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User Manual: REVELPROG-IS_manual

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user manual

Last update (v1.6.2): 2017-11-20

Please read user manual before using the device.


Technical data and requirements .......................................................... - 5 -


Features and applications ..................................................................... - 6 -


Installation of software and USB drivers ............................................... - 7 -


First steps with REVELPROG-IS application........................................... - 8 -

4.1. User interface .................................................................................................................................................................................. - 8 4.2. Device programming ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 10 4.2.1. Reading .................................................................................................................................................................................. - 10 4.2.2. Writing .................................................................................................................................................................................... - 11 4.2.3. Erasing ................................................................................................................................................................................... - 11 4.3. HEX editor features (buffer editing) .................................................................................................................................................. - 12 4.3.1. HEX editor ............................................................................................................................................................................... - 12 4.3.2. Appearance ............................................................................................................................................................................. - 12 4.3.3. Fill buffer................................................................................................................................................................................. - 13 4.3.4. Patterns - export changes to file................................................................................................................................................. - 14 4.3.5. Swap bytes.............................................................................................................................................................................. - 14 4.3.6. Clear buffer or generate random buffer ....................................................................................................................................... - 15 4.3.7. CRC32 and Checksum-16 .......................................................................................................................................................... - 15 4.3.8. File format conversion: .bin <-> .hex ......................................................................................................................................... - 15 -2-

4.3.9. DiffChecker (file comparing) ...................................................................................................................................................... - 16 4.4. Additional features ......................................................................................................................................................................... - 17 4.4.1. Blank test ................................................................................................................................................................................ - 17 4.4.2. Compare with the buffer............................................................................................................................................................ - 17 4.4.3. VPP selection ........................................................................................................................................................................... - 17 4.4.4. Device identification (Chip ID) for FLASH SPI ............................................................................................................................... - 18 4.4.5. Quad SPI (QSPI) configuration for FLASH SPI .............................................................................................................................. - 18 4.4.6. Auto backup ............................................................................................................................................................................ - 18 5.

In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) ................................................. - 19 -

5.1. Addressing in external circuit........................................................................................................................................................... - 19 5.2. Write protection in circuit (WP/PRE pin) ............................................................................................................................................ - 20 5.2. Power supply in external circuit ....................................................................................................................................................... - 20 5.3. Limits and possible issues during in-circuit programming .................................................................................................................... - 21 5.4. Troubleshooting for in-circuit programming ....................................................................................................................................... - 22 6.

Custom Script Programming (I2C / SPI bus) ...................................... - 24 -

6.1. Script construction ......................................................................................................................................................................... - 24 6.2. Script syntax ................................................................................................................................................................................. - 25 6.3. Script maker with GUI .................................................................................................................................................................... - 25 6.4. Script execution sequence ............................................................................................................................................................... - 26 6.5. Script examples ............................................................................................................................................................................. - 26 7.

Updates ............................................................................................... - 27 -



Research and development ................................................................. - 28 -


APPENDIX A - List of supported devices.............................................. - 29 -

8.1. EEPROM I2C 24… series .................................................................................................................................................................. - 29 8.2. EEPROM SPI 25… series .................................................................................................................................................................. - 31 8.3. EEPROM SPI 35… series .................................................................................................................................................................. - 32 8.4. EEPROM SPI 95… series .................................................................................................................................................................. - 32 8.5. EEPROM MICROWIRE 93… series...................................................................................................................................................... - 33 8.6. FLASH SPI 25… series ..................................................................................................................................................................... - 35 8.7. FLASH SPI 26… series ..................................................................................................................................................................... - 37 8.7. FLASH SPI 45… series ..................................................................................................................................................................... - 37 8.8. FRAM I2C 24… series ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 38 8.9. FRAM SPI 25… series ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 38 8.10. Optical and ethernet modules (SFP/SFP+ transceivers) ..................................................................................................................... - 38 8.11. Your suggestions .......................................................................................................................................................................... - 39 10.

APPENDIX B - video tutorials and technical support ........................... - 39 -


1. Technical data and requirements

REVELPROG-IS made by REVELTRONICS is a professional tool for serial memory programming. It supports wide range of EEPROM, FLASH and
FRAM devices with I2C, SPI and µWire protocols powered with 1.0V - 5.0V voltage levels. It has integrated ZIF socket (for THT devices) and SOIC
socket (for SMD devices). It has also connector for in-circuit serial programming (ICSP) with buffered I/O. Due to USB 2.0 interface memory
operations are really fast.
Technical data:


power supply and communication via USB 2.0 (hardware level, bulk transfer),


supported protocols: I2C, SPI, MICROWIRE,


supported devices with 1.0V - 5.0V power supply,


programming device powered from programmer (1.0 - 5.0V, Imax = 100mA) or from external circuit (1.0 - 5.5V),


operation speed (read/write) up to 10Mbit/s,


ZIF-32 + SOIC-8 (150mil) integrated sockets,


connector for in-circuit serial programming (ICSP) with buffered I/O,


auto adaptive I/O pins connected only for programming time (Hi-Z in IDLE state),


short circuit and overload protection,


device manufactured in EU, made in Poland.




USB 2.0 or above,


Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 (32 and 64 bit) + .NET Framework 41 installed in OS.

.NET 4.0 Client Profile can be downloaded from MICROSOFT:


2. Features and applications

REVELPROG-IS is used in many applications such as: car electronics & automotive (reprogramming modules, radio-code, mileage correction,
immobilizers, gps navigations), computer service (data recovery, reflashing/upgrading/programming BIOS chips on motherboards of PC, notebooks,
copier & fax machines, printers etc.), RTV/AGD service (TV & TV tuners, digital cameras, multifunction devices etc.) and many other devices
equipped with serial I2C/SPI/MICROWIRE EEPROM and FLASH chips. Due to the possibility of change voltage level (in range of 1.0 - 5.0V) programmer
supports both older and newer devices (e.g. latest devices equipped with 1.8V low-voltage chips). Device is equipped with ICSP connector that allows
in-circuit serial programming without unsoldering the chip from board - built in additional protection (buffered I/O, short circuit and overload
protection) increase reliability and safety of such operations.
Main features:


reading / writing / erasing functions with user-friendly application interface,


supported binary files (*.bin, *.rom, *.epp etc.) and Intel-Hex (*.hex) with possibility to load file to the buffer, edit it, calculate checksums,
swap-bytes, save modified bytes as patterns, compare with chip etc.,


programming in socket or in external circuit (without unsoldering the chip),


the target application device can be either powered by REVELPROG (possibility to change VPP and logic levels: 1.0V / 1.5V / 1.8V / 2.5V /
2.8V / 3.3V / 5.0V) or powered by an application with external power supply (1.0 – 5.5V),


build in additional protection: buffered I/O pins internal connected only during programming + short circuit and overload protection (reduces
the risk of damaging parts due to connection mistake),


integrated sockets (ZIF + SOIC) with auto adaptive I/O pins reduces requirement of additional adapters,


short programming time2, e.g. WINBOND W25Q80BV (8Mb): read 0.9s (8,4Mb/s), write 3.3s (2,4Mb/s), MICRON N25Q128A (128Mb): read
12.8s (10Mb/s), write 37.6s (3,4Mb/s),


useful tools such as: save/load patterns with changes, i2c/spi custom scripts, auto backups, file comparing etc.


Due to USB 2.0 hardware layer (BULK mode) maximum real transfer is up to 10Mbit/s for read/write operations but in many cases transfer is limited by read/write time cycle from/to
memory (e.g. write is always slower than read). Write time does not include chip erase time (you can find tCE in device datasheet) and verification (read) time. There is possibility to change
write sequence (e.g. without erasing and verifying) but most devices require at least chip erase before write operation.


3. Installation of software and USB drivers

PC application is compatible with MS Windows3 XP, Vista, 7 , 8 and 10 (32 and 64-bit versions). You will need also .NET Framework 4.0 to run
application (probably already installed4 in your OS)
Software installation:
Software installation is typical for Windows. Just run setup (REVELPROG-IS_v1-x_Setup) and follow instructions (next, next, finish;). You may be
prompted for USB driver installation (accept it). Shortcut to REVELPROG-IS app will be added to the desktop. Application is ready to run.
Drivers installation:
In most cases drivers will be successful installed during application installation. Drivers may be installed also later from application (menu "help" ->
"install drivers").
Windows XP users will have to install drivers after first device plugged-in - just select drivers location in installation folder (by default it is
"C:\Program Files\REVELTRONICS\REVELPROG-IS\drivers\REVELPROG-IS"). If you miss it, you can install drivers later manually (run device manager,
find "REVLPROG-IS" device on the list, right click and update driver, select driver location).
Windows 8/10 x64 users will have to install drivers from REVELPROG-IS application by using "Zadig" installer (menu "help" -> "install drivers with
Zadig"). You should select REVELPROG-IS device on the list and install WinUSB driver, video:


Windows XP with SP3 installed (service pack 3). Windows 7 with SP1 installed.
In case of "fresh" install of OS you may need also "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package" (


if NOT, you can download and install it directly from Microsoft web page:


4. First steps with REVELPROG-IS application
4.1. User interface
Application interface is user-friendly. All main functions can be run directly from shortcut icons (all icons are actived after device connected). Please
move cursor above specific icon to see additional tooltip.


Memory buffer is displayed in hexadecimal + ASCII format. There is possibility to edit buffer as bytes and as ASCII characters.

Additional information is displayed in lower area:


buffer information: buffer size in bytes,
buffer addresses range and current
address (or addresses range) of cursor
position (selection) with calculated
checksum-16 (from selected bytes),


status bar (programmer version info or
last operation info),


CRC-32 checksum calculated from buffer
or opened file (click on "CRC32" to
recalculate checksum)


4.2. Device programming

Device type should be selected from the device database before any operation ("chip select" icon). Voltage will be set automatically. It can be
changed manually by clicking VPP icon. In case of ICSP programming with external power supply, VPP should be set to the same level as memory
power supply.

4.2.1. Reading

Before device reading operation, memory type should be
chosen. Please check also VPP voltage (you may need to
change it in case of low-voltage chips). Click READ icon
(memory chip with green arrow).
Programmer will read device. Memory content will be loaded
into the buffer. Buffer can be saved to external file. You can
also edit the buffer and reprogram the device.
Please note at the CRC32 checksum (right corner at the
bottom). If checksum is equal after each read than the risk of
read with error usually does not exist. It is a good practice to
make memory backup to external file before any writing.
The reading may be incorrect due to communication error or
broken chip.

- 10 -

4.2.2. Writing

Before device programming operation, (1) memory type should be chosen and (2) buffer should be filled with data. You can load data from external
binary (*bin, *.rom, *.epp etc.) or Intel-Hex (*.hex) file. Please check also VPP voltage – it may be changed in case of low-voltage chips. Please click
“WRITE” icon (memory chip with red-orange floppy disk).
Programmer will erase the device, write data to memory from
the buffer and make verification process. There is possibility to








sequence. Verification process will read the device after writing
and compare reading with the buffer. If verification pass than
memory is successful programmer. Verification error may occur
due to communication error, secured or broken chip.
4.2.3. Erasing










programmed into a memory. In most cases this operation is not
necessary, because programmer supports fast erase procedures
(Page Erase, Block Erase and Chip Erase). Please click “ERASE”
icon (memory chip with 0xFF and broom) for erasing operation.
Please note that erasing progress is not displayed at progress
bar. For high density FLASH memories erase process may took
quite long (even few minutes!).

- 11 -

4.3. HEX editor features (buffer editing)

4.3.1. HEX editor

Buffer can be edited from application level. In







displayed. In the second column there is memory
contents displayed (as bytes in hexadecimal
mode). In the third column there is ASCII
representation of memory contents. All buffer
operations are allowed (e.g. CTRL+C, CTRL+V
etc.). Modified buffer can be saved to external
.bin or .hex file.

4.3.2. Appearance

There is possibility to personalize hex editor,
e.g. color and font changes. Bigger font and dark
contrast colors will enhance your work with editor
especially on high resolution displays.

- 12 -

4.3.3. Fill buffer...
Fill selected bytes with constant bytes or defined pattern.
1. Open context menu (right click) and choose fill...

3. Take profit - you have just saved some time...

2. Enter pattern...

- 13 -

4.3.4. Patterns - export changes to file

All manual changes (highlighted bytes) can be exported to external file (pattern). Later, at any moment there is possibility to load pattern file and all
changes will be imported, without modifying other bytes in the buffer. Simple, fast and powerful.

4.3.5. Swap bytes

Swap bytes operation will change byte order in 2-bytes word. For example, swapped word 0xABCD will be equal to 0xCDAB. This functionality is very
useful for memories with two addressing modes, e.g. for microwire 93… series 16-bit chips. REVELPROG supports both addressing modes (8-bit and 16bit) for these devices.

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4.3.6. Clear buffer or generate random buffer

There is possibility to clear buffer (0xFF) or generate random buffer from Edit menu. Buffer length will be equal to memory size. CTRL + N shortcut
will clear buffer and CTRL + N shortcut will generate random buffer.
4.3.7. CRC32 and Checksum-16

Click "CRC32" in right-bottom corner to calculate CRC32 checksum from the buffer. Changing single byte in the buffer will change CRC32 checksum
so this feature is useful in comparison of sequential reads or files. Checksum-16 is calculated in real time from selected bytes in the buffer area and it's
displayed in buffer info. This is most common algorithm for checksum used in wide range of devices (checksum of mileage, operation hours, serial
numbers etc.) To calculate Checksum-16 from all addresses select all bytes in the buffer area (CTRL+A).

4.3.8. File format conversion: .bin <-> .hex

I Application can be used also as a simple file converter (binary to intel-hex and vice versa). To convert file from one type to another, just open file
(load to buffer) and save it in another format.
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4.3.9. DiffChecker (file comparing)
DiffChecker tool allows to compare 2 bin or hex files. All differences will be selected and grouped. Press F3/F2 to find next/previous difference region.
You can save all differences to external file as a pattern (feature described in Chapter 4.3.4). If files are totally different then first 1000 different
regions are marked.

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4.4. Additional features
4.4.1. Blank test

Blank test checks if chip is empty. Test will be canceled as soon as first programmed cells will be detected (there is no need to read full memory).
4.4.2. Compare with the buffer

Operation compares buffer with the contents of memory. Operation will be cancelled as soon as first difference will be detected.
4.4.3. VPP selection

VPP is set for both: programming voltage and signal levels. VPP can be changed with 0.1V step in range of 1.0 - 5.0 volts. This feature is very useful
in few cases:

in order to program low-voltage variant of the device (e.g. 1.8V instead of 3.3V),


in case of in-circuit programming with external power supply -> programmer voltage should be the same as external circuit voltage or VPP
should disabled (VPP OFF),


in case of in-circuit programming without external power supply. In many cases there is no need to set nominal voltage for external board. For
example: memory operates in range of 2.6 to 3.6 volts. Nominal voltage for external board is 3.3V. Setting the lowest operational voltage (2.6V)
will be enough to power and communicate with the memory and at the same time will be too low to power all circuits around. First of all, if there
is main microprocessor on the board than it will not communicate with the external memory (because it will be in "reset" state due to low
voltage to operate) so it will be possible to communicate with this memory using external programmer. Secondly, you will save current
consumption because devices in reset state consume much less power. This trick is not always possible, so if you can't communicate with the
device in external circuit try to plug-in external power supply or unsolder the chip and program it in socket. Please read Chapter 5 for more

- 17 -

4.4.4. Device identification (Chip ID) for FLASH SPI

In order to read Chip ID (only FLASH SPI 25x supports this function) please select “Tools” -> “Read ID”. Operator should know operating voltage for
the device because REVELPROG-IS supports also low voltage chips and reading chip ID without knowledge about chip power supply level is risky
(setting 3,3V for 1,8V chip will damage it even during chip id reading). Programmer will read 4 identification bytes of data (JEDEC ID) – 1st byte is
Manufacturer ID, 2nd and 3rd bytes are Device ID and 4th byte is Extended ID. You can read about identification bytes in device datasheet.
4.4.5. Quad SPI (QSPI) configuration for FLASH SPI

Some of FLASH SPI devices may require to enable QSPI mode before soldering it in external device. This will require to change one of configuration
or status registers in device memory map.
TIP: in most cases, specially when you reprogram FLASH SPI there is not necessary to change any configuration bits.
To enable or disable Quad mode you can use dedicated tool (Tools -> Quad SPI) – it will work with most popular FLASH SPI devices (e.g. Winbond
and Spansion). For other devices it may be necessary to write custom script (with Custom Script tool – described in Chapter 6) to enable or disable
QSPI mode manually by changing QSPI bits in required registers. You can read how to change Quad SPI mode for your device in device datasheet.
4.4.6. Auto backup
Every read operation there is backup file (.bin) generated (by default it is user documents folder in system). By default maximum 16 files are
created (oldest are deleted) and size is limited to 8Mbit devices. You can change these parameters in Settings -> Option -> File -> Autobackup (you
can set unlimited number of files and size).

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5. In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
Caution! Before ICSP programming please read following instructions!
ICSP programming is recommended only for advanced users. There is required technical knowledge and being familiar with specific chip. You should
read carefully device datasheet, especially memory pinout, addressing modes and voltage levels.
Programmer is equipped with 10-pin ICSP socket (IDC10). There’s only 8 pins used (pin-9 and pin-10 are not internally connected). Pinout
numeration (1-8) is the same as memory pinout in datasheet for DIL8/SO8 package.
There will be various signals at these pins during chip programming (digital and analog signals). These signals are assigned automatically after
memory chosen (in application) and are set only during memory operation.

5.1. Addressing in external circuit
All hardware addressing outputs for EEPROM 24.. series (pin 1,2,3 ie A0, A1, A2) must have low voltage level (GND). If chip in circuit is addressed in
other way (e.g. there are few the same chips, which require various addressing) then communication will fail. In this case you can (1) set correct
addressing in application (“External addressing” option during memory selection) or (2) set default “0” addressing with the programmer (connect
addressing wires to the chip and in the same time disconnect them in external circuit) .The safest option is to unsolder the chip and put it to integrated
programmer socket.
Addressing 8/16-bit for EEPROM 93 series also needs special care. In circuit addressing wire (pin 6) can be connected to low or high state (it's
defining addressing mode if memory support both modes). Depends on your chip selection in application (8/16 bit) programmer gives LOW or HIGH
state on this pin. If you choose wrong addressing (e.g. in circuit it is low state and programmer outputs high state) than you will make short circuit. In
most cases it's not necessary to connect addressing wire (pin 6) for microwire 93 series - it's enough to select right mode from application (16-bit in
most cases).
If you are not 100% sure about connections, DO NOT program in circuit – unsolder the chip and program it with integrated socket.

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5.2. Write protection in circuit (WP/PRE pin)
A lot of serial devices have WP (Write Protect) or PRE (Protection Enable) input. Low state on this pin (ground) protect the device from erasing and
writing. Programmer outputs a high state during erase or write operation. If in external circuit write protect pin is connected to ground (common case),
and programmer will output high state on this pin, than it will lead to short circuit. There are 3 common solutions in this case: (1) do not connect write
protect pin (erase/write will not work), (2) disconnect write protect pin in circuit (connect it only to programmer) or (3) unsolder the chip and
programm it in programmer's socket.
WP (Write-Protect) or PRE (Protection Enable) pin can be found e.g. in FLASH SPI 25.. (pin 3), FLASH SPI 26... (pin 3), FLASH SPI 45... (pin 5),
EEPROM I2C 24... (pin 7), EEPROM SPI 25.. (pin 3), EEPROM SPI 35... (pin 3), EEPROM SPI 95... (pin 3), EEPROM MICROWIRE 93... (pin 7).

5.2. Power supply in external circuit
The target application device can be either powered by programmer [voltage level (VPP) can be chosen from: 1.0V – 5.0V - please read Chapter
4.4.3] or powered by an application within a voltage range of 1.0V to 5.5V. If chip is already powered in external circuit, than VPP should be set to the
same voltage as external power supply (0,1V accuracy is tolerated). Absolute maximum rating at programmer's I/O pins is 5.5V - exceed this value
may damage protection buffers in programmer.

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5.3. Limits and possible issues during in-circuit programming
In some cases there is no possibility to program chip in application. This can be due by many reasons, such as:,

to long signal wires,


too much load capacity in circuit,


incorrect pull-ups or pull-downs on signal wires,


incorrect addressing,


bus conflict (memory is during communication with other device),


impedance not match,


additional capacitors, diodes bus-switches etc. in circuit.

In case of power supply from programmer, current is limited to 100mA for
safety reason. If application requires more power, than external power
supply should be connected.
In case of incorrect connections, short circuit or overload, following error
(pict.) will be displayed and all I/O will be disconnected. Delay of protection
trigger is 5-35ms so you still have to be careful. Programmer implements
"VPP-boost" mode which allows for 3x higher current consumption at the
first 30ms of operation (e.g. for capacitor charging). There is also possibility
to increase in settings overload protection to 200mA.
If you are not sure about connections or voltage levels DO NOT
program in-circuit. It is much safer to unsolder the chip and
program it in the socket.

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5.4. Troubleshooting for in-circuit programming
If you can program device in programmer's socket (or adapter) with success, but you cannot program it in circuit than there are few things that you
can check. First of all, make sure that:

all wires are connected properly (please take special care for pin contact in case of programming with SOIC CLIP),


external circuit is powered properly and there is no voltage conflict on power bus,


SPI lines: CS, (MOSI), (MISO) and (SCK) have pull-up resistors to power supply (4.7k - 10k),


communication lines do not have additional elements, such as diodes, bus-switches, transistors etc.


there is no communication conflict on the bus (e.g. processor and all other devices connected to shared SPI bus should be in RESET state).

Secondly, if problem still exist, there are still may be some tricky issues. Few examples with solutions below:

noise and overshooting (communication errors, random read) – possible solutions:

decrease SPI clock to 10% for FLASH SPI devices (menu Settings -> Options -> Hardware -> FLASH SPI SCK),


impedance matching and termination for external circuit (and wires) by using e.g. termination resistors on signal wires. There is no universal
value of resistance (each circuit is different) but in most cases 100 - 1000 Ohm resistors in serial for CS, (MOSI) and (SCK) will be enough:


CS line decoupling (33pF - 220pF to ground as close as possible to the device in-circuit),

to low voltage level during erasing and/or writing (erase error / communication error):

when external device (in external circuit) is powered from programmer, than there are also other devices powered too (on the same
power line) and due to higher current consumption output voltage may be too low for erase and write operations. In this case it is
recommended to set VPP slightly higher (e.g. +0.3V) or use external power source and set the same VPP level in application.
- 22 -


bus conflict (random read or communication error during read):

in some cases after device power up, the main processor is starting communication with slave devices (e.g. with memory you are trying
to read) – in this case it will be conflict on the bus (random read or communication error). All devices connected to the same
communication bus should be forced to be in RESET state. Sometimes it is enough to use external power supply and wait about 2-3
minutes for initial procedure finished and then try to communicate with the memory (when all devices are in idle state and bus is free).
The other tricky way is to use minimum voltage level to communicate with memory and this voltage level may be too low for other
devices so they will stay in RESET state and will not interrupt communication. On the other hand, to low voltage level may be not enough
to success for erase and write operations.

In some cases design of external circuit does not physically allow for in-circuit programming. In this case chip should be unsoldered and programmed in
programmer's socket or adapter.

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6. Custom Script Programming (I2C / SPI bus)
Custom script programming for I2C or SPI bus in case of REVELPROG is a some kind of "bus pirate" tool for serial communication. This tool is still in
developement phase but it is already powerful and functional. With REVELPROG-IS Customs Script tool there is possibility to execute any
commands in any sequence with precise delays on SPI or I2C bus. You can write script to execute commands for unclocking device, read and
write hidden (or not) registers, change sector protection bits, write OTP registers and much more.
In practice it is also very useful tool for electronic enginners and embedded programmers, because there is possibility to communicate with any
serial (I2C or SPI) device. External device or module can be also powered from REVELPROG-IS (1.0 - 5.0V with 0.1V threshold). Only few
connection lines are required for communication (4 wires for SPI or 2 wires for I2C + optional 2 wires for external device power supply).

6.1. Script construction

Typical script consists of (1) #SCRIPT HEADER - information about
software version, (2) #HARDWARE SETTINGS - voltage selection (VPP),
bus selection (I2C/SPI) and communication speed, (3) #OPERATION (1
to n). Each script has to have at least one operation defined.
Each #OPERATION consists of (1) ‘SW’ operation parameters: number
of bytes to read/write, delay settings, (2) ‘INSTR’ instruction - sequence
of bytes for single instruction, (3) ‘DATA’ data to write (optional) sequence of optional bytes for write after single instruction
Example construction of typical script with header (software version
v.1.6.0), hardware settings (SPI bus, 3.3V voltage, slowest speed) and
single operation with 1-byte 9Fh command is presented on right image:

- 24 -

6.2. Script syntax


"#" defines sections, e.g. #SCRIPT HEADER; (header), #HARDWARE SETTINGS; (hardware settings), #OPERATION; (for each operation),
";" is placed at the end of each command,
":" is placed directly after command words, e.g. SCRIPT: (script version), HW: (hardware settings), SW: (software settings - operation
parameters), INSTR: (instruction), DATA: (write data);
"," separates parameters for each command (e.g. between "INSTR:" and ";" comma separates instruction bytes)
"//" precedes comments which are ignored by script executor

Each script should have single #SCRIPT HEADER, single #HARDWARE SETTINGS and at least one #OPERATION (or more).

6.3. Script maker with GUI

Script maker will help you prepare multiple operations with correct syntax. You
need to set few parameters for each operation:

WREN (Write Enable) + number of bytes to write in single operation,


RDEN (Read Enable) + number of bytes to read in single operation,


DBO (Delay Before Operation) - optional delay in ms before operation,


DAI (Delay After Instruction) - optional delay in ms after instruction,


DAW (Delay After Write) - optional delay in ms after write,


DAO (Delay After Operation) - optional delay in ms after operation,


BSYO (Busy Operation) - maximum time in ms for write end (e.g.
maximum wait time for busy flag in FLASH SPI or for ACK in I2C devices)


TOUT (Timeout) - maximum PC timeout in ms for operation end (it is recommended to set timeout greater than sum of all other delays).

Please note that:

Read/Write length are 0 based (0 means 1 byte, 255 means 256 bytes) and with WREN=0/RDEN=0 length parameter is ignored,


"SW:" and "HW:" byte format is decimal,
- 25 -


"INSTR:" and "DATA:" byte format is hexadecimal.

Operation code generated by script maker from above example::
As you can see SW parameters are equal to script maker parameters:

6.4. Script execution sequence

Each script is executed with following sequence:
4. ...

6.5. Script examples

Please take a look at forum tutorial for more information and script examples:

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7. Updates
New trends on the market and latest devices require from users newer and newer programming devices. Customer's satisfaction is our number one
priority and we share updates free of charge for all users of REVELPROG-IS. Update consist of software update (pc application) and firmware update
(software inside the device). Latest software can be downloaded directly from manufacturer’s webpage. You will be informed by the software about
possible updates after connecting out of date device.
Caution! If a firmware update process is interrupted, your programmer may not function properly. Updates are optional – warranty does not cover
damage due improper care.
During update process, device will start in DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode. First time it may be necessary to install additional drivers (for DFU
mode). Windows should find drivers automatically on the Internet (if not, there are also available in /drivers/DFU subdirectory in the installation folder).
Installing drivers process should take about 30 seconds. If DFU drivers are installed, application will update the firmware device. Appropriate
instructions will be displayed before.
Please close all other applications and disable antivirus software during update
process. Do not disconnect and do not connect any USB devices during update
process. Make sure that you have stable power supply for PC.
Update process may take about half a minute. Progress will be displayed on the
screen. There is no possibility to cancel this process! After successful update,
device will restart and will be ready to use.

- 27 -

8. Research and development
We are keen to still develop and improve the device. Please contact us at or visit our contact page at if
you have any comments or tips about REVELPROG-IS.
Very welcome are ideas:

how to improve REVELPROG-IS - what functionality add to it,


what chips add to supported device list in the next update (please suggest only serial I2C, SPI, uWire devices).

Repeated suggestions from many users will have more chance for implementation in the future. We encourage you to contact us because in this way
we already added many devices popular only in small segments of automotive market, computer service, RTV/AGD devices etc.

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9. APPENDIX A - List of supported devices

The following list details the family of supported devices (left column) with selected examples of supported memories (right column). Most chips
have the same programming procedures – programmer supports more devices than the examples given in the list.

8.1. EEPROM I2C 24… series
24AA01 | 24AA014 | 24AA014H | 24AA01H | 24C01 | 24C01A | 24C01B | 24C01C | 24LC01 | 24LC014 | 24LC014H | 24LC01B | 24LC01BH | AF24BC01 | AT24C01 |
AT24C01A | AT24C01B | BR24A01AF | BR24A01AFJ | BR24C01 | BR24C01A | BR24C01AF | BR24C01AFJ | BR24C01AFV | BR24C21F | BR24C21FJ | BR24C21FV |

BR24G01 | BR24G01F | BR24G01FJ | BR24G01FV | BR24G01FVT | BR24L01 | BR24L01A | BR24L01AF | BR24L01AFJ | BR24L01AFV | BR24L01AFVM | BR24L01AFVT |


BR24T01A | CAT24AA01 | CAT24C01 | CAT24C01B | CAT24C21 | CAT24FC01 | CAT24LC01 | CAT24WC01 | CR24C01 | CY24C01 | FM24C01 | FT24C01 | FT24C01A |
GE24C01 | GP24BC01 | HM24LC01 | HT24C01 | HT24LC01 | IS24C01 | IS24C01B | LT24C01 | LX24C01 | M24C01 | MM24C01 | S-24C01A | S-24C01B | S-24C01C |
S-24CS01A | SLA24C01 | SLE24C01 | ST24C01 | ST24W01 | TMC24A01 | TU24C01B | UG24C01 | X24012 | X24C01 | X24C01A | XL24C01A
24AA02 | 24AA024 | 24AA024H | 24AA025 | 24AA02H | 24C02 | 24C02A | 24C02B | 24C02C | 24LC02 | 24LC024 | 24LC024H | 24LC025 | 24LC02B | 24LC02BH |
24LC02W | 24LLC02 | A24C02 | ACE24C02 | ACE24LC02 | AF24BC02 | AM24LC02 | AT24C02 | AT24C02A | AT24C02B | AT24C02C | AT24HC02B | AT24HC04B |
AX24C02A | BJX25LC02 | BL24C02 | BR24A02F | BR24A02FJ | BR24A02FVM | BR24C02 | BR24C02F | BR24C02FV | BR24G02F | BR24G02FJ | BR24G02FVT | BR24L02
| BR24L02F | BR24L02FJ | BR24L02FV | BR24L02FVM | BR24L02FVT | BR24T02 | CAT24AA02 | CAT24C02 | CAT24C03 | CAT24LC02 | CAT24LC02A | CAT24LC02AZ |


CAT24LC02Z | CAT24WC02 | CAT24WC03 | CKD24A02 | CR24C02 | CW24C02 | CW24C02B | CY24C02 | EC24C02 | EC24C02A | EM24LC02 | FM24C02 | FM24C02U |


FM24C02UF | FM24C03U | FM24C03UF | FT24C02 | FT24C02A | GE24C02 | GM24LC02B | GP24BC02 | HM24LC02 | HN58X2402 | HT24C02 | HT24LC02 | IN24AA02A |
IN24AA02B | IN24LC02B | IS24C02 | IS24C02A | IS24C02B | IS24C02E | K24C02 | KK24LC02B | L24C02 | L24W02 | LE24C0221 | LE24C023 | LE24L0221 | LT24C02
| LX24C02 | LY24C02 | M24C02 | MAX24A02 | MC24C02 | MC24LC02 | MM24C02 | NM24C02 | NM24C02F | NM24C02U | NM24C03 | NM24C03F | NM24W02 |
NSC24C02 | PTK24A02T | RT24A02 | S-24C02A | S-24C02B | S-24C02C | S-24CS02A | SLA24C02 | SLE24C02 | SM24C02 | ST24C02 | ST24W02 | T24C02 | T24C02A
| TMC24A02 | TU24C02B | UG24C02 | WS24C02 | X24022 | X24C02 | XL24C02 | Y24LC02
24AA04 | 24AA04H | 24C04 | 24C04A | 24LC04 | 24LC04B | 24LC04BH | A24C04 | ACE24C04 | ACE24LC02 | AF24BC04 | AM24LC04 | AT24C04 | AT24C04A |
AT24C04B | AX24C04A | BJX24LC04 | BL24C04 | BR24A04F | BR24A04FJ | BR24C04 | BR24C04F | BR24C04FJ | BR24C04FV | BR24G04F | BR24G04FJ | BR24G04FV |
BR24G04FVT | BR24L04 | BR24L04F | BR24L04FJ | BR24L04FV | BR24L04FVM | BR24L04FVT | BR24T04 | CAT24C04 | CAT24C05 | CAT24LC04 | CAT24WC04 |


CAT24WC05 | CR24C04 | CW24C04 | CW24C04A | CY24C04 | EC24C04 | EC24C04A | FM24C04 | FM24C04U | FM24C04UF | FM24C05U | FM24C05UF | FM24CL04 |


FT24C04 | FT24C04A | GE24C04 | GM24LC04B | HM24LC04 | HN58X2404 | HT24C04 | HT24LC04 | IN24LC04B | IS24C04 | IS24C04A | IS24C04B | K24C04 |
KK24LC04 | KK24LC04B | L24C04 | L24W04 | LE24C042 | LE24C043 | LT24C04 | LX24C04 | LY24C04 | M24C04 | M24LC04 | MM24C04 | NM24C04 | NM24C04F |
NM24C04U | NM24C05 | NM24C05F | NM24W04 | S-24C04A | S-24C04B | S-24CS04A | SLA24C04 | SLE24C04 | ST24C04 | ST24W04 | T24C04 | T24C04A |
TMC24A04 | TU24C04B | UG24C04 | WS24W04 | X24042 | X24C04 | XL24C04 | Y24LC04


24AA08 | 24AA08H | 24C08 | 24C08B | 24LC08 | 24LC08B | 24LC08BH | 24LLC08 | A24C08 | ACE24C08 | ACE24C08A | ACE24LC08 | ACE24LC08A | AF24BC08 |


AM24LC08 | AT24C08 | AT24C08A | AT24C08B | AT24RF08C | AX24C08A | BL24C08 | BR24A08F | BR24A08FJ | BR24C08 | BR24C08F | BR24C08FJ | BR24C08FV |

- 29 -

BR24G08F | BR24G08FJ | BR24G08FV | BR24G08FVT | BR24L08 | BR24L08F | BR24L08FJ | BR24L08FV | BR24L08FVM | BR24L08FVT | BR24T08 | CAT24C08 |
CAT24LC08 | CAT24WC08 | CR24C08 | CW24C08 | CW24C08B | CY24C08 | EC24C08 | EC24C08A | FM24C08 | FM24C08U | FM24C08UF | FM24C09UF | FM24CL08 |
FT24C08 | FT24C08A | GM24LC08B | GP24BC08 | HN58X2408 | HT24C08 | HT24LC08 | IN24AA08B | IN24LC08B | IS24C08 | IS24C08A | K24C08 | KK24LC08 |
KK24LC08B | L24M08 | L24W08 | LE24C081 | LE24C082 | LE24L082 | LT24C08 | LX24C08 | LY24C08 | M24C08 | MAX24A08 | MC24C08 | MC24LC08 | MM24C08 |
MTV24C08 | MTV24LC08 | NM24C08 | NM24C08F | NM24C08U | NM24C09 | NM24C09F | NM24C09U | NM24W08 | NSC24C08 | PTK24A08T | S-24C08A | S-24C08C |
S-24CS08A | SLA24C08 | SLE24C08 | ST24C08 | ST24W08 | T24C08 | T24C08A | TMC24A08 | TU24C08B | UG24C08 | WS24W08 | X24C08 | XL24C08 | Y24LC08
24AA16 | 24AA16H | 24C16 | 24C16B | 24LC16 | 24LC164 | 24LC16B | 24LC16BH | 24LLC16 | A24C16 | ACE24C16 | ACE24LC16 | AF24BC16 | AM24LC16 | AT24C16
| AT24C164 | AT24C16A | AT24C16B | AT24C16C | AX24C16A | BJX24LC16 | BL24C16 | BR24A16F | BR24A16FJ | BR24C16 | BR24C16F | BR24C16FJ | BR24C16FV |
BR24E16 | BR24E16F | BR24E16FJ | BR24E16FV | BR24G16F | BR24G16FJ | BR24G16FV | BR24G16FVT | BR24L16 | BR24L16F | BR24L16FJ | BR24L16FV |
BR24L16FVT | BR24S16F | BR24S16FJ | BR24S16FV | BR24S16FVM | BR24S16FVT | BR24T16 | CAT24C16 | CAT24C16L | CAT24C16Z | CAT24FC16 | CAT24FC17 |

CAT24WC16 | CAT24WC17 | CR24C16 | CW24C16 | CW24C16A | CY24C16 | EC24C16 | EC24C16A | FM24C16 | FM24C16U | FM24C16UF | FM24C17 | FM24C17U |


FM24C17UF | FM24CL16 | FT24C16 | FT24C16A | GM24LC16B | GP24BC16 | HM24LC16 | HN58X2416 | HT24C16 | HT24LC16 | IN24LC16B | IS24C16 | IS24C16A |
KK24LC16 | KK24LC16B | L24W16 | LE24C162 | LE24L162 | LT24C16 | LX24C16 | LY24C16 | M24C16 | MAX24A16 | MC24C16 | MC24LC16 | MM24C16 | MTV24C16
| MTV24LC16 | NM24C16 | NM24C16F | NM24C16U | NM24C17 | NM24C17F | NM24C17U | NM24W16 | NSC24C16 | PTK24A16T | S-24C16A | S-24CS16A | SLA24C16
| SLE24C16 | SLE24C164 | ST24C16 | ST24W16 | T24C16 | T24C16A | TMC24A16 | TU24C16B | UG24C16 | WS24W16 | X24164 | X24165 | X24C16 | XL24C16 |
XL24C164 | Y24LC16
24AA32 | 24AA32A | 24C32 | 24LC32 | 24LC32A | 24LC32B | A24C32 | ACE24C32 | ACE24C32A | AF24BC32 | AT24C32 | AT24C32A | AT24C32B | AT24C32C |
AT24C32D | AX24C32A | BR24A32F | BR24A32FJ | BR24C32 | BR24C32F | BR24G32F | BR24G32FJ | BR24G32FV | BR24G32FVT | BR24L32 | BR24L32F | BR24L32FJ |


BR24L32FV | BR24L32FVT | BR24S32F | BR24S32FJ | BR24S32FV | BR24S32FVM | BR24S32FVT | BR24T32 | CAT24C32 | CAT24FC32 | CAT24FC32A | CAT24WC32 |


CAT24WC33 | CR24C32 | CW24C32 | EC24C32 | EC24C32A | FM24C32 | FM24C32U | FM24C32UF | FT24C32 | FT24C32A | HM24LC32 | HN58X2432 | HT24C32 |
HT24LC32 | IN24AA32A | IS24C32 | IS24C32A | IS24C32B | IS24C32C | K24C32 | L24W32 | LE24C322 | LE24L322 | M24C32 | MC24C32 | MM24C32 | NM24C32 |
NM24C32U | NM24C32UF | NSC24C32 | PTK24A32T | S-24C32C | SLA24C32 | SLE24C32 | ST24C32 | T24C32 | T24C32A | TU24C32 | WS24W32 | X24320
24AA64 | 24AA64F | 24AA65 | 24C64 | 24C65 | 24FC64 | 24LC64 | 24LC64B | 24LC64F | 24LC65 | A24C64 | ACE24C64 | ACE24C64A | AF24BC64 | AT24C64 |
AT24C64A | AT24C64B | AT24C64C | AT24C64D | AX24C64A | BR24A64F | BR24A64FJ | BR24C64 | BR24C64F | BR24G64F | BR24G64FJ | BR24G64FV | BR24G64FVT


| BR24L64 | BR24L64F | BR24L64FJ | BR24S64F | BR24S64FJ | BR24S64FV | BR24S64FVM | BR24S64FVT | BR24T64 | CAT24C64 | CAT24FC64 | CAT24FC65 |


CAT24FC66 | CAT24WC64 | CAT24WC65 | CR24C64 | CW24C64 | EC24C64 | EC24C64A | FM24C64 | FM24C64F | FM24CL64 | FT24C64 | FT24C64A | HM24LC64 |
HN58X2464 | HT24C64 | HT24LC64 | IS24C64 | IS24C64A | IS24C64B | K24C64 | L24W64 | LE24CB642 | M24C64 | MM24C64 | NM24C65 | NM24C65F | NSC24C64 |
PTK24A64T | S-24C64C | SLA24C64 | SLE24C64 | ST24C64 | T24C64 | T24C64A | TU24C64B | WS24W64 | X24640 | X24641 | X24645
24AA128 | 24C128 | 24FC128 | 24LC128 | 24LC21 | 24LC21A | 24LCS21A | ACE24C128 | AF24BC128 | AT24C128 | AT24C128B | AT24C128C | AT24CS128 |


AX24C128A | BL24C128 | BR24G128F | BR24G128FJ | BR24G128FV | BR24G128FVT | BR24S128F | BR24S128FJ | BR24S128FV | BR24S128FVT | BR24T128 |
CAT24C128 | CAT24WC128 | CAT24WC129 | CR24C128 | CW24C128 | EC24C128 | EC24C128A | FM24C128 | FM24C128F | FM24CL128 | FT24C128 | FT24C128A |
HN58X24128 | HT24C128 | HT24LC128 | IS24C128 | IS24C128A | IS24C128B | IS24L128 | LE24CB1283 | M24128 | S-24C128C | T24C128 | T24C128A | TU24C128


24AA256 | 24C256 | 24FC256 | 24LC256 | A24C256 | ACE24C256 | AT24C256 | AT24C256B | AT24C256C | AT24CS256 | AX24C256A | BL24C256 | BR24S256F |


BR24S256FJ | BR24T256 | CAT24C256 | CAT24FC256 | CAT24WC256 | CAT24WC257 | CW24C256 | EC24C256A | FM24C256 | FM24C256F | FM24CL256 | FT24C256 |

- 30 -

FT24C256A | HN58X24256 | HT24C256 | HT24LC256 | IS24C256 | IS24C256A | IS24L256 | M24256 | MC24C256 | T24C256 | T24C256A | TU24C256

24AA512 | 24C512 | 24FC512 | 24LC512 | AT24C512 | AT24C512B | AT24C512C | CAT24C512 | CAT24WC512 | FM24C512 | FM24CL512 | FT24C512A | HN58X24512


| HT24C512 | HT24LC512 | IS24C512 | M24512 | SA24C512


24AA1024 | 24C1024 | 24FC1024 | 24LC1024 | AT24C1024 | AT24C1024B | CAT24C1024 | CAT24WC1024 | FM24C1024 | FM24CL1024 | HT24C1024 | HT24LC1024 |




24AA1025 | 24C1025 | 24LC1025


24AA1026 | 24C1026 | 24LC1026


Philips: PCF8582C-2

8.2. EEPROM SPI 25… series

25010 | 25AA010 | 25AA010A | 25C010 | 25LC010 | 25LC010A | A25010A | AT25010 | BR25H010-W | BR25L010-W | CAT25C01 | CAT25C11 | CY25C01 | IS25C01 |


S-25A010A | ST25C01 | ST25W01 | XC25010


25020 | 25AA020 | 25AA020A | 25C020 | 25LC020 | 25LC020A | AT25020 | AT25020A | BR25H020-W | BR25L020-W | CAT25C02 | CAT25C03 | CY25C02 |


FM25C020U | FM25C020UL | IS25C02 | NM25C020 | S-25A020A | ST25C02 | ST25W02 | X25020 | XC25020


25040 | 25AA040 | 25AA040A | 25C040 | 25C040A | 25LC040 | 25LC040A | AT25040 | AT25040ACAT25C04 | BR25H040-W | BR25L040-W | CAT25C05 | CY25C04 |
FM25C040U | FM25C040UL | FM25C041U | FM25L04 | IN25AA040 | IS25C04 | NM24C040 | NM24C041 | S-25A040A | ST25C04 | ST25W04 | X25040 | X25041 |
25080 | 25AA080 | 25AA080A | 25AA080B | 25C080 | 25LC080 | 25LC080A | 25LC080B | AT25080 | AT25080A | AT25080B | BR25H080-W | BR25L080-W |
CAT25C08 | CAT25C09 | CY25C08 | FM25L08 | IN25AA080 | IS25C08 | S-25A080A | ST25C08 | ST25W08 | X25080 | X25F008 | XC25080
25160 | 25AA160 | 25AA160A | 25AA160B | 25C160 | 25LC160 | 25LC160A | 25LC160B | AT25160 | AT25160A | AT25160B | BR25H160-W | BR25L160-W |
CAT25C16 | CAT25C17 | CY25C16 | FM25C160 | FM25C160U | FM25C160UL | FM25L016 | IN25AA160 | IS25C16 | NM24C160 | S-25A160A | ST25C16 | ST25W16 |
X25160 | X25170 | X25F016 | XC25160


25320 | 25AA320 | 25AA320A | 25C320 | 25LC320 | 25LC320A | AT25320 | AT25320A | AT25320B | BR25H320-W | BR25L320-W | CAT25C32 | CAT25C33 |


FM25C320U | FM25C320UL | IS25C32 | IS25C32A | IS25C32B | S-25A320A | TI2532 | X25320 | X25F032 | XC25320


25640 | 25AA640 | 25C640 | 25LC640 | AT25640 | AT25640A | AT25640B | BR25L640-W | CAT25C64 | CAT25C65 | FM25C640U | FM25CL64 | FM25L64 | IS25C64 |


IS25C64A | IS25C64B | NM24C640 | S-25A640A | TI2564 | X25640 | X25642 | X25650 | X25F064 | XC25640


25128 | 25AA128 | 25C128 | 25LC128 | AT25128 | AT25128A | CAT25C128 | IS25C128 | IS25C128A | S-25C128A | X25128 | X25138 | X25F128 | XC25128

25256 | 25AA256 | 25C256 | 25LC256 | AT25256 | AT25256A | CAT25C256 | FM25L256 | IS25C256 | IS25C256A | X25256 | XC25256

- 31 -


25512 | 25AA512 | 25C512 | 25LC512 | AT25512 | XC25512


251024 | 25AA1024 | 25C1024 | 25LC1024 | AT251024 | XC251024


8.3. EEPROM SPI 35… series
NOTE: Incremental register (first 32 bytes) can be written only with higher value.

D80D0WQ | D80DOWQ | M35080 | M35080-3 | M35080-6 | M35080V6 | M35080-VP


D160D0WQ | D160D0WT | D160DOWQ | D160DOWT | M35160


8.4. EEPROM SPI 95… series

95..010, 95..020
95..040, 95..080
95..160, 95..320
95..640, 95..128
95..256, 95..512

M95010, M95020, M95040, M95080, M95160, M95320, M95640, M95128, M95256, M95512, M95M01, M95M02

95..10, 95..20

(1kbit – 2Mbit)


5P08 | 5P08C3 | 95P08

- 32 -

8.5. EEPROM MICROWIRE 93… series
Supported both addressing (8-bit and 16-bit) modes.

9306 | 93C06 | KM93C06 | KM93C06GD | M93C06 | NMC9306 | NMC93C06L | NMC93C06LZ
93AA46 | 93AA46A | 93AA46B | 93AA46C | 93C46 | 93C46A | 93C46B | 93C46C | 93CX46 | 93LC46 | 93LC46A | 93LC46B | 93LC46C | 93X46 | A93C46(x16) |
A93C46(x8) | AF93BC46(x16) | AF93BC46(x8) | AK93C46 | AM93LC46 | AT93C46(x16) | AT93C46(x8) | AT93C46A | AT93C46B | AT93C46C | AT93C46D(x16) |
AT93C46D(x8) | AT93C46E | BL93C46(x16) | BL93C46(x8) | BR93A46 | BR93C46 | BR93H76 | BR93L46 | BR93LC46 | CAT93C46(x16) | CAT93C46(x8) | CAT93C46A
| CAT93C46AH | CAT93C46B(x16) | CAT93C46B(x8) | CAT93C46H(x16) | CAT93C46H(x8) | CAT93C46R(x8) | CAT93HC46(x16) | CAT93HC46(x8) | CR93C46(x16) |
CR93C46(x8) | EC93C46A(x16) | EC93C46A(x8) | EM93LC46(x16) | EM93LC46(x8) | FM93C46 | FM93C46A(x16) | FM93C46A(x8) | FT93C46(x16) | FT93C46(x8) |
FT93C46A(x16) | FT93C46A(x8) | GSC93BC46A(x16) | GSC93BC46A(x8) | GT93C46(x16) | GT93C46(x8) | GT93C46A(x16) | GT93C46A(x8) | HT93LC46-A(x16) |


HT93LC46-A(x8) | IN93AA46A | IN93AA46B | IN93AA46C(x16) | IN93AA46C(x8) | IN93LC46A | IN93LC46B | IN93LC46C(x16) | IN93LC46C(x8) | IS93C46-3 |
IS93C46A(x16) | IS93C46A(x8) | IS93C46AGR(x16) | IS93C46AGR(x8) | IS93C46B | IS93C46BGR | IS93C46D(x16) | IS93C46D(x8) | IS93C46DGR(x16) |
IS93C46DGR(x8) | K93C46 | KM93C46 | KM93C46GD | KM93C46V | KM93C46VGD | LC46 | M93C46(x16) | M93C46(x8) | MAX93LC46 | MC93C46 | MM93C46-3 |
MM93C46-3GR | NM93C46 | NM93C46A | NM93C46A(x16) | NM93C46A(x8) | NM93C46L | NM93C46LZ | NMC9346 | PTK93LC46(x16) | PTK93LC46(x8) | RH76 |
RT93LC46(x16) | RT93LC46(x8) | S93462 | S93463 | S-93A46A | S-93A46B | S-93L46AD | S93VP462 | S93VP463 | S93WD462 | S93WD463 | T93C46(x16) |
T93C46(x8) | T93C46A(x16) | T93C46A(x8) | TMC93LC46 | TMC93LC46(x16) | TMC93LC46(x8) | TU93C46(x16) | TU93C46(x8) | UG93C46-A(x16) | UG93C46-A(x8)
| W93C46 | W93C46B(x16) | W93C46B(x8) | XL93C46 | XL93LC46 | XL93LC46A | XL93LC46ARY | XL93LC46B(x16) | XL93LC46B(x8) | XL93LC46BRY(x16) |
XL93LC46BRY(x8) | XL93LC46RY | Y93LC46(x16)
93AA56 | 93AA56A | 93AA56B | 93AA56C | 93C56 | 93C56A | 93C56B | 93C56C | 93CX56 | 93LC56 | 93LC56A | 93LC56B | 93LC56C | 93X56 | A93C56(x16) |
A93C56(x8) | AF93BC56(x16) | AF93BC56(x8) | AK93C56 | AM93LC56 | AT93C56(x16) | AT93C56(x8) | AT93C56A | AT93C56B | AT93C56C | AT93C56D(x16) |
AT93C56D(x8) | AT93C56E | AT93C57(x16) | AT93C57(x8) | BL93C56(x16) | BL93C56(x8) | BR93A56 | BR93C56 | BR93L56 | BR93LC56 | CAT93C56(x16) |
CAT93C56(x8) | CAT93C56A | CAT93C56AH | CAT93C56B(x16) | CAT93C56B(x8) | CAT93C56H(x16) | CAT93C56H(x8) | CAT93C56R(x8) | CAT93C57(x16) |
CAT93C57(x8) | CAT93HC56(x16) | CAT93HC56(x8) | CR93C56(x16) | CR93C56(x8) | EC93C56A(x16) | EC93C56A(x8) | EM93LC56(x16) | EM93LC56(x8) |
EM93LC57(x16) | EM93LC57(x8) | FM93C56 | FM93C56A(x16) | FM93C56A(x8) | FT93C56(x16) | FT93C56(x8) | FT93C56A(x16) | FT93C56A(x8) | GSC93BC56A(x16)


| GSC93BC56A(x8) | GT93C56(x16) | GT93C56(x8) | GT93C56A(x16) | GT93C56A(x8) | HT93LC56-A(x16) | HT93LC56-A(x8) | IN93AA56A | IN93AA56B |


IN93AA56C(x16) | IN93AA56C(x8) | IN93LC56A | IN93LC56B | IN93LC56C(x16) | IN93LC56C(x8) | IS93C56-3 | IS93C56A(x16) | IS93C56A(x8) | IS93C56AGR(x16)
| IS93C56AGR(x8) | IS93C56B | IS93C56BGR | IS93C56D(x16) | IS93C56D(x8) | IS93C56DGR(x16) | IS93C56DGR(x8) | K93C56 | KM93C56 | KM93C56GD |
KM93C56V | KM93C56VGD | KM93C57(x16) | KM93C57GD(x16) | KM93C57V(x16) | M93C56(x16) | M93C56(x8) | MC93C56 | MM93C56-3 | MM93C56-3GR |
NM93C56 | NM93C56A | NM93C56A(x16) | NM93C56A(x8) | NM93C56L | NM93C56LZ | PTK93LC56(x16) | PTK93LC56(x8) | S-93A56A | S-93A56B | S-93L56AD |
T93C56(x16) | T93C56(x8) | T93C56A(x16) | T93C56A(x8) | TMC93LC56 | TMC93LC56(x16) | TMC93LC56(x8) | TMC93LC57(x16) | TMC93LC57(x8) | TU93C56(x16)
| TU93C56(x8) | UG93C56-A(x16) | UG93C56-A(x8) | UG93C56-C | W93C56 | W93C56B(x16) | W93C56B(x8) | XL93C56 | XL93LC56 | XL93LC56A | XL93LC56ARY |
XL93LC56B(x16) | XL93LC56B(x8) | XL93LC56BRY(x16) | XL93LC56BRY(x8) | XL93LC56RY | Y93LC56-A(x16)

- 33 -

93AA66 | 93AA66A | 93AA66B | 93AA66C | 93C66 | 93C66A | 93C66B | 93C66C | 93CX66 | 93LC66 | 93LC66A | 93LC66B | 93LC66C | 93X66 | A93C66(x16) |
A93C66(x8) | AF93BC66(x16) | AF93BC66(x8) | AK93C66 | AM93LC66 | AT93C66(x16) | AT93C66(x8) | AT93C66A | AT93C66B | AT93C66C | AT93C66D(x16) |
AT93C66D(x8) | AT93C66E | BL93C66(x16) | BL93C66(x8) | BR93A66 | BR93C66 | BR93L66 | BR93LC66 | CAT93C66(x16) | CAT93C66(x8) | CAT93C66A |
CAT93C66AH | CAT93C66B(x16) | CAT93C66B(x8) | CAT93C66H(x16) | CAT93C66H(x8) | CAT93C66R(x8) | CAT93HC66(x16) | CAT93HC66(x8) | CR93C66(x16) |
CR93C66(x8) | EC93C66A(x16) | EC93C66A(x8) | EM93LC66(x16) | EM93LC66(x8) | FM93C66 | FM93C66A(x16) | FM93C66A(x8) | FT93C66(x16) | FT93C66(x8) |
FT93C66A(x16) | FT93C66A(x8) | GSC93BC66A(x16) | GSC93BC66A(x8) | GT93C66(x16) | GT93C66(x8) | GT93C66A(x16) | GT93C66A(x8) | HT93LC66-A(x16) |

HT93LC66-A(x8) | IN93AA66A | IN93AA66B | IN93AA66C(x16) | IN93AA66C(x8) | IN93LC66A | IN93LC66B | IN93LC66C(x16) | IN93LC66C(x8) | IS93C66-3 |


IS93C66A(x16) | IS93C66A(x8) | IS93C66AGR(x16) | IS93C66AGR(x8) | IS93C66B | IS93C66BGR | IS93C66D(x16) | IS93C66D(x8) | IS93C66DGR(x16) |
IS93C66DGR(x8) | K93C66 | KM93C66 | KM93C66GD | KM93C66V | KM93C66VGD | KM93C67(x16) | KM93C67GD(x16) | KM93C67V(x16) | M93C66(x16) |
M93C66(x8) | MC93C66 | MM93C66-3 | MM93C66-3GR | NM93C66 | NM93C66A | NM93C66A(x16) | NM93C66A(x8) | NM93C66L | NM93C66LZ | PTK93LC66(x16) |
PTK93LC66(x8) | S93662 | S93663 | S-93A66A | S-93A66B | S-93L66AD | S93VP662 | S93VP663 | S93WD662 | S93WD663 | T93C66(x16) | T93C66(x8) |
T93C66A(x16) | T93C66A(x8) | TMC93LC66 | TMC93LC66(x16) | TMC93LC66(x8) | TU93C66(x16) | TU93C66(x8) | UG93C66-A(x16) | UG93C66-A(x8) | W93C66 |
W93C66B(x16) | W93C66B(x8) | XL93C66 | XL93LC66 | XL93LC66A | XL93LC66ARY | XL93LC66B(x16) | XL93LC66B(x8) | XL93LC66BRY(x16) | XL93LC66BRY(x8) |
XL93LC66RY | Y93LC66-A(x16)
93AA76 | 93AA76A | 93AA76B | 93AA76C | 93C76 | 93C76A | 93C76B | 93C76C | 93CX76 | 93LC76 | 93LC76A | 93LC76B | 93LC76C | 93X76 | A93C76(x16) |
A93C76(x8) | AF93BC76(x16) | AF93BC76(x8) | AK93C76 | AM93LC76 | AT93C76(x16) | AT93C76(x8) | AT93C76A | AT93C76B | AT93C76C | AT93C76D(x16) |
AT93C76D(x8) | AT93C76E | BL93C76(x16) | BL93C76(x8) | BR93A76 | BR93C76 | BR93L76 | BR93LC76 | CAT93C76(x16) | CAT93C76(x8) | CAT93C76A |
CAT93C76AH | CAT93C76B(x16) | CAT93C76B(x8) | CAT93C76H(x16) | CAT93C76H(x8) | CAT93C76R(x8) | CAT93HC76(x16) | CAT93HC76(x8) | CR93C76(x16) |
CR93C76(x8) | EC93C76A(x16) | EC93C76A(x8) | EM93LC76(x16) | EM93LC76(x8) | FM93C76 | FM93C76A(x16) | FM93C76A(x8) | FT93C76(x16) | FT93C76(x8) |


FT93C76A(x16) | FT93C76A(x8) | GSC93BC76A(x16) | GSC93BC76A(x8) | GT93C76(x16) | GT93C76(x8) | GT93C76A(x16) | GT93C76A(x8) | HT93LC76-A(x16) |


HT93LC76-A(x8) | IN93AA76A | IN93AA76B | IN93AA76C(x16) | IN93AA76C(x8) | IN93LC76A | IN93LC76B | IN93LC76C(x16) | IN93LC76C(x8) | IS93C76-3 |
IS93C76A(x16) | IS93C76A(x8) | IS93C76AGR(x16) | IS93C76AGR(x8) | IS93C76B | IS93C76BGR | IS93C76D(x16) | IS93C76D(x8) | IS93C76DGR(x16) |
IS93C76DGR(x8) | K93C76 | KM93C76 | KM93C76GD | KM93C76V | KM93C76VGD | M93C76(x16) | M93C76(x8) | MC93C76 | MM93C76-3 | MM93C76-3GR |
NM93C76 | NM93C76A | NM93C76A(x16) | NM93C76A(x8) | NM93C76L | NM93C76LZ | PTK93LC76(x16) | PTK93LC76(x8) | S-93A76A | S-93A76B | S-93L76AD |
T93C76(x16) | T93C76(x8) | T93C76A(x16) | T93C76A(x8) | TMC93LC76 | TMC93LC76(x16) | TMC93LC76(x8) | W93C76 | W93C76B(x16) | W93C76B(x8) | XL93C76
| XL93LC76 | XL93LC76A | XL93LC76ARY | XL93LC76B(x16) | XL93LC76B(x8) | XL93LC76BRY(x16) | XL93LC76BRY(x8) | XL93LC76RY
93AA86 | 93AA86A | 93AA86B | 93AA86C | 93C86 | 93C86A | 93C86B | 93C86C | 93CX86 | 93LC86 | 93LC86A | 93LC86B | 93LC86C | 93X86 | A93C86(x16) |
A93C86(x8) | AF93BC86(x16) | AF93BC86(x8) | AK93C86 | AM93LC86 | AT93C86(x16) | AT93C86(x8) | AT93C86A | AT93C86B | AT93C86C | AT93C86D(x16) |
AT93C86D(x8) | AT93C86E | BL93C86(x16) | BL93C86(x8) | BR93A86 | BR93C86 | BR93L86 | BR93LC86 | CAT93C86(x16) | CAT93C86(x8) | CAT93C86A |


CAT93C86AH | CAT93C86B(x16) | CAT93C86B(x8) | CAT93C86H(x16) | CAT93C86H(x8) | CAT93C86R(x8) | CAT93HC86(x16) | CAT93HC86(x8) | CR93C86(x16) |


CR93C86(x8) | EC93C86A(x16) | EC93C86A(x8) | EM93LC86(x16) | EM93LC86(x8) | FM93C86 | FM93C86A(x16) | FM93C86A(x8) | FT93C86(x16) | FT93C86(x8) |
FT93C86A(x16) | FT93C86A(x8) | GSC93BC86A(x16) | GSC93BC86A(x8) | GT93C86(x16) | GT93C86(x8) | GT93C86A(x16) | GT93C86A(x8) | HT93LC86-A(x16) |
HT93LC86-A(x8) | IN93AA86A | IN93AA86B | IN93AA86C(x16) | IN93AA86C(x8) | IN93LC86A | IN93LC86B | IN93LC86C(x16) | IN93LC86C(x8) | IS93C86-3 |
IS93C86A(x16) | IS93C86A(x8) | IS93C86AGR(x16) | IS93C86AGR(x8) | IS93C86B | IS93C86BGR | IS93C86D(x16) | IS93C86D(x8) | IS93C86DGR(x16) |

- 34 -

IS93C86DGR(x8) | K93C86 | KM93C86 | KM93C86GD | KM93C86V | KM93C86VGD | M93C86(x16) | M93C86(x8) | MC93C86 | MM93C86-3 | MM93C86-3GR |
NM93C86 | NM93C86A | NM93C86A(x16) | NM93C86A(x8) | NM93C86L | NM93C86LZ | PTK93LC86(x16) | PTK93LC86(x8) | S-93A86A | S-93A86B | S-93L86AD |
T93C86(x16) | T93C86(x8) | T93C86A(x16) | T93C86A(x8) | TMC93LC86 | TMC93LC86(x16) | TMC93LC86(x8) | W93C86 | W93C86B(x16) | W93C86B(x8) | XL93C86
| XL93LC86 | XL93LC86A | XL93LC86ARY | XL93LC86B(x16) | XL93LC86B(x8) | XL93LC86BRY(x16) | XL93LC86BRY(x8) | XL93LC86RY


93S46 | M93S46 | NM93CS46


93S56 | M93S56 | NM93CS56 | ST93CS56 | ST93CS57


93S66 | M93S66 | NM93CS66

8.6. FLASH SPI 25… series
Supports low-voltage serial flash memories (1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V) and standard (3.3V)
A25L05P | A25L512 | A25L512A | A25LS512A | AC25LV512 | AT25DL5121 | AT25F512 | AT26DF5121 | EN25B05 | EN25F05 | EN25P05 | F25D512Q | F25L0512 |

F25L05P | F25L05PA | F25L512P | F25L512Q | GD25Q05 | KH25L512 | M25P05 | M25P05-A | MS25X512 | MX25L512 | MX25L5121 | MX25L5121E | MX25L512C |


MX25L512E | MX25V512 | MX25V5121E | MX25V512C | MX25V512E | MX25V512F | PM25LV512 | PM25LV512A | SA25F005 | SST25VF512 | SST25VF512A |
SST25WF512 | SST25WF512B | W25Q05CL | W25Q05CV | W25X05CL
A25L010 | A25L010A | A25L10P | AC25LV010 | AT24F1024 | AT25FS010 | EN24LF10 | EN25B10 | EN25F10 | EN25LF10 | EN25P10 | EN25S10 | ES25P10 | F25L01P |
F25L01PA | GD25Q10 | IS25CD010 | IS25LQ010B | KH25L1005 | LE25FU106 | LE25FU106B | M25P10 | M25P10-A | M25PE10 | MS25X10 | MX25L1005 |


MX25L1005C | MX25L1005ZM | MX25L1006 | MX25L1006E | MX25L1021 | MX25L1021E | MX25L1025 | MX25L1025C | MX25L1026 | MX25L1026E | MX25R1035F |


MX25U1001E | MX25V1006 | MX25V1006E | MX25V1035F | NX25P10 | PM25LV010 | PM25LV010A | S25FL001D | SA25F010 | SST25VF010 | SST25VF010A |
SST25WF010 | TS25L010A | W25D10V | W25P10V | W25Q10BV | W25Q10CL | W25Q10CV | W25Q10EW | W25X10AV | W25X10BL | W25X10BV | W25X10CL |
W25X10L | W25X10V

A25L020 | A25L020C | A25L20P | AT25DF021 | AT25F2048 | EN25B20 | EN25F20 | EN25LF20 | EN25P20 | EN25S20 | ES25P20 | F25D02P | F25D02QA | F25L02P |

F25L02PA | GD25Q20B | GD25Q21B | IS25LQ020 | IS25WD020 | IS25WP020D | IS25WQ020 | KH25L2005 | LE25FU206 | LE25S20 | LE25U20 | M25P20 | M25PE20 |
M25U2033E | MS25X20 | MX25L2005 | MX25L2005C | MX25L2005ZM | MX25L2006 | MX25L2025C | MX25L2026E | MX25L26C | MX25R2035F | MX25U2032E |
MX25U2033E | MX25U2035F | MX25V2006E | MX25V2033F | MX25V2035F | NX25P20 | PM20LV020 | S25FL002D | SA25F020 | SST25VF020 | SST25VF020A |
SST25VF020B | SST25WF020 | SST25WF020B | TS25L020A | W25D20V | W25P20V | W25Q20BW | W25Q20CL | W25Q20CV | W25Q20EW | W25X20BL | W25X20BV |

- 35 -

A25L040 | A25L040A | A25L40P | AT25DF041 | AT25F4096 | AT25FS040 | AT25SF041 | AT26F004 | EN25B40 | EN25F40 | EN25LF40 | EN25P40 | EN25Q40 |
EN25S40 | EN25T40 | ES25M40 | ES25P40 | F25D04Q | F25D04QA | F25L004 | F25L04P | F25L04PA | GD25LQ40 | GD25Q40B | GD25Q41B | IS25LD040 |

IS25LQ040B | IS25WD040 | IS25WP040 | IS25WP040D | IS25WQ040 | KH25L4005A | KH25L4006E | LE25FU406B | LE25S40 | LE25U40 | M25P40 | M25PE40 |
MS25X40 | MX25L4005 | MX25L4005A | MX25L4005C | MX25L4006E | MX25L4025C | MX25L4026E | MX25R4035F | MX25U4032F | MX25U4033E | MX25U4035 |
MX25U4035F | MX25V4005 | MX25V4005C | MX25V4006E | MX25V4035 | NX25P40 | PM25LV040 | S25FL004 | S25FL004A | S25FL004K | S25FL204K | SA25F040 |
SST25VF040 | SST25VF040A | SST25VF040B | SST25WF040 | SST25WF040B | W25D40V | W25P40V | W25Q40BL | W25Q40BV | W25Q40BW | W25Q40CL |
W25Q40EW | W25X40AL | W25X40AV | W25X40BL | W25X40BV | W25X40CL | W25X40L | W25X40V
A25L080 | A25L80P | AT25DF081 | AT25DF081A | AT25DL081 | AT25SF081 | AT26DF081 | EN25B80 | EN25D80 | EN25F80 | EN25P80 | EN25Q80 | EN25Q80A |
EN25S80 | EN25T80 | ES25M80 | ES25P80 | F25D08QA | F25L08QA | FM25Q08 | FM25Q08A | GD25LQ80 | GD25Q80B | IS25LP080D | IS25LQ080 | IS25LQ080B |


IS25WP080 | IS25WP080D | KH25L8005 | KH25L8006E | KH25L8036D | LE25S81 | M25P80 | M25PE80 | M25PX80 | M25X80 | MS25X80 | MX25L8005 |
MX25L8005ZM | MX25L8006E | MX25L8008E | MX25L8035E | MX25L8036E | MX25L8073E | MX25L8075E | MX25R8035F | MX25U8032E | MX25U8033E | MX25U8035
| MX25U8035E | MX25U8035F | MX25V8005 | MX25V8006E | MX25V8035F | NX25P80 | PM25LV080 | PM25LV080B | S25FL008A | S25FL008K | S25FL208K |
SST25VF080B | SST25WF080 | SST25WF080B | TS25L80P | W25D80V | W25P80V | W25Q40CL | W25Q80BL | W25Q80BV | W25Q80BW | W25Q80DL | W25Q80DV |
W25Q80EW | W25Q80FV | W25X80AL | W25X80AV | W25X80BV | W25X80L | W25X80V
A25L016 | A25L16P | A25LQ16 | AT25DF161 | AT25DL161 | AT25SF161 | AT26DF161 | EN25B16 | EN25D16 | EN25F16 | EN25P16 | EN25Q16A | EN25QA16 |
EN25QH16 | EN25S16 | EN25T16 | ES25M16 | ES25P16 | F25L016 | F25L16P | F25L16PA | F25L16Q | F25L16QA | FM25Q16 | FM25Q16A | FM25Q16B | FM25S16A |
GD25LQ16 | GD25Q16B | IS25LP016D | IS25LQ016B | IS25WP016 | IS25WP016D | KH25L1605A | KH25L1605D | KH25L1606E | KH25L1635D | LE25S161 | M25P16


| M25PE16 | M25PX16 | M25X16 | MS25X16 | MX25L1605 | MX25L1605A | MX25L1605D | MX25L1606E | MX25L1608D | MX25L1608E | MX25L1633E | MX25L1635D |


MX25L1635E | MX25L1636D | MX25L1636E | MX25L1673E | MX25L1675E | MX25R1635F | MX25U1633F | MX25U1635E | MX25U1635F | MX25V1635F | N25Q016 |
NX25P16 | PM25LV016 | PM25LV016B | QB25F016S33B | QH25F016S33B | S25FL016 | S25FL016A | S25FL016K | S25FL116K | S25FL216K | SA25F160 |
SST25VF016B | TS25L16AP | TS25L16BP | TS25L16P | W25Q16BF | W25Q16BV | W25Q16CL | W25Q16CV | W25Q16DV | W25Q16DW | W25Q16FW | W25Q16JL |
W25Q16JV | W25Q16VF | W25X16AL | W25X16AV | W25X16BV | W25X16V
A25L032 | A25LQ32A | AT25DF321 | AT25DF321A | AT25QL321 | AT25SF321 | AT25SL321 | AT26DF321 | AT26SD321 | EN25B32 | EN25F32 | EN25P32 | EN25Q32B
| EN25QA32 | EN25QH32 | EN25S32 | ES25P32 | F25L32P | F25L32PA | F25L32Q | F25L32QA | FM25Q32 | FM25Q32A | GD25LQ32 | GD25LQ32C | GD25Q32B |


GD25Q32C | IS25CQ032 | IS25CQ032A | IS25LP032D | IS25LQ032B | IS25WP032 | IS25WP032D | KH25L3205D | KH25L3206E | M25P32 | M25PE32 | M25PX32 |
M25X32 | MX25L3205A | MX25L3205D | MX25L3206 | MX25L3206E | MX25L3208D | MX25L3208E | MX25L3225D | MX25L3233F | MX25L3235D | MX25L3235E |
MX25L3236D | MX25L3236E | MX25L3236F | MX25L3237D | MX25L3239E | MX25L3255E | MX25L3273E | MX25L3273F | MX25L3275E | MX25R3235F | MX25U3235E
| MX25U3235F | MX25U3273F | N25Q032 | NX25P32 | QB25F320S33B | QH25F320S33B | S25FL032 | S25FL032A | S25FL032K | S25FL032P | S25FL132K |
SA25F320 | SST25VF032B | W25Q32BV | W25Q32DW | W25Q32FV | W25Q32FW | W25Q32JV | W25Q32V | W25Q32VF | W25X32AV | W25X32BV | W25X32V
A25LMQ64 | A25LQ64 | AT25DF641A | AT25QF641 | AT25QL641 | AT25SF641 | AT25SL641 | EN25F64 | EN25Q64 | EN25QA64 | EN25QH64 | EN25S64 | F25D64QA |


F25L64QA | FM25Q64 | FM25Q64A | GD25B64 | GD25LQ64B | GD25LQ64C | GD25Q64B | GD25Q64C | IS25LP064 | IS25LP064A | IS25WP064 | IS25WP064A |
KH25L6405D | KH25L6406E | M25P64 | M25PX64 | MT25QL064A | MT25QU064A | MX25L64 | MX25L6405 | MX25L6405D | MX25L6406E | MX25L6408 | MX25L6408D
| MX25L6408E | MX25L6433 | MX25L6433F | MX25L6435 | MX25L6435E | MX25L6436E | MX25L6436F | MX25L6439 | MX25L6439E | MX25L6445E | MX25L6455E |
MX25L6456 | MX25L6456E | MX25L6456F | MX25L6465E | MX25L6473E | MX25L6473F | MX25L6475E | MX25R6435F | MX25U6435 | MX25U6435E | MX25U6435F |

- 36 -

MX25U6473 | MX25U6473F | N25Q064 | N25Q064A11 | N25Q064A13 | QB25F640S33B | QH25F640S33B | S25FL064A | S25FL064K | S25FL064L | S25FL064P |
S25FL164K | S25FS064S | SST25VF064C | W25Q64BV | W25Q64CV | W25Q64DW | W25Q64FV | W25Q64FW | W25Q64JV | W25Q64VF | W25X64BV | W25X64V
AT25QL128A | AT25SL128A | EN25Q128 | EN25QA128 | EN25QH128 | EN25QH128A | F25D128QA | F25L128QA | GD25B128 | GD25LQ128 | GD25LQ128C |
GD25Q127 | GD25Q128B | GD25Q128C | IS25LP128 | IS25LP128F | IS25WP128 | IS25WP128F | KH25L12845E | M25P128 | MT25QL128A | MT25QU128A |

MX25L128 | MX25L12805D | MX25L12835E | MX25L12835F | MX25L12836E | MX25L12839F | MX25L12845E | MX25L12845G | MX25L12850F | MX25L12855E |


MX25L12855F | MX25L12865E | MX25L12865F | MX25L12873F | MX25L12873G | MX25L12875F | MX25LM12845G | MX25U128 | MX25U12835F | MX25U12873F |
MX25UM12845G | N25Q128 | N25Q128A11 | N25Q128A13 | Q128 | S25FL127S | S25FL128K | S25FL128L | S25FL128P | S25FL128S | S25FL129P | S25FS128S |
W25Q128BV | W25Q128FV | W25Q128FW | W25Q128JV | W25Q128JW
EN25QA256 | EN25QH256 | EN25QH256A | EN25S256 | GD25LQ256 | GD25Q256 | IS25LP256D | IS25WP256D | MT25QL256A | MT25QU256A | MX25L25635E |


MX25L25635F | MX25L25639F | MX25L25645G | MX25L25655E | MX25L25655F | MX25L25673G | MX25L25735E | MX25L25735F | MX25L25835E | MX25L25855E |


MX25LM25645G | MX25U25635F | MX25U25645G | MX25UM25645G | N25Q256A11 | N25Q256A13 | N25Q256A33 | N25Q256A73 | N25Q256A81 | N25Q256A83 |
S25FL256L | S25FL256P | S25FL256S | S25FS256S | W25Q256FV | W25Q256JV | W25Q256JW | W25Q257FV | W25Q257JV


GD25Q512 | IS25LP512M | IS25WP512M | MT25QL512A | MT25QU512A | MX25L51237G | MX25L51245G | MX25L51255G | MX25LM51245G | MX25U51245G |


MX25UM51245G | MX66L51235F | MX66U51235F | S25FL512S | S25FS512S

8.7. FLASH SPI 26… series
Supports low-voltage serial flash memories (1.8V) and standard (3.3V)


SST26WF040B | SST26WF040BA | SST26WF080B | SST26WF080BA | SST26VF016 | SST26VF016B | SST26WF016B | SST26WF016BA | SST26VF032 | SST26VF032B

(4 - 64MBit)

| SST26VF032BA | SST26VF064B | SST26VF064BA | SST26VF064C | SST26VF064CA | SST26WF064C | SST26WF064CA

8.7. FLASH SPI 45… series

Atmel / Adesto: AT45DB021 | AT45DB021D | AT45DB021E | AT45DB041 | AT45DB041D | AT45DB041E | AT45DB081 | AT45DB081D | AT45DB081E | AT45DB161 |

(1 - 64MBit)

AT45DB161D | AT45DB161E | AT45DQ161 | AT45DB321 | AT45DB321D | AT45DB321E | AT45DQ321 | AT45DB642 | AT45DB642D | AT45DB641E

- 37 -


8.8. FRAM I2C 24… series



FM24V02 | FM24W256


FM24C04B | FM24CL04B




FM24V10 | FM24VN10


FM24C16B | FM24CL16B


FM24C64B | FM24CL64B

8.9. FRAM SPI 25… series



FM25V02 | FM25W256


FM25040B | FM25L04B




FM25V10 | FM25VN10


FM25C160B | FM25L16B


FM25H20 | FM25V20


FM25640B | FM25CL64B

8.10. Optical and ethernet modules (SFP/SFP+ transceivers)
Please note that there is SFP adapter required with external power supply!


SFP and SFP+, read/write block 0xA0 (256B), read block 0xA2 (256B), standard MSA

(MSA standard:

Supports not secured chips - example manufacturers: GBC, HUAWEI, GPON, JDSU, MIKROTIK, OPTEC, OPTION, WTD and other OEM

0xA0, 0xA2)

Possibility to change manufacturers info, model, serial number etc. and recalculate checksum directly from REVELPROG-IS application.

- 38 -

8.11. Your suggestions
If you have any suggestion for supported device list please contact us at There is possibility to add any serial device
with I2C, SPI or uWire interface (EEPROM/FLASH/FRAM).


APPENDIX B - video tutorials and technical support

Programming examples on youtube:

- 39 -


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