Operating Manual For The R&S FSL R&S/R&S Operating_Manual_FSL_v11 V11

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Operating Manual

Spectrum Analyzer









Test and Measurement

Throughout this manual, the Spectrum Analyzer R&S® FSL is abbreviated as R&S FSL.

R&S is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Trade names are trademarks of the owners

Grouped Safety Messages
Make sure to read through and observe the following safety instructions!
All plants and locations of the Rohde & Schwarz group of companies make every effort to keep the safety
standard of our products up to date and to offer our customers the highest possible degree of safety. Our
products and the auxiliary equipment required for them are designed and tested in accordance with the
relevant safety standards. Compliance with these standards is continuously monitored by our quality
assurance system. The product described here has been designed and tested in accordance with the EC
Certificate of Conformity and has left the manufacturer’s plant in a condition fully complying with safety
standards. To maintain this condition and to ensure safe operation, observe all instructions and warnings
provided in this manual. If you have any questions regarding these safety instructions, the Rohde &
Schwarz group of companies will be happy to answer them.
Furthermore, it is your responsibility to use the product in an appropriate manner. This product is designed
for use solely in industrial and laboratory environments or, if expressly permitted, also in the field and must
not be used in any way that may cause personal injury or property damage. You are responsible if the
product is used for an intention other than its designated purpose or in disregard of the manufacturer's
instructions. The manufacturer shall assume no responsibility for such use of the product.
The product is used for its designated purpose if it is used in accordance with its product documentation
and within its performance limits (see data sheet, documentation, the following safety instructions). Using
the product requires technical skills and a basic knowledge of English. It is therefore essential that only
skilled and specialized staff or thoroughly trained personnel with the required skills be allowed to use the
product. If personal safety gear is required for using Rohde & Schwarz products, this will be indicated at
the appropriate place in the product documentation. Keep the basic safety instructions and the product
documentation in a safe place and pass them on to the subsequent users.

Symbols and safety labels


indication for
units >18 kg


Danger of




PE terminal

current (AC)


current (DC/AC)


sensitive devices

Device fully protected
by double/reinforced

Observing the safety instructions will help prevent personal injury or damage of any kind caused by
dangerous situations. Therefore, carefully read through and adhere to the following safety instructions
before putting the product into operation. It is also absolutely essential to observe the additional safety
instructions on personal safety that appear in relevant parts of the product documentation. In these safety
instructions, the word "product" refers to all merchandise sold and distributed by the Rohde & Schwarz
group of companies, including instruments, systems and all accessories.


Sheet 1

Grouped Safety Messages

Tags and their meaning

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.


WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.


CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.


NOTICE indicates a property damage message.
In the product documentation, the word ATTENTION is used synonymously.

These tags are in accordance with the standard definition for civil applications in the European Economic
Area. Definitions that deviate from the standard definition may also exist in other economic areas or
military applications. It is therefore essential to make sure that the tags described here are always used
only in connection with the related product documentation and the related product. The use of tags in
connection with unrelated products or documentation can result in misinterpretation and thus contribute to
personal injury or material damage.

Basic safety instructions
1. The product may be operated only under the
operating conditions and in the positions
specified by the manufacturer. Its ventilation
must not be obstructed during operation.
Unless otherwise specified, the following
requirements apply to Rohde & Schwarz
prescribed operating position is always with
the housing floor facing down, IP protection
2X, pollution severity 2, overvoltage category
2, use only in enclosed spaces, max.
operation altitude 2000 m above sea level,
max. transport altitude 4500 m above sea
A tolerance of ±10% shall apply to the
nominal voltage and of ±5% to the nominal
2. Applicable local or national safety
regulations and rules for the prevention of
accidents must be observed in all work
performed. The product may be opened only
by authorized, specially trained personnel.
Prior to performing any work on the product
or opening the product, the product must be
disconnected from the supply network. Any
adjustments, replacements of parts,
maintenance or repair must be carried out
only by technical personnel authorized by


Rohde & Schwarz. Only original parts may
be used for replacing parts relevant to safety
(e.g. power switches, power transformers,
fuses). A safety test must always be
performed after parts relevant to safety have
been replaced (visual inspection, PE
conductor test, insulation resistance
measurement, leakage current
measurement, functional test).
3. As with all industrially manufactured goods,
the use of substances that induce an allergic
reaction (allergens, e.g. nickel) such as
aluminum cannot be generally excluded. If
you develop an allergic reaction (such as a
skin rash, frequent sneezing, red eyes or
respiratory difficulties), consult a physician
immediately to determine the cause.
4. If products/components are mechanically
and/or thermically processed in a manner
that goes beyond their intended use,
hazardous substances (heavy-metal dust
such as lead, beryllium, nickel) may be
released. For this reason, the product may
only be disassembled, e.g. for disposal
purposes, by specially trained personnel.
Improper disassembly may be hazardous to
your health. National waste disposal
regulations must be observed.

Sheet 2

Grouped Safety Messages
5. If handling the product yields hazardous
substances or fuels that must be disposed of
in a special way, e.g. coolants or engine oils
that must be replenished regularly, the safety
instructions of the manufacturer of the
hazardous substances or fuels and the
applicable regional waste disposal
regulations must be observed. Also observe
the relevant safety instructions in the product
6. Depending on the function, certain products
such as RF radio equipment can produce an
elevated level of electromagnetic radiation.
Considering that unborn life requires
increased protection, pregnant women
should be protected by appropriate
measures. Persons with pacemakers may
also be endangered by electromagnetic
radiation. The employer/operator is required
to assess workplaces where there is a
special risk of exposure to radiation and, if
necessary, take measures to avert the
7. Operating the products requires special
training and intense concentration. Make
certain that persons who use the products
are physically, mentally and emotionally fit
enough to handle operating the products;
otherwise injuries or material damage may
occur. It is the responsibility of the employer
to select suitable personnel for operating the
8. Prior to switching on the product, it must be
ensured that the nominal voltage setting on
the product matches the nominal voltage of
the AC supply network. If a different voltage
is to be set, the power fuse of the product
may have to be changed accordingly.
9. In the case of products of safety class I with
movable power cord and connector,
operation is permitted only on sockets with
earthing contact and protective earth
10. Intentionally breaking the protective earth
connection either in the feed line or in the
product itself is not permitted. Doing so can
result in the danger of an electric shock from
the product. If extension cords or connector
strips are implemented, they must be
checked on a regular basis to ensure that
they are safe to use.
11. If the product has no power switch for
disconnection from the AC supply, the plug










of the connecting cable is regarded as the
disconnecting device. In such cases, it must
be ensured that the power plug is easily
reachable and accessible at all times
(corresponding to the length of connecting
cable, approx. 2 m). Functional or electronic
switches are not suitable for providing
disconnection from the AC supply. If
products without power switches are
integrated in racks or systems, a
disconnecting device must be provided at
the system level.
Never use the product if the power cable is
damaged. Check the power cable on a
regular basis to ensure that it is in proper
operating condition. By taking appropriate
safety measures and carefully laying the
power cable, ensure that the cable cannot be
damaged and that no one can be hurt by e.g.
tripping over the cable or suffering an electric
The product may be operated only from
TN/TT supply networks fused with max. 16 A
(higher fuse only after consulting with the
Rohde & Schwarz group of companies).
Do not insert the plug into sockets that are
dusty or dirty. Insert the plug firmly and all
the way into the socket. Otherwise, this can
result in sparks, fire and/or injuries.
Do not overload any sockets, extension
cords or connector strips; doing so can
cause fire or electric shocks.
For measurements in circuits with voltages
Vrms > 30 V, suitable measures (e.g.
appropriate measuring equipment, fusing,
current limiting, electrical separation,
insulation) should be taken to avoid any
Ensure that the connections with information
technology equipment comply with IEC
950/EN 60950.
Unless expressly permitted, never remove
the cover or any part of the housing while the
product is in operation. Doing so will expose
circuits and components and can lead to
injuries, fire or damage to the product.
If a product is to be permanently installed,
the connection between the PE terminal on
site and the product's PE conductor must be
made first before any other connection is
made. The product may be installed and
connected only by a license electrician.

Sheet 3

Grouped Safety Messages
20. For permanently installed equipment without
built-in fuses, circuit breakers or similar
protective devices, the supply circuit must be
fused in such a way that suitable protection
is provided for users and products.
21. Do not insert any objects into the openings in
the housing that are not designed for this
purpose. Never pour any liquids onto or into
the housing. This can cause short circuits
inside the product and/or electric shocks, fire
or injuries.
22. Use suitable overvoltage protection to
ensure that no overvoltage (such as that
caused by a thunderstorm) can reach the
product. Otherwise the operating personnel
will be endangered by electric shocks.
23. Rohde & Schwarz products are not protected
against penetration of liquids, unless
otherwise specified (see also safety
instruction 1.). If this is not taken into
account, there exists the danger of electric
shock for the user or damage to the product,
which can also lead to personal injury.
24. Never use the product under conditions in
which condensation has formed or can form
in or on the product, e.g. if the product was
moved from a cold to a warm environment.
25. Do not close any slots or openings on the
product, since they are necessary for
ventilation and prevent the product from
overheating. Do not place the product on soft
surfaces such as sofas or rugs or inside a
closed housing, unless this is well ventilated.
26. Do not place the product on heat-generating
devices such as radiators or fan heaters.
The temperature of the environment must
not exceed the maximum temperature
specified in the data sheet.
27. Batteries and storage batteries must not be
exposed to high temperatures or fire. Keep
batteries and storage batteries away from
children. Do not short-circuit batteries and
storage batteries.
If batteries or storage batteries are
improperly replaced, this can cause an
explosion (warning: lithium cells). Replace
the battery or storage battery only with the
matching Rohde & Schwarz type (see spare
parts list). Batteries and storage batteries
must be recycled and kept separate from
residual waste. Batteries and storage
batteries that contain lead, mercury or
cadmium are hazardous waste. Observe the









national regulations regarding waste
disposal and recycling.
Please be aware that in the event of a fire,
toxic substances (gases, liquids etc.) that
may be hazardous to your health may
escape from the product.
The product can be very heavy. Be careful
when moving it to avoid back or other
physical injuries.
Do not place the product on surfaces,
vehicles, cabinets or tables that for reasons
of weight or stability are unsuitable for this
purpose. Always follow the manufacturer's
installation instructions when installing the
product and fastening it to objects or
structures (e.g. walls and shelves).
Handles on the products are designed
exclusively for personnel to hold or carry the
product. It is therefore not permissible to use
handles for fastening the product to or on
means of transport such as cranes, fork lifts,
wagons, etc. The user is responsible for
securely fastening the products to or on the
means of transport and for observing the
safety regulations of the manufacturer of the
means of transport. Noncompliance can
result in personal injury or material damage.
If you use the product in a vehicle, it is the
sole responsibility of the driver to drive the
vehicle safely. Adequately secure the
product in the vehicle to prevent injuries or
other damage in the event of an accident.
Never use the product in a moving vehicle if
doing so could distract the driver of the
vehicle. The driver is always responsible for
the safety of the vehicle. The manufacturer
assumes no responsibility for accidents or
If a laser product (e.g. a CD/DVD drive) is
integrated in a Rohde & Schwarz product, do
not use any other settings or functions than
those described in the product documentation. Otherwise this may be hazardous to
your health, since the laser beam can cause
irreversible damage to your eyes. Never try
to take such products apart, and never look
into the laser beam.
Prior to cleaning, disconnect the product
from the AC supply. Use a soft, non-linting
cloth to clean the product. Never use
chemical cleaning agents such as alcohol,
acetone or diluent for cellulose lacquers.

Sheet 4

Informaciones elementales de seguridad
¡Es imprescindible leer y observar las siguientes instrucciones e informaciones
de seguridad!

El principio del grupo de empresas Rohde & Schwarz consiste en tener nuestros productos siempre al día
con los estándares de seguridad y de ofrecer a nuestros clientes el máximo grado de seguridad. Nuestros
productos y todos los equipos adicionales son siempre fabricados y examinados según las normas de
seguridad vigentes. Nuestra sección de gestión de la seguridad de calidad controla constantemente que
sean cumplidas estas normas. El presente producto ha sido fabricado y examinado según el comprobante
de conformidad adjunto según las normas de la CE y ha salido de nuestra planta en estado impecable
según los estándares técnicos de seguridad. Para poder preservar este estado y garantizar un
funcionamiento libre de peligros, el usuario deberá atenerse a todas las indicaciones, informaciones de
seguridad y notas de alerta. El grupo de empresas Rohde & Schwarz está siempre a su disposición en
caso de que tengan preguntas referentes a estas informaciones de seguridad.
Además queda en la responsabilidad del usuario utilizar el producto en la forma debida. Este producto
está destinado exclusivamente al uso en la industria y el laboratorio o, si ha sido expresamente
autorizado, para aplicaciones de campo y de ninguna manera deberá ser utilizado de modo que alguna
persona/cosa pueda sufrir daño. El uso del producto fuera de sus fines definidos o despreciando las
informaciones de seguridad del fabricante queda en la responsabilidad del usuario. El fabricante no se
hace en ninguna forma responsable de consecuencias a causa del mal uso del producto.
Se parte del uso correcto del producto para los fines definidos si el producto es utilizado dentro de las
instrucciones de la correspondiente documentación de producto y dentro del margen de rendimiento
definido (ver hoja de datos, documentación, informaciones de seguridad que siguen). El uso del producto
hace necesarios conocimientos profundos y conocimientos básicas del idioma inglés. Por eso se debe
tener en cuenta que el producto sólo pueda ser operado por personal especializado o personas
minuciosamente instruidas con las capacidades correspondientes. Si fuera necesaria indumentaria de
seguridad para el uso de productos de R&S, encontrará la información debida en la documentación del
producto en el capítulo correspondiente. Guarde bien las informaciones de seguridad elementales, así
como la documentación del producto y entréguela a usuarios posteriores.

Símbolos y definiciones de seguridad

documentación de

con un peso
de > 18kg

Potencia EN


Peligro de
golpe de



continua DC

alterna AC

Conexión a

a tierra

Corriente continua/alterna DC/AC

a masa

Elementos de
construcción con
peligro de carga

El aparato está protegido en
su totalidad por un
aislamiento de doble refuerzo

Sheet 5

Informaciones elementales de seguridad
Tener en cuenta las informaciones de seguridad sirve para tratar de evitar daños y peligros de toda clase.
Es necesario de que se lean las siguientes informaciones de seguridad concienzudamente y se tengan en
cuenta debidamente antes de la puesta en funcionamiento del producto. También deberán ser tenidas en
cuenta las informaciones para la protección de personas que encontrarán en el capítulo correspondiente
de la documentación de producto y que también son obligatorias de seguir. En las informaciones de
seguridad actuales hemos juntado todos los objetos vendidos por el grupo de empresas Rohde &
Schwarz bajo la denominación de „producto“, entre ellos también aparatos, instalaciones así como toda
clase de accesorios.

Palabras de señal y su significado

Identifica un peligro directo con riesgo elevado de provocar muerte o
lesiones de gravedad si no se toman las medidas oportunas.


Identifica un posible peligro con riesgo medio de provocar muerte o
lesiones (de gravedad) si no se toman las medidas oportunas.


Identifica un peligro con riesgo reducido de provocar lesiones de
gravedad media o leve si no se toman las medidas oportunas.


Indica la posibilidad de utilizar mal el producto y a consecuencia
En la documentación del producto se emplea de forma sinónima el
término CUIDADO.

Las palabras de señal corresponden a la definición habitual para aplicaciones civiles en el área
económica europea. Pueden existir definiciones diferentes a esta definición en otras áreas económicas o
en aplicaciones militares. Por eso se deberá tener en cuenta que las palabras de señal aquí descritas
sean utilizadas siempre solamente en combinación con la correspondiente documentación de producto y
solamente en combinación con el producto correspondiente. La utilización de las palabras de señal en
combinación con productos o documentaciones que no les correspondan puede llevar a
malinterpretaciones y tener por consecuencia daños en personas u objetos.

Informaciones de seguridad elementales
1. El producto solamente debe ser utilizado
según lo indicado por el fabricante referente a
la situación y posición de funcionamiento sin
que se obstruya la ventilación. Si no se
convino de otra manera, es para los productos
R&S válido lo que sigue:
como posición de funcionamiento se define
por principio la posición con el suelo de la caja
para abajo, modo de protección IP 2X, grado
de suciedad 2, categoría de sobrecarga
eléctrica 2, utilizar solamente en estancias
interiores, utilización hasta 2000 m sobre el
nivel del mar, transporte hasta 4.500 m sobre
el nivel del mar.
Se aplicará una tolerancia de ±10% sobre el
voltaje nominal y de ±5% sobre la frecuencia
2. En todos los trabajos deberán ser tenidas en
cuenta las normas locales de seguridad de


trabajo y de prevención de accidentes. El
producto solamente debe de ser abierto por
personal especializado autorizado. Antes de
efectuar trabajos en el producto o abrirlo
deberá este ser desconectado de la corriente.
El ajuste, el cambio de partes, la manutención
y la reparación deberán ser solamente
efectuadas por electricistas autorizados por
R&S. Si se reponen partes con importancia
para los aspectos de seguridad (por ejemplo
el enchufe, los transformadores o los fusibles),
solamente podrán ser sustituidos por partes
originales. Después de cada recambio de
partes elementales para la seguridad deberá
ser efectuado un control de seguridad (control
a primera vista, control de conductor protector,
medición de resistencia de aislamiento,
medición de la corriente conductora, control
de funcionamiento).

Sheet 6

Informaciones elementales de seguridad
3. Como en todo producto de fabricación
industrial no puede ser excluido en general de
que se produzcan al usarlo elementos que
puedan generar alergias, los llamados
elementos alergénicos (por ejemplo el
níquel). Si se producieran en el trato con
productos R&S reacciones alérgicas, como
por ejemplo urticaria, estornudos frecuentes,
irritación de la conjuntiva o dificultades al
respirar, se deberá consultar inmediatamente
a un médico para averiguar los motivos de
estas reacciones.
4. Si productos / elementos de construcción son
tratados fuera del funcionamiento definido de
forma mecánica o térmica, pueden generarse
elementos peligrosos (polvos de sustancia de
metales pesados como por ejemplo plomo,
berilio, níquel). La partición elemental del
producto, como por ejemplo sucede en el
tratamiento de materias residuales, debe de
ser efectuada solamente por personal
especializado para estos tratamientos. La
partición elemental efectuada
inadecuadamente puede generar daños para
la salud. Se deben tener en cuenta las
directivas nacionales referentes al tratamiento
de materias residuales.
5. En el caso de que se produjeran agentes de
peligro o combustibles en la aplicación del
producto que debieran de ser transferidos a
un tratamiento de materias residuales, como
por ejemplo agentes refrigerantes que deben
ser repuestos en periodos definidos, o aceites
para motores, deberán ser tenidas en cuenta
las prescripciones de seguridad del fabricante
de estos agentes de peligro o combustibles y
las regulaciones regionales para el tratamiento
de materias residuales. Cuiden también de
tener en cuenta en caso dado las
prescripciones de seguridad especiales en la
descripción del producto.
6. Ciertos productos, como por ejemplo las
instalaciones de radiocomunicación RF,
pueden a causa de su función natural, emitir
una radiación electromagnética aumentada.
En vista a la protección de la vida en
desarrollo deberían ser protegidas personas
embarazadas debidamente. También las
personas con un bypass pueden correr peligro
a causa de la radiación electromagnética.







El empresario/usuario está comprometido a
valorar y señalar áreas de trabajo en las que
se corra un riesgo aumentado de exposición a
radiaciones para evitar riesgos.
La utilización de los productos requiere
instrucciones especiales y una alta
concentración en el manejo. Debe de ponerse
por seguro de que las personas que manejen
los productos estén a la altura de los
requerimientos necesarios referente a sus
aptitudes físicas, psíquicas y emocionales, ya
que de otra manera no se pueden excluir
lesiones o daños de objetos. El empresario
lleva la responsabilidad de seleccionar el
personal usuario apto para el manejo de los
Antes de la puesta en marcha del producto se
deberá tener por seguro de que la tensión
preseleccionada en el producto equivalga a la
del la red de distribución. Si es necesario
cambiar la preselección de la tensión también
se deberán en caso dabo cambiar los fusibles
correspondientes del producto.
Productos de la clase de seguridad I con
alimentación móvil y enchufe individual de
producto solamente deberán ser conectados
para el funcionamiento a tomas de corriente
de contacto de seguridad y con conductor
protector conectado.
Queda prohibida toda clase de interrupción
intencionada del conductor protector, tanto en
la toma de corriente como en el mismo
producto. Puede tener como consecuencia el
peligro de golpe de corriente por el producto.
Si se utilizaran cables o enchufes de
extensión se deberá poner al seguro que es
controlado su estado técnico de seguridad.
Si el producto no está equipado con un
interruptor para desconectarlo de la red, se
deberá considerar el enchufe del cable de
distribución como interruptor. En estos casos
deberá asegurar de que el enchufe sea de
fácil acceso y nabejo (según la medida del
cable de distribución, aproximadamente 2 m).
Los interruptores de función o electrónicos no
son aptos para el corte de la red eléctrica. Si
los productos sin interruptor están integrados
en bastidores o instalaciones, se deberá
instalar el interruptor al nivel de la instalación.

Sheet 7

Informaciones elementales de seguridad
12. No utilice nunca el producto si está dañado el
cable eléctrico. Compruebe regularmente el
correcto estado de los cables de conexión a
red. Asegure a través de las medidas de
protección y de instalación adecuadas de que
el cable de eléctrico no pueda ser dañado o
de que nadie pueda ser dañado por él, por
ejemplo al tropezar o por un golpe de
13. Solamente está permitido el funcionamiento
en redes de distribución TN/TT aseguradas
con fusibles de como máximo 16 A (utilización
de fusibles de mayor amperaje sólo previa
consulta con el grupo de empresas Rohde &
14. Nunca conecte el enchufe en tomas de
corriente sucias o llenas de polvo. Introduzca
el enchufe por completo y fuertemente en la
toma de corriente. Si no tiene en
consideración estas indicaciones se arriesga a
que se originen chispas, fuego y/o heridas.
15. No sobrecargue las tomas de corriente, los
cables de extensión o los enchufes de
extensión ya que esto pudiera causar fuego o
golpes de corriente.
16. En las mediciones en circuitos de corriente
con una tensión de entrada de Ueff > 30 V se
deberá tomar las precauciones debidas para
impedir cualquier peligro (por ejemplo medios
de medición adecuados, seguros, limitación
de tensión, corte protector, aislamiento etc.).
17. En caso de conexión con aparatos de la
técnica informática se deberá tener en cuenta
que estos cumplan los requisitos del estándar
18. A menos que esté permitido expresamente, no
retire nunca la tapa ni componentes de la
carcasa mientras el producto esté en servicio.
Esto pone a descubierto los cables y
componentes eléctricos y puede causar
heridas, fuego o daños en el producto.
19. Si un producto es instalado fijamente en un
lugar, se deberá primero conectar el conductor
protector fijo con el conductor protector del
aparato antes de hacer cualquier otra
conexión. La instalación y la conexión deberán
ser efectuadas por un electricista


20. En caso de que los productos que son
instalados fijamente en un lugar sean sin
protector implementado, autointerruptor o
similares objetos de protección, el circuito de
suministro de corriente deberá estar protegido
de manera que usuarios y productos estén
suficientemente protegidos.
21. Por favor, no introduzca ningún objeto que no
esté destinado a ello en los orificios de la caja
del aparato. No vierta nunca ninguna clase de
líquidos sobre o en la caja. Esto puede
producir cortocircuitos en el producto y/o
puede causar golpes de corriente, fuego o
22. Asegúrese con la protección adecuada de que
no pueda originarse en el producto una
sobrecarga por ejemplo a causa de una
tormenta. Si no se verá el personal que lo
utilice expuesto al peligro de un golpe de
23. Los productos R&S no están protegidos contra
líquidos si no es que exista otra indicación, ver
también punto 1. Si no se tiene en cuenta esto
se arriesga el peligro de golpe de corriente
para el usuario o de daños en el producto lo
cual también puede llevar al peligro de
24. No utilice el producto bajo condiciones en las
que pueda producirse y se hayan producido
líquidos de condensación en o dentro del
producto como por ejemplo cuando se
desplaza el producto de un lugar frío a un
lugar caliente.
25. Por favor no cierre ninguna ranura u orificio
del producto, ya que estas son necesarias
para la ventilación e impiden que el producto
se caliente demasiado. No pongan el producto
encima de materiales blandos como por
ejemplo sofás o alfombras o dentro de una
caja cerrada, si esta no está suficientemente
26. No ponga el producto sobre aparatos que
produzcan calor, como por ejemplo radiadores
o calentadores. La temperatura ambiental no
debe superar la temperatura máxima
especificada en la hoja de datos.

Sheet 8

Informaciones elementales de seguridad
27. Baterías y acumuladores no deben de ser
expuestos a temperaturas altas o al fuego.
Guardar baterías y acumuladores fuera del
alcance de los niños. No cortocircuitar
baterías ni acumuladores. Si las baterías o los
acumuladores no son cambiados con la
debida atención existirá peligro de explosión
(atención células de litio). Cambiar las
baterías o los acumuladores solamente por los
del tipo R&S correspondiente (ver lista de
piezas de recambio). Las baterías y
acumuladores deben reutilizarse y no deben
acceder a los vertederos. Las baterías y
acumuladores que contienen plomo, mercurio
o cadmio deben tratarse como residuos
especiales. Respete en esta relación las
normas nacionales de evacuación y reciclaje.
28. Por favor tengan en cuenta que en caso de un
incendio pueden desprenderse del producto
agentes venenosos (gases, líquidos etc.) que
pueden generar daños a la salud.
29. El producto puede poseer un peso elevado.
Muévalo con cuidado para evitar lesiones en
la espalda u otras partes corporales.
30. No sitúe el producto encima de superficies,
vehículos, estantes o mesas, que por sus
características de peso o de estabilidad no
sean aptas para él. Siga siempre las
instrucciones de instalación del fabricante
cuando instale y asegure el producto en
objetos o estructuras (por ejemplo paredes y
31. Las asas instaladas en los productos sirven
solamente de ayuda para el manejo que
solamente está previsto para personas. Por
eso no está permitido utilizar las asas para la
sujeción en o sobre medios de transporte
como por ejemplo grúas, carretillas elevadoras


de horquilla, carros etc. El usuario es
responsable de que los productos sean
sujetados de forma segura a los medios de
transporte y de que las prescripciones de
seguridad del fabricante de los medios de
transporte sean observadas. En caso de que
no se tengan en cuenta pueden causarse
daños en personas y objetos.
32. Si llega a utilizar el producto dentro de un
vehículo, queda en la responsabilidad
absoluta del conductor que conducir el
vehículo de manera segura. Asegure el
producto dentro del vehículo debidamente
para evitar en caso de un accidente las
lesiones u otra clase de daños. No utilice
nunca el producto dentro de un vehículo en
movimiento si esto pudiera distraer al
conductor. Siempre queda en la
responsabilidad absoluta del conductor la
seguridad del vehículo. El fabricante no
asumirá ninguna clase de responsabilidad por
accidentes o colisiones.
33. Dado el caso de que esté integrado un
producto de láser en un producto R&S (por
ejemplo CD/DVD-ROM) no utilice otras
instalaciones o funciones que las descritas en
la documentación de producto. De otra
manera pondrá en peligro su salud, ya que el
rayo láser puede dañar irreversiblemente sus
ojos. Nunca trate de descomponer estos
productos. Nunca mire dentro del rayo láser.
34. Antes de proceder a la limpieza, desconecte el
producto de la red. Realice la limpieza con un
paño suave, que no se deshilache. No utilice
de ninguna manera agentes limpiadores
químicos como, por ejemplo, alcohol, acetona
o nitrodiluyente.

Sheet 9

Kundeninformation zur Batterieverordnung (BattV)
Dieses Gerät enthält eine schadstoffhaltige Batterie. Diese darf nicht
mit dem Hausmüll entsorgt werden.
Nach Ende der Lebensdauer darf die Entsorgung nur über eine
Rohde&Schwarz-Kundendienststelle oder eine geeignete
Sammelstelle erfolgen.

Safety Regulations for Batteries (according to BattV)
This equipment houses a battery containing harmful substances that
must not be disposed of as normal household waste.
After its useful life, the battery may only be disposed of at a Rohde &
Schwarz service center or at a suitable depot.

Normas de Seguridad para Baterías (Según BattV)
Este equipo lleva una batería que contiene sustancias perjudiciales,
que no se debe desechar en los contenedores de basura
Después de la vida útil, la batería sólo se podrá eliminar en un
centro de servicio de Rohde & Schwarz o en un depósito apropiado.

Consignes de sécurité pour batteries (selon BattV)
Cet appareil est équipé d'une pile comprenant des substances
nocives. Ne jamais la jeter dans une poubelle pour ordures
Une pile usagée doit uniquement être éliminée par un centre de
service client de Rohde & Schwarz ou peut être collectée pour être
traitée spécialement comme déchets dangereux.



Customer Information Regarding Product Disposal
The German Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ElektroG) Act is an implementation of
the following EC directives:

2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and
2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS).

Product labeling in accordance with EN 50419
Once the lifetime of a product has ended, this product must not be disposed of
in the standard domestic refuse. Even disposal via the municipal collection
points for waste electrical and electronic equipment is not permitted.
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG has developed a disposal concept for the
environmental-friendly disposal or recycling of waste material and fully assumes its
obligation as a producer to take back and dispose of electrical and electronic waste
in accordance with the ElektroG Act.
Please contact your local service representative to dispose of the product.




Sehr geehrter Kunde,
Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines
Rohde & Schwarz-Produktes entschieden. Hiermit erhalten Sie ein
nach modernsten Fertigungsmethoden hergestelltes Produkt. Es
wurde nach den Regeln unseres
Managementsystems entwickelt,
gefertigt und geprüft.
Das Rohde & Schwarz Managementsystem ist zertifiziert nach:

Dear Customer,
you have decided to buy a Rohde &
Schwarz product. You are thus assured of receiving a product that is
manufactured using the most modern
methods available. This product was
developed, manufactured and tested
in compliance with our quality management system standards.
The Rohde & Schwarz quality
management system is certified
according to:

Cher Client,
vous avez choisi d‘acheter un produit
Rohde & Schwarz. Vous disposez
donc d‘un produit fabriqué d‘après les
méthodes les plus avancées. Le
développement, la fabrication et les
tests respectent nos normes de gestion qualité.
Le système de gestion qualité de
Rohde & Schwarz a été homologué
conformément aux normes:

DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
DIN EN 9100:2003
DIN EN ISO 14001:2004

DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
DIN EN 9100:2003
DIN EN ISO 14001:2004

DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
DIN EN 9100:2003
DIN EN ISO 14001:2004


PD 5213.8744.99 = V 01.00 = May 2007


Customer Support
Technical support – where and when you need it
For quick, expert help with any Rohde & Schwarz equipment, contact one of our Customer Support
Centers. A team of highly qualified engineers provides telephone support and will work with you to find a
solution to your query on any aspect of the operation, programming or applications of Rohde & Schwarz

Up-to-date information and upgrades
To keep your instrument up-to-date and to be informed about new application notes related to your
instrument, please send an e-mail to the Customer Support Center stating your instrument and your wish.
We will take care that you will get the right information.

USA & Canada

Monday to Friday (except US public holidays)
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Tel. from USA
888-test-rsa (888-837-8772) (opt 2)
From outside USA +1 410 910 7800 (opt 2)
+1 410 910 7801

East Asia

Rest of the World


Monday to Friday (except Singaporean public holidays)
8:30 AM – 6:00 PM Singapore Time (SGT)

+65 6 513 0488
+65 6 846 1090



Monday to Friday
08:00 – 17:00

(except German public holidays)
Central European Time (CET)

Tel. from Europe
+49 (0) 180 512 42 42*
From outside Europe+49 89 4129 13776
+49 (0) 89 41 29 637 78


* 0.14 €/Min within the German fixed-line telephone network, varying prices
for the mobile telephone network and in different countries.



Address List
Headquarters, Plants and Subsidiaries

Locations Worldwide


Please refer to our homepage: www.rohde-schwarz.com
◆ Sales Locations
◆ Service Locations
◆ National Websites

Mühldorfstraße 15 · D-81671 München
P.O.Box 80 14 69 · D-81614 München

Phone +49 (89) 41 29-0
Fax +49 (89) 41 29-121 64

ROHDE&SCHWARZ Messgerätebau GmbH
Riedbachstraße 58 · D-87700 Memmingen
P.O.Box 16 52 · D-87686 Memmingen

Phone +49 (83 31) 1 08-0
+49 (83 31) 1 08-1124

Werk Teisnach
Kaikenrieder Straße 27 · D-94244 Teisnach
P.O.Box 11 49 · D-94240 Teisnach

Phone +49 (99 23) 8 50-0
Fax +49 (99 23) 8 50-174

Vimperk, s.r.o.
Location Spidrova 49
CZ-38501 Vimperk
Dienstleistungszentrum Köln
Graf-Zeppelin-Straße 18 · D-51147 Köln
P.O.Box 98 02 60 · D-51130 Köln

Phone +420 (388) 45 21 09
Fax +420 (388) 45 21 13

Phone +49 (22 03) 49-0
Fax +49 (22 03) 49 51-229

R&S BICK Mobilfunk GmbH
Fritz-Hahne-Str. 7 · D-31848 Bad Münder
P.O.Box 20 02 · D-31844 Bad Münder

Phone +49 (50 42) 9 98-0
Fax +49 (50 42) 9 98-105

Wendenschloßstraße 168, Haus 28
D-12557 Berlin

Phone +49 (30) 658 91-122
Fax +49 (30) 655 50-221

Am Studio 3
D-12489 Berlin

Phone +49 (30) 658 84-0
Fax +49 (30) 658 84-183

R&S Systems GmbH
Graf-Zeppelin-Straße 18
D-51147 Köln
Sophienblatt 100
D-24114 Kiel
HAMEG Instruments GmbH
Industriestraße 6
D-63533 Mainhausen


Phone +49 (22 03) 49-5 23 25
Fax +49 (22 03) 49-5 23 36
Phone +49 (431) 600 51-0
Fax +49 (431) 600 51-11
Phone +49 (61 82) 800-0
Fax +49 (61 82) 800-100



Documentation Overview

Documentation Overview
The user documentation for the R&S FSL is divided as follows:

Quick Start Guide


Online Help


Operating Manual


Internet Site


Service Manual


Release Notes

Quick Start Guide
This manual is delivered with the instrument in printed form and in PDF format on the CD. It provides the
information needed to set up and start working with the instrument. Basic operations and basic measurements
are described. Also a brief introduction to remote control is given. The manual includes general information
(e.g. Safety Instructions) and the following chapters:
Chapter 1

Front and Rear Panel

Chapter 2

Putting into Operation

Chapter 3

Firmware Update and Installation of Firmware Options

Chapter 4

Basic Operations

Chapter 5

Basic Measurement Examples

Chapter 6

Brief Introduction to Remote Control

Appendix A

Printer Interface

Appendix B

LAN Interface

Online Help
The Online Help is part of the firmware. It provides a quick access to the description of the instrument functions
and the remote control commands. For information on other topics refer to the Quick Start Guide, Operating
Manual and Service Manual provided in PDF format on CD or in the Internet. For detailed information on how
to use the Online Help, refer to the chapter "Basic Operations" in the Quick Start Guide.

Operating Manual
This manual is a supplement to the Quick Start Guide and is available in PDF format on the CD delivered with
the instrument. To retain the familiar structure that applies to all operating manuals of Rohde&Schwarz Test &
Measurement instruments, the chapters 1 and 3 exist, but only in form of references to the corresponding
Quick Start Guide chapters.




Documentation Overview


In this manual, all instrument functions are described in detail. For additional information on default settings
and parameters, refer to the data sheets. The set of measurement examples in the Quick Start Guide is
expanded by more advanced measurement examples. In addition to the brief introduction to remote control in
the Quick Start Guide, a description of the commands and programming examples is given. Information on
maintenance, instrument interfaces and error messages is also provided.
The manual includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1

Putting into Operation, see Quick Start Guide chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 2

Advanced Measurement Examples

Chapter 3

Manual Operation, see Quick Start Guide chapter 4

Chapter 4

Instrument Functions

Chapter 5

Remote Control - Basics

Chapter 6

Remote Control - Commands

Chapter 7

Remote Control - Programming Examples

Chapter 8


Chapter 9

Error Messages

This manual is delivered with the instrument on CD only. The printed manual can be ordered from Rohde &
Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.

Internet Site
The Internet site at: R&S FSL Spectrum Analyzer provides the most up to date information on the R&S FSL.
The current operating manual at a time is available as printable PDF file in the download area. Also provided
for download are firmware updates including the associated release notes, instrument drivers, current data
sheets and application notes.

Service Manual
This manual is available in PDF format on the CD delivered with the instrument. It informs on how to check
compliance with rated specifications, on instrument function, repair, troubleshooting and fault elimination. It
contains all information required for repairing the R&S FSL by the replacement of modules. The manual
includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1

Performance Test

Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4

Software Update / Installing Options

Chapter 5


Release Notes
The release notes describe the installation of the firmware, new and modified functions, eliminated problems,
and last minute changes to the documentation. The corresponding firmware version is indicated on the title
page of the release notes. The current release notes are provided in the Internet.





Conventions Used in the Documentation

Conventions Used in the Documentation
To visualize important information quickly and to recognize information types faster, a few conventions has
been introduced. The following character formats are used to emphasize words:

All names of graphical user interface elements as
dialog boxes, softkeys, lists, options, buttons etc.
All names of user interface elements on the front
and rear panel as keys, connectors etc.


All remote commands (apart from headings, see

Capital letters

All key names (front panel or keyboard)

The description of a softkey (Operating Manual and Online Help) always starts with the softkey name, and is
followed by explaining text and one or more remote control commands framed by two lines. Each remote
command is placed in a single line.
The description of remote control commands (Operating Manual and Online Help) always starts with the
command itself, and is followed by explaining text including an example, the characteristics and the mode
(standard or only with certain options) framed by two grey lines. The remote commands consist of
abbreviations to accelerate the procedure. All parts of the command that have to be entered are in capital
letters, the rest is added in small letters to complete the words and transport their meaning.






Putting into Operation

Putting into Operation

For details refer to the Quick Start Guide chapters 1, "Front and Rear Panel", and 2, "Preparing for




Putting into Operation






Advanced Measurement Examples

Contents of Chapter 2

Advanced Measurement Examples ............................................................. 2.1
Test Setup .........................................................................................................................................2.2
Measurement of Harmonics ............................................................................................................2.2
High–Sensitivity Harmonics Measurements ...............................................................................2.4
Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals ..................................................................................2.6
Separating Signals by Selecting an Appropriate Resolution Bandwidth ....................................2.6
Intermodulation Measurements ..................................................................................................2.7
Measurement example – Measuring the R&S FSL's intrinsic intermodulation...............2.9
Measuring Signals in the Vicinity of Noise ..................................................................................2.13
Measurement example – Measuring level at low S/N ratios.........................................2.14
Noise Measurements .....................................................................................................................2.17
Measuring Noise Power Density...............................................................................................2.17
Measurement example – Measuring the intrinsic noise power density of the R&S FSL at
1 GHz and calculating the R&S FSL's noise figure ......................................................2.17
Measurement of Noise Power within a Transmission Channel ................................................2.19
Measurement example – Measuring the intrinsic noise of the R&S FSL at 1 GHz in a
1.23 MHz channel bandwidth with the channel power function....................................2.20
Measuring Phase Noise............................................................................................................2.23
Measurement example – Measuring the phase noise of a signal generator at a carrier
offset of 10 kHz .............................................................................................................2.23
Measurements on Modulated Signals ..........................................................................................2.25
Measuring Channel Power and Adjacent Channel Power .......................................................2.25
Measurement example 1 – ACPR measurement on an CDMA 2000 signal................2.26
Measurement example 2 – Measuring adjacent channel power of a W–CDMA uplink
Amplitude Distribution Measurements......................................................................................2.33
Measurement example – Measuring the APD and CCDF of white noise generated by
the R&S FSL .................................................................................................................2.34
Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)..........................................................................................2.36
Bluetooth Overview...................................................................................................................2.36
Bluetooth technical parameters ....................................................................................2.37
Power classes ...............................................................................................................2.37
Structure of a Bluetooth data packet ............................................................................2.38
Supported Tests .......................................................................................................................2.38
Overview of Transmitter Tests..................................................................................................2.39
Functional Description – Block Diagram...................................................................................2.40
Bandwidths ...............................................................................................................................2.41
Measurement Filter (Meas Filter On)........................................................................................2.41
Determining Average or Max/Min Values .................................................................................2.43
Impact of the sweep count on the measurement results ..............................................2.44
Trigger Concepts ......................................................................................................................2.44
Cable TV Measurements (Option K20) .........................................................................................2.46




Advanced Measurement Examples


Analog TV Basics .....................................................................................................................2.47
Analog TV Measurement Examples .........................................................................................2.48
Analog TV settings........................................................................................................2.48
Analog TV test setup.....................................................................................................2.49
Spectrum measurement................................................................................................2.50
Carriers measurement ..................................................................................................2.51
Video Scope measurement...........................................................................................2.52
Vision Modulation measurement ..................................................................................2.53
Hum measurement .......................................................................................................2.55
C/N measurement.........................................................................................................2.56
CSO measurement .......................................................................................................2.60
CTB measurement........................................................................................................2.63
Digital TV Basics.......................................................................................................................2.65
Digital TV Measurement Examples ..........................................................................................2.70
Digital TV settings .........................................................................................................2.71
Digital TV test setup......................................................................................................2.72
Spectrum measurement................................................................................................2.72
Overview measurement ................................................................................................2.73
Constellation Diagram measurement (modulation analysis) ........................................2.75
Modulation Errors measurement (modulation analysis) ...............................................2.76
Echo Pattern measurement (channel analysis) ............................................................2.78
Channel Power measurement ......................................................................................2.79
APD measurement........................................................................................................2.80
CCDF measurement .....................................................................................................2.81
TV Analyzer Measurements .....................................................................................................2.82
Tilt measurement ..........................................................................................................2.82
Channel Tables and Modulation Standards .............................................................................2.83
Channel tables ..............................................................................................................2.84
Modulation standards....................................................................................................2.85
Example: Creating a channel table...............................................................................2.90
Example: Restoring the default channel tables ............................................................2.96
Performing a Measurement without a Channel Table ..............................................................2.96
Performing a Measurement Using a Channel Table ................................................................2.98
Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30).................................................................................2.101
Direct Measurements..............................................................................................................2.101
Basic Measurement Example .....................................................................................2.101
DUTs with very Large Gain.........................................................................................2.103
Frequency–Converting Measurements ..................................................................................2.104
Fixed LO Measurements.............................................................................................2.104
Image–Frequency Rejection (SSB, DSB)...................................................................2.104
3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72) ......................................................................2.108
Measuring the Signal Channel Power ....................................................................................2.108
Measuring the Spectrum Emission Mask ...............................................................................2.110
Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power.........................................................................2.111
Synchronization of the reference frequencies ............................................................2.112
Behavior with deviating center frequency setting .......................................................2.113




Advanced Measurement Examples

Behavior with incorrect scrambling code ....................................................................2.113
Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power Triggered ........................................................2.113
Trigger offset...............................................................................................................2.114
Setup for Base Station Tests ..................................................................................................2.115
Standard test setup.....................................................................................................2.115
Basic settings ..............................................................................................................2.115
CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82).............................................................2.116
Measuring the Signal Channel Power ....................................................................................2.116
Measuring the Spectrum Emission Mask ...............................................................................2.118
Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power and the Frequency Error ................................2.119
Synchronization of the reference frequencies ............................................................2.121
Behavior with deviating center frequency setting .......................................................2.121
Measuring the triggered Relative Code Domain Power .........................................................2.122
Adjusting the trigger offset ..........................................................................................2.123
Behaviour with the wrong PN offset............................................................................2.123
Measuring the Composite EVM ..............................................................................................2.124
Measuring the Peak Code Domain Error and the RHO Factor ..............................................2.126
Displaying RHO ..........................................................................................................2.127
Test Setup for Base Station Tests..........................................................................................2.127
WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91/K91n) ............................................................................2.129
Signal Processing of the IEEE 802.11a application ...............................................................2.129
Abbreviations ..............................................................................................................2.129
Literature .....................................................................................................................2.134
Signal Processing of the IEEE 802.11b application ...............................................................2.134
Abbreviations ..............................................................................................................2.134
Literature .....................................................................................................................2.138
802.11b RF carrier suppression .............................................................................................2.138
Definition .....................................................................................................................2.138
Measurement with the R&S FSL ................................................................................2.138
Comparison to IQ offset measurement in K91 list mode ............................................2.139
IQ Impairments .......................................................................................................................2.140
IQ Offset......................................................................................................................2.140
Gain Imbalance...........................................................................................................2.140
Quadrature Error .........................................................................................................2.141
WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)....................................................................2.142
Basic Measurement Example .................................................................................................2.142
Setting up the measurement.......................................................................................2.142
Performing the level detection ....................................................................................2.144
Performing the main measurement ............................................................................2.144
Signal Processing of the IEEE 802.16–2004 OFDM Measurement Application ....................2.145
Analysis Steps ............................................................................................................2.149
Synchronization ..........................................................................................................2.150
Channel Results..........................................................................................................2.150
Frequency and Clock Offset .......................................................................................2.151
EVM ............................................................................................................................2.151



Advanced Measurement Examples


IQ Impairments ...........................................................................................................2.152
CINR ...........................................................................................................................2.153
Literature .....................................................................................................................2.153
Signal Processing of the IEEE802.16–2005 OFDMA/WiBro Measurement Application........2.153
Introduction .................................................................................................................2.155
Signal Processing Block Diagram...............................................................................2.155
Synchronization ..........................................................................................................2.156
Channel Estimation / Equalization ..............................................................................2.156
Literature .....................................................................................................................2.158






Advanced Measurement Examples

Advanced Measurement Examples

This chapter explains how to operate the R&S FSL using typical measurements as examples.
Additional background information on the settings is given. Examples of more basic character are
provided in the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5, as an introduction. The following topics are included in the
Quick Start Guide:

Performing a Level and Frequency Meaurement


Measuring a Sinusoidal Signal
Measuring the Level and Frequency Using Markers
Measuring the Signal Frequency Using the Frequency Counter


Measuring Harmonics of Sinusoidal Signals
Measuring the Suppression of the First and Second Harmonic of an Input Signal


Measuring Signal Spectra with Multiple Signals
Separating Signals by Selecting the Resolution Bandwidth
Measuring the Modulation Depth of an AM–Modulated Carrier (Span > 0)
Measuring of AM–Modulated Signals


Measurements with Zero Span
Measuring the Power Characteristic of Burst Signals
Measuring the Signal–to–Noise Ratio of Burst Signals
Measurement of FM–Modulated Signals


Storing and Loading Instrument Settings
Storing an Instrument Configuration (without Traces)
Storing Traces
Loading an Instrument Configuration (with Traces)
Configuring Automatic Loading




Test Setup


Test Setup
All of the following examples are based on the standard settings of the R&S FSL. These are set with the
PRESET key. A complete listing of the standard settings can be found in chapter "Instrument
Functions", section "Initializing the Configuration – PRESET Key".
In the following examples, a signal generator is used as a signal source. The RF output of the signal
generator is connected to the RF input of R&S FSL.
If a 65 MHz signal is required for the test setup, as an alternative to the signal generator, the internal 65
MHz reference generator can be used:
1. Switch on the internal reference generator.
Press the SETUP key.
Press the Service softkey.
Press the Input RF/Cal/TG softkey, until Cal is highlighted.
The internal 65 MHz reference generator is now on. The R&S FSL's RF input is switched off.
2. Switch on the RF input again for normal operation of the R&S FSL. Two ways are possible:
Press the PRESET key
Press the SETUP key.
Press the Service softkey.
Press the Input RF/Cal/TG softkey, until RF is highlighted.
The internal signal path of the R&S FSL is switched back to the RF input in order to resume
normal operation.

Measurement of Harmonics
Measuring the harmonics of a signal is a frequent problem which can be solved best by means of a
spectrum analyzer. In general, every signal contains harmonics which are larger than others.
Harmonics are particularly critical regarding high–power transmitters such as transceivers because
large harmonics can interfere with other radio services.
Harmonics are generated by nonlinear characteristics. They can often be reduced by lowpass filters.
Since the spectrum analyzer has a nonlinear characteristic, e.g. in its first mixer, measures must be
taken to ensure that harmonics produced in the spectrum analyzer do not cause spurious results. If
necessary, the fundamental wave must be selectively attenuated with respect to the other harmonics
with a highpass filter.
When harmonics are being measured, the obtainable dynamic range depends on the second harmonic
intercept of the spectrum analyzer. The second harmonic intercept is the virtual input level at the RF
input mixer at which the level of the 2nd harmonic becomes equal to the level of the fundamental wave.
In practice, however, applying a level of this magnitude would damage the mixer. Nevertheless the
available dynamic range for measuring the harmonic distance of a DUT can be calculated relatively
easily using the second harmonic intercept.





Measurement of Harmonics

As shown in Fig. 2-1, the level of the 2
is reduced by 10 dB.


harmonic drops by 20 dB if the level of the fundamental wave

Level display
/ dBm


2nd harmonic
intercept point /


1st harmonic


2nd harmonic









-30 -20 -10







RF level
/ dBm


Fig. 2-1

Extrapolation of the 1st and 2nd harmonics to the 2nd harmonic intercept at 40 dBm

The following formula for the obtainable harmonic distortion d2 in dB is derived from the straight–line
equations and the given intercept point:
d2 = S.H.I – PI





harmonic distortion



mixer level/dBm



second harmonic intercept

The mixer level is the RF level applied to the RF input minus the set RF attenuation.


The formula for the internally generated level P1 at the 2 harmonic in dBm is:
P1 = 2 PI – S.H.I.


The lower measurement limit for the harmonic is the noise floor of the spectrum analyzer. The harmonic
of the measured DUT should – if sufficiently averaged by means of a video filter – be at least 4 dB
above the noise floor so that the measurement error due to the input noise is less than 1 dB.
The following rules for measuring high harmonic ratios can be derived:
Select the smallest possible IF bandwidth for a minimal noise floor.
Select an RF attenuation which is high enough to just measure the harmonic ratio.
The maximum harmonic distortion is obtained if the level of the harmonic equals the intrinsic noise level
of the receiver. The level applied to the mixer, according to (2), is:

PI =

Pnoise / dBm + IP 2


At a resolution bandwidth of 10 Hz (noise level –143 dBm, S.H.I. = 40 dBm), the optimum mixer level is
– 51.5 dBm. According to (1) a maximum measurable harmonic distortion of 91.5 dB minus a minimum
S/N ratio of 4 dB is obtained.



Measurement of Harmonics


If the harmonic emerges from noise sufficiently (approx. >15 dB), it is easy to check (by
changing the RF attenuation) whether the harmonics originate from the DUT or are generated
internally by the spectrum analyzer. If a harmonic originates from the DUT, its level remains
constant if the RF attenuation is increased by 10 dB. Only the displayed noise is increased by
10 dB due to the additional attenuation. If the harmonic is exclusively generated by the
spectrum analyzer, the level of the harmonic is reduced by 20 dB or is lost in noise. If both – the
DUT and the spectrum analyzer – contribute to the harmonic, the reduction in the harmonic
level is correspondingly smaller.

High–Sensitivity Harmonics Measurements
If harmonics have very small levels, the resolution bandwidth required to measure them must be
reduced considerably. The sweep time is, therefore, also increased considerably. In this case, the
measurement of individual harmonics is carried out with the R&S FSL set to a small span. Only the
frequency range around the harmonics will then be measured with a small resolution bandwidth.
Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
128 MHz

– 25 dBm

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is set to its default state.
2. Set the center frequency to 128 MHz and the span to 100 kHz.
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed.
In the dialog box, enter 128 using the numeric keypad and confirm with the MHz key.
Press the SPAN key.
In the dialog box, enter 100 using the numeric keypad and confirm with the kHz key.
The R&S FSL displays the reference signal with a span of 100 kHz and resolution bandwidth of
3 kHz.
3. Switching on the marker.
Press the MKR key.
The marker is positioned on the trace maximum.
4. Set the measured signal frequency and the measured level as reference values
Press the Phase Noise/Ref Fixed softkey.
The position of the marker becomes the reference point. The reference point level is indicated
by a horizontal line, the reference point frequency with a vertical line. At the same time, the
delta marker 2 is switched on.
Press the Ref Fixed softkey.





Measurement of Harmonics

The mode changes from phase noise measurement to reference fixed, the marker readout
changes from dB/Hz to dB.

Fig. 2-2

Fundamental wave and the frequency and level reference point

5. Make the step size for the center frequency equal to the signal frequency
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed.
Press the CF–Stepsize softkey and press the = Marker softkey in the submenu.
The step size for the center frequency is now equal to the marker frequency.

6. Set the center frequency to the 2 harmonic of the signal
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed.
Press the UPARROW key once.
The center frequency is set to the 2
7. Place the delta marker on the 2





Press the MKR–> key.
Press the Peak softkey.




Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals


The delta marker moves to the maximum of the 2 harmonic. The displayed level result is
relative to the reference point level (= fundamental wave level).

Fig. 2-3
Measuring the level difference between the fundamental wave (= reference point
level) and the 2 harmonic
The other harmonics are measured with steps 5 and 6, the center frequency being incremented or
decremented in steps of 128 MHz using the UPARROW or DNARROW key.

Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals
Separating Signals by Selecting an Appropriate Resolution
A basic feature of a spectrum analyzer is being able to separate the spectral components of a mixture
of signals. The resolution at which the individual components can be separated is determined by the
resolution bandwidth. Selecting a resolution bandwidth that is too large may make it impossible to
distinguish between spectral components, i.e. they are displayed as a single component.
An RF sinusoidal signal is displayed by means of the passband characteristic of the resolution filter
(RBW) that has been set. Its specified bandwidth is the 3 dB bandwidth of the filter.
Two signals with the same amplitude can be resolved if the resolution bandwidth is smaller than or
equal to the frequency spacing of the signal. If the resolution bandwidth is equal to the frequency
spacing, the spectrum display screen shows a level drop of 3 dB precisely in the center of the two
signals. Decreasing the resolution bandwidth makes the level drop larger, which thus makes the
individual signals clearer.
If there are large level differences between signals, the resolution is determined by selectivity as well as
by the resolution bandwidth that has been selected. The measure of selectivity used for spectrum
analyzers is the ratio of the 60 dB bandwidth to the 3 dB bandwidth (= shape factor).
For the R&S FSL, the shape factor for bandwidths is < 5, i.e. the 60 dB bandwidth of the 30 kHz filter is
< 150 kHz.





Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals

The higher spectral resolution with smaller bandwidths is won by longer sweep times for the same
span. The sweep time has to allow the resolution filters to settle during a sweep at all signal levels and
frequencies to be displayed. It is given by the following formula.

SWT = k • Span/RBW 2




max. sweep time for correct measurement



factor depending on type of resolution filter
= 1 for digital IF filters




= resolution bandwidth

frequency display range

If the resolution bandwidth is reduced by a factor of 3, the sweep time is increased by a factor of 9.

The impact of the video bandwidth on the sweep time is not taken into account in (4). For the
formula to be applied, the video bandwidth must be 3 x the resolution bandwidth.

FFT filters can be used for resolution bandwidths up to 30 kHz. Like digital filters, they have a shape
factor of less than 5 up to 30 kHz. For FFT filters, however, the sweep time is given by the following
SWT = k span/RBW


If the resolution bandwidth is reduced by a factor of 3, the sweep time is increased by a factor of 3 only.

Intermodulation Measurements
If several signals are applied to a transmission two–port device with nonlinear characteristic,
intermodulation products appear at its output by the sums and differences of the signals. The nonlinear
characteristic produces harmonics of the useful signals which intermodulate at the characteristic. The
intermodulation products of lower order have a special effect since their level is largest and they are
near the useful signals. The intermodulation product of third order causes the highest interference. It is
the intermodulation product generated from one of the useful signals and the 2nd harmonic of the
second useful signal in case of two–tone modulation.
The frequencies of the intermodulation products are above and below the useful signals. Fig. 2-4 shows
intermodulation products PI1 and P generated by the two useful signals PU1 and PU2.

Fig. 2-4

Intermodulation products PU1 and PU2




Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals


The intermodulation product at fI2 is generated by mixing the 2nd harmonic of useful signal PU2 and
signal PU1, the intermodulation product at fI1 by mixing the 2nd harmonic of useful signal PU1 and signal
fi1 = 2 x fu1 – fu2


fi2 = 2 x fu2 – fu1


The level of the intermodulation products depends on the level of the useful signals. If the two useful
signals are increased by 1 dB, the level of the intermodulation products increases by 3 dB, which
means that spacing aD3 between intermodulation signals and useful signals are reduced by 2 dB. This is
illustrated in Fig. 2-5.

Fig. 2-5

Dependence of intermodulation level on useful signal level

The useful signals at the two–port output increase proportionally with the input level as long as the two–
port is in the linear range. A level change of 1 dB at the input causes a level change of 1 dB at the
output. Beyond a certain input level, the two–port goes into compression and the output level stops
increasing. The intermodulation products of the third order increase three times as much as the useful
signals. The intercept point is the fictitious level where the two lines intersect. It cannot be measured
directly since the useful level is previously limited by the maximum two–port output power.
It can be calculated from the known line slopes and the measured spacing aD3 at a given level
according to the following formula.
IP 3 =

aD 3
+ PN



The 3 order intercept point (TOI), for example, is calculated for an intermodulation of 60 dB and an
input level PU of –20 dBm according to the following formula:

IP 3 =

+ ( 20dBm ) = 10dBm






Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals

Measurement example – Measuring the R&S FSL's intrinsic intermodulation
Test setup:

Generator 1

[- 6 dB]


Generator 2

Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):


Signal generator 1

–4 dBm

999.7 MHz

Signal generator 2

–4 dBm

1000.3 MHz

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default settings.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is in its default state.
2. Set center frequency to 1 GHz and the frequency span to 3 MHz.
Press the FREQ key and enter 1 GHz.
Press the SPAN key and enter 3 MHz.
3. Set the reference level to –10 dBm and RF attenuation to 0 dB.
Press the AMPT key and enter –10 dBm.
Press the RF Atten Manual softkey and enter 0 dB.
4. Set the resolution bandwidth to 10 kHz.
Press the BW key.
Press the Res BW Manual softkey and enter 10 kHz.
The noise is reduced, the trace is smoothed further and the intermodulation products can be
clearly seen.
Press the Video BW Manual softkey and enter 1 kHz.




Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals



5. Measuring intermodulation by means of the 3 order intercept measurement function
Press the MEAS key.
Press the TOI softkey.
The R&S FSL activates four markers for measuring the intermodulation distance. Two markers
are positioned on the useful signals and two on the intermodulation products. The 3 order
intercept is calculated from the level difference between the useful signals and the
intermodulation products. It is then displayed on the screen:


Fig. 2-6
Result of intrinsic intermodulation measurement on the R&S FSL. The 3 order
intercept (TOI) is displayed at the top right corner of the grid.
The level of a spectrum analyzer's intrinsic intermodulation products depends on the RF level of the
useful signals at the input mixer. When the RF attenuation is added, the mixer level is reduced and
the intermodulation distance is increased. With an additional RF attenuation of 10 dB, the levels of
the intermodulation products are reduced by 20 dB. The noise level is, however, increased by 10
6. Increasing RF attenuation to 10 dB to reduce intermodulation products.
Press the AMPT key.
Press the RF Atten Manual softkey and enter 10 dB.
The R&S FSL's intrinsic intermodulation products disappear below the noise floor.





Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals

Fig. 2-7
If the RF attenuation is increased, the R&S FSL's intrinsic intermodulation products
disappear below the noise floor.

Calculation method:
The method used by the R&S FSL to calculate the intercept point takes the average useful signal level
Pu in dBm and calculates the intermodulation d3 in dB as a function of the average value of the levels of
the two intermodulation products. The third order intercept (TOI) is then calculated as follows:
TOI/dBm = ½ d3 + Pu
Intermodulation– free dynamic range
The Intermodulation – free dynamic range, i.e. the level range in which no internal intermodulation
products are generated if two–tone signals are measured, is determined by the 3 order intercept point,
the phase noise and the thermal noise of the spectrum analyzer. At high signal levels, the range is
determined by intermodulation products. At low signal levels, intermodulation products disappear below
the noise floor, i.e. the noise floor and the phase noise of the spectrum analyzer determine the range.
The noise floor and the phase noise depend on the resolution bandwidth that has been selected. At the
smallest resolution bandwidth, the noise floor and phase noise are at a minimum and so the maximum
range is obtained. However, a large increase in sweep time is required for small resolution bandwidths.
It is, therefore, best to select the largest resolution bandwidth possible to obtain the range that is
required. Since phase noise decreases as the carrier–offset increases, its influence decreases with
increasing frequency offset from the useful signals.
The following diagrams illustrate the intermodulation–free dynamic range as a function of the selected
bandwidth and of the level at the input mixer (= signal level – set RF attenuation) at different useful
signal offsets.




Measuring the Spectra of Complex Signals


Distortion free Dynamic Range
(1 MHz carrier offset)

Dyn range /

RWB = 1 kHz


RWB = 100 Hz


RWB = 10 Hz


Thermal Noise
+ Phase Noise







Mixer level /dBm

Fig. 2-8
Intermodulation–free range of the R&S FSL as a function of level at the input mixer and the
set resolution bandwidth (useful signal offset = 1 MHz, DANL = –145 dBm /Hz, TOI = 15 dBm; typical
values at 2 GHz)
The optimum mixer level, i.e. the level at which the intermodulation distance is at its maximum, depends
on the bandwidth. At a resolution bandwidth of 10 Hz, it is approx. –35 dBm and at 1 kHz increases to
approx. –30 dBm.
Phase noise has a considerable influence on the intermodulation–free range at carrier offsets between
10 and 100 kHz (Fig. 2-9). At greater bandwidths, the influence of the phase noise is greater than it
would be with small bandwidths. The optimum mixer level at the bandwidths under consideration
becomes almost independent of bandwidth and is approx. –40 dBm.

Dyn. range /dB

Distortion free Dynamic Range
(10 to 100 kHz carrier offset)


RBW = 1 kHz


RBW = 100 Hz


RBW = 10 Hz


Thermal Noise
+ Phase Noise







Mixer level /dBm

Fig. 2-9
Intermodulation–free dynamic range of the R&S FSL as a function of level at the input
mixer and of the selected resolution bandwidth (useful signal offset = 10 to 100 kHz, DANL = –145 dBm
/Hz, TOI = 15 dBm; typical values at 2 GHz).





Measuring Signals in the Vicinity of Noise

If the intermodulation products of a DUT with a very high dynamic range are to be measured
and the resolution bandwidth to be used is therefore very small, it is best to measure the levels
of the useful signals and those of the intermodulation products separately using a small span.
The measurement time will be reduced– in particular if the offset of the useful signals is large.
To find signals reliably when frequency span is small, it is best to synchronize the signal
sources and the R&S FSL.

Measuring Signals in the Vicinity of Noise
The minimum signal level a spectrum analyzer can measure is limited by its intrinsic noise. Small
signals can be swamped by noise and therefore cannot be measured. For signals that are just above
the intrinsic noise, the accuracy of the level measurement is influenced by the intrinsic noise of the
spectrum analyzer.
The displayed noise level of a spectrum analyzer depends on its noise figure, the selected RF
attenuation, the selected reference level, the selected resolution and video bandwidth and the detector.
The effect of the different parameters is explained in the following.
Impact of the RF attenuation setting
The sensitivity of a spectrum analyzer is directly influenced by the selected RF attenuation. The highest
sensitivity is obtained at a RF attenuation of 0 dB. The attenuation can be set in 10 dB steps up to 70
dB. Each additional 10 dB step reduces the sensitivity by 10 dB, i.e. the displayed noise is increased by
10 dB.
Impact of the resolution bandwidth
The sensitivity of a spectrum analyzer also directly depends on the selected bandwidth. The highest
sensitivity is obtained at the smallest bandwidth (for the R&S FSL: 10 Hz, for FFT filtering: 1 Hz). If the
bandwidth is increased, the reduction in sensitivity is proportional to the change in bandwidth. The
R&S FSL has bandwidth settings in 1, 3, 10 sequence. Increasing the bandwidth by a factor of 3
increases the displayed noise by approx. 5 dB (4.77 dB precisely). If the bandwidth is increased by a
factor of 10, the displayed noise increases by a factor of 10, i.e. 10 dB.
Impact of the video bandwidth
The displayed noise of a spectrum analyzer is also influenced by the selected video bandwidth. If the
video bandwidth is considerably smaller than the resolution bandwidth, noise spikes are suppressed,
i.e. the trace becomes much smoother. The level of a sinewave signal is not influenced by the video
bandwidth. A sinewave signal can therefore be freed from noise by using a video bandwidth that is
small compared with the resolution bandwidth, and thus be measured more accurately.
Impact of the detector
Noise is evaluated differently by the different detectors. The noise display is therefore influenced by the
choice of detector. Sinewave signals are weighted in the same way by all detectors, i.e. the level
display for a sinewave RF signal does not depend on the selected detector, provided that the signal–to–
noise ratio is high enough. The measurement accuracy for signals in the vicinity of intrinsic spectrum
analyzer noise is also influenced by the detector which has been selected. For details on the detectors
of the R&S FSL refer to chapter "Instrument Functions", section "Detector overview" or the Online Help.




Measuring Signals in the Vicinity of Noise


Measurement example – Measuring level at low S/N ratios
The example shows the different factors influencing the S/N ratio.
Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
128 MHz

– 80 dBm

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is in its default state.
2. Set the center frequency to 128 MHz and the frequency span to 100 MHz.
Press the FREQ key and enter 128 MHz.
Press the SPAN key and enter 100 MHz.
3. Set the RF attenuation to 60 dB to attenuate the input signal or to increase the intrinsic noise.
Press the AMPT key.
Press the RF Atten Manual softkey and enter 60 dB.
The RF attenuation indicator is marked with an asterisk (*Att 60 dB) to show that it is no longer
coupled to the reference level. The high input attenuation reduces the reference signal which
can no longer be detected in noise.

Fig. 2-10 Sinewave signal with low S/N ratio. The signal is measured with the auto peak
detector and is completely hidden in the intrinsic noise of the R&S FSL.
4. To suppress noise spikes the trace can be averaged.
Press the TRACE key.
Press the Trace Mode key.





Measuring Signals in the Vicinity of Noise

Press the Average softkey.
The traces of consecutive sweeps are averaged. To perform averaging, the R&S FSL
automatically switches on the sample detector. The RF signal, therefore, can be more clearly
distinguished from noise.

Fig. 2-11 RF sinewave signal with low S/N ratio if the trace is averaged.
5. Instead of trace averaging, a video filter that is narrower than the resolution bandwidth can be
Press the Trace Mode key.
Press the Clear Write softkey.
Press the BW key.
Press the Video BW Manual softkey and enter 10 kHz.
The RF signal can be more clearly distinguished from noise.

Fig. 2-12 RF sinewave signal with low S/N ratio if a smaller video bandwidth is selected.




Measuring Signals in the Vicinity of Noise


6. By reducing the resolution bandwidth by a factor of 10, the noise is reduced by 10 dB.
Press the Res BW Manual softkey and enter 300 kHz.
The displayed noise is reduced by approx. 10 dB. The signal, therefore, emerges from noise by
about 10 dB. Compared to the previous setting, the video bandwidth has remained the same,
i.e. it has increased relative to the smaller resolution bandwidth. The averaging effect of the
video bandwidth is therefore reduced. The trace will be noisier.

Fig. 2-13 Reference signal at a smaller resolution bandwidth





Noise Measurements

Noise Measurements
Noise measurements play an important role in spectrum analysis. Noise e.g. affects the sensitivity of
radio communication systems and their components.
Noise power is specified either as the total power in the transmission channel or as the power referred
to a bandwidth of 1 Hz. The sources of noise are, for example, amplifier noise or noise generated by
oscillators used for the frequency conversion of useful signals in receivers or transmitters. The noise at
the output of an amplifier is determined by its noise figure and gain.
The noise of an oscillator is determined by phase noise near the oscillator frequency and by thermal
noise of the active elements far from the oscillator frequency. Phase noise can mask weak signals near
the oscillator frequency and make them impossible to detect.

Measuring Noise Power Density
To measure noise power referred to a bandwidth of 1 Hz at a certain frequency, the R&S FSL provides
marker function. This marker function calculates the noise power density from the measured marker

Measurement example – Measuring the intrinsic noise power density of the
R&S FSL at 1 GHz and calculating the R&S FSL's noise figure
Test setup:
Connect no signal to the RF input; terminate RF input with 50 P.
1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is in its default state.
2. Set the center frequency to 1.234 GHz and the span to 1 MHz.
Press the FREQ key and enter 1.234 GHz.
Press the SPAN key and enter 1 MHz.
3. Switch on the marker and set the marker frequency to 1.234 GHz.
Press the MKR key and enter 1.234 GHz.
4. Switch on the noise marker function.
Switch on the Noise Meas softkey.
The R&S FSL displays the noise power at 1 GHz in dBm (1 Hz).

Since noise is random, a sufficiently long measurement time has to be selected to obtain stable
measurement results. This can be achieved by averaging the trace or by selecting a very small
video bandwidth relative to the resolution bandwidth.




Noise Measurements


5. The measurement result is stabilized by averaging the trace.
Press the TRACE key.
Press the Trace Mode key.
Press the Average softkey.
The R&S FSL performs sliding averaging over 10 traces from consecutive sweeps. The
measurement result becomes more stable.
Conversion to other reference bandwidths
The result of the noise measurement can be referred to other bandwidths by simple conversion. This is
done by adding 10 log (BW) to the measurement result, BW being the new reference bandwidth.
A noise power of –150 dBm (1 Hz) is to be referred to a bandwidth of 1 kHz.
P[1kHz] = –150 + 10 * log (1000) = –150 +30 = –120 dBm (1 kHz)
Calculation method for noise power
If the noise marker is switched on, the R&S FSL automatically activates the sample detector. The video
bandwidth is set to 1/10 of the selected resolution bandwidth (RBW).
To calculate the noise, the R&S FSL takes an average over 17 adjacent pixels (the pixel on which the
marker is positioned and 8 pixels to the left, 8 pixels to the right of the marker). The measurement result
is stabilized by video filtering and averaging over 17 pixels.
Since both video filtering and averaging over 17 trace points is performed in the log display mode, the
result would be 2.51 dB too low (difference between logarithmic noise average and noise power). The
R&S FSL, therefore, corrects the noise figure by 2.51 dB.
To standardize the measurement result to a bandwidth of 1 Hz, the result is also corrected by –10 * log
(RBW noise), with RBW noise being the power bandwidth of the selected resolution filter (RBW).
Detector selection
The noise power density is measured in the default setting with the sample detector and using
averaging. Other detectors that can be used to perform a measurement giving true results are the
average detector or the RMS detector. If the average detector is used, the linear video voltage is
averaged and displayed as a pixel. If the RMS detector is used, the squared video voltage is averaged
and displayed as a pixel. The averaging time depends on the selected sweep time (=SWT/501). An
increase in the sweep time gives a longer averaging time per pixel and thus stabilizes the measurement
result. The R&S FSL automatically corrects the measurement result of the noise marker display
depending on the selected detector (+1.05 dB for the average detector, 0 d for the RMS detector). It is
assumed that the video bandwidth is set to at least three times the resolution bandwidth. While the
average or RMS detector is being switched on, the R&S FSL sets the video bandwidth to a suitable
The Pos Peak, Neg Peak, Auto Peak and Quasi Peak detectors are not suitable for measuring noise
power density.
Determining the noise figure
The noise figure of amplifiers or of the R&S FSL alone can be obtained from the noise power display.
Based on the known thermal noise power of a 50 resistor at room temperature (–174 dBm (1Hz)) and
the measured noise power Pnoise the noise figure (NF) is obtained as follows:
NF = Pnoise + 174 – g,
where g = gain of DUT in dB




Noise Measurements

The measured internal noise power of the R&S FSL at an attenuation of 0 dB is found to be –143
dBm/1 Hz. The noise figure of the R&S FSL is obtained as follows
NF = –143 + 174 = 31 dB

If noise power is measured at the output of an amplifier, for example, the sum of the internal
noise power and the noise power at the output of the DUT is measured. The noise power of the
DUT can be obtained by subtracting the internal noise power from the total power (subtraction
of linear noise powers). By means of the following diagram, the noise level of the DUT can be
estimated from the level difference between the total and the internal noise level.


factor in dB










10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Total power/intrinsic noise power in dB

Fig. 2-14
Correction factor for measured noise power as a function of the ratio of total power to the
intrinsic noise power of the spectrum analyzer

Measurement of Noise Power within a Transmission
Noise in any bandwidth can be measured with the channel power measurement functions. Thus the
noise power in a communication channel can be determined, for example. If the noise spectrum within
the channel bandwidth is flat, the noise marker from the previous example can be used to determine the
noise power in the channel by considering the channel bandwidth. If, however, phase noise and noise
that normally increases towards the carrier is dominant in the channel to be measured, or if there are
discrete spurious signals in the channel, the channel power measurement method must be used to
obtain correct measurement results.




Noise Measurements


Measurement example – Measuring the intrinsic noise of the R&S FSL at 1 GHz in a
1.23 MHz channel bandwidth with the channel power function
Test setup:
Leave the RF input of the R&S FSL open–circuited or terminate it with 50


1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is in its default state.
2. Set the center frequency to 1 GHz and the span to 1 MHz.
Press the FREQ key and enter 1 GHz.
Press the SPAN key and enter 2 MHz.
3. To obtain maximum sensitivity, set RF attenuation on the R&S FSL to 0 dB.
Press the AMPT key.
Press the RF Atten Manual softkey and enter 0 dB.
4. Switch on and configure the channel power measurement.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the CP, ACP, MC–ACP softkey.
The R&S FSL activates the channel or adjacent channel power measurement according to the
currently set configuration.
Press the CP/ACP Config softkey.
The submenu for configuring the channel is displayed.
Press the Channel Settings softkey.
The submenu for channel settings is displayed.
Press the Channel Bandwidth softkey and enter 1.23 MHz.
The R&S FSL displays the 1.23 MHz channel as two vertical lines which are symmetrical to the
center frequency.
Press the Adjust Settings softkey.
The settings for the frequency span, the bandwidth (RBW and VBW) and the detector are
automatically set to the optimum values required for the measurement.





Noise Measurements

Fig. 2-15 Measurement of the R&S FSL's intrinsic noise power in a 1.23 MHz channel
5. Stabilizing the measurement result by increasing the sweep time
Press the H key twice.
The main menu for channel and adjacent channel power measurement is displayed.
Press the Sweep Time softkey and enter 1 s.
The trace becomes much smoother because of the RMS detector and the channel power
measurement display is much more stable.
Method of calculating the channel power
When measuring the channel power, the R&S FSL integrates the linear power which corresponds to the
levels of the pixels within the selected channel. The spectrum analyzer uses a resolution bandwidth
which is far smaller than the channel bandwidth. When sweeping over the channel, the channel filter is
formed by the passband characteristics of the resolution bandwidth (see Fig. 2-16).

-3 dB
Resolution filter


Channel bandwith

Fig. 2-16

Approximating the channel filter by sweeping with a small resolution bandwidth




Noise Measurements


The following steps are performed:

The linear power of all the trace pixels within the channel is calculated.

Pi = 10

where Pi = power of the trace pixel i
Li = displayed level of trace point i

The powers of all trace pixels within the channel are summed up and the sum is divided by the
number of trace pixels in the channel.


The result is multiplied by the quotient of the selected channel bandwidth and the noise bandwidth
of the resolution filter (RBW).

Since the power calculation is performed by integrating the trace within the channel bandwidth, this
method is also called the IBW method (Integration Bandwidth method).
Parameter settings
For selection of the sweep time, see next section. For details on the parameter settings refer to chapter
"Instrument Functions", section "Settings of the CP / ACP test parameters" or the Online Help.
Sweep time selection
The number of A/D converter values, N, used to calculate the power, is defined by the sweep time. The
time per trace pixel for power measurements is directly proportional to the selected sweep time.
If the sample detector is used, it is best to select the smallest sweep time possible for a given span and
resolution bandwidth. The minimum time is obtained if the setting is coupled. This means that the time
per measurement is minimal. Extending the measurement time does not have any advantages as the
number of samples for calculating the power is defined by the number of trace pixels in the channel.
If the RMS detector is used, the repeatability of the measurement results can be influenced by the
selection of sweep times. Repeatability is increased at longer sweep times.
Repeatability can be estimated from the following diagram:
max. error/dB
95 % Confidence


99 % Confidence







Number of samples

Fig. 2-17
Repeatability of channel power measurements as a function of the number of samples
used for power calculation





Noise Measurements

The curves in Fig. 2-17 indicate the repeatability obtained with a probability of 95% and 99% depending
on the number of samples used.
The repeatability with 600 samples is ± 0.5 dB. This means that – if the sample detector and a channel
bandwidth over the whole diagram (channel bandwidth = span) is used – the measured value lies within
± 0.5 dB of the true value with a confidence level of 99%.
If the RMS detector is used, the number of samples can be estimated as follows:
Since only uncorrelated samples contribute to the RMS value, the number of samples can be calculated
from the sweep time and the resolution bandwidth.
Samples can be assumed to be uncorrelated if sampling is performed at intervals of 1/RBW. The
number of uncorrelated samples is calculated as follows:
Ndecorr = SWT RBW (Ndecorr means uncorrelated samples)
The number of uncorrelated samples per trace pixel is obtained by dividing Ndecorr by 501 (= pixels per
At a resolution bandwidth of 30 kHz and a sweep time of 100 ms, 3000 uncorrelated samples are
obtained. If the channel bandwidth is equal to the frequency display range, i.e. all trace pixels are used
for the channel power measurement, a repeatability of 0.2 dB with a probability of 99% is the estimate
that can be derived from Fig. 2-17.

Measuring Phase Noise
The R&S FSL has an easy–to–use marker function for phase noise measurements. This marker
function indicates the phase noise of an RF oscillator at any carrier in dBc in a bandwidth of 1 Hz.

Measurement example – Measuring the phase noise of a signal generator at a
carrier offset of 10 kHz
Test setup:



Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
100 MHz

0 dBm

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
R&S FSL is in its default state.



Noise Measurements


2. Set the center frequency to 100 MHz and the span to 50 kHz.
Press the FREQ key and enter 100 MHz.
Press the SPAN key and enter 50 kHz.
3. Set the R&S FSL's reference level to 0 dBm (=signal generator level).
Press the AMPT key and enter 0 dBm.
4. Enable phase noise measurement.
Press the MKR key.
Press the Phase Noise/Ref Fixed softkey.
The R&S FSL activates phase noise measurement. Marker 1 (=main marker) and marker 2 (=
delta marker) are positioned on the signal maximum. The position of the marker is the
reference (level and frequency) for the phase noise measurement. A horizontal line represents
the level of the reference point and a vertical line the frequency of the reference point. The
dialog box for the delta marker is displayed so that the frequency offset at which the phase
noise is to be measured can be entered directly.
5. Set the frequency offset to 10 kHz for determining phase noise.
Enter 10 kHz.
The R&S FSL displays the phase noise at a frequency offset of 10 kHz. The magnitude of the
phase noise in dBc/Hz is displayed in the delta marker output field at the top right of the screen
6. Stabilize the measurement result by activating trace averaging.
Press the TRACE key.
Press the Trace Mode key.
Press the Average softkey.

Fig. 2-18 Measuring phase noise with the phase–noise marker function
The frequency offset can be varied by moving the marker with the rotary knob or by entering a
new frequency offset as a number.





Measurements on Modulated Signals

Measurements on Modulated Signals
For measurements on AM and FM signals refer to the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5, "Basic
Measurements Examples".

Measuring Channel Power and Adjacent Channel Power
Measuring channel power and adjacent channel power is one of the most important tasks in the field of
digital transmission for a spectrum analyzer with the necessary test routines. While, theoretically,
channel power could be measured at highest accuracy with a power meter, its low selectivity means
that it is not suitable for measuring adjacent channel power as an absolute value or relative to the
transmit channel power. The power in the adjacent channels can only be measured with a selective
power meter.
A spectrum analyzer cannot be classified as a true power meter, because it displays the IF envelope
voltage. However, it is calibrated such as to correctly display the power of a pure sinewave signal
irrespective of the selected detector. This calibration cannot be applied for non–sinusoidal signals.
Assuming that the digitally modulated signal has a Gaussian amplitude distribution, the signal power
within the selected resolution bandwidth can be obtained using correction factors. These correction
factors are normally used by the spectrum analyzer's internal power measurement routines in order to
determine the signal power from IF envelope measurements. These factors apply if and only if the
assumption of a Gaussian amplitude distribution is correct.
Apart from this common method, the R&S FSL also has a true power detector, i.e. an RMS detector. It
correctly displays the power of the test signal within the selected resolution bandwidth irrespective of
the amplitude distribution, without additional correction factors being required. The absolute
measurement uncertainty of the R&S FSL is < 1.5 dB and a relative measurement uncertainty of < 0.5
dB (each with a confidence level of 95%).
There are two possible methods for measuring channel and adjacent channel power with a spectrum

IBW method (Integration Bandwidth Method)
The spectrum analyzer measures with a resolution bandwidth that is less than the channel
bandwidth and integrates the level values of the trace versus the channel bandwidth. This method
is described in section "Method of calculating the channel power".


Using a channel filter
For a detailed description, refer to the following section.

Measurement using a channel filter
In this case, the spectrum analyzer makes zero span measurements using an IF filter that corresponds
to the channel bandwidth. The power is measured at the output of the IF filter. Until now, this method
has not been used for spectrum analyzers, because channel filters were not available and the
resolution bandwidths, optimized for the sweep, did not have a sufficient selectivity. The method was
reserved for special receivers optimized for a particular transmission method. It is available in R&S
FSQ, FSU, FSP, FSL and ESL series.
The R&S FSL has test routines for simple channel and adjacent channel power measurements. These
routines give quick results without any complex or tedious setting procedures.




Measurements on Modulated Signals


Measurement example 1 – ACPR measurement on an CDMA 2000 signal
Test setup:



Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
850 MHz

0 dBm


CDMA 2000

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is in its default state.
2. Set the center frequency to 850 MHz and span to 4 MHz.
Press the FREQ key and enter 850 MHz.
Press the SPAN key and enter 4 MHz.
3. Set the reference level to +10 dBm.
Press the AMPT key and enter 10 dBm.
4. Configuring the adjacent channel power for the CDMA 2000 MC1.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the CP, ACP, MC–ACP softkey.
Press the CP / ACP Standard softkey.
In the standards list, mark CDMA 2000 MC1 using the rotary knob or the arrow keys and confirm
pressing the rotary knob or the ENTER key.
The R&S FSL sets the channel configuration according to the 2000 MC1 standard for mobile
stations with 2 adjacent channels above and below the transmit channel. The spectrum is
displayed in the upper part of the screen, the numeric values of the results and the channel
configuration in the lower part of the screen. The various channels are represented by vertical
lines on the graph.
The frequency span, resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth and detector are selected
automatically to give correct results. To obtain stable results – especially in the adjacent
channels (30 kHz bandwidth) which are narrow in comparison with the transmission channel
bandwidth (1.23 MHz) – the RMS detector is used.





Measurements on Modulated Signals

5. Set the optimal reference level and RF attenuation for the applied signal level.
Press the Adjust Ref Level softkey.
The R&S FSL sets the optimal RF attenuation and the reference level based on the
transmission channel power to obtain the maximum dynamic range. Fig. 2-19 shows the result
of the measurement.

Fig. 2-19 Adjacent channel power measurement on a CDMA 2000 MC1 signal
The repeatability of the results, especially in the narrow adjacent channels, strongly depends on
the measurement time since the dwell time within the 30 kHz channels is only a fraction of the
complete sweep time. A longer sweep time may increase the probability that the measured
value converges to the true value of the adjacent channel power, but this increases
measurement time.
To avoid long measurement times, the R&S FSL measures the adjacent channel power with
zero span (fast ACP mode). In the fast ACP mode, the R&S FSL measures the power of each
channel at the defined channel bandwidth, while being tuned to the center frequency of the
channel in question. The digital implementation of the resolution bandwidths makes it possible
to select filter characteristics that is precisely tailored to the signal. In case of CDMA 2000 MC1,
the power in the useful channel is measured with a bandwidth of 1.23 MHz and that of the
adjacent channels with a bandwidth of 30 kHz. Therefore the R&S FSL changes from one
channel to the other and measures the power at a bandwidth of 1.23 MHz or 30 kHz using the
RMS detector. The measurement time per channel is set with the sweep time. It is equal to the
selected measurement time divided by the selected number of channels. The five channels
from the above example and the sweep time of 100 ms give a measurement time per channel
of 20 ms.
Compared to the measurement time per channel given by the span (= 5 MHz) and sweep time
(= 100 ms, equal to 0.600 ms per 30 kHz channel) used in the example, this is a far longer
dwell time on the adjacent channels (factor of 12). In terms of the number of uncorrelated
samples this means 20000/33 Rs = 606 samples per channel measurement compared to
600/33Rs = 12.5 samples per channel measurement.
Repeatability with a confidence level of 95% is increased from ± 1.4 dB to ± 0.38 dB as shown
in Fig. 2-17. For the same repeatability, the sweep time would have to be set to 1.2 s with the
integration method. Fig. 2-20 shows the standard deviation of the results as a function of the
sweep time.




Measurements on Modulated Signals


ACPR Repeatability IS95
IBW Method


Standard dev / dB


Adjacent channels

Alternate channels


Tx channel



Sweep time/ms

Fig. 2-20 Repeatability of adjacent channel power measurement on CDMA 2000 standard
signals if the integration bandwidth method is used
6. Switch to fast ACP mode to increase the repeatability of results.
Switch the Fast ACP softkey to On.
The R&S FSL measures the power of each channel with zero span. The trace represents
power as a function of time for each channel (see Fig. 2-23). The numerical results over
consecutive measurements become much more stable.

Fig. 2-21 Measuring the channel power and adjacent channel power ratio for 2000 MC1
signals with zero span (Fast ACP)
Fig. 2-22 shows the repeatability of power measurements in the transmit channel and of relative
power measurements in the adjacent channels as a function of sweep time. The standard
deviation of measurement results is calculated from 100 consecutive measurements as shown
in Fig. 2-22. Take scaling into account if comparing power values.





Measurements on Modulated Signals

ACPR IS95 Re pe atability


Standard dev /dB


Adjacent channels

Tx channel


Alternate channels



Sweep tim e/m s

Fig. 2-22 Repeatability of adjacent channel power measurements on CDMA 2000 signals in
the fast ACP mode

Note on adjacent channel power measurements on 2000 MC1 base–station signals:
When measuring the adjacent channel power of 2000 MC1 base–station signals, the frequency spacing
of the adjacent channel to the nominal transmit channel is specified as ±750 kHz. The adjacent
channels are, therefore, so close to the transmit channel that the power of the transmit signal
leaks across and is also measured in the adjacent channel if the usual method using the 30
kHz resolution bandwidth is applied. The reason is the low selectivity of the 30 kHz resolution
filter. The resolution bandwidth, therefore, must be reduced considerably, e.g. to 3 kHz to avoid
this. This causes very long measurement times (factor of 100 between a 30 kHz and 3 kHz
resolution bandwidth).
This effect is avoided with the zero span method which uses steep IF filters. The 30 kHz channel filter
implemented in the R&S FSL has a very high selectivity so that even with a ± 750 kHz spacing
to the transmit channel the power of the useful modulation spectrum is not measured.




Measurements on Modulated Signals


The following figure shows the passband characteristics of the 30 kHz channel filter in the R&S FSL.

Fig. 2-23
Frequency response of the 30 kHz channel filter for measuring the power in the 2000 MC1
adjacent channel

Measurement example 2 – Measuring adjacent channel power of a W–CDMA uplink
Test setup:



Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
1950 MHz

4 dBm


3 GPP W–CDMA Reverse Link

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is in its default state.
2. Set the center frequency to 1950 MHz.
Press the FREQ key and enter 1950 MHz.





Measurements on Modulated Signals

3. Switch on the ACP measurement for W–CDMA.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the CP, ACP, MC–ACP softkey.
Press the CP / ACP Standard softkey.
In the standards list, mark W–CDMA 3GPP REV using the rotary knob or the arrow keys and
confirm pressing the rotary knob or the ENTER key.
The R&S FSL sets the channel configuration to the 3GPP W–CDMA standard for mobiles with
two adjacent channels above and below the transmit channel. The frequency span, the
resolution and video bandwidth and the detector are automatically set to the correct values. The
spectrum is displayed in the upper part of the screen and the channel power, the level ratios of
the adjacent channel powers and the channel configuration in the lower part of the screen. The
individual channels are displayed as vertical lines on the graph.
4. Set the optimum reference level and the RF attenuation for the applied signal level.
Press the Adjust Ref Level softkey.
The R&S FSL sets the optimum RF attenuation and the reference level for the power in the
transmission channel to obtain the maximum dynamic range. The following figure shows the
result of the measurement.

Fig. 2-24 Measuring the relative adjacent channel power on a W–CDMA uplink signal
5. Measuring adjacent channel power with the fast ACP mode.
Set Fast ACP softkey to On.
Press the Adjust Ref Level softkey.
The R&S FSL measures the power of the individual channels with zero span. A root raised
cosine filter with the parameters = 0.22 and chip rate 3.84 Mcps (= receive filter for 3GPP W–
CDMA) is used as channel filter.




Measurements on Modulated Signals


Fig. 2-25 Measuring the adjacent channel power of a W–CDMA signal with the fast ACP


With W–CDMA, the R&S FSL's dynamic range for adjacent channel measurements is limited by
the 12–bit A/D converter. The greatest dynamic range is, therefore, obtained with the IBW

Optimum Level Setting for ACP Measurements on W–CDMA Signals
The dynamic range for ACPR measurements is limited by the thermal noise floor, the phase noise and
the intermodulation (spectral regrowth) of the spectrum analyzer. The power values produced by the
R&S FSL due to these factors accumulate linearly. They depend on the applied level at the input mixer.
The three factors are shown in the figure below for the adjacent channel (5 MHz carrier offset).
ACLR / dBc




Thermal Noise








Optimum Range



Mixer Level / dBm

Fig. 2-26
The R&S FSL's dynamic range for adjacent channel power measurements on W–CDMA
uplink signals is a function of the mixer level.





Measurements on Modulated Signals

The level of the W–CDMA signal at the input mixer is shown on the horizontal axis, i.e. the measured
signal level minus the selected RF attenuation. The individual components which contribute to the
power in the adjacent channel and the resulting relative level (total ACPR) in the adjacent channel are
displayed on the vertical axis. The optimum mixer level is –21 dBm. The relative adjacent channel
power (ACPR) at an optimum mixer level is –65 dBc. Since, at a given signal level, the mixer level is set
in 10 dB steps with the 10 dB RF attenuator, the optimum 10 dB range is shown in the figure: it spreads
from –16 dBm to –26 dBm. In this range, the obtainable dynamic range is 62 dB.
To set the attenuation parameter manually, the following method is recommended:

Set the RF attenuation so that the mixer level (= measured channel power – RF attenuation) is
between –11 dBm and –21 dBm.


Set the reference level to the largest possible value where no overload (IFOVL) is indicated.

This method is automated with the Adjust Ref Level function. Especially in remote control mode, e.g.
in production environments, it is best to correctly set the attenuation parameters prior to the
measurement, as the time required for automatic setting can be saved.

To measure the R&S FSL's intrinsic dynamic range for W–CDMA adjacent channel power
measurements, a filter which suppresses the adjacent channel power is required at the output
of the transmitter. A SAW filter with a bandwidth of 4 MHz, for example, can be used.

Amplitude Distribution Measurements
If modulation types are used that do not have a constant zero span envelope, the transmitter has to
handle peak amplitudes that are greater than the average power. This includes all modulation types that
involve amplitude modulation –QPSK for example. CDMA transmission modes in particular may have
power peaks that are large compared to the average power.
For signals of this kind, the transmitter must provide large reserves for the peak power to prevent signal
compression and thus an increase of the bit error rate at the receiver.
The peak power or the crest factor of a signal is therefore an important transmitter design criterion. The
crest factor is defined as the peak power / mean power ratio or, logarithmically, as the peak level minus
the average level of the signal.
To reduce power consumption and cut costs, transmitters are not designed for the largest power that
could ever occur, but for a power that has a specified probability of being exceeded (e.g. 0.01%).
To measure the amplitude distribution, the R&S FSL has simple measurement functions to determine
both the APD = Amplitude Probability Distribution and CCDF = Complementary Cumulative Distribution
In the APD display mode, the probability of occurrence of a certain level is plotted against the level.
In the CCDF display mode, the probability that the mean signal power will be exceeded is shown in




Measurements on Modulated Signals


Measurement example – Measuring the APD and CCDF of white noise generated by
the R&S FSL
1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is in its default state.
2. Configure the R&S FSL for APD measurement
Press the AMPT key and enter –60 dBm.
The R&S FSL's intrinsic noise is displayed at the top of the screen.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the More softkey.
Press the APD softkey.
The R&S FSL sets the frequency span to 0 Hz and measures the amplitude probability
distribution (APD). The number of uncorrelated level measurements used for the measurement
is 100000. The mean power and the peak power are displayed in dBm. The crest factor (peak
power – mean power) is output as well.

Fig. 2-27 Amplitude probability distribution of white noise
3. Switch to the CCDF display mode.
Press the H key.
Press the CCDF softkey.
The CCDF display mode is switched on.





Measurements on Modulated Signals

Fig. 2-28 CCDF of white noise
The CCDF trace indicates the probability that a level will exceed the mean power. The level
above the mean power is plotted along the x–axis of the graph. The origin of the axis
corresponds to the mean power level. The probability that a level will be exceeded is plotted
along the y–axis.
4. Bandwidth selection
When the amplitude distribution is measured, the resolution bandwidth must be set so that the
complete spectrum of the signal to be measured falls within the bandwidth. This is the only way of
ensuring that all the amplitudes will pass through the IF filter without being distorted. If the
resolution bandwidth which is selected is too small for a digitally modulated signal, the amplitude
distribution at the output of the IF filter becomes a Gaussian distribution according to the central
limit theorem and so corresponds to a white noise signal. The true amplitude distribution of the
signal therefore cannot be determined.
5. Selecting the number of samples
For statistics measurements with the R&S FSL, the number of samples NSamples is entered for
statistical evaluation instead of the sweep time. Since only statistically independent samples
contribute to statistics, the measurement or sweep time is calculated automatically and displayed.
The samples are statistically independent if the time difference is at least 1/RBW. The sweep time
SWT is, therefore, expressed as follows:
SWT = NSamples / RBW




Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)


Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)
This section gives background information on Bluetooth Measurements (option K8). It provides
information on the following topics:
Bluetooth Overview
Supported Tests
Overview of Transmitter Tests
Functional Description – Block Diagram
Measurement Filter (Meas Filter On)
Determining Average or Max/Min Values
Trigger Concepts
For further information on measurement examples refer also to the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5 "Basic
Measurement Examples".
This option is available from firmware version 1.30.

Bluetooth Overview
This section provides the following general information on Bluetooth measurements:
Bluetooth technical parameters
Power classes
Structure of a Bluetooth data packet





Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)

Bluetooth technical parameters
Table 2–1 Common Parameters
frequency bands

2402 + (0...78) MHz

channel spacing

1 MHz

symbol rate

1 Msym/s

slot length

625 µsec

(frequency hopping)
packet sizes

1, 3, 5 slot packets

Table 2–2 Modulation Parameters Basic Rate


TX filter


BT /


modulation index

0.28 – 0.35 nominal 0.32

frequency deviation

160 kHz settled
141 kHz 010101 suite


220 kHz
1 MHz

bit rate

1 Mbps

Table 2–3 Modulation Parameters Enhanced Data Rate



TX filter



roll–off factor



bandwidth –3dB

± 500kHz

± 500kHz

bit rate

2 Mbps

3 Mbps

Power classes
Power Class

Maximum (Pmax)


100 mW (20 dBm)


2.5 mW (4dBm)


1 mW (0dBm)



1 mW (0 dBm)

Minimum (Pmin)

Power Control

1 mW (0 dBm)

from Pmin (< +4 dBm) to

0.25 mW (–6dBm)




Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)


Structure of a Bluetooth data packet
Every Bluetooth data packet is divided into 3 basic section: access code, header and payload. The
following figures show the order and bit lengths of the individual sections:
access code 72 bits
4 bits

64 bits

4 bits

54 bits

240 / 1496 / 2744 bits


sync word




*) During EUT evaluation the payload contains certain bit sequences: PRBS9 (Pseudo Random Bit
Sequence) or 11110000 or 10101010.
The sync word is transmitted as the major part of the access code. For this purpose, the LAP (lower
address part) of the BD address is expanded to 64 bit by adding the BCH code and baker.
BCH code

34 bits

sync word 64 bits
LAP 24 bits

Barker 6 bits

The LAP (lower address part) of the BD address serves as a basis for the sync word.
BD – address 48 bits

16 bits


8 bits

LAP 24 bits

In case of EDR packets the payload is divided into 6 other sections:




user payload





Supported Tests
The Bluetooth Measurements Option supports measurements according to the Bluetooth RF Test
Specification (Bluetooth SIG) , Revision 2.0.E.3, Mar 2005, on the R&S FSL. The following tests are
currently implemented according to this specification:
Output Power
TX Output Spectrum – Adjacent Channel Power
Modulation Characteristics
Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance (ICFT)
Carrier Frequency Drift
EDR Relative Transmit Power
EDR Carrier Frequency Stability and Modulation Accuracy
EDR Differential Phase Encoding
EDR In–band Spurious Emissions





Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)

Overview of Transmitter Tests
Table 2–4 Basic Rate Measurements
Output Power

TX Output
Spectrum –
Channel Power


Initial Carrier






on / off

on / off








Yes (p0), but also
possible without


yes (p0)

yes (p0)

yes (p0)

Packet Type

longest supported


longest supported


all supported







Test Mode

loop back

loop back

loop back

loop back

loop back

Operating Mode

IQ mode

analyzer zero

IQ mode

IQ mode

IQ mode


3 MHz

100 kHz





3 MHz

300 kHz









not specified

Sweep Time

one complete

79s per sweep
(= 100ms * 10 *

one complete


one complete

Sweep Count



10 (extern)



Trace Mode












Frequency in

low /
middle /

each channel

low /
middle /

low /
middle /

low /
middle /







Test cond

norm / ext

norm / ext

norm / ext

norm / ext

norm / ext


peak and average

channel power of
all channels

1) PAV < 100 mW
(20 dBm)
2) PPK < 200 mW
(23 dBm)
3) Pmax > PAV
>Pmin at maximum
power step
PAV < 1
mW (0 dBm)

1) PTX (f) – 20
dBm for |M–N| =
2) PTX (f) – 40
dBm for |M–N|

all 8 bit peak
deviations and

carrier offset
within the 4
preamble bits

carrier offsets
of the 4 bit
preamble, of all
10 bit payload
maximum drift
rate of all 10 bit
sequences at
50 µs offset




Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)


Table 2–5 Enhanced Data Rate Measurements
EDR Relative TX

EDR Carrier
Stability and

EDR Differential
Phase Encoding

EDR In–band










IF power





yes, needed for
gate adjustment

Packet Type

longest supported


longest supported

longest supported






Test Mode

loop back

loop back

TX mode

loop back

Operating Mode

IQ mode

IQ mode

IQ mode

analyzer zero


3 MHz



100 kHz


3 MHz



300 kHz






Sweep Time

one complete

one complete

one complete

gate length

Sweep Count


200 blocks



Trace Mode










Frequency in

low /
middle /

low /
middle /

low /
middle /

each channel





79 MHz

Test cond

norm / ext

norm / ext

norm / ext

norm / ext


ratio of DPSK and
GFSK power

carrier frequency
stability and
error vector

number of failed

channel power of
all channels

Functional Description – Block Diagram
The Adjacent Channel Power and EDR In–band Spurious Emissions measurements are performed in
the Spectrum Analyzer mode. For this test case the complete frequency band is scanned using a
sequence of zero span measurements.
All other test cases are based on a digital I/Q demodulator which determines the temporal
characteristics of power and frequency. The output data of the demodulator are the basis for calculation
of all relevant measurement results like modulation characteristics or output power. The demodulator
reaches a maximum in accuracy and temperature stability by sampling the IF signal and converting it
digitally down into the base band (I/Q area).





Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)

The measurements are performed by passing the following signal processing steps:
LAP (Lower Address Part) trigger detection
Channel filtering
Automated packet and bit pattern detection
Limit check
Parallel display of measurement curves and numeric results on the screen
Fig. 2-1 shows the R&S FSL hardware from the IF to the processor. The analog IF filter is fixed to
20MHz. The A/D converter samples the 20 MHz IF signal with a sampling frequency of 65.83 MHz.
Low pass filtering is performed after the signal has been down–converted into the complex base band
and the data rate is reduced in the sequence. The amount of decimation depends on the selected
oversampling factor = points / symbol. The default setting is 4, resulting in a 4 MHz sampling rate. For
EDR–measurements, the oversampling factor is always fixed to 4. The resulting I/Q data are stored in a
memory of 512 k words for I and Q respectively. The hardware trigger (external or IF power) controls
the memory access.
Data aquisition hardware
Digital down conversion
+ decimation

Analyzer IF
47,9 MHz


20 MHz

65,83 MHz

I Memory
512 k

I data

47,9 MHz



Q Memory
512 k

sampling rate
65,83 MHz / x

SW Resampler

Q data


Fig. 2-29 Block diagram of the signal processing architecture of the R&S FSL

The Bluetooth RF Specification defines a minimal bandwidth of 3 MHz. The digital bandwidth depends
on the selected oversampling factor (= points / symbol). With the default setting of 4, the digital
bandwidth is 3 MHz. This digital filter has a flat amplitude characteristics and does not affect the
frequency deviation of the signal.

Measurement Filter (Meas Filter On)
The RF Specification allows high distortion power in the first adjacent channels. The 3 MHz filter does
not suppress this kind of distortion, which leads to a high interference in modulation. Therefore a
precise measurement of the frequency deviation is not possible.
In order to obtain correct deviation results, the spectrum analyzer supplies an optional filter with a
passband only appropriate for the channel to measure. This filter is used by default. The Bluetooth
spectrum has a bandwidth of 1 MHz. The filter is flat within 1.04 MHz (ripple: only 0.02 dB) and has
steep edges. This measurement filter is not dependent on the selected oversampling factor. As a result



Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)


the displayed deviation value is increased by 3.2%, but without the filter the displayed deviation value
can increase dramatically due to interference from adjacent channels. Generally the result is more
precise, if the displayed deviation is lower with filtering than without filtering. In these cases the
inaccuracy caused by the adjacent channel interference is higher than the systematic inaccuracy
caused by the filter.



-20 -20
dB -30
-40 -40
-60 -60












Fig. 2-30 Selection of digital filters
Dashed–dotted curve: Standard filter with 4 points / symbol
Solid curve: Optional measurement filter, independent of the points / symbol setting

The number of samples per symbol is equivalent to the sampling rate in MHz (due to the symbol length
of 1 Rs).

Points per

Sampling rate

(flat area)
10 MHz


32 MHz

8 MHz


16 MHz

5 MHz


8 MHz

3.0 MHz


4 MHz

1.6 MHz


2 MHz

According to the RF Test Specification an oversampling factor of 4 is required at minimum. For Basic
Rate measurements, this oversampling factor can be selected as oversampling factor in a range from 2
to 32. For EDR–measurements, the oversampling factor is fixed to 4 which is also the default value.
Although possible but not recommended is a value > 4. It increases the measurement time due to the
extended calculation effort. Additionally the resulting bandwidth will be larger than required, which leads
to lower measurement accuracy, unless the optional measurement filter (Meas Filter On) is used as
described in section Bandwidths.
The spectrum analyzer uses a timing offset correction in order to move the samples to the zero
trespassing points. As a result there is one sample per symbol time, which is especially important for a
0101 symbol sequence in order to obtain the precise value for the peak frequency deviation.




Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)

Sampling times before timing offset correction

Sampling times after timing offset correction

Fig. 2-31 Operation of the timing offset correction
Advantages of the timing offset correction:
No jitter with low sampling rates
With one sample per zero, the trespassing point is always a sample in the middle of the bit length.
Therefore the maximum values in the frequency deviation of 0101 bit patterns can be detected
precisely also with low sampling rates.
The immunity to interference when determining the data bits is improved.
Higher suppression of the distortion during peak detection.

Determining Average or Max/Min Values
These functions are very useful in order to obtain more stable results or to find sporadic spurious
signals not included in every burst. In many cases the RF Test Specification defines measurements
over a 10 burst period.
The number of measurements can be selected using sweep count function, thus adapting the
measurement to the individual requirements.
In single sweep mode, the calculation of average or maximum / minimum values is performed over a
well–defined number of sweeps (= sweep count).
Continuous sweep mode yields continuous averaging and calculation of maximum / minimum values
over the whole measurement time.
Modulation measurements
They are performed in the Clear Write trace mode.
In continuous sweep mode, a "live" display is obtained, which allows e.g. an instant view of changes
during alignment of a DUT.
In single sweep mode and with the sweep count set to 10, the spectrum analyzer will evaluate 10 bursts
as required by the RF Test Specification. This means that a result is obtained after exactly 10 bursts.
Power measurements
They are performed in the Maxhold trace mode in relation with the defined measurement time. The
measurement time is selected in order to make sure that always one complete burst is acquired. In this
case, several sweeps are combined to one trace before this result trace is evaluated.




Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)


Impact of the sweep count on the measurement results
Trace Mode

Continuous Sweep

Single Sweep & Sweep Count

Clear Write

All measurement results (min., max.,
average) are updated with every sweep.
The corresponding values are
calculated based on the current curve.

Starts a measurement with n sweeps (n
= sweep count).

All measurement results (min., max.,
average) are updated with every sweep.
The corresponding values are
calculated based on the current curve.

Starts a measurement with n sweeps (n
= sweep count).

AVG, MaxHold, MinHold

The trace is the continuous average
value (AVG) or the extreme value
(MaxHold, MinHold) since the start of
the measurement.

All measurement results (min., max.,
average) are calculated based on these
n sweeps.

n defines the number of sweeps that
are taken into account for the trace
math functions (AVG, MaxHold,
MinHold). The n sweeps result in one
trace and the measurement results
(Min, Max, Average) are calculated
based on this summarized trace.

The functions described above differ from the detector functions of the instrument:
Detectors combine the measurement data obtained by oversampling to one measurement point on
the screen. The kind of combination (Max Peak, Min Peak, Average, RMS) can be selected.
The trace functions affect complete measurement curves: A resulting curve is calculated from
several subsequent sweeps. The method of calculation (Average, Maxhold, Minhold) can be
selected here as well.
Thus the detector is the arithmetic rule for how sample data collected with a high data rate are
combined to a measurement point of one individual measurement curve, whereas the trace mode is the
rule of how samples taken from several measurement curves are to be combined to a new resulting
For the ACP measurement, the Average detector is set.

Trigger Concepts
As the DUT (Device Under Test) uses frequency hopping, a trigger method is necessary for two
A measurement is only possible during the period of time, when there is a TX signal (burst) at the
frequency under request.
In order to determine the modulation characteristics correctly, a synchronization with the preamble
of the signal must be supplied.
If the Find Sync softkey is activated, the synchronization is supplied towards the 64 bit sync word. For
this purpose, in a first step a burst is searched automatically within the RF signal, or, if selected, the
external trigger or the IF power trigger are used to determine the burst position.
In a second step the sync word position is searched by correlation of the signal with the sync word
defined in the initialization phase. The correlation is performed directly with the FM signal, not with the
data bits, which are only available after the phase shifter has been processed. The find burst process is
continued as long as no sync word is found.
After the position of the sync word has been determined, the position of the p0 bit is calculated from the
average value of all zero trespassing points, as defined in the RF test specification. Finally the samples
are moved in a way that each sample matches one zero trespassing point (phase shifting).
The only measurement possible without synchronization is the Output Power measurement. The
specified measurement time is 20% to 80% of the burst length. Without synchronization the burst length
is defined via the –3dB points of the power curve. With synchronization the burst starts with the p0 bit.





Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8)

Therefore varying measurement results is possible if the power of the EUT is not constant within the
In order to supply stable synchronization the EUT must be operated in reduced hopping mode. The
EUT is only allowed to toggle between two frequencies, because otherwise the repetition time for the
same frequency would become higher than the record length.
If the test environment supplies an external trigger that marks the channel to be measured a
synchronization is also possible with normal hopping operation.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)
This section describes measurement examples for the Cable TV Measurements option (K20). and is
divided into the following topics:
Analog TV Basics
gives an introduction into the fundamentals of analog modulated TV signals.
Analog TV Measurement Examples
describes the test setup, settings for analog TV measurements and gives examples for the different
measurement type.
Digital TV Basics
gives an introduction into the fundamentals of digital modulated TV signals.
Digital TV Measurement Examples
gives an introduction into the fundamentals of digital modulated TV signals.
Channel Tables and Modulation Standards
explains the use of channel tables and modulation standards.
Performing a Measurement without a Channel Table
shows how to perform a measurement without using a channel table.
Performing a Measurement Using a Channel Table
gives an example how to perform a measurement using a channel table.
For further information on measurement examples refer also to the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5 "Basic
Measurement Examples".
This option is available from firmware version 1.30.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Analog TV Basics
This section gives an introduction into the fundamentals of analog modulated TV signals. A special
focus is laid on the parameters that the Cable TV Measurements option (K20) uses to characterize
For analog modulated TV signals based on PAL, SECAM, and NTSC, Fig. 2-32 shows the situation in
principle: the components of the signal, and both frequency and level at the output of a TV transmitter
(RF range).

Fig. 2-32

Analog modulated signals in the RF range

The gray area marks the TV channel. Inside this area, all components of a TV signal are located. A TV
signal consists of the following:

The vision carrier, indicated in Fig. 2-32 with "vision", is located 1.25 MHz above the channel
start. The vision carrier has the highest level and mainly assesses the total power of the
channel. It transmits the luminance information and is amplitude modulated. The amplitude
modulation is mostly negative (the smaller the luminance signal the larger the vision carrier
level), apart from SECAM/L (large vision carrier level combined with a large luminance signal).
Only a part (around 0.75 MHz) of the lower sidebands of the vision carrier is transmitted.
Therefore it is called "residual sideband modulation". The video bandwidth BW video amounts to,
depending on the standard, approx. 5 MHz (e.g. PAL B/G) or approx. 4 MHz (e.g. M/NTSC).


The color carrier, indicated in Fig. 2-32 with "color", is shifted by fcolor to a higher frequency
value in respect to the vision carrier. The magnitude of fcolor depends on the standard. The level
of the color carrier is by far smaller than that of the vision carrier. Depending on the standard,
the signal is analog quadrature amplitude modulated (e.g. PAL B/G) or frequency modulated
The color carrier is not considered in the measurements of the Cable TV Measurements option.


One or two sound carriers, indicated in Fig. 2-32 with "sound 1" and "sound 2", are shifted by
fsound1 or fsound2 to a higher frequency value in respect to the vision carrier. The magnitude of
fsound1 or fsound2 depends on the standard. The level of the sound carriers is by far smaller than
that of the vision carrier. Depending on the standard, the sound carriers are frequency,
amplitude, or NICAM (digitally) modulated. The sound carriers do not need to possess the
same modulation. For example, a combination of a frequency modulated carrier with a NICAM
modulated carrier is possible.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


The large diversity of TV standards based on PAL, SECAM und NTSC differ not only in the parameter
described above. Some other parameter are for example:

number of picture lines and their duration


form and group delay of the residual sideband filter


parameters of the used AM / FM / NICAM modulations (e.g. modulation depth, frequency
deviation, symbol rate)


channel width and frequency range of the channels (different from country to country)


stereo and mono sound signals, stereo transmission type

Analog TV Measurement Examples
These measurements are set up to carry out single channel measurements of analog TV signals. The
settings for analog TV measurements are described in section Analog TV settings. The test setup for
the following measurement types is provided in section Analog TV test setup.
Spectrum measurement
Carriers measurement
Video Scope measurement
Vision Modulation measurement
Hum measurement
C/N measurement
CSO measurement
CTB measurement

Analog TV settings
The Cable TV Measurements option needs to know some of the parameters described in section
Analog TV Basics to perform correct measurements. It therefore stores these parameters in the so–
called "modulation standard". Refer to section Modulation standards for the creation and usage of a
modulation standard. Section Analog TV modulation standards contains the description of the
parameters that have to be characterized for an analog TV signal. The following list explains the
meaning of the parameters:

Name: Choose an arbitrary name for the new modulation standard.


Signal Type: If you want to characterize an analog TV signal, select Analog TV.


TV Standard: The standard used to modulate the luminance information. Can be "B/G", "M",
"D/K" and so on.


Sound System: Are one ore two sound carriers in use? What type of modulation is used for
each of them? What are their frequencies, relative to the vision carrier?
The selection "FM 5.5/ FM 5.742" for example specifies, that two frequency modulated sound
carriers are used. One is 5.5 MHz and is about 5.472 MHz above the vision carrier.
The values you can choose depend on the selected TV standard. Not all combinations are


Group Delay: What group delay shall the residual sideband filter have?





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Color System: The color information of the video signal is transmitted according to either the
PAL or NTSC or SECAM standard. The values you can choose depend on the selected TV
standard. Not all combinations are allowed!


Bar Line: The Vision Modulation measurement needs a special test signal, containing a peak
white value. You must specify the type and the number of the horizontal line that contains the
peak white value.


Quiet Line: Some measurements need a horizontal line with no video information in it. You
must specify the number of this horizontal line here. For further information see also Example:
Creating a channel table.


Sideband Position: Is the signal in normal position or inverted?


In the dialog boxes, set the parameters always from top to bottom, since all parameters depend
on the parameters above them. Otherwise your input might be rejected, e.g. if it specifies an
unusual TV standard.

Analog TV test setup
This section describes the setup used for the analog TV measurement examples. All analog
measurement examples are performed in the Cable TV Analyzer mode.
1. Press the MENU key to display the cable TV measurements main menu.
2. Press the Channel Setup softkey.
3. In the Channel Tables dialog box, select channel table .
4. Press the Activate softkey.
The TV standard is automatically set to the default analog TV modulation standard, which has the
following parameters (see also Analog TV settings).
Signal Type = Analog TV
TV Standard = B/G
Sound System = FM 5.5 / FM 5.742
What kind of sound carrier(s) are used.
Group Delay = General
This setting has no effect on the measurements in this firmware release.
Color System = PAL
Bar Line = 18
Type = CCIR 17
Where is the "white reference'' and of what kind is it? The Vision Modulation measurement
demands correct settings!
Quiet Line = 22
Which horizontal line shall be used for "Quiet Line'' based CNR / CSO measurement. This line
shall have no video information!
Sideband Position = Normal
Only change this setting if you have inverted sidebands.
As long as you measure without a channel table, the Cable TV Measurements option expects a
signal with these parameters. If your signal does not fit, some measurements may fail.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


5. If you use an analog TV test transmitter, configure it to transmit a suitable signal:
Choose a reasonable, not too high output level.
Set the transmitters's vision carrier frequency to 210.25 MHz.
6. If your test transmitter is not capable of this or if you want to connect the R&S FSL to your CATV
network, which does not contain a suitable signal, change the default analog TV modulation
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Analog TV softkey.
Press the Analog TV Settings softkey.
Change the default analog TV modulation standard as described in section Analog TV
modulation standards in order to adapt it to the signal you provide for the R&S FSL.

Spectrum measurement
This measurement gives an overview of the active measurement channel. It is a swept measurement
like in the Spectrum Analyzer mode. All parameters are set automatically according to the used
modulation standard. The spectrum is displayed in a full screen trace.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Analog TV softkey.
3. Press the Spectrum softkey.
4. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
5. Press the FREQ key.
6. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal. Note that this frequency is not
the middle of the shown span.
7. Press the RUN key.
The spectrum of the input signal is displayed.
The vertical lines mark the vision carrier (VC) and sound carrier (SC1 and SC2) frequencies. They
mark the ideal frequencies according to the chosen standard and RF frequency, not the measured





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Fig. 2-33 Analog TV Spectrum measurement

Carriers measurement
This measurement determines the carrier power (vision carrier, one or two sound carriers) and the
frequency distances. It also compares them against the default values. The sound carrier power is
displayed relative to the measured vision carrier power.
The measurement display is split into two panes. In the upper pane, the spectrum as in the
corresponding Spectrum measurement is displayed. In the lower pane, the result table for the
measurement is displayed.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Analog TV softkey.
3. Press the Carriers softkey.
4. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
5. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
6. Press the FREQ key.
7. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
8. Press the RUN key.
The upper pane gives a quick overview of the channel, just like in the Spectrum measurement.
In the lower pane, you can check whether the signal meets the requirements. Absolute and relative
powers and frequencies are measured and compared against the limits. The result is either Pass or




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


In the measurement example, all results were within the chosen limits, except the absolute power of
the vision carrier. This is indicated by red color and a star.

Fig. 2-34 Analog TV Carriers measurement


The "frequency offsets'' are measured in this way:
For sound carriers:
The TV standard demands that the sound carrier frequency shall be f1 Hz greater than the
vision carrier frequency. The actual frequency distance might be measured to be f2.
The value "Intercarrier frequency offset'' is therefore: f2 – f1.
For the vision carrier:
The value ''frequency offset'' is the measured vision carrier frequency minus the RF frequency.

Video Scope measurement
This measurement determines the luminance signal in dependence of the time. The video scope is
triggered by the chosen trigger event, i.e. the line to be analyzed. From the result trace, the effects of
hum are eliminated ("back porch clamping").
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Analog TV softkey.
3. Press the More softkey.
4. Press the Video Scope softkey.
5. For the TV standard M in combination with another color system than PAL, press the Field 1/2
softkey to select field 1 or 2.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

6. Press the Line softkey to enter the line number.
7. To change the sweep time, press the Sweeptime Manual softkey and enter a value (25Rs up to
100 Rs).
8. To define a trigger offset, press the Trigger Offset softkey and enter a value (–50 Rs up to 50 Rs).
Choose 0 Rs to make the display start with the horizontal sync of the specified line. Negative values
make the display start earlier.
9. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
10. Press the FREQ key.
11. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
12. Press the RUN key.
The trace shows the luminance signal during the selected period versus time. The group delay is
not compensated internally.

Fig. 2-35 Video Scope measurement

Vision Modulation measurement
This measurement determines the "residual picture carrier'' and the modulation depth of the vision
The vision carrier is amplitude modulated (AM). To be more precise, it uses the residual sideband
amplitude modulation. Most standards use negative amplitude modulation. Therefore, the vision carrier
has its highest level when the luminance signal is equal to the "synchronizing level''. And it has its
lowest level when the luminance signal is equal to the "peak white level''. The "synchronizing level'' can
be measured in every horizontal synchronizing pulse. The "peak white level'' can be measured in
special test lines ("bar line"), where a white reference is transmitted.
The residual picture carrier is the ratio of the "peak white level" to the "synchronizing level". The sum of
the vision carrier's modulation depth and the residual picture carrier value must equal 1.
The measurement display is split into two panes. In the upper pane, the RF level of the vision carrier
during one horizontal line is displayed. In the lower pane, the result table for the measurement is



Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Analog TV softkey.
3. Press the More softkey.
4. Press the Vision Modulation softkey.
5. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey. A limit change in the lower two lines leads to a
change of the other limits, since the measurement results depend on each other.
6. To adjust input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
7. Press the FREQ key.
8. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
9. Press the RUN key.
The upper pane shows the RF level of the vision carrier versus time in the "bar line''. The "bar line''
is a specific horizontal line, that holds a white reference. The number of this line is specified in the
modulation standard of the measured channel. To be more exactly: It is specified in the analog TV
default modulation standard, since no channel table is used right now.
If the input signal does not contain a white reference in the specified line, the results are not correct!
The lower pane shows the numeric results and whether they are within the limits or not.

Fig. 2-36 Vision Modulation measurement





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Hum measurement
This measurement determines whether the signal comprises hum, a not–wanted amplitude modulation
of the analog TV signal, mostly due to defective amplifiers. For the Hum measurement, the AM
modulated frequency must be below 1 kHz and is typically equal to the power line frequency times one
or two, e.g. 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 100 Hz, 120 Hz.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Analog TV softkey.
3. Press the More softkey.
4. Press the Hum softkey.
5. If you want to adjust the range of the y–axis, press the Auto Range softkey.
6. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
7. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
8. Press the FREQ key.
9. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
10. Press the RUN key.
In case you use a TV test transmitter or your CATV network is in good condition, you will see a
rather flat line, since there will be little hum.

Fig. 2-37 Hum measurement




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


C/N measurement
This measurement determines the ratio of signal power and noise power (carrier to noise), a very
important figure of merit.
The signal power is normally the peak power of the modulated vision carrier, which is the power of the
unmodulated vision carrier. You can modify this default setting with the Reference Power softkey (for
details refer to chapter 4, section "Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)").
The power of the noise is internally measured with a small resolution filter, and then translated to a
user–defined bandwidth, the so–called reference noise bandwidth. This bandwidth should normally be
as large as the video signal bandwidth, i.e. 4 MHz for M/NTSC and 5 MHz otherwise.
The measurement can be performed in 3 different ways, as shown in the following examples:

C/N Off–Service measurement


C/N In–Service measurement


C/N Quiet Line measurement

The measurement display is split into two panes. The upper pane displays the spectrum of the
measured noise. The lower pane displays the result table for the measurement and whether the limits
are passed or failed.
C/N Off–Service measurement
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the SWEEP key.
2. Press the Single Sweep softkey.
3. Press the FREQ key.
4. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
5. Press the MEAS key.
6. Press the Analog TV softkey.
7. Press the C/N softkey.
8. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
9. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
10. Press the C/N Setup softkey to open the C/N Setup dialog box.
Make sure, that Off–Service is chosen as measurement mode.
Set the Reference Noise Bandwidth to 5 MHz (or another value).
Specify the span for the noise measurement in the table: Change the CF value to 2.5 MHz
(denotes the middle of the span relative to the vision carrier) and the Span value to 5 MHz.
If desired, activate the Noise Floor Correction option.
11. Press the RUN key.
12. Turn on the signal when prompted and confirm by pressing the ENTER key.
The R&S FSL will measure the carrier power. This is not visible on the screen.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

13. Turn off the test transmitter or remove the cable when prompted and confirm by pressing the
ENTER key.
The R&S FSL will measure the noise sweeping with a small resolution filter in the span specified in
the C/N Setup dialog box.
14. Press the MKR key and, using the rotary knob, move the marker to the frequency you want to
measure the noise at. The noise density at this marker is measured and translated to the reference
noise bandwidth you specified in step 10.

Fig. 2-38 C/N Off–Service measurement
The lower pane shows the final C/N ratio and whether it is passed or failed. It also shows the most
important correction factors used to calculate the C/N ratio. The Off–Service mode is the most accurate
way to measure C/N, but you must turn off the active channel.
C/N In–Service measurement
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the SWEEP key.
2. Press the Single Sweep softkey.
3. Press the FREQ key.
4. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
5. Press the MEAS key.
6. Press the Analog TV softkey.
7. Press the C/N softkey.
8. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
9. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.



Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


10. Press the C/N Setup softkey to open the C/N Setup dialog box.
Make sure, that In–Service is chosen as measurement mode.
Set the Reference Noise Bandwidth to 5 MHz (or another value).
Specify the span for the noise measurement: Change the CF value, which denotes the middle of
the span relative to the vision carrier and the Span value in this table. Chose the value CF in a
way, that the span is centered on the gap between 2 analog TV signals. The default value of
–1.25 MHz should be suitable in most cases.
If desired, activate the Noise Floor Correction option.
11. Press the RUN key.
The R&S FSL will first measure the carrier power. This is not visible on the screen. In contrast to
the Off–Service mode, the R&S FSL will not ask you to turn off the signal in the measurement
channel. The noise spectrum is measured in the gap between two active channels. The R&S FSL
measures the noise by sweeping with a small resolution filter in the span you defined in step 10.
12. A marker was automatically set by the R&S FSL. To move this marker, press the MKR key and turn
the rotary knob. The noise density at this marker is measured and translated to the reference noise
bandwidth you specified in step 10.

Fig. 2-39 C/N In–Service measurement
The lower pane shows the final C/N ratio and whether it is passed or failed. It also shows the most
important correction factors used to calculate the C/N ratio.
In In–Service mode the noise reading will be higher and therefore the C/N ratio lower and not as
accurate as in Off–Service mode, due to the active channels. The resulting C/N ratio is just an upper
bound of the real value: If your network passes this quick measurement, it should also pass the more
accurate Off–Service–measurement.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

C/N Quiet Line measurement
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the SWEEP key.
2. Press the Single Sweep softkey.
3. Press the FREQ key.
4. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
5. Press the MEAS key.
6. Press the Analog TV softkey.
7. Press the C/N softkey.
8. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
9. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
10. Press the C/N Setup softkey to open the C/N Setup dialog box.
Make sure, that Quiet Line is chosen as measurement mode.
Set the Reference Noise Bandwidth to 5 MHz (or another value).
If desired, activate the Noise Floor Correction option.
11. Press the RUN key.
The R&S FSL will first measures the carrier power. This is not visible on the screen. In contrast to
the Off–Service mode, the R&S FSL will not ask you to turn off the signal in the measurement
channel. The noise spectrum is measured by a gated FFT.

The active modulation standard contains a Quiet Line parameter. It tells, in which video line the
vision carrier is not modulated. Be sure to set this parameter correctly (for details refer to
Modulation standards)! The R&S FSL captures IQ data during this line and calculates an FFT.
The result is shown in the upper pane as noise measurement trace.

You do not have to choose the noise measurement frequency by moving a marker like in the Off–
Service mode, instead the R&S FSL automatically calculates the mean noise power. Measurement
values close to any typical CSO beat frequency are omitted in this process (vision carrier and vision
carrier ± n* 0.25 MHz).
This automatically calculated average noise level is translated to the reference noise bandwidth you
specified in step 10.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Fig. 2-40 C/N Quiet Line measurement
The lower pane shows the final C/N ratio and whether it is passed or failed. It also shows the most
important correction factors used to calculate the C/N ratio.
In Quiet Line mode the noise reading will be not as accurate as in Off–Service mode, due to the still
active channel. But you don't have to turn off channels for a quick check.

CSO measurement
This measurement determines the ratio of signal power and the level of second order beats.
The signal power is normally the peak power of the modulated vision carrier, which is the power of the
unmodulated vision carrier. You can modify this default setting with the softkey Reference Power (for
details refer to chapter 4, section "Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)").
The measurement can be performed in 2 different ways, as shown in the following examples:

CSO Off–Service measurement


CSO Quiet Line measurement

The measurement display is split into two panes. The upper pane displays the spectrum of the
measured beats. The lower pane displays the result table for the measurement and whether the limits
are passed or failed.
CSO Off–Service measurement
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the SWEEP key.
2. Press the Single Sweep softkey.
3. Press the FREQ key.
4. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

5. Press the MEAS key.
6. Press the Analog TV softkey.
7. Press the CSO softkey.
8. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
9. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
10. Press the CSO Setup softkey to open the CSO Setup dialog box.
Make sure, that Off–Service is chosen as measurement mode.
Specify one or multiple spans for the beat measurements, as shown in the figure below. Change
the CF value, which denotes the middle of the span relative to the vision carrier and the Span
value in this table. The measurement ranges should be centered around frequencies where you
expect second order beats in your network.

If desired, activate the Noise Floor Correction option.
11. Press the RUN key.
12. Turn on the signal when prompted and confirm by pressing the ENTER key.
The R&S FSL will measure the carrier power. This is not visible on the screen.
13. Turn off the test transmitter or remove the cable when prompted and confirm by pressing the
ENTER key.
The R&S FSL will measure the beats by sweeping with a small resolution filter in the span specified
in the CSO Setup dialog box.
14. A marker is automatically set. Press the MKR key and, using the rotary knob, move the marker to
the frequency you want to measure the beats at. You should take care not to measure a CTB beat
instead of a CSO beat.
15. Activate all possible second order beat frequencies by pressing the Next Meas Frequency softkey
and then the RUN key. This measures beats in the next span, that is defined in the CSO Setup
dialog box.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Fig. 2-41 CSO Off–Service measurement
The lower pane shows the final C/N ratio and whether it is passed or failed. It also shows the most
important correction factors used to calculate the CSO ratio. The Off–Service mode is the most
accurate way to measure CSO, but you must turn off the active channel.
CSO Quiet Line measurement
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.
1. Press the SWEEP key.
2. Press the Single Sweep softkey.
3. Press the FREQ key.
4. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
5. Press the MEAS key.
6. Press the Analog TV softkey.
7. Press the CSO softkey.
8. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
9. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
10. Press the CSO Setup softkey to open the CSO Setup dialog box.
Make sure, that Quiet Line is chosen as measurement mode.
If desired, activate the Noise Floor Correction option.
11. Press the RUN key.
The R&S FSL will first measures the carrier power. This is not visible on the screen. In contrast to
the Off–Service mode, the R&S FSL will not ask you to turn off the signal in the measurement
channel. The spectrum of the noise and beats is measured by a gated FFT.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

12. A marker is automatically set. Press the MKR key and, using the rotary knob, move the marker to
the frequency you want to measure the beat at. You should take care not to measure a CTB beat
instead of a CSO beat.

The active modulation standard contains a Quiet Line parameter. It tells, in which video line the
vision carrier is not modulated. Be sure to set this parameter correctly (Modulation standards)!
The R&S FSL captures IQ data during this line and calculates an FFT.

Fig. 2-42 CSO Quiet Line measurement
The lower pane shows the final CSO ratio and whether it is passed or failed. It also shows the most
important correction factors used to calculate the CSO ratio.
In Quiet Line mode the beat reading will be not as accurate as in Off–Service mode, due to the still
active channel. But you do not have to turn off channels for a quick check.

CTB measurement
This measurement determines the ratio of signal power and the level of composite triple (order) beats.
These beats normally fall onto the vision carrier.
The signal power is normally the peak power of the modulated vision carrier, which is the power of the
unmodulated vision carrier. You can modify this default setting with the softkey Reference Power (for
details refer to chapter 4, section "Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)").
The measurement display is split into two panes. The upper pane displays the spectrum of the
measured beats. The lower pane displays the result table for the measurement and whether the limits
are passed or failed.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Analog TV test setup.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


1. Press the SWEEP key.
2. Press the Single Sweep softkey.
3. Press the FREQ key.
4. Enter 210.25 MHz for the vision carrier frequency of the input signal.
5. Press the MEAS key.
6. Press the Analog TV softkey.
7. Press the CTB softkey.
8. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
9. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
10. Press the CTB Setup softkey to open the CTB Setup dialog box.
Specify a single span for the beat measurement: Change the CF value, which denotes the
middle of the span relative to the vision carrier and the Span value in the table. The
measurement range should be centered around frequencies where you expect triple order beats
in your network, i.e. the CF value should normally be about 0 Hz.
If desired, activate the Noise Floor Correction option.
11. Press the RUN key.
12. Turn on the signal when prompted and confirm by pressing the ENTER key.
The R&S FSL will measure the carrier power. This is not visible on the screen.
13. Turn off the test transmitter or remove the cable when prompted and confirm by pressing the
ENTER key.
The R&S FSL will measure the beats in the span specified in the CTB Setup dialog box.
14. Using the rotary knob, move the marker to the frequency you want to measure the beat at. The beat
level at this marker is measured and used to compute the CTB ratio. You should take care not to
measure a CSO beat instead of a CTB beat.

Fig. 2-43 CTB measurement




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

The lower pane shows the final CTB ratio and whether it is passed or failed. It also shows the most
important correction factors used to calculate the CTB ratio.

Digital TV Basics
Cable TV networks use single carrier QAM signals. These signals are continuously modulated. The
Cable TV Measurements option does not support burst signals as used in cable modems (e.g.
DOCSIS) which rely on TDMA techniques that share the same channel with several subscribers. To get
a better understanding, we now want to have a closer look at an ideal QAM transmitter.






Fig. 2-44



cos(2 fCFt)



Ideal QAM transmitter

To keep things simple we start with a binary source providing a never ending bit stream. Please keep in
mind that in reality these bits originate from a video stream which will be source encoded e.g. by a
MPEG encoder. To allow errors during the transmission via the cable channel coding (e.g. convolutional
coding) will be applied. Finally we get something like "…010010111101010101110110101111010…''
The symbol mapping block transforms the digital information (bits) into the continuous signals Idirac(t)
and Qdirac (t). Idirac(t) and Qdirac (t) (see Fig. 2-45) consist of dirac pulses that appear at times t=n*Tsymbol
and that can be distinguished by their in–phase "I'' and quadrature "Q'' levels. For example a 16QAM
constellation has 16 different I and Q combinations and 4 different I and Q levels (4*4=16). Typically
this is visualized in a constellation diagram (see Fig. 2-46). With 16=2 we are able to transmit 4 bits per
symbol. Therefore we can calculate:
bit_rate = symbol_rate * 4 = 4/ Tsymbol [bits/second]
or more general:
bit_rate = symbol_rate * log2(M) [bits/second] for MQAM.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Fig. 2-45


Pulse signals Idirac (t) and Qdirac (t) for 16QAM



Fig. 2-46

16QAM constellation diagram

Unfortunately the required bandwidth for transmitting dirac pulses is infinite. Let's reduce the bandwidth
by applying a so–called pulse shaping filter (as referred to as TX filters). In most QAM systems root
raised cosine filters are used. Root raised cosine filters are exclusive supported by the Cable TV
Measurements option. Via the filter's roll–off factor the occupied bandwidth can be controlled.
OccupiedBandwidth = SymbolRate (1 + RollOff)
In a cable TV receiver, a filter of the same shape is used as RX filter. The combination of two root
raised cosine filters, one in the transmitter (TX) and another one in the receiver (RX), has a very strong
property: There will be no inter–symbol interference at the RX filter's output. Due to this property it is
very easy for the receiver to retrieve the transmitted symbols. Please note, that in a real–world scenario
the channel (causing echoes / multipath propagation) causes inter–symbol interference. In that case the
use of an equalizer is recommendable. Fig. 2-47 shows the signals IRRC(t) and QRRC(t) that result from
filtering Idirac (t) and Qdirac (t) with the root raised cosine filter RRC.




Fig. 2-47

Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Root raised cosine filtered dirac signals IRRC(t) and QRRC(t)

We notice that the symbol instants (highlighted with squares) are not on the horizontal lines (possible
symbol levels) anymore. This is due to the inter–symbol interference introduced by the root raised
cosine TX filter. Contrary to the signal filtered with two root raised cosine filters (TX and RX) the one
filtered with a single root raised cosine filter (TX) does not satisfy the condition for zero inter–symbol
interference. Fig. 2-48 shows the signal obtained by filtering the dirac signals with two root raised
cosine filters. The convolution of two root raised cosine filters is also called raised cosine filter and it
results in an overall inter–symbol interference free system. We observe that all symbol instants
(highlighted with squares) of IRC(t) and QRC(t) have exactly the same levels as the signals Idirac (t) and
Qdirac (t) in Fig. 2-45. Please note that this is only true for the signals IRC(t) and QRC(t) if there is no noise
present in the receiver. In the case of noise points will turn into clouds, that is what can be seen in the
Constellation Diagram measurement (modulation analysis).




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Fig. 2-48


Raised cosine filtered dirac signals IRC(t) and QRC(t)

Let us get back to the ideal transmitter from Fig. 2-44. The next task is to modulate the base band
signals RC(t) and QRRC(t) onto a carrier. The carrier frequency fCF stands for the center of a given TV
channel. Fig. 2-49 shows the modulated signal IQRF(t) with a carrier frequency fCF=4*symbol_rate.
Please note that in real system the carrier frequency is much higher than here in our example.

Fig. 2-49

QAM modulated RF signal IQRF(t)

In a real cable TV transmission system however, the receiver would encounter a much worse situation.
The measurement signal, i.e. the signal fed into the R&S FSL's RF input, suffers from distortion. Some
of it is caused by a non–ideal transmitter, some originates from the TV cable and last but not least there
is thermal noise in every transmission system. Very often it is even not possible to find out from which
component the distortion comes from. Luckily this can be found out by driving measurements starting at
the transmitters location and continuing at different test points in the cable TV network up to the plug at
the subscriber's home.
The objective of the digital TV measurements offered by the Cable TV Measurements option is to
analyze and separate different sources of distortion and erroneous parameters.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)



cos[2 (fCF+ f)t+ (t)]






Fig. 2-50

Real–world QAM transmitter and distortion model

Fig. 2-50 shows the transmitter and distortion model assumed by the measurement demodulator of the
Cable TV Measurements option. The error parameters and signals are given in the table below.
Table 2–6: Error parameters and signals in a QAM transmission system

Ideal Value


vI, vQ

vI =vQ

Gains of I and Q path

cI, cQ


Carrier leakage in I and Q path


Quadrature error



Carrier frequency error



Phase noise signal

Channel h(t)

h(t)= (t)

Channel impulse response



Thermal noise

Instead of directly displaying the parameters from the table above, derived parameters are displayed in
the result table of the Overview measurement and the Modulation Errors measurement (modulation
analysis). To give an example: The ratio between vI and vQ represents the gain imbalance which is a
more reasonable measure for a transmitter than the absolute values of vI and vQ.
The amplitude imbalance can be calculated as follows:

amplitude _ imbalance =

(v v 1) 100%


Please note that the 2T/4 rad (90 deg) rotational symmetry of the QAM constellation (see Fig. 2-46)
leads to an ambiguity in the calculation of the amplitude imbalance. Ambiguity means that the QAM
demodulator of the Cable TV Measurements option has no knowledge of the absolute phase in the
transmitter but chooses one out of four possible phase angles (0, T/2, T, or 3 T/2 rad). It can be shown
that the phase ambiguity leads to two possible amplitude imbalance values. For the amplitude
imbalance the ambiguity can be resolved by using the definition as follows:

amplitude _ imbalance = max

{v , v } min{v , v } 1





In real–world analog IQ modulators there is never perfect carrier suppression. Carrier suppression is
modeled by adding the constants cI and cQ to the in–phase (I) and quadrature (Q) signal paths
respectively. It is calculated with respect to the peak envelope power (PEP).
Quadrature error is the effect that appears if the IQ modulator's cosine and sine waves have not exactly
a phase difference of T/2 rad. The ideal value for the quadrature error thus is 0 rad.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


If the transmitter's (DUT) local oscillator does not provide the exact nominal carrier frequency (CF), a
carrier frequency error results. The carrier frequency error is displayed in the result table of the
Overview measurement.

carrier _ frequency _ error =


CF ideal


CF measured

Good local oscillators have low phase noise. Phase noise causes an unwanted phase modulation. The
Cable TV Measurements option measures the phase jitter that corresponds to the variance of the phase
error. .(/) represents the phase difference between the (noisy) measurement meas(/) signal and the
ideal transmit signal ref(/). The phase jitter is only evaluated at symbol instants, i.e. for t =

phase _ jitter = E



) ref * ( )



}= E {



( )

A non–flat frequency response of the analog hardware (amplifiers) or the transmit channel
(reflections or echoes in the TV cable) causes inter–symbol interference (ISI). To much ISI leads to
wrong symbol decisions in the QAM measurement demodulator. The QAM measurement demodulator
can suppress the channel's influence by filtering the receive signal with the inverse of the channel's
response. This operation is done by the so–called equalizer. With the equalizer activated (see Digital
TV Settings dialog box in Fig. 2-51), the EVM and MER values decrease by the ISI which was removed
by the equalizer. Activating the equalizer leads to two things: First of all the equalizer is trained based
on the received data of the current measurement (Freeze Equalizer option deactivated). Furthermore,
the measured signal will be filtered / "equalized'' with the previously estimated equalizer filter. If the
equalizer has reached a stable state and the channel does not change (time invariant channel) the
equalizer can be frozen by activating the Freeze Equalizer option. By this means the equalizer will not
be trained anymore but will still equalize the signal. Please also refer to the Echo Pattern measurement
(channel analysis).
The term n(/) is the synonym for any kind of distortion and thermal noise that has not been covered by
the transmitter and distortion model of Fig. 2-50 yet. In classical communication theory n(/) is modeled
as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN).
EVM and MER result parameters are calculated based on the error vector signal, which corresponds to
the difference between the measurement signal meas(/) and the ideal transmit signal ref(/). The error
Tsymbol .
vector signal is only evaluated at symbol instants, i.e. for t =
To a certain extend the QAM measurement demodulator is insensitive to distortion, but if there is to
much of it, erroneous symbol decisions may occur and the results will not be valid anymore. A
possibility to check this is to have a look at the constellation diagram. If the clouds around the
constellation points are getting much bigger than the (horizontal and vertical) decision borders or if
there is even only one single big cloud, this will be a strong indication for a faulty QAM analysis. The
QAM measurement demodulator of the Cable Measurements option was designed by taking the
transmitter and distortion model from above (see Fig. 2-50) into account.

Digital TV Measurement Examples
These measurements are set up to carry out single channel measurements of digital TV signals. The
settings for digital TV measurements are described in section Digital TV settings. The test setup for the
following measurement types is provided in section Digital TV test setup.
The digital TV measurements offered by the Cable TV Measurements option can be divided into two
spectrum analyzer measurements
measurements based on the measurement QAM demodulator





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Measurements of the first group can also be done in the Spectrum Analyzer mode. The advantage of
the measurements of the Cable TV Measurements option is that they are automatically parameterized
with information according to the channel table and the modulation standards. Measurements of this
type are:
Spectrum measurement
Channel Power measurement
APD measurement
CCDF measurement
Digital TV measurements that base on output of the QAM measurement demodulator are:
Overview measurement
Constellation Diagram measurement (modulation analysis)
Modulation Errors measurement (modulation analysis)
Echo Pattern measurement (channel analysis)

Digital TV settings
The Cable TV Measurements option needs to know some of the parameters described in section Digital
TV Basics to perform correct measurements. It therefore stores these parameters in the so–called
"modulation standard". Refer to section Modulation standards for the creation and usage of a
modulation standard. Section Digital TV modulation standards contains the description of the
parameters that have to be characterized for a digital TV signal. The following list explains the meaning
of the parameters:

Name: Choose an arbitrary name for the new modulation standard.


Signal Type: If you want to characterize an digital TV signal, select Digital TV.


TV Standard: Select a TV standard to initialize the following parameters.


Constellation used in the transmitter, e.g. 64QAM.


Symbol Rate of QAM signal.


Roll–Off factor of root raised cosine TX filter.


Sideband Position: Is the signal in normal position or inverted?


In the dialog boxes, set the parameters always from top to bottom, since all parameters depend
on the parameters above them. Otherwise your input might be rejected, e.g. if it specifies an
unusual TV standard.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Digital TV test setup
Perform all measurement examples in the Cable TV Analyzer mode.
Use a digital TV generator as signal source.
Connect the generator directly to the R&S FSL.
Set the TV generator to the following parameters:
center frequency = 100 MHz
single carrier 64QAM modulation.
root raised cosine transmit filter with a roll–off factor of 0.15.
symbol rate = 6.9 MSymbols/s.
This test setup is used throughout all digital TV measurement examples.

Spectrum measurement
This measurement gives an overview of the active measurement channel. All parameters are set
according to the modulation standard, referenced in the channel table or by the default digital TV
modulation standard. The spectrum is displayed in a full screen trace.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the FREQ key and enter 100 MHz for the center frequency.
2. Press the MEAS key.
3. Press the Digital TV softkey.
4. Press the Digital TV Settings softkey and compare the modulation parameters.

Fig. 2-51 Digital TV Settings dialog box
5. Press the Spectrum softkey.
6. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
7. Press the RUN key.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

The spectrum of the input signal is displayed.

Fig. 2-52 Digital TV Spectrum measurement

Overview measurement
This measurement determines the modulation accuracy of a digitally modulated single carrier QAM
signals. The measurement results are checked against the limits and displayed in a table. In this table,
only the important result parameters of digital TV signals are displayed. Less important result
parameters are provided by the Modulation Errors measurement (modulation analysis).
Result parameters that failed the check are displayed in red and bold characters, the table cell is
marked with a star. Result parameters that passed the checks are displayed in green characters. A
global pass or fail comment is displayed in the upper left table corner on a green (for passed) or red (for
failed) background.
Table 2–7: Result parameters – Overview


MER (rms)

root mean square of modulation
error rate

MER (peak)

peak of modulation error rate





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)





EVM (rms)

root mean square of error vector

EVM (peak)

peak of error vector magnitude

Carrier Frequency

frequency offset between the
received digital TV signal and the
frequency setting

Symbol Rate Offset

frequency offset between the
measured symbol rate of the
received TV signal and the set
symbol rate

Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Digital TV softkey.
3. Press the Overview softkey.
4. To magnify one parameter, press the Zoom softkey and activate the parameter. To go back to the
default setting, activate None.
5. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
6. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
7. Press the RUN key.
The Table 2–7 lists the result parameters: meas(/) is the measured signal and ref(/) the ideal transmit
signal that is used for comparison; / means that the continuous signals are sampled at symbol instants
t = Tsymbol .





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

The result of the measurement is shown below.

Fig. 2-53 Digital TV Overview measurement
8. To form the average over a defined number of sweeps:
Press the TRACE key.
Press the Result Mode softkey and select the Average trace mode.
Press the Sweep Count softkey and enter the number of sweeps used for averaging.
Every result parameter in the table is averaged by a suitable averaging method over the
number of sweeps set.

Constellation Diagram measurement (modulation analysis)
This measurement displays the constellation diagram of the demodulated signal. Amplitude imbalance,
quadrature error and carrier leakage (see. Modulation Errors measurement (modulation analysis)) are
still present in the used data. The probability of occurrence of points in the complex I/Q plane is
represented by different colors. The constellation results are provided only graphically, i.e. reading
results via remote control returns only a hardcopy of the display, but not a list of I/Q samples.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Digital TV softkey.
3. Press the Modulation Analysis softkey.
4. Press the Const Diagram softkey.
5. To zoom in on one single quadrant, press the Zoom softkey and choose the desired quadrant. To
go back to the complete constellation, select None.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


6. To display the constellation diagram unchanged, while the I/Q samples are collected in the
background, press the Freeze softkey. To switch back to the continual update of the display, press
the Freeze softkey again.
7. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
8. Press the RUN key.

Fig. 2-54 Digital TV constellation measurement

Modulation Errors measurement (modulation analysis)
This measurement determines the modulation accuracy. The measurement results are checked against
the limits and displayed in a table. In this table, only the less important result parameters of digital TV
signals are displayed (for details see Table 2–8). The important result parameters are provided by the
Overview measurement.
Result parameters that failed the check are displayed in red and bold characters, the table cell is
marked with a star. Result parameters that passed the checks are displayed in green characters. A
global pass or fail comment is displayed in the upper left table corner on a green (for passed) or red (for
failed) background.
Table 2–8: Result parameters – Modulation Errors



Measure for unequal amplitude
gains of in–phase and quadrature
singal paths of the transmitter's IQ
mixer. An ideal IQ mixer results in
0 %.




Quadrature Error

Phase offset relative to the ideal
phase difference (i.e. 90 deg)
between the in–phase and
quadrature signal paths. An ideal
IQ mixer results in 0 deg.

Carrier Suppression

Suppression of carrier; perfect
suppression results in –\ dB.



{v , v } min{v , v } 1





: amplification of in–phase signal path

: amplification of quadrature signal path



Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)



Phase Jitter (rms)

Root mean square of phase jitter
in deg. An ideal IQ mixer results in
0 deg.


Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Digital TV softkey.
3. Press the Modulation Analysis softkey.
4. Press the Modulation Errors softkey.
5. To magnify one parameter, press the Zoom softkey and activate the parameter. To go back to the
default setting, select None.
6. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
7. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
8. Press the RUN key.

Fig. 2-55 Digital TV Modulation Errors measurement
9. To form the average over a defined number of sweeps:
Press the TRACE key.
Press the Result Mode softkey and select the Average trace mode.
Press the Sweep Count softkey and enter the number of sweeps used for averaging.
Every result parameter in the table is averaged by a suitable averaging method over the
number of sweeps set.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Echo Pattern measurement (channel analysis)
This measurement determines the magnitude of the channel impulse response in respect to the
corresponding time delay. Damage of TV cables causes unwanted reflections of the TV signal. These
reflections lead to echoes in the TV receiver. These echoes can be seen by looking at the echo pattern
trace. If the unit of the x–axle is changed into meters or miles (this requires knowledge of the
propagation speed of the cable, i.e. the velocity factor) the location of the cable damage can be
measured. This kind of measurement is sometimes referred to as distance–to–fault measurement: as
the position of a peak in the echo pattern trace represents the distance between the faulty part of the
cable and the location of the R&S FSL.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Digital TV softkey.
3. Press the Channel Analysis softkey.
4. Press the Echo Pattern softkey.
5. To change the unit from Rs to km or miles:
Press the Velocity Factor softkey to define the velocity of propagation for the unit conversion.
Press the Unit softkey to select the unit.
6. To zoom into the echo pattern, press the Zoom softkey.
7. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
8. Press the RUN key.

Fig. 2-56 Digital TV Echo Pattern measurement
9. To get correct measurement results the equalizer should be activated. A non–flat frequency
response of the cable channel may cause demodulation errors and thus corrupt the measurement
results. Inter–symbol interference can be suppressed by the use of the equalizer.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Please note that the Echo Pattern can also be measured with the equalizer switched off. As long as
there are only few decision errors in the QAM demodulator this will lead to the same echo pattern.
Press the PREVIOUS key twice to go two menu levels up.
Press the Digital TV Settings softkey (see Fig. 2-51).
If the equalizer should get into an instable state (e.g. if the signal was removed), press the
Reset button.
If the equalizer was properly trained and the channel does not change anymore, activate the
Freeze Equalizer option. Freezing the equalizer can speed up all demodulation–based digital
TV measurements.
Close the Digital TV Settings dialog with the ESC key.
What is the difference between the equalizer filter and the echo pattern?
The echo pattern is the amplitude of the channel impulse response. The equalizer in contrast estimates
the inverse of the channel response which is required to remove the channel's influence from the
measurement signal.

Channel Power measurement
This measurement determines the channel power of a digital TV channel.
For details on the applied measurement modes refer to section Measuring Channel Power and
Adjacent Channel Power.
The measurement is setup automatically with data relating to the modulation standard.
The measurement display is split into two panes. In the upper pane, the spectrum trace is displayed. In
the lower pane, the result table for the measurement is displayed.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Digital TV softkey.
3. Press the More softkey.
4. Press the Channel Power softkey.
5. To change the limits, press the Edit Table softkey.
6. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
7. Press the RUN key.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Fig. 2-57 Digital TV Channel Power measurement

APD measurement
This measurement determines the amplitude probability density function (APD). The measurement can
also be performed in Spectrum Analyzer mode, but in the Cable TV Analyzer mode most of the
parameters are set automatically. For details on the background refer to section Amplitude Distribution
Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Digital TV softkey.
3. Press the More softkey.
4. Press the APD softkey.
5. To change the scaling parameters of the x– and y–axis:
Press the Scaling softkey.
Press the corresponding softkey to change the parameters: x–Axis Signal Level, x–Axis Range,
y–Axis Max. Value, y–Axis Min. Value, Default Settings.
6. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
7. Press the RUN key.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Fig. 2-58 Digital TV APD measurement

CCDF measurement
This measurement determines the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of the
complex base band signal. The measurement can also be performed in Spectrum Analyzer mode, but
in the Cable TV Analyzer mode most of the parameters are set automatically. For details on the
measurement background refer to chapter section Amplitude Distribution Measurements.
Test setup:
Refer to the section Digital TV test setup.
1. Press the MEAS key.
2. Press the Digital TV softkey.
3. Press the More softkey.
4. Press the CCDF softkey.
5. To determine the power exceeded with a given probability, press the Percent Marker softkey.
6. To change the scaling parameters of the x– and y–axis:
Press the Scaling softkey.
Press the corresponding softkey to change the parameters: x–Axis Signal Level, x–Axis Range,
y–Axis Max. Value, y–Axis Min. Value, Default Settings.
7. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
8. Press the RUN key.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Fig. 2-59 Digital TV CCDF measurement

TV Analyzer Measurements
The measurement here is set up to carry out multiple channel measurements of TV networks. The
measurement provides a fast, automatic change of the measurement channel in order to support a
quick succession of measurements.
The following measurement type is provided:
Tilt measurement

Tilt measurement
This measurement can determine the amplitude response of the CATV network by measuring the
channel power of every channel. Both analog and digital TV channels can be measured. The setup
configuration allows to limit the frequency range or to choose particular modulation standards in order to
measure only a channel subset of the TV network.
The channel levels are measured in a series of zero–span measurements. Each channel is measured
using the information stored in the channel table (modulation standard). Therefore the use of a channel
table is mandatory. Channels with the modulation standard < unused > are not measured (for details
on modulation standards refer to chapter "Instrument Functions", section "Cable TV Measurements
Option (K20)". Depending on the set modulation standard one the following measurements is used
internally by the firmware:
analog TV: Carriers measurement
digital TV: Channel Power measurement
The measurement result is displayed in form of a bar graph. The colors of the bars indicate the signal
type of the modulation standard.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Test setup:
Connect the R&S FSL to your CATV network.
It is not possible to work without a channel table. You cannot even enter the TV Analyzer sub menu, if
you have not activated a channel table before. Create a channel table according to you CATV network
(or a subset of your network). This task is described in section Example: Creating a channel table. If
you do not want to create your own channel table, you can use the example channel table from section
Example: Creating a channel table, which is delivered with the Cable TV Measurements option.
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Press the Channel Setup softkey.
3. Select the appropriate channel table and activate it by pressing the Activate softkey.
4. Press the MEAS key.
5. Press the TV Analyzer softkey.
6. Press the Tilt softkey.
7. To restrict the channels to be measured, press the Tilt Setup softkey:
The Tilt Setup dialog box is displayed.
To limit the frequency range, under Span, enter a start and stop frequency. Be sure that at least
one channel's RF frequency is in this range. Otherwise the measurement display will be empty!
To select certain modulation standards for the measurement, under Modulation Standards,
activate the modulation standards to be included in the measurement.
8. To adjust the range of the y–axis, if logarithmic, press the Auto Range softkey.
9. Press the RUN key.
10. Observe the exact levels of different channels by turning the rotary knob.
11. Check your network:
Do all signals of the same type (e.g. all analog TV signals) have similar levels?
You can do this by selecting the modulation standards to measure before the measurement.
Or you can measure all kinds of signals and distinguish different modulation standards after the
measurement by their different colors.
You can measure the amplitude response of the network (or of an amplifier) by looking at the
levels of signals at different frequencies. Prerequisite is either that you measure before and after
the amplifier and compare the results. Or that you know, that the levels are equal at the

Channel Tables and Modulation Standards
Measurements with the Cable TV Measurements option can be speeded up significantly if a channel
table is used. First of all a channel table, sometimes also referred as channel plan, contains the
frequency plan of a cable TV network. Furthermore, for every channel it contains the information about
the service broadcast or the information that the channel is < unused >.
Typically every country has its own regulations concerning the frequency plan, i.e. the channel locations
and the channel widths. Unfortunately the services or programs assigned to this frequency plan differ
from one CATV network to another. For example the CATV network of the city of Munich offers different
programs than Erding which is only about 40 kilometers away. Therefore the Cable TV Measurements
option provides empty channel tables for most countries in the world, where empty means, that all



Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


channels are marked as < unused >. However, it is not possible to do measurements without any
precise information about the services. Therefore the Cable TV Measurements option introduces the
concept of the so–called modulation standard.
Modulation standards describe the signal characteristics, or physical layer, transmitted via a channel.
The Cable TV Measurements option supports modulation standards that characterize analog TV signals
(e.g. NTSC, SECAM, PAL) or digital TV signals (single carrier QAM as for example in DVB–C). Every
channel table can comprise several modulation standards. Once defined, every channel can reference
one of these modulation standards. Provided that at least one channel references a modulation
standard, measurements based on a channel table can easily be done.
You can create numerous channel tables (e.g. for different locations in the network / different
measurement tasks) and save them on the R&S FSL. But there can always be only one channel table
active at a time. Working without a channel table is realized by activating the special, pseudo channel
table called < none >.
Normally, the easiest way is not to create a channel table from the scratch, but to load pre–defined
channel tables delivered with the Cable TV Measurements option. They already hold the typical
frequency plans for many countries. You only have to fill in the modulation standards.
For detailed information on channel tables refer to section Channel tables, for modulation standards
refer to section Modulation standards. A detailed example is provided in section Example: Creating a
channel table. Fig. 2-60 gives an example of a channel table that references the modulation standard
"PAL_BG_STEREO''. Fig. 2-62 shows that modulation standard.

Channel tables
This section gives a detailed description of channel tables and their properties.

Channel tables (see Fig. 2-60) have a Name. The name should comprise geographical
information, e.g. "SOUTHAMPTON'' or "EXAMPLE_WIPFING''.


If desired, a Description giving further information on the channel table can be entered.


Channel tables consist of Channels. The Cable TV Measurements option displays one channel
per line. A channel table must contain at least one channel.

Fig. 2-60

The channel table and its properties

Every channel has the following properties:

The unique channel number No. can be used within measurements to change over from one
channel to another quickly.


A Comment can be specified, e.g. the name of the program or the frequency band.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


The RF frequency represents the characteristic frequency of a channel. For analog TV
channels RF is equal to the vision carrier frequency. For digital TV channels and < unused >
channels it equals the center frequency.


Width stands for the channel's bandwidth.

Digital TV

Width 1

Width 2

Width 3
Stop 2

RF 1

RF 3

Analog TV

Start 3

< unused >

Start 2
RF 2

Channel 3

Stop 1

Channel 2

Start 1

Channel 1

Stop 3

A Modulation Standard is referenced. In case of an empty channel, the modulation standard is
set to < unused >. Be aware that modulation standards have to be created before making use
of them. For details refer to section Create modulation standards Note, that in order to perform
channel table based measurements, there must be at least one channel, that references a
modulation standard. It is not possible to do any measurements, if in all channels the
modulation standard equals < unused >.



1.25 MHz


Fig. 2-61

Channel start and stop frequencies versus RF frequency and channel width

Except for < unused > channels the calculation of the start and stop frequencies depends on the signal
type property (digital or analog TV) of the referenced modulation standard. All corresponding formulae
are listed in the table below.
Table 2–9: Channel start and stop frequencies versus RF frequency and channel width
Signal type
RF frequency

Analog TV

Digital TV

Start + 1.25 MHz

Start + (Stop – Start) / 2

Channel Width
Start frequency

Stop – Start
RF – 1.25 MHz

RF – Width/2

Stop frequency


< unused >

Start + Width

The Cable TV Measurements option automatically adapts the RF frequency if the user changes
the modulation standard of a channel (e.g. from an analog to digital modulation standard). This
is done in order to keep the channels start and stop frequencies constant.

Modulation standards
All over the world many different transmission standards for TV signals exist. As a guide through the
jungle of parameters that describe TV signals (including video and sound sub–signals) the concept of
the modulation standard has been introduced.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Most important when dealing with modulation standards is the order of the parameters. Modulation
standards (see Fig. 2-62) have always to be created and edited from top to bottom of the Modulation
Standard Options dialog box. The most important parameters are located at the top of the dialog box.
For example, changing the signal type from Analog TV to Digital TV also alters the complete set of
parameters below. Whereas the modulation technique for transmitting the color information is essential
in analog TV systems (see Color System in Fig. 2-62), it does not exist for digital TV systems. The
constellation instead is crucial in digital TV systems (see Fig. 2-63). For that reason the Cable TV
Measurements option automatically guides you through the whole process of creating a new modulation
standard and only confronts you with mandatory parameters.
A modulation standard is structured as follows:

The Name is arbitrary, but should refer to the main properties of the TV signal, e.g.


The Signal Type specifies whether the signal is an analog TV or a digital TV signal.

As mentioned above, all described parameters below depend on the chosen signal type. Therefore the
remaining parameters will be discussed separately in the sequel.

Fig. 2-62

Modulation Standard Options dialog box for analog TV

Analog TV modulation standards
This section describes the parameters that characterize analog cable TV signals. Refer to section
Analog TV Basics to learn more about analog cable TV signals. The parameters discussed here can
also be modified (temporarily) in the Analog TV Settings dialog box.
For analog TV the Modulations Standard Options dialog box (see Fig. 2-62) is structured as follows:
The channel table references modulation standards by their Name. Its name (see Fig. 2-63) should
comprise information about the used TV standard, the color system and the sound system, e.g.
Here the Signal Type is always set to Analog TV.
The TV Standard characterizes the way the luminance information is modulated. The following
analog TV standards exist:




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

The Sound System parameter specifies how the audio will be transmitted. The possible values
depend on the TV Standard selected in the TV Standard list. The sound systems are named in the
form "sound carrier 1 / sound carrier 2'', e.g. "FM 6.5 / FM 6.258''. Information about the sound
modulation format and the carrier frequency with respect to the vision carrier is included.
Table 2–10: Possible values for the sound systems
TV Standard

Sound System


FM 5.5 / NICAM 5.85
FM 5.5 / FM 5.742


FM 6.5 / NICAM 5.85


FM 6.5 / FM 6.258
FM 6.5 / FM 6.742


FM 6.0 / NICAM 6.552


AM 6.5 / NICAM 5.85




FM 4.5 EIA–J
FM 4.5 / FM 4.724

What Group Delay shall the residual sideband filter have? The Group Delay setting has no effect
on the measurements in this firmware release.
The Color System parameter specifies how color information will be transmitted. The possible
values depend on the TV Standard selected in the TV Standard list.
Table 2–11: Possible values for the Color Systems
TV Standard

Color System











Bar Line: The Vision Modulation measurement needs a special test signal, containing a peak white
value. You must specify the type and the number of the horizontal line that contains the peak white




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Quiet Line: Some measurements need a horizontal line with no video information in it. You must
specify the number of this horizontal line here. For further information see also Example: Creating a
channel table.
Sideband Position: Is the signal in normal position or inverted?
Sometimes the analog TV signal to be analyzed is only available with an inverted sideband. This
can for example happen if the cable operator feds – for some reason – an inverted signal into the
network. It may also happen in R&D labs where measurements on different IF stages of a new TV
transmitter or a receiver hardware are to be performed. Please be aware, that these two
applications also lead to two different cases when measuring with the Cable TV Measurements
Measurements with channel tables
Measurements without a channel table, i.e. < none >.
The sideband position can either be altered in the modulation standard or in the Analog TV
settings dialog box. When measuring with a channel table, switching the sideband position (from
normal to inverse or vice versa) keeps the channel's start and stop frequencies constant. As a
consequence the RF frequency will be modified.
Channel Information:
RF frequency = 401.25 MHz
Width = 8 MHz
Modulation standard = analog TV with sideband position = normal.
This leads to the following channel borders:
Start frequency = RF – 1.25 MHz = 400 MHz
Stop frequency = Start frequency + Width = 408 MHz.
Next, the sideband position of the referenced modulation standard will be set to inverse. In order
to keep the start and stop frequencies constant the RF frequency will be adapted as follows:
RF frequency = Stop frequency – 1.25 MHz = 206.75 MHz.
In case of measurements without a channel table, i.e. < none >, we realize that there are no start
and stop frequencies existing. Hence, changing the sideband position keeps the RF frequency
constant. As a consequence you will analyze different parts of the spectrum depending on the
selected sideband position.
Digital TV modulation standards
In the Cable TV Measurements option, digital TV is used as a synonym for quadrature amplitude
modulated (QAM) signals. In digital Cable TV networks exclusively single carrier modulated signals are
used. The Cable TV Measurements option does not support multicarrier techniques such as OFDM in
terrestrial TV networks.





Fig. 2-63

Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Modulation Standard Options dialog box for digital TV

This section describes the parameters that characterize digital cable TV signals. Refer to section Digital
TV Basics to learn more about digital TV signals. The parameters discussed here can also be modified
(temporarily) in the Digital TV Settings dialog box.
For digital TV the Modulations Standard Options dialog box is structured as follows:
The channel table references modulation standards by their Name. Its name (see Fig. 2-63) should
comprise information about the used constellation and the symbol rate, e.g. "64QAM_6900''.
Here the Signal Type is always set to Digital TV.
Depending on the TV Standard the default values of the parameters below are set. The following
digital TV standards exist:
QAM J.83/A (DVB–C Europe)
QAM J.83/B (US Cable)
QAM J.83/C (Japanese Cable)
The Constellation parameter supports the values below:
Fig. 2-64 shows ideal 16QAM and 32QAM constellation diagrams. 4QAM, 16QAM, 64QAM,
256QAM and 1024QAM have a square structure, whereas 32QAM, 128QAM and 512QAM have a
cross structure.
The Symbol Rate and the Roll–off factor of the pulse shaping filter determine the occupied
bandwidth of the digital TV signal. In the Cable TV Measurements option only root raised cosine
filters are supported. The bandwidth can be calculated by the following formula:
OccupiedBandwidth = SymbolRate (1 + RollOff)




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


The symbol rate can be entered in MHz. For the roll–off factor, the following values are supported:
The Sideband Position parameter can be used to invert the sidebands. The following values are

Fig. 2-64

16QAM (square) and 32QAM (cross) constellation diagrams

Example: Creating a channel table
This section gives an exemplary step–by–step instruction for creating a channel table. The basic
procedure consists of three steps:
1. Enter frequency plan, i.e. a channel table solely containg < unused > channels.
2. Create modulation standards.
3. Assign modulation standards to channels.
The following sections address these steps.
The channel tables described in this example are delivered with the Cable TV Measurements option.
Please note, that contrary to the example here, their names are as follows.








Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Enter frequency plan
Typically every country has its own regulations concerning the frequency plan, i.e. the channel locations
and the channel widths. That is what we call a country–specific frequency plan. Table 2–12 shows the
frequency plan of "Bavaria''. This plan applies to all cable TV networks of Bavaria. Hence, there is no
information about the programs included yet, as this information depends on the (local) operator of a
particular network. In the first step, we merely want to enter this frequency plan with the Cable TV
Measurements option and call this channel table "EXAMPLE BAVARIA''.
Table 2–12: Frequency plan example of channel table "EXAMPLE BAVARIA''
Channel No.

Band name

Start frequency in MHz

Width in MHz





















1. Press the MENU key.
2. Press the Channel Setup softkey.
3. Press the New softkey to create a new channel table.
4. In the Name field, enter EXAMPLE BAVARIA as channel table name with the keypad, and press
5. In the Description field, enter in the same way EXAMPLE FOR COUNTRY SPECIFIC
6. To enter the first channel (line 2 of Table 2–12):
Use the knob or the cursor keys to move to the No. column of the existing channel.
Enter 2 for the channel number.
Enter VHF 1 as Comment.
Set the Modulation Standard to < unused >.
Therefore RF represents the center frequency and can be calculated as
RF = Start + Width / 2 = 50.5 MHz + 7 MHz / 2 = 54 MHz.
Set the RF frequency to 54 MHz.
Set the channel Width to 7 MHz.
7. To enter the second channel (line 3 of Table 2–12):
Move down to focus the last channel.
Press the Copy Channel softkey to copy the last channel.
Move down to the copied channel.
Set the channel number No. to 21.
Enter UHF as Comment.
Set the Modulation Standard to < unused >,
i.e. RF = 474 MHz + 8 MHz / 2 = 478 MHz.
Set the RF frequency to 478 MHz.
Set the channel Width to 8 MHz.



Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


8. To enter the remaining channels proceed as in step 7
Channel 22: RF = 486 MHz
Channel 23: RF = 494 MHz
Channel 24: RF = 502 MHz
9. To save your work, press the Save Changes softkey.
Having finished the first step, you have build a channel table as shown in Fig. 2-65. Please note,
that it is not possible yet, to do any measurements, as all channels are marked as < unused >.
Nevertheless, you can use the EXAMPLE BAVARIA channel table as a base model for all channel
tables required all over Bavaria.

Fig. 2-65

Channel table "EXAMPLE BAVARIA'' with entered frequency plan

Create modulation standards
For detailed information on channel tables refer to section Channel tables, for modulation standards
refer to section Modulation standards. A worked out example can be found in Example: Creating a
channel table.
The second and third steps require knowledge about a particular network. Thus, information about the
programs (see Channel tables) and the possible services (see Modulation standards) has to be
collected. For our example, we retrieved this information from the operator of the small cable TV
network of Wipfing, a village in Bavaria. We found out, that there is a traditional TV chain, broadcasting
their TV program using analog transmission techniques with stereo sound. The technical details are
summarized in Table 2–13. Besides, another TV chain, equipped with state–of–the–art Bavarian
broadcast technology, feeds two digital DVB–C programs into Wipfing's cable TV network. The
parameters are listed in Table 2–14.
Table 2–13: Analog TV service data for PAL_BG_STEREO modulation standard



Stereo: FM 5.5 MHz / FM 5.7421875 MHz

Group delay profile


VITS: Bar line

CCIR17, line 17

VITS: Quiet line

line 22

Sideband position






Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Table 2–14: Digital TV service data for 64QAM_6900 modulation standard

QAM J.83/A (DVB–C Europe)



Symbol rate

6.9 MSymbols/s

Roll–off factor of root raised cosine filter


Sideband position


First of all in the second step, we will copy the EXAMPLE BAVARIA channel table to a new channel
table EXAMPLE WIPFING. We do this, because we want to keep the pure frequency plan (as
EXAMPLE BAVARIA channel table), and create an additional channel table EXAMPLE WIPFING for
our measurements in Wipfing.
1. Press the previous key, to go back to the Channel Tables dialog box.
2. Focus the channel table EXAMPLE BAVARIA via the knob or cursor keys.
3. Press the Copy softkey to copy the EXAMPLE BAVARIA channel table.
4. The Channel Table dialog box is displayed (see Fig. 2-65).
5. In the field Name, enter EXAMPLE WIPFING as channel table name, with the keypad.
6. In the field Description, enter in the same way EXAMPLE FOR PARTICULAR CATV NETWORK.
7. To save the new channel table, press the Save Changes softkey. You will be prompted if any
errors are encounterd. In that case, please correct all errors. If you followed the steps above
everthing should be fine.
We will then create the analog modulation standard, which we will call PAL_BG_STEREO and which is
based on the information of Table 2–13: We will continue with the channel table EXAMPLE WIPFING
from above.
8. Press the Modulation Options softkey.
The appearing list of all exisiting modulation standards is empty right now.
9. In the Modulation Options submenu, press the New softkey.
The Modulation Standard Options dialog box appears (see for example Fig. 2-66).
10. Enter the parameters for the modulation standard:
In the field Name, enter PAL_BG_STEREO as modulation standard name with the keypad.
Select Analog TV as Signal Type from the list.
This is done, because PAL B/G is an analog TV standard.
Select B/G as TV Standard.
This means that the luminance information of the video signal is transmitted via an AM
modulated carrier according to the standard B/G.
Select FM 5.5 / FM 5.742 as Sound System from the list.
That means that there are two sound carriers present, one 5.5 MHz and the other 5.7421875
MHz above (for a normal sideband position) the vision carrier frequency.
Select General for the Group Delay from the list.
Select PAL for the Color System from the list.
The color information of the video signal is transmitted according to the PAL standard.
For the Bar Line, set Line to 17 and the Type to CCIR17.
That means, that a special test signal, the so called bar line, is transmitted in the horizontal line
17 of the TV signal.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


For the Quiet Line, set Line to 22.
That means, that the horizontal line 22 transmits no luminance information.
Select Normal as Sideband Postion from the list.
The Modulation Standard Options dialog box should now look as in Fig. 2-66.
11. Press the previous key twice to go back to the Channel Table dialog box.
12. Press the Save Changes softkey to save the channel table and the new modulation standard.

Fig. 2-66

Analog TV modulation standard PAL_BG_STEREO

Up to now, we successfully created the channel table EXAMPLE WIPFING, which contains a frequency
plan and the analog TV modulation standard PAL_BG_STEREO. Next, we will create the digital
modulation standard 64QAM_6900 based on the information of Table 2–14.
13. Press the Modulation Options softkey.
A list with one modulation standard PAL_BG_STEREO is displayed.
14. In the Modulation Options submenu, press the New softkey.
The Modulation Standard Options dialog box is displayed (see for example Fig. 2-66).
15. Enter the parameters for the modulation standard:
In the field Name, enter 64QAM_6900 as modulation standard name with the keypad.
Select Digital TV as Signal Type from the list.
This is done, because the desired QAM DVB–C signal is a digital TV signal.
Select QAM J.83/A (DVB–C Europe) as TV Standard.
By this means, all parameters below are set to their default values.
Set Constellation to 64QAM.
Set the Symbol Rate value to 6.9 MSyms/s.
This can be done by entering 6.9 via the keypad and confirming the input with the MHz key.
Set the Roll–off factor to 0.150.
Select Auto as Sideband Postion from the list.
The Modulation Standard Options dialog box should now look as in Fig. 2-67.
16. Press the previous key twice to go back to the Channel Table dialog box.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

17. Press the Save Changes softkey to save the channel table and the new modulation standard.

Fig. 2-67

Digital TV modulation standard 64QAM_6900

We have now finished step two, i.e. the channel table EXAMPLE WIPFING contains a frequency plan,
the analog modulation standard PAL_BG_STEREO and the digital modulation standard 64QAM_6900.
Assign modulation standards to channels
Finally, in step three, the links between the frequency plan and the modulation standards have to be
set. Table 2–15 shows the desired combinations.
Table 2–15: Assignment of programs and services to channels
Channel No.

Program Name

Modulation Standard



< unused >













1. Do not change channel 2, as no service is available (< unused >).
2. To edit channel 21:
Enter BRASS CHANNEL into the Comment field of channel 21.
The band name, entered before, is now replaced by the more meaningful program name.
Select PAL_BG_STEREO as Modulation Standard from the list.
The list now offers: < unused >, 64QAM_6900 and PAL_BG_STEREO. Furthermore, the RF
frequency will be automatically changed from 478 MHz to 475.25 MHz.
3. To edit the channels 22, 23, and 24, proceed to step 2 using the information from Table 2–15.
4. Press the Save Changes softkey, to save the channel table.
The complete channel table is shown in Fig. 2-68.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Fig. 2-68


Digital Channel table "EXAMPLE WIPFING''

We now have sucessfully finished the creation of the channel table "EXAMPLE WIPFING''. Please refer
to section Performing a Measurement without a Channel Table to learn more about measurements
based on a channel table.

Example: Restoring the default channel tables
The Cable TV Measurements option brings several channel tables with it:
The typical frequency plans used in different countries, e.g.
Example channel tables (see Example: Creating a channel table), e.g.
If you have modified or deleted one of these channel tables, you can restore them in the following way:
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Press the Channel Setup softkey.
3. Press the Restore Default Tables softkey.
Only missing channel tables will be restored. If you want to replace an existing channel table by its
default channel table, you have to delete it before.

Performing a Measurement without a Channel Table
The Cable TV Measurements option intends to help network engineers. Network engineers will onces
create a channel table, and then use it to visit many, many test points, all located in the same cable TV
network. If you are a network engineer please see section Performing a Measurement Using a Channel
Table. If you work in R&D or you do not have a cable TV network at all (all you have is a single TV
transmitter or a frequency where you want to do a measurement ignoring any signals apart), this
section describes how to setup an analog TV Spectrum measurement without a channel table.





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Test setup:
Connect a analog TV generator to your R&S FSL. Set the TV generator to send an analog TV PAL
B/G signal with a vision carrier frequency of 210.25 MHz.
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Press the Channel Setup softkey.
The Channel Tables dialog box is displayed. It lists all available channel tables.
3. Select no channel table < none > and press the ENTER key.
You should always select < none > if you do not have a channel table. In this mode you can do all
kind of measurements except the Tilt measurement.
4. Press the MEAS key.
5. Press the Analog TV softkey.
By pressing this softkey you tell the Cable TV Measurements option, that your signal is an analog
TV signal and that the Default Analog Modulation Standard has to be used. This modulation
standard is used for all analog TV measurements knowing the fact that there is no channel table
where a modulation standard can be retrieved from.
6. Press the Spectrum softkey.
In our example we want to check the spectrum of our analog TV source.
7. Press the FREQ key.
8. Press the RF softkey.
9. Enter 210.35 MHz as the RF frequency.
10. To adjust the input attenuator, press the Adjust Attenuation softkey.
The following figure is displayed:

Fig. 2-69 Example for a measurement without a channel table




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


In practice you would now continue to adapt the modulation settings in depth, i.e. the sound system the
test lines and so on. For our example we will stop here.
For further details on analog TV modulation parameters please refer to section Analog TV settings.

Performing a Measurement Using a Channel Table
The use of a channel table can speed up most of the routine measurement tasks. This section will
demonstrate how to perform measurements using channel tables.
Test setup:
No special test setup is required. You do not need to supply a signal. We do not need meaningful
measurement results here, since the focus is on the operation only.
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Press the Channel Setup softkey.
3. You should now see a list of Channel Tables, including the example channel table
RS_EXAMPLE_WIPFING, that was used in section Example: Creating a channel table. If you have
deleted it, you must first restore it as shown in section Example: Restoring the default channel
4. Move the cursor to RS_EXAMPLE_WIPFING and press the Activate softkey.
The Cable TV Measurements option automatically switched to the first channel in the Channel
5. Press the MEAS key.
6. Press the Analog TV softkey.
7. Press the Carriers softkey.
The resulting measurement is displayed (see Fig. 2-70).
The Cable TV Measurements option configures the measurement according to the information
stored in the channel table:
It automatically sets the span to measure the channel with number 21. The channel borders are
marked with red vertical lines.
It also knows how large the ideal intercarrier frequency offset (vision carrier to audio carriers)
should be. This information is needed to calculate the deviation from the ideal value. The ideal
sound carrier positions are also marked via red vertical lines.
The measurement principle is chosen according to the modulation standard given for the current
measurement channel. For example: The powers of a NICAM and a FM sound carrier must be
measured in different ways.
The display tells you the actual RF frequency and what modulation standard the channel





Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)

Fig. 2-70 Carriers measurement using a Channel Table. No input signal!
8. Press the Channel No softkey.
9. Input a channel number via the numeric keyboard. The Cable TV Measurements option will only
allow analog TV channels defined in the active channel table, since we are in a measurement for
analog TV channels and digital TV signals would not make sense! The same is true when you use
the rotary knob for changing the measurement channel.
So, the very small example channel table only allows us to switch to channel 22. Observe how the
RF frequency changes.
10. Press the MEAS key.
11. Press the Digital TV softkey.
This switches to measurements for Digital TV signals.
12. Press the Spectrum softkey.
The resulting measurement is displayed (see Fig. 2-71).
The Cable TV Measurements option once again configures the measurement automatically and
gives you information about the channel borders and the modulation standard.




Cable TV Measurements (Option K20)


Fig. 2-71 Digital TV spectrum using a Channel Table. No input signal!
13. Press the Channel No softkey.
14. Choose one of the digital TV channels that are present in the channel table, because we are in a
measurement designed for digital TV signals.
15. Press the MEAS key.
16. Press the TV Analyzer softkey.
17. Press the Tilt softkey.
18. Press the Auto Range softkey.
The resulting measurement is displayed (see Fig. 2-72).

Fig. 2-72 Tilt measurement using a Channel Table. No input signal!




Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)

The use of a channel table is mandatory for the Tilt measurement. Because the Cable TV
Measurements option must know where a channel's power has to be measured and how it has to be
done. Each vertical line represents a channel. The blue ones are digital TV channels, the yellow ones
are analog TV.

Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)
This section describes measurement examples for the Noise Figure Measurements option (K30). For
further information on measurement examples refer to the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5 "Basic
Measurement Examples", or the Operating Manual on CD, chapter "Advanced Measurement
This option is available from firmware version 1.50.

Direct Measurements
Direct measurements are designed for DUTs without frequency–conversion, e.g. amplifiers. For details
refer also to the Operating Manual on CD, chapter "Instrument Functions", section "Noise Figure
Measurements Option (K30)".

Basic Measurement Example
This section provides step–by–step instructions for working through an ordinary noise figure
measurement. The following steps are described:
1. Setting up the measurement
2. Performing the calibration
3. Performing the main measurement
The gain and noise figure of an amplifier are to be determined in the range from 220 MHz to 320 MHz.
Setting up the measurement
1. Activate the Noise mode (for details refer to chapter "Instrument Functions", section "Measurement
Mode Selection – MODE Key").
2. Press the Freq Settings softkey to open the Frequency Settings dialog box.

In the Start Freq field, enter 550 MHz.
In the Stop Freq field, enter 560 MHz.
In the Step Freq field, enter 2 MHz.
A measurement at 6 frequency points is performed: 550 MHz, 552 MHz, 554 MHz, ..., 560




Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)


3. Press the ENR Settings softkey to open the ENR dialog box.

In the ENR Constant field, enter the average ENR value of the used noise source for the
frequency range of interest, for example 15 dB.
4. Press the Meas Settings softkey to open the Measurement Settings dialog box.

Activate the 2nd Stage Correction option to perform the measurement as accurately as
Performing the calibration
1. Connect the noise source to the RF input of the R&S FSL (see Fig. 2-73).
2. If you perform the measurement in an environment with radiated emissions, you may consider to
connect a lowpass filter to the voltage supply input of the noise source.
3. Provide the voltage supply for the noise source by connecting it to the +28 V connector of the
R&S FSL (labeled NOISE SOURCE CONTROL on the rear panel of the instrument) via a coax
cable and the lowpass filter. Connect the lowpass filter between the noise source itself and the
NOISE SOURCE CONTROL connector of the R&S FSL as shown in Fig. 2-73.
The purpose of the lowpass filter is to suppress any interference (e.g. due to RF interference),
including interference from the supply line. This makes it possible to perform very precise

Fig. 2-73:


Preparation for calibration




Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)

4. Start the calibration for the Noise Figure Measurements option.
Press the SWEEP key.
Press the Cal softkey.
The progress bar indicates the progress of the calibration measurement. After successful
calibration, in the status bar, a corresponding message is displayed and the title bar at the top of
the screen shows the status on the right–hand–side.
Performing the main measurement
1. Insert the DUT (in this example, the amplifier) into the test setup between the noise source and RF
input of the R&S FSL (see Fig. 2-74).

Fig. 2-74:

Test setup for the main measurement

2. To select the sweep mode, press the SWEEP key.
3. Press the RUN key to start the measurement.
Measurement results are updated as the measurement is in progress. The results are displayed in
graphical form. There are two traces, one for noise figure/temperature and one for the gain of the
4. To change the display from the graphical form to a tabular list of measurement points, press the
Display List/Graph softkey.

If a measurement is started while another measurement is still in progress, the first
measurement is aborted and the new measurement started immediately.

DUTs with very Large Gain
If the gain of the DUT exceeds 60 dB, the total gain must be reduced by an external attenuator. The
total gain of the DUT together with the external attenuator should lie within the range from 10 dB to
60 dB. A total gain of 20 dB to 30 dB is recommended. For a DUT with a gain of e.g. 64 dB, it is
recommended to use an external 40 dB–attenuator.
If an external attenuator is used, in the Measurement Settings dialog box, the entry in the Range field
should be modified according to the total gain ( = GDUT – external attenuator).
The attenuation values of the external attenuator are entered in the Loss Settings dialog box under
Loss Output Settings.
Inaccuracies when entering this attenuation mainly influence the measured gain. The noise figure
remains to a large extent unaffected.




Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)

Fig. 2-75:


Calibration and measurement on DUTs with a high gain

Frequency–Converting Measurements
The frequency–converting measurement is used for DUTs with an output frequency that differs from the
input frequency, e.g. mixers and frequency converters. The frequency–converting measurement allows
many variations, which differ from each other in two criteria:
Fixed LO Measurements
Image–Frequency Rejection (SSB, DSB)

Fixed LO Measurements
In the Frequency Settings dialog box, select one of the following settings for the Mode parameter:
fixed LO, IF=RF+LO, for up–converting devices
fixed LO, IF=abs(RF–LO), for down converters or image measurements

Image–Frequency Rejection (SSB, DSB)
Frequency–converting DUTs often do not only convert the desired input frequency but also the image
frequency. A broadband noise source offers noise to the DUT not only at the input frequency but also at
the image frequency. If the noise power at the IF gate is measured, the origin of the noise can no longer
be determined. It may have been converted both from the input and from the image frequency range.
Test setup
Set the following parameters:
IF (intermediate frequency): 100 MHz
RF (input frequency): 400 MHz
LO (local oscillator frequency): 500 MHz
image (image frequency): 600 MHz






Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)





If a DUT, which equally converts the useful signal and the image to the IF frequency, is measured using
the conventional y factor method or with the 2nd stage correction switched on, a measuring error of 3
dB is produced. The noise figure is displayed 3 dB lower and the gain 3 dB higher. The following
examples help to configure the test setup in order to measure the actual values.
Measurement on a single–sideband mixer





In general, a single–sideband mixer with a very high image rejection causes very few problems. The
measurement is analogous to an amplifier. In this case, set the image rejection in the Frequency
Settings dialog box to a large value (e.g. 999.99 dB).
Measurement on a mixer without sideband suppression






If the input and image frequencies are converted with the same application, an error of 3 dB occurs in
the measurement results if the image rejection is not taken into account. In this case, set the image
rejection in the Frequency Settings dialog box to a small value (e.g. 0.0 dB).




Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)


Measurement on a mixer with an average sideband suppression







For measurements on a mixer with a low image–frequency rejection, a measuring error of 0 to 3 dB is
obtained if the image–frequency rejection is not taken into account. In this case, set the image rejection
in the Frequency Settings dialog box to 4 dB to produce the correct results.
Measurement on a mixer with unknown sideband suppression

X dB






If the image rejection is not known, accurate noise results can still be produced. However, the gain of
the DUT must be known and an additional filter is required.
Test setup

Fig. 2-76:

Preparation for calibration

Fig. 2-77:

Test setup for the main measurement

In this test setup, a low pass filter prevents noise from the noise source from being fed in at the image
frequency. Depending on the position of the frequency bands, a highpass or bandpass filter may also
be necessary for the RF frequency instead of the lowpass filter. The important point is that noise from




Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30)

the noise source is not converted by a further receive path of the mixer. The noise of the noise source
at the receive frequency must not be reduced. The insertion loss must be considered, if applicable.
With this test setup, the measurement on a mixer without sideband suppression corresponds to the
measurement on a single–sideband mixer. As in that case, set the image rejection in the Frequency
Settings dialog box to a large value (e.g. 999.99 dB) to produce accurate results.
To take the characteristics of the filter into account, in the Loss Settings dialog box, enter the insertion
loss of the filter at the RF frequency. To consider the actual filter suppression at the image frequency,
do not enter 999 dB but the actual attenuation for the image rejection.
Measurement on a harmonics mixer
For a harmonics mixer, the input signals are not only converted to the IF by the wanted harmonic, but
also by the harmonic of the LO signal produced in the mixer. In many cases, the mixer even features a
lower conversion loss in the case of unwanted harmonics. For measurements on this type of mixer, a
bandpass filter must be used to make sure that that there is only noise at the desired input frequency at
the input of the DUT. This measurement is similar to measurements on a mixer with an average
sideband suppression.




3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)


3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)
This section explains basic 3GPP FDD base station tests by means of a setup with a signal generator,
e.g. an R&S SMU. It describes how operating and measurement errors can be avoided using correct
settings. The measurements are performed with an R&S FSL equipped with the 3GPP Base Station
Measurements option (K72).
The following measurements are described:
Measuring the Signal Channel Power
Measuring the Spectrum Emission Mask
Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power
Synchronization of the reference frequencies
Behavior with deviating center frequency setting
Behavior with incorrect scrambling code
Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power
Trigger offset
Furthermore, the test setup for base station tests is given:
Setup for Base Station Tests
For measurements on base–station signals in line with 3GPP, test models with different channel
configurations are specified in the document "Base Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD)" (3GPP TS
25.141 V7.4.0).
For further information on measurement examples refer also to the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5 "Basic
Measurement Examples".
This option is available from firmware version 1.60.

Measuring the Signal Channel Power
The R&S FSL measures the unweighted RF signal power in a bandwidth of

f BW = 5 MHz

(1 + ) 3.84 MHz |

= 0.22

The power is measured in zero span using a digital channel filter of 5 MHz in bandwidth. According to
the 3GPP standard, the measurement bandwidth (5 MHz) is slightly larger than the minimum required
bandwidth of 4.7 MHz.
Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the RF input of the R&S FSL (coaxial cable with N
Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
2.1175 GHz

0 dBm



Test model:

1, 32 DPCH channels





3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is set to its default state.
2. Change into the 3G FDD BTS mode.
Press the MODE key and activate the 3G FDD BTS option.
3. Set the center frequency to 2.1175 GHz.
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed.
In the dialog box, enter 2.1175 using the numeric keypad and confirm with the GHz key.
4. Set the reference level to 0 dBm.
Press the AMPT key and enter 0 dBm.
5. Start the Power measurement.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Power softkey.
The signal channel power of the WCDMA signal is displayed.

Fig. 2-78 Power measurement




3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)


Measuring the Spectrum Emission Mask
The 3GPP specification defines a measurement that monitors compliance with a spectral mask in a
range of at least ±12.5 MHz around the WCDMA carrier. To assess the power emissions in the
specified range, the signal power is measured in the range near the carrier by means of a 30 kHz filter,
and in the ranges far away from the carrier by means of a 1 MHz filter. The resulting trace is compared
to a limit line defined in the 3GPP specification.
Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the RF input of the R&S FSL (coaxial cable with N
Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
2.1175 GHz

0 dBm



Test model:

1, 32 DPCH channels

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is set to its default state.
2. Change into the 3G FDD BTS mode.
Press the MODE key and activate the 3G FDD BTS option.
3. Set the center frequency to 2.1175 GHz.
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed.
In the dialog box, enter 2.1175 using the numeric keypad and confirm with the GHz key.
4. Set the reference level to 0 dBm.
Press the AMPT key and enter 0 dBm.
5. Start the Spectrum Emission Mask measurement.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Spectrum Emission Mask softkey.
The spectrum of the 3GPP FDD signal is displayed.





3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)

Fig. 2-79 Spectrum Emission Mask measurement

Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power
A code domain power measurement on one of the test models (model 1 with 32 channels) is shown in
the following. To demonstrate the effects, the basic parameters of the Code Domain Power
measurements permitting an analysis of the signal are changed one after the other from values adapted
to the measurement signal to non–adapted values.
Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the input of the R&S FSL.
Connect the reference input (EXT REF) on the rear panel of the R&S FSL to the reference input of
the signal generator (coaxial cable with BNC connectors).
Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
2.1175 GHz

0 dBm



Test model:

1, 32 DPCH channels

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is set to its default state.
2. Change into the 3G FDD BTS mode.
Press the MODE key and activate the 3G FDD BTS option.




3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)


3. Set the center frequency to 2.1175 GHz.
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed.
In the dialog box, enter 2.1175 using the numeric keypad and confirm with the GHz key.
4. Adjust the reference level and scrambling code.
Press the MEAS key.
The measurement menu is displayed.
Press the Auto Level & Code softkey.
The firmware adjusts the reference level and then searches the scrambling code automatically.
5. Select the Code Domain Power measurement.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Code Dom Power Diagram softkey.
The Code Domain Power of signal according to test model 1 with 32 channels is displayed.

Fig. 2-80 Relative Code Domain Power measurement

Synchronization of the reference frequencies
Synchronization of the reference oscillators both of the DUT and the R&S FSL strongly reduces the
measured frequency error.
1. Press the SETUP key.
2. Press the Reference Int/Ext softkey to switch to external reference.
The displayed frequency error should be <10 Hz.





3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)

Behavior with deviating center frequency setting
In the following, the behavior of the DUT and the R&S FSL with an incorrect center frequency setting is
1. Tune the center frequency of the signal generator in 0.5 kHz steps.
2. Watch the R&S FSL screen.
A Code Domain Power measurement on the R&S FSL is still possible with a frequency error of up
to approx. 1 kHz. Up to 1 kHz, a frequency error causes no apparent difference in the accuracy of
the Code Domain Power measurement.
Above a frequency error of 1 kHz, the probability of impaired synchronization increases. With
continuous measurements, all channels are at times displayed in blue with almost the same level.
Above a frequency error of approx. 2 kHz, a Code Domain Power measurement cannot be
performed. The R&S FSL displays all possible codes in blue with a similar level.
3. Set the signal generator center frequency to 2.1175 GHz again.

Behavior with incorrect scrambling code
A correct Code Domain Power measurement can be carried out only if the scrambling code set on the
R&S FSL is identical to that of the transmitted signal.
1. Set the scrambling code of the signal generator to 0001.
With the scrambling code still set to 0 (default setting), the Code Domain Power Diagram result
display of the R&S FSL shows all possible codes with approximately the same level.
2. Set the correct scrambling code on the R&S FSL.
Press the MENU key.
Press the Scrambling Code softkey.
In the submenu, press the Scrambling Code softkey and enter 1 using the numeric keypad.
The Code Domain Power display again shows the test model.

Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power Triggered
If the code domain power measurement is performed without external triggering, a section of
approximately 20 ms of the test signal is recorded at an arbitrary moment to detect the start of a 3GPP
FDD frame in this section. Depending on the position of the frame start, the required computing time
can be quite long. Applying an external (frame) trigger can reduce the computing time.
Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the input of the R&S FSL.
Connect the reference input (EXT REF) on the rear panel of the R&S FSL to the reference input of
the signal generator (coaxial cable with BNC connectors).
Connect the external trigger input on the rear panel of the R&S FSL (EXT TRIGGER/GATE IN) to
the external trigger output of the signal generator.




3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)


Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
2.1175 GHz

0 dBm



Test model:

1, 32 DPCH channels

1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
The R&S FSL is set to its default state.
2. Change into the 3G FDD BTS mode.
Press the MODE key and activate the 3G FDD BTS option.
3. Set the center frequency to 2.1175 GHz.
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed.
In the dialog box, enter 2.1175 using the numeric keypad and confirm with the GHz key.
4. Adjust the reference level and scrambling code.
Press the MEAS key.
The measurement menu is displayed.
Press the Auto Level & Code softkey.
The firmware adjusts the reference level and then searches the scrambling code automatically.
5. Select the Code Domain Power measurement.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Code Dom Power Diagram softkey.
6. Select an external trigger source.
Press the TRIG key.
Press the Trigger Source softkey and select the External option.
The Code Domain Power of signal according to test model 1 with 32 channels is displayed.
The repetition rate of the measurement increases considerably compared to the repetition rate
of a measurement without an external trigger.

Trigger offset
A delay of the trigger event referenced to the start of the 3GPP FDD frame can be compensated by
modifying the trigger offset.
1. Press the TRIG key.
2. Press the Trigger Offset softkey and enter 100 using the numeric keypad and confirm with the µs




3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72)

Setup for Base Station Tests
This section describes how to set up the R&S FSL for 3GPP FDD base station tests. As a prerequisite
for starting the test, the instrument must be correctly set up and connected to the AC power supply as
described in the Quick Start Guide, chapter 1. Furthermore, the R&S FSL must be equipped with the
3GPP Base Station Measurements option (R&S FSL–K72). Installation instructions are provided in the
Quick Start Guide, chapter 3.:

Standard test setup

TX signal


ext. reference signal



Fig. 2-81


Base Transmission station test setup

Connect the antenna output (or TX output) of the base transmission station to RF input of the
R&S FSL via a power attenuator of suitable attenuation.
The following values are recommended for the external attenuator to ensure that the RF input of the
R&S FSL is protected and the sensitivity of the R&S FSL is not reduced too much.
Max. power

Recommended ext. attenuation

55 to 60 dBm

35 to 40 dB

50 to 55 dBm

30 to 35 dB

45 to 50 dBm

25 to 30 dB

40 to 45 dBm

20 to 25 dB

35 to 40 dBm

15 to 20 dB

30 to 35 dBm

10 to 15 dB

25 to 30 dBm

5 to 10 dB

20 to 25 dBm

0 to 5 dB

<20 dBm

0 dB

For signal measurements at the output of two–port networks, connect the reference frequency of
the signal source to the reference input of the R&S FSL (EXT REF).
To ensure that the error limits specified by the 3GPP standard are met, the R&S FSL should use an
external reference frequency for frequency measurements on base stations. For instance, a
rubidium frequency standard may be used as a reference source.
If the base station is provided with a trigger output, connect this output to the trigger input of the

Basic settings
1. Enter the external attenuation).
2. Enter the reference level.
3. Enter the center frequency.
4. Set the trigger.
5. Select the standard and measurement.




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)


CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)
This section explains basic CDMA2000 base station tests by means of a setup with a signal generator,
e.g. an R&S SMU. It describes how operating and measurement errors can be avoided using correct
settings. The measurements are performed with an R&S FSL equipped with the CDMA2000 Base
Station Measurements option (K82).
The following measurements are described:
Measuring the Signal Channel Power
Measuring the Spectrum Emission Mask
Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power and the Frequency Error

Synchronization of the reference frequencies


Behavior with deviating center frequency setting

Measuring the triggered Relative Code Domain Power

Adjusting the trigger offset


Behaviour with the wrong PN offset

Measuring the Composite EVM
Measuring the Peak Code Domain Error and the RHO Factor

Displaying RHO

Furthermore, the test setup for base station tests is given:
Test Setup for Base Station Tests
As the CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements option also supports the CDMA2000 Standard, the
examples are performed on an CDMA2000 signal.
General test setup:
The measurements are performed with the following units and accessories:
R&S FSL equipped with the CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements option
R&S SMU signal generator equipped with option SMU-B9 / B10 / B11 baseband generator and SMUK46 CDMA2000 incl. 1xEVDV.
1 coaxial cable, 50
2 coaxial cables, 50

, approximately 1 m, N connector
, approximately 1 m, BNC connector

This option is available from firmware version 1.90.

Measuring the Signal Channel Power
In the Power measurement, the total channel power of the CDMA2000 signal is displayed. The
measurement also displays spurious emeissions like harmonics or intermodulation products that occur
close to the carrier.





CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)

Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the RF input of the R&S FSL (coaxial cable with N
Signal generator settings:
878.49 MHz

0 dBm



1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
2. Activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer mode.
Press the MODE key and activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer option.
3. Start the Power measurement
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Power softkey.
4. Set the center frequency.
Press the FREQ key and enter 878.49 MHz.
5. Set the reference level.
Press the AMPT key and enter 0 dBm.
On the screen, the spectrum of the signal and the corresponding power levels within the 1.2288 MHz
channel bandwidth are displayed. In the table below the diagram, the numeric values of the channel
bandwidth of the TX xhannel and power level of the analyzed signal are listed.

Fig. 2-82: Measurement of the signal channel power




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)


Measuring the Spectrum Emission Mask
To detect spurious emissions such as harmonics or intermodulation products, the R&S FSL offers a
spectrum emission mask measurement. The measurement compares the power against the spurious
emissions mask in the range from -4 MHz to 4 MHz around the carrier. The exact measurement
settings like the filter that is used depend on the Band Class parameter (for supported Band Classes
see chapter 4 "Instrument Functions").
Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the RF input of the R&S FSL (coaxial cable with N
Signal generator settings:
878.49 MHz

0 dBm



1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
2. Activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer mode.
Press the MODE key and activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer option.
3. Start the measurement.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Spectrum Emission Mask softkey.
4. Set the center frequency.
Press the FREQ key and enter 878.49 MHz.
5. Set the reference level.
Press the AMPT key and enter 0 dBm.
6. Select a bandclass
Press the Bandclass softkey and select BandClass 0: 800 MHz Cellular Band from the list.
On the screen, the spectrum of the signal is displayed, including the limit line defined in the standard.
To understand where and about how much the measurement has failed, the List Evaluation table shows
the frequencies, where spurious emissions occur (for details on the table structure see chapter 4
"Instrument Functions").





CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)

Fig. 2-83: Measurement of the Spectrum Emission Mask

Measuring the Relative Code Domain Power and the
Frequency Error
A Code Domain Power measurement analyses the signal over a single Power Control Group (PCG). It
also determines the power of all channels.
A Code Domain Power measurement on a test model (having 9 channels) is performed. The basic
parameters of the Code Domain Power measurements, which allows an analysis of the signal, are
changed one after the other to demonstrate the ensuing effects: values adapted to the measurement
signal are changed to non–adapted values.
Note: In the following examples, adjusting the settings of the code domain measurements is described
using the dialog boxes. Alternately the settings can also be modified by using the
corresponding hardkeys as in the base unit (e.g. the center frequency can be either set via the
Frontend Settings dialog box, but also via the FREQ key).

Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the RF input of the R&S FSL.
Connect the reference input (EXT REF) on the rear panel of the R&S FSL to the reference output
(REF) of the signal generator (coaxial cable with BNC connectors).
Signal generator settings:
878.49 MHz

0 dBm






CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)


1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
2. Activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer Mode.
Press the MODE key and select CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer.
3. Enter the Code Domain Analyzer.
Press the MEAS key
Press the Code Domain Analyzer softkey.
4. Start the measurement
In the Code Domain Analyzer softkey menu, press the Select Meas softkey.
Press the Code Domain Power softkey.
5. Enter the Settings Overview dialog box.
Press the Settings softkey.
Press the Settings Overview softkey.
The Settings Overview dialog box is displayed.
6. Set the center frequency and the reference level.
In the Settings Overview dialog box select the Frontend button.
In the Center Frequency field enter 878.49 MHz.
In the Ref Level field enter 10 dBm.
Close the Frontend Settings dialog box.
Close the Settings Overview box.
In the two screens, the following results are displayed: screen A shows the power of the code domain of
the signal. The x-axis represents the individual channels (or codes), while the y-axis shows the power of
each channel. In screen B the result summary is displayed. It shows the numeric results of the code
domain power measurement, including the frequency error.





CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)

Fig. 2-84: Measurement of the code domain power without external reference

Synchronization of the reference frequencies
The frequency error can be reduced by synchronizing the transmitter and the receiver to the same
reference frequency.
7. Press the SETUP key.
Press the Reference Int/Ext softkey to switch to an external reference.
Screen A again shows the CDP measurement and screen B the result summary. After the
synchronization of the reference frequencies of the devices, the frequency error should now be smaller
than 10 Hz.

Behavior with deviating center frequency setting
A measurement can only be valid if the center frequency of the DUT and the analyzer are balanced.
8. On the signal generator, change the center frequency in steps of 0.1 kHz and observe the analyzer
Up to a frequency error of approximately 1.0 kHz, a Code Domain Power measurement on the
R&S FSL is still possible. A frequency error within this range causes no apparent difference in the
accuracy of the Code Domain Power measurement.
Above a frequency error of 1.0 kHz, the probability of incorrect synchronization increases. This is
indicated by the SYNC FAILED error message.
If the frequency error exceeds approximately 1.5 kHz, a Code Domain Power measurement cannot
be performed. This is indicated by the SYNC FAILED error message.
Reset the center frequency of the signal generator to 878.49 MHz.

The center frequency of the DUT should not deviate by more than 1.0 kHz from that of the




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)


Measuring the triggered Relative Code Domain Power
If the code domain power measurement is performed without external triggering, a section of the test
signal is recorded at an arbitrary point of time and the firmware attempts to detect the start of a power
control group (PCG). To detect this start, all possibilities of the PN sequence location have to be tested
in Free Run trigger mode. This requires computing time. This computing time can be reduced by using
an external (frame) trigger and entering the correct PN offset. If the search range for the start of the
power control group and the PN offset are known then fewer possibilities have to be tested. This
increases the measurement speed.
Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the input of the R&S FSL.
Connect the reference input (EXT REF) on the rear panel of the R&S FSL to the reference input of
the signal generator (coaxial cable with BNC connectors).
Connect the external trigger input on the rear panel of the R&S FSL (EXT TRIGGER/GATE IN) to
the external trigger output of the signal generator.
Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU):
878.49 MHz

0 dBm



1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
2. Activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer Mode.
Press the MODE key and select CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer.
3. Enter the Code Domain Analyzer.
Press the MEAS key
Press the Code Domain Analyzer softkey.
4. Start the measurement.
In the Code Domain Analyzer softkey menu, press the Select Meas softkey.
Press the Code Domain Power softkey.
5. Enter the Settings Overview dialog box.
Press the Settings softkey.
Press the Settings Overview softkey.
The Settings Overview dialog box is displayed.
6. Set the center frequency and the reference level.
In the Settings Overview dialog box select the Frontend button.
In the Center Frequency field enter 878.49 MHz.
In the Ref Level field enter 10 dBm.
Close the Frontend Settings dialog box.




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)

Close the Settings Overview box.
In the two screens, the following results are displayed: by default, screen A shows the code domain
power of the signal. Compared to the measurement without an external trigger (see previous example),
the repetition rate of the measurement increases. In screen B the result summary is displayed. In the
row Trigger to Frame, the offset between the trigger event and and the start of the PCG (Power Control
Group) is shown.

Fig. 2-85: Measurement of the code domain power with an external trigger source
Note that the Trigger to Frame parameter is only visible in the full screen mode of the Result Summary
7. Change into full screen mode..
Set the focus on screen B by pressing the Screen Focus A/B softkey.
Press the Screen Size Split/Full softkey.
The display is now in full screen mode

Adjusting the trigger offset
The delay between the trigger event and the start of the PCG can be compensated for by adjusting the
trigger offset.
8. Set an external trigger source and the trigger offset.
In the Settings Overview dialog box select the IQ Capture button.
Set the Trigger Source radio button to External.
Set the Trigger Offset to 100Rs to compensate analog delays of the trigger event.
In the two screens, the following results are displayed: Screen A shows the the same as above. In
screen B the result summary is displayed. In the Trg to Frame result, the offset between the trigger
event and the start of the PCG has been adjusted.

Behaviour with the wrong PN offset
The last adjustment to be made is setting the PN (Pseudo Noise) offset correctly. The measurement
can only be valid, if the PN offset on the analyzer is the same as that of the transmit signal.



CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)


9. Set a PN Offset.

In the Settings Overview dialog box select the Demodulation Settings button.


In the PN Offset field enter 200.

Again, screen A shows the CDP measurement, screen B the result summary. In the result summary,
the Trigger to Frame result is not correct. Also, the error message SYNC FAILED indicates that the
synchronization has failed.

In the PN Offset field enter 0

After adjusting it, the PN offset on the R&S FSL is the same as that of the signal. In the result summary
the Trg To Frame value is now shown correctly.

Fig. 2-86: Result summary of the code domain measurement with the Trigger to Frame

Measuring the Composite EVM
The Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) describes the quality of the measured signal compared to an ideal
reference signal generated by the R&S FSL. In the I-Q plane, the error vector represents the ratio of the
measured signal to the ideal signal on symbol level. The error vector is equal to the square root of the
ratio of the measured signal to the reference signal. The result is given in %.
In the Composite EVM measurement the error is averaged over all channels (by means of the root
mean square) for a given Power Control Group (PCG). The measurement covers the entire signal
during the entire observation time. On screen the results are shown in a diagram, in which the x-axis
represents the examined PCGs and the y-axis shows the EVM values.
Test Setup:
Connect the RF output of the Signal Generator to the RF input of the R&S FSL (coaxial cables with
N connectors).
Connect the reference input (EXT REF IN/OUT) on the rear panel of the R&S FSL to the reference
output (REF) on the signal generator (coaxial cable with BNC connectors).
Connect external triggering of the analyzer (EXT TRIG GATE) to the signal generator’s trigger




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)

Signal generator settings:
878.49 MHz

0 dBm



1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
2. Activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer Mode.
Press the MODE key and select CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer.
3. Enter the Code Domain Analyzer.
Press the MEAS key
Press the Code Domain Analyzer softkey.
4. Start the measurement.
Press the Select Meas softkey
Press the More


Select the Composite EVM softkey and the measurement begins.
5. Enter the Settings Overview dialog box.
Press the Settings softkey.
Press the Settings Overview softkey.
The Settings Overview dialog box is displayed.
6. Set the center frequency and the reference level.
In the Settings Overview dialog box select the Frontend button.
In the Center Frequency field enter 878.49 MHz.
In the Ref Level field enter 10 dBm.
Close the Frontend Settings dialog box.
7. Set an external trigger source.
In the Settings Overview dialog box, select the IQ Capture button.
Set the Trigger Source radio button to External.
Close the Settings Overview box
In the two screens, the following results are displayed: by default, Screen A shows the diagram of the
Composite EVM measurement result. In screen B the result summary is displayed. It shows the
numeric results of the Code Domain Power measurement, including the values for the Composite EVM.




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)


Measuring the Peak Code Domain Error and the RHO Factor
The Code Domain Error Power describes the quality of the measured signal compared to an ideal
reference signal generated by the R&S FSL. In the I-Q plane, the error vector represents the difference
of the measured signal and the ideal signal. The Code Domain Error is the difference in power on
symbol level of the measured and the reference signal projected to the class of of the base spreading
factor. The unit of the result is dB.
In the Peak Code Domain Error (PCDE) measurement, the maximum error value over all channels is
determined and displayed for a given PCG. The measurement covers the entire signal during the entire
observation time. On screen the results are shown in a diagram, in which the x-axis represents the
PCGs and the y-axis shows the PCDE values.
A measurement of the RHO factor is shown in the second part of the example. RHO is the normalized,
correlated power between the measured and the ideal reference signal. The maximum value of RHO is
1. In that case the measured signal and the reference signal are identical. When measuring RHO, it is
required that only the pilot channel is active.
Test setup:
Connect the RF output of the signal generator to the RF input of the R&S FSL (coaxial cable with N
Connect the reference input (EXT REF IN/OUT) on the rear panel of the R&S FSL to the reference
output (REF) on the signal generator (coaxial cable with BNC connectors).
Connect external triggering of the R&S FSL (EXT TRIG GATE) to the signal generator trigger
Signal generator settings:
878.49 MHz

0 dBm



1. Set the R&S FSL to its default state.
Press the PRESET key.
2. Activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer mode.
Press the MODE key and activate the CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer option.
3. Enter the Code Domain Analyzer.
Press the MEAS key.
Press the Code Domain Analyzer softkey.
4. Start the Peak Code Domain Error measurement.
Press the Select Meas softkey
Press the More


Select the Peak Code Domain Error softkey and start the measurement.
5. Enter the Settings Overview dialog box.
Press the Settings softkey.
Press the Settings Overview softkey.




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)

The Settings Overview dialog box is displayed.
6. Set the center frequency and the reference level.
In the Settings Overview dialog box select the Frontend button.
In the Center Frequency field enter 878.49 MHz.
In the Ref Level field enter 0 dBm.
Close the Frontend Settings dialog box.
7. Set an external trigger source.
In the Settings Overview dialog box, select the IQ Capture button.
Set the Trigger Source radio button to External.
Close the Settings Overview box
In the two screens, the following results are displayed: by default, screen A shows the diagram of the
Peak Code Domain Error. In screen B the result summary is displayed. It shows the numeric results of
the code domain power measurement, but nothing specific about the Peak Code Domain Error.

Displaying RHO

Make sure that all channels except the pilot channel (code 0.64) are OFF, so that only the pilot
channel is available in the measurement.

No specific measurement is required to get the value for RHO. The R&S FSL always calculates this
value automatically regardless of the code domain measurement performed. Besides the results of the
code domain measurements, the numeric result of the RHO measurement is shown in the result
summary, by default shown in screen B.

Test Setup for Base Station Tests
This section describes the default settings of the R&S FSL, if it is used as a CDMA2000 base station
tester. Before starting the measurements, the R&S FSL has to be configured correctly and supplied with
power as described in the Quick Start Guide, "Preparing For Use". Furthermore, the application
firmware of the R&S FSL-K82 must be enabled. Installation and enabling of the application firmware are
described in chapter 4 "Instrument Functions". :

Risk of damage to the instrument
Before taking the instrument into operation, make sure that

the housing covers are in place and their screws have been tightened,


the ventilation slits are free,


no signal voltage levels above the permissible limits are applied to the inputs,


the outputs of the unit are not overloaded or wrongly connected.

Failure to comply may result in damage to the instrument




CDMA2000 Base Station Measurements (Option K82)


Standard test setup:






Connect the antenna output (or TX output) of the base station to the RF input of the R&S FSL. Use
power attenuator exhibiting suitable attenuation.
The following values for external attenuation are recommended to ensure that the RF input of the
analyzer is protected and the sensitivity of the unit is not reduced too much:
Maximum Power

Recommended external attenuation

55 to 60 dBm

35 to 40 dB

50 to 55 dBm

30 to 35 dB

45 to 50 dBm

25 to 30 dB

40 to 45 dBm

20 to 25 dB

35 to 40 dBm

15 to 20 dB

30 to 35 dBm

10 to 15 dB

25 to 30 dBm

5 to 10 dB

20 to 25 dBm

0 to 5 dB

20 dBm

0 dB

For signal measurements at the output of two-port networks, connect the reference frequency of the
signal source to the rear reference input of the analyzer.
The R&S FSL must be operated with an external frequency reference to ensure that the error limits
of the CDMA2000 specification for frequency measurements on base stations are met. A rubidium
frequency standard can be used as a reference source for example.
If the base station has a trigger output, connect the trigger output of the base station to the rear
trigger input of the analyzer (EXT TRIG GATE).
Enter the external attenuation
Enter the reference level
Enter the center frequency
Set the trigger
If used, enable the external reference
Select the standard and the desired measurement
Set the PN offset





WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)

WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91/K91n)
This section describes measurement examples for the WLAN TX Measurements option (K91) and gives
details to signal processing. For further information on measurement examples refer also to the Quick
Start Guide, chapter 5 "Basic Measurement Examples".
This option is available from firmware version 1.20. The option R&S FSL-K91n is available from firmware
version 1.90.

Signal Processing of the IEEE 802.11a application
al , k

symbol at symbol l of sub carrier k


error vector magnitude of sub carrier k


error vector magnitude of current packet


signal gain


frequency deviation between Tx and Rx


symbol index l = [1, nof _Symbols ]

nof _symbols

number of symbols of payload


channel transfer function of sub carrier k


channel index k = [ 31,32]

K mod

modulation dependant normalization factor
relative clock error of reference oscillator

rl , k

sub carrier k of symbol l

This description gives a rough view of the IEEE 802.11a application signal processing. Details are
disregarded in order to get a concept overview.
A diagram of the interesting blocks is shown in Fig. 2-87 First the RF signal is down converted to the IF
frequency f IF = 20.4 MHz. The resulting IF signal rIF (t ) is shown on the left–hand side of the figure. After
bandpass filtering, the signal is sampled by an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) at a sampling rate of
f s1 = 81.6 MHz. This digital sequence is resampled to the new sampling frequency of f s 2 = 80 MHz which is
a multiple of the Nyquist rate (20 MHz). The subsequent digital down converter shifts the IF signal to the
complex base band. In the next step the base band signal is filtered by a FIR filter. To get an idea, the rough
transfer function is plotted in the figure. This filter fulfills two tasks: first it suppresses the IF image frequency,
secondly it attenuates the aliasing frequency bands caused by the subsequent down sampling. After filtering,
the sequence is sampled down by the factor of 4. Thus the sampling rate of the down sampled sequence
r (i ) is the Nyquist rate of f s 3 = 20 MHz. Up to this point the digital part is implemented in an ASIC.




WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)


r I (t)




·kT S



fs2 = 80 MHz

fs1 = 81.6 MHz


!HFIR( f )

fs3 = 20MHz
16.4 MHz







user defined

N = 64



gain, frequency, time







data symbols

2.fine timing







pilots + data

packet search:
1.coarse timing


f res , d#l



f coarse




Fig. 2-87

Signal processing of the IEEE 802.11a application

In the lower part of the figure the subsequent digital signal processing is shown. In the first block the
packet search is performed. This block detects the Long Symbol (LS) and recovers the timing. The
coarse timing is detected first. This search is implemented in the time domain. The algorithm is based on
cyclic repetition within the LS after N = 64 samples. Numerous treatises exist on this subject, e.g. [1] to
1 of the Rx–Tx frequency offset f is derived from the metric in
[3]. Furthermore a coarse estimate fˆ

[6]. This can easily be understood because the phase of r (i ) r * (i + N ) is determined by the frequency
offset. As the frequency deviation f can exceed half a bin (distance between neighbor sub–carriers)
the preceding Short Symbol (SS) is also analyzed in order to detect the ambiguity.
After the coarse timing calculation the time estimate is improved by the fine timing calculation. This is
achieved by first estimating the coarse frequency response Hˆ k( LS) , with k = [ 26, 26] denoting the channel
index of the occupied sub–carriers. First the FFT of the LS is calculated. After the FFT calculation the known
symbol information of the LS sub–carriers is removed by dividing by the symbols. The result is a coarse
estimate Ĥ k of the channel transfer function. In the next step the complex channel impulse response is
computed by an IFFT. Next the energy of the windowed impulse response (the window size is equal to
the guard period) is calculated for every trial time. Afterwards the trail time of the maximum energy is
detected. This trial time is used to adjust the timing.
Now the position of the LS is known and the starting point of the useful part of the first payload symbol
can be derived. In the next block this calculated time instant is used to position the payload window.
Only the payload part is windowed. This is sufficient because the payload is the only subject of the
subsequent measurements.
In the next block the windowed sequence is compensated by the coarse frequency estimate fˆcoarse . This is
necessary because otherwise inter channel interference (ICI) would occur in the frequency domain.
The transition to the frequency domain is achieved by an FFT of length 64. The FFT is performed
symbol–wise for every of the nof _symbols symbols of the payload. The calculated FFTs are described
by rl , k with
the symbol index l = [ 1 , nof _symbols ] and
the channel index k = [ 31 , 32 ] .


The hat generally describes an estimate. Example: x is the estimate of x.





WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)

In case of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel the FFT is described by [4], [5]
r l , k = K mod × al , k × gl × H k × e

j ( phasel

( common )

+ phasel(,timing

+ nl , k


the modulation–dependant normalization factor K mod ,
the symbol al ,k of sub–carrier k at symbol l ,
the gain g l at the symbol l in relation to the reference gain g = 1 at the long symbol (LS),
the channel frequency response H k at the long symbol (LS),
the common phase drift phase (lcommon ) of all sub–carriers at symbol l (see below),
the phase phasel(,ktiming ) of sub–carrier k at symbol l caused by the timing drift (see below),
the independent Gaussian distributed noise samples nl ,k .
The common phase drift in equation (10) is given by


= 2 × N s / N × f rest T × l + dyl



N s = 80 being the number of Nyquist samples of the symbol period,
N = 64 being the number of Nyquist samples N = 64 of the useful part of the symbol,
f rest being the (not yet compensated) frequency deviation,
d# l being the phase jitter at the symbol l .
fˆcoarse (see figure 1) is not error–free. Therefore the remaining
represents the not yet compensated frequency deviation in rl ,k . Consequently the

In general, the coarse frequency estimate
frequency error

f rest

overall frequency deviation of the device under test (DUT) is calculated by f = fˆcoarse + f rest . Remark:
The only motivation for dividing the common phase drift in equation (11) into two parts is to be able to
calculate the overall frequency deviation of the DUT.
The reason for the phase jitter d# l in equation (11) may be different. The nonlinear part of the phase
jitter may be caused by the phase noise of the DUT oscillator. Another reason for nonlinear phase jitter
may be the increase of the DUT amplifier temperature at the beginning of the burst. Please note that
besides the nonlinear part the phase jitter d# l also contains a constant part. This constant part is
caused by the not yet compensated frequency deviation f rest . To understand this, please keep in mind
that the measurement of the phase starts at the first symbol l = 1 of the payload. In contrast the channel
frequency response H k in equation (10) represents the channel at the long symbol of the preamble.
Consequently the not yet compensated frequency deviation f rest produces a phase drift between the
long symbol and the first symbol of the payload. Therefore this phase drift appears as a constant value
("DC value'') in d# l .
Referring to the IEEE 802.11a measurement standard Chapter "Transmit modulation accuracy test''
[6], the common phase drift phase(lcommon ) must be estimated and compensated from the pilots. Therefore this
"symbol wise phase tracking'' (Tracking Phase) is activated as the default setting of the R&S FSL–K91/K91n.
Furthermore the timing drift in equation (10) is given by
( timing )

phasel , k


= 2 × Ns / N × × k × l



WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)


with being the relative clock deviation of the reference oscillator. Normally a symbol–wise timing jitter
is negligible and thus not modeled in equation (12). There may be situations where the timing drift has
to be taken into account. This is illustrated by an example: In accordance to [6] the allowed clock
deviation of the DUT is up to max = 20 ppm. Furthermore a long packet with nof _symbols = 400 symbols
is assumed. From equations (10) and (12), it results that the phase drift of the highest sub–carrier
k = 26 in the last symbol l = nof _symbols is 93 degrees. Even in the noise–free case, this would lead to
symbol errors. The example shows that it is actually necessary to estimate and compensate the clock
deviation, which is accomplished in the next block.
Referring to the IEEE 802.11a measurement standard [6], the timing drift phasel(,ktiming ) is not part of the
requirements. Therefore the "time tracking'' (Tracking Time) is not activated as the default setting of the
R&S FSL–K91/K91n.
The time tracking option should rather be seen as a powerful analyzing option.
In addition the tracking of the gain g l in equation (10) is supported for each symbol in relation to the
reference gain g = 1 at the time instant of the long symbol (LS). At this time the coarse channel transfer
function Hˆ ( LS ) is calculated. This makes sense since the sequence r ' is compensated by the coarse

l ,k

channel transfer function Hˆ k( LS ) before estimating the symbols. Consequently a potential change of the
gain at the symbol l (caused, for example, by the increase of the DUT amplifier temperature) may lead
to symbol errors especially for a large symbol alphabet M of the MQAM transmission. In this case the
estimation and the subsequent compensation of the gain are useful.
Referring to the IEEE 802.11a measurement standard [6], the compensation of the gain g l is not part
of the requirements. Therefore the "gain tracking'' (Tracking Gain) is not activated as the default setting
of the R&S FSL–K91/K91n.
How can the parameters above be calculated? In this application the optimum maximum likelihood
algorithm is used. In the first estimation step the symbol–independent parameters f rest and
estimated. The symbol dependent parameters can be neglected in this step i.e. the parameters are set
to g l = 1 and d# l = 0 . Referring to equation (10) the log likelihood function2
L1 ( f rest , ) =

nof _ symbols

l =1


rl , k

j( ~
phase l( common ) + ~
p hasel(,tik min g )
al , k × H k( LS ) × e

k = 21, 7,7, 21


phasel(common) = 2 × N s / N × f rest T × l
(ti min g )
= 2 × N / N × ×k ×l


f rest and . The trial parameters leading to
the minimum of the log likelihood function are used as estimates fˆrest and ˆ . In equation (13)(13) the

must be calculated as a function of the trial parameters
known pilot symbols al ,k are read from a table.

In the second step for every symbol l the log likelihood function
L2 ( g~l , d#~l ) =


rl , k

) ( LS )
j( ~
phasel( common ) + ~
phasel(,tik min g )
al , k × g~l × H k

k = 21, 7,7, 21

phasel(common) = 2 × N s / N × f rest T × l + d#~l
(ti min g )
= 2 × Ns / N × × k ×l

2 The tilde generally describes an estimate. Example: ~
x is the trial parameter of x.




WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)

is calculated as a function of the trial parameters g~l and d#~l . Finally, the trial parameters leading to the
minimum of the log likelihood function are used as estimates ĝ l and d#ˆl .
This robust algorithm works well even at low signal to noise ratios with the Cramer Rao Bound being
After estimation of the parameters, the sequence rl ,k is compensated in the compensation blocks.
In the upper analyzing branch the compensation is user–defined i.e. the user determines which of the
parameters are compensated. This is useful in order to extract the influence of these parameters. The
resulting output sequence is described by r 'l ,k .
In the lower compensation branch the full compensation is always performed. This separate
compensation is necessary in order to avoid symbol errors. After the full compensation the secure
estimation of the data symbols aˆl ,k is performed. From equation (10) it is clear that first the channel
transfer function H k must be removed. This is achieved by dividing the known coarse channel estimate
Hˆ ( LS) calculated from the LS. Usually an error free estimation of the data symbols can be assumed.

In the next block a better channel estimate Hˆ k( PL ) of the data and pilot sub–carriers is calculated by using all

nof _symbols symbols of the payload (PL). This can be accomplished at this point because the phase is
compensated and the data symbols are known. The long observation interval of nof _symbols symbols (compared
to the short interval of 2 symbols for the estimation of Hˆ ( LS ) ) leads to a nearly error–free channel estimate.

In the following equalizer block r 'l ,k is compensated by the channel estimate. The resulting channel–
compensated sequence is described by r ' 'l ,k . The user may either choose the coarse channel estimate

Hˆ k( LS ) (from the long symbol) or the nearly error–free channel estimate Hˆ k( LS ) (from the payload) for
equalization. In case of using the improved estimate Hˆ ( LS ) a 2 dB reduction of the subsequent EVM

measurement can be expected.
According to the IEEE 802.11a measurement standard [6], the coarse channel estimation Hˆ k( LS ) (from
the long symbol) has to be used for equalization. Therefore the default setting of the R&S FSL–K91 is
equalization from the coarse channel estimate derived from the long symbol.
In the last block the measurement variables are calculated. The most important variable is the error
vector magnitude
EVM k =

nof _ symbols

nof _ symbols


rl',' k

K mod × al , k



l =1

of the sub–carrier k of the current packet. Furthermore the packet error vector magnitude






k = 26( k & 0)

is derived by averaging the squared EVM k versus k . Finally the average error vector magnitude

nof _ packets

nof _ packets



(counter )


counter =1

is calculated by averaging the packet EVM of all nof _ packets detected packets. This parameter is
equivalent to the so–called "RMS average of all errors ErrorRMS '' of the IEEE 802.11a measurement
commandment (see [6], Chapter




WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)



Speth, Classen, Meyr: ''Frame synchronization of OFDM systems in frequency selective fading
channels", VTC '97, pp. 1807–1811


Schmidl, Cox: ''Robust Frequency and Timing Synchronization of OFDM", IEEE Trans. on
Comm., Dec. 1997, pp. 1613–621


Minn, Zeng, Bhargava: ''On Timing Offset Estimation for OFDM", IEEE Communication Letters,
July 2000, pp. 242–244


Speth, Fechtel, Fock, Meyr: ''Optimum Receiver Design for Wireless Broad–Band Systems
Using OFDM – Part I", IEEE Trans. On Comm. VOL. 47, NO 11, Nov. 1999


Speth, Fechtel, Fock, Meyr: ''Optimum Receiver Design for Wireless Broad–Band Systems
Using OFDM – Part II", IEEE Trans. On Comm. VOL. 49, NO 4, April. 2001


IEEE 802.11a, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)

Signal Processing of the IEEE 802.11b application


timing offset


frequency offset


phase offset


calculation of the angle of a complex value


error vector magnitude

ĝ I

estimate of the gain factor in the I–branch

ĝ Q

estimate of the gain factor in the Q–branch

ĝ Q

accurate estimate of the crosstalk factor of the Q–branch in the I–branch

hˆs (v)

estimated baseband filter of the transmitter

hˆr (v)

estimated baseband filter of the receiver

ô I

estimate of the IQ–offset in the I–branch


estimate of the IQ–offset in the I–branch

r (v )

measurement signal


estimate of the reference signal

sˆn (v)

estimate of the power normalized and undisturbed reference signal


calculation of the real part of a complex value



calculation of the imaginary part of a complex value




WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)

This description gives a rough overview of the signal processing concept of the IEEE 802.11b
A block diagram of the measurement application is shown in Fig. 2-88. The baseband signal of an IEEE
802.11b wireless LAN system transmitter is sampled with a sampling rate of 44 MHz.

Fig. 2-88

Signal processing of the IEEE 802.11b application

The first task of the measurement application is to detect the position of the bursts within the
measurement signal r1 (v ) . The detection algorithm is able to find the positions of the beginning of
short and long bursts and can distinguish between them. The algorithm also detects the initial state of
the scrambler. This is required if IEEE 802.11 signals should be analyzed, because this standard does
not specify the initial state of the scrambler.
With the knowledge of the start position of the burst, the header of the burst can be demodulated. The
bits transmitted in the header provide information about the length of the burst and the modulation type
used in the PSDU.
After the start position and the burst length is fully known, better estimates of timing offset, timing drift,
frequency offset and phase offset can be calculated using the entire data of the burst.
At this point of the signal processing a demodulation can be performed without decision error. After
demodulation the normalized and undisturbed reference signal s (v ) is available.
If the frequency offset is not constant and varies with time, the frequency– and phase offset in several
partitions of the burst must be estimated and corrected. Additionally, timing offset, timing drift and gain
factor can be estimated and corrected in several partitions of the burst. These corrections can be
separately switched off in the demodulation settings menu.
Knowing the normalized power and undisturbed reference signal, the transmitter baseband filter is
estimated by minimizing the cost function




WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)
N 1

L1 =

% r( ) × e




j (





hs (i ) × s n (

i ) o~I



i= L

r (v) is the over sampled measurement signal,
sˆn (v) the over sampled power normalized and undisturbed reference signal, N the observation
~ ~ ~
length, L the filter length, f , ( , o
I , oQ and hs (v ) the variation parameters of the frequency–,
of a maximum–likelihood–based estimator, where

the phase, the IQ–offset and the coefficients of the transmitter filter. The frequency–, the phase– and
the IQ–offset are estimated jointly with the coefficients of the transmitter filter to increase the estimation
Once the transmitter filter is known, all other unknown signal parameters are estimated with a
maximum–likelihood–based estimation, which minimizes the cost function
N 1

L2 =

% r(



'~ ) × e j 2 f × e j (

g~ I × s I ( )

jg~Q × sQ ( ) + g~Q × sQ ( ) o~I






g~ I resp. g~Q are the variation parameters of the gain used in the I– resp. the Q–branch,

the crosstalk factor of the Q–branch into the I–branch and

g~Q is

s I (v) resp. sQ (v) are the filtered reference

signal of the I– resp. the Q–branch. The unknown signal parameters are estimated in a joint estimation
process to increase the accuracy of the estimates.
The accurate estimates of the frequency offset, the IQ–imbalance, the quadratur–mismatch and the
normalized IQ–offset are displayed by the measurement software. The IQ–imbalance
IQ Imbalance =

gQ + gQ


is the quotient of the estimates of the gain factor of the Q–branch, the crosstalk factor and the gain
factor of the I–branch, the quadrature–mismatch


Quadrature Mismatch = ARG g Q + j × g Q



is a measure for the crosstalk of the Q–branch into the I–branch. The normalized IQ–offset

IQ Offset =

oˆI2 + oˆQ2
)+ gˆ I2 + gˆ Q2 *,

is defined as the magnitude of the IQ–offset normalized by the magnitude of the reference signal.
At this point of the signal processing all unknown signal parameters such as timing–, frequency–,
phase–, IQ–offset and IQ–imbalance have been evaluated and the measurement signal can be
corrected accordingly.
Using the corrected measurement signal r (v ) and the estimated reference signal
quality parameters can be calculated. The mean error vector magnitude (EVM)
N 1


% r (v )


sˆ(v) the modulation


v =0

N 1

% sˆ(v)
v =0



is the quotient of the root–mean–square values of the error signal power and the reference signal
power, whereas the instant error vector magnitude




WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)

EVM (v) =

r (v) sˆ(v)
N 1

% sˆ(v)


v =0


is the momentary error signal magnitude normalized by the root mean square value of the reference
signal power.
In [2] a different algorithm is proposed to calculate the error vector magnitude. In a first step the IQ–
offset in the I–branch

oˆ I =


N 1

% REAL{r(v)}
v =0


and the IQ–offset of the Q–branch

oˆ Q =


N 1

% IMAG{r(v)}
v =0


are estimated separately, where r(v) is the measurement signal which has been corrected with the
estimates of the timing–, frequency– and phase offset, but not with the estimates of the IQ–imbalance
and IQ–offset. With these values the IQ–imbalance of the I–branch

gˆ I =


N 1

% REAL{r(v)

oˆ I }

v =0


and the IQ–imbalance of the Q–branch

gˆ Q =


% IMAG{r(v)

oˆ Q }

N 1
v =0


are estimated in a non–linear estimation in a second step. Finally, the mean error vector magnitude

N 1

% [REAL{r (v)}


N 1

% [IMAG{r (v)}
1 )
[g + g) ]

) 2 1
gI +




) 2



2 2


can be calculated with a non data aided calculation. The instant error vector magnitude



REAL{r (v)} oˆ I

gˆ I

]2 + 12 [IMAG{r (v)}



gˆ Q




2 2
gˆ I2 + gˆ Q

is the error signal magnitude normalized by the root mean square value of the estimate of the
measurement signal power. The advantage of this method is that no estimate of the reference signal is
needed, but the IQ–offset and IQ–imbalance values are not estimated in a joint estimation procedure.
Therefore, each estimation parameter is disturbing the estimation of the other parameter and the
accuracy of the estimates is lower than the accuracy of the estimations achieved by equation (17). If the
EVM value is dominated by Gaussian noise this method yields similar results as equation (18).




WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)



Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications, IEEE Std 802.11–1999, Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., 1999.


Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Higher–Speed Physical Layer
Extensions in the 2.4 GHz Band, IEEE Std 802.11b–1999, Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers, Inc., 1999.

802.11b RF carrier suppression
The RF carrier suppression, measured at the channel center frequency, shall be at least 15 dB below
the peak SIN(x)/x power spectrum. The RF carrier suppression shall be measured while transmitting a
repetitive 01 data sequence with the scrambler disabled using DQPSK modulation. A 100 kHz
resolution bandwidth shall be used to perform this measurement.

Measurement with the R&S FSL
The RF carrier suppression as defined in the standard is a determination of peak ratios. The
unscrambled 01 data sequence provides a spectrum with distinct peaks enveloped by the transmit filter
spectrum. An IQ offset leads to an additional peak at the center frequency.
The following measurement sequence can be used in normal spectrum mode:
1. Use power trigger or external trigger
1. Use gated sweep with gate delay at payload start and gate length = payload length
(Delay–Comp ON and RBW = 50 MHz for gate settings)
2. Set RBW = 100 kHz
3. Set Sweep Time = 100 ms
4. Set Span = 20 MHz
5. Set Detector = RMS
6. Set Marker 1 to center frequency
7. Use Marker 2 as Delta Marker and set it to max. peak
Fig. 2-89 is a screenshot of this measurement. The delta marker shows directly the RF carrier
suppression in dB (white circled value).





WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)

Fig. 2-89 RF carrier suppression measurement

Comparison to IQ offset measurement in K91/K91n list mode
The IQ offset measurement in K91 returns the actual carrier feed through normalized to the mean
power at the symbol timings. This measurement doesn't need a special test signal and is independent
of the transmit filter shape.
The RF carrier suppression measured according to the standard is inversely proportional to the IQ
offset measured in K91 list mode. The difference (in dB) between the two values depends on the
transmit filter shape and should be determined with one reference measurement.
The following table lists exemplary the difference for three transmit filter shapes
Transmit filter

IQ-Offset [dB]


RF-Carrier-Suppression [dB]

11 dB

Root raised cosine,

( ±0.5 dB ) :

= 0.3


= 0.22

10 dB
9 dB



WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)


IQ Impairments
IQ Offset
An IQ–Offset indicates a carrier offset with fixed amplitude. This results in a constant shift of the IQ
axes. The offset is normalized by the mean symbol power and displayed in dB.

Gain Imbalance
An ideal I/Q modulator amplifies the I and Q signal path by exactly the same degree. The imbalance
corresponds to the difference in amplification of the I and Q channel and therefore to the difference in
amplitude of the signal components. In the vector diagram, the length of the I vector changes relative to
the length of the Q vector.
The entry is displayed in dB and %, where 1 dB offset is roughly 12 % according to the following:
Imbalance [dB] = 20log ( | GainQ | / | GainI |)
Positive values mean that the Q vector is amplified more than the I vector by the corresponding

Negative values mean that the I vector is amplified more than the Q vector by the corresponding





WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91)

Quadrature Error
An ideal I/Q modulator sets the phase angle to exactly 90 degrees. With a quadrature error, the phase
angle between the I and Q vector deviates from the ideal 90 degrees, the amplitudes of both
components are of the same size. In the vector diagram, the quadrature error causes the coordinate
system to shift.
A positive quadrature error means a phase angle greater than 90 degrees:

A negative quadrature error means a phase angle less than 90 degrees:




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)
This section describes measurement examples for the WiMAX IEEE 802.16 OFDM, OFDMA
Measurements option (R&S FSL–K93) and gives details to signal processing. For further information on
measurement examples refer also to the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5 "Basic Measurement Examples".
The WiMAX IEEE 802.16 OFDM, OFDMA Measurements option (R&S FSL–K92/K93) includes the
functionality of the WiMAX 802.16 OFDM Measurements option (R&S FSL–K92). Accordingly both
options are described together in this section, differentiated by the corresponding standards:
WiMAX 802.16 OFDM Measurements (R&S FSL–K92/K93)
IEEE 802.16–2004/Cor 1–2005 OFDM physical layer mode
The corresponding remote control mode is OFDM. In chapter 2, "Instrument Functions", the
short forms IEEE 802.16–2004 OFDM is used to reference this standard.
WiMAX IEEE 802.16 OFDM, OFDMA Measurements option (R&S FSL–K93)
IEEE 802.16–2004/Cor 1–2005, IEEE 802.16e–2005 OFDMA physical layer mode
The corresponding remote control mode is OFDMA. In chapter 2, "Instrument Functions", the
short form IEEE 802.16e–2005 OFDMA is used to reference this standard.
IEEE 802.16–2004/Cor 1–2005, IEEE 802.16e–2005 based WiBro
The corresponding remote control mode is WiBro. In chapter 2, "Instrument Functions", the
short form IEEE 802.16e–2005 WiBro is used to reference this standard.
The options are available from firmware version 1.40 (R&S FSL–K92) and 1.50 (R&S FSL–K93).

Basic Measurement Example
This section provides step–by–step instructions for working through an ordinary measurement. The
following steps are described:
1. Setting up the measurement
2. Performing the level detection
3. Performing the main measurement
Test setup
In this example, a DUT using IEEE 802.16–2004 is be used.
Connect the DUT to the R&S FSL using the RF input of the R&S FSL. The DUT generates a signal
modulated using 16QAM 2/3.

Setting up the measurement
1. Activate the WIMAX mode (for details refer to chapter "Instrument Functions", section "Measurement
Mode Selection – MODE Key").
2. Press the Settings General/Demod softkey once to select and open the General Settings dialog





WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

In the Frequency field, enter the desired frequency to measure.
If a frequency is entered, which maps to a specific channel, the Channel No field updates.
In the Frequency Band field, select the signal to be analyzed. The target band is either one of
the bands given as example in the IEEE 802.16–2004 standard3 or an unspecified band.
In the Channel BW or Sampling Rate field depending on the characteristics of the signal to be
analyzed, select a value. The second parameter is derived from the first according to the
In the G = Tg/Tb field, select a useful time ratio according to the characteristics of the signal to
be analyzed.
Under Level Settings, deactivate the Auto Lev option. In this example, the level detection
measurement is executed manually (for details see Performing the level detection).
3. Press the Settings General/Demod softkey twice to select and open the Demod Settings dialog

3 B.3.2 Wireless MAN-OFDM/OFDMA PHY symbol and performance parameters.
4 Derived Parameter definitions



WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


In the Link Mode field, select the link mode of the bursts to be analyzed.
In the Demodulator field, select the used modulation scheme.

Performing the level detection
1. Connect the DUT to the RF input of the R&S FSL.

2. Start the level detection measurement by pressing the SWEEP hardkey and then the Auto Level
During the level detection measurement the status message Running is displayed in the status bar
at the bottom of the screen.
After successful level detection, the status message Measurement Complete is displayed, the
signal level field for the selected input displays the detected signal level and the Magnitude Capture
Buffer (screen A) displays the zero span trace obtained during the measurement sequence.

An automatic level detection can be performed in two ways:
Once by pressing the Auto Level softkey in the sweep menu.
At the start of each measurement sweep by activating the Auto Lev option in the General
settings dialog box under Level Settings.

Performing the main measurement
1. Select single sweep measurements by pressing the SWEEP hardkey and then the Run softkey to
select Single.
2. Start the measurement by pressing the RUN hardkey.
During the measurement, the status message Running is displayed.
Measurement results are updated once the measurement has completed. The results are displayed
in graphical form. The display can be toggled to a tabular list of measurement points by pressing
the Display Graph/List softkey (in the WiMAX/WiBro menu or trace menu).





WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

Signal Processing of the IEEE 802.16–2004 OFDM
Measurement Application


N FFT = 256

FFT length

al , k

symbol from the alphabet at symbol–index l of sub carrier k


error vector magnitude of sub carrier k


error vector magnitude of current packet


signal gain


frequency deviation between Tx and Rx

nof _symbols

symbol index l = [1, nof _Symbols ]
number of symbols of payload


channel transfer function of sub carrier k


channel index k = [ 128,127]

K mod

modulation dependent normalization factor


relative clock error of reference oscillator

rl , k

received symbol at symbol–index l of sub carrier k
Pilots = {–88, –63, –38, –13, 13, 38, 63, 88}

This description gives a rough view of the IEEE 802.16–2004 OFDM measurement application signal
processing. Details are disregarded in order to get a concept overview.
A diagram of the interesting blocks is shown in Fig. 2-90. First the RF signal is down–converted to the
IF frequency f IF = 20.4 MHz. The resulting IF signal rIF (t ) is shown on the left–hand side of the figure.
After bandpass filtering, the signal is sampled by an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) at a sampling
rate of f s1 = 81.6 MHz. This digital sequence is resampled to the new sampling frequency of

f s 2 = 80 MHz which is a multiple of the Nyquist rate (20 MHz). The subsequent digital down–converter
shifts the IF signal to the complex base band. In the next step the base band signal is filtered by a FIR
filter. To get an idea, the rough transfer function is plotted in the figure. This filter fulfils two tasks: first it
suppresses the IF image frequency, secondly it attenuates the aliasing frequency bands caused by the
subsequent down–sampling. After filtering, the sequence is sampled down by the factor of 4. Thus the
sampling rate of the down–sampled sequence r (i ) is the Nyquist rate of f s 3 = 20 MHz. Up to this point
the digital part is implemented in an ASIC.




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

Fig. 2-90


Signal processing of the IEEE 802.16 OFDM measurement application

In the lower part of the figure the subsequent digital signal processing is shown. In the first block the
packet search is performed. This block detects the Short Preamble (SP) and recovers the timing. The
coarse timing is detected first. This search is implemented in the time domain. The algorithm is based
on cyclic repetition within the SP after N = N FFT 2 = 128 samples. Note this cyclic repetition occurs also
in the Long Preamble (LP). Numerous treatises exist on this subject, e.g. [1]–[3]. Furthermore a coarse
5 of the Rx–Tx frequency offset f is derived from the metric in [6]. This can easily be
estimate fˆ

understood because the phase of r (i ) r * (i + N ) is determined by the mod 2 frequency offset. As the
frequency deviation

f can exceed several bins (distance between neighbor sub–carriers) the SP is

further used to solve this n2 [offset over several bins] ambiguities.
After the coarse timing calculation the time estimate is improved by the fine timing calculation. This is
achieved by first estimating the coarse frequency response Hˆ k(SP ) , with k = [ 100, 100] denoting the
channel index of the occupied sub–carriers. First the FFT of the SP is calculated. After the FFT
calculation the known symbol information of the SP sub–carriers is removed by dividing by the symbols.
The result is a coarse estimate Ĥ k of the channel transfer function. In the next step the complex
channel impulse response is computed by an IFFT. Next the energy of the windowed impulse response
(the window size is equal to the guard period) is calculated for every trial time. Afterwards the trail time
of the maximum energy is detected. This trial time is used to adjust the timing.
Now the position of the SP is known and the starting point of the useful part of the first payload symbol
can be derived. In the next block this calculated time instant is used to position the payload window.
Only the payload part is windowed. This is sufficient because the payload is the only subject of the
subsequent measurements.
In the next block the windowed sequence is compensated by the coarse frequency estimate fˆcoarse .
This is necessary because otherwise inter channel interference (ICI) would occur in the frequency
The transition to the frequency domain is achieved by an FFT of length 256. The FFT is performed
symbol–wise for every of the nof _symbols symbols of the payload. The calculated FFTs are described
by rl ,k with
5 In this paper the hat generally describes an estimate. Example: ~
x is the estimate of x.




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

the symbol index l = [ 1 , nof _symbols ] and
the channel index k = [ 128 , 127 ] .
In case of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel the FFT is described by [4], [5]

rl ,k = K mod al ,k g l H k e


j phasel( commom ) + phasel(,timing



nl ,k


the modulation–dependent normalization factor K mod
the alphabet symbol al ,k at symbol–index l of sub–carrier k
the gain g l at the symbol l in relation to the reference gain g = 1 at the Short Preamble (SP)
the channel frequency response H k at the Short Preamble (SP)
the common phase drift phase(lcommon ) of all sub–carriers at symbol l (see below)
the phase phasel(,ktiming ) of sub–carrier k at symbol l caused by the timing drift (see below)
the independent Gaussian distributed noise samples nl ,k
The common phase drift in equation (29) is given by

phase (lcommon ) = 2

Ns N

f rest T l + d# l



N s = N g + N b being the number of Nyquist samples of the symbol period
N = N b = 256 being the number of Nyquist samples of the useful part of the symbol
f rest being the (not yet compensated) frequency deviation
d# l being the phase jitter at the symbol l
fˆcoarse (see Fig. 2-90) is not error–free. Therefore the
represents the not yet compensated frequency deviation in rl ,k .

In general, the coarse frequency estimate
remaining frequency error

f rest

Consequently the overall frequency deviation of the device under test (DUT) is calculated by
f = fˆcoarse + f rest . Remark: The only motivation for dividing the common phase drift in equation (11)
into two parts is to be able to calculate the overall frequency deviation of the DUT.
The reason for the phase jitter d# l in equation (11) may be different. The nonlinear part of the phase
jitter may be caused by the phase noise of the DUT oscillator. Another reason for nonlinear phase jitter
may be the increase of the DUT amplifier temperature at the beginning of the burst. Please note that
besides the nonlinear part the phase jitter d# l also contains a constant part. This constant part is
caused by the not yet compensated frequency deviation f rest . To understand this, please keep in mind
that the measurement of the phase starts at the first symbol l = 1 of the payload. In contrast the channel
frequency response H k in equation (29) represents the channel at the Short Preamble of the preamble.
Consequently the not yet compensated frequency deviation f rest produces a phase drift between the
Short Preamble and the first symbol of the payload. Therefore this phase drift appears as a constant
value ("DC value'') in d# l .
Referring to the IEEE 802.16–2004 measurement standard Chapter "Transmitter
constellation error and test method'' [6], the common phase drift phase(lcommon ) must be estimated and




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


compensated from the pilots. Therefore the "symbol wise phase tracking'' (Tracking Phase) is activated
as the default setting of the R&S FSL–K92/K93.
Furthermore the timing drift in equation (29) is given by
= 2

Ns N

k l


with being the relative clock deviation of the reference oscillator. Normally a symbol–wise timing jitter
is negligible and thus not modeled in equation (32). There may be situations where the timing drift has
to be taken into account. This is illustrated by an example: In accordance to [6] the allowed clock
deviation of the DUT is up to max = ± 8 ppm. Furthermore the maximal length of a frame

nof _symbols = 2420 symbols6 is assumed. From equations (29) and (32), it results that the phase drift
of the highest sub–carrier k = 100 in the last symbol l = nof _symbols is to–do degrees. Even in the
noise–free case, this would lead to symbol errors. The example shows that it is actually necessary to
estimate and compensate the clock deviation, which is accomplished in the next block.
is not part of
Referring to the IEEE 802.16–2004 measurement standard [6], the timing drift phasel(,timing

the requirements. Therefore the "time tracking'' (Tracking Time) is not activated as the default setting of
the R&S FSL–K92/K93.
The time tracking option should rather be seen as a powerful analyzing option.
In addition the tracking of the gain g l in equation (29) is supported for each symbol in relation to the
reference gain g = 1 at the time instant of the Short Preamble (SP). At this time the coarse channel
transfer function Hˆ k( SP ) is calculated. This makes sense since the sequence r 'l ,k is compensated by the
coarse channel transfer function Hˆ k( SP ) before estimating the symbols. Consequently a potential change
of the gain at the symbol l (caused, for example, by the increase of the DUT amplifier temperature)
may lead to symbol errors especially for a large symbol alphabet M of the MQAM transmission. In this
case the estimation and the subsequent compensation of the gain are useful.
Referring to the IEEE 802.16–2004 measurement standard [6], the compensation of the gain g l is not
part of the requirements. Therefore the "gain tracking'' (Tracking Gain) is not activated as the default
setting of the R&S FSL–K92/K93.
The unknown deviations of gain, frequency and time are calculated by an optimum maximum likelihood
procedure, which works well even at low signal to noise ratios with the Cramer Rao Bound being
reached. After estimation of these parameters, the received signal is fully compensated for the decision
of the ideal reference signal aˆl ,k and compensated according to the user settings to get the
measurement signal r 'l ,k . Then the measurement signal is equalized by the inverse channel transfer
function. According to the chosen setting, either the preamble estimation of the channel transfer
function or a data aided estimation using the ideal reference signal is used. According to the IEEE
802.16–2004 measurement standard [6], the coarse channel estimation Hˆ k( SP ) (from the short
preamble) has to be used for equalization. Therefore the default setting of the R&S FSL–K92/K93 is
equalization from the coarse channel estimate derived from the short preamble.
In the last block the measurement variables are calculated. The most important variable is the error
vector magnitude

EVM k =

nof _Symbols
nof _Symbols

l =1

r ' 'l ,k

K mod al ,k



of the sub–carrier k of the current packet. Furthermore the packet error vector magnitude

6 Assuming the maximal System Sampling Rate Fs = 32MHz.




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)




EVM k2

k = 100
( k & 0)


is derived by averaging the squared EVM k versus k . Finally the average error vector magnitude


nof _ packets
nof _ packets


counter = 1

EVM 2 (counter )

is calculated by averaging the packet EVM of all nof _ packets detected packets. This parameter is
equivalent to the so–called "RMS average of all errors ErrorRMS '' of the IEEE 802.16–2004
measurement commandment (see [6], Chapter

Analysis Steps
Preamble related result


Rough frequency estimation

In case of subchannelization, a rough frequency estimation is obtained by
exploiting the cyclic prefix of the OFDM symbols.

Preamble power
Preamble EVM

Uses payload channel estimation for equalization.

Frequency error vs. preamble
Phase error vs. preamble
Channel estimation

Used for equalizing

Payload related result


Fine frequency estimation

Estimation on pilots used for phase correction if 'Phase Tracking' is
selected. Phase tracking needs at least one pilot.
In case of subchannelization, the value shown in the result summary table
is estimated on pilots and data.

Clock offset estimation

Estimation on pilots used for timing correction if 'Timing Tracking' is
selected. Timing tracking needs at least two pilots.
In case of subchannelization, the value shown in the result summary table
is estimated on pilots and data.

IQ Offset

Power at spectral line 0 normalized to the total transmitted power.

Gain Imbalance

Estimation not available in case of subchannelization.

Quadrature Error

Estimation not available in case of subchannelization.

Payload channel estimation

Combined with the preamble channel estimation.

Burst related result


EVM All carriers
EVM Data carriers
EVM Pilot carriers

According to standard normalized to the average power of all 200 used

Burst Power
Crest Factor




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


Subchannelization can be used in uplink bursts to allocate only a subset of the available OFDM sub
carriers. The measurement software can distinguish between downlink bursts, uplink bursts without
subchannelization and uplink bursts with a selectable subchannel index. Thus it is possible to analyze
the complete WirelessMAN traffic with one capture buffer shot.

The synchronization of uplink bursts using subchannelization is performed after the synchronization on
standard downlink and uplink preambles:
1. Synchronization of downlink and uplink bursts without subchannelization.
2. Pre–analysis of the bursts without subchannelization to determine their length.
3. Extraction of TX power areas without already detected bursts.
4. Synchronization of uplink bursts with the selected subchannel index.
In the following sections, the influence of subchannelization on results is discussed.

Channel Results
The standard requires an interpolation of order 0 for the channel estimation on unallocated sub carriers,
i.e. the estimated channel coefficient of the nearest allocated sub carrier shall be used for those sub
carriers not part of the allocated subchannels.
For the derived channel results like group delay or flatness difference, the unallocated carriers are not
taken into account.

Fig. 2-91

Spectrum Flatness





WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

Frequency and Clock Offset
The measurement software allows selectable compensation of phase, timing and gain errors based on
pilot estimations. However, in case of subchannelization the number of pilots is decreased. Bursts with
odd subchannel indices do not provide pilots at all. The following table lists the restrictions on the
tracking ability for subchannelization:


Subchannel Index
16 (8 Pilots)
8, 24 (4 Pilots)
4, 12, 20, 28 (2 Pilots)

2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30
(1 Pilot)

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19,
21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 (No




Available, but uses rough
frequency offset estimation
from the synchronization step



Not available

Not available




Not available

While the tracking functionality has to use pilot based estimates, the actual results for frequency and
clock offset in the result summary can be data aided. In case of subchannelization the final estimation
of frequency and clock offset is done using the already decided data sequence, which gives stable
results even without pilots.

The error vector magnitude of a single constellation point is defined by
EVM(l,k) =

r (l , k ) a (l , k )
N used

k = N used / 2



a (l , k )


k = N used / 2
k &0

where r (l , k ) is the received constellation point and a (l , k ) is the transmitted constellation point at the



symbol and carrier number k .

In case of subchannelization, it is required by the standard to include the unallocated carriers k unalloc by
assuming a (l , k unalloc ) = 0 in the denominator of the EVM calculation.
Thus the EVM All Carriers result for one burst in the result summary equals

EVM_All_Carr =

1 L 1
L l =1 N used

k = N used / 2


r (l , k ) a (l , k )

k = N used / 2
k &0
k = N used / 2

L l =1 N used


a (l , k )



k = N used / 2
k &0

where L is the number of symbols in the burst.
This definition is according to the relative constellation error defined in the IEEE 802.16–2004 standard.
Using the equations above, the error power is normalized by the average transmitted power in all 200
carriers. Please notify, that by this definition the same absolute error power leads to different EVM
results depending on the number of allocated carriers in case of subchannelization.




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


IQ Impairments
IQ imbalance in an OFDM transmitter or receiver leads to an interference of the symbols al ,


with the

symbols a l ,k . In case of subchannelization, the used sub carriers are always situated in such a way, that



= 0 , if a l ,k & 0 . There is no impact of IQ imbalance on the actually allocated carriers of a

subchannelization transmission. The effect can only be seen on the unallocated carriers and yields a
pattern around the origin of the constellation diagram.

Fig. 2-92

Constellation vs Symbol

The unsymmetrical allocation of the sub carriers prevents a measurement of gain imbalance and
quadrature error in case of subchannelization. The influence of the occupied carriers a l ,k on the
unoccupied carriers a l ,


could be measured, but there is no possibility to distinguish them from an

unknown channel coefficient.

See [6] section " RSSI mean and standard deviation''. The Received Signal Strength Indication
[RSSI] is basically the preamble power. The result summary provides the RSSI statistics according to
the standard. A possible method to compute RSSI[k] at the antenna connector is given in [6] equation
(87). RSSI[k] is the RSSI measurement based on the k–th signal/preamble.
The RSSI statistics of the result summary is calculated as follows:
1. RSSI row:
Statistic {min, mean, max} of the R[k]=RSSI[k].
The mean value is µ̂ RSSI dBm [k] according to [6] formula (89).
2. RSSI Standard Deviation row:
/̂ RSSI dB according to [6] formula (91).





WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

See [6] section " CINR mean and standard deviation''. The result summary provides the Carrier
Interference Noise Ratio [CINR] statistics according to the standard. One possible method to estimate
the CINR of a single message is to compute the ratio of the sum of signal power and the sum of
residual error for each data sample, using equation [6] (92).
N 1

CINR[k ] =

% s[k , n]


n =0

N 1

% r[k , n]

s[k , n]




received/measured sample n within message k


corresponding detected/reference
corresponding to received symbol n






The CINR statistics of the result summary is calculated as follows:
1. CINR row:
Statistic {min, mean, max} of the CINR[k].
The mean value is µ̂ CINR dB [k] according to [6] formula (94).
2. CINR Standard Deviation row
/̂ CINR dB according to [6] formula (96).


Speth, Classen, Meyr: ''Frame synchronisation of OFDM systems in frequency selective fading channels", VTC '97,
pp. 1807–1811
Schmidl, Cox: ''Robust Frequency and Timing Synchronization of OFDM", IEEE Trans. on Comm., Dez. 1997, pp. 1613–
Minn, Zeng, Bhargava: ''On Timing Offset Estimation for OFDM", IEEE Communication Letters, July 2000, pp. 242–244
Speth, Fechtel, Fock, Meyr: ''Optimum Receiver Design for Wireless Broad–Band Systems Using OFDM – Part I", IEEE
Trans. On Comm. VOL. 47, NO 11, Nov. 1999
Speth, Fechtel, Fock, Meyr: ''Optimum Receiver Design for Wireless Broad–Band Systems Using OFDM – Part II", IEEE
Trans. On Comm. VOL. 49, NO 4, April. 2001
IEEE 802.16–2004, Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems; 1 October 2004; Medium
Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications


Signal Processing of the IEEE802.16–2005 OFDMA/WiBro
Measurement Application


al , k , aˆl , k

data symbol (actual, decided)

f res

residual carrier frequency offset

f , fˆcoarse

carrier frequency offset between transmitter and receiver (actual, coarse estimate)


relative sampling frequency offset



H l ,k , Hˆ l ,k

channel transfer function (actual, estimate)


time index

iˆcoarse , iˆfine

timing estimate (coarse, fine)




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


k , k p , k d , k ch n

subcarrier index (general, pilot, data, subchannel n )


OFDM symbol index


length of FFT


number of samples in cyclic prefix (guard interval)


number of Nyquist samples

N sc

number of subcarriers


subchannel index, subframe index

nl , k

noise sample


common phase error

Q, Qˆ


I/Q imbalance (actual, estimate)

r (i )

received sample in the time domain

rl , k , rl2, k , rl2,2k , rl2,22k

received sample (uncompensated, fully compensated, partially compensated,
equalized) in the frequency domain


useful symbol time


guard time


symbol time




additive white Gaussian noise


bit error rate


carrier frequency offset


carrier to interference and noise ratio


channel impulse response


cyclic prefix (guard interval)


common phase error


channel transfer function




error vector magnitude


fast Fourier transformation


intermediate frequency


intersymbol interference


orthogonal frequency division multiplexing


orthogonal frequency division multiple access


peak to average power ratio


received signal strength indicator


sampling frequency offset







WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

The following description provides a brief overview of the digital signal processing used in the IEEE
802.16 OFDMA measurement application.
From the received IF signal as the point of origin to the actual analysis results like EVM or CINR, the
digital signal processing can be divided into four major groups:

• Data capturing
• Synchronization

• Channel estimation / equalization 5 OFDMA measuremen t application
• Analysis
The description of the IEEE802.16–2005 OFDMA/WiBro measurement signal processing is structured

Signal Processing Block Diagram
I/Q -d a ta
(c a p tu re b u ffe r)

w in d o w

fre q u e n c y
c o m p e n s a tio n

w in d o w

p o w e r
d e te c tio n

s u b fra m e
d e te c tio n

D fˆ c o a r s e

iˆ c o a r s e


iˆ f i n e

c o a rs e
c h a n n e l e s t.
( p r e a m b le )
c o a rs e
c h a n n e l e s t.
( p ilo ts )

m e a s u re m e n t p a th


p re a m b le


p ilo ts


fin e tim in g

re fe re n c e p a th

c a r r ie d o u t tw ic e
fo r U L s u b fra m e s

fu ll
c o m p e n s a tio n


tr a c k in g
e s tim a tio n

Fig. 2-93

e q u a liz e r
a n d s y m b o l
d e c is io n

r l' , k

re s . C F O


g a in

u s e r d e fin e d
c o m p e n s a tio n

s u b c a r r ie r
s e le c tio n


r l ' ,' k

p re a m b le


fin e

I/Q - im b a la n c e
e s tim a tio n


D Qˆ

fin e
c h a n n e l e s t.
( s y m b o ls )

e q u a liz e r

a n a ly s is
r l ' ,' k'

Signal processing of the IEEE 802.16 OFDMA measurement application

The block diagram in Fig. 2-93 shows the OFDMA measurement application from the capture buffer
containing the I/Q data to the actual analysis block. Outcome of the fully compensated reference path
(green) are the estimates aˆ l , k of the transmitted data symbols al , k . Depending on the user defined
compensation, the received samples rl2,22k of the measurement path (orange) still contain the transmitted
signal impairments of interest. The analysis block reveals these impairments by comparing the
reference and the measurement path. Prior to the analysis, diverse synchronization and channel
estimation tasks have to be accomplished.




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


The first of the synchronization tasks is to detect areas of sufficient power within the captured I/Q data
stream. The subframe detection block determines the beginning and end of each subframe and
coarsely estimates both timing and carrier frequency offset. The fine timing block prior to the FFT allows
a timing improvement using a level–based search for the beginning and end of the coarsely estimated
channel impulse response. In the DL the coarse estimate of the CIR can be directly obtained from the
preamble. Other than that the UL consists only of payload information with scattered pilots in the
subcarrier–symbol plane, thus several OFDM symbols have to be observed to get a reliable estimate of
the CIR. Since the OFDM symbols need to be phase synchronized prior to the channel estimation, the
blue blocks in Fig. 2-93 have to be carried out twice. In the first iteration the timing estimate iˆcoarse is
used to position the window of the FFT. Having found the pilot–based estimate of the CIR, the fine
timing estimate iˆfine is used in the second iteration.
After the time to frequency transformation by an FFT of length N FFT , the tracking estimation block is
used to estimate the following:

relative sampling frequency offset 0
residual carrier frequency offset f res
common phase error 1 l
gain g l

Corresponding to [3] and [4], the uncompensated samples

rl ,k can be expressed as

j 1l
j 2 N s N FFT f res T l
N s N FFT 0 k l
rl , k = g l al , k H l , k e{
e1j 24
3 e1442443 + nl , k



res. CFO



data symbol al , k on subcarrier k at OFDM symbol l
channel transfer function H l , k
number of Nyquist samples N s within the symbol time Ts
useful symbol time T = Ts Tg
independent and Gaussian distributed noise sample nl , k

Within one OFDM symbol both the CPE and the residual CFO respectively cause the same phase
rotation for each subcarrier, while the rotation due to the SFO linearly depends on the subcarrier index.
A linear phase increase in symbol direction can be observed for the residual CFO as well as the SFO.
The results of the tracking estimation block are used to compensate the samples rl , k . While a full
compensation is performed in the reference path, the signal impairments that are of interest to the user
are left uncompensated in the measurement path.

Channel Estimation / Equalization
According to Fig. 2-93, there are two coarse and one fine channel estimation blocks. Which of the two
coarse estimation blocks is used depends on the link direction. For DL subframes the coarse channel
estimation is based on the preamble and directly follows the coarse frequency compensation block. The
pilot–based estimation for UL subframes is tapped behind the full compensation block of the reference
path. Both of the coarse estimation blocks use available training symbols to determine initial estimates
Hˆ l ,k of the channel transfer function at fixed positions in the subcarrier–symbol plane. Based on these
nodes, the missing CTF values are obtained by interpolation in both time and frequency direction. The
coarse estimation results are used for the above mentioned fine timing and to equalize the samples rl2,k
of the reference path prior to symbol decision. Based on the decided data symbols, a fine channel
estimation is performed and then used to equalize the partially compensated samples of the
measurement path.





WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)

The analysis block of the OFDMA measurement application allows to calculate a variety of
measurement variables.
The most important variable is the error vector magnitude (EVM).

EVM l , k =


aˆ l , k
ˆal , k


on subcarrier k at OFDM symbol l . The subsequent average values can be derived from (37).
1. EVM of subchannel n at OFDM symbol l :

N sc

EVM l , subchannel n =

k ch n

l , k ch n


2. EVM of all pilot subcarriers:

EVM pilots =

N sc

%% EVM

N sc

%% EVM



l ,kp


l ,kd


3. EVM of all data subcarriers:

EVM data =



4. EVM of all used subcarriers:

EVM all =

N sc


% 8% EVM

+8 k p

l ,kp

+ % EVM l2,kd 7 (41)

The number of subcarriers respectively taken into account is denoted by N sc .
The carrier to interference and noise ratio is determined for each subframe n . The computation is
based on the partially compensated samples rl2,2k , the decided symbols aˆ l , k , and the channel estimates
Ĥ k (DL: preamble and fine; UL: fine).

%% | aˆ
CINR(n) =
%% | r 22


l ,k


l ,k

Hˆ k |2

aˆl , k Hˆ k |2



Further CINR statistics are defined in the standards [5], [6].


µˆ CINR (n) = :


CINR (0)
avg ) µ CINR ( n 1) +


CINR (n) n > 0

(n) = 10 log µˆ CINR (n) dB

CINR (0)
( n) = :
39(1 avg ) xˆ CINR (n 1) + avg CINR (n) n > 0
/ˆ CINR (n) = 5 log ( xˆCINR
(n)) dB
(n) µˆ CINR




WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93)


The received signal strength indicator is determined for each subframe n . The computation is based on
the time domain samples r (i ) extracted by the subframe detection block.

RSSI (n) ~ | r (i ) |2


Further RSSI statistics are defined in the standard [5], [6].


µˆ RSSI (n) = :


RSSI (0)
avg ) µ RSSI (n 1) +


RSSI (n) n > 0

(n) = 10 log µˆ RSSI (n) dB

RSSI (0)
( n) = :
39(1 avg ) xRSSI (n 1) + avg RSSI (n) n > 0
/ˆ RSSI (n) = 5 log ( xˆ RSSI
(n) µˆ RSSI
(n)) dB

I/Q Imbalance
The I/Q imbalance estimation block allows to evaluate the
modulator gain balance = | 1 + Q |


and the

quadrature mismatch = arg {1 + Q }
respectively based on the block's estimate


Q̂ .

Other Measurement Variables
Without going into detail, the OFDMA measurement application additionally provides the following

Burst power
Constellation diagram
Group delay
I/Q offset
Pilot BER
Spectral flatness


Speth, M., Classen, F., and Meyr, H.: Frame Synchronization of OFDM Systems in Frequency Selective Fading
Channels. IEEE VTC'97, May 1997, pp. 1807–1811.
Schmidl, T. M. and Cox, D. C.: Robust Frequency and Timing Synchronization of OFDM. IEEE Trans. on Commun. Vol.
45 (1997) No. 12, pp. 1613–1621.
Speth, M., Fechtel, S., Fock, G., and Meyr, H.: Optimum Receiver Design for Wireless Broad–Band Systems Using
OFDM – Part I. IEEE Trans. on Commun. Vol. 47 (1999) No. 11, pp. 1668–1677.
Speth, M., Fechtel, S., Fock, G., and Meyr, H.: Optimum Receiver Design for OFDM–Based Broadband Transmission –
Part II: A Case Study. IEEE Trans. on Commun. Vol. 49 (2001) No. 4, pp. 571–578.
IEEE 802.16–2004™: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems (2004).
IEEE Std 802.16e™–2005 and IEEE Std 802.16™–2004/Cor1–2005: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband
Wireless Access Systems (2006)






Manual Operation

Manual Operation

For details refer to the Quick Start Guide chapter 4, "Basic Operations".





Instrument Functions

Contents of Chapter 4

Instrument Functions – Analyzer....................................................................................................4.1
Measurement Parameters................................................................................................................4.2
Initializing the Configuration – PRESET Key..............................................................................4.3
Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key .......................................................................4.5
Setting the Frequency Span – SPAN Key ................................................................................4.11
Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input – AMPT Key .....................................4.13
Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key................................................................4.18
Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key ...........................................................................4.24
Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key............................................................................................4.28
Setting Traces – TRACE Key ...................................................................................................4.39
Measurement Functions ................................................................................................................4.52
Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key.........................................................................4.53
Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key .........................................................................4.66
Power Measurements – MEAS Key .........................................................................................4.75
Using Limit Lines and Display Lines – LINES Key .................................................................4.118
Measurement Modes....................................................................................................................4.128
Measurement Mode Selection – MODE Key..........................................................................4.129
Measurement Mode Menus – MENU Key ..............................................................................4.131
Models and Options .....................................................................................................................4.133
Tracking Generator (Models 13, 16 and 28)...........................................................................4.134
Analog Demodulation (Option K7) ..........................................................................................4.140
Bluetooth Measurements (Option K8) ....................................................................................4.158
Power Meter (Option K9) ........................................................................................................4.186
Spectrogram Measurement (Option K14)...............................................................................4.191
Cable TV Measurements (Option K20) ..................................................................................4.203
Noise Figure Measurements Option (K30) .............................................................................4.247
3GPP Base Station Measurements (Option K72) ..................................................................4.271
CDMA2000 BTS Analyzer (Option K82).................................................................................4.295
1xEV-DO BTS Analyzer (Option K84) ....................................................................................4.356
WLAN TX Measurements (Option K91 / K91n) ......................................................................4.409
WiMAX, WiBro Measurements (Options K92/K93) ................................................................4.441
Instrument Functions - Basic Settings.......................................................................................4.490
General Settings, Printout and Instrument Settings.................................................................4.491
Instrument Setup and Interface Configuration - SETUP Key .................................................4.492
Saving and Recalling Settings Files - FILE Key .....................................................................4.510
Manual Operation - Local Menu .............................................................................................4.519
Measurement Documentation - PRINT Key ...........................................................................4.520





Instrument Functions – Analyzer

Instrument Functions – Analyzer
In this section, all analyzer functions of the R&S FSL and their application are explained in detail. The
basic settings functions are described in section "Instrument Functions – Basic Settings".
For every key a table is provided in which all submenus and corresponding commands are listed. The
description of the submenus and commands follows the order of the table. The commands for the
optional remote control (if any) are indicated for each softkey. The description is divided into the
following topics:

"Measurement Parameters" on page 4.2
This section describes how to reset the instrument, to set up specific measurements and to set the
measurement parameters. Examples of basic operations are provided in the Quick Start Guide,
chapter 5 "Basic Measurement Examples". Advanced examples are described in chapter
"Advanced Measurement Examples".


"Measurement Functions" on page 4.52
This section informs about how to select and configure the measurement functions. Examples of
basic operations are provided in the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5 "Basic Measurement Examples".
Advanced examples are described in chapter "Advanced Measurement Examples".


"Measurement Modes" on page 4.128
This section describes the provided measurement modes, the change of measurement modes and
the access to the menus of all active measurement modes.


"Models and Options" on page 4.133
This section informs about optional functions and their application that are included in the basic unit

More basic information on operation is given in the Quick Start Guide. The front and the rear view of the
instrument together with a table of all available keys and a short description are provided in chapter
"Front and Rear Panel". Chapter "Preparing for Use" informs how to start working with the instrument
for the first time. A brief introduction on handling the instrument is given in chapter "Basic Operations".
This includes also the description of the keys for basic operations like switching the instrument on and
off or starting a measurement.




Measurement Parameters


Measurement Parameters
In this section all menus necessary for setting measurement parameters are described. This includes
the following topics and keys. For details on changing the mode refer to "Measurement Mode Selection
– MODE Key" on page 4.129.

"Initializing the Configuration – PRESET Key" on page 4.3


"Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key" on page 4.5


"Setting the Frequency Span – SPAN Key" on page 4.11


"Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input – AMPT Key" on page 4.13


"Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key" on page 4.18


"Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key" on page 4.24


"Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key" on page 4.28


"Setting Traces – TRACE Key" on page 4.39

Table 4-1: Sweep range variables






max. frequency

3 GHz

6 GHz

18 GHz*


min. frequency available

0 Hz

0 Hz

0 Hz


smallest selectable span > 0 Hz

10 Hz

10 Hz

10 Hz

* In remote control, the query of the maximum frequency returns 20 GHz. For further details refer to
chapter 6.





Initializing the Configuration – PRESET Key

Initializing the Configuration – PRESET Key
The PRESET key resets the instrument to the default setting and therefore provides a defined initial
state as a known starting point for measurements

If the LOCAL LOCKOUT function is active in the remote control mode, the PRESET key is

Further information

"Initial configuration" on page 4.4


To preset the instrument

To preset the instrument
1. Define the data set for the preset:

To retrieve the originally provided settings file (see Initial configuration), in the file menu,
deactivate the Startup Recall softkey.


To retrieve a customized settings file, in the file menu, activate the Startup Recall softkey,
press the Startup Recall Setup softkey, and select the corresponding file.
For details refer to section "Saving and Recalling Settings Files – FILE Key".

2. Press the PRESET key to trigger a preset.
Remote: *RST or SYSTem:PRESet (for details refer to chapter "Remote Control – Commands",
section "Common Commands" or section "SYSTem Subsystem").


In order to save the current settings after reboot of the instrument, create a shutdown file by
switching the analyzer in the standby mode (press the On/Off key on the FRONT panel and
wait until the yellow LED is ON). With the battery pack option, use a USB keyboard and
terminate the analyzer firmware with ALT+F4 to create the shutdown file.




Initializing the Configuration – PRESET Key


Initial configuration
The initial configuration is selected in a way that the RF input is always protected against overload,
provided that the applied signal levels are in the allowed range for the instrument.
The parameter set of the initial configuration can be customized by using the Startup Recall softkey in
the file menu. For further information refer to section "Instrument Functions – Basic Settings", "Saving
and Recalling Settings Files – FILE Key".
Table 4-2: Initial configuration



Spectrum Analyzer

center frequency

fmax / 2

center frequency step size

0.1 * center frequency


R&S FSL3: 3 GHz
R&S FSL6: 6 GHz
R&S FSL18: 18 GHz

RF attenuation

(R&S FSL3/6: 0 dB;
R&S FSL18: 10 dB)

reference level

R&S FSL3/6: –20 dBm;
R&S FSL18: –10 dBm

level range

100 dB log

level unit


sweep time


resolution bandwidth

auto (3 MHz)

video bandwidth

auto (10 MHz)

FFT filters


span / RBW







free run

trace 1

clr write

trace 2/3/4/5/6



auto peak

frequency offset

0 Hz

reference level offset

0 dB

reference level position

100 %



cal correction


noise source




tracking generator (models 13, 16, 28)






Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key

Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key
The FREQ key is used to specify the frequency axis, and to set the frequency offset and the signal track
function. The frequency axis can be specified either by the start and stop frequency or by the center
frequency and the span.

To open the frequency menu
Press the FREQ key.
The frequency menu is displayed. The Frequency Center edit dialog box is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the frequency menu" on page 4.7

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".


To specify the frequency axis by the start and stop frequency


To specify the frequency axis by the center frequency and the span


To specify the step size for the arrow keys and the rotary knob


To modify the frequency axis by an offset


To track signals (only possible if span >0)




Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key


To specify the frequency axis by the start and stop frequency
1. Press the Start softkey and enter a start frequency.
2. Press the Stop softkey and enter a stop frequency.

To specify the frequency axis by the center frequency and the span
3. Press the FREQ key and enter a center frequency in the Frequency Center edit dialog box.
4. Press the SPAN key and enter the bandwidth you want to analyze.

Entering a value of 0 Hz will cause a change to the zero span analysis mode.

To specify the step size for the arrow keys and the rotary knob
1. Press the CF Stepsize softkey.
The softkeys are displayed according to the selected frequency span (zero span or span > 0).
2. To define the step size of the center frequency:

Only if span > 0: Press 0.1*Span, 0.5*Span or x*Span to define the step size for the center
frequency as percentage of the span.


Only if span = 0: Press 0.1*RBW, 0.5*RBW or x*RBW to define the step size for the center
frequency as percentage of the resolution bandwidth.


Press the =Center softkey to set the step size to the value of the center frequency and to
remove the dependency of the step size to span or resolution bandwidth.


Press the =Marker softkey to set the step size to the value of the marker and to remove the
dependency of the step size to span or resolution bandwidth.


Press the Manual softkey and enter a fixed step size for the center frequency.


The step size assigned to arrow keys corresponds to the selected value; the step size of the
rotary knob is /10 of it.

To modify the frequency axis by an offset
Press the Frequency Offset softkey and enter the offset to shift the displayed frequency span.

To track signals (only possible if span >0)
1. Press the Signal Track softkey.
The softkeys of this submenu are displayed to start and stop signal tracking with specified
2. Press the Track On/Off softkey to switch signal tracking on or off.
3. Press the Track BW softkey and enter a bandwidth for signal tracking.
4. Press the Track Threshold softkey and enter the threshold for signal tracking.
5. Press the Select Trace softkey and select the trace for signal tracking.





Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key

Softkeys of the frequency menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the frequency menu. It is possible that your
instrument configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option,
model or (measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.

Menu / Command


CF Stepsize


Frequency Offset
Signal Track

Track On/Off
Track BW
Track Threshold
Select Trace

Opens an edit dialog box to enter the center frequency. The allowed range of values for the
center frequency depends on the frequency span.
span > 0: spanmin / 2
span = 0: 0 Hz



fmax – spanmin / 2


fmax and spanmin are specified in the data sheet. To help analyze signals located at the end of the
frequency range, for R&S FSL models with an upper frequency limit of 6 GHz or less, the fmax
value is extended by 0.05 GHz for direct entry via the key pad. The preset and full span values
remain unchanged.
Remote: FREQ:CENT 100MHz




Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key


Opens an edit dialog box to define the start frequency. The following range of values is allowed:


fmax – spanmin

fmin, fmax and spanmin are specified in the data sheet. To help analyze signals located at the end of
the frequency range, for R&S FSL models with an upper frequency limit of 6 GHz or less, the
fmax value is extended by 0.05 GHz for direct entry via the key pad. The preset and full span
values remain unchanged.
Remote: FREQ:STAR 20MHz
Opens an edit dialog box to define the stop frequency. The following range of values for the stop
frequency is allowed:
fmin + spanmin



fmin, fmax and spanmin are specified in the data sheet. To help analyze signals located at the end of
the frequency range, for R&S FSL models with an upper frequency limit of 6 GHz or less, the
fmax value is extended by 0.05 GHz for direct entry via the key pad. For the R&S FSL18 model,
the fmax value is extended to 20 GHz. The preset and full span values remain unchanged.
Remote: FREQ:STOP 2000MHz
CF Stepsize
Opens a submenu to set the step size of the center frequency. In addition to the =Center,
=Marker and Manual softkeys, the other softkeys are displayed depending on the selected
frequency span.
The step size can be coupled to the span (span > 0) or the resolution bandwidth (span = 0) or it
can be manually set to a fixed value.

0.1*Span (span > 0)
Sets the step size for the center frequency to 10% of the span.
0.1*RBW (zero span)
Sets the step size for the center frequency to 10% of the resolution bandwidth. This is the
default setting.





Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key

0.5*Span (span > 0)
Sets the step size for the center frequency to 50% of the span.
0.5*RBW (zero span)
Sets the step size for the center frequency to 50% of the resolution bandwidth.
x*Span (span > 0)
Opens an edit dialog box to set the step size for the center frequency as % of the span.
x*RBW (zero span)
Opens an edit dialog box to set the step size for the center frequency as % of the resolution
bandwidth. Values between 1 and 100% in steps of 1% are allowed. The default setting is 10%.
Sets the step size to the value of the center frequency and removes the coupling of the step size
to span or resolution bandwidth. This function is especially useful during measurements of the
signal harmonic content because by entering the center frequency each stroke of the arrow key
selects the center frequency of another harmonic.

Sets the step size to the value of the current marker and removes the coupling of the step size
to span or resolution bandwidth. This function is especially useful during measurements of the
signal harmonic content at the marker position because by entering the center frequency each
stroke of the arrow key selects the center frequency of another harmonic.

Opens an edit dialog box to enter a fixed step size for the center frequency.




Selecting the Frequency and Span – FREQ Key


Frequency Offset
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a frequency offset that shifts the displayed frequency range by
the specified offset. The allowed values range from –100 GHz to 100 GHz. The default setting is
0 Hz.
Remote: FREQ:OFFS 10 MHz
Signal Track (span > 0)
Opens a submenu to modify the parameters for signal tracking: search bandwidth, threshold
value and trace.
The search bandwidth and the threshold value are shown in the diagram by two vertical lines
and one horizontal line, which are labeled as TRK. After each sweep the center frequency is set
to the maximum signal found within the searched bandwidth. If no maximum signal above the
set threshold value is found in the searched bandwidth, the track mechanism stops.
Track On/Off (span > 0)
Switches the signal tracking on or off.
Track BW (span > 0)
Opens an edit dialog box to set the search bandwidth for signal tracking. The frequency range is
calculated as a function of the center frequency.
Track Threshold (span > 0)
Opens an edit dialog box to set the threshold value for signal tracking.
Select Trace (span > 0)
Opens an edit dialog box to select the trace on which the signal is tracked.





Setting the Frequency Span – SPAN Key

Setting the Frequency Span – SPAN Key
The SPAN key is used to set the frequency span to be analyzed.

To open the span menu
Press the SPAN key.
The span menu is displayed. For span > 0 an edit dialog box to enter the frequency is displayed.
For zero span, an edit dialog box to enter the sweep time is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the span menu" on page 4.11

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".


To specify the span (alternatives)

To specify the span (alternatives)
1. To set the span, use the Span Manual, Full Span, Zero Span and Last Span softkeys.
2. To define a frequency range, use the Start and Stop softkeys.
3. For zero span, press the Sweeptime Manual softkey and enter a sweep time.

Softkeys of the span menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the span menu. It is possible that your instrument
configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option, model or
(measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
Span Manual
Sweeptime Manual
Full Span
Zero Span
Last Span




Setting the Frequency Span – SPAN Key


Span Manual
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the frequency span. The center frequency is kept constant.
The following range is allowed:
span = 0: 0 Hz
span >0: spanmin



fmax and spanmin are specified in the data sheet. To help analyze signals located at the end of the
frequency range, for R&S FSL models with an upper frequency limit of 6 GHz or less, the fmax
value is extended by 0.05 GHz for direct entry via the key pad. The preset and full span values
remain unchanged.
Remote: FREQ:SPAN 2GHz

Opens an edit dialog box to enter the start frequency. For details see Start softkey in the
frequency menu.
Remote: FREQ:STAR 20MHz
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the stop frequency. For details see Stop softkey in the
frequency menu.
Remote: FREQ:STOP 2000MHz
Full Span
Sets the span to the full frequency range of the R&S FSL specified in the data sheet. This
setting is useful for overview measurements.
Zero Span
Sets the span to 0 Hz (zero span). The x–axis becomes the time axis with the grid lines
corresponding to 1/10 of the current sweep time (SWT).
Remote: FREQ:SPAN 0Hz
Last Span
Sets the span to the previous value. With this function e.g. a fast change between overview
measurement and detailed measurement is possible.





Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input – AMPT Key

Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input –
The AMPT key is used to set the reference level, the level range and unit, the scaling and the RF

To open the amplitude menu
Press the AMPT key.
The amplitude menu is displayed. The Reference Level dialog box is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the amplitude menu" on page 4.14

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".


To specify the amplitude




Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input – AMPT Key


To specify the amplitude
1. Set the reference level, offset and position, using the Ref Level, Ref Level Offset and Ref Level
Position softkeys.
2. Select the level range and the unit for the level axis, using the Range Log and Unit softkeys.
3. Set the scaling, using the Range Linear and/or Grid Abs / Rel softkeys.
4. Set the attenuation, using the RF Atten Manual or RF Atten Auto softkeys.

Softkeys of the amplitude menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the amplitude menu. It is possible that your
instrument configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option,
model or (measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
Menu / Command


Ref Level
Range Log
Range Linear

Range Linear %
Range Lin. Unit

Preamp On/Off
RF Atten Manual
RF Atten Auto
Ref Level Offset
Ref Level Position
Grid Abs / Rel
Input 50 L / 75 L

Ref Level
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the reference level in the currently active unit (dBm, dBMV,
The reference level value is the maximum value the AD converter can handle without distortion
of the measured value. Signal levels above this value will not be measured correctly, which is
indicated by the IFOVL status display.
Remote: DISP:TRAC:Y:RLEV –60dBm
Range Log
Selects logarithmic scaling for the level display range and opens the Range Log dialog box to
select a value for the level range.
Remote: DISP:TRAC:Y 120DB





Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input – AMPT Key

Range Linear
Selects linear scaling for the level display range and opens a submenu to select the type of
linear scaling.

Range Linear %
Selects linear scaling in % for the level display range, i.e. the horizontal grid lines are labelled in
%. The grid is divided in decadic steps.
Markers are displayed in the selected unit (Unit softkey). Delta markers are displayed in %
referenced to the voltage value at the position of marker 1. This is the default setting for linear
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Range Lin. Unit
Selects linear scaling in dB for the level display range, i.e. the horizontal lines are labelled in dB.
Markers are displayed in the selected unit (Unit softkey). Delta markers are displayed in dB
referenced to the power value at the position of marker 1.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Preamp On/Off (option RF Preamplifier, B22)
Switches the preamplifier on or off.
The preamplifier has only an effect below 6 GHz.
RF Atten Manual
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the attenuation, irrespective of the reference level.
The attenuation can be set in 5 dB steps. The range is specified in the data sheet. If the defined
reference level cannot be set for the set RF attenuation, the reference level will be adjusted
The RF attenuation defines the level at the input mixer according to the formula:
levelmixer = levelinput – RF attenuation
The maximum mixer level allowed is –10 dBm. Mixer levels above this value may lead to
incorrect measurement results, which are indicated by the OVLD status display.
Remote: INP:ATT 30 DB




Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input – AMPT Key


RF Atten Auto
Sets the RF attenuation automatically as a function of the selected reference level. This ensures
that the optimum RF attenuation is always used. It is the default setting.
Ref Level Offset
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the arithmetic level offset. This offset is added to the
measured level irrespective of the selected unit. The scaling of the y–axis is changed
accordingly. The setting range is ±200 dB in 0.1 dB steps.
Ref Level Position
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the reference level position, i.e. the position of the maximum
AD converter value on the level axis. The setting range is from –200 to +200%, 0%
corresponding to the lower and 100% to the upper limit of the diagram.

Grid Abs / Rel (not available with Range Linear)
Switches between absolute and relative scaling of the level axis.
Absolute scaling

The labeling of the level lines refers to the absolute value of the
reference level. Absolute scaling is the default setting.

Relative scaling

The upper line of the grid is always at 0 dB. The scaling is in dB
whereas the reference level is always in the set unit (for details on unit
settings see Unit softkey).

Opens the Unit dialog box to select the unit for the level axis. The default setting is dBm. If a
transducer is switched on, the softkey is not available.
In general, the spectrum analyzer measures the signal voltage at the RF input. The level display
is calibrated in RMS values of an unmodulated sinewave signal. In the default state, the level is
displayed at a power of 1 mW (= dBm). Via the known input impedance (50 L or 75 L),
conversion to other units is possible. The units dBm, dBmV, dBµV, V and W are directly





Setting the Level Display and Configuring the RF Input – AMPT Key

Input 50 D / 75 D
Uses 50 L or 75 L as reference impedance for the measured levels. Default setting is 50 L .
Changes the reference impedance for the measured levels
The setting 75 L should be selected, if the 50 L input impedance is transformed to a higher
impedance using a 75 L adapter of the RAZ type (= 25 L in series to the input impedance of the
instrument). The correction value in this case is 1.76 dB = 10 log ( 75 L / 50 L).
All levels specified in this Operating Manual refer to the default setting of the instrument (50 L)R.
Remote: INP:IMP 50OHM




Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key


Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key
The BW key is used to set the resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth (VBW) and sweep time (SWT).
The values available for resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth depend on the selected filter type.
For details on channel filters see also "List of available RRC and channel filters" on page 4.20.

To open the bandwidth menu
Press the BW key.
The bandwidth menu is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the bandwidth menu" on page 4.22

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".

Further information

"List of available RRC and channel filters" on page 4.20


To specify the bandwidth


To choose the appropriate filter type





Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key

To specify the bandwidth
1. Set the resolution bandwidth using the Res BW Manual or Res BW Auto softkey.
2. Set the video bandwidth using the Video BW Manual or Video BW Auto softkey.
3. Set the sweep time using the Sweeptime Manual or Sweeptime Auto softkey.
4. Press the Filter Type softkey and select the appropriate filters.

To choose the appropriate filter type
All resolution bandwidths are realized with digital filters. With option Narrow IF Filters, R&S FSL–B7, the
range is enlarged (for details refer to the data sheet).
The video filters serve for smoothing the displayed trace. Using video bandwidths that are small
compared to the resolution bandwidth, only the signal average is displayed and noise peaks and pulsed
signals are repressed. If pulsed signals are to be measured, it is recommended to use a video
bandwidth that is large compared to the resolution bandwidth (VBW * 10 x RBW) for the amplitudes of
pulses to be measured correctly.
The following filter types are available:

Gaussian filters
The Gaussian filters are set by default. The available bandwidths are specified in the data sheet.


EMI (6dB) filters
The EMI (6dB) filters are available from firmware version 1.30. The available bandwidths are
specified in the data sheet.


FFT filters
The available bandwidths are specified in the data sheet.
The FFT algorithm offers considerably higher measurement speeds with all the other settings
remaining the same. The reason is that for analog filters the sweep time required for a particular
span is proportional to (span/RBW ). When using the FFT algorithm, however, the sweep time is
proportional to (span/RBW).
FFT filters are particularly suitable for stationary signals (sinusoidal signals or signals that are
continuously modulated in time). For burst signals (TDMA) or pulsed signals, normal filters are
preferable. When the tracking generator is used as signal source for the DUT, filtering with the FFT
algorithm is not useful. The FFT option is thus not available if the tracking generator is switched on.
If the FFT filters are activated, the sweep time display (SWT) is replaced by the acquisition time
(AQT) display. The sweep time is defined by the selected bandwidth and span, and cannot be
changed. The video bandwidth is not defined and therefore cannot be set.
The sample detector and the peak detector are available. If the Detector Auto Select softkey in the
trace menu is activated, the peak detector is selected.


channel filters
details see "List of available RRC and channel filters"


RRC filters
details see "List of available RRC and channel filters"




Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key


List of available RRC and channel filters
For power measurement a number of especially steep–edged channel filters are available (see the
following table).
For filters of type RRC (Root Raised Cosine), the filter bandwidth indicated describes the sampling rate
of the filter. For all other filters (CFILter) the filter bandwidth is the 3 dB bandwidth.
Table 4-3: Filter types
Filter Bandwidth

Filter Type

















































ETS300 113 (12.5 kHz channels)




AM radio











ETS300 113 (20 kHz channels)







ETS300 113 (25 kHz channels)















IS 136 (NADC)






DAB, Satelite
















FM radio
















J.83 (8-VSB DVB, USA)




Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key

Filter Bandwidth

Filter Type






































20 MHz





The 20 MHz channel filter is unavailable in sweep mode.
The 3.84 and 4.096 MHz filters (marked with an asterisk in the table) require an IF filter model
index 3.




Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key


Softkeys of the bandwidth menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the bandwidth menu. It is possible that your
instrument configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option,
model or (measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
Res BW Manual
Res BW Auto
Video BW Manual
Video BW Auto
Sweeptime Manual
Sweeptime Auto
Filter Type

Res BW Manual
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value for the resolution bandwidth. The available resolution
bandwidths are specified in the data sheet. For details on the correlation between resolution
bandwidth and filter type refer to "To choose the appropriate filter type" on page 4.19.
Numeric input is always rounded to the nearest possible bandwidth. For rotary knob or
UP/DNARROW key inputs, the bandwidth is adjusted in steps either upwards or downwards.
The manual input mode of the resolution bandwidth is indicated by a green asterisk (*) at the
RBW display.
Remote: BAND 1MHz
Res BW Auto (span > 0)
Couples the resolution bandwidth to the selected span. If the span is changed, the resolution
bandwidth is automatically adjusted.
This setting is recommended, if a favorable setting of the resolution bandwidth in relation to the
selected span is desired.
Video BW Manual (not available for FFT filter)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the video bandwidth. The available video bandwidths are
specified in the data sheet.
Numeric input is always rounded to the nearest possible bandwidth. For rotary knob or
UP/DNARROW key inputs, the bandwidth is adjusted in steps either upwards or downwards.
The manual input mode of the video bandwidth is indicated by a green asterisk (*) at the VBW
Remote: BAND:VID 10 kHz





Setting the Bandwidths and Sweep Time – BW Key

Video BW Auto (not available for FFT filter)
Couples the video bandwidth to the resolution bandwidth. If the resolution bandwidth is changed,
the video bandwidth is automatically adjusted.
This setting is recommended, if a minimum sweep time is required for a selected resolution
bandwidth. Narrow video bandwidths require longer sweep times due to the longer settling time.
Wide bandwidths reduce the signal/noise ratio.
Sweeptime Manual (not available for FFT filter)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the sweep time.
Sweep time

Option TV Trigger, B6
(available from version 1.10)

absolute max. sweep time value:

16000 s

100 µs (zero span)

absolute min. sweep time value:

1 µs (zero span)

25 µs (zero span)

2.5 ms (span > 0)


Allowed values depend on the ratio of span to RBW and RBW to VBW. For details refer to the
data sheet.
Numeric input is always rounded to the nearest possible sweep time. For rotary knob or
UPARROW/DNARROW key inputs, the sweep time is adjusted in steps either downwards or
The manual input mode of the sweep time is indicated by a green asterisk (*) at the SWT
display. If the selected sweep time is too short for the selected bandwidth and span, level
measurement errors will occur due to a too short settling time for the resolution or video filters. In
this case, the R&S FSL displays the error message UNCAL and marks the indicated sweep time
with a red asterisk (*).
Remote: SWE:TIME 10s
Sweeptime Auto (not available for FFT filter and zero span)
Couples the sweep time to the span, video bandwidth (VBW) and resolution bandwidth (RBW). If
the span, resolution bandwidth or video bandwidth are changed, the sweep time is automatically
The R&S FSL always selects the shortest sweep time that is possible without falsifying the
signal. The maximum level error is < 0.1 dB, compared to using a longer sweep time.
Filter Type
Opens the Filter Type dialog box to select the filter type.
For detailed information on filters see "To choose the appropriate filter type" on page 4.19 and
"List of available RRC and channel filters" on page 4.20.




Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key


Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key
The SWEEP key is used to configure the sweep mode. Continuous sweep or single sweep are
possible. The sweep time and the number of measured values are set.

To open the sweep menu
Press the SWEEP key.
The sweep menu is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the sweep menu" on page 4.25

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".


To specify the sweep settings





Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key

To specify the sweep settings
1. Press the Sweep Count softkey and enter the sweep count.
2. Set the sweep time by using the Sweeptime Manual or Sweeptime Auto softkey.
3. Press the Sweep Points softkey and enter the number of sweep points.
4. Select the sweep mode using the Continuous Sweep or Single Sweep softkey.
5. To repeat the single sweep, press the Continue Single Sweep softkey.

Softkeys of the sweep menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the sweep menu. It is possible that your instrument
configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option, model or
(measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this menu provides additional functionality.
For details refer to "Softkeys of the sweep menu (Spectrogram view)" on page 4.195.
Continuous Sweep
Single Sweep
Continue Single Sweep
Sweeptime Manual
Sweeptime Auto
Sweep Count
Sweep Points

Continuous Sweep
Sets the continuous sweep mode: the sweep takes place continuously according to the trigger
settings. This is the default setting. The trace averaging is determined by the sweep count value
(see Sweep Count softkey).
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this softkey provides additional
functionality. For details refer to Continuous Sweep Start/Stop softkey in the sweep menu of
this option.
Single Sweep
Sets the single sweep mode: after triggering, starts the number of sweeps that are defined by
using the Sweep Count softkey. The measurement stops after the defined number of sweeps
has been performed.




Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key


Continue Single Sweep
Repeats the number of sweeps set by using the Sweep Count softkey, without deleting the
trace of the last measurement.
This is particularly of interest when using the trace configurations Average or Max Hold to take
previously recorded measurements into account for averaging / maximum search. For details on
trace configuration refer to "Setting Traces – TRACE Key" on page 4.39.
Sweeptime Manual
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the sweep time. For details see Sweeptime Manual softkey in
the bandwidth menu.
Remote: SWE:TIME 10s
Sweeptime Auto
Sets the automatic sweep time mode. For details see Sweeptime Auto softkey in the bandwidth
Sweep Count
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the number of sweeps to be performed in the single sweep
mode. Values from 0 to 32767 are allowed. If the values 0 or 1 are set, one sweep is performed.
The sweep count is applied to all the traces in a diagram.
The sweep count set in the sweep menu is the same as that in the trace menu (for further details
see Sweep Count softkey). If the trace configurations Average, Max Hold or Min Hold are set,
the sweep count value also determines the number of averaging or maximum search
procedures (for details on trace configuration see "Setting Traces – TRACE Key" on page 4.39.
TRACE key – Trace Mode softkey – Mode Max Hold softkey
SWEEP key – Sweep Count softkey – Average Sweep Count dialog box: enter 10
Single Sweep softkey: R&S FSL performs the Max Hold function over 10 sweeps.
Remote: SWE:COUN 64





Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key

Sweep Points
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the number of measured values to be collected during one

Entry via rotary knob:
In the range from 101 to 1001, the sweep points are increased or decreased in steps of 100
In the range from 1001 to 32001, the sweep points are increased or decreased in steps of 1000


Entry via keypad:
All values in the defined range can be set.

The default value is 501 sweep points. If a value
off automatically.

501 is set, the auto peak detector is turned

Remote: SWE:POIN 501




Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key


Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key
The TRIG key is used to set trigger mode, trigger threshold, trigger delay, trigger polarity and for gated
sweep the gate configuration.

To open the trigger menu
Press the TRIG key.
The trigger menu is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the trigger menu" on page 4.33

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".

Further information

"Trigger mode overview" on page 4.31


To specify the trigger settings


To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)


To trigger on TV signals (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)





Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key

To specify the trigger settings
1. Press the Trg / Gate Source softkey to select the trigger mode (for details see "Trigger mode
overview" on page 4.31).
2. Press the Trg / Gate Level softkey to set the trigger level.
3. Press the Trigger Offset softkey to set the trigger offset.
4. For details on gated sweep operation, see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep,
B8)" on page 4.29.
5. For details on TV signal triggering, see "To trigger on TV signals (zero span and option TV Trigger,

To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)
By using a gate in sweep mode and stopping the measurement while the gate signal is inactive, the
spectrum for pulsed RF carriers can be displayed without the superposition of frequency components
generated during switching. Similarly, the spectrum can also be examined for an inactive carrier. The
sweep can be controlled by an external gate or by the internal power trigger.
Gated sweep operation is also possible for span = 0. This enables – e.g. in burst signals – level
variations of individual slots to be displayed versus time.
1. Press the Gate Settings submenu softkey to define the settings of the gate mode.
At the center frequency a transition to zero span is made and the time parameters gate delay and
gate length are displayed as vertical lines to adjust them easily.
When quitting the Gate Settings submenu, the original span is retrieved so the desired
measurement can be performed with the accurately set gate.
2. To set the parameters gate delay and gate length highly accurate, press the Sweep Time softkey to
alter the x–axis in a way that the signal range concerned (e.g. one full burst) is displayed.
3. Press the Gate Delay softkey to set the sampling time in a way that the desired portion of the signal
is shown.
4. Press the Gate Mode Lvl/Edge softkey to set the gate mode.
5. If the Edge gate mode has been selected, press the Gate Length softkey to set the sampling
duration in a way that the desired portion of the signal is shown.
6. Press the Trg / Gate Polarity Pos/Neg softkey to set the polarity of the trigger source.
7. Press the Gated Trigger softkey to activate the gated sweep mode.
To indicate that a gate is used for the sweep, the enhancement label GAT is displayed on the
screen. This label appears to the right of the window for which the gate is configured.




Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key


Fig. 4-1: TDMA signal with GATE OFF

Fig. 4-2: Pulsed signal with GATE ON





Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key

Fig. 4-3: Timing diagram for GATE, GATE DELAY and GATE LENGTH

To trigger on TV signals (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
1. Press the TV Trig Settings submenu softkey to switch the TV trigger on and define the settings for
triggering on TV signal.
2. To configure the TV trigger, press the Vert Sync, Vert Sync Odd Field, Vert Sync Even Field or
Hor Sync softkey.
3. Press the Video Pol Pos/Neg softkey to set the polarity of the video signal.
4. Press the Lines 625/525 softkey to set the line system to be used.
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.

Trigger mode overview
The R&S FSL offers the following trigger modes:

Free Run
The start of a sweep is not triggered. Once a measurement is completed, another is started


Triggering via a TTL signal at the input connector EXT TRIG / GATE IN on the rear panel.


Triggering by the displayed voltage.
A horizontal trigger line is shown in the diagram. It is used to set the trigger threshold from 0% to
100% of the diagram height.


IF Power
Triggering of the measurement via signals which are outside the measurement channel.
For this purpose, the R&S FSL uses a level detector at the second intermediate frequency. Its
threshold can be set in a range between –50 dBm and –10 dBm at the input mixer. The resulting
trigger level at the RF input is calculated via the following formula:
Mixerlevelmin + RFAtt – PreampGain


Input Signal


Mixerlevelmax + RFAtt – PreampGain


Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key


The bandwidth at the intermediate frequency is 20 MHz. The R&S FSL is triggered as soon as the
trigger threshold is exceeded within a 10 MHz range around the selected frequency (= start
frequency in the frequency sweep).
Thus, the measurement of spurious emissions, e.g. for pulsed carriers, is possible even if the
carrier lies outside the selected frequency span.

TV (option TV Trigger, B6, available from firmware version 1.10)
Triggering of the measurement on TV signals. In this trigger mode, only the Auto Peak and the
Sample detectors are available (for details refer to "Detector overview" on page 4.42).
In order to display different sections of a TV video signal, the R&S FSL derives several trigger
signals from the video signals. This allows triggering as well on the frame repetition as on each line
of the TV video signal.
The filter bandwidth is constant: 4.0 MHz for standards with 525 lines or 5.0 MHz for standards with
625 lines. The position of the filter is determined by the firmware in order to place the 3 dB filter
bandwidth on the center frequency, as shown in the diagramm below. For the center frequency, the
value of the vision carrier frequency should be set.

fv = vision carrier frequency

fa = aural carrier frequency

fc = chrominance sub–carrier frequency

BW = –3dB filter bandwidth

Fig. 4-4: 3 dB Filter bandwidth (option TV Trigger, B6, available from firmware version 1.10)

Time Trigger (available from firmware version 1.60)
Triggering of the measurement by a time intervall, set via the Repetition Intervall softkey.





Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key

Softkeys of the trigger menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the trigger menu. It is possible that your instrument
configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option, model or
(measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
Menu / Command


Trg / Gate Source
Trg / Gate Level
Trg / Gate Polarity Pos/Neg
Trigger Offset / Repetition Intervall
Gated Trigger
Gate Settings

Gate Mode Lvl/Edge
Gate Delay
Gate Length
Trg / Gate Source
Trg / Gate Level
Trg / Gate Polarity Pos/Neg
Sweep Time

IF Power Retrigger Holdoff
IF Power Retrigger Hysteresis
TV Trig Settings

Vert Sync
Vert Sync Odd Field
Vert Sync Even Field
Hor Sync
Video Pol Pos/Neg
Lines 625/525
TV Free Run On/Off

Trg / Gate Source
Opens the Trigger / Gate Source dialog box to select the trigger / gate mode. For detailed
information on trigger modes see "Trigger mode overview" on page 4.31.
The gate–related settings are only available with option Gated Sweep, R&S FSL–B8. As gate
modes, all modes apart from the TV Trigger mode (option TV Trigger, B6, available from
firmware version 1.10) are available. For details see also "To use gated sweep operation (option
Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.
The default setting is Free Run. If a trigger mode other than Free Run has been set, the
enhancement label TRG is displayed.
Remote: TRIG:SOUR IMM | VID | IFP | EXT | TV | TIME (Free Run, Video, IF Power,
Extern, TV Trigger, Time Trigger)
Remote: SWE:EGAT:SOUR EXT (Extern)




Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key


Trg / Gate Level
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the trigger / gate level. The gate–related settings are only
available with option Gated Sweep, R&S FSL–B8. For details see also "Trigger mode overview"
on page 4.31 and "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.
In the Time Trigger mode, this softkey is not available.
Trg / Gate Polarity Pos/Neg
Sets the polarity of the trigger / gate source. The gate–related settings are only available with
option Gated Sweep, R&S FSL–B8.
The sweep starts after a positive or negative edge of the trigger signal. The default setting is
Pos. The setting applies to all modes with the exception of the Free Run mode.
level triggering

In the setting Pos the sweep is stopped by the logic ´0´ signal and
restarted by the logical ´1´ signal after the gate delay time has elapsed.

edge triggering

The sweep is continued on a ´0´ to ´1´ transition for the gate length
duration after the gate delay time has elapsed.

In the Time Trigger mode, this softkey is not available.
For details also see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.
Trigger Offset
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the time offset between the trigger signal and the start of the
sweep. The time may be entered in multiples of 125 ns in the range –100 s to 100 s (default
0 s).
offset > 0:

start of the sweep is delayed

offset < 0:

sweep starts earlier (pre–trigger)
only possible for span = 0 and gated trigger switched off
not possible if RMS or average detector activated
maximum allowed range and the maximum resolution limited by the sweep time:
rangemax = – 499/500 x sweep time
resolutionmax = sweep time/500


For the option TV Trigger, B6 (available from firmware version 1.10), the allowed offset ranges
from –50 Bs to +50 Bs. If the trigger source is changed to TV trigger and the set trigger offset is
out of range, the trigger offset is adopted to the closest value allowed.

In the External or IF Power trigger mode, a common input signal is used for both trigger and
gate. Therefore changes to the gate delay will affect the trigger delay (trigger offset) as well.
In the Time Trigger mode, this softkey is not available.
Remote: TRIG:HOLD 10US





Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key

Repetition Intervall (Time Trigger mode)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the time intervall after which the sweep is started. The
possible values range from 100 ms to 5000 s.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.60.
Gated Trigger (option Gated Sweep, B8)
Switches the sweep mode with gate on or off .
This softkey requires the following trigger mode:
span > 0

External or IF Power

span = 0

External or IF Power or Video

If a different mode is active, the IF Power trigger mode is automatically selected.
If the gate is switched on, a gate signal applied to the rear panel connector EXT
TRIGGER/GATE or the internal IF power detector controls the sweep of the analyzer.
In the Time Trigger mode, this softkey is not available.
For details also see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.
Gate Settings (option Gated Sweep, B8)
Opens a submenu to make all the settings required for gated sweep operation.
In the Time Trigger mode, this softkey is not available.
For details also see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.

Gate Mode Lvl/Edge (option Gated Sweep, B8)
Sets the gate mode. As settings level–triggered or edge–triggered gate mode can be selected.
For details also see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.




Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key


Gate Delay (option Gated Sweep, B8)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the gate delay time between the gate signal and the
continuation of the sweep. Values between 125 ns and 100 s are allowed. The delay position on
the time axis in relation to the sweep is indicated by a line labeled GD.
This is useful for e.g. taking into account a delay between the gate signal and the stabilization of
an RF carrier.
As a common input signal is used for both trigger and gate when selecting the External or IF
Power trigger mode, changes to the gate delay will affect the trigger delay (trigger offset) as
For details also see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.
Gate Length (Gate Mode Edge)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the gate length. Values between 125 ns and 100 s are
allowed. The gate length in relation to the sweep is indicated by a line labeled GL.
The length of the gate signal defines if the sweep is to be interrupted. Only in the edge–triggered
mode the gate length can be set, while in the level–triggered the gate length depends on the
length of the gate signal.
For details also see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.
Sweep Time (option Gated Sweep, B8)
Opens an edit dialog box to change the sweep time in order to obtain a higher resolution for
positioning gate delay and gate length. When quitting the Gate Settings submenu, the original
sweep time is retrieved.
For details also see "To use gated sweep operation (option Gated Sweep, B8)" on page 4.29.

IF Power Retrigger Holdoff
Opens an edit dialog box to define the value for the IF power trigger holdoff. This softkey is only
available if the IF power trigger is selected as the trigger source. The holdoff value in s is the
time which must pass since another IF power trigger event may happen. The range of the value
is between 150 ns and 10 s in the step width of 10 ns.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.
Remote: TRIG:IFP:HOLD 200 ns





Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key

IF Power Retrigger Hysteresis
Opens an edit dialog box to define the value for the IF power trigger hysteresis. This softkey is
only available if the IF power trigger is selected as the trigger source. The hysteresis in dB is the
value the input signal must decay below the IF power trigger level in order to allow an IF power
trigger starting the measurement. The range of the value is between 3 dB and 50 dB in the step
width of 1 dB.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.
TV Trig Settings (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Switches the TV trigger on and opens a submenu to configure the TV signal parameters.
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.
Vert Sync (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Sets the trigger on the vertical sync signal. The R&S FSL triggers on the frame repetition signal
without distinction between the two fields.
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.
Vert Sync Odd Field (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Sets the trigger on the vertical sync signal of the first field.
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.
Vert Sync Even Field (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Sets the trigger on the vertical sync signal of the second field.
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.
Hor Sync (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Sets the trigger on the horizontal sync signal and opens an edit dialog box to enter the
corresponding line. Depending on the selected line system (for details see Lines 625/525
softkey), values from 1 to 525 or 1 to 625 are allowed. If the range is exceeded, the maximum
possible line number will be set.
The default setting is 17, which is used to trigger according to CCIR 473–4 on test line 17.
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.




Triggering the Sweep – TRIG Key


Video Pol Pos/Neg (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Sets the polarity of the video signal. Default setting is Neg.
Positive video polarity is to be selected e.g. for standard L signals, negative video polarity for
signals according to the standards B/G/I/M (color standard PAL or NTSC).
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.
Lines 625/525 (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Sets the line system to be used. Default setting is 625 lines.
Option TV Trigger, B6, is available from firmware version 1.10.
TV Free Run On/Off (zero span and option TV Trigger, B6)
Activates or deactivates the free run trigger mode for option TV Trigger, B6. For details on
trigger modes refer to "Trigger mode overview" on page 4.31. In this mode, only the trace modes
Clear Write and View are available (see also "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40).
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.





Setting Traces – TRACE Key

Setting Traces – TRACE Key
The TRACE key is used to configure the data acquisition for measurement and the analysis of the
measurement data.
The R&S FSL is capable of displaying up to six different traces at a time in a diagram. A trace consists
of a maximum of 501 measurement points on the horizontal axis (frequency or time). If more measured
values than measurement points are available, several measured values are combined in one
measurement point.
The trace functions are subdivided as follows:

Display mode of trace (Clear Write, View and Blank). For details on trace modes see "Trace mode
overview" on page 4.40.


Evaluation of the trace as a whole (Average, Max Hold and Min Hold). For details on trace modes
see "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40. For details on averaging see "Description of the
averaging method" on page 4.41.


Evaluation of individual measurement points of a trace. For details on detectors see "Detector
overview" on page 4.42.

To open the trace menu
Press the TRACE key.
The trace menu is displayed. The Trace Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the trace menu" on page 4.43

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".

Further information

"Trace mode overview" on page 4.40


"Detector overview" on page 4.42


"Description of the averaging method" on page 4.41


"ASCII file export format" on page 4.51


To specify the trace settings




Setting Traces – TRACE Key


To specify the trace settings
1. Press the Trace 1 2 3 4 5 6 softkey to select the trace.
2. Press the Trace Mode softkey to select the trace mode for the selected trace (for details see "Trace
mode overview" on page 4.40).
3. Press the Detector Auto Select softkey for automatic detector selection or press the Detector
Manual Select softkey to select a detector (for details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42).
4. To change the sweep count setting, which also determines trace averaging, press the Sweep
Count softkey.
5. To deactivate the reset of the traces in Min Hold and Max Hold mode after some specific
parameter changes, press the Hold/Cont softkey.
6. To copy a trace into another trace memory, press the Copy Trace softkey.
Upon copying, the contents of the selected memory are overwritten and the new contents are
displayed in the View mode.
7. To export the active trace in ASCII format:

Press the More softkey.


If necessary, press the Decim Sep softkey to change the decimal separator with floating–point


Press the ASCII File Export softkey to enter the ASCII file export name.
The active trace is saved in ASCII format on the flash disk or a USB device.

Trace mode overview
The traces can individually be activated for a measurement or frozen after completion of a
measurement. Traces that are not activated are hidden. Each time the trace mode is changed, the
selected trace memory is cleared.
The R&S FSL offers 6 different trace modes:

Clear Write
Overwrite mode: the trace is overwritten by each sweep. All available detectors can be selected.
This is the default setting.


Max Hold
The maximum value is determined over several sweeps and displayed. The R&S FSL saves the
sweep result in the trace memory only if the new value is greater than the previous one. The
detector is automatically set to Positive Peak.
This mode is especially useful with modulated or pulsed signals. The signal spectrum is filled up
upon each sweep until all signal components are detected in a kind of envelope.
This mode is not available for statistics measurements or if the TV trigger is active and the TV Free
Run On/Off softkey is set to ON (option TV Trigger, B6).


Min Hold
The minimum value is determined from several measurements and displayed. The R&S FSL saves
for each sweep the smallest of the previously stored/currently measured values in the trace
memory. The detector is automatically set to Negative Peak.
This mode is useful e.g. for making an unmodulated carrier in a composite signal visible. Noise,
interference signals or modulated signals are suppressed whereas a CW signal is recognized by its
constant level.





Setting Traces – TRACE Key

This mode is not available for statistics measurements or if the TV trigger is active and the TV Free
Run On/Off softkey is set to ON (option TV Trigger, B6).

The average is formed over several sweeps. All available detectors can be selected. If the detector
is automatically selected, the sample detector is used. For details see also "Description of the
averaging method" on page 4.41.
This mode is not available for statistics measurements or if the TV trigger is active and the TV Free
Run On/Off softkey is set to ON (option TV Trigger, B6).


The current contents of the trace memory is frozen and displayed.
If a trace is frozen, the instrument settings, apart from level range and reference level (see below),
can be changed without impact on the displayed trace. The fact that the trace and the current
instrument setting do not correspond any more is indicated by the enhancement label "*" at the left
edge of the grid.
If level range or reference level are changed, the R&S FSL automatically adapts the measured data
to the changed display range. This allows an amplitude zoom to be made after the measurement in
order to show details of the trace.


Hides the selected trace.

Description of the averaging method
Averaging is carried out over the measurement points derived from the measurement samples. Several
measured values may be combined in a measurement point. This means that with linear level display
the average is formed over linear amplitude values. The sweep mode (continuous or single sweep, for
details see "Configuring the Sweep Mode – SWEEP Key" on page 4.24) and running averaging apply to
the average display analogously. In principle, two methods for calculating the average are used:
continuous averaging and averaging over the selected number of sweeps.

sweep count > 1
Depending on the relation of the following two parameters, two different situations exist:
n = number of sweeps performed since measurement start
c = sweep count (number of sweeps forming one statistics cycle)



In single sweep or continuous sweep mode during the first statistics cycle, averaging over the
selected number of sweeps is performed. The average trace n is calculated at each
measurement point according to:

Avg (n) =

n 1
Avg (n 1) + Curr (n)

Equ. 4–1

with Avg = average trace; Curr = current trace
Until the first statistics cycle is completed (n < c), a preliminary average is displayed which
represents the arithmetic mean value over all measured sweeps. With n increasing, the
displayed trace is increasingly smoothed since there are more single sweeps for averaging.
When the first statistics cycle is completed (n = c), the average trace is saved in the trace





Setting Traces – TRACE Key


In continuous sweep mode after the first statistics cycle, continuous averaging is performed.
The average trace n is calculated at each measurement point according to:

Avg (n) =

c 1
Avg (n 1) + Curr (n)

Equ. 4–2

with Avg = average trace; Curr = current trace
In single sweep mode, the same formula holds true if the Continue Single Sweep softkey is

sweep count = 0
In continuous sweep mode, a continuous average is calculated according to Equ. 4–3.
with c = 10:

Avg (n) =

Avg (n 1) + Curr (n)

Equ. 4–3

with Avg = average trace; Curr = current trace
Due to the weighting between the current trace and the average trace, past values have practically
no influence on the displayed trace after about ten sweeps. With this setting, signal noise is
effectively reduced without need for restarting the averaging process after a change of the signal.

sweep count = 1
The current trace is displayed. No averaging is performed. This is a special case of Equ. 4–1 with
n = 0.

Detector overview
The measurement detector for the individual display modes can be selected directly by you or set
automatically by R&S FSL. The detector activated for the specific trace is identified in the respective
trace display field in form of an abbreviation (for details see detector list).
The detectors of the R&S FSL are implemented as pure digital devices. They collect signal power data
within each measured point during a sweep. The default number of sweep points is 501. The following
detectors are available:



auto peak detector
(Auto Peak)


determines the maximum and the minimum value within a
measurement point

peak detector
(Positive Peak)


determines the maximum value within a measurement point

min peak detector
(Negative Peak)


determines the minimum value within a measurement point

sample detector


selects a random value within a measurement point

RMS detector (RMS)


determines the root mean square power within a
measurement point

average detector


determines the linear average power within a measurement

quasi peak detector
(Quasi Peak)


determines the quasipeak power within a measurement point
for EMI measurements (available from firmware version 1.10)





Setting Traces – TRACE Key

If the TV trigger is active, only the auto peak and the sample detector are available.
The result obtained from the selected detector within a measurement point is displayed as the power
value at this measurement point.
All detectors work in parallel in the background, which means that the measurement speed is
independent of the detector combination used for different traces.

During a frequency sweep, R&S FSL increments the 1st local oscillator in steps that are smaller
than approximately 1/10 of the bandwidth. This makes sure that the oscillator step speed is
conforming to the hardware settling times and does not affect the precision of the measured
The number of measured values taken during a sweep is independent of the number of
oscillator steps. It is always selected as a multiple or a fraction of 501 (= default number of trace
points displayed on the screen). Choosing less then 501 measured values (e.g. 125 or 251) will
lead to an interpolated measurement curve, choosing more than 501 points (e.g. 1001, 2001 ...)
will result in several measured values being overlaid at the same frequency position.

Softkeys of the trace menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the trace menu. It is possible that your instrument
configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option, model or
(measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
Menu / Command


Trace 1 2 3 4 5 6
Trace Mode

Clear Write
Max Hold
Min Hold

Detector Auto Select
Detector Manual Select

Detector Auto Peak
Detector Positive Peak
Detector Negative Peak
Detector Sample
Detector RMS
Detector Average
Detector Quasi Peak

Sweep Count
Trace 1 2 3 4 5 6




Setting Traces – TRACE Key
Menu / Command



Copy Trace
ASCII File Export
Decim Sep
Trace Math
Trace Math Position
Average Mode


Trace 1 2 3 4 5 6
Selects the active trace (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The default setting is trace 1 in the overwrite mode (see
Clear Write mode), the other traces are switched off (see Blank mode).
Remote: (selected via numeric suffix of :TRACe<1...6>)
Trace Mode
Opens a submenu to select the trace mode. For details see "Trace mode overview" on page

Clear Write
Selects the Clear Write mode. For details see "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Max Hold
Selects the Max Hold mode. For details see "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Min Hold
Selects the Min Hold mode. For details see "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.





Setting Traces – TRACE Key

Selects the Average mode. For details see "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Selects the View mode. For details see "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Selects the Blank mode. For details see "Trace mode overview" on page 4.40.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Detector Auto Select
Selects the optimum detector for the selected trace and filter mode. This is the default setting.
For details see also "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
Trace mode

Detector (band–pass filter)

Detector (FFT filter)


Auto Peak

Max Peak




Max Hold

Max Peak

Max Peak

Min Hold

Min Peak

Max Peak

Detector Manual Select
Opens a submenu to select the detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.

Detector Auto Peak
Selects the Auto Peak detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: DET APE




Setting Traces – TRACE Key


Detector Positive Peak
Selects the Positive Peak detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: DET POS
Detector Negative Peak
Selects the Negative Peak detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: DET NEG
Detector Sample
Selects the Sample detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: DET SAMP
Detector RMS
Selects the RMS detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: DET RMS
Detector Average
Selects the Average detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: DET AVER
Detector Quasi Peak
Selects the Quasi Peak detector. For details see "Detector overview" on page 4.42.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: DET QPE





Setting Traces – TRACE Key

Sweep Count
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the number of sweeps used for averaging. Values from 0 to
32767 are allowed. The default setting is 0. The sweep count is applied to all the traces in a
diagram. The sweep count set in the trace menu is the same as that in the sweep menu (for
further details see Sweep Count softkey).
In the continuous sweep mode, the sweep count value determines the trace averaging:

sweep count = 0: continuous averaging


sweep count = 1: no averaging


sweep count > 1: averaging over the selected number of sweeps; in the continuous sweep
mode averaging is performed until the set number of sweeps is attained and is then continued
as continuous averaging (see also "Description of the averaging method" on page 4.41).

Remote: SWE:COUN 64
Switches on or off the reset of the traces in Min Hold, Max Hold and Average mode after some
specific parameter changes have been made. The default setting is off.
Normally, the measurement is started anew after parameter changes, before the measurement
results are evaluated (e.g. using a marker). In all cases that require a new measurement after
parameter changes, the trace is reset automatically to avoid false results (e.g. with span
changes). For applications that require no reset after parameter changes, the automatic reset
can be switched off.
Copy Trace
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the number of the trace memory, in which the currently
selected trace shall be copied.
ASCII File Export
Opens the ASCII File Export Name dialog box and saves the active trace in ASCII format to the
specified file and directory.
The file consists of the header containing important scaling parameters and a data section
containing the trace data. For details on an ASCII file see "ASCII file export format" on page
This format can be processed by spreadsheet calculation programs, e.g. MS Excel. It is
necessary to define ';' as a separator for the data import. Different language versions of
evaluation programs may require a different handling of the decimal point. It is therefore possible
to select between separators '.' (decimal point) and ',' (comma) using the Decim Sep softkey.
Remote: FORM ASC




Setting Traces – TRACE Key


Decim Sep
Selects the decimal separator with floating–point numerals for the ASCII file export to support
evaluation programs (e.g. MS Excel) in different languages. The values '.' (decimal point) and ','
(comma) can be set. For details see also ASCII File Export softkey.
Trace Math
Opens the Trace Mathematics dialog box to define which trace is subtracted from trace 1. The
result is displayed in trace 1 and refers to the zero point defined with the Trace Math Position
softkey. The following substractions can be performed:

Substracts trace 2 from trace 1.


Substracts trace 3 from trace 1


Substracts trace 4 from trace 1


Substracts trace 5 from trace 1


Substracts trace 6 from trace 1

If the Trace Math Off option is activated, the function is switched off (default setting).
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.
Trace Math Position
Opens an edit dialog box to define the zero point in % of the diagram height. The range of
values extends from –100% to +200%.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.
Average Mode
Opens a submenu to select the averaging method for the average trace mode. The submenu
contains the following softkeys.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.90.





Setting Traces – TRACE Key

Logarithmic averaging is preferred to display signals with a low signal to noise ratio. While
positive peak values are decreased in logarithmic averaging due to the characteristics involved,
it is also true that negative peaks are increased relative to the average value.If the distorted
amplitude distribution is averaged, a value is obtained that is smaller than the actual average
value. The difference is -2.5 dB.

This low average value is usually corrected in noise power measurements by a 2.5 dB factor.
Therefore the R&S FSL offers the selection of linear averaging. The trace data is converted to
linear values prior to averaging, then averaged and reconverted to logarithmic values. After
these conversions the data is displayed on the screen. The average value is always correctly
displayed irrespective of the signal characteristic.
In case of stationary sinusoidal signals all averaging methods have the same results.

Activates logarithmic averaging.
This averaging method only takes effect if the grid is set to a logarithmic scale (see Range Log
softkey). In this case the values are averaged in dBm. Otherwise (i.e. with linear scaling) the
behaviour is the same as with linear averaging (see LIN softkey). For further information on
logarithmic scaling refer to the Average Mode softkey.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.90.
Activates linear voltage or power averaging, depending on the selected unit.
Linear averaging means that the power level values are converted into linear units prior to
averaging. After the averaging, the data is converted back into its original unit.
The averaging is done in two ways (depending on the set unit – see Unit softkey):

The unit is set to either W or dBm: the data is converted into W prior to averaging, i.e.
averaging is done in W.


The unit is set to either V, A, dBmV, dBMV, dBMA or dBpW: the data is converted into V prior to
averaging, i.e. averaging is done in V.

This softkey is available from firmware version 1.90.




Setting Traces – TRACE Key


Activates linear power averaging.
The power level values are converted into unit Watt prior to averaging. After the averaging, the
data is converted back into its original unit.
Unlike the LIN softkey, the averaging is always done in W.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.90.





Setting Traces – TRACE Key

ASCII file export format
The data of the file header consist of three columns, each separated by a semicolon: parameter name;
numeric value; basic unit. The data section starts with the keyword "Trace " ( = number of
stored trace), followed by the measured data in one or several columns (depending on measurement)
which are also separated by a semicolon.
File contents: header



Instrument model


Firmware version

Date;01.Oct 2006;

Date of data set storage


Instrument mode

Center Freq;55000;Hz

Center frequency

Freq Offset;0;Hz

Frequency offset


Frequency range (0 Hz in zero span and statistics measurements)


Scaling of x–axis linear (LIN) or logarithmic (LOG)


Start/stop of the display range.


Unit: Hz for span > 0, s for span = 0, dBm/dB for statistics measurements

Ref Level;–30;dBm

Reference level

Level Offset;0;dB

Level offset

Ref Position;75;%

Position of reference level referred to diagram limits (0% = lower edge)


Scaling of y–axis linear (LIN) or logarithmic (LOG)

Level Range;100;dB

Display range in y direction. Unit: dB with x–axis LOG, % with x–axis LIN

Rf Att;20;dB

Input attenuation


Resolution bandwidth


Video bandwidth


Sweep time

Trace Mode;AVERAGE;




Sweep Count;20;

Number of sweeps set

File contents:
data section of the file


Trace 1:;;

Selected trace


Unit of x values: Hz with span > 0; s with span = 0; dBm/dB with statistics measurements


Unit of y values: dB*/V/A/W depending on the selected unit with y–axis LOG or % with y–
axis LIN

Values; 501;

Number of measurement points


Measured values: , , ;  being available only with detector
AUTOPEAK and containing in this case the smallest of the two measured values for a
measurement point.





Setting Traces – TRACE Key


Measurement Functions
In this section all menus necessary for setting measurement functions are described. This includes the
following topics and keys:

"Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key" on page 4.53


"Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key" on page 4.66


"Power Measurements – MEAS Key" on page 4.75


"Using Limit Lines and Display Lines – LINES Key" on page 4.118





Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key

Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key
The markers are used for marking points on traces, reading out measurement results and for quickly
selecting a display section. The R&S FSL provides four markers per trace.


Active marker

Temporary marker




Delta marker
Fig. 4-5: Marker types
All markers can be used either as markers or delta markers. The marker that can be moved by the user
is defined in the following as the active marker. Temporary markers are used in addition to the markers
and delta markers to evaluate the measurement results. They disappear when the associated function
is deactivated.
The measurement results of the active marker (also called marker values) are displayed in the marker
field. The marker field is located at the upper right corner of the display and shows the following:

marker type (M1 in the example)


trace in square brackets ([1] in the example)


level (–33.09 dBm in the example)


marker location (3 GHz in the example)

Fig. 4-6: Marker values
The MKR key is used to select and position the absolute and relative measurement markers (markers
and delta markers). In addition, the functions for frequency counter, fixed reference point for relative
measurement markers and enlargement of the measurement area are assigned to this key.
Also the following measurements can be carried out:

Noise density (Noise Meas On/Off softkey; see also "Measurement of noise density" on page 4.56)


Frequency measurement (Sig Count On/Off softkey; see also "Frequency measurement with the
frequency counter" on page 4.56)


Filter or signal bandwidth (n dB down softkey)


AF demodulation (Marker Demod softkey; see also "AF demodulation" on page 4.56)

For further information on markers see also "Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key" on page

To open the marker menu
Press the MKR key.
The marker menu is displayed. If no marker is active, marker 1 is activated and a peak search on
the trace is carried out. Otherwise, the edit dialog box for the last activated marker is opened and
the current frequency / time value is displayed.



Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key


Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the marker menu" on page 4.57

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".

Further information

"AF demodulation" on page 4.56


"Frequency measurement with the frequency counter" on page 4.56


"Measurement of noise density" on page 4.56


To define the basic marker settings


To set a fixed reference point (phase noise measurement)


To set the demodulation mode and duration





Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key

To define the basic marker settings
1. Press the MKR key to open the marker menu.
Marker 1 is activated and positioned on the maximum value of the trace as normal marker. If
several traces are being displayed, the marker is set to the maximum value (peak) of the trace
which has the lowest number (1 to 3) and is not frozen (View mode). In case a marker is already
located there, it will be set to the frequency of the next lowest level (next peak).
2. To change to another trace, press the Marker to Trace softkey and enter the number of the trace
on which the marker is to be placed.
The marker changes to selected trace, but remains on the previous frequency or time. If a trace is
turned off, the corresponding markers and marker functions are also deactivated.
3. To switch on a delta marker, press the Marker 2 softkey.
Marker 2 is switched on as a delta marker. The frequency and level of marker 2 are displayed in
relation to marker 1 in the marker field.
4. To change the marker type of marker 2, press the /Marker Norm/Delta softkey.
Marker 2 becomes a normal marker. The frequency and level of marker 2 are displayed as absolute
values in the marker field.
5. To switch off marker 2, press the Marker 2 softkey again.
Marker 2 is deactivated. Marker 1 becomes the active marker for entry. The frequency and level of
marker 1 are displayed in the marker field.

To set a fixed reference point (phase noise measurement)
1. Press the Phase Noise/Ref Fixed softkey.
The submenu with the Phase Noise On/Off softkey switched on is displayed. The level and
frequency or time values of marker 1 immediately become the reference point.
2. To set the maximum of the selected trace as reference point, press the Peak Search softkey.
3. To define the values for the reference point, proceed as follows:

Press the Ref Point Level softkey and enter a reference level value.


If span > 0, press the Ref Point Frequency softkey and enter a frequency reference value.


If span = 0, press the Ref Point Time softkey and enter a reference time value.

To set the demodulation mode and duration
1. Press the Marker Demod softkey.
The submenu with the Mkr Demod On/Off softkey switched on is displayed.
2. To change the demodulation mode, press the AM or FM softkey.
For details see "AF demodulation" on page 4.56.
3. To modify the demodulation time for span > 0, press the Mkr Stop Time softkey.
4. To change to continuous demodulation for span > 0, press the Cont Demod softkey.
5. To tune the volume for acoustic monitoring, press the Volume softkey.




Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key


AF demodulation
The R&S FSL provides demodulators for AM and FM signals. With these demodulators, a displayed
signal can be identified acoustically by using headphones.

Risk of hearing damage
Check the volume setting carefully before putting on the headphones in order to
protect your hearing.

For span > 0, the demodulation is not continuous. The frequency at which the demodulation takes place
is set by the active marker. If the level of the selected frequency is above the threshold line, the sweep
stops for the selected time (stop time) and the RF signal is demodulated. For span = 0, the
demodulation is continuously active irrespective of the stop time set.

Frequency measurement with the frequency counter
In order to accurately determine the frequency of a signal, the R&S FSL is equipped with a frequency
counter which measures the frequency of the RF signal at the intermediate frequency. Using the
measured IF, the R&S FSL calculates the frequency of the RF input signal by applying the known
frequency conversion factors.
The frequency measurement uncertainty depends only upon the accuracy of the frequency reference
used (external or internal reference). Although the R&S FSL always operates synchronously
irrespective of the set span, the frequency counter delivers a more exact result than a measurement
performed with a marker. This is due to the following:

The marker measures only the position of the point on the trace and infers from this value the signal
frequency. The trace, however, contains only a limited number of points. Depending upon the
selected span, each point may contain many measurement values, which therefore limits the
frequency resolution.


The resolution, with which the frequency can be measured with a marker, is dependant on the
selected resolution bandwidth which in return affects the necessary measurement time. For this
reason, the bandwidth is normally made as wide as possible and the sweep time as short as
possible. This results in a loss of frequency resolution.For the measurement with the frequency
counter, the sweep is stopped at the reference marker, the frequency is counted with the desired
resolution and then the sweep is allowed to continue.

Measurement of noise density
During noise measurement, the noise power density is measured at the position of the marker. For
span = 0, all points of the trace are used to determine the noise power density. For span > 0, two points
to the right and left of the marker are used for the measurement to obtain a stable result.
The noise power density is indicated in the marker field. With logarithmic amplitude units (dBm, dBmV,
dBmMV, dBMA), the noise power density is output in dBm/Hz, i.e. as level in 1 Hz bandwidth with
reference to 1 mW. With linear amplitude units (V, A, W), the noise voltage density is evaluated in
MV/Hz, the noise current density in MA/Hz or the noise power density in MW/Hz.
In the default setting, the R&S FSL uses the sample detector for the noise function.
With the sample detector, the trace can additionally be set to Average to stabilize the measured values.
With RMS detector used, trace averaging must not be used since in this case it produces too low noise
levels which cannot be corrected. Instead, the sweep time can be increased to obtain stable
measurement results.





Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key

The following settings have to be made to ensure that the power density measurement yields correct

Detector: Sample or RMS


Video bandwidth:
0.1 resolution bandwidth with sample detector
3 x resolution bandwidth with RMS detector


Trace averaging:
With the sample detector, the trace can additionally be set to average to stabilize the measured
values. With RMS detector used, trace averaging must not be used since in this case it produces
too low noise levels which cannot be corrected. Instead, the sweep time can be increased to obtain
stable measurement results.

The R&S FSL uses the following correction factors to evaluate the noise density from the marker level:


Since the noise power is indicated with reference to 1 Hz bandwidth, the bandwidth correction value
is deducted from the marker level. It is 10 x lg (1 Hz/BWNoise), where BWNoise is the noise or
power bandwidth of the set resolution filter (RBW).


RMS detector: With the exception of bandwidth correction, no further corrections are required since
this detector already indicates the power with every point of the trace.


Sample detector: As a result of video filter averaging and trace averaging, 1.05 dB is added to the
marker level. This is the difference between the average value and the RMS value of white noise.
With a logarithmic level axis, 1.45 dB is added additionally. Logarithmic averaging is thus fully taken
into account which yields a value that is 1.45 dB lower than that of linear averaging.


To allow a more stable noise display the adjacent (symmetric to the measurement frequency) points
of the trace are averaged.


For span > 0, the measured values are averaged versus time (after a sweep).


The R&S FSL noise figure can be calculated from the measured power density level. It is
calculated by deducting the set RF attenuation (RF Att) from the displayed noise level and
adding 174 to the result.

Softkeys of the marker menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the marker menu. It is possible that your instrument
configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option, model or
(measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, the edit dialog box for markers and delta
markers is extended. For details refer to "Markers and marker values" on page 4.193.
Menu / Command

Submenu / Command


Marker 1
Marker 2
Marker Norm/Delta
Noise Meas On/Off
Phase Noise/Ref Fixed

Phase Noise On/Off
Ref Point Level
Ref Point Frequency/




Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key
Menu / Command

Submenu / Command



Ref Point Time
Peak Search
Phase Noise 1 2 3 4
Reference Fixed

Reference Fixed On/Off
Ref Point Level
Ref Point Frequency/
Ref Point Time
Peak Search

Sig Count On/Off
Marker 3
Marker 4
Marker to Trace
Marker Demod

Mkr Demod On/Off
Mkr Stop Time
Cont Demod

n dB down
All Marker Off
Marker Zoom
Marker Peak List

New Search
Sort Mode Freq/Lvl
Peak Excursion
Left Limit
Right Limit
Peak List Off
ASCII File Export
Decim Sep

Marker Stepsize

Stepsize Standard
Stepsize Sweep Points





Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key

Marker 1/Marker 2/Marker 3/Marker 4/Marker Norm/Delta
The Marker  softkey activates the corresponding marker and opens an edit dialog box to
enter a value for the marker to be set to. Pressing the softkey again deactivates the selected
If a marker value is changed using the rotary knob, the step size is defined via the Stepsize
Standard or Stepsize Sweep Points softkeys.
Marker 1 is always the reference marker for relative measurements. If activated, markers 2 to 4
are delta markers that refer to marker 1. These markers can be converted into markers with
absolute value display by means of the Marker Norm/Delta softkey. If marker 1 is the active
marker, pressing the Marker Norm/Delta softkey switches on an additional delta marker.
Remote: CALC:MARK:X 
Remote: CALC:MARK:Y?
Remote: CALC:DELT:X 
Remote: CALC:DELT:Y?
Noise Meas On/Off
Switches the noise measurement for the active marker on or off. The corresponding marker
becomes the normal marker. For more details on noise measurement see "Measurement of
noise density" on page 4.56.
Phase Noise/Ref Fixed
The function of this softkey depends on the setting of the Noise Meas softkey:

Noise Meas On: activates phase noise measurements.


Noise Meas Off: freezes the current position of marker 1 as a reference for relative
measurements. Additionally it opens a submenu to set all values of a reference point. Instead of
using the current values of the reference marker (marker 1) as reference point for the delta
markers, level and frequency or time are set to fixed values and used as reference point.

Phase Noise On/Off
Switches the relative measurement to a fixed reference value on or off. The level and frequency
or time values of marker 1 immediately become the reference point, but can be altered using the
corresponding softkeys (Ref Point Level, Ref Point Frequency, Ref Point Time and Peak




Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key


Ref Point Level
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a reference level value. All relative level values of the delta
markers refer to this reference level.
Ref Point Frequency (span > 0) / Ref Point Time (zero span)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a frequency reference or time value. All relative frequency or
time values of the delta markers refer to this frequency reference. For phase noise
measurement, input of reference time is not possible..
Peak Search
Sets the maximum value of the selected trace as the reference point.
Phase Noise 1 2 3 4
Selects the normal marker or the delta markers, activates the marker and opens an edit dialog
stands for delta marker 1.
box to enter a value for the marker to be set to.

Reference Fixed
Opens a submenu for relative measurement to a fixed reference value.

Reference Fixed On/Off
Switches the relative measurement to a fixed reference value on or off. The level and frequency
or time values of marker 1 immediately become the reference point, but can be altered using the
corresponding softkeys (Ref Point Level, Ref Point Frequency, Ref Point Time and Peak
Sig Count On/Off
Switches the frequency counter on/off. The frequency is counted at the position of the reference
marker (marker 1). If no marker is activated, marker 1 is switched on and set at the largest
The sweep stops at the reference marker until the frequency counter has delivered a result. The
result is displayed in the marker field (see "Fig. 4-6: Marker values" on page 4.53), labeled with
[Tx CNT]. For more details see "Frequency measurement with the frequency counter" on page





Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key

Marker to Trace
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the number of the trace, on which the marker is to be placed.
Marker Demod
Opens a submenu to set the demodulation mode and duration. For more details see also "AF
demodulation" on page 4.56.

Mkr Demod On/Off
Switches the demodulation on/off. For more details see also "AF demodulation" on page 4.56.
Sets AM as demodulation mode. This is the default setting. For more details see also "AF
demodulation" on page 4.56.
Sets FM as demodulation mode. Default setting is AM. For more details see also "AF
demodulation" on page 4.56.
Mkr Stop Time
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the demodulation stop time for span > 0. For more details see
also "AF demodulation" on page 4.56.
Cont Demod (span > 0)
Switches the continuous demodulation on or off. If the sweep time is long enough, the set
frequency range can be monitored acoustically. For more details see also "AF demodulation" on
page 4.56.
Opens an edit dialog box to regulate the volume for acoustic monitoring. For more details see
also "AF demodulation" on page 4.56.
Remote: SYST:SPE:VOL 0.5




Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key


n dB down
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value to define the level spacing of the two temporary
markers to the right and left of marker 1 (default setting: 3 dB). Activates the temporary markers
T1 and T2. The values of the temporary markers (T1, T2) and the entered value (ndB) are
displayed in the marker field.
If a positive value is entered, the markers T1 and T2 are placed below the active reference
marker. If a negative value (e.g. for notch filter measurements) is entered, the markers T1 and
T2 are placed above the active reference marker. Marker T1 is placed to the left and marker T2
to the right of the reference marker.
In the marker field, the following results are displayed:
Span setting

Parameter name


span > 0


frequency spacing of the two temporary markers

Q factor

quality of the displayed bandwidth value (Bw)

span = 0


pulse width between the two temporary markers

If it is not possible to form the frequency spacing for the n dB value (e.g. because of noise
display), dashes instead of a measured value are displayed.
Remote: CALC:MARK1:FUNC:NDBD:FREQ? (span > 0)
Remote: CALC:MARK1:FUNC:NDBD:TIME? (span = 0)
All Marker Off
Switches all markers off.
Marker Zoom (span > 0)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a display range for the zoom. The area around marker 1 is
expanded accordingly and more details of the spectrum can be seen. If no marker is activated,
marker 1 is switched on and set on the largest signal..
The following sweep is stopped at the position of the reference marker. The frequency of the
signal is counted and the measured frequency becomes the new center frequency. The zoomed
display range is then configured and the new settings are used by the R&S FSL for further
As long as switching to the new frequency display range has not yet taken place, pressing the
softkey will abort the procedure. If an instrument setting is changed while using this function, the
procedure is aborted.





Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key

Marker Peak List
Opens the Peak List dialog box and a submenu to define criterias for the sort order and the
contents of the peak list. The number of listed peaks is indicated in the title bar. For all listed
peaks the frequency and level values are given. Maximal 50 entries are listed.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.
New Search
Starts a new peak search and enters the results in the peak list.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.
Sort Mode Freq/Lvl
Defines the criteria for sorting:

sorting in ascending order of frequency values (span > 0) or time
values (span = 0)


sorting in ascending order of the level

This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.
Peak List Off
Switches the peak list function off.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.30.




Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key


ASCII File Export
Opens the ASCII File Export Name dialog box and saves the content of the marker peak list in
ASCII format to the specified file and directory. The file consists of a data section containing the
peak list.
This format can be processed by spreadsheet calculation programs, e.g. MS Excel. It is
necessary to define ';' as a separator for the data import. Different language versions of
evaluation programs may require a different handling of the decimal point. It is therefore possible
to select between separators '.' (decimal point) and ',' (comma) using the Decim Sep softkey.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.
Remote: FORM ASC
Remote: MMEM:STOR:PEAK 'test'
Decim Sep
For details refer to the Decim Sep softkey in the trace menu of the base unit.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.80.

Marker Stepsize
Opens a submenu to set the step size of all markers and delta markers.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.60.

Stepsize Standard
Moves the marker or delta marker from one measurement point to the next, if the marker or
delta marker value is changed via the rotary knob (Marker 1/Marker 2/Marker 3/Marker 4
softkeys). If more measured values than measurement points exist, it is not possible to read out
all measured values. In this case, use the Stepsize Sweep Points softkey.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.60.





Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key

Stepsize Sweep Points
Moves the marker or delta marker from one measured value to the next, if the marker or delta
marker value is changed via the rotary knob (Marker 1/Marker 2/Marker 3/Marker 4 softkeys). If
more measured values than measurement points exist, every single measured value is
accessible and its value is displayed in the marker field.
The number of measured values is defined in the sweep menu via the Sweep Points softkey.
This functionality is available for all base unit measurements with the exception of statistics
(APD and CCDF softkeys in the measurement menu).
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.60.




Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key


Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key
The MKR–> key is used for search functions of measurement markers, assignment of the marker
frequency as center frequency, restriction of the search area and characterization of maxima and
minima. For details on markers in general, see "Using Markers and Delta Markers – MKR Key" on page

To open the marker–> menu
Press the MKR–> key.
The marker–> menu is displayed. If no marker is active, marker 1 will be activated and a peak
search on the trace carried out. Otherwise, the edit dialog box for the last activated marker is
opened and the current frequency / time value is displayed.

Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the marker–> menu" on page 4.70

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".

Further information

"Effect of different peak excursion settings (example)" on page 4.68


To search for a maximum


To search for a minimum


To specify the search limits


To specify the search range


To examine a signal at the center in detail


To specify the suitable peak excursion





Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key

To search for a maximum
1. To search the highest maximum, press the Peak softkey.
2. To define the search mode for the next maximum, use the Next Peak Mode < abs > softkey.
3. To start the search, press Next Peak the softkey.

To search for a minimum
1. To search the minimum, press the Min softkey.
2. To define the search mode for the next maximum, use the Next Min Mode < abs > softkey.
3. To start the search, press the Next Min softkey.

To specify the search limits
1. To define the lower limit, press the Left Limit softkey.
2. To define the upper limit, press the Right Limit softkey.
3. To define the threshold, press the Threshold softkey.
4. To switch the search limits off, press the Search Lim Off softkey.

To specify the search range
Press the Exclude LO softkey to include the frequency 0 Hz in the marker search functions.

To examine a signal at the center in detail
1. Press the PRESET key to set the R&S FSL to the default setting.
2. Press the MKR–> key to open the marker–> menu.
3. Marker 1 is activated and set to the largest signal of the trace.
4. Press the Center =Mkr Freq softkey to set to the marker frequency.
5. The span is adapted in such a way that the minimum frequency (= 0 Hz) or the maximum frequency
is not exceeded.
6. Press the Ref Lvl =Mkr Lvl softkey to set the reference level to the measured marker level.
7. Press the SPAN key.
8. The edit dialog box to enter a frequency span is displayed.
9. Reduce the span, e.g. using the rotary knob.

To specify the suitable peak excursion
1. If the next peak mode abs of softkey Next Peak Mode < abs > / Next Min Mode < abs > is used,
the default value is sufficient, since, in this mode, the next lower maximum or next higher minimum
will always be detected.
2. If the next peak mode < or > of softkey Next Peak Mode < abs > / Next Min Mode < abs > is used,
the 6 dB level change set as a default value may be attained already by the inherent noise of the
instrument. To avoid identifying noise peaks as maxima or minima, enter a peak excursion value
that is higher than the difference between the highest and the lowest value measured for the
displayed inherent noise.




Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key


Effect of different peak excursion settings (example)
The following figure shows a trace to be examined.

Fig. 4-7: Trace example
The following table lists the signals as indicated by the marker numbers in the diagram above, as well
as the minimum of the amplitude decrease to both sides of the signal:
signal #

min. amplitude decrease to both sides of the signal


30 dB


29.85 dB


7 dB


7 dB

The detected signals and their order are different depending on the peak excursion setting and the peak
search method (whether the next lower maximum or the next relative maximum are searched). The
following results are obtained. All tests start with the marker set to signal 1 by pressing the softkey





Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key

40 dB peak excursion
Result: With both methods apart from signal 1 no signal is detected, as the signal level does not
decrease by more than 30 dB to either side of any signal.
next lower maximum

next relative maximum

next peak mode abs: signal 1
(no further signal detected)

next peak mode <: signal 1
(no further signal detected)
next peak mode >: signal 1
(no further signal detected)


20 dB peak excursion
Result: With both methods apart from signal 1 signal 2 is detected, as the signal level decreases at
least by 29.85 dB to either side of this signal, which is now greater than the peak excursion.
next lower maximum

next relative maximum

next peak mode abs: signal 2

next peak mode <: signal 1
(no further signal detected)

next peak mode abs: signal 2
(no further signal detected)

next peak mode >: signal 2
next peak mode >: signal 2
(no further signal detected)


6 dB peak excursion
Result: With both methods all signals are detected.
next lower maximum

next relative maximum

next peak mode abs: signal 2

next peak mode <: signal 3

next peak mode abs: signal 3

next peak mode >: signal 1

next peak mode abs: signal 4

next peak mode >: signal 2
next peak mode >: signal 4




Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key


Softkeys of the marker–> menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the marker–> menu. It is possible that your
instrument configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only available with a special option,
model or (measurement) mode, this information is delivered in the corresponding softkey description.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this menu provides additional functionality.
For details refer to "Softkeys of the marker–> menu (Spectrogram view)" on page 4.197.
Menu / Command


Select 1 2 3 4
Next Peak
Next Peak Mode < abs >
Center =Mkr Freq
Ref Lvl =Mkr Lvl
Select 1 2 3 4
Next Min
Next Min Mode < abs >
Search Limits

Left Limit
Right Limit
Search Lim Off

Peak Excursion
Exclude LO
Auto Max Peak/Auto Min Peak

Select 1 2 3 4
Selects the normal marker or the delta markers, activates the marker and opens an edit dialog
stands for delta marker 1.
box to enter a value for the marker to be set to.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, the edit dialog box for markers and
delta markers is extended. For details refer to "Markers and marker values" on page 4.193.
Remote: CALC:MARK1:X 
Remote: CALC:MARK1:Y?





Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key

Sets the active marker/delta marker to the highest maximum of the trace.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this softkey provides altered
functionality. For details refer to Peak softkey in the marker–> menu of this option.
Next Peak
Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next maximum of the selected trace according to the
mode selected using the Next Peak Mode < abs > softkey.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this softkey provides altered
functionality. For details refer to Next Peak softkey in the marker–> menu of this option.

Next Peak Mode < abs >
Selects the mode of the Next Peak softkey. Three settings are available:

Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next maximum left to the marker of the
selected trace.


Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next lower maximum of the selected


Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next maximum right to the marker of the
selected trace.

If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this softkey provides altered
functionality. For details refer to Next Peak X Search < abs > and Next Peak Y Search
up/abs/dn softkeys in the marker–> menu of this option.
Remote: CALC:MARK:MAX:NEXT (abs)
Remote: CALC:DELT:MAX:NEXT (abs)
Center =Mkr Freq (span > 0)
Sets the center frequency to the current marker or delta marker frequency. A signal can thus be
set to as center frequency, for example to examine it in detail with a smaller span.

Ref Lvl =Mkr Lvl
Sets the reference level to the current marker level.




Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key


Sets the active marker/delta marker to the minimum of the selected trace.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this softkey provides altered
functionality. For details refer to Min softkey in the marker–> menu of this option.
Next Min
Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next minimum of the selected trace according to the
mode selected using the Next Min Mode < abs > softkey.
If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this softkey provides altered
functionality. For details refer to Next Min softkey in the marker–> menu of this option.
Next Min Mode < abs >
Selects the mode of the Next Min softkey. Three settings are available:

Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next minimum left to the marker of the
selected trace.


Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next higher minimum of the selected


Sets the active marker/delta marker to the next minimum right to the marker of the
selected trace.

If the Spectrogram Measurement option (K14) is activated, this softkey provides altered
functionality. For details refer to Next Min X Search < abs > and Next Min Y Search up/abs/dn
softkeys in the marker–> menu of this option.
Search Limits
Opens a submenu to set the limits for maximum or minimum search in the x and y direction.
Left Limit
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value for the lower limit (left vertical line: S1 for span > 0; T1
for zero span). The search is performed between the lines of the left and right limit (see also
Right Limit softkey).





Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key

Right Limit
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value for the upper limit (left vertical line: S2 for span > 0; T2
for zero span). The search is performed between the lines of the left and right limit (see also Left
Limit softkey). If no value is set, the upper limit corresponds to the stop frequency.
Opens an edit dialog box to define the threshold line. The threshold line represents the lower
level limit for a Peak search and the upper level limit for a Min search.
Opens an edit dialog box to define the threshold line. The threshold line represents the lower
limit of the peak search level range.
Remote: CALC:THR –20dBm
Search Lim Off
Deactivates all limits of the search range.
Peak Excursion
Opens – for level measurements – an edit dialog box to enter the minimum level value by which
a signal must rise or fall so that it will be identified as a maximum or a minimum by the search
functions. Entries from 0 dB to 80 dB are allowed; the resolution is 0.1 dB. The default setting for
the peak excursion is 6 dB.
For details see also "To specify the suitable peak excursion" on page 4.67 and "Effect of
different peak excursion settings (example)" on page 4.68.
Exclude LO
Switches the frequency range limit for the marker search functions on or off.

minimum frequency

6 × resolution bandwidth (RBW)

Because of the interference by the first local oscillator to the first
intermediate frequency at the input mixer, the LO is represented as a
signal at 0 Hz. To avoid the marker jumping to the LO at 0 Hz with the
peak function when setting the display range, this frequency is

no restriction to the search range. The frequency 0 Hz is included in
the marker search functions.





Changing Settings via Markers – MKR–> Key


Auto Max Peak / Auto Min Peak
Adds an automatic peak search action for marker 1 at the end of each particular sweep. This
function may be used during adjustments of a device under test to keep track of the actual peak
marker position and level.
The actual marker search limit settings (Left Limit, Right Limit, Threshold, Exclude LO
softkeys) are taken into account.
This softkey is available from firmware version 1.50.





Power Measurements – MEAS Key

Power Measurements – MEAS Key
With its power measurement functions, the R&S FSL is able to measure all the necessary parameters
with high accuracy in a wide dynamic range.
A modulated carrier is almost always used (except e.g. SSB–AM) for high–frequency transmission of
information. Due to the information modulated upon the carrier, the latter covers a spectrum which is
defined by the modulation, the transmission data rate and the signal filtering. Within a transmission
band each carrier is assigned a channel taking into account these parameters. In order to ensure error–
free transmission, each transmitter must be conforming to the specified parameters. These include
among others:

the output power


the occupied bandwidth, i.e. the bandwidth which must contain a defined percentage of the power


the power dissipation allowed in the adjacent channels

The MEAS key is used for complex measurement functions as power measurements, occupied
bandwidth, signal statistic, carrier to noise spacing, AM modulation depth, third–order intercept point,
harmonics and spurious emissions. For measurement examples refer to chapter "Advanced
Measurement Examples" and to the Quick Start Guide, chapter 5, "Basic Measurement Examples".
The following measurements can be performed:

Power in zero span (Time Domain Power softkey; for details see "Power measurement in zero
span" on page 4.78)


Channel power and adjacent–channel power with span > 0 and with a single or several carriers
(CP, ACP, MC–ACP softkey)


Occupied bandwidth (OBW softkey, for details see "Measurement of occupied bandwidth" on page


Carrier–to–noise ratio (C/N, C/No softkey)


Amplitude probability distribution (APD and CCDF softkeys, for details refer to hapter "Advanced
Measurement Examples", "Amplitude Distribution Measurement")


Modulation depth (AM Mod Depth softkey)


3rd order intercept (TOI softkey, for details refer to chapter "Advanced Measurement Examples",
"Intermodulation Measurements")

To open the power measurement menu
Press the MEAS key.
The power measurement menu is displayed.




Power Measurements – MEAS Key


Menu and softkey description

"Softkeys of the power measurement menu" on page 4.88

To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you want to display
help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further information refer to section "How to use
the Help System".

Further information

"Power measurement in zero span" on page 4.78


"Measurement of occupied bandwidth" on page 4.78


"Predefined CP / ACP standards" on page 4.79


"Settings of CP / ACP test parameters" on page 4.80


"Ranges and range settings" on page 4.81


"Provided XML files for the Spectrum Emission Mask measurement" on page 4.82


"Format description of Spectrum Emission Mask XML files" on page 4.83


"ASCII file export format (Spectrum Emission Mask)" on page 4.88


To measure the power in zero span


To set the channel configuration


To measure the occupied bandwidth


To measure signal statistics


To measure the carrier–to–noise ratio





Power Measurements – MEAS Key

To measure the power in zero span
1. Press the Time Domain Power softkey to activate the power measurement.
The corresponding submenu is displayed.
2. To limit the power evaluation range, switch on the limits (Limits On/Off softkey) and enter the limits
by using the Left Limit and Right Limit softkeys.
3. Select the type of power measurement by using the Mean or RMS softkey. (RMS or mean power),
the settings for max hold and averaging as well as the definition of limits.
4. To calculate and display the peak value, press the Peak softkey.
5. To calculate and display the standard deviation from the mean value, press the Std Dev softkey.

To set the channel configuration
1. Press the CP, ACP, MC–ACP softkey to active channel or adjacent–channel power measurement.
The corresponding submenu is displayed.
2. To use a predefined standard for measurement, press the CP / ACP Standard softkey (for details
on available standards see "Predefined CP / ACP standards" on page 4.79).
3. To configure the parameters independently of the predefined standards, press the CP / ACP
Config softkey (for details see "Settings of CP / ACP test parameters" on page 4.80).
4. To enter the sweep time, press the Sweep Time softkey.
5. To display the whole diagram, press the Full Size Diagram softkey.
6. To adjust the reference level to the measured channel power, press the Adjust Ref Level softkey.

To measure the occupied bandwidth
1. Press the OBW softkey to activate the measurement of the occupied bandwidth (for details see also
"Measurement of occupied bandwidth" on page 4.78).
The corresponding submenu is displayed.
2. Press the % Power Bandwidth softkey to enter the percentage of power.
3. To change the channel bandwidth for the transmission channel, press the Channel Bandwidth
4. To optimize the settings for the selected channel configuration, press the Adjust Settings softkey
(for details see also "Settings of CP / ACP test parameters" on page 4.80).
5. To adjust the reference level to the measured total power after the first sweep, press the Adjust
Ref Level softkey.

To measure signal statistics

To activate and configure the measurement of the amplitude probability distribution (APD), press
the APD softkey (for details refer to chapter "Advanced Measurement Examples", "Amplitude
Distribution Measurement").
The corresponding submenu is displayed.


To activate and configure the measurement of the complementary cumulative distribution (CCDF),
press the CCDF softkey (for details refer to hapter "Advanced Measurement Examples", "Amplitude
Distribution Measurement").
The corresponding submenu is displayed.




Power Measurements – MEAS Key


To measure the carrier–to–noise ratio
1. Press the C/N, C/No softkey to configure the carrier–to–noise ratio measurement.
The corresponding submenu is displayed.
2. To activate the measurements without reference to the bandwidth, press the C/N softkey.
3. To activate the measurements with reference to the bandwidth, press the C/No softkey.
4. To change the channel bandwidth for the transmission channel, press the Channel Bandwidth
5. To optimize the settings for the selected channel configuration, press the Adjust Settings softkey
(for details see also "Settings of CP / ACP test parameters" on page 4.80).

Power measurement in zero span
With the aid of the power measurement function, the R&S FSL determines the power of the signal in
zero span by summing up the power at the individual measurement points and dividing the result by the
number of measurement points. In this way it is possible to measure for example the power of TDMA
signals during transmission or during the muting phase. Both the mean power and the RMS power can
be measured by means of the individual power values.
The result is displayed in the marker field. The measured values are updated after each sweep or
averaged over a user–defined number of sweeps in order to determine e.g. the mean power over
several bursts. For determination of the peak value the maximum value from several sweeps is
If both the on and off phase of a burst signal are displayed, the measurement range can be limited to
the transmission or to the muting phase with the aid of vertical lines. The ratio between signal and noise
power of a TDMA signal for instance can be measured by using a measurement as a reference value
and after that varying the measurement range.
Upon switching on power measurement the sample detector is activated.

Measurement of occupied bandwidth
An important characteristic of a modulated signal is its occupied bandwidth. In a radio communications
system for instance the occupied bandwidth must be limited to enable distortion–free transmission in
adjacent channels. The occupied bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth containing a defined
percentage of the total transmitted power. A percentage between 10% and 99.9% can be set.
The measurement principle is the following: The bandwidth containing 99% of the signal power is to be
determined, for example. The routine first calculates the total power of all displayed points of the trace.
In the next step, the points from the right edge of the trace are summed up until 0.5% of the total power
is reached. Auxiliary marker 1 is positioned at the corresponding frequency. Then the points from the
left edge of the trace are summed up until 0.5% of the power is reached. Auxiliary marker 2 is
positioned at this point. 99% of the power is now between the two markers. The distance between the
two frequency markers is the occupied bandwidth which is displayed in the marker field.
To ensure correct power measurement, especially for noise signals, and to obtain the correct occupied
bandwidth, the following prerequisites and settings are necessary:

Only the signal to be measured is displayed on the screen. An additional signal would falsify the


RBW << occupied bandwidth
(approx. 1/20 of occupied bandwidth, for voice communication type 300 Hz or 1 kHz)




RMS detector



3 x RBW

2 to 3 x occupied bandwidth





Power Measurements – MEAS Key

Some of the measurement specifications (e.g. PDC, RCR STD–27B) require measurement of the
occupied bandwidth using a peak detector. The detector setting of the R&S FSL has to be changed
accordingly then.

Predefined CP / ACP standards
The test parameters for the channel and adjacent–channel measurements are set according to the
mobile radio standard. The available standards are listed below.



CDMA 2000


CDMA IS95A forward


CDMA IS95A reverse

CDMA IS95C Class 0 FWD

CDMA IS95C Class 0 forward

CDMA IS95C Class 0 REV

CDMA IS95C Class 0 reverse

CDMA IS95C Class 1 FWD

CDMA IS95C Class 1 forward

CDMA IS95C Class 1 REV

CDMA IS95C Class 1 reverse


CDMA J–STD008 forward


CDMA J–STD008 reverse









RFID 14443

RFID 14443


TD–SCDMA forward


TD–SCDMA reverse




W–CDMA 3.84 MHz forward


W–CDMA 3.84 MHz reverse





WLAN 802.11A

WLAN 802.11A

WLAN 802.11B

WLAN 802.11B


For the R&S FSL, the channel spacing is defined as the distance between the center frequency
of the adjacent channel and the center frequency of the transmission channel. The definition of
the adjacent–channel spacing in standards IS95 B / C, IS97 B / C, IS98 B / C and CDMA2000
DS / MC1 / MC3 is different. These standards define the adjacent–channel spacing from the
center of the transmission channel to the closest border of the adjacent channel. This definition
is also used for the R&S FSL if the standard settings marked with a dagger are selected.




Power Measurements – MEAS Key


Settings of CP / ACP test parameters

Frequency span
The frequency span must at least cover the channels to be measured plus a measurement margin
of approx. 10%.


If the frequency span is large in comparison to the channel bandwidth (or the adjacent–channel
bandwidths) being examined, only a few points on the trace are available per channel. This
reduces the accuracy of the waveform calculation for the channel filter used, which has a
negative effect on the measurement accuracy. It is therefore strongly recommended that the
formulas mentioned be taken into consideration when selecting the frequency span.

For channel power measurements the Adjust Settings softkey sets the frequency span as follows:
(No. of transmission channels – 1) x transmission channel spacing + 2 x transmission channel
bandwidth + measurement margin
For adjacent–channel power measurements, the Adjust Settings softkey sets the frequency span
as a function of the number of transmission channels, the transmission channel spacing, the
adjacent–channel spacing, and the bandwidth of one of adjacent–channels ADJ, ALT1 or ALT2,
whichever is furthest away from the transmission channels:
(No. of transmission channels – 1) x transmission channel spacing + 2 x (adjacent–channel
spacing + adjacent–channel bandwidth) + measurement margin
The measurement margin is approx. 10% of the value obtained by adding the channel spacing and
the channel bandwidth.

Resolution bandwidth (RBW)
To ensure both, acceptable measurement speed and required selection (to suppress spectral
components outside the channel to be measured, especially of the adjacent channels), the
resolution bandwidth must not be selected too small or too large. As a general approach, the
resolution bandwidth is to be set to values between 1% and 4% of the channel bandwidth.
A larger resolution bandwidth can be selected if the spectrum within the channel to be measured
and around it has a flat characteristic. In the standard setting, e.g. for standard IS95A REV at an
adjacent channel bandwidth of 30 kHz, a resolution bandwidth of 30 kHz is used. This yields correct
results since the spectrum in the neighborhood of the adjacent channels normally has a constant
level. For standard NADC/IS136 this is not possible for example, since the spectrum of the transmit
signal penetrates into the adjacent channels and a too large resolution bandwidth causes a too low
selection of the channel filter. The adjacent–channel power would thus be measured too high.
With the exception of the IS95 CDMA standards, the Adjust Settings softkey sets the resolution
bandwidth (RBW) as a function of the channel bandwidth:

1/40 of channel bandwidth

The maximum possible resolution bandwidth (with respect to the requirement RBW
resulting from the available RBW steps (1, 3) is selected.



Video bandwidth (VBW)
For a correct power measurement, the video signal must not be limited in bandwidth. A restricted
bandwidth of the logarithmic video signal would cause signal averaging and thus result in a too low
indication of the power (–2.51 dB at very low video bandwidths). The video bandwidth should
therefore be selected at least three times the resolution bandwidth:


3 x RBW




Power Measurements – MEAS Key

The Adjust Settings softkey sets the video bandwidth (VBW) as a function of the channel
bandwidth (see formula above) and the smallest possible VBW with regard to the available step
size will be selected.

The Adjust Settings softkey selects the RMS detector. This detector is selected since it correctly
indicates the power irrespective of the characteristics of the signal to be measured. The whole IF
envelope is used to calculate the power for each measurement point. The IF envelope is digitized
using a sampling frequency which is at least five times the resolution bandwidth which has been
selected. Based on the sample values, the power is calculated for each measurement point using
the following formula:





i =1

si = linear digitized video voltage at the output of the A/D converter
N = number of A/D converter values per measurement point
PRMS = power represented by a measurement point
When the power has been calculated, the power units are converted into decibels and the value is
displayed as a measurement point.
In principle, the sample detector would be possible as well. Due to the limited number of
measurement points used to calculate the power in the channel, the sample detector would yield
less stable results.


Trace averaging
The Adjust Settings softkey switches off this function. Averaging, which is often performed to
stabilize the measurement results, leads to a too low level indication and should therefore be
avoided. The reduction in the displayed power depends on the number of averages and the signal
characteristics in the channel to be measured.


Reference level
The Adjust Settings softkey does not influence the reference level. It can be separately adjusted
using the Adjust Settings softkey.

Ranges and range settings
In the Spectrum Emission Mask and Spurious Emissions measurements, a range defines a segment,
for which you can define the following parameters separately: start and stop frequency, RBW, VBW,
sweep time, sweep points, reference level, attenuator settings, and limit values. Via the sweep list, you
define the ranges and their settings (for details on settings refer to the Sweep List softkey).
The following rules apply to ranges:


The minimum span of a range is 20 Hz.


The individual ranges must not overlap (but need not directly follow one another).


The maximum number of ranges is 20.


Spectrum Emission Mask measurement only: A minimum of three ranges is mandatory.


Spectrum Emission Mask measurement only: The reference range cannot be deleted (it is marked
in blue color).




Power Measurements – MEAS Key


Provided XML files for the Spectrum Emission Mask measurement
You can change the settings manually or via XML files. The XML files offer a quick way to change the
configuration. A set of ready–made XML files for different standards is already provided. For details see
Table 4-4. You can also create and use your own XML files (for details see "Format description of
Spectrum Emission Mask XML files" on page 4.83). All XML files are stored under C:\r_s\instr\sem_std.
Use the Edit Power Classes softkey for quick access to the available XML files.
Table 4-4: Provided XML files

XML file name

Displayed standard characteristics*



CDMA2000 BC0 default DL


CDMA2000 BC1 default DL


CDMA2000 BC0 default UL


CDMA2000 BC1 default UL


W–CDMA 3GPP (31,39)dBm DL


W–CDMA 3GPP (39,43)dBm DL






WiBro TTA (29,40)dBm DL


WiBro TTA (40,INF)dBm DL


WiBro TTA (–INF,29)dBm DL


WiBro TTA (23,INF)dBm UL


WiBro TTA (23,INF)dBm UL












WIMAX System Type E UL


WIMAX System Type F UL


WIMAX System Type G UL






IEEE 802.11


IEEE 802.11


IEEE 802.11a)


IEEE 802.11a



IEEE 802.11b



IEEE. 802.11j


IEEE 802.11j





(1.75 MHz, 2.00 MHz, 3.5 MHz, 7.00 MHz,
14.00 MHz, 28 MHz)


(1.75 MHz, 2.00 MHz, 3.5 MHz, 7.00 MHz,
14.00 MHz, 28 MHz)








Power Measurements – MEAS Key


XML file name

Displayed standard characteristics*



IEEE 802.11j


IEEE 802.11j

*Used abbreviations:
BC: band class
UL: uplink
DL: downlink
TTA: Telecommunications Technology Association


For the WIBRO standards, the 1 MHz channel filter is used for every occurrence of a 1 MHz
filter. Within the R&S FSL–K92/93, the 1 MHz filter are Gaussian filters.

Format description of Spectrum Emission Mask XML files
The files for importing range settings are in XML format and therefore obey the rules of the XML
standard. Below, the child nodes, attributes, and structure defined for the data import is described. Build
your own XML files according to these conventions because the R&S FSL can only interpret XML files
of a known structure. For example files look in the C:\r_s\instr\sem_std directory.

It is mandatory to follow the structure exactly as shown below or else the R&S FSL is not able
to interpret the XML file and error messages are shown on the screen. For this reason is it
recommended to make a copy of an existing file (see Save As Standard softkey) and edit the
copy of the file. The default files can be found in the C:\r_s\instr\sem_std directory.
Alternatively, edit the settings using the Edit Power Classes dialog box and the Sweep List
dialog box and save the XML file with the Save As Standard softkey afterwards. This way, no
modifications have to be done in the XML file itself.

Basically, the file consists of three elements that can be defined.

The first element of the structure is the BaseFormat element. It carries information about basic
settings. In this element only the ReferencePower child node has any effects on the measurement
itself. The other attributes and child nodes are used to display information about the Spectrum
Emission Mask Standard on the measurement screen. The child nodes and attributes of this
element are shown in Table 4-5.

In the example above (PowerClass_39_43.xml under C:\r_s\instr\sem_std\WCDMA\3GPP), these
attributes are defined as follows:




Power Measurements – MEAS Key

Standard="W–CDMA 3GPP"







The second element is the PowerClass element, which is embedded in the BaseFormat element. It
carries settings information about the power classes. Up to four different power classes can be
defined. For details refer to the Sweep List softkey and the corresponding parameter description.
The child nodes and attributes of this element are shown in Table 4-6.


The third element is the Range element, which in turn is embedded in the PowerClass element. It
carries the settings information of the range. There have to be at least three defined ranges: one
reference range and at least one range to either side of the reference range. The maximum number
of ranges is twenty. Note that the R&S FSL uses the same ranges in each power class. Therefore,
the contents of the ranges of each defined power class have to be identical to the first power class.
An exception are the Start amd Stop values of the two Limit nodes that are used to determine the
power class. Note also, that there are two Limit nodes to be defined: one that gives the limit in
absolute values and one in relative values. Make sure units for the Start and Stop nodes are
identical for each Limit node. For details refer to the Sweep List softkey and the corresponding
parameter description. The child nodes and attributes of this element are shown in Table 4-7.

The following tables show the child nodes and attributes of each element and show if a child node or
attribute is mandatory for the R&S FSL to interpret the file or not. Since the hierarchy of the XML can
not be seen in the tables, either view one of the default files already stored on the R&S FSL in the
C:\r_s\instr\sem_std directory or check the structure as shown below.
Below, a basic example of the structure of the file is shown, containing all mandatory attributes and
child nodes. Note that the PowerClass element and the range element are themselves elements of the
Base Format element and are to be inserted where noted. The separation is done here simply for
reasons of a better overview. Also, no example values are given here to allow a quick reference to the
tables above. Italic font shows the placeholders for the values.

The Base Format element is structered as follows:


Instrument Type






Power Measurements – MEAS Key

The PowerClass element is structered as follows:

Limit Fail Mode


The Range element is structered as follows:

Channel Type







Power Measurements – MEAS Key


Table 4-5: Attributes and child nodes of the BaseFormat element
Child Node






Date in ISO 8601 format


Name of the standard




Name of the instrument



SA | K72 | K82

Name of the application



Downlink | Uplink |







Parameter Description





TX Channel Power |
TX Channel Peak




Table 4-6: Attributes and child nodes of the PowerClass element
Child Node







Parameter Description




Indexes are continuous and
have to start with 0



The start power must equal
the stop power of the
previous power class. The
StartPower value of the first
range is -200















Absolute | Relative |
Absolute and Relative |
Absolute or Relative



The stop power must equal
the start power of the next
power class. The StopPower
value of the last range is 200




Power Measurements – MEAS Key

Table 4-7: Attributes and child nodes of the Range element (normal ranges)
Child Node



Parameter Description




Indexes are continous and
have to start with 0



Name of the range

Only if ReferenceChannel
contains a name and the
range is the reference


Short name of the range



TX | Adjacent



Only if ReferencePower
method is “TX Channel
Power” and the range is
the reference range”



Type of the weighting filter




Excess bandwidth of the filter

Only if the filter type is


Filter bandwidth

Only if the filter type is




Start value of the range



Stop value of the range


A Range must contain exactly
two limit nodes; one of the
limit nodes has to have a
relative unit (e.g. dBc), the
other one must have an
absolute unit (e.g. dBm)






Power limit at start frequency



dBm/Hz | dBm | dBc |
dBr | dB

Sets the unit of the start value



Power limit at stop frequency



dBm/Hz | dBm | dBc |
dBr | dB

Sets the unit of the stop value





Absolute | Relative |
Absolute and Relative |
Absolute or Relative








No (if quoted, it has to be
equal in all ranges)


Manual | Auto

Sweep Time Mode

