Ranadu Shiny Manual


User Manual:

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Earth Observing Laboratory
12 October 2017
To: Ranadu documentation
From: Al Cooper
Subject: Manual for the “Shiny App” in Ranadu
Version: Ranadu 2.5-17-10-12
1 General features of the Ranadu ’Shiny App’
The Ranadu Shiny App is designed for data analysis using data files from aircraft. It provides a
comprehensive set of analysis routines, most building on the capabilities provided by the ’Ranada’
package for R (documented separately in the Manual for Ranadu, available at this link). The ’Shiny
app’ provides these capabilities:
1. plotted time series of measurements
2. flight tracks and time-height displays
3. statistical summaries of measurements
4. histograms of measurements
5. scatterplots of measurement pairs
6. measurements of one variable binned in increments of a matching second measurement, as
might be used to construct soundings
7. hydrometeor and aerosol size distributions
8. displays of 2D images of particles [not yet working]
9. a skew-T diagram, optionally with a hodograph and/or display of adiabatically ascending
trajectories and calculation of CAPE
10. variance spectra obtained by several methods
11. some utilities for saving subsets of measurements, for opening subsets in other analysis pro-
grams, for addition of new calculated variables, and for finding least-squares fit coefficients.
12. generation of new variables from specified formulas in global.R, function specialVar(), and
inclusion of those in all the above displays as well as in other analysis programs.
13. via shiny-server, web-based display that can be made available in a web server from a com-
puter having access to the data files.
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The plot definitions can be saved and re-used. Most plots can be constructed in multiple panels,
with subset plots in a configurable set of rows and columns, and there can be many definitions of
these multi-panel plots. The plots can also be configured as desired for line colors, line widths,
symbols, etc. In addition, there is a time slider that can be used to select the time displayed or
to step through the flight in specified intervals like one-plot-per-hour. Restrictions can also be
specified to exclude, for example, turns or slow flight that might affect wind measurements. The
time and other restrictions apply simultaneously to all the analysis products, so a particular interval
can be selected and examined in the various plots that are provided. Similarly, a given plot can be
repeated for different flights and projects.
When the program starts, it checks for data files from flight projects and includes a list of those
projects in a drop-down menu so a given plot can be examined in different projects. The research,
test, and ferry flights for each project can be selected. There is also an ’F’ option that selects files
with names like PROJECTrf01F.nc so that special output files can be viewed and compared to the
standard ones.
Finally, there are capabilities to produce copies of the various plots in PNG format, and it is possi-
ble to save the subset of data actually used in small R-data archives for documentation and re-use.
This manual documents ways of using these capabilities, but in most cases it is sufficiently obvious
that it will be evident how to proceed without this documentation. One aspect that needs attention,
though, is the expected structure of the directories in the data archive, so those requirements will
need to be met before this will function. The other following sections of this document should
serve as complete but often unnecessary descriptions of usage. This should be particularly true
once some sections are read, because an effort at parallel construction of the subfunctions should
help extend usage conventions from one plot to another.
For a video demostration of the capabilities in this program, see
2 The general structure of the program
This information should not be needed to use the program, but is included here for documentation.
A ’shiny app’, provided by RStudio, enables interactive applications where the output can be cus-
tomized by the user without resort to programming changes. These applications are suited to web
presentations so can be made widely available to users who only need a web browser to run the
application. The Ranadu application is designed to provide the basic functions needed in analysis
of measurements from aircraft, and is tailored to such measurements. In particular, it uses data
files archived in standard ways as netCDF files. It is designed in particular to use the archive files
produced by NCAR from research flights supported by the Research Aviation Facility.
The program is contained in three R files: global.R, containing code executed at the start of a run
and also containing functions that are used by other files; ui.R, containing the definitions of the
components of the user interface, and server.R, containing the functions that construct the displays
and determine how user-provided changes are handled. Each is discussed briefly below:
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global.R This script defines needed libraries (like Ranadu) and searches data locations for avail-
able projects. It defines some global variables that are referenced by the other scripts, and
it otherwises initializes the global work space. It also defines many functions that are called
from server.R. There is also a “specialVar()” function where new variables can be defined.
A common use for this has been to check the performance of alternate algorithms for calcu-
lation of some variables in the data files.
ui.R This script defines the components of the user interface. That definition includes navigation
panels, tab panels, drop-down menus, checkbox and event items, and it defines the areas
where plots and other displayed information will appear. Each item is associated with an
ID, and the next section then responds to changes in the items by recognizing when the item
associated with the ID changes.
server.R The core of the calculations is in this section. The plots as defined by items set in ui.R are
constructed here and placed in appropriate locations on the user interface. If, for example,
the time range is changed, a new plot is generated automatically that shows the new time
range. In some cases, routines are called in the global environment; for example, reading
of 2D-image data is accomplished by a call to ’readRecord()’ in the global environment, but
this is only for convenience.
There is a general use ’data()’ function that provides measurements from the netCDF-format file for
all functions except the particle images, which are not contained in those files. The server maintains
a current data.frame containing all the variables needed by any routine in the application, and if a
new one not previously used is requested via the user interface then the netCDF file is re-read to
add the new variable to the data.frame.
There are two types of restrictions that can be applied to the data. First, there is a slider that
can specify the time range to use, and there are associated numeric-entry lines that alternately
can be used to specify the time interval. The interval is applied, via the ’data()’ function, to all
analysis components. Second, there is a capability, described in more detail later, for restricting
the data to periods meeting a set of criteria that the user can specify. For example, if you want
the sounding to include only measurements in-flight, you can restrict the measurements to those
where the airspeed is above some limit like 110 m s1to avoid on-the-ground and close-to-takeoff-
or-landing measurements.
3 Obtaining and Starting the Program
Ranadu is archived on GitHub, at this URL: https://github.com/WilliamCooper/Ranadu.git. The
Shiny App is now included in the master branch. The easiest way to use this is via RStudio. (See
the Ranadu Manual for instructions on obtaining and installing that package.) This structure is
1. Establish a directory in your home directory named RStudio.
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2. Start RStudio (program name ’rstudio’; e.g., type ’rstudio’ at a shell prompt).
3. Create a new directory via RStudio, using the ’File -> New Project’ sequence as described
in the Ranadu Manual.. This will download the Ranadu package as well as the shiny app.
4. Build and install the Ranadu package as described in the Ranadu Manual.
5. Be sure that the ’shiny’ package for R is available, or else download it from CRAN.
In addition, a particular structure is assumed for the locations of data files and names. For NCAR
netCDF files, the assumed structure is as follows:
1. The root directory for data files can be /Data, /home/Data, ~/Data, or /scr/raf_data. The
programs will search for a matching location.
2. Under that root, there should be directories for each project, named with the same name
that is used for the data files. For example, there might be directories named DEEPWAVE,
MPEX, CONTRAST, CSET, etc., for those projects.
3. In each directory, the data files should be netCDF files with names like CSETrf05.nc for
the CSET research flight 5. Test and ferry flights can also be included; e.g., CSETtf01.nc,
DEEPWAVEff01.nc. These names can be links if the original files have different names.
The application also handles files from FAAM and UWYO, in preliminary fashion. In those cases,
the files need to be loaded in a similar directory structure located below the root data directory and
named FAAM or UWYO; for example, /Data/FAAM/RICO containing files named RICOrfxx.nc
for some two-digit xx.
The app can be run in several ways:
In the RStudio console window (normally bottom-left panel), type ’shiny::runApp()’ without
the quote marks. This will run the trio of programs that constitute the app. See the next item
for a method of selecting the desired type of display.
Select one of {global.R, ui.R, server.R} from the ’File -> Open File’ sequence or the Files
menu, so that one of those is displayed in the editing window (normally, top left pane), then
click the ’Run App’ button at the top right corner of the editing pane to run the program.
Note that, at the right of that button, there is a small drop-down arrow that can be used
to select the run mode, with these choices: a separate RStudio window, the ’Viewer’ pane
of the RStudio display, or an ’External’ browser display. Usually, the ’External’ display,
maximized to fill your viewing screen, will give the best experience.
The shiny app can also be installed on a shiny server for general use by anyone able to access
that server. That installation is not covered in this manual, but information available from the
RStudio shiny web site (at this link) and, for example, on Amazon Web Services, describes
this process.
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This program continues under active development, and to assist in debugging many messages will
appear in the RStudio console as it runs. Many of these can be suppressed by setting the variable
“Trace” to FALSE near the start of the “global.R” script. There is also a line at the start of that
script that clears the global environment, to avoid carryover effects from a previous run. Comment
that line if this is undesirable.
4 First Glance at the User Interface
4.1 The display at start-up
Running the application should produce a window like the following:
There are two main parts to this display:
1. At the top, there are controls for selecting the project and flight and for saving and restoring
configuration information. The application loads information from a specifications file called
’plotSpec.def’, but additional files with names like ’plotSpec.CSET1’ can be used to save
configurations for re-use, and those configurations can be restored via the ’read specs’ button
and drop-down menu above it. There are two panels in this part of the display: In addition to
’Data and Plot’ (shown), there is a second tab named ’restrictions’ that provides controls for
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setting the time interval and for defining a set of restrictions that cause only data that meets
those restrictions to be used in all functions. The functions in this part of the display, both
for ’Data and Plot’ and ’restrictions’, are discussed in more detail in section 4.2.
2. The lower part of the display includes a set of tabs for various types of displays: ’plot vs
time’, ’track’, etc. The content of the display changes depending on which tab is selected,
but is always split into two parts:
(a) the left sidebar, containing controls for how the display is generated; and
(b) the right part, where the plot is shown.
In the example shown, two stacked plots are displayed. The format of the plot (up to 6 panels in
up to three columns), the variables included in each, and the line type, color, and width for each
variable can be defined in the sidebar panel. Other tabs have similar controls and displays. In four
cases, the tab is itself a drop-down menu for other functions; for example, the ’more plots’ tab
provides a menu allowing selection of ’histogram’, scatterplot’, or ’bin-average plots’, each with
its own sidebar control panel and display panel. Each of these is discussed in detail in this manual,
but their use should mostly be obvious without these detailed instructions. The details are provided
for reference in case something doesn’t work as expected.
In the case of the ’plot vs time’ tab, the display window also has a secondary set of tabs: ’plots’,
stats’, ’histograms’, soundings’, and ’listing’. These apply only to the plot variables that are
selected; more general plots of this type can be produced by the main tabs. However, they provide
a quick way of looking at the selected plot variables.
4.2 The two tabs in the top panel
The following provide more details regarding the top part of the display:
1. data & plot’:
(a) supports selection of the source institution providing the aircraft data, the project, flight
number, and type of flight ({rf, tf, ff} for research, test, and ferry flight). To use files
from FAAM or UWYO instead of NCAR, it is best to start by loading the appropriate
specifications file; e.g., plotSpecFAAM.def, because the standard sets of variables used
by those flight facilities differ from those used by NCAR. When the program is started,
it searches the standard data directory for projects and adds those found to the project
menu. Clicking on the menu displays a list from which the project can be selected. The
’Flight’ entry can be incremented by using the up-down arrows, by placing the cursor in
the entry window and using the up and down keyboard keys, or by selecting and typing
the entry. These controls permit use of a specified plot in various projects or various
flights of a particular project without restarting or changing the plot specifications.
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(b) provides a ’help’ button that creates a display of the file ’RanaduShinyManual.pdf’ (the
file you are viewing), a detailed description of this application with instructions. This
is separate from the file ’RanaduManual.pdf’, which is a manual for the R package
of routines called ’Ranadu’. The latter can be seen via a link near the start of the
(c) includes buttons for saving the displayed plot to a PNG-format file, and also for saving
the data.frame in use as an R data file. The latter is useful because the data.frame is
much smaller than the full netCDF file and, if the netCDF file is not found, will be used
instead. It contains only the subset of variables in current use, however, so when using
the R data file it may not be possible to add new variables to plots. The R data file
contains information needed to produce size distributions for particles or hydrometeors
as well as the other plots, but not for display of 2D images. One common use for this
data.frame is to customize the plot (e.g., by changing the location of the legend, labels
for the axes, etc.) to a format desired for publication.
(d) allows specification of a plot number, so that multiple plots can be defined. These plot
definitions can then be saved for future use.
(e) via a ’quick’ button, supports pop-up display of the plotted time series for a variable
selected from a menu. More flexible plots can be generated using controls discussed
later in this manual, but this is often a useful way to see a particular variable while
working with other functions in the display.
(f) allows a user to save the specifications for future use. When the program first starts, it
loads the specifications in ’plotSpec.def’. The left pair of entries allow selection of a
different saved specifications file (provided it has a name starting with ’plotSpec’) by
selecting the desired file and reading it. The right pair of entries allow saving of the
specifications, either to the default or with a different name (e.g., plotSpec.CSETrf01)
that can be entered in the top right window..
2. ’restrictions’:
(a) allows specification of the time interval to be used.1This can be done in several ways:
i. via adjustment of the start and end sliders by dragging them.
ii. by entry of a time into the windows for the start and end times. It is not necessary
(but acceptable) to type the ’:’ in the time entry; an entry like 143000 will be
accepted and converted to 14:30:00.
iii. by “brushing” the section of a plot to display by holding down the left mouse
button while moving over the time interval in the plot. The selected time interval
is displayed when the cursor is released.
1The convention used is that the time interval includes the start time but excludes the end time.
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iv. by using the small left- and right-pointing arrows below the time bar. If an interval
has already been selected, these arrows will display the next or previous similar-
duration interval; for example, if a 15 min interval is selected like 14:00:00 to
14:15:00, clicking the forward button will reset the time interval to 14:15:00 to
There is also a “reset” button for returning the slider to cover the full flight. The
“F4” key also triggers this reset and can be used even when the “restrictions” tab
is not displayed.
(b) supports the definition of restrictions to be applied to the data. For example, in the case
shown, TASX is required to be between 130 and 300. This can be useful for elimi-
nating slow-flight conditions where flaps may be deployed, for example. Additional
restrictions can be added by incrementing the ’R#’ number, specifying a new variable
from the drop-down menu of all available variables, and entering the minimum and
maximum values. The ’?’ checkbox determines if the restriction will be included, and
is provided so that the effects of restrictions can be tested without removing them from
the specifications. Most control sidebars have a checkbox for ’apply restrictions’ that
must be checked for these restrictions to be applied to the data.
5 Description of the tabs in the main part of the display
5.1 ’plot vs time’
The sidebar control panel
panels Up to six panels can be specified. Each panel is an independent plot and can be defined
via controls listed below. The panels will be arranged in a grid with the number of
columns specified by the next entry. All panel definitions are retained if this entry
is changed, but only the top panels are displayed; for example, if panels=2, but six
panels are defined, only the first two are displayed.
cols The panels as specified above are displayed in ’cols’ columns.
panel The characteristics that follow apply to the panel number specified here. As a special
case, if ’panels’ (above) is 1, the panel selected here is displayed in a full-size plot
even if “panel” is larger than 1.
log Select this check-box to get a logarithmic scale for the ordinate. Errors will result if
there are negative or zero values in the variables being plotted. This applies only to
the selected panel and can be set independently for each panel.
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set ylim? Select this check-box to force the plot limits on the ordinate axis to the values listed in
the following entry windows labeled ’min’ and ’max’. Provide values before selecting
the check-box to avoid divide-by-zero errors. In the base of a logarithmic scale, enter
the values (e.g., 0.001) not the log10 value (-3). This applies only to the panel selected
so limits can be set individually for all panels.
min. max The ordinate-axis limits to use when the preceding check-box is selected.
apply restrictions Select this check-box to apply the restrictions as defined in the top ’restrictions’
footer Do you want a footer added to the plot indicating project/flight/date/times etc? This is
sometimes useful when saving plots via the “PNG” button, to identify the individual
line: The rest of the entries apply to an individual plotted trace in the selected panel. Select
the line number you want to change, then use the remaining controls to define that
line. If a line number is entered that exceeds the number of lines currently defined,
a new line is defined and added to the plot. Initially it will duplicate the last defined
line, but you can then change the variable, line width, color, etc.
lwd: The width to use for the plotted line. “1” is often a good starting point. Fractional
values can be used.
v: [variable name] The next drop-down menu includes selections for all the variables
in the netCDF file as well as any that have been defined in “specialVar()” or via the
“create new variable” function discussed below. There is a special entry at the top
of the list named ’omit’ which will remove the currently selected variable from the
current panel. When this occurs, the display changes to ’select’ to indicate that this
line is no longer defined, and you should decrement the line number to eliminate the
variable from the plot.
l: [y-axis label The default label is the variable name of the first variable in the panel,
but that can be changed using the entry in this text-input line. There is some limited
capability to use R plotmath expressions. These must be preceded by ’expr:’, and
this is followed by an expression of this form: ’paste(“temperature [“,degree,”C]”)’
without the single-quote marks but including the double-quote marks.
[color menu] The next drop-down menu presents a set of color choices. The line will be plotted
in the selected color. For now, this list is a fairly short selection of colors. Others will
likely be added in later versions.
line type The variable can be plotted using the indicated choices, where d-dot refers to a dash-
dot pattern and lg-dash to large dashes.
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smooth? A checkbox that, when selected, applies a Savitzgy-Golay-polynomial filter to the se-
lected line. This does not affect the values used for statistics or histograms, described
below, but can remove hash that makes comparison of almost-overlapping lines diffi-
cult. See the next control to determine how much smoothing will be applied. This can
be set individually for each line.
SG pts The number of points used in the Savitzgy-Golay filter. A third-order filter with the
specified number of points is used. A rough approximation is that the effective filter
period is about 1/3 the number of points.
The tabbed display panel
Normally the ’plots’ tab will be used. Other tabs are provided to show characteristics of the selected
plot variables, but these are available in better format in more general plots defined by the tabs in
the main panel. All the tabs in the display panel are controlled by the entries in the sidebar panel.
Explore these if you are interested, but no further discussion is provided here except to explain that
the ’soundings’ tab shows bar-and-whisker plots of the plot variables partitioned into increments
in altitude (defined by GGALT).
The tab “checkV” has a special use. If the mouse is left-clicked on a time-series plot, the values
of the plot variables in one-minute averages centered on the clicked time will be available in the
“checkV” window. This window also allows entry of a desired time for the average with better
resolution than can be provided by the mouse-click. Only those variables used in the current plot
are included.
5.2 ’track’
The sidebar defines the flight-track in terms of self-explanatory entries, with a few exceptions.
The flight track will be plotted with a background map showing geographic information, either
land-mass boundaries (for non-US plots) or state boundaries (for US flights). This background
is fairly coarse; better and aesthetically appealing plots can be constructed instead by the KML
files that NCAR/EOL/RAF and other groups provide for research flights. This plot capability is
included here for quick context when viewing the plots. The plots are generated by the Ranadu
script plotTrack.R, so that can be consulted for more details. The displayed track observes the
restrictions defined in the “restrictions” panel, e.g., by plotting only the limited time range selected
There are two tabs, one for a normal plan-view flight track, described below, and the other for a
simple time-height plot showing the geometric (not pressure) flight altitude as a function of time.
The controls are as follows:
apply restrictions As for all tabs, checking this check-box applies the restrictions in the top ’restric-
tions’ tab to the data, and will leave gaps in the plotted track where data are excluded
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by those restrictions. Time restrictions are always applied, independent of this control
footer? As for ’plot vs time’
drifting? If this check-box is checked, the plot is constructed by dead-reckoning from the initial
point, and so will give a flight track that drifts with the wind. For that reason, no
background geography is shown for this selection.
center long,
center lat. These entries support fixing the plot relative to given center coordinates (specified as
fractional longitude and latitude in degrees, with west longitude or south latitude as
negative numbers). If these are not specified, the routine centers the track appropri-
ately based on the data ranges, so these are not usually needed.
size As for center coordinates, the routine makes a reasonable choice for the size so this
usually is not needed except for special uses. The size must be specified in degrees
and applies to both latitude and longitude.
time between labels The track will be plotted with time labels at the interval specified.
scale for wind flags For an entry other than 0, wind flags along the direction of the wind and with
magnitude proportional to the wind speed will be plotted along the track, using the
numerical entry as a scale controlling the length of the wind flags. These are flags, not
wind barbs, which would be in the opposite direction. A value of 5 specifies that the
length of the wind flag will be 5% of the plot size in latitude for a wind speed of 10
m/s, with the longitudinal component adjusted appropriately to avoid distortion of the
wind direction.
5.3 ’stats/listing’
This tab provides two kinds of text tables, either statistical summaries of variables over the selected
time period (including mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) or a listing (optionally
averaged over a specified interval) of selected measurements. The choice between these two types
of display is made by the radio buttons at the bottom specifying ’type of output’. The ’apply
restrictions’ check-box functions as for ’plot-vs-time’.
The time interval selected in the top ’restrictions’ tab controls the averaging time for the statistical
summaries or the length of the listing of values. The other key control is provided by the ’select
variables’ button. Clicking on this produces a display of all the available variables in the netCDF
file, with the currently selected variables highlighted in yellow. (These are determined initially by
the ’specPlot.def’ file and once changed can be saved back to that or another specPlot file.) There
is an ’Actions’ menu at the top left corner of this ’Available Variables’ window. Possible actions
include ’return selections and hide window’ to accept the choices that are displayed, ’select ALL
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variables’ and ’clear ALL variables’ to select everything or clear all selections to start over, and
’Quit without saving’ to dismiss the window without making any changes. select ALL’ and then
returning with that selection will show everything in the ’stats’ display, in a multi-page display, and
using this for the ’listing’ display will produce a very wide output window with a scroll bar that
makes it possible to view everything. The ’Search’ window can be used with a time like 14:30:00
to search for that time in the displayed listing.
5.4 ’more plots -> histogram’
This tab produces histograms. Many of the controls in the sidebar panel function as for the ’plot
vs time’ control panel, so that earlier section should be consulted for ’apply restrictions’, ’footer?’,
’panels’, ’cols’, and ’panel’. Furthermore, the line controls at the bottom function as described for
’plot vs time’. There are three differences vs ’plot vs time’ controls:
plot density? When this check-box is selected, the ordinate of the histogram is the density of
events; i.e., the fraction of events per unit change in the abscissa. The sum of the
density in each bin multiplied by the width of the bin is 1.
include cdf Selecting this check-box adds a cumulative-distribution line to the histogram and adds
a right axis ranging from 0 to 1 to provide coordinates for the line. By default, the
cumulative distribution function (giving the fraction of measurements smaller than
the indicated abscissa value) is plotted as a thin line of the same color and type as the
histogram line.
set xmin,
xmin, These entries define the range of the abscissa axis and are applied if the check-box is
There is no way (yet) to define the number of bins in the histogram or the size of the bins, but this
will be added eventually.
5.5 ’more plots -> scatterplot’
The sidebar panel controlling production of scatterplots follows the same pattern as for the preced-
ing tabs; c.f. ’plot vs time’ above. The new or different aspects are these:
log x, log y Either or both of the scales can be set to be logarithmic.
fixed If this check-box is selected, the limits provided in the ’xmin’, ’xmax’, ’ymin’, ’ymax’
windows at the bottom will be used to define the plot ranges. If this is not selected, a
reasonable choice will be made based on the ranges of the values being plotted.
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pair Instead of a definition for each line, a definition is provided for each pair of measure-
ments that are to be plotted. When multiple pairs are defined for a particular panel,
they all share the same abscissa variable but can have different ordinate variables for
each pair. Therefore two entries are provided for ’x’ (abscissa) and ’y’ (ordinate) for
each pair.
[color] This drop-down menu supports selection of the plot color for each pair.
symbol size The size to be used for the symbol plotted for each pair of measurements. Fractional
values are accepted as long as they are larger than or equal to 1.
symbol The entry should be an integer corresponding to the R symbol list. Possible values are
1—25 for various symbos (20 is a good small dot), 48–57 for numbers 0–9, 65–90 for
capital letters A-Z, 97–122 for lower-case letters a-z.
At the top of each plot, a title is included that gives the regression fit with correlation coefficient
and residual standard error.
5.6 ’more plots -> bin-average plots’
The controls in the sidebar panel are almost identical to thos in the ’scatterplot’ sidebar, except for
the as-yet-inactive ’horizontal’ check-box, so they won’t be discussed again. Refer to Section 5.5
and preceding sections for explanations of these controls.
Instead of a scatterplot, each pair of variables is binned into equal intervals in the variable labeled
’x’ (often GGALT), and then box-and-whisker plots are constructed for each bin. The box extends
from the first to the third quartile of values, with the median denoted by a bar. The whiskers then
extend to the data point at most 1.5 times as far from the box as the interquartile range. Symbols
connected by a line denote the means in each bin. The terminology is somewhat confusing because
the variable labeled ’x’ is actually plotted as the ordinate and the one labeled ’y’ as the abscissa;
this is because it is so often useful to use these plots to display profiles with height. Titles at the
top of the plots list the results of regression fits to the pairs of measurements.
Future additions will include controls over the number of bins and perhaps implementation of the
’horizontal’ function to rotate the plot so that bins are defined in the abscissa of the plot.
5.7 ’particles -> size distributions’
At initialization or when switching projects, the data variables are searched for those providing
particle or hydrometeor size information and those are displayed as check-boxes in the sidebar
control panel. The displayed plot shows the average over the full time interval. For viewing
particle size distributions, it is often useful to set a time like 15 min or 1 h and then use the arrow
buttons in the time control bar to step through the file. The only control provided at present is
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for the types of plot axes, either linear or logarithmic. All concentrations are shown in units of
cm3µm1for consistency; for the 2DC plot (actually showing the distribution variable C1DC),
for better scaled units of L1mm1, multiply values by 106.
Because the data formats used by FAAM and UWYO are different, this portion of the program will
not work yet for data from those flight facilities.
5.8 ’particles -> hydrometeor images’
The application provides a simple way of viewing images from the 2D probes. The data for the 2D
images are stored in separate files, constructed by stripping the 2D image records from the original
tapes and incorporating them into a new data file normally suffixed with .2d. These are often saved
in a subdirectory ’PMS2D’ of the production directory. Once selected, it may be useful to save the
configuration as applied to a particular project and flight because then the file name is saved and it
is not necessary to search for it again. This function requires a special format for data and is not
available for FAAM or UWYO data.
Two types of display are implemented, ’page’ and ’record’. In ’record’ mode, 2D images are
displayed one record at a time; in ’page’ mode, a set of up to sixteen records is displayed, two on
each line, but at reduced image size. The other modes (’second’ and ’image’) are placeholders for
not-yet-implemented displays.
The numeric input window labeled ’min seconds between displayed records’ supports skipping
records so at most one record per second is displayed. This is often useful in cases where the
concentration is very high or when spurious images (e.g., streakers or stuck bits) are produced at
a high rate. The specified minimum time applies to records in the page view also, so a page view
will span at least 16 times the value set here. The time restrictions provided by the time slider and
controls are also obeyed, so it is possible to skip to a future point in the file. Skipping backward in
this way is not supported (except circuitously by for example changing to and from another project
to reset the display). However, stepping forward or backward by single records is possible via the
arrow controls at the bottom, except that the minimum time will still apply so it needs to be set to
0 for backward skips.
5.9 ’thermo. diagrams -> skewT diagram’
This display produces a skew-T diagram with measurements of temperature and dewpoint (by con-
vention, variables ATX and DPXC) plotted on the diagram as functions of pressure (PSXC). The
show hodograph’ superimposes a hodograph showing the wind direction and speed as a function
of pressure; by convention WDC and WSC are used. The ’CAPE/LCL/adiabats’ checkbox adds
a box in which CAPE (convective available potential energy), CIN (convective inhibition), LCL
(lifted condensation level), LFC (level of free convection), and some other properties of the sound-
ing are listed. This checkbox also superimposes the LCL and temperature lines for pseudoadiabatic
and for reversible adiabatic ascent on the plot and plots the LCL.
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The skew-T diagram used for the background is not standard and needs some documentation and
explanation. Many standard diagrams are based on the Rossby definition of equivalent potential
temperature, the Goff-Gratch formulation for vapor pressure, and a molecular weight of air dating
to before recent increases in CO2modified that average. These have been changed in this diagram
through use of the Murphy-Koop formulation of the vapor pressure, the Davies-Jones evaluation
of equivalent potential temperature, and other adjustments to current values for the gas constant
and specific heats. This is documented in ’SkewT.pdf’ in the Ranadu “inst” directory, and also at
this URL. The diagram is not re-generated but is loaded from a previously generated file. If it is
desirable to change this file, see the preceding link, which also links to the code used to generate
the skew-T background.
For those not familiar with the skew-T log-p diagram, here is a short explanation:
The logarithm of the pressure is the ordinate, so isobars are level lines.
Lines of constant temperature (isotherms) are the blue lines or thin-dashed-blue skewed up-
ward to the right. Their values are labeled along the bottom, right, and top axes.
Lines of constant mixing ratio are the dash-dot green lines sloping upward more steeply
than the isotherms. This property would be constant for a parcel moving vertically without
Orange curved lines sloping upward to the left are lines of constant dry-air potential tem-
perature. This quantity would be constant for a parcel of dry air moving vertically without
Red lines are lines of constant entropy for a parcel starting at 1000 hPa and moving upward,
but for which condensed water is assumed to form at 100% relative humidity and then to
be removed from the parcel. They therefore represent pseudo-adiabatic equivalent potential
temperature, with values matching the value of the asymptotically equal value of potential
temperature for the low-temperature limit. These are sometimes also called equivalent wet-
bulb temperature and labeled by the value at 1000 hPa. The extra heat arising from freezing
of condensate or from condensation at the frost point rather than the dew point is not incorpo-
rated into this diagram. Ascending parcels would follow these lines provided all condensate
occurs at 100% relative humidity and that condensate then instantly falls from the parcel as
The calculation of convective available potential energy uses the Ranadu routine ’CAPE.R’, and
help for that function and the RanaduManual.pdf provides further documentation of the procedure
5.10 ’thermo. diagrams -> mixing and stability plots’
Three types of plot can be generated:
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1. “Paluch” or “ThetaQ/Qtot” plots: The Paluch diagram is a plot of total water mixing ratio
(QTOT) vs. wet-equivalent potential temperature (THETAQ). Measurements are averaged in
increments of pressure, and points along the plotted trajectory are labeled by the pressure.
These two quantities are conserved in the absence of mixing, so properties of mixing pro-
cesses that may occur in clouds can be deduced by superimposing in-cloud measurements
on those from a nearby sounding. The standard reference for this diagram is Paluch, I. 1979.
J. Atmos. Sci.. 36. 2467–2478.
2. “Betts saturation-point” diagrams: Similar studies of mixing are also possible using this
diagram, which uses total water mixing ratio and moist entropy as the two conserved quan-
tities and uses skewed coordinates for these quantities in order to give a diagram where, for
large parts of the diagram, pressure and temperature resemble a skew-T diagram and can be
represented as standard lines on the diagram. A reference for the diagram is Betts, A. K.,
1982: Saturation Point Analysis of Moist Convective Overturning. J. Atmos. Sci., 39, 1484
3. “stability profiles”: Sounding displays useful for assessing stability. These plots include
profiles of virtual potential temperature, pseudo-adiabatic equivalent potential temperature,
wind components, the Richardson number and the Brunt-Vaisala number. The latter two are
defined as
Ri =
dz 2+dv
dz 2
Values of Ri < 0.25 lead to instability and values >1 to stability, with hysteresis effects
between these limits. Positive values of N are stable, and parcels displaced from their equi-
librium value will tend to oscillate with an angular frequeency of N.
For all three plots, start and end times for a sounding should be supplied, and a ’bins’ choice should
be made to specify the number of bins in which sounding properties are averaged. A choice of 18
gives labels for the Paluch diagram each 50 hPa,30 gives 30-Hpa increments, and 90 gives 10-hPa
increments; other choices sometimes lead to awkward labels for this diagram, but a full range of
choices can be used for the other two types of plot.
For plot types 1 and 2, a measurement of liquid water content is needed. A selection menu, with
default ’PLWCC’, is provided for selection of this variable. Also, for these plot types, a subset of
the flight (not necessarily overlapping with the sounding) can be specified to select times for which
to plot in-cloud points. These points are only plotted if the CDP concentration exceeds 5 cm3.
The times selected for the sounding and in-cloud periods should be within the limits set by the time
slider in the top ’restrictions’ tab.
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The saturation-point background is generated separately, by a script called BettsWork.R, and is
saved in a file named ’satptDiagram.Rdata’. This file is loaded at program start-up, and soundings
and in-cloud points are then added to be basic diagram as in the case of the skew-T sounding.
The additional entries in the sidebar apply only to the stability profiles. The values for Ri and N
are conventionally calculated using the virtual potential temperature, but for moist processes the
pseudo-adiabatic equivalent potential temperature is a more appropriate measure, so this choice
can be selected by the choice at the bottom of the sidebar. Also, there is an entry labeled ’avg.
that can be used to control smoothing of the derivatives used to calculate Ri and N; a choice of 7
applies 3rd-order Savitzky-Golay polynomials spanning 7 points to the measurements to provide
some smoothing. It seems to work well to choose a relatively high number of bins and then reduce
noise with a higher number for the smoothing polynomials. (The number actually used must be
odd, so entries will be adjusted upward if necessary to be an odd number; hence entering 8 or 9 for
example will give the same smoothing.)
5.11 variance spectra’
Various displays for spectral analysis are available in this tab. The checkboxes and drop-down
menu in the top shaded box are explained below and usually are not needed. Below that are these
control windows:
variable The drop-down menu below this label provides a list of all available variables in the
netCDF file. This variable is used for the primary calculation of spectral variance.
co-variable Some of the functions (e.g., covariance or coherence) provide for analysis of two
variables. The second variable is selected in the same way as the first.
[tabs] Next are three tabs for different approaches to spectral analysis, each of which will
have individual sidebar control panels and display windows, as discussed in the sub-
subsections that follow:
1. ’fft’ for conventional analysis via Fourier transformation;
2. ’acv’ for analysis by finding the autocovariance function and the Fourier-transforming
to find the spectral density, which is formally equivalent to the ’fft’ method ex-
cept for how averaging is handled;
3. ’MEM’ for application of the maximum-entropy or all-poles method of spectral
analysis pioneered by Burg. This relies on a new implementation of the MEM
algorithm, coded in R and part of the “Ranadu” package.
The ’fft’ tab controls spectral analysis by Fourier transformation. The controls are these:
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segment length The time series will be broken into segments of this length and the spectral den-
sity calculated for each. The results are then combined to produce an estimate that has
lower variance than would a single estimate. This reduces the variance in the result,
but it also reduces the maximum length or minimum frequency for which a result will
be obtained. Values must be equal to powers of 2 (because a fast fourier transform
is used for the calculations), and if numbers are entered that do not satisfy this re-
quirement they will be changed to the largest number smaller than the entry that does
satisfy the requirement.
[window] The next entry is a drop-down menu that allows choice of a window to be applied to
the measurements when performing the above averaging. ’Parzen’ is usually a good
choice, but other possibilities support exploration of the effect of this choice.
log avg intervals: To control the variance in the result, the spectral estimates can be averaged to-
gether over intervals in frequency. This is done in logarithmic intervals where the
entry in this window specifies the number to use. Using fewer intervals increases the
smoothness of the result but reduces the resolution. Smoothing can be eliminated
completely by using a large number (e.g., equal to the segment length). The result-
ing plot will show the spectral estimate before smoothing as a red line and that after
smoothing as a blue line.
error bars This control is not yet implemented.
[type] The last drop-down menu controls the type of plot to be generated. These choices are
1. ’fp(f)’: The estimate of the spectral density (p(f)) is multiplied by the frequence
(f) in this display. This is usually the best first choice. The weighting reduces
the range of the ordinate and makes conformity with expected inertial-subrange
behavior, for example, easier to perceive. This display also has the advantage
that the plotted spectral density is equal to both fp(f) and λp(λ) where λis the
wavelength. The plot has a wavelength scale at the top, constructed using the
average airspeed over the selected interval. The green lines on this plot are lines
with a -5/3 slope (-2/3 after frequency weighting), and when the variable is an
air-motion variable like TASX or WIC then the lines correspond to expected
behavior in an isotropic inertial subrange, where one line is labeled ’104for an
eddy dissipation rate of 104m2s3and other lines are separated by one order of
2. ’p(f)’: This provides the corresponding unweighted spectrum.
3. ’both fp(f)’: With this choice, the weighted spectral densities for both variables
are shown together in one two-pane display.
4. ’cospec. / quad’: This selection shows the cospectrum and quadrature for the
variable and co-variable. Averaging as specified by ’log avg intervals’ is sup-
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5. ’coherence / phase’ generates plots of the coherence (with range 0 to 1) and
phase of the two signals. The sign convention is that a positive phase indicates
that the co-variable is ahead of the variable.
6. data’: Finally, this entry is provided for quick inspection of the time series that
are being used. Note that the series as displayed here are not changed from the
original measurements, but when used each has a trend and mean removed from
the data. The corresponding ’data’ entry under the ’acv’ tab provides an easy way
to see the effect of removing the mean and trend, because that control window
includes a check-box to enable or disable that adjustment of the measurements.
In the ’fft’ section, this is not optional because it is well known that not making
such an adjustment can introduce significant distortions to the results. Because
calculations in R are normally performed to high precision, removing the mean
is not as important as in lower-precision calculations, but it is still useful to avoid
loss of precision when large numbers with small variations are used.
The ’acv’ tab supports an equivalent calculation by starting with the calculation of the autoco-
variance of the specified variable. The autocovariance is calculated for a maximum lag of 3600 s
unless that data segment selected is shorter than that. The estimate of the spectral variance is then
found by Fourier transformation. These controls are provided:
remove trend? Select this to remove the trend from the data before calculating the autocovariance
or the spectral density. It is usually best to leave this checked.
[type] The final control determines the type of plot. Choices are:
1. ’fp(f”: As described in the ’fft’ section above.
2. ’p(f)’: As described in the ’fft’ section above.
3. var2 fp(f)’: as for (1) but for the co-variable
4. var2 p(f)’: as for (2) but for the co-variable
5. ’autocorrelation’: The autocorrelation functions for the two variables, both with
and without smoothing by the exponential function, will be displayed. The
dashed lines are an approximate indication of the range where values exceed-
ing those limits can be considered to indicate a significant correlation.
6. ’crosscorrelation’: The plotted values show the lagged correlation between the
two variables. The value of the unlagged correlation is included in the title.
7. data’: This plot is provided to support a quick view of the two time series be-
ing used. The effect of removing the mean and trend can be seen by using the
remove trend?’ check-box.
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smoothing time: To help control variance, before Fourier transforming, the autocorrelation func-
tion can be multiplied by an exponentially decaying function with this time constant
(in seconds). Shorter times produce more variance, esp. at small frequency, but limit
the smallest frequency where the spectrum can be estimated.
log avg intervals: As for the fft spectra, the spectra determined from the autocovariance function
can be averaged to reduce variance, and the averaged spectrum will then be shown as
a red line superimposed on the blue unaveraged spectrum. An outstanding bug makes
it impossible to specify a smoothing time above 900 s for a 1-h series, so it is not
possible to suppress the smoothing altogether.
The “maximum entropy” method of spectral estimation is an alternate approach that has many
useful characteristics. The controls are basically the same as for the FFT option, but these controls
replace the “segment length” and “window” controls of the FFT option:
poles: The number of poles used to represent the spectrum. A small number provides a
smooth result, while a large number provides better resolution at the expense of a
more noise representation.
resolution: The resolution is the fraction of the logarithmic frequency range used to evaluate the
spectrum. A small number can identify high-resolution features, at the expense of
long computing times.
Other controls are as for the FFT option, including the types of plots that are available.
Other controls:
At the bottom, there are three additional controls:
add to previous plot: Superimpose the next plot on the previous plot. Using this is a little
tricky, because you need to select the check-box first, then the line color and new variable.
Otherwise, the changes in line color and variable will apply to the previous plot. This feature
is not operational for the “acv” optionl
show unsmoothed spectrum: Unless this checkbox is selected, only the smoothed spectrum
(as controlled by the “log avg intervals” entry) is shown. This adds a thin red line showing
the result before smoothing.
show caption: If this is not selected, the identifying caption at the bottom of the plot will
not be shown. This caption is usually useful identification for the plot, especially if printed
and saved, but it may be desirable to construct the figure without this information and place
it instead into a caption to accompany the figure in a document.
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Finally, there are some controls that probably won’t be useful:
restrictions: The check-box to apply restrictions can have undesirable effects because it
can introduce discontinuities or gaps into the time series, so it is best to use this only with
caution. The restrictions are applied as in other parts of this Shiny app.
theme: Several themes can be used with the “ggplot2” plots generated in this part of the
Shiny app. Choose another if you don’t like the default.
Xanadu: In most applications this must be left unchecked. Using the Xanadu spectral analy-
sis routines requires installation of the “Xanadu” program, which is not generally available.
Selecting this may lead to problems and a potential crash where Xanadu is not installed.
5.12 ’utilities -> run other program’
This capability makes it possible to start other analysis programs with the data in current use.
The program ’ncplot’ is a particularly convenient program for quick examination and analysis
of aircraft data, so it can be useful for quick checks. When run, ncplot will use a special data
file constructed from the variables in use in the shiny app, so these will include special variables
constructed in global.R as well as those constructed by the “add variable” function. The ncplot
program can be obtained from NCAR/EOL via the software web site. Another program long used
by the author of this shiny app is ’Xanadu’, so this can also be started with the data in current use.
Xanadu provides an easy route to other analysis programs, including python, NCL, IDL, and IDV,
so those are not yet implemented as direct transfers under this tab but are available if Xanadu is
To use the current set of variables in use by the shiny app, just click the ’start program’ button.
However, if you want other variables or want to tailor the selections, click the ’select variables’
button. This will display a window with all the available variables in the netCDF file. This relies
on the tcltk package and may not function on some systems. See the discussion under ’stats/listing’
for details on how to use this display.
5.13 ’utilities -> fits to data
A common task is to find best-fit (in a regression sense) parameters to represent one variable in
terms of others. A common example is to find a representation of angle-of-attack as a function
of available measurements like the pressure measurements from the radome. The coefficients so
obtained can be used for processing to find the vertical wind. That case therefore will be used as
an example here.
For that example, one needs a reference variable. One often used is ’AOAREF’ given by ’PITCH
- GGVSPD / TASX * 180 / pi’. This will equal the angle of attack in the case where the vertical
wind is zero, so it should provide a reference value that will usually average to the correct value for
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angle of attack. Generation of such a variable is described in the next section. For this example,
assume that creation of the new variable has already been done, so that there is an available variable
’AOAREF’. (The default in the next section will create this variable.) Then, in the ’fits to data’
control sidebar, use these steps:
1. In the ’fit formula’ entry window, enter a formula that is a trial representation for AOAREF.
An example is shown. It is necessary to enclose compound terms like ADIFR/QCF in en-
closing ’I()’ functions as shown in the example to prevent the fit from expanding the terms
to other combinations of those variables. For a first try, enter ’I(ADIFR/QCF)+MACHX’
(without the quote marks), which is the standard empirical formula usually used. (If you
were to use powers like MACHX**2, enclose them in the ’I()’ function. R accepts ’^’ in
place of ** for denoting powers.
2. For the ’response variable’ in the top panel, choose ’AOAREF’ from the drop-down menu.
This should be available if AOAREF has been created in the create-variable function. Strangely,
it won’t appear in the ’response variable’ list until you enter a formula.
3. Click ’show linear fit’. The display will show the fit result plotted vs AOAREF and a table
showing the best-fit coefficients.
You may also want to apply some restrictions. Good choices for this particular fit are TASX larger
than 130 and ROLL between -5 and 5, to eliminate slow-flight segments where flaps or gear might
be deployed and to eliminate turns.
An example of the result, for ORCAS flight 1, 14:00:00–15:00:00, is shown in the following figure:
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The ’Deming fit’ button is not implemented yet, but this capability is available as a function in the
“Ranadu” package..
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5.14 ’utilities -> create new variable’
This utility makes it possible to add new variables to the data being used. The new variable can
then be used in the various other parts of this application, for example in time plots or scatterplots.
The steps are these:
1. Enter a name for the new variable. The default example is AOAREF, but this can be any
name starting with a letter and containing normally valid characters. If you duplicate an
existing name, the previous variable will be overwritten. This might be useful if you want
to recalibrate by, e.g., adding an increment everywhere, but it can also be very dangerous
because there will be no indication that this has occurred.
2. Enter a formula for the new variable. Arithmetic operations are acceptable, as shown in the
default example. The symbol pi is a recognized R variable. Any variables in the netCDF file
can be used in the formula. (For a list, for example see the ’select variables’ button in the
run other program’ tab.)
3. Once the formula and variable name are entered, click the ’create new variable’ button at the
– End of Memo –

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