the posterior probability of the observed genotype.
3.3 Guide on setting options
The most commonly used options include isFounderInbred -> True,
imputingTarget -> "All", and outputFileID -> "outputid", where "outputid"
can be replaced by any descriptive string; it is generally unnecessary to change the other options.
3.4 Output files
The magicImpute returns three output files in CSV format: "stem_ErroneousGenotype.csv",
"stem_ImputedGenotype.csv", and "stem_PosteriorProbability.csv" if out-
putFileID -> "stem".
The file "stem_ErroneousGenotype.csv" saves the potential erroneous genotypes
that are inconsistent between estimated genotypes and input genotypes in founders and off-
RABBIT 3.1 Page 9
spring. If input genotypes are represented by allelic depth, the estimates are compared with
single genotype calling.
The file "stem_ImputedGenotype.csv" is the same as a magicsnp file but with
genotypic data being called and phased.
The file "stem_PosteriorProbability.csv" is the same as a magicsnp file ex-
cept that a single genotype is represented by posterior probabilities. If the second argument
model is set to "indepModel" or "jointModel" and the genotype does not belong to male X
chromosome, it is represented like this "p11|p12|p21|p22" where p11, p12, p21, and p22 de-
notes the posterior probabilities of 11, 12, 21, and 22, respectively. If the second argument
model is set to "depModel" or the genotype belongs to male X chromosome, it is represented
like this "p11|p22" where p11 and p22 denotes the posterior probabilities of 11 (or 1 for male
X) and 22 (or 2 for male X), respectively.
3.5 Visualization
plotErrorPatternGUI[obsmagicsnp, estmagicsnp,truemagicsnp,options]
returns an user interface for visualizing the estimations of genotypes. The three required ar-
guments correspond to observed, estimated, and true magicsnp, respectively. Genotypes are
assigned one of statuses: "TrueCorrect" (genotype errors that are changed correctly), "TrueDe-
tect"(genotype errors that are changed wrongly), "FalseNegative" (genotype errors that are
not detected), "FalsePositive" (correctly observed genotype that are changed), "FalseImpute"
(wrongly imputed genotypes), and the "Rest". In the resulting figure, the statuses are labelled
by different colors that can be changed by user; the status of "Rest" is always labelled as
white. Besides the options for MatrixPlot of Mathematica, the options include one extra op-
tion linkageGroupSet->All to specify the set of linkage groups.
plotErrorPatternGUI[obsmagicsnp, estmagicsnp,options] returns an user
interface for visualizing the estimations of genotypes when true magicsnp is unknown. Geno-
types are assigned one of statuses: "NonImputed" (missing genotypes are not imputed), "Im-
puted" (missing genotypes are imputed), "Correction" (observed genotypes are changed), and
the "Rest".
4 RABBIT for map construction
4.1 Command line
The Mathematica command line used for map construction is given by
magicMap[magicsnp, model, popdesign, ngroup, options]
where the first three arguments are explained in the Introduction except that linkage groups
and markers positions are set to missing ("NA"). The addition argument ngroup specifies the
RABBIT 3.1 Page 10
number of linkage group.
The magicMap consists of five consecutive stages:
{magicsnp2,binfile,adjmtxfile} = magicsnpBinning[magicsnp,options]
finalmapfile = magicMapExpand[refinefiles[[1]],binfile,options]
where the marker binning in the first step and map enlargement in the last step are included by
4.2 Options
dupebinMarker -> True to specify if we first bin the markers and then expand the refined map
by replacing a representative marker by the markers in the corresponding bin.
minLodSegregateBin -> Infinity to specify co-segregration binning based on zero recombi-
nation fraction and linkage LOD score >minLodSegregateBin. By default, the
binning is not performed.
founderAllelicError -> 0.005 to specify the allelic error probability in founders.
offspringAllelicError -> 0.005 to specify the allelic error probability in offspring.
isFounderInbred -> True to specify whether the founders are completely inbred.
sequenceDataOption -> optionvalue to specify options for sequence data with allelic depth.
The default optionvalue = {isFounderAllelicDepth -> Automatic, isOffspringAllelicDepth
-> Automatic, minPhredQualScore -> 30, priorFounderCallThreshold -> 0.99}.
isFounderAllelicDepth -> Automatic to specify whether genetic data of founders are
allelic depths or called genotypes. By default, the form is detected automatically
from input magicsnp.
isOffspringAllelicDepth -> Automatic to specify whether genetic data of offspring are
allelic depths or called genotypes. By default, the form is detected automatically
from input magicsnp.
minPhredQualScore -> 30 to specify the minimum of Phred quality scores among all
priorFounderCallThreshold -> 0.99 to specify the threshold for prior calling of miss-
ing founder genotypes. Before founder genotype imputation, single locus calling of
founder genotypes is performed if the posterior probability of the true genotype is
greater than the threshold.
outputFileID -> "" to specify the stem of output filenames.
isPrintTimeElapsed -> True to specify whether to print information such as running time.
RABBIT 3.1 Page 11
imputingThreshold -> 1 to specify an imputing threshold. A missing offspring genotype is
imputed only if its posterior probability is greater than the threshold. By default, we do
not impute missing offspring genotypes in each iteration.
detectingThreshold -> Automatic to specify an imputing threshold. Automatically, we set
detectingThreshold -> 1 (no error correction) for "indepModel", and otherwise set detect-
ingThreshold -> 0.9 so that an observed offspring genotype is corrected if its posterior
probability is greater than the threshold 0.9.
computingLodType -> "both" to specify the type of two-locus analysis. It must be "indepen-
dence", "linkage", and "both", corresponding to independence test, linkage analysis, or
both. "
isRunInParallel -> True to specify whether to compute in parallel.
minLodSaving -> 1 to specify the minimum LOD score for saving results. For a given pair of
markers, If the LOD of linkage analysis or independence test is smaller than the threshold,
the two-locus analysis will not be saved.
miniComponentSize -> 5 to specify the minimum size of a graph component. The markers in
a component are ungrouped if the component size is smaller than the threshold.
graphLaplacian -> "rwNormalized" to specify one of three graph Laplacians: "unNormal-
ized","rwNormalized",or "symNormalized".
lodTypeClustering -> "both" to specify the LOD type for clustering. It must be one of ïn-
, and ¨
, corresponding to independence test, linkage analysis, or
lodTypeOrdering -> "both" to specify the LOD type for ordering. It must be one of ïndepen-
, and ¨
, corresponding to independence test, linkage analysis, or both.
minLodClustering -> Automatic to specify the minimum LOD score for clustering. The sim-
ilarity between two markers is set to 0 if its LOD score is smaller than the threshold.
minLodOrdering -> Automatic to specify the minimum LOD score for ordering. The simi-
larity between two markers is set to 0 if its LOD socre is smaller than the threshold.
nNeighborFunction -> (Sqrt[#]&) to specify the pure function defining the number of neigh-
bors used in the spectral ordering of magicMapConstruct. "
nNeighborSaving -> 10 to specify the number of strongest neighbors to be saved for mag-
referenceMap -> None to specify the filename of a reference map, which is used only to com-
pare with estimated map.
nReplicateAnnealing -> 1 to specify the number of times repeating simulated annealing.
initTemperature -> 2 to specify the initial annealing temperature.
coolingRatio -> 0.85 to specify the cooling constant of annealing temperature.
freezingTemperature -> 0.5 to specify the freezing temperature at which cooling rate increases.
deltLoglThreshold -> 1 to specify the stopping threshold. Simulated annealing is finished if
the change of log likelihood is small than the threshold in three consecutive iterations.
RABBIT 3.1 Page 12
maxFreezeIteration -> 15 to specify the maximum number of iterations in simulated anneal-
ing with temperature freezingTemperature.
4.3 Guide on setting options
The most commonly used options include isFounderInbred -> True,
minLodSegregateBin -> Infinity for low marker density and
minLodSegregateBin -> Automatic for high marker density,
and outputFileID -> "outputid", where "outputid" can be replaced by any descrip-
tive string. Perform a fast map refinement by setting coolingRatio -> 0.5
and maxFreezeIteration -> 3. It is generally unnecessary to change the other options.
4.4 Output files
The most useful output file is finalmapfile in CSV format, and the other output files are
for re-running some stages. The map file contains three columns of marker ID, linage group,
and genetic position in cM.
4.5 Visualization
The function plotMapComparison[mapfile1,mapfile2,isordering,linestyle,options]
is used for map comparisons. Here mapfile1 or mapfile2 can be initmapfile,refinedmapfile,
or any other map files (e.g. physical map) three columns: marker ID, linage group, and genetic
position. The argument isordering is to specify whether comparing only marker ordering.
If isordering=True, the third column is not required. Any extra non-required columns
in map files will be neglected. The 4th argmument linestyle specifies the line style of
chromosome boundaries. The opitons are the same as the otions of ListPlot of Mathematica.
The function plotHeatMap[pairwisefile,mapfile,options] returns heat map
of pairwiserecombination fraction or LOD score matrix. The pairwisefile is the outputfile
returned by magicPairwiseSimilarity, and the mapfile can be initmapfile,refinedmapfile,
or any other map files (e.g. physical map) the first two columns: marker ID (ordered) and linage
group. Besides the options for MatrixPlot of Mathematica, the options include two extra op-
tions: rescaleSimilarity -> True specifies if rescale recombination fraction or LOD
score, and linkageGroupSet->All specifies the set of linkage groups.
The function plotHeatMapGUI[pairwisefile,mapfile,options] is similar to
plotHeatMap[pairwisefile,mapfile,options], but with an user interface for vi-
sualizing heat map.
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