RUCM Manual

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TAO YUE Simula Research Laboratory Restricted Use Case Modeling Approach User Manual April 2010 RUCM
Preface Use case modeling is commonly applied to document requirements. Restricted Use Case Modeling (RUCM) is a use case modeling approach, which is composed of  a set of  well-defined restriction rules and a new template. The goal of  RUCM is to reduce ambiguity, improve understandability of  use case models, and facilitate automated generation of  analysis models. The approach has been experimentally evaluated to be applicable, and easier to understand. It yields better models when used by humans. This document gives a description of  RUCM, gives an example to illustrate how to apply RUCM, and also provides a quick reference in the end.        I N T R O D U C T I O N  T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S  R U C M   U S E   C A S E   T E M P A L TE R U C M   R E S T R I C T I O N   R U L E S  E X A M P L E   O F   U S E  Q U I C K   R E F E R E N C E   T A B L ES

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