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Allis Chalmers Lawn & Garden Tractors Model B-110 B Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each TM-335-B / 15.95 Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Model B-110 Owners Manual Model B Front end loader Operators Manual 12.95 fits B-1 and B-10 Allis Chalmers Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Allis Chalmers Serial # Guide Serial # range 9.95 Case Tractors Model ALL Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Rusty Bucks Case & David Brown Serial # Guide Price each 9.95 Cletrac Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Oliver-White-Cletrac-HartParr Serial # Guide Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 9.95 Cub Cadet Tractors Model Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 86 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149-169 Operator's man 507000 and UP 1-084-322-R1 / June 74 17.95 86 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149 Operator's manual 400001 and UP 1-084-043-R1 / May 73 17.95 17.95 108 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149-169 Operator's man 507000 and UP 1-084-322-R1 / June 74 108 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149 Operator's manual 400001 and UP 1-084-043-R1 / May 73 17.95 109 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149 Operator's manual 400001 and UP 1-084-043-R1 / May 73 17.95 17.95 128 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149-169 Operator's man 507000 and UP 1-084-322-R1 / June 74 128 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149 Operator's manual 400001 and UP 1-084-043-R1 / May 73 17.95 129 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149-169 Operator's man 507000 and UP 1-084-322-R1 / June 74 17.95 129 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149 Operator's manual 400001 and UP 1-084-043-R1 / May 73 17.95 17.95 149 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149-169 Operator's man 507000 and UP 1-084-322-R1 / June 74 149 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149 Operator's manual 400001 and UP 1-084-043-R1 / May 73 17.95 169 Cub Cadet 86-108-109-128-129-149-169 Operator's man 507000 and UP 1-084-322-R1 / June 74 17.95 1000 Cub Cadet Series 1000 & 1500 Service manual 769-02100 / 19.95 1500 Cub Cadet Series 1000 & 1500 Service manual 769-02100 / 19.95 Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each David Brown Tractors Model ALL Description Serial # range Rusty Bucks Case & David Brown Serial # Guide 9.95 Dearborn Model Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Dearborn Economy Blade 7.95 Dearborn Economy Plow 16.95 Dearborn Rear Attached Mower (sickle bar) 16.95 Farmall Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Farmall-IH-Cub-McCormick S/N Guide ALL Farmall Electrical 12 volt Conversion Schematics Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 9.95 19.95 A Farmall Model A Serviceman's Guide B Farmall Model B Owner's manual INT-5935 / Apr-1-1941 17.95 C Farmall C Operator's/Owner's manual 1-004-134R2 /Feb.1948 19.95 1-004-315-R1 / 21.95 Super C Farmall Super C Operator's manual 15.95 Super C Farmall Super C Parts manual TC-44B-R3 / 24.95 Cub Farmall Cub Operator's manual 1-004-377-R4 / 22.95 Cub Farmall Cub Parts Catalog TC-37-A 22.95 Cub Farmall Cub Preventative Maintenance manual 1-014-034-R2 Cub COMPLETE SET- inc. Operators-Parts-PM and S/N Guide H Farmall H - HV Serviceman's Guide H Farmall H and 4 Series Engine Service manual H Farmall H-HV-M-MV Starting & Lighting install & parts man. 22.95 69.95 CHS-13 15.95 21.95 12.95 HV Farmall H - HV Serviceman's Guide HV Farmall H-HV-M-MV Starting & Lighting install & parts man. 12.95 M Farmall H-HV-M-MV Starting & Lighting install & parts man. 12.95 M Farmall M Serviceman's Guide 12.95 MV Farmall H-HV-M-MV Starting & Lighting install & parts man. 12.95 MV Farmall M - MV Owner's manual 4 450 CHS-13 15.95 / Nov.1945 Farmall H and 4 Series Engine Service manual 22.95 21.95 Farmall 450 Diesel Operator's manual 1-014-058-R1 24.95 Farmall Implements Model Description Cub Farmall Cub Fast Hitch manual Cub Farmall Cub Touch Control manual Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each CR-1099-G/ 12.95 / Jun.1951 12.95 Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Ferguson Model Description Serial # range The Ferguson Plow Book 16.95 Ford Lawn & Garden Tractors Model Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Ford Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Ford-Fordson Serial # Guide 2N 2N-8N-9N Assembly - Service - Parts manual 9.95 23.95 8N 2N-8N-9N Assembly - Service - Parts manual 23.95 9N 2N-8N-9N Assembly - Service - Parts manual 23.95 Fordson Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Ford-Fordson Serial # Guide Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 9.95 Hart-Parr Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Oliver-White-Cletrac-HartParr Serial # Guide Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 9.95 Homelite Model Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each T-7 Homelite T-7 & T-8 Parts list 6.95 T-8 Homelite T-7 & T-8 Parts list 6.95 John Deere Lawn & Garden Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks John Deere Vintage LGT Serial # Guide ALL Rusty Bucks John Deere Later (96-05) LGT Serial # Guide 55 Serial # range 56 John Deere Model 56 Rear engine Rider Parts manual John Deere Model 57 Rear engine Rider Operator's manual Price each 9.95 9.95 John Deere Model 55 Rear engine Rider Parts manual 57 Orig. Pub. # /Date 14001 and UP PC-1201 15.95 PC-1202 15.95 OM-M47048-J2 70 John Deere Model 70 Parts manual PC-1187 15.95 90 John Deere Model 90 Electric Rider Parts manual PC-1279 15.95 100 John Deere Model 100 Operator's manual 110 John Deere Model 110 Operator's manual (inc. parts sect.) C-100D-30001M & up OM-M48703-F4 16.95 15001 and up OM-M40832 16.95 110 John Deere Model 110-110H Operator's manual 40001 and up OM-M41412 16.95 110 John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 100000 and up OM-M43244 16.95 John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 160000 and up 110H 110 John Deere Model 110-110H Operator's manual 40001 and up OM-M41412 16.95 16.95 110H John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 100000 and up OM-M43244 16.95 16.95 110H John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 160000 and up 112 John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 100000 and up OM-M43244 OM-M46870-F2 112 John Deere Model 112 Operator's manual (elec. Lift model) 260001 and up 112 John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 160000 and up 112 16.95 16.95 16.95 John Deere Model 112 Operator's manual 250001 and up OM-M46322-J1 / 112H John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 100000 and up OM-M43244 112H John Deere Model 110-110H-112-112H Operator's manual 160000 and up 16.95 16.95 16.95 140 John Deere Model 140 Hydrostatic Operator's manual 22401 and up OM-M45023-AO 140 John Deere Model 140 Hydrostatic Parts manual 30001 and up PC-1245 140 JD-140 SET (inc. OM-M45023-AO and PC-1245 above) 16.95 16.95 29.95 John Deere Lawn & Garden Implements Model Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 26H John Deere Model 26H-31T Lawn Sweeper Parts manual Description Serial # range PC-1221/Mar.1970 12.95 26H JD 26H-26T-31S-31T-38T Lawn Sweeper Parts manual PC-1221/Feb.1972 12.95 26T JD 26H-26T-31S-31T-38T Lawn Sweeper Parts manual PC-1221/Feb.1972 12.95 31S JD 26H-26T-31S-31T-38T Lawn Sweeper Parts manual PC-1221/Feb.1972 12.95 31T John Deere Model 26H-31T Lawn Sweeper Parts manual PC-1221 / Mar.1970 12.95 31T JD 26H-26T-31S-31T-38T Lawn Sweeper Parts manual PC-1221/Feb.1972 12.95 34 John Deere Model 34 Rotary Mower Parts manual PC-1008 / Jun.1971 12.95 37 John Deere Model 37-37A Snow Throwers Parts manual 000000 and up PC-1085 12.95 37A John Deere Model 37-37A Snow Throwers Parts manual 000000 and up PC-1085 12.95 38T JD 26H-26T-31S-31T-38T Lawn Sweeper Parts manual 43 John Deere Model 43 Front Blade Parts Catalog PC-1221/Feb.1972 12.95 PC-1086 12.95 43 John Deere Model 43 Front Blade Operator's manual OM-M43434 / 12.95 49 John Deere Model 49 Snow Thrower Parts manual PC-1080 12.95 54 John Deere Model 54 Front Blade Parts catalog PC-1079 12.95 Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each John Deere Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks John Deere Two-Cylinder Serial # Guide Serial # range 9.95 ALL John Deere Two-Cylinder Electrical Schematics ALL John Deere Two-Cylinder Parts Interchange-Swap manual Letter Series only PC-100 / Jun.1950 26.95 JD Model A Operator's manual 584000 - 647999 OM-R2001 17.95 A SM-2029 / Jun.1959 12.95 A JD Model A General Purpose (GP) Instructions manual Prior to 477000 Dir. # 103 15.95 A JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 410000 - 476999 PC-674 / Feb.1960 18.95 A JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 477000 and up PC-675 / Mar.1960 18.95 AN JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 410000 - 476999 PC-674 / Feb.1960 18.95 AN JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 477000 and up PC-675 / Mar.1960 18.95 ANH JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 410000 - 476999 PC-674 / Feb.1960 18.95 ANH JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 477000 and up PC-675 / Mar.1960 18.95 AO JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 250000 - 271999 PC-674 / Feb.1960 18.95 AO JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 272000 and up PC-675 / Mar.1960 18.95 AR JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 250000 - 271999 PC-674 / Feb.1960 18.95 AR JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 272000 and up PC-675 / Mar.1960 18.95 AW JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 410000 - 476999 PC-674 / Feb.1960 18.95 AW JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 477000 and up PC-675 / Mar.1960 18.95 AWH JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 410000 - 476999 PC-674 / Feb.1960 18.95 AWH B JD Models A-AN-ANH-AW-AWH-AR-AO Parts manual 477000 and up PC-675 / Mar.1960 18.95 JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Instructions manual B1000 - B59999 Dir. # 313 / Aug.1958 17.95 B JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Parts manual B6000 and up PC-330 / Mar.1960 18.95 B JD Model B Parts manual 177000 - 201000 PLRBI347 / 18.95 B JD Model B Operators manual 60000 - 201000 OM-R2005R / 19.95 B JD Model B Operators manual 201000 and up OM-R2006R / 19.95 BN JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Instructions manual B1000 - B59999 Dir. # 313 / Aug.1958 17.95 BN JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Parts manual B6000 and up PC-330 / Mar.1960 18.95 B1000 - B59999 Dir. # 313 / Aug.1958 17.95 BNH JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Instructions manual BNH JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Parts manual BW JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Instructions manual BW JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Parts manual BWH JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Instructions manual BWH JD Models B-BN-BNH-BW-BWH Parts manual B6000 and up PC-330 / Mar.1960 18.95 B1000 - B59999 Dir. # 313 / Aug.1958 17.95 B6000 and up PC-330 / Mar.1960 18.95 B1000 - B59999 Dir. # 313 / Aug.1958 17.95 B6000 and up PC-330 / Mar.1960 18.95 Dir. # 167 / 12.95 G JD Model G Instructions manual H JD Model H-HN-HNH-HWH Parts manual PC-304 / Feb.1960 16.95 HN JD Model H-HN-HNH-HWH Parts manual PC-304 / Feb.1960 16.95 HNH JD Model H-HN-HNH-HWH Parts manual PC-304 / Feb.1960 16.95 HWH JD Model H-HN-HNH-HWH Parts manual PC-304 / Feb.1960 16.95 L JD Model L Parts manual L JD Model L Instructions manual # 104-T L JD Models L-LA-LI and LU Power Unit Repair Catalog # 3-T L JD Models L-LA-LI-Y-Series 62 Service manual L COMPLETE SET-JD Model L inc.Service, PC-150, &104-T LA JD Model LA Instructions manual # 106-T LA JD Model LA Parts manual (styled) LA JD Models L-LA-LI and LU Power Unit Repair Catalog # 3-T LA JD Models L-LA-LI-Y-Series 62 Service manual LA COMPLETE SET-JD Model LA inc.Service, PC-151, &106-T LI JD Models L-LA-LI and LU Power Unit Repair Catalog # 3-T LI JD Models L-LA-LI-Y-Series 62 Service manual LU JD Models L-LA-LI and LU Power Unit Repair Catalog # 3-T Y JD Models L-LA-LI-Y-Series 62 Service manual 60 JD Model 60 Operator's manual 62 JD Models L-LA-LI-Y-Series 62 Service manual PC-150 16.95 Dir. # 206 / May 1957 12.95 F-149 / Sep.1941 39.95 EXC. Non OEM manual 29.95 Dir. # 207 / Apr.1954 59.95 Dir. # 207 / Apr.1954 12.95 PC-151 / Feb.1951 16.95 F-149 / Sep.1941 39.95 EXC. Non OEM manual 29.95 59.95 F-149 / Sep.1941 39.95 EXC. Non OEM manual 29.95 F-149 / Sep.1941 39.95 EXC. Non OEM manual 29.95 OM-R2034 / 19.95 EXC. Non OEM manual 19.95 70 JD Model 70 Diesel (GP & Std.) Operator's manual OM-R2032R / Nov.1954 720 JD Model 720 Gas & All-Fuel (GP & Std.) Operator's manual OM-R2082R / Sep.1954 19.95 19.99 820 JD Model 820 Diesel Service manual SM-2021 / Apr. 1957 49.95 John Deere Tractor Implements Model LA Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 12.95 JD Model LA-LA2 Plow manual 336 & PC275 / 9 JD No.9 Integral Power mowers (sickle bar) Operators OM-H72-258 / 17.95 37 JD Model 37-38-39 Mowers (sickle bar) OM-H61401 / 17.95 38 JD Model 37-38-39 Mowers (sickle bar) OM-H61401 / 17.95 39 JD Model 37-38-39 Mowers (sickle bar) OM-H61401 / 17.95 50 JD Model 50 Hydraulic Loader OM-C28-353 / 17.95 214 JD Model 214 Series Baler Operator's manual OM-W19134E / 17.95 Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each PC-1314 / Nov.1971 12.95 John Deere Homeowners & Recreation Equipment Model A18 Description Serial # range JD A18-A25-A40 Pressure Washers Parts Catalog A25 JD A18-A25-A40 Pressure Washers Parts Catalog PC-1314 / Nov.1971 12.95 A40 JD A18-A25-A40 Pressure Washers Parts Catalog PC-1314 / Nov.1971 12.95 8 John Deere Model 8 Chain Saws Parts manual 19 John Deere Model 19 Rotary Mower Parts manual 150001 and up 150001 and up PC-1298 12.95 PC-1251 12.95 PC-1252 12.95 21 John Deere Model 21 Rotary Mower Parts manual 324 John Deere Model 324-524 Rotary Tiller Parts manual PC-1268 12.95 524 John Deere Model 324-524 Rotary Tiller Parts manual PC-1268 12.95 400 JD 400 and 500 Snowmobiles Parts catalog PC-1278 15.95 500 JD 400 and 500 Snowmobiles Parts catalog PC-1278 15.95 Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each TP-2509 21.95 Kohler Engines Model Aegis Description Kohler Aegis 17-20 & 23hp Liquid Cooled Vertical Service Serial # range Command Kohler Command 6 hp Horizontal Owner's manual TP-2471-C 9.95 Command Kohler Command 5-6 hp Service manual TP-2337-A 21.95 Command Kohler Command 20-25 hp Horizontal Owner's manual 24-590-03 9.95 Command Kohler Command CV17-CV26 & CV675-745 Owner's man 24-590-02 9.95 Command Kohler Command CH18-26 & CH730-745 Owner's manual 24-590-01 9.95 Command Kohler Command CH18 - 745 Horizontal Crank Service man TP-2428-B 21.95 Command Kohler Command CH11-16 Horizontal Crankshaft Owner's 12-590-02 9.95 Command Command Pro CS Series 4 to 12.75 hp Horizontal Owner's TP-2494 9.95 TP2503-A 21.95 Command Command Pro CS Series 4 to 12 hp Service manual Command CV11-CV12.5-CV13-CV14-CV15-CV16 Vertical Owner's 12-590-01 9.95 Command Kohler Command CV17 -745 Vertical Crank Service TP-2450-B 21.95 Command Kohler Command CV460-CV493 Vertical Crank Owner's 12-590-01 9.95 Command Kohler Command XKE Series 6hp Horizontal Owner's man. Courage SV470-600 Vertical Crankshaft Service manual Courage SV470-SV480-SV530-SV540-SV590-SV600 Owner's K17 KT17-KT19 Series II - K17-K19-K21 Twin-cyl. Service man TP-2505 9.95 TP-2548 21.95 20-590-01 9.95 TP-2043-A 21.95 K19 KT17-KT19 Series II - K17-K19-K21 Twin-cyl. Service man TP-2043-A 21.95 K21 KT17-KT19 Series II - K17-K19-K21 Twin-cyl. Service man TP-2043-A 21.95 K91 Kohler K-91, K161, K181 Owner's manual ENS-593-F / 9.95 K91 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man TP-2379 21.95 K141 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man TP-2379 21.95 K161 Kohler K-91, K161, K181 Owner's manual ENS-593-F / 9.95 K161 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man K181 Kohler K-91, K161, K181 Owner's manual K181 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man K241 Kohler K241-K301-K321-K341 Owner's manual K241 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man TP-2379 21.95 ENS-593-F / 9.95 TP-2379 21.95 TP-1346-C 9.95 TP-2379 21.95 K295-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-295-2 Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K295-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-295-2AX Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K301 Kohler K241-K301-K321-K341 Owner's manual K301 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man K321 Kohler K241-K301-K321-K341 Owner's manual K321 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man TP-1346-C 9.95 TP-2379 21.95 TP-1346-C 9.95 TP-2379 21.95 K340-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-340-2 Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K340-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-340-2AX Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K340-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-340-2AS Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K341 Kohler K241-K301-K321-K341 Owner's manual K341 Kohler K91-141-161-181-241-301-321-341 Service man K399-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-399-2 Service Manual TP-1346-C 9.95 TP-2379 21.95 TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K399-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-399-2AX Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K440-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-440-2 Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K440-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-440-2AS Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K440-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-440-2AX Service Manual TwoStrokeSM 18.95 K482 Kohler K482-K532-K582-K662 Twin Cyl. Service man. ENS-607 22.95 K532 Kohler K482-K532-K582-K662 Twin Cyl. Service man. ENS-607 22.95 K582 Kohler K482-K532-K582-K662 Twin Cyl. Service man. ENS-607 22.95 K582 Kohler K582 Owner's manual K662 Kohler K482-K532-K582-K662 Twin Cyl. Service man. TP-2123-B 9.95 ENS-607 22.95 KT17 KT17-KT19 Series II - K17-K19-K21 Twin-cyl. Service man TP-2043-A 21.95 KT17 KT17-KT19 Series II - Owner's manual TP-2107-C 9.95 K618-2 Kohler Two Cylinder K-618-2 Service Manual KT19 TwoStrokeSM 18.95 KT17-KT19 Series II - K17-K19-K21 Twin-cyl. Service man TP-2043-A 21.95 9.95 KT19 KT17-KT19 Series II - Owner's manual TP-2107-C LH630 Kohler-Aegis LH630 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Owner's man 66-590-02 9.95 LH630 Kohler-Aegis LH630 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Service man TP-2527 21.95 LH640 Kohler-Aegis LH640 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Owner's man 66-590-02 9.95 LH685 Kohler-Aegis LH685 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Owner's man 66-590-02 9.95 LH685 Kohler-Aegis LH685 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Service man TP-2527 21.95 LH690 Kohler-Aegis LH690 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Owner's man 66-590-02 9.95 LH750 Kohler-Aegis LH750 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Service man TP-2527 21.95 LH755 Kohler-Aegis LH755 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Owner's man 66-590-02 9.95 LH760 Kohler-Aegis LH760 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Service man TP-2527 21.95 LH775 Kohler-Aegis LH775 Liquid Cooled Horizontal Owner's man 66-590-02 9.95 LV625 Kohler- Aegis LV625 Liquid Cooled Vertical Owner's man. 66-590-01 9.95 LV675 Kohler- Aegis LV675 Liquid Cooled Vertical Owner's man 66-590-01 9.95 LV680 Kohler- Aegis LV680 Liquid Cooled Vertical Owner's man 66-590-01 9.95 Magnum Kohler Magnum 8-12 and 16 HP Horizontal Owner's man TP-2200-F 9.95 Magnum Kohler Magnum 16-18 and 20 HP Vertical Owner's man 52-590-03 9.95 Magnum Kohler Magnum 18 and 20 HP Horizontal Owner's man 52-590-02 9.95 M8 Kohler Magnum M-8 single cylinder engine Service man. TP-2203-A 21.95 M10 Kohler Magnum M-10 single cylinder engine Service man. TP-2203-A 21.95 M12 Kohler Magnum M-12 single cylinder engine Service man. TP-2203-A 21.95 M14 Kohler Magnum M-14 single cylinder engine Service man. TP-2203-A 21.95 M16 Kohler Magnum M-16 single cylinder engine Service man. TP-2203-A 21.95 M18 Kohler Magnum M-18 twin cylinder engine Service man. TP-2204-B M20 Kohler Magnum M-20 twin cylinder engine Service man. TP-2204-B 21.95 21.95 MV16 Kohler Magnum MV16 - MV18 and MV20 Service man. TP-2289-A 21.95 MV18 Kohler Magnum MV16 - MV18 and MV20 Service man. TP-2289-A 21.95 MV20 Kohler Magnum MV16 - MV18 and MV20 Service man. TP-2289-A 21.95 OHC Kohler OHC 16HP - 18HP Horizontal Crank Service man. TP-2480 21.95 28-590-01 9.95 Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each TH520 Kohler Triad OHC TH452 Horizontal Owner's man. Massey Ferguson Lawn Tractors Model Description MF10 Massey Ferguson MF10 and MF12 Service Manual MF10 Massey Ferguson MF10 Operator's Manual Serial # range 1448836M1 / 17.95 690751M1 / 12-65 12.95 MF12 Massey Ferguson MF10 and MF12 Service Manual 1448836M1 / 17.95 MF610 Massey Ferguson MF-610 Rotary Mower Operator's man. 690771M3 / 15.95 Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Massey Ferguson Tractors Model Description Massey Harris Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Massey Harris Serial # Guide 9.95 Oliver Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Oliver-White-Cletrac-HartParr Serial # Guide Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each 9.95 Oliver Implements Model Description Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each Serial # range Orig. Pub. # /Date Price each White Tractors Model ALL Description Rusty Bucks Oliver-White-Cletrac-HartParr Serial # Guide 9.95
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